{"text":["Yeah, I've got a book going on, and I'm trying to work on some animation stuff. And, you know, and I don't need a crowd-funding campaign to do most of that stuff. It's just me and a couple cups of coffee at home on the computer. So I'm fairly low-budget with my needs at the moment.","Tell me a little bit about this book before we let you go. It's \"How to Tell if Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You\"?","Yeah. It's basically a collection of funny cat comics ranging from how to tell if your cat thinks it's a mountain lion. There is another one that will show ways to identify if your cat is a raging homosexual. So it's this kind of a mixed bag of weird cat. . .","News you can use, in other words."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The content of the book is humorous and not meant to be taken seriously.","questions":"Which type of comics are included in the book?","answer":"Funny"} {"text":[". . . And she really went for the eyes. But besides that first thought, my sister was a genius. She was just a creative person all around. And when I came into the world, my sister kind of took me by my hand and was like, OK, you know, our family didn't have a lot of money, but this is how you have fun - and just showed me how to use my imagination, how to be creative.","On this album, Brittany Howard talks about how she became herself - the artist, but also the person.","(Singing) My grandmama's a maid. My momma was brave to take me outside, because momma is white and daddy is black. . .","This song is called \"Goat Head. \"It's about a racist incident that her parents experienced. It's also about what it meant to be a biracial kid in Alabama in the 1990s. Growing up, Brittany had a lot of questions."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : how she became herself implies the story of her discovery and success ","questions":"How does Brittany Howard's album focus on her personal development?","answer":"development"} {"text":["They are the showrunners.","That's right. And they were really, really supportive of it. They really liked it. So that made me feel good. And they really stood up for it. And they basically said, if you don't show it, then we're walking off the show. So the compromise was that a title card was put up, which, you know, may, in the end, have the same impact, or even greater impact than the spot itself. But, of course, personally, I would've liked people to have seen it.","Speaking of your animation, they said, we had concerns with some subject matter in the episode's animated short. This is the creative solution that we agreed upon with the producers. So you're a professional. Do you think this is a creative solution?","You know what?I don't know. I have to be kind of careful with what I say. I can kind of sympathize in a lot of ways with the decision they made 'cause I run my own business, and I'm pretty sort of pragmatic about, you know, decisions that are made. But I think it's just really kind of disappointing, if anything. And I think people would've really liked it."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The literal meaning of the turn only provides information about the showrunners, but the actual meaning involves the compromise and the speaker's feelings about it.","questions":"Which meaning?","answer":"actual"} {"text":["'Cause there are a lot of industries now that can point to the fact that they are using fewer people to sometimes produce even greater revenues.","Well, that's what using fewer people will sometimes do. It certainly will - using fewer people will increase the productivity of the people that you are using. And we had been living through an age where we are adapting to a transformative technology - the Internet. I mean, this has enormous effects on the workplace. But, you know, I'm a mere writer. I wouldn't even know how to begin to answer the question you just asked; how much of this is a fundamental shift in the economy and how much of it is a result of the way we've led our financial lives?","Michael Lewis, what should, in your mind, Americans learn from the financial crisis in Europe?","The thing that has interested me the most is the role of the big financial institutions in our economy. I think over the period of the last several decades, they have spun out of control; that they are too big to fail, which means that the normal sort of mechanism of a market economy is not allowed to work in a financial sector. That normal mechanism is creative destruction. It's, you know, someone builds a better one and the old one dies. And I would have thought the big lesson from the period of 2007, 2008 is that we can't really build an economy based on such institutions. It's like building your house on sand."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : none","questions":"Which institution does Michael Lewis think has spun out of control in the economy?","answer":"Financial"} {"text":["What Bonnie Raitt song, may I ask?","O'NEILL: \"I Can't Make You Love Me. \"","(Singing) Here in the dark, in these final hours, I will lay down my heart and I'll feel the power. . .","Kate O'Neill, who wrote about her sister, Maddie Linsenmeir in the Vermont Weekly Seven Days, thank you so much for being with us."],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The speaker is mentioning a song that reflects their current emotions.","questions":"How did the speaker express their emotions?","answer":"Singing"} {"text":["Aw. We mentioned that you worked for President George W. Bush, who advised John McCain. In your circle of friends, people there at the Hoover Institution - without violating any any confidences - your friends and colleagues - is your opinion widely held or are people who ordinarily would support the Republican candidate talking about voting for Hillary Clinton?","I think this is a real time of crisis for Republicans. It's hard for many of my friends to think about supporting Donald Trump. And it's very hard for many of my friends to think about supporting Hillary Clinton. In fact, I would have indulged the luxury of writing in one of my terrific nephews for president if I hadn't seen that the polls during the British referendum were off by 12 points. And my concern that (inaudible) be accurate, and everybody's vote's actually going to count this election.","Kori Schake is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution. She joined us by Skype. Thanks very much.","You're welcome."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Many of my friends are in a difficult position deciding whether to vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.","questions":"How are some of the PersonA's friends feeling about the upcoming election?","answer":"Difficult"} {"text":["Yeah - African-American mayor from Tallahassee.","Yes. So this is sort of a test of whether real progressive candidates can win in these sort of purplish states. And so that's going to be a really - you have a Trump ally there in Ron DeSantis. It's going to be, I think, a really close race still. Next door in Georgia, another woman trying to make history - Stacey Abrams would be the first African-American woman ever elected governor.","Right.","And that's a state that is changing. Has it changed enough?That's a really big question. And then there's sort of a handful of surprising opportunities for Democrats in the Midwest and in the Sun Belt. Nevada and Ohio - those were always sort of toss-ups. But then Democrats have real chances to flip some places - really ruby-red territory - like Kansas, South Dakota, maybe even Oklahoma."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Ruby-red states re not literally colored. They vote nearly always for Republicans, who are \"red\" in American political parlance.","questions":"What is the meaning of \"ruby-red\" in American political parlance?","answer":"Incorporating"} {"text":["Absolutely. And that's something that my father always stressed upon my sisters and me and that we've all thought it's very important that you should be engaged in the process. In this case it is a political process, because the process of electing our government leaders is one that will have a direct impact on whether we're here and what we do here. So it's fine to criticize, but at the same time if you're not engaged in the process I feel that's a real discredit to everything you try to protest against.","Do you sense a great excitement among the men and women there about the election?","Well, there's certainly a lot of open questions, a lot of us are wondering if Barack Obama's elected versus John McCain and vice versa, whether that will have an effect not just on this tour, but on future military careers because we have a lot of soldiers and a lot of officers who are planning to make a military career and I'm not one of them. I'm going to be leaving active duty when we return from this tour.","But for those soldiers especially, the big question now is, when and how soon they'll have to deploy to Afghanistan. Because many of these soldiers are on their third, some even on their fourth tour here to Iraq. And so now they're looking at another open ended involvement in Afghanistan. And so they've got a lot of questions about that and so we're really just curious right now what both candidates - what decisions they'll make."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Being engaged in the political process is important for protesting against things you disagree with.","questions":"How is being engaged in the political process important for protesting? (Answer: discredit)","answer":"Discredit"} {"text":["So let me ask you because eating the supermodel of the fruit world doesn't sound like necessarily a bad thing. You've written a book about this kind of stuff, \"Bet The Farm: How Food Stopped Being Food. \"Is food part of the problem?Has it become less nutritious?Is it just good-looking and less good for us?","I think that the argument among the dietitians is that, yes, the higher sugar content is robbing food of a lot of its nutritional value. And I also think there is a tradition in America of somehow seeking perfection through our food, that somehow, if we eat right, we will make ourselves mentally and spiritually better. And so, of course, if we see row after row of perfectly glistening, absolutely gorgeous, completely look-alike apples, we think, yeah. I want that.","But fruit is still good for humans?","Of course, eat like your grandmother told you to eat - is probably the best advice."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The fruit is not a supermodel, it is just the perfect, good looking one of the crop.","questions":"What is the fruit compared to in the statement?","answer":"Supermodels."} {"text":["That's what won, finally, the attention of the old man. And only when he was tough did the old man respect him. And I think when his father became incapacitated, Bobby began to resort to who he was as a kid. As a kid, he was - he hung around all the time with African-American kids. Those were his playmates, even in Hyannis. He was - he, you know, Father Feeney - when Father Feeney said no salvation outside the Catholic Church, he railed against that, which was so extraordinary in that very Catholic family.","You know, Ralph Bunche - he insisted that that great African-American statesman get to speak to a integrated audience at UVA when he was in charge of the lecture series down there. There's all kinds of evidence of Bobby in the beginning being a liberal in the best sense of that word. And I think it just came more to life after Jack was gone and after the old man was out of action.","Will American voters these days - and donors and journalists, for that matter - let a public figure change in public the way Robert Kennedy did?","Well, I think the hardest thing for him - and to me, the sweetest part of the book - was his evolution on Joe McCarthy. There's no doubt that he loved the guy. It came through right to the end when he was driving in the car at National Airport. And Kathleen, his young daughter, said he was so stricken by the news that McCarthy had just drank himself to death at Bethesda Naval Hospital that he drove around the airport three times. He was just distraught."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (4) Implied meaning: How did Robert Kennedy come to terms with the death of Joe McCarthy?","questions":"What was Robert Kennedy's initial opinion of Joe McCarthy?","answer":"loved"} {"text":["If there's one politician that you could interview, which one would it be?","I probably would have to say that if there's one person I'd want to interview, it'd probably be President Trump. I think right now would be - to interview most. But, I mean, there's obviously - it's a huge field right now. And I'm definitely hoping that there'll be more than one of the 2020 candidates I'll be able to spend some time with in the next few months.","Gabe Fleisher, writer of the political newsletter Wake Up To Politics and current high school junior. Thank you very much.","Thank you."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : It's not a field, but a large number of people the person would want to interview.","questions":"Which word describes the scope of people the person would want to interview?","answer":"Field"} {"text":["No, no, I worked with John, he had already come here, and I worked with John, and then I went to Bell and worked with John Moll and then later was in the Army in a group they won't let me talk about too much, it was an intelligence group in Japan.","And then when I got out, I was six years at GE, and that's where this happened. And then I had a fantastic colleague there, Bob Hall. Bob's getting a little bit old, but he was a stalwart figure. He would've been the next Nobel Prize I would've given in the semiconductor field.","But I had access, you're right, to some of the very, very best people that were pioneers.","It must have been very exciting during those times."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Bob Hall was a great colleague and could have won a Nobel prize","questions":"Which colleague of PersonA had the potential to win a Nobel prize?","answer":"Bob"} {"text":["Yes. We got involved and that's 25 years ago. And it took us about 25 years to get it done. We met monthly. And - well, actually, we met like biweekly and just phonetically translate it - every word in the New Testament to Gullah.","Can you read something for us, a short passage?","Well, why don't I read just the first few verses of the Lord's Prayer that most people are familiar with?","That would be wonderful."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : That would be wonderful. (Actual meaning: B expresses enthusiasm or appreciation for the suggestion made by A.)","questions":"Which response did PersonB give to PersonA's suggestion?","answer":"Wonderful"} {"text":["But there's another debate at the end of this month. She's going to have a lot of pressure on her to perform because some of those Democrats didn't maybe see that debate. They're going to be looking to size her up.","And in that debate, of course, she challenged Vice President Joe Biden. And he did not attend this event. And that might be noteworthy.","Yeah. I mean, he went a more traditional route and decided to speak directly to black voters in a key state. He's campaigning in South Carolina, where 60% of the Democratic electorate is black. And he told them yesterday that he was wrong for comments that he made about working with segregationist senators 40 years ago. How he does in South Carolina, though, is going to be key to his chances. Without it, it's hard to see what his path is for winning the nomination.","All right, let's talk about the Trump administration. They are trying to get this citizenship question onto the U. S. Census. Now the president says he is considering an executive order. Are there going to be political consequences for this fight?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : They are not taking her size but are judging her competence.","questions":"How are they assessing her?","answer":"Competence"} {"text":["So this prosecution brings together a lot of theories that are very sexist that would justify massive control of pregnant women on grounds that they owe a duty to their fetuses to behave in certain ways and that - and ultimately make pregnant people vulnerable to prosecution for just about any kind of conduct that can be deemed risky.","Marshae Jones is African American. What is the relevance of race in your view?","Racism is what caused the notion that using drugs during pregnancy, which is a health problem, could be turned into a crime to prosecute pregnant women and mothers. We can trace that to the so-called crack epidemic at the end of the 1980s, early 1990s. And the first women who were prosecuted were black women who smoked crack cocaine during pregnancy.","And the vast majority of women who were prosecuted among hundreds of women were black women, even though there is evidence that drug use during pregnancy is not more likely to happen in any particular racial group or economic group. And so this was clear targeting of black women, which I believe is part of a long history of devaluing black motherhood in particular and also a result of discriminatory behavior in hospitals, where hospitals were much more likely to turn in black patients for using drugs during pregnancy than white patients."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : very sexist implies being very interesting and attention demanding not in amorous or lustful way","questions":"Which word describes the implication of \"very sexist\" in turn 0?","answer":"theories"} {"text":["Let's clear this up immediately: blonde, lithe, the initials V. P. So, is Vanessa Pierson Valerie Plame?","The great thing about fiction is that you can fix things and make things better. I think Vanessa is a smarter version of where I was. And it's definitely informed by my experiences in the CIA.","Well, that raises another question. So, did you take some top-secret operation and just thinly fictionalize it to this book and, you know, are. . .",". . . are there Russian agents reading this now and saying, oh, this is what we were looking for?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : .are there Russian agents reading this now and saying, oh, this is what we were looking for? The implied meaning of this turn is that the speaker is asking if the Russian agents might recognize the source of the fictional book, and whether they might say \"this is what we were looking for\".","questions":"What might the Russian agents recognize in the fictional book?","answer":"B"} {"text":["I want to say the same thing that Al Pacino says in \"Godfather\" - that every time he wants to quit the mafia business, they pull me in. And every time I want to retire, some customer comes and tells me how much he enjoyed the food. And there I am, back to the drawing board, trying to think of something new to make and put on the menu. I'm working on a few more things, whereby I could have a Himalaya goes West kind of restaurant. Yes, it's contradictory to what I said - that I want to retire. And then I want to. . .","I was about to say.",". . . A part of me wants to open a second place where everything is Indian and Pakistani-style hamburgers, Indian and Pakistani-style fried chicken, Indian and Pakistani-style pizza. I've already done some tacos, some tamales with the Indian spices. So sky's the limit. As long as there are other ethnic foods to draw from, I'll be busy.","That's chef Kaiser Lashkari, speaking at his Houston restaurant, Himalaya."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : A has a new vision for a type of restaurant he would open.","questions":"What is the name of the chef speaking at his Houston restaurant, Himalaya?","answer":"Kaiser"} {"text":["Absolutely. And the blog that you refer to with Melissa Harris-Lacewell is a blog called Down from the Tower, and it's an ongoing discussion between Melissa and Marc Lamont Hill, who is a professor at Temple. And so, one day, you might click on, and Melissa will have the call and Marc will have the response. One day, he may toss out a question to her. He'll have the call and she'll have the response. And it's a very lively - up to now, it has been a political discussion. But they may take on other things. Politics seems to be dominating the moment.","But I do hope that the site evolves into one where our writers are talking to one another and talking to the Web and to communities that live outside The Root, bringing new information and ideas and, you know, creating a vibrant marketplace for idea.","And I also think one of the things that I like about - I'm glad you pointed out the exchange between Melissa and Marc, because it is debate and it is thoughtful, weighty, witty debate. And it's not\u2026","All right."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : In turn (2), the speaker expresses their hope that The Root evolves into a platform where writers engage with each other and with communities outside the website, creating a vibrant marketplace for ideas. The literal meaning of the turn is straightforward. However, the implied meaning is that The Root aims to foster a diverse and inclusive online community where different perspectives are heard and debated. This suggests that the website has a broader mission than just providing a platform for writers to share their ideas.","questions":"How does the speaker hope The Root evolves?","answer":"Vibrant"} {"text":["Sure.","So explain to us why you gave that request, which we agree is a legitimate request.","Security. So I wrote an in-depth and possibly embarrassing report on a top aide to Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The report was on Saud al-Qahtani, who's best known in the West for masterminding the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, the Washington Post journalist. But he also heads up the kingdom's efforts to intimidate and silence critics, primarily through online hacking. So if there is a computer hacker sitting in Riyadh who's been tasked with finding out who wrote this report on his boss, I want to try to make his life a little bit harder.","So in terms of what you found in your research, what does Facebook mean when it says that Saudi Arabia engaged in coordinated inauthentic behavior?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : to silence critics means to threaten them with something horrible.","questions":"How would you describe Saud al-Qahtani's role in Saudi Arabia's efforts to intimidate and silence critics?","answer":"mastermind"} {"text":["And we shall not - I certainly won't see his like again. He was also incredibly fun. And so that's the thing to try to hold onto.","He wrote a lot of letters by hand, didn't he?","He wrote tons of letters. I bet there are a hundred thousand - hundreds out there signed, all the best, George Bush. Many of them are compiled in a lovely volume he did. His - you know, he was the son of a mother who insisted that he not talk - that one not talk about oneself. He was - so when it came time to write a book after he left the presidency, he didn't. . .","Oh, right."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : I won't see someone like him again because he was unique and special, and not because he was dead.","questions":"How was the person being referred to in turn 0?","answer":"Unique"} {"text":["That's one of the projects, yeah, that I followed in the book. Can we build a limb that is basically indistinguishable from a natural arm?So if you're missing an arm, you get this new prosthetic that can sense and move and operate like a natural arm. And that's typically ambitious, and they call that DARPA-hard. Let's try something that just seems completely insane, totally, you know, crazy ambitious. And in that case, they didn't get there. They didn't quite get to that point, but they did get a lot of these technologies in motion for controlling a robot with mind power alone, for instance.","Yeah. How do they ensure that they keep getting new cutting-edge thoughts inside of DARPA?","That's one of the challenges, and that's one of the reasons I was able to write this book, too, because they need to get the word out. They need to find people out there who've got these ideas, who want to pitch them to DARPA. Or come to work for DARPA as a program manager because DARPA program managers, they all leave. After two to six years, they're gone. Their expiration dates are printed on their ID badges. So they've got this turnover, 25 percent every single year.","And they also have a deadline, right?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Developing a prosthetic that mimics natural arm capabilities is very challenging.","questions":"What is the goal of the project mentioned in turn 0?","answer":"prosthetic"} {"text":["They are the showrunners.","That's right. And they were really, really supportive of it. They really liked it. So that made me feel good. And they really stood up for it. And they basically said, if you don't show it, then we're walking off the show. So the compromise was that a title card was put up, which, you know, may, in the end, have the same impact, or even greater impact than the spot itself. But, of course, personally, I would've liked people to have seen it.","Speaking of your animation, they said, we had concerns with some subject matter in the episode's animated short. This is the creative solution that we agreed upon with the producers. So you're a professional. Do you think this is a creative solution?","You know what?I don't know. I have to be kind of careful with what I say. I can kind of sympathize in a lot of ways with the decision they made 'cause I run my own business, and I'm pretty sort of pragmatic about, you know, decisions that are made. But I think it's just really kind of disappointing, if anything. And I think people would've really liked it."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The literal meaning of the turn only provides information about the showrunners, but the actual meaning involves the compromise and the speaker's feelings about it.","questions":"What was the compromise?","answer":"title"} {"text":["Investors are ecstatic about central bankers working there. Listen to this, the German DAX Index up about 10 percent, the French CAC 40, up more than nine percent. Now, they are both measures like the Dow 30, which on Wall Street jumped 500 points in the morning.","In Britain, Prime Minister Gordon Brown put $65 billion of government money into three British banks. NPR's Rod Gifford is in London. We're going to him. Rob, hello. I think that people are saying it is this British plan, the so-called British plan that seems to be may be spurring a little bit of a recovery around the world. What is the British government doing, and what does it want in return?","Well, as you say, Alex, Gordon Brown is getting a lot of kudos from this, because he was the one who put this plan forward last week. What they're doing, as you say, is to put a lot of government money that is taxpayer's money, $65 billion worth of it, into three British banks into order to - they hope - free up the bank to bank lending, and the whole crisis of confidence that has struck British banks as it has done elsewhere.","In return - some very important conditions they want in return. Right upfront, leaders of these banks that have got into trouble must step down. Bonuses are being frozen for other executives who stay on and crucially, the demand that these banks maintain mortgage lending and small-business lending at 2007 levels, levels of last year."],"speaker":["B","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The British government has set important conditions in exchange for bank bailouts.","questions":"How many important conditions has the British government set for bank bailouts?","answer":"3"} {"text":["So crack down on the doctors, but make sure there's a support system ready for their patients.","Absolutely. And the thing is - and this is so beautiful - is that when you get to watch lives change. For myself, you know, I used to get up every single morning thinking, you know, where am I going to get my pills?And that occupied my entire day. Now, keep in mind, I was a practicing physician. So I had some other things to do. And that's what people who are, you know, who are addicted are facing every single day.","And now, you know, providing them with quality help and watching them change their lives is one of the most fun things that I've ever been involved with. We need to make that opportunity more widespread. We need to decrease the stigma around stepping out and ask for help. And also, Sacha, we need to make evidence-based treatment available without the stigma that goes along with it.","That's Dr. Steven Loyd. He's based in Nashville, Tenn. Thanks for talking with us."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"And the thing is - and this is so beautiful - is that when you get to watch lives change...And that occupied my entire day.\" The implied meaning of this turn is that the speaker has overcome addiction and now enjoys helping others in a similar position, which is incredibly fulfilling. They used to be preoccupied with obtaining drugs, but now their focus has shifted to improving the lives of others.","questions":"Which emotion is conveyed by the speaker about watching lives change?","answer":"Fun"} {"text":["What about the new government in Kiev. They issued a statement which is, as you described - at least through the translation - sounds like fighting words. What's their reaction been?","Well, there's not been more reaction than that except to say that earlier today, the Ukrainian president, the acting Ukrainian president accused Russia of trying to provoke a military conflict. This was before the vote in the Russian Parliament. And he referred to Russia's action in the past in other former Soviet regions with large Russian populations and said that Moscow's approach in Crimea is very similar to what Russia did before invading in other former Soviets areas.","So, a great sense of concern, a great sense of uncertainty of what will come next. It's not clear whether this is a still a political game or this is military brinksmanship.","And we're told, for example, that the U. N. had I guess special representative Robert Sery was in Russia. He was supposed to head to the Crimea. Anything you've heard about negotiations to talk this thing through?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) The implied meaning is that there is a great sense of uncertainty and concern about what will happen next, and it's not clear whether the situation is still a political game or has escalated to military brinksmanship. The literal meaning is consistent with this implied meaning.","questions":"What is the situation in Ukraine characterized by?","answer":"Situation"} {"text":["How much did you pay for that last box of Girl Scout cookies you bought?Five bucks, six maybe, maybe more?How about $15 billion?That's the price of a single box if - if it were turned into graphine. Researchers at Rice University in Houston have discovered a way to turn anything with carbon into graphine, the super-strong wonder material that can be worth over two million times the price of gold. You heard that right, two million times.","Forget alchemy, that's for chumps. This is graphene, worth a lot more in its weight of gold. Marc Abrahams, editor and founder of the Annals of Improbable Research is here to tell us why graphene is so pricey and what this invention could mean for nanotechnology. Welcome back to SCIENCE FRIDAY.","Thanks, Ira, nice to be back.","So what is this thing about turning Girl Scout cookies into graphene?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : nice to be back means its nice that I am here again","questions":"How does PersonA feel about being back?","answer":"Nice"} {"text":["But in those years these kids were acting, and only acting, and just acting. And they did have school, and lot of them had tutors, and do have, you know, a decent amount of education, but they don't have the kind of education that you get in a school, the kind of specialized education - they have a specialized education rather than a general one.","So I think that a lot of them don't really know what to do. And so it's hard to blame them for wanting to seize on this. I didn't want to do that. I didn't want to be a former child actor for the rest of my life, although in some ways I suppose I am. I am going to be that.","And all I can do is, you know, embrace it for what it was. I did have some wonderful experiences. Learn from the things that weren't so great and just try to get on from there.","We're talking with Mara Wilson, the recovering child actor, she describes herself, known for \"Matilda,\" \"Mrs. Doubtfire\" and \"Miracle on 34th Street\" - now a writer in New York. You're listening to TALK OF THE NATION from NPR News.","And yes, child actors are in a separate category but so are baseball players and ballet artists and violinists. There are all kinds of kids who specialize in certain things, become prodigies at it and later in life have to go on - well, there's this sort of career death."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : All they can do is accept what happened to them before.","questions":"How did Mara Wilson learn from the things that weren't so great?","answer":"Learn"} {"text":["Well, you know, that's another thing. So sometimes what happens to, you know, big scientists, you know, scientist that really have been enormously successful, is that as they grow older they don't feel as if they can continue, you know, with kind of mainstream incremental science after they have done something really big in the past. And as a result they adopt something that is completely outside of mainstream because they think, a-ha, maybe I'll make yet another huge contribution.","And that has happened to Pauling with Vitamin C. And it happens to others too, you know, that at old age they suddenly pick up on something. Yes, it happened to Hoyle, Fred Hoyle, who is another person that I discuss on the concept of how did life evolve, you know, and so on. It's not a topic I discuss much in the book, but he started saying that probably all of life on Earth came from outer space and things like that and so on. So it happens.","Mm-hmm. This is SCIENCE FRIDAY from NPR. I'm Ira Flatow talking with Mario Livio, author of \"Brilliant Blunders: From Darwin to Einstein,\" talking about great blunders that happened. Speaking about those kinds of blunders late in life, Bill Shockley, who was one of the inventors of the transistor, also got into trouble about views about racism late. . .","Yeah. Unfortunately it is more common than we would like."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Some successful scientists adopt unconventional approaches after achieving something significant.","questions":"How do some successful scientists approach science after achieving something significant?","answer":"Unconventional"} {"text":["What are you going to do when your internet connection goes down?","We have actually, so far, been able - we have reporters who are also out of town that we're in touch with. We're determined that we're going to keep reports on this storm on the internet, no matter how we do it. We've got a lot of backup for that at www. dailycomet. com and at Houmatoday. com.","We're determined that we're going to keep reports on this storm on the internet, no matter how we do it. We've got a lot of backup for that at www. dailycomet. com and at Houmatoday. com. We didn't stop yet and we don't plan to stop.","You have reporters out trying to cover this story all over where this hurricane is going. There must be some point where you say and where the reporters say to you \"Hey, I got to stop for a while because there's a hurricane coming. \""],"speaker":["B","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : They will continue reporting on the storm via the internet no matter what.","questions":"What is PersonA's determination regarding reporting on the storm?","answer":"Commitment"} {"text":["Absolutely.",". . . Didn't prevent a lethal incident, like in the Laquan McDonald case in Chicago. I mean, even though an investigative journalist had to go and demand the footage, it did result in a conviction, didn't it?I mean, it didn't prevent. . .","Absolutely.",". . . A lethal incident, but it did bring accountability after the fact. So. . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The speaker in (1) is agreeing with the speaker in (2). However, in (3), the speaker is emphasizing their agreement with the previous speaker. The speaker in (4) is continuing the conversation by summarizing what has been said before.","questions":"What is the incident referred to in the Laquan McDonald case?","answer":"Laquan-McDonald"} {"text":["The videos of the embryos. He does sort of time lapse of human development, and it was really fascinating to watch, going from this sort of little hard to, you know, nondescript ball to what you would recognize. . .","As an embryo.",". . . as an embryo or a fetus.","This is SCIENCE FRIDAY from NPR. I'm Ira Flatow talking with Flora Lichtman about our Video Pick of the Week, and it's a - videos of embryos, all different kinds of embryos. So you got the film, the footage. . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : This is a figurative expression that describes the appearance of an early-stage embryo.","questions":"How would you describe the appearance of an early-stage embryo?","answer":"Damaged"} {"text":["1-800-989-8255 is our number, talking with Annalee Newitz, author of \"Scatter, Adapt, and Remember: How Humans Will Survive a Mass Extinction. \"Of course you could have a sudden mass extinction like that asteroid that hit us, you know, and wiped out all that life, or something slower that could take a lot longer time to develop. Are there two different strategies for that, surviving that?","Actually, the idea that there is such a thing as a rapid mass extinction is kind of a misnomer. We have - we've all heard about, you know, the dramatic end that the dinosaurs met when an asteroid crashed into the planet. And also now it turns out that there were mega-volcanoes going off at the same time in India. So there was this kind of horrible one-two punch with volcanoes and. . .","The perfect extinction.","Yeah, great Michael Bay movie material, if he were ever to actually make a film that was scientifically accurate."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : No one nis literally expecting this scenario to be in a Michael Bay movie. The implication is that it involves a huge, damaging scenario that sounds unrealistic.","questions":"What scenario involving a Michael Bay movie is being referred to in the dialogue?","answer":"Stimulus"} {"text":["Hudson is confident that Broadway Federal Bank won't be harmed by the recent spate of bankruptcies and bailouts. Though the bank specializes in real estate and caters to minority investors, it never got caught up in the subprime mortgage game that has become the downfall of other banks.","In order to play in that game, you had to have large volumes and small margins, which has made mortgages like commodities. So the Countrywides, the WAMUs, the big mortgage companies, you would lose your shirt trying to compete with it. So, really, the small banks had to stand on the sidelines while a lot of money was being made by churning these loans and fees, and people were making huge amounts of money, banks were very profitable, and we weren't able to participate. But now, you know, the kind of like slow and steady feels very good right now.","Now, Hudson says he's starting to get a lot more calls from people who want to put their money in Broadway Federal.","Here's what used to happen in the old days. People would only put 100,000 dollars in Broadway because they knew that was the maximum FDIC insurance. They put a million dollars in Bank of America. They figured, well, I only - because Bank of America only has the same insurance as we do, only a 100,000. So they left 900,000 dollars uninsured because they said, well, that's Bank of America. I'm only worried about Broadway. I'm not worried about Bank of America."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : There is an increasing interest in investing money in Broadway Federal Bank.","questions":"How is Hudson's bank doing?","answer":"Increasing"} {"text":["Didn't Elon Musk know all this before he sent out that memorable tweet on August 7?","Well, a lot of people think he should have. Let's go back to that August 7 when he sent out that tweet and said I'm considering taking the company private, funding secured at $420 a share. And analysts immediately were very dubious that Musk could pull this off. Where would he get the 10 billions of dollars to take the company private?Did he really have the funding secured as he claimed?And that is something that the Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating, according to multiple reports. And Musk said at the time - or Musk said that two-thirds of the investors would stick with Tesla if it went private, but he really had no way of knowing that.","And why did he want to take the company private in any case?","Well, he's always chafed at the demands of Wall Street - the quarterly earnings reports, the pesky questions from analysts. He famously called one analyst's question boring and boneheaded on an earnings call earlier this year. But perhaps even more than all this, Musk. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Elon Musk may not have had the funding secured for taking Tesla private","questions":"Which company was Elon Musk considering taking private?","answer":"Tesla"} {"text":["I just wonder if we could close by you just telling me a few things about Jason, what you remember most fondly about him.","When I think about Jason, I think about his smile. He was a beautiful child. And the worst thing about this whole situation is I know in my heart he shouldn't be dead. It is horrible that we lose the soldiers that we have to; it's a tragedy when we lose a soldier that we shouldn't have, and Jason shouldn't be dead.","Chris Scheuerman, talking about his son Jason, who committed suicide in Iraq in 2005. In the 13 months since we first talked, Chris has continued to advocate for suicide prevention in the military. He testified on Capitol Hill and recently spoke at a Department of Defense conference on suicide prevention. We asked the Army for a comment on Jason Scheuerman's case when we first aired this story, and this is the written statement they sent.","(Reading) The loss of any member of the Army family is a tragedy, and suicide prevention is a top priority for the U. S. Army. The 2005 death of Private First Class Jason Scheuerman was investigated thoroughly by his unit and by the U. S. Army Criminal Investigation Command. In fact, the Associated Press's story about his 2005 death is based on the Army's comprehensive investigations. We continue to work with and assist his family. We are continuously improving and adapting our training, intervention and support programs. The Army recognizes the importance of suicide prevention and is taking many steps to decrease those risks that may contribute to suicidal behavior. Our prevention efforts do help soldiers and their families deal with the wartime challenges they face every day."],"speaker":["B","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : the literal meaning is that the Army is making ongoing efforts to improve its suicide prevention programs. However, the actual meaning is that the Army is acknowledging the problem of suicide in the military and attempting to address it, but it may not have been successful in preventing all cases of suicide.","questions":"How does the Army view the suicide prevention programs?","answer":"acknowledging"} {"text":["Thanks for having me.","What new details did we learn with this filing?","So the new filing focuses on five extramarital affairs that Duncan Hunter had when he was in Congress, the first one starting just four months after he was elected and took office in April 2009. So he took office in January.","The longest feature in the filing is about an individual identified as Individual 14, who was a lobbyist. And they spent campaign money on things like a ski trip together, a thousand-dollar hotel tab. They went to concerts together. And they also went on a double date with another congressperson to Virginia Beach, but that congressperson has not been identified."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Duncan Hunter spent campaign money on personal expenses","questions":"How did Duncan Hunter use campaign money?","answer":"Personal"} {"text":["There's no simple answer to that. What will happen, some of our experiments will be back up and running within two or three weeks. Some of the most complex genetic processes will probably take over a year to get back together. And, you know, disruptions like this push us to think hard about what we want to do and where we want to go.","So I think even though I wouldn't have chosen this - and it really is tremendously sad to have lost our partners in these mice - it's going to push us to think about some new directions which we might not have tried had this not happened. So there is a bit of a silver lining to that.","I wonder if your colleagues are as cheery about this, or at least as optimistic about it as you are.","You know, I've really been impressed and really hardened by the way everyone around me at NYU and people all over the world - I was talking to Ben Crowley(ph) of the New York Times, and I mentioned that I had gotten some 40-odd emails. That's doubled since then. And these are individuals who are offering to give me my own lines back, give me their own lines, to help me with space and resources, to literally take over my experiments until we get back on our feet."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The loss of their partners in mice experiments can lead to new research directions","questions":"Which experiments will take over a year to get back together?","answer":"Genetic"} {"text":["That's the most egregious part of this scandal - is that she and her boyfriend Sunny Balwani, who was the No. 2 of the company, knew as they were rolling out the blood-testing services in Walgreens stores in California and Arizona that the blood tests were faulty. And yet they still went ahead with the rollout. And there were - I came across personally in my reporting more than a dozen patients who had health scares because they received bad results from Theranos.","How could so many smart people be fooled?","Well, I think she capitalized on this in part - it's not the only answer. But she capitalizes on this yearning there was in Silicon Valley and beyond to see a woman breakthrough in this man's world in Silicon Valley. If you look back over the past 30 years, all these tech founders that have gone on to be billionaires and icons are all men. Elizabeth Holmes was going to be that first tech founder who became a billionaire.","John Carreyrou - his book \"Bad Blood\" - thanks so much for being with us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Elizabeth Holmes was able to attract attention and investment by presenting herself as a woman who could succeed in a male-dominated industry.","questions":"Which industry did Elizabeth Holmes present herself as a successful woman in?","answer":"SiliconValley"} {"text":["The Negro National League's last innings came in 1940s, after Jackie Robinson headed for the big leagues. Kadir Nelson's new book, \"We Are the Ship\" captures black-American baseball at the top of its game. Kadir is an award-winning children's book illustrator. He's collaborated with Will Smith, Spike Lee and Debbie Allen. For \"We Are the Ship,\" he did all of the writing and all of the artwork, and his rich, detailed paintings show Negro-league superstars as if they're posing for the camera or deep in a game of hard ball.","Kadir Nelson joins me now. How are you?","I'm great. Thanks for having me.","So you have done playful children's books. You've illustrated books for young people about historic figures. Tell me about Buck O'Neil."],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : joins me now implies to be a part of program or activity and not referring to get attached together ","questions":"How does Kadir Nelson's joining indicate his involvement in the program?","answer":"Damage"} {"text":["You also call this the start of a new era in America's modern history - in what way?","Well, the Clean Air Act really changed, in many ways, the conception of government's role and gave to the federal government both the power and the responsibility to protect Americans' health. One of the most revolutionary pieces of this very innovatively designed law was a provision which elevated public health as a priority above all others in the setting of air quality standards for the entire country. It put public health over and above corporate profit and cost in determining what amounts of pollution would be allowed in Americans' air.","But that hasn't stopped it from being challenged, right?How has it weathered those challenges?","Well, it's been up and down over the years. And I think what we're seeing right now is a really sort of unprecedented assault on the Clean Air Act and the enforcement of the Clean Air Act by the Trump administration. Obviously, I think, we've all become familiar over the last few years with the idea of climate change denial. But I think what we're now seeing in the Trump years is actually air pollution denial."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"unprecedented assault on the Clean Air Act\" - This turn has a figurative meaning, as it refers to the Trump administration's efforts to weaken or dismantle the Clean Air Act, which is seen as an attack on the law itself and its purpose.","questions":"What has the Trump administration's approach to the Clean Air Act been described as?","answer":"assault"} {"text":["Well, I'm glad to have a job. I'll put it that way.","You know, that's a good thing.","Businesses and institutions have now shed jobs for the last 13 months in a row. Last month alone, we lost nearly 600,000 jobs. Nissan is the latest to announce big cuts. President Obama, Dr. Malveaux, has warned of double digit unemployment rates. It seems like everytime I have you on the show we ask the same question. How high is unemployment going to go?","Well, the rate we're going it can get to double digit. The last time we've seen anything like that was in 1981 in the early Reagan years. And double digit unemployment is no joke, but Tony, many people believe that we have really already crossed the line. If you look at the most recent report from the Bureau of Labor statistics, they come up with these alternative measures. So, we know that the unemployment rate is 7. 6 percent. But then if you add people who are marginally attached, that's like people who are working part time, but want to work full time and people who are discouraged workers and have dropped out of the labor force, we get up to a number that's more like 14 percent, 13. 9 percent. So when we look at all the hidden unemployment, we're already well firmly into that double digit area."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : A lot of people are out of work and jobs are getting harder to find.","questions":"How many months in a row have businesses and institutions shed jobs?","answer":"13"} {"text":["I wouldn't say a list of specific charges but some general charges. So the one that is the most specific is the claim that in 1996 she went on a spy mission to China to Guangxi province and, you know, spied for the FBI. And, I mean, there's a number of issues with that. I mean, one of them is that I have all kinds of evidence that Sandy did not go to China in 1996. I have the evidence of her passport. I have the evidence of her paystubs.","I mean, she was a full-time employee of the Houston Police Department as a secretary, a clerk typist, when she allegedly was doing the spy work. The paystubs show that she'd taken 11 hours off during the time in question. I've also got a newspaper article that she appeared in. So, I mean, we have a fair amount of evidence that shows that she was not in China in 1996.","Why would the Chinese government be interested in putting your wife in prison if there wasn't something that made them suspicious?","So this is not the police that investigate regular crimes. This is the, you know, China Ministry of State Security. This is a bunch of spies. They don't trust anybody. And in point of fact, I mean, they look at people involved in nonprofit work like my wife with a great deal of suspicion. And the fact of the matter is the state security has sent a number of people to the U. S. to spy, and the FBI has been catching these people. And I am sure that the Ministry of State Security is just not very happy about that."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : In turn (4), the implied meaning is that the Chinese Ministry of State Security is trying to take revenge for the U.S. FBI catching their spies in the U.S.","questions":"Which organization does turn (4) suggest is trying to seek revenge?","answer":"FBI"} {"text":["It was an amazing list. This started around 1910. There was a long list of books, and, at the start, they were things that sound pretty ordinary now, the things you mentioned, titles of things like \"Tom Swift and His Airship,\" \"Tom Swift and His Wireless Message. \"My favorite is \"Tom Swift and His Photo Telephone. \"If you read \"Tom Swift and His Photo Telephone,\" which is written in 1914, it sounds like you're hearing the description of Skype or Google Hangout.","The boy inventor invented this in 1914 fictionally, but the details are surprisingly similar.","Are people still reading those books, the Tom Swift books?","That's a good question. There were two big series. The first series started in 1910, went up to about 1940. They updated it in the 1950s and '60s with things like \"Tom Swift and His Rocket Ship,\" \"Tom Swift and His Giant Robot\" and on and on. Those petered out. And they started up a few later, but the later ones just got off into sort of fantasy."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The details in the Tom Swift books are surprisingly accurate.","questions":"How are the details in the Tom Swift books?","answer":"Surprisingly"} {"text":["So - but they did these kits, which also are - each one of them is a box that contain a lot of evidence that could be tested. And so yes, we have a problem in this country with rape culture. You see that going on right now. It's never been more evident than it is now - rape culture, sexual harassment culture, all of that.","And so training was also needed. Back then, when we first started, we had found police reports in some files that we pulled where police officers were writing very disparaging things about our victims - not believing them, dismissing their cases, not bothering to work on them. And so that was a part of it as well - not just the neglect, not just no money but just active rape culture in play, where they just did not care.","Based on your expertise, this is happening in a number of cities and counties. Isn't it?","Yeah. There are estimated to be over 400,000 untested abandoned rape kits in this country. And I don't know if you're familiar with Michigan Stadium right here in our state. It seats over 100,000 people. When I tell people that the amount of untested kits in this country that they're estimated to be - you can fill up the biggest college or national football stadium in the country four times. And that's if each kit represents a victim - which it does - and you think of game day at Michigan Stadium four times over, that's how many we have in this country. And that's probably a conservative estimate. It is absolutely horrible. And hopefully, it is changing, albeit very slowly."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : There is a significant backlog of untested rape kits in the country.","questions":"Which stadium size can be filled four times with untested rape kits if each kit represents a victim, according to the speaker in the dialogue?","answer":"Michigan"} {"text":["And so the lament is that it's not a beacon for environmentalism, it's not a beacon for greater labor standards or labor protections, but it's something else?","Yeah. I mean, it has turned into this dystopian vision of tech, where, you know, a few people prosper, and everyone else gets kind of poverty wages. Users of the service get pretty good service but kind of at the cost of all of these drivers getting very little from the service, getting very little equity. I think it is a betrayal of what Silicon Valley, you know, said that it stood for, which is creating new ideas that are good for the world at large, not just, you know, a few hundred people on the West Coast.","You know, many would herald Uber as a great American success story, a testament to what capitalism can create - right?- jobs for millions of people in the U. S. and around the world. And its IPO will make a handful of people millionaires and even billionaires. Isn't that a good thing?","I mean, it's perhaps better than not having it, but I don't think it's fundamentally or sort of objectively a good thing. What would be better is if Uber was a smaller and less valuable company but that less value was sort of more equitably distributed."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : It would be better if the wealth created by Uber was distributed more equitably.","questions":"Which company should distribute wealth more equitably?","answer":"Uber"} {"text":["Well, assess how they're looking at the move by the Treasury department, the moves really, of last week and of over the weekend, and of today. What is the world thinking?","The world has its fingers crossed. I mean, I don't know how else to put it. The world is basically saying this has to work. I mean, that's why you saw last week for instance, not just the Fed put up a whole bunch of capital, inject liquidity into the system. You saw all the other European and many of the Asian central banks do likewise. The world is terrified. They need this to work.","Well, what about the Democrats who are saying look, hold on, we need to do this right and not rush into it. Is that?","Well, first of all they are going to rush into it, one way or the other. And so what the Democrats have done - have said, look you have your pet things that you care about, here are our pet things that we care about. We're not going to let you do this without, you know, helping home owners more than you have, without doing something about renting an executive pay for all these executives who were involved in this mess. You know, that's a legitimate thing for them to say. It's still going to get rushed into, because this things going to be passed by the end of the week, is my guess because everybody wants to go home and run for re-election and also because the country really needs it to pass."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The world is desperate for the Treasury Department's moves to succeed in stabilizing the economy.","questions":"Which department's moves are the world desperate for?","answer":"Incorporating"} {"text":["So I'm saying - it's not - that's not the - relevant. I'm saying that - people say this, that your argument is driven by concerns about being majority minority. I'm saying that decision's already made. The question for us is how do we make a success of this?And on present policy, we are in real danger of not making a success of it.","Let me give you a very, very concrete point of where we're going. So the peak decade for illegal immigration was the 1990s. Of the 45 million or so foreign-born people in the United States, about 11 million are here illegally. And most of them are probably, right now, under 45, but very soon, they're going to be reaching 65. The majority of the illegal immigrant population has been here for more than a decade. They're not going home.","So when they turn 65, what happens to them?Do they get a pension?Do they get health care?Or do we write them off?Making Americans of them is going to be a huge challenge. Otherwise, we're going to have a lot of old, sick poor people living amongst us with no agreement as to what their status is.","David Frum - his recent piece is on the cover of the April edition of The Atlantic magazine. David, thank you so much."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : To \"write something off\" means to ignore or otherwise pay no mind to the subject in question. It doesn't speak of actually writing. In this case, it means give no help to elderly illegals and leave them to fend for themselves without the benefits citizens would get.","questions":"How does the speaker define \"write something off\" in this context?","answer":"Ignore"} {"text":["And so when two clumps of free protons and electrons hit each other, they will slow each other down. But dark matter has no charge. That's why we can't see it because the only reason you and I could see anything, it's because there's charges that are being accelerated. That's what light is. But if something has no charge, it doesn't give off light.","So yeah, so in the Bullet Cluster, dark matter and galaxies stayed together just as they should, and in Abell 520, they do not, and that is a mystery as to why exactly that is. There isn't a comfortable explanation that can be readily arrived at.","Is there a theory about what may be happening, or just - you have to just think about it some more?","Well, so there's a number of things that could be happening. All of them are slightly disturbing."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) The speaker is asking if there is a theory about what may be happening with regards to the behavior of dark matter.","questions":"Which turn asks if there is a theory about what may be happening with regards to the behavior of dark matter?","answer":"Turn2"} {"text":["Yeah. I know Chicken Street. But tell us what you saw at the site of the bombing.","When I heard it, I came out from the store, and I immediately saw people running from the direction of (unintelligible) the smoke billowing into the air. So I walked in the opposite direction towards the smoke. And the closer I got, the more damage there was - obviously, broken windows further away from it - and then closer to it, you know, cars on fire and completely crushed by the force of the explosion.","And then at the ground zero of the site, you know, a number of bodies that was in the immediate vicinity - I saw probably 12 to 15, all, you know, really just mangled and - you know, almost as if they were melted together. It was just a pile of bodies - you know, most of them dead, some of them still alive. I even told one man who was trying to make a phone call, you know, in this morass of bodies.","And then all around, there was, you know, the usual chaos that infuse these attacks - security forces running around with their weapons drawn, general chaos, smoke and noise, car alarms, and, you know, small explosions of oxygen tanks and petrol tanks exploding. And, you know, within a few minutes, you have these - I guess you'd call them first responders - rushing in to take the injured and the dead away."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"a number of bodies that was in the immediate vicinity - I saw probably 12 to 15, all, you know, really just mangled and - you know, almost as if they were melted together.It was just a pile of bodies\" - the speaker uses figurative language to describe the state of the bodies they saw, which were not literally melted together, but were instead severely damaged.","questions":"What was the PersonA's description of the bodies?","answer":"Mangled"} {"text":["I think we're all thinking about it and working on it, but I just wonder if, you know, do you think that the defendants who've come in to your courtroom have a sufficient social network so that they see other people doing better or improving their lives so that they can even have anything to pattern it on?","Absolutely. And I think that's a huge part of the problem. And what I would do, in my court, I had a program for men and a program for women because, even if I spark something in you with what I say, you're going to go back into an environment where everybody's telling you something else. And I don't have the ability, that constant contact.","So, what I think is, at least, a part of the solution is, when we do something, to take a small group and to stay with them. I stayed with a group of girls for a year at a time for over a decade, and I did see two or three people who called me a couple of years later, Judge, I just want to tell you how well I am doing.","It's not a great answer. It's not the answer everybody wants to hear because it's not a panacea, and it's work intensive while the success rate is low, but I think it's what has to be done."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : It implies that no matter the impact of the program the society will still change those impacts.","questions":"What is the main issue with defendants' social network according to PersonB in the dialogue?","answer":"Insufficient"} {"text":["It depends on who you ask. For the South Koreans who have been really eager to have a successful Olympics and for the president, Moon Jae-in's administration, who has really pushed for better ties to North Korea, this will be a big success for them in terms of getting the North Koreans to participate, to march under the joint flag and to mitigate any potential North Korean provocations that could have happened during the Olympics and ruin the whole atmosphere. But in terms of applying maximum pressure on North Korea and getting them to denuclearize, this is just a minor blip on the radar.","And what do we make of the military parade in North Korea just before?Is that a way of saying we don't mean it, or what?","Absolutely. I think - you know, I've been likening the North Korean participation in the Olympics as kind of like \"The Wedding Crashers,\" where they just storm in, guzzle everybody's champagne, other people's food and then they're going to leave a mess behind. And nothing they've said since Kim Jong Un's New Year's address has suggested that they're going to be talking about their nuclear weapons program at all. In fact, they've not had any pressure from South Korea or anybody in terms of talking about nuclear weapons.","Well - and that brings up a question. And I feel the need to ask it every now and then - why does North Korea want nuclear weapons?What's their overall strategic goal?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The literal meaning of (2) is asking for an opinion about the military parade. The implicated meaning is whether the North Korean participation in the Olympics was genuine or not.","questions":"How does turn 2 compare the North Korean participation in the Olympics to \"The Wedding Crashers\"?","answer":"Analogy"} {"text":["I've also been impressed by what Germany has done to address their history. And I notice in some spots in Germany, you will have plaques that remember the lives and the death of individual German soldiers. Is there room for that?","There's a room for a commemorating individual soldiers. There's a room for, I think, monument on battlefields. I mean, Gettysburg - people have asked me, what about Gettysburg?Well, you know, people fought and died there. So, yes, I think to the extent that these things are done in places that are not meant to send a message of domination, sure that's appropriate.","If it were up to you, what should be done with a lot of Confederate statues?","I think the Confederate statues should be removed. The notion that removing them means we're getting rid of history or changing history is not true. We will always write about Robert E. Lee, Grant, the war, but that's - doesn't have to be commemorated, I think, in statues."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : I've also been impressed by what Germany has done to address their history.And I notice in some spots in Germany, you will have plaques that remember the lives and the death of individual German soldiers.Is there room for that? Actual Meaning: Is it acceptable to honor and remember the individual German soldiers who died in the war?","questions":"What did PersonA say about the Confederate statues?","answer":"Removed"} {"text":["And actually, when I used to go home at about midday to sleep, everyone was in work still, so it was very quiet. So I liked the fact that I was almost like a bat - you know, vampire bat - coming out purely at night and disappearing when the sun came up.","One of the important qualities in baking that you talk about in this book is the importance of touch.","Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, in this world of health and safety, I remember - there's a lot of, you know, they try and encourage the bakers to wear gloves - rubber gloves when you're kneading bread. I mean, what?","I mean, this is one of the oldest traditions in the world. And to get bakers to wrap up their hands so they can't feel the dough - it's that touch, which you cannot teach - it's something you have to practice, practice, practice and get used to. And once you have that touch, you can make anything because it's all about consistency - baking - whether it's consistency in a sponge, in a great pastry or, indeed, a good bread."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The implied meaning of this turn is that the speaker enjoyed the solitude of working at night, as it made them feel like a vampire who only came out when it was dark and disappeared again when the sun rose.","questions":"How did the speaker feel when they worked at midday?","answer":"Quiet"} {"text":["Happens to be benched. What do you make of this?I think Vince's issues I think are quite different from Tarvaris. I think there was a lot of pressure on Vince from the time he came out of Texas to kind of be the black Johnny Unitas, and he's going to - they'll both have an opportunity to sit and watch, and hopefully come back with a vengeance.","One really quick other black quarterback not in the league at the moment, in Atlanta, Michael Vick. Is Matt Ryan, the replacement, making Atlanta Falcon fans forget Michael Vick?","I wouldn't say that. Maybe that first week he did, but there will only be one Michael Vick. Remember, Tony, Michael Vick was the most exciting quarterback in the NFL, and there's still talk and anticipation of him playing when he gets out.","All right. Let's move on to baseball because we're moving into the time of the year, at least for me, when baseball really becomes interesting. This year we had a couple of blockbuster trades involving Manny Ramirez going from Boston to the Dodgers, and we also had C. C. Sabathia going from the Cleveland Indians to the Milwaukee Brewers, and they turned their respective teams around. So, the question is, are they - should they be considered as MVP candidates even though they've only been there a short time?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Vince's issues are related to the pressure he faced due to expectations of being the next great black quarterback.","questions":"Which quarterback's pressure is related to being the next great black quarterback?","answer":"Vince"} {"text":["Obviously there's some niche that the starfish occupy. Should we be worried if - what we might do to the ecosystem if we get rid of these starfish?","You know, I think it would only be in the dreams of a few people that they might possibly be able to get rid of all of them. What they're trying to do is cut back on the numbers. So they're going to remove as many as they can, but you're still going to have some out there.","And these sea stars are out there on a lot of reefs in the Pacific in low numbers. You can see little trails of white, dead corals that they've left behind as they've gone along feeding, and that will continue to happen. They're not going to get rid of every last one of them.","But the increase in numbers, I mean, you're talking about going onto reefs and having hundreds to thousands times as many starfish on a reef as you normally would see, and that's a big difference."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The significant increase in the number of starfish is a cause for concern","questions":"How is the increase in starfish numbers seen?","answer":"Big"} {"text":["Yeah.","So trains stopped running. Water supplies were disrupted. Gas stations couldn't pump gas, so there were long lines at those stations that could. Phones and the Internet were disrupted. It happened on a day in Argentina - in parts of Argentina, where there were gubernatorial elections. These actually still went ahead, but people had to use their cellphones. . .","Wow.",". . . To give themselves enough light to vote by. And it also happened on Father's Day, when people were hoping to go out for Sunday lunch but had to cancel because, you know, restaurants and businesses were shut. It took all day to get the lights completely back on; they are now back on. But people have a lot of questions about what precisely happened and what's going on in the region."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The power outage caused chaos and inconvenience to people's lives.","questions":"How were people affected by the power outage?","answer":"Disrupted"} {"text":["I don't know what you make of a recent letter some ICE special agents sent to Homeland Security Secretary Nielsen asking that the branch of ICE that deals with counterterrorism and drug trafficking, not deportations, be split off from the agency because of all the ill will.","Yeah. I have seen that. That was - that's an interesting consequence of another change that was made at the time that DHS was formed. In addition to splitting up the immigration entities, they also blended in the customs function. And so ICE is Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The same is true at the border. And that was a little bit of a shotgun marriage between the customs folks and the immigration folks that has not fully worked itself out. The customs people think that they have these - you know, they've got a separate set of responsibilities that are impeded by the immigration function.","Former INS general counsel Bo Cooper, thanks so much for coming in and joining us, sir.","Thank you very much."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"...a little bit of a shotgun marriage between the customs folks and the immigration folks that has not fully worked itself out.\" This turn is an example of a figurative expression. \"Shotgun marriage\" is not referring to an actual marriage involving a shotgun; instead, it is a metaphorical way of describing a forced or hasty union between two parties.","questions":"How would you describe the union between customs and immigration?","answer":"Forced"} {"text":["Right. And it's because of a change in the law post-9\/11 that made - that gave the State Department the ability to designate specific terrorist groups. And once that group was designated, they fell under the Patriot Act. And we could investigate - the FBI could investigate specifically individuals both in the United States and overseas that were involved in any kind of transactional or transnational terrorism events with more - a greater ability, I guess, to utilize the techniques available to us.","So what can be done?I mean, are there changes that can be made in the law that might help prevent an attack like the one we saw in El Paso?","Well, there are a lot of laws that apply right now to domestic terrorism, but most of them are state laws. They're not federal laws. There is no federal murder statute, for example, unless you are a federal official of some sort and you are murdered or there's an attempted murder on you. So the El Paso case, for example, is probably going to be prosecuted as a local homicide case of 20 counts of homicide, 22, however many victims we have, by the local DA. It's not a federal case. At this point, the FBI is kind of peripherally assisting that investigation. But they're not specifically involved in or going to be involved in the prosecution. Now. . .","Could the law change?I mean, could Congress pass a law that says that an act like this, when you kill this many people, is a federal crime?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Designation of terrorist groups under the Patriot Act helped FBI investigate terrorists more effectively","questions":"What law aided the FBI in investigating terrorists?","answer":"Patriot"} {"text":["You edited \"Confessions of a Video Vixen\" by Karrine Steffans. We've had her on show. And it's a memoir about her life as a video dancer for artists like JZ, R. Kelly, LL Cool J. It talks about hip hop, sex, sexuality, family. Tell me about the process of getting her story to press.","Well it's interesting. I'd heard quite a lot about Corrine via reading a magazine article about her and then hearing about her repeatedly on radio. And so when I reached out to her, I didn't really have a lot of expectations other than this might be interesting. And so I had a very long conversation with her and you know, upon talking to her I was very impressed with her being very - her candor was amazing first of all and then secondly the fact that she was unapologetic about her life. She wasn't proud of it necessarily but she wasn't apologetic either.","And so one of the things that we did, our editorial director, who is amazing, went out to LA and said, I just want to experience this woman for myself and so she spent an evening with her in a popular Hollywood watering hole. And she knew after that evening that Corrine was who she said she was, just based on how people, particularly men, responded to her just from her walking into the room.","Well that's one way of looking at things. But the publisher obviously went a lot further to turn\u2026"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : watering hole implies that the location was a bar or a place to get drinks","questions":"Which location was described as a popular spot in Hollywood?","answer":"Watering"} {"text":["Look. The president attaches himself personally to stories. In terms of numbers, he touts a lot of numbers there. We tend to forget that even under Obama, three American hostages were returned from North Korea. Hostages from Iran returned. There were a lot of them. Except that never before had the president personalized it.","That's Mickey Bergman, vice president of the Richardson Center for Global Engagement. He was kind enough to join us here in our studios in Washington, D. C.","Mr. Bergman, thank you for joining us.","Thank you very much."],"speaker":["A","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The President is taking credit for returning hostages, despite it not being solely his doing.","questions":"What is the President's action in relation to the return of hostages?","answer":"Taking"} {"text":["Well, I think - you know, I think there's always a push and pull between the White House and the State Department. But this was a little bit different because I certainly had not seen situations in which State - because it was being so very gutted and because we didn't have many senior officials - was getting left out of so much that was being attempted.","Have you seen a shift within the State Department since Mike Pompeo has come onboard?Obviously, Rex Tillerson oversaw a reduction of staff. We saw 60 percent of high-level, career State Department diplomats leave the service, you among them. Has that trend reversed itself under Mike Pompeo?","There are very encouraging signs in terms of Secretary Pompeo's attention to management issues, lifting hiring freezes, trying to move forward. Those are relatively narrow in scope of what he's trying to do right now. And I think in terms of policy changes, it's impossible to tell whether those will make a difference in terms of either retention of people or attraction of new people, et cetera. So my view right now is, you know, sort of we'll see. But it is always better for the State Department to have in place a secretary who has the president's ear and has a good relationship with him. So in that respect, I think most State Department officials are pleased. But it's early days yet.","That was Roberta Jacobson, the former U. S. ambassador to Mexico. We'll be taking WEEKEND EDITION to Mexico this coming week, where we'll get the view from our neighbor to the south ahead of their pivotal elections. That's a week from today."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The state department was loosing a great many employees.","questions":"How many high-level, career State Department diplomats left the service under Rex Tillerson's oversight?","answer":"60%"} {"text":["Well, many of the discussions I've had with other educators is that many times, we have to have a partner - or if we are single, that our partner's income supports our teaching habits, if you will. Certified teachers with master's degrees teaching in their district for 15 years are still making around $30,000 to $35,000 within their district. To have that amount of education and that amount of experience and be paid that wage, that's not a livable wage.","Arizona is a right-to-work state, which means unions don't have much power to negotiate there. Kentucky, West Virginia, Oklahoma are, too. These are all states with Republican legislatures. And we've seen actions by teachers recently in those states, as well. Do you wish you had a union speaking for you?Would that be an answer?","The reason why I got involved was because of the teacher-led grassroots movement. We have been supported by other organizations. Arizona Education Association, which is our union - our teacher union here in the state - have been supporting us. Do I wish that a union was representing us?I'm glad that they are supporting us.","Why do you think this is happening now in places like Kentucky and West Virginia and Oklahoma and now Arizona?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The wage paid to certified teachers with master's degrees and 15 years of experience is not sufficient to live on.","questions":"Which group of educators is being discussed in turn 0?","answer":"Educators"} {"text":["I am.","How has that affected your feelings about gun registration and gun control?","Well, you know, I mean, I'm also a former paramedic, so I have treated lots and lots of gunshot victims and I have investigated lots and lots of gunshot victims, including homicides, obviously. So, it has a profound effect. I mean, I understand what we're really talking about in the literal sense. I've been shot at. I get the trauma of all that. This isn't an academic exercise for me.","And that leads you to conclude what about guns?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) A: Well, you know, I mean, I'm also a former paramedic, so I have treated lots and lots of gunshot victims and I have investigated lots and lots of gunshot victims, including homicides, obviously. So, it has a profound effect. I mean, I understand what we're really talking about in the literal sense. I've been shot at. I get the trauma of all that. This isn't an academic exercise for me.","questions":"What is the profession of the speaker mentioned in turn 2?","answer":"Paramedic"} {"text":["Yeah.","Well, Mayor Belangia, good luck. I hope I see Oriental someday. It sounds like a lovely place.","Please do. You will fall in love with it.","And I'll bring a loaf of bread for you."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The actual meaning of (4) is that B is expressing appreciation for the invitation, and that he will bring something as a gift when he visits.","questions":"Which word in PersonB's response indicates that he intends to bring a gift when he visits Oriental?","answer":"Loaf"} {"text":["Now what we didn't hear was a huge thunderous applause that you got from the crowd. Would you run for office again?And if so, what office?","I do - I would like to run for office. I really believe very firmly in public service. I enjoyed my years as lieutenant governor. And, you know, as a small-government Republican, really began to appreciate beyond the rhetoric of just saying, you know, I want a smaller government, but really focusing on how you make government work for people and how you make it efficient - more efficient partner in our daily lives.","And so I walked away from the office with a great appreciation for the value of public service and the importance that you can play in helping small businesses, in getting healthcare where it needs to be, and in dealing with problems of crime and the things that lead up to people to do things that create problems in their community, recidivism, and drug addiction, and things like that. So yeah, I'd like to get back to it. I'd like to run for governor of Maryland one day. And we'll see if that ever happens. But yeah, it's on the table. I don't know if it's in the cards yet, but it's at least on the table.","So you're chair of GOPAC, and it aims to elect more Republicans into office. So what are you working on specifically this time around?Are there any races or any strategies you're working on?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"run for office\" implies to be a candidate in an election","questions":"What did PersonA walk away from the office with?","answer":"appreciation"} {"text":["Donald Trump questioned John McCain's war heroism. He suggested that Senator Ted Cruz's father was involved with the Kennedy assassination. He slurred Senator Cruz's wife. What do you say to colleagues who just say, I'm sorry, our nominee just shouldn't be someone who talks like that?","Well, you know, and I've heard that from a number of people. And I've said to them, look, you know what, not asking you to fall in love with him. Let's just fall in line as a party because we're facing now the greatest challenge I think we've seen, not just as a party but our country.","And I'm more concerned with a Never Hillary (laughter) than a Never Trump. And I just don't understand how an Obama, Clinton or Sanders agenda would be good for the country. And I'm just thinking right now for our country, we need to come together. For our party, we need to come together.","Republicans have called Donald Trump a demagogue and a racist - prominent Republicans - for statements on mass deportations, Mexican immigrants and barring Muslims from the United States. What do you say to them?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : This turn actually means that people should not expect to \"love\" Donald Trump as the Republican nominee, but should come together as a party to face the challenges that lie ahead. ","questions":"How should people feel about Donald Trump as the Republican nominee?","answer":"Fall"} {"text":["We do a lunch business. We are in the central business district of Cincinnati. And then we also do some progressively busier dinner period with the theaters at night.","Yeah. So, how is the lunch crowd now?","Well, the lunch crowd is down. We do have a lot of people who used to have business expenses that do not anymore, expense accounts. And downtown Cincinnati, I guess, has experienced its own economic shortfall with businesses moving out of town and what not. So, lunch has seemed to be down a little bit. I am part of a - it's called the Greater Cincinnati Independence of Independent Restaurant Owners - which is a dying breed, anyway - but we're all pretty lamenting the lack of business and just the current climate that we're trying survive in.","So, you are in your mid-40s, I think?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The restaurant industry is struggling due to economic hardships.","questions":"What is the reason for the decrease in the lunch crowd at the restaurant?","answer":"Crowding"} {"text":["You know, between the flooding issues and river issues and then the trade war and the tariff war with China and also the renegotiation during the old NAFTA, we had a number of trade issues that were kind of tossed up in the air, and we're waiting for the puzzle pieces to fall back down in place.","I mean, I think in the Midwest and agriculture in general, you know, supported the president early on in improving trade relations with China. But unfortunately those in the livestock industry and soybean producers are taking the brunt of the hit.","Well, what would you like to see specifically from this trade deal, if they ever reach a deal?","We'd definitely like to have our full trade ratio, I guess you'd say. The amount of trade we were doing with China back a year ago - we'd love to see that back."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"puzzle pieces to fall back down in place\" - This is a metaphorical phrase used to describe the resolution of trade issues. It means that the trade issues need to be sorted out and resolved before the situation can return to normal.","questions":"How would you describe the situation after the puzzle pieces are back in place?","answer":"Normal"} {"text":["It probably depends on what chapter you're reading at the time. It's probably all of those things!I don't know who decides what goes into what box or what bin or what shelf, you know. For me, it's just about finding a character, finding a story, following, I guess, my heart at what I'm working on at the moment. And it just kind of falls, you know, wherever it may out there after that, you know.","There's been a lot of attention to the whole idea of street lit. And Zane, who's an erotica writer, extremely popular, sells a ton of books. A lot of people are like, well, she just can't write, but there's a lot of sex in it. And there's also a question that some people have raised about whether or not it is good for the race to have books that are explicit about black sexuality out there. So. . .","What race?The human race?","The black race. The black race. And so I bring this up because so often when people, you know, just as you mentioned, the distinctions between the way some people will look at female sexuality and male sexuality and what it's like to have a track record and whether that makes you a bad person. You know, people also look at these distinctions by race and say, oh well, black people are oversexed. That's some people stereotyping. Are you ever afraid that by doing work like this that you're, you know, I don't know, playing into a stereotype?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Some people criticize Zane's work for being explicit about black sexuality.","questions":"What is the race criticized for being explicit in Zane's work?","answer":"Black"} {"text":["Unfortunately, we know that the homeless individuals who are unsheltered and living in the street are disproportionately burdened with behavioral health challenges, mental disease, substance abuse disorders. And so if a nurse from the government shows up with a syringe and says, hey, I'm here from the government. I'm here to help you. Take this shot - it's not so simple. We have had to spend a tremendous amount of time building trust, providing education and making the case for why receiving a vaccine is such a critical opportunity for them to protect their health.","What are the symptoms of hepatitis A?","These are symptoms that basically reflect inflammation of the liver. And the most common symptoms are basically fever, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, significant abdominal pain, the loss of appetite. And then one of the telltale things is either darkening of the urine or what's called jaundice, which is the common yellowing of the eyes and the yellow hue of the skin, indicating liver enzymes being spilled into the bloodstream. So jaundice is also a very common symptom.","Dr. Yphnatides, if you think long term about changes you would want to see made to prevent another outbreak like this in the future, where does that take you?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Building trust and providing education are necessary in order to make a convincing argument for why homeless individuals should receive the vaccine.","questions":"How do you convince homeless individuals to receive the vaccine?","answer":"Trust"} {"text":["Everybody else in the theater did. I didn't.","Oh, yeah, right.","Every single person cried except for me.","Oh, yeah, because they were only slicing onions for you?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : B is sarcastically suggesting that the reason A didn't cry was that they were not affected emotionally by the movie.","questions":"What was the reason behind PersonA not crying during the movie according to PersonB's sarcastic comment?","answer":"Sarcasm"} {"text":["General, do you have to worry about the possibility that even in, at least what so far seems to be uncontested conflict - if that's quite the term of art, I mean, in the air - that some technical problem could bring an F-22 down and then the Syrians or ISIL would have it and give it to the Chinese?","Fortunately, we have a fairly - really reliable aircraft. And so that is an event that would be exceedingly rare. However. . .","It happened to a stealth. I think we all recall that.","Yeah, but those kind of things are very rare when you look at the total number of sorties and missions that we've flown over the last, you know, 25 years."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : . The implied meaning of (4) is that the General is downplaying the possibility of a technical problem, despite the fact that a stealth fighter did crash in the past.","questions":"Which event is the General downplaying despite the fact that a stealth fighter did crash in the past?","answer":"Technical"} {"text":["Flora, continue with the. . .","Well, yes. So there are two things going on here. One is there's a bone difference between owls and humans. And this is already known. Owls have the double the number of vertebrae in their necks than we do. They have 14 and we have seven, and more segments gives them more flexibility.","Right.","You imagine, like. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : to give them more flexibility in this context means they are allowed to do more things","questions":"How many vertebrae do owls have in their necks?","answer":"14"} {"text":["Yeah. And we owe a debt of gratitude, also, to Roger Hangarter of Indiana University, who gave us some other time-lapse of other plant motions. Because I started looking into this, and, you know, even the tulips in your vase are moving around if you speed up time. Their leaves are flopping. He told me this amazing story about sunflowers that I never knew. The reason that they are called that is that they actually orient towards the sun throughout the day. Their leaves do. So they start facing east and then end up facing west.","They have the ultimate solar panels.","That's totally right.","They figured out how to actually how to move with the sun. . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Sunflowers have the ability to move with the sun.","questions":"Which flowers are mentioned in the dialogue that have a unique ability?","answer":"Sunflowers"} {"text":[". . . Seas and littoral regions.","So the bottom line here is Iran has now shot a U. S. plane out of the sky. I'll put to you the same question we just put to Mara Liasson.","Sure.","Any sense of what the U. S. response will be?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Iran shot down a U.S. plane and now the U.S. will respond.","questions":"How did Iran prompt a potential U.S. response?","answer":"Shot"} {"text":["At 18 years old, I moved from Charlotte to the mountains. And I've lived in Appalachia - in Jackson County, N. C. - ever since. And it's the same thing here. You know, I think poverty - it's the same condition no matter where you're from. You know, I talked a little bit in that essay about that man from Baltimore saying desperation is a way of life.","This was a documentary on the BBC that was talking about poverty in Baltimore.","Yeah. I think anybody I grew up with could have said that. Anybody that I'm friends with now in Hazelwood, Haywood County, could say that. That's the reality of people who have nothing. They all know what it's like to miss a meal or to have the lights turned off or to have to decide - do I make my car payment, or do I pay my health insurance?That's a common theme that bridges the gap all across this country. And the unifying thing about that is poverty.","You also talk about addiction. The opioid crisis, as we know, is enormous right now. And you say that people just want to be listened to. What is the story that we aren't hearing?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : In (3), the speaker is using the phrase \"bridges the gap\" to describe the common experience of poverty that unites people across the country. The actual meaning is that poverty is a unifying force that brings people together despite their differences in geography, culture, or background.","questions":"Which phrase does the speaker use to describe the common experience of poverty that unites people across the country in (3)?","answer":"Bridges"} {"text":["I was like, yeah. She's like, what do you talk about?I say, my life, our life. And she's like, so you tell them about us and they pay you.","And she's like, I've never found you entertaining enough to pay you anything.","In fact, I wish you would shut up so - so she was - and my father is even worse. I mean, he's very dry. My mom has all the personality. My father is a - he's Swiss-German, so I mean he's just a combination of. . .","Known so much for their humor."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : B: \"Known so much for their humor.\" - This phrase is a sarcastic remark, and its actual meaning is different from its literal meaning. The speaker is suggesting that Swiss-German people are not known for their humor, whereas the literal meaning would suggest the opposite.","questions":"What is the implied tone of PersonB's statement in turn 3?","answer":"Sarcastic"} {"text":["Well, when I was in Durban, I spoke to an Ethiopian shopkeeper who had lost everything. His shop was broken into and it was ransacked. There was pretty much nothing left on the shelves. And it looked that someone tried to even torch the shop. But the shop belongs to a South African landlord. He was renting the shop out to the Ethiopian man. And there are many stories like that across KwaZulu Natal, which is where you'll find Durban, on the east coast of South Africa.","But there was considerable violence, and not just to property, but also to people?","Very much so. Five people died in the last two weeks, including two South Africans, might I say, who were killed during the violence. The South African mobs and looters had gone to shop after shop, which were owned by migrants - African migrants. And they looted them and they were taunting them, telling them that they're taking their jobs and their economic opportunities, they must go back to where they come from.","Is there something that the government can do to stop this happening?Like, for example, institute something that happens in a lot of industrial countries - a minimum wage, for example?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) Implied meaning: Were South African mobs and looters targeting African migrants?","questions":"Which nationality were the majority of the shop owners targeted by the South African mobs and looters?","answer":"African"} {"text":["And how did this start?","Well, about 20 years ago, we were thinking about doing a literary magazine because at the time there weren't too many journals out there for new writers. There weren't many literary journals at all during that time. And so we stumbled upon an idea that we had started with one of our friends from college where he had given me a first line to start a story. And then I would write the story. And then I would send it to him. And I'd give him a first line. And he would start a story. And he would send that back to me. And we did that. And so we decided that we'd open that up to the rest of the world.","How many stories do you typically get?","We run between 300 and 450 submissions in issue."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (4) is the same as its literal meaning, which is stating the range of submissions received by the literary magazine.","questions":"What is the approximate number of submissions in each issue of the literary magazine?","answer":"300"} {"text":["I would suggest the European Union needs to be there. I would suggest the Arabs need to be there in various configurations. So I think we need to do that. And I think we need to be much more cognizant of the fact that Syrians are really fearful of the future even more than they are of this hideous Assad regime.","And I want to make very clear, I have absolutely no sense that this guy, Assad, should, you know, lead that country in the future. I'm just saying, from the practical task of trying to enlist various factions, you might start with doing that rather than delisting various factions.","Well, it was interesting, the - I think the first effort involved the Kofi Annan effort sponsored by the United Nations. And they're broke down over the insistence by Mr. Assad and his backers, including Russia, that he be part of the transition.","Yeah. Well, there's no question that Assad made Kofi's job almost impossible. But, you know, we're now well over a year after that, and I think if there are better coordination with whoever the envoy is, if it's another Kofi, if it's Secretary Kerry or some former senate colleague, say, of Secretary Kerry, I think you could kind of work with the Russians to say, OK, we're going to propose this. Assad won't like it. But Russians, do you agree with what we're doing?If you do, we'd like you to put a little heat on Assad to get him at least not to explicitly oppose it."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Putting a little heat on actually means to make trouble for and pressure Assad.","questions":"What does \"putting a little heat on\" mean?","answer":"Pressure"} {"text":["Well, one last question about this because there is speculation that this weather may be due to the loss of ice during the summertime at the polar region. Is there any evidence for that being the trigger?","No, that has a lot of other dramatic effects on our climate, but for stratospheric warming events, what we're looking at are very large systems, such as the one that was off of the northeast coast of Japan. Also it's been correlated to sunspot activity. So that's kind of a factor that doesn't affect the troposphere so much, but it does involve some (unintelligible) content action in the stratosphere. So we're seeing a correlation between a solar activity and then these big, very unstable systems late in the season like we saw off the northeast coast of Japan.","All right, well, people always blame stuff on sunspots, so. . .","That's right, it's hard to prove them wrong."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : a trigger in this context means something causing something else","questions":"What is the speculation about the weather?","answer":"NOT"} {"text":["So he infected more than his share, and then there was the other fellow at the hotel who infected more than his share.","It really - your book really made me feel a huge debt of gratitude to people who work in the health care industry because it can be really heroic work, and it seems like they put their life on the line in some cases.","Oh absolutely yeah. Some of the people I spent time with, I document, I describe, I tell stories of their field work. I went with some of them to places like a rooftop in Bangladesh in the middle of the night, the roof of a warehouse where a wonderful scientist named Jon Epstein who works for EcoHealth Alliance, was trapping, again, giant fruit bats to look for a disease, a virus called Nipah.","Now this is not the same NEPA that your previous guest referred to, not the National Environmental Policy Act. This is N-I-P-A-H, named after a village in peninsular Malaysia where this virus was first identified. So Jon Epstein is on the roof of a warehouse in Bangladesh in the middle of the night wearing goggles and welder's gloves and a respirator mask, handling these giant fruit bats that he's catching in a mist net, taking them into a provisional lab, drawing blood samples from them, knowing that the virus is probably there somewhere and that it's a very lethal virus."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The virus Nipah is lethal and can be transmitted from fruit bats to humans.","questions":"What virus was Jon Epstein looking for on the rooftop in Bangladesh?","answer":"Nipah"} {"text":["She always continues to say throughout is public sentiment is everything. And at the time of the - of President Clinton's impeachment, while what he did was reprehensible, he was impeached for political reasons. I don't think - Democrats do not believe that they're going down this road for political reasons. This is not about politics. This is strictly about the Constitution and the right of Congress to do its job for the American people.","Can I ask you about her ability to deal with strong personalities?I mean, she's very often been one of the few women in the room. She's small in stature, but clearly, she has an ability to hold her own with big personalities, loud personalities. And was just wondering, you know, where does that come from?How does she do it?","Everyone always tries to underestimate her, but they've learned their lesson. And what she brings is she brings power, real power, whether as the Democratic leader where Republicans needed Democratic votes to pass certain things, whether the speaker of the House. Being speaker of the House provides an enormous amount of power. And I think all these men across the past and currently now know it and understand it. And they should never underestimate her.","What do you think is Speaker Pelosi's major skill as speaker?What do you think is the secret to her success as speaker?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Implying she is underestimated because she is a woman.","questions":"How is Speaker Pelosi perceived in the room?","answer":"Powerful"} {"text":["Sure, Scott.","Russia's been taking over bases in Crimea all this week following the referendum. Was this expected?Were there any signs of resistance, near as you can tell?","There were signs of resistance. So, just to give you a sense, so this was an airbase - the tarmac area was taken weeks ago. That was in the initial occupation by Russian forces. This part of the base is where the soldiers and the pilots lived, and lived with their families. There were houses, apartments right around there. So not a strategic area but certainly symbolic. And all these bases had a deadline of yesterday. This base missed that deadline; they had an ultimatum of today to evacuate the base or be stormed.","Significantly, this was one of the few bases that did announce their intention to fight. We're not sure what that would lead to, whether it would lead to death. And this is all because of the commander. Very interesting guy named Yuli Montir(ph), who became famous for a YouTube video that he put up, saying that he'd stand until he heard from Kiev, which has not given any information to these soldiers as to what they're supposed to do. Whether they're supposed to evacuate, evacuate or fight. And so when the Russians did come, it was very expected. They came today and the attack was very swift. Military people describe it as very professional. It was clearly designed to minimize casualties, and it seems to have done so. In fact, an ambulance followed the tank that crashed open the gate today."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (4) has an implied meaning different from its literal meaning. The speaker is describing the attack on the military base mentioned in (3). The attack was swift and professional, designed to minimize casualties. The fact that an ambulance followed the tank that crashed open the gate implies that the Russians were prepared for possible injuries or casualties, and were taking steps to minimize them.","questions":"What was the purpose of the ambulance that followed the tank?","answer":"Injuries"} {"text":["Look. The president attaches himself personally to stories. In terms of numbers, he touts a lot of numbers there. We tend to forget that even under Obama, three American hostages were returned from North Korea. Hostages from Iran returned. There were a lot of them. Except that never before had the president personalized it.","That's Mickey Bergman, vice president of the Richardson Center for Global Engagement. He was kind enough to join us here in our studios in Washington, D. C.","Mr. Bergman, thank you for joining us.","Thank you very much."],"speaker":["A","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The President is taking credit for returning hostages, despite it not being solely his doing.","questions":"How is the President taking credit for returning hostages?","answer":"Credit"} {"text":["I'll say.","Dissection, anger, back and forth, denunciation by both major party presidential campaigns. Do you think that this cover crossed the line of propriety?","Of propriety?Perhaps. But what it - I think it did so for an urgent and good cause, which is to blow this stupid calumny about Obama away, once and for all. It travels as the subtext through all this polite conversation. I just saw some NBC report that was quoting a Newsweek poll saying 50 percent of Americans believe that Obama is or was a Muslim, or was signed - sworn in on the Koran to the Senate seat, and so on. It's madness. And I - it seems to me that showing the fevered image directly will be a possible way of looking at and dissipating that image.","I think as a result it's a fairly brave thing to do, in which the New Yorker's fulfilling its function at its best, which is to make people think and talk. And the New Yorker helped that discussion happen. And it's one of the times where I feel, hats off, New Yorker!They got it right, you know. This is not something that goes away by saying, but it's not seemly to discuss this.","But there are some people who are always going to read this un-ironically and say, well, yeah, he is a Muslim despite, you know."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The cover of the New Yorker magazine may have gone too far in terms of propriety but it served a good purpose in debunking the false claim that Obama is a Muslim.","questions":"What was the purpose of the New Yorker's cover according to A?","answer":"Debunking"} {"text":["Is your area of focus because you believe, you know, what's the old classic Willie Sutton line: why do you rob banks?'Cause that's where the money is.","I would say it's more where the need is. For many years, we had invested in pharmaceutical companies, some device companies. With the advent of the Internet, it was time to bring technology, information technology to health care. You know, hospital systems, payers, physicians' offices were really in the dark ages of technology. I mean, back then, we were literally just wiring up physicians with the Internet in order to get them online. And I think our view is that with better information and information sharing, there's a better coordination of care. If you think about patients which bounce around to different doctors and then have the same diagnostic tests repeated three times, that doesn't help the patient. That only adds cost to the system. And when you have miscommunications between hospital systems and physicians, then you have poor care.","Is - forgive me for putting it in a simplistic way - is health care the new real estate?","I do think there's more innovation and investment going into the area. Some of that will be unwise. It always is in venture capital. We're investing in early-stage companies. Do I think it's a bubble?No, I don't think it's a bubble. I think there are so many ways that we can improve health care delivery today that it's worth a tremendous amount of investment in systems and information to do so."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The speaker is using the quote \"why do you rob banks? 'Cause that's where the money is\" as a metaphor to ask if the area of focus is chosen because that's where the opportunity is.","questions":"How does PersonB relate healthcare to real estate?","answer":"Metaphor"} {"text":["That's right.","Tell us about that one.","Well, that's around a star called HD 10 - excuse me, 40307. I'm losing track of the numbers, there are so many stars now. And this is a system where we first tried out some of these techniques, where there were already several planets known around it, three planets known around it, and we found three more by basically being more clever in how we deal with the noise due to the star's surface activity.","And this was - you have a rating scale for how close to Earthlike they are correct?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : stars implies the tiny luminous body in the sky and not a celebrity ","questions":"What is being referred to as \"stars\" in the dialogue?","answer":"hd10"} {"text":["You have your camera there with you?","I do. You want a sound effect?","Yeah, please.","You're listening to WEEKEND EDITION from NPR News."],"speaker":["B","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : This implies that B want to probably have a picture with A.","questions":"What did PersonB ask for after PersonA confirmed having their camera?","answer":"Sound"} {"text":["Thank you.","Why don't we start with a song?","Happily.","(Singing) There's a big white house on a leafy street on a summer's day in 1963. Station wagons parked in the drive with dents in the fender and wood on the side. There's kids and dogs and Instamatic cubes squinting hard in the sun. Not just yet, but one day, too, they'll be chasing what's already gone.","(Singing) You grow up tall and you grow up tough, trying to never admit not feeling good enough, until you find your passion and you find your way. Just trying to make it unscathed through every day. And it seems to happen nearly overnight. Life shows you who you've become. When there's no more mystery in the fading light, you're just chasing what's already gone. Like the line that spells the far horizon, moving with you as fast as you can run. Half your life, you pay it no attention. The rest you can't stop wondering what you should have done instead of chasing what's already gone."],"speaker":["B","A","B","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Memories of the past can be bittersweet and chasing them can be a futile effort.","questions":"How can memories be?","answer":"Bittersweet"} {"text":["Conceivably they can, if there is an issue or something that's hanging fire that is of tremendous interest to the voters. I don't think Troopergate up in Alaska has ever really captured the voters' imagination. There are some people who have been following it closely, there was one determination by the legislative committee that was looking at it, now we have a somewhat different one from the executive committee. I don't think the election has been about Troopergate.","As for the death of Senator Obama's grandmother, certainly that is a tragic timing of this event, if in fact Barack Obama were to be elected president tonight, for his grandmother to have died just one day shy of having witnessed this, would be sad indeed. But whether that is going to change people's votes again, I think is unlikely.","Well Ron, we look forward to talking to you as the result unfold and we continue our coverage.","Indeed we will."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"Hanging fire\" is an expression meaning to delay. Here, the issue is whether there's some issue that hasn't had an impact on the vote, but will do so before Election Day.","questions":"Which expression means to delay?","answer":"Hangingfire"} {"text":["Oh, I come off great. I'm a great character, Dain Ironfoot. I don't have much to do. It's, like, in a cameo role. And I'm not really sure how much I'm allowed to say, but the king dies and I step into his place in a very violent way. But I'm a ruffian, you know. I ride a wild pig and I wear iron shoes and I use an ax as a weapon, and it's - I've got hair down to my waist, and my beard down to my waist and tattooed face, and it's an extraordinarily appearance. It takes two-and-a-half hours to get me ready.","Well, that can't have been fun.","I was the wheel(ph) in a Volkswagen.","I've got so much stuff on."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Being a wheel in a Volkswagen implies that he was carrying a lot of physical material","questions":"What was PersonA's comparison to describe his workload?","answer":"Volkswagen"} {"text":["Unfortunately, we know that the homeless individuals who are unsheltered and living in the street are disproportionately burdened with behavioral health challenges, mental disease, substance abuse disorders. And so if a nurse from the government shows up with a syringe and says, hey, I'm here from the government. I'm here to help you. Take this shot - it's not so simple. We have had to spend a tremendous amount of time building trust, providing education and making the case for why receiving a vaccine is such a critical opportunity for them to protect their health.","What are the symptoms of hepatitis A?","These are symptoms that basically reflect inflammation of the liver. And the most common symptoms are basically fever, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, significant abdominal pain, the loss of appetite. And then one of the telltale things is either darkening of the urine or what's called jaundice, which is the common yellowing of the eyes and the yellow hue of the skin, indicating liver enzymes being spilled into the bloodstream. So jaundice is also a very common symptom.","Dr. Yphnatides, if you think long term about changes you would want to see made to prevent another outbreak like this in the future, where does that take you?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Trust must be built before a homeless individual will accept a vaccine from the government.","questions":"What must be built before a homeless individual accepts a vaccine from the government?","answer":"Trust"} {"text":["People go armed with treats and halters, and so they're able to catch them. And, you know, mostly, if you're calm, the horses stay calm.","Horses eat a lot, don't they?How do you care for every one?","Sure thing. Well, many of us were able to grab hay and some supplies as we were evacuating our barn. So we came with food and some items in hand. But the local seed stores have been donating all kinds of hay and shavings and pellets. So we have had, again, tremendous support from the local community, making sure that every horse here is fed.","Can you smell the smoke, see the fire?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The speaker is suggesting that if people remain calm, then the horses will remain calm as well.","questions":"What is the key to keeping horses calm according to the speaker?","answer":"Calm"} {"text":["So to me, I'm not blaming what took place in El Paso on the politicians. What I am saying is that our political climate may very well serve as a facilitative platform for these crazy, extreme actions and ideas to be made manifest. So all of us need to build firewalls immediately. That's what I'm saying.","The question, though, I think, Reverend Rodriguez - I'm sorry, you just cannot escape the fact that many people feel that this president exacerbates these tensions in a way that few other national leaders do. I mean, telling people to go back where they came from, you know, who are people who happen not to be white - you know, when three of the four people he told to go back where they came from are people of color - I mean, how is that - how do you not account for that?I mean, how do you address that?","Again, I don't sign off on absolutely everything Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer or Kevin McCarthy may tweet or declare. I don't. I'm not the endorser of anyone. And I have pushed back on statements that I do believe do exacerbate the very climate and culture that I just referenced. Indeed. But to put the onus exclusively on the president when on the other side of the aisle there are calls of uber-racism and absolutely. . .","When has Nancy Pelosi ever told anybody to go back where they came from?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : President Trump's remarks contribute to tensions and exacerbate racism","questions":"Which national leader is being referred to in the dialogue?","answer":"President"} {"text":["The whistleblower still has not met with lawmakers or staff from those committees. The whistleblower's lawyers had been waiting for interim security clearances from the government so that they can accompany their client in any interviews or meetings with Congress. I'm told that those interim security clearances have come through, that they came through and took effect today, so that's a step forward. A source tells me that talks on setting up meetings with congressional committees are still taking place at this point, and there is no date set as of yet.","Another front to ask you about, Ryan, which is - three House committees today subpoenaed the Pentagon and the White House budget office. Do we know what they were subpoenaing, what they want?","Well, the House Intelligence, the House Oversight and the House Foreign Affairs Committees have been busy in the past week or so issuing subpoenas, all as part of this impeachment inquiry. They've already subpoenaed the White House and the State Department, as well as President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani.","Right."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : A whistle was not blown but a person complained about an event publically that could be illegal.","questions":"How was the event reported?","answer":"Whistleblower."} {"text":["Yeah, it did. And when I left, I was so angry at them because I didn't understand. And it wasn't until many years later for me to be able to see where they're coming from.","(Singing) Times have really, really changed, changed.","It feels like the song \"Rebel\" is a little bit about you, too.","Yeah."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The person singing the song is rebellious and the listener can relate to it","questions":"Which song does PersonB think is about A, too?","answer":"Rebel"} {"text":["Exactly, exactly.","How often does this happen?This is quite rare, is it not?","Yeah, we haven't had an annular eclipse in the United States since 1994, and this is part of what's called a sero-cycle(ph) that repeats itself every 18 years, 11 days and six hours - but who's counting that?But it repeats itself very precisely, and so we'll have another eclipse just like this 18 years, 11 days and six hours from now.","And in a couple of weeks, there's going to be another big sky show, right?The Transit of Venus. Tell us about that."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : This is a rare event that happens every 18 years","questions":"What is the frequency of the recurring event?","answer":"Rare"} {"text":["High bar, yeah. So the federal indictment is supposed to be unsealed today. What are you going to be looking for as someone who's been following this case against R. Kelly for a long time?","Well, I'll be looking for a couple of things - one, looking to see if there are new alleged victims in here. You know, the case that's in state court, there are four alleged victims in there. Many of them were already known. They had either already come forward or - yeah, have already come forward and told their stories of alleged abuse at the hands of R. Kelly.","I'll also be looking to see when the alleged crimes happened. You know, all of the alleged crimes in state court happened 10 years ago or more. Those kinds of cases are really hard to prove, you know, when they're that old. I'll be interested to see if any of these happened more recently, if there are any allegations that he's done anything in the last decade.","WBEZ reporter Patrick Smith in Chicago for us this morning. Thank you."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : There might be more alleged victims in the federal indictment","questions":"How many alleged victims might be in the federal indictment?","answer":"more"} {"text":["Yes, it's a primate. It's actually one of the largest monkey species there are. I'm not sure if you're familiar with Rafiki from the movie \"Lion King?\"Rafiki is a mandrill. They have extremely colorful noses and rumps, and like I said, they're one of the largest monkey species.","Do the animals get something special to eat considering it's Thanksgiving?","Keepers that are responsible for the day-to-day care of the animals do make some special treats for the animals. For example, our gorillas, on a daily basis, they get sweet potatoes, and on Thanksgiving, they may add some nutmeg or cinnamon to the sweet potatoes to make it kind of reminiscent of being home with family on the holidays.","Barb Webber is working today at Disney's Animal Kingdom. Happy Thanksgiving, Barb, to you and your animal friends."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Adding nutmeg or cinnamon to sweet potatoes is similar to being home with family on the holidays","questions":"How is adding nutmeg or cinnamon to sweet potatoes on Thanksgiving compared to being home with family?","answer":"Reminiscent"} {"text":["Well, let me ask you this. When you say, you know, lights out, he's pretty much out of sight. Why is Huckabee sticking with the race?","Because there's another spot on the ticket besides this one.","Yes, that is so true. Well, let's look at the demographics on both races, Democratic and Republican. Can we say anything about the trends by race, by first time voter, any trends among voters for the Democratic or Republican races?","By and large the Democratic demographics were what we've seen in the past. In Maryland in particular we saw again where the African\u2014American vote was overwhelmingly for Barack Obama, but he did not do comparably well among whites. Now, we did see a deviation from that in Virginia, which was the largest state that was voting yesterday. And in Virginia we saw for the first time a substantial portion - in fact about half - of the white vote going for Barack Obama. He also won among white men. He did not win white women, but if you look at all men, he carried two-thirds of all men and he carried 60 percent of all women in Virginia."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"demographics\" implies a deeper analysis of voting patterns beyond just simple demographics like age, race, and gender.","questions":"How does the term \"demographics\" expand the analysis of voting patterns?","answer":"Deeper"} {"text":[". . . in HD glory.",". . . up there at sciencefriday. com on our webpage. You can also take it along with you on your iPad or iPhone or Android. But they run - this is an amazing photo. It's - because this thing is huge. It's very long. The antenna is very, very long.","It is very long. And they run it from base to tip through their mouth. And they do this all the time. And Coby Schal wondered, why are they spending all this time grooming?What are they actually grooming off?And he said there have been a lot of hypotheses about this, but no one had actually tested it. So they did a couple of things that are - it's so funny. So first of all, to test why a cockroach grooms, you have to prevent the cockroach from grooming, which presents an interesting challenge: How do you get the cockroach to cooperate with you?","And they came up with something sort of like one of those dog cones that prevents dogs from scratching. But it's a teeny, tiny antenna cone made from the tip of a pipette that they put on the base of the antenna. So the cockroach can't actually pull it down. So on a cockroach now, they have one antenna that's being groomed and they have this other antenna that the cockroach can't groom anymore. So they can see what happens to the dirty antenna, and they find that all of this gunk starts to accumulate on the antenna."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Take it along with you on your iPad or iPhone or Android means you can watch it on your mobile device","questions":"Which devices are mentioned to watch it on in turn 1?","answer":"iPad,iPhone,Android"} {"text":["And here's her plan. You get your kids into their PJs. You tuck them in with a math equation on top of their bedtime story. And you can find a simple - a sample of her bedtime math puzzles on our website at sciencefriday. com\/bedtimemath. Laura Overdeck is here with us. Welcome to SCIENCE FRIDAY.","Hi. Thank you.","This is a cute little book. It's a big book. It's nice. You think you can teach math to kids while they're getting their bedtime story?","Oh, I think absolutely. Where this came from was that my husband and I, we like math, and when our first child was 2, we started rolling in a little math problem with her book at night, just, you know, started with counting the ears and noses on her stuffed animals. It got tougher as she got older. We've rolled in a second child, a third child. And what we found was that, in our house by now, math is like dessert. It's a treat. . .","Is that right?","It's a treat the kids want. They actually ask for their math problem at night."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : They begin the math with the kids,not actually roll anything.","questions":"Which activity did they start with their kids at night?","answer":"Math"} {"text":["No, I'm glad to include them. Is it possible Italy will leave the eurozone, or is that just talk?","It's just talk. It's impossible. Do you remember the Eagles?This one I'm not getting that wrong because the Eagles is as important - \"Hotel California. \"","Sure.","You can always check out, but you can never leave. That's it."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : You can never truly escape the influence of the Eagles' music","questions":"How does turn 3 relate to the conversation about Italy leaving the eurozone?","answer":"None"} {"text":["Well, what keeps you up at night?What do you worry about?","Well, I'm worried that this process is getting chaotic. Two and a half years ago, Great Britain had a referendum, decided to leave the European Union. But it did not decide what kind of future relationship it wanted with the 27 member states.","And because this was all about free trade, you have to know that half of the trade of Great Britain is with the other 27 EU member states, and the other half is with other countries in the world, foremost among them, the U. S. and China. We're one year and four months into the negotiation process. And here, finally, is the proposal of Great Britain - what future relations should be. That's a bit late in the process. This particular proposal should have been there on day one.","Now, at the moment, there are 3 million EU citizens living in Great Britain, and about 1. 2 million British live in EU countries. Their rights are undefined, so it's not clear what they can do. And as you get closer to the deadline, these people are really worried. And by the way, there are industries in which there are quite a few foreigners, so if you take them out all at once, you may also have a problem keeping it going.","In the Netherlands, we know we have 30,000 businesses, mostly small and medium enterprises, that export only to EU countries, Great Britain included. That means that they've never seen a Customs and Excise control officer. They will have to get used to go through Customs and Excise."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : EU citizens living in Great Britain and British citizens living in the EU have undefined rights","questions":"How are the rights of EU citizens living in Great Britain and British citizens living in the EU?","answer":"Undefined"} {"text":["Yeah, well, when I was a young, little Muppet baby version of myself, you know, I mean - I guess people were right in that I was kind of a punk kid. I was anti-everything. I was anti-capitalist, first of all. I just don't have a lot of respect for profit motive. So as an artist, you know, I had a hard time. You know, when I was living hand to mouth, you know, my first manager - as a teenager, you know - tell people you have tapes for sale. Like, no, no.","(Laughter) You didn't even want to do that.","I just feel like a jerk. I didn't want to. I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it.","What I loved about the book was that I didn't come away with an impression that you suffered from self-doubt. You kind of always knew that it just didn't matter how hard it was, you were just - this was your thing."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Muppet baby version of myself implies being naive and innocent or having little or no knowledge ","questions":"Which version of himself was PersonA when he was a young, little Muppet baby?","answer":"Naive"} {"text":["Well, what would that serious diplomacy look like?I mean, I - the United States would have to - what?- accept a. . .","It's a fair question, you know, why diplomacy would work now when it's failed in the past. I think that the breakout is a game-changer for the United States because we're directly - become directly vulnerable to North Korea. But it's also a game-changer for China because they'll either - they'll have to live with the strategic consequences of a breakout, which could - are unknown. South Korea could reassess its non-nuclear status.","So I think the conjunction of factors that we can bring China into play would have the goal of obtaining a nuclear - a freeze to lock in North Korea at its current level of capabilities. And for China - I think the conjunction of factors is that for China, they would retain their buffer in North Korea. And they would prevent these adverse strategic consequences. North Korea would maintain its minimum deterrent, and the regime would remain in power. For the United States, it would prevent this breakout, and it would offer us a not-great narrative. But we would say that this is an interim agreement toward the long-term goal of denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula.","Well Mr. Litwak, in the minute we have left, can you really trust any - the process of reaching or signing any agreement with a regime like North Korea's?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The United States would need to compromise and accept a nuclear-armed North Korea.","questions":"What would the United States have to accept in order to achieve serious diplomacy?","answer":"Accept"} {"text":["Yeah. The embassy guards, it's kind of a, you know, a misperception. In any embassy they essentially protect the chancellery in the embassy and the ambassador's residence itself, and particularly to, you know, you get them into a safe place if there is an attack or to - and if that fails, to destroy the classified material and so forth.","They're not responsible for the overall external or internal security of the embassy compound per se. They can augment that and they have if necessary, but there is a diplomatic security mission that does that sort of thing, and then - obviously which didn't happen on this case. You're hoping that you've got a competent external protection from the host nation, which is responsible for the safety of the entire compound.","We're talking with retired Marine Colonel Gary Anderson about lessons learned from before and during the attack in Benghazi. You're listening to TALK OF THE NATION from NPR News.","And any number of recommendations were made by the Pickering Mullen report. As you look at those, are they going to address the kinds of interagency communications problems that you're worried about?"],"speaker":["A","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Embassy guards don't provide overall security for the embassy compound","questions":"What is the specific responsibility of embassy guards?","answer":"Protection"} {"text":["Yeah. He's a very open-minded and sweet kind of guy. He actually genuinely cares about the kids that he helped create. And he doesn't feel too detached to call us, like, his offspring. But he doesn't feel attached to call us his kids. So he calls us his ducklings.","(Laughter) Do you like that?","I love it.","And did he know that he had so many offspring when you first encountered him?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Open minded means to be ready to consider all options and ideas. Ducklings is because ducks have large numbers of children and so does he.","questions":"How is the guy's attitude towards his offspring described?","answer":"Sweet"} {"text":["You've been working, as we mentioned, on the Voyager mission since its genesis. What has kept you with this program all that time?","Voyager - well, Voyager is science. Science is about discovering things, about understanding what's around - what our neighborhood is like, what the universe is like. So as a scientist, this has been a wonderful journey because, especially during the encounters with the giant planets, every day there were a flood of discoveries. Next day - more discoveries. So as a scientist, this has been an incredibly wonderful mission to have been on. And even today at great distances, Voyager is still doing things no spacecraft has done before and still presenting us with puzzles that we are trying to sort through.","They are still on a voyage. Where are they now?","Well, this was a mission - we had a four-year mission to Jupiter and Saturn. We had two spacecrafts so that we would have a high probability of at least one succeeding on its four-year journey to Saturn and, of course, both have succeeded and exceeded by a great amount."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"exceeded by a great amount.\" - actual meaning: the spacecrafts have surpassed their original mission goals and continued to function well beyond their expected lifetime.","questions":"What is the current status of the Voyager spacecrafts?","answer":"Status"} {"text":["It's possible, but for the active vaccines, yeah, that's correct.","Is there a lot of research that's going on in this field?","There is. It's sparse. There are some groups that have been working in this for a number of years, but like I said, it's - the research requires a lot of different initiatives. So it's not something that a group who's just doing chemistry or immunology can do. You have to kind of meld together chemistry, immunology and neuropharmacology to kind of look at this overall process.","And is there great interest?You say there might be interest if you can develop this in - for people, the drug companies, because it's given later, might be interested in it as opposed to giving, as you say, prophylactics to drug addicts."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3): The research requires a lot of different initiatives. = It takes a lot of effort to research this field.","questions":"How does researching this field require different initiatives?","answer":"Different"} {"text":["So actually - so there have been many deaths from throwing events in track and field, but the javelin does not take up quite as many of those as the shot and disc do. Yeah, there are some pretty gruesome scenes when talking about the javelin injuries. And obviously, you know, getting impaled by a spear is not that good (laughter). But it's far less common than you might think.","So you're writing this paper which you hope will lead to getting the javelin reinstated as a sport. How do you think that'll work?What's going to be in your paper?","Well, there's a lot of things. You know, I think the biggest concerns that coaches have with implementing the event have to do with the injuries due to the javelin hitting somebody. You know, so I'll have to address that and the actual statistics behind it.","But really it's going to be more of a guide on how to implement the javelin and why it's better that it's included as an event in high school track here than not because, you know, I feel like it's just a great opportunity that everybody should have because I was lucky enough to find it through club track. And, you know, my life would be a lot different if I hadn't."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"getting impaled by a spear is not that good\" - The literal meaning suggests that getting impaled by a spear is not a positive experience. However, the implied meaning is that getting impaled by a spear is extremely dangerous and can result in severe injuries or even death.","questions":"What word describes the implied meaning of turn 0?","answer":"Danger"} {"text":["But what nobody really knows is what happened beforehand. How did we get there?What did it take, you know, to stand up against two major institutions, to stand up against law enforcement agencies, multiple law enforcement agencies that had botched prior investigations and silenced victims?And that was what I really wanted to tell.","And it was hard to see at times because it was perpetrated by a physician. In the book, you write about how you first realized that abuse was taking place. It took you a while to understand what was happening to you because it was under the guise of medical care.","You write, quote, while I knew something had happened to me that was wrong, \"I didn't know yet that the penetration and everything I'd written off as pelvic floor therapy were anything but legitimate. I was, however, certain that no one would care about a teenage girl getting groped. Anyone could look around and know that. The sexual harassment and objectification of women were constantly downplayed. \"","Rachael, it sounds like there were a couple of difficult things happening here - first, acknowledging the abuse to yourself and then thinking that you wouldn't be believed even if you told someone."],"speaker":["A","B","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : she was raped and doctor given given the false statement about it","questions":"How was the abuse disguised according to the book?","answer":"Medical"} {"text":["They do, but they won't help much in this case. There's a type of snail that eats them that unfortunately is also popular in the curio trade, but their numbers were never huge. There's some - actually some very small shrimp that will eat them, but, you know, there's only so much they can do.","When you have these outbreaks, the numbers of starfish are so much that it's beyond what any of their predators can do anything about.","And these are not your run-of-the-mill, see-them-on-the-beach five-legged starfish, are they?","No, no, I mean, they look like monsters. If you wanted to - you know, if you were to blow one of these things up really big, you could use it in a sci-fi movie."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : look like monsters implies they're very ugly and having a look similar to monster, not referring to looking or gazing the same way monster do","questions":"Which word describes the appearance of the starfish?","answer":"Monstrous"} {"text":["Honestly, it looks totally different than a Porsche looks like today. It looks more like a carriage.","Now, why was this powered by electricity as opposed to gas?","In the time when Ferdinand Porsche invented the first cars, there were three engine types competing to each other. This was gas, steam and the other engine was electrical power. And for Ferdinand Porsche, his true interest was in the field of electricity, and so he was very keen on creating very efficient electrical cars.","Efficient, so that was a consideration even then, in 1898?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : In turn (4), B's response implies that the concept of efficiency was not commonly associated with automobiles in 1898. The underlying meaning could be that B is surprised or impressed that Ferdinand Porsche had already considered efficiency as an important factor in car design at that early stage.","questions":"Which factor impressed PersonB about Ferdinand Porsche's car design in 1898?","answer":"Efficiency"} {"text":["I think the initiative is going to be very helpful in helping to solve these problems.","One last question about your new potential treatment using amyloid for multiple sclerosis. How far along - are we in phase one, have we got phase one studies, or have we not even gotten that far yet?","On this one we haven't reached phase one yet. We're still doing the toxicity testing. We're moving slowly because of the villainous reputation of these proteins. But as I said, someone over in Holland has taken this through phase one, and it looks - looks pretty good. They're doing it with alpha B-crystallin.","Well very interesting. Thank you, Dr. Steinman, for taking time to be with us today. We'll be following this."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The use of \"we\" is not literal. 'B' has nothing to do with it. \"We\" just means how far have researchers progressed.","questions":"How does the speaker refer to the progress of the potential treatment?","answer":"Toxicity"} {"text":["Well, we knew something was going to happen. We were preparing for it, but you didn't know where. And we were all set to jump on the - would be the take-off on the flight - night of the 4th, so D-Day would have been the 5th. But it was pouring rain, so it was held off for 24 hours. But we all were laying on these cots. And the cots were right next to each other. You're talking about 500 cots in this big hangar, so it was a pretty rank place after a while.","Smelled pretty bad?","It smelled mannish, yeah.","Mannish. . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : D-Day implies the mapped out date or the fixed date for the event ","questions":"Which date was being prepared for?","answer":"5th"} {"text":["I know I'm going to get emails, perhaps you too, from people who say, look, I am an agnostic or an atheist really specifically because I thought organized religion had a hand in racializing in our society and a history with slavery and has not had a good effect on U. S. history.","Sure. I'm not in any way suggesting in this article that I'm telling people that they need to go to religious services. I do think we know that civic connection more broadly tends to help people weather difficulties in their lives. There are many other ways other than doing it through religious institutions.","It just happens that the church has been probably the most central form of civic engagement that Americans have had. And so when Americans disengage from church, for many of them that essentially becomes de facto disengaging from any civic institution. It's not like they're replacing church with some other form of civic institution that might fill some of that same function.","Peter Beinart of The Atlantic. Thanks so much for being with us."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) Suggesting that people don't need to go to religious services implies that they don't need to be part of an organized religion in order to engage in civic activities. ","questions":"What is the most central form of civic engagement that Americans have had?","answer":"Church"} {"text":["Major party conventions are almost a year away. But let's note this week Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts seems to be picking up steam, doesn't she?","If the focus is on the economy, well, Elizabeth Warren will tell you she's got a plan for that. And, of course, the other candidates will say they do, too. But policy is really Warren's strong suit. It's one reason she's climbing in the polls even as nearly the - all of the other top-tier candidates are sliding a bit.","Finally, Ron, I had occasion to look up and listen to the Greenland national anthem this week. It's very moving, as you may know. And President Trump, who complained about the fact that Puerto Rico is an island, reportedly wants the U. S. or wanted the U. S. to buy Greenland. What do you make of this?","Yeah, this is apparently one of the good islands. It's not so crazy an idea. The United States was interested in buying Greenland in the 1860s when we bought Alaska from Russia. And we were interested again after World War II when we were trying to keep Russia at bay. The only problem is Greenland belongs to Denmark. Denmark doesn't want to sell. And a lot of people in Greenland would rather be independent. So don't watch for the just-sold sign anytime soon."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : picking up steam means she is getting more popular","questions":"How is Elizabeth Warren's focus in the polls?","answer":"Strong"} {"text":["To be fair to President Trump, while tariffs, in my view, represent appalling economic policy, they are a reasonable political tactic in seizing the attention of a foreign government - in this case, China. And he succeeded on that. But in terms of the outcome that he produces, it'll be a classic case of the glass being either half-full or half-empty, depending on who looks at it.","Market access and a reduction in the U. S. trade deficit with China over time - the glass will be more than half full. But on the others, the glass will get progressively empty. And I would be surprised, particularly on that question of state subsidy for China's high-technology industries, whether we'll see much substantive Chinese movement at all.","Do you think that Chinese leaders respect President Trump and his negotiating style?","I think the Chinese see in Trump two things. One is a preparedness to double down on these trade negotiations over a long period of time to extract maximum change in the Chinese position. So they see Trump as exercising American strength."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The outcome of President Trump's negotiations with China is likely to be uncertain, and it may be difficult to judge the success or failure of his policies.","questions":"How can the outcome of President Trump's negotiations with China be described?","answer":"uncertain"} {"text":["And they don't take into account what other areas of knowledge are developing. I think perhaps a solution that could be sought, one of many, is that the humanities consider colonizing the sciences. And what do I mean by that?I mean that humanity lives in a minute intersection of sensibilities, that is sense, the powers of sense; of cognitive patterns, the way we think.","We're very, very specialized, and we live in only a small segment of the whole universe of possibilities. I'm not talking about expanding into science fiction. I'm just talking about gaining a perspective that could somehow be - or validated by what we're learning from science at an exponentially increasing rate and making some better use of it in the creative and interpretive processes of the humanities.","That's a long speech, but you asked a difficult question.","Well, I'm actually - you brought up something in my mind. I'm thinking you brought up what C. P. Snow's \"Two Cultures\" argument was, you know, that they don't talk to each other, you know?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : None , I do not believe there is any here","questions":"How does PersonA suggest that humanities could consider colonizing the sciences?","answer":"Colonizing"} {"text":["What we saw was as the Republicans proposed their version of Trumpcare, no matter what you called it, people began to understand the important components of the Affordable Care Act that they relied on and that had made health insurance available to many people who hadn't had it. You know, Senator Shaheen and I - my senior senator - had an emergency field. . .","Let me interrupt.",". . . Hearing. And I'll just say, people told us over and over again that they had pre-existing conditions and they finally got health care.","But didn't health care prices and premiums go up for millions of Americans?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : THERE IS AN UNUSUAL CONDITION WHICH IS UNEXPECTED","questions":"What was unexpected?","answer":"Condition"} {"text":[". . . and copied the symbols that most closely resembled the text. And we had a friend who lived across the street who was an artist, and he helped me translate it into proper copy. And then we resubmitted it to Stan.","And Stan was stuck.","And so he smiled, accepted defeat, and this became the first page of this book.","All right, so this came to light recently because Stanley Fischer was head of the Bank of Israel, and he's nominated to be vice chairman of the U. S. Federal Reserve. Somebody got the idea that it was about time to find out what this is all about, I gather.","Somebody thought - somebody in my team thought that it would be fun to actually put this as a challenge, and basically promised a prize to whoever would be able to make sense of that page."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 4 : 5: Someone on A's team proposed the challenge as a fun activity, not as a serious test. There are no turns in this conversation whose actual meanings are different from their literal meanings. All of the turns are being used in a straightforward and literal manner.","questions":"How did someone on PersonA's team propose the challenge?","answer":"Challenge"} {"text":["Have you ever seen one of these wrestling matches?Are the wasps easily found and seen?","Unfortunately, I've never seen the show. I can't wait, though. The day that I see a tarantula hawk come in contact with a tarantula I'm going to sit back and enjoy this dance. But you can see the tarantula hawks. They're actually quite common and quite conspicuous on the landscape, particularly throughout the southwest and indeed all the way from California to Virginia.","Do tarantula wasps have interest in humans?","They do not. So as long as you're not explicitly harassing this animal, as long as you're not trying to step on it or grab it, it's going to leave you alone. And, in fact, you can walk right up to them and watch them as they forage and hunt for tarantulas.","Ben Hutchins - invertebrate biologist for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Ben, thanks so much."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) - Literal meaning: A is expressing excitement about the prospect of witnessing a tarantula hawk and a tarantula interact, and noting that tarantula hawks are common and easily spotted in certain areas. Implicated meaning: A is expressing a morbid curiosity about a potentially violent interaction between two creatures and finding enjoyment in it.","questions":"How is PersonA's attitude towards the interaction between a tarantula hawk and a tarantula described?","answer":"Morbid"} {"text":["The problem is 90 percent of space in our military is in the Air Force. So what we're basically going to be doing is taking the current infrastructure - for example, Space Command in Colorado Springs will become the headquarters for the Space Corps. We're talking about taking the people that we need to take that deal with space and segregating them into a culture that appreciates them.","The Air Force has pushed back on this. The Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson said, quote, \"the Pentagon is complicated enough. This will make it more complex, add more boxes to the organization chart and cost more money. \"Is she wrong?","She's absolutely wrong. The bureaucracy is always going to fight reform - always, especially the Pentagon. They're fighting this because they don't want Congress meddling. You know, what I've told her is, in 16 years, the Air Force has not changed a thing. And they've got us in this situation now where Russia and China have become near peers. They're close to surpassing us. What we're proposing would change that.","I think what some people would say is that we are cooperating with the Russians on the International Space Station. Should space be the new frontier of warfare, or should it actually be a place where, indeed, these cooperations flourish?After all, we are all on one planet."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"They're fighting this because they don't want Congress meddling\" - This phrase implies that the Pentagon is resisting the proposed changes to the military because they want to maintain their own control and autonomy, and they are concerned that Congress may interfere with their operations.","questions":"What is the reason for the Pentagon's resistance to the proposed changes?","answer":"Autonomy"} {"text":["Didn't Elon Musk know all this before he sent out that memorable tweet on August 7?","Well, a lot of people think he should have. Let's go back to that August 7 when he sent out that tweet and said I'm considering taking the company private, funding secured at $420 a share. And analysts immediately were very dubious that Musk could pull this off. Where would he get the 10 billions of dollars to take the company private?Did he really have the funding secured as he claimed?And that is something that the Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating, according to multiple reports. And Musk said at the time - or Musk said that two-thirds of the investors would stick with Tesla if it went private, but he really had no way of knowing that.","And why did he want to take the company private in any case?","Well, he's always chafed at the demands of Wall Street - the quarterly earnings reports, the pesky questions from analysts. He famously called one analyst's question boring and boneheaded on an earnings call earlier this year. But perhaps even more than all this, Musk. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : boneheaded implies being stupid or stubborn, and not a head full of bones","questions":"Which analyst did Musk call boring and boneheaded?","answer":"Analyst"} {"text":["I joined in April 2016. And I did not get my security results until June of 2018. I spent more than two years in limbo. And that period was mind-crushing.","Yeah. And then what happened in July?","I got a call from my recruiter. And they said that I did not clear my background checks due to my foreign ties with my parents in Pakistan.","Your foreign ties - your foreign ties were the fact that you were born in Pakistan to Pakistani parents."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The fact that A's parents were from Pakistan led to their failure in background checks.","questions":"How did PersonA's foreign ties impact their background checks?","answer":"Parents"} {"text":["(Through interpreter) I'm worried because he doesn't want to go to school. And immigration might say I don't send him to school. So I try and convince him by telling him I'm going to buy him a \"Peppa Pig\" backpack. But he doesn't want to go. So I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't think I'm going to be able to get him to go to school this year, but maybe next year.","Well, he's 3. I'd say it's important to be with his mother.","(Through interpreter) Yes. I have him coddled. I'm taking care of him, so he forgets the moment he was taken away. The worst part about that is that he was taken while he was sleeping. He was sleeping along the way. So he woke up without me.","I'm sorry. They took your child while he was sleeping?","(Through interpreter) Yes. He was sleeping when they came for more kids. The other kids were older, so they stayed awake. But he's younger, so he was sleeping. And I was holding him while he was sleeping for a while. But when they took him away, he was still asleep. So he woke up without me.","So when he went to sleep he was - I'm having a difficult time with this. When he went to sleep, he was in his mother's arms. And when he woke up, he thought his mother had given him up."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Buying a 'Peppa Pig' backpack is a bribe for the child to go to school","questions":"How did PersonA try to convince the child to go to school?","answer":"Backpack"} {"text":["Thanks to everyone who wrote in.","And best of luck to all of you out there who, like us, are trying to reinvent yourselves.","And thanks to our senior producer, Steve Proffitt. Steve, thank you. I don't know; what shall call you now from now on, if you're going to reinvent yourself?","How about Steve?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : They wished luck to people that are trying to make changes in their lives that make them act different or live different than they did before.","questions":"How did PersonA and PersonB encourage listeners to make changes in their lives?","answer":"Encouraged"} {"text":["Well, I think we're at an interesting crossroads, because modern medicine has had to acknowledge that there are other forms of medicine because of the way people are spending their dollar. People spend more money seeing alternative practitioners than they do in seeing their primary care doctors. They make more visits to alternative care. The problem is now, that modern medicine is seeking to determine what's efficacious. It's seeking to try to squeeze everything into a biomedical model, in terms of testing and creating whatever evidence that, you know, they need to create, to write an article.","But you can't really do this with energy medicine. So I think that what's going to happen is you're having stronger associations of people that are naturopaths, chiropractors, people doing craniosacral work. So what's happening is that people are getting skills in areas that are allowing them to encroach on things that have previously been treated just by modern medicine. So when you - so people - clinics and hospitals are going to have to move more in the direction of an integrated medical facility.","Well, Dr. Kokayi, great to talk to you.","I appreciate the time and just to share and put those ideas out there.","Dr. Kamau Kokayi is the medical director of Kokayi Health Center for Holistic Medicine. He also hosts the New York radio show Global Medicine Review."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Clinics and hospitals will have to integrate alternative medicine.","questions":"Which medical facility will have to move more in the direction of an integrated approach?","answer":"Integrated"} {"text":["Yeah. Well, there are definitely multiple factors. You know, about a decade ago, China passed their renewable energy law. They started to really grow wind and solar as the future strategic industries. And now they're the largest in the world. They install by far the most wind turbines and solar panels in the world. So they really can see that this is a future growth area, that this is something that they can export to other countries. And it has all of these environmental benefits. So of course, to them, it just makes sense to do it.","So they see jobs in green energy.","That's right. You know, there's 3 million renewable energy jobs in China. That's the most in the world. Renewable energy jobs around the world, including in the U. S. , are growing much faster than the overall job market. So there are definitely areas for growth.","At the same time, China is the world's largest coal user and producer, isn't it?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The literal meaning of this turn is simply a confirmation question about China's status as the largest coal user and producer. However, the implied meaning is that China's heavy reliance on coal for energy production contradicts their efforts towards renewable energy and environmental benefits. This turn serves as a counterpoint to the previous discussion about China's growth in renewable energy and job opportunities in that sector.","questions":"What does turn 3 imply about China's efforts towards renewable energy?","answer":"Coal"} {"text":["But you paint such a visual picture down the line. I mean, is there one moment, or does this sort of take a long time to bring that image together?","I mean, for this cluster, it actually was a very visual moment. I mean, the cluster was found and it was essentially just a number, like how massive the cluster is, and that was two years ago. But when we got the X-ray data, I mean, I was at my desk and the image downloaded, and I had up on my screen the X-ray image of the cluster. And it looked so different than any other cluster I've looked at. So it was a very visual a-ha moment.","Hmm. I read somewhere that - I think you were quoted as saying that it's sort of - it has - the name Phoenix, and that might relate to - also to how it's risen from the dead or something like that. Can you explain that?","Right. I mean, the reason it's named that is because it's in the constellation of Phoenix, so that's sort of traditionally how these types of systems are named or how they were named back in the day. But the name's appropriate because in the middle of clusters usually you have this really massive galaxy that was essentially the first one to form. So they formed billions of years ago, and now there's star formation around them. But they're pretty much dead, and they're only growing by sort of accumulating smaller galaxies or eating smaller galaxies."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The speaker was deeply struck by the X-ray image of the cluster, which stood out from all other clusters observed and made a lasting impression.","questions":"What was the PersonA's impression of the X-ray image?","answer":"Different"} {"text":["Are there any good reasons to use this?","There is a separate group here working on storing data in DNA. It turns out that DNA is really robust for long-term storage, whereas, you know, hard drives may die after a few years. You can conceivably store data in DNA for hundreds or thousands of years. And as long as life continues to be based on DNA, we'll always have a reason to read and write DNA. So it's sort of a technology that won't go obsolete.","So, I mean, we underscored the aspect of some kind of mischief or outright miscreants. But I wonder, you know, a few years from now, instead of having hard drives or storage systems, will people just carry around that information in themselves, in their DNA?","I'm not sure that people will carry around that information within them. But I do believe people will start using DNA for sort of long-term storage. So accessing data from DNA and putting data into DNA is a pretty slow process. And so you'll want to, you know, archive photos in there and things like that. But you won't want to use it for your day-to-day tasks, at least not for the foreseeable future."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Implied meaning: Will people use DNA to store data instead of hard drives in the future?","questions":"Which aspect did they underscore regarding miscreants and mischief?","answer":"Miscreants"} {"text":["But he knew deep inside that he did. He used to tell us that we walk - this is his quote. He used to tell us all the time. We walk on floors that we never scrubbed. We walk through doors that we never opened. I love that he never forgot where he came from.","And, speaking of beginnings, you were a white woman from Canada.","Right.","He was also known for hiring a large number of African American clerks at a time - and apparently, this is still not as common as many people. . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : knew deep inside implies that a person had very strong beliefs about a topic","questions":"Which phrase in the dialogue implies a person's strong beliefs about a topic?","answer":"woman"} {"text":["Interestingly, you get 100,000 dollars worth of insurance. After that, you would either have to move - you would really have to move to a different bank. Now, there may be a provision for pension funds, and that's a little bit different. But by and large, 100,000 dollars, if it's all in the name of the same company, is your limit.","So if you're concerned about that, you might want to spread out your bank holdings a little bit. You might want to put, you know, your payroll in one bank and your savings in another bank, and that would cover - you'd then get 100,000 dollars at each institution.","Here's a question that's similar to one that I asked you in our earlier segment. It comes from Rae Ann Albus Hunt(ph), who wants to know if any bank is safe these days. She's just starting her retirement planning and wants to know where she should invest her money.","Sure. Well, the answer is is that, yeah, you know, by and large, most banks are safe, and I think you really do have to trust the government guarantee."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Having all your money in one bank is risky.","questions":"What is the limit for insurance coverage if all your money is in the name of the same company?","answer":"100000"} {"text":["We'd like to talk about the economy now. With a campaign for the upcoming presidential election already underway, you can expect the state of the economy to get a lot of attention. And one of the tools economists use to predict whether a recession is coming is the yield curve, so we want to tell you what that is and why it matters.","We've called Campbell Harvey for that. He's a professor of finance at the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University, and he was the first to demonstrate that the yield curve can predict a recession. Professor Harvey also says he only considers the indicator definitive if the inverted yield curve lasts for an entire quarter. And, well, the quarter ends today, so here to give us his thoughts about what's to come is professor Campbell Harvey.","Welcome. Thank you so much for joining us.","Great to be on the show.","All right. So let's get the headline, and then we'll work backwards. Are we going into a recession?"],"speaker":["B","B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"yield curve\" - This turn has a figurative meaning, as it refers to the relationship between short-term and long-term interest rates rather than an actual curve.","questions":"How do economists use the yield curve to predict a recession?","answer":"Predict"} {"text":["And what they're suggesting is that you can lose spin from the Earth-moon system and transfer it to the sun-Earth system. And it's a very complex calculation. I mean, it's not just trivial that it took 30, 40 years to figure this out. But once that is on the table, and you say hey, I can start with an Earth that's spinning with a period of two hours, now you have an Earth, that if you were to look at this - and you can download the simulations from Science magazine - and you can see that - or from Harvard - and you can see that this Earth looks kind of like a muffin.","It's spinning so fast, it's got kind of a two-to-one axis ratio. And so their solution is hey, I can make the moon out of Earth's mantle, I'll just sort of hit it with a tiny projectile - you know, not tiny but much smaller than we thought previously - so Theia becomes smaller.","And you hit it, and off of the equator of this rapidly spinning muffin comes this stuff, and it's mostly Earth's mantle.","Little muffin that becomes the moon."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The moon was formed from the Earth's mantle.","questions":"What was the main component of the moon's formation?","answer":"Earth"} {"text":["Ebola has now spread to the largest city in eastern Congo, Goma, where at least three cases have been confirmed. Today marks exactly one year since the outbreak was declared in Congo. And so far, more than 1,800 people have died. This makes it the second deadliest Ebola outbreak in history.","NPR's Eyder Peralta has been following this story. He joins us now from his base in Nairobi. Nader, I want to start with just the significance of these cases in Goma.","Yeah, I mean, what it tells us is that this outbreak is still not contained. And it also tells us that some of the mechanisms that should be in place to contain Ebola still have some problems. Health authorities tell us that the latest case in Goma involves a minor. Authorities believe he was infected when he traveled hundreds of miles back home on a motorcycle. And he started having symptoms shortly after he got back to Goma on July 22. And he sought health care several times. But his case didn't raise alarm until July 29. That's seven days later. That means he had a chance to have contact with a lot of people. And he had a large family. He had 10 kids.","And now we've gotten word that his 1-year-old daughter has tested positive. As health authorities put it, there is now an active transmission chain in Goma. And they are fully expecting more new infections."],"speaker":["B","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : to get word on something means that you were told something by someone","questions":"Which word describes how the health authorities relayed information about the 1-year-old daughter's positive test result to the public?","answer":"relay"} {"text":["Oh yes, in fact the conventional laser was only two years old, and it taught us that light could be coherent. But it didn't say anything about a semiconductor and whether the semiconductor would do this. And actually the furor started with Rediker's group from Lincoln Laboratories, MIT, reporting that they had gotten good spontaneous light out of gallium arsenide.","And then several of us went home and realized there ought to be a way to make that coherent, into a laser, and we did it. And - but I'm the guy that was crazy enough to make my own homemade alloy, which a lot of people didn't think would work, and shift it up to where the eye could see. And that's the whole basis of it.","Ah, did you - why did it take 50 years?","Well because these crystal systems are complicated, how to grow them is complicated. There are wrong methods and arguments about right ways to proceed, and it just - it's a zig-zag process. You make a bad move, and then you're going to make another move to find your way, and it just took a long while to get there."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Developing the semiconductor laser required experimentation and risk-taking.","questions":"What did the development of the semiconductor laser demand?","answer":"Experimentation"} {"text":["People should not affiliate with parties by race or ethnicity; they should affiliate to parties based on the ideas and the proposals of each party. And the former is happening, and it's extremely toxic. It divides our country in a dangerous way, and it really diminishes our democracy.","So what direction would you like to see the party take?I mean, what would be your ideal vision?","Well, I think the party was on a good path after the 2012 election. When any organization or individual faces a setback, I think the important thing to do is to be honest with yourself and identify how you can get better. And if you're a political party, that means how you can appeal to more people.","And of course, there will always be people beyond the reach of either political party, but to be able to get big things done, whichever party is in power is going to have to be able to convince a good majority of the American people that their way is the right way, and the Republican party isn't doing that. They're trying to win by maximizing this base strategy. And again, that can result in election victories, but it doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to be able to accomplish big things for the country."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : when a country is divided it means that the people living in the country have very different opinions from one another","questions":"Which word describes the strategy that the Republican party is using to win elections?","answer":"Base"} {"text":["Jon Foley, director of the Institute on the Environment at the University of Minnesota. You're listening to TALK OF THE NATION from NPR News.","And this email from Mark in Burnsville, Minnesota: Is there a middle ground?Either you believe in evidence-based science or you don't. Some people seem unwilling or unable to accept facts that confront their belief systems and would rather live in a world that matches their internal security beliefs than deal with reality.","And I don't think, Jon Foley, you disagree with him on the science, but you disagree with him on the approach.","Well, I absolutely agree with him on evidence-based reality. I absolutely cannot - we - and never should have concede that. I'm a scientist, and I absolutely support the, you know, evidence-based view. That is one place where I will not back down on an issue at all. But I think it's really more of what we do about it and how we frame these conversations. So, you know, I will always stand by the idea that, yes, climate is changing. We are the cause of this. That is what the science is saying. That is absolutely true. We're not backing down from that at all."],"speaker":["B","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The speaker believes in the science of climate change and will not compromise on evidence-based reality, but thinks the conversation needs to be framed differently","questions":"Which aspect of the conversation does the speaker believe needs to be framed differently?","answer":"Conversation"} {"text":["Yeah. They're like, oh, my God. Make that face again. That's so funny. But it's not like that. And the reason I talked about it and shared when I did was because there started to be all these compilations of my tics that were made by the fans, which they just thought it was, like, goofy Billie is making a bunch of faces. And they're funny. Let's make a video about it, which is, of course, out of love. And they think that's funny. And they didn't - they don't know, you know?","O'CONNELL: Especially if they think you're doing them on purpose, then it's totally out of love.","They think I'm doing it on purpose. But I felt almost, like, attacked in a way, which was kind of stupid. But it's something like I've lived with my whole life and, like, not been open about because I didn't want it to label me, you know?","Sure, you don't want the whole - that to be the second sentence of every every paragraph about you."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"Especially if they think you're doing them on purpose, then it's totally out of love.\" - The implied meaning here is that the fans' intentions are good, and they are not trying to harm Billie by making videos of her tics.","questions":"What is the fans' perspective on Billie's tics?","answer":"Defensive"} {"text":["Governor, let me have you answer your own question. Why are fewer businesses being created?","There are a combination of reasons behind the reduction in business creation. One is that we - like any enterprise - and government is an enterprise - we've had more and more kind of red tape. And sometimes that bureaucracy is excessive and makes it harder for people - the successful employees in somebody else's company - makes it harder for them to take a leap and start their own business.","But I also think a big part of it is we have a consolidation of just two or three companies dominate that industry, right?There - 84% of all the hardware sales are from two companies. So starting a neighborhood hardware company is almost out of the question. People don't think they have a chance.","The question of whether or not certain companies are monopolies has come up again and again throughout the course of this campaign. Would you break up the big tech giants - Facebook and Amazon - as Elizabeth Warren has said she would do?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Dominance of a few large companies is discouraging people from starting their own businesses.","questions":"What is the percentage of hardware sales from two companies dominating the industry?","answer":"84%"} {"text":["Yes. We got involved and that's 25 years ago. And it took us about 25 years to get it done. We met monthly. And - well, actually, we met like biweekly and just phonetically translate it - every word in the New Testament to Gullah.","Can you read something for us, a short passage?","Well, why don't I read just the first few verses of the Lord's Prayer that most people are familiar with?","That would be wonderful."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Yes. We got involved and that's 25 years ago. (Actual meaning: A is referring to their participation in a project or activity that started 25 years ago.)","questions":"What did PersonA and the group do every month for the past 25 years?","answer":"Project"} {"text":["And I thought, well, I want to be black and not just any black, but the coolest black in the world. And that's American black, you know, it's - yeah, it is. Or, as you guys call them, African-American, which is funny because they're not African. But we'll play along because. . .","As Trevor Noah tours the country, he tweaks his routine for a new audience. Comedians, how do you translate your humor for different groups and different cultures?Give us a call: 800-989-8255. Email us: talk@npr. org. You can also join the conversation on our website. Go to npr. org, click on TALK OF THE NATION. Trevor Noah joins us here in a very hot tent at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival. Nice to have you with us today.","Thank you very much for having me.","And let me begin with the set up for a very old joke: How hot is it?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : A person wants to identify as cool, American black instead of African-American despite not being from Africa.","questions":"How does PersonA want to identify racially?","answer":"American"} {"text":["Well, they're sort of wrapping up. I mean once the storm makes landfall here then they sort of move on to the next thing. So, you have a lot of media around, but in fact the meteorologists are just checking their figures and sort winding down.","And what details do you have on the storm?How much rain is expected from the hurricane?","Well, the hurricane could drop up to a foot of rain in some areas. It really depends precisely where you are. Especially areas that are to the east and north of the center of the storm - could get very very heavy rainfall.","There have been, kind of, expectations that the storm would be as big, maybe as Katrina, maybe even bigger and a lot of very scary talk from New Orleans fears prompting evacuations. What is the difference between hurricanes Gustav and Katrina?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The rainfall from the hurricane varies depending on location","questions":"What is the determining factor for the amount of rainfall from the hurricane?","answer":"Location"} {"text":["Sorry. Sorry. Well, one more sticky issue. You got some pushback from a song - on the song, \"Wish You Were Gay. \"And people were hoping it would become an anthem for the LGBTQ community. But some people are actually not pleased about it. They feel that it's - there's pushback about it. And how do you think about that?","You know what I think is that everybody has a right to feel exactly what they feel. And it's not anyone's place to tell somebody that their being offended is not correct, you know?It's, like, that's a thing that you can't control. And if somebody doesn't feel OK with something, then you have to respect that and understand that and not try to fight that.","And so I knew writing that song that - it wasn't meant as an insult. And it wasn't meant to be offensive in any way. So for me, I didn't even really think about it because it was so not at all. . .","O'CONNELL: Controversial to us.",". . . Controversial in my mind because I thought of it as almost like a positive thing."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 4 : Everyone should respect other people's opinions and feelings, even if they don't agree with them.","questions":"How should people respond to someone who is offended by something, according to A?","answer":"Respect"} {"text":["And how much room would you need to store all the information in the world?","So we - I did a quick calculation the other day on the back of an envelope for that one, and I think you could do all the information in the world in one and a half cubic meters. So it would sort of go in the back of your station wagon, I guess.","Wow, I'd be careful about where I was driving if I had. . .","It would be really heavy. It would be bound to the suspension."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : how much room means how much space is there","questions":"How much information can fit in one and a half cubic meters?","answer":"all"} {"text":["Yeah. It's interesting. In Japan, it's the same prime minister that was in place six years ago, but the political environment, I think, has shifted in some dramatic ways. And so I think one of the interesting aspects of the Japanese situation is that the LDP has returned to power. The Liberal Democratic Party has returned to power. But now they have a party that is to the right of them.","And so we talk about those two states. And, of course, the other major player, the biggest in the region, China, where Xi Jinping took command just last month, formally.","That's right. I think we're still waiting to see how China's foreign policy priorities are really going to develop under Xi. The process seems to be moving slowly, and it's not necessarily terribly transparent at this point. We know there are new top leaders in the room, but it's just not clear exactly how they're making decisions or whether they're going to change much in terms of China's overall priorities.","And transparency's a problem in Beijing. It's positively - well, murky is too easy a word for what's going on in Pyongyang."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : To the right means politically right wing, not that they are actually sitting on the right ","questions":"Which party returned to power in Japan?","answer":"LDP"} {"text":["So is a bagel just a bialy with a hole in the middle?","It's very different, and the origins of the bagel are somewhat mysterious. There's a lot of folklore around it and variable legends about how the bagel came to exist. But I have decided that we will never know.","Well, it's one of the great mysteries of life, think of it that way. What made the bagel leap from being just kind of New York street food, you know, or maybe Sunday brunch food, across the country?","So it was really, I think, the Lenders brothers, and Lender's bagels are what I grew up in. I grew up outside of Detroit, Michigan, and I thought they were the greatest thing ever. Like you would get six of them in a little plastic tube. And now, like when I think, the taste was awful, but they were early adopters of refrigeration technology."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The speaker is saying that the taste of the bagels was not good, but they were an early adopter of technology, which helped make it popular.","questions":"How was Lender's bagels able to gain popularity despite having a bad taste?","answer":"Refrigeration"} {"text":["WHYY.","Excellent. And tell us a little bit about your situation. You wrote that you are a member of the sandwich generation. What does that mean?","Well, it means that I'm taking care of children, and I'm also taking care of an elderly mother.","So, you've got a lot of expenses. How are you coping with those expenses right now?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Asking how the speaker is managing their expenses.","questions":"How is the speaker handling their financial burden?","answer":"Handling"} {"text":["Now, have you been able to get through to your teams in the Bahamas?What are you hearing?","We have sporadic communications, but we did pre-deploy teams into the affected areas.","And what are you hearing?","What we're hearing is that it's a very difficult situation. There is extensive damage and extensive flooding, especially in - most of the areas close to the coast have been almost completely underwater, and many of the shelters that we have been working in and preparing - they have also started to be underwater and be flooded. So people are moving out of some of the temporary shelters, which we had in schools and churches, and are moving into some of the biggest or tallest and strongest buildings on the island. Especially in Marsh Harbor, we have reports of people moving into the government buildings because the flood waters are so high."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : What messages are you receiving from them (not what are you literally hearing)","questions":"Which type of messages is \"B\" asking \"A\" about in turn 2?","answer":"B"} {"text":["He wound up in a room in Jordan for 45 days and sent along the most dangerous road in the world and then become some kind of global symbol.","And then what happened to Kamala?","To be a widow in Nepal, you're pretty much - you become the property of your husband's family after you get married. And if he dies, you're sort of treated that way, sadly. So she was completely isolated by his family. She was cast out. She wound up at a home for widows and their children in Kathmandu, an ashram. I found her there in 2005. She was so devastated, she couldn't even look at me.","I went back to Nepal in 2013 to write about the same supply chains feeding guys making cameras for the iPhone 5 in Malaysia. And some of the families that I wrote about at the time and got together and - was this woman, this magnetic woman who lit up the room, who was leading the conversation that everybody was deferring to. She was cutting off the men, which you also don't see much of in Nepal. And I didn't even recognize her."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The treatment of widows in Nepal is unfair and oppressive.","questions":"How was Kamala treated by her husband's family after her husband died?","answer":"Unfair."} {"text":["About a year ago, my husband started getting Facebook friend invitations from like every girl he ever went to school with, and it seemed as if half of them confessed crushes on him.","Lissa Soep quickly figured out social networking sites not only allowed her to get back in touch with people - her husband could reconnect with folks from his past, too. But it turns out that's not all bad.","These were girls frozen in his memory with teenage breasts, AP English minds, and a sense that anything was possible. Like this one girl from seventh grade. She friended my husband on Facebook and then reminisced about the day his family moved away. She put on her favorite dress, painted her nails purple, and worked up all her courage to hug him goodbye. Isn't that so funny, she wrote. How silly we are as kids?","You think I'd be mad or at least threatened by all this nostalgia, but I wasn't. For a split second, at least, my husband was less familiar to me, and I mean that in a good way. With so many people my age riding Facebook like a time machine to our past lives and loves, you might expect the site would be breaking up marriages or at least unleashing all sorts of digital infidelity. Some of that is happening."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : crushes in this context means to like somebody.","questions":"Which word has a different meaning in turn 0 than it normally does?","answer":"Like"} {"text":["A big gamble - why?","Well, because there could be very negative consequences. I mean, first of all, they could lose. The Houthi rebels in Yemen could defy the bombing and succeed in taking over the country, which would be a mighty embarrassment, especially because Iran would then step in to fill the aid and friendship vacuum in Yemen. You could get civilian collateral damage in which the Saudis would be seen to be bombing Sunni Muslims in a neighboring country. Yemen is already the poorest country in the region and its prospects are getting worse, not better. If you get a complete state failure or breakdown of services in Yemen, which is also running out of water, you could have an uncontrollable flow of refugees or other trouble for Saudi Arabia.","You haven't mentioned the possibility that this whole thing might open the door for al-Qaida, the al-Qaida in Yemen, to take advantage of the chaos.","Well, that's also correct. I mean, it's sort of the mirror image of the situation in Iraq. There, the fight against ISIS has sort of obscured the fight for control of the country. And in Yemen, the Saudis are taking on the Houthis, which could in fact relieve Houthi pressure on al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, a group which is the Saudis' dedicated mortal enemy."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : implies that the fight against the Houthi rebels could relieve al-Qaida pressure in the region.","questions":"How could the fight against the Houthi rebels affect al-Qaida?","answer":"Relieve"} {"text":["You know, there are a number of reporters who've contacted me that have said, what do you we do?I've got sinusitis. What do I do?It clearly is a prevalent problem in the general population. But clearly, we need controlled clinical trials to determine the efficacy of these kinds of interventions. And the FDA has ruled that if we are doing such trials, we need investigational drug status for every species that we want to instill into a patient to treat our disease.","So it maybe a while before we can actually get to a point where we would be instilling these kinds of organisms into the sinuses. But it's certainly another way of thinking about treating chronic inflammatory disease, of the sinuses, at least. There's certainly prostins in the gastrointestinal tract. For example, when there's recalcitrant C. difficile, clostridium difficile infection, which is this thing that outgrows when patients have had, again, a lot of antimicrobials and have depleted diversity. Fecal transplant works very well.","So taking the feces of a spouse or a relative, and basically repopulating the gastrointestinal tract with those species, has a rate of 91 percent efficacy. So I think we could consider this for mucosal services as, perhaps, the general rule that this kind of restoration ecology approach to try to reinstate the healthy protective organisms in this niches, maybe an alternative strategy for treating some of these chronic inflammatory diseases.","Yeah. Did we once all have them and they went away somehow?Or what - why did some of us have the healthy population and some of us don't?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Fecal transplant may be an alternative strategy for treating chronic inflammatory diseases.","questions":"Which strategy may be an alternative for chronic inflammatory diseases?","answer":"Alternative"} {"text":["It's becoming a new Thanksgiving tradition. This year, like the year before, the newest installment of \"The Hunger Games\" movie franchise \"Mockingjay Part 1\" is an adaptation of the first half of Suzanne Collins third and final book in the series. And with the backdrop of what's been happening in the world, protests in Ferguson, Missouri, and shakeup at the Capitol - Capitol Hill that is. Audiences look for comparisons between the fictitious world of Panem and the real world. We're joined now by Stephen Carter, a professor of law at Yale, a novelist and columnist for Bloomberg View, where he writes regularly on popular culture. Stephen, thanks so much for being back with us.","It's my pleasure, Scott.","I'm just guessing you don't watch \"Hunger Games\" the way a lot of other people do.","You're right. I'm looking for tropes and ideas that are going to leap out of the film into public life. And one that's really striking about the \"Hunger Games\" franchise is how more than really anything else in recent years in popular culture, so many of the symbols - the nation of Panem itself with its deep wealth inequalities, the notion of the Capitol, this barricaded wealthy city and of course, Katniss Everdeen herself, the hero. All of these things have not only leapt into the public imagination, but they are regular features of political argument."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"leapt into the public imagination\" - This phrase means that something has become popular, but it does not literally mean that people have started imagining things.","questions":"How did the symbols from \"The Hunger Games\" franchise become a part of political argument?","answer":"Becamepopular"} {"text":["How long do you think it would take you to build, and get operating, a system of the kinds of satellites that could deliver a significant amount of electrical power down to earth?","It might be quite a few years, maybe in 10 years. It's an enormous job. In fact, it's comparable in size to another moon landing and place a base on the moon. But it has a very significant output if we are successful.","Former NASA engineer, Glenn Smith, on his plan for space-based satellite collectors to beam solar power down to earth. Glenn, thank you.","OK, Alex. Good day."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The literal meaning of (3) is for thanking the engineer for his plan, but the actual meaning is to show appreciation for the engineer's work.","questions":"How did Alex respond to Glenn's plan?","answer":"Thank"} {"text":["Hi, Ira, how are you?","Hi there. So Curiosity took its first little wheels, it rocked, and it rolled today, or this week, rolling around.","It did. Yeah, it did. A couple days ago we drove backwards and forwards both, just to test out that the wheels, the motors would work and that the wheels were all in good shape. And so it was our first tracks on Mars, so to speak.","And what was the purpose of its first laser beam?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"rocked and rolled\" implies that the Curiosity rover, which is a robotic vehicle sent to Mars by NASA was able to navigate uneven terrain.","questions":"What did Curiosity do during its first little wheels?","answer":"robotic"} {"text":["The truth is that there were many extremely brave people who decided to risk not only their own lives but also the lives of their families to rescue Jewish people. But the truth is also that there were many Poles who decided to betray their Jewish friends and their Jewish neighbors who were often living in hiding. And in addition to that, there were also those who didn't remain passive. But they were actively participating in a killing process. We cannot run away from this. We need to talk about this openly.","What I'm hearing you saying is that you're worried that the lessons of the Holocaust - that it wasn't just something that was done to people, but it was something that people also participated in either actively or passively - will be lost.","Yes. Well, in that sense, we are going back to this time in Polish history - and I'm talking specifically about the communist era - when the memory of the Holocaust was constantly distorted, twisted, politicized or just abused. And I'm just very concerned that we are now - we'll be following this path.","Are you concerned that if you say what you just told me in Poland, you could be prosecuted now?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The speaker is worried that the lessons of the Holocaust might be forgotten or ignored","questions":"Which topic is the speaker concerned about being distorted or abused during the communist era in Poland?","answer":"Holocaust"} {"text":["So when did it start to go bad?","Well, when they started cutting the shifts back. You know, they had three shifts. And when things started going bad, we started opening at seven o'clock in the morning just to accommodate to the third shift people so that they could come here, have a bite to eat and a drink before they went home.","And then third shift, you know, they did away with that. So then we started - we quit opening up early because of that, and so that really cut back on our business. Then, they got rid of the next shift. They are only one shift. It just like gradually has gotten worse and worse. So now, we're concerned, what about now, when there's going to be nobody.","Was this - I don't know - was this a dream to own your own business, own your own restaurant?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"Dream\" is not a literal dream while sleeping, it means something someone always wanted to do. An aspiration.","questions":"Which word in turn 3 refers to an aspiration?","answer":"Dream"} {"text":["A woman named Rabbit is a kind of miracle. She was pulled out of the grave of her dead mother along the Ma River in Vietnam on the night of a full moon, when folklore says that a rabbit walks the moon. It was troops who'd begun to pull out, but Rabbit grows up in the landscape of leveled homes and shattered lives and barren poison fields in which her own life slips between present tense and parable. Quan Barry now reads from her new novel, \"She Weeps Each Time You're Born. \"","(Reading) On this we do not agree. Some of us say she was made manifest in a muddy ditch on the way to the pineapple plantation. Others say it happened hunkered down in a piggery, the little ones with their wet snouts full of wonder at the strange, bristleous being wriggling among them for milk. Either way, we bow to you. Believe us when we say life is a wheel. There was no beginning; there is no end. But we will tell you the story as she believes it occurred - under the full rabbit moon, 6-feet below ground in a wooden box. Her mother's hands cold as ice. Overhead, the bats of good fortune flitting through the dark.","\"She Weeps Time You're Born\" is one of Library Journal's six essential debuts of 2015. And Quan Barry, who is a prize-winning poet and a professor of English at the University of Wisconsin, joins us from the studios of Wisconsin Public Radio. Thanks so much for being with us.","Thanks for having me."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Quan Barry is expressing her gratitude for being invited to the show, even though this is not explicitly stated in the turn.","questions":"How is Quan Barry feeling about being a guest on the show?","answer":"Gratitude"} {"text":["How embarrassing. How. . .","I love how you mention the head rag because it's like. . .","Exactly.","In my family, it was like - it's a disgrace to the race when you leave the house with your head rag."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Wearing a head rag is seen as a negative reflection on the race.","questions":"How is wearing a head rag perceived in relation to the race?","answer":"Negative"} {"text":["Yeah. This is, again, completely innovative. You know, part of the problem that we have with tall buildings is building them all out of glass and then having to go to gymnastics to kind of cover them up on the outside, and we see that in America. But in intense solar environments like the desert, it makes even less sense.","This is an innovative way to control this. It actually, to my knowledge, for the first time creates this skin on the outside made up of, you know, hundreds of modules, which can open and close by computer control, depending on the angle of incident sun. So if the sun's on the other side of the building, the modules open up and allow natural daylight into the space. And if the sun is incident on the building, then those modules close up and block the sun from entering.","Is what makes a tall building great the ability to actually look like it fits in with the rest of the buildings in the neighborhood or the culture of the people?","I believe so. That's - you know, as a professor, that's the thing that I advocate. I believe that a Chinese tall building or a, you know, an American tall building or a Middle Eastern tall building should be different to each other in the same way that, you know, religious and other architecture is clearly identifiable."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"creates this skin on the outside\" - This is a metaphorical expression that refers to the outer facade or surface of the building, rather than a literal skin.","questions":"What is the innovative feature of the building's outer surface called?","answer":"Shade"} {"text":["Yesterday, in a letter to Congress, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said that significant uncertainty now exists with regard to unresolved tax and spending policies for 2013, but we didn't really need Timothy Geithner to tell us that. Ron Elving is with us. He's NPR's senior Washington editor, and he joins me here in Studio 3A to help us make sense of what's happening in Washington as this deadline looms closer like a shadow approaching. Right, Ron?Welcome back to TALK OF THE NATION.","Good to be with you, Celeste.","Explain to me what's going on 'cause, first, we heard there may be a proposal from the president, then we heard there's no proposal from the president. Where do the negotiations stand?","The Senate is here. The president is here. They appear to be talking. The president was on the phone before he left Hawaii with the Republican and Democratic leaders of both the House and Senate. And apparently in one of the conversations that he had, either last night or after he got back here today, he intimated in some way to the Republican leader in the Senate - now, of course he's the minority leader in the Senate, as the Republicans are under 50 percent in that body - and Mitch McConnell got the message one way or another that the president was going to put something new on the table later on today. And so his people came out and told all the reporters on Capitol Hill, we're getting something from the president today, stay tuned."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : We already knew about the uncertainty regarding tax and spending policies in 2013","questions":"What did Timothy Geithner address in his letter to Congress?","answer":"Tax"} {"text":["Ms. C. VIVIAN STRINGER (Basketball Coach, Rutgers University; Author, \"Standing Tall\"): I'm fine, Farai. How are you?","I'm doing great. Now in this book, you only really address the Imus controversy at the end because you have had so many different life experiences: coal-miner's daughter, integrated a cheerleading squad. What did you learn from your childhood?","You know, I learned that you have to stand up. You don't make excuses for the things that you don't have. You have to work hard. I try to have shortcuts, but you have to be willing to pay the price. And at the end of the day, you know, whatever happens, you must learn to define yourself and use your own measuring stick rather than that of others. And I thought that my parents were tremendous leaders and taught me how to stand up, and that's what I attempt to do with the young people that I'm working with now.","You really spend a lot of loving moments talking about your father, who sacrificed a lot for your family. He was a musician and took a job so that he could support you guys. What did you learn from him?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Personal responsibility, hard work, and self-acceptance are essential for success.","questions":"What are the three essential factors for success according to the statement?","answer":"Three"} {"text":["Monica, welcome","Hi, Michel.","So what do we know about what happened?Do we know how many shooters there were?Do we know how many injuries there are?","I spoke to an El Paso police spokesman about an hour ago, and there isn't much that they know at this point. They first got word of the shooting at 10 a. m. local time, and it happened at an area Walmart. The officer told me there were multiple victims, possibly some fatalities, but no confirmations on exact numbers yet. Police have one person in custody. All they could tell us was that he's male. And at this point, the investigation has moved from the active shooter site to a crime scene investigation. And I've been watching multiple authorities go in and out of the Walmart, including the SWAT team cars parked outside. There's also a mass casualty situation ambulance parked just behind the building."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : shooters means people using a gun, usually for bad purposes","questions":"What was the location of the shooting?","answer":"walmart"} {"text":["You know, when my father died, I promised him I would try to write this book for him really. And then I quickly realized that I was writing it for the little girl who was angry, you know - I call her the girl in the red cardigan. I have a picture of her, and she's biting her tongue (laughter) all the time, you know - and also to try to trace the ways in which that experience had a long tail, if you like.","I have a section of the book called Aftermath. And my father became an addicted roulette player after he left the Brethren, and that put an enormous strain on the family. My parents divorced. My father ended up in prison when I was 16. He was very, very chaotic. I understand that now, you know. He was impossible, infuriating and wonderful. In the year that I was studying \"Macbeth\" for my O-levels, he decided I had to see every single production of \"Macbeth\" that year. So we saw 13 productions.","Oh, wow.","And in most car journeys, he'd be playing me music and reciting poetry. So it was really extraordinary being a daughter of such a man.","Rebecca, I mentioned earlier how I grew up in a very religious family. I don't go to church that much anymore. Actually, I don't go at all. So I'm wondering, for you, where is your faith now?Do you still have it?"],"speaker":["A","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"the little girl who was angry\" is a metaphorical expression that refers to the author's inner child or past self who was frustrated and upset due to her father's death.","questions":"What is the metaphorical expression used by the author to refer to her inner child?","answer":"little"} {"text":["You know, it'd be nice if we could all hold hands and hug each other and sing \"Kumbaya\" and it be like that. But fact is, whether we like it or not, our country and virtually every other country in the world has become heavily dependent on satellites. So it's natural that you're going to see warfighting move up into that domain.","We've got to stay ahead of that. Now, hopefully, if we're smart and effective at this, it will have a chilling effect on anybody wanting to try and go there because that's one of the things that we have found keeps war at bay, is when you're the biggest, baddest cat on the block. Nobody wants to bother with you. We are not maintaining that status when it comes to space like we are terrestrially.","Congressman Mike Rogers of Alabama, thank you so much for joining us.","Thank you."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : joining us implies being part of a program or activity and not referring to mixing or attaching people together ","questions":"How does \"joining us\" in turn 2 suggest a specific type of involvement?","answer":"Program"} {"text":["The economy is humming, but we may be hearing some sputtering as well. The stock market fell 3% this past Wednesday but later made back some of those losses. While in the bond market, a key marker of a coming recession has been playing out. Now the payoff for long-term government debt fell below the yield on short-term debt. So what are we looking for when the bell rings tomorrow?Catherine Rampell writes about economics for The Washington Post, and she joins me now. Welcome.","Good to be here.","So first off, I just want a gut check from you - Wall Street ups and downs, that warning flare in the bond market, but we're also seeing strong consumer spending at the same time. What is your take on these mixed indicators?","I think the story thus far has been there are warning signs out there. Consumers have been the strong point. Up until this week, however, there was a consumer sentiment number that it was at its lowest notching since, I want to say, six or seven months. So that does suggest that consumers may be wavering a little bit. I think the bigger picture, though, is the global risks essentially. So right now, we have something, like, nine major economies around the world either currently in recession or on the verge of recession, and you could imagine that there would be contagion effects."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : It's not a check of the gut but of the person's true opinions and feelings.","questions":"What kind of check is being referred to in turn 2?","answer":"opinions"} {"text":["Well, yes. As you said, I'm at 17,000 feet in the Atacama Desert. And this place is wonderful for viewing because it's so high, so the - most of the atmosphere is - well, it's not most below us, but a lot of it is below us. And the air is very dry, and the wavelengths that people want to study, the stars and galaxies at - up here, there's very dry air, and the wavelengths are not - they're coming through clear because water vapor absorbs wavelengths that they're interested in, so they want to get as far away from water vapor as they can. So they're up high. And there's other places here besides the Atacama that are in the Andes - very high, very good viewing - or seeing, as they call it in astronomy.","And is that why, as you told us, that half of the world's major telescopes are in Chile?Is that why they're all there?","Well, yeah. It's because it's a great location. And the one I'm at right now is not one of the major telescopes. It's a smaller one. It's called CLASS - the Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor. And what it's doing is looking for signals, traces of the earliest moments of the universe that were laid down in something called gravitational waves. Those gravitational waves have a certain property known as a polarization, and it should be possible to see that polarization left behind in the wavelengths that they're studying at CLASS. That's what they're doing here.","So where else have you been on this trip?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The Atacama Desert is an ideal place for astronomical observation because its high altitude and dry air reduce atmospheric interference with wavelengths.","questions":"How does the Atacama Desert benefit astronomical observation?","answer":"Altitude"} {"text":["Mm-hmm. I'm Ira Flatow. This is SCIENCE FRIDAY from NPR, talking with Anthony Leiserowitz of the - he's the director of the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication at Yale. How can you follow up with this?Can you keep coming up with new polls so we can follow this?","Oh, absolutely. We'll be doing this at least twice a year and, of course, we have lots of other colleagues around the country that are also surveying on this exact same topics.","And will we know if this does move into the - more into the political discourse as well as the public discourse?","Well, I think we'll see it. I mean, first of all, you can see it in the amount of - number of times that the president talks about this, that candidate Mitt Romney talks about this, as well as across the board. I mean, remember, it's not just the presidential election. There are some Senate races and congressional races all over this country. And what we're seeing is that a lot of people are beginning to ask the question about climate change."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"I mean, first of all, you can see it in the amount of - number of times that the president talks about this, that candidate Mitt Romney talks about this, as well as across the board.\" - This turn uses a metaphorical meaning of \"see it\" to refer to observing the frequency of politicians discussing climate change, rather than literally seeing it.","questions":"How can you characterize the way politicians are discussing climate change?","answer":"Discussing"} {"text":["I also asked Precious Shumba if President Mugabe would have to leave Zimbabwe if he loses the election.","If Mugabe loses, it is widely expected he will have to negotiate on almost every facet of his life. So the issue of whether he would stay here in Zimbabwe or elsewhere entirely depends on the new administration probably led by the opposition.","Finally, I asked Precious, who lives in the poor urban heart of the capital city, why he chooses to stay in the country and if he ever questions being a journalist in Zimbabwe where his career is risky and sometimes dangerous.","It would be an act of cowardice if I were to say, I cease to be a journalist. I feel I'm accountable and needs to contribute to public discourse. So I'm not really intimidated or really afraid of what might happen to me."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : A: If Mugabe loses, it is widely expected he will have to negotiate on almost every facet of his life. Here, the actual meaning is that if Mugabe loses the election, he will lose power and the new administration, possibly led by the opposition, will have the upper hand in negotiations.","questions":"Which facet of Mugabe's life will he have to negotiate on if he loses the election?","answer":"Power"} {"text":["And what Kansas has done is to try to turn things around once again so that not every parolee who runs afoul of an administrative rule, is immediately shipped back to prison, but instead is given another chance. And actually, the parole officer will work with them to try to keep them out of prison, as opposed to just trying to lock them - lock the cuffs on them as fast as possible.","Well, Jennifer, great to talk to you. Thank you.","Thanks so much, Farai.","Jennifer Gonnerman is the author of \"Life on the Outside: The Prison Odyssey of Elaine Bartlett. \"She wrote the article, \"Slammed: Welcome to the Age of Incarceration. \"It's the lead article in a special edition of Mother Jones magazine examining America's prison system. And she joined us from our NPR Studios in New York."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Not every parolee who violates an administrative rule will be sent back to prison","questions":"What is the goal of the parole officer mentioned in turn 0?","answer":"Out."} {"text":["Yes, thank you.","We get it.","A lot of things in the book are things that I wrote about in my newspaper column. For about nine or 10 years I've been doing a column every week for the Guardian newspaper in England, and it's about any kind of unexpected, funny thing that I run across or people tell me about. And to do the book, I went back and grabbed a lot of these stories and then did some more digging to see what else have these people done.","Mm-hmm. Some of the stories seem to have sort of a moral to them, like the one - mysterious one I'm going to call the rectum in a jar.","Yeah, this is the case of the rectum of the Bishop of Durham. If you go to London and you visit the Hunterian Museum, it's a wonderful, wonderful - one - in fact, one of the world's few remaining big medical museums. It's part of The Royal College of Surgeons of England. If you go and visit it, on display on the main floor inside a jar is something they call object RCSHC\/P192. The label identifies it as being the preserved rectum of the Bishop of Durham, and we're talking about Thomas Thurlow, who was born in 1737, died in 1791. Would you like to hear the story of why it's in a jar in London on display?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 4 : A is willing to share the story of why the rectum of the Bishop of Durham is displayed in a jar.","questions":"Which body part of the Bishop of Durham is displayed in a jar in London?","answer":"rectum"} {"text":["'Cause there are a lot of industries now that can point to the fact that they are using fewer people to sometimes produce even greater revenues.","Well, that's what using fewer people will sometimes do. It certainly will - using fewer people will increase the productivity of the people that you are using. And we had been living through an age where we are adapting to a transformative technology - the Internet. I mean, this has enormous effects on the workplace. But, you know, I'm a mere writer. I wouldn't even know how to begin to answer the question you just asked; how much of this is a fundamental shift in the economy and how much of it is a result of the way we've led our financial lives?","Michael Lewis, what should, in your mind, Americans learn from the financial crisis in Europe?","The thing that has interested me the most is the role of the big financial institutions in our economy. I think over the period of the last several decades, they have spun out of control; that they are too big to fail, which means that the normal sort of mechanism of a market economy is not allowed to work in a financial sector. That normal mechanism is creative destruction. It's, you know, someone builds a better one and the old one dies. And I would have thought the big lesson from the period of 2007, 2008 is that we can't really build an economy based on such institutions. It's like building your house on sand."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : A's statement \"Well, that's what using fewer people will sometimes do\" implies a sarcastic tone, suggesting that using fewer people is not always a positive thing and can have negative consequences, despite B's initial statement seeming to praise it as a productivity booster. Additionally, A's response is somewhat evasive, indicating that they do not feel qualified to answer the question posed to them.","questions":"What does PersonA imply about the consequences of using fewer people?","answer":"Negative"} {"text":["I mean, there have been some high-profile examples recently of sort of ethically questionable journalism, you know, maybe at best. Do you think that - and this is sort of tangential, but do you think that that, the definition of plagiarism needs to be updated for the Web?","I mean, given that I started this thing, you mentioned the curator's code, I think about that a lot. I think plagiarism is kind of a harsh word that comes from the publishing world, you know, kind of a legacy term. And there are many layers to it. It's a little bit of a grab bag.","But online, one of the things that I think about a lot, which I think is a form of sort of neo-plagiarism as this idea of OK, you know, we live at a time where there's almost infinite information, and it takes time to find the meaningful and to separate it from the meaningless, and that's effort, and that's sort of creative labor.","And when someone does that, and let's say - you know, for example, one of my favorite sites, Open Culture, run by Dan Colman out of Stanford, he finds amazing archival stuff. You know, and he spends time in the archives looking for it. And then it gets sort of reported on, say, Huffington Post or Business Insider, just sort of regurgitated."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"neo-plagiarism\", which refers to a new form of plagiarism that arises from the abundance of information available online; \"creative labor\", which refers to the effort and skill required to find and curate valuable information.","questions":"How does the term \"neo-plagiarism\" relate to the abundance of information available online?","answer":"Abundance"} {"text":["That's what bothers me. That's what bothers me big time. Whereas Obama does come across as definitely more stately, more of a statesman, more of a, you know, someone you'd want in the White House. And that's my dilemma. It's - I would love to vote Republican, but I'm just not convinced this is going to - that would fly. So it's almost like I'm going to toss a coin.","Barbara Zimmerman, an undecided, although less so, voter in Ohio. Barbara, thank you.","Thank you.","I do hear people ask of these undecideds, what are you waiting for?We're collecting answers at the show's blog, npr. org\/daydreaming. Who's undecided and why. Npr. org\/daydreaming. More to come."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : A prefers Obama over the Republican candidate but is hesitant to vote for him.","questions":"What is PersonA's dilemma?","answer":"Vote"} {"text":["Yes. William Jefferson, going for his 10th term in the New Orleans district, was defeated by Anh Joseph Cao - that's spelled C-A-O - who will become the first Vietnamese American to serve in Congress. He's a Republican. He's a lawyer, very little known about him, very little campaigning done.","He is, in a sense, a kind of accidental winner here. What happened was that they had several phases of this election to winnow down an enormous Democratic field. Out of that big field, William Jefferson still emerged the favorite of the Democrats. This is a very heavily African-American district, at least historically. And he emerged as the Democratic nominee, Joe Cao as the Republican.","And here in the end, in a terribly small turnout on Saturday, in a turnout where visually, it appeared that the African-American community was very under represented, very small turnout, maybe one in 10. In that situation and with a lot, also, of the black constituents there voting for the Republican, Billy Jefferson was narrowly defeated, and we have a new congressman from New Orleans, a Republican named Joe Cao.","Well, we should note also that Congressman Jefferson is facing 16 federal indictments. Was that the main reason behind his defeat?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : a heavily African-American district' implies that the majority of the district's population is African-American","questions":"Which community was visually underrepresented in the small turnout?","answer":"African-American"} {"text":["So, the one thing about balloons is they tend to move sort of west to east. So once we put balloons up there, they will float in a ring around the world, and they're - some of the balloons are right now on their way to Chile and Argentina. The goal of the project, once we roll it out further, is to have a continuous ring around the world at 40 degrees south latitude, and anyone under those - the path of the balloons would be able to use the trial service.","So it's like if I go up in a hot air balloon, I sort of - I go where the air current go. Is that the same thing here?","And that's one of the cool things about the project. We can steer the balloons by increasing or decreasing the altitude of the balloon and finding a wind that's going the direction we want. So if we see we want to go a little bit further north, we perhaps drop down a half a kilometer, find a wind going that direction and then stop at that altitude, and that's the way we steer the balloons.","And how long can they stay up?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The balloons location around the planet forms a circle.","questions":"How is the path of the balloons determined?","answer":"Wind"} {"text":["I was shocked by that on a number of levels. You know, the first thing that shocked people about the call, obviously, is the notion of the president withholding military aid and trying to bully the Ukrainians into doing personal favors. This is, obviously, a big deal. But in the middle of all that, what struck me and, as I say, even shocked me was his willingness to disparage our ambassador to Ukraine in a call with a foreign leader, referring to her as the woman and saying she was bad news and then vaguely but, frankly, ominously saying to the president of Ukraine that she was going to go through some things.","Let's give her name. It's Marie Yovanovitch. Tell us about her. What's her reputation in the diplomatic community?","So Marie Yovanovitch - and she goes by Masha. Masha was one of the most respected and longstanding members of our foreign service. She has, I think, been in the foreign service for over 30 years, served all around the world and most recently and in the most senior positions, obviously, as ambassador to Ukraine, until she was removed prematurely in May, but before that, also ambassador to Armenia and ambassador to Kyrgyzstan.","The State Department has said that the ambassador concluded her three-year diplomatic assignment in Kyiv as planned, that there was no kind of retribution or she was not yanked back unceremoniously. Why are there doubts on that in the diplomatic community?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : She was not quickly recalled to her country without any warning.","questions":"What was the State Department's explanation regarding the ambassador's recall from Ukraine?","answer":"No"} {"text":["And all this happened after midnight on Friday, so most people were sleeping. They were caught off guard and unable to escape. Houses, cars and bridges were washed away. And 17 neighborhoods were partially destroyed. And the town hospital and morgue are overflowing. Among the victims is a policeman who was carried away by rushing water when he tried to save a 12-year-old girl from drowning. And then there's the case of the Mocoa mayor, who is a pastor - he's homeless because rocks and mud came into his house and filled it all the way up to the ceiling.","Sounds like a horrific situation. How has the government responded?","President Juan Manuel Santos flew into Mocoa to inspect the town. He sent in the army. The Red Cross is there. There are emergency workers searching for survivors. But one of the problems is that there's no airport in Mocoa, and the main road into the town's been partially washed out. Half of Putumayo state's without power, and the drinking water supply has been totally destroyed. Now there've been some reports of people looting stores for food and water.","Just briefly - you know, we've heard a lot about flooding and landslides in Latin America recently. Peru's also had massive flooding. Do we know why this is happening?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) \"Sounds like a horrific situation.\" - The speaker is expressing empathy and concern for the situation, rather than just describing the situation as horrific.","questions":"How is the PersonA's tone in turn 2 described?","answer":"Empathy"} {"text":["Well, you know, call me an old fashioned guy, but I like to see the U. S. and the Russians figuring out areas where we can cooperate and going at it from there. So I think it's a good idea. But I do have a little caution about the notion that you bring people together and they're going to hit the side of the head with the palm of their hand and say, oh. Now we see this other guy isn't so bad.","Actually, they've been murdering each other for a couple of years now. And so bringing people together isn't necessarily going to help. I think what's more important is not so much getting people around a table, as getting people around some ideas for what this crazy country is going to look like in the future.","Again, going back to the example of Dayton, you said getting people together in one room did not work so well there.","Oh. You know, we had an opening banquet, which we had in this museum. I mean, it was an air museum, so, ironically, above the head of one the Serbs, we had a cruise missile, which had recently. . ."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : He says to call him a guy that likes to do things the way they used to be done years ago. He cautions against thinking that bringing people together will make them suddenly realize how wrong they had been.","questions":"Which word describes the PersonA's view on bringing people together?","answer":"caution"} {"text":["Like we have a song together called, \"You Think You Got It Bad. \"And what I do is, you know, we'll play the track. Then we'll ask him what do he think it needs?And he goes in the studio and do it. You know, it's never something like boy, you can write something for somebody else. You just have to leave everybody creatively open and just hope that it'll all work out.","(Singing) Everything happens for a reason. . .","Now, one of your collaborators, T. I. , was just sentenced to jail on weapons charges. He's, you know, hasn't started serving, yet. But you spent some time in jail yourself. And do you have any advice for someone like T. I. on how to deal with doing time?","Yeah. I think, you know, it is an opportunity. I mean, it's kind of a sad opportunity. I hate to, you know, get an opportunity to have a lot of time with yourself like that. But seeing as if you do, you have the ability to focus on something completely. You have no other outside circumstances that just need your attention like that. You know, he could, you know, write songs. He could find the cure to cancer. He could do anything, man."],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"doing time\" - The actual meaning of this phrase is serving a prison sentence. However, the intended meaning could be that this is an opportunity for self-reflection and personal growth.","questions":"How is \"doing time\" interpreted in the dialogue?","answer":"Opportunity"} {"text":["And they would need 60 votes to do that bill, which means they would need at least eight Democrats and probably more to come on board to essentially re-pass some form of health care legislation to offer insurance to people on the individual market. I think realistic people in this debate on both sides of the equation say that is the most unrealistic option at this stage.","Do you hear any concern from Republican leaders or individual Republican legislators about the public opinion polls that suggest that the Republican health care proposals are extravagantly unpopular, less than 20 percent?","They are fully aware of how unpopular this legislation is. But I will tell you, Scott, every single conversation I have had with a Republican lawmaker on Capitol Hill is they say not doing anything on health care - letting this bill fail - is the worst possible political outcome because it is the singular thing that they have all campaigned on. It is the reason why they believe they have congressional majorities in the White House. And to fail on that would completely deflate the Republican base and structurally weaken the party going into the midterm elections.","But Mitch McConnell at the same time can't pull some Democrats over with a plan."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Republican lawmakers recognize that not taking action on health care would have negative political consequences.","questions":"Which party's base would the Republican lawmakers believe would be deflated if they fail on their health care campaign promise?","answer":"Republican"} {"text":["So right now, there are multiple congressional committees investigating this issue. We've got them on the House side. We've got a couple on the Senate side. I guess I want to know why is there a need for multiple investigations, and how do these congressional investigations differ at their core from what Special Counsel Robert Mueller is conducting?","Well, Senate Intelligence looks at intelligence matters primarily. Senate Judiciary looks at matters that fall under the broad scope of the Judiciary Committee. All these congressional investigations differ very much in function from what the Special Counsel Mueller does. Mueller works in secret and long, long deep studies of things like finances. And he doesn't bring his results public. If he finds something that's really important, he won't let you know until it's time to indict somebody. Whereas, the congressional committees when classification allows them to be in the open, they live for open hearings. They want people to know what they found.","And what about compelling witnesses to testify?The subpoena, is that a last resort thing or is it just a negotiating device?","Oh, the subpoena is the basic working tool of these investigations. It can be a single piece of paper that demands that the witness show up on pain of contempt. Or it can also be a subpoena of the kind that seeks documents, including digital material like emails. By bringing in a witness, they cut through a lot of the stalling. And by demanding the documents, they have the materials to pin the witness down in the questioning."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The subpoena is a powerful tool of influence and negotiation, not just a last resort.","questions":"Which tool can be used as a negotiating device?","answer":"Subpoena"} {"text":["Sort of the intellectual or business father of this. But he himself did not survive. But the practice did survive. And I want to ask for some distinctions here. You have different terms in the book, slaves, indentured servants and what you call free willers. I'm intrigued by the concept of a free willer. Who were they, and what did they get from essentially putting themselves in servitude?","Well, that's what they got. They put themselves in servitude. They were desperate. They were poor people or people who didn't have enough money to pay for the trip to America. They wanted a new life. They hoped that they would get one in America. And so they signed themselves away, their freedoms away, as indentured servants to pay for their passage. And that would be for anything between three and 11 years, usually. Now most of them, initially, didn't survive more than a couple of years.","The first - the average, I think, lifespan of a new indentured servant in the 1620s was probably two years. So these were - they were called at the time free willers because they went of their free will, and so many others didn't go of their free will. They were sent there. They were sent there in chains. They were sentenced to go there. They weren't free at all. Well, nor were these people. So that's the free willers. They are indentured servants.","What about the relationship of the white indentured servants to the African or African-descendant slaves?How did they get along, and how did the people who were essentially their masters treat them differently, if they did?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Indentured servants were not actually free and were treated similarly to slaves.","questions":"How were the free willers referred to at the time?","answer":"Free-willers"} {"text":["We don't presume when we cover the news. But we see estimates. For instance, FiveThirtyEight has her close to a 90-percent favorite in terms of their poll aggregation. If we're just projecting forward - and again, we don't know - this could be a very bitter aftermath.","Forget about honeymoons. You know, I was talking - I convened a roundtable of former campaign chiefs of staff yesterday - Republicans.","And two of them mentioned to me that they thought within the first year of her being in office, Paul Ryan, the speaker of the House, would be under great pressure to bring articles of impeachment.","During that debate, Hillary Clinton kind of deftly avoided any real response on the Goldman Sachs speeches, on her husband's transgressions, if I might put it delicately, and accusations of pay-to-play relationship between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department. Do you think these are the kind of issues that might persist after November 8, whatever the result?","Absolutely. And, of course, the email issues, as well - we saw this report come out last week of a, quote, unquote, \"potential quid pro quo\" between the FBI and State Department investigators. This is something that I think Republicans are going to use to unite themselves."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) \"Forget about honeymoons\" - This phrase implies that the situation is not positive and that there is no opportunity to start off on a fresh and positive note. ","questions":"How does \"Forget about honeymoons\" suggest the situation?","answer":"Negative"} {"text":["Yes, absolutely. It's an era that began shortly after the Civil War, when Congress, in order to allow the former Confederate states back into the Union, insisted that they hold constitutional conventions which would make it possible for black men to vote. And so that caused a kind of electoral revolution in the south. You suddenly had blacks not only voting, something that they were very enthusiastic about, but also electing black officials for the first time. So you had the beginning of a series of about 20 black congressmen who came to Washington from the south and served through - in the end of reconstruction in the late 1870s and then, as you mentioned, all the way up to George White, the very end of the century.","Now, you write about the first seven black members of Congress. What did they have in common beside their race?For example, they weren't all former slaves, were they?","The one thing that I think they had in common was that they all were very exceptional people. Some of them had been slaves. Some had been free blacks. What they had in common was a kind of a, you know, sort of ambition to lead and to serve.","Of these early black politicians, who stands out for you and why?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"Stands out\" meaning that who is the most exceptional, not meaning to stand outside of everyone else","questions":"What does \"stands out\" mean in turn 3?","answer":"exceptional"} {"text":["I think that they're at peace with it now. And we're at peace with each other. But that took - you know, that took a lot of time.","So we've already talked a bit about how the cello is this character in your life. And I want to talk about how it functions throughout this album. Let's listen to the song \"Poor Fake. \"","(Singing) Don't matter where you are, it'll catch right up to you. You can try to resist the feeling, set the canvas in my blues.","So cello, you know, it isn't an instrument I think of playing a huge role in pop songs. But it does play a huge role in this song and throughout other songs on the album."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The cello plays an important role in the album despite not being a typical instrument in pop music.","questions":"Which instrument plays a significant role in the album?","answer":"Cello"} {"text":["What I'm going to do next time or in the next few months is I'm going to get storm shutters put in my house. We have no plans on moving, though.","With the electricity restored, the whole family is moving back in today.","And how's baby William doing?","He's doing wonderful. He's eating and sleeping like a champ (laughter). And his big sister is loving her new role, so we're very happy."],"speaker":["A","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The speaker's baby and family are doing well and they are happy about it.","questions":"Which family member is mentioned as loving her new role?","answer":"Sister"} {"text":["No, no, no. We have also identified 39 other states that have been impacted crimewise by our kits that were found in Detroit. They're not all rape cases. We also have some homicides, some other types of cases that testing rape kits will also help to solve.","What have you discovered might help processing this huge number of rape kits?You need more money, personnel - what do you need?","Well, when we first started, there really was no road map. So we kind of had to put it together ourselves. And the first thing that is of notice, Detroit was a near-bankrupt city. And so we had no money. At that time, it cost anywhere from $1,200 to $1,500 per kit back in '09 to test them. So we're looking at a multimillion-dollar problem just to get them tested. And it doesn't do any good to test them all if you're not going to follow up and investigate and prosecute them like you should have done - or like it should've been done - when this first happened. So those are the challenges we are facing. But my first challenge is basically begging and pleading with foundations, with Detroit businessmen and -women, with the general public - to basically fund the project.","Did you run into resistance from people who said, look, this sounds like a good thing to do, but Detroit's a city filled with good things to do?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The implied meaning of (2): What resources do you need to help process the huge number of rape kits?","questions":"Which city was near-bankrupt when the project of testing rape kits started?","answer":"Detroit"} {"text":["Well, the room did. Supposedly, the reporter from the New York Times, who had been hanging out in the back and sort of lightly paying attention, came tearing up the aisle and said, do it again. . .",". . . which he did.","How did the Polaroid change taking pictures?","Well, it was a huge revolution, at the time. And people immediately started to play with it. You know, it was a craze from the very beginning. The first camera went on sale in - the year after that demonstration, in 1948. It was rolled out in November. And they sent in a big lot and they said, well, it's the day after Thanksgiving; these should carry you through until Christmas. And they were gone before the store closed that day. So it took off immediately. You know, fine artists began to embrace Polaroid, right from the beginning. One of the first enthusiasts, who saw one of those early demonstrations in the late '40s, was Ansel Adams. And Adams immediately signed on as consultant to Polaroid. And he stayed in that role until the end of his life."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) The implied meaning of \"which he did\" is that the person repeated the demonstration.","questions":"What did the reporter ask to be done again?","answer":"Do"} {"text":["Well, tomorrow, it's going to be a lot of pomp and circumstance. There'll be a wreath-laying at Westminster Abbey. There'll be a state dinner in the evening with the Queen at Buckingham Palace tomorrow, a meeting with Prime Minister May. Of course, she's a lame duck, so we're not expecting a lot there on the policy front. The big thing tomorrow is going to be street protests.","And what are we expecting there?","Huge numbers. There are going to be buses coming in from around England. The streets are going to be jammed. Londoners, of course, very progressive - this is a cosmopolitan city. And they tend to really dislike this president. His anti-immigration policies, his things that he said about women - it just really rubs Londoners the wrong way.","We'll be seeing a lot of things that - a lot of signs, clever signs, which is what British protesters are known for. And we'll also see Tuesday morning the Trump baby blimp make a reappearance. This is the blimp of Trump in a diaper and crying and looking - he's in the form of a baby. Very popular, and I'm sure we'll see lots of people out there when that goes aloft in Parliament Square."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : lame duck implies the person is a failure or couldn't achieve success ","questions":"What is the term used to describe a politician who has failed to achieve success in their position?","answer":"Failure"} {"text":["What kind of inspiration did it take to make you into a poet?Who did you read?When did you start reading, or did someone read to you as a child that made you love poetry?","I started reading at the age of three, and I like to think that it's because of my parents, who were working-class people, who only had - both my mother and father only graduated from the eighth grade. So that they read, and they read a lot. And put their arms around me while they read. And I'm convinced that that has a lot to do with getting you to understand how to read. I would look at their mouths and I'd look at the page, and somehow, I figured it out. Then I tortured everybody by reading every sign, everything, which I still do.","So if you had to name a few other people, and I'm sure there'd be a long list. But just one or two people who you love.","Gwendolyn Brooks, Langston Hughes, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Kenneth Rexroth."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The speaker's parents' love of reading played a crucial role in their development as a poet.","questions":"How did the speaker learn to read?","answer":"Parents"} {"text":["So what's the difference between steganography and - I'm interested in the origin of the word steganography. Can you take that apart for us?","Well. . .","Stega-, sounds almost like a dinosaur.","Certainly. It goes back to the Greeks, and it basically means hidden writing. So - and what it often gets kind of mixed together with or lumped together with, is encryption, and it's kind of - they're like close cousins, and they're trying to do the same thing, but they have slightly different approaches.","And that was my next question. What is the difference between steganography and encryption?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : the speaker is implying that the word \"steganography\" is strange or foreign-sounding rather than literally saying that it is like a dinosaur. ","questions":"How does PersonB describe the word \"steganography\"?","answer":"Foreign-sounding"} {"text":["Well, I think the water infrastructure we have in this country is seriously neglected. I mean, all infrastructure acts as a foundation for economic prosperity, but water is especially important. It does live in this different world where it's so intrinsic and folks expect that we're going to have clean, fresh water any time you turn on the tap. But given the fact that it's buried, it's literally underground, it's easy to ignore. And while we have large infrastructure problems in this country, the water infrastructure problems loom particularly large.","So we don't see them, perhaps even can't taste them. It's not until they - well, that just makes it easier for problems to hide in a sense.","Exactly. And some of these systems are, you know, were built 100 years ago. Some of the pipes are made out of wood. Some of them were built in the time when metropolitan areas were expanding and decentralizing. And just - we just need to reinvest in these existing systems. But because we don't do a good job in this country investing in the infrastructure that's already built - we do a good job building new stuff - we don't do a good job taking care of what's on the ground. Things like water infrastructure are seriously neglected.","I don't think any city likes to hear - but you have to spend more money."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The invisibility and tastelessness of water problems make it easier for them to go unnoticed and unaddressed, leading to potential risks to public health and safety.","questions":"What makes water problems easier to go unnoticed?","answer":"Invisibility"} {"text":["I was like, yeah. She's like, what do you talk about?I say, my life, our life. And she's like, so you tell them about us and they pay you.","And she's like, I've never found you entertaining enough to pay you anything.","In fact, I wish you would shut up so - so she was - and my father is even worse. I mean, he's very dry. My mom has all the personality. My father is a - he's Swiss-German, so I mean he's just a combination of. . .","Known so much for their humor."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : A: \"And she's like, I've never found you entertaining enough to pay you anything.\" - Once again, \"she's like\" does not convey the literal meaning of the speaker's words, and is used to mean \"she said\". Additionally, the phrase \"pay you\" is used figuratively, and does not refer to literal payment.","questions":"Which phrase is used figuratively in PersonA's statement?","answer":"Pay"} {"text":["The Iowa caucus is a communal affair. People don't cast ballots alone in voting booths. They go to caucuses where people speak out and eventually cast a vote. Opinion polls don't matter in caucuses, only the number of supporters who come to a caucus and vote for a candidate. And if you're wondering, no alcohol is served, though I do remember an extraordinary strawberry pie in Indianola, Iowa. NPR political editor Domenico Montanaro joins us. Domenico, thanks so much for being with us.","Thank you for having me.","The Democrats and Republicans do it differently, don't they?","They certainly do. Republicans, very simple, can get that out of the way pretty easily. People start to make speeches. They try to win over people to vote. But then people just fold over their papers, turn them in. It's a very informal secret ballot. Democrats on the other hand. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : implies a contrast between the two parties and the different ways that they conduct their caucuses.","questions":"How do the Republicans conduct their caucuses?","answer":"Informal"} {"text":["And what do you serve?I said $5 bowls of cereal, but expand on that menu if you could.","We sell 120 different cereals from all over the world. So we import cereals from America, from New Zealand, from Australia, from France, from Israel. We import cereals from all over the world, so it's a real experience coming in here because the walls are just littered with cereal memorabilia, toys that you used to get in the boxes. It's a real experience.","Now, I don't for a moment expect you to identify with the people who attacked your store. But can you - can you see where fancy bowls of cereal would kind of fit into their agenda about the world, their neighborhood changing right before their eyes?","I can see their point, but there's also a Versace shop that has just opened up around the corner. They're complaining that people in the area can't afford to come here and afford four pounds for a meal. But there's a Versace shop open around the corner and I think it's - very, very few percent of people in this neighborhood would even be able to walk in there and buy anything. I know I couldn't."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"We import cereals from all over the world, so it's a real experience coming in here because the walls are just littered with cereal memorabilia, toys that you used to get in the boxes.It's a real experience.\"","questions":"How would you describe the atmosphere of the cereal store?","answer":"Experience"} {"text":["And all this happened after midnight on Friday, so most people were sleeping. They were caught off guard and unable to escape. Houses, cars and bridges were washed away. And 17 neighborhoods were partially destroyed. And the town hospital and morgue are overflowing. Among the victims is a policeman who was carried away by rushing water when he tried to save a 12-year-old girl from drowning. And then there's the case of the Mocoa mayor, who is a pastor - he's homeless because rocks and mud came into his house and filled it all the way up to the ceiling.","Sounds like a horrific situation. How has the government responded?","President Juan Manuel Santos flew into Mocoa to inspect the town. He sent in the army. The Red Cross is there. There are emergency workers searching for survivors. But one of the problems is that there's no airport in Mocoa, and the main road into the town's been partially washed out. Half of Putumayo state's without power, and the drinking water supply has been totally destroyed. Now there've been some reports of people looting stores for food and water.","Just briefly - you know, we've heard a lot about flooding and landslides in Latin America recently. Peru's also had massive flooding. Do we know why this is happening?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The speaker aims to evoke empathy and raise awareness about the devastating impact of the natural disaster on the community, including loss of life, destruction of infrastructure, and the displacement of individuals, such as the mayor being left homeless.","questions":"What happened to the Mocoa mayor's house during the natural disaster?","answer":"Filled"} {"text":["That's true. And people who are addicted to it are too scared to death to tell anybody, because they're going like, yeah, if I tell somebody I'm addicted to a computer game, I'm going to get laughed out on the street, you know, because so many people haven't seen it or experience it, or they themselves are addicted, so they don't even want to believe that there's such a thing, because they might have to look at their own issue.","Just one quick piece of advice. If you're - you obviously tried to stay in contact with your son. He made it difficult for you, and he's dead. Whether or not some people would argue that it's not the gaming's fault, you think it is. One very small piece of advice for families who are trying to help someone.","I really need to talk to parents and tell them that these games are not glorified babysitters. And I see so many parents so excited because they're teaching their two year old to play games, and by five, they're addicted. You know, it's just heartbreaking to me, because it's like giving their child the drug, and they don't even know what they're doing. They're helping ruin their child's life, because it does affect their brain. It rewires their brain, and it affects how they function in society.","Well, Liz, thank you so much for sharing your story."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : People are ashamed to admit they're addicted to computer games.","questions":"How do people feel about admitting their addiction to computer games?","answer":"Embarrassed"} {"text":["Well, we have shared the coordinates of health facilities, school facilities and so on for the very purpose to make sure they're protected. Sadly, several of these facilities received a direct hit. Actually, the secretary-general has called for a board of inquiry to investigate into these cases and to find out what had happened.","For us, it's a question of trust, and it's a question of protection when we say - when we give these coordinates, we expect that all parties in the conflict will respect them. And when that doesn't happen, that's really a significant problem for all and, most importantly, for the people who find themselves - that we have had incidents of ambulances receiving direct aid. Hospitals, doctors, nurses would be in the middle of an operational procedure or who had gone to this place for medical treatment and to find themselves being bombed inside the hospital or children in the school. That's something that is really totally unacceptable.","Panos Moumtzis is the United Nations humanitarian coordinator for the Syria crisis. Thanks so much for being with us, sir.","Thank you for calling me."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Thank you for inviting me to be here.","questions":"How did PersonA respond to the invitation to be on the program?","answer":"Thank"} {"text":["Correct.","And that's the idea?","That's exactly the idea and that's where we are today. So you kind of keep the country in limbo. And you say, as long as there's no election then I get to be president.","Have there been any calls for President Kabila to be investigated, forced to step down, impeached, put on trial for violating the constitution?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Implies that the current situation is a de-facto form of long-term leadership by President Kabila, without the need for elections.","questions":"What kind of leadership is implied in the current situation?","answer":"De-facto"} {"text":[". . . food.","And. . .","And so when someone like Roger has this incredible density of taste buds on his tongue, we call those people super-tasters. Or I refer to them in \"Taste What You're Missing\" as hyper-tasters. To me, it just sounds a little bit less caped crusader. . .",". . . than a super-taster. But what that means is that that people who have this type of anatomy, in combination with some genetic traits, are much more sensitive to sweetness, sourness. It turns out, they're also more sensitive to the heat that comes from jalapeno chilies, for example. And so. . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The phrase \"less caped crusader\" is an idiomatic expression used to mean \"less superhero-like\" or \"less exaggerated.\" In this context, it means that the term \"hyper-taster\" sounds more reasonable and less exaggerated than \"super-taster.\"","questions":"Which phrase is an idiomatic expression used to mean \"less superhero-like\" or \"less exaggerated\"?","answer":"Less-caped-crusader"} {"text":["Yes.",". . . Following the election in 2000, when - and I'm sure the news industry was part of it.","(Laughter).","A lot of people said, how can the greatest country in the - you know, you can go to an ATM and get $200. Why can't we have a sleek, electronic voting system in this country?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The news industry was partly responsible for the controversy surrounding the 2000 election and its aftermath, as people questioned why the U.S. had not adopted a more efficient and reliable voting system.","questions":"Which industry was criticized for their role in the 2000 election controversy?","answer":"News"} {"text":["In a word, Ari - schadenfreude. I think at this moment, whether you look at politics or society in general, there is a lot of concern about fraud, about misrepresentation, people not being who they say they are, not to mention a lot of resentment of wealth and privilege and all the trappings that come with it. And the way this story has unfolded, the fact that these families really seem to believe that the rules should not apply to them - that's been galling to many people.","And then look at the setting, right?So elite colleges are the source of such cultural fascination. Some would say obsession. Highly selective colleges - you know, they only enroll about 1 percent of all college students. So they're very, very small. But then again, they have these brands that are known all over the world. And they're supposed to stand for merit, for hard work, for the best and the brightest.","And so when you look at something like this or, even bigger, the legacy admissions or the fact that some wealthy donors can write a check and get their kid into college that way supposedly, it - all of this is really going to undermine the idea of having institutions in our society that represent hard work and being kind of excellent.","So where do these cases go from here?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Implied meaning: Elite colleges are seen as a source of envy and reverence, but they are also seen as a symbol of hard work and excellence. ","questions":"Which two qualities are highly selective colleges supposed to stand for?","answer":"Merit"} {"text":["And the president called federal efforts to assist Puerto Rico during Hurricane Maria an unsung success. But, of course, as we know, 3,000 people died. And then, the president said that his critics had just cooked up that number. And that - we have to say it - that's just not true.","That's right. Now a lot of those deaths did not take place directly during the storm. Rather, they took place indirectly during the painfully slow recovery. Remember, it was only last month that electricity was finally restored throughout the island. So if this is a success, Trump is in a very lonely chorus singing about it.","In Florida, some of the president's fellow Republicans tried to distance themselves from Trump's comments. Candidates like Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis - they know that downplaying the scale of that disaster is not the way to make friends in Florida. A lot of Puerto Rican transplants have relocated to that state, and many of them will be voting in November.","And turning to the political news of the week, which is important. The president's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort pleaded guilty yesterday to felony conspiracy charges and agreed to cooperate with Robert Mueller's investigation. Do sources in the White House believe Paul Manafort has a lot to dish about on Donald Trump and\/or the Trump campaign?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The president's claim of success in assisting Puerto Rico during Hurricane Maria is false.","questions":"What was the cause of many of the deaths that occurred in Puerto Rico during the recovery from Hurricane Maria?","answer":"Recovery"} {"text":["No, physically, we're - really pretty pathetic. Offhand, I cannot think of an animal which, if your size, let's say 150 pounds, that could not absolutely obliterate you in hand-to-hand or tooth-to-incisor combat. And our dominance in the world is all thanks to this trick of coming up with these codes that enable us to remember what happened yesterday or years ago. And it has a permanence that has a tremendous advantage (laughter). It has nothing to do with the theory of evolution.","Yeah. But you say that speech bedeviled Darwin as a matter of fact.","It did. He could not figure out what it was. He assumed because of his theory that everything evolved from animals, and he didn't even include it in his theory language until he decided that it came from our imitation of the cries of birds. And I think it's misleading to say that human beings evolved from animals. I mean, actually nobody knows whether they did or not. And there are very few physical signs, except for the general resemblance between apes and humans. The big evolution, if you want to call it that, is that this one species, Homo sapiens, came up with this ingenious trick, which is language.","Are you concerned, Mr. Wolfe, or are you resolutely not concerned that people who don't believe in evolution for religious reasons, not scientific ones, are going to begin to cite your work as some kind of scientific proof?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : In turn (3), the actual meaning is that humans did not physically evolve from apes, but rather evolved through the development of language, which is a unique trait of the Homo sapiens species. The word \"evolved\" here does not refer to physical evolution, but rather to the emergence and development of language as a tool.","questions":"Which species came up with the ingenious trick of language according to the turn mentioned in the statement?","answer":"Homosapiens"} {"text":["Yeah, it's still very present. I don't think it's still very accurate. I think what this proves is that 5 billion songs is $5 billion, and so they are still saying that global music sales have dropped 8percent to about 19. 4 billion, according to the phonographic industry.","So they are seeing some sales still decline, but you're seeing digital music rise, so I think these music labels are needed to get with the program and get over this fear of piracy, and - and look at this say, you know what?Five billion songs, that's a lot of music that anyone could be buying. I mean, that's just - you know, at the end of the day, that's a lot of music to be purchased.","Mario, thanks so much.","Thank you, Farai.","Mario Armstrong is News & Notes regular technology contributor, and he joined us from the studios of the Baltimore Sun."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Music labels should adapt to digital music rise.","questions":"What is the solution proposed for the fear of piracy in the music industry?","answer":"Program"} {"text":["Yeah.",". . . Of having people close who actually are talking to each other. . .","Yeah.",". . . Which is - like, when I was little, I thought they were very best friends. Then I got older and I'm like, oh, they just - they get along. But like. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : A is reflecting on the nature of relationships between people close to each other.","questions":"Which aspect of relationships is PersonA reflecting on in turn 3?","answer":"Closeness"} {"text":["Well, in short, yes, sort of. This river is high because of extreme rain. So when it rains here now, it rains more than it used to in the past. And that's in line with what we would see under climate change conditions. The National Climate Assessment predicts that when it rains, it's going to rain more in the future because warmer air can hold more moisture.","And actually, already, we're seeing that in the Midwest and along the East Coast. Sometimes 50% more rain is falling in a single rain event than used to earlier this century. I hear a lot of flood plain managers use the word unprecedented. It's the kind of rain that we just haven't seen in the past.","What does this mean for places in the Midwest and South?","Well, there's a lot of stress on infrastructure that really was not built to hold this. So all along the river, along rivers like this, there are levees. And in places like this, they were actually built to make sure there's enough water for barges to ship things down the river. They really were not designed to hold back floodwater at all, and they really weren't designed to hold back this amount of water for this long."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Levees were not built to handle current floodwater levels","questions":"Which structures were not designed for the current amount of floodwater?","answer":"Levees"} {"text":["Dr. Ahmad Tarakji leads the Syrian American Medical Society, which operates hospitals inside Syria. He is an American, and between trips to Syria, he told us hospitals are targeted despite efforts to shelter them.","We try to put those hospitals underground, as we found that they are the primary target of any military operation. But also, you cannot do that in every single hospital that's there inside Syria.","So you just said that hitting hospitals would be the primary target of any military operation. Did I understand you correctly?","That's perfectly correct. When there is an intent to displace people, then hospitals start to get targeted and in a pattern that's very predictable. We've seen it before in Aleppo. In addition to putting those hospitals in underground structures or in caves hospital (ph), we share the location, the coordinates of these hospitals with the U. N. agencies, with Russia, with the United States, as they both are leading the humanitarian task force in Syria."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Despite efforts to shelter them, hospitals in Syria are being targeted during military operations.","questions":"How are hospitals in Syria being affected during military operations?","answer":"Targeted"} {"text":["What do people need most right now?","People are getting really frustrated in the area that was hardest hit. We went by a shelter where you've got hundreds of people packed into a school. You know, they have not had any aid that's come in there. You know, food has been cut off. You've got some areas that have been just completely cut off from any access at all, including, you know, cellphone service, so people haven't been able to even communicate.","The needs are absolutely huge. I mean, there's just large swaths of the southwest of this country that were just, sort of, completely crushed by this hurricane. And, you know, it's even kind of hard to even tally what is going to be needed but certainly roofing material so that people can get back into their homes. And there's definitely going to be a need for food and water in these areas.","What are the problems in getting aid to arrive?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : People are getting really frustrated in the area that was hardest hit. Implicated meaning: The situation in the area that was hardest hit is causing significant emotional distress and dissatisfaction among people.","questions":"Which emotion is being experienced by people in the area that was hardest hit?","answer":"Dissatisfaction"} {"text":["Oh, absolutely. Liberia is absolutely ripe for tourism from the standpoint of eco-tourism. It's a beautiful country. It has a huge long coastline. It's right on the equator, so it's very lush and green. And that's why we're on the beach as well, to give that feeling of a vacation as well as the tourism opportunity.","What about security?What measures are you taking?","Well, more and more every day, Liberia, including downtown Monrovia and the countryside, is becoming more and more secure as President Sirleaf begins to rebuild the infrastructure. But as far as the hotel, the hotel is a walled-off facility with security guards and one place that people can absolutely feel secure. I have no doubt that people in this property will feel secure, whether they're in their room or whether they take a stroll from their room out to the beach pool or the beach bar. It's a property that will be very attractive, and people can go there confident that they and their property will be secure.","President Sirleaf is expected to host some of the first guests who come to the hotel. And what's your relationship like with her?It seems as if you've cultivated a really good relationship that has allowed you and inspired you to do this project."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : A good relationship with President Sirleaf helped inspire the project","questions":"How did President Sirleaf inspire the project?","answer":"relationship"} {"text":["It's great to be with you, Ira. Thank you.","I'm just looking at the abstract of your study, and some of these numbers are amazing. Seventy-two percent, 72 of all Americans think that global warming should be a very high or medium or a priority for the president and the Congress. That crosses all party lines.","It does. It includes 84 percent of Democrats, 68 percent of independents and 52 percent of Republicans. So yes, there is this difference between Democrats and Republicans. But nonetheless, a majority of Republicans do think that global warming should be a priority for our elected officials.","So why are we all under the impression that there is not this majority?","Ah. Great question. So one of the things that became very clear to us early in our research was that Americans don't speak with a single voice on this issue. And in fact, what we've identified is what we call a global warming's six Americas, that essentially you can look at the country and find that there are six very different communities within the United States, that each respond to this issue in very different ways. One group we call the alarmed. That's only about 12 percent of the public."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : It does. It includes 84 percent of Democrats, 68 percent of independents and 52 percent of Republicans. So yes, there is this difference between Democrats and Republicans. But nonetheless, a majority of Republicans do think that global warming should be a priority for our elected officials. (Literal meaning: stating the breakdown of support for global warming priority among different political affiliations)","questions":"What is the percentage of independents who support global warming as a priority?","answer":"68"} {"text":["Add to the troubled auto industry a rise in unemployment. Weekly jobless claims benefits are at 16-year high. Wall Street isn't happy either. The Dow Jones Index plummeted below 8,000 yesterday.","To find out how advertising agencies are dealing with the current economic climate, we are joined now by Romi Mahajan. He's the chief marketing officer for the digital ad agency called Ascentium. They manage marketing campaigns for big, big companies, including Microsoft, Nintendo, and AT&T. Welcome to the program, Romi.","Thank you very much, Alex.","Yesterday, General Motors announced that it would review its contracts with ad agencies to see whether or not they should even be renewed. Let's say you were working on a car company advertising campaign. What should they do to actually get American consumers to buy cars?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The auto industry is experiencing trouble and unemployment is rising. The Dow Jones Index's drop below 8,000 has Wall Street concerned","questions":"What is causing concern on Wall Street?","answer":"Drop"} {"text":["There also seemed to be some significant milestones this week about the ongoing debate over - is this Trump's party now?We saw a lot of well-known intellectuals sort of leave the party. Longtime Republican strategist Steve Schmidt said he quit the Republican Party. Conservative columnist George Will called for Republicans to lose their majorities. And the sad death of Charles Krauthammer also seemed to signal maybe an end of an era here.","I think it is. Charles was a friend and a colleague. And I think his loss isn't just to conservatism in particular, but it's to political discourse in general because Charles was an - a conservative intellectual, not a Republican partisan. There was nothing tribal about him. So that was a really big loss.","Do you think there's any impact for people like Steve Schmidt leaving the party?","You mean impact on him?Well, he's not going to get Republican clients anymore. But. . .","(Laughter)."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : No actual stones marking miles, but events that mark changes in other events.","questions":"How were milestones described in the dialogue?","answer":"Significant"} {"text":["Yes, thank you.","We get it.","A lot of things in the book are things that I wrote about in my newspaper column. For about nine or 10 years I've been doing a column every week for the Guardian newspaper in England, and it's about any kind of unexpected, funny thing that I run across or people tell me about. And to do the book, I went back and grabbed a lot of these stories and then did some more digging to see what else have these people done.","Mm-hmm. Some of the stories seem to have sort of a moral to them, like the one - mysterious one I'm going to call the rectum in a jar.","Yeah, this is the case of the rectum of the Bishop of Durham. If you go to London and you visit the Hunterian Museum, it's a wonderful, wonderful - one - in fact, one of the world's few remaining big medical museums. It's part of The Royal College of Surgeons of England. If you go and visit it, on display on the main floor inside a jar is something they call object RCSHC\/P192. The label identifies it as being the preserved rectum of the Bishop of Durham, and we're talking about Thomas Thurlow, who was born in 1737, died in 1791. Would you like to hear the story of why it's in a jar in London on display?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 4 : A is willing to share the story of why the rectum of the Bishop of Durham is displayed in a jar.","questions":"What is the name of the Bishop whose rectum is displayed in a jar in London?","answer":"Thomas"} {"text":["So how did this all come about, and how did you get involved?","My partner, Josh Farahzad, just about this time last year, you know, he started thinking - well, what if I launched a rocket into outer space?You know, he didn't really know what he was doing. So he started sending emails to pretty much every university rocketry team in the country. And I was doing a launch with the Princeton University Rocketry Club. He saw our livestream, and he had reached out. I guess after that, I spent thousands of hours just working with Josh one-on-one and leading this very, very tremendous team.","And as the team grew to - what?- I guess about 40 people, you're communicating with one another via a Slack channel.","That's right. You know, at some point, we didn't pay for the Slack premium account. So, you know, I think within a month or two, our messages capped at 10,000. So we started losing our data.","Well, what's the big goal here, aside from actually getting a rocket into space?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Josh Farahzad had a random idea about launching a rocket and reached out for help. A worked hard to lead the team.","questions":"How did PersonA get involved with launching the rocket?","answer":"rocket"} {"text":["What kind of inspiration did it take to make you into a poet?Who did you read?When did you start reading, or did someone read to you as a child that made you love poetry?","I started reading at the age of three, and I like to think that it's because of my parents, who were working-class people, who only had - both my mother and father only graduated from the eighth grade. So that they read, and they read a lot. And put their arms around me while they read. And I'm convinced that that has a lot to do with getting you to understand how to read. I would look at their mouths and I'd look at the page, and somehow, I figured it out. Then I tortured everybody by reading every sign, everything, which I still do.","So if you had to name a few other people, and I'm sure there'd be a long list. But just one or two people who you love.","Gwendolyn Brooks, Langston Hughes, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Kenneth Rexroth."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The speaker lists some of their favorite poets.","questions":"Which poets does the speaker mention as their favorites?","answer":"Brooks,Hughes,Dunbar,Rexroth"} {"text":["But not far behind is the idea which really threatens the foreign service that has served this country pretty well over the years - that senior diplomats should be part of that political agenda. And if they don't, they have to get out of the way. Their careers will be curtailed. And a lot of these people, you know, are now serving at research institutes and universities around town because they are not being used. And that, therefore, is the message that it looks like they are sending.","So play ball or get out.","Play ball or get out. And then to find out on top of that the president is willing to disparage you and threaten, you know, things that might be coming your way; and on top of that, it now appears that the secretary of state was listening in on that call and, rather than defending his people, said nothing and did nothing and pretended like nothing happened and looked like he's part of it. And, you know, it takes a long time to build up an organization like this, but it can be destroyed very quickly. And I'm afraid that that's the direction in which we're going.","Philip Gordon, thank you so much for sharing your perspective."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The people should obey their leaders or lose their jobs.","questions":"How does PersonB summarize the situation described by A?","answer":"submit"} {"text":["I'm - so far, pretty much silence, but I also think that this is very different from the past allegations. This is something that will be much harder for Republicans to defend without looking even more craven than most voters. . .","OK.",". . . Will tolerate. You know, we can't base our foreign policy on whether foreign leaders are willing to do political favors for the president.","And we'll have to leave it there. Representative Tom Malinowski, Democrat of New Jersey. Thanks so much."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"without looking even more craven\" implies that Republicans look craven for sure.","questions":"Which word implies that Republicans look craven for sure?","answer":"Craven"} {"text":["Well, they were talking about a lot of hype for the new technologies just around the corner. I mean, CES is very much a kind of a tech bubble in some ways. So it's nonstop hype about new technologies like 5G, like smart devices and, that I found, not really a ton of talk about what has become a very prevalent conversation in tech, which is, how are companies using the data that they kind of need to offer a lot of these services?","Haven't a lot of Americans become aware of the fact that we are the product?","I think that's a - sometimes an oversimplification. But, you know, there's a bit of a creep factor now, to put it in the plainest terms. You click agree and maybe, you know, ads follow you around the net or - that's sort of the mildest form of these things. But in the sort of worst-case scenario, as you said, you know, your data might be sold in sort of an unethical way. We're all a little bit more wary, at least over here, about that kind of thing.","Over here in contrast to where?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : just around the corner implies it is happening soon.","questions":"What is the term used to describe the hype surrounding new technologies mentioned in turn 0?","answer":"Hype"} {"text":["What are you doing to shore up the levees themselves?And are you inviting residents to help?","Really, what we're looking at now is quick response-type actions - things like, you know, sandbags, sand and gravel filters that'll help increase the pressure and keep water from seeping through the structure itself. We've got National Guardsmen that have been mobilized and are on the levee 24 hours a day, along with our engineers. You've got local first responders, police, firemen doing the same.","In terms of the actual community members themselves, we really aren't having members of the public out there, other than the mobilized guardsmen actually helping with the effort. In fact, some of the local officials are really sort of encouraging local residents to stay away from areas that are experiencing any sort of issues with the levees. They want to try to minimize any sort of impacts that may occur for the public at large.","So we've seen reporting about the last time this district saw this kind of flooding. It was back in 1986. I think the levees then had to hold up something like 12 hours. We're way past that now. So how should we be thinking about whether or not these levees are strong enough?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The situation is urgent and requires immediate action.","questions":"How are officials responding to the potential impact on the public?","answer":"Minimize"} {"text":["It's probably a combination of both. The sense that people have out there is that there is certainly a level of speculator buying by local investors, by local real-estate investors. But you know, there's quite a number of loans also being made to first-time buyers and others who are looking to move and so forth.","And meanwhile, there are various plans to try to get homeowners to hang on to their homes, to stay in their homes and avoid foreclosures, one coming out from the FDIC's Sheila Bair. Tell us about that.","Yeah. So, the plan that Ms. Bair talked about yesterday at a hearing in Washington was that if servicers - these are mortgages companies that basically handle collections and billing on behalf of investors and banks - if they agree to modify some of these troubled loans in a way that the government says you should do, then the government would agree to shoulder any or shoulder a part of the future loss under this loan.","So, who would that help, the homeowners or the banks?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : If mortgage companies agree to modify loans according to government standards, the government will help shoulder future losses.","questions":"What plan was discussed by Ms. Bair at a hearing in Washington?","answer":"b"} {"text":["It's the most remarkable story of evil coming out of Russia that I've seen in a long time. And what it shows is that they're not just messing with the election in the United States or doping in the Olympics. But they've got their tentacles into just about everything everywhere. This is one story that shows that.","I have to ask you, Mr. Browder, there are plenty of people - and we hear from them - who are skeptical about Russia being seen at the center of so many allegations. And they say the U. S. and the West are just crawling back into a destructive Cold War mentality. How do you answer that?","Well, I mean, Russia was responsible for shooting down MH17. Russia was responsible for invading Ukraine. Russia is responsible for taking away the chemical weapons in Syria that they didn't take away. Russia was responsible for having honest athletes in the Olympics when they did the whole doping program. I mean, Russia is the one who is making the trouble. Russia is really a sort of a nonentity when it comes to - the economy is the size of the state of New York. Their military budget is 5 percent of the U. S. military budget. We shouldn't even be thinking about Russia other than the fact that they're sort of putting their nose into every bit of terrible activity all over the world.","Quick question - but it's important to get along, isn't it?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Russia is involved in various malicious activities worldwide beyond just the U.S. elections and doping in the Olympics.","questions":"How was Russia described in terms of its involvement in malicious activities worldwide?","answer":"Everything"} {"text":["What would be the best-case scenario for you if they find which ship it is?What would you like to know?","Well, I'll be a little silly here. I'd like to see giant claw marks and tooth marks on the hull so my novel is justified. I don't know how the ship got there. Since we know from the only - one of the only two notes left - that all of the survivors that abandoned ship and were sledging down toward Canada - so who was sailing the ship?And it didn't have any masts. They store the masts below decks in sails in the winter so that tons of ice don't fall on men working on the deck. How can a few men go back and put up those masts?It's impossible.","Dan Simmons is the author of \"The Terror,\" a fictionalized account of the 1845 Franklin Arctic expedition. Thanks so much.","You're welcome."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) \"I'd like to see giant claw marks and tooth marks on the hull so my novel is justified.\" - This turn's actual meaning is different from its literal meaning. The speaker is not actually hoping to see giant claw marks and tooth marks on the hull, but is rather making a lighthearted comment about how such evidence would support the storyline of their novel.","questions":"Which author wrote a fictionalized account of the 1845 Franklin Arctic expedition?","answer":"Dan-Simmons"} {"text":["Thank you.","So what originally did the Consumer Product Safety Commission say was wrong with this stroller?","They were concerned about the front wheel of the stroller. It's a three-wheeled stroller, and they were concerned with the wheel falling off suddenly. It's attached to the stroller with a quick release, the same thing that attaches the wheels on bicycles. And so parents would be out running, jogging with their strollers, their kid in the middle. And the wheel would spontaneously fall off.","So the agency spent months investigating. And in 2017, they decided that Britax should recall the stroller, that it wasn't safe. And they even sued to try and force the company to recall the stroller. Tell us why that didn't happen."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"So the agency spent months investigating.And in 2017, they decided that Britax should recall the stroller, that it wasn't safe.And they even sued to try and force the company to recall the stroller.Tell us why that didn't happen.\" is a question that asks for an explanation about why the company did not recall the stroller despite the efforts made by the agency. Its meaning is also clear and straightforward.","questions":"Which year did the agency decide that the stroller was unsafe and ordered Britax to recall it?","answer":"2017"} {"text":["You have tough words for President Obama in your Sun-Times column that's been posted now. Let me quote you, \"The president doesn't hurry, not even when his city is bleeding. \"","Those tough words are a function of - he's at the top of the Department of Justice. The Department of Justice - the feds seldom, if ever, hurry. And this - if they did engage in this - would be a civil rights case. While - when Laquan McDonald was shot and lay bleeding on the pavement after 16 bullets entered his body, the fact of the matter was that Ferguson, Mo. , had already jumped off. We were in the midst of other police situations in other major urban areas involving black youth and largely white officers. And so there was a real feeling of a cauldron boiling, and something - needed more largely than was being done to address it.","In Chicago, are there political implications here?","There are certainly political implications. When Laquan McDonald was shot, Rahm Emanuel was entering a tougher than normal mayoral re-election cycle. This would not have done well for him, so the city kept it quiet. But worse than that, Scott, worse than that is that the city and the union did not tell the truth about what happened. They both said hours after. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Turn (3) implies that Rahm Emanuel had a political motivation to keep the shooting of Laquan McDonald quiet, which is different from its literal meaning which is simply asking if there are political implications in Chicago","questions":"What was the motivation for Rahm Emanuel to keep the shooting of Laquan McDonald quiet?","answer":"Political"} {"text":["Well, as I said, Israel is certainly prepared to possibly deploy that armored brigade for an offensive mission. And, you know, this - Israeli strikes are continuing, and rockets are also continuing right now. And this is a - quite an escalation between the two sides and really a serious one since the 2014 war. That was a war that lasted many weeks. Dozens of Israeli soldiers and several Israeli civilians died. And on the Palestinian side, more than 2,000 people died, including many civilians and also militants.","With the stakes so high, are there negotiations for a cease-fire, do you know?And can you tell us about those and where they stand?","Well, before this current outbreak of violence, Egypt was mediating between the two sides to prevent such hostilities from returning. And those negotiations were meant to exchange calm on the border for Israel lifting certain restrictions in the Gaza Strip, basically to make life more bearable for people in Gaza. And this conflict certainly puts those negotiations at serious risk.","That's reporter Naomi Zeveloff in Tel Aviv. Naomi, thank you so much."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The negotiations are not standing upright but it means that the person is saying how far the countries have progressed in the negotiation.","questions":"What is the status of the negotiations?","answer":"Status"} {"text":["Is there a sense, though, that this really could happen anywhere?","I certainly have that sense. And I worry about it all the time. It's a little easier to control if they're in their home where they're typically at, whether that be the school or whether their home environment. But you're exactly right.","Were you surprised that this should come up now?I mean, is the world so different today than it was a year ago or two years ago that people feel the need to really hold the kids at home and keep them safe?","I'm not judging anyone. And if they feel that way, they feel that way. It's surprising to me. I've gone to Washington, D. C. , and I've taken all my kids. So it's - I think they feel like this is my responsibility as a parent. I'll do it. At least, I know my kids are safe. And it's not falling on the responsibility of people that are not their parents. So if that's their choice, I totally understand that."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The statement implies that it's easier to manage the situation if the children are in a familiar environment.","questions":"Which environment makes it easier to manage the situation?","answer":"Familiar."} {"text":["We didn't finish, and he died before it could finish, but we got 30, 34 hours of tapes, something like that. And one thing that became clear in those tapes and all the time that I spent with him is that he would never speak ill of another human being. He always went out of his way to find the good in people who are adamantly apposed to his entire agenda.","I mention this because I think one of the things that tended to dismay him toward the end of his life, at least in my experience of talking to him, was how divided we were in our politics. That people fought - that people that disagreed with them weren't just opponents, but enemies. That somehow condemnation, the politics of hatred, the politics even of mocking people, as opposed to sitting down and talking to them, never made any sense to him.","To Thurgood Marshall, politics was the art of the possible. The idea was to sit down and get things done, not to get applause by mocking your opposition. I really learned a lot from the time I spent with him, and that's perhaps the strongest lesson that I learned. And I think applying it to today's world, while I think he'd be very proud to see a black man with a chance to be elected to the presidency, he'd be very sad to see how the supporters on both sides spend so much time mocking and hating the candidate on the other side.","Well, Stephen Carter, thank you."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Despite differences, he saw the good in all people.","questions":"Which characteristic did he possess towards all people?","answer":"Goodness"} {"text":["Well, yeah. That's the thing about everything in life, kind of, is that you kind of have to try certain things out to figure out what you want. So it's like you should always be able to have that moment of, like, figuring out who you are by using a bunch of different things that you've heard already. And then instead of still doing that for your whole career, which I think some people do, you have to take that and, like, digest it and then come out with something that's everything combined. And it's your own thing.","(Singing) Where did you go?I should know. But it's cold. And I don't want to be lonely. So show me the way home. I can't lose another life.","I get that sense of being real is something deeply important.","It's very important for me. I just feel uncomfortable having things be disingenuous. Like, I just have a big thing about honesty and, like, real. . ."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : A: (Singing) Where did you go? I should know. But it's cold. And I don't want to be lonely. So show me the way home. I can't lose another life.","questions":"How did PersonA express their emotions?","answer":"Loneliness"} {"text":["So a startling turnaround. Any sign, though, that this is the bottom, and that things might be improving?","So far, nine U. S. banks have failed this year, and most analysts don't see any indication that either the housing market or the credit crisis have hit bottom yet. In fact, there's a respected company based in the U. K. , it's called Begbies Traynor. It specializes in insolvency issues and corporate rescue and recovery, and that firm has just issued a research note suggesting there could be - get this, an average of 100 small banks failing in the U. S. each year for the next three years, and their note calls that far from inconceivable.","The data released yesterday by the FDC - by FDIC, by the way, showed 117 banks and thrifts are now considered to be in trouble, and the FDIC warned that conditions will worsen, although it did say a majority of U. S. banks will be able to weather the storm. 98 percent still have an adequate stock pile of money by the regulator's standards.","Well, let's talk more about the FDIC. It, obviously, is the insurer of banks of deposits up to 100,000 dollars, but with all these banks in trouble, is the FDIC in trouble?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : (1) has an implied meaning that is different from its literal meaning. The literal meaning is that the speaker is asking if there is any sign of improvement in the situation being discussed, but the implied meaning is that the situation is bad and the speaker is hoping for some positive news or indication that things will get better.","questions":"How would you describe the PersonA's tone in turn 1?","answer":"Negative."} {"text":["So they're looking for Joe to be effective as a rhetorician, as a guy who can sell a line, who can connect with an audience and also connect in a debate. He's an excellent debater.","Just as we told Farai Chideya, she's going to be very busy, you're going to be very busy as well this week. Thank you so much, Ron.","Thank you, Tony.","Ron Elving is NPR's senior Washington editor. He joined me from our special NPR studio in Denver, Colorado."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : sell a line implies being able to convince people and capture their interest towards something and not meaning to sell lines","questions":"What does being a rhetorician imply?","answer":"Persuasion"} {"text":["Well, I was abused by a priest when I was a child. And it caused me a great deal of difficulty with my life afterwards. I had a lot of problems with anxiety and depression.","How old were you when it happened?","I had just turned 13. I was in a children's hospital. And the priest who assaulted me was the Catholic chaplain of the hospital. And he also took indecent photographs, which had a lasting effect on me.","You were one of two sexual abuse survivors on the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors. Yet you resigned March 1. Can you tell us why?","I did because I accepted the appointment to the commission in the hope that the church was really beginning to show, you know, a sincere wish to change. And after three years, I resigned on some specific issues. But, basically, it was the resistance from some quarters in the Vatican to actually change.","Does it surprise you that someone as high up as Cardinal Pell has been accused?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 5 : \"as high up as Cardinal Pell\" - This phrase refers to Cardinal Pell's rank and influence within the Catholic Church, rather than his physical height.","questions":"How was Cardinal Pell referred to in the dialogue?","answer":"rank"} {"text":["The writer Michael Kinsley, who's a friend of this program, wrote about the surge a few months ago. Look at the numbers before the surge. Look at the numbers after the surge. This is what the Bush administration calls a success. One hundred and thirty thousand Americans in Iraq at the beginning and at the end. This country will still have about 130,000 soldiers - American soldiers in Iraq. Michael Kinsley said, have we really succeeded anything or have we just kind of changed the metric in some way?","Oh my Lord. I mean, what we have in Iraq, and I just got back, you know, less than two weeks ago. What we have in Iraq is a government that is elected by its people. It's the only Arab-Muslim country of that type, of that form of government in that region. It will have a long- term security relationship and a strategic relationship with the United States and be aligned with the United States. That is a major positive outcome for us, particularly given the fact that in 2006 we nearly lost the country and suffered a humiliating defeat.","Things do look an awful lot different than they did two years ago. You had a significant role in that, in thinking about what should be done at a time when it was a very unpopular plan to be putting forth. No one was - there wasn't a very big cheering squad for that. I wonder if you sit back on an evening now and feel some kind of sense of satisfaction?What is that?'","Well, I think there were a lot of people that, you know, have a hand in it."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The success of the surge is debatable and may just be a change in metrics.","questions":"Which term did Michael Kinsley use to describe the surge in Iraq?","answer":"Positive"} {"text":["Oh, no. As a matter of fact, I was delighted that I had had the opportunity to contribute to it. I had the option to volunteer for the program. I opted not to because I was very much involved in research that needed to be done. So I was - I turned down the opportunity because I felt that what we were doing was valuable for the future of our space program. As a matter of fact, the small 5-foot diameter parachute that we used to stabilize my freefall is still being used today in every ejection seat in the world. So what we did some 50 year - 55 years ago is still being used today.","What do you think about space exploration now?It struck me watching this that it's lost its human component, in a way. We send these unmanned missions into deep space, but we haven't really pushed human boundaries, I think, for quite some time.","I personally think that we should go back to the moon as soon as we can because there's a lot of lessons we need to learn before we can go to Mars, which should be the next great human adventure.","May I ask you a question?As you were standing on the precipice, you said a prayer. What was that prayer?What were you praying for?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The literal meaning of \"precipice\" is a very steep cliff or slope, but in this context it is used metaphorically to refer to the moment before the takeoff, when the speaker was standing on the edge of a new and daring adventure.","questions":"What was the speaker standing on before the takeoff?","answer":"Edge"} {"text":["It was an amazing list. This started around 1910. There was a long list of books, and, at the start, they were things that sound pretty ordinary now, the things you mentioned, titles of things like \"Tom Swift and His Airship,\" \"Tom Swift and His Wireless Message. \"My favorite is \"Tom Swift and His Photo Telephone. \"If you read \"Tom Swift and His Photo Telephone,\" which is written in 1914, it sounds like you're hearing the description of Skype or Google Hangout.","The boy inventor invented this in 1914 fictionally, but the details are surprisingly similar.","Are people still reading those books, the Tom Swift books?","That's a good question. There were two big series. The first series started in 1910, went up to about 1940. They updated it in the 1950s and '60s with things like \"Tom Swift and His Rocket Ship,\" \"Tom Swift and His Giant Robot\" and on and on. Those petered out. And they started up a few later, but the later ones just got off into sort of fantasy."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The fictional Tom Swift books written in 1910s predicted modern technology.","questions":"How did the Tom Swift books predict modern technology?","answer":"Predicted"} {"text":["Yes. We've had - you know, when it first started, there was some congressional interest. But I mean, nobody can do anything, right?I mean, the Trump administration doesn't appear to listen to anybody but Donald Trump.","There is wide bipartisan support for the U. S. taking a tougher line with China. But what sort of deal would you like to see?","I mean, I'd be happy if they just took away the 25% tax so I could compete on a level playing field, right?The tariffs they imposed on our lobsters in China never bothered anybody because it was equal for everybody, so it was no harm, no foul. I don't expect to get a better trade tariff rate than the Canadians when this is over, if it's ever over. You just can't sit here and wait forever.","Yeah. So if things continue the way they are for a few more months, is there a real threat that you guys will go out of business?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Despite congressional interest, the Trump administration is not listening to anyone but Donald Trump","questions":"How is the Trump administration responding to congressional interest?","answer":"Not-listening"} {"text":["And the damage that has been done and that has been wrought does not appear to be facing any kind of true reconciliation or any kind of true reckoning. There's a lack of justice. There's a lack of accountability. And there's the presence of an incredible amount of impunity.","Well, take me into Syria. What are people feeling there now after these eight long years?","You know, it really depends on where you're situated and how you're situated. And a lot of Syrians are now outside of Syria. I, myself, haven't been back since 2013.","I think people right now are in a place of absolute exhaustion, whether they're, you know, see themselves as amongst the victors or not. It took an incredible toll. And the death and the destruction, as you've noted, is incredible."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The damage itself can not face anything. The cause of the damage, the person or people are what is meant here.","questions":"How is accountability lacking in the situation mentioned in turn 0?","answer":"Accountability"} {"text":["Which is - and Fosse - so that gives you a flavor of what these guys were. And Fosse laughs so hard and the, you know, all the tubes are plugged into his nose and the heart machine starts beeping and - I mean, it was a constant party in Fosse's room.","Well, and I'm struck by something you said because I guess he said he was under anesthesia, and began to get some ideas for a film. And he said: Even as I'm dying, I'm working.","Yep. That's the whole story of the guy, right there.","He didn't expect to live past 60, did he?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : There are no turns in this conversation.Whose atual meaning are different from their literal meanings.All of the return are being used in straight for word and literal meanings.","questions":"Which turn in the conversation is being used in a non-literal manner?","answer":"None"} {"text":["Thanks so much for having me on.","Can you tell me a little bit about Nebraska's land and what it means to its residents, the farmers?","Yeah. So Nebraska is in many ways a typical Great Plains state. Because the Missouri River cuts through along the eastern edge of the state, that's where all of the population originally settled. And so you have major industrial centers in south Sioux City and in Omaha. And then you have the capital educational center of Lincoln. But when you travel west of Lincoln, there's almost no one there. The small farming communities have gotten smaller and smaller in the last 50 years. And you can drive for hours essentially seeing only flatlands that are planted to corn and to soybeans and occasionally dotted with hog barns and feedlots for cattle.","Speaking to that disappearing landscape, I'd like you to read a page from your book, page 69.","(Reading) To understand, first remember - Nebraska is a place. It sits square as an anvil in the center of our maps. And yet somehow, everyone manages to forget it exists. Maybe that's because Nebraska is also a land of ghosts, of small towns dwindling to the point where in another generation they might simply cease to exist.","Why are they disappearing?Where are they going?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : B is asking about the impact of Nebraska's land on its residents, not just its geographical features.","questions":"Which page number is PersonA reading from in their book?","answer":"69"} {"text":["So Iran, I think, is going to respond to what it sees as its advantage. If the Trump administration were prepared to say we're going to remove a good part of the sanctions on Iran if you will sit down at the table, I think Iran would probably take that very seriously. The Trump administration, because of its opposition to the nuclear deal, created a crisis that really wasn't necessary.","And it could get worse. There is a real chance of misperception and misunderstanding that leads to military conflict. And I think this is something that nobody wants.","That's Gary Sick. He's a senior research scholar at Columbia University's Middle East Institute. Mr. Sick, thank you so much for talking to us.","It was a pleasure."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The situation between Iran and the US may lead to a military conflict, which nobody wants.","questions":"How did PersonA describe the potential outcome of the situation between Iran and the US?","answer":"Conflict"} {"text":["Well, most of them are against the government, so many of them see even public health workers as the enemy since they work for the government. And every time there are clashes with the police or with government soldiers, you know, health workers have to wait a day or two or even more for them to get into these villages or territories to treat the people.","Yeah. You know, what struck me when I was reading your article was that the health officials actually think that this outbreak is made much worse because of these militias. It's almost like they've created the problem.","Absolutely. Because every, you know, day or hour of delay, there is the possibility that the virus will spread to someone else and then spreads to the entire village. And that could, you know, spread very dramatically.","So tell us a little bit more. You know, there are also experimental treatments. What kind of progress has been made there?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The militias have amplified the outbreak of the virus by delaying healthcare workers from reaching affected areas.","questions":"What is the reason for the delay in healthcare workers reaching affected areas?","answer":"Militias"} {"text":["Mr. Kirn, why do you, in a couple of cases in this book, you refuse to consider yourself a victim, which I understand, even though you were duped, but you even call yourself a collaborator. Why?","Because the fact of the matter is, is that until he was convicted of these crimes, everyone believed him. I wanted to show the point of view of the dupe, of the fool. So, I was hard on myself. But I collaborated with him in the sense that every time he told a story that didn't make sense, I tried to make it make sense for him in my mind. Every time he lied and I felt a little twinge inside, I covered it up. And I had to answer the question why I did that.","And?","Well, Clark answered it for me. When I saw him in jail after his murder conviction, I said you're not going to admit to the murder - which he didn't, he had a story for that - but it's clear that you were a great conman and a great impostor for many years. What's the secret to fooling people, I said. And he looked at me and he said, Walter, three little words - I'm surprised you don't know - vanity, vanity, vanity."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (4) When Clark says \"vanity, vanity, vanity,\" he is not talking about literal vanity (i.e. excessive pride in one's appearance or abilities), but rather using it as a metaphor for the weakness of human nature that makes people susceptible to being deceived by others. Clark is implying that people are easily fooled because they are too self-absorbed and often fail to see the truth beyond their own desires and interests.","questions":"What is the metaphorical meaning of \"vanity\" as used by Clark in his response to Walter's question?","answer":"Weakness"} {"text":["So they're easy to identify, too.","I wish they were even easier. . .","But at least we can, and that's I think going to be really good. And that leads to this, you know, kind of futuristic way where you could put a little nanochip in the blood for people who are at risk of heart attacks, and then it could constantly have the blood under surveillance of these cells and then send a signal to one's cell phone, a heart attack app, which you would get the alert that, you know, something's brewing over the next several days.","Yeah, maybe a Facebook update, too."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"maybe a Facebook update\" implies a ridicule of A's statement.","questions":"How did PersonB respond to PersonA's idea about using nanochips to monitor the blood of people at risk of heart attacks?","answer":"Sarcastically"} {"text":["He was not playing with you, huh?","He was not playing with me. I wasn't playing with him either. I love him so much. He is such a beautiful spirit. He actually - he's writing what I've been saying in all my life. But he has - all songwriters have a different twist, and I like Ben's. I tell you, I like it a lot.","Let me play one, the first track on the album. It's called \"Change. \"","(Singing) Finger's on the trigger around here. Finger's on the trigger around here. Bullets flying, mothers crying. We've got to change around here. Get it straight. Be sure that you hear. Thing's going to change around here.","It seems like you had a good time with this song."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The lyrics of the song call for change in the society","questions":"Which word is repeated in the lyrics of the song presented in turn 3?","answer":"Incorporating"} {"text":["Thanks so much for being with us.","Thanks for having me.","One of the things you've written about is complicity in the power establishment. But also, you believe some women have been complicit - people you call game girls.","I do indeed write about the way that many of the women - including myself - many of the women I know are wrestling with the ways in which we have participated in this system or not participated in this system. So many of us - if not all of us - have engaged in this in one way or another, whether we were the objects of harassment or assault, whether we decided to stay silent and not report assaults - sometimes in an effort to not get the backlash that many women got when they did file complaints. But if we did that, then did we enable the perpetrators to do it to other women who are our younger colleagues or who came after us?If we did not participate - if we rebuffed, did that hurt our careers?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) can mean \"I'm grateful for this opportunity\"","questions":"How did PersonA describe the way women have participated in the system?","answer":"Participation"} {"text":["Eastern Congo may be the most dangerous place on Earth, and it's getting worse. A rebel army is moving on the biggest city, Goma. Hundreds of thousands of people are running for their lives. This is the region of infamous ethnic killing between the many people who call themselves Hutus and the far fewer Tutsi.","Hez Holland is a correspondent with Reuters. He's been reporting from Goma. He joins us now. Hez, welcome. And remind us, this is also a region of enormous wealth - timber and minerals. People have been fighting over it for a long time.","At least. It's historically been a curse, what with the mineral wealth and, as you said, the timber, has been something that has been fought over for - since the Belgians. It's always been a place where minerals have been extracted and exploited, and the people have always been just pawns in the great game of any kind of colonial power, really.","Well, now, there's this rebel group led by a man named General Nkunda. He is a former Congolese general. And it is moving on the city of Goma. What are you seeing there now?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Mineral wealth in Congo has caused exploitation and conflict","questions":"What has been a curse in Congo?","answer":"Mineral"} {"text":["Right.",". . . in their noses, and that was because it was reflected back to visible light.","Oh, interesting.","But now, we're able to micronize that. And when we do that, we're able to make those molecules smaller, and you can focus just on the UVB and UVA, which is important for sun protection."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : A is discussing a scientific concept or discovery with B.","questions":"What is PersonA able to focus on with micronized molecules?","answer":"UVB"} {"text":["I think it is a serious threat. I don't see strong evidence that it has increased as of late. Iran has the ability to act via proxy organizations towards United States troops, diplomats, other assets that might be in the region. It also has the mechanisms to act against our partners and against our allies either directly or through the proxy organizations that it has a relationship with.","And paint me a little bit of a picture of what that map looks like when you describe Iran's proxy organizations in the Middle East.","So Iran's strongest relationship is with Lebanese Hezbollah. That allows them to have a measure of influence both to act in Lebanon, to act towards Israel from Lebanon but increasingly to act in other countries where Iran has essentially deployed Lebanese Hezbollah troops to, including Syria.","It has also been improving its relationship with Houthi rebels in Yemen, though its ability to direct or control the Houthis is still very limited. And it has long-established relationships with Iraqi militias.","Does Iran have control over its proxies?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Iran uses Lebanese Hezbollah troops to expand its influence in the region","questions":"What organization does Iran use to expand its influence in the region?","answer":"Lebanese"} {"text":["This is WEEKEND EDITION from NPR News. I'm Scott Simon. Pope Francis issued what's called an apostolic exhortation this week called The Joy of Gospel. And in his exhortation, he upheld church teachings while signaling a new openness to conversation about change. Maybe most notably the pope criticized the way much of the world, including the United States, does business. He warned against what he called an economy of exclusion, arguing that the very structural causes of poverty must be addressed. We turn now to Father James Martin, a noted Jesuit and culture editor of the Jesuit magazine America. He joins us from Philadelphia today. Father Jim, thanks for being with us.","THE REV. JAMES MARTIN: My pleasure.","What's the pope exhorting his church to do?","Well, I would say in this document he's asking us to do three things. Number one, remember the importance of joy. When we preach the Gospel, he inveighs against sourpusses - that's the English translation."],"speaker":["B","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"he inveighs against sourpusses - that's the English translation.\" - figurative language, meaning that the Pope is criticizing people who are gloomy or negative, rather than using the literal meaning of \"sourpusses.\"","questions":"What does the word \"sourpusses\" mean in the context of the Pope's exhortation?","answer":"Gloomy"} {"text":["Sure, thanks for having me.","It wasn't so long ago that rich Russians were strutting a little. What's happened?","Well, just what you described. There's been fall in the oil prices, which has had a big effect on the ruble; exacerbated by the sanctions, in my view, and suddenly a confident Putin and a confident Russia is no more. I think growth is next to zero by the end of the year and many people are predicting negative four - maybe even negative 5 - percent economic contraction next year.","Does anyone in Russia say - are they bold enough to now say in public that invading Crimea doesn't look like such a smart move?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Implied meaning: The speaker's use of repetition or emphasis on certain words may convey a hidden or implied meaning, such as sarcasm, irony, or frustration, that complements or contrasts with their words.","questions":"What is the hidden meaning behind the PersonA's emphasis on the word \"smart\" in turn 3?","answer":"smart"} {"text":["Yeah, a lot. Yeah, last time, remember, there was not a single question in the major debates.","Right, across all the debates.","No. No, not at all. This time, a lot of differences. A big one would be President Trump. I think what we're seeing is, in part, a backlash to his rejection of climate science and his real push for fossil fuels.","Pulling out of the Paris climate accord, et cetera."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : President Trump has caused a negative impact on climate change policies","questions":"Which world leader is being discussed in the conversation?","answer":"President-Trump"} {"text":["They have. But I think that there was a difference. The Democrats, for example, voted in overwhelming numbers for the DREAM Act, which was blocked by the Republican Party. A bill was introduced for comprehensive immigration reform. The Democrats voted overwhelmingly for it. It was blocked by the Republicans.","When we say comprehensive immigration reform, what two or three things do you think constitute that?","Well, I think that we need a way for the 11 million people who are in this country to legalize a status and earn their way to citizenship. I think we need to come up with a system where the immigrants of the future can come to this country in a safe, legal and orderly manner, instead of having to walk through the desert and putting their lives in jeopardy.","When crossing the border illegally."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (4) Implies an acknowledgement of the dangerous risks taken when crossing the border illegally.","questions":"What risks are acknowledged in turn 3?","answer":"Risks"} {"text":["The director of the U. S. Census Bureau, John H. Thompson, announced his retirement this week in the wake of a disagreement with Congress over funding for the 2020 census. The census is conducted every 10 years. The results determine how many seats in Congress and electoral votes that each state receives, and it helps guide how more than $400 billion is spent each year on education, health and infrastructure.","We're joined now by Robert Groves. He's former director of the U. S. Census Bureau. He's now the provost of Georgetown University. Mr. Groves, thanks so much for being with us.","Good morning. Great to be with you.","Congress has approved nearly $1. 5 billion to fund the census this fiscal year, and it's supposed to be the same for next year. Is that enough?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) implies that Mr. Groves is joining the conversation for the purpose of providing his expertise on the topic.","questions":"Which word describes Mr. Groves' current position?","answer":"Provost"} {"text":["Well, the highlight of the tour was going inside the number four reactor, where they're in the process of removing spent and unused fuel rods. And they were trying to show me and trying to show the public, first of all, that they've reinforced the whole structure against any further earthquakes or tsunamis, that they are safely removing the fuel rods that are in there, and that they are trying to block contaminated water from flowing from the mountains through the plant and into the Pacific.","Did you see the other reactors?","The crucial ones I could not go into, and reactors one through three suffered partial meltdowns. And as a result, there is so much radiation in there that they cannot send people in there to look. They have to use robots and remote cameras to try to find out what's going on. But they still don't know exactly how bad the damage is from those partial meltdowns. They're not going to start dealing with that part of the thing until 2020, and the whole process of shutting down the plant could take 30 or 40 years, by TEPCO's estimates.","And what problems have they been having just recently even in the clean-up?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : This turn implies that the speaker is asking for more information about the tour.","questions":"What was the highlight of the tour?","answer":"Number-Four"} {"text":["And we start today's program with an Easter Sunday tragedy in Sri Lanka. Coordinated bombings this morning killed more than 200 people and wounded hundreds more. The explosions happened in churches and in hotels popular with tourists. NPR's Lauren Frayer has been monitoring the situation from Mumbai, India, and she joins us now on the line.","Hi, Lauren.","Hi, Sacha.","Could you tell us what more you know since this morning about these bombings?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"what more you know\" - This turn literally means \"what additional information do you have,\" but it implies that the person being asked already has some information about the bombings, so it is asking for further details.","questions":"What is turn 3 asking for?","answer":"Details"} {"text":["The New York Mets lost 7 to 1 to the Milwaukee Brewers on Wednesday, but the real loser was their mascot, Mr. Met. Mr. Met has a huge white baseball of a head dappled with red stitching and embellished with a perpetual grin.","But as he left the playing field Wednesday night, Mr. Met flipped a middle finger to a group of fans who posted it on Twitter - busted, Mr. Met. The club apologized, and the team employee in the Mr. Met costume that night has reportedly not returned. There were reports that fans heckled him, which fans deny.","The Mr. Mets middle finger controversy poses a physical and philosophical question. Mr. Met has four fingers on each hand. How can you say that any of them is a middle finger?Anyway, flipping the bird in New York, isn't that just how they say good morning in Queens?","(Singing) Well, everybody's heard about the bird - bird, bird, bird, the bird's the word. Well, bird, bird, bird, bird is the word. Well, bird, bird, bird - the bird is the word. Well, bird, bird, bird, bird is the word. Well, bird, bird, bird - the bird is the word. Well, bird, bird, bird's the word. Well, bird, bird, bird - the bird's the word. Well, bird, bird, bird, bird is the word. Well, bird, bird, bird's the word. Well, don't you know about the bird?Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word. Well, bird, bird, the bird's the word. . ."],"speaker":["B","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : the figurative use of the phrase \"flipping the bird\" and the phrase's implication in New York City, respectively.","questions":"What was the philosophical question posed by the Mr. Met's middle finger controversy?","answer":"Physical"} {"text":["Well. . .","UNIDENTIFIED MAN #3: What differences when this occured?","Would it be the safest places to be like I mentioned before?","It would certainly be the safest place to be, and it would actually feel much like a joyride. The difference is that you're not necessarily planning on it."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The speaker is suggesting that the situation might not be as serious or dangerous as it initially seemed.","questions":"Which word describes the PersonA's feeling towards the situation?","answer":"Serious"} {"text":["The law now differs whether the gun being purchased is a handgun or what is broadly defined as a long gun. So the law is that if it's a handgun, you need to be 21. But long guns - rifles, shotguns and assault-style rifles included - that's 18. And after Parkland, where the perpetrator was 19 and legally purchased an assault-style rifle, there has been a call to raise that minimum age for assault-style rifles and all long guns.","What about arming teachers?What changes to the law would be required?","That gets complex. We do have the Gun-Free School Zones Act, which was signed with the first President Bush. But it allows for some discretion at the state and local level. And some states allow individual districts to set their own policies. And so we at The Trace of reported on districts in Ohio that allow certain designated teachers and other school staff members to access guns. Texas is another state where that happens. So, in fact, there are some states where there are guns in schools accessible to some teachers and staff members.","Have there been gun laws that have been rolled back by the Trump administration?","The big picture under Trump is that not much has changed, which is interesting because Trump had such strong backing from the National Rifle Association. And they have two big priorities. One is something called concealed carry reciprocity. And the upshot is that if you have a license to carry a concealed gun in your home state, every other state would have to honor that license and vice versa. That does pass the House in December - not taken up by the Senate."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Changes to laws regarding arming teachers are complex and vary at the state and local levels.","questions":"Which subject does the statement in turn 1 primarily focus on?","answer":"arming"} {"text":["Well, one last question about this because there is speculation that this weather may be due to the loss of ice during the summertime at the polar region. Is there any evidence for that being the trigger?","No, that has a lot of other dramatic effects on our climate, but for stratospheric warming events, what we're looking at are very large systems, such as the one that was off of the northeast coast of Japan. Also it's been correlated to sunspot activity. So that's kind of a factor that doesn't affect the troposphere so much, but it does involve some (unintelligible) content action in the stratosphere. So we're seeing a correlation between a solar activity and then these big, very unstable systems late in the season like we saw off the northeast coast of Japan.","All right, well, people always blame stuff on sunspots, so. . .","That's right, it's hard to prove them wrong."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Trigger implies that it is the cause of what happened in the polar region","questions":"Which term describes the possible cause of the weather phenomenon in the polar region?","answer":"TRIGGER"} {"text":["The Census Bureau has been examining that very vigorously. What tends to be a common result is if you use data from retail, you tend to under enumerate those who aren't connected economically. That tends to be poorer people, transient people, children - precisely those that are hard to enumerate in general.","So the world of the future I think we all think is some complicated blend of these organic digital sources with traditional methods. You can't use one or the other. We need to use both. And some of the innovation proposed for the 2020 census actually involves trying to use those data wisely when we can.","Robert Groves - he oversaw the 2010 census and is currently the provost of Georgetown University. Thanks so much for being with us, sir.","It was wonderful talking to you, Scott."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) is a polite way of thanking Robert Groves for joining the show","questions":"What is the name of the person who oversaw the 2010 census and is currently the provost of Georgetown University?","answer":"Robert-Groves"} {"text":["Peter Beinart has written an article for The Atlantic in which he says that the hard attitudes of secular people might be harsher than those of religious groups. He joined us from New York City yesterday afternoon. Mr. Beinart, thanks so much for being with us. Thank you. We often tie secularism to young people and to tolerance. Is that misguided?","It can be misguided. To be clear, I'm not talking about secularism per se in the sense that a lot of people I'm talking about do believe in God. But there's that percentage who regularly attend church or another religious institution has declined a lot. And what you see is that conservatives who don't regularly attend church may be more supportive of gay marriage and drug legalization than those who do regularly attend church.","But there's some evidence that they're actually more anti-immigrant and perhaps more racially resentful. And we know that it's - Donald Trump did best among conservatives who don't regularly attend church. In fact, I think that shift is part of the reason that he won the Republican nomination.","Well, there are people both liberals and conservatives who for years have resisted being put - well, here I just called them liberals or conservatives - resisted pigeonholes, saying, look, you know, just because I believe in abortion rights doesn't mean I believe something about an economic issue or vice versa."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The implied meaning of this question is that people often associate certain ideologies with specific beliefs. However, this turn suggests that people should not be pigeonholed into a certain belief system based on one issue.","questions":"How does turn 3 challenge the association of ideologies with specific beliefs?","answer":"Beliefs"} {"text":["Good morning, Scott.","You have seen the Saudi statement. What does it tell you about how the kingdom is handling the crisis?","What we see is that for the first time, officially, the Saudis say that Jamal Khashoggi is dead. The account places blame on senior advisers - none of them royals - for a policy that's gone terribly wrong. The Saudis now admit that there's a standing order to bring dissidents back to the kingdom by force, if necessary. But the account lays the blame on these senior security officials who went beyond the order. They killed this dissident journalist. They covered up the murder. Why did the Saudi leadership fail to confirm his death earlier?Bad news travels slowly to the top is how one Saudi defender put it on Twitter. These latest accounts distanced the top leadership and especially the powerful crown prince. But there are so many questions left to be answered.","One of the biggest right in front of us - where is Mr. Khashoggi's body?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The Saudi leadership is responsible for the murder of Khashoggi, but they are trying to distance themselves from it","questions":"Which group is accused of being responsible for the murder of Khashoggi? (Answer: Saudi leadership)","answer":"Leadership"} {"text":["You were screamed at in Duluth?Could you tell us these stories?","I think the man in Braddock, PA was a case in point. I was photographing the original Carnegie Library, the very first one. And it was, you know, quite an amazing experience for me. The interior Carnegie had produced was quite magnificent, and it had a swimming pool and a basketball court and, you know, as well as all the books. And then I went outside to photograph the exterior. And the entire project I did with a large-format 4-by-5 camera, so it's - I have to be under a dark cloth to focus the camera.","And the - at one point, while I was focusing, a hand reached in and tried to grab the camera. And I pushed it away and came out from under the dark cloth and was punched very strongly in the jaw. This man had thought I had photographed him. You know, he obviously was out of his mind. He had - who knows what his problem was - but the homeless population is something that librarians have to deal with in the libraries. It's not something they're necessarily trained to do. It's just an added thing. And I - you can't blame the libraries. It's - where do people go if they're on the streets?","The Northeastern Nevada Regional Bookmobile, as the name implies, that's a library on wheels."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Is the Northeastern Nevada Regional Bookmobile a library service that provides books to people in remote areas?","questions":"How would you describe the service provided by Northeastern Nevada Regional Bookmobile?","answer":"Case"} {"text":["Sure. So back in 1986, we were releasing a little over 300,000 cubic feet per second. And I know that's a number that's tough to sort of comprehend. So I think the best way it was explained to me - and this is - I kind of like this analogy - is picture 300,000 basketballs going through the dam every second. And so back then, it was 307,000 basketballs, if you will. And now we're doing 275,000.","So - but you're right. We've had this load on the levees for four or five days now, so it's a much longer exposure. And back in 1986, they did experience a breach of the levee at one particular point that was quickly responded to in - through great teamwork with the Corps and the local levee and first responders. So I wouldn't say that there's any threat or any imminent threat to a breach. You know, we're on the spot 24 hours a day, trying to look for indicators. And when we see them, we're, you know, responding almost immediately.","And to be clear, before I let you go, right now, your assessment is that you're not expecting a breach of the levee or of the dam.","That's absolutely correct. We see - you know, I've got just an amazing group of professional engineers out there every day working with the local community, and we see nothing that would lead us to believe that a breach is imminent, either of the levees or of our own infrastructure."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The water flow was really high in 1986, but it's lower now.","questions":"What was the number of basketballs going through the dam every second in 1986?","answer":"300,000"} {"text":["Well, tell us first, let's go back. How did you find out about this because I know they try and keep this very secret?How did you find out you had been awarded the MacArthur Grant?","I kind of got punked a little bit. I mean, it's the best way to get punked you could imagine, but they called me into the offices, I was going to be in Chicago for an event, and they basically called me in more or less under the pretense that they wanted me to talk about some candidates that I was recommending.","So of course I kind of scampered in to sort of support the folks that I was hoping would get it, and they just sort of surprised me with this, you know, this incredible gift and just, you know, it kind of just blew my brains open.","So they really did manage to keep it a secret?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : A was surprised to receive the MacArthur Grant.","questions":"How was PersonA's reaction to receiving the MacArthur Grant?","answer":"Hair"} {"text":["And in talking to Smith, he's really thought a lot about what - why we have such a strong reaction to looking at embryos, and he's found this firsthand. I mean, and he gets emails all the time and sort of unpacks these questions, like, you know, is it - when you look at these pictures, does it strike you as more human or less human than you would have imagined, he asks. This is what he asked audience when he shows them. What is your experience with seeing these pictures in the past?You know, he said imagine 300 or 400 years ago, would - how would people imagine what an embryo is?This is a technologically. . .","Yeah. Yeah.",". . . mediated experience.","And not only that, he's taken the technology faster - further, as you show. He's done MRIs, right?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Although the literal meaning of this turn is simply an acknowledgement or agreement, the implied meaning behind it is that the speaker may not be fully engaged or interested in the conversation. It could be interpreted as a way of signaling disinterest or a desire to move on to a different topic.","questions":"What is the implied meaning behind the turn mentioned in the statement?","answer":"Impatience"} {"text":["Oh, she did, and in such an interesting time. In the '70s, even before Betty Ford had famously stepped forward and talked about her struggles, Joan was convening people who were early thinkers in how to treat people differently. You know, AA had been around, of course, for decades. But there was a movement in the '70s to get people to look at the whole person with alcoholism. And Joan was really passionate about getting the word out.","Yeah. With Ray's death, Joan Kroc became one of the principal philanthropists in America. And she really took that responsibility seriously, didn't she?","She lived large, and she gave large. She felt this almost-burden with the money that she had. And saying she hit the lotto isn't really fair. But - she had this money at her disposal, and she felt obligated to use it in a constructive way. But that's not to say she was ascetic or like a monk. She lived very, very lavishly as well.","Yeah, she'd drip with jewels. She went to nice places. She. . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Joan was a pioneer in the treatment of alcoholism and was passionate about spreading awareness of the issue.","questions":"How was Joan involved in the treatment of alcoholism?","answer":"Convening"} {"text":["Pleasure to be here.","How was your lab affected by this?","Well, pretty severely. We lost the great majority of our mice. And I guess probably the clearest way I can put it is to say mice are very - are quite literally our partners in discovery. We really rely on them to inform us on pretty much every aspect of what we learn about how the brain functions.","I mean, I was trying to think about this, too, how - what the right analogy is. I mean, you don't - they're encoding data, as well, right?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : mice play a crucial role in the scientific research conducted by the speaker.","questions":"Which animal plays an important role in the PersonA's scientific research?","answer":"Mice"} {"text":["Now, there are a handful of things we know about the narrator of your book, Alice Hare. She's a philosophy graduate. She's adopted. She has complicated relationships with her adoptive and her birth relations. And she is obsessed with a slightly older woman, a Japanese writer called Mizuko Himura. So could you sort of pick it up from there?","I think you're totally right in saying that she is completely obsessed with this older woman. And I think part of the reason why that happens is because her own story is very dim. And in place of any sort of certainty about who she is or where she comes from or what her own origin story might be, she starts to fixate on this woman who, for her, is this mixture of some parallels that she perceives between them, but equally quite a lot, I think, of wishful thinking and this sort of imaginary bond she assumes them to share.","Now, Alice's relationship to Mizuko in real life is a creation, right?I mean, she's done all this research. She's googled all over the place.","(Laughter)."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : implies that Alice's own story is uncertain and she is looking for a connection that she wishes to share with Mizuko.","questions":"Which woman is Alice obsessed with?","answer":"Mizuko"} {"text":["The banks can bring in their junky securities and swap them for cash or treasury bills. And that, on top of interest rate cuts, Bernanke thought would be enough to keep the financial system working until it healed itself. The strategy at the Fed was known as the finger in the dike strategy, keep the water out and eventually things will recover.","But obviously, you know things didn't work out like that. And in the spring, we had the great Bear Stearns crisis, and the Fed was forced to intervene to prevent them going bankrupt. Then, we had another few months where it seemed like things had stabilized, but this thing's like a disease. It goes away for a while, and then, you know, it comes back in a more virulent form.","In September, after the collapse of Lehman Brothers, you know, all hell broke out, basically. And since then, we've had a sort of slow motion collapse of the financial system.","Now, this entire crisis has really tarnished Alan Greenspan's legacy, and he even admitted that his basic economic philosophy is now changed. What about Ben Bernanke?Does he deserve the same criticism?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The collapse of Lehman Brothers caused chaos and accelerated the failure of the financial system.","questions":"Which event led to the acceleration of the financial system's failure?","answer":"Lehman"} {"text":["Four-fifty a month, sorry, I think I missed it. But that would translate to, like, 15 hours a day.","Yeah, yeah.","You're saying yeah, like it's no big deal. I mean, but where does - what drives you?That seems like a lot of time.","It is a lot of time, but, I mean, at the end of the day, why does anyone do anything?It makes me feel alive, and it makes me feel excited about the world, I guess.","There's no ads on Brainpickings, either. Why did you make that decision?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 4 : The narrator said there's no ads as in interruptions from A's mind. He wants an explanation to why he took the job.","questions":"Which decision did PersonB ask PersonA to explain?","answer":"Ads"} {"text":["Yeah. This is really kind of a year of reckoning for Big Pharma. Insys Therapeutics, Purdue Pharma, Teva Pharmaceuticals - they've agreed to pay more than half a billion dollars between them to state and federal agencies. And these shockwaves just keep rolling through the drug industry. In May, seven Insys executives were found guilty on racketeering charges. That company later declared bankruptcy. Purdue Pharma, another big player - they've talked openly about filing for Chapter 11. And Johnson & Johnson, a really big name-brand company - they're in court right now in Oklahoma. That state's attorney general is demanding $17 billion in compensation. And this is really the kind of opioid-related legal chaos that Reckitt Benckiser is hoping to leave behind.","Now that Reckitt Benckiser has made this deal, are they cleared from future litigation?","Well, they're not. And this is one thing that the industry is afraid of - that they'll make these big payouts and still face lingering liability. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports more than 200,000 Americans have died from prescription opioid overdoses. A lot of communities have been very hard-hit, so there are a lot of potential lawsuits out there. Reckitt Benckiser is still being sued right now by dozens of states. Their attorneys general have filed those suits. Some of those states may choose to take part in this federal settlement, but others could keep fighting in court. And that could mean a push for separate settlements.","That's North Country Public Radio's Brian Mann. He covers opioid litigation for NPR."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : big name implies being very successful and wealthy ","questions":"Which company is facing $17 billion in compensation in Oklahoma?","answer":"Johnson&johnson"} {"text":["When a friend of mine pointed out that her daughter was being targeted by boys at school using a lot of these kinds of memes and words that they were learning from these extremists, I was devastated. And she told me her daughter was getting images of guns in her direct messages and, you're a feminazi and feminazis are - should be eliminated from this Earth. And to a 13-year-old girl, it's really scary.","As a writer, have you figured out why some people find this stuff appealing?","Yeah. I think there's a vulnerable group of boys, and even men, in society that - and I don't know who the forces are online. I don't know if it's malevolent media or just vloggers that want more views, but they've learned that they can target these men and boys. With men, I learned it's a lot of men who are male survivors of sexual assault or men who've been disenfranchised from their economic opportunities, divorced men. These communities target those men and their willingness to believe that society is out to get white men, their willingness to believe that women are all money-grabbing social climbers.","And with boys, I do think neurodivergent boys are being targeted, kids who may have learning difficulties, kids who have - are on the autism spectrum. But it's not just those boys. I think at this age, they're trying to figure out where they fit. They're insecure. They feel like girls have it all. Girls are happy and pretty, and white men are the enemies. And so these right-wing groups are tapping into that shame and feeding it to try and propagandize to them."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The only thing that women wants is money and status in society.","questions":"How are right-wing groups tapping into the shame of insecure boys?","answer":"Shame"} {"text":["Yeah. And is the money - is it as big as drug money, for example?","Much more. I mean, I made drug trafficking for years. But here, we are talking about money that there's no comparison with drugs. Just to give you an idea for two reasons. First of all because these are money that's collected in advance and without risk. It's a typical business without risk because when you put 500 people in a boat, like, 20-meters long and 4-meters large and cost a few thousand euros, you get something like 1 million euros, 800,000 euros for each boat with a cost that is very, very low. And you don't risk anything because basically, you don't care if the human good - the good that you are. . .","Yeah.",". . . Trafficking arrives or not. It's not the same with drugs because is if a load of a drug is lost, of course, there is a real problem. Somebody must pay it. If 100 people died in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea but they pay in advance, there is not any kind of problem for them."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) is implying that the money made in human trafficking is much greater than the money made in drug trafficking due to the low cost and lack of risk involved. ","questions":"What kind of risk is involved in human trafficking compared to drug trafficking?","answer":"Low"} {"text":["There is a level of acceptance for some. So one young woman I met joined the all-women's force after being brutalized by her husband, who was part of ISIS. On the other hand, the women who were foreigners and even the real hardcore last holdouts in the fight against ISIS who are in this town of Baghuz, which had basically an apocalyptic end. They ran out of food. They ran out of water.","And what you see now from the women who were part of that is that all of the crimes of ISIS - you know, enslaving girls, raping women, beheading people on the streets, the hangings - that was not enough really to make them lose confidence in the head of ISIS. But the fact that children whose families belong to ISIS starved to death while leaders had food, that is what's making people very disappointed, very disillusioned, especially the women I've talked to.","Are there people who still support the caliphate despite all that they went through?","Absolutely there are. And in fact, one woman from Egypt I met has four daughters. She was talking about how all they want is to go home, to go back to Egypt, to go back to the parks, to go see relatives. And she said to me, you know, I don't believe in Baghdadi. But I still believe in the caliphate."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : ISIS crimes did not make some women lose confidence","questions":"How did the women react to the crimes of ISIS?","answer":"infinite"} {"text":["As someone who has worked for so many years to promote human rights in Afghanistan, do you feel this in your gut?Are you optimistic that this peace can hold?","I yet do not trust the promises the Taliban make. I'm worried about my little girls, two of them, and their future. But also, I'm optimist about the fact that Afghanistan is a different country.","You think Afghanistan is a place where your two daughters can have a happy, successful life.","As a nation who have suffered for a large number of years, our country and our people deserve peace and stability and to move on. However, this is the time that we make a commitment that we would fight for the rights of our people, including the right of my two little girls. And that's why my focus is to make sure that the peace process is not rushed; we take enough time to develop the details of a peace agreement that ensures and guarantees the freedom that I want for my daughters."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The speaker's emotions and thoughts are being explored in order to gauge their optimism and trust in the peace process.","questions":"Which detail of the peace agreement does the speaker want to ensure to guarantee the freedom for their daughters?","answer":"Freedom"} {"text":["That's Odysseas Papadimitriou, CEO of the personal finance website WalletHub. We've heard about credit card debt being a problem for middle and working classes before, but it's now become an issue for the upper-middle class. Papadimitriou says they're in the sweet spot for this type of easy lending.","It is the consumer group that wants to take on some additional debt and also has the income and the assets to justify so.","On top of that, recent numbers show that people approaching retirement age are also accruing larger amounts of credit card debt.","You know, they're away from retirement enough years to feel like, I will make up for it later on. Let me go and make this purchase. And then they end up later on in retirement with credit card debt."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The sweet spot means they are in a good situation financially to lend to others.","questions":"How does Papadimitriou describe the financial situation of the group that is in the sweet spot for easy lending?","answer":"Good"} {"text":["Immigrants from so many impoverished and deadly places made America rich in all ways. They built America's great cities and industries, factories and schools. They made the American dream come alive in the world. As Margaret Thatcher observed from across the ocean, Europe was created by history. America was created by philosophy. The immigrants who arrive today from Haiti, El Salvador, Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Ghana and a hundred other places keep that dream going with their own lives.","The president's choice of language demands attention and has been denounced around the world, including by members of his own political party. But remove that one ugly sensational word from his remarks and what remains might be no less profane. When you slur and insult people from countries who have helped make America, America is smeared, too.","(Singing) If I go away, I want you to pray not for me, for the souls who have gone away before.","Leyla McCalla singing \"A Day For The Hunter, A Day For The Prey. \""],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (4) The meaning of this phrase is to recognize the artist and the song being sung, not to describe a day for hunting and catching prey","questions":"How does turn 3 clarify the intention behind the phrase \"PersonA Day For The Hunter, PersonA Day For The Prey\"?","answer":"Recognize"} {"text":["John, you've been explaining to us how the ripple effects of Wall Street are hitting the average American, and now we have some questions for you from a few of our listeners. You ready?","Great, Tony, yes.","Here's the first one. Renee Mack Jones(ph) of Atlanta, Georgia, asks this question. I keep hearing people say that this 700 billion dollars in government rescue money is absolutely necessary, and if the government didn't step in and do something, there would have been a global financial meltdown. But there must be some negative side effects to this historically expensive bailout. What are they, and where are the hundreds of billions of dollars coming from when there is such a large deficit already?","Sure. Well, there are two main drawbacks. One is basically the principle that if you bail these folks out, really you're just encouraging them, they need to be punished for their transgressions, and that some feel that what has happened so far really makes them feel that they haven't been spanked hard enough, that they need really some more pain to avoid such problems in the past."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The bailout is not punishment enough for the people responsible for the financial crisis.","questions":"What is the principle that some people feel the bailout is not fulfilling?","answer":"Encouragement"} {"text":["Good to be here, Ira.","So tell us about your change of mind and heart about this issue.","Well, if you had asked me a year ago, I might have said I didn't know whether there was global warming at all. But we had begun a major study, scientific reinvestigation. We were addressing what I consider to be legitimate criticisms of many of the skeptics.","But about nine months ago, we reached a conclusion that global warming was indeed taking place, that all of the effects that the skeptics raised could be addressed, and to my surprise, actually, the global warming was approximately what people had previously said."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The conclusion that global warming was taking place was surprising to A and matched previous predictions.","questions":"Which conclusion surprised A?","answer":"Conclusion"} {"text":["Yes. It makes them incredibly vulnerable. I mean, being an adolescent makes you vulnerable, but being an adolescent on a mission makes you even more so because they have an idea of a life that has not yet been proven to them. And they're willing to risk everything. Their relationships with their families, their futures, their opportunities that they have not yet seen themselves in for an idea that is a romantic notion.","And teenagers have been doing this since the beginning of time. Romeo and Juliet did it. And that myth, you know, writ large over multiple cultures - teenagers are constantly throwing all their eggs in a single basket and hoping for the best. And if anything, I wanted to capture the beauty of the spirit that goes towards this and the ways in which this can disappoint.","Laleh Khadivi, her novel \"A Good Country. \"Thanks so much for being with us.","Thank you for having me."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Literal meaning: The speaker expresses gratitude to Laleh Khadivi for being present in the conversation to discuss her novel \"A Good Country.\"","questions":"Which novel does Laleh Khadivi discuss in the conversation?","answer":"Good-Country"} {"text":["We're not paid a huge salary by a league at all. Instead, our income comes almost exclusively from sponsorship deals with inked apparel companies, like Nike and ASICS, that keeps them bound for three to five years. And we don't get rich.","No, point taken. Well, when you decided to have a baby, like, what happened?I mean, did you tell your contact at Nike?Did your agent speak to them?Like, what happened?","Back in 2012, I just finished the Olympic year. And I finished fifth at the Olympics. I noted hey, you know, you guys, it's - I'm looking at my contract here, and there aren't any protections in place. And they would not provide me with what would happen to me. That led us to kind of seeking out other options. ASICS came into play and kind of stated the same thing. Hey, I plan on expanding my family. ASICS at the time had said, we appreciate full athletes. Come over here. And so I did. I finished a year with them in which I finished with a bronze medal at world championships.","And so in that off-year, I'd hoped that we would conceive and be able to have our daughter and return to the sport. And I did conceive. I did have my daughter. And my daughter was two months old. And I got a phone call that said, I want to talk about your contracts in regard to your performance this year - which means - you mean the year that I've been with child?And then I was - my payment was reduced."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Despite being a professional athlete, their income comes from sponsorship deals.","questions":"What is the source of their income?","answer":"sponsorships"} {"text":["What happened with Dr. Strauss was upsetting. It was one night in your life. How has it stayed with you over the years?What's it done to your life since then?","So that building was fairly close to campus. And so for the next probably three, four or five years, you know, I went by that building a lot. It was hard to relive what's going in there. Again, you just kind of bottle it up and put it away. I'm, you know, upset with Ohio State. But I'm upset with Strauss, but he's dead. So I'm even more upset that Ohio State, a large institution that I have significant ties to and that I - you know, I met my wife there, asked her to marry me, have lots of friends from there. I've donated my time, donated money. And now I'm finding out that they failed me.","When the box opened back up on Memorial Day, I've had trouble sleeping at night. I sometimes wake up the middle of the night and see him standing over me doing what he's doing. And I still - there's one picture of him on the - a local TV station and Columbus' website - a color picture that I can't look at. If I see it, I just get sick to my stomach. So the box has been opened back up now, and it's been a struggle.","What would you like the university to do at this point in your life?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Bob feels betrayed by Ohio State for failing him despite his significant ties to the institution.","questions":"How does Bob feel about Ohio State's treatment of him?","answer":"upset"} {"text":["Well, for me it's almost anything that I'm sent and asked to click on in which somebody else is supposedly really embarrassing themselves. And I'm supposed to find this funny. I'm supposed to enjoy the spectacle. But it's just a physical response that I can't, you know. I clench sort of every muscle in my body and I can barely bring myself to watch it and then end up pressing stop. So, you know, examples would be the recording that was around this week of an employee of a cable company attempting to make a departing customer stay using all sorts of extraordinary arguments, I'm told. I'm told it was very embarrassing for the cable company employee. But I don't know because I can't bring myself to listen to it.","The guy who proposed marriage to a woman at the ballpark - you know about this one?","Oh, this is going to be a wedding proposal that is rejected in public, I think?","Yeah, that's it."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : the speaker is not actually making a statement about a specific rejected wedding proposal, but rather anticipating that the example provided by the other speaker will involve a public wedding proposal that is rejected.","questions":"Which kind of proposal is the speaker anticipating in turn 2?","answer":"Wedding"} {"text":["(Laughing) You would think, but its this weird sort of a - the more I get to know them, the more they become different objects with such different ingredients that I love them more with each passing day.","(Laughing) So I have a burrito specimen here with me in the studio. And I'm going to unwrap. . .","Is it in wax paper or tinfoil?","It is in both tinfoil and wax paper."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The implied meaning is that the more A learns about the people they are close to, the more they appreciate them and form a stronger bond.","questions":"Which object becomes more appreciated by PersonA with each passing day?","answer":"Objects"} {"text":["And how long ago was this?","This was in the beginning of 2007.","And then, what happened with these new terms of your loan?","Well, I was pretty upset about my son and real focused on that and sort of trusted a friend of a friend. And the new terms, I didn't find out until much later, were very bad. I have a balloon payment after five years. I paid 20,000 to get into the loan. I have to pay 20,000 to get out of the loan, and my payments are 1,625 a month."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The new terms of the loan are unfavorable.","questions":"What was the outcome of the new terms of the loan?","answer":"Unfavorable"} {"text":["Help us understand. Just how good were the Lightning before this collapse?","Oh, quite good. They had 62 wins in the regular season. That tied the all-time NHL record for wins in a season. This was a team that was doing historic things in the regular season. Consider this. Thirty of their 62 victories were by three goals or more. So every time they stepped on the ice, they weren't just winning. They were blowing away their opponents.","So it's safe to say any sane hockey analyst (laughter) basically would have said that the Lightning was going to win the series, right?So what happened?","(Laughter) Well, I think Lightning defenseman Ryan McDonagh put it best. Everything that they did so well in the regular season, the Columbus Blue Jackets did it better in this series. But the bigger picture is this for the Lightning. They clinched a playoff spot in early March. They've been on cruise control for months. The Columbus Blue Jackets had to win seven of their last eight games just to get into the playoffs. So when push came to shove and adversity hit in the series, the Lightning had a bad six days compared to a great 82 games in the regular season, and then they were swept."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"collapse\" in line 1 - The word \"collapse\" is being used metaphorically here to refer to the unexpected defeat of the Tampa Bay Lightning in the NHL playoffs, rather than a literal collapse.","questions":"What was the Tampa Bay Lightning's regular season win record according to PersonA in line 1?","answer":"62"} {"text":["So we shall see.","But I have learned a new phrase - brass-necked. Our own brass-necked Melissa Block is covering the World Cup.","(Laughter) I'm not sure if that's a compliment, Steve. But thanks.","I don't know. If it means tough, if it means on top of things, it is you, Melissa. Own it."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Melissa Block is brave or daring. (referring to the phrase 'brass-necked')","questions":"What is Melissa Block's quality according to Steve's new phrase?","answer":"Brave"} {"text":["And you know, we still have, you know, we have horse farms. We have a couple of dairy farms left. In fact there's one dairy farm, the Ferris Acres Creamery, which people come from miles around it to have their ice cream. It's - they make it there. And you know, and we have hunters. And we have a couple of game, you know, hunting preserves around town. We still are in touch with that part of our tradition.","And does everybody's kids - do everybody's kids go to that particular elementary school?","No. We have, I believe, four elementary schools that feed into an intermediate school. So we have the Sandy Hook Elementary School. We have Hawley School, Middle Gate School, and the Head O'Meadow School. And my children went to the Head O'Meadow School, where I actually was in the graduating class when it first - when we first built that building in 1977. I still remember, I think, we buried some \"Star Wars\" paraphernalia in the front yard.","A time capsule."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The town still has a strong connection to its agricultural and hunting heritage.","questions":"How is the town connected to its heritage?","answer":"Heritage"} {"text":["What we've looked at in Britain is the idea of looking at the model we have for regulating broadcasting where broadcasters hold licenses. There's an independent regulatory body that oversees those licenses. And they get to judge in the round, do they have effective policies in place to make sure that they are producing good quality content?They respond to complaints properly. And if they're found not to be upholding the terms of their license, then the regulator can take action against them.","Mr. Collins, we need to ask you this week - you are a member of the Conservative Party - how will you vote on Prime Minister May's proposal to leave the EU?","I won't be supporting the prime minister's proposal when we vote on it on Tuesday. In leaving the European Union, the idea's that we would take more control of the direction of the country. And there are some technical aspects of the deal which potentially lock us into a trading (ph) relationship with the rest of Europe that we'd have no right to break and that I think suits the rest of the EU. And so I won't be supporting the deal on Tuesday, and I'd like the prime minister to go back to Europe.","Damian Collins, chairman of the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee of the British House of Commons, thanks so much for being with us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Broadcasters need to produce good quality content or face action","questions":"Which aspect of broadcasting is regulated by an independent body in Britain?","answer":"Content"} {"text":["They asked me to consider that, you know, almost without exception, these are young people in federal facilities who are separated from their families. They're in a strange place. They're dealing with stress and uncertainty every day. They fled poverty. They fled possibly violence in their home countries. And so they desperately need the semblance of a daily routine.","And analogously, if you look at studies done in hospital settings with chronically ill children, when they have access to play, they do better. They heal faster. They have lower levels of stress. And similarly, after natural disasters like Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Katrina, there started to be interest in the therapeutic benefits of play access.","A very simple thing that Dr. Cantor told me is that when your brain is being bombarded with stress hormones every day, you actually need to move your body even more than usual so you can get oxygen to your brain. And this oxygenation - it helps buffer potentially long-term damage.","Just in our last 30 seconds, what does the law say here?Could there be legal challenges?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Separated young people in federal facilities desperately need a daily routine.","questions":"Which group of people are in federal facilities?","answer":"B"} {"text":["Well, I would say that he is a guy that tends to see silver linings in dark clouds. And, you know, this is a man that, in private business, had 10,000 lawsuits over his career, so I think he has a unique ability to sort of quarantine in his mind the impact some of these things have.","And what's the risk in that?","Well, I think the implications, again, is that it's not just about Zelenskiy. It's not about the Ukraine. It's not about Rudy. It's - the can has been opened. Now we have to see if there's good soup inside or worms, right?They're going to be looking for stuff - the House Democrats - that are not going to be very glowing and positive about the president. So if we think these revelations are not good - and now they might get an expedited subpoena power with the impeachment process under way. It's not good.","Does the seriousness of this cast a shadow on the White House?Are they concerned about what, for instance, is going to be coming out today?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : He is a guy that sees positive outcomes in times of trouble. He has the ability to not think about the impact some lawsuits have.","questions":"Which lawsuits?","answer":"Career"} {"text":[". . . Does her story intersect with KBR Halliburton's?","I mean, you know, there was a group of human rights lawyers here in the United States who heard about this case, who read my work more than a decade ago. And three very idealistic young human rights lawyers, one of them had been a Peace Corps volunteer in Nepal. And, you know, they took up this case. This was really the dawn of the era of modern-day slavery and international human trafficking. And the U. S. government had fueled it with our own tax dollars.","What were these human rights lawyers trying to prove against KBR?","Well, they were trying to prove their culpability. First, they just needed to prove that these men were in KBR supply chain in order to get U. S. government compensation for them, which took two years. And the key witness, you know, they needed the families. They represented the families, then, in a human trafficking civil action that they brought, hoping to end this practice in the U. S. military and also hoping to get some justice for the - for Kamala and the other victims."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The human rights lawyers took up the case to end human trafficking and modern-day slavery.","questions":"What was the purpose of the case taken up by the human rights lawyers?","answer":"a"} {"text":["So Exclusive Brethren - tell us about who they are and what they believe in.","Well, they started out as the Plymouth Brethren in the 1830s, at a time when there were lots of small groups breaking away from the established church. And they set themselves up to live by the principles of the early Christian church and to worship together and not have priests. It was all very egalitarian. It was very pure.","And within a couple of decades, they started to split. And there was one group that split off from the main group because they thought the main group weren't being strict enough or separatist enough. My family began - I'm fourth-generation Exclusive Brethren. Then in the '60s, the 1960s, just before I was born, a new leader took over and decided that they still weren't strict enough.","(Laughter) Oh, wow."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"Oh, wow.\" - This turn's actual meaning is different from its literal meaning. In this context, it is used sarcastically to express disbelief or surprise.","questions":"How did PersonB react to PersonA's statement about the Exclusive Brethren?","answer":"Amused"} {"text":["When we say kids, how old are these kids?","We saw kids as young as 10 stealing cars. And the kids we spoke to that were older talked about getting involved around that age, around 10 or 11.","So once they get these cars, what do they do with them?","Well, so that's where the fact that they're juveniles really comes into play. When adults steal cars, it's often about, you know, sending them off to another continent or chopping them up for parts, making money.","When kids steal cars, they keep them on the streets. They're using them as toys. They're seeing how fast they can go - 160 miles per hour on the highway. They're driving the wrong way. They're chasing other friends in other stolen cars. In at least one case, we saw stolen cars used in a drive-by shooting."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 4 : A: \"When kids steal cars, they keep them on the streets. They're using them as toys. They're seeing how fast they can go - 160 miles per hour on the highway. They're driving the wrong way. They're chasing other friends in other stolen cars. In at least one case, we saw stolen cars used in a drive-by shooting.\" - The literal meaning is that children who steal cars use them for joyriding and dangerous stunts. The actual meaning is that the behavior of juvenile car thieves is reckless and poses a threat to public safety.","questions":"How do juvenile car thieves use stolen cars?","answer":"Joyriding"} {"text":["So a country that was bought by the United States 100 years ago - you're celebrating the centennial this year, and there are still so many other islands that are essentially controlled by European countries, as well - like the Netherlands, France and Britain - that were impacted by Irma. And we've seen a pattern in the response. How has the United States talked about it in your view?","The United States has talked about us as if we are effectively a colony, which is that we are secondary. We are perhaps secondary types of Americans. Now, we do carry American passports in the Virgin Islands, but we don't have federal representation.","We cannot vote for president for example. Our congresswoman, who - we vote for her - she cannot vote in Congress. So we really have no say. But I also think that this has to do with just the way that we are thought of in the national imagination as a place for a vacation and respite. And it's a beautiful place. The Virgin Islands is as beautiful as everybody says.","It is a gorgeous, pristine, absolutely divine place. However, it's a place where human beings also live. So, you know, when Americans travel to Europe, for example, they know that they're traveling to Europe to engage with the cultural history. When people travel to the Caribbean, they are often traveling to avoid the human beings and to just engage in the beauty of the space.","So they're in resorts. They're lying in the sun. They're drinking tropical, rum-infused drinks, but they're not necessarily there for the culture or to talk to the people who live there?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Tourists in the Caribbean often prioritize leisure over cultural experiences.","questions":"What do tourists in the Caribbean prioritize over cultural experiences?","answer":"avoid"} {"text":["Yeah, we're looking at how people make movies through a microscope. And I hadn't really thought about this much before this week, but there's a sort of long history of this, and there have been a few real pioneers of this field. And one of them is a guy, a photographer called Roman Vishniac.","And you may know this name because he's famous for sort of a very different kind of photography. He took portraits. He has a picture of Einstein that's pretty famous. And he is famous for documenting Jews in Eastern Europe for World War II.","But it turns out that he also was this huge science buff, and he made these educational movies funded by NSF and others for classroom use, and a lot of them featured his micro-movies, these movies that he did in his New York apartment through the microscope with, you know, pond scum that he collected I don't know where, my guess would be Central Park, just looking at some of the footage.","Right, and so then he trained - this moviemaker trained his camera into the lens of the microscope."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Roman Vishniac was a multifaceted artist who had interests in various fields.","questions":"Which artist?","answer":"Roman-Vishniac"} {"text":["This is News & Notes. I'm Tony Cox. Pink slips seem to be raining down in just about every sector and every Zip code. But are there any bright spots out there?The temporary job market may provide an answer. We're joined now by Steve Drexel. He is a labor economist and a 23-year veteran of the staffing industry. He's also a member of the Business Research Advisory Council of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Steve, welcome to News & Notes.","Thanks, it's nice to be here.","You've been following temporary staffing trends for more than two decades now. What sectors are relatively insulated from layoffs?","Well, the sectors that are most resilient are the higher-skill sectors, or if you can get into industries that are involved in education or health care or government. Those are the areas where you get the most bang. We're also seeing a nice increase in the mortgage-processing area, because one of the things the government's doing is lowering the conforming rate for mortgages. And so, there's kind of a rush to refinance."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"What sectors are relatively insulated from layoffs?\" - This turn uses the word \"insulated\" figuratively to mean protected or shielded from something.","questions":"What is the word used figuratively in turn 2 to mean protected or shielded from something?","answer":"Insulated"} {"text":["That was the timeline that the president laid out today.","That's correct. Yeah. So it's a pretty tight time schedule in which they'll need to do a lot of development. I mean, there's nothing there. The area where they're going to develop the city is a protected forest. But there is not much infrastructure, apart from one highway that runs through it. So everything needs to be developed from scratch, which is going to be a massive challenge.","That is Erik Meijaard of the environmental consulting firm Borneo Futures. Erik Meijaard, thanks for talking to us.","Thank you very much."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The development of the city will be very difficult due to the lack of infrastructure.","questions":"Which city needs to be developed from scratch?","answer":"City"} {"text":["There's lots of things, one that says who you are speak so loudly I can't hear what you say. Or St. Thomas Aquinas who said everywhere you go preach the gospel, but only sometimes use words. Or even Ghandi who said be the change you want to see in the world. I just want to live my values the best that I can, and if I want to be a leader I want to lead more by example than just my words. So our biggest issue is public safety so I'm very lucky to have some great detectives who are with me all the time, and you know they are going to be with me, and they are cops, let me take them out with me in the middle of the night into our streets where the residents, I think, want me to be.","Well, Mayor Booker so glad you could talk again. Thank you.","Thank you so much, all the best.","That was Cory Booker, elected Mayor of Newark, New Jersey in 2006."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Mayor Booker prioritizes actions over words as a leader.","questions":"Which quality does Mayor Booker prioritize as a leader?","answer":"Actions."} {"text":["Is this - does this - this explanation of how it works, does this offer you and other scientists an opportunity to study other materials or find out other ways things might work and become semiconductors?","Absolutely. I think the reason we were able to figure it out is because we have these very powerful probes like this very high-energy, very powerful X-ray source and these supercomputers where we were able to look at the atomic level of how the atoms are arranged and when they're arranged in a certain way why they exhibit this behavior.","And we can try and reproduce that in other materials and maybe even enhance it in design from the bottom up, new types of materials that have very strange properties.","And I think it's quite fascinating the tools that you use. One of the tools you used was an aerodynamic levitation furnace. It sounds like out of a science fiction movie."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : It's a high level concept but it's exaggeration to say that it's fictional.","questions":"How does PersonB describe the tool used by scientists?","answer":"Fascinating"} {"text":["It's a pleasure to be here. And I'm one of many people who are running the Dog Aging Project.","What do you folks hope to learn?","We're trying to create the largest long-term study of aging in dogs that anyone has ever done, with the goal of trying to understand how genes and environment determine healthy aging in dogs.","So it's not just that old rule of thumb that one year is seven years in a dog's life?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (4) - So it's not just that old rule of thumb that one year is seven years in a dog's life? - Implied Meaning: Is there more to aging in dogs than just a general estimate of one year to seven years?","questions":"Which estimate did PersonB mention as a general rule of thumb for aging in dogs?","answer":"Seven"} {"text":["We should note that USA Today, which when it was founded in 1982, said it would never endorse a candidate for president - didn't want to go to that kind of - didn't want to participate in that kind of politics - has not endorsed a candidate but has said, in some departure from their usual policy, Donald Trump is unfit to be president, so don't vote for him.","What's an editorial worth in this age of social media?","You know, we know that people don't read newspaper editorials by and large. And if they ever read one, it's usually something like this in the presidential season. But we know that people read about them and hear about them.","And that's where, in the age of social media, they may actually matter more because people are going to be talking about this wipeout, this refusal of people who, remember, historically, have almost always gone with Republicans, to go with Donald Trump.","OK, now Miss Universe. Did Hillary Clinton set a trap for Donald Trump, which he sprang on himself?","You know, this story could have gone away in 24 hours or 48 hours. It could have had some impact on Monday night and perhaps, then, just gone away. We've heard an awful lot of high impact stories come and go already in this campaign."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (4) And that's where, in the age of social media, they may actually matter more because people are talking about this wipeout","questions":"How do people react to the wipeout mentioned in turn 3?","answer":"Talking"} {"text":["So do you think this would leave us in a better or worse position after these talks?I mean, it's a question whether or not this will actually go anywhere.","Well, it's - I mean, there's always a possibility that you would have the division laid out and follow-up meetings that strengthen that effort, and it goes somewhere productive. And that's what we all hope for. We'd like to see a denuclearized Korean peninsula. But I suspect it will be more of a pronouncement in which the two countries express interest in that direction. And then the details will get bogged down.","Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon, thank you so much for speaking with us.","You're very welcome. Take care now."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The talks don't move, but the result of the talks could cause something to happen.","questions":"What could be the result of the talks?","answer":"Stimulus"} {"text":["(Reading) Never let them perceive that they can vex you or make you lose your self-command.","Too late.","Do you draw lesson from any of this, Mr. Cordell?","Yeah, I mean, one of the most interesting things to me here is the way that there are these common threads. We find a lot of sentimental stories that were widely circulated, things that are supposed to evoke emotions - usually some sadness, even. And this reminds me of many of the videos that we see of soldiers coming home from war or, you know, children who have been granted, you know, a wish - sick children in particular. And to see these threads back into the 19th century, for me this removes the idea of virality just from the platform of the Internet. You know, we often talk about the Internet enabling virality, but it seems clear to me that there's something much deeper about the kinds of things that we share and why we share them that extends prior to the technology we're working with today."],"speaker":["A","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Implied meaning: The speaker may be suggesting that there are some hidden or unknown factors that could influence the situation being discussed.","questions":"Which factor is the speaker possibly implying could influence the situation being discussed?","answer":"Factor"} {"text":["Both the trains slowed. I was standing there with my bag over my shoulder, ready to jump. It was windy. It was cold. It was kind of getting dark. And so they finally lined up the cars correctly, and I was told to run across the loose rocks and jump on to the other train.","The conductor on the other train pulled me on to that car. Once I was onboard, another conductor came through the car, and she said to me, don't get up when we get to Milwaukee. What I heard from her was don't get up, or I will kill you. I did not move the rest of the trip.","So I get to Saint Paul. I'm looking for my brother. He's late. So he gets there, and I ask him, why were you late?And he says, well, I checked the train schedule, and it said it was running behind. Oh, that was because of me.","A travel nightmare with a happy ending from Anne Fleury in Milwaukee. Send us your stories, please. Go to weekendeditionsaturday@npr. org. Click on contact. Put Travel Nightmare at the top of your message."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The situation was dire and I was desperate to get to my destination.","questions":"Which word describes the narrator's state of mind during the train journey?","answer":"Dire"} {"text":["Good.","They did have generators working, as did the airports. Now, officials are saying that this was a failure in the grid's interconnection system, which happened in the northeast, between two big installations there, and then triggered this unprecedented chain reaction. They don't think, by the way, that this was a cyberattack or any other kind of sabotage. But they don't exactly know what happened yet. They say it could be a couple of weeks before they do. We do know, though, that the grid and the infrastructure is not in good shape.","How are people responding to this odd Sunday?","Well, they're very angry, obviously. I mean, in Argentina, they're already facing really very hard times. Inflation there is among the highest in the world. The economy is - you know, they've got this boom-and-bust economy that's right now in such a mess that the government very controversially decided to sign on to this huge $56 billion IMF bailout. There are strikes and protests over President Mauricio Macri's austerity program, regularly."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : strike implies to stop work and not to hit, blow or delete something","questions":"Which word in the dialogue implies a work stoppage due to dissatisfaction?","answer":"Strikes"} {"text":["Well, first of all, you have to question your decision as to whether or not you're at the end of the road. You're in the road if somebody's hitting on you, no doubt about it, you're at the end of the road. But you have to really question, am I at the end of the road?Or am I just at the beginning of a road where I need help. You need to go to a marriage counselor to make sure that decision needs to be made.","In this current economic situation where houses have lost value, I mean, it's unique in that sense, sometimes, and that's usually the biggest asset that anybody has, that has, and there's been a study done on it recently, compelled people who would otherwise divorce to stay together. So once you have, made a decision that economically, it is not feasible, you have to make it emotionally reasonable, and you have to do something to address the emotional issues that you have because you simply cannot get out.","If you just had one sentence of advice for someone who really does think that they've reached the end of the road, but the other person in the relationship says no, we haven't. What would you say to that person?","Go to a marriage counselor. Go to a third party and work it because you don't know where it went wrong, probably."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Same \"road\" metaphor is repeated. End of the road means the marriage needs to end.","questions":"Which metaphor is repeated in the dialogue?","answer":"Metaphor"} {"text":["Abby Wambach was a major soccer star - two Olympic gold medals, the all-time highest goal score among women and men internationally, global recognition. But when Barnard College, the all-women's school in New York City, asked her to give its commencement address last year, she felt underqualified. So she poured her heart into her speech and decided to turn it into a rallying cry for women.","That hard work paid off. Her speech went viral, and she's now turned it into a book about leadership for people everywhere. It's called \"WOLFPACK: How To Come Together, Unleash Our Power, And Change The Game. \"Abby Wambach is with us from Colorado Public Radio to talk about some of the leadership lessons in her new book.","Abby, welcome to the show.","Wow. That was that was maybe the best introduction that I've gotten. . ."],"speaker":["B","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Abby Wambach appreciated the introduction she received on the show. Literal meaning: Abby Wambach thought that the introduction she received was very good. Implicated meaning: There is no implied meaning in this turn. The meaning is literal.","questions":"How did Abby Wambach feel about the introduction she received on the show?","answer":"Underqualified"} {"text":["Mm-hmm. This is SCIENCE FRIDAY from NPR, talking with Jennifer Linder. You say it's UVA and UVB, make sure you have that in the sun - both - protection from both kinds of ultraviolet.","That is correct. It's actually probably the most important thing for people to remember because you want to have broad-spectrum covered. The reason is you can think of the UVB rays as being the burning rays, and you can think of the UVA rays as being the aging rays, and that's because the UVB rays go into the epidermis, which is where the nucleus is for the keratinocytes, the ones that when the DNA is changed, actually it turns into skin cancer, versus the UVA rays are longer wavelengths. And they actually go - capable of going into the deeper dermis, which is where the collagen is. And when you break down collagen, that's how you age, and probably about 80 to 90 percent of aging is actually a result of sun exposure.","What about the SPF factor?Does SPF 30 protect you twice as much as, say, SPF 15 and half as much as 60?","Great question. So it's - actually the way that the studies are done it's a little bit confusing because an SPF of 15 protects you from 93 percent of UVB rays, and it's only UVBs that SPF actually tells you about. Now, an SPF of 30 is going to protect you from 97 percent of those UVB rays. And when you get up to 50, you're only protecting yourself from 98 percent. So you can notice it's partial percentage points differences. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The type of UV rays affects skin differently.","questions":"How do UVPersonB and UVPersonA rays affect the skin?","answer":"UVB,UVA"} {"text":["Well, first, it's going to sell a majority stake in its most prized asset, its investment-management division. The bank will also slash its stock dividends and sell off much of its mortgage business. You know, this announcement was triggered yesterday by the collapse of a possible deal with the Korea Development Bank that would have given Lehman some much needed capital. But Lehman's been struggling for awhile. Like Bear Stearns, it's been caught with a lot of bad mortgage debt and investors who've been frustrated that Lehman can't come up with the money to cover that debt. They've driven the bank's stock price down 80 percent this year.","So, this is a big concern on Wall Street and a big concern in the banking industry. What about consumers, should they be concerned as well?","Well, consumers will be feeling the bank's pain, most likely in the form of higher interest rates for credit cards and car loans and mortgages. I talked to Jane D'Arista at the Financial Market Center, and she pointed out that last weekend, when the government announced that it would back up Fannie and Freddie's debts, mortgage rates dropped almost right away.","Ms. JANE D'ARISTA (Director of Programs, Financial Market Center): We had that lively little bounce there in the mortgage market where the rates went down, and everybody is very hopeful that this will restart the process of making mortgages, therefore getting rid of inventory and therefore protecting the prices of the housing market. But Lehman may take that away."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The government's backing of Fannie and Freddie's debts lowered mortgage rates, but Lehman's struggles may reverse this progress.","questions":"Which bank's struggles may reverse the progress of lowered mortgage rates caused by the government's backing of Fannie and Freddie's debts?","answer":"Lehman"} {"text":["And there was \"Hip-Hop: Hot On The Runway,\" which was - HOT107. 9 had a fashion show with a lot of artists, yeah, at Compound, with Ray J. Whitney Huston showed up. This is the live music scene as of last night. But at that same last event, at Compound, someone got shot. And there was incredible security at all of these events.","You go in there and you have to pass two or three people. And you know, the crowd is not - you can't say it was all young kids at Compound or it was - you couldn't even point out who in the audience could have done that because it was a very mixed crowd, in a lot of ways in terms, of economic strata and that kind of thing.","And in the end of the night, as a matter of fact, I woke up the next morning and saw on the news that someone was shot there. The guy was in critical condition at this time. So, you know, it's rough, but the same time, those were great events, three events in one night. And that is not atypical in Atlanta, you know, on a given week.","You know, do you think it is affecting the scene?And certainly violence isn't limited to hip-hop clubs, and it isn't new, but does it affect the ability of the audiences to go out?Or are they just like, hey, this is part of what it is and I am willing to go out anyway?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : It's hard to determine who could have committed the shooting at Compound due to the diverse audience","questions":"What was the name of the event where someone got shot at Compound?","answer":"Compound"} {"text":["I am. I am. Otherwise I would've been scared to go fishing at the fishing places I was going to. Or I would've been scared to go hang out with my friends at the end of this road in the field, like, you know I'm saying?I didn't think - I didn't have to think about those things. I just got to be me and form my own opinions.","(Singing) See, I'm black. I'm not white, but I'm that. No. No. I'm this, right?I'm one drop of three-fifths, right?","Toward the end, you're questioning. You're like, wait, I'm this?No. I'm that?No. I'm one drop of three-fifths?And it struck me as unusual for you - an unusual way to deliver a song. Do you have questions about your identity?Are there things that, for you, are still not answered?","Well, to me, growing up, I was just an oddity no matter where I went. It was like - you feel me?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The speaker feels like an outsider wherever they go.","questions":"Which word describes how the speaker feels in different environments?","answer":"Outsider"} {"text":["One is from Vaclav Havel. He's a ex-Czech president. And basically, it says for kids to surround themselves by people who seek the truth and then run from the people who have claimed they have found it. That's one of the quotes.","I talk to the parents, and I said, you know, everything has got to be non-offensive. It has to be a, you know, definitely acceptable for high school students. It can't be anything that's controversial.","So how much money have you raised?","You know, right now, I've raised $350, but I've been receiving numerous offers in the past week."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Surround yourself with those seeking truth and avoid those who claim they have found it.","questions":"Which former Czech president's quote does PersonA mention in the dialogue?","answer":"Vaclav"} {"text":["But turning 70, that's got to be a bit of a shock.","No, it isn't. Really, I keep wondering what everybody's amazed about it. You know, I feel excited the same as I did when I was 37 and that has carried on pretty much the same all those years. I feel no difference at all. Somebody's told me, or I heard in the radio or something, someone said that Mark Twain said age is a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. So I just amble merrily forward. I don't care. I don't hide my age. I think hiding you age is a bit as sensible as acting(ph) your street number.","Well, acting, let's go to that for just a moment. I want to ask you about that Dustin Hoffman movie where. . .","That was a smooth maneuver."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Age is just a number and doesn't define how one feels","questions":"How does PersonA feel about turning 70?","answer":"Excited."} {"text":["Fort Dietrich, Maryland. What did he do there?","Yeah. This is a very secure area which is set up to do research on some of the most dangerous pathogens that are known to man, actually. They have what's called a biosafety level-four containment facility, maybe you've seen pictures of these guys in moon suits, where they deal with these, you know, highly deadly agents.","Bruce Ivins worked there, and his principal role, at least as far as I can tell from looking through the papers he's published - now, this is a very secret place, so you don't get a lot of information out of them - but his role there seems to have been to work on vaccines to protect against anthrax. In particular, he was trying to make a vaccine that would be more robust, that it might help the immune system fight off exposure to anthrax. Of course, the military is very interested in this, because they're worried about anthrax as a bioweapon.","Do we know anything more about why he originally came under suspicion?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Fort Dietrich is a high-security area for dangerous pathogen research.","questions":"What kind of pathogens are researched at Fort Dietrich?","answer":"Dangerous"} {"text":["Do the crime, do the time, that's the old line, right?But convicted perpetrators are still afforded basic human rights while serving out their debt to society. The Southern Center for Human Rights recently filed suit on behalf of a group of prisoners in Decatur, Alabama. The presiding judge describes the county jail as, quote, \"A Slave Ship. \"There, the sheriff is accused of starving his prisoners so he could pocket the profits off a lean kitchen budget. Joining us is Lisa Kung, the executive director of the Southern Center for Human Rights. Hi, Lisa.","Hi, how are you?","I'm good. So this case has just stunned people across the world. I couldn't believe it myself when I read about it. But I understand that there is a Depression-era law on the books that made this kind of profiteering legal. Tell us about the law and the details of the case.","Sure. That's right. Alabama has this arrangement where the state pays $1. 75 a day to the sheriffs - directly to the sheriffs for every person they have in his or her jail. Now, you and I know it's hard enough to come up with three meals a day for $1. 75, and what makes Alabama special is that it allows these sheriffs to take any of the money that they don't spend on food and put it straight into their own pocket."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : It is difficult to provide three meals a day with $1.75, and sheriffs can keep the leftover money for personal use","questions":"How much does Alabama pay the sheriffs per day for every person they have in jail?","answer":"$1.75"} {"text":["This is WEEKEND EDITION from NPR News. I'm Scott Simon. Hillary Clinton is drawing more attention right now for the foundation that bears her family's name than her run for president. Clinton Foundation is under scrutiny for contributions from foreign donors that were made while Mrs. Clinton was Secretary of State. During that time, a Canadian mining financier donated millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation. He also secured a lucrative mining deal that required approval of the State Department while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. Joshua Green of Bloomberg News joins us in our studios. Thanks very much for being with us.","Good to be with you.","These connections were first unearthed, to my knowledge, by Peter Schweizer, who wrote the book that's coming out next week, \"Clinton Cash. \"The New York Times has been advancing the story. You certainly have at Bloomberg News. Give us, if you could, a quick picture about what's known about the relationship between the Clinton's and this Canadian business person.","Well, Frank Giustra is his name. I interviewed him about a week or so ago. And he explained to me he met Bill Clinton at a fundraiser for tsunami victims. He was dazzled by him, was invited to become involved in his charities and has in a very big way - not only pledging or giving tens of millions of dollars but also pledging half the profits of his mining company in perpetuity to the Clinton Foundation. He landed on the board of the Clinton Foundation and actually started up the Canadian wing, something called the Clinton-Giustra Enterprise Partnership."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : to me he met Bill Clinton at a fundraiser for tsunami victims = imply that Giustra has a close relationship with Clinton and was invited to become involved in his charities.","questions":"What was the reason for Frank Giustra to become involved in Clinton's charities?","answer":"Tsunami"} {"text":["It is anything that is connected to the web. Dyn says that attacks against their data centers originated from tens of millions IP addresses associated with various web-connected devices, so things like closed-circuit TV cameras, DVRs, routers. And that's pretty new kind of denial of service attack. We've all been buying these new things, connecting them to Wi-Fi. Internet wonks will call this the internet of things. And, you know, experts have been warning that these things are never secure. And, well, this is the most visible example so far of what happens when hackers hijack a tremendous number of them.","Could this attack - could it have originated with a whole collection of gifted technologists or some guy sitting in his Jockey shorts in his studio apartment?","Like I said, we don't know who was behind it. But it was a very complex staged attack that co-opted lots and lots of devices in people's homes. The specific complexity of this issue was that the devices were around the world. And Dyn says that the final incident was finally completed and resolved. As of last night, they had kicked the hackers out of all of their data servers. But of course, now there's this renewed urgency to talk about what happens when we connect all these things through the Wi-Fi without giving much thought to their security.","And quickly, anything people can do to protect themselves?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : This is implying that the speaker is asking for advice or suggestions on how to protect oneself from such attacks in the future, rather than just a quick summary of the issue.","questions":"Which speaker is seeking advice on how to protect oneself from future attacks?","answer":"speaker"} {"text":["Yeah.","Even the CIA's, like, getting this information. I imagine it's like the details that are the stuff that really make it pop, right?So can you give us an example of some of the details that you get about the personal life and interests of the dignitaries he may meet?","Sure. So as you can imagine, politics is about relationships and personalities. And so every leader has their own lifestyle, their own favorite things to do, their own personal interests. And so we endeavor to find out what those are. So for example, I'll take a meeting that happened between President George W. Bush and Prime Minister Koizumi of Japan. Koizumi was a huge Elvis fan.","(Laughter).","And we learned that, and we knew that. And so the president decided, let's take Prime Minister Koizumi to Graceland. So they flew to Memphis. . .","Wow."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Knowing personal details about foreign dignitaries is important for diplomacy","questions":"What is an example of a personal interest that was discovered about Prime Minister Koizumi?","answer":"Elvis"} {"text":["I didn't think this was going to go so immediately to the sex life of plants. But, apparently, that's where we're headed. I mean, why, though, has modern fruit become as sugary as it has?","Well, one of the main dates to remember here is 1930, which is when the United States passes the Plant Patent Act. And from that point forward, the idea is we're trying to encourage farmers to actually manipulate those plants and to make them sweeter and to make them fatter and also to make them seedless, to take their sex away. In fact, what's happening is that when you actually take the sex drive of a plant away, when you take away its seeds, it actually puts more energy into getting fat and sweet.","When you read about how fruit has impacted these zoo animals, were you surprised?","No, not at all. I mean, as I say, for years now, we've been lobbying these natural varieties of almost everything about them except their sweetness. You look at a watermelon. There is no seedless watermelon that's full of just bright red, luscious fruit. There's nothing like that found in nature. The tomatoes you find in nature are tiny and tasteless. The apples you find in nature are - almost all of them are spitters. People don't realize that everything that we're seeing in the supermarket, they're like superstars. They're like supermodels and elite athletes like LeBron James. That's what we're looking - at the supermarket."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : the fruit isn't actual superstars; they aren like supermodels and elite athletes like LeBron James;","questions":"Which word describes the comparison made between fruit and supermodels\/athletes?","answer":"supermodels"} {"text":["It's so hard, yeah. . .","But - yeah.",". . . To not be recognized. I know this is one of the things that many people say, is not being recognized by their family members. It's just the worst feeling in the world.","Yeah. And in our case, it wasn't permanent. I mean, I can't imagine the feeling of people for whom this is a constant."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"the worst feeling in the world\" implies that not being recognized is the feeling that causes the most pain.","questions":"How would you describe the feeling of not being recognized according to turn 2?","answer":"Worst"} {"text":["And yeah. Like I said, the video can be used for good. And that's why I think the premise of body camera footage is good. But where problems emerge is when government officials and police officials push back against making that footage public because that's the whole reason. The reason is to bring transparency to police interactions. And if government officials push against that, it goes against the entire premise.","One of the very interesting points that you make in your book is that the federal government has investigated alternatives to lethal force and improving police-community relations for decades. I mean, you highlight a report that was commissioned by President Johnson, President Lyndon Johnson in 1967 in response to the Watts riots. And you said that it proposes really not so much an emphasis on technology but an emphasis on relationships, on communication and teaching police officers how to communicate better with the public, how to - it's more of like a - I don't know what word to use. Would you say humanistic approach?And. . .","Absolutely. That's a great word for it.","And that you say that there's - these kinds of - these techniques have never really been implemented because they were deemed to be too expensive. But you also point out that technology is expensive. The police departments spend a huge amount on these technologies that you say don't work. So what - my question to you is, why do you think these techniques have not gotten more traction?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The federal government has investigated alternatives to lethal force and improving police-community relations for decades, but these techniques have not gained enough traction.","questions":"How long has the federal government been investigating alternatives to lethal force and improving police-community relations?","answer":"Decades"} {"text":["Finally, the Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to vote next week on the Brett Kavanaugh nomination to the Supreme Court. There were grave charges this week that surfaced, alleging that Brett Kavanaugh committed a sexual assault during high school. What do we know about this?","According to The New Yorker, a woman who knew Kavanaugh in high school notified her congresswoman, and also Senator Dianne Feinstein, that at a party back in the early '80s, Kavanaugh had held her down and tried to force himself on her. Now Kavanaugh emphatically denies that, and Feinstein didn't bring this up during the confirmation hearings.","The White House suggests this is an eleventh-hour stalling tactic. And yesterday, Chuck Grassley, the Republican chairman of the Judiciary Committee, released a letter signed by 65 women who say they knew Kavanaugh in high school and testifying to his good character.","NPR's Scott Horsley, thanks so much."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Feinstein didn't bring up the sexual assault allegations during the confirmation hearings, possibly to use it as a stalling tactic.","questions":"Which senator possibly used the sexual assault allegations as a stalling tactic during the confirmation hearings?","answer":"Feinstein"} {"text":["It's surprising to me how many people believe that most suspects will invoke their right and remain silent when in fact they don't.","Gee, what's the psychology behind that, do you think?","The crooks think they're smarter than the cops. They've rehearsed their story and their alibi and they got to get it out. And they're hoping that if they waive their rights and speak to us they'll be able to baffle us and we'll leave them alone and walk away.","Can you recall a scene that you think really gets it right?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : In (4), the speaker asks if the other person can recall a scene that accurately portrays suspects' behavior when questioned by the police. The implied meaning is that the speaker is interested in finding examples of suspects speaking to the police despite having the right to remain silent, possibly to better understand the phenomenon.","questions":"What is the PersonA's interest in finding examples of suspects speaking to the police despite having the right to remain silent?","answer":"Decent"} {"text":["That may be the case, but - I don't have foresight in the future, that could very well be the case. But what we do know now is that there has been a precipitous decline in Harlem's black population. And that decline has taken place over the past two decades, and the main issue has been one of affordability as it is in other inner-city areas - inner-cities across the country. Harlem just mirrors that.","Let me return to one point that you made in terms of certain historical facts. About Harlem never having been a black community, or even built by blacks. Well I beg to differ with that. And Ms. Suggs really does not have a grasp on her history. We know from the 1600s that the Dutch arrived in Harlem with slaves who helped to build Harlem. That is from the 1600s because we know about the Harlem Reform Church of the 1600s. And just recently, because of the 125th Street rezoning - a major public policy issue that will change the physical landscape of Harlem - we have in one of the public-mandated environmental impact statement the acknowledgment of an African burial ground which is at 125th Street east of Second Avenue from the 1600s.","So blacks have always had a presence in Harlem. They built Harlem, and so their investment - the historical investment - of blacks in Harlem certainly did not begin with the great migration or the Harlem Renaissance. Blacks' presence in Harlem, their - the building of Harlem certainly precedes that and into the 1600s.","Here's my final question. I have less than a minute for your answer. When a neighborhood gentrifies and it becomes more mixed racially and class-wise, is this more about race or about class?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Harlem has always had a black presence, with blacks helping to build it since the 1600s.","questions":"What is the historical significance of blacks in Harlem?","answer":"Stimulus"} {"text":["Well, let's talk about kind of the overview. So the goal of the ACA was to help the 37 million uninsured out there. And, yes, uninsurance rates have gone down dramatically or at historic lows. But I think a lot of things were unforeseen.","And the way some of the regulations were implemented are actually harming rural America and not fulfilling the ultimate goals of the ACA. And what I mean by that is half of those 37 million - the goal was to expand Medicaid and get those folks into a Medicaid program. We know that a lot of states have taken the Supreme Court up on its option of opting out of Medicaid. That has predominantly hurt rural America.","In fact, if you're a rural state, if you're a poor state, more likely than not, you have not expanded Medicaid. So we're seeing millions of folks left behind at that. Our concern is that since the ACA was passed, we've had an escalation of rural hospitals close. We've had 80 rural hospitals close since 2010. If this rate continues, in less than 10 years' time, we're going to have 25 percent of rural hospitals close within less than a decade.","Do you have any concern about the Congress repealing the Affordable Care Act - what's called Obamacare - without a replacement?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The implied meaning of this turn is that the implementation of the ACA has not achieved its goals as intended, as evidenced by the fact that many states have opted out of Medicaid, leaving many people uninsured and leading to an increasing number of rural hospital closures.","questions":"What are the consequences of states opting out of Medicaid under the ACA?","answer":"Uninsured"} {"text":["Well, it's really interesting. The word exoneration came to mind, but that's not quite right. I mean, you care if people don't believe you, but it wasn't my job to make people believe me. It was just my job to survive this and push a movement forward. But what I saw - that disgusting document that - you know, her email outlining how they were going to terrorize me. It was just as if, yes, this is exactly what's been happening to me.","And, of course, Lisa Bloom jumps out at many people because she had a reputation as a civil rights lawyer who represented women who had been assaulted or harassed. And she described that work in this memo to Harvey Weinstein. She said, quote, \"I feel equipped to help you against the Roses of the world because I have represented so many of them,\" unquote. What do you make of that?","It's vile. It's just - it's kind of the mark of a psychopath, and it's so cold. And you know what?Yeah, the Roses of this world - we get pushed around. And we get hurt, and we get disbelieved. And to have a woman involved in it let alone a woman who purports to be all about protecting women and protecting people who get abused by power is - it's egregious. It's disgusting. It's despicable, but it's also fitting for I think who she really is.","Well, she says - she has said in subsequent statements several things. No. 1, she says she made a mistake. No. 2, she says she did not understand the scope of the allegations against him, including assaults."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Lisa Bloom's name and simply herself, is very noticeable and memorable to a great many people.","questions":"What was Lisa Bloom's reputation?","answer":"Civil"} {"text":["It has truly been a season of hurricanes. The one called Ike slammed into the Gulf Coast over the weekend. Thousands of people boarded up their homes and fled inland. Late last week, authorities began warning residents in the low-lying areas that to try to stick it out would bring certain death.","We've got Daniel Perry to give us his take on Ike. He's a regular contributor to our Bloggers' Roundtable. His blog is ThereAlready. blogspot. com. He's also a resident of Houston, Texas, which was in the path of the hurricane. But he and his family decided to stay at their home and brace themselves for Ike's impact. Daniel, thanks for coming on.","Thank you, Farai.","So how - first of all, how are you doing?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Staying in low-lying areas during hurricane will cause certain death","questions":"Which hurricane caused Daniel Perry to stay at his home?","answer":"Ike"} {"text":["I know as far as me in the glamour I always go back to self-responsibility. It really does have to start with the person. They have to make a choice to want to get educated about HIV, and learn about it. And I really think that people should realize that it's a 100 percent - 100 percent preventable disease. It's a disease you don't have to get. It is something you have to acquire. So, I really want people, you know, to get that in their head. Like, quit blaming, you know, the media, or rap videos, or you know, school systems. It really has to start with you.","If you had to describe in one word what keeps you going when you're down, what would it be?","Life. You know, just me. I'm my own motivation, I'm my own role model, you know, I love me, and I'm very happy, you know, that HIV presented itself in my life. You know, a lot of people would regret it or whatever, but it really taught me self-love, self-acceptance, and self-responsibility. And that's the best thing I could possibly ask for.","Well, Marvelyn, thank you."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : HIV is preventable, but it requires individuals to take responsibility for educating themselves about the disease.","questions":"How is HIV described in the dialogue?","answer":"Preventable"} {"text":["From each other?","Yeah, male and female professionals of color?Do they face different challenges?","I think they do face different challenges. And particularly, I look at women and they can tend to be branded things like too emotional, or not competitive, or not dedicated. Because there are some unique skill sets that women bring that I think really ad value. So for example I find that women are more intuitive, which means for me they can be better forecasters of future trends. They're more nurturing, which means they're better attuned to the needs of their people and really better at developing people, and they actually are better communicators to me. I know that's a surprise to a lot of listeners, but I find that they are more responsive to giving and receiving feedback.","Just quickly, what about men?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Women professionals face unique challenges due to gender stereotypes","questions":"What skill sets do women professionals bring that add value according to A?","answer":"Intuitive"} {"text":["The sport right now is not very big, but the potential is huge. And one of the reasons there's such a big potential is that the typical esports viewer and esports player are young males. Those are people that don't watch television. They've never watched television. We talk about cord-cutters in the business. These are cord-nevers.","And so advertisers are desperate to try to reach them because they can't reach them anywhere else. So you have companies like Turner Sports, the Big Agency, WME-IMG - they see that advertisers want to reach this group, so they're all trying to get into that group to sort of prove that advertisers should go with them in order to build up the business.","Where is the money coming from, though?And sort of where is it going?Where are they investing the money in?","In several different places. You have certain NBA team owners that have invested in actual teams. I mentioned Turner Sports and WME-IMG. They actually created a league called ELEAGUE with different teams, and they have a regular season and a playoff tournament. Sponsors are sort of getting attached to all of this, and that's where all the money is coming in from, sort of all areas."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : In (1), the speaker is saying that the potential for esports is huge because the typical viewers and players are young males who do not watch traditional television. The literal meaning is straightforward, but the implied meaning is that traditional forms of media are becoming less relevant to younger generations, which is an important factor in the growth potential of esports.","questions":"Which factor is important in the growth potential of esports?","answer":"Growth"} {"text":["And let's not forget that that's the heritage that Marissa Mayer comes from; understanding how to make search at Google ever more personal, ever more relevant. If she can do the same thing with news and make it more relevant to you, so that it's not a one-size-fits-all product anymore, that could be a big advance in the form.","So, let's say in a year or two the president of the United States has what - I don't know if it's a tradition - but often he will have lunch with the major network actors. Does Katie Couric have lunch at that same table?","Well, there's two questions there. One, is whether that is the judgment of importance in news. I think that we have to get out of the access game. But I still understand your question, which is will Yahoo be a presence in news as much as the other networks?It might take a while, but there's no reason it couldn't be. You know, there's a great, great blog called SCOTUSblog that covers the Supreme Court like no one else and they are struggling right now to get a credential to the Supreme Court. They do great coverage, highly specialized. And we've got to get past this idea that only big, old institutions are journalistic institutions. We have to work collaboratively with all kinds of new players.","Jeff Jarvis, media analyst and professor of journalism joining us from New York. Thanks so much for being with us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The implied meaning of (4) is that Jeff Jarvis is not only a media analyst and professor of journalism, but also a commentator on the current news and media situation.","questions":"What is Jeff Jarvis's additional role besides being a media analyst and professor of journalism?","answer":"commentator"} {"text":["You know, we talk a lot about the germs in our bodies and how many there are spread all over the place. But usually they're in our guts that we're talking about it. We haven't talked much about what's going on in our noses. What is happening up there?","That's true, and I think the field of human microbiome research has really, in the last four, five years, really exploded upon the scene and shown us that many niches in the human body are colonized by bacteria, be it our skin, our mucosal surfaces. These are the softer linings that line the nares, the sinuses, the gastrointestinal, the airways and the urogenital tract. And what we're beginning to see is that these linings of the human body are actually home to a diversity of microbes.","And from much of the studies that have come from the gastrointestinal tract, which has been going on a little longer, we've seen certain hallmarks that are associated with health and disease. We know, for example, that when patients have chronic inflammatory disease, one of the characteristics is this loss of diversity. And sinusitis is quite a significant health care issue. And really, to date, much of the microbial studies that have been performed have largely been based on culturing and bacteria, so trying to grow them on agar plates.","Mm-hmm."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Many parts of the human body are colonized by bacteria.","questions":"How are the linings of the human body described?","answer":"Diversity"} {"text":["That seems to be the case.","Thanks very much for being with us today.","Thank you so much, Neal. Keep an eye on your belly button.","Rob Dunn is a science writer, a biologist in the Department of Biology at North Carolina State University. He joined us today from Raleigh. Tomorrow, traffic. L. A. 's is legendary, they're trying something new. They have synchronized every traffic light in the city. Join us for an update with Tom Vanderbilt tomorrow right after I go home and take a shower. It's the TALK OF THE NATION from NPR News. I'm Neal Conan in Washington."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : 'B' is not actually going home to shower. 'A' probably said something about germs or bacteria on the body, and 'A' is joking about feeling unclean.","questions":"What did 'A' say to 'B' to make them keep an eye on their belly button?","answer":"Keep"} {"text":["And both of those things are true and not true in about equal measure. What happened instead was that Russia didn't embrace democracy. Russia didn't embrace freedom. And that's what I tried to write a book about, which is a difficult task - to try to write a book about absences.","I didn't know until reading your book that the Putin regime has incinerated food in a country with a history of famine. Why?","It wasn't extraordinary then. This was a few years ago after Putin had introduced counter-sanctions in response to the Western sanctions imposed on Russia after its invasion of Ukraine. And the counter-sanctions were very much designed to make Russians feel the brunt of sanctions - right?- because the sanctions that are imposed by the West wouldn't necessarily sort of mobilize the population against the West.","Yeah."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The answer to (2) is not a literal request for information, but instead implies a feeling of disbelief and surprise that such a thing could happen.","questions":"How did PersonB respond to the information provided by PersonA in turn 2?","answer":"Surprise"} {"text":["The Iowa caucus is a communal affair. People don't cast ballots alone in voting booths. They go to caucuses where people speak out and eventually cast a vote. Opinion polls don't matter in caucuses, only the number of supporters who come to a caucus and vote for a candidate. And if you're wondering, no alcohol is served, though I do remember an extraordinary strawberry pie in Indianola, Iowa. NPR political editor Domenico Montanaro joins us. Domenico, thanks so much for being with us.","Thank you for having me.","The Democrats and Republicans do it differently, don't they?","They certainly do. Republicans, very simple, can get that out of the way pretty easily. People start to make speeches. They try to win over people to vote. But then people just fold over their papers, turn them in. It's a very informal secret ballot. Democrats on the other hand. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : implies a contrast between the two parties and the different ways that they conduct their caucuses.","questions":"What is the difference between the way Republicans and Democrats conduct their caucuses?","answer":"Easy"} {"text":["Professor Ferguson, what about those Americans - and I daresay - according to polls, they number into quite a large amount who feel, if I might boil it down this way, the United States doesn't need a strategy because it has no business doing anything?That this is a tragic human situation, but it does not involve the national security interest of the United States.","The reality is that allowing Islamic State to become an authentic state is very dangerous indeed for the United States because this is an organization more dangerous than al-Qaida and has the potential, unlike al-Qaida, to become a really major political force if we allow Islamic State to become more state-like. I think ultimately the United States will regret bitterly not having acted sooner to stop it.","Does Vladimir Putin, whatever else might be said of him, have a sharper strategic vision than President Obama?","Putin is essentially aiming, I think, to present the United States with a stark choice - ISIS or Assad. That's why I think Putin is directing his fire now at the non-ISIS opponents of the Assad regime, the people we at least thought we were going to help. And I think that's clever because we are in the position of wanting neither Assad nor ISIS. I don't think that's in fact an option. I think we are going to have to decide, and I think we have to prioritize the destruction of ISIS."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (4) Implied meaning: The United States has to choose between Assad and ISIS, and it should prioritize the destruction of ISIS.","questions":"Which group should the United States prioritize the destruction of?","answer":"ISIS"} {"text":["No, he won't be voted on by the entire board, under our system, and I'd be telling you more internal NAACP organizational matters than anyone needs to know. The CEO works for the executive committee, and the executive committee needs to approve his contract, which I'm confident will happen. And when that's done, it's done.","You have been a very strong leader of the NAACP, from the position of chairman of the board. There have been some incredible chairmen - and women, including Myrlie Evers-Williams. But is this organization prepared to have a strong president?You are arguably still, at this point, you know, beyond arguably, the most powerful person at the NAACP, are you ready to split the seat?","I'm ready for Ben Jealous to come on board, and, you know, we have had only, I think, 17 people in this job, over the 99 years we've been in existence - four have been white, several have been women, they come from a variety of backgrounds and professions, but I'm looking forward to Ben Jealous. I think he is going to be among the strongest we've ever had, and may turn out to be the strongest we have ever had.","Give me a moment that you think typifies the direction that the NAACP is going. And what I mean is a personal moment, where you really felt, I'm doing the right thing, for the right reasons."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The CEO's contract will be approved by the executive committee, not the entire board.","questions":"What committee needs to approve the CEO's contract?","answer":"Executive"} {"text":["By the way, this is a health issue, too. This is just not an economic issue - 10,000 to 15,000 more people die of pollution from automobiles today than in car crashes. This is a national security issue. People say this is a single issue. This is all of these issues. And so these are investments that the vast majority are going to come from the private sector and private companies, not from the government. But the government does have a role, as it did when we went to the moon, as it did when we defeated fascism. And we're calling for an appropriate public investment to do that.","Now, you mentioned Republicans. The sad fact is, at the moment, that we're going to have to find a way to get this done without them because right now, we still have not seen the spirit of Teddy Roosevelt. We're seeing the spirit of Mitch McConnell, who will kill any climate change bill in its cradle if he has a chance. And that means we have to get rid of the filibuster. We have to prevent Mitch McConnell from stopping climate change. We have to let majority vote - one person, one vote - be the Democratic rule in the U. S. Senate. I'm the first candidate to say that. I hope others will follow so that we can get progress in this.","Is that a unifying message, though, in these divisive times?","Yes, it is unifying because everyone - Republicans and Democrats - have an interest in not letting America catch fire. So everyone is going to benefit from this."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The issue of pollution caused by automobiles is a serious problem that needs to be addressed by investing in private sector and government; it is not just an economic issue but a national security issue as well.","questions":"Which kind of issue is pollution caused by automobiles according to turn 0?","answer":"serious"} {"text":["Well, could payments like this then allow the defendants in this case - who obviously are either wealthy or supported by very wealthy people - allow the defendants to buy their way out of criminal punishments of any kind?","I think that's conceivable. But I think, in this case, there would still be punishment. It would - they would probably still be incarcerated, although it's a very opaque process. So it's not very clear. I mean, this is - these are not trials like in the United States where you can go in and watch the court proceedings unfold day after day. These are all very cloaked processes in Saudi Arabia.","Looming behind all of this, of course, is the crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, who's denied any culpability and, of course, is not on trial in any way. Does blood money offer him a way to wipe this case away without facing any particular accountability?","Well, it - not completely. But it does - you know, the Khashoggi children have been awfully restrained in their public positions about all of this. Right?They have not condemned the kingdom. They've not gone after Mohammed bin Salman. And this is a way to making sure they sort of stay quiet. This is a way for that to happen."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The implication is that wealthy people or those with access to wealth may be able to avoid criminal punishment by using blood money.","questions":"Which legal system is described as very opaque in the dialogue?","answer":"Saudi-Arabia"} {"text":["We've seen so many figures come and go in this administration. This one's unusually swift. What happened?","Well, the lack of experience was the first thing that jumped out. Ratcliffe has been a prosecutor and a small-town mayor in Texas. He was in his third term in Congress, very strong partisan supporter of the president but didn't have this intelligence background that previous holders of this job have had.","He got a very cool reception from Senate Republicans. Most of their statements praised the outgoing Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, but some of them didn't even mention Ratcliffe. Some people on the Hill said they didn't even really know who he was. Richard Burr, head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, today said, I respect John Ratcliffe's decision to withdraw. So this was this really tepid response he seemed to be getting.","Not only that - as reporters started digging into his resume, they found some of his claims didn't quite hold up. What can you tell us?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : figures in this context means numbers, referring to money likely","questions":"What was Ratcliffe's previous job before being nominated for the Director of National Intelligence?","answer":"Congress"} {"text":["Good morning, Lulu.","So it seems a little strange to be talking about why something doesn't matter, but here we are, saying President Trump's budget - which is being released tomorrow - suddenly isn't that important. How did that happen?","Presidents' budgets are always political documents. They're not a piece of legislation, but they do express the president's priorities. And, of course, the cliche is to say that the president's budget is dead on arrival on Capitol Hill. This one is probably dead as a doornail. And the reason is that Republicans and Democrats just passed a massive, two-year spending bill, which raises the caps for domestic and defense spending. And the White House was mostly a bystander in those negotiations. So what the president says in his budget tomorrow will not affect spending very much. Congress probably won't be passing a 2019 budget resolution. The bottom line is, in this instance, Congress seems to be ignoring the president.","Oh, OK. But when the budget comes out tomorrow, the spotlight will probably turn to White House budget director Mick Mulvaney, right?He was famously hawkish on the deficit when he was in Congress. What will he have to say?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The president's budget is not taken seriously by Congress and has little effect on spending.","questions":"Which document expresses the president's priorities but is not taken seriously by Congress?","answer":"President's-budget"} {"text":["It is true that I will confess that I have an incredible fascination for pop-culture stories about the Apocalypse and the end of the world. And, you know, I wanted to see if I were going to write a science book that was basically the equivalent of a giant monster movie, what would that be. Like would be the disaster that I would tackle?","And that was why I decided to look at mass extinctions, which are the worst disaster that can possibly happen to the planet.","Are we headed for one, or are we in the middle of one?And if you're in one, do you know it's happening?","It's a good question. There is evidence that we are headed into what would be the planet's sixth mass extinction. It's hard to know for sure if you're in one because a mass extinction is an event where over 75 percent of the species on the planet die out over a - usually about a million-year period. The fastest it might happen is in hundreds of thousands of years."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : His science book is not actually like a giant monster movie, it simply means it has a story where something destroys a lot of cities, etc.","questions":"Which type of book is PersonA referring to in turn 0?","answer":"Science"} {"text":["Well, I don't (laughter) know if it's going to be forever unique in that way. We have this evidence now of President Trump making calls along these lines. And you get a lot of - I got a lot of criticism. Sometimes for being too soft, sometimes for being too harsh. I'm banned from Russia by Vladimir Putin because we successfully prosecuted an international arms dealer named Viktor Bout. I was personally attacked by President Erdogan of Turkey because we prosecuted somebody that, you know, he had connections to in an indirect way.","I'm glad you mentioned Turkey's president. What happened in a different country, in a different system, when there was a prosecution of someone named Reza Zarrab, and it became a matter of political interest?","So Reza Zarrab was a gold trader, Iranian but also from Turkey, who was being prosecuted along with other folks in Turkey for various, you know, elements of misconduct. And those cases were made to go away because he was politically connected to two people who were close to Erdogan.","What did President Erdogan of Turkey do to make that case go away?","Well, he exercised his power in a country that doesn't have the same constitutional protections that America has. He relieved judges of their duty. He removed prosecutors from office. He shut down media outlets. And the case went away. Literally, the case was made to go away. Now, that is not something we've seen in this country and hopefully we'll never see in this country. And it's harder to accomplish in this country."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Case is a legal judgement that will take place before a judge.","questions":"What was Reza Zarrab being prosecuted for?","answer":"Misconduct"} {"text":["You know, and you're not going to get, you know, 80,000, you know, ticket-holders to hold it down. So you know, you just kind of figured out - you know, some days I've toughed it out. Some days I've gone on air with a very bad migraine, because that's my job.","Has anyone ever just run a tackle into you by accident, shaken up your brain, anything?","I have never been sideline road-kill. I've made it a point to always know where the action is and to not get caught up in it. There are times, though, when my back is turned, I'm doing a stand-up, for example, and you could see everybody. Their eyes are getting big, and they're just kind of like - you know, my cameraman's really good about pulling me out of the way.","So no, I haven't had any kind of brain scramble to that extent, but yeah, I can see where you're going. A lot of these players who suffer from concussions, eventually, you know, sometimes they can turn into migraine sufferers as well."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The reporter tries to avoid getting caught up in the action.","questions":"How does the reporter ensure their safety while reporting?","answer":"Avoid"} {"text":["Oh, wow, it's like turning off a switch. And suddenly I was running down these trails in the dark and I didn't know where I was and I didn't know where I was going and it was getting colder. And all I could see was the distant glow of Vegas. And I was thinking, wow, I really like that city right now. I wish I were there and I didn't know how to get there.","Yeah, you obviously were able to find your way to asphalt and you were able to get back to civilization. Very nice - of course, I'm a sucker for daughter daddy stuff in the book - but you really do say that marathon running - or the training even - reminds you of the preciousness of every moment, moment after moment.","Yeah, it does. It puts you in the minute and being out there every day - bad weather, good weather, light, dark - I started this morning about nine miles ago in the dark and it was cold. And you just find yourself saying, you know, there are things in life that are important and that are worthwhile that require a little bit of sacrifice and a little bit of struggle and a little bit of suffering. It doesn't mean you shouldn't do them. And running reminds you of that all the time.","Tom Foreman - \"My Year Of Running Dangerously\" - thanks so much for being with us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The speaker is using running as a metaphor for the struggles and sacrifices that are necessary in life and the importance of embracing them, even when they are difficult.","questions":"Which activity can remind you of the importance of sacrifice and struggle?","answer":"Running"} {"text":["Sure.",". . . Had Don Blankenship prevailed.","Well, they're all tough. I say you run scared or unopposed. They're all tough. But you're right. This will be a tough race.","Yeah. Have your calculations about how to run the race changed?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The person campaigned without opposition and was scared while doing so.","questions":"Which person was scared while campaigning?","answer":"Person"} {"text":["Very good, thank you.","So, tell me a little bit about this new report you've done.","This is a very timely paper. I'm sure many people don't know, but there are essentially three different laws that are governing transracial adoptions in the United States.","We just signed on to the Hague Convention for international adoptions, which stipulates that preservation of one's culture and heritage is important, and requires 15 hours of prospective adoptive parent training."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : This implies that an adopted child cultural background is protected by international law.","questions":"What is the Hague Convention for?","answer":"Adoptions"} {"text":["So they've also gone after defense contractors. So there - in that case, the motivation, of course, is military secrets and as well espionage, economic, you know, gains. And they've also targeted law firms, particularly law firms that are engaged in litigation in China or engaged in mergers and acquisitions so that they can obtain market information.","So there is an economic goal, here. There is a military goal. There is also what seems to be - there's a security goal and an image goal, public relations, if you will.","Yes. Like I said, it's multiple. They're going after - you know, it seems like this is an industry. And, you know, I'm hesitant to point a finger at China, because it's very easy to point the finger at China. And it's also very easy to make an attack appear to come from China when it's not coming from China. So, you know, and speaking in broad terms, you know, what we know of the attack, that they are coming from China, it appears that it is, you know, a very big industry there.","And we should note that Chinese deny it. I'm not sure that anybody holds any great belief in that."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : China.And it's also very easy to make an attack appear to come from China when it's not coming from China.So, you know, and speaking in broad terms, you know, what we know of the attack, that they are coming from China, it appears that it is, you know, a very big industry there.","questions":"What is the industry that the attack appears to be coming from?","answer":"China"} {"text":["This was after years of drift. There is this new energy, this new vigor in this relationship, and there's also enormous excitement, Scott, over the president and the first lady returning to India. The president has this coveted seat at this dazzling display of Indian military hardware during Monday's Republic Day parade, which is actually meant to commemorate the Constitution. And he'll see in a flyover this huge U. S. -made Super Hercules lifter, a testament to the close defense ties between India and the U. S.","And is the president arriving at a time of enthusiasm in India?","Oh, he certainly is. They're here at a very heavy time. The stock market is on this bull run. It's hitting record highs. The IMF predicts that India's growth will actually outpace China's by 2016. So there's this energy here and there's this hope for improving the lives of 1. 2 billion people, but that requires a lot of change. And that's what the president won't necessarily see - the 300 million Indians who don't have electricity, the 600 million who don't have access to clean toilets.","Speaking of energy, should we expect anything concrete out of these meetings?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"heavy time\" is a figurative expression that conveys the intensity of the situation, particularly the high level of activity and enthusiasm in India.","questions":"What is the figurative expression used to describe the situation in India?","answer":"Heavy"} {"text":["But instead the executives went in with the don't-tell-us-what-to-do approach, and they overplayed their hand. And this has happened before in the EU with the massive privacy law and billion-dollar fines. It's clear Europe is giving big tech a smackdown. And Google, whose motto used to be, don't be evil, might consider a new motto - play nice.","So what do these new rules mean for, say, artists, for creators?How helpful is all of this to them?","Well, there could be a fascinating rift here. Last summer, Sir Paul McCartney from the Beatles - OK?- he wrote an open letter to the European Parliament. He said, music and culture matter. They don't just happen. The companies exploit artists' work. And he wanted the law overhauled. But he's a big-time artist with lawyers who can produce copyright documents - right?- and negotiate agreements with Google.","Yeah."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Implied meaning: The speaker is subtly suggesting that the other person is being unreasonable or unrealistic in their expectations or demands.","questions":"What approach did the executives go in with?","answer":"Don't-tell-us-what-to-do"} {"text":["And no birthdays, no Christmas, no nothing. And at age 15, I couldn't take it anymore, so I moved in with my real father, but I didn't know he was a pimp. And the transition from living in essentially a middle-class, suburban area, because he sold BMWs and Porsche automobiles, he did very well. Moving from that middle-class area and the. . .","And the picket fences, all the way to the other end of East 14th, where it was like. . .","Cars sliding by, was a huge transition. Going from one spectrum to another. And I was essentially a nerd coming out of knocking on doors and moving into where my brothers and everybody was like, David, we're about to have another party. And like, oh, really?How do I fit in here, you know?","Right, right."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : A felt out of place in his new environment and struggled to fit in.","questions":"Which emotion did PersonA feel when he moved to his new environment?","answer":"Struggled"} {"text":["Well, the number one thing I see in crime scenes is there are people just trampling all over the place. Everybody is touching something and there's just lots of discussions and stomping around right inside of a crime scene that we would never allow.","Anything else occur to you?","It's surprising to me how many people believe that most suspects will invoke their right and remain silent when in fact they don't.","Gee, what's the psychology behind that, do you think?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The actual meaning of (3) is that many people wrongly assume that suspects will remain silent when questioned, when in fact they rarely do.","questions":"Which assumption do people make about suspects?","answer":"Assumption"} {"text":["What would you say to those people who might say - look, if people are in this country illegally it's the job of ICE to detain them?","Well, there's a couple of things. Number one, ICE does have that responsibility. But motels have a responsibility, too. And that responsibility is that you have to live, number one, by your privacy promises. Motel 6 has a privacy statement. It says we're going to guard your private information. They did not do that here. You cannot do that under our consumer protection laws. And so, that's number one.","Number two, they turned over everybody who was staying at the motel. People stay at motels for all sorts of very private reasons. You could be the victim of domestic abuse fleeing your abuser. Do you want your information turned over to anybody who just happens to walk into that hotel?It's not right. Frankly, it pisses me off, and I'm not going to put up with it.","We of course contacted Motel 6, and they said that in September of last year, they issued a nationwide directive that made it clear that their motels should not voluntarily provide guest lists to ICE. What do you say?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Implied meaning: The speaker is expressing a sense of frustration or dissatisfaction with a situation or person, without explicitly stating it.","questions":"How did the speaker feel about the situation with Motel 6?","answer":"Pissed"} {"text":["Yeah. It's interesting. In Japan, it's the same prime minister that was in place six years ago, but the political environment, I think, has shifted in some dramatic ways. And so I think one of the interesting aspects of the Japanese situation is that the LDP has returned to power. The Liberal Democratic Party has returned to power. But now they have a party that is to the right of them.","And so we talk about those two states. And, of course, the other major player, the biggest in the region, China, where Xi Jinping took command just last month, formally.","That's right. I think we're still waiting to see how China's foreign policy priorities are really going to develop under Xi. The process seems to be moving slowly, and it's not necessarily terribly transparent at this point. We know there are new top leaders in the room, but it's just not clear exactly how they're making decisions or whether they're going to change much in terms of China's overall priorities.","And transparency's a problem in Beijing. It's positively - well, murky is too easy a word for what's going on in Pyongyang."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : To the right means politically right wing, not that they are actually sitting on the right ","questions":"How does PersonA describe the party that has returned to power in Japan?","answer":"Right"} {"text":["You know, I would say those days coaching were some of the best days of my life. Internally, we were really solid, you know, from the players to the coaches. They were all very supportive. I think the skeptics came, a lot of the times as they do, from the outside looking in. They saw us as being very different, you know, men working with women. And what they didn't realize is that we were more alike than we were different. We were alike in the game and in what we had dedicated to be great. And those guys knew everything about me and my story before I got there, right?Like, they were literally like, coach, we watched your game film. Like, you are a beast off the edge, like - and they couldn't believe that I had played a season against guys, like, getting tackled by guys their size. And there was definitely an energy within the team that it was something very special, and those guys were proud to be a part of history.","There's been a lot of focus on the culture for women in the NFL. I'm thinking particularly of the Ray Rice scandal, and what can be perceived as a tolerance for abuse by male players. Does that make it harder for women, do you think?","Well, you know, I think in - let's like back out of that for a second, right?","OK."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The team faced challenges due to gender differences, but overcame them with unity and dedication.","questions":"What challenges did the team face?","answer":"Gender"} {"text":["Oh, absolutely, absolutely. And I think that before Manny was traded, you say that C. C. was the hands-on favorite, but man, I think the impact that Manny has made on what was a moribund Dodgers team is sensational. I think if the voting was held right now and was fair, I think Manny Ramirez would be the MVP of the National League. What he's done there is incredible.","But it's not going to happen, is it?","Well, if there's justice in the world, and as you and I know there is justice in the world, I think it could happen. I mean, look at what he's done. I mean, he's made - he's helped them make shambles out of that race just because of him. C. C. 's done an excellent job, but Milwaukee is fading. Los Angeles is just becoming strong, and then there's the whole irony of Manny hooking up with his former archrival Joe Torre. And just the idea of these two guys grinding an axe against their former teams, which used to be archrivals, I just think the drama is just too - it's just too delicious. That's why I really think it should be Manny.","All right, let's end this with this connection. Since you've talked about Manny, then you talked about Joe Torre, formerly of the New York Yankees, now let's talk about Yankees stadium, which closes it's doors, last game ever in Yankee Stadium this Sunday. I know that you live close to the ballpark. Are you sad, Mr. New Yorker?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : B implies that the voting wasn't going to happen right there at the moment and won't probably be fair if it was.","questions":"Which question was PersonB's response to turn 1?","answer":"Possibility"} {"text":["It has.","Get out.","The time has flown. And you are flying. You are flying across the ocean. You are leaving us.","Great segue."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : A certain amount of time has passed by surprisingly quickly","questions":"How did time pass?","answer":"A"} {"text":["(Reading) You and your partner go to see the film \"The House We Live In. \"You asked a friend to pick up your child from school. On your way home, your phone rings. Your neighbor tells you he is standing at his window, watching a menacing black guy casing both your homes. The guy is walking back and forth talking to himself and seems disturbed. You tell your neighbor that your friend, whom he has met, is babysitting. He says, no, it's not him. He's met your friend, and this isn't that nice young man. Anyway, he wants you to know he's called the police. Your partner calls your friend and asks him if there's a guy walking back and forth in front of your home. Your friend says that if anyone were outside, he would see him because he is standing outside. You hear the sirens through the speakerphone.","Ms. Rankine, are these encounters all things you've experienced?Or is it a mix of experience and imagination?","There's no imagination, actually. Many of the anecdotes in the book were gathered by asking friends of mine to tell me moments when racism surprisingly entered in when you were among friends or colleagues or just doing some ordinary thing in your day.","I mean, it must've been hard emotionally cataloging these racist verbal attacks, both for you and for your friends, and to get them on paper."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : 4 - Implied meaning: Was it difficult to document the experiences of racism and the corresponding emotions?","questions":"What did PersonB ask about the emotional toll of documenting racist experiences?","answer":"Hard"} {"text":["And?","And it got huge. I don't know.","What happens?How does something go viral on Craigslist?I don't even know.","I don't know. I mean, I tweeted about it, and then it started getting passed around. And, you know, people started writing posts on blogs. I think someone called it, like, the most beautiful Craigslist missed connection post ever.","(Laughter) That's a very competitive category."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : the post became popular because people started sharing and reposting it on social media and blogs.","questions":"Which category?","answer":"Category"} {"text":["Well, let me ask you this. When you say, you know, lights out, he's pretty much out of sight. Why is Huckabee sticking with the race?","Because there's another spot on the ticket besides this one.","Yes, that is so true. Well, let's look at the demographics on both races, Democratic and Republican. Can we say anything about the trends by race, by first time voter, any trends among voters for the Democratic or Republican races?","By and large the Democratic demographics were what we've seen in the past. In Maryland in particular we saw again where the African\u2014American vote was overwhelmingly for Barack Obama, but he did not do comparably well among whites. Now, we did see a deviation from that in Virginia, which was the largest state that was voting yesterday. And in Virginia we saw for the first time a substantial portion - in fact about half - of the white vote going for Barack Obama. He also won among white men. He did not win white women, but if you look at all men, he carried two-thirds of all men and he carried 60 percent of all women in Virginia."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"demographics\" implies a deeper analysis of voting patterns beyond just simple demographics like age, race, and gender.","questions":"What does \"demographics\" imply?","answer":"Analysis"} {"text":["You can point to the same thing in income, in housing, across the board. And if we're not investing very specifically to deal with that, we can continue to expect to see these inequalities to persist.","You are also arguing for a constitutional amendment that would ban the death penalty.","That's right.","Why is this part of a plan to empower black America?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : why this part is used to empower black america","questions":"Which plan?","answer":"Plan"} {"text":["So how - are governments in general, from what we know from the past, responsive to seeing these changes in how people act and the problems people have?","Well, of course, governments try to have programs that start more or less automatically when the economy starts changing, particularly downward. So we have extensions of unemployment compensation systems. We have extensions of disability systems. We have attempts to shift investment to try to stimulate regions where it looks like the economy is starting to contract.","The current problem is, as with all recessions, it looks like it's starting to contract almost everywhere. So finding resources to help those places which are contracting worse means you're taking resources from places where the economy is also contracting. So it does create a public policy problem, but you do see the response that we are currently having, which is that the government will apparently borrow considerable amounts of money and try to stimulate the economy to try to soften this contraction across the country so that the population does not become more desperate than it is or needs to be.","All right. Professor, we are going to have to take a station break. When we come back, I want to ask you about the ways that we treat each other differently, that people in communities may treat each other differently, based on these kinds of stress. Again, we are speaking with Ralph Catalano of UC Berkeley about how societies react during hard times."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"soften\" the contraction implies that the government will try to reduce the negative effects people suffer from the economic contraction.","questions":"What does the government aim to do to the economic contraction?","answer":"shopping"} {"text":["Yes. I mean, it's an insurmountable difference. I sell Canadian lobsters most of the year. I probably sell more Canadian lobsters than I sell U. S. lobsters. But I can't sell Canadian lobsters to China either, which is kind of defeating the purpose. And conversely, they made it so the Canadians could sell a U. S. lobster as a Canadian. So it's like you got double screwed. That's really disheartening.","Have you been in touch with your buyers or your former buyers in China?What have they been telling you?","We've tried to keep in touch with them all along because it's always been - you never knew when this was going to end. There was no defined end. And it's just gone on and on and on. And everybody was getting a little hopeful that we might have some resolution in the next couple of months. And we had the tweets this weekend, which pretty much put the kibosh on that. So you sink back into despair.","I imagine you have been tracking very closely every development of these trade talks. Have you reached out to the Trump administration or any members of Congress to tell them that things are getting extremely tight for the lobster business now?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The speaker is frustrated because they cannot sell Canadian lobsters to China due to trade restrictions, even though they sell a lot of Canadian lobsters","questions":"Which country's lobsters does the speaker sell more of?","answer":"Canadian"} {"text":["First of all, as a citizen, every person who died there - it doesn't matter. Israeli or Palestinian - it's heartbreaking. But from the other side, just imagine you have to protect yourself. And I think Israel protected herself.","Weren't there are a lot of innocent people, though, and children certainly unarmed?","I don't know. I know that 60 people - or something like that - got killed. And it's heartbreaking. But 50 of them were terror members of the Hamas. This is what the Hamas said. But let's talk about art.","All right. What do you hope Americans will learn watching \"Fauda\"?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The speaker thinks that innocent people and children were killed in the conflict","questions":"What was the number of terror members of Hamas who got killed in the conflict?","answer":"50"} {"text":["He had a very special place in the music pantheon.","He really did, and those people live forever.","Absolutely.","People like Marvin Gaye and Donny Hathaway and Nat King Cole and Luther Vandross. That's why we say the late, great. And people used to say that about my dad, and I didn't - I only heard it about daddy, you know, the late, great, Donny Hathaway. And I say it about Luther as well. You know, his - it's such a void created that it will never be filled again."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The person being referred to was a great loss to the music industry and cannot be replaced","questions":"How would you describe the impact of the person being referred to on the music industry?","answer":"Special"} {"text":["Can I ask you just when you wrote this thread, what prompted it?What was the moment that sort of made you think, this is something I need to write right now?","I live in - I jokingly refer to it as the wilds of Connecticut, and there's nothing wild about it. But I live in the woods about 10 miles away from Sandy Hook. And when that incident happened, my daughter was in elementary school. My son was in middle school. The schools went into lockdown. I think I became radicalized on that day against gun violence. Every time one of these events happens, it affects me really deeply.","And so I found myself on the kitchen floor. My daughter wanted help with her homework, and I was sort of tweeting as she was reading me an essay she was writing. But it - I just felt like I needed to try to say these things in the best way that I knew how in that moment. And I - you know, there was no real forethought to it. It was just a kind of expression of deep, deep sadness.","Michael Ian Black is a comedian, actor and writer. Thank you so much for joining us."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The Sandy Hook shooting radicalized A against gun violence.","questions":"Which incident affected PersonA deeply?","answer":"Sandy"} {"text":["You don't have to do that. You are not alone in this process.","(Laughter).","Really, when you're ordering a bottle of wine, you only need to give two pieces of information - one, your budget. And do not be ashamed. Do not be embarrassed. We all have a budget. Secondly, your taste. Now, that could be as specific as saying, I had an incredible Adelsheim Oregon pinot noir the other night - what do you have like that?Or it could be as broad as saying, I like things that smell like peach.","And from there, if you have a good sommelier, they're going to be able to guide you to the hidden gems on that menu. And I have to say, it's a pleasure to be able to have a conversation with someone about what they like and to take them on a journey through this glass of wine because a good glass of wine is that. I didn't believe it in the beginning, but I came around to really experience it as a way to travel through time and place without ever leaving your seat."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : B's laughter does not have a literal meaning but is likely a response to something humorous or lighthearted in the conversation.","questions":"How did PersonB respond to PersonA's statement about ordering wine?","answer":"Laughter"} {"text":["It sounds like he would have a great personal incentive to keep good relations with Russia.","Well, he's a very outspoken and always been. I mean, he was the oligarch who funded the Orange Revolution. Which is, you know, basically the Ukrainians - the Orange Revolution - they realized that they are not Russians, and they are Ukrainians. So he's - among the oligarchs, he's the most pro-Western oriented. At the same time, you know, also among the oligarchs, he has the biggest holding in Russia. So that's - that's going to be an interesting - an important dimension, I believe Because he could be the man who can make an agreement or strike a deal both between the European Union and Russia. Now, how he's going to do that is a different question, and I think it's not going to be that easy.","Have you had the chocolate?","Oh, the chocolate is good actually, decent quality, which, you know, when - when we're speaking about quality that's, you know, European standard, if you like.","Does he have good relations with President Putin?Do we know anything about that?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 4 : 5: The speaker is implying that they do not know anything about the oligarch's relationship with President Putin.","questions":"Which relationship is the speaker unsure of?","answer":"President-Putin"} {"text":["Absolutely agree - I mean, the 20,000 Democrats that are running for president are all not going to make it to November of 2020. They have donors. They have staff. They have consultants. They've done ads. They've spent a lot of time debating and out and about. So if they need or want to make a switch to a Senate race, they're going to have all the resources in place to do that.","Well, I mean, that - you're suggesting they're warming up for a Senate run by running for president, which. . .","Well, in a year like this when you have Donald Trump, I mean, that is I think - and there's a lot of people that are looking at it going, you know, this is my shot. It's not going to be everybody's shot. But I also think you have to look at the map in totality, particularly for Democrats. They're not defending a ton of seats, and they have a lot of pickup opportunities. Colorado is probably at the top of the list. You have Arizona with a guy like Mark Kelly who had an amazing launch. You have a state like Maine. You know, I think there's a lot of positive on this map for the Democrats as well.","Twenty-two presidential candidates and there might be more by next week."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : to make a switch mean they go do something else.","questions":"How many Democrats are running for president?","answer":"20,000"} {"text":["The program hasn't been very popular with the farmers. They would much prefer to just have more successful markets that they can go to rather than have to kind of accept government handouts.","President Trump tweeted earlier this year that with more than a hundred billion coming into the U. S. in tariffs, the U. S. would buy agricultural products from farmers, ship them to poor and starving countries in the form of humanitarian assistance. Has that happened?","No. They looked into a program along those lines but realized it was pretty infeasible. You know, there's problems with kind of dumping large amounts of crops on poor countries because you can ruin their own agriculture sectors. So they decided to just do the more simple program, where you provide the direct payments to farmers. Now, the part that is right there is that the total amount being brought in by these could get to be $100 billion. I mean, at the current pace - it was 6 billion in June. That would work out to about 72 billion a year if it continues. And there's talk of adding even more tariffs on top of that. So you really could get to 100 billion being the number.","But at the end of the day, this has not turned into some kind of windfall for the U. S."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : President Trump's tweet did not lead to buying agricultural products for humanitarian assistance.","questions":"How did President Trump's tweet affect the buying of agricultural products?","answer":"No"} {"text":["We also heard singer-songwriter Ben Harper on that track. He wrote most of the songs on this album. He produced it. How did you two meet?Why do you think you clicked with him?","Well, Ben had written me a song for one of my other albums - \"Livin' On A High Note. \"And that song was \"Love And Trust\"","(Singing) Do what you can. Do what you must. Everybody's trying to find some love and trust. I walk the line. I walk it for us. See me out here trying to find some love and trust.","I fell so in love with that song. And every time we'd sing it, the audience - they would just roar, you know. It turned out so well. So I - we'd been singing it for a couple of years then. I ran into Ben on the road. That's where we would always meet up - somewhere on the road. And I told him. I said, Ben, that song - you have got to write me another song. He said, well, Mavis, why don't I write you 11 songs?I said, why don't you do that?He said, let's make an album. I said, sounds good to me. You know, I said, I don't know if I could handle 11 good songs from Ben Harper. He said, oh, yeah, you can handle it, Mavis."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Mavis loved the song 'Love and Trust' so much that she wanted more songs from Ben Harper, which resulted in the album they made together","questions":"Which song inspired Mavis to ask Ben Harper for more songs, resulting in the album they made together?","answer":"Mavis"} {"text":["And voters - how are they responding to it?","Well, voters I spoke with today were really unhappy with this redo election. They didn't seem to change their minds, and they mostly voted for the same candidate that they voted for last time. Netanyahu's supporters were very confident in their support for him. But when it came to his main opponent, the retired general, Benny Gantz, his supporters were a lot more pessimistic about his chances. He's a centrist, and some of them are hoping that at least Netanyahu will build a coalition with that centrist party and that could moderate an otherwise right-wing government.","And this is a complex election - right?- with many political parties. What are people saying about the most likely outcomes?","Well, in the last election, Gantz, who's the centrist, the former general, he was slightly ahead. And then Netanyahu pulled ahead. And then when the actual votes were counted, they tied. They had a 35-35 tie. And so now we're going to be looking at that same situation, it appears. If Netanyahu hangs on, he could try to build a right-wing alliance or ally with centrists, including Gantz. All of this is going to depend on one wild card, and that is Avigdor Lieberman. He's right wing, but he could tip either way."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The voters did not seem to change their opinions when they voted again.","questions":"Which opinions did the voters not seem to change?","answer":"Minds"} {"text":["Well, due to the floods, some - probably some falling of the land and some mud that has been moving into the communities might be some of the situations that we might encounter there. And probably some roads that have been damaged and we will not be able to cross easily. So we expect probably some impacting in some households of those communities. So we still have to confirm that.","And when remote communities, mountainous communities, have to contend with flooding or worry about mudslides, can that interrupt, let's say, the food supply and create medical problems, too?","Absolutely, yeah, that's one of the consequences that we might face. We have been collecting some humanitarian aid in different points of Mexico, so we are ready to distribute food or even, if needed, some medicine to those communities. But at this point, we are collecting particularly food and some cleaning - personal cleaning supplies.","Mr. Lozano, in the 30 seconds we have left, do you think the Mexican governments involved, both provincial and federal and, for that matter, your agency, were prepared for this?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (4) - The actual meaning is to ask if the Mexican governments and the agency were ready for the floods and its aftermath.","questions":"How was the Mexican government's preparation for the floods?","answer":"Ready"} {"text":["So, what happened in West Virginia certainly doesn't instill confidence necessarily in a municipal water system I would think.","The fact that this happens so infrequently actually I think is a testament to the quality of our drinking water. I mean, it's quite remarkable. I could go anywhere in the U. S. and have some tap water and not really give a second thought about its quality. I can't do that in most parts of the world. You know, there's no question you're right. We have to remain vigilant. There are always sources of contamination that water providers have to be worried about - natural sources, microbes, pathogens, bacteria and such. And then there are obviously these accidents. One of the reasons this chemical got into the system so quickly is that no one expected it to be in the water. And so the treatment system wasn't set up to deal with it.","Yeah. And now they're telling pregnant women you may still not want to drink this water, although other people can. And that, I think, makes people feel like, well, what do you mean?","Think about this, though. I mean, there are over 60,000 chemicals in commerce in the United States and only a fraction of those have had really significant toxicity testing. And so the chemical that's spilled here is something that's used to, you know, to treat coal. It's not something you'd expect to find in your drinking water. And that's not a justification for why we don't have the data, because we should have it. It ended up in our drinking water. But the scale of the problem I think is important to keep in mind as well."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : In Turn 2, the speaker is implying that even though the incident in West Virginia was unfortunate, it is still a testament to the quality of drinking water in the US, as similar incidents rarely occur. ","questions":"Which incident does the speaker in Turn 1 refer to as a testament to the quality of drinking water in the US?","answer":"The-incident"} {"text":["Well, the regulations that I'm most concerned with are the ones that could be causing issues in getting approvals, new chemistries approved for crops that we grow. Cuts to different agencies could cause approval processes to take longer, which certainly in times where you have different pests and things that need taken care of, whether it's plant pests or, in our case, we have cattle as well, and if there's problems there and we don't have the ability to treat our plants or animals well or with the latest tools - you definitely want things to be safe. But it seems more like it's being pushed to the back burner for political reasons. It's very frustrating as a farmer sometimes when you see needs for things and you know there's fixes coming but regulatory issues are holding them up.","I have to ask, has your business been affected by climate in recent years?","(Laughter) Well, in the agricultural business, everybody's affected by climate. You know, I think anybody that says there's not changes happening is somewhat naive. On the other hand, it's the things that we can do to figure out what things we can do long term to make sure we're, you know, in good position to continue to grow the crops that we have here in the U. S. and hopefully be profitable in the future and continue to be, you know, the largest producer of food in the world.","Kevin Ross, who grows corn and soybeans and raises cattle in Minden, Iowa, thanks so much for being with us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The literal meaning of the turn is asking if Kevin Ross' business has been affected by climate in recent years. However, the implied meaning is to question if Kevin Ross has noticed any changes in the environment due to climate change.","questions":"What is the implied meaning of PersonB's turn?","answer":"Climate"} {"text":["Every president in his or - his - well, I should say his or her. Every president in their first year has an unexpected crisis, whether it's national security, a natural disaster, domestic unrest. This is certainly shaping up to be Donald Trump's unexpected crisis. And I think he realizes that. And the stakes are getting higher, and I think that's why he's lashing out more because I think he realizes what's going on.","It's moved to the capital. As we said Secretary Price has resigned, but at least three more Cabinet members face similar accusations about charter jets. Whatever happened to them, can the Trump administration say they'll drain the swamp when they seem to be flying over it in private jets?","You, know, this reminds me of that line from \"The Godfather\" about Mr. Corleone likes his bad news early. Donald Trump is not like bad news. And this was starting to spread to other cabinet members, obviously. And I think the we'll-see when he was asked whether Trump - I mean, whether Price should resign was his way of signaling, yes. And sure enough, Tom Price offered his resignation. And unlike the Session's case, the president accepted it because I think he sees this for the irony that it is of his own cabinet doing what he campaigned exactly against.","Is the Republican Party offering much of a profile of leadership at the moment?- can't get Repeal and Replace passed, the tax code seems - proposal seems fuzzy, federal response seems to certainly be slow if not negligent in Puerto Rico. We could go on."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Donald Trump is becoming increasingly desperate as he realizes the gravity of the situation he's in.","questions":"Which president?","answer":"Trump"} {"text":["The Endangered Species Act has saved animals and plants, including the bald eagle, the grizzly bear and the black-footed ferret, since Congress passed that legislation in 1973. But some of those conservation efforts have come at a cost to ranchers and farmers. Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming has introduced a bill to include state involvement in the process, which some ranchers say has made it difficult for them to protect their herds of sheep and cattle. Bill Kluck joins us now. He's the sheep committee chairman of R-CALF USA. And he's been ranching for 35 years in South Dakota. Mr. Kluck, thanks for being with us.","Thank you for having me.","How in your judgment has this act infringed on your ranching?","One of the main things that the sheep people face is the predators. And coyotes, wolves will impact your herd and kill lambs and so forth. It's kind of hard to imagine. But, at one point, I was trapping as many coyotes in a year as when I had sheep running on the land. And this is one of the things that this Barrasso bill seemed to address is the threshold level and not letting that level be like a mirage that you never really get there."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : having me implies hosting someone or a guest, not owning the person ","questions":"How does the term \"having me\" relate to the topic of the dialogue?","answer":"Hosting"} {"text":["There is a level of acceptance for some. So one young woman I met joined the all-women's force after being brutalized by her husband, who was part of ISIS. On the other hand, the women who were foreigners and even the real hardcore last holdouts in the fight against ISIS who are in this town of Baghuz, which had basically an apocalyptic end. They ran out of food. They ran out of water.","And what you see now from the women who were part of that is that all of the crimes of ISIS - you know, enslaving girls, raping women, beheading people on the streets, the hangings - that was not enough really to make them lose confidence in the head of ISIS. But the fact that children whose families belong to ISIS starved to death while leaders had food, that is what's making people very disappointed, very disillusioned, especially the women I've talked to.","Are there people who still support the caliphate despite all that they went through?","Absolutely there are. And in fact, one woman from Egypt I met has four daughters. She was talking about how all they want is to go home, to go back to Egypt, to go back to the parks, to go see relatives. And she said to me, you know, I don't believe in Baghdadi. But I still believe in the caliphate."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The woman from Egypt still supports the caliphate even though she does not believe in Baghdadi.","questions":"How does the woman from Egypt feel about Baghdadi?","answer":"Doesn't"} {"text":["So, number one, the Web site made a drastic change and a tremendous shift. It opened up transparency. It put a lot of ways for individuals to feel that they could be more empowered to have better access or a direct access, almost like an open Internet door to the administration. Number two, they looked to hire a chief technology officer for the administration, which has been done. They've actually checked that off of their list and that has never been a position within the White House to that level before.","And then, number three, I would say actually the stimulus package, you know, coming through with $7. 2 billion being placed specifically for broadband access in rural areas. Those are three key things - oh, and the fourth thing would be, actually redoing - re-upgrading rather the systems within the White House. Internet connectivity was extremely - is extremely slow there. Outdated computers, viruses, just issues with just the infrastructure of technology that was there left by the previous administration.","You know, that was going to be my next question because I understood as the new administration staff took their offices in the White House, what they found were computers that were - I suppose outdated and very slow and. . .","Yeah.","Not nearly as technologically advance that you would expect from the White House."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The new administration has made efforts to increase access to broadband in rural areas. The White House infrastructure and technology were outdated and in need of upgrades.","questions":"What was the focus of the $7.2 billion stimulus package?","answer":"Broadband"} {"text":["So what's the difference between steganography and - I'm interested in the origin of the word steganography. Can you take that apart for us?","Well. . .","Stega-, sounds almost like a dinosaur.","Certainly. It goes back to the Greeks, and it basically means hidden writing. So - and what it often gets kind of mixed together with or lumped together with, is encryption, and it's kind of - they're like close cousins, and they're trying to do the same thing, but they have slightly different approaches.","And that was my next question. What is the difference between steganography and encryption?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : the speaker is suggesting that steganography and encryption are similar and related, rather than literally saying that they are \"close cousins\".","questions":"Which word does the speaker use to describe the relationship between steganography and encryption?","answer":"Related"} {"text":["I think it's really important to understand that this is literally part of our human condition, right?We're a pack species. We like other people to like us. We like them to know what we're doing. And we've been doing this for centuries, whether it was commissioning portraits, whether it was sending postcards from our trips, whether it was holding our neighbors hostage and making them watch 10,000 slides from our family vacation. This is part of who we are. It's just a matter of managing it effectively.","If this is an essential part of the human condition, are these fatalities just going to keep happening?","I think so. I think so. There are some measures in place to kind of help with those people who are accidentally finding themselves in the situation of taking risky selfies. I think the more difficult question to ask is, what do we do with those people who are deliberately trying to find that high-risk selfie moment?","I mentioned the U. S. Forest Service warning against bear selfies and Yellowstone having this safe selfie pledge. What other steps are being taken to try to keep people safe?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The turn (1) \"holding our neighbors hostage and making them watch 10,000 slides from our family vacation\" is an example of figurative language and its actual meaning is not literal. The speaker is using exaggeration to emphasize how people have always had a desire to share their experiences with others, even if it means subjecting them to boring slideshows.","questions":"How does the speaker use exaggeration in turn 0?","answer":"Exaggeration"} {"text":["What did it sound like?","(Imitating plane noise) A lot of, you know, you got hundreds of planes, one right after the other. It was very moving and exciting. You know, you wonder what's going to happen. And 'course, then we fly over the channel. You can look out the window and see the silhouettes of the ships. We know it's going to happen now.","That is Les Cruise. He's 95 years old, and he's one of the last surviving veterans of that D-Day mission. These days, he lives outside of Philadelphia. I went to visit him earlier this week.","I'm Noel. It's nice to meet you."],"speaker":["B","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The speaker is not actually hearing the sound of planes, but is describing a past experience.","questions":"How was the sound of the planes described by the speaker?","answer":"moving"} {"text":["Now, the beauty of this country, though, is that when you represent those groups, I'd say that they're just really upset with this administration for the things that you pointed out, this is why they get to participate in this process. Now, we have another election. And that's why I believe those who have the boldness and the courage to run for president should also have the boldness and the courage to go to stages that aren't typically their turf.","That is Bob Vander Plaats. He's the CEO of The Family Leader. That's a conservative political organization based in Iowa. He's issued invitations to the top seven polling Democrats to come and speak to his group in July. And he was kind enough to speak to us from Urbandale, Iowa.","Mr. Vander Plaats, thanks so much for talking to us. Keep us posted about your plans, if you would.","Will do."],"speaker":["A","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Represented groups are unhappy with the current administration but can still participate in the political process","questions":"How are the represented groups feeling about the current administration?","answer":"Unhappy"} {"text":["How close is it?","It's about three parsecs away, about 12 light-years away, something like that.","So if there is intelligent life on that planet, and I'm just speculating here, it would be possible to communicate with them in real time almost, right, a lifetime, at least one person's lifetime if they could signal back and forth in 12 light-years?","Well, and that's the reason that studying these nearest stars is so interesting. If you have a chance of contacting any intelligent beings on these things, you could have a two-way conversation easily within a lifetime around these nearest stars."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Studying the nearest stars is interesting because it increases the chances of contacting intelligent beings","questions":"How does studying the nearest stars increase the chances of contacting intelligent beings?","answer":"chances"} {"text":["Sampson Davis - make that Dr. Sampson Davis - has a lot of his life tied up in Newark, New Jersey. And Newark and a lot of other inner cities have a lot tied up in him. Dr. Davis wrote a previous book, \"The Pact,\" about an agreement he made with two high school friends to become doctors. They did. And in a new book, he describes his experience in returning to be an emergency room physician in the Beth Israel Hospital in Newark - in which he was born - in a way that shines light on the particular needs of health care in inner-city America. Sampson Davis' new book is \"Living and Dying in Brick City: An E. R. Doctor Returns Home. \"Dr. Sampson Davis joins us from the studios of WBGO in Newark. Thanks so much for being with us.","DR. SAMPSON DAVIS: Oh, thank you for having me.","You know, a lot of people, with the blessings of their friends and family, would have gotten out of inner-city Newark, gone to medical school and then become a plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills. What made you come back?","You know, for me, my calling was a bit different. It was important for me to come back and to become a beacon of hope, if you will, to show young people especially that education can change a life. And it changed my life and it saved my life in so many ways."],"speaker":["B","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : In turn (3), the speaker asks Dr. Sampson Davis why he chose to come back to inner-city Newark and become an emergency room physician, even though he could have pursued a more lucrative career elsewhere. The question implies that many people would have left the inner city if they had the opportunity to do so, but Dr. Davis made a different choice.","questions":"What did Dr. Sampson Davis prioritize over a more financially rewarding career?","answer":"Physician"} {"text":["I'm delighted.","The two countries have narrowed their differences and that presumably includes Crimea, Ukraine, Syria. How does narrowing their differences sound to you?","It sounds hopeful but far from definitive. We have a long way to go to resolve our disagreements on either one of these two issues. But at least it is movement in the right direction. And it has in it the potential for being quite constructive in its consequences.","Does it involve any change in Russian behavior or policy?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Implies that A is being asked if the progress made involves any change in Russian behavior or policy.","questions":"What is PersonB asking PersonA about Russian behavior or policy?","answer":"Russian"} {"text":["Yeah, a big one.","Arguably, a full-time job outside the White House. So it's hard to see him fulfilling the in-house advisory role of the NSA. And critics are going to call Bolton's departure another high-profile example of how the Trump White House is basically a one-man show with occasional guest stars. But on substance, that quarreling you referred to, Bolton and the president clashed because Bolton wanted to aggressively confront U. S. adversaries around the world. And the president seems more focused at this point on domestic politics and his reelection year.","Let's talk about the third Democratic debate, this one in Houston. Just 10 candidates this time. How do you think it compared to the previous shows?","From the consumer standpoint, there was improvement, Scott. You still had more contestants than are comfortable for a TV quiz show screen. But at least you knew these were the real contenders and not so many career builders and people bolstering their brands. The show was too long at three hours, but the format seemed relatively brisk. The candidates got to respond and engage. Also, the ABC moderators asked good questions and then stood back to let the candidates speak and interact, yet they never lost control of the proceedings and never actually intruded on them, either."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : He would be fulfilling a government role and Trump makes it look like he does all of the work.","questions":"How did critics view Bolton's departure from the White House?","answer":"Example"} {"text":["A friend offered this thesis, and I wanted to test it on you. One never before factor in the financial meltdown, is the information revolution. We all know so much, so quickly online, that the surge of bad news begets more bad news, because we don't ever have time to digest it. What do you think of that?","I'm sure that's true. I'm sure that a lot of people who spent a lot of time online as I sometimes do, feels sort of inundated with bad news, and often see that they just want to step away from the computer monitor, lest it sort of reach out and bite them. I think it's probably also, though, possible to overstate the difference between this and earlier times.","Well, how is that?","If you think about the Great Depression, let's say for example like - as everyone is nowadays, during the Great Depression, you also had instantaneous forms of communication. You had the telephone and most notably, you have the telegraph, and I think most people have probably seen pictures or motion pictures with ticker tapes and giving sort of instantaneous stock reports."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The constant stream of bad news online contributed to the financial crisis.","questions":"Which factor contributed to the financial crisis?","answer":"news"} {"text":["I don't even want to repeat them. They were so unfair. They were essentially stigmatizing him, someone that we consider very naturally for good reasons as to be highly, highly unacceptable such as anti-Semitism. And I think the arguments that were made by some of the people who attacked him were essentially based on that. That was really scandalous. And I'm pleased to see that the majority of the Jewish community, which is moderate and decent, doesn't identify itself with this.","Nevertheless, there are legitimate questions to be asked, and you raised several of them yourself, about, well, how they should think about the possibility of a strike on Iran. I have to say, in recent weeks, the alarm bells have quieted a bit. You quoted, though, some in the Israeli media as quoting a former national security council member of the Obama team, saying there could be an American strike on Iran by the middle of this year.","That's correct. There has been talk to that effect. And I suspect, and rather expect, that these issues will come up in the course of the discussion. But in any case, the people that he's choosing to serve him are people with the experience, with a strategic perspective. But ultimately, he, the president, will be the decision-maker.","So I don't think that one has to expect that everyone chosen by him has to agree in every respect with every single aspect of the past policies that we have had, that he wants people who can think independently and give an independent advice, which he will then accept or reject, as president - as commander in chief."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The alarm bells have quieted a bit - means things are not as hectic as they have been up until now ","questions":"Which bells?","answer":"Alarm"} {"text":["Sure. I won't give you the whole poem. It's rather long. Oh, for a draft of vintage that have been culled a long age in the deep delved earth. Tasting of flora and the country green, dense and Provencal song and sun burnt mirth. Oh, for a beaker full of the warm south, full of the true, the blushful hippocream(ph), with beaded bubbles winking at the brim and purple stained mouth, that I might drink and leave this world unseen. And with thee fade away in the forest dim.","That's very nice indeed. I'm inclined to respond by saying, you know, she should have died hereafter. There would have been time for such a word. You know, tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps at its petty pace from day to day to the last syllable of recorded time, and all our yesterdays have lighted fools, they waited dust to your death. Out, out brief candle - sorry.","That's pretty wonderful.","Jean Sprackland is one of the poets who've selected verses for schoolchildren in the United Kingdom to recite for a new contest called Poetry By Heart. Thanks very much, Ms. Sprackland."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : In turn (4), the speaker is thanking Ms. Sprackland for her participation in a poetry contest.","questions":"How is Ms. Sprackland involved in the poetry contest mentioned in turn (3)?","answer":"Participation"} {"text":["Which tells us?","Well, it's 6:30 on a Sunday night. Most of the House members are usually watching \"Sunday Night Football. \"I would not be able to tell you when I last saw the House come into session on a Sunday night. Under any circumstances, they don't meet on Sunday. It's happened, but I can't tell you when it happened last. So this is an extraordinary, unusual circumstance. So that would tend to suggest that somewhere during the day, Speaker Boehner, John Boehner, the leader of the Republicans in the House, where they are the majority, got it in his head that there was going to be something to talk about on Sunday night, whereas there wasn't as of this morning. So perhaps there's something going on. Perhaps the president does have something to talk about with the Senate Republicans. Perhaps it would be something the Senate Republicans could accept and therefore agree not to filibuster. This is crucial.","Right.","If they filibuster, we lose three days, so they have to agree. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : filibuster refers to delaying and procrastinating by pretext","questions":"How does turn 3 relate to the concept of filibuster?","answer":"Agree"} {"text":["The New York Mets lost 7 to 1 to the Milwaukee Brewers on Wednesday, but the real loser was their mascot, Mr. Met. Mr. Met has a huge white baseball of a head dappled with red stitching and embellished with a perpetual grin.","But as he left the playing field Wednesday night, Mr. Met flipped a middle finger to a group of fans who posted it on Twitter - busted, Mr. Met. The club apologized, and the team employee in the Mr. Met costume that night has reportedly not returned. There were reports that fans heckled him, which fans deny.","The Mr. Mets middle finger controversy poses a physical and philosophical question. Mr. Met has four fingers on each hand. How can you say that any of them is a middle finger?Anyway, flipping the bird in New York, isn't that just how they say good morning in Queens?","(Singing) Well, everybody's heard about the bird - bird, bird, bird, the bird's the word. Well, bird, bird, bird, bird is the word. Well, bird, bird, bird - the bird is the word. Well, bird, bird, bird, bird is the word. Well, bird, bird, bird - the bird is the word. Well, bird, bird, bird's the word. Well, bird, bird, bird - the bird's the word. Well, bird, bird, bird, bird is the word. Well, bird, bird, bird's the word. Well, don't you know about the bird?Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word. Well, bird, bird, the bird's the word. . ."],"speaker":["B","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The actual meaning of the statement is that Mr. Met's middle finger controversy is a reflection of the fact that in New York, flipping the bird is seen as a normal way of greeting someone.","questions":"Which controversy is being discussed in turn 2?","answer":"Middle"} {"text":["You know, unfortunately, it's been demonstrated that there have been times when you have been personally dishonest during your time in office. So if voters highly value personal honesty, why would you be the right choice for them?","Well, I think that it's important to separate a mistake in life, which we all make. And, you know, I've come to believe that we all have feet of clay. We all wish we could rewind, play in a chapter of our life. The question is, is it a trend of continual misleading folks?Or is it an anomaly?And if you'd look at the whole of my life, what you'd see is the big standout is in 2009.","I think the question is, did I learn from it?Contrast it with the president has suggested in saying that there's nothing that he regrets. There's deep regret from my end, and I think what's equally telling is the people who knew me best, in the wake of that event, those very folks sent me to the United States Congress to represent them in Washington.","So you've made the debt and deficit your top reasons for challenging the president. So if it happens that either through your efforts or those of others, the president is not re-elected but let's say a Democrat who supports more expansive spending, for example, does win, will that have been worth it?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Feet of clay means a character weakness, and wishing one could rewind and play a chapter in your life means you wish you could re-live an event.","questions":"How does PersonA describe a mistake in life?","answer":"Mistake"} {"text":["The Trump administration - or at least the president - have indicated previously they don't share this conclusion. Saudi Embassy says the claims and the purported assessment are false. Now, let's note - President Trump has often criticized the U. S. intelligence establishment, saying they're not right on Russia. Oh, yeah. They were the ones who said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.","We have to ask, is there any indication in this CIA report, which has sources inside, that this is some kind of attempt by what the president's supporters call the deep state to bring him into line?","No, I don't think so. I mean, the CIA - you know, for all of the ways that the president somehow misunderstands how they operate - is looking at this situation objectively. And, yes, to some degree, they are factoring in subjective judgments about how people behave, like the crown prince. But this is not an attempt, I think, to, you know, bring the crown prince to heel or to somehow influence policy.","And we should note, too, the president, I mean, has been briefed on the CIA's findings. And what we understand is that he keeps resisting them because he doesn't have, I guess, the smoking gun. He keeps asking, well, where's the body?Or, show me the definitive proof that Mohammed bin Salman ordered this. And, you know, it doesn't always work that way."],"speaker":["B","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : This statement implies a suggestion that some of President Trump's supporters may believe that the CIA report is an attempt to undermine his authority, rather than an objective assessment of the facts.","questions":"How do some of President Trump's supporters view the CIPersonA report?","answer":"undermine"} {"text":["Well, what would that serious diplomacy look like?I mean, I - the United States would have to - what?- accept a. . .","It's a fair question, you know, why diplomacy would work now when it's failed in the past. I think that the breakout is a game-changer for the United States because we're directly - become directly vulnerable to North Korea. But it's also a game-changer for China because they'll either - they'll have to live with the strategic consequences of a breakout, which could - are unknown. South Korea could reassess its non-nuclear status.","So I think the conjunction of factors that we can bring China into play would have the goal of obtaining a nuclear - a freeze to lock in North Korea at its current level of capabilities. And for China - I think the conjunction of factors is that for China, they would retain their buffer in North Korea. And they would prevent these adverse strategic consequences. North Korea would maintain its minimum deterrent, and the regime would remain in power. For the United States, it would prevent this breakout, and it would offer us a not-great narrative. But we would say that this is an interim agreement toward the long-term goal of denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula.","Well Mr. Litwak, in the minute we have left, can you really trust any - the process of reaching or signing any agreement with a regime like North Korea's?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The United States would need to compromise and accept a nuclear-armed North Korea.","questions":"How would the United States have to compromise with North Korea?","answer":"Compromise"} {"text":["MR. PAGE: OK.","Yesterday, Keith Reid, who is one of our regular economics contributors, said that there could be a new New Deal, meaning the government will create jobs directly. Do you think that's possible?","You know, I tend to - well, it's certainly popular with Democrats, the idea of public works, and it's already worked in Chicago, Obama's adopted home town. Mayor Daley's gotten a long way with that. But I suspect he may be kind of a new frontier kind of president, at least initially, and that's the John F. Kennedy model, where he raised the morale of the country and rallied people together for joint action to tackle common problems instead of coming out with public works programs.","All right. Clarence, thank you."],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : new frontier in this context means that the president is different, or does something differently","questions":"What does \"new frontier\" mean in turn 2?","answer":"different"} {"text":["The way it works is that the public trust will now operate the company and will generate profits, which they anticipate to be between $7 and $8 billion. And those profits will be used to help settle some of the claims. Additionally, if they have any subsidiaries that are non-opioid that they sell, the proceeds from that sale will be used to pay the creditors.","Ah, OK. Are there other examples of private companies that for one reason or another become public beneficiary trusts?","This is the first one I've seen in my 53 years of bankruptcy practice.","Really?Wow. So why has it been so rare, you think, for something like this to happen - for private companies to be made into a public beneficiary trusts?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The phrase \"first one I've seen\" does not literally mean that the speaker has never heard of or encountered such a case before, but rather that it is a rare occurrence in their experience in bankruptcy practice.","questions":"What does the phrase \"first\" in turn 2 imply?","answer":"Rarity"} {"text":["Yeah.","Some old steelworker or some young hip-hop kid.","Racial moment, that's nice.","You know, and everybody wants to know what people are thinking about race.","It's like racial moment versus the senior moment."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The speaker is sarcastic about the so-called 'racial moment'","questions":"What is the PersonA's tone towards the term \"racial moment\"?","answer":"Tone"} {"text":["From the studios of NPR West, this is Day to Day. I'm Alex Cohen. This Thanksgiving Day, we'll hear how food banks are innovating to meet the needs of the hungry in the U. S. That's just ahead. First, though, we go to Mumbai, India, where coordinated terrorist attacks began last night, killing more than 100 people. The attacks occurred throughout the city at sites like the Oberoi and Taj Mahal Hotels. Arif Doctor is a lawyer living in Mumbai. We reached him today at his home and asked what the city looks like.","From my home, we're seeing or hearing presently nothing. Last night, we heard three explosions, which we were told were hand grenades, at about midnight and half past one in the morning. And we were told those were hand grenades thrown out of the Oberoi Hotel.","Do you know anyone personally who has been at any of these sites that have come under attack?","We do. We know someone. I'm a lawyer, and there's another fellow lawyer - two fellow lawyers who are in the Oberoi, very senior lawyers who are in the Oberoi. We had contact with them til about four, five in the morning. And after that, we've heard nothing from them. They were in a restaurant which is on the ground floor of the Oberoi. One is called the Tiffin and the other Kandahar. And since that time, we've had no contact with them."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : the speaker is worried about the safety and well-being of their friends who were at the Oberoi hotel during the attack. The lack of contact with them since the early morning is causing anxiety and uncertainty.","questions":"Which emotion is the speaker experiencing towards their friends' safety?","answer":"Safety"} {"text":["Sounds good, right?Sixty years ago this month, Miles Davis finished recording one of the most iconic albums in jazz. \"Kind Of Blue\" is perhaps Davis's greatest masterpiece. But it wasn't the only milestone recorded that year. John Coltrane, Dave Brubeck, Ornette Coleman and Charles Mingus all cut timeless classics, which is why many fans consider 1959 the best year in jazz ever.","There are all kinds of think pieces about this - a new blog devoted to the subject, even a documentary film titled \"1959: The Year That Changed Jazz. \"So settle in. And let's listen to what 1959 sounded like. Our guide is Nate Chinen. He is editorial director at our member station WBGO. And he's with Jazz Night In America. Nate, thanks for being here.","Thank you, Rachel.","All right. Make the case. What makes 1959 so great?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Let's explore the music of 1959 and why it was special","questions":"What year is considered the best in jazz by many fans?","answer":"1959"} {"text":["We're going to begin this hour following two developing stories. Odessa, Texas, police officials say at least five people were killed and 21 others injured in a shooting spree. Three law enforcement officers were shot. And a person believed responsible was also shot and killed. We are going to continue to follow that story and provide updates as details are confirmed.","But now we're going to turn to the Bahamas, where they are bracing for Hurricane Dorian. The Category 4 storm is gaining strength and approaching Category 5 status. It's expected to make landfall on the northwestern part of the islands tomorrow, and some short-term models predict as much as 64 inches of rain could could fall over the Northern Bahamas once the storm stalls. Joining us from the Bahamas is Rick Lohr. He is the general manager of the Abaco Beach Resort. That's in Marsh Harbour on the island of Abaco, which is in the path of the storm.","Mr. Lohr, thanks so much for joining us.","My pleasure.","Could you just tell us what the weather is like right now?"],"speaker":["B","B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Hurricane Dorian is a severe and dangerous storm that poses a serious threat to the Bahamas","questions":"What storm is approaching Category 5 status and poses a serious threat to the Bahamas?","answer":"Hurricane-Dorian"} {"text":["You know, we don't do a lot of cookbooks on this show. Hugh Acheson's latest cookbook fits right in. It doesn't show much cooking. The chef is shown reading in a lawn chair, taking a hot bath, even playing the cello - at least holding the bow over one.","It's a book about what you can cook - if that's quite the word - while you do something else, even for hours. \"The Chef And The Slow Cooker\" is by Hugh Acheson, the acclaimed Canadian Southern chef who owns big-name restaurants in Georgia and is a judge on \"Top Chef. \"He joins us from WABE in Atlanta.","Chef, thanks so much for being with us.","It's great to be here, Scott."],"speaker":["B","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : It's a book about what you can cook - if that's quite the word - while you do something else, even for hours. Implicated meaning: The book suggests cooking in a way that doesn't require constant attention or active involvement. It provides recipes or techniques for cooking dishes that can be prepared while engaging in other activities, even for extended periods of time.","questions":"How does the book suggest cooking?","answer":"Other"} {"text":["All over. I was just meeting with a friend. I had served at the U. S. Embassy in Mexico. She's here with a group of students and professors. I have just met recently a TV crew from Romania. Another one has come in from Serbia. And, of course, of special note, a number of journalists have come in from Kenya, where there's a very very big interest, obviously, for the roots of the candidate Senator Obama.","Well, tell us, what's drawing the other journalists?What is it that they're so fascinated by?","I think it goes back probably to the caucuses in Iowa in January, and it's just grown. Clearly, as the enthusiasm in the United States has grown, I think a lot of them are focusing on the young people so involved, but in general, the U. S. public so involved in these elections and in these campaigns. And I think, in part, it is, the U. S. does remain a certain kind of example in terms of democracy.","Well, I mean, is it fair to say that, were Barack Obama not in this race, there wouldn't be as much interest?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The interest in the U.S. elections is primarily due to Barack Obama's participation.","questions":"Which factor primarily accounts for interest in the U.S. elections?","answer":"Participation"} {"text":["And taking off on those trade negotiations, this week's economic news was mixed. Economists, as they usually are, are divided about what might be ahead. But it's fair to say that they threw up some cautionary signals, didn't they?","You know, Saturday morning is probably not the best time to talk inverted yield curves, Scott. But. . .","That's why we're here, Ron.","(Laughter)."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The economists spoke up and said that people should take caution in their finances.","questions":"What signals did the economists throw up?","answer":"Caution."} {"text":["Although there has been some criticism that this team represents a very centrist, pragmatic approach instead of a more ambitious approach that maybe you've been calling for.","Well, they've been talking pretty ambitious so far. We'll see. They are centrists, that's for sure. Within the Democratic Party, nobody would look at this group and say, that's a bunch of lefties.","That is certainly right, but I think they're thinking big. And you know, in Geithner's case, along with Bernanke, at the Fed they've been doing big. The Fed has been doing one unprecedented, amazing thing after another.","Yeah, to mixed success, though."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Geithner and Bernanke have been taking bold, unprecedented actions at the Fed","questions":"What have Geithner and Bernanke been doing at the Fed?","answer":"Acting"} {"text":["And if these valleys are so remote, how did these civilizations develop in this unforgiving area?","Well, that's the thing. We're only now starting to realize that this so-called virgin or impenetrable jungle in prehistoric times was anything but. It was very heavily settled. There were many thousands of people living in these areas, and it wasn't virgin jungle. It was more like a tended garden. They cleared huge areas for farming. They terraced. They built irrigation canals. They built roads. They built enormous pyramids and structures.","And the idea that the rainforest of Central and South America - the soils were too poor to support major agriculture and large populations turns out to be a false idea. In fact, even in Amazonia, they're now realizing that these supposedly impenetrable jungles in Amazonia were, in fact, heavily settled by people in prehistoric times.","And they are remote today, but not too remote to be of interest to loggers."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The jungle was not virgin but was heavily settled.","questions":"What was the jungle like?","answer":"populated"} {"text":["At 18 years old, I moved from Charlotte to the mountains. And I've lived in Appalachia - in Jackson County, N. C. - ever since. And it's the same thing here. You know, I think poverty - it's the same condition no matter where you're from. You know, I talked a little bit in that essay about that man from Baltimore saying desperation is a way of life.","This was a documentary on the BBC that was talking about poverty in Baltimore.","Yeah. I think anybody I grew up with could have said that. Anybody that I'm friends with now in Hazelwood, Haywood County, could say that. That's the reality of people who have nothing. They all know what it's like to miss a meal or to have the lights turned off or to have to decide - do I make my car payment, or do I pay my health insurance?That's a common theme that bridges the gap all across this country. And the unifying thing about that is poverty.","You also talk about addiction. The opioid crisis, as we know, is enormous right now. And you say that people just want to be listened to. What is the story that we aren't hearing?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : In (3), the speaker is using the phrase \"bridges the gap\" to describe the common experience of poverty that unites people across the country. The actual meaning is that poverty is a unifying force that brings people together despite their differences in geography, culture, or background.","questions":"How does the speaker describe the common experience of poverty that unites people across the country?","answer":"Poverty"} {"text":["The billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein has been taken into federal custody related to sex trafficking. According to The Daily Beast, who first reported this story, Epstein was arrested yesterday and will appear in court tomorrow to be charged in connection with sex trafficking minors. This comes more than a decade after accusations first surfaced that Epstein had paid dozens of young girls for sex. But he avoided federal criminal charges and significant prison time in a plea deal that continues to draw criticism for its lenient terms. For more on this, we called Pervaiz Shallwani, one of the Daily Beast reporters who broke this story. And he's with us now.","Thank you so much for being with us.","Thank you for having me.","And I'm just going to start by saying that the details may be disturbing to some listeners because this does involve accusations about the treatment of young girls. So, having said that, Pervaiz, as briefly as you can, what are the allegations that first surfaced against Epstein in 2007 and 2008?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : He was happy to attend the talk show","questions":"Which turn suggests that Epstein appeared on a talk show?","answer":"No"} {"text":["Yeah. So they did the - this is an amazing study and a beautiful video because of their research. They have really lovely time-lapse movies of cucumbers growing. And, you know, you think of plants as planted. . .","They stay there.",". . . stationary, kind of boring.","They don't move. Right."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The speakers agree that plants do not move.","questions":"Which statement do the speakers agree on?","answer":"Move"} {"text":["And we shall not - I certainly won't see his like again. He was also incredibly fun. And so that's the thing to try to hold onto.","He wrote a lot of letters by hand, didn't he?","He wrote tons of letters. I bet there are a hundred thousand - hundreds out there signed, all the best, George Bush. Many of them are compiled in a lovely volume he did. His - you know, he was the son of a mother who insisted that he not talk - that one not talk about oneself. He was - so when it came time to write a book after he left the presidency, he didn't. . .","Oh, right."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : I won't see someone like him again because he was unique and special, and not because he was dead.","questions":"Which aspect of the person being discussed does turn 0 emphasize?","answer":"Uniqueness"} {"text":["What is that called again?Just remind me.","It's called \"Pieces Of Her,\" by Karin Slaughter. But if you're waiting for the next book like that that's coming out, the hottest off the press, I would recommend \"Bunny\" by Mona Awad, which is also very funny and very sharp and an extremely readable page-turner, which is coming out in June.","I also think about summer reading as escapism fiction. You know, you want to go to another world or back in time or fantasy novels. What about that?","So for, you know, people who are, like, maybe missing \"Game Of Thrones\". . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"maybe missing\" implies not currently watching Game of Thrones anymore.","questions":"Which show?","answer":"Hair"} {"text":["So when did it start to go bad?","Well, when they started cutting the shifts back. You know, they had three shifts. And when things started going bad, we started opening at seven o'clock in the morning just to accommodate to the third shift people so that they could come here, have a bite to eat and a drink before they went home.","And then third shift, you know, they did away with that. So then we started - we quit opening up early because of that, and so that really cut back on our business. Then, they got rid of the next shift. They are only one shift. It just like gradually has gotten worse and worse. So now, we're concerned, what about now, when there's going to be nobody.","Was this - I don't know - was this a dream to own your own business, own your own restaurant?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : cutting shifts back means that they cut hours someone has to work, or removed a shift someone is working","questions":"Which term describes the reduction in work hours?","answer":"Cutting"} {"text":["We're seeing - from last night, there were lots of videos showing intense artillery airstrikes on this place. It's just a few piece - few hundred yards wide. And you know, you can actually kind of look out across it - it's such a small area - with binoculars. Reporters there are seeing ISIS flags on what's left of the buildings. There's a collection of squalid tents. But people are hiding out in tunnels and caves, we're hearing.","Wow. I mean, it just - it speaks - this moment speaks so much to the larger story. I mean, if this family who might be holding these children want to stick it out and want to remain committed to ISIS and the ideology and they're not going anywhere, I mean, it just creates an impossible situation.","Exactly, for this father - and also, it's a broader lesson that, you know, it's very difficult to bomb an ideology into oblivion. A lot of the people that have been coming out of this area in recent weeks, you know, remain faithful to ISIS and especially because they've been bombed by, you know, a U. S. -backed force that they see them as the enemy now. And they've been saying that they're going to still support the group and raise their children in the beliefs of the group. So whilst, you know, ultimately this territory probably will be taken back, the broader question of ISIS as existing in its ideology continues.","NPR's Ruth Sherlock - Ruth, thanks so much."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : In this turn, the speaker is making a broader point about the difficulty of eradicating an ideology, even if a military force takes back territory from a group like ISIS. The literal meaning of \"it's very difficult to bomb an ideology into oblivion\" suggests that the speaker is talking about the limitations of military force against an idea rather than a physical target.","questions":"How does the speaker describe the difficulty of eradicating an ideology?","answer":"Difficult"} {"text":["I was struck by a phrase in Chris Arnold's piece about the dollar being the bedrock currency for much of the world. Is that jeopardized?","Very much so. Treasury debt is the only risk-free asset in the world. It undergirds the world's financial system, it's in everybody money market's funds. You know, China, among many other countries, buys Treasury bills like crazy - over a trillion dollars. So, if you'd have to start factoring in risk, even if it's political risk, into our debt, you know, two things happen. The rest of the world becomes less enchanted with buying it, and our interest payments - what the government has to pay to issue that debt will rise substantially.","Can I get you to play out your scenario about what happens if October 17 comes and there's no agreement?","I don't think that much will happen on October 17th. I think there's a little wiggle room. What happens on October 17th is the government loses its borrowing authority and it can only pay out the cash it has on hand. However, if we got to the end of the month and the United States missed a bond payment, I believe that you would have an event that is three, four, five, six times worse than the Lehman Brothers of five years ago. Because the banks rely on treasuries to trade with each other overnight. That's how they fund themselves. And if you take away trust in the financial system or U. S. debt, it will be cataclysmic. The banks will freeze up. There will be no borrowing. It'll be like Lehman. The stock market will go down. It has the potential to be a true out-and-out disaster."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"Banks rely on treasuries to trade with each other overnight\" does not mean that banks trade physical treasuries with each other at night. Instead, it means that banks use treasury securities as collateral to borrow money overnight from other banks.","questions":"What do banks use as collateral to borrow money overnight from other banks?","answer":"Treasury-securities"} {"text":["Windsor Castle was restored in exactly that timeframe. The day from the fire to the celebration of the reopening of the restored castle was a span of five years. I know people are feeling more positive than they did yesterday because more of the cathedral seems to have survived than seemed possible at the time. And it's a good starting point to think that five years is a reasonable timeframe for the project.","Architect Francis Maude - he's a director at Donald Insall Associates in London.","Thank you for speaking with us.","My pleasure. Thank you."],"speaker":["A","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The implied meaning is that there is hope that the restoration of the cathedral will take a similar timeframe to that of Windsor Castle. The literal meaning is that the restoration of Windsor Castle took five years and it's a reasonable timeframe for the project.","questions":"How long did it take to restore Windsor Castle?","answer":"Five"} {"text":["Thank you.","So what originally did the Consumer Product Safety Commission say was wrong with this stroller?","They were concerned about the front wheel of the stroller. It's a three-wheeled stroller, and they were concerned with the wheel falling off suddenly. It's attached to the stroller with a quick release, the same thing that attaches the wheels on bicycles. And so parents would be out running, jogging with their strollers, their kid in the middle. And the wheel would spontaneously fall off.","So the agency spent months investigating. And in 2017, they decided that Britax should recall the stroller, that it wasn't safe. And they even sued to try and force the company to recall the stroller. Tell us why that didn't happen."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"They were concerned about the front wheel of the stroller.\" is a statement that provides an explanation of the Consumer Product Safety Commission's concern regarding the stroller. Its meaning is clear and straightforward.","questions":"How was the front wheel of the stroller attached?","answer":"Quick"} {"text":["Well, they do do some of it. Delta in the most recent quarter had about 300 million dollars in gains from fuel hedges, but the biggest problem is other airlines just don't have the cash or the credit to put into this. Southwest has the luxury of very strong financial balance sheet so they can put their money to work years ahead of time. Other airlines, you know, if you're cutting costs, if you're fighting for survival, if your cash is tight, your employees are getting laid off, you know, it's hard to say hey, we're going to buy some fuel for 2012.","And Delta was in bankruptcy proceedings, it had to unload everything it could to deal with its debt.","That's right, very costly. Delta actually had good fuel hedges leading into the 2004 bankruptcy. They had to sell those to raise some cash in the bankruptcy, but selling early meant they lost out on a whole lot of profits that they could have had later on.","Scott, you're a travel writer but you do write for the Wall Street Journal, so maybe you can answer this question for me. On the day that Southwest reported things going very well, its stock actually fell by a dollar to just under 15 dollars a share. Now, how does that work?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The other airlines don't have the financial means to invest in fuel hedging, suggesting that they are not in a strong financial position.","questions":"Which airlines are not in a strong financial position?","answer":"Other"} {"text":["We're trying to create the largest long-term study of aging in dogs that anyone has ever done, with the goal of trying to understand how genes and environment determine healthy aging in dogs.","So it's not just that old rule of thumb that one year is seven years in a dog's life?","On average, that's true. One of the amazing things about dogs, though, is that there's tremendous variation. If you go to the dog park, you'll see large dogs and small dogs. They also vary tremendously in their lifespan. And we're trying to understand why they vary so much.","Big dogs, I'm told, live shorter lives than small dogs.","And that's unusual because if you compare different species of mammals, from elephants to mice, it's the large species that live longer. So dogs are doing things in reverse.","And no indication as to why that might be yet?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2): This is a rhetorical question that implies that there may not just be a \"rule of thumb\" when it comes to aging in dogs.","questions":"Which turn implies that there may be more to aging in dogs than just the \"rule of thumb\"?","answer":"2"} {"text":["Now, Senator Obama is scheduled to address the convention on Sunday, last week we spoke to Richard Prince, of the Maynard Institute, who said, that the presidential forum, that was scheduled for Thursday was quote, \"all but dead. \"Of course, Senator Obama is traveling internationally. How did you secure him coming for Sunday, and given that Sunday is essentially the very last day of the convention, do you expect turnout that's going to be significant?","Well, the talks with both presidential candidates have been taking place for a while, and the invitations were extended many, many months ago. And so, talks have been taking place, and you know, with schedules it's really difficult to nail that down. With this Middle East and Europe trip coming up for Senator Obama, that came into the mix, just in recent weeks. It came down to a choice between having the Senator come on Sunday, or not at all.","So the Senator McCain invitation is still out, but it has not been accepted or rejected?","Right. We're still working on it."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The organizers faced difficulties in getting Obama to attend the convention.","questions":"What issue did the organizers face in regards to Obama attending the convention?","answer":"Schedules"} {"text":["OK.",". . . It's a big question.","OK. So it does seem that it's been reported that the president's advisers are at odds. His national security adviser, John Bolton, is hawkish, seems very skeptical about any negotiations with Iran while the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, seems to want to de-escalate the conflict. Now, obviously, everyone should be very careful about committing troops to any conflict, so let's just take that as a given. But how do you interpret what's going on in the administration around this very sensitive and consequential issue?Some would argue that these things should have been worked out by now.","Well, as far as any discussion with regards to the military option - and there are four instruments of national power, primarily - diplomacy, information, military, economics. It's the dying principle that we follow here as a nation. I believe and many others believe that the military option anywhere at any time should always be the absolute. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"It's the dying principle that we follow here as a nation.\" The phrase \"dying principle\" here does not refer to a principle that is in the process of dying or fading away, but rather to the fundamental principle that should always be followed, even in dire circumstances.","questions":"Which principle does the phrase \"dying principle\" refer to in turn 3?","answer":"Fundamental"} {"text":["I'm just - I'm 84, but - and I'm going to just keep going until suddenly I notice that somebody has approached with a hook, and the curtain is closing. But I continue to do basic research, as for example biogeography of ant faunas of the Pacific, and writing on the general subjects that we've been addressing today.","You talk in your book about having the summer off as a kid with lots of time to do what you want. Do kids need unstructured time?","They need a lot. They need a lot. I would say that generally speaking if you have a bright, inquisitive kid, and very few are not innately that way, and you were given a choice, two months of summer camp with advanced, more advanced preparation in various subjects with college on the horizon in mind, between that and cutting them loose in the woods or in a very interesting natural environment, and I say cutting them loose not entirely but if you know where they are, take the latter for heaven's sake. It's the latter where they will dream and beginning to form in their own mind those ideas, those conceptions, those misperceptions to be corrected that make up a strong mental ability and character.","Dr. Wilson, thank you so much for taking time - it's always such a pleasure to have you on SCIENCE FRIDAY. Thank you for joining us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The kids will begin to think of ideas as they explore on their own.","questions":"Which activity fosters mental ability and character in children, according to Dr. Wilson?","answer":"Stimulus"} {"text":["Is there any recourse here whatsoever, and is there any way to see from here on out how companies are actually using this bailout money, to be very clear about where and who it's going to?","Well, if your question goes beyond executive compensation to how the money is being used, yeah, we have a special inspector general that is overseeing it. We also have the General Accounting Office doing some review. We do have a problem with the General Accounting Office; can it get bank records so we know what they're using their money for?No, we need to clarify that in the law. You know, the oversight is meant to be strong through the special inspector-general. As a practical matter, will it be?We're going to have to wait a month or two to find out.","Charles Grassley is the Republican senator from Iowa. Thank you very much.","Thank you."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Companies are misusing bailout money and need to be held accountable and punished for doing so. ","questions":"How is oversight being conducted for the use of bailout money?","answer":"Inspector"} {"text":["How. . .",". . . they're going to get cold.","Will this rise that you're predicting be noticeable in 100 years?Will the change affect the weather then?","You know, if the driving forces are, you know, according to some of the scenarios that are out there, yes; according to some of the others, no. And it remains to be seen what climate is actually going to do."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Turn (4): \"And it remains to be seen what climate is actually going to do.\" This response is a figurative way of saying that the future is uncertain and unpredictable. The literal meaning of the words is that the speaker does not know what the climate will do, but the figurative meaning is that the future is always unknown and there are many factors that can influence it.","questions":"What is the figurative meaning of PersonA's statement in turn 3?","answer":"Uncertain"} {"text":["Well, as we often say in cosmology or theoretical physics, that idea might be crazy enough to be true.","How would it work?","Well, the idea that is talked about in this paper is that there's kind of a parallel universe out there with very similar laws of physics to ours, but it only communicates with our universe by a very feeble interaction. So it's almost invisible. So it could be occupying the same space. But without very sensitive experiments, we cannot perceive that. And this paper talks about such an experiment done at a laboratory in Grenoble, France, where they bottle neutrons. They bottled about a half million neutrons in an ultracold neutron trap, and they monitored them for about five minutes, and they see some of them disappear.","And the idea is that they could be leaking into this parallel universe?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The literal meaning of this turn is that B is asking if the neutrons could be physically leaking into another universe. However, the implied meaning is that B is asking if the neutrons could be disappearing because they are interacting with the parallel universe proposed in the paper mentioned by A. This implies that the parallel universe is not a physical location that can be entered or exited, but rather a theoretical construct that can only be detected through indirect means.","questions":"How is the parallel universe proposed in the paper detected?","answer":"Feeble"} {"text":[". . . back in the - I think the big telescopes like Hubble and other ground-based telescopes will be used to observe the impact site if any debris appears. In fact, back in 2009, there was an impact of a much larger asteroid on Jupiter that caused a really - a debris cloud on Jupiter that was about as big as the Pacific Ocean.","Wow.","And the newly repaired Hubble was used to observe that impact, and a lot was learned about that impact from Hubble observation.","So folks are really tweaking it up now. I mean, and having a good weekend, you just need a nice clear sky, and you too might discover something."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : B is making a sarcastic remark about the difficulty of discovering something new with telescopes.","questions":"What type of remark is PersonB making in turn 3?","answer":"Sarcastic"} {"text":["It's a natural product obviously. So a big thing in bikes is getting them aligned. And they said one of the things that took them years to figure out at Valid Cycles was how they get these poles all straight. So they had to build their own jig. I know that our bike geeks out there are going to like this.","Bike geek. They're going to love this.","Yeah.","But one of the question I need to ask you, as a bike geek yourself. . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The people that are very involved with and interested in bikes will like them.","questions":"Which group of people will appreciate the content being discussed?","answer":"interested"} {"text":["Well, yes. As you said, I'm at 17,000 feet in the Atacama Desert. And this place is wonderful for viewing because it's so high, so the - most of the atmosphere is - well, it's not most below us, but a lot of it is below us. And the air is very dry, and the wavelengths that people want to study, the stars and galaxies at - up here, there's very dry air, and the wavelengths are not - they're coming through clear because water vapor absorbs wavelengths that they're interested in, so they want to get as far away from water vapor as they can. So they're up high. And there's other places here besides the Atacama that are in the Andes - very high, very good viewing - or seeing, as they call it in astronomy.","And is that why, as you told us, that half of the world's major telescopes are in Chile?Is that why they're all there?","Well, yeah. It's because it's a great location. And the one I'm at right now is not one of the major telescopes. It's a smaller one. It's called CLASS - the Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor. And what it's doing is looking for signals, traces of the earliest moments of the universe that were laid down in something called gravitational waves. Those gravitational waves have a certain property known as a polarization, and it should be possible to see that polarization left behind in the wavelengths that they're studying at CLASS. That's what they're doing here.","So where else have you been on this trip?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The Atacama Desert is a great location for viewing stars and galaxies because of its high altitude and dry air.","questions":"How is the air in the Atacama Desert for viewing stars and galaxies?","answer":"Dry"} {"text":["Well, what happened is I - we plan an escape. It was really, really dangerous. The movement that we're struggling in became tribal and so, you know, you see soldiers who are turning on each other. And so we decide, look, I rather go and die where my family members are. We were, like, around - between two to 400, I think, and only 16 people survived. And the way some died of starvation, dehydration and a lot of things that attacked us on the way that we weren't prepared for.","You wound up at a place called Waat.","Yeah, when I arrived in a place called Waat and I met a British aid worker called Emma McCune. And so Emma McCune was the one who smuggled me into Kenya and put me in school, so she disarmed me.","So when you heard the news that 3,000 child soldiers may be gradually released in South Sudan, what did that make you feel?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Implicated meaning: In this context, \"disarmed\" does not refer to physically taking away weapons from the speaker, but rather, to the act of helping the speaker move away from a violent and dangerous situation and giving them a chance at a better life. It implies that Emma McCune provided emotional and practical support to the speaker, and helped them escape the violence they were trapped in.","questions":"What did Emma McCune provide to the speaker besides helping them move away from a violent situation?","answer":"School"} {"text":["When I met him a couple of months ago, I said, listen. You have fought against Islamic radicalism. And you have saved Benghazi and eastern Libya from the terrorist threat. But if you try to run for office, you will lose all that because Libyans are difficult to govern. And I said to him, do you have any aspirations with that?He says, no. I want to rise above this. So I think he sees a real threat to Libya by the existence of these elements. And unfortunately, the international community and the United Nations, they are supporting a government that has no power. And in the end, that government that has no power is being run by militias.","Some people would counter that, actually, Haftar's forces are also comprised of militias with little ideology, some elements within them are so-called extremists and that he is no better than the forces he's purporting to counter.","I mean, I hate to disagree with this. I mean, Haftar is not perfect. I don't say he's perfect. But he has a Libyan army. They might have started off as militias. But now they are inducted into regular army. And more important, they try to paint Haftar into a warlord. You know, he's not. He has been authorized by the only representative body in the country, which is the Libyan Parliament. And so, please, don't get me wrong. I am not enamored with Haftar. And the last thing I want to see in Libya is another military dictatorship. I don't want to see that.","So why is Haftar making this move to take Tripoli now?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : They are not painting but describing the man in a certain way.","questions":"Which word suggests that Haftar's portrayal as a warlord is inaccurate?","answer":"inaccurate"} {"text":["A few hundred?","A few hundred?","A few hundred, yeah.","There is a composition on this recording \"Fur Elise\". . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The literal meaning of turns (1) and (2) is asking a question about the number \"a few hundred\". The implied meaning of these turns is that B is surprised by the number A mentioned.","questions":"How was PersonB's reaction to the number mentioned by A?","answer":"Surprised"} {"text":["We just have this mythology about America being a melting pot and, you know, welcoming of immigrants. And we have our democratic ideals. And yet the true history is one of racism, of white supremacy. And peoples of color have never been particularly welcomed into this country. A lot of people still don't even know the history of the incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II, so I want to go out of feeling youthful, you know, in my old age. And I think that that's something that I can talk about, you know, educate people. So what else can we do?","Chizu Omori is a writer living in Oakland.","Thank you so much.","Well, thank you for allowing me to speak up."],"speaker":["A","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Melting pot doesn't refer to an actual pot, but is a metaphor for the country's population being a mix of different ethnicities and national origins.","questions":"How is the melting pot metaphor used in America?","answer":"Metaphor"} {"text":["It stores the equivalent of ones and zeroes. We came up with the idea in a bar in Hamburg a few years ago because the institute where I work is - keeps some of the world's big, biological databases. We store the information, we archive the information, and we serve it to research biologists around the world over the Internet for them to do their research.","And the data that's coming to us is increasing exponentially. It's quite a headache for us to keep hold of all of that because our budgets don't increase exponentially.","Yeah, did you actually try this out on some DNA?","Yeah, we tried it out in a real - it's sort of compared to the databases we store, it's a small example, but compared to what people have done before, it's a pretty big example. We wrote a computer program that embodied a code that would convert the zeros and ones from a hard disk drive into the letters that we use to represent DNA, and then we - our collaborators in California were able to actually synthesize physical DNA.","And what did you store in that DNA?"],"speaker":["A","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : when something is a headache in this context it means its annoying","questions":"How would you describe the data's increase in this context?","answer":"Exponentially"} {"text":["Yes. I don't think the government contends that she was a spy. She pled guilty to one count of failing to register as a foreign agent. But still, in her statement of the offense, the activities she undertook weren't necessarily covert or spycraft. There's no allegation she's a member of Russian intelligence. And I think that's worn out, although she did pled guilty - plead guilty and is accepting responsibility for not registering as a foreign agent.","Yeah. What was she trying to do then?","She was trying to build bridges between the two countries, and through civil society groups, which I think happens with a lot of foreign nationals and foreign students.","Well, build bridges or - I'm going to mix metaphors here - or create a road in for Russian interests?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : build bridges implies engaging in good human relationship and connections","questions":"What does \"build bridges\" suggest?","answer":"Connection"} {"text":["Business casual, if you will.","Yes - something that would be your business suit. And then the casual part of it would be you can take the jacket off, and there's a short-sleeve, button-up shirt underneath.","There have been prototypes developed of these new uniforms. And they've made some adaptations from what the originals look like. Tell me about that.","So they started out with sort of just a straight jacket that kind of hit at the hip. And the feedback was that soldiers really wanted a slightly longer jacket, like, almost, you know, like, a little bit of a skirt coming out from the hip and then a belt. The belt was really important. So the latest update of that has the belt added."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The business suit has a casual element to it with a short-sleeved shirt.","questions":"How can the business suit be modified for a casual look?","answer":"Jacket"} {"text":["I saw that statistic in National Review.","Oh, that's another fine magazine.","And give me some credit for reading National Review.","I personally - I think. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : A: Oh, that's another fine magazine. This turn is an example of sarcasm. The speaker, A, uses the phrase \"another fine magazine\" to indicate that they do not believe that National Review is a fine magazine, despite what the previous speaker, B, has implied. The literal meaning of the phrase is positive, but the actual meaning, conveyed through the speaker's tone and context, is negative.","questions":"What was the tone of PersonA's statement about National Review?","answer":"Sarcastic"} {"text":["So I can't say anything definitive. But my understanding is that Mr. Mueller basically laid out, here are the elements. As you read in the introduction, we can't conclude it wasn't obstruction, and we're essentially turning it over to Congress to look at that and, I must say, to the voters; ultimately, I think the voters in 2020 are going to be the people that decide what was right and wrong in this case.","Now, there was an interesting point in the press conference today with Attorney General Bill Barr. He defended his conclusion that there was no obstruction by pointing out that the president has at times been very cooperative in this investigation - he provided access to documents, he let his senior aides testify freely. Let me ask you, does that mean in your mind that the president could not have had a corrupt intent?","Well, I think, you know, he was sort of cherry-picking the evidence. We know, for example, that the president wanted to dismiss Mr. Mueller, wanted to shut down the investigation, wanted Attorney General Sessions to unrecuse himself to take control of the situation. We know that when he first heard of the investigation, he leaned back in his chair and said, this could be the end of my presidency. And so I don't - I mean, clearly, there was cooperation. Although, on one of the very major aspects, the president refused to testify or his lawyers, anyway, refused to testify.","Do you think it was a mistake of Robert Mueller not to have subpoenaed the president to sit down for an interview?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Turn (4): \"subpoenaed the president to sit down for an interview\" is an idiom that means legally compelling someone to appear and give testimony. It does not mean literally inviting someone to sit down for a friendly conversation.","questions":"Which idiom means legally compelling someone to appear and give testimony?","answer":"Subpoenaed"} {"text":["What would be risky about it, from the Nicolas Maduro point of view?","Well, there'd certainly be retaliatory measures from the U. S. , very likely more sanctions. There would be a massive outcry from Guaido's dozens of other international allies. The EU's warned that this would be a major escalation in tensions. And there'll be a lot of anger from the multitude of Guaido's supporters here in Venezuela.","Guaido himself says that any attempt by Maduro's government to detain him would be - as he put it - without doubt, one of that government's last mistakes. So we don't know, Steve. I mean, it's not clear that Maduro's concluded that he's in a strong enough position to do this. But it is a possibility.","And I guess we don't know if Guaido intends to go to a border crossing and present his passport or if he intends to sneak in some way. Is it known what path he plans to take?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"There would be a massive outcry from Guaido's dozens of other international allies.\" - The use of the word \"dozens\" is figurative, indicating that Guaido has a significant number of international allies, but not necessarily just dozens.","questions":"Which word indicates that Guaido's international allies are significant in number but not necessarily just dozens?","answer":"Significant"} {"text":["I grew up in a small town where there were no poets. There were brilliant carpenters and electricians and people who did things with their hands. I wanted to make something with my hands too. I just wanted to make something a little different.","And so I needed models to sort of tell me that I could do that. Now, I am hopefully urging on another generation, the next generation of young, passionate, risk-taking, truth-telling writers to say, don't be afraid of this, you can do this, just have the resolve to do it, and it'll work itself out.","Even if you're working at Kinko's overnight?","Even if you're working at Kinko's it will, you know, you - there are jobs everywhere for poets of passion, you know?Some of them are in the academy."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : No matter where a person works they can find inspiration to write a poem.","questions":"How can a poet find inspiration to write a poem?","answer":"Inspiration"} {"text":["Hi, how are you Tony?","Fine. Congratulations to you for making some money when everybody's struggling. That's good news, isn't it?","It is. It's excellent news. It's a recession-proof business, so I'm very thankful for that.","What is it that makes it recession-proof, in your view?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Everybody isn't struggling, but enough people are to make it notable that Person A is making money.","questions":"How is Person PersonA's financial situation perceived by others?","answer":"Notable"} {"text":["Well, tomorrow, it's going to be a lot of pomp and circumstance. There'll be a wreath-laying at Westminster Abbey. There'll be a state dinner in the evening with the Queen at Buckingham Palace tomorrow, a meeting with Prime Minister May. Of course, she's a lame duck, so we're not expecting a lot there on the policy front. The big thing tomorrow is going to be street protests.","And what are we expecting there?","Huge numbers. There are going to be buses coming in from around England. The streets are going to be jammed. Londoners, of course, very progressive - this is a cosmopolitan city. And they tend to really dislike this president. His anti-immigration policies, his things that he said about women - it just really rubs Londoners the wrong way.","We'll be seeing a lot of things that - a lot of signs, clever signs, which is what British protesters are known for. And we'll also see Tuesday morning the Trump baby blimp make a reappearance. This is the blimp of Trump in a diaper and crying and looking - he's in the form of a baby. Very popular, and I'm sure we'll see lots of people out there when that goes aloft in Parliament Square."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : There will be a lot of formal events but street protests will be the highlight.","questions":"Which event will be the highlight of tomorrow's schedule?","answer":"Protests"} {"text":["Thank you.","Eduardo, the group of survivors quickly formed a community, sharing tasks, rotating sleeping positions so everyone would get a chance at a more comfortable spot in the wrecked plane. Can you talk a little bit about that?- those first few days.","Yeah. As you can imagine, it has been the most awful, terrible days of my life. It was awful and long nights. We have a very small space. We were 29 people at the first. And we have no warm clothes (ph), no water. We have to melt snow. It was very difficult because the weather was very cold. And the snow was all over the kerosene of the engines of the plane. We are surrounded with our friends, who died. And that first night was really impossible to describe.","Of course, the aspect of the story that has gained the most notoriety was the decision you all made that in order to survive, you would have to start eating your dead friends. And you didn't flinch from describing this in the book. Fairly early on, you say that hearing your cousin Adolfo say out loud what many were thinking - that you were going to have to eat the bodies - gave you a kind of relief. How so?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : MY CAT IS VERY VERY BEAUTIFUL BIRD AND VERY CALM","questions":"How would you describe the cat?","answer":"Beautiful"} {"text":["Well, the first one was, of course, a really bad jolt that brought down all the buildings; things were swaying. The second one for some reason was - people panicked even more because I guess the memory of the first one was so fresh. Although it didn't kill as many people, and it was technically supposed to be an aftershock of the first one, still it sent people back to the shelters. People were sleeping out in the open again. And then just as things were starting to get back to some sort of normalcy, the panic level suddenly went up again.","Is the ground still shaking every now and then?","Oh, yeah, this is a roller coaster. I mean, it just - we haven't had any big aftershock today, but last night, yesterday morning - and we don't know if the aftershocks are just merging into one, you know, of the first one and the second one.","We're talking you on Skype. Has the world media left at this point?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : very good His words implied a threat. War implies fighting and death.","questions":"What did the first earthquake bring down?","answer":"buildings"} {"text":["And why do you think Mr. Mueller should be fired?","Well, I think there have been a number of instances when bias has been demonstrated within the Mueller probe; also, the manner in which the team has been put together, the relationship between Mr. Mueller and Mr. Comey; and then finally, some of the details of the intelligence memo that we hope is made public this week would seem to indicate that no prosecution could ever be brought from the Mueller probe. And thus, its utility has been outlived.","Could you cite a single example of bias?","Sure. Andrew Weissman, the No. 2 member of the Mueller probe, attended the Hillary Clinton election night party. You would think with all the talented prosecutors to be asked throughout the federal system, we could likely assemble a team without having to pick the people who were engaged in the 2016 election to the extent that they would be at one of the candidates' election night parties."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The selection of Mueller's team members may not have been impartial","questions":"What is the reason for PersonA's concern about Andrew Weissman's attendance at the Hillary Clinton election night party?","answer":"Bias"} {"text":["You're a breast cancer survivor. Your husband passed away. One of your other children was in a serious accident, and yet when you deal with the Imus ordeal, you say I've never felt so powerless in my life. Why did that touch you so much?","You know, Farai, one of the things that maybe people didn't know is that here I had a team of 10 players, and five of those young ladies were freshmen. Less than a year before that, they were sitting on bleachers at a high school graduation. Some of them that came to me had braces on their teeth. They had dreams and aspirations of becoming doctors and psychologists and musicians and all the like.","And here while they had done something that they should be commended for because throughout the year, the year had been a tremendous struggle. They had been pushed to the brink, and yet somehow they survived. And beyond surviving, here they were standing before a national audience and being honored as one of the top two teams in this nation.","And I was so proud of them because I could remember seeing some of them cry or think that they couldn't and then to see their faces on television or USA Today and, you know, this is what it's all about - for us as leaders and as parents and as people that care about our young people - to take them to places that they don't think that they can go, have them accomplish those things, and then with that level of security and confidence, they can take on the world."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Helping young people achieve their goals gives them confidence to take on the world","questions":"What gives young people confidence to face the world?","answer":"Imus"} {"text":["Well, it's not as if Senator Gregg didn't know that President Obama is a Democrat and this is a democratic administration.","So, I mean, what was it that changed his mind all of a sudden?","Well, that's an excellent point. I would just add to what you said in - you know, in a very direct fashion, that he clearly knew about the stimulus package. He had recused himself from voting in the Senate as a potential nominee for a commerce secretary position. I think that what really changed it for him had a lot to do with the census issue, Madeleine. And this is the case here that the census is run by the commerce secretary. It comes under his mandate.","And what you heard from black and Latino elected officials in the Congress was great concern that Judd Gregg, who had once voted to eliminate the Commerce Department, said, you know what?We're concerned that he is not going to be open to doing the kind of count that we think is necessary to get a full estimate of the presence of minorities in this country, which of course will influence congressional districts and how they're drawn, influence funding for - especially for social programs. And the argument has long come from minority communities that they have been undercounted."],"speaker":["B","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Senator Gregg should have behaved as if aware that Obama and administration are Democrats","questions":"What was the concern of black and Latino elected officials regarding Judd Gregg's potential appointment as the Commerce Secretary?","answer":"Census"} {"text":["It is. And there's actually - turns out, there's a lot of responsibility with that because there are spectators everywhere. There are cameras everywhere. There's high winds, of course. They have to watch out for that. And anybody who doesn't stop when the yellow jersey stops, they're - they get in big trouble. And anybody who pees when there is too much wind or when they're in a group stuck somewhere, there are repercussions for people who sort of break these secret pee rules.","What other anecdotes do you have from other sports?","Well, the way I like to put this is there are nearly 3 billion gallons of urine evacuated on earth every day. And my reporting discovered that it seems like most of it ends up on an NFL field somewhere. Really, at any given moment, on an NFL sideline, there are probably a handful of players relieving themselves. They're sort of hiding in plain sight, whether they're going behind a towel or just going into their football pants or going behind an equipment case. You know, there are maybe 10 different techniques that football players relieve themselves during NFL games.","And wait, did you actually say that some of them just pee their pants?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"yellow jersey\" - this refers to the leader of the Tour de France race and is not a literal yellow-colored shirt.","questions":"How does the term \"yellow jersey\" relate to the Tour de France?","answer":"Leader"} {"text":["And I guess the hope of getting to Europe has been extinguished for these people.","The European Union member states have effectively criminalized search and rescue operations on the Mediterranean Sea. And we think that this is a mistake, particularly in the light of how things have changed over last three months. The fact that the Libyan coast guard is taking people back into what is now an active war zone is simply unacceptable.","Elinor Raikes, the Europe and North Africa regional director for the International Rescue Committee, thanks so much.","You're welcome."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : extinguished implies to become hopeless and not to put out firr","questions":"How have the European Union member states impacted search and rescue operations on the Mediterranean Sea?","answer":"Criminalized"} {"text":["Absolutely. In fact, there is. It's very simple. If you go to the grocery store and you buy some blue food coloring, you can take it home. And I caution you to be very careful. It will stain the rug in your house, as I am. . .","Yeah.",". . . living proof of.","I hate it when that happens, you know."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : B: \"I hate it when that happens, you know.\" The literal meaning suggests that the person simply dislikes it when something similar happens. However, the actual meaning could be that the person is using the phrase \"when that happens\" in a broader context, expressing frustration or annoyance with situations that lead to unwanted consequences or accidents in general.","questions":"How can the actual meaning of PersonB's statement be described?","answer":"Frustration"} {"text":["Yes, ma'am.","So locked down, and what is the forecast for the Christmas shopping season?","It's going to be negative for the first time in many, many, many years. The consumer just can't spend money. Consumer bankruptcies are on the rise. Consumers have 14 trillion in debt, negative saving. They can't pay their credit card bills. They can't pay their home loans. They can't pay their auto loans. The banks are not offering financing. They've got a negative wealth effect from housing to the tune of 8 trillion. The consumer is in lock down. They just don't have money.","Well, any bright spots out there because they do have to spend money on some things. Maybe the dollar stores are doing well?","There's definite bright spots. If you're Wal-Mart, you're doing fine. If you're Costco, you're doing fine. If you're Family Dollar, you're doing fine. If you're Dollar Tree, you're doing fine."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The economy is doing very poorly, and consumers are struggling to pay their debts and bills.","questions":"How are the dollar stores doing?","answer":"Fine."} {"text":["Indeed, and the longer this regime stays, the bigger this possibility is. I think any solution to the Syrian crisis will have to assure the different communities in Syria, at the top of which are the Alawites of their future in the country. Many Alawites today do not feel that what the Bashar Assad is doing to their country is excusable. At the same time, they are afraid to basically jump the ship and go against him for fear of being, sort of, killed and massacred by the majority Sunnis in the country. And so a political process will have to address the aspirations, the needs, the fears of these different minority communities in Syria.","A political process we've seen very little of. There's nothing going on.","Not much. There is a U. N. envoy, Mr. Lakhdar Brahimi, who was both an U. N. and Arab League envoy, who is trying, you know, to initiate such a process. But given, in my view, the fact that this regime looks at things in Syria as a zero-sum game, there is, indeed, a very little likelihood of the success of the political process.","Marwan Muasher, former foreign minister, deputy prime minister of Jordan, with us from studios at the Carnegie Endowment in Washington. Thanks very much for your time."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : There is little progress in the political process of finding a solution to the Syrian crisis.","questions":"Which process is mentioned to have little progress in finding a solution to the Syrian crisis?","answer":"Process"} {"text":["Well, yeah. But you see what I mean?Because it is about perception and how we need to be - to understand what we're seeing before we can really see it, that's really key to understanding this whole issue of climate change and why we see or don't see what's right in front of us.","What drew you to monarchs in the first place?","I had really wanted to write about the subject for a long time. I live in southern Appalachia. I am surrounded by neighbors and friends - people I respect very much - who don't really understand climate change or believe in it, even though, as farmers, they're getting socked by it. We've had unprecedented, disastrous weather time and again. So it's such a strange contradiction that the people in our continent who are first to feel the harm of a changing climate are the last to be able to talk about it.","That was such a conundrum and such rich territory for a novel to tread, that I was just looking for the right way to get into the subject. And one morning, I just woke up with this vision in my eyes of millions of butterflies covering the forest behind my house. I just - I mean, I didn't actually see it. I imagined it. I woke up and there it was, and I knew that was it."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Farmers who are most affected by climate change are the least likely to believe in it","questions":"Which group of people are first to feel the harm of a changing climate?","answer":"Farmers"} {"text":["Did you hear anything from President Obama or Speaker Boehner that screams deal to you?","As is true of so much of life, the great philosopher Yogi Berra said it best: It's deja vu all over again. This problem is what caused the debt crisis last year, with the president and his supporters saying you have to increase tax rates on the wealthy and the House Republicans saying you cannot raise tax rates on the wealthy and you have to close loopholes. If they don't figure out a way around this, we are going to have the same kind of nail-biting fight that we had last year, which resulted basically in them kicking the can and creating the fiscal cliff.","Yeah. Well, do you see room for compromise there. I mean, if you were carving the pie?","Well, here is the problem. The professor who spoke to Ari just before said that if you close loopholes on the wealthy you would collect more tax revenue. That is true. But if you're serious about closing the deficit, that is not enough. It just isn't. It doesn't create enough revenue. And that's where the Democrats have fundamentally been saying if you don't raise rates, then everything else is pointless, because it'll all be on the margins. And that's the problem."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) \"Do you see room for compromise there\" - This phrase implies that there is potential for the two sides to come to an agreement.","questions":"Which phrase from PersonB implies the possibility of the two sides coming to an agreement?","answer":"Compromise"} {"text":["So there you are standing in the checkout line, that one with a big sign above it that says express, 10 items or less. You notice the basket of the woman in front of you. You silently start tallying. OK, eight or nine items, fine. But wait, she has a six pack under her hand, and under her other arm is a bag of pretzels. And then she's going for that pack of gum. And you're fighting the urge to scream: You had no business in the express line.","If that's you, then John Trinkaus feels your pain. He decided that instead of complaining about it, though, he'd study it. Trinkaus researches not only the express line, but how many people stop at stop signs and the average wait at the doctor's office. My next guest is Marc Abrahams, editor and co-founder of the Annals of Improbable Research, and the founder and master of ceremonies for the Ig Nobel Prize. He'll explain the data details and why it's the simple things that count. He joins us from WBUR in Boston. Hi, Marc.","Hello, Flora.","Tell me - give me some other names of his studies, because they're all really funny."],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : John Trinkaus studies seemingly mundane things, but they can reveal significant patterns.","questions":"How does John Trinkaus's research help reveal patterns?","answer":"Details"} {"text":["I don't know what a - difference between an executive order and a proclamation is.","Well, proclamations seem to be more rare. They do kind of echo of something royal, but it has basically the same effect as an executive order.","And how would this change what somebody who wants to apply for asylum must do?","Well, it's trying to bar asylum for people who enter the U. S. in between ports of entry."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Bar asylum for people who enter between ports of entry","questions":"What is the purpose of the proclamation?","answer":"Restrict"} {"text":["Money.","If you go to Moscow today - I'm not talking about the provinces and I'm not talking about provincial cities, but Moscow, the very center of Moscow - is in some ways Riyadh or a kind of oil-rich capital. That's what Russia is today in terms of its economy at the highest levels. The very high elites, which all congregate in downtown Moscow and have their country homes in - outside, have enormous amount of money. The highest concentration of billionaires in any city in the world is in Moscow of all places, and when I lived in Moscow, you could barely buy a potato or an onion or get a box of matches, and this is reflected in the most glamorous state-controlled theater of all, the Bolshoi.","Just to interrupt our conversation for a moment, we are seeing black smoke emerging from the Vatican, which means there was no pope selected in the most recent vote, so onto tomorrow. But in any case, on back to the Bolshoi Ballet.","And, David Remnick, as you look at the influence of all that money, one of the accomplishments of the Bolshoi, you say, is that it has managed to make itself ideologically independent."],"speaker":["A","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The Bolshoi Ballet's independence is a notable achievement in a country where money and politics often influence the arts.","questions":"Which achievement of the Bolshoi Ballet is being discussed?","answer":"Independence"} {"text":["You also call this the start of a new era in America's modern history - in what way?","Well, the Clean Air Act really changed, in many ways, the conception of government's role and gave to the federal government both the power and the responsibility to protect Americans' health. One of the most revolutionary pieces of this very innovatively designed law was a provision which elevated public health as a priority above all others in the setting of air quality standards for the entire country. It put public health over and above corporate profit and cost in determining what amounts of pollution would be allowed in Americans' air.","But that hasn't stopped it from being challenged, right?How has it weathered those challenges?","Well, it's been up and down over the years. And I think what we're seeing right now is a really sort of unprecedented assault on the Clean Air Act and the enforcement of the Clean Air Act by the Trump administration. Obviously, I think, we've all become familiar over the last few years with the idea of climate change denial. But I think what we're now seeing in the Trump years is actually air pollution denial."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"unprecedented assault on the Clean Air Act\" - This turn has a figurative meaning, as it refers to the Trump administration's efforts to weaken or dismantle the Clean Air Act, which is seen as an attack on the law itself and its purpose.","questions":"Which law is being referred to as having an \"unprecedented assault\" on it by the Trump administration?","answer":"Clean"} {"text":["Why does the American Civil Liberties Union defend the rights of Nazis?Membership and donations have boomed since the 2016 election, as the ACLU has taken on a number of high-profile cases challenging Trump administration policies on immigration, deportation and voter suppression. But some supporters of the organization have questioned the ACLU's defense of the free-speech rights of hate groups, especially following their defense of white nationalist rally at Emancipation Park in Charlottesville a couple of weeks ago, when Heather Heyer was killed. A board member of the ACLU's Virginia affiliate resigned, tweeting - what's legal and what's right are sometimes different. I won't be a fig leaf for Nazis.","We're joined now by the national executive director of the ACLU, Anthony Romero. Mr. Romero, thanks so much for being with us.","It's my pleasure, Scott. Thank you for having me.","Is the ACLU a fig leaf for Nazis?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The literal meaning of \"Is the ACLU a fig leaf for Nazis?\" is to ask if the ACLU is providing cover or protection for Nazis. However, the implied meaning is to ask if the ACLU is endorsing the actions of Nazi groups.","questions":"What is the implied meaning of the question \"Is the ACLU a fig leaf for Nazis?\"","answer":"Endorsing"} {"text":["Well, how did they react to you as a person?I mean, you're a glamorous Los Angelina, and so what did they think when you showed up?","I think that it's interesting, because I was in a program called Cross-cultural Solutions, where they send volunteers to different areas. I was the first African-American that had been at this school. So I think they were confused. I mean, and these people in the town, they were just like are you from Ghana?Or are you Yabo(ph)?Yabo is a foreigner, and most likely, more than usually, a white foreigner. But I had a couple of people call me Yabo.","But they would sort of ask like where are you from, and one of the program's administrators would have to explain, she's an ancestor of Africans, and then they would say, oh, okay. So it was definitely some confusing sort of looks that I got.","But the kids were - you know, kids are very, you know, easy to sort of get along with. These kids were, you know, absolutely adorable. They didn't understand what I was saying a lot of the time, but they really connected to me. I mean, I would bring bubbles and jumping ropes and stuff like that, stuff that they had never seen before. So, you know, I was quite popular at the school, I have to say. I mean, particularly with my bubbles, that brought even the junior-high-school kids out\u2026","Oh, I'm sure."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The subject is actually from Los Angeles where as the reply is regarding an African","questions":"Which program did the subject participate in?","answer":"Cross-cultural-Solutions"} {"text":["I really feel disappointed that a member of the House took the time to attack the people that are contributing to the campaign of President Trump, an attack that we are fueling or helping to fuel hate among Hispanics. In my office, half my personnel is Hispanic. I love Hispanic people. They're family-oriented. My wife - all of us got scared. I said people are going to come to attack us.","But you do know that this is public information.","Yes. But we are not contributing to fuel any hate. We are contributing because we want President Trump to be reelected. I like the job he's doing as president. I love the way he loves America, the same way that I love America. I named my company Great America Companies in 1972 when I first immigrated to America because I felt this was a great place.","President Trump has used the words invasion and killer, according to new statistics, over 500 times when speaking about immigration and immigrants since 2017. That is as president. People see his rhetoric as divisive and specifically when speaking about Latino immigrants. Does that not concern you?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : They are contributing to and\/or worsening hate among Hispanics because they are contributing to Trump's campaign, allowing him to continue doing so. Trump wouldn't be able to continue his devisive rhetoric if people didn't contribute to his campaign, so they are being blamed and attacked because of them.","questions":"Which group of people is being blamed and attacked in turn 0?","answer":"Hispanics"} {"text":["Thank you so much, Scott.","Let me put this bluntly. In the 1970s, Argentina was in the grip of what was called the Dirty War. People being disappeared. Which side was man now known as Pope Francis on?","I think he was on the wrong side. I think he didn't understand the consequences of what the junta meant to do when it came to power. He had been very involved as a young man in politics. He was interested in communism.","But then he turned really to the right. He was an admirer of Juan Domingo Peron, the soft man of Argentina - to put it somehow. And he joined or was on the margins of a right-wing peronist group. And there were a lot of his priests who were very much on the left-wing side. And what happened is that he essentially failed to protect two of his most radical priests by demanding essentially that these priests leave the Jesuit order."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : A: \"He joined or was on the margins of a right-wing peronist group.\" - This is an idiomatic expression that means he was involved in or affiliated with a political group that supported the ideas of Juan Domingo Peron and his political movement.","questions":"How was Pope Francis affiliated with Juan Domingo Peron's political movement?","answer":"Margins"} {"text":["Yes, yes. And he stood up here and if you can see over in the distance you can see a copula - that's where the Confederates were. That's only a half a mile away. Some sharpshooters go up here, shooting at anything that moved along here. So somebody took a shot, and as you can see from this monument here, the guy standing next to Lincoln was hit and he was wounded. Imagine that that sharpshooter back there had been just a little bit more accurate. He could've very easily have killed the president. And then what?I mean, you know, can anybody name who would've become president?I don't think so. It would've been the Vice President Hannibal Hamlin.","Whoa.","Has anybody ever heard of a Hannibal Hamlin?","It sounds like a burger place."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Implied meaning: The speaker is indicating that they are experiencing physical or emotional discomfort, and may be implying that they require sympathy or understanding from the listener. The tone and context of the situation may affect the implied meaning, as the speaker could also be indicating a desire for rest or respite, or they may be seeking permission or justification for their actions or behavior. Additionally, the speaker may or may not be seeking medical attention or advice.","questions":"How was the speaker feeling during turn 2?","answer":"Discomfort"} {"text":["Yeah. Despite the ongoing uproar and concern created by the firing of James Comey, you have a lot of bipartisan support for Christopher Wray. He said a lot of the right things this week when it came to what what senators wanted to hear, what they were asking about. He said he would be independent if he ran the FBI. He said he would not pull any punches.","And he was asked several times, what would you do if the president asked you to do something illegal or unethical?He said, first, I would try to change his mind, and if he didn't do that, I would quit. So Democrats seem to hear what they wanted to hear. And there could be a vote on his nomination in the next couple of weeks.","Republicans released a revised health care bill - as popular as the first one was?","Just about, it seems, with the public. But I think where it matters more is, is it more popular within the Republican caucus?And it seems to be a tad more popular right now. But this bill is still right on a danger zone in terms of whether or not it can pass. You have two senators in the Republican caucus saying they're not going to vote for it. They can't lose any other Republican support and still get this bill passed."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) He said he would try to change his mind, and if he didn't do that, he would quit - Implied meaning: He would not follow the president's orders if they were illegal or unethical.","questions":"What was Christopher Wray's response if the president asked him to do something illegal or unethical?","answer":"Quit"} {"text":["You definitely - I mean, mosses definitely occur down there and hepatics, as well. But as far as I understand, there's a very limited flora down there. It's not like the Canadian Arctic, where we're in an Alpine sector of the Canadian High Arctic. So there's a lot of diversity, a lot of meso- and microhabitats for the bryophytes to survive in.","What would you - what would be a home run, a grand slam for you in this field?What would really you like to find?What would, you know, besides. . . ?","I think what would be really fascinating is that if you could go under a melting glacier that was 100,000, 150,000 years, maybe 200,000 years old, and you actually found macrofossils, what would be called macrofossils underneath the glacier and be able to rejuvenate them. That would be pretty amazing.","Yeah, about the mosses that you found. Are all mosses like this, or is this a particularly hardy species of moss that you've discovered in the ice there?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : They are asking what would be the best thing for the person to find.","questions":"Which type of fossils does \"A\" hope to find under a melting glacier?","answer":"Macrofossils"} {"text":["And what's the story about how your parents met?","Well, they met in art school in Charlotte. . .","(Singing) In the '60s, black boots, mini skirt, blonde curls. Then when you went to art school. . .","And my mom would go and see him play. He was in a jazz funk band called Fungus Blues. And she would go. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : A is trying to add some humor to the conversation","questions":"What emotion is PersonA trying to convey with the use of singing in turn 2?","answer":"humor"} {"text":["(Laughter) Well, listen. This was an amazing victory for Alabama. It was a victory, I think, for decency - common decency. And it shows that Alabama was willing to put principle over party. I was very excited that my district overperformed. And I was particularly excited about the African-American turnout. You know, I think that people understood that the stakes were high. This administration has had a negative effect on our community. It's reversing a lot of the Obama-era progress that we've made. And I'm just very pleased that people showed up and showed out.","Was the role of women especially important?","Absolutely. You know, it was shown that Doug received 57 percent of all female votes. And that included 98 percent of the African-American women vote. The issues that matter most to my district affect the family and affect our children. And so I think that you really saw a major outpouring of women, especially African-American women, in this election.","On the other hand, as there always is with those journalists, Roy Moore was an especially polarizing figure, even among Republicans. Do you draw any significance from what you were able to accomplish in this election with what you think Democrats ought to be doing for 2018?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The listener asks whether women played a crucial role in the election.","questions":"Which demographic group received the majority of female votes in the election?","answer":"African-American"} {"text":["It's great to be with you, Ira. Thank you.","I'm just looking at the abstract of your study, and some of these numbers are amazing. Seventy-two percent, 72 of all Americans think that global warming should be a very high or medium or a priority for the president and the Congress. That crosses all party lines.","It does. It includes 84 percent of Democrats, 68 percent of independents and 52 percent of Republicans. So yes, there is this difference between Democrats and Republicans. But nonetheless, a majority of Republicans do think that global warming should be a priority for our elected officials.","So why are we all under the impression that there is not this majority?","Ah. Great question. So one of the things that became very clear to us early in our research was that Americans don't speak with a single voice on this issue. And in fact, what we've identified is what we call a global warming's six Americas, that essentially you can look at the country and find that there are six very different communities within the United States, that each respond to this issue in very different ways. One group we call the alarmed. That's only about 12 percent of the public."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The chaos caused by Brexit has unified European citizens and strengthened their attachment to the EU.","questions":"What is the percentage of Republicans who consider global warming a priority according to the study mentioned in the dialogue?","answer":"52"} {"text":["We have frozen nonessential travel. We've frozen nonessential hiring. And we've also given all of our staff - 2,500 of them across the state - a 60-day notice of a furlough - that is unpaid leave time - to be taken sometime during the fiscal year.","You have asked state legislators to intervene. Have they, and are you optimistic it might make a difference?","It's going to be a very heavy lift in that overriding the veto requires three quarters of the legislature in combined session. So 45 of Alaska's 60 legislators need to override the veto.","The governor's argument is that these cuts are, A, necessary for the budget and, B, that they would allow the University of Alaska to be - and I'll quote him - \"smaller, leaner but still very, very positive and a productive university. \"If I'm hearing you right, you are not in agreement."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The travel has not been frozen in the sense of encased in ice - it has just been suspended, metaphorically. ","questions":"How has nonessential travel been affected?","answer":"Suspended"} {"text":["I'm - so far, pretty much silence, but I also think that this is very different from the past allegations. This is something that will be much harder for Republicans to defend without looking even more craven than most voters. . .","OK.",". . . Will tolerate. You know, we can't base our foreign policy on whether foreign leaders are willing to do political favors for the president.","And we'll have to leave it there. Representative Tom Malinowski, Democrat of New Jersey. Thanks so much."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"without looking even more craven\" implies that Republicans look craven for sure.","questions":"What will be harder for Republicans to defend without looking even more craven?","answer":"Foreignpolicy"} {"text":["There's a number of them that the federal prosecutors mentioned, things like excessive purchases with cash in some pharmacies, purchases from well out of the region of the pharmacies. And these are opioid purchases we're talking about - excessively high percentages of sales of fentanyl patches and opioid oxycodone painkillers from some pharmacies and some of the larger pharmacies that RDC dealt with. So those are some of the things that the feds highlighted.","Two RDC executives face charges. What are they accused of?","Basically sort of being players in this whole, you know, alleged kind of ignorance or willing ignorance, I should say, of RDC's role in the opioid epidemic, the things we talked about - you know, just sort of closing your eyes to pharmacies that were obviously pushing painkilling prescription meds onto the streets in big numbers. And the allegations are that the former CEO, Larry Doud, and former compliance officer were key in allowing this to happen internally and just ignored all the signs. One has pleaded guilty and is cooperating. And Doud is facing the criminal charges.","You've talked a lot about the pharmacies here. And so I'm wondering, what about them?And what about the doctors making the orders?Are they being held accountable?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"held accountable\" - This turn's actual meaning is different from its literal meaning because \"held accountable\" means being responsible or answerable for something, but it does not necessarily mean someone will be physically held or restrained.","questions":"What does \"held accountable\" mean?","answer":"Responsibility"} {"text":["Yeah, yeah. And I'd like to say that this particular story, by the way, I'm kind of happy with the headline I came up with for that. I called it \"The Tasting of the Shrew. \"","We get it.","Uh-huh.","We Shakespeare fans."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The title of the story is a clever play on words based on the play","questions":"How is the title of the story related to Shakespeare?","answer":"Play"} {"text":["Yeah. They're like, oh, my God. Make that face again. That's so funny. But it's not like that. And the reason I talked about it and shared when I did was because there started to be all these compilations of my tics that were made by the fans, which they just thought it was, like, goofy Billie is making a bunch of faces. And they're funny. Let's make a video about it, which is, of course, out of love. And they think that's funny. And they didn't - they don't know, you know?","O'CONNELL: Especially if they think you're doing them on purpose, then it's totally out of love.","They think I'm doing it on purpose. But I felt almost, like, attacked in a way, which was kind of stupid. But it's something like I've lived with my whole life and, like, not been open about because I didn't want it to label me, you know?","Sure, you don't want the whole - that to be the second sentence of every every paragraph about you."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"Especially if they think you're doing them on purpose, then it's totally out of love.\" - The implied meaning here is that the fans' intentions are good, and they are not trying to harm Billie by making videos of her tics.","questions":"Which emotion does the statement suggest the fans have towards Billie?","answer":"Love"} {"text":["The flu hits with the regularity of seasons. But it's hard to know when it will peak, and how it might spread. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention want to forecast yearly bouts of influenza the way that meteorologists predict storms. So they've set up a contest every two weeks through March, in which competing teams submit predictions for when the flu will peak and how intense it will be.","Mark Dredze is a professor of computer science at the Johns Hopkins University. He analyzes social media data, to try to learn about health trends. Professor Dredze, thanks so much for being with us.","I'm happy to be here.","So how do you use social media to make a prediction on a medical matter?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : implies a respectful and inquisitive inquiry into how Professor Dredge uses social media to make predictions.","questions":"What is the tone of PersonB's question towards Professor Dredze?","answer":"Inquisitive"} {"text":["Absolutely. I mean, people should waste less of what they buy. I mean, it's estimated that the typical family in the U. S. tosses out about $1,600 of groceries a year. And the report out today from the U. N. finds that food waste may contribute up to 10% of the human-made greenhouse gas emissions. So we have a whole bunch of tips on our website to help you shop smarter and waste less in your own homes.","That's NPR's Allison Aubrey.","Allison, thanks for sharing this with us.","Thanks so much."],"speaker":["A","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : not literally produced or created in a lab, but emissions are a by-product of the human's food waste","questions":"What is contributing up to 10% of the human-made greenhouse gas emissions according to the report mentioned in the dialogue?","answer":"Foodwaste."} {"text":["So what's the difference between steganography and - I'm interested in the origin of the word steganography. Can you take that apart for us?","Well. . .","Stega-, sounds almost like a dinosaur.","Certainly. It goes back to the Greeks, and it basically means hidden writing. So - and what it often gets kind of mixed together with or lumped together with, is encryption, and it's kind of - they're like close cousins, and they're trying to do the same thing, but they have slightly different approaches.","And that was my next question. What is the difference between steganography and encryption?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : the speaker is suggesting that steganography and encryption are similar and related, rather than literally saying that they are \"close cousins\".","questions":"What phrase did the speaker use to describe the relationship between steganography and encryption?","answer":"Close-cousins"} {"text":["About the South, I think what's missing is an attention to the ways that we have progressed but the paradox of that progress here for many folks. We're not getting to those deep structures because the South is so glittery now. We have Starbucks, and we have Whole Foods. And there are cranes in the sky, as Solange Knowles would say, all across the South. We're in the newest New South. There are lots of stories about growth and progress. But, again, at what cost?On whose backs?","And so about Memphis, I think what we miss is that because we have seemingly healed in the form of a museum, in the form of commemoration, in the form of reckoning with this assassination that we're on the upswing, that we're moving forward. But as I mentioned earlier, I feel that time has stood still and gone backwards and circled around us in a lot of ways here and that what gets missed is that there are people in the middle of this play of politics, in the middle of this history who are crushed but that still are striving in ways that are remarkable and beautiful. There is joy. There is dancing. There is singing. Sometimes, I hop into a church just to hear the sounds of joy that come out. And I think that gets lost in the way that we talk about the city in the national media.","Zandria Robinson is a sociology professor at Rhodes College and a Memphis native. Thank you very much.","Thank you."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Despite the progress and growth in the South, there are still underlying issues that need to be addressed.","questions":"What is missing in the South despite the presence of Starbucks and Whole Foods?","answer":"Cost"} {"text":["Well, I have to tell you, since September 11th, 2001, I haven't had a vacation. And I don't know about rest and relaxation, you know?My rest and relaxation is prayer, just trying to keep afloat, so that things don't get any worse. So, you know, I'm doing everything I can to not be stressed out about the economic situation.","Cathy Walker is a doctor living in Ardmore, Pennsylvania. Thank you, Cathy.","Thank you.","If you'd like to be a part of our real economy project, let us know. You can find us at npr. org\/daydreaming."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : B abruptly changes the topic to introduce a doctor living in Pennsylvania","questions":"How is the doctor introduced by PersonB related to the topic of PersonA's stress and relaxation?","answer":"Unrelated"} {"text":["Thank you for having me with you.","So, let's start with what exactly they are.","Okay. Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors. They're growth of muscle within the uterine wall. And sometimes they can be the size of a dime, and because of their location, they give you severe symptoms. And rarely, they can get to be the size of a basketball before they're recognized.","That's sounds pretty horrific.","It can be. It's amazing how much difficulty they can give to women that, in general, women can have severe menstrual bleeding - the kind of bleeding that keeps you home from work or keeps you from being able to do your daily activities - or they can press on a lot body structures. And they are very common, and it's surprising that so few women know that they have fibroids and that their symptoms may be related to them.","Now, research shows that about 25 percent of women in America are going to show some symptoms of fibroids, but they occur a lot more often in black women than white women. How much more often and why do scientists think that is?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Thank you for having me with you. Implicated meaning: Expressing gratitude for the invitation or hospitality.","questions":"What is the purpose of turn 1?","answer":"Thank"} {"text":["What is your guideline?When do you tell an officer he or she has to start recording?","NOPD policy requires them to record the entire encounter until any police action has ceased. So what we're finding out though sometimes the cameras aren't on. Sometimes they aren't wearing the cameras. And those are clear violations, but then there were also supervisors telling officers things like turn it off during, you know, sensitive matters, but not defining what a sensitive matter could be.","We're also hearing complaints that only parts of interactions are being recorded. That's one of the things we're hearing now. So the misconduct is occurring off-camera, but then they're recording, you know, perfectly professional encounters on camera. So that's one of the things we're also hearing now. And. . .","That's a big complaint and, of course, you wouldn't have any - ironically or incongruously - you wouldn't have a video record of that misconduct, but you would have a video record of them doing it right."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Officers are selectively recording only parts of interactions, thereby hiding misconduct that occurs off-camera and only recording interactions that appear to be professional.","questions":"Which interactions are being selectively recorded by officers?","answer":"Interactions"} {"text":["And that leads you to conclude what about guns?","Well, they are extraordinarily dangerous implements, and they have their place and they're effective tools for what they're designed for. But right now we've got very powerful weapons with lots of capacity on our streets that frankly don't belong on our streets or in our forests. You know, defending yourself from somebody breaking into your home is one thing, but you don't need a long rifle with 30 rounds attached to it to do that. So, you know, certainly some other kind of handgun will defend you just fine from somebody breaking into your house, but those other weapons are really meant only to be on the offensive and not just on the defensive. And so, you know, we ought to do everything we can to make sure that we keep guns out of the hands of those that are criminally intent and those that are mentally ill, violently mentally ill.","Senator Morse, what implications do you see in what happened to recall you?","Well, I think it's important to remember that this is really purely symbolic. The Democrats still maintain control of the Senate in Colorado. Obviously, we still have the House. These laws remain in place. So, really we just have the NRA attempting to send a message here. And I'm personally not listening."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : means that powerful weapons with lots of capacity on our streets should not be allowed because they are meant to be used in an offensive manner; ","questions":"How are the powerful weapons with lots of capacity on our streets intended to be used?","answer":"Offensive"} {"text":["We don't know what, if anything, he has told the investigators thus far. But we do know, as we suggested earlier, a lot of the questions. For example, where did the guns come from?Where did the explosives come from?And where did the money for those things come from?","Well, first of all, if he is coming in and out of consciousness - which is what we understand is going on right now, in the hospital room - they really can't question him. He has to be sort of sitting up and reasonably aware of what's going on. Now, this had happened in the Abdulmutallab case, in 2009. That's the young man from Nigeria who was on Flight 253, going over Detroit, and he was wearing an underwear bomb.","And for the first 50 minutes - five, zero minutes - that he was in custody, they questioned him without Mirandizing him because they wanted to know if this is part of a broader plot. But then they Mirandized him. . .","Were there other bombs on other planes?Yes."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The suspect's condition may affect the interrogation process.","questions":"Which process?","answer":"Interrogation"} {"text":["Inside of his house, family pictures decorate the walls and the fridge. Les has 15 great grandchildren. He grew up in an orphanage, and he couldn't wait to leave to join the military. And so in early 1944, he boarded a ship and crossed the Atlantic Ocean to go to the frontline.","I loved that sailing on, of course. It was so dramatic. You could see all these ships bobbing up and down on the ocean. And destroyers were weaving in and out of them to make sure they uncovered any mines or anything.","When he got to England for the first time, he met other paratroopers who'd already seen combat. Les was a rookie with something to prove.","It was hard to make friends."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Sailing across the ocean during wartime was a perilous experience.","questions":"Which experience was perilous?","answer":"Sailing"} {"text":["Well, the Chinese leadership has continued to see dialogue first with Kim Jong Un. They've had two publicly announced meetings with him. One of them came right in advance of North Korea's announcement that it was going to pursue a satellite launch. We don't know whether that subject was discussed in China. But, you know, the indicator suggests that China is still trying to figure out if there is a way that it can influence the situation in North Korea without taking measures that would enhance instability. The Chinese priority is basically to maintain stability in North Korea.","And so it was - it's willing to prop up that terrible regime if it will prevent that regime's collapse and the horrible situation that might ensue.","I think it's certainly the case that if you're, you know, looking at why North Korea still is there in the middle of this otherwise prosperous region, the hand of China is the critical explainer for why North Korea is still able to survive.","Xi Jinping has been in power just a brief time in Beijing, but in that time, we have seen increased pressure on the Senkaku Islands. These are the disputed islands unoccupied, uninhabited islands in the East China Sea. Japan has controlled them for, what, 100 years. China claims them as well. There had been confrontations in the past where patrol boats and fishing boats had exchanged even water canon spray. But this time, a Chinese patrol craft flew over the islands, and that's a different situation."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : China is willing to support North Korea's terrible regime to prevent its collapse and the horrible situation that might ensue","questions":"Which country's leadership continued to see dialogue first with Kim Jong Un?","answer":"Chinese"} {"text":["Yes, sitting out there frozen feet, but it was the best frozen feet I've ever had because of what of happened in front of me. Seeing him take that oath and just seeing the people in that crowd go crazy and all people in wheelchairs would never thought they would see this. Seeing their reaction and seeing the white people their reaction, seeing America and the whole world. I know they will have the same reaction. It's about time.","Here's another quick question for you. I would think, Patti, that UNCF would really stand to be a beneficiary of having someone like Barack Obama in the White House.","That's what I'm saying. And this show airs the same week that this greatness happened to America. And so now people will say, OK, let us help our kids so that they know that they can say I could become the next president.","Here's my last question. I know that you talked a little bit about Jennifer Hudson and she's about to make her first public performance at the Super Bowl."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : No one's feet were literally frozen, it just means that it was really cold outside and people's feet felt cold.","questions":"What was significant about the people's reaction?","answer":"Reaction"} {"text":["Yes. So, given the fact that I had been able to, you know, prove myself under harsh circumstances, prove my judgment, my composure, my, you know, warrior spirit, if you will, despite all this and despite the medals that came and the valor devices and everything - you know, there's a position called a combat controller. And the officer version of that is a special tactics officer. It would have been right up my alley. Despite everything that I had just proven, I was barred from even applying for that job.","Major Hegar, I got to ask you a couple of questions. I want it understood they in no way question your valor, your physical, mental or emotional capabilities. But, you know, the U. S. Marine Corps, for example, has a 12-week course for officers that's a prerequisite for leaving infantry units. And the first two women who tried to make it through that course last year didn't.","Right.","Do you think standards should in any way be changed so that you get more equal numbers of men and women?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : This statement implies that the interviewer is suggesting the standards be changed to encourage more equal numbers of men and women, instead of asking a question.","questions":"What is the interviewer implying about changing standards to achieve gender equality?","answer":"Suggestion"} {"text":["Yeah, we do. That's actually one of the more - you know, as amazing as the landing system was with the Sky Crane and everything, the rover is a great work of engineering itself, and in particular the drill is the first time we've taken a - it's essentially a hammer drill for the home enthusiast there. You know, you can use it to drill into concrete with.","It both rotates, and it vibrates. And you're exactly right. One of the things anybody who has a hammer drill at home notices is that they break bits. And so we actually have carried a set of spare bits, just two that are on the front of the rover, and actually without essentially any - I mean, we have to tell it to do it, but the spacecraft of the rover has the ability on its own to release the bit that's currently on the drill and to put a new one on, all while it's on Mars.","No need to go to Sears on Mars, then.","That's right, that's right."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"No need to go to Sears on Mars, then\" is an idiom that means there is no need to go to a store for tools on Mars because the rover has the ability to replace its drill bits on its own. It is not referring to an actual Sears store on Mars.","questions":"What is the idiom that means there is no need to go to a store for tools on Mars?","answer":"None"} {"text":["As the biggest impact there?","From the tech sector in today's economy?","Yes.","Yeah, just job loss. It's been a major - I mean, specifically, you're looking at places that are - manufacturing is taking a hit. Companies are looking to do more with less. You are seeing just in recent news, other technology companies like HP and others are making some type of adjustments to - not only their work force but also to their strategies, in a good way though."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The tech sector has had a negative impact on the economy","questions":"What has been impacted negatively in today's economy?","answer":"Manufacturing"} {"text":["Yeah, they weren't the sharpest.","All right, so now tell us about the most powerful horse in history. And this, as I understand it, goes all the way back to Roman times?","Right. This was, I think, the most politically influential horse. So it was proudly Incitatus, which is the horse of the Roman emperor Caligula. And according to historians of the time, his stable was made of marble, he had a collar of gemstones and his meals were oats mixed with gold flakes. And senators were forced to dine with him. And according to legend, Caligula planned to appoint him counsel before the emperor was assassinated. So it's almost as bizarre as the 2016 United States presidential election.","(Laughter) A. J. , I have to say, at least when it comes to horse racing, you got your money out of reading that Encyclopedia Britannica.","(Laughter)."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (Laughter) A.J., I have to say, at least when it comes to horse racing, you got your money out of reading that Encyclopedia Britannica. Implicated meaning: B is using figurative language to convey that A.J. gained a lot of valuable knowledge or useful information about horse racing by reading the Encyclopedia Britannica. It suggests that A.J.'s extensive reading paid off in terms of his understanding of the topic, rather than implying he literally received money. (5) A: (Laughter)","questions":"Which book did A.J. read extensively to gain knowledge about horse racing?","answer":"Encyclopedia"} {"text":["Excellent. How did all of this get started, this particular legend?","Well, it started with a legend in Mexico where two little children were working in their family garden. They were wishing for nice gifts from their parents, but they could not make up their mind what they really wanted, so all of a sudden, a fairy godmother appeared, and she granted them one wish and one wish only. So the kids thought and thought what they really, really wanted for Christmas. So, they finally decided and told their fairy godmother that their only wish for Christmas was that every child in Mexico and in the entire world would have a very merry Christmas.","So the fairy godmother was really, really surprised at this. These two little poor kids had said that is all that they would wish for. So the fairy godmother was really lost at what, you know, what she could really provide for them. She thought and thought, and finally she thought of Pancho Clause. Pancho Clause would bring joy and happiness to all the kids in Mexico and in the entire world, and this is how Pancho Clause was born.","So you dress up as Pancho Clause each year, what do you wear?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Pancho Clause was not literally born - it is just the origin of the legend. ","questions":"What was the fairy godmother's dilemma?","answer":"Lost"} {"text":["I suspect that for many, many years, antibodies worked brilliantly. Infections have been really solved. And it didn't really matter very much how long you took your antibodies because they were - you got better, and it wasn't important. We are now worrying about resistance emerging. And so we now want to think much more carefully about how best to use the antibiotics we got so that they don't lose their activity.","I have a personal query about something else that we're always told - that we're not supposed to drink when we're taking antibiotics. Is that something that is also a folk wisdom or is there some scientific fact in that?","There are one or two antibiotics where they interact with alcohol. And they're not many of them. And by far, the majority of antibiotics that are prescribed have no interaction with alcohol. However, as a physician, I can never - you can never get me to say it's good to take alcohol. That's not what we're paid to do.","(Laughter) Indeed. Tim Peto, professor of infectious diseases at Oxford University, thank you so much for joining us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"they interact with alcohol\" - the word \"interact\" implies a specific type of effect or relationship, rather than a straightforward physical interaction. Also, the speaker's hesitation to endorse alcohol suggests an implied meaning beyond the literal interaction.","questions":"Which word in the dialogue implies that the interaction between some antibiotics and alcohol is more complex than a straightforward physical interaction?","answer":"Interact"} {"text":["Good morning.","We have begun to see pictures of refugee camps blanketed with snow and children wearing painfully thin sweaters. Can you tell us what living conditions are like for Syrian refugees at the moment?","Well, here in Lebanon, it is dire. In fact, UNICEF officials say that 10,000 children are at risk because of this freezing cold. Inside Syria, an activist group posted videos of eight children - mostly infants - who froze to death. This is the worst winter storm in decades. Even here in Beirut last night, we walked home in a freezing hailstorm. Now, we're on the coast. Syrian refugees living in higher altitudes, they're trudging through the snow looking for anything to burn to keep warm.","Aid agencies have been preparing for the winter for the past few weeks. Why have they not been able to get warm clothing, if not at least heat, to a lot of the refugees?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The speaker is not asking for a literal description of the living conditions of Syrian refugees, but rather for an explanation of why aid agencies have not been able to provide them with warm clothing or heat.","questions":"How is the speaker requesting an explanation regarding the aid agencies' failure to provide warm clothing or heat to Syrian refugees?","answer":"Explanation"} {"text":["What is at the top of your to-do list right now today?","Right now, we continue to monitor Dorian. As you well know, you know, we continue to go up our East Coast. We're positioned to support all four states. Florida is looking fairly good right now, however, they still have some impacts.","But we really don't want our citizens to, you know, fall asleep on this storm. Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, they're going to feel the blunt of Hurricane Dorian - a lot of rain, a lot of surge and a lot of wind primarily down on the coast. But, you know, these things can that create weather hazards well inland, so - and they're doing a great job of being prepared for that. So we're focused on supporting our states, supporting our locals.","Four states is a long stretch of coastline. This storm is so big. How does that affect your preparations?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Monitoring Hurricane Dorian is our top priority today.","questions":"What is the top priority for today?","answer":"Monitoring"} {"text":["Because presidents that are about to be removed from office see the writing on the wall. Richard Nixon had a very good sense of his waning support in the Senate. And when he saw it collapse, he realized that if he hung on, he would be removed, and he would lose his presidential pension.","Interesting. So one of the complaints that President Trump is making and that his supporters are making is that this is a purely partisan process. Has that complaint been made before?Is that what people normally say?Or is there something about this particular circumstance that's different?","The reason that impeachment was kept on the shelf for over a hundred years after the Johnson impeachment process was that it was viewed by all sides in the American political community as highly partisan. But it doesn't always have to be the case. And in the Nixon era - a period when I think we saw a model impeachment process - the democratic leadership bent over backwards to make the process as bipartisan as possible.","We keep hearing all kinds of comments from - particularly from former Republican members about what members of their caucus say privately. But there's no way to know how to evaluate that. We do know that publicly, the Republicans are insisting that this is partisan. The Democrats are insisting that no, it isn't. It's a constitutional matter. Do you see from where you sit a way to bridge this difference of perspective?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The person wants to know what can be done to find a common thing the two political parties can agree on.","questions":"How does person 3 want to address the difference of perspective between the two political parties?","answer":"Common"} {"text":["Yeah. They're like, oh, my God. Make that face again. That's so funny. But it's not like that. And the reason I talked about it and shared when I did was because there started to be all these compilations of my tics that were made by the fans, which they just thought it was, like, goofy Billie is making a bunch of faces. And they're funny. Let's make a video about it, which is, of course, out of love. And they think that's funny. And they didn't - they don't know, you know?","O'CONNELL: Especially if they think you're doing them on purpose, then it's totally out of love.","They think I'm doing it on purpose. But I felt almost, like, attacked in a way, which was kind of stupid. But it's something like I've lived with my whole life and, like, not been open about because I didn't want it to label me, you know?","Sure, you don't want the whole - that to be the second sentence of every every paragraph about you."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"And they're funny.Let's make a video about it, which is, of course, out of love.\" - The implied meaning here is that the fans are making videos out of love for Billie, but they do not realize that these tics are a result of a neurological condition.","questions":"What is the reason behind the fans making videos of Billie's tics?","answer":"Love"} {"text":["So, you're skeptical about a car czar. You think that there should be loans, though, with strict provisions attached to them.","Right, right.","What else?What else needs to be done?I mean, this is a massive, massive problem, and two of the three are facing extinction at this point.","Don't forget, what's putting them in this condition is the economic, you know, the economic condition of the nation right now. But the kind of fixed-cost structure that these auto companies have is massive, massive losses that have to do with what's happening to demand."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : None of the turns in this conversation have a figurative or non-literal meaning.","questions":"How does the economic condition affect the auto companies?","answer":"Economic"} {"text":["Good to talk to you.","How important an event was this that Mr. Kim missed?","It was a very important event. It's an event in a mausoleum where his father, previously ruler of North Korea is buried, interred, and so is his grandfather, the founding leader of North Korea. So it was a big deal. Kim Jong Un has not been seen since September 3, when he attended a concert in Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, with his wife.","Before that, he'd been seen frequently, but always waddling with a really bad limp. He was clearly in discomfort, and finally the North Korean authorities said he is in physical discomfort. So there's something up. We don't quite know what. The speculation is he's had surgery, he's ill, ranging right through to there's been a coup, and he's lost power or certainly being shunted away from power. That's the speculation.","Now, we're talking about somebody who - as my recollection is - he's on television every two minutes. So this must be a tremendous vacuum in the lives of North Koreans."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : implies that Kim Jong Un's absence is unusual and concerning","questions":"Which leader's absence is concerning?","answer":"Kim-Jong-Un's"} {"text":["The videos of the embryos. He does sort of time lapse of human development, and it was really fascinating to watch, going from this sort of little hard to, you know, nondescript ball to what you would recognize. . .","As an embryo.",". . . as an embryo or a fetus.","This is SCIENCE FRIDAY from NPR. I'm Ira Flatow talking with Flora Lichtman about our Video Pick of the Week, and it's a - videos of embryos, all different kinds of embryos. So you got the film, the footage. . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Literally, this turn is a short response to A's previous statement about the time-lapse videos of human development. However, the implied meaning is that B understands and acknowledges A's previous statement about the videos featuring embryos, and is simply reiterating that fact.","questions":"Which statement did PersonB acknowledge by saying \"As an embryo\"?","answer":"Repair"} {"text":["I am not a dog owner. I would say I'm an aspiring dog owner. Just a couple of weeks ago I did a review of robot pets. This is the only kind of pet that I think I would be responsible enough to take care of.","OK. So cockroaches was number one. Dogs was number four. What was two and three?","Well, number two was why don't humans have a mating season?It turned out that there's an entire chapter of a book by Jared Diamond, the author of \"Guns, Germs, and Steel,\" that looks at just that question. And question number three was about a photograph from an old issue of Life magazine showing the descendants of George Washington. The person wanted to know, who is the current living descendant of George Washington?And, I guess, who would be king of America if George Washington had been king?That question has been answered most recently in an article for Ancestry magazine.","Slate. com's Daniel Engber. Thank you, Dan."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : A has recently researched various topics and is knowledgeable about them.","questions":"How would you describe the second question PersonA researched?","answer":"Mating"} {"text":["Yeah.","You know, so, yeah, I think that there are people who really enjoy - just like it's sort of a niche market that people like the Winter Olympics. But largely, I think a lot of people who couldn't tell, you know, an Olympic torch from, you know, a fire extinguisher are waiting to find out if - can we wrest the gold medal back in basketball?","Why do you think that is?I remember watching the Olympics growing up, you know, and as a young man, I mean, it was big, big deal. You wanted to watch all of it. That's how you learned about other sports that you didn't even know anything about was through watching the Olympics. But it seems of late that it's lost some of that. I don't know if it's because of the doping scandals and Marion Jones and others. Why do you think that our interest has changed?","That's a great question. But I think it's - what's happening in entertainment in general is that there's just so much on our palette. There are so much to choose from and to watch. You know, when we were kids, you know, back in oh-hundreds, you know?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The speaker is reflecting on the declining interest in Olympics and questioning the reasons behind it.","questions":"What is the PersonA's question in turn 2?","answer":"Interest"} {"text":["It's the 100th birthday of the Pulitzer Prizes this year - the centenary of a prize that can change the life and the career of a journalist, a photographer, a biographer, a dramatist or a poet. In the latest conversation in our series to mark the Pulitzer's big year, we welcome Gregory Pardlo. He won the Pulitzer for poetry last year for his collection of poems entitled \"Digest. \"And he joins us from our studios in New York. Greg, thanks so much for being with us.","Hi, Scott. Thanks for having me.","Can we hear a bit of your work, maybe from the poem \"For Which It Stands?\"","Absolutely. (Reading) \"For Which It Stands\" - for a flag, I answered facetiously. A flag of tomorrow. Fluent in fire, not just the whispers, lisps, not just the still there of powdered wigs, dry winds. Who wants a speckled drape that folds as easy over smirch as fallen soldier?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : implies that the Mexican government is trying to portray El Chapo in a negative light by discussing details of his private life.","questions":"What details of El Chapo's private life is the Mexican government discussing?","answer":"Portrayed"} {"text":["The idea of this is that she - Julie escapes from Paris and ends up in Marseilles, and she joins the opera there, starts singing. And she becomes famous for the first time. . .","I mean, forgive me, we have to ask - how does a duelist on the run become a star of the Paris Opera?","(Laughter) Well, I don't know. She just auditioned for the Marseilles Opera, but then later on after the adventures that she had in Marseilles and Provence, she made her way to Paris with another lover, Thevenard, who was baritone. And he auditioned for the Paris Opera and he said I will only join you if my girlfriend can come, too. And so at the age of 17, she found herself part of one the world's great musical companies. And she became - both of them became stars.","And then there follows what you call the evening of gasps."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"she becomes famous for the first time\" - The use of \"first time\" in this context is figurative language that suggests Julie has never been famous before, rather than implying she has been famous multiple times before this event.","questions":"How was Julie's fame described in the dialogue?","answer":"First"} {"text":["What in this agreement makes it better in your perspective?Because you did say that there was something in it that was, so tell me one thing.","There are. The labor chapter itself is better. However, if you can't enforce the labor chapter, it is meaningless. And so we're trying to get the enforcement on three different levels that I outlined earlier.","So what's your message to Democrats here?I mean, the issue is, so far, the administration has been trying to work with the Democrats. I mean, the trade chief, for example, the U. S. trade representative, Robert Lighthizer, has been working with Democrats to hear their concerns about it. I mean, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has appointed nine House Democrats to committees to negotiate these sort of - these changes.","But there is this some sense that, you know, the administration - others in the administration would like to fast-track it. There is a mechanism for doing that. I mean, do you have a specific message to Democrats?Because, as you know, with such a large - particularly with such a large presidential field, you've got all kinds of different opinions about international trade in that group. Do you know what I mean?So do you have a specific message to them about how to - you would like to see them proceed?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The labor chapter is better but useless without proper enforcement on three different levels.","questions":"How is the labor chapter in the agreement?","answer":"Better"} {"text":["So Flame has - so far they've found about 20 modules that can be swapped in and out, and they do everything from turning on the internal microphone and webcam on your computer, this way that they could record conversations that you have over Skype or conversations that you have in the room, in the vicinity of the computer.","It takes screenshots of your communications. They seem particularly interested in any email communications or instant messaging communication that you do. It also turns your computer into a Bluetooth beacon. So if you have Bluetooth enabled on your computer, they will turn that on and do a discovery for other Bluetooth-enabled devices in the vicinity, such as a phone, and they will use your computer to then siphon the contact information that is in any phone in the area.","Wow. Wow.","Why all those things?I mean, what's the reason for that?"],"speaker":["A","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"Wow\" is an interjection that expresses surprise or admiration, and its literal meaning is the same as its actual meaning.","questions":"What does \"Wow\" express in turn 2?","answer":"Surprise"} {"text":["Latin America and Mexico. South America, by contrast is being hit with a delay. When you go to Colombia or Peru, people are aware of the bad news of the global economy, but in the local economy they do not feel the - the impact with great strength yet.","Now, we're seeing reports, for example, that say that unemployment has hit every sector in Latin America, even the bodyguards in drug-torn countries like Colombia are losing their jobs. How big an issue is unemployment?","It will become an increasingly more important issue as time goes by. Latin America in contrast, say, with Asia, is less integrated into the production chain. So the falling in exports of Latin America are essentially the fall of commodity exports. And they are not very intense in employment.","However, as the tsunami of the global problems propagates through Latin America, unemployment will start picking up in other sectors eventually including in the non-tradable sectors like services and so forth. So, in countries like Mexico, surely, the impact is already being felt given its proximity to the U. S. In other countries, it's coming with some delay. But, unemployment and recession are the name of the situation for Latin America, not financial meltdown."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : No one was hit, but the unemployment numbers have been a shock and have had a negative affect on latin america. No one fell, but numbers have gone down in exports.","questions":"How have unemployment numbers affected Latin America?","answer":"severe"} {"text":["But some people might want the extra three months of the nine months option. Just look through and see what's offered. And the other good thing is, this is not one of those negative option kind of options. At the end of the six months or nine months, they're not going to automatically enroll you into a plan in which you have to pay, because the six month is worth about 60 dollars and the nine month is about 115 dollars. So they will absolutely stop it, and you have to say, I want this back. But listen, for six or nine months you've got someone looking through your TransUnion credit file, so it's worth it.","You know, Michelle, what you're saying is anyone who has applied for credit, essentially in the last 20 years, any credit card, is eligible for this. There is a benefit, including maybe some cash, sitting there on the table. You can write in and get it. That's it?","That's it. That's exactly right. And you do have to register for it. It's not automatic, and you have to go to www. listclassaction. com. And once you go to the site, you click on the link for Register for Benefits. And then they will email you and tell you later when you can actually start getting the monitoring service.","We will link to you and to this website at our site, that's npr. org. Michelle Singletary, personal finance columnist for the Washington Post and contributor to Day to Day. Michelle, thank you."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The offer is a good deal and worth considering.","questions":"How is the offer described?","answer":"Crowding"} {"text":["Then later on, I ended up having to deal with, really, racism from both sides, from white people, as well as from black people who claimed that I was not really black because of the music I listened to or the way that I speak or some intangible delineation that people make in terms of how you're supposed to behave based upon the color of your skin.","Well, Brian, you know, you went on to basically go about your life and kind of sublimate this incredible pressure. But at some point, it all broke for you. What happened then?","Well, what happened was - I should back up and say that at the time that I wrote \"Not a Genuine Black Man,\" the book and the play, I decided that in order for it to be real and to be true and to be what I wanted it to be, I'd have to be completely naked. And that being the case, I knew that I would have to talk about the darkest moment in my life, which was a very severe period of depression I went through in 1999.","I had - I didn't realize it at the time, but apparently I had suffered depression since childhood, from all of the, you know, strangers driving down the street yelling the N-word, not being included because I was the only black kid and being different. And I'd spent a lot of time isolating and by myself."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : B acknowledges that A had to suppress the pressure he faced, but eventually reached a breaking point.","questions":"Which point did PersonA eventually reach?","answer":"Breaking"} {"text":["You described some playwrights, Beckett, for example, as somebody whose work seems to back away from you the closer you get it. But Miller's play, you say, is not like that.","No. It wasn't like - my experience with Chekhov and Beckett was just what you call - that they get harder and harder as you go. But with \"Salesman,\" surprisingly, because it's fully as great a play as those others, it did welcome us and come toward us day by day. And then, we did a fairly smart thing, which is that we had a workshop just for ourselves for almost a month, and nobody ever saw it and we didn't perform it, but we just worked on it. And then as per plan, we went away for over three and a half months.","And then when we came back, we went into rehearsal and then finally got onstage and did it. And the three and a half months living and doing other things made a surprisingly big difference. It just sank into everybody and took enormous strides all on its own, and that was both exciting and surprising in its extent. And also, it was a clue to what was going to continue to happen, which is that it just burrowed deeper and deeper into the actors and they - into one another, and they have become a family. And they're - what goes on between them is - I've never seen - in my experience, I've never seen it quite like this.","Philip Seymour Hoffman obviously plays the lead role. Is - did the play come first or the actor come first?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Miller's play 'Salesman' was surprisingly welcoming and approachable despite being a great play.","questions":"How was Miller's play 'Salesman'?","answer":"Welcoming"} {"text":["Well, what Bill Lockyer, the State Treasurer is telling us, and what the governor is telling us is that we are in real trouble right now. Lockyer has said that we will not be able to meet payroll by the end of this month unless something is done to unfreeze the credit markets and the state is credit worthy.","I mean, it's the eight largest economy in the world. But they've been unable to obtain the normal short-term financing to meet cash flow needs. And when the state runs out of money that means that cities and counties and school districts also run out of money.","Has the state ever had to do this before, go to the federal government and say we need money now, help us?","I think this is unprecedented and certainly the state ordinarily would be solving their cash flow needs out of the regular market, not from the federal government. And what the governor is saying is that he would be asking the federal government to serve that role for the state of California."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The state of California is in financial trouble and may not be able to pay its employees or meet its financial obligations","questions":"How is the state of California's financial situation?","answer":"Trouble"} {"text":["So they believe in the rapture. And unless they stick to Brethren rules and have no contact with the outside world, they'll be left behind in the rapture. So that's essentially them. They're very conservative, very secretive.","So this new leader - when he took over, what kind of things did he change?","He upped all the stakes, really. He decided that the Brethren were not being hardline enough, that they weren't being separate enough. And he enforced the rule that if you had a teenager in your house who had been raised in the Brethren but was not yet breaking bread - i. e. , fully compliant - you couldn't eat with them. You couldn't eat with non-Brethren outside. You couldn't go to the cinema or have radios or television or newspapers.","So effectively, he not only separated off the Brethren from all contact with the outside world - you know, they might have been able before to have worked for non-Brethren. Now they had to work for other Brethren. And there was a great deal more compliance and surveillance as well. There's a lot of mass confessions. There are a lot of punishments for noncompliant behavior."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"mass confessions\" - This phrase refers to a practice where members of the Brethren confess their sins publicly in front of the congregation. The literal meaning would be a large number of confessions happening at once.","questions":"Which phrase refers to a public confession practice in the Brethren group?","answer":"Mass-confessions"} {"text":["You know, one of the things - you know, getting back to your book, \"The National Team\" - one of the things that your book makes clear and what some people frankly might find shocking is just how early these issues started for women's soccer. I mean, there's something almost like on every other page about this. I'll just read one one paragraph. (Reading) While each player on the men's team got a $10,000 bonus for qualifying for the 1990 World Cup, the women received only a couple of T-shirts for qualifying for the 1991 Women's World Cup. The shirts featured the logo of Budweiser, a U. S. Soccer sponsor. The players sarcastically call them their $5,000 T-shirts.","(Laughter).","OK. I just, you know - how has this been justified through the years?","You have to admire the sense of humor that the players had about it. You know, I think it would be unfair to sit here and say that it hasn't improved. But U. S. Soccer - the women's national team started in 1985. The players were given uniforms that were clearly, like, leftover men's uniforms. And?The players before the first ever U. S. Women's National Team game were up the night before sewing and cutting their uniforms so they would fit."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Despite being the champions, the female players were not given the same bonus as the male players, showing the inequality in the sport industry.","questions":"How were the female players treated in terms of bonuses compared to the male players? (Answer: Unequally)","answer":"Unequally"} {"text":["Well, we knew something was going to happen. We were preparing for it, but you didn't know where. And we were all set to jump on the - would be the take-off on the flight - night of the 4th, so D-Day would have been the 5th. But it was pouring rain, so it was held off for 24 hours. But we all were laying on these cots. And the cots were right next to each other. You're talking about 500 cots in this big hangar, so it was a pretty rank place after a while.","Smelled pretty bad?","It smelled mannish, yeah.","Mannish. . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : D-Day implies the mapped out date or the fixed date for the event ","questions":"How was the date for the event referred to in the dialogue?","answer":"D-Day"} {"text":["You know, Latin America used to be the region of crisis where crises used to be the most frequent and most sinister. And this time around, Latin America is being hit from an outside shock, and the shock finds Latin America in a relatively strong position in terms of its domestic policy frameworks. So, the shock this time is very interesting for Latin America, contrast with its past where domestic financial system and domestic policies are not a source of trouble, independent source of trouble. Therefore, the shock is coming from outside, it's hitting Latin American countries that are most open and small and have greater exposure to the U. S. markets\u2026","Now we're seeing\u2026","Latin America and Mexico. South America, by contrast is being hit with a delay. When you go to Colombia or Peru, people are aware of the bad news of the global economy, but in the local economy they do not feel the - the impact with great strength yet.","Now, we're seeing reports, for example, that say that unemployment has hit every sector in Latin America, even the bodyguards in drug-torn countries like Colombia are losing their jobs. How big an issue is unemployment?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : They are implying that drugs running rampant in their country may be cause for \"unemployment.\"","questions":"What may be causing unemployment in drug-torn countries like Colombia?","answer":"Drugs"} {"text":["And what has it gotten back?","There was a record 455 films and television productions that were shot in Georgia in the last fiscal year. And they represented a $2. 7, you know, billion in direct spending, which they estimate brings in $9. 5 billion in total economic impact. So these numbers are really huge. And they have been a huge destination for feature films, and not just any sort of feature films, expensive blockbusters, the biggest of those being Marvel's \"Avengers\" movies, which shot at Pinewood Studios in Atlanta, which is a big production facility.","As we mentioned, studios and media companies have sent some warning signals. How likely, though, is an actual boycott?","These laws have sort of been spreading. And production people here in Hollywood are sort of taking a wait-and-see approach. And this abortion ban isn't supposed to take effect until January of 2020. So we have this sort of in-between time where a lot of studios and producers and executives are trying to figure out what the best course of action is, and do they keep projects there in the meantime?Should it be overturned before it's enacted, then Hollywood doesn't really have to worry about pulling out their productions."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Georgia has become a popular destination for big budget movies and TV shows.","questions":"How much was spent on direct spending in Georgia due to film and television productions in the last fiscal year?","answer":"9."} {"text":["The fear is magnified by a third factor, which is uncertainty, and the uncertainty level is enormous right now. We're really at the brink. People don't know - are we entering an inflationary environment or a deflationary environment?We really don't know what's going to happen. And the potential outcomes are so different and so huge in their consequences that there's just an enormous amount of uncertainty, and that magnifies the fear. People say, I don't want to play this game if I don't have any idea where it's going to head.","Haven't there been studies that show that people are more motivated by fear than by the lure of profit or the lure of gain?","Exactly. People are twice as afraid of taking a loss or afraid of the pain of taking a loss as they are of the feel of pleasure of taking a gain. So what you have in the markets is the effect where as stocks drop and people become more and more into negative territory, they're both afraid of taking the pain of a loss but at some point, as they're riding down, they're losing stocks, they capitulate. They finally throw in the towel and say, that's it. This is too much pain. I can't take it anymore. It's one explanation for why bull markets tend to be long and trending while bear markets like this are rapid and short.","So how do we get out of this?How do we get out of this negative feedback loop?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : People are more afraid of losing than they are of gaining in the stock market.","questions":"What motivates people to sell stocks in a bear market?","answer":"Loss"} {"text":["Every president in his or - his - well, I should say his or her. Every president in their first year has an unexpected crisis, whether it's national security, a natural disaster, domestic unrest. This is certainly shaping up to be Donald Trump's unexpected crisis. And I think he realizes that. And the stakes are getting higher, and I think that's why he's lashing out more because I think he realizes what's going on.","It's moved to the capital. As we said Secretary Price has resigned, but at least three more Cabinet members face similar accusations about charter jets. Whatever happened to them, can the Trump administration say they'll drain the swamp when they seem to be flying over it in private jets?","You, know, this reminds me of that line from \"The Godfather\" about Mr. Corleone likes his bad news early. Donald Trump is not like bad news. And this was starting to spread to other cabinet members, obviously. And I think the we'll-see when he was asked whether Trump - I mean, whether Price should resign was his way of signaling, yes. And sure enough, Tom Price offered his resignation. And unlike the Session's case, the president accepted it because I think he sees this for the irony that it is of his own cabinet doing what he campaigned exactly against.","Is the Republican Party offering much of a profile of leadership at the moment?- can't get Repeal and Replace passed, the tax code seems - proposal seems fuzzy, federal response seems to certainly be slow if not negligent in Puerto Rico. We could go on."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (4) - The actual meaning is that the Republican Party's leadership is being questioned due to their inability to pass important legislation and their slow response to certain issues, such as the hurricane in Puerto Rico.","questions":"Which party's leadership is being questioned due to their inability to pass important legislation and their slow response to certain issues?","answer":"Republican"} {"text":["South Africa has some very liberal policies. It has a very liberal constitution on migration and immigration. I think with that, though, is a history since 1994 of xenophobia and of a backlash against that very liberal migration policy. We saw in 1994 the Inkatha Freedom Party actually really try to take physical action, or threatened to take physical action if the government failed to crack down on undocumented workers in South Africa.","We saw similarly later on that decade a study that was done by the Human Sciences Research Council, an institute for security studies in South Africa, that reported that 65 percent of South Africans were in support of forced repatriation of undocumented migrants in their country.","And so I think that history - history of violence against not just Zimbabweans, but Somalis, Mozambiquans and Angolans has just played itself out in larger and larger ways here in the last couple of weeks. And that Zimbabwe has been, I mean, Zimbabwe and South Africa, both governments, have been trying to respond to this recent wave of migration. But their responses have not been enough.","Alright. I want to move on to an interesting initiative. Physicist Steven Hawking is looking for Africa's Einstein. What he wants to do with a bunch of entrepreneurs and scientists is to create Africa's post-graduate centers for advanced math and physics, places that don't exist yet. And it's planned to cost 75 million British pounds, or over 150 million U. S. dollars. Hawking said, quote, the world of science needs Africa's brilliant talents. So what exactly is this plan going to do?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"very liberal policies\" and \"liberal constitution\" - the literal meaning of these phrases is that South Africa has policies and a constitution that are characterized by a broad-minded or progressive approach. The implied meaning, however, is that South Africa is relatively open to immigration and migration.","questions":"Which country is discussed in turn 0?","answer":"South-Africa"} {"text":["Hey. How you doing, Lulu?","I'm very well. For people who haven't been to Richmond, can you describe Monument Avenue for us?What statues are there?","Monument Avenue is one of the most beautiful stretches of street in the United States of America. I mean, it's tree-lined. It's on the national historic registry. There are statues to Robert E. Lee. There's a statue to Jeb Stuart, to, you know, Stonewall Jackson. And there's a lonely statue of Arthur Ashe, which I call the only true champion on that stretch of street.","The tennis champion, Arthur Ashe."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"The tennis champion, Arthur Ashe.\" - The actual meaning is the speaker is confirming that they know who Arthur Ashe is, rather than just stating his name without any context or understanding.","questions":"Which tennis player's name was mentioned in the conversation?","answer":"Arthur"} {"text":["Well, how did they react to you as a person?I mean, you're a glamorous Los Angelina, and so what did they think when you showed up?","I think that it's interesting, because I was in a program called Cross-cultural Solutions, where they send volunteers to different areas. I was the first African-American that had been at this school. So I think they were confused. I mean, and these people in the town, they were just like are you from Ghana?Or are you Yabo(ph)?Yabo is a foreigner, and most likely, more than usually, a white foreigner. But I had a couple of people call me Yabo.","But they would sort of ask like where are you from, and one of the program's administrators would have to explain, she's an ancestor of Africans, and then they would say, oh, okay. So it was definitely some confusing sort of looks that I got.","But the kids were - you know, kids are very, you know, easy to sort of get along with. These kids were, you know, absolutely adorable. They didn't understand what I was saying a lot of the time, but they really connected to me. I mean, I would bring bubbles and jumping ropes and stuff like that, stuff that they had never seen before. So, you know, I was quite popular at the school, I have to say. I mean, particularly with my bubbles, that brought even the junior-high-school kids out\u2026","Oh, I'm sure."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The person being referred to was well-liked by the school kids for bringing unique items.","questions":"How was the person received by the school kids?","answer":"Unique"} {"text":["Well, I want to offer condolences to you and the Virginia Beach community. I'm wondering what you can tell us about how people are holding up. I understand you visited a hospital where some of the people wounded in the shooting are being treated still.","I did. You know, this is - again, it's a horrific tragedy, and our hearts go out to certainly the 12 victims that showed up for work yesterday for the city of Virginia Beach intending to go home. And this tragedy occurred, and they weren't able to. And so there's a tremendous void in their families and our community right now. There's a lot of hurt and healing that needs to take place.","I was able to go to the hospital this morning. My intentions were twofold. I wanted to thank the caregivers, the doctors, the nurses and the administrators. And then also, I was able to speak with one of the patients and the families. And they're just such strong and faithful people and just going through what must be one of the hardest experiences in their lives. They were just very grateful for the care that they were receiving and grateful for the heroic work of the law enforcement agents yesterday.","Inevitably, after each mass shooting, there are calls for tighter gun laws. You introduced a number of gun control bills in Virginia's General Assembly back in January, not even six months ago."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The speaker is expressing sympathy for the victims and their families.","questions":"Which community does the speaker offer condolences to?","answer":"VirginiaBeach"} {"text":["The regime does blame rebels for escalating this bout of violence. And, as you say, there's a lot at stake here. It's a place that's swollen with civilians. A lot of people who've fled the fighting elsewhere in the country have taken refuge here, and aid workers are saying it would be a catastrophe if a full war took hold here.","Oh, this is amazing. So this is where a lot of people who have fled violence arrived in huge numbers, thinking that this might be their one last safe. . .","Right.",". . . Space. And if there are that many civilians there - like, what do we know about these airstrikes so far?How badly are civilians being hit?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : they are just acknowledging the person's response ","questions":"Which turn is a confirmation of the PersonA's agreement with the previous PersonA's statement?","answer":"acknowledging"} {"text":["It's a pleasure to be with you. And thank you very much for having me.","So this issue has been kind of dancing around the edges of political discourse for years now. I mean, Jesse Jackson made it part of his platform when he ran for president in 1988. And as we mentioned, your former colleague, Representative Conyers, reintroduced the bill in every congressional session for 25 years. But now it seems to be gaining some traction again. Why do you think that is?","I frankly believe that there's something to elections - And this is a Democratic House with Democratic leadership - and also the times. And it is tragic, but it is real that we've seen an uptick in racial incidences - white supremacy, white nationalism. And so the question of slavery, frankly, has never been addressed, particularly from the institutional governmental perspective. And I've updated the language of the resolution, HR40, and that is that it is a commission to study and to engage in proposals, recommendations on the question of reparation.","And it really goes to, I think, more people understanding that 40 acres and a mule was a legitimate concept right after the Emancipation Proclamation, and that never happened. But yet cotton was king. It was an economic engine of the entire United States. And so the prominence of the United States today in the 21st century is grounded on the free brutal labor that Africans gave and their descendants."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The election of a Democratic House and the rise of white supremacy have made it possible for the issue of slavery and reparation to gain more attention.","questions":"Which issue is gaining more attention due to the election of a Democratic House and the rise of white supremacy?","answer":"Reparations"} {"text":["Hey, Geoff.","What's up, Farai?","Well, as you can tell, things are starting to crystallize and solidify in terms of this race. So you've got this endorsement of Barack Obama by Senator Ted Kennedy and his niece, Caroline Kennedy. How's that reverberating online?","Well, it's interesting. After Caroline Kennedy's op-ed appeared in The New York Times, searches of her name rose 179 percent, mainly by people over the age of 35 and across the two-thirds of the nation geographically. Now this is according to Yahoo Buzz Index. Now, for Ted Kennedy, his searches went up 248 percent. People were also searching for more about JFK, Maria Shriver and Jacqueline Kennedy."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : This phrase means that the endorsement is having an impact or causing reactions online. It is not referring to actual sound reverberation.","questions":"How is the term \"reverberating\" being used in the conversation?","answer":"Impact"} {"text":["Well, so certainly President-elect Trump has issued a few statements on cybersecurity, including a campaign platform. Those are pretty thin on details. And some of his statements - it's been difficult to understand whether or not he - how literally to take those particular recommendations. Of his national security hires that have been announced at this point, none are known for having particularly strong cybersecurity backgrounds. So as we see more and more people coming into the administration, we might be able to start getting a sense of what exactly this administration's cybersecurity policy might look like.","Surely when you become the administration, you have a vested interest in national cybersecurity that maybe you lacked before, don't you?","Absolutely. I think while many of his statements during the campaign did not necessarily evince well-developed policy thoughts - he's going to have to come up with more specific ideas. One thing that Donald Trump might run up against is the existence of current laws. So, for example, he's indicated a number of times that he intends to transfer a lot of the cybersecurity mission to the Department of Defense to come up with a plan for defending critical infrastructure. And there are potentially rather serious consequences to sort of the militarization of civilian cyber defense. I think that they might find themselves coming up against an existing framework that doesn't necessarily square with the broad instinct towards wanting to turn towards the military to solve this problem.","I thought the Obama administration was pretty clear in saying, after they asserted that Russian attempts to meddle in the elections had been ongoing, that the United States was going to reply in kind. Can we assume those efforts are going on now?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : sking if the Trump administration has an interest in national cybersecurity that it didn't have before","questions":"Which administration?","answer":"Trump"} {"text":["That's what won, finally, the attention of the old man. And only when he was tough did the old man respect him. And I think when his father became incapacitated, Bobby began to resort to who he was as a kid. As a kid, he was - he hung around all the time with African-American kids. Those were his playmates, even in Hyannis. He was - he, you know, Father Feeney - when Father Feeney said no salvation outside the Catholic Church, he railed against that, which was so extraordinary in that very Catholic family.","You know, Ralph Bunche - he insisted that that great African-American statesman get to speak to a integrated audience at UVA when he was in charge of the lecture series down there. There's all kinds of evidence of Bobby in the beginning being a liberal in the best sense of that word. And I think it just came more to life after Jack was gone and after the old man was out of action.","Will American voters these days - and donors and journalists, for that matter - let a public figure change in public the way Robert Kennedy did?","Well, I think the hardest thing for him - and to me, the sweetest part of the book - was his evolution on Joe McCarthy. There's no doubt that he loved the guy. It came through right to the end when he was driving in the car at National Airport. And Kathleen, his young daughter, said he was so stricken by the news that McCarthy had just drank himself to death at Bethesda Naval Hospital that he drove around the airport three times. He was just distraught."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) Implied meaning: Will modern society be open to and tolerant of a public figure's change in opinion? ","questions":"How did Robert Kennedy's evolution on Joe McCarthy affect him emotionally?","answer":"stricken"} {"text":["Qatar would like to improve its relationship with the U. S. government, which has supported a Saudi-led economic blockade of the small Persian Gulf power. Qatar didn't just hire well-known K Street lobbyists and powerbrokers. It targeted people they believe President Trump listens to - a radio broadcaster, a real estate developer, a commentator and former presidential candidate - and gave them all-expense paid trips to Qatar and, usually, a consulting fee. Qatar's regime believed if it could win over people that President Trump listens to, he might change his mind. Now, that's according to a news story published in The Wall Street Journal by Julie Bykowicz, who joins us now. Thanks very much for being with us.","Thank you.","Tell us how this is done. You begin the story by talking about Alan Dershowitz, whose name doesn't usually come up when you're talking about Qatar.","Sure. He's not an elected official. He's not in the administration. But what Mr. Dershowitz does bring to the table, at this point, that lobbyists have identified is President Trump really likes this guy. And so other lobbyists have picked up on this, and the two gentlemen that I interviewed for this Qatar story said they identified him as someone that could potentially be influential. What Alan Dershowitz is thinking, perhaps President Trump would begin thinking as well."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Qatar believes that by winning over people that President Trump listens to, he might change his mind on supporting the Saudi-led economic blockade of Qatar.","questions":"How did Qatar try to win over people that President Trump listens to?","answer":"Targeted."} {"text":["Well, a pretty disturbing picture has emerged of these two men online - some interest in, I guess, Nazism and Russian communist iconography. And beyond that, very little is known. I mean, they're a mystery to us. They are currently still on the run. Their families have spoken a little bit and have now sort of gone quiet.","And I think the whole country and beyond is just waiting to see where and when these two men might pop up or if indeed they will at all. There's a good chance, at this point, they might also be dead.","Well, police were zeroing in on a community that they thought might be their chance at finding them. And they called in drones and helicopters and boats and the military. But it sounds like they might be scaling back now. I mean, are they giving up?","Yeah, I mean, the problem is these young men had quite a head start. Initially, they were only believed to be missing and even thought to be potential victims after their vehicle was found burned out in B. C. So. . ."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : to be on the run in this context means you are avoiding authorities","questions":"Which term describes the ideologies the two men are believed to have an interest in?","answer":"Nazism"} {"text":["Investors are ecstatic about central bankers working there. Listen to this, the German DAX Index up about 10 percent, the French CAC 40, up more than nine percent. Now, they are both measures like the Dow 30, which on Wall Street jumped 500 points in the morning.","In Britain, Prime Minister Gordon Brown put $65 billion of government money into three British banks. NPR's Rod Gifford is in London. We're going to him. Rob, hello. I think that people are saying it is this British plan, the so-called British plan that seems to be may be spurring a little bit of a recovery around the world. What is the British government doing, and what does it want in return?","Well, as you say, Alex, Gordon Brown is getting a lot of kudos from this, because he was the one who put this plan forward last week. What they're doing, as you say, is to put a lot of government money that is taxpayer's money, $65 billion worth of it, into three British banks into order to - they hope - free up the bank to bank lending, and the whole crisis of confidence that has struck British banks as it has done elsewhere.","In return - some very important conditions they want in return. Right upfront, leaders of these banks that have got into trouble must step down. Bonuses are being frozen for other executives who stay on and crucially, the demand that these banks maintain mortgage lending and small-business lending at 2007 levels, levels of last year."],"speaker":["B","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The British government is being praised for its plan to save the banks.","questions":"Which government is receiving praise for its bank-saving plan?","answer":"British"} {"text":["I went back to Nepal in 2013 to write about the same supply chains feeding guys making cameras for the iPhone 5 in Malaysia. And some of the families that I wrote about at the time and got together and - was this woman, this magnetic woman who lit up the room, who was leading the conversation that everybody was deferring to. She was cutting off the men, which you also don't see much of in Nepal. And I didn't even recognize her.","And it was the same young woman. This woman, who was broken when I saw her in 2005 at this ashram, had just completely transformed her life. She not only made herself self-sufficient, but she rebuilt herself emotionally and has just this incredible self-awareness about everything that's happened to her and her refusal to be a victim and to rise up and face KBR Halliburton as a key witness in this case.","I was about to ask. How. . .","Yeah."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The woman was a strong leader and dominated the conversation despite the patriarchal society in Nepal.","questions":"What kind of woman was leading the conversation in Nepal?","answer":"magnetic"} {"text":["It occurred on August 1st, in the late hours of the morning. One Serbian fell, and another (unintelligible) porter fell as well trying to rescue him, and that was the beginning of the fatalities. However, the serac fall, which stranded most of the climbers, didn't occur until quite late in the evening on August 1st.","A serac is a big column of ice, a big sheet of ice. And it fell off the mountain, and that complicated things for a lot of people. What were conditions like?","The weather was completely calm, very cold and clear, which is normal. No wind and as the day began to - as the sun began to rise, the weather was actually better than we could have hoped for. But, of course, things changed. The wind began to pick up the next day as people were stranded, and that complicated the rescue effort.","You were attempting to summit on that day, weren't you?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"and that was the beginning of the fatalities.\" - The implied meaning here is that the fall resulted in people dying, rather than just being the start of a sequence of events.","questions":"What was the consequence of the incident described in turn 0?","answer":"Deaths"} {"text":["How has technology changed the way that vaccines are made?Is it easier to sort of see responses in living things as they happen now?","Yes, the technology has improved by leaps and bounds. We have, in the case of influenza, now a variety of different ways that we can read out virus neutralization. The traditional way was done using red blood cells, and we would look at the clumping of red blood cells, which is called hemagglutination. And the antibodies to flu would prevent the agglutination of red blood cells.","That was used for decades as the best marker of an immune response. Now we can look with automated assays at neutralization of the virus.","What does that mean?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Improved by leaps and bounds, meaning it has improved by a large margin.","questions":"Which word describes the extent of improvement in technology mentioned in turn 1?","answer":"Significant"} {"text":["Right. As far as I could tell, it wasn't so much derogatory as he wanted to create a mental picture to the listeners, you know, on radio, to say, OK, it was created in one big bang and so on.","And so what was his big blunder?","So the big blunder was - so he came up with a theory that was - that the universe is in a steady state. Namely the universe is always the same. It always was the same and always will be the same. And - but he also knew that the universe is expanding. So for the universe to stay the same, for example, for the density of matter to not change, he had to create matter in the universe. Because as the universe was getting larger, he had to have new matter there for the density to stay the same.","So this in itself was not a blunder. When he suggested this, it was a beautiful idea because, you know, we say the universe is the same everywhere and in every direction. And he wanted to add to that and that every time. So that, you know, sounded very elegant.","The blunder was that after about 15 years, when evidence started accumulating that this is really not the way the universe behaves but in fact the universe does evolve and change, he stubbornly refused to accept that."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The universe is not always the same and new matter is needed for it to stay the same.","questions":"How did the universe have to change to stay the same?","answer":"Treasury"} {"text":["What's the diet?","Yeah. I mean, are you juicing five minutes an hour or. . .","No, there isn't any particular diet, particular training. I know I made a training video, but it was just a spoof of the Rocky Montage training. So rather than knocking out an opponent, my job was to knock out the kettle.","Oh, my word. Well, you know, I'd vowed to stay away from this, but I have to ask. So you've seen \"Guys and Dolls\"?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Are you juicing five minutes an hour means are you juicing (eating fruits or vegetables in liquid form) for five minutes every hour? ","questions":"How often does PersonA juice?","answer":"No"} {"text":["Does this raise the hopes that, you know, you might be finding more exoplanets that are more like Earth because there seemed to be a little period going through here with astronomers that they were saying it may be a little more difficult than we expected, or there may not be as many in that sweet spot as expected?","Yeah, I think the arc of discovery is showing us that there's actually a lot more than anyone would have hoped. And finding them this close and this soon and this easily, as we improve our techniques, is telling us that virtually every star has planets, and a lot of systems probably have planets similar to the kind we're seeing here.","And so yeah, that greatly raises the ante in terms of the likelihood that there are similar Earths out there around stars. There's more planets in the sky now than there are stars.","A couple of questions: Does a planet have to be like, quote-unquote, \"like Earth\" for it to be habitable?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : It's likely there are similar Earths out there","questions":"What is the likelihood of finding similar Earths out there?","answer":"High"} {"text":["OK, starting with GlobalGrind. Here's the deal Farai, as you know, being in the media, it's becoming more and more niche, and people, especially what you're talking about Internet, you're talking about web communities and defining that niche. Now we're seeing more and more websites pop up where we've had black websites in the past, but GlobalGrind is this one-stop shop.","They claim, or they offer, for news, gossip, humor, entertainment. It's just about everything that users think is important. So the whole site is actually driven by users voting on other content that's happening elsewhere. And so the higher the vote of a specific piece of content, the more relevant it comes up on the GlobalGrind webpage.","Is it fun?","It is fun. It looks very clean. It's sleek. I do like the ownership behind the company, and some of the people driving it, because Navarro is a guy that ran 360HipHop. com, which was very successful that was sold to BET. I've met with their advertising people. I think they really got their handle on - they've made it mobile. They now integrate it with Facebook, which wasn't there before, which I was dinging them on. I was like, when are you guys going to get with mobile applications in a Web 2. 0 space?","All right, Mario. We have to jump in. RushmoreDrive. Give me the skinny."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Being in the media industry is becoming more niche and specialized","questions":"Which industry?","answer":"Media"} {"text":["Well, it's very difficult to verify independently because some of the information he claims to be from within the inner circle of those around President Mugabe, but certainly it creates a lot of interest and in some cases, some of his predictions have come to pass in ways that really points to credibility on the part of this character.","For example, he had warned that individuals within the ruling party were plotting to kill a former minister of parliament, Edward Chindori-Chininga, and indeed within a week this official died in a suspicious car accident.","Now, I mean, saying that almost any politician of any prominence other than President Mugabe is vulnerable to being killed mysteriously, wouldn't that be a truism in Zimbabwe?","Yes, it is, but particularly if you look at the tensions in the countries we approach elections that will be held on July 31. So, yes, that is true."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The information this mysterious character provides is likely to be accurate and can be trusted.","questions":"How are the predictions of the mysterious character regarded?","answer":"Credibility"} {"text":["It was absolute - you're absolutely correct. Our time is out, but I'm going to ask you about this before I let you go. Talking about perfect performances, two people strolled in to New York's Madison Square Garden and lit up the Knicks back to back, Kobe Bryant 61 on one night and LeBron James, I think, it was 52 the next night and a triple double.","All I can say is thank god for the Knicks.","And, you know what?And the Knicks are even actually better than they were before and then they still let people come in there and just spank them like crazy.","That's what we do."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : thank god for the Knicks impling the Knicks made it possible to happen... ","questions":"What made it possible?","answer":"Knicks"} {"text":["The banks can bring in their junky securities and swap them for cash or treasury bills. And that, on top of interest rate cuts, Bernanke thought would be enough to keep the financial system working until it healed itself. The strategy at the Fed was known as the finger in the dike strategy, keep the water out and eventually things will recover.","But obviously, you know things didn't work out like that. And in the spring, we had the great Bear Stearns crisis, and the Fed was forced to intervene to prevent them going bankrupt. Then, we had another few months where it seemed like things had stabilized, but this thing's like a disease. It goes away for a while, and then, you know, it comes back in a more virulent form.","In September, after the collapse of Lehman Brothers, you know, all hell broke out, basically. And since then, we've had a sort of slow motion collapse of the financial system.","Now, this entire crisis has really tarnished Alan Greenspan's legacy, and he even admitted that his basic economic philosophy is now changed. What about Ben Bernanke?Does he deserve the same criticism?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The financial crisis is recurring and becoming more severe each time it comes back.","questions":"What is the strategy at the Fed called?","answer":"Finger"} {"text":["So if we're negotiating in public, we're not really negotiating at all.","That's correct. What we're doing is playing chicken, all kinds of games with each other. It's just a mess. You know, whenever you get to the entitlements, and so everybody knows, I'm out of the Senate three years and a half, but I was there for 36 years, and much of my work was budgeting. If I were there, I would be right in the middle of this. You would have been hearing from me for the last two years, and you'd be tired of my voice.","And you, Neal, would have had me on so many times, you would have said I don't want you anymore.","Well, I doubt that, Senator."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The literal meaning is that the listener doubts that they would tire of hearing from the speaker. The actual meaning is that the listener is being polite and respectful towards the speaker.","questions":"How did the PersonB respond to the speaker?","answer":"Respectful"} {"text":["Oh, no. As a matter of fact, I was delighted that I had had the opportunity to contribute to it. I had the option to volunteer for the program. I opted not to because I was very much involved in research that needed to be done. So I was - I turned down the opportunity because I felt that what we were doing was valuable for the future of our space program. As a matter of fact, the small 5-foot diameter parachute that we used to stabilize my freefall is still being used today in every ejection seat in the world. So what we did some 50 year - 55 years ago is still being used today.","What do you think about space exploration now?It struck me watching this that it's lost its human component, in a way. We send these unmanned missions into deep space, but we haven't really pushed human boundaries, I think, for quite some time.","I personally think that we should go back to the moon as soon as we can because there's a lot of lessons we need to learn before we can go to Mars, which should be the next great human adventure.","May I ask you a question?As you were standing on the precipice, you said a prayer. What was that prayer?What were you praying for?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) - Implied meaning: What is your opinion on modern space exploration, which has become more robotic than human? ","questions":"Which turn mentions the idea of going back to the moon before going to Mars?","answer":"Turn3"} {"text":["Oh, sheesh. I'll play a little bit of \"I Knew a Lady. \"","OK, I knew a lady too.","I'm sure you did.","(Singing) I knew a lady. And she was fine. She had a pretty face And a troubled mind. All she wanted was a little fun. She got dancing feet. She wanted to get it on. All the Lord's children need to be saved All the Lord's children lost in these days All the Lord's children in the frying pan Good God, Almighty throw up your dang hands All the Lord's children out on these streets All the Lord's children fighting for peace All the Lord's children up off your knees Good God, Almighty Come dance with me Oh, oh, oh, oh All the Lord's children feeling the pain All the Lord's children trying to maintain All the Lord's children trying to kill the brain With two vodka din(ph) And a glass of champagne Don't do it Huh, it ain't gonna work All she wanted was a little fun She got dancin' feet she want to get it on."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"I knew a lady and she was fine\" means that she looked beautiful or pretty.","questions":"How did the lady look?","answer":"Sheesh"} {"text":["The inspector general also alleges that lucrative government contracts were given to friends and former colleagues of the bureau. And this isn't the first criticism by the inspector general of the Minerals Management office. Last year, that office was accused of making mistakes in the royalties that calculated for the industry. It saved companies more than 10 billion dollars. So, at the very least, this latest investigation gives ammunition to the people who say that the Bush administration is too close to the oil and gas industry.","And so, this directly affects taxpayers and consumers?","Well, you know, the head of the Minerals Management Agency says, no, that the agency has been collecting the proper amount of royalties, but the report says some oil companies were allowed to revise their payments downward after their contracts were finalized. And outsiders have to wonder why would the industry be giving gifts to employees of this agency, if they didn't want something in return?","OK. Still on oil, another story. OPEC announced it will be cutting production. What does that mean?","Well, they do want to cut production to keep the price high, but you know, Saudi Arabia said today that it isn't necessarily going to stick to those quotas and produce what the cartel imposed late on Tuesday. So, the prospect that Saudi Arabia might continue to crank out high levels of crude is pushing oil prices down, even as Hurricane Ike barrels down on the Gulf of Mexico."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The oil industry may be involved in bribery to get favorable treatment","questions":"How were oil companies able to revise their payments downward?","answer":"Downward"} {"text":["Well, some of their problems - they're doing very badly in the polls - is due to the personality of the Democratic Party leader, Matteo Renzi. He has a very sharp Tuscan wit, which, to non-Tuscans, makes him sound like an obnoxious smart aleck. And he's deeply disliked within his own party. Several members of the leftist old guard accused Renzi of being too centrist. They broke away, and that strongly weakened the party.","Under the party leadership, Italy's economy came out of a very devastating recession. And it has grown in the last five years, not as fast as its European partners. But it's done much better. And the party also passed a landmark civil rights legislation with a civil unions law for same-sex couples, despite the strong influence of the Catholic Church in politics. But, you know, the party's push for structural reforms was strongly resisted by both the right and the left. Italians are essentially conservative. They don't like change. But the populists are really pushing a vision of the past. And they're strongly skeptical of the European Union. And if they came to power, that could further destabilize the EU at a time when the bloc is already dealing with Britain's exit and growing authoritarianism in member states like Poland and Hungary.","Sylvia, thanks very much.","Thank you, Renee."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Populists' vision of the past could destabilize the EU","questions":"Which political movement could potentially cause further destabilization of the EU?","answer":"Populists"} {"text":["Hello.","What happened to you this morning?What happened in Kathmandu?","Well, we were on a staff retreat with our editors and reporters up on a mountaintop overlooking Kathmandu Valley. And it felt as if I was propelled two meters up into the air. It was just such a heavy jolt. And when we looked down at the city, it looked like it had been completely destroyed because there was a ball of dust covering the entire valley in which Kathmandu is situated. And we thought the whole city had been destroyed. But as we got down back into the city through the roads, it looked like it wasn't as bad as we initially feared. Many of the residential buildings were damaged, but seem to be intact. On the other hand, the monuments of the world heritage sites in Kathmandu - Bhaktapur and Patan - many of them have been completely destroyed.","Mr. Dixit, have you been able to get a handle on how extensive the damage is in Nepal and for that matter the region 'cause there are reports that India's also been affected."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : ) B: \"What happened to you this morning? What happened in Kathmandu?\" This is a common greeting or small talk used to start a conversation. The speaker is not actually asking about a specific event that happened to the person in Kathmandu this morning.","questions":"What was the condition of the world heritage sites in Kathmandu?","answer":"Destroyed"} {"text":["Yeah. Well, there are definitely multiple factors. You know, about a decade ago, China passed their renewable energy law. They started to really grow wind and solar as the future strategic industries. And now they're the largest in the world. They install by far the most wind turbines and solar panels in the world. So they really can see that this is a future growth area, that this is something that they can export to other countries. And it has all of these environmental benefits. So of course, to them, it just makes sense to do it.","So they see jobs in green energy.","That's right. You know, there's 3 million renewable energy jobs in China. That's the most in the world. Renewable energy jobs around the world, including in the U. S. , are growing much faster than the overall job market. So there are definitely areas for growth.","At the same time, China is the world's largest coal user and producer, isn't it?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The literal meaning of this turn is simply a confirmation question about China's status as the largest coal user and producer. However, the implied meaning is that China's heavy reliance on coal for energy production contradicts their efforts towards renewable energy and environmental benefits. This turn serves as a counterpoint to the previous discussion about China's growth in renewable energy and job opportunities in that sector.","questions":"How does China's heavy reliance on coal contradict their efforts towards renewable energy?","answer":"Coal"} {"text":["Then Clark Carrington(ph) chimed in from Dar Salam, Tanzania. He wrote, I'm an African-American living in Tanzania and totally rely on Farai and crew through podcast to keep me informed about what is going on in the U. S. and the world, for that matter. However, Farai's much more than a female African-American voice. She is an informed progressive and an insightful mind.","And finally, we go to a fan in Saudi Arabia. Ibrahim Sadik(ph) heard a re-broadcast of a conversation we had on Latin jazz and sent us this. I wish to thank News & Notes for the excellent program on Latin jazz as well as the month-long treatment on jazz. I currently live in Saudi Arabia and enjoy News & Notes, which is rebroadcast during my morning commute. It provides a refreshing entry for the morning. I hope that the coming months will bring about a turnaround in the U. S. economy that will allow kaleidoscopic programs such as News & Notes to remain on air.","And that's it for letters. So wherever you are, please keep your thoughts coming over the next few months.","To write us, just log on to npr. org and click on contact us. When you get there, you'll see lots of shows to choose from. Make sure you pick News & Notes when you write to us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : none","questions":"What is the name of the show that listeners should choose when they write to NPR through the contact us page?","answer":"News-&-Notes"} {"text":["Here to tell us more about that report is the vice chair of the commission, former senator from Missouri, Jim Talent. Welcome to the program, sir. And if you could tell us a bit about this report. It states that the biological threat to this country is greater than the nuclear one. What sort of biological threat are we talking about?","Well, people normally think in terms of like Anthrax, and that's the most visible potential pathogen. There's others that could be used, smallpox, for example. And one of the dangers is that, with DNA synthesizers that are available and dual-use technology all over the world, it's becoming increasingly easy to isolate pathogens, old or new. It's technologically easier to weaponize.","Can you tell me a little bit about how you conducted the research for this report?","We're a follow onto the 9\/11 commission, congressionally created, bipartisan. The report was unanimous, and we interviewed hundreds of people who travel all over the world, everywhere from the national labs in Sandia, to London, to Asia, to Russia interviewing people.","And then we all, each of us on the commission, has experience in this area as well. And what Congress wanted was an update on the assessment of the threat and then recommendations about what can be done to reduce it."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : There are other pathogens that could be used as weapons besides Anthrax","questions":"Which potential pathogen, besides Anthrax, could be used as a weapon?","answer":"Smallpox"} {"text":["So even among homeowners, we found white people are more likely to get a buyout. So NPR's Robert Benincasa - he's my reporting partner on this project - he got a list of properties that the federal government has bought. There are about 40,00 of them. Robert filed a Freedom of Information Act request. The federal government denied it. NPR sued. Eventually, we won.","So when we got it, Robert took all the ZIP codes associated with the property addresses and linked them to U. S. census data on demographics. And we found that nationally, sales of flood-damaged homes happened most often in places where the population was more than 85 percent white. Now, for context, the whole country is about 62 percent white.","So that's dramatic. So is the federal government responding to this now that you have seen these numbers and done this investigation?","They are. So we interviewed David Maurstad, who oversees FEMA's buyout program. And he said the program is working if it makes the community less risky, it saves property and if it potentially saves lives. It's not designed to consider demographics. And he points out correctly that they don't actually choose which properties are offered buyouts. That's what local governments do."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The actual meaning is that the federal government is not responsible for choosing which properties are offered buyouts, as that is the responsibility of local governments.","questions":"How does David Maurstad justify the federal government's responsibility in choosing which properties are offered buyouts?","answer":"Not"} {"text":["Well, Mr. Market feels pretty strongly that he's seen this show before. And. . .","He's counting on something to be worked out at the last minute.","That's right. The real question is, if by Thursday there's no deal, will stock markets still be gaily rising?I think the answer is probably no.","I was struck by a phrase in Chris Arnold's piece about the dollar being the bedrock currency for much of the world. Is that jeopardized?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : (1) \"Mr. Market feels pretty strongly that he's seen this show before.\" The literal meaning of this sentence is that Mr. Market has a strong feeling of d\u00e9j\u00e0 vu. However, the implied meaning is that Mr. Market believes the current situation or event is similar to a previous one and may have similar outcomes or patterns.","questions":"Which phrase in Chris Arnold's piece caught PersonB's attention?","answer":"Dollar"} {"text":["You know, like, you could sleep on concrete every day in your life, and if you try to sleep on a warm bed, you wouldn't be able to sleep because it's not cold.","Our story, Miracle on the Streets, came to us from independent producer Dmae Roberts and the NPR program Hearing Voices.","Coming up in the program, we switch gears a bit and get funny with \"Saturday Night Live's\" Andy Samberg. Samberg and two other very funny dudes are the band Lonely Island. They have a new album; it's called \"Incredibad. \"Maybe that means songs so bad that they're good. Our critic Andrew Wallenstein brings us a review. That's coming up later on in the program.","Day to Day returns in a moment."],"speaker":["A","B","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : changing from one segment of the show to different segment of the show","questions":"What does the program switch gears to?","answer":"Album"} {"text":["Well, I am, and I have been watching it this morning. There's video of water rolling over the top of a levee.","That's Industrial Canal in New Orleans.","That's right. Still, wouldn't that make you a little anxious?","Well, it would, but our reporting systems we have, we have monitoring systems throughout the parish on our levees, on our drainage canals, on our pumping stations. Right now all of them are reporting well below flood stages."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The situation is concerning enough that it could make someone anxious, despite the monitoring systems in place.","questions":"What emotion could the situation potentially evoke despite the presence of monitoring systems?","answer":"Anxiety"} {"text":["What about beyond the environment?- because your platform goes well beyond just issues. . .","Yeah.",". . . Of climate. What else do you stand for?","Well, having a clear attitude against racism through our diversity, not flirting with populist parties but confronting them. This is something that the Greens have been always good in. And I think that resonates with the population. And also, the Green Party has always been most pro-European party, longing for United States of Europe as a vision."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The Green Party has good attitudes towards diversity, opposes populist parties, and is pro-European.","questions":"How does the Green Party confront racism?","answer":"Diversity"} {"text":["Several of them. I mean, Espanola had only 14 individuals left in the 1960s, and then it was 12 females and two males. A third male was found in the San Diego Zoo and brought back to Galapagos (unintelligible) 1975. And there have now been about 2,000 young tortoises released back to that island through the reproduction program at the tortoise center here on Santa Cruz.","The same holds true for several of the other populations. I would say many of the populations are out of danger. But we're still, given the exploitation from the 1800s, the total tortoise population of Galapagos is still about 10 to 20 percent of the original population. So we have a long way to go to bring them back to the original populations.","A couple of questions tweeted and asked by listeners of the same ilk, saying: Would it be possible to clone him?","OK, this is an interesting thing, and we are trying to save some of Lonesome George's tissues, cells. Cloning in reptiles has really not been developed at all, and we're doing - a few mammals seem to be doing OK, but in general the technology, the methodology to actually clone reptiles is decades away.","So hopefully they will be able to maintain cells as in cryogenics, and who knows in the future, but at the moment, it would be impossible."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"clone him\" - This implies the possibility of cloning Lonesome George, a tortoise, rather than just asking if it is possible to create a genetic duplicate of him.","questions":"Which reptile is mentioned to have a cloning technology that still needs decades of development?","answer":"Reptiles"} {"text":["You're a breast cancer survivor. Your husband passed away. One of your other children was in a serious accident, and yet when you deal with the Imus ordeal, you say I've never felt so powerless in my life. Why did that touch you so much?","You know, Farai, one of the things that maybe people didn't know is that here I had a team of 10 players, and five of those young ladies were freshmen. Less than a year before that, they were sitting on bleachers at a high school graduation. Some of them that came to me had braces on their teeth. They had dreams and aspirations of becoming doctors and psychologists and musicians and all the like.","And here while they had done something that they should be commended for because throughout the year, the year had been a tremendous struggle. They had been pushed to the brink, and yet somehow they survived. And beyond surviving, here they were standing before a national audience and being honored as one of the top two teams in this nation.","And I was so proud of them because I could remember seeing some of them cry or think that they couldn't and then to see their faces on television or USA Today and, you know, this is what it's all about - for us as leaders and as parents and as people that care about our young people - to take them to places that they don't think that they can go, have them accomplish those things, and then with that level of security and confidence, they can take on the world."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Despite facing several difficult situations, the Imus ordeal made the person feel powerless","questions":"How did the person feel during the Imus ordeal?","answer":"Powerless"} {"text":["Yeah. I think people are starting to back away from that a little bit because there are enough little pockets where you could get some ice accumulating every summer and not melting out because, basically, you have the wind that pushes that together and piles it up. So you have always have a few places where it's piled up. But on the other hand, that will be a fairly small part of the Arctic, quite a small bit. So it's not - so for practical purposes, the ocean will look ice-free, and the North Pole may be sort of in a large area of no ice at all. Occasionally, right now, there are cracks and there are openings that drift around. And so, sometimes, the North Pole itself is in an ice-free area.","Open water, yeah.","But it could be possible to be in a large area of open water in the coming decades. That's the expectation.","The other enormous area of a white, reflective surface is the ice cap that covers the island of Greenland, the biggest island in the world. And that this summer also had a really powerful melt."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The Arctic may have pockets of ice even when it appears ice-free","questions":"Which area may have a powerful melt according to B?","answer":"Arctic"} {"text":["But you do know that this is public information.","Yes. But we are not contributing to fuel any hate. We are contributing because we want President Trump to be reelected. I like the job he's doing as president. I love the way he loves America, the same way that I love America. I named my company Great America Companies in 1972 when I first immigrated to America because I felt this was a great place.","President Trump has used the words invasion and killer, according to new statistics, over 500 times when speaking about immigration and immigrants since 2017. That is as president. People see his rhetoric as divisive and specifically when speaking about Latino immigrants. Does that not concern you?","Not at all because he's not being taken in the full context of these expressions. What he wants is legal immigration. He's not objecting to immigration of Latinos or Hispanics. He only objects to illegal immigration."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Fueling hate does not mean to give it gas but to make more people hate each other.","questions":"What is the reason for PersonA contributing to President Trump's reelection campaign?","answer":"love"} {"text":["Major party conventions are almost a year away. But let's note this week Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts seems to be picking up steam, doesn't she?","If the focus is on the economy, well, Elizabeth Warren will tell you she's got a plan for that. And, of course, the other candidates will say they do, too. But policy is really Warren's strong suit. It's one reason she's climbing in the polls even as nearly the - all of the other top-tier candidates are sliding a bit.","Finally, Ron, I had occasion to look up and listen to the Greenland national anthem this week. It's very moving, as you may know. And President Trump, who complained about the fact that Puerto Rico is an island, reportedly wants the U. S. or wanted the U. S. to buy Greenland. What do you make of this?","Yeah, this is apparently one of the good islands. It's not so crazy an idea. The United States was interested in buying Greenland in the 1860s when we bought Alaska from Russia. And we were interested again after World War II when we were trying to keep Russia at bay. The only problem is Greenland belongs to Denmark. Denmark doesn't want to sell. And a lot of people in Greenland would rather be independent. So don't watch for the just-sold sign anytime soon."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : picking up steam means she is getting more popular","questions":"What is the reason for Elizabeth Warren's climb in the polls?","answer":"Policy"} {"text":["Before we started recording, you were telling me a story about talking to Dr. King while he was shaving.","Oh. Well, I've been in his room. . .","Yeah.",". . . When he was shaving. I've been in Dr. Abernathy's room. Dr. Abernathy would put more lather on his face. And he didn't smell quite as mild as Dr. King (laughter), you know?I can just - I didn't have no reason to think I could be remembering that - anything like that. I was just a young fella just caught up in the movement. And it was just an honor to be able to just see Dr. King, as well as to go up to his room with somebody. It wasn't by myself during that time. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Implies that A had already been in Dr. King's and Dr. Abernathy's room before, while","questions":"What was Dr. Abernathy putting on his face while shaving?","answer":"Lather"} {"text":["You have your camera there with you?","I do. You want a sound effect?","Yeah, please.","You're listening to WEEKEND EDITION from NPR News."],"speaker":["B","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : This implies that B want to probably have a picture with A.","questions":"Which program is PersonB listening to?","answer":"WEEKEND"} {"text":["I hate to see it fade out.","Yeah, me too.","There's another story that really sounds like it has to be made up, about the driver who brought a hotshot guitarist from Macon, Georgia to Stax for a session.","Yeah. The driver kept bugging the musicians in the studio to give him a chance. And someone had promised him, OK, buddy, you know, chill out for a second. You'll get your chance. When nothing happened with the big talent, people had already started packing up their cars when they remembered, oh yeah, we got to let this guy try."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) A is implying that they also share a shared sadness about the same thing. ","questions":"What does PersonA agree with PersonB about regarding a story involving a driver and a guitarist?","answer":"Agreement"} {"text":["Thanks, Michel.","Now, you've been reporting along the border all day. What have you seen?","Well, I was at the actual border this morning. It's a river that divides Mexico and Guatemala. And there was no presence of authorities there. So there are these inflatable rafts that carry people and goods across the river, and they were traveling without a problem across the river. So I saw several groups of migrants cross this morning. But things change as you move north on highways here.","So I'm currently at a highway checkpoint. There's about a dozen Mexican migration officers, as well as Mexican Army and Mexican police. And they're stopping every van and bus that comes by here and checking it for undocumented migrants.","So tell us a little bit more, if you would, about what happens to travelers who arrive at those checkpoints."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Mexican officials are actively searching for undocumented migrants.","questions":"Which officials are searching for undocumented migrants?","answer":"Mexican"} {"text":["I suppose worth noting - the - these were young women at the time that they were employed working in factories. Not. . .","Teenagers, many of them. Yeah.","Teenagers - I mean, how young were some of them?","Well, the youngest - records show that the youngest were 11."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Turn (3) is an example of a statement whose meaning is different from its literal meaning. The speaker is not actually asking about the ages of the women, but rather expressing surprise or concern about how young some of them were.","questions":"Which emotion did the speaker express through turn 2?","answer":"Surprise"} {"text":["Well, they basically came to myself, and from what I found out tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of small businesses, and cut our credit limits down to bare bones. We had had a - what they call guidance of $165,000, which they tell you you have no credit limit, but you really do. They cut it to $5,000 which was laughable. We're a company with sales into eight figures and profits into seven figures, never have had a lost, been in business 27 years, and we called to question it. We were treated very poorly. The woman was actually nasty on the phone.","So we thought we don't need American Express, we have Capital One, Visa cards, and MasterCard, and everything else, and so we just closed our American Express account. I personally went from a Platinum card to a Green card just to have in case of an emergency. So I've not spent a penny with American Express in over a year, so I knew why I got the letter.","Well, tell me why they made that decision to cut your credit line from - you said $165,000 to $5,000?","Mm hmm. Yes. They seemed to have just gone into a panic last January, and I've seen comments all over the Web from other small businesses owners who had the same thing happened to them. They did it without warning. They actually refused charges we had made even though we weren't above our credit limit, we weren't delinquent."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : bare bones refers to their credit being SIGNIFICANTLY reduced","questions":"Which limit did American Express cut from $165,000 to $5,000?","answer":"Platinum"} {"text":["Well, look. Latinos care about the economy. They care about education. They care about health care and national security. So when you weigh those things on a scale, you'd be surprised how much folks embrace the conservative message. In fact, more Latinos self-identify as conservatives than they do as liberals.","Right. Obviously, Latinos are not a monolithic group. Many Cubans, for example, vote Republican because of their particular history. But how do you sell the conservative view at this particular point in time?You may have a powerful economic message. But can that resonate if an entire demographic may feel demonized and under threat?","Look. Latino citizens are smart, mature, educated voters who understand and can disassociate the comments of the president with what, you know, they need for solid policy that is going to make their lives better. I mean, that's what you have to ask yourself at the end of the day, you know, when you vote for some one person or the other, or one party or the other. Will that person make my life better?And that's the calculation that everybody makes. And Latinos do, too. So look. It's up to the candidate. And it's up to the party to sell their message, to market their message. We're a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. And what we advance are principles. And that's what Latinos embrace.","But it's not just the president. The Republican Party and its base has swung to the right on the issue of immigration and how to deal with it. There hasn't been a discussion, for example, of reform, looking at how people can work here legally but rather enforcement, deporting people, building walls."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Latino citizens can disassociate comments from the president and focus on solid policy","questions":"How do Latino citizens approach policy despite what?","answer":"Demonization"} {"text":["This is WEEKEND EDITION from NPR News. I'm Scott Simon.","Tornadoes hit Oklahoma City last night. Five people are reported to have died, including a mother and her child. Nearly 90 people are being treated for injuries. The twister touched down in Oklahoma City and in nearby Moore and triggered flash floods and power outages. And, of course, we remember that Oklahomans are still recovering from tornadoes that hit a few weeks ago. Kurt Gwartney is the news director at our member station KGOU in Oklahoma City. He joins us now. Kurt, thanks so much for making time for us on a very busy morning.","You're welcome.","What's the latest news you can give us?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The tornadoes did not actually hit but touched down in the areas.","questions":"How did the tornadoes affect Oklahoma City and nearby areas?","answer":"Touched"} {"text":["It's not unusual for a new president to shed some of the staff that comes in with him in the first year. You know, people from the campaign, for example, who don't fit in in the new environment. But this is the earliest we've ever seen a chief of staff go. And this many departees at this high level, it's hard to think of an analog in the first six months of any other administration.","OK. A really big legislative story this week with the Senate failing to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Is that effort dead as in really, really, really dead?","It is dead for the moment. You know, the president has been tweeting in the last 24 hours about killing the filibuster rule because it's too hard to get to 60 votes. You know, on this bill, all they needed was 50 votes and they could not get to 50 votes. And the real problem here is not process. It's the problem. They don't have consensus on health care. So it looks dead in the Senate, at least for the moment, but it could be revived in the longer run.","And just quickly, we could have started our conversation with North Korea or Russia. The world is out there, isn't it?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : implies that the questioner is asking if the effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act is completely over, while (4) implies that the questioner is suggesting that there are more important issues that the conversation could have started with than North Korea or Russia.","questions":"Which legislative story did PersonB ask about?","answer":"Healthcare"} {"text":["Non-binary meaning they don't identify as male or female. They and many other English speakers have been using they like this for years. Here, Emily Brewster will use it in a sentence.","Here is my friend J. They will be joining us for dinner. The they is referring to this individual who is standing right here.","Now, there's been criticism of this usage - some by those who don't understand why someone might identify as non-binary but also by those who are put off by this change in grammar. They - the critics - say it's confusing to hear they are in a sentence if the speaker is only referring to one person. But our word expert disagrees. Brewster says we already do this with another pronoun.","The word you was originally a plural pronoun, and in the 14th century, it started to slide toward this use of being both plural and singular. And so when I am speaking to you, an individual, a single person, I say you are. I don't say you is. The you are is grammatical."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The usage of the word started to become used as singular and plural.","questions":"What was the word that started to become used as both singular and plural?","answer":"you"} {"text":["We're hoping that this research kind of paves the way to looking at novel high-speed adhesives. So how do you grab things - difficult things - very, very quickly?And so, like, if you were to grab something that's dusty, like a brick, or furry, duct tape's not going to be able to stick to either of those things. You know, you're going to have to use something like claws or grabbing mechanisms. But we think that with this new type of thick, viscous fluid coating a very soft substrate, that it will be able to grab oddly textured things very quickly. So in my mind, I'm dreaming of a - like, a frog tongue attached to a drone, and the drone can fly around and pick up packages really quickly and fly away.","Do you mind me asking - after a day in the lab - I'm just guessing- do you just want to go home and fast?I mean, it must be difficult to eat anything.","(Laughter) There are times that - especially in the beginning - where I had the smell of frog in my nose for at least an hour, and I couldn't eat anything. But by the end of the study, I'd been - you know, I was eating frog legs every week - part of the study.","Oh, no. Seriously?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The implied meaning of this turn is that the speaker has become used to working with frogs and can even enjoy eating frog legs as part of the study.","questions":"How did the PersonA's experience with frogs change over the course of the study?","answer":"Damage"} {"text":["Is there a way to balance - to better balance interest in public safety, the rights of defendants and also the public's interest in not burdening people with so much debt that they can't function?","The problem with approaches like this private pre-trial supervision is that they not only fail on a sort of, you know, human, moral level when you look at the impact that they're having on poor people, they also really are failing on a public safety level. They're failing in terms of outcomes. There's really nothing that suggests to us that our current approach of investing in this kind of surveillance and caging black and brown people is actually resulting in better public safety outcomes.","That's Blake Strode. He's the executive director of ArchCity Defenders. That's a nonprofit civil rights law firm in St. Louis, Mo. Blake Strode, thank you so much for talking with us.","Thank you very much."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The current approach of investing in pre-trial supervision is immoral, discriminatory and doesn't result in better public safety outcomes","questions":"How is pre-trial supervision approach failing?","answer":"outcomes"} {"text":["Global warming?","Global warming, you know, is warming or changes in the, you know, there are two theories right now kind of competing, although it's probably some of the both. Natural cycles versus anthropogenic causes in global warming. And both have been identified in records of gulfstream modulation or the changing of its speeds.","If the water gets - just gets warmer, though, doesn't it expand the volume of it?","Yeah. Water will also - changing the temperatures, water gets warmer. We all know it expands and rises sea levels. So there's three causes of sea level rise. One, the land can sink or rise up. That will change sea levels of the coasts. Warming of the water, as it gets warmer, it expands, and sea level will go up. And you can add water essentially to the bathtub by melting ice sheets from the. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The turn \"If the water gets - just gets warmer, though, doesn't it expand the volume of it?\" is an example of literal language. The speaker is referring to the scientific fact that water expands as it warms.","questions":"How does the speaker refer to the scientific fact that water expands as it warms?","answer":"Competing"} {"text":["Yeah.","And so - especially in the 24\/7 cable environment, where you're desperate for eyeballs, you know, which would you rather see, somebody who's methodically and deliberately laying out the science of climate change or two people yelling at each other and getting. . .","Yeah.",". . . into a fight. So unfortunately, the media itself has some structural issues that make it harder to have a reasonable conversation."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) implies that the media environment is desperate for viewers, and so it chooses to show people yelling at each other instead of presenting the science of climate change in an informative way.","questions":"What is the media desperate for?","answer":"Viewers"} {"text":["It depends on who you ask. For the South Koreans who have been really eager to have a successful Olympics and for the president, Moon Jae-in's administration, who has really pushed for better ties to North Korea, this will be a big success for them in terms of getting the North Koreans to participate, to march under the joint flag and to mitigate any potential North Korean provocations that could have happened during the Olympics and ruin the whole atmosphere. But in terms of applying maximum pressure on North Korea and getting them to denuclearize, this is just a minor blip on the radar.","And what do we make of the military parade in North Korea just before?Is that a way of saying we don't mean it, or what?","Absolutely. I think - you know, I've been likening the North Korean participation in the Olympics as kind of like \"The Wedding Crashers,\" where they just storm in, guzzle everybody's champagne, other people's food and then they're going to leave a mess behind. And nothing they've said since Kim Jong Un's New Year's address has suggested that they're going to be talking about their nuclear weapons program at all. In fact, they've not had any pressure from South Korea or anybody in terms of talking about nuclear weapons.","Well - and that brings up a question. And I feel the need to ask it every now and then - why does North Korea want nuclear weapons?What's their overall strategic goal?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The literal meaning of (4) is asking what North Korea wants to achieve with nuclear weapons. The implicated meaning is questioning why North Korea wants nuclear weapons in the first place.","questions":"What is the implicated meaning of turn 3?","answer":"Why"} {"text":["It's a great legal strategy. You know, if Zazi didn't cooperate, he was going to be facing life in jail. The other options is to go to trial. And when you go to trial, universally you end up getting sentenced to a much longer sentence than you would if you cooperated.","Can you compare how we handle a case like this, which has to do with Islamist terrorism, with the domestic terrorism cases we've been hearing about recently?I'm thinking specifically about white supremacists. Does the government deal with them in the same way?","Yeah, in many ways they do in terms of cooperation. They don't in terms of charges. So you can charge an individual with material support to terrorism as it relates to ISIS or al-Qaida. You can't have that same statute when it comes to white supremacy. There isn't a parallel statute. For white supremacists, you know, they do flip a lot of individuals. But it's a different approach.","In this case, as you mentioned, they were able to put a lot of pressure to bear to get information, the names of people who were involved. Do you think that's happening with investigators who are dealing with the synagogue shooting suspect, for example?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Flip a lot of individuals does not actually mean they are physically doing a flip.","questions":"Which term used by PersonA is applicable to the legal strategy used in Zazi's case?","answer":"Cooperate"} {"text":["ORDO\u00d1EZ: Well, Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney was on shows this morning defending the administration, defending the White House, saying Democrats like Swalwell, who we just heard, are trying to score political points on the tragedy, saying that about some of the other Democratic candidates who are still in the presidential race. Mulvaney himself is calling the shooter a sick person and says drawing anything other than that is wrong or fair - trying to blame the president is unfair.","This was a sick person. The person in Dayton was a sick person. No politician is to blame for that. The people responsible here are the people who pulled the trigger. We need to figure out how to create less of those kinds of people as a society and not trying to figure out who gets blamed going into the next election.","ORDO\u00d1EZ: And Trump himself, you know, at a rally in Charlotte last year, he said the White House didn't blame Bernie Sanders when one of his supporters went out and shot a Republican lawmaker during a baseball practice. They're saying they want the same type of response.",": And where does the White House stand in terms of policy solutions?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Mulvaney is defending the White House and administration","questions":"How is Mulvaney responding?","answer":"defending"} {"text":["Are they willing to let people die over that principle?","Oh, no. No, you don't - but to who - and that's such an interesting - I love that you got right to the college dorm part of the argument, you know - are you going to let people die?No one's going to let people die. You know, there's talk about - oh, my gosh, the Trump budget cuts Meals on Wheels. Meals on Wheels gets 3 percent of its funding, approximately, from government sources. Ninety-seven percent is people want to take care of their neighbors.","I. . .","People are not going to let their neighbors die."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Are they willing to let people die over that principle?","questions":"What is the principle being referred to in the conversation?","answer":"principle"} {"text":["You can never protect someone by stripping them of their rights. The premise is that unless California lawmakers become complicit in denying California athletes equal rights, then somehow those players will be harmed. And that's just a false premise.","And before we let you go, do you feel like you're making headway?Like, you know, part of the reason you got started with this - you were a former UCLA football player yourself. You saw the NCAA suspend your teammate for accepting a bag of groceries when he had no food. You know, you've seen a lot over the course of time that you've been working on this. And I'm just wondering if you feel like your arguments are making headway. Are people starting to take the questions around how college athletes are treated more seriously?","I do think there's progress. Not as fast as I would like - you know, you look at the multi-year scholarships are now available, the name, image and likeness lawsuit from Ed O'Bannon that resulted in stipends. There's still a ways to go. Let's put it that way. But I do think there's reform. I think a lot of key people are listening, especially lawmakers.","That is Ramogi Huma. He is the founder and executive director of the National College Players Association, an organization founded to advocate for college athletes."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Reform for college athlete treatment is progressing slowly, but key people are listening.","questions":"Which organization does Ramogi Huma lead?","answer":"Association"} {"text":[". . . they don't mean. . .","Herring, (unintelligible).","Well, they don't mean exactly what you may think by that. Herrings have a whole separate system connected to the swim bladder where they're pushing air around and sometimes letting it loose. And this is how they rise and fall in the water. And so it's by letting the air loose that they apparently also communicate. And at the Ig Nobel ceremony, one of the teams, who's from the Sweden, told us how they got involved with this, and this turned out to be the best part of the story.","So there's these two Swedish marine biologists, and they study fish, porpoises, whatnot. And about 15 or 20 years ago, the Swedish prime minister, Carl Bildt, was sort of on the warpath, repeatedly for years, telling the Swedish public that they were being invaded by submarines from their big neighbor, from Russia. And he kept saying this and there wasn't really any proof. There was an incident, years before, that was a sort of an oddball thing, but he kept saying there are submarines, and he kept saying they're even coming into Stockholm harbor, into our capital. He had the navy, the Swedish navy, put microphones in the water in Stockholm harbor. And they came up with a recording with sounds like rapids, metallic tapping, and so they thought and the prime minister thought, OK, we've got proof. Prime minister's planning to get up in public and announce that the Russians are basically attacking us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : In (4), the speaker tells a story about a Swedish prime minister who believed that his country was being invaded by submarines from Russia. The prime minister put microphones in Stockholm harbor and recorded sounds that he thought were proof of the Russian invasion. However, the actual meaning of the recorded sounds was different from the literal meaning, as they were caused by something else entirely.","questions":"Which country did the Swedish prime minister believe was invading Sweden?","answer":"sounds"} {"text":["Absolutely. And that's something that my father always stressed upon my sisters and me and that we've all thought it's very important that you should be engaged in the process. In this case it is a political process, because the process of electing our government leaders is one that will have a direct impact on whether we're here and what we do here. So it's fine to criticize, but at the same time if you're not engaged in the process I feel that's a real discredit to everything you try to protest against.","Do you sense a great excitement among the men and women there about the election?","Well, there's certainly a lot of open questions, a lot of us are wondering if Barack Obama's elected versus John McCain and vice versa, whether that will have an effect not just on this tour, but on future military careers because we have a lot of soldiers and a lot of officers who are planning to make a military career and I'm not one of them. I'm going to be leaving active duty when we return from this tour.","But for those soldiers especially, the big question now is, when and how soon they'll have to deploy to Afghanistan. Because many of these soldiers are on their third, some even on their fourth tour here to Iraq. And so now they're looking at another open ended involvement in Afghanistan. And so they've got a lot of questions about that and so we're really just curious right now what both candidates - what decisions they'll make."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Being engaged in the political process is important for protesting against things you disagree with.","questions":"What is stressed upon by PersonA's father?","answer":"Father"} {"text":["John, you've been explaining to us how the ripple effects of Wall Street are hitting the average American, and now we have some questions for you from a few of our listeners. You ready?","Great, Tony, yes.","Here's the first one. Renee Mack Jones(ph) of Atlanta, Georgia, asks this question. I keep hearing people say that this 700 billion dollars in government rescue money is absolutely necessary, and if the government didn't step in and do something, there would have been a global financial meltdown. But there must be some negative side effects to this historically expensive bailout. What are they, and where are the hundreds of billions of dollars coming from when there is such a large deficit already?","Sure. Well, there are two main drawbacks. One is basically the principle that if you bail these folks out, really you're just encouraging them, they need to be punished for their transgressions, and that some feel that what has happened so far really makes them feel that they haven't been spanked hard enough, that they need really some more pain to avoid such problems in the past."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The bailout is not punishment enough for the people responsible for the financial crisis.","questions":"How do some people feel about the punishment for those responsible for the financial crisis?","answer":"Punished"} {"text":["This is an exceptional decree. It's - it is - if you look at it for face value, it is wholly undemocratic. But they say this is the only way to cut out institutions that are undermining us and get to a point of political stability because every time we take one step forward, it's 10 steps back with this court.","There is a - after so long under dictatorship, and it was certainly not just Mr. Mubarak but his predecessors all the way back through Nasser and before it had a king and, well, effective British rule before that, there's been one person in charge of Egypt for a very long time.","Yes. And, you know, people wanted that to change. And one of the things we heard a lot of in Tahrir Square today is we didn't oust Mubarak to get an Islamist dictator - oust a secular dictator to get an Islamist dictator. And Morsi was elected, but the idea is to have a democratic process. One of the complaints also about the draft constitution is it gives too much power to the president. And now people are saying, we want to be represented; all of Egypt, not just the Muslim Brotherhood.","Is there any indication that at this point, the president and the Muslim Brotherhood will reconsider?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The decree does not have an actual monetary value, at face value means without looking into it more. ","questions":"What does \"face value\" mean?","answer":"Without"} {"text":["I did not detect that in Putin's three-hour press conference. I did not see him saying we need to open up a second front in our confrontation with the West. I actually saw hints of him looking for a deal, hints of him wanting to be more conciliatory vis-a-vis the West. And so I didn't detect that, you know, we're in the corner and we're going to lash out. It was more conciliatory for Putin. I want to emphasize that.","Yeah. At some level, is this what American policy wanted?","At the beginning of the Obama administration - when I joined the government - this is exactly what we didn't want. We wanted a cooperative relation with the Russians that would be good for the United States, good for Russia.","So do Russians of means put all their money into London townhouses now?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The turn that has an implied meaning different from its literal meaning is (4): \"So do Russians of means put all their money into London townhouses now?\" This question is likely not asking for a direct answer about the financial habits of wealthy Russians, but rather implies a criticism of the practice of using London real estate as a means of hiding or laundering money. The speaker may be implying that this practice is unethical or unfair.","questions":"What is the implied criticism in turn 3?","answer":"Unethical"} {"text":["Reptilian, exactly, and now we know that many species of dinosaurs had feathers or simple filaments that seem to be feather precursors in some cases.","Do your findings come from the relatively recent discovery that some dinosaurs had feathers?Is this sort of, like, the next step?","We are sort of taking the next. In the last 10 years, we've discovered that we can gain insight into the colors of dinosaurs and how they may have used visual signals in important contexts. And so what we wanted to ask is, can we gain insight into the vocal communication that extinct dinosaurs might have had?","Well, so what's next for you in your research?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The research has advanced to the point where we can now explore the possibilities of what vocal communication extinct dinosaurs might have had.","questions":"How has the research advanced?","answer":"insight"} {"text":["Well, he's got two possibilities here. These tariffs go up on Friday. Both the U. S. and the Chinese economy would feel the pain. Markets would respond. And here in China, the timing is not great. China's growth is slowing. The government has stepped in with stimulus to try and cushion the blow. And higher tariffs would put more pressure on China's financial system. That said, the notion of Xi Jinping standing up to an American president plays into this carefully crafted aura of him inside of China as this strongman leader who's willing to fight back against China's biggest global rival. So it could play in his favor.","Now, one thing that has not been on the table during these trade talks is China's interment of millions of Chinese Muslims - Uighurs - something that has concerned human rights groups here in the U. S. Do you think that there's any chance that this human rights concern will be addressed during these trade talks?","Well, it certainly doesn't seem like it. The State Department has ratcheted up its criticism of China on this issue, but the Commerce Department and the U. S. trade representative who are handling the trade negotiations don't seem receptive to having this issue be a part of the talks. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo did seem to separate the two issues in an interview on \"Face The Nation\" on Sunday, saying the administration has to do more than one thing at a time.","And you were just in Xinjiang last week, right?Tell us what you saw there."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Xi Jinping wants to appear as a strong leader who fights against China's biggest rival","questions":"Which global rival is Xi Jinping willing to fight back against?","answer":"Rival"} {"text":["What would you say to those people who might say - look, if people are in this country illegally it's the job of ICE to detain them?","Well, there's a couple of things. Number one, ICE does have that responsibility. But motels have a responsibility, too. And that responsibility is that you have to live, number one, by your privacy promises. Motel 6 has a privacy statement. It says we're going to guard your private information. They did not do that here. You cannot do that under our consumer protection laws. And so, that's number one.","Number two, they turned over everybody who was staying at the motel. People stay at motels for all sorts of very private reasons. You could be the victim of domestic abuse fleeing your abuser. Do you want your information turned over to anybody who just happens to walk into that hotel?It's not right. Frankly, it pisses me off, and I'm not going to put up with it.","We of course contacted Motel 6, and they said that in September of last year, they issued a nationwide directive that made it clear that their motels should not voluntarily provide guest lists to ICE. What do you say?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Implied meaning: The speaker is expressing a sense of frustration or dissatisfaction with a situation or person, without explicitly stating it.","questions":"Which emotion is the speaker expressing in turn 2?","answer":"Frustration"} {"text":["Like what, as you see it?","Well, there are a few things. First of all, ABC did try to get the case dismissed in the early going and the judge declined to do that. They tried to remove the case to federal court, which is a pretty well accepted strategy. But they couldn't remove it to federal court. So they were going to end up trying the case, really, in the plaintiff's backyard. So I think that those were risks combined with the fact that there's obviously a great deal of sort of free floating anti-media sentiment out there these days, which is hard to quantify. And the amount that was being requested by the plaintiff was, you know, billions, literally, billions of dollars.","Does a large settlement like this just embolden other people to sue media companies?","Well, I think that after we see a large verdict or a large settlement, we do tend to see an uptick. Many plaintiffs and their lawyers think that maybe media entities are easy get-rich-quick targets. I think that's a mistake."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : is asking if a large settlement will encourage others to file lawsuits against media companies","questions":"What does turn 1 describe about the risks faced by ABC?","answer":"Risks"} {"text":["When I get into the personal material, I'm really thinking about what it means to transition from states of longing to states of having and dwelling and inhabiting. I'm really trying to examine, OK, what is it like to have things, to have relationships, to have people close by, and how is that state of having introduce a whole different set of complexities than states of longing?","There's also a tension that you draw out within yourself. You tell the story of your pregnancy, while at the same time telling the story of how you were diagnosed with an eating disorder in college. And I wonder if you could read just a bit of that section.","Yeah.","(Reading) Pregnancy wasn't a liberation from prior selves so much as a container holding every prior version of myself at once. I didn't get to shed my ghosts so fully. It was easy to call my doctor absurd when she'd chided me for gaining 5 pounds in a month rather than 4 and harder to admit that I'd honestly felt shamed by her in that moment. It was harder to admit the part of me that felt a secret thrill every time a doctor registered concern that I was, quote, \"measuring small. \"This pride was something I'd wanted desperately to leave behind. I worried that it was impeding your growth, which was really just the distillation of a deeper fear - that I would infect you with my own broken relationship to my body, that you would catch it like a dark inheritance."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : a tension you draw out within yourself means that the writer likes to use tension really effectively in writing.","questions":"Which quality does the statement suggest the writer possesses?","answer":"Effective"} {"text":["Well, yeah. But you see what I mean?Because it is about perception and how we need to be - to understand what we're seeing before we can really see it, that's really key to understanding this whole issue of climate change and why we see or don't see what's right in front of us.","What drew you to monarchs in the first place?","I had really wanted to write about the subject for a long time. I live in southern Appalachia. I am surrounded by neighbors and friends - people I respect very much - who don't really understand climate change or believe in it, even though, as farmers, they're getting socked by it. We've had unprecedented, disastrous weather time and again. So it's such a strange contradiction that the people in our continent who are first to feel the harm of a changing climate are the last to be able to talk about it.","That was such a conundrum and such rich territory for a novel to tread, that I was just looking for the right way to get into the subject. And one morning, I just woke up with this vision in my eyes of millions of butterflies covering the forest behind my house. I just - I mean, I didn't actually see it. I imagined it. I woke up and there it was, and I knew that was it."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The author woke up with a vision of millions of butterflies covering the forest, which inspired the novel.","questions":"What did the author imagine waking up to?","answer":"Butterflies"} {"text":["Well, you have one-stop shops where you have - when a person comes for a building permit or something, you have everything available for them in one office. So they don't have to go from city hall to public works to somewhere else. So that one-stop shop really facilitated recovery.","Meaning people would go to this one office, would be able to get all the permits they needed?","Right, all the permits and permission. And it's also absolutely essential that there are solid partnerships between all agencies in the government, the county, the city, public works and the school district. Everybody has to be on the same page moving forward.","City planners in Houston are going to have to make some tough choices. What advice do you have for them?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"tough choices\" is a figurative expression that refers to difficult decisions that city planners in Houston will have to make.","questions":"Which expression refers to difficult decisions that city planners in Houston will have to make?","answer":"expression"} {"text":["There's something magical about that part of a meal that really seems to have inspired the book. Like, the beginning, when everyone is, like, just arriving and gathering and, like, what you want to serve in a moment like that.","Yeah. I mean, even just hearing you describe it that way, it's the best moment of a party. So, you know, everyone's hugging and kissing, and there's catching up and clinking of wine glasses. And it's just the best moment. And I think when those first platters of food start to roll out of the kitchen, it's just a celebration.","Do you ever really sit down, or is it constant movement, like, more plates coming out and just kind of wandering around and eating and talking?","What I love about antipasti is that even in a restaurant, oftentimes they'll have sort of a big communal table in the center of the restaurant, and they'll allow you to come up with, you know, your plate and a big spoon and just kind of point to or pick through and serve yourself whatever you want from the antipasti spread. So that's kind of the most interactive moment of the meal, which is maybe also why it's one of my favorites."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"constant movement\" - The speaker is referring to the busy atmosphere of a party, where people are moving around and socializing, but not necessarily in a literal sense of constant movement.","questions":"Which phrase describes the atmosphere of a party according to A?","answer":"busyness"} {"text":["So things like Hillary Clinton's speeches - the Goldman Sachs speeches - I think those do pass the public interest test. Even given the importance of those few newsworthy items, if you ask me, is the dumping of this much private information and this much internal conversation - the damage this does to our political system - is it worth a few news items if I had a binary choice - all of it or none of it?","I would say we haven't gained that much. But the ideal wouldn't be that binary choice. The ideal would be that such leaks and hacks would go to responsible journalists who would go through this and would identify what is actually in the public interest.","But these - this day and age - wouldn't people say the news organization is concealing information - that they want the chance to look at the original documents and decide for themselves?","I think, in this day and age, we really need to figure out when to hold back. In the past, news was driven by scarcity. There wasn't enough news. And you sent around journalists. And you said, let's find out what's going on."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The literal meaning of this turn is that people might think news organizations are concealing information, but the actual meaning is that people might think news organizations should not be concealing information.","questions":"What is the actual meaning of turn 2?","answer":"Should"} {"text":["No, that's a good question, but we - the chemical strengthening process actually happens after our immediate customers have cut the parts down to the size, the shape of the parts.","There's a famous story in Walter Isaacson's biography of Steve Jobs that says he actually came down at one point and demanded that Corning make him some glass for his - any truth to that?","Well, the story, we certainly, we don't comment in detail about the relationship with different customers, but the story is there in the book, and it's true.","Is there other kinds of products, now that you've discovered how popular and ubiquitous the Gorilla Glass could be - any other places we might see it showing up?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : This statement implies that the answers regarding the relationship with different customers may be found in the book but no comment.","questions":"What do they not comment on in detail?","answer":"customers"} {"text":["And that leads you to conclude what about guns?","Well, they are extraordinarily dangerous implements, and they have their place and they're effective tools for what they're designed for. But right now we've got very powerful weapons with lots of capacity on our streets that frankly don't belong on our streets or in our forests. You know, defending yourself from somebody breaking into your home is one thing, but you don't need a long rifle with 30 rounds attached to it to do that. So, you know, certainly some other kind of handgun will defend you just fine from somebody breaking into your house, but those other weapons are really meant only to be on the offensive and not just on the defensive. And so, you know, we ought to do everything we can to make sure that we keep guns out of the hands of those that are criminally intent and those that are mentally ill, violently mentally ill.","Senator Morse, what implications do you see in what happened to recall you?","Well, I think it's important to remember that this is really purely symbolic. The Democrats still maintain control of the Senate in Colorado. Obviously, we still have the House. These laws remain in place. So, really we just have the NRA attempting to send a message here. And I'm personally not listening."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : means that powerful weapons with lots of capacity on our streets should not be allowed because they are meant to be used in an offensive manner; ","questions":"Which type of weapons does Senator Morse believe should not be on the streets or in the forests?","answer":"Other"} {"text":["The sport right now is not very big, but the potential is huge. And one of the reasons there's such a big potential is that the typical esports viewer and esports player are young males. Those are people that don't watch television. They've never watched television. We talk about cord-cutters in the business. These are cord-nevers.","And so advertisers are desperate to try to reach them because they can't reach them anywhere else. So you have companies like Turner Sports, the Big Agency, WME-IMG - they see that advertisers want to reach this group, so they're all trying to get into that group to sort of prove that advertisers should go with them in order to build up the business.","Where is the money coming from, though?And sort of where is it going?Where are they investing the money in?","In several different places. You have certain NBA team owners that have invested in actual teams. I mentioned Turner Sports and WME-IMG. They actually created a league called ELEAGUE with different teams, and they have a regular season and a playoff tournament. Sponsors are sort of getting attached to all of this, and that's where all the money is coming in from, sort of all areas."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : In (2), the speaker is saying that advertisers are desperate to reach young male viewers and are investing in esports to do so. The literal meaning is straightforward, but the implied meaning is that traditional forms of advertising are becoming less effective in reaching younger generations, which is why advertisers are turning to esports as a new platform to reach their target audience.","questions":"How do advertisers view traditional forms of advertising to reach young male viewers?","answer":"Less"} {"text":["And I just am saying to my Republican friends, look, I get it. I understand that there's certain things that he's said that really you can't ever look that way, but take a look. We're still months away from the election.","Mr. Kelly, if you were advising Donald Trump - and, you know, he might hear this - is there some magic sentence that he could come up with that would - that would help heal things over?","I think he's already worked in that direction. I - I've never met Mr. Trump, by the way, but I have been watching him. I've watched a Donald Trump who's different today than the Donald Trump I saw three or four weeks ago. I think he is a man who does understand messaging. He understands talking to people.","And as I said earlier, Mr. Trump's success was not based just on his own ability and his own talent. It was working with many other people to get to something that was mutually beneficial. I've watched Mr. Ryan. And I said before, he has more depth than the Pacific Ocean when it comes to policy, but he also works well with people to get to some common ground that makes sense. I would just say this - and Donald Trump doesn't need any advice from Mike Kelly. Paul Ryan doesn't need any advice from Mike Kelly."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) B's question about a \"magic sentence\" that Donald Trump could come up with to heal things over implies a desire for a quick fix or easy solution to a complex problem of political division, which may not be realistic or possible.","questions":"What does PersonB's question about a \"magic sentence\" imply?","answer":"Quick"} {"text":["We also heard singer-songwriter Ben Harper on that track. He wrote most of the songs on this album. He produced it. How did you two meet?Why do you think you clicked with him?","Well, Ben had written me a song for one of my other albums - \"Livin' On A High Note. \"And that song was \"Love And Trust\"","(Singing) Do what you can. Do what you must. Everybody's trying to find some love and trust. I walk the line. I walk it for us. See me out here trying to find some love and trust.","I fell so in love with that song. And every time we'd sing it, the audience - they would just roar, you know. It turned out so well. So I - we'd been singing it for a couple of years then. I ran into Ben on the road. That's where we would always meet up - somewhere on the road. And I told him. I said, Ben, that song - you have got to write me another song. He said, well, Mavis, why don't I write you 11 songs?I said, why don't you do that?He said, let's make an album. I said, sounds good to me. You know, I said, I don't know if I could handle 11 good songs from Ben Harper. He said, oh, yeah, you can handle it, Mavis."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : A asks Ben Harper to write another song for her and he ends up writing 11 songs for her album.","questions":"How many songs did Ben Harper end up writing for PersonA's album?","answer":"11"} {"text":["We should note that USA Today, which when it was founded in 1982, said it would never endorse a candidate for president - didn't want to go to that kind of - didn't want to participate in that kind of politics - has not endorsed a candidate but has said, in some departure from their usual policy, Donald Trump is unfit to be president, so don't vote for him.","What's an editorial worth in this age of social media?","You know, we know that people don't read newspaper editorials by and large. And if they ever read one, it's usually something like this in the presidential season. But we know that people read about them and hear about them.","And that's where, in the age of social media, they may actually matter more because people are going to be talking about this wipeout, this refusal of people who, remember, historically, have almost always gone with Republicans, to go with Donald Trump.","OK, now Miss Universe. Did Hillary Clinton set a trap for Donald Trump, which he sprang on himself?","You know, this story could have gone away in 24 hours or 48 hours. It could have had some impact on Monday night and perhaps, then, just gone away. We've heard an awful lot of high impact stories come and go already in this campaign."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) What's an editorial worth in this age of social media?","questions":"What is USPersonA Today's usual policy regarding endorsing presidential candidates?","answer":"Never"} {"text":["Well, yes, he was. Later I found out what he was really brilliant at, which was lying. He had a physics degree, a mathematics degree and an economics degree, I think, from three different Ivy League colleges. So, why doubt him?Especially once you've seen the props. Once you've seen the art, you buy the person.","He'd married to a successful woman named Sandy who paid all the bills. How could this smart woman be with this fraud?","I can only answer that question by telling you why I bought this fraud. He was charming. He had a story that explained everything. And so when she came into his life, he had perfected his act to the extent that he'd anticipated every question, had an answer for everything. So, it's like a magic trick. After you know how it works, it seems so obvious. But when it happening, you're enchanted.","There was a moment when he gave you the personal phone number of the president, and I forget what the occasion was - but he said go ahead, try it. You'll get him directly."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"Once you've seen the props. Once you've seen the art, you buy the person.\" - This turn is using figurative language. It means that when someone puts on a convincing performance, it can be easy to believe in them even if they are not trustworthy.","questions":"What is the meaning of the figurative language used in turn 0?","answer":"Belief"} {"text":["So I - you either roll your eyes or you laugh at what politicians will do in support of their most fundamental instincts, which as I said is to preserve their own political viability.","It strikes me as not being all that different from what the Chinese badminton team did to try to get a better opponents in the next round.","Well, except there's one difference, right?The badminton team got thrown out of the Olympics. And in this one, if it works, you get elected to the U. S. Senate.","It's also interesting, Senator McCaskill has said previously she's going to be much too busy campaigning to go to the Democratic National Convention to be photographed, presumably, with President Obama. She doesn't want to do that. I would think, now, congressman Akin may find himself much too busy to go to Tampa."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Then they changed the topic to President Obama","questions":"Which politician's name is mentioned in the turn 3?","answer":"Obama"} {"text":["They do now. But in researching - doing research for the piece, I asked several of my colleagues. And it turns out that very few doctors actually do keep these kinds of lists. But subsequent to the report, actually, I learned of one physician who writes obituaries for his patients. He usually waits until some time has elapsed after the patient has died, and then he goes back and I think looks through their chart and actually writes his own obituary about the patient.","Does it help you see your patients as people to do this?","Absolutely because when I remember the patients that are on my list I think about their family members with whom I've interacted and, you know, what was involved in the suffering and illness as they approached the end of life.","Now that you've written this piece for the Shots blog and done this interview, are you prepared for the patient who says, I just don't want to wind up on your list?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The speaker is implying that through remembering the patients' stories, they are able to better understand their suffering and the impact of their illness. ","questions":"How does the speaker gain empathy for their patients?","answer":"empathy"} {"text":["About six lengths off the lead followed by Homeroom Jester and the trailer is Dolarolarorrarockadockamolahholah.","Hackahmackahdolohrollocolamockahdackahmolahhackahdohkah.","(Laughter).","And yeah."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Implied Meaning: While there may not be a clear and definitive implied meaning behind this turn, it's possible that there is a subtle message or intention that can be inferred based on the speaker's tone and the context of the conversation. However, not everyone may agree on what the implied meaning is, as it may be subject to interpretation. Nonetheless, there is a likelihood that most people would perceive some sort of subtext or hidden intention in this turn.","questions":"Which turn in the dialogue may have a subjective implied meaning?","answer":"Turn2"} {"text":["You note when Turkey failed to prosecute this man and then your office did prosecute this man that you became a kind of social media hero in Turkey. You got a huge following. Apparently. . .","Yeah. Completely undeserved. As I said, other people had done the work. But I became a symbol. And I say, look, the prosecutors are not saviors. They can't solve everything. It takes an involvement from a lot of other people. It just happens to be the case that it's very easy to put, you know, their hopes and hatreds both, sometimes, in the figure of a prosecutor.","Are people putting too much faith in Robert Mueller?","People should have a lot of faith in Robert Mueller. I have a ton of faith in Robert Mueller. I think, you know, he is not a deity and he should not be put on a pedestal, but there's no one I can think of in the country who could have done this job as honorably as he's doing. And even he has been attacked and dragged through the mud and false accusations made about him. What I'm saying is he's just a lawman acting by the book trying to do what he thinks is correct with a band of really, really smart, I think, honorable people around him."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : People should not put too much faith in any single person or institution to solve all of their problems.","questions":"How should people approach relying on a single person or institution to solve their problems?","answer":"Approach"} {"text":["No, no. It definitely can't. And the argument that you sort use is it's just growing too fast, and we're seeing it as it was six billion years ago almost. So if they grew that fast for six billion years, it would be just far too big.","Oh.","So it probably only lasts for a measly 100 million years or so.","Where do you go from here with this work?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) \"measly 100 million years\" - The word \"measly\" is used in a sarcastic manner to imply that 100 million years is actually a significant amount of time in the context of the conversation.","questions":"Which word is used sarcastically to imply that 100 million years is actually significant?","answer":"measly"} {"text":["How did you feel when you found out, this summer, about the abuse of children that was going on in Pennsylvania not far from places you knew?","Yeah, it hurt reading the report because I was reading about these parishes that I went to growing up. I was born in '96, so growing up, you would hear kids joke about, oh, you know, priests molesting kids and whatnot. But I never knew that there was actually a - anything behind that. I just sort of thought it was people making fun of a religion. And then I didn't learn, honestly, until recently that the abuse scandal is something that was real and something that the world has known about since - what?- I think it was the early 2000s, whenever the Boston Globe or whatever that newspaper is broke the story. I didn't know that that was a thing. It wasn't something I'd ever been exposed to, so I wasn't really aware of the fact that this is a problem that was going on in my church. You know, it's unthinkable.","And it's hurt your faith?","I think that's a difficult thing to answer. I will say that it has hurt my faith in the Catholic Church. I don't think it has actually hurt my personal, religious faith. I'm just starting to see less of a connection between what I believe and the teachings of the Catholic Church."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Joking about priests molesting children was not taken seriously.","questions":"Which topic was joked about by kids that \"A\" heard growing up?","answer":"a"} {"text":["Yeah. They say that he's the fastest pitcher there ever was. It's just he really couldn't find home plate. I mean, some of the stories you learn about this guy, it reads like fiction. When he was - I think this is around 1960. He's pitching in the minor leagues, and he pitched so fast he ripped the man's ear off.","Oh.","Yeah.","And Steve Dalkowski didn't make it to the Hall of Fame because. . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The literal meaning of (3) is a simple expression of agreement, while the implied meaning is that the speaker is amazed by the story of Steve Dalkowski's feats.","questions":"Which feeling does the implied meaning of turn 2 convey?","answer":"Amazement"} {"text":["What is at the top of your to-do list right now today?","Right now, we continue to monitor Dorian. As you well know, you know, we continue to go up our East Coast. We're positioned to support all four states. Florida is looking fairly good right now, however, they still have some impacts.","But we really don't want our citizens to, you know, fall asleep on this storm. Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, they're going to feel the blunt of Hurricane Dorian - a lot of rain, a lot of surge and a lot of wind primarily down on the coast. But, you know, these things can that create weather hazards well inland, so - and they're doing a great job of being prepared for that. So we're focused on supporting our states, supporting our locals.","Four states is a long stretch of coastline. This storm is so big. How does that affect your preparations?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : top of to-do list means something the person really needs to do first.","questions":"What is at the top of PersonA's to-do list?","answer":"Monitoring"} {"text":["Sarah M. Broom grew up in a yellow house in New Orleans East, 10 minutes from the French Quarter, the youngest of 12 children. The house was bought by her mother in 1961 and grew into something more than the family's home. It became its hearth and its center. But like many places in New Orleans, the earth below it was already sinking years before Hurricane Katrina hit.","The ground was fragile. And of course, that fragility is the thing I picked up on as a child when we were playing hide-and-go-seek, when we were playing ball in the yard, you know, we came up with all of these stories about the danger of the ground. And that becomes the thing that, in a way, haunts me.","Sarah M. Broom's debut book is called \"The Yellow House,\" and it's a memoir of a place that was hard in many ways but also indelible in the history of her family.","It was a house that I loved deeply, in fact. And I say that because I feel it's impossible to love any place, and to truly love it, to truly see it for what it is, without taking in all of its complexities and its nuances. And I also feel that way, by the way, about America, which I love deeply and am always interrogating, right?So the house created such complexity of emotion for me because it was the place my mother bought. And the house, at some point, really was in disrepair. It was falling down all around us. And even in those moments, my mother was always trying to fix it back up."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The dangers of the ground is something the person remembers and thinks about a lot.","questions":"How did the fragility of the ground affect the person in the dialogue?","answer":"Haunts"} {"text":["He had been released the year before - in June of 1914 - from an institution that was known as the Colored Waifs Home. And this was a reformatory - it was part reformatory, part orphanage. And Armstrong was sent there for at least the second time in early 1913 after he had been arrested for shooting a pistol into the air.","And it was at - while at that reformatory that he began to receive his first formal music instruction. He played in the marching band there. They would parade around the city and play at events on the lake and stuff like that. But when he came out, he was, you know, faced with the challenges of being 13 or 14 years old at the time and needing to provide some income for his family. He grew up in dire poverty, of course.","You take a look at this, like, 8 seconds of film, I guess it is, and maybe it's the power of suggestion, but it certainly looks like Louis Armstrong. And you (laughter) - you really do get a sense, even from this 13-year-old youngster, of just overwhelming charisma.","Yeah, that has been sort of the reaction. The overwhelming reaction to my story is - you know, I fully expected people to try to pick it apart because it's kind of a ridiculous thing to propose. But overwhelmingly, people have said, holy smokes, we think this, you know - it looks like him. He smiles the beautiful Louis Armstrong smile that later became famous. Yeah, it's been fascinating to me."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Despite facing challenges of poverty, Armstrong received music instruction at a reformatory.","questions":"What did Armstrong receive at the reformatory?","answer":"Music"} {"text":["And from New York, Serena Blanchard, as in: From Serena, 1988. Thank you for being with us.","Thank you for having me.","Now, Ms. Blanchard, you were only 8. So how did you wind up getting cited in this eminent textbook?","I wanted to write a poem for my father's book. I wanted to write an introduction. Apparently, he was looking for some form of dedication page. So I was tying my shoe one day, and I came up with a poem, and I offered it to my father and to Stan. But I think Dad can probably explain the rest from there."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : I wanted to write a poem for my father's book. I wanted to write an introduction. Apparently, he was looking for some form of dedication page. So I was tying my shoe one day, and I came up with a poem, and I offered it to my father and to Stan. But I think Dad can probably explain the rest from there. Implicated meaning: A is explaining how she came up with a poem for her father's book in a spontaneous and unplanned manner. The phrase \"came up with\" implies that the idea for the poem suddenly occurred to her, without deliberate effort or prior intention.","questions":"How did PersonA come up with the idea for the poem?","answer":"Tying"} {"text":["Seems that this year, more Americans are making their electoral preferences known from the hereafter. Katie Falzone is vice president for operations at Legacy. com. They host obituaries for newspapers and funeral homes. She joins us now from the studios of WBEZ in Chicago, where, of course, deceased Americans can always vote. Thanks very much for being with us, Ms. Falzone.","Thank you, Scott.","So has this really stepped up this election year.","It definitely has. I recently pulled some numbers from our site and found, you know, over the course of the past few election cycles, we've seen a huge increase. So the first year I looked at was comparing June to June numbers for the 2003-2004. We only had five references to political candidates in obituaries. This year, 119."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (4) \"we've seen a huge increase\" - The implied meaning here is that there has been a significant increase in the number of political references in obituaries on the website Legacy.com over the past few election cycles. The literal meaning is simply that there has been an increase.","questions":"Which website has seen a huge increase in political references in obituaries over the past few election cycles?","answer":"Legacy.com"} {"text":["OK.","We're in a tent at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival. So if you hear some extraneous sounds that you wouldn't normally hear in Studio 3A, please forgive us. But it gives us the opportunity to do some things that we wouldn't ordinarily do. We want to hear from comedians today. How do you translate your material, which comes from a certain time and place, to a wider or different cultural or even ethnic group?Give us a call: 800-989-8255. Email us: talk@npr. org.","And Trevor Noah, what did you find translated well?Is there a material that you did in Cape Town that you can do in Los Angeles, or Baltimore for that matter?","Not really, no. Because the points of view changes, you know?I think the one - well, I could talk about Oprah. Oprah is worldwide. Yes.","Oprah is worldwide."],"speaker":["B","B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Not really, no. Because the points of view changes, you know? I think the one - well, I could talk about Oprah. Oprah is worldwide. Yes. (This turn has an implied meaning that Trevor Noah's comedy material doesn't translate well across different cultural settings due to differences in perspectives. The mention of Oprah as a worldwide figure is a way of acknowledging that there are some cultural references that are universally understood)","questions":"Which worldwide figure does PersonA mention in turn 3?","answer":"Oprah"} {"text":["So that was kind of a puzzle. Why do we have this sort of high density of angular momentum in the Earth-moon system, and the other planets are spinning slower?And so it came up with this idea that hey, Mars hit the Earth, gave it its spin, not Mars itself but a planet like Mars. . .","Is that the Theia, or is that something different?","That's Theia. That's the Mars-sized planet that people have been invoking all these years, for about the last 40 years now. And that led to detailed models and dozens and dozens of papers exploring this idea of fleshing out various scenarios. And in the last 10 years, we really thought we were approaching the endgame, where we could make the Earth, we could give it its spin, we could, you know, make a moon. . .","And you had it all wrapped up?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Theia is the Mars-sized planet that collided with Earth","questions":"How did Theia contribute to the spin of the Earth?","answer":"give"} {"text":["So the root stocks that people today associated with French wines came from another country?","One part of the genetic signature is of the domesticated grape. And then as the domesticated grape travels across the Mediterranean, you get crosses with wild grapes because the wild Eurasian grape, Vitis vinifera, it grows all along the southern coast or along the Mediterranean. So as you get - bring in the domesticated grape vine, you know, starting over in, you know, the area of Lebanon today, and you move across to Crete and Greece and then on to Italy, you're getting crosses between that domesticated vine and the wild grapes that are growing there.","And so you get a whole series of cultivars springing up, and those are the ones that then, you know, get chosen for different reasons. It could be the color of the grape, it could be the thinness of the skin, the sugar, flavor and so forth. But the grapevine is very promiscuous. So it crosses quite easily.","Can you tell from the residue whether the wine was red or white that was in there?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : springing up means to suddenly appear or to suddenly happen.","questions":"Which word can be used to describe the grapevine's behavior?","answer":"Promiscuous"} {"text":["Nice to be here.","And remind us of what you reported last week - a room filled with brains must be a startling sight.","It certainly is. Dozens of brains in glass jars - it's what's left of this collection at the University of Texas that came here in 1986 from the Austin State Hospital. It was a mental institution here in town. So they kind of sat in a closet in a basement lab for about 25 years until they were happened upon by a photographer here in town named Adam Voorhees. And he started to dig into them a little bit more and, you know, found that a hundred of these brains were missing, that half the collection had gone missing over the decades that they'd been sitting there.","And there was some news this week about what might've happened to those brains."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The speaker is implying that new information has been revealed regarding the missing brains.","questions":"What is the subject of the new information regarding the missing brains?","answer":"Brains"} {"text":["When you first started out, though, as - performing in those amateur clubs, what was that like?","It was great because it was new. You know, comedy in itself was illegal. We had a few satirists but no - first of all, there were no black comedians. I mean, as a black person you were lucky if you're allowed to speak, never mind tell jokes in public, you know?So we had a few white South Africans who challenged the status quo, guys like Pieter-Dirk Uys, who was a legend in the country, and he got arrested many times. You got arrested if you did that. So for us young-uns, we came up and it was just this free speech - we had verbal diarrhea, just run around and just, you know, I can say this now. I can say anything now and that's what we've been doing.","Where did you learn the technique though?","From my family. Storytelling is an African tradition. You know, you laugh. And if you look at it, the history of comedy has always been strongest amongst the nations who have been persecuted the most. In America, the stronghold of comedy was always amongst Jewish people. And that's what many Jewish families have said, is that without their food and their laughter, they wouldn't have gotten through what happened to them as a people, you know?And that's what happened to black people all over the world. As you learned to find joy in your pain, you know, that's where the music comes from. That's where the culture comes from. That's literally - with the oppression will come the laughter."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (4) A: \"As you learned to find joy in your pain, you know, that's where the music comes from. That's where the culture comes from. That's literally - with the oppression will come the laughter.\" - The actual meaning here is not that laughter is a direct consequence of oppression, but rather that humor and storytelling can be powerful tools for coping with and resisting oppression, and that they can help build resilience and cultural identity in marginalized communities.","questions":"How can humor and storytelling be powerful tools?","answer":"coping"} {"text":["Different things. Some people have heard of the Ig Nobel Prize, many have not. To some of them - there have been some winners who have been waiting for it for years. More typically they're not quite sure what it is. Our standard policy, which - it has a few twists now and then. But in general, when we've chosen somebody, we will quietly get in touch with them, offer them the prize and give them the opportunity to quietly to decline the honor. And if they say no, that's fine, that's it. We never mention it. We don't even keep records. We give it to somebody else. But happily for us, not many people decline. Almost everybody accepts.","And some of them - do they actually go on to win the real Nobel Prize?","That's happened at least once. In the year 2000, we gave the Ig Nobel Prize in psychics to two physicists in England, Andre Geim and Michael Berry, who were, and are, quite eminent physicists. They won the Ig Nobel Prize that year for using magnets to levitate a frog. I don't know if you've seen the videos on the Web of that.","Yeah, yeah, yeah."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Winners of Ig Nobel Prize are eager to receive it","questions":"How do winners typically respond to the Ig Nobel Prize?","answer":"Accepts"} {"text":["The balance we saw in Kenya was unexpected. Kenya had had a smooth transition from the rule of Daniel arap Moi to the rule of Mwai Kibaki, and it could very well have turned out that we had two, if it wasn't for some electoral rigging and planning on the part of the two different camps to destabilize the country after these elections.","Ghana's had a smooth transition eight years ago and is going to have another election pretty soon, and it's expected that that will be a free and fair election. Benin is a good place to think about, Madagascar, Mauritius. So I think that, you know, it's important to realize that even though it looks like Africans are always at each others' throats surrounding elections, it's not as dire as we might think.","You mentioned that you believe that elections don't equal democracy. How do you distinguish the two of those?","Well, you know, elections are procedures that we find in democracies. But, you know, there has to be a culture of democracy. If you had a free and fair election, there wouldn't be rigging. There wouldn't be ballot-stuffing and intimidation. So democracy has more components than just elections."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"Well, you know, elections are procedures that we find in democracies. But, you know, there has to be a culture of democracy. If you had a free and fair election, there wouldn't be rigging. There wouldn't be ballot-stuffing and intimidation. So democracy has more components than just elections.\" In this turn, the speaker is using the word \"democracy\" in a broader sense than its literal meaning. The literal meaning of democracy refers to a system of government where power is held by the people or their elected representatives, and decisions are made by majority rule. However, the speaker is using the term to refer to a culture or society where democratic values and practices are ingrained and respected. They argue that free and fair elections alone do not guarantee democracy, as a democratic culture involves more than just electoral procedures.","questions":"Which term is the speaker using in a broader sense than its literal meaning?","answer":"Democracy"} {"text":["At some point, it does cross your mind and you do worry about contracting the illness, but there are only fleeting moments. We have to concentrate on the patients here to provide them with appropriate medical care, but also to make sure our outreach program of finding cases, of following up of contacts is performed in a comprehensive manner so that we can bring this outbreak to a close.","I don't want to the leave the conversation with you without asking what can the world do as far as you're concerned?","We need an organization that can provide some leadership across multiple countries in the region of West Africa. To date, we have not seen that occurring. And if we don't find the cases in the community, and we don't do the contact tracing, this outbreak will linger on for months and months. Solving outbreaks is not rocket science. It just requires those features I have described previously. But unfortunately, they're not being applied in an appropriate manner at the moment to reach the world.","Dr. Gabriel Fitzpatrick of Doctors Without Borders - Medecins Sans Frontieres. Thanks very much for being with us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) The literal meaning of this turn is a simple question, but the implied meaning is that the speaker wants to know what actions can be taken to address the issue being discussed and is seeking guidance or suggestions.","questions":"What is the speaker seeking in turn 1?","answer":"Actions"} {"text":["Our reporters do OK because we report in English, but the people who reach everyday Venezuelans through radio and TV are under enormous pressure and censorship. And now, they're aiming - they're taking aim at the Internet as well. Earlier this week, there was a crackdown on Twitter. Twitter was shut down throughout Venezuela. Instagram was spotty. The state ISP wouldn't allow people access to these critical sources of news.","Tell us about Juan Guaido, head of the National Assembly. How did he become the main challenger to Maduro?","He is a smart, young guy. He's an industrial engineer. He's 35 years old. His grandparents were members of the military a couple of generations ago. So he has this kind of family understanding of what military codes and military conduct and sort of the military lifestyle it's like in Venezuela. And that really scares the regime because he knows how to speak to military officers. And we're all very clear that this will ultimately come down to whether the mid-ranking members in the military go to their generals and say, sorry, your time is up.","Francisco Toro, who's editor-in-chief of the news site Caracas Chronicles, thanks so much."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : your time is up means that they have to talk about something else before the program ends ","questions":"What phrase used by mid-ranking members of the military can ultimately determine the outcome of the situation in Venezuela according to the speaker in turn 2?","answer":"Your"} {"text":["Earlier today, U. S. Secretary of State John Kerry held a joint news conference with Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal who told reporters his country can not ignore military intervention from Iran and Hezbollah in support of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria. Saudi Arabia already sends arms to the Syrian opposition. The U. S. also plans to provide light arms to the rebel forces. But the Saudi foreign minister said more is now required. NPR foreign correspondent Deb Amos joins us now from NPR's bureau in Beirut. Nice to have you back one more time.","Very nice to be here.","Everyone knows Saudi Arabia and Iran are sometimes bitter rivals and on opposite sides in Syria. What does it mean for the Saudi foreign minister to speak so bluntly as he stands next to the U. S. secretary of state?","What is different here is a change in tone. The language was very, very tough today. The Saudi foreign minister talked about genocide by the government of Syria. He talked about an outside invasion. He's talking about the Iranians and Hezbollah, the Shiite militant group here in Lebanon. He says they have a massive flow of weapons, and that that must be stopped. He was asking for a resolution to have an arms embargo on the Syrians, nigh on impossible. What he's talking about, one would guess, is a U. N. resolution and any resolution that would ban weapons would be certainly vetoed by the Russians and most likely the Chinese. But they were venting, the Saudis today, as John Kerry was there for talks."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The Saudi foreign minister might not be actually standing next to the U.S. Secretary of State, but figurately. ","questions":"How was the Saudi foreign minister standing next to the U.S. Secretary of State?","answer":"Figuratively"} {"text":["(Laughing) You would think, but its this weird sort of a - the more I get to know them, the more they become different objects with such different ingredients that I love them more with each passing day.","(Laughing) So I have a burrito specimen here with me in the studio. And I'm going to unwrap. . .","Is it in wax paper or tinfoil?","It is in both tinfoil and wax paper."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The implied meaning is that the more A learns about the people they are close to, the more they appreciate them and form a stronger bond.","questions":"What is PersonA's perspective on getting to know people better?","answer":"Appreciation"} {"text":["Nuns are also speaking out. We're joined in our studio now by Sister Simone Campbell, who was part of the ministry of the Sisters of Social Service and executive director of NETWORK, a Catholic social justice group. Sister Simone, thanks so much for being with us.","Great to be with you.","I have to ask - how do you feel this week about the church to which you've devoted your life?","Well, I have to say over the last few weeks, it's been really shocking and horrifying, and I have felt myself close to weeping at times. This week, I took a little solace in the letter from Pope Francis to the world saying - acknowledging the extent of the horror that has existed and a commitment to change. And I take heart in these remarks in Ireland as his very first statements that it is included because there was a worry he would not include this in his very first statements. So what this says to me is that the Vatican is beginning to get it in all its departments that this is not just those concerned with clergy, but the whole church needs to be changed. And I think that's what we're beginning to see."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The Vatican is beginning to take action to change the church","questions":"What is the Vatican doing to change the church?","answer":"Change"} {"text":["For people who can't see it, can you describe what things look like right now and some - the actions the Corps is taking on a daily basis to address it?","You know, sometimes it is hard to describe. You know, you're driving down roads that were normally - there might be 50 or a hundred yards to the river. Suddenly, the river is, you know, 10 or 15 yards from where your car is or, you know, where you typically are running for physical training is now underwater.","And in terms of the levees themselves, when you walk the levees, you know, typically, where the water might be 20, 25 feet away from the top of the levee, maybe now it's within five or six feet. So when you see what, you know, a couple hundred thousand cubic feet per second of water looks like rolling down the Arkansas River and it's within feet of the bridges, whether they're pedestrian or vehicular, you know, sometime there used to be 20 feet of clearance, it's pretty awe-inspiring.","What are you doing to shore up the levees themselves?And are you inviting residents to help?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The scale of the flooding is massive and poses a serious threat to infrastructure and public safety.","questions":"What is the level of water in the Arkansas River compared to the top of the levees?","answer":"Close"} {"text":["(Soundbite of song \"St. James Infirmary\"):","(Singing) I've been down to St. James infirmary And saw my baby lying there. He was stretched out on a long white pillow. So sweet. So cold. So fair.","Let him go, let him go. God bless him. Wherever he may be. He can look this whole wide world over. And never find a sweet girl like me.","You have done so many different types of music. You have done the Monkeys, you know. What's coming up next for you?I don't know if you've already started work on another album or thought about it, but what direction do you think you're heading in next?"],"speaker":["B","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The speaker is singing about a dead person at a funeral","questions":"Which color was the pillow on which the baby was lying?","answer":"White"} {"text":["And it's interesting. As you talk about this, the catcher today has regained some of that reputation from those days.","I think so. I think the catcher's toughness is really recognized. And also, the catcher's unique position, as somebody who's part of the offense and part of the defense, plays a key role in what the pitcher throws and the pitcher's ability to throw, you know, particularly balls in the dirt, which are very hard.","You know, if you don't have a good catcher back there, then the whole team is lost. And so I think the catcher has really started to regain the reputation of being a key contributor to both, and I think that's why so many great managers are former catchers.","We've been talking about Deacon White, the newest member of baseball's Hall of Fame. Baseball historian Peter Morris, thanks very much for your time today."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Having a good catcher is crucial for the team's success and many great managers are former catchers.","questions":"What plays a key role in what the pitcher throws and the pitcher's ability to throw?","answer":"Incorporating"} {"text":["Right. We should just say. . .","And. . .",". . . Four is the guy who drives this big roller that actually does the work of making the road. And Nine, the kind of party guy, is riding this four-wheeler out ahead to look for interference. It's his job to actually look around.","Yeah. But everywhere he goes, he sort of sows chaos and even though he thinks he's doing the right thing by engaging. And - but Four has been, you know, in many similar situations. And he's a veteran of this work. And so he just says, our job is to do the work - touch as few lives as possible in that way, engage as, you know, as little as possible and get out. And. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : He causes chaos and trouble but he does not actually sow it ","questions":"What does Nine do while driving the four-wheeler?","answer":"Looking"} {"text":["What's this program, Becoming a Man, meant to you and other students and your friends?","It means a lot. It gives you insight of how to be a man and take care of your business and have integrity, visionary goal-setting and respect for one another. It helps you be more aware of who you are and what you could do with your life.","Tell us a bit about your life, could you, and your family.","I'm the youngest of six, which is hard to be sometimes, because you get bossed around by everybody in the house. Come from a single-parent home - my mom. Dad was never around. I have sickle cell anemia, so I persevered over that. We had good times and bad times, you know, just like any other family. But we're very close."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : It gives you insight of how to be a man and take care of your business and have integrity, visionary goal-setting and respect for one another.","questions":"What does the program Becoming a Man provide?","answer":"Insight"} {"text":["Well, the committee report - it's not unexpected - but the draft reports thus far says that the impeachment committee believes Democratic Governor Rod Blagojevich has abused his power. Quoting from the report, \"The citizens of this state must have confidence that the governor will faithfully serve the people and put their interests before his own. It is with profound regret that the committee finds that our current governor has not done so. \"","It's quite voluminous. It's 60 pages or so of documentation of things beyond just what the federal prosecutor in Chicago has alleged that the governor has done, many reasons to impeach him beyond just the alleged criminal activity that he has been arrested and charged with.","Now, is there a rush to do this before - to possibly impeach the governor before Mr. Burris would be seated as the junior senator from Illinois?","The report is drafted without Burris' testimony. To consider, they would add it to it, I suppose, if he says something remarkable this afternoon. But they seemed to feel that they have enough evidence to move forward with the impeachment. The rush is really to just get him out of office before they have to grapple with a huge budget deficit here in the state of Illinois. The relationship between the Legislature and the governor has been dysfunctional for quite some time, and it's only gotten worse since his arrest last month."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The governor has abused his power according to the impeachment committee, which is not surprising given the current situation.","questions":"How did the impeachment committee find the governor's actions?","answer":"Abuse"} {"text":["Fort Dietrich, Maryland. What did he do there?","Yeah. This is a very secure area which is set up to do research on some of the most dangerous pathogens that are known to man, actually. They have what's called a biosafety level-four containment facility, maybe you've seen pictures of these guys in moon suits, where they deal with these, you know, highly deadly agents.","Bruce Ivins worked there, and his principal role, at least as far as I can tell from looking through the papers he's published - now, this is a very secret place, so you don't get a lot of information out of them - but his role there seems to have been to work on vaccines to protect against anthrax. In particular, he was trying to make a vaccine that would be more robust, that it might help the immune system fight off exposure to anthrax. Of course, the military is very interested in this, because they're worried about anthrax as a bioweapon.","Do we know anything more about why he originally came under suspicion?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Fort Dietrich is a high-security area for dangerous pathogen research.","questions":"How would you describe Fort Dietrich's purpose?","answer":"Research"} {"text":["We also heard singer-songwriter Ben Harper on that track. He wrote most of the songs on this album. He produced it. How did you two meet?Why do you think you clicked with him?","Well, Ben had written me a song for one of my other albums - \"Livin' On A High Note. \"And that song was \"Love And Trust\"","(Singing) Do what you can. Do what you must. Everybody's trying to find some love and trust. I walk the line. I walk it for us. See me out here trying to find some love and trust.","I fell so in love with that song. And every time we'd sing it, the audience - they would just roar, you know. It turned out so well. So I - we'd been singing it for a couple of years then. I ran into Ben on the road. That's where we would always meet up - somewhere on the road. And I told him. I said, Ben, that song - you have got to write me another song. He said, well, Mavis, why don't I write you 11 songs?I said, why don't you do that?He said, let's make an album. I said, sounds good to me. You know, I said, I don't know if I could handle 11 good songs from Ben Harper. He said, oh, yeah, you can handle it, Mavis."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The song 'Love and Trust' was written by Ben Harper for Mavis Staples","questions":"How many songs did Ben Harper write for Mavis Staples?","answer":"0"} {"text":["(Soundbite of song \"St. James Infirmary\"):","(Singing) I've been down to St. James infirmary And saw my baby lying there. He was stretched out on a long white pillow. So sweet. So cold. So fair.","Let him go, let him go. God bless him. Wherever he may be. He can look this whole wide world over. And never find a sweet girl like me.","You have done so many different types of music. You have done the Monkeys, you know. What's coming up next for you?I don't know if you've already started work on another album or thought about it, but what direction do you think you're heading in next?"],"speaker":["B","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The speaker is singing about a dead person at a funeral","questions":"How was the person described in the song?","answer":"Sweet"} {"text":["So, John, if Lehman's problems spread to other banks, who's next?","Well, a first concern would be Washington Mutual. It's a big mortgage lender. It's under some severe stress right now. Its stock is down today. You have to look at other banks and investment houses with problem loans on their books, like Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Citibank won't be immune. You know, all these banks are interconnected now, with lots of shared debts and investments that are losing value. This crisis has pretty much changed the business model for big banks, who used to earn profits by investing in loans and mortgages that had been repackaged to essentially spread the risk to everybody.","Many of those investments have now gone south, and the banks are going to have to come up with a new system for raising the capital to lend to borrowers. The thing to watch for now is how the rating agencies, like Standard & Poor's and Fitch, put a value on these banks' futures. As the ratings on banks go down, it becomes more expensive for the banks to borrow the money that they need to cover the bad loans because investors lose confidence, and they want a higher return to fork over their money. And it's that lack of confidence that the government and the industry are fighting in this credit crunch.","Thanks, John. That's John Dimsdale of public radio's daily business show, Marketplace."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The rating agencies play an important role in the banks' ability to borrow money.","questions":"How do rating agencies affect banks' borrowing?","answer":"Expensive."} {"text":["Yeah. Mr. Champagne, is it rough to be - well, look, we've done stories in Englewood. What's it like to be a young man in Englewood now, surrounded, as I don't have to tell you, by a lot of crime, a lot of drugs, sirens all night?","Yeah, correct.","People who are, you know, afraid to walk the street. What's it like growing up that way?","Well, it's tough 'cause you got to know when to come outside, when not to come out; when to go to the store, when not to go to the store. You know, cross the street, go left, go right, you know, either way it go, you get, like, A, shot at or, you know, get jumped, get robbed. It's tough.","Yeah. And a program like this, how does it help you see things differently and what you should do differently?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Yeah. Mr. Champagne, is it rough to be - well, look, we've done stories in Englewood.What's it like to be a young man in Englewood now, surrounded, as I don't have to tell you, by a lot of crime, a lot of drugs, sirens all night?","questions":"How does PersonA describe the challenges of growing up in Englewood?","answer":"rough"} {"text":["And Border Patrol agents are making a lot of trips to the hospital with sick children up and down the Southwest border - nearly 70 kids a day since December, they say. But immigration officials say it's just hard to keep up with the sheer numbers here. It's putting a huge strain on resources, and they're asking Congress for billions of additional dollars to deal with it.","In the meantime, what more have you learned in your reporting about the death of Carlos Hernandez Vasquez?","Well, a couple of things. One thing that really stands out is that Carlos Hernandez Vasquez died in a Border Patrol station. The previous migrant children who died were taken to the hospital first; Hernandez Vasquez was not even though immigration authorities clearly knew that he was sick. He was diagnosed with the flu by a nurse practitioner.","On the same day, Customs and Border Protection moved him to a different Border Patrol station where they could separate him from the other migrants to stop the spread of the flu. Even Health and Human Services officials were concerned about how ill he was. This is the agency that's responsible for long-term care of unaccompanied children. And HHS decided that Hernandez Vasquez could not be flown to a shelter in Florida because of his illness. So in retrospect, critics say it's hard to see why they did not take him to the hospital."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The death of Carlos Hernandez Vasquez could have been prevented if he had been taken to the hospital","questions":"How did immigration authorities know about Carlos Hernandez Vasquez's illness?","answer":"Flu"} {"text":["Thank you. Thank you for saying snot-like. Not a - I don't believe we've had that phrase on our show before. So what is there. . .","It's a first.","What is there about this delightful mucus of the tongue?","Well, we spent a few years studying the frog tongue."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) B: What is there about this delightful mucus of the tongue? - Implied meaning: What interesting properties does frog tongue mucus have?","questions":"Which animal's tongue mucus is being studied?","answer":"frog"} {"text":["Well, it's changed many, many things - color's absolutely everywhere. So, wherever I look there's music now. Going to the museum now, I can listen to an Andy Warhol, I can listen to a Picasso. And when I listen to music, it happens the other way around. I feel color, so it's changed the way they perceive not only (unintelligible). So, daily places, such as supermarkets, 'cause there's many, many colors there.","Mr. Harbisson, you co-founded the Cyborg Foundation. What do you do and what do you mean when you list one of the goals of the organization to defend cyborg rights?","Well, now, cyborgs are a minority group. There are no laws defending the right to use technology as a part of the body. And then we want to defend the right of anyone who feels their right of wearing technology as part of the body has been in danger. In cases like not being allowed into a shop, for example, or not being allowed in a cinema, 'cause they think that they might be doing something illegal, or just the simple fact of being able to appear on your passport photo with your cybernetic extension if it appears on your head.","Now, I gather you can now appear that way on your passport photo?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"defend cyborg rights\" - the actual meaning is advocating for the legal recognition and protection of individuals who have integrated technology into their body as a part of their identity. The literal meaning would be physically defending cyborgs.","questions":"Which group is Mr. Harbisson advocating for the legal recognition and protection of?","answer":"Cyborgs"} {"text":["The Rough Riders were a unique volunteer regiment that was formed in the first days of the Spanish-American War. At the time, the U. S. military was really small, and they needed to bulk up really quickly. So the U. S. Army went out and recruited cowboys, athletes, people who you could train pretty quickly. And a lot of it was the brainchild of Theodore Roosevelt.","It was his particular idea of who was manly enough to be in a regiment with him. Is that fair to say?","Well, it was - he - yes, he did a lot of the vetting himself. And it certainly was a lot of, yes, his conception of what it meant to be manly. And so you not only had a lot of people from the West but also a lot of Ivy League football players. The No. 1 and the No. 2 tennis player in the country quit tennis to join, and that was the kind of thing that he loved.","Were these celebrities in some cases?","Yeah, they were. They were celebrities in the sense that they were the children of the tycoons and the kind of lords of the Gilded Age, the sort of people who grew up in Newport and Fifth Avenue and had names that resonated for a public that, you know, much like today, they know who has the money, who has the power."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 4 : The celebrities who joined the Rough Riders were from wealthy families","questions":"Which group of people joined the Rough Riders?","answer":"Cowboys"} {"text":["But he did try to shoot a president. I mean, you can't say well, if he shot the butcher it would be different. He did try to shoot a president. We hold that crime in a different category than we do other attempted murders. In fact, he had other ideas. He stalked Jodie Foster. He stalked President Carter for quite a long time.","So your position is, we're not talking about a man who just shot someone who is now gone, but somebody who at one point contemplated shooting a number of famous people.","Oh, yeah. I mean, his desire was to be a famous assassin. And I think the main point here is that the verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity was a bad verdict. There's no question that he is insane, but the legal definition of insanity is that you have to be unable to distinguish between right and wrong. And I think he knew perfectly well that it was wrong. And following that verdict, you know, they made a lot of changes in the legal system. There's now another option, of guilty and insane. They also - when Hinckley was on trial, the prosecutors had the burden of proof to prove that the defendant was sane, and now the burden is on the defense to prove insanity.","If John Hinckley were to come outside full-time, he - I think we can safely assume - would be pretty carefully monitored by, not just local police, but the Secret Service. And that's not enough guarantee?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) - The actual meaning is that the speaker disagrees with the verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity and thinks that the legal definition of insanity is too narrow. This turn implies that the speaker believes that the legal system should hold people who commit crimes like Hinckley's to a higher standard of responsibility, even if they are mentally ill.","questions":"Which verdict does the speaker disagree with?","answer":"Not-guilty"} {"text":["No. I mean, not really. We are in uncharted territory here in Kenya. When the court threw out the first case, it was the first time an African court threw out the victory of a sitting president. So, you know, this court has shown courage and independence. But the ground has shifted. The judges have been openly intimidated. And one of their bodyguards was shot last month. So they're under intense pressure. And who knows how they will rule?I think what we know for sure is that whatever they decide, it's bound to have serious consequences on the streets.","That's NPR's Eyder Peralta in Nairobi. Thank you so much.","Thank you, Lulu.","(SOUNDBITE OF EL TEN ELEVEN'S \"THINKING LOUDLY\""],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : It implies that the judicial system is at jeopardy.","questions":"What was the first time an African court threw out the victory of a sitting president?","answer":"sitting"} {"text":["But well. . .","If you go through the list of Obama people, the top four, five, six people had not just worked in presidential campaigns before, but they worked in that critical area which gets very little attention, but is absolutely essential, and that's called field operations. It means going into states, setting up shop, organizing, getting people door knocking, getting people calling and getting delegate victories.","These people knew how to win campaigns on a local level. Importantly, very significant figures had a lot of experience in Iowa. He set his sights on winning Iowa very early.","What I found fascinating in doing this reporting is that both campaigns had the same Plan A. The Plan A was, win the first four states, attain a political victory, and not be out of personnel."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Plan A\" - The literal meaning of Plan A is the primary plan or strategy for achieving a particular goal. However, in this context, it implies the shared strategy of both campaigns to win the first four states and avoid personnel shortages, indicating the high stakes of the early primary elections.","questions":"What was the shared strategy of both campaigns in order to avoid personnel shortages?","answer":"Primary"} {"text":["Well, we have shared the coordinates of health facilities, school facilities and so on for the very purpose to make sure they're protected. Sadly, several of these facilities received a direct hit. Actually, the secretary-general has called for a board of inquiry to investigate into these cases and to find out what had happened.","For us, it's a question of trust, and it's a question of protection when we say - when we give these coordinates, we expect that all parties in the conflict will respect them. And when that doesn't happen, that's really a significant problem for all and, most importantly, for the people who find themselves - that we have had incidents of ambulances receiving direct aid. Hospitals, doctors, nurses would be in the middle of an operational procedure or who had gone to this place for medical treatment and to find themselves being bombed inside the hospital or children in the school. That's something that is really totally unacceptable.","Panos Moumtzis is the United Nations humanitarian coordinator for the Syria crisis. Thanks so much for being with us, sir.","Thank you for calling me."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : incidents of ambulances receiving direct aid means that ambulances were bombed while they had patients inside. ","questions":"How were the ambulances affected?","answer":"Bombed"} {"text":["And how much do we know at this moment in time, this early in the day, about what the damage is up there?","You know, we saw reports. As we were doing live coverage, we saw reports of damage start to trickle in. But, really, right after an earthquake, it is, like, fog of war. No one knows what's going on. Emergency responders are just going out trying to survey the damage. We did hear reports of fires.","We got some calls into our - into KPCC of people telling us that they had fallen. One woman said that she thought maybe she broke her wrist. And there were a lot of people who were just afraid to go back into their houses, which is another big thing with big earthquakes - is that it disrupts people's lives not just for that one moment, but continuously, especially after aftershock after aftershock after aftershock keeps hitting.","All right. Well, we'll be getting updates throughout the morning. And thanks very much for joining us. KPCC's Jacob Margolis, science reporter and host of a podcast called \"The Big One: Your Survival Guide. \"Thank you, Jacob."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : fog of war implies there was mass chaiotic confusion going on.","questions":"What does \"fog of war\" describe?","answer":"Confusion"} {"text":["They have indeed, but not through Jordan, as far as I know.","And you talked about hedging your bets. Doesn't that risk putting your bets on the wrong side if, indeed, the rebels do topple, which from what you say, the regime believes is only a matter of time. Why don't they put their bets on - with the opposition?","That's a debate that is actually going on inside the country today. As I said, 82 percent of Jordanians are with the uprising, not all of them, however, are with any military intervention against the Syrian regime. This is a very sensitive issue in Arab politics, to be seen as actively working militarily against an Arab regime. Still, as I said, the sentiments of the people in Jordan, not all of them, but the overwhelming majority of them, are with the uprising. And the country, I would expect, the government, will probably have to change its position as developments move. It's a fair question to ask. You know, one day, we'll be able to do so. There are many who have asked the government to take on a sort of a clearer position on the Syrian crisis than it has so far.","How porous is the border?If people wanted to operate across it clandestinely, would they be able to do so?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Hedging bets could result in supporting the losing side.","questions":"Which action risks supporting the losing side?","answer":"Hedging"} {"text":["You know, I think really when it comes to animal agriculture and pork production specifically, we've always been about open and fair markets and open trade. We know that when there's a level playing field and we have an opportunity to be able to compete with other pork producers worldwide, we continue to gain market share because we are good.","When we have tariffs, these retaliatory tariffs, obviously somebody else has an advantage over us. And especially in China here right now, obviously we've got two 25% tariffs that add up to a 50%, along with the 12% that they charge everybody. That's a 62% tariff. Well, that puts us out of the market, makes us uncompetitive.","Well, with this announcement out of the White House, kind of unexpectedly just in the past week, I mean, do you kind of feel like there's a game of chicken going on, and you're caught in the middle?","Well, let's be very realistic. The real issue at first was steel and aluminum tariffs, which the tariffs were put on Mexico. They retaliated against the United States, and our product was at a 20% tariff rate. And really that was worth about $12 per head. And that $12 came out of my and other pork producers' pocket. So that was the first one."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : level playing field implies that all things rightly set in place or things happening as supposed and not a football field ","questions":"Which phrase describes a fair market in turn 0?","answer":"Open"} {"text":["So what is this thing about turning Girl Scout cookies into graphene?","All right, we'll start with a little reminder about graphene. Graphene is just a form of carbon. It's a form of carbon people knew existed, but just about eight or so years ago, for the first time, people were able to get enough of it to actually look at it. It's the two-dimensional form. It's like a big sheet of chicken wire, that's the shape, and it's really hard to get.","The guys who figured it out did it in a goofy way, using pencil and scotch tape. When you write with a pencil, that stuff that comes off, that graphite, that's really sheets, and sheets and sheets of this thin stuff. But separating those, that was expensive.","The numbers you've tossed around show you how expensive. People have been able to do experiments. They've found all kinds of really interesting possibly valuable properties, but nothing, no industry is really going to start until they can make enough of this stuff cheaply to use it."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : tossed around refers to putting ideas out there without much thought","questions":"Which word in the dialogue refers to graphene's two-dimensional form?","answer":"Two-dimensional"} {"text":["Yeah, there's quite a few of them. I looked up a couple. There's one that's e-Cycle. com. The EPA also has a pretty good index for, you know, how to find these places. There's another one called ecyclingcentral. com, where you can look up local things. And I also advise people to talk to their, you know, local landfill or, you know, contact your carrier or the maker of your phone, because I truly believe that that's something that they could, you know, do better, is - at least make it easy when you're getting that new phone to drop off the old one so that it gets recycled or reused.","Or maybe, you know, even on the box where the phone comes in, it has a label already stuck on it for sticking it back in the mail.","Yeah. That would be a phenomenal idea.","Yeah. Well, we sometimes come up with an idea."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The idea of labeling phone boxes for recycling is good.","questions":"What is the idea that PersonB suggests for labeling phone boxes?","answer":"Sticking"} {"text":["They're definitely not smarter than us. Some of them are really dumb. Like, I definitely have footage of raccoons who just crawl all over it for a little while and then slink away. But some of them - it is amazing how smart they seem to be. One of the videos I captured, the raccoon just walks up to the bin, pulls it right down and it lands with a bang. And then she turns and looks directly at the camera, almost as if to say, ha, you can't stop me. You can't stop me.","(Laughter). Amy Dempsey, an investigative reporter at the Toronto Star on the raccoon beat. Thank you so much.","Thank you.","And FYI, raccoon expert Suzanne MacDonald, told the Toronto Star that her research is ongoing, but the raccoons are, quote, \"not starving to death - that's for sure. \""],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The raccoons are not making a song. The woman is writing stories about them.","questions":"What is the woman's profession?","answer":"investigative"} {"text":["The majority of the Secret Service agents were very acceptable of me coming in to the White House detail. There were only a few who were dead-set against any integration policies or equal-opportunity policies that were being enforced by President Kennedy, giving equal opportunity to all people, regardless of race, religion, color or ethnic background.","And I think that President Kennedy was serious, and he was doing these things not for a political purpose, but because he felt it in his heart that America could be a much better place if we didn't have all of these divisions and restrictions on people of ethnic backgrounds and minorities.","So now I foresaw that the weaknesses in the protection on President Kennedy would allow his assassination if any serious attempt would be made against his life, and I did everything in my power to stem that threat against our young president.","What threats did you hear against the president's life and when?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"he felt it in his heart\" - This phrase means that President Kennedy strongly believed in the cause of equal opportunity and integration, rather than just thinking about it logically.","questions":"How did President Kennedy believe in the cause of equal opportunity and integration?","answer":"Strongly"} {"text":["And the other one is silencers or suppressors - a push to deregulate those devices. And that hasn't gone through. So the big ticket items that the NRA wants the NRA doesn't get. You mentioned at the top there this idea of strengthening background checks. I think it's important to be specific about what's under discussion there. There is bipartisan legislation. And what it would do would provide grants to the states to make sure that all of the records that show that a person is prohibited from owning a gun get into the databases that are scanned during a background check.","Mr. Burnett, there's renewed interest on the sale of assault weapons. A ban went into effect in 1994. It expired 10 years later. Based on your reporting, what effect did that ban have?","There is some evidence - and we talk about assault - bans on assault-style weapons. What a lot of public safety experts say is the most meaningful piece of that is a restriction on how large the magazine - the ammunition magazine - that's basically how many rounds the gun can hold at one time, can be fired at one time before you have to reload.","Is there, in your mind, compelling evidence that the ban on assault weapons actually succeeded in banning assault weapons or reduced the supply or use of assault weapons and criminal activity?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"assault weapons\" - this is a term used to describe certain types of firearms that have specific features but it does not necessarily mean that the weapon is used for assault purposes.","questions":"How is \"assault weapons\" defined?","answer":"Firearms"} {"text":["Yeah. Let me ask, I would think, Sana, that - you've already mentioned that you were surprised that a number of these people were not angry or did not harbor bitterness about having been born to parents who were slaves. But what else was it about them, if there was a thread that seemed to tie them together?","Their parents raised them with hope, the idea that I want your life to be better than mine. And though things aren't the way we were promised, right, with emancipation. Things aren't the way they were promised, that one day they will be, and you'll be ready for it.","You also described them in the book as having immigrant-like expectations. Explain what you meant.","There was this genuine commitment to want to believe in the future, which is phenomenal to think about. There was this belief that everything that happened to me is over. The worst is behind after the Civil War, and I am going to go out and seek a new life in freedom, right?So everything, all of my hopes and dreams, I am going to give that back to the country. There was a genuine commitment to reinvest in the building of what was to be a new America.","Was it a patriotism?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The Conditional. As we noted in chapter 1, there are sentences of a natural language, like English, that are not atomic sentences. Our examples included.","questions":"Which chapter did the examples of non-atomic sentences appear in?","answer":"1"} {"text":["Phil Simms was quarterback for the New York Giants.","(Laughter) Yeah.","This is NPR, Dan. We have to fill in the blanks sometimes.","(Laughter) I understand. Well, Bill Parcell is one of the legendary coaches in NFL history. I called Bill and, you know, 'cause saw in the press guides that Ernie was his pro player personnel director for a couple of years in the 1980s. And Bill could not remember anything about him. He says, I don't know the guy. I said, Bill, it says on the press guide that he was your director of pro personnel for two seasons when you were head coach. And he says, well, I don't remember the guy. So they're all either being very careful about it or Ernie just does not leave a personal mark with them."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) Please choose a confidence score ( marks how confidence you are that there is implied meaning in this turn ) : 4 : You are not sure whether everybody will agree that this turn has implied meanings but you believe that most of them will Please write a implied meaning ( More than 8 words! ) :","questions":"How did Bill Parcell react when PersonA mentioned Ernie as his pro player personnel director?","answer":"not"} {"text":["NPR's Dina Temple-Raston has been following this story, and she's here now. Dina, scientists and legal experts, they're saying that the evidence against Ivins is really far from foolproof, that there is no smoking gun. What are they concerned about?","Well, a lot of the scientists who have looked at this say that they couldn't - that the FBI couldn't possibly have ruled out everyone who might have matched the anthrax vial or had access to the anthrax vial that they matched to Ivins. And this is basically, without getting too much into the science, this is because anthrax, all you have to do is grow more. So if you had some anthrax, conceivably, from this vial that they linked to Ivins, you could have grown your own source of more of that.","They also can't place him in Princeton, which is where the letters were mailed from, and he has this very distinctive, cramped handwriting that they couldn't match the handwriting on the envelopes. The FBI said it was similar, but there was nothing conclusive there. And there's this broader feeling that he couldn't have possibly accomplished all of this on his own. The plan was too elaborate and too technical for one person to do by themselves.","So what does the FBI say to all those questions?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"grow your own source\" - This is a figurative expression that means to cultivate or create more of something, in this case, anthrax bacteria, by using the original sample. It does not refer to actually growing a physical object like a plant or animal.","questions":"How can anthrax be multiplied according to PersonA's explanation?","answer":"Grow"} {"text":["I mean, there have been some high-profile examples recently of sort of ethically questionable journalism, you know, maybe at best. Do you think that - and this is sort of tangential, but do you think that that, the definition of plagiarism needs to be updated for the Web?","I mean, given that I started this thing, you mentioned the curator's code, I think about that a lot. I think plagiarism is kind of a harsh word that comes from the publishing world, you know, kind of a legacy term. And there are many layers to it. It's a little bit of a grab bag.","But online, one of the things that I think about a lot, which I think is a form of sort of neo-plagiarism as this idea of OK, you know, we live at a time where there's almost infinite information, and it takes time to find the meaningful and to separate it from the meaningless, and that's effort, and that's sort of creative labor.","And when someone does that, and let's say - you know, for example, one of my favorite sites, Open Culture, run by Dan Colman out of Stanford, he finds amazing archival stuff. You know, and he spends time in the archives looking for it. And then it gets sort of reported on, say, Huffington Post or Business Insider, just sort of regurgitated."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : (1) \"ethically questionable journalism\" and \"definition of plagiarism needs to be updated for the Web\" (2) \"curator's code\", \"legacy term\", and \"grab bag\" (3) \"neo-plagiarism\", \"infinite information\", \"meaningful and meaningless\", \"creative labor\" (4) \"Open Culture\", \"archival stuff\", \"regurgitated\"","questions":"Which term does PersonA use to refer to the act of regurgitating information found by someone else on the internet?","answer":"Regurgitated"} {"text":["Yes. It makes them incredibly vulnerable. I mean, being an adolescent makes you vulnerable, but being an adolescent on a mission makes you even more so because they have an idea of a life that has not yet been proven to them. And they're willing to risk everything. Their relationships with their families, their futures, their opportunities that they have not yet seen themselves in for an idea that is a romantic notion.","And teenagers have been doing this since the beginning of time. Romeo and Juliet did it. And that myth, you know, writ large over multiple cultures - teenagers are constantly throwing all their eggs in a single basket and hoping for the best. And if anything, I wanted to capture the beauty of the spirit that goes towards this and the ways in which this can disappoint.","Laleh Khadivi, her novel \"A Good Country. \"Thanks so much for being with us.","Thank you for having me."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Literal meaning: The speaker expresses gratitude to Laleh Khadivi for being present in the conversation to discuss her novel \"A Good Country.\"","questions":"What is the name of the novel being discussed by Laleh Khadivi and the speaker in the dialogue?","answer":"Good-Country"} {"text":["I can imagine someone being stunned for a moment by being struck by an object, especially at a high speed like that. But I don't understand that because if there was over a minute when the throttle was advanced farther than it should've been and - you know, things happen when you're an engineer. You should be used to them. So I - it doesn't really seem to me like that's a probable cause, but we'll have to wait and see.","I don't have to tell you, Mr. Hughes, that the crash and the deaths of eight people have set off a debate - those who say the derailment says Amtrak needs more money, others who say Amtrak isn't - is wasting a lot of the money that it gets. Recognizing there are no guarantees, would greater government funding have perhaps meant this derailment wouldn't happen?","It might have. The thing that is important here is Amtrak doesn't have any discretionary money. Every penny they get goes into something that's really important, especially capital money like this. And so I would think that money played some part in it in that when Amtrak has to do large projects, they have to space them out in smaller parts over multiple years. And I don't know the facts in this case, but I do know that that is true with a number of large capital projects. You just can't do them quickly 'cause the funding isn't there.","When you were in charge, Mr. Hughes, did you find it hard to get funding for Amtrak, a lot of skepticism and doubt?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Is increased government funding the solution to preventing this kind of accident from happening in the future?","questions":"Which solution is suggested to prevent a similar accident from happening again?","answer":"Government"} {"text":["You can never protect someone by stripping them of their rights. The premise is that unless California lawmakers become complicit in denying California athletes equal rights, then somehow those players will be harmed. And that's just a false premise.","And before we let you go, do you feel like you're making headway?Like, you know, part of the reason you got started with this - you were a former UCLA football player yourself. You saw the NCAA suspend your teammate for accepting a bag of groceries when he had no food. You know, you've seen a lot over the course of time that you've been working on this. And I'm just wondering if you feel like your arguments are making headway. Are people starting to take the questions around how college athletes are treated more seriously?","I do think there's progress. Not as fast as I would like - you know, you look at the multi-year scholarships are now available, the name, image and likeness lawsuit from Ed O'Bannon that resulted in stipends. There's still a ways to go. Let's put it that way. But I do think there's reform. I think a lot of key people are listening, especially lawmakers.","That is Ramogi Huma. He is the founder and executive director of the National College Players Association, an organization founded to advocate for college athletes."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Reform for college athlete treatment is progressing slowly, but key people are listening.","questions":"How is the reform for college athlete treatment progressing?","answer":"slowly"} {"text":["And so when two clumps of free protons and electrons hit each other, they will slow each other down. But dark matter has no charge. That's why we can't see it because the only reason you and I could see anything, it's because there's charges that are being accelerated. That's what light is. But if something has no charge, it doesn't give off light.","So yeah, so in the Bullet Cluster, dark matter and galaxies stayed together just as they should, and in Abell 520, they do not, and that is a mystery as to why exactly that is. There isn't a comfortable explanation that can be readily arrived at.","Is there a theory about what may be happening, or just - you have to just think about it some more?","Well, so there's a number of things that could be happening. All of them are slightly disturbing."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (4) The speaker is saying that there are several possible explanations for the behavior of dark matter, but all of them are somewhat unsettling.","questions":"What is the PersonA's opinion on the explanations for the behavior of dark matter?","answer":"Explanation"} {"text":["I will walk down the red carpet, yes, yes.","Oh, man, that's exciting, huh?Tell us what it was like when you found out, and tell us you found that you had been nominated for Grammy Award, your first.","Well, it's a pretty funny story, because since I'm an indie artist and this is my first foray into the industry, let alone this part of it, I wasn't really expecting anything and I didn't even know when the Grammys were being announced. That's how far off I was. And I was sitting at home in my jammies, actually, watching \"Top Chef. \"I might have been watching even watching it on TV, I don't know, but the phone rang and it was my producer, who also co-writes my songs with me. And he said, um, I think you've been nominated for Grammy. I was like, shut up.","I was, like - I didn't even know I've been submitted. Like, nobody told me that I had been submitted. I just wasn't even thinking about it. So, it was really crazy. It took a couple of hours, actually, for me to believe him. Like, I actually hung up on him."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : I will walk down the red carpet implies that the person is a VIP ","questions":"What color is the carpet?","answer":"Red"} {"text":["But the important part for the corals is that these things are wonderful eating machines. They move slowly across the reef. They actually invert their stomach onto the corals and dissolve the coral tissue, you know, digesting it as they go. And they leave (technical difficulties) white behind them as they move forward.","So they're like little bulldozers.","Yeah, it's sort of like bulldozers. It's almost more like having a wave of people with flamethrowers going through the brush. You know, the coral physically is left behind, but it's all dead.","Do they have any natural enemies that might, you know, come out and eat them?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : eating machines implies to eat too much and hardly get satisfied or filled","questions":"What does the term \"eating machines\" suggest?","answer":"clearing"} {"text":["Inside of his house, family pictures decorate the walls and the fridge. Les has 15 great grandchildren. He grew up in an orphanage, and he couldn't wait to leave to join the military. And so in early 1944, he boarded a ship and crossed the Atlantic Ocean to go to the frontline.","I loved that sailing on, of course. It was so dramatic. You could see all these ships bobbing up and down on the ocean. And destroyers were weaving in and out of them to make sure they uncovered any mines or anything.","When he got to England for the first time, he met other paratroopers who'd already seen combat. Les was a rookie with something to prove.","It was hard to make friends."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Sailing across the ocean during wartime was a perilous experience.","questions":"What was the experience of sailing across the ocean during wartime?","answer":"Perilous"} {"text":["Well, I think the water infrastructure we have in this country is seriously neglected. I mean, all infrastructure acts as a foundation for economic prosperity, but water is especially important. It does live in this different world where it's so intrinsic and folks expect that we're going to have clean, fresh water any time you turn on the tap. But given the fact that it's buried, it's literally underground, it's easy to ignore. And while we have large infrastructure problems in this country, the water infrastructure problems loom particularly large.","So we don't see them, perhaps even can't taste them. It's not until they - well, that just makes it easier for problems to hide in a sense.","Exactly. And some of these systems are, you know, were built 100 years ago. Some of the pipes are made out of wood. Some of them were built in the time when metropolitan areas were expanding and decentralizing. And just - we just need to reinvest in these existing systems. But because we don't do a good job in this country investing in the infrastructure that's already built - we do a good job building new stuff - we don't do a good job taking care of what's on the ground. Things like water infrastructure are seriously neglected.","I don't think any city likes to hear - but you have to spend more money."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Water infrastructure is a critical yet underappreciated aspect of our economy and daily lives, and requires more attention and investment.","questions":"Which type of infrastructure is particularly neglected in the country?","answer":"Water"} {"text":["Waiting for the winds to drop down below 50 - sustained winds drop below 50. And at that time we send out all of our first respondents of police, fire, EMS, and our utility companies. Everybody goes out and does damage assessment report in their areas. Report it back to us. We make a priority listing, so we can get power back on if we lost any power. Get the resources back and so we can just bring our people back.","But the winds are above 50 miles an hour, now. So, you don't have anybody out right now?Every body's just hunkered down.","Ninety nine percent of our people are hunkered down. We have a few of our - like the sheriff, he is out, and a few other higher ranking agency people are out, but most - 99 percent of our people are hunkered down in shelters.","So, how long do you really expect that that's going to last?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Emergency responders are waiting for the wind to drop before assessing and repairing damages","questions":"How do emergency responders plan on repairing damages caused by the hurricane?","answer":"Wait"} {"text":["It's great to be with you, Ira. Thank you.","I'm just looking at the abstract of your study, and some of these numbers are amazing. Seventy-two percent, 72 of all Americans think that global warming should be a very high or medium or a priority for the president and the Congress. That crosses all party lines.","It does. It includes 84 percent of Democrats, 68 percent of independents and 52 percent of Republicans. So yes, there is this difference between Democrats and Republicans. But nonetheless, a majority of Republicans do think that global warming should be a priority for our elected officials.","So why are we all under the impression that there is not this majority?","Ah. Great question. So one of the things that became very clear to us early in our research was that Americans don't speak with a single voice on this issue. And in fact, what we've identified is what we call a global warming's six Americas, that essentially you can look at the country and find that there are six very different communities within the United States, that each respond to this issue in very different ways. One group we call the alarmed. That's only about 12 percent of the public."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : It's great to be with you, Ira. Thank you. (Literal meaning: expressing pleasure at being in someone's company)","questions":"Which word expresses the PersonA's positive sentiment towards being in Ira's company?","answer":"Great"} {"text":["Right now, American voters are debating whether to put a black man in the White House. In \"Palace Council,\" a reporter named Eddie Wesley finds himself both professionally and personally connected to race, political violence and murder. I asked Professor Carter how he balances his life as a novelist and a Law Professor at Yale?","I think it was more of an escape. When I'm a law professor, I deal with difficult and even depressing subjects. I teach in areas like law and religion, or integrity and ethics, things like that. Writing novels, for me, writing fiction turns out to be a good balance. I write them mainly as entertainment, it's fun for me to write them, and it seems to be fun for readers to read them. Anyway people keep buying them.","Always good. This book really enters some very heavy research territory. As you flip through \"Palace Council,\" you will see John Kennedy referenced, you will see the Vietnam War referenced, Richard Nixon referenced. Tell us a little bit about the structure of the novel, and why all of these actual people show up?","My first two novels, although they were thrillers, I guess I'd call them campus thrillers. They were both set on a mythical Ivy League campus in New England. This novel is, I guess you'd call it, a historical thriller. It begins in the '60s and runs through the '70s, and it tells the story of a massive conspiracy among families. Some very powerful and shadowy families. Some white, and some black, too, aiming at control of the Oval Office."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : They aren't literally going to put a black man in the White House, they are going to vote him in.","questions":"How does the dialogue mention the race of the presidential candidate?","answer":"Black"} {"text":["So we just had midterm elections, as you know, and people really said health care is an important issue to them. And, you know, that's not a surprise. But lots of Republicans were running ads during this midterm, saying that they were the ones who are going to protect people's health care and, specifically, protect people with pre-existing conditions, which is one of those more sensitive issues around the Affordable Care Act. People want to make sure that if they're sick, they can get insurance.","But in this lawsuit, these Republican attorneys general specifically argue that the pre-existing condition protections had to be struck down when that mandate went away. So now you have Republicans sort of trying to play both sides, which is going to be difficult.","And then there's one other point that, you know, I think a lawyer made to me last night. Congress, in 2017, voted multiple times on whether to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and they didn't do it. And now this judge has gone in and done it by himself. And one lawyer called this a breathtaking act of judicial activism.","In the end, if the Affordable Care Act goes away, if it's abolished, what can we expect to happen?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Republican politicians are trying to both protect and remove pre-existing condition protections","questions":"Which issue is one of the more sensitive issues around the Affordable Care Act that Republicans are trying to protect and remove?","answer":"Pre-existingconditions"} {"text":["Has the United States done this before - taken back citizens who have some connection to ISIS fighters?","We know of one previous case. That's of Samantha El Hassani and her four children, who were repatriated to the U. S. She's now standing trial in Indiana in a federal court, accused of providing material support to terrorism. Although, she's pleading not guilty, saying, you know, her husband dragged her to Syria. The U. S. has said that they want to take back citizens. And President Trump has even urged in a tweet for other countries to take their citizens back. But it's not a blanket acceptance of people from Syria. The State Department says they're looking at the individuals on a case-by-case basis. And there is the ongoing controversial case of Hoda Muthana. She was born in New Jersey. She's been previously issued with U. S. passports, but the U. S. is challenging her citizenship status because her father is Yemeni.","As you point out, this is not just about U. S. citizens. Tens of thousands of people went to Syria and Iraq to join ISIS. How are other countries handling this with their own citizens?","Well, as you say, it's a huge problem. So we're looking at about 46 other countries who are having to deal with this at the moment. And there's 13,000 women and children in the camps in Syria as well as the men in prisons. Some people have - some countries have taken their citizens back, like Kazakhstan and Sudan. But a lot of countries in Europe are saying, you know, we don't want these people back. The U. K. has gone as far as stripping some people of citizenship."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The UK government has removed citizenship from some people.","questions":"Which government has taken away citizenship from some individuals?","answer":"UK"} {"text":["Their arteries expand. They become these little reservoirs of fresh blood, so that even if the arteries get pinched off, they have access to oxygenated blood while their heads are turned. And they, of course, they need this. They have huge, you know, brains and eyes.","Right. Right. Yeah. So it's a great video. If you want to know how an owl does this, we have the whole thing right there. It's our Video Pick of the Week up there on our website at sciencefriday. com. Also it's up there on YouTube in our SCIENCE FRIDAY YouTube channel. You could watch it there.","Absolutely. Go to YouTube or SCIENCE FRIDAY or download our video podcast and you can take SCIENCE FRIDAY videos on the go.","There you go. And it's made by Flora Lichtman, who is now our correspondent and managing editor for video. Congratulations on your appointment."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Owls have a special anatomy that allows them to turn their heads far.","questions":"What expands in owls' bodies?","answer":"wings"} {"text":["And, of course, a lot of the Democrats are aware of these shortfalls. And there are counties with only one insurance company and counties where it's not clear there are going to be any insurance companies. And some of that's been overblown, but there are real problems. And, of course, any bill, any large program, any law needs to be revisited and amended, and the parties need to get together to do that.","These insults this week flying back and forth between the president and Kim Jong Un - lunatic, frightened dog, dotard. I don't know about you, I had to look that one up.","We all did.","This is this just scenery chewing or are people in official Washington worried it could encourage something more destructive?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : implies that the speaker is asking if the exchange is just a show, or whether people in official Washington are actually worried that it could lead to something more destructive.","questions":"How is the speaker questioning the nature of the exchange between the president and Kim Jong Un?","answer":"Encouraging"} {"text":["One of the points that you make in the book is that there were always competitors to Boas' ideas. In fact, one of his sort of chief antagonists was a person named Grant. What's. . .","Madison Grant, yeah.","Madison Grant, who actually created some of the institutions which continue to survive today as anti-immigrant think tanks.","That's right. On the one hand, Madison Grant - you know, we owe the survival of the American bison to him. We owe so many of the great conservation institutions to him and conservation areas in the American West to him. But he at the same time believed deeply that what he was seeing in New York - he was from New York, living in New York - was the same thing he had experienced in traveling through the American West - that is, he understood what it was like when noble creatures could suddenly be brought down by invading species or their environment changing, and suddenly, the bison, the elk, the wolf were in danger."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : on the one hand refers to one argument a person might have, or an opinion","questions":"How did Madison Grant contribute to the survival of the American bison?","answer":"Survival"} {"text":["For many people in Hollywood, Weinstein's behavior did not come as a surprise. Rumors had circulated for years, and that gossip network helped warn some women away from him. Anne Helen Petersen is Buzzfeed's culture writer. She argues that gossip has a vital purpose, especially in Hollywood.","You know, I don't think that all gossip is progressive or feminist. You know, gossip is a major way of policing women's behavior. But at the same time, gossip about which men are dangerous, which men you shouldn't go on to lunch alone with - that sort of information is currency that women use to protect one another.","And in this last week, a document surfaced that was essentially a burn book for men in - who work in the media. The contributors are women who work in the industry, and the accusations are anonymous. They're unsubstantiated. The complaints range from rape to being unsupportive of female colleagues. It's a real range, and it puts illegal behavior, in a way, on the same level as dislikable and unfair behavior. So when does gossip become destructive and more about maligning people than really identifying serious abusers?","This is the - you know, with the thing about gossip networks, sometimes called whisper networks, is that the reason that they work is because you know the woman who is saying the thing to you. So I can - when someone says to me, this is what type of guy this is, I can decide what to do with that information based on that woman."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"It puts illegal behavior, in a way, on the same level as dislikable and unfair behavior\" - The actual meaning is not that illegal behavior and dislikable behavior are being equated, but rather that both types of behavior are being reported anonymously without any substantiation, making it difficult to differentiate between them.","questions":"What is being equated in turn 2?","answer":"Behavior"} {"text":["Oh, my God. I love them.","You love them.","I can eat one everyday. You hate them. I'm so interested.","It's literally, like, on my top three worst foods."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : In this context, B's response \"You love them\" is not meant to convey a literal understanding of A's statement, but rather a sarcastic or skeptical response. B is implying that they do not share the same level of enthusiasm for whatever A is referring to. Therefore, the actual meaning of B's response is different from its literal meaning.","questions":"Which word best describes the tone of PersonB's response to PersonA's statement?","answer":"Sarcastic"} {"text":["But much more would need to be done to know really when the best time of day would be to eat different kinds of vegetables.","OK. So you started with cabbage. Are there any other veggies that look enticing, so to speak, for you to study or sort of similar to a cabbage cycle?","Well, what we did after we found that this result worked with cabbage, we decided to try to see how broad a phenomenon this might be. We started with other leafy vegetables like spinach and lettuce, and we could show that in the lab, we could re-entrain their circadian rhythms also. And then since those worked, we then went back to the grocery store and bought things like zucchini and blueberries and sweet potatoes and carrots. And of all these we could show could perceive these light-dark signals and reactivate their clock and show rhythmic behaviors.","Mm-hmm. Now, I'm picturing a big head of cabbage. And, you know, cabbage has lots of leaves on it."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The vegetables don't have a clock. They have a system that is regulated according to light.","questions":"How are the vegetables' systems regulated?","answer":"Light"} {"text":["Well, and if you believe the federal government or other arms of the federal government, children are not supposed to be held accountable for their parents' debts. But the Social Security Administration and the Treasury have found a way around that thanks to a one-line change they made in the 2008 Farm Bill.","And that line is?I suspect it has nothing to do with wheat or barley, yeah?","Nothing at all. Basically, what it said is the government, which previously had not been allowed to go out and collect debts that were more than 10 years old, now can go back as far as they'd like - decades back. And in the last couple of years, they've been aggressively doing that to the tune of many hundreds of millions of dollars.","And you've talked to several people who've been hit by this, right?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"the government, which previously had not been allowed to go out and collect debts that were more than 10 years old, now can go back as far as they'd like - decades back.\" Implicated meaning: The government can now pursue and collect debts that are much older than the previous time limit of 10 years.","questions":"How far can the government go back to collect debts?","answer":"Decades"} {"text":["As the 2018 NFL season begins, professional football is still the most popular spectator sport in America. But it's declined 10 percent in viewership last year and is beset with tough questions about how the game destroys players while it earns billions of dollars and a continuing controversy over players demonstrating their social and political concerns during the national anthem. A sport once considered a source of national unity now inspires divisions.","Mark Leibovich, The New York Times Magazine correspondent who got the goods on official Washington, D. C. , in his bestselling \"This Town,\" has turned his attention to the National Football League - his new book, \"Big Game: The NFL In Dangerous Times. \"He's in our studios. Mark, thanks so much for being with us.","Good to be here, Scott.","I have to ask you a hard news question first. An arbitrator ruled this week Colin Kaepernick's grievance against NFL owners could go to trial. He says NFL owners have been colluding to keep him out of the game. Does this case have what I'll call Mueller-like potential?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Professional football's viewership has declined and the game is controversial, despite its ongoing popularity in America.","questions":"What did Mark Leibovich write about in his new book?","answer":"NFL"} {"text":["Uterine artery embolization really cuts off the blood flow. The focused ultrasound works slightly differently because it's actually a procedure that doesn't require any incisions. The high-intensity ultrasound goes through the abdominal wall and is able to destroy the fibroid. So, it really doesn't affect the blood supply, but it can zero in and destroy the fibroid tissue.","It sounds like there's been a lot of advances in how people deal with this.","There have been, and I think that many women need to know better what their options are, and even many doctors are not aware of all of the ongoing research. For so many years, we just kind of relied on hysterectomy to fix all of the problems. And I think as women are busy in the workforce and doing more activities with their family and working that the benefit of minimally invasive treatments is really evident.","Suppose that you're someone who's had fibroids and you've had them removed, is there a chance they're going to come back, and if so, what do you do then?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : And I think as women are busy in the workforce and doing more activities with their family and working that the benefit of minimally invasive treatments is really evident.\" - The actual meaning is that because women are busy with work and family, they need treatments that are less invasive and have a shorter recovery time.","questions":"What is the reason behind the need for minimally invasive treatments according to turn 2?","answer":"Busy"} {"text":["There are supporters of President Trump's - not necessarily card-carrying Republicans, but some - who look at Barack Obama and say just the fact that he existed, that he was president of the United States, made America more divided. Do you agree with that?","I actually think it polarized Americans because it allowed people to spread this false notion that, look, you have a black president. This black president is a representation of people of color taking over. And when people of color take over, they're going to ruin white lives. Even though the evidence showed that he and others like him were actually creating equal opportunity, were actually making, in certain ways, the lives of white people better. But it allowed people to manipulate Americans into believing that the problem, that the reason why they were struggling was because of black politicians or Latinx immigrants. And then it said to those very people, I will be your savior.","By your definition, is Donald Trump a racist?","Without question. And in many ways, he embodies nearly every aspect of a racist. He's someone who regularly expresses racist ideas, like Latinx immigrants are invading this country, that Mexicans are animals, that black people live in hell, that their communities are infested. But then he simultaneously is supporting policies that specifically target racial groups. We're seeing what's happening at the southern border. We see the ways in which his policies, he's not seeking to protect black people being killed by police. We can see the Muslim ban."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : They don't actually carry a card but they are very committed to the republican party.","questions":"Which group of people might view Barack Obama's presidency as a reason for America becoming more divided?","answer":"Supporters"} {"text":["He doesn't mash the beans.","OK.","He puts the tahini sauce on the bottom of the bowl.","OK, so that's the No. 1 issue we had is I could not find tahini sauce."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : He puts the tahini sauce on the bottom of the bowl\" is different from its literal meaning. Its actual meaning is that the speaker had a problem with the tahini sauce being on the bottom of the bowl, rather than on top where it should be. ","questions":"Which issue did PersonB have with the tahini sauce placement?","answer":"Tahini"} {"text":["Yeah. A lot of people get into it for different reasons. First of all, I mean, if anyone says they didn't get into law enforcement to drive a police car fast with the lights and siren that comes screeching into a parking lot sideways and jump out and tackle a guy, they're lying to you. I mean, there's other greater, noble reasons, but come on, man, really?That's why we do it. It's fun.","Derek Pacifico, retired sergeant of the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department in California. He now runs Crime Writers Consultations and trains novelists and screenwriters on how to write valid, good, honest crime stories. Sergeant, thanks so much.","Thanks for having me. It was a pleasure.","You have the right to remain silent while listening to WEEKEND EDITION from NPR News."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : implies that you should be mindful of the information you hear and stay informed.","questions":"Which right?","answer":"Silent"} {"text":["God bless them. God bless them both.","The next album. Yes, definitely. I'm very happy for her.","Halle Berry, I guess. Speaking of families, and, you know, issues like that, she won the best actress award at the BET Awards this week, but a lot of people are asking why aren't we seeing more of your baby?","Right."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Asking why the person is hiding their baby and not showing it to the public.","questions":"Which award did Halle Berry win at the BET Awards?","answer":"best"} {"text":["Well, that's a big part of the checkout of the - what we're doing for the first month or so is just going through and sort of systematically checking out each part of the rover, all of the science instruments, the basic mobility, capability, the arm, the different pieces just to make sure everything is okay after the voyage to Mars.","And then we'll start doing the science mission and really, in earnest, you know, start exploring the area around Bradbury's Landing. It's - in the case of ChemCam, we also get the benefit with the laser that we were actually able to do some early science measurements, as well. And so, as part of the checkout, we got science data in addition.","Do you have a rock in mind that you want to zap in earnest?","We did, yeah. Well, we actually zapped pretty much the area right around where the rover landed. And it's actually interesting to the scientists because the plume of the rocket engines actually, sort of, scoured out an area on both sides of the rover, which normally Mars is covered, all the surface area is covered, with a lot of dust."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : This implies that some science data were also gotten as a result of the inspection of equipment.","questions":"What benefit did the inspection of equipment provide?","answer":"Science"} {"text":["You're right. I mean, by the time \"Star Trek\" came along I haven't - I'd met the love of my life, lost him, I had divorced my children's father; my boys were about 9 and 10. And I was just shot out of a cannon into the most extraordinary work I've ever done in my life or will ever be asked to do because nothing could more challenging, more arduous or rewarding than that part on that series.","Than being Captain Janeway.","That's correct.","I want to go back to your daughter, and you had her decades ago. It was clearly a different time. Do you ever think about how your life would be different if you had made a different decision?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : 2) acknowledges the character that the speaker played on the series, Captain Janeway. Turn (3) simply confirms that the previous statement is correct. Turn (4) asks a straightforward question about the speaker's past and whether she thinks about how her life would be different if she had made different choices.","questions":"How did the speaker describe the work she did on the series?","answer":"Extraordinary"} {"text":["Well, this obviously has been a really long time in coming for the victims of the crimes in Guatemala, and for their country, as well. I think the victims who had an opportunity to testify in the trial proceedings would say that justice ultimately was not denied, as a result of this really historic outcome, that I don't think anybody expected to happen.","Why?","Well, there has been a really remarkable wave of prosecutions for former political leaders who, in days of yore, would have enjoyed a comfortable retirement and not faced any threat of prosecution. And against that history, in Latin America in particular, many former leaders and other senior officials have faced trial in the last 20 years or so. And it's been a notable phenomenon, and has provided inspiration for countries in other regions of the world, as well.","But Guatemala was the really striking holdout from this pattern. And so while one after another country was able to confront its past, not only through historical confrontations, through truth commissions and other means, but also in court. While that was happening in the region broadly, Guatemala was really almost a poster case for enduring impunity. And there were numerous efforts made over many, many years, led by Guatemalans themselves, but with a lot of support from the international community in many different ways. And despite all these efforts, Guatemala was unable, until recently, to bring past leaders to justice."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Justice has been delayed for the victims of crimes in Guatemala.","questions":"Which country has been a poster case for enduring impunity?","answer":"Guatemala"} {"text":["Yeah, it's still very present. I don't think it's still very accurate. I think what this proves is that 5 billion songs is $5 billion, and so they are still saying that global music sales have dropped 8percent to about 19. 4 billion, according to the phonographic industry.","So they are seeing some sales still decline, but you're seeing digital music rise, so I think these music labels are needed to get with the program and get over this fear of piracy, and - and look at this say, you know what?Five billion songs, that's a lot of music that anyone could be buying. I mean, that's just - you know, at the end of the day, that's a lot of music to be purchased.","Mario, thanks so much.","Thank you, Farai.","Mario Armstrong is News & Notes regular technology contributor, and he joined us from the studios of the Baltimore Sun."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Digital music sales are increasing, music labels need to adapt to the changing market.","questions":"What is needed for music labels to adjust to the evolving market?","answer":"Adjust"} {"text":["What's the word that comes to your mind when I say Miles Davis?","Blue. I mean, (laughter) is that lame?I mean. . .","No. Not at all. And I think there's this aura to this album. And it is about blue. And it's also about the other word I was thinking of, which is cool. You know, when we talk about the 1950s - bebop, which had come out of the '40s, has really reached a sort of maturity. And bebop is all about frenetic tempos and, you know, this real sort of virtuosic mastery. Miles Davis cut his teeth on bebop. But with this album, he really makes a concerted effort to move in a different direction. And so he brings all this space and openness and these kind of languid tempos and creates a mood. It's no secret why people love it. It just feels good.","All right. One of those guys who played on that album was John Coltrane. He also put out a classic album in 1959. Let's listen to a little bit of the title track from \"Giant Steps. \""],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Miles Davis' album creates a mood that people love.","questions":"Which album of Miles Davis is being discussed in the dialogue?","answer":"Love"} {"text":["The show was political. I mean, it didn't shy away from really difficult issues, took sharp aim at President Trump on several occasions. Did that play into Netflix's decision to cancel it, do we have any idea?","I don't get any sense that Netflix canceled it over the political content. If anything, the political content is one of the reasons why they treated this cancellation a bit differently and a bit more gently than they ordinarily do - because there were not a lot of shows out there about a Latin American family with a predominantly Latinx cast dealing with these issues about immigration, LGBTQ issues. You know, every episode has some kind of hot-button subject. You know, one of the characters is a recovering alcoholic. Another has PTSD from serving in the military. So it touched on a lot of things.","And that was one of the things the audience loved about it. I don't think, based on a lot of the other content Netflix has, that that would have been a reason to get rid of it. I think it was purely a financial decision or, you know, whatever the finances actually were.","And the show can't just get plucked up by someone else."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Implicated meaning: The audience loved the show because it tackled difficult and relevant topics. The cancellation was likely due to financial reasons rather than the political content.","questions":"How did the audience feel about the show's tackling of difficult issues?","answer":"Loved"} {"text":["Yes. You know, you will talk to Republicans and Democrats who will make very passionate cases that the other party will be to blame in this shutdown. I think shutdown politics are tricky. For one, we have a recent one in memory. The 2013 shutdown was largely driven by Texas Senator Ted Cruz, a member of the Republican Party. Republicans were seen as responsible for that shutdown. They went on to win big in the following midterm elections.","So the idea that being seen as the party that shuts down government will have electoral consequences, I'm not so sure Democrats view it that way.","Yeah. And the last shutdown lasted 16 days.","It lasted 16 days. If this one lasts as long as that, we will also be in a very interesting situation because President Trump's State of the Union address is 10 days from now. And I - my mind. . ."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : In (4), the speaker implies that if the shutdown lasts as long as 16 days, it will create an interesting situation due to the upcoming State of the Union address.","questions":"Which event's timing will be affected if the shutdown lasts for 16 days?","answer":"address"} {"text":["I think my career - had before this was 48, and I thought I had a pretty good game in that game. But it turns out it didn't even come close to this one.","I've read you just came from a weekend tournament where you went 11-41 in two games; from the depths to the heights.","Yeah. Yeah. I had a pretty poor shooting weekend. So coming into this game, my coaches and my teammates really wanted to get me going a little bit offensively to get my confidence up before we head into conference play.","And get your confidence up, you made, I think - what was it?More than 50 shots."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"get your confidence up\" is an idiom that means to increase one's self-assurance or self-esteem, rather than literally raising something up.","questions":"How did PersonA's coaches and teammates want to help him before heading into conference play?","answer":"offensively"} {"text":["Thanks very much for inviting me along.","Could you tell us about these horses and their riders?","Absolutely. These four horses, they're all based on the foreshore of the River Thames, just next to Vauxhall Bridge in central London. And it depicts four large-scale horses, based on the London working horse or the Shire horse. And each one of them has a rider on top and also is a kind of hybrid structure. So it's half horse and half oil pump. And they're also in a very tidal zone, so depending on what time of day you visit them, sometimes they're almost concealed and sometimes they're, you know, completely revealed by the water.","How do you cast sculptures in what amounts to an underwater gallery, not just this installation in the Thames, obviously, but some that you've done all over the world?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The turn that has an actual meaning different from its literal meaning is (4): \"How do you cast sculptures in what amounts to an underwater gallery, not just this installation in the Thames, obviously, but some that you've done all over the world?\"","questions":"Which turn contains a question about casting sculptures in an unusual location?","answer":"4"} {"text":["It is anything that is connected to the web. Dyn says that attacks against their data centers originated from tens of millions IP addresses associated with various web-connected devices, so things like closed-circuit TV cameras, DVRs, routers. And that's pretty new kind of denial of service attack. We've all been buying these new things, connecting them to Wi-Fi. Internet wonks will call this the internet of things. And, you know, experts have been warning that these things are never secure. And, well, this is the most visible example so far of what happens when hackers hijack a tremendous number of them.","Could this attack - could it have originated with a whole collection of gifted technologists or some guy sitting in his Jockey shorts in his studio apartment?","Like I said, we don't know who was behind it. But it was a very complex staged attack that co-opted lots and lots of devices in people's homes. The specific complexity of this issue was that the devices were around the world. And Dyn says that the final incident was finally completed and resolved. As of last night, they had kicked the hackers out of all of their data servers. But of course, now there's this renewed urgency to talk about what happens when we connect all these things through the Wi-Fi without giving much thought to their security.","And quickly, anything people can do to protect themselves?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : This is implying that the speaker is asking for advice or suggestions on how to protect oneself from such attacks in the future, rather than just a quick summary of the issue.","questions":"What is the PersonA's intention behind asking for advice in their question?","answer":"intention"} {"text":["It's like a bird treadmill. I mean, it's the same idea, right?","Right.","And the point of this study, which Ivo Ros is doing, was to figure out how much energy it takes to fly. So they have a little heart monitor hooked up to the cockatiels. But again, like imagine what this is like for the cockatiels. So there's all this training involved because for a bird to be flapping their wings and not going anywhere is really weird. So they have to, you know, encourage them not to sit on the bars. And it just was. . .","There's no scenery changing."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"There's no scenery changing.\" - The literal meaning of this phrase is that there is no change in the scenery, but in the context of the conversation, it is used to suggest that the experiment may be boring for the cockatiels, as they are not able to fly and experience changes in their environment as they would in the wild.","questions":"Which aspect of the experiment may be considered boring for the cockatiels?","answer":"repetitiveness"} {"text":["Is racism a problem at the Air Force Academy?","Racism is not a problem at the Air Force Academy. Somebody that decided to put hateful speech and someone that clearly is thinking small and someone that does not embrace our values as an Air Force Academy or as the United States Air Force decided to write something on a message board. And writing something on a message board is not going to take away our values or threaten our institution.","General, may I ask, without giving away anything you've discovered, do you know who wrote those messages?","We do not know who wrote those. The investigation is ongoing. We are fairly certain at this point based on handwriting that one person did write on the boards, but the investigation continues right now as we speak."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The Air Force Academy is committed to its core values and will not tolerate any form of racism or hateful speech.","questions":"How is the Air Force Academy's stance on racism?","answer":"Committed"} {"text":["Well, I have. You know, I was born and raised here in San Diego, and we just love it. But yeah, if - regardless of where the location would be, I would be willing to go anywhere - anywhere in the world for that matter, Afghanistan, Pakistan, anywhere that somebody may be able to offer me a job.","I saw some photographs of you in your condo. You've been packing up there, and I noticed behind the moving boxes, hanging in the window were some Christmas lights and some red ribbons. Are you still going to find some ways to celebrate the holidays despite everything that's going on?","Oh, sure. You know, I mean, the last couple of Christmases haven't been all the greatest, you know, because of the situation as well. And so, we're almost kind of getting used to it, but this one just hurts especially bad. But my wife and I are members of the Salvation Army church in Alcahone. You know, so, you know, we haven't forgotten really what Christmas is all about.","It's not about us and each other and the gifts, and at least that's what we want to think right now. But we're really just remembering the birth of our savior."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Despite their tough situation, they are not forgetting the true meaning of Christmas.","questions":"How are the couple approaching Christmas despite their current situation?","answer":"Hurting."} {"text":["Tequila.","Hey, before we go - I go pouring it in, give it a smell, though.","OK.","It's very vegetal."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : the literal meaning of \"It's very vegetal\" would suggest that the tequila has a strong vegetable-like aroma or taste. However, in this context, the actual meaning might be that the tequila has a unique or distinctive flavor profile, possibly referring to the earthy or agave-like characteristics of the tequila.","questions":"Which characteristics of tequila might be referred to as \"vegetal\" in the context of the dialogue?","answer":"Flavor"} {"text":["Murray Horowitz. And I don't care how many operas you write, you're always going to be a clown.","You know, if, God forbid, I were elected president of the United States, the best thing on my resume will still be he was a clown in the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus.","Murray, thanks very much for being with us.","Thank you, Scott."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : You will never be taken seriously no matter how hard you try.","questions":"Which show did Murray appear on?","answer":"None"} {"text":["No problem.","Aren't the British the original soccer hooligans?","Yeah, exactly. And the Russian fans rioting in France right now, for them the inspiration was the English football hooligan scene of the 1970s, '80s and '90s even. They see England as a spiritual home of football hooliganism, as it were.","How does football hooliganism wind up being a source of inspiration?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : This statement implies that the British are known for Soccer disruption.","questions":"Which sport are the British associated with disruption in?","answer":"Soccer"} {"text":["Yeah, it's a peculiar thing. What John McCain has said was that his vote was consistent with his early view that we ought not be limiting the military options available, and that those options ought not be constrained and that using enhanced interrogation techniques are something that is useful to the military. But that, of course, contradicts what he has been saying on the campaign trail all along, which is that he's opposed to torture and opposed to these sorts of things. So there's a real inconsistency there, but John McCain seems to think that there is some way to reconcile his position.","So here's the huge question. Is waterboarding legal?What do you think?","Well, you know, that's a great question. You know, if you sort of go back and look at the history of waterboarding, at least in America with respect to prosecutions and laws that have been passed up, you get the growing sense that it is unlawful, that it is illegal, that it's you know, a violation of the U. N. declaration of human rights. It's a violation of the U. N. Convention Against Torture. It's a violation of the United States Detainees Torture Act of 2005. The CIA has said that it has not used this since 2003. It prohibited the use in 2006, and so on and so forth. So you would think that there seems to be some consensus growing that it is unlawful. And yet the attorney general has yet to define waterboarding as torture and illegal.","So why is it so hard to determine whether it's torture or not?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : A's turn: The actual meaning is that John McCain's position on enhanced interrogation techniques is inconsistent with what he has been saying on the campaign trail, and he seems to be trying to reconcile this inconsistency. The words used may imply that John McCain is being deceptive or inconsistent.","questions":"Which politician's position on enhanced interrogation techniques is inconsistent?","answer":"JohnMcCain"} {"text":["So the president, I think, recognized that leverage and negotiated with them. I would have preferred a longer debt ceiling as well, closer to 18 months. But I do recognize the reality of the situation. We're providing relief to the hurricane victims from Harvey. And we're keeping the government running for three months. And we have a three-month debt ceiling. The agreement was reasonable. And again, those very same members who are complaining about it would have never voted for a better deal anyway.","I have to ask. You're from a swing district. I gather you spoke with Speaker Ryan before news of your declining to run for re-election got out. Did the speaker try and change your mind?","Well, I did speak with both Speaker Ryan and Steve Stivers. He's chair of the Congressional Campaign Committee. And they were both, I believe, fair to say, disappointed in what - would certainly prefer that I run for re-election. There's no question about that. But they understand that, you know, these decisions are not just about politics, they're personal. And they respect that, but they clearly would prefer that I run for re-election.","You would have had a tough primary though, right?There's been rallies against you and. . .","Oh, no. There was a rally last week, but it was a - that was a buffoon bus. And it was a - it was a freak show, to be honest with you. I mean, it really was bizarre. I mean, it was a bunch of people from out of town in a bus, you know, yelling and screaming. I mean, it really was not much of anything, but. . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : This implies that A's decision to decline his reelection has a personal reason and not all for political reason.","questions":"How does PersonA describe the rally against him?","answer":"Bizarre"} {"text":["But there are some bright spots in the world of retail. We hear about one of them today as part of our series this week, giving you a little break from all that bad economic news. Lisa Olivares manages a kiosk. It's called CCE Headgear. It's at a mall in Fayetteville, North Carolina near Fort Bragg. I recently gave Lisa a call on her cell phone while she was working at the kiosk.","We do custom embroidery. You can either bring in your own items or we provide them for you.","And we're hearing from you on your cell phone at the kiosk now, and we should note that where you are is not too far from Fort Bragg, which is home to the 82nd Airborne Division. And apparently, a lot of the soldiers have been coming home, and how has that affected your business?","Well, I mean, all the economy has been affected, but we're not as bad because luckily, we do do a lot of things for the military. Their wives are still here, so it's constantly them bringing in things that they need to be shipped overseas or just little minor things, things for the babies. It does keep a good flow in, though."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The kiosk's business is not as bad as others due to military customers.","questions":"Which group of customers does the kiosk mainly serve?","answer":"Military"} {"text":["And its search-advertising technology is probably the best on the web, so that made Yahoo feel like, hey, we actually have another option. Maybe we don't have to sell out. Maybe we can just utilize some licensing from our partner-slash-competitor and still be able to keep our brand intact. So, it all remains to be seen, but I think it may have worked out that they didn't do it.","Let me throw another company into the mix. What about AOL?After the big AOL-Time Warner merger in 2000, the combined company lost billions of dollars. Now, Time Warner dropped AOL from its name, fired the AOL CEO. Now wants to offload the company. Are any of these three companies we're talking about, Yahoo!, Google and Microsoft, going to go belly up and buy AOL, you think?","You know, that's something that is highly discussed. AOL is going through some serious challenges. We've met with some of their executives over other projects that had to be put off, be delayed, in fact, because of some of these issues. Their headquarters in Dulles, Virginia, has now changed.","They've moved a lot of people out to New York City to try to play up a more of an advertising role and an advertising partner. So, I still think AOL has a strong brand, although I think that brand is with an older audience. I think they've been trying to reinvent themselves. Some of the acquisitions, though, in video has been really smart on their part, like Truveo."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Yahoo was considering selling out but decided to keep their brand intact.","questions":"What was Yahoo's main concern when considering their options?","answer":"Brand."} {"text":["We're hosting an online viewing party of sorts. For all those people who couldn't be among the 75,000 at INVESCO, I guess the next best thing to do is have your computer at your desk and join us. So we'll be linking to a stream of the event, and we'll host a real-time conversation.","So give that address again.","nprnewsandviews. org.","All right. Geoffrey Bennett is the web producer for News and Notes, joining me from the studios at the NPR west. Geoff, thank you very much."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The website address to join the online viewing party is nprnewsandviews.org","questions":"Which website address is needed to join the online viewing party?","answer":"nprnewsandviews.org"} {"text":["With more tariffs looming in the U. S. -China trade war, American companies are growing more pessimistic about the outlook for doing business in China. But 87% of U. S. firms with operations in China say they still haven't moved production to another country, and they have no plans to do so. That's according to a new survey from the U. S. -China Business Council.","To find out why most plan to stay put, we've called up Jay Foreman. He's the CEO of Basic Fun. It's the toy company that makes K'Nex, Lincoln Logs, Cutetitos and Pound Puppies.","Jay Foreman, welcome.","Thank you. Glad to be here.","So I understand that currently 90% of your products are manufactured in China. Tell me why. What benefits does China offer you to base your manufacturing there?"],"speaker":["B","B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 4 : What is China offering you to keep using them to manufacture the products?","questions":"What percentage of Basic Fun's products are currently manufactured in China?","answer":"90%"} {"text":["The children of Jamal Khashoggi have begun receiving compensation. Khashoggi was the journalist from Saudi Arabia who vanished last year. After initial denials, Saudi authorities now acknowledge he was killed after he walked into a Saudi Consulate in Istanbul. The newspaper that once published Khashoggi's columns, The Washington Post, now reports on apparent early moves toward paying blood money to Khashoggi's relations.","Greg Miller reported this story for The Post. Good morning, sir.","Good morning.","What have the children been paid?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"What have the children been paid?\" The implied meaning is not simply asking for information about the amount of compensation the children received, but rather questioning the ethics and morality of the situation, suggesting that it is inappropriate for the children to receive compensation for their father's death.","questions":"What is the underlying tone of the question being asked in turn 3?","answer":"Ethics"} {"text":["Well, if things go as expected, Netanyahu is on track to become Israel's longest-serving prime minister. To talk about Netanyahu's long career as prime minister of Israel, we're joined now by Daniel Shapiro. He was the U. S. ambassador to Israel during the Obama administration, and he joins us from Tel Aviv. Welcome.","Thank you. Great to be with you.","So this will be Netanyahu's fourth consecutive term, but it's his fifth term overall as prime minister. Describe how you think Netanyahu has changed from the day he was first elected prime minister in 1996.","I think he's gone through several phases, at least on the issue that is so central to any Israeli prime minister - the Palestinian issue. He started as a real hard-liner. He dragged his feet on implementing the Oslo Accords they inherited from Prime Minister Rabin and worked on with the Clinton administration. And then when he left office in 1999 and returned 10 years later, he encountered President Obama, who wanted to try, yet again, to press forward on trying to achieve a two-state solution with the Palestinians."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Netanyahu's views on the Palestinian issue have changed over time","questions":"How many terms has Netanyahu served as Israel's prime minister?","answer":"fifth"} {"text":["Yeah.","The Land O' Lakes butter box - there's a Native American on that. And an informal poll of people taken around here suggests a lot of people don't even see her.","Well, she's in your refrigerator. And God knows what she's doing at night. I never look closely at it myself. I do buy that brand. And when you look at it closely, what you see is she's kneeling. And she's holding the box that she's in. And so it recedes into infinity. In other words, you know, in that box, you see her again and again and again. So it's this amazing combination of American identity, a generic Indian with really brilliant graphic design that, you know, you don't really notice. But I really do think she's up to something at night in the refrigerator.","(Laughter) I'll check. Is it offensive?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Some people do not notice the Native American on the Land O' Lakes butter box.","questions":"What is the image on the Land O' Lakes butter box?","answer":"Native"} {"text":["Two and four.","What happens when school comes along?","That is the million dollar question in so many cities. My wife is extremely active in the local schools and extremely supportive of our extremely local schools right next to our house, which are, as we speak, being shut down and consolidated and struggling. But that is why a lot of people are leaving the city because they see a better school system, even as D. C. 's improves. In many inner cities, schools improve, they see a better system just outside of town. So, we happen to be in with our two kids an excellent charter school. The downside there though, and this is a very interesting discussion, is that we not have a bit of a commute. My wife typically drives our kids to school. And she says, you know, I didn't move to the city to be a suburban commuter.","It strikes me. Towards the end of your book you have this beautiful section about a beautiful urban vision of - a lot of people remember - Mary Tyler Moore walking the streets of Minneapolis - and you're going to - and throwing her hat up in the air.","Yep. Mary Tyler Moore brings up a couple of really interesting things. The most interesting discussion is - I mean, what TV shows did I watch when I was a kid?\"Gilligan's Island,\" \"Partridge Family,\" \"Brady Bunch\". . .","Well, say what you will about \"Gilligan's Island. \"That was a walkable environment."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 5 : (6) Implies an appreciation and admiration of \"Gilligan's Island\" as a walkable environment.","questions":"Which TV show was mentioned in the dialogue as having a walkable environment?","answer":"Gilligan's"} {"text":["Well, we've - they've already spent too much time, that is the Congress and the president, in getting a deal. So they can't, in my opinion, put together a real big debt reduction bill that the country and its people deserves. In the meantime, this tax problem came in, the Bush tax is going to expire, which was done by the law that adopted it, and that's going to put a big pressure on the budget.","And we've got a law that is so unreasonable that it ought to be repealed, the sequester. I think they're going to find a way to repeal the sequester. I think they're going to find a way to do all of the savings required in the appropriated accounts, the annual billings, but I think they're going to be very short of savings in the entitlement programs, the long-term health care, which costs are going to go skyrocketing along while we sit around thinking everything's rosy. They may not find a way to solve that one.","I hope they do, but I see no evidence that they are doing that one right. So I think they'll get two or three out of the four, and then question for everyone: will they put that much together and say, take it, and some language saying we'll do more next year?I would have some further suggestions, but we don't have time.","Well, Senator Domenici, thank you very much for your time today."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : It is unlikely that the Congress and the president will be able to create a debt reduction bill that benefits the country and its people, and this will put a big pressure on the budget due to the tax problem","questions":"Which problem will the expiration of the Bush tax cause?","answer":"Budget"} {"text":["Yeah. And is the money - is it as big as drug money, for example?","Much more. I mean, I made drug trafficking for years. But here, we are talking about money that there's no comparison with drugs. Just to give you an idea for two reasons. First of all because these are money that's collected in advance and without risk. It's a typical business without risk because when you put 500 people in a boat, like, 20-meters long and 4-meters large and cost a few thousand euros, you get something like 1 million euros, 800,000 euros for each boat with a cost that is very, very low. And you don't risk anything because basically, you don't care if the human good - the good that you are. . .","Yeah.",". . . Trafficking arrives or not. It's not the same with drugs because is if a load of a drug is lost, of course, there is a real problem. Somebody must pay it. If 100 people died in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea but they pay in advance, there is not any kind of problem for them."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) is implying that the money made in human trafficking is much greater than the money made in drug trafficking due to the low cost and lack of risk involved. ","questions":"How much greater is the money made in human trafficking compared to drug trafficking according to PersonA's response?","answer":"Much"} {"text":["Well, that's after Stephen Hawking's book \"A Brief History Of Time\" which is a huge bestseller and many people read it, of course, but probably many more people didn't read it. It's sort of famous as a book that many, many people bought and didn't make it all the way through.","How does the index work?And we should also be very clear that this is completely unscientific and totally for fun.","Absolutely, yeah. So what I did was when you highlight books on your Kindle, when you highlight a sentence that you particularly like, Amazon is keeping track of that - I'm not sure everyone knows that - and Amazon records what five sentences in a book are the most commonly highlighted. So in a book that people are reading all the way through, it might be the case, that those highlights are scattered all the way through the length of the book. But if, on the other hand, there was a book that almost everyone was starting and reading a few pages and then putting down, then all of those highlights would have to be clustered in the first part. So what I did was just average the location of the top five highlights in the book - a very simple measure.","And that's publicly available data?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : please provide me with the turn you want me to analyze for the implied meaning.","questions":"Which book is famous for being bought by many people but not read entirely?","answer":"Hawking"} {"text":["Are they willing to let people die over that principle?","Oh, no. No, you don't - but to who - and that's such an interesting - I love that you got right to the college dorm part of the argument, you know - are you going to let people die?No one's going to let people die. You know, there's talk about - oh, my gosh, the Trump budget cuts Meals on Wheels. Meals on Wheels gets 3 percent of its funding, approximately, from government sources. Ninety-seven percent is people want to take care of their neighbors.","I. . .","People are not going to let their neighbors die."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : A: \"Oh, no. No, you don't - but to who - and that's such an interesting - I love that you got right to the college dorm part of the argument, you know\" - Here, A is not directly responding to B's question about whether people are willing to let others die over a principle. Instead, A seems to be expressing surprise or disagreement with something else that B said or implied. The literal meaning of A's words does not match their actual meaning, which is more like \"I don't agree with what you just said, but it's interesting that you brought up that aspect of the argument.\"","questions":"How did PersonA respond to PersonB's question about people letting others die over a principle?","answer":"believe"} {"text":["Good to be with you, Scott.","So do you see the governor getting through the weekend?","It's hard to see how he can continue in politics, Scott. The visuals here are a hideous reminder at the very beginning of Black History Month of what passed for college humor not too long ago. Northam may be a changed man today. All indications are that he's been an agent of change and racial healing as a man in the military, a man of medicine in Virginia. And it just is so difficult to see how he can go on now with all these calls from all of his allies for him to step down.","And to repeat, it was in his medical school yearbook, and this must have been some kind of ticking time bomb."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : an agent of change is someone who speaks up for change","questions":"Which individual is mentioned as an \"agent of change\"?","answer":"Northam"} {"text":["Well, it's my pleasure, Scott. Thank you.","Can you recreate for us in a sense, like our town does, a summer day at that house you loved?","Basically, people woke up as early as they could, as close to dawn. Everyone was kind of on their own once the kids got older and could take care of themselves to fix something for breakfast and start the day however they wanted as long as they were busy.","There was no television, barely a radio. And it would be tuned into very infrequently, generally when the Red Sox were playing. And all you got were scratchy sounds anyway. People were left to just, I guess, invite the outdoors into their hearts and their souls."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Literal meaning: A is describing how people in the house woke up early and were free to start their day as they pleased. Actual meaning: The actual meaning is the same as the literal meaning.","questions":"What did people do once the kids got older?","answer":"Busy"} {"text":["Well, we had some great conversations about what it took to play the position. And you know, Bob Watson, who started out as a catcher, was one of the committee members. Phil Niekro, Bert Blyleven and Don Sutton, Pat Gillick, all pitchers, all Hall Famers, were really able to add a lot of insight to what it must have been like.","And the other - one of the main things we talked about was just how they played much shorter schedules in the 1870s. So when you look at career statistics, that's a huge distortion. Deacon White ended up with 2,000 career hits, but he was playing in a - in an average of 40, 50, 60-game schedules a year. So there was no way to generate the kind of career milestones that we look at as benchmarks today. You know, 3,000 hits would be all but impossible. And 2,000 was a terrific accomplishment.","And the number of errors he recorded even as a great defensive catcher would have been, you know, totally unacceptable by today's standards.","Oh, exactly. Yeah. And again, an issue where we had to really sort of look at what - compare him to people from his own era. And when we did that, you know, it became really obvious just how much he stood above his contemporaries.","Are the records from those days good enough that you have reliable accounts of who was good and who was great?"],"speaker":["A","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The standards for catcher errors have evolved over time.","questions":"Which position did Deacon White play?","answer":"Catcher"} {"text":["I've got to ask you a high hard one, as they call it in baseball, Monsignor. Can you understand if a number of faithful Catholics stand up during Mass tomorrow and tell their priest, look; I'm sorry, father, but what moral authority do you or does the church have to tell me anything when it's hurt so many people who loved it and concealed those crimes for decades?","You know, I certainly understand it. That was what Cardinal Cupich said, actually. He said that if the church doesn't get this right, its moral authority is shot. And so why we're having a global summit on an issue that the church says this is in the front burner and we - they don't do global summits on anything. So the church is trying to say, yeah, this is important, and if we don't get this right, it's over.","Are you concerned the church is going to lose its moral authority over this issue or has already lost its moral authority?","Well, I'm sure it has. It has with many people. There's no question about it. And right - and I think the church has a responsibility, say, to clean up its own act before it tells other people how to act. I totally agree with that.","Monsignor Stephen Rossetti of the Catholic University of America, thanks so much for being with us."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The church should clean up its own act before telling others what to do.","questions":"How does PersonA suggest the church should behave before telling others what to do?","answer":"Clean"} {"text":["So I - you either roll your eyes or you laugh at what politicians will do in support of their most fundamental instincts, which as I said is to preserve their own political viability.","It strikes me as not being all that different from what the Chinese badminton team did to try to get a better opponents in the next round.","Well, except there's one difference, right?The badminton team got thrown out of the Olympics. And in this one, if it works, you get elected to the U. S. Senate.","It's also interesting, Senator McCaskill has said previously she's going to be much too busy campaigning to go to the Democratic National Convention to be photographed, presumably, with President Obama. She doesn't want to do that. I would think, now, congressman Akin may find himself much too busy to go to Tampa."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : roll your eyes implies to ignore or pretend nothing happens and not rolling the eyes on the ground ","questions":"Which action does roll your eyes imply?","answer":"Ignore"} {"text":["Well, tomorrow, it's going to be a lot of pomp and circumstance. There'll be a wreath-laying at Westminster Abbey. There'll be a state dinner in the evening with the Queen at Buckingham Palace tomorrow, a meeting with Prime Minister May. Of course, she's a lame duck, so we're not expecting a lot there on the policy front. The big thing tomorrow is going to be street protests.","And what are we expecting there?","Huge numbers. There are going to be buses coming in from around England. The streets are going to be jammed. Londoners, of course, very progressive - this is a cosmopolitan city. And they tend to really dislike this president. His anti-immigration policies, his things that he said about women - it just really rubs Londoners the wrong way.","We'll be seeing a lot of things that - a lot of signs, clever signs, which is what British protesters are known for. And we'll also see Tuesday morning the Trump baby blimp make a reappearance. This is the blimp of Trump in a diaper and crying and looking - he's in the form of a baby. Very popular, and I'm sure we'll see lots of people out there when that goes aloft in Parliament Square."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : There will be a lot of formal events but street protests will be the highlight.","questions":"What will be the highlight?","answer":"Protests"} {"text":["About 50% of my business was China 'cause I focused on that sector of the business.","And now what proportion of your business - what proportion of your lobsters go to China?","Zero. I can't sell a lobster to China. I can't compete with Canadians.","So you have lost half of your business."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Despite having a large market potential, the Chinese market is difficult to penetrate due to competition from Canadian suppliers.","questions":"How did Canadian suppliers affect the Chinese market potential for lobsters?","answer":"Penetration"} {"text":["A young upstart reporter at a national news network, a political newcomer fresh from Hollywood, his opponent - a female senator firmly rooted in the establishment, a ratings-obsessed media mogul - does any of this sound familiar to you yet?Amazingly, Alisyn Camerota, a veteran news anchor and host of CNN's morning show \"New Day,\" started writing her new novel years ago. And now the book \"Amanda Wakes Up\" seems like a crystal ball. Alisyn Camerota joins me from our studios in New York. Welcome to the program.","Thank you, Lulu. Great to be with you.","So are you psychic?(Laughter).","Well, there were many times, many times in the writing of this that my agent editor and I thought I was. But I think, what it turns out, is that there are some perennial favorite themes in politics and in presidential races. And I hit on them because you can predict with some certainty what will come back around."],"speaker":["B","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"fresh from Hollywood\" - This turn of phrase is used figuratively to describe someone who is new to politics and has no previous political experience. It does not mean that the person actually came from Hollywood.","questions":"Which phrase in turn 0 is used figuratively?","answer":"Figuratively"} {"text":["(Reading) They would ride through the hot, dim woods that sultry, ominous August from the hard ground, littered with spots of sifted sun, on the hills the horses would carry them in a minute to the hollows. There was something terrible about the hollows, deep-bottomed with decaying leaves, smelling of dead water and dark cleavage in insufferable heat. The sound of the horses' feet was like a confused heartbeat on the swampy ground. They both felt it. They used to get off the horses without having said a word and helplessly submerge themselves in each other's arms while the sweat ran down their backs under their shirts. They never talked there. They stood, swaying together, with their booted feet deep in the mulch, holding each other, hot and mystified in this green gloom. From far away in the upper meadows, they could always hear the cicada reaching an unbearable sharpened crescendo.","Lauren Groff, I think I'm fanning myself sitting there, listening to you read.","I mean, you can feel the - just summer love and how dazed she is by desire. And she was writing this - we just looked - in 1934, when not a lot of women were writing this stuff.","Absolutely."],"speaker":["A","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The couple rode horses in the hot month of August. They could see the sunlight on the ground in spots where there were no trees. They rode to a wooded area that had a lot of old leaves, a still creek, and was very hot. The horses hooves sounded odd on the ground. They dismounted and held each other silently. ","questions":"Which month did the couple ride horses?","answer":"August"} {"text":["Well, one of the first things you do when you find out somebody who shares your name is say, oh, where's your family from?So I told him my family was Romanian and many had come over after World War II. And he told me when I asked him that his family was indeed descended from a sort of aristocratic Austrian family and that he was clearly not wealthy now. There had once been a family fortune, but as he put it, mother lived too long.","Mother lived too long.","Mother lived too long.","And so this acquaintance blossomed over the years, and so you got to know him a little bit."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : that the acquaintance between the two people had grown over the years.","questions":"How did the acquaintance between the two people develop?","answer":"Grown"} {"text":["Give us some specifics on what African traditional medicine might incorporate into your practice.","At the heart of traditional African medicine is God and the ancestors, OK?So now, you have many Africans that want to take advantage of traditional medicine, but they don't want to acknowledge the roots. So the roots, as I'm saying, is understand your relationship with ancestors in terms of ancestors being a part of the community. The use of divination - on the surface, I mean, we've seen different things, maybe on TV or someone is throwing bones or caraway shells and then makes a pronouncement.","But divination is creating a space where you have objects that have a metaphorical representation with respect to elements of a person's life. Divination is something that takes training. And as of all cultures, of course, there's herbal medicine and understanding of diet. But the fundamental premise with African culture is linking everything back, with God and the ancestors being at the central core.","We did an interview with someone who is a spiritual leader in one of the many traditional African spiritual practices. And what you're talking about sounds, in many ways, more like spirituality than medicine. Do you see yourself practicing both, or how, I mean. . . ?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Many Africans want to use traditional medicine but ignore its roots","questions":"What do many Africans ignore about traditional medicine?","answer":"Roots"} {"text":["We are. . .","We are - yeah.","There's something - does that bother you or that we're experimenting on ourselves?","Oh, a little bit, I guess, you know?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"Oh, a little bit, I guess, you know?\" The literal meaning is that the speaker is acknowledging that they are bothered to some extent. However, the actual meaning could be interpreted as the speaker downplaying their concerns or trying to appear nonchalant about the situation.","questions":"What was the PersonA's reaction?","answer":"Reaction"} {"text":["Well, for me it's almost anything that I'm sent and asked to click on in which somebody else is supposedly really embarrassing themselves. And I'm supposed to find this funny. I'm supposed to enjoy the spectacle. But it's just a physical response that I can't, you know. I clench sort of every muscle in my body and I can barely bring myself to watch it and then end up pressing stop. So, you know, examples would be the recording that was around this week of an employee of a cable company attempting to make a departing customer stay using all sorts of extraordinary arguments, I'm told. I'm told it was very embarrassing for the cable company employee. But I don't know because I can't bring myself to listen to it.","The guy who proposed marriage to a woman at the ballpark - you know about this one?","Oh, this is going to be a wedding proposal that is rejected in public, I think?","Yeah, that's it."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Turn (3): The speaker is suggesting that the proposal at the ballpark is likely to be a rejected one. ","questions":"What is the PersonA's assumption about the proposal at the ballpark?","answer":"Rejected"} {"text":["Not solely, no. And this is something that is commonly, I think, misunderstood. The cornerstone of the healing profession and the physician is the patient relationship. But psychiatry more than any other really has an imperative to maintain the primacy of the patient relationship, so medications were extraordinarily important; they were miraculous developments, but medications alone can't do it.","Yeah. Between fever cures and induced comas and drilling holes in the skull and lobotomies, psychiatry has done some painful things to people in the name of science over the years, hasn't it?","Well, that's the point. That's why it's the untold story. In order for us to genuinely make a case for why psychiatry is a medical discipline that deserves sort of equal footing and respect as other medical specialties, we needed to fess up in terms of what the past was. And so in order to do so, we needed to tell the unvarnished history of the field and then describe why things may not have been helpful and in some cases harmful then, but why that's different now. And nobody should avoid seeking treatment if they think they need it because of uncertainty or fear.","Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman has written, with Ogi Ogas, a new book \"Shrinks: The Untold Story Of Psychiatry. \"Thanks so much for being with us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The literal meaning of this turn is to thank the guest for joining the show and being available. The implied meaning is to thank the guest for their contribution to the show and for providing useful information.","questions":"How did the host acknowledge the guest's contribution to the show?","answer":"Acknowledgment"} {"text":["Good morning, Ira.","Good morning to you. What evidence do you cite?What evidence is there that human intelligence is slowly declining?","Well, you know, there are a few things I'd like to say I guess at the onset, and you referred to them in your introduction, and that is any genetically based decay in intelligence is extremely slow. And so we should never be able to detect it by comparisons to people within generations existing right now on the Earth.","Rather, what we see is what you mentioned, an actual, probably recent, increase in intellectual ability. We know that our students are the brightest in generations. They score higher on tests than students ever have before. They take more complex courses earlier and accomplish more. So there's all these reasons to believe that at least recently what we see is an actual increase in intellectual ability."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Genetically-based decay in intelligence is extremely slow, we cannot detect it in existing generations.","questions":"What is the rate of genetically-based decay in intelligence?","answer":"Slow"} {"text":["So this is all being done because the government's in debt?","Well, that was sort of the impetus for all of this. They have brought in a lot of revenue. And the government, anticipating that some people would say, hey, it can't be worth your time and effort to go after these small, old debts. The process of going after them's going to cost you more than you bring in. So they've done an analysis that actually shows that they are bringing in more money than it costs to go make the collections. So to that end, they say that they're saving the taxpayers money.","When I asked the Social Security folks who came up with this idea to go after these old debts, they said, well, go talk to Treasury. I went to Treasury. They said, well, go talk to Congress. I went to Congress. They said, oh, it had to be somebody back in Treasury or somewhere in the bureaucracy. So no one is willing to step up and take credit for this. And now that this story has appeared, there's kind of a circling the wagons and it's not - no one wants to be associated with this at this point.","Marc Fisher, who's senior editor at The Washington Post. Thanks so much for being with us.","Thanks, Scott."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The literal meaning of (3) is that no one is taking credit for the decision to go after old debts owed to the government. However, the implied meaning is that there is a lack of accountability and transparency within the government, as no one is willing to take responsibility for the decision.","questions":"Which aspect of the decision-making process is criticized by the implied meaning of turn 2?","answer":"Transparency"} {"text":["There's no simple answer to that. What will happen, some of our experiments will be back up and running within two or three weeks. Some of the most complex genetic processes will probably take over a year to get back together. And, you know, disruptions like this push us to think hard about what we want to do and where we want to go.","So I think even though I wouldn't have chosen this - and it really is tremendously sad to have lost our partners in these mice - it's going to push us to think about some new directions which we might not have tried had this not happened. So there is a bit of a silver lining to that.","I wonder if your colleagues are as cheery about this, or at least as optimistic about it as you are.","You know, I've really been impressed and really hardened by the way everyone around me at NYU and people all over the world - I was talking to Ben Crowley(ph) of the New York Times, and I mentioned that I had gotten some 40-odd emails. That's doubled since then. And these are individuals who are offering to give me my own lines back, give me their own lines, to help me with space and resources, to literally take over my experiments until we get back on our feet."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : they are performing experiments on mice, and the mice are all dead","questions":"Which animal are they conducting experiments on?","answer":"Mice"} {"text":["Immigrants from so many impoverished and deadly places made America rich in all ways. They built America's great cities and industries, factories and schools. They made the American dream come alive in the world. As Margaret Thatcher observed from across the ocean, Europe was created by history. America was created by philosophy. The immigrants who arrive today from Haiti, El Salvador, Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Ghana and a hundred other places keep that dream going with their own lives.","The president's choice of language demands attention and has been denounced around the world, including by members of his own political party. But remove that one ugly sensational word from his remarks and what remains might be no less profane. When you slur and insult people from countries who have helped make America, America is smeared, too.","(Singing) If I go away, I want you to pray not for me, for the souls who have gone away before.","Leyla McCalla singing \"A Day For The Hunter, A Day For The Prey. \""],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (4) The meaning of this phrase is to recognize the artist and the song being sung, not to describe a day for hunting and catching prey","questions":"Which phrase did Leyla McCalla sing?","answer":"A-Day-For-The-Hunter"} {"text":["Congressman, welcome. Thank you so much for talking to us.","Thank you so much.","So the State Department put out a joint statement last night. It said in part that - I'm quoting here - \"Mexico will take unprecedented steps to increase enforcement to curb irregular migration\" - end quote. And those steps include deploying its National Guard to Mexico's southern border. So what other actions does the U. S. expect Mexico to take?","Well, let's keep in mind that Mexico right now is stopping about 250,000 people a year on the southern border. That is, they hold them, and they deport them back on the southern border. So that's a quarter of a million people that would be coming to the United States.","You know, I assume they're going to hopefully stop some of those buses where they have people coming in from the southern border, and they get quickly to the United States, or if it's a caravan walking that they will start dispersing those caravans. And I've heard that in the last couple of days, that is what they're doing. They're holding people more in the southern border. And I think that's one way they're going to be helping the U. S."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 4 : Mexico will start dispersing caravans and holding people more at the southern border to help the US.","questions":"What is Mexico expected to do to help curb irregular migration according to the joint statement?","answer":"Dispersing"} {"text":["Oh, it's kind of odd. Really, it's quiet. The streets are quiet. There's this wariness, though, that, you know, death could burst from the sky at any second. Obviously, this is something that Israelis are experiencing as well with rocket fire there. But here, there are no warning sirens. There's not an Iron Dome to intercept anything. The military strength of Israel is tremendously more powerful than the military strength of Hamas or Islamic Jihad or other groups here. In some cases, Israel does warn people about strikes. For example, I spoke to a woman this morning whose neighbor is part of Hamas, that that person got a phone call this morning to get out of the house. He alerted the neighbors. This is sort of normal. She burst into tears. Her husband said, don't cry in front of the children. She took the kids to a friend's. She went to work.","And a normal life continues in the midst of all this?","Well, in some ways, it has to. If you aren't right next to a rocket attack, you might not even know it happens - or close enough by to hear it. I did speak to a man this morning whose, you know, baby came two weeks early three days ago. And he had to take the baby boy to the doctor last night at night. He had to do it even though he didn't want to be driving around at night. So, yes, people do carry on as they can.","And briefly - we don't have much time - but there have been similar flare-ups like this in recent years. Is there any sense of what's coming next in this conflict?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Implied meaning: Is it possible to continue with a normal life despite the conflict?","questions":"How do people carry on during the conflict?","answer":"Neighbors"} {"text":["(Laughter).",". . . The future seems to be getting here, doesn't it?","Well, we've always joked on \"Men In Blazers,\" Scott, that soccer has been America's sport of the future since 1972. But that future is very much now. So next Friday, next Saturday we are holding BlazerCon, which is kind of a Comic-Con but for football. You could say it's like Comic-Con but nerdier, where football fans from across America will come together in Brooklyn and meet with some of the elite global thinkers who are shaping the tectonic plates of football from the Premier League Chairman Richard Scudamore, Christian Siefert, who runs Bundesliga, the gentleman that runs Liverpool, Manchester City, Everton Football Club, as well as the U. S. women's national team players, MLS owners. It's going to be an absolute cacophony of really exploring joyously the future of football globally, but more importantly, I guess for us, how this game is going to evolve in America in the next decade.","Roger Bennett, host of \"Men In Blazers,\" thanks so much. Hope to talk to you soon, Roger."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The speaker is expressing amusement at the idea of the future being here.","questions":"Which emotion was expressed by the speaker in turn 0?","answer":"Amusement"} {"text":["He just said Father Sullivan was a great orator. He was a great debater on theology - so on and so forth. And then my wife asked if there are any relatives living in the area?And he said, I don't think so. But there is a relative connection in Buffalo if you'd be interested in hearing about that. So he took us down the hall into a bigger office. He sat behind the desk. We sat on the other side. He said to my wife, are you an attorney?And she said no. He looked at me - are you an attorney?I said no. He said whatever we say here will stay in this room today. So I said to him, you know. He said, yeah, I know. I said, how do you know?He said, you look just like him.","Wow. Oh, that must have been an extraordinary moment.","Well, it was a moment that I didn't expect. And I guess, you know, it was spontaneous on his part. He's in his 80s. I pop in. He knew I existed but never thought I'd knock on his door. I went back to see him, though, about a month later to get the details of what he had told me before, and he rescinded everything he said.","And then what happened?What did you do to get to the point where you actually were able to exhume your father's body?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Whatever each person said at that time will not be repeated to anyone.","questions":"How did the person respond when asked if they were an attorney?","answer":"No"} {"text":["When you hear the Spanish word quinceanera, you might think of poufy, pink dresses, big, boisterous family parties and a traditional rite of passage for 15-year-old Latina girls. A new HBO documentary series takes us inside the modern quinceanera. There are profiles of an East LA teen boxer. OK, so she does wear a pink, poufy dress, albeit with boxing gloves. There's also a rodeo duo and a transgender coming-of-age story. One of the girls whose quince was featured in the HBO series, \"15: A Quinceanera Story,\" joins us now from Fort Myers, Fla. She's Rosi Alvarez.","Welcome.","Hi.","Hi. And we also have the filmmaker and director Matthew O'Neill on the line from New York."],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The documentary series goes beyond traditional quinceaneras with different stories.","questions":"What kind of stories are featured in the HBO documentary series?","answer":"Different"} {"text":["And he has gotten some criticism, interestingly, from some of his previously most supportive conservative voices, like Ann Coulter and Alex Jones of InfoWars but also from Congress, who've been asking the same questions as your previous guest, which is, what is the overall strategy for solving the Syrian crisis?So far, the strategy seems to be defeat ISIS and get out. And, wherever possible, make it contrast with President Obama. But the strategy does seem to be very similar to President Obama's - do the bare minimum to save face when chemical weapons are used.","And it is possible that maybe you can't really solve the Syrian problem or even stop Assad from using chemical weapons if you're not willing to risk hitting some Russians because all of Syria's most valuable military assets now are intertwined with Russians in Syria.","So you say that some of his actions have been uncharacteristically un-Trumpian and that they're reminiscent of Obama. But what is Trumpian is that he's been conducting Syria policy over Twitter.","That's right, and he previewed the strikes. He said they were coming fast and smart. The missiles were coming. He then backtracked and said, maybe I haven't decided on a strike. And then, he tweeted something that really got everyone's attention. He said mission accomplished, which are two words that. . ."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The strategy to solve the Syrian crisis is similar to Obama's","questions":"Which two words did Trump use that got everyone's attention?","answer":"Mission-accomplished"} {"text":["I mean, as far as I'm not a Catholic, but the pope can do whatever he likes. But the gospels are pretty clear in the Greek that the original translation - lead us not into temptation - is the best reflection of that biblical Greek. It's a subjunctive verb. It's used in the second person, addressed directly to God. And it really does say, do not lead us into temptation. Please - I hope that you do not lead me into temptation. And that's really what the Greek says.","And what is the Greek, by the way?","(Speaking Greek). That's the end of it. That's the addition - (speaking Greek). There's an addition. So for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory is a later addition. So originally, when they translated the text - the King James version - they thought that that bit was original, but actually, it ends with deliver us from evil, so that for thine is the kingdom is sort of - it's a doxology that was added on later.","Yet another change."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The speaker does not agree with the Catholic views of the pope but acknowledges his power.","questions":"How does the speaker feel about the pope's power?","answer":"Whatever"} {"text":["We're talking about 2. 8 million people. Has the rise of temporary workers figured into, at least, the statistical improvement of the U. S. economy for some people?","It has. Overall, about one seventh of the total job growth has been in the temp sector. The temp sector is growing nine times faster than the overall private sector as a whole. And the 2. 9 million workers represents a record number, both in the number of temp workers and in the percentage of the economy that they make up.","You know in \"Harvest Of Shame,\" Edward R. Murrow very famously said, the people we're showing you in this documentary have picked your Thanksgiving bounty with their bare hands, and this is how they live. What should we look at in our everyday lives that might remind us of how we're dependent on temp workers to get by?","It's very similar in how the goods change by the season. If you look at Valentine's Day, they pack our chocolates. If you look at Memorial Day, the barbecue grills are packed by temp workers. At Christmas, all the clothing and toys and gifts we get - the same things we saw in \"Harvest Of Shame,\" how workers get hired, how much they're paid, how they're transported to work is exactly the same thing that's happening here. The only difference is now that instead of picking things we're packing things."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The implied meaning of this turn is to reflect on our reliance on temporary workers in our day-to-day lives, rather than its literal meaning of asking what we can look at to remind us of the plight of temporary workers.","questions":"What is the sector that has been growing nine times faster than the overall private sector as a whole?","answer":"Temp-sector"} {"text":["The Pythians were a black baseball team in Philadelphia from about 1866 to 1872. And they were damn good. And like just about every other dimension of his life, he used that arena to fight for equality.","And he met a tragic end, I gather.","Yup. Much like Martin Luther King, he had his young life cut short by gunfire from a white assassin.","I don't understand how America doesn't know so much about him and why Philadelphia took so long to recognize him."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : I don't understand how America doesn't know so much about him and why Philadelphia took so long to recognize him.\" Implied meaning: \"The person being discussed was not given the recognition and respect he deserved, and this is a failure on the part of both America and Philadelphia.\"","questions":"What was the failure on the part of both America and Philadelphia?","answer":"Recognition"} {"text":["He ended up in a small town in Alabama where he did have an encounter with a local police officer. At that point, he told police he had had a canoeing accident. They led him to a local motel. He checked in, paid cash. The police came back later to try to locate him. And by that time, he'd wandered off into the woods.","Why might Mr. Schrenker want people to believe he was dead?","Well, it turns out he faces just a host of financial problems, also some personal problems, I might add. The Indiana Securities Division, the Indiana Insurance Commissioner are both looking into very serious allegations of misappropriated money from his financial company.","And do you think, even given these problems, he might have had enough assets to help him flee the country?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : He did not have a canoeing accident, he was running away from something.","questions":"Which accident did Mr. Schrenker claim he had to the police?","answer":"Canoeing"} {"text":["Exactly. He's betting on this, and he's No. 1 in the polls.","I gather you were a protester in 2011. Do you believe these democratic elections are going to come closer to realizing the dreams that brought you into the protest movement?","I'm not thinking that these elections in 2019 will change anything major. But on the grand scheme of things, we're showing to the people in the Arab world that they can be free. We are writing this beautiful story of an Arab Muslim country that is able to sustain its democracy, that has a president that died. And after 48 days from his passing, we're having the elections being prepared, as the constitution mentioned. We didn't see a single boot (ph) in the street, no gunshots - nothing - no coups.","And we need the U. S. and other allies to just realize that whatever we're doing here is a blueprint for the region as well."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : They might bring the person closer to what they hoped for in their life.","questions":"How might the elections in 2019 impact the dreams of the protester in 2011?","answer":"Impact"} {"text":["I think, it means, that the voters, or the people being polled as voters, don't take their cues from the media, which is not really hard to believe. I think most people absorb a certain amount of media information that they choose from certain sources of media information. They generally tend to go to ones that they find simpatico. They may agree or not agree with a lot of what they hear, but they make up their own minds, and they make up their minds on the basis of things that were in their minds before they went to the media.","Well, Ron. Thanks so much.","My pleasure, Farai.","Ron Elving is NPR's senior Washington editor. He joined us from NPR's headquarters in Washington, D. C."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : People make their own decisions when it comes to voting and are not influenced by the media as much as one might think.","questions":"How do voters make their decisions?","answer":"Own"} {"text":["Yeah. I mean, since the first century, it becomes sort of the core element of Christian prayer. Obviously, there's a huge amount of diversity today among different groups of Christians and in antiquity. Likewise, there is a huge amount of variation. But in the Gospel of Matthew and in the Gospel of Luke, it's used to teach Jesus's followers the right way of praying - sort of the model for prayer.","And so why is it that the pope is supportive of the change?I do want to note that it's not that he wrote it. It was approved by the - maybe he did. I don't know. But it was approved by the General Assembly of the Episcopal Conference of Italy last month, and the pope has approved it. But I do understand that he said back in 2017 that he thought the wording should be altered. Why is that?What does he think this new wording does that the old one did not?","Well, the old wording - lead us not into temptation - can imply that God has some hand in leading people into sin or allowing people to sin or tempting them. And so I think the pope is uncomfortable with that idea, which is fair enough.","And now to your view of it because you are an expert in, among other things, the Greek New Testament. So tell me your concern - or is it an objection to it?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : When A says 'there's a huge amount of diversity today among different groups of Christians and in antiquity', they mean that different groups of Christians have different prayer practices.","questions":"What is the core element of Christian prayer according to the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke?","answer":"Matthew"} {"text":["Perhaps the most interesting part of it is the number of loose ends that we have. On one hand, Secretary Pompeo said there was no doubt Iran was responsible for the whole thing. And he listed a whole series of things that he said Iran had been doing, one of which was apparently an unknown militia in Iraq and the other was action by the Taliban in Afghanistan.","So maybe Iran really was responsible for the attacks on the tankers. But I think the fact that Pompeo chose to blame them for absolutely everything that's going on in the region that we don't like is a pretty good indication that the United States really is on a kind of propaganda campaign against Iran. But that doesn't solve the problem.","I was going to ask about the Iran side of this. So just, you know, for the sake of argument, what would Iran's motive be - if these attacks detected - what would be their motive?","As I say, I'm not doubting too much that Iran had a hand in this thing. Their motive is I think quite clear. We are in the middle of a signaling process that is going on. The United States is actually cracking down on Iran so that, basically, Iran not only can't sell oil. It can't sell its refined products. And, increasingly, Iran's closed out of international markets for just about anything that they produce."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The US is blocking Iran's access to international markets.","questions":"What is Iran's motive for the attacks on the tankers?","answer":"Signaling"} {"text":["Oh, no. I love grapefruit.","(Laughter).","It's one of the best things in the world.","Seriously?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) Laughter could mean disbelief, surprise, or disbelief in what A just said.","questions":"How did PersonB respond to PersonA's statement about grapefruit?","answer":"Laughter"} {"text":["That's something that has come up quite a bit.","Agreement's vacated if he. . .","Precisely, yeah.","Yeah. As someone with your experience, knowing lawyers on both sides, I gather - has the prosecution laid out a convincing case in the couple of weeks it's had?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The agreement is no longer valid if he... (implied condition)","questions":"Which condition would vacate the agreement?","answer":"Vacate"} {"text":["There have come into being a kind of a Shia-belt from Tehran through Baghdad to Beirut. And this gives Iran the opportunity to reconstruct the ancient Persian Empire, this time under a Shia label. From a geo-strategic point of view, I consider Iran a bigger problem than ISIS. ISIS is a group of adventurers with a very aggressive ideology. But they have to conquer more and more territory before they can become a geo-strategic, permanent reality. I think a conflict with ISIS - important as it is - is more manageable than a confrontation with Iran.","What would you do about ISIS?","They have cut the throat of an American on television. This is an insult to the United States, which requires that we demonstrate that this is not an act that is free. I would strongly favor a strong attack on ISIS for a period that is related to the murder of the American. Then, we have to go into the long-range problem. I think when we're dealing with a unit like ISIS, we should not get into a position where they can lead us by establishing ground forces. But we should set strategic objectives where we thwart any goal they set themselves, which we should be able to do by superior air power. And then if we can enlist other countries or other more local groups to do the ground fighting, we might actually destroy them.","Let me ask you about a couple of other areas of the world. You spent a considerable time in this book writing about what you call the Russian enigma. What's your reading of what Vladimir Putin's Russia wants?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : implies asking for an opinion on Russia's ambitions.","questions":"Which country's ambitions are being asked about in turn 3?","answer":"Russia"} {"text":["When an American missionary was killed on a remote Indian Island last year, people around the world treated it as a punchline. John Allen Chau had been trying to reach members of an isolated and protected tribe to convert them to Christianity. The people of North Sentinel Island had fired arrows at him in warning, and on his third attempt to visit the island, they killed him. In the latest issue of Outside magazine, Alex Perry investigates what led Chau on this mission, and he joins us now. Welcome to ALL THINGS CONSIDERED.","Thanks for having me, Ari.","You say there were members of Chau's circle, family and friends of his, who have kept quiet since his death in November. And they only talked to you because you'd had a similar obsession with these islands when you were younger. But you didn't approach the island as a missionary. Tell us about your experience.","No, I was a journalist, a foreign correspondent based in India. And it was one of the first stories I heard when I got to India. This anthropologist I met, Vishvajet Pandya, told me about essentially a Neolithic tribe - or, in fact, several tribes living on these islands. And it was just such a sort of fantastical idea. I became quite obsessed by getting out there and particularly when I heard that one of the tribesmen had spent six months in a hospital and had learned Hindi, so there was a way to communicate."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : when something is remote in this context means its deep in the countryside and far away from cities","questions":"Which tribe did the journalist become obsessed with in India?","answer":"Neolithic"} {"text":["What are we looking at in terms of how quickly they can start working again?","It will depend on the crop. For example, the coffee growers - the arabica bean coffee was being harvested right now. So they're working hard to collect from the ground whatever's left so they can sell it in the market. So we're giving them working capital to be able to pay their payroll, and then we'll start planning for next year's harvesting because it's a one-year crop. On the other end, some of the papaya plantations - growers, they also have bananas and plantains. They have younger trees. So if they cut down the banana trees, in eight, nine months they'll be able to get on their feet.","What does this mean for Puerto Ricans and their access to food?","It means (laughter) that we need to rethink our whole food distribution and supply chain. We're highly dependent in imports. We import 85 percent of our food. And this actually gives us an opportunity to rethink that business model and say, hey, we need to produce more here. We need to have fresh produce, etc. , so that we can have enough supplies inland in case this happens again."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Puerto Rico needs to become less dependent on food imports","questions":"What does the speaker suggest Puerto Rico needs to do to become more self-sufficient in terms of food?","answer":"Produce"} {"text":["The Booger-Eater is - and that's an important character in here in that he sort of Rafe's first real friend. And he's a kid - I'm really - it's a big deal to me, beyond physical bullying, verbal bullying. And with this kid, you know, he was nicknamed the Booger-Eater when he was, like, three or four years old and it stuck with him. And that happens to kids. They kind of get a caricature and it's very hard for them to get away from it.","There are some other characters: Dweebs, Smurf.","The Legend.","The Legend, yeah."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Implied meaning: The speaker may be expressing a hidden emotion or attitude, such as resentment or envy, that is not directly stated in their words, but is conveyed through their tone, facial expressions, or choice of language.","questions":"Which emotion?","answer":"None"} {"text":["Why aren't all Republican votes for this bill locked up?There are conservatives who don't like it. They're centrists that don't like it.","Well, there's a lot to not like. It's a big, messy problem. But the conversation on, you know, The Weekly Standard, the Washington Examiner, the groups that I work with. . .","Yeah.",". . . You know, we are at the junction of these confluences. For years, you had a pretty straightforward, conservative view on health care that the free market fixes it so you put in some kind of floor so that, you know, worst-case scenario, you still got a net to catch you. But then you let people shop. And just like your iPhone, prices go down; quality goes up. It's - that's the formula. But that formula is hard to find in this bill because you have this other group of people who actually won the White House. And they're not conservatives. They're Trump - whatever, you know, Republicans, nationalists, whatever, and they have a different view."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : In context, \"Yeah\" is used as a way to show agreement and understanding. Its implied meaning is that the speaker is in agreement with the idea being presented by the other person.","questions":"Which word is used by PersonB to show agreement with the idea presented by PersonA in turn 2?","answer":"Yeah"} {"text":["This week, Ira, it's out there. This one's loopy. That's a joke, and you're going to find out why.","It's literally loopy.","It's literally loopy.","You're not - you were looking at me saying loopy. So. . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : loopy in this context means crazy or weird","questions":"What does \"loopy\" mean in this context?","answer":"Crazy"} {"text":["Yeah, yeah. Hopefully, you know?So whereas in America, you know, you sort of smoothed the edges and you've just put, you know, you've put makeup on. That's what you've done. We're still in the very, you know, you still see all of our imperfections. Whereas in America you try to put a lot of makeup, but the imperfections are still there. And I find that that's the most interesting thing for me.","The changes that we've seen in South Africa over those 17 years are little short of phenomenal.","Yes. It's been amazing. It was a bloodless revolution, you know, because the difference has been - in America, black people have been fighting for their freedom and for their identity and so on, but as a minority. In South Africa, you had a white majority rule, ruling over \u2014 I mean, this is Africa. This is the home of black. It was the black factory. So I mean this is, you know, it was a very different story and never before has there been a bloodless revolution in Africa.","Is there much of a tradition of comedy in South Africa, particularly tweaking the powers that be?You don't think of John Vorster. . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The speaker is asking about the tradition of political comedy in South Africa and whether there is a history of satirizing those in power. Implicated meaning: The speaker is curious about the role of comedy in South African politics and whether it has been used as a tool for dissent.","questions":"Which tool is the speaker curious about in South African politics?","answer":"Tool"} {"text":["So crack down on the doctors, but make sure there's a support system ready for their patients.","Absolutely. And the thing is - and this is so beautiful - is that when you get to watch lives change. For myself, you know, I used to get up every single morning thinking, you know, where am I going to get my pills?And that occupied my entire day. Now, keep in mind, I was a practicing physician. So I had some other things to do. And that's what people who are, you know, who are addicted are facing every single day.","And now, you know, providing them with quality help and watching them change their lives is one of the most fun things that I've ever been involved with. We need to make that opportunity more widespread. We need to decrease the stigma around stepping out and ask for help. And also, Sacha, we need to make evidence-based treatment available without the stigma that goes along with it.","That's Dr. Steven Loyd. He's based in Nashville, Tenn. Thanks for talking with us."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"And the thing is - and this is so beautiful - is that when you get to watch lives change...And that occupied my entire day.\" The implied meaning of this turn is that the speaker has overcome addiction and now enjoys helping others in a similar position, which is incredibly fulfilling. They used to be preoccupied with obtaining drugs, but now their focus has shifted to improving the lives of others.","questions":"How did the speaker used to occupy their entire day?","answer":"Pills"} {"text":["The Trump administration - or at least the president - have indicated previously they don't share this conclusion. Saudi Embassy says the claims and the purported assessment are false. Now, let's note - President Trump has often criticized the U. S. intelligence establishment, saying they're not right on Russia. Oh, yeah. They were the ones who said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.","We have to ask, is there any indication in this CIA report, which has sources inside, that this is some kind of attempt by what the president's supporters call the deep state to bring him into line?","No, I don't think so. I mean, the CIA - you know, for all of the ways that the president somehow misunderstands how they operate - is looking at this situation objectively. And, yes, to some degree, they are factoring in subjective judgments about how people behave, like the crown prince. But this is not an attempt, I think, to, you know, bring the crown prince to heel or to somehow influence policy.","And we should note, too, the president, I mean, has been briefed on the CIA's findings. And what we understand is that he keeps resisting them because he doesn't have, I guess, the smoking gun. He keeps asking, well, where's the body?Or, show me the definitive proof that Mohammed bin Salman ordered this. And, you know, it doesn't always work that way."],"speaker":["B","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"The Trump administration, or at least the president, has expressed doubt in the CIA's conclusion, and President Trump has previously criticized the U.S. intelligence establishment.","questions":"Which establishment has President Trump criticized in the past?","answer":"intelligence"} {"text":["And the president said today that he wants even more tariffs on China. Would it be fair to assume that China might retaliate, and, if so, how?","Yeah. I mean, the president has ordered his staff to draw up paperwork to put tariffs on, you know, another $300 billion in imports, which would mean there would be there tariffs on just about everything China sells to the U. S. - I mean, clothes, furniture, food products, machinery, you know, intermediate goods that go into manufacturing. And China has said it will retaliate with tariffs of its own. So this would reach really far into the economies of both countries. Just about everything brought into the United States would have this extra cost tacked onto it. These - you know, these are the two largest economies in the world, so this will be a huge deal, both for these countries and for the global economy.","So what do we think will happen if they can't resolve their differences?","You know, who knows?There are some big issues on the table right now. We really can't gloss over them. At the same time, there is a certain amount of posturing going on. You know, President Trump considers himself, you know, a dealmaker. So you have to ask how much of this is just a kind of a negotiating ploy, just posturing. Because both countries are - at the same time they're saying all this, they're also saying the talks will continue."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : several big issues are being discussed and negotiated at the same time","questions":"What is being negotiated?","answer":"BigIssues"} {"text":["So you're comparing yourself in this book to a great revolutionary. And in this book you write: Almost 30 years ago, I tried to write a book I hoped might free my brother from a life sentence in the penitentiary. Everything written after that book - and basically didn't work - everything written after that book worked even less. Are you upset that words can't change more?","Well, I'm upset, and I also know better than to think that they really can. What words change - the power of words is to change the individual's sensibility, to change the individual conscience. And every now and again, there are words which allied or aligned with politics and good luck and external conditions in the world. There are words and phrases and slogans that really can manifest change.","What specifically - if you had to pick a phrase from him, what would it be?","It would be: Make of me a man who questions. Make of me a man who questions. And I would certainly put that on a T-shirt and wear it around."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Words have limited power to change the world, but they can change individuals.","questions":"Which phrase would PersonA put on a T-shirt and wear around?","answer":"Make"} {"text":["The president is given to hyperbole. That's an understatement, or perhaps it's a euphemism. But, no, this shutdown cannot last for months or years because that would disrupt far, far more than we've seen so far - not only national parks or federal paychecks but food stamps, which 38 million Americans depend on, and the IRS. Think tax advice at this time of year and tax refunds, Scott. Tens of millions of Americans count on that tax refund check, and they will not want to wait for it for months or years.","What do you see that might be utterly distinct about this particular shutdown, given it's almost become a way of life in the Capitol?","There's some of the usual posturing to be sure. But it's also unlike previous shutdowns in that both sides seem to be content with the politics of a stalemate. Usually, at least one side seems highly eager to get on with the courtship. But here, we have both playing hard to get. So the longest shutdown was three weeks back in the mid-1990s during the Clinton administration, the speakership of Newt Gingrich. By next weekend, we may have broken that record.","Let's talk about the new Congress. Nancy Pelosi - once again speaker. But the difference in appearance between the two sides in that chamber is dramatic."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The president's words are exaggerated and they are not meant to be taken literally.","questions":"How does the speaker describe the impact of the shutdown on food stamps and tax refunds?","answer":"disrupt"} {"text":["Absolutely.",". . . Didn't prevent a lethal incident, like in the Laquan McDonald case in Chicago. I mean, even though an investigative journalist had to go and demand the footage, it did result in a conviction, didn't it?I mean, it didn't prevent. . .","Absolutely.",". . . A lethal incident, but it did bring accountability after the fact. So. . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The speaker in (1) is agreeing with the speaker in (2). However, in (3), the speaker is emphasizing their agreement with the previous speaker. The speaker in (4) is continuing the conversation by summarizing what has been said before.","questions":"Which turn shows that the speaker in (3) is emphasizing their agreement with the previous speaker?","answer":"3"} {"text":["Well, it is. It starts off in Pumalin Park, which is temperate rain forest - so think of the coast of British Columbia - all the way down into the grassland\/steppe areas toward the tip of the country. It really encompasses almost every ecotone that one would find in the south of the country.","We should note this is now the largest private donation of land to a government ever. You and your husband ran this place as a park for a long time. I've been there. And it is indeed just one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. Why hand it over to the government of Chile?","Well, you know, we grew up within the national parks here in the United States. And there is a sense of, I would even say, ownership by every American who goes through the front gates of Yellowstone or Yosemite, that those are public parks. They belong to everybody. And Chile is no different. We hope that somehow between the creation of national parks, the development of what we call economic development as a consequence of conservation that precious masterpieces of the country will be preserved forever.","Have you gotten guarantees, though, that the government of Chile will run it in a way that's sustainable?There have been concerns about the capacity of the government of Chile to really run these parks in the same way that you've run them."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : In this turn, the speaker is using the phrase \"run it in a way that's sustainable\" in a metaphorical sense, meaning to manage the park in a way that preserves its natural resources and ecological balance, rather than just its financial profitability.","questions":"How did the speaker use the phrase \"run it in a way that's sustainable\"?","answer":"Metaphorical"} {"text":["And no birthdays, no Christmas, no nothing. And at age 15, I couldn't take it anymore, so I moved in with my real father, but I didn't know he was a pimp. And the transition from living in essentially a middle-class, suburban area, because he sold BMWs and Porsche automobiles, he did very well. Moving from that middle-class area and the. . .","And the picket fences, all the way to the other end of East 14th, where it was like. . .","Cars sliding by, was a huge transition. Going from one spectrum to another. And I was essentially a nerd coming out of knocking on doors and moving into where my brothers and everybody was like, David, we're about to have another party. And like, oh, really?How do I fit in here, you know?","Right, right."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : A felt out of place in his new environment and struggled to fit in.","questions":"What was PersonA's initial living situation like?","answer":"Middle-class"} {"text":["Good to be with you, Scott.","Do you think President Trump was essentially trying to back off and ease tensions with Iran this week?","Scott, let's begin by saying there was relief, widespread and bipartisan, when the president pulled back instead of pulling the trigger. But the larger confrontation he's created here still has very few avenues for escape. It's possible this show of last-minute restraint may make renewed negotiations possible, but it could also heighten the tension to the point where the Iranians cannot come to the table. They have complicated domestic politics to deal with, just as we do. So the moment of hesitation on the president's part could ultimately produce an even greater degree of anxiety, an even more disastrous hour of reckoning.","A number of people have questioned parts of the president's account, especially a statement that he wasn't given or asked for - whatever it was - an estimate of casualties until the strikes had almost begun."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : To pull the trigger means to decide to make something happen.","questions":"How did the President's decision impact tensions with Iran? (Answer: uncertain)","answer":"uncertain"} {"text":["We argued that six months was way, way too short. You're talking about trying to go into archives, documents, find materials. Unfortunately, this was what was included in the legislation. And we've urged the Polish government to open that deadline - indeed, to open the program to people who never filed claims or for whom no claim - buildings for which no claims were filed.","But the Polish government didn't agree.","Unfortunately not. We're hoping that the Polish government will look again at this issue and make this process easier not only in terms of the deadline but also what documentation is required. Make sure that archives are open and material is accessible because if you have a right and legislation but not the means to enforce it - and particularly for many of the Holocaust survivors and their families, virtually all of whom live outside of Poland, it's very difficult. They don't speak the language. They don't live in the country. To address even the administrative issues is extremely difficult.","And what makes this important, so many years after the terrible events we're talking about - after the crimes we're talking about?","We're facing a situation where, in the next few years, we will be living in a world where there won't be Holocaust survivors. It's a population, obviously, that's very elderly, very sick and passing away very rapidly. So we think it's a matter of justice and morality to address and to conclude this issue before that last of that generation disappears."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : But the Polish government didn't agree. The implied meaning of B's statement is that the Polish government rejected the suggestion or request made by A and others. They did not agree with the proposed changes or extension mentioned in the previous turn.","questions":"How did the Polish government respond to the proposed changes?","answer":"Reject"} {"text":["You know what else my mother said?You should talk to more people in their 80s because they've looked across the street at death for a decade. And they know what's really important in life.","Your mother was smart. Now, I'm talking as one of the people in the 80s. Nobody wants to hear that you met Harry Truman, you know. Shh.","(Laughing) You didn't meet Harry Truman, did you?","I met Harry Truman. But you know what I mean?Nobody's interested. They want to know you've met Rihanna, and that kills me."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The turn with an actual meaning different from its literal meaning is (2). In this conversation, A is acknowledging the wisdom in what B's mother said about talking to people in their 80s because they have a unique perspective on life. However, when A says \"Nobody wants to hear that you met Harry Truman, you know. Shh.\", the literal meaning is that A is telling B to be quiet about meeting Harry Truman because it's not interesting. The actual meaning, however, is that A is making a sarcastic comment about how people only seem to care about meeting famous celebrities like Rihanna, rather than valuing the life experiences and wisdom of those who have lived longer.","questions":"What does PersonA mean when he says \"Shh.\" in turn 1?","answer":"Sarcastic"} {"text":["That's right.","How did the capital - how did the changes strike you since you'd been there a year ago?","A huge sense of despondency - I mean, huge humanitarian suffering, people, again, displaced from their homes - but a sense of resolve that people were committed to defending the capital against what they saw as an aggression but I think a real fear about what can come next for this country. I mean, the social fabric of this country of 6 million has been really torn apart, and it's been worsened also by foreign meddling in the country.","Foreign meddling meaning what?What's going on?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"a sense of resolve that people were committed to defending the capital against what they saw as an aggression\" - The literal meaning of the sentence is that people were determined to protect the capital against a perceived act of aggression. However, the implied meaning is that people were afraid of an actual act of aggression, not just a perceived one.","questions":"How did the people feel about defending the capital?","answer":"Resolve"} {"text":["Yeah. It's interesting. In Japan, it's the same prime minister that was in place six years ago, but the political environment, I think, has shifted in some dramatic ways. And so I think one of the interesting aspects of the Japanese situation is that the LDP has returned to power. The Liberal Democratic Party has returned to power. But now they have a party that is to the right of them.","And so we talk about those two states. And, of course, the other major player, the biggest in the region, China, where Xi Jinping took command just last month, formally.","That's right. I think we're still waiting to see how China's foreign policy priorities are really going to develop under Xi. The process seems to be moving slowly, and it's not necessarily terribly transparent at this point. We know there are new top leaders in the room, but it's just not clear exactly how they're making decisions or whether they're going to change much in terms of China's overall priorities.","And transparency's a problem in Beijing. It's positively - well, murky is too easy a word for what's going on in Pyongyang."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The political environment in Japan has shifted significantly despite the same prime minister being in power for six years.","questions":"Which party has returned to power in Japan?","answer":"LDP"} {"text":["To be fair to President Trump, while tariffs, in my view, represent appalling economic policy, they are a reasonable political tactic in seizing the attention of a foreign government - in this case, China. And he succeeded on that. But in terms of the outcome that he produces, it'll be a classic case of the glass being either half-full or half-empty, depending on who looks at it.","Market access and a reduction in the U. S. trade deficit with China over time - the glass will be more than half full. But on the others, the glass will get progressively empty. And I would be surprised, particularly on that question of state subsidy for China's high-technology industries, whether we'll see much substantive Chinese movement at all.","Do you think that Chinese leaders respect President Trump and his negotiating style?","I think the Chinese see in Trump two things. One is a preparedness to double down on these trade negotiations over a long period of time to extract maximum change in the Chinese position. So they see Trump as exercising American strength."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : none","questions":"What question does PersonB ask in turn 2?","answer":"respect"} {"text":["Hey, how are you?","I'm well. So how big a deal is this for companies that - we now know Uber and Lyft are basically synonymous with app-based ride-sharing?","It's definitely something that they're fighting tooth and nail and hoping that they can avoid being called - calling their workforce employees at this point.","I mean, is it just about money for them - which, I guess, isn't insignificant. Uber hasn't exactly been making a profit."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Fighting tooth and nail is a figurative expression. Here it means they are doing what they can (fighting, but not physically) to avoid calling their workers employees.","questions":"Which expression in turn 2 is figurative?","answer":"Fighting_tooth_and_nail"} {"text":["A judge on Friday, before his disappearance, had slapped him with a half-million-dollar judgment in relation to some of his previous business dealings. His wife had filed for divorce. His stepfather had also been buried on the same day that the judgment came down.","Mr. Schrenker is from Indiana. His plane crashed in Florida. He landed in your state, Alabama. Where exactly will he face charges?","He already faces charges in Indiana from the secretary of state's office. He likely will face charges in Florida. The Coast Guard Investigative Services now are working with the Pensacola U. S. attorney's office. They are tallying up the cost of the search for him. That will include manpower hours; that will include two helicopters, a boat and a cutter that they had put into the water. So, he will face a felony charge there, which has not been filed yet, of making a false distress call, and likely will be asked to repay the cost of the search for him.","Carol, has anything been heard from his wife or those who had invested money with him?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The Coast Guard will charge Mr. Schrenker for making a false distress call, and he will have to pay for the cost of the search.","questions":"How will Mr. Schrenker be penalized for his actions?","answer":"Repay"} {"text":["So, this is an exciting moment for us to take a look at ourselves. So, you know, first of all, how do you compare this presidential race with ones in the past?","Can't do it. This is not like any presidential race in the past. We have already had the first woman candidate to be this close to being nominated. The first Hispanic candidate to be a major candidate. First Mormon. We have the first African-American nominee, now presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party. And we also had a very interesting race on the Republican side that would have been kind of a barnburner in its own right. So, this has been a much more interesting presidential race that we've had in my lifetime. And it's just got an awful lot of facets of great news value.","So, how would you say, what would you say even coverage is?What is the goal really?","The best thing you can do is to reach the end of the campaign and have people say, well, we got a fair look at the candidates from the beginning to the end. We got a fair look at the two nominees of the major parties. We got a fair look at the third party candidates. And we got a fair look at all the competitors back in the primaries. I don't think you can say that at all is going to be exactly the same number of minutes devoted to each."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : This implies that this presidential race is unique and different from previous ones, possibly due to the diversity of candidates and the amount of news value it has.","questions":"How has the diversity of candidates affected this presidential race compared to previous ones?","answer":"B"} {"text":["Being an African-American police officer is one of the most difficult things that you'll do because there are African-American police officers all around this country and in this city who I talk to on a daily bases that, even before recent history, believe that there were issues between police officers and young black men. And one of the things that I think creates the problem - I've heard the word utilized a lot in describing the relationship - is that African-American men and particularly young men - say late teens to early-to-mid-30s - are - the word used is demonized.","And there are black officers that you talk to on a daily basis who will tell you that it's tough. I see this, and I still have to be accepted. I still have to be a part of the police culture, living in two worlds.","But I'll say that if you're a black police officer in America, there are some difficulties simply because you know that your race and gender has been on the receiving end of some very serious and questionable uses of force, whether they be deadly or just plain force used to make an arrest. So it is seen as something that - a burden that we carry as African-American men who also work in police profession.","Lieutenant Thomas Glover is president of the Black Police Association of Greater Dallas. Lieutenant Glover, thank you very much."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) Turn A: The implied meaning is that being a black police officer in America can be difficult because of the historical and ongoing use of excessive force against people of color, which can make it hard to reconcile one's identity as a black person with one's role as a police officer","questions":"How can the historical use of excessive force impact a black police officer's identity?","answer":"identity"} {"text":["That's right. We have a very messy, you might even say disorganized, approach to fiscal policy in this country, no question. But the idea of massive additional budget cuts being needed or on anyone's immediate agenda, I think that has completely faded. Our economy is recovering. Our tax revenues are up. The budget spending has been tilted a little bit in terms of its future projections. So I think the U. K. debate will not resonate at this moment in the United States.","Well, what about in Europe, though?","Well, Europe has some other problems, very big problems, recovering from their own sovereign debt crisis. The growth forecast in Europe is still very weak. That's the IMF forecast and the European's own forecast. And now we have this new shadow of potential disruptions to gas supplies from Russia because of the Russia-Ukraine relationship. That's the new wildcard. And if the relationship with Russia gets worse and you get into any kind of tit-for-tat sanctions, it's the Europeans who are vulnerable to some sort of negative impact on their economy much more than, say, the United States.","How does the growth rate in Britain compare to that of the U. S. right now?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The implied meaning in this turn is that the speaker is asking for an opinion on the fiscal policy situation in Europe.","questions":"Which country's growth forecast is weak according to the IMF and their own forecast?","answer":"Europe"} {"text":["Well, that is a great question. And the real question here - and the son of the famed Northern Alliance commander Ahmad Shah Massoud this week is actually hedging his bets. He is bringing together on Wednesday an anti-Taliban coalition. They say they're going to fight the Taliban politically and militarily, if necessary - really kind of an indication that the Afghans aren't sure that they can trust the Taliban at all. Leila, while these negotiations have begun going on for nine months, the Taliban have continued to fight on the ground trying to increase their leverage on the battlefield so that they would have more influence at the negotiating table. And so Afghans aren't sure whether this - any peace agreement will mean the fighting is going to stop.","So then what does that mean for Afghanistan's upcoming presidential elections scheduled for later this month?","Well, President Ghani has insisted these elections should go forward. But this week, Abdullah Abdullah, his main contender and his chief executive officer, has said, he's ready to quit the elections for the sake of peace and that kind of throws things into question. So far, we understand the elections are going forward. Election materials are being distributed now as we speak. The elections are only four weeks away. And it - what's really uncertain is whether the Taliban who have vehemently opposed these elections have said that they will attack anything associated with the elections whether they're trying to make this a condition for further talks with the Afghans, which is the next step in this process.","That's reporter Jennifer Glasse in Kabul. Jennifer, thank you."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : It's not betting but making sure that his chance has a better chance of succeeding.","questions":"Which commander's son is mentioned in turn 0?","answer":"Ahmad"} {"text":["Colin Powell - not one black candidate on the ticket, but two. That would be remarkable.","Well, let's also remember Colin Powell is a Republican. He would establish a kind of bipartisan bridge. And if you want to say, yes, it's a ticket of two African-Americans, which it would be, it is already a ticket of one African-American. So people who have perhaps a problem with that might not necessarily have that much more of a problem with two.","And I think that the advantage that it would have would be to say, we're kind of, in a sense, taking race off the table here. We're not talking about electing the first black president. We're asking you to vote for Barack Obama and Colin Powell and look at those two individuals.","It's a really interesting suggestion, I would imagine that a number of Democrats would say, wait a minute, he was on the wrong side on Iraq. Plus, we've got our own guys. We want a Democrat, a real Democrat. Who's out there?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : bipartisan bridge implies that Colin Powell would appeal to Republicans and Democrats.","questions":"How would Colin Powell appeal to both Republicans and Democrats?","answer":"Appeal"} {"text":["(Laughter).","So. . .","So I take it you don't like it.","I think it's kind of a joke. I think it has nothing to do with Wall Street.","Well, bullish markets - that sort of thing - yeah?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The speaker is asking the other person to continue the conversation.","questions":"How does the speaker feel about the topic being discussed?","answer":"Continue"} {"text":["Hi, Farai.","So what's the scene like now?","Well the scene right now is, people are still setting things up, they're testing the music system right now and - but it's a beautiful scene, it's a beautiful day here in Chicago. Grant Park, of course, it's on Chicago's lakefront with the skyline as a backdrop. It's a beautiful day weather-wise. I mean, this time of year in Chicago, you could get, you know, temperatures in the 20s or 30s, so our - you know, unusually like today, we have temperatures in the 70s. So it couldn't be better, that means probably we'll have a great big turnout. And some people are already lining up to try to get in. these are ticketed people who are trying to get in. They just wanted to be here so early so they could get the best possible location in front of the stage.","How are things working in terms of how many people are going to be let in, what the ticketing process has been, all of that?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : the scene in this context means genre of music","questions":"Which word is implied to have a different meaning in turn 1?","answer":"Scene"} {"text":["It's so weird because we're in the day in time where you had you wonder, this time you wonder, OK did they did not offer her enough money, because everybody does it. You they're going to figure now for Angelina Jolie and her twins and like, you know, 15 million dollars per picture. So, you're just wonder, you know like why hasn't Halle done it, have they offered her?And I saw her, I guess it was African-Americans, I'm not sure that they get the kind of money or the offers that white celebrities do. And I don't know if that has played a factor in it or is she just a celebrity that decided, you know, I'm not going to put my child out.","This is my kid. I'm not going to sell her to the highest bidder. I'm hoping is that one, but I think that, you know, that is how you get publicity now. You know, not that she needs it, but it does sort of fuel the fire for people being interested in you and you being, you know, sort of the talk of the town so people actually want to go see your next film. So, I don't know it's sort of weird that we haven't seen the baby and I look at it, you know, Tori Spelling. I mean, at this point they had the baby one day and then they cover the next day.","Oh my gosh.","It's amazing the way it works."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : A suspects that Halle Berry hasn't been offered enough money for selling her baby's pictures","questions":"Which celebrity's twins were mentioned in turn 0?","answer":"Jolie."} {"text":["So when we are forced to cut, we have to decide which is the best way to do it. We can do a shallow cut, like 10 percent 20 percent of the full ration. Or we can do a deep cut if we think the contributions will not be coming in anytime soon. The difficulty with doing a deep cut is that over the longer period, of course, people will become malnourished. Their immune systems will be suppressed. And if the cuts continue, or they're getting absolutely no food from WFP, inevitably, over time, they will fall sick. And, ultimately, many people will perish.","So - I mean, forgive me. It's one thing to make appealing ads that people are in danger of starving to death. What you're saying now is, because there's a crunch for aid, people are in danger of dying slowly.","That's what, in the end, will happen to the most vulnerable. It's the women and the children who will go first. The difficulty about the situation confronting us in 2018, however, is that it comes on the heels of 2017, when the world really pulled itself together, and our donors and donors for other organizations stepped up and provided a lot of funding because we were facing what was said to be the greatest humanitarian needs. . .","Yeah."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : (1) is the same as its literal meaning, which is explaining the decision-making process behind cutting rations in a situation where there is a shortage of aid.","questions":"Which process is being explained in turn 0?","answer":"Cutting"} {"text":["Not me but we collectively.","We. And then in one place, Philadelphia, I believe, they say yeah mean, which is different.","I thought he played basketball. The Chinese guy, Yao Ming.","Oh, he's - yeah, yeah, yeah.","So it's - I've fallen in love with the phrase. I've fallen in love with the culture, with the people. And just trying to, you know, spread laughter and learn at the same time."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : A: \"Yeah mean\" is a colloquial phrase commonly used in Philadelphia. The actual meaning is \"Do you understand what I am saying?\" or \"Do you know what I mean?\"","questions":"What is the meaning of \"Yeah mean\"?","answer":"Yeah-mean"} {"text":["Yeah. I do have to ask this. At the same time, don't the Clintons play rough too?There are a number of women who really do feel that they were treated badly by Bill Clinton in a personal and sometimes intimate way. And they felt that the Clintons tried to smear them.","Obviously it is disgraceful to take advantage of an intern or an employee. And he did that. And it was wildly foolish and disgusting. But I wonder, you know - there's a problem that Clinton has and it's this - these things are going to come up. They may even come up in the debates in the fall. What is she going to respond to it?It would be nice if she responded, hell yeah, that's why he spent six months on the couch.","But I don't know that that's something that she has in her. And it's certainly an incredibly sensitive area for Hillary Clinton. And it may be what constricts her in a lot of other ways as a candidate as well.","Joe Klein, he writes a column for Time and, of course, the author of \"Primary Colors. \"Thanks so much for being with us."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"It would be nice if she responded, hell yeah, that's why he spent six months on the couch.\" - The literal meaning would suggest that it would be favorable for Hillary Clinton to respond positively and assertively to the accusations against Bill Clinton. However, the implied meaning is that it is unlikely for Hillary Clinton to respond in such a manner due to the sensitive nature of the situation.","questions":"Which response would be \"nice\" for Hillary Clinton to give according to the implied meaning of turn 1?","answer":"Positively"} {"text":["Yeah. What damage in the United States near as you can tell?","Well, we're not really aware of what the damage is precisely. I mean, that's still being accounted for. One thing interestingly for people that are dissecting what happened is that many systems are now trying to clean up the damage. So it's hard to know exactly what happened. It's kind of like cleaning up a crime scene before doing the forensics on it. One thing that is being discussed - this is possibly malware coming from the NSA. Some security experts who've been collecting samples of the malware and dissecting them have been saying that these criminal attacks are based on attacks designed by the National Security Agency and then released into the public by a hacking group called The Shadow Brokers.","You know, now, the NSA, they would have wanted to use the malware for spying purposes, right?The agency has a huge shop - we're very well aware of this - one of the world's best shops, dedicated to finding weaknesses in software and taking advantage of those weaknesses to break in and steal information for spying purposes. The problem is once you break in, you make digital keys, you can't really control who gets them. So this attack is raising one of these fundamental issues that we talk about in the security world about whether NSA surveillance protects people or creates unexpected damage that does more harm than good.","So I - so it's possible that there - it's possible that the NSA program to try and limit damage and trace people who would do harm to the country wound up doing harm across the world."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"It's kind of like cleaning up a crime scene before doing the forensics on it.\"","questions":"What is being discussed as possibly coming from the NSA?","answer":"Malware"} {"text":["With more tariffs looming in the U. S. -China trade war, American companies are growing more pessimistic about the outlook for doing business in China. But 87% of U. S. firms with operations in China say they still haven't moved production to another country, and they have no plans to do so. That's according to a new survey from the U. S. -China Business Council.","To find out why most plan to stay put, we've called up Jay Foreman. He's the CEO of Basic Fun. It's the toy company that makes K'Nex, Lincoln Logs, Cutetitos and Pound Puppies.","Jay Foreman, welcome.","Thank you. Glad to be here.","So I understand that currently 90% of your products are manufactured in China. Tell me why. What benefits does China offer you to base your manufacturing there?"],"speaker":["B","B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 4 : What is China offering you to keep using them to manufacture the products?","questions":"How much of Basic Fun's products are currently manufactured in China?","answer":"90%"} {"text":["You mean somebody rational?","Yeah, someone he could work with.","Yeah.","That would be very good."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Turn (2) implies that the speaker is looking for someone who is reasonable and easy to work with, ","questions":"Which speaker is looking for someone rational and easy to work with?","answer":"Speaker"} {"text":["Assuming we know some it.","And that's it. And, you know, we know some of it a little at this stage. These are very early studies that are just almost like proof of principle, that clearly we're seeing the same trends across different mucosal surfaces in body. So perhaps there could be a unifying theory in this idea of restoring appropriate colonization patterns to those sites.","Well, let me ask you a wild question that just struck me. If you overly - if you're a mouthwash user and it kills everything in your mouth or any bacteria, 99 percent of the germs, it says, are you doing yourself a disservice?","I - we - nobody has looked at that. And it's - again, anything that perturbes these communities, you know, there's the potential for pathogenic organisms to outgrow in that kind of depleted diversity community. So it would be wonderful study. We don't study oral micro biota, but it would be wonderful study."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"anything that perturbes these communities, you know, there's the potential for pathogenic organisms to outgrow in that kind of depleted diversity community.\" This turn uses the scientific term \"perturbes\" to mean \"disrupts\" or \"disturbs\" the communities, rather than a more general or literal meaning of the word. Additionally, \"depleted diversity community\" is a specific scientific term that refers to a community with a reduced diversity of species, rather than a literal description of a community.","questions":"What is the potential consequence of perturbing the communities?","answer":"Outgrow"} {"text":["So essentially, it's because we've designed the car around a typical male body. So the most commonly used car crash test dummy is based on the fiftieth percentile male, and that is too tall and too heavy. It doesn't account for things like the differences between male and female pelvises. Women often don't sit in what's called the standard seating position. They have to sit much further forward in order for their legs to be able to reach the pedals. And we haven't developed a seatbelt to account for pregnancy. So there were basically just all these ways that we have designed a car to ignore female bodies.","This isn't a conspiracy. This isn't people wanting women to die. No one wants their mum to get into a car and be in much more danger than they are. So the only way I think you can really explain it is this incredibly pervasive cultural bias that we just don't realize that we're forgetting women. We just don't notice it.","One of the things that I found interesting in your book, among many, is that obviously, data in the modern world is so important. We have quantum computers shaping all sorts of things in our life. But if the data is faulty that is being fed into these computers, then it could have an enormous impact on the algorithms that deal with so many things.","Yeah. I mean, that is a huge concern. You know, I have no confidence that the tech community really has a handle on how male-biased the data is upon which they are training their supposedly objective algorithms."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : There is no handle, just an understanding of the data being male biased.","questions":"How would you describe the understanding of male bias in the data?","answer":"concern"} {"text":["Up next, some improbable humor. If you're a loyal listener, you know my next guest. He's been a SCIENCE FRIDAY regular for, oh, 20 years. Wow. Every year on the Friday after Thanksgiving. You know that. We play the first annual Ig Nobel Awards. They awards given to science that makes you laugh and then makes you think. Marc Abrahams is the co-founder and the emcee of the Ig Nobels. He's also the editor and founder of the Annals of Improbable Research, and he writes a weekly column for The Guardian. Welcome, Marc.","Hello, Ira.","Hi there. Marc is going to join each month to share with us some of the unusual scientific research he comes across. And I think it's fitting for you to be here, Marc, as we're going to announce the winner of our joke show. I know you have a great sense of humor, at least that's what they tell me. No, I know that you do.","In theory, I'm honored to be here today."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Implied meaning: The speaker is hinting at something they want or need, but they don't want to ask for it directly.","questions":"What is the speaker implying in turn 3?","answer":"Implying"} {"text":["However, it's also this wonderful book about class and how we think about the way that books influence us. Every detail is amazing. I just - I - Claire Harman describes the aristocrat as being ripe and aged. It also really answers this essential question of how powerful can books be.","Barrie Hardymon, our books editor. And if you want specific recommendations, you can always tweet her @bhardymon, or tell us what you're recommending to your friends, @NPRWeekend.","Barrie, thanks for this.","You're welcome."],"speaker":["A","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"aristocrat as being ripe\" implies aristocrat as being mature.","questions":"Which word describes the aristocrat in the book mentioned in turn 0?","answer":"Ripe"} {"text":["We started originally in one of the big, metal buildings that comprises our fair area. And then we moved to an old World War II hangar here at the local airport as a backup.","Wow.","So we're using both now.","Have federal officials said why they picked Deming?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : We are using both buildings now, despite the inconvenience","questions":"How are they managing the buildings?","answer":"Both"} {"text":["Thank you, Sacha. It's good to be here.","So I assume that the past few days have been an emotional roller coaster for Sudan. It finally ousted its leader, but then another autocrat took his place. And that spurred more protests. And suddenly, that person was also gone. How are you feeling now?","Yeah. I mean, it's definitely been - it feels a lot longer than a week, for sure. And you know, we've kind of been dealing with just so many emotions. And you know, I've been feeling very hopeful and then suddenly somewhat doubtful. And then, you know, it's back to just being, you know, persistent and making sure that everything that's happened so far is not lost.","And yeah, I mean, it's definitely been a very emotionally charged, you know, few months and especially just the last week. I mean, I think now morales are high. I think people are still, you know, just sort of keeping their eye on their prize of a full democratic transition to a civilian-led government and not a military-led government.","When the defense minister stepped in, was that viewed as a coup - and not in a good way?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : people are still, keeping their eye on their prize of a full democratic transition to a civilian-led government and not a military-led government. So when the defense minister stepped in it was viewed as a cop.","questions":"What was viewed as a coup?","answer":"Intervention"} {"text":["So how would it come to be that the FAA would tell Boeing, in effect, inspect yourself?","Well, people may be surprised to hear it, but, in fact, that's the norm. For years now, the FAA, with lack of funding and resources, has delegated increasing amounts of this work to industry. And when it comes to certifying new airplanes, that means to Boeing. The FAA, of course, is supposed to have final sign-off on everything. But I talked to one engineer who was involved in the certification of the MAX - told me that there wasn't complete and proper review of the documents. Review was rushed to reach certain certification dates.","And the document that you were looking at - does it show that engineers had real safety concerns a long time ago about this specific system?","No, that document doesn't express their - it's the analysis that went into certification. The feedback I got from safety engineers was that they weren't happy with certain aspects of that analysis that was - that, in the end, was signed off. For example, it allowed that the system would be triggered by a single sensor on the side of the fuselage called the angle of attack sensor. That was faulty on the Lion airplane, and it triggered the whole system. And that's, we believe, what caused the Lion Air crash."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : This statement implies that FAA could not expect Boeing to essentially self-inspect their own aircraft.","questions":"Which organization did the FAPersonA delegate increasing amounts of work to?","answer":"Boeing"} {"text":["And what makes them so good at invading?","Well, they share a suite of traits with a lot of the world's worst invasive ant species, one of which is that they are what's called super-colonial. And on a continental scale they can be called uni-colonial. What that means is that colonies don't recognize boundaries. There's no (unintelligible) population there's no aggression between crazy ants. All individuals in the population treat other individuals in the population as members of the same colony.","So you can take ants from any population in Texas, introduce them into another population in Texas or - I haven't tested this - but probably other parts of the Southeast, and they will join and work together. So that's - it really cuts down the costs of interest-specific competition and can allow the more efficient use of space in the environment they're in.","They also rely very heavily on sugary resources that they get from homoptera insects, things like aphids and mealy bugs. And they seem to be very good at exploiting these resources, which helps maintain their populations at very high densities."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : There's no aggression with ants that do not behave like normal ant colonies.","questions":"How are individuals in the population treated by other individuals in the population?","answer":"Members"} {"text":["All right, Jeff, thanks a lot.","Thank you.","Geoffrey Bennett is the Web producer for NEWS & NOTES, and he joined me in our studios at NPR West.","Where were you a quarter-century ago when Michael Jackson's \"Thriller\" album switched up the pop-music game?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : B's question \"Where were you a quarter-century ago when Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' album switched up the pop-music game?\" implies that the listener was alive and old enough to remember the release of \"Thriller\" 25 years ago, even though the listener's age or existence 25 years ago is not relevant to the question. The actual meaning is simply a rhetorical way of highlighting the significance of the album's impact on pop music.","questions":"What is the significance of \"Thriller\" album on pop music?","answer":"Thriller"} {"text":["Well, what would that serious diplomacy look like?I mean, I - the United States would have to - what?- accept a. . .","It's a fair question, you know, why diplomacy would work now when it's failed in the past. I think that the breakout is a game-changer for the United States because we're directly - become directly vulnerable to North Korea. But it's also a game-changer for China because they'll either - they'll have to live with the strategic consequences of a breakout, which could - are unknown. South Korea could reassess its non-nuclear status.","So I think the conjunction of factors that we can bring China into play would have the goal of obtaining a nuclear - a freeze to lock in North Korea at its current level of capabilities. And for China - I think the conjunction of factors is that for China, they would retain their buffer in North Korea. And they would prevent these adverse strategic consequences. North Korea would maintain its minimum deterrent, and the regime would remain in power. For the United States, it would prevent this breakout, and it would offer us a not-great narrative. But we would say that this is an interim agreement toward the long-term goal of denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula.","Well Mr. Litwak, in the minute we have left, can you really trust any - the process of reaching or signing any agreement with a regime like North Korea's?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : North Korea's nuclear capabilities pose a direct threat to the United States.","questions":"Which country is directly vulnerable to North Korea's nuclear capabilities?","answer":"United"} {"text":["Dina, if this is ISIS, which it seems to be, this seems a real departure for a group - a large-scale terrorist attack against an international target. They've never done that before.","Right, I mean, when ISIS first began to rise, one of the things that counterterrorism officials were really worried about was that ISIS and al-Qaida would begin to compete for the world's attention and they would do that with spectacular attacks against the West. For months, U. S. counterterrorism officials have said that al-Qaida was the biggest threat against the United States. I think that changed last night. Everyone I was talking to was convinced that the sophistication of the attacks that Eleanor was talking about - suicide belts, explosions, simultaneous targets - and the similarity to Mumbai clearly pointed to an al-Qaida-linked group. They didn't think ISIS had the organizational ability to pull off something like this. And now it seems they clearly do. And President Obama said yesterday that the ISIS threat was contained. This makes it seem that perhaps it isn't.","And I guess we should remind ourselves, just a few days ago ISIS was also linked to the downing of a Russian airliner near Sharm el-Sheikh.","Exactly. I mean, officials said they're 99. 9 percent sure that ISIS managed to put a bomb on that plane. U. S. officials haven't been allowed to analyze the forensic evidence on the ground there. But they did have a satellite image of the plane that suggested, from the photograph of the image, a military-grade explosive brought it down. So again, that suggests things have really changed here.","Do you know where the investigation goes from here?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"a real departure\" - this phrase means that something is different from what is expected or what has been done before, rather than referring to a physical departure or leaving.","questions":"What does the phrase \"a real departure\" mean?","answer":"Different"} {"text":["Yes, I do think they are well-matched traveling companions. In that both of them bend but nobody really breaks. And so, even though Jack is certainly the student, and she is the mentor, there are times when Jack has the upper hand and he has the better humor. And that, almost off-camera, he can make an aside to the reader. You know, like, she's getting a little bit ditzy right now, so hang on to your hat.","We're - to use one of your phrases, were you a fringy kid?","Yes, I was definitely a fringy kid. I moved a lot as a kid, I went to 10 schools in 12 grades. And so, I was one of those kids that was a permanent wallflower, you know, I'd go I'd hang back and I would observe, and I would sort of be on the fringe. But then I realized that I liked the fringe because the fringe gave me the flexibility to appear or disappear, which I found to be very helpful.","And painful or, at least, vexing as it can be to be a fringy kid. With the advantage of hindsight, is it part of what made you a writer?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) A: \"I was definitely a fringy kid... But then I realized that I liked the fringe because the fringe gave me the flexibility to appear or disappear, which I found to be very helpful.\" The literal meaning of \"fringy\" would suggest that the speaker was wearing a fringe, or was on the edge of something. However, in this context, \"fringy\" is being used figuratively to mean that the speaker felt like an outsider or a misfit. The implied meaning is that the speaker found comfort in being on the outskirts of social circles and having the ability to control her level of participation.","questions":"How did the speaker feel about being on the fringe?","answer":"Flexible"} {"text":["Sounds like a fun gathering.","Lots of pollsters in a room - I'm sure there's jokes. What makes this new effort such a big deal?","Look, this is the first time since 1992, when all the media organizations bought into one National Election Pool, that there's going to be competition. And it's a totally different approach to measuring the electorate. They're launching it, by the way, they announced, in all 47 states where there are elections this fall for statewide elections in these midterms. And it's a massive undertaking that really is - you know, just talking to people here - starting a crackup of American election polling.","That's fascinating. What is different, though, about what Fox News and the AP are doing?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The NEP is not a pool but an organization that gathers information from groups of people. The approach was not launched but newly began for the fall season.","questions":"How was the approach initiated for the fall season?","answer":"initiated"} {"text":["We have - what we've done is we have our reporters strategically placed in such a way that they are as safe as we could expect under the circumstances. We're certainly not going to ask them to do anything that's foolish. They're embedded with authorities at different places and so they're, you know, following the instructions of the emergency personnel that they are with.","When you say that 90 percent of the people have left the area, 10 percent haven't. Who's staying behind after the devastation of three years ago and why?","Some of the people who stayed behind or have said they're staying behind we've spoken to, are just very stubborn people who have said that they're not leaving, that they didn't have to leave for the other storms and that they're not leaving for this one. I've spoken with a few of them.","John DeSantos, city editor for the Daily Comet from Thibodeaux, Louisiana."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Reporters are in dangerous situations but being cautious","questions":"Which word describes the location of the reporters?","answer":"Safe"} {"text":["Its impact has been on all aspects of Iranians' lives. They have problems in buying their usual daily foods. Prices have soared three or four times. They have problems in buying medication. If we want to talk about, for example, in the medical field, most of the drugs are now founding with much higher prices. Some of them cannot be found easily. So it affects their health.","What are you seeing?What does that look like firsthand?","Yeah. For example, in our field, physicians have to prescribe drugs that might be less effective, that might have more side effects. And they are affordable by the people in operations, in surgeries. We have shortage of devices. People must stay longer waiting for their operation, and it affects their health.","You mentioned some equipment. Can you give an example of that?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Lack of medical resources and delayed operations have negative effects on patients' health.","questions":"How do the shortages and delays in medical resources affect patients?","answer":"Health"} {"text":["He went to his local bar and he didn't sit on the sidelines there. He took center stage and actually played a kind of Balkan fiddle called a gusle. And everyone stood around and clapped and applauded him. And he was sitting under a portrait of Radovan Karodzic, this man who was the hero for most of the people in the bar. And not one of them spotted the resemblance.","He lived across the stairwell in his block of flats from a woman who worked with Interpol. And her - every time she went into work, she logged on to her computer and saw the world's most wanted, including Osama bin Laden and Radovan Karodzic. And the penny never dropped. It was like a long-running performance that only came to an end really when his brother made a vital slip.","He made a phone call, right?What happened?","He made a phone call. And he used a SIM card that he shouldn't have used. It was one that was on the files of the people chasing Karodzic.","To put you on the spot a bit, does a sentence like this that comes 21 years after the Srebrenica massacre serve as a deterrent to alleged war crimes being committed today, let's say in Syria and\/or Iraq?"],"speaker":["A","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The woman's job with Interpol put her in a position to identify Karodzic but she failed to recognize him.","questions":"What was the woman's profession?","answer":"Ignorant"} {"text":["Let's get back to the news organizations who weren't permitted in this briefing. Now, I gather this kind of briefing is called a gaggle. What happened?","That's right.","Were you there?What did you see?","Well, what happened is instead of the daily on-camera briefing, Sean Spicer called a gaggle so he could talk to the pool. That's the small group of reporters that go places where the entire press corps can't fit. And then they share their transcripts and their notes with everyone else in the press corps. The White House said this gaggle would have an extended pool. And turns out they invited some additional organizations, but they pointedly excluded others like CNN, The New York Times, Politico. NPR was not there."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Were you there? What did you see?: Implied meaning: Did you witness what happened?","questions":"How is the term used for the briefing that took place?","answer":"Gaggle"} {"text":["Yes, ma'am.","So locked down, and what is the forecast for the Christmas shopping season?","It's going to be negative for the first time in many, many, many years. The consumer just can't spend money. Consumer bankruptcies are on the rise. Consumers have 14 trillion in debt, negative saving. They can't pay their credit card bills. They can't pay their home loans. They can't pay their auto loans. The banks are not offering financing. They've got a negative wealth effect from housing to the tune of 8 trillion. The consumer is in lock down. They just don't have money.","Well, any bright spots out there because they do have to spend money on some things. Maybe the dollar stores are doing well?","There's definite bright spots. If you're Wal-Mart, you're doing fine. If you're Costco, you're doing fine. If you're Family Dollar, you're doing fine. If you're Dollar Tree, you're doing fine."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The economy is doing very poorly, and consumers are struggling to pay their debts and bills.","questions":"Which stores are doing fine, according to A?","answer":"Dollar."} {"text":["I'm Farai Chideya, and this is News and Notes. If a child commits a crime, even a serious one, should they go through the same justice system, and pay the same price as an adult?That's just one of a host of issues surrounding juvenile justice. Today is part of our ongoing series on criminal justice.","We look at how kids end up behind bars, and what other options judges have when faced with a young offender. For more, we have Carole Shauffer, executive director of the Youth Law Center. Welcome Carole.","Thank you. Welcome.","So, let's start with a little scenario. There is a 16 year old and his friend, who go into a convenient store. They ask for money. The clerk says no. The friend shoots the clerk. If the 16-year-old is arrested and charged, what are some of the possible paths that the justice system could take, with the person who was not the shooter, but who was part of this crime?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"pay the same price as an adult\" - This is an idiomatic expression meaning to face the same consequences or punishment as an adult.","questions":"How does the justice system treat juvenile offenders compared to adults?","answer":"Differently"} {"text":["What happens to a city when a whole bunch of its residents get really rich really quickly?A lot of people in San Francisco are worried about that right now. The city's in the middle of a tech IPO boom. Lyft and Pinterest went public earlier this year. Stock in Uber begins trading tomorrow. Other big names plan to follow. And that means thousands of new millionaires in a city that's already one of the least affordable in the country. This week, Gordon Mar, who serves on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, proposed a new payroll tax targeting IPOs. He says the tech boom of the past decade has been good for San Francisco, but there are downsides.","We've seen growing traffic congestion and gridlock on our streets due to the huge influx of new workers here in our city. We've seen a growing housing crisis, housing affordability crisis, to the point where the median rent right now for a one-bedroom apartment is $3,500 a month.","Unbelievable.","Yeah. And then sort of related to this, our homelessness crisis - tens of thousands of our community members continue to live unsheltered on the streets due just to the growing economic divide here in our city."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : bunch of its residents implies many people living within the area ","questions":"What is San Francisco in the middle of?","answer":"Boom"} {"text":["The Staples Singers, Booker T and the MGs, Isaac Hayes and more - but the Stax tale isn't just one of another record company that became an international sensation. It's a story of tragedy - business and personal. But most importantly, it's a tale that features racial harmony in a city with a troubled racial history. In the late '50s and early '60s, Memphis, Tennessee was a city divided.","It was a city that you might say had hate pulsing through its veins.","That's author Robert Gordon. He lives in Memphis. His new book is \"Respect Yourself: Stax Records and the Soul Explosion. \"But Stax didn't start as an explosion of soul. The owners of Stax Records, Jim Stewart and Estelle Axton, set out to do something very different.","They were two white siblings. Jim was a white country fiddle player. You just wouldn't believe how far black music was from their minds at the time."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"racial harmony in a city with a troubled racial history\" - The literal meaning of this turn is that there was peace and cooperation among people of different races in Memphis, despite the city's history of racial conflict. The implied meaning is that Stax Records, a company that brought together black and white musicians, played a role in promoting racial harmony and bridging the racial divide.","questions":"Which company helped promote racial harmony in Memphis?","answer":"Stax"} {"text":["Well, to me, in my personal opinion, all superhero comics are somewhat escapist. The modern stuff is a little more based in reality, a little more about personal narratives. Just the fact that he's into superhero comics as opposed to, you know, Robert Crumb or somebody, that says something. He's not into the subculture.","Yeah, he's not into the really out there stuff.","Right.","Spider Man, though, I mean, he's an outlier, right?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Spider Man is different from other superheroes in some way.","questions":"How is Spider Man characterized?","answer":"outlier"} {"text":["Tell me a little bit about the violence. What happened?","The biggest single attack was a suicide bomber here in Kabul. The suicide bomber, trying to get into a polling station, was stopped by a policeman. He detonated his explosive vest outside. In the north, there was shelling in Kunduz. We know that they burned down one polling center outside of Kunduz city. And there's been some irregularities, as well. One local strongman on the outskirts of Kabul brought his armed men in. He's a candidate, and he tried to prevent other people from getting to the polling station. So not by far the cleanest elections. The Afghan government has announced it's arrested a few dozen people for fraud and intimidation. They're trying to make sure that Afghans will have faith in this election.","One of the more hopeful signs, though, this time around is the number of women running, right?Over 400. What will this mean?","They are guaranteed 68 seats in the parliament for each province, but I think the real key has been the number of young people running. As you said, Lulu, there hasn't been parliamentary elections in eight years. The current parliament has been a frustration to many, almost a symbol of the corruption and patronage that has held Afghanistan back. And it was really interesting to see election observers at the polls. There were 400,000 of them - many of them there to support their own candidates to make sure that their candidates got a fair shake in these elections. The fact that so many young people and nonpoliticians were willing to put themselves out there, I think, shows that there's a new generation of Afghans trying to change things."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The women are not running but they are trying to get elected.","questions":"What is the key factor for the new generation of Afghans trying to change things?","answer":"Young"} {"text":["Yeah.","Well, Mayor Belangia, good luck. I hope I see Oriental someday. It sounds like a lovely place.","Please do. You will fall in love with it.","And I'll bring a loaf of bread for you."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The speaker is confident in the appeal of Oriental and believes that the listener will enjoy visiting the place.","questions":"How would you describe the PersonA's attitude towards Oriental?","answer":"Confident"} {"text":["Hi.","Let's talk a little bit about Title IX. The law is conceived as a way to protect and support women. It's a federal law. Universities can have their funding taken away if they don't do enough to address complaints. You are a self-described feminist. Where do you think the law is wrong in your case and more broadly?","Well, what happened was that Title IX, which started out, you know, as something about equity for things like women's sports, was expanded in 2011 to include sexual harassment or creating, like, a hostile environment on campus. You know, very vague sorts of things can now be charged under Title IX. So since then, because they didn't really specify how campuses should do this, there's just an incredible amount of overreach because all the campuses are afraid of losing their federal funding and also being seen on soft - as soft on sexual assault. And, you know, there certainly is a sexual assault problem, but whether that should be handled. . .","I was about to say, I mean, that's clearly an issue on campuses."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The actual meaning of turn (3) is different from its literal meaning. While the speaker uses the phrase \"very vague sorts of things can now be charged under Title IX,\" they are actually suggesting that the expanded definition of Title IX has led to a lot of confusion and overreach on college campuses when it comes to handling sexual assault cases.","questions":"What law is conceived as a way to protect and support women?","answer":"TitleIX"} {"text":[". . . For your research on pulsars and for being a leader in the scientific community. So what does this latest accolade mean to you?","Well, it left me speechless when I got the news because I never, ever dreamt of this, I must admit. And it's a vast sum of money, as well, which. . .",". . . Is, really, I think, a bit hard to believe.","It certainly is. A lot has changed for women in science, but, as I'm sure you know, a lot hasn't. And I think the fact that you're giving away the money for scholarships may be a nod to the fact that it's still hard for certain people to break into the field."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : It may be a way to give attention to women trying to break into science.","questions":"Which group of people may benefit from the scholarships being funded by the accolade?","answer":"Certain"} {"text":["Thanks, Scott.","First, these current attacks. Based on reporting, is there a particular source for attacks against Orthodox Jews?","Well, it seems to be happening often from people who live in the neighborhood. We don't know that much about the perpetrators. What we do know is that people that live in Crown Heights don't tend to be white supremacists. And to judge from the footage of many of these attacks, at least some of the perpetrators seem to be young black men or teenagers. And perhaps that's one of the reasons that so many people want to avert their eyes from what's happening in places like Crown Heights.","Are they street assaults and robberies or hate crimes?Where are the lines in something like this?","Well, all we know is that the people that are being attacked are the most publicly, visibly Jewish people. And they're incredibly violent. Given that this has been happening in the city, there's been a sort of curious lack of interest on the part of New Yorkers, on the part of the mayor, on the part of the governor. Imagine if a spate of crimes had happened in a pattern like this against another minority - what the reaction would be.","Has there also been a national increase in anti-Semitic crimes?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The person wants to know where the crimes are not taking place and who is not getting hurt.","questions":"What is the person's inquiry regarding the location and victims of the attacks in the dialogue?","answer":"Victims"} {"text":["We're going to begin this hour following two developing stories. Odessa, Texas, police officials say at least five people were killed and 21 others injured in a shooting spree. Three law enforcement officers were shot. And a person believed responsible was also shot and killed. We are going to continue to follow that story and provide updates as details are confirmed.","But now we're going to turn to the Bahamas, where they are bracing for Hurricane Dorian. The Category 4 storm is gaining strength and approaching Category 5 status. It's expected to make landfall on the northwestern part of the islands tomorrow, and some short-term models predict as much as 64 inches of rain could could fall over the Northern Bahamas once the storm stalls. Joining us from the Bahamas is Rick Lohr. He is the general manager of the Abaco Beach Resort. That's in Marsh Harbour on the island of Abaco, which is in the path of the storm.","Mr. Lohr, thanks so much for joining us.","My pleasure.","Could you just tell us what the weather is like right now?"],"speaker":["B","B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Hurricane Dorian is a severe and dangerous storm that poses a serious threat to the Bahamas","questions":"How would you describe the intensity of Hurricane Dorian?","answer":"Severe"} {"text":["Work on voter registration, voter mobilization, education, coalition building, work together to help end the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Reinvest in America. Convince young America that they really do have the power to change the course of the country. We must have a renewed and multiracial and multicultural coalition. These are the things that I've revolved my work around, and I intend to be pushing them real hard this summer and fall.","And do you think you'd go out on the stump with him if he wanted you to, or does he want you to?","Whatever proximity he wants. You know, he must make that decision, you know, as to who, you know, that campaign, you know, you have consultants, you have advisors, you have surrogates, you have supporters. I'm a strong supporter and have been so since before he announced, and I will continue supporting because I believe he represents the right side of history for all of America and really for the world.","Well, Reverend Jackson, thank you so much."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : A is advocating for social and political change.","questions":"What is PersonA's main focus?","answer":"Change"} {"text":["President Donald Trump had his long-awaited face-to-face with Russian President Vladimir Putin at last week's G-20 summit. Just how the issue of Russian meddling in the November election was addressed is subject to interpretation. And in this country, Congress comes back from recess with health care legislation still looming. So much politics to talk about, so little time - so let's turn to NPR's national political correspondent Mara Liasson. Good morning, Mara.","Good morning, A.","All right. So before we get to Putin-Trump, let's look at the G-20 meeting and what all the countries got out of it.","Well, the big theme of this meeting was how isolated and separate the United States is from the rest of the G-20, the rest of the big economies. It's like there's a G-19, and then there's the U. S. , particularly on climate, trade and immigration. The biggest difference at this meeting was climate. The other 19 leaders agreed that continuing to enact the Paris Agreement on climate change was important. They called the agreement irreversible. Of course, Donald Trump has pulled the U. S. out of that agreement. So the Europeans and others are going to move forward without the U. S."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : All right. So before we get to Putin-Trump, let's look at the G-20 meeting and what all the countries got out of it.\" - This implies that the discussion will cover the outcomes and benefits that each country obtained from the G-20 meeting, rather than simply stating that they will discuss the meeting.","questions":"What was the main theme of the G-20 meeting?","answer":"Isolated"} {"text":["I'm not so sure that it was missed, per se. I think it's been there at the forefront of the news for a really long time. I just don't think that we saw the potential that it would impact the election in the way that it did, insofar as it's tied up in these other economic and social struggles that are occurring within the same communities.","And to be clear again, you're not saying that people that have a problem with opioids or drug or alcohol voted for Donald Trump so much as people who live in those communities that have been affected by it statistically in your study voted for Donald Trump.","Well, that's right. And I can't say necessarily who voted for Donald Trump, but we have to remember that addiction and depression and these diseases and deaths of despair go far beyond the individuals themselves who are affected by them. They affect friends and family members and coworkers and first responders and service providers and employers in communities who are dealing with the struggles of these and experience the same sort of frustration and anxiety that are associated or wrapped up within diseases and deaths of despair.","You conclude your study by - I believe the quote is community level well-being played an important role in this election."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : sking for clarification on the idea that people with opioid or drug problems voted for Donald Trump, which is not the same as the actual meaning of the statement which is that people living in communities affected by diseases and deaths of despair voted for Donald Trump.","questions":"Which community did the study suggest played an essential role in the election?","answer":"Community"} {"text":["Only that she's been willing to tell her story from the beginning. She testified voluntarily to the Senate intelligence committee in April before all of this. And she's never been hesitant to tell her story. And she'll tell her story if the government asks her to in whatever form they ask her to.","What about U. S. person No. 1, Paul Erickson, the Republican political operative?He appears throughout the plea agreement. He and your client, I gather, had a romantic relationship. He apparently helped her establish those back-channel relations. Should he be indicted?Do you think he will be?","I mean, that's going to be up to the Department of Justice. I mean, I think if one takes the view the department has - the broad view of the foreign agent statute - there might be some risk there. But I don't think there's going to be any news about that beyond what's been in the statement of the offense.","Are you worried about what happens if your client is sent back to Russia?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Russia here refers to or implies a prison","questions":"What is Russia in this context?","answer":"Prison"} {"text":["Thanks for being with us, Scott. The president, of course, was in Paris this week. He was president Macron's guest for Bastille Day. There'd been some attention in this country which would affix President Macron as somehow a different figure than President Trump. The two of them seemed to get on very well. There seemed genuine rapport.","That's right. I think if this improves relations, it certainly improved body language when it comes to President Trump in Europe. You know, there were so many images at the G-20 of Trump just looking isolated, big policy announcements put out by every country except the United States. So I think Macron sensed an opening here. He saw that Trump needs a friend, an ally, a wingman - whatever you want to call it - in Europe.","And Trump has a long track record of responding when people show him respect and welcome him. There's certainly nothing more welcoming than a big parade being put on, so this seemed to work. They seemed to get along. The question is, does this get Trump to shift on any of the key policy differences?Starting with climate change, where they could not be any further apart.","There was a phrase in the press conference where he said, well, maybe there will be something with the Paris accords, right?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : There was a phrase in the press conference where he said, well, maybe there will be something with the Paris accords, right?\" Implicated meaning: During the press conference, Trump made a vague statement suggesting that there could potentially be some reconsideration or change regarding the Paris accords, although it remains uncertain or unclear.","questions":"Which accords did Trump make a vague statement about during the press conference?","answer":"Accords"} {"text":["You know, that's a really great question. Our book hit No. 3 on the New York Times bestseller list on Wednesday. And here I am having written this book and stepping into a different version of, you know, women's rights feminist icon. And it's something I'm really proud of because I had to really educate myself on what I believe to be true.","And so I - I don't know. I think that recreating a person's identity is happening on the daily. And I - for me - I want to keep breaking free from all of these identities and get down to that last one, which is human. And I hope that people out there feel the same way because we are all the same matter.","That soccer star Abby Wambach.","Abby, thank you."],"speaker":["A","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : B: \"Abby, thank you\" - This turn has a literal meaning as it is a polite expression of gratitude towards the person being addressed.","questions":"Which person did PersonB thank?","answer":"Abby"} {"text":["Well, certainly in some cases in expensive cities still need some help but much less help. On a minimum wage of $12 an hour, a couple - two full-time minimum wage workers - would earn $50,000 a year. That certainly doesn't make you affluent, it doesn't make you rich, but you can get by reasonably well on $50,000 a year.","And you don't think jobs will leave the state?","Some jobs, but probably a lot fewer than most people think. There have actually been a lot of recent studies in the last five or 10 years that have turned around the economic sentiment on this issue. In most cases, in nearly all cases, the jobs we're talking about for these workers are in the low-wage service sector. They're non-tradable. They're not subject to foreign competition. They can't be outsourced. Those jobs are exactly the sort of jobs where the employers would simply pass along the extra costs to the consumer. They'd raise prices and keep their workers at a much higher paycheck. Furthermore, the price rises we're talking about are very much smaller than most people would realize. Wal-Mart is America's largest low-wage employer. Three hundred thousand Wal-Mart workers average about $9 an hour. All Wal-Mart would have to do to cover a $12 minimum wage is raise their prices by 1. 1 percent one time. The average Wal-Mart shopper would pay only an extra $12. 50 per year. People wouldn't even notice the price hike.","Well, if the goal is to lift low-wage workers above the poverty level, is $12 an hour really enough?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) Implied meaning: Are there any potential risks of job losses in the state due to minimum wage increase?","questions":"What kind of jobs are non-tradable and cannot be outsourced according to PersonA's statement?","answer":"Service"} {"text":["Well, Manafort has a second case. That case is here in Washington, D. C. He pleaded guilty to two conspiracy charges. This is a case that was also brought by special counsel Robert Mueller. Manafort, in D. C, agreed to cooperate with the government. That cooperation deal collapsed after the special counsel's team essentially said that he lied to investigators about a number of things.","The presiding judge in D. C. , Judge Amy Berman Jackson, agreed with the government. The maximum sentence that Manafort faces here in D. C. is 10 years. Now, the question that hangs over all of this is whether Judge Jackson here in D. C. is going to make him serve, whatever sentence she gives him, simultaneously or stagger it. So is he going to get another 10 years in addition to what he got in Virginia?","Any chance of a presidential pardon?","The president has not taken that entirely off the table, but his lawyers say it's not under discussion."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"That cooperation deal collapsed after the special counsel's team essentially said that he lied to investigators about a number of things.\" - The actual meaning here is that Manafort broke the cooperation deal by lying to investigators, which resulted in the deal collapsing.","questions":"How did Manafort break the cooperation deal?","answer":"Lied"} {"text":["Good morning, Lulu.","So it seems a little strange to be talking about why something doesn't matter, but here we are, saying President Trump's budget - which is being released tomorrow - suddenly isn't that important. How did that happen?","Presidents' budgets are always political documents. They're not a piece of legislation, but they do express the president's priorities. And, of course, the cliche is to say that the president's budget is dead on arrival on Capitol Hill. This one is probably dead as a doornail. And the reason is that Republicans and Democrats just passed a massive, two-year spending bill, which raises the caps for domestic and defense spending. And the White House was mostly a bystander in those negotiations. So what the president says in his budget tomorrow will not affect spending very much. Congress probably won't be passing a 2019 budget resolution. The bottom line is, in this instance, Congress seems to be ignoring the president.","Oh, OK. But when the budget comes out tomorrow, the spotlight will probably turn to White House budget director Mick Mulvaney, right?He was famously hawkish on the deficit when he was in Congress. What will he have to say?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Presidents' budgets are mostly for show and have little impact on spending","questions":"How significant are Presidents' budgets in terms of spending?","answer":"Little"} {"text":["Yeah.","(Reading) Bridgette McNeal, the Atlanta mother of four, has been on Second Life for just over a decade. Though Bridgette is middle-aged, her avatar is a lithe twenty-something whom she describes as perfect me, if I'd never eaten sugar or had children. When we spoke, Bridgette described her Second Life home as a refuge that grants permission. When I step into that space, I'm afforded the luxury of being selfish, she said, invoking Virginia Woolf. It's like a room of my own.","I mean, there are so many reasons to love this woman. Her real everyday life is so difficult. She's raising two disabled children. What did you feel when you talked to Bridgette McNeal?","I felt so much. The idea of constructing these online selves that we prefer in certain ways to our real selves is really relevant to so many people. And for Bridgette, I was fascinated by her daily life. She's raising four kids, two of whom are autistic teenagers, and there's a lot of joy and meaning in those relationships and also a lot of hard work."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : She began to act like and say things like the author, Virginia Woolf.","questions":"Which famous author did Bridgette McNeal invoke when describing her Second Life home as a refuge that grants permission?","answer":"invoke"} {"text":["Yes, I - my mom has a cleaning company, and she cleans for a lawyer here locally. And once she started working there, it just turned into, like, a really big place. Like, it was not easy for her to do by herself, so. . .","You pitch in after school or on weekends or. . .","We took Sundays and sometimes Fridays to clean up the office, which was probably the best days for us because after church, we'd just head towards the office and clean.","And that all went to your quince fund."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Not all scientific beliefs are accurate, even if widely accepted.","questions":"What went to the quince fund?","answer":"A"} {"text":["Well, the Chinese leadership has continued to see dialogue first with Kim Jong Un. They've had two publicly announced meetings with him. One of them came right in advance of North Korea's announcement that it was going to pursue a satellite launch. We don't know whether that subject was discussed in China. But, you know, the indicator suggests that China is still trying to figure out if there is a way that it can influence the situation in North Korea without taking measures that would enhance instability. The Chinese priority is basically to maintain stability in North Korea.","And so it was - it's willing to prop up that terrible regime if it will prevent that regime's collapse and the horrible situation that might ensue.","I think it's certainly the case that if you're, you know, looking at why North Korea still is there in the middle of this otherwise prosperous region, the hand of China is the critical explainer for why North Korea is still able to survive.","Xi Jinping has been in power just a brief time in Beijing, but in that time, we have seen increased pressure on the Senkaku Islands. These are the disputed islands unoccupied, uninhabited islands in the East China Sea. Japan has controlled them for, what, 100 years. China claims them as well. There had been confrontations in the past where patrol boats and fishing boats had exchanged even water canon spray. But this time, a Chinese patrol craft flew over the islands, and that's a different situation."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : China is willing to support North Korea's terrible regime to prevent its collapse and the horrible situation that might ensue","questions":"How is China's stance towards North Korea's stability described by B?","answer":"Supportive"} {"text":["Exactly, exactly.","How often does this happen?This is quite rare, is it not?","Yeah, we haven't had an annular eclipse in the United States since 1994, and this is part of what's called a sero-cycle(ph) that repeats itself every 18 years, 11 days and six hours - but who's counting that?But it repeats itself very precisely, and so we'll have another eclipse just like this 18 years, 11 days and six hours from now.","And in a couple of weeks, there's going to be another big sky show, right?The Transit of Venus. Tell us about that."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : This implies that there is another event coming up soon, not just asking for information.","questions":"How does turn 3 suggest the PersonA's attitude towards the upcoming event?","answer":"Excitement"} {"text":["There's been such wild swings. You know, in 2014, we were here talking about a dreadful harvest in Italy that was mostly due to the olive oil fruit fly, which was a big problem following a warmer-than-usual winter. This year, it's a deep freeze. And among farmers in Italy, they feel like these extreme swings are happening more often. Experts that we talked to believe that climate change is a factor.","I don't know the Olive Oil Times.","(Laughter) Well, you should. It's the most read olive oil publication. You know, it seems niche, but there are 3 million people around the world who make - who work to make olive oil. It's a very important food, one of the healthiest products that the Earth provides us. And there's a lot to tell. It's also a cultural cornerstone for the Mediterranean region and the rest of us.","Curtis Cord, publisher of the Olive Oil Times, we'll be reading it. Thanks so much, Mr. Cord."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Olive oil is an important and healthy food with cultural significance","questions":"Which publication does Curtis Cord publish?","answer":"Olive"} {"text":["Well, her name is Vivian Schiller, as you said. She's currently at thenewyorktimes. com. She runs that website. From my standpoint, it seems like a very impressive pick.","In her career, she's not only led the New York Times, she led Discovery Times Channel on cable, which was a joint venture. It did not play out, but it was very well thought of in terms of the journalism it did, and it sort of allowed the Times to experiment with operation in this multimedia world.","And before that, she was senior vice president, actually, at CNN, where she oversaw their long-form broadcasting, particularly the documentary work. Somebody who's a business manager, clearly, and yet very much steeped in the world of journalism and in the world of new journalism.","And it is a very quickly changing world, isn't it?First of all, there is a lot less money out there now than there was a year ago, right?With advertising falling. . ."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Vivian Schiller's experience in multimedia journalism makes her a great pick.","questions":"How would you describe Vivian Schiller's experience?","answer":"Impressive"} {"text":["Yeah, of course. I think it's right for the employer to know. But let the person go all the way through the process until the point where they're being offered a job. It creates more momentum towards hiring and more of a chance that that person's actually get a job.","Why do you include in this legislation a provision that would allow felons to vote in every state in the country?","You know, these felony disenfranchise laws - if you go back to some of the state legislative debates that were happening after Reconstruction, they were designed to stop African-Americans from voting. These have racist roots to these laws. And it gets to a point now where you can see the fruit of that poison tree - is that you have some counties in America where 1 out of 4 African-Americans can't vote. And remember; the overwhelming number of charges are for nonviolent drug offenses.","So here, you've served your time, and now you're going to have 10, 20, 40, 50, 60 years more as an adult. And you're told that your citizen rights have been stripped from you?This is a way, I think, that poor people especially - low-income people are being stripped of their democratic power."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"And it gets to a point now where you can see the fruit of that poison tree.\" The figurative meaning here is that the negative consequences of the racially motivated felony disenfranchisement laws are becoming evident or visible. The phrase \"fruit of that poison tree\" implies that the current situation is a result of something harmful or unjust in the past.","questions":"Which phrase in turn 2 suggests that the current situation is a result of something harmful or unjust in the past?","answer":"Harmful"} {"text":["NPR's Dina Temple-Raston has been following this story, and she's here now. Dina, scientists and legal experts, they're saying that the evidence against Ivins is really far from foolproof, that there is no smoking gun. What are they concerned about?","Well, a lot of the scientists who have looked at this say that they couldn't - that the FBI couldn't possibly have ruled out everyone who might have matched the anthrax vial or had access to the anthrax vial that they matched to Ivins. And this is basically, without getting too much into the science, this is because anthrax, all you have to do is grow more. So if you had some anthrax, conceivably, from this vial that they linked to Ivins, you could have grown your own source of more of that.","They also can't place him in Princeton, which is where the letters were mailed from, and he has this very distinctive, cramped handwriting that they couldn't match the handwriting on the envelopes. The FBI said it was similar, but there was nothing conclusive there. And there's this broader feeling that he couldn't have possibly accomplished all of this on his own. The plan was too elaborate and too technical for one person to do by themselves.","So what does the FBI say to all those questions?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"cramped handwriting\" - This is a descriptive phrase that refers to handwriting that is very small, tight, and crowded together, making it difficult to read. It does not refer to handwriting that is physically cramped due to space constraints.","questions":"How is cramped handwriting described?","answer":"Small"} {"text":["OK. You have been witness to debate preparation sessions, however. So, when does the work really start for these events?","Well, I tell you, it's something that's ongoing from the very start of the general election. Because the best way to debate effectively is to know what your opponent is going to say. So, everyone in each campaign has been paying attention to the interviews the other opponent has been giving, the speeches that they have been making. And about a month ago, they started compiling a briefing book. This is about four inches thick, it has tabs covering every issue, everything that the campaign has put out about it, everything your opponent has said about it, and it's a way to get you briefed on all the issues. As you know, tonight, 90 minutes, everything is on the table.","Yeah. So, what are the key points a debate prep team likes to address right away?I was wondering if there is like a set list, or does it really depend on the candidate and the race?","Well, hands down, no matter the juxtaposition of your candidate or the charisma they may or may not have, it always comes down to two things, and that's the verbal and the non-verbal."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Debate preparation is a continuous process throughout the election campaign.","questions":"Which aspect of the debate preparation process is always important?","answer":"Verbal"} {"text":["Different things. Some people have heard of the Ig Nobel Prize, many have not. To some of them - there have been some winners who have been waiting for it for years. More typically they're not quite sure what it is. Our standard policy, which - it has a few twists now and then. But in general, when we've chosen somebody, we will quietly get in touch with them, offer them the prize and give them the opportunity to quietly to decline the honor. And if they say no, that's fine, that's it. We never mention it. We don't even keep records. We give it to somebody else. But happily for us, not many people decline. Almost everybody accepts.","And some of them - do they actually go on to win the real Nobel Prize?","That's happened at least once. In the year 2000, we gave the Ig Nobel Prize in psychics to two physicists in England, Andre Geim and Michael Berry, who were, and are, quite eminent physicists. They won the Ig Nobel Prize that year for using magnets to levitate a frog. I don't know if you've seen the videos on the Web of that.","Yeah, yeah, yeah."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Winners of Ig Nobel Prize are eager to receive it","questions":"Which prize are most people unwilling to decline?","answer":"Ig"} {"text":["Yeah.","I love salt.","You didn't see that coming. (Laughter) You love salt.","I totally didn't.","That's an essential mineral."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 4 : Implicated meaning: A is sarcastically downplaying the significance of B's love for salt. While the literal meaning suggests a factual statement about salt being an essential mineral, the tone and context imply that A is being dismissive or making light of B's statement about loving salt.","questions":"Which mineral?","answer":"Salt"} {"text":["And it's the same university where, in the early days of gene therapy, a young man did die in a very early gene therapy study that set the field back, like, a decade. So the last thing these researchers want to do is, you know, do anything risky. They're taking it very carefully, being very slow. They're going to follow these patients for a long time to see if it's safe and how well it's working.","All right. There's a lot at stake here. And this isn't the only study, I understand, that's trying to use CRISPR to treat diseases. What else is going on?","Yeah, yeah. It's actually a really exciting time for - in the world for CRISPR and medical treatments right now. There's about a half a dozen studies that are - have been going in China for cancer for a while. And now another half a dozen or so are being launched in Europe, in the United States and in countries like Canada that try to treat a variety of diseases. In the first one are blood disorders. One is known as beta thalassemia. That first patient was treated there in Germany recently. And then there's - another trial is going to be starting soon in this country to try to use CRISPR to treat sickle cell disease. So it's a lot happening right now with CRISPR and diseases.","And it sounds like it's still early days."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The literal meaning of this sentence is that it is still early in the development of CRISPR-based treatments. However, the implied meaning is that it is still too soon to tell if these treatments will be successful.","questions":"Which meaning of turn 3 is implied?","answer":"Premature"} {"text":["Well, he's got two possibilities here. These tariffs go up on Friday. Both the U. S. and the Chinese economy would feel the pain. Markets would respond. And here in China, the timing is not great. China's growth is slowing. The government has stepped in with stimulus to try and cushion the blow. And higher tariffs would put more pressure on China's financial system. That said, the notion of Xi Jinping standing up to an American president plays into this carefully crafted aura of him inside of China as this strongman leader who's willing to fight back against China's biggest global rival. So it could play in his favor.","Now, one thing that has not been on the table during these trade talks is China's interment of millions of Chinese Muslims - Uighurs - something that has concerned human rights groups here in the U. S. Do you think that there's any chance that this human rights concern will be addressed during these trade talks?","Well, it certainly doesn't seem like it. The State Department has ratcheted up its criticism of China on this issue, but the Commerce Department and the U. S. trade representative who are handling the trade negotiations don't seem receptive to having this issue be a part of the talks. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo did seem to separate the two issues in an interview on \"Face The Nation\" on Sunday, saying the administration has to do more than one thing at a time.","And you were just in Xinjiang last week, right?Tell us what you saw there."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The US government is not willing to include human rights concerns in trade negotiations with China","questions":"How has the US government responded to human rights concerns during trade negotiations with China?","answer":"Not"} {"text":["Yeah, thank you.","So tell us what the article said.","Well, it's very interesting. It's in the Jesuit magazine La Civilta Cattolica. It's a very historic magazine, the Jesuits, of course, being the same order that Pope Francis - an order of priest that Pope Francis is a part of. And what's very interesting is that these two authors are known to be quite close to him. One, Antonio Spadaro, was the person who interviewed him in 2013 and made a big splash. And what they're saying is that they're concerned about ties between fundamental evangelicals and, kind of, right-wing Catholics in the U. S. that are focused only on very neuralgic issues and kind of dividing in politics.","And the article, I believe, specifically talks about xenophobic and Islamophobic views.","Yeah. What the authors say is that, you know, Pope Francis has really been trying to create a culture of dialogue encounter, really working with people across all the spectrums. And what the two authors in this article are saying is that these right-wing groups in the U. S. have been really doing the opposite. Where Pope Francis is trying to build bridges, they're trying to build walls. And they're playing up concerns about migration, about refugees. And they're kind of operating in the exact opposite way of the pope which, for a Catholic, is obviously a very strange thing.","All right, this article also directly mentions President Donald Trump and his adviser Steve Bannon. What does it say about them?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"Thank you\" - The literal meaning is an expression of gratitude or appreciation.","questions":"Which expression does PersonA use to respond to PersonB's request to share the content of the article?","answer":"Thank"} {"text":["Well, that's good to hear, and I'm sure life is good for a lot of people there. But nevertheless, austerity has cut into many people's lives, and a lot of people would like the economy to start doing a lot better.","It is true. In fact, you brought up a very good point. What happened is the austerity that followed the crisis of 2008 and 2009 - and I'm afraid your country, the United States, knows a lot about that, and it was part - actually, it helped start all that. We did our bit, as well, in Europe, of course. But - people and nations react in different ways. The Greek rioted in their squares. The French took to the streets. The Spaniards sort of sulked(ph) in their unsellable homes. The British swore at their bankers. Italians kept very quiet (unintelligible) Prime Minister Mario Monti. But obviously, something was sort of looming, and it happened. You know, this election, people had enough and say, austerity is not enough.","We've been suffering. And Beppe Grillo actually provided a way and a channel for (unintelligible), which is good. There was no violence at all in Italy, and the people protesting with their votes. I think it's very mature, very wise, in a way. Now it's time for Grillo to use those votes and do something with them.","Other than describing him as a populist, can you describe his politics to us?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Austerity measures caused protests and elections in Europe.","questions":"How did austerity impact Europe?","answer":"Anger"} {"text":["It does.","It worked out.","So, first of all, just - as you said, you're just coming back from this conference. Could you just give me - just overall, what are you hearing from your colleagues, particularly your former colleagues in the courts, about how this system is functioning now?How do they experience this backlog?Is it this unending flow of cases that they can't do anything with?Or - how are they experiencing this?","Yeah. You know, the American Bar Association just put out a report on the immigration courts recently in which they said it's a dysfunctional system on the verge of collapse. And that was, basically, agreed to by everybody at the conference, including sitting immigration judges. What the judges have said is that the new judges being hired are pretty much being told in their training that they're not really judges, that instead, they should view themselves as loyal employees of the attorney general and of the executive branch of government. They are basically being trained to deny cases not to fairly consider them."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : This statement implies that that judiciary is not independent of the executive branch of government,","questions":"Which branch of government is the immigration court being told to be loyal to?","answer":"Executive"} {"text":["Did you think twice?","I said - well, I didn't think - well, I said, sure, and I held it to the ground. And then I thought, this is not exactly what I signed up for, but, you know, you need to pitch in a little bit in these circumstances.","For a disease, a virus to spill over, is it just a matter of coming in contact with the right animal?Is it just chance, or does there have to be something special about the virus itself to be able to infect multiple species?","Well, some kinds of virus, yes, are better at this than others. And the scientists who watch the world for the next spillover are particularly vigilant about single-stranded RNA viruses, as distinct from DNA viruses that carry their genomes on the good old, stable double helix. RNA viruses, when they replicate, mutate more frequently. Therefore, there's more change. There's more genetic variation in the populations of those viruses. They replicate very abundantly, so their populations are large."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : B is asking A if he\/she thought carefully before doing something.","questions":"What type of viruses are scientists more vigilant about due to their high replication rate and mutation frequency?","answer":"RNA"} {"text":["Wow.",". . . all the different individual pieces, we've got tens of thousands of pieces, but basically, 1,800 or more than 1,800 different distinct meteorites. And we have some of the - there's all different kinds of meteorites. I know this is radio, but I actually did bring some samples in with me for the studio audience at least. So if anybody afterwards wants to come by and take a look at these. . .","You'll count them on the way out.","I will count them on the way out."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : You will count the number of samples you have after the presentation implying that the studio audience might steal some.","questions":"Which number will PersonA count after the presentation?","answer":"Number"} {"text":["But well. . .","If you go through the list of Obama people, the top four, five, six people had not just worked in presidential campaigns before, but they worked in that critical area which gets very little attention, but is absolutely essential, and that's called field operations. It means going into states, setting up shop, organizing, getting people door knocking, getting people calling and getting delegate victories.","These people knew how to win campaigns on a local level. Importantly, very significant figures had a lot of experience in Iowa. He set his sights on winning Iowa very early.","What I found fascinating in doing this reporting is that both campaigns had the same Plan A. The Plan A was, win the first four states, attain a political victory, and not be out of personnel."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Field operations\" - The literal meaning of field operations is the management and execution of tasks in a specific area, such as farming or construction. However, in this context, it refers to the essential campaign strategy of setting up operations in states, organizing volunteers, and winning delegate victories.","questions":"What was the critical area that the top four to six people in Obama's campaign had experience in?","answer":"Field"} {"text":["Yeah. A chap called Paolo Campana seems to have been the first with the idea that you should eat a dish of pasta all'Amatriciana and donate some money to relief efforts - a euro, two euros, a couple of dollars. That was taken up fairly quickly by the Red Cross here in Italy. They've got a very clever campaign based on the fact that the ama in Amatriciana is love, so, you know, kind of playing on that and asking people to donate money when they eat a dish of pasta. A lot of restaurants here in Italy got on board very quickly. Paolo Campana said that he had 700 within a day of putting the idea up and lots of restaurants outside Italy.","Do you have a favorite version of the dish?","The simple one, the purest one, yeah. I don't particularly want it with onion or garlic. I think they overpower it. And I prefer just a little bit of hot pepper rather than black pepper, which is what some people put in. Interesting, you know, there's an idea to have a virtual sagre. I mean, these food festivals, they're called sagre, and they take place in every little town in Italy. And some people have put forward the idea that over the weekend, you cook a dish of Amatriciana, have some friends, post a photo, use a hashtag and donate some money to the relief efforts. That's a fun idea. You can, of course, just donate money to the relief efforts without having to cook.","Jeremy Cherfas wrote about pasta all'Amatriciana for NPR's The Salt, and he spoke to us from Rome. Thanks so much for being with us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) implies the speaker's approval of the idea of having a virtual sagre","questions":"How did the speaker respond to the idea of having a virtual sagre?","answer":"Approval"} {"text":["Well, I say that may be the case. And I'm for affirmative action. I'm for giving opportunities to minorities. I'm for immigration reform. I'm a very proud Hispanic. But I just think the Democratic Party has to communicate a better message of economic populism, of helping small businesses. Somehow the centrist white male, the conservative white male that used to vote Democratic from the South and the Midwest is eluding us. And we've got to get that base back or get some portion of the base because they're leaving us in droves.","And what about those politicians that might say, hey, look, we won a couple of national elections with the demographics that we have in the Democratic Party.","Well, what I say to them is that's great. But we've lost the Congress. We've lost the House. We've lost the Senate. We lose governorships. And, you know, it's not just the presidency that has the power in this country. It's local officials, it's county commissioners, it's governors. It's not just the Congress. It's a whole range of offices where we're not competing because we - we need a stronger, compelling economic message. And somehow, that seems to be eluding us if you look at recent elections, especially in the South and the Midwest.","You've already cited Bernie Sanders. And I gather you have endorsed Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination for president. How do you think Secretary Clinton addresses these issues?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : suggests that the Democratic Party must put forth a more persuasive and powerful economic message to win more elections","questions":"Which message does person PersonA believe the Democratic Party needs to communicate better to win more elections?","answer":"Economic"} {"text":["I was listening back to some of the pieces that you've done in the past couple of months as we prepare for this broadcast. One of the things that China may have to change is the role of its banks. Banks like to take very few risks if possible, and that means investing in those big state-owned industries that have - well, they may not be spectacular returns anymore, but they are reliable.","Yeah. The banks do extremely well. You and I could sit back and run those banks and be very, very wealthy, though, communist.","The government sets the interest rates and so the banks can make a lot money. And if you're a Chinese person, you can't really get much of your capital out of the country. So where else are you going to put it?","One of the problems with the banks is that they tend to invest in state-owned enterprises. It's kind of part of their job, and it's less risky. But most of the jobs in China are really produced by private enterprise, as they are here in the United States. And it's much harder for them to get capital. So people are, in many ways, feelings that the economy is out of whack in a number ways and that there need to be some serious changes. The government knows this, but there are now very strong vested interests in state-owned enterprises and the banks. And so getting that done is not going to be easy politically."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The government is aware of the issues with state-owned enterprises and banks, but it will be difficult to make changes due to vested interests","questions":"What is the main obstacle to making changes in state-owned enterprises and banks?","answer":"house"} {"text":["Thank you. Thanks for having me.","Now, the books were released on inauguration day. I don't know if that was significant or not. Tell us if it was and what inspired these collections?","Well, these collections I have been thinking about for a long time. I've been talking about it with my agent for sometime about doing something like this. The big fear was that, no publisher would be that interested in it because they wouldn't think the collection could be sustained over a period of time doing it every year. But Bantam believed it and so Bantam, we ultimately made a deal with Bantam to do it. The date wasn't really significant. I mean, the date turned out to be significant but we had set the date a long time before and we were just hoping that Obama would win so the date would really have some significance but it was all an accident. It turned out well though.","Now, you're going to - we've had anthologies before obviously. But the new thing about this anthology is that you're going to try to publish it annually. How difficult do you think that is likely to be?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The publisher was not interested in the collections but Bantam believed it","questions":"How did the author find a publisher for the collection?","answer":"Bantam"} {"text":["Well, you're a gifted counselor. What do you think it might be?","I think it's triggering our students who have already experienced trauma and secondary trauma, and they've seen things. And we've seen students go through all kinds of emotional reactions during drills - panic and sadness and grief and fear because during those drills, you really don't know what's happening.","Given your history, given what you do now, given how close you come to some of these terrible issues, issues that are often too terrible to contemplate - if there are any one, two or three things you can change or say need to be done right now, what would they be?","I think our schools are doing everything they possibly can to make the environment safe. And I think one of the things that needs to change is it is not a conversation just for our schools anymore. What's happening is our world and our society are now entering our schools. And so we need to address our world and our society."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Schools alone cannot solve the issue of safety, society as a whole needs to address it.","questions":"Which issue needs to be addressed by society as a whole?","answer":"Safety"} {"text":["Yeah. Everyone agrees that our prescription drug costs are too high - both right and left - you know, Democrat, Republican. It's one of the few points of information, points of fact that everyone agrees on. The problem is everyone disagrees on how best to tackle that. And there are a lot of forces that are resisting any change at all.","The bipartisan solution which Senator Klobuchar and Senator John McCain have proposed is allowing prescription drug imports from other countries, so we allow for a global competition in the sense of, you know, if everyone else is getting a better deal than us, why can't we buy our prescription drugs from there the same way we buy our, you know, refrigerators and cars?","Elisabeth Rosenthal, editor-in-chief of Kaiser Health News and author of \"An American Sickness: How Health Care Became Big Business And How You Can Take It Back. \"Thanks so much for being with us.","Thanks for having me."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Everyone is aware that the issue of high prescription drug costs needs to be addressed, but there are opposing views on how to do so.","questions":"What is the point of disagreement regarding the tackling of high prescription drug costs?","answer":"Tackling"} {"text":["So I can't say anything definitive. But my understanding is that Mr. Mueller basically laid out, here are the elements. As you read in the introduction, we can't conclude it wasn't obstruction, and we're essentially turning it over to Congress to look at that and, I must say, to the voters; ultimately, I think the voters in 2020 are going to be the people that decide what was right and wrong in this case.","Now, there was an interesting point in the press conference today with Attorney General Bill Barr. He defended his conclusion that there was no obstruction by pointing out that the president has at times been very cooperative in this investigation - he provided access to documents, he let his senior aides testify freely. Let me ask you, does that mean in your mind that the president could not have had a corrupt intent?","Well, I think, you know, he was sort of cherry-picking the evidence. We know, for example, that the president wanted to dismiss Mr. Mueller, wanted to shut down the investigation, wanted Attorney General Sessions to unrecuse himself to take control of the situation. We know that when he first heard of the investigation, he leaned back in his chair and said, this could be the end of my presidency. And so I don't - I mean, clearly, there was cooperation. Although, on one of the very major aspects, the president refused to testify or his lawyers, anyway, refused to testify.","Do you think it was a mistake of Robert Mueller not to have subpoenaed the president to sit down for an interview?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Turn (4): \"subpoenaed the president to sit down for an interview\" is an idiom that means legally compelling someone to appear and give testimony. It does not mean literally inviting someone to sit down for a friendly conversation.","questions":"How does the statement define \"subpoenaed the president to sit down for an interview\"?","answer":"Legally"} {"text":["Well, I think it was more like blind anger, as anyone would probably if you have, you know, the highest elected person in the land telling you that the - an entire congressional district is rat-infested and miserable and a horrible place when, of course, that's not true. And you have to sort of question his judgment, as this is not hardly the first time he has done something like this.","I'll put it bluntly. Did you take the bait?I mean, it seems like these repeated attacks are designed to cause controversy and to cause the media to engage.","Well, I think you've really hit the nail on the head. That's the - that is the professional problem that we all have in covering this president. But if you have this carefully considered, you know, sort of - you know, this is some academic or intellectual argument, it's going to be - fall on deaf ears as well. So at some point, you know, you have to take the measure of the moment and decide where you're going to go.","And I think, you know, this particular tweet that - actually series of tweets and somewhat echoed again this morning - is just beyond the pale. I mean, it's just so obvious what's going on. It's just not excusable, so you just have to stand up for the people who don't have a voice in this."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Hitting the nail on the head means to state the truth. The deaf ears are people that don't want to hear about it.","questions":"What does hitting the nail on the head mean?","answer":"Truth"} {"text":["Well, popularity is very important. The outdoor world needs more visitors and better accessibility. The difficulty with managing that side of it is that construction can have adverse effects to the natural areas if you start doing different buildings and that sort of thing on top of it, but yes.","Is this an anomaly, though, when we're talking just about Horseshoe Bend or have you seen other spaces that have changed?","I have. A smaller one in Colorado is Conundrum Hot Springs. After it became a spot for people to easily find on social media, the amount of visitorship (ph) went up really high. And since this is a very remote location where people kind of hang around for a long time in the hot springs, they ran out of places to go to the bathroom. As a result, Conundrum Hot Springs had to be shut down for a little bit while park rangers were up there with shovels to relieve that issue.","Meaning they were building bathrooms because people were just, like, basically. . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Social media can significantly increase the number of visitors to remote locations, causing issues with facilities.","questions":"How can social media impact remote locations?","answer":"Issues"} {"text":["I don't know where life would have led Ionel Talpazan if he'd slept on a cardboard box on a corner of, say, Akron or Peoria. But in New York, a famous art figure named Henry Tobler saw an artist in his drawings and wrote about him in scholarly journals. His pictures were included in Manhattan art galleries, and from the 1990s on, Ionel made his way in the world by his art. By the time he died, his works had hung at the American Visionary Art Museum and museums in San Francisco, London, Berlin, Madrid and France. Talpazans were sold in fancy galleries from SoHo to Chelsea. The man who'd slept in a box moved to a New York apartment.","My art shows spiritual technology, something beautiful and beyond human imagination that comes from another galaxy, he once told the Western Folklore journal. So in a relative way, this is like the God. Ionel Talpazan imagined incredible things and made them alive in the eyes of others. In a way, he did escape on his UFO.","(Singing) I wouldn't fool you, but I - I've seen the saucers so many times, I'm almost. . .","Elton John. You're listening to NPR News."],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : implies that Ionel Talpazan was able to find success and make something of himself, and in a way, he was able to \"escape\" his struggles and reach his dreams","questions":"How did Ionel Talpazan \"escape\" his struggles and achieve success?","answer":"Success"} {"text":["Well, tell us first, let's go back. How did you find out about this because I know they try and keep this very secret?How did you find out you had been awarded the MacArthur Grant?","I kind of got punked a little bit. I mean, it's the best way to get punked you could imagine, but they called me into the offices, I was going to be in Chicago for an event, and they basically called me in more or less under the pretense that they wanted me to talk about some candidates that I was recommending.","So of course I kind of scampered in to sort of support the folks that I was hoping would get it, and they just sort of surprised me with this, you know, this incredible gift and just, you know, it kind of just blew my brains open.","So they really did manage to keep it a secret?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : A was surprised to receive the MacArthur Grant.","questions":"Which grant did PersonA receive?","answer":"Crowding"} {"text":["What would happen in a civil contempt is that you would basically be trying to hold the attorney general - get a court order that he was in contempt. And the court would have a hearing. And Justice Department would intervene, and they would fight the contempt citation. And then the court would have a ruling. And that's how the process kind of operates theoretically. What normally happens is the court does not like to step into executive legislative disputes, and they will urge both sides to try to accommodate one another. I think it would only be if the court determined that the Justice Department was really in bad faith would they then hold the attorney general in contempt.","Let me ask you this. If this matter does land in court, if litigation is actively pursued, that could take months. It could take years even. And if the goal is to get information from Attorney General William Barr, how is this an effective strategy?Pursuing a contempt case could result in a huge delay, right?","I think the reality is is that the rules of subpoenas right now as we're discussing in many ways work in favor of the executive for the exact reason that you are hinting at in your question, which is they can run the clock. They can probably run the clock on the enforcement question for months, if not years. And they might be able to even run it up to the next election.","Right. So if the White House intends to stonewall, do you think it's even a wise strategy on the part of the Democrats right now to be talking about contempt?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The rules of subpoenas work in favor of the executive.","questions":"What is the advantage of the rules of subpoenas for the executive?","answer":"Executive"} {"text":["She says, look, we've got to do something some investment on sort of global warming issues, energy, independence issues. Let's use the recession to start creating a green economy.","Now, when you look at someone who is no longer in the race, John Edwards, he was often portrayed by supporters and portrayed himself as someone who was going to make ending poverty the center of his campaign. How would his approach have differed from both Senators Obama and Clinton?","Well, actually it turns out at the end of the day, the Edwards approach is fairly similar to sort of a combination of the Clinton and Obama proposals, and that's not surprising. Because John Edwards was the person who came out with a plan first - I thought it was the best plan - and the other candidates fit in in a lot of issues, actually copied John Edwards. In fact, John Edwards was - has truly been a forcing figure during this election, compelling Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, both, to be more progressive than they might otherwise have been.","Well, let's talk a little bit about political philosophy. We've talked a bit about trickle-down economics, but then there's also the model of the government getting directly involved. Certainly ending the great depression by creating jobs itself - everything from jobs for writers and artists to road building, infrastructure. That does not seem to be a model that's been followed, certainly not to that extent - in decades. Is that even on the table, the whole prospect of the government actually stepping in and doing job creation itself?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"How would his approach have differed from both Senators Obama and Clinton?\" - The literal meaning is a question about how John Edwards' approach to ending poverty would differ from the approaches of Senators Obama and Clinton. The actual meaning is a question about the policy differences between the three candidates.","questions":"What was the focus of John Edwards' campaign?","answer":"Poverty"} {"text":["Hello.","Hi. I don't even know where to begin this story. It is so crazy. I guess I'll note Britons who do seem to love a really deliciously gossipy trashy tabloid tell-all, maybe they were overdue for a good scandal.","I have to say we've really, really needed it. Britain is exhausted by Brexit and the constant doom and gloom. So it's no surprise that WAGatha Christie, as you mentioned in the introduction, has broken the Internet today. And the reason why it's called WAGatha Christie is that WAG or WAGs is an acronym commonly used here to refer to the wives and girlfriends of high-profile athletes. And two of the women involved in today's feud are two of the most high-profile WAGs in the country.","OK. The wives or girlfriends in question here are Coleen Rooney and Rebekah Vardy. Who are these two women?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The story is very different from stories people normally here","questions":"What is the tone of the statement in turn 0?","answer":"Different"} {"text":["In diapers, exactly. But the London police haven't quite given the final say-so on that yet. But, you know, there will be a lot of protests. That may upset the president. It's controversial, but the government insists, and the diplomats insist, that he's a vital part of nurturing a special relationship, which they insist is very good for the U. K.","Because he's not only going, he's getting literally the royal treatment.","Yeah. I mean, this is as good as it gets if you're a head of state coming to the U. K. It is bells and whistles. It's pomp and circumstance. It's a banquet at Buckingham Palace, although that seems to be being boycotted by Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, also by Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the - of Her Majesty's Opposition, and Vince Cable, the leader of the Liberal Democrats.","But I don't think that's going to take the gloss off it too much for Donald Trump. He's someone who has made it very clear this is what he wants, and we're expecting him to look like he's lapping it up."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Bells and whistles means that everything that is expensive and fancy is being done.","questions":"Which phrase describes the treatment received by the head of state visiting the UK?","answer":"Expensive"} {"text":["Yes. At the top of the mountains, we have cloud forests. These are forests composed of trees of low stature. They have the ability to withstand the strong wind conditions at the top of the mountain. They are very important in regulating the water cycling of the mountain and actually supplying the 20 percent of the water for Puerto Rico. These trees are completely covered by mosses and plants that sit on the tree trunks and collect water. And they can then kind of filter cloud water down the mountain. So many of these mosses and epiphytes were stripped from the tree trunks on the face where those winds were more intense.","I wonder, Dr. Gonzalez, as you were walking through El Yunque looking at the destruction of this place that you've known so well for so long, what was going through your mind seeing it totally transformed?","Well, it's an amazing experience, but I think it's one of learning and regeneration. We already have seen the greening of the forest in some areas. We're already seeing that some species are lifting up. We know that some other species will come up and kind of make their way to more native or mature species of the forest to take over. So yes, it is a catastrophic event. But we know that there's going to be a recovery phase.","Dr. Gonzalez, what about you and your family?How did you do?Do you have power?Do you have water?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : DR GONZALEZ AND HIS FAMILYWAIKED THROUGH AFORESTAND FACES MORE INTENSED THINGS","questions":"What did Dr. Gonzalez and his family face in the forest?","answer":"Intense"} {"text":["I think that's up to the nominee to determine who his vice president will be. Certainly, I think she brings some things to the table that would be great for a team, as I indicated. There are a lot of women out there who would like to see her play some significant role, perhaps as vice president. She obviously went into the rural community, and whipped up some small-town votes.","And so I think she does bring something to the table that would cause her to be considered. And I think she will be considered by Barack Obama. So now they have to get together, and work it out, and see if it works for them.","When you think about this race, you have so many people who are so emotionally invested, both people in the political community but certainly American citizens. What would you say to someone, yourself as a stalwart Democrat, who said, as many people have said, you know what?I'm not going to vote for Obama. I'm going to vote for McCain. I'm a Hillary supporter. I can't stomach voting for Obama.","Well, the first thing I think is that it is time for people to focus on the issues, the core issues of the Democratic Party. What do we stand for?Who do we really represent?And that's how you measure your candidates. I don't think anybody that focuses on the history of the party, and how we have evolved, and what our issues are, and the leadership of our party who could vote for McCain."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"whipped up some small-town votes\" - This expression means that the nominee's vice presidential candidate was able to motivate and persuade people from rural areas to vote for their party. The literal meaning of \"whipping up\" is to mix or beat ingredients together quickly, so the phrase has a figurative meaning here.","questions":"What does the expression \"whipped up\" mean in turn 0?","answer":"Motivate"} {"text":["The federal investigations looming over the Trump administration kicked into high gear this past week, yielding legal consequences for not one but four of his associates. Former campaign Chairman Paul Manafort was convicted on eight counts in federal court while, at virtually the same time, Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty and implicated the president. Add to that news that prosecutors reached immunity deals with two Trump allies - David Pecker, the publisher of the National Enquirer, and Allen Weisselberg, chief financial officer of The Trump Organization. To sort through what all this means, I'm joined by Anne Milgram, a former state and federal prosecutor and former attorney general of New Jersey. Welcome to the program.","Thanks for having me.","And let's talk about that immunity. Prosecutors have worked out deals to get cooperation from at least these two men that we know about. What's the upshot of that?","So the upshot with Pecker, I think, could be enormous for the government in terms of getting evidence about Donald Trump. We understand that he had - he's friends with Trump for 20 years or more and that they've had a long relationship. What I think is one of the most interesting questions here is not just that he's cooperated related to the Cohen piece but also what other evidence he may have. Were there other deals made?Were there other stories that they caught and killed, as they say in the business, where they pay people to not actually publish a story and not have it go public?So that, I think, is particularly interesting."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"Caught and killed\" is not literal. It refers to newspaper stories being not being published due to interference from the subject of those stories.","questions":"Which term describes the practice of preventing the publication of a newspaper story?","answer":"Publishing"} {"text":["When you look at what the U. S. walks away from this summit with, was it a success from the U. S. point of view?","Well, the one thing - yes, obviously the president, I think, was happy. The president was happy to have been celebrated in the way he was celebrated. Clearly he repeated the mantra of, you know, this imperial visit was the first and most important thing in 200 years.","But I think it's also true that on Iran, they may have gotten a little bit of assistance from Mr. Abe. He offered to mediate. He's going to be visiting in Iran. And Mr. Abe and Mr. Trump both said nobody wanted war; nobody wanted rising conflict. And that may be helpful to the president, who has tried to put the damper just a little bit on the kind of drumbeat that looks like the United States and Iran could end up in a military conflict.","That's Sheila Smith of the Council on Foreign Relations. She's also author of the book \"Japan Rearmed. \"Sheila Smith, thank you."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The president was satisfied with how he was perceived.","questions":"What was the president's response?","answer":"Satisfied"} {"text":["So from your teens into your 40s, you become an increasingly successful auto repair entrepreneur and businessman. What makes you, in your 40s, wind up in medical school?","I really wanted to grow the business or - I didn't really know exactly which direction I wanted to go into, but I felt like I needed some foundational training in business if I were to do this correctly. So I ended up checking out some local colleges to see who had a degree program and came across Ursuline College in Pepper Pike.","But it was while I was at Ursuline that I discovered my desire for medicine that came back from how I felt when I was a child. And it was during a biology class. And it was the first day of class when I walked in there, in the first hour, that my life changed.","How?What happened?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : wind up means to suddenly be in a situation.","questions":"How did the speaker end up in medical school?","answer":"Foundational"} {"text":["What a coincidence. Serendipity.","Absolutely. So this is a very festive lab and we asked if they would look into this and they did, several times over, for us. And so we have the results on Video Pick of the Week is originals of our sample size of one - we should be clear - experiment into this.","Right. And you found that if you out enough - spike your eggnog enough, should we. . .","Well, yes. So you can go to our website for the recipe. But after - the key to this, and actually, we'll have - let's have Vince Fischetti, sort of, give us a little background."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The speaker is expressing surprise and amazement at the coincidence.","questions":"How would you describe PersonB's reaction to the coincidence?","answer":"Surprise"} {"text":["Yeah. The O'Neal family says that it shows cold-blooded murder. There is certainly rough language. I saw about nine minutes of one video. I think a lot of civilians might - it's a confusing thing to see. It's a - it's a crime scene after all, and it begins with the police car being sideswiped by a car stolen by the young man. At least one officer thought he'd been shot at.","Right. And it is - it is, among other things - first of all, you do not see the shooting of the 18-year-old because the officer who did the shooting, the fatal shooting, which was a gunshot to the back, was not his - his personal camera, body camera, was not turned on for whatever reason. But you see the vantage point of nine cameras, some worn by police officers, some on the dash boards of the car. And what you see is the kind of adrenaline and mayhem of police officers trying to corner a suspect.","And so when you finally do see Paul O'Neal, he is on the ground, face down. He's being handcuffed. Blood is coming out of his back. An officer has a foot on one of his legs as if to restrain him. And there's confusion because police are saying to each other, did you shoot?Were you shot at?And so there is a kind of mayhem quality.","In the time we have left, police and others have suggested that some of this, once again, an increase in homicide is because many gang leaders have been jailed or killed. How does that follow?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The phrase \"cold-blooded murder\" implies that the act was done with a clear intention to kill, indicating that it was done without any emotion or hesitation.","questions":"How was the shooting described by the O'Neal family?","answer":"Murder"} {"text":["Hello.","Hi. I don't even know where to begin this story. It is so crazy. I guess I'll note Britons who do seem to love a really deliciously gossipy trashy tabloid tell-all, maybe they were overdue for a good scandal.","I have to say we've really, really needed it. Britain is exhausted by Brexit and the constant doom and gloom. So it's no surprise that WAGatha Christie, as you mentioned in the introduction, has broken the Internet today. And the reason why it's called WAGatha Christie is that WAG or WAGs is an acronym commonly used here to refer to the wives and girlfriends of high-profile athletes. And two of the women involved in today's feud are two of the most high-profile WAGs in the country.","OK. The wives or girlfriends in question here are Coleen Rooney and Rebekah Vardy. Who are these two women?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The story is very different from stories people normally here","questions":"Which turn in the dialogue introduces the name of the scandal?","answer":"2"} {"text":["Sure. So one rule that was actually finalized on Halloween at about 4:30 or so on a Friday has to do with confined animal feeding operations, and those are industrial farms. And basically it allows the companies that run those farms to voluntarily apply for permits to discharge waste from these industrial farms into streams, rivers and things like that. The sort of catch is that there is not really much enforcement in terms of whether, you know, the farm that's applying for the permit actually discharges enough waste to apply for that permit. So it really leaves a lot - a great degree of the discretion onto the industry itself. So that's one. . .","So it's deregulation?","Right.","Of course, the financial deregulation issue, whether or not - how much financial industry should be regulated is a big issue, but also, in California, you had a whole look and a proposition that passed that was about this kind of issue, about how densely animals should be kept together. But you mentioned reproductive freedom. What is the regulation change on that?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The permit system for industrial farms is flawed and allows companies to discharge waste into streams and rivers without much enforcement.","questions":"What does the permit system for industrial farms allow?","answer":"Discharge"} {"text":["Oh, yes. Nationally, and even locally, we sometimes just put everybody in the same group as just protesters, but there are a lot of different people out there for a lot of different reasons. And the vast majority of folks have been peaceful. We did see back in August and in November, and then again this week, some people engage in violence. And they do not speak for the majority of people. They do not represent the majority of people who have been out there. But it is a very diverse group, and people have different agendas.","Mr. French, you, I gather, have a family - 4-year-old son. Do you want him to grow up in that St. Louis area?","You know, this is a question my wife and I ask ourselves all the time. You know, we're educated. We, you know, have good incomes and we have chosen to live in a neighborhood I grew up in, which is a rough part of North St. Louis. It's in a higher crime area. Its property values are low. There are a lot of struggles. And we've decided to stick it out and try to improve our community. But when we had our son four years ago, he really became for us an hourglass. He is, as we see, our timeline of when we really need to see real progress. And so for us, we always have a sense of urgency about trying to really improve our community.","St. Louis Alderman Antonio French speaking with us from the studios of KWMU in St. Louis. Thanks so much for being with us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The implied meaning of this turn is that the speaker is asking if the Alderman has any reservations about the safety of the St. Louis area, given the protests and violence that have been occurring.","questions":"How does the interviewer ask about the Alderman's concern for the safety of his family in St. Louis?","answer":"concern"} {"text":["What makes a great building?","Well, what makes a great tall building is a building that stands out from the normal run of the mill stuff which is - which makes up most of the tall buildings that are being built in cities around the world. The four buildings this year that we've honored from each region are definitely breaking away from the norm.","Let's talk about - let me just remind everybody that this is SCIENCE FRIDAY from NPR. Let's talk about the Absolute Towers in a suburb of Toronto. These towers were named best tall buildings of Americas. They've been named the Marilyn Monroe Towers because of their sky-high curves. They're curvy-looking, yet they - the curves serve a function.","The curves do serve a function. And what's unique about these buildings is, again, against the backdrop of 99 percent of tall buildings being fairly boring rectilinear boxes, these are very curving organic towers, which look iconic and look incredible, but they serve a purpose."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Literally, the turn means that the Absolute Towers are unique because they are curvy and organic, and also serve a purpose. However, the implied meaning is that most tall buildings are not designed with both aesthetics and functionality in mind, whereas the Absolute Towers manage to achieve both.","questions":"How are the Absolute Towers unique?","answer":"Curvy"} {"text":["President George W. Bush's book of portraits of more than 60 soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines who served in wars under his watch was published this week - \"Portraits Of Courage: A Commander In Chief's Tribute to America's Warriors. \"President Bush has done a number of interviews in recent days talking about how he took up painting after leaving office and how he came to paint portraits of men and women that he sent in to war. We're joined by one of the president's subjects now. They call each other friends. Michael Rodriguez was a U. S. Army Special Forces Green Beret who served from 1992 to 2013 in Latin America, Somalia, Haiti, two tours in Afghanistan, nine deployments in 21 years. Michael Rodriguez joins us now from his home near Fort Bragg, N. C. Thanks so much for being with us.","Oh, thank you for having me.","What do you think of your portrait?","Oh, wow. I'm, you know, I'm blown away that my former commander in chief would actually take the time to paint those that served under him. And I'm humbled that he selected me as one of them. I think it's a pretty good representation of me. I couldn't - I'm still kind of processing the whole thing."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : This is a polite way of asking what the person thinks of their own portrait.","questions":"Which portrait did President George W. Bush paint for Michael Rodriguez?","answer":"Not-Mentioned"} {"text":[". . . Say, the state agriculture commissioner. It just doesn't make sense.","Well, forgive my naivety. But don't all parties weigh in on ballot design?Or are those days - am I living in the age of Pollyanna aspirations?","Well, they have - they do have the ability to at least protest. They have the ability to see it at the time. The ballot is sent out ahead of time to say, hey, here's what the ballot looks like. And the Senate campaign of Bill Nelson did not complain.","President Trump has said there's evidence of election fraud. Is there evidence?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Not all parties weigh in on ballot design","questions":"How does PersonB describe their understanding of the involvement of all parties in ballot design?","answer":"naivety"} {"text":["That will vary tremendously among fields, but the simple story is, it'll take awhile. So, even the most wildly optimistic assessment would say that, even if we started drilling now, we won't really see any oil for five years. So, the U. S. Geological Survey looked at, for example, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and even if we started drilling today, we wouldn't really start to produce significant quantities of oil for a decade.","Robert, I know you're familiar with the ongoing debate about energy resources in this country. What we should do?Drill now?Don't drill now?You're a nonpartisan. You're a scientist. How do you view this argument between, really, the Republicans and the Democrats?","You know, the question for this country, for policy is, how will we ensure that we have energy over the next 20 years?To do that, we have a finite amount of capital that we can invest in the energy industry. It's highly unlikely that investing that money in offshore oil and gas drilling will ensure that we have sufficient supplies of energy 10 and 20 years from now. We've tried that experiment in the past. Despite all those wells drilled, domestic oil and gas production continued to decline. So, in hindsight, that money was not effectively spent.","Robert Kaufmann, director of the Center for Energy and Environmental Studies at Boston University. Robert, thank you.","Oh, you're welcome."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Drilling for oil takes a long time and won't immediately solve our energy problems.","questions":"What is the main issue with investing in offshore oil and gas drilling?","answer":"Time"} {"text":[". . . Didn't make millions. I know he made a lot - who ran Bernie Sanders' campaign.","Yeah, I think it's a question of, you know, does money tempt you to do things that you might not otherwise do?","Well, you've been there. What do you say?","I like to think that you need to stay grounded, right?You need to stay grounded. You need to say to yourself, am I doing what matters to the country and our future?Or am I just thinking about just pure self-interest, the amount of money that I can amass for myself and my family?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : One should prioritize the country's future over personal gain.","questions":"How should one prioritize their interests?","answer":"Grounded"} {"text":["Maybe they pass along in bodily fluids. Maybe they pass along through the air, on a cough or a sneeze. And those are the ones that become not just outbreaks but epidemics and pandemics.","And some humans are even call super-spreaders. Can you - do we know why some people are super-spreaders?","Well, we don't know why, but we know that it happens, this phenomenon of super-spreaders. It's a little bit similar to the famous case of Typhoid Mary, but a super-spreader is a person who becomes infected with one of these diseases, and then Typhoid Mary didn't show symptoms, but these super-spreaders generally show severe symptoms, and they pass their infection along to more than their share of secondary cases of other people.","For instance when SARS, SARS virus spilled over into humans in Southern China and then got to Hong Kong in 2003, it was amplified out of Hong Kong and went on to Toronto and Hanoi and Beijing and Singapore. But one of the reasons it was amplified is because there were a couple of super-spreaders in the case of SARS, two men who were very sick and who really spewed the virus out and infected a lot of health care workers."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : couple implies few carriers of the virus and not two people in romantic relationship","questions":"How many super-spreaders were involved in the SARS outbreak?","answer":"two"} {"text":["Yeah, there's quite a few of them. I looked up a couple. There's one that's e-Cycle. com. The EPA also has a pretty good index for, you know, how to find these places. There's another one called ecyclingcentral. com, where you can look up local things. And I also advise people to talk to their, you know, local landfill or, you know, contact your carrier or the maker of your phone, because I truly believe that that's something that they could, you know, do better, is - at least make it easy when you're getting that new phone to drop off the old one so that it gets recycled or reused.","Or maybe, you know, even on the box where the phone comes in, it has a label already stuck on it for sticking it back in the mail.","Yeah. That would be a phenomenal idea.","Yeah. Well, we sometimes come up with an idea."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The idea of labeling phone boxes for recycling is good.","questions":"How does PersonA respond to PersonB's suggestion about labeling phone boxes for recycling?","answer":"Phenomenal"} {"text":["Jim Kelly, the great old Buffalo Bills quarterback, can't remember the fourth quarter of the most important football game. And as he works all his life to get into that fourth quarter of the Super Bowl, and he can't remember.","Can't remember it, but it's on video. No, it's - I love Jim Kelly. I mean. . .","Yeah, I do too.",". . . He was a great player to watch. And he's in a special case because he's had several cancers that keep returning, and he's lost a son. He suffered in ways not of his own choosing. I mean, football was his own choosing. It was very poignant, though, because he told it, like, sort of joyously. He said, oh, yeah, we called it dings back then. You know, we call it concussions now and CTE, but no, no, no, it was great. I don't remember anything. I remember wandering back to the team hotel the day after the Super Bowl and wondering why I was there and not remembering - and he thought it was a funny story."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Jim Kelly can't remember the most important football game despite being a great quarterback","questions":"What player's memory loss was discussed in the dialogue?","answer":"Jim-Kelly"} {"text":["I wish, by this time, I had better news. Our colleagues in the U. N. system are now reporting that at least 2. 3 million people have been uprooted. Officially, there are 1. 2 million internally displaced. And don't forget that a year ago, there were no displaced people and now Ukraine is in the top 10 countries in the world with large displaced populations. We can tell you also that the humanitarian situation is very dire. Well over 6,000 - almost 7,000 - people have been killed and almost 17,000 have been injured. There's very little water, food, medical supplies available, so life is very, very difficult. But the problem for Ukraine, of course, is it's been well over a year now that the conflict has been active, so you can imagine the strain on the system and on society's fabric.","Ukraine says that Russian humanitarian convoys are carrying weapons across the border.","We have no way to verify that but what we do observe - we have a sister border monitoring mission on the Russian side of the border and they do report when these convoys cross - what time, how many vehicles, whether they're inspected. But I can't recall one time where we've actually reported that we've seen arms or anything like that. But I do have to point out is that we're not able to enter these vehicles.","Is this frustrating work, Mr. Bociurkiw?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The turn whose actual meaning is different from its literal meaning is turn (4) \"Is this frustrating work, Mr. Bociurkiw?\" The literal meaning of the question is asking Mr. Bociurkiw if he finds his work frustrating, but the implied meaning is whether Mr. Bociurkiw finds his work challenging due to the difficult and complex nature of the situation in Ukraine","questions":"How does Mr. Bociurkiw find his work in Ukraine?","answer":"Challenging"} {"text":["Aw. We mentioned that you worked for President George W. Bush, who advised John McCain. In your circle of friends, people there at the Hoover Institution - without violating any any confidences - your friends and colleagues - is your opinion widely held or are people who ordinarily would support the Republican candidate talking about voting for Hillary Clinton?","I think this is a real time of crisis for Republicans. It's hard for many of my friends to think about supporting Donald Trump. And it's very hard for many of my friends to think about supporting Hillary Clinton. In fact, I would have indulged the luxury of writing in one of my terrific nephews for president if I hadn't seen that the polls during the British referendum were off by 12 points. And my concern that (inaudible) be accurate, and everybody's vote's actually going to count this election.","Kori Schake is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution. She joined us by Skype. Thanks very much.","You're welcome."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"You're welcome.\" This turn is an example of conventionalized language, where the speaker uses a set phrase to respond to the expression of gratitude. The literal meaning of \"you're welcome\" is an invitation for the other person to come in, but in this context, it's used to acknowledge and accept thanks.","questions":"What is the purpose of using the phrase \"you're welcome\" in turn 3?","answer":"Acknowledgment"} {"text":["The truth of the matter is people like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, beneficiaries of affirmative action, would not have been at Harvard or at Yale have there not been those programs and obviously, they were completely qualified to be there as are all of the other black and Latino and women students in prestigious, elite higher education institutions in this nation.","You've fought and you lost. I'm talking about the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative of 2006. Now, we're talking about five more states. Really, what are you trying to do if these measures pass?","I think if they pass, then we're going to be filing lawsuits in every single one of the states where they've been passed - in Oklahoma, in Arizona, in Colorado, in Nebraska, in each and every one of those states - and very much like the march of the Supreme Court that was made by Thurgood Marshall nearly 50 years ago now to get Brown versus Board of Education. We're going to be going to the Supreme Court in saying overturn the new (unintelligible). You can't have an America in which states decide to eliminate the only programs that have brought about successful integration of higher education and of every occupation in this nation.","Now, Ward Connerly said of economic affirmative action was okay so you know, rich and poor but not racial or gender. How do you feel about those distinctions?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : A: \"march of the Supreme Court that was made by Thurgood Marshall\" Implicated meaning: The phrase refers to Thurgood Marshall's efforts in the Supreme Court that led to the landmark case of Brown versus Board of Education, implying a historical precedent for taking legal action to challenge discriminatory practices.","questions":"How did Thurgood Marshall contribute to the challenge of discriminatory practices?","answer":"Brown"} {"text":["The president's reaction, they're happy with, I think. The alt-right - Lana actually - I asked her this specifically - I said, you know, what do you think about Donald Trump?And she said, let's be honest; he's not one of our guys. We've never thought that he was one of our guys.","But the more that he does not disavow the things that they believe in and either tacitly or directly supports them, the better.","Seyward Darby - her article \"The Rise Of The Valkyries\" is published in the September issue of Harper's Magazine. Thank you so much for speaking with us.","Thank you so much for having me."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Thank you so much for speaking with us.\" - The literal meaning is the speaker thanking the person for speaking with them, and the implied meaning is likely just gratitude and appreciation.","questions":"What is the name of the author who wrote \"The Rise Of The Valkyries\" and published it in the September issue of Harper's Magazine?","answer":"Seyward"} {"text":["Hey. How you doing, Lulu?","I'm very well. For people who haven't been to Richmond, can you describe Monument Avenue for us?What statues are there?","Monument Avenue is one of the most beautiful stretches of street in the United States of America. I mean, it's tree-lined. It's on the national historic registry. There are statues to Robert E. Lee. There's a statue to Jeb Stuart, to, you know, Stonewall Jackson. And there's a lonely statue of Arthur Ashe, which I call the only true champion on that stretch of street.","The tennis champion, Arthur Ashe."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"Monument Avenue is one of the most beautiful stretches of street in the United States of America. I mean, it's tree-lined. It's on the national historic registry. There are statues to Robert E. Lee. There's a statue to Jeb Stuart, to, you know, Stonewall Jackson. And there's a lonely statue of Arthur Ashe, which I call the only true champion on that stretch of street.\" - The actual meaning is the speaker is expressing their opinion about Monument Avenue and the statues on it, highlighting the controversial nature of the Confederate statues and elevating Arthur Ashe as a true hero, rather than just providing factual information.","questions":"What is the name of the tennis player mentioned by the speaker in turn 2?","answer":"Arthur"} {"text":["No, he won't be voted on by the entire board, under our system, and I'd be telling you more internal NAACP organizational matters than anyone needs to know. The CEO works for the executive committee, and the executive committee needs to approve his contract, which I'm confident will happen. And when that's done, it's done.","You have been a very strong leader of the NAACP, from the position of chairman of the board. There have been some incredible chairmen - and women, including Myrlie Evers-Williams. But is this organization prepared to have a strong president?You are arguably still, at this point, you know, beyond arguably, the most powerful person at the NAACP, are you ready to split the seat?","I'm ready for Ben Jealous to come on board, and, you know, we have had only, I think, 17 people in this job, over the 99 years we've been in existence - four have been white, several have been women, they come from a variety of backgrounds and professions, but I'm looking forward to Ben Jealous. I think he is going to be among the strongest we've ever had, and may turn out to be the strongest we have ever had.","Give me a moment that you think typifies the direction that the NAACP is going. And what I mean is a personal moment, where you really felt, I'm doing the right thing, for the right reasons."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The incoming president, Ben Jealous, is expected to be one of the strongest in NAACP history.","questions":"How would you describe the expected strength of the incoming NAACP president?","answer":"Strong"} {"text":["It's very interesting. I find it funny, though, because I found in America, you - mixed-race people are categorized as black until you achieve success. You know, like they wait for you to achieve success before they give you the black standard. That's the upgrade. Before then they say you're mixed. You achieve success and you get upgraded to black. And all the famous mixed people do it. Before they all were mixed. You know, like, you know, all those singers - Alicia Keys, Mariah Carey - they go, oh, you know, mixed, and then they become famous, they go black singers. Tiger Woods is a black golfer although he's mixed. He doesn't even refer to himself as black, you know?","And the most famous person is Barack Obama, mixed half and half, but you say America's first black president. But when he was running, they called him the mixed candidate, you know, which is very interesting for me. You see how the dynamic goes. And then now you get people going, oh well, he's not black enough. I go, what is black enough?What is, you know, it's a very interesting thing. And as a mixed-race child, I know, growing up in a world where people always say that to me, oh, you're not black enough. And they'll never say you're not white enough though. White is never an option.","We wish you success enough to be called black.","Thank you very much. Thank you."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) has an actual meaning that is different from its literal meaning. The literal meaning of \"We wish you success enough to be called black\" is simply wishing someone success, but the implicated meaning may suggest that the speaker believes being \"black\" is a higher status, and that success is only achieved when one is considered \"black\" by society. It implies a commentary on the social construct of race and how success is tied to it.","questions":"Which term does the speaker in turn 2 use to imply that social status is tied to race?","answer":"Black"} {"text":["It's a pleasure to be with you. And thank you very much for having me.","So this issue has been kind of dancing around the edges of political discourse for years now. I mean, Jesse Jackson made it part of his platform when he ran for president in 1988. And as we mentioned, your former colleague, Representative Conyers, reintroduced the bill in every congressional session for 25 years. But now it seems to be gaining some traction again. Why do you think that is?","I frankly believe that there's something to elections - And this is a Democratic House with Democratic leadership - and also the times. And it is tragic, but it is real that we've seen an uptick in racial incidences - white supremacy, white nationalism. And so the question of slavery, frankly, has never been addressed, particularly from the institutional governmental perspective. And I've updated the language of the resolution, HR40, and that is that it is a commission to study and to engage in proposals, recommendations on the question of reparation.","And it really goes to, I think, more people understanding that 40 acres and a mule was a legitimate concept right after the Emancipation Proclamation, and that never happened. But yet cotton was king. It was an economic engine of the entire United States. And so the prominence of the United States today in the 21st century is grounded on the free brutal labor that Africans gave and their descendants."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The election of a Democratic House and the rise of white supremacy have made it possible for the issue of slavery and reparation to gain more attention.","questions":"What is the reason for the renewed attention on the issue of slavery and reparation?","answer":"Rise"} {"text":["Revkin told me about a man named Khaled. He worked at a slaughterhouse that ISIS took control of, leaving him with a choice - stay at the job and work for ISIS or leave and face retaliation.","Khaled, like many residents of Mosul, decided that cooperation was the only way to survive. So he continued working in the slaughterhouse. He claimed that he was never trained. He never received combat training or used a weapon or participated in any military operations on behalf of the group. But nonetheless, three years later, when Iraqi security forces, supported by the international coalition, recaptured Mosul, he was 1 of more than 90,000 people who have been detained on suspicion of association with the group. And he was arrested solely on the basis of testimony from a secret informant who had apparently witnessed him pledging allegiance, even though Khaled insisted that this pledge was involuntary and coerced.","So, you know, during the trial, I saw him explain that his work consisted only of feeding and caring for animals at the slaughterhouse. But nonetheless, he was sentenced to 15 years in prison after a trial that lasted less than 30 minutes. And the judges actually told him that he was lucky to receive such a lenient sentence because the crime for which he was convicted, which was membership in a terrorist group, generally brings capital punishment.","A lot of post-ISIS life is figuring out who was or who was not involved in ISIS and bringing the appropriate perpetrators to justice. This is done mostly through courts?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Khaled was put in a difficult situation by ISIS and had to choose between working for them or risking retaliation.","questions":"Which group took control of the slaughterhouse where Khaled worked?","answer":"ISIS"} {"text":["Yeah.","It's a little more controversial in the Senate race because it looks like bad ballot design might've cost Bill Nelson mightily because Broward County. . .","Yeah.",". . . Is a very Democratic county. And they had a tremendous number of undervotes - that is, no one voting in the Senate race - because it appears that a good number of people, perhaps as many as 20,000, might have missed the Senate race because it was in the lower left-hand corner right under the instructions. And if you look at the Senate race compared to all the other races, it got fewer votes in Broward County, even compared to. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The Senate race was controversial due to bad ballot design.","questions":"What caused the controversy in the Senate race?","answer":"baddesign"} {"text":["It has.","Get out.","The time has flown. And you are flying. You are flying across the ocean. You are leaving us.","Great segue."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : the time has flown means time went by fast.","questions":"What has flown?","answer":"B"} {"text":["The cease-fire that was supposed to halt fighting between Russian separatists and the Ukrainian government has not taken hold. Really, it never seems to have started. Shelling and dying has continued this week with both sides insisting the other had violated the cease-fire agreement. Separatist rebels have taken control of the city of Debaltseve, which serves as a key rail hub in Ukraine. Ivo Daalder is the president of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and the former NATO ambassador. He joins us now. Thanks very much for being with us, Mr. Ambassador.","Oh, it's great to be here.","Do you think a cease-fire is even practical?","Well, I think the only way you're going to get a cease-fire is if one side stops shooting because clearly the Russians and the Russian-backed separatists are bent on continuing to fight. They were never interested in the cease-fire in the first place. We saw that in the Minsk negotiations more than a week ago when they refused to have an immediate cease-fire. They wanted to have a delay. So they could take this city of Debaltseve, but we now also see continued fighting in the south near Mariupol and in other parts of the region."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : A: \"Well, I think the only way you're going to get a cease-fire is if one side stops shooting because clearly the Russians and the Russian-backed separatists are bent on continuing to fight.\" - This turn uses the idiom \"bent on\" to mean \"determined to\" or \"committed to,\" rather than a literal meaning of being physically bent over something.","questions":"Which idiom did PersonA use to describe the determination of the Russians and Russian-backed separatists in continuing to fight?","answer":"bent"} {"text":["One of the other things you mentioned in the book, among many, is that al-Qaeda might become the world's first terrorist nuclear power without possessing a single nuclear weapon. And I suppose the answer to that is in part what you just were describing.","It is. What's interesting is that the director of the Central Intelligence Agency has said that al-Qaeda is the CIA's top nuclear concern. Now that's a fascinating comment. Obviously, that assessment is based upon intentions rather than capabilities. Insofar as we know, al-Qaeda has no nuclear material, has no knowledge to put together a nuclear bomb, but it is the number one nuclear concern because it is believed that if it had a nuclear bomb, it would use it.","You know, it's been a number of years now, seven since the 9\/11 terrorist attacks. Two questions. First is, how did Americans view the threat of terrorism back then, and how do they see it now?And how effective have the agencies like the Department of Homeland Security been in preventing another terrorist attack?","Well, in terms of our perceptions of terrorism, terrorism has been a concern for a long time for Americans. But the concern would spike, of course, in the wake of some spectacular episode, you know. The sabotage of Pan Am 103 in 1988, or the destruction of the American Embassies in Africa in 1998, and then it would quickly diminish."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Al-Qaeda has no nuclear material, but they are the CIA's top nuclear concern.","questions":"How is al-Qaeda classified by the CIPersonA in terms of nuclear threat?","answer":"Intentions"} {"text":["So, you're skeptical about a car czar. You think that there should be loans, though, with strict provisions attached to them.","Right, right.","What else?What else needs to be done?I mean, this is a massive, massive problem, and two of the three are facing extinction at this point.","Don't forget, what's putting them in this condition is the economic, you know, the economic condition of the nation right now. But the kind of fixed-cost structure that these auto companies have is massive, massive losses that have to do with what's happening to demand."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The car czar should not be the only answer to the auto industry's problems; loans should be offered, but with strict conditions.","questions":"How does PersonA feel about loans for the auto industry?","answer":"Skeptical"} {"text":["We tried for about two and half years. And I had this fear that with every step we took, we would learn something that it would confirm my fear that I couldn't have a baby.","She struggled with anxiety, but eventually she got pregnant through IVF.","Tell me about that moment when you first saw your daughter Hazel for the first time. I mean, how did that feel?","Oh, my gosh. It was - it was incredible. I mean, first of all, I was in labor for 24 hours."],"speaker":["A","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : : \"Tell me about that moment when you first saw your daughter Hazel for the first time. I mean, how did that feel?\" Implicated meaning: The listener wants to know about the emotional experience of seeing one's child for the first time.","questions":"Which daughter did PersonA see for the first time?","answer":"Hazel"} {"text":["When I got toward the end of my research, I tried to contact all the women that I had spoken with and just said, hey, would your husbands be willing to talk?The interesting thing about it was when I spoke to the women, they were all so enthusiastic and passionate. When I talked to their husbands, they were really nice, but they were so clearly disinterested in the topic. It wasn't that they didn't know that their wives are never frustrated with them. It just didn't seem particularly important to them. And I don't mean to imply that they were cold to their wives or indifferent to their wives. It just really didn't register as such a big deal.","Like a fact of life - like, this is just the way things are.","Yes, absolutely. In fact, one of the women that I interviewed said to me, my husband sees we have an issue with this. But he considers it my problem. So he says to me, there's really nothing I can do, and it would be helpful if you weren't so bothered by this.","Wow. Let me ask you this. The amount of child care that men take on was actually rising in the 1980s and '90s. But then we did see it level off. So what happened?It seemed like we were sort of making some progress in this issue."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Level off here means that there is some downfall in the amount and does not mean levelling something.","questions":"What does \"level off\" mean in turn 3?","answer":"Decrease"} {"text":["It's becoming a new Thanksgiving tradition. This year, like the year before, the newest installment of \"The Hunger Games\" movie franchise \"Mockingjay Part 1\" is an adaptation of the first half of Suzanne Collins third and final book in the series. And with the backdrop of what's been happening in the world, protests in Ferguson, Missouri, and shakeup at the Capitol - Capitol Hill that is. Audiences look for comparisons between the fictitious world of Panem and the real world. We're joined now by Stephen Carter, a professor of law at Yale, a novelist and columnist for Bloomberg View, where he writes regularly on popular culture. Stephen, thanks so much for being back with us.","It's my pleasure, Scott.","I'm just guessing you don't watch \"Hunger Games\" the way a lot of other people do.","You're right. I'm looking for tropes and ideas that are going to leap out of the film into public life. And one that's really striking about the \"Hunger Games\" franchise is how more than really anything else in recent years in popular culture, so many of the symbols - the nation of Panem itself with its deep wealth inequalities, the notion of the Capitol, this barricaded wealthy city and of course, Katniss Everdeen herself, the hero. All of these things have not only leapt into the public imagination, but they are regular features of political argument."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"my pleasure\" - This phrase is a polite way of responding to a thank you, but it does not actually mean that the person feels pleasure.","questions":"How does PersonA respond to Scott's gratitude?","answer":"Pleasure"} {"text":["The law now differs whether the gun being purchased is a handgun or what is broadly defined as a long gun. So the law is that if it's a handgun, you need to be 21. But long guns - rifles, shotguns and assault-style rifles included - that's 18. And after Parkland, where the perpetrator was 19 and legally purchased an assault-style rifle, there has been a call to raise that minimum age for assault-style rifles and all long guns.","What about arming teachers?What changes to the law would be required?","That gets complex. We do have the Gun-Free School Zones Act, which was signed with the first President Bush. But it allows for some discretion at the state and local level. And some states allow individual districts to set their own policies. And so we at The Trace of reported on districts in Ohio that allow certain designated teachers and other school staff members to access guns. Texas is another state where that happens. So, in fact, there are some states where there are guns in schools accessible to some teachers and staff members.","Have there been gun laws that have been rolled back by the Trump administration?","The big picture under Trump is that not much has changed, which is interesting because Trump had such strong backing from the National Rifle Association. And they have two big priorities. One is something called concealed carry reciprocity. And the upshot is that if you have a license to carry a concealed gun in your home state, every other state would have to honor that license and vice versa. That does pass the House in December - not taken up by the Senate."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The legal age for purchasing handguns and long guns is different, with handguns requiring a higher age limit.","questions":"What type of guns require a higher age limit for purchase?","answer":"handguns"} {"text":["And you basically called this a zero sum game?","That's right. You have these bad assets, and what we're doing is moving them around from one place in our society, in our economy, to another. It doesn't change the nature of the losses. The banks lent money in a bubble. The bubble is broken. Collateral value of the assets is limited, and these are bad assets now. Now, it's not quite a zero row sum game, because if we have bad incentives, which result when you have a misalignment between ownership and control, when you provide insurance, you can have a negative sum game.","And I think that's the real worry that we are about to wind up in a negative sum game.","So given what the banks are facing now, what would you suggest?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The banks lent money to people and other banks without anyone knowing or monitoring them.","questions":"What was the nature of the losses?","answer":"Limited"} {"text":["You had to actually take the thing apart to change games.","Take out the battery and everything to change games.","That would be a drawback.","That's a drawback. And number two - they didn't have any games. There was, like, two games that were worth playing."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : : (3) and (4). The implied meaning of (3) is that it would be a disadvantage to have to take the thing apart to change games. The implied meaning of (4) is that there were only a few games available which were worth playing.","questions":"How many games were worth playing according to A?","answer":"Two"} {"text":["What would happen in a civil contempt is that you would basically be trying to hold the attorney general - get a court order that he was in contempt. And the court would have a hearing. And Justice Department would intervene, and they would fight the contempt citation. And then the court would have a ruling. And that's how the process kind of operates theoretically. What normally happens is the court does not like to step into executive legislative disputes, and they will urge both sides to try to accommodate one another. I think it would only be if the court determined that the Justice Department was really in bad faith would they then hold the attorney general in contempt.","Let me ask you this. If this matter does land in court, if litigation is actively pursued, that could take months. It could take years even. And if the goal is to get information from Attorney General William Barr, how is this an effective strategy?Pursuing a contempt case could result in a huge delay, right?","I think the reality is is that the rules of subpoenas right now as we're discussing in many ways work in favor of the executive for the exact reason that you are hinting at in your question, which is they can run the clock. They can probably run the clock on the enforcement question for months, if not years. And they might be able to even run it up to the next election.","Right. So if the White House intends to stonewall, do you think it's even a wise strategy on the part of the Democrats right now to be talking about contempt?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : bad faith implies that the Justice Department is acting improperly and knows they are doing so","questions":"How would bad faith be defined in this context?","answer":"Improperly"} {"text":["It was like a scientific menagerie. It was just amazing.","And they have a cockatiel or. . .","Yeah. The main - a cockatiel. The main activity that day was happening in the wind tunnel. So this is - it's huge. I think - I hesitate to do the actual length, but I think probably like 40 feet, not the actual enclosure, but between the fan on one side. And they blow wind through this sort of enclosure and put the birds in, and then they can change the wind speed to make the birds flap, at sort of the equivalent of different speeds.","So they're like flying in the wind tunnel with the wind in the face."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : In turn (4), the speaker describes the birds \"flying\" in the wind tunnel with the wind blowing in their faces, which is not a literal description of flight but rather an approximation of the experience.","questions":"Which word in turn 3 describes the birds' experience in the wind tunnel?","answer":"describes"} {"text":["Well, Freedom Caucus has 40 votes. There are more than 200 House Republicans. Shouldn't you compromise with them?","Well, sure, and we're more than happy to. The way this will end up is that we will end up with a speaker that all of us support. It may be Paul Ryan. It may be somebody else. But keep in mind that the things that we're arguing for are things that most people in the conference want. One of the things that struck me since we started this debate I guess about two weeks ago now are the number of moderates and centrists in my party who have said to me, you know what?","We want the same thing. We're frustrated with this lack of process. We're frustrated with just being a rubberstamp for somebody else's idea. And I think that's why you're seeing such a difficult time replacing Mr. Boehner is that this lack of satisfaction with the job, the lack of satisfaction with what it means to be a member of Congress runs much, much deeper than just the conservative wing of the party.","So the way you explain it, this isn't over conservative principles. It's over mundane House rules."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : the speaker says \"we're more than happy to compromise with them\" but in reality, there is no indication of compromise being made or even attempted. It is more of a rhetorical statement aimed at making the speaker appear reasonable.","questions":"What is the PersonA's true intention behind saying \"we're more than happy to compromise with them\"?","answer":"Rhetorical"} {"text":["Has this ever been done before, I mean, even with other types of energy like oil and gas for example?","That's not how we have historically done oil and gas use or exploration. Again, we're talking on public land. It's not been how we've done it. It is the way we've tried in recent years to think about the Endangered Species Act. Instead of looking at each little place when a question comes up and say is this an endangered habitat, is this a problem, look at large areas, ecosystems, chunks that make sense together.","Try to highlight what the problems are in that area so that subsequent development proposals are not - don't start from ground zero. Information's been gathered and looked at in a more systematic way. I mean, programmatic environmental impact assessments have been allowed ever since NEPA passed back in the 1970s.","It hasn't been used very often. I think that the Interior Department should get a lot of credit for using it this time."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The Interior Department deserves recognition for using the programmatic environmental impact assessment method more often.","questions":"How does PersonA think the Interior Department should be credited in this situation?","answer":"More"} {"text":["Now, recent satellite pictures show that they are putting these things back together - the buildings, the rail system, the launch pad. It's not exactly clear when they started. It could have started in mid-February, before the summit. Work could have been going on as recently as over the weekend, after the summit finished.","OK. So the timing of this is a little tricky about whether this is North Korea responding to those summit talks falling apart.","That's right. A couple things to remember. First of all, you know, they can launch missiles from mobile launchers. So this site is not that big a deal. Another thing is that when North Korea made these gestures and said, now, why don't you reciprocate?People were just dismissing these as insignificant concessions. They were saying, you know, North Korea's just trying to hand us their junk. These sites are outdated. They're not worth much. Well, by that token, then people should not be too alarmed about them being reassembled.","OK. So I mean, but we've always talked about that North Korea's nuclear capabilities are, you know, something to be reckoned with. So explain exactly why we're not supposed to be so concerned about this one move."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : In this turn, the speaker suggests that people should not be too alarmed about North Korea reassembling certain sites related to their nuclear program. The literal meaning of the words suggests that people should not be worried about these sites because they are outdated and not worth much. However, the implied meaning is that people should not be too concerned about North Korea's actions because the sites are not critical to their nuclear capabilities, and because North Korea may have already been working on them before the summit talks fell apart.","questions":"Which site is not critical to North Korea's nuclear capabilities according to the speaker in turn 2?","answer":"Sites"} {"text":["And the president did a victory dance in the end zone on Twitter after he was fired. He said Andrew McCabe being fired is a great day. He said he knew all about the lies and corruption going on at the highest levels of the FBI. Then what happened was even more significant because the president's private lawyer John Dowd released a statement saying that now that McCabe has been fired, he hopes that acting Attorney General Rosenstein will follow Jeff Sessions' lead and bring an end to the Mueller investigation. Now, at first, Dowd said he was speaking for the president when he issued this statement. Later, he backtracked, although it doesn't really matter.","Yeah. It's not news, though, that the president hates the Mueller probe. He's been pretty vocal about that on Twitter. Why is his lawyer statement so important?","It's important because it's a change in the legal strategy. Up until now, Donald Trump has always stopped short of saying something that could be perceived as an order to Rod Rosenstein to fire Mueller. He's always said, no, I'm not going to fire him. He's even said he looks forward to talking to him. Now it looks like they're opening a new phase, openly calling on the Department of Justice to shut down the Mueller investigation.","The Democrats have been pretty vocal. I've been seeing a lot of their reaction. Do we know what the Republicans in Congress have been saying or doing?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Trump is now openly calling for the Mueller investigation to be shut down","questions":"Which investigation is Trump calling to be shut down?","answer":"Mueller"} {"text":["Lu was raised in North Carolina as a Jehovah's Witness. When she was 18, she broke with her religion and left home to study cello. On her debut album \"Blood,\" she explores those decisions. She started by writing about the people she left behind - her parents - in the song \"Rebel. \"","A lot of my parents' life are going to reveal to me later on in my own life. And in the making of this record, I feel I was doing a lot of reflecting on home and on my relationship. . .","Yeah.",". . . With them and the life that your parents lived before they're your parents."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Lu's decision to leave her religion and family is explored in her debut album 'Blood'.","questions":"What is the title of Lu's debut album?","answer":"Blood"} {"text":["Dual loyalty is something that relates to the potential conflict between clinicians' duties to their patients and their obligations to their employers. When these organizations have sometimes questionable tasks to fulfill, that becomes a very, very serious almost ethical minefield, I would say.","You and I have both been to immigration detention centers. What do you imagine the work will be like?","Well, I think when you talk about any correctional facility, especially immigration detention centers, there are a couple of hats that one has to wear. One is to take care of routine medical issues - so somebody has a headache, somebody has an infection, is vomiting. But also, we're talking about people who are coming with immense trauma, people who may have injuries, people who have suffered from violence. You need to address that in some ways. There's also making sure that there's no spread of contagious diseases, that people are being nourished well. So it's a very big job.","Isn't it important to have the best medical personnel possible in those facilities?Wouldn't you want somebody extremely qualified to be hired for a job like this?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"a couple of hats that one has to wear\" implies performing different duties.","questions":"Which phrase describes the various responsibilities medical personnel must take on in correctional facilities?","answer":"Routine"} {"text":["I understand, Mr. Doyle, that you and other members of the Watergate investigation team still with us - well, you have reunions now and then. And I gather for the first time you had a reunion on the actual anniversary of the Saturday Night Massacre. What are the - my 15 year old now says, you know, what's the tea?What went on there?","Three weeks ago, Saturday night October 20, the Watergate Special Prosecution Force held a reunion. It was the 45th anniversary of the Saturday Night Massacre. None of the senior leaders are any longer with us. But the young idealists who had been in their 20s back when we began, they all showed up in their 60s and 70s as earnest as ever, as idealistic as ever and still full of hope.","Sorry.","No, I think someone was talking to you, telling you that, I think, we're running out of time. But did you want to make the final point?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The 15-year-old is asking for the details of the reunion, not the tea","questions":"How old is the person interested in knowing the details of the reunion?","answer":"15"} {"text":["Thanks very much for inviting me along.","Could you tell us about these horses and their riders?","Absolutely. These four horses, they're all based on the foreshore of the River Thames, just next to Vauxhall Bridge in central London. And it depicts four large-scale horses, based on the London working horse or the Shire horse. And each one of them has a rider on top and also is a kind of hybrid structure. So it's half horse and half oil pump. And they're also in a very tidal zone, so depending on what time of day you visit them, sometimes they're almost concealed and sometimes they're, you know, completely revealed by the water.","How do you cast sculptures in what amounts to an underwater gallery, not just this installation in the Thames, obviously, but some that you've done all over the world?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The turn that has an actual meaning different from its literal meaning is (4): \"How do you cast sculptures in what amounts to an underwater gallery, not just this installation in the Thames, obviously, but some that you've done all over the world?\"","questions":"What is the question that PersonB asks about creating sculptures in unique locations?","answer":"Underwater"} {"text":["From NPR News, this is NEWS AND NOTES. I'm Tony Cox. We begin today with some important economic news. Last week for the very first time oil jumped past the $100 a barrel mark. Since then prices have dropped but only slightly. And now there's more news of instability in the Middle East with the Turkish incursion into northern Iraq. With Middle Eastern tensions controlling what we pay at the pump, the chance that the cost of oil will continue to rise seems all but inevitable.","But how will rising oil prices affect you, and what can we do about it?Meanwhile, the current economic strain is hitting some people pretty hard. Folks are tapping into those 401(k) nest eggs to pay bills and buy gas and groceries. But is that any way to manage your retirement fund?With me now to talk about oil prices and your 401(k), we've got Author and Economist Julianne Malveaux. She is president of Bennett College. Julianne, nice to talk to you as always.","Always a pleasure, Tony.","Let's begin with this. Folks were waiting for oil to hit that $100 a barrel mark. It came and it went. My question is going to be how you thought folks felt the strain, because I did notice, Julianne, that my gas went up again in the last couple of weeks. Is that why?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Julianne is expressing appreciation for Tony's invitation to the conversation.","questions":"What is Julianne's occupation?","answer":"President"} {"text":["Absolutely. This is probably one of the most consequential elections in Israel in the last 10 years, since Netanyahu has been in power.","Daniel, thanks so much.","You're welcome.","That's NPR's Daniel Estrin."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : none","questions":"Which election is being referred to in the dialogue?","answer":"0"} {"text":["It takes a whole lot of land to produce meat. If you think about it this way, imagine around the globe all of the crop land out there - one-third of it is used to grow food not for people but for animals. It's animal feed. And when you combine the land needed to graze animals and feed them, this is just a whole lot. The World Resources Institute has estimated that for every gram of protein, producing beef can require 20 times the land and emit 20 times the emissions compared to what it takes to produce beans.","So are there certain types of meat that are better in terms of environmental footprint?Or basically is the suggestion that we should not be eating meat?","There are definitely better choices, and it does not have to be all or nothing. I just mentioned cows and other ruminants. They require a lot of land and feed. But they also release a lot of methane into the atmosphere. Every time these animals belch, a bit of methane goes up into the atmosphere. Methane is a very potent greenhouse gas.","So from an environmental perspective, options such as chicken and turkey can be better. It takes less animal feed to produce meat from these animals. They grow faster. They require less land. So when it comes to reducing the environmental footprint of your diet, you don't have to completely give up meat."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Producing beef has a significant impact on the environment.","questions":"Which animal emits methane into the atmosphere?","answer":"Cows"} {"text":["Well, Mr. Market feels pretty strongly that he's seen this show before. And. . .","He's counting on something to be worked out at the last minute.","That's right. The real question is, if by Thursday there's no deal, will stock markets still be gaily rising?I think the answer is probably no.","I was struck by a phrase in Chris Arnold's piece about the dollar being the bedrock currency for much of the world. Is that jeopardized?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) Will stock markets still be gaily rising? Implied Meaning: Will stock markets still be increasing in value?","questions":"How do the stock markets look if there's no deal by Thursday?","answer":"Decreasing"} {"text":["OK.","We're in a tent at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival. So if you hear some extraneous sounds that you wouldn't normally hear in Studio 3A, please forgive us. But it gives us the opportunity to do some things that we wouldn't ordinarily do. We want to hear from comedians today. How do you translate your material, which comes from a certain time and place, to a wider or different cultural or even ethnic group?Give us a call: 800-989-8255. Email us: talk@npr. org.","And Trevor Noah, what did you find translated well?Is there a material that you did in Cape Town that you can do in Los Angeles, or Baltimore for that matter?","Not really, no. Because the points of view changes, you know?I think the one - well, I could talk about Oprah. Oprah is worldwide. Yes.","Oprah is worldwide."],"speaker":["B","B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 4 : Oprah is worldwide. (This turn has an implied meaning that Oprah's cultural influence and recognition transcends different cultures and settings)","questions":"What is the implied meaning of turn 4 in the dialogue?","answer":"Recognition"} {"text":["Sarah M. Broom grew up in a yellow house in New Orleans East, 10 minutes from the French Quarter, the youngest of 12 children. The house was bought by her mother in 1961 and grew into something more than the family's home. It became its hearth and its center. But like many places in New Orleans, the earth below it was already sinking years before Hurricane Katrina hit.","The ground was fragile. And of course, that fragility is the thing I picked up on as a child when we were playing hide-and-go-seek, when we were playing ball in the yard, you know, we came up with all of these stories about the danger of the ground. And that becomes the thing that, in a way, haunts me.","Sarah M. Broom's debut book is called \"The Yellow House,\" and it's a memoir of a place that was hard in many ways but also indelible in the history of her family.","It was a house that I loved deeply, in fact. And I say that because I feel it's impossible to love any place, and to truly love it, to truly see it for what it is, without taking in all of its complexities and its nuances. And I also feel that way, by the way, about America, which I love deeply and am always interrogating, right?So the house created such complexity of emotion for me because it was the place my mother bought. And the house, at some point, really was in disrepair. It was falling down all around us. And even in those moments, my mother was always trying to fix it back up."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The home became where the family would all get together at and where they felt the most love.","questions":"What was the significance of the yellow house to Sarah M. Broom's family?","answer":"Hearth"} {"text":["I was so exhausted. And all of sudden, we just had this baby. The nurse was handing me this baby, and she's poopy. And it just was so messy. And it just - both of us immediately just started crying. It just was so joyful. It just felt perfect.","Before Hazel was born, though, Lindsey had a lot to worry about.","When she was 20 weeks old - the 20-week ultrasound, she was diagnosed with a fetal heart condition. So we weren't sure what condition she's going to be in when she came out. And she just let out this big scream and just kicking. It was just like she burst into the world. And, you know, just immediately we kind of knew this is a healthy baby. She is alive and. . .","She let you know."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : burst into the world implies that the baby affected a lot of things quickly when it was born ","questions":"How did the baby come into the world?","answer":"Burst"} {"text":["You edited \"Confessions of a Video Vixen\" by Karrine Steffans. We've had her on show. And it's a memoir about her life as a video dancer for artists like JZ, R. Kelly, LL Cool J. It talks about hip hop, sex, sexuality, family. Tell me about the process of getting her story to press.","Well it's interesting. I'd heard quite a lot about Corrine via reading a magazine article about her and then hearing about her repeatedly on radio. And so when I reached out to her, I didn't really have a lot of expectations other than this might be interesting. And so I had a very long conversation with her and you know, upon talking to her I was very impressed with her being very - her candor was amazing first of all and then secondly the fact that she was unapologetic about her life. She wasn't proud of it necessarily but she wasn't apologetic either.","And so one of the things that we did, our editorial director, who is amazing, went out to LA and said, I just want to experience this woman for myself and so she spent an evening with her in a popular Hollywood watering hole. And she knew after that evening that Corrine was who she said she was, just based on how people, particularly men, responded to her just from her walking into the room.","Well that's one way of looking at things. But the publisher obviously went a lot further to turn\u2026"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : watering hole implies that the location was a bar or a place to get drinks","questions":"How would you describe the location where the editorial director spent an evening with Corrine?","answer":"Bar"} {"text":["There's got to be a point where sooner or later the public is going to say, oh, this is just going too far with some of these technologies.","Well, again, that's why we call, you know, for the engineers to work with the regulators, to make sure that that doesn't happen. I mean, we all want everybody to enjoy sport, and that's why we have to make sure that they are working with them because - you know, and it keeps them interesting.","I mean, one of the other things is you have to think about how sports develop. You know, we have mountain biking that's emerged from road cycling, snowboarding emerged from skiing. So, you know, it's the creation of new sports that is also encouraged.","Let's talk about some of the other technologies in the London Olympics. Let's take bicycling. What's new there?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : They suddenly started talking about new technologiesin London","questions":"What event did the conversation shift to in London?","answer":"Olympics"} {"text":["It probably depends on what chapter you're reading at the time. It's probably all of those things!I don't know who decides what goes into what box or what bin or what shelf, you know. For me, it's just about finding a character, finding a story, following, I guess, my heart at what I'm working on at the moment. And it just kind of falls, you know, wherever it may out there after that, you know.","There's been a lot of attention to the whole idea of street lit. And Zane, who's an erotica writer, extremely popular, sells a ton of books. A lot of people are like, well, she just can't write, but there's a lot of sex in it. And there's also a question that some people have raised about whether or not it is good for the race to have books that are explicit about black sexuality out there. So. . .","What race?The human race?","The black race. The black race. And so I bring this up because so often when people, you know, just as you mentioned, the distinctions between the way some people will look at female sexuality and male sexuality and what it's like to have a track record and whether that makes you a bad person. You know, people also look at these distinctions by race and say, oh well, black people are oversexed. That's some people stereotyping. Are you ever afraid that by doing work like this that you're, you know, I don't know, playing into a stereotype?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Some people criticize Zane's writing for being too sexual and question whether it perpetuates negative stereotypes about black people.","questions":"Which author is being criticized for perpetuating negative stereotypes about black people?","answer":"Zane"} {"text":["Thank you.","So, first off, what is criminalistics?","Criminalistics is the application of the physical sciences to matters of law and science. The physical sciences being biology, chemistry and physics, and any question that might become of interest to not only law enforcement but the legal system in general, whether it's criminal or civil law. Questions of science can be answered and aid in the assignment of responsibility and guilt or innocence in certain types of situations.","Duane, why don't you describe to us some of the work that you did with actual cases when you were at the California Department of Justice?I mean, what was your job, literally and physically?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : you imply that something is the case","questions":"How did PersonA express their gratitude?","answer":"Thank"} {"text":["(Laughter).",". . . To navigate these tricky moments where the relationship changes. And so, first of all, tell us about Nana. And what was your relationship like with her before your relationship had to change?","My relationship with her in my childhood was charmed and golden. She was indulgent. She bought me a record player when I was 3 and let me play anything I wanted, gave me ball gowns to dress in and ice cream. And it was lovely.","But Nana was no joke, right?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The statement implies that the relationship was from childhood but has now taken a new dimension.","questions":"Which dimension did the relationship take?","answer":"Changed"} {"text":["Well, because there are a number of reasons that a security clearance can be denied. Among them would be foreign contacts, foreign business interests, criminal activity, financial instability, drug and alcohol use. And some of these are very serious. If employees who had the history of these issues - and they weren't properly mitigated, they could be a risk to national security if they received security clearances.","You're saying hypothetically those could be reasons security clearances would be denied. Were they in these cases reasons that they were denied?","Some of them were applicable in different cases, yes.","Is overriding 25 security clearance denials a large number?I have no idea what's normal in this situation."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"Is overriding 25 security clearance denials a large number?I have no idea what's normal in this situation.\" - The actual meaning is that B is unsure if overriding 25 security clearance denials is a large number compared to what is considered normal in this situation.","questions":"Which number is PersonB unsure if it's considered large compared to the normal situation?","answer":"Number"} {"text":["I have many objections. I do want to say, I think whistleblowing is a very important function in democracy. The problem I'm seeing increasingly is that instead of careful curated whistleblowing that takes public interest into account, what we are seeing is these mass-hacked emails just being dumped without any consideration for the privacy of the people.","And there's a lot of personal information that is being exposed. What this does - and this is what scares me - is that this method is going to be used in the future to any political organization - dissident organizations - that are trying to challenge power. And what they're going to end up seeing is that their personal information is going to be dumped for the world.","It looks like the method that started as a way to bring more challenge to secretive elites is actually now evolving into a method that is going to be very destructive to the ecology of dissent.","Professor, I'm sure write dumb emails every day. But I was told a number of years ago by a lawyer - and I'll bet Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin have been told this by high-price lawyers, too - you never write an email that you wouldn't be willing to see on the front page of The New York Times."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The actual meaning of this turn is to be aware of the potential consequences of what you write in emails and to be careful with what you say via email.","questions":"Which advice did someone tell PersonB to follow regarding emails?","answer":"Embarrassed"} {"text":["The White House and the state of California are in the middle of a war over auto emissions. Now 17 automakers are calling for a truce. They want the two sides to reach a compromise on emission standards. The automakers' proposal offers a middle ground between existing Obama-era standards and the Trump administration's announced rollbacks of those standards. NPR's Camila Domonoske has been following this and is in the studio with us this morning. Thanks for coming in.","Yeah, happy to be here.","First, just describe the nature of this standoff. How did it come to be?","Right. So during the Obama administration, the White House set these ambitious targets for fuel economy, basically saying that year over year, cars on average should get more miles per gallon as a way to reduce the contribution to climate change. So these targets were set through 2025 with specific goals every year. The Trump administration wants to freeze those targets at 2020 levels. So basically, instead of getting more efficient over time, cars could stay about where they are now."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The White House and California are in a disagreement about auto emissions.","questions":"How many automakers are calling for a truce?","answer":"17"} {"text":["So Beijing has basically made an offer to the people of Hong Kong that if they're willing to give up on dreams of greater democracy, they can be part of China's amazing economic rise, and they have offered them more integration with the kind of boom cities on the other side of the border in the mainland. The problem is that again and again and very dramatically over this extradition bill, the people of Hong Kong have said, no. They do not want that trade off. They actually are willing to protest and fight hard to maintain those freedoms that they still have.","So it's not even as though these protesters in Hong Kong are fighting for additional freedom. They're just saying we want to keep things the way they are. We don't want to see an erosion of the freedoms we do have.","That's right. I think it's important to be realistic. I mean, this has been an absolutely extraordinary - at times, very moving - protest by over a million people - overwhelmingly peaceful, very civic-minded, lots of different generations coming together. That's a fantastic thing and utterly unthinkable where I'm sitting in Beijing on the mainland - could never happen. But they are not about to get more democracy. They're not even about to get more freedoms. This is a defensive set of protests to keep what they have.","Interesting that you point out this would be very, very unlikely to happen in China. It makes me wonder, do the protests in Hong Kong pose any threat to China's leadership, to President Xi Jinping, to the Chinese Communist Party?Are they worried about this?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The protests in Hong Kong are not about gaining more democracy or freedom, but rather to protect what they currently have.","questions":"How are the protests in Hong Kong characterized?","answer":"protective"} {"text":["So let's note this is the beginning of the idea of America going out into the world to make the world a better place by force when that seems to make sense to Americans. But there's also the identity of the individuals themselves. What did the personnel of the Rough Riders suggest to Americans about who America was?","Well, this is one of the ironies because one of the things that Roosevelt talked about and one of the things that he valued about the Rough Riders was this was not just his idea about American masculinity but also what in his mind was diversity, but within a very narrowly prescribed idea about what diversity was. They were all white. There were a few Native Americans who were in it. But there were - you know, there were no African Americans. There were there a couple of Hispanics.","But it was this idea of, well, that's what America is. And it was a very prescribed, very male, very white identity. And it linked up with, you know, I think a very chauvinistic idea about what we do with our military. I think this is all intertwined.","What do you mean about what we do with our military?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : America thought it could make the world better by force","questions":"What was the identity of the personnel in the Rough Riders?","answer":"Male"} {"text":["There had to be an innovation. Yeah, John Graham was actually building a revolving bar in Honolulu, and they thought, well, let's since they had - Graham wanted a flying saucer shape. And, of course, Washington state had kicked off the whole flying saucer craze with the sighting at Mt. Rainier in 1947 that the press had called flying saucer. But it became this kind of iconic idea of what the future would look like. Well, because it was this circular shape, a revolving restaurant made sense. Graham patented a gearing system that allowed you to turn the entire restaurant of 250 people with a one-horsepower motor.","Wow.","And that was built up in Everett, Washington, just north of Seattle.","With a size that drives a washing machine. It's very small."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The flying saucer shape is the common shape of how alien space ships were depicted.","questions":"Which shape was the inspiration for the revolving restaurant?","answer":"BEACH"} {"text":["Well, I mean, he has been followed by the Secret Service for all these years pretty much every time he goes out. But I think that's not a good use of Secret Service agents. And also, you know, here are some other questions - he's going to be staying in his mother's house, who's 89 years old. Is she going to be the one who's making him take his meds every day?Is there a gun in the house?I mean, I've never heard answers to any of these questions. And what happens when she dies?I mean, his brothers and sister have said they can then take over his care, but he could never slip away from them?Like I said, I think he's a very devious man and I think he's proven that.","Patti Davis, an author, most recently of the book \"The Wit And Wisdom Of Gracie. \"She joins us from NPR West.","Patti, thanks so much for being with us.","Thank you."],"speaker":["A","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The turn whose actual meaning is different from its literal meaning is (4): \"A: Thank you.\" The literal meaning of \"Thank you\" is an expression of gratitude or appreciation. However, in this context, it is likely used as a polite way to end the conversation or acknowledge the host's farewell. In other words, it implies that the speaker is ready to end the conversation and move on.","questions":"What is the implied meaning of turn 3?","answer":"Acknowledgment"} {"text":["Oh, absolutely, absolutely. And I think that before Manny was traded, you say that C. C. was the hands-on favorite, but man, I think the impact that Manny has made on what was a moribund Dodgers team is sensational. I think if the voting was held right now and was fair, I think Manny Ramirez would be the MVP of the National League. What he's done there is incredible.","But it's not going to happen, is it?","Well, if there's justice in the world, and as you and I know there is justice in the world, I think it could happen. I mean, look at what he's done. I mean, he's made - he's helped them make shambles out of that race just because of him. C. C. 's done an excellent job, but Milwaukee is fading. Los Angeles is just becoming strong, and then there's the whole irony of Manny hooking up with his former archrival Joe Torre. And just the idea of these two guys grinding an axe against their former teams, which used to be archrivals, I just think the drama is just too - it's just too delicious. That's why I really think it should be Manny.","All right, let's end this with this connection. Since you've talked about Manny, then you talked about Joe Torre, formerly of the New York Yankees, now let's talk about Yankees stadium, which closes it's doors, last game ever in Yankee Stadium this Sunday. I know that you live close to the ballpark. Are you sad, Mr. New Yorker?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : A implies that justice would be served if Manny were to be voted MVP due to his outstanding performance.","questions":"How would PersonA describe Manny's impact on the Dodgers team?","answer":"Incredible"} {"text":["Well, yes, they are because the concern here is that if you do it for medical research, what's to stop other scientists to try to do it for other reasons, like, for example, to try to create designer babies that are taller or smarter or better athletes?Now, we're nowhere near being able to do anything like that. But the concern is that this could open the door to someday creating genetic haves and have-nots.","So, Rob, these CRISPR researchers are involved in projects that have tremendous promise to benefit our lives, but also raise very difficult ethical and moral questions.","That's right. That's right. And another example I could give you is I just got back from a trip to London. And there, scientists are using CRISPR to genetically modify mosquitoes that spread a mutant gene to wipe out the mosquitoes that spread the malaria parasite. And the idea there is to try to wipe out this disease that kills hundreds of thousands of people every year, most of them children.","Now, the fear here is that they're using CRISPR to modify these insects with something known as a gene drive. And a gene drive spreads a genetic modification through an entire species really quickly. So something could go wrong. You know, it could wipe out an entire species of mosquito. And that could upset the delicate balance of an ecosystem some way that could maybe unleash some new epidemic or cause the ecosystem to collapse and cause famine."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : implying that there are ethical and moral considerations to be taken into account when conducting CRISPR research","questions":"Which considerations arise in CRISPR research?","answer":"considerations"} {"text":["I know, I love the analog too, like you know, record players. But anyway. . .","The old school.","The old school, the truly old school. But speaking of the new school, there's this new phone, the T-Mobile Google Phone. It sounds like a bunch of stiff competition to the iPhone. And phones are so trendy now, they're like little, you know, it's like, what kind of phone do you have?It's like, you know, it's like, are we compatible?I don't know.","Like status statement."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : old school in this context means that they are using something from decades ago or talking about it","questions":"How does PersonA describe the trend of phones in the conversation?","answer":"Trendy"} {"text":["I think that's George Bush's fault. Everything else is George Bush's fault. John McCain - look, there are a lot of ways to lose a campaign. And one way to think about it is the way Republicans lost the presidential campaign in 1996, which is that Bob Dole became a much less divisive presence in the last weeks of the campaign. Resources were transferred from the presidential campaign to the House races.","And that year, a year that the Republicans could easily have lost the House, that Republican majority in the House was barely saved. So that's a model for one way to do it. But another thing that can happen is, you can run a campaign - and this is what John McCain is doing - that agitates your base and gets them motivated but also forfeits independents and centrists.","And in your piece, this is a lot of what the Palin factor is. . .","Right."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Blaming George Bush for everything is a common theme among Democrats.","questions":"What is a common theme among Democrats?","answer":"Treasury"} {"text":["He doesn't mash the beans.","OK.","He puts the tahini sauce on the bottom of the bowl.","OK, so that's the No. 1 issue we had is I could not find tahini sauce."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : He puts the tahini sauce on the bottom of the bowl\" is different from its literal meaning. Its actual meaning is that the speaker had a problem with the tahini sauce being on the bottom of the bowl, rather than on top where it should be. ","questions":"How did the speaker feel about the placement of the tahini sauce?","answer":"Problem"} {"text":["And they would need 60 votes to do that bill, which means they would need at least eight Democrats and probably more to come on board to essentially re-pass some form of health care legislation to offer insurance to people on the individual market. I think realistic people in this debate on both sides of the equation say that is the most unrealistic option at this stage.","Do you hear any concern from Republican leaders or individual Republican legislators about the public opinion polls that suggest that the Republican health care proposals are extravagantly unpopular, less than 20 percent?","They are fully aware of how unpopular this legislation is. But I will tell you, Scott, every single conversation I have had with a Republican lawmaker on Capitol Hill is they say not doing anything on health care - letting this bill fail - is the worst possible political outcome because it is the singular thing that they have all campaigned on. It is the reason why they believe they have congressional majorities in the White House. And to fail on that would completely deflate the Republican base and structurally weaken the party going into the midterm elections.","But Mitch McConnell at the same time can't pull some Democrats over with a plan."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Republican lawmakers recognize that not taking action on health care would have negative political consequences.","questions":"How do Republican lawmakers view the political outcome of not doing anything on health care?","answer":"Negative"} {"text":["Yeah, I don't think there's been a response to it yet - not that I've seen. And I guess, you know, it puts a cloud on it. The special relationship was given a boost by the birth of Meghan's and Prince Harry's baby. And that was seen as sort of a good omen ahead of this visit, unfortunately, now is being, obviously, overshadowed by what Donald Trump has said. That may be a prelude to what he may say about other people here.","And I think the concern is that Donald Trump will use this and kind of abuse the invitation. He'll be given all the kind of welcome that he can expect in a royal visit. But is he going to return the favor, or is he going to bring up these tricky diplomatic issues, which are kind of flies in the ointment in the relationship as it currently stands?","So, Dominic, what I'm hearing from you is that there's a great deal of apprehension from the actual government that invited him. So is anything likely to come out of this trip that might be beneficial to the United Kingdom?","Well, if you talk to diplomats that - and their answer is that these state visits are hugely important. But in the background, there's a lot of sort of diplomatic nitty-gritty going on. There's a lot of business deals being made. And the hope is that this continues to cement that relationship, which we're told is greater than the sort of personal relationship currently in the heart of it."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : 'Flies ion the ointment\" is not literal. It just refers to something that makes a situation trickier; here it strains the relations between the two countries.","questions":"Which phrase did Dominic use to refer to the issues that may strain the relationship between the two countries?","answer":"Diplomatic"} {"text":["They are of course big spenders, but at the same time there are so many different kinds of collections as there are collections. Some collectors are happy, some are tormented. Some buy very little, while others can't help themselves. Why do people collect?Well, I once interviewed the great art historian Kenneth Clark and he once said that it's like asking why we fall in love. The reasons are quite so different. And it's very true.","Forgive a couple of stereotypes but are there a lot of Saudi princes or Russian billionaires on this list?","I haven't counted them all. One of my favorites is not Saudi and not a Russian prince. Let's call him Mr. D. He collects impressionist paintings and a good friend of mine was at his mansion not too long ago and the collector said before you look at them I just have to switch something on. And when he was exactly about five feet away from the Monet the sound system was activated and the room was abruptly flooded with Debussy.","Debussy?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : A: \"And when he was exactly about five feet away from the Monet the sound system was activated and the room was abruptly flooded with Debussy.\" - The speaker is describing an experience where the collector used music to enhance the viewing of the artwork, suggesting that the collector has a deep appreciation for the arts and values different sensory experiences.","questions":"Which artist's music was played in the room?","answer":"debussy"} {"text":["This is ALL THINGS CONSIDERED from NPR News. I'm Michel Martin. We're starting the program today with Steve Bullock. If the name is not familiar, he hopes it will be soon. He is the governor of Montana. And last week, he joined the 21 other Democrats plus one independent who want to take on President Trump in 2020. And Governor Bullock is with us today in our studios in Washington, D. C.","Welcome. Thank you so much for coming.","It's great to be with you, Michel.","So there's the substance of your message, and then there's the politics. So why don't we take the substance first?What's your elevator pitch to voters?What have you accomplished in Montana that you think you can take nationwide?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"Welcome.Thank you so much for coming.\" - The actual meaning is the same as the literal meaning. The intended meaning is a genuine welcome and appreciation for the guest's presence.","questions":"How did PersonB express their gratitude towards the guest's presence?","answer":"Thank"} {"text":["Only 34 percent of the voters went to the polls this week. Isn't that usually the kind of election in which a well-financed campaign with a good ground campaign is supposed to win?","That's the way it's been rigged for years. For years, the reason Chicago had a municipal election - not a primary - and put it in February when people were too frozen to leave their homes was to guarantee the installation - or reinstallation - of the incumbent. So this goes against all of that conventional wisdom.","Still, Mayor Emanuel just has to get another five percent of the vote. Does this runoff on April 7 look like a real election now?","Yes, it does. And the reason it does is that it's not the only activity and sort of fire burning in the city. We have a record number of runoffs. As you know, we have 50 aldermen. Nineteen of them didn't make it directly into a victory. They are going to runoffs, and they are the insurgents. They are the so-called progressives. They're the people that Emanuel's forces formed a PAC to try to reduce the numbers of. And so there's a lot of activity in wards, and it all speaks to this overall issue of voter discontent."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The implied meaning of this turn is that there is a large number of progressive candidates running in the runoff election, and Mayor Emanuel's political action committee is trying to reduce their numbers.","questions":"What is the main reason for the large number of runoffs in the city?","answer":"Discontent"} {"text":["We're going to spend some time now talking about cybersecurity. Recently stolen NSA tools have been used apparently in cyberattacks in Baltimore and North Carolina. Hackers used this software to interrupt digital infrastructure like government computers, and usually demand money to stop. That's today's topic in our regular segment called Troll Watch.","This is where we've been keeping track of cybersecurity attacks, as well as the themes, memes and conspiracies being pushed by bots and trolls. Joining us now to talk more about this is Thomas Rid. He is a professor of strategic studies at Johns Hopkins University, where he teaches about cybersecurity. Professor Rid, welcome. Thanks so much for talking to us.","Thank you. Hi.","Let's walk through the facts that are known. So as I understand it, the NSA develops certain hacking tools, and somehow or another, they lost control of them. They were leaked, stolen somehow. And they started showing up in the summer of 2016. Is that right?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The NSA lost control of their hacking tools and they were leaked\/stolen.","questions":"How were the NSPersonA hacking tools obtained by hackers?","answer":"Leaked\/Stolen"} {"text":["No. He said that he doesn't knock out his defense of assistance. That's kind of a Buddy did.","Bill Rhoden, thank you very much.","Hey, Tony, it's always a pleasure.","That was New York Times sports columnist William C. Rhoden. Bill's books include \"Third in the Mile: The Trials and Triumphs of the Black Quarterback. \"He joined us, as always, from our studios in New York."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : He said he doesn't demean his defense of assistance. That's something another person would do.","questions":"Which person was said to not demean their defense of assistance?","answer":"He"} {"text":["Where are you right now?","I'm in Columbia, South Carolina.","Now you evacuated on Saturday. Was that because it was mandatory or did you make up your own mind?","I made up my own mind. I figured that at some point it would turn into a mandatory evacuation and I wanted to get ahead of the traffic."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : A evacuated on their own accord to avoid traffic.","questions":"How did PersonA decide to evacuate?","answer":"traffic"} {"text":["Well, right. And no U. S. commander - speaking from experience - would put the aircraft in that kind of a situation. And for your audience, that reason is that, unlike aircraft - surveillance aircraft in the past, the kind of sensor systems that are onboard this drone are such that they can see dozens and dozens and dozens of miles away from the aircraft. So, you know, it's flying up above 50,000 feet over the Strait of Hormuz. It can monitor the entire strait plus see inside Iran without having to fly over it.","Just a little bit more detail, if you would, on this. . .","Sure.",". . . Specific drone - we're told it was an RQ-4 Global Hawk surveillance drone. Do you have any sense of how many of those are out flying over the region, how widely used they are?What intel are they collecting?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : This statement implies that the advanced drones are being more appreciated unlike aircrafts.","questions":"How are the sensor systems on board the drone described?","answer":"Onboard"} {"text":["Kevin, I imagine doing what you do, you can't have much of an appetite for leftovers on a day like today.","No, I probably will be eating a hamburger or something today.","Well, I wish you a very good day, and thanks for taking the time to speak with us.","Absolutely. Have a great time."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : A uses the phrase \"eating a hamburger or something\" to refer to what he will eat on that day. The actual meaning of the phrase is that he will likely have a meal that is quick and easy to obtain, rather than specifically referring to a hamburger.","questions":"Which food item is PersonA likely to eat on that day?","answer":"Hamburger"} {"text":["The Iowa caucus is a communal affair. People don't cast ballots alone in voting booths. They go to caucuses where people speak out and eventually cast a vote. Opinion polls don't matter in caucuses, only the number of supporters who come to a caucus and vote for a candidate. And if you're wondering, no alcohol is served, though I do remember an extraordinary strawberry pie in Indianola, Iowa. NPR political editor Domenico Montanaro joins us. Domenico, thanks so much for being with us.","Thank you for having me.","The Democrats and Republicans do it differently, don't they?","They certainly do. Republicans, very simple, can get that out of the way pretty easily. People start to make speeches. They try to win over people to vote. But then people just fold over their papers, turn them in. It's a very informal secret ballot. Democrats on the other hand. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : implies a contrast between the two parties and the different ways that they conduct their caucuses.","questions":"Which party conducts their caucuses with a secret ballot?","answer":"Republicans"} {"text":["Story's still unfolding, we understand. What are you hearing?","Well, the evidence is that the Islamic State is behind this. In addition to French President Francois Hollande saying that the attacks were the work of ISIS, the group itself claimed responsibility in an online statement a short time ago. And they say the attacks were a response to French airstrikes in Syria and that France would remain, in their words, a top target as long as it continued its current policies.","This has been independently confirmed by intelligence officials you've been able to talk to.","Well, my understanding is that officials first started to suspect ISIS was behind this late last night. There were some cellphone conversations or texts that the gunmen were exchanging while the attacks were going on. And they mentioned ISIS. And here's why that's important. You remember the Mumbai attacks in 2008 that were - those were attacks on hotels and Jewish centers and a railway station. Well, one of the ways that they traced it back to the perpetrators was by picking up phone conversations between the gunmen and their handlers in Pakistan. The information is still coming in, but it appears that something similar happened here."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : EXPLAINATION: (2): The implication is that French airstrikes in Syria are the cause of the attacks.","questions":"Which group is believed to be responsible for the attacks in France?","answer":"ISIS"} {"text":["What - the more typical word that I hear from younger evangelicals is a sense of not knowing what to do. Many of them can't in good conscience vote for either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. And I think that it's going to take several months before we even know what the answer to that is going to be.","Can you explain what part of Donald Trump's message is working with religious voters so that they would overlook maybe even some of their basic Christian beliefs to support him?","Well, I think it is the fact that many religious conservatives believe that the Republican Party has not only taken them for granted but made fun of them behind closed doors. And so I've heard from those who are supporting Trump their vote for Trump is really a vote to kind of shut the entire system down and start all over again. I think that's a very common sentiment.","Russell Moore of the Southern Baptist Convention, thanks so much for joining us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The turn that has an implied meaning different from its literal meaning is (2) when B asks, \"Can you explain what part of Donald Trump's message is working with religious voters so that they would overlook maybe even some of their basic Christian beliefs to support him?\" The literal meaning of the question is straightforward, ","questions":"What is the reason many religious conservatives are supporting Trump despite their basic Christian beliefs?","answer":"Overlook"} {"text":["Yeah.","Why has the price gone up in recent years?","Prices will rise to whatever the market will bear, right?We see that uniquely in the U. S. One vial of insulin in the U. S. costs seven times what it does in Germany. So there's a huge disparity there. Some of the reasons have to do with reformulations of insulin that are, in fact, better than some of the older ones. Although, when I'm talking about that 1 in 7 price comparison, that's the same exact insulin.","In the U. S. , what's happened - and this is something that I know the Trump administration is looking at and many experts in the field have decried - the slow arrival of biosimilars or generic insulins onto the market, which are on the market in other countries. The problem in this country is the lowering of prices of insulin. And insulin patents have been held up in the courts for years now in suits and countersuits between the three big insulin drug makers, including by Eli Lilly, which is the former employer of our new HHS Secretary.","That's Alex Azar - has been appointed Secretary of Health and Human Services."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The slow arrival of biosimilars or generic insulins onto the market in the US, and insulin patents being held up in courts have resulted in high prices of insulin","questions":"Which factor has resulted in high insulin prices in the US?","answer":"slowarrival"} {"text":["I think it's very important for people to unplug. Setting aside the whole question and dangers of addiction, let's assume you're not somebody who is addicted, but you are still constantly plugged in. The downsides are likely to be, first of all, no time to think, no time to just reflect on what you feel, what you think, what you've been experiencing. And wisdom really comes to us through the process of reflecting on our experience and our feelings and thoughts. So, I think people are in danger of not being able to become wise if they don't take time to think.","Plus there is this huge factor of engagement with other people. We are we're social animals. We need to be connected. There's something called limbic resonance, which is kind of an energetic resonance that gets set up between two people when they are engaged in a positive and constructive way with each other and they are able to develop the relationship. And we know that when people do not have enough of that engagement with each other, they suffer depression and they suffer in other ways. So, getting unplugged allows you to get reengaged with real people in your life that matter to you.","Let's talk a little bit about how online addiction can work in tandem with other addictions. I'm thinking about gambling. There's now all sorts of online gambling. There's also pornography.","Right."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Constantly being plugged in prevents people from becoming wise","questions":"Which factor hinders the development of wisdom in people?","answer":"Engagement"} {"text":["How are you doing?","I am doing great. So, tell me how you first ended up, how and when you first ended up in a detention center.","Well, the first time I'd have to say, it was about when I was 15 years old, and it was a detention center. It wasn't a boot camp per se. It was a waiting trial, and sometimes they - you know, the juvenile system, sometimes they'll give you a bond, and sometimes they won't give you a bond, so then you're left with no way out, but to be in the detention center, awaiting trial.","So, when you talk about no bond, that means you can't get out. However, I understand that when you were in juvenile detention, you went in and out, but you were never convicted for the things you were sent there for. Why did that happen?How did that play out?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : how it play out implies the final result of a thing or series of things that happened","questions":"Which question implies the final outcome of a sequence of events mentioned in turn 3?","answer":"convicted"} {"text":["You know, in the post-Katrina era, Scott, the assumption has been that when a hurricane comes, you focus on that and set other things aside. So it was jarring when the president went ahead with his summit with Kanye West. And as you say, it was a major full-media presence in the Oval Office.","But the president's theme all week has been to keep the focus on the president. He's had a flurry of news availabilities - way more than usual. In fact, in the last month, he's had more than in all the time previously in his presidency - very flashy events, campaign rallies around the country, night after night.","And that happens just as the cable operations - television, news - has - well, they've begun to lose interest in some of those rallies. They're not covering them from beginning to end anymore, sometimes not covering them all - at all, perhaps because they do seem to be news-free campaign events, and maybe because they've become so frequent.","Does this week's sudden stock sell-off raise questions about what had seemed to be so much good news about the economy, including that historically low unemployment rate?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The president's decision to meet with Kanye West during a hurricane was inappropriate","questions":"How was the president's behavior during Hurricane Katrina?","answer":"Inappropriate"} {"text":["Yes. At the top of the mountains, we have cloud forests. These are forests composed of trees of low stature. They have the ability to withstand the strong wind conditions at the top of the mountain. They are very important in regulating the water cycling of the mountain and actually supplying the 20 percent of the water for Puerto Rico. These trees are completely covered by mosses and plants that sit on the tree trunks and collect water. And they can then kind of filter cloud water down the mountain. So many of these mosses and epiphytes were stripped from the tree trunks on the face where those winds were more intense.","I wonder, Dr. Gonzalez, as you were walking through El Yunque looking at the destruction of this place that you've known so well for so long, what was going through your mind seeing it totally transformed?","Well, it's an amazing experience, but I think it's one of learning and regeneration. We already have seen the greening of the forest in some areas. We're already seeing that some species are lifting up. We know that some other species will come up and kind of make their way to more native or mature species of the forest to take over. So yes, it is a catastrophic event. But we know that there's going to be a recovery phase.","Dr. Gonzalez, what about you and your family?How did you do?Do you have power?Do you have water?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The strong winds of the mountain top can strip the mosses and epiphytes from the tree trunks, making it difficult for these forests to survive.","questions":"How are the trees affected by the weather conditions at the top of the mountain?","answer":"Wind"} {"text":["Yeah, well, in fact, what our(ph) antihydrogen atoms bump into when we release them is gold. The inside of our apparatus is gold-plated, so they're actually hitting gold nuclei. So what happens is the antiquarks in the antiproton finds some quarks in a gold nucleus and annihilate with those. The amount of energy released is about the same, right?You're annihilating the rest mass of the antiproton on the same rest mass of the quarks that make up the nucleus.","So does the gold get changed any way from. . .","Not in any way that you would measure macroscopically, right, but - because we're talking about, we trap one atom at a time, right?So there's no macroscopic effect that you would be able to measure. But for us, that's a microscopically violent event, right?There's a lot of energy released, and we're pretty good at detecting that so we can actually see the energy release when you lose one atom of antihydrogen. By the way, you couldn't do that with hydrogen. If hydrogen hits the wall, nothing happens, right?So this is one way that antimatter is actually fun to work with.","When you shoot that radiation at it to flip it around, does it self-annihilate against the wall?Is that what happens?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Antimatter is fun to work with because of its violent microscopically violent events.","questions":"Which event makes antimatter fun to work with?","answer":"Event"} {"text":["We recommend - we have a lot of recommendations. We think they're very practical. It can be done. Some of them are internal in the government themselves. There are internal changes Congress needs to make so that it can be more effective in this, and other commissions have recommended them. Now, let's do it. Let's get it done.","We want the life science community to work with the government about how to self-regulate. In other words, what kind of protocols can we use so that we can keep track of high containment labs better. And then, we say we need to emphasize Pakistan. Now, it's funny that this report is coming out now because we saw in the course of this that Pakistan is an epicenter for all of these risks that we're talking about.","Jim Talent, former senator from Missouri, thank you.","Thank you."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : track implies awareness and not record or relating to filed","questions":"Which word in the dialogue suggests the need for better monitoring of high containment labs?","answer":"Protocols"} {"text":["A lot of my time will be really spent spreading the good word about restorative justice. I also really want to deepen my understanding and lifting up of the indigenous roots from which much of restorative justice comes from and sort of the original teachings that come from Mennonite communities and my own faith tradition - the Tibetan system of justice prior to Chinese occupation - and so the roots in Buddhism there. These are the things that I think I'm really excited about having some time and space to research and learn more about. How do we bring these teachings and these learnings into our secular practices of justice-making in the United States?This seems like a good use of the time.","Well, congratulations. Keep us posted on what you do next. We can't wait to hear.","Thank you so much.","That's sujatha baliga. She is the director of the Restorative Justice Project at the Impact Justice Research Center in Oakland. This week, she became one of the latest recipients of the MacArthur Fellowship - the so-called Genius Grant - for her work in the area of restorative justice. Sujatha baliga, thanks so much for talking to us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Buddhism is not actually planted but it was the first religion in the area that others came from.","questions":"Which religion was the first in the area where Buddhism came from?","answer":"Buddhism"} {"text":["Well, I think they'll help fill in some of the gaps that the U. S. commander there, General John Nicholson, talked about in his testimony earlier this year. He needs some more forces to be able to get out with Afghan units as advisers. He needs more forces to do the counterterrorism mission against a Islamic State force there that's growing in strength.","And so it's simply going to be a gap-filler in many respects. I don't think it's going to be some type of a decisive increment of troops, and all of a sudden it's going to turn around the battlefield results and make this a war that we're suddenly winning when those troops get deployed.","And does it strike you, though, that in trying to come up with a new strategy, there are really any more options than have been on the table in past administrations who have been trying hard - and much blood and treasure has been spilled - in trying to answer these very same questions for many, many years now?","I think there's some potential different openings here. You've got a very different president with a very different outlook about American commitments around the world. I think he is going to consider all options, including a zero option, potentially, for Afghanistan."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The deployment of additional troops is not expected to have a significant impact on the outcome of the war or lead to a sudden victory.","questions":"How is the deployment of additional troops expected to impact the outcome of the war?","answer":"Minimal."} {"text":["You also call this the start of a new era in America's modern history - in what way?","Well, the Clean Air Act really changed, in many ways, the conception of government's role and gave to the federal government both the power and the responsibility to protect Americans' health. One of the most revolutionary pieces of this very innovatively designed law was a provision which elevated public health as a priority above all others in the setting of air quality standards for the entire country. It put public health over and above corporate profit and cost in determining what amounts of pollution would be allowed in Americans' air.","But that hasn't stopped it from being challenged, right?How has it weathered those challenges?","Well, it's been up and down over the years. And I think what we're seeing right now is a really sort of unprecedented assault on the Clean Air Act and the enforcement of the Clean Air Act by the Trump administration. Obviously, I think, we've all become familiar over the last few years with the idea of climate change denial. But I think what we're now seeing in the Trump years is actually air pollution denial."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"elevated public health as a priority above all others\" - This turn has a figurative meaning, as it means that the Clean Air Act made the protection of public health the most important consideration in setting air quality standards, rather than just one of many factors to consider.","questions":"How did the Clean Air Act prioritize public health?","answer":"priority"} {"text":["I don't actually see a need to detain people at all. There are lots of alternatives to detention that have been shown to work. In many cases, people are released on ankle monitors so that the government can keep track of where they are. But once again, I don't think that the government's figures on appearance rates at hearings are accurate.","Mexico has expanded some of the rights of asylum-seekers, non-Mexican asylum-seekers - haven't they?- in recent weeks. Humanitarian visas, work permits, access to legal services, does any of that help?","I know that they have started giving humanitarian visas to individuals who are returned. They are supposed to provide for work authorization. But I understand that a number of our plaintiffs have had trouble finding jobs and also trouble proving that they are entitled to work in Mexico. I think that goes back to the animus against migrants that I spoke of before.","Do you and other groups have an idea of how many people we might potentially be talking about who were asylum-seekers in Mexico?","We don't have an exact number. The government has said that they're going to expand this policy to Texas in the not-too-distant future. And my understanding is that as of Thursday, eight families were returned- eight families comprised of 13 adults and 13 children. And that was just one day."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : the narrator mention of non Mexican asylum-seekers so it is odd to see non Mexican asylum seekers setting place in Mexico. ","questions":"How are non-Mexican asylum-seekers affected in Mexico?","answer":"Crowding"} {"text":["And I think my - like, I never liked the term African-American. I think it's a horrible term because it all-encompassing. It's just African-American, you know?What African?African where?African - you can't just say that, you know?When you look at white Americans, it's very specific. You go, oh, he's Italian-American. Yeah, I'm an Italian-American. And you've got, you know, you've got your Jewish Americans, and you've got your Irish Americans. Everyone's proud of their culture. The African-American, it's just - it's, you know?African where?","Well, for so long nobody really knew where they were from.","But exactly. But I think that the first step to - I guess to finding peace, I find, is knowing where you are from. You know, where you are from determines a lot of who you are. And so for me, you know, Ghanaian American, Nigerian, you'll discover so much in your culture when you know just a little bit about where you're from.","Do you find it interesting that we have a president who is literally African-American?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"Well, for so long nobody really knew where they were from.\" - The literal meaning of this turn is a response to the previous statement, but the actual meaning is an acknowledgment of the historical difficulties African Americans have faced in tracing their ancestry due to the legacy of slavery and displacement.","questions":"What is the legacy that affects African Americans' ability to trace their ancestry?","answer":"legacy"} {"text":["I mean, it's tempting, and certainly we do it in the news business, to look at a figure like $9 billion and say, you know, figure out what that cost per arrest and everything. But I wonder, isn't it in a sense worth, I don't know, a billion dollars a year to the American people to have that deterrent aboard?Because as people in the program have pointed out, if something happens, there's no one else to call upon for help in an airliner.","Well, you could justify almost anything on that basis. But I will tell you that on any cost-benefit analysis, this program does not hold muster. I can tell you also that while a billion dollars might not seem like much money in the whole federal government. . .","Oh, no, it's a lot of money. Don't get me wrong. . .","It's a lot. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : In statement 2, the speaker is implying that Trump should make a statement that can help heal the divide between him and the Republicans. ","questions":"What program is being discussed in the dialogue?","answer":"Program"} {"text":["Yeah, it did. And when I left, I was so angry at them because I didn't understand. And it wasn't until many years later for me to be able to see where they're coming from.","(Singing) Times have really, really changed, changed.","It feels like the song \"Rebel\" is a little bit about you, too.","Yeah."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The times have changed a lot in society and it is noticeable.","questions":"How does the song \"Rebel\" relate to A?","answer":"Rebel"} {"text":["He went to his local bar and he didn't sit on the sidelines there. He took center stage and actually played a kind of Balkan fiddle called a gusle. And everyone stood around and clapped and applauded him. And he was sitting under a portrait of Radovan Karodzic, this man who was the hero for most of the people in the bar. And not one of them spotted the resemblance.","He lived across the stairwell in his block of flats from a woman who worked with Interpol. And her - every time she went into work, she logged on to her computer and saw the world's most wanted, including Osama bin Laden and Radovan Karodzic. And the penny never dropped. It was like a long-running performance that only came to an end really when his brother made a vital slip.","He made a phone call, right?What happened?","He made a phone call. And he used a SIM card that he shouldn't have used. It was one that was on the files of the people chasing Karodzic.","To put you on the spot a bit, does a sentence like this that comes 21 years after the Srebrenica massacre serve as a deterrent to alleged war crimes being committed today, let's say in Syria and\/or Iraq?"],"speaker":["A","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The phone call made by the person was a mistake that led to their identification as a potential associate of the war criminal Radovan Karadzic.","questions":"Which event led to the identification of the person as a potential associate of Radovan Karadzic?","answer":"Phone"} {"text":["So there you are standing in the checkout line, that one with a big sign above it that says express, 10 items or less. You notice the basket of the woman in front of you. You silently start tallying. OK, eight or nine items, fine. But wait, she has a six pack under her hand, and under her other arm is a bag of pretzels. And then she's going for that pack of gum. And you're fighting the urge to scream: You had no business in the express line.","If that's you, then John Trinkaus feels your pain. He decided that instead of complaining about it, though, he'd study it. Trinkaus researches not only the express line, but how many people stop at stop signs and the average wait at the doctor's office. My next guest is Marc Abrahams, editor and co-founder of the Annals of Improbable Research, and the founder and master of ceremonies for the Ig Nobel Prize. He'll explain the data details and why it's the simple things that count. He joins us from WBUR in Boston. Hi, Marc.","Hello, Flora.","Tell me - give me some other names of his studies, because they're all really funny."],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The woman in front of you has more than 10 items, and you are annoyed about it.","questions":"What is the maximum number of items allowed in the express checkout line?","answer":"Less"} {"text":["Yeah, yeah. Hopefully, you know?So whereas in America, you know, you sort of smoothed the edges and you've just put, you know, you've put makeup on. That's what you've done. We're still in the very, you know, you still see all of our imperfections. Whereas in America you try to put a lot of makeup, but the imperfections are still there. And I find that that's the most interesting thing for me.","The changes that we've seen in South Africa over those 17 years are little short of phenomenal.","Yes. It's been amazing. It was a bloodless revolution, you know, because the difference has been - in America, black people have been fighting for their freedom and for their identity and so on, but as a minority. In South Africa, you had a white majority rule, ruling over \u2014 I mean, this is Africa. This is the home of black. It was the black factory. So I mean this is, you know, it was a very different story and never before has there been a bloodless revolution in Africa.","Is there much of a tradition of comedy in South Africa, particularly tweaking the powers that be?You don't think of John Vorster. . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The speaker is expressing amazement at the significant changes that have occurred in South Africa over the past 17 years. Implicated meaning: The speaker believes that the changes in South Africa have been remarkable and noteworthy.","questions":"How does the speaker feel about the changes in South Africa?","answer":"Amazing"} {"text":["Scott Snyder is the senior fellow for Korea studies and the director of the program on U. S. -Korea policy at the Council on Foreign Relations. You're listening to TALK OF THE NATION from NPR News.","And you mentioned that parade of prime ministers in Tokyo. Mr. Abe himself was a short-term prime minister as he got himself into some trouble on nationalist, among other issues. Is he likely to trim his sails back towards the center this time?He ran a pretty nationalist campaign.","Well, those specialists who have had direct contact with him suggested he's really a realist and a pragmatist. And that, in fact, last time when he was prime minister, he did curb some of those rhetorical impulses and, in fact, opened up kind of a new page in the relationship between Japan and China. Certainly, that sort of statesmanship is in great demand at this stage given the increasing tensions in the regional environment.","And the - as his rule maybe ephemeral, we will have to see. China, the new leaders there can look forward to a decade, if history - recent history is any guide. I guess, we've seen two now transitions of power in China that were reasonably predictable. But as they look ahead, does that suggest caution?Does that suggest - what signs are you looking for, what indicators as to what they will do on the crucial issue, for example, of political reform?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : sail back to the centre implies engaging in doing things right this time in order to build bridges and connection ","questions":"How does the statement describe Mr. Abe's approach towards his previous actions?","answer":"Pragmatist"} {"text":["Kids are natural scientists. They're natural born inquisitors. They like to find out about everything, and we just don't have a way of doing it. Maybe your math book can help do that. Have - do teachers use it at all and think about it?","We do have teachers using it. They say that they warm up the class with a math problem in the morning. We've heard all kinds of stories. There's a bus driver outside Chicago who actually puts the math problem up on a whiteboard on the bus every morning. And he has a bag of Oriental Trading prizes.","Right.","And the first kid on the bus to get it gets to pull something out of the bag. So it's really a movement that's spreading."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The movement to get kids to do math is becoming known and done by a large amount of people.","questions":"Which movement?","answer":"Math"} {"text":["Are there specific goals you all are trying to achieve in terms of advancing one policy or another?","Yeah. So the overarching mission is really to support science for the public good. I think it's really important to say that when politicians attack science, it's not necessarily across the board. It's certain types of science. So if you look at climate change or public health, they're under attack from certain groups because, you know, they involve regulation or some businesses have an interest in them or there's some political thing to be gained for them. And so what we will be doing after the march is putting out a policy platform on all of these specific areas.","Is that a little like herding cats?I mean, I'm guessing the scientific community (laughter), like any other, is hardly monolithic in what it thinks is the way forward.","Well, this is what we have to do. Right?So if, at the end of the day, we get bogged down in research grants, we get bogged down in having to write the next paper - but we do science 'cause we care about improving society. And if that's what it takes for us to really, you know, bring all of these diverse voices into the room and figure out, you know, how we can be unified and how we can be a political force, that's where we're at at the moment. And we're going to push for that hard after the march."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The implication of this statement is that it will be difficult to reach a consensus among the scientific community due to their diverse opinions","questions":"Which challenge is mentioned in the second turn of the dialogue?","answer":"Consensus"} {"text":["For the last 40, 50 years, the education system has been translated into industry worker-producing system at high end, also, at low end, also. So - and that education system is becoming a reason to be tensed about the examinations themselves, the jobs, the admissions to the higher education classes, and every student was almost dying to get at the top positions. So all this was creating a lot of problem. So that's why we are not touching right now at graduation level; we are just touching about the bottom level - that is, starting from nursery classes to grade 8.","Minister Sisodia, who teaches a happiness class?","So there are 20,000 teachers that we have trained so far to take these classes, and they're taking these classes daily. This is 35-minute class, every day, first half of the morning. One class is for happiness class.","I have to ask, has any teacher said to you, if you want me to teach a happiness class, pay me more?That'll make me happy."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : 20,000 teachers have been trained to teach a daily 35-minute happiness class.","questions":"Which class is taught by 20,000 trained teachers daily?","answer":"Happiness"} {"text":["Yeah, thank you.","So tell us what the article said.","Well, it's very interesting. It's in the Jesuit magazine La Civilta Cattolica. It's a very historic magazine, the Jesuits, of course, being the same order that Pope Francis - an order of priest that Pope Francis is a part of. And what's very interesting is that these two authors are known to be quite close to him. One, Antonio Spadaro, was the person who interviewed him in 2013 and made a big splash. And what they're saying is that they're concerned about ties between fundamental evangelicals and, kind of, right-wing Catholics in the U. S. that are focused only on very neuralgic issues and kind of dividing in politics.","And the article, I believe, specifically talks about xenophobic and Islamophobic views.","Yeah. What the authors say is that, you know, Pope Francis has really been trying to create a culture of dialogue encounter, really working with people across all the spectrums. And what the two authors in this article are saying is that these right-wing groups in the U. S. have been really doing the opposite. Where Pope Francis is trying to build bridges, they're trying to build walls. And they're playing up concerns about migration, about refugees. And they're kind of operating in the exact opposite way of the pope which, for a Catholic, is obviously a very strange thing.","All right, this article also directly mentions President Donald Trump and his adviser Steve Bannon. What does it say about them?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"Tell us what the article said\" - The literal meaning is a request for a summary or explanation of the contents of an article.","questions":"What is the name of the Jesuit magazine mentioned in the dialogue?","answer":"La"} {"text":["My mother had a friend I called David in the essay. And he was a funny, charming man. And he always had clients around. He found them out of the state so they would live with him while they were going on auditions. And they seemed to have a lot of shirtless pictures of them around framed. That seemed to be the greatest bit of work that they did - were these shirtless pictures.","And each year, these boys would come and go, and they'd be between the ages of 12 and 16. And there was this feeling that my mother and I would sort of talk around. Is this weird?This is weird, right?No. No, it's David. It can't be weird. And I think there are a lot of people in Los Angeles dealing with that right now of people they have held in their heads where there's a little bit of a galvanic skin-crawly thing, but they also like this person.","Course, your article appeared as Anthony Rapp come forward with his charges against Kevin Spacey. Been a few more Kevin Spacey stories that have also come out since then. Without trying to judge the veracity of each and every story, what's the mix of ambition and vulnerability that makes child actors prey?","The same thing which puts women at risk in the business, which is economics. For children, there is a small window of opportunity in which a career is going to happen. You are not a child indefinitely. That makes people ripe for abuse."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (4) \"That makes people ripe for abuse.\" - The phrase \"ripe for abuse\" is not meant to convey a positive connotation, but rather highlights the vulnerability and potential for exploitation that arises from the limited window of opportunity for success in the entertainment industry.","questions":"Which phrase is used to describe the vulnerability and potential for exploitation of child actors in the entertainment industry?","answer":"Vulnerability"} {"text":["Well, you know, just like I said, be careful what you wish for, because it may come true.","Yeah.","So now, with the explosion in great technology in genetics, we're getting a whole bunch of candidate genes. And then through other genetic studies and comparisons between groups around the world, we can see which ones seem to light up for multiple groups, although it can be different in different populations.","Yeah. There are some - how shall we say - unorthodox treatment ideas, are there not, like infesting patients with worms for treatment?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : There are unorthodox treatment ideas, such as infesting patients with worms, which may seem strange but have been found to be effective","questions":"What is an example of an unorthodox treatment idea mentioned in the dialogue that has been found to be effective?","answer":"Worms."} {"text":["So, you're skeptical about a car czar. You think that there should be loans, though, with strict provisions attached to them.","Right, right.","What else?What else needs to be done?I mean, this is a massive, massive problem, and two of the three are facing extinction at this point.","Don't forget, what's putting them in this condition is the economic, you know, the economic condition of the nation right now. But the kind of fixed-cost structure that these auto companies have is massive, massive losses that have to do with what's happening to demand."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : None of the turns in this conversation have a figurative or non-literal meaning.","questions":"What type of meaning do the turns in this conversation have?","answer":"Literal"} {"text":["Why is there - at least I can't come up with somebody who is quite like Mary McGrory, male or female, that's a columnist now. Or am I wrong?","You know, I think that the one thing that really stood out to me the most about Mary - and it literally got mentioned in every single interview I conducted for the book - was that she went out and did her legwork, that she went out there every day and talked to people and didn't just write a column from the comfy confines of her office.","Yeah, she wasn't just a pundit.","She wasn't just a pundit. Into her 80s, she was out there covering presidential primaries, having friends and family hurtle her over snow banks in Manchester. And I think that really distinguished her writing and her as a personality."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) - \"She wasn't just a pundit\" - This means that Mary McGrory was more than just a commentator - she was a journalist who actively went out and did research and interviews to back up her work.","questions":"Which word describes Mary McGrory's work as a columnist?","answer":"Journalist"} {"text":["I'm Farai Chideya, and this is News & Notes. The UNITY Convention, considered to be the largest annual meeting of journalists around the world, kicks off tomorrow in Chicago. The convention brings together the National Association of Black Journalists, the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, the Asian-American Journalist Association, and the Native American Journalist Association.","This year's theme is a new journalism for a changing world. Joining us to talk about the gathering is UNITY president Karen Lincoln Michel. So Karen, can you give us a diversity report card of how the industry is doing overall regarding journalists of color?","Yes. The Radio-Television News Directors Association just released a survey yesterday that showed that there were some slight gains that were made in television among women and minorities. And I'm not sure if that also showed if the work force is shrinking in broadcast, but there some gains made there. But it's still below the levels of people of color in the U. S. population.","There's a recent employment survey of minorities in the newsroom done every year by the American Society of Newspaper Editors. And this year's showed a very slight increase in the number of people of color in supervisory positions. Now granted, the whole industry shrank by about 2,400 positions, and nearly 300 of them were people of color. But in this climate, I think you need to build on small gains like the slight increase in people of color in supervisory positions."],"speaker":["B","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The representation of minorities in newsrooms is still inadequate.","questions":"What is the result of the recent employment survey of minorities in the newsroom mentioned in the dialogue?","answer":"increasing"} {"text":["I don't know what a - difference between an executive order and a proclamation is.","Well, proclamations seem to be more rare. They do kind of echo of something royal, but it has basically the same effect as an executive order.","And how would this change what somebody who wants to apply for asylum must do?","Well, it's trying to bar asylum for people who enter the U. S. in between ports of entry."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Proclamations have the same effect as executive orders","questions":"What has basically the same effect as executive orders?","answer":"Proclamations"} {"text":["Yeah.",". . . \"Giant Steps\" is more like leaning forward in the passenger seat of a speeding racecar, (laughter) you know?","All right. Let's listen to another good album from 1959. This is \"Take Five\" from Dave Brubeck, his album \"Time Out. \"","If \"Kind Of Blue\" is sitting in an armchair with a martini or a cocktail, this - speaking of vices - feels like smoking in an alley to me.","(Laughter) And so much of that attitude comes from the sound of the alto saxophonist, Paul Desmond, who - actually, his tone was once described by a jazz critic in terms of a dry martini."],"speaker":["B","A","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 4 : Paul Desmond's saxophone tone is crisp and sophisticated like a dry martini","questions":"How was Paul Desmond's saxophone tone described by a jazz critic?","answer":"Dry"} {"text":["Happy birthday NASA. Fifty years old today. Wonder how that feels?A former NASA engineer thinks this now middle-aged agency should try something new. Solve the energy crisis by collecting solar power through a space-based energy system. He's Glenn Smith. He oversaw science and applications experiments for the international space station when he was at NASA. We spoke earlier about his proposal.","You have very large solar cells, solar rays in space, probably 22 thousand miles out, so it circles the earth at the same speed that the earth rotates. It stays above one spot on the earth, and you convert that electric power into microwaves, and you beam it down near cities where large amounts of power are used. Receives it, converts it back to electric energy and feeds it into the existing power grid.","And that wouldn't be dangerous to anyone who got in the way of that ray coming down, or airplanes flying by, or anything?","Well, I've got a lot of questions about that. But here's what we have. The highest power level of the beam is only about one-fifth of the energy density of summer sunlight at noon. One-fifth. Tests have been run on bees and birds twice that level and they haven't found any effects yet."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The space-based energy system proposed is not dangerous for humans and animals.","questions":"How safe is the space-based energy system proposed for living beings?","answer":"Safe"} {"text":["It's very vegetal.","Vegetal.","Yeah.","That's a word?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The actual meaning implied here could be that whatever \"it\" refers to has a strong presence or quality of plant-like characteristics. It might not necessarily mean that \"it\" is literally made of plants or vegetables.","questions":"What is the quality of \"it\" referred to in turn 0?","answer":"Quality"} {"text":["Hello.","What happened to you this morning?What happened in Kathmandu?","Well, we were on a staff retreat with our editors and reporters up on a mountaintop overlooking Kathmandu Valley. And it felt as if I was propelled two meters up into the air. It was just such a heavy jolt. And when we looked down at the city, it looked like it had been completely destroyed because there was a ball of dust covering the entire valley in which Kathmandu is situated. And we thought the whole city had been destroyed. But as we got down back into the city through the roads, it looked like it wasn't as bad as we initially feared. Many of the residential buildings were damaged, but seem to be intact. On the other hand, the monuments of the world heritage sites in Kathmandu - Bhaktapur and Patan - many of them have been completely destroyed.","Mr. Dixit, have you been able to get a handle on how extensive the damage is in Nepal and for that matter the region 'cause there are reports that India's also been affected."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : B: \"Mr. Dixit, have you been able to get a handle on how extensive the damage is in Nepal and for that matter the region 'cause there are reports that India's also been affected.\" The literal meaning is asking if Mr. Dixit has information about the extent of the damage caused by the earthquake. The actual meaning is that the speaker wants to know more about the situation in Nepal and India and the impact of the earthquake in the region.","questions":"What was the main concern of PersonB regarding the earthquake?","answer":"Region"} {"text":["Up next, some improbable humor. If you're a loyal listener, you know my next guest. He's been a SCIENCE FRIDAY regular for, oh, 20 years. Wow. Every year on the Friday after Thanksgiving. You know that. We play the first annual Ig Nobel Awards. They awards given to science that makes you laugh and then makes you think. Marc Abrahams is the co-founder and the emcee of the Ig Nobels. He's also the editor and founder of the Annals of Improbable Research, and he writes a weekly column for The Guardian. Welcome, Marc.","Hello, Ira.","Hi there. Marc is going to join each month to share with us some of the unusual scientific research he comes across. And I think it's fitting for you to be here, Marc, as we're going to announce the winner of our joke show. I know you have a great sense of humor, at least that's what they tell me. No, I know that you do.","In theory, I'm honored to be here today."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Implied meaning: The speaker is hinting at something they want or need, but they don't want to ask for it directly.","questions":"Which word in turn 3 suggests that the speaker is not completely genuine in their statement?","answer":"Theory"} {"text":["DR. GABRIEL FITZPATRICK: Well, all I can say is we too in this area are having some positive news stories from patients who have recovered from of Ebola, but this is not due to any experimental medical treatment which is available. When a patient is admitted here with Ebola, they're given various forms of supportive medical treatment such as anti-malaria treatments or spectrum antibiotics, which can treat chest infections, urinary tract infections. And they're also provided IV hydration if that's required. And these have some effects on reducing the mortality rates associated with Ebola, but there are - I have to say - not a treatment for Ebola.","Seven out of 10 patients that you admit for treatment with Ebola die. It must be going through your mind what have they done there at Emory in Atlanta that we might be able to use here because they seemingly saved two lives there.","In the situation I am working here at the moment, we have no experience with any experimental drugs. And I am not in a position to comment on that because we are here at the invitation of Sierra Leone. And we cannot do things that break the law, only with possibly faced expulsion. So everything we have done is in conjunction with the government of Sierra Leone. And we will continue to do that. But obviously MSF welcomes any new novel treatments. They should be made available as quickly as possible to patients if they're found to be of adequate value.","Dr. Fitzpatrick, I am told you have a family back in Dublin?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Is Dr. Fitzpatrick worried about his family in Dublin due to the risks of his work in Sierra Leone?","questions":"Which area is having some positive news stories from patients who have recovered from Ebola?","answer":"Area"} {"text":["Basically, they give you a lot of freedom. They don't get in your way. The editors encourage in-depth investigative work. They like to hold public officials accountable. They're also willing to go to bat if you need legal help, if you're trying to get records or things like that.","So would you advise young reporters to do what you have done and stick with a local news organization for a decent amount of time?","Yeah. I think at least a year. Sometimes two years is a good point to kind of reconsider your options. We thought that we were just going to be here for a year, but this paper has a history of crusading investigative reporting, strong local journalism. Our late publisher Ned Chilton coined this phrase called sustained outrage, and that's sort of hammering away at an injustice until it's righted.","People who can manage to stay mad for a long time."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) \"Hammering away at an injustice until it's righted\" - To persistently work towards correcting a wrong.","questions":"How would you describe the phrase coined by the late publisher Ned Chilton?","answer":"sustained"} {"text":["It is - they take it as good news, but the reality is it's not because the only infrastructure that remains intact is the infrastructure of the former regime and the former ruling party. It's difficult to see how, in a situation where people are fearing for their lives, you can put together a cohesive electoral campaign. Even though the military council says that they will allow observers in, this is a military council that is blocking journalists - that has suspended Al Jazeera, that has suspended other journalists from doing their work. So there's a lot of disbelief that they will allow observers to carry out their job.","Meanwhile, they will just continue to sit-in, to protest, to demand democratic reforms even if they are unlikely.","To resist - that's what we're hearing - that so much blood has been spilled, so many lives have been lost that to turn back now is unthinkable to many of those people we're speaking to on the ground, Rachel.","CNN's Nima Elbagir. She is senior international correspondent with CNN covering Sudan. She joined us from London on Skype. Thank you so much."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The military council is not trustworthy and will not allow observers to carry out their job","questions":"What is the reason for the disbelief among the people regarding the military council?","answer":"Observers"} {"text":["You know there are some including the West Point history professor, Lieutenant Colonel John Gentile, who say that it's not so much that we've sent in these extra troops or changed our strategy, it's that we got Muqtada al-Sadr's forces to have a ceasefire and we essentially hired 100,000 former Sunni insurgents to come onto our payroll and try to keep quiet.","That's an absolute distortion of what's actually happened. Look, I've been going to Iraq for the last two years, every three or four months for a couple of weeks at a time. I have spoken to the Sunni insurgent leaders and they have capitulated. There's not a white flag of surrender, but they have come into the political process.","Why did you come into the political process?Why didn't you continue to seek your political objectives using armed violence?Answer, because we couldn't win. One of them said, when Bush occupied Baghdad, we knew we didn't have a chance. Those are his words not mine. The awakening movement had already started in Anbar province, but the fact of the matter is with the catalyst of additional troops, that awakening movement, as you say, the Sons of Iraq.","This is the people we hired to."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The Iraqi Sunni insurgents have given up their struggle against the US-led government, and have accepted its terms for peace.","questions":"What group of people have accepted the terms for peace?","answer":"Iraqi-Sunni-insurgents"} {"text":["Welcome to WEEKEND EDITION.","Thank you so much, Lulu, for having me.","This book is about a moon ceremony. So explain what that is and where it comes from.","Well, moon ceremonies are traditional gatherings that happen for women across the Americans. They date back to precolonial times. And they're ceremonies where women gather around the full moon or the new moon. And in this case, a moon ceremony for a young girl coming of age happens right after her first period, her first menstruation."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Gather around the moon, meaning the women gather around each other and gaze upon the full moon in the sky.","questions":"What do the women do during a moon ceremony?","answer":"Gather"} {"text":["Yeah. I think what's really interesting is that when you look at the team that won four years ago, part of why they won was that they had a very strong defense. They went 540 minutes, several games without conceding a goal, whereas this U. S. team comes into this tournament having actually conceded a lot of goals when they play good competition.","So what the U. S. is doing right now is kind of focusing on the attack. They have a lot of really strong attacking pieces. Players like Alex Morgan can score a lot of goals. So I think that's kind of their game plan is just outscore their opponents even if they end up conceding some goals this time around.","And we mentioned that they're battling on a number of fronts, not just on the pitch, that this lawsuit against U. S. Soccer was filed three months ago. Can you tell us a little bit more about the underlying complaint?What is it that the players are alleging?","Yeah. So the players have filed a lawsuit alleging institutionalised gender discrimination. And there are sort of two pieces to it. The easiest piece to understand is the non-compensation issues. So it's things like the women alleging that U. S. Soccer has been flying the men's team to games on charter flights, whereas the women have had to fly on commercial flights - having the men play most of their - almost all of their games on natural grass, whereas the women have had to play a significant portion of their games on artificial turf. And players say that artificial turf is more harsh on their bodies, harder to recover from."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The U.S. team's strategy is to score more goals than their opponents, even if they also concede some.","questions":"What is the U.S. team's approach to conceding goals in this tournament?","answer":"outscore"} {"text":["Right. And it's because of a change in the law post-9\/11 that made - that gave the State Department the ability to designate specific terrorist groups. And once that group was designated, they fell under the Patriot Act. And we could investigate - the FBI could investigate specifically individuals both in the United States and overseas that were involved in any kind of transactional or transnational terrorism events with more - a greater ability, I guess, to utilize the techniques available to us.","So what can be done?I mean, are there changes that can be made in the law that might help prevent an attack like the one we saw in El Paso?","Well, there are a lot of laws that apply right now to domestic terrorism, but most of them are state laws. They're not federal laws. There is no federal murder statute, for example, unless you are a federal official of some sort and you are murdered or there's an attempted murder on you. So the El Paso case, for example, is probably going to be prosecuted as a local homicide case of 20 counts of homicide, 22, however many victims we have, by the local DA. It's not a federal case. At this point, the FBI is kind of peripherally assisting that investigation. But they're not specifically involved in or going to be involved in the prosecution. Now. . .","Could the law change?I mean, could Congress pass a law that says that an act like this, when you kill this many people, is a federal crime?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Congress could pass a law to make an act that results in the death of multiple people a federal crime","questions":"Which act could potentially be considered a federal crime if Congress passes a new law?","answer":"Patriot"} {"text":["It's a pleasure to be here. And I'm one of many people who are running the Dog Aging Project.","What do you folks hope to learn?","We're trying to create the largest long-term study of aging in dogs that anyone has ever done, with the goal of trying to understand how genes and environment determine healthy aging in dogs.","So it's not just that old rule of thumb that one year is seven years in a dog's life?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : In turn (4), the speaker is not actually asking if the study is disproving the old rule of thumb that one dog year is equivalent to seven human years. Rather, they are asking if the study is more complex and nuanced than that oversimplified rule, and if it takes into account factors such as genetics and environment in determining a dog's age.","questions":"What is the speaker in turn 3 questioning about the study?","answer":"Complexity"} {"text":["So I shaved my head kind of as a social experiment, you know?And sure enough, no more hey, baby, you know?But suddenly I was public enemy No. 1. People thought I was a skinhead or some kind of punk that was going to break something or steal something.","People were visibly intimidated - which, again, here's a girl moving through the world, craving eye contact, craving human connection, even fleeting connection, passersby, you know?And so the fact that people no longer even would look me in the eye was - it really weighed on me, and it started to accumulate in my chest. Even people who are politely nervous just eventually enraged me.","(Singing) I am not an angry girl, but it seems like I've got everyone fooled. Every time I say something they find hard to hear, they chalk it up to my anger and never to their own fear.","You had - as you talked about in the book, you were struggling with this idea of how to make art and how to sell your art or even if you should."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Others attribute the speaker's opinions to anger rather than listening to them","questions":"How do people react to the PersonA's opinions?","answer":"Anger"} {"text":["So his plan is pretty sweeping and includes gun control measures, and he calls for the end to the federal death penalty. But there's one big, overarching aspect of it - this grant program intended to incentivize states to incarcerate people less and rehabilitate people more. Broad strokes, he says he's looking to shrink the incarcerated population.","Now, his plan has drawn some criticism, maybe most loudly from New Jersey senator Cory Booker, who is himself running for president. He called Biden's plan, quote, \"inadequate. \"And he also said that it doesn't go far enough - that, for example, it should make more use of the president's clemency powers, that it should legalize marijuana instead of simply decriminalizing it. But also, very pointedly, Booker called Biden, quote, \"an architect of mass incarceration\" - this really big insult that he lobbed at him.","Now, that strong words there.","Yes. Yes. And it's a reference to the 1994 crime bill, which critics and some experts say contributed to mass incarceration of African American men in America. So one thing that we are seeing here - it's an ongoing dynamic in this race - is that, on the one hand, Joe Biden uses his long resume, his long political career to his benefit on the trail. He uses it as a way of saying, look - I'm qualified to do this. But on the other hand, that long career means that his opponents have found a lot of past Biden positions and actions that they are weaponizing against him."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : when a plan is sweeping it means it changes a lot of things and can be life changing","questions":"How is Biden's plan described in turn 0?","answer":"Sweeping"} {"text":["As the biggest impact there?","From the tech sector in today's economy?","Yes.","Yeah, just job loss. It's been a major - I mean, specifically, you're looking at places that are - manufacturing is taking a hit. Companies are looking to do more with less. You are seeing just in recent news, other technology companies like HP and others are making some type of adjustments to - not only their work force but also to their strategies, in a good way though."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Technology companies are restructuring and reducing their workforce","questions":"Which companies are making adjustments to their workforce and strategies?","answer":"HP"} {"text":["And, you know, I actually - I stumbled across an obituary from the New York Times for a Rough Rider, not even one of the famous Rough Riders. But it was from the '30s, and it went through his career. And it struck me that, you know, if here's a guy who's not even that famous, but he's significant enough that 40 - almost 40 years later, he gets an obituary in the New York Times. So what does that say about how famous and how significant these people were at the time?And what is that significance?So that really struck for me that match of thinking, OK, now I need to find the answer.","Well, were they hugely famous when the United States organized an army and invaded Cuba in 1898?","Absolutely. You know, there was this moment in 1898 where I think - and this is the significance of the war - is that it changed how America thinks about its military and about its role in the world. And it gave a positive spin to the idea that American can have a military and should go out into the world to intervene, to bring freedom.","And for a lot of people, even at the time - and editorialists wrote about this. They said the Rough Riders are emblematic of that new America, of this idea that we have this power and we have this - the strength and these values at home. And now we're going to arm them and take them out into the world. And to me, that resonates throughout the 20th century. Time after time, we do that same sort of thing."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The idea of using military intervention for spreading American values has been consistent throughout the 20th century.","questions":"What is the reason for the Rough Riders being emblematic of the new America?","answer":"Values"} {"text":["I mean, anything that - any interest rate right now that's pegged to the federal funds rate, which is a key benchmark rate that many, many credit cards, many, many - some types of mortgages - but also many more types of short-term debts are pegged to, you can benefit a whole lot.","The problem is that if you're already in one of these homes, for example, that's - and you're underwater, meaning that you're house is worth less than the mortgage owner, and you've got poor credit or you don't have enough money or enough equity in the house to be able to refinance, then you're going to run it to a proper and you're not going to benefit.","Whether or not they - that helps the economy overall remains to be seen. I mean, the problem with economics statistics is that many times they lag by a couple of months. And so by the time you find out - by the time a recession is declared, you may have already been in one for about a month or two before you - before the rest of the country actually knows ,you know, some grand proclamation that comes from the Federal Reserve or some economists somewhere that we are in a recession.","We're going to talk a little bit more soon with a realtor in Ohio, your state, about the situation there. But last week, Countrywide Financial was subpoenaed by the attorney general of Florida. It's just one of a number of government agencies investigating the largest mortgage lender."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) To be in a recession means the economy is declining.","questions":"How would you describe the economy during a recession?","answer":"Declining"} {"text":["We're coming over the initial shock. It's a very strange situation to live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world. And we have been living in more luxury than almost any other nation on this planet, and now all of a sudden we find ourselves almost like beggars.","You talk about the swift difference between being so wealthy to now being in a totally different place. Is this what everyone - is the average person going through something like this?Or is this just a select few that went from being so wealthy to so not wealthy?","The general public here has been very, very well off. But now people that are starting to lose their jobs - hundreds of people that used to work in the banks have been losing their jobs recently. We know that a lot of companies are going to become bankrupt. We had almost no unemployment in the past years. We've been importing workers from Eastern Europe because we didn't have enough people to work in our companies.","So, how are people coping with this?Are they selling off their belongings?What are they doing?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Despite being one of the wealthiest countries, people are struggling to make ends meet.","questions":"How are people in the country described in turn 0?","answer":"Crowding"} {"text":["You have tough words for President Obama in your Sun-Times column that's been posted now. Let me quote you, \"The president doesn't hurry, not even when his city is bleeding. \"","Those tough words are a function of - he's at the top of the Department of Justice. The Department of Justice - the feds seldom, if ever, hurry. And this - if they did engage in this - would be a civil rights case. While - when Laquan McDonald was shot and lay bleeding on the pavement after 16 bullets entered his body, the fact of the matter was that Ferguson, Mo. , had already jumped off. We were in the midst of other police situations in other major urban areas involving black youth and largely white officers. And so there was a real feeling of a cauldron boiling, and something - needed more largely than was being done to address it.","In Chicago, are there political implications here?","There are certainly political implications. When Laquan McDonald was shot, Rahm Emanuel was entering a tougher than normal mayoral re-election cycle. This would not have done well for him, so the city kept it quiet. But worse than that, Scott, worse than that is that the city and the union did not tell the truth about what happened. They both said hours after. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Turn (2) implies that the Department of Justice was slow to act in response to a civil rights case, which is different from its literal meaning which is simply that it is a civil rights case","questions":"What is the subject of the civil rights case mentioned in the dialogue?","answer":"Civil"} {"text":["Sure. I'm glad you mention that. So that is coming through subpoenas to the reporters to reveal the names of their sources. So it's not a direct prosecution of those reporters. But they are - you know, as you mentioned with Judith Miller, it can amount to jail time if the reporter refuses to testify.","So what's happening is that they are being called to testify in the case against the leakers. And when they refuse to do so, they're in contempt of court, and they may face jail time.","That's exactly right. And that is much more acceptable. I should add that under Attorney General Holder - after the James Risen subpoena where James Risen was told he had to testify and refused, the U. S. government did not push him to testify. They obtained a conviction anyway, and Holder shortly thereafter announced that, under his watch, no reporter would go to jail for doing his job. It remains to be seen whether that same policy would be in place under the Sessions Department of Justice. Everything he's said indicates that he will not follow that policy.","Meaning that he and the Trump administration may indeed prosecute journalists. We've heard Trump himself and other Republicans raising the possibility of prosecuting journalists. Do you think that there is - that that is a possibility?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : There is a possibility that the Trump administration may prosecute journalists.","questions":"How may the Trump administration treat journalists?","answer":"Prosecute"} {"text":["Well, on our blog, Dan Jones wrote, I was glad to be a witness to history being made, even if it was slightly marred by Hillary Clinton's refusal to read the writing on the wall and get out of the race. And Glenda Fraser wrote, it was America's moment, period. The big Obama story on our blog up to this point was his decision to leave his church, the United Church of Christ in Chicago. And on that, there was no consensus among our readers.","Now, we also started a new online series featuring submissions from our political contributors. So what's that?","It's called Political Positions, and each week, one of our regular political contributors weighs in with their take on the week's news. We started with a piece from Mark Sawyer about John McCain's stance on relations with Cuba, followed that with an open letter to Barack Obama written by Ron Walters about how to handle the white working-class vote, and now, we have a piece from James L. Taylor parsing the support among black and white voters for Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. So some interesting perspectives that people should take time out to read.","Of course, Ron was just on our air."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : on air implies to participate in a radio program and not meaning to physically hang in the air","questions":"What did Ron do?","answer":"Participated"} {"text":["A lot of destruction, complete devastation - the poultry barns, for example, some of those barns are completely gone. Where the hardest wind gusts hit, it was like Godzilla came and just pulled everything up from the ground. With the banana plantations, you know, you can see when the weakest palm trees fell and broke - when they started feeling the winds because they're leaning one way. And then when the hurricane changed direction, then you see the other one's going to the other side and broken. So you can see the power (laughter) that the hurricane had.","What are we looking at in terms of how quickly they can start working again?","It will depend on the crop. For example, the coffee growers - the arabica bean coffee was being harvested right now. So they're working hard to collect from the ground whatever's left so they can sell it in the market. So we're giving them working capital to be able to pay their payroll, and then we'll start planning for next year's harvesting because it's a one-year crop. On the other end, some of the papaya plantations - growers, they also have bananas and plantains. They have younger trees. So if they cut down the banana trees, in eight, nine months they'll be able to get on their feet.","What does this mean for Puerto Ricans and their access to food?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The hurricane caused severe destruction and devastation in the area.","questions":"How would you describe the impact of the hurricane?","answer":"Devastation"} {"text":["Are there times in history when the U. S. has had a growth rate of 3 percent?","Yes, it's been quite common. I mean, if you look back over the last 200 years - and the Trump administration says this - we have grown at 3 percent. And we don't want to give in to this idea that we now have a lower growth rate. They see that as giving up. The issue right now - growth is a combination of your labor force, how fast you're adding workers to the economy and how productive those workers are.","So labor force productivity has been slow for the last decade. And the demographics in our country, the aging of the baby boom, means that the workforce is not growing as quickly as it used to. Those two things together explain why we've had 2 percent growth, and demographics are really baked in. So unless you're going to increase immigration, the labor force isn't going to grow at the rate that it did in the 1970s and the 1980s. That puts the onus on productivity. Boosting productivity was what the Trump administration is going to have to do to get 3 percent growth.","And that would entail what?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Implies that the aging of the baby boom and the lack of immigration are reasons why the growth rate is slower and that the Trump administration will need to focus on boosting productivity to reach the 3 percent growth rate.","questions":"Which administration is mentioned as needing to focus on boosting productivity to achieve a 3 percent growth rate?","answer":"Trump"} {"text":["Good to be with you.","This last Republican debate may have been the most contentious, at least between the candidates and the questioners. What do you see as the immediate fallout?","Immediate fallout would be Jeb Bush's problem. He needed a revival, and he wound up looking worse than he had in the first two debates and out on the stump as well. The memorable punches in these debates tend to be counter punches. And Bush went after his one-time protege, Marco Rubio, and Rubio came back smart, fast, tough and got a highlight moment out of it, just one of several for Rubio, by the way.","Now, at the same time, nobody's cast a single vote yet. Jeb Bush is sitting on a lot of money, and, of course, he has a name that's instantly recognizable. Is there really talk that this could be the end of his candidacy?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"Immediate fallout would be Jeb Bush's problem. He needed a revival, and he wound up looking worse than he had in the first two debates and out on the stump as well. The memorable punches in these debates tend to be counter punches. And Bush went after his one-time protege, Marco Rubio, and Rubio came back smart, fast, tough and got a highlight moment out of it, just one of several for Rubio, by the way.\" Here, the speaker is discussing the consequences or negative outcomes for Jeb Bush after the debate. The implied meaning is that Jeb Bush's performance in the debate was disappointing or damaging for his campaign. The speaker highlights that memorable moments in debates usually involve counter-attacks or responses, and in this case, Jeb Bush targeted Marco Rubio, but Rubio responded effectively and gained a notable moment. The implied meaning goes beyond a literal description of the events and emphasizes the impact on Jeb Bush's candidacy.","questions":"Which candidate did Jeb Bush target during the debate?","answer":"Marco"} {"text":["Well, look, I like the fact that we've eliminated pre-existing conditions. I think that's really important. But Ronald Reagan expanded Medicaid a number of times and he didn't need Obamacare, OK?And my feeling about Medicaid is we've been able to manage this program. And by bringing Ohio money back to Ohio to treat the mentally ill, the drug addicted and the working poor, it's not - we're not only ahead on an arithmetic basis, but we think it's the right issue in terms of giving people a chance and an ability to be lifted.","Biographical question - did you ever consider becoming a priest?","Well, when I was a kid, really early in my life, you know, all Catholic altar boys I think at one time or another thought about being a priest. But then that just wasn't in the cards for me.","But I gather religion is an important factor in your life."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Is religion a major influence in your life?","questions":"How would you describe the issue that the Ohio program is addressing?","answer":"Mental"} {"text":["Well, yes, they are because the concern here is that if you do it for medical research, what's to stop other scientists to try to do it for other reasons, like, for example, to try to create designer babies that are taller or smarter or better athletes?Now, we're nowhere near being able to do anything like that. But the concern is that this could open the door to someday creating genetic haves and have-nots.","So, Rob, these CRISPR researchers are involved in projects that have tremendous promise to benefit our lives, but also raise very difficult ethical and moral questions.","That's right. That's right. And another example I could give you is I just got back from a trip to London. And there, scientists are using CRISPR to genetically modify mosquitoes that spread a mutant gene to wipe out the mosquitoes that spread the malaria parasite. And the idea there is to try to wipe out this disease that kills hundreds of thousands of people every year, most of them children.","Now, the fear here is that they're using CRISPR to modify these insects with something known as a gene drive. And a gene drive spreads a genetic modification through an entire species really quickly. So something could go wrong. You know, it could wipe out an entire species of mosquito. And that could upset the delicate balance of an ecosystem some way that could maybe unleash some new epidemic or cause the ecosystem to collapse and cause famine."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : implying that there are ethical and moral considerations to be taken into account when conducting CRISPR research","questions":"What kind of questions arise from conducting CRISPR research?","answer":"ethical"} {"text":["And we actually have a link to how to take the test up on our website at sciencefriday. com. People can try it out for themselves. What other things can you measure with this test besides bias in that way?","It's been very useful in measuring gender stereotypes. For example, it shows that there are strong stereotypes that associate male with science, female with arts, and we found that this is correlated with different countries. The strength of this implicit stereotype, is what we call it, predicts male-female differences in performance on standardized tests that are administered every few years.","There's a gender career stereotype that associates women with family, men with careers, and you'd think that this is something that men would show, but women would reject. Actually, the implicit association test shows that women have this stereotype, this implicit stereotype, even a little more strongly than men. And we found in research, others have found in research, that this stereotype is associated with women experiencing difficulty in the workplace.","It's sort of a force inside their head that gives them a source of conflict or a feeling of discomfort in career situations.","Speaking of inside your head, can you tell anything about people's mental health from the test?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : There is a strong gender stereotype associating males with science and females with arts that affects performance on standardized tests.","questions":"Which stereotype affects performance on standardized tests?","answer":"Stereotypes"} {"text":["He was not playing with you, huh?","He was not playing with me. I wasn't playing with him either. I love him so much. He is such a beautiful spirit. He actually - he's writing what I've been saying in all my life. But he has - all songwriters have a different twist, and I like Ben's. I tell you, I like it a lot.","Let me play one, the first track on the album. It's called \"Change. \"","(Singing) Finger's on the trigger around here. Finger's on the trigger around here. Bullets flying, mothers crying. We've got to change around here. Get it straight. Be sure that you hear. Thing's going to change around here.","It seems like you had a good time with this song."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The lyrics of the song call for change in the society","questions":"How do the lyrics of the song describe the current situation in society?","answer":"Crowding"} {"text":["Yes, there was a peace agreement. But the big part of the peace agreement was that there is no border between Ireland and Northern Island. And that was possible because both Great Britain and Ireland are within the EU.","Can Britain get what they call a soft exit, or are there too many hard feelings for that?","I think on the EU side, there is a lot of willingness to have the soft Brexit. There's not much willingness among the hard Brexiteers to have a soft Brexit because a soft Brexit means that you stay within the customs union. The customs union means that you export and import goods freely. But if you stay within the customs union, you keep the same standards and the same rule book.","This sounds like an awful mess."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The peace agreement has a condition where there is no border between Ireland and Northern Island.","questions":"How was the peace agreement achieved?","answer":"borderless"} {"text":["There had to be an innovation. Yeah, John Graham was actually building a revolving bar in Honolulu, and they thought, well, let's since they had - Graham wanted a flying saucer shape. And, of course, Washington state had kicked off the whole flying saucer craze with the sighting at Mt. Rainier in 1947 that the press had called flying saucer. But it became this kind of iconic idea of what the future would look like. Well, because it was this circular shape, a revolving restaurant made sense. Graham patented a gearing system that allowed you to turn the entire restaurant of 250 people with a one-horsepower motor.","Wow.","And that was built up in Everett, Washington, just north of Seattle.","With a size that drives a washing machine. It's very small."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The flying saucer shape is the common shape of how alien space ships were depicted.","questions":"How was the restaurant turned?","answer":"BEACH"} {"text":["Yeah. I think - again, after all these years, that's how I've expressed myself. And I always sort of would feel odd when people would describe, you know, singer-song - or what I do, really as confessional. I think that tends to often be said in the same sentence when you talk about singer-songwriters. And I never thought of it as something to confess but rather it's about how you express yourself.","There is those other events in your life. The pulmonary embolism must have scared you to death.","Mm-hmm. Terrifying.","And divorce almost as scary."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The pulmonary embolism was a very scary experience for you.","questions":"What experience was terrifying for B?","answer":"Pulmonaryembolism"} {"text":["What would be risky about it, from the Nicolas Maduro point of view?","Well, there'd certainly be retaliatory measures from the U. S. , very likely more sanctions. There would be a massive outcry from Guaido's dozens of other international allies. The EU's warned that this would be a major escalation in tensions. And there'll be a lot of anger from the multitude of Guaido's supporters here in Venezuela.","Guaido himself says that any attempt by Maduro's government to detain him would be - as he put it - without doubt, one of that government's last mistakes. So we don't know, Steve. I mean, it's not clear that Maduro's concluded that he's in a strong enough position to do this. But it is a possibility.","And I guess we don't know if Guaido intends to go to a border crossing and present his passport or if he intends to sneak in some way. Is it known what path he plans to take?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"There would be a massive outcry from Guaido's dozens of other international allies.\" - The use of the word \"dozens\" is figurative, indicating that Guaido has a significant number of international allies, but not necessarily just dozens.","questions":"What is the figurative meaning of the word \"dozens\" in the statement?","answer":"Significant"} {"text":["Well, many millions have lifted out of poverty and many millions seemed to have been lifted into the pockets of the top leaders. And so that, I think, reporting of socioeconomic inequity and privilege is a source of corruption in the Communist Party that really has to be managed or dealt with in some decisive form by President Xi.","And is there going to be realignment?And you look towards the new leadership in South Korea. The United States, of course, has had a longstanding security relationship with South Korea, going back to the war there in the early 1950s. And, of course, you mentioned the treaty with Japan and United States have been - had bases there since 1945. There - is there going to be any fundamental change in those relationships, do you think?","The change is not coming so much in the U. S. -Japan or in the U. S. -Korea alliance relationships at this stage. There are some rising tensions that have emerged in the South Korea-Japan relationship that present, I think, a challenge for U. S. policymakers. You know, one of the aspects of the U. S. pivot or rebalancing policy is that it suggests that we want allies to work together or horizontally with each other more actively.","But Korea and Japan are increasingly facing divisions over history issues and with a woman South Korean president and a Japanese prime minster, who has raised questions about some of the comfort women issues; it suggests that we've got potentially a rocky road ahead."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : This means that the leaders are corrupt - there is nothing quite literally going into their pockets. ","questions":"What is the source of corruption in the Communist Party, according to A?","answer":"Inequity"} {"text":["Yeah.","And he's been the finance guy. We just don't know that yet. But I think, you know, if it turns out that he is cooperating or does get fuller immunity, he really could turn out to be an enormously important part of this investigation.","After Michael Cohen pleaded guilty and implicated the president, we saw a tweet from President - in an interview, Trump said flipping almost ought to be illegal. Fair to say that the cases couldn't be made without getting people to flip?","Absolutely. I mean, there's no question. And we often see people who are convicted of crimes where there are cooperators - say, you know, you shouldn't be allowed to do this. That itself should be a crime. But the reality is that in order to prove a lot of cases, particularly very serious cases, we need to have someone who's in the room when all the action happens, when the crime happens or who's involved in transactions or murders or whatever who can tell the story. And so it's essential to have that voice."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : People do not physically flip. They change their positions on issues.","questions":"How does Trump feel about flipping?","answer":"Illegal"} {"text":["It was absolute - you're absolutely correct. Our time is out, but I'm going to ask you about this before I let you go. Talking about perfect performances, two people strolled in to New York's Madison Square Garden and lit up the Knicks back to back, Kobe Bryant 61 on one night and LeBron James, I think, it was 52 the next night and a triple double.","All I can say is thank god for the Knicks.","And, you know what?And the Knicks are even actually better than they were before and then they still let people come in there and just spank them like crazy.","That's what we do."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Two people came in and played a better game than the Knicks.","questions":"How many points did Kobe Bryant score at Madison Square Garden?","answer":"61"} {"text":["Kids are natural scientists. They're natural born inquisitors. They like to find out about everything, and we just don't have a way of doing it. Maybe your math book can help do that. Have - do teachers use it at all and think about it?","We do have teachers using it. They say that they warm up the class with a math problem in the morning. We've heard all kinds of stories. There's a bus driver outside Chicago who actually puts the math problem up on a whiteboard on the bus every morning. And he has a bag of Oriental Trading prizes.","Right.","And the first kid on the bus to get it gets to pull something out of the bag. So it's really a movement that's spreading."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The teacher gets the class ready for school work by giving them a math problem to do.","questions":"How do some teachers warm up their classes?","answer":"Math"} {"text":["And the story is conveyed through the eyes of this young woman, this farmer's wife, who discovers it, actually, in a - she's kind of in an awkward situation. She's going somewhere where she's not supposed to be, and she sees it and she's not allowed to tell anyone. But she feels it's her personal burning bush. She takes it as a warning to go back.","I wanted to write it initially through her eyes so that you, too, would not know what you are seeing. But later. . .","If SCIENCE FRIDAY didn't spoil it.","Well, yeah. But you see what I mean?Because it is about perception and how we need to be - to understand what we're seeing before we can really see it, that's really key to understanding this whole issue of climate change and why we see or don't see what's right in front of us."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Climate change is hard to see because of how we perceive it.","questions":"What is key to understanding the issue of climate change according to A?","answer":"perception"} {"text":["It's definitely a tough business. He saw it was a tough business, and he just thought one of the most secure fields would be medicine, and my parents always kind of pushed for that.","I imagine in the midst of all this now, you're - you guys are feeling pretty secure about that choice.","It's really a shame, everything that's happened, especially here in Michigan. I mean, I have so many friends and different family members and family friends that - of course, everyone is really nervous right now with the way the economy is going, with the way the auto industry is going. But yeah, it's definitely nice, thinking that, you know, I'm going into a very secure field.","What's it like to be a student in college in Michigan right now, in the midst of thousands of jobs being lost?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The field of medicine is secure, but the economy is not.","questions":"What is the secure field that PersonA is planning to enter?","answer":"Medicine"} {"text":["Yes, actually nine years ago, April 2007, I collapsed from sleep deprivation and hit my desk on the way down and broke my cheekbone. And that was my wake-up call in terms of changing my own life, understanding the science behind the need for sleep and also looking around and seeing how many millions of us are in similar states of perpetual exhaustion to the point where it becomes the new normal and we don't even notice it.","Isn't there a kind of macho, if you please, attached to lack of sleep or people who feel they only need a little sleep to function?","Oh, absolutely. You know, there is a tremendous braggadocio going on. I mean, I had dinner with a guy recently who bragged that he had only gotten four hours sleep the night before. And I didn't say it, but I thought, did you know this dinner would've been a lot more interesting if you had gotten five?","(Laughter)."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Turn 4 has an implied meaning that conveys a sense of irony or humor. While the speaker's comment is framed as a joke and elicits laughter from their conversation partner, it also carries a serious message about the importance of getting enough sleep.","questions":"How did the conversation partner react to the PersonA's comment in turn 4?","answer":"Laughter"} {"text":["And it's interesting. As you talk about this, the catcher today has regained some of that reputation from those days.","I think so. I think the catcher's toughness is really recognized. And also, the catcher's unique position, as somebody who's part of the offense and part of the defense, plays a key role in what the pitcher throws and the pitcher's ability to throw, you know, particularly balls in the dirt, which are very hard.","You know, if you don't have a good catcher back there, then the whole team is lost. And so I think the catcher has really started to regain the reputation of being a key contributor to both, and I think that's why so many great managers are former catchers.","We've been talking about Deacon White, the newest member of baseball's Hall of Fame. Baseball historian Peter Morris, thanks very much for your time today."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : A good catcher is essential for the success of the team.","questions":"Which player's position is crucial for a team's success?","answer":"Hair"} {"text":["And the early history of baseball is replete with teams that raided other teams for their catchers.","Oh, and particularly in the 1870s that the best teams were the ones with the best catchers. You really couldn't be successful without one. And Deacon White stood above everybody else to the point where he played on five consecutive championship teams. And he went from team to team and the championship just followed him around wherever he went.","He was quite a good hitter too.","He was a great hitter. He was a way above-average hitter, playing a position where, you know, the defense was so all-encompassing as a skill that you could, you know, you could really just put anybody there if they could field the position and not worry about their bat. But he was a consistent . 300 and above hitter."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : hitter refers to as a skilled gamer or sportsman ","questions":"How was Deacon White's performance as a hitter?","answer":"Great"} {"text":["Right, but it was not my choice to be here. And this is what people forget. I applied for asylum in 27 different countries around the world, and it was the government, the United States government, then-Secretary John Kerry, that canceled my passport as I was leaving from Hong Kong en route to Ecuador. And this locked me in place.","I believe they panicked. And I think the reason that I'm in Russia today is because what we know - this was actually publicly reported in 2013. Every time one of these other countries, one that the United States public would be much more comfortable with - a France, a Norway, a Germany - one of two people would call the Foreign Ministry of that country. And it would be either Secretary of State John Kerry or then-Vice President Joe Biden.","The idea here is they would go, look; we understand that he has been charged with political crimes. This means you don't qualify for extradition, and you almost always do qualify for asylum protections. And the government - we know you can do this, but if you do, we want you to understand there will be a response. We're not going to say what it will be, but it will be severe because we don't want to see the public seeing this guy as a whistleblower, which the public then was coming around to do.","You say the U. S. government panicked. Did the U. S. government panic, or just they felt it was important to the national interest of the United States to make certain you - your movement was limited?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : This made the person have to stay where they were at.","questions":"Which country cancelled the person's passport?","answer":"A"} {"text":["The majority of them are coming from sub-Saharan Africa. They're trying to make the very perilous Mediterranean crossing to Europe. They're seeking jobs, a better life. They're fleeing conflict. Unfortunately the Europeans have this closed-door policy where they're basically putting these migrants back into Libya, basically subcontracting the migrant policy to Libyan militias. The migrants are kept in a series of horrid detention centers where they're subjected to torture, abuse, forced labor. And with this recent war, their situation has just gotten worse.","Stay with the recent war for a second because I want you to put what has just happened into the context of what is happening more broadly in Libya, which of course has been stuck in civil war for many years now. But this latest outbreak of violence began just in April. Is that right?","That's right - on April 4 when the militia forces aligned with General Khalifa Haftar - he's a renegade general - launched an attack on the internationally recognized government in Tripoli. He was claiming to liberate the capital from militias. But in fact, it was really just a power grab, and it's plunged the country into another round of civil war - horrendous conditions for civilians, over 700 deaths and thousands of people displaced from their homes.","And I'm wondering how to square the situation now with - I remember interviewing you last year. You had a new book just out on Libya. You were telling me. . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The \"closed door\" policy does not actually involve any doors, but implies that Europe is unwelcoming to immigrants","questions":"How does the closed-door policy impact migrant detention centers in Libya?","answer":"Torture"} {"text":["I think his great forte is understanding the problems that we face. He's had great experiences. You know, he was raised - a good part of his youth was in France. He speaks French fluently and understands Europeans quite well, and his being the Allied commander in Europe was absolutely a perfect fit. And he can expand that in giving advice in problems, literally, all over the world.","I read that James Jones went to Georgetown University, where he played basketball. Do you have any sensed of maybe whether he and President-elect Obama might discuss security issues over a game of hoops?","I wouldn't doubt it. President-elect Obama would also find he's a competitor. That ought to be an interesting basketball game.","Congressman Ike Skelton of Missouri. Thank you."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : President-elect Obama and James Jones may engage in an exciting basketball game because both are competitive, not just because they will discuss security issues.","questions":"Which game might President-elect Obama and James Jones play?","answer":"Hoops"} {"text":["So when did it start to go bad?","Well, when they started cutting the shifts back. You know, they had three shifts. And when things started going bad, we started opening at seven o'clock in the morning just to accommodate to the third shift people so that they could come here, have a bite to eat and a drink before they went home.","And then third shift, you know, they did away with that. So then we started - we quit opening up early because of that, and so that really cut back on our business. Then, they got rid of the next shift. They are only one shift. It just like gradually has gotten worse and worse. So now, we're concerned, what about now, when there's going to be nobody.","Was this - I don't know - was this a dream to own your own business, own your own restaurant?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : cutting shifts back means that they cut hours someone has to work, or removed a shift someone is working","questions":"How did the restaurant try to accommodate third shift workers?","answer":"Opening"} {"text":["Yes.",". . . Following the election in 2000, when - and I'm sure the news industry was part of it.","(Laughter).","A lot of people said, how can the greatest country in the - you know, you can go to an ATM and get $200. Why can't we have a sleek, electronic voting system in this country?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The United States should be able to implement a modern, reliable, and efficient electronic voting system given its technological and economic advantages.","questions":"Which country?","answer":"UnitedStates"} {"text":["Happy birthday NASA. Fifty years old today. Wonder how that feels?A former NASA engineer thinks this now middle-aged agency should try something new. Solve the energy crisis by collecting solar power through a space-based energy system. He's Glenn Smith. He oversaw science and applications experiments for the international space station when he was at NASA. We spoke earlier about his proposal.","You have very large solar cells, solar rays in space, probably 22 thousand miles out, so it circles the earth at the same speed that the earth rotates. It stays above one spot on the earth, and you convert that electric power into microwaves, and you beam it down near cities where large amounts of power are used. Receives it, converts it back to electric energy and feeds it into the existing power grid.","And that wouldn't be dangerous to anyone who got in the way of that ray coming down, or airplanes flying by, or anything?","Well, I've got a lot of questions about that. But here's what we have. The highest power level of the beam is only about one-fifth of the energy density of summer sunlight at noon. One-fifth. Tests have been run on bees and birds twice that level and they haven't found any effects yet."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Space-based energy system could potentially solve energy crisis.","questions":"What is the proposal discussed in the dialogue?","answer":"Energy"} {"text":["Yep, I mean, that is absolutely true. I'm, you know, I'm still young but I've definitely moved past the age where, you know, I feel young and feel completely invincible. Something catastrophic, whether it's an illness that comes along or whether it's an accident, or something of that nature, is a risk that's there. And, you know, it still seems to be a very low risk. But you're right. I mean, there's no logical way around that. That is definitely something that could happen at any time.","So you're not one of these people that thinks I'm young and strong and nothing will happen.","No. My, you know, shoulder and back hurts bad enough right now that. . .",". . . I know that's not the case."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : the turns whose actual meanings are different from their literal meanings. By saying \"you're not one of these people that thinks I'm young and strong and nothing will happen\"","questions":"How does Person PersonB describe the attitude of Person PersonA towards their own invincibility?","answer":"Negative"} {"text":["Business casual, if you will.","Yes - something that would be your business suit. And then the casual part of it would be you can take the jacket off, and there's a short-sleeve, button-up shirt underneath.","There have been prototypes developed of these new uniforms. And they've made some adaptations from what the originals look like. Tell me about that.","So they started out with sort of just a straight jacket that kind of hit at the hip. And the feedback was that soldiers really wanted a slightly longer jacket, like, almost, you know, like, a little bit of a skirt coming out from the hip and then a belt. The belt was really important. So the latest update of that has the belt added."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The business suit has a casual element to it with a short-sleeved shirt.","questions":"What is the casual part of the business suit mentioned in the dialogue?","answer":"Short-sleeve"} {"text":["Well, I was doing some research at the - looking at the finding aids of the Ransom library in the University of Texas. And they have, like, a great, great, great number of works of Steinbeck over there. And when I did some more research, I looked and I said, oh, my God. This has been tucked away in a vault for 60 years. It was not released in English.","I contacted the Steinbeck estate, and I was lucky enough to get a yes because in my line of work, you can do all your homework, do all your research - and not to mention all the tears - and then you may get a very simple no. But. . .","So it's good when you get the yes.","It is. It is. It's rare but, you know, that's - those are the moments of life with you and - moments of your career which you savor."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : moments means periods of time they liked in life","questions":"What do they savor in their career?","answer":"moments"} {"text":["We begin with history. The slave codes of South Carolina, 1739. A fine of $100 and six months in prison would be imposed for anyone found teaching a slave to read or write, and death is the penalty for circulating any incendiary literature.","Just a couple of minutes later, she concluded with a citation from a mentor, Dr. Katie Cannon.","Black people, you said, were the only people in the United States ever explicitly forbidden to become literate. I am now officially speechless.","This year, Nikky Finney's on the other side of the National Book Awards, judging the poetry category. She's currently a professor of English at the University of Kentucky, but recently accepted a position at the University of South Carolina. Nikky Finney joins us today from member station WUKY in Lexington. Nice to have you on again."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Nikky Finney's ancestors were denied the right to learn to read and now she can read and is a judge at the National Book Awards.","questions":"How is Nikky Finney currently involved in the National Book Awards?","answer":"Judging"} {"text":["So I always tell people, look at your many choices. Don't close any doors. But the fact is that, you know, take your passion, take it as far as you can, but understand you've got to make a living, and you've got to pay the loan back.","What about people like you, who are college presidents?What challenges are you facing in trying to make sure that you can get a broad variety of students from different backgrounds?","Farai, you know, what keeps me up at night is the young women who want to be admitted but don't have the dollars, the young women who are students who are continuing, who are saying, I need more financial aid, the young women whose parents can't take out another loan. That literally keeps me up at night. If you see me again and I'm gray, that's what did it.","I mean literally. I mean, I wake up in the - you know, I wake up in the middle of the night and say, how can I find money for these young people?It is a challenge."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The college president is struggling to find funding for students.","questions":"Which position does PersonA hold in the college?","answer":"College-president"} {"text":["I think it is.","Oh my gosh!","I think it is.","This is a huge day."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : A is expressing that this is an important or significant day.","questions":"How is PersonA feeling about the day?","answer":"Positive"} {"text":["And I want to just warn listeners before we get going there may be some brief descriptions of violence as we chat this out over the next couple minutes. Start with, why now?As we said, the federal government has not carried out an execution for some years now.","Actually, a senior Justice Department official tells me the previous attorney general, Jeff Sessions, launched this effort, put it into motion. But it's actually happening on the watch of his successor, Bill Barr. Barr says the federal government owes it to victims and their families. He points out, even though there haven't been many executions in the federal system, that Justice Departments representing presidents from both political parties have continued to seek capital punishment in court.","Barr says the people on federal death row are the worst of the worst. And he's directed the Federal Bureau of Prisons to schedule five inmates for executions, all starting - if it goes to plan - December 9.","And who are these five?What do we know about them?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : put into motion means that he enacted the efforts to seek the death penalty","questions":"What did Jeff Sessions do regarding the death penalty according to the implied meaning in turn 1?","answer":"Enacted"} {"text":["A lawsuit was filed this week in federal court on behalf of a man who moved from Puerto Rico to Southeast Georgia in 2017. He applied for a driver's license after waiting at the required 30 days. The man, Kenneth Caban Gonzalez, says that an inspector from the Georgia Department of Driver Services confiscated his documents and asked him a number of trivia questions such as, who is Roberto Clemente, and what is the name of the frog native only to Puerto Rico?He alleges he also asked trick questions such as, where is Caguas beach?There is no beach in Caguas.","The lawsuit accuses the state of violating the Civil Rights Act by holding residents of Puerto Rico to more stringent requirements than it does transplants from other U. S. states. The advocacy group Latino Justice is litigating the case along with the Southern Center for Human Rights. And with us now is Gerry Weber. He's a senior attorney at the Southern Center.","Welcome. Thanks so much for joining us.","Thank you for having me."],"speaker":["B","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The trivia questions asked by the inspector were discriminatory towards Puerto Ricans.","questions":"How were the trivia questions towards Puerto Ricans?","answer":"Incorporating"} {"text":["Fungus Blues - I love it.","Fungus Blues.","And they fell in love. And, you know, my dad, he was trying to find another way of living other than the one that he was in.","(Singing) Hustle was your middle name when you were a young man.","What was it about his current way of living at the time that was dissatisfying?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : This statement implies that the best time to hustle is at a younger age","questions":"Which age?","answer":"Old"} {"text":["Part of it was that in four years, there are some voters who believe he was tone deaf, too arrogant, too bossy, not collaborative. But you're right - he raised $30 million over the last four years. The president came in and gave him what everyone called a bro hug, and all of the newspapers endorsed him, including The Chicago Defender. . .","Yeah.",". . . The African-American newspaper. And none of it worked.","Only 34 percent of the voters went to the polls this week. Isn't that usually the kind of election in which a well-financed campaign with a good ground campaign is supposed to win?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Implied meaning: The speaker's tone, emphasis, or inflection may convey emotional or personal attitudes or opinions, even if the literal meaning of their words does not explicitly express these feelings.","questions":"Which turn in the dialogue suggests the PersonA's personal attitude towards the unsuccessful outcome of the election campaign?","answer":"None"} {"text":["Well, the number one thing I see in crime scenes is there are people just trampling all over the place. Everybody is touching something and there's just lots of discussions and stomping around right inside of a crime scene that we would never allow.","Anything else occur to you?","It's surprising to me how many people believe that most suspects will invoke their right and remain silent when in fact they don't.","Gee, what's the psychology behind that, do you think?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The actual meaning of (3) is that many people wrongly assume that suspects will remain silent when questioned, when in fact they rarely do.","questions":"How do people wrongly assume suspects will react during questioning?","answer":"Remain"} {"text":["Well, so certainly President-elect Trump has issued a few statements on cybersecurity, including a campaign platform. Those are pretty thin on details. And some of his statements - it's been difficult to understand whether or not he - how literally to take those particular recommendations. Of his national security hires that have been announced at this point, none are known for having particularly strong cybersecurity backgrounds. So as we see more and more people coming into the administration, we might be able to start getting a sense of what exactly this administration's cybersecurity policy might look like.","Surely when you become the administration, you have a vested interest in national cybersecurity that maybe you lacked before, don't you?","Absolutely. I think while many of his statements during the campaign did not necessarily evince well-developed policy thoughts - he's going to have to come up with more specific ideas. One thing that Donald Trump might run up against is the existence of current laws. So, for example, he's indicated a number of times that he intends to transfer a lot of the cybersecurity mission to the Department of Defense to come up with a plan for defending critical infrastructure. And there are potentially rather serious consequences to sort of the militarization of civilian cyber defense. I think that they might find themselves coming up against an existing framework that doesn't necessarily square with the broad instinct towards wanting to turn towards the military to solve this problem.","I thought the Obama administration was pretty clear in saying, after they asserted that Russian attempts to meddle in the elections had been ongoing, that the United States was going to reply in kind. Can we assume those efforts are going on now?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : sking if the Trump administration has an interest in national cybersecurity that it didn't have before","questions":"How did PersonB question the Trump administration's interest in national cybersecurity?","answer":"Lacked"} {"text":["Well, this administration - officials from this administration have offered very strongly worded commitments to implement - reimplement - sanctions lifted under the Iran nuclear accord and add on more sanctions on non-nuclear areas pursuant to their concerns about ballistic missiles and terrorism.","Would the effect of unilateral sanctions, as you see it, be enough to force Tehran to decide, no, we want to stay in the agreement and maybe even make one that the U. S. will accept?","Well, that depends on how other countries respond to the U. S. imposition and reimposition of these nuclear sanctions. Will the international community join the United States?Will they stand back and not directly challenge the United States?I think what Tehran will respond to most is what the Europeans in particular do to challenge the United States and its reimposition of sanctions or not.","And based on your experience, Ms. Rosenberg, how much do France and the U. K. and Germany want to be different than U. S. policy in this regard?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Unilateral sanctions might force Tehran to reconsider their decision to stay in the agreement","questions":"How might Tehran respond to the U.S. imposition and reimposition of nuclear sanctions?","answer":"Depends"} {"text":["Well, I mean, on the one hand, you had - the Manafort indictment does not mention Trump. And - but the guilty plea that was unsealed involving this other campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, does mention Trump. And the greater sort of uncertainty surrounds that guilty plea at this moment because it is a signal that they already have testimony from this person, already have emails and other records showing the extensive contacts of this person with others in the Trump administration. They're basically saying we know more than you guys think we do.","George Papadopoulos - has he been wearing a wire?","That's a good question. I mean, I think it's fair to assume that Trump's lawyers are looking at that question very carefully.","Carter Page and Hope Hicks, according to reports, are going to be questioned. Carter Page has a history with and in Russia, doesn't he?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) - \"Has he been wearing a wire?\" - This is a disguised way of asking if George Papadopoulos has been secretly recording conversations for the FBI as part of his cooperation agreement.","questions":"Which question did PersonB ask in response to the turn where PersonA mentioned that it's fair to assume Trump's lawyers are carefully looking at the possibility of George Papadopoulos wearing a wire? (Answer: \"Has he been wearing a wire?\")","answer":"Wire"} {"text":["Well, myelin is a very complex membrane made by a cell called an oligodendrocyte, and the oligodendrocyte puts out processes that wrap around nerve axons. And the real thing that myelin does is it facilitates the electrical conduction down those nerve axons. And being a complex membrane, there are multiple lipid and protein components within that membrane that end up being attacked by our immune system in this disease.","Mm-hmm. So what you have done, at least in these early tests of nine people, seeing that it doesn't really hurt the people, is that you trick the body in a way into saying all those antigens that we normally attack, those are part of us. Let's not attack them.","That's correct. Yeah. This study (unintelligible) many years of work at our laboratory trying to develop efficient ways to induce what immunologists call tolerance, which would be only inactivating the immune cells that are carrying out the autoimmune disease - in this case multiple sclerosis - without down-regulating responses to bacterial antigens, viral antigens, et cetera, that we really depend upon to keep us healthy.","Most of the current therapies that are used in multiple sclerosis are in one way or another collectively called immunosuppressive therapies that act in one way or another to try to suppress the immune response to dampen the autoimmune disease, but in the consequence of use over a long term make people more susceptible to everyday infections and to higher rates of cancer."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"Let's not attack them\" isn't literal. It just means the body won't attack the antigens. The body doesn't literally say \"let's not.\"","questions":"How does PersonB describe the body's response to the antigens in the early tests?","answer":"Inactivating."} {"text":["That could be jeopardized?","Well, certainly the people putting forth these plans don't think it would be. What they want to do is change Medicaid from a guaranteed benefit to a block grant to states. So a state would get a fixed amount of money from the federal government and decide for itself how to spend it. The idea is that states know their needs better than the feds, and this would give them flexibility.","What critics of this idea worry about is, what happens in an economic downturn when demand on Medicaid goes up?They say states could be left with a sort of Sophie's choice. Do you cut back on services for poor children or for the frail elderly?","I know we've talked about Medicare and Medicaid. Are there proposed changes that would affect older Americans who might buy their own health care coverage?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The question is asking for turns whose actual meanings are different from their literal meanings. In turn 1, the literal meaning of the phrase \"that could be jeopardized\" is to suggest something is in danger or at risk, but the implied meaning is that the proposed changes to Medicaid could have a negative effect.","questions":"How could the proposed changes to Medicaid impact the program?","answer":"Negative"} {"text":["All the Neanderthals are quite closely related to each other, all the ones that have been studied genetically so far. But this individual, this Denisovan girl, is very distantly related to the Neanderthals. She's more distantly related than the most distantly related present-day humans that are on Earth today.","And so she is another group, and we also have a molar, a tooth from a Denisovan. We know she's - that tooth is from a Denisovan because we've extracted its DNA. And that tooth is a very big molar. It's much bigger than any modern human or Neanderthal molar. So they also had teeth that were different from either modern humans or Neanderthals.","So if you're a natural history museum, and you have your diorama of, you know, of ancestry, and you've got a Neanderthal there, do you now have to put a Denisovan standing right next to that Neanderthal?","I think you do, but you won't know what they look like."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Denisovan girl is less related to Neanderthals than present-day humans.","questions":"Which group is the Denisovan girl less related to than present-day humans?","answer":"Neanderthals"} {"text":["Yes. Britain put trade restrictions and taxes on tea being shipped to the colonies. And this led to everyone's favorite act of cultural appropriation and vandalism, the Boston Tea Party. But it also inspired a lesser-known tea party - the Edenton Tea Party in North Carolina. And what's remarkable about the Edenton Tea Party is that it was all women - possibly the first women-driven political protest in U. S. history.","And I guess we can keep beating up on the British for just a moment here.","(Laughter) Why not?","The Brits were also behind the Opium Wars."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : A humorous response indicating agreement with continuing to criticize the British.","questions":"What was PersonA's response to PersonB's comment about beating up on the British?","answer":"Agreement"} {"text":["And now we're going to move on to our broader Africa update. We'll look at upcoming elections on the Comoros Islands why South Africa says Chinese residents can now call themselves black. For more we've got Cassandra Waldon. She's chief of external communications at the United Nations Development Program. Hey Cassandra.","Hi Farai, great to be with you.","Always great to have you on. And let's actually start with another issue, which is the global food crisis. Africa's second most populous country, Ethiopia, is asking for emergency food aid. The government says more than four and a half million people are in desperate need of help because of a drought which struck most of the country earlier this year. So Cassandra, what makes this food crisis different from past ones?","Well I think this one is being exacerbated by the crisis of higher food prices that we've seen across the globe. We see in Ethiopia that you have children, as many as 75,000 kids, who are already acutely malnourished, now finding themselves deteriorating even further because of the drought and the lack of food that is available to them. We see that seasonal rains in Ethiopia have failed completely or are very poor in many parts of Ethiopia, and this is really hurting crop production, it means that farmers can't take care of their livestock. It is just a very devastating situation."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The drought in Ethiopia is causing a devastating food crisis","questions":"Which country is experiencing a food crisis due to a drought?","answer":"Ethiopia"} {"text":["Well, the president fires the attorney general. The new guy fires the special counsel. History repeats itself. No, the president - President Nixon understood the Constitution. He understood how to govern. He knew he was walking a tightrope. So when a lot of different people in Congress, the public, the courts stood up and showed their courage and they were outraged and started to push back, he backed down. He let the investigation continue. And 10 months later, he resigned. This time it looks like a circus where the clowns are walking a tightrope in slow motion and some people are cheering as if it's a joke. But it's not a joke.","Mr. Doyle, I must say you sounded almost wistful speaking about Richard Nixon.","(Laughter) Well, yeah. You know, I've never compared Richard Nixon to Thomas Jefferson before. Never thought I should. But I told someone yesterday that compared to Donald Trump, Richard Nixon is Thomas Jefferson.","All right. I'll leave that as your opinion."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Donald Trump is much worse than Nixon as a president and does not have the same level of political intelligence or ability to govern.","questions":"Which president's political intelligence and ability to govern is being compared to Richard Nixon's by Mr. Doyle?","answer":"Trump"} {"text":["No. We banned those in 2001 after the disastrous 2000 presidential recount. And fortunately for the state is - part of the reform packages passed after 2000 were a number of standards, methods and clear ways in which to perform recounts. And, lucky us, we now probably have three statewide recounts in Florida, as well as three state legislative seats - a record six in the state in one election.","Oh, my word. Well, how close is the governor's race, Marc?","The governor's race - I would like to use one of those old phrases, you know, the old cliche. It's about as tight as a tick in a rug or something. But it's not as tight as the Senate race. The governor's race is about 36,000 ballots almost on-the-nose apart - the margin. The - in the end, the margin is 0. 44 percent. And it takes 0. 5 percent - that is half a percent - to go to recount. So the governor's race in Florida's probably going to recount.","And what about the Senate race?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Senate race implies the quest to become a senator and not a running competition between senators","questions":"What type of race is being discussed in turn 3?","answer":"Governor's"} {"text":["Kevin, I imagine doing what you do, you can't have much of an appetite for leftovers on a day like today.","No, I probably will be eating a hamburger or something today.","Well, I wish you a very good day, and thanks for taking the time to speak with us.","Absolutely. Have a great time."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : B uses the phrase \"appetite for leftovers\" to ask whether Kevin, who presumably works in the food industry, would want to eat any leftover food on that day. However, the actual meaning of the phrase is more general and refers to a lack of desire to eat food that has already been cooked or served before.","questions":"Which phrase did PersonB use to ask about Kevin's desire to eat food that has already been cooked or served before?","answer":"Appetite"} {"text":["And there were a lot of things we did with George, always trying to recover the Pinta population of tortoises.","But nothing worked out, huh?","Nothing worked out. George was never very interested in any other tortoises. He was pretty much of a loner. And if you think about his life on Pinta, he spent probably the first half of his life alone on that island, and maybe by the time he'd gotten company with other tortoises, he just wasn't too into socializing much anymore.","Now, what made him unique genetically?Why is he the last of his kind?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"Nothing worked out.\" - The literal meaning of this sentence is that none of the attempts to recover the Pinta population of tortoises were successful. However, the actual meaning conveyed by the speaker is more negative in tone, suggesting that their efforts were futile and perhaps even frustrating.","questions":"How did the speaker feel about their attempts to recover the Pinta population of tortoises?","answer":"Futile"} {"text":["Yeah, it's still very present. I don't think it's still very accurate. I think what this proves is that 5 billion songs is $5 billion, and so they are still saying that global music sales have dropped 8percent to about 19. 4 billion, according to the phonographic industry.","So they are seeing some sales still decline, but you're seeing digital music rise, so I think these music labels are needed to get with the program and get over this fear of piracy, and - and look at this say, you know what?Five billion songs, that's a lot of music that anyone could be buying. I mean, that's just - you know, at the end of the day, that's a lot of music to be purchased.","Mario, thanks so much.","Thank you, Farai.","Mario Armstrong is News & Notes regular technology contributor, and he joined us from the studios of the Baltimore Sun."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Music labels should adapt to digital music rise.","questions":"Which industry is experiencing some sales decline according to the dialogue?","answer":"Music"} {"text":["The president's reaction, they're happy with, I think. The alt-right - Lana actually - I asked her this specifically - I said, you know, what do you think about Donald Trump?And she said, let's be honest; he's not one of our guys. We've never thought that he was one of our guys.","But the more that he does not disavow the things that they believe in and either tacitly or directly supports them, the better.","Seyward Darby - her article \"The Rise Of The Valkyries\" is published in the September issue of Harper's Magazine. Thank you so much for speaking with us.","Thank you so much for having me."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Thank you so much for speaking with us.\" - The literal meaning is the speaker thanking the person for speaking with them, and the implied meaning is likely just gratitude and appreciation.","questions":"Which article is mentioned in the dialogue?","answer":"Valkyries"} {"text":["I think, in essence, it's just because of what might happen if this ruling stands - court challenges, that Mexico will see a huge increase in asylum-seekers. And it's just something they aren't prepared to do. Look. Detention facilities in the southern border are overcrowded. They're dirty. They're ill-equipped for such large numbers now. And shelters are the same, they're at overcapacity at the southern and the northern Mexican borders.","So describe the system that is in place. I mean, Mexico must have some resources in place to handle the existing flow of asylum-seekers.","Yes, it has a Refugee Assistance Commission. It's called COMAR. And Mexico has a long history of accepting refugees. It was one of the biggest countries to take in Jews during the Holocaust. It took in the Spanish during their civil war, Guatemalan refugees during that country's long civil war. So it has always dealt with refugees. But the agency is overwhelmed. The numbers now coming into Mexico are huge.","For the first eight months this year, nearly 50,000 migrants have received refugee status or protection. That's almost a 70% increase over the same time last year. And Mexico's acceptance rate is pretty high too in some categories. You know, to get refugee protection asylum in Mexico, the bar is a lot lower than it is in the U. S. But Venezuelans are almost - get - 100% of the time they receive asylum, Guatemalans not so much."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : There is no bar but it does mean that the requirements in Mexico are lower.","questions":"How would you describe the requirements for refugee protection in Mexico?","answer":"Lower"} {"text":["I think one of the reasons, Tony, that we're seeing so of many of these come to light has, really, nothing to do with the fact that people are being - that this is happening more often so much as it is the fact that people are just paying attention to it more. You know, you watch the news and somebody says, oh, there's a stolen car ring. Now, all of a sudden, everybody's watching for people breaking into cars. Well, people break into cars every day. But when you hear about it on the news, people start paying attention.","There have always been Ponzi schemes. This is not new. This has been going on forever. It has been happening to investors. It'll continue to go on, but we're just aware of because the Madoff scandal was so large and so visible.","You know, it's funny. I was listening to your description of the Ponzi scheme - as our time is running out - and I couldn't help but think that there must be somebody listening to your description who is saying, wow, the stimulus package, that sounds like a Ponzi scheme to me.","The government covering its own losses by printing more money back, which covers losses in which it prints more money. Hey, you know, you could make that - I'm not going to make that argument, but somebody might."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The stimulus package may be seen as a Ponzi scheme by some","questions":"Which package may be seen as a Ponzi scheme by some?","answer":"Stimulus."} {"text":["Well, I mean, if we - if you think about it, what does 150-year mean?Just to give us a sense, most of our buildings that we designed, most of our bridges tend to have a design life which is 50 years to 75 years. And as engineers, what we work with is we work on probability, and we work in recurrence. So the idea is that if you have a longer window than the probability of having a larger earthquake or a larger wind event, becomes - the event itself becomes larger. And you also have to look at the maintenance of the structure and make sure that it satisfies, yeah, the 150-year design life.","What happens in this particular case, obviously, the one driving aspect of it is the seismic loads that we have in the Bay Area, and what it did is it magnified the ground motion that we're designing it for. We wind up designing for a earthquake that has 1,500 year return period, much like the earthquake that we're - we have in - had in 1906 earthquake.","1906. OK. Let's get a question from the audience here. Yes, sir.","UNIDENTIFIED MAN #2: Yeah. Following up on that comment, how does - what's the process for deciding how strong an earthquake - to design a bridge to expand?"],"speaker":["A","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : They don't mean an actual window but a time frame for the life of the bridge.","questions":"How long is the design life of the bridge?","answer":"75"} {"text":["So this will help the basketball players and then also the track events. But the good thing is obviously with these developments - the wheelchairs (unintelligible) through the people, you know, everyday people that use wheelchairs, and it will mean it's more lightweight for them to lift, say, in and out of vehicles.","And some of this stuff then filters in back to the general public.","Yeah, I mean, and that's a great thing, you know, the flow sort of from elite to high street, as we refer to it, is great. So you start seeing that, for example, with push bikes. We see a lot of that now available, helmet design from bikes, you say that. Swimwear is another thing that we see a lot of technology flowing into the high street.","Let's talk about swimwear because there was a kind of swimwear that was used and is now banned, and something new is taking its place."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"it will mean it's more lightweight for them to lift\" - The literal meaning of \"more lightweight\" is redundant, as the adjective \"lightweight\" already implies that the object is light. The intended meaning is that the wheelchairs will be lighter, making them easier for people to lift.","questions":"Which word describes the intended meaning of \"more lightweight\" in turn 0?","answer":"Lightweight"} {"text":["Well, I've read that you just - you know, you loved tinkering with cars from the time you were a teenager.","Yeah, ever since my dad can remember. He said I must've been about 4 or 5 years old, and there was somebody in the neighborhood working on the car. I was usually standing on the bumper, under the hood and pointing at things and wondering what things were and sometimes even giving my own opinion of what I thought was going on.","So from your teens into your 40s, you become an increasingly successful auto repair entrepreneur and businessman. What makes you, in your 40s, wind up in medical school?","I really wanted to grow the business or - I didn't really know exactly which direction I wanted to go into, but I felt like I needed some foundational training in business if I were to do this correctly. So I ended up checking out some local colleges to see who had a degree program and came across Ursuline College in Pepper Pike."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The person loved working on cars from the time they were a teenager.","questions":"How did the person's interest in cars start?","answer":"Childhood."} {"text":["And that is a big deal because a census is supposed to be a head count of every person living in the country. That's a constitutional mandate regardless of citizenship or immigration status. And those numbers determine how many congressional seats each state gets, as well as how almost $900 billion a year in federal funding for roads, for schools, how all that money is distributed around the country.","Right, so a lot of financial and political implications if you don't have the correct population number, particularly of certain minorities.","Exactly.","What are the two sides arguing?What's that what's the for and the against?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"Right, so a lot of financial and political implications if you don't have the correct population number, particularly of certain minorities.\" (turn B): The literal meaning is that an incorrect population count can have significant consequences for federal funding and political representation, especially for minority groups. The implied meaning is that this is a serious issue that deserves attention and action.","questions":"How does an incorrect population count affect minority groups?","answer":"Disadvantage"} {"text":["Can you read something for us, a short passage?","Well, why don't I read just the first few verses of the Lord's Prayer that most people are familiar with?","That would be wonderful.","We say a prayer like this, I'll say. We Fada wa dey een heaben, leh ebrybody hona ya name. We pray dat soon ya gwine rule oba de wol. Wasoneba ting ya wahn, leh um be so een dis wol same like dey een heaben. Gii we de food wa we need dis day yah an ebry day. Fagib we fa we sin, same like we da fagib dem people wa do bad ta we. Leh we dohn hab haad test wen Satan try we. Keep we fom ebil."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The passage is written in a dialect of English, and the words used have a literal meaning that may be different from standard English. The actual meaning of the passage is a prayer asking for God's blessings, forgiveness of sins, and protection from evil, expressed in a language that is culturally and regionally specific.","questions":"What is the prayer asking for?","answer":"Blessings,Forgiveness,Protection"} {"text":["Oh, absolutely. The lactobacillus have been around for many years, thousands of years, perhaps millions of years, and they are already, you know, well identified as being able to survive in the human body and thought to be, quote, \"beneficial,\" unquote, bacteria.","Mm-hmm. And it's just a question of testing this out, I would imagine.","Well, yes. So the investigators did test it on human cells, like in a petri dish, where they caused them to get inflamed and then show that by giving them this bacteria, that produces the LFn that decreased that, too. So they've done it in live mice. They've done it in human cells.","Right."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : the speaker uses the phrase \"in a petri dish\" which literally means a flat dish used to culture cells. However, in this context, the speaker is using it to refer to an artificial environment created in a laboratory setting. Similarly, the phrase \"live mice\" in this context is used to refer to real, living mice that were used in an experiment.","questions":"What phrase is used in this context to refer to real, living mice that were used in an experiment?","answer":"Live"} {"text":["Absolutely agree - I mean, the 20,000 Democrats that are running for president are all not going to make it to November of 2020. They have donors. They have staff. They have consultants. They've done ads. They've spent a lot of time debating and out and about. So if they need or want to make a switch to a Senate race, they're going to have all the resources in place to do that.","Well, I mean, that - you're suggesting they're warming up for a Senate run by running for president, which. . .","Well, in a year like this when you have Donald Trump, I mean, that is I think - and there's a lot of people that are looking at it going, you know, this is my shot. It's not going to be everybody's shot. But I also think you have to look at the map in totality, particularly for Democrats. They're not defending a ton of seats, and they have a lot of pickup opportunities. Colorado is probably at the top of the list. You have Arizona with a guy like Mark Kelly who had an amazing launch. You have a state like Maine. You know, I think there's a lot of positive on this map for the Democrats as well.","Twenty-two presidential candidates and there might be more by next week."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : to make a switch mean they go do something else.","questions":"What are the Democrats preparing for by running for president?","answer":"Senate"} {"text":["Absolutely. And that's something that my father always stressed upon my sisters and me and that we've all thought it's very important that you should be engaged in the process. In this case it is a political process, because the process of electing our government leaders is one that will have a direct impact on whether we're here and what we do here. So it's fine to criticize, but at the same time if you're not engaged in the process I feel that's a real discredit to everything you try to protest against.","Do you sense a great excitement among the men and women there about the election?","Well, there's certainly a lot of open questions, a lot of us are wondering if Barack Obama's elected versus John McCain and vice versa, whether that will have an effect not just on this tour, but on future military careers because we have a lot of soldiers and a lot of officers who are planning to make a military career and I'm not one of them. I'm going to be leaving active duty when we return from this tour.","But for those soldiers especially, the big question now is, when and how soon they'll have to deploy to Afghanistan. Because many of these soldiers are on their third, some even on their fourth tour here to Iraq. And so now they're looking at another open ended involvement in Afghanistan. And so they've got a lot of questions about that and so we're really just curious right now what both candidates - what decisions they'll make."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"make a military career\" - this means pursuing a long-term career in the military, not literally constructing a military career.","questions":"How would you describe the meaning of \"make a military career\"?","answer":"Pursuing"} {"text":["Very much this was an aftershock to the departure of Steve Bannon, who was the president's chief strategist. He's the guy who brought Seb Gorka in. Gorka was not a household name, at least not in most households. And he was part of the contingent in the White House associated with this America first attitude, a kind of ultra-nationalism. And that faction, at this point, is down. But as we saw with the pardon of Sheriff Arpaio, that faction is not yet out.","More missiles out of North Korea were launched last night - fell in the sea. North Korea had not so much other news broken overnight. This might have been our lead story. Does President Trump, after this week, have the confidence in Congress and in other quarters of opinion, to lead the country on this and other issues?","You know, that depends on whom you ask. There are certainly those people who will express total confidence in the president, those who have probably never had any at all. But the team around the president, the three generals - so we are increasingly talking about John Kelly, James Mattis, H. R. McMaster - that team tends to boost confidence on military matters.","Ron Elving, thanks so much."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : (1) \"And that faction, at this point, is down.But as we saw with the pardon of Sheriff Arpaio, that faction is not yet out.\" ","questions":"Which faction is not yet out?","answer":"faction"} {"text":["People go armed with treats and halters, and so they're able to catch them. And, you know, mostly, if you're calm, the horses stay calm.","Horses eat a lot, don't they?How do you care for every one?","Sure thing. Well, many of us were able to grab hay and some supplies as we were evacuating our barn. So we came with food and some items in hand. But the local seed stores have been donating all kinds of hay and shavings and pellets. So we have had, again, tremendous support from the local community, making sure that every horse here is fed.","Can you smell the smoke, see the fire?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The speaker is suggesting that the community has been very supportive of the horses.","questions":"Which entity has been supportive of the horses?","answer":"Community"} {"text":["You know, I give him mixed reviews. I knew Daniel Hahn prior to him becoming chief. I am a former high school teacher. And I worked hand in hand with the police department. And in working with him, I truly, truly believed that he has a good heart and good intentions. But now that he's the chief of police, we have to hold him to the line of accountability and transparency.","Sonia, Stephon's death is the latest of several fatal shootings of black men by police across the country. And some of these killings are not well-known. But they're still happening. What do you feel needs to be done to address this?","You know, I'm of the mind set that our whole policing system needs to be dismantled and abolished. And we need to start over.","And what would that look like?","What that looks like here in Sacramento - what we have done successfully as a BLM organization is we've created community resources, alternatives to police. We have resources in the community that if this were to happen, call these people instead of calling the police.","Some of the protests that have been happening since Stephon was killed have been marches and protests that have filled streets and blocked traffic. Some protests blocked basketball fans from entering a sports arena. How far should the protests go?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 4 : Advocating for alternative community resources instead of calling the police","questions":"How does Sonia propose to address the issue of police shootings of black men?","answer":"Community"} {"text":["My father believed the world was divided between those who were mentally and physically strong and those who were weak and lazy. For this, I had to undergo a physical and psychological training.","Can you tell us about those nights in the cellar?","From the age of 6, I had to spend one night a month in the basement meditating on death. I sat on a stool, alone, in the dark, surrounded by rats. And I had a cardigan with small bells on it. I wasn't allowed to let the bells tinkle, as it meant that I was moving. It was one of his exercises.","There are just too many instances of abuse and cruelty to recount - I mean, the way he didn't turn on the heat, the way he made you bathe in his dirty water. He said he gave you his energy that way or something."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : His views of the world were oppressive and unfair, requiring certain people to be subjected to physical and mental hardships.","questions":"What kind of training did PersonA have to undergo?","answer":"Physical"} {"text":["Those same streaks are in Europe. We're seeing people who are rebelling against the European Union, the open market, the open borders, who are rebelling against migration and refugees and who have lost out or feel that they have lost out on globalization and trade and are now opposing trade. So the same phenomenon we see here in the United States you also see in Europe. And in that sense, we are having a crisis that really affects Western liberal democracies writ large.","I wonder what you'd say, Mr. Ambassador, to a citizen of Belgium or France who might say now a united Europe is just too bureaucratic and too centralized to protect its population.","Well, I think that is a sentiment you are hearing increasingly in places like Belgium and France that - the problem is that the threat is not just from without but it is also from within. Belgian citizens, people born in Belgium, blew up the metro station and airport, where French citizens born in France who blew up the concert hall and stadium in - last November.","That threat needs to be dealt with not only by the countries themselves but can more effectively be dealt with by the Europeans coming together, sharing intelligence, which is not what they're doing right now, protecting their external borders much better than they have been able to do, rather than each individually trying to deal with this challenge."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"I wonder what you'd say, Mr. Ambassador, to a citizen of Belgium or France who might say now a united Europe is just too bureaucratic and too centralized to protect its population.\" The actual meaning implied here is that the citizen of Belgium or France believes that a united Europe, due to its bureaucratic and centralized nature, is unable to effectively safeguard its population. It suggests skepticism or doubt regarding the ability of a united Europe to fulfill its protective role.","questions":"How does the citizen of Belgium or France feel about a united Europe's ability to protect its population?","answer":"Doubt"} {"text":[". . . instead of across.","So what makes the rise now when that. . .","So the rise, yeah, you can do - it's what?2:30 on a Friday, you have a half drunk cup of coffee on your desk, just move it away from the computer, give it a stir and what you'll see, if you stir strong enough, that you'll develop a depression in the middle of the coffee cup, and it will rise up on the sides.","Right."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : the speaker is using a metaphor to describe a physical phenomenon. They are not actually suggesting that the coffee is experiencing emotions like depression, but rather that the act of stirring the coffee creates a depression in the middle and a rise on the sides.","questions":"Which physical phenomenon is being described in turn 2?","answer":"Depression"} {"text":["Anil Kashyap is a professor of economics at the famed school of economics at the University of Chicago. Professor, welcome to Day to Day. What do you think about this news, the government is buying into the banks?","I think it's a much better solution than the possibility of just buying up troubled assets. The reason I say that is because the credit markets are frozen right now because banks are essentially unwilling to lend to each other. And that's what's putting the economy at risk for a recession. For that to become unhinged, and for the credit markets to start working again, banks need to become confident that, if they do lend to another bank, they're going to get their money bank.","But, professor, isn't the government buying the banks?Isn't this kind of like the first step to nationalization or some kind of partial nationalization of the banks?Isn't the University of Chicago, I don't know, blowing up?","Well, I don't know. Milton Friedman taught us that policy incompetence in the Great Depression was one of the things that exacerbated the Great Depression. And sitting by and letting the banking system grind to the ground is certainly not in the national interest. At this point, if the choice is, let the banking system implode or use some government money in an intelligent way to prop up the banking system, I think almost all responsible economists here or elsewhere would choose the latter."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Using government money to prop up the banking system is better than letting it implode.","questions":"How does Anil Kashyap view the use of government money to support the banking system?","answer":"Solution."} {"text":["That is Binyamin Appelbaum. He writes about economics for The New York Times, and he's written a new book, called, \"The Economists' Hour\" that traces what he calls a revolution in the way we think about economists.","This quiet but really important revolution that happens, really, beginning in the late 1960s and the early 1970s, where economists begin to gain tremendous influence over public policy in the United States.","In fact, that young economist who told his wife he had no future at the Fed, that was Paul Volcker. He became one of a small group of economists who made themselves indispensable to U. S. presidents. Volcker rose to become the chairman of the Federal Reserve in the Carter and Reagan years.","So I asked Appelbaum, how did a bunch of economists go from nobodies to being important people?And he said it's pretty simple. In an era of real economic problems, they promised solutions."],"speaker":["B","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Economists gained significant influence over public policy in the United States during the late 1960s and early 1970s.","questions":"How did economists become influential in the US during the late 1960s and early 1970s?","answer":"Solutions"} {"text":["Well, popularity is very important. The outdoor world needs more visitors and better accessibility. The difficulty with managing that side of it is that construction can have adverse effects to the natural areas if you start doing different buildings and that sort of thing on top of it, but yes.","Is this an anomaly, though, when we're talking just about Horseshoe Bend or have you seen other spaces that have changed?","I have. A smaller one in Colorado is Conundrum Hot Springs. After it became a spot for people to easily find on social media, the amount of visitorship (ph) went up really high. And since this is a very remote location where people kind of hang around for a long time in the hot springs, they ran out of places to go to the bathroom. As a result, Conundrum Hot Springs had to be shut down for a little bit while park rangers were up there with shovels to relieve that issue.","Meaning they were building bathrooms because people were just, like, basically. . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Social media can significantly increase the number of visitors to remote locations, causing issues with facilities.","questions":"Which location had to be shut down temporarily due to issues with facilities caused by a significant increase in visitors?","answer":"Conundrum"} {"text":["Lu was raised in North Carolina as a Jehovah's Witness. When she was 18, she broke with her religion and left home to study cello. On her debut album \"Blood,\" she explores those decisions. She started by writing about the people she left behind - her parents - in the song \"Rebel. \"","A lot of my parents' life are going to reveal to me later on in my own life. And in the making of this record, I feel I was doing a lot of reflecting on home and on my relationship. . .","Yeah.",". . . With them and the life that your parents lived before they're your parents."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Lu's decision to leave her religion and family is explored in her debut album 'Blood'.","questions":"How did Lu explore her decision to leave her religion and family?","answer":"Writing"} {"text":["Yeah. That was something that I really loved about this script, actually, when it came in was the World War I element of the movie. It's depicted very realistically and shows the - you know, the horrendous elements of that war. But also, it - because of him suffering from trench fever, it has this hallucinatory element to it whereby you're kind of getting glimpses into his dark imagination and what he might have actually been witnessing instead of the reality around him at that time.","Yeah, the battlefield becomes kind of Middle-earth's Mordor in many ways.","Yeah, yeah, completely, which - I mean, he always said that that war wasn't an allegory for his work and the lands he created. But at the same time, I mean, obviously you're always influenced by experiences like that.","What do you do when you go into a biopic like this?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The battlefield becomes very fantasy like instead of realistic due to the fever.","questions":"How does the fever affect the battlefield in the movie?","answer":"Hallucinatory."} {"text":["Oh, it smells delicious.","Vegetal.","It's totally vegetal.","(Laughter)."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Don't just paraphase the words! Find the implicated meaning! We don't want answers like: to be silent means stay quiet and not making noise, bad answer! Please read the examples above carefully! (1)\tB:\tOh, it smells delicious. (2)\tA:\tVegetal. (3)\tB:\tIt's totally vegetal. (4)\tA:\t(Laughter). Please choose the turns whose actual meanings are different from their literal meanings. (1) (2) (3) (4)","questions":"What does PersonA's turn imply about the food's taste?","answer":"Delicious"} {"text":["They were still very poor. She still was saddled with this really enormous burden of caring for a child who's both extremely physically disabled and HIV positive, and I think she really struggled with - you know, she wanted to live, and she still is doing very well, but she also - she had these demons that kept pursuing her, I think.","You have a really interesting section where you talk about basically ethical decisions that reporters have to make. And, in essence, you say reporters, most reporters, wouldn't think anything of taking a government minister out for a fancy dinner, but they wouldn't buy mealy-meal and vegetables for a poor family. And yet they're extracting the same, if not more, amounts of information from the poor family as from the government minister.","You made a decision in some of these cases to really try to help the family. How did you make that decision?","Well, I mean, I think I realized from the very beginning when I was starting the process of doing research for this book that I wasn't going to be able to maintain a completely objective journalistic stance, you know, if the idea was to go back again and again over a long period. And you know, one of the advantages of writing a book as opposed to a newspaper article or something shorter is that you do have the luxury of being able to explain that relationship to the readers."],"speaker":["A","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : In turn (2), the phrase \"taking a government minister out for a fancy dinner\" and \"buy mealy-meal and vegetables for a poor family\" are not meant to be taken literally. Instead, they represent the difference in treatment and priorities that reporters have towards those in positions of power versus those who are marginalized or disadvantaged.","questions":"Which phrase in turn (2) represents the difference in treatment and priorities that reporters have towards those in positions of power versus those who are marginalized or disadvantaged?","answer":"Difference"} {"text":["Yeah. And the Curia is the administrative. . .","The Curia is basically the civil servants, the bureaucrats. Although, this weekend we do see that he has replaced Cardinal Muller, who was the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.","Can you tell us what that is for people who may not know?","The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith deals with discipline within the church and doctrinal matters. But it also handles all cases of abuse and the disciplining of perpetrators of abuse, et cetera. So they are very much involved in actual cases of abuse that are brought to the church."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"But it also handles all cases of abuse and the disciplining of perpetrators of abuse, et cetera.\" - The literal meaning of this turn is that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith deals with cases of abuse and disciplining of perpetrators of abuse. However, the actual meaning is that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith deals with cases of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church, which is a highly sensitive and controversial topic.","questions":"What does the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith handle besides doctrinal matters?","answer":"Sexual"} {"text":["This past week, we learned more about Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 13 Russians and three companies for an extensive effort to influence the election and support the Trump campaign. Susie Wiles was senior strategist for the Trump campaign in Florida, one of the states that Mueller's investigation determined were targeted by the Russians. And she joins us now. Welcome to the program.","Hi. Good morning.","So the indictment alleges that the Russians pretended to be Americans and impersonated political activists. Looking back, can you remember anyone that fits that description or something that feels suspect to you now?","In hindsight, there are things that I think maybe should've been at least an Amber flag, if not a red flag. But at the time, the Trump campaign in Florida had 70,000-plus volunteers. They were active in person and on social media. And it came fast and furious. And I just don't think we were sensitive to the fact that this might be happening."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The Russians pretended to be Americans and impersonated political activists, which is suspicious and may have been noticed by the Trump campaign, but they were not sensitive enough to it.","questions":"How did the Trump campaign react to the suspicious activities of the Russians?","answer":"Notsensitive"} {"text":["I agree. I was shocked - really shocked - when I found them. And then many things happened to me with Chopin through my life.","Such as?","Well (laughter), you're not going to believe this if you don't believe in the unknown normal. But I had a death mask of Chopin given to me. Some friends came over, and they said, what's that?I said, it's death mask of Chopin. That's what they used to do in those days. When someone died, they'd get someone to put wax on his face and make this death mask as a memorial. I took it off - down. I said, please be careful with it because it's, you know, very unique. There are only two or three in the world. My wife was there. My son was there - he was about 17 - and these two friends. And, suddenly, a fluid started coming out of one of the eyes. And I put my hand into this fluid, and it was salty. So I guess there was no question in my mind these were tears. What I felt was that Chopin was happy that he could communicate somehow with the current world.","You know, I learned one thing. People who are negative about these kinds of unknown normal things - they will never change. They'll always find another way that it could've happened or try to find another way that it could've happened. But I just give up try to convince them because they won't ever be convinced. The ones who are skeptics - once they hear about it, they say, oh, actually, it's real."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"shocked - really shocked\" is a figurative way of expressing the speaker's strong emotional reaction.","questions":"What was the PersonA's emotional reaction?","answer":"Shocked"} {"text":["You know, you're helping a lot of people, Mr. Mayor.","Well, I hope I am. I don't see it, and that's what scares me most of all. We care about everybody. We have to reach out for all of them and try to be successful for them to help them be that support deal for them. It's not a positive day every day, but you have to make it into one.","The mayor of Fulton, Texas, Jimmy Kendrick - thanks so much for being with us, Mr. Mayor. Good luck to you.","Well, I appreciate it. And just keep us in your prayers. It's always nice to have a prayer given for us."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (4) \"Just keep us in your prayers\" - This implies that the mayor is asking for support from those listening, which is different from the literal meaning of the sentence.","questions":"What is the mayor asking for?","answer":"Help"} {"text":["Yeah. Mr. Champagne, is it rough to be - well, look, we've done stories in Englewood. What's it like to be a young man in Englewood now, surrounded, as I don't have to tell you, by a lot of crime, a lot of drugs, sirens all night?","Yeah, correct.","People who are, you know, afraid to walk the street. What's it like growing up that way?","Well, it's tough 'cause you got to know when to come outside, when not to come out; when to go to the store, when not to go to the store. You know, cross the street, go left, go right, you know, either way it go, you get, like, A, shot at or, you know, get jumped, get robbed. It's tough.","Yeah. And a program like this, how does it help you see things differently and what you should do differently?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : People who are, you know, afraid to walk the street. Implied meaning: The speaker is not simply describing individuals who have fear while walking on the street, but is implying that there is a pervasive sense of fear and danger in the neighborhood.","questions":"How does the speaker describe the neighborhood?","answer":"tough"} {"text":["As far as race goes, you know, many of the African-American women who came forward about what Cosby did to them struggled with that, too. And in the end, they concluded, as I conclude, that he's not your typical African-American defendant. He had seven attorneys at his second trial. How many do you know that could have the income level to afford that?It's about power and privilege and wealth, and that's what allowed him to escape justice for so long.","That's Nicole Weisensee Egan. Her new book is \"Chasing Cosby: The Downfall Of America's Dad. \"We spoke with her from member station WHYY in Philadelphia.","Nicole Egan, thanks so much for talking to us.","Thank you."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : There are no turns in this dialogue whose actual meanings are different from their literal meanings. All the turns are straightforward and do not contain any figurative language or idiomatic expressions.","questions":"How many attorneys did Cosby have at his second trial?","answer":"Seven"} {"text":["(Singing) I don't need much to be happy. Four walls and a roof overhead. Books and food in my belly, cool sheets upon the bed. A fire that warms up December. The sound of a thaw in the eaves. Sometimes it's hard to remember how tough we are to please. All in good time, somehow I find days that still shine with a light. All in good stead, I'm safe and I'm fed. With dreams in my head, goodnight. The feel of my hand being taken, driving at night all alone. The breeze on a warm summer evening and coming home.","(Singing) All in good time, somehow you find days that still shine with light. All in good stead, you're safe and you're fed. The dreams in your head, goodnight. Don't need much to be happy. A friend to soften a fall. Something to show for my labors. After all, I had to learn to be grateful, I had to learn how to see. Mistakes that might have proved fatal are gifts I now receive.","Thank you.","They don't make them this way anymore, but that would've been on the second side of the album?"],"speaker":["B","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The speaker doesn't need much to be happy, but they need basic necessities like food, shelter, and warmth. They are content with what they have.","questions":"How is the PersonA's attitude towards their basic needs?","answer":"Content"} {"text":["Basically. Well, what hydrogen does is at soon as it escapes into the atmosphere it starts bonding with whatever it can find. You know either hydrocarbons or oxygen to create water or whatever. It doesn't sit in the environment once it leaks out, for example, out of a tank or whatever. It doesn't sit there, you know, waiting for something to happen. It moves very quickly, where as something like gasoline by comparison, does not do that.","How do you compare in terms of, you know, environmental impact and cost these developing hydrogen cars to hybrids like the Toyota Prius?","We'll, we're seeing things like the Prius that are already on the road and there are a number of other hybrids. We're developing a hybrid which will be on the road next year as well. Hydrogen is still in the development phase and so we're still a ways away from having vehicles on the road. So it's a little tough to make a direct cost comparison. I mean, the fleet of 100 hydrogen-powered seven series cars we've got on the road now were obviously very expensive to develop and to build just because of their very unique nature.","Who's your market?I mean, BMW is known a very quality brand, but that also means that your price point is probably above that of a lot of working folks who are commuters. So who do you find is your market?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : BMW's market for their cars is not working-class commuters.","questions":"Which class of people is BMW's market not targeted towards?","answer":"Working-class"} {"text":["On Boylston Street. That's right.","And how close to the finish line are we talking about?","I believe it's just about a block and a half. But I don't have that right in front of me. I believe it's about a block and a half.","OK. And we're obviously going to bring more details of - from ALL THINGS CONSIDERED. I imagine your phone is ringing off the hook as you try to get more details as well. So Tovia Smith, anything - last word to leave with us on what we know about what happened in Boston?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : A is not actually answering the question directly","questions":"Which question did PersonB ask about the distance to the finish line?","answer":"finish"} {"text":["I was one of those kids raised on whole wheat spaghetti and NPR every day in the car, but especially on weekends when we drove the hour from the relatively small town of Hanford, California, where I grew up, to the big city where we shopped at Costco and saw movies that never made it to our town. It was all NPR all the time.","It was 1995 and my family was taking an epic cross-country trip to see America from the windows of a minivan. I was hoping the letters would land us a tour of NPR during the few days we were planning to spend in Washington, D. C. That little letter writing campaign and the people who responded changed my life. And I don't mean that in some abstract way.","First I heard from Cokie. Whatever you do don't major in communications, she said. And then Scott Simon invited my family into his home where we sat on a peach-colored leather couch and my little brother played with Scott's ancient cat. His advice - consider majoring in philosophy. I did. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done, but it taught me how to break apart arguments, how to ask the right questions. Liane Hansen responded too.","High school senior Tamara Keith. . ."],"speaker":["B","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) Although the speaker is talking about a letter writing campaign, the actual meaning is that the campaign opened up an opportunity for the speaker to visit NPR and meet people who had a significant impact on her life.","questions":"Which campaign changed the PersonA's life?","answer":"Letter"} {"text":["The government created an aid program to help out farmers who are hurt by these tariffs. Have you benefited from that?","Certainly. It was a key part of filling the gap created by the harm that we felt from the tariffs and the money we were losing in that market. But I think most farmers don't want to rely on government aid packages, going forward. We would much rather have access to one of the world's largest users of soybeans.","When you go to the local - I don't know - coffee shop or supply store or Walmart and have conversations with other people in the community, how are people feeling these days?","Well, and that's - I really appreciate you bringing that up 'cause it's not just farmers who are affected by this. Small towns like Kulm, N. D. - we are an agriculture community. Not everybody here is a farmer. We have many small businesses that rely on farmers - hardware stores, grocery stores. And when farmers struggle, everybody in these small towns starts to feel the hurt. When you talk to businesses who have been around for a long time, I mean, they - their bottom line is directly affected by whether farmers are making a profit or not."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : This implies that the Farmers does want any aid from the government. They would rather prefer that the government remove harsh tariffs on the world's largest soybeans. ","questions":"Which program did the government create to help out farmers hurt by tariffs?","answer":"Aid"} {"text":["Holocaust survivors who lost property in Warsaw now have six months to reclaim it. But a new Polish law says that people who don't come forward by that deadline will not receive any compensation. The city will assume permanent ownership of their property. The World Jewish Restitution Organization has put together a database to help people track down their property. Gideon Taylor is the chair of operations for the organization. And he joins us now from New York. Mr. Taylor, thanks for being with us.","Thank you.","And what kind of property is listed?","So it's a mixture of buildings and empty plots. Warsaw was a thriving Jewish community. It was actually the second-largest Jewish community after New York before the Holocaust. And so there's a range of buildings and assets that were - originally belonged to Jews in what was a thriving, bustling Jewish community."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The Warsaw Jewish community was very prosperous before the Holocaust, but many of its assets were taken away from their rightful owners and now survivors have the opportunity to reclaim them.","questions":"How would you describe the type of property that Holocaust survivors can reclaim in Warsaw?","answer":"Buildings"} {"text":["What has been done since then?And what still needs to be done to achieve a formal exoneration from the state of Texas for Timothy Cole?","Well there's an enormous amount. The first problem is that the court system in Texas is addicted to convictions and not very up on exonerations. We have created a very political system here in which egos are involved, politics are involved, and it's very, very difficult for judges and prosecutors to ever admit that they've convicted innocent people.","Do you have. . .","Because of that, we are running into a lot of obstacles."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : There are many obstacles to achieving a formal exoneration for Timothy Cole due to the addiction of the court system to convictions.","questions":"Which exoneration is the statement referring to?","answer":"Formal"} {"text":["Well, here's my question for you as a photographer. When you have a person who is as photographed as Barack Obama has been and for God's sake is going to be for the next four years, how do you find a shot that separates you from the rest of the crowd of photographers when he is your subject and target?","Well, certainly, that is an exceedingly difficult thing to do. But you try and capture, you know, the moment because he is a man that connects with the crowd and with the message that he has. So you're looking for that little twinkle in his eye or that little different look that he may have.","But frankly, Tony, a lot of my work was gauging the crowd as they were entranced with the day, and it was such a wonderful group - such a wonderful experience for ua all to be there. And I tried to capture some of this on film because there were black people, there were white people, there were Asian people, there were brown people there. And I have never been in a mob like today, just in terms of the density of the crowd. But everyone was so cool. And when they announced that - when they introduced the then-president-elect and he came - I mean, it was a roar, and you try and capture some of that on film.","Now, I have about 20 seconds for you to answer this. When he actually put his hand on the Bible and said - and accepted the oath, were your cameras trained on the crowd at that moment and did you get a shot?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Finding a unique shot of Barack Obama is challenging but possible.","questions":"What is the subject of the unique shot that is challenging to capture?","answer":"Barack"} {"text":["With Republican lawmakers unable to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, President Trump has taken several steps to undo it. Just before the weekend, he refused to pay the subsidies to insurers that helped keep premiums down for low-income people. And, also, the administration is cutting funding for outreach to those who want to sign up when open enrollment begins next month. The Affordable Care Act provides money to organizations that help people navigate the health care system. In fact, they're called navigator programs. Last year, they received $63 million from the government. The Trump administration has cut that funding by 41 percent. I'm joined by Lisa Hamler-Fugitt, she's executive director of the Ohio Association of Food Banks, which oversees a navigator program. Welcome.","Thank you.","And your program's budget was reduced by how much?","Seventy one percent - nearly $1. 2 million dollars. And it was a significant reduction."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : President Trump is taking actions to repeal Affordable Care Act","questions":"Which program received a 41% cut in funding by the Trump administration?","answer":"Navigator"} {"text":["I think not quite yet. I mean, there are often these apologies that are issued and I think President Wagner is quite genuine in his apology. And at the same time, the question becomes how do we as a community at Emory understand how we are to move forward as an institution?","Feels like the kind of moment that will be a touchstone for a long time to come.","I hope in a positive way. I think it's opened up some conversations that we've needed to have.","Leslie Harris is an associate professor of history in African-American studies at Emory University in Atlanta. Professor Harris, thank you very much for joining us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : By being a touchstone it means it will be a strong stable moment that will evoke emotion.","questions":"How would you describe the moment mentioned in turn 1?","answer":"Stable"} {"text":["Good morning, Ira.","Good morning to you. What evidence do you cite?What evidence is there that human intelligence is slowly declining?","Well, you know, there are a few things I'd like to say I guess at the onset, and you referred to them in your introduction, and that is any genetically based decay in intelligence is extremely slow. And so we should never be able to detect it by comparisons to people within generations existing right now on the Earth.","Rather, what we see is what you mentioned, an actual, probably recent, increase in intellectual ability. We know that our students are the brightest in generations. They score higher on tests than students ever have before. They take more complex courses earlier and accomplish more. So there's all these reasons to believe that at least recently what we see is an actual increase in intellectual ability."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : What evidence do you have that human intelligence is declining?","questions":"How does PersonA describe any genetically based decay in intelligence?","answer":"Slow"} {"text":["Well, I think what I heard - and I heard it over the three days - is that the president is not going to let up pressure on Japan, on Prime Minister Abe on trade. Despite the close personal relationship, despite all the pageantry of this visit, it was just at the surface that the president was getting a little irritated with the arguments that Japan has been making on trade.","I think that this is not going to bode well for how this is going to end up. Mr. Abe doesn't have a lot of latitude to give the president what he wants. But I think they're trying very hard to keep it from bursting the seams, so to speak, on the overall political strategic relationship.","What about on North Korea?As Anthony alluded to there, President Trump contradicted not only his host, the prime minister, but his own national security adviser, John Bolton, on the significance of these recent missile launches from North Korea and whether they violate U. N. Security Council resolutions. How significant a disagreement is that between Tokyo and Washington?","I think that will be a disappointment for Prime Minister Abe for a couple of reasons. You know, again, President Trump said he was not personally concerned about the tests, still trying to lay out what I think he thinks is the base for a bargain with Kim Jong Un, and that is an economic development strategy by North Koreans that will then mitigate the military challenge."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Prime Minister Abe will be disappointed by President Trump's lack of concern for North Korea's missile tests","questions":"Which country's missile tests did President Trump fail to personally concern about according to turn 3?","answer":"NorthKorea"} {"text":["Just market access, kind of where the Chinese government was trying to protect the early start-up of industries in China. And I think now the economy's grown enough that this - many of these things could be opened up again and access could increase for American businesses. It's also information technology, being able to make sure you can move information across boundaries, things like that.","OK. I'm hearing you - I'm hearing a wish list on what you want China to do. But is there anything you want to see from this administration that would help things out for Cummins?","Most importantly for me, I want to see engagement. I think that U. S. businesses do very well whenever there is any access to foreign markets. We can succeed in markets when we have a chance to compete. And that's really what we want to see with every economy around the world. We'd like to see that with the USMCA, too - the Mexico-Canada agreement, too. We'd like to see that signed and completed. We'd like to see more free trade agreements with other countries.","Have you raised any of these concerns directly with the White House?I know that you sit on the Business Roundtable, which is this pretty powerful organization made up of prominent CEOs like yourself."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Market access in China was protected by the government for start-ups, but now it's time to open up and increase access for American businesses","questions":"What was the Chinese government trying to protect in the early start-up of industries in China?","answer":"start-ups"} {"text":["And I think right now what we're finding is that, I think this - the technology industry though, Tony, you can't - this country, businesses, the ecosystem cannot function without information technology. So you have companies like HP, Dell, Microsoft, Google, they're all being very creative now or I would say, more creative than I guess that they had to have been in the past to really understand how they can make the largest impact without it affecting their employee work force.","And I think today's times are making people more innovative and the mother - mother's the necessity of innovation and I think it's just making people be more creative now. I'm hoping that the stimulus package with having a chief technology officer in house, with $7. 2 billion going towards - from the stimulus, going towards broadband, with another $19 billion going towards health information records and technology, and health care.","I'm hoping that that is going to, when that money becomes available, make it so that the technology industry can still remain resilient, because largely we have been. I mean, we're not immune from the problems, but we've been pretty resilient throughout. If you look at what's going on throughout the country, technology sector has been doing fairly well.","You know, you mentioned that there was a new chief technology officer and our conversation is coming to a close, but briefly tell us who this person is, if you know, and what you know about his or her background?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The problems of today are the necessity for innovation to occur.","questions":"Which word in the dialogue describes the investment aimed at health information records and technology?","answer":"health"} {"text":["And how did this start?","Well, about 20 years ago, we were thinking about doing a literary magazine because at the time there weren't too many journals out there for new writers. There weren't many literary journals at all during that time. And so we stumbled upon an idea that we had started with one of our friends from college where he had given me a first line to start a story. And then I would write the story. And then I would send it to him. And I'd give him a first line. And he would start a story. And he would send that back to me. And we did that. And so we decided that we'd open that up to the rest of the world.","How many stories do you typically get?","We run between 300 and 450 submissions in issue."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"How many stories do you typically get?\" - This turn has a literal meaning and it is asking for the number of stories that the magazine usually receives.","questions":"How many submissions does the magazine receive per issue?","answer":"300"} {"text":["Well, I think he needs to do a lot of things. We first have to realize that we've got in the pipeline climate change, and we're committed to a few more degrees of warming, kind of, no matter what we do, so we have to have an adaptation strategy. How are we going to protect coast lines against intensified hurricanes?How we're going to deal with the increased fires in the West?What are we going to do with melting glaziers?","We've got to do that regardless of climate policy. To try to control emissions, we have to deal adaptation. The second thing is we have to use our energy more efficiently. We need building codes. So what we're going to have to do is to nationalize the kind of California activities where everybody has to participate and it's not just a random lottery of states values. Then finally, we have to help the brilliant American industry to be able to invent our way out of the problem through cheaper solar machines and better grids for wind machines. And we need incentives. We'll need loan guarantees.","I mean, if we can spend almost a trillion dollars bailing out some greedy people who messed up in an under-regulated environment, how about spending a tenth that much trying to produce green jobs, and at the same time, reduce our dependence on foreign oil and help the environment.","How do you think our current economic situation is going to affect efforts to curb global warming?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : We are already committed to climate change, so we need to focus on adapting to it.","questions":"What is the main focus of the adaptation strategy mentioned in turn 0?","answer":"CLIMATE"} {"text":["Reading this book, the thing that always shone through was that you never took no for an answer. You talk about, despite all your successes, always feeling like you might never be good enough, or that people were judging you. And yet, you always sort of came back swinging, sometimes literally.","I love the word no (laughter). Because of the ADD and the dyslexic, I couldn't follow anyone's formula at all. So no to me was the yes that I needed to hear. And I wanted to succeed so I could grow my team and grow my staff as well. And a lot has to do about Boston in general. I wanted to be somebody, you know?I think so.","Barbara Lynch - her book is called \"Out Of Line: A Life Of Playing With Fire. \"Thanks so much for joining us.","Thank you so much."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : In this turn, the implied meaning goes beyond the literal meaning of \"never took no for an answer.\" The speaker is highlighting the person's resilience and determination in the face of obstacles. It implies that despite facing rejection or setbacks, the person persisted and fought back, even using physical force if necessary.","questions":"What was the PersonA's reason for loving the word \"no\"?","answer":"Motivating"} {"text":["And she - my wife went and found the chaplain at Northwestern - a Lutheran chaplain who'd never performed a wedding before. She came to our room and performed the ceremony, just the three of us. It was a lovely, personal, intimate ceremony. And immediately after the ceremony, I took some pain medication and peed in a cup.","Well, that's one way to say l'chaim, isn't it?I made a short list: addiction abuse, adultery, abandonment, imminent incest and just plain old hatred. So is every family is a little bit like the Westons of Osage County?","What we have seen by doing this play is that the story of this family is pretty universal. And the dinner scene alone, in the theater - I can tell you that some people are howling with laughter, and other people are in tears and crawling under their seats. They find it very upsetting to watch because it hits pretty close to home.","\"Fiddler on the Roof\" with the F word?","That's one way to look at it."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (4) B: \"\"Fiddler on the Roof\" with the F word?\"","questions":"What play does PersonB compare to \"Fiddler on the Roof\"?","answer":"August:Osage-County"} {"text":["Was he in uniform?I mean, was this a. . .","He was in plainclothes, just driving in plainclothes.","Not that that makes it any better but still.","Well, at least they weren't dumb enough to go up to a fully uniformed police chief. But, you know, it's one of those things where we got one of the worst crime problems because there is no rhyme or reason to some of the things that are happening. You've got elderly gentlemen being beaten up at gas stations and people being afraid to come out of their homes at 5 P. M. It's not everywhere and it's not every neighborhood but it's enough that it's becoming what people think about living in Detroit.","Rochelle, Halloween's coming up and in Detroit that could mean Devil's Night."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : implies that the crime problem in Detroit is serious and that it has become a stereotype; ","questions":"What problem is becoming a stereotype in Detroit?","answer":"Crime"} {"text":["There's a new commission by the president to try to look into this attack - series of attacks. What's that commission trying to do?","Well, this is a situation, Farai, that's been growing since '94, since the end of apartheid and the election of African National Congress. The problem is this. Fundamentally, the issue of poverty has not been tackled in a satisfactory way by the government. And you've had among the mass of poor people at the bottom, the so called black Africans, a very high level of patience actually waiting for something to turn around, and it hasn't.","Instead, there's been much more emphasis on the development of a black capitalist class, opening up the borders to trade, et cetera. And not enough paid attention to the grievances of people at the base.","When you have the situation like this, it is very easy for opportunists to take advantage of the situation and explode it in a very unproductive way and that's what happened. So, people's anger about the situation was channeled, much like we've seen here in the United Sates when people go against immigrants. Instead of understanding the way that the system is working and that it needs to be challenged, people start going after the vulnerable groups. So, they went after the Zimbabweans, they went after the Mozambiquens and they went after the Ugandans."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"growing\" in \"a situation that's been growing since '94\" means the situation has been getting worse or more intense over time, so the actual meaning is different from the literal meaning of physically increasing in size.","questions":"Which word's actual meaning is different from its literal meaning in the statement?","answer":"Growing"} {"text":["Yes, we're all OK. We're all safe. We're at his house in James City, thank goodness.","Yeah. I'm told you left after the evacuation order. May I ask why?","We made the decision to stay based on the fact that all of the ATMs were out of cash, there was a gas shortage, monetary reasons and concerns of not being able to get back in. I have my father, who is in a nursing facility fighting Stage 4 Hodgkin's lymphoma, and I was really concerned about what would happen with him.","How is your father?How is your father, may I ask?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The decision to stay was based on financial and personal concerns, not just the evacuation order.","questions":"What were the reasons for staying?","answer":"ATMs"} {"text":["So in 2006, a farmer named Shikharam Chaudhary was apprehended by forest rangers at Chitwan. They suspected him of helping his son bury a stolen rhinoceros horn in his backyard. So they took him back to the jail inside the park, and they interrogated him for a little over a week. And nine days later, Shikharam was dead.","Seven eyewitnesses in the jail said that he was being tortured. He was waterboarded. He was beaten and treated in really awful ways by the guards there. And as we found in our reporting, WWF stepped in. And they lobbied for the charges that were filed against the rangers in question to be dropped. And when they ultimately were, they celebrated the ruling.","So just so I understand, what is the link exactly between the actions of these rangers and the WWF?","So WWF funds, equips, trains and otherwise supports these forest rangers at national parks. Our investigation looked at six different countries in Africa and Asia. These forest rangers are employed by the government. But often there isn't that much money to make sure that they have supplies and training and everything else they need to do their job. So WWF often steps in to fill those gaps. And they provide them with everything from uniforms to cars to knives and riot gear and other things that can be used as weapons."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : It tells about developed our nation and innovoted lot of things","questions":"How does WWF support forest rangers in national parks?","answer":"Support"} {"text":["The banks can bring in their junky securities and swap them for cash or treasury bills. And that, on top of interest rate cuts, Bernanke thought would be enough to keep the financial system working until it healed itself. The strategy at the Fed was known as the finger in the dike strategy, keep the water out and eventually things will recover.","But obviously, you know things didn't work out like that. And in the spring, we had the great Bear Stearns crisis, and the Fed was forced to intervene to prevent them going bankrupt. Then, we had another few months where it seemed like things had stabilized, but this thing's like a disease. It goes away for a while, and then, you know, it comes back in a more virulent form.","In September, after the collapse of Lehman Brothers, you know, all hell broke out, basically. And since then, we've had a sort of slow motion collapse of the financial system.","Now, this entire crisis has really tarnished Alan Greenspan's legacy, and he even admitted that his basic economic philosophy is now changed. What about Ben Bernanke?Does he deserve the same criticism?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The \"finger in the dike strategy, keep the water out and eventually things will recover\" is not actually talking about water leaking out of a dam, but rather a declining bank that needed a solution to a financial drain problem","questions":"How was the \"finger in the dike strategy\" described by turn 0?","answer":"Declining"} {"text":["And I want to just warn listeners before we get going there may be some brief descriptions of violence as we chat this out over the next couple minutes. Start with, why now?As we said, the federal government has not carried out an execution for some years now.","Actually, a senior Justice Department official tells me the previous attorney general, Jeff Sessions, launched this effort, put it into motion. But it's actually happening on the watch of his successor, Bill Barr. Barr says the federal government owes it to victims and their families. He points out, even though there haven't been many executions in the federal system, that Justice Departments representing presidents from both political parties have continued to seek capital punishment in court.","Barr says the people on federal death row are the worst of the worst. And he's directed the Federal Bureau of Prisons to schedule five inmates for executions, all starting - if it goes to plan - December 9.","And who are these five?What do we know about them?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : put into motion means that he enacted the efforts to seek the death penalty","questions":"Which official put the effort into motion?","answer":"Jeff"} {"text":["Well, I want to understand it as my friend, Fanon, as my idol, Fanon. I want to understand it, and it is quite complicated, but in another way it's quite simple.","And when I say race, I should stipulate. I don't mean simply black and white. By race, I mean any idea or notion that divides human beings into more than one kind. And then the next step of race and racism and racialized thinking is to figure out a scheme through which or by which because of this difference, manufactured difference, one group or another can take advantage of other groups.","So it sits over our shoulder, and it's part of what's the motivation for our going into Iraq. It's keeping young black men in prison in a totally disproportionate way. It's the cause of abuse against women. Race is a villain, and I wish I could wave a magic wand, but I can't. It's too deeply embedded in our nature.","You mentioned how race is linked to, among many other things, the prison system. And you've had, I'm sure, much too much experience with it, more than you'd like with both your brother and your son incarcerated.","You have sections in your book where your brother is - you and your brother are talking about the nature of hope and whether hope can be debilitating in the context of being someone who's incarcerated."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Race is a deep-seated issue in society that cannot be easily solved","questions":"Which issue cannot be easily solved?","answer":"Race"} {"text":["Now, in both the Enron case and the Madoff situation, they're very different in some ways, but they both benefited at least for a time from the fact that a lot of people don't understand finance, and it's very difficult to understand. What do you think people need to do who are not financiers to understand why is it important to even understand the issue of finance, white-collar crime, and all of this?","White-collar crime matters because it affects all of us. Even if you happen to be a blue-collar person, you undoubtedly get affected one way or another - your investments, your company, your suppliers, your neighbors. Everyone gets affected by serious white-collar crime, and the old joke is, right, you walk into a bank with a gun, steal $50,000, they send you away for 10 years. You steal $50 million in some sort of white-collar crime thing, and you get, you know, five minutes and a warning from the judge.","I mean, that's an exaggeration. But that's the kind of thing that for years has annoyed people, including me. And somehow the - because there's been now so much of the stuff has surfaced, and there's such conscientiousness about it and in the case of Madoff largely because he scammed people that members of the media know. So you get really angry when your friends go down. I mean, I don't have any friends who were in there, but a lot of people in my business. . .","Right."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : not the right hand or right side, but the speaker agrees with the other speaker","questions":"Which side is the speaker agreeing with?","answer":"other"} {"text":["That was just - what I did, I picked students that I've had in class before. I'm a business education teacher. So I made sure they were students that really were comfortable with the computer and they could get the information that I needed. So I really just gave them - I rented my classroom out for - actually I did it for two Saturdays. And I had five students come in each time. And I just gave them topics that I wanted questions about. And then I just had one or two of those students verify the information, and then I went back over and I verified it as well.","You've got a company now called Jornic DVD Games. What are your plans in terms of the company?Are you going to try and put out more titles?","Absolutely. After - I'm looking at putting out one more title before the Christmas holiday, but I haven't decided. I'm looking at a couple, but I haven't made a decision yet.","You're still going to teach, and you're going to try to design more games. Are you afraid that, you know, are you afraid of losing your shirt in business?Because you know, there's nothing guaranteed."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : A picked students he knew were comfortable with computers to get the information he needed.","questions":"Which aspect of the students did PersonA consider before picking them for his project?","answer":"Comfortability"} {"text":["About a year ago, my husband started getting Facebook friend invitations from like every girl he ever went to school with, and it seemed as if half of them confessed crushes on him.","Lissa Soep quickly figured out social networking sites not only allowed her to get back in touch with people - her husband could reconnect with folks from his past, too. But it turns out that's not all bad.","These were girls frozen in his memory with teenage breasts, AP English minds, and a sense that anything was possible. Like this one girl from seventh grade. She friended my husband on Facebook and then reminisced about the day his family moved away. She put on her favorite dress, painted her nails purple, and worked up all her courage to hug him goodbye. Isn't that so funny, she wrote. How silly we are as kids?","You think I'd be mad or at least threatened by all this nostalgia, but I wasn't. For a split second, at least, my husband was less familiar to me, and I mean that in a good way. With so many people my age riding Facebook like a time machine to our past lives and loves, you might expect the site would be breaking up marriages or at least unleashing all sorts of digital infidelity. Some of that is happening."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : His memory had these girls staying the way they were and not changing into what they are now. ","questions":"Which aspect of the girls frozen in his memory did he reminisce about on Facebook?","answer":"AP"} {"text":["President Obama faces increasing pressure to intervene in Syria, where the civil war has killed an estimated 70,000 people and displaced more than a million more. Artillery, tanks and anti-aircraft fire - and aircraft fire on civilians, and now there are reports that nerve gas has been used as well. The U. S. would justify any action as a humanitarian intervention to protect civilians, the same ground cited in Bosnia, Somalia, Iraq and Libya. And as those instances suggest, the president faced tremendous risks and very little prospect of reward. That's the conclusion of Gary Bass, a professor of politics in international affairs at Princeton University. He's the author of \"Freedom's Battle: The Origins of Humanitarian Intervention,\" and he joins now via Skype from his home in New York. Good of you to be with us today.","Thank you.","And it's hard to talk about this topic without bringing up Syria, where the president is being asked to intervene under pressure to do so.","That's right. And increasingly, people are talking about it. Seventy thousand dead, how can this go on day after day?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"the same ground cited\" implies the same reasons cited.","questions":"How would the U.S. justify any action in Syria?","answer":"Humanitarian"} {"text":["This has been a longstanding feature of Libya. The United Arab Emirates and Egypt had been backing General Khalifa Haftar - giving him weapons, conducting airstrikes. And the Tripoli forces have turned to Turkey, who's now providing weapons as well. And so it's a very cynical game, and Libyans are just paying the price for it.","And meanwhile, back to the migrants who, of course - as we mentioned, there's at least 44 who died in this latest attack.","Right.","They're trying to get to Europe. What now?I mean, as you mentioned, the EU has this policy of turning them around, and they end up back in these detention centers and then presumably - what?- trying to make the trip again."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The involvement of foreign powers has created chaos in Libya","questions":"Which country has been backing General Khalifa Haftar in Libya?","answer":"UAE"} {"text":["Good to be with you.","This last Republican debate may have been the most contentious, at least between the candidates and the questioners. What do you see as the immediate fallout?","Immediate fallout would be Jeb Bush's problem. He needed a revival, and he wound up looking worse than he had in the first two debates and out on the stump as well. The memorable punches in these debates tend to be counter punches. And Bush went after his one-time protege, Marco Rubio, and Rubio came back smart, fast, tough and got a highlight moment out of it, just one of several for Rubio, by the way.","Now, at the same time, nobody's cast a single vote yet. Jeb Bush is sitting on a lot of money, and, of course, he has a name that's instantly recognizable. Is there really talk that this could be the end of his candidacy?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : This last Republican debate may have been the most contentious, at least between the candidates and the questioners. What do you see as the immediate fallout?\" In this turn, the implied meaning is that the Republican debate was highly intense and filled with conflict, especially between the candidates and the questioners. The speaker is asking about the immediate consequences or repercussions of such a heated debate, suggesting that there might be significant outcomes or effects stemming from it. The implied meaning goes beyond a simple description of the debate's level of contention.","questions":"Which candidate was attacked by Jeb Bush during the Republican debate?","answer":"Marco"} {"text":["He says it's incumbent on the press and on the media not to make it easy for celebrities to have these terribly serious transgressions alleged and be able to skate by on their charm, on their fame, on their accomplishments outside the arena of these allegations. He said, you know, it is precisely the inconvenient moment where you have all these stars - and Woody Allen is in South of France because of the debut of his new film.","And you have stars like Blake Lively, Jesse Eisenberg and others who are there, Steve Carell. And he says we should be hearing them asked what it's like to work with an alleged child molester - and by the way, those are his words, not mine - rather than asked, you know, what costumes were you wearing?How did you like your outfits?What was it like to work with this great director?","That's his argument. He says it's uncomfortable but these questions need to be asked, otherwise powerful people can get away with terrible things.","How do you feel about that?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : And you have stars like Blake Lively, Jesse Eisenberg and others who are there, Steve Carell. And he says we should be hearing them asked what it's like to work with an alleged child molester - and by the way, those are his words, not mine - rather than asked, you know, what costumes were you wearing? How did you like your outfits? What was it like to work with this great director?\" Implicated meaning: The speaker suggests that instead of asking superficial questions about celebrities' appearance and experiences on set, it is important to inquire about their experiences working with someone who has been accused of being a child molester. By doing so, the focus would shift to addressing serious allegations and holding individuals accountable for their actions.","questions":"How should celebrities be asked about working with an alleged child molester?","answer":"Experiences"} {"text":["All right.","OK, but anyway, we're all working at the same - working so hard and so long on trying to get something done because we're - people like me are doing this because they love the country, and they're worried about it. We've got a lot of us around, and we're trying to find our place in this thing, and it looks like the White House and the Republicans do have a way to get information in.","It's very hard for changes to be made and agreements. I don't know how they're doing that. It's a very strange kind of organization. But. . .","Well, let me ask you, how much did the election change things?There's the same cast of characters, pretty much.","Well, I - people that aren't there negotiating, and I'm not there, but people that aren't are speculating on all kinds of things, in terms of the president is playing with more power, he acts like a tyrant because he won the election. I don't really see that at this point, that there is any big change because of the election.","Well, the president, if he campaigned on one thing, it was raise taxes on the wealthy."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 4 : when someone acts like a tyrant it means they are very demanding","questions":"What was one thing the president campaigned on, according to PersonB in the dialogue?","answer":"Taxes"} {"text":["Well, a firing range is where you find gun owners, and usually very responsible gun owners. And it was important for Gabby and I to reach out to like-minded folks like ourselves. I mean, we're both gun owners and we do it responsibly and try to get their opinions on how this affects them.","Now, you have been to Nevada and to Alaska and today we're speaking to you in New Hampshire. These are states whose senators voted against expanded background checks when the people in their state seem to approve of the idea of background checks. What is your message to those senators?","You know, Gabby and I understand the states of Arizona and Texas and their connection to firearms very well. It's important for us to understand other places, places like Nevada and Alaska, Ohio, North Dakota, here in New Hampshire - Maine also. And we'll go to North Carolina as well. So, it's not so much of sending a message to certain members of the Congress but it's really about reaching out to their constituents, so the next time I speak to those members you have a better sense of what their issues are and the things that they have to deal with.","So, what are you hearing from the like-minded people that you meet, people who like to hunt and shoot and own guns?Are you finding the kind of support you'd hope to find?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Gabby and I wanted to reach out to people who shared our beliefs about gun ownership and responsibility.","questions":"Which belief did Gabby and PersonA want to find in the people they reached out to?","answer":"Responsibility"} {"text":["We'd like to talk about the economy now. With a campaign for the upcoming presidential election already underway, you can expect the state of the economy to get a lot of attention. And one of the tools economists use to predict whether a recession is coming is the yield curve, so we want to tell you what that is and why it matters.","We've called Campbell Harvey for that. He's a professor of finance at the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University, and he was the first to demonstrate that the yield curve can predict a recession. Professor Harvey also says he only considers the indicator definitive if the inverted yield curve lasts for an entire quarter. And, well, the quarter ends today, so here to give us his thoughts about what's to come is professor Campbell Harvey.","Welcome. Thank you so much for joining us.","Great to be on the show.","All right. So let's get the headline, and then we'll work backwards. Are we going into a recession?"],"speaker":["B","B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"state of the economy\" - This turn has a figurative meaning, as it refers to the overall condition of the economy rather than a specific physical location.","questions":"What is the economy's condition being referred to in turn 0?","answer":"Overall"} {"text":[". . . And she really went for the eyes. But besides that first thought, my sister was a genius. She was just a creative person all around. And when I came into the world, my sister kind of took me by my hand and was like, OK, you know, our family didn't have a lot of money, but this is how you have fun - and just showed me how to use my imagination, how to be creative.","On this album, Brittany Howard talks about how she became herself - the artist, but also the person.","(Singing) My grandmama's a maid. My momma was brave to take me outside, because momma is white and daddy is black. . .","This song is called \"Goat Head. \"It's about a racist incident that her parents experienced. It's also about what it meant to be a biracial kid in Alabama in the 1990s. Growing up, Brittany had a lot of questions."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : how she became herself implies the story of her discovery and success ","questions":"What is the topic of the song \"Goat Head\"?","answer":"racist"} {"text":["Well, they were talking about a lot of hype for the new technologies just around the corner. I mean, CES is very much a kind of a tech bubble in some ways. So it's nonstop hype about new technologies like 5G, like smart devices and, that I found, not really a ton of talk about what has become a very prevalent conversation in tech, which is, how are companies using the data that they kind of need to offer a lot of these services?","Haven't a lot of Americans become aware of the fact that we are the product?","I think that's a - sometimes an oversimplification. But, you know, there's a bit of a creep factor now, to put it in the plainest terms. You click agree and maybe, you know, ads follow you around the net or - that's sort of the mildest form of these things. But in the sort of worst-case scenario, as you said, you know, your data might be sold in sort of an unethical way. We're all a little bit more wary, at least over here, about that kind of thing.","Over here in contrast to where?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : just around the corner implies it is happening soon.","questions":"Which word in turn 0 implies a sense of immediacy?","answer":"Corner"} {"text":["Every president in his or - his - well, I should say his or her. Every president in their first year has an unexpected crisis, whether it's national security, a natural disaster, domestic unrest. This is certainly shaping up to be Donald Trump's unexpected crisis. And I think he realizes that. And the stakes are getting higher, and I think that's why he's lashing out more because I think he realizes what's going on.","It's moved to the capital. As we said Secretary Price has resigned, but at least three more Cabinet members face similar accusations about charter jets. Whatever happened to them, can the Trump administration say they'll drain the swamp when they seem to be flying over it in private jets?","You, know, this reminds me of that line from \"The Godfather\" about Mr. Corleone likes his bad news early. Donald Trump is not like bad news. And this was starting to spread to other cabinet members, obviously. And I think the we'll-see when he was asked whether Trump - I mean, whether Price should resign was his way of signaling, yes. And sure enough, Tom Price offered his resignation. And unlike the Session's case, the president accepted it because I think he sees this for the irony that it is of his own cabinet doing what he campaigned exactly against.","Is the Republican Party offering much of a profile of leadership at the moment?- can't get Repeal and Replace passed, the tax code seems - proposal seems fuzzy, federal response seems to certainly be slow if not negligent in Puerto Rico. We could go on."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : (1) - The actual meaning is that every president in their first year faces unexpected challenges, and Donald Trump is currently facing one. He may be feeling the pressure and acting out as a result.","questions":"Which president is facing an unexpected crisis in their first year?","answer":"Trump"} {"text":["As I say, I'm not doubting too much that Iran had a hand in this thing. Their motive is I think quite clear. We are in the middle of a signaling process that is going on. The United States is actually cracking down on Iran so that, basically, Iran not only can't sell oil. It can't sell its refined products. And, increasingly, Iran's closed out of international markets for just about anything that they produce.","So we are basically putting Iran under siege, and they're going to try to strike back at some point. So if I were sitting in Iran and thinking about what I could do, making the cost of oil higher for the rest of the world is a pretty interesting way of responding and saying, you can't do this cost-free.","Where do you see this going?Given that you've identified that the administration is engaged in a policy of trying to isolate Iran, diplomatically and economically, to achieve what it would consider better terms in the Iran nuclear deal - so is there any scenario in which you can see this tactic bringing Iran back to the negotiating table?","If the United States wants to do that, they're not going to succeed by just piling on the pressure until Iran collapses. Iran won't collapse. They've been through some very tough times - including a war with Iraq, which was far more dangerous to them than the threats that we're putting against them now - and they didn't crack."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The United States' policy of isolating Iran will not bring Iran back to the negotiating table by just piling on pressure until Iran collapses.","questions":"Which country's policy of isolating Iran will not succeed by just piling on the pressure until Iran collapses?","answer":"United"} {"text":["So are there other criticisms of her leadership that are not related to Brexit?","Oh, absolutely. There are vast criticisms of her leadership. Austerity is the single biggest criticism. It doesn't have popularity in many quarters anymore. But in terms of whether the criticism is balanced or gendered or, you know, this - a lot of people will say this has nothing to do with gender. Well, you have to remember 2017, the Daily Mail front page - Theresa May and Nicola Sturgeon, who is the first minister for Scotland, and the front page of The Daily Mail said never mind Brexit, what about Legs-it. And it had a picture of the two women and comparing who had the better legs. So there is no way in which that is an ungendered criticism.","Have criticisms of Prime Minister May evolved over the course of Brexit?","Absolutely. So though she was not considered to be doing a brilliant job from the outset, there was a kind of national feeling that gosh, she was doing probably as well as most people could do. And then of course, the men who stepped back to give her power started circling again to take back power at the moment that it starts to seem like we might be moving towards Brexit, the outcome they want, or not moving towards it. And at that point, the language really, really shifted. And it stepped up. And you had people briefing against her."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : In (4), when A says \"the men who stepped back to give her power started circling again to take back power,\" the actual meaning is that male politicians who initially supported May as Prime Minister began to undermine her leadership when it appeared that Brexit was moving in a direction they did not want. The language used against her became harsher and more aggressive.","questions":"How did male politicians react when Brexit started moving in a direction they did not want?","answer":"Undermine"} {"text":["Donald Trump questioned John McCain's war heroism. He suggested that Senator Ted Cruz's father was involved with the Kennedy assassination. He slurred Senator Cruz's wife. What do you say to colleagues who just say, I'm sorry, our nominee just shouldn't be someone who talks like that?","Well, you know, and I've heard that from a number of people. And I've said to them, look, you know what, not asking you to fall in love with him. Let's just fall in line as a party because we're facing now the greatest challenge I think we've seen, not just as a party but our country.","And I'm more concerned with a Never Hillary (laughter) than a Never Trump. And I just don't understand how an Obama, Clinton or Sanders agenda would be good for the country. And I'm just thinking right now for our country, we need to come together. For our party, we need to come together.","Republicans have called Donald Trump a demagogue and a racist - prominent Republicans - for statements on mass deportations, Mexican immigrants and barring Muslims from the United States. What do you say to them?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : This turn actually means that people should not expect to \"love\" Donald Trump as the Republican nominee, but should come together as a party to face the challenges that lie ahead. ","questions":"Which party is facing challenges that lie ahead?","answer":"Party"} {"text":["The White House and the state of California are in the middle of a war over auto emissions. Now 17 automakers are calling for a truce. They want the two sides to reach a compromise on emission standards. The automakers' proposal offers a middle ground between existing Obama-era standards and the Trump administration's announced rollbacks of those standards. NPR's Camila Domonoske has been following this and is in the studio with us this morning. Thanks for coming in.","Yeah, happy to be here.","First, just describe the nature of this standoff. How did it come to be?","Right. So during the Obama administration, the White House set these ambitious targets for fuel economy, basically saying that year over year, cars on average should get more miles per gallon as a way to reduce the contribution to climate change. So these targets were set through 2025 with specific goals every year. The Trump administration wants to freeze those targets at 2020 levels. So basically, instead of getting more efficient over time, cars could stay about where they are now."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The White House and California are in a disagreement about auto emissions.","questions":"Which two sides are involved in the standoff mentioned in turn 0?","answer":"White-House,California"} {"text":["Yeah. The embassy guards, it's kind of a, you know, a misperception. In any embassy they essentially protect the chancellery in the embassy and the ambassador's residence itself, and particularly to, you know, you get them into a safe place if there is an attack or to - and if that fails, to destroy the classified material and so forth.","They're not responsible for the overall external or internal security of the embassy compound per se. They can augment that and they have if necessary, but there is a diplomatic security mission that does that sort of thing, and then - obviously which didn't happen on this case. You're hoping that you've got a competent external protection from the host nation, which is responsible for the safety of the entire compound.","We're talking with retired Marine Colonel Gary Anderson about lessons learned from before and during the attack in Benghazi. You're listening to TALK OF THE NATION from NPR News.","And any number of recommendations were made by the Pickering Mullen report. As you look at those, are they going to address the kinds of interagency communications problems that you're worried about?"],"speaker":["A","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Diplomatic security mission is responsible for the safety of the entire compound","questions":"Which mission is responsible for the safety of the entire compound?","answer":"Diplomatic"} {"text":["I think, given what we know about the internal divisions within Iran on some of these issues and the - their negotiating behavior in the past where they've made outrageous public statements and then in negotiations walk right - walked them right back, I wouldn't put too much credence in those statements at this point.","How much confidence do you have that the sanctions and the negotiations are going to be fruitful?","I think that this is going to create the best opportunity we've had in many, many years to test the seriousness of the Iranians and whether they're willing, you know, really, they're - they have a choice between either saving their economy and being part of - a viable part of the region or pursuing a nuclear weapons program that will make them a pariah, even more of a pariah than they are today. That's a pretty fundamental strategic choice. And I think we'll know in the coming weeks and months what choice they make.","Why won't deterrence and containment work with Iran?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"walked them right back\" means retracting or withdrawing from a previously stated position, rather than physically walking backward","questions":"What behavior did Iran exhibit in negotiations according to A?","answer":"Retracting"} {"text":["It's necessary because of the drop in consumption.","When the government is spending over $150 billion on a stimulus bill like this, will that have a long run effect on how every person gets a check has to pay out their taxes in the future, has to deal with the realities of how much service the federal government can give in the future?I mean, will there be a sort of back-end re-tax for people who might get a cut in the short run?","I wouldn't put it that way. The problem is in the short run will people be much worse off and will they be able to recover from that?Because during a recession it's not unusual for families to lose two or three percent of their income. So the issue is do you want to lose that two or three percent because in the future you don't want to get a tiny tax increase to balance the budget.","So I think you have to think about what's the potential loss in income, which can be huge if we have a severe recession, or even a mild recession like the one we had in 2001."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"back-end re-tax\" - This phrase is not a standard idiom or expression, and its meaning is not clear. However, it seems to suggest that people who receive stimulus checks in the short run may have to pay more taxes in the future to make up for the government's spending. The figurative meaning is implied, rather than explicit.","questions":"Which phrase in the dialogue implies that people who receive stimulus checks may have to pay more taxes in the future?","answer":"Back-end"} {"text":["And we simply took surgical samples of the sinus lining from patients with chronic sinusitis and healthy individuals who didn't have sinus disease but were in for surgery for different indications. And we simply compared those samples and asked the question, what's different between patients with chronic sinusitis and healthy individuals?And we show that the sinusitis patients had this incredible collapse of the microbial community in their sinus cavity.","And they were characterized by having kind of an outgrowth or an enrichment of this one bacterium called corynebacterium tuberculostearicum - it's quite a mouthful - and we know very little about it. And as it turns out, this organism typically lives on the skin and really doesn't do anything harmful there. But in the context of a loss of the microbial diversity and this organism there in very high numbers, this is what characterized the patients.","So we moved on to look at this in mice and to really see if something that we consider to be not very harmful in one context could, under this depletion of the microbiome, cause hallmarks of disease. And that's indeed what we found in our murine studies, in our mouse studies.","So if you had a healthy population to offset the bad bacteria, that kept you feeling better and not. . ."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum is not harmful on the skin but is harmful in the sinus cavity with loss of microbial diversity","questions":"How is Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum harmful in the sinus cavity?","answer":"Damage"} {"text":["Well, actually, we - there's three records on the chart, the chart of this year. Within the top of 30, you have Flo Rida, and then there - a couple of other songs that were charting this year were Alicia Keys and one by Timbaland with \"One Republic. \"","So, you know, in the - if you look at the top ten, one thing I'm happy about in terms of grading on the curve, if you look at the top ten, every decade that this chart has touched, is represented here. We have one from the 50s, and we also have the '60s, '70s, '80s, and '90s, and this decade represented.","But yeah, there's ample representation of recent hits here. One from this decade in the top 10 being by Mariah Carey, \"We Belong Together. \"","All right, what is changing about the music game with digital distribution?Does it affect how people buy singles, and what might be on the top 100 in the next 50 years?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : There are recent hit songs in the top 10 chart.","questions":"How many decades are represented in the top ten chart?","answer":"Five"} {"text":["And no problems for their ears?","Well, there sometimes are problems for their ears. I mean, whenever you hear a kid screaming their brains out behind you or in front of you on a plane, probably that kid is having air pressure problems. And what happens is that, if they can't pop their ears very well - that is, popping your ears is equalizing the pressure in the middle ear with that in the atmosphere around you, which we mostly do by making those funny little motions with our jaw and swallowing and things like that - little kids often don't know how to do that.","What can happen is that, as the pressure in the plane drops, the pressure in the middle ear remains at sea level, and so the ear drum gets stretched. And ear drums don't like to get stretched. Sometimes they get stretched badly enough so that they can even tear, although that's really quite rare. One of the things that it does lead to is terrible pain sometimes for kids. I always recommend that parents give kids something to drink and sometimes just sort of chewing on a candy increases saliva, so that you swallow, and it allows pressure to equalize.","OK, so for kids who are not healthy, what about them?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Giving kids something to drink or chew on can help alleviate ear pressure","questions":"Which action can help relieve ear pressure in kids?","answer":"Swallow"} {"text":["Now, what about the bloggers who are, you know, in our camp. What story are they hitting?","Well, in the Democratic side, among bloggers, the Web site Blogpolls, which measure these trends, posted about Hillary Clinton outnumbered blog post about Barack Obama, leading up to last weekend, South Carolina primary. And interestingly, on January 24th, two days before the voting started in South Carolina, posts about Bill Clinton spiked and they equal the numbers of posts about Barack Obama. But after he won in South Carolina, post about Obama spiked and he's been the most blogged about candidate ever since. Now, on the Republican side, John McCain has been and is the most blogged about candidate.","What about on News and Views, our own blog?","Well, lot of issues people are talking about. They run the spectrum. They're talking about Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick's text message scandal, suggesting an affair with his female chief of staff, which could lead to perjury charges. We called it textual healing on our blog."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : A: Well, a lot of issues people are talking about. They run the spectrum. They're talking about Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick's text message scandal, suggesting an affair with his female chief of staff, which could lead to perjury charges. We called it textual healing on our blog. The actual meaning: They are discussing various topics or subjects, including the scandal involving Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. Literal meaning: They are physically running across a spectrum, discussing the scandal involving Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick.","questions":"How did they refer to the Detroit Mayor scandal on their blog?","answer":"Textual"} {"text":["Yes. In fact, by far. And that's why the Senate's version of this tax bill largely prevailed in the negotiations with the House over the last few weeks. Before those began, the Senate vote was just a bare majority before they had that big sit-down with the other chamber. And there were several Republican senators on the fence about it, even as yesterday morning dawned. That would include Bob Corker of Tennessee, Marco Rubio of Florida, Susan Collins of Maine.","But now Corker and Rubio are fully on board. Rubio got some more money for the child tax credit. And Bob Corker was objecting to the deficit increase, which is kind of still there, but he says it won't be, maybe, that bad. And he is, of course, a good Republican and a businessman. And he has to like a lot of what's in this bill.","Is this the bill Republicans feel they need to say that they can govern when they have control of the Senate, the House and the presidency?","Indeed. It shows that they can pass a big and complicated piece of legislation that they promised to pass and do it with just their own majorities in both the House and the Senate. It should satisfy the hardcore support base and the donor class that has been growing restive in recent months since the Obamacare repeal failure. And, of course, the jury is out on how many other people it's going to satisfy, including the wage-earners who voted for Donald Trump last year, believing he would be their champion."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) The actual meaning is that Republicans may see this tax bill as an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to govern, having control of the Senate, the House, and the presidency.","questions":"How do Republicans see the tax bill?","answer":"Opportunity"} {"text":["They were still very poor. She still was saddled with this really enormous burden of caring for a child who's both extremely physically disabled and HIV positive, and I think she really struggled with - you know, she wanted to live, and she still is doing very well, but she also - she had these demons that kept pursuing her, I think.","You have a really interesting section where you talk about basically ethical decisions that reporters have to make. And, in essence, you say reporters, most reporters, wouldn't think anything of taking a government minister out for a fancy dinner, but they wouldn't buy mealy-meal and vegetables for a poor family. And yet they're extracting the same, if not more, amounts of information from the poor family as from the government minister.","You made a decision in some of these cases to really try to help the family. How did you make that decision?","Well, I mean, I think I realized from the very beginning when I was starting the process of doing research for this book that I wasn't going to be able to maintain a completely objective journalistic stance, you know, if the idea was to go back again and again over a long period. And you know, one of the advantages of writing a book as opposed to a newspaper article or something shorter is that you do have the luxury of being able to explain that relationship to the readers."],"speaker":["A","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The phrase \"she had these demons that kept pursuing her\" in turn (1) is an idiomatic expression that means she had personal issues or problems that continued to affect her.","questions":"Which expression in turn (1) means she had personal issues or problems that continued to affect her?","answer":"Demons"} {"text":["He ended up in a small town in Alabama where he did have an encounter with a local police officer. At that point, he told police he had had a canoeing accident. They led him to a local motel. He checked in, paid cash. The police came back later to try to locate him. And by that time, he'd wandered off into the woods.","Why might Mr. Schrenker want people to believe he was dead?","Well, it turns out he faces just a host of financial problems, also some personal problems, I might add. The Indiana Securities Division, the Indiana Insurance Commissioner are both looking into very serious allegations of misappropriated money from his financial company.","And do you think, even given these problems, he might have had enough assets to help him flee the country?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Mr. Schrenker is in serious trouble and may be trying to escape legal consequences.","questions":"What is Mr. Schrenker trying to avoid?","answer":"Consequences"} {"text":["Yes, this is sort of an old issue that the court dealt with about 10 or 12 years ago and sort of settled on a - and that sort of seemed like a compromised position, which was to say you could have a buffer zone around the entrance to an abortion clinic, so patients and doctors could go in and out, but the protestors could stand on the sidewalk and hold signs or protest.","And now the court's going to revisit a Massachusetts law that does something like that, and my impression - my sense of it is is that the conservative justices think this is a little bit unfair to abortion protestors, that they should be able to walk up to somebody on the sidewalk and say here's a pamphlet, or you should reconsider your decision. They're going to allow, I think, a little more leeway for sidewalk protestors to speak to patients.","Another case that will be also closely watched, NLRB versus Noel Canning, and that's about the president's power to so-called recess appointments.","Yes, that's a big sort of a political - in a sense, Washington political story. It's a big deal for the Obama administration because the House Republicans have used their minority and the filibuster rule to block a vote on a lot of Obama nominees for agencies like the National Labor Relations Board and this Consumer Financial Protection Board."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The buffer zone is an area where people can go in and out without coming in to contact with protestors.","questions":"What is the purpose of the buffer zone?","answer":"Protect"} {"text":[". . . Entities. . .","Correct.",". . . Like - nongovernmental groups like terrorist organizations.","Yeah, the terrorist organizations or. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Continuing the discussion on non-governmental entities, particularly terrorist organizations","questions":"What was the topic of the discussion?","answer":"entities"} {"text":["My reaction to the reaction is that it was spearheaded by the Daily Mail, which is really an out-and-out - almost a racist enterprise. It's - Daily Mail has been one of the most strenuous advocates for Brexit. But they were also avoiding some of the serious themes of the piece.","Well, let's talk about some of those things. Diana was famously involved with Dodi Fayed 20 years ago. And there was a lot of talk then. Now Harry is marrying Meghan Markle, as we mentioned, who is biracial. So have things changed?What does that say about the United Kingdom now?","I think that Britain is in a very strange place because the royals are kind of - as somebody said to me from the families, they're sort of one bright spot. Like, they're young. They're dynamic. They represent something that's very sort of inspiring when everything else is actually very gray because there's been this sort of political convulsion that was Brexit.","Do you think the royal family can really survive in a time when we have other kinds of celebrities that cost the taxpayer nothing?I mean, clearly, a lot of hopes are being placed on not only Meghan Markle and Prince Harry but the other younger royals like Prince William."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : when something is spearheaded it means it is lead by","questions":"How was the reaction to the reaction spearheaded?","answer":"DailyMail"} {"text":["You mean somebody rational?","Yeah, someone he could work with.","Yeah.","That would be very good."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The speaker is suggesting that there may be a hidden agenda or underlying motive behind their words.","questions":"How might the PersonA's suggestion be interpreted?","answer":"Doubt"} {"text":["I think the - the city will continue as it is. It's still the heart of all economic activity, of business. The plan to move the capital of Jakarta somewhere else is nearly 60 years old. The first Indonesian president, I think, in 1957 already came up with plans. In fact, they build a city in another part of Indonesian Borneo that was going to be the new capital.","Now, that didn't happen. But - so these plans are - have been around for a long time, and this has also got to do with taking the center of Indonesia's power, which is now concentrated on the island of Java, more centrally to Indonesia.","So the proposed new location in Borneo - is that a better choice for a capital?","It's not too bad. I've lived in the area for quite some time. There is tropical rainforest, and the government has emphasized that they want this to be a really green development. There's going to be no deforestation. There's going to be very smart planning. Of course, environmentalists like myself are concerned about what is going to happen once you move a million people into a relatively sparsely part of Indonesian Borneo. That likely will have significant impacts on the environment."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Moving a million people to a sparsely populated area may harm the environment despite the government's plans for green development.","questions":"Which concern does the speaker have about moving a million people to a sparsely populated area?","answer":"Impacts"} {"text":["It's as lethal as Ebola. He's putting it in, putting - taking blood samples and putting them into little tubes that'll go back to a lab in the U. S. with help from some very gutsy and proficient Bangladeshi collaborators. It's tough work, it's dramatic work, it's scary work, but they love it.","And you too. I mean, you know, some of - literally a paragraph began: Before I knew it, I was helping trap monkeys in a shrine in Bangladesh. And I think. . .","That was with another wonderful researcher named Lisa Jones-Engel and her physician husband, Gregory Engel. They were looking for viruses in monkeys, yes, in macaques, long-tailed macaques and other macaques that, in some parts of Southeast Asia, become habituated as temple monkeys.","And this was a temple in northeastern Bangladesh where I was helping them trap these monkeys so that, again, they could tranquilize them, take blood samples, looking for a virus called simian foamy virus. How's that for a name?That's one of my favorites. Simian foamy virus. And - which is a marker, which is, so far, as we know, a harmless virus when it passes into humans."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The work that he is doing is dangerous and scary. (Ebola implies deadly nature of the work)","questions":"What virus were they looking for in the blood samples taken from monkeys in the temple in northeastern Bangladesh?","answer":"Simian"} {"text":["You know, it hurts them both because many of the voters just don't understand how this can be happening. They know the president wants it. They know the Senate majority wants it or says it wants it. But the Senate just can't muster even half its votes to do it, and they can't bring all the Republicans to bear on it. So something is not right. Either the mojo of the president isn't working or the mechanism of the Senate is not working, and to some degree, both are true.","Is there any reason why Democrats now might want to sign on to any kind of bipartisan health care effort when their own plan has been saved?","Yes, absolutely. The Democrats need to go forward with some kind of bipartisan solution because there are many real problems with the execution and the administration of Obamacare. Now, Patty Murray, the senator from Washington state, has been working with Tennessee's Lamar Alexander in the Senate. And he's a Republican. He's the chairman of one of the committees that's relevant here.","And, of course, a lot of the Democrats are aware of these shortfalls. And there are counties with only one insurance company and counties where it's not clear there are going to be any insurance companies. And some of that's been overblown, but there are real problems. And, of course, any bill, any large program, any law needs to be revisited and amended, and the parties need to get together to do that."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) Implied meaning: Is there any incentive for Democrats to cooperate with Republicans on health care reform now that they have been successful in preserving the original?","questions":"How has Patty Murray been working on a bipartisan health care solution?","answer":"Lamar"} {"text":["So how did you get on to this story?I mean, were you just curious about vanity plates?Like, what was your thinking about how it happens?","Well, I think vanity plates are kind of everyone's hobby in Los Angeles. It's a very car-centric culture. People regularly talk about the most out-there plates that they see. I was curious about the ones that didn't make it.","Now, is there an official database of dirty words and euphemisms?Or like. . .","What's the yardstick that the DMV uses to say whether something's inappropriate or not?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The speaker is asking for more information about the process of how vanity plates are regulated and how decisions are made about which ones are appropriate or not.","questions":"Which decisions is PersonB asking about?","answer":"Appropriate"} {"text":["That's right. Rand Paul inherits a tremendous base from his father Ron Paul, but also that ceiling that you're referring to, which is largely foreign policy. Ron Paul always had great buzz. He really did. And he had some fundraising and disappointing vote totals. His persona was never enough to really attract people. And Rand Paul brings a kind of youthful freshness to libertarianism that his father never did.","Jeb Bush resigned from more corporate boards recently than most of us have chopping boards in our kitchen. Is there a chance he won't run for president now?","Not anymore. He's cleared his decks. As you mentioned, he's gotten a lot of financial stuff out of the way, old emails from his time in public office. The fundraising operations he's created are a clear sign, also, the team he's assembling, the social media presence. Four years ago, he said he had family issues that kept him from running. And now perhaps he feels he's resolved those. But whether he has or not, he is running.","A question I wouldn't have projected even a few weeks ago - is there any more room for Chris Christie?And should he have stayed home and watched that Cowboys-Lions game?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Implied meaning: Is there space for Chris Christie to enter the presidential race and has he made a mistake by attending the Cowboys-Lions game?","questions":"What mistake did Chris Christie make?","answer":"Cowboys-Lions"} {"text":["Reptilian, exactly, and now we know that many species of dinosaurs had feathers or simple filaments that seem to be feather precursors in some cases.","Do your findings come from the relatively recent discovery that some dinosaurs had feathers?Is this sort of, like, the next step?","We are sort of taking the next. In the last 10 years, we've discovered that we can gain insight into the colors of dinosaurs and how they may have used visual signals in important contexts. And so what we wanted to ask is, can we gain insight into the vocal communication that extinct dinosaurs might have had?","Well, so what's next for you in your research?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The discoveries made in the last 10 years provide a new opportunity to understand the communication of extinct dinosaurs.","questions":"What does the last decade's discoveries offer insight into for extinct dinosaurs?","answer":"opportunity"} {"text":["You don't have to do that. You are not alone in this process.","(Laughter).","Really, when you're ordering a bottle of wine, you only need to give two pieces of information - one, your budget. And do not be ashamed. Do not be embarrassed. We all have a budget. Secondly, your taste. Now, that could be as specific as saying, I had an incredible Adelsheim Oregon pinot noir the other night - what do you have like that?Or it could be as broad as saying, I like things that smell like peach.","And from there, if you have a good sommelier, they're going to be able to guide you to the hidden gems on that menu. And I have to say, it's a pleasure to be able to have a conversation with someone about what they like and to take them on a journey through this glass of wine because a good glass of wine is that. I didn't believe it in the beginning, but I came around to really experience it as a way to travel through time and place without ever leaving your seat."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : the statement by A about a good glass of wine being a way to travel through time and place without leaving your seat is a metaphorical expression. It suggests that drinking a good glass of wine can provide a sensory experience that evokes different sensations and transports you to different contexts, even though you are physically still in your seat.","questions":"Which experience does a good glass of wine provide according to A?","answer":"Journey"} {"text":["Well, let's talk about kind of the overview. So the goal of the ACA was to help the 37 million uninsured out there. And, yes, uninsurance rates have gone down dramatically or at historic lows. But I think a lot of things were unforeseen.","And the way some of the regulations were implemented are actually harming rural America and not fulfilling the ultimate goals of the ACA. And what I mean by that is half of those 37 million - the goal was to expand Medicaid and get those folks into a Medicaid program. We know that a lot of states have taken the Supreme Court up on its option of opting out of Medicaid. That has predominantly hurt rural America.","In fact, if you're a rural state, if you're a poor state, more likely than not, you have not expanded Medicaid. So we're seeing millions of folks left behind at that. Our concern is that since the ACA was passed, we've had an escalation of rural hospitals close. We've had 80 rural hospitals close since 2010. If this rate continues, in less than 10 years' time, we're going to have 25 percent of rural hospitals close within less than a decade.","Do you have any concern about the Congress repealing the Affordable Care Act - what's called Obamacare - without a replacement?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The implementation of the ACA has not achieved its intended goals, and has instead caused harm to rural America.","questions":"How has the implementation of the ACPersonA affected rural America?","answer":"Harm"} {"text":["Treasury will decide whether the auto industry deserves this $17. 4 billion in bailout funds, whether or not that loan should be called in or extended. What will happen between now and then?","Two things have to happen. First, the Treasury and the Obama administration have to make some key decisions about what a viable automaker looks like and whether GM or Chrysler fit that profile. There's a lot of debate about in a market of 10 million vehicles a year in the United States whether there's enough room for both of these companies to survive. On the other side, the automakers have to show that they're making progress on their plans.","We know that they're probably going to announce some deep job cuts and plant closures tomorrow. They have to make some more progress with bond holders, with suppliers, and dealers. There's a lot of moving pieces that keep going in through March 31st. And by that time, it's possible we'll have to see some very key decisions made.","Justine Hyde covers the auto industry for the Detroit Free Press. Thank you, Justin."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : 'Moving pieces' is not literal. They're not talking about game pieces, but about the situation being complex with a lot of factors involved.","questions":"What is the meaning of \"moving pieces\" in turn 2?","answer":"Metaphorically"} {"text":["Exactly. He's betting on this, and he's No. 1 in the polls.","I gather you were a protester in 2011. Do you believe these democratic elections are going to come closer to realizing the dreams that brought you into the protest movement?","I'm not thinking that these elections in 2019 will change anything major. But on the grand scheme of things, we're showing to the people in the Arab world that they can be free. We are writing this beautiful story of an Arab Muslim country that is able to sustain its democracy, that has a president that died. And after 48 days from his passing, we're having the elections being prepared, as the constitution mentioned. We didn't see a single boot (ph) in the street, no gunshots - nothing - no coups.","And we need the U. S. and other allies to just realize that whatever we're doing here is a blueprint for the region as well."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : They might bring the person closer to what they hoped for in their life.","questions":"What dreams did the protest movement hope to realize?","answer":"Realize"} {"text":["Hi.","So you're about to get underway with your lunch rush. What are the workers telling you?What are the conversations you're hearing there at the bar?","Well, they're like counting down the days and saying what are they going to do. You know, some people have no plans. They don't know what they're going to do. Then other people say they're going to move away because this is a dying town, and it's really frightening.","And what does that mean for you?","Well, I just hope that we can make it through. I don't know. We don't know what is in store - you know, the future has for us because we've already - when they cut the shifts back, we've already lost a lot of our business from over there. Now, there's going to be nobody, and we just don't know where it's going to go from there."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The future of the town is uncertain and it is causing anxiety","questions":"What is causing anxiety in the town?","answer":"Uncertainty"} {"text":["Yeah. They say that he's the fastest pitcher there ever was. It's just he really couldn't find home plate. I mean, some of the stories you learn about this guy, it reads like fiction. When he was - I think this is around 1960. He's pitching in the minor leagues, and he pitched so fast he ripped the man's ear off.","Oh.","Yeah.","And Steve Dalkowski didn't make it to the Hall of Fame because. . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The literal meaning of (2) is a simple expression of surprise, while the implied meaning is that the speaker is in awe of Steve Dalkowski's remarkable ability.","questions":"How did the speaker feel about Steve Dalkowski's ability?","answer":"Surprise"} {"text":["You did it.","Yeah, but I didn't realize the difficulty of doing that because you're not supposed to play the trumpet like that. I need(ph) getting with these saxophone players. I wanted to play like them, so.","You know, 1964, you were like - you were hot, you were on fire. What was it like at that time to be Freddie Hubbard the star, the headliner?","You know, I was there, and I was in a competition - not - you know, a competition with Lee Morgan(ph) and Bill Holland(ph) and Donald Barry(ph), all these guys were there, and it was a test. I mean, every time you played, you were being watched and people compared you with - look at little Lee Morgan. So that competition kind of kept me going, you know. I mean, they made me strive to play better than I would normally."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The person was not on fire but he was playing very well and getting a lot of fame and jobs because of this.","questions":"What year was the person playing very well and getting a lot of fame and jobs?","answer":"Treasury"} {"text":["Yeah, because, particularly when you're talking about tipped industries, where if somebody has a bad experience and they leave you zero dollars, that's your rent money. You get paid $2. 13 an hour. And particularly on alcohol-fueled public holiday, it gets even a little sketchier because you never know who's going to have, like, a fight with their friends, and nobody remembers the tip. And it's not that you did anything. It's just that drunk people are less frequently reliable as far as social norms.","You wrote a very successful book a couple of years ago, and now you're a professional writer. What are the holidays like for you now?","Oh, man, I do nothing. It's fantastic. I don't think I'm ever going to have the inclination to do a lot of work around the holidays because, to me, luxury is not doing a whole lot of anything. And it's - it's good to see the kids. That's a huge difference. I never saw the kids near the holidays. My youngest is 3. You know, seeing a 3-year-old on Christmas is pretty amazing - and not having to stress about the bills. The holidays were often the worst times of the year because you have so much extra social expectation and spending that needs to be done. You can be cheery and merry if you're not calculating in the back of your head the nickels.","So tonight, when - when people are out to have a good time, they should remember the servers that they deal with this. This is a living for them."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : (1) Implies that people who work in the tipped industry suffer financially when they don't receive tips, as the low wages don't cover the costs of their rent.","questions":"Which industry suffers financially without tips?","answer":"Tipped"} {"text":["Perhaps Thursday night. And he had also mentioned that there - Democrats were, quote, \"trying to steal the election\" and had sort of mentioned fraud and referred the matter onto the state's version of the FBI called the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, known as the FDLE. Well, FDLE, the next day, said, hey, there's no allegation of fraud, that it - they don't even have a complaint.","So far, all of these folks are saying, on the Republican side, hey, there's fraud, it needs to be investigated, while the state investigative agency is like, we're here to investigate. Show us. And so far, there's nothing.","With 20 seconds left, why does this happen a lot in Florida?","Because that's just how we are. I think Tim Russert said Florida, Florida, Florida. Or some people call us Flori-duh (ph). And this is just part of the nature of living here and being a reporter in the Sunshine State."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"on the Republican side\" and \"investigated\" are used in a figurative sense to imply that the Republicans are making unsubstantiated claims of fraud, while the state investigative agency is seeking evidence to determine if such claims are true.","questions":"How are the Republicans approaching the issue of fraud in the dialogue?","answer":"Unsubstantiated"} {"text":["Oh, wow, it's like turning off a switch. And suddenly I was running down these trails in the dark and I didn't know where I was and I didn't know where I was going and it was getting colder. And all I could see was the distant glow of Vegas. And I was thinking, wow, I really like that city right now. I wish I were there and I didn't know how to get there.","Yeah, you obviously were able to find your way to asphalt and you were able to get back to civilization. Very nice - of course, I'm a sucker for daughter daddy stuff in the book - but you really do say that marathon running - or the training even - reminds you of the preciousness of every moment, moment after moment.","Yeah, it does. It puts you in the minute and being out there every day - bad weather, good weather, light, dark - I started this morning about nine miles ago in the dark and it was cold. And you just find yourself saying, you know, there are things in life that are important and that are worthwhile that require a little bit of sacrifice and a little bit of struggle and a little bit of suffering. It doesn't mean you shouldn't do them. And running reminds you of that all the time.","Tom Foreman - \"My Year Of Running Dangerously\" - thanks so much for being with us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The speaker is expressing appreciation for the theme of father-daughter relationships in the book and acknowledging that it has personal resonance for them.","questions":"What does the speaker say reminds them of the preciousness of every moment?","answer":"Father-daughter-relationships"} {"text":["Yeah. I know Chicken Street. But tell us what you saw at the site of the bombing.","When I heard it, I came out from the store, and I immediately saw people running from the direction of (unintelligible) the smoke billowing into the air. So I walked in the opposite direction towards the smoke. And the closer I got, the more damage there was - obviously, broken windows further away from it - and then closer to it, you know, cars on fire and completely crushed by the force of the explosion.","And then at the ground zero of the site, you know, a number of bodies that was in the immediate vicinity - I saw probably 12 to 15, all, you know, really just mangled and - you know, almost as if they were melted together. It was just a pile of bodies - you know, most of them dead, some of them still alive. I even told one man who was trying to make a phone call, you know, in this morass of bodies.","And then all around, there was, you know, the usual chaos that infuse these attacks - security forces running around with their weapons drawn, general chaos, smoke and noise, car alarms, and, you know, small explosions of oxygen tanks and petrol tanks exploding. And, you know, within a few minutes, you have these - I guess you'd call them first responders - rushing in to take the injured and the dead away."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"the closer I got, the more damage there was\" - the speaker is not referring to physical damage to themselves, but rather to the increasing destruction they observed as they approached the site of the bombing.","questions":"Which direction did the speaker walk towards when they heard the explosion?","answer":"Opposite"} {"text":["Reptilian, exactly, and now we know that many species of dinosaurs had feathers or simple filaments that seem to be feather precursors in some cases.","Do your findings come from the relatively recent discovery that some dinosaurs had feathers?Is this sort of, like, the next step?","We are sort of taking the next. In the last 10 years, we've discovered that we can gain insight into the colors of dinosaurs and how they may have used visual signals in important contexts. And so what we wanted to ask is, can we gain insight into the vocal communication that extinct dinosaurs might have had?","Well, so what's next for you in your research?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Dinosaurs might have used visual and vocal signals to communicate with each other.","questions":"How did dinosaurs communicate?","answer":"vocal"} {"text":["Oil aside, do the two countries have different interests in the region?","Saudi Arabia is particularly worried by the U. S. trying to reach a nuclear deal with Iran. Saudi Arabia sees Iran kind of backing groups in Syria and in Lebanon and in Yemen and Iraq. And Saudi is seeing itself as increasingly surrounded. And it, you know, Saudis don't really think the U. S. understands how deeply concerned it is about regional security and about its own security right now.","We understand that there are activists in Saudi Arabia - human rights activists, activists for women's rights, greater women's rights in Saudi Arabia - who had wanted President Obama and other U. S. officials to kind of step in and voice their concerns. No indication whatever, that happened. Is there disappointment?","There was. Saudi women that I talked to after the visit said they didn't really expect Obama to kind of endanger the makeup visit by bringing women's rights up or just human rights up. And they said in that sense, the trip met their expectations. Saudi activists say that there is a state crackdown going on - on dissent and free speech - since the Arab Spring uprisings. And they say it's kind of a very dark time in the kingdom for them, and they think the U. S. is not really doing too much to help them out of it."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) Although the question appears to be asking whether there is disappointment among Saudi activists about President Obama and other U.S. officials not voicing their concerns about human rights in Saudi Arabia, the actual meaning is that the question is raising the issue of whether there is disappointment that such concerns were not voiced during President Obama's visit.","questions":"What issue is turn 2 raising?","answer":"Schemers"} {"text":["You know, right now, this is one of those, the nener nener is a really great way of putting it, because this thing almost played out like it was a \"Dallas\" show on TV or something, just trying to figure out what was going to happen with these California rivals, going - trying to work it out with each other.","At the end of the day, you know, I think Yahoo!may have made a smart decision. I'm being hopeful for that. I'm being totally speculative on this point. If they can work out this partnership with Google, which is what the game changer has been, why Microsoft walked away from this deal, and that is a proposed opportunity for Google to allow Yahoo, to use its search-advertising technology.","And its search-advertising technology is probably the best on the web, so that made Yahoo feel like, hey, we actually have another option. Maybe we don't have to sell out. Maybe we can just utilize some licensing from our partner-slash-competitor and still be able to keep our brand intact. So, it all remains to be seen, but I think it may have worked out that they didn't do it.","Let me throw another company into the mix. What about AOL?After the big AOL-Time Warner merger in 2000, the combined company lost billions of dollars. Now, Time Warner dropped AOL from its name, fired the AOL CEO. Now wants to offload the company. Are any of these three companies we're talking about, Yahoo!, Google and Microsoft, going to go belly up and buy AOL, you think?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : B threw another company in the discussion and assuming that yahoo, google and microsoft gonna buy AOL together","questions":"Which company is PersonB suggesting the other three companies might buy together?","answer":"AOL"} {"text":["However, they pointed out to me that they could do so much, but they needed roofing materials. Without roofing materials, when the rains come in the rainy season, it will all be washed away, their work. And that seemed to me to be an example of the sort of local women's group that needs to be supported. That groups like that can participate as they want to in the re-integration and recovery process. It's very important that the government of Southern Sudan, with the support of the international community, give support to local women's groups like these.","Well Melanie, thank you so much.","Thank you.","Melanie Teff is with Refugees International. She recently returned from a trip to Southern Sudan, where she helped with returning refugees and the advancement of women's rights."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Local women's groups in Southern Sudan need support from the government and international community for their re-integration and recovery process.","questions":"What is the aim of supporting local women's groups in Southern Sudan?","answer":"Re-integration"} {"text":["Yeah. The numbers aren't necessarily looking his way.","No.","Glenn Thrush is the chief political correspondent of Politico. Thanks so much for being back with us.","Great to be here."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Glenn Thrush's report does not seem to be in favor of the current situation.","questions":"How are the numbers looking for the current situation according to Glenn Thrush's report?","answer":"Unlikely"} {"text":["Well, that would be an interesting question. Right now, we make a decision. We say we're going to harden particular targets to make them difficult for terrorists to attack. So yes, terrorists do act rationally and choose another target - they choose a less hardened target. The question is whether it could respond very rapidly to changing information.","Large terror attacks take a lot of work and a lot of planning. And if the market predicted a high probability of an attack in a particular place, it's not as though it's a trivial matter for a terror group to suddenly switch all of its resources to another place. I'm not suggesting this would work. It would be a tool that would be used alongside other tools. And I'm just suggesting an experiment to see if it can improve the accuracy of intelligence forecast.","And what do you say to those people who say - my God, this is hideous?It's blood money.","It is hideous in a sense. It is. There's no question. I share the revulsion of people who say - but people shouldn't profit from this. On the other hand, if allowing people to profit from this, from making these predictions, improved our ability to predict, then it might be something worth trying because of the lives it would save on the other side."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Implicates that the speaker finds the idea of trading money for information about potential terror attacks morally objectionable.","questions":"How does the speaker feel about trading money for information?","answer":"Objjectionable"} {"text":["Well, generally speaking, you're going to have 100,000 dollars insurance in most financial institutions. There are a very a few uninsured institutions. I believe there are credit unions that are privately insured, but they're rare as hen's teeth. By and large, it doesn't matter. As long as you stay under the 100,000 dollar limit, I think you'll be fine.","I'd be curious to see what Goldman's teller window looks like and whether they give away toasters, but I somehow think it will be a little different from the corner bank.","When the government says, for example, that it has moved to secure mutual funds and people need not worry about their money, how can the average person have confidence in that right now?","Well, to be specific, they're really only backing money market mutual funds. And even more specifically, I believe that some of those have to - the ones that do have to pay into the fund that insures it."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : it represents the person is very enthusiastic and interested to be engaged in doing it","questions":"Which word describes the limit of the insured amount mentioned by A?","answer":"100,000"} {"text":["What's a fuel hedge?Explain that.","A fuel hedge is basically a financial contract that you buy in the commodity market where you essentially pre-buying fuel. So Southwest CEO, Gary Kelly, back in 2003, as the U. S. was preparing to go to war in Iraq, just decided that the war in the Middle East wasn't probably good for oil prices, and he went out and bought a lot of oil ahead of time. Pre-bought it, and that has paid off in billions of dollars of profits for the airline.","And this continues from 2003?Do they continue to buy fuel ahead?Because the price of oil over the last year, I mean, it keeps going up and up. At some point you would think they would say we're not going to buy anymore.","You know it's fascinating because a lot of people thought Southwest hedges would fade out. They did make that big bet when prices were in the 30's, but they kept buying and they have continued to buy. They have most of their oil bought for this year at about 57 dollars a barrel. If you don't have hedges, you're right now paying about 120 something dollars a barrel. And they've bought fuel all the way out to 2012 as of today."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Southwest CEO pre-bought fuel in anticipation of a potential increase in oil prices due to the US going to war in Iraq, which resulted in billions of dollars of profits for the airline","questions":"What prompted Southwest CEO to pre-buy fuel?","answer":"War"} {"text":["That is Binyamin Appelbaum. He writes about economics for The New York Times, and he's written a new book, called, \"The Economists' Hour\" that traces what he calls a revolution in the way we think about economists.","This quiet but really important revolution that happens, really, beginning in the late 1960s and the early 1970s, where economists begin to gain tremendous influence over public policy in the United States.","In fact, that young economist who told his wife he had no future at the Fed, that was Paul Volcker. He became one of a small group of economists who made themselves indispensable to U. S. presidents. Volcker rose to become the chairman of the Federal Reserve in the Carter and Reagan years.","So I asked Appelbaum, how did a bunch of economists go from nobodies to being important people?And he said it's pretty simple. In an era of real economic problems, they promised solutions."],"speaker":["B","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Economists became important because they promised solutions to economic problems.","questions":"Which profession promised solutions to economic problems?","answer":"Economists"} {"text":["Yes, absolutely.","What do you mean?","Well, I've been through a lot. People don't like talking about things that hurt. Usually we like to skip over that stuff because it brings up something that's unpleasant, but honestly it's the only way that I feel like some of those things have purpose because of somebody else's journey. And I really believe, you know, the quote from the Scriptures that says, all things work together for my good. All things work together for my good, not just the stuff I liked, not just the stuff that felt really great in the highs in my life that were wonderful, even not selling records has worked for my good because my ego is not in a place where you can't be in the same room with me and fit.","I'm not in a place that when I see an unwed mother at 17, that I go, she probably didn't have no mama that cared about her. I had a mama that cared and I could have been that girl. And because of knowing that it could have been me, when I see them the emphatically in heart is different than somebody else's who doesn't know what it's like to be that girl whose been manipulated and her innocence stolen from her. It was stolen from me, and I know what that feels like. And you feel by yourself, you feel damaged goods."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Talking about unpleasant things can have a purpose","questions":"How does PersonA believe things work together?","answer":"Purpose"} {"text":["With us now, author and economist Julianne Malveaux, she is president of Bennett College. Welcome, Dr. Malveaux.","Greetings, Farai. How are you?","I'm doing well, but some people aren't. And let's talk about these figures and really, what is shifting in our economy right now in terms of the different sectors where people are losing these tens of thousands of jobs?","Well, people are looking ahead and they're very uncertain, and that's what we see in markets. We see people laying people off. We also have some challenge in financial market. Certainly, the Bear Stearns' crisis raises all kinds of questions. The housing market, of course, we've talked about that on this program several times, but the fact is that we see a stagnancy. We don't see growth. We see houses that are overvalued. Lots of people in mortgage crisis. People who bought homes within the last five years finding that they overpaid for their homes and they couldn't sell them in what they paid for them, so they're stuck. That removes liquidity."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : How are you?\" - The literal meaning is a question about Farai's well-being. The implied meaning is a standard greeting used in social interactions.","questions":"What is the literal meaning of turn 2 in the dialogue?","answer":"question"} {"text":["Rabbi, how are you and the other people doing this profound work doing, feeling, thinking about?","Well, I cannot speak for anyone else. I can only answer you the same answer I've given everyone since Saturday night when they've asked how I'm doing. And the answer is, ask me in a few days. And I'll try to figure it out. Right now I'm not - I'm focused on what I and others - there's so many people working day and night on this issue and on other communal issues. It's inspiring to see. But right now I haven't even allowed myself to cry because if I do, I will fall apart. And I will not be able to do what has to be done. As the days go by, it's getting harder and harder for me to push those tears back. So I'm going to probably need a corner soon just to fall apart in. But right now we have work to do.","At some point, Rabbi Wasserman, that synagogue becomes a place of worship once again. Will that be difficult for you?","Well, that's not my synagogue. I'm the rabbi at one of the other synagogues."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : by person A is different from its literal meaning. While the words used in the turn are clear, the intended meaning is metaphorical. Person A is saying that they are emotionally overwhelmed but are trying to maintain their composure to continue doing the necessary work. The phrase \"fall apart\" is not meant to be taken literally, but rather as a figurative expression for losing control or breaking down emotionally.","questions":"How does person PersonA feel about crying?","answer":"Hard"} {"text":["No. There have not been significant infrastructure improvements since that storm. County voters passed a $2. 5 billion bond a year ago, but these projects take time, and most are still in the design phase. They haven't started construction. And the city of Houston doesn't have a comparable funding source, and so the city and county are both mostly waiting on federal aid for disaster recovery. And that's been extremely slow to arrive.","Help me understand this a little bit better here. Is there a political consensus in the area about what needs to be done?Does that exist?","Probably mostly yes to that. I think people agree that we need to do more projects, dig more detention basins, accelerate widening and deepening of the bayous, the streams and rivers that run through the area. I think most people are generally on the same page about that. It's just a question of money. But you've got to remember that our infrastructure, even at current standards, is only designed to accommodate maybe one or two inches of rain per hour, and the county got four, five, six inches of rain in one hour. And some areas got 30 inches in little more than a day, when our region usually - the city usually gets 50 inches of rain in a year. No infrastructure system is going to be able to handle that kind of storm without flooding.","Maybe people aren't ready for this conversation yet. Are people marrying the bigger conversation about climate change with the local conversation about infrastructure?Are people ready to talk about that?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Marrying two topic implies that people are grouping them together even if they are different.","questions":"How are people connecting climate change and infrastructure in the local conversation?","answer":"Money"} {"text":["They can get federal aid. They can get the Pell Grant. In Illinois, they can get state aid, which is up to $5,000 year. And they can qualify for university aid. They can qualify for university scholarships for needy students.","What's been the reaction to your story so far?","There's been a lot of outrage. The thing is there's only a finite amount of money. It's not limitless. So that is true for federal aid, state aid and university aid. So money that is going to these families who would not otherwise be eligible for it means that that's money that is not going to a student who really needs it. In Illinois, for example, last year, there were 82,000 students who were eligible for the state grant who did not get it because the state ran out of money.","Have you heard from federal aid officials?Has anyone weighed in on this?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : to weight in on something means to give an opinion on something","questions":"How can you describe the meaning of \"weighed in on\"?","answer":"opinion"} {"text":["DR. GABRIEL FITZPATRICK: Well, all I can say is we too in this area are having some positive news stories from patients who have recovered from of Ebola, but this is not due to any experimental medical treatment which is available. When a patient is admitted here with Ebola, they're given various forms of supportive medical treatment such as anti-malaria treatments or spectrum antibiotics, which can treat chest infections, urinary tract infections. And they're also provided IV hydration if that's required. And these have some effects on reducing the mortality rates associated with Ebola, but there are - I have to say - not a treatment for Ebola.","Seven out of 10 patients that you admit for treatment with Ebola die. It must be going through your mind what have they done there at Emory in Atlanta that we might be able to use here because they seemingly saved two lives there.","In the situation I am working here at the moment, we have no experience with any experimental drugs. And I am not in a position to comment on that because we are here at the invitation of Sierra Leone. And we cannot do things that break the law, only with possibly faced expulsion. So everything we have done is in conjunction with the government of Sierra Leone. And we will continue to do that. But obviously MSF welcomes any new novel treatments. They should be made available as quickly as possible to patients if they're found to be of adequate value.","Dr. Fitzpatrick, I am told you have a family back in Dublin?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Is Dr. Fitzpatrick worried about his family in Dublin due to the risks of his work in Sierra Leone?","questions":"What risks is Dr. Fitzpatrick facing in Sierra Leone?","answer":"Health"} {"text":["Does an event like this and forecast like that have the effect of concentrating the mind of not just financial planners. . .",". . . but people in Congress making these decisions. And I hear a little laugh.","You would think it would. And in the past, it has. I mean, as they gotten closer to the deadline, enough fear spread that they could pass something or do something or kick the can or whatever. But this time, one of the things that makes this time feel different is that there really are a lot of House Republicans who say, ah, let it default. It'll just shrink the government, will be all good. And it is an act of - I don't even know how to describe it. It's insanity.","Yeah. Well, Austan Goolsbee, I believe, used that word. Quick last question, if we could. So, October 17th is a real deadline but you think some of the effects, potentially, will be down the road."],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The phrase \"concentrating the mind\" is a figurative expression meaning that the event and forecast are likely to focus the attention of not just financial planners, but also people in Congress making decisions.","questions":"Which phrase did Austan Goolsbee use?","answer":"Concentrating"} {"text":["The bottleneck. That's this place where this column of ice fell. It tore away lines, fixed ropes that people used to get up and down there. This is a narrow passageway. So you were almost there. And how far is that from the peak of the mountain?","Quite a ways. But, of course, climbing times vary based on people's physical fitness and mental alertness at that altitude, as there's very little oxygen.","At the point where you decided to turn around, just below the bottleneck, the place that later became such a problem, how late in the day was that, and what were the weather conditions like there?","I decided to turn around at around eight o'clock in the morning. And it was - there, it was actually almost too hot. We normally (unintelligible) down suits because the temperature is around minus 20, even on a perfect day. But we were all quite warm."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The bottleneck is a dangerous area and caused problems for climbers.","questions":"Which passageway caused problems for climbers?","answer":"Bottleneck"} {"text":["You've been working, as we mentioned, on the Voyager mission since its genesis. What has kept you with this program all that time?","Voyager - well, Voyager is science. Science is about discovering things, about understanding what's around - what our neighborhood is like, what the universe is like. So as a scientist, this has been a wonderful journey because, especially during the encounters with the giant planets, every day there were a flood of discoveries. Next day - more discoveries. So as a scientist, this has been an incredibly wonderful mission to have been on. And even today at great distances, Voyager is still doing things no spacecraft has done before and still presenting us with puzzles that we are trying to sort through.","They are still on a voyage. Where are they now?","Well, this was a mission - we had a four-year mission to Jupiter and Saturn. We had two spacecrafts so that we would have a high probability of at least one succeeding on its four-year journey to Saturn and, of course, both have succeeded and exceeded by a great amount."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"Voyager is science.\" - actual meaning: Voyager is a scientific mission that involves discovering and understanding the universe.","questions":"How would you describe the Voyager mission?","answer":"Scientific"} {"text":["They still want the same things they wanted on Tuesday, but because of the heavy-handed security tactics, they're also now saying that they want the Iraqi army and the Iraqi security forces to stop firing on them. What they - overwhelmingly, what you hear is, we are Iraqi. We are the people of this country. Why are you firing at us?We have a right to protest.","And what is the scene tonight?This is Friday. This is typically a day of rest in Iraq. Is - are the streets quiet right now?","Well, the curfew has now been in place, you know, almost 36 hours. There are checkpoints every 300 meters. One of my Iraqi friends actually turned around to me and said, this feels like it was during the height of the invasion and the occupation of Iraq in. . .","Wow."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The tactics used were very dangerous and deadly to the protestors.","questions":"Which word describes the level of danger of the tactics used?","answer":"Dangerous"} {"text":["Yes, absolutely. And to all of who are - and even though I don't do it anymore, I mean, it's like really once a clown always a clown. Once you've been a real performing clown you realize you've tapped into something big and universal and eternal. It's a frustration to us because clown, which was a word that used to be associated with joy and laughter and happiness, now has a lot of negative connotations to it. You know, you got characters like Crusty the Clown on \"The Simpsons\" and there are members of Congress.","By the way, isn't it amazing this year I think there's a record number of members of Congress who are retiring at the same time there's a shortage of clowns?What doesn't work here?","I'm reacting almost reflexively with regret and woe over a clown shortage. But I'm wondering, I mean, you know, there are not as many shepherds as there used to be. Is this just - to my knowledge - is this just something we have to. . .","They certainly are in my living room."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : In (2), the speaker is using humor to point out the irony of a record number of Congress members retiring at a time when there is a shortage of clowns. The actual meaning is not that there is a real shortage of clowns.","questions":"What is the PersonA's reaction to the shortage of clowns in the dialogue?","answer":"Humor"} {"text":["Ron, tomorrow, President Obama will sign the stimulus bill in Denver, and then it's on to Phoenix, and then, he'll round out the end of the week with a trip to Canada. Why so much travel?","I think he's learning from the last few weeks. When he stayed in D. C. , the economic stimulus package got stalled. When he got back on the road, got back on the stump, the energy in the atmosphere changed quickly. And being the campaign Barack. being in campaign mode, talking back to Washington from out in the country, that worked better than being the Washington Barack Obama talking to the country. He wants this symbolic energy to be flowing in that direction. He wants to be the voice of the people talking to the federal government, not the symbol of the federal government talking to the people.","NPR senior Washington editor Ron Elving. Thanks, Ron.","Thank you."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Obama wants to be seen as the voice of the people.","questions":"Which city will President Obama visit after Denver?","answer":"Chicago"} {"text":["Now I'm more self-assured, and - but the thing now, which is funny, is that my kids sort of act the way parents, I think, act for most people, you know, when they're teenagers, that I sneak around dating under the noses of my kids. So when they're asleep in the other room, I can have a date and close the door and, you know, not have them know about it.","Have you ever been busted?","No. That's what I have locks on the doors. I'm very good about that.","One time when we were - you know, when I was engaged after the divorce, and I remember one night, the next morning my son said something like, you know, were you hurt last night?Something about the noises he heard the night before, and that was horrifying."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"Something about the noises he heard the night before, and that was horrifying.\" - The literal meaning is that the son heard noises the night before, which were scary or upsetting. However, the actual meaning is that the son may have overheard the person having sexual activity, which was embarrassing and uncomfortable for the person to hear.","questions":"How was the son feeling after hearing the noises?","answer":"Embarrassing"} {"text":["Well, do you know, patients liked me 'cause I was really jolly and nice and what they didn't realize is they'd probably been much better off with some mumbling introvert who actually knew something. And in fact, I dreaded it. And my only happy day as a doctor was one sunny summer day where we got no admissions at all and I sat on the lawn outside the hospital and read \"The Longest Journey\" by E. M. Forster. That was the only happy day, and in the end, I didn't go back. And I thought, well, what could I do?I'm not qualified for anything else. I thought, the only thing I've done is comedy. And I applied for and got a job with BBC Light Entertainment in radio.","I am among those that think that British humor is one of the great forces for civilization in the world.","(Laughter).","But that being noted, it must be rough to - a challenge to take a comic approach to the Blitz, which is, in a sense, the great national heroic story of Britain."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The speaker is not only expressing admiration for British humor but also implying that it has been a positive force in the world. (3) The speaker is expressing amusement and agreement with the previous statement, not simply laughing for no reason. (4) The speaker is expressing admiration for the challenge of using comedy to tell the story of the Blitz, not simply noting the difficulty of doing so.","questions":"Which story did the speaker read on their only happy day as a doctor?","answer":"Journey"} {"text":["Well, Pluto's official designation is a dwarf planet. And I have to tell you the people who sent this probe all the way out to Pluto are a little angry about that because when they launched it a decade ago, Pluto was still a planet.","(Laughter).","It got downgraded in the intervening years.","That seems so unfair."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The people who sent the probe feel disappointed that Pluto was downgraded and their efforts were for nothing.","questions":"What emotion do the people who sent the probe feel about Pluto's downgrade?","answer":"Disappointed"} {"text":["Let's go deeper, linguistically into this. When, at the time that I spoke with Reverend Jackson, and this was yesterday, we believed, knowing what we did, we being most of the press, that he had said that Senator Obama had emasculated himself. As it turned out, the phrase was much rougher and much more, you know, I want to blank, blank, blank. Is there a difference between those two ways, neither of them particularly nice, of parsing out lack of manhood?","Well, you know, I actually read that slightly differently. When I heard about the specific comments and the castration and sort of the anger in which it was delivered, even though it was a whisper of. I immediately began to think back historically about, you know, the ways and which powerful black men, or uppity black men were punished.","And it was, you know, the threat of castration was very real in the 19th century. And there's a moment of irony that Jesse Jackson would want to assert his power, his relevance, to Barack Obama's campaign by placing himself over Barack in a sense in suggesting that he is the man and also capable of taking Barack's manhood away.","Coming up this weekend, we have the start of the NAACP's annual convention and although he has not started yet, Ben Jealous is the incoming president. He's 35. He's going to be the youngest president ever of the NAACP. We seem to be seeing a generational shift overall. Is there going to be blood on the floor, metaphorically, as this shift happens?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Historically, powerful black men have been punished by threats of castration","questions":"Which type of threat was very real in the 19th century?","answer":"Castration"} {"text":["And a lot of people might ask, how are you measuring innovation and creativity?","Well, most people measure innovation typically by looking at rates of patenting. Now people have become to track the number of start-up companies emerging in urban centers or the venture capital. And the good news is that cities are upping the ante. New York now, Manhattan is the second highest center for venture capital-backed start-up companies behind only Silicon Valley. But the other caution I wanted to make, and I think you know and folks listening know I'm a dyed-in-the-wool urbanist, that also places like Silicon Valley, which are somewhat car-dependent, can work. They can emulate many of the functions of the city.","So as we begin to build denser cities, the key is not just piling up people in buildings higher and higher and higher and creating vertical suburbs where people just interact in the building, it's to build cities that can be dense, that can have multi-story buildings, that can be close together. But having that interaction is a key part of keeping our cities innovation and creative not only here but in those emerging economies around the world.","Is there a difference in expense as well?Some of those older buildings in New York, hardly any place in Manhattan that anyone would describe as cheap, but they're less expensive in SoHo or Chelsea than they are in one of those big high-rise buildings in Midtown."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Measuring innovation and creativity is not limited to patenting and also includes the number of start-up companies and venture capital.","questions":"Which factors measure innovation besides patenting?","answer":"Start-up"} {"text":["We're coming over the initial shock. It's a very strange situation to live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world. And we have been living in more luxury than almost any other nation on this planet, and now all of a sudden we find ourselves almost like beggars.","You talk about the swift difference between being so wealthy to now being in a totally different place. Is this what everyone - is the average person going through something like this?Or is this just a select few that went from being so wealthy to so not wealthy?","The general public here has been very, very well off. But now people that are starting to lose their jobs - hundreds of people that used to work in the banks have been losing their jobs recently. We know that a lot of companies are going to become bankrupt. We had almost no unemployment in the past years. We've been importing workers from Eastern Europe because we didn't have enough people to work in our companies.","So, how are people coping with this?Are they selling off their belongings?What are they doing?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : People may be selling their belongings to cope with the financial crisis.","questions":"How are people coping with the financial crisis? (Answer: selling)","answer":"Treasury"} {"text":["Tomorrow, car sales numbers for November are due out, and they're not expected to be good. That could lead to more dealerships shutting down, and that could mean a big loss of revenue for local governments. For example, this year, the state of California has lost at least two billion dollars in sales taxes due to the drop in car sales.","To get a better sense of how local governments are coping, we're joined now by Marshall Bond. He is the city manager for Monroeville, Pennsylvania. Thanks for joining us, and why don't you tell us how many car dealerships are in Monroeville?","Just about every major domestic and foreign manufacturer sells cars here in Monroeville.","And so, how much of your budget comes from the revenue from car sales at these dealerships?","We have a business tax which obviously is, I'd say, probably of that - I'd say total tax is probably about 15 to 20 percent is based upon our related car industry."],"speaker":["B","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Car sales numbers for November are not expected to be good","questions":"How much of Monroeville's budget is based on the car industry?","answer":"Budget"} {"text":["Chop, chop into smallish pieces.","OK.","Then you soften eight ounces of cream cheese, and you blend that with two-thirds of a cup of sour cream, get it all nice and smooth and then you spread that over the minced onion.","And you have the ambulance on speed dial, but yeah. . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Hurry up and get started on the task.","questions":"What does PersonA instruct PersonB to chop?","answer":"cream-cheese"} {"text":["Well, this administration - officials from this administration have offered very strongly worded commitments to implement - reimplement - sanctions lifted under the Iran nuclear accord and add on more sanctions on non-nuclear areas pursuant to their concerns about ballistic missiles and terrorism.","Would the effect of unilateral sanctions, as you see it, be enough to force Tehran to decide, no, we want to stay in the agreement and maybe even make one that the U. S. will accept?","Well, that depends on how other countries respond to the U. S. imposition and reimposition of these nuclear sanctions. Will the international community join the United States?Will they stand back and not directly challenge the United States?I think what Tehran will respond to most is what the Europeans in particular do to challenge the United States and its reimposition of sanctions or not.","And based on your experience, Ms. Rosenberg, how much do France and the U. K. and Germany want to be different than U. S. policy in this regard?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Unilateral sanctions might force Tehran to reconsider their decision to stay in the agreement","questions":"Which country's response to the U.S. imposition of sanctions will Tehran respond to most?","answer":"Europeans"} {"text":["Do you have to be a certain kind of person in order to do this and do it well and get satisfaction from it?","You know what?I don't think so. I think that it could just be anybody. Anybody that genuinely wants to - that inner feeling of just feeling complete and feeling loved, basically. When you feel the love with - inside, then ultimately, it's easier to kind of give to other people and to do this type of work, and I think it's a component that we're all built with.","You've done it for ten years, can you do it for ten more?","Absolutely. Absolutely."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : You have done this challenging job for 10 years so do you have the energy\/desire to do it for 10 more?","questions":"What is the duration of PersonA's experience in the challenging job mentioned in turn 2?","answer":"Ten"} {"text":["NPR's Dina Temple-Raston has been following this story, and she's here now. Dina, scientists and legal experts, they're saying that the evidence against Ivins is really far from foolproof, that there is no smoking gun. What are they concerned about?","Well, a lot of the scientists who have looked at this say that they couldn't - that the FBI couldn't possibly have ruled out everyone who might have matched the anthrax vial or had access to the anthrax vial that they matched to Ivins. And this is basically, without getting too much into the science, this is because anthrax, all you have to do is grow more. So if you had some anthrax, conceivably, from this vial that they linked to Ivins, you could have grown your own source of more of that.","They also can't place him in Princeton, which is where the letters were mailed from, and he has this very distinctive, cramped handwriting that they couldn't match the handwriting on the envelopes. The FBI said it was similar, but there was nothing conclusive there. And there's this broader feeling that he couldn't have possibly accomplished all of this on his own. The plan was too elaborate and too technical for one person to do by themselves.","So what does the FBI say to all those questions?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"grow your own source\" - This is a figurative expression that means to cultivate or create more of something, in this case, anthrax bacteria, by using the original sample. It does not refer to actually growing a physical object like a plant or animal.","questions":"What is the meaning of \"grow your own source\"?","answer":"Grow"} {"text":["Yeah. The embassy guards, it's kind of a, you know, a misperception. In any embassy they essentially protect the chancellery in the embassy and the ambassador's residence itself, and particularly to, you know, you get them into a safe place if there is an attack or to - and if that fails, to destroy the classified material and so forth.","They're not responsible for the overall external or internal security of the embassy compound per se. They can augment that and they have if necessary, but there is a diplomatic security mission that does that sort of thing, and then - obviously which didn't happen on this case. You're hoping that you've got a competent external protection from the host nation, which is responsible for the safety of the entire compound.","We're talking with retired Marine Colonel Gary Anderson about lessons learned from before and during the attack in Benghazi. You're listening to TALK OF THE NATION from NPR News.","And any number of recommendations were made by the Pickering Mullen report. As you look at those, are they going to address the kinds of interagency communications problems that you're worried about?"],"speaker":["A","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Embassy guards are not responsible for the overall security of the embassy compound.","questions":"What is the main responsibility of embassy guards?","answer":"Embassy"} {"text":["The Staples Singers, Booker T and the MGs, Isaac Hayes and more - but the Stax tale isn't just one of another record company that became an international sensation. It's a story of tragedy - business and personal. But most importantly, it's a tale that features racial harmony in a city with a troubled racial history. In the late '50s and early '60s, Memphis, Tennessee was a city divided.","It was a city that you might say had hate pulsing through its veins.","That's author Robert Gordon. He lives in Memphis. His new book is \"Respect Yourself: Stax Records and the Soul Explosion. \"But Stax didn't start as an explosion of soul. The owners of Stax Records, Jim Stewart and Estelle Axton, set out to do something very different.","They were two white siblings. Jim was a white country fiddle player. You just wouldn't believe how far black music was from their minds at the time."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"black music was from their minds\" - The literal meaning of this turn is that Jim Stewart and Estelle Axton were not thinking about black music at the time. The implied meaning is that they had no previous interest or exposure to black music, which makes their eventual success in the soul music industry all the more surprising.","questions":"How surprising was Jim Stewart and Estelle Axton's success in the soul music industry?","answer":"Surprising"} {"text":["They were part of the crew of the USS Monitor, a celebrated Civil War ship that helped open a new era in naval warfare. The ship was ironclad, powered by steam instead of sails, and supported a rotating gun turret. The Monitor sank in a storm in 1862. Sixteen of 62 men on board went down with their ship. They were thought to be lost forever until 2002. The Monitor was being restored and the remains of two of the sailors were discovered in the turret. We're joined now by historian Anna Holloway. She's curator of the USS Monitor Center in Newport, Virginia. Thank very much for being with us.","Well, thank you so much for having me.","What do we know about these two sailors who have finally been buried?","Well, we still don't know their names, and that is one of the ongoing mysteries about these two heroes of the USS Monitor. However, as you mention, 16 men went down with the vessel, so there are 16 possibilities. Now, forensics tells us a little bit about them - their relative heights, their ages and their race - so that does narrow it down a bit."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : There are no turns in the given conversation that have a meaning different from their literal meanings. All the turns convey their literal meanings without any implied or figurative language.","questions":"How does turn 2 contribute to the understanding of the conversation?","answer":"Ongoing"} {"text":["What's your greatest regret?","Well, the greatest regret is that we lost the referendum - that I didn't prevail, that we could have fought, perhaps, a better campaign. We could have conducted, perhaps, a better negotiation. Perhaps the timing wasn't right - and that I didn't take the country with me on what I thought was a really important issue. And I resigned because I felt - I didn't fight the referendum as a sort of chairman - on the one hand, on the other hand, you decide. I was wholly on one side of the argument. And so I felt it was right to resign, having lost, because the country needed a new prime minister, a prime minister with a credibility to take us forward and deliver the outcome of the referendum.","But, of course, you know, I will to my dying day wonder whether there was something more we could have done to have secured what I thought was the right outcome, which was to keep Britain in, but to recognize we were, in many ways, the odd one out.","OK."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : They regret not trying harder on their campaign for the referendum. They also regret not getting more of the people to support them.","questions":"What is the main issue that PersonA regrets about the referendum?","answer":"referendum"} {"text":["Yes. In fact, by far. And that's why the Senate's version of this tax bill largely prevailed in the negotiations with the House over the last few weeks. Before those began, the Senate vote was just a bare majority before they had that big sit-down with the other chamber. And there were several Republican senators on the fence about it, even as yesterday morning dawned. That would include Bob Corker of Tennessee, Marco Rubio of Florida, Susan Collins of Maine.","But now Corker and Rubio are fully on board. Rubio got some more money for the child tax credit. And Bob Corker was objecting to the deficit increase, which is kind of still there, but he says it won't be, maybe, that bad. And he is, of course, a good Republican and a businessman. And he has to like a lot of what's in this bill.","Is this the bill Republicans feel they need to say that they can govern when they have control of the Senate, the House and the presidency?","Indeed. It shows that they can pass a big and complicated piece of legislation that they promised to pass and do it with just their own majorities in both the House and the Senate. It should satisfy the hardcore support base and the donor class that has been growing restive in recent months since the Obamacare repeal failure. And, of course, the jury is out on how many other people it's going to satisfy, including the wage-earners who voted for Donald Trump last year, believing he would be their champion."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : (1) The actual meaning is that the Senate's version of the tax bill was more influential in the final negotiations with the House, despite the Senate having a bare majority vote before the negotiations began.","questions":"Which version of the tax bill prevailed in the negotiations between the Senate and the House?","answer":"Senate's"} {"text":["From NPR News, I'm Farai Chideya. For Wednesday, February 13th, this is News and Notes.","From NPR News, This s News and Notes. I'm Farai Chideya. The White House race only gets hotter, especially if you're John McCain. Yesterday the Arizona Senator picked up the Potomac primary wins in Washington, D. C. and Maryland. He also took Virginia, where Mike Huckabee put up a good fight. The victories are edging McCain closer to the GOP candidate seat, and as for the Democrats, yesterday was all Barack Obama. He swept the Potomac Primaries and stacked up key delegate points. Joining me now to sort through the numbers is Ron Elving. He's NPR's senior Washington editor. Hi, Ron.","Hello, Farai.","So how many delegates did McCain pick up?","McCain picked up a little over a hundred, possibly as many as 113, depending on how they sort out Maryland. But he got everything in Virginia, all 30 delegates, despite the fact he only won by nine percentage points. That's the way the Republican rules work. You can win certain winner take all states, no matter what your plurality or majority may be, you get all the delegates. So he did that in Virginia and the District of Columbia and he'll get virtually all of the delegates in Maryland. So he picked up somewhere between 100 and 113 delegates. It puts him pretty much out of sight. He's got more than three times as many as Mike Huckabee."],"speaker":["B","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 4 : McCain has a significant lead over Mike Huckabee in terms of delegate count.","questions":"Which Republican candidate has a significant lead over Mike Huckabee?","answer":"McCain"} {"text":["Hurricane Dorian is pounding the Carolinas. Parts of downtown Charleston are already flooded. It has weakened since it hit the Bahamas as a Category 5 storm. At least 20 people are confirmed dead there, and that number is expected to rise as recovery efforts are just beginning. Parts of the Abaco Islands in the Bahamas are destroyed.","Alex Cepero stayed in the Abacos town of Marsh Harbour, thinking he could ride out the storm with his two dogs, but Hurricane Dorian destroyed his home while he was still inside of it. And I want to warn listeners that this is a wrenching story. Alex, thank you for talking with ALL THINGS CONSIDERED.","You're welcome.","First of all, are you OK?Were you injured or hurt during the storm?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The impact of Hurricane Dorian resulted in extensive damage and loss of life.","questions":"Which natural disaster caused destruction and loss of life as mentioned in turn 0?","answer":"HurricaneDorian."} {"text":["Well, I think it's been a historical thing. It's not a new thing. Mental illness has always been a mystery. And in ancient times, it was considered to be some kind of supernatural phenomenon, demon possession. In the modern era, meaning the beginning of the 19th century, there was an effort to consider mental disorders as illnesses. But then when researchers attempted to see what the pathology of the illness was in individuals who, when they were living, were ill - when it came to mental illnesses, they couldn't find anything. And I think then what happened is that in the desperation of psychiatrists who, by and large, were the custodians of asylums - as an alternative, people sought treatments, but the treatments turned out to be in retrospect pretty barbaric. And it's only really been in the last 50 years that psychiatry has established a scientific foundation for itself and developed treatments that truly work beyond a shadow of a doubt and are safe. But the lulled attitudes still persists.","Yeah. No name is bigger still, in a way, than Sigmund Freud. What did he get right, and what do we now know was not as helpful?","Well, Freud is undisputedly a towering figure and the most famous person in the history of psychiatry. And in the absence of any scientific theory of mental illness, he introduced concepts that were completely novel to civilization and endure today as valid and have really been given new life in the context of cognitive neuroscience.","What did he get wrong?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"No name is bigger still, in a way\" - This phrase is not meant to be taken literally. It means that Sigmund Freud's influence is still significant and widely recognized in the field of psychiatry.","questions":"How is Sigmund Freud's influence described in the dialogue?","answer":"Significant"} {"text":["Coastal Texas did have a couple of days to prepare for this storm. People were urged to leave the area. What's your estimation?Did many people take that advice and get out before Harvey hit?","Well, certainly some did. As I was driving in from Austin and San Antonio yesterday, you could see a fair number of cars, you know, going the other direction. So certainly, there were some people that evacuated. But here at the hotel that we're staying, there are hundreds of residents who are from Corpus Christi who decided to hunker it out and stay the night here. You know, there were no mandatory evacuations ordered for Corpus Christi.","Some are beginning to wonder, you know, was that the best plan of action?Had a mandatory evacuation been ordered, they would have had to evacuate the hospitals. And that, you know, picks up a whole series of logistical issues. So you know, as the Texas governor ordered yesterday, if you feel unsafe, if you feel unsecure then you should flee.","And Russell, what do you see for the next few hours and next few days about when conditions might improve and what people have to contend with?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : (1) Did many people take that advice and get out before Harvey hit?","questions":"How many cars did PersonA see going the other direction?","answer":"Fair"} {"text":["Why they're talking about it is because they feel they have to talk about it. The government of Bangladesh wants the bulk of these people to return. They also would be feeling some domestic pressures in this area, as well. And the government of Burma, I think, is feeling some of the pressure from the international community and feels some need to be responsive. But the real story here is this is horrifying, this discussion, to be taking place right now, given the complete absence of measures in place to ensure safety and security upon return.","As I understand it, the Rohingya, according to this agreement, will be moved from the camps in Bangladesh to a camp in Myanmar where there could be security concerns.","Oh yeah, there are no safeguards in place. There - been no serious discussion of safeguards for return. You have to realize that we're talking about one of the greatest crimes in recent memory - massive abuses, forced relocation of hundreds of thousands of people in a matter of weeks.","There's problems, obviously, with monitoring the situation. The government won't let - of Myanmar - won't let international monitors in. And, in fact, the top U. N. official responsible for human rights was barred from the country. Is that right?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : There have been no serious discussions of safeguards for the return of the Rohingya, despite their forced relocation and massive abuses.","questions":"What is the main issue with the return of the Rohingya?","answer":"safeguards"} {"text":["Hey, Tony.","So, a recent New York Times article detailed Oprah Winfrey's growing influence, I should say, in Saudi Arabia, of all places. What's that about?","Well, yeah. \"The Oprah Show\" first broadcast in Saudi Arabia in November 2004, and it became an instant hit with women 25 and younger in that country, according to the Times. Now, the article reads, in a country where the sexes are separated, Ms. Winfrey provides many young women with new ways of thinking without striking them, or Saudi Arabia's ruling authorities as subversive. So, you know, Oprah, love her or hate her, is always a flash point for conversation. And on our blog, Jessica writes, it's amazing to see a down to earth black woman from Mississippi appeal to so many different people here in the U. S. and in other countries. Another reader named Zakita Jones(ph) says, I'm awed at how fast different forms of globalization are taking off and reaching other countries, but Candice James(ph) writes, Oprah works my last nerve. Saudi Arabia can have her!","Speaking of women's issues, another hot topic on our blog this week, women who are choosing to be single mothers. What's been the response?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Oprah Winfrey's show provides young Saudi Arabian women new ideas.","questions":"How is Oprah influencing young Saudi Arabian women?","answer":"Newideas"} {"text":["This is WEEKEND EDITION from NPR News. I'm Linda Wertheimer sitting in for Scott Simon.","The Silk Road, the centuries-old trade route that the West traditionally associates with Marco Polo, is believed to have brought silk and pasta from China all the way to Italy. Of course, it didn't happen quite like that. History always depends upon the teller of the story. And we have a new version from Jen Lin-Liu. She's an American food writer who lives and works in China.","She's written a book called \"On the Noodle Road,\" and she joins us now from our bureau in Beijing. Welcome to the program.","Thank you, Linda."],"speaker":["B","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : none","questions":"How is Jen Lin-Liu connected to the Silk Road?","answer":"Food"} {"text":["That's what won, finally, the attention of the old man. And only when he was tough did the old man respect him. And I think when his father became incapacitated, Bobby began to resort to who he was as a kid. As a kid, he was - he hung around all the time with African-American kids. Those were his playmates, even in Hyannis. He was - he, you know, Father Feeney - when Father Feeney said no salvation outside the Catholic Church, he railed against that, which was so extraordinary in that very Catholic family.","You know, Ralph Bunche - he insisted that that great African-American statesman get to speak to a integrated audience at UVA when he was in charge of the lecture series down there. There's all kinds of evidence of Bobby in the beginning being a liberal in the best sense of that word. And I think it just came more to life after Jack was gone and after the old man was out of action.","Will American voters these days - and donors and journalists, for that matter - let a public figure change in public the way Robert Kennedy did?","Well, I think the hardest thing for him - and to me, the sweetest part of the book - was his evolution on Joe McCarthy. There's no doubt that he loved the guy. It came through right to the end when he was driving in the car at National Airport. And Kathleen, his young daughter, said he was so stricken by the news that McCarthy had just drank himself to death at Bethesda Naval Hospital that he drove around the airport three times. He was just distraught."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) Will American voters these days - and donors and journalists, for that matter - let a public figure change in public the way Robert Kennedy did? ","questions":"Which figure in particular was Robert Kennedy able to change in public that has raised concerns about public figures changing?","answer":"public"} {"text":["But instead the executives went in with the don't-tell-us-what-to-do approach, and they overplayed their hand. And this has happened before in the EU with the massive privacy law and billion-dollar fines. It's clear Europe is giving big tech a smackdown. And Google, whose motto used to be, don't be evil, might consider a new motto - play nice.","So what do these new rules mean for, say, artists, for creators?How helpful is all of this to them?","Well, there could be a fascinating rift here. Last summer, Sir Paul McCartney from the Beatles - OK?- he wrote an open letter to the European Parliament. He said, music and culture matter. They don't just happen. The companies exploit artists' work. And he wanted the law overhauled. But he's a big-time artist with lawyers who can produce copyright documents - right?- and negotiate agreements with Google.","Yeah."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Implied meaning: The speaker is subtly suggesting that the other person is being unreasonable or unrealistic in their expectations or demands.","questions":"Which person is being suggested as unreasonable or unrealistic in their expectations or demands?","answer":"Other"} {"text":["Well, this ongoing and developing saga between singers Chris Brown and Rihanna. The president's proposed stimulus package is getting kicked around online as well. This is from the blog Political Season. He writes: Half of America is very weary of the bailout, and the other half loathes it, and nobody understands the logic going into it. Is it just me or would it have made a whole lot more sense for there to have been some public disclosure so that people understood the urgency and the emergency involved?","And this is from the blog Cob(ph): Like the woman who was pregnant when she voted for Obama because she thought he'd change America's health-care system in time for her baby, a lot of people are going to be disappointed to find that the stimulus plan is not going to be as broad and timely as the economy will be wiping out jobs.","And after today's developments, they are probably going to be even more confused in terms of what's about to happen. What can people find out on our Web site this week, Geoffrey?","Well, we've got two recent in-studio performances, one from Maisha, another one from Asha. They're both female singers who go by one name."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : kicked around means people are talking about it quite frequently","questions":"What is the name of the blog mentioned in turn 0?","answer":"Season"} {"text":["You know, let's come back to the Large Hadron Collider because if you talk about things, if you talk about this theme, there's much more to the universe than meets the eye, the other one that you know well is the prediction from string theory and similar theories that there are extra dimensions. And one of the ways to look for things like extra dimensions or shadow universes is to look for the leakage of material from our universe into their universe.","And let me use the LHC. One way to look for evidence of extra dimensions would be to carefully look at collisions that take place at the Large Hadron Collider and look for some of the energy to disappear. And what's interesting about that technique is when I put there's - when I say there's much more to the universe than meets the eye, the top of my list would be neutrinos, and we now know neutrinos exist. We can't see them with the eye, but we can build detectors to detect them. And the original evidence for the neutrino was missing energy in beta decays that were observed in the early part of the last century and then poly-hypothesize this particle, the neutrino. And eventually, we built detectors that were sensitive enough. So this technique of looking for energy leaking out of our universe going elsewhere is a very powerful technique for looking for things that we can't see.","Michael Turner, a pleasure as always to come have you come on and explain this stuff to us. Thanks a lot, Michael.","Glad to be on."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : the literal and actual meanings are the same. The speakers are simply exchanging pleasantries and expressing gratitude for the conversation","questions":"How did PersonB respond to Michael's explanation?","answer":"Thanks"} {"text":["Not a bad thing. Oh, yes. But my favorite apple that's in the book - that's mentioned in the book - is called the Pitmaston Pineapple. And it tastes of nuts and honey, but it also has a kind of pineapple finish - faint taste of pineapple at the end. And - but I love them so much that I have planted my own Pitmaston Pineapple tree. And in a couple years, I'm really hoping it bears fruit.","Tracy Chevalier's new novel is \"At The Edge Of The Orchard. \"","Tracy Chevalier, it's good to talk to you. Thanks so much.","Thank you."],"speaker":["A","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The narrator has a strong appreciation for the Pitmaston Pineapple, as they have made the effort to plant their own tree to experience the taste of it.","questions":"How does the narrator feel about the Pitmaston Pineapple?","answer":"appreciative"} {"text":["Yeah, it's light and it's very dark at the same time, yeah.","Well, that's what you go for or what?","Yeah, you got to have a little bit of - a little bit of an edge, I think.","You have a woman in a classical gown looking out over the sea coast in the moonlight holding a lantern. The caption - night after night she watches the sea, longing for her husband's departure (laughter)."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : This is implying that A believes art should have an interesting or captivating element to it.","questions":"How does PersonA describe the edge that he thinks art should have?","answer":"Interesting"} {"text":["He was an amazingly debonair guy. He was a man of society, as I came to figure out. He was a guy who attended functions at The Plaza for the Soldiers, Sailors, Marine Corps and Airmen's Association, the Petroushka Ball at the Waldorf, the Russian Nobility Ball, the Viennese Waltz Ball - all of these crazy events that, frankly, I had never heard of, but he was - had long-standing involvement with.","And he - this was his life.","This was his life. He was the organizer of these things. He would orchestrate table settings. He was the man at the door who would greet everybody. You know, he actually invited my wife and I to one of these events one time. It was one at The Plaza. And there stood Alan, right behind the reception table as you walked in: tuxedo, tails, you know, medals on his chest. He had served in the Air Force. And he - you know, he was the host of this whole universe, really. I mean, he was involved in numerous events like this.","And among those phone messages, you used to get messages from women named Muffy explaining what a grand, smashing time they'd had."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The man was the host and organizer of social events, well-dressed and decorated with medals.","questions":"Which events did the man attend?","answer":"Attended"} {"text":["And so the - now we know as a result, I think, of Mueller's diligence and quiet pursuit of just the facts that there were more than 80 contacts between members of the Trump campaign and Russian agents. There were - there have been - developed more than 20 meetings between people in his orbit and Russian agents. His national security advisers pled guilty. His campaign chairman's on trial. His deputy campaign chairman's on trial. And yet he continues to call this a witch hunt. And, you know, I can't help but thinking that the hunters have caught some witches here.","And for you being a target of this investigation, what else are you waiting to find out from the investigation?","Well, I'd like to see the - you know, obviously, this is going to be a difficult case to bring to trial in the United States. These are 12 foreign agents, military intelligence agents who undertook this operation as laid out in great detail in the indictment. I'd like to see it brought to justice. I can't wait for President Trump to ask President Putin on Monday whether he'd agree to extradite them to face the bar of justice. And I'd like to be in the court if they were here. I'm not holding my breath either for the fact that Trump will do that or that Putin would agree. But, ultimately, you know, I don't think those agents would probably be vacationing in Western Europe, so. . .","John Podesta, thank you very much for joining us. He - John Podesta's the former chairman of Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. Thanks much."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"I can't wait for President Trump to ask President Putin on Monday whether he'd agree to extradite them to face the bar of justice.\" (The phrase \"face the bar of justice\" is being used figuratively to mean face a trial or legal proceedings.)","questions":"What is being used figuratively to mean face a trial or legal proceedings in turn 2?","answer":"Witchhunt."} {"text":["She says, look, we've got to do something some investment on sort of global warming issues, energy, independence issues. Let's use the recession to start creating a green economy.","Now, when you look at someone who is no longer in the race, John Edwards, he was often portrayed by supporters and portrayed himself as someone who was going to make ending poverty the center of his campaign. How would his approach have differed from both Senators Obama and Clinton?","Well, actually it turns out at the end of the day, the Edwards approach is fairly similar to sort of a combination of the Clinton and Obama proposals, and that's not surprising. Because John Edwards was the person who came out with a plan first - I thought it was the best plan - and the other candidates fit in in a lot of issues, actually copied John Edwards. In fact, John Edwards was - has truly been a forcing figure during this election, compelling Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, both, to be more progressive than they might otherwise have been.","Well, let's talk a little bit about political philosophy. We've talked a bit about trickle-down economics, but then there's also the model of the government getting directly involved. Certainly ending the great depression by creating jobs itself - everything from jobs for writers and artists to road building, infrastructure. That does not seem to be a model that's been followed, certainly not to that extent - in decades. Is that even on the table, the whole prospect of the government actually stepping in and doing job creation itself?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"John Edwards was - has truly been a forcing figure during this election, compelling Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, both, to be more progressive than they might otherwise have been.\" - The literal meaning is that John Edwards has pushed Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to be more progressive in their policy proposals. The actual meaning is that John Edwards has had a significant impact on the policy proposals of the other candidates and has influenced the overall political discourse during the election.","questions":"How has John Edwards affected the policy proposals of Obama and Clinton?","answer":"Progressive"} {"text":["It is largely an age distinction. There are younger people who think that our geography has now trumped our history. We are in the world where it's more relevant than the ties we used to have. But for an older generation, those ties are really important, especially when it comes to war, and World War I and World War II, and New Zealand lost more soldiers per the population than most countries in the world. And they died and served under that flag.","Well, what are some of the alternatives that have been proposed?","The prime minister, John Key, here is a big fan of the silver fern. We have a symbol that we use on our sporting outfits. And one of our major teams, which is literally of a plant, a wee fern plant on a black background. For others, though, that's a bit too much like a brand or a logo than really a sovereign flag. There are artists who have come up with sort of designs of white skies and - 'cause, you know, it's also known as (Foreign language spoken) in Maori, the land of the long white cloud. There are Maori, the native people here, have independence flag that are talked about. So, quite a lot of options on the table to be debated.","Who gets to choose?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The prime minister, John Key, here is a big fan of the silver fern. We have a symbol that we use on our sporting outfits. And one of our major teams, which is literally of a plant, a wee fern plant on a black background. For others, though, that's a bit too much like a brand or a logo than really a sovereign flag. There are artists who have come up with sort of designs of white skies and - 'cause, you know, it's also known as (Foreign language spoken) in Maori, the land of the long white cloud. There are Maori, the native people here, have independence flag that are talked about. So, quite a lot of options on the table to be debated. The implied meaning in this turn is that some people perceive the silver fern as more of a commercial symbol or branding rather than a true representation of national sovereignty. The mention of alternative designs, such as white skies representing the \"land of the long white cloud,\" and the discussion of independence flags for the Maori people, suggests a range of options for consideration. The literal meaning would focus on the description of different symbols and designs being discussed.","questions":"What is the symbol of the major team in New Zealand?","answer":"Fern"} {"text":["Tony, it's been a long time.","It has been a long time.","It's good to hear your voice, my friend.","Listen, Gil, you were one of the official inauguration photographers traveling with the Biden motorcade yesterday, in front of the Capitol today. I guess I should ask you this, did you get the money shot you were looking for?","Well, I'm working with a great team of photographers too. We're with the obamaphotobook. com group. We're the official inaugural book photographers, and certainly, I encourage any of your listeners, if they took any photographs here in Washington, D. C. or even at home, send them in. We may include those photographs in the book. It's obamaphotobook. com, and you know, yeah, I got some - I think some decent photographs.","But yesterday was a particularly wonderful day because there was only one photographer plus myself with the vice president. And then to everyone's surprised, the then-President-elect Obama showed up at the Biden event, and so we got some - I think some pretty good stuff."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : B is asking A if he got a good photograph of the inauguration","questions":"Which group was Gil working with as the official inaugural book photographers?","answer":"obamaphotobook.com"} {"text":["Earlier this week, Deacon White was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame. And yes, we know, you've never heard of him. White's career began in 1871, at the dawn of professional baseball. He played catcher in the days when catchers use no equipment at all: no glove, no pads, no facemask. They became heroes celebrated for their courage and their wits, and Deacon White stood out as one of the best.","Baseball historian Peter Morris serves on what used to be called the Veteran's Committee at Cooperstown. It's now called the Pre-Integration Era Committee. He's also the author of \"Catcher: How the Man Behind the Plate Became an American Folk Hero\" and joins us now from the studios at Michigan Radio in Ann Arbor. Good to have you with us today.","My pleasure to be here, Neal.","And in your book, you argue that the generation that came of age after the Civil War looked around for some heroes and found them behind home plate."],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The generation after the Civil War looked to catchers as heroes.","questions":"How did the generation after the Civil War view catchers?","answer":"Heroes"} {"text":["Maybe in part but certainly not for all of it. I mean, look. You can see how investor might be inspired by the Trump administration, right?He is seen as business-friendly, as is the Republican Congress. They're talking about cutting corporate taxes. They're talking about cutting regulations. So that might make investors more bullish.","But you have so many other factors that weigh on the markets. For example, low interest rates. That might be sending stocks higher. Job creation is steady, like we were saying. And the global economy is doing OK. And one other thing to emphasize here, Donald Trump does have a lot of economic policies he wants to pass. You know, he's talked about infrastructure. They've talked about overhauling the tax code. Those things haven't happened yet.","Who seems to benefit from the stock market climb right now?","Definitely rich people, I mean, is the short answer. You know, according to data from 2013 - and I find this astounding - the top 10 percent of households in terms of wealth owned 80 percent of the stocks in America. That's a huge discrepancy. And still others, you know, are invested via retirement accounts. So you have some of the middle class that is benefiting, but you have all of those other people that own no stock. They might see some indirect effects."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) Who seems to benefit from the stock market climb right now? - Implied meaning: Who is most likely to benefit from the current rise in stock prices?","questions":"What is the percentage of stocks owned by the top 10 percent wealthiest households in America?","answer":"top10%"} {"text":["That's the unmistakable voice of Faith Evans, known as the first lady of hip hop. At 35 years old, she's been through more than most folks will in their entire life. Faith was raised by her grandparents in a house full of children, foster children, and other relatives. By the age of four, she found her first adoring audience in her church.","By 15, she was climbing out of her bedroom window to go learn how to record and mix music. Three years after that, Faith was a college dropout, a songwriter, a single mother, and a survivor of a brutal and abusive relationship. By 24, she was a successful singer and a widow.","Now, Faith Evans is telling all in her memoir, \"Keep the Faith,\" starting with the death of her estranged husband, the rapper Notorious B. I. G.","Basically, my life was changed in a matter of seconds. I mean, I think that's pretty much how I did sum in up in the intro, I mean, before I even described what I was doing and you know, what he was doing."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : She was able to rise above her difficult circumstances and become a successful artist despite her hardships.","questions":"What was Faith Evan's profession?","answer":"Singer."} {"text":["It's the 100th birthday of the Pulitzer Prizes this year - the centenary of a prize that can change the life and the career of a journalist, a photographer, a biographer, a dramatist or a poet. In the latest conversation in our series to mark the Pulitzer's big year, we welcome Gregory Pardlo. He won the Pulitzer for poetry last year for his collection of poems entitled \"Digest. \"And he joins us from our studios in New York. Greg, thanks so much for being with us.","Hi, Scott. Thanks for having me.","Can we hear a bit of your work, maybe from the poem \"For Which It Stands?\"","Absolutely. (Reading) \"For Which It Stands\" - for a flag, I answered facetiously. A flag of tomorrow. Fluent in fire, not just the whispers, lisps, not just the still there of powdered wigs, dry winds. Who wants a speckled drape that folds as easy over smirch as fallen soldier?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : implies that the Mexican government is trying to portray El Chapo in a negative light by discussing details of his private life.","questions":"How is El Chapo being portrayed by the Mexican government?","answer":"Damage"} {"text":["I mean, it's tempting, and certainly we do it in the news business, to look at a figure like $9 billion and say, you know, figure out what that cost per arrest and everything. But I wonder, isn't it in a sense worth, I don't know, a billion dollars a year to the American people to have that deterrent aboard?Because as people in the program have pointed out, if something happens, there's no one else to call upon for help in an airliner.","Well, you could justify almost anything on that basis. But I will tell you that on any cost-benefit analysis, this program does not hold muster. I can tell you also that while a billion dollars might not seem like much money in the whole federal government. . .","Oh, no, it's a lot of money. Don't get me wrong. . .","It's a lot. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Turn (1) has a non-literal meaning. The speaker is suggesting that the cost of the program may be justified by its deterrent effect, even though it may not be cost-effective in terms of the number of arrests made.","questions":"How does the speaker in turn (0) suggest justifying the cost of the program?","answer":"Justify"} {"text":["And here's her plan. You get your kids into their PJs. You tuck them in with a math equation on top of their bedtime story. And you can find a simple - a sample of her bedtime math puzzles on our website at sciencefriday. com\/bedtimemath. Laura Overdeck is here with us. Welcome to SCIENCE FRIDAY.","Hi. Thank you.","This is a cute little book. It's a big book. It's nice. You think you can teach math to kids while they're getting their bedtime story?","Oh, I think absolutely. Where this came from was that my husband and I, we like math, and when our first child was 2, we started rolling in a little math problem with her book at night, just, you know, started with counting the ears and noses on her stuffed animals. It got tougher as she got older. We've rolled in a second child, a third child. And what we found was that, in our house by now, math is like dessert. It's a treat. . .","Is that right?","It's a treat the kids want. They actually ask for their math problem at night."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : They begin the math with the kids,not actually roll anything.","questions":"What did they start with their first child at night?","answer":"Counting"} {"text":["Well, in a way, it was easy to not think about it, let's put it that way. After all, you know, the community had been tremendously traumatized by all this, so we were not in a mental situation to examine it or to think about it that much. I mean, people had to survive. But over the long haul, I do feel that because we had been subjected to something that was so totally outside of our control, one had to really internalize a lot of the, well, gee. You know, why did they do this to us?","And in my particular case, my parents decided that they no longer wanted to stay in this country, you know?So they signed up for what they called a repatriation. My father was not a citizen, so he had decided to go back to Japan. And for me, this was unthinkable. I just could not imagine leaving the home, the country that I knew. I'm very alienated from my parents for a while over this situation. We did not go to Japan, but that's something that will always haunt me because I was blaming my parents for something that was imposed on them, really.","What made you decide that you wanted to protest now at Fort Sill?","Well, some of us just thought, because of our particular history, that we had, you know, the moral authority to go in and say, well, you've done it to us, so don't repeat history."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The long haul is a length of time where the issue had to be dealt with.","questions":"What did the speaker have to internalize due to something outside of their control?","answer":"Gee"} {"text":["President Trump's declaration of a national emergency along the southern border has been criticized by congressional Democrats, but some Republicans, conservative activists and thinkers are also voicing concerns. James Wallner is with the R Street Institute, a pro-free market conservative research group and joins us in our studios. Thanks so much for being with us.","It's a pleasure.","Do you have reservations or objections?","I think what we've seen over the past couple of days is really the epitome of dysfunction in our government at present. So I say, yes, I have a lot of objections to what we're seeing.","Constitutional?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : A thinks that the government is not functioning properly.","questions":"Which word describes PersonA's opinion on the government's current functioning?","answer":"dysfunction"} {"text":["Ground-based solar is only good when the sun is shining. And this applies to wind energy, too. It's only good when the wind is blowing. You have to have fossil fuel generators, standing by to pick up the load when the wind stops blowing, or the sun stops shining. So that has to be figured into the economics of wind- and ground-based solar. And, of course, you don't have either of those problems with a solar power satellite.","What would my electricity bill look like if I were getting solar power beamed down from satellites?What would it cost me?","That is hard to come by, but the best estimates we have, it's somewhere between eight to 20 cents a kilowatt hour.","Well 20 cents a kilowatt hour would be very expensive electricity."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Ground-based solar and wind energy are not reliable sources of power.","questions":"Which sources of power are not reliable according to turn 0?","answer":"solar,wind-energy"} {"text":["Well, all I can tell you is this. When I asked Commissioner Davis that question, he didn't hang up on me. He said the answer that I gave - that I reported - he said absolutely. It's possible that just the feeling that we're over the hump, that we're through this. I mean, it's human nature. You've watched events. They get there early. They're on high alert all the time. Plus, in this particular case, the bomb-sniffing dogs had gone through twice, once in the morning and an hour before the explosions have gone off.","So there was a feeling, there was a reason to feel basically secure that at time. It turned out not, you know, the security was - sense of security was misplaced. But again, I don't think it's an insult at all to what the response and, you know, the courage and all of that happened afterwards to rethink, and, you know, again, to use an overused term, connect the dots about how things were set up, were they followed out as they should've been.","Joan Vennochi, thanks very much for your time today. Appreciate it.","Thank you."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : It's not an insult to think about what has happened again and to make sense of it and see where things were related to each other.","questions":"What is it important to do after a security incident?","answer":"rethink"} {"text":["Hey. How you doing, Lulu?","I'm very well. For people who haven't been to Richmond, can you describe Monument Avenue for us?What statues are there?","Monument Avenue is one of the most beautiful stretches of street in the United States of America. I mean, it's tree-lined. It's on the national historic registry. There are statues to Robert E. Lee. There's a statue to Jeb Stuart, to, you know, Stonewall Jackson. And there's a lonely statue of Arthur Ashe, which I call the only true champion on that stretch of street.","The tennis champion, Arthur Ashe."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"I'm very well. For people who haven't been to Richmond, can you describe Monument Avenue for us? What statues are there?\" - The actual meaning is the speaker is politely introducing themselves, expressing their good health and asking a genuine question about Monument Avenue and its statues, rather than just making small talk.","questions":"Which stretch of street has statues of Robert E. Lee, Jeb Stuart, Stonewall Jackson, and Arthur Ashe?","answer":"Monument"} {"text":["And there were a lot of things we did with George, always trying to recover the Pinta population of tortoises.","But nothing worked out, huh?","Nothing worked out. George was never very interested in any other tortoises. He was pretty much of a loner. And if you think about his life on Pinta, he spent probably the first half of his life alone on that island, and maybe by the time he'd gotten company with other tortoises, he just wasn't too into socializing much anymore.","Now, what made him unique genetically?Why is he the last of his kind?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"Nothing worked out.\" - The literal meaning of this sentence is that none of the attempts to recover the Pinta population of tortoises were successful. However, the actual meaning conveyed by the speaker is more negative in tone, suggesting that their efforts were futile and perhaps even frustrating.","questions":"Which word suggests that the PersonA's attempts were futile and frustrating?","answer":"Futile"} {"text":["That's a really good question. I just want to know that he worked alone, that it was all him. Because there is a lack of official information coming out, that area's just been filled up with conspiracy theories. And, you know, with time, I've come to say, OK. It's just one person who was fully loaded with ammunition. But there's still in the back of my mind - did he really work alone?Did he carry all that stuff up to his room by himself?I feel like there's some more pieces. And they've just really clamped down on it.","What about a week like this when so many people observe the 5th anniversary of the - yeah, of the children who were killed at Sandy Hook?","First time I'm going to cry talking to you. Yesterday was so hard on me, thinking about those beautiful, beautiful children. And I'm a teacher. And thinking about the educators that were killed - it just is such a sad day in our history. And then seeing that it happened at our concert and then seeing what happened in Texas, you know, a couple weeks later - it's just not stopping. And it just affects so many people. And what did we really change?Did we help anyone with mental illness?Did we change anything about gun control or school safety?You know, it's just a really sad brotherhood or sisterhood. But you feel connected because you understand what they went through. And some of them just have such a long road to go.","Yeah. What about your road?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : BELIVE THAT MOST THEM WILL AGREE EVERY SURE","questions":"Which word in the dialogue is associated with a tragic event that happened in the history?","answer":"killed"} {"text":["My final thing is this, and I appreciate your coming on, one of the cornerstones of the president then-candidate Obama's approach to the people was that he would reach across the aisle, and there have been questions as to whether he really reached across the aisle effectively as far as the stimulus is concerned, fair or unfair?","I think he was effective. I mean, I'm not sure he ever could have expected to win a lot of people over but he had to be seen as trying. A budget after all like this stimulus economic recovery plan is actually a budget measure. It incorporates the priorities of the majority party, and the Republicans and Democrats have very different ideas of how to handle spending and taxes. So he was never going to get a lot of votes, but he tried. And he clearly, he tried not just stylistically but substantively. And what your listeners have to remember is that there are very moderate Republicans left in Congress. There's very few people left to deal with because Democrats have been so successful at the polls for the last two cycles.","I've got about 15 seconds for this, would you say that the president - this president - is under more public scrutiny that either of his recent predecessors?","Well, any president is under scrutiny, but I think yes. I mean, he's a ground breaker. He is the first African-American president that alone would bring him more scrutiny."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : cornerstone means in this context that it is a significant issue.","questions":"Which word describes the significance of the issue in turn 0?","answer":"Significance"} {"text":["Yeah,. It's really amazing, yeah. It turns out he was, you know, an avid, you know, layperson but had great interest in butterflies and how they evolve and so on. And he suggested that butterflies moved in certain ways from between Asia and Europe and so on. And just about a couple of years ago scientists discovered that, you know, what he suggested is actually correct.","And how did he come up with that idea?I mean, was it based on fact?","He was really following - yeah, yeah. He was following, you know, the butterflies and, you know, and where - what kinds of species you find where and so on. He was really very interested and very knowledgeable in butterflies.","Mm-hmm. OK. Let's move on to another famous guy: Lord Kelvin. Tell us who Lord Kelvin was and what his big blunder was."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The person being discussed was not an expert on butterflies but had great interest in them","questions":"What was the hobby of the person being discussed in turn 0?","answer":"Butterflies"} {"text":["Well, I mean, one reason that I think it's worth doing this is that when campaigns gather and take stock of this information on Election Day, they use it to make game-day decisions about how to market to you, right?So if you're a voter in a key state, the campaigns in that state will look at the same kind of information we're going to be gathering and publishing. They'll decide to move their radio resources around. They might send you a couple push text messages. They are going to try and drive your voting behavior based on the information they're seeing about the race and how it's going. You know, I think one of the jobs of journalism is to make its users savvier and more aware of the marketing that they're subjected to. And I think that publishing the information we plan to publish could help do that.","I'm going to return to the same question. I mean, how?What's the crying need for that?","Well, I mean, I think isn't it useful for voters to see the election the way that insiders do?The campaigns are trying to get you to vote in a certain way, and they are pushing you. And if you can understand why and how they're doing that, maybe you can make a smarter decision.","Julia Turner of Slate, thanks so much for being with us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The speaker is not actually asking a question but rather implying that the need has not yet been established. ","questions":"Which turn implies that the need for publishing the information has not yet been established?","answer":"Turn1"} {"text":["We've got two foreign vessels in Iranian custody. We've got one Iranian tanker in British custody and no sign of the tensions cooling off. So what happens next is the big question and a lot of the options are not that great. I mean, remember, this is all happening in the context of the Trump administration's maximum pressure campaign against Iran.","Trump has been saying the return of American sanctions on Iran and other pressures are all designed to force Iran back to the negotiating table to hammer out a tougher version of the 2015 nuclear agreement - that's the one Trump pulled the U. S. out of. So far, Iran's unanimous response from the military to the supreme leader has been, nope, Iran doesn't negotiate under pressure. We're not going to do it. So we'll have to see if this continuation of commercial vessels being seized in the Persian Gulf adds more pressure for some kind of international response.","That's NPR's Peter Kenyon in Istanbul.","Thank you very much."],"speaker":["A","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The table simply means that Iran is being forced to return to negotiations.","questions":"How does Trump want to force Iran to negotiate?","answer":"sanctions"} {"text":["Right, but it was not my choice to be here. And this is what people forget. I applied for asylum in 27 different countries around the world, and it was the government, the United States government, then-Secretary John Kerry, that canceled my passport as I was leaving from Hong Kong en route to Ecuador. And this locked me in place.","I believe they panicked. And I think the reason that I'm in Russia today is because what we know - this was actually publicly reported in 2013. Every time one of these other countries, one that the United States public would be much more comfortable with - a France, a Norway, a Germany - one of two people would call the Foreign Ministry of that country. And it would be either Secretary of State John Kerry or then-Vice President Joe Biden.","The idea here is they would go, look; we understand that he has been charged with political crimes. This means you don't qualify for extradition, and you almost always do qualify for asylum protections. And the government - we know you can do this, but if you do, we want you to understand there will be a response. We're not going to say what it will be, but it will be severe because we don't want to see the public seeing this guy as a whistleblower, which the public then was coming around to do.","You say the U. S. government panicked. Did the U. S. government panic, or just they felt it was important to the national interest of the United States to make certain you - your movement was limited?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The person complained publicaly about things that were illegal and private.","questions":"What did the person publicly complain about?","answer":"B"} {"text":["That's where I went to school.","You went to Fremont?","I went to Fremont High School, I did.","Oh, my goodness. So, you know, East 14th is now called International Boulevard, and you lived in two very different worlds in that part of Oakland. Tell me a little bit about the best and worst of both sides.","Well, I lived my - after my parents divorced, my mother remarried a guy who made us be in that religion that rhymes with tehova's sitnesses (ph)."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Asking for confirmation that the person went to Fremont.","questions":"What is the name of the high school PersonA attended?","answer":"FremontHighSchool"} {"text":["And then I decided to come out. Now it's been going on several hours. I'm several streets away from the Champs-Elysees, Scott, but the people - it's like it's the second revolution coming because people are turning over - they're building barricades in the street. We're still - we've got helicopters overhead. They're still firing tear gas. And everyone around me is wearing a yellow vest.","Now, fuel prices have gone up - I have read, I think - 23 percent over the past year. And protesters blame the government for this.","Well, the government - the French pay some of the highest gas prices in the world, like, about more than $6 a gallon, Scott. And the government says it's going to raise the taxes again in January to finance the transition to an ecological economy - you know, more environmentally friendly fuels.","And, you know, for people who have to drive to work - blue-collar workers, just everyday people - this is outrageous. They say they can't make it anymore, so they've come out into the street. And, Scott, this movement has no leaders. There are no unions behind it. There are housewives. There are retirees - regular people. There are people who have never protested before. So it's turned into a movement. No one knows where it's going to go now."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : It will be difficult to keep the unemployment rate at 8 percent and it is likely to increase.","questions":"What is the likelihood of the unemployment rate increasing?","answer":"Likely"} {"text":["Well, Lyrics Born, thanks so much.","Thank you. My pleasure.","Rapper and producer Lyrics Born's new album is \"Everywhere At Once. \"He joined us from the studios at UC Berkeley School of Journalism.","(Rapping) I came a long way From eating off-brand rice I came a long way From writing fourth grade rhymes I came a long way To get my pay grade high Baby, you ain't never heard me come the same way twice."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Lyrics Born has come a long way from his humble beginnings.","questions":"What was Lyrics Born's new album called?","answer":"Everywhere-At-Once"} {"text":["This is SCIENCE FRIDAY. I'm Flora Lichtman. If you're listening to our program over the radio today, you have Nikola Tesla to thank. Many of the things we take for granted now - electricity, radar, X-ray technology - come from research done by Tesla about a hundred years ago. But even though he's been come - he's come to be known as the father of the electric age, Tesla died penniless and largely forgotten in 1943.","Skip ahead to present time and enter Matthew Inman, creator of the website The Oatmeal. You may have seen and laughed at his comics, and if you haven't, to get a flavor of them, go to our website at sciencefriday. com to see his one about Tesla. Inman partnered with a nonprofit called the Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe on a mission to raise money to buy Tesla's lab in Shoreham, New York, and turn it into a museum. And here's the amazing part: they did it. They raised over $1. 3 million from the public to fund a science museum. There's hope yet. Matthew Inman joins me from Atlanta. Welcome to the program and congratulations.","Oh, yeah, thanks for having me.","Who are these people that gave to your campaign?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Tesla's research contributed to modern inventions, but he died in poverty and obscurity.","questions":"What is one of the things that we take for granted now that comes from research done by Tesla?","answer":"Electricity"} {"text":["And it was remarkable to find these little details that people had. Oh, yes, when he was in college, you know, he belonged to this - some society. I'm forgetting the name right now. But the idea of it was to perfect one's dancing and etiquette. And the next door neighbor said he was always very interested in, you know, in correct speech and in, sort of, you know, elegantly holding himself out and that this was something that just went back, back, back, back, back.","Alan Feuer tells Alan Feuer's story in two articles in The New York Times, the most recent, \"The Secret Life of a Society Maven. \"You could find a link to that on our website. Go to npr. org, click on TALK OF THE NATION. And, Alan Feuer, thank you so much for sharing your story.","Oh, my pleasure.","Alan Feuer is a reporter for The New York Times. Tomorrow, after a gun battle outside the prime minister's house in Tripoli, we'll talk about progress and pitfalls and the ripples of revolution in Libya. Join for us that. It's the TALK OF THE NATION from NPR News. I'm Neal Conan in Washington."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The speaker is referring to an article in The New York Times about a person's secret life as a society maven.","questions":"How was the person's secret life described in The New York Times article?","answer":"Secret"} {"text":["You know, there are a number of reporters who've contacted me that have said, what do you we do?I've got sinusitis. What do I do?It clearly is a prevalent problem in the general population. But clearly, we need controlled clinical trials to determine the efficacy of these kinds of interventions. And the FDA has ruled that if we are doing such trials, we need investigational drug status for every species that we want to instill into a patient to treat our disease.","So it maybe a while before we can actually get to a point where we would be instilling these kinds of organisms into the sinuses. But it's certainly another way of thinking about treating chronic inflammatory disease, of the sinuses, at least. There's certainly prostins in the gastrointestinal tract. For example, when there's recalcitrant C. difficile, clostridium difficile infection, which is this thing that outgrows when patients have had, again, a lot of antimicrobials and have depleted diversity. Fecal transplant works very well.","So taking the feces of a spouse or a relative, and basically repopulating the gastrointestinal tract with those species, has a rate of 91 percent efficacy. So I think we could consider this for mucosal services as, perhaps, the general rule that this kind of restoration ecology approach to try to reinstate the healthy protective organisms in this niches, maybe an alternative strategy for treating some of these chronic inflammatory diseases.","Yeah. Did we once all have them and they went away somehow?Or what - why did some of us have the healthy population and some of us don't?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Fecal transplant may be an effective treatment for some chronic inflammatory diseases.","questions":"What is the alternative strategy for treating chronic inflammatory diseases mentioned in the dialogue?","answer":"Transplant"} {"text":["A young upstart reporter at a national news network, a political newcomer fresh from Hollywood, his opponent - a female senator firmly rooted in the establishment, a ratings-obsessed media mogul - does any of this sound familiar to you yet?Amazingly, Alisyn Camerota, a veteran news anchor and host of CNN's morning show \"New Day,\" started writing her new novel years ago. And now the book \"Amanda Wakes Up\" seems like a crystal ball. Alisyn Camerota joins me from our studios in New York. Welcome to the program.","Thank you, Lulu. Great to be with you.","So are you psychic?(Laughter).","Well, there were many times, many times in the writing of this that my agent editor and I thought I was. But I think, what it turns out, is that there are some perennial favorite themes in politics and in presidential races. And I hit on them because you can predict with some certainty what will come back around."],"speaker":["B","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"psychic\" - This word is used figuratively to describe someone who can predict future events or has a sixth sense. It does not mean that Alisyn Camerota actually has psychic abilities.","questions":"Which word did PersonB use to describe someone who can predict future events or has a sixth sense?","answer":"Psychic"} {"text":["We were with addicts on the street as they were having encounters with law enforcement. We were in treatment centers with people trying to kick the addiction. There's this one phenomenal picture of five inmates. They're all pregnant and being let in to get their methadone and things like that. We were in in drug courts, where people were being dealt with by the criminal justice system.","I think one of the reasons that it's gotten so much attention is because of the spareness with which we report it. We just report anecdote after anecdote after anecdote after anecdote over seven days. And anybody who reads it cannot come away without understanding how deep and how pernicious and how totally involving of our society this epidemic is.","Are there things that happen in Cincinnati every day that people walk past that you wanted to use this opportunity to share with?","Well, yes, I mean, in the sense that we wanted people to understand that this is going on all around them. Heroin is not a demographic or racial or any socioeconomic status - however you want to put it - drug. Its terrible reach is universal."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The drug epidemic is pervasive and affects people from all walks of life.","questions":"Which epidemic is being discussed?","answer":"epidemic"} {"text":["Different things. Some people have heard of the Ig Nobel Prize, many have not. To some of them - there have been some winners who have been waiting for it for years. More typically they're not quite sure what it is. Our standard policy, which - it has a few twists now and then. But in general, when we've chosen somebody, we will quietly get in touch with them, offer them the prize and give them the opportunity to quietly to decline the honor. And if they say no, that's fine, that's it. We never mention it. We don't even keep records. We give it to somebody else. But happily for us, not many people decline. Almost everybody accepts.","And some of them - do they actually go on to win the real Nobel Prize?","That's happened at least once. In the year 2000, we gave the Ig Nobel Prize in psychics to two physicists in England, Andre Geim and Michael Berry, who were, and are, quite eminent physicists. They won the Ig Nobel Prize that year for using magnets to levitate a frog. I don't know if you've seen the videos on the Web of that.","Yeah, yeah, yeah."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Winners of Ig Nobel Prize are eager to receive it","questions":"What is the standard policy for declining the Ig Nobel Prize?","answer":"Quietly"} {"text":["But Zoe Wesloski(ph) emailed from Pittsburgh to say: I don't get it. I'm 39. This was not an option for my generation. Not only did I enter the job market without a college degree, but I found a way to survive. And when I left home at 22, I never went back. I found a way to make it through nursing school as a single mother in my 30s. She continued: I don't know what's wrong with this generation, but it sure as hell ain't the economy.","We also spoke with New York Times writer Alex Williams about the challenges of making friends after college. Anne Scranton(ph) in Blue Ash, Ohio, wrote: Everyone told me I'd make lots of mom friends when my kids got in school. But as a working mom, I found it tough to connect on weekends when many families are having family time. I decided to enroll in a leadership class held in the city where I work, and through that class, I've met other working families and folks of all ages and stages. Everyone needs to be open-minded in reaching out to people of all ages. We all have experiences to share.","And finally, Greg Alexander in Bloomington, Indiana reminded us that the beginning and end of the story of adult bonding is happy hour. It's good to go to a place where everybody knows your name. Cheers.","(Singing) Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name, and they're always glad you came. You want to be where you can see. Our troubles are all the same. You want to be where everybody knows your name."],"speaker":["B","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : People of all ages can make good friends regardless of their stage in life","questions":"Which Indiana town was Greg Alexander from?","answer":"Bloomington"} {"text":["Eastern Congo may be the most dangerous place on Earth, and it's getting worse. A rebel army is moving on the biggest city, Goma. Hundreds of thousands of people are running for their lives. This is the region of infamous ethnic killing between the many people who call themselves Hutus and the far fewer Tutsi.","Hez Holland is a correspondent with Reuters. He's been reporting from Goma. He joins us now. Hez, welcome. And remind us, this is also a region of enormous wealth - timber and minerals. People have been fighting over it for a long time.","At least. It's historically been a curse, what with the mineral wealth and, as you said, the timber, has been something that has been fought over for - since the Belgians. It's always been a place where minerals have been extracted and exploited, and the people have always been just pawns in the great game of any kind of colonial power, really.","Well, now, there's this rebel group led by a man named General Nkunda. He is a former Congolese general. And it is moving on the city of Goma. What are you seeing there now?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The word \"most dangerous place on Earth\" implies an exaggeration to emphasize the severity of the situation.","questions":"What is the rebel army moving towards?","answer":"Goma"} {"text":["I'm great. So, what excites you?I mean, it's a huge accomplishment to coach this team. And what excites you about this year's Olympic Games?","We have a fantastic team. You know, naturally, the team isn't picked yet and everyone will go through Olympic trials. But whoever comes out in the top three, they will represent this country to the highest degree. I'm sure it will be a balance of our veterans and our up-and-coming athletes. And they did very well last year in the world championship. And I'm looking forward to seeing the U. S. A. do very well in Beijing.","What does it take - you're an Olympian, a medal-wining Olympian. What does it take to have, not just the skill, but the heart to get a medal in the Olympics?","You know, it takes a lot of sacrifice, you know?Many times the athletes have, they've done a lot of competition, of course. From age-group track & field, through high school, and if they attended college, it takes a lot of dedication, a lot of sacrifice, and a lot of focus. You know, a lot of times, you know, sometimes they can get distracted. But the ones that you see, the cream of the crop that you see at the Olympic Games are extremely focused and dedicated athletes."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The coach is confident in the team's abilities for the Olympics.","questions":"What is the coach's sentiment towards the team's performance in the Olympics?","answer":"Heart"} {"text":["Right.","You know, she said, he's sort of Ralph Lauren type. Do you like that type?And here I am thinking, like, God, no.","What did she ask you to do?","She didn't tell me to do anything. She just said, just do whatever he asks, and you'll be fine. And again, that's another comment that was made as we were leaving the car as we walked into the house that didn't land right away. But obviously, in hindsight now, that - the comment, you know, landed pretty hard with me."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : A dislikes Ralph Lauren type, but she thinks B might like them","questions":"Which type of person does PersonA dislike?","answer":"Ralph"} {"text":["Yeah, Scott, well it began with - you know, it was a warm night last night, and people were out - it was a Friday night - sitting at a restaurant out at a cafe. And that's how it started. The attackers drove by with Kalashnikovs and just fired into everyone at that outdoor cafe. And there was also an attack on the stadium - the national stadium - where Francois Hollande was watching a game - a friendly game - match between France and Germany - a soccer match. And two assailants blew themselves up with - they were suicide bombers outside the stadium. And everyone ran to the grass to take cover. There was complete chaos. It had to be evacuated. The thing authorities are saying that's so striking is that they were perfectly coordinated.","To occur at the same time. . .","Exactly.",". . . Which, of course, would deplete the emergency resources the city could bring to it. In the. . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Yeah, Scott, well it began with - you know, it was a warm night last night, and people were out - it was a Friday night - sitting at a restaurant out at a cafe. And that's how it started. The attackers drove by with Kalashnikovs and just fired into everyone at that outdoor cafe. And there was also an attack on the stadium - the national stadium - where Francois Hollande was watching a game - a friendly game - match between France and Germany - a soccer match. And two assailants blew themselves up with - they were suicide bombers outside the stadium. And everyone ran to the grass to take cover. There was complete chaos. It had to be evacuated. The thing authorities are saying that's so striking is that they were perfectly coordinated.","questions":"Which city?","answer":"Paris"} {"text":["Thanks. Good to be with you.","So you start your book by talking about a conversation you had with your young son. Tell us about what prompted that.","Well, he was 7 years old. He got in the car, put his seatbelt on, and he said to me, Mom, do you know what a hooker and a stripper are?And I was a little bit floored because I had been pretty much the mother from hell in terms of making sure that I knew everything he had ever seen, and I was the one that was acculturating my children. I wasn't having the media do it, and what the story turned out to be is he'd been at the playground that day and a bunch of boys had been talking about a video game that one of them had been playing. He told me that, Mom, you know, if you kill enough people, you get to go into a room where a lady takes off her top. That's what a stripper is. And if you kill more people and you get to a higher level of the game, you get to go into a room where a lady takes off all her clothes. That's what a hooker is. Well, needless to say, I was really floored because without anything coming from me or the home, he already had in his mind a connection between violence and killing and sexuality.","So what did you do?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The mother was surprised that her 7-year-old son already knew about the terms 'hooker' and 'stripper' and their connection to violence and sexuality without her teaching him.","questions":"What was the boy's explanation for learning about the terms 'hooker' and 'stripper'?","answer":"Video"} {"text":["What is - let's start with this. What is your personal collection to the work and the images in this book?","Well, to me this was a labor of love. I've been living in the U. S. I came back to England. It's my homeland. I came back to London, my home city, and I felt that the culture of the young black people in particular here were suffering from a kind of deficit, historically speaking.","There were younger people in my neighborhood who were bereft of history, who took their idea of themselves from watching their kind of generic hip-hop video material that they got from the video screen rather than really inquiring into the particular history and experience of our communities in this country.","As I looked at the book, I was trying to find a theme, and I don't know if I found one or not. What was, in your view, the major trends or themes that you saw unfolding over the century that are depicted in these photographs?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"personal collection\" is a figurative expression meaning \"personal connection or attachment\"","questions":"What was the reason behind the deficit of history in young black people in particular?","answer":"Deficit"} {"text":["So when you think about -particularly African-American neighborhoods you've got a lot of neighborhoods - and you know not just black neighborhoods where you'll see for sale signs. Sometimes now you are starting to see abandoned houses. We've even heard stories about how abandoned houses then produce crime, because people will base out of those houses. Is this going to really help people at the grassroots level?","It's going to help some people at the grassroots level. As with anything in the economy, it's going to take a long time or at least some months for the real fallout from this to be known. What it does mean in the immediate term is that some banks will be able to lend more money, again, because Fannie and Freddy is going to get a cash infusion from the government to continue their work of buying mortgages from the banks, and so that should ease up credit. It should also make it potentially a little bit easier and a little bit cheaper to borrow because banks- when they're not taking as much risk then they can lower some mortgage rates things like that.","I don't know that it's necessarily going to clean up any neighborhood where you've got people going into an abandoned house and free basing or selling drugs or, you know, abandoned houses, that sort of thing. I don't know that this move is going to have that immediate impact on the ground in neighborhoods that are already blighted.","What about at this upper level?What about what's happened in the stock markets and in the international communities?The ramifications of this?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Abandoned houses in African-American neighborhoods lead to crime","questions":"How does abandoned housing impact crime in African-American neighborhoods?","answer":"crime"} {"text":["Well, earlier this morning it seemed by Israeli military numbers that rocket fire from Gaza had slowed down a bit, to just half a dozen rockets over a 10 hour period or so. That's compared to nearly 700 since early Tuesday morning. But the steady pace has picked back up again. Israeli strikes on Gaza from planes and from ships off-shore in the Mediterranean are also continuing. In residential areas, and also last night, a Mosque was destroyed as well as a bank used by Hamas - that's the militant Islamic group that Israel blames for the current escalation.","Israeli press reports say there is a cease fire being drafted by a couple of Arab States. Those Israeli reports also say that Israel is open to discuss a cease fire, but claim that Hamas needs some kind of victory in this conflict. But publically, both sides say they're pressing forward with fighting. A Hamas spokesman yesterday mentioned an attack on an Israeli jeep, saying that if a ground war happens, Gaza will be a cemetery for Israeli soldiers.","Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he's exploring all options to end this conflict, but he also says that military strikes will continue until Israel can be certain that there's no more rocket fire from Gaza. Whether this will escalate into a ground conflict is still the main question people here are watching.","And what is it like in Gaza right now?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) - The literal meaning of the turn is that Israeli press reports mention a ceasefire being drafted and both sides are still fighting. However, the implied meaning is that there is a possibility of a ceasefire and that both sides may be willing to negotiate, despite the ongoing fighting.","questions":"How is the ceasefire being mentioned in Israeli press reports?","answer":"Ceasefire"} {"text":["Any known observed fall, anything that's of historic interest, naturally just by the news-making aspect of it, has more value to it than what it would otherwise be.","Right.","I believe it's what's called an ordinary chondrite. It's one of the more common types of meteorites. So just in and of itself, it's probably not one of the rare kinds of meteorites that's out there. But yeah, I would be hard put to put a figure. . .","Millions."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : A: Any known observed fall, anything that's of historic interest, naturally just by the news-making aspect of it, has more value to it than what it would otherwise be.","questions":"How would PersonA describe the value of something that has a historic interest or has been observed falling?","answer":"News-making"} {"text":["For many people in Hollywood, Weinstein's behavior did not come as a surprise. Rumors had circulated for years, and that gossip network helped warn some women away from him. Anne Helen Petersen is Buzzfeed's culture writer. She argues that gossip has a vital purpose, especially in Hollywood.","You know, I don't think that all gossip is progressive or feminist. You know, gossip is a major way of policing women's behavior. But at the same time, gossip about which men are dangerous, which men you shouldn't go on to lunch alone with - that sort of information is currency that women use to protect one another.","And in this last week, a document surfaced that was essentially a burn book for men in - who work in the media. The contributors are women who work in the industry, and the accusations are anonymous. They're unsubstantiated. The complaints range from rape to being unsupportive of female colleagues. It's a real range, and it puts illegal behavior, in a way, on the same level as dislikable and unfair behavior. So when does gossip become destructive and more about maligning people than really identifying serious abusers?","This is the - you know, with the thing about gossip networks, sometimes called whisper networks, is that the reason that they work is because you know the woman who is saying the thing to you. So I can - when someone says to me, this is what type of guy this is, I can decide what to do with that information based on that woman."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"It puts illegal behavior, in a way, on the same level as dislikable and unfair behavior\" - The actual meaning is not that illegal behavior and dislikable behavior are being equated, but rather that both types of behavior are being reported anonymously without any substantiation, making it difficult to differentiate between them.","questions":"Which two types of behavior are being reported anonymously on the same level?","answer":"Illegal"} {"text":["One option for mothers who feel they aren't able to properly raise a child is to surrender their infants anonymously. So-called safe-haven laws let moms give up their children at local hospitals, police and fire stations without legal consequence. They're intended as a way to save babies from grim fates. Pete Pircsh is a state senator in Nebraska.","2004, a 2-day-old infant was abandoned in a canal near the Elkhorn River in Norfolk. The baby had been dead for about two days at the time it was discovered. In 2007, a woman found a baby boy abandoned in a tote bag between a trash bin and a discarded TV, and there are other incidents like that.","This summer, Nebraska became the last state in the nation to pass a safe-haven law, and theirs is a bit different. Pirsch wrote an amendment to the bill that says children as old as 19 can be left at safe havens. Most states only allow parents to drop off their children if they're less than a year old.","If they're on the point where they, out of frustration or anger, may actually injure the child, then this is a vastly superior system to set up because it will take the child from that position of danger and place him into a safe environment."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Safe-haven laws provide a vastly superior system to take a child out of a dangerous situation and place them in a safe environment.","questions":"Which laws provide a safer environment for children?","answer":"Safe-haven"} {"text":["Rising gas prices are forcing consumers and the auto industry to make drastic changes. Today we wrap up our multimedia series Road Trippin' with a look at some solutions to the soaring fuel costs. Toyota and Honda have been making popular hybrid gas-electric cars and they generally get better mileage than gas-only engines and save some wear and tear on the environment. Pump prices have consumers dumping their SUVs and pickup trucks for smaller, more fuel-efficient cars. Now the other major car companies are jumping onto the fuel efficiency bandwagon. With us to talk about some of those changes is BMW spokesperson Dave Buchko. Thanks for joining us.","Thank you.","So gas-electric hybrid cars have been on U. S. roads since Honda started selling the Insight in 2000. Companies like GM, Honda and BMW are looking now at developing hydrogen-powered cars. What does that mean, how do those work?","Well, there are different approaches to how to - to hydrogen vehicles. We've been at this longer than anybody. We've been at this for more than 25 years. And so when we started looking at hydrogen, what we were looking for initially was an alternative to gasoline as a way of powering an internal combustion engine, which is normal - you know, in a normal car engine. So quite different from what we see with fuel cells. But we've continued to develop the internal combustion engine powered by hydrogen because we think that that has a lot of potential and a lot of relevance."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : BMW is interested in developing an internal combustion engine powered by hydrogen.","questions":"What type of engine is BMW interested in developing?","answer":"internal"} {"text":["And so he's been - there's a debate. I've said, you know, I don't know - it's ongoing. I don't know how active it is, you know, about whether he should be given credit for the germ theory of disease.","Instead of Pasteur, who came later.","That's right, yeah.","Yeah, oh, so he saw something, didn't know what they were, but he thought that's how they - this spread from one person to another, through these little worms or something."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Louis Pasteur is often given credit for the germ theory of disease instead of the person being discussed","questions":"What is the person's name who is often not given credit for the germ theory of disease?","answer":"unknown"} {"text":["Hi.","Let's talk a little bit about Title IX. The law is conceived as a way to protect and support women. It's a federal law. Universities can have their funding taken away if they don't do enough to address complaints. You are a self-described feminist. Where do you think the law is wrong in your case and more broadly?","Well, what happened was that Title IX, which started out, you know, as something about equity for things like women's sports, was expanded in 2011 to include sexual harassment or creating, like, a hostile environment on campus. You know, very vague sorts of things can now be charged under Title IX. So since then, because they didn't really specify how campuses should do this, there's just an incredible amount of overreach because all the campuses are afraid of losing their federal funding and also being seen on soft - as soft on sexual assault. And, you know, there certainly is a sexual assault problem, but whether that should be handled. . .","I was about to say, I mean, that's clearly an issue on campuses."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The actual meaning of turn (3) is different from its literal meaning. While the speaker uses the phrase \"very vague sorts of things can now be charged under Title IX,\" they are actually suggesting that the expanded definition of Title IX has led to a lot of confusion and overreach on college campuses when it comes to handling sexual assault cases.","questions":"How was the expanded definition of Title IX perceived on college campuses?","answer":"Overreach"} {"text":["Wow.",". . . Actually the night he died. So he was a very well-respected young person by our staff, by our students and our community. And, you know, it was a very shame that that did happen.","I'm so impressed. I gather the youngsters themselves in your school came up with the idea of electing them king and queen. I got to tell you. . .","Yeah, you know, you think about social media as something that's bad sometimes. Well, they - her friends and his friends kind of started a little social media thing and the adults weren't even totally aware. And they wanted to - they wanted to have them be king and queen. Now, it wasn't, you know, the whole school. It wasn't everybody. It was a very tight group of kids that really. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : I'm so impressed. I gather the youngsters themselves in your school came up with the idea of electing them king and queen. I got to tell you... Implicated Meaning: B is expressing admiration and surprise. The phrase \"I'm so impressed\" indicates that B finds the idea of the youngsters coming up with the idea of electing a king and queen to be impressive. B's use of \"I gather\" suggests that this information was not explicitly stated but was deduced or inferred by B. It implies that B is intrigued or fascinated by the youngsters' initiative.","questions":"What is PersonB's reaction to the idea of electing a king and queen?","answer":"Challenging"} {"text":["Well, they have these antifreeze proteins, and as far as we know, what they do is bind to the surface of any seed ice crystal that might otherwise grow. And they stop it from growing because they've coated the ice with the protein.","Because it's the crystal, the actual, physical presence of the crystal that kills off the cells?","Well yes, that ice crystal gets too big. It will definitely do serious damage to the organism, whether it be a fish or an insect. It will eventually kill it, yeah.","So the protein coats the ice crystal and sort of locks it up from freezing or becoming larger?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The protein locks it up means it stops the ice crystal from freezing or getting larger.","questions":"What stops the ice crystal from freezing or getting larger?","answer":"protein"} {"text":["There is a level of acceptance for some. So one young woman I met joined the all-women's force after being brutalized by her husband, who was part of ISIS. On the other hand, the women who were foreigners and even the real hardcore last holdouts in the fight against ISIS who are in this town of Baghuz, which had basically an apocalyptic end. They ran out of food. They ran out of water.","And what you see now from the women who were part of that is that all of the crimes of ISIS - you know, enslaving girls, raping women, beheading people on the streets, the hangings - that was not enough really to make them lose confidence in the head of ISIS. But the fact that children whose families belong to ISIS starved to death while leaders had food, that is what's making people very disappointed, very disillusioned, especially the women I've talked to.","Are there people who still support the caliphate despite all that they went through?","Absolutely there are. And in fact, one woman from Egypt I met has four daughters. She was talking about how all they want is to go home, to go back to Egypt, to go back to the parks, to go see relatives. And she said to me, you know, I don't believe in Baghdadi. But I still believe in the caliphate."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Some women joined the force due to domestic violence","questions":"How did the young woman join the all-women's force?","answer":"Domestic"} {"text":["Right.",". . . in their noses, and that was because it was reflected back to visible light.","Oh, interesting.","But now, we're able to micronize that. And when we do that, we're able to make those molecules smaller, and you can focus just on the UVB and UVA, which is important for sun protection."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : A is discussing a scientific concept or discovery with B.","questions":"Which wavelengths are important for sun protection according to A?","answer":"UVB,UVA"} {"text":["I think Gary offers central location. It's close to a number of freeways. There's access to Chicago. There's certainly lower cost of living for employees. Yeah, the employees will be generously compensated. But, you know, moving into a larger market - Chicago, Boston, possibly some places like Austin - you're going to have a lot of that income gobbled up immediately by real estate and housing. And I think for Gary, it's a tremendous opportunity to turn a corner.","Yeah, but what about the tax rate?","Tax rate - I mean, it's more generous than Illinois, so, certainly for businesses and corporations. So there's that appeal there. And I know there's been, you know, conversation with the governor of Indiana, Governor Holcomb, about kind of preparing this plan. I can't speak to how much of that has happened or not. But I think that's another advantage.","There's so many cities preparing a bit for Amazon's second headquarters. But will the winner have to grant so many tax breaks, it won't wind up being that much of an economic gain?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The implied meaning of the second turn is asking if the tax rate in Indiana is lower than Illinois, and if it is, will the winner of Amazon's second headquarters have to grant so many tax breaks that it won't be a big economic gain in the end.","questions":"How does PersonB's question in turn 1 relate to the economic gain of the winner of Amazon's second headquarters?","answer":"related"} {"text":["And how long ago was this?","This was in the beginning of 2007.","And then, what happened with these new terms of your loan?","Well, I was pretty upset about my son and real focused on that and sort of trusted a friend of a friend. And the new terms, I didn't find out until much later, were very bad. I have a balloon payment after five years. I paid 20,000 to get into the loan. I have to pay 20,000 to get out of the loan, and my payments are 1,625 a month."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The new terms of the loan are unfavorable.","questions":"Which payment does the speaker have to make after five years?","answer":"Balloon"} {"text":["Well, look, I like the fact that we've eliminated pre-existing conditions. I think that's really important. But Ronald Reagan expanded Medicaid a number of times and he didn't need Obamacare, OK?And my feeling about Medicaid is we've been able to manage this program. And by bringing Ohio money back to Ohio to treat the mentally ill, the drug addicted and the working poor, it's not - we're not only ahead on an arithmetic basis, but we think it's the right issue in terms of giving people a chance and an ability to be lifted.","Biographical question - did you ever consider becoming a priest?","Well, when I was a kid, really early in my life, you know, all Catholic altar boys I think at one time or another thought about being a priest. But then that just wasn't in the cards for me.","But I gather religion is an important factor in your life."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Implies that religion is an important factor in the speaker's life, not just a literal question about religion.","questions":"What factor is important in the PersonA's life?","answer":"Religion"} {"text":["Then I opened the door, and there were those four officers there. They raided my apartment. They went through every single thing I had. They were going through my WhatsApp messages for hours and hours. They also brought in some other equipment that they said was used for a sweep. It was a bizarre-looking apparatus that shot out a laser. And they pointed it at my walls and at the air conditioning unit. And they said they were looking for spying equipment.","And you were taken into custody. And you were interrogated. What happened?","I was. They took me to their headquarters just a few miles away. They put, like, a ski mask over my face. Then I was finally in a room and a chair. They would periodically come in and sort of prod me and have questions for me about my contacts in Venezuela, contacts with the military, the people who work with me or also just needing the password to my computer. Also, generally, just - they gave me a very long lecture about how I was supposedly a mercenary journalist.","What do you think this was about?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The equipment did not actually sweep the floor but went over the room with a infrared detection sensor.","questions":"Which type of equipment did the officers use during the raid?","answer":"Apparatus"} {"text":["That's right. I mean, the thing is many people are uneasy with what former Director Comey recounted as the president's words. But whether it constitutes obstruction is a more difficult issue. There were plenty of reasons to fire James Comey. Now, the president may have had any number of reasons in mind. But you're looking for something far more concrete in most criminal prosecutions. You're looking for a clear intent to try to stop an investigation.","All right. This is another word that we hear all the time - collusion, which is what started the Russia investigation, the idea that somehow members of the Trump administration colluded with Russia to influence the U. S. election. What is collusion?Does it have any legal meaning?And what would the charge actually be if it were proven?","Well, that's another problem of getting ahead of our skis a bit. People have been referring to collusion like there is a crime of collusion in this context. There is no such crime. So what you're really looking for are collateral crimes. You know, the White House is allowed to speak to the Russians. The White House is even allowed to do remarkably dumb things with the Russians. The president is allowed to reveal classified information to the Russians. None of that is legal. That becomes a political question of holding someone accountable for things you don't like them doing.","But if a member of the Trump team before the election or after the election was talking to the Russians and saying, all right, we are - want to help you throw the election in our favor, is that illegal?I mean, that's what the implication is here essentially."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The phrase \"throw the election in our favor\" in (4) implies attempting to influence the result of the election, which is different from its literal meaning of physically throwing the election.","questions":"What does the phrase \"throw the election\" in (4) imply?","answer":"influence"} {"text":["Well, you know, when you talk about fascists, one would think that that movement and the fascism of Mussolini - its ideas might have been buried a long time ago in Italy.","Yeah, well, theoretically, in 1945 when the dictatorship fell. But, you know, Italy was never made to come to terms with its fascist past. There were no Nuremberg trials. And many fascist bigwigs just blended back into society. Italy had a large communist movement that had been the backbone of the partisan battle against fascism. So with the start of the Cold War, the allies feared communists would take over and did not push for a defascistization (ph) of society.","So today, there are several openly fascist parties running in this election. They probably won't overcome the 3-percent threshold to get into Parliament. But they're very visible. They were very loud. And they've, you know, reawakened the political ghosts of the past. They've emboldened other populist parties to use language and make proposals that, until recently, mainstream politics would have really considered unacceptable.","What happened to the moderates, though?I mean, why hasn't the outgoing ruling party, which is center-left, been able to showcase some real achievements that it's had?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Fascist parties have emboldened populist parties to use unacceptable language.","questions":"How have fascist parties impacted populist parties' language?","answer":"Emboldened"} {"text":["I'm Farai Chideya, and this is News & Notes. How much are you willing to spend on a bottle of fine wine?Thirty dollars?Maybe 60?How about more?And how do we know what makes a wine premium?There are nearly 6,000 wineries in the U. S. African-Americans own fewer than a dozen. Stephen Sterling is one of those owners, and he's on a quest to educate African-Americans about the pleasures of fine wine.","Stephen is a co-owner of the family owned Esterlina Vineyards and Winery and Everett Ridge Vineyards and Winery. He's also the president of the Association of African-American Vintners. Welcome, Stephen.","Welcome. Thank you for having the African-American Vintners as part of your show today.","Well, give us some examples of some of the fancier places that your wine has been served."],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The speaker is asking how much someone is willing to spend on wine but also questioning how people determine what makes a wine premium. African Americans own very few wineries in the US and the guest is working to educate them about fine wine.","questions":"Which organization is Stephen Sterling the president of?","answer":"Fewer"} {"text":["In South America, a massive power grid serves Argentina and neighboring Uruguay, as well as parts of Paraguay. Tens of millions of people rely on that grid, until Sunday morning, when they could not. The grid crashed. Much of three countries went dark. NPR's Philip Reeves has been covering this story from Rio de Janeiro. Hey there, Philip.","Hi.","How did this unfold?","Well, it started, Steve, at around 7 in the morning. People were - woke up for, you know, what they hoped would be a nice, peaceful Sunday to discover that the power was out across almost all of Argentina, which is the second largest country in this region, and also in parts of neighboring Uruguay and Paraguay, which get electricity, as you mentioned, from the Argentine grid. Now, the impact would have been a lot worse on a working day, but big power cuts are always very serious matters."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Parts of South America experienced a major power outage.","questions":"How did the power outage impact neighboring countries?","answer":"Electricity"} {"text":["Well, popularity is very important. The outdoor world needs more visitors and better accessibility. The difficulty with managing that side of it is that construction can have adverse effects to the natural areas if you start doing different buildings and that sort of thing on top of it, but yes.","Is this an anomaly, though, when we're talking just about Horseshoe Bend or have you seen other spaces that have changed?","I have. A smaller one in Colorado is Conundrum Hot Springs. After it became a spot for people to easily find on social media, the amount of visitorship (ph) went up really high. And since this is a very remote location where people kind of hang around for a long time in the hot springs, they ran out of places to go to the bathroom. As a result, Conundrum Hot Springs had to be shut down for a little bit while park rangers were up there with shovels to relieve that issue.","Meaning they were building bathrooms because people were just, like, basically. . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Popularity is important for the outdoor world, but it can have negative effects on natural areas.","questions":"What is the potential consequence of popularity and visitorship on natural areas?","answer":"Adverse"} {"text":["And she - my wife went and found the chaplain at Northwestern - a Lutheran chaplain who'd never performed a wedding before. She came to our room and performed the ceremony, just the three of us. It was a lovely, personal, intimate ceremony. And immediately after the ceremony, I took some pain medication and peed in a cup.","Well, that's one way to say l'chaim, isn't it?I made a short list: addiction abuse, adultery, abandonment, imminent incest and just plain old hatred. So is every family is a little bit like the Westons of Osage County?","What we have seen by doing this play is that the story of this family is pretty universal. And the dinner scene alone, in the theater - I can tell you that some people are howling with laughter, and other people are in tears and crawling under their seats. They find it very upsetting to watch because it hits pretty close to home.","\"Fiddler on the Roof\" with the F word?","That's one way to look at it."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : crawling under their seats implies people don't enjoy what they are watching","questions":"What is the audience's reaction to the dinner scene in the theater?","answer":"Mixed"} {"text":["Mm-hmm. Some of the stories seem to have sort of a moral to them, like the one - mysterious one I'm going to call the rectum in a jar.","Yeah, this is the case of the rectum of the Bishop of Durham. If you go to London and you visit the Hunterian Museum, it's a wonderful, wonderful - one - in fact, one of the world's few remaining big medical museums. It's part of The Royal College of Surgeons of England. If you go and visit it, on display on the main floor inside a jar is something they call object RCSHC\/P192. The label identifies it as being the preserved rectum of the Bishop of Durham, and we're talking about Thomas Thurlow, who was born in 1737, died in 1791. Would you like to hear the story of why it's in a jar in London on display?","With that kind of teaser, how could I not?","OK. The - that particular Bishop of Durham was a rich and powerful man. And he came down with some ailments and called in one of the celebrated doctors of the day, John Hunter, a man who, years later, went on to found this museum. Dr. Hunter examined him and told him he had an incurable disease and that it was bad news. The bishop did not want to accept this news, so he was very insulting to this doctor and instead went and insult - and consulted a cattle doctor who gave him some kind of nostrum."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The preserved rectum of the Bishop of Durham is on display at the Hunterian Museum","questions":"What is the name of the object at the Hunterian Museum that is identified as the preserved rectum of the Bishop of Durham?","answer":"RCSHC\/P192"} {"text":["Nineteen, OK, 18 at the time. Yeah.","Yes, sir. As soon as I got to my job, I exited my car, and I walked away probably like no more than 50 feet and, you know, I was apprehended by - it was either four or five ICE agents. You know, the good thing was that my daughter didn't see when they took me because I know she would have been probably even more devastated to see it happen.","Do you have any idea how they - how they began to get interested in your case?","Well, I had a prior deportation from when I was younger for a minor drug offense. Of course, I had to return back to the states because I had my daughter. You know, I was a single father for - ever since she was 3 years old. And the way they found out where I lived, it was the day of Thanksgiving in 2015. I got pulled over because of - my tags were expired on my vehicle. And they took me in. They said I had what they called a misdemeanor warrant from 15 years back. And I went to court, like, four - four or five times, and they ended up dismissing the case. You know, so I thought that was over with, so, you know, I went about my life. And a little over a year later is when they came and picked me up and they said that - pretty much they told me that I went back on their radar for having been pulled over that day in 2015."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : the speaker is implicitly asking the listener to ask how ICE agents found out about the speaker's case and location.","questions":"How did the ICE agents locate the speaker?","answer":"2015"} {"text":["You know, a lot of people who are successful at their jobs identify very strongly with their jobs, with their profession. They say, I am Joe Blow and. . .","Yes.","I work at X company and that's a big strong part of their identity. And so I imagine when those people lose their jobs, it's particularly devastating because a part of their identity is gone.","Right. I ask people to sort of, you know, draw out a pie chart like if you had a circle and you're going to divide the different parts of the circle into who you are. You're a brother, sister, son, father, mother, whatever, daughter, friend, you're a member of a community, you're somebody who can help other people. There's a tendency in our society to overidentify with the role of a job, but we're many, many, many other things. So redefining and sort of expanding your definition of who you are is a magnificent way of empowering yourself."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"I\" isn't literal and there is no Company X. B is just referring to what aworker who is employed at any company would think.","questions":"Which word is not a literal representation of a company's name?","answer":"X"} {"text":["I think it's going to move in a lot of different directions. There's a lot of things happening. Number one, the directors now are younger. And they usually tend to want to have the music that they grew up with, or music that they're into at that moment, in their films. So for me, I'm kind of open. I think, you know, if you have some music in your soul, and you're able to produce it however you can, you know, there's a musician there. I do miss, you know, the old days, you know, when you do a film, you get hired and the guy says, write some music, and you write music. And you come back and you talk about that music, but not in relationship to a committee deciding based on something that some kids in Pasadena thoughy. You know, so anyway.","Well, it sounds like a fascinating business.","Yeah, yeah, yeah.","Stanley Clarke, thanks for talking to us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (2) implies admiration and admiration of the business while (4) implies gratitude and appreciation for Stanley Clarke's time.","questions":"What does turn 4 imply?","answer":"Appreciation"} {"text":["Now, recent satellite pictures show that they are putting these things back together - the buildings, the rail system, the launch pad. It's not exactly clear when they started. It could have started in mid-February, before the summit. Work could have been going on as recently as over the weekend, after the summit finished.","OK. So the timing of this is a little tricky about whether this is North Korea responding to those summit talks falling apart.","That's right. A couple things to remember. First of all, you know, they can launch missiles from mobile launchers. So this site is not that big a deal. Another thing is that when North Korea made these gestures and said, now, why don't you reciprocate?People were just dismissing these as insignificant concessions. They were saying, you know, North Korea's just trying to hand us their junk. These sites are outdated. They're not worth much. Well, by that token, then people should not be too alarmed about them being reassembled.","OK. So I mean, but we've always talked about that North Korea's nuclear capabilities are, you know, something to be reckoned with. So explain exactly why we're not supposed to be so concerned about this one move."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : In turn (4), the literal meaning is that North Korea's nuclear capabilities are something to be reckoned with and the speaker is asking why we shouldn't be concerned about this one move. However, the actual meaning is that the speaker is asking for an explanation as to why the reassembling of the site should not be a cause for concern, despite the fact that North Korea's nuclear capabilities are usually considered a threat.","questions":"How is the speaker asking for an explanation regarding the reassembling of the site?","answer":"Explanation"} {"text":["UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER #3: Mass squadrons of bombers and transports led the way, more than 11,000 planes spearheading the attack. Paratroopers landed in Normandy behind the coastal defenses.","You're standing up as we hit the coast, and you're ready to go. And finally, you wait for the green light. Green light comes, and it's like a slingshot out the door.","Were you scared?","Never thought about. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Describing the experience of jumping out of a plane in a positive light","questions":"How would you describe the parachute jump experience?","answer":"Exciting"} {"text":["Thanks for having me.","What new details did we learn with this filing?","So the new filing focuses on five extramarital affairs that Duncan Hunter had when he was in Congress, the first one starting just four months after he was elected and took office in April 2009. So he took office in January.","The longest feature in the filing is about an individual identified as Individual 14, who was a lobbyist. And they spent campaign money on things like a ski trip together, a thousand-dollar hotel tab. They went to concerts together. And they also went on a double date with another congressperson to Virginia Beach, but that congressperson has not been identified."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Duncan Hunter spent campaign money on personal expenses","questions":"What did Duncan Hunter misuse?","answer":"Funds"} {"text":["And I finished my first really substantial version of \"Copperhead\" the same weekend as the Charlottesville protests almost two years ago, the same weekend that Heather Heyer was murdered. And my wife was reading this draft of \"Copperhead\" at the same time that all this was on the news, so it was very much on my mind.","I mean, my family history - you know, I look back, and I think, OK, this has always been coming. But right now, it feels louder. It feels scarier. But I struggle with the idea that if we somehow hate more, hate louder, hate harder - that's how we're going to win this fight. I think the only thing that can beat away darkness is light. But at the same time, one of the reasons I think this book is important is that we have to have honest conversations about race and class - all of us.","Did you have teenagers in mind as a potential audience for this novel?Would you, for instance, want a high school English class to study \"Copperhead?\"","When I was writing it, I didn't think of it that way. But I think it's an excellent book for teenagers and college students because there are things to talk about. The point of the book isn't to deliver a moral. It's not out there sort of signaling that, yes, we're all good people. It's saying to teens, hey - your actions have consequences, and you have to think about who you want to be."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : .I think the only thing that can overcome negative is positive","questions":"What is the main theme of the book \"Copperhead\" according to the author?","answer":"Honest"} {"text":["So our school is actually majority minority, meaning we have a lot of immigrants and a lot of minorities in our school. And my school is very diverse, but also the administration, they do a very good job of accommodating to all of our needs. I don't say it enough in every interview, but my school is a great school. I don't hate my principal or any of the people in my school. I just think they made a mistake, and this is a learning opportunity for them.","So in the end, why didn't you just say, and remember, tomorrow is the first day for the rest of your life, have a great summer?","(Laughter) Why didn't I just give a generic speech?Because I feel like if change is going to happen, we are going to have to speak outside of the guidelines and we are going to have to break a few boundaries. What adults think that we want to hear at graduation is completely incorrect because all the graduating students that spoke to me afterwards, they were happy that I mentioned the names. And they were happy of the message I was trying to send to them because we have been living with these realities for a while. I'm not introducing a new idea at graduation when I say those names. I'm just remembering and paying respect and really making them understand the privilege.","What are you going to do now?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The school is diverse despite being majority minority","questions":"How would you describe the diversity of the school? (Answer: diverse)","answer":"Crowding"} {"text":["Tell me about some of the climate change initiatives that you've enacted there in Carmel.","First of all, we're trying to - taking a car city, a city that was designed for cars, and turning it into a walkable city so that the average driver is in his car maybe a few minutes a day as opposed to U. S. average of two hours or a hundred miles. We've switched out almost all of our street lights to LEDs, getting a great return on investment as well. We've created over a thousand acres of parkland. We have a street tree program. I did an executive order almost 12 years ago requiring all of our fleet vehicles to be hybrids or alternative fuel vehicles. We're experimenting with hydrogen trucks for our street department. I can go on, but we're doing a lot of things in our city.","How do you engage with climate skeptics or climate change deniers in Carmel?What do you tell them?","Well, I say there's lots of different ways to get to the same endpoint. I talk about our LED street light replacement program, where we spend almost a million dollars to replace all our streetlights. And they say, why'd you spend that money?I say, well, we're getting a 22 percent return on investment annually in the lower electricity costs. That usually makes them happy. Or if we talk about jobs or we talk about national defense and not being dependent upon other countries for fossil fuels that we might need in a war or other conflict - there are so many other reasons, job creation being one of them that gets us to the same endpoint."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"taking a car city, a city that was designed for cars, and turning it into a walkable city\" This turn has a metaphorical meaning. It does not refer to physically turning a city but rather transforming the urban infrastructure and policies to make it more pedestrian-friendly.","questions":"Which program did Carmel enact that resulted in a 22 percent return on investment annually?","answer":"LED"} {"text":["Well, one of the species that - or one of the challenges that's called out in this report are declines in the populations of pollinators around the world - so birds and bats and bees, quite literally. In the United States and Europe, they're declining by about 40%. In most of the rest of the world, we don't have good data to know how much they're declining. But about a half a trillion dollars a year - trillion with a T - in agricultural products depend on those pollinators. So you can do things in your own backyard to make them pollinator friendly, to plant the right kind of plants and grasses and flowers that those species of bees and birds depend on and not use pesticides that harm them.","Obviously there's a clock running, though. I mean, time is short.","Everything - well, the challenge is we need to do it. We need to do it now. And we need to do sort of everything at once. One of the cheapest, most readily available and cost-effective things that we can do to both solve the biodiversity crisis and the climate crisis is, first, stop deforestation and, second, restore forests and then, third, change our agricultural practices to increase soil carbon and soil health. And the interesting thing is that can actually increase productivity to feed a hungry world and make our agriculture more resilient to climate change. So the point is there are a bunch of things where nature is actually the best solution provider to the climate crisis if we manage it right.","Andrew Deutz is the international director of government relations at The Nature Conservancy."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Capitalizing the T in trillion just makes it important.","questions":"How does the speaker emphasize the significance of the decline in pollinators?","answer":"Significantly"} {"text":["They have. About 40-plus have gone, probably as we talk, a number of them have left.","He's not considered a good candidate to lead the party to victory in a general election, I gather.","No, no, he's not. The leadership's come to him very late in life. He's a poor communicator. And that makes it very difficult to win over votes. He excites a section of Britain young people who will turn out in their thousands for his rallies and his meet and. . .","They feel the Bern.","They feel the Bern. The comparisons, again, you can see parallels between what is happening in Britain with what is happening in America. And they're not false. They're not invented.","Kevin Maguire of the Daily Mirror who joined us on Skype, thanks very much for being with us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 5 : The situation in Britain is similar to that in the United States, with many people showing support for the candidate.","questions":"Which country?","answer":"United-States"} {"text":["Obviously, when I was at FreedomWorks, we weighed in in supported of Ted Cruz very early in his primary challenge in Texas. So I'm a big Ted Cruz fan. But I think the fundamental differences between what I would call Donald Trump's authoritarian tendencies - he's all about what he would do as president. And you never hear him talk about the Constitution, you never hear him talk about the Bill of Rights, you never hear about him and the rule of law. Whereas Ted Cruz wears that stuff on his sleeve.","How do you analyze Mr. Trump's rise?What do you think he's tapping into?","Well, there's two things going on. One is a clear sense of economic anxiety and the feeling amongst a lot of voters that the country's headed in the wrong direction combined with a sense that Washington doesn't really give a damn. The other thing that's going on, which I think is more fundamental and I think both Republicans and Democrats are struggling to understand this, is a transformational moment in politics. It's more disintermediated. The party bosses no longer get to decide who the choice is. And with the ability to drive your own message and organize your own get-out-the-vote machine without the party's blessing, all sorts of candidates have become competitive. Donald Trump is definitely part of that, although he's sort of the odd man out because he's more of a cult of personality.","Is he though, at the same time, tapping into some of the sentiment that you and the tea party began to raise?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Donald Trump's success is partly due to the ability of individuals to spread their message without the support of the political establishment.","questions":"How is Donald Trump benefiting from disintermediation in politics?","answer":"Message"} {"text":["Those of who are interested, who have taken the time to listen to historians, listen to money experts tell us what might happen when that ratio of the debt to the gross product of the country gets big, and it's so big that it's carrying 200 or 300 percent, they just tell you right off you don't have any functioning country.","And last - what is it, last year, the - one of the rating agencies cut the U. S. AAA rating for the first time not because there was any great concern about the economy of the United States but because of dysfunction in Washington, because the various parties could not agree.","You got it, my friend. They did that, and they're apt to do more. And right now I guess the point we ought to talk about to you and your listeners, understanding that I'm not there, and I'm not a player, a participant, but yet I'm a player, one of the outside groups that finds his way in through cracks and corners and talks to the people over there.","I think they are trying to get something, led by the secretary of the Treasury, who's Geithner. . ."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : A large national debt will lead to a non-functional country.","questions":"What do historians and money experts warn will happen when the country's debt to gross product ratio reaches 200 or 300 percent?","answer":"Non-functional"} {"text":["If I had any confidence that another state would follow suit, I would agree with you. But we have watched as, really, only two states in the nation have done truly independent congressional redistricting. Neither of them are what I would call red states. And one of them is California, the state with the largest number of congressional seats in the country. And even though California moved forward with their independent redistricting, not one Republican state followed suit. So if what we're trying to do is have more Republicans in Congress, then I would say, yes, we back Governor Hogan's plan and just change it in Maryland.","But this sounds a little bit like a playground argument. Well, if they're not going to do it, I'm not going to do it, either, regardless of what may be right.","Well, that's what my bill solves. It allows for two states to do it simultaneously. And hopefully, that then moves a process forward that other states can then join.","Is there buy-in from Virginia?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The speaker disagrees with the other person's argument.","questions":"How would you describe the PersonA's stance in turn 0?","answer":"Disagree"} {"text":["Yes. Everywhere we looked, we found these networks using very, very similar tactics. And often, not - they're different from what I think we have seen in the U. S. elections where Russian operatives set up groups for a very long time. And also, like, in European countries, we saw those groups operating for years, sometimes starting as a lifestyle page or a movie page, and then slowly, but surely, shifting to becoming a far-right page. That is a clear, deceptive tactic to pull in more and more people into their stories.","And this disinformation that you were finding - it tended to skew to the far-right, or were people on the far-left - were there other groups skewing it in different directions?","Yes. So we started looking at what actual disinformation is spreading and looked who's spreading is. And time and again, we went down a rabbit hole to the far-right. But in Italy, for example, we also found a lot of populist, but they're not far-right parties. So it was not only far-right, but mainly far-right - what we found in our research.","And you said you went down the rabbit hole of who was creating this. Just speak a little bit more about that. Was this official groups, random individuals - or can you even tell?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Russian operatives used deceptive tactics to create far-right groups.","questions":"Which groups did the disinformation tend to skew towards?","answer":"Far-right"} {"text":["Because you have eggplant parmesan just in the book.","(Laughter).","You can do that as an antipasto?","Every time someone turns to that page, they're like, this is an appetizer?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Expressing surprise that eggplant parmesan can be served as an antipasto.","questions":"What dish was PersonB surprised to hear can be served as an antipasto?","answer":"Eggplant"} {"text":["Well, I think anyone of any political stripe would say that the U. S. just has too many mass shootings, it being noted one is too many. But there's one every few days. The Republican Party controls the House, the Senate, the White House. Shouldn't the party that controls government see reducing mass shootings as a matter of national security?","I believe we should take a look at - yeah, absolutely. This is a problem of certainly domestic security, national security. And I'm concerned about firearm deaths. I'm also concerned what I've been witnessing, too, in Europe and elsewhere, where people take vehicles and they drive them into crowds and kill many people. I mean, we have, sadly, you know, very evil people in this world who will do terrible things. Sometimes they're motivated politically. Sometimes they're mentally ill. Sometimes, in the case of Las Vegas, we simply don't know what motivated this guy.","Well - but why give people who have mental problems the legal capacity to get dangerous weapons?","Well, they - actually, you know, like I said, they're not allowed to. This person who has been involuntarily committed to a mental health institution is prohibited. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) \"Well - but why give people who have mental problems the legal capacity to get dangerous weapons?\" implies a different meaning from its literal meaning. The speaker is not simply asking a question about why people with mental health problems are allowed to buy weapons legally, but is rather suggesting that this should not be allowed and expressing frustration or disbelief that it is currently legal.","questions":"Which turn suggests that the speaker is frustrated or disbelieving about the legal capacity of people with mental problems to obtain dangerous weapons?","answer":"literal"} {"text":["What is - let's start with this. What is your personal collection to the work and the images in this book?","Well, to me this was a labor of love. I've been living in the U. S. I came back to England. It's my homeland. I came back to London, my home city, and I felt that the culture of the young black people in particular here were suffering from a kind of deficit, historically speaking.","There were younger people in my neighborhood who were bereft of history, who took their idea of themselves from watching their kind of generic hip-hop video material that they got from the video screen rather than really inquiring into the particular history and experience of our communities in this country.","As I looked at the book, I was trying to find a theme, and I don't know if I found one or not. What was, in your view, the major trends or themes that you saw unfolding over the century that are depicted in these photographs?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The implied meaning in turn (3) is that the author saw a lack of knowledge among young people in their community about their own cultural history and wanted to address this deficit by creating a book with images and information about that history.","questions":"How did the author aim to address the deficit in knowledge about cultural history among young people in their community?","answer":"Address"} {"text":["And a lot of people might ask, how are you measuring innovation and creativity?","Well, most people measure innovation typically by looking at rates of patenting. Now people have become to track the number of start-up companies emerging in urban centers or the venture capital. And the good news is that cities are upping the ante. New York now, Manhattan is the second highest center for venture capital-backed start-up companies behind only Silicon Valley. But the other caution I wanted to make, and I think you know and folks listening know I'm a dyed-in-the-wool urbanist, that also places like Silicon Valley, which are somewhat car-dependent, can work. They can emulate many of the functions of the city.","So as we begin to build denser cities, the key is not just piling up people in buildings higher and higher and higher and creating vertical suburbs where people just interact in the building, it's to build cities that can be dense, that can have multi-story buildings, that can be close together. But having that interaction is a key part of keeping our cities innovation and creative not only here but in those emerging economies around the world.","Is there a difference in expense as well?Some of those older buildings in New York, hardly any place in Manhattan that anyone would describe as cheap, but they're less expensive in SoHo or Chelsea than they are in one of those big high-rise buildings in Midtown."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Building denser cities is not just about creating vertical suburbs but also about fostering interaction to keep cities innovative and creative.","questions":"How can cities remain innovative and creative while building denser cities?","answer":"Interaction"} {"text":["Hey.","Hey, Farai.","So, what are we talking about?","Well, it's a service that HuffingtonPost. com is offering. It's called Fundraece 2008. All you do is enter a street address and the site provides the names, addresses and occupations of the people who live in that area and the candidates they've backed and how much they've given them. And you can search by a person's name or by a company for instance if you want to see how political support breaks down in a place like Halliburton or Google or Bank of America. And it seems like an invasion of privacy. But all this campaign information is public and it's all on the Web. And we have a link to that site on our blog.","Wow, sounds like you can have a neighbor-to-neighbor fight. You don't even have to put the sign out in front\u2026","Exactly."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The website provides personal and political information about people based on their address, which may be an invasion of privacy.","questions":"Which website?","answer":"Fundraece"} {"text":["This is WEEKEND EDITION from NPR News. I'm Scott Simon. Spies try to protect America from its enemies, but does that mean spying on friends too?The steady drip of intelligence leaks from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden continues with the revelations that the National Security Agency tapped the mobile phone of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The Guardian newspaper broke the story this week and also reported that the U. S. spy agency intercepted 70 million phone calls and text messages in France. Now, the response from Germany and France has been swift, and as you might imagine, sharp. Laurent Fabius, the French foreign minister, called the spying shocking and unacceptable. He told Le Monde: We cooperate in the useful way in the fight against terrorism but that does not justify everything. P. J. Crowley is a former U. S. assistant secretary of state for public affairs. He joins us in our studios. Thanks so much for being with us.","P. J. CROWLEY: Pleasure to be here, Scott.","Are Germany and France shocked, shocked like in Casablanca, or are they truly surprised?","There's scambling(ph) going on here, yes. I mean, Europeans have a different view of privacy than Americans do. So, I think there is a difference of attitude or perspective on this. That said, I don't think it should shock anyone that governments spy on each other.","Well, but these are allies."],"speaker":["B","B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"Are Germany and France shocked, shocked like in Casablanca, or are they truly surprised?\" - The speaker is not asking if Germany and France are literally experiencing the same shock as the characters in the movie Casablanca. Instead, the speaker is using a rhetorical device to question the genuineness of their shock or surprise.","questions":"How did the speaker question the genuineness of Germany and France's shock or surprise?","answer":"Questioned"} {"text":["So you alluded to earlier about the championship coming down. The championship can never come down. That's part of history. You can take a banner down, but you can't take the championship away because there was no performance-enhancing drugs. There was no phony classes. There was no steroids being used, no gambling on the games.","Should college coaches do more than just win?I mean, do they have an obligation to instruct, be good examples for young athletes?","Ninety percent, if not more, of college coaches not only educate their players on the court, they build lifelong friendships. They mentor the young men. They help them get jobs. Unfortunately, the ones that get the most noise are people like myself involved in this scandal that comes across as if college basketball is corrupt. And it's really not. Four years ago, I went on a tremendous rant about shoe companies getting involved in the recruiting business. It's. . .","Yeah, and even as you note in the book, the shoe companies in other ways have been pretty nice to you."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : This statement implies that the Championship cannot be withdrawn because there's not tangible reason for such.","questions":"What is the reason for not being able to withdraw the Championship?","answer":"No"} {"text":["What Bonnie Raitt song, may I ask?","O'NEILL: \"I Can't Make You Love Me. \"","(Singing) Here in the dark, in these final hours, I will lay down my heart and I'll feel the power. . .","Kate O'Neill, who wrote about her sister, Maddie Linsenmeir in the Vermont Weekly Seven Days, thank you so much for being with us."],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The speaker is emotionally moved by the lyrics of the song.","questions":"How was the speaker affected by the lyrics?","answer":"Moved"} {"text":["What do you expect to see in the Basilica today?","Well, most of conservative legal Washington I expect to be there and also liberals who were Scalia's friends. That includes Vice President Biden. Antonin Scalia was one of these guys who really didn't care what your politics were. If you liked him, he liked you. He was not doctrinal in his friendships. And so I expect that it'll be somewhat mixed. Sen. Cruz is said to be coming. I talked to one of Scalia's closest friends yesterday who said that Scalia certainly know who Cruz was. He's running for president. But, Cruz said he was going because he had this connection to the Supreme Court from when he was a clerk for Chief Justice Rehnquist. And my source said, well, unfortunately, Scalia really didn't remember him from his clerkship at all.","NPR legal affairs correspondent Nina Totenberg, Nina, thank you.","Thank you, Linda."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The actual meaning of turn (2) is different from its literal meaning. While the literal meaning of the text is about who is expected to attend the Basilica, the implied meaning is that Scalia was a person who valued personal relationships more than political affiliation. The statement reflects his personality and attitude towards others.","questions":"How did Scalia value personal relationships?","answer":"Mixed"} {"text":["Well, just along those lines, we read reports that temperatures in the contiguous 48 states have been above average in each of the last 15 months, which has never happened for as long as people have been keeping records, and that 2012 is on track to be the warmest year ever. As we read about this record Arctic ice melt, is this a coincidence?","Well, it's all part and parcel of the same thing, but I will say that January through August of this year has been the warmest period - January through August period since 1895 when they started taking temperature records. That's in the contiguous lower 48. Alaska has actually had a fairly average year, so everything doesn't march in lockstep. But again, the situation with the ice and the Arctic is this has been accumulating over decades of warming up there, and we're finally seeing the results of that.","So this one summer was not at all a key up there. In fact, what was interesting to one of the scientists I talked to, he said, basically, you know, what was astounding about this was that there was no astounding weather pattern up there that explained this dramatic difference. It was just kind of reaching this point of where the ice was just so thin that it was just ready to crumble.","Ice is white. It reflects light. The sea is blue. It does not reflect light. It absorbs it, and thereby, the heat that comes with it."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : There has been a long-term warming trend resulting in the Arctic ice melt.","questions":"What is the reason for the Arctic ice melt?","answer":"Warming"} {"text":["Like we have a song together called, \"You Think You Got It Bad. \"And what I do is, you know, we'll play the track. Then we'll ask him what do he think it needs?And he goes in the studio and do it. You know, it's never something like boy, you can write something for somebody else. You just have to leave everybody creatively open and just hope that it'll all work out.","(Singing) Everything happens for a reason. . .","Now, one of your collaborators, T. I. , was just sentenced to jail on weapons charges. He's, you know, hasn't started serving, yet. But you spent some time in jail yourself. And do you have any advice for someone like T. I. on how to deal with doing time?","Yeah. I think, you know, it is an opportunity. I mean, it's kind of a sad opportunity. I hate to, you know, get an opportunity to have a lot of time with yourself like that. But seeing as if you do, you have the ability to focus on something completely. You have no other outside circumstances that just need your attention like that. You know, he could, you know, write songs. He could find the cure to cancer. He could do anything, man."],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"find the cure to cancer\" - The actual meaning of this phrase is to discover a treatment or cure for cancer. However, the intended meaning could be that this is an opportunity for T.I. to focus on something positive and productive, rather than simply serving time in prison.","questions":"What could T.I. potentially do while in jail, according to PersonB's statement?","answer":"Positive"} {"text":["Sort of the intellectual or business father of this. But he himself did not survive. But the practice did survive. And I want to ask for some distinctions here. You have different terms in the book, slaves, indentured servants and what you call free willers. I'm intrigued by the concept of a free willer. Who were they, and what did they get from essentially putting themselves in servitude?","Well, that's what they got. They put themselves in servitude. They were desperate. They were poor people or people who didn't have enough money to pay for the trip to America. They wanted a new life. They hoped that they would get one in America. And so they signed themselves away, their freedoms away, as indentured servants to pay for their passage. And that would be for anything between three and 11 years, usually. Now most of them, initially, didn't survive more than a couple of years.","The first - the average, I think, lifespan of a new indentured servant in the 1620s was probably two years. So these were - they were called at the time free willers because they went of their free will, and so many others didn't go of their free will. They were sent there. They were sent there in chains. They were sentenced to go there. They weren't free at all. Well, nor were these people. So that's the free willers. They are indentured servants.","What about the relationship of the white indentured servants to the African or African-descendant slaves?How did they get along, and how did the people who were essentially their masters treat them differently, if they did?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Indentured servants were not actually free and were treated similarly to slaves.","questions":"What were the free willers?","answer":"Indentured-servants"} {"text":["The government is treading a fine line. On one hand, it acknowledges that this is a regime that cannot survive, and that this is a matter of time, only. At the same time, because it's a neighbor and because the borders are still open and there is some trade going on, in addition to other reasons, the government is careful not to take matters, sort of, beyond a certain point. But I think that there is wide consensus in the region that understands that this regime has no chance of survival. The problem and the questions is, how many more people will be killed before it leaves the scene?","Again, Turkey - we know that the Free Syrian Army uses Turkey as a safe haven. Injured are brought back to be treated in medical facilities. The fighters return there to rest and re-equip and then come back. That's a very porous border in that situation. What about Jordan?Is Jordan allowing the Free Syrian Army effectively to operate from its territory?","No. There are no military operations being conducted out of Jordan for the Free Syrian Army. Jordan has received a number of defectors from Syria, including the ex-prime minister of Syria and several army officers who have defected to Jordan. But they have not engaged in any military activity, so far.","Why no?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The Free Syrian Army is operating from Turkey which is being used as a safe haven for fighters and injured individuals. Jordan has not allowed any military operations from its territory despite receiving defectors from Syria.","questions":"What neighboring country is being used as a safe haven by the Free Syrian Army?","answer":"Turkey"} {"text":["Thank you for having me with you.","So, let's start with what exactly they are.","Okay. Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors. They're growth of muscle within the uterine wall. And sometimes they can be the size of a dime, and because of their location, they give you severe symptoms. And rarely, they can get to be the size of a basketball before they're recognized.","That's sounds pretty horrific.","It can be. It's amazing how much difficulty they can give to women that, in general, women can have severe menstrual bleeding - the kind of bleeding that keeps you home from work or keeps you from being able to do your daily activities - or they can press on a lot body structures. And they are very common, and it's surprising that so few women know that they have fibroids and that their symptoms may be related to them.","Now, research shows that about 25 percent of women in America are going to show some symptoms of fibroids, but they occur a lot more often in black women than white women. How much more often and why do scientists think that is?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : That's sounds pretty horrific. Implicated meaning: Expressing shock or surprise at the information provided about fibroids.","questions":"Which word expresses shock or surprise about the information provided by PersonA regarding fibroids?","answer":"Black"} {"text":["(Laughter).","I was going to go as Robert Siegel, so that'll be perfect.","Esquire magazine's editor at large A. J. Jacobs. Happy Halloween, A. J.","Thank you. Happy Halloween, Scott."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : B is playfully addressing A as A.J. Jacobs, a well-known journalist and author, likely as a joke or as a nod to A's profession.","questions":"What journalist's name is PersonB playfully addressing PersonA as?","answer":"A.J.-Jacobs"} {"text":["Why is there - at least I can't come up with somebody who is quite like Mary McGrory, male or female, that's a columnist now. Or am I wrong?","You know, I think that the one thing that really stood out to me the most about Mary - and it literally got mentioned in every single interview I conducted for the book - was that she went out and did her legwork, that she went out there every day and talked to people and didn't just write a column from the comfy confines of her office.","Yeah, she wasn't just a pundit.","She wasn't just a pundit. Into her 80s, she was out there covering presidential primaries, having friends and family hurtle her over snow banks in Manchester. And I think that really distinguished her writing and her as a personality."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) - \"She wasn't just a pundit\" - This means that Mary McGrory was more than just a commentator - she was a journalist who actively went out and did research and interviews to back up her work.","questions":"What distinguished Mary McGrory's writing and personality according to A?","answer":"Legwork"} {"text":["He kept the Colombian restaurant's painting of a traditional Latin American market scene with a tiny cross perched on the archway. It dominates the whole hall.","So this is the story. In Islam, you can't remove a picture which has a cross in it. That was my wife's understanding. She - that's what she gave me to understand. And she said, don't ever remove this. And then this restaurant became very lucky for us. We - from being hand to mouth, we became self-sufficient. So this proved to be a lucky painting. Plus, this was a colorful painting, and this was all we could afford at the time. So we want to keep it, and we want to keep that cross as long as I'm alive and kicking.","It's a sign of how so many communities have built Houston into what it is today - influencing each other, melding into something unique. Lashkari has applied that to the dishes he serves. His signature chicken curry, cooked in huge metal pots in his sweltering, fragrant kitchen, is made with Mexican tomatillos and cilantro. It's incredibly delicious. And we ate that along with the best saag paneer, a spinach and cheese dish, that I have ever tasted.","We do a lot of fusion right now. This restaurant is famous for its fried chicken. It's fried the Southern way, but it's - the chicken - the raw chicken is marinated with Indian spices. My white gravy is made with cashew nuts and almonds and coconut. So it looks like a white gravy of the chicken-fried steak, but it's totally different."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"So this is the story. In Islam, you can't remove a picture which has a cross in it... Plus, this was a colorful painting, and this was all we could afford at the time. So we want to keep it, and we want to keep that cross as long as I'm alive and kicking.\" The actual meaning of this turn is different from its literal meaning. The speaker is not simply describing the painting and its significance, but also explaining the cultural and religious background that led him to keep the painting with the cross, despite not being Christian himself.","questions":"What cultural restriction did the speaker mention regarding a picture with a cross in it?","answer":"Remove"} {"text":["A lot of people are very skeptical of the talks. The government, before even going to Geneva, voiced their concern that they're not going to Geneva to negotiate or deal. They just wanted to go to Geneva to make sure that the Houthis will comply when the U. N. see a resolution. So to begin with, the political parties were in Geneva not to talk, not for dialogue, not to negotiate. They were there for blinking contests.","And what's the mood there in the capital?","A lot of people are depressed 'cause pretty much everybody was hoping that there's going to be some sort of a truce, especially now that it's the month of Ramadan. It is the holy month for four weeks where people fast. People - they don't actually have food to begin with. But it's a religious month where people fast, so we were hoping for some sort of a cease-fire, some sort of a truce where the blockade will be lifted so that the aid will come in, so that the commercial vessels now stuck at the seaports will be allowed to move in. Yemen imports 90 percent of its food, so we're in dire need of those commercial vessels to be allowed into the country. Unfortunately, the Geneva talks ended without the lifting of the blockade, without a truce being agreed upon.","We should explain to our listeners that blockade has been led by Saudi naval forces to keep weapons out of the hands of rebels. You have said that you're both anti-Houthi and anti-airstrikes. How do you solve one problem without the other?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : (1) \"blinking contests\" - This phrase is a metaphorical way of describing a situation where neither side is willing to back down or concede to the other, creating a tense and unproductive atmosphere. It does not refer to an actual contest of blinking.","questions":"What is the metaphorical meaning of \"blinking contests\"?","answer":"Tense"} {"text":["UNIDENTIFIED SPORTSCASTER #4: And you can just tell the way the big fellow was laughing, he thinks that's it.",". . . But his new book is a tribute to another legend, his coach at UCLA, John Wooden. Their 50-year-long friendship started on the court at Pauley Pavilion and grew over lunch at VIP's Cafe in Tarzana and long afternoons of easy conversation in coach Wooden's den. This week on Out of Bounds, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, author of \"Coach Wooden And Me. \"He joins me now from NPR West. Welcome so much to the program.","Thank you very much, nice to talk to you.","At the beginning of the book, you write about how you and coach Wooden when you first met were an odd couple sitcom waiting to happen. Tell us about who you were then."],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"an odd couple sitcom waiting to happen\" - This turn is figurative language used to describe how Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Coach Wooden seemed like an unlikely pair who would make a good subject for a television show. It is not meant to be taken literally, but as a way of expressing how different the two men were.","questions":"How did Kareem Abdul-Jabbar describe himself and Coach Wooden when they first met?","answer":"odd"} {"text":["I think hemp is certainly an opportunity for small-scale farmers like myself. And I see the future of agriculture in trouble on the major commodities such as corn, wheat and soybeans because these prices are too low for farmers to stay in business.","And is that because the timing is such that, you know, waiting it out has different meaning in farming than it does in other jobs, for example, right. I mean, like, waiting out, you have to plan so far ahead and - that you can't just - it's not a 90 day problem. Is that what I'm hearing from you?","Exactly. And for the people that are listening, most Americans pay their bills every 30 days. Farmers pay their bills basically twice a year. Like right now, I'm getting ready to sell my winter wheat, which is coming for harvest next month. So I receive a payday there - hopefully it's a fair payday - and then my soybean crop later on this fall.","So we plan our operations a year out. And I thought by now that there would be a big change in the commodity price for soybeans. And that simply hasn't happened. And this president is playing footsie with American agriculture and American farmers here."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : In this case, the speaker is using the idiom \"playing footsie\" figuratively to mean that the current president is not fully committed to supporting American agriculture and farmers, and is instead giving them only superficial or insincere attention. The speaker is not suggesting that the president is actually playing the game footsie.","questions":"What idiom does the speaker use to suggest that the current president is not fully committed to supporting American agriculture and farmers?","answer":"Playingfootsie"} {"text":["And now we're going to move from talking with mental health experts to someone who has lived addiction. Jonny W. lost almost everything to a gambling addiction. Thank you for coming in and being with us.","Thank you for having me here today.","Well, you know, let's start at the beginning. When did you start gambling?","Mr. W. : Well, I started at the ripe old age of about 12-years-old. And at that particular time, it was just a matter of fun and hanging out with my friends."],"speaker":["B","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Gambling was just a fun activity with friends at age 12.","questions":"What was the age when gambling started as a fun activity with friends?","answer":"12"} {"text":["Yes, yes indeed, yeah.","Where are they now?","They're blue-collar, and many of them remain Democrats, although when the national election comes, many of them outside of Allegheny County do start voting Republican. Part of the reason is that this is an older state, and for pensioners, unless the economy is really going haywire and frightening them about the condition of their pensions and the future of their Social Security, they are going to worry less about breadbasket issues than they're going to worry about the social flashpoint issues.","And out here, Democrats, and we're talking about liberals, Democrats are pro-Second Amendment. They're pro-life. They are very religious. They're socially conservative. Gay marriage simply confounds them as a theory. In other words, we're talking about a place where the liberals have guns.","And so, where are those liberals going?Are they going to Obama or McCain?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Liberals in this area hold conservative beliefs and values.","questions":"What political beliefs do the liberals in the area hold?","answer":"Conservative"} {"text":["Colin Powell - not one black candidate on the ticket, but two. That would be remarkable.","Well, let's also remember Colin Powell is a Republican. He would establish a kind of bipartisan bridge. And if you want to say, yes, it's a ticket of two African-Americans, which it would be, it is already a ticket of one African-American. So people who have perhaps a problem with that might not necessarily have that much more of a problem with two.","And I think that the advantage that it would have would be to say, we're kind of, in a sense, taking race off the table here. We're not talking about electing the first black president. We're asking you to vote for Barack Obama and Colin Powell and look at those two individuals.","It's a really interesting suggestion, I would imagine that a number of Democrats would say, wait a minute, he was on the wrong side on Iraq. Plus, we've got our own guys. We want a Democrat, a real Democrat. Who's out there?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : taking race off the table implies that people would not consider race in the election","questions":"How would the advantage of having Colin Powell as a Republican candidate for vice president be established?","answer":"Established"} {"text":["The problem is 90 percent of space in our military is in the Air Force. So what we're basically going to be doing is taking the current infrastructure - for example, Space Command in Colorado Springs will become the headquarters for the Space Corps. We're talking about taking the people that we need to take that deal with space and segregating them into a culture that appreciates them.","The Air Force has pushed back on this. The Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson said, quote, \"the Pentagon is complicated enough. This will make it more complex, add more boxes to the organization chart and cost more money. \"Is she wrong?","She's absolutely wrong. The bureaucracy is always going to fight reform - always, especially the Pentagon. They're fighting this because they don't want Congress meddling. You know, what I've told her is, in 16 years, the Air Force has not changed a thing. And they've got us in this situation now where Russia and China have become near peers. They're close to surpassing us. What we're proposing would change that.","I think what some people would say is that we are cooperating with the Russians on the International Space Station. Should space be the new frontier of warfare, or should it actually be a place where, indeed, these cooperations flourish?After all, we are all on one planet."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"Should space be the new frontier of warfare, or should it actually be a place where, indeed, these cooperations flourish?\" - This phrase implies that there is a debate over whether space should be viewed as a potential battlefield, or as a place where nations can work together peacefully and collaboratively on scientific and exploratory projects.","questions":"Which word summarizes the debate over how space should be viewed, as stated in turn 3?","answer":"Conflict"} {"text":["I think - and this is important to be aware of - you know, ISIS changed its messaging over time. And so there was women who went at different times, responding to different aspects of that appeal.","But I think a big part of the history that we have to remember is, in the Middle East, you know, ISIS unfolding in the wake of the collapse of the Arab Spring. And women were really central to those uprisings, to those protests. They didn't have a lot of - there was not a lot of space for women in a lot of the repressive orders in those countries before the 2011 revolutions. And you know, one by one, those collapsed into civil war, into greater repression. I think in the aftermath of that, ISIS emerged.","And for some young women in those societies, it was that just order. Those kind of dashed hopes were exploited. And part of the appeal of ISIS, I think, in those early days in countries like Tunisia and for girls like Nour, was that there was no other way to be politically active, to be a feminist of any kind. It was the only door that was open.","I was about to mention the story of Nour. She was a high school dropout from Tunisia. And you make the point in the book that she was sort of rebelling against a secular state. And it was her way of expressing her female identity."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Isis began just as the Arab's began to collapse or at least lose popularity.","questions":"How was ISIS affected by the collapse of the Arab Spring?","answer":"B"} {"text":["Yeah.","The Land O' Lakes butter box - there's a Native American on that. And an informal poll of people taken around here suggests a lot of people don't even see her.","Well, she's in your refrigerator. And God knows what she's doing at night. I never look closely at it myself. I do buy that brand. And when you look at it closely, what you see is she's kneeling. And she's holding the box that she's in. And so it recedes into infinity. In other words, you know, in that box, you see her again and again and again. So it's this amazing combination of American identity, a generic Indian with really brilliant graphic design that, you know, you don't really notice. But I really do think she's up to something at night in the refrigerator.","(Laughter) I'll check. Is it offensive?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : A: \"And God knows what she's doing at night.\" - This is a figurative expression that means the speaker imagines or wonders what the Native American figure on the Land O' Lakes butter box is doing when no one is looking, rather than actually believing that she is doing something.","questions":"Which expression is used figuratively to describe the PersonA's imagination about the Native American figure on the Land O' Lakes butter box?","answer":"Figurative"} {"text":["How fair or accurate is the idea that Joan Kroc gave away Ray Kroc's money to a lot of places and causes of which he would not have approved?","A lot of old-guard McDonald's people I've talked to are angry that Joan made gifts that, in their estimation, were more liberal-leaning than Ray, perhaps, would've liked, including her million-dollar gift to the Democrats - now - and her active work in the peace movement and building these peace institutes at both Notre Dame and the University of San Diego.","I don't think she did it to spite Ray or to get back at him at all, although I do know that during the course of their marriage, she said she suppressed her politics and her interests in some ways because she didn't want to seem untoward. And yet, that doesn't square up with the fact that she started this alcoholism education charity while Ray was clearly afflicted. So the dichotomy or the juxtaposition of all these odd facts with Joan is what makes her so interesting to me. She was a very complicated person.","Lisa Napoli, her book, \"Ray And Joan: The Man Who Made The Mcdonald's Fortune And The Woman Who Gave It All Away. \""],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The implied meaning here is not about the fairness or accuracy of the idea, but rather about whether Joan Kroc's donations were in line with Ray Kroc's beliefs and whether Joan acted out of spite or not.","questions":"Which aspect of Joan Kroc's donations is questioned by old-guard McDonald's people?","answer":"Accuracy"} {"text":["But he did try to shoot a president. I mean, you can't say well, if he shot the butcher it would be different. He did try to shoot a president. We hold that crime in a different category than we do other attempted murders. In fact, he had other ideas. He stalked Jodie Foster. He stalked President Carter for quite a long time.","So your position is, we're not talking about a man who just shot someone who is now gone, but somebody who at one point contemplated shooting a number of famous people.","Oh, yeah. I mean, his desire was to be a famous assassin. And I think the main point here is that the verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity was a bad verdict. There's no question that he is insane, but the legal definition of insanity is that you have to be unable to distinguish between right and wrong. And I think he knew perfectly well that it was wrong. And following that verdict, you know, they made a lot of changes in the legal system. There's now another option, of guilty and insane. They also - when Hinckley was on trial, the prosecutors had the burden of proof to prove that the defendant was sane, and now the burden is on the defense to prove insanity.","If John Hinckley were to come outside full-time, he - I think we can safely assume - would be pretty carefully monitored by, not just local police, but the Secret Service. And that's not enough guarantee?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) - The actual meaning is that the speaker disagrees with the verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity and thinks that the legal definition of insanity is too narrow. This turn implies that the speaker believes that the legal system should hold people who commit crimes like Hinckley's to a higher standard of responsibility, even if they are mentally ill.","questions":"What does the speaker believe about the legal system's responsibility towards mentally ill individuals who commit crimes like Hinckley's?","answer":"Narrow"} {"text":["Well, you know, this is having a lot of different effects. So you know, some of the students have been expelled. Their admissions have been revoked. Some of the coaches have been fired. They face charges - athletic coaches who were involved in misrepresenting people as being recruits. And of course the legal cases are going to continue to unfold.","But I'm also interested in how it's unfolding in the broader culture at large. You know, whether you look at things like - we had a big debate last year about Harvard and affirmative action. And these conversations about things like legacy admissions are really bringing us to a broader conversation about, what do these elite colleges really offer?You know, the fact that they have nonprofit status - are they really serving the public, or are they just acting in a way that's really inflating their own bottom line and their own brands?","And so I think there's a broader conversation about, are there better ways to have admissions?And can we define excellence in education some other way other than, you know, something that's really expensive and only lets in about 5 percent of people who get to apply?","And for all that conversation, just in our last 30 seconds or so, do you see signs of systemic change coming?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The consequences of the scandal go beyond those immediately involved and have raised questions about the integrity and fairness of elite college admissions.","questions":"What broader conversation is being discussed regarding the integrity and fairness of elite college admissions?","answer":"Admissions"} {"text":["My goodness.","Yeah, and he's going to try to sort of and see if it can sort of go on where he picks up from the news to sort of, you know, sort of portray different events that are going on with them. So, it's - I'm looking forward to that, because I like RuPaul, so I think it's going to be really interesting.","It will be interesting. All right, what about the Screen Actors Guild strike?What does that mean for people who watch movies or people who make them?","I think, you know, it's going to be a problem. For us, I think, you know, again, TV is going to become even more important, and I think TV was going to become important anyway because of the recession. I think a lot of people - because they know it's really expensive to go out and see movies. So, I think it's sort of a bad time in a way just because of that. But I think, yes, reality TV is going to sort of become even bigger than it already is. And you look at the shows, and it's, like, you know, endless, the kind of shows reality TV-wise that are coming. And I think they sort of - you know, they have everything in place for that to sort of work out."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : to look forward to something means they are excited for an event.","questions":"Which feeling does PersonA have towards the upcoming RuPaul show?","answer":"Excited"} {"text":["Yes. You know, you will talk to Republicans and Democrats who will make very passionate cases that the other party will be to blame in this shutdown. I think shutdown politics are tricky. For one, we have a recent one in memory. The 2013 shutdown was largely driven by Texas Senator Ted Cruz, a member of the Republican Party. Republicans were seen as responsible for that shutdown. They went on to win big in the following midterm elections.","So the idea that being seen as the party that shuts down government will have electoral consequences, I'm not so sure Democrats view it that way.","Yeah. And the last shutdown lasted 16 days.","It lasted 16 days. If this one lasts as long as that, we will also be in a very interesting situation because President Trump's State of the Union address is 10 days from now. And I - my mind. . ."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : In (4), the speaker implies that if the shutdown lasts as long as 16 days, it will create an interesting situation due to the upcoming State of the Union address.","questions":"How long will the State of the Union address take place after the shutdown if it lasts 16 days?","answer":"10"} {"text":["Well, it's unclear. But at least the Department of Health and Human Services is saying that the Affordable Care Act will stand as this works its way through courts. And the funny thing is today is the final day for. . .","Yes.",". . . Open enrollment for next year for people to get insurance. And on the website healthcare. gov, there's actually a banner that says, this decision doesn't change open enrollment for now.","What about political repercussions?","And that's a more complicated thing."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The court case has not affected the open enrollment period","questions":"How has the court case affected the open enrollment period?","answer":"Not"} {"text":["Well, so certainly President-elect Trump has issued a few statements on cybersecurity, including a campaign platform. Those are pretty thin on details. And some of his statements - it's been difficult to understand whether or not he - how literally to take those particular recommendations. Of his national security hires that have been announced at this point, none are known for having particularly strong cybersecurity backgrounds. So as we see more and more people coming into the administration, we might be able to start getting a sense of what exactly this administration's cybersecurity policy might look like.","Surely when you become the administration, you have a vested interest in national cybersecurity that maybe you lacked before, don't you?","Absolutely. I think while many of his statements during the campaign did not necessarily evince well-developed policy thoughts - he's going to have to come up with more specific ideas. One thing that Donald Trump might run up against is the existence of current laws. So, for example, he's indicated a number of times that he intends to transfer a lot of the cybersecurity mission to the Department of Defense to come up with a plan for defending critical infrastructure. And there are potentially rather serious consequences to sort of the militarization of civilian cyber defense. I think that they might find themselves coming up against an existing framework that doesn't necessarily square with the broad instinct towards wanting to turn towards the military to solve this problem.","I thought the Obama administration was pretty clear in saying, after they asserted that Russian attempts to meddle in the elections had been ongoing, that the United States was going to reply in kind. Can we assume those efforts are going on now?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : talking about the potential consequences of \"militarization of civilian cyber defense\" ","questions":"What is the concern regarding the militarization of civilian cyber defense?","answer":"Militarization"} {"text":["Not too much yet. Police have said that they range in all ages. Former El Paso congressman and now-presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke told reporters yesterday that he spoke to the wife of a soccer coach who was wounded while fundraising for his team at the Walmart. Mexican officials have also reported via Twitter that there are six Mexicans injured, including a 10-year-old girl, and three others are among the dead.","I mean, this must be an incredibly difficult time in El Paso right now, you know, something this horrific happening. There were so many families at the Walmart, as you mentioned. And it is now being investigated as a potential hate crime. So I'm wondering - how have the people there reacted to this terrible tragedy?","Well, El Pasoans have by and large reacted in the same way they've responded to the rush of Central American families who have arrived - who have been arriving at this city for months now. Hours after the shooting, there were long lines at blood donation centers. I visited a school where families were gathering to get information about missing loved ones. I saw El Pasoans show up to that school with truckloads of water. There is an interfaith vigil organized tonight at a local park. And both the mayor and the U. S. congresswoman who represent El Paso has said this is - that this crime isn't reflective of the welcoming character of this city.","That's reporter Monica Ortiz Uribe in El Paso. Thank you very much.","You're welcome."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 4 : ONE ARE THE PERSON HELP TO RETURN TO SAY THANK YOU THAT SAYS REPLY TO YOU'RE WELCOM.","questions":"What did someone do to show gratitude to the person who said \"You're welcome\"?","answer":"Say"} {"text":["Well, I got to, or. . .","Or I'm doomed. I do think it is a good time for independent artists, period. And I feel like soul music in this country really has told the story of black Americans in this country, and right now the field is kind of narrow. So, from city to city, you go and you listen to the radio, and you try to find soul music on the radio, you're either listening to hip-hop, or you're listening to oldies and dusties and R&B.","So, there's a whole big huge chasm which some of us live in part of the time at least, where where's this music?Where is the new soul music?Where are the people that are writing the classics that are going to be around in 20 years, and 30 years, and 40 years?","Well, in addition to your own songs, you have sung other folks' work. And in 2004, you sang on a tribute album for Luther Vandross. Here's a little bit of \"Forever, For Always, For Love. \""],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Soul music by independent artists is scarce and difficult to find on the radio.","questions":"Which album did the speaker sing on in tribute to Luther Vandross?","answer":"Tribute"} {"text":["Science and magic are supposed to be opposites. Science is real, and it's hard, and it's facts-driven. Magic is illusion, and it's make-believe. Two separate worlds. But not for Teller, half of the famous magic duo Penn & Teller. He recently wrote an article for Smithsonian magazine, outlining the secrets that magicians use to manipulate the human mind and how those tricks may be put to use by scientists. At the core of every trick, he wrote, is a cold, cognitive experiment in perception. Does the trick fool the audience?","Well, in this portion of the program, we would like to hear from the magicians out there. What is the trick that proved most difficult for you to master?And if you want to share its secret, what was its secret?Our number is 800-989-8255. Our email address is talk@npr. org. And you can join the conversation on our website. Go to npr. org, and click on TALK OF THE NATION. Teller joins us from NPR member station KNPR in Las Vegas. Teller, thanks very much for joining us.","Happy to be here.","So psychologists talk about the artistic intuition that magicians have, this innate ability honed over time, a lot, a lot of time to grab a person's attention and control it and manipulate it. Are they right about that?Are psychologists on to something in this assessment of what you magicians are really up to?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"What is the trick that proved most difficult for you to master?\" Here, the word \"trick\" is used to refer to a specific magic performance or illusion. The literal meaning of \"trick\" is a cunning or deceitful act, but in the context of magicians, it represents a skillful and entertaining performance.","questions":"What is the term used to refer to a skillful and entertaining performance by magicians?","answer":"manipulate"} {"text":["Wow.",". . . Actually the night he died. So he was a very well-respected young person by our staff, by our students and our community. And, you know, it was a very shame that that did happen.","I'm so impressed. I gather the youngsters themselves in your school came up with the idea of electing them king and queen. I got to tell you. . .","Yeah, you know, you think about social media as something that's bad sometimes. Well, they - her friends and his friends kind of started a little social media thing and the adults weren't even totally aware. And they wanted to - they wanted to have them be king and queen. Now, it wasn't, you know, the whole school. It wasn't everybody. It was a very tight group of kids that really. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Actually the night he died. So he was a very well-respected young person by our staff, by our students and our community. And, you know, it was a very shame that that did happen. Implicated Meaning: A is providing additional information or context about the person who died. The phrase \"actually the night he died\" implies that there is a specific event or incident being referred to, and A is emphasizing the significance and respect the person had before their death. The phrase \"it was a very shame that that did happen\" implies a sense of regret or sadness about the event.","questions":"What was the person's reputation before their death?","answer":"Respected"} {"text":["Physically in our experiment that took up - we couldn't really measure it in a scientific way, but between you and me, it's like a speck of dust.","All that stuff on a speck of dust.","Yeah.","And how much room would you need to store all the information in the world?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : A speck of dust is teeny tiny, so it implies it is tiny. ","questions":"How would you describe the size of the speck of dust?","answer":"Tiny"} {"text":["Abortion. Abortion.","Really?","Because it's such a driving issue, a lot of one-issue abortion voters. The courts are determining what's legal in abortion. We see now that the court has got these new two conservative members to the Supreme Court and the lower courts. That's why you see states now pushing ahead with their tough abortion restrictions because they think that they can get these upheld. So I do think abortion - school prayer. Ronald Reagan played on school prayer when he was running. And these were the kind of things that conservatives vote on. These are important to them.","These are these sort of moral and cultural issues that they are interested in, consumed by to some regard. And so the courts have just been more important to them. You do see Democrats reacting now. There's new groups springing up. Demand Justice is a new group that was started to kind of make Democrats more aware of the potency of the court and the importance and why Democrats should be more interested in voting on it. I do think, in this election, Democrats are going to talk a lot more about the Supreme Court than they have in the past."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : 2. Conservatives prioritize issues such as school prayer and abortion.","questions":"What is one issue that conservatives prioritize?","answer":"Abortion"} {"text":[". . . Entities. . .","Correct.",". . . Like - nongovernmental groups like terrorist organizations.","Yeah, the terrorist organizations or. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Specifically mentioning terrorist organizations as an example of non-governmental entities","questions":"Which type of entities did PersonB mention as an example in turn 2?","answer":"terrorist"} {"text":["Thanks, Michel.","Now, you've been reporting along the border all day. What have you seen?","Well, I was at the actual border this morning. It's a river that divides Mexico and Guatemala. And there was no presence of authorities there. So there are these inflatable rafts that carry people and goods across the river, and they were traveling without a problem across the river. So I saw several groups of migrants cross this morning. But things change as you move north on highways here.","So I'm currently at a highway checkpoint. There's about a dozen Mexican migration officers, as well as Mexican Army and Mexican police. And they're stopping every van and bus that comes by here and checking it for undocumented migrants.","So tell us a little bit more, if you would, about what happens to travelers who arrive at those checkpoints."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : As a journalist, you've been observing the border.","questions":"Which river divides Mexico and Guatemala?","answer":"River"} {"text":["Absolutely. And that's something that my father always stressed upon my sisters and me and that we've all thought it's very important that you should be engaged in the process. In this case it is a political process, because the process of electing our government leaders is one that will have a direct impact on whether we're here and what we do here. So it's fine to criticize, but at the same time if you're not engaged in the process I feel that's a real discredit to everything you try to protest against.","Do you sense a great excitement among the men and women there about the election?","Well, there's certainly a lot of open questions, a lot of us are wondering if Barack Obama's elected versus John McCain and vice versa, whether that will have an effect not just on this tour, but on future military careers because we have a lot of soldiers and a lot of officers who are planning to make a military career and I'm not one of them. I'm going to be leaving active duty when we return from this tour.","But for those soldiers especially, the big question now is, when and how soon they'll have to deploy to Afghanistan. Because many of these soldiers are on their third, some even on their fourth tour here to Iraq. And so now they're looking at another open ended involvement in Afghanistan. And so they've got a lot of questions about that and so we're really just curious right now what both candidates - what decisions they'll make."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"open-ended involvement\" - this means a long-term and uncertain commitment to the mission, not literally an involvement that has no end or closure.","questions":"Which term describes the nature of the military mission in Afghanistan?","answer":"Nature"} {"text":["And so, finally, what would affect this backlog?What would be the most - in your view, based on your experience - the most effective way to address this backlog - this enormous backlog of cases?","I think, to begin with, any high-volume court system - criminal courts, you know, outside of the immigration system - can only survive when you have - the two parties are able to conference cases, are able to reach pre-case settlements, are able to reach agreements on things. If you could imagine in the criminal court system, if every jaywalking case had to go through a - you know, a full jury trial and then, you know, get appealed all the way up as high as it could go, that system would be in danger of collapse as well. So I think you have to return to a system where you allow the two sides to negotiate things.","And you also have to give the judges - let them be judges. Give them the tools they need to be judges and the independence they need to be judges. And lastly, you have to prioritize the cases.","Before we let you go, I assume that there were different political perspectives at this conference, given that people come from all different sectors of that - of the bar. And I just wondered - and I assume that there are some there who favor more restrictionist methods and some who don't. I was wondering, overall, was there a mood at this conference?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : cases implies situations, issues or conditions and not suitcases or packs","questions":"How does the term 'cases' relate to the conversation between PersonA and B?","answer":"Legal"} {"text":["I am honored to be the district attorney of Brooklyn. But with respect to wrongful conviction cases, I have inherited a mess. I am currently investigating over 100 claims of wrongful convictions. Those numbers are staggering. And that's why I created the conviction review unit, and was able to convince a very prominent, well-respected law professor, Ron Sullivan, who's a law professor at Harvard Law School, to come down to Brooklyn and run my unit.","How do you go to the family of a victim of the original crime and tell them that the person or persons they thought killed their loved one didn't?","That was the hardest thing I had to do to. To sit down with the Blenner family and to let them know that the two defendants whom they believed for 29 years were responsible for the abduction, robbery and murder of their son and brother were wrongfully convicted was extremely difficult. And I pledged to them that I would do all I could to pursue the leads that we do have because we have leads to try to hold the people who killed him responsible.","How does a conviction review unit go about the business of looking at so many cases?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) A's statement implies the emotional weight of telling the Blenner family about the wrongful conviction, rather than a literal description of the physical act of sitting down with them.","questions":"How was PersonA able to convince Ron Sullivan to run his unit?","answer":"Difficult"} {"text":["Well, prior to me going to medical school, I was actually a vegetarian. I was a martial artist. And I got exposed to concepts of diet and nutrition as it impacted health, and I got exposed to concepts of energy with respect to martial arts practice. And I really didn't see any of that in my medical school experience. Along with that, I had a just really open-ended approach to looking at medicine.","Being an African-American, I was not one of the good old boys in medical school. So you can either try hard to be a part of that club, or you can say to yourself, well, gosh, maybe there's some other things that can actually be explored. So Chinese medicine - I've explored that. I explored classical homeopathy. I explored nutrition. I explored other, particularly African cultural arts. And out of that, it just opened a whole worldview to me.","Give us some specifics on what African traditional medicine might incorporate into your practice.","At the heart of traditional African medicine is God and the ancestors, OK?So now, you have many Africans that want to take advantage of traditional medicine, but they don't want to acknowledge the roots. So the roots, as I'm saying, is understand your relationship with ancestors in terms of ancestors being a part of the community. The use of divination - on the surface, I mean, we've seen different things, maybe on TV or someone is throwing bones or caraway shells and then makes a pronouncement."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : As an African-American, I had to explore unconventional areas such as Chinese medicine, classical homeopathy, and African cultural arts, to gain a wider perspective in medicine.","questions":"What specific areas did the speaker explore to gain a wider perspective in medicine?","answer":"A"} {"text":["Well, so what I got really interested in was that when the coat showed up, it showed up in a black plastic package from China Post. So I thought I was buying a coat from some brand that represented itself as kind of this modern gentleman. You know, I was expecting it to have its headquarters, you know, in New York or San Francisco or Los Angeles or something. And this thing is shipped direct from a technology park in China.","So I kind of started thinking like, well, what is this brand?And I started diving into this new class of online retailer that use a tool called Shopify, which allows anyone to kind of spin up a retail store in five minutes; sucks products in from a service called AliExpress, which is sort of like Amazon but in China, and it's dedicated to kind of the export market for Chinese and other Asian manufacturers; and allows - basically - consumers in the U. S. to take a different route into this manufacturing ecosystem, which makes so many clothes, which makes so many consumer goods, in Asia.","When you ordered this coat, were you genuinely surprised to be able to trace this stuff back, or was that the whole idea?","Well, no. I was genuinely surprised. I was literally - I had been tagged in the Facebook advertising system, which Instagram also uses, as someone who likes to buy clothes. And what I came to find was that this is a pretty widespread phenomenon."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"Modern gentleman\" is used figuratively to describe a brand's image or style, rather than a literal definition of a man who is modern and well-mannered.","questions":"Which phrase is used figuratively to describe a brand's image or style in turn 0?","answer":"Modern"} {"text":["To the outside world, your mother, a progressive voice, but what was going on inside the family?","My mother was dealing with a lot of what black women were dealing with in Jackson, Miss. So from the outside, it looked like she was doing really well. She was on television - local television - doing political prognostication. She was in an abusive relationship. She did not make much money. She was dealing with what I would call, like, the shards of abuse. And, you know, when I was around 9 or 10, she started to whip me when I didn't do right. And she would always say she was whipping me because what I would face from police or white people would be even harsher.","And those beatings just I think started to get progressively worse, and I think that the beatings my mother was taking from life, from our town, from her partner, also started to get progressively worse. And I think the scariest part about it looking back is that we just didn't know how to talk about any of it. We didn't know how to talk about what we were doing to one another, and we didn't really know how to talk about what the world and our state was doing to us.","As the very title suggests, that the cost of trauma, including, for example, the beatings you endured from your mother, the beatings that she endured, all of that takes a toll on our bodies. What happened to you?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Despite looking successful, my mother was dealing with abuse and financial struggles.","questions":"How did the outside world perceive PersonA's mother?","answer":"Successful"} {"text":["Well, I think they're convening a panel tomorrow to discuss it once more. Declaring a public health emergency of international concern has big implications. So the closing of borders - you know, these are border towns. People - their livelihoods are dependent on being able to cross borders and do business.","Yeah.","Refugees who are fleeing armed conflict in DRC not being able to come into Uganda. So it - there are some serious implications on making that declaration, and I'm sure those will be considered.","How hopeful are you that this outbreak can be contained?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Declaring a public health emergency of international concern has serious implications on border towns and people's livelihoods.","questions":"What are the implications of declaring a public health emergency of international concern on border towns and people's livelihoods?","answer":"Implications"} {"text":["That was a time that postwar era in India when you had a tremendous amount of aspiration for development in the air. Nehru was the first Prime Minister of independent India. And there was a sense in the air of the chance for a collective progress that many, many different kinds of people who came from different backgrounds could actually participate in, could share in. And I think the momentum of that time also swept my own grandparents up. Their condition was precarious.","The jacket that my grandfather was wearing was borrowed. The jewelry that my grandmother is wearing was costume jewelry. I think the prosperity that you see in that image is less about the wealth that they have in hand at that moment and more about that future horizon that they might feel is already coming within their reach.","What do you think your grandfather's story might tell us about today's India?","What I think is so interesting about looking at the life of someone like my grandfather over the course of nearly a century is that you see that there is a kind of ongoing momentum of change that exists throughout his life and that takes him and those alongside him in many different directions. That these patterns of change that we see now in India have been with us for some time and have had a lot to do with the kinds of aspirations that people like my grandparents as well as my own parents grew up with."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : What I think is so interesting about looking at the life of someone like my grandfather over the course of nearly a century is that you see that there is a kind of ongoing momentum of change that exists throughout his life and that takes him and those alongside him in many different directions - This implies that change is an ongoing process that people must adapt to if they want to move forward.","questions":"Which process is ongoing according to turn 3?","answer":"Change"} {"text":["I don't think about what they don't have. I don't think in those terms. But for me, you know, I was not only the Budget Committee chairman and the chief architect of the '97 agreement where we balanced the budget for the first time since we walked on the moon and had big surpluses, but I also served on the Armed Services Committee, so I was deeply engaged in national security policy. And my private sector experience was invaluable. And now I am an executive of, you know, one of the most important states in America. I don't mean just politically, but economically. And no matter who you are - drug addicted, mentally ill, working poor, autistic, disabled, minority - you're all in the Ohio family. Everybody should have a chance to rise. That's our philosophy in Ohio and that's my philosophy for America.","Do you want to overturn the Affordable Care Act?","I'd like to replace it with a health care system that would be market-driven, that would begin to shift us to quality-based health care rather than quantity-based health care. In other words, with the primary care doctor being the shepherd to shepherd us through our health care needs, with insurance companies and hospitals working together to share profits, to share the gains they make by keeping people healthy rather than treating them on the basis of how they're sick.","It's often pointed out that you use the Affordable Care Act law to expand Medicaid coverage in Ohio. Does that suggest to you that the law known as Obamacare has helped people?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The implied meaning of the speaker's response to the question of overturning the Affordable Care Act is that they don't only want to do away with it, but also to replace it with something better.","questions":"How does the speaker suggest improving the healthcare system?","answer":"Market-driven"} {"text":["Well, it's very important when dealing with Iran understanding that they're not an ally of the United States. They are an adversary. They're - one, that they're a nation that is the world's largest state sponsor of terror. We often talk about the nuclear activity of Iran over the course last several years - but other activities where they've developed ICBMs in violation of international treaties and Security Council resolutions where they have worked to help the Houthis overthrow a foreign government in Yemen trying to build a land bridge across the Middle East to the West. They call Israel the little Satan and America the great Satan. And the list goes on.","So in dealing with Iran and understanding that they're an adversary, we also have to approach them knowing that they don't respect weakness. They only respect strength. And we're talking about the Iranian regime. . .","OK.",". . . Because Iran's filled with millions of very - you know, good people who want a free, stable, prosperous, democratic country for themselves. They've wanted it for a long time. So the administration's approach is with eyes wide open understanding this adversarial threat. And with regards to the leverage that brought the Iranians to the table in the first place, the problem with the JCPOA included - well, several things. One was sunset provisions, issues with the verification regime. So, you know, but I'd love to see which way you want to go from there because. . ."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Israel the little Satan and America the great Satan implies that the two countries do acts that Iran greatly disapproves of. ","questions":"What does Iran call Israel?","answer":"Little"} {"text":["Oh, well, there are a lot of asteroids near Jupiter. You know, Jupiter orbits pretty close to the asteroid belt, for one thing. So that's a part of the solar system that's very cluttered with space rocks. And Jupiter ends up being a target for a lot of them because - mainly because it's such a big planet. It has so much gravity. It actually pulls some of these space rocks toward it.","What makes you not believe it was - might have been a comet?","Oh, well, it might have been a comet. The only way to tell the difference between an asteroid and a comet impact is to look at what kind of debris it leaves behind in Jupiter's atmosphere. Now - but the problem is, in this case, astronomers have been watching the impact site - the place where the flash of light occurred - all week long, and they've been looking through debris, but there is none. Now, if you could look at the debris and see what it's made of, you could say, oh, yes. That's material that's characteristic of an asteroid, or in the case of a comet, you know, comets tend to be very watery. And the debris cloud has chemical byproducts of water in it if a comet has hit. . .","Yeah."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Jupiter being a big planet with lots of gravity attracts space rocks.","questions":"Which planet attracts space rocks?","answer":"Jupiter"} {"text":["You're welcome. What a pleasure.","What are the factors you had to take into consideration to do things like help create flags and currency for South Sudan?","What I learned was these state symbols are really marks of consensus. They're about design, but they're really about agreement. So South Sudan is comprised of 60 ethnic tribes, and for the one symbol that they were able to produce during the time of the referendum to the time of their independence, they produced a national seal. And they had to get the agreement of 28 cabinet ministers representing these tribes.","And what's the seal look like?How would you describe it?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : A: \"These state symbols are really marks of consensus. They're about design, but they're really about agreement.\" Here, the literal meaning would be that state symbols are merely designs created for aesthetic purposes. However, the intended meaning is that these symbols represent the agreement and consensus of the people and hold significant cultural and political value.","questions":"What do state symbols represent besides design?","answer":"Agreement"} {"text":["Let's start with what's happening in those factories that produce or produced all those goods that we just couldn't get enough of during the boom. What's happening there now?","The scene on the shop floors in China is a grim one. There are tens of thousands of factories being closed, many thousands already shuttered. Those numbers don't tell you how big those factories are. China has factories with everything from five people in them to 150,000 people in them.","But the story is bad. I mean, if you just count the migrant workers who have lost their jobs in the last seven months, that count's up to over 10 million. And that's a government number, so it's probably low.","So, it could be many more than 10 million."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The situation in Chinese factories is dire with many factories closed and workers losing their jobs, including millions of migrant workers.","questions":"How many migrant workers have lost their jobs in the last seven months in China?","answer":"A"} {"text":["Oh, thanks. We're professional seguers here at NPR.","You took my breath away there.","Well, speaking of age, though, you're - you play a geezer in this picture.","Yeah, but I'm the youngest in the cast.","Really, I'm the baby."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : you took my breath away implies being very amazing, surprising and beautiful in view and performance. Not taking someone's breath or air by trying to suffocate them ","questions":"What was the reaction of PersonA to PersonB's statement?","answer":"Amazed"} {"text":["On the whole, that - it's been amazing. The volunteers, the support has been amazing. Obviously, there's a small percentage of people who are detractors and don't like the idea at all. But I think most of them are just kind of misinformed on what the status is of the asylum-seekers. And, you know, they want them all to go home, and that's just not possible. But on the whole, it's been really positive.","Well, you mentioned that some residents of your community are curious about the status. I wonder, has Customs and Border Protection told you not just what you're supposed to do with these people but how long you should plan on them being there?","Well, first of all they're - they have a legal U. S. status, so there's nothing that we're supposed to do with them.","OK."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The asylum-seekers have a legal status, which means the speaker is not responsible for them.","questions":"How are the PersonA's responsibilities towards the asylum-seekers defined?","answer":"Nothing"} {"text":["You've got lots of reasons to be concerned about this economy, not the least of which is the fact that the Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke has done yet another interest rate cut. And the question is, how many more cuts can he do?He has so many arrows in his quiver.","So, we're looking at a very fragile economy. And certainly, the employment piece is the most important piece for most Americans because most people don't have trust funds or extra money. Many who do have home equity have it tapped out. The way that 90 percent of us support ourselves is that we work every day, and increasing numbers of people don't have employment opportunities.","When you look at what's happening right now, there were - there have been times when there are certain, you know, white collar jobs that have really gotten hit hard, I'm thinking of the computer industry, the technology industry in the '90s when there was that dot bomb era. But is this really, for now, more of a blue collar job loss or is it mixed?","It's really a mixed bag. You see many corporations who are downsizing, they call it rightsizing, who are cutting even if it's by as little as 5 percent, Farai, it adds up. We see state governments also looking at a drop in revenue coming in because of a drop in tax revenue, and they are thinking of cutting in \u2014 may have already done some cutting."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"the employment piece\" is a metaphorical phrase that refers to the importance of employment in the overall economic situation, rather than an actual physical piece.","questions":"Which phrase in the dialogue refers to the fact that most people support themselves through working every day?","answer":"Every"} {"text":["Duane, why don't you describe to us some of the work that you did with actual cases when you were at the California Department of Justice?I mean, what was your job, literally and physically?","Literally, I went to the scene of the crime. I was often the one who collected all the evidence. I also did photography of the crime scene. I did not do fingerprints. There was usually a technician who did that. Back at the laboratory, I would take all that evidence that I collected and inventoried, and I would begin a systematic investigation of that.","As an example, one case in the middle of my career was a triple homicide, and it was a great case from the physical-evidence standpoint. There was bullets. There was blood. There was saliva on cigarette butts. There was hair. There was soil. And I got to basically do it all. And what was really interesting is I presented all these evidence to the jury, laid out a scenario for the crime.","And during the time I was testifying, the defendant called his girlfriend and confessed the crime to her, and then threatened her with death if she ever talked. Well, five minutes later, she called the DA and told the DA about the confession. And she came in to testify at that point, and what she testified to was basically what I had testified to from the physical-evidence standpoint."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : None of the turns in this statement have a figurative or non-literal meaning. The speaker is describing a specific case they worked on and their role in collecting and analyzing physical evidence related to the crime.","questions":"What was the defendant's threat to his girlfriend after confessing the crime?","answer":"Death"} {"text":["Before the pardon, he was thinking about working through the Justice Department to help Arpaio off. And this was not because, necessarily, the merits of the case. The Washington Post reports that this was because the president saw Arpaio as an ally, a loyalist who needed to be protected.","You mentioned Congress comes back after Labor Day. Do you think Republicans go it alone and maybe pass what laws they want and then send them up to President Trump for his signature at this point?","When it comes to tax reform, Congress will take the lead. The White House is not trying to outline the details. Look for Congress to try to set where the rates are on corporations and on individuals and just try to get the president to sign it so he can maybe get a victory. That's what they've been seeking in Congress. They weren't able to get health care through. They're going to try to get a simple tax care package through.","Robert Costa is national political reporter for The Washington Post. Robert, thanks a lot."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : All the turns in this conversation appear to have their literal meanings, and there are no metaphors, figurative language or idioms used.","questions":"Which turn in the conversation includes a reference to a victory?","answer":"Victory"} {"text":["The yield curve has inverted for a full quarter, and that has been associated with predicting a recession for the last seven recessions. So from 1960s, this indicator has been reliable in terms of foretelling a recession. And also, importantly, it has not given any false signals yet.","So that would mean yes (laughter).","That means yes.","OK. So let me break down - let me ask you to break down what that means. What is the yield curve, and what does it mean when it's inverted?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : A is confirming that the yield curve has inverted.","questions":"Which indicator has been reliable in terms of foretelling a recession?","answer":"B"} {"text":["You definitely - I mean, mosses definitely occur down there and hepatics, as well. But as far as I understand, there's a very limited flora down there. It's not like the Canadian Arctic, where we're in an Alpine sector of the Canadian High Arctic. So there's a lot of diversity, a lot of meso- and microhabitats for the bryophytes to survive in.","What would you - what would be a home run, a grand slam for you in this field?What would really you like to find?What would, you know, besides. . . ?","I think what would be really fascinating is that if you could go under a melting glacier that was 100,000, 150,000 years, maybe 200,000 years old, and you actually found macrofossils, what would be called macrofossils underneath the glacier and be able to rejuvenate them. That would be pretty amazing.","Yeah, about the mosses that you found. Are all mosses like this, or is this a particularly hardy species of moss that you've discovered in the ice there?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : They are asking what would be the best thing for the person to find.","questions":"How would you describe the focus of PersonB's question?","answer":"Best"} {"text":["The people in Somalia are suffering in a tremendous way. Actually, last month, the International Red Cross said that the fighting in Somalia that's going on now is the worst in 15 years. The government, the transitional government that was put into power with the help of U. S. and Ethiopian invasion about 15 months ago has controlled nearly none of the country. They control a small of Mogadishu. The rest of the country is literally falling apart around it.","There is also, actually, in the last month alone 40,000 people had fled the capital. These are urban dwellers who are now literally camped out at roadsides, trying to get U. N. -staffed displacement camps, but really relying on international community for their most basic need. It's a really, really dire situation for the people of Somalia.","What's going to happen with some of these relief organizations?Will they be able to continue to operate in this climate?","We feel for the last 12 months that a couple of things have happen. Several of these organizations have actually put out of the country, organizations like Oxfam, World Division - organizations that are usually are, in times of crisis, the best and both trained do this kind of work. They had because they're worried for the safety of their staff pulled out."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"put out of the country\" in turn (4) is an idiom that means \"to force someone to leave a place or country\", which is different from its literal meaning.","questions":"Which idiom means \"to force someone to leave a place or country\" in turn 3?","answer":"Put-out"} {"text":["I think the purpose of the announcement today was, at least to some extent, about the huffing and puffing that Ilan Goldenberg mentioned in the prior commentary. But it's also, I think, a reaction to some sense that there was an appearance that the policy had begun to soften a bit because of the president's decision not to retaliate and some of his seemingly conciliatory rhetoric over the weekend.","Right. So after a year or so of what the Trump administration describes as a maximum pressure campaign on Iran, how do you increase the pressure from maximum, I guess, is the question.","Well, and that's the dilemma that the administration is beginning to face - that once you've sanctioned all of the major industries and sectors of the Iranian economy, there's very little that you can do that's not already redundant or just largely incremental. It also, I think, highlights the fact that the Iranian economy - what's left of it - has become more insular and less interconnected, which means whatever economic activity continues in Iran today is going to be more resilient to U. S. penalties.","Now, the White House says this is all a means of getting Iran to the negotiating table. Do you think these steps are likely to do that, likely to have that effect?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"the huffing and puffing\" and \"soften a bit\" are figurative expressions whose actual meanings are different from their literal meanings.","questions":"How did Ilan Goldenberg's prior commentary contribute to the purpose of the announcement?","answer":"Contributed"} {"text":["So first, he doesn't read French. And I was very scared. I have to tell you. The man, as you know, is very rich. And he's super well-known. And he cares about his image. And he has - you know, he can hire very good lawyers.","(Laughter).","And I was very, very scared because I wrote about his thoughts. I wrote about his sentimental life, about his sex life. You know, I'm - here I am, a woman, a heterosexual French woman, writing about a British gay artist. How do I dare?I was very, very scared - my husband, too. He thought, you know, there would be a. . .","(Laughter) You'd be bankrupt."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : She was not actually scared but was worried about doing a good job.","questions":"Which emotion did PersonA pretend to feel while writing about the British artist?","answer":"Scared"} {"text":["But you're talking to the real deal now, Ira. This is not about - there's no science fiction here.","When you have an antihydrogen and a hydrogen bumping into each other, they get annihilated, right?","That's right.","But what happens if an antihydrogen bumps into something bigger - let's say a carbon atom?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The whole sentence e is not literal. \"Real deal\" (there's no actual 'deal' involved) and no science fiction implies that what B is saying seems unbelievable, but is in fact real and true.","questions":"Which phrase in turn 0 suggests that what PersonB is saying seems unbelievable, but is in fact real and true?","answer":"Real-deal"} {"text":["Because they need to. They need to become the number two search-engine in the world. Google is number one. Microsoft's MSN's portal is a lame duck in the number three position. This would give them a better search-engine opportunity, which would increase the amount of online advertising dollars, which is where everyone is going and why this would make a lot of sense to do.","So are they going to take the offer, you think?","You know, I hope so. It would be nice to see. You know, I would like to see Yahoo stay independent, but I don't know. I mean, they're talking about a thousand layoffs, Farai. So if it can stop people from losing their job, I'm all for it.","All right. Well, Mario, thanks a lot."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The speaker in turn (1) is not just explaining the reason why Microsoft needs to become the number two search-engine in the world, but also implying that acquiring Yahoo is the best way for them to achieve that goal. The speaker suggests that Microsoft's MSN's portal is not doing well in the number three position and acquiring Yahoo would give them a better search-engine opportunity, which would increase online advertising dollars. The speaker believes this acquisition would make a lot of sense to do.","questions":"How would acquiring Yahoo benefit Microsoft's search-engine ranking?","answer":"Online"} {"text":["Well, yeah. But you see what I mean?Because it is about perception and how we need to be - to understand what we're seeing before we can really see it, that's really key to understanding this whole issue of climate change and why we see or don't see what's right in front of us.","What drew you to monarchs in the first place?","I had really wanted to write about the subject for a long time. I live in southern Appalachia. I am surrounded by neighbors and friends - people I respect very much - who don't really understand climate change or believe in it, even though, as farmers, they're getting socked by it. We've had unprecedented, disastrous weather time and again. So it's such a strange contradiction that the people in our continent who are first to feel the harm of a changing climate are the last to be able to talk about it.","That was such a conundrum and such rich territory for a novel to tread, that I was just looking for the right way to get into the subject. And one morning, I just woke up with this vision in my eyes of millions of butterflies covering the forest behind my house. I just - I mean, I didn't actually see it. I imagined it. I woke up and there it was, and I knew that was it."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The author woke up with a vision of millions of butterflies covering the forest, which inspired the novel.","questions":"Which natural phenomenon inspired the author's novel?","answer":"Butterflies"} {"text":["Now, we're going to head east to New York. NPR's Robert Smith spent the day in the raucous Harlem Armory yesterday. He joins us now. How are you doing, Robert?","I'm doing great. And no offense to Cheryl; she's talking about the hometown pride for Barack Obama. They like to point out in Harlem that before he moved to Chicago, Barack Obama went to Columbia University and lived in East Harlem. So, there you go.","All right. Well, how did they process this spectacle yesterday?","\"Process\" is a tame word for it. It was an out-and-out party. Everything from giant video screens on 125th Street; there were big events at the Schaumburg Center for Black Culture and at the Apollo Theater. I went to a schoolchildren event at the Harlem Armory, and if you can imagine the sound of about 5,000 middle-school students in a concrete bunker like the Armory screaming at the top of their lungs, you can imagine, it not only hurt your ears, but it was a little hard to follow the inauguration with that much excitement in one place."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Harlem residents take pride in Obama's previous residency","questions":"How did Harlem residents show their pride for Obama's previous residency?","answer":"Party"} {"text":["And when we went to the break, you were saying that one of the advantages of storing it in DNA is once you make it, it will last a very long time.","That's right, and you gave the example in your introduction that - one of the examples that we like to use, it's quite well-known, you know, there's been these Neanderthal samples found, and they can get DNA out of there and read the DNA in technical - we call it we sequence the DNA. And those samples from Neanderthals, or another great example is wooly mammoth, they get samples routinely from 10,000- or 20,000- or 50,000-year-old mammoths.","And that's not even a carefully controlled sample. That's just, you know, a mammoth that laid down and died somewhere cold.","I'm sorry for the mammoth. So - but if you took your DNA, you would store it in a controlled environment somewhere, or does it not need that?If the mammoth is lying in the ice. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"I'm sorry for the mammoth\" is a joke. The mammoth in question died a long time ago. 'B' isn't actually sad for the creature.","questions":"What is the tone of PersonB's statement about the mammoth?","answer":"Humorous"} {"text":["Mm-hmm. This is SCIENCE FRIDAY from NPR, talking with Jennifer Linder. You say it's UVA and UVB, make sure you have that in the sun - both - protection from both kinds of ultraviolet.","That is correct. It's actually probably the most important thing for people to remember because you want to have broad-spectrum covered. The reason is you can think of the UVB rays as being the burning rays, and you can think of the UVA rays as being the aging rays, and that's because the UVB rays go into the epidermis, which is where the nucleus is for the keratinocytes, the ones that when the DNA is changed, actually it turns into skin cancer, versus the UVA rays are longer wavelengths. And they actually go - capable of going into the deeper dermis, which is where the collagen is. And when you break down collagen, that's how you age, and probably about 80 to 90 percent of aging is actually a result of sun exposure.","What about the SPF factor?Does SPF 30 protect you twice as much as, say, SPF 15 and half as much as 60?","Great question. So it's - actually the way that the studies are done it's a little bit confusing because an SPF of 15 protects you from 93 percent of UVB rays, and it's only UVBs that SPF actually tells you about. Now, an SPF of 30 is going to protect you from 97 percent of those UVB rays. And when you get up to 50, you're only protecting yourself from 98 percent. So you can notice it's partial percentage points differences. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : SPF is not directly proportional to the level of protection.","questions":"How is the level of protection related to SPF?","answer":"Nonlinear"} {"text":["Right. And people in Detroit and in Michigan have seen that up close. Detroit is one of the country's leading cities for foreclosures, and people have just seen the values of their houses plummet there. What do you hear from your readers?","Well, they're very angry. And the next question is, well, who are they angry at?And the answer seems to be, well, who's available. If McCain is doing a swing through the suburbs today, they'll be mad at McCain. If the Democratic governor of Michigan, Jennifer Granholm, visits Detroit, they'll be mad at her. Both candidates still have favorable ratings above 50 percent. That's a little bit at variance with what I'm hearing anecdotally from readers. They seem much more polarized than that, and the Obama people seem much more hateful towards McCain and vice versa.","And what do they want to hear from the candidates?","They want to hear how the candidates are going to stem the hemorrhaging of manufacturing jobs in Michigan or alternatively, what they're going to replace those jobs with. Michigan has been struggling with job losses, foreclosures and high unemployment for well over a year now. And there's anger, but there's also a little bit of numbness at the constant patter of bad news."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"swing through the suburbs\" - actual meaning: visit the suburbs","questions":"How did McCain upset some of the readers?","answer":"Mad"} {"text":["Well, we got some comments about a story we did on a reported drop of media coverage on the war in Iraq. Charles Durn(ph) in Doylestown, Pennsylvania wrote us this. I am amazed how the various reasons given for the reduced coverage skip the obvious. One of your guests said that coverage switched off the same week General Petraeus said the surge was working. The obvious reason is the press is not interested in success in Iraq, especially if it made Bush look good.","Caroline Madelle Bennett(ph) in Rochester, New York praised us for a guest on that same segment. I don't care for much of what NPR puts on anymore, but I want you to know that I appreciate your having Laura Flanders on this evening. She's one of the intelligent voices of which there are so few on radio, in broadcast news, commentary and analysis.","We got a couple of comments on the monthly series on jazz that we're doing. Last week, we talked about how radio stations were dropping jazz from their programming lineups. Melinda Kennedy, who listens on WMUE FM noted this. It's not the music that keeps me from listening, but the radio personalities that host the shows.","And Don Nickels(ph) from Wildwood, Missouri chimed in, jazz has not suffered. Most of the greats are gone, but other than that it is the same as it's been for decades. It is a black genre and has never made it out of that community. Should it have more exposure on the radio?Maybe. But if no one is listening, who will pay?Welcome to what makes the world go round. It's called capitalism."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The press is biased and not interested in reporting positive news about Iraq.","questions":"How did Charles Durn describe the reason for reduced media coverage on the war in Iraq?","answer":"Bias"} {"text":["It's a pleasure to be here. And I'm one of many people who are running the Dog Aging Project.","What do you folks hope to learn?","We're trying to create the largest long-term study of aging in dogs that anyone has ever done, with the goal of trying to understand how genes and environment determine healthy aging in dogs.","So it's not just that old rule of thumb that one year is seven years in a dog's life?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) - What do you folks hope to learn? - Implied Meaning: What is the purpose of your research?","questions":"What is the goal of the Dog Aging Project?","answer":"Understanding"} {"text":["Well, I just hope that we can make it through. I don't know. We don't know what is in store - you know, the future has for us because we've already - when they cut the shifts back, we've already lost a lot of our business from over there. Now, there's going to be nobody, and we just don't know where it's going to go from there.","And this is a family business, I understand.","Yes, it is. Yes, it's me and my sisters. My father works here. My son's a grill cook. And, you know, we're not a big chain, so we're just really wondering what's going to happen. We're trying really hard to hang in there, but it's pretty scary.","And you say that you've had this business for 15 years."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : to not know whats in store means that you don't know what will happen","questions":"How would you describe the business owned by PersonA and their family?","answer":"Family"} {"text":["That's because they're dark horses, Tony. I don't who they are.","I know who will not be in the final four this time around. My beloved Bruins from UCLA, they're not going anywhere this year.","Serves then right.","Yeah. They had their chance, right?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : dark horse in this case implies an unknown entity, as in a team that no one knows of or is aware of.","questions":"Which term implies an unknown team in the dialogue?","answer":"A"} {"text":["Should the NSA be held responsible for this?I'm just wondering. The fact that this crown jewel, as you put it, was leaked or stolen and became public, is that their fault?","This is a great question. Actually, there's controversy. So initially, losing control of this hacking tool - and really, thousands of others - was clearly the NSA's fault. But at some point, I guess, their responsibility for criminals reusing what has become public is diminishing. But the problem here is that the U. S. government - first Obama, then the Trump administration, and of course, also Congress - have never addressed the underlying extraordinary leak that took place that is known as Shadow Brokers, which is arguably the worst security breach the NSA has ever suffered - even worse than the Snowden leak.","It just seems remarkable that something that has such significance and such a power to disrupt people's lives hasn't gotten more attention. Does it seem strange to you?","Well, you know, the story is quite complicated. But I think we have to do better and really understand the Shadow Broker's leak, it's reuse. This is ultimately an attack, if we take the whole thing, that has caused tens of billions of damage to the world economy - billions."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Asking whether the NSA should take responsibility for the leak implies the possibility that they might be at fault.","questions":"How was the responsibility of NSPersonA for the leak suggested?","answer":"Implied"} {"text":["You've been raising questions about Jared Kushner's security clearance for a couple of years. Should he have one?","No. He should not - well, he should not have top-secret security clearance. You know, there are at least three problems - one is that he had numerous errors and omissions on his initial security clearance form where he did not report foreign contacts. Two, he has tremendous financial vulnerabilities, including this property called 666 Fifth Avenue in New York City where he's tremendously indebted. And he's seeking investment from all over the world to shore it up. And then three, it appears that the president concealed the fact that he had actually ordered John Kelly and Don McGahn to give Jared Kushner a top-secret clearance. And law enforcement officials didn't want him to have it. And so these factors all point to him not having it or not - he should not have it, I should say.","Quick last question. Do people in Schaumburg, Ill. - in your district - care about whether Donald Trump lied about paying hush money to an actress or the job he's doing as president?","I think they really care about making sure that we get to the bottom of what happened in 2016. At the same time, they also care about us delivering on their pocketbook priorities. And so as Chairman Cummings pointed out in the Oversight hearing, this hearing with Michael Cohen was not the first hearing of the 116th Congress in Oversight. The first hearing was about trying to tackle the problem of rising prescription drug prices. And so we got to walk and chew gum at the same time, Scott."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Jared Kushner should not have top-secret security clearance due to errors, financial vulnerabilities, and concealing facts","questions":"How many factors are mentioned by PersonA for Jared Kushner not having top-secret security clearance?","answer":"3"} {"text":["Thank you so much for wanting to talk to me.","When someone says to you, tell me about your mother, it's not a simple question, is it?","Oh, not at all, man, not at all. I look forward to it, though. My mother's an incredible model. And like most Americans, she just had a rough patch, and she was not comfortable talking about a lot of those rough patches. She had me when she was a sophomore at Jackson State University, and she got a job teaching at Jackson State maybe four or five years later after she started graduate school, so we moved to Jackson probably in 1979, 1980. And Jackson was home, and books were really home for me. She just made me read and write before I could do anything I wanted to my entire life. I thank her for my writerly practice that I still have now, but that writerly practice also enabled me to write into a lot of the gaps and a lot of the terror that I think she probably did not want me to write into.","Well - and we do have to get to that, don't we?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : rough patches means in this context a bad period of time","questions":"How would you describe the mother's past?","answer":"Rough"} {"text":["Good morning.","The White House - rather, the House and the Senate worked out the differences between their tax bills. What are some of the highlights of this final legislation?","There are big cuts for corporations in here, also for pass-through businesses, where owners pay taxes as an individual. There are individual tax cuts. Those by and large go more toward wealthy earners. And those tax cuts will expire in 2025. But Republicans made a calculation here that whoever's in control of Congress next decade will not be super thrilled to raise taxes on a lot of voters. So that's that.","I think it's worth noting that Republicans all along sold this as not just tax cuts but a simplification of the tax code. You heard President Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan say, you can file your taxes on a postcard. By and large, they did not simplify the tax code here. There are still seven brackets. There's still a lot of deductions, a lot of loopholes, a lot of language. So. . .","Five hundred pages."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 4 : This implies that there's a lot of deduction or loopholes in the tax code.","questions":"What does turn 3 suggest about the tax code?","answer":"Not-Simplified"} {"text":["At some point, it does cross your mind and you do worry about contracting the illness, but there are only fleeting moments. We have to concentrate on the patients here to provide them with appropriate medical care, but also to make sure our outreach program of finding cases, of following up of contacts is performed in a comprehensive manner so that we can bring this outbreak to a close.","I don't want to the leave the conversation with you without asking what can the world do as far as you're concerned?","We need an organization that can provide some leadership across multiple countries in the region of West Africa. To date, we have not seen that occurring. And if we don't find the cases in the community, and we don't do the contact tracing, this outbreak will linger on for months and months. Solving outbreaks is not rocket science. It just requires those features I have described previously. But unfortunately, they're not being applied in an appropriate manner at the moment to reach the world.","Dr. Gabriel Fitzpatrick of Doctors Without Borders - Medecins Sans Frontieres. Thanks very much for being with us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2). In this turn, B says \"I don't want to leave the conversation with you without asking what can the world do as far as you're concerned?\" which literally means that B wants to know what the world can do to help. However, the implied meaning here is that B is acknowledging the gravity of the situation and the need for collective action to address the Ebola outbreak. This turn is an example of rhetorical questioning, where the speaker asks a question for effect rather than to elicit a direct answer.","questions":"What does PersonB mean by using rhetorical questioning in turn 1?","answer":"Effect"} {"text":["And based on your experience, Ms. Rosenberg, how much do France and the U. K. and Germany want to be different than U. S. policy in this regard?","Right now is the period of true testing of exactly that question. How independent do they want their foreign policy to be, given that there's a long-standing, close relationship between trans-Atlantic security partners and significant collaboration and interconnectivity in the economic sphere?So on the one hand, Europe wants to adhere to its own principles on foreign policy and economic relations, which lead it to diverge from the United States in the matter of this Iran deal. On the other hand, that may mean risking quite a lot.","Elizabeth Rosenberg of the Center for a New American Security, thanks so much for being with us.","Thank you."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Europe wants to assert its independence from the US while risking consequences","questions":"What is Europe's stance on foreign policy regarding the Iran deal?","answer":"Divergence"} {"text":["Not letting anybody down - what do you mean?just being able to hold the salute for so long.","Yeah, maintain my position and in life. You know, it's much more than one day out of the year thing. The families that lost their loved ones, they're like, wow, my son wanted to be that. And it kind of honors them, in essence, because it doesn't let the sacrifice go in vain.","This seems to resonate with Korean vets, who are getting older now, vets from Vietnam, same thing - also Iraq, Afghanistan. I mean, it's all generations.","Yes, and it's very humbling. I was in a diner in Lexington, Ky. And this guy saw a shirt I had with my salute on the back that said, thank you, veterans in all the wars. And he goes, I know that Marine. And I'm like, well, I'm that Marine. He started to cry. He said, please keep doing it. He had to give up his motorcycle when he came home from war. And now he bounces and tries to go to school and is trying to find his way."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : letting anybody down implies not to disappoint anyone not to bring people down from carrying them on high ","questions":"Which word describes the impact of the salute on the families of fallen soldiers?","answer":"Honors"} {"text":["I'm bullish on it. It's a big change. We're working through all the challenges. One challenge is for creators. They use Instagram to make a living. Likes are a sign of how relevant they are, so we have to figure out some way to make sure we preserve that.","You're talking about influencers. Right?I mean, there are people who now essentially make a living off of their social media presence. And the way they show potential advertisers - look, I'm a good bet - is how many likes I get.","Absolutely. We've actually had a pretty mixed response from influencers. So I think - I'm optimistic to answer your question very directly. We aren't there yet. We're still iterating on the experience. But I am personally optimistic and really personally invested in making it work.","So the boss is bullish. (Laughter) That's the take so far."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The boss refuses to change their mind on what they think about situation.","questions":"How is the boss feeling about the situation?","answer":"Bullish"} {"text":["Yes, and I suppose my book, quite apart from being a memoir about my mother and what happened to her and this mystery - it's also a campaign against collective silence because these people who knew - they knew. And they knew, and they never said anything, all the way through, decade after decade. And I went back in the 1980s to Lincolnshire with my mother and my brother to try to find out more about everything that'd gone on. And even then, they wouldn't talk to us. They would talk about absolutely anything else, but. . .","Why not, do you think?Why were they still so protective of these old, old, old secrets?","I think that they were protecting one particular person - my mother's adopted mother, a woman called Veda Elston.","The woman you knew as your grandmother."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The phrase \"it's also a campaign against collective silence\" has a non-literal meaning, as it does not refer to an actual physical campaign but rather a figurative one, meaning that the author's book aims to raise awareness and encourage people to break their silence on the topic.","questions":"What is the author's book campaign against?","answer":"Silence"} {"text":["Earlier this week, viewers of the CBS drama \"The Good Fight\" were greeted by an 8 1\/2-second-long image. It read, CBS has censored this content. Content was a piece of animation, along with a song, that took critical aim at Chinese censorship, often of American products, and the importance of a Chinese market to U. S. businesses, sometimes at the expense of U. S. values.","The animator who brought that bit to life is Steve Angel. He joins us now from Toronto. Mr. Angel, thanks so much for being with us.","My pleasure. Happy to talk to you.","And I should disclose I'm a special contributor to \"CBS Sunday Morning,\" a production of CBS News. Since we can't see that scene for ourselves, could you describe it to us?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The animation bit wasn't literally brought to life; it just means that the man created the animation.","questions":"How was the animation bit created?","answer":"Created"} {"text":["And so when two clumps of free protons and electrons hit each other, they will slow each other down. But dark matter has no charge. That's why we can't see it because the only reason you and I could see anything, it's because there's charges that are being accelerated. That's what light is. But if something has no charge, it doesn't give off light.","So yeah, so in the Bullet Cluster, dark matter and galaxies stayed together just as they should, and in Abell 520, they do not, and that is a mystery as to why exactly that is. There isn't a comfortable explanation that can be readily arrived at.","Is there a theory about what may be happening, or just - you have to just think about it some more?","Well, so there's a number of things that could be happening. All of them are slightly disturbing."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) The speaker is discussing the phenomenon of dark matter and how it behaves in the Bullet Cluster and Abell 520. The fact that dark matter and galaxies stay together in the Bullet Cluster but not in Abell 520 is a mystery.","questions":"How does dark matter behave in Abell 520 compared to the Bullet Cluster?","answer":"Separately"} {"text":["I'm doing great. Now, let's talk a little bit about Charlie Rangel. He's an icon. He's got this gravelly voice. This slicked back hair. Dapper dresser. And with his reputation as a deal maker he's held onto his seat for 19 terms. So, what are the most important parts of this multifaceted story?","Well there's a lot of issues that have been brought up related to the chairman. But the one that seems to the most teeth is really this issue of his taxes and specifically his ownership of a beach house in the Dominican Republic where he didn't report rental income for about two decades, and he owes taxes on that. And for most people that's a problem. If you are the chairman of the committee that writes the tax laws that's arguably a big problem.","So what is he risking if critics continue to push for him to leave this powerful committee post that he holds?","Well there are few positions in the House, certainly, that are more important than the one that he has and at this point the Democrats seem to be standing by him. Were he to lose that, though, you lose a great deal of influence over tax policy and one of the odd little inner workings of Washington is that a lot of what really affects economic policy right now goes on in tax policy as opposed to elsewhere."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : to hold something in this context means that the person has power ","questions":"Which word describes the type of power Charlie Rangel holds?","answer":"Powerful"} {"text":["What changed your mind because you did start college for a while?","Well, ever heard of the Three Cs?Civilian Conservation Corps, that was started by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, at that time the president of the United States. And he started that program to get young boys like me off the street and try to put them in places where they could learn a trade. And I joined that, and that's when I started to learn about gasoline engine, diesel engines and heavy equipment.","That probably served you pretty well when you went into the military. How did you get into the military and what did you do once you went in?","After I left the CCC camp, I went to the Norfolk Navy Yard in Portsmouth, Virginia. That's where I learned to run engine lathe and I made part for ships. And I wanted to volunteer for the Army, but I was drafted. And drafted and was sent to Camp Ellis, Illinois where I take my basic training and went to - overseas in a quartermaster service company in Germany, first France."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"And he started that program to get young boys like me off the street and try to put them in places where they could learn a trade.\" - The phrase \"off the street\" does not refer to a literal street, but rather means to get young people away from a life of idleness and potential trouble.","questions":"What was the purpose of starting the Civilian Conservation Corps program?","answer":"Boys"} {"text":["So I shaved my head kind of as a social experiment, you know?And sure enough, no more hey, baby, you know?But suddenly I was public enemy No. 1. People thought I was a skinhead or some kind of punk that was going to break something or steal something.","People were visibly intimidated - which, again, here's a girl moving through the world, craving eye contact, craving human connection, even fleeting connection, passersby, you know?And so the fact that people no longer even would look me in the eye was - it really weighed on me, and it started to accumulate in my chest. Even people who are politely nervous just eventually enraged me.","(Singing) I am not an angry girl, but it seems like I've got everyone fooled. Every time I say something they find hard to hear, they chalk it up to my anger and never to their own fear.","You had - as you talked about in the book, you were struggling with this idea of how to make art and how to sell your art or even if you should."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Shaving his head affected how people perceived him","questions":"What did people think he was after he shaved his head?","answer":"Perceived"} {"text":["That's something that has come up quite a bit.","Agreement's vacated if he. . .","Precisely, yeah.","Yeah. As someone with your experience, knowing lawyers on both sides, I gather - has the prosecution laid out a convincing case in the couple of weeks it's had?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The agreement is no longer valid if he... (implied condition)","questions":"How is the agreement affected?","answer":"Invalid"} {"text":["How hopeful are you that this outbreak can be contained?","Specifically in Uganda, they are very well-prepared. But the way the response is going in the DRC is very concerning. There's a lot of scale-up and better coordination and closely working with the community. There's a lot of armed groups operating in the area. There's a tax on Ebola workers. NGOs are forced to suspend their programming on a regular basis.","And so it's really important that we gain the trust of the community in the DRC, that people make sure they're starting to bring suspected cases into the clinics because we're still seeing a lot of cases in the communities, which shows that people are not trusting the response, and they're not bringing their loved ones into the clinics for treatment. So in order to stop it spreading, we have to stop it in the source, which is in North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo.","Kellie Ryan with the International Rescue Committee in Uganda. We reached her by Skype. Kellie, thanks so much."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The response to the Ebola outbreak in DRC is not going well and there are a lot of challenges to overcome","questions":"What is concerning about the response to the Ebola outbreak in the DRC?","answer":"response"} {"text":["What goes in the clubhouse stays in the clubhouse - until the baseball manager writes a book, that is. It's Thursday, and if you haven't guessed, it's time again for a look at sports with our very own sports guru, the New York Times Sports Columnist, Mr. Bill Rhoden. Mr. Bill, what's up?","Hey, the great Tony Cox. How you're doing?","I'm doing great, man. Joe Torre, leaving New York as a beloved figure, but now he has written his autobiography, \"The Yankee Years. \"I know that he's been on his New York tour. People are buying the book. But, you know, some people are happy, some people not so happy.","Well, the people who are most important to be happy are happy. The publisher of course. . .","Anybody reading book, it's about selling books. And I, Tony, I sort of equate it to in football, the most important statistics for a receiver are yards after catch."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Some people are unhappy with Joe Torre's book","questions":"How are some people feeling about Joe Torre's book?","answer":"Unhappy"} {"text":["Hurricane Dorian is pounding the Carolinas. Parts of downtown Charleston are already flooded. It has weakened since it hit the Bahamas as a Category 5 storm. At least 20 people are confirmed dead there, and that number is expected to rise as recovery efforts are just beginning. Parts of the Abaco Islands in the Bahamas are destroyed.","Alex Cepero stayed in the Abacos town of Marsh Harbour, thinking he could ride out the storm with his two dogs, but Hurricane Dorian destroyed his home while he was still inside of it. And I want to warn listeners that this is a wrenching story. Alex, thank you for talking with ALL THINGS CONSIDERED.","You're welcome.","First of all, are you OK?Were you injured or hurt during the storm?"],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Hurricane Dorian caused extensive damage and loss of life.","questions":"What is the name of the town in Abacos where Alex Cepero stayed during Hurricane Dorian?","answer":"MarshHarbour."} {"text":["We're learning more about the nine people who died Thursday in a shooting attack that shattered the peace in a small town in Oregon. Authorities have released the names of the victims who were murdered at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg. Nine other people were wounded. The shooter died as well. NPR's Tom Goldman has been in Roseburg since the day of the shooting and joins us. Tom, thanks for being with us.","Hi, Scott, my pleasure.","And of course, we usually talk about sports - not today. Oregon's your home.","Not today, indeed. I'm based in Portland, about three, three-and-a-half hours north of here, close enough for me to come here and report on this."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"based in Portland\" - This is an idiom meaning that the person's primary residence or place of work is located in Portland, rather than a literal description of their location.","questions":"Which idiom describes the location of PersonA's primary residence or place of work?","answer":"Portland"} {"text":["Being an African-American police officer is one of the most difficult things that you'll do because there are African-American police officers all around this country and in this city who I talk to on a daily bases that, even before recent history, believe that there were issues between police officers and young black men. And one of the things that I think creates the problem - I've heard the word utilized a lot in describing the relationship - is that African-American men and particularly young men - say late teens to early-to-mid-30s - are - the word used is demonized.","And there are black officers that you talk to on a daily basis who will tell you that it's tough. I see this, and I still have to be accepted. I still have to be a part of the police culture, living in two worlds.","But I'll say that if you're a black police officer in America, there are some difficulties simply because you know that your race and gender has been on the receiving end of some very serious and questionable uses of force, whether they be deadly or just plain force used to make an arrest. So it is seen as something that - a burden that we carry as African-American men who also work in police profession.","Lieutenant Thomas Glover is president of the Black Police Association of Greater Dallas. Lieutenant Glover, thank you very much."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (4) Turn B: The literal and implied meaning are the same, which is a simple expression of gratitude towards Lieutenant Glover for his role as the president of the Black Police Association of Greater Dallas.","questions":"How did PersonB respond to Lieutenant Thomas Glover?","answer":"thank"} {"text":["Yes, yes indeed, yeah.","Where are they now?","They're blue-collar, and many of them remain Democrats, although when the national election comes, many of them outside of Allegheny County do start voting Republican. Part of the reason is that this is an older state, and for pensioners, unless the economy is really going haywire and frightening them about the condition of their pensions and the future of their Social Security, they are going to worry less about breadbasket issues than they're going to worry about the social flashpoint issues.","And out here, Democrats, and we're talking about liberals, Democrats are pro-Second Amendment. They're pro-life. They are very religious. They're socially conservative. Gay marriage simply confounds them as a theory. In other words, we're talking about a place where the liberals have guns.","And so, where are those liberals going?Are they going to Obama or McCain?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Liberals in this area hold conservative beliefs and values.","questions":"Which group's beliefs and values do the liberals in this area hold?","answer":"Conservatives"} {"text":["Yeah, of course. I think it's right for the employer to know. But let the person go all the way through the process until the point where they're being offered a job. It creates more momentum towards hiring and more of a chance that that person's actually get a job.","Why do you include in this legislation a provision that would allow felons to vote in every state in the country?","You know, these felony disenfranchise laws - if you go back to some of the state legislative debates that were happening after Reconstruction, they were designed to stop African-Americans from voting. These have racist roots to these laws. And it gets to a point now where you can see the fruit of that poison tree - is that you have some counties in America where 1 out of 4 African-Americans can't vote. And remember; the overwhelming number of charges are for nonviolent drug offenses.","So here, you've served your time, and now you're going to have 10, 20, 40, 50, 60 years more as an adult. And you're told that your citizen rights have been stripped from you?This is a way, I think, that poor people especially - low-income people are being stripped of their democratic power."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"And it gets to a point now where you can see the fruit of that poison tree.\" The figurative meaning here is that the negative consequences of the racially motivated felony disenfranchisement laws are becoming evident or visible. The phrase \"fruit of that poison tree\" implies that the current situation is a result of something harmful or unjust in the past.","questions":"What is the metaphorical meaning of \"fruit of that poison tree\"?","answer":"Consequences"} {"text":["Only that she's been willing to tell her story from the beginning. She testified voluntarily to the Senate intelligence committee in April before all of this. And she's never been hesitant to tell her story. And she'll tell her story if the government asks her to in whatever form they ask her to.","What about U. S. person No. 1, Paul Erickson, the Republican political operative?He appears throughout the plea agreement. He and your client, I gather, had a romantic relationship. He apparently helped her establish those back-channel relations. Should he be indicted?Do you think he will be?","I mean, that's going to be up to the Department of Justice. I mean, I think if one takes the view the department has - the broad view of the foreign agent statute - there might be some risk there. But I don't think there's going to be any news about that beyond what's been in the statement of the offense.","Are you worried about what happens if your client is sent back to Russia?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Russia here refers to or implies a prison","questions":"How is Russia referred to in the dialogue?","answer":"Prison"} {"text":["ou're also seeing some extreme moves by companies like Advantage Consultants who basically say, hey, we can supply you, Mr. and Ms. Candidate, with an army-full of bloggers ready to get your campaign out on the blogosphere 24\/7. It's just - it's like the wild, wild West right now on the Internet.","Is that - I mean, of course, all fair - all is fair in love, war and politics. But is that cheating in a way, you know, blogs were created initially as if, like, I'm just going to express what's in my heart. And now, it sounds as if what you're saying is that there is a lot of people who are saying, I'm going to create the appearance that people are speaking from their heart.","Yeah, and, you know - and this is - gets into astroturfing and a whole bunch of other terminology behind what's the real message of these types of Web sites. You're right. The organic nature of a blog was to be something that was transparent, that wasn't agenda-driven. And obviously, when you start looking at politics and campaigns, it's agenda-driven. So now, they're looking at these tools being PR machines, more than this transparent, here-is-a-look-into-my-life type of outlet that it used to be.","Speaking of transparency, there is some information that campaigns don't always give out, like where their money is coming from. And tell me about OpenSecrets."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"wild, wild West\" is a figurative expression that means a situation where there is a lack of control or regulation.","questions":"How would you describe the current state of the Internet according to turn 0?","answer":"Unregulated"} {"text":["Well, part of number two is to go and send swarms of Arkyd 300 spacecraft to these high targets that - high value targets. And then after number two, we'll choose the ones that we want to actually extract resources from. And then number three, phase three comes along, which is to go and extract those resources and deliver them to the point of need.","Good luck to you, Eric Anderson. I hope you get a webcam on those asteroids for us to follow along with you.","We will. Don't worry.","All right. Thanks for joining us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : A is confident about the success of the mission and reassures B","questions":"Which phase of the mission is PersonA most optimistic about?","answer":"Two"} {"text":["That's right.","Tell us about that one.","Well, that's around a star called HD 10 - excuse me, 40307. I'm losing track of the numbers, there are so many stars now. And this is a system where we first tried out some of these techniques, where there were already several planets known around it, three planets known around it, and we found three more by basically being more clever in how we deal with the noise due to the star's surface activity.","And this was - you have a rating scale for how close to Earthlike they are correct?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Well, that's around a star called HD 10 - excuse me, 40307.I'm losing track of the numbers, there are so many stars now.And this is a system where we first tried out some of these techniques, where there were already several planets known around it, three planets known around it, and we found three more by basically being more clever in how we deal with the noise due to the star's surface activity.","questions":"Which techniques were used to discover three more planets around the star HD 10, mentioned in turn 2?","answer":"noise"} {"text":["Oh, thanks for having me on, Scott.","What made you decide to do this?","You know, Scott, we'd been trying to sort of open up the view of this place to the public pretty much from day one. But we had to get through some of these hurdles so that, in the event of bad things going on in jail, we're not going to hide from it. We're going to be transparent. And we'll attempt to work through firing, criminally charging, if - as necessary as well - but to let the public know that we're trying. We're not involved with some cover-up, or this isn't some big secret.","Bad things going on - I mean, to be plain about it, you mean mostly guards abusing inmates?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The literal meaning of turn (4) is that the interviewer is seeking clarification on what the interviewee means by \"bad things going on.\" However, the actual meaning is that the interviewer is making an assumption that \"bad things going on\" primarily refers to guards abusing inmates, even though the interviewee did not explicitly state this.","questions":"Which assumption does the interviewer make about \"bad things going on\"?","answer":"Guards"} {"text":["Putin has, shall we say, not excluded the possibility that he may want to run again for yet another term. He is aware that a lot of people didn't want to come - him to come back this time, even amongst with his own closest collaborators. So he is not trying to drive home the point that, you know, you get 12 years of me now. He says, we'll have to see, and for a lot of people, that's a hopeful possibility.","Ambassador Sestanovich, thanks very much.","Thanks a lot.","Stephen Sestanovich of the Council on Foreign Relations joined us by phone from here in Washington. Tomorrow, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. on a new collection of his writings on race, culture and politics. Join us for that. I'm Neal Conan. It's the TALK OF THE NATION from NPR News."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Putin has not excluded the possibility of running again for another term: Although Putin is not making any firm commitment, his statement suggests that he is considering running for another term in the future. This is an example of implied meaning, as Putin does not explicitly say that he will run again.","questions":"Which possibility did Putin not exclude?","answer":"Running"} {"text":["And many of your students have to work for a living in order to be able to afford to attend college in the first place.","Well, that happens in many - or most community colleges. And certainly, El Centro is a prime example of that. We're a very diverse community in terms of students from different backgrounds, including of color. Many students have families. They have children, and so over 80 percent of our students are part-time students because of that in part. And they also are low-income students, so they need financial aid such as federal Pell Grants as well as what Texas, here, provides in support for students as well.","And what if there was no longer a deduction for student loans?","Well, that's another area. At El Centro, the percentage of students that leave the college debt is about 34 percent. And the average student debt is about $21,000. Students are eligible for Pell. Pell doesn't cover all of the needs that students have. It does cover tuition. It does cover fees. It does cover books. But students need living."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The literal meaning of the turn is asking about a hypothetical scenario, but the actual meaning is asking about the potential impact of eliminating a deduction for student loans.","questions":"What percentage of El Centro students leave college with debt?","answer":"34"} {"text":["And now it's letter time. Our editor, Sasa Woodruff, is here with me. Hey, Sasa.","Hey, Farai. How's it going?","I'm doing fabulously. So, what are folks saying this week?","Well, our series on race and our discussions on California's measure to ban gay marriage got the most hits this week. Jenny Livingston(ph) in Brooklyn, New York wrote in after hearing one of our discussions about Prop 8. She wrote: As a supporter of the Obama campaign, I was ecstatic about the Obama victory. Then the news the next day about Prop 8 and about other civil rights setbacks for lesbian and gay and transgender families flavored our victory with more than a dash of bittersweet. I like your piece the other day, as I always like your show. But I think it could have gone much deeper. The question I wanted to hear more directly addressed was, is the black community and Americans at large open to seeing gay, lesbian, transgender rights as a civil rights issue?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The victory of Obama was flavored with sadness after Prop 8.","questions":"How was Obama's victory flavored?","answer":"A"} {"text":["UNIDENTIFIED SPORTSCASTER #4: And you can just tell the way the big fellow was laughing, he thinks that's it.",". . . But his new book is a tribute to another legend, his coach at UCLA, John Wooden. Their 50-year-long friendship started on the court at Pauley Pavilion and grew over lunch at VIP's Cafe in Tarzana and long afternoons of easy conversation in coach Wooden's den. This week on Out of Bounds, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, author of \"Coach Wooden And Me. \"He joins me now from NPR West. Welcome so much to the program.","Thank you very much, nice to talk to you.","At the beginning of the book, you write about how you and coach Wooden when you first met were an odd couple sitcom waiting to happen. Tell us about who you were then."],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (4) implies that Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and John Wooden were an unlikely pair when they first met.","questions":"How were Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and John Wooden when they first met?","answer":"unlikely"} {"text":["But you're talking to the real deal now, Ira. This is not about - there's no science fiction here.","When you have an antihydrogen and a hydrogen bumping into each other, they get annihilated, right?","That's right.","But what happens if an antihydrogen bumps into something bigger - let's say a carbon atom?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The whole sentence e is not literal. \"Real deal\" (there's no actual 'deal' involved) and no science fiction implies that what B is saying seems unbelievable, but is in fact real and true.","questions":"What is the implication of PersonA's statement in turn 0?","answer":"Credibility"} {"text":["When you lament where the company is, do you feel there are steps that can be taken to bring it back to the loftier values that, you know, you first believed were true?","Yeah, I think there are steps, but I don't think they're kind of what Uber should do. I think they're what regulators and lawmakers and sort of society should do. I mean, sort of a very easy step would be to, you know, re-examine this independent contractor status of their drivers and see if there's some way to have them be employees or gain some equity in the company. That would be one way.","So basically you're saying, as we're about to hoo and ha over the massive figure of possibly a hundred billion dollars in worth - regulators, pay attention and protect the drivers and the little people in the game?","Yeah. And I think actually, you know, Uber going public may prompt that - which we are seeing strikes. We are seeing protests from drivers. And we're in this moment where lawmakers, presidential candidates, regulators are paying more attention to this industry and its effects on the world. So I don't think Uber's IPO is going to be the end of the story for its drivers and for its culture. I think it's, you know, maybe the beginning of a new, more restrictive, you know, oversight over the company."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The public offering will not be the end of scrutiny and oversight over Uber","questions":"How will Uber be affected after going public?","answer":"Oversight"} {"text":["Billion with a B. And they have their own cable channels. I mean, they're major sports players. And almost all that revenue comes from two sports, men's basketball and football.","So where does all of that money go?","Not to the student athletes. Under NCAA rules, they're amateurs. They cannot be compensated beyond their scholarships and the cost of attending college. But it goes to coaches' salaries. It goes to facilities. It goes to the conference commissioners who all make an excess of $2 million now. There are a lot of people who are millionaires because of these sports. And so everyone gets paid except for the student athletes.","So how does race factor into all of this?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : It implies that Student-athletes are being exploited for their labor and not fairly compensated.","questions":"How are student-athletes compensated?","answer":"Scholarships"} {"text":["Yeah. You know, it's a great question. I think that the core of the problem is that they say that they pursue these weapons out of insecurity. So the logical thing is can the world provide them some sort of security?And in past agreements that I have participated in, we provided them security guarantees and offered to negotiate a peace treaty with them. The problem is I think the security - insecurity that they feel is generated by the regime itself. You know, these sorts of totalitarian regimes never feel secure. And that's the core problem.","Because there's mass starvation. There's mass poverty. There's mass oppression.","Right. And that they - all those things, and that they don't rule by the consent of the legitimacy of the people. And that's the basic problem.","Yeah. China has a role in this?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : There's mass starvation. There's mass poverty. There's mass oppression.\" Here, the speaker is not simply stating the literal existence of these problems but implying that these issues are widespread and pervasive, affecting a large number of people in a significant manner.","questions":"Which word in the dialogue implies that the speaker believes the issues of mass starvation, mass poverty, and mass oppression are widespread and pervasive?","answer":"Pervasive"} {"text":["Well, it just occurred to me in the last few months that what I do is almost like a drug for me. If it's not there on some nights when my instrument is not working correctly like I want it to, or the sound isn't right, or the audience is heckling me, or somebody's not happy, it's almost like I'm not getting that fix that I need. And it is kind of the biggest drug in my life is taking music to people, in a way.","So, Lalah, you have a bunch of different sounds on this CD, and let's talk a little bit about the song, \"One Mile\" which has a little bit more of a hip-hop, R&B edge.","(Singing) Bring me all around the world, Tell me I'm the only one. I believe you love me so, Wondered how you let me down. Tricky how you said the words, Didn't even feel disturbed. You're my one and only girl, Those are only words I heard.","So, when you think about the story telling, and this sound, how do you cross-pollinate them when you put together something like this song?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : cross-pollinate implies to understand and digest things","questions":"How do you describe the process of combining different ideas in creating a song?","answer":"Combine"} {"text":["And what Kansas has done is to try to turn things around once again so that not every parolee who runs afoul of an administrative rule, is immediately shipped back to prison, but instead is given another chance. And actually, the parole officer will work with them to try to keep them out of prison, as opposed to just trying to lock them - lock the cuffs on them as fast as possible.","Well, Jennifer, great to talk to you. Thank you.","Thanks so much, Farai.","Jennifer Gonnerman is the author of \"Life on the Outside: The Prison Odyssey of Elaine Bartlett. \"She wrote the article, \"Slammed: Welcome to the Age of Incarceration. \"It's the lead article in a special edition of Mother Jones magazine examining America's prison system. And she joined us from our NPR Studios in New York."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : Not every parolee who violates an administrative rule will be sent back to prison","questions":"How will parole officers handle parolees who violate administrative rules?","answer":"Work"} {"text":["Whichever direction the U. S. is going, it's clearly not great news for the Europeans, who Iran is very close to their borders. It's just next door in the Middle East. And we've seen what happens in the Middle East doesn't tend to stay there and has direct consequences for the Europeans. So the Europeans have been trying to urge, sadly, unsuccessfully so far, for the U. S. side to show a bit more pragmatism and realism about what it's expecting from Iran.","At the same time, you have said that Iran knows all the, quote, \"red buttons. \"Can you talk about what that means and how that can contribute to escalation?","Iran has essentially been living as a neighbor to the United States, if you think about it, for 20 years. Why?Since the invasion of Afghanistan and the invasion of Iraq, which are two big, bordering countries to Iran. . .","Where there is an American troop presence."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The situation with the US and Iran is concerning for Europeans","questions":"What is the main concern for Europeans regarding the situation with the US and Iran?","answer":"consequences"} {"text":["So, I don't how it would go anyway.","You sounded fine to me. But let me ask you, because - in part because Allison is still here with me, and we always talk about this on Friday, these kinds of things. Do you know what you're going to wear?","I do, I do. I'm nominated in the Urban\/Alternative Performance category, and I decided to just go with that. So, I've picked a young designer who is a good friend of mine. Her name is Carmen Webber of Sistahs Harlem, and she was on \"Project Runway,\" actually, and we've been friends for years. She has made me a fantastic jumpsuit for the Grammys. That's all I'm going to say.","OK, OK."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : B is not really interested in what A is wearing and is just making small talk.","questions":"Which category is PersonA nominated in?","answer":"A"} {"text":["It was really beautiful.","My daughter's a dancer. And so she - we invited her dance teachers. And we invited my family. And we gathered beneath the full moon. And we did many of the rituals that are described in the book. And we offered, and we created space. And we sat in circle together.","This book is written in verse. And one of the most moving things that I saw is that you referenced a poem that I had never heard of until I read it in your book. I want you to read the last stanza of it.","We stand at the heart of the forest beside the stone pool, waiting for Venus, the smoking star, to glimmer above the trees. Remove your clothes. Let down your hair. Bask in the moonlight, naked as the day of your birth - virgins, maidens, women."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Heart of the forest means the center of the forest. The stone pool is a creek with rocks in it. Venus looks smoky due to the position of the planet in the sky.","questions":"How does Venus look like?","answer":"Glimmer"} {"text":["I got a glance over the weekend, and the sky was beautifully blue. I mean, really, it was wonderful. And the air pollution index for that day was exceedingly low. Also, it was like 17. That's lowest since I've been keeping track.","This, I think, has to do with changes in weather patterns that appeared to start somewhere in the first week of August. The arrival of rainfall and winds from the northeast and form the northwest, which would bring in cleaner air, and in particular lack of strong winds from the south that would bring up the heavy levels of pollution.","Yet, you've said earlier that the air pollution in Beijing mostly blows in from elsewhere. So these steps that the city officials have taken in recent months with changing traffic patterns and closing factories, really, that's not a factor here?","Well, you know, I've been looking at the day they very carefully tried to decide what is really going on this summer. We know that the controls did something. It's just that I, at least, am unable to pick out their effects in the data so far."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"blows in from elsewhere\" means \"originates from other regions\" rather than \"physically blows in from other regions\"","questions":"How does PersonB interpret the phrase \"blows in from elsewhere\"?","answer":"Originates"} {"text":["Huge.","Bringing peace there. Is there - there are some similarities I would imagine with Rwanda.","You know, I haven't heard the organized ones like we did see there. But always I think, they've been the backbone of the country but always in the background, not even allowed to own property. And now with these new rights given to them, we're seeing some real, real progress.","So, Carl, for you, in a sense you could say that Rwanda was ground zero, but now you have expanded beyond there to continue your works around the world. Tell us briefly about that."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : the group of people they are referring to have been pivotal to the success of the country","questions":"What is the role of the group of people mentioned in turn 2?","answer":"Pivotal"} {"text":["So are you surprised by these numbers?Is there anything in the report we haven't really heard before?","Unfortunately I wish I could say I was surprised. But it's pretty much an extension of what we've known going back for decades now, and that is that our path of tougher sentencing laws and higher rates of incarceration has really continued unabated. And at this point, as this report points out, we stand alone on the global stage with really no other peers in terms of our use of incarceration.","Can you break down the numbers by race?","Well, that's where the numbers are most compelling and most frightening. The one in a hundred number that got most of the attention, one in a hundred Americans are in prison or jail, obscures the underlying trends and the geographical concentration of incarceration, particularly among low-income communities of color. And once you look for young African\u2014American males, as the report points out, black men between the ages of 20 and 34, one in nine of them are in prison or jail on a given day."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The underlying trends and geographical concentration of incarceration disproportionately affect low-income communities of color, particularly young African-American males.","questions":"How are low-income communities of color impacted by incarceration?","answer":"Communities"} {"text":["Those same streaks are in Europe. We're seeing people who are rebelling against the European Union, the open market, the open borders, who are rebelling against migration and refugees and who have lost out or feel that they have lost out on globalization and trade and are now opposing trade. So the same phenomenon we see here in the United States you also see in Europe. And in that sense, we are having a crisis that really affects Western liberal democracies writ large.","I wonder what you'd say, Mr. Ambassador, to a citizen of Belgium or France who might say now a united Europe is just too bureaucratic and too centralized to protect its population.","Well, I think that is a sentiment you are hearing increasingly in places like Belgium and France that - the problem is that the threat is not just from without but it is also from within. Belgian citizens, people born in Belgium, blew up the metro station and airport, where French citizens born in France who blew up the concert hall and stadium in - last November.","That threat needs to be dealt with not only by the countries themselves but can more effectively be dealt with by the Europeans coming together, sharing intelligence, which is not what they're doing right now, protecting their external borders much better than they have been able to do, rather than each individually trying to deal with this challenge."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"I wonder what you'd say, Mr. Ambassador, to a citizen of Belgium or France who might say now a united Europe is just too bureaucratic and too centralized to protect its population.\" The actual meaning implied here is that the citizen of Belgium or France believes that a united Europe, due to its bureaucratic and centralized nature, is unable to effectively safeguard its population. It suggests skepticism or doubt regarding the ability of a united Europe to fulfill its protective role.","questions":"What is the sentiment expressed by the citizen of Belgium or France towards a united Europe's ability to protect its population?","answer":"France"} {"text":["And, you know, in 2015, the Supreme Court ruled the Affordable Care Act is constitutional by calling the penalty for not having insurance a tax. And Congress has the power to tax people. So these attorneys general come in, and they argued that since Congress eliminated that tax penalty, the law can no longer stand. And that's what the judge agreed to last night. And he took that argument, and he struck down the entire law.","Now, it's going to be appealed.","Yeah.","The attorney general of California's already said so."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The judge rejected the law so hard that it's being compared to striking something down.","questions":"Which word describes the judge's decision on the law in turn 0?","answer":"Rejected"} {"text":["Is President Trump right to blame the Fed. . .","Perhaps. . .",". . . For increasing interest rates?","Yeah. Perhaps a little bit on the margin. He's not wrong about that. So interest rates are still fairly low. The Fed raised its rate, its benchmark rate, to 2. 25 to 2. 5 percent, which is not - it's not, you know, like a hugely high rate. But they are starting to kind of cool the economy off a little bit. And, you know, for years and years and years, that rate has functionally been very, very close to zero. And they've been raising it slowly but surely. They've forecast that they are going to continue raising interest rates unless they see something in the numbers that really upsets them. So, yeah, you know, the Fed is not providing more help to the economy. It's looking at the economy and saying, hey, GDP growth is still 2. 8 percent per year this late in the recovery. We're going to keep on raising rates. And if there's a recession. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : A is not fully agreeing with B's statement","questions":"What is PersonA's stance on PersonB's statement?","answer":"Disagree"} {"text":["We begin with history. The slave codes of South Carolina, 1739. A fine of $100 and six months in prison would be imposed for anyone found teaching a slave to read or write, and death is the penalty for circulating any incendiary literature.","Just a couple of minutes later, she concluded with a citation from a mentor, Dr. Katie Cannon.","Black people, you said, were the only people in the United States ever explicitly forbidden to become literate. I am now officially speechless.","This year, Nikky Finney's on the other side of the National Book Awards, judging the poetry category. She's currently a professor of English at the University of Kentucky, but recently accepted a position at the University of South Carolina. Nikky Finney joins us today from member station WUKY in Lexington. Nice to have you on again."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Nikky Finney's ancestors were denied the right to learn to read and now she can read and is a judge at the National Book Awards.","questions":"Which event in Nikky Finney's life reflects the impact of the slave codes of South Carolina?","answer":"Ancestors"} {"text":["That may be the case, but - I don't have foresight in the future, that could very well be the case. But what we do know now is that there has been a precipitous decline in Harlem's black population. And that decline has taken place over the past two decades, and the main issue has been one of affordability as it is in other inner-city areas - inner-cities across the country. Harlem just mirrors that.","Let me return to one point that you made in terms of certain historical facts. About Harlem never having been a black community, or even built by blacks. Well I beg to differ with that. And Ms. Suggs really does not have a grasp on her history. We know from the 1600s that the Dutch arrived in Harlem with slaves who helped to build Harlem. That is from the 1600s because we know about the Harlem Reform Church of the 1600s. And just recently, because of the 125th Street rezoning - a major public policy issue that will change the physical landscape of Harlem - we have in one of the public-mandated environmental impact statement the acknowledgment of an African burial ground which is at 125th Street east of Second Avenue from the 1600s.","So blacks have always had a presence in Harlem. They built Harlem, and so their investment - the historical investment - of blacks in Harlem certainly did not begin with the great migration or the Harlem Renaissance. Blacks' presence in Harlem, their - the building of Harlem certainly precedes that and into the 1600s.","Here's my final question. I have less than a minute for your answer. When a neighborhood gentrifies and it becomes more mixed racially and class-wise, is this more about race or about class?"],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Blacks have had a historical investment in Harlem since the 1600s, predating the Harlem Renaissance and great migration","questions":"What is the historical significance of blacks in Harlem?","answer":"Stimulus"} {"text":["And not to make any comparisons, but I seem to recall that there was a time when J. Crew was a catalog retailer - didn't have any real stores. And now, of course, they've got plenty of them in addition to a very ambitious online retail site.","Absolutely. The way that I've thought about these Shopify stores is they're undoubtedly strange because they're new, but their model is fundamentally not that different from, like, a big corporate enterprise. It's just that the tools have democratized the ability for people to tap into the globalized economy. And so before, it took the idea of having a supply chain and having all these people who would know factory owners in China and all these other kinds of things - that took a lot of infrastructure.","What these tools have done is eliminate the need for all that infrastructure. And so now it's this alternative way into what is a real thing about our economy, which is that many, many of the goods that we all purchase are made in Asian factories and are sold to us at a very high markup from their production costs.","So where's the coat now, may I ask?","It's hanging up in my closet, kind of towards the back - in there with the things that are too small for me to fit into now (laughter). But I'll bring it out at some point, I'm sure. Everyone needs a coat like that, you know, maybe for gardening or something."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : J.Crew has evolved from being a catalog retailer to having physical stores and an online retail site.","questions":"Which company has evolved from being a catalog retailer to having physical stores and an online retail site?","answer":"J.Crew"} {"text":["Good morning.","Good morning.","Thank you for having me.","Do you still feel a wall wouldn't be effective?","Absolutely. No. I mean, again - and I've said this before - a wall is definitely not going to be statistically significant. And the current existing wall, in fact, has had many issues. In reference to breaching the wall, I know some of the reports out had, existing walls have been breached thousands of times. And again, going back to the price tag that is going to cost the American taxpayer - it's just an incredible amount of money that's just going to be wasted."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 4 : A opposes a wall due to its inefficiency and cost","questions":"Which existing structure has had many issues according to A?","answer":"wall"} {"text":["I - you've made that point. Let me get to one last question, if I could. President Trump cited Canada as a model of merit-based system, but several news organizations and the Canadian Council of disabilities have pointed out that Stephen Hawking wouldn't be permitted to immigrate in Canada under their system because it does not admit handicapped and disabled people. Do you want that for the United States too?","Well, a merit-based system needs to focus on education and skills, but there is also room for immediate family members to come as well. Canada's point system really contributes only about 15 percent of Canada's annual immigration now. It used to be much higher. It's all in, you know, how you set it up. And we need to be more nimble in our immigration system and look at the outcomes of our immigration policy the way Australia does and be ready to change it if it's not meeting our needs, particularly our economic needs.","Jessica, we. . .","I think that we can do both.","Jessica Vaughn of the Center for Immigration Studies, thanks so much."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : I think that we can do both\" - Implied Meaning: We can both focus on education and skills and be flexible in our immigration system.","questions":"How can we be flexible in our immigration system?","answer":"Flexible"} {"text":["But I'm sure that there's something else that you want to share with us. You have your poems about California, poems about the blues.","I've got one. The once called \"Who I Am in Twilight. \"And it's a poem that is actually emblazoned on the sidewalk. And it's set in stone, as it were, on something called \"Poetry Walk\" in Berkeley, California. They put down on sidewalk, Addison Street, about a hundred poets', I think, work. So it's fun to go over there and see how posterity works, because always somebody has dropped some pizza on it, mashed out a cigarette on it, or something like that.","So don't live for posterity, live for now. But here it is. \"Who I am in Twilight. \"","Like John Lee Hooker, like Lightnin' Hopkins, like the blues himself. The Trickster Sonnet, hoedown, the tango, the cante jondo. Like blessed spirituals and ragas, custom-made. Like sagas. Like stories. Like slick, slow, sly, soliloquies sliding into dramas. Like crime and punishment. Like death and birth. Canal Street, New Orleans. Like the easy, erasable, troubled voices a whirling ceiling fan makes in deep summer nights in hot, un-heavenly hotels. Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee. Like the Mississippi River so deep and wide, you couldn't get a letter to the other side. Like Grand Canyon. Like Yosemite National Park. Like beans and cornbread. Like rest and recreation. Like love and like. I know we last. I know our bleeding stops."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The speaker identifies with various forms of art and culture, and has a deep appreciation for life and love.","questions":"How does the speaker describe the Mississippi River?","answer":"Wide"} {"text":["Thank you very much for having me.","And let me begin with the set up for a very old joke: How hot is it?","It's so hot, it's not a joke. That's how hot it is. It's - people always - people come out to me, though, and they ask me - since I've been here, they go, well, you must be used to this, right?I mean, you're from Africa. So, I mean, this must be - no, no. No, this is not weather. This is - I'm used to weather. This is an oven, and I'm not enjoying it. It's very hot. So barely surviving, but I'm glad to be here.","You are wearing a t-shirt that has the words nah mean(ph)."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : having me implies hosting someone or engaging with someone and not referring to owning someone ","questions":"How does turn 0 clarify the meaning of \"having me\"?","answer":"Hosting"} {"text":["I think not quite yet. I mean, there are often these apologies that are issued and I think President Wagner is quite genuine in his apology. And at the same time, the question becomes how do we as a community at Emory understand how we are to move forward as an institution?","Feels like the kind of moment that will be a touchstone for a long time to come.","I hope in a positive way. I think it's opened up some conversations that we've needed to have.","Leslie Harris is an associate professor of history in African-American studies at Emory University in Atlanta. Professor Harris, thank you very much for joining us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : By being a touchstone it means it will be a strong stable moment that will evoke emotion.","questions":"What will the moment be for a long time to come?","answer":"Touchstone"} {"text":["The storm was downgraded to a category-two hurricane just as it hit land. So, that's got to be good news for everybody there.","Oh, yes. The staff here, were all looking at the - upstairs in the ops room and stuff - They're looking at the weather, everybody's feeling much confident. Our field units - people who first responded are feeling better about the situation, we'll just wait for the past five - even more so that we can get crews out and do a real good damage assessment of the whole parish including the parts in the lower parishes, which will be closer to the eye itself.","Now that the storm has hit land, what are the projections for where it will go and how it will go over the next twelve hours?","Well, my understanding, it's going to slowly drift north, stretching north west and then a little more to the west, and there's a possibility that it may slow down and maybe even stall near the Louisiana, Texas line."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The hurricane may slow down and cause damage near the Louisiana-Texas border.","questions":"What is the possibility of the hurricane stalling near which state's border?","answer":"Texas"} {"text":["Well, I want to understand it as my friend, Fanon, as my idol, Fanon. I want to understand it, and it is quite complicated, but in another way it's quite simple.","And when I say race, I should stipulate. I don't mean simply black and white. By race, I mean any idea or notion that divides human beings into more than one kind. And then the next step of race and racism and racialized thinking is to figure out a scheme through which or by which because of this difference, manufactured difference, one group or another can take advantage of other groups.","So it sits over our shoulder, and it's part of what's the motivation for our going into Iraq. It's keeping young black men in prison in a totally disproportionate way. It's the cause of abuse against women. Race is a villain, and I wish I could wave a magic wand, but I can't. It's too deeply embedded in our nature.","You mentioned how race is linked to, among many other things, the prison system. And you've had, I'm sure, much too much experience with it, more than you'd like with both your brother and your son incarcerated.","You have sections in your book where your brother is - you and your brother are talking about the nature of hope and whether hope can be debilitating in the context of being someone who's incarcerated."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Race refers to any idea that divides human beings into more than one kind","questions":"How does the speaker define race?","answer":"Division"} {"text":["A lot of people are very skeptical of the talks. The government, before even going to Geneva, voiced their concern that they're not going to Geneva to negotiate or deal. They just wanted to go to Geneva to make sure that the Houthis will comply when the U. N. see a resolution. So to begin with, the political parties were in Geneva not to talk, not for dialogue, not to negotiate. They were there for blinking contests.","And what's the mood there in the capital?","A lot of people are depressed 'cause pretty much everybody was hoping that there's going to be some sort of a truce, especially now that it's the month of Ramadan. It is the holy month for four weeks where people fast. People - they don't actually have food to begin with. But it's a religious month where people fast, so we were hoping for some sort of a cease-fire, some sort of a truce where the blockade will be lifted so that the aid will come in, so that the commercial vessels now stuck at the seaports will be allowed to move in. Yemen imports 90 percent of its food, so we're in dire need of those commercial vessels to be allowed into the country. Unfortunately, the Geneva talks ended without the lifting of the blockade, without a truce being agreed upon.","We should explain to our listeners that blockade has been led by Saudi naval forces to keep weapons out of the hands of rebels. You have said that you're both anti-Houthi and anti-airstrikes. How do you solve one problem without the other?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"solve one problem without the other\" - This is a figurative way of describing a difficult situation where two interconnected problems must be addressed together, rather than separately. It does not literally mean that one problem must be solved without the other.","questions":"Which phrase in the dialogue is used figuratively to describe an interconnected problem?","answer":"Interconnected"} {"text":["He had been released the year before - in June of 1914 - from an institution that was known as the Colored Waifs Home. And this was a reformatory - it was part reformatory, part orphanage. And Armstrong was sent there for at least the second time in early 1913 after he had been arrested for shooting a pistol into the air.","And it was at - while at that reformatory that he began to receive his first formal music instruction. He played in the marching band there. They would parade around the city and play at events on the lake and stuff like that. But when he came out, he was, you know, faced with the challenges of being 13 or 14 years old at the time and needing to provide some income for his family. He grew up in dire poverty, of course.","You take a look at this, like, 8 seconds of film, I guess it is, and maybe it's the power of suggestion, but it certainly looks like Louis Armstrong. And you (laughter) - you really do get a sense, even from this 13-year-old youngster, of just overwhelming charisma.","Yeah, that has been sort of the reaction. The overwhelming reaction to my story is - you know, I fully expected people to try to pick it apart because it's kind of a ridiculous thing to propose. But overwhelmingly, people have said, holy smokes, we think this, you know - it looks like him. He smiles the beautiful Louis Armstrong smile that later became famous. Yeah, it's been fascinating to me."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : People are shocked to realize that he looks like Louis Armstrong.","questions":"How do people react to the proposed idea in the story?","answer":"Shock"} {"text":["Are there times in history when the U. S. has had a growth rate of 3 percent?","Yes, it's been quite common. I mean, if you look back over the last 200 years - and the Trump administration says this - we have grown at 3 percent. And we don't want to give in to this idea that we now have a lower growth rate. They see that as giving up. The issue right now - growth is a combination of your labor force, how fast you're adding workers to the economy and how productive those workers are.","So labor force productivity has been slow for the last decade. And the demographics in our country, the aging of the baby boom, means that the workforce is not growing as quickly as it used to. Those two things together explain why we've had 2 percent growth, and demographics are really baked in. So unless you're going to increase immigration, the labor force isn't going to grow at the rate that it did in the 1970s and the 1980s. That puts the onus on productivity. Boosting productivity was what the Trump administration is going to have to do to get 3 percent growth.","And that would entail what?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Implies that the aging of the baby boom and the lack of immigration are reasons why the growth rate is slower and that the Trump administration will need to focus on boosting productivity to reach the 3 percent growth rate.","questions":"What is the onus on for the Trump administration to achieve 3 percent growth rate?","answer":"Trump"} {"text":["Then on top of that, last year, there was this thing called the beast from the east, which was a deep freeze coming across Italy and Greece, and that destroyed a lot of trees. Olive trees are very hardy, but they can't take extreme cold. If it's below 10 degrees Fahrenheit for just a matter of hours, it can kill the tree. So Italian farmers these days are thinking they can't catch a break. This is a confluence of factors, which has led to an overall production of around 185,000 tons this season, which is not very good.","Is it really possible that Italy could run out of olive oil next month?","Well, you know, Italy is not as big, for example, a producer as Spain, you know, and we see a lot of headlines right now that says Italy will be forced to be an olive oil importer. Well, Italy is the largest olive oil importer in the world and always has been, but it has just a limited amount of its own production to go around. So what - I think it's really more a matter of Italy running out of stock, running out of stocks of its own olive oil. And all of the bottling that goes on there and the exporting that goes on in Italy will be using oils from other origins.","We have to ask in this day and age, is climate change affecting the Italian olive oil production industry?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Italy may run out of its own olive oil and need to use oils from other origins.","questions":"Which country may have to use oils from other origins due to limited production of its own olive oil?","answer":"Italy"} {"text":["You still give, I gather, motivational speeches and make appearances, don't you?","I do.","What do you say?","People do have to fight and fight hard to get through adversity. And I'm certainly one that's been through a lot in the last two or three years. And I sort of have a Ph. D. on it right now. And - but I am very upbeat, very positive about the future.","I've got to ask you about one of your former assistants. Andre McGee paid for a woman named Katina Powell to bring in paid escorts for potential Louisville recruits and players between 2010 and 2014. You say in the book this was news to you.","Well, it was news to everyone. It was news to these other - the full-time assistant coaches. That being said, they were women that would look like college kids. They were snuck through a side door mostly. They dressed like college girls. Security didn't see anything out of the ordinary."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"People do have to fight and fight hard to get through adversity. And I'm certainly one that's been through a lot in the last two or three years. And I sort of have a Ph.D. on it right now. And - but I am very upbeat, very positive about the future.\" The actual meaning of this turn is different from its literal meaning. The speaker is not talking about an actual Ph.D. degree, but rather a metaphorical degree gained through personal experience.","questions":"What degree does the speaker have?","answer":"Ph.D."} {"text":["Do you ever get parents who say, well I don't really like the way you're approaching this, I don't believe that that the way you're approaching this is the best way for my child?Even if they brought their kids or they've had their kids kind of come on a field trip.","We've had very few people who have said that. We have people who have left suggestions of how we can do things better, which we really want. But the focus groups that we conducted with parents before - as we were putting this exhibit together at school sites around the country, it was very clear. They were hungry for us to do something that would allow them to help explain to their children why people look different, what the concept of race is and more importantly, how people of all different backgrounds can get along in the school site.","Give me a very concrete example of something that you have in the exhibit. Describe to us one thing.","We have a wheel, color wheel, and we ask students to find their color on the color wheel. And this is the place where we talk about the history of skin color and why people have different skin color. And it has a lot to do with how humans migrated out of Africa over the, you know, past 20,000, 50,000 years. Anyway, they find themselves, and then they look at ranges of people from around the world who look like them. And it's a big a-ha moment."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The exhibit helps students realize people of different races can get along.","questions":"How does the exhibit encourage inclusivity?","answer":"Inclusivity"} {"text":["You want to cook them until you see a little red in the butter. It's changing.","Next - chopped tomatoes. Once the tomatoes get juicy, he tosses in the greens. They've already been boiled in plain water.","If you look at the greens, they're not cooked to death. I want them to have a little bit of character, so we'll add the greens.","And finally - homemade chicken stock to finish out the sauce, which I call pot liquor.","Everything is about the sauce. You create that flavor, then I can put collard greens in here. I can put any green I want 'cause the base is really, really good."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"And finally - homemade chicken stock to finish out the sauce, which I call pot liquor.\" - The actual meaning of this turn is the same as its literal meaning. The speaker is adding homemade chicken stock to the sauce to enhance its flavor and texture, and refers to the sauce as \"pot liquor\".","questions":"How does the speaker refer to the sauce?","answer":"Potliquor."} {"text":["Work on voter registration, voter mobilization, education, coalition building, work together to help end the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Reinvest in America. Convince young America that they really do have the power to change the course of the country. We must have a renewed and multiracial and multicultural coalition. These are the things that I've revolved my work around, and I intend to be pushing them real hard this summer and fall.","And do you think you'd go out on the stump with him if he wanted you to, or does he want you to?","Whatever proximity he wants. You know, he must make that decision, you know, as to who, you know, that campaign, you know, you have consultants, you have advisors, you have surrogates, you have supporters. I'm a strong supporter and have been so since before he announced, and I will continue supporting because I believe he represents the right side of history for all of America and really for the world.","Well, Reverend Jackson, thank you so much."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : A is willing to support the campaign in any way he can","questions":"What kind of support is PersonA willing to offer to the campaign?","answer":"Any"} {"text":["And the president did a victory dance in the end zone on Twitter after he was fired. He said Andrew McCabe being fired is a great day. He said he knew all about the lies and corruption going on at the highest levels of the FBI. Then what happened was even more significant because the president's private lawyer John Dowd released a statement saying that now that McCabe has been fired, he hopes that acting Attorney General Rosenstein will follow Jeff Sessions' lead and bring an end to the Mueller investigation. Now, at first, Dowd said he was speaking for the president when he issued this statement. Later, he backtracked, although it doesn't really matter.","Yeah. It's not news, though, that the president hates the Mueller probe. He's been pretty vocal about that on Twitter. Why is his lawyer statement so important?","It's important because it's a change in the legal strategy. Up until now, Donald Trump has always stopped short of saying something that could be perceived as an order to Rod Rosenstein to fire Mueller. He's always said, no, I'm not going to fire him. He's even said he looks forward to talking to him. Now it looks like they're opening a new phase, openly calling on the Department of Justice to shut down the Mueller investigation.","The Democrats have been pretty vocal. I've been seeing a lot of their reaction. Do we know what the Republicans in Congress have been saying or doing?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : President celebrated the firing of Andrew McCabe despite the event being controversial","questions":"What did the president do on Twitter after Andrew McCabe was fired?","answer":"Tweeted"} {"text":["Antivirus experts are calling Flame one of the most complex threats ever discovered. Once a machine is infected, the operator of the malware can expand its functionality almost like adding apps to a smartphone. Its operators sent out another app with orders to erase it this week, leaving no tracks behind.","Much like Stuxnet, Flame is also believed to be the handiwork of a nation-state. Why are antivirus experts so concerned about Flame?How does this malware tool, spy kit(ph) and eavesdrop?Who's behind Flame, and who are they targeting, and why is it being compared to Stuxnet?","That's what we're going to be talking about this hour. Our number is 1-800-989-8255, 1-800-989-TALK. My guest is Kim Zetter. She is senior reporter at Wired covering cybercrime, privacy, security and civil liberties. She's currently writing a book about Stuxnet and joins us from Oakland, California. Welcome to SCIENCE FRIDAY.","Thank you.","What makes Flame different?","Well, different from the average run-of-the-mill malware that criminals use?"],"speaker":["B","B","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 5 : \"Well, different from the average run-of-the-mill malware that criminals use?\" - The literal meaning is a question about the differences between Flame and other types of malware. The implied meaning is that Flame is not a typical or ordinary type of malware, and its capabilities and characteristics set it apart from other threats.","questions":"How would you describe Flame compared to other types of malware?","answer":"customized"} {"text":["And it was remarkable to find these little details that people had. Oh, yes, when he was in college, you know, he belonged to this - some society. I'm forgetting the name right now. But the idea of it was to perfect one's dancing and etiquette. And the next door neighbor said he was always very interested in, you know, in correct speech and in, sort of, you know, elegantly holding himself out and that this was something that just went back, back, back, back, back.","Alan Feuer tells Alan Feuer's story in two articles in The New York Times, the most recent, \"The Secret Life of a Society Maven. \"You could find a link to that on our website. Go to npr. org, click on TALK OF THE NATION. And, Alan Feuer, thank you so much for sharing your story.","Oh, my pleasure.","Alan Feuer is a reporter for The New York Times. Tomorrow, after a gun battle outside the prime minister's house in Tripoli, we'll talk about progress and pitfalls and the ripples of revolution in Libya. Join for us that. It's the TALK OF THE NATION from NPR News. I'm Neal Conan in Washington."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"perfect one's dancing and etiquette\" - The phrase \"perfect one's dancing and etiquette\" does not mean that one should aim to become absolutely flawless in their dancing and manners. It means to improve or refine one's skills in these areas.","questions":"What was the goal of the society that the person in the conversation belonged to in college?","answer":"Etiquette"} {"text":["Well, there's no doubt about that. So the near-Earth asteroids number about 500,000, but we only know of 9,000. And the reason that they're so interesting, Ira, is because they are actually energetically easier to reach than the surface of the moon. So we've been to the moon many times, and the moon is a great place, which is very worthy of our exploration. But just to give you an idea of how close some of the asteroids are, they're easier to reach than our own moon.","Yeah.","So they're not way out there in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. These are. . .","Right."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The actual meaning is that near-Earth asteroids are easier to reach than the surface of the moon.","questions":"How many near-Earth asteroids are easier to reach than the surface of the moon?","answer":"500,000"} {"text":["Well, what would that serious diplomacy look like?I mean, I - the United States would have to - what?- accept a. . .","It's a fair question, you know, why diplomacy would work now when it's failed in the past. I think that the breakout is a game-changer for the United States because we're directly - become directly vulnerable to North Korea. But it's also a game-changer for China because they'll either - they'll have to live with the strategic consequences of a breakout, which could - are unknown. South Korea could reassess its non-nuclear status.","So I think the conjunction of factors that we can bring China into play would have the goal of obtaining a nuclear - a freeze to lock in North Korea at its current level of capabilities. And for China - I think the conjunction of factors is that for China, they would retain their buffer in North Korea. And they would prevent these adverse strategic consequences. North Korea would maintain its minimum deterrent, and the regime would remain in power. For the United States, it would prevent this breakout, and it would offer us a not-great narrative. But we would say that this is an interim agreement toward the long-term goal of denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula.","Well Mr. Litwak, in the minute we have left, can you really trust any - the process of reaching or signing any agreement with a regime like North Korea's?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"Well Mr. Litwak, in the minute we have left, can you really trust any - the process of reaching or signing any agreement with a regime like North Korea's?\" - The implied meaning is that the person is questioning the reliability and trustworthiness of engaging in the process of negotiating or signing an agreement with North Korea, considering the nature of its regime.","questions":"What is the implied meaning of turn 3 in the dialogue?","answer":"Questioning"} {"text":["Yeah. They're like, oh, my God. Make that face again. That's so funny. But it's not like that. And the reason I talked about it and shared when I did was because there started to be all these compilations of my tics that were made by the fans, which they just thought it was, like, goofy Billie is making a bunch of faces. And they're funny. Let's make a video about it, which is, of course, out of love. And they think that's funny. And they didn't - they don't know, you know?","O'CONNELL: Especially if they think you're doing them on purpose, then it's totally out of love.","They think I'm doing it on purpose. But I felt almost, like, attacked in a way, which was kind of stupid. But it's something like I've lived with my whole life and, like, not been open about because I didn't want it to label me, you know?","Sure, you don't want the whole - that to be the second sentence of every every paragraph about you."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"Sure, you don't want the whole - that to be the second sentence of every every paragraph about you.\" - The implied meaning here is that Billie does not want her tics to define her in the media or public perception.","questions":"Which aspect of Billie's life does she not want to be the second sentence of every paragraph about her?","answer":"Tics"} {"text":["Mr. DAVID M. KENNEDY (Director, Center for Crime Prevention and Control): Hello.","So what's this \"stop snitching\" culture about?","Race.","What do you mean by that?That's a very blunt answer."],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The 'stop snitching' culture is related to the issue of race.","questions":"What is the 'stop snitching' culture related to?","answer":"Race"} {"text":["Well, logistically, the thing that would take the immediate pressure off the Border Patrol stations for the children would be to get them into Office of Refugee Resettlement custody faster. ORR is the agency that's responsible for taking care of them until they can find a family member or someone else in the U. S. to sponsor them. And that system got bottled up in 2014 under the Obama administration when you first started to have large numbers of Central American children coming.","Now you have even higher numbers. And that's been exacerbated by the administration separating the parents from the children, which they are not doing on a large scale but they're still doing on a small scale. So you're just having too many children coming into the Border Patrol stations too quickly and not enough leaving to go into the custody of ORR quickly enough. So that's an immediate bottleneck that needs to be resolved.","Well, what would happen. I mean, how could these children be moved out of there more quickly?I mean, I take it that the first thing to do would be not separate them from their parents, so you presumably have an adult who can be responsible for them. That would be thing one.","Right."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : ORR needs to process children faster to ease Border Patrol stations.","questions":"How can Border Patrol stations be alleviated?","answer":"Faster"} {"text":["Right.",". . . not to filibuster. If they do that, then something could pass the Senate in the next couple of days and be ready for the House to take it up on Sunday night. If the House were to then approve it - and that's a huge if, OK?","Yeah.","This is the cliff in the fiscal cliff. Thus far the House hasn't agreed to anything. Last week they wouldn't even agree to a plan from their own speaker that was only going to raise taxes on income above $1 million."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The House is not willing to compromise, even on their own plan.","questions":"Which House plan was not approved by the House?","answer":"Plan"} {"text":["And then if you go down river, as you get closer to Arkansas, some communities, like Braggs and Webbers Falls, have been totally emptied out. One mayor earlier this week told people that if they refuse to evacuate, they should write their identification on their arm.","Wow. I mean, it does sound as though it's just an overwhelmingly awful combination of floods and tornadoes and bad weather. What are people saying as you are out and about interviewing people and, I guess, just talking to your own neighbors?","Well, people here are well-practiced. When we went into the basement on Saturday night with a tornado warning that hit near our home, our neighbors had their medication already prepared in plastic bags to take into the basement. But this has just been every day for nearly a month. And when you constantly have warnings coming through on your cell phone for floods and tornado watches and thunderstorms, it is hard to not just shut down.","Yeah. Today, of course, is a holiday, Memorial Day. But are schools on track, businesses on track for business as usual tomorrow?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : People in some communities refuse to evacuate despite being warned of floods and tornadoes.","questions":"What did one mayor advise people to do if they refuse to evacuate?","answer":"Write"} {"text":["Well, Manafort has a second case. That case is here in Washington, D. C. He pleaded guilty to two conspiracy charges. This is a case that was also brought by special counsel Robert Mueller. Manafort, in D. C, agreed to cooperate with the government. That cooperation deal collapsed after the special counsel's team essentially said that he lied to investigators about a number of things.","The presiding judge in D. C. , Judge Amy Berman Jackson, agreed with the government. The maximum sentence that Manafort faces here in D. C. is 10 years. Now, the question that hangs over all of this is whether Judge Jackson here in D. C. is going to make him serve, whatever sentence she gives him, simultaneously or stagger it. So is he going to get another 10 years in addition to what he got in Virginia?","Any chance of a presidential pardon?","The president has not taken that entirely off the table, but his lawyers say it's not under discussion."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"That cooperation deal collapsed after the special counsel's team essentially said that he lied to investigators about a number of things.\" - The actual meaning here is that Manafort broke the cooperation deal by lying to investigators, which resulted in the deal collapsing.","questions":"Which deal collapsed?","answer":"Cooperation"} {"text":["And some - I'm trying to blend. I'm trying to be a weevil.","I got you. You know, you talked about singing to your children. Do you suggest singing to pregnant mothers, too?(unintelligible)","Absolutely. Absolutely. They can hear - babies can hear from about six months gestation. This is the way language development begins. This is the way we teach. This is the way we connect, nurture, and love our young. And although we have many devices, many toys that bleep and beep and sing and all of that, it's really important to have that human element. So speaking to, reading to, singing to your very young child is extremely important.","Nnenna Freelon, you are a fantastic talent. We appreciate you coming on News & Notes. Thank you very much."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Speaking, reading, and singing to young children is important for their growth and development","questions":"Which activities are essential for young children's growth and development?","answer":"Speaking,Reading,Singing"} {"text":["Do you think it was a mistake of Robert Mueller not to have subpoenaed the president to sit down for an interview?","I think, according to the report, my understanding is he realized that if he had done that, it would have added two years to this process.","And what if that happened?Do you - would you have been also against the idea of subpoenaing the president to make him testify or interview?","I don't want to second-guess Robert Mueller, but I think he probably made the right call because now at least we can get the report out; otherwise, everything would be in limbo through the next election. I think it's better to have it on the table now. And I'm hoping that my committee - I'm certainly going to urge the leadership of the intelligence committee to call Robert Mueller before our committee in an open session. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Turn (2) has a figurative meaning, as \"adding two years to this process\" does not necessarily mean that it would have taken two years longer to conduct the interview. It could mean that the process would have been further prolonged or complicated.","questions":"What was the reason for not subpoenaing the president for an interview according to A?","answer":"Limbo"} {"text":["Well, I will say he's not so much trapped. He did do the wrong thing, and he knowingly did the wrong thing for what he believed were for the right reasons. But he still did break the law. So there was going to be some sort of comeuppance in regard because I didn't want to do it where he does something illegal, and it's, like, but it's the main character. Let it slide. On the other hand, the idea was to show that once he's there, exactly where he's sending people.","And one of the reasons I found this interesting is there are comics like \"Doonesbury,\" for example, that are known for taking on topical issues, but that has always been the flavor of \"Doonesbury. \"As I said before, this is a legacy comic. I mean, it started in 1952. The people who've been reading this comic aren't necessarily used to this. And I'm wondering how people - or how are your fans, how are the readers of the comic are taking it?","I - we'll use the word fans.","This is a legacy strip. And I'm not trying to go, OK, now I'm just going to make it so now, and it's going to be thing. But on the other hand, you never want any strip or anything to be caught in amber, and you do want it to always be moving and feel like it's alive. So - now, granted, we do have the fantastic elements. Assassins appear regularly in this strip. . .","(Laughter)."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : A implies that he wants to show the consequences of breaking the law, even for the main character, despite doing it for the right reasons.","questions":"What did PersonA want to demonstrate through the main character's actions?","answer":"Consequences"} {"text":["Right.",". . . Little inspiration pieces.","A road map.","Yeah, a little road map. You know, you want to make a right out of nowhere. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : when A says \"You know, you want to make a right out of nowhere,\" they are not talking about a physical right turn while driving. Here, \"make a right out of nowhere\" implies taking an unexpected or unconventional action without a clear plan or prior indication. It suggests being spontaneous or inventive in finding a solution or approach.","questions":"How does \"make a right out of nowhere\" suggest taking action?","answer":"spontaneous"} {"text":["That's right. She's protesting and enlisting the support of past Republican nominees and other leaders on her behalf. But the threshold was finishing top three in Iowa or pulling in the top six in New Hampshire or top six nationally. And she fell short in all those metrics.","What do you foresee tonight?","In a sense, there are still two tiers. You've got Donald Trump and Ted Cruz at the top. And then the three remaining governors, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie and John Kasich, all chasing the fastest-rising star of the field, Marco Rubio. Now, Ben Carson will be there - maybe something of an afterthought, although it will be interesting to see if he calls out Ted Cruz for Cruz's campaign telling people that Carson was dropping out on Monday just before the caucuses began. There's been a bit of a controversy over that. And Trump has said that it taints Cruz's victory there.","The downside to getting more attention, like Marco Rubio, is more criticism. And he seems to get more direct criticism from his opponents as he rises in the polls."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (4) B: The downside to getting more attention, like Marco Rubio, is more criticism. And he seems to get more direct criticism from his opponents as he rises in the polls. The actual meaning here is that as a politician becomes more popular, they also become more of a target for criticism from their opponents. The literal meaning, however, is simply that as one gets more attention, they also get more criticism.","questions":"How does PersonB describe the downside of getting more attention as a politician?","answer":"Damage"} {"text":["Yes, they are in re-settlement areas. For example, in Mozambique you have 258,000 people, 90,000 of whom have been displaced over the past month or so. In Malawi you already have 700 cholera cases that have been reported. You have about 152,000 people who have been affected. So they are moving away from their home areas into re-settlement camps.","Let's move to Kenya in the east of Africa. The talks between President Kibaki and opposition leader Raila Odinga continue today outside of Nairobi and the negotiations are being mediated by former U. N. Secretary General Kofi Annan. Since the post-election violence began in late December, more than 1,000 people have been killed and hundreds of thousands have been displaced. There are also reports of a wave of sexual violence against women who've been displaced by this turmoil. So Cassandra, what's going on here?","Since the violence after the disputed elections on December 27th, we're seeing that this situation has put women and girls at great risk of sexual assault. We know that always in situations of conflict women and girls are in danger. And in Kenya it is no different. We are hearing reports from Nairobi, from the Nairobi general hospital, that there may be as many as double the number of cases of rape within the days following the eruption of the violence.","And what we know is that for every case that is being treated or is being reported, there are many more victims who fail to seek help."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The talks between Kibaki and Odinga are aimed at ending violence and unrest in Kenya.","questions":"What is the purpose of the talks between Kibaki and Odinga?","answer":"End"} {"text":["So, does Teddy Roosevelt still come to life when it gets dark at the museum?","People would like to think so, and this is part of the imagination that you need to have when you're visiting a natural history museum. To go back to your point about whether the dioramas are old hat, well, sure. In one way they certainly are. They represent a very old kind of technology. But I look at it a little bit differently. It's a 3-D theater in a way that TV cannot be. We have a beautiful diorama of bison herds from some indefinite time in the 19th century when they still had large herds, and that is so realistic that you think, if you just saw an image of it, that it had to have been taken yesterday somewhere in Wyoming.","Ross MacPhee, curator of the Hall of North American Mammals at the American Museum of Natural History. Thanks so much for being with us.","Most welcome."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : meaning is turn (1), where B asks if Teddy Roosevelt comes to life when it gets dark at the museum. The actual meaning implied by B's question is whether the museum has interactive exhibits or displays that bring historical figures to life, rather than asking about a specific event where Teddy Roosevelt might come to life in the museum.","questions":"How does PersonB's question about Teddy Roosevelt relate to the implied meaning?","answer":"Imagination"} {"text":["The final thing is this. How has both - how have both the culture and the appearance of Harlem changed with this new money and these new properties, newly priced properties?","Well, the culture is even more vibrant, because we have people that have moved in who have the money to contribute to the children's art carnival or the Dance Theater of Harlem or the Harlem School of the Arts. I mean, it's not just myself, it's brokers, other people who have moved in are writing large checks to these organizations, like the Studio Museum in Harlem. They weren't thriving before. Some of the organizations didn't exist before. The culture is only going to continue to be as great as it is and continue.","What you notice, though, is the complexion of the people walking down the street. In the bad old days when I moved up to Harlem, if I wanted to go shopping, you had to get on the subway and go to 42nd Street. Now I just walk down to 125th Street, and everything I want is there. And while I'm walking down the street, I see people from around the world. We get tourists from around the world, in addition to the non-African-Americans who are now residents of Harlem. So the face of Harlem is changing, but the culture is not going anywhere. The non-blacks who moved to Harlem moved there because they want the nightlife that we can offer.","Willie, thank you so much for being with us today and sharing your points of view."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : New residents with money are contributing to cultural institutions.","questions":"What are some of the organizations that new residents are contributing to?","answer":"Studio"} {"text":["Thank you. Thanks for having me.","Now, the books were released on inauguration day. I don't know if that was significant or not. Tell us if it was and what inspired these collections?","Well, these collections I have been thinking about for a long time. I've been talking about it with my agent for sometime about doing something like this. The big fear was that, no publisher would be that interested in it because they wouldn't think the collection could be sustained over a period of time doing it every year. But Bantam believed it and so Bantam, we ultimately made a deal with Bantam to do it. The date wasn't really significant. I mean, the date turned out to be significant but we had set the date a long time before and we were just hoping that Obama would win so the date would really have some significance but it was all an accident. It turned out well though.","Now, you're going to - we've had anthologies before obviously. But the new thing about this anthology is that you're going to try to publish it annually. How difficult do you think that is likely to be?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : the question \"How difficult do you think that is likely to be?\" is not actually asking for a prediction of the level of difficulty. The interviewer is asking about the author's thoughts on the sustainability of publishing an anthology annually.","questions":"How is the interviewer's question in turn 3 not seeking a prediction of difficulty, but rather the author's thoughts on the anthology's annual sustainability?","answer":"Sustainability"} {"text":["For most of the dogs, we've probably gone from a ratio of 80% used to be trained on marijuana to now, we've reversed that to where only 20% have any marijuana training on them. So the limiting factor of now having a dog that is trained in marijuana - it is no longer utilized for a probable-cause warrant or sniff. It would probably be changing the role to just locating marijuana, whether it would be in a house or a car, after you've already established probable cause. So it's certainly limited the use of those dogs.","So my understanding is that before this, police dogs weren't trained to differentiate between types of drugs.","No. Now we're just going to go to most of the dogs will not have any marijuana training in them whatsoever. The primary purpose for most of the marijuana sniffs is now administrative - that will be through jails, schools and other types of locations that are federally funded and still illegal. The only thing this will do - it's going to hasten the retirement of those 20% or less that still are marijuana-trained in our state because of the fact that they're not able to utilize them for full functions.","Does this create conflict between state officers and federal law enforcement officers?Because obviously, on the federal level, marijuana is still illegal. And you obviously have federal law enforcement in your state. Is there any conflict there?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : No dogs is trained in marijuana because it is a illegal.","questions":"Which drug is no longer trained for probable-cause warrant or sniff according to PersonA's statement?","answer":"Marijuana"} {"text":["Ibiza being the Spanish island where this video was filmed.","Exactly - just blathering on and on to a Russian woman who they believed was the niece of a prominent Russian oligarch.","And I'll just insert here that I have not had the opportunity to verify exactly what is being documented on this video. But what it has done is raise all of these questions in Austria about the extent of Russian influence in Austrian politics. Is that right?","Absolutely. And, I mean, it's funny because these are actually fake Russians. This is - these are not necessarily people that were sent from the Kremlin. We don't really know the provenance of the video. Some people believe it's an activist collective. Other people are speculating that some secret services of various countries were involved. But the most important thing to say is that Vice Chancellor Strache hasn't denied any of the assertions.","Right. Well, let me insert a practical question here. Where does this leave the government of Austria?Who's in charge today?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The origin of the video is unknown, but the Vice Chancellor has not denied any of the allegations","questions":"How did the Vice Chancellor respond to the allegations in the video?","answer":"denied"} {"text":["It's nice to be here, Neal. How are you?","I'm good. Thanks. That first phone call - well, just sort of out of curiosity, I assume.","The first call that I made to Alan?Yeah, it was a funny feeling of both, obviously, curiosity and a strange sensation of being crowded in my own skin by another guy who had my same name.","And he turned out to be - well, debonair might be the word."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : is that Neal is asking if the first phone call was made out of curiosity. ","questions":"How would you describe Alan?","answer":"Debonair"} {"text":["Thank you so much for talking with us.","Well, thank you for calling me. This has been a big thrill for me, I can tell you.","Aw, I'm really pleased.","Made my day - made my year."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Person A waiting for a call, a long time. So he\/she expresses as \"Made my day - made my year\".","questions":"How did Person PersonA feel about the call?","answer":"Thrilled"} {"text":["So the root stocks that people today associated with French wines came from another country?","One part of the genetic signature is of the domesticated grape. And then as the domesticated grape travels across the Mediterranean, you get crosses with wild grapes because the wild Eurasian grape, Vitis vinifera, it grows all along the southern coast or along the Mediterranean. So as you get - bring in the domesticated grape vine, you know, starting over in, you know, the area of Lebanon today, and you move across to Crete and Greece and then on to Italy, you're getting crosses between that domesticated vine and the wild grapes that are growing there.","And so you get a whole series of cultivars springing up, and those are the ones that then, you know, get chosen for different reasons. It could be the color of the grape, it could be the thinness of the skin, the sugar, flavor and so forth. But the grapevine is very promiscuous. So it crosses quite easily.","Can you tell from the residue whether the wine was red or white that was in there?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : springing up means to suddenly appear or to suddenly happen.","questions":"How do the cultivars arise?","answer":"Crosses"} {"text":["There are, there are trials underway right now of an active vaccine, as well. So again, the scientists have gone back to the drawing board and said gee, when we did that study back in the early 2000s with the active vaccine, what went wrong, what could have caused this inflammatory response. So they've modified the protein now and have been able to develop one that they hope will in fact generate the immune response without the side effects.","Why doesn't Alzheimer's kick in earlier in life for those who are genetically predisposed to it?Why does it wait until you're in your 70s or 80s?","That's a good question, Ira. I mean, it's a million-dollar question as to what are the other aging factors that have to kick in, and basically we don't know the answer to that. But one issue might be, for example, that our immune systems diminish in their effectiveness and ability to perform their work as we age.","So a challenge in using an active vaccine in an older person is that the older person may not be able to generate an antibody response. So if, say, Alzheimer's disease were partly immunologically driven, it may only manifest itself when the person's aging immune system starts to fail or diminish its effectiveness. Then this blossoms. I'm not saying that's the answer, but it's that type of thing."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : a million dollar question implies that the question is very important or difficult and requires a very good answer not referring the cost of the question is 1 million dollars ","questions":"Which question is referred to as a million-dollar question?","answer":"B"} {"text":["The final thing is this. How has both - how have both the culture and the appearance of Harlem changed with this new money and these new properties, newly priced properties?","Well, the culture is even more vibrant, because we have people that have moved in who have the money to contribute to the children's art carnival or the Dance Theater of Harlem or the Harlem School of the Arts. I mean, it's not just myself, it's brokers, other people who have moved in are writing large checks to these organizations, like the Studio Museum in Harlem. They weren't thriving before. Some of the organizations didn't exist before. The culture is only going to continue to be as great as it is and continue.","What you notice, though, is the complexion of the people walking down the street. In the bad old days when I moved up to Harlem, if I wanted to go shopping, you had to get on the subway and go to 42nd Street. Now I just walk down to 125th Street, and everything I want is there. And while I'm walking down the street, I see people from around the world. We get tourists from around the world, in addition to the non-African-Americans who are now residents of Harlem. So the face of Harlem is changing, but the culture is not going anywhere. The non-blacks who moved to Harlem moved there because they want the nightlife that we can offer.","Willie, thank you so much for being with us today and sharing your points of view."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Harlem is now more diverse, attracting non-African Americans.","questions":"Which type of people are now attracted to Harlem?","answer":"non-African-Americans"} {"text":["We understand investigators recovered one block - black box from the crash. And I gather there are two. What can that one box tell you?Do you need the second?","The one black box can tell us some good information. It's a quantum-engineering manufacturer recorder. And what we're doing now is that our recorder specialist is already working with the manufacturer to use their conversion software - it's not unusual to do this - to turn all of those zeros and ones into information we can use, such as the distance traveled, the throttle inputs, the brake system performance, as well as the speed.","So so many eyewitnesses say the train just didn't slow down when it came into the station. Has what you learned supported that view so far?","We don't have the information from the black box yet. And this is just one of the two event data recorders, as well as video footage, that we're collecting. They were forward-facing cameras on both the front and the back end of this train."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The literal meaning of (3) is asking if the evidence gathered so far supports the eyewitness accounts of the train not slowing down. The implied meaning is asking if the evidence gathered so far indicates that the train did not slow down.","questions":"What does turn 3 imply about the evidence gathered so far?","answer":"Implication"} {"text":["(Laughter).",". . . To navigate these tricky moments where the relationship changes. And so, first of all, tell us about Nana. And what was your relationship like with her before your relationship had to change?","My relationship with her in my childhood was charmed and golden. She was indulgent. She bought me a record player when I was 3 and let me play anything I wanted, gave me ball gowns to dress in and ice cream. And it was lovely.","But Nana was no joke, right?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The statement implies that the relationship was from childhood but has now taken a new dimension.","questions":"What was the relationship between PersonA and Nana like before it had to change?","answer":"Golden"} {"text":["Every president in his or - his - well, I should say his or her. Every president in their first year has an unexpected crisis, whether it's national security, a natural disaster, domestic unrest. This is certainly shaping up to be Donald Trump's unexpected crisis. And I think he realizes that. And the stakes are getting higher, and I think that's why he's lashing out more because I think he realizes what's going on.","It's moved to the capital. As we said Secretary Price has resigned, but at least three more Cabinet members face similar accusations about charter jets. Whatever happened to them, can the Trump administration say they'll drain the swamp when they seem to be flying over it in private jets?","You, know, this reminds me of that line from \"The Godfather\" about Mr. Corleone likes his bad news early. Donald Trump is not like bad news. And this was starting to spread to other cabinet members, obviously. And I think the we'll-see when he was asked whether Trump - I mean, whether Price should resign was his way of signaling, yes. And sure enough, Tom Price offered his resignation. And unlike the Session's case, the president accepted it because I think he sees this for the irony that it is of his own cabinet doing what he campaigned exactly against.","Is the Republican Party offering much of a profile of leadership at the moment?- can't get Repeal and Replace passed, the tax code seems - proposal seems fuzzy, federal response seems to certainly be slow if not negligent in Puerto Rico. We could go on."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (4) - The actual meaning is that the Republican Party's leadership is being questioned due to their inability to pass important legislation and their slow response to certain issues, such as the hurricane in Puerto Rico.","questions":"What is being questioned about the Republican Party's leadership?","answer":"Legislation"} {"text":["As far as race goes, you know, many of the African-American women who came forward about what Cosby did to them struggled with that, too. And in the end, they concluded, as I conclude, that he's not your typical African-American defendant. He had seven attorneys at his second trial. How many do you know that could have the income level to afford that?It's about power and privilege and wealth, and that's what allowed him to escape justice for so long.","That's Nicole Weisensee Egan. Her new book is \"Chasing Cosby: The Downfall Of America's Dad. \"We spoke with her from member station WHYY in Philadelphia.","Nicole Egan, thanks so much for talking to us.","Thank you."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : There are no turns in this dialogue whose actual meanings are different from their literal meanings. All the turns are straightforward and do not contain any figurative language or idiomatic expressions.","questions":"Which turn in the dialogue explicitly mentions the book title and the name of the author being interviewed?","answer":"None"} {"text":["Help us understand. Just how good were the Lightning before this collapse?","Oh, quite good. They had 62 wins in the regular season. That tied the all-time NHL record for wins in a season. This was a team that was doing historic things in the regular season. Consider this. Thirty of their 62 victories were by three goals or more. So every time they stepped on the ice, they weren't just winning. They were blowing away their opponents.","So it's safe to say any sane hockey analyst (laughter) basically would have said that the Lightning was going to win the series, right?So what happened?","(Laughter) Well, I think Lightning defenseman Ryan McDonagh put it best. Everything that they did so well in the regular season, the Columbus Blue Jackets did it better in this series. But the bigger picture is this for the Lightning. They clinched a playoff spot in early March. They've been on cruise control for months. The Columbus Blue Jackets had to win seven of their last eight games just to get into the playoffs. So when push came to shove and adversity hit in the series, the Lightning had a bad six days compared to a great 82 games in the regular season, and then they were swept."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"cruise control\" in line 4 - The phrase \"cruise control\" is being used figuratively here to suggest that the Tampa Bay Lightning had an easy and comfortable ride during the regular season, rather than a literal reference to a car's cruise control system.","questions":"What is the figurative meaning of \"cruise control\" in line 4?","answer":"Comfortable"} {"text":["Well, it's true. There was a disaster of my own making at the National Book Awards. In my capacity as emcee, when Jacqueline Woodson won the National Book Award for children's literature, which was a wonderful moment for everyone, but certainly also for me, Jackie is a friend of mine. So after her win, I told a story about her and me. And the story did not go out well and many, many people were very upset by it, and rightfully so.","Yeah. It certainly made me react a little differently when I was reading this book. One of the first signs we get that Errol, the pirate captain, has lost his ability to track is that he falls into racist jokes.","Anyone who's had someone with dementia knows that terrible things often begin to come out of their mouths, which is shocking and mysterious and, of course, very upsetting and hurtful for their families.","Yeah. I think anyone reading this book would decide - not giving anything away - maybe being a pirate isn't the good idea that I thought it was.","It was - if I can convey one message to the people of the world, it's don't try piracy."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) B's statement implies that the racist jokes made by the pirate captain in the book were a red flag that something was wrong with him and that being a pirate is not as glamorous as it may seem, rather than simply reacting differently to the story. The actual meaning is that the reader's perception of the pirate captain changes as they learn more about him.","questions":"Which character's perception of the pirate captain changes in the book?","answer":"Reader"} {"text":["She says, look, we've got to do something some investment on sort of global warming issues, energy, independence issues. Let's use the recession to start creating a green economy.","Now, when you look at someone who is no longer in the race, John Edwards, he was often portrayed by supporters and portrayed himself as someone who was going to make ending poverty the center of his campaign. How would his approach have differed from both Senators Obama and Clinton?","Well, actually it turns out at the end of the day, the Edwards approach is fairly similar to sort of a combination of the Clinton and Obama proposals, and that's not surprising. Because John Edwards was the person who came out with a plan first - I thought it was the best plan - and the other candidates fit in in a lot of issues, actually copied John Edwards. In fact, John Edwards was - has truly been a forcing figure during this election, compelling Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, both, to be more progressive than they might otherwise have been.","Well, let's talk a little bit about political philosophy. We've talked a bit about trickle-down economics, but then there's also the model of the government getting directly involved. Certainly ending the great depression by creating jobs itself - everything from jobs for writers and artists to road building, infrastructure. That does not seem to be a model that's been followed, certainly not to that extent - in decades. Is that even on the table, the whole prospect of the government actually stepping in and doing job creation itself?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"Certainly ending the great depression by creating jobs itself - everything from jobs for writers and artists to road building, infrastructure.\" - The literal meaning is that the government could create jobs for a range of professions and industries, including writers, artists, and infrastructure. The actual meaning is that the government could play a direct role in job creation to address economic issues, rather than relying on trickle-down economics.","questions":"Which professions were mentioned as potential job opportunities during the government's direct involvement in job creation to end the great depression?","answer":"Writers,Artists"} {"text":["People go armed with treats and halters, and so they're able to catch them. And, you know, mostly, if you're calm, the horses stay calm.","Horses eat a lot, don't they?How do you care for every one?","Sure thing. Well, many of us were able to grab hay and some supplies as we were evacuating our barn. So we came with food and some items in hand. But the local seed stores have been donating all kinds of hay and shavings and pellets. So we have had, again, tremendous support from the local community, making sure that every horse here is fed.","Can you smell the smoke, see the fire?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The speaker is suggesting that the community has been very supportive of the horses.","questions":"What kind of support have the horses received from the local community?","answer":"Tremendous"} {"text":["And is it a big lead or barely a lead at all?The pollsters are also hard at work, as is NPR senior Washington editor Ron Elving. Ron, welcome back on this Monday. How much difference is there in the polls?","A lot, in terms of margin. You know, it's a statistical tie in some polls, it's too close to call in some polls, and then you have some other polls where it's beginning to look like a blow out, where it's a double digit lead and where it's concentrated in the battleground states in ways that really favor Barack Obama.","So, if you want to look for a poll that makes it look like a close contest, you can find one. And if you want to look at a poll that makes it look like Barack Obama is really opening something up here, you can find those too. In a way, though, you can say all the polls are agreed on one thing, there is consistency in all of them having Barack Obama ahead.","I can't find any major national poll that has John McCain ahead in this race. So, some people would say, that's really all that matters."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Although there are varying poll results, all of them show that Barack Obama is consistently ahead.","questions":"How is Barack Obama consistently portrayed in the polls?","answer":"Ahead"} {"text":["Do you think the royal family can really survive in a time when we have other kinds of celebrities that cost the taxpayer nothing?I mean, clearly, a lot of hopes are being placed on not only Meghan Markle and Prince Harry but the other younger royals like Prince William.","I very, very sincerely believe that Britain couldn't do without them. There's such a deep attachment. They're sort of the very, like, emblem of history, of continuity. Unlike America, there's been almost a kind of - a certain kind of disregard for history. Britain has always fallen back on the past. It's always needed the past. So they're - I think that they will find a way for the royal family to continue to carry on that symbolism, at least.","I must ask you - are you attending the wedding?","I'm not."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The royal family represents the past and continuity in Britain, and is essential for the country's sense of identity. Score: 5","questions":"Which country has a deep attachment to its royal family as a symbol of history and continuity?","answer":"Britain"} {"text":["You know, World War II is very cut-and-dry. It was like, these are the bad guys, you know. We're fighting for, you know, freedom. And not just for Europe, but for ourselves, for our people, to prove that we are more than what people say we are. That's not happening in Iraq.","Well, Professor, thanks for the interview.","Well, thank you.","Yvonne Latty is author of \"We Were There: Voices of African-American Veterans from World War II to the War in Iraq. \"She's also a professor in the department of journalism at New York University."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : cut-and-dry implies World War II was easy to understand and not complicated","questions":"How would you describe World War II according to the speaker?","answer":"Easy"} {"text":["My grandparents were raised during the Great Depression and spent the rest of their lives hoarding rubber bands, bacon grease, and batteries. It used to fill me with embarrassment that they would actually rinse out Zip-Loc bags and reuse them. Poor people, I thought. Don't they know there's always more?I was raised in the disposable generation of styrofoam boxes and plastic water bottles. If something ran out, you simply got a new one.","But this year, we are re-evaluating not just how we spend our money, but also the lessons we pass on to a new generation. The other day, I made Emmeline a skirt out of a men's sport coat once sold exclusively at the Watergate Hotel. You can't buy that kind of fashion statement at Target.","On our most recent trip, Emmeline's glowery mood changed when she happened upon a shirt decorated with farm animals and said, ooh, now doesn't this look nice?I examined it and agreed, asking, what do you want to do with it?Emmeline twirled her toe on the speckled Formica floor and thought it over for a moment. A smile widened on her face, oh, I think that will make just the prettiest dress. Her latest outfit cost a dollar 50.","Mike Adamick is a stay-at-home dad living in San Francisco."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"I was raised in the disposable generation of styrofoam boxes and plastic water bottles. If something ran out, you simply got a new one.\" This turn has a figurative meaning. The speaker is not literally saying that they were raised in a generation of styrofoam boxes and plastic water bottles, but rather that they grew up in a time when people were accustomed to using disposable items and not reusing things like their grandparents did.","questions":"How was the PersonA's generation raised?","answer":"Disposable"} {"text":["Right. You have this really shocking statistic in your article where you say that personal consumption amounts to 70 percent of the American economy.","Yeah, that's right. Basically, we are the engine of our own economy. And for far too long apparently, we've just been swiping our Visa cards willy nilly and pumping up this economy. The worry is that when we stop doing that, which is what's happening, our economy is going to sag.","So you went out to see if it was sagging. You went to the Mall of America. What did you find?","The most ambitious mall in the United States, the mall that is doing the most to put you in the fugue state that allows you to spend. They're up against it at the Mall of America. What I found was a lot of people who weren't shopping all that much and a lot of people that were counting their pennies in a way that they never had before."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The person found a lot of people not shopping and instead watching how much they spend on things in order to save money.","questions":"How were people at the Mall of America behaving?","answer":"observing"} {"text":["The body of Lucille sits in the body of Thelma. Her life circled there in the lap of her mother, who wore 12 fingers just as she wore 12, just as the baby inside of her as she sat in the body of Thelma wore 12.","Lucille there in the middle, lived her light-filled life, never losing her daughter seat, dying on the very day Miss Thelma died. All the daughters and sons, who long left the movies, all the poets black, who sought their lives only ordinary, recount their long calla lily fingers every day, wring their jewels into jewels hands, circling the unbroken light-filled two-headed body of the woman who keeps keeping us.","\"The Ordinary Body of Lucille\" by Nikky Finney, our guest. I have to ask you, jewels into jewels. That line is in italic.","Hmm. Yes. That's a line from Ms. Clifton's poem. And it's - I just - I love it so much. It's one of - a thousand favorite phrases of hers."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Lucille lived a happy and positive life. She was never shunned by her mother. All of the poets were there dressed in black. They think about their lives every day and look at their hands and the rings on their fingers as they do. These poets were standing around the casket of the dead woman.","questions":"How did the poets circle around the woman's body?","answer":"Standing"} {"text":["That's exactly the concern that advertisers have about this, they use these small data tracking files called, cookies. And by watching where you go on the web they can build a customer profile and decide what kinds of ads to show. Well, the internet advertising bureau which represents a lot of these companies, and web publishers says if this feature becomes widely adopted a lot of sites and especially smaller ones that rely almost entirely on their ad revenue - they won't be able to survive. On the other hand, some analysts are taking note that Microsoft's own future could hinge on web advertising, and this could affect its own business in much the same way.","Other browsers have offered something like this?","That's true, the Firefox browser and Apple Safari browser do offer similar features.","Bob Moon of Public Radio's Daily Business Show, Marketplace - thank you."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"Other browsers have offered something like this?\" - the word \"this\" refers to the feature discussed in the previous sentences, not a physical object.","questions":"How does \"this\" in turn 1 refer to the feature discussed in the previous sentences?","answer":"Feature"} {"text":["What are some of the reasons you think more people's families, I guess I should - I almost said why more people are choosing to be cremated. And that might technically be true - but usually after their death.","So cremation is simply cheaper than burial. Of course, when you consider a funeral or a memorial service or celebration-of-life expenses, those are extra. And consumers also report that they see extra value with cremation and that they have more flexibility. To put it bluntly, death, even when it's anticipated, is inconvenient.","We don't want to lose our loved ones. We don't want to drop everything and gather and grieve and do what we need to do. But we must. And we can do that. But as families are spread across the country in various states, it's more and more difficult to bring people together on short notice. Cremation can expand the timeframe of grieving and memorializing your loved one.","Because there's more cremations, more problem to run into with scattering remains?I mean, I know, for example, they're very particular about it in the San Francisco Bay area. And I know from experience you can't get your ashes scattered there in Wrigley Field in Chicago.","That is true. And you might've caught the news where cremated remains were scattered at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City at the intermission, which canceled the rest of the production.","I missed that. Oh, my word. Most of us maybe, you know, get some malted milk balls at intermission, not scattered remains. But go ahead, yeah."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 4 : This is an example of hyperbole, as B is exaggeratedly expressing surprise at the idea of scattering remains at the Metropolitan Opera House.","questions":"Which expression did PersonB use to show their shock about scattering remains at the Metropolitan Opera House?","answer":"surprise"} {"text":["Here's what used to happen in the old days. People would only put 100,000 dollars in Broadway because they knew that was the maximum FDIC insurance. They put a million dollars in Bank of America. They figured, well, I only - because Bank of America only has the same insurance as we do, only a 100,000. So they left 900,000 dollars uninsured because they said, well, that's Bank of America. I'm only worried about Broadway. I'm not worried about Bank of America.","Hudson says the idea of a smaller bank, where you can actually talk face-to-face with the CEO, is starting to have a lot more appeal. As I sat in Paul Hudson's bank, where quotes by Langston Hughes and Frederick Douglass are painted on the walls, where there is no bulletproof glass, it made a lot of sense to me.","Most people have no relationship with their bank. It's the most impersonal relationship they have. I think that's probably why people are so stressed out about what's going on because it's almost like their world order has been disrupted. The way they thought the world rolled is not the way. So now, they're saying, well, if Merrill Lynch isn't safe, what is safe?You know, is anything safe?","Broadway Federal Bank's Paul Hudson says his bank may not have ATMs in every corner of the country, but what he can offer customers is the security of knowing they won't be needing a bailout anytime soon."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The current financial situation has disrupted people's sense of security.","questions":"How has the financial situation affected people's sense of security?","answer":"Disrupted"} {"text":["First week of the season, a young boy - he has the ball over his head. He's ready to make the throw-in. And a spectator on the sideline puts her hands on the child's shoulders, spins him around so he'd be redirecting the ball to a different player. So I blew my whistle. And I said - is this your child?And she said, no, this is not my child. So I explained to her, I said, you can never, ever, ever, ever touch a player.","So this was a cry for civility, not I'm sick and tired and can't take it anymore?","That's correct. This is a cry for civility. This is a plea for everyone to join me and everyone else who believes that we can have a fun, fair and safe experience in which sanity is expressed on the sideline.","Well, it sounds that you're complaining less that your feelings were hurt than the youngsters might be getting a very bad example of what it is to be an adult."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : so this was a cry for civility, not I'm sick and tired and can't take it anymore?","questions":"How did PersonB interpret PersonA's intention behind blowing the whistle?","answer":"Civility"} {"text":["And those in dissent, which were Ginsburg, Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, what did they say?","They pointed out that for about 400,000 voters, they would have to make a three-hour round-trip to get the kind of ID that they needed, that the state would except; for example, a Veterans Affairs ID or a four-year college ID. And in the end, wrote Justice Ginsburg for the three. The greatest threat to public confidence in this case is the prospect of enforcing a discriminatory law, one that likely imposes an unconstitutional poll tax and risks denying the right to vote to hundreds of thousands of eligible voters. So that's what they said in the end; that they would have blocked this voter ID law from going into effect.","So an important decision, but an even more important one ahead at some point.","That's exactly right. This is a big deal for this election, a stinging rebuke to the Obama administration, which really had sought to block the Texas law from going into effect. But it doesn't mean they're going to lose ultimately."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Implied meaning: The speaker may be using sarcasm or irony to convey a different meaning than what is being explicitly stated.","questions":"How did the speaker convey their message in turn 3?","answer":"Irony"} {"text":["We have what are called the three amigos. And the three amigos are Secretary Perry, again, Ambassador Volker and myself. And we've been tasked with sort of overseeing the Ukraine-U. S. relationship.","ORDO\u00d1EZ: And mind you that all this is happening even as Trump and his officials are in the process of ousting the U. S. ambassador to the Ukraine, who Trump recently called bad news.","What kind of reputation has Sondland built during his brief time as a diplomat?","ORDO\u00d1EZ: You know, in some ways, Sondland is kind of like Trump. He's a businessman. He made his name in the hotel industry. People I spoke to said he has kind of a similar brash personality - a wheeler, a dealer, someone with a lot of confidence. He's kind of a larger-than-life character. When he hosted an Independence Day celebration in Brussels, he actually brought in Jay Leno as entertainment."],"speaker":["A","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The person makes a great many large financial deals and is loud and confident.","questions":"What characteristics describe the person mentioned in turn 3?","answer":"loud-confident"} {"text":["Yeah. They considered all kinds of things. And - but they were stuck on coming up with a design that was really a wow design. So John Graham hired as a consultant a professor from the University of Washington named Victor Steinbrueck. He's known locally in Seattle as architect-activist who saved the Pike Place Market. But he was a designer, and he worked on the Space Needle design.","He got stuck. And one day, he was sitting in his home office and he saw - he had a beautiful abstract sculpture by a California artist named David Lemon, and it was feminine figure in complete abstract, reaching up to the sky with this narrow waist and then this tripod legs. And it was called \"The Feminine One. \"And he went, aha, OK, there is a unique shape for a tower.","Wow. If you have a question you want to ask Knute, get up there on our microphones and you can ask it. Where there any engineering innovations that were required to get this to be built?Anything about the revolving restaurant, anything like that?","Well, it was interesting because at that time, there were no revolving restaurants."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : They had a hard time coming up with something that would amaze and impress people.","questions":"How would you describe the design challenge faced by the team?","answer":"Impressive"} {"text":["Immigrants from so many impoverished and deadly places made America rich in all ways. They built America's great cities and industries, factories and schools. They made the American dream come alive in the world. As Margaret Thatcher observed from across the ocean, Europe was created by history. America was created by philosophy. The immigrants who arrive today from Haiti, El Salvador, Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Ghana and a hundred other places keep that dream going with their own lives.","The president's choice of language demands attention and has been denounced around the world, including by members of his own political party. But remove that one ugly sensational word from his remarks and what remains might be no less profane. When you slur and insult people from countries who have helped make America, America is smeared, too.","(Singing) If I go away, I want you to pray not for me, for the souls who have gone away before.","Leyla McCalla singing \"A Day For The Hunter, A Day For The Prey. \""],"speaker":["B","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : (3) The actual meaning of this phrase is to remember those people who have died, not to pray for the singer. ","questions":"How would you summarize the meaning of turn 2?","answer":"Remember"} {"text":["Now, I guess we need to explain what hedge funds are.","Hedge funds are investment vehicles usually for very wealthy people. In fact, in the first paragraph of every hedge perspective it says, this must not be money that you need for living. This is money that you want to risk - this is a roll of the dice. The hedge funds have very few restrictions of the sort that ordinary brokers have.","So even though Wall Street seems to be blowing up or it did yesterday, the hedge funds are doing just fine. And these Masters of the Universe are ensconced happily in their Greenwich, Connecticut mansions?","Well, right now, they are swimming the tightest defensive positions they can. They're like turtles pulling themselves back into their shell just trying to wait this thing out. They could be hurt badly. In fact, today is one of the four times a year that people can take money out of hedge funds. Usually there's a certain fixed percentage that they can take out at any one time. That's for the protection of the fund itself. But still, there could be enough taken out today to seriously hurt a lot of hedge funds."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : It implies that hedge funds is not for those that are poor.","questions":"What does hedge funds usually say in the first paragraph of every hedge perspective?","answer":"This"} {"text":["From NPR News, I'm Farai Chideya. For Wednesday, February 13th, this is News and Notes.","From NPR News, This s News and Notes. I'm Farai Chideya. The White House race only gets hotter, especially if you're John McCain. Yesterday the Arizona Senator picked up the Potomac primary wins in Washington, D. C. and Maryland. He also took Virginia, where Mike Huckabee put up a good fight. The victories are edging McCain closer to the GOP candidate seat, and as for the Democrats, yesterday was all Barack Obama. He swept the Potomac Primaries and stacked up key delegate points. Joining me now to sort through the numbers is Ron Elving. He's NPR's senior Washington editor. Hi, Ron.","Hello, Farai.","So how many delegates did McCain pick up?","McCain picked up a little over a hundred, possibly as many as 113, depending on how they sort out Maryland. But he got everything in Virginia, all 30 delegates, despite the fact he only won by nine percentage points. That's the way the Republican rules work. You can win certain winner take all states, no matter what your plurality or majority may be, you get all the delegates. So he did that in Virginia and the District of Columbia and he'll get virtually all of the delegates in Maryland. So he picked up somewhere between 100 and 113 delegates. It puts him pretty much out of sight. He's got more than three times as many as Mike Huckabee."],"speaker":["B","B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 4 : McCain has a significant lead over Mike Huckabee in terms of delegate count.","questions":"How many delegates does McCain have compared to Huckabee?","answer":"More"} {"text":["It was an amazing list. This started around 1910. There was a long list of books, and, at the start, they were things that sound pretty ordinary now, the things you mentioned, titles of things like \"Tom Swift and His Airship,\" \"Tom Swift and His Wireless Message. \"My favorite is \"Tom Swift and His Photo Telephone. \"If you read \"Tom Swift and His Photo Telephone,\" which is written in 1914, it sounds like you're hearing the description of Skype or Google Hangout.","The boy inventor invented this in 1914 fictionally, but the details are surprisingly similar.","Are people still reading those books, the Tom Swift books?","That's a good question. There were two big series. The first series started in 1910, went up to about 1940. They updated it in the 1950s and '60s with things like \"Tom Swift and His Rocket Ship,\" \"Tom Swift and His Giant Robot\" and on and on. Those petered out. And they started up a few later, but the later ones just got off into sort of fantasy."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The fictional Tom Swift books written in 1910s predicted modern technology.","questions":"Which books?","answer":"Tom-Swift-books"} {"text":["So crack down on the doctors, but make sure there's a support system ready for their patients.","Absolutely. And the thing is - and this is so beautiful - is that when you get to watch lives change. For myself, you know, I used to get up every single morning thinking, you know, where am I going to get my pills?And that occupied my entire day. Now, keep in mind, I was a practicing physician. So I had some other things to do. And that's what people who are, you know, who are addicted are facing every single day.","And now, you know, providing them with quality help and watching them change their lives is one of the most fun things that I've ever been involved with. We need to make that opportunity more widespread. We need to decrease the stigma around stepping out and ask for help. And also, Sacha, we need to make evidence-based treatment available without the stigma that goes along with it.","That's Dr. Steven Loyd. He's based in Nashville, Tenn. Thanks for talking with us."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : \"That's Dr. Steven Loyd. He's based in Nashville, Tenn. Thanks for talking with us.\" The literal meaning of this turn is simply an introduction to Dr. Steven Loyd. The implied meaning is that the interview has ended and the interviewer is thanking Dr. Loyd for his time and participation.","questions":"Which city is Dr. Steven Loyd based in?","answer":"Nashville"} {"text":["How hopeful are you that this outbreak can be contained?","Specifically in Uganda, they are very well-prepared. But the way the response is going in the DRC is very concerning. There's a lot of scale-up and better coordination and closely working with the community. There's a lot of armed groups operating in the area. There's a tax on Ebola workers. NGOs are forced to suspend their programming on a regular basis.","And so it's really important that we gain the trust of the community in the DRC, that people make sure they're starting to bring suspected cases into the clinics because we're still seeing a lot of cases in the communities, which shows that people are not trusting the response, and they're not bringing their loved ones into the clinics for treatment. So in order to stop it spreading, we have to stop it in the source, which is in North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo.","Kellie Ryan with the International Rescue Committee in Uganda. We reached her by Skype. Kellie, thanks so much."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : People in the DRC are not trusting the response to the Ebola outbreak and need to start bringing suspected cases into clinics for treatment","questions":"How can the spread of Ebola be stopped in the source?","answer":"trust"} {"text":["The fear is magnified by a third factor, which is uncertainty, and the uncertainty level is enormous right now. We're really at the brink. People don't know - are we entering an inflationary environment or a deflationary environment?We really don't know what's going to happen. And the potential outcomes are so different and so huge in their consequences that there's just an enormous amount of uncertainty, and that magnifies the fear. People say, I don't want to play this game if I don't have any idea where it's going to head.","Haven't there been studies that show that people are more motivated by fear than by the lure of profit or the lure of gain?","Exactly. People are twice as afraid of taking a loss or afraid of the pain of taking a loss as they are of the feel of pleasure of taking a gain. So what you have in the markets is the effect where as stocks drop and people become more and more into negative territory, they're both afraid of taking the pain of a loss but at some point, as they're riding down, they're losing stocks, they capitulate. They finally throw in the towel and say, that's it. This is too much pain. I can't take it anymore. It's one explanation for why bull markets tend to be long and trending while bear markets like this are rapid and short.","So how do we get out of this?How do we get out of this negative feedback loop?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The fear is intensified by the enormous amount of uncertainty.","questions":"How is fear magnified?","answer":"Uncertainty"} {"text":["Lawrence Bartley was 17 when he was convicted of second-degree murder. He spent the next 27 years in New York state prison until he was granted parole last year. Now he's on the staff of the news organization The Marshall Project. He has created a criminal-justice-focused print publication to distribute in prisons around the country. It's called News Inside. Lawrence Bartley, welcome to ALL THINGS CONSIDERED.","Thank you for having me.","Before we dive into the publication, I want to ask about your own story. A year ago, you were in Sing Sing. Now you are in New York City working for a national media organization. What's that been like for you?","It's absolutely mind-blowing, you know?Learning the hustle and bustle of the city and the train system and the technology has been a challenge at first. But I gave my mind towards conquering it, and I was able to do it, you know?And it feels good to be able to find my way around the city in the subway system. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Adjusting to life outside of prison has been a challenge, but he has successfully adapted.","questions":"What has been a challenge for Lawrence Bartley?","answer":"Technology"} {"text":["That's right. We have a very messy, you might even say disorganized, approach to fiscal policy in this country, no question. But the idea of massive additional budget cuts being needed or on anyone's immediate agenda, I think that has completely faded. Our economy is recovering. Our tax revenues are up. The budget spending has been tilted a little bit in terms of its future projections. So I think the U. K. debate will not resonate at this moment in the United States.","Well, what about in Europe, though?","Well, Europe has some other problems, very big problems, recovering from their own sovereign debt crisis. The growth forecast in Europe is still very weak. That's the IMF forecast and the European's own forecast. And now we have this new shadow of potential disruptions to gas supplies from Russia because of the Russia-Ukraine relationship. That's the new wildcard. And if the relationship with Russia gets worse and you get into any kind of tit-for-tat sanctions, it's the Europeans who are vulnerable to some sort of negative impact on their economy much more than, say, the United States.","How does the growth rate in Britain compare to that of the U. S. right now?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The implied meaning in this turn is that the speaker is asking for an opinion on the fiscal policy situation in Europe.","questions":"How does the speaker describe the potential impact of negative relationship with Russia on the European economy?","answer":"Europe"} {"text":["It's only about $3 billion. So compared to the whole Defense Department, which is, you know, 500 or more billion, or NASA, which is around 16 billion, or something.","A couple of big bombers.","Yeah, one and a half B-2 bombers. That's it. I think DARPA should be inspiring to anyone who wants to create innovative things, come up with new ideas, do things that really make a difference, with a relatively small amount of money and resources.","And what stuff do you think, percentage of stuff, that you actually saw going on?What couldn't you see that they wouldn't let you see inside of DARPA?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : DARPA is able to achieve innovative results with limited resources.","questions":"What organization achieves innovative results with limited resources?","answer":"DARPA"} {"text":["That's a separate project and the basic premises for Stratolaunch is that there are satellite customers who are really want a lot of flexibility in launch location. So the rocket can be picked up by a giant aircraft and the launch can occur, I think, almost anywhere on Earth. That's the basic idea with Stratolaunch, or that's the premise. But it's independent from our other activities.","So like going back to the '60s with dropping an X-15 out of the belly of a bomber and shooting it up into space.","Right, right. It doesn't result in a cost-savings, but it does result in increased launch life flexibility.","Mm-hmm. And just - while I have you here for a few here for a few seconds, let's talk a bit about Tesla Motors if you don't mind."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Stratolaunch is similar to dropping X-15 out of a bomber in the 60s.","questions":"How was Stratolaunch compared to the '60s method of launching X-15?","answer":"similar"} {"text":["Did you hear anything from President Obama or Speaker Boehner that screams deal to you?","As is true of so much of life, the great philosopher Yogi Berra said it best: It's deja vu all over again. This problem is what caused the debt crisis last year, with the president and his supporters saying you have to increase tax rates on the wealthy and the House Republicans saying you cannot raise tax rates on the wealthy and you have to close loopholes. If they don't figure out a way around this, we are going to have the same kind of nail-biting fight that we had last year, which resulted basically in them kicking the can and creating the fiscal cliff.","Yeah. Well, do you see room for compromise there. I mean, if you were carving the pie?","Well, here is the problem. The professor who spoke to Ari just before said that if you close loopholes on the wealthy you would collect more tax revenue. That is true. But if you're serious about closing the deficit, that is not enough. It just isn't. It doesn't create enough revenue. And that's where the Democrats have fundamentally been saying if you don't raise rates, then everything else is pointless, because it'll all be on the margins. And that's the problem."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : (2) \"It's deja vu all over again\" - This phrase implies that the situation is similar to the one that occurred last year and is likely to lead to the same result. ","questions":"What did Yogi Berra say about the situation?","answer":"Deja-vu"} {"text":["There was an early and well-organized campaign of civil disobedience on the streetcars by forcing their way nonviolently onto streetcars and hanging onto their seats until conductors or police officers bodily threw them off.","Octavius Catto must have been an extraordinarily compelling personality.","You know, we like to say he's one of the few historic figures who has been likened to both Martin Luther King and George Steinbrenner. He was part of a generation of young men and women of color who had been raised by parents who had been denied the right to a schoolhouse. And yet, by the time Octavius Catto was 12 or 14 or 15 years old, he'd gotten a terrific education because his father was going to get that for his kid by hook or crook. And so along comes Catto and other men and women like him, by civil war time, came to adulthood believing that they could change the world.","And I have to ask about the baseball team."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Octavius Catto must have been an extraordinarily compelling personality. Implicated meaning: The statement suggests that Octavius Catto possessed exceptional charisma or persuasive qualities that made him stand out. It implies that his personality had a significant impact on others and likely garnered attention and admiration.","questions":"Which word best describes Octavius Catto's personality according to PersonB's statement?","answer":"Extraordinarily"} {"text":["When a friend of mine pointed out that her daughter was being targeted by boys at school using a lot of these kinds of memes and words that they were learning from these extremists, I was devastated. And she told me her daughter was getting images of guns in her direct messages and, you're a feminazi and feminazis are - should be eliminated from this Earth. And to a 13-year-old girl, it's really scary.","As a writer, have you figured out why some people find this stuff appealing?","Yeah. I think there's a vulnerable group of boys, and even men, in society that - and I don't know who the forces are online. I don't know if it's malevolent media or just vloggers that want more views, but they've learned that they can target these men and boys. With men, I learned it's a lot of men who are male survivors of sexual assault or men who've been disenfranchised from their economic opportunities, divorced men. These communities target those men and their willingness to believe that society is out to get white men, their willingness to believe that women are all money-grabbing social climbers.","And with boys, I do think neurodivergent boys are being targeted, kids who may have learning difficulties, kids who have - are on the autism spectrum. But it's not just those boys. I think at this age, they're trying to figure out where they fit. They're insecure. They feel like girls have it all. Girls are happy and pretty, and white men are the enemies. And so these right-wing groups are tapping into that shame and feeding it to try and propagandize to them."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The only thing that women wants is money and status in society.","questions":"What is the reason behind the targeting of male survivors of sexual assault and divorced men by these communities?","answer":"Belief"} {"text":["You know, Renee, this was the week Kamala Harris found out what happens when a candidate breaks out in a debate and gets in the face of the frontrunner. You get a bump in the polls, but it comes with a lot of attention, much of it critical. And people take a longer look at your own positions on, say, busing and other issues as well. And we also saw headlines about how she and her husband made their money. We see folks on Twitter questioning her racial origins, which, by the way, caused her rival candidates to rally around in her defense, including Joe Biden.","And what about Joe Biden?He's trying to recover ground lost in those debates.","He's been doing television interviews and trying to talk about his sort of multipart position on busing over the years, and talk about his endorsements from African Americans who are local and state officials in key states. It's very early. The field is shifting. And if Biden can ride his ship in time for the debates at the end of this month, he'll still be the one the other candidates are coming after.","NPR senior editor and correspondent Ron Elving, thanks for joining us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Is Joe Biden trying to recover the support he had and lost in the debates.","questions":"What is the reason for the attention Kamala Harris receives after breaking out in a debate?","answer":"Bump"} {"text":["I think it does make a difference. Different presidents, Lyndon Johnson and Carter, did a great deal in adding blacks to the - at least, district court bench, not as much on the appellate courts. So, I think it is a little easier. You have one man. If he is dedicated to the idea of having a diverse judiciary, and they're lifetime appointments, you're Article Three judges, so you do have a better chance.","On the state level, it tends to be so local with local prejudices and wants. In Ohio, we were talking about, there's a name game going on. Seats constantly being taken by guys with the same name. And a lot of people, in elected places, don't know who the judges are.","When you have 40 judges on the common pleas court bench, the odds that you don't know who they are, what they represent because they can't say anything really profound in their campaigning other then I will be fair and impartial, you don't know about their background. It's a difficult thing to do.","All of this said, given your experience, what do you think that some African-American judges can bring, first of all, in the courtroom, dealing with people who are accused of crimes, but secondly, among their colleagues."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"there's a name game going on\" - Literal meaning: a game related to names. Actual meaning: Judges are being appointed based on their names rather than their qualifications.","questions":"Which game is going on in Ohio?","answer":"names"} {"text":["But well. . .","If you go through the list of Obama people, the top four, five, six people had not just worked in presidential campaigns before, but they worked in that critical area which gets very little attention, but is absolutely essential, and that's called field operations. It means going into states, setting up shop, organizing, getting people door knocking, getting people calling and getting delegate victories.","These people knew how to win campaigns on a local level. Importantly, very significant figures had a lot of experience in Iowa. He set his sights on winning Iowa very early.","What I found fascinating in doing this reporting is that both campaigns had the same Plan A. The Plan A was, win the first four states, attain a political victory, and not be out of personnel."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Field operations\" - The literal meaning of field operations is the management and execution of tasks in a specific area, such as farming or construction. However, in this context, it refers to the essential campaign strategy of setting up operations in states, organizing volunteers, and winning delegate victories.","questions":"How did the top Obama people win delegate victories?","answer":"Experience"} {"text":["(Laughter).","But - so in any event, do you really want to put yourself on the side of people that cut even 3 percent from the Meals on Wheels budget?","Well, from a political standpoint, you're right. But this is the problem for whatever the not-left-of-center crew is, now that it's gotten so diverse in the era of Trump is - who's going to talk about how it works?Back to repealing Obamacare, there is a method going forward that works. It involves using tax credits to let people shop. And their choices drive down prices and create more products that they want to buy. But no one's talk about that because you're trapped in this Trump gravitational conversational field.","Well, we'll have you back. We have to cut the conversation short. Michael Graham is podcast editor for The Weekly Standard."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Actual meaning: B is challenging A's position and implying that it is morally questionable. Literal meaning: B is asking A if they want to align themselves with people who cut 3 percent from the Meals on Wheels budget.","questions":"How does PersonB challenge PersonA's position on budget cuts?","answer":"Morally"} {"text":["But also, at the moment, there is a decided sense of panic and loss of confidence in the financial system itself, which is actually exacerbating the situation. The scariest thing that's going on at the moment is, essentially, there's a run on the whole of the Western world's banking systems. It's a behind-the-scenes run, but it's a run nonetheless. And this is why you're seeing some extraordinary action by central banks, essentially because they are now the only people in the - around who are willing to fund or finance the banking sector.","If there's a loss of faith in leadership in the U. S. and Europe, where do you look for world financial leadership now?","Well, I think the interesting thing is, the normal thing - place you would look would be to the finance ministers and the central bank governors of the world and seek to see whether they can come up with some sort of plan or some sort of coordinated action. Everyone is gathering together later this week in Washington on Friday and at the weekend.","And so this is a real test. I don't think they necessarily want it to be a test, but I'm sure it will be seen as a test to see whether the authorities can do more than look at how to stop this happening again in the long term, which is one of things, actually, they were intending the meeting to be about, but actually to try and stop the panic."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The authorities are trying to stop the panic and the meeting is a test to see if they can do more than just plan for the long term.","questions":"Which is the goal of the meeting in Washington?","answer":"Stop"} {"text":["And obviously, Florida is a very important state. It's no coincidence he's kicking off his campaign there. Where else do you expect to see President Trump in the months ahead?","So he'll be back in Florida; we know that for sure. It's a key state in that he isn't president without winning Florida, and he needs it for re-election. But you can also expect to see him in those other states that he won very narrowly in the upper Midwest - Wisconsin, Michigan. And the campaign is stretching. They want insurance. And at this point, they have money. They've been fundraising since Inauguration Day. And they are stretching, trying to reach into states you wouldn't expect, like Minnesota or even New Mexico and New Hampshire, which Hillary Clinton won last time around.","That's NPR White House correspondent Tamara Keith at President Trump's rally in Orlando, Fla. Thanks, Tam.","You're welcome."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : President Trump's campaign is targeting swing states and expanding beyond the states he won in 2016","questions":"What is President Trump's campaign targeting?","answer":"States"} {"text":["\"My first awareness of homosexuality was followed by reading James Baldwin. No reference was made to this, which I think in the context of this program would have been a reference for listeners. I appreciate some of the discussion, however a little historical perspective helps us better understand the present. \"","And finally, we got a letter about our sports blogger segment. Last week they talked about Tiger Wood's win in the U. S. Open despite a leg injury. Tiger is now taking some time off the green. Lyn Porter (ph) in Lenni, Pennsylvania wrote us this. \"I just wanted to disagree with the comment that people who watch golf are really tuning in to see Tiger Woods. All three of us here who watch golf regularly comment that we want to see someone else have a chance to win. I think it will be interesting to see golf without Tiger. I enjoy his play and hope he recovers quickly, but I would like a little variety. \"","And that's it for letters. Thank you for writing and please keep your comments coming.","To write us just log on to npr. org and click on Contact Us. When you get there, you'll see lots of shows to choose from. Make sure you pick News & Notes when you write to us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : A thinks that listeners should have been informed about James Baldwin's homosexuality in the program to understand the context better.","questions":"Which author's name is mentioned by PersonA in the dialogue?","answer":"James"} {"text":["But I'm sure that there's something else that you want to share with us. You have your poems about California, poems about the blues.","I've got one. The once called \"Who I Am in Twilight. \"And it's a poem that is actually emblazoned on the sidewalk. And it's set in stone, as it were, on something called \"Poetry Walk\" in Berkeley, California. They put down on sidewalk, Addison Street, about a hundred poets', I think, work. So it's fun to go over there and see how posterity works, because always somebody has dropped some pizza on it, mashed out a cigarette on it, or something like that.","So don't live for posterity, live for now. But here it is. \"Who I am in Twilight. \"","Like John Lee Hooker, like Lightnin' Hopkins, like the blues himself. The Trickster Sonnet, hoedown, the tango, the cante jondo. Like blessed spirituals and ragas, custom-made. Like sagas. Like stories. Like slick, slow, sly, soliloquies sliding into dramas. Like crime and punishment. Like death and birth. Canal Street, New Orleans. Like the easy, erasable, troubled voices a whirling ceiling fan makes in deep summer nights in hot, un-heavenly hotels. Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee. Like the Mississippi River so deep and wide, you couldn't get a letter to the other side. Like Grand Canyon. Like Yosemite National Park. Like beans and cornbread. Like rest and recreation. Like love and like. I know we last. I know our bleeding stops."],"speaker":["B","A","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : It's important to live in the moment rather than for posterity.","questions":"What is the name of the poem mentioned by A?","answer":"Twilight"} {"text":["Today, Turkey formally requested NATO to deploy Patriot missiles on the border with Syria. And while the new anti-government coalition wins friends in foreign capitals, it gets a mixed reception from rebel groups inside Syria. NPR correspondent Deborah Amos joins us now by Skype from southern Turkey. And Deborah, always good to talk with you.","Thank you, Neal. Glad to be here.","And some European nations are already considering Turkey's Patriot missile request. If fulfilled, will that effectively establish a no-fly zone over parts of - over northern Syria?","NATO officials are downplaying the no-fly zone aspect of this. But there is no doubt that if there are Patriot missiles on the border, the Syrian air force will think twice about bombing any city close to that border. That is already happening on this - on the Turkish border. There are towns now that are under the umbrella of Turkey."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Fulfilling Turkey's request for Patriot missiles may establish a no-fly zone over northern Syria, but NATO officials are downplaying it.","questions":"Which aspect of Turkey's Patriot missile request are NATO officials downplaying?","answer":"no-fly"} {"text":["Now, in both the Enron case and the Madoff situation, they're very different in some ways, but they both benefited at least for a time from the fact that a lot of people don't understand finance, and it's very difficult to understand. What do you think people need to do who are not financiers to understand why is it important to even understand the issue of finance, white-collar crime, and all of this?","White-collar crime matters because it affects all of us. Even if you happen to be a blue-collar person, you undoubtedly get affected one way or another - your investments, your company, your suppliers, your neighbors. Everyone gets affected by serious white-collar crime, and the old joke is, right, you walk into a bank with a gun, steal $50,000, they send you away for 10 years. You steal $50 million in some sort of white-collar crime thing, and you get, you know, five minutes and a warning from the judge.","I mean, that's an exaggeration. But that's the kind of thing that for years has annoyed people, including me. And somehow the - because there's been now so much of the stuff has surfaced, and there's such conscientiousness about it and in the case of Madoff largely because he scammed people that members of the media know. So you get really angry when your friends go down. I mean, I don't have any friends who were in there, but a lot of people in my business. . .","Right."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : my business, speaker does not an actual business, but means his line or work","questions":"How does the speaker refer to his occupation in turn 2?","answer":"line"} {"text":["I know as far as me in the glamour I always go back to self-responsibility. It really does have to start with the person. They have to make a choice to want to get educated about HIV, and learn about it. And I really think that people should realize that it's a 100 percent - 100 percent preventable disease. It's a disease you don't have to get. It is something you have to acquire. So, I really want people, you know, to get that in their head. Like, quit blaming, you know, the media, or rap videos, or you know, school systems. It really has to start with you.","If you had to describe in one word what keeps you going when you're down, what would it be?","Life. You know, just me. I'm my own motivation, I'm my own role model, you know, I love me, and I'm very happy, you know, that HIV presented itself in my life. You know, a lot of people would regret it or whatever, but it really taught me self-love, self-acceptance, and self-responsibility. And that's the best thing I could possibly ask for.","Well, Marvelyn, thank you."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : HIV is preventable, but it requires individuals to take responsibility for educating themselves about the disease.","questions":"What disease is 100 percent preventable?","answer":"HIV"} {"text":["Of course. First of all, we created a group of specialized prosecutor and specialized law enforcement agencies, so we try to look at this unique phenomenon as a criminal network behind this. For this reason, we - first of all, we interview immediately the migrants when they arrive here in Palermo, in Sicily, Lampedusa and many of the towns that we are competent on - to get the material that we can use for the follow-up to our investigation - telephone numbers, identification, social network account - everything that we can use later.","And we build a trip, the route with the statements of the survivors of these terrible tragedies. But also, we had the corroboration of what we heard during our investigation directly from the traffickers operating in Africa - in Libya and Sudan - and also in Italy and in northern Europe.","Mr. Ferrara, compared to La Cosa Nostra, are the smugglers well-organized?Are they - are they rich?","We are talking about a very structured criminal group. We are not talking about people that just put people in a boat and send them here. But we are talking really about criminal groups, very, very structured and very, very organized."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : implies that the investigators used information from the traffickers to further investigate the route of the people who survived the tragedies.","questions":"Which group provided corroboration for the investigation?","answer":"Traffickers"} {"text":["No, I'm glad to include them. Is it possible Italy will leave the eurozone, or is that just talk?","It's just talk. It's impossible. Do you remember the Eagles?This one I'm not getting that wrong because the Eagles is as important - \"Hotel California. \"","Sure.","You can always check out, but you can never leave. That's it."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : You can never truly escape the influence of the Eagles' music","questions":"Which band is being referenced in turn 3?","answer":"Eagles"} {"text":["So after more than a week of protesting, it seems like you may be about to get what you've been asking for. There's a deal to sell the mine and money set aside to pay back wages. Does that mean you're heading home?","No. It's a step in the right direction. What's been set aside is like probably around 35, 40% of back wages on that. And they decided that they won't stay until we've been fully reimbursed.","The deal has set aside about $450,000 of an estimated 2 1\/2 million that are owed to the miners.","Right. Right. That's the deal. That's Kopper Glo stepping up.","You know, some local officials have said you're actually depriving yourselves of money by blocking the tracks because you are blocking coal that would otherwise get sold. What do you say to that?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The amount set aside for wages is insufficient.","questions":"Which aspect of the deal was insufficient?","answer":"Amount"} {"text":["I think that they're at peace with it now. And we're at peace with each other. But that took - you know, that took a lot of time.","So we've already talked a bit about how the cello is this character in your life. And I want to talk about how it functions throughout this album. Let's listen to the song \"Poor Fake. \"","(Singing) Don't matter where you are, it'll catch right up to you. You can try to resist the feeling, set the canvas in my blues.","So cello, you know, it isn't an instrument I think of playing a huge role in pop songs. But it does play a huge role in this song and throughout other songs on the album."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The cello plays a significant role in the album.","questions":"What instrument is highlighted in \"Poor Fake\"?","answer":"Cello"} {"text":["So Iran, I think, is going to respond to what it sees as its advantage. If the Trump administration were prepared to say we're going to remove a good part of the sanctions on Iran if you will sit down at the table, I think Iran would probably take that very seriously. The Trump administration, because of its opposition to the nuclear deal, created a crisis that really wasn't necessary.","And it could get worse. There is a real chance of misperception and misunderstanding that leads to military conflict. And I think this is something that nobody wants.","That's Gary Sick. He's a senior research scholar at Columbia University's Middle East Institute. Mr. Sick, thank you so much for talking to us.","It was a pleasure."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : If the Trump administration offers to remove some of the sanctions on Iran, Iran would be willing to negotiate.","questions":"How would Iran respond if the Trump administration were willing to remove some of the sanctions?","answer":"Negotiate"} {"text":["So Iran, I think, is going to respond to what it sees as its advantage. If the Trump administration were prepared to say we're going to remove a good part of the sanctions on Iran if you will sit down at the table, I think Iran would probably take that very seriously. The Trump administration, because of its opposition to the nuclear deal, created a crisis that really wasn't necessary.","And it could get worse. There is a real chance of misperception and misunderstanding that leads to military conflict. And I think this is something that nobody wants.","That's Gary Sick. He's a senior research scholar at Columbia University's Middle East Institute. Mr. Sick, thank you so much for talking to us.","It was a pleasure."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The situation between Iran and the US may lead to a military conflict, which nobody wants.","questions":"Which country could Iran respond to if the Trump administration removed sanctions?","answer":"Iran"} {"text":["Mm-hmm. Some of the stories seem to have sort of a moral to them, like the one - mysterious one I'm going to call the rectum in a jar.","Yeah, this is the case of the rectum of the Bishop of Durham. If you go to London and you visit the Hunterian Museum, it's a wonderful, wonderful - one - in fact, one of the world's few remaining big medical museums. It's part of The Royal College of Surgeons of England. If you go and visit it, on display on the main floor inside a jar is something they call object RCSHC\/P192. The label identifies it as being the preserved rectum of the Bishop of Durham, and we're talking about Thomas Thurlow, who was born in 1737, died in 1791. Would you like to hear the story of why it's in a jar in London on display?","With that kind of teaser, how could I not?","OK. The - that particular Bishop of Durham was a rich and powerful man. And he came down with some ailments and called in one of the celebrated doctors of the day, John Hunter, a man who, years later, went on to found this museum. Dr. Hunter examined him and told him he had an incurable disease and that it was bad news. The bishop did not want to accept this news, so he was very insulting to this doctor and instead went and insult - and consulted a cattle doctor who gave him some kind of nostrum."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The story titled 'rectum in a jar' has a moral to it","questions":"Which Bishop's preserved rectum is on display in the Hunterian Museum in London?","answer":"Bishop"} {"text":["Well, I think the Senate has this advise and consent role. They have a constitutional duty to vet judges. The way that's principally done is by asking hard questions about how judges think about the law. There's a lot of yardage between saying, how are you going to rule in that DACA case?That would be inappropriate. There's something entirely different about saying, I'm trying to get a sense of how you think about your job and how you think about doctrines. So tell me a little bit about cases, particularly cases that are kind of set in amber.","If cases like Brown v. Board are set in amber, what's the value of even asking the question?","Well, that is the right question. And I think there's a cynical answer, which is, look; it's just performance art, right?I think it's probably worth the caveat that if that's the case, if this was just always what we did, then there's some signaling - an important signaling - when you suddenly decline to do it.","Do you have any reason that any of these nominees that have evaded the question of Brown v. Board being correctly decided - do you have any reason to believe that they would be in support of overturning Brown v. Board?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The actual meaning of the turn in (3) is that if the Senate only performs a ritual of asking hard questions without any intention to actually vet the judges, then declining to do that ritual is an important signal.","questions":"Which turn highlights the importance of declining to perform the ritual of asking hard questions if it is just a performance art?","answer":"Turn2"} {"text":["The FBI does criminal investigations better than anybody. But again, at some point in time, if you've got a stovepipe there, where the two agencies aren't talking to each other, either in Washington or on the ground you've got a real problem. And there's not an excuse for it, 13, well, 12 years now after 9\/11. You know, this is - supposedly should not be rocket science but somehow it becomes that.","And to solve it, is this executive order or is this something Congress has to get involved with?","Well, this is where, you know, the interagency problem gets to be really challenging because, you know, if you look at the Constitution, every head of agency, you know, if the guy on the ground goes all the way up to his head of agency, they only report to the president. So obviously it's got to be something that the executive authority does, and he has got to delegate that authority if he is not willing to sit there and handle every crisis that comes down the pike. He has got to delegate it to somebody on the ground who can say do this thing. I don't care, you know, I don't want you talking to your agency back home. You're working for me, do it. And. . .","Gary Anderson?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : the implied meaning of stovepipe is that there's a lack of communication between the departments.","questions":"How does PersonA describe the problem between agencies?","answer":"Communication"} {"text":["The so-called Energy Climate Czar, I think people are calling it. I suppose if we have a car czar, we have to have a climate czar. This is supposedly going to be Carol Browner, who was the head of EPA in both Clinton administrations, actually, I think probably the longest serving EPA director.","She's a lawyer. She used to work with Al Gore in the Senate. She has earned herself quite a reputation when she was working for President Clinton as a tough regulator, someone who defended the Clean Air Act vigorously against lawsuits brought by industry questioning some of the scope of the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act. So she comes with, again, quite a lot of green credentials and reputation for being very savvy on how Washington works.","And finally, Chris, can you tell us a bit about who is going to head up Mr. Obama's EPA?","Again, the name that's being bandied about quite a bit about is a woman named Lisa Jackson. She is a chemical engineer, and she is working currently as the environment - she started working as the environment head for the state of New Jersey in 2006. And again, she also worked at EPA during the Clinton years, so we've got a couple of people here who were Clinton executives and environmental movers and shakers during the Clinton administration."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Carol Browner and Lisa Jackson are experienced environmentalists with strong backgrounds in regulation and policy.","questions":"What is one common factor between Carol Browner and Lisa Jackson's previous work experience?","answer":"Clinton"} {"text":["It's definitely been a massive industry for Georgia in the last 10 years because about a decade ago is when they instituted these new, very generous, lucrative tax incentives which gives productions up to 30% back depending on how much they spend and whether they're willing to put a Georgia peach logo in their credits and that sort of thing. But it's really significant money back for these major studios in Hollywood.","And what has it gotten back?","There was a record 455 films and television productions that were shot in Georgia in the last fiscal year. And they represented a $2. 7, you know, billion in direct spending, which they estimate brings in $9. 5 billion in total economic impact. So these numbers are really huge. And they have been a huge destination for feature films, and not just any sort of feature films, expensive blockbusters, the biggest of those being Marvel's \"Avengers\" movies, which shot at Pinewood Studios in Atlanta, which is a big production facility.","As we mentioned, studios and media companies have sent some warning signals. How likely, though, is an actual boycott?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The tax incentives have made Georgia a popular location for filming.","questions":"Which industry has seen significant growth in Georgia due to tax incentives?","answer":"Film"} {"text":["A young upstart reporter at a national news network, a political newcomer fresh from Hollywood, his opponent - a female senator firmly rooted in the establishment, a ratings-obsessed media mogul - does any of this sound familiar to you yet?Amazingly, Alisyn Camerota, a veteran news anchor and host of CNN's morning show \"New Day,\" started writing her new novel years ago. And now the book \"Amanda Wakes Up\" seems like a crystal ball. Alisyn Camerota joins me from our studios in New York. Welcome to the program.","Thank you, Lulu. Great to be with you.","So are you psychic?(Laughter).","Well, there were many times, many times in the writing of this that my agent editor and I thought I was. But I think, what it turns out, is that there are some perennial favorite themes in politics and in presidential races. And I hit on them because you can predict with some certainty what will come back around."],"speaker":["B","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"fresh from Hollywood\" - This turn of phrase is used figuratively to describe someone who is new to politics and has no previous political experience. It does not mean that the person actually came from Hollywood.","questions":"How is the phrase \"fresh from Hollywood\" used in the dialogue?","answer":"Figuratively"} {"text":["And as we look ahead, these issues are going to be more and more significant, at least that's what the climate scientists tell us. How did it change to get it - make it more of a priority in people's opinions and in politics?","You know, there are various models of social change. One is the - what I call the Pearl Harbor model, where you have an event that changes everything. Sometimes its pressure is gradually building, an awareness building. I call that the Berlin Wall model where things keep building until - in the case of the Berlin Wall, it went down. And sometimes it's difficult to see those tipping points before you reach them. Almost by definition, tipping points are difficult to project and identify.","But my own sense says that we are moving toward a tipping point on the climate issue, and it's going to take a few more droughts like the one in the summer of 2012, an intense heat that greatly reduced the U. S. grain harvest. I think it reduced the corn harvest by close to 30 percent. Or storms unlike anything we've seen before. And then we'll begin to, at some point, realize that climate change is for real. That it's dangerous and it's costly and we need to be doing something about it.","Yet, you'd like to think that we could arrive at these kinds of decisions on a rational basis. Don't need a tremendous crisis to focus our attention."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Climate change is real, dangerous, and costly. We need to take action.","questions":"Which issue needs more attention according to the climate scientists?","answer":"Climate"} {"text":["Is racism a problem at the Air Force Academy?","Racism is not a problem at the Air Force Academy. Somebody that decided to put hateful speech and someone that clearly is thinking small and someone that does not embrace our values as an Air Force Academy or as the United States Air Force decided to write something on a message board. And writing something on a message board is not going to take away our values or threaten our institution.","General, may I ask, without giving away anything you've discovered, do you know who wrote those messages?","We do not know who wrote those. The investigation is ongoing. We are fairly certain at this point based on handwriting that one person did write on the boards, but the investigation continues right now as we speak."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The Air Force Academy is committed to its core values and will not tolerate any form of racism or hateful speech.","questions":"What type of speech will the Air Force Academy not tolerate?","answer":"Hateful"} {"text":["We have what are called the three amigos. And the three amigos are Secretary Perry, again, Ambassador Volker and myself. And we've been tasked with sort of overseeing the Ukraine-U. S. relationship.","ORDO\u00d1EZ: And mind you that all this is happening even as Trump and his officials are in the process of ousting the U. S. ambassador to the Ukraine, who Trump recently called bad news.","What kind of reputation has Sondland built during his brief time as a diplomat?","ORDO\u00d1EZ: You know, in some ways, Sondland is kind of like Trump. He's a businessman. He made his name in the hotel industry. People I spoke to said he has kind of a similar brash personality - a wheeler, a dealer, someone with a lot of confidence. He's kind of a larger-than-life character. When he hosted an Independence Day celebration in Brussels, he actually brought in Jay Leno as entertainment."],"speaker":["A","A","B","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Trump said the person is bad at their job and causes trouble to others.","questions":"Which ambassador did Trump call \"bad news\"?","answer":"Ukraine"} {"text":["So I - you either roll your eyes or you laugh at what politicians will do in support of their most fundamental instincts, which as I said is to preserve their own political viability.","It strikes me as not being all that different from what the Chinese badminton team did to try to get a better opponents in the next round.","Well, except there's one difference, right?The badminton team got thrown out of the Olympics. And in this one, if it works, you get elected to the U. S. Senate.","It's also interesting, Senator McCaskill has said previously she's going to be much too busy campaigning to go to the Democratic National Convention to be photographed, presumably, with President Obama. She doesn't want to do that. I would think, now, congressman Akin may find himself much too busy to go to Tampa."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : roll your eyes implies to ignore or pretend nothing happens and not rolling the eyes on the ground ","questions":"What does \"roll your eyes\" mean?","answer":"Ignore"} {"text":["Well, crown-of-thorn starfish are found across much of the Pacific Ocean and Indian Oceans. They are - they're about dinner-plate size, multiple arms, have little thorn-like spines coming out of them. They're also quite venomous. So the last thing you want to do is touch one and have it prick you, and it can cause paralysis.","But the important part for the corals is that these things are wonderful eating machines. They move slowly across the reef. They actually invert their stomach onto the corals and dissolve the coral tissue, you know, digesting it as they go. And they leave (technical difficulties) white behind them as they move forward.","So they're like little bulldozers.","Yeah, it's sort of like bulldozers. It's almost more like having a wave of people with flamethrowers going through the brush. You know, the coral physically is left behind, but it's all dead."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Crown-of-thorn starfish eat coral and leave it dead behind","questions":"What do crown-of-thorn starfish leave behind after they eat coral?","answer":"Dead"} {"text":["Thanks for allowing me to be on your show.","You didn't have kind words for Donald Trump in that interview, but why did you think Democrats who want to impeach him are misguided?","I've sat through impeachment. I understand that it's not a walk in the park. It takes a supermajority to impeach a president, and it's just not going to happen. And I think that we would be better off focusing on health care, the huge, huge amounts of money in politics that is ruining the body politic, climate change, which is sweeping the world.","So what I think you're saying is you need to - the Democrats have to have another message that isn't solely about removing the president."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Democrats should focus on other important issues like healthcare, money in politics, and climate change rather than impeaching Trump.","questions":"Which issues does \"A\" think Democrats should focus on instead of impeaching Trump?","answer":"Healthcare,Money,Climate"} {"text":["The Staples Singers, Booker T and the MGs, Isaac Hayes and more - but the Stax tale isn't just one of another record company that became an international sensation. It's a story of tragedy - business and personal. But most importantly, it's a tale that features racial harmony in a city with a troubled racial history. In the late '50s and early '60s, Memphis, Tennessee was a city divided.","It was a city that you might say had hate pulsing through its veins.","That's author Robert Gordon. He lives in Memphis. His new book is \"Respect Yourself: Stax Records and the Soul Explosion. \"But Stax didn't start as an explosion of soul. The owners of Stax Records, Jim Stewart and Estelle Axton, set out to do something very different.","They were two white siblings. Jim was a white country fiddle player. You just wouldn't believe how far black music was from their minds at the time."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"an explosion of soul\" - The literal meaning of this turn is that there was a sudden and powerful growth of soul music. The figurative meaning is that Stax Records played a major role in popularizing soul music and creating a cultural movement around it.","questions":"What did the owners of Stax Records set out to do?","answer":"Different"} {"text":["You have to remember that this issue of sexual abuse has almost been, you know, an unspoken thing in British society. And really we don't have many tools for it. There are no public information campaigns, sex education is pretty poor, we don't have the tools available. We probably can't arrest our way out of this problem as one, you know, expert told me. We just have refused as a society to take it seriously, and we're surprised because when we look, we find.","Recognizing that there's a sanctified legal process that has to proceed, has anyone been disciplined for what sounds like pretty gross abuse and neglect?","No. And that is a big problem. The Council officials are saying there's not enough evidence or there's not a finger of blame being pointed at any individuals and no individual should resign - its collective. I mean, this is part of the problem of this process is that we don't actually have anybody taking the fall, taking the rap. And, you know, they've put themselves in positions where they're not liable to know the facts. The consequences of that just build up through the years. But you started off with 90 kids in this situation, you ended up with 1,400 kids being left to, you know, the worst kind of abuse.","Randeep Ramesh, who is social affairs editor for The Guardian newspaper. Thanks very much for speaking with us."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"No individual should resign - it's collective\" - The turn means that the problem lies with the collective system, and no one individual can be solely held responsible. The literal meaning of the sentence would be that no one should resign from their position.","questions":"How was the responsibility for the problem of sexual abuse described in the dialogue?","answer":"Collective"} {"text":["Right.","It's untrustworthy. It's greasy. But that's a stereotype of Chinese restaurants and Asian food that reflects a lot of stereotypes about the people as well, that they're untrustworthy, that they're dirty, that you don't know if they're going to sneak dog meat into your meal, right?That sort of thing.","Exactly. And also, a lot of those stereotypes about Chinese food that we're talking about are about Americanized Chinese food. You know, like, that it's greasy or overly sweet. We're talking about dishes like lo mein, kung pao chicken, sweet and sour pork. That's not real Chinese food.","Yeah. I mean, it's food that was adapted by the people who started these restaurants, these working class Chinese immigrants, to fit the market they were in, right?When you think about Joyce Chen, for instance, who was this historic really important figure in Chinese-American cuisine, she brought Northern Chinese food to Boston, to New England. And she was often called the Julia Child of Chinese food. She called dumplings Peking ravioli to fit the market. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : she is often called the julia child means that she is the most famous chef","questions":"Which figure in Chinese-American cuisine was known as the Julia Child of Chinese food?","answer":"JoyceChen"} {"text":["You know, one of the things - you know, getting back to your book, \"The National Team\" - one of the things that your book makes clear and what some people frankly might find shocking is just how early these issues started for women's soccer. I mean, there's something almost like on every other page about this. I'll just read one one paragraph. (Reading) While each player on the men's team got a $10,000 bonus for qualifying for the 1990 World Cup, the women received only a couple of T-shirts for qualifying for the 1991 Women's World Cup. The shirts featured the logo of Budweiser, a U. S. Soccer sponsor. The players sarcastically call them their $5,000 T-shirts.","(Laughter).","OK. I just, you know - how has this been justified through the years?","You have to admire the sense of humor that the players had about it. You know, I think it would be unfair to sit here and say that it hasn't improved. But U. S. Soccer - the women's national team started in 1985. The players were given uniforms that were clearly, like, leftover men's uniforms. And?The players before the first ever U. S. Women's National Team game were up the night before sewing and cutting their uniforms so they would fit."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The female players were not given proper uniforms, showing the lack of resources and support for the female national team.","questions":"What was the bonus given to the female players for qualifying the 1991 Women's World Cup?","answer":"None"} {"text":["Really.","But they removed like some G - from what I understand, you can't like ping it for like GPS location. So I believe GPS types of tracking or chips have been removed out of it. So I think it is a stripped down and highly secure BlackBerry.","One of the things and you mentioned this earlier, Mario, that the president wants to do - he wants to put everybody on the Internet who wants access to it, and he's trying to expand it into rural areas.","I'm sorry."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : stripped down in this context means that some extra things the product could have were taken away, likely to keep it cheaper for consumer purposes.","questions":"How was the BlackBerry modified?","answer":"Modified"} {"text":[". . . Entities. . .","Correct.",". . . Like - nongovernmental groups like terrorist organizations.","Yeah, the terrorist organizations or. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Specifically mentioning terrorist organizations as an example of non-governmental entities","questions":"How did PersonA respond to PersonB's mention of non-governmental groups?","answer":"Yeah"} {"text":["I gather there were women who asked you for medical help.","Yes. So some of the women who had been raped asked to know if they were pregnant. One of the most heartbreaking things I would have to do would be to confirm for women that they were, indeed, pregnant as a result of rape. Some of them were requesting testing for sexually transmitted infections, which we couldn't do on the boat, but we helped to arrange in Italy once we arrived there.","One of the things I say about my Doctors Without Borders work is that I often come across the best of humanity, but I also come across the worst of humanity. And these women, especially, told me of things that had happened to them that it never occurred to me that humans could do that to one another.","All right, Dr. Giles, you have at least a few ears in America right now. What do we need to hear?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"I often come across the best of humanity, but I also come across the worst of humanity.\" This turn uses the figurative language of \"the best\" and \"the worst\" of humanity, which refers to the admirable actions and the despicable actions of people, respectively. It does not mean that the speaker encounters people who are entirely good or entirely bad.","questions":"Which figurative language does turn 2 use?","answer":"Figurative"} {"text":["It goes into the ecosystem, and it will be assimilated most likely based on past history. What is actually overflows is more dilute than what it would have been without the rain. And then with everything else that's coming down the river, it will get assimilated into the ecosystem one way or another. In a case like this where there's the major flooding, most of the nutrients are going to get carried on out into the ocean.","Why in this day and age are there still hog lagoons and we haven't come up with a better way?","There are better ways. It's just that they're expensive ways. And from a farming standpoint, the margins are typically slim. And so it's just - there's - lagoons are still an effective method for waste treatment and fairly resilient. You know, some of the new systems that have been evaluated were highly mechanical systems, high energy requirements. And so, you know, during a storm event or where there's electricity is off for several days, those systems aren't going to work at all. And so you're still going to have a potential for release of wastewater.","Yeah. Mr. Rice, I found myself very affected this week to read that amidst all the devastation and suffering of many people through Hurricane Florence, according to reports, about 5,500 pigs died during the storm."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The overflow will not cause harm to the ecosystem.","questions":"How will the overflow affect the ecosystem?","answer":"assimilation"} {"text":["Our unlikely shrew story comes from his new book, \"This is Improbable: Cheese String Theory, Magnetic Chickens and Other WTF Research,\" where he's collected all sorts of scientific studies you can't take seriously but you can't dismiss either. Welcome back to SCIENCE FRIDAY, Marc.","Hi, Ira. Did I just hear you say the Animals of Improbable Research?","Did I say?I don't think I did. But maybe I did. I'd be happy to have - put that in there.","OK. We, believe it or not, get a lot of letters addressed to that."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Asking if the Animals of Improbable Research were mentioned even though they were not explicitly mentioned.","questions":"How did PersonA respond to the mention of Animals of Improbable Research?","answer":"accepting"} {"text":["Who happens to be black.","You know.","And happens to be benched right now.","Happens to be benched. What do you make of this?I think Vince's issues I think are quite different from Tarvaris. I think there was a lot of pressure on Vince from the time he came out of Texas to kind of be the black Johnny Unitas, and he's going to - they'll both have an opportunity to sit and watch, and hopefully come back with a vengeance.","One really quick other black quarterback not in the league at the moment, in Atlanta, Michael Vick. Is Matt Ryan, the replacement, making Atlanta Falcon fans forget Michael Vick?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : The person being black is relevant to the conversation","questions":"How is the person being discussed identified?","answer":"black"} {"text":["And what that piece was about, the previous show was about immigration. It was called, Immigration Stories. And the idea that we are all exiting our countries now by any means necessary, by boat, by train, by plane. And the Golden Ticket was the name of that piece, and I found an old Mexican airplane at a Mexican flea market, and I had it redone in gold leaf paint. And it's literally covered in black and brown babies.","In the sense of, I used babies because of the innocence that we think we're going to this golden place where life will be better. And when it's mounted, they're hanging out of the doors, it's just littered. And the runway is the old middle passage of all the slaves on the slave ships.","Before we let you go, of course, I have to ask what you're working on now?What are you doing in the world of acting?","Well, I've kind of got two wonderful things going for me at the same time. You know, my husband and I own the first Museum of Contemporary Art in Descartes. And this was the year he was finally recognized by the European Union. So, we've actually had an acknowledgement that a private museum exists and lives, and it's the most beautiful place in Descartes, so I'm really proud of that."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"And it's literally covered in black and brown babies.\" - Here, the word \"literally\" is used for emphasis, but the statement is not to be taken literally. The airplane is not actually covered in babies, but rather has depictions of them on its exterior.","questions":"What is the Golden Ticket covered in?","answer":"Black,Brown"} {"text":["Hopelessness and uncertainty.","Are people trying to leave, and is that something you've considered?","Many people have no choice. And they think - the only thing - I can leave the country. But how can they do that with the huge amount of limitations on Iranians' travelings (ph) and economical limits?They cannot do that. It is very, very difficult for them. And now we see a lot of Iranians who are abroad the country who are evacuating. They cannot do it anymore because of the higher dollar prices. They have to return to the country. It is very difficult situation for them.","Well, thank you so much for speaking with us and sharing your story."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Leaving the country is not a viable option for many Iranians due to travel limitations and economic difficulties.","questions":"What is the reason why many Iranians cannot leave the country?","answer":"limitations"} {"text":["And yeah. Like I said, the video can be used for good. And that's why I think the premise of body camera footage is good. But where problems emerge is when government officials and police officials push back against making that footage public because that's the whole reason. The reason is to bring transparency to police interactions. And if government officials push against that, it goes against the entire premise.","One of the very interesting points that you make in your book is that the federal government has investigated alternatives to lethal force and improving police-community relations for decades. I mean, you highlight a report that was commissioned by President Johnson, President Lyndon Johnson in 1967 in response to the Watts riots. And you said that it proposes really not so much an emphasis on technology but an emphasis on relationships, on communication and teaching police officers how to communicate better with the public, how to - it's more of like a - I don't know what word to use. Would you say humanistic approach?And. . .","Absolutely. That's a great word for it.","And that you say that there's - these kinds of - these techniques have never really been implemented because they were deemed to be too expensive. But you also point out that technology is expensive. The police departments spend a huge amount on these technologies that you say don't work. So what - my question to you is, why do you think these techniques have not gotten more traction?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The federal government has investigated alternatives to lethal force and improving police-community relations for decades, but these techniques have not gained enough traction.","questions":"Which techniques have not gained enough traction despite being investigated by the federal government for decades?","answer":"Techniques"} {"text":["Well, I think there's a growing consensus towards some form of certiship(ph), nationalization. I was very interested that Alan Greenspan, you know, noted as a conservative, has said that it looks like we will have no alternative for some of the banks but to nationalize them. And, this is what Sweden, Norway did, and it worked very well.","Why?What's the strength behind nationalizing banks?","First, you solve the problem of the misalignment between ownership and control. We provided to the banks now most of their capital, but we have no control, and they're going to be exercising using our money for their interest. And that's why we saw what we've seen in the last few months. We gave them a huge amount of money. We poured money into the banks, and they poured money out in the form of bonuses and in the form of dividends.","Now, if they were maximizing our interest, if they were maximizing the reason that the society gave them this money, they would have been using this money for lending or, the very least, for re-capitalizing the banks. That's why we gave them the money. But they were maximizing their own interest, and it was in their interest to pay this money out in bonuses and pay it out in dividends. That just illustrates the nature of the risk when there's a separation of ownership and control."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Pouring money is a metaphor, not literal. It just means the government gave a lot of money to the bank, who spent a lot on bonuses and dividends.","questions":"Which term is used metaphorically to describe the government's action towards the banks?","answer":"Pouring"} {"text":["Now for a little news I could use - book recommendations. My Memorial Day weekend starts right after the show. And like most people, I'm looking for summer reads, something to put in my bag next to my SPF 100. Normally I would solicit recommendations on social media. But today I don't have to because WEEKEND EDITION books editor Barrie Hardymon joins me in studio now. Hey, Barrie.","Hi. I also have sunscreen recommendations for later if you want them.","(Laughter) First I want to start off with what I would ask you, is that my favorite kind of summer read is just the frothy page-turner, the one book that everyone's reading that HBO or Netflix is going to turn into a movie or TV show sometime next year.","You want your basic \"Gone Girl. \""],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : it does not mean \"gone Girl\" but something like \"gone girl\"","questions":"Which book does PersonA suggest as a summer read, similar to \"Gone Girl\"?","answer":"Frothy"} {"text":["Well, I mean, on the one hand, you had - the Manafort indictment does not mention Trump. And - but the guilty plea that was unsealed involving this other campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, does mention Trump. And the greater sort of uncertainty surrounds that guilty plea at this moment because it is a signal that they already have testimony from this person, already have emails and other records showing the extensive contacts of this person with others in the Trump administration. They're basically saying we know more than you guys think we do.","George Papadopoulos - has he been wearing a wire?","That's a good question. I mean, I think it's fair to assume that Trump's lawyers are looking at that question very carefully.","Carter Page and Hope Hicks, according to reports, are going to be questioned. Carter Page has a history with and in Russia, doesn't he?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (4) - \"Carter Page and Hope Hicks, according to reports, are going to be questioned\" - This implies that they will be called to testify in front of a grand jury or similar proceeding, rather than just being asked questions in an informal setting.","questions":"What proceeding will Carter Page and Hope Hicks be questioned in?","answer":"Grand"} {"text":["Finally, the Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to vote next week on the Brett Kavanaugh nomination to the Supreme Court. There were grave charges this week that surfaced, alleging that Brett Kavanaugh committed a sexual assault during high school. What do we know about this?","According to The New Yorker, a woman who knew Kavanaugh in high school notified her congresswoman, and also Senator Dianne Feinstein, that at a party back in the early '80s, Kavanaugh had held her down and tried to force himself on her. Now Kavanaugh emphatically denies that, and Feinstein didn't bring this up during the confirmation hearings.","The White House suggests this is an eleventh-hour stalling tactic. And yesterday, Chuck Grassley, the Republican chairman of the Judiciary Committee, released a letter signed by 65 women who say they knew Kavanaugh in high school and testifying to his good character.","NPR's Scott Horsley, thanks so much."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Feinstein didn't bring up the sexual assault allegations during the confirmation hearings, possibly to use it as a stalling tactic.","questions":"What was the reason for Feinstein not bringing up the sexual assault allegations during the confirmation hearings?","answer":"Stalling"} {"text":["I am doing great, but consumer confidence, not so much. It's at its lowest level since the early 1990s. What exactly does that mean?","The Conference Board surveys consumers about what they think is going to happen, about how confident they are. It's important because consumer confidence determines lots of discretionary spending. In other words, if you can buy a car this year or next year and you think the economy is going to turn down or you're worried about your job, you're going to postpone that car purchase. Well, that's a great decision for the Chideya residence, but it might not be for the economy if it's multiplied by thousands or tens of thousands. So people predicate their spending on what they think is going to happened into the economy. It doesn't affect our spending on things like food or things we can't, we have no discretion over - gasoline, perhaps, if you have to commute with your car, other kinds of things.","But there are some things that you'll make decisions - I'm not going to do this now. Some people are holding back from the housing market, although this is a particularly good time to get in, because interest rates are low and because the market is troubled. But some younger people are holding back because they're not so sure what their jobs are going to be like. So when consumer confidence is down, you can expect that spenders are withholding some of their spending.","There's also signs that the cost of imported goods are rising. Is that because of gasoline prices?Or what's driving that?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The speaker may be hinting at a desire for something or someone, but is hesitant to express it directly, possibly due to fear of rejection or embarrassment.","questions":"How does the speaker feel about spending when consumer confidence is down?","answer":"Withhold"} {"text":["For many people in Hollywood, Weinstein's behavior did not come as a surprise. Rumors had circulated for years, and that gossip network helped warn some women away from him. Anne Helen Petersen is Buzzfeed's culture writer. She argues that gossip has a vital purpose, especially in Hollywood.","You know, I don't think that all gossip is progressive or feminist. You know, gossip is a major way of policing women's behavior. But at the same time, gossip about which men are dangerous, which men you shouldn't go on to lunch alone with - that sort of information is currency that women use to protect one another.","And in this last week, a document surfaced that was essentially a burn book for men in - who work in the media. The contributors are women who work in the industry, and the accusations are anonymous. They're unsubstantiated. The complaints range from rape to being unsupportive of female colleagues. It's a real range, and it puts illegal behavior, in a way, on the same level as dislikable and unfair behavior. So when does gossip become destructive and more about maligning people than really identifying serious abusers?","This is the - you know, with the thing about gossip networks, sometimes called whisper networks, is that the reason that they work is because you know the woman who is saying the thing to you. So I can - when someone says to me, this is what type of guy this is, I can decide what to do with that information based on that woman."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"gossip is a major way of policing women's behavior\" - The actual meaning is not that gossip is used to regulate women's behavior, but rather that it is often used as a tool for spreading information about potentially dangerous men, helping women protect themselves.","questions":"What is the purpose of gossip in Hollywood according to Anne Helen Petersen?","answer":"Protect"} {"text":["Other than describing him as a populist, can you describe his politics to us?","Well, he has a combination of sort of radicalism, and he doesn't want high-speed trains. He want the unemployment benefits for everyone. But also, he said he wants a referendum on the euro - which, of course, is completely the pie in the sky. But these he's got, also, some wise - says some wise things, says, for instance, we have to stop showering political parties with public money.","I know you, in the United States, you have different problems with money and politics. But in Europe, especially in Italy, too much money - public money, our money goes to political parties. He say: Two terms is enough in parliament. And he says things that, actually, sort of people like to hear. And that's why he could share those points. You could leave the populist and the radical things aside and find those things that he share with the Italian Democratic Party - which, by the way, is not that different from your Democratic Party. The big difference, that you have Obama, and in Italy, we have Bersani.","Well, a lot of people are interested in another name that begins with a B, and that is Berlusconi. He left office in disgrace. He is still facing numerous trials, and yet here he is, back, a major player once again."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The politician holds some wise ideas despite his radical and populist views.","questions":"What kind of views does the politician hold besides being radical and populist?","answer":"Treasury"} {"text":["So I always tell people, look at your many choices. Don't close any doors. But the fact is that, you know, take your passion, take it as far as you can, but understand you've got to make a living, and you've got to pay the loan back.","What about people like you, who are college presidents?What challenges are you facing in trying to make sure that you can get a broad variety of students from different backgrounds?","Farai, you know, what keeps me up at night is the young women who want to be admitted but don't have the dollars, the young women who are students who are continuing, who are saying, I need more financial aid, the young women whose parents can't take out another loan. That literally keeps me up at night. If you see me again and I'm gray, that's what did it.","I mean literally. I mean, I wake up in the - you know, I wake up in the middle of the night and say, how can I find money for these young people?It is a challenge."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The college president is struggling to find funding for students.","questions":"How does the college president feel about the financial aid for young women?","answer":"loan"} {"text":["And how did this start?","Well, about 20 years ago, we were thinking about doing a literary magazine because at the time there weren't too many journals out there for new writers. There weren't many literary journals at all during that time. And so we stumbled upon an idea that we had started with one of our friends from college where he had given me a first line to start a story. And then I would write the story. And then I would send it to him. And I'd give him a first line. And he would start a story. And he would send that back to me. And we did that. And so we decided that we'd open that up to the rest of the world.","How many stories do you typically get?","We run between 300 and 450 submissions in issue."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : \"How many stories do you typically get?\" - This turn has a literal meaning and it is asking for the number of stories that the magazine usually receives.","questions":"Which number reflects the typical submission range of stories in an issue?","answer":"300"} {"text":["Well, Bill Kristol is also a friend of mine. And I think one of the things that is very difficult when you are - he very intensely support - committed McCain supporter. We all have things we would like the election to be about. And Bill, very understandably, would like the election to be about, thank you, Senator McCain, for being right about the surge, as indeed he was right about the surge.","Unfortunately, the voters get to decide what it's about. And from their point of view, it's about financial collapse. And John McCain has never had a consistent message about that. It's way too late now. I mean, that's kind of what you have to do a year before, but that was not a set of issues that interested him. His economic message has never been strong. It's shifted a lot, and so it has been difficult to convey.","I think, at this point, yeah, McCain can talk certainly about national security and how he was right about these issues. It's hard to imagine that when 401Ks are down by 40 percent, when house values in many places are down by 20 percent and more, what voters are going to say other than - well, we'll build a statue to you for the surge, but that doesn't make you entitled to be president.","David Frum is a conservative political writer, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, speaking with us again from Washington. David, thank you."],"speaker":["A","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : John McCain's economic message is weak and inconsistent.","questions":"Which message of John McCain has been difficult to convey?","answer":"B"} {"text":["Oh, yeah. The kids who were studied were in the one-and-a-half years to five-year range. In each case, it was only one parent deployed. They all lived on the same Marine base, which was actually Portsmouth, Virginia. They were all enrolled in a base-supplied childcare program, which allowed them to be studied more closely.","There was one atypical thing, by the way, which is that the deployments were shorter than one would expect. The average was only three and a half months, and we know that many deployments are a year or a year-and-a-half or even longer than that.","And still, even though it was a short deployment, the researchers still saw negative consequences.","Yes, yeah. The whole question of behavioral change was studied by having both parents and teachers fill out questionnaires about the child's behavior. And these kids were compared with other kids on the same base. The only difference is, the comparison kids didn't have a parent deployed to a combat zone.","And what were they measuring, what kinds of behavior?"],"speaker":["A","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : Short deployments had negative consequences, contrary to expectations.","questions":"How were the deployments expected to affect the children?","answer":"Negatively"} {"text":["And those two factors - genetic variation and large populations - are perfect recipes for Darwinian evolution. So RNA viruses evolve very quickly. They adapt very quickly. If they pass from one species of host into another - for instance, from a bat, or a monkey or a rodent, into humans - they seem to have a better chance of flourishing, of adapting to the new host and finding ways to transmit onward. So the RNA viruses, the single-stranded RNA viruses, are particularly on the watch list for the disease scientists who study this field.","I'm Flora Lichtman, and this is SCIENCE FRIDAY from NPR, talking with David Quammen about his book \"Spillover. \"Are we reservoir hosts for viruses that have caused pandemics in other animals?","Well, certainly we've caused disease. It does go the other way. It can go either direction whenever there's fairly close contact. For instance, Jane Goodall's chimps in Gombe in Tanzania, in the late '60s, suffered what seems to have been a little epidemic of polio. A number of the Gombe chimps died.","And that polio virus is thought to be non-zoonotic. It's thought to be a virus that only affects humans, but it's capable of passing from humans into chimps. So it seems to have made those chimps sick and killed some of them."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Humans and chimpanzees can transmit viruses to each other.","questions":"Which two species can transmit viruses to each other?","answer":"Humans,Chimpanzees"} {"text":["Well, it's interesting. What you find in the data is that Trump did very well among self-described evangelicals. But he did far better among self-described evangelicals who don't regularly attend church. Cruz destroyed him amongst evangelicals who go to church regularly.","And what's also important about that is there's a lot of evidence that white Americans who don't regularly attend church do worse economically and are much more pessimistic about the state of the country. And that's also what Trump tapped into, this sense of deep pessimism about the state of the country. And that pessimism is greater among Americans who don't regularly attend religious services.","And you just - according to your article, you don't see this in just one side of the political divide, do you?","No. What's interesting is that the same divide you see between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump voters, you also saw between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton voters. So if you look at white Democrats, white Democrats who went to church were much more - religious institutions at all - much more likely to be Hillary Clinton supporters. Bernie Sanders much more likely to win the votes of those who did not regularly attend religious institutions."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The speaker is implying that the same divide between religious people and non-religious people is present across the political spectrum, not just within one party.","questions":"Which political candidates were more likely to win the votes of white Democrats who did not regularly attend religious institutions?","answer":"Bernie"} {"text":["Burnt hair, desiccated strawberry, armpit, you know (laughter).","Very precise and unusual.","And there's also this new trajectory to incorporate the language of science. So instead of saying that something smells like green bell pepper, sommeliers are now describing it as smelling of pyrazines, which, by the way, is a chemical that is present in both sauvignon blanc and cabernet sauvignon grapes and in green bell peppers. So don't always roll your eyes at the sommelier.","I don't roll my eyes at the sommelier. I've actually always been intimidated by interacting with the sommelier. I wanted to ask you if you would take a moment to sort of teach someone like me. Can you walk me through it?","A lot of us, when we're given the wine list, treat it as a multiple-choice test. We're handed this list of a hundred options. And we have until the sommelier circles back to us to figure out the right answer.","Exactly."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : In this turn, the literal meaning of \"incorporate the language of science\" would imply using scientific terminology to describe wine aromas. However, the actual meaning is that sommeliers are adopting a more scientific approach to describing aromas by referring to specific chemicals present in the wine or food.","questions":"How are sommeliers incorporating science into their wine descriptions?","answer":"Aromas"} {"text":["What would be risky about it, from the Nicolas Maduro point of view?","Well, there'd certainly be retaliatory measures from the U. S. , very likely more sanctions. There would be a massive outcry from Guaido's dozens of other international allies. The EU's warned that this would be a major escalation in tensions. And there'll be a lot of anger from the multitude of Guaido's supporters here in Venezuela.","Guaido himself says that any attempt by Maduro's government to detain him would be - as he put it - without doubt, one of that government's last mistakes. So we don't know, Steve. I mean, it's not clear that Maduro's concluded that he's in a strong enough position to do this. But it is a possibility.","And I guess we don't know if Guaido intends to go to a border crossing and present his passport or if he intends to sneak in some way. Is it known what path he plans to take?"],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : \"There would be a massive outcry from Guaido's dozens of other international allies.\" - The use of the word \"dozens\" is figurative, indicating that Guaido has a significant number of international allies, but not necessarily just dozens.","questions":"How many international allies does Guaido have according to the implied meaning of turn 1?","answer":"Significant"} {"text":["Hello.","What happened to you this morning?What happened in Kathmandu?","Well, we were on a staff retreat with our editors and reporters up on a mountaintop overlooking Kathmandu Valley. And it felt as if I was propelled two meters up into the air. It was just such a heavy jolt. And when we looked down at the city, it looked like it had been completely destroyed because there was a ball of dust covering the entire valley in which Kathmandu is situated. And we thought the whole city had been destroyed. But as we got down back into the city through the roads, it looked like it wasn't as bad as we initially feared. Many of the residential buildings were damaged, but seem to be intact. On the other hand, the monuments of the world heritage sites in Kathmandu - Bhaktapur and Patan - many of them have been completely destroyed.","Mr. Dixit, have you been able to get a handle on how extensive the damage is in Nepal and for that matter the region 'cause there are reports that India's also been affected."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : A: \"And when we looked down at the city, it looked like it had been completely destroyed because there was a ball of dust covering the entire valley in which Kathmandu is situated.\" The city was not actually completely destroyed, but the dust made it difficult to see and gave the impression that it had been destroyed.","questions":"Which impression did the dust give about the city?","answer":"Impression"} {"text":["There isn't. And I think the interesting thing about this government is they have cut the Argentine military budget so severely in the last few years that even if Argentina wanted to invade the Falklands, they would be incapable of doing so. So that's one good thing.","So what does this campaign amount to then besides words?","Well, they're trying to put economic pressure on Britain. And I think actually the British are a little bit worried about it. They are stopping cruise ships that come from the Falklands, not allowing them to dock in Argentina. They are pressuring the Chileans to cut off the one air link between Chile and the Falkland Islands. They are calling on Argentine manufacturers to cut down on the import of British goods. And I think the worry is that they will make this into a regional campaign, that they will try and persuade the Brazilians, the Peruvians and others to start putting economic pressure on Britain as well.","And the rallying cry of anti-colonialism has a lot of residents in South America."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : none","questions":"Which country's military budget has been cut so severely that they would be incapable of invading the Falklands, according to turn 0?","answer":"Argentina"} {"text":["So that's the drug industry's argument against this proposal. They say that because of insurance coverage, hardly anyone pays the price the Trump administration is forcing these drug makers to include in their ads. That price is often called the list price or the sticker price, as we said. Drugmakers argue that including that price would scare consumers off from even going to their doctor and asking about a drug because they'd see a sky-high list price, and they would think - I can't afford that; I'm not going to go to the doctor.","Well, now that's interesting because that could be bad for someone's health. But is that actually what the government may want in some cases - for a consumer to make an informed decision that this drug just seems really pricey for the benefits alleged with it?","So I don't think the Trump administration would go that far. They say that this is the start of a conversation between a consumer and their doctor about a drug. They really want to try to get drugmakers to lower their prices. They've, countless times now, sort of shamed drug companies and said - if you're ashamed of your price, if you don't want to put it in your ad, lower the price.","And we should note that this is only for somewhat more expensive drugs - more than $35 per month. That's who the rule - that's what the drugs that the rule applies to. Hasn't one company, though, already gone ahead and just done this?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The Trump administration wants drug companies to lower their prices.","questions":"How does the Trump administration want drug companies to respond to their shaming?","answer":"Lower"} {"text":["It's interesting, these papers that you brought with you, or sent to us, about how - these are the tricks that people use, and they can actually test out whether they work or not.","Yeah. These are things that a lot of good cooks probably know, whether they realized they know them or not. But exactly what these things are are a little fuzzy because everybody's a little different. There are some scientists in England and there are other groups, especially in the Netherlands, that have been running tests for years, and they tend to sound kind of bizarre. They'll prepare some food. They'll give it to different people to eat. And later, the people will realize that something else was changing while they were eating it, something in the atmosphere.","Mm-hmm. And they - in one test, they gave people some ice cream that tasted like bacon?","Yeah. This is - Charles Spence is the main scientist. He's at the University of Oxford. He teamed up with one of the famous chefs in England, and they made something which sounds really crazy, bacon and egg ice cream, which I'm told is really pretty good, tastes like bacon and eggs. And they served bacon and egg ice cream to a bunch of people. And they had them do some sort of rating about how bacony does it taste, or how eggy does it taste?And they would play sounds. And whenever they would play the sound of frying bacon, you know, that crackling sound, people would consistently say that the thing tasted a lot more bacony to them. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : When they say things are a little fuzzy they mean things are unclear.","questions":"Which word describes the clarity of the things mentioned in PersonA's statement?","answer":"Clarity"} {"text":["Thank you. Good to be here.","Let's start with that refugee situation in Jordan. The current foreign minister says the country is being strained. There are reports that the fleeing is expected to continue. Do you expect Jordan will eventually have to close the border?","I don't think Jordan will close the border. Jordan has been in such a situation before, if you remember during the first Gulf crisis and then the second one where large numbers of Iraqis, third country nationals came to Jordan, fleeing the conflict. And as a general policy, Jordan has never closed its borders. That does not mean that it is not being tasked by these large number of refugees, but I don't think and I don't expect the borders to be closed.","And that issue of strain then, how badly are Jordan's resources being tasked?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Jordan is unlikely to close its borders to refugees despite the strain on its resources.","questions":"How has Jordan handled similar situations in the past?","answer":"Open"} {"text":["Lauren, can you help us appreciate the reaction of the Spanish public at this point?","Well, the Spanish public has not looked favorably, perhaps unsurprisingly, on this investigation. The royal family's approval ratings are at record lows. King Juan Carlos is 76 years old. He's been in and out of hospitals for the past few years and the most infamous health scare he had was two years ago when he broke his hip while on a very expensive elephant hunting trip in Africa.","The public only found out about his safari when he broke his hip and had to be flown home to Spain. The trip cost several times the average Spaniard's annual salary so that elephant hunt did not go over well here. But in general, this investigation into the princess' finances has served as a sort of reckoning for the country. A few years ago, when Spain's economy was booming, nobody really bothered to examine anyone's finances carefully, from the royals to the construction companies that were building like mad all over Spain to regular people's taxes. And now, everything is being examined and Spaniards are realizing that just like them, even their princess may have been living way beyond her means.","Lauren Frayer in Madrid, thanks so much."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : is that the investigation into the princess' finances has served as a lesson to the Spanish public that they are not above the law and should be held accountable","questions":"What was the public's reaction to King Juan Carlos' elephant hunting trip?","answer":"Unfavorably"} {"text":["And how did this start?","Well, about 20 years ago, we were thinking about doing a literary magazine because at the time there weren't too many journals out there for new writers. There weren't many literary journals at all during that time. And so we stumbled upon an idea that we had started with one of our friends from college where he had given me a first line to start a story. And then I would write the story. And then I would send it to him. And I'd give him a first line. And he would start a story. And he would send that back to me. And we did that. And so we decided that we'd open that up to the rest of the world.","How many stories do you typically get?","We run between 300 and 450 submissions in issue."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (4) is the same as its literal meaning, which is stating the range of submissions received by the literary magazine.","questions":"How many submissions does the literary magazine usually receive?","answer":"300"} {"text":["I think as friends, the guys that were there, we took it a lot harder than anybody else. But yup, I have.","What about life in the United States after you've been in a war zone?When you come back and you put your foot on American soil, I'm sure that there are a lot of emotions. What are some of the different things that happen to you as you ease back into civilian life?","I don't think there's an easing to it. You say put my foot on American soil. As soon as I stepped off that plane in Indianapolis, I fell face forward onto the tarmac and started hugging the ground because I was so happy to be home. I guess the hardest part, especially being a convoy commander on the road, is dealing with traffic out on the expressway. It's kind of scary there because you're constantly scanning the roads, and, you know, you see people up behind you, tailgating you. And me, I get upset because, you know, I'm doing it now. When you talk about it, it flashes through your mind.","You want to push people out of the way because in Iraq, we had total control of the road. We owned the road, and if you got in our way, we'd push you off to the side. But here, at home, you can't do that. That'd be classified as road rage, and I have to watch my attitude when I'm driving, still."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The phrase \"push you off to the side\" is figurative and means to physically force someone to move out of the way. The speaker is using this expression to describe their aggressive driving style in Iraq, which is not acceptable behavior on American roads. The phrase \"watch my attitude\" is also figurative, as it means to monitor and control one's behavior and emotions rather than their physical posture or demeanor.","questions":"What does the phrase \"watch\" in turn 3 mean?","answer":"Monitor"} {"text":["Oh, absolutely. I mean, you've been very lucky as a Cubs fan. You've always had Wrigley Field, which is an intimate stadium. And that's what these new stadiums are trying to recreate. Even Yankee Stadium, if you go on their website today, Scott, they actually tout the fact that home plate is 27 feet closer than in the old Yankee Stadium.","So they bring in the home plate. They bring in the sidelines. Everybody's much closer to the action, but they're also closer to the danger. And they haven't had a corresponding increase in the safety precautions up the lines.","Does the netting remove what can be a very exciting play in foul territory - the catcher, the third baseman, the first baseman, reaching over and snagging a pop foul?","You know, maybe there's some of that. I think there's some fear that players won't be able to make quite the plays that they were in the past. You know, we've lived with netting behind home plate. And those are the best seats in the house. And they're always filled. You don't hear catchers complaining too much about the netting behind them. The seats up the line are just as dangerous."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The speaker is implying that the increase in closeness to the action is not matched by an increase in safety, so people may be put in danger.","questions":"Which aspect of the new stadiums does the speaker imply may put people in danger?","answer":"Increase"} {"text":["Yes. There are tens of thousands of North Koreans who are hiding in China today. At the peak in the late '90s, early 2000s, there were more than half a million. But in - about 25,000 have made it safely to South Korea where they're living today. And about 140, 150 have come to the United States, and there have been several hundred who've gone to Europe.","And this underground railroad, obviously the phrase we associate with escaped slaves from the South before the Civil War, but the analogy, you say, is apt.","The analogy is very similar. It's a secret network of safe houses and routes - secret routes across the country. It's staffed. It's operated mostly by Christians, similar to the original Underground Railroad, though there are also people who are in it for the money who are involved - brokers and human traffickers. And many of the people who help the North Koreans in China are ethnically Korean. That is they're Korean-Chinese or they're South Korean or there are - they are Americans who are of Korean heritage. I interviewed a number of the rescuers, and their stories are incredibly inspiring. Especially in this Christmas season, you think about these are people who are living their faith by going to a hostile country to help, and helping people that nobody else in the world is prepared to help.","And it's interesting. You tell the story of one of them: Adrian Hong."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The people involved in the rescue are risking their lives to help refugees based on their faith and compassion.","questions":"Which emotion drives the rescuers to help North Koreans in China?","answer":"compassion"} {"text":["It's nice to be here, Neal. How are you?","I'm good. Thanks. That first phone call - well, just sort of out of curiosity, I assume.","The first call that I made to Alan?Yeah, it was a funny feeling of both, obviously, curiosity and a strange sensation of being crowded in my own skin by another guy who had my same name.","And he turned out to be - well, debonair might be the word."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The first call was an overwhelming experience of connecting with someone who shared the same name as me, feeling both curious and a little intimidated.","questions":"What was the feeling of PersonA during the first call?","answer":"Intimidated"} {"text":["Absolutely. This is probably one of the most consequential elections in Israel in the last 10 years, since Netanyahu has been in power.","Daniel, thanks so much.","You're welcome.","That's NPR's Daniel Estrin."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : None of the turns have implied meanings that are different from their literal meanings. They all convey their literal meanings without any hidden or implied messages.","questions":"Which turn in the dialogue just conveys its literal meaning without any hidden or implied messages?","answer":"2"} {"text":["Exactly. And so this is how you get this agency in the middle of this fight with its current director leaving and trying to set something up to protect it on his way out the door.","So why is this complicated?Because directors leave agencies all the time and acting directors come in through clear lines of succession and then ultimately somebody else might be appointed. What's going on here?","Yeah. So Richard Cordray, the Obama-era appointee, was basically trying to protect the agency. And written into its founding document - written into the Dodd-Frank law - it says that when there's a vacancy, the deputy director becomes the acting director. So Cordray named Leandra English, who had been his chief of staff, to be the deputy director as he was walking out the door. Then, a few hours later, the White House announced that the president had picked Mick Mulvaney to be the acting director. He's the White House budget director, also an outspoken critic of CFPB - basically, saying at one point along the way that he thought it should be shut down.","Now the White House says the law's on their side."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : implies that something else is going on behind the scenes that is not typical of director changes, (3) implies that the Obama-era appointee was trying to protect the agency in an unconventional way, and (4) implies that the White House is attempting to justify their side of the argument by citing the law.","questions":"What law did the White House cite to justify their side of the argument?","answer":"Dodd-Frank"} {"text":["Yeah.","So you want the organism - it's like taking a portrait, that's sort of how he thinks about it. But of course your microorganism doesn't see it that way.","So you have to figure out how to get them to sit still, and that requires sort of propping up the cover slip with little dots of Vaseline. That's his trick. But you want to sort of squish it just enough so it doesn't move but not too much so that you run it over, essentially.","Well, you don't want to kill the. . ."],"speaker":["B","A","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : This implies that A wouldn't want to kill the organism with the process he want to apply to take it portrait.","questions":"How does PersonA want to take the portrait of the organism without killing it?","answer":"gently"} {"text":["Well, thanks for having me.","You're at the start of your book tour, maybe midway. You have been saying in interviews you don't think you'll ever coach again.","I don't and I'm basically trying to motivate myself to not only put closure on a career but to get going with something else. I've said for years idleness is the devil's workshop. So I always tied up my day, every minute of the day from 6 a. m. to late at night with basketball, scouting, recruiting. And now I wake up at 6 o'clock and put on my gym shorts, and there's no place to go.","You still give, I gather, motivational speeches and make appearances, don't you?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The interviewer reminds the speaker of what they've been saying, which is different from what the speaker is saying now.","questions":"What has the speaker been saying in interviews?","answer":"never"} {"text":["You know what else my mother said?You should talk to more people in their 80s because they've looked across the street at death for a decade. And they know what's really important in life.","Your mother was smart. Now, I'm talking as one of the people in the 80s. Nobody wants to hear that you met Harry Truman, you know. Shh.","(Laughing) You didn't meet Harry Truman, did you?","I met Harry Truman. But you know what I mean?Nobody's interested. They want to know you've met Rihanna, and that kills me."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The turn with an actual meaning different from its literal meaning is (2). In this conversation, A is acknowledging the wisdom in what B's mother said about talking to people in their 80s because they have a unique perspective on life. However, when A says \"Nobody wants to hear that you met Harry Truman, you know. Shh.\", the literal meaning is that A is telling B to be quiet about meeting Harry Truman because it's not interesting. The actual meaning, however, is that A is making a sarcastic comment about how people only seem to care about meeting famous celebrities like Rihanna, rather than valuing the life experiences and wisdom of those who have lived longer.","questions":"How did PersonA feel about meeting Harry Truman?","answer":"Sarcastic"} {"text":["I think this team, by necessity, given the circumstances, is going to be focused more on the more immediate dual strategic challenges that could suck us into international adventures that will be devastating to our national interest.","And primarily, at the top of that list, I think you would put Iran.","Yes, and the Middle East, more generally; or perhaps now even some parts of the Sahara in Africa.","Now there are going to be crises like this situation that's developing in Algeria. We obviously still don't know a lot about what's going on there. But where do you see an opportunity to create - for a geo-trategic approach?Iran - everybody says there are a lot of options. None of them, very good."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : adventures implies doing military or conflict based actions in foreign nations","questions":"What dual strategic challenges could suck the team into international adventures?","answer":"DEVASTATING"} {"text":["Well, the first thing we did is we discussed with our veterans who had worked to install the Eternal Flame Memorial, this particular feature to this park, and tried to work out some sort of an agreement. And it was agreed that if we could keep the flame going, we would do that, but that it may require us to shut it down for a short period of time while we re-engineer or figure out what we can do to make this work. Unfortunately, we're in a budget crunch, and every penny counts.","I understand that shortly after you got this bill, the flame went out for a little bit.","It was shut off for about a day and half, two days. It was shut off for a brief period of time. That's correct.","And veterans there in Bullhead City didn't take too kindly to that decision."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : Veterans were upset about the decision to shut down the flame.","questions":"How did the veterans react to the decision of shutting down the flame?","answer":"Upset"} {"text":["So what's the difference between steganography and - I'm interested in the origin of the word steganography. Can you take that apart for us?","Well. . .","Stega-, sounds almost like a dinosaur.","Certainly. It goes back to the Greeks, and it basically means hidden writing. So - and what it often gets kind of mixed together with or lumped together with, is encryption, and it's kind of - they're like close cousins, and they're trying to do the same thing, but they have slightly different approaches.","And that was my next question. What is the difference between steganography and encryption?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : the speaker is implying that the word \"steganography\" is strange or foreign-sounding rather than literally saying that it is like a dinosaur. ","questions":"What word did the speaker compare \"stega-\" to?","answer":"Dinosaur"} {"text":["It is very unusual. So we found out in a backhanded sort of way and then called up the Pentagon to say - hey, is this true?Have you guys not released that money?Yeah, well, it is. Well, why?And they didn't have an answer to that question.","All right. So let me fast-forward us along on our timeline to August 30. You wrote a letter on that date to Mick Mulvaney, the head of the Office of Management and Budget - OMB - also acting White House chief of staff.","Yeah. We wanted to have as much force behind the letter as possible, so we did it in a bipartisan way with me and ranking member Thornberry, the ranking Republican on the Armed Services Committee. We sent off the letter saying, you know, please release the money, and please tell us why you're holding it up.","Yeah, I've got this letter in front of me. It's straightforward, one page. (Reading) Please inform the committee why these funds are being held and when they will be released."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : They found out the information in an indirect way from people not involved.","questions":"How did PersonA and PersonB discover the information?","answer":"Indirectly"} {"text":["Cryo would be called - right crypto would - wow.","That's right. So we basically house lichens, mosses and fungi in this herbarium here. We have over 200,000 specimens here.","Two hundred thousand?And are these specimens popping out of the ice?Are they new species?","The ones that are coming out from underneath the glaciers?"],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : B is surprised with the number of specimens.","questions":"How does PersonB react to the number of specimens?","answer":"Surprised"} {"text":["So actually - so there have been many deaths from throwing events in track and field, but the javelin does not take up quite as many of those as the shot and disc do. Yeah, there are some pretty gruesome scenes when talking about the javelin injuries. And obviously, you know, getting impaled by a spear is not that good (laughter). But it's far less common than you might think.","So you're writing this paper which you hope will lead to getting the javelin reinstated as a sport. How do you think that'll work?What's going to be in your paper?","Well, there's a lot of things. You know, I think the biggest concerns that coaches have with implementing the event have to do with the injuries due to the javelin hitting somebody. You know, so I'll have to address that and the actual statistics behind it.","But really it's going to be more of a guide on how to implement the javelin and why it's better that it's included as an event in high school track here than not because, you know, I feel like it's just a great opportunity that everybody should have because I was lucky enough to find it through club track. And, you know, my life would be a lot different if I hadn't."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"getting impaled by a spear is not that good\" - The literal meaning suggests that getting impaled by a spear is not a positive experience. However, the implied meaning is that getting impaled by a spear is extremely dangerous and can result in severe injuries or even death.","questions":"Which event in track and field is less responsible for deaths compared to the shot and disc?","answer":"Javelin"} {"text":["I don't even want to repeat them. They were so unfair. They were essentially stigmatizing him, someone that we consider very naturally for good reasons as to be highly, highly unacceptable such as anti-Semitism. And I think the arguments that were made by some of the people who attacked him were essentially based on that. That was really scandalous. And I'm pleased to see that the majority of the Jewish community, which is moderate and decent, doesn't identify itself with this.","Nevertheless, there are legitimate questions to be asked, and you raised several of them yourself, about, well, how they should think about the possibility of a strike on Iran. I have to say, in recent weeks, the alarm bells have quieted a bit. You quoted, though, some in the Israeli media as quoting a former national security council member of the Obama team, saying there could be an American strike on Iran by the middle of this year.","That's correct. There has been talk to that effect. And I suspect, and rather expect, that these issues will come up in the course of the discussion. But in any case, the people that he's choosing to serve him are people with the experience, with a strategic perspective. But ultimately, he, the president, will be the decision-maker.","So I don't think that one has to expect that everyone chosen by him has to agree in every respect with every single aspect of the past policies that we have had, that he wants people who can think independently and give an independent advice, which he will then accept or reject, as president - as commander in chief."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : The alarm bells have quieted a bit - means things are not as hectic as they have been up until now ","questions":"What has quieted in recent weeks?","answer":"Alarm"} {"text":["This is ALL THINGS CONSIDERED from NPR News. I'm Michel Martin. Immigration, both legal and unauthorized, has been a central issue for Donald Trump since he announced his candidacy for president. Last week, he announced his plan for an overhaul to the current system, which emphasizes family ties and employment, moving to a system that would prioritize certain education and employment qualifications.","Overshadowing all of this, however, is the huge backlog of immigration cases already in the system waiting to go before the courts. More than 800,000 cases are waiting to be resolved, according to The New York Times. We wanted to get a sense of how the immigration courts are functioning now and how the new system could affect the courts, so we've called Jeffrey Chase. He is a retired immigration judge in New York. He worked as a staff attorney at the Board of Immigration Appeals. We actually caught up with him at the airport on his way back from a conference on national immigration law, which was held in Austin, Texas.","Mr. Chase, welcome. Thank you so much for joining us.","Thank you. Yeah, it seems appropriate to be at JFK Airport talking about immigration. So. . ."],"speaker":["B","B","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The speaker finds it fitting to talk about immigration at JFK Airport due to its connection to travel and border control.","questions":"What is the reason for the PersonA's connection of JFK Airport to the topic of immigration?","answer":"B"} {"text":[". . . We figured out that if all of these things operate as they have historically and retire according to their normal lifetimes, we'd have another maybe 650 billion tons of CO2 emitted to the atmosphere.","That sounds pretty ugly.","Yeah, that's a very large number because we can compare that to sort of the budget we have that the United Nations has identified as being safe targets; 1 1\/2 degrees Celsius of warming relative to the preindustrial is considered the safe operating space right now. And this would put us in jeopardy of being beyond that.","I mean, I guess we're assuming that nothing will change, but couldn't there be big technological breakthroughs that could prevent temperatures from rising far beyond 1. 5 degrees Celsius?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 1 : I don't like it so it sounds bad, or sounds ugly. ","questions":"Which word did PersonB use to describe the proposed amount of CO2 emissions?","answer":"ugly"} {"text":["He wound up in a room in Jordan for 45 days and sent along the most dangerous road in the world and then become some kind of global symbol.","And then what happened to Kamala?","To be a widow in Nepal, you're pretty much - you become the property of your husband's family after you get married. And if he dies, you're sort of treated that way, sadly. So she was completely isolated by his family. She was cast out. She wound up at a home for widows and their children in Kathmandu, an ashram. I found her there in 2005. She was so devastated, she couldn't even look at me.","I went back to Nepal in 2013 to write about the same supply chains feeding guys making cameras for the iPhone 5 in Malaysia. And some of the families that I wrote about at the time and got together and - was this woman, this magnetic woman who lit up the room, who was leading the conversation that everybody was deferring to. She was cutting off the men, which you also don't see much of in Nepal. And I didn't even recognize her."],"speaker":["A","B","A","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : The treatment of widows in Nepal is unfair and oppressive.","questions":"Which country has an oppressive treatment of widows?","answer":"Nepal."} {"text":["Well, so certainly President-elect Trump has issued a few statements on cybersecurity, including a campaign platform. Those are pretty thin on details. And some of his statements - it's been difficult to understand whether or not he - how literally to take those particular recommendations. Of his national security hires that have been announced at this point, none are known for having particularly strong cybersecurity backgrounds. So as we see more and more people coming into the administration, we might be able to start getting a sense of what exactly this administration's cybersecurity policy might look like.","Surely when you become the administration, you have a vested interest in national cybersecurity that maybe you lacked before, don't you?","Absolutely. I think while many of his statements during the campaign did not necessarily evince well-developed policy thoughts - he's going to have to come up with more specific ideas. One thing that Donald Trump might run up against is the existence of current laws. So, for example, he's indicated a number of times that he intends to transfer a lot of the cybersecurity mission to the Department of Defense to come up with a plan for defending critical infrastructure. And there are potentially rather serious consequences to sort of the militarization of civilian cyber defense. I think that they might find themselves coming up against an existing framework that doesn't necessarily square with the broad instinct towards wanting to turn towards the military to solve this problem.","I thought the Obama administration was pretty clear in saying, after they asserted that Russian attempts to meddle in the elections had been ongoing, that the United States was going to reply in kind. Can we assume those efforts are going on now?"],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : asking if the US is responding to Russia's attempts to meddle in the elections \"in kind\".","questions":"How did the Obama administration respond to Russian attempts to meddle in the elections?","answer":"Reply"} {"text":["They do, but they won't help much in this case. There's a type of snail that eats them that unfortunately is also popular in the curio trade, but their numbers were never huge. There's some - actually some very small shrimp that will eat them, but, you know, there's only so much they can do.","When you have these outbreaks, the numbers of starfish are so much that it's beyond what any of their predators can do anything about.","And these are not your run-of-the-mill, see-them-on-the-beach five-legged starfish, are they?","No, no, I mean, they look like monsters. If you wanted to - you know, if you were to blow one of these things up really big, you could use it in a sci-fi movie."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : The appearance of the starfish is monstrous, and could be used in a science fiction movie.","questions":"What kind of appearance do the starfish have?","answer":"Monstrous"} {"text":["It's the most vegetal thing I've ever smelled.","Excellent. And we're going to add the ginger.","OK.","And then I got some mint. And then I got a little lime. OK, and then I'll do a little agave."],"speaker":["B","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 3 : (4) \"And then I got some mint.And then I got a little lime.OK, and then I'll do a little agave\" is a list of ingredients and a plan of action.","questions":"What is the plan of action mentioned in turn 3?","answer":"Ingredients"} {"text":["Tired (laughter). No, I feel OK. I mean, I feel good. I mean, I thank God that I'm still walking around and drinking a lot of wine.","Well, I ask because you say that this is probably your last cookbook.","Well, yes and no. I mean, the last cookbook like this which takes a long time to do, but I still hope to do some little thing with my daughter, maybe the lesson of a grandfather, you know, showing her how to do simple thing that we've done together. I have a great deal of fun cooking with her so maybe a little book. Certainly, some video will come with that, yes, hopefully.","You've got a section here about you cooking with your granddaughter."],"speaker":["A","B","A","B"],"gold_statement":"turn 2 : Well, yes and no.I mean, the last cookbook like this which takes a long time to do, but I still hope to do some little thing with my daughter, maybe the lesson of a grandfather, you know, showing her how to do simple thing that we've done together.I have a great deal of fun cooking with her so maybe a little book.Certainly, some video will come with that, yes, hopefully.","questions":"What will the little book include?","answer":"Recipes"} {"text":["You've got lots of reasons to be concerned about this economy, not the least of which is the fact that the Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke has done yet another interest rate cut. And the question is, how many more cuts can he do?He has so many arrows in his quiver.","So, we're looking at a very fragile economy. And certainly, the employment piece is the most important piece for most Americans because most people don't have trust funds or extra money. Many who do have home equity have it tapped out. The way that 90 percent of us support ourselves is that we work every day, and increasing numbers of people don't have employment opportunities.","When you look at what's happening right now, there were - there have been times when there are certain, you know, white collar jobs that have really gotten hit hard, I'm thinking of the computer industry, the technology industry in the '90s when there was that dot bomb era. But is this really, for now, more of a blue collar job loss or is it mixed?","It's really a mixed bag. You see many corporations who are downsizing, they call it rightsizing, who are cutting even if it's by as little as 5 percent, Farai, it adds up. We see state governments also looking at a drop in revenue coming in because of a drop in tax revenue, and they are thinking of cutting in \u2014 may have already done some cutting."],"speaker":["A","A","B","A"],"gold_statement":"turn 0 : \"so many arrows in his quiver\" is an idiom that means having many different strategies or options available to use, rather than referring to actual arrows in a quiver.","questions":"How does \"so many arrows in his quiver\" refer to Ben Bernanke?","answer":"Options"}