Bridging the healthcare delivery gap in Africa: The story of VillageReach From a dearth of health care facilities to the lack of reliable transport networks to allow for the delivery of necessary medical supplies, especially to rural parts of the continent; the situation has sadly resulted in a lot of grief among communities due deaths and health complications that could have easily been prevented. Children suffering deformities because they could not be vaccinated in time against the deadly early child diseases. Adults living with chronic illnesses dying because they could not get their steady supply of medical doses in time. Whole communities living at the mercy of epidemic outbreaks just because their physical locations are beyond the civilisation of a good road network. Something had to change. Luckily, it did. The advent of drone technology has had a dramatic upturn of fortunes for health delivery in parts of the continent where governments have allowed drones to operate. The exploits of Zipline in Ghana and Rwanda are now well known; as are AerialMetric’s efforts in Madagascar. But there have also been remarkable humanitarian drone-based health delivery efforts by non-profit organisation that may have flown below the radar. Having now operated medical drone services in Mozambique, the DRC and the Central African Republic, VillageReach is one such organisation. VillageReach is an NGO working to improve the way health products like vaccines, medicines, and laboratory samples are transported in developing countries, “This operation not only allows us and the governments to get experience with drone technology, but they also help generate hard evidence in data on the benefits on the supply chain performance and cost,” explained Oliver Defawe, director of health systems at VillageReach, in a webinar on May 18. The company started trying drone technology to deliver medical supplies in Mozambique in 2015; where Phase One of this project concerned safety and feasibility testing. VillageReach had to get permission to import and use the drones and explore the costs and benefits of implementing them into the humanitarian healthcare delivery operations; which at the time were centred around road transport. “The first challenge that we took was on designing, implementing, and scaling a new supply chain model that got vaccines to the children in an extremely rural and hard to reach area in Mozambique,” Defawe said. This phase also included evaluating which technology would be used in the project. VillageReach put out a global request for proposals to select a drone partner, Defawe said. They came to an agreement with Australian delivery drone maker, Swoop Aero, which also had to conduct test flights and train staff on drone operations, before the humanitarian organisation expanded its focus to the system which the drones would support. “From there we have extended into a broader mandate around supporting the system delivering medicines supplies,” Defawe said. “VillageReach is made of professionals with extensive expertise in supply chain, health workforce and development, digital health technology, and data analytics. These components are all developed out of our strong belief that the system that delivers most include not just the supply side but also the data in the system that drives demand.” Five years later, Defawe says the project has had moderate success. They were able to deliver 25 kilograms of vaccines and syringes to five rural health areas to immunise 470 children, complete 80-kilometre round trips at speeds of 115 kilometres per hour, reducing transport times from three hours to just 20 minutes and maintain a cold chain. “This has lasted five years, almost six now, when mixed with successes,” Defawe said. “Like in the DR Congo, with the first drone supported vaccination session in West and Central Africa. In the end, the experience made VillageReach one of the most experienced partners in the drone delivery space and this allows us to lead the way on the international stage.” One of the biggest issues they have had during this project was the loss of connectivity. However, they have built redundancies into the drone systems, allowing the autonomous birds to switch from cellular to satellite communications to prevent these problems. “We’re slowly scaling up a bit with our technical partner,” Defawe said. “We are currently delivering through this region using up to six drones, six days a week, ten hours a day, and I can tell you it’s not easy. It’s quite challenging. Remember, the conditions where we work…Those assets are flying constantly. They can get worn out and pilots are getting worn out.” Needless to say, such challenges were not a huge a surprise to VillageReach and they were prepared for them. Defawe said they use 3D printers to print replacement parts for the drones. “This is an example of what VillageReach does,” Defawe said. “We really work to adapt to the context and the conditions and make things work by thinking out of the box.” The COVID-19 pandemic created an opportunity for technology like drones to fill gaps in health systems to ensure more equitable access. “The COVID-19 pandemic has made visible to the global community that health inequities are unfortunately a universal reality,” Defawe said. “It has become clear that the previous ways of transporting goods are no longer adequate – we are entering a new era of advanced aerial mobility and drones have been at the forefront of it. As the attention is now turning to how we can ensure equitable access to essential health products such as COVID-19 vaccine, drones provide a potential avenue for ensuring that everyone, no matter where they live, has access to high-quality healthcare. “I hope VillageReach’s lessons from Africa will help local stakeholders realize that now is the time to prepare and set up the ecosystem needed to utilise drones in emergency response as during the next emergency, it will be too late.”
Spiders are one of the most problematic pests in the United States. There are 40,000 species of spiders in the world, but not all of them are household pests. These arthropods have eight legs and up to eight eights. In addition to this, they have fangs that can be used to inject venom into their victims. Spiders can extrude silk from their bodies and build webs. Those webs help them trap insects that they’ll later eat. However, some spiders are large enough to consume lizards and birds. Homeowners have to worry about the dangers associated with spiders. Most spider bites are harmless, but others are not. Some bites can lead to systemic toxicity and even death. After you’ve been attacked by a spider, it is pertinent to monitor your conditions to ensure you’re going to be okay. Spiders generally enter homes because they’re searching for food. Some areas of your home are good for insects so spiders will enter to eat them. Eliminate the spiders outside of your home to stop them from invading your home. Get rid of rocks, compost, and wood. Doing so is a good way to force the spiders off of your property. Don’t forget to fill in all gaps and cracks to prevent spiders from entering your home. When Can It Start? Call our office. We can typically get back to you within 48 hours. Preventing Spider Problems It isn’t easy to keep spiders out of your home, but you can stop some of them. First, you need to focus on reducing the spider population outside of your home. Doing so will make a big difference in the long run. Reducing the spider population outside will ensure that there aren’t any spiders invading your home. Get rid of their nesting spots before knocking down their nests. Once you’ve done this, you can guarantee that fewer spiders will invade your home. Concerns About Brown Recluse Spiders? Are you worried about brown recluse spiders invading your Pittsburgh home? You’re not alone. A lot of people share this concern, but you’ll find that these spiders aren’t common. Below, you’ll find facts about these spiders that will put your mind at ease. - These spiders don’t show up in our area regularly - They tend to travel in shipping containers - They can live in Pittsburgh once they arrive - We’re not sure anyone has spotted a brown recluse spider outside in our area - Brown recluse spiders are timid and won’t approach people - These spiders usually don’t venture from one dwelling to another - Certain products can eliminate brown recluse spiders hiding on your property - They’re often mistaken for Funnel Weaver and Grass spiders - You shouldn’t have an irrational fear of brown recluse spiders.
Like many other developing countries, India relies extensively on its millions of smallholder farmers for its agricultural produce, be it food crops or cash crops. These farmers contribute immensely to the agriculture’s share of the country’s GDP and yet remain one of the most under-served and under-equipped communities across regions. In an era when the world is embracing scientific advancements in agriculture and the adoption of modern technologies to make farming more productive and climate-resilient through the moderate use of available resources, small-scale and marginal farmers continue to gamble on age-old practices that are unsustainable and do not yield enough. One of the most critical components to achieving a fruitful yield is adequate agricultural finance that helps farmers with their diverse needs such as purchasing and upkeep of farmland, investing in the right farm machinery and tools, buying quality inputs such as seeds and agrochemicals, and for crop insurance, too. One of the ways farmers obtain financial support is through crop loans that banks provide specifically for agricultural purposes, which provides growers with the much-needed support to realize better agricultural productivity, especially when their previous harvest did not bring them an adequate income. Being reliable and highly organized institutions, banks provide one of the most feasible support to farmers who otherwise fall prey to local money lenders charging a much higher rate of interest. What Are The Current Barriers To Disbursing High-Volume Low-Value Agricultural Finance? Although the state and central governments are taking numerous measures to promote financial inclusion and ensure that farmers have adequate access to credit, banks have their fair share of challenges in assessing the creditworthiness of those applying for crop loans. The current process of sourcing farmers to provide loans is extremely time-consuming and cumbersome. Field sales executives and/or loan officers are required to travel from one village to another to identify farmers who need loans, and lead generation this way can take at least up to 2 weeks. In addition, because this process of data collection is not yet digitized, filling forms manually can lead to loss of data. It is a common practice to collect data from the farmer verbally, without enough evidence to verify the details provided for the loan applications. These details pertaining to their demographic, financial, and farm data, including the farmers’ personal details, the crops being cultivated, plot acreage, and yield estimations are vital to establishing the farmer’s creditworthiness, and enable banks to reduce the number of NPAs (non-performing assets). The lack of such reliable and structured data also means that the loan appraisal process can take many weeks to complete. How can you determine the creditworthiness of a farm & farmer using AI? Learn more here. After having disbursed the crop loans, banks have yet another colossal task of evaluating the performance of the farm plot periodically, which is at present accomplished by bank employees paying visits to farmlands every once in a while. Not only is this cost- and time-consuming, but these visits prove futile when they are ill-equipped to provide advice or support to farmers to help achieve optimum yield, and ultimately this results in poor harvest and more NPAs. According to an RBI report, the gross non-performing assets (GNPA) in the agri sector have soared to 8.44% as of March 2019, compared to nearly 2.5% five years ago. Banks are also wary of providing loans to small-scale farmers as they are low-value and typically take loans that are ₹2 lakhs or even less. Many of these loans were waived off by the government in recent years due to the agrarian distress that led to thousands of farmers taking their lives when they couldn’t repay their debts. Besides, unlike in other countries, banks in India are unable to exercise differentiated pricing for loans for each farmer based on their credit profile and commodity, which makes it even more difficult to hedge risks. Smallholder farmers typically take loans that are ₹2 lakhs or even less. However, a report from the RBI data disclosed that in FY 2017, only 40% of the total agri-credit was ₹2 lakh or less. Nearly 47% of the total was, on the other hand, loans that were each between ₹2 lakh and ₹1 crore, and the remaining 13% included loans of ₹1 crore or more. Of the 210 individuals and entities that received the seal of approval for loans over ₹100 crores at a subsidized 4% rate of interest, a significant number were authorized for fertilizer and farm-equipment manufacturers, warehouses and cold storage owners, and various food processors. How Is Cropin’s AI-Led Solution Reinventing Credit Underwriting And NPA Management? In an effort to simplify the unstructured process of agri-lending for both financial institutions and the beneficiaries, Cropin enables the collaborative participation of all the key stakeholders on a unique, centralized platform that is powered by advanced technologies including artificial intelligence, machine learning, satellite monitoring, and cloud computing. Cropin helps digitalize end-to-end operations for banks and insurance companies and leverage alternative agri-data to drive predictability and make business operations easier for financial institutions. This digitalization also significantly cuts down hours of human effort required to accomplish some of the tasks that can otherwise be automated or optimised using technology. SmartFarm is Cropin’s digital farm management solution that enables loan officers and field sales executives to collect accurate and verified farmer and plot information using their smartphones. This ground-level intelligence is made available in a secure cloud platform, which can be accessed by bank officials almost immediately, without having to wait for loan officers to physically submit the forms for approval upon return from field visits. The digitized data, along with easy-to-integrate APIs, also ensures hassle-free analysis and reporting of the agricultural loan portfolios as and when required. Banks can also leverage Cropin’s AI/ML-powered platform SmartRisk to identify areas that are under cultivation and expand their business to previously unexplored regions. SmartRisk further enables lending institutions to validate the information furnished by farmers by comparing it with historical and predictive insights gleaned from a combination of data from multiple sources, including the platform’s global agri-ground intelligence, weather, and satellite imagery. The platform establishes the performance of every pixel to deliver region-level (farm/district/postcode/state/country) and plot-level insights at a fraction of the traditional cost and effort. It allows banks to underwrite loans and process credit to those farmers who display high assurance of loan repayment. Following loan disbursal, banks can remotely keep an eye on the performance of farm plots, as Cropin’s proprietary algorithms enable not only accurate crop detection but also crop growth and crop stage analysis at regular intervals. This aids financial institutions in identifying the approximate time of harvest, to enable timely recovery of the loan and better management of delinquencies. In the case of credit disbursed in tranches, banks can also monitor if the funds have been used for the purpose stated by the farmer. Any unanticipated change in the plot will be alerted through smart notifications to enable timely action by the bank. It also ensures hassle-free analysis and reporting as and when required. The recent advancements in technology offer a myriad of opportunities for better and efficient financial inclusivity in both developed and developing nations around the globe Cropin’s robust solution with its intelligent application of modern technologies capacitate lending institutions to raise the bar and achieve more by leveraging alternate data for high-volume, low-value agri-portfolios minus the many risks and uncertainties involved in the process.
As hard as your tooth enamel is, there are still times when a blow to the face or an accidental fall can actually crack a tooth. This is even more likely to happen, if you participate in contact sports without the benefit of a quality mouth guard. How severely the tooth is cracked will determine the course of treatment and restoration that Dr. Kenneth Pollary advocates. If the cracked tooth causes a persistent ache, sharp pain, or excessive sensitivity, it likely means the damage extends down into the pulp or root of the tooth. In a case like this, Dr. Kenneth Pollary might need to perform a root canal to resolve the problem. If the crack is extreme or the tooth has completely split, he might need to completely extract the tooth and suture your gums. Once your gums have completely healed, he can help you understand your restoration options. The two most common methods are to either install a bridge or use a dental implant with a crown. If the crack is shallow, and limited to just the tooth enamel, then Dr. Kenneth Pollary might be able to repair it with a standard filling. However, if too much tooth enamel has been damaged, then the best course of action, might be to simply restore the tooth with a crown. If you have a cracked tooth you should not delay in contacting Dr. Kenneth Pollary’s office in Colorado Springs, Colorado at 719-591-0750 for immediate treatment.
Money can be an emotionally fraught subject. Here's how to not let it ruin your relationships. Whether it’s with a best friend, sibling, or that cousin who's “just checking in on you” after disappearing for years, conflicts involving money might sometimes to pop up. It’s the uncomfortable truth about living in a capitalistic society where so much of our lives and self-worth are tied to it. Money means different things for different people, though, so when it comes to discussing anything finance-related with the people you care about, it’s always best to tread cautiously. Last year, I had my fair share of money-related spats. In December, for example, I owed my brother some money and forgot to pay him back. When he brought up that I hadn’t sent him the money days after he had requested it, he swore that I was trying to take advantage of him and that I was just playing dumb. Money-related beef with a family member can get heated To be fair, I can understand where he was coming from, but it was the holidays and I had genuinely forgotten — thinking about money has always stresses me out. I paid him then and there but out of pettiness, I told him that the gift I’d bought him for Christmas was way more expensive than the money he requested. Our argument snowballed into something that went way beyond money: It was personal and ugly. We didn’t talk for days. What I’ve found after speaking to experts is that at the root of our misunderstandings or conflict about money is the fact that we all think and speak about it in radically different ways, even within our own families. Amanda Clayman, a California-based financial therapist who now specializes in helping others with money management issues, often talks to her clients about why these types of conflicts are so common. “Everybody has an emotional relationship to money,” she says. “Let’s say that money is a source of a lot of anxiety or shame, or both of those things. The way people handle their anxiety will mirror the way they handle their money, so if they’re avoidant — with their anxiety — that’s also how they’ll approach their relationship to money.” Those of us who have an anxious relationship to money can relate to this all too well; for a long time, I was the type of person who avoided checking their bank account for weeks at a time. When it comes to talking to the people we care about, though, having an avoidant relationship to money can have serious consequences. And trust me, I get it. Our culture often teaches us that talking about money is distasteful or that it “shouldn’t matter” in our relationships, so few of us end up prioritizing that conversation. Really, a lack of communication on the topic can lead to resentment and an unnecessary and sometimes hurtful power dynamic. In the end, our inability to candidly express what works for us financially gives money a power and importance that it doesn’t deserve. What you can do about it So how do you even approach conversations about your feelings around money? Well, the first step is to admit that it’s extremely difficult to be honest about how you feel. Clayman suggests that instead of pretending to care less about money, I should start thinking about money in terms of a love language. If you’re not familiar, love languages are an overly simplified but sometimes helpful way to think about the ways we express our affection: words of affirmation, acts of service, gifts giving, quality time and physical touch. Our love language as adults often depends on how the people in our lives, especially our parents, expressed affection to us growing up. Similarly, we should think about our individual relationships to money in the context of our culture and upbringing and accept that other people have equally nuanced approaches to it. When we ascribe too much personal meaning to money, it becomes harder to talk about objectively. On the flip side, if we understand that peoples’ approach to money has less to do with us than it does with them, it’s easier to approach the subject in a way that feels more comfortable for both parties. For example, some people don’t mind being the ones to always foot the bill — it’s their way of showing they care, but maybe they’ll expect undivided quality time in return. Other people, though, will always expect you to hand them exact change. Neither is better than the other, and it doesn’t necessarily dictate what the person is like in other areas of life. It’s really important to never assume someone else’s approach to money. When I thought more deeply about my own relationship to money, I started to realize where I often go wrong: I feel like there’s never enough of it, even when I am financially secure. My anxiety around money prevents me from wanting to even think about it. As a result, I’ve allowed money to turn into a big, scary monster and increasingly, a source of conflict. I recently spoke to my brother and we agreed to be more transparent about money moving forward. I assured him that I never deliberately try to take advantage of his money and that if he ever felt that way, that he should express it. More importantly, we’ve left the door open for any future conversations about personal finances, because it’s not worth ruining our relationship over.
Nursing is a career with a long history. There are nurses who seek a bit of adventure while doing what they love. These are the traveling nurses. They take on short term assignments in different states and even countries. As with any other field of nursing, traveling nurse jobs require that the nurses have the right qualifications. In addition, many medical facilities or groups will only take nurses with one or two years of nursing experience in a fixed location. Due to the various environments in which they work, these nurses tend to have lots of experience. There are many agencies and organizations that help nurses interested in these types of assignments to find placement. Some agencies have web sites making it easy to contact them when seeking jobs. These agencies are good sources of jobs, as they tend to collaborate with medical entities. They are able to put nurses in contact with institutions that need them. Nursing and medical job fairs are also a great source of job information. This is a great opportunity for nurses seeking jobs as well as employers. It makes sense to travel with copies of your resume when going to these job fairs. Contacting regular nurse staffing agencies may also produce job contacts. Of course, asking other travel nurses or nurses in facilities you want to work in may also hit pay dirt. This kind of nursing, while fun, tends to suit some persons more than others. People who like stability or have a young family are not normally drawn to this side of nursing. This field tends to offer in addition to working in other states and countries, better pay in many instances. In addition, they also get job benefits. Despite the name, most traveling nurses are employed for anywhere from six months to one year.
It’s no wonder the beach is a popular destination for a family day trip or vacation. Lounging in the sun, splashing in the water, and wiggling your toes in the sand are all such a joy. As fun as a day at the beach is, however, it’s not without the price of environmental impact. Despite all the items you may lug to the beach, many of which produce trash, it’s possible to scale down and reduce your carbon footprint while enjoying your time in the sun. Read on to learn how to keep the beach clean and still be well-equipped for a day of surf and sand. What Is A Carbon Footprint? Our carbon footprint makes its mark on the environment in two ways. One way is by directly releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere through the burning of fossil fuels. The use of cars, airplanes, and generators are examples. Carbon footprints are also made indirectly, in the manufacturing of certain products. Just one pound of plastic, for instance, has a big impact on our environment: it produces up to three pounds of carbon dioxide. Recycled plastics can reduce the carbon footprint of packaging and other items, yet choosing products made with natural materials is a more effective way to reduce your carbon footprint. The following are some things to keep in mind if you’re looking to make your beach trip more eco-friendly: - Consider a machine-free beach excursion. Reducing our carbon footprint goes beyond reducing the amount of trash we produce. You can do your part by cutting out activities, like Jet Skiing and motorboating, that involve carbon emissions. Instead, consider partaking in some good, old-fashioned snorkeling, kayaking, or taking a nature hike along the coastal cliffs. - If you don’t live close enough to the beach to arrive on bicycle, try driving the shortest route possible or use public transportation. - If you enjoy relaxing on the sand while reading, be sure to bring along a printed book, as this will save the battery life of your smartphone or tablet. When going to the beach this summer, it’s important to not only reduce your carbon footprint but to lessen the amount of waste you create during your visit. Consider making a goal with your family to go completely trash-free at the beach! According to the Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup Report of 2017, over three million pounds of trash were found on United States beaches spanning over 8,200 miles. Imagine if we all gave the environment a hand by reducing our trash input at the beach (and The use of plastic bags can negatively affect the environment as well, and their elimination is key when going trash-free. Plastic bag production alone releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, but even a single bag left at the beach could affect marine life. The best defense against flimsy plastic bags is, of course, to use only reusable ones. Pack your beach items in totes made from cotton or other natural fibers. Instead of sandwich baggies for food, consider reusable cloth pouches or stainless steel containers. Non-disposable water bottles, instead of plastic, are key as well. Here are a few more ideas to help you go trash-free at the shore: - Use cloth napkins instead of paper. - Try this alternative to baby wipes. - Bring a reusable bag for dirty items. - Purchase eco-friendly or biodegradable beach toys. For a sustainable marine environment, be sure to not take home souvenirs from nature. Photos and videos of all the fascinating natural objects and creatures do the trick without harm. Cleaning up any trash you find at the beach is another way to support the beach ecosystem. Kids especially love this activity because they can see the impact immediately. Just be sure to bring a reusable bag and gloves for picking up trash and
Erectile dysfunction has been a very prevailing matter of worry among many men. Gradually the number of men with erectile dysfunction is increasing rapidly. Such a health condition is ruining the lives of lots of men. The mental health gets derogated day by day. People remains depressed throughout the day as a result of such a problem. But erectile dysfunction is not a permanent damage. The reverse is possible through various treatments. Let us discuss about the causes and treatments of ED to make it more clear for you. Working of erection: When there is sexual excitement in our brain, the nerve releases a chemical that intensifies the blood flow in the penis. The erection chamber of penis is made up of spongy muscle tissues. When a huge volume of blood has moved into the penis tissues, the two erection chambers of the penis relax. This traps the blood into the penis and the pressure of the blood causes the penis to stay firm and tight. After ejection another set of nerve impulses reaches the penis and the erectile chambers contract. This causes the blood to flow out of the penis into the circulatory system of the body. Men with ED find their penis not hard enough to have sex. This occurs mainly due to insufficient flow of blood into the nerves of the penis to make it rigid. Such a condition indicates blockage in the vascular system. If erectile dysfunction is affecting your relationship, your mental health or your overall well-being it should be treated properly. In a man, ED can cause: - serious depression - distress for the man - low self esteem Taking care of your fitness and vascular health can put an effective fight against erectile dysfunction. You need to change your food habit to resist ED. Start consuming healthy diet, increase your workouts, stop smoking or drinking and consuming drugs as primary steps against ED. The serious health condition may also result from bad emotional health. So you need to move out of any kind is stress, anxiety, depression or relationship conflicts. The following treatments hit erectile dysfunction directly. Most of the doctors start with non-invasive treatments against ED. These treatments are safe and contain minimum side effects. Still before you start any treatment journey, make sure to get all the details about the side effects of that treatment. The several options to treat ED are: - Oral drugs- Pills called phosphodiesterase- type 5 inhibitors help to cure the disease. They are frequently prescribed in US. Some of the examples are: Cialis, Levitra, Viagra, Stendra. - Testosterone therapy. This is performed when there is low testosterone in the body. - Penile injections. The injections include ICI, intracavernosalAlprostadil - Vacuum erection devices - Intraurethral medications - Penile implants - For younger men bypass surgery of penile artery is a good option to treat erectile dysfunction. It is not recommended for older men whose arteries have become hard with aging.
Diet as effective as drugs for some people with high blood pressure High blood pressure, or hypertension, can increase the risk of a number of conditions including stroke, kidney failure, heart attacks, and heart failure. While diet has long been shown to be a contributing factor, a common treatment for hypertension is drug therapy. A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology shows that for many people, changing their diet is as effective as drugs. Specifically, researchers examined the combination of a There are a number of natural ways to maintain healthy blood pressure, including this supplement.
By Grant Mortenson Recent events on campus — not the least of which is the article penned in last month’s issue of the Clarion, “Safe Spaces, Brave Places” — have underscored the existence of multiple worldviews here at Bethel University. A worldview is a lens through which each person observes the events occurring around them and by which they explain the significance of everything they encounter. While we should not fear interacting with people who hold a different worldview than our own, there are some that cannot and will not coexist with each other. When worldviews conflict, one will trump the other (cf. Matt. 6:24). In the larger Western culture—and increasingly at Bethel—there is a conflict between two particular worldviews: Biblical Christianity and the Sexual Revolution. The sexual revolutionaries have been calling for ‘tolerance’ and ‘inclusivity’ at Bethel for a few years now. This is not exclusively the worldview of the LGBT community, though they are by far the most vocal proponents of it. Rather, the sexual revolution began with the concept of no-fault divorce and every change that followed can be traced to the misconception and devaluation of marriage. The primary tenets of the sexual revolution are these: “you may do with your body whatever you please,” and “you are free to love whomever you please, so long as all parties consent.” Both fly squarely in the face of Biblical Christianity and undermine some of the most basic principles in understanding our relationship to Christ. On the first, we are not autonomous. We are enslaved at all times, either to the lord of this world or to the Lord of heaven. When we were born, we were born children of wrath (Eph. 2:1-3). But Christians are ransomed from our former master by the blood of Christ so we are called to glorify God in our bodies (1 Cor. 6:19-20) which means we must flee sexual immorality (1 Cor. 6:18). We do not own our own body. Either the prince of the power of the air owns it, or Christ owns it. 1 Corinthians 6:20b commands us to glorify God in our bodies. Since Christ literally owns us, Christians must do as the Master commands, or else we are disobeying him, and consequently we are not glorifying him. To state the matter plainly, sex is not the same as tea. On the second, we used to have a clear sign of consent. Marriage. But the institution of marriage has been eroded by divorce. No longer is marriage deemed a lifelong bond—a covenant, even—but merely a contract that may be broken when either spouse is not receiving the satisfaction they think they deserve from it. As such, new principles of consent had to be invented, including the horrendous analogy which equates sex to a cup of tea. To state the matter plainly, sex is not the same as tea; the only reason this rubbish exists is because some people decided, “we don’t need marriage to have sex!” and they later discovered that sinful men on college campuses do exactly what we would expect a man with sinful, unchecked desires would. Now we live in what some call a rape culture and we need these terrible analogies presented by a British narrator. All because we have devalued marriage. So, what’s the big deal with marriage? Why is sexual activity restricted to marriage? And why is marriage only between one man and one woman? There are a few oft-given answers, many of them certainly valid. Some offer the analogy of rules in a sports game. The rules of any sport exist to ensure fair play for everyone involved and to minimize the chances of injury. In the same way, they say, marriage is the rulebook for sexual activity, and these rules make sex enjoyable for everyone and reduces or eliminates the chances of spreading disease by way of sexual transmission. While I think this is a reasonable answer, it is lacking in authority. It is an argument by analogy, and analogies break down if you stretch them too far. Some simply say, “Well, God commands us to marry someone of the opposite sex to have sex, so that’s what we’re going to do!” This also is valid. But how do we come to that conclusion? That’s the critical question, and it requires answering why marriage exists in the first place. I argue that marriage was not created solely for ‘human flourishing’ (whatever that is), but as a portrait of the gospel. Permit Paul to explain. If the church continues to redefine marriage, we will destroy the most visible picture of Christ’s love for his church. In Ephesians 5, Paul refers to marriage as a profound mystery. Up to this point, the only reason for marriage is because God commanded it of the Israelites in the laws given at Mount Sinai. Paul explains that marriage is a picture of the relationship between Christ and his church. “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her,” (v. 25) “as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.” (v. 24) When Christ returns, he is returning to his bride—the church—to take her to the home he has built for her. (John 14:2-4, cf. Jewish marriage practices) So the whole point of earthly marriage is to point to the heavenly marriage that will take place on the last day—i.e. the gospel message. Due to our Biblical illiteracy, we have allowed marriage to become a mystery once more. If the church continues to redefine marriage, we will destroy the most visible picture of Christ’s love for his church. There are not two Christs, there are not two churches, there is not one Christ and multiple churches. There is Christ and the church. As Paul says, this mystery is profound, and due to our Biblical illiteracy, we have allowed marriage to become a mystery once more. As the rest of the culture continues to follow the sexual revolutionaries, it should be obvious that Bethel University has a decision to make: do we submit to Christ or do we whore after the world as Israel whored after other gods? (cf. Deut. 31:16, Judg. 2:17) If Bethel would truly “be the Christ-centered university of choice for this century” then we must truly follow Christ. Bethel must refuse to follow in the footsteps of the rest of the world. True, we may be outcast from society. We may be mocked. It may even cost the school its academic accreditation. But as Jesus said, “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it has hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.” (John 15:18-19) To those who think they can redefine marriage—faculty and students alike—make your case! Only make it from the Word of God as followers of Christ have always done. If you cannot or will not, then I ask you to have enough integrity to admit you do not hold to our Affirmation of Faith and Covenant for Life Together. Since being a part of this institution requires you to hold these standards, honesty and integrity would require you to depart for a school such as Augsburg that will accommodate your beliefs. We cannot serve two masters. If you are willing to listen to the gospel call and submit to Christ, then hear this message and hear it loudly. As rebellious slaves, none of us deserve to be ransomed by Christ. All of us have lied, stolen (even small things), dishonored our parents, hated others, and looked at others with lust. All of us have broken the commandments and we are not capable of keeping the two greatest commandments, love God and love others. We fail every day. And so God descended to earth and became a man, Jesus of Nazareth. He lived the life that we couldn’t live, free of sin, and died the death that we deserve for our rebellion. He has risen to new life, defeating sin and death. The life that he offers us is not one that we can earn, not even by keeping the two greatest commandments. (Because we can’t!) Repent of your sins—including the sins you identify yourself by—and trust in him. Rest your identity in Christ. Your old self will fade away. For it is no longer you who live, but Christ who lives in you (Gal. 2:20).
U.K. telecom Vodafone has been testing its drone technology with a 4G connection. The company recently delivered what it bills as the first drone delivery in the country using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) on a 4G network: bringing treats to volunteers on the Isle of Portland in Dorset. Drone delivery projects have cropped up in other parts of Europe, including healthcare deliveries in Switzerland via Matternet drones and Alphabet Wing's planned 2019 delivery project in Finland. But other parts of the continent are not yet on board. Vodafone dressed up one of its 4G-networked drones as Santa Claus and delivered Christmas treats to 75 volunteers in the Isle of Portland. The volunteers spend more than 9,500 hours a year keeping both the sea and shore safe. Typically, drones communicate back to the pilot via a radio link, which gives the vehicle line-of-sight operating range. With a 4G modem on board, the delivery drone can be monitored in real-time from a much greater distance without having to stay directly in range of radio signals. Vodafone said the drone delivery connection is what is envisioned for how these devices will be used in the future. It will also be a boon with the low latency of 5G when it arrives and will allow for brand-new ways to exchange physical items using digital technology. “Technology plays an increasingly important role in connecting people over Christmas,” said Scott Petty, CTO of Vodafone UK. “And flying a drone over 4G for the first time gives us a glimpse of what Christmas deliveries of the future might look like.”
Source: Space Weather In a list of the thousands of lucky factors that have enabled life to flourish on Earth, the planet’s magnetism should rank somewhere near the top. Earth’s magnetic field acts as a kind of shield, protecting the surface from a constant stream of solar energetic particles (SEPs) that cause mutations to DNA that would make life as we know it impossible. This radiation poses a real danger to astronauts who leave the protection of Earth’s magnetic field. Ordinarily, the risk of solar radiation to deep-space travelers is relatively low and constant, a steady background of small doses. But occasionally, following space weather events like coronal mass ejections, the Sun can release a much denser barrage of SEPs that greatly amplifies the danger to human health—the same way a quick, torrential downpour will soak you more thoroughly than a long, misty morning. As NASA plans longer missions deeper into space, researchers are trying to understand what type of risk these acute bursts of SEPs will pose to astronauts. Here Mertens et al. demonstrate a new system of models that could help show, in real time, both how many SEPs astronauts are exposed to and how much damage the exposure could cause to our biology. The researchers designed the project specifically for NASA’s Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle, which the agency plans to use in future missions to the Moon and Mars. To calculate how much radiation an astronaut is exposed to, the first model draws data from six dosimeters—sensors that detect incoming radiation—placed around the inside of the craft in the same locations the crew would be found. Then, a second model translates the exposure into biological risk, especially in blood-forming organs (bone marrow, thymus, spleen), which are the most sensitive to radiation. This second model also shows how the radiation exposure may negatively impact an astronaut’s performance during the mission. Although this system of models is slated for use on upcoming missions, the researchers have not yet been able to test it in a deep-space SEP event. So instead, they ran a simulation using data drawn from various satellites during a historically dangerous SEP event in October 1989. In this simulated experiment, the researchers report, the models performed well, averaging 33% uncertainty across the duration of the event. Although these results are encouraging, the researchers note that these experiments assume that the incoming radiation is isotropic, meaning it comes from all directions in a relatively equal distribution, whereas actual incoming radiation is anisotropic. The authors are planning future work to assess how anisotropy influences the uncertainty in the organ dose model, a vital question if humanity plans to explore space beyond the protection of Earth’s magnetic field. (Space Weather, https://doi.org/10.1029/2018SW001971, 2018)
Full description of a fine map of Oakham of 1787 and transcript of accompanying field books. Discussion of the layout of the town, its inhabitants, topography, buildings, roads, fields. Assessment of how the map (the earliest known for Oakham) reveals likely features of the early medieval town. Transcript of Oakham's entry in the Universal British Directory of 1791. Full index. 104pp, paperback, colour illustrations. ISBN 978 0907464 55 6. A crumpled document found many years ago in a cupboard at Burley on the Hill turned out to be a very fine map of the manor of Oakham Lordshold, drawn by William Cullingworth in 1787. Indeed, it gives the earliest detailed plan of Oakham known so far. Not only that, but a series of four field survey books in the Finch family archives, deposited like the map in the Record Office for Leicestershire, Leicester & Rutland, were found to belong with it because they list all the occupiers of the Lordshold properties at that date, as well as information about changes of tenant over the new few years. These documents are important because they reveal so much about the appearance and layout of the town of Oakham – even though they cover just one of the town’s two manors – before enclosure of the parish took place in the early part of the nineteenth century. The field books in particular contain much information about the inhabitants of the town, where they lived, what type of property they occupied and how extensive it was, including houses, yards and outbuildings as well as closes and land in the then open fields. The book draws together all these details, ranging from the layout of the roads and watercourses to an identification of tenants, tradesmen and others who are mentioned both in the field books and in the Universal British Directory of 1791. The field books are transcribed in full, with an index. The map can also be used to suggest successive patterns of defended enclosures centred on the church and castle in the early medieval period, which were disguised as a result of the later enclosure of the parish, and Tim Clough puts forward his ideas about how the layout of the town changed after the Norman Conquest. These documents are a valuable resource for the study of Oakham and its inhabitants at the end of the eighteenth century. They are full of information for family historians and local historians alike.
Please prepare for a tiny dose of dry humour and a few silly scenarios as the more I thought about this piece the more I realised that they are the smallest and simplest skills you could ever develop, but unfortunately so many people haven’t been able to master them….yet! So with that said… Have you ever met someone or had a conversation with someone and felt like you needed to take a shower afterwards just because of how uncomfortable the experience was for you? And probably for them too! Now, think about another time you met someone or had a conversation and walked away feeling amazing and feeling like you truly connected with that person so much so that you want to see them again just because how good they made you feel? Well chances are in one of those encounters you weren’t met with these qualities and in the other you were greeted by all of them. Now these are just a few things that came to mind today when I was in my car and I began thinking about how I communicate with people and how I have noticed other people communicate with each other and with me too. I thought about the different feelings I experienced after different meetings or encounters with people and it led me to think about what it was that I liked or disliked about talking to different people. So I am going to share the 5 qualities that I appreciate most when meeting new people and also when communicating with people I already know. Skill Number 1 – Saying “Hello”. It is such a simple thing to do, yet so many people seem to have real trouble getting these two syllables out, or even one syllable if you prefer to say “Hi”. Think about how uncomfortable it makes you feel when you say hello to someone and they don’t reciprocate it, or when someone walks into a room and lingers in awkward silence (often with their hands in their pockets and the shoulders shrugged) as if you were already in a conversation and neither of you know’s who’s turn it is to speak. Are you sometimes the culprit of this heinous crime against positive human interaction? If you are, then think to yourself about a time when you watched someone walk into a room and greeted everyone, and as they did the whole room seemed to light up with a new energy because of this person’s simple act. How good did it make you feel that somebody took a moment of their time to greet you? Would you like to know the solution? It can be a tad scary for those of you new to speaking with people. You say “Hello!” Whether they are a stranger who you made eye contact with on the bus or someone you know, but you don’t feel like saying hello because you think you already know them “well enough”. Just do it and see what happens. I know it sounds crazy, but I guarantee if you decide to take on the task you will instantly begin enjoying better and more enjoyable encounters with people. Skill Number 2 – Paying a (genuine) compliment. This is one of my favourites! I love it when someone says something nice about me, but I love to give compliments even more so! Seriously! How good does it feel when someone says something like “You smell nice”, ” I love your hair”, “That’s a great shirt”, “Those shoes are awesome” or how about a real deep one that I love and I’m grateful to have received this one a few times… “You have a great energy”… ooooh that’s a good one! And how about that look you get from people when you pay them a compliment?! It’s a kind of awkward blush/smile/smirk, but you can see that it made them feel really good and that makes you feel really, really, really good too! Don’t you just love that? I know I do! But there’s a trick to paying compliments that some people simply don’t understand… Which is ok because if you are one of those people I’m going to help you out. The trick to paying a great compliment and what can mean the difference between you both feeling amazing or you wishing you could walk out of the room, come back in and try a second time is to be Genuine!!! We as human’s are intuitive creatures and we pick up on behaviour, tones and body cues really well, so even when we don’t consciously acknowledge that we noticed something strange, our subconscious does notice it and that’s when we are left with that strange feeling that something just isn’t right. Now when you are not being genuine, you put out those strange signals that the recipient will pick up on, then they will send back strange signals too because they are now uncomfortable and you are both left in a silent awkward dance of indecision about whether or not you continue talking to each other or you run and hide in embarrassment. Now I know you are just dying to find out how to paying a genuine compliment! And I’m going to share with you how I go about it, but if I’m going to tell you this I want you to actually do it. My trick to paying someone a great genuine compliment is to be HONEST! If I don’t 100% believe in the compliment I’m about to give then I don’t give it. Sometimes that means that I will skip this particular skill when first communicating with someone, but I would rather not pay someone a compliment and have a great conversation than pay them a false compliment just for the sake of doing so and causing us both the pain of sitting through an uncomfortable and dishonest greeting! You will notice it more now that you’re aware of it that there are a lot of people who will pay you a phony compliment in an effort to buy your time because often they have an agenda for even speaking to you in the first place! And when you do notice it you might realise that you have been that fake person in the past, but don’t be concerned because after reading this incredibly insightful blog you will be that fake person no more! Skill Number 3 – Making and Maintaining Eye Contact Everyone say “OOOOOOH!” As soon as you read what skill number 3 was you instantly took yourself back to a conversation where the other person just wouldn’t look at you, they were constantly looking around the room or over your shoulder as if you weren’t even there! And when you have a conversation like this you might as well not be there… seriously, your time is worth more than that! This is a skill that I admit takes some actual work to master, and I can’t even make a joke about it. It really does require effort on your part while you’re learning this skill to focus on the person you are talking with and give them your full attention and the respect they deserve for sharing their valuable time with you! One major (Well actually very minor) hurdle people have with this skill is technology. So often people are more focussed on their phones during a physical conversation than they are with the person they’re actually with and it’s so sad to watch! Yes, I’ve been guilty of it and sometimes I still catch myself falling into the trap, but nowadays I catch myself and realise that being present with the person I’m next to is much more important than responding to a Facebook message of a funny meme one of my other friends sent me! Seriously, the meme can wait! So just like the other 2 skills I’m going to tell you how I worked on this skill to become a fabulous person to communicate with. The first one is just practise, you have to try it, then try it some more and keep trying until you can have a full conversation with someone and not look at your phone, your watch or at anything other than the person in front of you. The second tip is to apologise when you stray your focus, there is nothing quite like holding yourself accountable for your actions, so next time you pick up your phone when a person is talking to you I want you to put your phone down, apologise for not being completely present and acknowledge that you appreciate that person’s time. If you can master this and the first 2 skills you might just find that people will want to spend more time talking to you and as a result you will develop more meaningful connections with everyone you come into contact with! Skill Number 4 – Listen Remember Skill 3 where you had to make eye contact with someone when speaking with them, well that one was actually really important because when you’re not completely focussed on what they are saying, chances are you’re going to miss something and that is what we call “NOT” listening! How bad do you feel when you’re talking to someone and it’s like talking to a ghost. You tell them about something great that happened in your day and it’s like it goes in one ear and straight out the other (as my mother would say). It actually hurts doesn’t it? So how can you avoid causing other people that same pain? It’simple, you put down your damn iPhone (or android) and you listen to what they have to say, then when they have said what they have to say you acknowledge it and tell them something great that happened in your day. This continues for however long it takes, then at the end of the conversation you will both smile, because you both feel great that someone not only shared something great with you, they also let you share something great with them! Because as the old saying goes “sharing is caring”, which by that definition means having a conversation with someone is the same as caring for them… what a revelation! I’m realising even more how much I love talking with people and I totally believe that everyone who reads this is going to be having some amazing encounters with people from now on! Skill Number 5 – Gratitude We have come to the final chapter is this mind-blowing lesson in conversation and it’s probably the most important skill of all.. Gratitude, which for the purpose of this piece is to be grateful for people’s time! Just about every conversation I have nowadays, especially when it’s with someone totally new ends with me thanking them for their time! Some of you are like “WHAAAAT?” this guy thanks people for speaking to him… what a weirdo! But I am deadly serious, I actually thank people for speaking with me. I do it because when I communicate with someone and all 4 of the previous skills are put into practise by me and if by chance the other person has read this article and also practises these skills then that is going to be an amazing conversation! Honestly, if both parties are playing 100% at being rock star communicators then the kinds of conversations you can have even in a matter of moments can be incredible! So just like when a friend cooks you a spectacular meal and you thank them for doing so, I thank people for spending their time with me and having an awesome chat! Now you don’t always have to actually say it (Even though it feels really good when you do) , you can actually show your gratitude for that person just by being present with them and practising the skills we’ve talked about already, because I guarantee that if you do all of these things that person will feel your gratitude even if you don’t physically say “Thank you”. The next time you speak with someone and you genuinely (what’s the word) feel like you had a great chat, I want you to say these exact words to that person. “Thank you so much for this chat, I really enjoyed talking with you” If you can do this and be genuine, I assure you people will be coming back to you just to be able to speak with you and share their time and presence with you, because you made them feel respected, you made them feel appreciated and you made it feel worthwhile for them to share their time with you! Is your mind thinking about every single bad conversation you’ve ever had and every single great conversation you’ve ever had at the same time right now? Good, so it’s not just me! Time is the most valuable asset you have and sharing it with other people is precious, so remember that next time someone is gracious enough to share their time with you and practice these skills in every conversation you have. By doing so you will be adding great amounts of value to their already treasured time and that is a service this world needs more of! In closing I want to thank you so much for taking the time to read this and if you felt any value in it then please share it with your friends or on your social media because if you and all the people in your life could be superstar communicators by using these skills.. Just imagine how much more amazing your relationships would become!
We’ve had a few days recently with afternoon storms. As it’s also been so warm (around the 33°C/92°F mark) and humid, there’s been a fair amount of steamy mist around – especially in the morning. I usually associate fogbows with the (southern hemisphere) winter, but this one’s arrived early. It’s that time of the year when our Dipodium sp. indigenous terrestrial orchids begin to flower around the paddocks in the vicinity of eucalypts. The orchids pushed their way through the soil up to a month previously to appear as purple or green leafless, ‘asparagus’-like stalks. They take their time to flower after that. Those in the photograph are possibly ‘Dipodium atropurpureum‘. I’ll get a better look at it after more flowers mature. Some 40 km (24 miles) north of my home lies Aberfoyle – a locale rather than a village. It’s a lonely spot with no sign of habitation in the immediate vicinity of the cemetery. A century ago, though, there may have been a small community here. Something for me to research. The above photograph shows the sparseness of the cemetery today – there may at one time have been some wooden grave markers, though now rotted away. A curiosity here is the stone marker of the grave of a woman born in the USA (photo below). What is her tale I wonder. In Loving Memory of Melissa Lyman Page Beloved Wife of the Late Enoch Winslow Page of New York City Born at Westhampton, Mass. Died at Aberfoil March 31, 1901 in her 82nd Year Her obituary in the Armidale Chronicle of April 3, 1901, reads: “Obituary. — A very old and esteemed resi- dent of New England died on Sunday last, when Mrs. Melissa Lyman Page, wife of the late Mr. Enoch W. Page, of New York City, passed away to her rest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Tregear, of Glen Nevis, in the Aberfoyle district. The deceased lady had attained the advanced age of 82 years, and was beloved by a wide circle of acquaint- ances in the locality to which she belonged.” Some old newspaper articles that refer to Aberfoyle can be found on another of my blogs here. The cemetery was dedicated on October 19, 1894 and the various denominations are segregated thusly:
There are runner beans at the bottom of my garden. My two children love to pick them, pot them and cook them up for supper. It’s a guaranteed way to get them to eat their greens: make them fetch them fresh from the garden. When I started making my new film Project Wild Thing, I doubt my young son and daughter had even heard of runner beans. Now, they love getting out into the garden. Just at the moment they can’t get enough of learning about how things grow. It’s a far cry from two years ago when, coming downstairs one morning, I discovered a pair of zombies in the sitting room. They had got up early and turned on the TV. Their eyes were glassy and their faces were blank. It was time for a change, I thought. My children’s lives were consumed by stuff - television programmes, games on the computer, plastic toys… They spent all their time being sold things by brands and they didn’t do much of what I enjoyed most as a child: just getting outdoors and messing about. My children’s existence was focused on indoor things; they had retreated from the wild. And they are not alone. Across the UK children are spending less and less time outdoors. As a consequence, they are becoming more disconnected from nature. It’s affecting their health, their wellbeing, and their attitude to the natural world. In Project Wild Thing, I wanted to reclaim nature for British children; to reconnect them with the natural world around them. Taking the view that children are sold everything under the sun, I appointed myself Marketing Director for Nature and sold them the sun itself. I launched a massive marketing campaign to sell children the ultimate adventure, the best thing they could want: nature. Along the way, I talked to all sorts of people: children from across the UK, conservationists, play experts and marketing gurus. The more people I talked to, the stronger my conviction became that children in Britain want nature. In fact they need nature. But there are so many other pressures bringing themselves to bear on children’s lives, that they don’t always get nature. As conservationist Chris Packham told me when I interviewed him for the film, "it’s not the children who don’t want to put their hands in the mud…it’s the adults who have said no." Making the film made me realise that we all need to become Marketing Directors for Nature and do all we can to reconnect our children with their environment. If we fail, the future for our children and for nature looks bleak.
Wavy hair is always a classy and on vogue look for women of all ages. However, wavy hair extensions and wigs take far more upkeep than straight hair, as this type of hair needs a lot of moisturizing and maintenance. Scroll down to learn how to take care of wavy hair and other useful advice from Queen Hair! Characteristics of wavy hair in how to take care of wavy hair To know how to take care of wavy hair, you must first properly understand it. Human wavy hair extensions or wigs are made with loosely curled hair. Wavy hair is ideal for women who wish to attain a fashionable look that goes well with any outfit. - Wavy hair in human hair wigs and extensions are created from straight human hair that has been heat-treated to get a wave-like pattern. Because the source of hair for human hair products is always Asian hair, which is relatively straight, this type of hair is not wavy by nature. - Because real wavy hair is prone to frizz, wavy hair integrations may suffer from the same issue if not handled properly. Friction and dryness from hard squeezing or washing, cotton pillow cases, and wooly beanie and scarves are all major reasons for wavy hair frizz. Heat, such as blow drying or curling incorrectly, weakens and frizz out your wavy hair. Bad products can also result in thin, brittle strands that are easily frizzy and broken. Therefore, wavy that is dry or improperly maintained will become frizzy or lose its texture. As a result, knowing how to manage wavy correctly is critical in order to keep your hair integrations looking lovely even after several uses. Follow Queen Hair’s how to care for wavy hair tips for lovely, frizz-free waves for any occasion! Steps how to take care of wavy hair There are a few things to remember in how to take care of wavy hair: how to wash, brush, and nourish them. While there are many dos and don’ts in how to care for wavy hair, we have compiled them into comprehensive steps of the best way to take care of wavy hair for you. If you ever wondering how to take care of my wavy hair then check out Queen Hair’s advice on hair care for wavy hair below! How to take care of wavy: Washing Before we begin, please keep in mind that you should know how to care for wavy hair with human hair products. The following are the suggested hair washing steps how to take care of wavy hair. You can do this with wigs or hair extensions, but if you are caring for a wavy hair wig, remember not to wash it too roughly and too frequently, at most once 2-4 weeks. - Mix your shampoo with warm water. Use a sulfate-free shampoo, as sulfate-containing shampoos can dehydrate the hair, making it appear dull, dry, and brittle. If your wavy hair has been colored, use a shampoo designed for colored hair. - Soak your hair in soapy water. Make sure the shampoo reaches your scalp or wig cap. This allows the shampoo to clean the oils, and dead cells. - Make use of a hydrating conditioner. Conditioner offers the moisture that wavy hair needs. Spread conditioner into your hair with a wide tooth comb. - Washing and conditioning hair should be done in portions. Part the hair into parts and apply a generous quantity of product to each segment. Rake or finger comb the product through the hair, being careful not to damage it. - Wash the conditioners away by soaking in clean water several times and gently squeezing the water out. When your wavy hair is damp, gently brush it with your fingertips. Avoid performing the following things while learning how to take care of wavy hair: - Don’t use a two-in-one shampoo since the conditioner might go into the hair roots and cause damage. - Applying shampoo straight to your wavy hair might harm the cuticles of your wavy hair. You can do this with wigs or hair extensions, but if you are caring for a wavy hair wig, remember not to wash it too roughly and too frequently. Queen Hair recommends a wig washing once every 2 to 4 weeks in how to take care wavy hair. How to take care of wavy hair: Drying and brushing After you’ve finished washing your wavy hair, the following step is how to take care of wavy hair after shower which is to dry and brush the hair. Follow these drying procedures on how to take care wavy hair: - Wrap your wavy hair in a towel or turban after washing your wavy hair to speed up drying. - To avoid tangles, brush or comb your wavy hair from the ends to the top with a wide-tooth comb. Comb your wavy hair until they are free of tangles and mattes. - Avoid using a blow dryer since heat might cause your wavy hair to split and dry. Drying your wavy hair without heat is good for keeping them healthier and softer for longer periods of time. - If your wavy hair is starting to loosen, use a curling iron to re-curl them. Remember to keep it on a low setting in order not to burn the hair. Aside from these steps in how to take care of wavy hair, there are other wavy hair advice you can take for the best hair care of wavy hair: - Use a satin pillowcase to sleep on. - When drying your hair, use a microfiber towel. - A monthly hair mask for wavy hair will keep your hair nourished. - Always use your fingers or wide-tooth comb to brush your hair gently - Drink plenty of water and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to keep your scalp healthy. Even when the hair is not your natural hair, taking care of your scalp health is still important. Here are the steps of how to care for wavy hair after shower. Even if the hair extensions or wig is made entirely of real hair, the hair is no longer attached to the scalp and has been heavily treated, therefore wavy hair might be delicate. This is why taking care of wavy hair is important if you want your hair to last a long time and fit your Nigeria fashion style. How to take care of wavy hair: Moisturizing Do you know how to maintain natural wavy hair? The answer is moisturizing. Moisturizing your hair is one of the most crucial aspects of how to take care of wavy hair. Moisturizing your wavy hair will keep it healthy and lustrous. Because the scalp no longer nurtures the hair, you can use the following items to provide the required nourishment in how to take care of wavy hair: - Spray water or water-based hair serums on the wavy hair. Hair is made up of protein bundles that are kept together by hydrogen and disulfide bonds. To keep your wavy hair healthy, keep them damp, which is essential for hydrogen bonding, and the most effective moisturiser is water! - Use a natural oil that is healthy for your hair, such as olive oil, coconut oil, castor oil, or jojoba oil. Because water easily evaporates from the hair, a rather thick oil mixture is essential to seal in moisture. - Use a water-based moisturizer, but not as fluid as the product used during the liquid stage. It is best to use a cream moisturizer or leave-in conditioner. These are both the guideline of how to take care of naturally wavy hair and how to take care wavy hair extensions. Hope that this article will help you find the best way for you to maintain your wavy hair.
Two years ago, graphic designer Marc Richard came across a post on an architecture blog devoted to something called the SHED Project. SHED was a diminutive pre-fabricated home designed by English architecture firm Studio Bark, plopped inside a disused factory in London’s Battersea district. A freelancer, Richard was not particularly tied to one area or another for work, and although he didn’t want to leave London, the cost of living in the city was becoming a burden. At the same time, he says, he was “craving something different”. On a whim, Richard shot an email to someone at the studio expressing interest in the project. Not long after, he found himself moving into a 11.15-sq m box on wheels, located inside a larger structure, that could fit a double bed, a desk and a chair. Richard says it “sort of feels like a grand bedroom”. The SHED Project is an example of so-called ‘parasitic architecture’, in which new structures are added onto, between or even inside pre-existing ones The SHED Project is an example of so-called ‘parasitic architecture’, in which new structures are added onto, between or even inside pre-existing ones. At a time when many cities are facing affordable housing shortages, parasitic constructions have gained increasing attention as an innovative approach to building homes that are novel yet affordable. This year, Ecuadorian architecture firm El Sindicato constructed a 12-sq m, glass-and-steel-clad house hosted on another building’s rooftop in the San Juan neighbourhood of Quito. There have also been many ambitious conceptual parasitic projects reimaging major structures as functional homes: a version of Toronto’s CN Tower covered with wooden housing pods and a sea of colourful housing blanketing the inner walls of Paris’ Arche de la Défense. Richards's 11.15-sq m box on wheels was built as a parasitic home within an existing warehouse space. It fits a double bed, a desk and a chair (Credit: Studio Bark) Richard says that living in such an unconventional space has made him radically rethink what cities could look like, especially beyond traditional brick-and-mortar buildings. For example, picture a convention centre or exhibition hall: the space can house many different booths that can be changed easily, depending on the event. Housing could be similarly adaptable, whether residents want to change their structures often or simply live in more unconventional dwellings. “Things could be on wheels like the shed, or you could have flexible spaces, adaptable spaces, perhaps buildings which are modular and you could shrink them down when you need to,” he says. To Richard, a city that embraces the possibilities of parasitic architecture is one that could free architects and inhabitants alike to play with their idea of home. Teresa Bardzińska-Bonenberg, an architectural historian at Poland’s University of Arts in Poznań, has studied parasitic architecture. She says that the growing number of heritage-listed buildings in city centres that can’t be altered, combined with skyrocketing rent prices and diminishing real estate inventory, has forced architects to become imaginative with new projects in urban areas. At the same time, she points to an increasing desire for homes that occupants can easily and cheaply revamp and remix. “This is what the idea of ‘parasiting’ the city is about,” she says. “People have now much more inspiration, materials, tools and courage to express themselves.” A parasitic project of modular units was imagined in Paris's La Grande Arche de La Défense (Credit: Studio Malka Architecture) A highly visible parasite Though reusing or expanding upon an older building is hardly a new phenomenon, parasitic add-ons distinguish themselves by contrasting deliberately from their ‘hosts’ in a mix of colour, material and style. The visibility of the addition isn’t a problem – it’s the point. These highly visible parasitic structures also serve as a powerful means of making social issues more visible. Artist Michael Rakowitz started his socially conscious parasitic housing programme paraSITE after returning from a residency in Jordan. Rakowitz, then a graduate student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, saw a homeless person sleeping on a heat grate outside a building in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He was reminded of the wind-blown tents of nomadic Bedouins. “Here was this other instance of wind, only it wasn’t the wind that was moving through the desert – it was the wind that was a by-product of a building’s service system,” he says. “And it was another form of nomadism… urban nomads who are nomads by consequence and are economic and social refugees.” Parasitic add-ons distinguish themselves by contrasting deliberately from their ‘hosts’. The visibility of the addition isn’t a problem – it’s the point But Rakowitz is emphatic that paraSITE should not be seen as an easy fix for homelessness. After all, he argues, cities wouldn’t willingly manufacture these structures since they draw attention to the issue of homelessness rather than masking it. But the high-visibility nature of parasitic architecture is actually an integral part of his project: rendering the crisis of homelessness visible, thereby potentially opening conversations with city officials and, on a larger scale, provoking structural change. El Sindicato Arquitectura constructed a 12-sq m parasitic house on another building's rooftop in Quito's San Juan neighbourhood (Credit: Andrés Villota) Priced low but precarious Often modular, easy-to-build and petite, many examples of parasitic architecture are poised to address the needs of low-income populations and even young creatives trying to get by. At £300 ($373) a month, rent for Richard’s SHED is a fraction of what most Londoners pay for a room in a shared flat: data from the Greater London Authority show that the average monthly rent for a room in many parts of central London is £650 or more. With the same kind of desire to customise that Bardzińska-Bonenberg describes, Richard built himself a kitchen adjoining the box, added some plants. “When I first moved in,” he recalls, “I thought, ‘This is joy.’” But because Richard’s house is located in a building under a guardianship scheme (in which people maintain a physical presence in abandoned buildings in return for reduced rent from the guardian company), he lives with the possibility of short-notice eviction. The guardian company had originally planned to introduce a whole colony of sheds, but that plan has since fallen by the wayside. (Studio Bark sells a kit to build a SHED Project shed as a parasite in other structures, but Richard has the only autonomous parasite shed in this experiment.) Instead, the guardian company is focussing on buildings where a room-like set-up already exists. Richard’s house is essentially a wooden box on wheels located inside a much larger space, which Richard says “sort of feels like a grand bedroom” “It’s much, much easier for them to do what other guardianships do, which is take on buildings that already have an obvious structure to them,” says Richard. After two years in the shed, Richard says he’s ready to move into a more conventional dwelling. A big factor influencing his decision is social: the odd nature of the set-up means that friends who visit often seem weirded out by the eerie openness of the massive factory space. When people aren’t used to unconventional living spaces, they find navigating them unnatural. Even as he weighs his next move, however, it’s clear that life in the shed has had an effect on him: Richard says he has imagined suspending something in the rafters, divvying up the space with screens, purchasing a plot of land and putting up a collection of interconnected prefabs. “It’s like the equivalent of building a fire,” he says of the set-up – how it asks of people to do their part, pitch in, bring something. Living there, he says, “was very beautiful in its own way.”
The point cloud data collected from 3D laser scanning can be utilised to develop 3D models of the incident scene or structure. Data can be presented in simple formats such as a surface mesh, 2D CAD sections, 3D wireframe or 3D surface model. Where more detail is required models can be delivered in various formats such as 3D mesh or solid models with plain grey surfaces or 3D photorealistic models with textured surfaces. We have access to many different types of modelling software including AutoCAD, 3ds Max and Revit and are able to produce models to the clients requirements. 3D incident scene modelling 3D models of incidents scenes are effective tools to illustrate possible injury causation scenarios. This project involved using point cloud data to build a model of the incident scene with human bipeds camera matched with CCTV footage of the subject during the incident. More details on this case are available in Injury Biomechanics and News. This slide show illustrates the various models available from surface meshing of the point cloud to detailed 3D photorealistic models with textured surfaces to match those at the scene.
Why Is Blue Light Harmful? Many of us spend hours and hours every day in front of a screen. Whether you’re sitting at your laptop for work, messaging friends on your smartphone or just watching tv in the evening – screens are part of everyday life and for most of us, essential! Blue Light. What is this? Blue light is everywhere. It’s in sunlight. But it’s especially common in digital devices. Unfortunately, through screen time, you are exposed to harmful blue light that these devices emit and exposure can have several negative impacts on your health and well-being, including loss of sleep, digital eye strain, macular degeneration, premature skin ageing, and development of other long-term lifestyle health conditions. Too Much Blue Light! Too much time staring at screens = too much blue light. This can cause eye strain, fatigue, head aches, dry eyes and much more...Blue is not for you! Blue light at night The natural cycle of waking up and sleeping is regulated by the presence of natural blue light and its absence, respectively. When you’re not exposed to blue light because the sun has set, your brain triggers the secretion of melatonin, the hormone that lowers your body temperature and makes you feel drowsy. Blue light is responsible for keeping you alert during the day, lifting your moods, and boosting your brain function. Artificial exposure to blue light at night from devices interferes with this natural flow of events and blocks the natural production of melatonin.
A developmental framework for evaluation and treatment of visual perceptual deficits in adults with acquired brain injury is presented. The framework is based on a review of research conducted on post-cerebrovascular accident subjects and subjects with traumatic brain injuries. Visual perceptual skill is conceptualized as a hierarchy of skill levels that interact and subserve each other. Higher level skills evolve from integration of lower level skills and are subsequently affected by disruption of lower level skills. Oculomotor control, visual field, and acuity form the foundation skills, followed by visual attention, scanning, pattern recognition, memory, and visual cognition. Brain injury can affect the integrity and interaction of each skill level and affect daily living function. Application of this framework dictates a bottom-up approach to evaluation and treatment, emphasizing identification and remediation of deficits in lower level skills to allow normal integration of higher level skill.
Transaction with the production, exchange, as well as sale of goods and solutions for profit. Its primary goal is to meet the demands of humans via its service or product. Services can be created as a sole proprietor, a collaboration, a joint stock company, or a participating undertaking. Listed below are some ways to organize your organization. Continue reading to learn just how to organize your service. You can also think about running your own company if you have the needed sources and also expertise. A company is a task conducted commercial, such as making, selling, or trading goods. A business is usually an organization that produces and sells services or products. Although organizations may lose money, they can still be thought about businesses. Profit does not necessarily suggest cash money payments, as it can additionally be a type of safeties or barter professions. This makes it vital to clearly define your service prior to you begin the process of running a business. If you are considering beginning a new one, you might wish to consider this. Organization activities vary from creating goods and also services to providing them to clients. These activities include financial, insurance coverage, packaging, transport, and extra. According to Derek F.Abell, business tasks can be broken down into three main dimensions. The two the majority of standard methods to define a company are with its feature to customers, along with its use alternate innovations. These three components comprise business’s key purpose. Regardless of the size of your service, you ought to have the ability to specify it precisely as well as create the most effective possible opportunity for profit. What is an organization? An organization is any kind of activity that seeks profit by producing or giving a good or service. The activity is profit-oriented and can not consist of non-economic tasks. The term “earnings” is commonly made use of in a generic sense as well as can describe pay payments or safety and securities. A single deal is not a service. If you sell furnishings consistently, it is a company. A firm can have two different definitions of earnings. A business is an activity in which people earnings. It is a sort of activity that entails the production and distribution of a product. The ultimate objective of an organization is to make a profit. Normally, a business will certainly have lots of consumers and also a high earnings margin. Nevertheless, a service will have a variety of various services and products. Several of these products may be extra successful than others. If you sell furnishings, you’re marketing a service. A business is a task that looks for earnings. It is a business task that creates products or solutions and sells them commercial. It is not a leisure activity. It is a genuine venture. It is a legitimate method to earn money. A firm needs to be lawful to run a company. Unless it has a nonprofit condition, it is not a service. A not-for-profit company can not be a service. A company can be a charity or charitable. A company is an activity that entails the production of goods as well as solutions for profit. It is a legit venture that intends to profit society as well as boost the lives of people. While it does not need to be profitable, it is a reputable search. It can be a pastime or it can be a full-blown company. If you offer service or products regularly, it is an organization. It is a lawful need. A company is a legal entity. It is a legal entity that creates products and also services. It has an unique identity as well as is possessed by an entity. Its employees are in charge of the activities of business. An organization is a type of corporation that is legitimately bound to pay tax obligations as well as pay wages. Essentially, a company is a legal framework that allows you to do what you want without paying a single penny. A company is a successful venture, but it needs to correspond in order to be taken into consideration a service. It should be consistent. It can be a single deal or a collection of purchases. This is the interpretation of a service. It does not indicate that it pays. Rather, it is an organized, well organized process that is motivated by revenue. If a business is not running similarly as a not-for-profit, it is a service. The word service describes a company that seeks earnings. An organization can supply products and solutions to consumers in return for money. The goal of organization is not always profit-making. As long as an organization seeks its goal of revenue, it is a valid business. Nonetheless, many people have misconceptions concerning the meaning of company. In this article, we will talk about several of one of the most typical myths regarding the term “business.” In addition, we will take a look at a few of one of the most essential meanings of the term, along with the factors that make a company distinct. The principle of service is the underlying concept that encourages a service. A company idea is a basic concept that overviews the whole undertaking. A company can be for-profit, or it can serve a charitable or social cause. Additionally, an organization may experience losses. An earnings is not necessarily money, though it may be, if the objective is to develop profit. Some organizations are for-profit, while others are not. Regardless of the purpose of the business, there is an aspect of risk associated with running a business. Generally, a company entails the production of products or services commercial. It can be for-profit, or it can be for-profit and also can promote a social reason. An organization can be small, or large, yet a service can be any type of kind of business. As a matter of fact, a single trader can run a business on his/her own. To put it simply, a family can run a house furniture store, while a company is a global service. Have a peek at this website An organization’s goal is to supply earnings. It can include any type of activity that facilitates the production and distribution of items as well as solutions. It can likewise consist of financial tasks like financial, insurance, packaging, as well as transportation. The meaning of a business can vary, but most individuals will certainly concur that the key goal of a company is to make money. A company can be a for-profit entity or a charitable one, depending upon the nature of its objective.
Follows verbs and adjectives to form a conditional: "if, unless, whether or not." To・と can be used to indicate a second action that follows immediately upon the preceding action; often identified by the use of sugu (immediately, right away): "as soon as." Asa okiru to sugu, kāten o akemasu. As soon as I get up in the morning, I open the curtains. Kinō wa kaisha no shigoto ga owaru to, massugu ie ni kaetta. Yesterday, as soon as work was over, I went home. 「I went straight home after work yesterday.」 To・と can be used to indicate inevitability of a second action following the preceding action: "when, as." Nihon de wa haru ni naru to sakura ga sakimasu. When spring comes in Japan, the cherry trees bloom. Kuruma ga ōku naru to kōtsū jiko ga fuemasu. As (the number of) cars increases, the (incidence of) traffic accidents rises. 「The more cars there are, the more traffic accidents occur.」 Fukeiki ni naru to shitsugyō-sha ga fuemasu. When there is a recession, the number of jobless increases. To・と can be used to indicate a hypothetical condition: "if, unless." Yamada-san ga konai to kaigi ga hajime raremasen. If Yamada doesn't come, the meeting can't be started. 「We can't start the meeting unless Yamada comes.」 Ashita, tenki ga ii to yakyū ga dekimasu. If the weather is good tomorrow, we can play baseball. To・と can indicate when something has been learned as a result of specific actions: "when, after, as a result of." Ginkō e iku to, mō shimatte ita. When I went to the bank,「I found」it was already closed. Kōban de michi o kiku to, sono kaisha wa sugu mitsukatta. After asking the way at a police box, I found the company right away. To・と can be used with two verbs (either two different verbs ending in -yō/-ō, or the same verb repeated, the first ending in -yō/-ō, the second in the negative, -nai); indicates a lack of concern over which of the two events occurs: "whether...(or) not." ”En” ga tsuyoku narou to yowaku narou to, watashi no seikatsu ni wa kankei arimasen. Whether the yen gets stonger or grows weaker [rises or falls], it has no effect on my [daily] life. Kanojo ga hitori de pātī ni ikō to iku mai to, watashi wa kamaimasen. I don't care whether she goes to the party alone or not.
Ageing, inequality and ethnicity: Evidence cards This set of downloadable evidence cards highlights the contributions of and shocking inequalities experienced by Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups approaching retirement age. Older generations are becoming more diverse than ever. But also more unequal. There’s an increasing level of inequalities in terms of health, wealth and life circumstances. The inequalities described in this set of ‘evidence cards’ are particularly significant as older generations also become more ethnically diverse: the number of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people aged 50-70 is growing at a faster rate than the number of White people. It’s vital that these inequalities are tackled so that no one misses out on a good later life. This means better paid work, more affordable and better housing, and targeted measures to reduce ill-health. This pack pulls together some of the statistics we uncovered in our report, ‘Boom and bust? The last baby boomers and their prospects for later life’. The figures presented here use the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing and Understanding Society survey data. We recognise that grouping together Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups can miss the nuances of their experiences. However, this should not lead us to conclude that there are no shared experiences. We also reinforce our previous calls for ethnicity data reporting to be made mandatory in all official and statutory statistics and data monitoring.
The cold start injector is also known as the cold start valve. The part is located on the cold air intake, which is found on the intake manifold. It is a fuel injector that is controlled electronically. Beside above, what does cold start mean? A cold start is an attempt to start a vehicle’s engine when it is cold, relative to its normal operating temperature, often due to normal cold weather. Similarly, where is the cold start injector on a 22re? The Cold Start Injector is the responsible for supplying more fuel into the intake manifold for an easier start on cold temperatures. It is located in the middle of the upper intake manifold plenum. How long does a fuel injector last? The fuel injectors on your car will typically last between 50,000 and 100,000 miles. The length of time that the injector lasts has a lot to do with the type of gas that is used in the car and how often the various fuel filters are changed. What makes a car hard to start when its cold? Cold weather makes the engine hard to start for two main reasons. First, oil thickens when it’s cold, which increases friction and makes it harder for the staner motor to spin the engine. You can ensure that your car will start in the worst weather by keeping the engine or the battery, or both, warm. Can cold weather affect fuel injectors? When a car is exposed to cold and damp weather it can lead to some problems that may mean it won’t be able to start. More modern cars with fuel injectors tend to be less likely to have any issues. But that’s not to say they can’t suffer from some common issues when the air is damp and temperature drops. How do you clean fuel injectors? Steps Purchase a fuel injector cleaner kit with a PEA cleaning fluid. Review your vehicle’s engine layout to locate the fuel injectors. Disconnect the fuel pump from the fuel injectors. Disconnect the pressure regulator vacuum line if you have one. Connect the cleaning kit to the fuel port. What does a cold start valve do on an air compressor? It unloads the pressure from the compressor piston. The cold start type of valves in oiled compressors are mainly for really cold weather so you are able to get the pump warmed up for a bit before making it start pumping pressure. You can check the pressure switch contacts just remove the cover. How does a thermo time switch work? The thermo-time switch limits the injection time of the cold start valve dependent on the engine temperature. The switch is fitted on a location where the engine temperature can be measured correctly. When the engine is cold the thermo-time switch is closed and therefore the cold start valve injects additional fuel. Is cold starting a diesel bad? Driving a diesel in very cold temperatures can result in the fuel gelling. You might have to replace the fuel filters as well. It’s not bad to start and run your diesel engine in the winter, even when it is really cold if you have prepared your engine and fuel to start and run in cold weather. Is cold start bad for your car? Cold starts cannot be avoided when the engine is cold and you need the car. However a cold start causes more wear than a warm start, and you cannot rev the engine too high unless the oil is warm enough. This will most certainly ruin your car over time. Is it bad to drive when engine is cold? Of course, hopping into a cold car is never a fun task. Although driving your car will actually warm up your engine faster than idling, it still means driving for a period of time in a cold vehicle. And, it also means dealing with the frost on your car windows before they warm up. How long should I let my car warm up? Auto experts today say that you should warm up the car no more than 30 seconds before you start driving in winter. “The engine will warm up faster being driven,” the EPA and DOE explain. Indeed, it is better to turn your engine off and start it again than to leave it idling. How do you warm up a car? How to Properly Warm Up Your Car Get into your car. Turn the ignition on but don’t start the engine just yet. In 3-5 seconds, you should hear the fuel pump priming the engine. Start the car when this happens. Idle for about 10-20 seconds at the most. Slowly ease out of your parking spot and ease into driving. Is it bad to drive your car without letting it warm up? “Your engine will warm up the oil much faster when driving at full speed — not to mention idling wastes gas.” The Environmental Protection Agency lines up with those who say warming up your car is not only not helpful but is wasteful. Idling for 30 seconds actually uses more fuel than restarting the car. What do you do when your car is too cold to start? If your engine doesn’t start, try these tips: Jump start your battery. A weak battery doesn’t have the required power to overcome the extra resistance. Let your car rest for 20 to 30 minutes. If your engine has flooded, letting your car sit for a bit will allow the spark plugs dry. Plug in your engine block warmer.
"This lack of regard for safety is something that the Coast Guard takes very seriously." After NASA astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley splashed down in the Gulf of Mexico yesterday afternoon, more than a dozen private boats came up right to the capsule to welcome the two astronauts back home, The New York Times reports. But there was one issue: those boats weren’t supposed to be there. The NASA and SpaceX recovery teams at the location had to instruct boats to stay clear — and luckily they cooperated. “I think all of America was very anxious to see the capsule land in the water, but yeah, it’s something we need to do better next time,” NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine said during a news conference following the splashdown. The Coast Guard had also sent out notices to stay clear of the area several hours prior to the landing, but unfortunately, they technically had no “formal authority to establish zones that would stop boaters from entering the area,” as a Coast Guard spokesman told the Times. “This lack of regard for safety is something that the Coast Guard takes very seriously,” he added, referring to the private boaters. SpaceX has announced it’s planning to send more Coast Guards out next time. “What’s important is that Bob and Doug got safely on the boat,” Gwynne Shotwell, president and chief operating officer of SpaceX, said during the Sunday news conference.
Welcome to Part 3 of my Google Sheets for Humanities Data workshop! In this lesson, you’ll learn all about the data validation tool and how to use it in your spreadsheets. Check out the first two parts of this workshop series to create a spreadsheet from scratch and make a code (or reference) table on my blog. And remember, if you’d like to practice these skills but are worried about messing up your own data, feel free to make a copy of my (fictional) sample dataset of artworks at NYU residential halls. About this tool The data validation tool in Google Sheets is an optional feature which allows you to specify a type of input (digits, date, text, etc.) or a range of inputs (i.e., a selection of names or words) for cells within a column or row. If you enable this tool, Sheets will require every entry within those cells to follow the criteria set by the creator/editor, whether in terms of format or content. Technically speaking, Google Sheets will only “validate,” or allow, entries that abide by the rules or criteria set by the editor. Cells containing incorrect inputs will then display error messages or be rejected entirely as per your instructions. Basically, with data validation, you can control what kind of data can be entered into certain cells in order to mitigate errors and manage inconsistencies in your spreadsheets. In my data organization process, I use this feature to help minimize spelling errors when working with toponyms. Using the dropdown list created by the data validation tool enables me to simply choose from the small range of entries I’ve allowed in a specific column rather than having to type out full names and phrases. After entering them once in my code table (which is the source of the range I allow in the dropdown list), I hardly have to do any work in the rest of my spreadsheet! Other potential uses of this tool include: - Allowing only entries formatted as MM/DD/YYYY and not DD/MM/YY; - Requiring an entry of digits between 10 and 100; - Tracking the progress of a specific task with a dropdown list of text options “Not Yet Started,” “In Progress,” and “Complete;” - Limiting text in a cell to “TRUE” and “FALSE” or “YES” and “NO.” Tool 2: Data Validation Now for the fun part… With data validation, you can create a dropdown list of entry options, as shown above, so that you can more quickly input your data. In my experience, this tool is most useful when the specified range is more limited, that way your dropdown list isn’t so long that it takes more time to scroll through it than it does to type out information. This example, taken from the sample dataset, contains residence hall name options, as those are the only buildings I might ever need to type in this column considering the dataset I’m working with. Again, this tool is entirely optional, but is helpful when dealing with large amounts of data as it will flag errors in your dataset when they don’t abide by your entry criteria. Follow these steps to get started: For cell range (1) above, enter the sheet and cells where you’d like to define rules. The exclamation mark “!” signifies the end of the name of a sheet and the colon “:” indicates a range. “Tab” refers to the name of the sheet/tab that you’re working in—mine is called “Data”—and “start cell“and “end cell” refer to the first and last cells encompassed by your range. So “Data!E2:E” can be read as: “apply this rule in the tab called Data, from cell E2 to the rest of column E.” I started the cell range in cell E2 because E1 contains the column header/title, which does not fit within my specified list. If I included E1, which reads “Residential Hall Name,” in the desired column range, I would get an error flag in the cell. You could tailor the range according to your needs: - To cover the entirety of column E in tab Data: “Data!E“ - To limit the range (for example to cells E2 to E10): “Data!E2:E10“ - To encompass multiple columns: “Data!E2:G50“ Alternatively, you can click on the little 4-square table symbol beside “Cell range” and “Criteria” to highlight your desired cells. For criteria (2), you can specify whether cells will have to abide by a range of texts, numbers, functions, or dates, or whether you’d like a checkbox in the selected cells. Again, this will help you limit the range of entries possible in a cell so that you can have greater control over the accuracy of your data. In the picture above, I’ve chosen to create a dropdown list using data validation. In order to create this list, I entered the range of cells containing my accepted entries: the names of the residential halls where fictional artworks are displayed. Because I have all of this data saved in my code table (tab 2 in the practice dataset), I entered the corresponding range: “Codes!A2:A12“. Now, in column E in my primary spreadsheet (the tab called Data), I have created a dropdown list in each cell containing my possible entries. Time to Practice! Now it’s your turn to give this tool a try. In the practice spreadsheet, try adding a dropdown list to column E, Residential Hall Name, by following the steps above. What you want to be able to do is simply choose a residential hall name from the list every time you enter a new artwork rather than typing it into each cell. It should look like the right-hand picture here. You’re doing great! You’ve picked up yet another handy tool in the vast toolbox of Google Sheets possibilities and are one step closer to mastering its inner workings. In the next part of my workshop series, you’ll learn about Conditional formatting, another optional feature that helps you visually organize your spreadsheet. If you’ll be spending dozens to hundreds of hours staring at your data, might as well make it colorful and clean!
Under copyright law, original works are given copyright protection in order to prevent theft and unauthorized use. Copyright examples include creative works with a tangible form, such as art, music, or literary works. Continue reading to learn about copyright examples in more detail, whether you need a copyright notice, and how to write one. What Is Copyright? Copyright is a form of legal protection that gives you ownership rights to your original works. The moment you create a work of creative expression that falls within the scope of US copyright laws, it is automatically protected by law. Copyright protects your original works, published or unpublished, in the event that they’re stolen or plagiarized. Copyright provides the creator with exclusive rights to: - Reproduce the work - Distribute or sell the work - Display or perform the work publicly - Create derivative works based on the original work Copyright also allows the copyright holder to authorize or restrict others in exercising these rights. To gain further protection of your works, you can register your copyright with the Copyright Office or add a copyright notice to your original works to help deter copyright infringement, the unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or display of copyrighted material. According to the US Copyright Office, copyright applies to original works of creative expression that are captured in a tangible form. The copyright goes to the original creator of the work, who can choose to sell their rights to other parties. Examples of works that can be copyrighted include: - Architectural works - Sound recordings - Audiovisual works, including motion pictures - Dramatic works, including any accompanying music - Musical works, including any accompanying words - Literary works - Choreographic works Copyright protection comes with exceptions. Under section 107 of the Copyright Act, copyrighted works can be used or borrowed without the creator’s permission for “fair use” purposes, such as education or commentary. There are also limitations to the types of works that copyright protection applies to. Examples of content not protected by copyright include: - Ideas, methods, systems, concepts, or discoveries - Works that don’t have a tangible form (i.e. not captured in or using a physical medium) - Titles, names, slogans - Familiar symbols or designs - Variations of typefaces or lettering - Ingredient lists Copyright laws only provide copyright protection to original, creative works with a physical form. Do You Need a Copyright Notice? No, you don’t need a copyright notice, as it’s not legally required, and copyright is automatically applied to original works. However, it’s a best practice to put a copyright notice on all your published works as an extra layer of protection. A copyright notice informs users that your work is copyrighted, thereby reducing the chances of copyright infringement. In the event that infringement does occur, having a copyright notice helps solidify your case in court as the infringer should’ve been aware that your content was copyrighted. How to Write a Copyright Notice You write a copyright notice by including three components in the following order: - The copyright symbol (©) or the word “copyright” - Year(s) of publication: A year or a range of years if your content gets updated. - Name of the copyright owner: This can be an individual, multiple individuals, an organization, or a business. You can also add a statement of rights to clarify the rights you hold over your work, such as: - All rights reserved: You own all rights to your work. - Some rights reserved: You allow the use of your materials under certain circumstances. - No rights reserved: You release your work into the public domain. This standard copyright format is often used for copyright footers on websites. How to Display Copyright Notices Your copyright notice should be displayed conspicuously so that anyone who views your work knows that the work is copyrighted. The placement of your copyright notice depends on the type of work or content you’re putting your notice on. For example, copyright notices are often displayed on websites as copyright footers, but some sites also include a dedicated copyright statement section or page. Here are some other examples of common copyright notice placements for various works: - Books or ebooks often have a copyright page at the beginning or end of the book. - Photos and other forms of digital art often have a copyright statement near the bottom of the work or a watermark label. - YouTube videos often have a copyright notice in the video description or video credits. Copyright notices vary in wording and level of detail depending on the type of work they apply to and the creators’ preferences. Let’s go over some sample copyright notices for different types of content to see how it can protect original content. Pixar’s copyright footer follows the standard copyright format. After the copyright symbol, there’s a range of years, from the year the corporation started to the current date, followed by names of the companies that own the copyright. Like this example, your copyright statement can include a range of years if you’ve expanded or updated your content since the original publication date. All Rights Reserved Statement Affinity Art’s copyright all rights reserved statement links to the art gallery’s copyright statement page, which clarifies that they’ve received permission from artists to display their original artworks on the site. The copyright statement specifies that the images and content from the site can only be used for fair use purposes, and any violations of the Copyright Act may lead to legal action. Like this example copyright notice, you can add an “All rights reserved” statement to your copyright footer to declare full ownership over your content. You can also link to a copyright notice, as the example does, to provide more copyright details. Copyright Page Example Architecture firm Henneman + Associates’ copyright page states that the site content can’t be copied or reproduced unless there’s express permission from the site owners. They also include a copyright disclaimer statement explaining that the site displays copyrighted photos and documents with the owners’ permission. If you allow the use or display of your copyrighted material under certain circumstances, outline the rules for use in your copyright page, as shown in the example. Protect Your Work With a Copyright Notice US copyright laws ensure that your creative works are copyrighted the moment they’re created. This protects your content from theft and copyright infringement. Strengthen the protection of your work by adding a copyright notice to let others know that your work is copyrighted and requires authorization for use.
For more than two decades now, positive psychology has brought an emphasis on positive human experiences. But is there one type – perhaps the most positive of all – that has not been adequately investigated? Welcome to the ‘awakening experience’. A few years ago, on holiday with my family in Wales, I decided to explore the farmland around our rented bungalow. I climbed over a gate and found myself looking down at a valley, with farmers’ fields sloping as far as I could see. Hundreds of sheep dotted the hills. After I’d been walking for a few minutes, looking at the fields and the sky, there was a shift in my perception, as if a switch had been pressed. Everything around me became intensely real. The fields and the bushes and trees and the clouds seemed to be powerfully there, as if an extra dimension had been added to them. They seemed more vivid, more intricate and beautiful. I also felt somehow connected with my surroundings. As I looked up at the sky, I felt somehow the space that fills it was the same ‘space’ filling my own being. What was inside me, as my own consciousness, was also ‘out there’. Inside me, there was a glow of intense wellbeing. This is a fairly typical example of an ‘awakening experience’ – a temporary expansion and intensification of awareness that brings significant perceptual, affective and conceptual changes. As a psychologist, I have been studying such experiences for a decade. In this article I will discuss some of that research, explaining the characteristics and after-effects of these experiences. Most importantly, I will explain why they are so significant, and why psychology needs to pay more attention to them. One of the roles of psychology is to examine different facets of subjective experience, and to investigate their possible causes and effects. When Abraham Maslow formulated his concepts of ‘peak experiences’ and ‘self-actualisation’ in the 1950s, he believed that psychology had been ‘selling human nature short’ by focusing too much on its negative aspects and ignoring its positive. At the beginning of the 1990s, when American psychologists such as Martin Seligman and Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi initiated the field of positive psychology, they made much the same complaint: that there was an imbalance in psychology. The discipline, they argued, needed to focus more on what makes life worth living and what can make human beings flourish, rather than just on investigating and curing mental illness. Since then, positive psychology has been everywhere. But in my view, while positive psychologists have studied experiences with superficial similarities to awakening experiences, nobody has quite nailed what makes awakening so special. According to my research, the three most common characteristics of the experiences are: - positive affective states (including a sense of elation or serenity, a lack of fear and anxiety); - intensified perception; and - a sense of connection (which can be towards other human beings, nature, or the whole universe in general). Other significant characteristics include: - a sense of love and compassion; - altered time perception (which often includes a sense of being intensely present); - a sense of a deeper knowing (as if the person is becoming aware of realities that are normally obscure); and - a sense of inner quietness (as if the normal associational chatter of the mind has slowed down or become quiet). There is a strong sense that a person has transcended a limited state and that awareness has become more authentic than normal. These experiences are sometimes associated with spirituality or religion, where they are typically described as ‘mystical experiences’. However, I think this is misleading, and may have led to the neglect of awakening experiences by mainstream psychology. I prefer to interpret the experiences in a secular context. This is partly due to personal reasons: I am not religious (in fact, I consider myself an atheist). But more significantly, my research has found that awakening experiences are rarely about religion. For example, in a study of 161 reports of awakening experiences published in the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology I found that only 22 per cent occurred in a spiritual context – that is, as a result of spiritual practices such as meditation, reading spiritual literature and prayer or fasting (Taylor, 2012a). The great majority of the experiences occurred unexpectedly in a wide variety of everyday settings, to people who knew nothing of spirituality or religion. Secular ecstasy and other concepts Some well-established psychological concepts incorporate characteristics of awakening experiences. For instance, there are certainly clear similarities with Maslow’s concept of peak experiences. However, the ‘peak experience’ is a very wide-ranging concept that embraces a host of other types of experience. Maslow referred to peak experiences generally as ‘moments of highest happiness and fulfilment’ and gave examples such as ‘being in love… listening to music or suddenly “being hit” by a book or painting, or from some creative moment’ (Maslow, 1962, p.67). Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi’s (1992) concept of ‘flow’ also has some superficial similarities with awakening experiences. Both are states of intense wellbeing and connection, in which one loses one’s sense of being a separate self. However, there are also significant differences. For example, unlike flow, awakening experiences usually aren’t related to states of absorption; in them, attention is usually very open and wide-ranging rather than intently focused on a particular activity or task. The concept of ‘awe’ is related to awakening experiences too. As studied by psychologists such as Dacher Keltner and Jonathan Haidt, awe refers to an experience of ‘deep appreciative wonder’ at the ‘immensity, beauty and complexity of a phenomenon that takes on universal significance e.g. through art, nature, human excellence’ (Haidt, 2002, p.864). However, although awakening experiences may sometimes feature awe, they are really a much broader phenomenon with a much wider range of characteristics. Awe can also potentially include characteristics of confusion, fear and dread, which are absent from awakening experiences. In other words, flow and awe are not equivalent to awakening experiences – they simply share a small number of the same characteristics. You could compare it to negative psychological experiences such as episodes of depression or panic attacks, which share some of the same characteristics, but are essentially different. In my view, therefore, psychology has merely touched on elements of awakening experiences, and has neglected their study as a category in themselves. In fact, one of the most significant studies of awakening experiences came from outside psychology. In 1961 – coincidentally, at around the same time that Maslow was formulating his concept of the peak experience – the English author and broadcaster Marghanita Laski researched the concept of ‘ecstasy’ in a non-religious context. She showed that such experiences could readily arise from secular activities such as enjoying natural scenes or works of art. In 2014 Rory McBride discussed Laski’s work in the pages of The Psychologist, highlighting characteristics such as ‘intense joyful sensations’, ‘feelings of unity and oneness’, and ‘a sense of profundity and release from mundane reality’. It is easy to see from these characteristics that the concept of ‘secular ecstasy’ is very close to that of an ‘awakening experience’. Like me, McBride voiced concern that these experiences have been researched so little within psychology. My own research has included two general studies of reports of awakening experiences (Taylor, 2012a, Taylor & Egeto-Szabo, 2017) and a study of transformational experiences related to psychological turmoil (Taylor, 2011, 2012b). This research has found three contexts that consistently show up as major triggers of awakening experiences, as well as a host of less significant ones. The most common trigger may initially seem puzzling: around a third of awakening experiences occur in situations of stress, depression and loss. For example, a man described how he went through a long period to of inner turmoil due to confusion about his sexuality, which led to the breakdown of his marriage. But in the midst of this turmoil, he had an awakening experience in which ‘Everything just ceased to be. I lost all sense of time. I lost myself. I had a feeling of being totally at one with nature, with a massive sense of peace. I was a part of the scene. There was no “me” anymore. I was just sitting there watching the sun set over the desert, aware of the enormity of life, the power of nature’ (Taylor, 2012a, p.86). A woman described how she was devastated by the end of a seven-year relationship, ‘facing a suffering that I didn’t imagine could possibly exist’. However, in the midst of this suffering, she ‘began to experience a clearness and connection with everything that existed… I was in a state of such pure happiness and acceptance, that I was no longer afraid of anything. Out of that depth arose such a compassion and connection to everything that surrounded me’ (Taylor & Egeto-Szabo, 2017, p.61). The second major trigger of awakening experiences identified by my research is contact with nature. Around a quarter of the experiences take place in natural surroundings, apparently induced by the beauty and stillness of nature. People reported awakening experiences that occurred while walking in the countryside, swimming in lakes, or gazing at beautiful flowers or sunsets. For example, one woman reported an awakening experience that occurred when she was swimming in a lake, when she ‘felt completely alone, but part of everything. I felt at peace… All my troubles disappeared and I felt in harmony with nature. It only lasted a few minutes but I remember a sense of calmness and stillness and it soothes me now’ (Taylor, 2012a, p.77). These are the types of experiences that were often described by romantic poets such as William Wordsworth and Percy Shelley. The third most significant trigger of awakening experiences according to my research – with a similar frequency to contact with nature – is spiritual practice. This primarily means meditation, but also includes prayer and psycho-physical practices such as yoga or tai chi. The relaxing, mind-quietening effect of these practices seems to facilitate awakening experiences. It is important to point out that, even here, there may not be a connection with religion. With the exception of awakening experiences associated with prayer, those who reported these experiences did not follow a conventional religious path. They belonged to the category of ‘spiritual, not religious’, and were following certain practices because of their beneficial effect, rather than through a religious conviction. After these three triggers, there are several slightly less significant ones, including watching or listening to an arts performance, reading (particularly spiritual literature), participating in a creative performance (such as dancing or playing music), love and sex. Only a small number of sexual awakening experiences were reported, but it is of course possible that participants were reluctant to divulge such intimate experiences. Even though awakening experiences typically only last from a few moments to a few hours, they frequently have a life-changing effect. Many people described an awakening experience as the most significant moment of their lives, reporting a major change in their perspective on life, and in their values. In our 2017 study of 90 awakening experiences, the most significant after-effect was a greater sense of trust, confidence and optimism. For example, one person reported that even though ‘that whole experience was brief, it left a little piece of knowing and hope. While I still was and am on a journey of self-reflection, it left me knowing that your inner truth is always there for you’ (Taylor & Egeto-Szabo, 2017, p.56). Another person reported that, ‘To know that it’s there (or here, I should say) is a great liberation’ (p.55). One person had a powerful awakening experience while suffering from intense depression during which she ‘felt the most intense love and peace and knew that all was well’ (Taylor, 2011, p.4) The experience lasted only a few minutes, but in its aftermath she found that the feeling of dread had disappeared from her stomach, and she felt able to cope again, which led to a new, positive phase in her life. As she described it, ‘I looked around and thought about all the good things in my life and the future. I felt more positive and resilient.’ Such changes in attitude sometimes led to significant lifestyle changes, such as new interests, new relationships and a new career. Speaking of the peak experience, Abraham Maslow wrote: ‘My feeling is that if it were never to happen again, the power of the experience would permanently affect the attitude toward life’ (Maslow, 1964/1994, p.75). This certainly applies to awakening experiences too. However, in a small number of cases, there were negative after-effects. After the exhilaration of their awakening experience, some people came back down to earth with a bump. They found everyday life dreary, and felt frustrated to be immersed in their normal routines and responsibilities again. As one person stated, ‘I feel myself being buckled down by the hustle and bustle of everyday life’ (Taylor & Egeto-Szabo, 2017, p.56). It might be tempting to explain awakening experiences in terms of unusual neurological functioning. Perhaps they are related to unusual levels of activity (or lack of activity) in certain parts of the brain. For example, neuroscientists such as Michael Persinger and V.S. Ramachandran have suggested that spiritual experiences are the result of stimulation of the temporal lobes. Persinger (1983) has even claimed to induce mystical experiences with a ‘helmet’ – popularly referred to as the ‘God helmet’ – that stimulates the temporal lobes with magnetic fields. Another theory, put forward by Newberg and d’Aquili (2000), is that mystical experiences of oneness arise when the part of our brain responsible for our awareness of boundaries (the superior posterior parietal cortex) is less active than normal. (In fairness, Newberg and d’Aquili don’t actually say that the state actually cause spiritual experiences, just that they correlate with them, although others have interpreted their theory in this way.) However, these theories are very speculative, to say the least. In his 2012 article for The Psychologist, Craig Aaen-Stockdale provided an overview of the research that relates spiritual or religious experiences to brain activity, and found numerous flaws, particularly a lack of control groups and successful replication. As he concluded, ‘Sceptics are, in my opinion, far too quick to claim that God is “all in the brain” (usually the temporal lobe) when in fact the evidence base is disturbingly weak’ (2012, p.523) While a small number of temporal lobe patients may have spiritual-type experiences, they are more likely to experience feelings of anxiety and disorientation. In fact, some studies have suggested that temporal lobe patients are actually less likely to have religious or spiritual experiences than others. At the same time, Newberg and D’Aquili’s claim that spatial awareness is associated with the posterior parietal cortex is disputed by other neuroscientists, who generally associate this with the temporal lobe (Karnath et al., 2001). In a more general sense, such neurological explanations suffer from a simplistic assumption that conscious experience is directly produced by brain activity. This assumption may seem logical, but there is no viable explanation of how the soggy grey matter of the brain could give rise to the richness and variety of conscious experience. In the field of consciousness studies, this is referred to as the ‘hard problem’ (Chalmers, 1996). According to the philosopher Colin McGinn (1993), to assume that conscious experience is produced by brain activity is like saying that ‘numbers emerge from biscuits or ethics from rhubarb’ (p.60). This doesn’t mean that there are no neurological correlations with awakening experiences. They may well exist, but as no more than correlations. At the same time, it is difficult to see how the correlations could be discovered, since awakening experiences almost always occur unintentionally, and so there is little possibility of producing them in brain-imaging labs. In my view, there is probably no need to resort to simplistic neurological explanations of awakening experiences, since they can be largely explained in psychological terms. A significant number of awakening experiences are related to states of relaxation and mental quietness. This is certainly true of meditation, and also of contact with nature, watching arts performances and participating in creative activities. Consider what happens when a person sits down to meditate, for example. They purposely remove themselves from activity and external stimuli, and then attempt to quieten their mental chatter by focusing their attention on a specific object, such as a mantra, their breathing or a candle flame. As a result, mental energy is no longer expended to the same degree as normal, and begins to intensify inside them. This may explain the heightened awareness that awakening experiences feature. The American psychologist Arthur Deikman – who was perhaps the first person to study the psychological effects of meditation – referred to a process of ‘de-automatization of perception’. Perceptual processes that normally function to save attentional energy (by automatising the perception of familiar phenomena) no longer function, because of the increased mental energy. As a result, our surroundings become more real and vivid. A similar process may happen when a person is in natural surroundings. Natural scenery may have a similar effect to meditation, in providing a focus for a person’s mind, and a retreat from being busy and bombarded with stimuli. This may lead to a similar build-up of mental energy and also the same de-automatisation of perception. The most important factor seems to be quietening of associational mental chatter, which normally expends a great deal of mental energy. But how can we explain awakening experiences linked to psychological turmoil? It’s difficult to interpret these in terms of relaxation and mental quietness, since they usually occur in states of mental agitation and distress. But here a factor may be that the sense of shock and loss often associated with psychological turmoil may bring a deconstruction of normal psychological structures and processes. In most states of turmoil, this may only cause further distress – with the possibility of breakdown – but occasionally this may have a positive effect, causing a de-automatisation of perception, and a transcendence of familiar modes of cognition. (There is, incidentally, a parallel here with the concept of post-traumatic growth, which also highlights how positive after-effects – such as a heightened sense of appreciation, purpose and meaning – follow a wide range of traumatic events.) A second wave of positive psychology Mine are only speculations, of course. I hope that other psychologists will investigate awakening experiences and develop their own theories. An experience that is so common, and has so much significance for individuals, should not be neglected, particularly now that the experience need not be associated with religion, or even with spirituality. Awakening experiences could be investigated in a similar way to experiences of flow – as an optimal psychological state that arises from certain unusual psychological conditions, themselves generated by certain activities and situations. While my own field of transpersonal psychology can easily accommodate the study of awakening experiences, in positive psychology there has long been an emphasis on quantitative research over qualitative, in an attempt to establish the scientific credentials of the field. For the same reason, positive psychologists have tended to avoid any experiences that might be seen as ‘spiritual’ or ‘transcendent’. Awakening experiences are difficult to study quantitatively; rather, they lend themselves to phenomenological qualitative research. As a result, positive psychology has not embraced the study of such experiences. However, psychologists such as Itai Ivtzan and Tim Lewis have initiated a second wave positive psychology that does emphasise the importance of qualitative research and is open to spiritual or transpersonal aspects. Perhaps the study of awakening experiences could form a part of this second wave positive psychology. This would go some way to filling a significant gap in the study of psychological states. McBride, R. (2014). Secular ecstasies. The Psychologist, 27(3), 168–171. McGinn, C. (1993). Consciousness and cosmology: Hyperdualism ventilated. In M. Davies & G. W. Humphreys (Eds.) Consciousness (pp.155–177). Oxford: Blackwell. Newberg, A. & D’Aquili, E. (2000). The neuropsychology of religious and spiritual experience. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 7(11–12), 251–266. Persinger, M.A. (1983). Religious and mystical experiences as artefacts of temporal lobe function: A general hypothesis. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 57(3 Suppl.), 1255–1262. Taylor, S. (2011). Out of the darkness: From turmoil to transformation. London: Hay House. Taylor, S. (2012a). Spontaneous awakening experiences: Exploring the phenomenon beyond religion and spirituality. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 44(1), 73–91. Taylor, S. (2012b). Transformation through suffering: A study of individuals who have experienced positive psychological transformation following periods of intense turmoil and trauma. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 52, 30–52. Taylor, S. & Egeto-Szabo, K. (2017). Exploring awakening experiences: A study of awakening experiences in terms of their triggers, characteristics, duration and aftereffects. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 49(1), 45–65.
Edwardian weddings were rich, elaborate and luxurious affairs. So high profile weddings were that they were published as newspaper articles. During the Edwardian times, it became a popular trend to hold the wedding ceremony at 2:30 in the afternoon. For this reason, special permission had to be obtained from the church. Otherwise, it was the norm to hold wedding ceremonies in the morning. The Wedding Gown And The Grooms Wedding Dress: The wedding gown was a vital part of the Edwardian wedding process. The traditional wedding gown was either white or cream colored dress, usually made out of satin. The Edwardian wedding gown was decorated with lace. The dress also had a wreath made of orange flowers. The gown had a train attached. The waste was sometimes cut open. Sometimes the Edwardian wedding gown had a low neck. The sleeves of the gowns were either short or they were elbow sleeved. The wedding gown was made out of very expensive materials. A bride could wear till 6 months from her wedding date and attend parties that required full dresses. The train of the gown was really long. It generally measured 80 inches. Those who were tall brides wore trains till 90 inches long. The Edwardian Wedding Ceremony The wedding was an elaborate issue. The father of the bride took her to the church. Her friends and relatives waited there for her. The bride was then ushered by the bridesmaids and was escorted to the church by her father. The bride walked down the aisle with her father. The bride and the groom then kneeled down before alter where the wedding ceremony used to take place. Rings used to be exchanged between the couple and the priest used to declare them man and wife. After completion of the wedding process, the bride and the groom hurried to the car and were driven home. In Edwardian England, a breakfast was held before the wedding. This was attended by the friends, relatives and guests of the couple. The guests used to feast on bread and champagne and cheer for the couple. In America however, this practice was not followed. There was a grand reception after the wedding had taken place. However, those who were widows or those who married for the second time did not have such a grand wedding. Their wedding was considerably simpler.
How To Achieve A Goal Successfully – A lot of people complain that they are not motivated to achieve their goals they have been setting goals many times and they have never achieved any of them which created this big doubt in themselves. How To Achieve A Goal Successfully The problem with goals is that they seem very simple which leads most people to not take them very seriously. Here is where the biggest issue is when it comes to setting goals. if your goals do not resonate with values that you deeply believe in, then I can guarantee you that you are not going to achieve them. Because if you rely on motivation to achieve your goals, then you are doing a big mistake, motivation comes and goes, you can’t always be motivated, but if its something that you believe, you are internally persuaded to accomplish this then you will stick to these goals until you achieve them. When I was a kid I just hated books, I barely could read a book for 5 minutes, and that even would happen if I get inspired and motivated sometimes, but when I understood how important it for me to read these books, I just started reading them weather I am motivated or not. Your beliefs are your values, so if your goals resonate with your values then you are most probably not going to achieve them. Another important reason why a lot of people if not the majority do not achieve their goals is because they think that they have goals when in reality they don’t. Most people don’t differentiate between goals and dreams. Let me explain the difference here, a lot of people have this common goal, I want to get rich, this sentence has a very broad meaning and doesn’t specify anything, and it’s simply a wish, and it’s impossible to achieve it. I mean, let me ask you something that does rich mean, does it means having luxury cars, a luxury lifestyle, or just being financially independent, having enough money that can cover all your day to day needs that you don’t have to work again, or maybe it means being An entrepreneur who creates products or services that bring value to people. You see when you don’t have a clear image in your mind what exactly do you want. You won’t be motivated to achieve it in the first place, it’s just something in your mind that you thought about but never clearly understood what is it exactly which might just stay as a wish that might never be achieved. The single most important factor that will determine whether you are going to achieve a certain goal is the clarity of it. Instead of saying that my goal is to start reading books this year, specify exactly what books you want to read and why you want to read them. Even if the goal is specific it’s not necessarily going to be effective unless it can be measured. Indeed, there is this golden rule in management that says: if you cannot measure it, you cannot manage it. So when it comes to wealth again, let’s say you want to start saving, by simply saying that you want to save, you can’t manage your performance, let’s say, you save a hundred dollar or 1k dollar, how much of your goal have you achieved. Although that it seems obvious that you should be able to measure your goals yet most of us don’t apply it, just take a look at your goals and see how many of them are measurable. To make your goal more effective, it should be realistic, you are earning 50K and suddenly you want to jump into a million dollars within a year which sounds more to be a wish than a practical goal. You can’t work with wishes, you should be fully persuaded that you can achieve this goal, that’s why your goals should be within your abilities, of course, you should never underestimate yourself but your goals should not be too big that they seem more like a wish than a goal, at the same time, if you set simple goals that are easy to achieve, you will not take them seriously because you know that they won’t have a significant effect in your life. And every goal that doesn’t have a deadline is not good, setting goals is important but what is more important is writing them down. everyone says I have goals in my life, if you ask them where is it, oh it’s in my mind, so what happens the next day, you don’t exactly remember because you haven’t written them down, what about a month later. You have to write them and review them every single day and what I would suggest is, stick on them somewhere that you can see them always. We, humans, are creatures who always forget, we get constantly distracted, so to stay focused, you should keep them in front of you.
CHICAGO (GenomeWeb) – The long-awaited General Data Protection Regulation is now the law across the European Union. It's a major deal for many reasons, not the least of which is the heavy penalty for noncompliance. Willful violation of GDPR could carry fines as high as €20 million ($23.6 million) or 4 percent of a company's annual global revenues. But the regulation also standardizes data flow and consent rules within and between all 28 EU member nations, as well as with any outside interests that do business with EU entities or hold any data on European citizens. Unlike the privacy and security rules of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) that have been in place in the US since the early 2000s, the GDPR affects more than just the healthcare and life sciences industries; it applies to electronic data of all kinds. That explains why so many global consumer and business e-commerce and data companies have for the last several months been sending updates to their privacy policies, all with an effective date of May 25. The regulation grants individuals three broad rights: the right to know who controls their data — including the name and contact information of a designated data protection officer — and for what purposes; the right to object to certain commercial uses of their data; and, perhaps most significantly, the right to be "forgotten" by an entity that holds their data. There are degrees of responsibility placed on the data controller for sensitive data like genome sequences, according to Giuseppe Testa, head of the Laboratory of Stem Cell Epigenetics at the European Institute for Oncology in Milan, Italy, and Luca Marelli, a research fellow at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium, who is studying the politics of biomedical innovation in the EU. The pair co-authored a paper on GDPR in Science this month. "It could make the flow of data indeed much simpler," Testa told GenomeWeb. "But there are more responsibilities." GDPR could actually promote abuses of data if not followed properly, according to Marelli. "The key thing will be the implementation," he said. The rule evolved over more than a decade, as EU regulators studied privacy laws in various member countries and beyond. Nino Da Silva, executive vice president of genomic data analysis company BC Platforms, noted that Sweden, Finland, and the UK, as well as Australia, served as models for parts of GDPR. Finland, for example, has had a biobank law in place since 2013 that requires donors to give specific consent for their samples to be used for research. Sweden has given every citizen the right to control their own medical and biological data and to request a copy of their health records at any time. "I think GDPR actually brings us further on, because it also [gives] the right to become forgotten," da Silva said. "One of the main principles of the GDPR is the consent, and the consent is scrutinized much more carefully than the Data Protection Act," the 1998 predecessor to GDPR in the UK, said Paul Jeffreys, head of digital operations at the London-based Institute for Cancer Research. "You have to have the ability to remove consent if the individual requires it. There is a whole set of related issues about consent that has been given in the past and what [it means] now," Jeffreys said. "The basic idea is that the data is owned by the person, and it is used by the company only because the person consents to that use. If a person wishes to retire from a service, or to simply withdraw the consent because they just don't want to be associated with that company anymore, they have the right to ask to be withdrawn from the servers," explained BC Platforms Chief Technology Officer Anni Ahonen-Bishopp. "Off of that point, the company or entity is not allowed to use the data or refer to it or even store it. It's not just a matter of removing a person from mailing lists. It is the actual withdrawal of the data as if the person doesn't exist anymore from that company's point of view," Ahonen-Bishopp explained. GDPR "is person-centric, so you need to be aware that you are working on somebody else's property," Ahonen-Bishopp also noted. In life sciences, there are exceptions to the consent rule for scientific research. "As regards consent, the GDPR also provides a breathing space for research activities that will certainly be useful. It recognizes that it is often not possible to fully identify the purpose of personal data processing for scientific research purposes at the time of data collection. Therefore, data subjects will be allowed to give their consent to certain areas of research or parts of research projects when in keeping with recognized ethical standards for scientific research," according to a summary from two Paris-based attorneys from US-European law firm of Foley Hoag. This is similar to but narrower than the HIPAA "treatment, payment, and healthcare operations" exemption in the US. GDPR contains another exemption for anonymized data, though the age of genomics creates a bit of a gray area. "There is a subtlety that even if it's completely anonymized, if it's a significant fraction of the genome, in principle, you can reverse-engineer back to the individual, so it becomes personalized again," Jeffreys noted. This is true even with nongenomic information. Latanya Sweeney, director of the Data Privacy Lab at Harvard, showed back in 2004 that 87 percent of US residents can be successfully identified with just three pieces of information: date of birth, gender, and ZIP code — information often readily available in hospital discharge and demographic data. Jeffreys said it depends on how GDPR is enforced, but it appears that European regulators will treat anonymized DNA data as personal information if a significant portion of the genome is involved. "I don't know where you draw that line," Jeffreys said. "I think it will be a bit like a legal system. It will require somebody to be challenged and a case made on that basis. I don't think anybody is going to come up and tell you what it is." The scale of the dataset matters as well, Jeffreys said. "If you had one or two [genomes] and you handheld those datasets through the system and checked every moment, it would be different than if you had thousands going through. Again, nobody will tell you what, precisely, it is, but we are building what we call a data safe haven in ICR to deal with this personal data." This data safe haven, as defined by the GDPR, deals with both infrastructure — hardware, software, and controls — and policies and procedures. "The infrastructure part is, 'How do you encrypt your data at rest, in transit? How do you build your access controls? How do you show the datasets can be deleted totally, even though you are backing them up?'" Jeffreys said. "The other part is, 'How do you do your auditing and how can you show that?' Data has to disappear and users have to show that it has disappeared." In April, NHS Digital, the IT division of the UK's National Health Service, updated its online privacy and security self-assessment tool to meet GDPR standards by issuing a new system called the Data Security and Protection Toolkit. ICR is developing its policy document around this toolkit, which is about the best it can do. The NHS and other health authorities across Europe have determined that data users, not the authorities themselves, "own" decisions around data, according to Jeffreys. "There is no way to get anyone to accredit [the policy document]," he lamented. The document will "include things like 'it must be accessible at a fine grain, but with very strong controls that you must have the ability to delete the data if requested,'" Jeffreys said. "It's not as if you have to drastically change everything that you have been doing." In some ways, life sciences companies and institutions have had an advantage in moving toward GDPR compliance because they always have dealt with sensitive information. Only in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal involving Facebook data did many consumers wake up to the reality that personalized information stored online isn't always being used in their best interests. For ICR, most of the work in the past year has been policy-related, because the institution has been dealing with sensitive data for years and didn't need all that many technology upgrades. The London institute has been working on GDPR compliance for more than a year, but only recently started training its staff, Jeffries said at the annual Bio-IT World conference in Boston earlier this month. Similarly, clinical genomics interpretation software vendor Congenica from Cambridge, England, has had ISO 27001 certification for data security and information governance since 2016, easing the transition to GDPR. "If we hadn't been ISO-certified, it would have been a problem," CEO David Atkins told GenomeWeb. As with HIPAA, enforcement of GDPR largely will be complaint-driven and based on intent. "If we can show that we are moving in the right direction, there will be leniency," Jeffreys said. "What we are trying to do is put in place the data protection officer and put in place our policies," he said.
Hebrew Free Loan The holiday of Hanukkah recalls events from thousands of years ago which still feel incredibly relevant today. At its core, Hanukkah is about miracles, faith and Jewish identity. But there’s more than one way to interpret the Hanukkah story. The “Sunday school” version Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, in the city of Jerusalem, the ruling Syrian Greeks controlled the Jewish Temple and desecrated the sanctuary. But after a miraculous victory led by Judah Maccabee, the Temple was reclaimed. When the Maccabees went inside to relight the golden menorah, instead they found only enough oil for one night. That the menorah stayed alit for 8 nights while new oil was found was a miracle and a sign that God was with the Maccabees. A simple narrative, good over evil: by staying true to our Jewish identity, we are victorious, God is with us. They tried to wipe us out, they failed, now let’s eat. The “historical” version From another angle, the Hanukkah story is about a Jewish civil war. It can be understood as a revolt between a zealot faction of the Jewish community and Jews who had acculturated into the majority Greek culture and were adapting their practices accordingly. Where do we fit into this story today? Struggles with Jewish identity are nothing new. Is the ideal to be like the zealous Maccabees fighting to protect Jewish law and traditional temple life? Or is it better to be like many other Jews of antiquity, balancing Jewish identity and tradition with involvement in the broader culture? In today’s world, most of us can love who we want and marry who we choose. Under the umbrella of Jewish community, our families are as varied as the colors of the rainbow. The huge variety of hanukkiot (9-branched Hanukkah menorahs) illustrates this point. Today we have hanukkiot shaped like trees, like bicycles, like the wailing wall … and yes, my kids even had a menorasaurus shaped like a dinosaur! As we light the lights of Hanukkah, let us be inspired by the sons of Joseph, who, though raised in Egypt and fully immersed in Egyptian society, maintained their Jewish identity even as they embraced the broader world. May the lights of the Hanukkah menorah warm our homes and remind us of who we are, that we stand proud as a people. May these lights guide our way as we go forward beyond the boundaries of our Jewish community.
The Indian gold rush. One of the first beneficiaries of this policy was Vedanta (earlier Sterlite group). In February 2016, Vedanta Resources became the first private company to successfully bid for a gold mine in India – the Baghmara gold mine in Chhattisgarh – a mine with potential gold reserves of . Ownership and Output of Chilean Copper Mines, 2003 123 Exposure to Risk with Periodic Mineral Royalties 125 Private Party Mineral Royalties in South Africa, 1990–2004 130 Differences between State and Private Mineral Royalties in South Africa 132 Gold Model (leveraged) Summary of Royalty and Tax Calculations 151 The first mining operations in the Kolar Gold Fields started in 1871 and the area still continues to be the largest supplier of gold in India. About 3,539 thousand tonnes of gold ore having 17,738 kg of gold content have been proved during the recent surveys conducted by the Geological Survey of India for locating new lodes. Annual production is anticipated at 800 000 oz gold and 20 Moz silver, making it one of South America's largest gold mines. The La Coipa silver – gold mine is operated by Compania Minera Mantos de Oro (MDO), a Chilean contractual mining company, which in turn is owned 50% by Placer Dome and 50% by TVX Newmont Americas. Bechtel has completed hundreds of major mining and metals projects across six continents, enabling our customers to produce everything from aluminum to zinc. Coal, and ferrous and nonferrous metals—copper, gold, aluminum, alumina, iron ore, steel, nickel, and titanium. Industrial minerals—cement, glass, and gypsum. Major countries in world copper production. Chile, the world's leading copper producer by far, produced an estimated million metric tons of copper in 2016. In second place is Peru, with an estimated copper mine production of million metric tons in 2016. The world's thirdlargest copper producer from mines is . InfoMine is mining's largest online community. What ever mining event you are organizing or promoting, we can help take your message to mining. Copper, Gold and Silver Deposit. The degree of copper mineralization in Chile has no equal around the world. Indeed, Chile is home to some of the world's largest, better known copper mines. Approximately 80 percent of Chilean production comes from porphyry copper deposits rich in . Cozamin is an underground coppersilver mine in Zacatecas, Mexico. Santo Domingo, Region III, Chile The Santo Domingo project, owned 70% by Capstone and 30% by KORES, is a largescale copperiron development project in Region III, Chile. List of ALL mining companies with access to company profiles, projects, resources and reserves and technical analysis. Welcome is the world's largest open database of minerals, rocks, meteorites and the localities they come from. is run by the notforprofit Hudson Institute of Mineralogy. Chile Mining. Industry capital outlay projections in the copper mining sector for the period are expected to be in the US25–30 billion range. In addition to copper, Chile is also a major world supplier of molybdenum, gold, and silver. Chile is also a relevant supplier of nonmetallic minerals such as iodine, lithium, sodium,... Jun 14, 2016· Reko Diq, which actually means sandy peak in the local language and is the name of an ancient volcano, has long been known as one of Pakistan's most mineralrich regions, with a string of gold mines, Chile was producing gold to finance Spain's wars almost one hundred years before the first pilgrim set foot on Plymouth Rock. Gold production has continued since about 1530. Coming from the States, where interest in mining is at an alltime low, Chile's rich, old mining culture is like a first date, full of promise.
This article mainly talks about F CPU Socket and the Opteron processors that are compatible with this socket. There are all 9 Opteron CPU series which can be fit into socket F motherboard. Learn more details on MiniTool partition software site. F CPU socket, also known as AMD Socket F, is a kind of CPU socket designed by AMD for its Opteron Line of CPUs, which were launched on Aug. 15th, 2006. It was succeeded by Socket C32 for entry-level servers and Socket G34 for high-level servers in 2010. Socket F is designed for AMD’S server CPUs. It is regarded as in the same generation as Socket AM2 and Socket S1, with the former applied for the Athlon 64 & Athlon 64 X2 and the latter applied for Turion 64 & Turion 64 X2 microprocessors. CPU Socket F equips with 1207 pins on its 1.1 mm pitch and adopts an LGA (Land Grid Array) connection. It is the base of the AMD Quad FX Platform released by AMD on Nov. 30, 2006. The revised version of type F socket, called Socket 1207 FX by AMD and Socket L1 by NVIDIA, enables dual-socket, dual-core (4 effective cores and 8 effective cores in the future) processors in desktops for home enthusiasts. About Socket F+ Socket F+, also called Socket Fr2, is a type of processor socket for AMD server CPUs, which starts from the 45 nm Gen of the K10 CPU family. It is designed to replace the Socket F. The main difference between the 2 kinds of sockets is the supported HyperTransport version. F+ Socket supports HyperTransport 3.0 at up to 2.6 GHz speed and is backward compatible with version 2.0 & 1.0, while F socket supports HyperTransport 2.0 at 1.0 GHz speed. F CPU Socket Revisions From the oldest to the newest: - Socket Fr1: Three HyperTransport 2.x links with 1 GHz, single-plane power-supply circuit. - Socket Fr2: Three HyperTransport 2.x links with 1 GHz, dual-plane power-supply circuit. - Socket Fr3: Three HyperTransport 2.x links with 1 GHz, unbuffered DDR2 SDRAM (special for Quad-FX). - Socket Fr5: Three HyperTransport 3.x links with 2.2 GHz for CPU; one HyperTransport 3.x link between CPU with 2.2 GHz, two HT 2.x links with 1 GHz for I/O operations on motherboards. - Socket Fr6: Three HyperTransport 3.x links with 2.4 GHz, support for Snoop-Filter (HT-Assist) What CPU Can Be Used on a Motherboard with an F CPU Socket? Just as mentioned in the first part of this article, the type F tower socket is designed by AMD (F CPU socket manufacturer) for its Opteron line of processors published on August 15, 2006, and later until 2010, we filter out those CPUs from the list of AMD Opteron microprocessors as below: - Opteron 2200 series “Santa Rosa” (90 nm) - Opteron 8200 series “Santa Rosa” (90 nm) - Opteron 2300 series “Barcelona” (65 nm) - Opteron 8300 series “Barcelona” (65 nm) - Opteron 1300 series “Suzuka” (45 nm): Quad-core and energy-efficient including Opteron 13KS EE and Opteron 13QS HE two models. - Opteron 2300 series “Shanghai” (45 nm) - Opteron 8300 series “Shanghai” (45 nm) - Opteron 2400 series “Istanbul” (45 nm) - Opteron 8400 series “Istanbul” (45 nm) In a Nutshell Overall F CPU Socket is one of the processor socket kinds that are designed by CPU manufacturer AMD for its different series of chipsets. And, socket F is special for part of AMD’s Opteron processor series that is launched from 2006.08.15 until 2010. F socket type has five revisions and they are mainly different in HyperTransport and power-supply.
Getty photographer Tom Pennington has been documenting alpine ski racing for over a decade and is currently in Beijing, China to capture the action at the 2022 Olympics. While some photographers bounce around between events at the Olympic Games, shooting alpine skiing requires a unique skill set—being confident enough on skis to be able to make your way down the same course as the competing athletes. “I don’t want to oversell it, but I’m comfortable on skis,” Pennington says. “It’s an incredibly challenging sport to cover, and I think that’s one of the reasons I’m so interested in it.” In the lead-up to competition Pennington spoke to us about what it’s like to cover the sport for Getty, why seeing the course beforehand is crucial, and what gear he’s brought along to capture athletes in Beijing. How is shooting the Winter Olympics different from the Summer Games? The Winter Olympics has a whole different set of issues, primarily dealing with the extreme cold. My primary function here at the Olympics is to cover alpine ski racing and when we got on the mountain this morning it was minus seven degrees Fahrenheit, with 15 to 20 mph winds. It was nasty cold. To prepare for that, it’s a lot of cold-weather gear, a lot of layers, a mix of synthetic jackets and down jackets, and nice Gore-Tex outerwear. We also have some real specialty products that we use, like battery-heated insoles for my ski boots which have a little heating pad on the ball of your foot in the toe area. They’ll run six to seven hours, so that really helps keep my toes warm when we’re standing around for hours. We have disposable hand warmers too. I use five to seven of those per day to keep my hands warm and to keep spare camera batteries warm—the extreme cold will zap lithium batteries—if the cameras go dead, we’re just stuck on the mountain and we can’t shoot. Why is it important for the Getty team to arrive onsight so early? We have 60-plus people in total. The tech team comes into all of the venues and confirms the technology side of the events, or venues, are set up so that we have ethernet cables to plug our cameras into and that the WiFi networks are operational. I’ve been here for nine days and we still haven’t had our first day of competition, but we’ve had two days of training. In the other six days, we’ve been going to the mountain to scope the course out. That’s been especially important for this Olympics because no one has ever been on this mountain. Usually leading up to an Olympics we will shoot a test event, like a World Cup race the year prior, sometimes two years prior, but those events got canceled due to COVID. The racers have never been on this mountain and photographers have never been on the mountain, so everyone is running blind. We needed extra time to be here, to get up on the mountain, to scout out, to find the perspective that we need to capture epic ski racing. Can you explain a bit more about the importance of getting on the mountain before the competition begins? For ski racing, it has to do with us finding the right terrain within the entire racecourse—where the skiers will be in a real dynamic position. We don’t necessarily want them in a position where they’re upright. We want them in a real strong, dynamic position. Oftentimes, with ski racing, where they’re setting the edges of the skis and turning really hard, that’s where we get the real dynamic looks with the snow spraying off of the skis—and also the big jumps. This course is loaded with big jumps. It’s really an amazing course. How many other photographers are on the course at one time? In this Olympic environment, there are 30 photographers that are allowed on the course to photograph. And out of those 30 photographers, there are roughly five positions that we can choose from that are officially approved. We have the ability to go investigate around and find another position on-course that we feel might make for good photos. We can propose that to the photo chief for the sport, and then they will take that to the governing body and decide if it’s a safe position. If a ski racer were to crash, would we be out of the way? The speeds we’re dealing with, the racers go over 85 mph downhill, and when they crash—you don’t want to be anywhere in the way of that. Are all of these positions determined before the competition begins? Today, we have five positions on the course, but by the time we get into day three or four of racing, there will be the other positions that we will find. It always evolves, especially with this course being brand new. We just haven’t seen it, and so it’s going to take us a while to find all the mega spots on it. But we have a couple of really good spots already. Not having previous access to the mountain was in part due to COVID-19, what else has the pandemic changed about documenting the 2022 Games? We are very disciplined in how we move around, and in who we are around. We are in a true closed-loop system. We don’t have the ability to go out and about and interact with the general public. Where normally, during an Olympic Games, we do have that ability to move around freely. With this one, we have dedicated transportation and we have to stay within that closed-loop system. Other photographers during the games would typically bounce around to several different venues. That doesn’t really apply to my role because covering alpine ski racing is a very specialized skill set. Primarily, first and foremost, you have to be able to ski the course to get into position. We can’t just rotate any photographer into that role. In addition to being able to shoot ski racing, I also know how to ski. There are also not going to be any fans for these games. We saw that also in Tokyo for the Summer Games. So that part is just the way things are now, so it won’t be as unusual, but it is still a real shift from the whole fan experience and mood and atmosphere during the Olympic Games. Does the lack of fans change the way that you are shooting? For the straight-up action, it really doesn’t. Mainly because if fans were in attendance, they would not be up on the course. They would just be at the finish line. Obviously, we would document that and shoot cheering fans and just the atmosphere there, but we don’t have that. It does shift how we shape our coverage, but it is what it is. We try to just document what’s there. What’s the pace of your day like once the Olympic Games officially begin? Our schedule will stay the same pretty much every day—whether it’s a training day or a race day. We’re up at 5:30 am, breakfast at 6 am, and then we have a car that picks us up at 7 am. We go straight to the mountain, and we’re on the course by 8:30 am. We come down between 2:30 pm and 3:00 pm and then travel back to the hotel. It’s a pretty set schedule and tempo with ski racing. What gear do you have with you to document the races this year? I shoot exclusively with Canon, and this year I’m using the new R3 cameras for this assignment, and it’s fantastic. The primary lens I use is a 600mm f/4 super-telephoto lens and a 1.4x teleconverter with that 600mm. So I’m shooting really, really long in the 800mm range. I also carry a 70-200mm f/2.8 and a 24-70mm f/2.8 in my bag. I pack all of that gear into a Think Tank MindShift bag. Once you are in position on the mountain what elements need to come together for you to make an epic race shot? There are a lot of different factors. We’re always paying very close attention to the skiers’ form, how they come off a jump. Are they out of control? Are arms flying? That kind of thing. And sometimes it happens so fast. Fortunately, shooting digital, we’re able to see right then and there that, yes, we did get it. I’m looking for nice light, a clean background, and good dynamic action from the ski racer. When those elements come together you can create a really nice ski racing photo.
Mapmaker / Cartographer: Sebastian Münster Name of Work: Cosmographia Date of Publication: 1544 Sebastian Münster, (January 20, 1488 – May 26, 1552) wrote and illustrated the first German description of the world in his work Cosmographia published in 1544 and richly illustrated with detailed woodblock prints, some of which were drawn by the great artists of the period including Hans Holbein the Younger and Urs Graf. Born in Ingelheim, the son of farmers he entered the Franciscan order and studied at the University of Tübingen in 1518. He later became a Lutheran. An professor of Hebrew, he was the first German to produce an edition of the Hebrew Bible. He died in Basel of the plague in 1552.
— Orion it is. A month after being granted a federal trademark for its use and hours after an astronaut in space inadvertantly broadcasted it for anyone to hear, NASA announced that its new crew exploration vehicle will be named Orion. "We've been calling it the crew exploration vehicle for several years, but today it has a name... Orion," Jeffrey Williams was heard saying over an open radio channel from the international space station today. According to the Associated Press, the recording was meant for an announcement planned for next week, but was released in error. After initial denials, NASA issued a release several hours later confirming the name. collectSPACE was the first to report the moniker Orion in July, after a publicly-accessible federal trademark search identified the agency's choice. The modern day equivalent of an Apollo capsule, Orion is the vehicle NASA's Constellation Program is developing to carry a new generation of astronauts back to the Moon and later to Mars. Orion will succeed the space shuttle as the space agency's primary craft for crewed exploration. Orion's first flight with astronauts on-board is planned for no later than 2014 to the international space station. Its first flight to the Moon is planned for no later than 2020. NASA chose the name for one of the most familiar and easily identifiable constellations. "Many of its stars have been used for navigation and guided explorers to new worlds for centuries," said Orion Project Manager Skip Hatfield. "Our team, and all of NASA - and, I believe, our country - grows more excited with every step forward this program takes. The future for space exploration is coming quickly." In June, NASA announced the launch vehicles for Orion, its cargo and future lunar lander have been named Ares, a synonym for Mars. The booster that will launch Orion will be called Ares I, and a larger heavy-lift launch vehicle will be known as Ares V. Orion will transport cargo and up to six crew members to and from the international space station. It can carry a crew of four for lunar missions. Later, it will support crew transfers for Mars missions, according to NASA's plans. Orion borrows its shape from Apollo capsules of the past, but will take advantage of modern technology. NASA engineers have said that its conical shape is the safest and most reliable for re-entering the Earth's atmosphere, particularly at the speeds required for a direct return form the Moon. Current plans call for Orion to be 16.5 feet (5 meters) in diameter and have a mass of about 25 tons. Inside, it will have more than twice the volume of an Apollo command module. The spacecraft is designed to return humans to the Moon to stay for long periods as a testing ground for the longer journey to Mars. NASA is expected to announce the prime contractor for Orion by the end of the month. Two teams, one led by Lockheed Martin and the other a joint effort by Northrop Grumman and The Boeing Co., are currently competing. Though not released on Tuesday, a logo for Project Orion has been labeled as "approved" in NASA internal papers.
Relatively little is known about the evolutionary history of the African green monkey (genus Chlorocebus) due to the lack of sampled polymorphism data fromwild populations. Yet, this characterization of genetic diversity is not only critical for a better understanding of their own history, but also for human biomedical research given that they are one of the most widely used primate models. Here, I analyze the demographic and selective history of the African green monkey, utilizing one of the most comprehensive catalogs of wild genetic diversity to date, consisting of 1,795,643 autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms in 25 individuals, representing all five major populations: C. a. aethiops, C. a. cynosurus, C. a. pygerythrus, C. a. sabaeus, and C. a tantalus. Assuming amutation rate of 5.9× 10-9 per base pair per generation and a generation time of 8.5 years, divergence time estimates range from 523 to 621 kya for the basal split of C. a. aethiops from the other four populations. Importantly, the resulting tree characterizing the relationship and split-times between these populations differs significantly from that presented in the original genome paper, owing to their neglect of withinpopulation variation when calculating between population-divergence. In addition, I find that the demographic history of all five populations is well explained by a model of population fragmentation and isolation, rather than novel colonization events. Finally, utilizing these demographic models as a null, I investigate the selective history of the populations, identifying candidate regions potentially related to adaptation in response to pathogen exposure.
Although stubborn children have negative attributes, they can have positive characteristics that parents should not ignore or surpass. Here are some positive characteristics: 1- Determination and Perseverance: This stubborn child is characterized by strong will, introverted pursuit and unwavering perseverance, which allows him to overcome any obstacles or problems that he may encounter when trying to learn new skills, because it is characterized by determination and perseverance. And passion. Determination, therefore, he insists on completing the order he wants, which helps him to pursue his current small goals and even his big future, such as planning to enter the medical field… A stubborn child is usually creative in his thinking. When he engages in a certain activity, he will be full of enthusiasm and passion to interact with it, because he put all his energy into it, which makes him produce creative works. For example, when a four-year-old child builds a game castle, he will surprise his parents due to the intensity of his interaction with work. Although the child may cause confusion when doing activities at home, the enthusiasm to characterize it is a uniqueness that must be developed The important thing is that it guides the child to share his talents and creativity in the right way, and the existence of this quality in the child will make him a determined person and capable of achieving goals in the future. 3- Established Principles: Parents must keep their promises to their children, because if they do not keep their promises in the future, the children may feel that their parents cheated him. A stubborn child is characterized by a high sense of justice and morality, so if he is in a certain position, he will firmly abide by his principles. For example, he might face another child who hurt and bullied other children… 4- Participation and cooperation: A stubborn child likes a way of dealing with participation and cooperation. Therefore, he refused to communicate with his parents or guardians on a controlled basis because it would make him uncomfortable. Therefore, parents should speak to their children in an opinionated attitude, show participation and a positive attitude, and avoid language of command, control and dominance. All of this will be actively reflected in the way he communicates with others in school or elsewhere in the future. 5- Enthusiasm and energy: Compared with peers, this stubborn child is characterized by more sports, activities and speech. Although some parents worry that their stubborn child may cause inconvenience to themselves and others, or how he does appropriate and useful work most of the time, they can still benefit from it. Enthusiasm and energy point them in the right direction, for example, let him participate in activities that can speak in front of the crowd, or in the future to pursue a career that requires energy like education… According to research conducted by the American Psychological Association, a stubborn child will have a great chance of getting a higher college degree and higher income in the future. He will have a great opportunity to become a reliable leader in the community, unless it requires parents to be more patient in developing his driving skills: it is not easy and requires enough effort, and they would have to try. Continue to lay the foundation to help him guide his leadership skills so that he can use them appropriately in the future… This strong child is completely independent, because he doesn’t accept anything, because only when he is convinced will he be imposed… 8- Wisdom, Creativity And Thinking Ability: The uniqueness of this stubborn child is that he is different from others in the way he thinks about things and the interpretation of the problems and situations he has experienced, and their creative ways are different from others. The reason may be that he is not interested in these beliefs and concepts. . Other people’s actions, so when he finishes a certain job, he will work creatively in his own way… When a stubborn child completes a job, they will focus on completing the job at the speed that best suits them, instead of comparing their performance with others. By solving these problems, we will be able to understand the thinking of a stubborn child. We can learn to deal with it later.
This week, 24-30th April 2021, marks World Immunization Week. Each year we aim to promote the use of vaccines and protect people of all ages from preventable disease. Vaccines have saved at least ten million lives between 2010 and 2015 alone, with many more people saved from bouts of illness and life-threatening debilitations. Despite being one of the world’s most successful health interventions, vaccines come under intense scrutiny and criticism across the world. While we all focus on critically important COVID-19 vaccines that will allow society to return to normal life, there remains a need to ensure routine examinations are not missed due to global lockdowns. Many families choosing to shield have opted out of their routine vaccination visits and healthcare services will need to offer suitable alternatives as the world begins to come out of lockdowns and advice on shielding among the vulnerable is phased out. Appropriately in a year of social distancing, this year the World Health Organisation have adopted a theme of ‘Vaccines bring us closer’ for World Immunization Week 2021. This year’s campaign is aiming to build solidarity and trust in vaccination as a public good. Be frank and honest It is apparent in the current pandemic that transparency and an availability of safety data are crucially important to encourage vaccine uptake. We are still learning as a society how to provide accurate information in a timely manner without causing unnecessary alarm. Vaccine hesitancy is unique from the general health-care sector as it is highly influenced by levels of political trust in society, influencers and historic trends. The following factors have been shown to influence vaccine uptake: - The media - Leaders and influencers - Historical influences - Religion, culture, gender and socioeconomic profile - Trust in the pharmaceutical industry - Geographic barriers to vaccine access Vaccinations are the subject of significant distrust from the general public, yet they save millions of lives each year. While some fears and concerns may be justified, vaccinations are also one of the biggest topics of misinformation in the world. With modern technology and the use of social media, viral stories can traverse the world in hours. Misinformed opinions of key thought leaders can negatively impact national policy makersSuccessfully communicating the benefits of vaccines is key to improving public health. Benefits of vaccination Many existing treatments, such as those for heart disease, cancer or autoimmune disorders involve risks, but the benefits they offer outweigh any risks. Vaccines fall under a higher level of scrutiny because they are given to otherwise healthy people. Vaccines are approved only if they have a suitably low risk profile and they significantly improve the health of groups receiving the vaccine. The difficult aspect of promoting vaccine uptake on an individual level is often that none of us see ourselves as being the one who will go on to get serious illness. In many situations, healthy people must take the vaccine to prevent spread and sickness in the vulnerable, who if they do catch the disease, may develop a more serious form of illness, with potentially life-threatening affects. This creates a moral dilemma that will only work if individuals are made aware of the benefits of vaccines, not only to themselves but also to others. This highlights the importance of sustained public awareness campaigns such as the WHO and support for those interested in more information. Reduce Serious Illnesses Reduce pressure on healthcare systems FACT: In 1980 2.6million people died from measles and in 2014 less than 73,000 died after a sustained vaccination program. This week we also celebrate the successful eradiation of Smallpox after the world’s most successful vaccination program. Smallpox was a horrendous disease of fluid filled bumps all over the body that left victims scarred. Babies were particularly vulnerable to Smallpox. The last recorded outbreak was in the UK in 1977, after which the World Health Organization declared it eradicated in 1980. As part of World Immunization Week there are two major aims: - Increase trust and confidence in vaccines - Increase investment in vaccines to remove barriers to access Both of these can be achieved through education and increased awareness of vaccines benefits. As part of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have put scientists to the forefront of public dialogue. Now we can listen directly to the experts on the dangers of the virus and the benefits of vaccination. This has been a major learning experience for both the scientific community and the public, who are now used to seeing complex graphs and data on a daily basis. In the UK we are beginning to see the benefits of a successful vaccination program. As the rest of Europe is entering its 4th wave of the virus, hospital admissions in the UK are decreasing daily (figure 1). Figure 1. Daily hospital admissions in the UK. (source: coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/healthcare) Recently world leaders have joined forces to promote vaccine uptake with the mantra, ‘nobody is safe until everybody is safe.’ The return to normal lifestyles and global travel is dependent on the successful access to vaccines and trust in vaccines by all communities across the globe. Development of future vaccines to improve access There are further vaccines in development that will be easier to transport and administer, such as the nasal spray vaccine being developed by Codagenix. At FluCamp we have play an important role in the development of these vaccines by offering controlled environments in which manufacturers can safely assess the effectiveness of their treatments or vaccines on a lower number of volunteers. In our controlled setting we can do nasal swabs to detect the earliest signs of infection even in volunteers with no symptoms. As part of this process, we also get the opportunity to compensate volunteers for spending time in our state-of-the-art comfortable residential units with an all-inclusive stay that ranges from 11- 16 days. The UK are world leaders in human challenge studies through the pioneering work of FluCamp.
God Is Jealous Part Two Previously we studied God’s jealous response to Jerusalem’s unfaithfulness to Him. Like an unfaithful wife, Israel’s capital city had committed spiritual adultery by worshiping false gods and entering into forbidden alliances with idolatrous nations. The Nation’s Adultery Jerusalem’s unfaithfulness was a symptom of the spiritual adultery that characterized most of the nation of Israel.(We must remember, however, that God always preserves a faithful remnant; and in every generation, there have been Jewish people who have been loyal to Him.) God used Hosea’s experience with an unfaithful wife to illustrate His tragic situation with the unfaithful northern kingdom of Israel primarily, but with passing comments about the southern kingdom of Judah as well. In the book of Hosea, God said the Israelites had “committed great harlotry by departing from the Lᴏʀᴅ” (1:2). He said they sought counsel from wooden idols and “played the harlot against their God” (4:12); were “joined to idols” (v. 17); committed “harlotry continually” (v. 18); “dealt treacherously with the Lᴏʀᴅ” (5:7); did “not return to the Lᴏʀᴅ their God, nor seek Him” (7:10); sought forbidden alliances with idolatrous nations (v. 11); “rebel[led] against” Him (v. 14); and “devise[d] evil against” Him (v. 15). He also said Israel “transgressed” His “covenant and rebelled against” His “law” (8:1); had “forgotten his Maker” (v. 14); “sacrificed to the Baals, and burned incense to carved images” (11:2); and was “bent on backsliding” from God. “None at all” exalted Him, He said (v. 7). Instead, people sinned “more and more” and “made for themselves molded images” (13:2). Consequently, God told the northern kingdom, “Surely, as a wife treacherously departs from her husband, so have you dealt treacherously with Me, O house of Israel” (Jer. 3:20). Because the northern kingdom’s spiritual adultery was so persistent, God “put her away and” gave “her a certificate of divorce” (v. 8). However, it is evident He did not regard that divorce as terminating His spiritual marriage with the nation, for later He exhorted Israel to return to Him, saying, “for I am married to you” (v. 14). He promised to “betroth” the nation to Himself “forever” in righteousness, justice, loving-kindness, mercy, and faithfulness (Hos. 2:19–20). Through the prophet Jeremiah, God addressed Judah’s spiritual unfaithfulness, but He referenced the northern kingdom significantly. Portraying these kingdoms as two sisters, He declared that even His judgment of the northern sister (Israel) through destruction and captivity by Assyria did not stem Judah’s unfaithfulness: “Her treacherous sister Judah did not fear, but went and played the harlot also,” and “has not turned to Me with her whole heart, but in pretense” (Jer. 3:8, 10). In fact, God said Judah “became more corrupt in her lust…and in her harlotry” than her sister (Ezek. 23:11). The Bible uses vivid terms to describe God’s jealousy. Jealousy and Fire. When the word fire is used in a nonliteral sense, its “predominant” sense “is the consuming power of fire.”1 Thus “fire is a common image for the judicial wrath of God.”2 A major emphasis “in the OT [Old Testament] is Yahweh’s judicial intervention in the course of history.”3 “With fiery zeal He watches over obedience to His will.”4 God Himself associates fire with His jealousy: “My burning jealousy” (Ezek. 36:5), “in My jealousy and in the fire of My wrath” (38:19), and “All the earth shall be devoured with the fire of My jealousy” (Zeph. 3:8). People also associated fire with God’s jealousy. Moses warned the Israelites not to forget the Mosaic marriage covenant that God established with them at Mount Sinai or to make idols to worship, “For the Lᴏʀᴅ your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God” (Dt. 4:23–24). Asaph the psalmist wrote, “How long, LORD? Will You be angry forever? Will Your jealousy burn like fire?” (Ps. 79:5). The prophet Zephaniah referred to “the day of the Lᴏʀᴅ’s wrath” when “the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of His jealousy” (Zeph. 1:18). Jealousy and Fury. God also associated fury with His jealousy: “I will bring blood upon you in fury and jealousy” (Ezek. 16:38). “So I will lay to rest My fury toward you, and My jealousy shall depart from you” (v. 42). “Thus says the Lord GOD: ‘Behold, I have spoken in My jealousy and My fury’” (36:6). “My fury will show in My face. For in My jealousy and in the fire of My wrath I have spoken” (38:18–19). The prophet Nahum declared, “God is jealous, and the Lᴏʀᴅ avenges; the Lᴏʀᴅ avenges and is furious” (Nah. 1:2). The word translated “fury” normally conveyed the concept of an inner, rising, emotional heat that was fanned to varying degrees.5 It could be translated as “anger, hot displeasure, indignation, wrath, rage or fury.”6 Once God experiences fury, “satisfaction of some kind must be made by the execution of judgment upon the cause of it.”7 Jealousy and Wrath. God associated wrath with His jealousy: “For in My jealousy and in the fire of My wrath I have spoken” (Ezek. 38:19). “Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the Lᴏʀᴅ’s wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of His jealousy, for He will make speedy riddance of all those who dwell in the land” (Zeph. 1:18). The word translated “wrath,” “when used in relation to God, is used as a synonym” of the word translated “fury” in Ezekiel 16:38, 42; 36:6; and 38:18–19.8 “However, it adds the nuance of the fierceness of God’s wrath (Ps. 78:49) expressed in an overwhelming and complete demonstration (Isa. 13:9). God’s wrath burns, overflows, sweeps away everything before it (Ezek. 22:21, 31).”9 Jealousy and Anger. God’s anger is associated with His jealousy: “The Lᴏʀᴅ would not spare him; for then the anger of the Lᴏʀᴅ and His jealousy would burn against that man, and every curse that is written in this book would settle on him, and the Lᴏʀᴅ would blot out his name from under heaven” (Dt. 29:20). “How long, Lᴏʀᴅ? Will You be angry forever? Will Your jealousy burn like fire?” (Ps. 79:5). God said, “My determination is to gather the nations to My assembly of kingdoms, to pour on them My indignation, all My fierce anger; all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of My jealousy” (Zeph. 3:8). The word translated “anger” emphasizes the following: The emotional aspect of anger and wrath, whereas its synonyms and terms related to them give particular expression to other aspects….This anger, though fierce (Jer 25:37) is not sinful, evil, or the source of capricious attitudes or deeds. However, it is expressed in chastisement (Ps 6:1; Isa. 12:1) and punishment (II Sam 6:7; Jer 44:6).10 Jealousy and Vexation. God’s covenant people provoked Him “to jealousy with foreign gods; with abominations they provoked Him to anger” (Dt. 32:16, 21; cf. Ps. 78:58). “The root meaning” of the word translated “anger” in these passages “is to vex, agitate, stir up, or provoke the heart to a heated condition which in turn leads to specific action.”11 God was “deeply vexed, agitated, pained, or grieved by disobedient Israel.”12 Israel’s “judgment, in keeping with God’s justice, is not contrary to divine love. Rather it is an expression of divine love which has been offended, rejected and deeply grieved.”13 Objects of God’s Jealousy Scripture reveals several objects of God’s jealousy. His People Israel. “Now Judah did evil in the sight of the Lᴏʀᴅ, and they provoked Him to jealousy with their sins which they committed, more than all that their fathers had done” (1 Ki. 14:22; cf. Ps. 78:58). The nation was unfaithful to its Mosaic Covenant marriage relationship with God. God’s Land and His People. God declared, “the land is Mine” (Lev. 25:23). Because He is the owner, He stated, “Surely I have spoken in My burning jealousy against the rest of the nations and against all Edom, who gave My land to themselves as a possession, with whole–hearted joy and spiteful minds, in order to plunder its open country” (Ezek. 36:5). “Then the Lᴏʀᴅ will be zealous for His land, and pity His people….I will no longer make you a reproach among the nations” (Joel 2:18–19). God was jealous for His people and avenged their cruel treatment by the Assyrians (Nah. 1:2). Jerusalem and Zion. The term Zion originally referred to the mound on which stood the Jebusite city that David conquered. Eventually that city was called the City of David. Over time, the term Zion included the Temple Mount and later the entire city of Jerusalem.14 God expressed His attitude concerning Jerusalem and Zion in these statements: Thus says the Lᴏʀᴅ of hosts: “I am zealous for Jerusalem and for Zion with great zeal. I am exceedingly angry with the nations at ease; for I was a little angry, and they helped––but with evil intent.” Therefore thus says the Lᴏʀᴅ: “I am returning to Jerusalem with mercy; My house shall be built in it,” says the Lᴏʀᴅ of hosts, “and a surveyor’s line shall be stretched out over Jerusalem.” Again proclaim, saying, “Thus says the Lᴏʀᴅ of hosts: ‘My cities shall again spread out through prosperity; The Lᴏʀᴅ will again comfort Zion, and will again choose Jerusalem.’” Thus says the Lᴏʀᴅ of hosts: “I am zealous for Zion with great zeal; with great fervor I am zealous for her.” Thus says the Lᴏʀᴅ: “I will return to Zion, and dwell in the midst of Jerusalem. Jerusalem shall be called the City of Truth, the Mountain of the Lᴏʀᴅ of hosts, the Holy Mountain” (Zech. 1:14–17; 8:2–3). The major word for “jealousy” in the Old Testament can mean “to be zealous.” God’s Name. God declared, “I will be jealous for My holy name” (Ezek. 39:25). The next article will examine the relationship of God’s jealousy to His holy name.
With all of the headlines, stories and political spin about Obamacare, you might have missed some of the key insights from my point of view. There is a consensus among healthcare experts, industry stakeholders, politicians and consumers that the U.S. has a flawed, sub-optimal health care system. There is an access problem (folks that don’t have either insurance or access to programs of care), a cost/value problem (we spend too much for the health outcomes we get for a bunch of reasons — to the tune of nearly a $800B/year), a funding problem (current trends of health spending by public entities is not sustainable and is crowding out other necessary investments) and what I will call a data problem (we don’t really understand what works and for whom, what things cost or how the various perverse incentives impact outcomes). We lack consensus however on how to address these intertwined problems, on whether ‘competitive markets’ are appropriate and viable in the health delivery sector and on what kind of compassionate, modern and innovative society in which we want to live. In previous posts, I have argued that the existing framework of government intervention (e.g. employer tax break for health insurance, Medicare pricing formulas/rigidity, HIPAA, etc.) is the root cause of many of the current problems above. So the key question surrounding Obamacare and its implementation readers should consider — is more centralized government involvement (direct execution like healthcare.gov, or laws/regulation/mandates) likely to lead to a better healthcare system? Let’s look at some recent evidence: - Execution of the healthcare.gov implementation: this project has failed on every imaginable front, which has been well documented. However, the least reported but most important lesson here is the systemic failure of large, mission critical government IT projects — despite years of efforts by administrations of both parties to address the fact. Last year, I volunteered with the Romney Readiness Project and my role was to evaluate prior OMB efforts to improve the results of government IT projects and to identify potential solutions. The record for both projects and improvement programs over the last 20 years is dismal and depressing. The examples are too numerous to detail — the FAA infrastructure revamp, the IRS systems, health IT within VA and DoD — and more. The GAO, OMB and each agency’s office of Inspector General provide ‘oversight’ and generate separate reports about failing projects — over budget (by billions), beyond deadlines (sometimes by decades) and suggest corrective actions — latest one here. We have a new roles for “CIO” and “CTO” in OSTP in the White House. Substantively — despite the oversight, good intentions and new roles — the results don’t change. Government projects currently lack the appropriate framework for successful, large scale, mission critical IT projects — leadership/vision/clarity embodied in people, process, real-time adaptability, customer focus and a competitive environment driving real outcomes. My chief hoped for lesson is that, as a result of the public failures of healthcare.gov, politicians and citizens acknowledge we need to radically re-think what IT projects are appropriate for government and how to do them. - Tools available to the government for intervening or managing ‘markets’: there have been a number of op-eds by experts recently touting the success of Obamacare. IMHO, they are mostly misleading, wishful thinking or fail to examine the root causes noted above. David Cutler in the Washington Post tries to give Obamacare credit for slowing healthcare costs in the past few years…which seems somewhat improbable given its core features haven’t been implemented yet. The types of examples he gives are – CMS across the board rate cuts (blunt instrument account for 5%), change in hospital readmissions or hospital acquired infection payments (certainly don’t need Obamacare insurance mandates for this) and then the hopes for accountable care organizations or more focus on ‘value based’ reimbursement vs. fee for service. His core claim that Obamacare had twin goals — more access/coverage and making care more affordable — I don’t accept when you observe where nearly all the energy is going (coverage). Much of the ACO activity is in the private markets not in the Medicare market. The primary tool for government to control costs (as currently structured) is to reduce rates arbitrarily or to constrain access — these aren’t the way markets work to deliver long term value. Alan Blinder in a WSJ op-ed says in order for America to be a humane society we have to solve the coverage issue (uninsured) and to be an efficient society we have to improve health outcomes for the amount we spend. I agree with these goals. However, he uses this as an argument to say Obamacare is worth it, without considering any alternative paths to accomplish said goals. In my private equity role, I get to look at the landscape of emerging health companies. Many of them are focused on optimizing around the rules set by Congress or CMS; one egregious example is the 340b pharmacy program which takes money from one pocket and puts it in another or another example has been the EMR market which was largely driven by helping physicians ‘code’ better — namely increase revenue per visit. This doesn’t lead to better health outcomes for the same or less cost. There are market segments in health; cosmetic surgery, Lasik eye surgery, dental, — where market dynamics work. In these segments, you have seen increased price transparency, bundling of services to deliver more value, flexibility and continuous adaptation/innovation which over time has delivered more value to society – as measured by more and better services for less resources. Government controlled or centrally managed systems can’t deliver this type of outcome. Good intentions and experts aren’t as effective markets with millions of incremental decisions made by providers and consumers/payers. My hope is that as a result of the Obamacare implementation failures, we start to explore and debate alternative solutions and not just try to incrementally tweak Obamacare with more and more government power and decision making…which simply won’t work.
If you are a modern-day Florence Nightingale caring for patients in Intensive care units (ICUs), you’ll be a registered nurse (RN) with specialized training and a nursing license. But that’s not enough. To get the job you want in ICU, you also need a resume that will help you stand out. We have written a full resume sample plus lots of resume examples to help you write the most compelling resume possible. Resume objective for ICU Nurses The traditional objective for ICU nurses was specific and focused on the position being applied for. But nowadays, recruiters say that instead of an objective that is job-focused, you should use this space to draw attention to what’s special about you, and what you can bring to the position. We sampled dozens of ICU nurse resumes and found that many included so-called resume objectives that did just this. Additionally, they used powerful adjectives that highlighted the talents, personality, and skills offered by applicants. The argument against resume objectives for ICU is that everyone is applying for the same job, so everyone’s objective is going to be the same. The recruitment company, Monster, advises using a short qualifications summary instead of an ICU nurse resume objective. You can use this to explain the value you offer. But make it interesting and focus on what the job requirements are. So, instead of stating the obvious in terms of what the job description is, write a short, stand-out summary that highlights your qualities and draws attention to any awards or achievements you may have received or accomplished. Just don’t headline it “objective”. ICU nurse with five years of experience in critical care. Strong interpersonal, critical thinking, and collaborative skills. Caring and compassionate. Award recipient of Nurse of the Year. Resume skills for ICU Nurses To work as an ICU nurse you need specialized training, a state license, and certification. You also need very specific skills that make you suitable for the kind of intense work you will undertake caring for people in life-threatening situations. But that’s not all. To be noticed by the employer or recruiter sifting through what could be hundreds of applications for the same job, you need to shine on paper. One proven way to do this is to incorporate your skills in the form of keywords that match those in the job posting. These should include hard and soft skills that make you suitable for a particular job. Keywords are particularly important for jobs posted by recruiters that use the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to automatically pull out keywords to thin out resume numbers. This is why it is so important to tailor every resume to the job you are applying for. The ATS will match specialist skills required with those you list in your resume. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics identifies some of the important qualities and skills that registered nurses should have. These all qualify as keywords: critical-thinking, compassion, communication skills, detail-oriented, emotional stability, organizational skills, and physical stamina. ICU Nurse work experience Experience is important in any job, but even more so for ICU nurses who are seeking positions in life-and-death situations. We scanned through dozens of job posts to see what sort of experience is commonly required. Like most things, it varies according to the job. Some prefer experience with direct patient care, some want one or more years of experience in emergency care, others specify acute care or ER experience. This shows that recruitment officers and employers are often looking for dependable candidates who have already proved their skills and abilities. But if you don’t have much experience as an ICU nurse, you can list previous staff-nurse or other nursing positions. You can also include volunteer work on your resume. Not only will this boost your work experience it will also show that you have a desire and commitment to help people outside of paid opportunities. American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) offers volunteer opportunities that can be helpful. Don’t just list where you have worked, also list accomplishments and skills and qualities that you want to highlight to show how well-positioned you are for the job. In nursing school, did you organize study groups? Did you serve as an officer, maybe president of your class? If so, say so. Sample Work Experience Cleveland Clinic, OH RN – ICU, 2018 – 2020 Provided direct nursing care to patients following established policies, procedures, and protocols. Monitored and recorded patients’ conditions. Updated plans of care. Acted as primary coordinator and administered medication. - Assessed the educational needs of patients in line with cultural issues and other special concerns. - Validated and documented patient and family understanding of teaching. - Maintained professional growth and development through ongoing formal and informal education and clinical nursing studies. - Completed an Oncology Nursing Society chemo/bio course in 2019. - Cared for individual patients on a daily basis attending to their medication and other needs. - Commended for achieving the expected supporting-service excellence goals of the facility. - Assisted with database computer work. - All my clinical rotations received excellent evaluations. Registered Nurse Cardiac Device Clinic, 2015 – 2016 Provided nursing care to cardiac patients. Developed written care plans for patients and assisted their families to develop health care goals. - Provided numerous nursing interventions competently and safely. - Assessed patient lifestyle risk factors and worked with patients to help them improve their health. - Participated in a daily huddle and helped to solve unusual challenges. - Supported other professionals in the team including social workers. ICU Nurse education The courses in nursing education programs typically include physiology, anatomy, microbiology, psychology, and various behavioral and social sciences. There are several basic routes that nursing students can take: a diploma program that lasts two to three years, or a degree that generally takes between two and four years to complete. There are various degree options including a four-year bachelor of science in nursing (BSN), an associate degree in nursing (ADN), and an associate of science in nursing (ASN). ICU nurses looking for supervisory positions or specialist jobs often continue their studies and complete a master’s degree in nursing (MN). Specializations include neurological, cardiac, medical, trauma, burn, transplant, pediatric, and neonatal ICU nursing. Recruiters will be looking to see where and when you were educated, and what diploma or degree you graduated with. Montana State University College of Nursing, MT Master of Nursing, 2018 – 2019 - BSN to MN on campus Shepherd University School of Nursing, CA Bachelor of Science in Nursing, 2014 – 2017 Reedley College, CA Associate Degree in Nursing, 2014 – 2015 Continuing education is part and parcel of every registered nurse’s, including ICU nurses’ lives. US states determine just how many continuing education units (CEU’s) nurses must complete every one to three years to maintain their state nursing licenses. CEUs are monitored by the ANCC which offers a selection of certification options and has a Pathway to Excellence Program. According to Study.com, courses are available from colleges and nursing associations, as well as universities that often hold one- to two-hour seminars that focus on specific nursing-related issues. The National Student Nurses’ Association (NSNA) and the American Nurses Association (ANA) hold frequent workshops that are designed for nurses of all professional levels. In general, courses range from basic life support to advanced cardiac life support. There are also courses designed for critical care (or ICU) registered nurses. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) knowledge, training, and experience are vital for ICU nurses. There are CPR and more intensive basic life support (BLS) course options available from the American Heart Association (AHA) via authorized training centers (TCs). AHA emergency cardiovascular care (ECC) course cards are issued by TCs so that healthcare providers can show these as easy evidence of what they have achieved. - Continuing education courses including CPR - AHA ECC courses. ICU nurses must pass the National Council Licensure Examination NCLEX-RN to be able to get an RN license to practise in the state where they plan to work. As the Colorado Technical University points out, an ICU or critical care nurse might have to satisfy additional licensing requirements to earn specialty certifications. This varies by state. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) comprises boards of nursing in the 50 US states and four US territories, and they can advise. Certifications add credibility and improve job prospects. There are various options including the Healthcare Accreditation Certification Program (HACP) which indicates competency. The ANCC, mentioned above, awards a credential, RN-BC, which stands for Registered Nurse – Board Certified. Valid for five years, it entails a competency-based exam that provides a valid, reliable assessment of medical-surgical specialization after qualified nurses have obtained their RN licensure. The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) offers acute and critical-care credentials for RNs. These include three acute/critical care nursing certifications (CCRN) – adult, pediatric, or neonatal. The AACN also offers certification for cardiac medicine (CMC, adult), which is a good one for ICU nurses. MNs are eligible to sit the Commission on Nurse Certification (CNC). - CMC (adult) Complete ICU Nurse resume sample We chose a job advert for a registered nurse required for an ICU post at a medical center in California. We have used this ad to show you how you can write a resume tailored for an available ICU or critical care nurse position. The job description shows that the RN – ICU needs to be someone who can work in several related roles, as a leader, a teacher, and a health practitioner. He or she will be expected to work independently with minimal supervision. At least an associate degree is required. The skills and experience required for this position are clearly shown, as are the license and certification requirements. The job posting includes a brief description of the people who are generally admitted to the center. It has the only neonatal care unit in the area and is the only center in the area that accepts stroke patients. Compassionate and caring critical care nurse with a BSN, licensed in California. Six years of experience in a hospital environment. Patient advocate committed to working through problems with families. Special Procedures (Sp) Unit Staff RN – Hospital (ICU), 2019 – 2020 Provided professional nursing care in accordance with established standards of care, policies, and procedures. Demonstrated performance that was consistent with the Medical Center’s Vision, Mission, and Strategic Plan. - Worked as the leader of the healthcare team delegating tasks and demonstrating accountability. - Introduced new ideas that increased efficiency. - Mentored and coached dozens of junior and more experienced nurses in the unit. - Commended regularly for providing an optimal patient care experience by actively listening and responding to the needs of patients and their family members. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital, CA RN Clinical Staff ICU, 2017 – 2018 Provided high-quality individualized patient and family care. Documented all elements relevant to patient care including assessments. Demonstrated commitment to meeting the learning needs of patients and families. - Worked according to the Watson Model of Care which involved identifying the special needs and considerations for age and population-specific awareness. - Actively supported the hospital’s strategic plan and foals for continued quality and performance improvement. - Mentored 16 junior nurses during my two years at the hospital. - Presented with the Martin Luther King Core Values Award in 2018. Kindred Healthcare, CA RN ICU, 2015 – 2016 Provided compassionate critical care for extended recovery periods. Played a vital role in the recovery process for medically complex and chronic or critically ill patients. - Commended for delivering exceptional patient experiences with meaningful outcomes. - Worked closely with patients’ families to ensure they were constantly informed of progress or negative impacts. - Monitored pain management procedures and made informed suggestions to physicians. - Participated in discharge planning processes when patients were well enough to go home. - NCLEX-RN California - RN-BC (valid until 2022) - CCRN – adult, pediatric, and neonatal - CMC, adult - Current BLS certification (AHA) “You only have a few seconds, when the nurse referrer is scanning your resume, to make a favorable impression and to stand out. Remember that the resume is not about you, it’s about the employer. Include the accomplishments and contributions you have made to the organization and include metrics rather than a list of tasks or clinical rotation .“ – Nurse Beth, MSN, RN-BC, HACP, Allnurses.com Inc “Do your research about the employer. What is their mission statement? What qualities are they looking for in an ISU nurse that you possess? What are their cultures and values? If you don’t have the same values and you don’t agree with their mission statement, move on – there are plenty of nursing jobs out there.” – Nurse Katherine, RN3, medical surgical Whether you’ve been working as an RN or an ICU nurse, your resume is the place to show just how good you are at your job. Only you can market yourself and there’s not a lot of time to do so. If recruiters are using an ATS and it doesn’t pick up the keywords they are looking for, or they don’t immediately notice you from an upfront summary or resume objective, you might never make it to the interview. You need to attract attention to yourself. Use what you have learned in this article to craft a resume that will show how you will add value to the position.
Riding on the road means sharing it with other users. Travel any paved surfaces and you’ll soon encounter a transport truck. It’s easy to get frustrated and impatient when they block your visibility, slow your progress, and buffet you all over the road. But they’re a fact of riding life, so it’s best to stay patient and learn to respect their size and idiosyncrasies. Geoff Wood, Senior Vice President, Policy, Ontario Trucking Association, offers the following advice for increasing your safety and reducing your risk around trucks. 12 Tips for Sharing the Road with Transport Trucks - Stay well behind transport trucks, in a position where you can see around the trailer. The Ontario Highway Traffic Act specifies that when speeds are more than 60 km/hour, following distance should be a minimum of sixty metres. - Stay visible to the driver. If you can’t see the driver in their mirrors, the driver can’t see you. - Avoid following a truck for long periods of time. Debris thrown off by trailer wheels can injure riders. - Expect wind turbulence. It’s greatest right behind the truck when you’re close enough that you can’t see around the trailer, and from the door of the truck to approximately halfway down the trailer. - Maintain a safe distance in front of the truck, so you can see the entire truck and space to either side of it in your mirrors. Motorcycles can stop quickly. A typical loaded transport truck (weighing 80,000 lb), travelling at 100 kph in clear conditions is required to stop in 525 feet (160 metres) although some can stop more quickly. - Make sure you can see the entire front of the truck and space to either side in your mirrors before pulling in front of a truck. - Stay to the left of the lane when approaching and passing a truck on the left, and pass at a consistent, smooth, and safe speed. This allows the truck driver better visibility and assessment of your location. - Stay away from the transport truck driver’s blind spots. As a rule of thumb and depending on the truck, these are twenty feet directly in front, thirty feet directly behind the trailer, one lane on the driver’s side from the mirror to midway back on the trailer, extending at an approximately thirty-degree angle, and the two lanes on the passenger side from the mirror to the front of the trailer, extending at a forty-five degree angle. See the U.S. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) educational material here. - Avoid rapid movement around a truck that brings you in and out of the truck driver’s line of sight. - Avoid riding between lanes when approaching a truck. - Pass on the left side of the vehicle whenever possible. - Remain behind a truck that’s turning, in the proper lane position and allow the truck to complete the turn. Drivers tend to take a wider right turn path and you don’t want to get caught between the truck and the curb. Motorcycles are quick and nimble, but respect the size, power, and considerations of a transport truck driver. Motorcycles are smaller than cars, thus they’re less visible. This also means it’s more difficult to assess the speed a motorcycle is travelling at.
It is hard to get excited about privatized space travel with the current state of wealth inequality in the United States. When the middle class eats everybody eats. When the wealthy eats it seems like everybody starves. The richest families in the U.S. have experienced greater gains in wealth than other families in recent decades, a trend that reinforces the growing concentration of financial resources at the top. The poor are getting poorer while the rich is getting richer. According to Forbes, U.S. billionaires have gotten about $1.2 trillion richer during the pandemic. This truth is even more insidious when you look into what demographics are facing the harshest impacts. In 1994, a group of Black women came together to create the Reproductive Justice framework. Repro Justice combines the principles of reproductive rights and social justice. At the time Black women felt they were being left out of the conversation and that a lot of their needs weren’t being discussed. Unfortunately, many of their previous concerns are still valid today. Progress is being made but it is slow coming. RJ acknowledges the ways in which intersecting factors, such as race and social class, limit the freedom of marginalized women to make informed choices about pregnancy by imposing oppressive circumstances or restricting access to services, including but not limited to abortion, Plan B pills, and affordable care and education. RJ focuses on practical access to abortion rather than abortion rights, asserting that the legal right to abortion is meaningless for women who cannot access it due to the cost, the distance to the nearest provider, or other such obstacles. While a lot of progress has been made there is still a lot of work to do. Recently reproductive rights orgs have been called out for the same forms of racism experienced in their work places as experienced in others throughout the country. (Weird don’t you think for social justice organizations…? Well not if you’re Black or have been paying attention) In the United States, the abortion rate for black women is almost five times that for white women. Black women’s unintended pregnancy rates are the highest of all. These higher unintended pregnancy rates reflect the particular difficulties that many women in minority communities face in accessing high-quality contraceptive services and in using their chosen method of birth control consistently and effectively over long periods of time. Moreover, these realities must be seen in a larger context in which significant racial and ethnic disparities persist for a wide range of health outcomes, from diabetes to heart disease to breast and cervical cancer to sexually transmitted infections (STI), including HIV. When it comes to access for reproductive care Black people are being left behind. The United States is a country built on the backs of Black people, and benefits daily from our intellectual genius, cultural influence and economic power, yet neither the promises of the founders nor the promise of reproductive autonomy enshrined in Roe v. Wade included us. Black women live in states considered hostile or extremely hostile to abortion rights. We are less likely to have health insurance, and more likely to be denied coverage for abortion when we do. Black women also often struggleto afford the birth control that best meets our needs. To make matters worse, Black women in the U.S. are dying in childbirth and from pregnancy-relatedcomplications at many times the rate of white women. An epidemic that has been long acknowledged by Black people and recently covered in mainstream news. Racism is a fundamental determinant of health status because it contributes to social inequalities (e.g., poverty) that shape health behaviors, access to healthcare, and interactions with medical professionals. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), African American women experience a high burden of maternal mortality, infant mortality, and sexually transmitted infections (STI), including HIV. African American women also report experiences of racial discrimination when seeking family planning services, and are more likely than white women to be advised to restrict childbearing. Likewise, black women of low socioeconomic status (SES) were more likely than white women of low SES to be recommended by their healthcare provider for intrauterine contraception. Black women have a history and current prevalence of sexual violence, experimentation, and healthcare disenfranchisement. This supports the intergenerational transmission of poor sexual and reproductive health outcomes among African American women in the United States. There are so many RJ issues that plague Black communities and yet so few resources dedicated to our communities. The CDC reports that African American women experience a high burden of STIs and were also two to three times as likely as white women to have pelvic inflammatory disease. Black infants are more likely to be born prematurely and have lower birth weights. Black women also have increased risk for pregnancy-related hypertension and chronic hypertension. These are just a few issues that the Black community has to survive. Meanwhile I’m supposed to be thrilled that Jeff Bezos didn’t even make it to the moon. We’re all down here struggling to survive, to pay bills, to manage out health and Bezos is in orbit. Recently, a 23 year old Amazon worker named Patty Hernandez pled with her managers to give her a break, which was denied, and she ended up having a miscarriage. “Heavy lifting, standing for long periods of time, or bending a lot during pregnancy could increase your chances of miscarriage, preterm birth, or injury during pregnancy.”-Center for Disease Control (CDC) Her manager wasn’t very accommodating either. He frequently questioned her extended bathroom breaks, general breaks, and slower movements. Jeff Bezos has enough wealth to get himself into orbit but can’t create a policy to ensure his employees don’t take on undue stress and labour to go into miscarriage. A billionaires wealth is stolen. He can amass so from because he takes directly from the labor of his employees. Patty Hernandez worked her body to the ground because Bezos wanted to go to space. Black people dying giving birth but Bezos up in space A pregnant lady can’t get a break but Bezos up in space HIV is rising again but Bezos up in space Her rape won’t even get the police to open a case but Bezos up in space Fibroids sure are getting large but Bezos up in space Health insurance is bigger than I can charge but Bezos up in space Racism never went away but Bezos up in space Hypertension is on my case but Bezos up in space They’re arguing about Roe v Wade again but Bezos up in Space Ignored by those who pretend to care but Bezos up in Space I pay my taxes and they still do me wrong but Bezos up in Space He was up there for 11 minutes, that boy, Bezos was up in Space
ADORADO NINO HORSE RESCUE AND SANCTUARY is a non-profit horse rescue operating out of a ranch in Leduc County. Many people do not know that Canada slaughters horses so that they can be sold overseas as a delicacy for human consumption (over 60,000 horses in 2016 alone), and that horses are even flown live to Japan, to suffer this heart breaking fate. Many are sent directly from their owners to the plants (some from the U.S.), while others are consigned to regular horse auctions, where most are purchased by meat buyers. That is where we have intervened by outbidding them to give some of these horses and foals a chance. Since 2010, we have saved dozens and foals and horses from slaughter. One pair became the inspiration for the name of our rescue. “Adorado Nino” (which means “adored boy” in Spanish) was a beautiful little foal who was separated from his mother, “Peaches”, at auction, and sent to an Alberta Slaughter plant – miraculously, we were able to reunite them. And it was amazing how people followed their story across the globe! Peaches and Adorado inspired a bit of a legacy! More than a few mares have since foaled here; we even had a ‘dummy foal’ who we saved with the help of the Madigan Squeeze. That is a story that ultimately made its way to Horse & Rider magazine! Adorado also provides a loving retirement to some horses who are injured during their jumping or racing careers – many of these horses are otherwise ‘shipped.’ We have helped others who have needed a ‘boost’ to start their little lives. In 2017, for instance, we saved a little foal we named “Opal” at auction – she was in such a sad state that not even the meat buyers bid on her. Another example - in 2016, a little foal (now) named, ”Samantha” was surrendered to us in such an emaciated state that she could not stand or get up on her own. She received urgently needed vet care, and we built a hoist in the barn to lift her – she was so determined to live, and after a month, she got up on her own; it was Christmas Day! She is now thriving. We do not blame any particular ‘group’ of individuals for what happens to horses in Canada. But we believe in transparency, so like to get information ‘out there’. At the same time, we do all that we can to rescue horses with the goal of either adopting them out to suitable homes, or giving them love and care. At Adorado, we do not see horses as things to be used, but embrace them as vulnerable individuals who want love and companionship - just like every one of us. I had a call a few days ago from someone wanting to adopt a horse; they were looking for "something" that was "well broke" that anyone could just "jump on" and ride. And the horse had to be "sound", and not young, but not old. This is the only type of horse that most people who contact me wish to adopt; another term for this type is a "husband horse." I feel that I need to clarify that although other horse rescues may have horses like this to surrendered to them, we buy almost every horse who comes here and we do so to save their lives. I have NEVER com accross a horse who meets this decription in need of rescuing. As I looked out into the pasture areas this morning, I easily counted 27 horses who have something 'wrong' with them; they will never be riding horses, or have been ridden to the point of injury or old age. Some of the babies we have rescued have been starved to the point of being stunted; they will never be big enough to ride. Some of the healthy ones who have been rescued as foals and are now old enough to start are not the colour a person is looking for; one colt we have got a lot of interest until his papers revealed that he was very inbred - I never even looked at them - I saw a foal under 3 months old going for meat, and reached out to snatch him back and give him a chance. I get that if someone wants to put training into a young horse, they should be sound, and "perfect" in the adopter's eyes. I used to have one horse who I boarded and he was a sound riding horse. I understand. This is little Opal, and Rhapsody (who we saved along with Jubes, Allura, Valentino, Romeo, baby Candy Cane and her mom, Jade). Opal was in such sad shape at auction that not even the meat buyers bid on her - someone actually texted me a photo of her before I even got to the auction. When I saw her there, I almost cried; we paid $10 for her, wheras ordinarily we have paid $200 to $350 for a foal at auction. Rhapsody, on the other hand, was a 2 year old warmblood who was described by the consigner (the seller's desscriptions are read out while they are in the ring) as "a great show jumper or dressage prospect" given that her sire "was shown successfully in dressage." As it turnd out, Little Opal had a short life here full of love; she was examined and had her legs x-rayed by the vet; I had to teach her how to drink water - she was obviously just taken from her dam before the sale. We lost her to meningitis about this time last year. She had a few months here, and was well loved by her little group from the same sale. She received IV fluids and a lot of care the day we lost her - but it was just not meant to be. It was heartbreaking to lose her. She was perfect - inside. Rhapsody is still with us. She had an adoption pending this summer, and I was very hopeful that she would be going to a lovely person, but she 'failed' part of her soundness exam - being slightly off on her back hind while on a circle - it was so subtle neither I or the potential adopter could spot it. But her adopter wanted a jumper, so did not want to take a chance on her - I completly understand. She may still have the potential to be sound, but that's up in the air. What is not up in the air is that she is safe. To rescue a horse is not a short term act that keeps them from the slaughter house. It is to commit to them as long as it takes. That is why so many horses come here and stay here. We even have horses that other rescues haven't wanted to keep because they needed special care. There is no money in this - there is a lot of expense and a lot of people can't 'get' it. I have had people tell me to take injured horses to the auction, and get 'good' horses. I have had people ask me to save horses from auction, only to have them change their mind about taking them. I even picked up a horse at the track because someone said they wanted to save her - once she was here, I had her ankle x-rays and found out she had 3 bone chips - the person didn't want her anymore. I have paid for horses to get them out of the hands of meat buyers - they have gone to other rescues who have adopted them out without ever mentioning Adorado. I am not 'ranting'. I am not complaining. I am just trying to get people to understand what Adorado is about. What we do really makes no 'sense.' But in my view you can't put a price on compassion; on love or life. And those of you who donate, even though there is nothing 'in it for you' (no tax receipt means no big sponsors) clearly understand. So, I thank you so very much. And if you are looking for a well broke husbands horses, there are quite a few for sale for $6,000. Horses like that don't need our help. And that's a good thing.
Inks for textile printing Nessan Cleary discusses the numerous types of textiles, from natural materials to synthetics, all of which require different types of inks and treatment. It’s generally understood that textile printing is one of the fastest growing areas in wide format and industrial printing. This is partly because textile printing is really an umbrella term that covers several different types of fabrics - from synthetic to natural materials - and various applications from soft signage through to sportswear, fashion clothing and home furnishings. Each class of material requires its own type of ink, and that ink in turn determines what level of pretreatment and post processing is required. However, most printer vendors would prefer to have inks that work across a range of textiles to increase their applications. The result is that many inks have been formulated to work across a wide range of materials. But just because a given ink can print to a material, does not mean that it is the best choice for that material so users should test all inks and printers with the actual materials they want to print to and be aware that the type of ink may affect the price they can charge for their prints. Some vendors may claim that their inks will work on uncoated fabrics but in most cases pretreatment is needed to help an ink penetrate further into the fibres and to give a more uniform finish. This pretreatment can include a number of elements for specific effects. Thus, anti-migration additives can prevent migration of ink and prevent bleeding. Equally, Urea or glycols can increase the moisture content of the fabric, giving high, even fixation of the inks. In some cases acids or alkalis are added to support reactions of either acid or reactive inks. Other additives can include UV absorbers to improve the fabric’s resistance to sunlight, fabric softeners or stiffeners, as well as antimicrobials to provide resistance to things such as mildew and bacteria – surprisingly popular in 2020! Caption: EFI sells several types of inks for use with its Reggiani textile printers. Image credit: Nessan Cleary There are four main classes of inkjet textile inks. For most wide format printers the most common type of textile inks will be dye sublimation, which can be either printed directly to fabric or printed to a transfer paper and then applied to the fabric via heat. This type of ink uses water as a carrier solution. The sublimation process is activated by heat, which evaporates any remaining water and turns the dye into a gaseous state. The heat also forces the polymer fibres to open, driving the gas into the material so that when the fabric cools down, the fibres close with the colour embedded within. This helps the material retain its look and feel and can withstand many wash cycles. This type of ink is suitable for printing to polyester and poly-lycra blends and is widely used for sportswear as well as some home décor applications. Virtually all soft signage uses dye sublimation inks, and the process is also suitable for transferring prints to hard surfaces to decorate products such as mugs. Caption: These samples from Epson were printed with a range of inks, including the Genesta PG revo pigment series launched last year and seen here on the left. Image credit: Nessan Cleary However, dye sublimation is part of a wider class of disperse dye inks. Disperse inks are generally split into low, medium or high energy. Dye sublimation can be classed as a low energy disperse dye ink, while most disperse inks usually refer to a higher energy version. As with dye sublimation, this ink is fixed by heat and is best suited for polyester, poly-lycra and nylon but in some cases can also be used for acetate rayon and acrylics. Disperse ink is usually able to achieve good wash-fastness and light-fastness and is suitable for outdoor applications, including outdoor furniture and even automotive upholstery. For this reason many higher volume printers that are aimed at the garment and home furnishings market are moving to disperse dye inks. The next type of ink to consider is acid and reactive inks, which we can class together as both are made from dyestuff and have similar properties. Acid dyes are used to dye protein-based fibres like wool and silk, and can also be used on polyamides, cashmere and angora. It is possible to use other inks for silk and wool but as a general rule acid dye ink gives the best results with these materials, as the dyes in the ink create ionic or electrostatic bonds with these materials. Reactive dye ink is typically used for cotton as well as linen, nylon and rayon where it can form a chemical bond with cellulose in the fabric. This ink offers strong vibrant colours with good wash-fastness and good rub resistance because the dyestuff molecules bond with the fibres and are said to be tolerant to perspiration. Both acid and reactive dye inks work best with pre-treated materials. They need to be steamed after printing, which creates a reaction that forces the dye into the fibres. These prints must then be washed again after this process to get rid of any residues from the ink. They should be washed at least twice starting with a cold wash and then followed by a hotter wash to make sure that all the unfixed colour has been removed. In some cases it’s best to apply heating through drying and ironing after washing to give a longer life to the print. Finally, there are pigment inks, which are suitable for use with cotton and natural fibres including polycotton blends but can also be used with linen, rayon, silk, wool, nylon and polyester. Pigment inks use finely ground tiny colourant powder particles with binders that are activated by a heat process. However, this ink is best suited to décor and furnishing applications, where there’s less chance of the finished fabrics being subjected to wet washing, as the pigments sit on top of the fibres rather than being embedded into the fabric as with other ink types. As a rough guideline, pigment inks don’t quite have the same degree of colour brightness, fabric stiffness and colour fastness as reactive dye inks though of course individual ink manufacturers may claim that their inks avoid these issues. In any case, pigment inks are much easier to work with as there is no need for the steam fixation and extensive washing processes associated with acid and reactive dye inks. There’s also a good environmental argument to be made for this type of ink as it uses less water and less heat energy. Inevitably, there is a compromise to be made between the amount of pre and post-processing required and the overall quality of the print and its longevity. Any additional processing steps will inevitably add to costs but this may be justifiable for higher value products, such as silk scarves and other fashion items. In any case, many printer vendors offer a choice of inks so that customers can diversify their business by running multiple printers of a similar type, each configured with different ink sets for particular fabrics and applications.
0.01 ☓ 100, The Vertex of the Vanishing Point Multi-channel Installation, 4k video, 2019 This work has found its life during the residency Nightshift at the Scottish Sculpture Workshop, in Scotland, U.K. (2018). The program addressed mostly environmental issues to help the development of ecological consciousness. The vertex of vanishing points aims to question our perception of nature, giving a peculiar vision of an ecosystem. During the residency, I explored many forests and mountains around Lumsden to check how nature was destroyed or designed for human survival. Along my tours I get into a tunning tree trunk, cut a long time ago. I recognized the tree as a piece of remarkable evidence to study resonances between the macro and microcosmos. Its inner structure was comparable to the earth’s inner core. It was the center of gravity for the most incredible life forms, a source of philosophical and scientific knowledge. I moved the tree into my studio to study it and to finalize various experiments. Among different tests of temperature, I underwent the tree to the temperature of 25º. The tree colors changed, and countless insects were generated in it. The insects were RedSpider Mites. The deadwood was breading and protecting the spiders during the winter season, highlighting the strong interconnection between death and living life in the natural world. Filming the red spider mites, various behaviors emerged. I found some ironically related to the human’s greed for power. Growing up, the spiders were all climbing towards the highest point, as if governed by “an algorithms of the vertex”. The video, presented as a multiple video installation of 4 channels, inquires the differences and interconnections between human and natural life.
Travel to Taranaki mounga, an active volcano, to see the effects of past eruptions. Find out how large parts of Aotearoa would be affected by the likely next eruption, and how we need to be prepared. Connect with experts Insights into people, their careers and a chance to ask them questions in a LIVE web conference. Explore the field trip videos Videos and more showcasing places, people, ideas and initiatives on this field trip. Take the Google Earth for Web tour A virtual tour of the field trip with GIS mapping, 3D locations, images, daily diaries and video. Share a volcano fact Share a fascinating volcano fact and win! About this trip As much as we might fear volcanoes, we need them. Volcanoes have created more than 80 percent of earth’s surface. Civilisations have grown up around volcanoes because the soil, enriched by eruptions, is great for farming. However, there is always risk to lives and livelihoods when we live close to an active volcano. The Taranaki mounga dominates the landscape of the surrounding area and is still very active. An eruption is a matter of ‘when’ rather than ‘if’. Recent research estimates a 50 percent probability of an eruption in the next 50 years. Māori were in the area when Taranaki last erupted and their oral record has helped us understand it. Although eruptions can be catastrophic, such as the infamous eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79 which destroyed the city of Pompeii, the impacts of a Taranaki eruption are more likely to be less but spread over a wide area over a long period. Nowadays the risks remain but science has helped us to better understand volcanoes. Technology helps us to monitor volcanoes and estimate the likelihood of a future eruption.
There are no medicines or remedies that have been shown to prevent or cure COVID-19. Taking hot water with lemon and turmeric, vitamin supplements, foods with garlic and ginger, apple cider vinegar, or gargling with salt water do not help and cure the coronavirus. Drinking or gargling warm water with turmeric and salt can help with a sore throat, cold, and flu, but it will not protect against COVID-19 infection. The World Health Organisation (WHO) states that there is no scientific evidence that turmeric or salt water helps prevent COVID-19. It further recommends that we much consume more fruits and vegetables to maintain a healthy diet, in order to boost our immune system. A vaccine for COVID-19 has not been discovered yet, and currently, several potential vaccines are at different stages of clinical trials across the world. The COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to a lot of potentially dangerous misinformation. For reliable advice on COVID-19 including symptoms, prevention and available treatment, please refer to the World Health Organisation or your national healthcare authority.
Could you be a Patient and Public Voice Expert Adviser? In alignment with NHS England and NHS Improvement’s (NHSE-I) commitment to have two Patient and Public Voice (PPV) representatives on the membership of each board, the National Quality Board is recruiting for two Patient and Public Voice Expert Advisers to join as members to the National Quality Board (NQB) for 12 months from February 2021-February 2022. The NQB provides cross-system leadership to the health and care system on quality, bringing together senior leadership from NHS Improvement (NHSE-I), NHS Digital, the Care Quality Commission (CQC), Public Health England (PHE), The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), Health Education England (HEE), The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and Healthwatch. The Board meets 5-6 times per year, and has a focus on workforce development, patient safety, system transformation and other strategic priorities. Applications for PPV Expert Adviser are welcomed from people who have lived experience of using services (as patients, service users or carers), a robust understanding of the health and care system and its stakeholders and prior experience of sitting on a Board or senior governance forum. This insightful discussion will be followed by a live Q&A session. Time for questions will be limited. If you would like to submit your questions in advance, please email them to email@example.com. Once registered you will be sent the link to join the event prior to the day. For more information and to register your place visit here. Quality interpreting services can greatly help reduce people’s barriers to accessing the health services they need. We’re working with NHS England and NHS Improvement South East to get people’s feedback about their experiences of and barriers to accessing British Sign Language (BSL) or community language interpreting services when they are at an appointment with a dentist, optician or pharmacist. For people living in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, this also includes GPs. We’d like to hear from you about what’s working well and what could be improved so new interpreting services across the South East next year better meet your needs. How can people get involved? You can complete an online survey for BSL or community languages, watch a video in BSL, or contact Wessex Voices for a telephone or video call interview. If you communicate using British Sign Language, you can also send videos of your responses in BSLby: Wessex Voices published a new public and patient involvement report today, Improving Eye Care Across Wessex. The work was commissioned by NHS England and NHS Improvement – South East in 2019, with completion of the report in 2020. 120 adults with learning disabilities and/or autism and 30 carers across Dorset, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight participated in our survey or interviews. While most people had been for a sight test previously, many had not been to one in the recommended two year period. For those who had excellent experiences at sight tests, good practice meant people had positive, easy experiences. People made suggestions on possible improvements to help facilitate positive experiences as well. Key factors that influenced a person’s experience included: Having communication and support throughout the process, including the use of Easy Read resources Seeing the same optometrist and staff at each appointment Having more information about sight tests and good eye care, including domiciliary tests With the right support, more people can get the eye care they need. We recommend a number of short and long term solutions to help improve access and uptake of sight tests for people with learning disabilities and/or autism, including: Increase general awareness of sight tests and good eye care Ensure optometrists and optical staff receive relevant awareness training and use reasonable adjustment flags to help meet people’s specific needs Ensure Annual Health Checks are effective in addressing eye health Develop a learning disability and autism standard for optometrists and optical staff that is quality checked by local user-led groups Use the findings of this report to support the call for more dedicated eye care schemes for this group – ideally nationally but in the absence of this, create local eye care schemes in Wessex by adapting the Local Optical Committee Support Unit’s (LOCSU) community pathway for people with learning disabilities 31 July marks the anniversary of the Accessible Information Standard being introduced. This has made a difference to the lives of many vulnerable people across England, including Dorset, Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton. Any group that provides NHS health or social care services needs to take steps to ensure that all people can access the information they need to stay healthy. They need to: Ask people if they have any information or communication needs and find out how to meet their needs Record those needs in a set way Highlight a person’s file, so it is clear that they have information or communication needs, and clearly explain how those needs should be met Share information about a person’s needs with other NHS and adult social care providers, when they have consent or permission to do so During the Covid-19 pandemic, services have needed to change quickly and communicate these updates to the public remotely which has presented challenges for those people with additional needs. If you or someone you know needs information provided in a different format, the following organisations have information about Covid-19: Sign Health have resources for people using British Sign Language (BSL) If you’ve had issues accessing information in an accessible format, you can share your feedback with your local Healthwatch or in Healthwatch England and the Care Quality Commission's new survey so they can help improve services. Alternatively, if you would like to make a complaint, you can find out more about the NHS complaints process on their website. We have much to celebrate in terms of our impact this past year and the journey we have been on. Some of our key highlights include: 1,300+ people shared their views and experiences to inform local Primary Care, Public Health, Cancer and Mental Health services, through our own or NHS England/Improvement engagement activities we have supported. We gathered the views of the most seldom heard people. For example, people with personality disorders about their experience of treatment and care, which is feeding into a significant Wessex-wide service review; and Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities, people with learning disabilities and lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer or questioning (LGBTQ+) people to inform communications from GP practices about cervical screening. Our reports tackled a wide range of issues from support to those affected by cancer to eye care for people with learning disabilities and/or autism. All our findings have or will inform how new services are developed and provided to local people. This year we provided development support to 22 colleagues from across Hampshire and Isle of Wight’s health and care system via our Empowering Engagement Programme. Working on real life projects built their skills, knowledge and confidence to enable them to involve people in their work on an ongoing basis. We’re looking forward to the year ahead and the work we have yet to undertake to bring about the cultural change with our partners, so people can receive the care and support they need most. You can read our full report, summary version or digital version. As the UK responds to the COVID-19 pandemic, community pharmacies in Dorset, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight are working hard to ensure that everyone gets the medicines they need when they need them. Order what you need, don't stockpile There is no shortage of medicines, but if there is an increased demand due to people stockpiling medicines or asking for longer prescriptions, shortages may be experienced. Order what you need, when you need it. Arrange prescription deliveries The government is helping pharmacies to deliver prescriptions. Prescriptions will continue to cover the same length of time as usual. If you do not currently have your prescriptions collected or delivered, you can arrange this by: Asking someone who can pick up your prescription from the local pharmacy, (this is the best option, if possible); Contacting your pharmacy to ask them to help you find a volunteer who can deliver it to you (volunteers will have been ID checked); Asking the pharmacy if they can deliver it to you. In January 2018, Wessex Voices published their Maternity Matters report, which included the views of more than 1200 women and their birthing partners about their experience of the maternity system across Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth. We worked with local maternity and Health Visiting services to gather feedback to help commissioners and maternity service providers ensure that women have an informed and empowered choice through their pregnancy and birth. A year on the Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth Local Maternity System have produced a report highlighting many of the actions they have taken to respond to the nine key areas for improvement that Maternity Matters recommended. We have been involved in a number of engagement activities across the Wessex region including: ‘Kick cancer out of Boscombe’ event with the Wessex Cancer Alliance. This cancer awareness raising event, reached over 600 people offering everything from health advice, mole checks, education, signposting and counselling if required. Around 300 visited an inflatable colon, where Bournemouth Hospital staff provided expert advice, information and signposting. ‘WESFIT: Patients experience of exercise and cancer’ focus groups, again with the Alliance. One key thing that will change is that patients in the WESFIT pilot will be given some support to return to exercising after their surgery. ‘Maternity Services Survey 2017 - Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth’. This specifically commissioned engagement activity received feedback from 1215 women and 63 birthing partners. Browsealoud have decided to defer resumption of their service until Thursday 15th February at 12.00 GMT . This is later than the original planned resumption time of 12 noon GMT today. They made this decision in order to put in place extra security measures and develop an even more secure means of implementing Browsealoud on your website. They will be publishing a technical document later today with more details on this. Browsealoud are extremely confident that no customer data has been accessed or lost at any time during the incident. If you have any questions or concerns, please first check this FAQ or email email@example.com . Alternatively, contact your Account Manager on +44(0)28 9442 8105 in UK / International or 877-778-6977 in North America. Browsealoud apologises for any inconvenience caused during this opportunistic cyber attack. -Martin McKay, Chief Technical Officer & Data Security Officer, Texthelp Over 1200 women share their experience of local maternity services across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight (including Southampton and Portsmouth) More than 1200 women and their birthing partners have shared their experience of the maternity system across Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth. The views were collected by Wessex Voices (a collaboration between local Healthwatch and NHS England) who were asked to carry out a survey, to understand the experiences of mothers and birth partners using maternity services in the last year. Healthwatch Hampshire, on behalf of Wessex Voices, worked with local maternity and Health Visiting services to gather feedback that will help commissioners and maternity service providers ensure that women have an informed and empowered choice through their pregnancy and birth. The survey is in support of the national Better Births report recommendations; the report of the National Maternity Review that was published in February 2016 and set out a clear vision: for maternity services across England. The 1200 views were collected from nine child development clinics across the region and through social media. The views were summarised into the following nine key areas: Make time - Provide clear and easy access to information and support at all times Ensure that women have access to consistent services at times that suit them Clear communication for referrals - Particularly for referrals related to raised BMI Manage expectations – Ensure all communication is open and transparent, particularly when discussing birth plans and options Improve diagnosis and treatment of tongue tie – Provide further training for staff in this area Free antenatal classes for all – Ensure that everyone that would like to access antenatal classes has the ability to do so Improve breastfeeding support – Provide specialist support at easy to access locations across the region Improve communication – Use consistent and easy to understand terminology and make sure there is easy to access appropriate information If you are interested in participating in one of these reference groups or would like further information please email Anisa Varsani on firstname.lastname@example.org or contact 07730 380 387. Earlier this year, five local Healthwatch got in touch with all 322 GP practices across Dorset, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. They did this out of concern that some people and groups have been unable to register with their GP because they were being required to show photo ID and/or proof of address. Whilst ID can be requested but are not required and registration should not be refused on this basis. Local Healthwatch ‘mystery shoppers’ contacted the GPs to ask what ID was required from patients. They found that 286 practices (or 88.8%) asked for some sort of proof of identification or address before a patient could be registered. When our mystery shoppers replied that they didn’t have any ID and asked what they could do, the majority of practices reiterated that some sort of identification or proof of address was required. We are concerned that by asking for identification some patients may incorrectly assume that it is compulsory to provide identification, when it is not. This could result in vulnerable individuals being excluded from receiving the care that they are entitled to and need. We are therefore recommending practices either adopt a policy of not asking for any identification at all, or that they ensure all staff are adequately trained to explain to newly registering patients that identification is preferred but not essential. We would also recommend updating their practice information. Martyn Webster, Healthwatch Dorset Manager, told us: "Patient satisfaction with GP services is high, but at the same time some people find difficulty actually getting those services in the first place. This has been highlighted by our recent joint "mystery shopper" project in which Healthwatch volunteers across Wessex contacted GP surgeries to find out what it's like to try to register with a GP. Although NHS England states "You should not be refused registration or appointments because you don’t have a proof of address or personal identification", we discovered that, for example out of the 97 GP surgeries in Dorset only 7 did not require ID or proof of address to register a patient. This has an impact on people generally, but also particularly on a number of potentially vulnerable people, including former armed forces members, students in temporary accommodation, older women and people who are homeless." As a result of this exercise, Wessex Voices arranged for local Healthwatch to talk to the Wessex Local Medical Council (LMC) about training for GP practices. The LMC have offered lunch and learn sessions for GP administrative staff which clarifies that patients don’t need to show photo ID to register. The report has also been shared with GP practices and all Clinical Commissioning Groups in the area and they have been invited to respond to their individual Healthwatch.
Stem Cell Breakthrough: Can You Now Make Your Own? Over the past few years, stem cells have been getting a lot of attention. What makes them so interesting is their ability to stimulate the production of many types of healthy cells. That means that a single stem cell can turn itself into brain cells, liver cells, skin cells, pancreas cells, and so on. In February of 2003, an article about stem cells was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). A team of researchers at Johns Hopkins Medical Center reported, for the first time, that undifferentiated donor stem cells were able to cross the blood brain barrier and morph themselves into neuronal cells. This was an especially important finding because, of all the cells in the body, neuron cells are the most advanced and complicated. This is significant because it means that if stem cells can morph themselves into brain neurons, then, chances are they can transform themselves into other types of cells too. In a separate but related area of science, there is a growing body of evidence that a specialized area of nutrition called "glyconutrition" is very likely responsible for causing the body to manufacture its own stem cells from its own bone marrow. This research is being overseen by Dr. Reg McDaniel M.D. at the Fischer Institute. Until the JAMA article came out, Dr. McDaniel's team were in quite a quandary as to how people with varying neurological disorders such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Children's Cerebral Palsy, Down's Syndrome, and Autism, were all experiencing increases in brain function when glyconutrients and other micronutrients were added to their diets. After the initial discovery that stem cells stimulated the growth of neuron cells, researchers wanted to know if these newly created neuron cells worked correctly. To do this, they turned their attention to children in comas. One was a boy who had been in a coma for three years. Glyconutrients were added to his feeding tube and within five days his doctor started seeing changes in his brain function. All this is became even more noteworthy when it was discovered that this wasn't an isolated case. Other cases have been reported in which children have been awakened from long-term comas after receiving glyconutritional supplements introduced through feeding tubes. Following up on these findings, a group of pediatric neurologists have begun a glyconutrition study on 20 children who are in comas. In yet another case study, a six-year-old boy had been in a coma for three years. During that time his EEG measurements were virtually flat. Glyconutrients were introduced into his diet and over a six-month period, his EEG activity increased significantly. Here again was a clear connection between the introduction of glyconutrients and restored neurological brain function. In another study, Sara, a premature infant with fetal alcohol syndrome, who also had heart defects and cerebral palsy at birth, underwent a dramatic turn for the better when glyconutrients were introduced to her regimen. In this case, Sara was born prematurely and the only way to introduce glyconutrients into her little body was to rub a special glyconutritional cream into her skin. This went on until she was well enough to go home from the hospital. After that, her mother regularly added glyconutrients to her formula. When she was four years old, she was examined by her pediatric specialist. Amazingly, he found no evidence of fetal alcohol syndrome or cerebral palsy. Even better, her little heart had developed normally and no longer required surgery. One of the interesting aspects of this particular case history is that Sara was photographed when she was born and her face showed the obvious distorted characteristics of a child with severe fetal alcohol syndrome. By the time she was four years old, all of her facial anomalies disappeared. Her IQ also increased from less than 80 to over 100. For a child born with fetal alcohol syndrome, this type of recovery is virtually unprecedented. Now, while these individual case histories are quite remarkable, they do not in and of themselves constitute scientific proof. However, they have generated a lot of hope and more importantly, have stimulated interest on the part of the medical community to conduct new studies and research in this exciting and fast growing area of nutritional technology. Lunesta is a newly released sleeping pill. Marketed as a revolutionary sleep aid, Lunesta is the only medication approved by the FDA for long term treatment of insomnia symptoms. Although Lunesta is a quality medicine that has already helped many people cure their insomnia and get a better night's sleep, here are seven things you should know before you buy Lunesta prescriptions. ?Ooohhh? my aching knee!!!? Insider Secrets on How You Can Get Relief Quickly and Easily! When your knee hurts, getting relief is all that's on your mind. Getting the right relief, though, depends on knowing what's wrong. The correct diagnosis will lead to the correct treatment. Eliminate Agonizing Hand Pain Quickly and Easily! According to Dr. Nathan Wei, "The hand and wrist are the mirrors of disease." While the cause of hand pain can be a localized problem, hand pain can also be the presenting sign for other diseases. Chronic Head, Facial, Or Neck Pain That Won?t Go Away - Could It Be TMJ? I stumbled across TMJ when I needed treat a literal pain in the neck that would not go away. It seemed that the pain in my neck came from my jaws. "TMJ" refers to disorders of the jaw muscles and of the temporomandibular joint, the hinge at the side of the head that joins the lower jaw, mandible, to the temporal bone of the skull. TMJ expert John Taddey, D.D.S. states that one the most common symptoms of TMJ is a dull, aching pain around the ears which can radiate to the neck, shoulders, and back of the head. These symptoms may be coupled with tenderness of the jaw muscles and a headache. Is the Mexican Pharmacy safe to buy drugs online? Are you frustrated with the high prices of prescription drugs? Take a look at a Mexican Pharmacy. Not only can you save a lot of money but you can also be sure that you are getting quality medicines and online customer service that provides you all the necessary information on drugs. Whether you are looking for prescription medication or herbal products Mexican Pharmacy is your souce for your purchasing medicines.These are all claims that are associated with Mexican pharmacies catering today. But there are some risks involve in it too, which cannot be totally ignored. Awareness is one sure step towards better informed consumer for health care products. Increase Your Risk of Heart Disease With Lipitor and Pravachol Results of a new study comparing the effectiveness of Pfizer Inc.,'s Lipitor with Pravachol, made by Bristol-Myers Squibb, was recently published in the New York Times. The study details the clinical observation that Lipitor was significantly more effective than Pravachol in lowering patient's LDL cholesterol levels. However, the study did not comment on the overall effect that Statin drugs have on patient health, or the research that indicates Statins may actually increase your risk of heart disease and heart attack. Cetyl Myristoleate for Arthrtis: Science or Speculation There are a lot of fabulous stories about Cetyl Myristoleate (also known as CMO or CM) floating across the Internet. Mine is one of them. There have been a number of articles published in little known journals or magazines. There have been four small booklets published. One making fantastic claims, all four filled with anecdotal evidence but offering no real research to back up the claims. There are a number of Doctors sharing the results they are having with their patients but so does every other wonder-working product. The question is, are there any scientific studies to back up any of these claims? The answer is yes. To date there are several patient studies and two double blind studies completed. I will mention the three most prominent below. Facial Pain: When a Nerve Is a Live Wire Of all the places in the body that can hurt, the face might seem the strangest. But for some people, that's exactly where the agony occurs, and the cause is a nerve gone haywire. Treating Lazy Eye in Older Children Many eye doctors believed until recently that if a child's vision was impaired because of a "lazy eye," the condition could not be corrected past the age of six or seven years. However, a study funded by the National Eye Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health, has found that amblyopia or "lazy eye" treatment can be effective in children age seven through 17. In fact, many of the 517 children studied at 49 eye centers showed improvement in their vision. Jet Lag Pills ? Panacea or Placebo Effect? We live in an age that demands an instant cure for every conceivable ailment under the sun and so it's no surprise that jet lag has joined the band of conditions for which there is the promise of a cure in the form of a pill. But can a pill really provide the panacea to jet lag, or are the results of taking such pills nothing more than imagined. Coumadin Users Can Avoid Unnecessary Complications By Wearing Identification The police arrive at the accident scene promptly. A driver has run his automobile into a guardrail while exiting a highway. The driver does not seem to be injured but is somewhat incoherent and is slipping in and out of consciousness. Did he strike his head? Is he inebriated? Is he on drugs? A quick review of the driver's attire reveals a medical alert bracelet that identifies him as a Coumadin user. This is crucial information for those responding to the incident. Orthotics and Your Feet Orthotics are devices which fit into the shoe to aid the foot. "Functional orthotics" are rigid and designed to control motion and correct the function of the foot. Individuals with flatfeet, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, certain foot deformities, knee, hip and back problems may benefit from functional orthotics. "Accommodative orthotics" are soft and designed to reduce pressure and prevent excess friction. Diabetics and those with a loss of sensation or circulation in their feet will benefit from accommodative orthotics. Both types of orthotics are custom made by taking a mold of the foot. An Addition For Practitioners - How to Help Your Patients and Your Practice Please feel free to comment, so I may modify this appropriately, or help Do you refer to other modalities or tests? Treatment for High Blood Pressure The treatment of high blood pressure is one of the most important areas of modern medicine. Good quality care and blood pressure treatment can reduce the risk of death, the risk of stroke and the risk of heart attack or coronary disease. The British Hypertension Society produced guidelines in 2004. This is what they recommend. Toenail Fungus: Tips For Treatment The medical term for toenail fungus is "onychomycosis," pronounced on * EE * ko * my * ko * sis. Despite the commonly used term "fungal toenails", onychomycosis describes both fungus and yeast infections in the nail. The prevalence in America is about 2-3%, but some have reported it as high as 13%. Even at a low estimate of 2%, this accounts for 6 million Americans with toenail fungus. Toenail fungus affects men twice as often as it affects women. Acid Reflux ? Symptoms and Treatment Acid reflux (also known as GERD or heartburn) is a common condition -- Over 60 million Americans experience it at least once a month. 10 Benefits of an Electronic Medical Record Electronic Medical Record When Your John Doe Is Homeless The patient, known only as John Doe, was difficult to see under the hodgepodge of tubing, the quiet clicking of the ventilator the room's only sound.
Success , Where Other Forms of Chronic Pain Therapy Have Failed With little or no lasting relief? Who can benefit from CranioSomatic Therapy? - Anyone who has aches and pains in muscles or joints - Individuals with headaches or TMJ problems - People with limited joint range-of-motion - Athletes seeking to improve their performance - Children with functional problems or developmental delays - Any age group, from infants to super-seniors - Individuals with a functional or idiopathic scoliosis - People with a functional short leg or tipped and rotated pelvis What is CranioStructural Integration? A cranial approach to treating chronic musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. Techniques developed by Dr. Hancock to eliminate chronic musculoskeletal compensatory patterns, discovered using applied kinesiology and other techniques. These patterns respond poorly to most other forms of treatment, including chiropractic, other cranial techniques, various soft tissue therapies, reflex techniques and others. These chronic patterns do respond to CSI, which provides long-term cranial corrections, allowing the body to achieve improvements in posture and musculoskeletal function. Migraines, Chronic Back and Abdominal Pain I was introduced to Dr. Hancock’s cranial work in the 1980’s. I had a stressful job and suffered from migraines, chronic back and abdominal pain. After a few treatments my headaches were gone and my chronic pains faded - Read More Thank you, Flo Barber, for greatly reducing the headaches that I've had for 8+ years after being struck by a drunk driver traveling over 100 mph. After just a few treatments, I experienced a level of pain relief that I wasn't able to achieve in any other way.... My only regret is that I didn't find you sooner! – Beyond Grateful, Acute or chronic pain is the most frequent complaint of presenting patients in our clinic. The pain generally involves some combination of: - shoulder and arm, - low back, - sacroiliac joint, - gluteal region Many of these symptoms can be attributed to compensatory changes in postural alignment and musculoskeletal function which have occurred in response to the position of the bones of the cranium and the function of their related soft tissues (i.e., muscles, fascia, dural attachments, etc.) of the head and neck regions. The individual bones of the head normally have slight, but limited movement, at their sutures (junctions with other bones). Collectively, when the bones of the cranium are moved as a functioning unit, an impressive amount of movement is possible. When movement is compromised at individual sutures, the result is alteration of specific and predictable muscle function elsewhere in the body. When the cranial bones are restricted as a unit (e.g., a sphenobasilar strain pattern) the effects on muscle function are diffuse and result in specific and predictable global changes of musculoskeletal function and postural alignment. CranioSomatic Therapy® addresses restricted cranial patterns and generally results in marked improvement, if not total elimination, of many postural and musculoskeletal symptoms. It should be noted that cranio (head) – somatic (body) relationships are reciprocal. Changes in postural alignment and/or imbalances in musculoskeletal function typically result in predictable compensatory changes in the position and function of the osseous and soft tissue structures of the cranial region.
If you’re brand-new to online banking, you may see an institution refer to itself as an “on the internet bank” or “electronic banking platform.” These seem like the same thing, right? Well, they aren’t. On-line financial institutions and also online banking systems have a few remarkable differences. By learning more about their differences, you might have a much better suggestion of which institution to pick. What is the difference between an on-line financial institution and also electronic banking platform? An on the internet bank provides similar services and products as brick-and-mortar banks, but via the net as opposed to a branch place. Online financial institutions enable you to open up interest-bearing accounts, inspecting accounts , money market accounts , or CDs. Investment as well as car loan alternatives are likewise readily available. All of the following are instances of on-line financial institutions: Ally Bank Barclays Axos Financial institution Resources One 360 Discover Financial institution Synchrony Financial institution At the same time, electronic banking platforms are not financial institutions. This information is essential to note because an online banking system is not directly insured by a federal government company, like the Federal Deposit Insurance Policy Corporation or National Cooperative Credit Union Administration. Quick tip: When a financial institution is insured by the FDIC or NCUA, up to $250,000 in an individual checking account is secure, even if a financial institution has to close down. Electronic banking platforms are still safe to make use of if their accounts are government insured by an additional bank. Electronic banking platforms will certainly include a please note if it’s government guaranteed by an additional financial institution. Electronic banking systems will certainly additionally typically have fewer banking choices than online financial institutions. You’ll generally only have the option of one or two accounts, like an interest-bearing account or hybrid checking/savings account. Every one of the complying with are instances of online banking systems: Ando Ambition Betterment Chime One OnJuno Wealthfront If you plan on opening only a cost savings or inspecting account, electronic banking systems might still be a fantastic means to bank. Nonetheless, if you’re searching for a full financial experience, on-line financial institutions are better. What are the resemblances between online banks as well as electronic banking platforms? Online banking is predominantly with the computer or phone. Through on-line financial institutions and also banking systems, you can open up an account online, down payment money by mosting likely to Atm machines, or get assist with a few of your concerns with thorough FAQ sections or phone call centers. A lot of on the internet banks don’t have branch areas, so in a lot of cases you can’t withdraw or transfer cash directly. Some let you do so at GreenDot places, yet you’ll pay a charge. Advantages and disadvantages of online banking Pros of using an online banking system High rates of interest. Online banking systems often tend to offer greater interest rates than brick-and-mortar financial institutions. You’ll locate a few online-only institutions featured in our ideal high-yield interest-bearing account overview. Intuitive interface. Considering that electronic banking platforms are online-only, these establishments will certainly typically consist of many sophisticated and user-friendly features. Some, like Chime, have features that additionally help reveal development in economic objectives. Highlight specific social causes. For example, Ando and also Desire may be worthwhile options if you’re curious concerning how you can support ecological activism with banking. Reduced charges. Online banking systems commonly will not charge month-to-month service charge, and also some have actually removed over-limit fees. Cons of using an online banking platform Less account alternatives. Most electronic banking systems have a couple of account choices. Interest-bearing accounts, checking accounts, or hybrid accounts are among one of the most common accounts supplied. Can not deposit/withdraw cash money conveniently. You’ll need to take out cash at an atm machine. Some electronic banking systems allow you deposit money at GreenDot areas for a cost. Pros of using an on-line financial institution High rates of interest. Like financial systems, online banks pay high rates. You’ll find several online-only establishments included in our best high-yield interest-bearing account guide. Less costs. The majority of online banks won’t charge regular monthly service charge, and also some have actually gotten rid of overdraft account charges. Intuitive user interface. Since your banking experience is primarily by means of the web, online banking will certainly be more straightforward than what you may access brick-and-mortar organizations. Some, like Ally, have attributes that additionally help reveal development in economic objectives. Account options. You’ll have more account options than an electronic banking system. You likewise might have the ability to look for a loan or check out investment options. Disadvantages of using an online bank Can not deposit/ take out money easily.You’ll have to take out money at an atm machine. Some allow you deposit cash money at GreenDot locations, but you’ll pay a fee. Should you try electronic banking? Electronic banking– either through system or bank– works finest if you are comfortable utilizing innovation. If you rely on in-person financial to handle your checking account, you may battle to adapt to electronic banking. You’ll likewise like online banking if you are looking for a high rate of interest on savings. Electronic banking often tends to supply higher prices than brick-and-mortar banks. You’ll discover numerous online-only institutions featured in our finest CD prices guide as well as ideal high-yield interest-bearing account guide. It initially started with taxis. After that it occurred with resorts. And currently it’s the turn of superyachts. A smart device charter app that supplies speed as well as comfort at the very best possible cost. Sounds good, ideal? Philippe Bacou, founder of digital luxury yacht charter platform YOTHA certainly believes so, as well as thinks that by making chartering easier, YOTHA “opens the way for the electronic makeover of the high-end yacht sector.” The goal is to make luxury yacht hiring quicker, easier and also a lot more straightforward. Visitors begin by taking 360-degree digital tours as well as surfing photos. They then pre-select a yacht, negotiate the charter price directly with the proprietor or their agent, as well as complete the appointment with an on the internet transaction. Visitors also take advantage of YOTHA’s deluxe attendant partner, Quintessentially. All of it audios basic sufficient. Yet, the reason why yacht charter systems can’t compete with standard superyacht brokerage firm houses boils down to “basic business economics,” says Jim Evans, taking care of director of store firm SuperYachtsMonaco. “If a business is using the handle of luxury yacht charters at a significantly lowered compensation price, then they are operating on the slimmest of earnings margins as well as can not provide the sort of detailed customer support that is called for,” he says. Yotha App Courtesy of YOTHA In person client service is king in the world of superyachts, not to mention brokers’ extensive expertise of the yacht, its crew as well as their reputation. It’s this totally custom tailoring of a private yacht to a client’s exacting requirements that has justified the basic sector compensations of 15 percent to the broker and also an added 5 percent to the main agent, contrasted to YOTHA’s reduced commission of 8 percent if a luxury yacht is booked directly through the platform, or 4 percent if the reservation is made via a broker. Nonetheless, while it’s understandable that hailing a $10 taxi flight with Uber is not similar to a booking a $500,000 private yacht charter on your iPhone, there is absolutely an argument to be created reinventing the approaches of conventional superyacht brokerage houses– or, in fact, joining both. Dubbed the “Airbnb for watercrafts,” brand-new charter platform Borrow A Watercraft joined main agency Ocean Self-reliance in June 2019 to release its sub-brand Borrow A Boat Plus. The action implies that Sea Self-reliance’s 100-strong fleet of deluxe superyachts is now available for charter through Borrow A Boat And also all over the world, together with the system’s existing portfolio of 17,000 vessels. Head of sales as well as advertising at Ocean Independence, Toby Maclaurin believes that working along with an innovation leader such as Borrow A Watercraft, whilst still maintaining experienced suggestions, varied understanding and monetary protection brings one of the most advantage to the consumer, as well as claims “welcoming modern technology” and also reaching a “bigger, more youthful audience whilst providing a high-level solution” is verifying an effective mix. He adds: “We see this as an innovative strategy to development as well as progression within the charter market.” Yacht-Charter App Yotha 7 Wrongs is bookable through YOTHA. Thanks to Yotha A flexible as well as easily accessible strategy that accepts a brand-new generation of electronically minded charterers does appear to be the favored approach, and with 236 years of background and experience under its belt Camper & Nicholsons, the oldest superyacht broker agent firm available, is intending to do simply that. “We intend to give the firm a future as long as our past,” states Paolo Casani, C&N’s president, and also by that he means taking the technology behind electronic charter systems, as well as utilizing it to reinforce the C&N brand name. In early June 2019, C&N revealed a modern technology merger with Hong Kong-based NowBoat. “We analyzed the modifications on the market as well as tried to arrange the company with brand-new devices and also a brand-new strategy to come close to the marketplace without losing our experience, human contact and also human touch,” Casani claims. “We are not looking to replace the experience of our brokers, yet to improve and improve the devices that they work with.” Giovanni Alessi, NowBoat founder as well as currently C&N chief infotech officer, claims the marketplace is “requiring a digital revolution.” He believes that a digital strategy will certainly be important to get to younger yacht purchasers as well as charterers. “We understand that the brand-new generation of owners and charterers come close to a charter or private yacht supervisor through new tools– and our older clients like to have all the information that they call for in one very easy to accessibility area,” he states. “So, if brokerage firm homes wish to endure through the electronic era, they need to have a strategy for the electronic globe.” For Alessi, a large part of that technique is hiring electronically wise individuals that can properly integrate brand-new modern technology as it comes to the marketplace: “This suggests developing and providing options for both our customers and our group.” Generally, there are four methods to make soap – cold process, thaw and also pour, hot procedure, and also rebatch. There are pros and cons for each, and every maker has an individual choice. If you’re wondering which approach might be the best for you, find details below. And discover soap making materials here. Remember, what you consider a disadvantage might be a pro for somebody else. Each technique produces outstanding handcrafted soap – we can all concur that’s much better than store-bought bars.;-RRB-. This method allows you to customize each and every single ingredient to suit your individual preferences. You can add fresh ingredients like milk as well as fruit/vegetable purees since you control the saponification process. The trace of cold process soap can be adjusted for a selection of strategies and also designs. Thin trace can be utilized to make swirls, while thick trace develops soap icing. With many strategy alternatives, it’s a wonderful method to get imaginative. The skies’s the limit! The thick appearance makes it terrific for putting on hold much heavier additives. It’s typically taken into consideration a much more “all-natural” bar of soap. Disadvantages:. It’s made with sodium hydroxide lye, which can be dangerous if it’s managed incorrectly. Cold procedure soap takes around 4-6 weeks to treat. Benches can be used before after that, yet they will be softer and also won’t last as long in the shower. Some colorants can morph in the high pH environment of cold procedure soap. Fragrance oils can respond with the high pH of cold procedure soap in negative ways, triggering velocity, ricing, or confiscating. Always ensure your scent acts well in cold procedure! Vanilla Color Stabilizer is not reliable. Fragrance oils with a high vanilla web content will turn the soap brown. Since cold process soap is nontransparent, shine does not appear effectively. It still looks great sprayed on the top though. Cleanup can be a long process depending on just how elaborate your layout is. melt and pour soap advantages and disadvantages|bramble berry. This method is wonderful for novices. You can make thaw and pour with children as young as 4 (with adult supervision). The base has already experienced saponification, so collaborating with lye is not required. You do not need to put on safety and security equipment because you’re not dealing with lye. Thaw and also put soap fasts to make, solidifies in a number of hrs, as well as does not require to treat. Scent oils don’t create velocity, ricing, or taking. Vanilla Color Stabilizer is an effective method to stop browning in thaw and also put. Radiance as well as shimmery micas really pop, especially in translucent bases (Clear, Aloe Vera, Honey, etc). You can create incredibly tidy as well as straight layers. Just make sure to have 99% isopropyl alcohol close by so the layers stick. Cleaning is easy because your recipes are coated in completely ready-to-use soap. Cons:. Since melt as well as put soap consists of additional glycerin, it’s prone to sweating. The base is not fully customizable. Since saponification has actually already occurred, you can’t pick the oils/butters that enter into the soap. Fresh active ingredients like milk as well as purees will at some point go bad in benches. Melted soap is thin and also liquid, so larger additives can sink to the bottom. It cools and also sets promptly. That indicates some swirls that can be made with cold procedure aren’t possible with melt and pour. Melt as well as pour soap can shed, which makes the base thick, gloopy, as well as difficult to work with. hot process soap advantages and disadvantages|shrub berry. You can personalize every single active ingredient, including oils. The additional heat speeds up the saponification process. Three joys for instant gratification – hot process soap can be reduced within one day and also utilized as soon as possible. The bars have a rustic look as well as a less smooth appearance than cold process. Whether you like this appearance is individual preference. Warm procedure can be made in a Crock-Pot or double boiler. The thick texture makes it wonderful for putting on hold much heavier ingredients. It’s normally thought about to be a more “all-natural” bar of soap. Clean-up is much easier due to the fact that the leftovers in the slow cooker/Crock-Pot are already soap. Cons:. The base has already undergone saponification, so you don’t have to work with lye. That suggests you do not require to put on safety equipment. It’s great for novices due to the fact that the base is currently made. Rebatch soap is a fantastic method to save sets of soap that really did not end up fairly right. It does not need a 4-6 week treatment time. We typically recommend concerning 1-2 weeks, however it can be made use of as soon as it’s cut. The bars have a rustic appearance and also a much less smooth texture than chilly procedure. Whether you such as this appearance is personal choice. The cleaning is incredibly simple. Disadvantages:. The soap has currently saponified, so the dish can not be tailored. Fresh components like milk and purees will at some point go bad in the soap. If your scent or crucial oil has a reduced flashpoint, some manufacturers locate the higher temperature levels can burn off the fragrance, causing it to fade. Due to the thick structure, swirls and layers can be difficult. So now you know all the processes of making soap. The next step is that you will. require a moules a savon. While bikes all at once have actually come a greatly long way considering that their beginning greater than a century go, there are however a variety of areas that can still use enhancement. Acknowledging this, a number of entrepreneurial individuals as well as innovative clothing have actually set out to address these numerous concerns, as well as while doing so, reinforce security, dependability, convenience, as well as satisfaction. The exponential rate at which smart modern technology remains to penetrate every element of our lives has actually additionally given way to various cutting-edge moto-enhancing items that get in touch with existing Bluetooth and also satellite innovation, gyroscopes, accelerometers, and also various other sensing units to relieve the experience of riding a motorcycle. Wind noise within a bike helmet at highway rates can quickly be as loud as 100db, which can be damaging and also cause long-term hearing loss after as little as half a hr’s time. And while standard earplugs treat this issue, they widely minimize situational understanding, not permitting cyclists to hear crucial sounds while out when driving. The EarPeace Motorbike Ear Plugs were created to address this issue, making use of an exclusive noise-canceling filter modern technology that eliminates ambient wind as well as engine sounds while still letting shrieking tires, horns, or other important sounds to be heard so situational understanding won’t be jeopardized. The plugs themselves are made from costs, hypoallergenic, medical-grade silicone. Sold in an aluminum bring instance, each collection includes a triad of dual-flange plugs and high-fidelity filters of differing levels of security: Medium; High; as well as Max (SNR 17, 20, as well as 26). As well as, on top of both on and also off-road riding and motorsport applications, the EarPeace Ear Plugs are additionally terrific for usage at performances as well as building and construction or woodworking, however, it must be noted that they aren’t suggested to be utilized as ear security for shooting a weapon. Because they protect your mind, we ‘d say that a costs motorbike safety helmet is well worth the investment, though after sinking a suitable portion of cash right into a top-notch brain bucket, the last thing you intend to do is leave it sitting ignored on your bike when you’re away. Get In the Helmetlok II, which is an extremely basic and also straightforward item of gear that assists keep your lid from obtaining swiped. Using a four-digit code, the lock web links via a safety helmet’s D-rings (or cog), while complete aluminum and also zinc-alloy building and construction aid to stand up to grinders and also hacksaws, in addition to the aspects. This second-generation variation of the locking carabiner is created to fit about a framework or subframe as well as is partially-wrapped in a rubber finish that guarantees that shielding your safety helmet doesn’t come at the cost of damaging your flight. We do really feel forced to point out that, despite it presumably messing up any kind of (resale) value that a headgear has, we, regrettably, know firsthand from individual experience that these locks will not quit some thieves from cutting off the portion of the safety helmet band that is locked down. It’s nonetheless an even more protected option than simply leaving your helmet on the seat, storage tank, or a handlebar. Signal Dynamics BackOFF XP Brake Light Modulator. As bikers, it’s critical to take positive steps to lessen the likelihood of a crash or injury while in the saddle, and while that consists of putting on ideal equipment and also arming on your own with correct training, that additionally suggests doing what you can to boost your capability to be seen by other chauffeurs while out when traveling. Which’s the idea behind Signal Dynamics’ BackOFF XP Brake Light Modulator. With a bike’s supply brake/taillight running through this component, when the front or back brake is turned on, it will consistently flash as opposed to just lighting up, making you as well as your bike much more obvious. Fully weatherproof as well as loading solid-state electronics, the BackOFF XP component can run in either modes: either flashing 3 times and after that going back to the stable supply glow; or a three-way flash, complying with by 3.5 seconds of stable glowing, before repeating over and over once more for as long as the brake continues to be turned on. Being rear-ending by a vehicle is just one of the most harmful scenarios a motorcyclist can deal with, and since this item reduces the likelihood of that occurring by far better grabbing motorists’ attention, we would certainly state that alone makes this sub-$ 50 product worth the financial investment, especially if you do not live in an area where lane-splitting is legal. Garmin Zumo Tire Stress Display. Modern tire compounds can afford enormous levels of grasp, though they need to go to an ideal temperature level in order to deliver optimal traction. To strike these optimal temperature levels, tires have to be appropriately inflated (to the maker’s suggested degree, generally in the ballpark of 30-35psi). Furthermore, properly-inflated tires will certainly generate much better mileage, much shorter stopping distances, as well as result in much more uniform wear. This thing from Garmin aids you maintain a close eye on your tires’ pressure, making it much easier to maintain optimal pressure whatsoever times. Resembling your typical shutoff cap, these clever tire pressure monitoring devices communicate details to Garmin’s Zumo moto GPS devices which can present a real-time analysis. Great for travelling as well as exploring alike, these valve-stem-covering devices are powered by tiny exchangeable batteries that last around 18 months prior to needing to be swapped out. This impressive battery life is owed to the product’s ability to continue to be in low-power setting till it senses motion, at which point it gets up as well as begins passing on details. Marketed individually, Garmin offers these things with clearly labeled numbers (sticker labels) for very easy differentiation. Wireless charging has significantly come to be the new requirement for smart devices, and the individuals over as SoEasyRider do not think motorcycles ought to an exemption. Therefore, the multinational clothing has produced a cordless billing case specifically for motorcycles– though the attire has been around for over two decades and was the very first to establish a motorbike GPS install. Good for accommodating mobile phones as huge as 6.3″, this Qi case includes a zippered front with a tactical home window and also custom-made zipper draws. When shut, the phone is entirely safe and also not able to elope or go rolling, even if you go shiny side down. The charger’s clear window likewise allows you utilize turn-by-turn GPS directions, or preview calls or texts while a tool is inside. The gadget comes with a handlebar-mounted charger as well as rainfall protection, though the firm additionally offers a range of extra ball, arm, and also ring installs that enable the battery charger to be positioned practically throughout the cockpit. The set additionally includes four various wireless billing adapters– Lightning (apple iphone), Type-c, Micro USB, as well as upside down Micro USB– so it works with almost any kind of smartphone presently out there. Antigravity Micro-Start XP-1 Power Supply. Bikes tend to have pretty tiny batteries, as well as while this aids to slash off weight, it can also indicate a dead battery when left extra for a few weeks. Leading moto Lithium-ion battery attire, Antigravity’s solution to this is the Micro-Start XP-1 Power Supply, a portable device with sufficient juice to jump a dead bike battery. Gauging 6.75″ x 3.25″ x 1″ as well as weighing in at less than a pound, the portable power bank packs a 12,000 mAh battery with 400 optimal amps. On top of having the ability to jump a dead motorbike battery, this device additionally includes a common 12V port, a 19V port for laptop computers, as well as numerous USB ports for charging mobile devices. The gadget additionally features a five LED battery degree indicator, integrated overcharge defense, as well as an integrated 110-lumen LED flashlight with numerous light modes. The whole set consists of a set of mini jumper clamps, a range of universal wires, consisting of Micro-USB and also Lightning cables, a wall electrical outlet charger, a (12V) cigarette lighter battery charger, and an arranged carrying situation that neatly stores whatever and also easily fits underneath a seat or in a tail compartment. Motogadget m-Lock RFID Ignition Lock. As the auto market has continued to show, keyed ignitions are increasingly ending up being a distant memory, and while this shift has yet to fully take hold in the two-wheeled realm, the moto electronic devices experts over at Motogadget have actually started the procedure with its m-Lock RFID Ignition Lock. The product is included a digital RFID-enabled vital fob and also a little circular receiver. Replacing the typical keyed configuration, the system revives when the transponder (within the crucial fob) is pressed to the receiver (or held within 1.6″ of it), which suggests the receiver can be hidden out of view, underneath the bodywork. Outfitted with tamper-resistant RFID (superhigh frequency identification) tech, each device boasts a special code to maximize safety. In addition to every little thing required to wire the device– including approximately 20″ of electrical wiring, a 12V relay, M3 threaded holes for mounting– the set is offered with a solitary master key fob that cane made use of to produce duplicates, along with a safe valley-style essential fob. Installment can unquestionably be a little bit challenging for those that aren’t specifically experienced with wrenching or wiring configuration, though it can certainly be properly installed at your regional store. Scottoiler eSystem Electronic Moto Chain Oiler. Among the most essential elements of motorbike maintenance is chain upkeep, and though it’s not really challenging to carry out, it does call for routine focus which can be a trouble. The Scottoiler is created to take over chain-lubing obligations, so your last drive system is always perfectly-oiled, without you ever before needing to lift a finger. Benefitting from countless software program updates and also hardware modifications for 2020, the current generation of the Scottoiler links to a bike’s final drive system with an oil dispenser as well as reservoir. There’s likewise an electronic LED display screen that places in the cockpit as well as shows existing temperature level analyses and also oil-dispersion degrees– the latter of which is adjustable on the fly using the screen. The current generation of the item is additionally self-calibrating, as well as it keeps in mind any kind of user-establish settings, even if the battery passes away or the tool is disconnected from the power source. The business likewise markets a non-electric variation, in addition to an electrical version without the digital screen for $50 less. Also when running a Scottoiler, a bike’s chain still needs to be frequently changed as well as cleaned, though it’s still a terrific little device. ABUS Granit Detecto SMARTX 8078. Bike safety is much less concerning making your bike completely impervious to thieves, and a lot more around merely deterring those targeting your bike by providing a barrier or safety and security system that makes them carry on to an easier two-wheeled target. Released in the very early summer of 2020, one of the latest devices at your disposal in the fight versus motorcycle thievery is German safety company ABUS’ brand new Granit Detecto SMARTX 8078 disc lock. Built around hardened steel securing systems and packing a 13.5 mm steel screw, this device clamps down onto a bike’s front brake rotor, avoiding the wheel from rolling. What collections this version aside from various other disc locks is its concealed tech. Pairing with an application, this bike lock includes internal motion sensors that can inform you if your bike is moved. The lock additionally utilizes a smart device to open it, and therefore doesn’t have a keyhole, thus eliminating a possible weak link in the gadget’s security. As well as, in addition to notifying you with sending an immediate press notification, if the lock senses activity while armed, it will blare out a 100dB alarm system. The AGVisor is a bike face-shield that’s been equipped with an electro-chromatic LCD lens that permits motorcyclists to instantly toggle between a mild and dark tint at the touch of a switch. This works similarly to Transitions brand photochromic lenses, making it possible for one visor to match a selection of light setups, albeit battery-powered and totally user-controlled. Initially introduced at the SWISS-MOTO Show in 2015, the gizmo’s battery powers its e-Tint fluid crystal movie for around 12 hours, and also when the battery runs right out, the visor automatically reverts to the light-tint mode, so you never ever get stuck riding with a tinted visor after dark since the battery dead. Calling on technology that was originally established for usage in boxer jet safety helmets, the AGVisor is unequivocally among one of the most cutting-edge motorbike gizmos of the last years, and will likely end up being common-place on future premium helmet models, alongside with integrated action cams and HUDs. Compatible with any one of AGV’s flagship Corsa as well as Pista versions, along with the older GT Veloce headgears, the AGVisor, unfortunately, isn’t pin-lock ready/friendly. The Roame Absolutely nos are a modern-day pair of protective motorbike riding footwear masquerading as a fashion-forward set of sneakers. The hightop layout loads D30 armor-backed ankle joint defense while a double Velcro strap setup helps to make certain a snug fit, while the lower thing likewise functions as a toe-shifter pad. There’s additionally extra D30 armor discovered at the toe. Abrasion-resistant natural leather makes up the uppers, as well. What establishes the San Diego-based start-up’s tennis shoes from other elegant riding footwear on the marketplace is the effortlessly incorporated collection of red and also yellow LED lights lining the soles of the shoe. The Absolutely nos’ integrated LEDs wirelessly connect to the motorbike, and also when the brake is made use of or a turn indicator is turned on, the shoes will certainly brighten, making it much easier for various other drivers on the road to see you, particularly after the sunlight has gone down. As well as, unlike the light-toting footwear from our childhood years such as LA Lighting, the LEDs developed into the side of the Roame footwear aren’t noticeable until they illuminate. IASUS Rekon Headset. IASUS Concepts Rekon places a modern and also upscale spin on the traditional motorcycle helmet interaction (or “comm system”). Influenced by premium watch design, the Rekon boasts a toughened up glass home window that totally displays the gizmo’s mechanical devices as well as motion within. Made from custom-machined, refined light weight aluminum, the Rekon is basically a trick smartphone controller with a basic, simple and also user-friendly user interface, even if you’re when wearing gloves, or ripping down the road at 60mph. IASUS was in fact the first clothing to work up high-fidelity audio drivers especially for bike acoustic applications when it did so approximately 15 years back. Today, the firm continues to sell premium sound, currently on its third generation of XSound3 internal safety helmet speakers (which are offered with the Rekon system). As well as while the audio speakers as well as microphones are wired, the Reko device itself is totally wireless, making removing it from the helmet a breeze. Equipped with A2DP and also aptX HD audio accounts, the Rekon likewise flaunts the firm’s equally-advanced helmet EAR3 microphone. The Rekon additionally uses Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity and also loads a battery that permits a charitable 250 hours of standby times (and 10 hours of real use). Sena is undoubtedly among, if not one of the most relied on name in the motorbike comms system realm, though the outfit’s 10C Pro model brings a lot more capability to the table, equipping the company’s basic comm system with an integrated advanced action video camera. The comm system aspect can link with as much as four other riders from a range regarding a mile away while the camera supplies 1440p QHD video (1080p:60 fps or 1440p: 30fps) and 3.7 MP still shots, as well as flaunts a large 135-degree field of vision, and provides several settings such as shot, ruptured, and time-lapse. A Lithium polymer battery enables two hrs of recording or 17 hours of talk time and can be totally reenergized in 3 hours. The all-in-one gadget’s audio capturing benefits from innovative noise control and an integrated SBC Codec. Outfitted with a MicroSD slot also, the Sena 10C Pro additionally features a streamlined unibody real estate as well as a built-in AM/FM radio with approximately ten presets. It’s additionally most likely worth pointing out that, on top of the camera itself, the 10C Pro also consists of interior microphones as well as audio speakers for inside the headgear (for the comms system portion of the tool’s performance). SomeWear Global Hotspot. The creation of the mobile phone has made motorcycling noticeably more secure, providing cyclists with a link to emergency situation clinical services as well as considerably decreasing general response times in the field. If you happen to be traveling someplace without mobile phone service, a global hot spot is a fantastic choice for staying connected to the remainder of the world, and also when it involves motorcycle-specific things, it’s difficult to beat the SomeWear worldwide hotspot. On top of providing you with a lifeline and also link to people, this gadget can additionally be utilized as a global GPS monitoring tool, so your liked ones can watch on your journey as it advances, and mobilize aid if required. Moreover, this portable little gadget can be used to obtain weather reports, which can be very important in off-grid circumstances. SomeWear also has a smart device app that lets your phone receive a link even when inactive array through the global hotspot. As well as, in order to provide solid and dependable international insurance coverage, SomeWear makes use of the Iridium satellite network as well as has actually additionally partnered with GEOS Worldwide. This gadget does require acquiring a data plan, which begins at $8.33 a month (for 10 satellite messages, 75 pin-drops, and also unlimited cell as well as wifi messages) and increases to $50 a month for endless every little thing. Eyesights Eyeride Moto HUD. One more innovation borrowed from fighter jet cabins, HUDs (or Head-Up Displays) forecast a vehicle’s instrumentation right into the corner of the user’s visual field, so they can watch on these important metrics without having to look away from the roadway. This tech has actually been offered in premium vehicles for a long time, as well as though the concept is by no means unique in the bike world, there has yet to be a success moto HUD that’s been able to stand the test of time (without going under after a few years time as we have actually seen with outfits like Skully as well as NuViz). And the latest gamer to try their luck at making a production moto HUD is Eye-Lights, with its Kickstarter-funded EyeRide HUD. Like a conventional moto comm system, this device consists of inner audio speakers and a microphone, and also on the surface helmet-mounted controller, and also certainly the HUD itself, which is positioned simply over the customer’s right eye. An interesting use of enhanced truth, the EyeRide HUD can show speed and RPM, though customers also have the option of having the gadget display screen text and call info, songs playback controls, and even turn-by-turn general practitioner directions electronically shown on the roads. The transition from driving an auto to riding a motorbike can be a bit difficult initially, as the concepts of piloting a single-track automobile offer an extremely different experience. In addition to leaning and shifting, one location that can take some obtaining made use of to is braking, specifically because– unlike with an auto– a motorcycles front and back brakes are operated independently. And also while a bike’s front brake admittedly supplies most of a motorbike’s quiting power, the rear brake is still a crucial component. Understanding this, the team at BrakeBuTT has actually developed a clever system that links a motorbike’s front and also rear brakes. In addition to the brake linking system itself, BrakeBuTT also features a cockpit-mounted controller that lets you readjust the front and also rear bias. The linked brake system is specifically using on ultra-heavyweight touring designs like Honda’s Gold Wing as well as Victory leviathan Rocket 3. Having said that, this tool can additionally provide some objective advantages in high-performance settings (such as when leaning hard into a righthand corner where you can’t access the rear brake lever). Klim Ai-1 (Smart/Wireless) Air Bag Vest. Wireless air bag vests represent a massive progression in bike safety, though till really recently, the modern technology wasn’t obtainable to the majority of cyclists as a result of the systems’ outrageous prices. Formerly, having a cordless air bag implied spending over a grand in the vest, before going down an additional grand or two on a fit or moto jacket that’s compatible with it. Klim is now changing that fact nonetheless with the launch of the brand’s Ai-1 Air bag Vest: a standalone cordless air bag system that can be put on below any coat, thereby giving the peak of security. Provided in 6 dimensions, the vest makes use of a complicated range of gyroscopes and accelerometers that feed information to a control unit thousands of times per second. If a crash is discovered, a changeable container deploys a charge that totally blows up the vest in a lightning-fast 60 nanoseconds or less– as a factor of reference, usually it takes the human eye 100-150 nanoseconds to blink. The Ai-1’s battery also lasts for about 20 hours, as well as the air bag’s control device is integrated into the vest’s CE Degree 2 viscoelastic back guard. Route Technology Voyager Pro GPS Package. Considering that its beginning in 2001, Route Technology has grown into one of one of the most highly regarded brand names in the off-road and adventure bike space, with a deep catalog of costs dirt-focused items substantiated of real-world riding experience. Route Tech’s Voyager Pro GPS kit was made especially for off-road applications, boasting rugged construction, and an IP67-rating. Geared up with a 4″ glove-friendly full-color touchscreen TFT display screen, the tool comes preloaded with North American maps and also is powered by a 3,100 mAh Lithium-ion battery. The GPS system can additionally videotape trip paths, or allow the customer pick from pre-uploaded trips from various other customers– all the while tracking rate and also elevation as much as almost 30,000′. Other highlights consist of “buddy monitoring” which lets you watch on as much as 20 other cyclists (that are likewise using Voyager Pro GPS devices as well as are without a 1.5-mile variety), as well as an emergency button that turns on a GPS SOS beacon. Measuring 5.6 ″ x 3.5″, the GPS system is sold with a plastic handlebar placing equipment kit and everything required to wire and also connect the gadget, though Route Technology likewise offers a handful of powertrain sensing units that make it possible for the screen to show real-time RPM, voltage, speed/distance, engine temperature, etc. If you intend to maintain boosting as well as upgrading your two-wheeled pride and joy, then make certain to offer our guide to the most effective motorbike upgrades for beginners a read for an easy-to-follow look at where to begin when up-speccing a scoot, along with 20 of our preferred items to develop your dream construct. With gyms still shuttered– or, even if they’re open, questionably risk-free– around the country due to Covid-19, home health clubs have actually never been more preferred. After all, it’s much safer to work out in your home right now than in a health club bordered by various other heavily-breathing individuals. But not everyone is the house gym-type. Some individuals choose to work out in a gym, be it for the sense of area, the cutting-edge tools, or the added inspiration of participating in a task outside the house. These people are the most likely offenders for the existing boom we’re seeing in wise residence fitness centers, which bring more of a genuine fitness center experience into the residence. The variety of offered choices has blown up since late, yet what are the most effective clever residence fitness centers to get? There are several kinds of smart home gyms presently on the market offering a number of different approaches to getting you fit. Some are a lot more traditional pieces of cardio devices, like exercise bikes as well as treadmills, that bring the experience of participating in a gym class right into your home. Others attempt to turn working out into even more of a video game via the use of the most up to date innovation. As well as some go also further, utilizing expert system to examine your workouts and also dressmaker programs particularly for you. It can be hard to find the most effective smart house health clubs with many to select from, but this overview should certainly make it easier. Photo: NordicTrack Vault: Full The Benefits Of A Smart House Gym Extra Brains = More Brawn Inspiration: One of the greatest benefits of mosting likely to a physical health club is the added motivation it offers you to exercise. Whether you belong to a course or are merely propelled to go to the health club by recognizing that gymgoers will certainly see you exercising, the included inspiration of coming from a health club is effective. That’s why several clever house fitness centers have comparable motivating effects built-in. Many offer live classes and also durable online areas that you will not get from a normal house gym configuration, meaning you can seem like you’re a part of a gym once again with an actual support system as well as accountability– even from the convenience of your very own house. Insight: If you use an individual trainer at the fitness center, you understand that they can supply you effective insight into your health and fitness as well as wellness. Whether it’s correcting your kind, advising you on workouts, or identifying your sets and also associates, instructors are a resource that isn’t so quickly replicated in the house. A minimum of, that utilized to be the case. Some modern-day residence gyms have the ability to serve as virtual personal instructors, either via making use of actual real-time instructors or fitness-calibrated AIs that find out just how you exercise as well as offer ways to improve. It misbehaves news for the individual fitness instructor company, however it’s great news for you. Enjoyable: Also when mosting likely to a health club, exercising can be tedious. Whether you’re running constantly on a treadmill or lifting weights, doing the same old routine can get older and also very uninteresting really rapidly. Some wise house health clubs seek to address this trouble by making health and fitness fun, often with making use of gamification. Whether you’re trying to beat your own high rating or contending against various other weekend warriors, some contemporary wise house fitness centers incorporate what are basically calorie-burning video games right into their framework. And also there’s not an individual alive that doesn’t think video games aren’t fun. Bikes MYX’s business design is providing a high-grade clever home health club experience at a rate that undercuts the competition, and they make an excellent situation. Their base workshop consists of a gym-quality Celebrity Trac Bike equipped with a turning 21.5″ HD touchscreen, while you can update to a costlier model that throws in other workout devices. $29/month gets you accessibility to a collection with hundreds of classes (and also new ones included weekly), individually training, personalized heart rate-based training, and also the SmartMYX AI engine that customizes exercises especially for you based upon your body as well as objectives. Without Peloton, it’s unlikely that the clever residence health club area would certainly be as durable as it is today. The purveyors of smart exercise bikes have become one of the leading forces in house fitness, with a huge library of online as well as on-demand classes, a growing and passionate area of customers, and a roster of world-class teachers; a few of whom are fast on their means to coming to be fitness celebs. You’ll need to pony up $39/month for an All-Access subscription that provides you one of the most interactive and personalized experience, yet if you want the exercises just, then a $12.99/ month Digital Subscription will function just great. Acquisition: $1,895+. Treadmills. NordicTrack Commercial X22i. NordicTrack has been a player in the residence health club area because long before any other company on this listing, yet they have actually lately gone all-in in the smart home health club sector, providing wise bikes, treadmills, rowers, and a lot more. This treadmill is just one of their ideal offerings. It’s the same high quality as one you’ll discover in a health club, with the included benefit of a 22″ wise HD touchscreen, Bluetooth connectivity for wireless headphones, as well as a free 1 year membership to iFit individual training that permits fitness instructors to digitally adjust your equipment’s incline, decline, and rate throughout workouts. Peloton isn’t just for spin addicts, they additionally make a pretty advanced treadmill. The Footstep+ has a shock-absorbing belt that contains 59 specific slats, softly supporting your feet so you can train harder with much less exhaustion. There’s additionally a large 32″ touchscreen, Bluetooth connectivity, as well as a 20W soundbar in case you seem like really having a party on your tread. And also because it’s from Peloton, you obtain accessibility to the exact same top-of-the-line classes and also community as bike proprietors. Purchase: $4,295+. Instructor Mirrors. Tier Reflect 40. Echelon is a company that has irons in numerous wise residence fitness center fires (figure of speech, none of these products are understood fire dangers), offering wise versions of nearly every piece of health club devices at affordable costs. And it appears to be working, as their $39.99/ month Tier United Subscription provides the world’s biggest linked health and fitness workshop, with countless courses and also star trainers like Mario Lopez. The Reflect is Tier’s compact take on a fitness instructor mirror, as it considers just 26 pounds and also can be held on your wall. Mirror From Lululemon. Mirror from Lululemon designed the instructor mirror, and it’s still the one to defeat in the room. When shut off, it appears like a slick piece of house decor, but when switched on the Mirror provides you the capability to comply with along with your instructor, getting unprecedented aesthetic responses in real-time thanks to its cutting-edge layout. The $39/month Mirror membership includes accessibility to a vast library of live and on-demand courses covering a monstrous 50+ various genres, indicating you’re practically assured to find a workout that works for you– and also you’ll understand you look good doing it, also. Rowing is among the very best full-body workouts you can do, yet it can likewise be one of the most mind-numbing. Ergatta fixes this problem by way of its 17.3″ Android-powered HD touchscreen that presents various sorts of rowing-based computer game. Several of these video games allow you to work toward attaining an utmost objective, while others pit you versus participants of the Ergatta community. $29.99/ month obtains you access fully Ergatta experience, which also includes Active Intelligence that adjusts difficulties as well as comments to your fitness account. Plus, unlike a lot of pieces of workout equipment, Ergatta is legally lovely and is simple to store. Hydrow is another rower that aims to take the dullness out of rowing, yet it takes a drastically various method than Ergatta. This rower is engineered to really feel not like you go to the health club, yet like you’re out on the water in an actual rowboat thanks to its electro-magnetic as well as computer-controlled drag device. To better involve on your own, Hydrow’s 22″ HD touchscreen displays online and also on-demand classes on the water, with trainers that are actual competitive rowing athletes. Accessibility to these wild and damp classes calls for an all-access membership at $38/month. Bowflex Max Fitness Instructor M9. Like NordicTrack, house physical fitness innovator Bowflex has had to change with the moments to stay competitive. And they’re absolutely taking on this high-level HIIT machine. The WiFi and Bluetooth-connected M9 supplies an intense full-body workout with access to Bowflex’s proprietary $19.99/ month JRNY physical fitness platform that includes tailored strategies, trainer-led courses, and real-time electronic coaching that immediately adjusts as your physical fitness improves. And also if you’re in the state of mind for a little entertainment during your workout, you can likewise stream Netflix, Disney+, and also extra content straight on your equipment. One of the much more one-of-a-kind as well as cutting-edge clever home health club alternatives, CLMBR brings the climbing device experience right into the home. A favorite exercise of professional athletes for the way its high-rate of muscular tissue engagement as well as natural movements, CLMBR is also compact, occupying simply 3 square feet of floor room. Its sweatproof HD touchscreen is positioned to be front-and-center throughout your exercises, offering you a much more immersive experience for the on-demand library of instructor-led classes and also neighborhood difficulties. Membership is $39/month for accessibility to classes, with app-integration additionally can be found in the future. Purchase: $2,399+. Boxing. Boxing has left the confines of dusty old fitness centers run by old men in sweatsuits and has actually entered the house– and frankly, it’s never looked better. FightCamp includes a free-standing heavy bag, premium boxing gloves, hand covers, a durable workout floor covering, as well as professional-grade punch trackers. The trackers videotape your type real-time, with your statistics appearing on your favored tool’s screen as you adhere to along during your workouts. You’ll need a $39/month FightCamp membership to open the trackers, but it’s a needed cost if you want to experience what makes FightCamp unique. One more home boxing experience, Liteboxer does not attempt to duplicate the experience of going to a boxing health club so much as it tries to make boxing enjoyable. It does this by, essentially, transforming boxing right into a futuristic computer game. Its punch pad includes copyrighted Rhythm Innovation that synchronizes lights, music, as well as pace to produce an immersive workout that feels like you’re at the game. Attach your phone or tablet computer using the Liteboxer app, and you’ll be able to comply with along to exercises, gain insight right into your statistics, as well as participate a gaming-focused area. Of course, you’ll need to pay $29/month to access everything, but that does include material that’s updated daily. Acquisition: $1,495+. All-In-Ones. If you’re looking to try and also duplicate an entire fitness center in your house, then this is a fantastic area to begin. The JaxJox InteractiveStudio consists of 142 lbs. of adjustable weight thanks to its included KettlebellConnect 2.0 as well as DumbbellConnect systems, plus there’s a beastly 43″ rotating, 4K touchscreen. And also you’ll require that significant display after paying $39/month for your JaxJox subscription that includes daily real-time and on-demand classes, live training, and customized workout recommendations. There’s likewise AI performance tracking that determines your data into a Physical fitness IQ rating, providing you unprecedented degrees of insight. NordicTrack Vault: Complete. We discussed that NordicTrack has actually gone all-in when it pertains to smart house health and fitness, and this new product is evidence of that. The Vault: Complete combines an instructor mirror with a complete house gym in one compact device. The revolving 60.5-inch mirror houses a 400 square-inch touchscreen that offers access to lots of individual training courses– a year of iFit is consisted of– plus costs dumbbells, kettlebells, resistance bands, yoga/pilates devices, an exercise floor covering, and also a towel that are all neatly as well as easily kept within its smooth shelving. Like the Vault, Tempo is both a cabinet for exercise tools and also an electronic personal instructor. Yet instead of including a mirror, Pace faucets its sophisticated AI as well as 3D mapping modern technology to provide you real-time responses during your workouts. The system corrects your type, counts your reps, suggests weight, and also individualizes your exercises– after you acquire a year of the called for $39/month subscription. And concealing behind Tempo’s 42″ touchscreen are real dumbbells, a barbell, and plates amounting to 115 pounds, plus a workout floor covering as well as a foam roller. Matching a remarkably innovative “digital” weight system– which utilizes magnetism instead of standard plates– with AI machine learning as well as a space-saving, wall-mounted design, the Tonal is something of a game-changer in the house health club sector– especially if you’re searching for toughness training. As well as while it absolutely can be taken into consideration an expensive acquisition when factoring in the called for $49/month membership, the distinction is composed by a squad of high-level instructors, unrivaled versatility, as well as lots of exercises– both specific and also program-based– that Tonal is regularly including in and also surpassing. As you can see there are many solutions for clever workout As you can see there are lots of services for smart workout machines whether you need a physical fitness bike (ποδήλατο γυμναστικής) or a bench for weights (παγκος για βαρη) there is always a remedy. Ayo, innovation! If you don’t have a watercraft, but you intend to experience an exciting day out on the water, renting a boat may be precisely what you require. Renting a boat is a terrific means to get the enjoyment out of the boat without all the treatment, upkeep, as well as expense that includes having a watercraft. If you do not intend to acquire a watercraft and incur all the work and also price that includes it, you can still rent out a boat for you as well as your team to take pleasure in a sunny day out on the water. Renting Your Very Own Watercraft Pros and Cons of Leasing over Purchasing: Last Ideas: It is sensible, especially if you stay in an area where boating is seasonal, to see to it you make a rental booking in advance. Boating season generally begins around Memorial Day weekend break and runs all the way via Labor Day weekend. Summer season weekend breaks are really busy for marinas and also they might not have any type of watercrafts offered if you plan to just stroll in as well as safeguard a leasing. It is an excellent concept to make your strategies as early in the period as you can. This will guarantee that you have a watercraft to ride when you want it. Get There Early Along with making very early reservations, you will certainly wish to make certain you get here early the day of. Arriving early will enable you to get all the paperwork as well as checks achieved as well as you will not need to lose any one of your reserved time. This can be a big deal if you are pursuing a day trip and also you have to be back by a particular time. If you are spending for a certain quantity of time, you definitely intend to ensure you are out on the water the entire time. It is advised that you turn up at the very least 30 to 45 minutes before your scheduled time. This will help make certain that you are out on the water on schedule. Get a Smooth Check-In The most effective method to keep check-in smooth is to check out any type of information in the verification letter as well as to recognize what you require. If you very carefully checked out the verification letter and also come prepared, check-in ought to go efficiently for you. The majority of companies will outline any records you need, when you must arrive, what accessories or other devices will certainly be consisted of, as well as any other vital information. It is also an excellent suggestion to have a duplicate of your verification to give when you arrive. By doing this it is simpler for them to look you up and also get you started on the check-in procedure. See To It You Obtain the Right Watercraft for You When you are renting out a watercraft, you will want to ensure you rent out the ideal type of boat. In this regard it is essential to understand your restrictions. You likely will not intend to obtain a complete size sailboat if you have never ever sailed before. You will likewise wish to make certain you select a watercraft that will fit the requirements of your party. See to it you maintain traveler count in mind when selecting a watercraft to make sure that you do not overcrowd the vessel. If you intend to do watersports you will desire a watercraft with sufficient power to pull your sport devices. Make Sure Your Boat is in Good Condition Despite the fact that your rental watercraft is not something that you are acquiring as well as they are typically well kept, you will still want to make certain that the watercraft remains in good working problem. There is absolutely nothing even worse than being stranded out in the water because of engine problems. Prior to you go out on the water, you will certainly want to make certain every little thing is in correctly functioning order and bring it up with the rental firm if you notice any type of problems. It is additionally an excellent concept to do a detailed check of the outside appearance of the boat also. Many times you will go over the look of the vessel with the business that is leasing it out. This will certainly permit you as well as them to remember of what problem the boat resembles prior to you leave. Make certain if you do observe anything, you make them knowledgeable about it before you go out to make sure that they do not attempt to use it versus you when you get back. Unreported damages beforehand could mean damages costs for you when you return, even if you did not create the damage. Be Planned for the Weather condition Since you will likely have made your booking ahead of time, it will be hard to forecast what the climate might be doing that day. Ensure you keep an eye on the forecast and prepare for anything that can occur, weather-wise. This includes watching on the radar to determine if it is secure to take a trip out on the water. An additional consideration to make in relation to weather is what to use. Make sure you bring a back-up layer of apparel in case the weather gets colder. Remember it is better to have as well as not require than to require and also not have. Have a Strategy Having a plan in case something fails is a wonderful idea before you go out on the water. This tip is terrific no matter if you are going out on a rental boat or your own watercraft. Having a plan and also allowing a person recognize that plan is a terrific means to stay secure while out on the water. Having a strategy can include: Recognizing the contact info for the marina. Letting a person know for how long you intend to be out so they can examine you if you do not return. Making certain you have a way to tell time so you understand when you will be back. Safety is the top worry any time that you are out on the water. Despite one of the most mindful boat operators, accidents can occur as well as you intend to make certain there is someone ashore that is keeping you in mind. If you do not have any person in the location to do this for you, you can leave your strategy and also contact info with the rental firm or marina. When you go out on your rental watercraft, you will certainly want to take special treatment when you are loading. If you are going out by yourself watercraft, you will likely understand everything that is onboard, but this is not the case with a rental boat. Due to the fact that you do not know what will be onboard a rental watercraft you will want to make certain that you pack everything you will certainly need while out on the water. This can consist of: Clothing for all weather Sun block Food Water A Cooler Towels You will certainly likewise want to load anything that you intend on doing while out on the water. This can consist of angling materials or watersport equipment. If you are going out for greater than a day you will require to load far more than you would need to for a day-long journey. Some things that you might need for a longer trip include: Coverings Restroom toiletries Additional clothing Make certain that you bring whatever you think you will certainly need regardless of what the length of your journey is and do not depend on it being onboard your rental boat unless it is detailed. You will intend to see to it you appropriately pack as well as obtain everything that you need, however you will certainly want to make certain you do not overpack. Whatever you bring with you will both have to be filled and also unloaded, likely in the exact same day. This means that you won’t intend to bring anything that is unneeded and also conserve yourself some time and problem. You likewise will certainly wish to avoid overpacking to avoid congestion on the vessel. It is not perfect to be continuously be climbing up over things out on the deck of the watercraft. Something that you will certainly need to do is to make sure you are in compliance with boating needs. Whether you need a seafarer’s education and learning class differs from one state to another. Some states call for that you have it if you are a certain age, some states require everyone to have it, and some states have no restrictions. These regulations are extremely essential as well as you could get fines if you are not in conformity with them. Each collection of policies is generally detailed online and can conveniently be searched for. You can additionally look to my previous article that provides the general regulations per state in regards to boater education: If you do need a sailor’s permit, make certain you have it ready at the time of leasing in case they need a copy of it. Know Exactly How to Operate your Vessel If you have never been out on the water yourself, you will certainly need to know what you are doing. Even if you are not needed to take boating security, you will certainly want to make certain that you recognize what you are doing when it involves browsing your vessel. Like I stated before, you do not wish to take a sailboat out if you are not comfy cruising, but this is not the only factor to consider that you will require to make. You will intend to be confident that someone in your party is experienced in running whatever vessel you are obtaining. If you are unpleasant with any part of the process you ought to ask the firm prior to you head out. Some rental firms will have no problem providing you quick right away training and instruction to aid you while out on the water. You will certainly additionally wish to see to it that you understand the guidelines of navigation. This is something all drivers require to know no matter what type of vessel they obtain. You will find out the navigating rules if you take a seafarer education training course, but if this is not required, you will intend to go on the internet and also familiarize on your own with these rules. You can likewise look to my previous post that supplies the basic navigating rules for boat drivers: If you do not adhere to the navigation guidelines you can jeopardize yourself, your guests, or perhaps other vessels. Consider a Captain If you truly do not feel confident operating the aquatic lorry, you could constantly consider hiring a captain. This is not constantly an alternative however some areas and some types of vessels will provide a charter alternative that will certainly offer a captain. This is usually used with big power private yachts, yet this is not the only means to obtain a captain for your vessel. You may even be able to hire an independent operator to assist you out on your rented out vessel. This will certainly allow you to still have a custom-made boating experience without the stress of having to navigate and also regulate the watercraft on your own. Prior to you rent a boat, you could require to consider age restrictions. If you are under 18 it is likely that you will not be able to lease a power watercraft. Some states even need you to be 21 or perhaps 25 to rent out a power watercraft. If an age limitation does exist, you will likely be asked to offer a legitimate driver’s license at check-out. Age constraints are a bit much more versatile when it concerns leasing a chartered watercraft given that they typically feature a captain and also often even a staff that is responsible for the procedure of the vessel. Each state has its own restrictions, and also various business might have restrictions of their own, so before you make a plan to rent a watercraft, you will intend to be sure you are qualified. Know What You Are Authorizing Most of the time, when you are renting a boat you will need to authorize a waiver with the company. You will intend to make sure that you read the paper completely before you sign and also understand what you are agreeing to. This should be something you do whenever you sign something. The typical waiver will certainly make you liable for the watercraft and also the people on board. This includes any damages to the watercraft or any kind of injuries experienced. This typically does not consist of mechanical concerns such as a blown electric motor. Think about Insurance policy Due to the fact that you could be accountable for injuries or damages that take place while you are making use of the rental watercraft, you may also intend to explore insurance policy. It is encouraged that you consult your insurance representative as well as see if it is possible to extend your insurance coverage briefly to your rental boat. There is likewise the alternative to purchase momentary insurance coverage for a rental boat. Know your Expenses The price of renting a boat can differ depending on the type of watercraft you are leasing as well as for the length of time. Business typically use several paying choices as well as per hour limits. You can also rent a watercraft for more than one day if you plan to obtain a boat for overnight use. You can even get boat leasings for over a week if that is the kind of journey you are opting for. It will additionally cost even more money if you prepare to charter a boat. This suggests that there will be a captain and also relying on the size and kind of vessel there may even be a team. This is most usual if you choose to lease a yacht. The rate will also alter depending on what type of vessel you are leasing. Power boats usually cost greater than sailboats, however different types of powerboats additionally feature various pricing. An aluminum fishing watercraft would not set you back as high as a pontoon watercraft or ski watercraft. Be Prepared for a Down payment Firms will typically ask for a down payment before you check-out the watercraft. This should not be a surprise as they will likely inform you what is expected in advance when you make your appointment or this expense will certainly be provided somewhere. Ensure if the marina expects a deposit you bring the amount in full. You likewise will want to be prepared that the company could keep some or all of this deposit if they figure out that you were negligent or in some way harmed the watercraft. Tips to Conserve Money on a Rental If you are anything like me, you most likely believe that saving money is an advantage and also there are ways that you can conserve money on your watercraft leasings also. One method to conserve cash on your boat leasing is to try to prevent renting out on the weekend. Weekend break prices are extra pricey since there is even more of a need. If you wish to have even more time out on the water you can even conserve money by doing a multi-day service. If you publication for more than one day in advance it is most likely they will offer you a bargain that you would not overwise obtain if you book multiple single-day leasings. Renting a boat for longer will certainly give you a far better rate per hr. If you just lease for a short amount of time, you will likely need to pay a greater hourly price than if you rent for a complete day or longer amount of time. An additional means to conserve some cash would certainly be to divide the price with the various other travelers who are opting for you if that is an option. Don’t Forget to Take Pleasure In You will certainly be investing money to rent out a boat as well as delight in break on the water so you intend to see to it that you in fact do require time to appreciate it. Make sure that you enter the water to swim, play any watersports you prepared for, or perhaps fish if that was what you were meaning. You will want to enjoy your day out on the water after spending the money to get out there. Leasing Your Own Boat If you are a watercraft proprietor, you could also take into consideration leasing your boat to renters. This removes the marina or rental business so you intend to see to it you take the appropriate precautions. Renting out your residential or commercial property while it is not in use is a progressively preferred concept. Individuals rent out rooms, residences, as well as even their automobiles now. The market is currently out there for you to rent your watercraft. Some points to remember when renting your watercraft bent on others include: Collaborating with a person to person company. Make sure if you do this, you are planned for the firm to take a cut of your earnings. Vetting your tenants by inquiring anything you want to know. Make certain you understand what is typical to charge. You do not wish to be undercharging your watercraft and be selling yourself short. Make certain you check for damage. Like a rental firm, you would certainly gain from taking notice of what the watercraft resembles previously and after so you can understand if there was any kind of damage. Take into consideration an agreement or deposit for your renters. Know that as your boat ages, you will make less money leasing it out with increased usage, high engine hrs, and also wear and tear. Renting your boat can be an excellent method to make money when you are not utilizing it. This can help counter the expense of maintenance, slide costs, and other essential costs. Pros and Cons of Renting over Purchasing: There are lots of pros to renting a watercraft over buying a watercraft. These pros consist of: Expenditures: Renting out a watercraft is much cheaper than acquiring a boat. You will not be required to keep it, maintain it, and also make a month-to-month settlement on it. Obtain a feel for what you desire: If you are not sure concerning purchasing a boat, you can examine it out with a rental. This will aid you to know if boating is for you and also what kind of boat works best for you before you study the acquisition. Time: Owning a boat doesn’t set you back just cash, it likewise costs you time. You need to cleanse and keep it. If you lease a watercraft, you might not also be required to clean the watercraft down at the end of the day. New Places: If you rent a watercraft as opposed to very own a watercraft, you can travel to more places without trailering your boat or traveling with it. Storage: If you do not have the boat, you will not need to store it in either the on or off period. Off-season storage space is challenging and most living circumstances do not permit you to keep it in your own home. There are likewise cons to renting out a watercraft rather than purchasing. These cons include: Cost over time: it is possible if you plan to watercraft usually, in the future, it can begin to be much more expensive to rent several boats over getting one. Lack of possession: Leasing includes a certain absence of ownership that you would certainly obtain if you owned your very own boat. You will constantly remain in an area that does not come from you as well as you will need to take your things on and off every single time. Quality of Care: A rental watercraft is never maintained fairly as great as you might maintain your own watercraft. Many people who rent boats do not really feel satisfaction in the watercraft and also are usually rougher on it than they would be on their own devices. For this reason, leased watercrafts are constantly much more beaten up or worn out. Accessibility: Clearly, if you are leasing a boat, you will certainly not have control to head out any place and whenever you want. This is the luxury that only features owning your very own vessel. If you possess your boat you can make a decision the eleventh hour to head out on the water, or you can stay out past your desired time. Renting a boat can be suitable for those who intend to have break on the water without the moment, maintenance, as well as cash that it costs when acquiring a watercraft. Renting a watercraft can additionally be a great method to check out several bodies of water and try out many different vessel types. This can also be useful with selecting one before you choose to purchase one. Renting a boat is additionally a great way to delight in the experience out on the water without needing to worry about the time and maintenance that features possessing a watercraft. You likewise do not have to bother with trailering or hauling your watercraft in addition to keeping it. Renting out a boat features all the enjoyable as well as a lot less anxiety. Renting a watercraft is an excellent method to bring family and friends together, take pleasure in the summer out on the water, and make memories. There are lots of things to think about before you rent a watercraft but with the proper prep work and by following the pointers above, you can have a wonderful rental experience out on the water. Smart clothes, also often described as advanced clothing, wise garments, wise wear, digital textiles, wise textiles, e-textiles, display clothes, or smart textiles, are apparel items that have actually been enhanced with modern technology to include functionality past that of the standard use. Some smart clothing utilize advanced textiles with interwoven circuitry, while others execute sensors and additional equipment to provide it its clever performance. Several wise clothes can link to an app or program on an additional device making use of Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. However, this cordless connectivity isn’t necessary to categorize a garment as a kind of clever clothes. Any kind of clothes can be wise clothing like pyjamas (Πυζαμες Minerva) or underware (Εσωρουχα sloggi). What Are Some Examples of Smart Clothing? A selection of small and major firms have started incorporating modern technology into their garments, which has led to clever clothing appearing in nearly every fashion classification. Instances of the many different types of high tech clothing include: Smart socks: The Sensoria Smart Socks can discover which part of your feet are getting the most stress throughout your run as well as can send this data to a smart device application. Smart footwear: Pizza Hut has actually explore limited-edition wise footwear that can order pizza. Smart work clothing: Samsung has made a wise company fit that can exchange digital calling card, unlock phones, as well as communicate with various other devices. Smart sleepwear: Under Armour’s Professional athlete Healing Sleepwear soaks up warm from the user’s body while releasing infrared light to boost sleep top quality and also boost muscle mass recuperation. Smart activewear: Ralph Lauren’s PoloTech t-shirts attach to a smart device application to tape-record physical fitness task and also recommend new workouts to the user. Smart sportswear: Tommy Hilfiger embedded tech right into some garments to track product use and incentive clients for time invested using them. Which Firms Make Smart Clothes Innovation? An expanding number of innovation companies as well as style brands have dipped their toes right into the smart garments market, with more expected to join them if the wise clothes idea verifies popular. Under Armour Athlete Healing Track Suit Under Armour Amongst a few of the extra well-known brands experimenting with clever apparel are Under Armour, Levi’s, Tommy Hilfiger, Samsung, Ralph Lauren, and Google. Smaller sized companies making a dent in the particular niche market include Sensora, Loomia, Komodo Technologies, and also Hexoskin. While Samsung and Google are conveniently the largest tech companies purchasing wise clothing, smaller sized business like OmSignal, BioMan, and Awear Solutions are also making their mark either by launching their clothing lines or teaming up with bigger style tags. Are Smart Garments Expensive? Because of the added expenditure of the technology utilized in smart clothing, they’re typically costlier than typical clothes For instance, a routine jacket might retail for about $100, however a wise coat might set you back anywhere in between $200 and $500, depending upon the brand. Levi’s Commuter x Jacquard by Google smart garments. Levi’s and also Google Just like a lot of technology items as well as style products, older smart garments models will certainly lower in rate as newer ones come out. Cheaper replicas of preferred products will certainly also start popping up increasingly more on online industries like Dream Application and AliExpress. Where Can I Purchase Smart Clothes? A lot of smart garments are offered for buy from a brand name’s site, though some physical retailers as well as third-party on-line stores like Amazon.com have actually also been known to equip them. Some major sporting goods shops offer Under Armour’s clever clothes, for example, while official Levi’s shops will offer their brand name of smart garments products. The 7 Ideal Smart Clothes of 2022 Are Wearables a Type of Smart Apparel? ” Wearables” typically describes fitness trackers such as the Fitbit Ace 3 or Apple Watch, however it’s also typically used reciprocally with wise clothing by consumers and companies alike. This use isn’t necessarily wrong, as the term does indicate innovation you can wear. Generally, though, the name should be made use of when speaking about advanced devices such as a smartwatch, while wise clothing need to describe innovative garments like a bikini, shorts, tees, or hats (like Bluetooth beanies). FAQ Are washers and dryers for smart clothing a point? No. Smart clothing are typically cleaned as well as dried like traditional garments but frequently require extra care like hand-washing, tumble-drying, cold water, and so on– the very same sort of safety measures taken with other garments. What are one of the most prominent smart clothing? Health and fitness monitoring and also body tracking is one of the most preferred use for and also widespread application of clever apparel. The abobe wise apparel modern technology can be used in all type of clothing like socks (καλτσες) and bra (σουτιεν). physical fitness objectives typically fall by the wayside. While specific type of workout depend on getting out and around, there’s a foolproof means of guaranteeing it’s never ever far from your mind: get a piece of equipment that will quietly evaluate you if it’s not being made use of. A huge exercise machine is a financial investment that will prey on your principles if it’s being ignored. Right here’s our option of high-end physical fitness gadgets, makers that look deliberate and also inviting, not overbearing and also frightening, and which hopefully won’t end up being curtained with laundry prior to the following month is out. Exercise makers and fitness technology Hydrow Hydrow Rowing Device, among the best workout equipments for home physical fitness The Hydrow is a rowing equipment with a distinction, incorporating a 22in flat display into its curvy frame. The rowing mechanism utilizes electromagnetism to develop variable drag resistance, in addition to making certain the exercise is practically totally quiet. The only sound will certainly originate from the speakers embedded in the display, which can reveal a range of personalized programming, from individual exercises led by first-rate athletes, to soothing trips through remote waterways. Hydrow Rowing Maker, ₤ 1,995, hydrow.co.uk NOHrD SlimBeam NOHrD SlimBeam exercise machines for house fitness The SlimBeam is one component of a collection of wooden-framed health and fitness gear built by the German company WaterRower. A cable-based health and fitness maker, the SlimBeam can be provided in a variety of different all-natural timber coatings, in addition to solid colours. Designed to be wall-mounted, it consists of 70kg of weights in 5kg plates, incorporated into the structure, with a coming with application that connects to the machine and tracks your exercises. Multi-Use Wire Equipment, From ₤ 1,649, nohrd.com Technogym Kinesis TechnoGym Kinesis, featured amongst exercise makers for home physical fitness Technogym’s Kinesis is a mighty piece of equipment, readily available in either sleek mirror steel, black wood, or hand-stitched natural leather, with American oak wall surface bars and 4 collections of chromed, folding pulleys that guarantee to provide about 200 various exercises. A simple dial allows you to boost resistance for very easy stamina training. TechnoGym Kinesis Personal, ₤ 10,900, technogym.com NordicTrack iSelect Adjustable Dumbbells NordicTrack iSelect Adjustable Dumbbells, included among house workout machines and also health and fitness tech The fad for making everything smart now relates to something traditionally stupid. NordicTrack’s iFIT home training system is an app that dovetails with the firm’s range of treadmills, bikes, as well as ellipticals. The latest addition to the suite is this set of iSelect weights, ‘voice-controlled flexible dumbbells’ that are housed in a motorised weight selector case. Merely instruct your smart aide to raise the load, or set the right weight for a certain exercise, and the instance will automatically adjust the dumbbells to a weight in between 5lb and 50lb. NordicTrack iSelect Adjustable Dumbbells, $429, through NordicTrack on Amazon.com And Jacob Marble Dumbbells And Jacob Marble Dumbbells Go in the contrary instructions with these solid marble dumbbells from Mexican homewares business And Jacob. Offered in 3 sizes (1.5 kg, 1kg and 0.8 kg), the typically styled weights are hand-carved from solid marble as well as double up as sophisticated paperweights when not being thrown around. As Well As Jacob Marble Dumbbells, MXN1,160 (US$ 56), andjacob.com Peloton Footstep Peloton Footstep Peloton prides itself on being a one-stop look for all points fitness, matching its high-grade set with a coherent, detailed, and also thorough set of (membership just) workout regimes that help you get the best out of its equipment. The Footstep is the business’s treadmill product, full with 23.8 in display where you’ll receive your directions, a wide 150cm running track as well as metrics, metrics, metrics, to enable you to track every aspect of that extremely modern-day quest, your ‘health and fitness trip’. Peloton Footstep, from ₤ 2,295, onepeloton.co.uk Tacx NEO Bike Smart Trainer from Garmin Tacx NEO Bike Smart Fitness Instructor from Garmin Garmin’s large variety covers the whole physical fitness range, from marathons to treking, biking, angling, and also even private air travel. The company’s Tacx NEO Bike Smart is a stationary instructor made to be silent however not always smooth– you can simulate riding over cobbles as well as gravel– together with integrated fans to cool you down. As well as the firm’s own app, it’s totally suitable with Zwift, the e-cycling system that hosts regular virtual champions in between riders from around the world. Tacx NEO Bike Smart Instructor, ₤ 2,299.99, garmin.com, zwift.com Mativ Smart Floor Covering Mativ Smart Mat brand-new fitness tech Brilliance has actually leaked into almost whatever, however the Mativ Smart Floor covering declares to be the very first exercise mat to track your workout. Sensors are embedded in the surface area, which couple with a Smart band, both of which have around 10 days of modification. Versatile sensors enable the floor covering to be rolled up for storage space or requiring to course, and also the New York-based firm additionally has a subscription service for a fitness programme that guarantees to provide for a wide variety of abilities. Mativ Smart Floor Covering, $299, mativfitness.com Theragun Elite Theragun Elite new health and fitness tech The massage therapy weapon is having a moment, with experts and specialists swearing by the power of deep muscular tissue treatment. Theragun is just one of the very best, with a strong housing including a two-hour battery, a near-silent motor and also the distinctive triangular multi-grip for getting to those hard-to-reach places. The gadget also has a display to reveal the force being applied and also the Theragun app incorporates with Google Fit and Apple Health and wellness to make sensible ideas regarding the most appropriate post-workout routine. Theragun Elite, ₤ 375, therabody.co.uk Clmbr CLMBR Climbing up devices currently lag behind bikes and treadmills in regards to refinement. Clmbr intends to transform all that with its new device, which has actually been made to incorporate all the technology that’s ended up being basic on various other gadgets– instructor-led courses, complete app connectivity, Alexa combination, and also steely commercial design. The workout it uses might seem specific niche, but the business asserts it involves ‘over 86 percent of the body’s muscle mass’, supplying extra rapid results than biking or rowing. The fact game reveal layout Survivor and the story behind it The truth video game show Survivor has currently been stated in the text several times. This area will inform the tale behind the style. Everything started with Charlie Parsons, a British television producer, who is currently the chief executive officer of Castaway Television Productions Ltd, which controls all facets of Survivor as a business worldwide, consisting of style trade as well as merchandising. The idea of a multimillion TV program was birthed when Parsons worked with Network 7. A desert island sketch, where 5 members of the public were shot as they adapted to being castaways, grew the first seed in his mind, as well as a result it can be said that the ideas for the new concept was located in a currently existing design. Parsons instantly identified the enticing facet of this kind of reality home entertainment, where a group of ordinary people in an amazing scenario are required to make it through without the luxuries of the contemporary world (Brenton & Cohen, 2003). He initiated a collaboration with Bob Geldof and also Waheed Ali to create the principle originally called Make it through!, as well as with each other they established a production business World 24 (Moran & Malbon, 2006). The group worked hard on enhancement of the layout, as well as ultimately thought of the attributes that became its centrepieces such as candidates voting off each other from the island, which included the amount of complexity to the video game show. Ultimately, the Survivor layout was completed and presented as a reality game show, where the entrants were separated into 2 “tribes” that contended for immunity from the removal at a supposed “tribal council” with three-day intervals. When a variety of players has been gotten rid of, the tribes combine and also the video game turns from tribal rivalry to “all-against-all” war, which changes the game ambience from friendly team throughout the first days on the island to unethical betrayals, disloyal partnerships as well as even fear closer to the last. The reality that the formerly removed entrants decide who will be the prize champion enables them to retaliate by pay-back. As a result, to be able to play this complex video game it calls for the participants to consider the strategies that can help them to make it through as well as win (Brenton & Cohen, 2003). The completed Survivor style ended up being a hybrid of a number of genres, such as e.g. game programs as well as empirical docudramas. Nonetheless the “truth” aspect in this particular format differs from the sort of truth that was formerly revealed to the target market. The “fly-on-thewall” point of view that was often made use of in reality TV shows, obtained a brand-new significance from Parsons, that with Survivor demonstrated how to build up the extremely walls on which the fly rests. He achieved the formation of the game’s “pocket globe”, which became a single cosmos as well as reality for its participants (Brenton & Cohen, 2003). On account of this technology Parsons’ layout came to be a global phenomenon. Nonetheless, he had some troubles offering it given that 4 UK networks declined to purchase his concept and American buyers were skeptical of the item. Lastly, in 1997 the Swedes believed in the concept and created Expedition Robinson, the initial version of the Survivor, which aired on SVT throughout the very same year. Eventually Parsons received an offer from Mark Burnett, an American producer that encouraged CBS to commission the format. With a couple of small changes, as e.g. the change of the title from Survive! to Survivor, the show broadcast during the summer of 2000 (Brenton & Cohen, 2003). Despite the success of previous productions in Sweden and also Germany, it was the accomplishment on American television that turned the formerly turned down style into a multimillion dollar business (Moran & Malbon, 2006). The show became an instantaneous hit in the USA and promptly boosted the rankings of CBS in public popularity and in revenue as a result of the brand-new business version, described in earlier part of this essay. By offering World 24, Parsons, Ali as well as Geldof developed Castaway Tv Productions, which today stands as an owner of all rights to Survivor format as well as the business around it. While Parsons pitched and also offered the Survivor layout all over the world, a Dutch company Endemol, the masters of offering style licensing globally, produced the truth television program Big Brother. Earlier in 1996, the business got a choice of Parsons’ Make it through! along with Strix Tv, the producers of Exploration Robinson. Endemol battled to locate consumers for the suggestion on the market, as well as therefore Parsons declined to restore the agreement after twelve months. He thought that Endemol used the Survive! layout concept in order to develop their very own found diamond Big Brother as he can identify a number of similarities between the styles (Brenton & Cohen, 2003). Parsons took the issue to the court as well as in fact obtained the copyright on the style of Survivor, yet the jury disagreed with Parsons’ debate of plagiarism of the layout and also because of this decreased his appeal versus Endemol. After the success of Survivor (and also even Big Brother) the appeal of fact TV programmes, as well as especially truth video game programs, increased swiftly as the majority of television networks wanted to either repeat or replicate the struck formula. So this is just how survivor television program began. The cries online are common: print is dead. If it sounds like hype, that’s since it is. Let’s look at the major benefits of print advertising and marketing over digital advertising and marketing, as well as exactly how you can develop a leaflet that complements the on-line side of your company. Nowadays it’s simple to target successfully, as consumers provide increasingly more info away online. Make use of your Twitter followers and Facebook close friends. Engaging them helps your business comprehend that they are, and also what they desire and get out of you. Yet that has its limits– nevertheless, these are clients that already understand of your organization. By using a demographic profiling solution like the one we provide for free to recognize the target audience in your circulation area, you’ll have the ability to expand your reach to as many people as possible, while making your advertising as individual as you can. This leads directly to … Certainly it’s cheaper to create on the internet web content. There’s no printing or distribution costs, firstly. But it’s not always the most efficient method to draw in brand-new organization. Those emails you worked so difficult making are no good if your target market isn’t internet-savvy. Providers such as the aforementioned demographic profiling are affordable since your leaflets are being seen by the right people. Tangibility is something digital marketing can not provide. It’s the reason that 87% of potential clients bear in mind leaflets they have actually received, compared to 35% for email marketing. Remember as well, that no matter how snappy your subject title, without opening up the e-mail there’s no aesthetic signs to tempt the customer. By having actually a leaflet supplied straight right into the hands of prospective consumers, they’re made automatically aware of your organization. This has actually an included incentive– unlike emails which are erased in secs, a brochure can stay in a consumer’s home for weeks, regularly reminding them of your firm. We understand full well the reason leaflets are still around today, and also it is since they function! By letting a leaflet circulation business style and publish your brochure, not only will you save money, but they can be made to match and also enhance all of your digital marketing media. At JogPost they have the most effective Geotech preparation software application to ensure all your leaflets reach the best demographics with very little waste. There top developers understand what jobs best, whilst still having a distinct appearance. So ensure your advertising project sticks out from the crowd by picking JogPost for all your leaflet distribution needs, whether you’re trying to find a leaflet circulation company in Croydon or a leaflet circulation business in Enfield we obtained you covered, we extend all across London; we are also a leading leaflet distribution company in Bromley! Digital Advertising Agency With 82% of individuals trusting brochures more than online print, they are still a really vital part of your advertising and marketing campaign. You can currently bring your leaflets into the 21st Century with some wonderful and memorable modern digital advertising and marketing techniques. By using your phones camera, leaflets and leaflets can be brought to life, in really immersive as well as memorable methods. Make use of a QR code on your leaflet to connect straight with your web page Increased fact on your leaflets that relate to your web pages Consist of all social media sites manages on your brochures Create a project hashtag for both A winning advertising formula All leaflet distribution campaigns should enhance your electronic advertising as well as targeted internet material and using expert business like JogPost and also Finsbury Media can assure you a winning combination. Making use of an electronic advertising and marketing agency with a seasoned and also contemporary leaflet distribution company like JogPost will constantly be the very best alternative for you to get to as vast a target market as possible with all the sorts of digital marketing they can use; such as PPC Monitoring and also Search Engine Optimization Solutions. An additional benefit of using both electronic advertising and marketing and also suggests you can consolidate your budgets for both print as well as electronic media, which will always offer you a much better return on your investment. Maximise Your Marketing Combining brochures διανομη φυλλαδιων and also electronic media to enhance each other, has actually verified to advertise count on brands and also be a winning formula. So, by offering offline as well as on the internet together, you will certainly constantly raise your brand name’s exposure and create a much better return on your financial investment. Special celebration warrants special people. As well as what can be far better than a self-designed invite card asking friends and family to join you in your event and also make the occasion a lot more unique? Whether you want to design a wedding event invitation or send out welcomes for birthday celebration parties, to develop your own invite, you require two things: a creative mind and software application to create invites. There are several software available that can aid you to develop specialist and also spectacular invites with a personal touch. If you do not want to download and install any type of software, you can take advantage of online invitation makers that is platform-independent as well as can also be utilized on a tablet computer. You may even spice up points with completely themed music when motivation strikes. So, with this tool, you get to do greater than welcome some visitors to the huge event. The invitation card might simply become a significant wow for them, so how could they ever decrease it? Adobe Creative Cloud Express saves you valuable time. Simply tension less on getting the excellent custom-made invite and focus on your various other planning details and individuals that deserve your interest. This device will help you develop the most exciting and also original welcomes with minimal initiative as well as understanding. Check rate Browse through website Canva If you don’t such as the concept of setting up software program for developing an invitation card, you can constantly opt for on-line designing devices. Canva is amongst the prominent web-based creating devices that make the designing process less complex. For producing an invite card, Canva has lots of ready-made themes that you can choose and personalize as per your preference. Canva uses all the essential tools to modify any design template including image cropper, capacity to include shapes, grids to produce the collage, lines, structures, graphes, icons, and so on. You can additionally transform the layout, include text, alter the background, as well as publish your very own pictures. Every element of the picture can be tailored by merely double-tapping on the aspect. The openness tool permits you to give deepness to your design by changing the opacity as well as openness. Various other notable functions supplied by Canva include picture booster, picture blur, photo vignette, and sticker label. Canva is not just an invitation card designing device yet can be utilized for any light editing job easily. Do provide Canva a shot as well as test the attribute to see if it deserves your money. Using this cost-free style editor to develop unique occasions invites is like the 3 magic words, so opt for it whole-heartedly. Inspect price See internet site CorelDRAW CorelDraw Whenever we discuss graphic and vector making tools, CorelDRAW is one software that we can not stop advising enough. Known for its vector visuals producing abilities, CorelDRAW can be utilized for anything that requires designing consisting of invitation cards. CorelDRAW is utilized by experts in workshops and somewhere else. It is a costs as well as pricey piece of software application that can not be bought separately but as a bundle referred to as CorelDRAW graphics collection. The graphics collection contains 6 tools, among which is CorelDRAW The latest variation includes a new Balance mode, brand-new creative impacts with Block Shadow tool, brand-new quick and also direct publish to WordPress and optimization for Windows 10. CorelDRAW is an excellent tool for developing an invite for experts. It provides industry-acclaimed modifying tools for graphics, image, format, tracing, picture modifying, and more. It has a new LiveSketch tool if you wish to produce an illustration on your invite, the capability to apply and take care of fills up and transparencies develops complicated formats and styles. Furthermore, you can apply custom-built color consistencies, get accessibility to creative vector tools along with over 10000 clip art as well as 2000 high-resolution images, as well as much more. CorelDRAW is among the very best vector creating tools offered in the market. If you are looking for strong graphics creating devices to hone to your abilities, CorelDRAW is an excellent selection. CorelDRAW is certainly one of the most renowned graphics modifying software application so the invites will be a wind to create. Free trial Visit web site EDraw Max EDraw Max is a multi-purpose representation software program that can be additionally be utilized to create invitation card styles. It is not cheap and also is better fit for the specialists who will certainly utilize it regularly than occasional users. In addition to the Invite card, it can likewise be utilized to develop a flow chart, organizational chart, science image, floor plans, mind map, network representation, electric layout, and task chart. It is a do it yourself tool and allows you develop custom invitation card with built-in shapes as well as personalize it according to your demand. The device includes over 10,000 built-in shapes and clip art that can be dragged as well as dropped on layouts. You can quickly create a custom invite card making use of the Business Card type theme. Click the Invitation card symbol and start drag-and-drop of standard drawing forms from the library. You can also include custom-made pictures and load the forms with shade prior to conserving as well as exporting the data. Edraw Max has a lot of invite card examples on its web site that can be downloaded for ideas. Edraw Max is an effective device. Nevertheless, the simple user interface suggests also newbies can start using it quickly. EDraw Max is a specialist tool 10,000 built-in shapes and clip art to aid you build the excellent invite. Free trial Check out site CardWorks– NCH Software Program NCH Software program makes some excellent computer software application applications, and also we are not shocked to find that NCH software likewise supplies business card-making software. CardWorks is the business’s lightweight energy that assists local business owner produce a distinct as well as high-quality business card. It is exceptional software yet can be downloaded and install totally free for non-commercial use. From a simple calling card to a costs texture-based business card as well as marketing pamphlet, CardWorks has a theme for every organization occasion. The prefabricated layouts can be tailored using the built-in image editor that allows you include text, adjustment typefaces, adjust template shade settings, as well as also supports all basic calling card and also paper sizes. You can also produce solitary or double-sided calling card. You can drag-drop images like the firm’s logo design to the card. The blood loss feature makes certain that the shade gets to all the sides of the card when reduced. As soon as the invite cards are ready, you can export it to a high-resolution PDF and afterwards take a hard copy or give it to the print house. CardWorks is affordable feature-rich software that can be made use of by any organization and also does not need any anticipation in card creating. Several of these devices can be utilized by also a novice who does not also know the D of making. Nonetheless, some tools are suitable for experts as they include a learning contour as well as are costly. If you intend to discover to develop invite cards, begin with totally free devices and also others that comes with a totally free test. The only drawback to the test version of any device is that the outcomes will certainly have a watermark. Nevertheless, given that you are just utilizing it for finding out objectives, the watermark should not trouble you much. Do allow us know your preferred invitation card creating device to print invites (προσκλητηρια βαπτισησ ) or balloons (μπαλόνια γενεθλίων ). ” Profits, I think the wedding market is made bride-to-bes,” Leslie Voorhees Way told FashionUnited upon the launch of her firm’s brand-new electronic bridal gown customization device. Means is the founder and also president of Anomalie, a made-to-order wedding brand name that permits any new bride the opportunity to completely personalize her ideal gown at an economical rate. Recently, Anomalie released DressBuilder to serve as an electronic resource for all brides to envision the wedding celebration gown she wants via a series of concerns that cause an extremely personalized illustration. DressBuilder was born out of a market demand for an available solution to all new brides, regardless of size, geography style choice or cost point. ” There are many changes and also advancements within fashion, however simply check out wedding shops,” Means proceeded. “We are learning through brides that when they shop in standard stores, they are challenged with the difficult facts of the conventional bridal market’s absence of ease of access. The trip to discover your perfect wedding dress has actually become at best, a bothersome process for a lot of women and also at worst, an exasperating experience.” Means notes minimal stock in brick-and-mortar stores as one of the most widespread concern, though behind it is a lack of dimension variety for new brides who drop too expensive or as well short on the conventional womenswear sizing range. “Location can also contribute as there might not be as numerous brick-and-mortar options for each and every bride,” she added. With DressBuilder, Anomalie is easily equipped to deliver any type of bride-to-be, sized 00 to 30+, with the precise outfit she desires even if she can not locate it in a store. The solution aims to shift the wedding sector right into an online-first version so as to not limit consumers by what is or is not offered in stores. The procedure starts with a data-backed study, for which new brides address a variety of concerns and afterwards are quickly revealed a highly-customized illustration of a layout with tailored recommendations for textile as well as sizes. She can then alternate and also browse through options and modifications, obtaining ideas as she wants them. The following step would certainly be speaking with a stylist from Anomalie’s customer support group, that are made available to the consumer whenever she is ready to progress. DressBuilder was developed with understandings from 30,000 hrs of specialist modiste understanding. No matter just how tailored, each sketch is linked to certain features and instructions for Anomalie’s workshops for creating each gown when the moment comes. Before the gown can enter into manufacturing, each new bride hangs out going over with a style professional to go through every particular attribute to guarantee she is satisfied with every information and also requirements of the gown principle. Textile examples and also measurement instructions are additionally sent out per bride-to-be in this phase. It normally takes 4 months to create and supply when the bride is ready to move on. Customized innovation reduces retail expense of wedding gowns While the typical wedding dress prices around 3,000 dollars, rates within the wedding sector has just slowly started to transform as fast style merchants like Asos as well as H&M introduce wedding lines. However, Anomalie’s system brings new brides the alternative of an extra obtainable middle ground. Anomalie outfits drop at an ordinary rate point of 1,600 bucks, with the majority of dresses dropping in between 1,000 as well as 2,000 bucks. The factor for this drastic difference in rates is the capacities of the company’s innovation, which allows Anomalie to function without the expense of operating a brick-and-mortar store or supply inventory. ” We’re able to scale our expertise with technology, a dedicated group as well as designers so we can provide an electronic experience that generally would not be feasible without the conventional store,” Method claimed. She likewise noted that Anomalie’s direct interaction with its workshops in China and also streamlined client service operations in 2 areas aid maintain costs low. The following technological development Indicates want to offer the bridal market is to give customers with a perfectly fitted gown, right out of package. “It is ambitious, though it is our longer term objective because it is something our company believe women would actually enjoy,” she said. “We’re spending a whole lot around through hundreds of hundreds of personalized measurements at this moment making use of very skilled people on our team to pour into the information and analytics around custom fit to ultimately determine how can deliver a best fit to every new bride right out of the box.” As it stands currently, the majority of Anomalie’s customers require little to no changes on their dress as they are made-to-measure and also supply a truer fit than off-the-rack clothing. Way presumed that it would take at least a year before this objective could be met. The business is using consumer understandings and responses to assist boost its true-fit sizing goal, along with its tailor-made designing suggestions. The more Anomalie and also its innovation learns about customer choices, the much more it can use bride-to-bes a perfect vision of what they are trying to find. So modern technology is advancing to use even more for bridal gowns ( νυφικά φορέματα ). ” Newer applications are much more engaging, inspiring and user-friendly than the previous generation,” notes Bonnie Springtime, PhD, director of the Facility for Behavior as well as Wellness at Northwestern College Feinberg College of Medication. Exactly how it functions The SparkPeople Diet plan and also Fitness tracker application gives a full once a week meal plan and also permits you to record what you eat, along with your exercise. You get SparkPoints for following healthy and balanced habits, such as eating fruits and also veggies. Benefit: The companion site uses meal plans, workout video clips and also message boards, which make it easy to share pointers as well as find social support. ” The most effective point is the food selection with a grocery store list, so every little thing is planned out. There’s a nice variety of fresh food on the menu– not like the processed icy meals I often consume– and it’s all simple to prepare. The 10- to 15-minute exercises are convenient: I can sneak in a kickboxing session prior to dinner. I also like the application’s GPS tracker, which I use for strolls and runs.” ” The app was a little glitchy: Occasionally when I visited, I got a message that stated I had not entered any food that day, even when I had, and my everyday dish strategies were missing out on! While I had the ability to stick to one or two SparkPeople meals a day, it is difficult to remain on target when your companion isn’t following your strategy.” ” This is among one of the most substantial programs for diet regimen as well as exercise devices,” claims Sherry Pagoto, PhD, associate professor of medicine at University of Massachusetts Medical Institution in Worcester. “The social assistance is a vital method to obtain motivated.” Social-media sharing can also be inspiring; in one research, dieters who tweeted about their weight-loss initiatives were much more successful than those that didn’t. Every 10 tweets referred an approximately 0.5 percent loss of body weight. Ideal Snacks for Weight Loss ” The scanner didn’t always acknowledge every product I attempted. So if I intended to acquire a particular sort of yogurt, state, it might not have had all the flavors. The same held true for workout. While it provided task points for basics like running as well as swimming, occasionally I had to break down a workout. For instance, I entered my sculpt class as 20 minutes of weight training and 20 mins of aerobics.”. ” We locate one of the most success happens when individuals utilize these applications as a complement to a larger weight-loss program that includes continuous nutritional therapy and also support,” states Robert Kushner, MD, professor of medication at Northwestern College Feinberg Institution of Medicine. Case in point: In one research, dieters with accessibility to Weight Watchers mobile apps, online devices and also weekly conferences shed nearly 9 even more extra pounds than those who went a DIY path. ” I ‘d lost 30 extra pounds on a strategy a year earlier, however after 6 months I got busy, quit as well as regained 15 extra pounds.”. Just how it works. With nearly 4 million foods, MyFitnessPal has the biggest data source of any kind of mobile phone calorie counter– so there’s no excuse not to inspect fat grams as well as calories. It additionally has calorie-burn information for numerous exercises. You can even sound close friends in case of a diet plan emergency (oh no, nachos!) and message updates to social networks. ” I love just how it recalculates your everyday calories when you input a workout. When I take a morning stroll, it resembles I ‘d never eaten morning meal– I’m immediately allowed 300 more calories! There are lots of foods in the application, also, which makes logging dishes and snacks much easier. My favorite component: When you allow the app recognize you’re done working out and also eating for the day, you get a message: If you maintain this up, you’ll be X extra pounds lighter in five weeks. I find that so encouraging.”. ” Overall, it’s easy to use, however it had not been always possible for me to log food and exercise. When I took place vacation, for example, it ended up being also tough to keep up and also I left track.”. Bear in mind: Calories in, calories out. ” A pound is roughly equal to 3,500 calories, so to lose one weekly, you require to burn more than you take in to develop a day-to-day deficit of 500 calories,” states professional wellness psychologist Bonnie Spring, PhD. Monitor What You Eat. ” This way, you can identify issue locations in your diet plan, like those ‘totally free’ bites you steal from your youngsters’ as well as husband’s plates,” states Spring. “Plus, it enhances your awareness of calorie consumption and also its consequences, which translates right into better behavior.”. ” Reaching out to others for social support assists since weight reduction can be discouraging,” claims Spring. “And also it keeps you honest. When others understand your goals, it’s much tougher to abandon them.”. So by now you have got a good understanding of exactly how to use innovation to help you be successful in dieting (διαιτα εξ αποστασεως ). You see dieticians (διαιτολογοι online) are not nearly enough in some cases and also you likewise need the aid of technology devices. Devotees of acupuncture state the alternative treatment can alleviate discomfort as well as treat problems varying from depression to dependency to gastrointestinal disorders. However it has always been difficult to gauge acupuncture’s efficiency, especially in real time, as the client is being dealt with. New modern technology created at Korea Advanced Institute of Scientific Research as well as Innovation (KAIST) aims to make acupuncture extra effective by pairing needles with tiny polyester spots equipped with silicon chips as well as cordless technology. KAIST researchers state this “smart acupuncture” system can track person responses in real time– using easy software program– at an inexpensive of around $10. ” Professionals remove their needles after 30 minutes, but there is no chance to measure the top quality of therapy.” KAIST student Kiseok Tune invented smart acupuncture while taking care of a football injury. He received electro-acupuncture, which combines acupuncture and also electric stimulation, on his ankle but, as a scientific research and also engineering trainee may be, was annoyed by the absence of unbiased information concerning the treatment. In traditional electro-acupuncture, which was promoted in the 1970s, cords run from an exterior power supply as well as connect to acupuncture needles with clips. Acupuncturists utilize the cables to deliver electrical excitement by means of the needles. The electric current eliminates the demand to by hand snap or twist acupuncture needles to take full advantage of the treatment’s results. But some perfectionists grumble that the weight of the clips as well as wires can bend and move slim acupuncture needles. As well as the many components make the overall system bulky and also pricy. Song had actually currently been creating electro-acupuncture technology for his electric engineering PhD In 2010, he made a decision to use his engineering abilities to show the “real-time standing” of a client’s electro-acupuncture treatment. After two years of tinkering, Tune thought of a wise acupuncture system that changes electro-acupuncture’s heavy wires, clips, as well as exterior power supply with wirelessly linked patches. Professionals put the light-weight spots anywhere they want to treat their clients as well as attach the spots to acupuncture needles via conductive thread and also Velcro. Tiny batteries on the spots power the needles with incorporated circuits, changing them right into electric needles. The spots, which have to do with the dimension of a dollar coin, wirelessly determine the people’ reactions and send out data to tracking programs that run on a mobile phone or computer. The goal is to modernize acupuncture in a way that preserves its fundamental methodology. Applications range from clinical treatments (discomfort alleviation, muscle diseases, nervous diseases, skin diseases) to non-medical (obesity as well as skin treatment). “Routine acupuncture is very discriminatory,” notes KAIST Teacher Hoi-Jun Yoo, who oversees Song’s research. “Experts eliminate their needles after thirty minutes, yet there is no other way to measure the high quality of therapy.” In this brand-new clever acupuncture, both experts and also patients can get information responses. Each patch includes a multimodal sensor developed by Song that determines electromyography (EMG), the electric task of muscles. Acupuncturists can monitor their individuals’ EMG signals and body temperature level on computers or phones and change the electric current to accomplish the preferred outcome; patients can see that the needles are having some actual physiological result. Yoo and Tune say the real-time surveillance should likewise make electro-acupuncture more secure and also extra efficient than ever before. Smart acupuncture will certainly also be more affordable than existing electro-acupuncture. Traditional electro-acupuncture depends on control consoles to manage the needles’ electric voltage. Those controllers typically set you back around $1,000, according to Yoo. He says the wise acupuncture system, which changes controllers with cordless control software, will set you back regarding $10 per spot. To even more drive down expenses, Tune’s EMG tracking software program can change the pricy oscilloscopes acupuncturists generally make use of to show EMG signals. As well as since the smart acupuncture patch has a detachable battery and also a protected chip, it is water-resistant as well as could be re-used by the exact same person. ” Individuals normally think of semiconductor technology as very innovative yet this is a friendly application.” The inexpensive and also high mobility of wise acupuncture has Yoo as well as Track wishing for worldwide fostering. For optimum energy effectiveness as well as affordability, wise acupuncture employs the human body (instead of cordless innovations like Bluetooth or Zigbee) to transmit signals, an interaction technique called body location network or body channel communication. The arrangement makes it possible to supply electro-acupuncture without special centers, which could make it appealing to establishing nations as well as new professionals. Yoo competes that a number of acupuncturists will certainly see the benefits, despite age or citizenship, due to the fact that the system is easy to use. “Individuals typically consider semiconductor modern technology as very innovative but this is a friendly application,” he states. Though acupuncture is still most common in East Eastern nations like China and Korea, Yoo as well as Song say they have received questions regarding the system from the united state and also Europe. The U.S. is approximated to have more than 10,000 certified acupuncturists. Extensive accessibility to smart acupuncture is a couple of months off, as KAIST is still negotiating just how to manufacture the components. Yoo claims the school is speaking to company companions consisting of acupuncture needle makers and expects the system to be marketed soon. So this appears to be the manner in which contemporary technology is mosting likely to go hand in hand with an old strategy like acupuncture ( ιατρικος βελονισμος) which is used in several treaments like to quit smoking or weight management ( βελονισμος αδυνατισμα ). A stress and anxiety echocardiography, additionally called an echocardiography stress test or anxiety resemble, is a procedure that figures out how well your heart and also capillary are functioning. Throughout a stress and anxiety echocardiography, you’ll exercise on a treadmill or stationary bicycle while your doctor checks your high blood pressure and also heart rhythm. When your heart price reaches peak degrees, your physician will take ultrasound photos of your heart to determine whether your heart muscle mass are obtaining sufficient blood and oxygen while you work out. Your doctor might purchase an anxiety echocardiography test if you have upper body pain that they think is because of coronary artery illness or a coronary infarction, which is a heart attack. This test additionally figures out just how much workout you can securely endure if you’re in cardiac rehabilitation. To aid you take great treatment of your heart, we’ll send you advice on handling high blood pressure, cholesterol, nutrition, and also much more. Your personal privacy is important to us. Any details you offer to us by means of this internet site may be placed by us on servers located in nations beyond the EU. If you do not consent to such positioning, do not offer the info. What are the threats related to a stress and anxiety echocardiography? This examination is safe and also noninvasive. Complications are uncommon, however can include: an unusual heart rhythm wooziness or fainting cardiac arrest How do I plan for a tension echocardiography? This test typically occurs in an echocardiography research laboratory, or resemble laboratory, however it can also occur in your medical professional’s workplace or various other medical setting. It typically takes between 45 and 60 minutes. Before you take the examination, you should do the following: See to it not to consume or drink anything for 3 to four hours before the examination. Don’t smoke on the day of the test because nicotine can disrupt your heart rate. Do not drink coffee or take any kind of drugs which contain high levels of caffeine without checking with your doctor. If you take medicines, ask your medical professional whether you need to take them on the day of the test. You shouldn’t take certain heart medications, such as beta-blockers, isosorbide-dinitrate, isosorbide-mononitrate (Isordil Titradose), as well as nitroglycerin, before the test. Let your physician understand if you take medicine to manage diabetics issues too. Wear comfortable, baggy clothing. Due to the fact that you will exercise, ensure to wear great walking or running shoes. VISITOR STUDY Please take a quick 1-minute survey Your responses will aid us enhance our experience. You’re the very best! What happens throughout an anxiety echocardiography? Resting echocardiography Your physician requires to see how your heart features while you go to remainder to obtain an accurate suggestion of how it’s working. Your doctor begins by positioning 10 tiny, sticky spots called electrodes on your breast. The electrodes attach to an electrocardiograph (ECG). The ECG measures your heart’s electrical task, particularly the rate and consistency of your heartbeats. You’ll likely have your high blood pressure taken throughout the examination too. Next, you’ll push your side, as well as your doctor will do a relaxing echocardiogram, or ultrasound, of your heart. They’ll use a special gel to your skin and then use a gadget called a transducer. This device releases acoustic waves to produce pictures of your heart’s motion and internal structures. Stress test After the relaxing echocardiogram, your medical professional next has you exercise on a treadmill or stationary bicycle. Depending upon your physical problem, your doctor may ask you to raise the intensity of your workout. You’ll most likely need to exercise for 6 to 10 minutes, or until you really feel exhausted, to elevate your heart price as high as possible. Inform your physician as soon as possible if you really feel lightheaded or weak, or if you have chest pain or pain on your left side. Stress echocardiography As quickly as your physician tells you to stop exercising, they do another ultrasound. This is to take even more photos of your heart working under tension. You after that have time to cool down. You can walk slowly to make sure that your heart rate can return to typical. Your medical professional monitors your ECG, heart rate, and high blood pressure up until the levels return to normal. What do the test results indicate? The echocardiography cardiovascular test is extremely reputable. Your physician will explain your examination results to you. If the outcomes are typical, your heart is functioning effectively and your capillary are possibly not obstructed as a result of coronary artery condition. Uncommon examination results might imply that your heart isn’t pumping blood efficiently because there’s a clog in your blood vessels. An additional reason could be that a cardiac arrest damaged your heart. Detecting coronary artery disease and examining your threat for heart attacks at an early stage can help stop future issues. This test can additionally assist identify if your existing cardiac recovery plan is working for you. At some point, I noticed a depression in our group’s productivity as well as total cooperation. I believed, could it be that some members have gotten careless? Are my team members simply anti-social as well as prefer to work on their own? I really did not understand what to do and then chose that I must collect all my staff member together and ask them what is actually going on. clever workplace furnishings smart workplace furnishings Old workplace layouts can hurt performance We performed our meeting on cooperation as well as efficiency and my employee were able to offer a broad range of thinking as to why general production seemed to have slowed down to a standstill. In our team of ten, four had back issues as well as prefer to sit in a chair to stay clear of further issues. Three team members suggested that the setup of the desks made it challenging to browse to other team members, and all of them suggested that sitting throughout the day looking at a display induced comfortability in their day-to-day regimens. They got obsequious. I have actually listened to a lot of conversations on just how the right office arrangements can increase productivity. Company Expert write-up lists several of the important things that can be carried out in the office to create some of these outcomes. I chose that in order to get the most out of my team, extreme changes needed to be established. I asked for two points from our firm’s Office Resources Division. One, a relocation for our group’s work environment, as well as two, a budget for brand-new office furniture Ask as well as you shall receive, as I was awarded both of my demands. We relocated to one more wing of our structure near home windows where the sunlight might permeate right into our lives. For our office furnishings, there were many alternatives, but which would certainly work best for us? wise office furnishings smart office furniture. Smart workplace remedies After searching the net, I figured out that Smart office furniture was the best selection. Their array of standing desks as well as workplace chairs was vast and also large as well as the cost could not be defeated. The testimonials that they had garnered for their products additionally induced trust fund understanding that I would certainly be buying top quality products. We purchased nine of their SmartDesk Executive design and complemented them with 9 of their ErgoChair 2. Currently it was time to wait on the items to show up and also see what the results of the brand-new environment would be. When the products can be found in, the facilities upkeep staff set the furnishings up and developed three islands of three of the SmartDesk Exec. My team loved just how close and conveniently obtainable their employee were, and we can’t fail to remember the capacity of having the ability to stand while functioning that they did not have formerly. clever workplace furniture wise workplace furniture Sitting for prolonged time periods is incredibly detrimental to your health and wellness. According to Healthline with the standing workdesk, you can enhance state of mind and energy degrees, reduce back pain, increase efficiency as well as other favorable benefits. These are scientifically confirmed results that you obtain from merely standing at your workstation every now and then. The advantages were too good to pass up. Increased movement = increased performance Within the first week of having the new Smart workplace furniture furniture, I observed a change in the team. First was exactly how collective as well as friendly they were. The convenience of merely walking a few steps to their teammates to work together on some Python Code made it all rewarding for them. My group additionally kept in mind that whenever they felt weary they would merely stand up as well as work for a while, which used them a boost in energy. My employee with back problems stated the new ErgoChair 2 minimized the discomfort they were having in their back as well as the ability to stand likewise substantially reduced their neck and back pain. It was a general win with the advantages that were seen after buying Smart office furniture smart office items. clever workplace furniture wise workplace furniture The reason we made these adjustments was to boost efficiency as well as partnership in this high need area of software program design, as well as these changes absolutely showed a positive outcome. Our group was able to supply 90% of the functions that our company had asked for in our quarterly evaluation, which was a 30% boost from previous evaluations. The quarterly earnings additionally raised by 20% with the features that we were able to push out. The modifications were so common amongst our team that it spread right into various other teams and also they reached out for the dish that we relatively found. There were additionally residual effects of presenting the brand-new Smart workplace furniture workplace furnishings After experiencing boosted energy degrees as well as decreased body aches as well as discomforts, our team members made it a mission to live healthier lives as a direct outcome of altering their office setting. 6 of them currently most likely to yoga exercise at least as soon as a week, almost all of my employee have actually attempted switching their diet regimens for a much healthier way of living, as well as after lunch, the whole group goes on a 10 to 15-minute stroll outside to speak about work and essential concerns. clever office furnishings wise workplace furniture. I can not think all the effects that transforming the workplace atmosphere have actually carried just one group. It’s absolutely made my life a whole lot much less stressful as the Team Lead and has actually increased the efficiency and collaboration of my group. It is a delight having my team interacting regularly with each other and having that collaborative spirit that was not there before. My team has been praised by the execs for boosting their work result and is just one of the 5 most reliable teams within our business. The recurring impacts maintain coming and also it is a joy to see my team reap the benefits. I can not wait to see what other included benefits will bring. So clever workplace furniture like desk chairs, workdesks, workplace tables and also workplace furnishings in general (επιπλο γραφειου) can enhance efficiency. The last years has actually been a game-changer for the lawful weed market, with countless states legalizing the consumption of marijuana for entertainment as well as medicinal uses. Bringing these products to the mass market has actually included numerous clinical innovations. Rather than the marginal handling of the plant, cultivators are now developing oils for vaping, pills, edible gummies, and more. As we move forward right into a brand-new era of cannabis intake, it will be interesting to see how technical developments alter the way we obtain high. Here are a few jobs in development that can radically reshape the marijuana market. DNA Sequencing The Cannabis sativa plant is a marvel of nature, a factory for brain-altering chemicals unlike any the globe has ever seen. But there is a remarkable amount of difference between stress of the plant, with each expand resulting in a various equilibrium of THC, CBD, and other components. That results in a robust market of products, yet a tough one to regulate. Modern genomics may be the secret to opening the plant’s supreme possibility. Several leading marijuana cultivators are engaging in initiatives to sequence the Cannabis sativa’s DNA, assembling a clear plan for just how the plant generates the panoply of chemicals within. One Colorado-based business claims to have established a technique to make use of CRISPR gene modifying to grow plants with no THC or CBD whatsoever. These customized types might also carry different tastes or be easier to expand. In addition, they are uncovering enzymes within the plant that create also rarer cannabinoids, consisting of CBC, which is believed to have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. One objective is to draw out the genetics that create these chemicals as well as implant them in yeast or germs, permitting commercial production without expanding a single plant. Personalized Products Discovering the best mix of THC as well as CBD can be an obstacle, as individuals’s specific biochemistry creates them to refine cannabinoids in different methods. While particular strains of weed have online reputations for mellowness or intensity, there is still a great deal of wiggle room existing in picking what to place in your vape. Due to the fact that this is a psychedelic compound, the repercussions of picking a pressure that does not vibe with your mind can be an actual bummer. That’s why the following step in cannabis consumption is customized blends of essential cannabinoids balanced to your one-of-a-kind physiology. Some companies are already making invasions into this brand-new technique of customization. CannabisDNA administers a $129 saliva-based swab examination that utilizes over 70 genetic markers to produce a profile of your feedbacks to remarkable cannabinoids, after that produces a report that forecasts your compatibility with various strains. In the future, it’s possible that cannabis stores will certainly integrate this screening approach with bespoke product production, combining isolates into individualized solutions that deliver a targeted experience for the user. Efficient Growing Lights Among the key problems with growing marijuana is that the plants have a ravenous hunger for wide-spectrum light. In exotic environments, the sun supplies everything that Marijuana sativa requires, yet massive indoor grow operations rely on high-intensity discharge bulbs, which are pricey and also eat a ton of electrical power. LED innovation, which has actually reinvented the house lighting market in the last decade, is positioned to do the very same for marijuana growers. NASA has actually experimented with utilizing LED lights for plant development in space, as well as many marijuana growers have actually already transitioned. Newer bulbs have the ability to send out a wideband light spectrum, in contrast to earlier versions that only covered the red or blue regularities. Suppliers have actually also introduced directional lights that a lot more effectively point light rays at the growing plants. LEDs also generate a lot less warm than various other light bulbs, which permits growers to save money on temperature level control as well as ducting. We can anticipate the cost of LED grow light arrangements to drop considerably over the following couple of years, matching what has actually happened with consumer light bulbs. Nanoencapsulation Among the biggest current obstacles to CBD circulation is the chemical nature of the item. Since it is an oil, it’s not water-soluble, which implies that when added to most fluid items it will certainly divide over time. That restricts its use for oils, pills, and also various other applications. The holy grail below is to be able to include it to water-based items like beverages, and that’s where nanoencapsulation comes in. CBD is known for its reduced bioavailability, which means that when you eat it by mouth only around 20 percent of it ends up in your blood stream. That’s a rather considerable amount of waste for this expensive molecule. Some researchers believe that encapsulating the cannabinoids in a smaller emulsion can dramatically increase that bioavailability. Smaller sized emulsion can also allow the product to mix even more efficiently with water, making it much easier to consume. Makers have currently developed nano-CBD products, but the innovation is still in its early stage. If a trusted technique for nano-encapsulation hits the marketplace, anticipate significant beverage makers to start turning out products with cannabinoids included. App-Based Retail The method people get cannabis has also transformed dramatically with legalization. Gone are the days of satisfying a guy behind a convenience store as well as purchasing an ounce of whatever he had. Modern dispensaries are well-lit, professional facilities that resemble Apple Stores, with products presented as well as classified clearly and staff all set to describe their offerings. Modern technology is mosting likely to smooth and also simplify that procedure also additionally. Numerous startups have actually already launched applications, like Budly and Eaze, that allow you to buy leisure or medical marijuana from a range of vendors to be provided to your door. An additional holy grail for the industry is the concept of a vertically integrated factor of sale system that will certainly fit every one of the links in the marijuana supply chain, from the preliminary seed to the last customer sale. That will greatly boost the information offered to cultivators as well as manufacturers, leading to more reliable advancement of brand-new products. Police Because marijuana is a mind-altering compound, states that have legislated it additionally placed legislations on the books to hinder individuals from utilizing it when they drive an automobile or in various other inappropriate situations. Yet it can be tricky for law enforcement officer to identify whether a person is above the legal limit for marijuana in their blood stream. Existing tests are limited by the nature of the chemical structure of cannabinoids– they can stick around in the blood stream for over a week post-consumption, leading to incorrect positives. A research team at the College of Florida is working with brand-new technology that will certainly enable police to carry out a dental breath examination, just like they would for alcohol, and also establish whether a person is intoxicated of cannabis. According to Hound Labs, a California-based company preparing to turn out its own marijuana breath analyzer test product, THC is just breath-detectable in the three hours after usage, getting rid of unpredictability from various other examinations. Nevertheless, a breath examination may not be dependable for people that have eaten their THC in various other ways, such as through edibles or oils. As distribution methods adjustment and improve, detection will certainly have to do the same. Swing Therapeutics, a digital rehabs startup, has actually received an FDA breakthrough gadget designation for their 12-week smartphone-assisted fibromyalgia administration program. This is the business’s initial development classification, as well as comes before a deluge of professional trials scheduled for this year. Swing Therapeutics was founded in 2019 as well as has actually elevated an overall of $9 million in seed funding led by JAZZ Endeavor Allies. The business is focused on managing chronic pain, and specifically fibromyalgia. This FDA development designation was granted to the firm’s smartphone adjustment of an acceptance and also commitment therapy (ACT) program originally created and evaluated at the College of Manitoba. Swing Therapeutics has specifically certified the program, as well as adapted it to develop their own phone-based variation. ” We basically made use of [The College of Manitoba program] as a basis for our program and after that really improved top of it, as well as adapted it to a sort of experience that would certainly work terrific for a modern-day mobile phone user interface,” claims Mike Rosenbluth, the owner and CEO of Swing Therapeutics. This FDA classification will allow Swing Therapies quickened evaluation at the FDA as the business performs a series of clinical tests on the item. Right now, there is no treatment for fibromyalgia, yet the FDA has approved three medications that can help take care of symptoms. Those include: Lyrica, which is typically suggested to deal with nerve damage, however is also used to treat fibromyalgia; Cymbalta, which was originally established to deal with anxiety, stress and anxiety and diabetic person neuropathy; and Savella, an SSRI that’s similar to treatments for anxiety. Outside of the medicine world, there’s some evidence ACT can assist patients who deal with persistent pain (consisting of fibromyalgia). One meta-review of 25 studies on ACT and also chronic pain, for instance, found that ACT therapy had small impacts on pain intensity. But the restorative process of mentor individuals to approve their pain (yet not ignore it) was linked with modest and also long-lasting improvements in depression, stress and anxiety as well as lifestyle. ” What ACT does is it attempts to assist people accept those signs and also points that are uncontrollable. It helps people think of their values– what is really important to them,” says Rosenbluth. “And then they attempt to make behavior-based adjustments aligned with those values.” Because blood vessel, Swing Rehabs’ platform is created to be prescribed by a doctor as a treatment administration device. When suggested, the individual would get in a 41-session acceptance and commitment therapy program that’s run completely on their phone, as well as broken into “day-to-day dosages.” A “everyday dosage” might include a punctual for a mindfulness session or a short creating timely. The University of Manitoba program that Swing’s mobile phone program is based upon does have actually a randomized regulated test to its name. It was originally verified in a study on 67 individuals who either obtained therapy customarily or their normal treatment plus ACT delivered using an eight-week online course. Finishing the training course was related to improvements in depression signs as well as enhancements in patients’ ratings on the Fibromyalgia Impact Survey (FIQ-R), which gauges the results of fibromyalgia on rest, discomfort understanding, fatigue or emotional distress. The training course showed up to help clients improve their “discomfort acceptance” and with that system the experience of fibromyalgia. Importantly, the Swing Therapies program does differ somewhat from the University of Manitoba program– particularly, it’s made for virtually daily use, over 12 weeks on a mobile phone, as opposed to 8 weeks on a computer. Also these small changes warrant their very own independent medical trials to ensure this approach also aids fibromyalgia individuals gain from this certain ACT therapy program. Swing Rehabs has numerous of these medical trials at various stages. This springtime, Swing finished enrollment of a 67-person pilot research on their adjusted therapy for fibromyalgia (individuals were designated to an active control or the ACT digital therapy). This research is continuous. Recently, Swing also introduced a large study called REACT-FM. This research, currently recruiting, aims to enroll about 100 to 150 patients who will certainly utilize the ACT item for twelve weeks. Ultimately, the business is also in the development stage for a Phase 3 randomized regulated trial. After conclusion of that research, the business plans to submit to the FDA for complete authorization of the platform. That study, claims Rosenbluth, is planned to go for completion of the year. The FDA breakthrough treatment classification has actually currently helped shape these researches. As the trials proceed, this classification indicates the device will certainly continue to appreciate expedited evaluation, which could smooth the platform’s trip through clinical tests. “We discovered it truly beneficial to be able to have that channel dialogue with the FDA, to ensure that we can make certain that we’re aligned in medical study layout and our methods remain in line with things that the FDA expects,” Rosenbluth states. So this is a new encouraging and also sophisticated technical way to deal with fibromyalgia (ινομυαλγια ). Play is arguably one of one of the most crucial tasks we can partake in. Besides cultivating electric motor, neural, and also social growth, play likewise promotes versatility– encouraging individuals to consider various ways of checking out the world and helping them grow methods to confront challenges in a safe environment. It is not a surprise that scientists urge play not only for youngsters however grownups as well, as a way of self-expression, sharpening problem-solving abilities as well as motivating outside-the-box reasoning. While the value of play has continued to be relatively constant for many years, how we play as well as what we are having fun with, have actually been strongly affected by rapidly altering technologies shaping our day to day lives. Expert system, 3D printing and also boosted reality are molding what new toys are being made as well as how we engage with them. As we think of the future of play, there are a lot of variables that will certainly affect its advancement. ProdigyWorks takes a look at 3 budding technologies at the forefront of specifying the future of toys and also their ramifications on just how we play. Today, artificial intelligence (AI) is installed in all kinds of technology, from cars to phones to hoover. This also impacts items for youngsters, and we see the introduction of an “Web of Toys.” Smart playthings, making use of voice acknowledgment as well as artificial intelligence to communicate with customers, are being integrated into many knowing, remote, and also app-integrated playthings. A clever plaything has its own knowledge with on-board electronics as well as ingrained sensors, which allow it to learn, behave in a particular way, and change activities according to its atmosphere. These toys are networked along with various other wise playthings or a personal computer to improve play value or educational functions. While this included modern technology has enabled a new communication and personalization of toys as well as has broadened their capacities and also get to, linked playthings normally gather information concerning their individuals, which elevates concerns regarding problems of information personal privacy. Firms working on connected playthings will need to remain to create ingenious solutions and promote best practices to progress information security and also safety for households. Pokémon Go changed the game when it pertained to recognizing the power Enhanced Reality and Virtual Reality can carry the toy as well as pc gaming sector. AR and also VR allow youngsters to involve with items and characters in such a way that has actually never been possible before. It produces an exciting, engaging sort of play that can be physical, interactive, and social all at once. Research company CCS Understanding has disclosed that the dedicated virtual reality headset market is readied to expand by upwards of 800% between 2017 and also 2021. And if it is any kind of indicator of its potential, in China, virtual reality material earnings is forecasted to be worth $3.6 billion within the next five years. Virtual reality headsets permit plaything companies to add to as well as improve digital material without needing to update or alter the physical toy itself. Children will certainly appreciate uncovering new activities as well as moms and dads will certainly welcome not needing to throw playthings after just a couple of months or years. Think of a future where, instead of making a journey to the local plaything store for a toy, your kid might produce toys for herself. It may appear a bit bizarre, but it is extremely most likely that children will certainly be making their very own creations utilizing a 3D printer in the future. Just like computer systems and also Televisions, the expense of 3D printers will eventually reduce as demand grows as well as the innovation comes to be more readily available. This affordability will certainly motivate diy production of toys. Using toy manufacturers’ styles from an on the internet repository, children can be printing their tailored variation of a Barbie ® dollhouse right from their living room. The idea you can develop toys in your home in a much more personal means could create a multimillion-dollar shift in the total toy sector. 3D Printers are not just a neat plaything; they are the future toymaker. At ProdigyWorks, we are constantly searching for the following concepts in play. In quickly changing times, it is very important to see the challenges and also opportunities that brand-new innovations existing for plaything makers as well as consumers. With AI, virtual reality and 3D printing making its method into our day-to-day regimens, it will not be uncommon to see children communicate with robots as well as smart toys extra regularly as well as plaything firms target customers with that said angle. And also while there are serious moral, developmental as well as security factors to consider of having tech-infused toys as your youngsters’s buddy, it is inescapable that modern technology will remain to permeate right into our everyday lives and also the plaything sector is no exception. So as it appears development is unavoidable and also large toy makers will certainly embace AI and also AR, toy makers like lego (λεγκο παιχνιδια) and also playmobil (playmobil προσφορες) or other prominent playthings like nerf (νερφ παιχνιδια ). While lots of markets have actually applied modern technology as well as consumer-centric service versions to dramatically enhance the customer experience, the home renovation/remodeling sector stays fragmented and tough to browse. This fragmentation and absence of openness creates headline-making house enhancement horror stories and drives a harmful distrust between property owners as well as remodelling specialists. Homeownership is a psychological experience and also a significant investment– for numerous, the most expensive investment they’ll ever before make. Continuous maintenance and also considerable improvement are essential to maintaining this financial investment as well as increasing a residence’s worth over time. Our homes additionally need to adapt as we relocate with different life phases– from our first home to raising a household and on with retirement. Along with the economic aspects, updating our houses is necessary to maximizing our lifestyle, comfort, and protection. Today, practically 60 percent of homebuyers conduct restoration projects. America’s aging housing inventory will remain to adjust to satisfy the demands of altering market sectors, from songs and also young pairs to growing families, retired people, multigenerational houses and also even more. Instead of picking new, turnkey properties in the burbs, a huge sector of today’s buyers are going with homes in or near urban centers to take pleasure in the comfort of work, cafes, as well as stores within strolling distances. New products, approaches, and innovation are redefining what we want in our houses. An enhanced focus on power efficiency as well as sustainability has actually driven 20 percent of homeowners to think about a minimum of one of their projects for “eco-friendly” objectives. The need for “residences with personality” is likewise contributing to the occurrence of residence remodelling projects. Simply put, it’s evident that the sector isn’t mosting likely to disappear anytime soon. Unfortunately, this growing $400 billion industry is tormented by unknowns and also uncertainty. This produces what we call “Renophobia”– a worry of improvement! When it involves home remodelling, several don’t understand what to do initial or exactly how the process functions most effectively. Renophobia fears include problem in selecting layouts, materials, items and also coatings, vague rates, going over budget plan, difficulty in securing funding, hiring a questionable specialist, construction delays, and also handling stress and anxiety through the entire procedure. The house remodelling sector should not resemble this. Rather than hesitating, we need to ask for adjustment as well as supply important remedies– which’s specifically what Epitonos provides. What does this change resemble? It’s making the market more transparent as well as accessible, that includes creating a typical language in between property owners as well as remodelling specialists. Ultimately, we need to enhance the restoration process for everybody entailed. The excellent information is that Epitonos is now leveraging modern technology, comprehensive data, artificial intelligence, tailored devices as well as even more to assist in simpler, extra effective residence enhancement experiences. Epitonos is devoted to boosting the improvement procedure and results for house owners, professionals, lenders, real estate professionals and all others participating in this $400B/year arena. We identify that we’ll just change the industry when we create an industry built on a transparent framework. That is Epitonos’s goal. We’re supplying wonderful info and also building powerful tools that help house owners make more educated choices concerning the house renovation: Epitonos’s House Renovation Guides provide a collection, expanding every day, of useful info, recommendations, as well as imaginative suggestions to aid you make one of the most enlightened decisions and take pleasure in the most effective outcomes for your project. Rather than calling countless specialists as well as chasing them to obtain an idea of what a renovation project will set you back, homeowners can get a fairly precise, customized solution to this concern with Epitonos’s Price Estimator. With our Recoup Value Estimator, property owners can see how those improvements will certainly impact the worth of their home, and after that make a better-informed decision about what to tackle. Epitonos constructed a machine-learning algorithm right into the procedure that forecasts the redeem worth making use of a series of information, including residence sale background, allows that were pulled close by, the wellness of the regional property market, criminal activity rate, joblessness, CPI, etc. Unlike various other websites that include contractors that pay for visibility and also cost service provider recommendation charges that are passed on and also contributed to the price of the remodelling, Epitonos assists you make the connection free of cost. Epitonos’s Discover a Pro device allows clients to search for residences that have actually been remodelled in their area, in addition to the professionals who performed the work. Epitonos uses permit information to identify service providers’ background, and then vets whether they are licensed, insured, and so on. Their on-line track records are accumulated with testimonials on different platforms and also summed up in an understandable format for the house owner. With this approach, Epitonos makes certain nonpartisanship when picking the right professional– and service providers are never billed referral charges of any kind. With Compare Quotes, specialists can send their bids via Epitonos in a constant layout, enabling homeowners the capability to compare these even more quickly– apples to apples. Lastly, utilizing Epitonos’s Manage, homeowners can see the project schedule, obtain alerts for each and every job’s start and also end days. Alerts to shop and wrap up options assists to avoid hold-ups in having materials on hand when needed. Epitonos is regularly working on releasing more attributes that guarantee to modify the industry in a favorable way as well as bring this antiquated, offline market right into today’s globe. Epitonos is ultimately building a community. We’re right here to assist house owners. However we understand successful, pain-free restorations only occur when those house owners can discover the right experts, as well as we know it isn’t very easy for experts to obtain the needed exposure. Epitonos has to do with connection as well as creating a typical language in between homeowners as well as restoration professionals. Architects, interior developers, contractors, realty representatives, bankers– every person involved in the house renovation sector can create a profile totally free. We desire house owners to have favorable renovation experiences, and also we want sector professionals to easily find work. It’s time for the home improvement sector to transform. Explore Epitonos today. Try our devices and then let us know what you like, what we can boost, and also just how we can proceed together with you to make your homeownership dreams come to life. So technology will certainly shape and also modify the improvement industry in all nations and at some point in greece, where extremely stylish house restorations (ανακαινιση σπιτιου 60τμ) are made as a result of the high aesthetic understanding of Greeks. Decoupage is a craft method of affixing paper decors to a hard surface area with adhesive. By considering a finished job, you would certainly assume this craft technique would be complicated, yet it isn’t. Decoupage started in France in the 17th century as the pauper’s choice to painted furnishings. It is actually rather basic. If you can cut as well as paste, you currently recognize the majority of the techniques involved. To get started with decoupage, you removed photos and adhesive them onto an item. The following step is to cover the item and photos with a few layers of adhesive or decoupage tool to safeguard it. You probably have whatever you require to make your job lying around your residence today. Gather your supplies and also begin crafting. Decoupage Medium Decoupage medium is an all-in-one sealant, adhesive, and also coating used for producing decoupaged artworks. Utilize it on wood, textile and other porous surface areas. It dries clear as well as holds your glued-on paper cuts limited. Materials You Required As with any craft task you make, you must always read the guidelines initially. Make a list of supplies that you need to acquire, although you may already have quite a few of the materials already in your home. – Decide what object you desire to embellish with decoupage. You can include photos to nearly anything: furnishings, image cds, shelving, frames, boxes, flower holders, mirrors, hardcover books, trays, suitcases, recipes, candles, containers, bottles, egg containers, rocks, as well as much more. – Find a picture resource. The alternatives are unlimited: remove photos, themes, or forms from covering paper, wallpaper, textile, paper napkins, greeting cards, postcards, pictures, traveling brochures, handbills, programs, yard seed plans, pages from old books, foil-covered paper, paper doilies, bow, posters, dried blossoms, cells paper, as well as much more. You can also acquire paper as well as photos made particularly for decoupage. You can xerox clip art, photos, stories, poems, as well as various other things published from your computer system, with special considerations for pictures printed making use of an inkjet printer. – Decide on what decoupage tool to use. You can acquire an item made particularly for decoupaging, such as Mod Podge or Collage Pauge. You must contend least one of those in your craft cupboard, but in a pinch, slightly diluted white adhesive will certainly do. The products over are the crucial products you require, yet there are a few various other things you may locate helpful to use in your decoupage journey: – Bone folder: You can utilize this to assist smooth out creases and also remove excess glue. You can also buy a device made especially for this, called a brayer. – Foam brush: Utilize this to spread the decoupage medium or adhesive onto the thing you will certainly decoupage. If you do not have a foam brush, you can use a common paintbrush or perhaps a cotton swab. – Scissors: Make use of to cut out the pictures and various other things you will be decoupaging. To aid with reducing attractive paper with a great deal of small details, you could intend to make use of scissors with smalls blades or an utility knife. – Tweezers: Tweezers are often a wonderful help when it involves positioning small photos. – Wet cloth: Keep one close-by to wipe up excess adhesive and also to assist with other clean up. Ensure the dustcloth is damp as well as not saturating damp when utilizing it to remove excess decoupage medium from your glued documents. A wet cloth additionally aids to keep your hands clean while collaborating with glue. Getting going With Your Task As soon as you have actually collected all of your supplies, you can begin on your job by following together with these simple instructions. Ensure the item you’re decoupaging is tidy, getting rid of any type of dust or dirt. It has to also be completely dry. If you’re going to paint your item initially, the paint should be completely dry prior to you begin decoupaging (no tackiness). This example used spray paint with an added-in primer to repaint a wood tray. See to it the paint you use is appropriate for the things you intend to decoupage. Eliminate the pictures you are going to utilize. It assists to make use of an X-Acto blade to remove the paper pieces that have quite a bit of complex detail. Prior to you add adhesive, set up the pictures onto the thing you are decoupaging up until you like the means they look. The pictures can be in any type of placement you like as well as can likewise overlap. Operating in a small section at once, remove the pictures and also use a generous layer of decoupage medium onto the thing you are decoupaging. See to it you entirely cover any kind of location the picture will certainly touch. If you favor, you can spread out the tool onto the rear of the picture. Stick the picture on the decoupage medium. Utilize your finger to carefully push down the picture (for a large photo, begin with the facility and work your way out) and also push out any wrinkles as well as excess medium. You can additionally make use of a bone folder or brayer to do this. Proceed with the last two steps up until all of your pictures are glued on. Let the decoupage medium completely dry. If you are utilizing photos on thicker paper, such as photos or welcoming cards, they can take longer to completely dry. Look for bubbles as your photos dry. If one kinds, use a pin or energy knife to pop it and after that use your fingers to smooth it down. As soon as the medium is completely dry, coat your product extensively with one more layer of the decoupage medium. Allow this dry. Continue to include layers of the medium till you get the desired outcomes. You will certainly wish to maintain including layers up until the sides of the pictures are all smooth. Allow your task completely dry completely before it prepares to use, present, or be handed out as a present. Inkjet-Printed Products If you make use of inkjet-printed product on your jobs, allow the ink dry, then spray it with hairspray. It sets the ink and afterwards you can make use of the print. Make certain both are totally dry before applying your medium. Tips – Make photocopies of photographs and also various other initial documents to make use of in decoupage so you can conserve the original. You can additionally take a picture of them with your phone and afterwards publish it. – Tear your images rather than cutting them. Torn sides lay a little flatter and also mix a bit better. – Take a photo to keep in mind the placement of your paper pieces. It’s easy to fail to remember once you remove them as well as start decoupaging. – When decoupaging on plastic, experiment before you dedicate. For rougher surfaces, the pictures must stick yet will certainly take a little bit longer to dry. If the surface area is really smooth, think about roughing it up with a little sandpaper. Innovation might be specified as techniques, abilities, methods and also processes made use of in the manufacturing of any great or service. Everyone recognizes the truth that technology is changing rapidly. At one time, the enhancement of fertilizer to a crop was a new technical development. The modern plant food market can map its roots back to 1837 when experiments were conducted to recognize the impacts of manures on plants. New fertilizer innovation is focused on boosting the efficiency and usage price of plant food, rather than merely boosting soil’s nutrient level. Additives like adjuvants, natural acids, and microbial solutions are being made use of to improve efficiency. The brand-new innovation overcomes the adverse nutrient interactions in the dirt which restrict the accessibility of fertilizers. Each nutrient is distinct in the dirt. Nitrogen is really unpredictable and subject to loss. Phosphorus and also trace elements are well-known for becoming inaccessible before the crop has a chance to utilize them. The schedule of potassium is restricted by dirt kind, temperature level, and pH; generally just 1– 2% is readily offered. Improvements in fertilizer innovation consist of the adoption of far better application devices like Y-drops, banner nozzles, strip tillage tools and also variable price applicators, to name simply a couple of. These tools aid with timing as well as placement of plant food to decrease losses to the atmosphere. Likewise, making use of brand-new chemistry is promptly being embraced to slow down the loss of nitrogen as well as to keep phosphorus from locking up in the soil. Fertilizer inputs such as UAN, Anhydrous Ammonia, Urea, MAP, DAP, Polyphosphates as well as Potash are certainly useful items to handle soil fertility degrees. Nevertheless, on their own, they do not give the technology needed to overcome nutrient uptake problems that are brought on by environment, dirt, and brand-new crop selections. New fertilizer innovation used by NACHURS can supply several of the devices needed to unlock nutrient uptake obstacles. Sound judgment should inform us that every field, every selection, and also every growing season has its own one-of-a-kind collection of caused tensions. Using a fertility program based upon standard soil tasting as well as fertility recommendations which were established decades earlier has long shot to unlock a crop’s total yield capacity which is held captive because of obstacles to nutrient uptake. Innovation may be defined as techniques, skills, techniques as well as procedures used in the production of any excellent or solution. Everyone understands the reality that innovation is transforming quickly. At one time, the enhancement of fertilizer to a crop was a new technical development. The contemporary fertilizer industry can map its roots back to 1837 when experiments were conducted to determine the effects of manures on plants. New plant food technology is focused on boosting the effectiveness and utilization rate of fertilizer, rather than simply raising soil’s nutrient level. Ingredients like adjuvants, organic acids, and microbial remedies are being utilized to improve efficiency. The brand-new modern technology gets rid of the adverse nutrient interactions in the soil which limit the accessibility of fertilizers. Each nutrient is unique in the soil. Nitrogen is extremely volatile and subject to loss. Phosphorus and also trace elements are infamous for ending up being unavailable prior to the plant has a chance to use them. The availability of potassium is limited by soil type, temperature, and pH; generally just 1– 2% is readily available. Improvements in plant food modern technology include the fostering of much better application devices like Y-drops, banner nozzles, strip husbandry equipment and also variable rate applicators, to name just a couple of. These devices help with timing and also placement of fertilizer to minimize losses to the atmosphere. Likewise, making use of brand-new chemistry is rapidly being embraced to slow down the loss of nitrogen and also to keep phosphorus from securing in the soil. Fertilizer inputs such as UAN, Anhydrous Ammonia, Urea, MAP, DAP, Polyphosphates and Potash are certainly useful items to handle soil fertility levels. Nevertheless, on their own, they do not give the modern technology necessary to overcome nutrient uptake concerns that are caused by climate, dirt, and also new plant varieties. New fertilizer modern technology supplied by NACHURS can supply a few of the devices essential to unlock nutrient uptake challenges. Common sense ought to tell us that every area, every variety, and also every expanding period has its own distinct collection of caused anxieties. Making use of a fertility program based upon standard dirt sampling as well as fertility suggestions which were developed decades earlier has long shot to unlock a crop’s complete yield capacity which is held captive as a result of difficulties to nutrient uptake. Apparel modern technology includes all the technical advancements, products and brand-new production methods that have lately been established and made use of. The timeline of apparel modern technologies as well as fabric modern technology includes numerous significant improvements in the production and distribution of textiles and garments. Several of these include the growth of numerous sewing machines such as the sewing device and also the laser sander. Various other growths have included the creation of the cleaning maker, the clothes dryer and the clothes dryer equipment. A couple of years back, wearable computer technology was created which is currently referred to as smart clothes. These are tools that are put on like an arm band or any other ordinary item of garments however have actually embedded electronic sensors. These sensors can find temperature, temperature level and various other variables. Once they sense these elements, the suitable clothes technology can be activated. With the help of the wearer’s own sensing units, the system can change garments or other accessories depending upon the climate or other environmental aspects. Another major clothing innovation consists of the manufacture of wearable fabrics. The garment is made of the material and also other devices and also it can be custom-made customized to a person’s body. This is the reason why it is referred to as customised clothes. Using such garments assists individuals really feel a lot more comfortable because they can modify them according to their choice. Another clothes innovation is related to fashion. The means people outfit has actually dramatically changed for many years, particularly in the last twenty approximately years. The need for stylish clothes has increased, causing the emergence of various style lines. Each fashion line has its own unique design and style. Some of one of the most preferred fashion lines include those released by celebrities such as Ellen DeGeneres and also Rachel Bilson. In order to make these garments products feasible, textiles need to be developed, which are more sturdy and have much better properties when it pertains to warmth and also moisture. Due to this, a new sort of textile has actually been developed. These materials are called thermal textiles. This kind of textile is made up of lightweight, breathable textiles that do not preserve warmth during the winter. These are the main elements of modern day’s fashion and also lingerie. During the summer period, these fabrics additionally act as excellent cooling representatives as well as can aid maintain people great without really feeling warm. Thermal fabrics can be used in several kinds in the garments industry, as they have a number of benefits over various other types of products. Among one of the most crucial aspects of textiles is the creation of smart garments. Smart garments are pieces of clothes that can save information regarding the user. For example, some items of clever clothing can detect the temperature level of the air around the person and adjust the textile as necessary. The same innovation can likewise be put on electronic gadgets such as smart phones, iPods and MP3 players. When wise clothes obtain smarter, they can communicate with each other and also with the user’s garments to identify the ideal temperature. One more extremely crucial element of smart clothing is the creation of smartphone applications. Numerous garment makers have actually currently created mobile phone applications that can check out the temperature level of the air, as well as detect warmth and moisture. If you desire high tech apparel, you require to pay very close attention to the products being utilized. One amazing facet of high tech clothes is the incorporation of micro-fabricated materials. Micro-fabricated fabrics are motivated naturally– they are influenced by the way nature types clothes. These materials are called smooth garments or fiber-optic garments, and also they take the form of the natural form of the fibers instead of the typical conical kinds that regular clothes take. Due to this, high tech apparel has the prospective to be incredibly comfortable, versatile and also lightweight, which makes it perfect for many different types of outdoor sports. As we pointed out in the past, wise clothing producers are attempting to take their innovations a step better and include them right into bigger, extra conventional fashion brands. Now, numerous clothes brand names such as Juicy Couture, Delta Burke, Ann Taylor and also Victoria’s Secret are working with small, Los Angeles based startup Levi, which is working on its own line of fashionable garments. The objective for Levi is to create extra conventional fashion brand names with high tech materials as well as designs. They have currently started to make their mark in the world of Hollywood and also in the world of soccer and dance. The reality that Juicy Couture, a smaller firm started by 2 teenage girls, has actually become one of the largest fashion brands in the apparel industry talks volumes regarding just how cutting-edge and dedicated Levi is. One more interesting trend worldwide of advanced garments is the natural clothing lines that are coming to be preferred amongst city fashionistas. Organic clothing are made with 100% natural active ingredients and also materials, as well as they are especially made to be healthier as well as more secure for the wearer. Many smaller firms are striving to produce new organic lines, and also there is capacity for also bigger firms like Levi to follow suit as well as produce even bigger, a lot more organic lines of smart clothing. This is the next big thing on the planet of advanced garments– as well as it looks as though these garments are going to be significant. So, this is just how technology is utilized for making and also designing thong (στρινγκ ), pyjamas (πυτζαμες) and also hot underwear (σεξυ εσωρουχα). For glaucoma individuals, the morning regimen may never ever be the same. Why? Say goodbye to eye drops. Rather, glaucoma people can possibly insert drug-dispensing get in touch with lenses as well as proceed with their day. Thanks to Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary and also the American Academy of Ophthalmology, which recently developed drug-dispensing call lenses to make it less complicated for individuals to take their medication, treatment could be that simple. What’s more, scientists at Columbia University have developed a simpler method to monitor the progression of the illness, along with the efficiency of medicine therapies, making use of a call lens that can sense, in real time, the curvature of the eye as well as associate that data to interior eye stress. If pursued as well as supported, these amazing advancements could make life both easier as well as more pleasant for glaucoma clients almost everywhere. Dealing With Glaucoma with Drug-Dispensing Get In Touch With Lenses The researchers developed contact lenses geared up with a drug-polymer film along the side of the lens that gradually dispenses latanoprost– a drug generally suggested for glaucoma clients– onto the surface of the eye. Since the drug film is on the edge, the center of the lens is clear, allowing for everything you would certainly anticipate from a good get in touch with lens, and also getting rid of much of the hassle related to utilizing eye decreases. That’s the theory, and also everything looks good on paper, but could it actually work? The solution is of course, it can work. Actually, it currently has actually worked. According to the scientists, get in touch with lenses with lower dose movies provided the exact same amount of eye stress decrease as common latanoprost declines, while lenses providing greater dosages provided better stress reduction than the decreases. For glaucoma individuals dissatisfied with their eye goes down, that is excellent news. Nevertheless, before this type of contact lens strikes the market, more research study is needed to verify the safety and also efficiency of this treatment. Checking Glaucoma Development with Contact Lenses Meanwhile, things are moving along on the diagnosis and tracking side. Glaucoma patients and also their physicians have long desired that there was a method to see exactly how the condition was altering the eye in time to respond before excessive damage was done. Present methods often make it difficult to get ahead of the illness, now, researchers may have created a way to do simply that with a “clever” get in touch with lens that can detect stress modifications inside the eye in real time. This means faster as well as extra accurate analyses for glaucoma individuals. Here’s how it works: A sensing unit identifies modifications in the curve of the eye. As eye stress adjustments, the curve changes, generating an electrical signal sent to a wireless device that tapes the signals. The account of signals indirectly reveals eye stress modifications in time, which is linked to progression of the disease.1. Forty people in between the ages forty and also eighty-nine, all undergoing treatment for open-angle glaucoma, were approved into the study. Over a duration of two years, researchers performed at the very least 8 typical visual field examinations on these individuals. Fifty percent were classified as having slow-moving disease progression, while the others had rapid disease development. The patients after that wore a clever call lens for twenty-four hrs, consisting of overnight as they rested. Scientists discovered that clients with steeper adjustments taped overnight, and also a greater number of changes in their signal profile overall, had a tendency to have faster glaucoma development. This real-time information stands for a significant advantage over what we have today. Clients would certainly have a far better understanding of their disease, and also their doctors would certainly be able to much better tailor treatments to their requirements because they would have the ability to see more quickly whether a brand-new drug is working for their individual. These brand-new call lens technologies could make it simpler for individuals to follow their drug strategies and keep track of both the progress of the illness and also the effectiveness of recently recommended medicines. In time, scientists may even find a method to incorporate these 2 new innovations to create a solitary convenient device, with the ability of performing both drug distribution and also pressure tests. The eye resembles an electronic camera. Light enters the eye and also passes through a lens which concentrates the light onto the retina developing an image which is translated by the mind. This results in the phenomenon we understand as ‘vision’ of all the conditions that affect the eye, cataract is possibly one of the most typical. Cataract is a problem where the lens. in the human eye becomes nontransparent, bring about hazy vision. Cataract has actually been impacting human beings given that the start of humanity as well as is a clinical problem that has been mentioned also in one of the most ancient messages like the Holy bible as well as Sushruta Samhita. Typically, before a person experiences a decrease in vision, they complain of a glow while driving at night. Occasionally, very early cataract can increase stress in the eyes resulting in moderate frustrations. in the days gone by, the eye was reduced open as well as the cataract was removed intact after which the eye was sutured up once more. This method was not constantly successful as clients sometimes experienced blood loss and also loss of the jelly of the eye called vitreous, Dental implanting a lens in the eye after cataract elimination was taken sceptically by the majority of doctors and people needed to deal with heavy as well as troublesome glasses. Ultrasound Technology. By the 1980’s, a device called ‘phacoemulsiher’ was created to treat cataract. The tip of this tool vibrates quickly at 40000 times per second with the help of ultrasound innovation. This process damages the nontransparent lens that is formed in the eye. The remnants are sucked out with the very same shaking pointer. While this is informally called laser removal of cataract, in truth it is an ultrasound based approach. In case of tough cataracts, the heat from the process damages the cornea, leading to a long recuperation time for the individual. The entire procedure is accomplished by the cosmetic surgeon as well as is not automated. Robot Femto Laser. The latest technique of managing cataracts is called robot femto laser. This is a true laser based system where there is no blade infiltration into the eye. Instead, within simply 35 seconds, the cataract can be broken up, enabling its elimination through a smaller sized incision than that made use of in conventional cataract techniques. The entry right into the eye is just 2mm in width as well as is made by the laser. This therapy can treat tough cataracts also without the side effects of an ultrasound. It is very important to recognize that with macular degeneration, you are taking care of two concerns: the clinical condition causing vision oss as well as the vision loss itself. Macular degeneration physicians include retina experts and reduced vision professionals. These well-trained doctors can help you with diagnosis as well as therapy of macular deterioration as well as vision help solutions. Retina Expert: A retina specialist is a medical physician– an ophthalmologist who has done an added fellowship training in retinal diseases for one or two years after completing his residency in ophthalmology. The unique retina fellowship training teaches physicians to identify and treat eye problems that influence the retina, such as macular degeneration. Eye doctors and also retina experts have the ability to:. Give eye examinations. Recommend medications. Carry out procedures. Detect as well as handle eye diseases and treat and also repair eye injuries. Reduced Vision Specialists: One more macular deterioration physician to carry your team is a reduced vision specialist. They are qualified Medical professionals of Optometry or Ophthalmology, that are skilled in the assessment, therapy and also administration of people with eye conditions that are not treatable or correctable by medication, surgical procedure or with glasses. Low vision professionals have extensive training as well as experience in dealing with the visual issues of macular degeneration. Reduced vision specialists can help you to remain to do the many tasks you have always delighted in like analysis, viewing TV, and cooking. A reduced vision specialist can help you:. Discover to utilize your field of vision. Aid you in adjusting your home with far better illumination as well as other aids. Determine what low vision optical devices are best matched for you. Fit you with one of the most suitable glasses, magnifiers, as well as other low vision gadgets. Finding and making use of macular deterioration medical professionals will certainly supply you with not only therapy choices yet with hope as well as optimism for the future as you find out about the many new low vision technologies that are readily available to permit you to proceed appreciating your day-to-day activities. As auto cabins become crammed with ever even more digital functions such as navigating and also entertainment systems, the electronic devices holding all of it together have become a rat’s nest of elements made by various parts manufacturers. Currently the race is on to tidy up the clutter. Visteon is among a slew of suppliers aiming to make control panel vital organs less complex, less costly and lighter as the sector speeds up toward a so-called virtual cabin – an all-digital dashboard that will aid introduce the age of self-driving autos. What goes to risk is a piece of the $37-billion cockpit electronic devices market, estimated by research company IHS Markit to almost increase to $62 billion by 2022. Bookkeeping firm PwC estimates that electronic devices might account for approximately 20 percent of a car’s value in the following 2 years, up from 13 percent in 2015. At the same time, the variety of vendors for those parts is likely to dwindle as automakers seek to collaborate with less business capable of doing more, according to Mark Boyadjis, major automobile analyst at IHS Markit. ” The complexity of design ten different systems from ten various providers is no longer something an automaker intends to do,” Boyadjis claimed. He approximates producers ultimately will deal with 2 to 3 cabin suppliers for each version, down from 6 to 10 today. DIGITAL MAKEOVER One of Visteon’s services is a computer system module referred to as “SmartCore.” This cabin domain name controller operates an automobile’s tool cluster, infomercial system as well as various other attributes, all on the very same little item of silicon. Slideshow (13 pictures ) Thus far this year, the Detroit-based company has landed 2 large contracts for undisclosed sums. One, revealed in April, is with China’s second-largest automaker, Dongfeng Motor Corp. The various other is with Mercedes-Benz DAIGn.DE, Reuters has learned. Mercedes did not react to ask for remark. Another unrevealed European car manufacturer plans to make use of the system in 2018, according to Visteon. Visteon is going done in on cockpit electronic devices, having shed its continuing to be vehicle climate as well as interiors businesses in 2016. The wager up until now is paying off. The business protected $1.5 billion in brand-new organization in the first quarter, assisted by development in China. Visteon’s stock price is up more than half over the past year. ” You need to be transforming as well as adapting quick. Otherwise, you’re not mosting likely to maintain in this market,” stated Tim Yerdon, Visteon’s head of worldwide advertising. “It’s about transforming on your own to remain in advance.” DASHBOARD DEALS Visteon’s transformation hints at the coming battle in between providers defending property in the electronic cabin. The pattern is currently activating purchases, as companies look to increase their offerings to automakers. Visteon in 2014 purchased Johnson Controls’ JCI.N electronics company, which was also establishing a domain controller. In March, Samsung 005930. KS finished its $8-billion acquisition of infomercial business Harman. France’s Faurecia EPED.PA, a leading seats and interiors vendor, in 2015 bought a 20 percent stake in Paris-based infomercial firm Parrot Automotive SAS in a bargain that can make Faurecia the biggest investor by 2019. Deal-making in the bigger automotive market has actually been at a fever pitch over the past 2 years fueled by the race to develop self-governing car modern technology. Activity in the industry was worth $41 billion in 2016, according to PwC. Slide show (13 photos ) CHEAPER, LIGHTER IN WEIGHT, MORE INTELLIGENT Structured control panels can lead to set you back reductions for suppliers, that can conserve as much as $175 per cars and truck with an incorporated cockpit, according to Munich-based monitoring consulting company Roland Berger. They can likewise aid with fuel performance. That’s due to the fact that cars are lighter when there are fewer behind-the-scenes computer systems, referred to as electronic control devices (ECUs). Autos today have 80 to 120 ECUs, numbers expected to drop greatly in coming years. But maybe the greatest inspiration for expensive cockpits is sales. Motorists accustomed to the seamless modern technology of their smart devices are locating today’s control panel offerings cumbersome and also non-intuitive. A J.D. Power research launched this month located the most grievances from new car owners came from audio, interactions, amusement and maps systems. Better cabins can verify essential to drawing in more youthful consumers, that are not showing the very same enthusiasm for cars, and even driving, that their parents did. Research study firm Mintel located that 41 percent of millennial automobile customers are interested in having the most recent innovation in their cars. Disjointed dashboards “are just one of the most visible spaces in user experience – what you see right before you,” claimed Andrew Hart of UK-based consultancy SBD Automotive. On many automobile versions, he claimed, audible warning systems to signal the chauffeur to a possible collision are not in sync with the radio, indicating your favorite tune could muffle the caution beep. ” That’s an insane example of something when you do not combine ECUs,” Hart said. Industry spectators say this and also other safe-driving functions are amongst the systems ripe for assimilation. Extra targets consist of rear-seat home entertainment systems and also so-called heads-up displays that predict data such as the vehicle’s speed onto the windscreen for easy viewing. Back in Detroit, Visteon claims it remains in talks with carmakers in China and also Europe for its domain name controller, a technology it really hopes can provide it an edge over opponents such as Delphi DLPH.N, Robert Bosch [ROBG.UL], Continental CONG.DE, and Denso 6902. T. While it isn’t clear who will prevail, electronic devices vendors are seeing their products tackle new importance as vehicles end up being much more linked. Five years ago, the dashboard was “a plastic built cabin that we stuffed electronics into,” said Yerdon, Visteon’s marketing chief. “Currently it’s even more concerning a digital architecture that’s experience-driven, as well as we mold and mildew plastic around it.” The conclusion is that vehicle parts (pezzi ricambio) are going to be extra electronic everyday. A Personal Decision Seeing an ophthalmologist for very early treatment or precautionary eye treatment is the very best method to lower the danger of long-term eye damage and vision loss. Your ophthalmologist will certainly assist you through several choices regarding shielding your vision or treating an eye problem. Exactly how do you locate the very best eye doctor who is right for you? Right here are some important variables to bear in mind. 1. Obtain References Beginning with a referral listing from your optometrist or primary care physician. You can also ask family members, friends and also various other doctor for recommendations. Make the effort to research the medical professionals’ qualifications and experience on Healthgrades.com. Keep in mind there are various ophthalmology subspecialties including those who concentrate on dealing with glaucoma, or illness of the cornea or retina. As you narrow down your list, call each eye doctor’s workplace and also ask for a speak with appointment to fulfill and speak with the medical professional. 2. Research study the Ophthalmologist’s Qualifications Board accreditation is just one of one of the most important factors to take into consideration when you are choosing an eye doctor. It tells you that the physician has the needed training, abilities and also experience to offer the best ocular treatment. Subspecialty fellowship training is especially important. Additionally confirm that the ophthalmologist has no history of negligence cases or corrective activities. You can find the ophthalmologist’s medical institution, training hospital, qualifications, and also malpractice and also corrective background on Healthgrades.com and also state websites. 3. Think about the Ophthalmologist’s Experience Experience matters when you’re dealing with eye problems or conditions that might impact your vision. The even more experience an eye doctor has with a condition or procedure, the far better your results are likely to be. Ask the number of patients with your particular condition the eye doctor has actually dealt with. If you need a particular procedure, ask the number of the procedures the doctor has done as well as find out about complication prices– problems the physician has encountered in addition to your own danger of complications. 4. Take into consideration Gender It is necessary to really feel comfortable with your ophthalmologist’s sex because you will need to openly go over personal info. When it comes to eye conditions and problems, your very own gender is likewise an essential consideration. Ophthalmologists are ending up being more competent in looking after ladies and also males in a different way. Ask the ophthalmologist about his/her recent training as well as experience specifically related to your problem and your gender. 5. Ask About Telehealth Capabilities Healthcare providers can diagnose and also treat some individuals making use of telecoms modern technology, consisting of two-way video, smart devices, as well as e-mail; it’s called telehealth. Ask if the medical professional uses telehealth capacities. Telehealth does not change hands-on in-person workplace sees, but for numerous people, it implies fewer journeys to the medical professional’s office. Some problems can be handled by sending symptoms and also vital indicators you collect at home and having a “digital visit” with your company. Telehealth can likewise be made use of for regular follow-ups and minor complaints too, making it a hassle-free option. Examine to make certain your medical insurance will spend for telehealth solutions. 6. Examine Interaction Style Pick an ophthalmologist with whom you are comfortable talking and also who sustains your information needs. When you first satisfy the ophthalmologist, ask a concern and observe just how she or he responds. Does she or he welcome your inquiries and also address them in manner ins which you can comprehend? Throughout the first see did you feel hurried or involved? Discover an ophthalmologist that reveals a rate of interest in being familiar with you, who will certainly consider your therapy preferences, and also that will certainly value your decision-making process. 7. Read Individual Reviews Reviewing what other individuals need to claim regarding a physician can give understanding right into just how a doctor methods medication, as well as just how his or her clinical method is run. Patient evaluations commonly mirror individuals’s experience with organizing appointments, wait times, workplace atmosphere, as well as workplace staff friendliness. You can discover how well patients trust the medical professional, how much time he or she spends with their individuals, as well as just how well she or he responds to inquiries. 8. Know What Your Insurance Coverage Covers Your insurance protection is an useful issue. To receive one of the most insurance coverage benefits as well as pay the least out-of-pocket for your care, you may require to choose an ophthalmologist that participates in your plan. You need to still consider qualifications, experience, outcomes, as well as healthcare facility top quality as you choose an eye doctor from your strategy. Nevertheless, unhappy clients will look for choices for their lorry needs. It’s no longer concerning renting automobiles however giving a flexibility remedy to enable people control of their time as well as destination. The rental fee a cars and truck sector is one which is intricately tied to the development of the travel and also tourist sector. So, as the electronic transformation sweeps the friendliness industry, innovation might likewise leave no stone unturned when it concerns automobile leasing. The industry is attending to the all also familiar pain factors dealt with by service and also leisure consumers alike as well as it is eager to bring the automobile rental experience into the digital age. rental car sector concerns The smartphone change The smart device has actually fundamentally reshaped the friendliness field. Consumers are making use of applications to check out and book vacations on the move and the cars and truck leasing sector is knowing that the future is mobile driven. In a post written by Lance Smith, the Avis sales executive commented; ‘ As a firm our team believe that our future will be mobile driven. Oftentimes, applications are currently the lens through which we experience the brand names we take care of and in future our every business communication will be driven through mobile phone innovation.’ Increasingly more automobile rental companies are introducing to reinvent rental by putting consumers at the centre as well as giving ways to make their rental experience better. Modern mobile apps have the performance to choose a price point, make as well as version of auto, additionals like GPS, bike shelfs, child seat or mobile Wi-Fi, and afterwards permit customers to make their reservation. Historically, key monitoring has actually been a concern for both rental operators as well as the consumer. Rental agreements have to be authorized prior to a secret is released as well as auto hire firms need to be sure the key is returned. Keyless modern technology is now enabling customers to from another location access to their automobiles from their mobile phones as well as allow the ability to begin the car too. As an instance of how the modern technology is evolving, think about the Avis Now functionality within the Avis app. It allows users to make and handle reservations, then skip the counter as well as go straight to the Avis Lease a Cars and truck great deal, where they can situate their vehicle making use of the app, after that open it with their smartphone and also repel. Connected car innovation Connected cars and truck innovation as well as cars-as-a-service (CaaS) are the brand-new buzzwords, identified with the change to require for even more wheelchair and versatility. The advantages to consumers are evident as well as to procedures, the positives can likewise be seen in terms of improvements in the backside. Connected modern technology permits business clear understanding into how many automobiles they have, where they are and vehicle status. All of this helps with lorry recuperation as well as asset administration and in the future will minimise the likelihood of vehicle failings thanks to anticipating analytics innovation. New business models are being created thanks to linked car technology. In today’s market, consumers generally gather an automobile from an airport or a marked facility at minimal off-airport places. But with remote gain access to modern technology, the potential for new collaborations between rental business and also hotels for instance is further prolonging the automobile rental impact. Ridesharing– If you can not defeat them, join them Ridesharing titan, Uber was first established in 2009, and has actually grown in appeal over the last decade. It has changed the means we relocate as well as together with Zipcar and also Lyft particularly, is shocking the US taxi as well as automobile rental markets in the reimbursed ground transportation segment. It is very easy to see why. These platforms can be made use of through mobile phone apps and also vehicles can be booked in a couple of clicks for door to door transportation with presence right into car location and arrival time. Several customers and company visitors are counting on Uber and Zipcar for simplicity and benefit when previously they would have scheduled a car leasing or taxi. Yet is the vehicle rental sector at risk of being muscled out of this market by the ridesharing heavyweights? Not according to Sixt’s chief management policeman Alexander Sixt as reported in the WTM Insights: ‘ Uber as well as Zipcar serve an entirely different need to Sixt. Our objective is to supply extensive and demand-oriented movement. One example is our mobile app [sixt.com/getaride], where our consumers can select in between Sixt Limousine, Mydriver for company transfers or the inexpensive taxi choice Sixt Rides’ Newbies like Lyft and also Uber have interrupted the vehicle sector’s organization design by providing clients a choice to car ownership through smartphone-based ridehailing solutions. As innovation remains to progress in the vehicle rental industry, companies such as Sixt are viewing themselves as system and also technology suppliers, seeking to lower the private ownership of guest lorries. For example, Sixt has expressed a desire to offer third-party cars including personal vehicles, for rental fee by itself system as it remains to introduce to supply brand-new flexibility solutions. It’s everything about the customer– smooth reservations as well as repayments technology Look behavior is currently transforming the way that car rental brands are being located and also firms around the world are trying to create a much better experience for their clients. At the heart of this improvement is the ‘in-destination experience’. The seamless integration of rent-a-car solutions right into travel as well as tourism bookings implies booking engines are creating a ‘traveling experience’ to car rental bookers by supplying highly targeted offers on excursions, hotel rooms and also more. This not only develops the travel experience but likewise incentivises a further purchase. Giving the best payment service which supports the right payment approaches to satisfy the demands of both the consumer as well as business is one more factor to consider for lease a cars and truck companies contending in the customer and service rental markets. Avis Car Rental became the initial rental fee an automobile firm to present t split repayment functionality to its mobile application experience. This after a study of travellers in the United States disclosed that 87 percent are likely to blend company and also recreation in the exact same journey. The brand-new ‘Split My Bill’ capability within the Avis Mobile Application allows visitors the capacity to split automobile rental settlements in between two various bank card or kinds of payment. Clients currently have the alternative to split their payment by total bill quantity as well as rental days. For company visitors, they no longer need to bother with the blurring of lines in between leisure and company travel expenditures. Recreation travellers as well as service travellers likewise value presence right into traveling invest when abroad. Some business tourists might find choosing to pay in their home currency for rental, via Dynamic Money Conversion, an extra efficient as well as practical way to track expenditures and remain within budget plan as it means the currency exchange rate is calculated at the point of acquisition. Looking to boost income from existing deals whilst boosting your customer experience? DISCOVER MORE Along with offering transparency and also option to its consumer in their home money, automobile rental firms are likewise becoming aware that offering multi-currency prices and also dynamic currency conversion produces a brand-new source of earnings for their organization from current global purchases. Self-driving lorries Think of a vehicle being able to browse without human input. There is incredible exhilaration at the emergence of driverless vehicles but also for several nations the unpredictability stays around exactly how to approach this possibly game-changing innovation. This hasn’t suppressed the interest from a number of rental business like Avis and Hertz that are starting to discover partnerships to sustain autonomous vehicle growth in a proposal to end up being early adopters of the modern technology. Uber has actually gone to the forefront of the introduction of independent vehicles as well as in September 2016 it launched its first self-driving lorry in Pennsylvania. There are still problems bordering the innovation however and also the company was purchased to remove its semi-autonomous automobiles from Californian roadways complying with web traffic infractions in December of the very same year. One point is specific though, prior to entirely autonomous vehicles can be presented, various technological, governing and moral concerns need to be dealt with by producers as well as politicians. To suit the brand-new on-demand lifestyle of consumers, auto rental companies need to remain to purchase technology to provide customised service and also benefit. Consumers are no more simply searching for great customer care and also excellent rates. They desire a service that is made around them, when as well as where they need it. Only time will tell if the cars and truck rental sector can stay on top of the technical modifications caused by Uber, Lyft as well as various other ridesharing services. One can say that auto rental loads an area that ridesharing solutions can not. Longer period trip, for instance, can be offered by car rental business. This sense of flexibility where one doesn’t need to purchase a flight affects lots of in the choice to rent a vehicle. There is also the safety variable associated with ridesharing and auto rental might additionally be a far better option for the less technology- savvy customer. It is skeptical that the auto rental market will succumb to the brand-new entrants however it will need to adapt to service the needs of an ever requiring consumer. This is just how innovation shapes future automobile leasing. No matter where you will certainly be calling for a rental e.g if you want to rent a vehicle thessaloniki this will certainly be the method to do it in the future. or numerous ladies, obtaining pregnant calls for a complicated calculus of ovulation cycles, hormonal agent levels as well as way of life changes. But increasingly, women– as well as their physicians– are asking artificial intelligence (AI) to do that mathematics for them. AI is a location of computer science in which devices discover to complete complex jobs as well as adjust their efficiency based upon past results. In the fertility world today, AI most typically shows up in customer applications like Flo, which makes use of the innovation to adjust its forecasts about ovulation as well as fertility based on self-reporting on points like menstruations, physical signs and symptoms, sexual activity and also even more. There’s likewise the AI-powered Mira, which asks individuals to not just get in information regarding their health but additionally to take an at-home pee examination that permits the app to track hormone levels in order to provide individualized fertility recommendations. Yet in the future, physicians may further harness the power of AI to assist ladies looking to develop. As well as improving in vitro fertilization (IVF), the most typical sort of man-made reproductive modern technology, might be among the most encouraging applications. Right now, each cycle of IVF can cost around $12,000, not including drugs that can add thousands much more dollars to the total expenditure. And as soon as a woman mores than the age of 35, her opportunities of delivering a single full-term child of regular birth weight with IVF are less than 20% per cycle– meaning both the financial and the psychological costs can be significant. But if medical professionals might improve at identifying the embryos probably to cause healthy babies, they might possibly boost IVF’s success price. In 2014, Dr. Nikica Zaninovic, an embryologist at Weill Cornell Medication in New York City City, co-authored a research in which an AI system was shown tens of thousands of photos of embryos and informed which ones resulted in a real-time birth. After that, checking out images of transferred embryos, it was able to appropriately think their feasibility over 70% of the time. In April, Zaninovic and also his associates published a second study in the journal NPJ Digital Medication. For the research, the researchers trained an AI formula with about 50,000 images of embryos of differing top quality. As soon as trained, the algorithm could determine high- and also low-quality embryos with around 97% precision, the researchers located– a price that exceeded several qualified embryologists. While the formula alone can not anticipate maternity prices, the paper says, having accurate details about embryo quality may enhance a couple’s possibilities of conceiving. Zaninovic doesn’t think AI will certainly replace physicians but claims it will certainly play a considerable role in medication in the future. While AI can process as well as gain from countless information points, he clarifies, “Humans have limitations.” However before AI can be utilized in this manner in fertility facilities, even more research study has to be done. Zaninovic says the following step is to carry out a study in which an embryologist picks embryos to move for one team of ladies as well as AI chooses for one more, as well as scientists contrast the results. Meanwhile, other scientists are servicing comparable applications. Australian start-up Life Whisperer last year partnered with a UNITED STATE IVF supplier to check “AI-driven photo evaluation” innovation it claims can immediately examine embryo stability. One more AI-based system, Ivy, is being checked in Australia. Dr. Jessica Spencer, supervisor of the department of reproductive endocrinology and infertility at the Emory College of Medication, sees a lot more prospective for AI in this field, provided the variety of variables involved in beginning a family members. Eventually, she claims, AI might assist doctors analyze a couple’s inability to conceive risk prior to they even start attempting to have a youngster, or recommend a customized method for a female intending to do IVF. Doctors currently think about elements like age, egg counts and also hormonal agent levels when making these decision, yet they don’t have algorithms to guide them. ” You could input all this information, and then it can tell you based on previous published researches, and also maybe also based upon clients that have come through your facility or a nationwide database, exactly how she might react based on those examinations,” Spencer describes. “That’s what we do in our minds, but it’s possibly refrained from doing in as wise and also exact a method as a computer can do it.” Off course always modern technology helps yet the selection of the best IVF medical professional (εξωσωματικη καλυτερος γιατρος) might always be a human subjective decision. Where is the Alexandrite Laser Utilized? Alexandrite lasers are effective tools and also should just be made use of by an experienced expert, consequently they are often utilized in hair removal beauty salons. There are currently No FDA accepted house laser hair removal gadgets that contain the Alexandrite laser What is the Alexandrite Laser? An Alexandrite Laser is a kind of LASER (light amplification by promoted exhaust of radiation) that produces high energy light through an alexandrite crystal. As the light go through the alexandrite crystal, a beam of light 755 nm long is generated. Note: The length of the beam of light identifies exactly how far right into the skin the laser passes through. The shade of the laser light is red. Alexandrite Lasers can be set on Q-switching mode, which creates the laser to produce a high-energy beam in short pulses. This is what makes it reliable for hair removal. Along with hair removal, Alexandrite Lasers are made use of for: Treating age places Dealing with crawler blood vessels Treating vascular birthmarks Tattoo elimination Woman has laser hair elimination on her face Exactly how is it Different from Other Lasers? What is the difference in between the Alexandrite Laser and other lasers? Besides the shade, the wavelength of the light is the only thing that alters. For example, the Alexandrite Laser discharges a red beam of light that is 755 nm. A diode laser, on the other hand, discharges a 810 nm laser beam of light and a YAG laser releases a beam at 1064 nm. Wavelength Contrast of the Different Lasers Laser Type 488 nm or 514.5 nm. No longer made use of for hair elimination – the gadget bored and also inefficient for hair elimination. Efficient as well as secure on individuals with light, light skin. Safe as well as efficient on all skin types (from 1-7 on the Fitzpatrick scale). Pulsed Diode Selection. Effective on pale to tool skin (I as much as IV on the Fitzpatrick scale). Nd: YAG Laser. Specifically made for darker skin kinds, though reliable on all skin kinds. Extreme Pulsed Light. 500 to 1200nm. For pale to tool type skin (this is not a laser however is still made use of for hair elimination). Benefits of the Alexandrite Laser. It is taken into consideration the most reliable laser for use with all hair and also skin kinds, as the laser does not impact darker skin types as long as other lasers. Just like all other lasers, it is best with white and extremely light skin, and also has verified most reliable with the fine, slim hairs that most of the other sorts of laser can not get rid of. The wavelength of light sent out from the Alexandrite Laser is easily taken in by the melanin (pigment cells) in your hair, which creates those cells to be heated up as well as ultimately damaged. Keep in mind: For extremely dark skin types, the most effective alternative is the Nd: YAG laser, as the light beam’s additional length will certainly pass through the hair follicles without impacting the skin pigment as a lot. Alexandrite Laser Effectiveness. With the Alexandrite Laser, there is a hair clearance price of approximately 70% after the suggested variety of therapies– normally in between 6 and also 8 for thinner hair, or 8 to 12 for thicker, darker hair. See scientific studies to find out more on hair decrease efficiency. It is also taken into consideration the fastest of the lasers, eliminating huge swaths of hair in less sessions. For patients curious about dealing with bigger body locations (such as the belly, upper body, back, shoulders, or legs), it’s commonly advised to make use of the Alexandrite Laser. Alexandrite Lasers are one of the only lasers advised for dealing with hypertrichosis, additionally known as “Ambras syndrome”. Alexandrite vs. Diode Lasers. Among the most preferred types of lasers for laser hair removal is the pulsed diode laser, which has a beam of light just a little longer than the Alexandrite Laser. In a 2001 research study , both lasers were contrasted to see which generated the best long-lasting outcomes. Alexandrite Lasers created hair growth to be decreased by 85%, while diode lasers only generated an 84% reduction. 4 treatment sessions with both lasers created a 90% decrease in hair development for as much as 12 months. In 2006, a research study was done into the performance of both lasers, as well as it was located that both lasers got the job done with equal performance. However, diode lasers were more probable to trigger adverse effects, with a 28.9% opportunity of problems compared to the 9.5% possibility with Alexandrite Lasers. Adverse effects. Lady has laser hair elimination on face. Are there negative effects of using the Alexandrite Laser? Unfortunately, similar to all lasers, there are some side effects. For those with very dark skin, there is a risk of hypopigmentation (skin lightening in spots that are treated by the laser). The Alexandrite Laser is NOT one of the most efficient for dark-skinned individuals, as pointed out above. Also among those with lighter skin, there is a threat of the pigment being destroyed from the skin. On the flip side, there is even a danger that the skin will certainly OVER-produce melanin as a result of the light, which might cause dark spots on your skin. Discomfort is common throughout the treatment, though it’s typically relatively minimal. A cooling gel is typically used once the location is treated, helping to lower discomfort and also stop swelling. There is frequently a little bit of swelling as well as itching following the treatment, but that must go away after a couple of days. The skin may turn red, but it will only burn if the laser is inaccurately utilized. There is an extremely small chance (10%) that there will be wounding, but the swellings will certainly fade by themselves. Is the Alexandrite Laser FDA Accepted? If you’re thinking about laser hair removal with an Alexandrite Laser, you need to see to it that the laser being made use of has been authorized by the FDA. Alexandrite laser hair elimination was authorized “clear to market” in 1997. There are three brand names of FDA-approved “irreversible hair decrease” Alexandrite lasers prominent on the market today:. EpiTouch Plus. GentleLASE. Apogee. If your skin doctor advises an additional brand name of Alexandrite Laser, it deserves doing your study to make certain that it is an FDA-approved tool. Suppliers REQUIREMENTS receive FDA clearance prior to marketing their devices, and also you can discover which brands have obtained approval by checking out the FDA’s 510( k) database. Follow this web link to figure out a lot more. Alexandrite Laser Clinical Information. Having actually been removed by the FDA for marketing in 1997, the Alexandrite laser has actually had a number of researches done to determine its efficacy. Studies globally wrap up that the Alexandrite laser as an effective method of hair elimination. Right here are 3 primary research studies as recommendation:-. Dark Skin Adverse Effects Research Study. 98%. Negative Effects Free. 150 clients (18 males and also 132 females) with skin kind from IV to VI were treated with the Alexandrite laser – negative effects happened in just 2% of situations. Connect to examine. This outcome is consistent with another study of adverse effects in lighter skin kinds, recommending that you disappear statistically most likely to have side effects from the Alexandrite laser if you have darker skin colour than if you have pale skin. Pulsed Alexandrite Laser Hair Elimination Efficiency Research. 126 patients went through a 15 month duration of treatment with pulsed Alexandrite modern technology. Time between sessions during the therapy varied from 4 weeks to 3 1/2 months. The outcomes of the research revealed an average decrease in hair amount of higher than 88% 3 months after the last treatment. Connect to study. 88%. Decrease in Hair Count. Comparison of Alexandrite and also Electrolysis for Hair Removal. 74%. Reduction in Hair Matter. After 3 sessions of Alexandrite laser hair removal at 4 week intervals, individuals revealed a reduction of hair at 6 months after therapy of 74%. Connect to research. Electrolysis showed a reduction in hair count of just 35%. It must be pointed out that the technique of electrolysis was galvanic instead of thermolysis. Galvanic is an older out-of-date version of Electrolysis and not comparable with the speed and performance of modern day electrolysis methods. Search Engine Optimization is a dynamic sector. What functioned some weeks ago may not function once more today. As a Search Engine Optimization expert, you require to understand the current patterns and arising technologies, to keep up with the ever-changing demand of the sector. That way, you can stay on top of your video game as well as become a lot more reliable in your service. In this article, I’ll show you 7 emerging modern technologies in the SEO market as well as exactly how they impact your work as a SEO specialist. Lastly, I’ll reveal you exactly how to use them in your company for optimum outcomes. If you wish to scale your SEO procedures in 2021 and also past, you ought to watch out for these innovations, and also start executing them in your service right away. 1. Natural Language Processing (NLP). In December 2019, Google officially presented the Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) algorithm update worldwide. This upgrade brought NLP to the fore, and it’s been an innovation to watch out for in the Search Engine Optimization industry because. With NLP, Google can understand what a word in a sentence implies by considering its context. This means that Google no more relies upon the particular words or phrases that customers are looking for to give them with the right answers. Rather, they’re taking a look at the intent behind each search. Here’s an instance of exactly how BERT (an offshoot of NLP), affects a search inquiry according to Google. Before NLP, if somebody searches for the query “2019 brazil tourist to United States require a visa”, Google assumes that this is an informative question to confirm if a U.S resident can take a trip to Brazil without a visa. Thus, it reveals a Washington Post write-up that addresses the inquiry on top of the SERPs. As you can see, the context behind this search is a person wanting to travel to the U.S.A. from Brazil who needs a visa. While it was hard for Google to figure out what these sort of questions suggested in the past, with BERT, the formula recognizes the context behind each search and supplies the user with the best details. How to utilize NLP in your SEO procedures. With NLP, informational material is a lot more vital than ever. Nevertheless, maximizing for BERT isn’t something you can do as a SEO. Rather, you should concentrate on producing premium material that answers search inquiries properly. When you do, you’ll absolutely place well. This Moz write-up reveals you exactly how to compose impressive pieces of content for online search engine and individuals. 2. Natural Language Generation (NLG) for short-form web content. With NLG, Search engine optimizations can now generate significant expressions as well as sentences much like a natural language, yet using modern technology. Rather than battling with writers’ block as well as spending hrs thinking about what to create, NLG removes that problem via automation. And if you’re a material developer, this aids you focus simply on brightening the material and making it review much better. While there are a lot of use instances for NLG, right now, it’s better made use of to compose short-form content such as headings, product summaries, meeting memos, and so forth. How to utilize NLG as a SEO. There are a great deal of use cases for NLG technologies. With a device such as Copy.ai, you can create landing web page hero text, Facebook key text, blog introductions, e-mail subject lines, listicles, meta descriptions, and more. Right here’s an instance of some listicles I created for the topic “high quality blog site web content” utilizing this tool:. As you can see, if I wished to create a post on this topic, I can utilize a few of these tips as a summary for my post. With these, I can focus instead on looking into the private sub-topics. Here’s another instance of some site taglines that I produced for Moz by entering the brand and a short summary of “The Ultimate Search Engine Optimization tool you can rely on” into the device:. If you were beginning a new brand name as a SEO, you can utilize NLG devices such as this, to find outstanding taglines to use for your brand. 3. TF * IDF. TF * IDF represents “Term Regularity times Inverse File Regularity”. This determines just how you make use of a term on a certain page and also just how it compares to a collection of web pages for that specific search phrase. While TF * IDF might feel like a measurement of key phrase thickness, it’s in fact determining exactly how vital a keyword phrase is by comparing it to that keyword’s frequency in a big set of files. Although it’s not yet clear if Google uses TF * IDF in its algorithm, it’s a good practice to include it into your on-page Search Engine Optimization approach. Before using TF * IDF, you require to create a piece of content targeting a specific key phrase. As soon as that’s done, connect the content right into a TF * IDF device. Some advised choices are Text Devices, SEO PowerSuite, Ryte, as well as Web Surfer Search Engine Optimization. Exactly how to utilize TF * IDF in your SEO procedures. With modern technology as well as some details concerning your keyword phrase, TF * IDF tools typically recommend some phrases you can add or eliminate from your pages. As a SEO, you can enhance your web page based on these suggestions to meet the called for TF * IDF score for that search phrase. That way, you can find out some expressions which are very closely pertaining to the keyword you’re writing about, yet not present in your content. When you include these phrases and also words to your content, it makes your short article topically relevant and also aids your page rank much better in the SERPs. 4. GPT-3 for automated web content creation. In September 2020, The Guardian released a story on its website that was created by a robotic. Ever since, Generative Pre-trained Transformer Number 3 (GPT-3) has actually been a hot topic in the SEO market. The GPT-3 API operates in a fascinating method since it’s been trained with a big pool of datasets to resemble how people write. This includes the Usual Crawl dataset, Wikipedia, relevant historical publications, and so forth. When you give the GPT-3 API with a writing timely, it tries to anticipate exactly what would certainly follow that, based upon the info it’s read on the Internet. The screenshot below is an instance of GPT-3-generated material that went viral on Cyberpunk news some months back. A lot of users discussed it, much like they would on a routine blog post, without understanding that it was written by a robot. How to Utilize GPT-3 for automatic content creation. Email writing: As a SEO, you most likely recognize that composing wonderful emails is a skill that’ll help your business grow, yet locate it hard to do so. With GPT-3, you can write emails easily. All you require to do is provide some bullet factors detailing all you wish to cover in the email, and also it’ll instantly write it for you. Initial draft writing: Producing the first draft is the most challenging element of composing. With GPT-3, you can develop the first draft of your web content, and then edit it afterwards to satisfy your brand name voice. This conserves you a great deal of time and also makes you a lot more efficient. 5. Search Engine Optimization A/B testing. Most SEOs concentrate a lot more on individual A/B screening and also much less on SEO A/B screening. While individual screening involves arbitrarily assigning visitors (users) of your website to various variations of your web pages, as well as eventually deciding on the one to utilize based on the efficiency. In SEO A/B screening, the customers are Googlebots and not end-users, and also they’re typically revealed the very same version of the web page. What this means is that when you carry out SEO/AB testing, you’re just revealing customers or Google only one version of the web page, and not numerous web pages. Just how to apply SEO/AB screening. There are various means to implement Search Engine Optimization A/B testing, depending upon what you want to attain for your organization. If you’re just beginning, some points you can test consist of:. Title tags. Meta description. H1. Take for instance, Etsy performed a title tag Search Engine Optimization A/B screening for a few of its web pages, as well as within a few days, they began seeing substantial web traffic modifications to their web pages. If you’re an intermediate/advanced SEO, you can check various other points such as:. AMP web pages. Inner anchor texts. Schema markup. New web content. And more. For instance, SearchPilot ran an inner link SEO A/B screening for a grocery store, and also saw a 25% increase in natural web traffic. Carrying out Search Engine Optimization A/B tests such as these will certainly help you know specifically what works well for your brand as well as what doesn’t. That way, you can make even more enlightened choices when optimizing your web pages for SEO. For instance, if your website traffic lowered to a certain web page after making changes to it throughout the SEO A/B test, it reveals that the examination didn’t exercise. Typically, you must anticipate to start seeing arise from your SEO A/B testing as soon as Google creeps your alternative web page. If Google crawls your examination web page within claim 7-14 days, after that you can compare it with the main web page. Some Search Engine Optimization A/B screening devices you can use for this function consist of: Google Tag Supervisor, Rankscience, Optimizely, and so on 6. Automated on-page content optimization. When developing a long-form piece of material, you normally:. Check the top-level web pages on the SERPs. Undergo each item of content position on the SERPs. Figure out the specific headings and subheadings the pages are covering. Identify the missing out on factors in the web pages. Produce a far better outline of our own piece. And so on. This usually takes a great deal of time. You have to spend hrs by hand inspecting one piece of web content after an additional as well as taking note of the most vital indicate consist of in your own piece. Exactly how to use automatic on-page material optimization. As opposed to investing hours to create material briefs as well as looking into the info you intend to include in your content, you can make use of SEO tools such as Frase AI as well as Material Consistency. With Frase AI, you can shorten the moment you utilize for material study. Claim you want to cover “how to reduce weight quickly”, you can input the primary keyword phrase into the device. When done, it’ll instantly inspect the top-level web pages in the SERPs, and offer you with some beneficial info you can use when creating your web content. These include the top results for the key phrase, stats and also information you can include your web content, questions your target market are asking on Quora, Reddit, and also Google’s People Likewise Ask. With a device such as Web content Consistency, you can immediately produce material briefs that fulfill search intent in much less time. All you require to get going is your key words. Once you input it into the software application, it automatically examines the SERPs utilizing different data points. After that, you can build your web content briefs from there. 7. Non-text web content elements. Non-text material variables are ending up being a lot more noticeable in SEO since they help you produce a better individual experience on your site web pages. If you read an item of web content with blocks of texts around it, you’ll probably discover it unattractive to consider. As well as with the upcoming enforcement of Core Internet Vitals by Google in March 2021, non-text material variables will have a huge effect on Search Engine Optimization. Some of these non-text content aspects include:. Photos. Infographics. Charts. Graphes. Video clips. Audio clips. Animations. Slideshows. Downloadable files such as PDFs. Exactly how to utilize non-text web content aspects for Search Engine Optimization. Canva: With this tool, you develop high-quality non-stock photos for your pages. Venngage: If you intend to create infographics that captures your visitors’ attention, then you need to utilize Venngage. Invideo: Invideo aids you create and edit video clips online in a few minutes with various ready-made themes. Animaker: If you don’t have a style history and want to develop animated videos, after that this device will aid you substantially. With these tools, you can make your pages and blog posts extra enticing. For this reason, your visitors will spend even more time on your internet site, as well as your bounce rate will at some point decrease substantially. Final thought. As we look forward right into the future of the Search Engine Optimization sector, brand-new technology growths will certainly play a substantial function. While some of them are already in use, others are still in growth. All these emerging innovations will certainly lead the cutting side seo solutions in the future. In any kind of country like greece for example and in any kind of language this is the way that seo greece will certainly go. One of one of the most effective non-surgical body contouring methods is CoolSculpting, a 100% non-invasive therapy that eliminates stubborn body fat. The therapy literally freezes the fat away without the discomfort or downtime required by surgery. CoolSculpting results can be significant, with up to 20% -25% decrease in fat after a single therapy. An usual inquiry asked by people is “For how long do CoolSculpting outcomes last?” Response: CoolSculpting results can last for life if they are correctly maintained by the individual. A CoolSculpting patient will discover their full results roughly 3 months after treatment. Depending on the dimension of the treatment location, clients might need several therapies to reach their goal. These added therapies can take place as early as four weeks out. As soon as fat cells are ruined, they are gone for life. Nevertheless, it is still feasible to obtain fat back in the location if one gains weight. For that reason, it is essential to maintain a healthy and balanced and also energetic way of life. CoolSculpting Permanently Eliminates Fat Cells CoolSculpting removes fat with a process called cryolipolysis. Fat cells in the treatment area are subjected to extreme cold, causing their interior framework to crystalize. The fat cells come to be terminally injured as well as progressively recede. The currently dead and broken-down fat cells are metabolized by the body and normally removed. The CoolSculpting process just influences fat cells, all various other skin as well as bordering tissue is untouched by the therapy. Fat cells eliminated by CoolSculpting are permanently eliminated as the adult body is incapable to produce brand-new fat cells. Gotten rid of fat cells can not grow back and the body will not replace them with new fat cells. In our early 20’s, the number of fat cells within our body come to be taken care of. The appearance of weight gain in grownups is not triggered by the existence of new fat cells, however rather the growth of existing cells. Irreversible Results Calls For Maintenance CoolSculpting does not get rid of all fat cells from the treatment location. Fat cells that continue to be in the therapy area have the possible to increase with weight gain. The enhancement of remaining fat cells could turn around or negate the outcomes of the therapy. Therefore, in order to preserve the outcomes of CoolSculpting over the long-run, clients should maintain their post therapy body weight. For instance, if a person considered 140 extra pounds prior to their treatment and their weight visited 5 pounds after CoolSculpting, the outcomes of the procedure will remain to be apparent if the person maintains a weight at or listed below 135 pounds. Clients should concentrate on preserving their post-treatment weight by eating healthy and balanced, consuming alcohol lots of water, and also regularly exercise. This protects against staying fat cells in the treatment location from increasing the size of. Conclusion CoolSculpting represents a huge enhancement in non-surgical fat elimination therapies. The procedure completely removes fat cells, causing long-term results as detailed by this research published by the Journal of Aesthetic Dermatology. Nonetheless, in order to keep outcomes people must stop the augmentation of any type of remaining fat cells by preserving their post-procedure weight. So we hope that this have actually aided you decide on whether the coolsculpting results (κρυολιπολυση αποτελεσματα) are permanent. One of the main influences technology has actually had on society and culture generally is breaking down boundaries, making it both simpler as well as harder to discover things that were formerly obscure. And also I believe that’s as real with literature as it is with anything else. In a lot of means the Net feels like one substantial supper celebration conversation, with little pockets of discussion that someone can drop into or leave of at will. A lot has actually been covered how much easier it is to discover details now, through than the Internet, than it ever before was before. That a person unusual point you’re very right into? No person in your house community had actually ever before become aware of it, however with the Web, you can locate a whole neighborhood that’s into it. This is what occurs when you have a flooding of information. However a flooding isn’t always an advantage, right? And I believe that’s one way that literary works has been impacted– there are numerous publications as well as tales and poems offered, and also it can be overwhelming sorting through them. We end up with a tyranny of choice, as it has actually been called, where having way too many choices just immobilizes us. I believe this is just one of the reasons we wind up with ‘Finest Of’ publication checklists that consist of the very same familiar names. As readers, all of those selections tend to obscure together. It’s difficult to understand what is good and also what deserves reading, therefore we stick with old faves. On the other hand, social media sites has made it easier for individuals to discuss books and literary works. Book Twitter, publication blog sites, Booktube– all of these are previously unthinkable approaches of sharing books we enjoy (and also hate; this is the Internet, after all) This connect the suggestion of the Web breaking down limits– on a single website like Twitter, I can obtain publication suggestions from individuals around the world, instead of simply from a small circle of pals I know in Houston. I’m introduced to books I wouldn’t or else have come across, as well as since it comes with a suggestion from somebody I at least type of understand, it does not get swept up in the frustrating thrill of material out there. Obviously, like a flood, eroded limits aren’t always for the very best. In addition to getting and providing suggestions, social media has enabled authors as well as visitors to link even more conveniently than they ever before might in the past. While this sounds great in theory– and also in fact is great in practice– it likewise obscures the difference between visitor and also writer. An usual refrain in literary criticism is that the author is dead– other than the author isn’t dead, they’re vanity browsing their name in Twitter to see what people are claiming concerning them. Or a movie critic has identified the author in a particularly infective review to get a rise out of them. And now that very-much-alive writer really feels the need to clarify what they really indicated, or to protect themselves, or whatever. While it has constantly been true that authors can not manage exactly how viewers react to their job, the Web has actually made the reader-writer connection feel even more like a to and fro conversation, when formerly I believe it had been a lot more one-way. This is the manner in which technology is transforming literature (λογοτεχνια ). Nursing homes of the future will call for two significant styles to be successful: caring and also modern technology. In an age of continued lockdowns and limitations, there is lastly a light at the end of the passage as our frontline healthcare employees and retirement home people get their COVID vaccines. However in the meantime, isolation remains to kill. You might believe that caring is obvious, a standard human need. Caring and also isolation call for a delicate equilibrium to see to it all senior citizens get adequate time with others. If not, they are at an extreme risk of self-destruction, clinical depression and a boosted health issues. As a matter of fact, isolation has actually been gauged to boost mortality a shocking 400%. What can we do? As I have actually previously reported on advancements in innovation, there are a lot more tech locations of possibility involving the assisted living home sector than in the past. Some advancements of note: Ava Voice Aide, a voice-enabled clever speaker that enables simple communication in between locals, relative as well as caregivers– all while socially distancing. Internal dialysis with technologies such as Dialyze Direct has actually been able to considerably decrease assisted living home homeowner infections as well as hospital stays. Virtual reality is having a moment in the retirement home market. Picture stressful brain injury with virtual reality systems. What may seem like sci-fi is rapidly becoming a reality as well as offering an entire new lease on life for some seniors. I just recently went over technology powered with rich media as well as electronic marketing with my associate, Karina Tama, owner of Elder Treatment Clicks. She calls several of the brand-new devices “easy means to help senior citizens really feel loved and also taken care of, and that’s just the medication they require to maintain them psychologically strong as well as healthy.” And as the old adage goes, a photo is worth a thousand words. Visual communications that help additionally explain new modern technologies to the unaware (as well as the professionals) are ending up being more and more vital. If you wish to discover more about how caring and modern technology intersect, check out this visual resource from the Wayne Center, a New York nursing and also recovery facility that puts a premium on modern technology. It makes a debate for a brand-new criterion for technology that boosts treatment in assisted living facility. Technologies made use of assisted living home care today focus mainly on remote health and wellness surveillance systems which boost the care high quality and also boost effectiveness of treatment offered to the elderly. Health care is not lasting in its present type because of the demographic adjustments as well as technological developments. Global Trends that Impact Health Care Nursing home technology. Assisted living home use innovation to help in the distribution, assistance, as well as administration of patient treatment; help in management as well as economic matters, and aid in person self-management. The following core functions for clinical details systems consist of: Storage and also retrieval of health information Outcomes management Electronic order access Decision assistance Interaction as well as connectivity Education and learning Management processes Storage space and also retrieval of Health Data The medical record in a nursing home center consists of: Resident recognition Admission/readmission paperwork Health and wellness Evaluation Treatment strategy Treatment distribution Advancement instructions and approvals Background and physical examinations Physicians orders Doctor and also expert consult development notes Various other related medical facility records Nursing documentation/progress notes Drug and also therapy documents Records from lab, x-rays, as well as other analysis examinations Rehabilitation as well as restorative treatment documents Social service paperwork Activity paperwork Nutrition solutions Management files An outcomes management technology measures the relationship between administration technique and also the resident outcomes. Communication openness Decision making Relationship-oriented leadership Education and also Staff Training Team effort Homeowner end results Aggressive habits Restraint usage Immobility of complications Performance of Pain management Performance of Falls Programs Performance of Safety Improvements Efficiency of Treatment strategy Electronic Order access Electronic Order Entry enables nursing home staff to: Get in medical orders straight through computer system Change conventional paper, spoken, telephone, as well as fax techniques. Location electronic orders for medications Order for research laboratory examinations Order admissions documentation Order radiology exams Order referrals Get treatments Poor quality of care is a considerable concern in nursing homes because it’s related to pain, suffering, enhanced expenses, Decrease errors Minimize errors as well as poor nursing home ratings. Health and wellness Information technology might lead assisted living home to more efficient, safer, and much better high quality of look after homeowners. When quality of care rises, a retirement home sees improvements in: Care Lowered drug mistakes Enhanced surveillance Better tracking Improved adherence to evidence-based guidelines Communications and Connection Resident interactions as well as electronic education and learning like email, message messaging, and also social networks, get on the increase in retirement home today. When locals use innovation remedies to handle their wellness, they see cause: Customize their habits related to persistent problems Rise nutrition as well as consume healthy foods Rise workout and also physical fitness Decline alcohol as well as cigarette Increase family links Enhance social connectivity Boost medication adherence. Education and learning Modern technology Technology innovation makes nursing care in assisted living facility a lot more efficient. Yet as technology advancements, the more skill medical professionals require to run them. The most recent in education modern technology: Execute electrocardiogram monitoring Assist display for skin cancer cells Display their citizens’ vital signs. Apps as well as mobile innovation keeps track of homeowners Other Education And Learning Modern Technology Uses Telemedicine – Assisted living facility embrace platforms to enable doctors to interact with the nursing team and also take care of patient care, remotely. They likewise use teleconferences, mobile phones, and remote accessibility systems. Downloadable Medicine References – It changes the three-inch reference books to give info they require on hand. Free, downloadable medication recommendations, and complete PDA variations, permit the signed up nurses to carry professional details in their pockets on their smartphones as well as tablets. Track, Manage, as well as Remind – Apps for mobile phones as well as tablet computers help citizens and individuals track their health and wellness, manage chronic illness, advise them to take medicines, and also get even more out of their doctor appointments. Administrative procedures People staying in nursing homes have more complex health care demands and also they go to higher risk for receiving poorer high quality of care. Assisted living home recognize that a solid infotech framework needed to resolve the complicated health care demands of assisted living facility locals. Advanced innovations in retirement home today: Assistance medical decision-making Promote data standards Help in medical diagnosis as well as supports Persistent care administration Improve medicine adherence Supply focus on locals with chronic diseases Monitors resident health Assisted Living Facility Use Innovation for Local Security People relocate to a nursing home to aid with one blazing concern, to keep them risk-free. Nursing homes are a safe place for older residents due to the fact that they have a team of totally capable specialists trained to recognize a homeowner in danger for drops, medication problems, and chronic episodes. New innovation when used in assisted living facility offer: Electronic medical records for very easy accessibility to inspect wellness and drugs for allergies. Pre-packaged medications assisting registered nurses give appropriate dosage, staying clear of human mistake. Medical alert systems that calls out to team when a resident drops. Safety cams to quit resident straying as well as maintain watchful eye for older abuse by personnel. Remote resident surveillance for safety problems.- gives treatment carriers the power to proactively handle and also prepare for citizens’ treatment demands. Nurse call systems for emergency situations – sends out alerts of informs with details concerning the resident’s area. Emergency phone call necklace – resident presses a switch to alert personnel when she requires help, bu additionally an Activity of Daily Living (ADL) sensor that determines when residents might require help, even if they have not pressed a necklace. Software program as well as sensors making it possible for specialists and registered nurses to gather and also analyze important wellness fads of those in need. Telemedicine and Telehealth senior citizens that properly measure essential signs, conveniently track as well as share details, coordinate care, as well as improve health and wellness. So this is the manner in which the most up to date innovation is as well as can be utilized in retirement home γηροκομειο. Getting rid of huge gallstones used to require surgical treatment. Not any longer. With the SpyGlass Direct Visualization System, gallstone elimination takes less than a hr and calls for no cuts. SpyGlass is a small adaptable tube with a light as well as a camera at the end. The brand-new innovation is able to enter small locations such as bile air ducts that bigger ranges can’t. In the treatment, Ed Schafer, M.D., as well as Give Hutchins, M.D., gastroenterologists at UNMC and its medical facility partner, The Nebraska Medical Center, insert the endoscope down the person’s throat. When correctly located in the bile duct, the doctors make use of a method called lithotripsy– stepping on a pedal to send out acoustic waves via a little cord, eliminating the gallstone that was lodged in a bile duct. The pieces of the gallstone can after that be removed endoscopically. ” Prior to SpyGlass, oftentimes surgical procedure would be the only choice,” Dr. Schafer stated. “Currently with the help of SpyGlass, the rocks can be broken up within the air duct and eliminated preventing the necessity of surgery.” The Nebraska Medical Center is the only health center in Omaha with the brand-new technology. ” This is certainly sophisticated innovation,” Dr. Schafer said. “The technology is modifying the method we identify and also deal with individuals with liver, gallbladder as well as bile air duct conditions.” ” SpyGlass will offer lots of advantages to clients,” Dr. Hutchins included. “It will certainly provide a much better and quicker medical diagnosis as well as additionally minimized the getting of unnecessary and challenging testing.” Tool Enhances Visualization One more advantage of the new device is the enhanced visualization of the bile ducts. The little SpyGlass cam– not much bigger than the thickness of a human hair– provides doctors a view inside the bile air ducts that they have never really had previously. A fiber optic probe connects to a camera head as well as is put through a catheter that can be guided in four instructions. This is developed to allow physicians to gain access to and also examine all 4 quadrants of a whole therapy area. Therefore, doctors have the ability to achieve an extra accurate diagnosis for people. ” SpyGlass will offer many advantages to clients. It will give a far better and quicker medical diagnosis and additionally minimized the purchasing of unneeded and challenging testing.” Grant Hutchins, M.D. ” The old modern technology gave us flat, two-dimensional, black and white photos,” Dr. Hutchins said. “That usually did not offer adequate info to get a full medical diagnosis. SpyGlass provides us a real-time shade photo. It’s night and day distinction.” SpyGlass also is aiding physicians in the medical diagnosis of tumors in the pancreatic as well as or bile ducts. ” The straight visualization allows us to discern the nature of indeterminate strictures,” Dr. Schafer stated. “Then, we can directly biopsy them to determine if they are benign or deadly.” ” For cancer cells individuals, we can biopsy with more certainty as well as make a more exact prepare for treatment,” Dr. Hutchins claimed. “Other biopsy techniques produced the need for extra testing or repeat treatments.” In the limited quarters of the bile duct, the cam boosts visualization noticeably. If there is an issue about cancer cells, an excellent sight is essential. “If you’re off by three or 4 millimeters, which doesn’t sound like a lot, that’s the distinction in between a biopsy of cancer and typical cells,” Dr. Schafer said. “The camera determines the growth and also the tiny forceps weave up along with to snip a little example of the cells. LED represent “light producing diode,” but that is just the start of recognizing this sophisticated innovation as well as its duty in lights layout for our houses. At a look, here’s what you ought to understand: Performance: Compared to standard incandescent lamps, LED illumination lasts longer, is more resilient, and mores than 5 times more effective. LED bulbs normally utilize just 2 to 10 watts of power. Illumination: LED lighting is determined in lumens, not watts. Cost: LED lighting components have a greater in advance price, however will have a better life-span over time. Layout: The small dimension of LEDs make them an ultra-flexible design element, which has actually permitted designers and also manufactures to create forms, silhouettes as well as modern technologies that merely weren’t possible prior to. Trendy, not warm: LEDs transform power to light as well as do not cause warmth accumulation. Mercury cost-free: No mercury is used in the production of LEDs. Slow failing: LEDs slowly dim with time at the end of their life-span, rather than burning out abruptly. Dimming: In earlier years, LEDs did not “dim” in the method incandescent lights did, yet they have actually come a long way. A growing number of fixtures now offer a “warm dim,” which not only decreases the light result, but also the shade temperature level. LED FLUORESCENT HALOGEN INCANDESCENT EFFECTIVENESS Uses up to 80% much less power than an incandescent Consumes to 75% much less power than an incandescent Uses up to 30% much less power than an incandescent 90% of power is squandered as warmth AVERAGE LIFETIME (HRS) 50,000 10,000 1,000 1,000 YEARLY OPERATING COSTS Reduced Medium-Low Medium High LIGHT RESULT (WATTS/800 LUMENS) 6-8W 13-15W 45W 60W SHADE TEMPERATURE LEVEL Varies by product; choose premium LEDs for consistency Varies from cozy (3,000 K) to cool (6,000 K) Ranges from cozy (2,700 K) to cool (5,500 K) Warm (2,700 K). SHADE MAKING INDEX (CRI) 80-90+ The majority of are 60-70+ 100 100. DIRECTIONALITY Directional Multidirectional Multidirectional. DIMMABLE A Lot Of Couple Of Yes Yes. Buying LED Lighting: The Long Story. If you wish to actually dig in to the ins and outs of LEDs, there is definitely a lot more we can cover, from picking the best brightness to retrofitting your present light fixtures and also even more. Efficiency of LED Illumination. It’s not simply a buzzword– performance is nitty-gritty with LEDs. LEDs are more than 5 times as great as its incandescent counterparts. They utilize only about 20 percent as much electrical energy to item the very same quantity of light. A quality LED light can last anywhere from 20,000 to 50,000 hrs. If you operate the lamp for 6 hrs daily, 365 days a year, your LED lamp can last 20 years. Brightness of LEDs. Illumination is determined in lumens, while the energy a bulb eats is determined in watts. To produce comparable amounts of light, LED and also fluorescents bulbs take in much less watts than incandescent or halogen light bulbs. A conventional 60W incandescent produces 800 lumens, whereas LEDs consume 13-15 watts to generate 800 lumens. Energy Star standards advise the following:. If you made use of to buy: Now look for:. 100 watt incandescent LED watt variety of 23-30 (1600 lumen output). 75 watt incandescent LED watt series of 18-25 (1100 lumen output). 60 watt incandescent LED watt series of 13-15 (800 lumen result). 40 watt incandescent LED watt range of 9-13 (450 lumen output). LEDs Versus Fluorescent Lighting. Both LED and also fluorescent lighting are extra reliable than incandescent: LEDs consume as much as 90% much less power and also fluorescents take in as much as 75% much less. Fluorescents are made of glass tubes as well as can shatter if gone down, whereas LEDs are extra sturdy. Additionally, fluorescents consist of trace amounts of mercury and numerous states have special reusing rules. Drawbacks of LEDs. LEDs have a higher first price about standard lights. However, people typically make back the price in a number of years because of LEDs’ energy efficiency and lengthy life. Additionally, earlier LEDs gave off directional light making them preferable for job lighting than ambient radiance. Nowadays, omni-directional LED luminaires have become much more typical, directing light at reflective surface areas or through top quality lenses to give off an also and also diffused glow. And also although the very first LEDs were connected with bad color accuracy and also clarity, measured by the color making index (CRI), they have actually enhanced in recent years. Why LEDs Price Much More. The parts of LEDs are pricey: motherboard, drivers, as well as some usage yellow phosphor, a rare earth substance. However, with developments in innovation as well as growing appeal the costs have been gradually dropping. Keep in mind that the high quality of LEDs varies substantially, which will certainly influence the cost. Search for ones that give the best color and also light outcome over time from a reputable producer. In the Wind LED Suspension from NEMO. In the Wind LED Suspension Light from NEMO. The compact dimension of LED components have actually allowed excellent strides in modern-day lights style, such as the near-flat form of the color right here. Finest Makes Use Of for LEDs. Nowadays, the response is really: anywhere. From eating space light fixtures to landscapes, LED lighting supplies attractive lighting in nearly any type of area. Yet one excellent advantage of LEDs is their outstanding directionality, so they are a specifically fantastic alternative for:. Job as well as reading lights. Cove lights. Under cabinet lighting. Stair and also pathway illumination. Recessed illumination. Hard-to-reach locations (due to LEDs’ long life and reduced upkeep). Art lighting (unlike incandescent and fluorescents, LEDs do not produce UV radiation, making them safe for art work). Lifespan of LEDs. An LED does not wear out like a standard lamp, so individual diodes do not need to be replaced. Rather, the diodes progressively create reduced result levels over a long time period. An LED is usually considered “dead” at 70% of preliminary light outcome. Heracleum II Small Pendant Light By Bertjan Pot from Moooi. Heracleum II Small Pendant Light by Bertjan Pot from Moooi. Moooi was among the initial modern-day lights brand names to utilize LEDs to create attractive lighting fixtures that were just feasible with the technology LEDs brought to the table. How Cozy Lights and also Cool Lights collaborate with LEDs. When one asks, “Is this a warm white or great white?” it remains in recommendation to the LED color temperature in regard to the Kelvin Color Temperature Level Scale. An LED with a Temperature level of 2700K produces a very warm virtually gold white light while 7000K is a really awesome white that can in some applications show up to have a light blue radiance. 3000K is a soft cozy white, 3500K or 4000K is in the range of brilliant warm white, and past that it comes to be intense amazing white. Which begs the question– just how intense is 2700K versus 3500K? Or 4000K? While personal preferences will certainly differ, less than 2700K is best made use of for locations where an intense light is not needed– as an example, an accent light in the living-room whose objective is to provide a warming glow. 2700K to 3500K will certainly produce a reasonably heating radiance and can be made use of to light most spaces of the house where atmosphere is necessary such as the dining room or living area. Lights begins to tackle an all-natural white around 4000K that is fantastic for task lights, numerous kitchens have a tendency to vary between 3500K-5000K relying on the homeowner’s affinity for cozy versus cool lighting. Illumination over 5000K is rarely made use of in the residence, yet is really typical in business lighting. What is the CRI? The CRI is a quantitative step of just how properly the LED light bulb makes colors in contrast to a natural Light. Bearing in mind that an incandescent light bulb has a CRI of 100, an LED with a CRI of 80 is good. A CRI of 80 to 90 percent is the most usual LED CRI scores you will certainly discover on the market today. However, CRI isn’t constantly an exact indicator as some LEDs with reduced CRI’s in the 20-30 percentiles can produce more clear and exact white light than one rating at 90%. This is why the CRI rating is not as essential to know as the watts as well as shade temperature level. Dimmability of LEDs. Some can be lowered, but you’ll require to consult supplier specifications for compatibility with your present system due to the fact that some may not have the ability to handle the lower wattage on which LEDs operate. Retrofitting Your Lighting. The capability to acquire an LED light bulb (λαμπες led) and also screw it into an existing incandescent (φωτιστικα )or compact fluorescent fixture (like you can with a CFL) is referred to as retrofitting. Retrofitting is a lot more prominent nowadays and many alternatives are offered. However, you may discover an LED module that can healthy right into an existing incandescent however the component won’t always maximize the LED’s performance. What’s your everyday regimen? The design will depend on it. Just how much can you invest? Much better to budget now than be disappointed later on. Just how much storage space do you need? Easy to include now, harder to add later on. How many individuals will be using the space? You’ll require to choose: dual sinks and also mirrors or one. What do you not like about your existing space? So that it’s not reproduced in the new one, certainly. Comprehend the Shower/Tub Essentials A free standing bathtub– if you have room for one– is excellent for resale worth in a kid-friendly area. Yet if your room isn’t big sufficient for both a spacious walk-in shower and a bath (and also you do not have children to shower), a shower/tub combination is best. “Back in the McMansion era, Jacuzzi-style bath tubs were in vogue, however the pendulum has turned back towards showers, particularly in master bathrooms. At the premium, there could also be a wonderful soaking tub therein, however the walk-in shower is the top concern,” says DiClerico. So for now let’s focus on showers. Though it may look like a small detail, selecting the best enclosure for your shower or shower/tub combination will make a quite huge difference. These are the major players: Curtains: “We prefer these for shower/tub combos,” states Zunino, because a soft, versatile curtain makes it much easier to wash children than a glass door. Perk: It’s very easy to switch out if your style adjustments. Glass Doors: These can make a shower feel even more sizable. Include some warmth with coatings: “Steel grids, quite hardware, or a mounting detail around the entry,” advises Heidi Caillier. No Doors: One of the most free-spirited of shower enclosures (or do not have thereof) is going doorless. Choose water-proof surfaces (and a central drainpipe) and also you will not have to fret about splashing. As well as lastly, you’ll intend to see to it your shower has the ideal components. Besides common taps and drawer pull and showerheads, there are also devices that can be contributed to upgrade a bathroom without full-on refurbishing. These are two we specifically love. Thermostatic Shower Shutoff: It seems challenging, but essentially this is what provides you ideal bathwater temperature level. “Setting up a thermostatic shower shutoff, which immediately readjusts the cold and hot water to stay clear of scalding in case of pressure modifications, will certainly add a couple of hundred bucks to total pipes expenses,” says DiClerico. “However we recommend it!” An Excellent Showerhead: Don’t intend to remodel? That does not imply you have to dismiss an elegant handheld showerhead. For something incredibly high-end yet still hackable, our pick would certainly be this one from Grohe. It can be installed (and also gotten rid of, if you move!) without any significant pipes changes. Know Your Products Natural Rock: Easily one of the most advanced and formal, natural rock is a bathroom surface fave. With the appropriate sealer, any kind of all-natural rock will certainly do well in a damp environment, so it’ll primarily come down to rate and visual (get to know different types as well as what makes them special here). Floor tiles: Metro floor tiles are a traditional go-to, or you can go with something a little bit even more bespoke as well as handmade like zellige. And take too lightly little floor tiles like penny as well as hex: More than a century after their production, these small rounds are still celebrated for price; obtain them for just $5 a square foot as well as use them around. Considering their pleasant rates and also durability in wet environments, they can be an excellent alternate to more expensive washroom materials like all-natural rock (as well as they’re just as trendy). Maintain Storage Top of Mind In the Shower: Storage is restricted in the majority of bathrooms, so a built-in shower particular niche is all but compulsory. Slot one between the studs, or acquire a precast specific niche to tile over. Simply ensure it allows sufficient to hold your needed shower products. In the Vanity: You have two options for a vanity: customized, where you’ll choose materials that prosper in high-moisture environment as well as obtain those to a designer-contractor group to implement, or store-bought to extra yourself the headache. Yet do not rip up the pipes if you do not need to: “If you’re on a budget, select a vanity that will certainly work with your existing plumbing,” says DiClerico. Cupboard doors can conceal your mess, or you can DIY a curtain as well as a rod for a cottage-inspired appearance. On your Walls: Floating shelves, a mirror cabinet, towel racks and hooks, and a built-in linen closet will certainly all come in helpful– which you choose simply depends upon your style and also just how much area you have. Include the Right Bells and Whistles Search for patterns that fit your way of life as well as additionally up the value of your residence for resale. Find our 5 favorites below: Smart Showers: An increasingly preferred deluxe. Voice as well as Wi-Fi controls allow you change temperature specifically, blast songs while showering, and a lot more. Nonslip Flooring: This is a no-brainer for the wettest area in the house. A high slip-resistant ranking of 0.42 or even more produce safer tipping. Cabinet Chargers: Outfitting vanity drawers with electrical outlets visuals mess (loose tangles are not an excellent appearance) as well as simplifies: Simply open up the cabinet to use the hair clothes dryer. Body Jets: Massive jet tubs may be a thing of the past, yet shower body jets are rebounding. Maintain your height and proportions in mind while drawing up placement. Heated Floors: Heating your feet is the fastest method to get toasty (no more post-shower cools!). Reward: These completely dry more quickly than unheated floorings, making slides as well as drops much less most likely. For a lot of brides, selecting a bridal gown is an event of a lifetime. Your dress sets the tone of your special day as well as is a representation of your individuality and design. When buying your bridal gown, begin early and set a budget. 1. Discover Styles You Like Browse through bridal magazines, the Net and also Pinterest. Save, remove and also Pin dresses that appeal to you. 2. Select Your Favorites Look into the photos you conserved and see if you have any kind of comparable styles or patterns. Are all of the dresses you like lace round gowns? Beginning there, then slim it down as well as make a listing of the attributes you understand you favor. 3. Make Appointments Make visits to try on dress at numerous stores. Ask your loved ones for referrals! Make sure to bring your favored photos to the beauty salon and tell them the style of dress you want. It’s also helpful to learn which developers each salon brings– take a look at the developer internet sites and take down styles you like. Don’t forget to tell them what your budget is! Trying on a dress that’s well beyond your budget plan will just result in aggravation, and also the last thing your consultant wants to do is place you in a dress you can not pay for. Make a day of it as well as invite crucial individuals in your life, like you mother, sister, house maid of honor, bridesmaids, and so on. But keep this in mind– the much more you invite, the even more point of views there are. 4. Bring the Appropriate Undergarments Put on a nude strapless bra, Spanx, and so on to try out dress. It is difficult to obtain a good suggestion of exactly how an outfit looks when you have bands or seams in the way. Numerous bridal shops only bring one dress for each design. A lot of the moment, a specialist will certainly be assisting you in and out of outfits, ensuring each one is clipped in just the appropriate locations so you’ll have a good idea of what the gown ought to appear like. You may additionally want to bring a set of heels or footwear similar to what you assume you may wear on the special day. It also never harms to bring a bottle of water (if the bridal beauty parlor enables outside beverages in the store)– it can obtain pretty cozy while you’re trying on gowns as well as you’ll intend to remain hydrated! 5. Endeavor Outside of Your Convenience Zone Don’t claim “no” to trying on designs other than your favorites. Trust your expert during your appointment. They pick outfits for new brides on a daily basis as well as have a much better idea of their supply. You might be surprised as well as choose a dress you least anticipate! The more you connect with your bridal expert, the much better your experience will certainly be. Make certain to tell them precisely what you do or do not like concerning each dress you try on– if you don’t such as exactly how your waist looks in an A-line outfit, after that you probably wish to move on to a various style. 6. Do Not Neglect the Extras If you’re on the fence about an outfit, ask to try on a veil, headpiece or jewelry (if the bridal salon carries those products). Devices can occasionally add that added little bit of information that may be missing– it’s the crowning achievement! The color of a gown can additionally make a big difference. At the beginning of your appointment, let your expert understand what color you have an interest in (white, ivory, blush, and so on). The sample gown you fall in love with could not be the color your looking for, however you could be able to purchase it! When you discover the one, get confirmation handwritten of your approximated arrival date, together with fitting as well as pick-up info. Make a list of every little thing you still need (devices, compose and also underwear) and also keep whatever in one location. When you bring your dress home, keep it secure from moisture, dust, discolorations as well as creases. Lots of wedding stores will provide you a towel gown bag when you grab your dress. Do not be inhibited if you do not find you fantasize wedding gown in the first store. While some brides can claim “Yes!” to the very initial dress they try on, others feel the ned to try out even more. You’ll understand it when you find it! So with the help of these ideas you will pick the ideal wedding dress (νυφικα φορεματα ). Anticipate to have instinctive home features, more powerful security, and more practical house, which appropriates for your hectic and also on-the-go way of life. Even if you’re retired as well as intend to unwind in the house as well as delight in a time well-spent, a cutting-edge house will supply you the most effective things on the planet. Just think of being able to handle your home even if you go to job or traveling abroad. Tailor your space on your following home remodelling project to update your home, so you can capitalize on what a clever residence technology or whole-home automation can bring. Modern space. Free image by means of Pixabay Right here are the most recent house remodelling innovations: 1. Installment of Built-in Audio Speakers Integrated sound tools and speakers can take a lot of space. The wires are unpleasant which can break up a house’s aesthetic feeling, a lot of specifically for a minimal living-room. There are custom speaker systems which can be incorporated directly into a house’s building and construction. Below’s an instance: — Integrated audio speakers place straight right into the wall surfaces and also ceilings — Sound tools mounted in cabinetry like shelfs — Setup of built-in audio speakers to your patio area as well as other locations of your exterior home — After mounting your audio tools, buy creative ending up for your furnishings things, steel house attributes, devices, machinery, as well as various other home devices by seeing this web page now 2. Embrace House Automation as well as Robotics One of the most promising developments when it involves home remodelling is robotics. A smart home system is compatible with a wide range of tools that can be integrated directly with an electronic voice control assistant. A great home remodelling plan might incorporate smart integrated circuit to regulate residence features such as: — Home window treatment such as Greenland House Robots — Discovery movement sensing units, such as flooding, smoke, carbon monoxide gas, broken glass, and home window or door gain access to sensors, like a smart garage door with automated opening and also closing with integrated sensors — Residence security like RoboteX Character III, Orbii Keeping track of System, iPatrol Riley — Installation of automation system like wise audio speakers such as Alexa Mirror, Control4 — Vacuum cleaning via robotic hoover. Helps preserve a grit-free flooring 3. Upgrade Your Electric System Typical residences need rewiring. A home improvement is the most effective time to update your electric system. Considering that many devices and some devices have a USB outcome, you could also set up electrical outlets with USB ports that are currently built-in. Right here are the benefits you can get when mounting USB electrical outlets: — Bill your smart devices as well as tablets swiftly. Eliminate the unpleasant power block you typically make use of. — Free up your electrical outlets for lights and home appliances. Purchase 4.8 amp USB outlets so you can also charge larger tools as well as to make sure conformity with security requirements. 4. Smart Thermostat for Effectiveness You can update your A/C system by installing a smart thermostat. Throughout a home improvement, sensing units can be hardwired directly right into the clever thermostat to control room temperature immediately. Below are some ideas and also benefits of a smart thermostat: — A wise thermostat can improve house performance. — You can incorporate Ecobee thermostat with Alexa Echo or Amazon.com’s digital assistant. Be able to control humidity and required air. — Appreciate convenient voice activation. Access the profile of Alexa’s useful abilities flawlessly. 5. Invest in Residence Safety Cameras Camouflage your home safety and security video cameras by integrating it with your house’s style without making your site visitors really feel uncomfortable. You can check your residence anywhere and also anytime with assurance utilizing your smart device or any internet-capable tool. Right here are some instances: — Buzzer cameras, which are minimally intrusive as well as low-profile — Perimeter video cameras, which are hardwired, so no batteries needed — Inside electronic cameras, with wired or cordless options offered 6. Smart Light Bulbs for Effectiveness Obtain smart lights in various shades to ideal highlight the very best functions of your home. Smart light bulbs are efficient. The best benefit of clever light bulbs is that you can manage them using your mobile phone via a mobile application. Also, you can reduce your energy expenses in the long run. Surprisingly, brand-new technologies are not pricey. You can find options that are within your budget because many companies are already making mass volumes of wise tools like cams, sensing units, and also finishing tools. Experience the benefit, elegance, and also performance of a clever residence. So, embrace innovative services in your house’s indoor and also outdoor space on your next residence renovation project as well as profit. Attain a clever house by upgrading your house functions in your following improvement task (ανακαινιση διαμερισματος ). Before you get out the equipment, use software like free floor-plan apps as well as augmented-reality devices to sketch out the suggestions for your remodeling projects. Coordinator 5D is one of the many applications you can utilize to produce a three-dimensional design of a residence improvement job. Got a bunch of home-improvement dreams however you’re not quite sure where to start? Allow a free or cost-effective three-dimensional floor plan program be your overview. While making a 3-D design is no alternative to skillfully crafted plans and plans, it will provide you a method to explore suggestions before you hire a contractor or an architect. And some programs are easy to use: If you can make use of a measuring tape and drag items on a computer system screen, you have the needed abilities. Here’s how to start. Step 1: Take a Measured Strategy You’ll need all the dimensions of the area or task area in order to recreate it. A locking 25-foot retractable measuring tape is the time-tested device, but you can additionally get rough estimates with augmented-reality devices like Google’s cost-free Step application for Android or Apple’s likewise called iphone 12 Action app. Some apps, like Magicplan for Android and also iOS (prices start at $3), can do both the measurements and assembled a floor plan. Action application utilizes augmented-reality innovation to discover the rough dimensions of objects, yet using a good old-fashioned measuring tape is extra specific. Apple’s Measure application uses augmented-reality innovation to spot the rough measurements of things, yet making use of a great old-fashioned tape measure is a lot more precise.Credit … The New York Times Measure whatever: the length, width and deepness of the wall surfaces, doors and windows in the room, and do not fail to remember components like radiators. You need to additionally get hold of the measurements of the furniture, home appliances and also various other items in the improvement zone. If you prepare to buy furniture, devices or shelving, accumulate the dimensions from the product’s requirements online (or on package). Action 2: Find Friendly Software You can find a lot of home-design apps in a series of costs in your application shop. As well as some store applications, like those from Build.com as well as Wayfair, usage boosted truth to show online items like furniture in a space. Register for On Technology with Shira Ovide: Your guide to exactly how innovation is transforming our lives and also the world. However if this is all new to you– or if you’re adding a space– the totally free version of Sugary food Residence 3D for Windows, Mac and also Linux computer systems may be your best bet, since you get an instinctive user interface as well as numerous layout alternatives. The application has several enticing functions for novices, consisting of an illustrated user guide as well as video clip tutorials. (A complete version of Sugary food Residence 3D with more design choices is additionally readily available for less than $15 in the Microsoft and Mac App shops.). Sugary Food Residence 3D has a cost-free online version that works in an internet browser. SketchUp Free is one more browser-based drawing program and has paid variations. Editors’ Picks. 5 Minutes That Will Certainly Make You Love Brahms. After Hereditary Testing, I Took a Chance on an ‘Imperfect’ Maternity. Europe Plunders Paris for Skill, and P.S.G. Pays the Price. Picture. If you are brand-new to complimentary 3-D illustration programs, check out any kind of consisted of assistance overviews, tutorials or online forums to make sure the software program is right for you. Coordinator 5D has totally free variations for Android and iphone that give you a lot of space to play prior to you require to begin making any in-app purchases. The program additionally works on Windows 10, macOS as well as the web. Action 3: Lay Out a Floor Plan. Next, make a scale design within the program’s job space, which typically looks like a grid of squares standing for feet or meters. Refer to your checklist of dimensions and use the program’s tools and grid to produce walls, rooms, doors as well as the other main aspects. If attracting an area from the ground up daunts you in the beginning, check your program to see if it includes design templates or sample files. With a little hitting as well as dragging, you can usually modify these instances to match the summary and dimensions of your very own space. Tip 4: Add Interior Home Furnishings. After you map out the room’s exterior dimensions, begin completing the inside with furniture and also devices. Many layout apps have a things browser window you can utilize to drag 3-D versions of usual items (like tables, sofas as well as bar carts) into your layout where you want them to go. Much more fashionable furnishings might need an in-app purchase. Relying on your software program, you may also have the ability to pick various doors and window layouts, in addition to elegant wallpaper, flooring, drapes and other home furnishings to make your model look as near to your renovation desire as possible. Step 5: See It in 3-D– as well as Share. Some apps supply a split-screen sight between the 2-D floor plan and a 3-D model that you can spin and also turn. Various other programs display the task in the flat 2-D sight and also you add the extra dimension with a tap or click. Seeing your room in 3-D can give you a much better idea of exactly how every little thing functions within the room, and can highlight issues you may not have actually seen on the flat layout, like fire lawn sprinklers that obstruct cabinet doors from completely opening. When you’re pleased with your development, go on to the following stage. Publish it bent on utilize it as a guide as you work, or send a copy to your contractor so you’re both on the exact same web page when it comes time to begin the work. So this is the best way to see just how your restroom restoration (ανακαινιση μπανιου) as well as your kitchen area restoration (ανακαινιση κουζινας ), in fact your entire home restoration (ανακαινιση σπιτιου) will certainly appear like prior to you spend a single cent. So opt for the best outcome before you start re-building. Business: Omron Health Care Release Day: Its arrival was announced on October 4. Regarding this modern technology: This non-prescription tool combines warm with transcutaneous electrical nerve excitement (TENS) to supply pain alleviation for intense joint and muscle pain. TENS eases pain by sending electric pulses throughout the skin and along nerves, thus protecting against pain signals from getting to the brain. On top of that, electrical excitement can additionally result in the release endorphins, which give natural pain relief. While the technique of incorporating warmth with TENS is currently used by physiotherapists, this is currently the only device of its kind available on the marketplace. Formerly, clients would certainly have to get TENS from a doctor or wellness expert. ” Boosted awareness of the possible threats of opioids and also prescription pain reliever is driving more customer passion hurting management options,” Carol Lucarelli, director of advertising and also product advancement for Omron Health care, Inc, claimed in a declaration. “The Omron WARM Pain Pro ™ is a secure, effective, accessible drug-free choice.” Effectiveness: Regardless of the widespread use TENS, its effectiveness is still being evaluated, as well as according to the United Kingdom’s National Wellness Service (NHS), much of what we understand concerning TENS’ efficiency is based on personal experience instead of clinical evidence.1 Lots of professional trials are still ongoing. The HEAT Discomfort Pro ™ TENS Tool has 27 combinations of warm as well as 10S, 20 degrees of strength, and also has pre-set alternatives for different places of pain, including the reduced back, arms, legs, feet, shoulders, as well as joints. It has a rechargeable battery, gel pads that can be used 30 times prior to substitute, and suits the palm of the hand. It is available with OmronHealthcare.com, Amazon, CVS, as well as Walgreens without a prescription. The recommended list price is $89.99. 2. Radiofrequency Ablation Instruments Companies: St. Jude Medical, Inc, Haylard Health, Inc, Boston Scientific Corporation, Diros Innovation, Inc . Release Day: This therapy has actually been readily available for a long time, but is anticipated to get grip as a result of rising varieties of individuals with persistent discomfort conditions. Concerning this technology: Radiofrequency (RF) therapy uses the warm created from a tool frequency alternating existing (350-500 kHz) to denervate cells that are part of the outer nervous system. When done with a catheter, it is called radiofrequency catheter ablation. Radiofrequency ablation is a minimally intrusive alternative to surgical procedure. Because of a boost in chronic pain problems, in addition to the climbing international senior citizen population, the demand for radiofrequency ablation for pain is expected to increase, according to a record from Openness Marketing research. Benefits of this modern technology include decreases in surgery-related difficulties, damaging effects, healing time. Furthermore, the gadget is conveniently readily available and also cost-efficient. In a 2014 research study released in Anesthesia & Analgesia, scientists found that out of 77 people receiving RF therapy for refractory sacroiliac joint (SIJ) discomfort, majority received some discomfort relief for at the very least 6 months after RF therapy.2. 3. ActiPatch ®. Applications: Chronic pain from osteo arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, tiles, neuropathy, sporting activities injuries, and fibromyalgia, and also post-surgical pain. Regarding this innovation: Actipatch is a non-invasive, electroceutical gadget which makes use of electromagnetic fields to modulate efferent nerve task, wetting the mind’s perception of discomfort. The device pulses signals at 1 kHz into the excruciating cells, preventing the brain from adjusting to the stimulus. Efficacy: Completed professional trials suggest device efficacy in reducing pain (consisting of bone and joint, postoperative, and also menstruation discomfort), as well as restoring normal feature, such as permitting people to obtain a complete evenings’ rest, in many individuals. A test published in Pain Administration revealed that out of 5002 study participants that provided feedback after evaluating the ActiPatch, efficacy rate differed from 59% to 71% for different pain conditions, with an average of a 50% reduction in medicine use (including prescriptions).3 Sixty 7 percent of study participants reported that they were able to get rid of or lower opioid usage, 70% reported improved sleep, as well as 74% reported that they might be much more literally energetic. According to Ken McLeod, PhD, Supervisor of Clinical Scientific Research and also Engineering at Binghamton College, clients using ActiPatch do not really feel any kind of prickling, warmth, or vibration, unlike with TENS. It is currently the only neuromodulation electroceutical tool offered non-prescription for handling chronic pain. It is risk-free to make use of with steel implants, pacemakers, and also defibrillators, as well as in diabetics, arthritics, and also the senior. It is except usage in expectant ladies. It enables 720 hours of use and also has an on/off button. Gadget representatives are noted right here. Learn more concerning this modern technology:. 4. BurstDR Excitement. Company: St. Jude Medical, Inc . Launch Day: The United States Food and Drug Administration (United States FDA) device approval was introduced on October 4, 2016. Applications: Persistent pain. About this innovation: This new physician-designed type of spine stimulation (SCS) offers “ruptureds” of pulses that resemble natural nerve impulse patterns in the body, unlike other types of SCS. This ruptured setting was developed to stop the body from coming to be familiar with SCS treatment and establishing a tolerance, an usual incident in SCS. Efficacy: At the North American Neuromodulation Culture meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada, scientists offered arise from the SUNBURST research study, in which 100 individuals enrolled from 20 centers in the United States were randomized to obtain either tonic excitement before ruptured stimulation, or burst stimulation prior to tonic excitement, with a gadget that might perform both. The outcomes revealed that 69.4% of individuals favored the burst stimulation for treating chronic discomfort, as well as 91% additionally reported a decline in paresthesia, compared to standard SCS. Allen Burton, clinical director of neuromodulation and vice president of medical affairs at Saint Jude, additionally noted that the 21% who liked conventional SCS might also be suited; the SCS devices are capable of both and will certainly have “built-in patient option.”. The ruptured treatment has actually been available in Europe since 2014 and is integrated into the rechargeable Prodigy and also Protégé rechargeable SCS tools, along with the Proclaim non-rechargeable system. Since the US FDA has actually accepted the treatment, individuals who get brand-new implants of the St. Jude Medical Proclaim ™ Elite and Prodigy MRI ™ spine excitement systems will certainly be able to access the ruptured treatment right away. Those that already have the upgradable Protégé and also Proclaim SCS systems will certainly be able to update as well as access the burst treatment without surgery. ” I am extremely excited that people across the United States will certainly currently have access to BurstDR excitement, which has actually enjoyed strong success across other international markets,” stated Teacher Dirk De Ridder, MD, PhD, from the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand. ” When I developed BurstDR stimulation, my objective was to present a completely new therapy option, as well as one that was rooted in the natural method which the human body replies to and deals with the sensation of discomfort,” he said. 5. Online Reality. Applications: Persistent discomfort. Concerning this modern technology: Virtual Reality globes immerse people right into a full-body sensory experience. They differ from motion pictures or games imagined on a screen as a result of their degree of communication and also immersion that regulate a greater degree of mind interest. In Trendy!, individuals wear a Virtual Reality headset and discover a 360 degree immersive globe, using a computer mouse to toss fish and also magic orbs to lively otters, all this, in a beautiful landscape. Efficiency: Ted Jones, PhD, from the Behavioral Medication Institute in Knoxville, Tennessee, as well as coworkers carried out an independent research study to identify whether DeepStream Virtual Reality’s pain alleviation game “Cool!” would certainly provide discomfort alleviation to people with neuropathic discomfort.5. The initial research analyzed a solitary, 5-minute therapy session in 30 people with neuropathic discomfort. The researchers located that pain decreased an average of 60% throughout the session as well as 33% after the session, and also the alleviation lasted from 2 to 2 days after completion of the game. ” This research study supports wider use and refresher course of VR discomfort control treatment as a complement or potential replacement to traditional discomfort therapy. These searchings for are especially considerable and also timely taking into account the solid clinical shift far from opioid medication therapies,” the researchers composed. The 2nd research study is checking out multiple 20-minute therapy sessions in 7 patients, as well as is still recurring. So this is the most recent technology collection that a pain center (ιατρειο πονου) can have. Company: Omron Health Care Release Day: Its arrival was introduced on October 4. Applications: Acute joint and also muscular tissue discomfort About this innovation: This non-prescription device incorporates warm with transcutaneous electrical nerve excitement (10S) to provide pain relief for severe joint as well as muscle discomfort. 10S soothes discomfort by sending out electric pulses across the skin and along nerves, thus stopping pain signals from getting to the brain. On top of that, electric stimulation can likewise bring about the launch endorphins, which offer natural discomfort relief. While the strategy of integrating heat with 10S is already used by physiotherapists, this is presently the only gadget of its kind available on the marketplace. Formerly, individuals would certainly need to get 10S from a doctor or health and wellness practitioner. ” Raised understanding of the potential dangers of opioids and prescription pain reliever is driving extra consumer interest suffering monitoring alternatives,” Carol Lucarelli, supervisor of advertising and marketing as well as product development for Omron Healthcare, Inc, said in a statement. “The Omron WARM Pain Pro ™ is a secure, efficient, obtainable drug-free choice.” Efficiency: In spite of the prevalent use 10S, its efficiency is still being reviewed, as well as according to the UK’s National Health and wellness Service (NHS), a lot of what we know concerning TENS’ effectiveness is based upon personal experience as opposed to clinical evidence.1 Lots of scientific tests are still continuous. The WARM Pain Pro ™ 10 Gadget has 27 combinations of warm as well as 10S, 20 degrees of strength, and also has pre-set alternatives for different places of discomfort, consisting of the reduced back, arms, legs, feet, shoulders, and also joints. It has a rechargeable battery, gel pads that can be utilized 30 times prior to replacement, as well as suits the palm of the hand. It is available via OmronHealthcare.com, Amazon, CVS, as well as Walgreens over the counter. The recommended retail price is $89.99. To figure out more concerning the TENS gadget, view this video clip: 2. Radiofrequency Ablation Tools Firms: St. Jude Medical, Inc, Haylard Wellness, Inc, Boston Scientific Company, Diros Innovation, Inc . Launch Day: This treatment has been readily available for a long time, but is anticipated to gain traction as a result of climbing varieties of people with chronic discomfort conditions. Regarding this technology: Radiofrequency (RF) treatment makes use of the warm created from a tool regularity alternating current (350-500 kHz) to denervate tissues that are part of the peripheral anxious system. When performed with a catheter, it is called radiofrequency catheter ablation. Radiofrequency ablation is a minimally intrusive alternative to surgical treatment. Due to an increase in chronic pain conditions, in addition to the increasing worldwide geriatric population, the need for radiofrequency ablation for discomfort is expected to enhance, according to a record from Transparency Marketing research. Advantages of this technology consist of decreases in surgery-related problems, negative results, recovery time. On top of that, the tool is quickly readily available as well as cost-efficient. In a 2014 study published in Anesthetic & Analgesia, researchers located that out of 77 patients getting RF treatment for refractory sacroiliac joint (SIJ) discomfort, majority got some discomfort alleviation for at the very least 6 months after RF therapy.2. 3. ActiPatch ®. Applications: Persistent pain from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, shingles, neuropathy, sports injuries, and fibromyalgia, as well as post-surgical pain. About this modern technology: Actipatch is a non-invasive, electroceutical gadget which uses magnetic fields to regulate efferent nerve task, wetting the mind’s assumption of discomfort. The device pulses signals at 1 kHz right into the uncomfortable cells, protecting against the brain from adapting to the stimulation. Efficiency: Completed medical trials indicate device efficacy in decreasing pain (consisting of musculoskeletal, postoperative, and menstrual discomfort), and restoring typical function, such as permitting people to get a full nights’ rest, in numerous patients. A test published suffering Monitoring showed that out of 5002 research study individuals who provided responses after testing the ActiPatch, efficiency rate differed from 59% to 71% for different pain problems, with an average of a 50% decrease in medication use (consisting of prescriptions).3 Sixty 7 percent of research participants reported that they were able to eliminate or reduce opioid use, 70% reported boosted rest, as well as 74% reported that they could be a lot more literally active. According to Ken McLeod, PhD, Director of Professional Scientific Research as well as Engineering at Binghamton College, individuals using ActiPatch do not really feel any type of tingling, heat, or vibration, unlike with TENS. It is currently the only neuromodulation electroceutical gadget readily available over-the-counter for handling persistent pain. It is safe to utilize with steel implants, pacemakers, as well as defibrillators, in addition to in diabetics, arthritics, as well as the senior. It is not for use in expecting ladies. It allows for 720 hrs of use and has an on/off switch. Business: St. Jude Medical, Inc . Release Date: The USA Fda (US FDA) tool authorization was revealed on October 4, 2016. Applications: Persistent pain. About this technology: This brand-new physician-designed form of spinal cord stimulation (SCS) offers “bursts” of pulses that resemble natural nerve impulse patterns in the body, unlike other types of SCS. This burst setting was created to stop the body from becoming familiar with SCS therapy as well as developing a resistance, a typical incident in SCS. Efficacy: At the North American Neuromodulation Society meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada, scientists provided results from the SUNBURST research study, in which 100 people signed up from 20 facilities in the US were randomized to receive either tonic stimulation before burst excitement, or burst excitement before tonic stimulation, with a tool that can execute both. The outcomes exposed that 69.4% of patients chose the ruptured excitement for treating persistent pain, as well as 91% additionally reported a decrease in paresthesia, compared to traditional SCS. Allen Burton, medical director of neuromodulation as well as vice head of state of medical affairs at Saint Jude, also kept in mind that the 21% that liked typical SCS could additionally be fit; the SCS tools can both as well as will have “built-in individual selection.”. The burst therapy has been available in Europe since 2014 as well as is included into the rechargeable Natural born player and also Protégé rechargeable SCS gadgets, in addition to the Proclaim non-rechargeable system. Now that the United States FDA has approved the treatment, patients that get new implants of the St. Jude Medical Proclaim ™ Elite and Natural born player MRI ™ spinal cord excitement systems will certainly be able to access the burst therapy promptly. Those who currently have the upgradable Protégé as well as Proclaim SCS systems will have the ability to update as well as access the burst therapy without surgical procedure. ” I am very excited that individuals across the USA will currently have access to BurstDR excitement, which has delighted in solid success across other international markets,” said Teacher Dirk De Ridder, MD, PhD, from the College of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand. ” When I developed BurstDR excitement, my goal was to present a completely new treatment alternative, and also one that was rooted in the natural method which the body replies to and also deals with the experience of discomfort,” he said. 5. Online Fact. Firm: DeepStream Virtual Reality. Launch Date: A 2007 research checked out just how the Virtual Reality game “SnowWorld” affected discomfort relief. Advancements to virtual truth (Virtual Reality) video games proceed, with the current Virtual Reality video game “Cool!” copyrighted in 2014.4. Applications: Chronic discomfort. Concerning this innovation: Virtual Reality globes immerse patients into a full-body sensory experience. They vary from movies or video games pictured on a display due to their level of interaction as well as immersion that regulate a greater level of mind attention. In Cool!, individuals put on a Virtual Reality headset and discover a 360 level immersive globe, utilizing a computer mouse to throw fish as well as magic orbs to playful otters, all this, in a lovely landscape. Efficiency: Ted Jones, PhD, from the Behavioral Medication Institute in Knoxville, Tennessee, and colleagues conducted an independent research study to identify whether DeepStream Virtual Reality’s discomfort alleviation video game “Cool!” would provide discomfort alleviation to individuals with neuropathic pain.5. The first research checked out a solitary, 5-minute therapy session in 30 people with neuropathic pain. The scientists located that pain reduced approximately 60% during the session as well as 33% after the session, and also the relief lasted from 2 to two days after completion of the video game. ” This research study supports broader usage as well as refresher course of Virtual Reality discomfort control treatment as a complement or possible replacement to standard discomfort therapy. These findings are especially substantial as well as prompt in light of the solid professional change away from opioid drug therapies,” the scientists wrote. So these are the new innovations that can be used in a discomfort clinique (ιατρειο πονου). Not so long back, chemical engineers discovered just how to make use of titanium dioxide to maintain buildings without discoloring air pollution. Landmarks such as the virgin-white Dives in Misericordia Church in Rome and also the Marunouchi Structure in Tokyo were amongst the first to be coated with the semiconductor, which breaks down natural particles– consisting of those in gunk and contamination– when subjected to light as well as water and then releases them into the air. Soon after, titanium dioxide-based (TiO2) self-cleaning products, like SunClean windows from PPG Industries, struck the residence market. However to bring the innovation inside the home, where it might eliminate the need for hrs of laborious household chores every week, researchers should get over a significant limitation: The innovation presently reacts only to ultraviolet light from the sun. Get in materials designer Michael Cortie and also his associates at the Institute for Nanoscale Innovation in Sydney, Australia, that are working to ideal a finishing that can respond to the visible range– that is, the lightbulb hanging from your washroom ceiling. As long, commode brush. Two chemical high qualities make TiO2 an all-round cleaner. First, the chemical is light-sensitive. When it is struck by photons, it reacts with air as well as water vapor to speed up the breakdown of natural materials. It’s a bit like a fabricated photosynthesis, yet whereas plants make use of sunlight to break down co2 and transform it into oxygen, TiO2 makes use of light to transform scourges like grease and bacteria into carbon dioxide, hydrogen and other by-products that get away into the air. Second, TiO2 is hydro-philic, or water-loving. As opposed to driving away water– as tiles and glass do when they motivate water to grain– materials coated with TiO2 bring in water, causing it to “sheet” across the surface, taking byproducts as well as oversize particles with it. The outcome: Gunk rarely obtains a possibility to accumulate, as well as it gets rid of easily when it does. What’s required to take the sunlight out of the equation? Cortie claims TiO2’s atomic framework need to be transformed to make sure that it works with the power spectrum of noticeable light– no easy job. Plus, that modification has to be made without interrupting its chemical inertness; or else, it could not sit tight on whatever it’s meant to coat. Cortie is undeterred. As well as he’s convinced that TiO2 has a residence market. “Simply look at the series of antibacterial sprays and eliminate there,” he states. “People are demons for tidiness. If it’s a product that doesn’t need to be sprayed– that’s simply always there– It will certainly be revolutionary specifically for homemakers to see in the future bathroom bowls (λεκανη τουαλετας) as well as washbasins (νιπτηρες μπανιου) that clean themselves without human intervention. When 1 thinks about a wise property, it is usually the much more forwards-facing, dare we say flashier, areas that garner probably the most interest from visitors and item programmers as well-the multimedia place, your kitchen, including the restroom. However, there is 1 behind-the-displays room, an area solely for the benefit of the occupant, where by wise modern technology can really sparkle-the dresser. The functionality powering the Active Cabinets is identical with both the Custom as well as the All set-an oblong condition rail, replete with hangers that quickly (& noiselessly) phone forth the required write-up of garments via a faucet in the app. But it’s not merely matches, tops, blouses and skirts that Metalprogetti will help you handle. The business even offers Augusto Attic space-an automated carousel that periods by means of tire-loaded window-and-aluminum packing containers, that may be easily detached (and returned) on the dresser line. Or placed more merely “a smart remedy for any sizable shoe collection.” Some day you will regale your grandkids with testimonies of methods rear in the past you had to get rid of mattress to choose from the clothing. Selling price influenced by size and changes. Beckoning a blouse with the contact of the mouse is something, but deciding what to wear every day is actually a horse of the completely distinct coloration. The good news is, modernity has your back again on this page too. The Glamoutfit iphone app (free to obtain) is not going to only allow you to carry your closet on the telephone, and definitely will crowdsource your style solution when you are desperate for an attire. Glamoutfit users can post their clothing to the application by means of their phone’s built in video camera or through item photos through the web sites in which they go shopping, and keep track of the things they wear (and anything they do not), and also schedule forthcoming attire selections via the app’s calendar. In which Glamoutfit truly shines, nevertheless, is in its community-dependent procedure for style. When laboring to find a look, users can ask for to become fashioned from the app’s community of fashionistas, which will build clothes from stuff you very own, or parts you can buy, according to your input along with the celebration (e.g. particular date, formal function occasion, and so on). Customers could also browse the attire selections of fellow Glamoufit users of similar physical stature and elegance personal preferences for even more fashion ideas. Additionally, when a appearance does not property, you could always pin the blame on the fashionistas on your own cell phone. Vanity mirror, Match on the Wall No closet is done without a vanity mirror, without any intelligent cabinet is complete with a vanity mirror that can only represent. A brilliant dresser is after all a shelter of storage and magnificence, a good area to start your entire day, removed from the chaos of the world-at-large. The MirrorVue Intelligent Contact Match from EverVue can be a very custom refractive area which will tackle your superficial AND cerebral requires in the morning. Obtainable in any dimensions around 130″ x 96″, the MirrorVue might be combined with the platform that you pick from Google android or Windows 10 to Linux or Raspberry Pi. The final result is identical-you get to look at the shares while you tie up your tie. Or take a look at e-mails although examining your pant suits. Or, more likely, catch up on final night’s “Bachelor” when you ought to be getting clothed. Cost depending on size and customization. Risk-free in your house Naturally, a wardrobe is not merely the place to find garments, but typically, it shops add-ons like jewellery, timepieces and pocketbooks that are many times far more useful-monetarily and also sentimentally-than the newest from your Marc Jacobs spring collection. Right here, obviously, you need a product that keeps your pricey goods not just safely, but when probable, fashionably. The Light brown Harmless Jewel Range satisfies the monthly bill on balances. The highly personalized secure collection offers a number of sizes, surface finishes and decorations as well as automated Brought lighting effects to safely shop and show off your very best accoutrement although nonetheless adhering to your personal style. The collection can also be provided with auto view winders from Orbita to make certain that your mechanized timepieces are ready to use with a moment’s observe. But best of all, the Jewel Sequence may be outfitted having a biometric locking mechanism-guaranteeing admittance is merely available to the individual together with the proper fingerprint and getting a bit James Bond taste to you. Client expectations of confectionery producers are altering at the rapid price, with personalisation, customisation, and individualisation showing to be many of the most significant buzzwords recently. Teamed using the health movements along with the diversification of the international food items chain, there is an increasing quantity of tension on suppliers to make around goods in a reduced speed while keeping a higher normal of quality and protection. To take care of these new requirements, the reliance upon using automation, digitalisation and unnatural learning ability (AI) in the food items developing surroundings has evolved from a need to a necessity on many occasions. Progressively more companies are implementing automation machinery for example robots along with technological innovation comprising perspective methods or synthetic intellect (AI) to enhance efficiency and productivity a little bit more. The notion of AI in a generation setting is certainly not new, and is presently becoming used by many suppliers these days. By in essence resembling individual pursuits making use of laptop or computer application, when extra to the net of things (IoT), it indicates that those products can evaluate information and make choices and take action on that info without the contribution of humans. As specified by Stuart Bashford, Computerized Official at Bühler Class, this sort of solutions as being the company’s IoT answer Bühler Observations will allow use of info and tends to make this accessible for visualisation in real-time from the buyers. “We have tried these innovative technologies (machine discovering as an example) on numerous jobs, which include together with our eye sorting technologies to assist setup the equipment,” describes Bashford. “Basically we can easily do monitored studying exactly where we workout the appliance discovering models using positive and negative product or service, after which take advantage of this info to put the appliance up for optimum efficiency.” Although there are numerous alternatives, Bashford illustrates the significance of picking the right modern technology to eliminate the issue. With such a diversified offer chain, the confectionery market is vast-which range and conditions that will need dealing with are unique for the dealer and can as a result call for a exclusive modern technology. “Just due to the fact we certainly have capabilities in unnatural intelligence and information scientific research does not always mean that every dilemma might be resolved along with it,” adds Bashford. “There is indeed significantly probable from the advanced systems that could be considered advantage of; the actual technique is to focus on an issue, then implement the proper technology to solve the problem.” Converting details into actionable information Working inside an advantage intensive industry implies confectionery manufacturers have to meet quality demands, regulatory needs and cost demands, not to mention the developing give attention to sustainability and spend lowering. Making certain devices are working with the top amounts of output and productivity is as a result important. Even so, the great deal of failures develop from wrong running conduct, emphasises Marcello Gulinelli, Worldwide Brain of Food items and Beverage at ABB Industrial Automation. “To deal with these behavioural failures, it is essential to learn and try to the functioning restrictions from the products and techniques in position,” explains Gulinelli. Details seize systems are important to supplying the information expected to overcome such issues, nevertheless without the need of examination instruments, there is not any technique for a producer to derive workable company observations and concrete benefits. Superior stats tracking websites such as the recently released ABB Capability Genix can provide this link inside the sequence by contextualising working (OT), info (IT) and engineering technological innovation (ET) details to supply actionable observations that inspire greater selection. For instance, operators can easily see how products and systems are executing towards diverse dimensions of resource performance for example high quality, charge and basic safety. Quality administrators could then predict the quality deviation of the batch cycle and choose whether to cease the procedure and good tune it. A first phase along the way is to gather the OT information, which Gulinelli notices poses unique challenges for that confectionery market as different equipment might be running on distinct controllers. “ABB Capacity Edgenius Operations Data Director, an important component of ABB Potential Genix, may be the link,” adds Gulinelli. “It can get connected to, acquire and analyse OT info at the aim of creation to improve procedures and tool utilisation, although feeding the info to ABB Potential Genix, where by it is actually put together with IT and ET data to take proper benefit on the business.” Another important element is definitely the scalability from the method, something which Gulinelli illustrates is really a key aspect of the ABB Ability Genix, which can be carried out on the adaptable, modular technique. “For case in point, it could be carried out to optimise an individual resource or worth car owner but could then be easily scaled as essential,” he adds. When searching for info analytics computer software and providers, it really is for that reason essential to seek a company that may assist as well as the distinctive conditions of your respective creation range to provide advantages no matter what stage of the digitalisation experience. Minimizing waste materials with intelligent application With regards to waste reduction, automating the planning procedure can substantially cut the volume of food that is certainly produced and not employed. Grocery stores can use creation preparing and forecasting solutions like BakePlan, allowing in-store bakeries to calculate what should be created each day. Discussing the situation of meals squander, Séamus Quinn, Communications Director, Cybake USA, claims: “If organizing is carried out incorrectly by guess work or primitive computations, which, sadly, may be the usual, stores and ease merchants make your incorrect goods on the incorrect times. This, needless to say, leads to eyesight-popping numbers of food items wastewaste materials. “Even if you get your forecasting proper, if you have not obtained a means to systemize the organization of your respective production waves throughout every single forex trading working day, staff members turn out creating the best products in the right sums but with the wrong occasions, which leads to food waste materials anyways.” Consequently, the reasoning associated with BakePlan is usually to protect against food items squander becoming made from the beginning whilst improving sales and buyer total satisfaction within a remarkably aggressive sector. In the same way, Cybake, a bakery management software method, minimizes spend by taking the guesswork from set dimension computations. By switching to a cloud-only subscription product, the corporation appeals to an international sector, allowing shop supervisors to alter item orders placed and record waste materials and shipping. This data is brought to consumers digitally, reducing manual digesting and enhancing accuracy. AI at the Edge AI is simply being implemented in several confectionery options to assist in the evaluation of a lot of data to improve R&D, herb managing operations and adaptability in packaging, in addition to increase products longevity and find unexpected events to prevent problems. Cloud computers is founded to process and look at the expanding stream of web data in generation, with a lot of the AI remedies promoted on the market becoming Cloud-centered. Even so, these options have substantial demands regarding system plus it, and assist an overpowering amount of details that may be laborious and time-eating to put together and procedure. “The issue of extra benefit typically remains fairly murky for companies, who are not able to evaluate if or how making an investment in AI will offer a come back,” clarifies Patricia Torres, Industry Advertising and marketing Director Food and Products, Omron Europe. “The simple fact that program designs for your creation market are typically each sophisticated and unique is another contributive component.” So even though the Cloud is most effective to deal with big info and handle huge long-term analytics, AI at the Benefit is crucial for true-time apps if your confectionery dealer is to incorporate AI that produces perceptible added benefit. This process provides more versatility and quicker response occasions, so creation situations can get far better consumption of details evaluation with the Side. “Instead of laboriously browsing a tremendous number of data for patterns, in addition to the processes which are running, it’s crucial that you take on points in the other course,” points out Torres. “Technology is required where needed AI sets of rules are integrated into the appliance manage system, as a result developing the framework for true-time optimisation absolutely around the Side – at the unit, for that equipment.” A single very good example of this technological innovation is Omron’s Sysmac AI Controller, a wise AI solution that collects, analyses and utilises information on Benefit products within a controller to prolong gear durability and detect irregularities to stop breakdowns. It mixes handle functions of producing collections and gear with AI handling at developing websites live. Moving on the Edge An additional case in point is Siemens Commercial Benefit, a digitalisation option that contributes machine-stage information finalizing to automation gadgets by using the intelligence of Benefit computers and consequently stylish analytics safely to manufacturing levels. Cloud connection is used jointly with Advantage programs within an built-in hardware and software ecosystem for automation parts. As layed out from the firm, safe-keeping and transmission expenses are reduced for consumers simply because huge quantities of data are preprocessed, and just pertinent details are then transferred to your Cloud or IT structure. But Siemens signified that Benefit computers is just not a conclusion by itself, but a way to accomplish certain targets depending on the unique requirements from the maker. Cloud and Advantage computers aren’t mutually exclusive, but are conditional, so when choosing among the strategies or possibly a crossbreed option, you should take into account the framework conditions and the organization targets of your deployment. This really is specifically correct for food items and refreshment companies such as confectionery, exactly where manufacturing services are usually out-of-date and expenditure cash are lower. Locate a modern technology company that will give a step-by-step procedure for implementing Side computing and the way it could reward your business. Financial selections for clever manufacturer remedies Of course, a similar rule pertains to AI with the Edge like all Industry 4. technology – for the confectionery producer, it is crucial to take into account the company of the options as well as the technologies that is most effective for your personal special challenges and needs. “Automation in this particular circumstance is not going to only imply robotics or unnatural learning ability, but a nicely-believed-out total construction of resolved, collaborative and cellular robotics; plus checking and control technologies, devices and eyesight technology customized towards the individual generation requirements,” points out Robert Brooks, European Marketing and advertising Manager, Foods And Drink, Omron Commercial Automation Europe. Furthermore, the different stakeholders and marketplace individuals really should not be regarded in solitude, but overall and integrated into the future generation method. Even so, many confectionery firms may be hesitant to purchase extra systems, specifically pursuing the monetary challenges offered with the coronavirus pandemic. In this case, expense constructions with renting or finance options are becoming applied by organizations including all those talked about as an solution to allow adaptability about the production line surface. Using this method, it’s easy to continue to have a edge against your competitors and increase your return on your investment, without the need of placing a stress on current money or credit history lines. So as we discussed by using synthetic learning ability all things are changing in confectionary merchandise and exactly how confectionary goods ( ψιλικα ) like cig papers ( χαρτακια ) or smoke cases ( ταμπακιερα ) are sold in shops Got a bunch of house-improvement dreams but you are not really sure how to begin? Let a totally free or low-cost a few-dimensional ground program plan become your guideline. Although setting up a 3-D product is no replacement for skillfully created plans and designs, it will give you a way to test out concepts before you work with a contractor or even an designer. Plus some plans are simple to operate: If you can use a tape-measure and pull things on the laptop or computer monitor, there is the essential skills. Here’s how to get started out. Step 1: Have a Measured Technique You will will need all of the sizes in the area or project location to be able to recreate it. A locking 25-foot retracting tape measure may be the time-tested instrument, but you can also get difficult estimates with augmented-actuality equipment like Google’s totally free Evaluate mobile app for Google android or Apple’s in the same way referred to as iOS 12 Evaluate app. Some apps, like Magicplan for Android and iOS (costs commence at $3), is capable of doing both the specifications and place jointly a flooring plan. Calculate app employs augmented-fact technological innovation to identify the tough dimensions of physical objects, but utilizing a classic-designed tape measure is more precise. Apple’s Determine iphone app employs augmented-fact technology to recognize the rough size of objects, but using a classic-designed tape measure is far more exact. Determine everything: the length, breadth and depth in the wall surfaces, doors and windows inside the place, and don’t neglect fixtures like radiators. You must also seize the size of the furniture, devices along with other components of the restoration area. If you plan to purchase home furniture, devices or shelving, accumulate the specifications from your product’s specs on-line (or on the package). You will find plenty of residence-layout programs in a range of rates inside your app store. And several merchant programs, like these from Construct.com and Wayfair, use augmented truth to show online objects like household furniture in the space. Join On Technician with Shira Ovide: Your best guide to how modern technology is changing our lives and the planet. But should this be brandbrand-new for you – or if you are incorporating on a place – the free version of Fairly sweet Residence three dimensional for Home windows, Mac pc and Linux computers could be your best option, as you receive an intuitive graphical user interface and a lot of style choices. The application form has numerous pleasing functions for beginners, which includes an highlighted end user information and video tutorials. (A full model of Fairly sweet House three dimensional with additional design and style alternatives is also readily available cheaper than $15 in the Microsoft and Mac pc Application stores.) Fairly sweet House three dimensional features a free online release that really works within a browser. SketchUp Free is another web browser-based attracting program and possesses paid for variations. Coordinator 5D has free versions for Google android and iOS that provide you plenty of room to try out before you need to start making any in-app purchases. This program also works on Microsoft windows 10, macOS along with the web. Step 3: Lay Out a Floor Plan Following, create a size product within the program’s work space, which normally seems like a grid of squares representing feet or m. Refer to your set of sizes and make use of the program’s instruments and grid to produce surfaces, rooms, entrance doors along with the other key factors. If attracting an area on your own intimidates you at the beginning, examine your program to find out if it offers web templates or example documents. With a bit of visiting and dragging, it is possible to generally adjust these cases to fit the outline and measurements of your personal room. Phase 4: Add Internal Furnishings As soon as you chart out of the room’s external dimensions, start off stuffing in the internal with furnishings and home appliances. Most style applications provide an object web browser windowpane you can use to drag 3-D kinds of frequent things (like desks, sofas and pub carts) in your flooring strategy where you would like them to look. Far more stylish furnishings may need an in-mobile app acquire. Depending on your software, you can even be capable of select distinct home window and front door styles, in addition to stylized wallpapers, flooring surfaces, drapes along with other furniture to produce your version appear as close to the restoration desire as you possibly can. Stage 5: See It in 3-D – and Reveal Some software offer a break up-display screen view between your 2-D ground prepare along with a 3-D model that one could rewrite and turn. Other plans screen the undertaking within the toned 2-D perspective and also you include the additional aspect by using a tap or just click. Viewing any room in 3-D can give you a much better concept of how every little thing operates within the space, and may highlight issues you may not have witnessed on the flat flooring plan, like flame sprinklers that block case entrance doors from entirely opening up. When you’re happy with your development, start working on another stage. Produce it to use it as being helpful tips as you may operate, or give a duplicate to your contractor so you’re each on a single web page in regards time and energy to begin the task. Greatest 3 dimensional software to make old artifacts and expensive jewelry reproductions You could make just about everything with 3 dimensional printing, with our on the internet 3 dimensional stamping services, you have access to a great deal of generating components. You will have the probability to printing diverse plastic materials or resins, but in addition precious metals. In simple fact, it can be even possible to produce jewellery using 3 dimensional publishing. If you generate precious jewelry, you need reliability and you will have to work with the best technology. At Sculpteo, we provide you with entry to distinct generating systems. For instance, Binder Jetting and Wax tart Casting are very helpful for 3 dimensional generating expensive jewelry. We have the ability to accomplish this thanks to ExOne’s expert laser printers as well as to ProJet 3500 CPX High definition that will print your 3 dimensional aluminum projects, which includes jewelry. To three dimensional produce jewelry, first you need to function over a 3 dimensional submit and make a 3D design for your personal expensive jewelry by using a 3D design and style computer software. Beginner or seasoned, there is certainly always a course which will meet your needs plus your amount of skills. We will enable you to get the computer software you require with this Top rated 16 of the greatest jewelry style application. Find the precious jewelry design computer software that you need Whatever you are about to produce, you’ll need to use a three dimensional CAD layout computer software to produce a 3D document. You could be a newcomer or skilled, an expert jeweler, an performer or perhaps a enthusiast. Whomever you happen to be, there is undoubtedly a plan which will meet your requirements and assist you to design and style your subject. To produce expensive jewelry, the procedure is exactly the same, you have to discover expensive jewelry CAD application to form accurate versions, with many different CAD instruments. Do you wish to generate organic and natural shapes? You wish to 3 dimensional print a geometrical jewel? Anything at all is possible, therefore we are certain you will find a software to suit your needs around, that will help you design completely your 3 dimensional jewelry! With this listing, you will locate some software totally developed to design expensive jewelry. Other kinds are traditional three dimensional modeling or sculpting application, which will also help you to definitely make remarkable styles for the jewelry. Professional Precious jewelry Layout Computer software Once you learn a little bit about 3 dimensional modeling, then you definitely know Rhino3D. It is particularly preferred in design or industrial style because it can help you to generate sophisticated and accurate types. Many variations can be found, and one is going to be interesting to suit your needs if you wish to carry out some precious jewelry design: it is called RhinoGold. This application is devoted to jewellery style and lets you create extremely in depth components of expensive jewelry. You will be supplied with a large collection of jewellery parts and you will mix them as you wish. You can do anything you want, like physique bands, jewelry, charms, halos, pendants, eternity groups, and many others. You may also build up your precious jewelry on your own with many instruments offered by RhinoGold to make a distinctive style! Modeling element and engraving unit are incorporated, this may cause RhinoGold an efficient computer software to generate your jewellery 3D design. One more item from Rhino3D is RhinoJewel. This expert three dimensional modeling application will enable you to make stunning jewellery designs for the luxury sector. From easy jobs to the most difficult versions, it is possible to make photorealistic renders to provide your vision in 3 dimensional. RhinoJewel was constructed depending on around 2 decades of experience in 3 dimensional modeling, goldsmithing, gemstone establishing, gemology, jewellery layout, and speedy prototyping. It is famous because of its effortless ui and a wide array of resources professional for precious jewelry layout. If you’re a specialist and operate in the jewellery business you might know this Matrix computer software. It is a well-liked and efficient tool to accomplish 3D publishing jewelry design and style. Matrix is ideal if you want to start up a project right from the start. This CAD plan is created specifically to create expensive jewelry, but you should be a little experienced to utilize this particular one since it is a complicated tool. They have the same benefits as Rhino, nevertheless the user interface is fully made for jewelers. Moreover, it includes move-by-move building contractors to assist in your creative research. 3Design is another CAD application completely committed to jewellery layout. It promises to be “made by jewelers, for jewelers”. Using this type of program, it is possible to make an effort to make remarkably comprehensive 3 dimensional things. It allows you to see photorealistic graphics of your three dimensional types prior to generating it. You can obtain a practical providing simply because this precious jewelry CAD software package is encouraged by xbox game graphics modern technology. As its interface is very instinctive, you can actually discover with a little bit of education. Certainly, this CAD for expensive jewelry will probably increase your creation ways to get the perfect 3D printed out jewellery. It provides several precise resources that can be a good choice for micro pave or gemstone creation for example. A catalogue of varied things is included and can provide many opportunities. Firestorm CAD computer software This jewellery CAD modeling application is made for expensive jewelry developing. Numerous tools are created especially for expensive jewelry design and style, nevertheless, you do not must be an expert to product with this particular application, as it has a quick understanding contour. Thi software is ideal to produce three dimensional jewellery with organic and natural forms, using its fast modifying tools. A local library is likewise a part of this CAD application. Expensive jewelry CAD Dream With 30 many years of encounter, this potent computer software permits you to produce innovative models. It gives you a lot of time-saving equipment, a hybrid modeling engine with straight modeling, and CAD jewellery tools. It will allow you to make reasonable visualizations and readily make modifications to the product. Jewellery CAD Dream is not merely about layout and also regarding the developing approach. It permits you to proficiently get ready the designs for three dimensional printing, to find the best orientation, as well as to promise seamless generation. This is one of the most favored jewellery layout application. It is recognized for a simple understanding curve, helpful User Interface, and intuitive resources. It gives plenty of freedom for the customer making it possible for the creation of gorgeous patterns. JewelCAD can handle different functions like curve and level editing and enhancing, generating array for rocks, production of photo-like renders. You may also calculate the amount and body weight of rocks necessary, get ready records for CNC machining and STL documents for three dimensional generating. A really hands-on system that allows you to generate exclusive jewels quickly. CounterSketch permits you to start off on your own or choose among 1300 predetermined versions that one could polish into special projects, in addition to customers. This piece of Application is an interesting acquire for retail stores planning to co-create closing products with clients, and will no matter if be purchased or employed through a regular monthly subscription. Jweel is actually a jewelry layout software, there is absolutely no obtain necessary. The creators report that this jewelry style software program is so simple to use that you simply do not need to have any 3D modeling knowledge. It possesses a very easy navigation monitor helping you to swiftly style custom made jewelry like with written text or icons. After you design and style your customized part, it will be three dimensional printed and go through hands submit-handling. This can be a excellent solution for newbies and low-designers who continue to would like to style remarkably individualized 3D printed out precious jewelry. Wizegem is an on the web foundation for creative designers and shops. It is rather basic: you decide on factors for your jewelry, modify them, and it’s all set! You can either down load a 3D document or make it in the online app. More Software program for Jewellery Style Zbrush is really a computerized sculpting tool, allowing to design, painting, and structure the item that you’re planning to three dimensional print out. You can acquire high-image resolution versions with this a single. ZBrush uses “3D pixels” technology. Every pixel is known as “pixol” and contains facts about depth, orientation, substance, and colour benefit. Zbrush is used by lots of jewelry developers as it is an effective software program to create comprehensive designs for expensive jewelry or accessories. ZBrush is a good option if you want to produce intricate versions, it permits you to sculpt what you want and include lots of particulars, as gem stones for instance. It is suitable to operate about the consistency and types of surface of your respective three dimensional version. With ZBrush, you’re free and could be as imaginative as you wish. You can give life to any concepts but you have to have a little bit knowledge about three dimensional modeling well before making use of it for your jewelry styles. Zbrush carries a relationship with Sculpteo enabling you to directly export your 3 dimensional models and produce them as a result of our online 3 dimensional printing support. It should not be simpler! Food processor is free computer software. This open up-source 3D modeling software is created by Mixer Basis. Food processor carries a mesh-dependent direct modeling program, not much of a parametric a single. Plenty of tutorials are available to aid users, but simply because this 3D modeling computer software is a little little bit innovative, it does not truly suit first-timers. This software is much more interesting for artistic use, and therefore, it is very relevant to produce three dimensional jewellery. You should know the standard functions of Food processor before working with it. If you are looking at making use of Mixer, take a look at our Blender tutorial which can help you design, export, and proper your three dimensional style to 3D printing it. Sketchup is designed by Trimble and may be used by anybody. It’s a free of charge and well-liked computer software for 3D publishing. It is additionally extremely helpful for starters, who don’t have plenty of knowledge of three dimensional modeling software. As Sketchup is particularly useful to design and style geometrical models, it can be related to use this application if you would like produce geometrical jewelry. If you’re new with 3 dimensional modeling and you need to use Sketchup, check out our Sketchup training that will give you great first-timers ways to use it for 3 dimensional publishing. Moment of Motivation (MOI): Second of Ideas (also known as MoI), this is a little much like Rhino but way less costly. It offers much less capabilities and plug-ins, nevertheless, you have all the fundamental resources to style your jewelry. This software program presently features a consumer bottom involved with jewellery style. MoI is designed for artists and developers, but it could be really fascinating to work with it to make jewellery. This CAD software program is a good remedy in case you are just starting expensive jewelry design! 3Shaper is a sculpting and free of charge-form modeler. You can use it like a element in 3Design by taking the specialist model, but may also be used alone, in the stand-by itself variation. 3Shaper enables you to make organic and natural styles and work with information. As an example, it is simple to produce ajours with this one particular. The workspace has become maximized to get more effectiveness. Go ahead and make use of creative expertise with 3Shaper. Tinkercad is an easy and customer-warm and friendly software program. It is a great software program if you’re new with 3D modeling. You are able to specifically obtain access to this program in your world wide web web browser. It is totally free and also you don’t require earlier experiences with CAD software program to use it! You may create a lot of different versions, so keep in mind that this application can be quite valuable when you are new with jewelry style. And if you want to build your three dimensional design or design and style your piece of precious jewelry with a matter of minutes, go verify our Tinkercad training! We will teach you how to take at hand this on the internet style resource. Mudbox is actually a electronic digital piece of art and sculpting software program acquired by Autodesk. Notably necessary to create and change imaginative things, for instance, jewelry. It permits you to work on organic shapes, feel piece of art, and displacement. Mudbox is quite comparable to ZBrush, but this three dimensional modeling application is more conventional. It uses levels, enabling the person to keep various specifics moves, introducing masks about the layers, and mixing them. This way the user will work on the three dimensional type of his development without creating long term changes. This can certainly become a excellent answer to your jewellery models. We hope that the leading 11 list of expensive jewelry design software program assisted you to find the proper resources, adapted to the task and your needs and that it will help you to produce your creativeness and energize your ideas. But what might you do once your three dimensional model is entirely completed, you need to three dimensional produce your jewelry? Good news, you can utilize our on the internet three dimensional publishing service. On account of the Binder Jetting three dimensional ink jet printers created by ExOne, we are capable of three dimensional produce jewellery with stainless 420 BR making use of the M-Flex computer printer. The material is ideal for 3 dimensional printing expensive jewelry. You can also use Wax tart Metallic Throwing to give lifestyle for your expensive jewelry. Every one of these properly designed and effectively believed computer software are good for creating historical fake just like the vergina sun or silver plated olive wreath that features a historic symbolic that means. Execution of new technologies in conventional processes of making spirits The requirements in the distillation technologies for your marketplace of great evidence alcohols and delicious spirits like Whisky, Rum or other folks can vary so much from certain requirements for the fairly neutral alcoholic beverages production. It is crucial to makers of Brandy and Whiskey to keep up the typical smell and taste with their distillate. The normal taste is induced by several factors through the alcoholic drinks generation: the natural material mixture, with the fermentation method and by the distillation approach, never to forget the year’s lengthy safe-keeping in wood made barrels. Setup of the latest technology in traditional processes of creating mood The installation of new technologies indicates how the product or service quality keeps exactly the same in any circumstances / all circumstances. The replacing or maybe the extension from the potential of pre-existing standard wash stills frequently lead to new models less than an economic aspect. Economics are frequently feasible – apart from energetically optimisation – inside the reducing in the merchandise deficits. GEA layout and produce total collections for the production of individuals alcohol plants and flowers. With our references from the enjoying and energy alcoholic drinks market we could show outstanding practical experience using natural components from different source. As substantial capacities are relevant the importance of energy saving operations is stressed. Our temperature incorporated operations utilize sophisticated principles for example mechanized vapour recompression, multiple point distillation and water loss, heat enhanced mashing methods and so forth. All utilized ideas value the chance of state-of-the-art technology without having overstressing, as being a dependable jogging process is among one of our principal focusses. We take control of the duty for that procedure mass- and energy stability from the milling on the final products, e.g. alcoholic beverages as outlined by specification or DDGS (Dried Distillers Cereals with soluble) as wildlife foodfood. The spent residues that result as by-items from fermentation functions from alcoholic beverages production are usually referred to as put in wash, vinasse or stillage. In the fermentation of grain mash and subsequent distillation, about 100 l of stillage are made for every 100 l of mash. These lean liquor stillages contain all the nutrients of the natural materials aside from their fermented starch and all kinds of sugar: i.e. they include protein, body fat, fiber content, nutrients and so on. in better levels than were within the original natural material. These liquors can therefore be refined into extra-importance dog rss feeds by attention and, if necessary, drying out and crystallization and precipitation of particular closes (e.g. potassium, sodium). GEA design and style allows our consumers to lessen the Greenhouse Petrol Pollutants / Carbon dioxide footprint as well as to produce more useful by-goods. This technological innovation can be utilized for making mood like raki or metaxa or rakomelo $805.61 billion dollars globally by 2023. With being able to reinvent alone using emerging technological innovation and a wide range of entrance selling price point goods in the strategy, it is defeated the worldwide financial crisis of 2008 and is continuing to look from durability to power. In the past, the cosmetics industry has been significantly an actual store expertise. Revenue assistants at department stores are set with examples aimed at attractive the sensory faculties in the consumer. Nonetheless, expenditure in technological innovation by larger makeup products companies has resulted in an electronic alteration in the market whilst still letting emerging companies to flourish concurrently. These important changes reveal that technology is now a core portion of the industry approach along with other sectors should be keen to follow. The in-store practical experience Revenue assistants have finally become splendor experts and they are on hand to offer consumers immediately courses, guidance and also make-overs to create manufacturer authority on products to boost revenue and customer commitment. Information record charge cards have been replaced with customer loyalty strategies where client facts are captured at POS tills during the deal. These best procedures is now able to observed in virtually any stand-alone cosmetics retail store, but new advancements have finally been applied as well as the encounter of client connection changed however once again. In collaboration with Image Metrics, L’Oreal Paris launched its Makeup products Wizard iphone app in 2014 which uses face treatment mapping modern technology to change the leading-going through camera of a smartphone in to a digital looking glass. In 2018, they purchased ModiFace, a business creating software that is applicable computerized make-up via the top-experiencing digital camera. This gives the consumer to essentially try on goods in real-time, conserve the user’s seem and put these products to some want listing. Cosmetics Master may also be used in-shop to use on products prior to getting simply by scanning the product’s barcode. Sephora Elegance Work shop The Wonder Work shop within a Sephora retailer exactly where buyers can one by one often their splendor requires. Picture Credit: Sephora The French cosmetic products company also have a chosen area appropriately called ‘The Beauty Workshop’ exactly where customers can sit at computerized workstations and watch online video courses in the most up-to-date make-up technique or have class elegance courses making use of a wide array of its goods. This shift in buyer engagement educates the individual about the brand whilst providing them all the details concerning the product or service and ways to utilize it. Relevant: Comprehending Electronic Alteration Tendencies within the Retail industry Field Sephora also evaluated and is continuing to build up the application of Bluetooth beacons in 20 stores. These small products communicate with touch screen phones and pc tablets to provide actual-time advertising to listed end users. Buyers who choose-set for updates are mailed customised signals after they enter in a shop. These notifications begin with a delightful meaning and can follow up with retailer activities, marketing promotions or exclusive devotion offers according to the individual. With ‘fast walkers’ getting one of many challenges, 80% of Sephora’s iphone app buyers agreed to opt-set for these alerts which present there may be nevertheless a need for the technological innovation to get analyzed and developed to boost an omnichannel practical experience. Makeup products businesses small or large can collate an abundance of customer details to assist push their organization. Nevertheless as makeup products and sweetness products are so individual, collecting anything aside from product sales and customer actions information can be difficult, time-eating and dear. Poshly, an American info company support splendor companies collect extensive buyer information by giving its consumers opportunities to earn beauty products in exchange for responding to questionnaires. These queries cover anything from in depth every day splendor regimens to personalized pursuits. Poshly then anonymise the data prior to revealing it with its companions for any payment. RELATED: How the Splendor Marketplace is Successful in internet commerce With one of these in depth buyer tastes, firms can easily make crucial judgements from product or service growth, marketing and advertising techniques and even determining new market segments. We have been also experiencing the buzz of internet retailers geared towards clients that are brand name faithful, store regularly on the internet and wish to discover new brand names. For merchants such as this, client information is the linchpin to some successful income product. How the Cosmetics Industry Adopted Technology Registration brands like Birchbox supply their clients trial size merchandise within their month-to-month membership with all the motivation to purchase full-dimensions types on its internet site. Along with a list of questions about beauty personal preferences inside the user’s account, Birchbox will be able to accumulate an extensive level of client data to give into its customised marketing plan. On the web content material As outlined by Search engines, 66Percent of attractiveness merchandise buyers say Youtube . com-affected their transactions by supporting them visualise how merchandise fit into their day-to-day lives. That said, makeup products brands are actually adhering to from the footsteps of design merchants by making original content material next to their product combine to increase brand understanding and aid in Search engine optimization. FeelUnique Blog site Content FeelUnique’s blog content material featuring make-up styles, beauty tips and celeb interview. FeelUnique’s editorial supplying is perfectly situated in the very best the navigation food list. Content is also well positioned by advised goods in the bottom of your page with crystal clear call-to-steps for your consumer to find out a lot more elegance news, suggestions, appears and video lessons. FeelUnique’s abundant product pushed information will allow the individual to discover the organization being a life-style manufacturer in addition to a place to acquire merchandise. This approach is essential for a manufacturer that doesn’t possess a stand-by itself retailer. Equally L’Oreal and Birchbox also provide a huge volume of content on YouTube which includes lessons, celebrity campaigns, new product releases and much more. Providing meticulously curated articles like this on a main system has permitted both brand names to interact with with more youthful people and market place their items in the new way. A social networking appearance is key to your brand name nevertheless, consumers are now utilizing these programs as a straight backlink to companies to voice problems or issues. The beauty products industry appear to have navigated the gauntlet in recent years by listening to customers, sticking with altering advertising and marketing guidelines towards transparency and marketing their brand names with genuineness in your mind. Nyx Cosmetic products and Sephora both have a big adhering to on social media systems and so are recognized for make an effort to interesting with fans by taste articles and discussing reviews. This also will allow the two companies to accept the chance to utilize their user-produced content. By revealing clients critiques and producing hashtags for users to participate with, each manufacturers can highlight and promote their products and motivate and draw in new customers for their brand. Nyx Cosmetic products Instagram Nyx Makeup products Instagram Account. It is claimed that social networking influencers have helped the united states-structured elegance brand name turn into a multiple-mil dollar organization. In 2017 Sephora partnered with millennial publisher Bustle to enhance the Sephora Collection through the latter’s Instagram, using Accounts to show off the products. The ‘swipe up’ feature on Instagram Accounts provides for readers to straight entry the item obtain web page. Instagram released paid out partnerships in October 2017 to get much more transparent about advertisements, in addition to offer organizations far more observations and google analytics than common blogposts. It is also possible to acquire goods straight from the Instagram post, which back links on the related company’s site. Connected: Why F-business is really Tough to Crack A lot of cosmetic companies can also be really productive on Snapchat providing curated information including powering-the-displays superstar shoots and cool product teasers. L’Oreal were actually the first to test the interpersonal foundation by making and recruiting their own ‘lens’ which employed the identical technologies because the Cosmetics Master iphone app. Gain Beauty products and Metropolitan Decay in the near future put into practice suit, letting companies to deliver content material for their fans to spot light their goods. Upcoming technological innovation Although Wireless bluetooth beacon and current in-retailer technologies are constantly becoming optimized to get a absolutely individual shopping encounter, size customisation is developing require and is vital concentration for that cosmetics industry. We have previously seen businesses for example US shop Penrose that enable clients to make personalised perfume aromas, nevertheless the innovators appear to be established into the future from three dimensional publishing and digital makeup products application. Sophistication Choi’s Mink permits an end user to three dimensional printing eyeshadow, powders or lipsticks in every shade you can get online. From Choi’s initially TechCrunch demo back 2014, the FDA approved ink cartridge was published straight onto a beauty substrate inside an ink-jet printing device dyeing a colourless natural powder in less than one minute. Although MODA, the world’s initial digital make-up performer, uses an mobile app to choose beauty seems on the web to then ‘print’ make-up directly to users deal with. While we can not foresee the subsequent commercial emerging tech, it’s reliable advice that individual recommendations from buddies and also in-retail store splendor industry experts still enjoy an integral function in relation to customer purchasing practices. Even so, exercising your decision-producing procedure with new digital innovations will likely be integral to the cosmetics industry’s constant achievement. So as you can see how shoppers go shopping makeup products ( καλλυντικα ) like nail gels (gel νυχιων) or semi-permanent varnishes ( ημιμονιμα βερνικια ) changed and there are many routes and techniques now to effect and teach the consumer acquisitions. Few jobs sound as fascinating as that from the non-public investigator. There’s the excitement of making the right investigative plan, subsequent high on leads and attempting to make feeling out of somewhat unconnected information and facts. Private investigators aren’t just tied to locating lacking persons or spying on unfaithful husbands and wives – additionally, they reach operate in numerous diverse places starting from insurance policy to authorized to business affairs. Of course, if everything that is not enough, there is the excitement of dealing with some fairly great gizmos to anticipate. What kinds of gizmos particularly? Here are 3 amazing spy instruments that were taken to daily life through the PI market: Resource #1 – The Extremely Pencil Just check with 007 – at times the pencil is mightier in comparison to the sword. Better still, request any private investigator. In addition to being ideal for producing memoirs and signing inspections, pens alllow for great surveillance devices simply because, well, who actually would imagine a pen? There are certainly several different ways to get used to writing instruments for surveillance usage. By way of example, one popular option is the pencil recorder, that enables the consumer to document chats whilst the pen is in a bank account as well as while consuming remarks. The documenting pen doesn’t appear any larger than an ordinary pencil; in fact, it seems similar to a regular pencil and can even attract responses of admiration! Even so, that is not every, seeing as there are more advanced types readily available at the same time. As an illustration, for a few hundred $ $ $ $, detectives ( ντετεκτιβ αθηνα ) can purchase pencils which also come provided with digital cameras which you can use to consider picture and video tutorials – much like the pencil “007” utilized in the movie, Octopussy. Improvements in present day technological innovation suggest that the captured graphics are captured in sharp “near-HD” promises, leading them to be perfect for sneaking into business meetings, checking days, and corporate espionage. Instrument #2 – The Non-public Investigator Jetpack Among the highlights of your 1966 Bond movie, Thunderball (there have been a lot of), is definitely the scene in which “007” flies across a wall using a jetpack constructed by Q. Back then, jetpacks were deemed the things of stories – only to be used in imagination novels and not in real life. That had been correct for the following several ages, nevertheless it isn’t the truth any longer. Today, personal investigators get the chance to utilize genuine jetpacks. Right after generations of tests and experimenting, many companies – including the Martin Jetpack firm newest Zealand – have unveiled personalized jetpack techniques that can be used through the army or perhaps for leisurely use. An integral good thing about these newly revealed jetpacks is you don’t have to be a aviator in other to make use of one, because they come provided with a number of security features including backup parachutes. Moreover, considering that the jetpacks facilitates a payload of up to 100kg, there is ample area for detectives to pack coupled any extra items. Regrettably, at near $100,000 a part, today’s jetpacks could be a little bit costly for that regular investigator, but it is a technology that is worth maintaining an eye on for the future! Tool #3 – Artistic Security Camcorders How tiny can a camera perhaps get? That query offers been considered as a obstacle in the PI entire world. Each and every year, new suggestions and technological innovation bring about modern-day and clever monitoring technical. For example, cheaper than $600, personal detectives can personal expert security camcorders that are disguised to check exactly like air fresheners, timepieces and even muscle containers! These cameras can then be placed in a number of bedrooms and accustomed to spy on different focuses on. Many of these modern day video cameras are fitted with wireless network and 3G features which allow private investigators to observe anybody they need, from all over the world employing their cell phones. For that reason, detectives can put in place video cameras throughout several different houses and keep an eye on all the process from your cozy place a long way away, all with general ease. Men and women contact Batman a superhero, but beneath his grim scowl and inadequate fashion sense, this iconic figure is very just a individual detective with great combating expertise and lots of useful tools. Likewise, individual investigators count on their intelligence and sites to break into research and deliver effects. Nevertheless, along the way – every now and then – they choose their spy playthings for support. This may cause cracking the situation easier – and many more fun! Pandemics were actually surface of thoughts for Jim Collins several years before the new coronavirus surfaced. In 2014, his bioengineering lab at MIT commenced developing devices that may detect the Ebola infection if it was freeze out-dehydrated on to some document. The small team of experts from MIT and Harvard initially printed their analysis in 2016; by then, they’d designed the technological innovation to deal with the increasing risk from the Zika virus. Now, they’re altering their tool again to determine coronavirus instances. The group is designing a encounter cover up to produce a fluorescent sign when a man or woman with all the coronavirus breathes, coughs, or sneezes. If the technology shows productive, it could tackle defects related to other screening techniques like temperature investigations. “While we start our transit method, you can envision it being used in airports since we proceed through stability, when we hang on to have over a plane,” Collins informed Organization Specialized. “You or I was able to use it on the best way to and from job. Medical centers could apply it for people as they come in or wait around in the holding out place being a pre-display screen of who’s infected.” Medical professionals may possibly utilize them to identify patients immediately, without having to deliver samples to your laboratory. At one time when tests snafus and setbacks have hampered numerous countries’ power to control breakouts, resources that swiftly identify people are vital. A phosphorescent transmission could demonstrate no matter if coronavirus is there in saliva Collins affirms his lab’s existing task is within the “quite early stages,” nevertheless the outcomes have been appealing. In the past couple weeks, his crew continues to be testing the sensors’ ability to detect the novel coronavirus in a tiny saliva sample. The group is likewise testing layout: At the moment, the laboratory is debating if you should embed devices within a face mask or build a unit that could be attached to any over the counter cover up. They dreams to demonstrate the principle operates within the up coming month or so. “After we’re because period, then it will be a make a difference setting up tests with people expected to be infected to ascertain if it might operate in a genuine-community establishing,” Collins mentioned. The malware-determining technological innovation more normally, however, has already been confirmed. By 2018, the lab’s detectors could identify viruses that create SARS, measles, influenza, liver disease C, West Nile, as well as other diseases. “We primarily do this in writing to produce inexpensive pieces of paper-centered diagnostics,” Collins mentioned. “We’ve displayed it could work on plastic, quartz, as well as material.” Collins’ detectors contain hereditary material – DNA and RNA – that binds to a infection. That substance is hold-dried on to material using a machine termed as a lyophilizer, which sucks humidity from the hereditary materials without having getting rid of it. It could keep stable at area temperatures for a lot of weeks, providing the masks a relatively lengthy shelf-life. The detectors will need a couple of things to be stimulated. The initial one is humidity, which the body give off via breathing particles like mucus or saliva. Secondly, they must recognize a virus’ genetic sequence. A Shanghai laboratory sequenced the coronavirus genome in January. Collins mentioned his detectors required to establish simply a little sector of this sequence to recognize the computer virus. Once they do, they are made to give off a luminescent transmission inside anyone to a few time. That signal isn’t apparent to the human eye, so Collins’ laboratory utilizes a device referred to as a flourimeter to appraise the fluorescent light. Outside of the clinical, he was quoted saying, open public representatives could use hand held flourimeters – which Collins mentioned “expense about a dollar” – to check out people’s masks. His crew has formerly designed devices that change from yellowish to purple each time a computer virus is found, so color-shifting detectors can be a likelihood as well, he explained, even though group has tabled that strategy for now. A quicker, more accurate approach to identify sufferers Collins is regarded as a leader of synthetic biology, an industry which uses architectural to revamp solutions located in the outdoors. He earned a MacArthur wizard give in 2003. In 2018, his lab obtained a $50,000 offer from Johnson And Johnson to develop embeddable infection-sensing detectors for laboratory coats. The sensors may offer a cheaper, easier, and more hypersensitive form of recognition than conventional analysis tests. The lab’s devices for Zika, as an example, can detect people within 2 to 3 several hours. The team calculated in 2016 that the sensors price about $20 everyevery single, while the examination alone was $1 or less to produce. A tech checking examination pipes made up of are living examples of the coronavirus in the Robert Ballanger healthcare facility around Paris on Apr 30. Gonzalo Fuentes/Reuters Coronavirus checks, by contrast, at the moment acquire about twenty four hours to operate, and people usually don’t obtain results for several days. That could alter, even so, since the united states Meals and Drug Administration has permitted an at-property diagnostic test (it’s currently being given to health-related employees and initially responders). The test produced by the Locations for Disease Control and Prevention charges about $36, in accordance with a document introduced by Medicare health insurance in Mar. For professional labs, the purchase price is $51. Due to the fact Collins’ sensors are very particular, they’re even capable to identify diverse strains of a computer virus. In the case of Zika, the devices found two stresses from Africa, one particular from Asia, and another from America. Researchers have traced coronavirus stresses returning to two main lineages: one that originated in Asia and the other that has become more widespread in Europe, Canada And America, and Sydney. Even though the MIT clinical continues to be screening coronavirus sectors, there’s a good chance its technologies can find these distinctions: They earlier found out that its test possessed a 48Per cent possibility of determining one particular level mutation. A substitute for temperature assessments Travellers becoming inspected by using a thermo scanner with introduction with the Naples railway station on April 9. Marco Cantile/LightRocket/Getty Graphics Airport terminal screeners often rely on temp assessments to flag vacationers who might have coronavirus bacterial infections. The approach can also be being used in countries around the world which have peaceful lockdown constraints. But temperature assessments miss out on a big swath of infection, including patients that are asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic or are experiencing symptoms aside from a fever. Collins feels his detectors could recognize far more situations by sensing the virus alone, as opposed to its signs and symptoms. The lab’s aspirational aim, he was quoted saying, is usually to get started manufacturing masks ( μασκες ) for general public syndication at the end of summersummer. “At the moment we’re time-constrained and skill-constrained because we’ve received a comparatively modest crew,” he stated. “We’re restricted in the amount of we can easily have from the research laboratory functioning, and they’re all being employed as challenging as they can.” In addition, it looks how the most virus resilient fabric for face masks made out of fabric is identical material that it must be employed in flags ( σημαια ). This material due to the great thickness ceases saliva from going into seriously from the cover up and for that reason provides the best defense against covid. From measuring sporting efficiency to keeping track of exercise and analyzing well being metrics, clever shoes are on this page to offer personalized feedback to consumers. Attempts are onto expert classic shoes with integrated technological innovation to enhance comfort and ease, comfort, and health and well being. Smart footwear feature insoles that may work as a Bluetooth-linked accessory and may hyperlink process or placement to a smart phone mobile app. They may serve as a higher-technology mind. In this post, we street address the actual reputation, challenges, and way forward for smart shoes modern technology. Crucial participants on the market: As the market is nonetheless in the infancy, that has not stopped plenty of footwear firms from releasing their own personal wise boots with clever trackers. Some crucial participants on the market are mentioned below: One of the world’s biggest shoes firms, Nike, introduced revolutionary self-lacing HyperAdapt 1. footwear. The sneakers have stress detectors within the bottoms that sensation when you ought to place the ft . inside of and causes an algorithm which allows a computerized lacing. With integrated LEDs, the footwear can inform an individual of low electric battery or possibly a small match. Additionally, these comfortable shoes do not require charging each day, as well as the demand may last approximately 14 days. HOVR Phantom and HOVR Sonic boots unveiled in Feb . 2018 by Beneath Armour have built-in detectors to record several metrics vital for runners. These include rate, length, actions, stride, and cadence. These chip-packed footwear can be synced for the Map My Manage app and so are compatible with iOS and Android mobile phone telephones. The users may go through zero gravitational forces and a excellent power work together with the shoes’ excellent shock reduction components and comfort. Under Armour | HOVR Chaos Shot Compilation from Bryan Talkish on Vimeo. Wise footwear by Digitsole characteristics a wide range of utilizes which is in shape for all. These enjoyable smart shoes or boots provide individualized responses to evaluate well being, tiredness, pose, methods, and calorie consumption and make specific info for enhancing health insurance and stopping personal injuries. It is actually very easily linked to Wireless bluetooth 4. device and gives custom made mentoring live via a cell phone iphone app. The light next-gen sneaker design and style boasts of vehicle-lacing and temperatures regulation. Altra Torin IQ These sneakers characteristic razor-lean, light sensors and transmitters to provide data for every single feet one by one. Additionally, they give stay teaching opinions, which includes impact price, attaining region, distance, pace, contact time, and cadence. The training can be done audible based on the preference in the athletes. Altra IQ shoes or boots communicate straight to the company’s iFit application on smartphones. Mobile app display screen adjustments can be customizable with opinions relayed live. What are the diverse systems used in wise footwear? Intelligent boots require a reputable process for data investment, info transmitting, storing, and details examination. Numerous types of sensors are utilized to obtain information for wise shoes or boots: Inertial-magnet dimension products made up of an accelerometer, a gyroscope, along with a magnetometer can be used for gait assessment. Satellite navigation techniques such as Gps navigation, GLONASS, and GALILEO are used to supply information and facts to the real-time place. Tension detectors are used to provide information about the syndication of body mass the middle of-gait. Background enviromentally friendly sensors, which includes atmospheric strain, lighting, and sound devices, can be used as getting info from altitude-based pursuits along with the around atmosphere. Internal standing devices are utilized to offer info on battery and storage potential. In addition to detector taking, data purchase systems usually have cloud-based transmission capabilities. Natural indicator information is highly processed to have appropriate information employing filter systems, drift correction, or gradient descent-based techniques. Your data is additional segmented employing sequential version-dependent techniques, format-dependent techniques, multidimensional subsequencing, as well as a powerful time warping technique. And gait or process designs could be extracted and assessed for customized feedback, visualization, and other well being apps. Wise shoes or boots by using a commendable trigger: Apart from the above-mentioned shoes or boots for analyzing and enhancing efficiency, other intelligent shoe businesses, such as Zhor Technology, have formulated shoes or boots intended for development personnel. These shoes have a basic safety insole that could count techniques, recognize tiredness, and evaluate posture. Insoles can identify and alert a supervisor or manager in case of a slip or even an crash. Lechal shoes designed by Ducere Technological innovation is for creatively impaired people. The enjoyable haptic-structured menu process within the boots detects the shake inside the ft and tutorials them to their spot. In case the person wearing them has to turn remaining, the vibrations is sensed within the kept ft ., and vice versa. Users can easily sync the shoes to the Lechal iphone app through Wireless bluetooth for direction to their destination. Difficulties and the way forward for clever boots: So, despite all of these inventions, exactly why are wise shoes not applied broadly? Shoe companies need to have incredible investment and specialized know-learning to make clever footwear. It needs knowledge, progressive technology, and a lot of assets. Then there are some societal difficulties to jump, also. Numerous shoppers tend not to see smart shoes as part of their existence but. Nonetheless, as technologies is developing, these problems might be solved. Intelligent functions in shoes can well appear in footwear boots (μποτακια ανδρικα), slippers ( παντοφλεσ ) as well as females anatomical flip flops or sandals ( ανατομικα πεδιλα ), in boots they can evaluate for example the range that has been went, in flip flops they are able to study the anxiety that this heel receives and suggest modifications in jogging speed and exactly how major your stage should be. offer an personal wedding service in your living room, accompanied by a residence-prepared dinner. Wedding organizers locate approaches to merge romantic relationships and sanitisers Dehradun-based Animesh Debnath fairly recently committed Nilu Roy in Bhopal, together with his moms and dads taking part in the celebrations, vocal singing and dance from Silchar, Assam. “Due to lockdown constraints, it appeared like our May wedding party would be required to be postponed. Having Said That I got in contact with Shaadi.com. and they made it possible having a priest in Raipur officiating over the marriage. Every thing was online, the sangeet, the bharaat… and our family witnessing wedding ceremony,” affirms Nilu. Relatives seen on Zoom the internet nuptials of Animesh Debnath and Nilu Roy, that has been arranged by Shaadi.com Family members witnessed on Zoom the web based nuptials of Animesh Debnath and Nilu Roy, that has been organized by Shaadi.com | Picture Credit score: specific arrangement On the other hand in Kochi, actor Miya George acquired involved to Ashwin Philip in a tranquil wedding service at the bridegroom’s home final saturday and sunday. The meals was selfmade along with the guests listing was confined to 20. Miya George and Ashwin Philip acquired engaged in a calm functionality on the groom’s home in Kochi Miya George and Ashwin Philip obtained engaged in a tranquil work in the groom’s house in Kochi | Image Credit history: Particular agreement Inspite of the obstacles of your continuous pandemic, marriage ceremonies happen to be kept through the lockdowns nationwide. Understanding that celebrations in the article-COVID-19 time require new solutions and innovative suggestions, planners are already outfitting them selves for today’s technical-motivated, seductive ceremonies and events. Delhi-structured Meher Sarid, an occasion coordinator, was supposed to arrange a large wedding celebration in Delhi later in the year, for the NRI household in Singapore. Even so, wedding ceremony, to begin with, failed to go as arranged. “The new bride of Japanese and Native indian parentage is at Singapore with her in-legal guidelines if the lockdown success, and the bride’s mothers and fathers couldn’t ensure it is,” she says. But enables have a look at event decor concepts through the covid era As night clubs and dining establishments around the globe set out to reopen, the owners, administrators, and operators are now being pushed to adhere to new physical distancing guidelines to avoid the spread of COVID-19. And people are getting imaginative. There are 6-foot-vast cardboard crowns at the Burger King in Germany. Tiny personalized greenhouses in Amsterdam. Antique mannequins in the role of chair fillers at the Inn at Little Washington in Washington, Virginia. And fender furniture at Fish Tales in Beach Area, Maryland. The inner pipe-like devices from Baltimore-structured Emerging trend Celebration Style And Manufacturing started to be a bit of a viral experience in current several weeks. But could they be appearing at upcoming in-particular person events? “Bumper furniture have been a by-merchandise of brainstorming how to get the party backback again,” stated Trend owner Erin Cermak. “For us, that part of the event and the dancing floor is how we see by far the most exciting and laughter. Occasions are about a lot more compared to a sitting down dinner with a five-ft . circular. But just how to cocktail and keep the half a dozen-feet extended distance?” Just like the table girls strategy that is been a popular fixture at activities, the bumper dining tables include a toned area with cup stands in the middle of a huge rubber interior tubing, all relaxing on a wheelable composition. “We wished for so as to be totally sociable whilst nevertheless maintaining the societal distancing suggestions. The fender benefit adds an enjoyable factor as if you are in just one you can not assistance from bumping to your fellow desks,” Cermak explained. Revolution’s sociable distancing cushions are easy to customize.Revolution’s social distancing pillows are easy to customize.Photo: Courtesy of Emerging trend Function Design and style And ProductionWhen COVID-19 at first success, Revolution redirected its concentrate to creating products for example face shields, isolation dresses, and face masks for healthcare personnel and initially responders to help you minimize the country’s provide general shortage. Now, the organization is trying to visualize the future of the event industry. “What would our location companions require as a way to open? What could we make that could provide you with the company satisfaction? How could we receive in enterprise?” Cermak miracles. Like other occasion design and style and hire suppliers, Trend has started to develop a type of items-atmosphere scrubbers, hygiene stations, plexi dividers, as well as social distancing pillows-to fulfill the awaited need. “It can be a work in improvement when we attempt to stay nimble with the changing limitations as well as the ensuing needs that come up,” Cermak provides. The business has now obtained inquiries from places, organizers, eating places, galleries and museums, significant league sports squads, and individual people about the diverse goods, claims Cermak. “Everyone is interested in getting the infant methods that can result in acquiring activities back to normal, but need to do it safely and compliantly.” Revolution’s Fender Dining tables debuted at Seafood Tales in Ocean Town, Maryland. Even bigger, Different-Measured Dining tablestables “[I’m] adoring the notion of lengthy King’s furniture which can be larger than common, satisfying the middle with decoration elements from earlier mentioned and below, offering yet another covering of space for anyone sitting across from a single one more. Much better, include a holding element business expense as well. Astonishing seating isn’t an unsatisfactory concept, either,” implies Sarah Banasiak, The Revel Group’s main artistic official. “The typical 60-” and 72-inches spherical or seven-ft . meal dinner table can provide approach to a lot more unorthodox flooring programs, with some other-sized tables and groups to ensure that guests can be sitting with quick loved ones and others they are quarantining with,” predicts Amy Shey Jacobs, founder and artistic director of Chandelier Activities. “And, consequently, renting themselves could now have a variety of shapes and sizes for dining tables of two as much as desks of 12.” Fashionable Velvet Ropes “I also envision stanchions (velvet rope) learning to be a pillar around the leasing listing for an elegant method to ensure friends don’t overcrowd areas such as a pub or entranceway or obtaining series,” Jacobs said. “Personally, I’d love to see some fashionable velvet rope in grays and golds or any other hues come out on the industry in an effort to make issues feel a lot more elegant and secure.” Pictured: At Disney’s premiere to the Jungle Book in 2016, organised on the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood, rainforest-like vines, instead of conventional velvet ropes, connected to stanchions. “Lots of room in between friends, tables, along with other celebration aspects can feel sparse and cold, but it really doesn’t need to be,” Banasiak affirms. “We are researching ways to retain the room experiencing appealing and comfy. Attempt to add boxwood hedges, surfaces, and even trees and shrubs between tables to maintain the place intimate and then add dilemma.” Lindsey Saxon, account exec in the Celebration Supply and Panache Situations, a member of the American citizen Leasing Organization (ARA), echoes that considered, proclaiming that “on a much more scaled-down note, place dividers are something organizers need to be aware of. This does not must be your standard stanchion. It may be a partition walls or boxwood hedge that may nonetheless separate a specified region and often will put in a design component to your event.” Saxon also said that custom face masks are getting to be a tendency, and they can go with the print of the client’s linen selection or include the new bride and groom’s wedding day or initials. Jeffra Trumpower, older artistic director at WeddingWire, stated that face masks are getting to be the No. 1 seller on the WeddingWire Retail outlet. Custom purchases are offered throughout the site. Also, several Etsy sellers for example AlphaGraphicTee supply “bride and groom” cover up collections. Plexi Kitchen table Dividers These kitchen table dividers from Emerging trend generate about three spots for just two individuals ($100, six folks per table) or a number of places for two men and women ($125, 8 men and women for each table). Social Distancing Pillows Use these top quality chuck special pillows ($60 each) from Innovation like a subtle method to suggest spacing in between visitors in chairs places. Revolution’s social distancing bedroom pillows are customizable. Occasions is presently creating face and hat shields, both of which can be top quality for the event and might be more useful compared to a cover up. Andldquo;The crystal clear shield allows company and guests to discover the individual’s lip area, generating presentation much more audible with what can be challenging spaces to hear sometimes,Andrdquo; clarifies Mandy Autry, executive company and artistic director at Syzygy Events. Andldquo;It also will allow the individual to help keep the mask on (and prevent holding their encounter continuously) and securely drink cocktails via a straw or take in.” Food Station Shields Syzygy Situations also offers to provide counter-top shields around night clubs and buffets to securely shield foods station attendants and company; they might be associated with sanitizing stations. These may be personalized having a logo and advertising, and also customized to match the case style or visual. “As activities return, we imagine more luxurious meal events with much less focus on dancing, so maintaining florals luxurious but obstructive of views will be really essential,” Jacobs explained. Personal-Serve Catering as Furnishings “We created portal wall surfaces that staff members can stock from the rear with pre-packed food products to offer contactless deliverydelivery, and you could fill a few of the portals with furnishings to take it lifestyle,” Banasiak claims. Each one of these concepts could definitely allow weddings and baptism to become carried on during the covid age and in addition they may supply a way for quests to be altogether and celebrate. The baptism and weddings ceremony adornments (στολισμος βαπτισησ) used are extremely progressive and covid modified. Could we see in the future a way for sterilized baptism garments ( βαπτιστικα ρουχα ). Ongoing investments in R&D and improved features across developing footprints are anticipated to settle for earthenware tile creators. Particularly, improvements in electronic printing are allowing makers introducing video game-changing formats and fashions that meet buyer and commercial end-user requirements for performance, design and sustainability. “With new modern technology in electronic digital decoration techniques bringing the highest appearance and promising formats, providing floor tile as a potential applicant for several a lot more areas outside and inside of a constructing these days, the growth of ceramic ceramic tile consumption in America must keep on for the upcoming number of years,” explained Ryan Fasan, Porcelain tile of Spain’s practical specialist. Ongoing ventures manufactured by tile companies are bolstering creation effectiveness and rate to market when developing new, benefit-added products. While the market may have a company grasp on technologies, new developments are launched and consumer calls for move, so there is always the problem of maintaining up. “We are constantly analyzing our modern technology, constantly searching for new strategies to enhance our merchandise solutions,” explained Gianni Mattioli, management vice president, product or service and advertising and marketing, Dal-Tile. “Our digital printing tactics let us produce porcelain tile which is so realistic, most clients are not able to identify in between what is floor tile and just what is the organic surface area our company is copying.” Following are pictures of some of the latest inventions: Substantial-classification publishing is allowing producers to provide customers with good-quality flooring tiles that look like normal resources like wood planks and marble. “The goods now have the appearance of normal resources,” said Lee Wright, CID, NCIDQ, LEED AP, a brand new York-structured developer as their organization specializes in all-natural interior structure. “As a designer, it is a activity changer.” Picture resolution is essential to creating items with outstanding characteristics regarding detail, color fidelity and visual styles. “These developments are a result of the purchases in technology made both by our companies along with the upstream offer sequence,” explained Vittorio Borelli, chairman, Confindustria Ceramica, the Italian Association of Ceramics. “Examples involve wooden, concrete, resin and gemstone-look porcelain floor tiles which recreate the initial components so faithfully that even experts have issues telling them away from each other.” Digital generating approach has become so advanced that producers are creating porcelain tile that differs from piece to bit, just like the genuine merchandise. An instance in level will be the Marazzi Urban District BRX selection, which tightly appears like the look and feel of brick but is really porcelain ceramic porcelain tile. About three-dimensional looks One of the latest improvements in electronic decor is 3-dimensional areas. “Digital decoration supplies a probably limitless selection of image options, eliminating all repetitiveness and offering porcelain floor tiles an even more all-natural appearance,” Confindustria Ceramica’s Borelli mentioned. “This enables significantly reasonable surfaces with greater tactile attraction, an important buying factor that is appealing to expanding fascination among customers worldwide.” Specialists find that as newborn boomers obtain or fix up unfilled-nest homes and millennials go into the real estate market, they are searching for internal redecorating items with health and safety top of brain. “The appearance of the the outdoors-centered item is a much more popular appear and design because individuals affiliate all-natural components for being more eco friendly,” Wright explained. “Innovative and artistic designs are also gaining popularity yet again, specially in the industrial sectors, in which creative designers are looking for to do things diversely and display their own personal variations.” Seems like hardwood Distributors consistently churn out greater formats and uncommon forms to accommodate demand. “With the increased interest in new sizes and shapes, we are applying new technologies that permits us to produce from beautiful mosaics in a range of forms to huge-file format ceramic pieces,” Mattioli said. Experts say the newest porcelain floor tile solar panels are opening opportunities for imaginative applications in homes in addition to installing productivity. A few of the developments produced in huge-dimensions marble-impact porcelain solar panels were displayed at Cersaie in Bologna last Sept. “This is undoubtedly an place by which Italian tile manufacturers have been centering their visual investigation initiatives fairly recently with the purpose of establishing progressively classy and stylish materials,” Confindustria Ceramica’s Borelli stated. “We expect this tendency to create more headway available in the market in 2018, exploiting natural attraction and sustainability where Italian floor tile is renown.” New patterns in merchandise including porcelain pieces are selling even more benefits for home owners and specifiers to choose tile for over just showers and backsplashes. “We are seeing some convergence of models pleasing over the two commercial and residential,” mentioned David Koenig, vice president and common supervisor, Crossville Studios, the porcelain tile maker’s circulation department. “Porcelain slabs are starting in the future in to the industry and will continue to acquire industry existence across the following two to three yrs.” More engineering developments will permit tile designers even more creative flexibility, market participant say, which is supposed to generate various never ever-observed-prior to types in 2018. Thin is within Other advancements are obvious in the proliferation of slim floor tile formats. These products, specialists say, give buyers the ability to install tile above ceramic tile, thereby resulting in much less down time. “I think the slender porcelain tile modern technology will be the development that can bring probably the most benefit to our conclusion customers,” said Luca Setti, main income and advertising and marketing officer, Fl tile. The architectural and style community has adopted big-format slim floor tiles (goods determining 4.5 to 6mm dense) as a special design chance of new design and also makeovers of pre-existing residential and commercial properties. But it’s worth noting you will find special considerations when working with this format. “Thin-physique porcelain ceramic tile installment is markedly not the same as standard-entire body (> 7mm) porcelain ceramic tile approaches,” mentioned Brian Pistulka, business manager, Mapei Floor tile & Natural stone Installing Solutions. “It demands specific establishing solutions to prevent breakage throughout and after installment. The job carried out our investigation labs provides the very first completely recorded facts about every aspect on this installment approach.”
Client injury. Also synonymous with the word “nightmare” when you’re a certified personal trainer, especially when the said injury is sustained as a direct result of your training program. A hurt client may find it difficult to continue training. Worse still, they’re also likely to lose confidence in your abilities to deliver results safely—the perfect recipe for declining client motivation and engagement levels. This begs the question, “Is it possible to prevent client injuries from happening in the first place?” Thankfully, yes. To help you keep your clients injury-free and happy, here are ten tips to keep in mind when designing any client’s routine. Take Your Pre-Exercise Assessment into Account Reference your findings from the pre-exercise assessment. By giving you a clear picture of your client’s current fitness capabilities (cardiovascular or muscular), they’re vital in helping you identify appropriate starting points for workout programming. For instance, programming back squats right away for clients with limited ankle mobility is a definite no-no. Your client is likely to compensate for inadequate ankle mobility by rounding the back and the pelvis—significantly increasing the stress placed on the lower back—in an attempt to reach “proper” depth. And that raises the risk of an injury significantly. Instead, focus on improving your client’s ankle mobility with exercises like the front-foot elevated split squats and the weighted goblet squats. So, go through every result gleaned from your pre-exercise assessment—and address them accordingly when crafting a client’s routine. Stacking training sessions too close together hurts your client’s recovery. And that can not only lead to decreased athletic performance but can also result in serious injuries. Even if a client can physically adapt to the increased physiological demands right away, doing too much, too soon, can be mentally overwhelming. Giddy with the excitement of signing up for personal training, they may have failed to consider how they’d cope when real-life happens (e.g., when work gets busy, social obligations with friends and family). That’s why it always pays off to prioritize consistency—instead of training frequency—when planning a client’s routine. More Isn’t Always Better Programming a client’s routine such that they’re always left hobbling down the stairs doesn’t mean that you’ve given them a great workout. It just means you’ve gone far beyond their current, appropriate limitations—and left them at a high risk of injury. That’s why it’s essential to consider the “minimal effective dose” of training when designing any client’s routine. To ensure that you’re on the right track, regularly check in with your client on how they’re coping with each of the planned exercises and weights. One of the most popular ways to make this assessment is by using the Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE). Make Time for Proper Warm-up Periods By increasing blood flow to working muscles, enhancing muscular activation in preparation for the upcoming workout, and improving range of motion, it’s now exceedingly clear that making time for a warm-up is key to injury prevention. Bonus: Having your clients warm-up right before their workouts can also improve their performance, ensuring quicker progress to their fitness goals, whatever they may be. Teach Movement Patterns with Suitable Exercise Regressions Even with the most well-intentioned training cues, your client can sometimes fail to “get” the proper execution of an exercise. For example, one of the most common problems clients have is struggling to understand the difference between a squat and a hinge—which often results in them either “squatting up” a deadlift or hinging their way down to the bottom of a squat. Both are equally dangerous scenarios. So, whenever necessary, you’ll want to brainstorm suitable exercise regressions that’ll familiarize your client with the basic movement pattern—and help them build the strength and coordination needed in the targeted muscle groups. Here are a few examples: - Barbell back squats: Split squats, bodyweight squats, goblet squats - Barbell bent-over row: One-arm dumbbell rows, cable rows, smith-machine bent-over rows - Barbell deadlifts: Cable pull-throughs, trap bar deadlifts, kettlebell swings Incorporate Paused and Tempo Reps A client’s movement pattern on a lift might look great overall—but there could still be a chance that they’re doing something wrong. This is especially true for technical lifts like the bench press, squat, and deadlift, where a lot is going on. It might thus be a wise idea to implement paused and tempo reps in their routine. Here’s how they help: - Paused reps: Getting your client to pause at a movement point encourages proper positioning and strengthens that part of the lift. This is particularly useful if your client has a weakness at a particular stage of the movement. - Tempo reps: Having your client slow down their movement forces them to maintain control over their target muscles instead of simply relying on momentum and “bouncing out” of a lift’s bottom position. This improves your client’s proprioception over time. Target and Develop All Muscle Groups Evenly One of the most important things you can do when designing a safe fitness routine is to target all muscle groups evenly. Many women, for example, prefer to focus on their glutes and hamstrings. But this one-sided focus on the posterior chain sets them up for injuries. Since the quads are responsible for keeping the kneecap stable and in place, weak quads significantly increase the risk of patellar tracking disorder. This principle applies to all muscle groups; that’s why you need to develop their physique in a well-rounded manner. Provide Adequate Rest Periods When excessive fatigue sets in, a client’s form can start to break down—and that’s associated with a high risk of injury. Thus, to design a safe fitness routine, you’ll have to incorporate adequate rest periods. Just how long should a client’s rest period be, though? It appears to depend on the type of exercise your client is performing. A good starting point would be roughly two minutes for single-joint exercises (e.g., bicep curls and chest flies) and three minutes for heavy, compound lifts (e.g., barbell back squats and deadlifts). And remember that whenever possible, longer rest is always preferred, as the client is likely to perform better (e.g., more volume). Understand That the Routine Goes Beyond 1:1 Sessions Your client only spends a few hours a week with you. What they do in their daily lives for the rest of the hours (and the week) will matter a lot more. Let’s say your client has poor thoracic mobility because they’re stuck behind a desk from 9 to 5 on workdays. There’s likely only so much improvement your client can experience with the mobility work they’re doing in those few hours with you. That’s why you’ll also have to plan for a fitness routine that addresses their day-to-day “habits.” For a client that struggles with thoracic mobility, lifestyle adjustments you can suggest include: Implement “Light Sessions” Deload sessions—when appropriately planned—can help give your client’s body and mind a break from hard training. Reducing the workout’s overall demands on your client every so often can ease joint and ligament strain, along with the risk of injury and burnout. Of course, deload weeks won’t make sense for every client. The ones who’ll benefit the most are those who’ve trained hard for several weeks and months with progressive overloading. So, be sure to use your judgment. The truth is that making careful assessments—and being meticulous about program design—can help your clients train and progress toward their goals in the safest way possible. Just one more thing to note: Keep an open mind even after your client has started on the routine. You’ll likely gain new insights on your client once you see them working through the exercises. And that’s when you can make the necessary adjustments to their plans.
The shutter is one of the two things that controls how much light that hits the film (the other thing is the aperture). The shutter simply regulates exposure time -- for how long the film will be exposed to light. The shutter consists of several "curtains". When you press the shutter release button, one set of curtains will open, letting light in. After a certain time another set of curtains will close, cutting off the light supply. When the film is wound, both sets will be reset to their starting positions. This is called "cocking the shutter". With a short (fast) shutter speed, you can freeze an event -- such as a hummingbird flapping its wings, or a sprinter passing the finish line. On the other hand, using a longer (slow) shutter speed, the hummingbird's wings will be allowed to move while the film is exposed, showing the movement. Or you may use panning on the sprinter -- this is the technique of following a moving object with the lens, creating a (hopefully) sharp main subject but a background with motion blur. What you want to do is up to your photographic vision. To adjust the shutter speed on the 9000, use the lever just above the "9000" logotype on the camera. It is conveniently located near your index finger when holding the camera normally. Pressing the lever to the left will decrease the shutter speed, pressing it to the right will increase it. The setting changes rapidly if the button is held in one direction. Note that the shutter speed is expressed as "parts of a second". In other words, the value "2000" in the display means "1/2000 of a second". Speeds one second and longer are indicated with a quotation mark after the number; 15" means fifteen seconds. With longer shutter speeds, you may experience camera shake. This is when the shutter is open for so long that your own body will affect sharpness by moving the camera slightly during exposure. The effect will be seen more easily with longer lenses. This can partly be avoided with proper technique or some kind of support. To give tips about technique is somewhat beyond the scope of this web site, but there is an old rule: never use a shutter speed slower than 1/F, where F is the focal length of your lens. That means that if you use a 300mm lens, your shutter speed should be shorter than 1/300. This is of course a really rough rule, as camera shake is affected by lots of variables, but you should keep it in mind. If you are approaching shutter speeds which you suspect may lead to camera shake, try to find support somewhere. Hold the camera against a tree or a railing or something stationary.
The covid-19 epidemic has drastically altered the composition and functioning of society. Nothing since World War 2 has had such a consequential influence on all of our lives on such a global scale. If history teaches us anything, it is that significant events have the power to cause long-lasting change. Take 911 as an example. After this event airport security regulations were transformed around the world. A similar trend is predicted after the covid outbreak. As companies around the world locked up and retreated back to their homes to work from their desk, a trend has emerged. This is especially potent among start-ups, as they are starting to realise the benefits associated with working remotely. This trend is likely to continue on into the post-corona world. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as this article will demonstrate, there are many advantages attached to working from home. - Remote work increases productivity - Working remotely reduces stress - Less commuting - Working remotely saves money - Recruit top talent - Decreasing rates of absenteeism - Factorial’s time tracking software- ideal for remote working Working remotely increases productivity Many startups have embraced their employees working full time from home and are seeing the benefits from this trend come to life. A study conducted by UK based startup network Founders Forum analysed startups’ experience in the UK with working remotely. Contrary to common perception, the study reveals that working from home, in fact, increased the productivity of more than half of the startups analysed. They also noted that 55% reported working longer hours, increasing the work they get done. Another study by a California based company Prodoscore revealed a 47% increase in worker productivity through remote working. Employees have been reporting a better work-life balance. This is due to having more flexibility in their working routine. Additionally, employees are having to spend less time preparing for work, due to not having to get ready for a working day as they did in the past. As well as not having to do the dreaded commute or waste time in endless traffic jams. This means they spend 8 hours of their day working, instead of 10 for example. Employees end up working a true full-day shift, instead of being late to the office or leaving the office early. This facilitates the increase in productivity rates, as employees can get to work as soon as they wake up when they are freshest and most productive and don’t waste any time in their day. Working from home has also proven to be less distracting. With employees claiming to find it easier to concentrate at home. Working in your office with your colleagues around presents multiple opportunities for distraction. However, by working alone in your office space with no distractions, productivity levels soar. Working remotely reduces stress Stress within the workplace is a common occurrence among adults. Of a 2020 survey conducted on British adults, 79% admitted to commonly experiencing symptoms of stress in the workplace. However, when employees work remotely, they tend to feel less stressed. Demonstrated by a survey conducted by Staples, which highlighted that work-related stress among employees was reduced by 25% when they began working from home. This could be put down to employees feeling more comfortable in their workspace. Working remotely facilitates a more relaxed working routine, due to being able to work from the comfort of your own home, not having to even properly get dressed if you don’t want to. This leads to a calmer more productive state of mind and reduces stress levels. The flexibility that comes with remote work also plays into this. In 2018 FlexJobs conducted a study, in which 97% of people said that having a more flexible working schedule would have a huge positive impact on their quality of life. As previously mentioned, by not having to commute employees save time. However, this is not the only benefit associated with working remotely. From a health and well-being perspective, commuting is not good for you. The UK Office of National Statistics has affirmed that “commuters have lower life satisfaction, a lower sense that their daily activities are worthwhile, lower levels of happiness and higher anxiety on average than non-commuters.” This only worsens when on the commute employees get stuck in traffic. There have been multiple studies taken which analyse the effect that being stuck in traffic has on your body. Data reveals that the stress induced by traffic jams increases your chances of suffering a heart attack. The study claimed that when stuck in traffic, the driver’s chances of having a heart attack an hour later increase threefold. The lessening of emissions of co2 released into the atmosphere is the other principle benefit that derives from not commuting. Which given the rate at which our planet is heating up, is a very positive side effect to remote working. Working remotely saves money Working from home also saves companies money in rent, which in global cities like London is only getting more and more expensive. An example of this was recently highlighted by Forbes, which calculated that American Express saved $10-$15 million annually in real estate costs, due to its expansion in remote working. However, remote working does not just save companies money. Employees also save a considerable amount of money. According to Total Jobs, on average, workers travelling to London spend £305 a month, which equates to £197,377 over their whole lifetime. This presents another very attractive advantage to remote working. Decreasing rates of absenteeism With employees working remotely if they feel too unwell to make the journey to the office and sit at their desk all day, instead of taking the day off they can continue working in the comfort of their own home. This will reduce the rates of absenteeism within companies. CIPD conducted a survey, which found that absenteeism dropped by 56% when employers started adopting a flexible working routine. Factorial’s time tracking software- ideal for remote working Although remote working has many benefits attached to it, difficulties can arise within companies. Managers may find it difficult to track the hours their employees have worked and monitor employees’ productivity levels. But have no fear, Factorial is here to help! Factorial’s time tracking software efficiently and effectively solves any remote working related problems that arise. With our time tracking software, managers can see how many hours their employees have worked, as well as being able to undergo shift management, by viewing people’s time off and who is working remotely. This time tracking software enables employers to track employees’ working hours daily and approve or reject their timesheets to better manage employee productivity. It also aids the reduction in absenteeism by monitoring employee attendance, so they know when and where employees are working and can track missed hours.
Do you feel proud after seeing a job well done? Perhaps you have never imagined yourself sitting behind a computer in a flashy office? If you’re looking for a career where you can see results immediately, consider a lawn care service. Every property owner desires to have their outside space looking fresh and neat. Keeping this up requires enlisting lawn care services. What kinds of people need lawn care services If you’re thinking about how to start a lawn care business, it pays to understand your ideal clients from the beginning. It determines whether you have the potential to get consistent work. Here are the types of potential customers for your lawn care business When thinking of how to start a lawn mowing business, homeowners are likely to be your first clients. Everyone desires to keep their home looking well kept. So, they periodically request lawn care service providers to do the task. The demand is higher if your area has a lot of people owning high-end homes. Owners of such properties usually have enough to spend on lawn care. And, they always want to make their properties stand out from others in the neighborhood. Apart from homeowners, apartment complexes are potential sources of income. Apartment complexes need something that attracts tenants. Managers of those properties have to keep their tenants happy by always having to keep the lawns well maintained. This requires enlisting the services of a lawn care company. Hotels and Resorts Managers of hotels and resorts pay close attention to detail to attract customers who come to stay for some periods and spend money. So, they regularly seek lawn care professionals to keep the surroundings looking neat and appealing to clients and potential customers. Shopping Malls, Restaurants, and Entertainment Centers Places that have customers outdoors usually have lawns that need someone to care and maintain for them. This is very important since no customer can go to a place that looks run down with a poorly maintained lawn. Even tenants in a mall would prefer a location where the property managers put in the effort to make the place look nice. When starting your lawn care business, property managers of malls, entertainment centers, and restaurants should be among your first clients. Commercial Office Buildings Property managers of commercial office buildings are tasked with making their property attractive to clients. Keeping the lawns attractive and well-maintained is usually one of the things they focus on. So, they always need a reliable lawn care professional to do the job. Now that you’ve understood the types of potential clients for your lawn care business, you have to select the services to offer. Determine What Lawn Care Services To Provide When thinking of how start a mowing business, knowing the services that will make you the most money is important. Each service may require different techniques, tools, products, and schedules. A good idea is to offer customers tailored packages. Kinds of lawn care services to offer The most common service for lawn care services is mowing. However, you shouldn’t trim the grass to become too short. The ideal cut should be from 2.5 to 3 inches. Avoid cutting more than ⅓ of the blade at a time. Keep the mower’s blade sharp so it doesn’t just tear away the grass leaves. This will make the leaves brown and prone to pests. Property owners hire lawn care services to water the grass when the leaves are about to wilt. People who usually leave footprints on their lawns from walking need watering services more regularly. In summer, watering is necessary to keep the grass green. About an inch of water is necessary every week. Lawns need core aeration at least once in three years. The procedure requires rolling a one-inch diameter device all over the lawn. This penetrates various inches into the ground, removing soil and turf and depositing them on the surface. The holes allow air, water, and fertilizer to reach the root system. Additionally, these holes loosen the loam soil to allow easier root growth and better circulation of air and water throughout the turf. People usually hire lawn care services to do this task because it is labor-intensive. Lawns need seeding every fall. Putting new seeds fills areas that thinned out to create denser lawns that discourage weeds and pests. Seeding also allows adding new grass varieties that may be more resistant to insects and disease. Additionally, the new seeds may introduce a better grass variety. You may offer this service to complement the aeration of the lawns. Lawns need the application of fertilizers about 3 to 6 times annually to stay healthy. Fertilizers fall into three different categories. Fast-release fertilizer allows rapid leaf growth and greening. Property owners may seek lawn care professionals to apply fast-release fertilizer about 5 to 6 times annually. The second type of fertilizer is slow-release synthetic fertilizer to give lawns a steady and gradual supply of minerals. Additionally, lawns need an application of organic fertilizers by lawn care companies. Maintaining Soil Acidity Lawns need balanced pH for fertilizer to work. Soils that are too acidic or alkaline may limit the grass’s ability to use nutrients. Grass varieties thrive in slightly acidic soil with pH from 6.5 to 7.0. Soil acidity prevents weeds. Most undesirable plants grow at higher or lower pH, unlike turf grass. Property owners always seek lawn care services to keep the soil at ideal pH levels. The process requires testing the pH level of the soil and applying lime to reduce acidity. Lawn care companies also control weeds. These are usually wildflowers and grasses that sprouted up in the wrong places. Controlling weeds may be through allowing them to compete with turfgrasses. Alternatively, weed control may be through the application of herbicides to kill seed sprouts of poa annua and crabgrass. You may also use post-emergent herbicides to kill visible plants and non-apparent plants. Some weeds may be eliminated by physical removal. This may include cutting asparagus using a knife, although they are labor-intensive which makes them less desirable. Lawns harbor some harmful insects that may cause considerable damage. Weather and other factors create favorable conditions for these creatures to thrive. Most pests prefer sunny areas. Maintaining a thick and well-manicured lawn makes the places less appealing to these pesky creatures. Lawn care services are on-demand to treat yards with insecticides to prevent damage. A targeted control approach is necessary when applying insecticides to prevent potential side effects on useful organisms and the environment. Using green methods will set you apart from other companies and win you more customers. Fungi is the leading cause of turf disease. It usually results from over-fertilizing, poor watering, and excess cutting. Weather conditions may also escalate the problem. Lawn care professionals are always in demand to treat lawns and limit the chances of disease. Better still, use green methods to stand out from the competition. After realizing some of the potential customers for a lawn care business and the services you may offer, it is time to understand how to start a lawn care business legally. You have to register your business as a separate legal entity from your assets. This protects you just in case your business faces a lawsuit or business debts. To legalize your business, you need to choose a business structure with options including sole proprietorship, partnership, or limited liability company. Your choice of business structure should depend on preference or taxation needs. You have to register your business name with your regional government. This may include trademarking your company name and registering your domain name. You first have to be sure that there’s no business with a similar name in the state. Check the Small Business Administration or your local chamber of commerce to find out how to get a license for your business. Purchase The Necessary Equipment After legalizing your lawn care business, the next step is to how much does it cost to start a lawn care business. This includes knowing the equipment you need so you may include them in your budget. Here are some of the essential equipment you shouldn’t miss in your lawn care tool kit. There are various commercial lawnmowers on the market, including self-propelling. Choose mowers that come with handy attachments and features. These may include side catchers and mulchers to make your job easier. Handling bigger jobs requires a riding mower and a walk-behind mower for hills and small jobs. A mower with a floating deck is very useful when mowing hills. The floating decks hug turf contours to create a beautifully finished cut. Snow removal equipment. Property owners usually suffer from snow on their lawns in winter. So, they hire lawn care companies to remove the snow. You should invest in a snow plow attachment for your truck to tap into this market. Alternatively, you may invest in a snow blade to add to your lawnmower. Spreaders and sprayers Property owners usually seek lawn care professionals to add fertilizers to their yards. You need to invest in appropriate equipment to offer fertilizing services. A broadcast granular spreader is essential for dispersing the fertilizer in an arc. Additionally, a pressurized sprayer is another good investment for attacking weeds that may grow in the driveway or sidewalk cracks. A four-gallon backpack sprayer is necessary for spraying weeds on larger properties. You need a reliable vehicle to haul your equipment. Fortunately, you may use your truck if you have one already. The ideal vehicle for a lawn care business should be a heavy-duty flatbed truck with a locking toolbox. It should have a dumping mechanism to ease the unloading of materials without shoveling. You need a utility trailer when having equipment that doesn’t need hoisting onto your truck. A steel mesh landscape trailer or single-axle light-duty trailer is a good option. Consider investing in locking tie-downs for keeping your equipment safe when on the move. Lawn equipment usually operates at about 95 decibels. According to OSHA, there’s a possibility of hearing damage when exposed to sound levels from 85 to 90 decibels. To avoid this, invest in earmuffs and sturdy safety glasses. Work gloves are also important for a firmer grip while handling equipment. Steel-toed boots are also necessary while working. Other kinds of lawn care equipment include: Trimmer – for reaching grass growing in places like mailbox posts and around trees where the mower can’t reach Blower – for directing stray clippings back onto the lawn. Hedge trimmer – for putting final touches to the stately borders Edger – for removing grass growing over the edges of sidewalks, driveways, and other borders. Building a solid team is among the essential aspects of how to start a lawn business. You need an amazing lawn care team for your business to grow and thrive. Building your team shouldn’t be a daunting task. The chances are high that you started your lawn care business as a sole employee. You’ve been relying on yourself to handle customers’ jobs. It is understandable to be reluctant to hire a team to work with. However, you don’t have to wait until you’re swamped with work to hire other people to help you. Hiring now while your business is growing is a wonderful idea. It takes money and time to train new employees. So, expect a minor hit on overall efficiency as the new hires get used to your business operations. How to search for lawn care professionals The internet is your best stop when searching for lawn care professionals. About 79% of job seekers are online even when the position is not internet-related. Post your job offer on social media. Keep the offer simple and direct and share it with the people who might be interested. You can also rely on referrals to find lawn care professionals. If you’re already working with some people, ask them to recommend people they know who might suit the available position. Alternatively, you may reach out to local vendors for recommendations. You should also check local training and apprenticeship schools for recommendations for people who need an internship. How to Interview Potential Lawn Care Employees When you let people know that you’re hiring, you’re likely to begin getting responses. The next step is to schedule interviews. However, you need ideas on how to interview potential lawn care employees. Here are a few things to consider throughout the interview - Does the applicant arrive on time? - Are they friendly and look professional? - Do they have relevant industry experience? - Can they use specialized tools? Besides having excellent customer care skills, ideal lawn care professionals should have other skills, including being friendly and personable, upselling services, and handling problems with minimal supervision. Training and On-boarding new hires New employees, regardless of their experience, crave direction. So, you need a thorough onboarding process to allow new hires to have a smooth transition into the new company. Introduce the new guys to others to make them feel welcome. Create an employee handbook with details about the company hierarchy, scheduling, payroll, and field management software. This makes it easier for everyone in the business to have a source of reference when needed. How to Build a Positive Company Culture After finding employees, you need a strategy to let them stick with your company. You wouldn’t want to spend time, money, and effort to train people and then they quit after a short while. Here are a few ideas to promote positive company culture. Pay them well Employees who are paid well are always happy. Research the average wage in your area. Use your competitors as a source of reference. You don’t have to spend a lot on wages as long as it is competitive. According to Land and Landscape magazine, the average salary is about 12% of your total sales. Giving incentives in the form of bonuses is a wonderful idea for your lawn care staff. Jobs for lawn care services are sometimes seasonal. You might have more orders in summer than in winter. Give your employees something to make them happy so they may stick with you throughout the year. Offer a satisfying work environment. Employees need more than money to stick to a company. A satisfying work environment is very important for your team. Treat them with respect while allowing them to implement some of their ideas. Additionally, try to listen to their scheduling requests as much as possible. Equip them for the job Handling lawn care jobs require some hard work. So, you have to equip your team appropriately to do tasks as comfortably as possible. Equally important is to let your team have fun sometimes. An easy-going work environment makes work easier and the day passes faster. Hiring the right people will ensure that your business thrives and grows. These will help handle the increasing workload so you can widen your income sources. Take time to choose the best people since they are to become one of the most valuable resources for your business. When learning how to start your own lawn care business, knowledge about how to manage finances is crucial. The right tool can make a big difference whether you’re scheduling or dispatching, or sending invoices. Field Complete is a must-have tool that makes managing finances very efficient and less stressful. Using this tool is one of the secret ingredients of how to run a lawn care business today. You may enjoy it for free before switching to the paid version. Launch an advertisement for your lawn care business Congratulations on reaching the first stage of how to start a grass-cutting business. You’re obviously feeling exhilarated and a bit scared at finding your first client. But, advertising is easier than you think. Keep reading to discover how Network in Your Local Market Networking is the easiest way to get clients when thinking of how to start a lawn service. Do this by joining local business associations. A good idea is to first talk to local homeowners and property managers. Walk the surrounding areas to let them know about your new lawn care service. Use Social Media Many business owners discovered the secret of using social media to find clients. Homeowners tend to use Twitter and Facebook to look for service providers like lawn care specialists. Focus on these to find clients. You may use Facebook ads to reach your target market without spending a fortune. Collaborate with an influencer Another smart way to market your lawn care business is to use an influencer. This is a person who has the power to influence the purchase decisions of other people because of his authority. Get an influential person and agree on collaboration to mention your brand on their social media pages. Google is the largest search engine and allows business owners to advertise their business. Using Google Ads allows focusing on people searching for any of the services you may be offering. You’ll have the flexibility to match your searches to your target audience to generate leads to your website. Flyers are very effective marketing solutions, especially for startups. When planning how to start a lawn service, the cost of printing and distributing flyers is less significant. People usually hand out flyers to their friends or keep them in the drawer for future reference. So, there’s a chance that more people will check your flier out when the need arises. Build a website A website is a must-have for all businesses today. It gives potential clients access to your contact details and services. The website gives potential customers insight into the quality of your work in the gallery and portfolio section. The website may also have a feature that allows clients to book your services.
With more than 175,000 employees across 74 countries, Microsoft was faced with an enormous people challenge when the pandemic set in early last year and the world of work largely moved to a remote setting. From creating connection in virtual environments to scrambling to keep up with quickly changing employee needs, Microsoft’s HR professionals have been working since to manage what’s likely going to be the “biggest change” in most employees’ careers, said Amy Coleman, corporate vice president, HR and corporate functions, at Microsoft. While the pace of that change has challenged HR like never before, it’s also already wrought a number of lessons. In fact, when preparing for her presentation at the Institute for Corporate Productivity’s Next Practices Now Conference–being staged virtually through Nov. 3, with an in-person component this spring–Coleman came up with 25 learnings that Microsoft already has gleaned from the shift to remote and hybrid work. New: The FDA just authorized booster shots. What should employers do? Ultimately, she narrowed the list down to 10: 1. A strong culture counteracts chaos: Microsoft has been on a journey to transform its culture over the last six-plus years–and that work proved vital during the pandemic. “Culture is put to the test in a crisis,” she said. “Ours helped anchor us.” Three aspects of Microsoft’s culture became the “guiding star” during the last year-and-a-half: It operates as “one Microsoft team,” prioritizes diversity and inclusion and is customer-obsessed. On the latter front, for example, when retail stores had to shut down early in the pandemic, Microsoft created an emergency remote model that enabled 80% of retail employees to provide virtual training for customers–meeting the needs of customers while also keeping employees on the payroll. 2. Employee wellbeing has taken on a new meaning: HR leaders have always understood the value of tending to employee wellbeing but long struggled to get traction on the issue–then came the pandemic, when business leaders could no longer deny the value of prioritizing wellbeing. While many employers saw productivity increase, workers were taking fewer vacation days, working after normal hours and suffering burnout and stress. To tackle the issue, Microsoft started by modifying its messaging, renaming its “sick days” as “sick and mental health time.” Leaders also gained a new appreciation for the many dimensions of wellbeing–emotional, physical, financial, psychological. They offered discussion guides to teach managers how to talk to their reports about these varied areas and expanded benefits, including creating new pandemic leave for parents. 3. Managers matter–a lot. Microsoft employs about 22,000 managers, who became even more critical during the pandemic. In particular, the organization leaned on its managers to help acclimate the 25,000 new hires it brought on since the pandemic started, finding that new hires relied on managers for onboarding assistance 20% more during this time. And, those with managers who were actively involved in the process were three times more likely to be satisfied with their onboarding. “When managers can create a supportive work environment where people love to work and [have] a sense of work/life balance, the natural byproduct is that people feel more connected,” Coleman said. 4. Use two ears and one mouth: COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of leaders listening “carefully, with intensity, responsibility and accountability,” Coleman said. At Microsoft, leaders noticed that the time employees were spending in meetings more than doubled once the pandemic started, and the number of chats being sent after typical office hours skyrocketed. Sensing an issue, leaders turned to tech to gauge employee sentiment on work/life balance and other topics–offering all employees a chance to provide feedback during company townhalls and creating a company channel dedicated to answering employees’ pandemic-related questions. Importantly, she said, leaders also shared data and insights on employee needs with managers. 5. Flexibility has many dimensions: Before COVID-19, Microsoft allowed occasional flex hours and work-from-home days, but flexibility wasn’t part of its core culture–yet. “The pandemic turned that on its ear,” Coleman said. Now, leaders understand that flexibility needs to be highly personalized, based on each employee’s needs–meaning managers and leaders need to deeply understand what dimensions of flexibility are important to their employees. “Flexibility is multi-faceted, personal and will continue to evolve–and now is an incredibly opportunity to continue the momentum,” she said. 6. Building social capital requires creativity: Having a strong network at work impacts productivity, innovation and inclusion, among other opportunities, Coleman said. But relationships that were previously cultivated through hallway conversations, around the water cooler or on business trips now have to be forged virtually in remote and many hybrid settings, which can be more challenging. Employers need to be more intentional about helping employees create those ties. For instance, encourage managers to allocate a few minutes at the start of meetings for casual conversations and to check in with employees about their lives, not just their work. 7. Inclusion is essential: The pandemic was a “wake-up call” to the inclusion issues remote employees have long faced: challenges in finding workspace, broadband disruption, caregiving complications–prompting many employers to finally tackle these obstacles. It’s also been an opportunity, Coleman said, for teams to become more inclusive–particularly as employees got to see one another’s home lives, pets, partners and more. In a recent employee survey, nearly 40% of Microsoft workers said they are more apt to be their authentic selves at work since the pandemic started, and almost one-third said they’re less likely to feel embarrassed when their home life shows up at work. “We saw each other’s humanity in ways we hadn’t before, and that really pushed inclusion forward in leaps and bounds,” Coleman said. 8. Technology is the tie that binds: The digital employee experience has become just as important as the in-person experience. However, it’s often fragmented, as employers are using too many digital solutions, Coleman said, noting that Microsoft recently started relying on its new employee experience platform, Viva, internally. As hybrid becomes the norm, employers will need to think more deliberately about the many facets of digital employee experience–connection, collaboration, inclusion, learning, purpose and culture, among them. 9. Talent decides its own terms: As the Great Resignation continues, employers are grappling with new expectations on the part of their employees–a trend Coleman predicts will keep up. Coleman cited research that found more than 40% of employees surveyed planned to leave their employer in the next year due to burnout and a lack of flexibility. Employers need to pay particular attention to who exactly is leaving: Millennials, for instance, saw a more than 275% increase in job changes over the last two years. “You have to get on the same page about what matters to your employees,” she said. 10. The growth mindset directs the path forward: Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has been a strong champion of instilling the “growth mindset” across the company, and Coleman largely credited this shift with helping the company thrive through COVID-19. “I don’t know where we would be today without it,” she said. Such a mentality allows employees to be open to learning and collaboration and can allow resilience and connection to purpose to flourish. “In a world where unpredictability and change are becoming the norm, a growth mindset,” Coleman said, “will continue to be a very good friend.” As the pandemic continues and new ways of working become more solidified, employers will need to keep “listening, learning and adapting,” Coleman advised–all with the goal of helping employees feel “seen and valued.”
If you do any kind of challenging travel — adventure travel, backpacking, even just going to less-developed parts of the world — you’ve probably evolved some sort of protective routine. You get shots, take your malaria medication, wash raw things before eating them and take a water filter for the bad places. (Please tell me you do this. Condoms, too.) But a new study just published in EuroSurveillance, the peer-reviewed journal of Europe’s equivalent of the CDC, raises the possibility that even if you are doing the right thing, you could pick up some very nasty stuff while you’re abroad — and that what you bring back could endanger not only you, but others around you as well. A team of French researchers reports that healthy travelers who had no contact with foreign medical systems brought back extremely drug-resistant bacteria, probably just from drinking water, and that the bacteria persisted in their guts for at least two months after they came home.
BANGKOK, Thailand- Pope Francis met with Thailand's supreme Buddhist patriarch on Thursday in a gilded Bangkok temple on the first full day of his Asia tour aimed at promoting religious harmony. This is the pontiff's first visit to Buddhist-majority Thailand -- where just over 0.5 percent of the population are Catholics -- before he jets off to Japan on Saturday. He is pushing a message of inter-faith peace on a four-day visit that will see him lead a mass later Thursday for tens of thousands of faithful from across Southeast Asia. The 82-year-old head of the Catholic church also delivered impassioned remarks about the plight of vulnerable children and women who he said deserved a "dignified" future. In a highly symbolic meeting Thursday, he sat down with Thailand's supreme Buddhist patriarch Somdej Phra Maha Muneewong at Bangkok's Ratchabophit temple in the city's historic old quarter. "Catholics have enjoyed freedom in religious practice, despite their being in a minority, and for many years have lived in harmony with their Buddhist brothers and sisters," the Pope said in a speech at the meeting. The pair sat before a brilliant gold Buddha statue inside the ornate temple, built 150 years ago by the former Thai King -- the supreme patriarch barefoot and draped in orange robes as they spoke. The Pope reciprocated the gesture, removing his shoes for part of the tete-a-tete. In an earlier speech, the Pope said the meeting was "a sign of the importance and urgency of promoting friendship and inter-religious dialogue". It was the same temple visited by John Paul II on the last papal trip to Thailand in 1984. This visit coincides with the 350th anniversary of the founding of the "Mission de Siam", marking the first visit by Catholic missionaries who arrived from Europe in the 17th century. Though Christianity's first visitors were initially met with skepticism, today Thailand's nearly 400,000 Catholics face little discrimination and the country is largely free of religious conflict. The head of the world's 1.3 billion Catholics met with Thailand's Prime Minister Prayut Chan-O-Cha at a red-carpet welcome ceremony at the government guest house, before addressing medical staff at Bangkok's St Louis hospital. He was accompanied throughout the day by his cousin Sister Ana Rosa, who has lived in Thailand for decades and is helping the pontiff as a translator. At the hospital, he praised the valuable service "the Church offers to the Thai people, especially to those most in need". Earlier he made a plea for the women and children "who are wounded, violated and exposed to every form of exploitation, enslavement, violence, and abuse," calling for a "dignified future" for the youth. Trafficking for sexual exploitation is rampant across southeast Asia, and most victims are young girls, according to the United Nations. He did not miss the opportunity to address the issue of migration, calling for the "safe, orderly, and dignified" movement of people in a region rife with human trafficking. The risks of illegal journeys abroad were laid bare last month when 39 Vietnamese migrants were found dead in a refrigerated truck in Britain. "It was heartbreaking; let us all pray for them," the Pope said in a video message about the tragedy to a Vietnamese youth group. Later Thursday the Pope will lead a huge mass for tens of thousands of people, including ethnic Karen Christians from northern Thailand and Vietnamese Catholic refugees living in Bangkok. He will also meet Thailand's King, before kicking off another full day Friday that will see him greet Catholic leaders and host a second mass. On Saturday he flies to Japan, where he will visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 2 cities devastated when the US dropped atomic bombs at the end of World War II in 1945. The pope, who years ago had hoped to be a missionary in Japan, has made strong calls for a ban on nuclear weapons.
Now we’re not talking about moving house or moving countries, we’re talking about motivations to exercise! As the cold winter months approach, many are taking their exercise sessions indoors but are finding it difficult to get motivated now there's no sunshine to chase. In honour of Exercise Right Week 2018, below are some of our motivations to move here at SportsTec. Hopefully they can spark that fire in you to keep moving and stay active through these cooler months! Did you know Cardiovascular Disease is the single leading cause of death in Australia and kills 1 Australian every 12 minutes? One of the biggest modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular health is exercise. Exercise can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels which can contribute to cardiovascular disease. These improvements can be seen even if no weight is lost. For our younger patients out there; you may think that these conditions only effect the elderly population but unfortunately you're wrong. Many of these conditions begin to develop in our younger years and if not treated correctly will progress as we get older. Exercise can sometimes be all it takes in order to control these conditions without the need of medical intervention. Even though it is no longer bikini season (here in Canberra anyway!) it is important that we continue to manage our weight. As everyone knows regular exercise is a great way to shed those extra kilograms you’ve been meaning to lose, or to gain some more muscle to increase your body weight. The wide variety of exercises available makes it a fantastic tool to help reach your weight goals! Whether it be increasing that muscle mass with heavy resistance weight training or decreasing some of that adipose tissue through strength and cardio based training – exercise is for you. We have many different classes on offer at STC because we know people love to exercise with other people! Exercise is a great way to meet new people and branch out from your normal social group. Group exercise comes in many forms including physio lead exercises classes, team sports, gym fitness classes, yoga and pilates or walking groups. If you want to join a group exercise class but aren’t sure what’s available near you, please contact us at STC for more information. As people get older, the risk of falls increases. Strength and balance training can be a great way to decrease the risk of falls in the elderly population. Whether it be helping you keep your balance when you are going to pick something up off the ground or if you have difficulty walking down stairs – exercises can be tailor made to help improve leg strength and balance; all of which will reduce the risk of having a fall. Most people can testify that even though they may feel tired after exercising, they do feel happy and satisfied. If you’ve read our Exercise Physiologist’s most recent blog, you know that exercise can amongst other things increase energy levels and improve mood. You’re probably thinking that this is a psychological response to exercise which in part is true but there are also other more scientific things in play that contribute to this feeling... ENDORPHINS! Endorphins is a word many people probably have heard about, but aren’t quite sure what it is. Endorphins are hormones that help reduce the perception of pain in your body and give a sense of euphoria when released. Endorphins can be released into your body by many means but one of the best ways to get them flowing is to raise that heart rate and exercise! When compared to no treatment at all, exercise is more effective in reducing symptoms of depression.
Getting an MRI has never been a walk in the park. Being fed into a large, almost unnaturally heavy machine powered by unseen forces—and almost always kept in the basement—is understandably unsettling, especially for a child. But it’s something Philips hopes to make a little bit brighter. The imaging giant has been working with the Walt Disney Company to test out specially made animations and stories for its scanners to help reduce the fear and anxiety surrounding such a procedure. Dubbed the Philips Ambient Experience, the program combines soft and dynamic colored lighting with video projections to help build a relaxing atmosphere. The project will be trialed at six hospitals across Europe over the summer and marks Disney’s first foray into clinical research of this kind. “I have seen first-hand that MRI scans can be intimidating for children, and I like how focused Philips is on the patient experience,” said Jan Koeppen, president of Disney’s divisions in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. “We are excited to see the results of the clinical research and to quantify the impact our characters can have in this environment.” The two will use a series of animated shorts featuring some of the company’s most famous characters—from Mickey Mouse and Aladdin to Yoda and Marvel’s Avengers—in customized stories created by Disney animators with clinical guidance from Philips. Philips’ ambient programs have already been installed at 2,000 imaging locations globally, allowing patients to personalize the room’s lighting and themes as well as offering video entertainment while within the bore of the scanner. The company hopes that programs designed for children will not only help allay stress going into the procedure, but help also build trust with hospital staff and make the entire process easier by having the patient remain still enough for a scan to be completed correctly. “A visit to the hospital can be quite intimidating for people, and especially children, where a more patient-friendly, patient-centric environment could help improve the patient experience and help drive first-time-right imaging for improved outcomes,” said Kees Wesdorp, chief of Philips’ precision diagnosis business. Philips showcased its ambient experience technology during the virtual meeting of the European Congress of Radiology, where it also announced the FDA clearance of its cross-functional CombiDiagnost R90 system—which includes both remote-controlled fluoroscopy and digital radiography—as well as the debut of an artificial-intelligence-powered software suite for its Incisive CT platform. The company also disclosed it would incorporate Lunit’s Insight CXR chest detection software into its diagnostic X-ray systems. The program, which has also been brought to GE Healthcare’s scanners, detects 10 of the most common chest X-ray findings including signs of tuberculosis and pneumonia, which can be an initial indication of COVID-19. A monkeypox outbreak is emerging in the U.S. and Europe, and at least one country is amping up countermeasure preparedness. Bavarian Nordic has secured a contract with an unnamed European country to supply its smallpox vaccine, called Imvanex in Europe, in response to the emergence of monkeypox cases, the Danish company said Thursday. Moderna’s recent chief financial officer debacle—in which Jorge Gomez departed on his second day on the job—raised questions about the company’s hiring process given its rush to global biopharma prominence. The most obvious one: How was it possible for Gomez to be hired when he was under investigation by his previous employer, Dentsply Sirona of Charlotte, N.C. Merck & Co. is plucking a cancer project from the branch of Chinese-based Kelun Pharmaceutical for up to $1.4 billion, but details from the New Jersey-based Big Pharma have been hard to come by. The deal, first disclosed Monday on the Shenzhen stock exchange, has Merck handing over $47 million in upfront cash in exchange for ex-China rights to a “macromolecular tumor project.”
Cyclists in Exeter have been sharing their views on the recent changes to the Highway Code, which came into force on January 29. In total, ten sections of The Highway Code have been updated, with 50 rules being added or updated. One of the critical changes sees a new hierarchy of road users. This means that although all road users are responsible for acting safely, pedestrians are at the top of the hierarchy as they are deemed to be most at risk in the event of a collision. Whereas those who pose more significant risks - such as cars and lorries - should have a higher level of responsibility. Watch the video above to see an explanation of the rules. "The new minor Highway Code changes will help make the roads a little safer for people walking, riding their bikes and horses," he said. "The climate crises mean we have to prioritise active travel over driving, and this is a small step in the right direction." However, although he welcomes the changes, Caspar feels there's still work to do to communicate them to the public. "The new Highway Code changes haven't been publicised enough - there has been no government campaign to make these changes public," he said. "However, the motoring groups coming out in opposition did have the opportunity to engage with the initial consultation, as we all did. The results delivered support for all of these changes. "If people drive safely and considerately already, they won't make any changes and these new guidelines are just putting best practice into the code." After more than a decade of campaigning for changes to the Highway Code, charity Cycling UK said it welcomes the latest update but urges the government to commit to a long-term awareness campaign. In fact, an AA survey of more than 13,700 drivers showed 33 per cent were unaware of the changes, with four per cent surveyed saying they had 'no intention' of looking at the changes. Cycling UK's head of campaigns, Duncan Dollimore, said: "The latest changes to the Highway Code are a hugely important start towards a mindset shift that will make the roads safer for everyone - not just for people who choose to cycle or walk." "The changes in our driving behaviour, however, will only happen if government commits to communicating them with simple, accurate and memorable messaging in the long term." He, too, welcomes the changes but said he feels people have been given adequate warning of their arrival. "I think what's happened is good, but I see it more as clarification of what was already there - no-one is about to fall foul of some strange new law," said Rob. "It's basically just making it a bit clearer that you need to give vulnerable cyclists and pedestrians a bit more space and patience, especially around junctions. On my daily ride to work, I've met plenty of drivers who already do this. "I think we need to avoid the 'car v bike' debate because it's basically the same people on both sides - you may be driving your car to work today while your kids are cycling to school. "I have honestly seen the story that no-one knows about the changes every day now for the last two months. I think there's been plenty of warning," he said. "Active travel needs to be seen as a good thing, not a nuisance. It's taking hundreds of cars off the road, making it easier for people who need to drive. "But we can not go on bringing more and more cars onto our crowded city centre streets. "If these new rules make people walking and cycling feel a little safer and encouraged to do it, then that's a good thing." Mark Hodgson, managing director of electric bike scheme Co Bikes, said: "From a Co Bikes perspective, and as an avid cyclist myself, we welcome the changes to the Highway Code. "They are a crucial step in reducing car dependency by making the roads safer for all users, including cyclists, by reinforcing that everyone has the right to a place on the road."
Bidar Tourism and Travel Guide History of The City: The city of Bidar rose to prominence when it became the Bahmani capital during the reign of Ahmad Shah Bahman (1423-1436 A.D) inBidar 1429. Ahmed Shah was awestruck by the scenic beauty and climate of the place and he decided to build a new city near its ancient fortress and called it Ahmadabad-Bidar. Ahmad Shah also laid the foundations of the Bidar fort. When the Bahmani dynasty eventually collapsed in 1538, the sultanate broke up into five independent sultanates, known as the Deccan sultanates. Bidar became a part of the Barid Shahi dynasty. In 1543 Ali Barid assumed royal appellation of Shah. The Bidar Sultanate was absorbed by the Bijapur Sultanate to the west in 1619, which was in turn conquered by the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb in 1686. From 1724 to 1948, Bidar remained a territory of the Nizam of Hyderabad’s dominions. It became a part of the erstwhile Hyderabad state, when Hyderabad was annexed to India. In 1956, Hyderabad was partitioned along linguistic lines and Bidar district became part of Mysore state, later renamed Karnataka. Travel to Bidar and soak in the history of this ancient capital. Over the years Bidar tourism has increased by leaps and bounds. Cuisine of Karnataka – Inside The Kitchen of Karnataka South India as a whole, is hugely popular for its cuisine. Although the styles preparation and serving are quite similar in the four states of southern India, but the dishes differ a lot. Karnataka cuisine mainly consists of vegetarian dishes and only few non-vegetarian dishes. Here also, the meal is served on a banana leaf, which starts with serving of Ghee. There are mainly three stable foods of Karnataka, rice, raggi and jowar. Every region of Karnataka has its own specialty and has been divided into different parts accordingly. It is said that the delicious dosa too originated in Karnataka, precisely Udupi cuisine. Non vegetarian food too, though less than its vegetarian, has a lot of varieties. Coastal regions of Karnataka take pride in their numerous and delectable varieties of sea food. And it has been found that dishes of Karnataka are not only rich in taste, they are highly nutritious as well. North Karnataka Cuisine: Bidar, Kalburgi, Vijayapura, Ballari and Belagaavi are the main districts of northern Karnataka where this cuisine is found. Main dishes of the region are rotis made of jowar and wheat. The rotis (breads) are served with different curries, which are mostly spicy. Rice too, like in other regions, is consumed highly with different side dishes like Saaru, Majjige and Huli. South Karnataka Cuisine: Main dish of Southern Karnataka is ragi mudde which is taken with almost all three meals of the day. It is a round ball prepared by boiling millet in water. With rice, number of spicy soups like hurali saaru, bas saaru are taken. Hurali saaru is made up from horse grams mixed with various Indian spices whereas bas saaru is made from broth of lentils and spring beans. The rice here too is of different kinds. Kempanna is a different kind of rice red in color. Udupi Cuisine: This is probably the most renowned cuisine to come out of South India. Dishes in Udupi cuisine are generally prepared from fruits, vegetables, grains and beans. The best dish of Udupi cuisine is without a doubt Masala Dosa that made it big not only in India but in other countries as well. Even today, Udupi cuisine follows the ingredients and method of preparation mentioned in the Vedas. No onion or garlic are in the dishes. Neither is any dish made from meat or fish. Sajjige, bajiil, Saaru, Sambhar, different types of rices and Uddinahittu are few of the major dishes in Udupi cuisine. Various rice dishes like Bisi bele bath, Vaangi baath and chitrana are used in all regions of Karnataka. Other dishes of main course that are common through out Karnataka are ragi rotti, akki roti, Kosambari, and numerous saarus. Non vegetarian dishes in Karnataka are common to all places of the state. Koli bas saaru, Mutton chop curry, Meatball curry, Chicken pulao and Mutton pulao are the most favored non-veg dishes here. You can have a taste of this anywhere in the state. Although, to get the best of Seafood, one should visit the coastal regions of Karnataka. Fish curry and liver fry are the dishes that will make your mouth water. When talking about the cuisine of a state, one just cannot ignore the sweet dishes. Specially if the list is gigantic. Karnataka is one state that has as many sweet dishes as other dishes. Paayasa is the main sweet dish of Karnataka, which is famous all over India. There are different types of paayasas. All are made of milk and differ in the ingredient added in the milk. Most used items are jeerige, shavige, rice and sabbakki. Other sweet delicacies of Karnataka are Balushahi, sakkare acchuhaala-puri, ladoo and dharwad pedha. It won’t be wrong to say that cuisine can easily be among the greatest attraction of Karnataka. So many are the dishes and such is the taste of each one of them that it is hard to decide which is the best. Other attractions might have the appeal to allure you to Karnataka, but it is the cuisine that has the magic to make you stay in Karnataka. Just get the taste of Karnataka cuisine and feel that special feeling that your tongue craved for so long.
If you are looking for the best medical coding online classes, then there are many things that you should consider before signing up. One thing that you need to look at is whether or not the school is accredited. Accreditation is important when it comes to medical coding. It ensures that the students are learning from an accredited learning institution that provides industry-standard training. Since these classes are provided over the internet, it’s crucial to look out for the accreditation of the learning institution. Don’t make the mistake of enrolling and taking a class from an unaccredited institution. What To Look Out For When looking for an accredited medical coding online class, there are a couple of things to look out for. Aside from the institutional accreditation of the school, college, or university, check if the medical coding online class has an independent accreditation from healthcare organizations like the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education or CAHIIM. A programmatic accreditation qualifies the students to sit for certification exams sponsored by the American Health Information Management Association or AHIMA. AHIMA is one of the two most popular organizations that sponsor medical coding certification exams. The other one is the American Academy of Professional Coders or AAPC. There are no requirements to sit for AAPC certifications. Although the Certified Professional Coder or CPC exam of AAPC is considered a gold standard in the industry, anyone can take it. Quality Education Matters Despite the lenient requirements for AAPC certification exams, there are lots of reasons to take the best classes in medical coding. For starters, most employers require a high passing rate in certification exams. While it’s possible to pass most coding certification exams at 75%, most employers require an accuracy rate of 95% for their coders. Another reason to look at the best medical coding online classes is the fact that they guarantee industry-standard learning and training. The foundation of the best medical coding online classes has credits in medical terminology, basic coding, and anatomy and physiology. The List Of The Best Medical Coding Online Classes The ranking of the best medical coding online classes is based on accreditations, curriculum content, and most importantly, cost per credit. 20. Health Information Technology (HIT) Class Of Davenport University Aside from the fact that it’s CAHIIM-accredited, the HIT class of Davenport University has credits in medical terminology, ICD Coding, and the current procedural coding. The materials and software of this particular class are updated with the Current Procedural Terminology or CPT. The tuition is $805 per credit hour. (1) (2) 19. HIT Class Of DeVry University This is another CAHIIM-accredited class with a solid foundation in Basic Medical Terminology. One of the most important learning outcomes of this class is the International Classification of Diseases Coding. The core program courses also consist of CPT coding with laboratory. The cost per credit hour for this class at DeVry University is $776. (3) (4) 18. Medical Coding Classes Of Mercy College Mercy College of Ohio is an accredited learning institution. It offers various medical coding classes under their HIT program. Their HIT program has an independent accreditation from CAHIIIM and it offers the following medical coding classes: Medical Coding Systems, Medical Terminology, Clinical Coding/Classification Systems (I and II), and ICD-9 to ICD-10 Transition. The cost per credit hour for these classes is $540. (5) (6) (7) 17. HIT Online Class Of Ultimate Medical Academy Ultimate Medical Academy also offers another CAHIIM-accredited Health Information Technology online class. The core courses of this particular class are the following: International Classifications of Disease (ICD) Coding, CPT Coding, and Medical Terminology. The tuition for this online class is $450 per credit hour. (8) (9) 16. HIT Class Of Fisher College The HIT class of Fisher College has an independent accreditation from CAHIIM. This class includes core courses in Coding and Classification System (I to IV) and Medical Terminology. It also has a couple of credits in anatomy and physiology. The cost per credit hour for this online class is $400. (10) (11) 15. Health Information Management (HIM) Class of Sullivan University The HIM Class offered at Sullivan University is accredited by CAHIIM. At the same time, the course outline of this class includes medical terminology, CPT Coding (I and II), ICD-10-CM Coding, and ICD-10-PCS Coding. A couple of credits are also allotted to human anatomy and physiology. This is a 92-credit class with a cost per credit of $375. (12) (13) 14. Health Information Management Technology Class Of Georgia Northwestern Technical College This CAHIIM-accredited class requires a minimum requirement of 62 credits. Credits are allotted for subjects such as Anatomy and Physiology I and II (with lab), Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences, and Coding and Classification (ICD Basic, ICD Advanced, CPT/Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System or HCPCS). Tuition for in-state students is $355, while it’s $531 for out-state students. (14) (15) 13. Healthcare Coding Class Of Dakota State University Dakota State University, an accredited learning institution, also offers a healthcare coding class. This is under their Health Information Management program that has an independent accreditation from CAHIIM. This class focuses on ICD and CPT code sets. The cost per credit is $ 351.25 for in-state students and $ 460.85 for out-state. (16) (17) 12. Medical Billing And Coding Class Of American National University American National University offers a medical billing and coding class that grants a diploma. It’s a stackable degree that qualifies the student to do further studies in Health Information Management (HIM). The HIM program of Dakota State University has an independent accreditation from CAHIIM. The cost per credit hour is $333. (18) (19) 11. HIT Class Of Rasmussen University Another HIT Class, with independent accreditation from CAHIIM, is offered at Rasmussen University. This is a 90-credit class with core courses in Coding Foundations, ICD-CM Coding, ICD-PCS Coding, Ambulatory Coding, and Medical Terminology. It also includes credits for practicum in medical billing and coding. The cost per credit for this class is $260. (20) (21) 10. HIT/Coding Class Of Minnesota State Community And Technical College Minnesota State Community and Technical College offers a HIT/Coding class that consists of 64 credits. Its independent accreditation from CAHIIM is in association with AHIMA. Students are trained to have a solid foundation in CPT/HCPCS and ICD coding systems. The cost per credit hour is $ 198.95 per credit. (22) (23) 9. Coding Specialist Diploma Class Of Rochester Community And Technical College The Coding Specialist Diploma class is under the HIM program of Rochester Community and Technical College. The program has an independent accreditation from CAHIIM. The cost per credit hour for this particular class is $198.90. (24) (25) (26) 8. Medical Coding Class Of Northwest Iowa Community College The Medical Coding class of Northwest Iowa Community College qualifies the student to sit for the Certified Coding Associate (CCA) exam sponsored by AHIMA. The credits of this class can also be used to complete an AAS degree in Health Information Technology. The tuition per credit hour is $195. (27) (28) 7. HIT Class Of Marion Technical College The HIT Class of Marion Technical College focuses on coding and reimbursement. Upon the completion of this class, students can take the following certification exams: Certified Coding Assistant (CCA), Certified Coding Specialist-Physician-based (CCS-P), and Certified Professional Coder (CPC). The tuition and fees for Ohio residents is $190. Non-residents would have to pay $270. (29) (30) 6. Medical Records Coding Specialist Class Of Hazard Community And Technical College The Medical Records Coding Specialist class of Hazard Community and Technical College is one of the classes offered under the HIT program. The credits earned in the Medical records Coding Specialist class can be transferred to complete the two-year HIT degree course. The cost per credit hour is $179 for in-state students. Students from contiguous counties would have to pay $358. While other out-state students have to pay $627. (31) (32) 5. Medical Coding Specialist Class Of Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College offers another medical coding class. The credits earned upon the completion of this class are transferrable to the HIT degree program of the College. The online tuition and fees for in-state students is $162 per credit, while it’s $232.25 for out-state students. (33) (34) 4. HIT Class Of Neosho County Community College The HIT class of Neosho Country Community College has credits in anatomy and physiology for Allied Health, medical terminology, and CPT Coding. Since it’s a CAHIIM-accredited class, students are qualified to take medical coding certification exams offered by AHIMA. The online campus cost per credit hour for Neosho County residents is $133. It’s $148 for Kansas residents and $170 for out-state students. (35) (36) 3. Medical Coding Class Of Eastern Gateway Community College The Medical Coding Class of Eastern Gateway Community College qualifies the students to take the CCA exam of AHIMA. There is a reason why the Medical Coding class of Eastern Gateway Community College ranks high in the list of best medical coding online classes. With its cost per credit hour of $131 (for Jefferson County residents), it’s affordable. The costs per credit hour for other Ohio residents and out-state students are $137 and $245 respectively. (37) (38) 2. Healthcare Coding Specialist Class Of Hutchinson Community College The Healthcare Coding Specialist class of Hutchinson Community College prepares the students for an entry-level position in clinics, hospitals, and insurance companies; to name a few. Most of the credits of this class can be transferred to earn an AAS degree in Health Information Technology. The cost per credit hour for in-state students is $116. For out-state students, it’s $147. (39) (40) 1. Health Data And Information Management Class Of Metropolitan Community College There are various reasons why this particular medical coding online class is number one. For starters, it’s CAHIIM-accredited. Hence, it qualifies the students to sit for the various certification exams. The completion of the class requires credits in Clinical Coding, anatomy and physiology, and medical terminology. With the standard tuition of $66.00 per credit hour, this class tops the list of the best medical coding online classes. (41) (42) Enrolling in one of the best medical coding online classes can be very intimidating for some people. However, once you have enrolled in one, you will find that it is much easier than you think. Even though the medical field is competitive, the quality of education that you receive will make it a lot easier for you to succeed.
As chummy as Turkey and Russia appear these days - and as much as this unnerves the US and the NATO allies - many of the two countries' interests are diametrically opposed. The uneasy alliance is currently being tested on the frontlines in Syria. By Soli Özel Turkish-Russian relations, the source of so much concern in the Western alliance, were strained considerably when the Syrian Army advanced in the rebel-held northwestern province of Idlib earlier this month, aided by Russian air support. Russian aircraft even hit Turkish targets, killing two and wounding five Turkish soldiers. Ankara complained loudly about the Idlib assault’s brutality: some 900,000 civilians are trying to escape – to a Turkey that is unwilling to accommodate yet more refugees. It houses 3.5 million already. Yet, unable to access Syrian air space, Turkey’s military options on the ground are limited. It regularly attempts to hit Syrian positions with artillery but with limited impact. At least seven of Turkey’s twelve observation posts, which were established to pacify the most radical Jihadi elements, are surrounded by the Syrian Army. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey even spoke recently of “war.” Turkey now counts 15 casualties since the assault began. All the while, the two sides have been negotiating a solution to the impasse in Idlib – though with no results yet. Hopes were invested in a summit in Istanbul on March 5, to be attended by Germany, France, Russia, and Turkey. However, Russia just announced not to work on a quartet summit but trying to arrange a bilateral one only between Turkey and Russia, or a trilateral summit including Iran. The Idlib crisis demonstrates that the closeness of the two sides is tenuous. As Professor Evren Balta of Özyeğin University observes: “Arguably the most important problem in Turkey-Russia relations is the fact that the cooperation between the two countries has never been predicated upon common principles, institutions or even a short-term common vision. These two countries that do not trust one another and have different understandings of their interests and of the threats they face, can only manage to have a partnership if a third actor appears on stage that both of them mistrust more than one another.” The three-and-a-half-year rapprochement worked so well mainly because both powers were weary of American designs in Syria. Also, Turkey was deeply estranged from its NATO allies after the coup attempt of July 15, 2016. In contrast to the West’s passivity as the coup unfolded, Russia stood by Ankara. Many Turks were deeply disappointed with the West’s lack of solidarity at the time. The episode reinforced the belief that Turkey’s Western partners do not appreciate its security concerns. This was the background to President Erdoğan’s visit to Moscow three weeks after the coup, where he bought the anti-aircraft weapon system S-400, further straining relations between Ankara and Washington. Despite sympathy from President Trump, the US terminated Turkish companies’ participation in the production of the F-35 stealth combat aircraft and stopped delivery of those already purchased. A furious US Congress put pressure on the president to apply sanctions against Turkey. Despite the two countries’ cooperation in a number of fields, the positions of Russia and Turkey are diametrically opposed in Syria and in Libya. Whereas the Turkish government is passionate about terminating the Assad regime, Russia bailed it out in September 2015 when several cities were under siege. Moreover, when Turkey downed a Russian SU-24 aircraft in November of that year, Moscow reacted with punishing sanctions. Aaron Stein argues that “the Russian-Turkish entente stemmed from a shared interest: Forcing the US to leave Syria … The shoot down [of the SU-24] prompted a change in Russia’s bombing of the opposition, severing Turkey’s access to Aleppo city, and upending a joint Turkish-American plan to fight Islamic State in northern Aleppo. After Ankara’s defeat, the Turkish government narrowed its interests and chose to focus on driving a wedge between the US and the Syrian Democratic Forces [anti-Assad coalition], with the intent of forcing an American withdrawal from Syria.” In fact, to this day the alliance between the Syrian Democratic Forces, of which the Kurdish People's Defense Units (PYD/YPG) is the most important constituent, and the US is arguably the most serious bone of contention between Washington and Ankara. Turkey deems it wholly unacceptable that the US support the PYD, which it calls terrorists. For Turkey, Kurd control of the entire Syria-Turkish border is out of the question. In fact, the Turkish military engaged in two operations in Syria precisely to prevent it, both of which had the green light from the Russians; the first had the tacit approval of and even assistance from the US. The first, called “Euphrates Shield” ostensibly against IS in August 2016, cleared Kurdish forces but without reaching the critical town of Manbij, a city in northern Syria, 30 kilometers west of the Euphrates. The second operation, “Olive Branch,” targeted the Kurdish city of Afrin. Turkey undertook a third operation, “Spring of Peace,” after President Trump withdrew American troops from the area and gave Turkey the green light. Ankara’s ambition was to create and control a “safe zone” that would extend to the Iraqi border and effectively terminate the Kurdish experiment with autonomy. The US and Russia prevailed on Turkey to limit its zone to a 120 km wide and 30 km deep area. The Syrian regime returned to the border with Turkey as the Russian troops took over American bases. Politically, Turkey did not attain its goals. This was a stark example of the unequal nature of Russia-Turkey relations. For both Russia and Turkey, their recent cooperation has been mutually beneficial. Ankara needed Moscow’s assent to conduct military operations in northern Syria. This was to ensure that Kurdish territory did not extend west of the Euphrates River. Moscow, on the other hand, benefited from Turkey’s ability to control parts of the armed opposition. In fact, if Turkey had not cut off the Islamist opposition in Aleppo, the city would not have fallen to regime forces. Moscow also culled other perks. The two countries cooperated in the Astana peace process, thus sidelining the Western nations that favored another peace process, known as the Geneva process. Moscow’s close relations with Ankara, and more importantly the sale of the weapons’ systems, opened a rift in NATO. The perennial question about Turkey’s loyalty to the Western alliance was rehashed and many a pundit demanded that Turkey be expelled. Trust among members was shaken. It is an open question at the moment whether this crisis in Turkey-Russia relations will lead to a full-scale break. The likelihood of a rupture is low. The loss of the rebel-held enclave of Idlib to Bashar al-Assad’s forces presents a major challenge to Turkey’s influence in the Syrian conflict. As Balta observes the “fall” of Idlib to regime forces wasn’t an issue just because it would unleash a new wave of refugees. A Turkish presence in Idlib enabled it to control the main highways. It also gave Turkey leverage by virtue of its influence over the armed opposition groups. This was how Turkey protected its gains won in military operations. As things stand, once the Assad regime recaptures its territory and liquidates the Jihadi and other opposition groups, the military phase of the Syrian conflict will basically end. Perhaps a sliver of land will be left to Turkey to house refugees. Since the two sides still need each other in Syria – and they have mutual economic interests, particularly in the field of energy – Turkey and Russia are likely to find a new modus vivendi. But the closeness of the past three and half years in their relations is unlikely to endure.
Any shareholder receives a share certificate at the time of its investment in a company. This document is absolutely crucial as it evidences the shareholders’ ownership and participation in a company. If you hold shares in a Hong Kong company, this guide explains everything you must know about your share certificate. A share certificate is a document issued by a company to its shareholders to evidence their ownership in that company. A company may have one or more share certificates depending on the number of shareholders. If you own shares of a company in Hong Kong, you should receive a share certificate with all details concerning your shares. A share certificate normally includes the following information: A share certificate may include various other information. For example, if a shareholder is restricted from selling its shares (based on the provisions of a Shareholders Agreement), it is generally a good idea to include a reference to this restriction on the share certificate. If a shareholder holds different classes of shares of a company (for example ordinary and preference shares), it is recommended to issue separate share certificates for each class. In the context of preference shares, it is also advised to include a brief description of the rights attached to such shares on the share certificate. There is no standard or prescribed format. Please refer to the picture below for a sample of a share certificate issued by a Hong Kong company. Share certificates issued by companies in other jurisdictions (Singapore, BVI, Delaware) usually follow the same format. A share certificate is usually prepared by the company secretary. The company secretary normally also takes care of preparing all documents leading to the issuance of new share certificates (share allotment or share transfer documents). Upon issuance, a share certificate shall be signed by at least two directors. If the company has a sole director, then only one signature is required. There are various occasions in which a Hong Kong company may issue share certificates to its shareholders: It is strongly advised to keep the share certificates of a company in a safe place. To reduce the risks of loss, we recommend that your company secretary keeps such share certificates at its office together with the company’s statutory records. You may also ask your company secretary to provide you with a certified true copy of such share certificates. The register of members of a Hong Kong company is a single document (usually a table) listing all shareholders of a company, their respective number of shares, the date on which they became or ceased to be shareholders of the company. This document provides a comprehensive overview of a company’s past and current shareholding structure. On the contrary a share certificate only evidences the ownership by a shareholder of a certain number of shares at a certain point in time. A certificate of incumbency is a document issued by a regulated third party (lawyer, public notary) and confirming certain information about a company such as its shareholders, ultimate beneficial owners, directors. It is normally required when a company applies for the opening of a bank account, a public subsidy or a loan. By contrast, a share certificate is issued by a company itself rather than by an independent third party. When a person ceased to be a shareholder of a company, it shall return its share certificate to such a company. An officer of the company (usually its company secretary) shall take care of canceling such share certificate, usually by affixing a “Cancelled” stamp on the certificate. This officer will then update the company’s register of members to reflect the date on which such shareholder ceased own shares of the company.
- Reasons for persistent nail-biting can vary greatly — A few common causes are allergies, broken nails, infections, wounds, parasites, and anxiety. - Don’t wait to call the vet — Seek veterinarian help immediately if your dog is unable to walk, bleeding heavily or if the area is very swollen or oozing pus. - Proper paw hygiene is important — Proper nail maintenance and hygiene can prevent many causes of obsessive nail-biting of the nail bed and other destructive behavior. 🧼 Why do dogs bite their nails? Dogs bite their nails for a number of different reasons. One common reason is due to irritation from allergens like pollen, mold, dust, and grass that make their paws and nails itchy. Another is food sensitivity to typical proteins like eggs, soy, lamb, chicken, or beef, which can cause dogs to become itchy and bite their nails. Your dog could also have a bacterial or fungal infection causing them to scratch and bite. More obvious causes are things like broken nails, dryness, burns, or foreign objects stuck in the paw or nail. Something like a rock stuck in your pup’s paw might be easy to spot, but figuring out if your dog has an infection or allergy may require a vet visit. Common reasons dog bit and chew their nails Environmental substances. Just like humans, dogs are frequently allergic to pollen, mold, dust, and grass. Also like humans, these allergies can be seasonal. But instead of coughing and sniffling, the primary symptom in dogs is skin itching. This is because the allergy causes atopic dermatitis (atopy), a condition that can affect the entire body or just a few areas — usually the feet, ears, face, and front legs. The best way to treat an allergy is by eliminating exposure to the allergen. And while you may be able to eliminate dust and mold, some environmental and outdoor allergens are unavoidable, especially at certain times of the year. It’s also possible your pet could be suffering from food allergies. The bottom line is that there are a ton of reasons your dog could experience allergic reactions. If you’ve tried a lifestyle or diet change to no avail, consider asking your veterinarian for allergy medication or whether your dog could benefit from an aller-immune supplement for dogs. Food sensitivities. Proteins like eggs, soy, lamb, chicken, and beef are the most common offenders. Along with atopic dermatitis, your dog may experience vomiting, diarrhea, and ear infections as a reaction to certain foods. Changing your dog’s diet every few weeks is not an effective way to diagnose an allergy. The only way to test for a food allergy is a food elimination trial, which is tedious, but effective. Under a vet’s supervision, a novel protein or hydrolyzed protein diet is fed for 6 to 8 weeks. Nothing but the vet-approved food should be ingested — no treats, flavored medications, fish oils, or supplements. After that time, food is reintroduced and you can look for a reaction. Bacterial or fungal infections. These are typically the result of another issue that’s gone untreated, such as a wound or constant chewing that’s broken the skin open. Bacteria or fungi enter the skin through the open sore and can cause swelling, redness, pus, and a foul odor. Paw infections can be painful for dogs, so they may limp or be wary of you getting close to it. Bacterial infections are usually treated with antibiotics, while fungal infections require antifungal medication. Your dog’s chewing and licking at the infected area will likely increase the severity of the infection, so you should have a veterinarian examine the infection as soon as you notice the symptoms. Once treatment starts, regularly clean the area and help your dog avoid touching or walking on it. Broken or overgrown nails Overgrown nails can make walking painful for dogs, so they may try to bite away from the excess nail. They might also attempt to grind their nails down by scratching at the ground excessively. Nails of a healthy length should not curve back around toward the paw. Nail breakage is one side effect of letting your dog’s nails get too long – overgrown nails splinter and break more easily. But injuries can happen for any reason, so check for a broken nail even if you regularly trim your dog’s nails. If your dog is constantly losing and breaking multiple nails, it’s possible that they have symmetrical lupoid onychodystrophy (SLO). Dogs with this rare condition can lose all of their nails within a few months. The nails may grow back brittle and misshapen. Treatment usually consists of a combination of antibiotics and supplements. Foreign object or puncture wound With a puncture wound or foreign object, symptoms are usually limited to the paw area — your dog may limp and lick the affected paw, which may bleed or appear swollen and red. They may also be hesitant to let you examine the wound. The important thing is to act quickly. Wounds can easily turn into infections if left alone. If you see a foreign object that looks easy to remove, like a thorn, you can use a clean pair of tweezers to extract it. You can then clean and bandage the area. The same goes for shallow puncture wounds– clean and bandage them. If the wound is deep or if you’re worried you haven’t removed all of the debris, you should seek help from your veterinarian. In the days following treatment, watch the area closely for signs of infection. If the wound appears the same or worse in terms of swelling, redness, tenderness, or pus, it may be infected, which will require antibiotic treatment. Dryness or burns Just like human skin, paw pads are susceptible to drying, cracking and burning in extreme temperature conditions. Especially in the summer, asphalt and concrete can become far too hot for dogs to walk on, even when the weather is comfortable for you. A good rule of thumb is to place the back of your hand on the ground. If it’s too hot to hold your hand there for 5–10 seconds, it’s too hot for your dog to walk on. Cold conditions can also pose a problem. In addition to potential sensitivities to salted roads, dogs can be more susceptible to cuts when walking on hard, icy terrain. In general, it’s best to avoid extreme weather conditions or invest in some dog shoes. A high-quality vegan balm Paw Soother by Natural Dog Company A dual-purpose option 4-Legger Nose & Paws Healing Balm Interdigital cysts (furuncles) Interdigital furuncles are easy to identify – they are red, fleshy bumps that appear between dogs’ toes. These cyst-like growths are most common in dogs with short hair and prominent toe-webbing, like the English Bulldog and Labrador Retriever. Interdigital furuncles are usually the result of an infection, sometimes due to an ingrown hair or even mites. While surgery is not usually required, you should take your dog into the vet to make sure the bump isn’t malignant. Furuncles are notoriously tough to eradicate, but there are a few at-home remedies you can try. A combination of regular cleaning, Epsom salt soaks, and healing balms may heal the area. 👉 Read our guide to treating your dog’s interdigital cysts (furuncles) for a complete list of healing tips. Arthritic pain may be one reason your dog licks their paws nonstop. Rather than sudden and acute symptoms, as with an injury, you’ll notice the paw-licking happen slowly as your dog ages. If your dog is older and you’re not able to see anything unusual in the area (swelling, redness, nail breakage, etc.) sore joints may be the culprit. Arthritis is a natural part of aging, so there’s no cure. However, joint supplements can help. As dogs age, enzymes break down cartilage, which is the cushion-like tissue in between bones that protects your dog from painful bone-on-bone contact. For overweight or large dogs, this can happen sooner in life. Joint supplements work to slow down the process, reducing the speed at which enzymes wear down the cartilage. 👉 Check out our favorite veterinarian-approved joint supplements that can help relieve your pup’s aching joints. Parasites or bug bites Fleas, lice, and mites are all parasites that may take in interest in your furry companion and make them miserably itchy. - Fleas usually leave behind small, black spots that look like black pepper, called flea dirt. You may also see clusters of small, red bumps around the base of the tail and lower back. Hair loss, especially around the lower back and base of the tail is also common. If you look carefully, you can see fleas with the naked eye. They’re dark brown and about the size of a poppy seed. - Lice leave their mark in a similar way to fleas. Itchiness, hair loss, and dry skin are all symptoms of a lice infestation. However, lice are a bit bigger and tan in color. - Mites come in various species, but Scabies (or Sarcoptes) is the variety that causes excessive itching. Mites cannot be seen with the naked eye, so your veterinarian will have to view a skin sample under a microscope to provide a diagnosis You can check for parasites by combing through and closely examining your dog’s fur, but it may be difficult to identify exactly what kind of parasite has set up camp on your dog. For help identifying the problem, read our guide to identifying bug bites on dogs. Parasites usually don’t go away on their own, so it’s best to seek help from a veterinarian, who can prescribe medication to help. Excessive nail chewing can also be a sign of psychological unrest for dogs. As a coping mechanism, they may begin to obsessively groom themselves, including licking at their paws. In addition, they may uncontrollably shake, urinate, defecate, pant, or whine. Their behavior may become aggressive, lethargic, or restless. Your pup can experience mental distress for a number of reasons: - Overstimulation or fear. Think of your dog like a small child — the doctor’s office, loud noises, strangers, and new places can be scary! The quickest way to eliminate this kind of anxiety is to reduce exposure. If that’s not possible or practical, you can try calming supplements, medication, or positive reinforcement techniques. - Separation anxiety. Unfortunately, you probably can’t spend every waking moment with your pup. Dogs with separation anxiety will experience great stress when left alone. Usually, this applies to separation from the owner, but dogs can also have a great attachment to their animal friends, too. Leaving music on or having a friend stop by while you’re gone may help. - Boredom or loneliness. Dogs who don’t get enough exercise or engagement from their owners may exhibit anxiety-like symptoms. Regular walks or jogs, games of fetch and cuddle time can be game-changers for your dog’s disposition, especially if you have a working breed. Most underlying causes of persistent nail-biting require some owner intervention in order to heal, so it’s best to address the problem as soon as possible. If left untreated, you risk infection, worsening symptoms, and more discomfort for your dog. Eliminating and preventing obsessive nail biting - Regularly check your dog’s paws, body, and behavior for warning signs. Excessive biting can break the skin and cause infection, so catching symptoms early is always best. The unpleasant sound of persistent biting, chewing, and licking should be the first clue that you need to investigate further. A healthy paw will be smooth, clean, and free of debris or open sores. Does the area look red, swollen, bloody, or infected? What other body parts have an unusual appearance? You should also be sensitive to changes in your pup’s behavior. - Ensure your dog is getting the proper amount of exercise. While lack of exercise can cause nails to become overgrown quickly, it can also take a toll on your pup’s mental health, causing boredom and anxiety-like symptoms. On the other hand, excessive walking can painfully wear down paw pads. All of these conditions can lead to persistent nail-biting. When it comes to exercise, the key is balance, and that balance varies from dog to dog. Consult your veterinarian if you aren’t sure how much exercise your dog should be getting. - Clean your dog’s paws after going outside. Environmental irritants like road ice, fertilizers, debris, and allergens can be harmful if left on your dog’s skin. If you make a habit of brushing away debris with a dry washcloth after walks, you’ll reduce the chance of irritation. - Avoid walking your dog on harsh terrain or in extreme weather conditions. Exposure to hot pavement, ice, or rocky terrain makes paws more prone to dryness and cracking. On warm days, do a touch test of the pavement before going on a walk– if it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for your dog. - Use a paw balm. Paw balms work by moisturizing and creating a protective barrier between the paw and the ground. If you live somewhere that gets very hot or very cold or if your dog’s paws are prone to dryness, a paw balm is great for prevention and healing. Read our full guide to the best paw balms for dogs. - Consult a veterinarian if you’re concerned. In fact, many causes of persistent nail-biting will require prescription medication. If you’re not confident that you’ve identified the problem or that you’re able to fix it, you should always take your dog to your veterinarian. - Styptic powder. stops bleeding when pressed into the nail. You can find this at any pet store. If you don’t have any on hand, cornstarch will work too. 👉 Pro-tip: if your dog is anxious, try having a second person comfort and distract them while you work. Treats and petting tend to be great distractors. When to consider paying a groomer to trim your dog’s nails If the process becomes nightmarish, there’s no shame in turning to a groomer. Of course, you want the experience to be as quick, painless, and anxiety-free for your dog. You might consider groomer intervention if: - Your dog is extremely anxious. It’s difficult to cut the nails on an aggressive or restless dog. If you can’t get your dog to calm down or hold still, sedation may be necessary. - You’re uncomfortable or not confident. It’s okay if you can’t bear the thought of accidentally cutting a nail too far. Groomers trim nails every day, so the odds of an accident are much lower. Be a smarter pet parent
According to new research, increasing levels of CO2 from human-made sources will amplify climate-related risks for the chemical industry. Serious impacts will include damage to capital assets, disruptions to transport and raw materials availability, and impacts on labor productivity and safety. The need to adapt will make small-scale operations a growing part of the chemicals industry, even in the face of worse economics, as the impact of climate changes intensifies. In the long term, decentralised manufacturing, such as fermentation or electrochemical production, will enable companies to operate across multiple smaller facilities, making the supply chain more resilient.
In her provocative new book, How to Have an Enemy: Righteous Anger & the Work of Peace, Mennonite pastor Melissa Florer-Bixler looks closely at what the Bible says about enemies—who they are, what they do, and how Jesus and his followers responded to them. The result is a theology that allows Christians to name their enemies as a form of truth-telling about themselves, their communities, and the histories in which their lives are embedded. Only then can Christians grapple with the power of the acts of destruction carried out by enemies, and invite them to lay down their enmity, opening a path for healing, reconciliation, and unity. Collegeville Institute staff member Susan Sink interviewed Melissa about her book and its approach to lament, the reign of God, and the persistence of white supremacy in the United States. How to Have an Enemy is Biblically rooted, and also resists the backlash currently in the public discourse about the legacy and ongoing operation of white supremacy in the United States. Could you explain why you’re advocating for defunding/abolishing the police? I’m a Mennonite so my theology flows from Anabaptist hermeneutics. In the sixteenth century, Anabaptism helped revive communal readings of scripture as the way we corporately respond to the questions, ever new, before us. Mennonites are pacifists, and we draw this conviction from the Jesus we meet in the New Testament. Historically this has meant refusal to participate in state violence because we cannot make allegiances to anyone other than Christ, and we cannot disobey the commandment to love our enemies. The international form of state violence is the military. The domestic form of state violence is the police. So, for me this is a theological conviction and that theology is anti-racist. My theology, that of my tradition, resists a world where the state, through surveillance and lethal enforcement, enacts punishment. We need justice, not retribution. In the book, you open with the importance and tradition of lament. In what ways do you welcome and listen to people’s stories as a pastor in your congregation? Why is this an important step? In my church we make space in worship for talking back to the sermon, or the old Mennonite practice of zeugnis. That happens every week in worship where we invite people to participate in the work of interpreting scripture on the spot, sometimes allowing them to give voice to lament. But we structure other times that specifically make space to give voice to our lament. Over the summer we invited people to share testimonies about how they came to be here with us at Raleigh Mennonite. I was struck by the lament in these stories. We were a container to hold the brokenness that came from previous churches, family members, difficult experiences, and tragedies. As pastors, I think this unscripted, open sharing can feel unruly and dangerous at times. Some of us have this implicit desire to “protect the message,” or only let into public what is orthodox or holy or unoffensive—whatever helps order the world. But all that is a façade. And peeling back that layer, making space for this vulnerability, is the groundwork of communal formation. What do you mean by the “reign of God,” by which you define the Christian family? Jesus uses this language a lot in a variety of ways in the Gospels. The redemption of creation, borne in the body of Israel, now overflows to everyone. We don’t have to make that happen, to bring it into being, or to accomplish it. The reign of God has come. Redemption is an act of grace and, as Kathryn Tanner reminds us, it’s non-competitive. We’re not competing with other parts of creation to make a claim on God’s work of liberation and wholeness. Instead, we participate in it. We pay attention for it; we look out for it. That’s the work of the church—we notice. We notice, we discern together, and then we step into wherever we see that reign of God firming up in time, in our midst. When it comes to interacting with enemies, it doesn’t seem like you’re talking about looking for common ground, when you share an example of difficult dialogue over community issues like what’s going on now at school board meetings and city council meetings. You seem to be talking about a change of heart in the person doing harm with expressions of attitudes rooted in white supremacy. Am I reading you right? If so, how does that conversion take place? I think we can look for common ground, but only after we understand the function of power that’s at work in whatever issue we’re approaching. For instance, is it possible to have common ground within a structure that weights power by access to money, or in a hierarchical structure where people at the bottom have little impact on how decisions are made? The Church has spent a significant amount of time addressing conflict through relational work. We’re not alone in that. This is reflected in anti-racist educational spaces where personal relationships are offered as the key for changing racist cultures. I don’t think we have evidence that this is effective. Instead, we need to build a new world, to sustain new cultures and invite people into the healing and wholeness of mutual liberation. Enmity is bound by a mutual tie of destruction. We can’t be saved without saving our enemies, as well. That’s the gospel! Our liberation is dependent upon the liberation of all creation. Could you speak more about how your thinking comes out of your Mennonite tradition, which holds a church/world dichotomy? When you speak of the enemies of the reign of God being possessed by Satan, that is a pretty stark view of the enemy! My tendency is to use the language reflected in scripture of the reign of God, which is contrasted with the world that, we read, is in the hands of Satan. “All of the kingdoms of the world are mine,” Satan says to Jesus, “and I can do with them as I please” (Luke 4:6). This is why the early church often described the Incarnation as an invasion into enemy territory. But also in the New Testament, the reign of God doesn’t always happen along the traditional inside/outside lines we’d like to establish for ourselves. For instance, Jesus claims that Peter, one of his disciples, continues to participate in the old order. “Get behind me Satan!” (Matt 16:23; Mark 8:33). It certainly is stark! But this is where Jesus continues to call us. We are asked to choose an allegiance. I often think of that song by Bob Dylan—“Gotta Serve Somebody.” That sounds a lot like Jesus. We can line ourselves up here with the work of God that’s erupting all around us, sometimes in the place we identify as church, sometimes not. Or we can continue to pledge our allegiance to an order where scarcity begets hoarding and retribution is the norm. There is also a lot of the apocalyptic in your discussion, including the book of Revelation and Jesus’ admonition that his teachings would separate family members from each other. In the end, you say, along with James Baldwin, that white people will always choose capitalism, Mammon, over Black liberation. What does it look like for white Christians to choose Black liberation instead? It certainly seems like the world will end in fire. And I wrestle with Baldwin’s evolution over time. He starts out so hopeful that white people will recognize that we participate in our own destruction. Eventually white people showed him this belief was wrong, that we would rather destroy the world, and us with it, than unclench our fists to release our power back into the world. He was a prophet. I suppose choosing Black liberation is to choose a different life, one that collects, little by little, habits, economics, community, and politics that are for the mutual thriving of our world. That’s Black politics. “When I liberate myself, I liberate others,” Fannie Lou Hamer used to say. To choose Black liberation as a white person is to conspire for not only the freedom of others but for ourselves.
Do you need to tiptoe around to navigate your way through your kid’s room? You are not alone. Most parents complain about their kid’s rooms being so messy that they are unable to walk through them. Perhaps you start out by reminding them gently to clean their rooms. The kids whine, dawdle, get distracted, or outright go on strike. As the day wears on, the reminders get progressively louder and more demanding. Parents know it is their job to teach their kids to keep their things in order, but kids want their room to be their own messy castle. They may like the mess because they know where everything is. For others, perhaps they want to be organised but are overwhelmed by the idea of cleaning up. Whatever the cause, there are steps you can take to encourage your child to clean up a messy bedroom. 1. Set a Good Example Children learn by watching others, retaining this information, and replicating. This is why it is important for parents to set a good example for their little ones. If parents keep their own rooms clean and neat, then it will be easier for children to follow a good example. Although we may feel that they are not paying attention, kids are sensitive and responsive to what we do and say. What you do on a daily is what they come to see as the norm and expected of them. To make it easier for them to pick up good habits such as keeping their bedroom clean, you can do chores together with them. As they get more comfortable, then you can encourage them to do it on their own. 2. Make a Checklist Barking orders is only going to make your kid hostile and angry. They may not even know what a “clean bedroom” means exactly, or even if they do, do they know how to get it to that point? What they need is a clear set of instructions, guiding them step by step to get from a messy room to an organised and clean one. A checklist to follow while cleaning their room would make more sense to them. It will teach them both how to clean their room, and how to keep it neat. You can even organise this checklist by parts of the room. Breaking larger tasks down into smaller pieces is helpful for any child. You can include pictures as examples for younger children and instructions with simple words for older children. 3. Make it a Routine It takes time for a habit to form. Creating a timeslot for cleaning will ingrain this habit into your child to do this daily. Encourage them to start their day off by cleaning their bedroom in the morning. This would help them start the day with a clean room and ensure that the task has been checked for the day. Also, since they have already kept it neat and tidy in the morning, they will feel less inclined to mess it up again throughout the day. 4. Create a Place for Everything It helps when every toy or book has a home. When their items have their own designated place, it makes it easier for kids to remember where they go. Be it toys, books, or other miscellaneous objects, building up an association between these items and where they belong will go a long way in helping their memory.
Louden Langely was born in Huntington, Vermont. He wrote letters to the editor, owned land in Hinesburg and was a farmer until he volunteered for the 54th Massachusetts Regiment in 1863. If you saw the 1989 movie Glory, you know the unit was composed of African-American soldiers who fought in the Civil War. Langely was one of 152 black Vermonters out of a total 709 in the state at the time who joined the Union Army. Langelys story appears in James Fullers recently published book, Men of Color, To Arms! Vermont African-Americans in the Civil War. Its stories have never been told before. That Fuller, a police officer in the Winooski School District, documented them is something of an accident. In 1997, he took an extended sick leave from his job as a parole officer. While unable to work, he found a hobby: researching a documentary on Vermont monuments. Examining a Veterans Monument in Coventry, he noted that four of the names brothers Andrew, Charles, Edward and Sylvester Mero were Civil War veterans who had volunteered for the 54th Massachusetts Regiment. Having heard little of black Vermonters service in that conflict, Fuller was intrigued. He contacted the town clerk, who admitted she didnt remember any black people ever living in Coventry. And actually, the Mero brothers didnt live there; they were from Woodstock. Fuller suspects that their uncle, a farmer and property owner in Coventry, contributed money to the monument with the stipulation that his nephews be included. That might be how the Mero brothers became the only black Civil War veterans named on any of Vermonts monuments. All the others seem to have been forgotten, or ignored despite Vermonts reputation as the first state to outlaw slavery and its alleged role in the Underground Railroad. Fuller is a white man a talkative, gray-haired, very curious white man who spent four years producing a book about black men. It was an absolutely fascinating trip, reading all this stuff, he says. While he admits he may not truly understand what these men experienced in the Civil War, Fuller believes it shouldnt matter what color he is. If theres nothing written about them, I guess there should be something, he explains simply. After his visit to Coventry, Fuller tried to find out more about the Meros and others who might have served with them. He went to the Special Collections room at the Bailey-Howe Library at the University of Vermont. No luck. He eventually found a six-page pamphlet published by the Rutland Historical Society. It dealt with maybe half a dozen men, he says. Fuller combed through George G. Benedicts 1400-page tome, Vermont in the Civil War: A History of the Part Taken By the Vermont Soldiers and Sailors in the War for the Union. Its the definitive work, he declares. If you want to know anything about Vermont in the Civil War, thats where you go. But Benedict, too, proved disappointing. Theres only one sentence that even mentions them, he says incredulously. In a description of a battle at Fort Harrison in which another Vermonter, General George Jennison Stannard took part there were some black soldiers holding the road. Well, where do you think that road went? It was an access road! exclaims Fuller. Fort Harrison, in Petersburg, Virginia, was a three-sided structure. In the incident Benedict recorded, the Union forces were inside the fort facing the open side, through which the Confederates attacked. General Lee himself was commanding the troops. The black soldiers defended the road leading into the fort from the outside. Both sides sustained heavy casualties, but ultimately the attackers were rebuffed. This kind of exclusion from historical records is extremely pervasive, according to Fuller. There were black Vermonters at Lees surrender at Appomattox, he says. After they were allowed in, African-American Vermonters fought at every major engagement on the Eastern Seaboard. But do you ever see black men in any of the photos? Fuller says he struggled to come up with the few photos he included in the book. He found only one image of a black Vermonter in a Union uniform, and that man was unidentified. There are no photos of Louden Langely, or of Charles Old Duke Wentworth, a Woodstock barber who enlisted at the age of 45, or of Charles Nelson, a Bristol farmer who was killed at the Battle of Oulstee in Florida. But Fuller manages to chronicle all 152 veterans stories, drawing mainly from government records of enlistment and family filings for military benefits. He theorizes that the lack of information is due partly to the disinterest and prejudice of white historians and record keepers, and partly to the fact that many of the men left Vermont after their time in the service. Langley, for example, moved with his family to Beaufort, South Carolina. Where were the jobs? asks Fuller rhetorically. This was still a state where the cows and sheep outnumbered the people. Ironically, his book was subject to the same forces national publishers werent interested because of its narrow focus. Tired of accumulating rejection slips, Fuller released it through iUniverse.com, an Internet publishing resource that offers print-on-demand books. Men of Color, To Arms! is available in local bookstores; Borders has a copy displayed in its Church Street window in honor of Black History Month. None of these guys surrendered, Fuller observes, noting racist policies in the Army prevented black soldiers from becoming officers. They also earned less money, and did more manual labor, than their white counterparts. They would do anything to join the Army and fight. I think it says a lot about their character. And I think the vast majority of Vermonters would have been content to let them all stay home. m Against all odds, a group of black settlers and a couple of white abolitionists tried in the 1840s to establish self-sufficient freedom farms in the Adirondack wilderness, 40 miles due west of Vergennes. This little-noted noble failure is chronicled in an exhibit, called Dreaming of Timbuctoo, at the Brooklyn Central Library through the end of February, Black History Month. And the engrossing, affecting show will be on view this summer at the Adirondack History Museum in Elizabethtown, New York a half-hour car ride from the Essex-Charlotte ferry. Although the story told by curator Amy Godine is set in the mountains of northern New York, it makes mention of the tradition of tolerance and the antislavery agitation that spanned the Champlain Valley. The lake wasnt a barrier in those days, but a vast highway that made one cultural region out of the villages on both sides, Godine says. The story of Timbuctoo cant be fully understood without taking into account the influences and relationships with Vermont. Timbuctoo was the name given to a collection of hardscrabble homesteads hacked out of the Adirondack forests in Franklin and Essex counties. The settlers were African-Americans who had had enough of the Negro-hate rife in mid-19th-century New York cities, both upstate and downstate. Barbers, cooks, housepainters, laborers and lecturers left their urban homes and came to Timbuctoo in hopes of winning the right to vote, which was denied black New Yorkers who did not own at least $250 worth of real property. No trace remains today of those settlers except in property deeds and town documents unearthed by Godine and other researchers. Some of the families that stayed on Timbuctoo lands after the Civil War eventually died out, while the descendants of others moved away from the region. The presence of the best-known participant in the experiment, the radical white abolitionist John Brown, is commemorated, however, at a New York State historical site in North Elba, near Lake Placid. Thats where John Browns body lies a-mouldering in the grave. He was hung in 1859 after leading a raid on a federal arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia. Brown had hoped to ignite a race war that, in his biblically apocalyptic vision, would sear away the sin of slavery. Timbuctoo began around 1840 when a wealthy white landowner, Gerrit Smith, decided to give away 120,000 acres of Adirondack forest to African-Americans. A militant abolitionist ashamed of his riches, Smith sought the help of black agents in Manhattan, Brooklyn and upstate cities in recruiting 3000 settlers who were to be deeded 40-acre plots. Learning about these agents, many of whom were based in black churches, was one of the most exciting aspects of the three years of research that Godine devoted to Dreaming of Timbuctoo. The African-American agents represented the big secret room of the story, she says. The overall history of Timbuctoo isnt well known, but almost nothing was known about the agents. Frederick Douglass, a former slave and eloquent advocate of African-American emancipation, urged readers of his Rochester-based newspaper, The North Star, to put down roots in Timbuctoo. The sharp axe of the sable-armed pioneer should at once be lifted over the soil of Franklin and Essex Counties and the noise of falling trees proclaim the glorious dream of civilization within their borders, Douglass wrote in the February 18, 1848, edition. Only about 150 African-Americans heeded such calls and moved to North Elba, and to nearby hamlets that acquired names such as Blacksville and Nigger Hill. But the presence of this small group was enough to lure John Brown and his family, who established their own farm in 1849 on a parcel of the Smith lands. It was Browns efforts to assist the black settlers and Smiths Jeffersonian faith in the redemptive power of land ownership that led Godine to describe Timbuctoo as a model of interracial cooperation. Brown, a skilled farmer, helped the former city dwellers in their struggle to scratch out sustenance from the stony Adirondack clearings. And the Browns were always willing to open their meal bin to the black settlers when the struggle proved unavailing. Brown himself was often away from North Elba in the service of the abolitionist cause, but members of his family tutored local black children and worked as conductors on the Underground Railroad that had one of its main depots at the Brown farmstead. The surviving members of the Brown family remained in North Elba until 1863, when they too moved away. Timbuctoo was envisioned by its most fanciful dreamers as a North American counterpart to the semi-legendary West African city, which has become a metaphor for remoteness. Timbuktu the currently standard spelling is situated on the Niger River in the present-day nation of Mali. In the mid-19th century, it was becoming known through the dispatches of European explorers as a center of learning and commerce. That was the association the settlers of the Smith lands had in mind. But Timbuctoo, New York, would never fulfill those dreams. The Adirondack climate and soil were unforgiving to inexperienced would-be farmers many white settlements as well as black ones in the region went bust within a few years. One black transplant from Manhattan froze to death, and many other settlers withdrew in the face of harsh conditions. African-Americans also felt isolated and exposed in the thinly populated Adirondacks, especially after enactment in 1850 of the Fugitive Slave Law. Black people whether free-born, emancipated or actually on the run from Southern slavers were all vulnerable to capture or beatings by white bounty hunters empowered by the law to dragoon suspected fugitive slaves. Consequently, some of Timbuctoos inhabitants decamped for Canada. Many more African-Americans in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Syracuse, Troy and other New York cities would doubtlessly have taken advantage of Smiths offer of free land had they the money to finance their move and to invest in farming. Racism in urban New York was virulent in the first half of the 19th century. And hopes of winning equality gave way to black despair in 1846, when a referendum was defeated that would have extended to African-American men in New York State the same automatic suffrage rights enjoyed by white males. Franklin and Essex Counties voted heavily in favor of abolishing the property test for black men, while whites in Manhattan and Brooklyn opposed the reform by a 6-1 margin. Godine, who moved from New York City to Saratoga Springs 12 years ago, became interested in the story of Timbuctoo after researching the history of Jews in the Adirondacks for a magazine article. She soon realized that little had been written about other minorities in the region, including French-Canadian trappers and river drivers and Polish, Hungarian and Italian miners. It was quite an amazing omission, she says. Undertaking the commission for the Dreaming of Timbuctoo exhibit, Godine admits she was skeptical at first that there would be much to narrate other than the story of John Browns North Elba homestead, told in a widely read fictionalized version by Russell Banks in his 1998 novel, Cloudsplitter. But the more we dug, the more we learned that this wasnt John Browns story at all, she remarks. He was a participant an important one but not the prime mover and shaker of that community. Whats most inspiring, Godine concludes, was seeing how Timbuctoo represents a vision of the entire Champlain-Adirondack region as standing for freedom and racial justice.
Bfr Bands For Legs And Arms Blood Flow Restriction Training – M Health Fairview The Advantages of Blood Flow Constraint Many clients in our physical treatment center are not able to raise heavy weights in some cases due to the fact that of discomfort, immobilization, or because of surgery (arterial inflow). Blood Circulation Limitation (BFR) Training can be an excellent rehabilitation tool since it enables patients to enjoy the benefits of an extreme heavy weight-lifting session while just needing the patient to carry out low-to moderate-intensity training. Throughout BFR training, a patient or athlete performs high repeatings of a particular exercise while using a band or cuff around their arm or upper leg with usage of light resistance. The following are physical modifications that can happen secondary to Blood Flow Constraint Training: Enhanced muscular strength Increased muscular cross sectional location Prevention of muscular atrophy Advancement of newer and healthier blood vessels Reduced threat of heart disease Improved bone mineral density BFR Causes Muscles to Work Harder With flexible BFR training, BFR bands are positioned near one’s upper arms and/or upper legs (physical therapy). Elastic BFR bands partially restrict the venous blood (oxygen lacking blood streaming from the limbs back to the heart) return. Throughout the periods of exercise, blood is rapidly circulated from our heart, to our arteries, to our limbs, to our veins and back to the heart. Blood Flow Restriction Training: The Science & Benefits In The … The muscles in the limb need to work even harder to pump the venous blood past the BFR bands back to the heart. At the regional cellular level, this dam impact produces a disturbance of homeostasis lower oxygen levels in the muscle cells, acidic muscle cells, and other changes that make the muscles tiredness quickly, just like they would with heavy weights (same amount). How the Brain Responds to Altering Oxygen Levels Similar to heavy weight lifting, BFR Training permits your body to experience durations of quick blood circulation of blood where oxygen is flowing throughout your whole circulatory system. The lack of oxygen in our limbs is notable to our body, and our main nerve system sends the message to our brain that our limbs “aren’t getting sufficient oxygen. low-intensity exercise.” It is really essential to understand that the reduced oxygen levels that our body experiences is temporary, safe and necessary for BFR to work. The endocrine system includes glands that launch specific hormonal agents into the bloodstream. When using BFR, the anterior pituitary gland in the brain responds by launching development hormonal agent, which aids with muscle cell recreation, muscle cell regeneration, and lipolysis (fat breakdown). 2 This alert with BFR also promotes release of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is necessary for muscular hypertrophy, muscle and bone growth, and regulation of DNA synthesis (flow restriction). Blood Flow Restriction Training Guideline – Sanford Health Because of this, two things happenour quick twitch muscle fibers are trained and our muscles cells are restored. The absence of oxygen to our limbs makes our muscles fatigue more rapidly and enables for the training of our “anaerobic, quick twitch” muscles. 3 Anaerobic, quick twitch muscles are required to run faster and jump greater. The absence of oxygen at the cellular level motivates protein synthesis. 1,2,5 Protein synthesis is key to muscle repair work and muscle strength. Making Rehabilitation Gains at a Faster Rate Many studies have actually revealed that comparable physiological advantages can be found when comparing heavy, high intensity exercise to light to moderate strength workout with making use of BFR. BFR training makes our brain and our limbs believe they are working harder than they really areall while raising low to moderate weight and working at moderate strength. 3 And what’s even much better is that BFR Training helps us accomplish these physiological advantages at a faster rate compared to normal rehabilitation exercise – physical therapist. Blood Flow Restriction Training And The High-performance … 18 Aug Blood Flow Restriction Training in a Nutshell Personalized blood circulation restriction training is a workout technique that includes utilizing a cuff to occlude venous blood drain of a limb while restricting arterial blood flow into a limb. A growing body of proof now supports using blood circulation limitation at rest, integrated with aerobic training, or integrated with low-load resistance training to reduce disuse muscle atrophy and improve hypertrophic and strength responses in skeletal muscles. The truth is that BFR training makes a simple walk in the park or light exercise (muscle damage). Blood Flow Limitation Training: Muscle Hypertrophy With Low Loads It has actually been typically accepted that muscle hypertrophy needs high-intensity training using loads of at least 70% of 1-repetition max or lower loads (30-50%RM) until failure. We are discovering that metabolic stress (produced through BFR training) can be similarly as effective as mechanical stress in inducing hypertrophic changes! While we do not advise changing high load resistance training with blood circulation limitation training, it can be utilized in the rehabilitation setting as a bridge to increase muscle strength and size when a person might not have the ability to raise heavier loads. Airbands Wireless Bfr Bands – Human Measurement … These lower load exercises are not heavy sufficient to induce a hypertrophic or strength stimulus to the working out muscle. However, by including blood circulation restriction to these very same low load workouts we have the ability to cause (it takes 8-12 weeks to gain muscle size with regular high load resistance training)! The rehab setting appears to be where blood circulation limitation training will have the best effect, speeding up recovery times and getting people stronger, faster, utilizing lower load exercises that are friendly and safe to healing joints, tendons, or other surgically repaired tissues – bfr training. VO2 max is a measure of your cardiorespiratory physical fitness, especially during extended workout. It is likewise called maximal oxygen uptake, peak oxygen uptake, maximal oxygen intake, or maximal aerobic capacity. A research study published by the Journal of Sports Science & Medication reported that low-intensity (40% VO2 max) cycling exercise with a short-duration (15 minutes) integrated with Usually training at about 80% Vo2 for 45 minutes would be required to see this type of improvement! Interestingly, blood flow constraint develops hypertrophic muscular responses without high mechanical loads, but the underpinning physiological systems are not completely comprehended. One theory proposes that downstream of the blood circulation constraint cuff, greater accumulation of metabolites function as main mediators of an anabolic reaction, due to increased production and restricted removal (1 ). Blood Flow Restriction Therapy – Offered At Ors Also, blood circulation limitation might increase the activation and variety of myogenic stem cells, enhancing the hypertrophic action( 16 ). All of these responses are believed to be advantageous for muscular adaptation. Although there is growing interest in the mechanisms by which blood flow limitation can augment resistance training adaptation, we do not yet fully comprehend all of the physiological procedures involved, and further research study is needed. Blood Circulation Constraint Training: Cuff Applications CUFF TYPE Among the most crucial factors to think about when using BFR is the width of the cuff. muscle hypertrophy. Researchers have utilized a series of cuff widths for both the upper and lower limbs (17 ): Broader cuffs, approximately 13. 5 cm, can increase ratings of pain and perceived exertion and limit exercise volume when compared to narrow cuffs, as low as 5. Wide cuffs limit arterial blood flow at lower pressures compared to narrow cuffs. Knowing this, when executing blood flow limitation training, it is crucial to think about both cuff width and limb circumference. A broader surface location suggests lower pressure distributed below the cuff potentially a for the more delicate neurovascular structures that are likewise listed below the skin. Practical & Narrow Vs. muscle mass. Pneumatic & Wide We advise utilizing an FDA listed individualized tourniquet system to carry out customized blood circulation limitation training. Displayed in the video above include a Smart, Cuff used on one side and a resistance band on the other. This is very crucial as comprehending what pressure you are applying on a limb will minimize the danger of unfavorable events. Keep reading to better understand how to get limb occlusion pressure of the lower extremity. Training Your Body With Blood Flow Restriction – Ellis Physical … !! Blood Flow Constraint Training: Limiting Pressures Another important variable involves the pressure used through the blood circulation restriction cuff. Optimum blood circulation limitation pressure has been hypothesized to follow a hormetic-like relationship (6 ). This is essential to consider; if blood circulation constraint stimulus or prescribed training does not follow clinical rationale, sub-optimal training actions might result (1 ). Blood circulation constraint pressure should be high sufficient to occlude venous return, yet low enough to maintain arterial inflow into the muscle (6 ). Following this, blood flow constraint pressure and depend on both cuff width and the size of the limb to which blood flow limitation is being used. Blood Circulation Limitation Training: Practical Applications ELDERLY & POST-SURGERY: Muscular adaptations attained with blood circulation restriction training may benefit populations with compromised strength and/or joint stability (25 ) – physical therapy. Blood circulation constraint alone during durations of cast-immobilization can reduce typical muscle atrophy seen, and limitation functional decreases in muscular strength (2, 26, 27).
Background: Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) has been carried out in Gloucestershire since 1990. All men in the county are offered aortic ultrasonography in their 65th year. Men with an aortic diameter of less than 26 mm are considered 'normal' and no follow-up is arranged. The aim of this study was to ascertain if men with 'normal' aortic diameters at age 65 years ever develop a clinically significant aneurysm. Methods: A cohort study was performed on 223 65-year-old men who had an aorta of less than 26 mm in diameter in 1988. These men had repeat ultrasonography in 1993 and 2000. The causes of death in men who died during this interval were investigated. Results: Eight men were lost to follow-up. As far as it was possible to ascertain, none of the 86 men who died over the 12-year interval did so from ruptured AAA. There was no clinically significant increase in mean aortic diameter in the remaining 129 men who had three serial ultrasonographic scans over the 12-year interval. Conclusion: A single, 'normal' ultrasound scan at age 65 years effectively rules out the risk of clinically significant aneurysm disease for life in men.
- How to check self assessment tax paid in Form 26AS? - What to do when you have selected the wrong assessment year while paying tax? - What are the various challans that are applicable for various types of payments? - Is it necessary for me to pay taxes online? If not, how can I pay it? - What all taxes can be paid electronically? - Frequently Asked Questions What is Self Assessment Tax? It is a well-known fact that every person has to pay tax on their income. There are various ways in which tax is collected by the government by way of advance tax, tax deducted at source, etc. self assessment tax is another way of collecting income tax by the government. In order for the return filing process to be complete, it is necessary to pay the taxes due in full. If the same is not paid, the return filing process is not considered as valid and this leads to consequences such as interest on the amount that was supposed to be paid to the government, penalty, etc. self assessment Tax is the balance tax that an assessee has to pay on the income that has been assessed. The tax is arrived at by reducing the advance tax, TDS deducted from the total tax liability of the assessee. Why should you pay Self Assessment Tax? self assessment tax is the tax that is paid by the assessee in a case where their tax liability is greater than the sum of advance tax, tax deducted at source, etc. This can happen due to several reasons such as additional income earned during the year, deduction of tax at a lower rate as compared to the slab rate applicable to the assessee, etc. This will lead to an increase in the tax liability which in turn will increase the tax outflow of the assessee. It is to be noted that while there is no exact date of payment, the tax needs to be paid in order to successfully file the income tax return. If an assessee files their return without paying the self assessment tax, the same is considered as an invalid return. In order to save the interest payable on the tax and non-compliance with the tax laws, it is always advisable to pay the tax on time. This can be done by filing the tax challan form ITNS 280 either online or at the bank. How do I calculate my self assessment tax? As the name suggests, self assessment tax is to be computed and paid by the taxpayer on his own. The same needs to be deposited with the government before the filing of return failing which the department can take action against the taxpayer. Below is how we can calculate the self assessment tax: |Total income of the assessee||XX| |Tax on total income as per the applicable slab rate||(a)| |Less: tax deducted at source/tax collected at source||(b)| |Less: Advance tax||(c)| |Less: Relief under section 90/90A/91||(d)| |Self assessment tax to be paid(a-b-c-d)||xx| |Add: Interest under section 234A/234B/234C||xx| |Total amount payable||xx| Self Assessment Tax Payment The self assessment Tax can easily be paid online via net banking in the following manner: - Log in to the income tax website www.incometax.gov.in - Sign in and click on the e-Pay taxes option - You will be redirected to the National Securities Depository Ltd. site - Select the ‘Challan no./ITNS 280’ tab, and then the ‘(0021) Income tax (other than companies)’ option - Fill in your details: PAN card, name, and contact coordinates - Choose the applicable assessment year that you will be making payment for - Select the ‘type of payment’ – (300) Self Assessment Tax - Choose the bank and make the payment - Enter the ‘tax payable amount’ - You will be redirected to the bank’s net banking page for making the payment - Make the payment - Check the challan displayed for inclusions like CIN, payment details, and name of the bank - Save a soft copy or print a hard copy if required. - It should reflect on your Form 26AS in a few days. If it doesn’t reflect, fill in the challan details while filing the income tax return. - Taxpayers can view the tax deducted by their employer or any other third party under various sections. This can be salaried income, interest income, etc. What to do when you have selected the wrong assessment year while paying tax? Assessment year is the year that follows the financial year. The income earned during a financial year is taxed in the assessment year for any taxpayer. From an income tax perspective, the financial year is the time period for earning any income and the assessment year is the time period for evaluating that income to pay tax on it. Taxpayers need to quote the assessment year in all the income tax filings and self assessment tax payments. There can be a situation wherein the taxpayer receives a notice form the income tax department for paying tax in the wrong assessment year. While making the tax payment, assessment year needs to be selected correctly. In case a taxpayer has received such a notice, the same can be rectified as below: The payment is made by a physical challan: If the tax payment is made through a physical challan, the assessment year can be changed by the bank within 7 days of making the payment. The taxpayer needs to apply for a correction to the bank within 7 days of the deposit of challan. A challan correction application form can be shared with the bank to rectify the same. The format of the challan correction application will consist of the below-mentioned fields which the taxpayer needs to provide. - Taxpayer’s Name and Address - Taxpayer’s TAN/PAN - Name of the Authorized signatory Apart from the above, the taxpayer ought to mention other important details related to the challan i.e. the BSR Code, Challan Serial number, and the challan date. Taxpayer realizes his/ her mistake while paying tax In a case where the taxpayer realizes their mistake after a period of 7 days, they are required to apply to the income tax department for the correction of the challan. The taxpayer can share a signed copy of the correction form with the concerned Assessing Officer who in turn will rectify the details. In case the taxpayer realizes the mistake after 7 days, then he is required to apply to his Income-tax officer for the correction in the challan. The taxpayer can send a challan correction form to the Assessing Officer to rectify your wrong paid challan. The draft format of the challan correction application to the Assessing Officer should contain the below mentioned basic details. The income tax department provides the facility to know one’s Jurisdictional Assessing Officer online. The taxpayer can visit the website and on the home page, they can select ‘Know Your Jurisdictional AO’. On entering your PAN and security code, they will get to know about your Jurisdictional Assessing Officer. What are the various challans that are applicable for various types of payments? Below are the various types of challans applicable to various categories of tax payments: |For depositing income tax, corporation tax||ITNS 280| |For depositing TDS & TCS||ITNS 281| |For securities transaction tax, hotel receipt tax, estate duty etc.||ITNS 282| |For undisclosed foreign income & assets for corporates & non-corporates||ITNS 284| |For equalization levy||ITNS 285| Is it necessary for me to pay taxes online? If not, how can I pay it? The government allows the taxpayer to pay their taxes both through online and offline mode. In order to pay taxes online, the below steps can be followed: - To pay taxes online, log in to > Services > e-payment: Pay Taxes Online, or click here on the tab “e-pay taxes” provided on the said website. - Select the relevant challan i.e. ITNS 280. - Enter PAN / TAN (as applicable) and other mandatory challan details like accounting head under which payment is made, address of the taxpayer and the bank through which payment is to be made etc. - On submission of data entered, a confirmation screen will be displayed. If PAN / TAN is valid as per the ITD PAN / TAN master, then the full name of the taxpayer as per the master will be displayed on the confirmation screen. - On confirmation of the data so entered, the taxpayer will be directed to the net-banking site of the bank. - The taxpayer has to login to the net-banking site with the user id / password provided by the bank for net-banking purposes and enters payment details at the bank site. - On successful payment, a challan counterfoil will be displayed containing CIN, payment details, and bank name through which e-payment has been made. This counterfoil is proof of payment being made. In case a taxpayer wishes to pay the tax through offline mode, they can submit the details with an authorized bank providing all the complete details. The bank, post verification of the details will consider the payment towards the taxpayer’s PAN and the same will be reflected in the Form 26AS of the assessee. With the advancement of technology, the IT department has invested heavily in technology to make the lives of the taxpayers easier. As a result of this, taxpayers now have the facility to pay tax either online or through offline mode. However, it is to be noted that not all taxpayers can avail of the facility of the offline payment. A taxpayer can make the payment through online mode for the below type of taxes: - Income tax - Corporate tax - Equalization levy - Securities transaction tax - Tax deducted at source - A tax collected at the source Frequently Asked Questions While making e-payment, in case the taxpayer encounters any problem at the NSDL website, they can contact the TIN call center. In case the taxpayer faces any problem at the payment gateway of your bank, they can contact their bank. The self assessment tax is mandatorily required to be paid before filing the income tax return. Failing to do so will result in the return being defective and the same will not be processed by the department. The details of the self assessment tax paid can be entered in schedule IT- details of advance tax and self assessment tax payments. The taxpayer needs to enter the BSR code, date of deposit, a serial number of challan, and the tax deposited.
The first encounter between Māori and Europeans took place in December 1642 at what is now called Golden Bay. Tasman named it Murderers Bay after a violent encounter with Māori. As Māori approached the Dutch ships in canoes, one canoe rammed a ship’s boat that was passing between Tasman’s two vessels, killing four Dutchmen. One Māori was hit by a shot from Tasman's men in response to the attack. The event was sketched by Isaac Gilsemans, who sailed with Tasman. Te whakamahi i tēnei tūemi
By the time President Donald Trump took office, he had already gotten involved in one of the world’s biggest mergers. In mid-January, the CEOs of Bayer and Monsanto, Werner Baumann and Hugh Grant, reported in a joint statement that they had a "very productive meeting" with the incoming president about their potential $66 billion merger. The deal, which the two companies announced in September, would combine the German pharmaceutical and chemical group with the US seed giant — a move they say would boost agriculture research and innovation. "By the time 2050 rolls around, the world will have 10 billion people, and the demand for food will double," Robb Fraley, Monsanto's chief technology officer, tells Business Insider. "The whole point here is that the business combination between Monsanto and Bayer will allow the companies to invest in and create more innovation, and it's going to take a huge amount of innovation in order to double the world's food supply." Farmers aren’t so sure. “From my perspective, they're saying the exact opposite of what most people in the industry actually believe," Clay Govier, a farmer in central Nebraska, tells Business Insider. Govier is the fifth generation to work on his family farm of 3,000 acres, which primarily grows corn and soybeans. The farm has used Monsanto products for at least 12 years, and if this merger goes through, Govier's family expects seed and chemical prices to increase. With both corn and soybean commodity prices at some of their lowest levels since 2012, that could put many small family farms in tough positions. "I just sat down to chat with my banker the other day, and fortunately we're in a position that I don't think we're going to have to have a hard conversation when it comes to loans for next year," Govier says. "But he said there are a lot of guys out there that are going to have a really hard conversation." With the increasing consolidation of the agriculture supply industry (Monsanto-Bayer is one of three major mergers on the table, along with Dow-DuPont and Syngenta-ChemChina), Govier doesn't expect things to get easier anytime soon. "They're locking in their profit and they're cornering the market by getting bigger, not by creating new products," he says of Bayer and Monsanto. "They're just choking out the rest of the competition."The size of the Bayer-Monsanto deal — it was the biggest merger announced in 2016 after AT&T and Time Warner — means the companies have to seek approval from regulators in 30 countries. The recent Trump Tower get-together, which occurred before the president nominated a secretary of agriculture, signaled that the deal has a good chance of getting Trump's approval. In a statement, Baumann and Grant suggested that the new president shared their view of the agriculture industry's need for innovation. To that end, the companies highlighted their plan to spend $16 billion on research and development worldwide over six years — an average of $2.67 billion a year. But a look at their current R&D budgets reveals that added up, the two companies already spend approximately $2.59 billion a year, so the combined increase in funds amounts to less than $500 million over six years. "Let's just cut to the chase: These companies want to make more money, they want to raise prices," says Mark Connelly, an agriculture analyst at the brokerage and investment group CLSA Americas. "No company in this industry needs these deals in order to innovate." Data compiled by the Farmers Business Network, a data-distribution network that collects crowd-sourced information from members, backs up Connelly's concern. FBN analyzed corn-seed yield (the number of bushels farmers can produce per acre) in relation to the seed brands' market share, based on data from 5.75 million acres of corn. It found that while greater market share was correlated with higher yield — a primary goal of agricultural innovation — the rise wasn't proportional. "After you got to a few percent market share, it really tapered off quite quickly," FBN cofounder Charles Baron says. "So going from 5 or 10 percent to 20 or 30 percent market share didn't lead to a massive yield increase."When plotting seed prices in relation to market share, FBN data also showed that greater market dominance was correlated with higher corn seed and chemical prices. That doesn't bode well for farmers, since several of the agricultural companies with proposed mergers already make up a significant portion of the market, according to Connelly's analysis. "If you look at how much of the farmers' seed and pesticide dollars are going to these companies, Monsanto-Bayer — if it were one company today — would be getting $1 out of every $3," Connelly says. "Dow-Dupont would be taking one out of every $4. Think that's a problem? Holy crap, right?" Bayer representatives acknowledged in a statement to Business Insider that they were often confronted with the allegation that the merger would raise prices and reduce innovation and competition."We disagree with this and are convinced the opposite is true," the company wrote. "We are competing with other very strong companies that offer similar products and have strong R&D capabilities. We will only succeed with pricing and selling our products if our value proposition to our customers is better than that of our competitors and if we continue to innovate. We are also convinced that in a competitive business such as the agriculture industry, the efficiency gains generated by innovation will increase returns for farmers." Monsanto's Fraley estimates that, under the current system, it takes about a decade for a company to develop and get approval for a new herbicide. Then if that product is popular, it'll take the company another 10 years to make a seed trait that responds to the new chemical. But since Bayer and Monsanto's combined resources might allow them to develop paired products in tandem, they could halve the time it takes to bring those new products to farmers, he says. Connelly has a different hypothesis. Monsanto has historically sought out partnerships and joint ventures with other companies that have innovative products. But that means dividing up profits. So Connelly predicts the size of a combined Monsanto-Bayer will lead the new company to favor a mediocre product or solution that it can develop in-house over a more promising one that would require a revenue-sharing partnership. "We're not going to be chasing the best solution anymore — we're going to be chasing the good-enough solution," Connelly says. Eney's farm grows wheat, malt barley, and field peas, and it uses Roundup, Monsanto's popular weed killer. This year, he says, he and his father decided to use 50% less fertilizer to cut costs. The possibility of further consolidation has him on edge. Clay Govier has a similar feeling. "You know, it's almost like you shrug your shoulders and cross your fingers that your regulators are going to have a backbone and not let it happen,” he says.
Child Care Prices - How do you know what to charge? When you become a family daycare provider you will need to know what child care prices are before you start your business in your home. This page will help you to be knowledgeable of what prices are so you will know what to charge for each child. Your local Child Care Resource and Referral or Department of Human Services can assist you in what the average child care price is in your community. Once you have an idea of what others are charging you can then determine what your fees will be. You need to understand that price is what you charge for daycare- another very important part of your business is Cost of Daycare. This is what is costs you to run your daycare. Also, when you are just starting out it might be possible to get to help launch that new in home business. What you should factor in when you set your child care prices! - The number of children you are able to care for by the laws in your state. - The amount of full time children and part time children you will care for. - The ages of the kids you want to care for. What ages do you enjoy the most? Do you want care for infants? If so, their child care prices may be more than what you charge for a toddler. Some providers choose to do this- infants can be a lot of extra work, and infant care can be hard to find. I personally do not charge extra, but there have been many days I have regretted this- so why don't I? Mainly because I didn't want to put in a year or so of work, only to take a pay cut when the infant child gets older. - Do you know what your own personal limits are for your patience level...how many kids can you handle to your best ability? Because some providers want to only handle 2, 3, or 4 kids, their child care prices are more than the average childcare provider in their state. The reason? The less kids they take, the smaller the group, which equals more individual attention they can give. - How much income do you want to earn? This will have a huge affect on your - Are you going to charge by the hour, by the day, by the week, or by the month? That's a lot to think about when considering child care costs. What I do is charge a minimum dollar amount per week for so many hours. If the parents go over the amount of hours they have contracted for, they pay me $3.25 per hour for each extra hour. Charging by the week or month guarantees you a stable and predictable income. There are many times parents will take a day off, or take their child to Grandma's, or whatever and not bring them to your house- this can mean a days worth of lost income for you if you do not have a guaranteed income. You, as a child care provider, do not have the luxury of filling that loss in such short notice. So your child care prices promises their child a "spot" in your daycare home. I am not saying that all child care providers make $3.25 per hour, that’s what I charge. Seems so minimal for what we do in that hour for that $3.25 (a heck of a lot more than someone who pours and brings you a cup of coffee, or trims your hair, etc.) But don’t let this statistic scare you away in discouragement- You can take that $3.25 per hour X 6 (children)and it = $19.50 per hour. And depending on your area, you may be able to charge a lot more. That is a fantastic income! What you can charge varies widely state to state or even country to country. Here are some numbers from the web site in 2009. WEST COAST STATE California-- Child Care homes $7,937/yr 8 kids there means $63,500 per year MID WEST STATE Minnesota-- Child Care homes $7,150/yr 8 kids there means $57,200 per year EAST COAST STATE Massachusetts -- Child Care homes $10,324/yr 8 kids there means 82,592 per year Don't forget about your contract- Include this! - You'll want to decide how you'll want to contract sick days, vacation days, appointment days- yours and your families. Personally when I am sick, take a vacation, or have an appointment I do not get paid. Many providers that I know do get paid for this time off. What ever you decide, be sure to include it in your parent/provider contract. I cover this and so much more in my book, In Home Child Care Business, A Quick Start Guide This is real life help!!!! - Are you going to charge late fees? You have set hours for your daycare- they pick up late or arrive early (cutting into your FAMILY time). I charge them $1.00 per minute from my set hours. This of course is your call, but keep in mind- if you let them do it once or twice without consequence it will continue... how important is your family time to you? - Are you going to supply anything extra like diapers, wipes, etc? This should factor into your child care costs. - One last "extra" child care cost... If they pay you late (you know, the "I forgot my check book" excuse) or their check bounces, you may want to establish a fee for this in your contract too. Remind them that they wouldn't want their employer to forget to pay them and banks generally charge YOU for a returned check.
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Essential software toolkit for process research, development, design, and digitalization, as well as for estimating process efficiencies, yields, and environmental footprints. We also have a list of 3D software exclusively for beginners HERE.. 1. In submiting an HSC project, you give permission for it to be linked from this webiste. Predicting the future of Software Development is even more challenging and risky. ... 28 April 2020 29 November 2016 by AceHSC Team. HSC Standards Package for Software Design and Development. Start studying HSC - Software Design and Development - Development and Impact of Software Solutions - Key Terms. According to IBM Research: âSoftware development refers to a set of computer science activities dedicated to the process of creating, designing, deploying and supporting software.â. in 2016 the plan is to have a one day exhibition of 2016 HSC Major Projects, with prizes! Best home design software 2020. The standards described in the performance bands and applied in the marking process do not change from year to year. By Brian Turner 26 November 2020. Find and compare top Chemical software on Capterra, with our free and interactive tool. I will predict the most important stacks of Software Development: from Cloud to the ByteCode. Please submit your HSC Software Design and Development Software Major Project. In 2001 the Board of Studies introduced, as part of the Higher School Certificate, major changes to the way in which student achievement was reported. About ARC. Carry out thermodynamic and mineral processing calculations on a standard computer quickly and easily. For more flexibility, look for home design software that supports importing even more objects from SketchUp, Trimble 3D Warehouse, or both. The 2020 HSC written exam timetable was released today for the 75,000 students sitting the exams this year.. NESA Chief Executive Officer Paul Martin said the timetable would provide the certainty that students, teachers and parents have been looking for around the HSC. Software itself is the set of instructions or programs that tell a computer what to do. Teachers often check this subreddit and can answer questions! School based assessment is the focus of this booklet. This process encompases the design, documentation, programming, testing and ongoing maintenance of a software deliverable. During the HSC course students develop programming Software Showcase This site will showcase software developed by students in the NSW HSC course Software Design and Development. Compare Compare. Whether you are a professional graphic designer or just want to dive into high-end design, this the graphic design software you need to master. Iterative and incremental development is any combination of both iterative design or iterative method and incremental build model for development.. Usage of the term began in software development, with a long-standing combination of the two terms iterative and incremental having been widely suggested for large development efforts. Key Features: Using SAA, the developers can preview the changes before issuing or deploying the applications. This site contains student responses to past examination questions and tasks. We have expertise in nearly every popular technical stack within any structure. SAA is a cloud-based development tool that is used to define, design, customize, and publish their software applications online without any coding. Quickly browse through hundreds of Chemical tools and systems and narrow down your top choices. The combined mark is reported on your Higher School Certificate Record of Achievement. ... the design can be saved as a ⦠By Carrie Marshall 03 December 2020. Predicting the future is difficult. HSC Chemistry; Outotec HSC Chemistry Software. It includes support & updates. The Best Graphic Design Software for 2020. In the Software Design and Architecture Specialization, you will learn how to apply design principles, patterns, and architectures to create reusable and flexible software applications and systems. It is a robust professional design tool which gives creative freedom to developers. Textiles and Design 1.55pmâ3.30pm Software Design and Development 1.55pmâ5.00pm Outotec's chemical reaction and equilibrium software HSC Chemistry is the world's favorite thermochemical software with a versatile flowsheet simulation module. Shares (Image credit: iStock) Find the best home design software for you right here. With the start of a New Year, and a new decade, it is a good time to reflect on the important shifts we have seen in software development and consider what they mean for you in 2020. There are tons of Software Development tools and selecting the best could be a challenge. Additionally, make sure that the software allows flexibility in game development and ensures a reliable game design. r/SDD: Discuss and ask questions about SDD. The best graphic design software of 2020 is Adobe Illustrator, a vector graphics editor that comes with built-in templates and design presets. 2018 HSC Performing Arts wr... $41.00 AUD. Your first name and school will be published on the website, but not your surname or email address. TinkerCAD. He says learning responsive web design in 2020 should be a given. 1. The best home design software can create your dream home, including everything from restyling to building a new home. After 12 months, you will need to renew your subscription to continue to use your software. But I can use my âHuman Learningâ to make predictions about Software Development trends in 2020. Last but not least, look for a Video Game Software that comes with a wide array of tools for 3D ⦠For most HSC board developed courses, they comprise of a moderated school based assessment mark (50% of the total mark in each course) and the external HSC examination mark (the other 50%). For developing native, hybrid, and web apps. ... 21 Best Software Development Tools in 2020 . Santa Monica, California, United States About Blog Distillery is a full-service software design and development company that offers custom software development for web and mobile applications. Find HSC Study Notes resources all in one place, where AceHSC is a free online platform where students can access free resources to ease their studies. Software Design and Development - The HSC Course (Second Edition) ISBN 9780980874921: This new edition of this popular text provides complete coverage of the revised NSW Software Design and Development HSC Course which will be examined for the first time in 2012. SDD 2021 features 112 in-depth sessions and workshops on a wide range of key software development topics, delivered by 43 world-class speakers. TinkerCAD an online 3D design app geared towards complete beginners coming from Autodesk. In short, software development is the overall process involved when taking a software project from conception to production delivery. Shares (Image credit: Pixabay) PRICE. Offered by University of Alberta. The event runs for five days, with the main 3-day conference taking place from Tuesday to Thursday, and optional all ⦠HSC is designed for various kinds of chemical reactions and equilibria calculations as well as process simulation. It is independent of hardware and makes computers programmable. Instead of relying on CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, he recommends you practice building your own modular CSS components that you can then re-use throughout your project. Take Alison's free online Software Development courses, to acquire useful skills and open up employment opportunities in a wide range of profitable industries. The software is equipped with an array of intuitive and powerful tools to help artists create designs, illustrations, and typography for both web and print projects. Compare Compare. 2020 Design Live (available in North America) has all the features and rich functionality available in 2020 Design but also provides you with configurable cloud content for cabinets, appliances and more thatâs always up to date, accurate and faster to design with. You will learn how to express and document the design and architecture of a software system using a visual notation. The List: Top 10 From Beginner to Professional Level. A 2020 Design subscription gives you access to the full version of 2020 Design for 1 year. These include examining development and impact of software solutions, the evolution of software development methods and a detailed study of one of two different option topic(s). HSC Major Project Submission. Software developers are predicted to be some of the most in-demand employees worldwide in the next decade. Pro-Tip: While choosing between the different Game Making Software Tools available today, go for a solution that requires little or no coding knowledge and programming skills. Filter by popular features, pricing options, number of users, and read reviews from real ⦠Best mobile app development software of 2020. Following is a curated list of the 21 best software development tools. I donât own any Crystal Ball. 18 Interior Design Software Programs to Download in 2020 Consider these interior design software tools for help making renderings, collaborating with clients, bookkeeping, and more By ⦠"Every serious project that you create should look good and be completely usable on all devices." Fundamental concepts are introduced using familiar scenarios. Submit a project. The software features an intuitive block-building concept, allowing you to develop models from a set of basic shapes. VERDICT. Usain Bolt 2021 Olympics, Removable Veneers You Can Eat With, Sony G Master 24-70, Scalability And Fault Tolerance, Beer Can Chicken On Gas Grill, Clickstream Analysis Python, Helsinki Snow Cover, Tempur-pedic Low Profile Foundation, Pictures Of Statistics Clipart,
Carolina Thread Trail & Gaston County—Are greenways the key to the next phase of prosperity? There could be a day, in the not too terribly distant future, when hundreds of miles of greenways weave their way through Gaston County. That’s due to an increasing trend by Gaston’s city planners to make greenways a prominent feature in their towns’ futures. In fact, Jane Love, Senior Transportation Planner for the Gaston, Cleveland, Lincoln, Metropolitan Planning Organization (GCLMPO) did some digging—her position offers a birds eye view of local transportation plans. She found, in total, Gaston’s 13 cities mention around 300 miles of total potential multi-use paths in their municipal plans. And with new pedestrian and bike plans in the works for towns like Gastonia, Dallas, and Bessemer City, that number could increase. Why the growing momentum for greenways in Gaston County? Because greenways aren’t just a place for a pleasant afternoon stroll; they’ve also emerged as a versatile tool to help city planners, like those in Mount Holly, maximize and manage the opportunities headed for Gaston County. Greenways encourage the right growth for Gaston County Fueled by Charlotte’s western growth and grounded in Gaston’s historic towns, there’s a new wave of prosperity headed for our county. Greenways will be an effective draw for both developers and companies considering expansion in Gaston. As part of her regular duties, Love reviews residential development projects in Gastonia. There’s something she’s noticed about many of them. “Developers want to provide greenways,” she says. “They might be attracted to an area specifically because it has an existing network of [them].” Her observations are understandable. There are dozens of studies that show homes near a greenway tend to gain more value than those that aren’t. A 2009 survey from San Antonio, for example, estimates that homes along a greenway sold for a 5% premium over similar homes further away. Greenways attract more developers to Gaston County which means a greater choice in housing. Meanwhile, existing homeowners enjoy an increase in their property value. Looking in Gastonia, that could be significant as the Avon and Catawba Creek Greenway will see extensions soon, bringing the trail closer to several neighborhoods. (Gastonia’s Avon and Catawba Creek Greenways as shown on the Carolina Thread Trail Map. The trail is currently 2.4 miles. An additional 0.33 miles will soon connect Lineberger park to 2nd avenue.) The Avon and Catawba Creek greenway is part of the Carolina Thread Trail, a growing network of greenways spanning 15 Carolina counties. Bret Baronak is the Director of the Carolina Thread Trail organization. Baronak has watched as multi-use trails have shifted from an afterthought to a critical component of new housing developments. “As people move into new communities, they’re demanding that trails be a part of it,” he says. “Developers are seeing the incredible value add that greenways offer.” An increase in home values is just the icing on the cake of economic benefits a greenway can deliver. Companies that look to move or expand see greenways as a sign that cities are investing in their residents’ future. Greg Beal, Mount Holly’s Director of Planning and Development, notes that greenways have become an important amenity when they court a business. “Competition for advanced manufacturing jobs is fierce,” he says. “Companies always ask what we’re doing to increase quality of life. We have conversations with them and they really like what Mount Holly is doing with greenways.” Greenways and economic development go hand in hand. Greensboro’s Downtown Greenway has generated over $500 million in completed and planned investment. They expect more businesses to infill previously unused property, bringing jobs to a part of town that was mostly forgotten. While more jobs and more choices in housing make a strong case for greenways, it only matters if everyone can share in the benefit. Greenways give more people greater access to all places Prosperity can’t just be for some; everyone should have the opportunity to benefit from it. Greenways break through transportation obstacles allowing more people to safely access work, education, and recreation. It’s 10 am on Sunday morning and cars nearly fill a gravel lot at the Mountain Island Lake Trail in Mount Holly. There’s no special event. It’s just one of those Carolina bluebird days where the late morning sun has knocked the edge off of winter’s chill. Some people came to fish—bass and catfish congregate near the base of the Mountain Island Dam. A few brought their kids to climb and swing on the play structure. Most came to bike, hike, and run the wide, gravel greenway and the tributaries of narrow single-track trails that crisscross it. The park is already an impressive amenity for Mount Holly, drawing people from neighboring communities and providing residents a place to gather and play. But it’s really just one segment of a linear puzzle the town is quietly piecing together. Beal says there are 10 to 12 miles of greenway in what they’ve called the Catawba Outdoor Corridor plan, which will also be a part of the Carolina Thread Trail. “Mount Holly and the Carolina Thread Trail have worked together for 14 years, so we’ve kind of grown up together where greenways are concerned,” Beal says. “The Carolina Thread Trail and their partners deserve a lot of credit for thinking regionally while also working with individual communities on issues that may be peculiar to that town.” Through that partnership, about 4.5 miles of the corridor are already complete, including a beautiful segment from Tuckaseege Park to the Municipal Complex. Soon, another half-mile connector will open that extends up to River Park. (Mount Holly’s Catawba Riverfront Greenway as seen on the Carolina Thread Trail Map. When the new half-mile segment opens north of Charlotte Avenue, the greenway will connect Tuckaseege park, downtown Mount Holly, and River Street Park.) Once complete, the greenway will stretch from the dam along the Catawba River all the way to Interstate 85 and include connections into downtown Mount Holly. That means you’ll be able hop on the greenway from any number of neighborhoods, and enjoy serene, Catawba River views, then head up to Mountain Island lake, to the YMCA, to Tailrace Marina, to a half dozen parks, and then to Catawba Coffee, Jack Beagles, or The Summit Beer Shop for a beverage and a snack. For some, that describes a fun day out. For many—like those without a car or don’t drive—it means safe access to shopping, services, and places of work. That’s important when you consider that 9% of American households don’t own a car and the need for focus on vehicular safety as it pertains to children. But even among those who can drive, many would prefer a different way to get around. According to a Gallup poll, 16% of people rarely or never drive and 22% say they don’t like driving. Additionally, the percentage of adults with a driver's license has decreased across all age groups in the last couple of decades. How people commute also has a significant effect on their health. Residents who live in communities with a high Walk Score—an algorithm that estimates how easy it is to get around on foot—weigh six to 10 pounds less than those who live in disconnected neighborhoods. Sidewalks help some, but they’re often hemmed in by cul-de-sac communities. Greenways connect those siloed neighborhoods. Even better, they do it without adding through-traffic to them. Residents can enjoy living on a quiet street and still have pedestrian access to the greater community. “Greenways are an equitable component to a community,” the CTT’s Baronak explains. “They’re free to use and it doesn’t matter if you’re 8 or 80, you can take advantage of a local greenway.” Closer to home, the call for greenways is loud and clear. “Whenever a town does a public survey, something that always comes out is ‘we want more greenways’,” Love says. And once those greenways are in place, it becomes about more than just connecting physical locations. “These are things that bring people together, so they feel part of a community,” Love says. “They provide community identity and pride.” Generating more opportunities for more people within each Gaston city is important. When you can connect all of those cities together, you have something really special. Greenways connect Gaston’s idyllic towns There’s really no other county in the state with such a diverse collection of authentic, historic towns and communities. A network of greenways between them, and across the Catawba, unifies our county, tells a bigger tourism story, and connects us with new developments in Charlotte. It won’t be long before you can have a coffee at Floyd and Blackie’s in Cramerton, hop on a greenway and bike south all the way to the Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden or north for lunch at Terra Mia in McAdenville and continue on to downtown Lowell. That’s thanks to an impressive 19-mile section of the Carolina Thread Trail taking shape along the South Fork River—which itself is already a CTT blueway (the water version of a greenway). In all, Baronak says the entire corridor could be completed within five years, thanks to the tremendous group effort behind it. The CTT has provided a funding grant, planning support, and coordination for the new trail. But Baronak says the local municipalities deserve a lot of credit. The towns of Cramerton, Lowell, and McAdenville, as well as the County, have all come together to make it happen. “Gaston is one of the most active of all the 15 Thread Trail Counties,” Baronak says. “Leadership in both the cities and county prove that they understand how important outdoor recreation and alternative means of transportation are.” (The network of greenways in Cramerton as seen on the Carolina Thread Trail Map. Eventually, a new segment of trail will connect the Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden in the South to Cramerton, McAdenville, and Lowell.) Biking, walking, fishing, and paddling, there are few communities in the area that offer this variety of outdoor experiences directly adjacent to town centers. Connecting them all with greenways creates a strong draw for tourism. You can look to the Swamp Rabbit Trail that runs between the South Carolina towns of Greenville and Travelers Rest for an example. Over 500,000 people use the 22-mile trail annually, a quarter of which are tourists. Businesses near the SRT saw a 30 to 85% increase in revenue after it opened. Tourism is lucrative because it doesn’t require as much infrastructure as residential or commercial development. Basically, visitors come to Gaston, leave their money, and go home. Gaston can harness that same visitation gravity as our amenities and idyllic downtowns are brought together into a larger experience. Of course, it doesn’t have to stop at county borders. Love says there will likely be a pedestrian crossing included in the new Wilkinson Boulevard bridge. There’s also been ideas floated for a pedestrian-only bridge from Mount Holly to near the U.S. National White Water Center (USNWC). A greenway that fords the Catawba River allows Gaston to tap into the popularity of the USNWC and connects our towns to the huge developments planned at the River District and at the Charlotte Douglas International Airport. Picture USNWC visitors and residents of the River District pedaling across the Catawba for lunch in Mount Holly, Belmont, or Cramerton or the reverse for Gaston residents. “There are so many unique small towns working together in Gaston,” says Beal. “Image if you could walk or bike to Cramerton, Lowell, Mount Holly, etc.” Building greenways is a team sport There are currently about two dozen miles of greenway in Gaston County and roughly another dozen miles in various stages of planning and construction. Building more miles isn’t as easy as clearing a path and laying down gravel or asphalt. There are land acquisition considerations, environmental studies, and cost studies, all before a shovel hits the dirt. But the biggest hurdle, says both Beal and Love, is funding. Luckily for all of us in Gaston, there are many talented teams working to get more projects funded and more shovels into the dirt. In Mount Holly, for example, Beal credits his team with doing work that’s saved tens of thousands of dollars on recent greenway projects. They’ve also been proactive at getting projects ready, so when funding becomes available they can act quickly. There are economic development and planning groups like Mount Holly’s in every Gaston municipality. They deserve a ton of credit and thanks for continuing the greenway momentum. So does the Carolina Thread Trail. They have a huge mission of helping those 15 Carolina counties write plans, find funding, and foster collaboration for greenway projects. Most of the greenways in Gaston County are part of the Carolina Thread Trail System. Private groups have made a huge impact as well. Friends of the Greenway are big advocates for Mount Holly’s trail system and the Tarheel Trailblazers have built and maintained miles of mountain biking trails here. While technically not greenways, those single-track paths add another recreational dimension to the county. And, of course, there’s Jane Love and the team at the GCLMPO. They help communities plan for all modes of transportation and navigate state-level funding procedures. If you’d like to help bring more greenways to your community, let your local officials know. Everything about greenways is grass roots, and your voice is an important part of building that momentum.
White is a color you’ll find in every home in the US and most homes worldwide. The question is, do you like cream or ivory color and which one suits you the most? Among white shades, cream and ivory are the most popular. The problem is both colors are often confused with one another. This is understandable because they are warm whites or off-whites. Both colors are often used for wedding dresses. However, it doesn’t require much effort to know the differences if you are familiar with their details. Here are some tips that will help you understand more: What Color Is Ivory? Hex Code: FFFFF0 Ivory is the same as real ivory. Animal tusks are made of ivory. While a tusk’s color begins as pure white, they change because of their yellow carotenoids. As a color, ivory is used for wedding dresses and jewelry. It is preferred for its off-white shade that has a yellow hue. Because of this, it’s a warm white. What Color Is Cream? Hex Code: FFFDD0 As a color, cream is the pastel color of yellow. It’s also associated with a dairy product. The color is created by mixing yellow and white. It has a lighter hue and is soft and fair. Although darker than ivory, cream has a broader application. Also, the RGB values are different. Cream is an off-white color that has a warmer tone. This is why most people who don’t know enough details about the colors cannot distinguish between the two. Cream, Ivory, And White The color cream and the color ivory are similar. Let’s compare their features and examine their finer details. Neither of the colors is bright. They are off-white with elegant and neutral warm tones. However, there are differences between them that can help you decide which you like best. Cream and ivory both have warm undertones, unlike white, which has cool undertones. The color cream has primarily yellow undertones while ivory has brown undertones. While both cream and ivory can be used for paint, fabric, or art, ivory is used in fashion, and cream is used in home decor. Furniture with color combinations will use a cream color with a darker color. Skin tones vary, but darker tones are matched with ivory while lighter skin tones are matched with a cream color. Cream does not change, which means it is a constant. Ivory begins much whiter and turns darker and yellow. This isn’t true with paint colors and fabrics, but it is a common trend. The basic color code for cream is #FFFDD0 and the color code for ivory is #FFFFFO. This is only a slight difference that is in correlation with the RGB balance. Each code is a sign indicating a grade level. Cream has an RGB of 255, 253, 208. Ivory has an RGB of 255, 255, 240. The biggest difference is blue. Ivory contains more blue, making it cooler than cream. Ivory Color Combos Ivory is good for color combinations and paint colors. It is similar to white yet toned down. You may notice the hexadecimal color code is 255 on red and green, which is the max color code. The CMYK values are also different and have a unique brand value. White – Hex Code: FFFFFF White goes well with ivory. You can layer the two to add a dimension without too much color. It’s a good background color if the objects in the forefront are dark, like beige, for example. When working with ivory and white, find a balance. It’s better to use one as a primary neutral and accent it or shade it with the other. This will give depth and balance and you won’t have to worry about saturation. Light Blue – Hex Code: ADD8E6 Any light blue works with ivory. It can be soft or medium. It also works with white but lighter blues are better than medium or bright. Try pairing ivory bed sheets with light blue throw pillows or adding a bouquet of sweet lighter lowers on a table. Navy Blue – Hex Code: 000080 If you like blue but don’t prefer lighter shades, navy is your best bet with ivory. For an ivory wedding dress, navy is good. They look lovely together and contrast very well. You can also use black if you prefer but navy is a better and safer alternative if using very much of the darker color. Dark brown is also a nice alternative to black. If you want a specific brown then both chestnut and chocolate work well with ivory. That’s why you use ivory and let it stick out as if it is a chocolate or chestnut treat hiding behind a wrapper. Purple has a higher RGB so you can pair it with ivory. However, darker purple and deeper colors work better with ivory. Light purples tend to get lost in the ivory. While they look good together but you need contrast with ivory, or else it will be a little too soft and not warm enough. Olive can go with purple. You can try sage which is similar but like a beige color and more soft, making it good for any kitchen. Olive, sage, and green color paint is used for most rooms and when you add ivory, it elevates them. This is the same way that olive grounds ivory so the two meet in the middle and create a nice harmony for any room. Mint is safe to use with ivory. If you want to be daring, as a good sign, choose a third color with a lower hex number to the mix. Beige would be a good choice for the third color or choose one of the many neutrals if you want to paint a room. What kind of vibe do you want to create? Once you know the answer, the rest will come easy. Cream Color Combos Cream is at max red with a lower green and a tuned down blue. It makes the color warmer as blue is a cool color. Lavender – Hex Code: E6E6FA Lavender complements cream as the two are opposites on the color wheel. When together, their RGB values change. They are everything you need to bring softness to your home or room. They have vanilla and lavender essential oil aesthetics, so why not add real essential oils to the mix? You can add the colors with the diffuser and turn a room into an amazing place that offers comfort and solace. Burnt Orange – Hex Code: CC5500 Burnt orange isn’t a common color to add with the color cream, except during the fall. If you love everything about fall but want to lighten things up, then this combo is for you. Deep orange with a rusty or burnt hue looks good, but when you add cream, it lifts it up. Dark cherry isn’t used often enough. It is used in woods for that dark cherry wood color. This looks perfect with cream color if you’re looking for something darker to complement it with. You can use dark cherry wood for subtle color. If you want to be bold, use a dark cherry paint and add to the mix. Keep it soft and let colors reflect your personality. Mauve is used to accent cream color in fashion. It can be used in small or large amounts. The problem with mauve is that not many people know about it so it isn’t used enough. This makes it better if you want something unique. You can add it to your cream color room. Mauve is pale purple and often paired with red tones. A pale pink and cream color are all you need for a shabby chic recipe. This color combination looks good in a home. Although if you want to play it safe, you’ll have to ensure the pink is pale. You can branch out with a darker or bolder pink. Add mint and baby blue for extra touches. If you want to add black to cream, then make it charcoal. This is the best black or gray you can add to cream because of the color’s rustic nature. Both of these colors look aged and worn. If you can’t find charcoal, then search for dark gray. You can also whitewash black furniture to get a similar look that will appear rustic or complete the farmhouse look. Yes, denim can go with any color among all fashion brands and works well with cream. Denim jeans paired with a cream top are hard to beat. Both colors are paired together in home interior designs. No matter what color you choose, know that pairing it with the right color is important. Both ivory and cream are two colors that everyone likes.
Make sure to tune in to the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America’s Together for Care Telethon, airing December 4. As recently as 2008, when a director of the Healthy Aging Program at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention sought to establish the public’s perceptions about cognitive health and Alzheimer’s, she found most adults to be aware of Alzheimer’s disease – but lacking in specific information about the disease and its treatments. And although American adults fear getting Alzheimer’s more than heart disease, stroke, or diabetes, almost nine out of 10 people have taken no steps to prepare for the disease that attacks nearly 50 percent of those who live past age 85, according to the MetLife Foundation’s Alzheimer’s Survey What’s even more frightening is the expected “onslaught†of the disease as the first baby boomers are about to turn 65 next year – and advanced age is the greatest known risk factor for the brain disorder, with the incidence of dementia doubling every five years beyond age 65. There IS a lot to know about this progressive, degenerative disorder – and while the exact causes are still somewhat unknown, nutrition may be part of the puzzle. Joy Bauer, the nutrition expert for NBC’s TODAY Show, says, “As we raise awareness of Alzheimer’s disease, one message we need to get out is that healthy lifestyle choices can play a role in helping to fight this illness, just like they do for other chronic diseases. Eating nutritious meals and snacks–and incorporating exercise into your daily routine — is a big part of that. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by living a healthy lifestyle.†Ironically and sadly, Joy’s own grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s the same day Joy’s first child was born. “One of the best changes you can make is adding leafy green vegetables–like nutrient-rich spinach, kale, and Swiss chard–to meals and recipes. These powerhouse veggies can dramatically boost the quality of your diet,†says Joy. Other nutrition tips: - Avoid trans-fat and saturated fats (such as red meats) and cholesterol These fats can cause inflammation, as well as produce free radicals which, in high quantities, can damage or even kill valuable brain cells. (To keep a check on free radicals, eat foods high in antioxidants like vitamins C and E). - Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Good choices include those with dark skins (since dark-skinned fruits and veggies contain the highest levels of naturally occurring antioxidants so important for eliminating free radicals from your body). Eggplant, red bell peppers, beets, broccoli, spinach, seaweed, Brussels sprouts, red grapes, cherries, oranges, and all kinds of berries are packed with antioxidants. - Get your omega-3s, which are beneficial to cell membranes. Good coldwater fish picks include tuna, mackerel, anchovies, trout, herring, salmon, sardines, and whitefish. Green leafy vegetables, avocados, Brazil nuts, cashews, pistachios, walnuts, canola oil, flaxseed oil, olive oil, and peanut oil are other foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids. - Other findings on nutrition and Alzheimer’s: Folate deficiency is related to multiplication within the risk of developing dementedness among aged folks, finds analysis within the Journal of Neurology operation and psychopathology. Folic acid reduces your homocysteine levels, which, if high, puts you at risk for both heart disease and memory loss. Leafy green vegetables (like spinach and turnip greens), fruits (like citrus fruits and juices), and dried beans and peas are all-natural sources of folate. Vitamin C has been shown to lower your Alzheimer’s risk by 20 percent when taken along with vitamin E
Innovazione e gestione dei programmi sincronizzata e collaborativa per i nuovi programmi Siemens announced today an expanded partnership with Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), building upon a nearly two-decade relationship pursuing manufacturing innovation through software, conducting frontier-pushing research that supports digital product development, and preparing students to enter the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) workforce of the future. “Georgia Tech is one of the leading research institutions in this country, paving the way for new ideas and technologies to help redefine the way we manufacture goods, power our homes, travel through space and more,” said Eric Spiegel, president and CEO, Siemens USA. “Building upon our strong relationship, this comprehensive partnership will continue to produce cutting-edge research and innovative industrial automation and digitalization software, while preparing highly trained students to join the global manufacturing workforce.” This full spectrum partnership will continue to push the boundaries of advanced manufacturing design, automation and innovation. One example where this vision is currently being realized is the Georgia Tech Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory. Students there are using Siemens’ product lifecycle management (PLM) software to create a virtual prototype of a modern gas turbine. This virtual prototype will help engineers to cost-effectively design the next generation of high efficiency gas turbines while minimizing carbon emissions. Part of this expanded relationship includes naming the school a Siemens Center of Knowledge Interchange (CKI) partner. As a CKI, Georgia Tech joins a global group of eight elite research universities, including the University of California, Berkeley, in the U.S. CKIs represent primary research partners with Siemens conducting onsite research and development at the university. “Georgia Tech and Siemens have enjoyed a long productive relationship, working together in everything from advanced manufacturing to engineering software used in the curriculum,” said Georgia Tech President G. P. “Bud” Peterson. “As a Siemens CKI partner, we look forward to expanding our collaborative efforts to further drive advanced manufacturing research, software and innovation,” he said. Over the past three years, Georgia Tech has partnered on more than 20 projects from manufacturing to healthcare to energy, including joint government-funded collaborations. Among the first in the expanded partnership is a project to address gaps in existing additive manufacturing design-to-print workflow. The project – performed in collaboration with Siemens Corporate Technology (CT), Siemens PLM Software, and Siemens Power and Gas – falls under the America Makes initiative, a federally-funded program from the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute (NAMII). The $1 million government grant is bolstered by an additional $400,000 in-kind grant of PLM software licenses. A second banner project Georgia Tech and Siemens will embark upon revolves around enhancing Siemens PLM Software’s Jack™ software in the Tecnomatix® portfolio. Jack, a human simulation software, provides realistic digital human avatars to simulate manual workplace processes for evaluation of efficiency, ergonomics and safety. The project aims to significantly increase productivity for Jack users by enhancing the ability to predict interactions of virtual humans with simulated digital factory environments. The project will use algorithmic shape processing and action optimization to further simplify simulation creation, and enable human centered workplace design on a broader scale than previously possible. These two projects are the latest in nearly two decades of research partnerships between Siemens and Georgia Tech, and are part of a larger Siemens footprint: For more than 15 years, the Siemens Foundation has collaborated with the university’s Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics and Computing (CEISMC) to cultivate tomorrow’s leaders in STEM. From improving K-12 science and math education in underserved communities to being a host of the prestigious Siemens Competition in Math, Science and Technology, preparing students at all levels for the future of manufacturing is at the core of the collaboration. Siemens and Georgia Tech’s newly strengthened partnership was announced at Bold Bets: Commercializing the Cosmos– an event held by The Atlantic at Georgia Tech that focused on how private and government partners can work together to create and fully develop an autonomous commercial space market. The event was underwritten by Siemens. “Shaping the Future – with Passion for Research, Technology and Innovation” – this is the mission of Siemens Corporate Technology (CT). Under the leadership of the Chief Technology Officer and in cooperation with the operative units, CT develops the company’s technology and innovation strategy, promotes business excellence through consulting and development services, and protects Siemens’ intellectual property. As a strategic partner to the company’s businesses, CT’s central research and development unit plays a key role in advancing Siemens’ digitalization strategy. CT supports the company along the entire value chain, from research and development to production technology and manufacturing to the testing of products and solutions. Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of the Siemens Digital Factory Division, is a leading global provider of product lifecycle management (PLM) and manufacturing operations management (MOM) software, systems and services with over nine million licensed seats and more than 77,000 customers worldwide. Headquartered in Plano, Texas, Siemens PLM Software works collaboratively with its customers to provide industry software solutions that help companies everywhere achieve a sustainable competitive advantage by making real the innovations that matter.
Smt. Mamta Banerjee, Hon’ble Chief Minister, West Bengal Shri Firhad Hakim, Hon’ble Transportation Minister, West Bengal Shri Soumen Mitra, Hon’ble Police Commissioner, Kolkata 1. Immediately lift the ban on cycles. 2. Ensure safe cycling campaigns, clear traffic signages etc. 3. Identify safe cycling corridors and create cycle and NMT lanes in the city. 4. Move away from a car centric transportation planning and incentivize cycling by making them feel a part of the system. Why it is important: Let’s understand why it matters to bring back cycles on Kolkata roads: Since August 11, 2008, Kolkata Police has put major restrictions on cycling in Kolkata roads that still continue to exist creating hindrance to thousands of people who use cycling as the only means of transportation within the city. Kolkata’s average road space is the lowest compared to other metropolitan cities and cars occupy only 6% of this space. In addition, the average commuting distance is also close to 3 km which can be easily covered by a cycle. Cycles are not just used as the only mode of transportation by economically challenged citizens but also used as a means of transportation by professionals to commute to office, by youth and children to go to school and tuitions, and fitness enthusiasts. SwitchON Foundation conducted a speed mapping exercise which revealed that cycles with an average speed of 14 km/hr can easily match the average vehicle speed in Kolkata. Apart from decongesting roads, cycles can also be used as a silver bullet remedy to Kolkata’s rapidly declining air quality, which is a silent killer taking away many lives. Almost 30% of Kolkata’s pollution comes from vehicular exhausts, as revealed by a 2019 Government study. About 25 Lakh cycle trips are made in the city daily by people coming from all walks of life. Cycles can increase the income of poor families by as much as 35%, revealed a study. About 11% of Kolkata’s population rely on cycles so much that trips by cycles have outnumbered trips by cars. Kolkata has already been ahead in the sustainable mobility race by being a part of C40 cities in green mobility. Cycles are a zero emission mode, and play a major role in enabling the livelihoods of people by providing a cost effective transport option. Sign the petition and help this initiative to bring back cycles on Kolkata roads to make our city cyclable with clean air and to support the livelihoods of those people who are dependent on cycles.
Benefits of Losing Ten Pounds Losing weight has numerous advantages especially with regards to combating common health complication such as heart attack, and diabetes to mention but a few. Excess weight is often associated with chronic diseases and premature death in suffers. Here are the top benefits of losing ten pounds. 1. Reduce the risk of hypertension and heart diseases The risk of heart disease, including congestive heart complications, heart attack, sudden cardiac failure, abnormal breathing and angina, is prevalent in people with weight problems. Furthermore, hypertension, or high blood pressure is common in obese adults than those who perform physical exercises. Losing 10 pounds lowers the risk of developing heart diseases and stroke. According to recent studies, diabetes is closely associated to weight gain. In fact, studies show a link between diabetes and overweight. You can reduce the risk of developing diabetes by engaging in physical activity. Weight loss goes along way in preventing diabetes in individuals who understand the importance of incorporating exercises in their daily regimen. Research indicates that obesity is also associated with cancers of the colon, kidney, prostrate, gallbladder and breast cancer. Women who are obese at the age of 18 are at risk of breast cancer as compared to those who lose 10 pounds. Maintaining your weight through exercises might decrease the risk of cancers. Excess weight may cause arthritis and also increases the risk of gallbladder disease, and surgical problems. Arthritis is closely associated to overweight and might increase surgical risk. With that in mind, make sure you engage in physical exercises to lose weight. 5. Sleep apnea. Lack of sleep is a common problem in obese individuals. Studies indicate that one may improve symptoms of insomnia through weight loss. Most people agree that weight loss is beneficial to one’s overall health, especially when it comes to combating health complications such as heart attack.
Tricycles are not only for children—really, just about anyone can ride a three-wheel bicycle! But looking at things on a grander scale, these convenient contraptions are good, safer options for the elderly, individuals with disabilities and people who might be nervous riding a traditional two-wheel bike. From independence to physical activity and feeling safe, trikes can improve a person’s quality of life in countless ways. Between regular wipe downs, at-home maintenance, proper storage and taking it in for routine bicycle repair in Boca Raton, FL, when you take good care of your three-wheel bike, there’s a good chance you will not have to replace it anytime soon. Interested in owning an adult trike? Here are a few benefits of riding and owning one: - Stable riding: Thanks to an extra wheel, the riding stability of a three-wheel bicycle is greater than any two-wheel bike. This means you will remain balanced throughout your ride and while you’re stopped. But for your tricycle to be stable, you cannot ride it like a racing bike, nor should you fly over speed bumps or off square curbs or slam on the brakes for fun. Pedal it as you would a traditional two-wheel bicycle with the ease of knowing you are less likely to fall. - Comfort level: It’s typical for upright trikes to be fitted with larger seats, which is a big selling point for the elderly and those living with physical limitations. Because it allows for greater weight distribution, sitting on a larger, wider padded seat allows you to ride for long periods of time without pain or discomfort. There’s also a selection of recumbent models—bicycles that situate the rider in a reclining position when pedaling—that offer back support for individuals who suffer from back or neck pain. - Carries things: Just about every three-wheel bicycle comes equipped with a sizable basket on the back. Now you can be eco-friendly by biking to the grocery store or dropping a package off at the post office, or pack a picnic and head down to a local park. - Lasts a long time: To pull you and haul things, an adult-size trike is manufactured with a heavy-duty frame and sturdy components. But while they are built to be tough, you must do your part to keep them going strong for years to come. Don’t race three-wheel bikes, check for issues often and take it in for bicycle repair in Boca Raton, FL if it’s not riding correctly. - Have fun exercising: Not only are tricycles fun for children learning how to ride, but adults can also experience a similar enjoyment with an adult three-wheel bicycle. Who says being an adult has to be all work and no play? When exercising is less strenuous, you’ll have a fun time doing it and want to bike for exercise more often.
Last year I made the mistake of beginning a round-up of local books in December. It turned out that our authors had been busy – I ended up devoting four posts to them, covering a total of 60 books! So, this year I’m going to start earlier, and I already have come across 11 new books. (Write-ups are from Amazon or the publisher.) The first book is particularly timely. - W. Ross Hastings: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ (Baker Academic) The resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the best-attested facts of history. But believing in the resurrection is one thing. Knowing what it means is another. Although much has been written about the apologetics of the resurrection, little has been written about its theological meaning. This book reveals the hidden depths of the theological significance and ongoing relevance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ for our being, our salvation, Christian life, ethics and our future hope. Ross Hastings explains that the resurrection has profound consequences for who we are. Jesus as the last Adam formed a new humanity when he rose again. This has significance for our regeneration, our future resurrection, the reaffirmation of creation and the moral order, and ethics. Precisely because Jesus is the representative man for humanity, the resurrection also has profound consequences for our human salvation. By his resurrection, who we are changes, but who we are before God changes too. The resurrection is atoning in itself, but it is also the seal of the atonement. It is the gateway to Christ’s ascension and high priesthood. The resurrection therefore brings about our justification, sanctification, vocation and glorification. - Idelette McVicker: Recovering Racists: Dismantling White Supremacy and Reclaiming Our Humanity (Brazos Press) As a white Afrikaner woman growing up in South Africa during apartheid, Idelette McVicker was steeped in a community and a church that reinforced racism and shielded her from seeing her neighbours’ oppression. But a series of circumstances led her to begin questioning everything she thought was true about her identity, her country and her faith. Recovering Racists shares McVicker’s journey over 30 years and across three continents to shatter the lies of white supremacy embedded deep within her soul. She helps us realize that grappling with the legacy of white supremacy and recovering from racism is lifelong work that requires both inner transformation and societal change. It is for those of us who have hit rock bottom in the human story of race, says McVicker. We must acknowledge our internalized racism, repent of our complicity and learn new ways of being human. This book invites us on the long, slow journey of healing the past, making things right, changing old stories and becoming human together. As we work for the liberation of everyone, we also find liberation for ourselves. Each chapter ends with discussion questions. (From the Foreword by Lisa Sharon Harper.) Idelette McVicker is founder and president of SheLoves Media Society, an online forum for Christian women that includes SheLoves Magazine and the Dangerous Women membership community. After training as a journalist in South Africa, she lived in Taiwan, where she wrote for daily newspapers. McVicker moved to Canada in 1999 and lives in Surrey with her family. - John Stackhouse: Evangelicalism: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press) Evangelicalism has rapidly become one of the most significant religious movements in the modern world. An umbrella term that encompasses many Protestant denominations that share core tenets of Christianity, evangelicalism is foremost defined by its disciples’ consideration of the Bible as the ultimate moral and historical authority, the desire to evangelize or spread the faith and the value of religious conversion known as being ‘born again.’ As the Evangelical movement has grown rapidly, so has its influence on the political stage. Evangelicals affect elections up and down the Americas and across Africa, provoke governments throughout Asia, fill up some of the largest church buildings and possess the largest congregations of any religion in the world. Yet evangelicals are wildly diverse – from Canadian Baptists to Nigerian Anglicans, from South Sea Methodists to Korean Presbyterians, and from house churches in Beijing to megachurches in Sao Paulo. Evangelicalism: A Very Short Introduction tells the evangelical story from the preacher-led revivals of the 18th century, through the frontier camp meetings of the 19th, to the mass urban rallies of the 20th and the global megachurches of the 21st. More than just a sketch of where evangelicals have come from, this volume aims to clearly examine the heart of evangelical phenomenon. Is there such a (single) thing as evangelicalism? What is its basic character? Where are the evangelicals going? And what in the world do they want? - Joel Heng Hartse: Dancing About Architecture is a Reasonable Thing to Do: Writing About Music, Meaning and the Ineffable (Cascade Books) Writing about music, far from being the specialized domain of the rock critic with encyclopedic knowledge of micro-genres or the fancy-pants star journalist flying on private planes with Led Zeppelin, has become something almost any music lover can do – and does. It’s been said, however, that writing about music is a difficult, even pointless enterprise – an absurd impossibility, like “dancing about architecture.” But aside from the fact that dancing about architecture would be awesome, what is that ineffable something that drives people to write about music at all? In this short, insightful book, Joel Heng Hartse unpacks the rock writer Richard Meltzer’s assertion that writing about music should be a “parallel artistic effort” with music itself – and argues that music and the impulse to write about it is part of the eminently mysterious desire for meaning-making that makes us human. Touching on the close resonances between music, language, love and belief, Dancing about Architecture is a Reasonable Thing to Do is relevant to anyone who finds deep human and spiritual meaning in music, writing and the mysterious connections between them. - Mark Jones: Knowing Sin (Moody Publishers) The first rule of combat is: know your enemy. We don’t talk a lot about sin these days. But maybe we should. The Puritans sure did – because they understood sin’s deceptive power and wanted to root it out of their lives. Shouldn’t we want the same? Though many books have been written on the ‘doctrine of sin,’ few are as practical and applicable as this one. In Knowing Sin, Mark Jones puts his expertise in the Puritans to work by distilling the vast wisdom of our Christian forebears into a single volume that summarizes their thought on this vital subject. The result isn’t a theological tome to sit on your shelf and gather dust, but a surprisingly relevant book to keep by your bedside and refer to again and again. You’ll come to understand topics like: - sin’s origin - sin’s grief - sin’s thoughts - sin’s temptations - sin’s misery - sin’s secrecy - and of course . . . sin’s defeat! None of us is free from the struggle with sin. The question isn’t whether we’re sinful, it’s what we’re doing about it. Thanks be to God, there is a path to overcoming sin. And the first step on that path to victory is knowing what we’re up against. Start Knowing Sin today! Mark Jones serves as pastor of Faith Reformed Presbyterian Church Vancouver and research associate at the University of the Free State in South Africa. He has authored several books and speaks all over the world on Christology and the Christian life. - Piercing Heaven Prayer Journal: Prayers of the Puritans (Lexham Press) Jenny-Lyn de Klerk wrote the Foreword for the new edition of Piercing Heaven. For the Puritans, prayer was neither casual nor dull. Their prayers were passionate affairs, from earnestly pleading for mercy to joyfully praising God. These rich expressions of deep Christian faith are a shining example of holy living. The Puritans’ combination of warm piety and careful intellect have fueled a renaissance of interest in their movement. This combination is on display in Piercing Heaven, a collection of carefully selected prayers from leading Puritans. The language in these prayers has been slightly updated for a modern audience while retaining the elevated tone of the Puritans. With prayers from Richard Baxter, Thomas Brooks, John Owen and many more, Piercing Heaven reminds us that heartfelt prayer is central to the Christian life. This edition has been reformatted for journaling and meditation. With wider lined margins and a new introduction by Jenny-Lyn de Klerk, readers of the Piercing Heaven Prayer Journal will be able to pray more deeply with the Puritans through note-taking and reflection. The framework of contemplative prayer, meditative readings of the Bible and Classical Christian Literature (with lectio divina as a guide), gracious service in the church and world, evangelism and interior openness to the sacramental life of faith are foundational to the Order. Sons of the Holy Cross seek to be conscious and open to God’s work in their lives, and responsive to the instruction and leading of God’s Spirit. In the pages of this periodical you will find an assortment of articles, ranging from personal to politic. It is our hope that the readers will find this labour stimulating and instructional. - Daan Fousert and Monique Melief, translated by Helen Mobach, Against All Odds (Mill Lake Books, November, 2021) This gripping, intensely written novel tells the story of Jaan Willem Mobach, his wife Johanna, and their six children, who were captured in Indonesia by the Japanese during World War II. In different camps, they experienced horrific things. Then, two days after the end of the war, Indonesia declared its independence, ushering in another violent period marked by more torture, rape and murder. The family’s struggles led them to ponder many things, including the nature of evil, family dynamics and Christian faith. Daan Fousert, a noted Dutch novelist, tells the story based on two authentic memoirs written by Jaan Willem and his son Jan. To make the picture more complete, author Monique Melief tells the story of mother Johanna from her perspective. The book was originally published in Dutch as Het geluk te overleven. It was translated into English by Helen Mobach, whose late husband Gerard was another of the family’s sons. Helen Mobach substitute taught high school in Abbotsford School District for 12 years. She then taught English as a Second Language to adult immigrants for 15 years under the umbrella of Abbotsford Community Services. Mill Lake Books was founded by James R. Coggins and is based in the Fraser Valley. - Grace Fox: Keeping Hope Alive: Devotions for Strength in the Storm (Aspire Press) Life changes in a nanosecond when storms sweep in, often without warning. They leave our knuckles white and our hearts broken. With minds barely able to think clearly, we often set our Bible aside. In reality, that’s when we need its comfort and strength most. This devotional is written for those in crisis, for those longing for hope but lacking the ability to focus on a lengthy Scripture passage. These minute-sized devotions offer respite to readers caught in the storms of life. Each of the 90 devotions follows a pattern: - key verse - pause (devotion) - ponder (application question or action step) - pray (short prayer) - relevant quote Readers of these devotions are facing difficult circumstances and need spiritual encouragement in bite-sized pieces. Their greatest need is hope. They need reassurance that God’s love will never let them go. His presence will never leave them, and His strength will carry them through.
Whenever going out with my kids in the car, I grab a few toys for my toddler and some snacks for the elder one to keep them entertained during the ride. Pretty sure that’s what almost all parents do. But this was my habit up until nefarious Uncle ‘Rona announced their unwelcome presence. Now, hand sanitizers and face masks come first. Forgive me for the bad sense of humor. Now’s probably not the right time, but they say humor helps cope with stressful situations – and with this pandemic worsening with each passing day, we could all use a bit more of that. The point is that the coronavirus outbreak has radically changed the way we look after and provide for our kids. From what they eat and how they dress to where they sit and what they touch, especially when outdoors, parents have become more mindful of everything their child does. And they should too. Health practitioners have confirmed that children and the elderly are more susceptible to catching the virus as compared to those in the middle age group. There are several reports of children who have been hospitalized and even intubated. But on a brighter side, medical experts have also confirmed that the fatality rate is much lower in children than other age groups. Survey results show that out of the 82,000+ people infected in China, only around 2% were kids. Plus, only a few of them were considered seriously ill. Most kids showed only mild to moderate symptoms and recovered within quite a short span of time. The question is, how? Whether you have got a toddler or a tween, children do not realize the importance of NOT touching public items like railings and door handles. In fact, the more you prohibit them from something, the more likely it is to attract them. It’s the law of the land I believe. You can also choose kratom As a recreational drug, the leaves are chewed or drank as a tea to elevate mood (as a euphoriant) and enhance physical endurance. As a medicine, kratom is used for anxiety, cough, depression, diabetes, diarrhea, high blood pressure, pain, to improve sexual performance, and to lessen symptoms of opiate withdrawal. You can get kratom for sale. Based on my own experience, you stand a much better chance of defending your kids and yourself against the virus by having the right tools in your arsenal. Building new habits takes time so teaching your kids a new code of conduct for whenever you step foot outside your house amid the ongoing pandemic is quite absurd especially during these unprecedented times when merely scratching your nose or rubbing your eyes can put you at risk of illness. Also in this difficult situation we must have some insurance with which is really valuable and examination under oath. To reiterate my earlier point, make hand sanitizer and face masks your must-have essentials when heading outdoors for any reason – even if you are just going down the street for a stroll. Personal protection equipment (PPE) have become a new part of life for everyone amid COVID-19 and you should be carrying it whenever you travel. These items include a pocket-sized hand sanitizer top of the list, followed by a face mask, and perhaps even gloves, especially if you think you’ll need to change your tiny tot’s diaper while you are out.
It’s long overdue that the European Parliament starts its hearing of the Special Covid Committee today (Thursday, 12 May), which has the important task of assessing the EU’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic and mapping the lessons learned. This week the head of the World Health Organisation (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has made a passionate plea for everyone to have access to Covid therapeutics and medicines. Ghebreyesus called on pharmaceutical companies to lower their prices for Covid-19 drugs. He rightly called it a “moral failure”, because these companies are making record profits and charging prices for drugs not affordable for many poorer countries. “It is unacceptable that in the worst pandemic of the last century, new treatments that could save lives do not reach everyone who needs them,” he said. Usually pharmaceutical companies offer drugs in three price brackets to limit prices for low-income countries. But — as with the first COVID vaccines — rich countries bought most of the initial production of the new medicines, leaving little for the poorer countries. We described this risk a few months ago in our report Bitter Pill: How the EU’s defence of pharma profits could keep Covid treatments out of reach for millions. Ghebreyesus is right to point to the moral responsibility of Big Pharma, but in this case the moral responsibility of the European Commission and EU member states is at least as important. And unlike the European Parliament — who voted twice for a resolution to at least take the TRIPS-waiver negotiations more seriously — the European Commission and Council have shown no inclination to do so. The negotiations over a waiver of patents on Covid-19 medical products at the World Trade Organization (WTO) are still not solved. The waiver, so far blocked by the EU, is still needed to scale up the global production of vaccines and help the whole world beat the pandemic. It’s also crucial for ensuring that new Covid medicines are accessible and affordable for everyone. Without a waiver on intellectual property (including patents), and without a technology transfer, the world’s poorest people will be priced out (as Ghebreyesus rightfully re-iterated this week). The EU’s policies for getting these medicines on the market — the Therapeutics Strategy — pays no attention to securing global access and affordability. The European Parliament Covid committee clearly has a lot of issues on its plate, but there is one crucial question that needs to be answered: what happened to the EU’s commitment ‘to vaccines as a global public good’? EU Commission President Von der Leyen made several high-profile announcements in spring 2020 promising that vaccines would become a global public good. This was an explicit part of the agreement on joint procurement of vaccines between the EU member states and the Commission in mid-June 2020. But quietly, it fell off the negotiating table during July of 2020. The agreement said: “The Commission will promote a Covid-19 vaccine as a global public good. This promotion will include access for low and middle-income countries to these vaccines in sufficient quantity and at low prices. The Commission will seek to promote related questions with the pharmaceutical industry regarding intellectual property sharing, especially when such IP has been developed with public support, in order to these objectives.” We now know that this intention was dropped when the EU started negotiating vaccine purchasing deals with pharmaceuticals companies like AstraZeneca and Pfizer. Instead of treating COVID-19 vaccines as a global public good and promoting intellectual property sharing in order to achieve this, the Commission and Council have been blocking the TRIPS waiver proposal made at the WTO in October 2020, 100-plus countries deem a necessary condition for scaling up vaccine production for the world’s poorest. Since the start of the pandemic, Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) has been investigating key aspects of the EU’s pandemic response including the EU vaccines strategy, the therapeutics strategy and the position on the TRIPS waiver talks. We have documented the deeply problematic influence of the pharmaceutical industry and its lobby groups in these decision-making processes. The killer questions The MEPs of the Covid committee should get answers to the following questions: Did the negotiators at any point pursue the stated objective of vaccines as a global public good and did they demand a commitment to intellectual property sharing in the negotiations with the pharmaceutical companies? If this was not the case, who decided that this approach should be abandoned and when? If negotiators did pursue the stated objectives, what went wrong? What was the role of the pharmaceutical companies in this? A basic lack of transparency around the EU’s vaccines procurement negotiations has prevented effective public and parliamentary scrutiny. It has also made it impossible to answer some of the key questions raised above. We believe it is of crucial importance to identify what made the EU abandon the global public good approach and pursue a narrow EU-focused approach, without intellectual property sharing where the international dimension was reduced to charity (ie. donations to COVAX). The EU’s strategy resulted in disastrous global vaccine scarcity outside Europe during 2021, which prolonged the pandemic and caused far too many preventable deaths.
The construction of a Highway 101 bypass in Northern California is destroying cultural landscapes. Village sites, ancestral gathering, hunting, and fishing grounds, and culturally significant species (salmon, elk, oaks, tule) for Pomo tribes in and around the town of Willits (Mendocino County) have been irreparably damaged. At present, mitigation plans for lost wetlands do not include cultural restoration. It didn’t have to be this way: CalTrans (the California Department of Transportation) should have consulted with more local tribes earlier in the process and in greater depth. All agencies involved – CalTrans, US Army Corps of Engineers, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife – should have cultural specialists, advisors, and representatives on board during every phase of planning and implementation. Identifying and protecting cultural landscapes should never happen in hindsight. Because by then, it’s too late. The story of the “Willits Bypass” is lengthy and complex. During our Fall 2015 semester, two San José State University students, Shawn Kathka and Jose Munguia, worked to synthesize the cultural issues associated with the Highway 101 bypass. The students’ Prezi entitled “California Tribes Sue Transportation Agencies Over Destruction of Sacred Sites” is a one-stop multimedia presentation to help bring newcomers up to speed on the issue. I encourage everyone to read it, weep, and take action.
It happens to all of us. You mistakenly leave some food on the counter overnight only to find a parade of ants carrying bits and pieces of it out a crack in the kitchen window ledge. Or you notice a roach scurrying under the washing machine when you turn on the light in the laundry room. And what about those pesky moths that seem to have invaded your pantry? You want these pests gone, but you don’t like the idea of spraying toxic chemicals in your home. Fortunately, you have alternatives. Did you know you have a host of natural solutions right there in your kitchen? Here are 15 natural pest killers you probably already own. Want to save this post for later? Click Here to Pin It On Pinterest! I enjoy having a basil plant or two growing on my windowsill. For one thing, it tastes incredible in or on many Italian recipes. And for another, the plant’s distinctive aroma is a natural bug repellant. Another idea is to place dried basil in a small muslin pouch in places you’ve seen insects in your home. 2. Bay Leaves You probably have a jar of bay leaves on your spice shelf. These inexpensive dried leaves can deter many household pests, including ants, weevils, and silverfish. Place a leaf near trouble spots or tape one inside a cupboard to discourage moths. You can even slide on under your microwave or other kitchen appliances. You’ve read about garlic’s effect on vampires, but many bugs hate it too. Set a few peeled cloves in locations where you’ve spotted ants. Replace the cloves every day or two or when they have dried out. If you like natural cleaning solutions, you probably have a jug of white vinegar under your kitchen sink. But did you know it can keep away bugs too? Spray your countertops, floors, and cabinets with a 50-50 solution of white vinegar and water to clean away food and dirt that may attract bugs. (Don’t worry; the vinegary smell will quickly dissipate.) To create a trap for fruit flies, combine white distilled (or apple cider) vinegar in a small bowl with a few drops of dishwashing soap. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and then poke a few small holes into the surface of the wrap. Ants will steer clear of cayenne pepper. Simply sprinkle ground cayenne anywhere ants are getting into your home. Ground cinnamon is another effective deterrent to creepy crawlies. Sprinkle some in trouble areas. Another idea is to use a cotton swab to dab pure, undiluted cinnamon essential oil to those areas. 7. Coffee Grounds You may love the smell of ground coffee, but ants hate it. Sprinkle some in windowsills or other areas bugs are entering. Fragrant rosemary will ward off many insects. Grow some on your sunny windowsill or place some snips inside a few cheesecloth bags and tuck them inside your kitchen cabinets. Replace when the scent is gone. (Thyme and cloves work the same way!) Do you peel your cucumbers before eating them? Instead of discarding those peels, try placing them in a dish that you set in areas where you’ve spotted pests. An alternative is to set out slices of fresh cucumbers to deter bugs. Replace them every day or two. You can ban bugs by placing fresh lemon, orange, or lime peels in cupboards, shelf corners, windowsills, or other areas of pest entry. Cornmeal is another natural pest deterrent. All you have to do is sprinkle some in the areas where you suspect the insects are entering your home. We may find the smell refreshing, but many insects steer clear of mint. Try placing mint tea bags or mint leaves wherever you have seen ants or other insects. Or, try growing a mint plant on your kitchen windowsill. 13. Essential Oils Essential oils smell great, and they can do the double duty of protecting your living space from an insect invasion. Insects particularly dislike lemongrass, peppermint, citrus, eucalyptus, tea tree, catnip, citronella, and lavender oils. Mix one cup of water with 25 to 30 drops of oil in a spray bottle. Shake well before spraying cracks and crevices. If you have a furry friend who goes outside, you’ve probably encountered fleas in your home at one time or another. Did you know that fleas are repelled by salt? It takes diligence, but many people achieve success in ridding their carpets of fleas with salt. Fleas have a three-day reproduction cycle. Salt your floor or carpet every day for nine days, vacuuming the area thoroughly every third day. Be sure to empty the vacuum every time by placing all waste in a tied bag in an outdoor trash can. Cats go crazy for the smell of catnip, but pests, well, not so much. In fact, your natural roach solution may just be catnip. Try leaving small cheesecloth or muslin cloth bags filled with fresh catnip in areas where roaches are a problem. Another method is to boil some catnip in a cup of water and then use the solution to spray around your baseboards or other areas you’ve seen roaches. Preventing a Pest Invasion The final most powerful natural way to rid your home of pests is through preventive measures. Here are some tips: - Locate the pests’ point of entry and seal it. Examine screens for tears and holes. Look for cracks around doors, walls, and windows. - Make sure pet food bowls are clean and dry between feedings. - Place cereal, flour, sugar, and salt in rigid containers with secure lids. - Bugs aren’t just looking for food; they also seek water. And many thrive in damp locations. Check for leaky pipes or dripping faucets in your kitchen, laundry room, bathroom, and basement. - Place indoor kitchen trash in lidded containers and take it outside bins regularly. - Sweep or vacuum floors frequently. - Clean out your kitchen garbage disposal.
While video content is surging ahead in 2017, marketers are going a step further with live video marketing. Live streaming has been here since past few years, but it gained notoriety with the introduction of Facebook Live in 2016. Live video is set to outpace the growth of other types of online videos, with a 113% increase in ad growth yearly. Why Do Live Videos matter? 1. Video content is taking the center stage of Internet We are at forefront of videos becoming the norm in content marketing. Cisco, projects that video content will account for 74% of all online traffic by the end of 2017, and by 2020, 80% of the world’s internet traffic will be video driven. Videos will remain the fastest growing content category across all devices, be it mobile, tablet, desktop at least till 2020, predicts eMarketer. This is because 87% marketers prefer using video content for their websites because videos, being visual content, resonate easily with the audience than any other medium. Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to the 10% retention when they read it. The live videos, after their broadcast, can also be shared on the social media, generating 1200% more likes and shares than text and images combined. Even if you share a video on your landing page, your site is 53% more likely to show up on page 1 of the SERP. 2. Live Videos offer Higher Engagement As live videos are typically unrehearsed, they feel more authentic to viewers than the scripted and pre-recorded content. Live videos are more appealing to brand audiences: 80% would rather watch a live video from a brand than read a blog, and 82% prefer live video from a brand than its social posts. Live Videos also offer real time conversions. A video of a live event increases brand favorability by 63% according to Twitter. The above study also revealed that 67% of live video viewers are likely to buy a ticket to a concert or event after watching a livestream of that event or a similar one. Live video elicits greater emotional reactions, with 25% emotional engagement rate compared to 17% in pre-generated videos. Live videos are growing across all social media platforms be it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat. - People spend more than 3x times longer watching Facebook Live videos compared to the pre-recorded videos. - Twitter and its content partners streamed 600 hours of live video content and drew over 30 million viewers in the last quarter of 2016. 3. Live Videos are affordable, easier A Live Video is really cost effective to implement for social media marketing. Real-time mobile video broadcasts are absolutely getting easier and quicker with the top live streaming social apps like Facebook Live, Youtube, Periscope, Meerkat etc. All you need is a smartphone and you can start live streaming. You don’t even necessarily need to have prepared content for the same. The recording of Live videos require some sources of media including: - A video camera (mobile, laptop or professional) - An audio interface - An encoder (Already integrated in mobile platforms; you’ll have to use a separate encoder if you are using separate video setups to record your video) - A Content Delivery Network (or a dedicated ethernet/4G/Wifi) How can your brand use Live Videos? To create the right video, it is important to learn some tactics from the brands who are doing it perfectly well. Let us discuss these: Mostly brands use real time live streaming to promote company events. These events can be product launches, conferences, tradeshows, seminars or other such formal events. For example, Dunkin Donuts, a well-known donut company and a coffeehouse, took to Facebook and posted a live video giving a glimpse of their kitchen and creating their latest product -”A donut wedding cake”. The video in itself attracted 43K+ viewers with 500+ shares and 1.4K+ comments. Even the major tech brands such as Apple, Google and Samsung livestream their new product launches now. This generates user’s interest and social media engagement with new products. This is true since: 4X as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product than reading about it, according to Animoto survey, 4 in 5 millennials would watch videos when making a purchase decision. Live stream of events also encourages the audience to join the actual event. Digitell says 30% of people who watch a livestream of an event will attend the same event in person. Behind the Scenes Another way to boost the customer trust is to livestream behind-the-scenes videos. Offering users something that is typically off limits is a great way to boost engagement. 87% of the audience prefers to watch online vs. traditional television as it has more behind-the-scenes content. You can share your production process or how your team works as it increases the value placed on the finished product. For example, General Electric used Periscope to give their audience an inside view of their facilities in Texas as part of a week-long event known as “Drone Week”. Another example is of Turkish Airlines, which became the first airlines to broadcast a flight over Periscope, giving audience a behind-the-scenes view of the cockpit, crew cabin on their journey from New York to Istanbul. The video helped the company gain 5,000 new followers besides reaching out to a total of 4.5 million people. Engage with your audience and promote your brand by running a contest or a challenge. Creating such content can lead to viral videos that are great for your brand exposure. For instance, BuzzFeed started a livestream of their employees trying to explode a watermelon by applying rubber bands to it. The video garnered more than 800,000 simultaneous viewers while it was streaming live and has since then racked up a grand total of more than 10 million views. Also, “#watermelon” ended up getting the most used hashtag on Twitter when the video gained popularity. Live video is interactive so it’s great way to directly interact with consumers and answer their queries. Brands usually use Facebook Live to conduct Q&A’s or AMA (Ask me anything) sessions which helps building trust with your audience. You can host such Q&A sessions on weekly or monthly basis. Make sure you choose a specific topic for each session. For example, Rob Greenfield (a well-known environmental activist and the creator of The Food Waste Fiasco campaign that strives to end hunger in the world), organizes AMA live sessions occasionally answering humanitarian queries of nearly 800+ people. This is great way to engage with existing and prospective customers. Facebook revealed that people comment more than 10x times more on Facebook Live videos than on regular videos. Tutorials are the most popular videos on YouTube, and can be successfully implemented as a part of live videos. You can use live streaming to not only demonstrate how your own product/services work, but also show tasks related to your industry. This helps build your reputation as a helpful and trustworthy brand. For example, Elise Strachan (a well- known author and a food host) shared a DIY pins video at her Facebook Page- My Cupcake Addiction. Some general Tips to make engaging videos 1. Choose the right platform and tools When it comes to live streaming, choosing the right social media platform is of great significance. For example, the right choice for a fashion brand would be Instagram. Pick a reliable platform which offers a reliable service without any technical or buffering issues. You should ensure greater video quality, as it remains the most important factor for 67% of viewers when watching a broadcast. 2. Promote your livestream In order to successfully use livestream marketing, you need to promote your event in advance on social media sites. Use a strategy to generate user interest in your livestream video. Be sure to have a content strategy in place, as compelling content is the primary motivator for live online viewing. Remember: Daily posting of videos will turn off your visitors; make it a periodic treat to maintain your brand’s integrity. 3. Generate Value for customers Use streaming to create conversations, give consumers important information, highlight products and new technologies and to talk about emerging trends. The best part of live streaming is that you can interact with the audience during the broadcast. Take time to respond to your customer queries as this is an important aspect of live streaming. If somehow, you fail to reply to their queries, respond to them when the video session is over as your video will still be accessible to the users from your news feed. 4. When Less is More A key mantra of engaging more audience to your video is “shorter length”. The sweet spot for video’s length is between 45 to 60 seconds. This time slot is long enough to grab the interest of your customers by highlighting the main points of your product. Viewers often tend to lose interest in case of longer videos. Getting to know all this about the live videos, I’m sure you must have made up your mind to include one in your marketing strategy. And, why not! It is going to be a tremendously powerful tool to grow your popularity and increase your revenue. So, shoot and go live now!
Digital disrupters twice more profitable: CA Tech survey By Benjamin Cher October 29, 2015 - Banking and telcos top two most disruptive and disrupted verticals - Singapore organisations gung-ho on digital, but lagging on many fronts THE phrase ‘digital transformation’ is being bandied about as the framework for a future of improved productivity and lower cost, and a recent study puts the business effects into perspective: Digital disrupters have seen up to two times more revenue and profit than mainstream companies. The just-released study, Exploiting the Software Advantage: Lessons from Digital Disrupters, by CA Technologies, defines digital disrupters as companies which have adopted digital initiatives The study was done to explore what benefits companies that explored digital transformation early on have gained, according to CA Technologies Asia Pacific and Japan chief technology officer Stephen Miles (pic above). “Digital transformation is no longer an option but an imperative – it is now simply ‘change or be changed,’ and how quickly you can get on board,” he told Digital News Asia (DNA) in Singapore. The findings underscore CA Technologies’ belief in the ‘application economy,’ according to Miles, in which every business is a digital business, and mobile apps are the face of the business. “The reality is that customers are more likely to experience a company’s brand through a software app rather than a visit to the store,” he said. The CA Technologies study included a ‘Digital Effectiveness Index’ (DEI), a measurement tool developed by CA Technologies and Freeform Dynamics, that translated market competiveness and business metrics into numeric scores to rank companies. The top 12% of respondents in Asia Pacific were classified as digital disruptors – companies well on their way in their digital transformation journeys. Digital disruptors in Asia Pacific are 4.3 times more likely to recognise the importance of being a software-driven business, and 2.4 times more likely to use agile development and have DevOps in place, according to the study. The study covered 615 respondents across Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Singapore and South Korea. Banking and telecommunications were identified as the verticals leading the digital transformation charge, which Miles described as the most interesting statistic coming out of the report. “They are the most disrupting and the most disrupted,” he said. “They feel the most sense of urgency to adapt to change.” Many banks are leading with a ‘digital-first’ initiative, which means more than just building a mobile app for customers, Miles argued. “It is thinking about how you deliver that digital experience across the middle and the backend systems,” he said. “It means the complete digital transformation of the business, using it not only to be efficient in doing business with customers, but in retaining and acquiring new business, and finding new revenue streams and areas of profit growth,” he added. Telcos are also as aggressive as banks. “They are building more efficient next-generation network infrastructure to support tomorrow’s content,” Miles said. “Telcos are also participating in brokering and building new collaborative services,” he added. Using APIs (applications programming interfaces), telcos can also find ways of extending the reach and relevance of other organisations through new micro services, according to Miles. “They are building and structuring a new age of services that was previously impossible – telcos will play a massive role in making that change,” he said. Digital or analogue Singapore The survey also revealed that 48% of Singapore organisations are currently undergoing digital transformations as part of coordinated strategic programmes. These strategic programmes are sanctioned by their boards, and not just kneejerk responses, according to Miles. “Productivity (51%), customer satisfaction (49%) and competitive differentiation (46%) were singled out as factors in driving digital transformation in Singapore,” he said. “To see digital transformation linked to profit alludes to the fact that companies can build more efficient business models using a mobile-first approach, reduce costs in terms of infrastructure and assets, and offset previous business costs into strategy and programmes to change the business while remaining profitable,” he added. While Singapore organisations represented up to 8% of respondents classified as digital disrupters, they have yet to fully embrace the necessary innovations, according to the study. Only 32% see social networks as essential to customer engagement, and only 22% believe in the importance of mobility solutions in customer engagement and market development. On the Internet of Things (IoT) front, only 21% believe in its importance and only 19% think wearable technology is important. Singapore also lags in other regards, such as implementing agile development, with only 52% having it in place compared with 77% globally, and 41% of Singapore organisations adopting APIs compared with 52% globally. Only 77% of Singapore organisations believe in being app-centric, compared with 95% globally. A new digital world order While it is still in the early days of the application economy, the CA study highlights the benefits early adopters are enjoying in a digital future. Miles believes that there is still a long way to go in seeing how all this plays out regionally and globally. “We are going to get to a point where the past advantages of macroeconomics, legislation and demographics will go out the window, and ideation and innovation will give each organisation a chance to be great,” he said. “This is the bigger leveller we ever had in our time – the opportunity for innovation and ideation will be the true drivers for business, regardless of where [your business is located], financial resources, or previous constraints,” he added. Staying ahead of the application economy then is important in competing, and Miles believes that companies need to be disruptive to survive and thrive. “Companies need to be disruptive, think through and change current organisational structures, processes and systems,” he argued. “They need to be able to embrace new cultures, failing fast and often, promote ideation and innovation and make it the forefront of the business to make an effective digital transformation,” he added. Taglines like ‘change or be changed’ and ‘adapt or die’ may be bandied about, but Miles believes that they are certainly more apt and relevant in today’s context. “When banks can think about being telcos and telcos can think about being banks, you have to think about that playing out in the macro perspective across all industries,” he said. “We will see that everything is up for grabs,” he added.
LL.M. application documents normally contain the following basic sections: • Indications of specific programs to which candidates are applying • Biographical and contact information • Demographic information • Information about the candidate's education • Information about the candidate's work experience • Bar admission information • Scholarship information • Information about any prior misconduct How to apply? What to include? Nowadays, for many U.S. schools, applications are processed through the Law School Admission Council (LSAC) website . This organization's website is used to apply electronically as well as to compile transcripts/diplomas, reference letters, and English proficiency test results. LSAC will gather this information and send reports to the corresponding schools. Please note that the LSAT is not required for LL.M. applications (further information on lsac.org • Personal Statement When applying for a law school one of the most important points of points will be your personal statement. This is why you should always be yourself and highlight your most impressive strengths and achievements. Answer the questions that you are asked to address, and keep your statement well organized and logically structured. Don't forget to display an exceptional level of professionalism. And captivate the reader's attention; show what you are capable of and what your aspirations are as a professional. • Letters of Recommendation Most schools also require letters of recommendation. This is a fundamental component in order to provide an objective voice to the application, and to present the admissions committees information about the candidate that is not included in grades, resumé, or personal statement. It is very important to pick the right referees. Candidates should always choose referees who know them well and who can comment on their intellectual ability, work ethic, analytical skills, personality, and future potential. Also, the letters of recommendation should refer to the relationship between the referee and the candidate, and provide comments on the candidate's abilities and qualities. • Resumé - What Should be in It? A resumé is essential when applying to schools. These should focus on academic achievements, publications, notable class ranks, and awards and distinctions. However, notable extra-curricular activities, interesting hobbies, language abilities, and other unique qualifications may also be listed on an LL.M. resume. An LL.M. resume is, in the end, much more than just a chronological compilation of educational and professional data. If done right, an LL.M. resume will reflect an application's overall “theme” and reinforce the image that an admissions committee has from looking at an applicant's other application documents. Presentation is similarly important. Experts disagree on details such as what fonts should be used, what margin sizes to choose, and how many bullet points and sub-bullet points are appropriate. However, these formatting details are of secondary importance as long as the LL.M. resume is well structured, has a modern, clean, and easy to read look, and is free from spelling and other errors. Another point of debate is the number of pages that a resume should have. Again, there is no hard and fast rule. While one page may be enough for some candidates, two (or even more pages) may be appropriate for applicants who have more extensive academic and/or professional records. Finally, resumes should reflect the right tone, a matter which is country specific. For example, an LL.M. resume for an American school should boldly list all of the applicant`s skills and attributes while resumes for European schools should be more modest.
A newly updated American Academy of Pediatrics policy statement says access to high quality early education remains limited, and state quality standards lag behind child care recommendations by health and safety experts. Children's earliest learning environments have a lifelong impact on health, according to authors of the report, "Quality Early Education and Child Care from Birth to Kindergarten." Especially for at-risk children, research on high-quality early childhood education programs shows lasting positive effects, including cost-saving from improved health outcomes. But many families have no quality child care options in their communities. Barriers include inadequate funding and staff education, as well as inconsistent regulations and enforcement. State licensing benchmarks set minimum standards that are usually considerably below the evidence-based recommendations from AAP and other child health and development organizations, according to the report. Quality rating and improvement systems are being implemented in more than 75% of states, the report observes, but they do not always include key health and safety standards. Among other recommendations, authors of the policy statement urge pediatricians to discuss the importance of implementing guidelines on safe sleep, immunization, safe medication administration, infection control, diet, physical activity and other health topics in child care with parents, policy makers and local programs. Child care and early childhood education are crucial to our nation's children, women, and families and to our economic growth and prosperity. The AAP urges policymakers to increase federal investments in high-quality early childhood programs.
How to lose weight when your on steroids, best prohormone for losing weight Benefits of weight loss steroids for females there is a secret behind anabolic steroids for fat loss, they work best when there is extra fat storage in your body. When your body feels full, it releases insulin, the hormone that raises your blood sugar level. This is when most people begin to feel bloated, have cravings, experience weight problems and a desire for more exercise, how to lose weight when your on steroids. There is a small percentage of people, around 8%, that experience serious effects from a steroid cycle, such as liver failure or kidney failure, however only around 0.5% have serious complications from their weight loss. But what if those people, having no need for weight loss for any health reason, want to give it a try, how to lose weight while taking prednisone? Why not treat it like an addiction? It is far easier to go down the road to anabolic steroid addiction if you do not understand the physical risks and rewards of the drug. A lot of people make the mistake of giving in and giving in to an anabolic steroid addiction and end up with heart problems, liver failure and kidney failure, how to lose weight while on prednisone. These types of problems do not occur when people use the drug for health reasons, but they do occur when they put it on just for a weight loss cycle, how to reduce weight while taking steroids. Here's why: The Benefits Anabolic steroids, like other illegal and prescription drugs, cause more harm than good when used for health purposes. The best example of why this is the case is that of the side effects found with anabolic steroids. The most commonly prescribed anabolic steroid and the one most commonly used for weight loss is Dianabol, how to lose weight while being on prednisone. It is a very dangerous drug to use and can cause you to have liver problems, liver failure, kidney failure and a loss of muscle. What's more, it also causes death in about 20% of users, how to lose weight while taking steroid medication. A common way to find out exactly how much harm anabolic steroids can cause is to do some research online. There are many websites where you can buy research articles and studies written by reputable researchers. The problem with researching on Internet sites is, they aren't really reliable sources and are usually written by the company making the research, how to lose weight while on a steroid. So, how can you be safe using anabolic steroids for weight loss and health purposes? First off, it is not advisable to take any steroid that is written in medical terms, lose steroids when to your weight how on. As I'll explain in a minute, steroids are a dangerous drug when used for health purposes and any steroid written in medical terms, whether it is sold as a doctor sold product or as a homemade product is a dangerous drug. Best prohormone for losing weight For many years, losing weight or building muscle has never been an easy fit, but you can now leverage the power of HGH to achieve the best body trim you have been dreaming of getting for years. HGH increases muscle mass, muscle fiber size, and improves insulin sensitivity, leading to a slimier, leaner, and more muscular appearance. The benefits of HGH for health and body composition are numerous. HGH has been shown to prevent muscle wasting and repair damage to organs, best prohormone for losing weight. It allows the body to grow new muscle tissue without breaking down old bone and tissue, how to lose weight while on steroids for cancer. HGH improves body composition through decreased body fat; increases testosterone and estrogen; and improves the levels of both lipids and glucose in the blood stream. This article is about how to get the most out of HGH and how to use it strategically to achieve gains, Best prohormone for cutting 2021. We're going to focus on bodybuilders and endurance athletes but similar effects can be achieved by those on any variety of sports, Best prohormone stack for lean mass. How to Use HGH for Muscle Building HGH will help with a couple of things: Decreasing body fat Improving muscle building There are many other benefits you'll want to get from using HGH, Best prohormones 2020. For example, HGH increases testosterone levels (and thus increases muscle mass), and HGH is known to stimulate growth of new cell membranes around your muscles, which can lead to better blood flow to these areas, how to lose weight after taking prednisone. This means your muscles are stronger for longer and will make you bigger. HGH also stimulates the release of growth hormone (GH), which increases testosterone levels, which improves lean body mass, strength, muscle mass, and endurance, how to lose weight while on steroids for cancer. This means HGH is very important for people who train regularly, who perform competitive bodybuilding activities or those who do Olympic weightlifting. The effects of HGH are also significant in those who are trying to lose weight, and especially for those who compete in bodybuilding, Best prohormone stack for lean mass. Getting Started with HGH HGH is a natural anabolic agent, meaning this compound will cause an increase in muscle mass and protein synthesis in your muscles. However, this can only occur if an exercise program is used that allows you to increase your muscle protein synthesis by a certain percentage. It's important to note that HGH also increases your GH levels for a short period of time, which is often the time between the time you take the supplement and the muscle growth. So, before you take HGH, you'll usually need to use a training program that allows you to increase your muscle protein synthesis and that's called a "burst training program, losing for prohormone weight best." Best steroids for weight loss are available but not evert steroid is good for weight lossfor many reasons. First it is best to test the effects before taking them. They work on more than muscle. They might also be good for body fat loss also. The use of steroids in healthy body can cause a lot of harm as well. It affects every parts of body except the muscle and you need to think before you give any one any kind of steroids. It might cause more harm than good. This drug is very bad for you to take. It can be dangerous if it gets into your body through the blood. Why don't all doctors take steroids? I don't understand why some doctors don't do it but the reason is most they look at the effects of steroids. If that's the case, you should try steroids first. This is not the first drug you can ask for a doctor to prescribe. All drugs can cause harm to body and you should ask the doctor to prescribe medicines instead. You cannot ask for this drug on a whim and a doctor won't be there to tell you how is it going to influence you. Related Article:
Insulate your Greenhouse with these Effective Methods Whilst a greenhouse is designed to shield crops from excess cold and heat, its functionality may be limited during extreme weather conditions, and that is where insulation comes in. Mastering the art of insulating a greenhouse could not only help you maintain a steady agricultural output but also save you a great deal of heating/cooling costs; hence increasing the general efficiency. Hopefully, by the end of this, you will be in a position to implement the most convenient insulation technique and acknowledge the importance of such DIY projects. Factors to Consider Before getting to the actual methods, it is imperative to understand all the underlying factors, since they dictate the type and amount of insulation you need: - Crops thrive in different conditions; There are warm-season crops, cold-season, and all-season types of crops; all which require different methods of insulation. In essence, your first course of action should be determining what kind of crops you have and which type of insulation suits them best. - There are numerous greenhouse designs, all of which have diverse variations. Though not so clear to the untrained eye, you would be amazed by how the design specifics could affect the overall greenhouse productivity. From the ventilation framework to the default temperature and the material used for construction, understanding the make-up of your greenhouse will help you understand the bigger picture; it’s the little details that matter. - The environment where the structure is located. It goes without saying, every place has a different climate. For instance; The heat loss in Iceland is incomparable to the one in New Zealand. It would be pointless to have the same insulation mechanisms in such different cases. Your location should help you establish the most logical insulation method to use. - Cost and budget With increased costs of fuel and electricity to generate heat and run greenhouse heaters, greenhouse insulation has proven to be more cost-effective. Even so, there are methods of insulation that are more expensive than others, as we shall see. Depending on your estimated budget, you should be able to choose the best roadmap. 5 Ways of Insulating a Greenhouse - Basic Methods Sealing cracks and ensuring doors and vents fit in securely are some of the most basic but effective steps to take in any greenhouse. This prevents heat loss by blocking out the cold air during winter and ensuring that all crops receive an equal amount of light. It is also advisable to renew seals using any waterproof sealant and replace any fragile or broken panes. In case of excess ventilation, some sticky-back foam could come in handy to close up some parts. Other techniques that are easy to install include: - Retaining some amount of snow on the roof during winter to provide supplementary insulation; as crazy as it sounds, obviouslyyou can’t keep it, but not removing it can help. - Installation of aluminumor aluminized polyester plastic to the sidewall to reflect heat - Suspending pieces of fabric directly on top of plants at night to retain heat. The downside of using opaque fabric is that you would need to remove it during the day to let in sunlight. - Installing multiple skins of plastic (bubble polythene) to the roof that faces north, or to the sides of the house in a bid to trap warm air and save on heating costs. The bigger the bubbles, the better. Ardent gardeners from all over the world have proven this to be the most energy-efficient technique. Just like the name suggests, insulation is achieved by trapping air between two glass panes, thereby reducing condensation and preventing heat loss or gain. It is ideal since it permits the winter sun to light up and warm the structure while maintaining a constant amount of heat throughout. However, this is by far the most expensive approach used in insulation; because the double glazed units are filled with dry nitrogen or argon gas to minimize conduction and give optimum results. On top of that, it can only be installed in greenhouses that are being built. All things considered, it doesn’t hurt spending more and reaping long-term benefits. During the toughest weather conditions, this would be our recommended option. Greenhouses made of fiberglass, though not as common, also have specific ways of insulation. With Base cladding, you have to install polystyrene panels or related material on the floor of the structure. Heat is simply retained by blocking out the lowest bit of glass and ensuring the walls do not meet the glass on the ground. The only precaution to take in this method is remembering to remove the insulating material when summer comes. You don’t want to subject your crops to double heat. To control indoor energy consumption and give your greenhouse a touch of innovation, you should consider using the rigid foam insulation method. Sometimes, sealing gaps and cracks is not enough. In the event of such vulnerabilities, installation of high-performing foam on the walls could effectively close air leaks, consequently preserving valuable resources. Rigid foams are made using extruded polystyrene (XPS) and polyisocyanurate which are moisture resistant, energy efficient, and flame retardant. Despite the sophisticated material- names, any vendor would know what a rigid foam is. Use of Solar technology If you are thinking of a more permanent solution, then solar technology is your best shot. The right solar greenhouse design could stabilize indoor temperatures effortlessly and store thermal energy all year long. This reinforcement is more complex than it seems and has many implications. Around 15% of a structure’s heat loss occurs through the floor and this is the main focus with this approach. Depending on the type of foundation you have, a Ground to Air Heat Transfer (GAHT) system is installed underneath the greenhouse, either vertically or horizontally. More heat will be trapped beneath, and prevent frozen soil from creeping in. This is one of the best methods that focus on heat exchange between the thermal mass of the soil and the greenhouse. However, this procedure only works before construction and may require an expert on the same. Nonetheless, it is still a viable option.
Truck Accidents and Out of Service Trucks & Drivers The case that many years ago convinced me to focus my law practice solely on truck accidents involved one tractor trailer with no brakes that swerved and overturned in an attempt to avoid another tractor trailer that had no lights. I was shocked that two semi trucks could both operating while illegal to be on the road—or “out of service”. It would surprise most drivers to learn that almost 1 in 4 large trucks on the road has such serious mechanical problems – improper lights, malfunctioning brakes, broken suspension – that it is highly dangerous and is required by federal law to be taken off the road immediately. A truck in this condition is termed “out of service” and by law cannot be driven even one inch further until the problem or problems are fixed. When combined with the fact that 1 in 12 drivers of commercial vehicles is out of service, meaning anything from not having a valid driver’s license to being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, these statistics represent some of the most significant contributing factors to truck accidents on our highways. The Large-Truck Crash Causation Study (LTCCS) conducted for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in August, 2006 examined what it called the “critical event” in truck accidents. It defined the critical event as, “the action or event that made the crash unavoidable” and assigned only one critical event to each crash studied. LTCCS was the first national study that determined the reasons and associated factors contributing to serious large truck crashes. It concluded that factors like brake failure, tire or wheel failure, steering failure and suspension failure were, not surprisingly, significant critical events leading to truck accidents. These are some of the same mechanical problems typically found on out of service trucks. LTCCS also studied driver-related factors contributing to critical events and found that factors such as impaired decision making due to drowsiness or actually sleeping behind the wheel, excessive speed, and use of alcohol also contributed significantly to the number of big rig wrecks. These factors and others related to driver licensing and DMV violations are common among out of service drivers. Why is it important to consider the number of out of service trucks and drivers on our roads? Because recent data show that nearly 100,000 people are injured in large truck or bus crashes each year and nearly 5,000 are killed. That’s about 1 life lost in a large truck crash for every hour of daylight. By lowering the number of out of service trucks and drivers on our highways, we may be able to prevent some of this tragic loss of life. Commercial drivers must be held to the standards set forth in the commercial drivers license manual. The manual clearly outlines the need for drivers to always be on the lookout for potential hazards on the road whether that hazard is a stopped car ahead, a person crossing the street or any other potentially unsafe situation. In addition, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) rules and regulations clearly outline acceptable driver behaviors and actions, and requirements for vehicle maintenance. Penalties for trucks and drivers caught on the road while out of service vary from state to state and can be severe. They include civil damages as well as suspension or revocation of commercial drivers license. But in order for these penalties to work, inspectors and law enforcement officials must do a better job of catching out of service trucks and drivers and keeping them off of our roads.