{"text":["You could wear it on your clothing?","Right. Well, their hope is - I mean, the - I think the sort of grand dream here is that if you make these little pocket factory sort of easy, you know, easy to install in cities, then inventors and companies who might have a need for micro solar but didn't want to go through the rigmarole of acquiring those panels before might incorporate them. So you could have sort of more micro solar use. That's their grand dream, although of course they say, you know, who knows?","Well - but you see, working - so the Video Pick of the Week is the video - it's up on our website at sciencefriday. com, in Flora's backyard. You get a little peek. . .","Yeah. Don't judge me."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":4,"choice":["turn 1 : The machine is fascinating to watch and can create small solar panels","turn 1 : Levees were not built to handle current floodwater levels","turn 1 : The levees are old and unable to handle the amount of water released from Keystone Dam, resulting in many evacuations.","turn 1 : The \"finger in the dike strategy, keep the water out and eventually things will recover\" is not actually talking about water leaking out of a dam, but rather a declining bank that needed a solution to a financial drain problem","turn 1 : The goal is to make micro solar installation easy and convenient for inventors and companies."]} {"text":["So things like Hillary Clinton's speeches - the Goldman Sachs speeches - I think those do pass the public interest test. Even given the importance of those few newsworthy items, if you ask me, is the dumping of this much private information and this much internal conversation - the damage this does to our political system - is it worth a few news items if I had a binary choice - all of it or none of it?","I would say we haven't gained that much. But the ideal wouldn't be that binary choice. The ideal would be that such leaks and hacks would go to responsible journalists who would go through this and would identify what is actually in the public interest.","But these - this day and age - wouldn't people say the news organization is concealing information - that they want the chance to look at the original documents and decide for themselves?","I think, in this day and age, we really need to figure out when to hold back. In the past, news was driven by scarcity. There wasn't enough news. And you sent around journalists. And you said, let's find out what's going on."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":3,"choice":["turn 2 : In turn (3), the speaker implies that the same forces that are affecting newspapers are also affecting books, and that books may be perceived as archaic except as a form of entertainment.","turn 2 : Contrary to the prediction, many Americans did not cancel their summer road trips","turn 2 : The information does not boil down, but it gets to the most practical facts.","turn 2 : The implication of this turn is that people want to be able to look at the original documents and decide for themselves what is relevant and important, instead of relying on a news organization to make that determination.","turn 2 : The flooding is so severe that familiar landmarks are unrecognizable."]} {"text":["So things like Hillary Clinton's speeches - the Goldman Sachs speeches - I think those do pass the public interest test. Even given the importance of those few newsworthy items, if you ask me, is the dumping of this much private information and this much internal conversation - the damage this does to our political system - is it worth a few news items if I had a binary choice - all of it or none of it?","I would say we haven't gained that much. But the ideal wouldn't be that binary choice. The ideal would be that such leaks and hacks would go to responsible journalists who would go through this and would identify what is actually in the public interest.","But these - this day and age - wouldn't people say the news organization is concealing information - that they want the chance to look at the original documents and decide for themselves?","I think, in this day and age, we really need to figure out when to hold back. In the past, news was driven by scarcity. There wasn't enough news. And you sent around journalists. And you said, let's find out what's going on."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":1,"choice":["turn 2 : The actual meaning of the third turn is that the speaker is implying that the current administration is trying to prevent important information from being released, and this is why they are pushing people to contact them with information.","turn 2 : The literal meaning of this turn is that people might think news organizations are concealing information, but the actual meaning is that people might think news organizations should not be concealing information.","turn 2 : that the people don't want any more violence and want it to stop ","turn 2 : The speaker is suggesting that the situation might not be as serious or dangerous as it initially seemed.","turn 2 : 'Leaders are calling for an end to the violence, but there hasn't been much talk in terms of specifics.' implies that leaders are not taking specific actions to end the violence."]} {"text":["I think, at this point, the way to sanitize everything and start to rebuild confidence - and it's going to be difficult - is just for everybody to open up and say, look, here is where we are. Here are the assets that are still on our books. None of that stuff tends to panic people. There's a lot of bad news there, but people are smart enough to realize that, if they're not being told something, it's probably because the news is bad. And I think, once you just get it all out there, it would help quite a bit.","Henry, always great to talk to you.","You, too. Thank you so much for having me.","Henry Blodget is the CEO of the financial news site clusterstock. com."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":1,"choice":["turn 0 : People should pursue their dreams and not let negative opinions stop them from achieving success.","turn 0 : It is better to be transparent about the negative aspects.","turn 0 : The literal meaning of (2) is a simple expression of surprise, while the implied meaning is that the speaker is in awe of Steve Dalkowski's remarkable ability.","turn 0 : B is impressed or surprised by what A said.","turn 0 : as it is the only turn with an implied meaning different from its literal meaning."]} {"text":["I think, at this point, the way to sanitize everything and start to rebuild confidence - and it's going to be difficult - is just for everybody to open up and say, look, here is where we are. Here are the assets that are still on our books. None of that stuff tends to panic people. There's a lot of bad news there, but people are smart enough to realize that, if they're not being told something, it's probably because the news is bad. And I think, once you just get it all out there, it would help quite a bit.","Henry, always great to talk to you.","You, too. Thank you so much for having me.","Henry Blodget is the CEO of the financial news site clusterstock. com."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":1,"choice":["turn 0 : It's important to take risks and learn from failure.","turn 0 : Being honest about the current situation can help restore confidence","turn 0 : The man was highly involved in social events and had long-standing involvement with various organizations.","turn 0 : Some successful scientists adopt unconventional approaches after achieving something significant.","turn 0 : The person was surprised greatly by the information and it affected many of their thoughts and emotions. They were not struck but what they saw made them notice it and think about it more."]} {"text":["You know, I initially wasn't sure if I was going to go back after Katrina. But I think that I was so - you know, I realized, you know, that there's that whole song, \"Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans?\"I didn't get it until I left after the storm and I was evacuated in Atlanta for a period of about six months. And it just started setting in that, you know, New Orleans is truly a special place. I felt like I could have a better impact if I were back in the city trying to help people. And so that drew me back to the city. I mean, it truly is an amazing place, and as far as whether or not I'll go back now, definitely. I can't see leaving New Orleans at this point. And I know some people don't understand that. They might think that's sort of silly, but it truly is a unique city. And the people are amazing. The culture is amazing, and so it's just such a hard place to stay away from.","Do you ever wonder, why us twice now?","You know, yeah, what are the chances?And it's so crazy because the anniversary of Katrina was just on August 29th, and that was - I remember evacuating on a Sunday, the storm hit on a Monday, and the same thing has kind of happened now, though I evacuated Saturday, the storm hit on Monday. So it's just very unusual.","Thena, thank you so much for sharing your story with us. Good luck to you also."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":4,"choice":["turn 0 : The speaker feels the need to perform music to feel complete.","turn 0 : (3) - Describe for our listeners what the monarch butterflies look like, instead of asking the listeners to actually go and see them. ","turn 0 : The author woke up with a vision of millions of butterflies covering the forest, which inspired the novel.","turn 0 : The person was surprised greatly by the information and it affected many of their thoughts and emotions. They were not struck but what they saw made them notice it and think about it more.","turn 0 : The speaker feels a strong emotional connection to New Orlean"]} {"text":["You know, I initially wasn't sure if I was going to go back after Katrina. But I think that I was so - you know, I realized, you know, that there's that whole song, \"Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans?\"I didn't get it until I left after the storm and I was evacuated in Atlanta for a period of about six months. And it just started setting in that, you know, New Orleans is truly a special place. I felt like I could have a better impact if I were back in the city trying to help people. And so that drew me back to the city. I mean, it truly is an amazing place, and as far as whether or not I'll go back now, definitely. I can't see leaving New Orleans at this point. And I know some people don't understand that. They might think that's sort of silly, but it truly is a unique city. And the people are amazing. The culture is amazing, and so it's just such a hard place to stay away from.","Do you ever wonder, why us twice now?","You know, yeah, what are the chances?And it's so crazy because the anniversary of Katrina was just on August 29th, and that was - I remember evacuating on a Sunday, the storm hit on a Monday, and the same thing has kind of happened now, though I evacuated Saturday, the storm hit on Monday. So it's just very unusual.","Thena, thank you so much for sharing your story with us. Good luck to you also."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":2,"choice":["turn 2 : The situation is so dangerous that people who refuse to evacuate should identify themselves in case of death.","turn 2 : B may not be a man and likely didn't just turn 21. B is singing a Bo Diddley song in honor of his death.","turn 2 : The coincidence of being evacuated twice is unusual","turn 2 : Turn: \"didn't quite get the same glory\" Actual meaning: Did not receive the same recognition or fame.","turn 2 : the scene in this context means genre of music"]} {"text":["Thanks for having me.","So why have all these Democrats decided just to go ahead and run for president and not even bother with trying to win a Senate seat?","(Laughter) I do think that there is quite a lot of enthusiasm in the party about the idea of taking on Donald Trump. But I do think that, you know, the Senate is always an appealing option. And as we've seen in past cycles that have hotly contested presidential races - 2016 being the most recent example - you know, you do have Senate candidates that get into the race, like Marco Rubio in 2016, right up until the last minute. I think you're going to see a lot of really smart, good candidates running up and down the ticket next year.","There were a number of Republican and Democratic senators over the past couple of years who've declined to run for reelection and on their way out the door said, look; it's just not the job it used to be. It's intensely partisan. And we haven't gotten a lot accomplished. Wouldn't that have the effect of also discouraging people for running for that job?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":1,"choice":["turn 1 : \"run for office\" implies to be a candidate in an election","turn 1 : run for president means to campaign for presidency","turn 1 : A thinks that the government is not functioning properly.","turn 1 : Their notion is to do as much as you can and don't think about the numbers too much.","turn 1 : The information was told to others when it was not supposed to be told."]} {"text":["I grew up in a small town where there were no poets. There were brilliant carpenters and electricians and people who did things with their hands. I wanted to make something with my hands too. I just wanted to make something a little different.","And so I needed models to sort of tell me that I could do that. Now, I am hopefully urging on another generation, the next generation of young, passionate, risk-taking, truth-telling writers to say, don't be afraid of this, you can do this, just have the resolve to do it, and it'll work itself out.","Even if you're working at Kinko's overnight?","Even if you're working at Kinko's it will, you know, you - there are jobs everywhere for poets of passion, you know?Some of them are in the academy."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":4,"choice":["turn 3 : The poet's work is inspired by various cultural influences and experiences.","turn 3 : In turn (4), the speaker is not actually asking if the study is disproving the old rule of thumb that one dog year is equivalent to seven human years. Rather, they are asking if the study is more complex and nuanced than that oversimplified rule, and if it takes into account factors such as genetics and environment in determining a dog's age.","turn 3 : (4) - So it's not just that old rule of thumb that one year is seven years in a dog's life? - Implied Meaning: Is there more to aging in dogs than just a general estimate of one year to seven years?","turn 3 : No dogs is trained in marijuana because it is a illegal.","turn 3 : No matter where a person works they can find inspiration to write a poem."]} {"text":["Well, you know, call me an old fashioned guy, but I like to see the U. S. and the Russians figuring out areas where we can cooperate and going at it from there. So I think it's a good idea. But I do have a little caution about the notion that you bring people together and they're going to hit the side of the head with the palm of their hand and say, oh. Now we see this other guy isn't so bad.","Actually, they've been murdering each other for a couple of years now. And so bringing people together isn't necessarily going to help. I think what's more important is not so much getting people around a table, as getting people around some ideas for what this crazy country is going to look like in the future.","Again, going back to the example of Dayton, you said getting people together in one room did not work so well there.","Oh. You know, we had an opening banquet, which we had in this museum. I mean, it was an air museum, so, ironically, above the head of one the Serbs, we had a cruise missile, which had recently. . ."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":2,"choice":["turn 0 : The person refuses to change their mind on what they think about the situation.","turn 0 : There is a sense of panic in the financial system and central banks are the only ones willing to finance the banking sector.","turn 0 : He says to call him a guy that likes to do things the way they used to be done years ago. He cautions against thinking that bringing people together will make them suddenly realize how wrong they had been.","turn 0 : The lack of bonuses affected stock market sales.","turn 0 : The policies would make drastic changes for the better to the economy."]} {"text":["Yes. We've had - you know, when it first started, there was some congressional interest. But I mean, nobody can do anything, right?I mean, the Trump administration doesn't appear to listen to anybody but Donald Trump.","There is wide bipartisan support for the U. S. taking a tougher line with China. But what sort of deal would you like to see?","I mean, I'd be happy if they just took away the 25% tax so I could compete on a level playing field, right?The tariffs they imposed on our lobsters in China never bothered anybody because it was equal for everybody, so it was no harm, no foul. I don't expect to get a better trade tariff rate than the Canadians when this is over, if it's ever over. You just can't sit here and wait forever.","Yeah. So if things continue the way they are for a few more months, is there a real threat that you guys will go out of business?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":0,"choice":["turn 0 : Despite congressional interest, the Trump administration is not listening to anyone but Donald Trump","turn 0 : Congress and the president are not working at the moment. ","turn 0 : Using government money to prop up the banking system is better than letting it implode.","turn 0 : Pouring money is a metaphor, not literal. It just means the government gave a lot of money to the bank, who spent a lot on bonuses and dividends.","turn 0 : The bailout could have potential negative consequences for the average taxpayer"]} {"text":["They knocked on the door once. And they knocked - barged into his fifth-floor flat and found the two of them in bed together. So that was the impetus to get a case of adultery against my mother.","Helen was forced to give baby James up to be raised by John Graham, who then divorced her. Father Sullivan was dragged back to his religious order. Graham says Sullivan spent the next 16 years being quote, \"rehabilitated\" at what was known as a priest prison in Essex, N. Y. Can I ask you, when you look at the church now and that it took so long to get this answer, what do you think about the way this was handled?","Well, it was handled poorly because they could have told me from day one, yes, your Father Sullivan's son. And I have some documents that show my father had a relationship with a woman. Other documents they said were purged. And I believe those documents were about me. They didn't have to put me through this emotional trauma of exhuming his body. It's just terrible.","Now that you have your answer, what's next for you?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":1,"choice":["turn 1 : He made a promise that was stressed by him and gave people the impression he would do it regardless of what happens.","turn 1 : He was forced to go back to the church under protest and resistance from himself.","turn 1 : Using government money to prop up the banking system is better than letting it implode.","turn 1 : The rating agencies play an important role in the banks' ability to borrow money.","turn 1 : The economy is doing very poorly, and consumers are struggling to pay their debts and bills."]} {"text":["So every time that you have, you know, even life in a - in the House of Representatives means you need to be there. You need to deal and wheel and pork(ph) and everything. Grillo's going to be at home. So what is going to happen?His 150 MPs will go on the phone and say, Beppe, what are we going to do with this?It's ridiculous. So that's one point.","And the second point is Beppe Grillo's people and Beppe Grillo's deputies are actually younger, much younger, and I suspect much wiser and quieter than he is.","So expect some of them to say, look, we promised Italians to change this country, we're going to do that. And so they already proved that in Bologna, where I am, actually. It's - they've been successfully here in Emilia-Romagna. They were successfully in Parma and in Sicily. They cut deals all the time, American style, really cutting deals on the legislative floor without the parties, and they were very successful.","Well, you've said what you thought should happen. What's your best guess as to what you think will happen?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":1,"choice":["turn 0 : Congress and the president are not working at the moment. ","turn 0 : They mention that the House of Representatives done everything in their power to make sure they needs are met. ","turn 0 : The bailout is not punishment enough for the people responsible for the financial crisis.","turn 0 : The bailout bill is necessary to help homeowners avoid foreclosure and help small businesses stay afloat.","turn 0 : The oversight of the bailout money may not be as strong as it is intended to be."]} {"text":["I'm Farai Chideya, and this is News & Notes.","1. 5 million. That's the number of people reportedly incarcerated in the United States. Beginning in the 1980s, the nation saw an ever-expanding prison industry, designed to manage a steady stream of new felons and recidivists. Now some states are finding they can't afford the billions of tax dollars supporting the prison system. Rethinking the role of rehabilitation may be part of the answer. That's what Jennifer Gonnerman says. She's a journalist covering the prison beat, and her latest article kicks off a special edition of Mother Jones magazine that examines the prison system. Jennifer, great to have you on.","Thanks so much for having me, Farai.","So this is a whole special issue on the issue of prisons. Your article talks about the economic impact the prison system is having on the nation. So what kind of money are we talking about?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":2,"choice":["turn 1 : The states are considering new strategies to reduce prison population and save money for other budget priorities.","turn 1 : The bailout is not punishment enough for the people responsible for the financial crisis.","turn 1 : The prison industry has become too expensive for some states to handle and rehabilitation is a possible solution","turn 1 : The bailout could have potential negative consequences for the average taxpayer","turn 1 : The oversight of the bailout money may not be as strong as it is intended to be."]} {"text":["And no nearby bases as there were in Italy. Yet there's also the case of - it's going to be very difficult to get international or at least United Nations backing for an intervention in Syria.","That's right. The chances of getting that past Russia and China, I think, are - that would be a very, very heavy lift. You had - when Bill Clinton went to war in Kosovo, he knew that he couldn't get Russia to approve that through the U. N. Security Council. And instead what he said was that I'll get the approval of NATO. So it won't just be an American mission. This will be a multilateral venture. So it's not just the United States saying that the United States is acting in the name of humanity. It's a whole lot more governments also saying the same thing. And I think that gives it an added credibility and added legitimacy.","As you mentioned, the Arab League supported the campaign against Gadhafi in Libya. In the present-day case with Syria, the chances of getting something through the Security Council are harder and in part because China and Russia feel as though the U. N. Security Council approval, which is sort of the standard for international legitimacy, that the U. N. Security Council resolution that they approved was to stop potential mass killing but not necessarily to overthrow Gadhafi's regime.","That President Obama looked at what a no-fly zone could do and realized it would not do enough. He needed to authorize that aircraft could strike ground targets as well."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":3,"choice":["turn 1 : China is willing to support North Korea's terrible regime to prevent its collapse and the horrible situation that might ensue","turn 1 : B wants A to explain what makes the agreement better","turn 1 : B disagrees with the premise of the question but is willing to discuss it further.","turn 1 : Getting past Russia and China to get approval would be a very hard thing to do.","turn 1 : B is impressed or surprised by what A said."]} {"text":["So most of the players in the money sports, in football and basketball at the Power Five schools, are black. So 56 percent of the basketball players - men's basketball players - are black. Fifty-five percent of the football players are black. But 2. 4 percent of the students at these schools are black men. And so this is -","Only?","Only 2. 4 percent. I know. That was shocking to us, too. But there's this weird paradox that happens, right?So you have black men on these campuses who are basically invisible in the classrooms. But at any given time and during any given academic year, the most high-profile undergraduate at one of these universities is likely to be a black basketball phenom or a black football star.","What did you find out about if these stars are actually getting the education that they've been promised?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":2,"choice":["turn 0 : black kids implies children of African American people and not black colored kids ","turn 0 : The maple and birch have yellow leaves due to the fall season. The river has turns in it as it flows through the mountainside. The person is paddling through a very narrow part of the river. The person passes a home of a beaver and birds fly quickly overhead.","turn 0 : The proportion of black male students at Power Five schools is much lower than the proportion of black male athletes.","turn 0 : The overflow will not cause harm to the ecosystem.","turn 0 : They are under control of the plant's internal system that is regulated by light and seasons."]} {"text":["I went back to Nepal in 2013 to write about the same supply chains feeding guys making cameras for the iPhone 5 in Malaysia. And some of the families that I wrote about at the time and got together and - was this woman, this magnetic woman who lit up the room, who was leading the conversation that everybody was deferring to. She was cutting off the men, which you also don't see much of in Nepal. And I didn't even recognize her.","And it was the same young woman. This woman, who was broken when I saw her in 2005 at this ashram, had just completely transformed her life. She not only made herself self-sufficient, but she rebuilt herself emotionally and has just this incredible self-awareness about everything that's happened to her and her refusal to be a victim and to rise up and face KBR Halliburton as a key witness in this case.","I was about to ask. How. . .","Yeah."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":3,"choice":["turn 0 : Women need to be tough to be taken seriously in male-dominated professions.","turn 0 : There was a failure to provide appropriate medical care for Carlos Hernandez Vasquez.","turn 0 : Baby William and his sister are adjusting well to their new family dynamic","turn 0 : The woman was a strong leader and dominated the conversation despite the patriarchal society in Nepal.","turn 0 : It made the person feel sadness and it was hard for them to see."]} {"text":["Right, so I would assume we'll continue seeing kind of similar-shaped tablets, you know, a large screen, maybe one to three buttons on the face. There hasn't been a lot of design innovation on the tablet front, which is kind of disappointing, but we probably will start seeing more innovative smartphone designs in the future.","Now, when we talked before, before the trial, the analysts were saying this is really not about Samsung, it's about Google and its Android operating system. That's the shot across the bow.","Right.","How will that affect Google?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":1,"choice":["turn 1 : Samsung's lawyers were not as good as Apple's lawyers","turn 1 : Samsung is not the main target, Google is","turn 1 : The literal meaning: The speaker mentions that they discuss this as a significant starting point or origin for the book. The implied meaning: The speaker suggests that this event plays a crucial role in shaping the themes or direction of the book.","turn 1 : The dangers of the ground is something the person remembers and thinks about a lot.","turn 1 : The pieces mean memories of the person's childhood that they were able to make sense of."]} {"text":["First week of the season, a young boy - he has the ball over his head. He's ready to make the throw-in. And a spectator on the sideline puts her hands on the child's shoulders, spins him around so he'd be redirecting the ball to a different player. So I blew my whistle. And I said - is this your child?And she said, no, this is not my child. So I explained to her, I said, you can never, ever, ever, ever touch a player.","So this was a cry for civility, not I'm sick and tired and can't take it anymore?","That's correct. This is a cry for civility. This is a plea for everyone to join me and everyone else who believes that we can have a fun, fair and safe experience in which sanity is expressed on the sideline.","Well, it sounds that you're complaining less that your feelings were hurt than the youngsters might be getting a very bad example of what it is to be an adult."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":4,"choice":["turn 1 : being tired of something means that you are annoyed or mad at something. People are getting annoyed of violence, or mad at the violence.","turn 1 : A strange story is going to be told about a preserved rectum.","turn 1 : A is willing to share the story of why the rectum of the Bishop of Durham is displayed in a jar.","turn 1 : The story was told to people and many became aware of it.","turn 1 : so this was a cry for civility, not I'm sick and tired and can't take it anymore?"]} {"text":["First week of the season, a young boy - he has the ball over his head. He's ready to make the throw-in. And a spectator on the sideline puts her hands on the child's shoulders, spins him around so he'd be redirecting the ball to a different player. So I blew my whistle. And I said - is this your child?And she said, no, this is not my child. So I explained to her, I said, you can never, ever, ever, ever touch a player.","So this was a cry for civility, not I'm sick and tired and can't take it anymore?","That's correct. This is a cry for civility. This is a plea for everyone to join me and everyone else who believes that we can have a fun, fair and safe experience in which sanity is expressed on the sideline.","Well, it sounds that you're complaining less that your feelings were hurt than the youngsters might be getting a very bad example of what it is to be an adult."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":4,"choice":["turn 2 : joining us implies being part of an activity and not being to mix up","turn 2 : The bishop is rectum became a museum exhibit.","turn 2 : A is willing to share the story of why the rectum of the Bishop of Durham is displayed in a jar.","turn 2 : The drops did not help the bishop's condition which eventually led to his death. Dr. Hunter collected and preserved the bishop's rectum, which became a prominent exhibit in his museum.","turn 2 : That's correct. This is a cry for civility. This is a plea for everyone to join me and everyone else who believes that we can have a fun, fair and safe experience in which sanity is expressed on the sideline."]} {"text":["First week of the season, a young boy - he has the ball over his head. He's ready to make the throw-in. And a spectator on the sideline puts her hands on the child's shoulders, spins him around so he'd be redirecting the ball to a different player. So I blew my whistle. And I said - is this your child?And she said, no, this is not my child. So I explained to her, I said, you can never, ever, ever, ever touch a player.","So this was a cry for civility, not I'm sick and tired and can't take it anymore?","That's correct. This is a cry for civility. This is a plea for everyone to join me and everyone else who believes that we can have a fun, fair and safe experience in which sanity is expressed on the sideline.","Well, it sounds that you're complaining less that your feelings were hurt than the youngsters might be getting a very bad example of what it is to be an adult."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":1,"choice":["turn 3 : Turn (3) is an example of a statement whose meaning is different from its literal meaning. The speaker is not actually asking about the ages of the women, but rather expressing surprise or concern about how young some of them were.","turn 3 : Well, it sounds that you're complaining less that your feelings were hurt than the youngsters might be getting a very bad example of what it is to be an adult. In these turns, the speakers are using figurative language or implied meanings rather than stating things directly.","turn 3 : The drops did not help the bishop's condition which eventually led to his death. Dr. Hunter collected and preserved the bishop's rectum, which became a prominent exhibit in his museum.","turn 3 : The speaker's faith in the Catholic Church has been damaged by the abuse scandal, but their personal faith remains intact.","turn 3 : The speaker is expressing a high level of respect for the doctor's abilities."]} {"text":["So from your teens into your 40s, you become an increasingly successful auto repair entrepreneur and businessman. What makes you, in your 40s, wind up in medical school?","I really wanted to grow the business or - I didn't really know exactly which direction I wanted to go into, but I felt like I needed some foundational training in business if I were to do this correctly. So I ended up checking out some local colleges to see who had a degree program and came across Ursuline College in Pepper Pike.","But it was while I was at Ursuline that I discovered my desire for medicine that came back from how I felt when I was a child. And it was during a biology class. And it was the first day of class when I walked in there, in the first hour, that my life changed.","How?What happened?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":4,"choice":["turn 0 : to move in direction in this context means to change something","turn 0 : B is asking A if he\/she thought carefully before doing something.","turn 0 : B is surprised or impressed by what A just said","turn 0 : B implies that being a comedienne is not the same as being a businesswoman, and she wants to know how A manages the business side of her career.","turn 0 : wind up means to suddenly be in a situation."]} {"text":["Tomorrow marks the end of the longest presidential campaign to date. This election looks like it might break all voter turnout records, and plenty of civil and voting rights groups are out there working to make sure you have a place to turn if you're having trouble voting. One of them is the NAACP. In September, Benjamin Jealous became the youngest man to lead the country's oldest and largest civil rights organization. He's got plenty of information about how to protect your vote. Ben, how are you?","I'm doing well.","So you are the head of this storied organization that has had so much to do with African-Americans in voting. You think about where we've been in the past decade with the contested 2000 election. What should people know firstoff about going to the polls and doing it in a way that protects their vote?","You know, there's really two things that I say to folks. You know, first is that you should be prepared, you know. You should really think about the time you need and make sure, you know, if you need to have somebody to watch the kids that you just take care of it. This is one of the most important things that you'll do in the next year, and just be prepared."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":2,"choice":["turn 0 : The figurative meaning here is that allowing the person to go through the entire hiring process without disclosing their criminal record increases their chances of getting a job. It suggests that withholding information about their criminal record can help them overcome potential biases.","turn 0 : Implied meaning: The speaker may be expressing a subtle hint or suggestion, rather than stating something directly.","turn 0 : to break records means that a previous record was taken away by a new record","turn 0 : Implied meaning: The speaker's tone and word choice suggest that they may be withholding information or expressing something indirectly, potentially due to fear of judgement or repercussions.","turn 0 : Implied meaning: The speaker may be hinting at something indirectly and expects the listener to understand the intended message."]} {"text":["Tomorrow marks the end of the longest presidential campaign to date. This election looks like it might break all voter turnout records, and plenty of civil and voting rights groups are out there working to make sure you have a place to turn if you're having trouble voting. One of them is the NAACP. In September, Benjamin Jealous became the youngest man to lead the country's oldest and largest civil rights organization. He's got plenty of information about how to protect your vote. Ben, how are you?","I'm doing well.","So you are the head of this storied organization that has had so much to do with African-Americans in voting. You think about where we've been in the past decade with the contested 2000 election. What should people know firstoff about going to the polls and doing it in a way that protects their vote?","You know, there's really two things that I say to folks. You know, first is that you should be prepared, you know. You should really think about the time you need and make sure, you know, if you need to have somebody to watch the kids that you just take care of it. This is one of the most important things that you'll do in the next year, and just be prepared."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":2,"choice":["turn 0 : The speaker is suggesting that it is possible to address both security concerns and human rights issues simultaneously, rather than prioritizing one over the other.","turn 0 : a breath of fresh air implies a great relief and freedom ","turn 0 : The phrase protect your vote means to ensure that you are able to exercise your right to vote and aren\u2019t subject to racism","turn 0 : \"blowing away\" in line 2 - The phrase \"blowing away\" is being used metaphorically here to refer to the Tampa Bay Lightning's dominant performance against their opponents, rather than literal blowing.","turn 0 : Implies that the situation is incredible and shocking, rather than simply saying that it is amazing."]} {"text":["Tomorrow marks the end of the longest presidential campaign to date. This election looks like it might break all voter turnout records, and plenty of civil and voting rights groups are out there working to make sure you have a place to turn if you're having trouble voting. One of them is the NAACP. In September, Benjamin Jealous became the youngest man to lead the country's oldest and largest civil rights organization. He's got plenty of information about how to protect your vote. Ben, how are you?","I'm doing well.","So you are the head of this storied organization that has had so much to do with African-Americans in voting. You think about where we've been in the past decade with the contested 2000 election. What should people know firstoff about going to the polls and doing it in a way that protects their vote?","You know, there's really two things that I say to folks. You know, first is that you should be prepared, you know. You should really think about the time you need and make sure, you know, if you need to have somebody to watch the kids that you just take care of it. This is one of the most important things that you'll do in the next year, and just be prepared."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":3,"choice":["turn 2 : (2) Implied meaning: Get enough votes to pass the legislation, no matter the number of votes required.","turn 2 : The implied meaning is that A is inquiring about the details surrounding B's special person.","turn 2 : A confirms B's statement without acknowledging the age of the car.","turn 2 : To protect a vote means to ensure that you are able to exercise your right to vote and aren\u2019t subject to racism; the vote is not a physical thing.","turn 2 : The implied meaning is that B has a unique and special person in their life that they want to share with the world."]} {"text":["That is Binyamin Appelbaum. He writes about economics for The New York Times, and he's written a new book, called, \"The Economists' Hour\" that traces what he calls a revolution in the way we think about economists.","This quiet but really important revolution that happens, really, beginning in the late 1960s and the early 1970s, where economists begin to gain tremendous influence over public policy in the United States.","In fact, that young economist who told his wife he had no future at the Fed, that was Paul Volcker. He became one of a small group of economists who made themselves indispensable to U. S. presidents. Volcker rose to become the chairman of the Federal Reserve in the Carter and Reagan years.","So I asked Appelbaum, how did a bunch of economists go from nobodies to being important people?And he said it's pretty simple. In an era of real economic problems, they promised solutions."],"speaker":["B","A","B","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":1,"choice":["turn 0 : The economists spoke up and said that people should take caution in their finances.","turn 0 : Binyamin Appelbaum is a writer for The New York Times and has written a new book about economics.","turn 0 : Everybody isn't struggling, but enough people are to make it notable that Person A is making money.","turn 0 : Video games can have negative effects on real life.","turn 0 : People are ashamed to admit they're addicted to computer games."]} {"text":["That is Binyamin Appelbaum. He writes about economics for The New York Times, and he's written a new book, called, \"The Economists' Hour\" that traces what he calls a revolution in the way we think about economists.","This quiet but really important revolution that happens, really, beginning in the late 1960s and the early 1970s, where economists begin to gain tremendous influence over public policy in the United States.","In fact, that young economist who told his wife he had no future at the Fed, that was Paul Volcker. He became one of a small group of economists who made themselves indispensable to U. S. presidents. Volcker rose to become the chairman of the Federal Reserve in the Carter and Reagan years.","So I asked Appelbaum, how did a bunch of economists go from nobodies to being important people?And he said it's pretty simple. In an era of real economic problems, they promised solutions."],"speaker":["B","A","B","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":4,"choice":["turn 1 : The policies implemented by economists had negative effects on average Americans.","turn 1 : A thinks that the government is not functioning properly.","turn 1 : The implied meaning of this turn is that other members of the White House may seek legal counsel in light of President Trump's actions.","turn 1 : A implies that Sovereign act in its acceptable sense does not exist when a decree has been made which makes such claim vague.","turn 1 : Economists gained significant influence over public policy in the United States during the late 1960s and early 1970s."]} {"text":["That is Binyamin Appelbaum. He writes about economics for The New York Times, and he's written a new book, called, \"The Economists' Hour\" that traces what he calls a revolution in the way we think about economists.","This quiet but really important revolution that happens, really, beginning in the late 1960s and the early 1970s, where economists begin to gain tremendous influence over public policy in the United States.","In fact, that young economist who told his wife he had no future at the Fed, that was Paul Volcker. He became one of a small group of economists who made themselves indispensable to U. S. presidents. Volcker rose to become the chairman of the Federal Reserve in the Carter and Reagan years.","So I asked Appelbaum, how did a bunch of economists go from nobodies to being important people?And he said it's pretty simple. In an era of real economic problems, they promised solutions."],"speaker":["B","A","B","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":2,"choice":["turn 2 : Alan Greenspan's economic philosophy was flawed, and Ben Bernanke's may also be flawed.","turn 2 : People are starting to notice and take action on the issue.","turn 2 : Paul Volcker was once a young economist who thought he had no future at the Fed but later became an important figure in the US government.","turn 2 : They are worried about any negative consequences of their actions and will fix them quickly.","turn 2 : The administration should be planning for the future and not just focusing on immediate reactions"]} {"text":["That is Binyamin Appelbaum. He writes about economics for The New York Times, and he's written a new book, called, \"The Economists' Hour\" that traces what he calls a revolution in the way we think about economists.","This quiet but really important revolution that happens, really, beginning in the late 1960s and the early 1970s, where economists begin to gain tremendous influence over public policy in the United States.","In fact, that young economist who told his wife he had no future at the Fed, that was Paul Volcker. He became one of a small group of economists who made themselves indispensable to U. S. presidents. Volcker rose to become the chairman of the Federal Reserve in the Carter and Reagan years.","So I asked Appelbaum, how did a bunch of economists go from nobodies to being important people?And he said it's pretty simple. In an era of real economic problems, they promised solutions."],"speaker":["B","A","B","B"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":0,"choice":["turn 3 : Economists became important because they promised solutions to economic problems.","turn 3 : The economic situation is causing a significant decrease in hiring, sales, and investment.","turn 3 : The author included difficult experiences in the book for a reason.","turn 3 : has a figurative meaning, as it is implying a joke about the idea of Dame Stella turning her experiences into a novel.","turn 3 : \"Well, as we often say in cosmology or theoretical physics, that idea might be crazy enough to be true.\" The actual meaning of this turn is different from its literal meaning. It implies that sometimes ideas that seem crazy or impossible might turn out to be true in the field of cosmology or theoretical physics."]} {"text":["Do you have any reason that any of these nominees that have evaded the question of Brown v. Board being correctly decided - do you have any reason to believe that they would be in support of overturning Brown v. Board?","I think that the real attempt here is if you decline to answer questions about Brown v. Board, it becomes internally logical to also declined to answer questions about Roe, which is back on the table. And so the way to sort of elide that conversation is to say, I won't talk about any of those precedents, and I won't talk about Brown. So it looks really principled, but it's a way of moving the goalposts about what you won't talk about.","Dahlia Lithwick is a senior editor at Slate. Thank you very much for joining us.","Thank you for having me."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":2,"choice":["turn 1 : (2) The literal meaning of this turn is a simple question, but the implied meaning is that the speaker wants to know what actions can be taken to address the issue being discussed and is seeking guidance or suggestions.","turn 1 : The restaurant industry is struggling due to economic hardships.","turn 1 : Turn (2) has an actual meaning that is different from its literal meaning. The speaker is not discussing an attempt to physically move goalposts, but rather a rhetorical strategy of avoiding answering certain questions.","turn 1 : The economic situation is causing a significant decrease in hiring, sales, and investment.","turn 1 : A has a new vision for a type of restaurant he would open."]} {"text":["The truth of the matter is people like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, beneficiaries of affirmative action, would not have been at Harvard or at Yale have there not been those programs and obviously, they were completely qualified to be there as are all of the other black and Latino and women students in prestigious, elite higher education institutions in this nation.","You've fought and you lost. I'm talking about the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative of 2006. Now, we're talking about five more states. Really, what are you trying to do if these measures pass?","I think if they pass, then we're going to be filing lawsuits in every single one of the states where they've been passed - in Oklahoma, in Arizona, in Colorado, in Nebraska, in each and every one of those states - and very much like the march of the Supreme Court that was made by Thurgood Marshall nearly 50 years ago now to get Brown versus Board of Education. We're going to be going to the Supreme Court in saying overturn the new (unintelligible). You can't have an America in which states decide to eliminate the only programs that have brought about successful integration of higher education and of every occupation in this nation.","Now, Ward Connerly said of economic affirmative action was okay so you know, rich and poor but not racial or gender. How do you feel about those distinctions?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":3,"choice":["turn 2 : Turn (2) implies that the Department of Justice was slow to act in response to a civil rights case, which is different from its literal meaning which is simply that it is a civil rights case","turn 2 : \"You're welcome.\" This turn is an example of conventionalized language, where the speaker uses a set phrase to respond to the expression of gratitude. The literal meaning of \"you're welcome\" is an invitation for the other person to come in, but in this context, it's used to acknowledge and accept thanks.","turn 2 : The turn whose actual meaning is different from its literal meaning is (4): \"A: Thank you.\" The literal meaning of \"Thank you\" is an expression of gratitude or appreciation. However, in this context, it is likely used as a polite way to end the conversation or acknowledge the host's farewell. In other words, it implies that the speaker is ready to end the conversation and move on.","turn 2 : A: \"march of the Supreme Court that was made by Thurgood Marshall\" Implicated meaning: The phrase refers to Thurgood Marshall's efforts in the Supreme Court that led to the landmark case of Brown versus Board of Education, implying a historical precedent for taking legal action to challenge discriminatory practices.","turn 2 : (2) The literal meaning of turn (2) is the speaker thanking the person who introduced him, but the implied meaning is just a polite expression to acknowledge the introduction. (3) The literal meaning of turn (3) is the speaker thanking the other person, but the implied meaning is just a polite expression to end the conversation."]} {"text":["That's right. That's the difference between income tax and the payroll tax, exactly that.","Exactly, exactly.","Ron Elving, NPR senior Washington Editor, always laying it out for us. He joined me here in Studio 3A. Ron, thank you so much.","Thank you, Celeste."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":3,"choice":["turn 2 : This turn does not mean that the speaker is proposing to explain that they slept in motels, but rather that they are suggesting to mention it as an additional piece of information to the conversation, which is a different meaning than the literal one.","turn 2 : None . There's nothing in this that implies anything.","turn 2 : None . There's nothing in this that implies anything.","turn 2 : laying it out implies that it was explained to others","turn 2 : It would be a mistake for me to do that."]} {"text":["Another major story that might have been overlooked in a busy week - North Korea said this week it won't denuclearize until U. S. withdraws forces from South Korea and Japan. Do you have. . .","That has. . .","Yes, go ahead.","I'm sorry. I was just going to say that has been North Korea's position forever. Their view of denuclearization is that they give up their nuclear weapons when the United States gives up its nuclear weapons. We haven't had nuclear weapons stationed in South Korea since 1992. That's not what the North Koreans are talking about. And if the president had actually had listened to North Korean experts, proliferation experts, he would have understood that when the North Koreans were agreeing to complete denuclearization, that meant the U. S. denuclearizing, too."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":1,"choice":["turn 3 : The literal meaning of (4) is asking what North Korea wants to achieve with nuclear weapons. The implicated meaning is questioning why North Korea wants nuclear weapons in the first place.","turn 3 : The North Korean definition of denuclearization is different from the US definition.","turn 3 : Implied meaning: The speaker is indirectly suggesting that they may have information or opinions that they are hesitant to share openly.","turn 3 : you imply that something is the case","turn 3 : The actual meaning was differ from the original meaning that is the right answer"]} {"text":["Correct. But writ large, this is not going to have the sort of change that the authors of the memo anticipate it will have because mandatory detention ability is useless without beds. All of the detention beds are already full. And the only way there would be new beds is if the Congress authorized new beds, and that was a massive fight in the last appropriations bill. There's no reason to think that that massive fight will move any further in this appropriations bill.","Right. Now, you're a member of an advisory council for the Department of Homeland Security that issues recommendations to the department on various issues. Last night, your group issued a set of emergency actions that DHS should take immediately to address the flow of migrants at the border. And this was one of the concerns you flagged - that there aren't enough asylum officers, judges or even buildings to process all the migrants.","Correct. That's exactly right. I think if you have two alternatives, one - on one side is a border wall of 2,000 miles and a massive deprivation of rights, which is sort of one way of solving this, and another extreme on the other end, which is do nothing and continue to allow the situation that's happening now to increase in numbers.","A compromise in the middle would be do not diminish the rights people have but expedite the consideration of what we're ultimately trying to consider. And I think that is right down the middle. You know, zero to a hundred, that's right there at 50 of what, maybe, can be a bipartisan compromise."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":2,"choice":["turn 0 : tons of letters implies large quantities of letters and not letters that measured up many tons","turn 0 : Professional football's viewership has declined and the game is controversial, despite its ongoing popularity in America.","turn 0 : \"writ large\" - This phrase means \"on a large scale\" or \"as a general principle,\" rather than referring to something that is physically written in large letters.","turn 0 : Professional football is still popular, but it has declined in viewership and raised concerns over players' safety and political protests.","turn 0 : Jim Kelly can't remember the most important football game despite being a great quarterback"]} {"text":["Is he crankery and colorful, or does he cross the line?","Judge Ellis is a judge who is - likes to run a clean and efficient trial. He doesn't like trials to veer off - off course. In other words, he wants the parties to present the evidence that the jurors need to hear to render a decision. Along the way, he's active - maybe more active than other judges. He can be difficult to both parties, and he can be stern.","Is there any reason for either side to worry that there could be grounds for an appeal in his conduct so far?","I'd say no. The standard for a judge's behavior that would - in other words, that would rise to the level of an appellate issue - is fairly high. In essence, it has to be a situation where the judge is substituting - the effect of his conduct is to substitute his judgment for that of the jurors. Comments that he makes to counsel can be solved with a curative instruction. We saw that a couple of days ago.","Curative instruction meaning, I'm sorry I said that. Disregard that."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":1,"choice":["turn 1 : B is questioning if Judge Ellis is fair and impartial or if he crosses the line with his behavior.","turn 1 : Judge Ellis is a strict judge who likes to run a tight ship.","turn 1 : People aren't spending money due to the recession.","turn 1 : None found - the turn \"the economy\" appears to have its literal meaning as the main issue of concern.","turn 1 : The tech sector has had a negative impact on the economy"]} {"text":["Part of the problem is a shortage of funds. The other problem is here in Lebanon, the government has a very strict rule on refugee settlements - nothing permanent. So, the only thing that you can have is plastic and wood, and that means that families live on dirt floors. Now, aid workers have been working around the clock to deliver thermal blankets and extra food. But the snow closed off some of these mountain roads over the past few days, so many refugees are out of reach until this storm passes.","Let's go back to that seizure of a warehouse of supplies by Islamist rebels, 'cause that certainly seemed to change U. S. policy. How did that wind up changing Western policy?","Well, the seizure happened last Friday - details are a little hazy. But fighters from some of Syria's most powerful Islamist brigades took over this warehouse. There was more than a million dollars of U. S. -supplied equipment there. According to a U. S. State Department official, it included nine pickup trucks, four buses, office and communication equipment and 50,000 meals ready to eat - army rations. All of this was intended for the Western-backed Free Syrian Army under the command of General Salim Idris.","Does the fact that the rebels were able to take control of a supply storehouse suggest that this was a huge loss for the Free Syrian Army, which is even further set them back on their heels."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":1,"choice":["turn 0 : Is this situation just overshadowed by other refugee and humanitarian crises in the world? Implicated meaning: Is this situation being overlooked or given less attention compared to other refugee and humanitarian crises in the world?","turn 0 : The situation is more dire than what is being reported, as the resources available are not able to meet the needs of the refugees.","turn 0 : A is trying to add some humor to the conversation","turn 0 : A is telling a joke instead of discussing the topic","turn 0 : A: Oh, that's another fine magazine. This turn is an example of sarcasm. The speaker, A, uses the phrase \"another fine magazine\" to indicate that they do not believe that National Review is a fine magazine, despite what the previous speaker, B, has implied. The literal meaning of the phrase is positive, but the actual meaning, conveyed through the speaker's tone and context, is negative."]} {"text":["Thank you for having me.","You all have investigated conditions at these facilities and concluded that Customs and Border Protection should stop detaining migrants there altogether - right?- in the Rio Grande Valley Sector. Can you just describe what you've seen?","Well, we conducted over 120 interviews with migrants, and we've heard pretty horrendous stories, from being denied access to water to being held outdoors in a pen for three days without access to showers or medicine for children. The conditions are pretty horrific.","You mentioned you've interviewed families seeking asylum there. Can you give an example of a story that stuck with you - someone talking about what it was like to try and get health care treatment that they need?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":0,"choice":["turn 2 : Migrants are suffering from inhumane conditions in detention centers.","turn 2 : The government of the United States is treating families seeking asylum inhumanely.","turn 2 : Mexico is facing a very serious and dangerous situation.","turn 2 : The administration does not move forward physically but initiates plans to deal with immigration.","turn 2 : suggests that other states will start to take legal action against Countrywide and other similar companies"]} {"text":["I'm Farai Chideya and this is News & Notes. Ratings for her daytime show are down, her magazine circulation numbers are falling, and a poll shows her popularity just isn't what it used to be. Is Oprah paying a price for publicly supporting Barack Obama's presidential campaign?","Plus, Jennifer Hudson won an Oscar for \"Dream Girls,\" so why did she take a small part in a big film?Plus, Laurence Fishburne gets a Tony Award nomination for his portrayal of Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. To help us talk about these issues, we've got our entertainment guru, Allison Samuels of Newsweek Magazine. How're you doing?","Good. How are you?","You look fabulous because we're on camera. But it's a webcast, so we're working things out. So, good thing we both look fresh and smiling.","OK, yeah, always."],"speaker":["B","B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":1,"choice":["turn 0 : Oprah Winfrey's popularity in Saudi Arabia is unexpected.","turn 0 : Oprah popularity and relevance seem to be diminishing due to her side in politics.","turn 0 : The Mexican government is constantly communicating things about the army in all ways that they can.","turn 0 : suggests that other states will start to take legal action against Countrywide and other similar companies","turn 0 : Mexico is facing a very serious and dangerous situation."]} {"text":["And you basically called this a zero sum game?","That's right. You have these bad assets, and what we're doing is moving them around from one place in our society, in our economy, to another. It doesn't change the nature of the losses. The banks lent money in a bubble. The bubble is broken. Collateral value of the assets is limited, and these are bad assets now. Now, it's not quite a zero row sum game, because if we have bad incentives, which result when you have a misalignment between ownership and control, when you provide insurance, you can have a negative sum game.","And I think that's the real worry that we are about to wind up in a negative sum game.","So given what the banks are facing now, what would you suggest?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":0,"choice":["turn 1 : The banks lent money to people and other banks without anyone knowing or monitoring them.","turn 1 : Big banks were forced to take the money from the Fed and the Treasury.","turn 1 : It's important to prioritize the country's future over personal gain.","turn 1 : One should prioritize the country's future over personal gain.","turn 1 : The economic situation is causing a significant decrease in hiring, sales, and investment."]} {"text":["And yet we see, at this particular moment in time, isolationism on the rise. We see it in Brexit. We see it here in the United States. Does that make the fight against genocide more difficult?","Oh, I think it absolutely does. There's been a lot of progress in the last 25 years, including the creation of their doctrine that's called Responsibility to Protect, which says that the United Nations has a responsibility to protect the people of a country when their own states fail to do so. What happens if that multilateralism falls apart is that we start to question those powers that do intervene. You start to question their motives in those instances where multilateralism falters.","That's David Simon, director of Yale's Genocide Studies Program. Thank you very much.","Thank you, Lulu."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":0,"choice":["turn 2 : The actual meaning was differ from the original meaning that is the right answer","turn 2 : The actual meaning was differ from the original meaning that is the right answer","turn 2 : There is a risk of military conflict due to misunderstandings.","turn 2 : There is evidence that would support the Presidents statement.","turn 2 : North Korea's nuclear capabilities pose a direct threat to the United States."]} {"text":["Well, right. And no U. S. commander - speaking from experience - would put the aircraft in that kind of a situation. And for your audience, that reason is that, unlike aircraft - surveillance aircraft in the past, the kind of sensor systems that are onboard this drone are such that they can see dozens and dozens and dozens of miles away from the aircraft. So, you know, it's flying up above 50,000 feet over the Strait of Hormuz. It can monitor the entire strait plus see inside Iran without having to fly over it.","Just a little bit more detail, if you would, on this. . .","Sure.",". . . Specific drone - we're told it was an RQ-4 Global Hawk surveillance drone. Do you have any sense of how many of those are out flying over the region, how widely used they are?What intel are they collecting?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":3,"choice":["turn 0 : not too far down the road means that it isn't far away from a different location.","turn 0 : Iran shot down a U.S. plane and now the U.S. will respond.","turn 0 : Assuming that Iran is responsible for the attack.","turn 0 : The drone has powerful sensors and can see far distances","turn 0 : The drone has powerful sensors and can see far distances"]} {"text":["Well, right. And no U. S. commander - speaking from experience - would put the aircraft in that kind of a situation. And for your audience, that reason is that, unlike aircraft - surveillance aircraft in the past, the kind of sensor systems that are onboard this drone are such that they can see dozens and dozens and dozens of miles away from the aircraft. So, you know, it's flying up above 50,000 feet over the Strait of Hormuz. It can monitor the entire strait plus see inside Iran without having to fly over it.","Just a little bit more detail, if you would, on this. . .","Sure.",". . . Specific drone - we're told it was an RQ-4 Global Hawk surveillance drone. Do you have any sense of how many of those are out flying over the region, how widely used they are?What intel are they collecting?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":0,"choice":["turn 0 : This statement implies that the advanced drones are being more appreciated unlike aircrafts.","turn 0 : \"appearance of risk-free combat\": the literal meaning of this phrase is that combat conducted by drones looks like it is without any risk; however, the actual meaning is that some people may perceive drone warfare as having fewer risks than traditional warfare, but it does not mean that it is entirely risk-free.","turn 0 : The US is blocking Iran's access to international markets.","turn 0 : Assuming that Iran is responsible for the attack.","turn 0 : The drone has powerful sensors and can see far distances"]} {"text":["This was back in 1982?","'82. But I think people thought, oh, my God, you know, you can't put a black person's heart in a white person. You cannot possibly put a woman's heart in a man. I mean, it's interesting that with the heart, sort of the emotions we ascribe to it get all wrapped up in the medical techniques also.","So they got beyond that. And you write about this group of researchers and doctors in Houston - big egos, big personalities and a big state (laughter). Tell us about these two pioneers who had this incredible rivalry that helped shape this field - Dr. Denton Cooley and Dr. Michael DeBakey.","When I started looking into it again, it was kind of like the right stuff for heart surgeons. These were people with outsized personalities and outsized wills. And the story really starts in Houston with the theft of an artificial heart from Michael DeBakey's lab. And DeBakey at the time was perhaps the most famous heart surgeon or surgeon in the world. And his nemesis was a guy named Denton Cooley, who, for a time, worked under him and got tired of waiting for Dr. DeBakey to put this artificial heart in someone. So he purloined it with the man who had designed it into DeBakey's lab and put it in a man. And the operation, to some extent, was a success because the patient lived. And this became the most famous feud in medical history."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":1,"choice":["turn 1 : Race refers to any idea that divides human beings into more than one kind","turn 1 : The notion of gender and race plays a significant role in the medical field.","turn 1 : something that was hinted at or suggested, but not directly stated. When a person looks at his watch","turn 1 : something that was hinted at or suggested, but not directly stated. When a person looks at his watch","turn 1 : something that was hinted at or suggested, but not directly stated. When a person looks at his watch"]} {"text":["This was back in 1982?","'82. But I think people thought, oh, my God, you know, you can't put a black person's heart in a white person. You cannot possibly put a woman's heart in a man. I mean, it's interesting that with the heart, sort of the emotions we ascribe to it get all wrapped up in the medical techniques also.","So they got beyond that. And you write about this group of researchers and doctors in Houston - big egos, big personalities and a big state (laughter). Tell us about these two pioneers who had this incredible rivalry that helped shape this field - Dr. Denton Cooley and Dr. Michael DeBakey.","When I started looking into it again, it was kind of like the right stuff for heart surgeons. These were people with outsized personalities and outsized wills. And the story really starts in Houston with the theft of an artificial heart from Michael DeBakey's lab. And DeBakey at the time was perhaps the most famous heart surgeon or surgeon in the world. And his nemesis was a guy named Denton Cooley, who, for a time, worked under him and got tired of waiting for Dr. DeBakey to put this artificial heart in someone. So he purloined it with the man who had designed it into DeBakey's lab and put it in a man. And the operation, to some extent, was a success because the patient lived. And this became the most famous feud in medical history."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":3,"choice":["turn 3 : They started or met during something regarding Tavis Smiley.","turn 3 : In turn (4), the statement suggests that despite the appearance of a positive sign, the comments from the British Foreign Secretary indicate that the situation is more challenging and difficult to resolve than it may seem. The literal meaning of the words may convey a positive outlook, but the implied meaning highlights the potential obstacles and complexities involved.","turn 3 : The comment made by 'she' had a significant impact on A","turn 3 : The rivalry between heart surgeons DeBakey and Cooley became infamous.","turn 3 : The implied meaning behind this question is that A was initially willing to support Donald Trump and even offered to be his running mate at one point, but has since changed his mind and is now opposed to him."]} {"text":["I believe she lacks political will to get the job done, which is one of the reasons that the nurses are supporting Bernie Sanders. If our health isn't achievable, then what's she doing running for president?You don't give up on health. You can give up on a lot of things. And there's compromises to be made. But when it comes to the health of my children, of our families, of our communities, you don't give up on people.","You know, of course, that the math is against Senator Sanders becoming the Democratic candidate.","I - you know, I look at the things far beyond math. I look at the mass momentum, just like in sports. I mean, Bernie - you know, we look at sports teams. . .","Hillary Clinton has won, at the moment, I believe, something like 3 million votes more than Senator Sanders."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":0,"choice":["turn 2 : The actual meaning of turn 3 is that Bernie Sanders has gained popular support and this popular support should be taken into account rather than just looking at the math.","turn 2 : implies that A has endorsed Hillary Clinton and believes she effectively addresses the issues.","turn 2 : They are worried about any negative consequences of their actions and will fix them quickly.","turn 2 : implies that you should be mindful of the information you hear and stay informed.","turn 2 : The information was told to others when it was not supposed to be told."]} {"text":["I didn't worry about it too much, but I - you know, I love life. I love to be out there in the field with these scientists. I take the same precautions they take. If they're wearing respirator masks and goggles and latex gloves, then I wear the same - rubber boots, gowns or whatever. And I try and stay three feet or 4four feet behind them. I try not to let them hand me a giant fruit bat.","In one case, Lisa Jones-Engel did say, here, David. Pin this monkey to the ground while I take a blood sample from this other one. And I thought about that a little bit.","Did you think twice?","I said - well, I didn't think - well, I said, sure, and I held it to the ground. And then I thought, this is not exactly what I signed up for, but, you know, you need to pitch in a little bit in these circumstances."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":1,"choice":["turn 1 : The scientists didn't actually run me out of the lab, but were very supportive.","turn 1 : Lisa Jones-Engel asked me to hold a monkey down while she took a blood sample from another, which was not expected of me.","turn 1 : Implied meaning: The speaker may be hinting at something indirectly and expects the listener to understand the intended message.","turn 1 : Implied meaning: The speaker may be conveying a hidden message or agenda that requires further exploration or analysis to fully understand.","turn 1 : Although the literal meaning of this turn is simply an acknowledgement or agreement, the implied meaning behind it is that the speaker may not be fully engaged or interested in the conversation. It could be interpreted as a way of signaling disinterest or a desire to move on to a different topic."]} {"text":["Well, that might be true. But I just think to put someone on a list for leering - to put that word on a list as an accusation is a pretty strong statement. This is a list being circulated in the business. This is a list meant to affect people's reputations and their careers. Another thing was something like leading multiple women on online was one of the charges on that list. And you know, that's a pretty common thing. And I would say leering's a pretty common thing. So do we really want to put that in writing and like besmirch somebody's reputation over something like that?I don't know.","But should it be a pretty common thing?","Well, these are sort of sleazy behaviors. And maybe they should not. But I'm just not sure these are criminal acts. And I suppose what I want to do is kind of separate what's a real abuse of power or a criminal act from what is kind of like everyday sleazy behavior that we wish wouldn't happen. I mean, we wish it wouldn't happen. But do we want people to lose their jobs over it?","In this article, you write at length about about Lorin Stein, who was until a few weeks ago the editor of Paris Review, who has acknowledged behavior he says he regrets. And you point out the fact that he has has nurtured and supported the careers of many successful women writers. Does one justify the other?Can you expect to get exonerated on that?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":0,"choice":["turn 2 : Distinguishing between criminal acts and sleazy behavior, and whether people should lose their jobs over it.","turn 2 : It is being implied that the criminals are having a difficult time.","turn 2 : none","turn 2 : none","turn 2 : none"]} {"text":["My parents are fine. My mom evacuated as soon as they got notice. My dad required an assisted evacuation. He actually ended up being rescued by a community service worker up there. He was trying to get out of Paradise on his motorized chair. He saw the community service worker, who managed to get him in the truck. And they escaped to the fire station using a hiking trail, actually.","I assume if he could call you, he would, right?","Paradise is a retirement community. A majority of the population lives on a fixed income, including my uncle. He did not have a cellphone. He only had the landline. He didn't use social media.","Yeah."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":1,"choice":["turn 0 : Losing a parent can have a profound impact on someone's life.","turn 0 : Despite the difficult situation, A's parents are okay","turn 0 : Finding them was very similar to finding a dinosaur- a major surprise.","turn 0 : RNA viruses are a high risk for disease scientists.","turn 0 : Scientists have been studying Ebola for decades, but they still haven't identified its reservoir host."]} {"text":["Yeah, we were on vacation; my family and I were out on the boat, and it was a beautiful, sunny day in the Abacos, in the Bahamas.","This is Erik Nourrie of Florida.","Typical crystal clear, beautiful Bahama waters. And the kids were playing and swimming. And I took my mask and snorkel and spear, and went out to a little channel there to hunt.","Nothing unusual - Erik hunts for dinner often. He spearfishes. And pretty quickly, he spots a good-sized fish darting around."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":3,"choice":["turn 3 : Implies that the speaker found the information about spiders and their webs interesting or impressive, despite the fact that they also thought it was \"cool.\" So, the actual meaning of (4) is slightly different from its literal meaning.","turn 3 : (3) Implied meaning: Were South African mobs and looters targeting African migrants?","turn 3 : The implied meaning in turn (2) is that the author created the book out of a desire to educate young black people about their cultural history, which they may not have learned from mainstream media sources such as hip-hop videos.","turn 3 : \"Nothing unusual - Erik hunts for dinner often. He spearfishes. And pretty quickly, he spots a good-sized fish darting around.\" - The literal meaning is describing Erik spearfishing and catching a fish. The implied meaning could be that the speaker is setting up the conflict or problem in the story, as something unusual or unexpected is about to happen.","turn 3 : No privacy. In some cases, they actually look like slave cabins. - The literal meaning of this turn is that the living conditions for farmworkers are so poor that they resemble the living conditions of slaves in the past. The actual meaning is that the living conditions are dehumanizing and lack basic amenities, which puts the workers, especially women, in vulnerable situations."]} {"text":["Well, a pretty disturbing picture has emerged of these two men online - some interest in, I guess, Nazism and Russian communist iconography. And beyond that, very little is known. I mean, they're a mystery to us. They are currently still on the run. Their families have spoken a little bit and have now sort of gone quiet.","And I think the whole country and beyond is just waiting to see where and when these two men might pop up or if indeed they will at all. There's a good chance, at this point, they might also be dead.","Well, police were zeroing in on a community that they thought might be their chance at finding them. And they called in drones and helicopters and boats and the military. But it sounds like they might be scaling back now. I mean, are they giving up?","Yeah, I mean, the problem is these young men had quite a head start. Initially, they were only believed to be missing and even thought to be potential victims after their vehicle was found burned out in B. C. So. . ."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":4,"choice":["turn 0 : running implies a business and not to chase or purse like in a race","turn 0 : The books were released on inauguration day may have been significant","turn 0 : The president was satisfied with how he was perceived.","turn 0 : A implies that Sovereign act in its acceptable sense does not exist when a decree has been made which makes such claim vague.","turn 0 : to be on the run in this context means you are avoiding authorities"]} {"text":["That was just - what I did, I picked students that I've had in class before. I'm a business education teacher. So I made sure they were students that really were comfortable with the computer and they could get the information that I needed. So I really just gave them - I rented my classroom out for - actually I did it for two Saturdays. And I had five students come in each time. And I just gave them topics that I wanted questions about. And then I just had one or two of those students verify the information, and then I went back over and I verified it as well.","You've got a company now called Jornic DVD Games. What are your plans in terms of the company?Are you going to try and put out more titles?","Absolutely. After - I'm looking at putting out one more title before the Christmas holiday, but I haven't decided. I'm looking at a couple, but I haven't made a decision yet.","You're still going to teach, and you're going to try to design more games. Are you afraid that, you know, are you afraid of losing your shirt in business?Because you know, there's nothing guaranteed."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":1,"choice":["turn 0 : B implies that being a comedienne is not the same as being a businesswoman, and she wants to know how A manages the business side of her career.","turn 0 : A rented out her classroom to students to collect information for her business.","turn 0 : Congress is not doing its job and is passing their responsibilities to the president who then abuses his power","turn 0 : The rules of subpoenas work in favor of the executive.","turn 0 : The president was satisfied with how he was perceived."]} {"text":["That was just - what I did, I picked students that I've had in class before. I'm a business education teacher. So I made sure they were students that really were comfortable with the computer and they could get the information that I needed. So I really just gave them - I rented my classroom out for - actually I did it for two Saturdays. And I had five students come in each time. And I just gave them topics that I wanted questions about. And then I just had one or two of those students verify the information, and then I went back over and I verified it as well.","You've got a company now called Jornic DVD Games. What are your plans in terms of the company?Are you going to try and put out more titles?","Absolutely. After - I'm looking at putting out one more title before the Christmas holiday, but I haven't decided. I'm looking at a couple, but I haven't made a decision yet.","You're still going to teach, and you're going to try to design more games. Are you afraid that, you know, are you afraid of losing your shirt in business?Because you know, there's nothing guaranteed."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":4,"choice":["turn 0 : He had to find a way to keep the students from becoming bored and distracted.","turn 0 : There is no bar but it does mean that the requirements in Mexico are lower.","turn 0 : (4) Implies an acknowledgement of the dangerous risks taken when crossing the border illegally.","turn 0 : the narrator mention of non Mexican asylum-seekers so it is odd to see non Mexican asylum seekers setting place in Mexico. ","turn 0 : A picked students he knew were comfortable with computers to get the information he needed."]} {"text":["No. And the thing is that this book, to me, it was very important that it's not just a bunch of recipes put in a nice book. It's also really a document of food culture. And I think that out of those 700 or something recipes that are in the book, there are probably at least 50 of them that I doubt that anyone is actually going to cook. But they're still really important because they explain something about food culture, you know.","Yeah. And, I mean, I'm just guessing - blood pancakes with smoked reindeer fat makes the point that the Sami people, living in arduous circumstances, have to make use of every part of the reindeer.","It does, you know. It tells that story in a really, really clear and very good way.","If we were to say - chef, could you make us one recipe from this book, what might you try?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":2,"choice":["turn 2 : They mention more diverse as in different cuisines as the narrator points out. ","turn 2 : (1) is the same as its literal meaning, which is explaining the decision-making process behind cutting rations in a situation where there is a shortage of aid.","turn 2 : The book contains more than just recipes - it is also a way to gain insight into and appreciate the culture and history of the cuisine.","turn 2 : (1) has an implied meaning that is different from its literal meaning. The literal meaning is that the speaker is asking if there is any sign of improvement in the situation being discussed, but the implied meaning is that the situation is bad and the speaker is hoping for some positive news or indication that things will get better.","turn 2 : There is a dangerous situation happening that requires people to seek shelter and take precautions."]} {"text":["I was wondering if we should do - or if such a thing exists, that human microbe projects, like the Human Genome Project.","Yes, there are a variety of types of human microbe projects at this point. So there are two gut projects right now that aim to characterize difference in gut microbes of people around the world. One of those in American Gut and is uBiome. And both of those projects, people can either donate or pay money to have their gut microbes sequenced.","And when they do, they can see what they have, and the scientists are going to see how that relates to what we know. And so in a way that's a beginning step. But what I think we kind of hope for is to have something akin to Mendelian genetics, where we can predict, you know, why you have a specific set of microbes and microbe genes. But we're very far from that still.","In the 30 seconds we have left, how can people get involved if they want their own microbes sampled and surveyed?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":2,"choice":["turn 2 : Scientists need more data to confirm their hypotheses.","turn 2 : The story is a happy one that is also distracting and the people have been feeling sad so they need the story to make them happy again.","turn 2 : Understanding and predicting human microbe genetics is still a long way off.","turn 2 : She wrote very close to what happened in her own life.","turn 2 : The kids will begin to think of ideas as they explore on their own."]} {"text":["Now, your assessment is far more kind, I think, than that of the fan base. And I'm basing that on a tweet from the Tampa Bay Lightning Twitter feed, which said this. We don't have any words. We know you don't want to hear them. We understand your anger, your frustration, your sadness. Everything you're feeling, we get it. This isn't the ending we imagined and certainly not the one we wanted. Thank you for being there the entire way.","Have you ever seen a team this apologetic?","(Laughter) No, but they have a lot to apologize for. I mean, the only other team in the history of the four major sports that had this kind of success in the regular season and then didn't win a playoff game was the 2011 Green Bay Packers. They went 15 and 1 in the regular season and then lost to the New York Giants in the first round of the NFL playoffs. But in that case, we're talking about one game. This is a team that had four chances to win a game, and they couldn't do it.","And now Columbus is the toast of the NHL. Will there be a Blue Jackets bandwagon?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":4,"choice":["turn 3 : (3) \"I said, oh, well, goodness, Boise State lost one game therefore their entire future has been destroyed, and for - at least there's next year, right?\" - The actual meaning of this turn is sarcastic, implying that losing one game does not mean the end of the world or the destruction of Boise State's future, and that there is always another chance next year.","turn 3 : Advocating for abolishing the police department and starting over","turn 3 : The report commissioned by President Johnson in 1967 proposes a humanistic approach to improving police-community relations through better communication and relationships.","turn 3 : The speaker believes that the current policing system is irreparable.","turn 3 : (4): This turn actually means: \"Will people now start to support the Columbus Blue Jackets?\""]} {"text":["Voice of America - they wanted to know what was going on; the events on Tiananmen. And there was one chilling story that I remember. Chinese television rebroadcast an interview from American TV. A demonstrator called Chinese leaders killers, and then the scene froze, and a telephone number flashed on the screen with a text urging people to turn this guy in.","Wow.","And within hours, the guy was arrested. And we could see him being taken into a police station.","With such fear in Beijing, how were you able to report the story?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":2,"choice":["turn 0 : There is censorship in China preventing access to information about Hong Kong protests","turn 0 : Dominance of a few large companies is discouraging people from starting their own businesses.","turn 0 : The Chinese government actively sought to identify and punish protesters.","turn 0 : Companies pay their CEOs huge profits, while the workers get a small share.","turn 0 : Many people are losing their jobs and companies are going bankrupt."]} {"text":["And does it help to have someone like Drake courtside (laughter)?","I think for some people it does. I think the power of celebrity is something that is immensely powerful. And he's someone that just adds to the level of attention that's happening here. This is going to be the first championship series for a major sport in Canada in the Internet era, and every bit of notoriety helps, and Drake is a part of that.","Bruce Arthur, sports columnist for the Toronto Star. Thank you for talking about the Raptors with us, and best of luck.","Absolutely. My pleasure. Thank you."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":2,"choice":["turn 1 : The Raptors need more than just Kawhi Leonard to beat the Warriors; they need other players to step up offensively.","turn 1 : The literal meaning is that the speaker wants to examine the motives behind the actions of the people involved in the events. The implied meaning is that the speaker is questioning whether their mother's version of events was accurate and whether the motives behind the actions were as terrible as their mother portrayed them to be.","turn 1 : Drake contributes to the publicity of the Raptors' championship series","turn 1 : This turn does not have an implied meaning different from its literal meaning. It is a straightforward expression of gratitude towards Laura Sydell, the NPR correspondent.","turn 1 : Implied meaning: The speaker is implying that her character's story line on the show mirrored her own life experience."]} {"text":[". . . In a sense, were our forebears. And some of them were heroes.","Yeah, and lost their lives - one woman, in particular, staying at her post even though she probably knew that, given the scope of what was about to happen, she was going to lose her life. But she stayed.","This is Hettie Ogle.","Hettie Ogle - to send messages down the valley. But the problem is, once you get those messages down there, how do you disseminate it?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":3,"choice":["turn 1 : She was a remarkable and iconic figure who would still be celebrated today.","turn 1 : (1) Implied meaning: Are you suggesting that despite the good things Franklin Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln did, they were still wrong for certain actions? ","turn 1 : In this turn, the implied meaning goes beyond the literal meaning of \"never took no for an answer.\" The speaker is highlighting the person's resilience and determination in the face of obstacles. It implies that despite facing rejection or setbacks, the person persisted and fought back, even using physical force if necessary.","turn 1 : Hettie Ogle was a heroic woman who stayed at her post even though she knew she was going to die.","turn 1 : The actual meanings of (1) and (3) are different from their literal meanings. In (1), the speaker is implying that he would be prejudiced against a Green Bay Packers fan, rather than simply picking on them"]} {"text":[". . . Positions. What will you be looking for, Danielle?","You're right. They back a lot of the same policies - like \"Medicare for All,\" a $15 minimum wage, that sort of thing. And so they have some basic, similar ideas on economics. They both talk about inequality a lot, for example. So one big thing I'm going to look for is just what, if any, daylight emerges between them on some of these really big issues. But aside from that, I'm going to be watching their rhetoric because they do talk about their ideas in different ways.","Elizabeth Warren, for example, tends to talk about how she likes capitalism, but she thinks it needs some major, major fixing. Bernie Sanders, of course, considers himself a democratic socialist, so that's one way they might clash. But aside from that, they tend to frame their ideas in different ways. Bernie Sanders frames his stump speech as being about big, overarching goals about revolution. He brings in these big national inequality statistics over time and says these things need to change. And his supporters love that. Now, Warren, on the other hand, has branded herself in a different way. You may have heard her slogan by now, the. . .","She has a plan."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":3,"choice":["turn 0 : to approach someone with something in this context means you are showing them something","turn 0 : Joan felt a sense of responsibility with the money she had and was determined to use it for good causes. She was not averse to living lavishly.","turn 0 : (2) \"What she said in interviews a number of times was very circumspect - what is love?\" - Implied meaning: Joan was not able to directly answer the question of whether she loved Ray or not, as her answers were often evasive and indirect.","turn 0 : to look for something in this context means they are trying to see if something will happen","turn 0 : She wrote very close to what happened in her own life."]} {"text":["Well, the short answer's yes. The deforestation program in Brazil has been enormously successful. Between 2004 and 2012, deforestation fell by more than 80%. That's a shocking success. The challenge is that since 2012, deforestation has ticked up. There's also been a backlash against some of the environmental policies that were put in place under the former government.","Well, as we mentioned, Germany and Norway recently decided to pull their funding out of this Amazon Fund. What made them do that, specifically?","So this is largely an international response to concerns that deforestation is on the rise. And in particular, it's a response to the rhetoric that the administration of Jair Bolsonaro has been putting out. Bolsonaro has basically said to the people in the country that deforestation is OK, development at all costs is OK. And a lot of scientists fear that that message is starting to take hold, that landowners in the hinterlands in the Amazon are starting to listen, and now they're burning their fields and they're taking advantage of this.","So do you think this latest move by Norway and Germany to freeze their funds could actually sway Bolsonaro?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":2,"choice":["turn 2 : Poaching is a major problem and is wiping out the forest's animal population.","turn 2 : has a figurative meaning, as it is implying a joke about the idea of Dame Stella turning her experiences into a novel.","turn 2 : Bolsonaro didn't literally say deforestation is okay, but his policies suggest he won't try to stop deforestation.","turn 2 : After Ray's death, Joan Kroc became one of the main donors in America and she took her responsibility seriously.","turn 2 : Implied meaning: The speaker is implying that her character's story line on the show mirrored her own life experience."]} {"text":["Well, the short answer's yes. The deforestation program in Brazil has been enormously successful. Between 2004 and 2012, deforestation fell by more than 80%. That's a shocking success. The challenge is that since 2012, deforestation has ticked up. There's also been a backlash against some of the environmental policies that were put in place under the former government.","Well, as we mentioned, Germany and Norway recently decided to pull their funding out of this Amazon Fund. What made them do that, specifically?","So this is largely an international response to concerns that deforestation is on the rise. And in particular, it's a response to the rhetoric that the administration of Jair Bolsonaro has been putting out. Bolsonaro has basically said to the people in the country that deforestation is OK, development at all costs is OK. And a lot of scientists fear that that message is starting to take hold, that landowners in the hinterlands in the Amazon are starting to listen, and now they're burning their fields and they're taking advantage of this.","So do you think this latest move by Norway and Germany to freeze their funds could actually sway Bolsonaro?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":2,"choice":["turn 2 : All they can do is accept what happened to them before.","turn 2 : The mall opens early and people walk around for hours before stores open.","turn 2 : People are starting to follow suit in regards to the actions of others.","turn 2 : (2) The implied meaning of this turn is that the speaker is curious to know what kind of help the two people provided each other with during their lunch time.","turn 2 : \"fast\" - The word \"fast\" is being used in a religious context to mean abstaining from food and drink during daylight hours as an act of devotion. It is not being used to describe moving quickly."]} {"text":["Thanks again for tackling a subject that is often times neglected for discussion. But all too often it's the source of so much pain and misery in our community. When a family member suffers from an addiction, the entire family suffers. Emotionally, socially, and financially. Shows like yours help to bring the stigma of addiction out of the shadows.","As part of that series, we talked to a mother who said that she believed her son committed suicide because of the game EverQuest. While I tried to challenge our guest on that direct link, we decided to ask the game's maker for a response. Here's some of the statement from Sony Online Entertainment. EverQuest is a phenomenally popular game because it provides players with a fun, social, and interactive online experience. EverQuest is a game. The majority of the hundreds of thousands of subscribers play the game in moderation. As with any form of entertainment, it is the responsibility of each individual player to monitor his or her own playing habits, and prioritize his or her time as necessary.","And finally, Aljore Stallings(ph) in Glen Burnie, Maryland, wrote in about the interview we did with Cullen Jones. If you'll remember, he's the second African-American swimmer to win a gold at the Olympics.","She wrote, I am giving you praise and kudos for your interview of Cullen Jones. I am so glad to hear of a black person achieve success in a sport that isn't traditionally the norm for black folks. I do hope it encourages more young black people to look into learning to swim. It has encouraged me a whole lot."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":2,"choice":["turn 1 : (3) has an actual meaning different from its literal meaning. The speaker is discussing how video games can impose consequences for harming civilians in-game, and how this is similar to the rules set by the Geneva Conventions in real-life conflicts. The implied meaning is that video game developers have a responsibility to consider the consequences of their game mechanics and the messages they send to players.","turn 1 : The situation is concerning enough that it could make someone anxious, despite the monitoring systems in place.","turn 1 : The game's maker denies responsibility for any harm caused by their game.","turn 1 : People don't want to know about what is happening in Crown Heights.","turn 1 : A is confident about the success of the mission and reassures B"]} {"text":["You mean somebody rational?","Yeah, someone he could work with.","Yeah.","That would be very good."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":0,"choice":["turn 1 : Turn (2) implies that the speaker is looking for someone who is reasonable and easy to work with, ","turn 1 : (2) Implies that the speaker is asking if the person they are talking to has anyone that helps them verify the facts that they are gathering. ","turn 1 : The implied meaning is that the person hopes for interaction and engagement between individuals interested in building their family tree or learning about family research, and that they will come across unexpected articles and ideas, leading to interesting discussions and experiences on the site.","turn 1 : In this turn, the speaker says \"I love the word no\" and goes on to explain how the word \"no\" was actually a motivating force for them, rather than a discouraging one. This is different from the literal meaning of the word \"no,\" which is generally used to signify a negative response or refusal. The speaker's implication is that they have learned to reframe the word \"no\" in a positive way and use it as a tool for success.","turn 1 : meaning is turn (1), where B asks if Teddy Roosevelt comes to life when it gets dark at the museum. The actual meaning implied by B's question is whether the museum has interactive exhibits or displays that bring historical figures to life, rather than asking about a specific event where Teddy Roosevelt might come to life in the museum."]} {"text":["You mean somebody rational?","Yeah, someone he could work with.","Yeah.","That would be very good."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":0,"choice":["turn 1 : The speaker is suggesting that there may be a hidden agenda or underlying motive behind their words.","turn 1 : Implied meaning: The speaker may be conveying a hidden message or agenda that requires further exploration or analysis to fully understand.","turn 1 : The literal meaning is that the speaker would have appeared on a media outlet many times. The actual meaning is that the speaker would have been very vocal and persistent on the issue, possibly annoying the media host.","turn 1 : (3) implies that the speaker wants to know what the speaker observed,","turn 1 : The turn suggests that the speaker is feeling frustrated and overwhelmed."]} {"text":["You mean somebody rational?","Yeah, someone he could work with.","Yeah.","That would be very good."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":0,"choice":["turn 2 : while turn (3) implies agreement and understanding of the speaker's request.","turn 2 : implies that the interlocutor agrees with the previous statement and is encouraging the speaker to continue talking.","turn 2 : Personal consumption is the key driver of the American economy, and if people stop consuming, the economy will suffer.","turn 2 : The situation is much worse than ever before and people are starting to think about alternative options if their current job is not secured.","turn 2 : The days of capitalism defined by constantly increasing prices and reaching new highs are disappearing quickly."]} {"text":["You mean somebody rational?","Yeah, someone he could work with.","Yeah.","That would be very good."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":3,"choice":["turn 2 : The turn suggests that the speaker is feeling frustrated and overwhelmed.","turn 2 : The economic situation will get worse, and it's uncertain how bad it will be.","turn 2 : Many people are losing their jobs and companies are going bankrupt.","turn 2 : The speaker is hinting that the situation is difficult or complex.","turn 2 : While the macroeconomic numbers don't indicate a recession, many people are experiencing economic hardship."]} {"text":["You described some playwrights, Beckett, for example, as somebody whose work seems to back away from you the closer you get it. But Miller's play, you say, is not like that.","No. It wasn't like - my experience with Chekhov and Beckett was just what you call - that they get harder and harder as you go. But with \"Salesman,\" surprisingly, because it's fully as great a play as those others, it did welcome us and come toward us day by day. And then, we did a fairly smart thing, which is that we had a workshop just for ourselves for almost a month, and nobody ever saw it and we didn't perform it, but we just worked on it. And then as per plan, we went away for over three and a half months.","And then when we came back, we went into rehearsal and then finally got onstage and did it. And the three and a half months living and doing other things made a surprisingly big difference. It just sank into everybody and took enormous strides all on its own, and that was both exciting and surprising in its extent. And also, it was a clue to what was going to continue to happen, which is that it just burrowed deeper and deeper into the actors and they - into one another, and they have become a family. And they're - what goes on between them is - I've never seen - in my experience, I've never seen it quite like this.","Philip Seymour Hoffman obviously plays the lead role. Is - did the play come first or the actor come first?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":1,"choice":["turn 1 : Finding success in the New York theater world is difficult.","turn 1 : Miller's play 'Salesman' was surprisingly welcoming and approachable despite being a great play.","turn 1 : The comment made by 'she' had a significant impact on A","turn 1 : B implies that A is not actively looking for something more stable.","turn 1 : B is trying to express that love still exists despite some setbacks"]} {"text":["You described some playwrights, Beckett, for example, as somebody whose work seems to back away from you the closer you get it. But Miller's play, you say, is not like that.","No. It wasn't like - my experience with Chekhov and Beckett was just what you call - that they get harder and harder as you go. But with \"Salesman,\" surprisingly, because it's fully as great a play as those others, it did welcome us and come toward us day by day. And then, we did a fairly smart thing, which is that we had a workshop just for ourselves for almost a month, and nobody ever saw it and we didn't perform it, but we just worked on it. And then as per plan, we went away for over three and a half months.","And then when we came back, we went into rehearsal and then finally got onstage and did it. And the three and a half months living and doing other things made a surprisingly big difference. It just sank into everybody and took enormous strides all on its own, and that was both exciting and surprising in its extent. And also, it was a clue to what was going to continue to happen, which is that it just burrowed deeper and deeper into the actors and they - into one another, and they have become a family. And they're - what goes on between them is - I've never seen - in my experience, I've never seen it quite like this.","Philip Seymour Hoffman obviously plays the lead role. Is - did the play come first or the actor come first?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":1,"choice":["turn 2 : In (2), B asks about working with actors and acknowledges that the actor's performance is distinct from the creator's vision in graphic novels. The literal meaning of the words is straightforward and does not imply any additional or hidden meanings. However, the implied meaning is that B is curious about the challenges A faces in collaborating with actors, and whether A finds it frustrating to work with actors who have their own interpretation of the material.","turn 2 : burrowed deeper and deeper implies that the work was engaging for the actors to perform","turn 2 : The comment made by 'she' had a significant impact on A","turn 2 : He is implying that she helps a lot of people.","turn 2 : Implied meaning: The speaker is expressing disapproval or criticism towards the listener or a third party, but doing so indirectly or politely."]} {"text":["Sure. Well, before she becomes a pirate, she tries shoplifting. And when Gwen is shoplifting, she imagines herself as named Octavia. She imagines herself to much more glamorous persons, so there's a little bit in this book that's here.","(Reading) She remembered what it was called - shoplifting - and pictured lifting the whole place, the aisles tilting and tumbling their baubles and trinkety treasures into her pockets. Pink razors for her burnt leg and then a keychain she thought Naomi would like. And when she realized she could steal for other people, it was an avalanche, a chew bone for Toby the II, more stuff for Naomi, a stuffed bear and a tiny license plate that said Naomi. Three flasks of perfume, curvy and shapey like internal organs in her pockets, and she was done with Mother's Day for ages.","Her father liked the electronic things, which were behind locked cabinets. But she grabbed a slick stereo magazine and managed to slip into one of her boots. It would be a way to warm him for taking the bus by herself. By now she was thirsty and rounded a corner to open a fridge and grab an iced tea in a bottle that felt so good in her hands. It was One Universe Green Tea, which the label said was good for the immune system and for Octavia's skin. No one had stopped her. No one had spoken to her. It was smooth sailing. All for one and one for all.","So is there a straight line from that to piracy or just adolescence?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":4,"choice":["turn 0 : The person is thinking of a particular person but they are not going to say who.","turn 0 : The administration is unsure of how to defend their stance on the citizenship question.","turn 0 : Implies that the speaker would like to see further reforms beyond what is suggested by Speaker Ryan.","turn 0 : This turn is literal in meaning, as it is a straightforward question asking about the speaker's children.","turn 0 : \"she imagines herself as named Octavia\" - actual meaning: she imagines herself being someone else named Octavia, not that her name changes to Octavia."]} {"text":["Sure. Well, before she becomes a pirate, she tries shoplifting. And when Gwen is shoplifting, she imagines herself as named Octavia. She imagines herself to much more glamorous persons, so there's a little bit in this book that's here.","(Reading) She remembered what it was called - shoplifting - and pictured lifting the whole place, the aisles tilting and tumbling their baubles and trinkety treasures into her pockets. Pink razors for her burnt leg and then a keychain she thought Naomi would like. And when she realized she could steal for other people, it was an avalanche, a chew bone for Toby the II, more stuff for Naomi, a stuffed bear and a tiny license plate that said Naomi. Three flasks of perfume, curvy and shapey like internal organs in her pockets, and she was done with Mother's Day for ages.","Her father liked the electronic things, which were behind locked cabinets. But she grabbed a slick stereo magazine and managed to slip into one of her boots. It would be a way to warm him for taking the bus by herself. By now she was thirsty and rounded a corner to open a fridge and grab an iced tea in a bottle that felt so good in her hands. It was One Universe Green Tea, which the label said was good for the immune system and for Octavia's skin. No one had stopped her. No one had spoken to her. It was smooth sailing. All for one and one for all.","So is there a straight line from that to piracy or just adolescence?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":3,"choice":["turn 1 : The turn that has an actual meaning different from its literal meaning is (2). The speaker is not talking about physically diving into something, but rather delving into the topic of a new class of online retailer that uses Shopify and AliExpress. The implied meaning is that the speaker has started researching and investigating this topic in depth","turn 1 : the literal meaning is that the interviewer asks if recent events and debates make a scene in a book more significant.","turn 1 : The interview or conversation is coming to an end and the speaker needs to conclude.","turn 1 : \"the aisles tilting and tumbling their baubles and trinkety treasures into her pockets\" - actual meaning: the author uses figurative language to describe her stealing items from the aisles, not that the aisles actually tilt and tumble into her pockets.","turn 1 : implies that A has endorsed Hillary Clinton and believes she effectively addresses the issues."]} {"text":["Sure. Well, before she becomes a pirate, she tries shoplifting. And when Gwen is shoplifting, she imagines herself as named Octavia. She imagines herself to much more glamorous persons, so there's a little bit in this book that's here.","(Reading) She remembered what it was called - shoplifting - and pictured lifting the whole place, the aisles tilting and tumbling their baubles and trinkety treasures into her pockets. Pink razors for her burnt leg and then a keychain she thought Naomi would like. And when she realized she could steal for other people, it was an avalanche, a chew bone for Toby the II, more stuff for Naomi, a stuffed bear and a tiny license plate that said Naomi. Three flasks of perfume, curvy and shapey like internal organs in her pockets, and she was done with Mother's Day for ages.","Her father liked the electronic things, which were behind locked cabinets. But she grabbed a slick stereo magazine and managed to slip into one of her boots. It would be a way to warm him for taking the bus by herself. By now she was thirsty and rounded a corner to open a fridge and grab an iced tea in a bottle that felt so good in her hands. It was One Universe Green Tea, which the label said was good for the immune system and for Octavia's skin. No one had stopped her. No one had spoken to her. It was smooth sailing. All for one and one for all.","So is there a straight line from that to piracy or just adolescence?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":3,"choice":["turn 3 : The implication here is that the reader should not try piracy, as it may not be as glamorous as it initially seems.","turn 3 : (3) Turn A: The implied meaning is that being a black police officer in America can be difficult because of the historical and ongoing use of excessive force against people of color, which can make it hard to reconcile one's identity as a black person with one's role as a police officer","turn 3 : The implied meaning in turn (2) is that the author created the book out of a desire to educate young black people about their cultural history, which they may not have learned from mainstream media sources such as hip-hop videos.","turn 3 : \"straight line from that to piracy\" - actual meaning: the author uses figurative language to question whether her shoplifting is a direct cause of her becoming a pirate, not that there is a literal straight line linking the two.","turn 3 : The literal meaning of this turn is to state that the speaker is of mixed racial and\/or ethnic heritage. However, the actual meaning is to downplay the significance of the speaker's racial and ethnic identity."]} {"text":["He says he's thrilled, but he doesn't want to celebrate too much because he worries about other academics who are having a tough time.","Mark Shaleki(ph) used to work in a recording studio owned by Capitol Records.","But as we all know, the music business was in a tailspin even before the recession hit.","So Mark opened his own studio. He charges his clients less, but he says he's making more money than he did working for the man.","Theresa Tomas was laid off at a bank. She was working for the man. She had been there for five years, and then she contacted a company that she had worked for back when she was in college."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":0,"choice":["turn 2 : The music business was losing a great deal of money with end in sight.","turn 2 : The person being referred to was a great loss to the music industry and cannot be replaced","turn 2 : I'm, you know, it's almost paycheck to paycheck meaning they don't have much money","turn 2 : The amount set aside for wages is insufficient.","turn 2 : (4) Implied meaning: Could the government do something to prevent this from happening, such as introducing a minimum wage?"]} {"text":["Fall color is peaking in New York's Adirondack Mountains. There's already been a first dusting of snow on the summits. North Country Public Radio's Brian Mann set out in his canoe to take in autumn's big show near Lake Placid, and he sent us back this audio postcard.","I'm paddling up the Chubb River, wildness all around me, tamaracks here by the shore and willows. This could easily be northern Canada. It's really crisp out here. You can really taste fall now in the air. And there is this kind of stained-glass look to the hillsides, like splashes of crimson red. I mean, just truly tropical red.","There's brilliant sun, and the maple and birch are lit up. As the river winds into the mountain valley, it narrows and narrows again, so I'm squeezing through a vein of water to get to the hiking trail, willow branches squeaking against the canoe. I pass a beaver lodge and turn. And suddenly, I'm right on top of a pair of indignant mallards that go whirring into the sky.","All right, guys, don't mean to scare you."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":3,"choice":["turn 1 : The strong winds of the mountain top can strip the mosses and epiphytes from the tree trunks, making it difficult for these forests to survive.","turn 1 : Using \"a quarter\" to mean money is a non-literal meaning.","turn 1 : their own pockets implies that they were collecting money for themselves","turn 1 : It could be Canada because of the weather and the way it looks. The hillsides have a large variety of trees that have different colored leaves on them.","turn 1 : Gordon Brown's plan is earning him praise, but it involves using taxpayer money to bailout three British banks and impose conditions on the banks in exchange for the money."]} {"text":["Fall color is peaking in New York's Adirondack Mountains. There's already been a first dusting of snow on the summits. North Country Public Radio's Brian Mann set out in his canoe to take in autumn's big show near Lake Placid, and he sent us back this audio postcard.","I'm paddling up the Chubb River, wildness all around me, tamaracks here by the shore and willows. This could easily be northern Canada. It's really crisp out here. You can really taste fall now in the air. And there is this kind of stained-glass look to the hillsides, like splashes of crimson red. I mean, just truly tropical red.","There's brilliant sun, and the maple and birch are lit up. As the river winds into the mountain valley, it narrows and narrows again, so I'm squeezing through a vein of water to get to the hiking trail, willow branches squeaking against the canoe. I pass a beaver lodge and turn. And suddenly, I'm right on top of a pair of indignant mallards that go whirring into the sky.","All right, guys, don't mean to scare you."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":2,"choice":["turn 2 : The strong winds of the mountain top can strip the mosses and epiphytes from the tree trunks, making it difficult for these forests to survive.","turn 2 : Despite potential lack of interest, the Olympics are still a significant event.","turn 2 : The maple and birch have yellow leaves due to the fall season. The river has turns in it as it flows through the mountainside. The person is paddling through a very narrow part of the river. The person passes a home of a beaver and birds fly quickly overhead.","turn 2 : The Russian government does not get many chances for people to see them all over the world.","turn 2 : Russians have interfered in the elections and are doing it again."]} {"text":["Milliseconds. It happens really quick, and it's something that you just don't think about. It actually just a reflex and it happened. And it was like I said a rarity. The one prior to mine was in 1927. So it was 40 some years between the one that was made and mine.","The thing is, I wonder if people in the stands even realized what had happened - because this goes by so quickly. It's not even like watching a home run. If you watch a home run the ball kind of hangs in the air for three or four seconds or so. This is over even faster than that. Bang.","To tell you the truth. On my part it was such a rarity that even I had not thought about the unassisted part of the play. I realized at the time that it was a triple play. You know, it was all three outs, but had never really thought about the unassisted part because it was such a rarity that no one ever really talked about them.","Ron, was that moment it for you in your baseball career?Is that - what could be better than that?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":3,"choice":["turn 0 : Despite the chaos, people had a good time at the event.","turn 0 : that Russia views itself as a victim of a Western conspiracy and is retaliating with its own tactics.","turn 0 : (2) implies that Russia's goal is to promote a worldview that everything is corrupt and that its tactics are meant to psychologically influence others;","turn 0 : The rareness of the event made it unexpected and surprising.","turn 0 : Russian operatives used deceptive tactics to create far-right groups."]} {"text":["The majority of them are coming from sub-Saharan Africa. They're trying to make the very perilous Mediterranean crossing to Europe. They're seeking jobs, a better life. They're fleeing conflict. Unfortunately the Europeans have this closed-door policy where they're basically putting these migrants back into Libya, basically subcontracting the migrant policy to Libyan militias. The migrants are kept in a series of horrid detention centers where they're subjected to torture, abuse, forced labor. And with this recent war, their situation has just gotten worse.","Stay with the recent war for a second because I want you to put what has just happened into the context of what is happening more broadly in Libya, which of course has been stuck in civil war for many years now. But this latest outbreak of violence began just in April. Is that right?","That's right - on April 4 when the militia forces aligned with General Khalifa Haftar - he's a renegade general - launched an attack on the internationally recognized government in Tripoli. He was claiming to liberate the capital from militias. But in fact, it was really just a power grab, and it's plunged the country into another round of civil war - horrendous conditions for civilians, over 700 deaths and thousands of people displaced from their homes.","And I'm wondering how to square the situation now with - I remember interviewing you last year. You had a new book just out on Libya. You were telling me. . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":0,"choice":["turn 0 : The \"closed door\" policy does not actually involve any doors, but implies that Europe is unwelcoming to immigrants","turn 0 : It's not a door but an opportunity that becomes available to them.","turn 0 : that Russia views itself as a victim of a Western conspiracy and is retaliating with its own tactics.","turn 0 : There is always people that are suspicious of those that are associated with Russia in any way, even the smallest way.","turn 0 : (2) implies that Russia's goal is to promote a worldview that everything is corrupt and that its tactics are meant to psychologically influence others;"]} {"text":["O'Rourke. Yeah, let's talk about Beto.","Yeah, Beto O'Rourke. He made a hell yes promise to buy back assault weapons and to push for mandatory buyback of assault weapons. What do you make of this?","That was a dramatic highlight of the debate and grabbed a lot of people, got a lot of mentions. But such moments do not make legislation. Congressional Democrats don't have a clear majority for an assault weapons ban, let alone gun takeaways. They're still hoping for universal background checks or - on people buying guns. But to pass the Republican Senate and actually get enacted, even that much would need the backing of the president and the approval of the federal courts. We are still a long way from meaningful gun measures, despite the carnage we saw from guns in August and so many other recent months and years.","And let's stay in the realm of Congress for this last question, Ron. As of today, where do you assess where Democrats stand on the question of impeachment at the moment?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":2,"choice":["turn 1 : He gives him the content to use against him. He has negative information that can hurt him.","turn 1 : The Russian goverment doesn't get many chances to do the right thing where people all over the world will see and know about it.","turn 1 : He made a promise that was stressed by him and gave people the impression he would do it regardless of what happens.","turn 1 : that Russia views itself as a victim of a Western conspiracy and is retaliating with its own tactics.","turn 1 : The identity of the person involved in the Russia investigation is less important than the fact that Russia is attacking the body politics and needs to be fought against."]} {"text":["O'Rourke. Yeah, let's talk about Beto.","Yeah, Beto O'Rourke. He made a hell yes promise to buy back assault weapons and to push for mandatory buyback of assault weapons. What do you make of this?","That was a dramatic highlight of the debate and grabbed a lot of people, got a lot of mentions. But such moments do not make legislation. Congressional Democrats don't have a clear majority for an assault weapons ban, let alone gun takeaways. They're still hoping for universal background checks or - on people buying guns. But to pass the Republican Senate and actually get enacted, even that much would need the backing of the president and the approval of the federal courts. We are still a long way from meaningful gun measures, despite the carnage we saw from guns in August and so many other recent months and years.","And let's stay in the realm of Congress for this last question, Ron. As of today, where do you assess where Democrats stand on the question of impeachment at the moment?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":4,"choice":["turn 2 : (4) Implied meaning: Background checks should be enhanced for the purchase of private sales of firearms to help prevent tragedies similar to Las Vegas.","turn 2 : It changes the way you think about the situation. Russia wants to capitalize on everyone's problems in the region.","turn 2 : The dominance of the dollar gives the US considerable power in international trade.","turn 2 : Sectors that grown when the economy is failing do better when the economy begins to improve. The techology sector as a whole is trying hard to make money.","turn 2 : The background checks will be of anyone and everyone that buys a gun in the country."]} {"text":["That's right, yeah. I mean, these - the owners of these brains in life, you know, they lived at this state hospital. Just looking at the condition of the brains now I can only imagine what they endured in life and now their brains were taken by questionable means. It's not entirely clear if it was legal for them to be taken by the doctor at the state hospital and then they were put in these jars. And it's upsetting to look at them, honestly, to see, you know, to imagine the circumstances of their life and then to see them there - it makes you consider your own brain, I suppose.","Well, a tough story to report. Thank you for doing it, Matt.","No problem.","Matt Largey, of member station KUT in Austin."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":1,"choice":["turn 0 : \"his brain has been touched by God\" - This turn has a figurative meaning and is not meant to be taken literally. It is a common expression used to describe someone who is exceptionally intelligent or talented.","turn 0 : \"It makes you consider your own brain, I suppose.\" - This turn is a figurative expression that means the speaker is reflecting on their own life and experiences in comparison to the circumstances of the individuals whose brains were taken.","turn 0 : trying to place myself in his mind implies a persons way of thinking and\/or their point of view","turn 0 : \"Where do you turn\" implies that you need someone to talk to about an issue.","turn 0 : Implied meaning: The speaker is indirectly suggesting that they may have information or opinions that they are hesitant to share openly."]} {"text":["That's right, yeah. I mean, these - the owners of these brains in life, you know, they lived at this state hospital. Just looking at the condition of the brains now I can only imagine what they endured in life and now their brains were taken by questionable means. It's not entirely clear if it was legal for them to be taken by the doctor at the state hospital and then they were put in these jars. And it's upsetting to look at them, honestly, to see, you know, to imagine the circumstances of their life and then to see them there - it makes you consider your own brain, I suppose.","Well, a tough story to report. Thank you for doing it, Matt.","No problem.","Matt Largey, of member station KUT in Austin."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":1,"choice":["turn 1 : The story is emotional and difficult to hear.","turn 1 : \"Well, a tough story to report.\" - This turn is a figurative expression that means the story is emotionally difficult to report, rather than physically difficult.","turn 1 : (2) In turn (2), the speaker implies that there is a connection between Russia's illicit arms trade, North Korea's relationship with Mugabe, and Zimbabwe's political situation.","turn 1 : Implies that the speaker is asking for the other person's opinion about the political implications of the current situation.","turn 1 : He is not saying that Putin never does anything wrong and is very nice."]} {"text":["Yes, sir.","The Post and Courier, which is the newspaper there in Charleston, they got an article that between 1982 and 2011 there have been 25 high school track-related deaths either to the discus, the shot put or the javelin.","Correct.","And some, I mean, you know, some pretty gruesome descriptions of javelin injuries. You're not intimidated by that?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":2,"choice":["turn 3 : friendly.the speaker is implying that they are trying to manipulate the personality of someone to make it more ","turn 3 : It is expected that your online privacy will be compromised.","turn 3 : \"You're not intimidated by that?\" - This turn is a rhetorical question and does not literally ask whether the person is intimidated or not, but instead implies that they should be intimidated.","turn 3 : can be cracked meaning the problem can be looked into and a solution found for it","turn 3 : The NSA lost control of their hacking tools and they were leaked\/stolen."]} {"text":["Just quickly, what about men?","Men. Well men, we tend to focus more on outcomes and process. And so we kind of, you know, focus almost exclusively on the outcomes. We tend to like win-lose scenarios, as opposed to negotiating for win-win. And then, men, we tend to be command and control leaders, where as women can be more inclusive and interactive. And so we really have to work on those traits.","Has anyone ever given you static for trying to do the Mars-Venus thing, about how you see men and women?","Well, because it's really my opinion, and they typically let me have that opinion. But again, it's really a broad statement, so I'm not saying all men or all women, but just as a rule, they're some observations that I've had over the years."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":2,"choice":["turn 1 : The listener asks whether women played a crucial role in the election.","turn 1 : Prior to medical school, I gained knowledge of diet and nutrition through martial arts and vegetarianism, which was lacking in my medical education.","turn 1 : Men tend to focus only on outcomes, prefer win-lose scenarios and have commanding leadership style, unlike women who are more inclusive and interactive","turn 1 : People are spending more on alternative medicine than primary care.","turn 1 : Failing chemistry is a hindrance to becoming a doctor"]} {"text":["Just quickly, what about men?","Men. Well men, we tend to focus more on outcomes and process. And so we kind of, you know, focus almost exclusively on the outcomes. We tend to like win-lose scenarios, as opposed to negotiating for win-win. And then, men, we tend to be command and control leaders, where as women can be more inclusive and interactive. And so we really have to work on those traits.","Has anyone ever given you static for trying to do the Mars-Venus thing, about how you see men and women?","Well, because it's really my opinion, and they typically let me have that opinion. But again, it's really a broad statement, so I'm not saying all men or all women, but just as a rule, they're some observations that I've had over the years."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":0,"choice":["turn 3 : Opinions on gender differences are subjective and not absolute, hence should not be generalized to all men and women","turn 3 : B is asking A to distinguish between teens who experiment with gender identities and those who genuinely feel comfortable identifying outside of traditional gender roles.","turn 3 : This implies the level of Racial discrimination on Campuses.","turn 3 : White people saying they were taught to treat everyone the same is not enough to combat racism.","turn 3 : The NAACP should form coalitions with other people of color"]} {"text":["There's been such wild swings. You know, in 2014, we were here talking about a dreadful harvest in Italy that was mostly due to the olive oil fruit fly, which was a big problem following a warmer-than-usual winter. This year, it's a deep freeze. And among farmers in Italy, they feel like these extreme swings are happening more often. Experts that we talked to believe that climate change is a factor.","I don't know the Olive Oil Times.","(Laughter) Well, you should. It's the most read olive oil publication. You know, it seems niche, but there are 3 million people around the world who make - who work to make olive oil. It's a very important food, one of the healthiest products that the Earth provides us. And there's a lot to tell. It's also a cultural cornerstone for the Mediterranean region and the rest of us.","Curtis Cord, publisher of the Olive Oil Times, we'll be reading it. Thanks so much, Mr. Cord."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":4,"choice":["turn 0 : The idea of climate change is not new but our understanding of it has improved.","turn 0 : (1) is the same as its literal meaning, which is explaining the decision-making process behind cutting rations in a situation where there is a shortage of aid.","turn 0 : (1) has an implied meaning that is different from its literal meaning. The literal meaning is that the speaker is asking if there is any sign of improvement in the situation being discussed, but the implied meaning is that the situation is bad and the speaker is hoping for some positive news or indication that things will get better.","turn 0 : to carry something out means to do something","turn 0 : Extreme weather swings are happening more often due to climate change"]} {"text":["There's been such wild swings. You know, in 2014, we were here talking about a dreadful harvest in Italy that was mostly due to the olive oil fruit fly, which was a big problem following a warmer-than-usual winter. This year, it's a deep freeze. And among farmers in Italy, they feel like these extreme swings are happening more often. Experts that we talked to believe that climate change is a factor.","I don't know the Olive Oil Times.","(Laughter) Well, you should. It's the most read olive oil publication. You know, it seems niche, but there are 3 million people around the world who make - who work to make olive oil. It's a very important food, one of the healthiest products that the Earth provides us. And there's a lot to tell. It's also a cultural cornerstone for the Mediterranean region and the rest of us.","Curtis Cord, publisher of the Olive Oil Times, we'll be reading it. Thanks so much, Mr. Cord."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":2,"choice":["turn 2 : Italy may run out of its own olive oil and need to use oils from other origins.","turn 2 : In (4), the speaker is implying that the U.S. is not necessarily looking forward to the fall of Assad, but rather is trying to prepare for it.","turn 2 : Olive oil is an important and healthy food with cultural significance","turn 2 : (3) In turn (3), the speaker implies that the recent events in Iraq are not normal and that there is a sense of uncertainty and instability, despite some signs of progress.","turn 2 : In (4) the speaker is implying that the US has a higher level of tolerance for school shootings than for terrorism."]} {"text":["And I went and bought bread. I made a really good salsa and started selling tortas at a bus stop. Of course, everybody thought I was nuts. And my friends used to make a lot of fun of me - you know, no girl is going to like you because you sell food on the street. And I'd say, no, you're totally wrong. I said, I'm an entrepreneur (laughter). I have my own business.","Now he's executive chef and partner in the James Beard-nominated Taqueria del Sol, a counter-service chain in Georgia and Tennessee. In the kitchen of one of the Atlanta restaurants, he shows me how to make his turnip greens. It starts with a little butter and oil.","We're going to build the sauce for greens. And you want to saute your garlic, a few onions, your pepper. In this case, we use the chile de arbol.","The chile de arbol pepper brings some heat. It sautes with the onion and garlic until the peppers start to release their oils."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":0,"choice":["turn 0 : People should pursue their dreams and not let negative opinions stop them from achieving success.","turn 0 : It is better to be transparent about the negative aspects.","turn 0 : International investment is necessary to maintain the success against ISIS","turn 0 : Isis began just as the Arab's began to collapse or at least lose popularity.","turn 0 : Although leaders acknowledged activists' fears, more drastic actions are still needed to solve the issue."]} {"text":["Well, tell us first, let's go back. How did you find out about this because I know they try and keep this very secret?How did you find out you had been awarded the MacArthur Grant?","I kind of got punked a little bit. I mean, it's the best way to get punked you could imagine, but they called me into the offices, I was going to be in Chicago for an event, and they basically called me in more or less under the pretense that they wanted me to talk about some candidates that I was recommending.","So of course I kind of scampered in to sort of support the folks that I was hoping would get it, and they just sort of surprised me with this, you know, this incredible gift and just, you know, it kind of just blew my brains open.","So they really did manage to keep it a secret?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":4,"choice":["turn 1 : Implies disbelief in the official explanation for the meeting and wanting a better answer.","turn 1 : The president is trying to divert attention away from negative news about him and his administration","turn 1 : He can talk to the president directly with no in between people.","turn 1 : It does not seem clear on whether Trump made the phone call or received it ","turn 1 : The speaker was misled into attending a meeting under false pretenses."]} {"text":["Well, tell us first, let's go back. How did you find out about this because I know they try and keep this very secret?How did you find out you had been awarded the MacArthur Grant?","I kind of got punked a little bit. I mean, it's the best way to get punked you could imagine, but they called me into the offices, I was going to be in Chicago for an event, and they basically called me in more or less under the pretense that they wanted me to talk about some candidates that I was recommending.","So of course I kind of scampered in to sort of support the folks that I was hoping would get it, and they just sort of surprised me with this, you know, this incredible gift and just, you know, it kind of just blew my brains open.","So they really did manage to keep it a secret?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":2,"choice":["turn 1 : B is impressed or surprised by what A said.","turn 1 : (1) has an implied meaning that is different from its literal meaning. The literal meaning is that the speaker is asking if there is any sign of improvement in the situation being discussed, but the implied meaning is that the situation is bad and the speaker is hoping for some positive news or indication that things will get better.","turn 1 : A was surprised to receive the MacArthur Grant.","turn 1 : Turn (1) has an implicated meaning that is different from its literal meaning. Although the speaker denies that the remarks were racially motivated, the implication is that the speaker believes they were in fact racially motivated, and is trying to downplay or avoid addressing that implication.","turn 1 : Implied meaning: The speaker is indirectly suggesting that they may have information or opinions that they are hesitant to share openly."]} {"text":["Well, tell us first, let's go back. How did you find out about this because I know they try and keep this very secret?How did you find out you had been awarded the MacArthur Grant?","I kind of got punked a little bit. I mean, it's the best way to get punked you could imagine, but they called me into the offices, I was going to be in Chicago for an event, and they basically called me in more or less under the pretense that they wanted me to talk about some candidates that I was recommending.","So of course I kind of scampered in to sort of support the folks that I was hoping would get it, and they just sort of surprised me with this, you know, this incredible gift and just, you know, it kind of just blew my brains open.","So they really did manage to keep it a secret?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":0,"choice":["turn 2 : The experience of being awarded the MacArthur Grant was overwhelming.","turn 2 : The disaster was so immense and overwhelming that it was hard to comprehend.","turn 2 : People who usually would vote for the Republican candidate are considering voting for Hillary Clinton instead.","turn 2 : A implies that the process of political maneuvering can be absurd and comical to an outside observer.","turn 2 : To the right means politically right wing, not that they are actually sitting on the right "]} {"text":["Well, this is extremely complicated. And there doesn't seem to be a single kind of way at looking at this for all the different countries. Every country is wrestling with how to manage this. There's little legal precedent in many ways. One problem is that if you put people on trial back home, it's very difficult to get the evidence that you maybe need to actually be able to prosecute someone. So some people in - for example, in Germany have floated the idea of re-upping the sort of Nuremberg trials that were used to prosecute Nazis.","Wow.","In other cases, some have created laws to say, you know, going to Syria was itself a crime. So we've been following the case of an Austrian girl who was 15 when she left Austria. And we've been told that if she comes back, she probably would serve prison time for having gone to Syria. And there's even - the Kurdish authorities in Syria are talking about perhaps trying to set up an international tribunal to actually try these people in Syria or in Iraq.","NPR's Ruth Sherlock in Beirut."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":2,"choice":["turn 2 : Not all citizens from Syria will be accepted back.","turn 2 : The show cannot be picked up by another network or platform, indicating a potential end to the series.","turn 2 : Some countries have made going to Syria a crime and people may serve prison time for it.","turn 2 : the host is wrapping up the interview and thanking the guest for being on the show. The literal meaning is simply expressing gratitude, but the implied meaning is that the interview has come to an end.","turn 2 : \"maybe missing\" implies not currently watching Game of Thrones anymore."]} {"text":["Oh, sheesh. I'll play a little bit of \"I Knew a Lady. \"","OK, I knew a lady too.","I'm sure you did.","(Singing) I knew a lady. And she was fine. She had a pretty face And a troubled mind. All she wanted was a little fun. She got dancing feet. She wanted to get it on. All the Lord's children need to be saved All the Lord's children lost in these days All the Lord's children in the frying pan Good God, Almighty throw up your dang hands All the Lord's children out on these streets All the Lord's children fighting for peace All the Lord's children up off your knees Good God, Almighty Come dance with me Oh, oh, oh, oh All the Lord's children feeling the pain All the Lord's children trying to maintain All the Lord's children trying to kill the brain With two vodka din(ph) And a glass of champagne Don't do it Huh, it ain't gonna work All she wanted was a little fun She got dancin' feet she want to get it on."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":3,"choice":["turn 3 : (4), the speaker is commenting on something that is described as \"very pretty.\" The literal meaning of the turn is that the speaker finds the thing being referred to visually attractive. However, the implied meaning of the turn is unclear and could depend on the context of the conversation. The turn could be a sincere expression of admiration, or it could be a polite or perfunctory comment that does not reflect the speaker's true feelings. Alternatively, the turn could be sarcastic or ironic, indicating that the speaker does not actually find the thing being referred to as attractive as it may seem.","turn 3 : The video is gross, but still interesting enough to watch.","turn 3 : It is not that is something to be tasted. It is something people don't like to hear about.","turn 3 : \"I knew a lady and she was fine\" means that she looked beautiful or pretty.","turn 3 : I do not think that the ugliness mentioned is meant to be literal but metaphorical. "]} {"text":["Honestly, much to my mother's chagrin, I think I would like to come back to the Middle East and continue to cover a lot of the developments here, maybe Afghanistan, continue to cover a lot of our diplomatic efforts abroad.","I think that the next four to eight years of the Obama administration are going to be incredibly interesting, with a lot of the diplomatic efforts to just to try to put a lot of the things back together. Certainly, what's going on now in the Gaza Strip is incredibly interesting, as well. So I think, once I learn the business and learn a lot of skills, I'd love to go abroad as a foreign correspondent someday.","Army Captain Nate Rawlings with the First Brigade Combat Team of the 4th Infantry Division joining us from Baghdad. And it's been great speaking with you. Have a great new year.","Thank you. Happy New Year to you, too."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":2,"choice":["turn 0 : \"covering the Middle East\" implies assigned to the Middle East for journalistic duties.","turn 0 : There is not a table but people get to leave the negotiation.","turn 0 : A wants to continue covering developments in the Middle East despite mother's disapproval","turn 0 : The person refuses to change their mind on what they think about the situation.","turn 0 : The situation is uncertain and they need to take it one step at a time"]} {"text":["Physically in our experiment that took up - we couldn't really measure it in a scientific way, but between you and me, it's like a speck of dust.","All that stuff on a speck of dust.","Yeah.","And how much room would you need to store all the information in the world?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":3,"choice":["turn 0 : a lot of stuff means there is a massive amount","turn 0 : at the end of the day means something is likely going to happen or what happens after everything else.","turn 0 : The situation is uncertain and they need to take it one step at a time","turn 0 : A speck of dust is teeny tiny, so it implies it is tiny. ","turn 0 : (1) B is implying that something valuable is coming to an end, beyond just a literal fade out."]} {"text":["Physically in our experiment that took up - we couldn't really measure it in a scientific way, but between you and me, it's like a speck of dust.","All that stuff on a speck of dust.","Yeah.","And how much room would you need to store all the information in the world?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":2,"choice":["turn 1 : a lot of stuff means there is a massive amount","turn 1 : The table simply means that Iran is being forced to return to negotiations.","turn 1 : Again a speck of dust is tiny so it implies it is tiny. ","turn 1 : There are not pieces on a table but there are happenings in countries that are open for negotiation.","turn 1 : Assuming that Iran is responsible for the attack."]} {"text":["Well, number one, we were astounding that something over 2,000 years old decided to put roots on itself and live again. So, after the jubilation - and there was real jubilation at Archangel - we came up with the grand idea of using these trees that were lost to the world and planting them in old growth forest groves. And I'm happy to say that we're well on our way of attaining that goal.","As I understand, old growth forest, it won't look like much of anything for a few hundred years.","Well, that's not true. What most people don't understand about coast redwoods and giant sequoias is that they're probably the second-fastest-growing tree on earth that I know of, only second only to the eucalyptus. And they will grow 10 feet a year, and that is a lot of stored carbon in a very short period of time. Groves of those or forests of those will really make a measurable dent in the CO2 imbalance in our atmosphere.","Why are they planted in Port Orford?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":1,"choice":["turn 1 : Literally, this turn is a short response to A's previous statement about the time-lapse videos of human development. However, the implied meaning is that B understands and acknowledges A's previous statement about the videos featuring embryos, and is simply reiterating that fact.","turn 1 : The implied meaning here is that B thinks that old growth forests take a long time to develop, and won't look impressive for hundreds of years. However, the literal meaning of the statement is simply a statement of understanding about the appearance of old growth forests.","turn 1 : \"Flags\" does not mean that Tricia Newbold actually used flags to indicate the instances involving senior White House officials. Instead, it implies that she drew attention to these instances or brought them to the committee's notice. This is an example of a figurative or idiomatic use of language where the intended meaning is different from the literal meaning of the words used.","turn 1 : It is being implied that if everyone resigns he will be the new leader.","turn 1 : A thinks that the government is not functioning properly."]} {"text":["Those of who are interested, who have taken the time to listen to historians, listen to money experts tell us what might happen when that ratio of the debt to the gross product of the country gets big, and it's so big that it's carrying 200 or 300 percent, they just tell you right off you don't have any functioning country.","And last - what is it, last year, the - one of the rating agencies cut the U. S. AAA rating for the first time not because there was any great concern about the economy of the United States but because of dysfunction in Washington, because the various parties could not agree.","You got it, my friend. They did that, and they're apt to do more. And right now I guess the point we ought to talk about to you and your listeners, understanding that I'm not there, and I'm not a player, a participant, but yet I'm a player, one of the outside groups that finds his way in through cracks and corners and talks to the people over there.","I think they are trying to get something, led by the secretary of the Treasury, who's Geithner. . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":2,"choice":["turn 0 : It is unlikely that the Congress and the president will be able to create a debt reduction bill that benefits the country and its people, and this will put a big pressure on the budget due to the tax problem","turn 0 : Jamal Khashoggi was killed by Saudi authorities after he walked into a Saudi Consulate in Istanbul.","turn 0 : A large national debt will lead to a non-functional country.","turn 0 : The Saudi leadership is responsible for the murder of Khashoggi, but they are trying to distance themselves from it","turn 0 : There are four possible scenarios for the crown prince's future in Saudi Arabia."]} {"text":[". . . The people coming forward on the basis that they were poor young girls who were often troubled families and in, you know, the care of the state.","Mr. Ramesh, the five men arrested were all from the Pakistani community of Rotherham, and you have written about this, how did that perhaps complicate the situation?","Well, it complicated it because there was a feeling - or at least the report laid bare - this idea that people were afraid to speak out for fear of being called out as racists. Now, that's part of the story. We have a policy here of community cohesion. The government at the time wanted communities to work things out for themselves and have the gentle hand of government sort of prod them into action. But there was this idea that, you know, people couldn't speak out because of this. And unfortunately, that led to the situation - exacerbated a situation where people weren't paying attention anyway.","People were flabbergasted about the allegations about Jimmy Savile a couple of years ago, the longtime BBC host. And I wonder if people in Great Britain are turning to each other now and wondering - not to wrench things out of context - but if there's something going on and the way they behave as the nation that aids and abets a kind culture of silence when such allegations are made."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":4,"choice":["turn 3 : It implies that issue of rape and AIDS are interconnected and cannot be viewed in isolation from one another.","turn 3 : Jamal Khashoggi was killed by Saudi authorities after he walked into a Saudi Consulate in Istanbul.","turn 3 : The Saudi leadership is responsible for the murder of Khashoggi, but they are trying to distance themselves from it","turn 3 : This statement implies that President Trump has a history of not trusting U.S. intelligence agencies, which may affect his response to the CIA report on the killing of Jamal Khashoggi.","turn 3 : (4) B: People in Great Britain are turning to each other now and wondering - not to wrench things out of context - but if there's something going on and the way they behave as the nation that aids and abets a kind culture of silence when such allegations are made."]} {"text":["Do you think that this case is going to spur new changes to procedure or to policy regarding migrant care?","Investigations into this latest migrant death are still ongoing. The FBI, local police, CBP all have their own investigations, which may eventually shed some more light on what exactly went wrong here. But I think we're already hearing calls for these agencies to just follow the law and hand over migrant children to Health and Human Services within 72 hours as they are supposed to do. For their part, the agencies say they're trying to comply, but they need more resources. Not only are these Border Patrol stations overwhelmed, but the migrant shelters that are overseen by HHS are also near capacity.","One more thing - today the president appointed an immigration hard-liner, Ken Cuccinelli, to a post inside the Homeland Security Department. How could this affect immigration policy?","Right. This is the former attorney general of Virginia who ran for governor on a hard-line immigration platform a few years ago. He's already been a White House adviser on immigration. He has advocated for sending more troops to the border and stopping the migrant caravans that were a big story last year. Now Cuccinelli is going to have a formal role inside the Department of Homeland Security.","To me, this shows that President Trump is doubling down on his crackdown on immigrants that is likely to be a central focus of his 2020 reelection campaign. Though of course, as immigrant advocates point out, that strategy seems to have backfired, at least in part, when Republicans lost the House in last year's midterm elections.","That's NPR's Joel Rose. Joel, thank you."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":4,"label":3,"choice":["turn 4 : The irony is that even though congressional Republican leadership may be opposed to Donald Trump's immigration policy, they still ultimately want to pass some kind of immigration reform.","turn 4 : A: \"At the same time, I do believe that we need to find a way to deal constructively with undocumented immigrants, the majority of whom pose no threat to our communities.\"","turn 4 : The speaker wants to address the negative views towards immigrants in America and reject white nationalism and xenophobia","turn 4 : President Trump's immigration policy may have hurt Republican's midterm election results","turn 4 : The speaker is expressing concern that the justice system might be unfairly biased against certain individuals based on their race and access to resources."]} {"text":["UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER #2: Under the command of General Eisenhower, Allied naval forces supported by strong air forces began landing Allied armies this morning on the northern coast of France.","Ships deposited more than 150,000 Allied troops on the beaches of Normandy. German forces were waiting in the cliffs above, and they unleashed. Meanwhile, paratroopers boarded planes, took to the air and dropped behind enemy lines.","Oh, it was a lot of noise - one after another.","What did it sound like?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":3,"choice":["turn 0 : The friend is referring to the most prominent moment and time of the invasion.","turn 0 : The underlying trends and geographical concentration of incarceration disproportionately affect low-income communities of color, particularly young African-American males.","turn 0 : The prison industry has become too expensive for some states to handle and rehabilitation is a possible solution","turn 0 : Allied forces have begun their attack on France","turn 0 : a heavily African-American district' implies that the majority of the district's population is African-American"]} {"text":["UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER #2: Under the command of General Eisenhower, Allied naval forces supported by strong air forces began landing Allied armies this morning on the northern coast of France.","Ships deposited more than 150,000 Allied troops on the beaches of Normandy. German forces were waiting in the cliffs above, and they unleashed. Meanwhile, paratroopers boarded planes, took to the air and dropped behind enemy lines.","Oh, it was a lot of noise - one after another.","What did it sound like?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":4,"choice":["turn 1 : The size of the landing pad appears much smaller from space, highlighting the incredible precision required to land a rocket vertically.","turn 1 : I see means in this context I understand ","turn 1 : A: \"You didn't see that coming.\" - This phrase is often used figuratively to express surprise or unexpectedness, rather than referring to literal visual perception.","turn 1 : The turn in (2) is a figurative expression and its actual meaning is different from its literal meaning. ","turn 1 : Allied forces have made a successful landing on Normandy"]} {"text":["That was where I really developed my love for music. That was where all the walls and lines between music were just taken down for me when I was a kid because I just loved everything. I couldn't understand why everybody wouldn't listen to a country song, everybody wasn't listening to, you know, Rock n Rolls songs. I thought it was awesome.","Radio's gotten a lot more segregated since then, hasn't it?","Yeah. That's an understatement. I mean, the - today everything is so specialty oriented. It's one kind of music and that's all you get to hear on the radio and, you know, I liked it when I was a kid and you could hear anybody on the radio station as long as it was a good song or a hit.","So you go - you're in Hootie & the Blowfish, you have any number of talents and interests musically. \"Learn To Live\" is doing so well commercially. Your R&B record did not find quite the same home."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":4,"choice":["turn 1 : The music played in clubs and on the radio has changed significantly over time","turn 1 : The turn suggests that the speaker is feeling frustrated and overwhelmed.","turn 1 : \"the worst feeling in the world\" implies that not being recognized is the feeling that causes the most pain.","turn 1 : Everybody getting hurt doesn't mean physically hurt but that everybody is experiencing difficulties. ","turn 1 : LOVE FOR MUSIC AND RADIO HELPS MORE TO HEAR MUSIC LIKE COUNTRYSIDE MUSIC"]} {"text":["Ms. JANE D'ARISTA (Director of Programs, Financial Market Center): Commercial paper typically is about one third of the assets held by Money Market Mutual Fund. So, the fact that they have been skittish, and fear runs from their clients has meant that they have not been buying. So, the Fed has decided that it's going to buy the paper and try to get investors back in with the assurance that there is a buyer out there, namely, the Federal Reserve itself.","And Mitchell, the Fed is also doing something later this week with regards to interest rates, right?","Right. The Federal Reserve's Open Market Committee meets tomorrow and Wednesday. It seems like there's almost no chance that the Fed will sit on its hands. Economists predict an interest rate cut of either a quarter point or a half point. A half point would bring the Federal Funds Rate down to 1 percent, which would be its lowest level in four years.","Thanks, Mitchell. That's Mitchell Hartman of public radio's daily business show, Marketplace."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":1,"choice":["turn 0 : Central bankers' actions have positively affected the market.","turn 0 : Money Market Mutual Funds have not been buying commercial paper due to fear, so the Fed is buying it to encourage investors.","turn 0 : None of the turns in this conversation have a figurative or non-literal meaning.","turn 0 : There are no turns in the given conversation that have a meaning different from their literal meanings. All the turns convey their literal meanings without any implied or figurative language.","turn 0 : All the turns in this conversation appear to have their literal meanings, and there are no metaphors, figurative language or idioms used."]} {"text":["Yes, we're all OK. We're all safe. We're at his house in James City, thank goodness.","Yeah. I'm told you left after the evacuation order. May I ask why?","We made the decision to stay based on the fact that all of the ATMs were out of cash, there was a gas shortage, monetary reasons and concerns of not being able to get back in. I have my father, who is in a nursing facility fighting Stage 4 Hodgkin's lymphoma, and I was really concerned about what would happen with him.","How is your father?How is your father, may I ask?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":3,"choice":["turn 2 : The situation is so dangerous that people who refuse to evacuate should identify themselves in case of death.","turn 2 : The level of repression makes it hard for the country to function on all levels.","turn 2 : The people want visible and effective action against corruption and terrorism.","turn 2 : The decision to stay was based on financial and personal concerns, not just the evacuation order.","turn 2 : that the people don't want any more violence and want it to stop "]} {"text":["Yes, we're all OK. We're all safe. We're at his house in James City, thank goodness.","Yeah. I'm told you left after the evacuation order. May I ask why?","We made the decision to stay based on the fact that all of the ATMs were out of cash, there was a gas shortage, monetary reasons and concerns of not being able to get back in. I have my father, who is in a nursing facility fighting Stage 4 Hodgkin's lymphoma, and I was really concerned about what would happen with him.","How is your father?How is your father, may I ask?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":2,"choice":["turn 2 : The speaker is suggesting that the situation might not be as serious or dangerous as it initially seemed.","turn 2 : Oprah popularity and relevance seem to be diminishing due to her side in politics.","turn 2 : The speaker decided to stay because of the lack of resources and concerns about the safety of their father who is fighting Stage 4 Hodgkin's lymphoma","turn 2 : Oprah is worldwide. (This turn has an implied meaning that Oprah's cultural influence and recognition transcends different cultures and settings)","turn 2 : Oprah Winfrey's popularity in Saudi Arabia is unexpected."]} {"text":["Because presidents that are about to be removed from office see the writing on the wall. Richard Nixon had a very good sense of his waning support in the Senate. And when he saw it collapse, he realized that if he hung on, he would be removed, and he would lose his presidential pension.","Interesting. So one of the complaints that President Trump is making and that his supporters are making is that this is a purely partisan process. Has that complaint been made before?Is that what people normally say?Or is there something about this particular circumstance that's different?","The reason that impeachment was kept on the shelf for over a hundred years after the Johnson impeachment process was that it was viewed by all sides in the American political community as highly partisan. But it doesn't always have to be the case. And in the Nixon era - a period when I think we saw a model impeachment process - the democratic leadership bent over backwards to make the process as bipartisan as possible.","We keep hearing all kinds of comments from - particularly from former Republican members about what members of their caucus say privately. But there's no way to know how to evaluate that. We do know that publicly, the Republicans are insisting that this is partisan. The Democrats are insisting that no, it isn't. It's a constitutional matter. Do you see from where you sit a way to bridge this difference of perspective?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":3,"choice":["turn 0 : The current situation with the president and the special counsel is chaotic and lacks the same level of understanding and respect for the Constitution that Nixon had.","turn 0 : Speech has enabled us to communicate more effectively and creatively, enabling us to come up with solutions and strategies to deal with situations.","turn 0 : It doesn't actually speak, but it it does mean that nothing good comes from the information.","turn 0 : Nixon saw his support leave him and realized that if stayed president he would lose money.","turn 0 : The speaker is expressing amusement at the topic being discussed."]} {"text":["Because presidents that are about to be removed from office see the writing on the wall. Richard Nixon had a very good sense of his waning support in the Senate. And when he saw it collapse, he realized that if he hung on, he would be removed, and he would lose his presidential pension.","Interesting. So one of the complaints that President Trump is making and that his supporters are making is that this is a purely partisan process. Has that complaint been made before?Is that what people normally say?Or is there something about this particular circumstance that's different?","The reason that impeachment was kept on the shelf for over a hundred years after the Johnson impeachment process was that it was viewed by all sides in the American political community as highly partisan. But it doesn't always have to be the case. And in the Nixon era - a period when I think we saw a model impeachment process - the democratic leadership bent over backwards to make the process as bipartisan as possible.","We keep hearing all kinds of comments from - particularly from former Republican members about what members of their caucus say privately. But there's no way to know how to evaluate that. We do know that publicly, the Republicans are insisting that this is partisan. The Democrats are insisting that no, it isn't. It's a constitutional matter. Do you see from where you sit a way to bridge this difference of perspective?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":3,"choice":["turn 2 : Democrats are usually in favor of reform while Republicans are not.","turn 2 : A: \"breaking free from all of these identities and get down to that last one, which is human\" - This turn is figurative language as it refers to the author's desire to move beyond societal labels and stereotypes and focus on our common humanity rather than actually breaking free from physical identities.","turn 2 : \"mass confessions\" - This phrase refers to a practice where members of the Brethren confess their sins publicly in front of the congregation. The literal meaning would be a large number of confessions happening at once.","turn 2 : the democrats did everything they could to make it look bipartisan.","turn 2 : The speaker is implying that the same divide between religious people and non-religious people is present across the political spectrum, not just within one party."]} {"text":["Because presidents that are about to be removed from office see the writing on the wall. Richard Nixon had a very good sense of his waning support in the Senate. And when he saw it collapse, he realized that if he hung on, he would be removed, and he would lose his presidential pension.","Interesting. So one of the complaints that President Trump is making and that his supporters are making is that this is a purely partisan process. Has that complaint been made before?Is that what people normally say?Or is there something about this particular circumstance that's different?","The reason that impeachment was kept on the shelf for over a hundred years after the Johnson impeachment process was that it was viewed by all sides in the American political community as highly partisan. But it doesn't always have to be the case. And in the Nixon era - a period when I think we saw a model impeachment process - the democratic leadership bent over backwards to make the process as bipartisan as possible.","We keep hearing all kinds of comments from - particularly from former Republican members about what members of their caucus say privately. But there's no way to know how to evaluate that. We do know that publicly, the Republicans are insisting that this is partisan. The Democrats are insisting that no, it isn't. It's a constitutional matter. Do you see from where you sit a way to bridge this difference of perspective?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":1,"choice":["turn 3 : The implication is that the Republicans may have to use strong tactics to pass their agenda, even if it means having to pressure members of their own party.","turn 3 : The person wants to know what can be done to find a common thing the two political parties can agree on.","turn 3 : The speaker is telling a story about a Swedish prime minister who believed that the cause of a particular phenomenon was Russian submarines, while the scientists believed it was herrings farting. The story is likely fictional, and the implied meaning is that people in power may ignore scientific evidence and continue to promote their beliefs, even if they are not supported by facts.","turn 3 : Although the speaker says \"we know that's true,\" they are not expressing a belief that the events described in turn (2) are factual. Rather, they are acknowledging the information that has been presented and using it as a basis to introduce a theory about what might have happened to the crewmen. T","turn 3 : This statement implies that the newspaper was taking extra precautions to ensure the accuracy of their reporting."]} {"text":["Well, Pluto's official designation is a dwarf planet. And I have to tell you the people who sent this probe all the way out to Pluto are a little angry about that because when they launched it a decade ago, Pluto was still a planet.","(Laughter).","It got downgraded in the intervening years.","That seems so unfair."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":4,"choice":["turn 0 : Not feedback from everyone in the universe but a wide variety of people on the planet giving feedback.","turn 0 : The actual meaning of this turn is to be aware of the potential consequences of what you write in emails and to be careful with what you say via email.","turn 0 : This implies that people have been hiding secret messages within a seemingly innocuous message, image, or other file in a way that is not apparent to anyone who is not the intended recipient for ages.","turn 0 : implies that this sensitive information could be used by malicious individuals to blackmail federal employees.","turn 0 : The people who sent the probe feel disappointed that Pluto was downgraded and their efforts were for nothing."]} {"text":["Well, Pluto's official designation is a dwarf planet. And I have to tell you the people who sent this probe all the way out to Pluto are a little angry about that because when they launched it a decade ago, Pluto was still a planet.","(Laughter).","It got downgraded in the intervening years.","That seems so unfair."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":0,"choice":["turn 1 : B is amused at the situation, showing empathy for the people who sent the probe.","turn 1 : B is impressed or surprised by what A said.","turn 1 : \"took some stock in the company as collateral\" - refers to taking some shares of AIG as a security for the loan.","turn 1 : The new terms of the loan are unfavorable.","turn 1 : Despite having a good credit history, the credit was not available on time and it caused a lot of inconvenience"]} {"text":["Well, Pluto's official designation is a dwarf planet. And I have to tell you the people who sent this probe all the way out to Pluto are a little angry about that because when they launched it a decade ago, Pluto was still a planet.","(Laughter).","It got downgraded in the intervening years.","That seems so unfair."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":3,"choice":["turn 3 : B is implying that the situation is challenging and nerve-wracking for those involved in the operation, not necessarily that A and their team are nervous.","turn 3 : The oversight of the bailout money may not be as strong as it is intended to be.","turn 3 : The bailout could have potential negative consequences for the average taxpayer","turn 3 : B is expressing sympathy for the people who sent the probe, showing that they understand why they feel so disappointed.","turn 3 : Companies are misusing bailout money and need to be held accountable and punished for doing so. "]} {"text":["In a hospital.","Yeah.","Can we ask for the story about that?I mean, you didn't go out of your way to get married in a hospital. I guess in a sense, you did - right?","(Laughter) We had applied to get married in Illinois. We had 60 days. We were never in the same town. My wife showed up, and we had one day left; and she walked in the door from Los Angeles, and I suddenly grabbed my stomach. I said, boy, I'm not feeling well. She said, you're not getting out of it that easy. But we wound up going to the emergency room. I had my gall bladder removed."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":3,"choice":["turn 3 : Turn (3) \"Yeah, I think for those of us that are older, we call it a midlife crisis. We have these crises of confidence (laughter). But I don't think that's what was going through you\" is an example of a turn whose actual meaning is different from its literal meaning. In this turn, the speaker uses the term \"midlife crisis\" in a humorous and light-hearted way to describe a general feeling of uncertainty or confusion that comes with getting older. The actual meaning of the turn is not that the speaker believes the interviewee was experiencing a midlife crisis, but rather that the interviewee was going through a difficult time of uncertainty and confusion.","turn 3 : implies asking for an opinion on Russia's ambitions.","turn 3 : They mean that this is not a small way of being associated with Russia.","turn 3 : (Laughter) We had applied to get married in Illinois. We had 60 days. We were never in the same town. My wife showed up, and we had one day left; and she walked in the door from Los Angeles, and I suddenly grabbed my stomach. I said, boy, I'm not feeling well. She said, you're not getting out of it that easy. But we wound up going to the emergency room. I had my gall bladder removed. In this turn, the implied meaning is that the speaker's sudden stomach pain was a way for them to avoid getting married or to postpone the wedding. The literal meaning would suggest that the speaker's stomach pain was genuine and required medical attention, but the implied meaning suggests that it may have been a ploy to avoid the wedding.","turn 3 : (2) The implied meaning is that the Ukrainian president accused Russia of trying to provoke a military conflict, and that this accusation is related to Russia's actions in Crimea and in other former Soviet regions with large Russian populations. The literal meaning is consistent with this implied meaning."]} {"text":["Well, things are more quiet than usual. There's many, many fewer people and cars out on the street during the day because of the day of mourning. People are just (unintelligible). And it's also the weather is really bad. There is like a storm and cold and rain, so people are staying home, and then some people go out to celebrate New Year's Eve tonight. A lot of people won't because of the situation.","But it's a situation that is reflected all over the Arab world and many other parts of the world where people are really angry about what's going on. They think Israel is using excessive force. But they feel frustrated because they can't do anything about it, and their governments aren't - seemingly aren't doing anything about it either.","Leaders are calling for an end to the violence, but there hasn't been much talk in terms of specifics. What can be done to accomplish that goal of ending these attacks?","Well, if they wanted to do something, they could a lot - diplomatically, politically, economically - but they are really more talk than action. This is the problem. The Arab leaders I think genuinely share their people's anger with what's going on in the Israeli attack. Many Arab leaders are also angry at Hamas. They don't like Hamas very much."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":0,"choice":["turn 0 : 'many, many fewer people and cars out on the street during the day' implies that the streets are quieter than usual.","turn 0 : (1) is that people have become inactive or lacking in energy, and the speaker is suggesting that there are significant problems that need to be addressed in the city. However, the implied meaning is that people have become desensitized or accustomed to these problems, and the journalist should not make broad generalizations about the city without considering the struggles of its residents.","turn 0 : (2) The implied meaning is that the Ukrainian president accused Russia of trying to provoke a military conflict, and that this accusation is related to Russia's actions in Crimea and in other former Soviet regions with large Russian populations. The literal meaning is consistent with this implied meaning.","turn 0 : \"It's about European values.It's about democracy and rule of law.Ukrainians are tired of corruption and poor governance.They want to live as in Europe.\"","turn 0 : In turn (2), B's comment about Ukraine owing billions to Russia is not directly related to A's comment about Ukraine's gas storage and long-term energy issues. B's comment is an implication that Ukraine's ability to address its energy issues may be hindered by its financial obligations to Russia. It also suggests a possible underlying political tension between Ukraine and Russia."]} {"text":["Well, things are more quiet than usual. There's many, many fewer people and cars out on the street during the day because of the day of mourning. People are just (unintelligible). And it's also the weather is really bad. There is like a storm and cold and rain, so people are staying home, and then some people go out to celebrate New Year's Eve tonight. A lot of people won't because of the situation.","But it's a situation that is reflected all over the Arab world and many other parts of the world where people are really angry about what's going on. They think Israel is using excessive force. But they feel frustrated because they can't do anything about it, and their governments aren't - seemingly aren't doing anything about it either.","Leaders are calling for an end to the violence, but there hasn't been much talk in terms of specifics. What can be done to accomplish that goal of ending these attacks?","Well, if they wanted to do something, they could a lot - diplomatically, politically, economically - but they are really more talk than action. This is the problem. The Arab leaders I think genuinely share their people's anger with what's going on in the Israeli attack. Many Arab leaders are also angry at Hamas. They don't like Hamas very much."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":4,"choice":["turn 1 : that the people don't want any more violence and want it to stop ","turn 1 : In turn 2, the speaker is implying that even though Mr. Putin's arguments may sound familiar to those of Hitler in 1938, the analogy between the two is still an exaggeration.","turn 1 : The actual meaning is different from its literal meaning. The speaker is saying that the protest movement in Ukraine is not just about a trade agreement with the West, but rather about the desire for European values, democracy, and the rule of law. The literal meaning would be that the protest movement is not solely focused on trade agreements.","turn 1 : (2) implies that Russia's goal is to promote a worldview that everything is corrupt and that its tactics are meant to psychologically influence others;","turn 1 : 'Leaders are calling for an end to the violence, but there hasn't been much talk in terms of specifics.' implies that leaders are not taking specific actions to end the violence."]} {"text":["You know, I'm encouraged by the step. It makes it easier to deal with churches that have enabled or covered up sexual abuse. That being said, it is a framework only.","A framework only - what do you mean?","Well, it creates a new committee by which these claims can be vetted. What we don't know yet is who is going to be on that committee, what questions the committee will be asking as they consider whether or not churches are in violation of the SBC standards on sexual abuse. And so it really remains to be seen what is built on that framework.","Talk to me about the culture. I'm thinking of some reporting that our religion correspondent, Tom Gjelten, has been doing this week. He's been interviewing Southern Baptist women. And they describe a culture that is resistant to change. Has that been your experience as you've interacted with church leaders?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":1,"choice":["turn 1 : B disagrees with the premise of the question but is willing to discuss it further.","turn 1 : B doesn't understand the implications of the framework","turn 1 : Implied meaning: Is there any indication of what will happen next in the conflict?","turn 1 : In turn (4), the literal meaning is that North Korea's nuclear capabilities are something to be reckoned with and the speaker is asking why we shouldn't be concerned about this one move. However, the actual meaning is that the speaker is asking for an explanation as to why the reassembling of the site should not be a cause for concern, despite the fact that North Korea's nuclear capabilities are usually considered a threat.","turn 1 : Implied meaning: The speaker is suggesting that they are uncertain about the future outcome of a situation, and are not making any definitive statements or commitments. The tone and context of the statement could suggest that the speaker is being cautious, non-committal, or may be waiting for more information before making a decision."]} {"text":["Possible charges and possible indictment for bribery in a number of cases - and yet, that's not - it's barely scratching the surface here in the headlines. Netanyahu is poised to have a very strong few weeks. He is meeting Secretary of State Pompeo this week in Jerusalem. He goes to Washington next week, expected to meet Trump. Brazil's new president is visiting just days before the elections, and all of this could boost Netanyahu's profile.","And of course, people are following violence in the West Bank and Gaza happening at the same time. What's happening there?","Yeah. Yesterday a Palestinian stabbed a soldier, stole his gun, commandeered a car and fired shots. An Israeli soldier and a rabbi were killed. Another soldier was badly wounded. And this comes a week after two Palestinians were killed by Israeli fire. And then in Gaza, we've been seeing some rare protests against Hamas, against tax hikes there. All of this is a reminder that even though there's been a relative period of calm here, there is continuing tension. And when violence erupts, it can impact how Israelis vote.","Do you notice intense interest in this election, Daniel?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":2,"choice":["turn 0 : to surface in this context means that something has been kept secret but isn't anymore","turn 0 : something that was hinted at or suggested, but not directly stated.","turn 0 : \"Scratching the surface\" here implies that a topic or issue has only begun to be considered or addressed, and that the scope is much greater. It has nothing to do with actual scratching anything in the physical sense.","turn 0 : something that was hinted at or suggested, but not directly stated.","turn 0 : the phenomenon described in the book is extraordinary and could be perceived as a miracle by some readers, even though the literal meaning is simply acknowledging that the phenomenon is portrayed realistically in the book."]} {"text":["Oh, there are lots of modern blunders but not all of them are brilliant.","To be brilliant, it has to be truly an epic blunder, is what you're saying.","Well, it has to be something that in one way or another leads to a real breakthrough. You know, this is how I define, you know, a brilliant blunder and not just something that is a big mistake. I mean there are lots of huge mistakes.","While I was writing this book, when people would ask me what is your book about, I said, you know, it's about brilliant blunders and it's not an autobiography."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":3,"choice":["turn 1 : Implies that the situation is incredible and shocking, rather than simply saying that it is amazing.","turn 1 : The speaker identifies with various forms of art and culture, and has a deep appreciation for life and love.","turn 1 : The speaker is expressing appreciation for the opportunity of being able to discuss the issue.","turn 1 : To be brilliant it has to be an extremely large blunder.","turn 1 : implies that the speaker is expressing gratitude for the other person's time and attention."]} {"text":["Oh, there are lots of modern blunders but not all of them are brilliant.","To be brilliant, it has to be truly an epic blunder, is what you're saying.","Well, it has to be something that in one way or another leads to a real breakthrough. You know, this is how I define, you know, a brilliant blunder and not just something that is a big mistake. I mean there are lots of huge mistakes.","While I was writing this book, when people would ask me what is your book about, I said, you know, it's about brilliant blunders and it's not an autobiography."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":1,"choice":["turn 1 : Implies that the situation is incredible and shocking, rather than simply saying that it is amazing.","turn 1 : To be truly brilliant, a blunder must lead to a real breakthrough.","turn 1 : \"they were shocked, stunned\" implies they were surprised in a negative way.","turn 1 : Stunned and shocked means that they were surprised greatly by the information.","turn 1 : \"shocked - really shocked\" is a figurative way of expressing the speaker's strong emotional reaction."]} {"text":["Oh, there are lots of modern blunders but not all of them are brilliant.","To be brilliant, it has to be truly an epic blunder, is what you're saying.","Well, it has to be something that in one way or another leads to a real breakthrough. You know, this is how I define, you know, a brilliant blunder and not just something that is a big mistake. I mean there are lots of huge mistakes.","While I was writing this book, when people would ask me what is your book about, I said, you know, it's about brilliant blunders and it's not an autobiography."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":4,"choice":["turn 2 : This statement implies that the situation is unpredictable and confusing for many people.","turn 2 : The people want visible and effective action against corruption and terrorism.","turn 2 : There is doubt whether the Congress will be able to come up with a comprehensive solution for all the issues and it may require multiple attempts","turn 2 : It's getting harder to make people believe that the Supreme Court is not political.","turn 2 : A brilliant blunder is not just a big mistake, but something that leads to progress."]} {"text":["Can I say [expletive]?","Nope. You sure can't. So we're going to call them useless. Giertz lives on a houseboat in Sweden and has found fame through posting videos of her useless robots online.","The first one that I did with a robot arm is called the Breakfast Machine. And it's basically a robot arm that I programmed to pour cereal and milk into a bowl and then feed it to me with a spoon. But all it does is, like, pour the cereal everywhere.","It throws the packet on the floor and it pours milk everywhere, including over me. And it doesn't actually manage to feed me anything. But it does hand me an empty spoon, so it succeeded in that part at least."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":4,"choice":["turn 3 : having a hand in it implies being an agent, playing a part or the reason why something happens, and not meaning to have a part of one's hand inside something","turn 3 : Implied meaning: The speaker is suggesting that they are uncertain about the future outcome of a situation, and are not making any definitive statements or commitments. The tone and context of the statement could suggest that the speaker is being cautious, non-committal, or may be waiting for more information before making a decision.","turn 3 : Implied meaning: The speaker may be suggesting that there are some hidden or unknown factors that could influence the situation being discussed.","turn 3 : Implied meaning: It's important to take a step back and reflect on our actions before making decisions.","turn 3 : (4) The robot arm did not actually succeed in feeding the person, despite handing them an empty spoon. The actual meaning is that the robot arm is not very useful or effective."]} {"text":["It is in both tinfoil and wax paper.","Oh, that's a good technique. You know, in San Francisco, they're really into the tinfoil wrapped, but a lot of people don't like that because it keeps the moisture in. It can get a little bit gooey or moist in unpleasant ways. So some people use wax paper but then, you know, the opposite can happen - it can dry out if you'll used tinfoil.","OK, so I understand that you have a scoring system. So walk me through this burrito. Let's dissect this thing.","OK, so I rate it on five criteria. The first category is the tortilla."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":4,"choice":["turn 2 : walk me through means to explain why to the person asking","turn 2 : A is advocating for social and political change.","turn 2 : gravity implies that in politics a person's actions can hinder them from acting further","turn 2 : \"engaged in the process\" - this means actively participating in the political process, not just being present or observing it.","turn 2 : B: \"OK, so I understand that you have a scoring system. So walk me through this burrito. Let's dissect this thing.\" - \"Walk me through\" and \"dissect\" are being used figuratively to mean that B wants A to explain the burrito in detail, rather than literally walking through or cutting open the burrito."]} {"text":["However, it's also this wonderful book about class and how we think about the way that books influence us. Every detail is amazing. I just - I - Claire Harman describes the aristocrat as being ripe and aged. It also really answers this essential question of how powerful can books be.","Barrie Hardymon, our books editor. And if you want specific recommendations, you can always tweet her @bhardymon, or tell us what you're recommending to your friends, @NPRWeekend.","Barrie, thanks for this.","You're welcome."],"speaker":["A","B","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":3,"choice":["turn 0 : This statement of A implies that the Aspirant is too old and does not have a good communication skill to be a leader.","turn 0 : it look like a meaningless. u can improve the sentence","turn 0 : be put right means that something should be made correct, or something should be corrected","turn 0 : \"aristocrat as being ripe\" implies aristocrat as being mature.","turn 0 : on and off means in this context that they are doing something then not doing something"]} {"text":["Well, the Central Intelligence Agency was and, you know, theoretically they also were under the control of the mission. But that's - again, and that's why the senior agency thing becomes so muddled, were they or were they not, and also that special operations team, I don't think, was a working for the CIA. I think they were, you know, DOD asset that obviously was operating in support of the mission there on the ground. So who was in-charge remains a question. Obviously, the deputy from his testimony didn't think he had the power to do that, nor was the special operations commander on the ground able to take independent action apparently without going back to D. C.","And. . .","So that really raises some questions that we really ought to get to before the next one of these things pops up.","There was also confusion. Ordinarily there would have been military aircraft - Air Force planes on call on behalf of the - to support operations, if the mission called, but they were too far away."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":0,"choice":["turn 2 : \"raises some questions\" means that there are more questions out there that need to be answered.","turn 2 : They asked more questions to find out the answer and got one.","turn 2 : The interviewer reminds the speaker of what they've been saying, which is different from what the speaker is saying now.","turn 2 : \"my pleasure\" - This phrase is a polite way of responding to a thank you, but it does not actually mean that the person feels pleasure.","turn 2 : Pleasure to speak to you. (This is a polite way of expressing appreciation for the invitation to speak on the show.)"]} {"text":["Thank you.","What's your game plan to recapture the glory days of Fischer versus Spassky?","Well, I think what I remember most clearly from my childhood, which inspires me in transforming chess into a spectator sport is having a radio under my pillow and listening to the Orioles games in Baltimore. Here in England, I try and remind people of listening to cricket on the radio. These were enormously popular ways of consuming sports, and you didn't really need to see anything. You have the same thing with chess. If you happen to have a computer at hand, you get brilliant new data visualization, which allows you to see with the eyes of a grandmaster. So, it's not at all the sort of paint-drying experience that you imagine.","How do you hope to get people who don't care so deeply about chess or might even not know how the game is played except the vaguely know that a checkmate is something good and the king is something that you aspire to be on the board. How do you get them interested?","Well, we don't probably. And I don't think it really matters. We hired a great media research company and we came to the amazing conclusion there are more people in America who play chess regularly now than there are people who play tennis and golf.","But to point out the obvious: the play chess, they don't watch it."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":1,"choice":["turn 2 : The actual meaning of this turn is that professional athletes should take advantage of the opportunities they have and make the most of them, because they may not get the same opportunity again.","turn 2 : A's response is not directly answering B's question about the game plan to recapture the glory days of Fischer versus Spassky. Instead, A is sharing their inspiration to transform chess into a spectator sport and explaining how it can be consumed without the need for visual aids.","turn 2 : Implied meaning: The speaker may be using a metaphor or analogy to convey a deeper meaning or idea, often related to emotions or personal experiences.","turn 2 : Implied meaning: The speaker may be using a metaphor or analogy to explain or describe something, often to make a complex idea easier to understand or to create a vivid image in the listener's mind.","turn 2 : Implied meaning: The speaker may be using metaphors or analogies to convey a complex idea or emotion in a more relatable or understandable way."]} {"text":["Hey, Lulu.","So, Gene, let's start by looking at the money involved in big-time college sports. You looked specifically at the Power Five.","Yup, the Power Five conferences - the SEC, the Big Ten, the Big 12, the Pac-12, and the ACC. They win all the trophies, and they make all the money. According to ESPN, in 2015, they made $6 billion.","Six billion?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":2,"choice":["turn 1 : It implies that Student-athletes are being exploited for their labor and not fairly compensated.","turn 1 : Implied meaning: The speaker's use of repetition or emphasis on certain words may convey a hidden or implied meaning, such as sarcasm, irony, or frustration, that complements or contrasts with their words.","turn 1 : B wants to discuss the financial aspect of big-time college sports.","turn 1 : Implied meaning: The speaker perceives that the turn may have an underlying or implied meaning that could be interpreted in various ways depending on the listener's perspective and context, and while not everyone may agree, most people are likely to recognize some level of subtext or hidden message.","turn 1 : Implied meaning: The speaker may be using a euphemism or understatement to convey a more significant or sensitive message."]} {"text":["Hey, Lulu.","So, Gene, let's start by looking at the money involved in big-time college sports. You looked specifically at the Power Five.","Yup, the Power Five conferences - the SEC, the Big Ten, the Big 12, the Pac-12, and the ACC. They win all the trophies, and they make all the money. According to ESPN, in 2015, they made $6 billion.","Six billion?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":3,"choice":["turn 2 : The actual meaning of this turn is that professional athletes should take advantage of the opportunities they have and make the most of them, because they may not get the same opportunity again.","turn 2 : Whipping egg whites breaks down proteins and creates a structure that captures air bubbles, resulting in a fluffy foam.","turn 2 : Well, yes and no.I mean, the last cookbook like this which takes a long time to do, but I still hope to do some little thing with my daughter, maybe the lesson of a grandfather, you know, showing her how to do simple thing that we've done together.I have a great deal of fun cooking with her so maybe a little book.Certainly, some video will come with that, yes, hopefully.","turn 2 : The Power Five conferences win all the trophies and make a lot of money.","turn 2 : Hurry up and get started on the task."]} {"text":["Hey, Lulu.","So, Gene, let's start by looking at the money involved in big-time college sports. You looked specifically at the Power Five.","Yup, the Power Five conferences - the SEC, the Big Ten, the Big 12, the Pac-12, and the ACC. They win all the trophies, and they make all the money. According to ESPN, in 2015, they made $6 billion.","Six billion?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":4,"choice":["turn 2 : The actual meaning of this turn is that professional athletes should take advantage of the opportunities they have and make the most of them, because they may not get the same opportunity again.","turn 2 : A is telling a joke instead of discussing the topic","turn 2 : Implied meaning: This turn's use of humor or sarcasm may indicate a deeper subtext or intention, highlighting the potential for indirect communication to convey complex messages.","turn 2 : Turn 4 has an implied meaning that conveys a sense of irony or humor. While the speaker's comment is framed as a joke and elicits laughter from their conversation partner, it also carries a serious message about the importance of getting enough sleep.","turn 2 : The Power Five conferences dominate college sports and generate significant revenue."]} {"text":["Klay Thompson has made it very, very clear that despite the injury, he wants to stay there and that the Warriors have pretty much said that they're going to reward him as well for playing his guts out. He belongs with that team. The Warriors aren't going to be what they were, but, eventually, when those injuries are clear, they're still going to be a really good team.","Wimbledon begins next week. What are you watching for?","I'm watching for two things, and I'm really looking for Ashleigh Barty. I'm actually watching her in a couple of ways. One, she has the chance to become the first Indigenous player, obviously from Australia, to become world No. 1. She can do that tomorrow if she wins in the final at Birmingham. She can also - when Wimbledon begins, she can become the first Indigenous woman since Evonne Goolagong, also who was No. 1 in 1976.","My favorite player as a youth, yeah."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":1,"choice":["turn 0 : What people think of him has lessened due to the situation.","turn 0 : They are going to reward him for playing as hard as he could despite his injury.","turn 0 : B is interested in the connection between jazz and hip-hop in A's work.","turn 0 : A reflects on his childhood experiences of racism and isolation as the only black kid.","turn 0 : Even though they faced many obstacles in their music career, they persevered and continued to move forward."]} {"text":["What drew you to getting involved?","I made a comic about him earlier this year, and I sort of rallied this fan base of Nikola Tesla fans. And then I actually was involved in this little lawsuit in June. It was unrelated to Tesla. But as part of this lawsuit, I ended up starting a charity campaign, a crowd funding campaign to raise money for cancer and for the National Wildlife Federation. And it was a huge success. We raised like 10 times the amount of money we needed. Instead of raising 20 grand, we raised $211,000.","So then I heard in August about this real estate in Long Island that was up for sale that was Nikola Tesla's old laboratory, and I figured with my army of Tesla fans on the Internet and my previous experience with crowd funding, I thought I would be the perfect person to come in and see if I could make a difference.","Your comic, I think, is titled \"Why Nikola Tesla Was The Greatest Geek Who Ever Lived. \"Would you mind making that case for us?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":4,"choice":["turn 2 : Tesla is an underappreciated hero and people sympathize with him through the crowdfunding campaign","turn 2 : (2) implies that B is wondering what the latest news or developments are in the situation,","turn 2 : Actual meaning: B is challenging A's position and implying that it is morally questionable. Literal meaning: B is asking A if they want to align themselves with people who cut 3 percent from the Meals on Wheels budget.","turn 2 : Actual meaning: B is bringing the conversation to an end because of time constraints, but expressing interest in having A return in the future. Literal meaning: B is stating that A will be invited back and that Michael Graham is the podcast editor for The Weekly Standard.","turn 2 : A thinks that with their army of Tesla fans and experience with crowd funding, they can make a difference in Nikola Tesla's old laboratory."]} {"text":["Well, after a while the winnings that I was getting wasn't enough. I always wanted more. And I found myself after a win and if I had to leave, I would always find myself the quickest opportunity to go back and win more and to win more and then I find myself going there every night and on the weekends and every opportunity. But in the winnings, I started to lose as well. And the more I lost, the more I wanted to return and reclaim my losses. And basically that got me started on a whirlwind and a cycle of - seem like never ending.","How deep do you think you were in it in terms of losses, total losses?","Oh, goodness. I would not say millions. But I would say hundreds of thousands.","And it changed your behavior with your friends and family, right?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":3,"choice":["turn 2 : The music business was losing a great deal of money with end in sight.","turn 2 : (3) Implied meaning: Despite the fact that Buchanan was liked for his civility, he was still an ineffective leader and failed to take action in a crucial moment.","turn 2 : The speaker is reflecting on the fact that Lincoln's willingness to work with his rivals was seen as a weakness by some in Washington at the time, but in hindsight, it was a display of personal strength and leadership","turn 2 : The speaker lost a significant amount of money through gambling.","turn 2 : (1) Implied meaning: Are you suggesting that despite the good things Franklin Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln did, they were still wrong for certain actions? "]} {"text":["Yeah.","I love salt.","You didn't see that coming. (Laughter) You love salt.","I totally didn't.","That's an essential mineral."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":2,"choice":["turn 2 : Implied meaning: The speaker may be hinting at a deeper meaning or intention behind their words or actions, which requires further investigation or understanding to fully grasp.","turn 2 : The line did not break but somewhere in time things got worse.","turn 2 : Implicated meaning: A is teasing or mocking B for not realizing that B loves salt. The phrase \"You didn't see that coming\" implies that B's love for salt was unexpected or surprising.","turn 2 : Fault lines are ways that people will get shaken up over events that are being caused by Putin.","turn 2 : can be cracked meaning the problem can be looked into and a solution found for it"]} {"text":["Yeah.","I love salt.","You didn't see that coming. (Laughter) You love salt.","I totally didn't.","That's an essential mineral."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":2,"choice":["turn 2 : I see means in this context I understand ","turn 2 : The hurricane caused severe destruction and devastation in the area.","turn 2 : A: \"You didn't see that coming.\" - This phrase is often used figuratively to express surprise or unexpectedness, rather than referring to literal visual perception.","turn 2 : So California has been where innovation has been occuring and tested.","turn 2 : The state of California is in financial trouble and may not be able to pay its employees or meet its financial obligations"]} {"text":["Yeah.","I love salt.","You didn't see that coming. (Laughter) You love salt.","I totally didn't.","That's an essential mineral."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":4,"label":3,"choice":["turn 4 : Implicated meaning: The speaker is expressing a desire to create a character in their book who is strong and believable, rather than simply creating a character who is physically strong. The implied meaning is that the speaker values depth and authenticity in their character portrayal, rather than creating a one-dimensional, superficial character.","turn 4 : All the turns in this conversation appear to have their literal meanings, and there are no metaphors, figurative language or idioms used.","turn 4 : Implied meaning: The speaker may be using metaphors or analogies to convey a complex idea or emotion in a more relatable or understandable way.","turn 4 : Implicated meaning: A is sarcastically downplaying the significance of B's love for salt. While the literal meaning suggests a factual statement about salt being an essential mineral, the tone and context imply that A is being dismissive or making light of B's statement about loving salt.","turn 4 : how it play out implies the final result of a thing or series of things that happened"]} {"text":[". . . and copied the symbols that most closely resembled the text. And we had a friend who lived across the street who was an artist, and he helped me translate it into proper copy. And then we resubmitted it to Stan.","And Stan was stuck.","And so he smiled, accepted defeat, and this became the first page of this book.","All right, so this came to light recently because Stanley Fischer was head of the Bank of Israel, and he's nominated to be vice chairman of the U. S. Federal Reserve. Somebody got the idea that it was about time to find out what this is all about, I gather.","Somebody thought - somebody in my team thought that it would be fun to actually put this as a challenge, and basically promised a prize to whoever would be able to make sense of that page."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":0,"choice":["turn 2 : 3: Stan accepted the challenge and was happy to see the result of it. 2: Stan was frustrated or overwhelmed","turn 2 : There were some personal problems, and he is trying to understand the reason behind them without being too direct.","turn 2 : The outcome of the parliamentary election is uncertain, and it is difficult to predict what will happen next","turn 2 : We saw reports of damage slowly come in to our studio. It is chaotic and confusing for everyone right after an earthquake and everyone is a bit stunned.","turn 2 : No one is currently out due to the strong winds"]} {"text":[". . . and copied the symbols that most closely resembled the text. And we had a friend who lived across the street who was an artist, and he helped me translate it into proper copy. And then we resubmitted it to Stan.","And Stan was stuck.","And so he smiled, accepted defeat, and this became the first page of this book.","All right, so this came to light recently because Stanley Fischer was head of the Bank of Israel, and he's nominated to be vice chairman of the U. S. Federal Reserve. Somebody got the idea that it was about time to find out what this is all about, I gather.","Somebody thought - somebody in my team thought that it would be fun to actually put this as a challenge, and basically promised a prize to whoever would be able to make sense of that page."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":4,"label":1,"choice":["turn 4 : All the turns in this conversation appear to have their literal meanings, and there are no metaphors, figurative language or idioms used.","turn 4 : 5: Someone on A's team proposed the challenge as a fun activity, not as a serious test. There are no turns in this conversation whose actual meanings are different from their literal meanings. All of the turns are being used in a straightforward and literal manner.","turn 4 : (2) Implied meaning: While individuals should have the right to own firearms, it is not practical to suggest the mass confiscation of all firearms in the country.","turn 4 : The literal meaning of the turn is asking why they want to cause violence, but the implied meaning is asking why they find violence appealing or attractive.","turn 4 : In turn (2), the speaker is describing the use of oversized slingshots in a conflict to throw pipe bombs farther than they would normally be able to reach. The literal meaning is a description of the physical objects and their use, but the implied meaning is the unusual and desperate measures taken in a violent conflict."]} {"text":[". . . and copied the symbols that most closely resembled the text. And we had a friend who lived across the street who was an artist, and he helped me translate it into proper copy. And then we resubmitted it to Stan.","And Stan was stuck.","And so he smiled, accepted defeat, and this became the first page of this book.","All right, so this came to light recently because Stanley Fischer was head of the Bank of Israel, and he's nominated to be vice chairman of the U. S. Federal Reserve. Somebody got the idea that it was about time to find out what this is all about, I gather.","Somebody thought - somebody in my team thought that it would be fun to actually put this as a challenge, and basically promised a prize to whoever would be able to make sense of that page."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":4,"label":3,"choice":["turn 4 : Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.","turn 4 : to move in direction in this context means to change something","turn 4 : to move around in this context means to move from place to place, like moving from one house to another","turn 4 : Despite the initial difficulty, the team persevered and eventually succeeded in translating the text.","turn 4 : \"walked them right back\" means retracting or withdrawing from a previously stated position, rather than physically walking backward"]} {"text":["Yes, far more often. And I'm not sure we fully understand why. In this particular - the latest case, the president said he was not informed until 24 hours before Shanahan pulled out. That was just hard to believe. It's either that reflects gross incompetence on the part of his team in not telling him, or he's lying about it and\/or some combination thereof. But we don't know the answer to that.","What we do know is there has been a pattern of withdrawals from nominations that were not fully vetted, or some things popped up at the last minute. You know, both the person nominated that the president wanted to be Army secretary and the person he wanted to be Navy secretary were both knocked out by disclosures that had not come up in the early vetting.","So who's supposed to find this stuff out in the early vetting?Whose responsibility is it?","There are two institutions that are responsible, take primary lead for it - nominees who require Senate confirmation. One first and foremost is the White House working in conjunction with the Internal Revenue Service, working as well with the FBI to do a thorough financial, legal and personal conduct - and that includes domestic violence - kind of search. While that is underway - and it can take a number of weeks - the Senate itself takes up a background check. And so it's almost shocking that the senators are saying they didn't know.","Every administration has some level of dysfunction. But in a White House that is running somewhat more smoothly than this one, how would this work when it's a well-oiled machine or something close to it?"],"speaker":["A","A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":1,"choice":["turn 0 : The president is trying to prioritize the needs of those who have been forgotten by society.","turn 0 : The president may be lying about not being informed","turn 0 : The turn (3) by speaker B is an example of a statement whose actual meaning is different from its literal meaning. In this turn, speaker B uses a metaphor of a bucket of rice to explain the concept of DNA analysis and how it can be used to identify the origin of a sample. The actual meaning of the turn is that DNA analysis can reveal subtle differences in the genetic makeup of individuals, which can be used to identify their origin or other characteristics. However, the literal meaning of the turn is about a bucket of rice and the difficulty of identifying a few brown grains of rice in a sea of white grains.","turn 0 : The implied meaning is that A is inquiring about the details surrounding B's special person.","turn 0 : A's turn does not contain any figurative language. The speaker is expressing their genuine reaction to the artist's work."]} {"text":["Yes, far more often. And I'm not sure we fully understand why. In this particular - the latest case, the president said he was not informed until 24 hours before Shanahan pulled out. That was just hard to believe. It's either that reflects gross incompetence on the part of his team in not telling him, or he's lying about it and\/or some combination thereof. But we don't know the answer to that.","What we do know is there has been a pattern of withdrawals from nominations that were not fully vetted, or some things popped up at the last minute. You know, both the person nominated that the president wanted to be Army secretary and the person he wanted to be Navy secretary were both knocked out by disclosures that had not come up in the early vetting.","So who's supposed to find this stuff out in the early vetting?Whose responsibility is it?","There are two institutions that are responsible, take primary lead for it - nominees who require Senate confirmation. One first and foremost is the White House working in conjunction with the Internal Revenue Service, working as well with the FBI to do a thorough financial, legal and personal conduct - and that includes domestic violence - kind of search. While that is underway - and it can take a number of weeks - the Senate itself takes up a background check. And so it's almost shocking that the senators are saying they didn't know.","Every administration has some level of dysfunction. But in a White House that is running somewhat more smoothly than this one, how would this work when it's a well-oiled machine or something close to it?"],"speaker":["A","A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":4,"choice":["turn 3 : They don't think Nancy Pelosi would begin impeachment proceedings if she wasn't sure that what she knew would get the president impeached.","turn 3 : Although the literal meaning of this turn is simply an acknowledgement or agreement, the implied meaning behind it is that the speaker may not be fully engaged or interested in the conversation. It could be interpreted as a way of signaling disinterest or a desire to move on to a different topic.","turn 3 : The speaker is suggesting that there may be a hidden agenda or underlying motive behind their words.","turn 3 : (2) The literal meaning of this turn is a simple question, but the implied meaning is that the speaker wants to know what actions can be taken to address the issue being discussed and is seeking guidance or suggestions.","turn 3 : The senators should have known about the nominees' background check"]} {"text":["Well, we think that the individual insurance markets need to be stabilized. There needs to be certainty. Right now, the insurance companies are putting together their plans for rating the 2018 insurance products, and they have no certainty from Congress regarding the support for insurance premiums for lower income people. Without knowing those, they don't know how to price their policies, and they're going to price them very high. So the bit - that's the biggest thing that needs to be addressed right now.","Dr. Gurman, I move to ask you a question, both as a physician with a practice and the head of the AMA, how much time do you have to spend on matters that have nothing to do with medicine?","Well, unfortunately, a lot. We know from doing detailed studies where we actually follow doctors and minute to minute with a stopwatch find out what they're doing. The doctors are spending less than half of their time actually taking care of patients. So it's a big problem.","And how would you reduce that bureaucracy, though?Because, you know, bureaucracies run on (laughter) run on a paper trail in a sense."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":0,"choice":["turn 0 : (1) A: The speaker implies that the lack of certainty from Congress regarding support for insurance premiums for lower income people is causing instability in the individual insurance markets, which is leading insurance companies to price their policies very high.","turn 0 : Don't just paraphase the words! Find the implicated meaning! We don't want answers like: to be silent means stay quiet and not making noise, bad answer! Please read the examples above carefully! (1)\tA:\tWell, what it does is it does away with the prohibition against rating on pre-existing conditions, meaning that if you have a pre-existing condition - and about a third of us do - that you could be charged a much higher rate for insurance.So let me give you an example.Somebody is working, they have insurance, and they have a catastrophic illness - cancer, some other calamity.They have to stop working because they need to get their condition taken care of.If they're out for 60 days, they lose their insurance.And now, they have to pay whatever the insurance company decides is the premium because they are - now have a pre-existing condition.Somebody in that situation may never be able to accumulate enough money to pay the very high premiums and get back on the cycle of having continuous insurance coverage. (2)\tB:\tNow, of course, Speaker Ryan looks forward to what are called now high-risk pools.These would be plans that are essentially devoted to try and accommodate people who have expensive and pre-existing conditions.You're not convinced that would do it. (3)\tA:\tWell, I think that the problem with those is in the fine print.First of all, very often they are not adequately funded.And many of the high-risk pools have lifetime caps, lifetime limits. (4)\tB:\tWhat kind of reforms would you like to make? Please choose the turns whose actual meanings are different from their literal meanings. (1) (2) (3) (4)","turn 0 : White progressives cause harm to people of color despite their belief that they are not racist.","turn 0 : implies that the Democrats should not become complacent with their current demographics and should focus on further outreach","turn 0 : The election of a Democratic House and the rise of white supremacy have made it possible for the issue of slavery and reparation to gain more attention."]} {"text":["Well, we think that the individual insurance markets need to be stabilized. There needs to be certainty. Right now, the insurance companies are putting together their plans for rating the 2018 insurance products, and they have no certainty from Congress regarding the support for insurance premiums for lower income people. Without knowing those, they don't know how to price their policies, and they're going to price them very high. So the bit - that's the biggest thing that needs to be addressed right now.","Dr. Gurman, I move to ask you a question, both as a physician with a practice and the head of the AMA, how much time do you have to spend on matters that have nothing to do with medicine?","Well, unfortunately, a lot. We know from doing detailed studies where we actually follow doctors and minute to minute with a stopwatch find out what they're doing. The doctors are spending less than half of their time actually taking care of patients. So it's a big problem.","And how would you reduce that bureaucracy, though?Because, you know, bureaucracies run on (laughter) run on a paper trail in a sense."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":0,"choice":["turn 2 : (3) A: The speaker implies that doctors are spending a significant amount of time on non-patient care activities, which is a major problem in the medical industry.","turn 2 : Lack of medical resources and delayed operations have negative effects on patients' health.","turn 2 : The speaker is acknowledging the wealth of their country and how they have been living in luxury, but now they feel like beggars due to the sudden change in their circumstances.","turn 2 : The speaker is saying that money is important, but not as important as the enjoyment of cooking.","turn 2 : The sweet spot means they are in a good situation financially to lend to others."]} {"text":["Well, we think that the individual insurance markets need to be stabilized. There needs to be certainty. Right now, the insurance companies are putting together their plans for rating the 2018 insurance products, and they have no certainty from Congress regarding the support for insurance premiums for lower income people. Without knowing those, they don't know how to price their policies, and they're going to price them very high. So the bit - that's the biggest thing that needs to be addressed right now.","Dr. Gurman, I move to ask you a question, both as a physician with a practice and the head of the AMA, how much time do you have to spend on matters that have nothing to do with medicine?","Well, unfortunately, a lot. We know from doing detailed studies where we actually follow doctors and minute to minute with a stopwatch find out what they're doing. The doctors are spending less than half of their time actually taking care of patients. So it's a big problem.","And how would you reduce that bureaucracy, though?Because, you know, bureaucracies run on (laughter) run on a paper trail in a sense."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":4,"choice":["turn 3 : (2) implies that people are facing a lot of bureaucracy and paperwork, ","turn 3 : \"Obamacare\" The actual meaning of this turn is not different from its literal meaning. It refers to the Affordable Care Act, which was signed into law by President Barack Obama in 2010.","turn 3 : The implied meaning of the speaker's response to the question of overturning the Affordable Care Act is that they don't only want to do away with it, but also to replace it with something better.","turn 3 : (3) A: The speaker implies that doctors are spending a significant amount of time on non-patient care activities, which is a major problem in the medical industry.","turn 3 : (4) B: The speaker implies that reducing bureaucracy is not as simple as just getting rid of paperwork, as bureaucracies are inherently reliant on established procedures and processes."]} {"text":["What about people who work for somebody who's in power and might not get the same guarantees?","Well, the problem with the guarantees is that who gives them?Because now there is a highly fragmented global community of attorneys, of activists, of non-governmental organizations and foundations that can't initiate proceedings against these people. Former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet felt very safe in, you know, in a trip to Europe. And all of a sudden, he was taken into custody unexpectedly by a judge in Spain. And so, you know, no one today can offer foolproof guarantees to dictators that they will not be prosecuted once they are out of power or even if they are still in power.","If you take a look, for example, at Syria, have we seen that at play?","Yeah. Well, in Syria remember; we - the international community thought that Bashar al-Assad was gone and that his days were counted. And he's still there."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":1,"choice":["turn 3 : This is a day where a something very important has happened or is happening.","turn 3 : when someone or somethings days are\/were counted means that they are dead, or for a company means going out of business, or in some cases it means the person is in trouble","turn 3 : A suggests that unpredictability may make the situation safer because there are no grand intentions.","turn 3 : This statement implies that FAA could not expect Boeing to essentially self-inspect their own aircraft.","turn 3 : Turn (4) is implying that even though research has been conducted in this area, law enforcement has not been paying attention to it and is only now beginning to do so."]} {"text":["I was broke, and I like my wine, and then I saw this woman buying wine, and I was like, no way. And she even had fancy shoes on. I looked at her. She's like, it's really good. And so, I was like, so that's when I bought a Sauvignon Blanc. And I was like, I got wine for the summer, thank God. And that was when I started thinking, maybe there's food here too.","Turns out there was lots of food. Most of it brands she hadn't heard of before or in boxes that were slightly misshapen or discolored, but what was inside tasted just fine, she says. And with a bit of creativity, Christiane realized 99-cent ingredients could turn into truly delicious dishes.","I'm really hoping that people are going to use this as an opportunity. I think the economy is going so downhill, and I think there's a way to just kind of keep a smile on your face and find cheap ways to still have fun. I hate it when people say, oh, I don't have money, so I can't do anything.","How much culinary expertise do you need?Is it good to have some basic cooking backgrounds before you take on the 99-cent cuisine?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":2,"choice":["turn 0 : broke implies having bodily injury and not referring to being financially ruined ","turn 0 : Distinguishing between criminal acts and sleazy behavior, and whether people should lose their jobs over it.","turn 0 : I was broke implies being financially bankrupt and not implying having broken bones ","turn 0 : The 'stop snitching' culture is related to the issue of race.","turn 0 : ISIS crimes did not make some women lose confidence"]} {"text":["Well, I met him on the phone first. I asked him what he did and he said: Walter, I'm a freelance central banker. Other things that came up during the phone call - the fact that he'd never tasted Coca-Cola, never eaten in a restaurant - got me to thinking, I, as a fiction writer, have to meet this guy. It would be professional malpractice if I didn't.","Now, you met him finally. He said he lived in the same apartment building as Tony Bennett, as a matter of fact. This struck you as a building where a rich person might live but. . .","Well, you know, it was a block off of Central Park. He invited me up and there was no furniture, no real food in the kitchen. But there was what appeared to be, em, maybe $80, $90 million worth of Jackson Pollocks, Rothkos, and de Koonings hanging on the walls.","Was he brilliant at some level?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":1,"choice":["turn 3 : \"Top of the world\" is not literal, it just means the man was very successful at the time.","turn 3 : Was he brilliant at some level? - Implied meaning: Was he very wealthy or successful?","turn 3 : Farmers need credit to buy expensive inputs like fertilizer.","turn 3 : Water infrastructure is a critical yet underappreciated aspect of our economy and daily lives, and requires more attention and investment.","turn 3 : When you hand out money quickly with no regulations people will spend it on things that are not needed."]} {"text":["I suppose that reaching young people would be the appropriate place to go to try to build a new sensibility about Africa?","I had this girl in Oakland come up to me, and she says why are you talking to us?I look around the audience here and the kids sitting alongside of me, the people who can make a difference are people with influence, people with money, and the people sitting by me have neither. I said it is so much more than you think in terms of the influence you have and the power you have, the sense of passion you have.","You know, they haven't settled yet often in high school and stuff. We get older and we seem to just settle and say, well that's the way it is and the edge seems to be taken off. But they're at high school, and at colleges, universities, they haven't settled for less and it is - it's inspiring for me as I see the activism that's happening.","Now, does it happen within your own family?I don't know the ages of your children, but I wonder if your passion has been passed down to them?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":2,"choice":["turn 0 : Kids like to learn about everything and they are always questioning what they see.","turn 0 : It is becoming very dangerous for workers to run Ebola clinics","turn 0 : They suppose that informing young people in an engaging way would be appropriate.","turn 0 : The response to the Ebola outbreak in DRC is not going well and there are a lot of challenges to overcome","turn 0 : The fight against Ebola is not just a health problem, but also a political one"]} {"text":["Well, let's talk about the walk back because we had seen vague reports that China was reneging on something it had agreed to but not a ton of detail. What exactly did China say, ah, we don't want to do?","Well, there's a tactical side to this, and there's something of a cultural side. The tactical side is that China, not unlike the Trump administration, is trying to get the best possible deal that it can to do as little as possible to please Trump. So it's not unusual that they would try to walk back some of their agreements at the last minute.","But the real issue is that they had agreed to make some structural changes - difficult structural changes to the Chinese economy. And this involves things like decreasing subsidies to state-owned enterprises, more guarantees of openness to American companies, protections for intellectual property. They did not like having those promises committed to paper in this 150-page agreement. Those had to be made public. And it looks like a concession to the Chinese people.","OK. So they didn't want to go as far as the Trump administration wanted them to go - at least not in writing."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":0,"choice":["turn 1 : China is trying to negotiate the best possible deal while doing as little as possible to please Trump.","turn 1 : China is willing to support North Korea's terrible regime to prevent its collapse and the horrible situation that might ensue","turn 1 : (3) Had a mandatory evacuation been ordered, they would have had to evacuate the hospitals.","turn 1 : B is asking about A's plans after the storm, assuming that they are in the hospital for a reason.","turn 1 : The coincidence of being evacuated twice is unusual"]} {"text":["Well, let's talk about the walk back because we had seen vague reports that China was reneging on something it had agreed to but not a ton of detail. What exactly did China say, ah, we don't want to do?","Well, there's a tactical side to this, and there's something of a cultural side. The tactical side is that China, not unlike the Trump administration, is trying to get the best possible deal that it can to do as little as possible to please Trump. So it's not unusual that they would try to walk back some of their agreements at the last minute.","But the real issue is that they had agreed to make some structural changes - difficult structural changes to the Chinese economy. And this involves things like decreasing subsidies to state-owned enterprises, more guarantees of openness to American companies, protections for intellectual property. They did not like having those promises committed to paper in this 150-page agreement. Those had to be made public. And it looks like a concession to the Chinese people.","OK. So they didn't want to go as far as the Trump administration wanted them to go - at least not in writing."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":0,"choice":["turn 2 : China did not want to commit to difficult structural changes in their economy in writing because it would look like a concession to the Chinese people.","turn 2 : It implies that there is a lot of political maneuvering happening behind the scenes in China which an average Chinese person have no knowledge about.","turn 2 : The situation is so dangerous that people who refuse to evacuate should identify themselves in case of death.","turn 2 : \"Let's start by talking about a feature called automatic emergency braking.\"","turn 2 : (3) Had a mandatory evacuation been ordered, they would have had to evacuate the hospitals."]} {"text":["Non-binary meaning they don't identify as male or female. They and many other English speakers have been using they like this for years. Here, Emily Brewster will use it in a sentence.","Here is my friend J. They will be joining us for dinner. The they is referring to this individual who is standing right here.","Now, there's been criticism of this usage - some by those who don't understand why someone might identify as non-binary but also by those who are put off by this change in grammar. They - the critics - say it's confusing to hear they are in a sentence if the speaker is only referring to one person. But our word expert disagrees. Brewster says we already do this with another pronoun.","The word you was originally a plural pronoun, and in the 14th century, it started to slide toward this use of being both plural and singular. And so when I am speaking to you, an individual, a single person, I say you are. I don't say you is. The you are is grammatical."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":2,"choice":["turn 0 : Implied meaning: People are feeling resentment and anger towards people who think they don't have to follow the same rules as everyone else. ","turn 0 : People are spending more on alternative medicine than primary care.","turn 0 : The criticism is by some that are offended by the langauge.","turn 0 : The Koch network uses health care as a ploy to gain Republican support.","turn 0 : Growing up in an impoverished neighborhood hindered A's path to become a medical doctor."]} {"text":["Non-binary meaning they don't identify as male or female. They and many other English speakers have been using they like this for years. Here, Emily Brewster will use it in a sentence.","Here is my friend J. They will be joining us for dinner. The they is referring to this individual who is standing right here.","Now, there's been criticism of this usage - some by those who don't understand why someone might identify as non-binary but also by those who are put off by this change in grammar. They - the critics - say it's confusing to hear they are in a sentence if the speaker is only referring to one person. But our word expert disagrees. Brewster says we already do this with another pronoun.","The word you was originally a plural pronoun, and in the 14th century, it started to slide toward this use of being both plural and singular. And so when I am speaking to you, an individual, a single person, I say you are. I don't say you is. The you are is grammatical."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":1,"choice":["turn 3 : This turn is literal in meaning, as it is a straightforward question asking about the speaker's children.","turn 3 : The usage of the word started to become used as singular and plural.","turn 3 : to make a switch mean they go do something else.","turn 3 : don'ts refers to unacceptable behavior and activities ","turn 3 : at the end of the day means something is likely going to happen or what happens after everything else."]} {"text":[". . . back in the - I think the big telescopes like Hubble and other ground-based telescopes will be used to observe the impact site if any debris appears. In fact, back in 2009, there was an impact of a much larger asteroid on Jupiter that caused a really - a debris cloud on Jupiter that was about as big as the Pacific Ocean.","Wow.","And the newly repaired Hubble was used to observe that impact, and a lot was learned about that impact from Hubble observation.","So folks are really tweaking it up now. I mean, and having a good weekend, you just need a nice clear sky, and you too might discover something."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":0,"choice":["turn 3 : B is making a sarcastic remark about the difficulty of discovering something new with telescopes.","turn 3 : B is expressing sympathy for the people who sent the probe, showing that they understand why they feel so disappointed.","turn 3 : Hillary Clinton would also generate a lot of interest.","turn 3 : Despite mixed feelings about Joe Biden, many assumed Obama would choose him as his VP.","turn 3 : There are dangers that cause problems by doing these polls."]} {"text":[". . . back in the - I think the big telescopes like Hubble and other ground-based telescopes will be used to observe the impact site if any debris appears. In fact, back in 2009, there was an impact of a much larger asteroid on Jupiter that caused a really - a debris cloud on Jupiter that was about as big as the Pacific Ocean.","Wow.","And the newly repaired Hubble was used to observe that impact, and a lot was learned about that impact from Hubble observation.","So folks are really tweaking it up now. I mean, and having a good weekend, you just need a nice clear sky, and you too might discover something."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":2,"choice":["turn 3 : Studying the nearest stars is interesting because it increases the chances of contacting intelligent beings","turn 3 : The regime has been causing damage to the country and harming innocent people.","turn 3 : A clear sky is all you need to make discoveries.","turn 3 : The people want visible and effective action against corruption and terrorism.","turn 3 : The Russian goverment doesn't get many chances to do the right thing where people all over the world will see and know about it."]} {"text":["Another effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act gained steam last night. A federal judge in Texas ruled that the law is unconstitutional. We're joined now by NPR's health policy correspondent, Alison Kodjak. Alison, thanks so much for coming in.","Thanks for having me, Scott.","This decision was received last night. What's it say?","Well, it's a pretty sweeping decision, actually. This judge ruled that the entire Affordable Care Act, which famously ran more than a thousand pages long, was unconstitutional. The case was brought by 18 Republican attorneys general, and it was led by Texas AG Ken Paxton."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":1,"choice":["turn 0 : President Trump is taking actions to repeal Affordable Care Act","turn 0 : The Affordable Care Act is being challenged by Republicans.","turn 0 : Being good at something is not enough for success.","turn 0 : Being honest about the current situation can help restore confidence","turn 0 : Breaking rules is necessary to be remembered and successful."]} {"text":["Another effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act gained steam last night. A federal judge in Texas ruled that the law is unconstitutional. We're joined now by NPR's health policy correspondent, Alison Kodjak. Alison, thanks so much for coming in.","Thanks for having me, Scott.","This decision was received last night. What's it say?","Well, it's a pretty sweeping decision, actually. This judge ruled that the entire Affordable Care Act, which famously ran more than a thousand pages long, was unconstitutional. The case was brought by 18 Republican attorneys general, and it was led by Texas AG Ken Paxton."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":1,"choice":["turn 3 : This implies that there is a contradiction between the state bill against abortion and Roe v. Wade.","turn 3 : The judge ruled that the entire Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional","turn 3 : A implies that the impact of the spoon on people's perception of food is not significant but it is a curious question.","turn 3 : Food is the most important think for each any every human.","turn 3 : The World Food Programme has to decide who is not going to get food due to the lack of resources, and those who are most in need often have to go without."]} {"text":["I think that we need to have a conversation and debate on what it means to be a Republican. Traditionally, the Republican Party stood for some level of financial conservatism. That seems to have been thrown out the window of late, as you see, got instance, with this latest debt deal, the president adding $2 trillion of additional debt to the national debt and a third of a trillion dollars in new spending over the next two years without even a debate.","I think we need to have a conversation about where we're going on trade. I think we need to have a conversation with regard to institutions and political norms which the president has thrown out. But that has historically been the glue that has held together that balance of power that makes our system work, and I think we need to have a conversation on town.","I think that some might argue that the way that those intra-party debates take place is exactly in the kinds of positions that you have had in down-ballot races. I mean, you lost the Republican primary to a candidate endorsed by President Trump, so I think some might argue, asked and answered.","Well, there's a difference between a battle and a war, and I would say that as Republicans, in some cases, we're winning battles but losing wars. So what happened in that race after I lost the primary was that for the first time in about 50 years, the seat went Democrat."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":0,"choice":["turn 0 : Nothing was thrown at a window, but financial conservatism has been disregarded by the republican party.","turn 0 : The government has not handled the financial crisis effectively.","turn 0 : black per person implies African American person and not a black color human being ","turn 0 : The remark had racial undertones because of his skin color","turn 0 : The speaker is asking if the listener believes in racial justice and if it is possible to achieve it. The speaker suggests that African-Americans have debated this issue for a long time, indicating that it is a complex issue."]} {"text":["This is WEEKEND EDITION from NPR News. I'm Scott Simon. There's a big bank on trial, but this one's not on Wall Street. The Arab Bank based in Jordan is being tried in New York federal court. They've been accused of funneling tens of millions of dollars to the families of suicide bombers and terrorists who are affiliated with Hamas. The trial will determine whether the bank should be liable for attacks that killed Americans between 2001 and 2004. Jessica Silver-Greenberg is a business reporter for The New York Times and has been covering the story. Thanks so much for being with us.","Thank you for having me.","Tell us please about the plaintiffs - in this case, survivors and families of people who were harmed in terrorist attacks?","So the plaintiffs in the case - there are almost 300 plaintiffs. And they represent those who were killed, injured or had a family member killed in 24 Hamas attacks."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":1,"choice":["turn 1 : Implied meaning: The speaker's tone, emphasis, or inflection may convey emotional or personal attitudes or opinions, even if the literal meaning of their words does not explicitly express these feelings.","turn 1 : Implied meaning: The speaker's use of a particular tone or inflection may suggest a certain attitude or emotion, such as sarcasm, excitement, anger, or sadness, which can provide additional context or subtext to the words being spoken.","turn 1 : The music in the beginning sounded like rap to me, which is a form of music that has a strong focus on rhythm and poetic lyrics.","turn 1 : The speaker is mentioning a song that reflects their current emotions.","turn 1 : The singer is not actually asking someone to show them the way home but rather expressing their loneliness and desperation due to feeling lost and without direction."]} {"text":["Those are the main parts. So they're saying that when the mandate penalty goes away next January, the protections for preexisting conditions should go away as well. That's not exactly what the attorneys general were arguing, but that's what the Justice Department position is.","How might this change how individual people are covered and treated in this country?","Well, immediately, of course, it wouldn't. The Justice Department isn't asking for anything immediately. Obviously, this is a lawsuit, and it could take months or even years to work its way through the courts. But it does certainly raise the prospect of a court decision that would say there could be no more protections for people with preexisting conditions. That's one of the most popular parts of the health law.","We've been getting reports from all over the country about how health care premiums are going up. Why is that happening?Do you expect it to keep happening?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":3,"choice":["turn 0 : Victims did not have any legal rights until recently.","turn 0 : The song title is \"I Can't Make You Love Me\"","turn 0 : The music in the beginning sounded like rap to me, which is a form of music that has a strong focus on rhythm and poetic lyrics.","turn 0 : The Justice Department position is that preexisting conditions should not be protected","turn 0 : The speaker is mentioning a song that reflects their current emotions."]} {"text":["Those are the main parts. So they're saying that when the mandate penalty goes away next January, the protections for preexisting conditions should go away as well. That's not exactly what the attorneys general were arguing, but that's what the Justice Department position is.","How might this change how individual people are covered and treated in this country?","Well, immediately, of course, it wouldn't. The Justice Department isn't asking for anything immediately. Obviously, this is a lawsuit, and it could take months or even years to work its way through the courts. But it does certainly raise the prospect of a court decision that would say there could be no more protections for people with preexisting conditions. That's one of the most popular parts of the health law.","We've been getting reports from all over the country about how health care premiums are going up. Why is that happening?Do you expect it to keep happening?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":0,"choice":["turn 2 : A court decision may eliminate protections for people with preexisting conditions","turn 2 : It is being implied that it will be difficult to proceed to court.","turn 2 : There are recent hit songs in the top 10 chart.","turn 2 : What matters is how the song makes a person feels and how it sounds.","turn 2 : Despite the relatively short period since its launch, iTunes has sold a lot of songs."]} {"text":["But he did try to shoot a president. I mean, you can't say well, if he shot the butcher it would be different. He did try to shoot a president. We hold that crime in a different category than we do other attempted murders. In fact, he had other ideas. He stalked Jodie Foster. He stalked President Carter for quite a long time.","So your position is, we're not talking about a man who just shot someone who is now gone, but somebody who at one point contemplated shooting a number of famous people.","Oh, yeah. I mean, his desire was to be a famous assassin. And I think the main point here is that the verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity was a bad verdict. There's no question that he is insane, but the legal definition of insanity is that you have to be unable to distinguish between right and wrong. And I think he knew perfectly well that it was wrong. And following that verdict, you know, they made a lot of changes in the legal system. There's now another option, of guilty and insane. They also - when Hinckley was on trial, the prosecutors had the burden of proof to prove that the defendant was sane, and now the burden is on the defense to prove insanity.","If John Hinckley were to come outside full-time, he - I think we can safely assume - would be pretty carefully monitored by, not just local police, but the Secret Service. And that's not enough guarantee?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":1,"choice":["turn 2 : The literal meaning of this turn is that someone is suffering from schizophrenic paranoia and another person believes they should be put in jail instead of a hospital. However, the implied meaning is that the speaker is discussing the mental state of someone else and their legal situation, which may be relevant to the conversation but is not explicitly stated.","turn 2 : (3) - The actual meaning is that the speaker disagrees with the verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity and thinks that the legal definition of insanity is too narrow. This turn implies that the speaker believes that the legal system should hold people who commit crimes like Hinckley's to a higher standard of responsibility, even if they are mentally ill.","turn 2 : A is asking B if they have over a thousand songs.","turn 2 : She wrote very close to what happened in her own life.","turn 2 : The singer is implyihng that Frank Rogers and he cowrote the song in question together."]} {"text":["The real problem is not Donald Trump - seven and a half years of Barack Obama and his agenda. Clear thinking people - and I'm talking about people who are in the middle, not people that are really burrowed in and would never, ever be a Democrat or never ever be a Republican - are looking at it and they're saying, is my life better?Is our country stronger?Do we have a strong standing in the world?Is this economy recovering?Is it a dynamic and robust economy?","Because we know without a dynamic and robust economy, all the other talk is just talk. We've got to have people back to work. We've got to have people looking forward to getting up in the morning and going to work. We got to have people that feel that America really is the leader of the world.","And I just am saying to my Republican friends, look, I get it. I understand that there's certain things that he's said that really you can't ever look that way, but take a look. We're still months away from the election.","Mr. Kelly, if you were advising Donald Trump - and, you know, he might hear this - is there some magic sentence that he could come up with that would - that would help heal things over?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":3,"choice":["turn 2 : Implied meaning for turn (3): The questioner assumes that the speaker decided to support Donald Trump based on something he said, but the speaker clarifies that his decision was based on Trump's track record of job creation, as well as input from other people involved in the election.","turn 2 : Despite the relatively short period since its launch, iTunes has sold a lot of songs.","turn 2 : There are recent hit songs in the top 10 chart.","turn 2 : (3) Implied meaning: Mr. Kelly is suggesting to his Republican friends to give Donald Trump a chance and to wait and see what happens before making a judgement.","turn 2 : Uber job was interesting and provided inspiration for songwriting"]} {"text":["Thousand of miles west of the capital, trouble is brewing over a utility bill. Back in November, Veterans Day to be exact, residents of Bullhead City, Arizona, lit a flame at the town's memorial park. They called it an Eternal Flame. The plan was to keep it constantly lit to honor the fallen. But then they got the gas bill. Joining me now to tell us about that bill is Bullhead City's spokesman, Steve Johnson. Welcome to the program, Steve. And how expensive was that first gas bill you got?","The bill was about $961.","That was a pretty big initial gas bill. I'm trying to picture how big this flame is. Could you describe it for us?","It's - at its height, it's about 12 to 15 inches tall. I describe it as a kind of as a large artichoke. And it consumes a lot - well, obviously, it's consuming a lot of gas, at $900 a month. But it's a pretty tall flame."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":3,"choice":["turn 2 : Fueling hate does not mean to give it gas but to make more people hate each other.","turn 2 : \"essentially created a series of businesses or nonprofits that were doing business with their own schools\" - The literal meaning of this sentence is that the couple established other organizations that had financial ties to their charter schools. However, the implied meaning is that they may have been using these organizations to divert public funds into their own pockets.","turn 2 : \"loopholes in California's charter school system\" - The literal meaning of \"loopholes\" is gaps or flaws in a system or law that can be exploited. However, the implied meaning is that the charter school system in California has structural weaknesses that allow for abuses and inconsistencies in regulation.","turn 2 : The size of the flame doesn't justify the high gas bill","turn 2 : \"So this was public money that was coming into these schools, but the couple that ran them was financially benefiting from it\" - The literal meaning of this sentence is that public funds were being used to support the couple's charter schools, and that the couple was making a profit from these funds. However, the implied meaning is that the couple may have been exploiting their positions of power to enrich themselves at the expense of the public education system."]} {"text":["Well, Michael, this is what we do. We interview people. You use that information to decide if they're good or bad, telling the truth or lying. We followed the ambassador interview with our regular Africa Update, which gave a very different perspective on Zimbabwe. On June 12th, we did a very in-depth interview with opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai before he dropped out of the run-off. We got the bases covered.","And finally today, Paul Pierlot (ph) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania wrote in about a segment on how hip-hop websites were hacked by apparent hate groups.","He wrote, \"I'm hearing a lot of reports of racists spewing their ugly noise. It saddens me, but please, please keep the faith. I want to encourage all our listeners of News & Notes to keep our eyes on the big picture. History is about to bust open like a field of wildflowers. I'm surprised almost every day hearing another white workmate, friend and even folks I pass in mall parking lots telling me they are also voting for Barack. Yes, we will have to absorb the sneers and insults of those with shriveled hearts and closed minds, but let us walk in the path of Jesus, Gandhi, and Martin. No, let us rather dance, for springtime is in sight. \"","And that's it for letters. Thank you for writing, and please keep your comments coming.","To write us, just log on to npr. org and click on Contact Us. When you get there, you'll see lots of shows to choose from. Make sure you pick News & Notes when you write to us."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":1,"choice":["turn 2 : The implied meaning of this turn is that the speaker is a supporter of Obama and is not afraid to express it publicly, even if it goes against the expectations of his mother.","turn 2 : Despite facing insults and criticism, the writer encourages others to have hope and support Barack Obama's presidential campaign.","turn 2 : to carry something out means to do something","turn 2 : case implies a situation and not a pack or suitcase ","turn 2 : cases implies situations, issues or conditions and not suitcases or packs"]} {"text":["And so the world was filled at that time with these microscopic creatures, right?","Yes, these would be very ancient. And we've long suspected that this sort of thing goes back or should go back a long, long way. And people have found the chemical signals, the brassy fool's gold they've found. They've even found the isotopic shifts. But this is, I think, the earliest record where we can see actually turned into this shiny material the fossils themselves. We can see them actually preserved in three dimensions.","And it's new techniques that we have now that we can use to analyze these in three dimensions and start to pick out their relationships. And that's one of the exciting things that's happening at the moment.","Would there be other places around the world where you'd find the same rocks and fossils?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":1,"choice":["turn 1 : A agreed to do something but later realized it wasn't what they wanted","turn 1 : They found something that is not the real thing but close to it.","turn 1 : The hosts of the story series in the body issue wanted to cover all aspects of sports, including pee breaks. Implicated meaning: The hosts of the story series were willing to explore even the less glamorous aspects of sports and physical activity in their coverage.","turn 1 : \"To see myself as a character and not as myself\" - The speaker is not literally seeing themselves as a fictional character, but rather trying to distance themselves emotionally from their personal story in order to write it in an artistic and creative way.","turn 1 : In both of these turns, the implied meaning goes beyond the literal words used. The speaker is not simply asking about the reasons behind the human need to look at themselves or stating that it is innate and related to genetics. The implied meaning suggests a deeper exploration of human psychology and the significance of self-reflection as a part of our daily"]} {"text":["When we say those reductions are temporary, we have to remember that they go until at least 2025. So for most of us out there, regular working folks, seven years of tax reductions is a big deal. We can have that fight again in seven years. I'm sure the Democrats will be promoting increasing taxes in seven years. That's what the Democrats always promote. The Democrat plan today was to increase taxes by over a trillion dollars. So we have to remember what our alternative option was with the other party.","But why make it temporary for individuals who might need that tax relief when corporations, who are doing very well, get a permanent. . .","Yeah, you and I are on the same page. I think that's craziness. I don't like temporary tax reductions. I don't like temporary legislative fixes, generally. I want to see permanent legislative fixes. So I am against the fact that they are temporary, but I'd rather have, as a person who pays these taxes, as a middle-income person - I'd rather have seven years of tax reduction than what the Democrats were proposing, which was a trillion dollars in increased taxes.","I'd like to talk about the political ramifications. By and large, polls show this isn't popular, and it pushes through some very substantial changes in the financial lives of Americans. Do you think that there will be a cost come 2018?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":4,"choice":["turn 0 : We already knew about the uncertainty regarding tax and spending policies in 2013","turn 0 : The significant increase in the number of starfish is a cause for concern","turn 0 : The implications in (3) is that the dolphins may have trouble adjusting to the new environment due to them being used to living in aquariums.","turn 0 : Crown-of-thorn starfish eat coral and leave it dead behind","turn 0 : \"I'm sure the Democrats will be promoting increasing taxes in seven years. That's what the Democrats always promote.\" - The speaker is using hyperbole and making a generalization that may not be true for all Democrats."]} {"text":["When we say those reductions are temporary, we have to remember that they go until at least 2025. So for most of us out there, regular working folks, seven years of tax reductions is a big deal. We can have that fight again in seven years. I'm sure the Democrats will be promoting increasing taxes in seven years. That's what the Democrats always promote. The Democrat plan today was to increase taxes by over a trillion dollars. So we have to remember what our alternative option was with the other party.","But why make it temporary for individuals who might need that tax relief when corporations, who are doing very well, get a permanent. . .","Yeah, you and I are on the same page. I think that's craziness. I don't like temporary tax reductions. I don't like temporary legislative fixes, generally. I want to see permanent legislative fixes. So I am against the fact that they are temporary, but I'd rather have, as a person who pays these taxes, as a middle-income person - I'd rather have seven years of tax reduction than what the Democrats were proposing, which was a trillion dollars in increased taxes.","I'd like to talk about the political ramifications. By and large, polls show this isn't popular, and it pushes through some very substantial changes in the financial lives of Americans. Do you think that there will be a cost come 2018?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":1,"choice":["turn 3 : The economic situation will get worse, and it's uncertain how bad it will be.","turn 3 : \"Do you think that there will be a cost come 2018?\" - The speaker is asking about potential negative consequences in the future, rather than an actual financial cost in 2018.","turn 3 : They suppose that informing young people in an engaging way would be appropriate.","turn 3 : The government of the United States is treating families seeking asylum inhumanely.","turn 3 : ORR needs to process children faster to ease Border Patrol stations."]} {"text":["You know, it's the - there's not formal groups that kind of, you know, identify themselves. They don't have a problem with some other towns in the South where there's like, you know, revived Klan groups and such. I'm aware of the SPLC's research and such. But it's more - I think it's less formal than that but it's probably no less prevalent.","One of the things I'd like to ask you, because you're a person who has been writing about this and the photographs have been printed and seen around the country - the role of the media in covering this, does it make it better, does it make it worst?","Well, I think that really depends on, you know, literally what skin you're in, you know?A lot of the - many of the black folks in that town are very happy to see outside attention brought, they hoped that that scrutiny is going to force some changes down there. But by the same token many of the white folks are just outraged and they think that, you know, this is outsiders meddling in their affairs and they ought to just get their nose out of their business. There was the local Methodist preacher the last time I was there a month ago who told me that I was no better than a Christ killer but you know, you just kind of have to have thick skin.","Howard, thank you very much."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":0,"choice":["turn 0 : There are informal groups in the town that are not identified openly","turn 0 : bunch of its residents implies many people living within the area ","turn 0 : Managing stress requires dealing with its physical effects on the body.","turn 0 : Physical touch and affection can help complete the stress response cycle and create a feeling of safety.","turn 0 : The brain is capable of adjusting to normalcy after experiencing an unusual situation."]} {"text":["You know, it's the - there's not formal groups that kind of, you know, identify themselves. They don't have a problem with some other towns in the South where there's like, you know, revived Klan groups and such. I'm aware of the SPLC's research and such. But it's more - I think it's less formal than that but it's probably no less prevalent.","One of the things I'd like to ask you, because you're a person who has been writing about this and the photographs have been printed and seen around the country - the role of the media in covering this, does it make it better, does it make it worst?","Well, I think that really depends on, you know, literally what skin you're in, you know?A lot of the - many of the black folks in that town are very happy to see outside attention brought, they hoped that that scrutiny is going to force some changes down there. But by the same token many of the white folks are just outraged and they think that, you know, this is outsiders meddling in their affairs and they ought to just get their nose out of their business. There was the local Methodist preacher the last time I was there a month ago who told me that I was no better than a Christ killer but you know, you just kind of have to have thick skin.","Howard, thank you very much."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":4,"choice":["turn 2 : The culture and character of black people can be obtained from them if you get too close ","turn 2 : it is a metaphorical field, it just means there are not as many candidates running for the election as there was in the past because some decided not to continue running","turn 2 : The behavior was unacceptable to what the people would accept.","turn 2 : \"larger struggles that were embodied in those arguments\" Actual meaning: The arguments between the speaker and their mother were about more significant issues. Non-literal meaning: None.","turn 2 : The white people in the town are not happy about outsiders paying attention to their affairs"]} {"text":["Well, Yelena Grigoryeva was an activist. A few years ago, she came out and said that she was a gay woman and began to defend LGBT rights in St. Petersburg. And the community of LGBT in St. Petersburg is quite vibrant. They're victims. Almost all of them are victims of violence. They get attacked during their rallies. They receive horrible, nasty threats. And Yelena Grigoryeva, shortly before her death, received a photograph of a knife. So her friends say it cannot be just a coincidence. . .","Yeah.",". . . That she receives a photograph of a knife and then she gets stabbed to death.","Now, a local news site reports that a suspect has been arrested. What is known about the crime and the man who's been arrested?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":2,"choice":["turn 0 : A thinks that listeners should have been informed about James Baldwin's homosexuality in the program to understand the context better.","turn 0 : McCabe faced intense questioning and scrutiny by Republicans.","turn 0 : came out implies she revealed publicly that she is gay","turn 0 : The government rigged the election and caused violence.","turn 0 : Trump's tweet was an attempt to influence the outcome of the military trial"]} {"text":["You know, I heard - I heard myself say that and thought maybe I should rethink that phrase. The reunification of the country would've been another way of saying it.","Well, it's just interesting to me - and I have no opinion on it - there are members of the Vietnamese Diaspora who refer to it as the fall. They refer to the month of April as Black April so there's definitely that camp. There's another camp that says normalizing relations between Vietnam and France and the United States and these kinds of things is good for Vietnam. And I think the thing that I'm most interested in, it's the idea of possibility and how so much can change in 40 years.","Yeah.","You know, I was there, like I said, three weeks ago. And there's tourists from all over the world - there are Russians, you know, they are people in Germany. Who would have thought 40 years ago that this would have been impossible for me and for these Russians and for all these people to be here in Vietnam?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":4,"choice":["turn 1 : Although the literal meaning of this turn is simply an acknowledgement or agreement, the implied meaning behind it is that the speaker may not be fully engaged or interested in the conversation. It could be interpreted as a way of signaling disinterest or a desire to move on to a different topic.","turn 1 : The president's reaction is self-destructive, but predictable due to his past involvement in media spats.","turn 1 : Trump's tweet was an attempt to influence the outcome of the military trial","turn 1 : The president thinks that the media is out to ruin him and makes them out to be evil.","turn 1 : Turn (2) implies that the speaker has no opinion on the subject but is interested in hearing the opinions of others and is marveling at the idea of how much can change in 40 years."]} {"text":["Oh, gosh. Mr. Lamason, do we know why the whales do this?","We don't know. And there's a lot of theories around. But if you had to design a piece of landscape to capture whales, Golden Bay is pretty much perfect. It's a - quite a closed-in bay. It's got this large spit sweeping around, and the seabed out from there is very shallow for quite some kilometers. And there's a great chance that these whales were coming in here to feed and have made a poor choice about how close they can get in.","And is there anything human beings can or should do to try and help the whales?","Yeah, that's an interesting question. When these whales die, they actually initiate an ecosystem around them and it brings in a lot of wildlife that wouldn't necessarily be around. So people are saying, well, why don't you get out there and stop them stranding in the first place?Well, as I mentioned earlier, they're relying on this area for food. It'll be a little bit like closing the supermarket because you're worried about the shelves falling on people. They need to get in there. And if some of them die, well, that is - that's very sad. But also, there's a lot of other animals that make - you know, take advantage of their carcasses as well. So it's a - it's an interesting question."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":3,"choice":["turn 2 : The implied meaning of this turn is that is there any action humans can take to try to assist the stranded whales in their situation.","turn 2 : The congressional committees are trying to gain public attention and support for their investigations, while Mueller is working in the shadows and his findings will only be revealed when it is time to take legal action.","turn 2 : The person thinks there is contitutional responsibility to investigate areas that the president has said not to. The Mueller team did not as the president told them to investigate only so much and then to stop.","turn 2 : (3) Implies that there may be something that people can do to prevent the whales from stranding,","turn 2 : Mueller should be respected and trusted, even though he has been wrongfully attacked and criticized."]} {"text":["Good morning.","Good morning.","What does Oklahoma want?","Well, I mean, really, they're looking for funding. They're looking for as much money as possible, as quickly as possible. I talked with Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter, and he's the one who brought the lawsuit. And he told me that taking these companies to court is really the only way the state can fund opioid treatment. I mean, you've got to keep in mind that Oklahoma has the second-highest uninsured rate in the nation. The state hasn't expanded Medicaid. State legislators have really slashed public health funding in recent years. So add on top of that the huge opioid addiction crisis, and you've got very few facilities, and they're almost always full.","So I'm thinking this through from Johnson & Johnson's perspective. I guess if you're a business, you want to kind of get your liabilities, you know, in a predictable - into a predictable place, which might help explain why a couple of other big companies, pharmaceutical companies, settled their lawsuits with the state of Oklahoma. But Johnson & Johnson is going ahead. Why did they not settle the way that other companies have?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":4,"choice":["turn 2 : The severity of the opioid crisis affects people of all backgrounds and has far-reaching consequences.","turn 2 : (4) Implies an acknowledgement of the dangerous risks taken when crossing the border illegally.","turn 2 : Implied meaning: There is a fear of the spread of Zika, malaria, cholera, and other diseases due to the lack of access to aid.","turn 2 : The implied meaning is that B's special person is being given the utmost care and protection.","turn 2 : Oklahoma wants funding to help opioid treatment due to lack of support and high addiction crisis"]} {"text":["It's an interesting question. In the case of the prairie dog system, it, of course, has a dire effect on the prairie dog population in general. And the most dependent species on those is the black-footed ferret, which is a highly endangered weasel-like animal that once was much more abundant on the plains but is now extremely rare.","They eat prairie dogs usually, and so now their food supply is being threatened.","They do, yes. They're entirely dependent on prairie dogs, mostly for food. But they also - ferrets use the prairie dog burrows as shelter, so they're highly linked to the prairie dog system. And the black-footed ferret is directed susceptible to plague itself. So it's not just a matter of losing its prey. It actually probably succumbs to the disease about as quickly as the prairie dogs do.","So what's being done now to keep this from spreading further?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":3,"choice":["turn 3 : Implied meaning: There is a fear of the spread of Zika, malaria, cholera, and other diseases due to the lack of access to aid.","turn 3 : It's important to emphasize not to put raw food in the same container","turn 3 : The World Food Programme has to decide who is not going to get food due to the lack of resources, and those who are most in need often have to go without.","turn 3 : spreading further means something keeps getting worse or better, but in this context its worse.","turn 3 : Breakfast is going to be a serious problem"]} {"text":["What are his legal and PR teams trying to achieve by releasing audio conversations or snippets of them with Donald trump and apparently claiming that Trump knew in advance of that Trump Tower meeting with a group of Russians?","Well, I have to say, Scott, I think that's pretty much a mystery to a lot of people. Most criminal defense lawyers and former prosecutors can't. . .",". . . That I've spoken to can't make sense of it. It's a very, very unusual situation.","We're getting some bad audio - either that or a Martian craft has landed over your shoulder, so you might want to take a look, in which case we really got a big story to work on."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":4,"choice":["turn 1 : Obama wants to be seen as the voice of the people.","turn 1 : Despite the court case, people can still enroll for insurance","turn 1 : Insurance companies did not make a significant profit from Obamacare in the beginning.","turn 1 : The implied meaning of this turn is that the implementation of the ACA has not achieved its goals as intended, as evidenced by the fact that many states have opted out of Medicaid, leaving many people uninsured and leading to an increasing number of rural hospital closures.","turn 1 : Bob cannot understand the reasoning behind the release of audio conversations with Trump"]} {"text":["What are his legal and PR teams trying to achieve by releasing audio conversations or snippets of them with Donald trump and apparently claiming that Trump knew in advance of that Trump Tower meeting with a group of Russians?","Well, I have to say, Scott, I think that's pretty much a mystery to a lot of people. Most criminal defense lawyers and former prosecutors can't. . .",". . . That I've spoken to can't make sense of it. It's a very, very unusual situation.","We're getting some bad audio - either that or a Martian craft has landed over your shoulder, so you might want to take a look, in which case we really got a big story to work on."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":2,"choice":["turn 2 : It is being implied that it will be difficult to proceed to court.","turn 2 : implies that the investigators used information from the traffickers to further investigate the route of the people who survived the tragedies.","turn 2 : Despite legal and PR efforts, it is difficult for experts to make sense of the situation","turn 2 : A agreed to do something but later realized it wasn't what they wanted","turn 2 : can be interpreted as a way to inquire about the current situation in the city, not just the events taking place. "]} {"text":["Whatever the achievements of American technology at every level, is there a central bank game gap between the U. S. and other nations?","The Federal Reserve in the U. S. has a few games. They're pretty simple, I would say. They're effective in a way but they are not, I think, as modern. And they do a job but perhaps something that wouldn't entice the future central bankers of tomorrow.","Do you learn something from these games?","I do. I learn a little bit. There's another game that the ECB created called \"Top Floor,\" where you are charged with traveling up a series of elevators to the top floor of the ECB building. I did learn a lot about the interactions between national central banks and the ECB, for what it's worth, in playing this game. So, I suppose that's a job done. Would I rather play \"Angry Birds\"?Yes, of course. But I would probably not learn as much."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":1,"choice":["turn 1 : There is a sense of panic in the financial system and central banks are the only ones willing to finance the banking sector.","turn 1 : (2) A: The Federal Reserve in the U.S. has a few games. They're pretty simple, I would say. They're effective in a way but they are not, I think, as modern. And they do a job but perhaps something that wouldn't entice the future central bankers of tomorrow.","turn 1 : A evacuated on their own accord to avoid traffic.","turn 1 : The person complained publicaly about things that were illegal and private.","turn 1 : The boat had engine trouble and flooded due to a group of Delta commandos shuffling to the back"]} {"text":["Exactly. I mean, just how it sounds. You know, there's three guys on the court for each team, instead of five. I guess a close parallel might be what they did for the Olympics, bringing in beach volleyball to accompany, you know, regular volleyball. So it's a little bit like that.","And you play outdoors, right?","Outdoors, yep, in some beautiful venues, too, yeah. Here in Amsterdam, we're outside the Rijksmuseum, you know, one of the biggest museums in Amsterdam.","Oh, my gosh. That's a beautiful museum."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":2,"choice":["turn 1 : The person must be watching every moment and every detail of the games.","turn 1 : Congress and the president are not working at the moment. ","turn 1 : The fact that the game is played outdoors is being confirmed.","turn 1 : A implies that the process of political maneuvering can be absurd and comical to an outside observer.","turn 1 : Trump's executive order may not be achieving anything new."]} {"text":["The final thing is this. How has both - how have both the culture and the appearance of Harlem changed with this new money and these new properties, newly priced properties?","Well, the culture is even more vibrant, because we have people that have moved in who have the money to contribute to the children's art carnival or the Dance Theater of Harlem or the Harlem School of the Arts. I mean, it's not just myself, it's brokers, other people who have moved in are writing large checks to these organizations, like the Studio Museum in Harlem. They weren't thriving before. Some of the organizations didn't exist before. The culture is only going to continue to be as great as it is and continue.","What you notice, though, is the complexion of the people walking down the street. In the bad old days when I moved up to Harlem, if I wanted to go shopping, you had to get on the subway and go to 42nd Street. Now I just walk down to 125th Street, and everything I want is there. And while I'm walking down the street, I see people from around the world. We get tourists from around the world, in addition to the non-African-Americans who are now residents of Harlem. So the face of Harlem is changing, but the culture is not going anywhere. The non-blacks who moved to Harlem moved there because they want the nightlife that we can offer.","Willie, thank you so much for being with us today and sharing your points of view."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":4,"choice":["turn 1 : Harlem has always had a black presence, with blacks helping to build it since the 1600s.","turn 1 : The president is trying to prioritize the needs of those who have been forgotten by society.","turn 1 : White House conducts briefings in an inappropriate way.","turn 1 : Trump's executive order may not be achieving anything new.","turn 1 : Harlem is now more diverse, attracting non-African Americans."]} {"text":["The final thing is this. How has both - how have both the culture and the appearance of Harlem changed with this new money and these new properties, newly priced properties?","Well, the culture is even more vibrant, because we have people that have moved in who have the money to contribute to the children's art carnival or the Dance Theater of Harlem or the Harlem School of the Arts. I mean, it's not just myself, it's brokers, other people who have moved in are writing large checks to these organizations, like the Studio Museum in Harlem. They weren't thriving before. Some of the organizations didn't exist before. The culture is only going to continue to be as great as it is and continue.","What you notice, though, is the complexion of the people walking down the street. In the bad old days when I moved up to Harlem, if I wanted to go shopping, you had to get on the subway and go to 42nd Street. Now I just walk down to 125th Street, and everything I want is there. And while I'm walking down the street, I see people from around the world. We get tourists from around the world, in addition to the non-African-Americans who are now residents of Harlem. So the face of Harlem is changing, but the culture is not going anywhere. The non-blacks who moved to Harlem moved there because they want the nightlife that we can offer.","Willie, thank you so much for being with us today and sharing your points of view."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":0,"choice":["turn 1 : New residents with money are contributing to cultural institutions.","turn 1 : The closer it gets to the census, more money needs to be spent","turn 1 : He would be fulfilling a government role and Trump makes it look like he does all of the work.","turn 1 : Even the most sycophantic people around the president think he's vile and ludicrous.","turn 1 : The president doesn't seem to be acting like a tyrant, despite speculation that he's using more power since winning the election."]} {"text":["The final thing is this. How has both - how have both the culture and the appearance of Harlem changed with this new money and these new properties, newly priced properties?","Well, the culture is even more vibrant, because we have people that have moved in who have the money to contribute to the children's art carnival or the Dance Theater of Harlem or the Harlem School of the Arts. I mean, it's not just myself, it's brokers, other people who have moved in are writing large checks to these organizations, like the Studio Museum in Harlem. They weren't thriving before. Some of the organizations didn't exist before. The culture is only going to continue to be as great as it is and continue.","What you notice, though, is the complexion of the people walking down the street. In the bad old days when I moved up to Harlem, if I wanted to go shopping, you had to get on the subway and go to 42nd Street. Now I just walk down to 125th Street, and everything I want is there. And while I'm walking down the street, I see people from around the world. We get tourists from around the world, in addition to the non-African-Americans who are now residents of Harlem. So the face of Harlem is changing, but the culture is not going anywhere. The non-blacks who moved to Harlem moved there because they want the nightlife that we can offer.","Willie, thank you so much for being with us today and sharing your points of view."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":2,"choice":["turn 2 : Blacks have had a historical investment in Harlem since the 1600s, predating the Harlem Renaissance and great migration","turn 2 : The universe is not always the same and new matter is needed for it to stay the same.","turn 2 : Harlem's culture is thriving due to the influx of wealth and new residents.","turn 2 : The actual meaning was differ from the original meaning that is the right answer","turn 2 : They found something that is not the real thing but close to it."]} {"text":["Thanks for having me on.","You call this man's screed and his other provocative activity online - you call this booby traps. What do you mean by that?","I mean his goal is to provoke and sow division between the right and the left. A lot of the comments that he put in his manifesto are, essentially, things that he knew would be picked up by the world media and cause the right and left to get to each other's throats. Like, that was part of the goal - is to get people angry and fighting.","And can you give me an example?","Yeah. He brought up Candace Owens, who is a far-right YouTube personality and credited her for his radicalization, which is - cannot be true. He said that she was more extreme than him. This is a man who just shot dozens of people at a mosque. She's not more extreme than him.","He also mentions President Trump."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":1,"choice":["turn 2 : that the people don't want any more violence and want it to stop ","turn 2 : The goal of the provocative activity is to create division and unrest between opposing groups","turn 2 : The speaker uses 'literally' in a figurative sense.","turn 2 : None of the turns in this conversation have a figurative or non-literal meaning.","turn 2 : None of the turns have implied meanings that are different from their literal meanings. They all convey their literal meanings without any hidden or implied messages."]} {"text":["And what's interesting, I think, is Macron seemed unwilling to walk on eggshells for the American president. And by springing this Iranian visit, he seemed to make it clear that he's not going to shape the summit to avoid triggering someone like Trump. Of course, we have one more day left tomorrow, and we'll see how it goes.","And is there someone with whom the president seemed to get along well?","Yeah, there was - Boris Johnson. Of course, he's the U. K. prime minister, and they've met on a number of occasions. They have a very natural rapport, and they're big sort of oversized personalities. As you said, they're on the same side with Brexit. And another thing I would say is that Johnson sort of feels that he needs to be cozy with Trump because he's leaving the EU, and he's desperate for a trade deal with the U. S. So it seems like Trump does have a buddy at this summit but still seems a bit distant from the other leaders of the major economies.","That is NPR's Frank Langfitt reporting from the G-7 summit in France."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":4,"choice":["turn 0 : Macron did not do well in the election.","turn 0 : They are not painting but describing the man in a certain way.","turn 0 : paint a portrait means that they are asking for an explanation of the area in this context.","turn 0 : This is implying that A believes art should have an interesting or captivating element to it.","turn 0 : Macron was not afraid to offend Trump by not shaping the summit to his liking."]} {"text":["I met up with Carlos Favela. He's a Border Patrol agent, and he spoke to me in his capacity as vice president of the local union. We talked just a few minutes after new numbers came out from the Department of Homeland Security. They showed a significant drop in border apprehensions in June.","And he said one reason for that is the Migrant Protection Protocols policy, which is often called remain in Mexico. He thinks that asylum seekers know that they may now have to stay in Mexico for months before their day in U. S. courts. And so many of them are just not coming.","I guess it's a little bit a breath of fresh air for the agents out in the field. The MPP program that has been implemented - those agreements have also helped, actually, with the detention at the Border Patrol stations. So we're seeing less incursions but also less people being detained at the stations, which is a sign of relief because, you know, the Border Patrol doesn't have the resources to hold that many people.","There has been a lot of criticism levied at CBP. What is the biggest misconception about what you men and women do?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":3,"choice":["turn 1 : you took my breath away implies being very amazing, surprising and beautiful in view and performance. Not taking someone's breath or air by trying to suffocate them ","turn 1 : The key point is made to make people want to learn more about what happened.","turn 1 : The information does not boil down, but it gets to the most practical facts.","turn 1 : a breath of fresh air implies a great relief and freedom ","turn 1 : The kids will begin to think of ideas as they explore on their own."]} {"text":["Which is - and Fosse - so that gives you a flavor of what these guys were. And Fosse laughs so hard and the, you know, all the tubes are plugged into his nose and the heart machine starts beeping and - I mean, it was a constant party in Fosse's room.","Well, and I'm struck by something you said because I guess he said he was under anesthesia, and began to get some ideas for a film. And he said: Even as I'm dying, I'm working.","Yep. That's the whole story of the guy, right there.","He didn't expect to live past 60, did he?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":2,"choice":["turn 1 : There are no turns in this conversation.Whose atual meaning are different from their literal meanings.All of the return are being used in straight for word and literal meanings.","turn 1 : The implied meaning is that B's special person is being given the utmost care and protection.","turn 1 : There are no turns in this conversation.Whose atual meaning are different from their literal meanings.All of the return are being used in straight for word and literal meanings.","turn 1 : (4) Seriously? could mean that B is surprised, does not believe, or is challenging A's statement.","turn 1 : (4) is a straightforward denial of B's implied meaning, and does not carry any additional implied meanings beyond that."]} {"text":["We've all seen, you know if you've gone to one of these snooty coffee shops - I say that lovingly because I go to them.","But, you know, there are all these machines, and you wonder, well, why do you really have to use this one for this?","Right.","And this video decodes that."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":0,"choice":["turn 0 : Snooty means that the shop believes it is better than others.","turn 0 : The speaker is often expecting bad things to happen, so when something good happens, it's more exceptional than usual.","turn 0 : The White House and California are in a disagreement about auto emissions.","turn 0 : The problems of today are the necessity for innovation to occur.","turn 0 : Sectors that grown when the economy is failing do better when the economy begins to improve. The techology sector as a whole is trying hard to make money."]} {"text":["Thank you very much for having me.","And let me begin with the set up for a very old joke: How hot is it?","It's so hot, it's not a joke. That's how hot it is. It's - people always - people come out to me, though, and they ask me - since I've been here, they go, well, you must be used to this, right?I mean, you're from Africa. So, I mean, this must be - no, no. No, this is not weather. This is - I'm used to weather. This is an oven, and I'm not enjoying it. It's very hot. So barely surviving, but I'm glad to be here.","You are wearing a t-shirt that has the words nah mean(ph)."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":2,"choice":["turn 0 : having me implies hosting someone or engaging with someone and not referring to owning someone ","turn 0 : They are on a list of people that are treated badly by the country.","turn 0 : having me implies hosting someone or engaging with someone and not referring to owning someone ","turn 0 : The speaker wants to address the negative views towards immigrants in America and reject white nationalism and xenophobia","turn 0 : The situation is more dire than what is being reported, as the resources available are not able to meet the needs of the refugees."]} {"text":["Thank you very much for having me.","And let me begin with the set up for a very old joke: How hot is it?","It's so hot, it's not a joke. That's how hot it is. It's - people always - people come out to me, though, and they ask me - since I've been here, they go, well, you must be used to this, right?I mean, you're from Africa. So, I mean, this must be - no, no. No, this is not weather. This is - I'm used to weather. This is an oven, and I'm not enjoying it. It's very hot. So barely surviving, but I'm glad to be here.","You are wearing a t-shirt that has the words nah mean(ph)."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":1,"choice":["turn 2 : The speaker is confident in the appeal of Oriental and believes that the listener will enjoy visiting the place.","turn 2 : People assume that because the speaker is from Africa, they should be used to hot weather but they are not enjoying it.","turn 2 : This made the person have to stay where they were at.","turn 2 : The situation is uncertain and they need to take it one step at a time","turn 2 : you imply that something is the case"]} {"text":["You got it, my friend. They did that, and they're apt to do more. And right now I guess the point we ought to talk about to you and your listeners, understanding that I'm not there, and I'm not a player, a participant, but yet I'm a player, one of the outside groups that finds his way in through cracks and corners and talks to the people over there.","I think they are trying to get something, led by the secretary of the Treasury, who's Geithner. . .","Tim Geithner.","Yeah, he's terrific, I think. Republicans have a wonderful man in Boehner, that Boehner's a straight shooter. Geithner is a very smart guy, and he acts fair to the Republicans. So I would think that he would be able to negotiate as well as anybody. And Tim Geithner, he's - I've talked with him many times before this thing started and occasionally since they've been in closed quarters."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":0,"choice":["turn 0 : Despite not being a participant, I have influence.","turn 0 : This turn expresses willingness to engage in the conversation.","turn 0 : Turn (1) has an implicated meaning that is different from its literal meaning. Although the speaker denies that the remarks were racially motivated, the implication is that the speaker believes they were in fact racially motivated, and is trying to downplay or avoid addressing that implication.","turn 0 : Implied meaning: People are feeling resentment and anger towards people who think they don't have to follow the same rules as everyone else. ","turn 0 : The speaker was falsely accused and wrongfully blamed."]} {"text":["Well, they're very angry, obviously. I mean, in Argentina, they're already facing really very hard times. Inflation there is among the highest in the world. The economy is - you know, they've got this boom-and-bust economy that's right now in such a mess that the government very controversially decided to sign on to this huge $56 billion IMF bailout. There are strikes and protests over President Mauricio Macri's austerity program, regularly.","And right now, Steve, there's a very highly charged political environment - I mean, even more highly charged than usual - because presidential elections are coming up in October. Macri's fighting to keep his job in the face of a remarkable resurgence by the former president, Cristina Kirchner, who's running with her former cabinet chief, this time on a ticket to be vice president, despite a stack of corruption charges against her.","Plenty of debate to come on who can keep the lights on. Philip, thanks so much.","You're welcome.","NPR's Philip Reeves."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":4,"choice":["turn 0 : The situation in Venezuela is very violent and dangerous.","turn 0 : Implied meaning: The speaker may be using humor or sarcasm to make a point or convey a message in a lighthearted way.","turn 0 : Implied meaning: The speaker may be using understatement or exaggeration to convey a message, often to emphasize a point or to add humor to a situation.","turn 0 : Implied meaning: The speaker may be using a sarcastic or ironic tone to convey their true feelings or opinions about the situation, without explicitly stating them.","turn 0 : The situation in Argentina is very bad due to high inflation, strikes and protests, and the government's decision to sign a huge IMF bailout."]} {"text":["Well, they're very angry, obviously. I mean, in Argentina, they're already facing really very hard times. Inflation there is among the highest in the world. The economy is - you know, they've got this boom-and-bust economy that's right now in such a mess that the government very controversially decided to sign on to this huge $56 billion IMF bailout. There are strikes and protests over President Mauricio Macri's austerity program, regularly.","And right now, Steve, there's a very highly charged political environment - I mean, even more highly charged than usual - because presidential elections are coming up in October. Macri's fighting to keep his job in the face of a remarkable resurgence by the former president, Cristina Kirchner, who's running with her former cabinet chief, this time on a ticket to be vice president, despite a stack of corruption charges against her.","Plenty of debate to come on who can keep the lights on. Philip, thanks so much.","You're welcome.","NPR's Philip Reeves."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":1,"choice":["turn 1 : Everything was becoming negative in their respective areas. People got a change when the new president was elected. The news is about what is happening and what will happen.","turn 1 : The political environment in Argentina is tense due to presidential elections and the resurgence of a former president with corruption charges.","turn 1 : \"To see myself as a character and not as myself\" - The speaker is not literally seeing themselves as a fictional character, but rather trying to distance themselves emotionally from their personal story in order to write it in an artistic and creative way.","turn 1 : \"It makes you consider your own brain, I suppose.\" - This turn is a figurative expression that means the speaker is reflecting on their own life and experiences in comparison to the circumstances of the individuals whose brains were taken.","turn 1 : to take on a role in this context means to act like a character."]} {"text":["Well, it's true. There was a disaster of my own making at the National Book Awards. In my capacity as emcee, when Jacqueline Woodson won the National Book Award for children's literature, which was a wonderful moment for everyone, but certainly also for me, Jackie is a friend of mine. So after her win, I told a story about her and me. And the story did not go out well and many, many people were very upset by it, and rightfully so.","Yeah. It certainly made me react a little differently when I was reading this book. One of the first signs we get that Errol, the pirate captain, has lost his ability to track is that he falls into racist jokes.","Anyone who's had someone with dementia knows that terrible things often begin to come out of their mouths, which is shocking and mysterious and, of course, very upsetting and hurtful for their families.","Yeah. I think anyone reading this book would decide - not giving anything away - maybe being a pirate isn't the good idea that I thought it was.","It was - if I can convey one message to the people of the world, it's don't try piracy."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":1,"choice":["turn 1 : \"straight line from that to piracy\" - actual meaning: the author uses figurative language to question whether her shoplifting is a direct cause of her becoming a pirate, not that there is a literal straight line linking the two.","turn 1 : (2) B's statement implies that the racist jokes made by the pirate captain in the book were a red flag that something was wrong with him and that being a pirate is not as glamorous as it may seem, rather than simply reacting differently to the story. The actual meaning is that the reader's perception of the pirate captain changes as they learn more about him.","turn 1 : A \"knee-jerk reaction\" in this phrase doesn't refer to the legs. The implied meaning is an automatic response to something, done without much thought. Akin to how when your knee is struck your leg flexes - no thought, pure reflex.","turn 1 : \"took a lot out of my legs\" - This expression is an idiom used to describe feeling physically exhausted or drained after an activity. It does not literally mean that something was taken out of the speaker's legs.","turn 1 : The literal meaning of the turn is asking why they want to cause violence, but the implied meaning is asking why they find violence appealing or attractive."]} {"text":["Well, it's true. There was a disaster of my own making at the National Book Awards. In my capacity as emcee, when Jacqueline Woodson won the National Book Award for children's literature, which was a wonderful moment for everyone, but certainly also for me, Jackie is a friend of mine. So after her win, I told a story about her and me. And the story did not go out well and many, many people were very upset by it, and rightfully so.","Yeah. It certainly made me react a little differently when I was reading this book. One of the first signs we get that Errol, the pirate captain, has lost his ability to track is that he falls into racist jokes.","Anyone who's had someone with dementia knows that terrible things often begin to come out of their mouths, which is shocking and mysterious and, of course, very upsetting and hurtful for their families.","Yeah. I think anyone reading this book would decide - not giving anything away - maybe being a pirate isn't the good idea that I thought it was.","It was - if I can convey one message to the people of the world, it's don't try piracy."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":1,"choice":["turn 3 : \"straight line from that to piracy\" - actual meaning: the author uses figurative language to question whether her shoplifting is a direct cause of her becoming a pirate, not that there is a literal straight line linking the two.","turn 3 : The implication here is that the reader should not try piracy, as it may not be as glamorous as it initially seems.","turn 3 : Come to the table means to show up or to engage with others.","turn 3 : The speaker is hinting that the situation is difficult or complex.","turn 3 : Although the literal meaning of this turn is simply an acknowledgement or agreement, the implied meaning behind it is that the speaker may not be fully engaged or interested in the conversation. It could be interpreted as a way of signaling disinterest or a desire to move on to a different topic."]} {"text":["My gosh, no, no, no. I mean, you know, Rip Van Winkle goes to sleep for 20 years and doesn't look at his statements, and when he wakes up, his money is worth half of what he started with. And when he went to sleep, he was 40 years old. Now, he's 60. What the heck does Rip Van Winkle do?You know, Rip Van Winkle doesn't have enough life left to get back his money.","So, let me ask you this. I'm going to open my statement now, and what should I do with it?","If you're retired and you are living on your investments, you have no business in the stock market right now, none, zero. If you are not retired, you are contributing money to your investment portfolios, you're actively adding money, and you have the stomach for losses, then you can buy. When you look at GE at $8. 55 a share, when you look at Dow Chemical at seven bucks, the juices do get flowing. You can say to yourself, gosh, I'd really like to own these on the bet that 10, 15 years from now, they'll be higher. But you have to understand that they could all be cut in half before they go higher.","Paul Krsek is managing director and chief investment officer of 5T Wealth Management based in Napa Valley, California. Paul, thank you. It's always great to talk to you."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":2,"choice":["turn 0 : (1) Implies that people who work in the tipped industry suffer financially when they don't receive tips, as the low wages don't cover the costs of their rent.","turn 0 : not a literal meaning but rather a rhetorical question.","turn 0 : A implies that Rip Van Winkle's investment is not worth as much after sleeping for 20 years. 2. A implies that it's not a good idea for retirees to invest in the stock market but younger people can do so if they are willing to take risks.","turn 0 : there are no turns in this conversation. whose actual meaning are different from their literal meanings. all of the turn are being used in a straight forward and literal meaning.","turn 0 : None of the turns in this conversation have a figurative or non-literal meaning."]} {"text":["Abortion. Abortion.","Really?","Because it's such a driving issue, a lot of one-issue abortion voters. The courts are determining what's legal in abortion. We see now that the court has got these new two conservative members to the Supreme Court and the lower courts. That's why you see states now pushing ahead with their tough abortion restrictions because they think that they can get these upheld. So I do think abortion - school prayer. Ronald Reagan played on school prayer when he was running. And these were the kind of things that conservatives vote on. These are important to them.","These are these sort of moral and cultural issues that they are interested in, consumed by to some regard. And so the courts have just been more important to them. You do see Democrats reacting now. There's new groups springing up. Demand Justice is a new group that was started to kind of make Democrats more aware of the potency of the court and the importance and why Democrats should be more interested in voting on it. I do think, in this election, Democrats are going to talk a lot more about the Supreme Court than they have in the past."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":3,"choice":["turn 0 : The AMA is getting involved in politics due to North Dakota law on medically induced abortions.","turn 0 : \"seeing myself as the hero of my own story\" is a metaphorical expression meaning to view oneself as the protagonist in one's own life story and to take control of the situation.","turn 0 : trying to place myself in his mind implies a persons way of thinking and\/or their point of view","turn 0 : Abortion is a controversial and politically charged topic.","turn 0 : Implicated meaning: The speaker is expressing a desire to create a character in their book who is strong and believable, rather than simply creating a character who is physically strong. The implied meaning is that the speaker values depth and authenticity in their character portrayal, rather than creating a one-dimensional, superficial character."]} {"text":["Abortion. Abortion.","Really?","Because it's such a driving issue, a lot of one-issue abortion voters. The courts are determining what's legal in abortion. We see now that the court has got these new two conservative members to the Supreme Court and the lower courts. That's why you see states now pushing ahead with their tough abortion restrictions because they think that they can get these upheld. So I do think abortion - school prayer. Ronald Reagan played on school prayer when he was running. And these were the kind of things that conservatives vote on. These are important to them.","These are these sort of moral and cultural issues that they are interested in, consumed by to some regard. And so the courts have just been more important to them. You do see Democrats reacting now. There's new groups springing up. Demand Justice is a new group that was started to kind of make Democrats more aware of the potency of the court and the importance and why Democrats should be more interested in voting on it. I do think, in this election, Democrats are going to talk a lot more about the Supreme Court than they have in the past."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":2,"choice":["turn 2 : Liberals in this area hold conservative beliefs and values.","turn 2 : none","turn 2 : 2. Conservatives prioritize issues such as school prayer and abortion.","turn 2 : none","turn 2 : none"]} {"text":["You're welcome.","Not to belabor this obvious point, but is this as dangerous as it sounds?","It is. And because it's becoming precariously dangerous situation for the east coast of Florida - meaning it may officially stay offshore but still spread the core of its severe impacts right along the coastline - I think that's something that we should emphasize, is that - and I think it was mentioned off the top of the hour - we need our listeners from our member stations in Miami, WLRN, all the way to Jacksonville, WJCT, to take this seriously, especially if you live east of that I-95 corridor because there is an increasing chance now the core - and we're talking the eye wall - of major Hurricane Dorian will brush the coastline.","That could mean winds well above hurricane strength. That could bring storm surge, storm surge warnings and hurricane warnings in effect. So I think that's what's the most dangerous part of this storm is actually the fact that it may be not coming ashore directly, and residents may not be taking it seriously at this point.","Has the storm reached full strength, or is there any possibility that it could intensify?","It likely has reached close to its full strength. It's approaching or moving over the islands now of the Northern Bahamas. And it's also showing signs of going through a eye wall replacement cycle. That will likely occur in the next 24 hours. So the strength is going to fluctuate."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":1,"choice":["turn 2 : Hurricanes are becoming more dangerous due to climate change.","turn 2 : The hurricane may cause severe impacts along the coastline despite staying offshore.","turn 2 : The speaker is stating that the amount of money being discussed is significant not just to themselves, but also to most people in the country. This suggests that there may be financial hardship or inequality that the speaker is aware of.","turn 2 : \u201cFirst, there was a free introductory course where students were told they could make tens of thousands of dollars in just a couple of months using Trump's investment techniques.\u201d - Implied meaning: The students were misled into believing that they could make a lot of money quickly by using Trump's investment techniques. ","turn 2 : In (2), President Obama's commitment of money and military personnel is a literal statement, but it implies that he is taking action to help with the Ebola crisis."]} {"text":["Dual loyalty is something that relates to the potential conflict between clinicians' duties to their patients and their obligations to their employers. When these organizations have sometimes questionable tasks to fulfill, that becomes a very, very serious almost ethical minefield, I would say.","You and I have both been to immigration detention centers. What do you imagine the work will be like?","Well, I think when you talk about any correctional facility, especially immigration detention centers, there are a couple of hats that one has to wear. One is to take care of routine medical issues - so somebody has a headache, somebody has an infection, is vomiting. But also, we're talking about people who are coming with immense trauma, people who may have injuries, people who have suffered from violence. You need to address that in some ways. There's also making sure that there's no spread of contagious diseases, that people are being nourished well. So it's a very big job.","Isn't it important to have the best medical personnel possible in those facilities?Wouldn't you want somebody extremely qualified to be hired for a job like this?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":1,"choice":["turn 0 : Abortion is a controversial and politically charged topic.","turn 0 : \"almost ethical minefield\" implies a morally controversial topic","turn 0 : We're also in a situation where the administration has sent very limited aid budgets to Congress. And fortunately because of the commitment that Congress continues to show, they've actually rejected those steep cuts to humanitarian aid and provided strong funding - robust funding for humanitarian assistance. But we need to see that funding really get out of the bank accounts in D.C. and get out to the ground, where it's needed. Implicated meaning: Despite the administration sending limited aid budgets to Congress, Congress has shown commitment by rejecting steep cuts to humanitarian aid and providing strong funding. However, it is necessary for the allocated funding to be effectively utilized and reach the areas where humanitarian assistance is required.","turn 0 : (4) implies that the US is trying to reach a political solution to the conflict in Syria, but without a strategy to deal with Assad and the refugee crisis.","turn 0 : \"And I know a large part of your speech was devoted to the idea that they should hold off and reassuring them the United States would take action if necessary and that Israeli action would be counterproductive.\" - The actual meaning here is not about the meaning of the words used but rather about the speaker acknowledging the content of the other person's speech and seeking clarification."]} {"text":["Dual loyalty is something that relates to the potential conflict between clinicians' duties to their patients and their obligations to their employers. When these organizations have sometimes questionable tasks to fulfill, that becomes a very, very serious almost ethical minefield, I would say.","You and I have both been to immigration detention centers. What do you imagine the work will be like?","Well, I think when you talk about any correctional facility, especially immigration detention centers, there are a couple of hats that one has to wear. One is to take care of routine medical issues - so somebody has a headache, somebody has an infection, is vomiting. But also, we're talking about people who are coming with immense trauma, people who may have injuries, people who have suffered from violence. You need to address that in some ways. There's also making sure that there's no spread of contagious diseases, that people are being nourished well. So it's a very big job.","Isn't it important to have the best medical personnel possible in those facilities?Wouldn't you want somebody extremely qualified to be hired for a job like this?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":4,"choice":["turn 1 : is a private meeting between people, while the actual meaning of \"dress rehearsal\" (","turn 1 : In turn (4), the speaker describes the birds \"flying\" in the wind tunnel with the wind blowing in their faces, which is not a literal description of flight but rather an approximation of the experience.","turn 1 : (3) is a sign of amusement, indicating the speaker was laughing at the metaphor.","turn 1 : Preventing a cockroach from grooming presents an interesting challenge means it's difficult to get a cockroach to stop grooming","turn 1 : \"a couple of hats that one has to wear\" implies performing different duties."]} {"text":["We should note that USA Today, which when it was founded in 1982, said it would never endorse a candidate for president - didn't want to go to that kind of - didn't want to participate in that kind of politics - has not endorsed a candidate but has said, in some departure from their usual policy, Donald Trump is unfit to be president, so don't vote for him.","What's an editorial worth in this age of social media?","You know, we know that people don't read newspaper editorials by and large. And if they ever read one, it's usually something like this in the presidential season. But we know that people read about them and hear about them.","And that's where, in the age of social media, they may actually matter more because people are going to be talking about this wipeout, this refusal of people who, remember, historically, have almost always gone with Republicans, to go with Donald Trump.","OK, now Miss Universe. Did Hillary Clinton set a trap for Donald Trump, which he sprang on himself?","You know, this story could have gone away in 24 hours or 48 hours. It could have had some impact on Monday night and perhaps, then, just gone away. We've heard an awful lot of high impact stories come and go already in this campaign."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":3,"choice":["turn 1 : It is a bad idea either way for the social media companies.","turn 1 : In turn (4), the speaker describes the birds \"flying\" in the wind tunnel with the wind blowing in their faces, which is not a literal description of flight but rather an approximation of the experience.","turn 1 : In turn (4), the speaker is expressing admiration for a place they are visiting, specifically highlighting the presence of an emu and a day-old goat. The literal meaning of the turn is that the speaker finds the place charming and enjoys the presence of the animals. However, the implied meaning of the turn is that the speaker may be easily impressed or may have a naive or idealized view of rural life. The use of the word \"bucolic\" suggests a romanticized view of the countryside, and the excitement over the presence of relatively common animals suggests a lack of familiarity with rural environments. The turn implies that the speaker may not have a deep understanding of the realities of agricultural life and may be easily swayed by superficial or picturesque elements.","turn 1 : (2) What's an editorial worth in this age of social media?","turn 1 : \"Have you been able to restore the populations to any extent?\" This turn has a literal meaning. It asks whether any progress has been made in increasing the population of the tortoises."]} {"text":["We should note that USA Today, which when it was founded in 1982, said it would never endorse a candidate for president - didn't want to go to that kind of - didn't want to participate in that kind of politics - has not endorsed a candidate but has said, in some departure from their usual policy, Donald Trump is unfit to be president, so don't vote for him.","What's an editorial worth in this age of social media?","You know, we know that people don't read newspaper editorials by and large. And if they ever read one, it's usually something like this in the presidential season. But we know that people read about them and hear about them.","And that's where, in the age of social media, they may actually matter more because people are going to be talking about this wipeout, this refusal of people who, remember, historically, have almost always gone with Republicans, to go with Donald Trump.","OK, now Miss Universe. Did Hillary Clinton set a trap for Donald Trump, which he sprang on himself?","You know, this story could have gone away in 24 hours or 48 hours. It could have had some impact on Monday night and perhaps, then, just gone away. We've heard an awful lot of high impact stories come and go already in this campaign."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":4,"choice":["turn 3 : When you read the social media post, what did you think?","turn 3 : He would be fulfilling a government role and Trump makes it look like he does all of the work.","turn 3 : Implied meaning: Is there space for Chris Christie to enter the presidential race and has he made a mistake by attending the Cowboys-Lions game?","turn 3 : The turn that has a different meaning from its literal meaning is (2) \"President Trump overrode the decision of career officials to grant his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, a clearance\". The phrase \"overrode the decision\" does not mean that President Trump simply disagreed with the decision made by the career officials and made a different decision. It implies that he forced the clearance to be granted despite objections from those officials.","turn 3 : (4) And that's where, in the age of social media, they may actually matter more because people are talking about this wipeout"]} {"text":["We should note that USA Today, which when it was founded in 1982, said it would never endorse a candidate for president - didn't want to go to that kind of - didn't want to participate in that kind of politics - has not endorsed a candidate but has said, in some departure from their usual policy, Donald Trump is unfit to be president, so don't vote for him.","What's an editorial worth in this age of social media?","You know, we know that people don't read newspaper editorials by and large. And if they ever read one, it's usually something like this in the presidential season. But we know that people read about them and hear about them.","And that's where, in the age of social media, they may actually matter more because people are going to be talking about this wipeout, this refusal of people who, remember, historically, have almost always gone with Republicans, to go with Donald Trump.","OK, now Miss Universe. Did Hillary Clinton set a trap for Donald Trump, which he sprang on himself?","You know, this story could have gone away in 24 hours or 48 hours. It could have had some impact on Monday night and perhaps, then, just gone away. We've heard an awful lot of high impact stories come and go already in this campaign."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":4,"label":2,"choice":["turn 4 : (4) Implies that Donald Trump's disregard for sleep is unwise and potentially detrimental.","turn 4 : He would be fulfilling a government role and Trump makes it look like he does all of the work.","turn 4 : 5) OK, now Miss Universe.Did Hillary Clinton set a trap for Donald Trump, which he sprang on himself?","turn 4 : (3) - The actual meaning is that Donald Trump likely wanted Tom Price to resign as Secretary of Health and Human Services after facing criticism for his use of private jets. Trump campaigned against government corruption, so this situation is ironic.","turn 4 : Implied meaning: Is there space for Chris Christie to enter the presidential race and has he made a mistake by attending the Cowboys-Lions game?"]} {"text":["I think not quite yet. I mean, there are often these apologies that are issued and I think President Wagner is quite genuine in his apology. And at the same time, the question becomes how do we as a community at Emory understand how we are to move forward as an institution?","Feels like the kind of moment that will be a touchstone for a long time to come.","I hope in a positive way. I think it's opened up some conversations that we've needed to have.","Leslie Harris is an associate professor of history in African-American studies at Emory University in Atlanta. Professor Harris, thank you very much for joining us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":2,"choice":["turn 1 : Emotions are not just a mental state but have a physical aspect to them.","turn 1 : Having the right connections, personality and know-how is essential for success.","turn 1 : By being a touchstone it means it will be a strong stable moment that will evoke emotion.","turn 1 : Being good at something is not enough for success.","turn 1 : As a leader and parent, it is important to help young people achieve their dreams and goals"]} {"text":["You know what really stands out for me in your book most of all?","Uh-oh.","You love your daughter. You love your grandson. And you love working.","I adore working. I am so - do you know how lucky I am?At this age, I have \"Fashion Police. \"I have an Internet show \"In Bed With Joan. \"And I just started something now called \"Drunken Celebrity Phone Calls. \"It's incredible."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":2,"choice":["turn 3 : The literal meaning of (4) is \"Thanks for having me.\" The actual meaning is \"Thank you for the opportunity.\"","turn 3 : The turn in (3) has an implied meaning of appreciation rather than a literal meaning of thanks.","turn 3 : (4) - Implied meaning: I am very grateful for the opportunities I have been given at my age.","turn 3 : This turn does not have an implied meaning different from its literal meaning. It is a straightforward expression of gratitude towards Laura Sydell, the NPR correspondent.","turn 3 : The literal meaning of (3) is a simple expression of agreement, while the implied meaning is that the speaker is amazed by the story of Steve Dalkowski's feats."]} {"text":["It's nice to be here, Neal. How are you?","I'm good. Thanks. That first phone call - well, just sort of out of curiosity, I assume.","The first call that I made to Alan?Yeah, it was a funny feeling of both, obviously, curiosity and a strange sensation of being crowded in my own skin by another guy who had my same name.","And he turned out to be - well, debonair might be the word."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":1,"choice":["turn 1 : It does not seem clear on whether Trump made the phone call or received it ","turn 1 : is that Neal is asking if the first phone call was made out of curiosity. ","turn 1 : (2) implies that Mr. Groves is joining the conversation for the purpose of providing his expertise on the topic.","turn 1 : The implied meaning of this turn is that the speaker is thanking the guest for appearing on the show and expressing appreciation for their insight","turn 1 : The implied meaning of this turn is that the guest is expressing gratitude for being invited to the show"]} {"text":["It's nice to be here, Neal. How are you?","I'm good. Thanks. That first phone call - well, just sort of out of curiosity, I assume.","The first call that I made to Alan?Yeah, it was a funny feeling of both, obviously, curiosity and a strange sensation of being crowded in my own skin by another guy who had my same name.","And he turned out to be - well, debonair might be the word."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":2,"choice":["turn 2 : that the acquaintance between the two people had grown over the years.","turn 2 : Implied meaning: The speaker thinks that there is a level of ambiguity or hidden message in the turn that may not be immediately apparent, but which can be inferred or interpreted through context or other clues.","turn 2 : The first call was an overwhelming experience of connecting with someone who shared the same name as me, feeling both curious and a little intimidated.","turn 2 : Implied meaning: The speaker may be suggesting that there are some hidden or unknown factors that could influence the situation being discussed.","turn 2 : Implied meaning: The speaker is subtly trying to convey a sense of urgency or importance in the matter being discussed, without explicitly stating it."]} {"text":["It's nice to be here, Neal. How are you?","I'm good. Thanks. That first phone call - well, just sort of out of curiosity, I assume.","The first call that I made to Alan?Yeah, it was a funny feeling of both, obviously, curiosity and a strange sensation of being crowded in my own skin by another guy who had my same name.","And he turned out to be - well, debonair might be the word."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":0,"choice":["turn 3 : is that Alan was very sophisticated and charming.","turn 3 : The story of Alan's life is not as it was originally portrayed.","turn 3 : B is confirming that A attended the same school from kindergarten until graduation.","turn 3 : A is not fully agreeing with B's statement","turn 3 : B was raised by his grandparents who were foster parents, not his biological parents."]} {"text":["Coastal Texas did have a couple of days to prepare for this storm. People were urged to leave the area. What's your estimation?Did many people take that advice and get out before Harvey hit?","Well, certainly some did. As I was driving in from Austin and San Antonio yesterday, you could see a fair number of cars, you know, going the other direction. So certainly, there were some people that evacuated. But here at the hotel that we're staying, there are hundreds of residents who are from Corpus Christi who decided to hunker it out and stay the night here. You know, there were no mandatory evacuations ordered for Corpus Christi.","Some are beginning to wonder, you know, was that the best plan of action?Had a mandatory evacuation been ordered, they would have had to evacuate the hospitals. And that, you know, picks up a whole series of logistical issues. So you know, as the Texas governor ordered yesterday, if you feel unsafe, if you feel unsecure then you should flee.","And Russell, what do you see for the next few hours and next few days about when conditions might improve and what people have to contend with?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":3,"choice":["turn 0 : The hurricane caused severe destruction and devastation in the area.","turn 0 : (1) The speaker is not only suggesting using technology to alert providers when they may be entering orders for the wrong patient, but also emphasizing the importance of preventing medical errors in the healthcare system.","turn 0 : The alert is suggesting that the provider should double-check to make sure they are entering the orders for the correct patient.","turn 0 : (1) Did many people take that advice and get out before Harvey hit?","turn 0 : The speaker is expressing sympathy for the victims and their families."]} {"text":["Coastal Texas did have a couple of days to prepare for this storm. People were urged to leave the area. What's your estimation?Did many people take that advice and get out before Harvey hit?","Well, certainly some did. As I was driving in from Austin and San Antonio yesterday, you could see a fair number of cars, you know, going the other direction. So certainly, there were some people that evacuated. But here at the hotel that we're staying, there are hundreds of residents who are from Corpus Christi who decided to hunker it out and stay the night here. You know, there were no mandatory evacuations ordered for Corpus Christi.","Some are beginning to wonder, you know, was that the best plan of action?Had a mandatory evacuation been ordered, they would have had to evacuate the hospitals. And that, you know, picks up a whole series of logistical issues. So you know, as the Texas governor ordered yesterday, if you feel unsafe, if you feel unsecure then you should flee.","And Russell, what do you see for the next few hours and next few days about when conditions might improve and what people have to contend with?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":1,"choice":["turn 2 : B wants to know if A evacuated because it was mandatory or not.","turn 2 : (3) Had a mandatory evacuation been ordered, they would have had to evacuate the hospitals.","turn 2 : B is referring to the Hurricane Katrina catastrophe in New Orleans and it aftermaths.","turn 2 : (2) implies that B is wondering what the latest news or developments are in the situation,","turn 2 : The implied meaning is that A is inquiring about the details surrounding B's special person."]} {"text":["It's only about $3 billion. So compared to the whole Defense Department, which is, you know, 500 or more billion, or NASA, which is around 16 billion, or something.","A couple of big bombers.","Yeah, one and a half B-2 bombers. That's it. I think DARPA should be inspiring to anyone who wants to create innovative things, come up with new ideas, do things that really make a difference, with a relatively small amount of money and resources.","And what stuff do you think, percentage of stuff, that you actually saw going on?What couldn't you see that they wouldn't let you see inside of DARPA?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":3,"choice":["turn 0 : 100 million plus means that it cost more than that.","turn 0 : None of the words or phrases in this turn have a figurative meaning. It is a straightforward statement about the print media in North Korea continuing to praise the leader, despite his absence, and how his father had also disappeared from public view at times.","turn 0 : (3) Implied Meaning: Is President Kabila using the current situation to remain in power?","turn 0 : The amount of $3 billion is relatively small compared to the Defense Department and NASA budgets.","turn 0 : thanking the NPR reporter, so it does not have a different actual meaning from its literal meaning. "]} {"text":["It's only about $3 billion. So compared to the whole Defense Department, which is, you know, 500 or more billion, or NASA, which is around 16 billion, or something.","A couple of big bombers.","Yeah, one and a half B-2 bombers. That's it. I think DARPA should be inspiring to anyone who wants to create innovative things, come up with new ideas, do things that really make a difference, with a relatively small amount of money and resources.","And what stuff do you think, percentage of stuff, that you actually saw going on?What couldn't you see that they wouldn't let you see inside of DARPA?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":1,"choice":["turn 2 : DARPA needs to constantly recruit new talent and ideas to maintain innovation.","turn 2 : DARPA is able to achieve innovative results with limited resources.","turn 2 : Take a shot means have a try in this context, not actually shoot someone","turn 2 : In this turn, the speaker is using sarcasm and irony. The literal meaning suggests that the person being discussed sent impressive pictures of jet engines in a basement, which are flaming out. However, the actual meaning implies that the person's actions or pictures were not impressive or desirable.","turn 2 : (4) implies disbelief or shock at A's response in the previous turn."]} {"text":["How close is it?","It's about three parsecs away, about 12 light-years away, something like that.","So if there is intelligent life on that planet, and I'm just speculating here, it would be possible to communicate with them in real time almost, right, a lifetime, at least one person's lifetime if they could signal back and forth in 12 light-years?","Well, and that's the reason that studying these nearest stars is so interesting. If you have a chance of contacting any intelligent beings on these things, you could have a two-way conversation easily within a lifetime around these nearest stars."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":2,"choice":["turn 1 : Being the dominant power in space can deter others from challenging us in that domain.","turn 1 : The federal government has investigated alternatives to lethal force and improving police-community relations for decades, but these techniques have not gained enough traction.","turn 1 : The planet is far away from us, but it's measurable","turn 1 : Turn (4) is implying that even though research has been conducted in this area, law enforcement has not been paying attention to it and is only now beginning to do so.","turn 1 : The implementation of a residential law for policemen and an independent civilian complaint review board would decrease police brutality."]} {"text":["How close is it?","It's about three parsecs away, about 12 light-years away, something like that.","So if there is intelligent life on that planet, and I'm just speculating here, it would be possible to communicate with them in real time almost, right, a lifetime, at least one person's lifetime if they could signal back and forth in 12 light-years?","Well, and that's the reason that studying these nearest stars is so interesting. If you have a chance of contacting any intelligent beings on these things, you could have a two-way conversation easily within a lifetime around these nearest stars."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":2,"choice":["turn 3 : B is making a sarcastic remark about the difficulty of discovering something new with telescopes.","turn 3 : The speaker identifies with various forms of art and culture, and has a deep appreciation for life and love.","turn 3 : Studying the nearest stars is interesting because it increases the chances of contacting intelligent beings","turn 3 : This is implying that A believes art should have an interesting or captivating element to it.","turn 3 : the musicians actually created a spark in the speaker's imagination, but the figurative meaning is that the musicians inspired the speaker's creativity."]} {"text":["When you marinate after grilling, you actually make a marinade that doesn't touch any of the raw fish or meat.","Got it. OK. What about people who don't eat meat?There are a lot of people who really are trying to move more toward a plant-based diet. How do you manage that on the grill if you have limited grill space?Because, I mean, it depends on why you're not eating meat. I mean, if you're not eating meat because you have strong ideological reasons, you don't necessarily want that touching. How could you manage that?And what are some things that you should consider for the non-meat eaters?","Yeah. I love grilled vegetables. I love eating vegetarian meals. I'm not super-strict about if meat's been on the grill to then make something with vegetables. But some people don't want them maybe cooking at the same time, where they might touch or come into contact that way. So I would say one of the preparations I really love for summer are grilled salads. So this is like a grilled spin on your classic salads.","And on Bon Appetit, we have a recipe for grilled lettuces with creme fraiche and avocado, which is a spin on, like, a ranch dressing. We have a grilled cob, where some of the elements of the salad get grilled and then tossed together with the other stuff. There is a grilled bread salad, which is kind of like a riff on a Panzanella, a bread salad where you combine it with some grilled vegetables."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":3,"choice":["turn 0 : Leaning into your gas grill meaning simply use the grill.","turn 0 : The story involving Theodore Roosevelt may reveal America's aggressive nature.","turn 0 : The president was satisfied with how he was perceived.","turn 0 : Marinating after grilling doesn't involve the cooked meat\/fish","turn 0 : My father was trying to instill a sense of superiority and strength in me by contrasting the strong and the weak."]} {"text":["What has been the reaction to this from the pollsters at this conference that you're at?","In the hallways here, I was surprised to hear, actually, that academics and pollsters are mostly saying that this effort is overdue. There's general consensus that the traditional exit polls are oversampling Democrats because older voters don't like having to fill out these forms. And they, of course, lean pretty heavily Republican.","Many people I talked to here said that they've been raising alarm bells with the National Election Pool for a decade to no avail. And they see this as a pretty good thing to light a match under those exit pollsters to change. I talked with a consultant to one of those exit polls. And he said that they are actually going to be trying to make changes and that this is part of that.","That's NPR's lead political editor Domenico Montanaro in Denver."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":2,"choice":["turn 2 : There are dangers that cause problems by doing these polls.","turn 2 : Armstrong was sent to a reformatory multiple times and grew up in poverty.","turn 2 : They've been making the National Election Pool worried and extremely concerned. Also, it is not a pool, but an organization that gets information from groups of people.","turn 2 : The family was taking a chance by investing in a potential financial opportunity without having any guarantee of success.","turn 2 : Children of wealthy tycoons and lords of Gilded Age"]} {"text":["Philippines armed forces pounded militant positions again on Saturday, the fifth-straight day of fighting between government forces and ISIS-linked fighters who have occupied parts of the city of Marawi on the island of Mindanao. A military spokesman says that at least 40 militants have been killed since the fighting began, and at least 13 soldiers have died. We're joined now from Mindanao by Michael Sullivan.","Michael, thanks so much for being with us.","You're welcome, Scott.","You're just back from Marawi. What did you see?","Scott, I saw a ghost town, really. I mean, it was eerie. It's a city of more than 200,000 people. But it just looked as if someone had suddenly just snatched them all away, just plucked them from the street. The only people we saw in the city proper were heavily armed Philippine soldiers trying to flush out militant snipers. And you could hear intermittent gunfire on the streets approaching that part of the city that the militants still control."],"speaker":["B","B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":2,"choice":["turn 2 : A: Thank you, Scott. Actual meaning: A is expressing gratitude to B for the conversation.","turn 2 : The conversation was private and sealed, so it's unclear what was discussed.","turn 2 : (3) \"You're welcome, Scott\" - This is an expression of gratitude and respect, not an acknowledgement that Scott has granted permission. ","turn 2 : The agreement will cause things to come to a halt with no further changes.","turn 2 : The situation is uncertain and they need to take it one step at a time"]} {"text":["Correct.","And is there a difference in spider silk as opposed to the silkworm silk?","There are many similarities between the two, as a family of proteins. There are also some distinct differences. There are many different kinds of both spider silks and silkworm silks. The silk we use for this particular study is really based on a purified version of what's present in the textile world, and we choose that because the infrastructure is there, the supplies are there to really utilize this in a widespread application like vaccine distribution that we're talking about.","So you could use it for more than just vaccines?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":3,"choice":["turn 2 : There are other pathogens that could be used as weapons besides Anthrax","turn 2 : Implies disbelief in the official explanation for the meeting and wanting a better answer.","turn 2 : can be interpreted as a way to inquire about the current situation in the city, not just the events taking place. ","turn 2 : There are other potential uses for the silk beyond vaccine distribution.","turn 2 : The talks had gotten worse as they were returning to what they had spoken of before. Offers were made and rejected. The table is just a metaphor for the two sides talking to one another."]} {"text":["Well, as you might imagine, there are a variety of courses of action that the Department of Defense, specifically the commanders in Central Command, have provided to the president and the National Security staff. And they will take a look at those and put those in context vis-a-vis the diplomatic and political actions that are also occurring as this is going on and determine one or another. And they run the entire gamut from, you know, a non-lethal response to more lethal actions. . .","To forceful military response, right.","Yeah, taking out the service to air missile systems that are in the vicinity. Some of. . .","OK."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":4,"choice":["turn 0 : The United States would need to compromise and accept a nuclear-armed North Korea.","turn 0 : The actual meaning was differ from the original meaning that is the right answer","turn 0 : The actual meaning was differ from the original meaning that is the right answer","turn 0 : The actual meaning was differ from the original meaning that is the right answer","turn 0 : There are multiple options for military action, and the president will choose one after considering diplomatic and political actions."]} {"text":["We get the impression from the reporting of our colleague Adrian Florido in Puerto Rico that this was - the protests that drove out the governor, they were a protest against the governor but really against the whole political system. And the descriptions you've just given of the various positions would seem to back that up. Does anybody have credibility to take the job?","I think there are people that do have the credibility and that have the experience. But I - it's not clear to me that political leadership has heard the message that has been delivered loud and clearly by the thousands, in some cases hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans that took to the street to let, you know, their distaste and their indignation known.","What do you mean they haven't heard the message - meaning that the political leadership doesn't understand how angry people are?","I think that that could be the case, and it is demonstrated by the fact that there are reports of backroom dealing over who could be that next secretary of state that could take over the governor's position."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":3,"choice":["turn 0 : to carry something out means to do something","turn 0 : Implied meaning: The speaker may be hinting at a desire or need for help or support from the listener.","turn 0 : Implied meaning: The speaker is subtly trying to convey a sense of urgency or importance in the matter being discussed, without explicitly stating it.","turn 0 : drove out in this context means to scare someone away","turn 0 : Implied meaning: The speaker is hinting at a deeper or hidden motive or intention behind their actions or words."]} {"text":["We get the impression from the reporting of our colleague Adrian Florido in Puerto Rico that this was - the protests that drove out the governor, they were a protest against the governor but really against the whole political system. And the descriptions you've just given of the various positions would seem to back that up. Does anybody have credibility to take the job?","I think there are people that do have the credibility and that have the experience. But I - it's not clear to me that political leadership has heard the message that has been delivered loud and clearly by the thousands, in some cases hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans that took to the street to let, you know, their distaste and their indignation known.","What do you mean they haven't heard the message - meaning that the political leadership doesn't understand how angry people are?","I think that that could be the case, and it is demonstrated by the fact that there are reports of backroom dealing over who could be that next secretary of state that could take over the governor's position."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":0,"choice":["turn 1 : heard the message meaning seen what was meant by the actions of","turn 1 : Implied meaning: The speaker may be hinting at something indirectly and expects the listener to understand the intended message.","turn 1 : none","turn 1 : none","turn 1 : none"]} {"text":["We get the impression from the reporting of our colleague Adrian Florido in Puerto Rico that this was - the protests that drove out the governor, they were a protest against the governor but really against the whole political system. And the descriptions you've just given of the various positions would seem to back that up. Does anybody have credibility to take the job?","I think there are people that do have the credibility and that have the experience. But I - it's not clear to me that political leadership has heard the message that has been delivered loud and clearly by the thousands, in some cases hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans that took to the street to let, you know, their distaste and their indignation known.","What do you mean they haven't heard the message - meaning that the political leadership doesn't understand how angry people are?","I think that that could be the case, and it is demonstrated by the fact that there are reports of backroom dealing over who could be that next secretary of state that could take over the governor's position."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":0,"choice":["turn 3 : backroom dealings meaning out of the view of the public and not with good intent","turn 3 : They are implying that deals are done in inappropriate places","turn 3 : \"But it will only be a brief hiatus in this long-term, contentious U.S.-China relationship\" has a figurative meaning that is different from its literal meaning. The literal meaning of the turn is that a deal between the US and China would only be a temporary break in their long-term, contentious relationship. However, the figurative meaning is that even if a deal is reached, the underlying tensions and issues between the two countries will remain and could resurface in the future.","turn 3 : China is trying to negotiate the best possible deal while doing as little as possible to please Trump.","turn 3 : There are some groups who see China as a threat, but not everyone agrees with this assessment."]} {"text":["Does this book take the position that President Trump is simply wrong about Russia?","No. No, it does not say that. And I would underline that this book is not an anti-Trump book or a pro-anyone book. It's not anti- or pro-anyone. Maybe it's hard to believe in today's Washington, but we actually have no agenda (laughter).","John McLaughlin is a former acting CIA director. Thank you very much for joining us today.","Thank you."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":1,"choice":["turn 1 : Implied meaning: The speaker may be hinting at something indirectly and expects the listener to understand the intended message.","turn 1 : Implied meaning: The speaker is hinting at an underlying issue or concern that they are not comfortable discussing directly.","turn 1 : The turn \"your life changed\" in (1) is an idiomatic expression that means a significant event or series of events that dramatically altered the course of one's life. Its actual meaning is different from its literal meaning, which would be that the person's life physically changed.","turn 1 : to move in direction in this context means to change something","turn 1 : The actual meaning was differ from the original meaning that is the right answer"]} {"text":["And it's not just exhaustion, Ambassador. It's a belief on all sides that they cannot win on the battlefield.","Yeah. And I think that is beginning to dawn on people. There is this view that somehow if the U. S. launches air strikes on behalf of the rebels that this could somehow turn the tide. But I think if you're in the military and the Pentagon, you start looking at what exactly your target sets are going to be. You're going to see this as a pretty complex problem and then maybe air strikes are not going to solve it.","There's also the idea of a no-fly zone because the Assad forces have used air strikes on others. And there is no question that could have some impact on the ground, but none of these things are a sure bet. And the only sure bet is that they would - the first step in any of these things is an act of war, whether we like it or not.","And imposing a no-fly zone is an act of war. You mentioned some people who ought to be involved in this conversation. You did not mention a player with a major stake in Syria, and that's Iran."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":3,"choice":["turn 1 : The people have seen what he is capable of and believe he posses the skills and abilities to win.","turn 1 : as it is the only turn with an implied meaning different from its literal meaning.","turn 1 : The actual meaning was differ from the original meaning that is the right answer","turn 1 : The person thinks that the fact they can not win is beginning to be believed by people.","turn 1 : Implied meaning: The speaker may be using metaphors or analogies to convey a complex idea or emotion in a more relatable or understandable way."]} {"text":["Journalist Sam Dagher spent years in Syria reporting on war. He also reported on the lives of ordinary Syrians caught in the middle of the fighting. His new book is called \"Assad Or We Burn The Country. \"It tells the story of Hafez al-Assad and his son Bashar and their rule in Syria. The story is told in large part through the Assad family's friendship with another Syrian family, the Tlass family. The Tlasses had helped the father and son keep their grip on power for decades.","I talked to Sam Dagher, and I first asked him about the book's title.","I saw this slogan on the walls of destroyed and deserted towns and neighborhoods. The Assad regime besieged a lot of these towns and neighborhoods in Damascus and elsewhere around the country that had risen up against the regime. The regime forces would go in and do what the regime calls the cleansing of this area. So they would sometimes execute whoever they find in these places, loot all the homes down to the tiles and the copper wire in the wall and burn these homes. And after they're done, they would spray this graffiti on the walls, Assad or we burn the country.","Sam, in this book, you're telling the story of the Assad family, but you're also telling the story of another Syrian family. Tell me about this lost family and their relationship with the Assads."],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":3,"choice":["turn 2 : The regime has been causing damage to the country and harming innocent people.","turn 2 : The jungle wasn't as untouched as originally believed and was heavily populated in prehistoric times.","turn 2 : The jungle was transformed by early civilizations through farming, terracing, irrigation, and building.","turn 2 : The slogan on walls reveals the regime's brutality towards its opponents","turn 2 : The actual meaning was differ from the original meaning that is the right answer"]} {"text":["Well, most recently, we did a research project where we sent psychologists and medical doctors to meet with former detainees at Abu Ghraib in Guantanamo - doing physical exams, psychological exams, X-rays, bone scans, rectal exams - to see if the stories that they had told were actually true. And the doctors that reviewed the research and did the work said that the story was so gross that they could hardly read all of the report. So, it's that kind of funding that had us put out a report called \"Broken Laws, Broken Lives,\" which is being used in the Congress to investigate the violations of human rights to the folks that have been detained. So, that's the kind of work that the JET Foundation funded that we now have lost.","So, you won't have $175,000 going forward. Is there a way to make up that money?","Well, I think its individual. I think there's a lot of folks out there from all sides of the table that want to restore our credibility, and they are the people, I think, that ultimately will fund our work. And if I can find about 175 people to give me 1,000 bucks, we'll be able to continue that critical work.","Frank Donaghue is the CEO of Physicians for Human Rights. Thank you very much."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":2,"choice":["turn 2 : Implies that the speaker is asking for the other person's opinion about the political implications of the current situation.","turn 2 : (2) implies that people are facing a lot of bureaucracy and paperwork, ","turn 2 : all sides of the table refers to different opinions people have","turn 2 : (4) B: The speaker implies that reducing bureaucracy is not as simple as just getting rid of paperwork, as bureaucracies are inherently reliant on established procedures and processes.","turn 2 : Red tape and excessive bureaucracy make it hard to start a business."]} {"text":["Hello.","So, John, I've got my iPhone here. I downloaded this ap last night. Let's give it a little bit of a test run, and we should tell our listeners here, there's going to be a bit of an interference with the microphone.","But let's take the example that I just used and give it a shot. So, Thai food, Los Angeles. I say that into my phone. It does a little working and processing, and next thing you know, it's popped up a list of all of the closest Thai Restaurants to me with phone numbers. It's pretty cool. How does this work?","Usually pretty well. It's also one of my nightmare scenarios as a bicyclist that people like you will be driving all over the place looking at your iPhones."],"speaker":["A","B","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":4,"choice":["turn 2 : springing up means to suddenly appear or to suddenly happen.","turn 2 : The speaker is implying that new information has been revealed regarding the missing brains.","turn 2 : \"we'll have to leave it there\" implies that the tv show is over.","turn 2 : The actual meaning of (3) is that many people wrongly assume that suspects will remain silent when questioned, when in fact they rarely do.","turn 2 : when something \"pops up\" in this context it means it came up"]} {"text":["The smart way for communities to deal with the issue like that is to hearken back to what we were talking about with Jennifer Hudson. Make sure your community is a community. Make sure you know your neighbors and what is going on. Make sure you are making a conscious effort to deal with the distance and the attenuation that we have in our communities based on our mobility and technology. So if you know who's there, whose children are where, what's going on and if you have that sense of community, that is the quickest and best way to make sure your community can stay safe.","Judge Toler, great to talk to you. Thank you.","Good to talk to you.","Judge Lynn Toler is the star of TV's \"Divorce Court. \"She is also the author of \"My Mother's Rules: A Practical Guide To Becoming an Emotional Genius\" and she joined us from the studios of KJZZ in Tempe, Arizona."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":2,"choice":["turn 0 : (1) \"Right.\" This turn does not convey any literal meaning, but it serves as a signal that the listener is following the speaker's train of thought and agrees with what has been said. It is a type of backchanneling, which is a signal that the listener is actively listening and engaged in the conversation.","turn 0 : The speaker is implying that new information has been revealed regarding the missing brains.","turn 0 : to hearken back means to think back, or to think about what happened previously","turn 0 : The whiplash means that a person turns their head around quickly as the other person change's their opinions.","turn 0 : implies that you should be mindful of the information you hear and stay informed."]} {"text":["Oh, absolutely not, Scott. That's not - that's the - kind of our problem. Remember that we went from basically a dead start over the last 15 years where we didn't have these capabilities to now having a remarkable capability to collect intelligence and information using these platforms and all these great people. And so we just - as an institution we have to get ahead of that. It's been hard to do as the demand grew so rapidly.","I know they're not in combat, which is its own category to acknowledge and respect, but is it possible for a drone pilot to develop what some people would call post-traumatic stress?","Oh, I think it's beyond possible. I think it's happened. This is one of the kind of second-order effects that we probably didn't anticipate when we first started this work. I don't think there's any question that it's a factor. I don't believe it's an overriding factor. We don't have a great number of people who have manifested these kind of symptoms and problems, but we certainly do have some.","Do drones offer the appearance of risk-free combat?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":0,"choice":["turn 1 : Implies that there is a possibility for a drone pilot to experience psychological trauma, even if they are not in combat.","turn 1 : \"appearance of risk-free combat\": the literal meaning of this phrase is that combat conducted by drones looks like it is without any risk; however, the actual meaning is that some people may perceive drone warfare as having fewer risks than traditional warfare, but it does not mean that it is entirely risk-free.","turn 1 : The pilot could have intentionally crashed the plane.","turn 1 : This made the person have to stay where they were at.","turn 1 : drove out in this context means to scare someone away"]} {"text":["Part of it was that in four years, there are some voters who believe he was tone deaf, too arrogant, too bossy, not collaborative. But you're right - he raised $30 million over the last four years. The president came in and gave him what everyone called a bro hug, and all of the newspapers endorsed him, including The Chicago Defender. . .","Yeah.",". . . The African-American newspaper. And none of it worked.","Only 34 percent of the voters went to the polls this week. Isn't that usually the kind of election in which a well-financed campaign with a good ground campaign is supposed to win?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":0,"choice":["turn 1 : Implied meaning: The speaker's tone, emphasis, or inflection may convey emotional or personal attitudes or opinions, even if the literal meaning of their words does not explicitly express these feelings.","turn 1 : Implied meaning: The speaker's use of a particular tone or inflection may suggest a certain attitude or emotion, such as sarcasm, excitement, anger, or sadness, which can provide additional context or subtext to the words being spoken.","turn 1 : Schrenker's distress call was fabricated and he left the plane intentionally","turn 1 : The Coast Guard will charge Mr. Schrenker for making a false distress call, and he will have to pay for the cost of the search.","turn 1 : Despite legal and PR efforts, it is difficult for experts to make sense of the situation"]} {"text":["Part of it was that in four years, there are some voters who believe he was tone deaf, too arrogant, too bossy, not collaborative. But you're right - he raised $30 million over the last four years. The president came in and gave him what everyone called a bro hug, and all of the newspapers endorsed him, including The Chicago Defender. . .","Yeah.",". . . The African-American newspaper. And none of it worked.","Only 34 percent of the voters went to the polls this week. Isn't that usually the kind of election in which a well-financed campaign with a good ground campaign is supposed to win?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":1,"choice":["turn 3 : Implied meaning: The speaker may be expressing a hidden emotion or attitude, such as resentment or envy, that is not directly stated in their words, but is conveyed through their tone, facial expressions, or choice of language.","turn 3 : Implied meaning: The speaker's choice of language or communication style may reflect their level of education, social status, or personal values, and may carry additional implications or associations beyond the literal meaning of their words.","turn 3 : The speaker is suggesting that, similar to the evolution of laws and attitudes towards domestic violence, there needs to be a similar shift in the understanding and treatment of animal abuse. This implies that the speaker believes that animal abuse should be taken seriously and treated as a potential indicator of violent behavior, and that there needs to be a comprehensive effort involving legislators, law enforcement, prosecutors, and judges to address this issue.","turn 3 : The speaker is using Scottish slang to describe animals.","turn 3 : The speaker is implying that some law enforcement professionals may be resistant to gathering and analyzing data on animal abuse because they view it as an added bureaucratic burden. This suggests that the speaker believes that some law enforcement officials may be unwilling to take the issue of animal abuse seriously or prioritize it as a potential indicator of violent behavior."]} {"text":["Well, I was doing some research at the - looking at the finding aids of the Ransom library in the University of Texas. And they have, like, a great, great, great number of works of Steinbeck over there. And when I did some more research, I looked and I said, oh, my God. This has been tucked away in a vault for 60 years. It was not released in English.","I contacted the Steinbeck estate, and I was lucky enough to get a yes because in my line of work, you can do all your homework, do all your research - and not to mention all the tears - and then you may get a very simple no. But. . .","So it's good when you get the yes.","It is. It is. It's rare but, you know, that's - those are the moments of life with you and - moments of your career which you savor."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":3,"choice":["turn 3 : The literal meaning of (4) is that Tracy Letts watched his family suffer when he was 10 years old, but the implied meaning is that the experience had a lasting effect on him and shaped his life and art.","turn 3 : There is an idea that women must suffer through the pain of wearing high heeled shoes to be professional.","turn 3 : She wore her high heels no matter what the pain she endured from them.","turn 3 : moments means periods of time they liked in life","turn 3 : \"fill his shoes\" implies that the speaker wants to follow in Jack's footsteps and continue his work, but not that they literally want to wear his shoes."]} {"text":["Let's turn now to the Bahamas and specifically the northern parts of the Bahamas, where reports are coming in of extensive, unprecedented damage. We have been trying to get through all day with no luck. Phone service is mostly out. The Red Cross is there on the ground, and I want to bring in Steve McAndrew of the Red Cross. He is monitoring the situation from Panama.","Mr. McAndrew, welcome.","Thank you for having me.","Now, have you been able to get through to your teams in the Bahamas?What are you hearing?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":1,"choice":["turn 2 : the literal meaning is that the host is thanking the guest for being with them. However, the actual meaning is that the host is ending the interview and thanking the guest for participating.","turn 2 : The host is thanking the guest for coming.","turn 2 : This is an expression of agreement, but it also implies that the speaker is willing to continue the discussion.","turn 2 : B wants A to explain what makes the agreement better","turn 2 : The agreement will cause things to come to a halt with no further changes."]} {"text":["Why the need for this guide?","We know that people are going to be asking themselves is the gift that I'm giving or asking for going to be secure and private?And as you said, most holiday shopping guides are focused on price and performance, and this guide is focused on privacy and security.","It's not just smart speakers, is it?It's a lot of devices that we've quite willingly and comfortably made part of our everyday lives.","That's absolutely right. And we're particularly looking at the area of connected-to gifts because more and more consumer products are connected to the Internet. So one interesting space that we've looked at is this new emerging toy category of drones. I have an 11-year-old who's pretty excited about drones, and it turns out that many of them connect to insecure wireless and therefore can be taken over, both the information they collect but also the device itself. So we think that consumers would want to know information like that when they're considering a drone gift."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":4,"choice":["turn 1 : Implied meaning: The speaker is trying to indirectly communicate a message or request to the listener.","turn 1 : (2) Implied meaning: Is there any incentive for Democrats to cooperate with Republicans on health care reform now that they have been successful in preserving the original?","turn 1 : The Affordable Care Act is being challenged by Republicans.","turn 1 : Everyone is aware that the issue of high prescription drug costs needs to be addressed, but there are opposing views on how to do so.","turn 1 : smart speakers implies the electronic devices are incorporated or equipped with computer or digital technology"]} {"text":["Why the need for this guide?","We know that people are going to be asking themselves is the gift that I'm giving or asking for going to be secure and private?And as you said, most holiday shopping guides are focused on price and performance, and this guide is focused on privacy and security.","It's not just smart speakers, is it?It's a lot of devices that we've quite willingly and comfortably made part of our everyday lives.","That's absolutely right. And we're particularly looking at the area of connected-to gifts because more and more consumer products are connected to the Internet. So one interesting space that we've looked at is this new emerging toy category of drones. I have an 11-year-old who's pretty excited about drones, and it turns out that many of them connect to insecure wireless and therefore can be taken over, both the information they collect but also the device itself. So we think that consumers would want to know information like that when they're considering a drone gift."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":4,"choice":["turn 3 : The drone could monitor inside Iran without entering Iranian airspace.","turn 3 : (2) Implied meaning: Is there any incentive for Democrats to cooperate with Republicans on health care reform now that they have been successful in preserving the original?","turn 3 : The rule would allow healthcare workers to refuse certain services based on moral beliefs","turn 3 : Congressional Republicans won't pass the bill unless the President makes sure they will not be hurt politically.","turn 3 : Connected toys such as drones may pose a security risk to children and adults"]} {"text":["And no birthdays, no Christmas, no nothing. And at age 15, I couldn't take it anymore, so I moved in with my real father, but I didn't know he was a pimp. And the transition from living in essentially a middle-class, suburban area, because he sold BMWs and Porsche automobiles, he did very well. Moving from that middle-class area and the. . .","And the picket fences, all the way to the other end of East 14th, where it was like. . .","Cars sliding by, was a huge transition. Going from one spectrum to another. And I was essentially a nerd coming out of knocking on doors and moving into where my brothers and everybody was like, David, we're about to have another party. And like, oh, really?How do I fit in here, you know?","Right, right."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":4,"choice":["turn 0 : 1. The implied meaning of this statement is that the father was very strict and did not allow the speaker to relax.","turn 0 : (4) - This turn implies that A will support McConnell if he succeeds in passing the tax plan, and that the Republicans still have a chance to win.","turn 0 : The implication is that the Republicans may have to use strong tactics to pass their agenda, even if it means having to pressure members of their own party.","turn 0 : People are uncertain about their vote in this election, and are hesitant to support either the Republican or Democratic candidate.","turn 0 : A had a difficult childhood with no celebrations, and later moved in with his father who was involved in illegal activities."]} {"text":["And no birthdays, no Christmas, no nothing. And at age 15, I couldn't take it anymore, so I moved in with my real father, but I didn't know he was a pimp. And the transition from living in essentially a middle-class, suburban area, because he sold BMWs and Porsche automobiles, he did very well. Moving from that middle-class area and the. . .","And the picket fences, all the way to the other end of East 14th, where it was like. . .","Cars sliding by, was a huge transition. Going from one spectrum to another. And I was essentially a nerd coming out of knocking on doors and moving into where my brothers and everybody was like, David, we're about to have another party. And like, oh, really?How do I fit in here, you know?","Right, right."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":4,"choice":["turn 1 : The speaker wonders if the average person is also experiencing a similar change in circumstances from being wealthy to not wealthy, as opposed to just a select few.","turn 1 : Georgia's film industry has had a massive economic impact.","turn 1 : The tax incentives have made Georgia a popular location for filming.","turn 1 : Atlanta has contributed significantly to the music industry.","turn 1 : A moved from a middle-class area to a poorer area with a stark contrast in living conditions."]} {"text":["And no birthdays, no Christmas, no nothing. And at age 15, I couldn't take it anymore, so I moved in with my real father, but I didn't know he was a pimp. And the transition from living in essentially a middle-class, suburban area, because he sold BMWs and Porsche automobiles, he did very well. Moving from that middle-class area and the. . .","And the picket fences, all the way to the other end of East 14th, where it was like. . .","Cars sliding by, was a huge transition. Going from one spectrum to another. And I was essentially a nerd coming out of knocking on doors and moving into where my brothers and everybody was like, David, we're about to have another party. And like, oh, really?How do I fit in here, you know?","Right, right."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":0,"choice":["turn 2 : A felt out of place in his new environment and struggled to fit in.","turn 2 : There were some personal problems, and he is trying to understand the reason behind them without being too direct.","turn 2 : The speaker is implying that Wal-Mart is not genuine in its claim that the store closure was an experiment, and that it may have been a strategic move to avoid further criticism and negative publicity. ","turn 2 : implies that people may not trust Walmart to provide the same quality of organic food as Whole Foods.","turn 2 : This statement implies that B wants to know how A's family are dealing with the downturn economy and what the also think about America's economy."]} {"text":["Is Colin Kaepernick, in your judgment, unsigned because of his politics or his performance as a quarterback?","I don't think we can say if it's one or the other. I think what troubled me was that I saw so many people who wouldn't necessarily know the difference between an end zone fade and icing in hockey say automatically without parsing through the situation of his play at all that it has to be racial. And it could be racial. But it's also the type of thing that you could see someone with his skill set at this point in his career trajectory both being in the league and not being in the league.","Can you explain to us why a general manager or coach wouldn't, just in football terms, necessarily snap at the opportunity to sign Colin Kaepernick?","I think you have to ask yourself, can this player, in this case a quarterback, can he help us win?And how do you win in the league right now?It is not 40 years ago when you can win 17 to 10. You have to rack up the offense. And what Kaepernick basically does - his skill set, the best part of it - is he does not throw many interceptions. He had four last year against 16 touchdown passes. That's a really good ratio."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":0,"choice":["turn 1 : \"I saw so many people who wouldn't necessarily know the difference between an end zone fade and icing in hockey say automatically without parsing through the situation of his play at all that it has to be racial.\" The actual meaning implied in this statement is that many people who lack knowledge about football and its technicalities automatically assume that Colin Kaepernick's situation is racially motivated, without analyzing the specifics of his performance.","turn 1 : The fact that the quarterback is black is important to the conversation","turn 1 : Implies that religion is an important factor in the speaker's life, not just a literal question about religion.","turn 1 : The passage is written in a dialect of English, and the words used have a literal meaning that may be different from standard English. The actual meaning of the passage is a prayer asking for God's blessings, forgiveness of sins, and protection from evil, expressed in a language that is culturally and regionally specific.","turn 1 : The actual meaning behind (4) is not just an expression of admiration but also an invitation to explore and appreciate the wonders of the world."]} {"text":["Sure. I won't give you the whole poem. It's rather long. Oh, for a draft of vintage that have been culled a long age in the deep delved earth. Tasting of flora and the country green, dense and Provencal song and sun burnt mirth. Oh, for a beaker full of the warm south, full of the true, the blushful hippocream(ph), with beaded bubbles winking at the brim and purple stained mouth, that I might drink and leave this world unseen. And with thee fade away in the forest dim.","That's very nice indeed. I'm inclined to respond by saying, you know, she should have died hereafter. There would have been time for such a word. You know, tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps at its petty pace from day to day to the last syllable of recorded time, and all our yesterdays have lighted fools, they waited dust to your death. Out, out brief candle - sorry.","That's pretty wonderful.","Jean Sprackland is one of the poets who've selected verses for schoolchildren in the United Kingdom to recite for a new contest called Poetry By Heart. Thanks very much, Ms. Sprackland."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":4,"choice":["turn 3 : The speaker lists some of their favorite poets.","turn 3 : In (4), the speaker tells a story about a Swedish prime minister who believed that his country was being invaded by submarines from Russia. The prime minister put microphones in Stockholm harbor and recorded sounds that he thought were proof of the Russian invasion. However, the actual meaning of the recorded sounds was different from the literal meaning, as they were caused by something else entirely.","turn 3 : (3) When the speaker states that science is under attack, they are implying that politicians are misusing science to further their own agendas, rather than relying on scientific evidence to inform their decisions.","turn 3 : The speaker believes in the science of climate change and will not compromise on evidence-based reality, but thinks the conversation needs to be framed differently","turn 3 : In turn (4), the speaker is thanking Ms. Sprackland for her participation in a poetry contest."]} {"text":["All right, Mario. We have to jump in. RushmoreDrive. Give me the skinny.","OK, RushmoreDrive. The skinny is this is a black search engine. And I think it's time for a black search engine. The answer is going - the question is going to be whether or not this will be successful due to advertising. The Pew Internet says that 56 percent of African-Americans now use the Internet, so is there really a need for a black search engine?I put in \"Farai Chideya. \"I was able to see news about you, videos, your blog posts, images. . .","Scary!","It's comprehensive. It's clean. Hey, you're all over the place, what can I say?I think there's a real need for this. The issue is going to be whether or not they can market it right."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":3,"choice":["turn 1 : The speaker in turn (1) is not just explaining the reason why Microsoft needs to become the number two search-engine in the world, but also implying that acquiring Yahoo is the best way for them to achieve that goal. The speaker suggests that Microsoft's MSN's portal is not doing well in the number three position and acquiring Yahoo would give them a better search-engine opportunity, which would increase online advertising dollars. The speaker believes this acquisition would make a lot of sense to do.","turn 1 : Kids like to learn about everything and they are always questioning what they see.","turn 1 : A had a difficult childhood with no celebrations, and later moved in with his father who was involved in illegal activities.","turn 1 : This implies that the speaker is proposing the need for a black search engine, even though there are other search engines available, and believes that it could be successful with proper marketing.","turn 1 : You do not actually enter the person's heart or mind, it means that you start to understand their perspective "]} {"text":["All right, Mario. We have to jump in. RushmoreDrive. Give me the skinny.","OK, RushmoreDrive. The skinny is this is a black search engine. And I think it's time for a black search engine. The answer is going - the question is going to be whether or not this will be successful due to advertising. The Pew Internet says that 56 percent of African-Americans now use the Internet, so is there really a need for a black search engine?I put in \"Farai Chideya. \"I was able to see news about you, videos, your blog posts, images. . .","Scary!","It's comprehensive. It's clean. Hey, you're all over the place, what can I say?I think there's a real need for this. The issue is going to be whether or not they can market it right."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":3,"label":3,"choice":["turn 3 : The audience of the website is willing to help out with the campaign.","turn 3 : financially \"pinched\" implies the money situation is painful","turn 3 : The situation is urgent and requires immediate action.","turn 3 : The speaker is affirming that the black search engine is comprehensive and useful, but the real challenge will be to market it effectively.","turn 3 : The oversight of the bailout money may not be as strong as it is intended to be."]} {"text":["And what kind of station wagon was it?We had a Rambler.","It's an old Ford.","And old Ford, yeah.","Old Ford, you know, with the wood paneling."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":0,"choice":["turn 2 : A confirms B's statement without acknowledging the age of the car.","turn 2 : B implies that the character A is old or elderly.","turn 2 : Implied meaning: The speaker may be suggesting that there are some hidden or unknown factors that could influence the situation being discussed.","turn 2 : The information was told to others when it was not supposed to be told.","turn 2 : implies that you should be mindful of the information you hear and stay informed."]} {"text":["Can I ask you about a couple of calls for which you are famed?","Sure.","There was a horse, I have seen the video, whose name you had a hard time with.","Yakahickamickadola."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":4,"choice":["turn 2 : (2) is a metaphor that implies the speaker was impressed by the announcer's ability to quickly and accurately recite all the names of the horses.","turn 2 : (3) Please choose a confidence score ( marks how confidence you are that there is implied meaning in this turn ) : 4 : You are not sure whether everybody will agree that this turn has implied meanings but you believe that most of them will Please write a implied meaning ( More than 8 words! ) :","turn 2 : (3) Please choose a confidence score ( marks how confidence you are that there is implied meaning in this turn ) : 4 : You are not sure whether everybody will agree that this turn has implied meanings but you believe that most of them will Please write a implied meaning ( More than 8 words! ) :","turn 2 : Implied meaning: The speaker is expressing their disappointment or dissatisfaction with the outcome of a situation or decision, without directly stating it.","turn 2 : That statement implies that B had difficulty pronouncing a horse's name which is \"akahickamickadola\" and it is a notable event that the speaker is aware of."]} {"text":["And prosecutors then stepped up and said, we're going to have a no drop policy. In other words, we're going to assume, as often is the case, that the woman is going to ask, hey, don't prosecute him. Let him go. And he says, no, the State of Ohio or the State of Arizona or wherever you are says, this is our charge. This is a crime, and we're going to follow through.","Then it's up to the judiciary. And everyone used to look to the judiciary. Now, you have to be serious and sentence these guys. That in and of itself was not working, because once he was out, you are sending the man and the mindset back to the same home and the same woman with the same mindset. And so the taking it seriously and simply incarcerating was not resolving the problem.","So, what other ways are there?","Now, we are taking a more holistic approach to the problem. It is an approach that tries to sew up the seams of the system. I had a domestic violence group come to me and say, look, Judge, we aren't getting what we need. We are not getting to the women soon enough. You are not getting the men to domestic violence programs well enough or quickly enough."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":4,"choice":["turn 0 : letting anybody down implies not to disappoint anyone not to bring people down from carrying them on high ","turn 0 : She hopes people find a way to read the book that she has written.","turn 0 : She creates lines of written work in stories that sound good and have a great deal of emotion. Also, the way she writes her stories has a great deal of meaning.","turn 0 : Implied meaning: The speaker is implying that her character's story line on the show mirrored her own life experience.","turn 0 : drop policy implies to neglect an already made policy in favor of someone "]} {"text":["Absolutely. And the blog that you refer to with Melissa Harris-Lacewell is a blog called Down from the Tower, and it's an ongoing discussion between Melissa and Marc Lamont Hill, who is a professor at Temple. And so, one day, you might click on, and Melissa will have the call and Marc will have the response. One day, he may toss out a question to her. He'll have the call and she'll have the response. And it's a very lively - up to now, it has been a political discussion. But they may take on other things. Politics seems to be dominating the moment.","But I do hope that the site evolves into one where our writers are talking to one another and talking to the Web and to communities that live outside The Root, bringing new information and ideas and, you know, creating a vibrant marketplace for idea.","And I also think one of the things that I like about - I'm glad you pointed out the exchange between Melissa and Marc, because it is debate and it is thoughtful, weighty, witty debate. And it's not\u2026","All right."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":1,"label":4,"choice":["turn 1 : Although the literal meaning of this turn is simply an acknowledgement or agreement, the implied meaning behind it is that the speaker may not be fully engaged or interested in the conversation. It could be interpreted as a way of signaling disinterest or a desire to move on to a different topic.","turn 1 : She writes a wide variety of stories and the lessons that she learns as a writer can be seen in her stories.","turn 1 : She is agreeing that they debated and making it humorous.","turn 1 : She wrote very close to what happened in her own life.","turn 1 : In turn (2), the speaker expresses their hope that The Root evolves into a platform where writers engage with each other and with communities outside the website, creating a vibrant marketplace for ideas. The literal meaning of the turn is straightforward. However, the implied meaning is that The Root aims to foster a diverse and inclusive online community where different perspectives are heard and debated. This suggests that the website has a broader mission than just providing a platform for writers to share their ideas."]} {"text":["Absolutely. And the blog that you refer to with Melissa Harris-Lacewell is a blog called Down from the Tower, and it's an ongoing discussion between Melissa and Marc Lamont Hill, who is a professor at Temple. And so, one day, you might click on, and Melissa will have the call and Marc will have the response. One day, he may toss out a question to her. He'll have the call and she'll have the response. And it's a very lively - up to now, it has been a political discussion. But they may take on other things. Politics seems to be dominating the moment.","But I do hope that the site evolves into one where our writers are talking to one another and talking to the Web and to communities that live outside The Root, bringing new information and ideas and, you know, creating a vibrant marketplace for idea.","And I also think one of the things that I like about - I'm glad you pointed out the exchange between Melissa and Marc, because it is debate and it is thoughtful, weighty, witty debate. And it's not\u2026","All right."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":4,"choice":["turn 2 : Although the literal meaning of this turn is simply an acknowledgement or agreement, the implied meaning behind it is that the speaker may not be fully engaged or interested in the conversation. It could be interpreted as a way of signaling disinterest or a desire to move on to a different topic.","turn 2 : B confirms that the president is a recent one and hints at Bill Clinton being the right answer.","turn 2 : The fact that people want to take selfies with terrorists is surprising and absurd.","turn 2 : This implies that B want to probably have a picture with A.","turn 2 : In turn (3), the speaker praises the exchange between Melissa and Marc on the Down from the Tower blog, describing it as thoughtful, weighty, and witty debate. The literal meaning of the turn is straightforward. However, the implied meaning is that the exchange represents a rare and valuable example of substantive political discourse, which is often lacking in mainstream media. This suggests that the exchange has a broader significance than just being a discussion between two individuals."]} {"text":["He used software to create phony profiles so he could collect answers from thousands of women and analyze them. He divided the women into seven groups based on the questions they chose to answer, then decided which group he found most engaging. And then he answered those questions that they found most compelling. Once he did, his dating life took off.","At first, I was kind of trying to make them like the classic sort of romantic first date to remember, to tell your kids about. And that turned out to not be a good approach.","First dates take time, after all. They create expectation. They can be exhausting. So Chris McKinlay decided to just meet for a cup of coffee and hope that was long enough to detect in person what OkCupid and its algorithms couldn't - if two people felt a spark. Chris McKinlay had 87 first dates. And on the 88th, he met Christine Tien Wong.","It was a real relief when I met Christine and, you know, on the first date. I was saying yes very strongly at a gut level."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":0,"label":2,"choice":["turn 0 : He says to call him a guy that likes to do things the way they used to be done years ago. He cautions against thinking that bringing people together will make them suddenly realize how wrong they had been.","turn 0 : Implied meaning: The speaker is hinting at a deeper or hidden motive or intention behind their actions or words.","turn 0 : He used data to figure out which women he should focus on in order to maximize his chances of finding a successful relationship.","turn 0 : (4) The literal meaning of turn (4) is that the reporter contacted the Department of Justice for comment, but the implied meaning is that the reporter wants to highlight the lack of response from the Department of Justice, which can suggest a lack of transparency or accountability.","turn 0 : The implied meaning of turn (4) is that the speaker is acknowledging what was said but may not have a specific response or further comment. It implies a lack of elaboration or engagement in the conversation."]} {"text":["You know, it was - I've done a couple of Kickstarter campaigns before with both of my indie films. And I always looked at it more as a way to kind of build a fan base, less so than the actual financing of it all. You know, it kind of allows you to, as a filmmaker, to kind of announce that you're doing something but in, like, a non kind of braggadocious way. And it kind of allows people who, you know, may want to be involved or kind of see the project through to help out. And so it just seemed like a - the obvious first step for us. And it ended up becoming the highest-funded Kickstarter campaign for a short film.","So what is it that you think people are responding to?I have to say that, I mean, look - the little girl is absolutely adorable. The dad has locks, and he's struggling with the hair.","It's just hard for me to describe, but the hair, for anybody who's tried to do little black girl hair, it's very accurate. It kind of has a life of its own.","Yeah."],"speaker":["A","B","B","A"],"correct_turn_number":2,"label":1,"choice":["turn 2 : A's decision to shave her head is about intimacy and power.","turn 2 : \"It kind of has a life of it's own\" implies that the hair is hard to manage and style and doesn't easily get taken care of","turn 2 : \"before the storm\" implies before the SHTF - Or, before things went awry.","turn 2 : at the end of the day means something is likely going to happen or what happens after everything else.","turn 2 : on and off means in this context that they are doing something then not doing something"]}