{ "What is this?": "This is save file with preset values for fusion-ai-image-generator, where you can generate images with Stable Diffusion 1.5, unlimited , uncensored and Images for free. Load this save file at https://perchance.org/fusion-ai-image-generator", "format": "fusion-ai-image-generator-v2", "prefix": "", "suffix": "(guidanceScale:::6) ", "main": "{Pony|4chan_|Sort By_|Show OP|Comment_|R_|I_|Puzzle thread_|Time for another comfy puzzle thread.|>go to https_//jiggie.fun|>upload a pony picture|>post link for fellow anons|>solve puzzle with fellow anons https_//jiggie.fun/6HWvof|pcs, SFW|I can fix her|rember too bee yuorself|/ggf/|- Griffon GF|Thread_|A thread dedicated to the lovely catbirbs and griffon gfs/bfs.|Griffonbros wake up!|>Previous Thread-Jul|>ai griffon gfs-https_//beta.character.ai/-Gilda_|https_//beta.character.ai/chat\\?char=p5QXxLOFdx5okCH4okBzLbFLDsIWptG_mUHdWhq8RkE|Gallus_|Silverstream_|>Gilda Green Archive-Last Updated_|>Previous griffon gf threads Jul|May|Apr|Mar|Jan|Dec|Oct|Aug|Jun|Feb|Sep|/mppp/|- Mass Produced Pony Plushies_|Verity Orders are at|BUY|BUY!|http_//order.mppp.horse/|MOREOVER, NOMINATE|THE|NEXT|PLUSHIE!-See next post->What is this about\\?|RTFM_|https_//docs.google|SPREADSHEET|FAQ_|>What's the current status\\?|current payment/shipping_|N/A|current pre-order/production_|upcoming pre-order/production_|prototype in progress_|Woona|planned characters_|N/A,|things are slow in China.|>What can I do\\?|bump,|shill this project to other Anons,|make content and advertisements|design the next plush,|provide feedback|suggestions on the next prototype|expand and supercharge the project's blueprint|>any alternatives besides current manufacturer\\?|if you have any suggestions,|please share with the thread.|>I don't like your stupid idea, I disagree with...|if you have better ways to run things,|you can contribute here!|>I have issues with my plush order|sensitive questions regarding this project,|how can I contact the organizers\\?|email info@mppp.horse for plush support.|for general enquires,|just ask in the thread.|Previous thread_|/moon/day_|Blue Moon Edition_|/moon/day Thread OP template_|https_//ponepaste.org/4423|/moon/day Story Archive_|Coming soon\\?-some deprecated can be found on ponepaste-Lunar Tunes Playlist_|https_//www.youtube|Equestria Project-meditation/lucid dreaming guide__|https_//pastebin|/3mQfmH24|old|/moon/day story archive_|https_//poneb.in/He5X50m6|Humanizations of Princess Luna and others have a dedicated thread|-post them there.|Keep it pony-aside from inclusions of Anonymous in pics_.|Ongoing Stories_|Stories On Hiatus_|\"Moonlight, Veiled|- Book|2\",|by horsa_|https_//ponepaste.org/6285|\"Assistant to the Night Court\",|by LmonE6_|https_//ponepaste.org/121|Dead-Until proven otherwise-Stories_|\"Lunar Entanglement, Act I\",|by ReggieSomething_|https_//ponepaste.org/1113|\"Ghost in the Shadows\"|https_//ponepaste.org/7522|\"Embracing the Night, Part|5\",|by AutoPony_|https_//ponepaste.org/3605|Heart Longs for Another\",|by AnthonyC4_|https_//ponepaste.org/873|\"Our Thirty Years War\",|by TheGhostlydude_|https_//ponepaste.org/6795|Bond Through the Ages\",|by Ar-Adunakhor_|https_//ponepaste.org/6722|\"MoonyCYOA\",|by Krivvy_|https_//ponepaste.org/4290|by Starla_|https_//ponepaste.org/5708|Untitled story by Alcatraz,|Upcoming moon phases_|Full-Blue-Moon_|/moon/day,|AUG-Today!-Third Quarter_|New Moon_|Sep First Quarter_|Canterslut Thread_|Sluttifying-You-against your will!|Check out our KINO slutty story archive!|https_//ponepaste.org/6295|Previous Sluttery_|Previous Thread_|-https_//ponepaste.org/3956|GreentextSavant’s Pastebin|-http_//pastebin|/u/AlexanderGrey BG9's Pastebin|-https_//pastebin|/u/BG9_Reborn Gritsaw’s Pastebin|/u/Gritsaw Zharkaer's Pastebin|/u/Zharkaer Tstar231's Pastebin|/u/Tstar231|HolytntDiver's Pastebin https_//pastebin|Cold by BOLTGREENS -https_//ponepaste.org/3959|Shorts|-https_//www.youtube|Fimfiction Thread_|less bookclub posts!_|Come one and all to the meta-writefag and help raise the quality of MLP fanfiction!|Featuring_|Making up crap to look smart!|ITT_|2012, Redheart's Gore, Disregarding all romance fics,|and weak minds doing unspeakable acts!|>/fimfic/|Secret Book Club The seventy-fourth book is|'The Princess of Night in the City of Light'_|If-You-want to participate,|finish the entire story by the|25th.|>Recommended stories_|Tired of authors forgetting that brevity is key\\?|Fed up with|10k inner monologue chapters\\?|Well,|we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!|New Starter Kit|Old Starter Kit|-http_//i.imgur|/vuTA7EN.png|>Common fic abbreviations used by the thread_|https_//ponepaste.org/7317|\">review|\"|\">discuss|Userscript for extra features_|https_//ponepaste.org/8619|>An in-depth writing guide for beginners_|https_//eznguide.neocities.org/|>Can you pre-read my story\\?|Post it on Google Docs or HackMD with comments enabled and give us a link.|>Additional material for authors_|-https_//ponepaste.org/932|Politics and the English Language|-https_//www.orwell.ru/library/essays/politics/english/e_polit/|Vhatug's tips for anatomically correct clop|-https_//poneb.in/g4VpEg4f Setting a story in motion|-https_//youtu.be/ufO8LbwTdu0|Taking criticism|-https_//youtu.be/-v4R2ZcxPlA|Fillyanon's Bookshelf|-https_//ponepaste.org/5555|-https_//ponepaste.org/user/IHeartShinzakura Appleanon reads fics|-https_//poneb.in/wmGX7FPm Deluxe Big Master Review List|-https_//docs.google|Guide to Rational Fics|-https_//files.catbox.moe/3jzrfm.png The Royal Canterlot Library's Top|Fanfics|-https_//royalcanterlotlibrary.net/top16/|Childhood is hating Spike for being an annoying midget.|Adulthood is hating him for being a Raricuck.|Just Dropped By|-/jdb/_|Mining,|Archived threads_|Your favourite mares_|So I've seen many|\"Your Favourite..\"|tables already so I thought I would make a much more pony themed variant of it!|So please fill in your favourite mares and such if you want to!|You don't have to fill in everything if nothing comes to mind at that moment.|/tfhg/|Them's Fightin' Herds General_|ded game ded thred and yet we persist Previous thread_|/ourlobby/_|Leaf-rip-Console release is here!-Nintendo Switch, Sony Playstation|and Playstation|5, Microsoft Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S-https_//www.youtube|/watch\\?v=psdeHoARfYM|Events|nothing nada zilch An update is supposedly coming...|eventually.|>Steam page_http_//store.steampowered|/index.php\\?threads/785/|>Fighting Game Beginner's Guide_|>Mizuumi Wiki_|https_//wiki.gbl.gg/w/Them's_Fightin'_Herds|trailer_|/watch\\?v=LEBOSUOLTXM|>Shanty trailer_|/watch\\?v=hiw3kMTAVFo|/watch\\?v=kEsG0DYF1yo|>Texas trailer_|/watch\\?v=oSM20gOntLM|>Stronghoof trailer_|/watch\\?v=-vlIQ21-fj0|>Nidra reveal trailer_|>Baihe reveal trailer there isn't one lel lmao|She is perfection incarnate,|and the most marryable pony ever!|Rarity has a fat ass.|/opg/|Open Pony General|- Frolicking on the Beach Edition_|>What is Open Pony\\?|3D pony models.|Info here_|https_//www.equestriadaily|>Just give me a MARE|Idiotproof starter guide_|https_//drive.google|https_//ponepaste.org/7410|Braindead simple Anonmare guide_|https_//smutty.mare.stream/mlajjqelswj.png https_//smutty.mare.stream/mjmqtlwwntf.mp4|>Join the|/mlp/|>Where is the|hangout\\?|Baltimare,|open-access_|Cloudsdale,|invite-only_|- WIP https_//baltimare.pages.dev/|https_//baltimare.hotmilk.space/|>After that,|Luna's Empire|H-Mart Tower-Free goodies in the gift shop__|Ponyville shop_|>Content creation resources_|https_//ponepaste.org/8725|>Baltimare design/planning channels_|https_//app.element.io/#/room/#baltimare_pony.cx|>Live Baltimare stream https_//picarto.tv/BalTV https_//picarto.tv/BalTV2|Which one is better and more classy\\?|Draw Thread_|Request,|draw,|submit.|Mark requests with|‘/r/’|‘/d/’|for deliveries,|‘/ic/’|for critiques.|Also,|when|/r/equesting,|to make it easier for drawfags to fulfill your request.|- Don't spam or bump your requests.|- IGNORE|SHITPOSTERS/ATTENTIONWHORES.|- Don't respond to the spam.|Just report and hide it and move on.|>DROPBOX|ARCHIVE -https_//www.dropbox|QUICK|LINKS|>Draw Thread Information|>/mlp/|drawfag improvement|>Pony Drawing Tutorials|-https_//mares.horse/draw https_//mlpg.co/art/res/23.html|Kinderquestria/Anon in pone prison|upsies edition_|Welcome to the Thread!|Kinderquestria/Anon in pone prison focuses on the world and adventures of naive #AZ2xm#child like ponies and the misadventures and shenanigans of Anon that results in him going to prison!|To get a good handle on how things are done around here I implore you to check out our new and improved one stop shop of kinder greens and prompts here|https_//ponepaste.org/7630|EFNW is this weekend on Seattle's east side and I haven't seen any posts about it.|Any anons planning on going\\?|Slave Pony Thread|Archive Link_|>What is this thread about\\?|This thread revolves around stories about ponies getting bathed and pet.|>Can you elaborate more\\?|Sure!|SPG-Slave Pony General-is mostly about characters dealing with the actual implications of the horrifying thing that is chattel slavery.|It's more looking at how people with modern sensibilities deal with the ownership of another sentient being,|and how most people aren't total cunts.|Are you new and want to write your own story but have no previous experience\\?|Check out these guides_|https_//poneb.in/V1ujiyJt https_//poneb.in/bnMmZ2T3|https_//poneb.in/g4VpEg4f-clop specific-We have a Discord server!|https_//discord.gg/b7EFmaj Remember not to save anything of value on pastebin,|use ponepaste.org Have a broken pastebin link\\?|Replace pastebin with poneb.in|--- Featured Story_|--- Lithia By Icehunt/KarmaFields|-https_//ponepaste.org/8260|--- Most Recently Completed Story_|--- Getting Shy by AspiringWritefag|-https_//ponepaste.org/752|-https_//ponepaste.org/4185|--- Useful Links|---~~~|Recommended Stories for New Readers_|https_//ponepaste.org/1587|Completed Stories-37__|https_//ponepaste.org/1589|Popular Stories_|https_//ponepaste.org/1579|All Stories-209__|https_//ponepaste.org/1590|One-Shot Stories-47__|https_//ponepaste.org/1584|Thread Archive_|https_//ponepaste.org/1642|https_//1drv.ms/f/s!AiFkdye7rtydbfk0wBnid5vnFUg-outdated-~~~|You will never escape her._|Express your love for this wife-able mare.|>Oh no partner!|You ain’t commitin’|suicide on my watch.|I’ll save you as many times as I have to,|even when you think I wont be able to.|Snowpony Thread|Lichen is up to something again Edition The pic that started it all_|https_//nhnb.org/fim/res/2295.html Archive of snowpony thread art_|https_//mega.nz/folder/0okEHKxS#8FIy3EQUHM-XluGvV7knIg Archive of snowpony-related musics_|https_//ponepaste.org/5819|On the boorus,|the snowpony tag ended up being|\"snowpony-species_\"|\"taiga pony\"|>What is a snowpity\\?|https_//snowpity|>What are snowponies\\?|https_//ponepaste.org/5843|Reading material_|>Anon and Frosty Flakes https_//ponepaste.org/5609|https_//ponepaste.org/5640|>Comfy lore snippets https_//ponepaste.org/5652|https_//ponepaste.org/5650|https_//ponepaste.org/5664|>Cirrus Wisp and Filly https_//ponepaste.org/5662|>Lichen greens https_//ponepaste.org/7273|>Bury Me in White https_//ponepaste.org/5648|>Surehoof's First Ice Step https_//ponepaste.org/5689|>A cute-hopefully-snow pone short https_//ponepaste.org/5682|>My Winter Storm https_//ponepaste.org/5713|>Poetry https_//ponepaste.org/8220|https_//ponepaste.org/5857|https_//ponepaste.org/5885|>Agate's vigil is no longer WIP,|finished story now.|>The First Fish https_//ponepaste.org/7283|>New Life with Frosty Flakes-Lewd-https_//ponepaste.org/6225|>_WIP-Cultural Exchange at Spa https_//ponepaste.org/7063|>Snowfall Frost's seach for Windigos https_//ponepaste.org/7147|>The first step north https_//ponepaste.org/7468|>Pine Ponder and the Lost Scarf https_//ponepaste.org/8037|Crystal Forest Rescue https_//ponepaste.org/8082|Snowpitt vignette https_//ponepaste.org/8361|>Comet Chaser and a Windigo Hunter https_//ponepaste.org/8843|>Granite and Fireweed https_//ponepaste.org/9917|>Merch Pine Ponder approved tea_|https_//www.adagio|Snowpone patches_|https_//neighsayerpatches|/products/the-great-snowpone-expedition-patch https_//neighsayerpatches|/products/visit-snowpitt-patch|Is starlight glimmer the worst pony or twilight\\?|They're both awful,|in my opinion.|/mlp/'s Pony Gaming_|Drive-by Edition Discuss vidya and play with fellow horsefuckers.|Pony vidya,|pony mods and related videogame discussion are also encouraged,|any type or genre of videogame is welcome.|If you want to play a certain game with|don't hesitate to ask.|People might just join and play with you.|Don't be afraid to add each other.|Who knows,|maybe-You-will start up a new staple group\\?|More importantly,|have fun!|Vidya's played last thread_|Age of Empires|Black Ops|Zombies, Killing Floor|2, OpenTTD, PAYDAY|Containment Breach Multiplayer, SRB2Kart, Tabletop Simulator, Terraria, Vintage Story.|Old Posts_|Old posts from fimfiction,|/mlp/,|youtube,|whatever.|/CHAG/|–|Sweetie Bot Edition_|Welcome to Chatbot AI|#85,|the thread for discussing and improving AI pony chatbots.|▶|Bots https_//mlpchag.neocities.org Spreadsheet-extra MLP bots, CAI bots, Jailbreaks__|!!!|GALLERY|!!!_|How do I start\\?|1-Select a Frontend|2-Select an AI model|3-Select Jailbreak|4-Select bots|5-Lovemaking with AI mares!|Starting in this hobby can be opaque and difficult.|If it’s your first time and you’re lost,|ASK|THREAD!|◀|https_//rentry.org/onrms|SillyTavern-preferred frontend-https_//github|/SillyTavern/SillyTavern On Android_|https_//rentry.org/STAI-Termux Retards guide_|https_//rentry.org/Tavern4Retards App that voices pony responses in ST_|/drive/folders/16Ss26VBmgzcSuTGzhaHqRuyVRceTf-YB|More frontends_|Risu_|https_//risuai.xyz Agnai_|https_//agnai.chat Retards guide_|https_//rentry.org/agnai_guides|Locals Getting started_|https_//rentry.org/lmg-spoonfeed-guide|Museum of local pony projects_|https_//rentry.org/b8wemkqk Locals on Google Colab_|https_//rentry.org/ky239|Jailbreaks MLP|JB_|https_//rentry.org/znon7vxe More JB and guides_|https_//rentry.org/jb-listing Hypebots for Tavern_|https_//rentry.org/pn3hb|Character.AI https_//old.character.ai|PAID|OPTIONS-Ask the thread before considering these-▶|Openrouter-Free options are often available,|like Llama|8B-https_//openrouter.ai/|Setting up your own AWS instance-Claude, LLama, Mistral,|etc.-https_//rentry.org/how2aws4khanon|Scenarios, Settings,|and Presets,|see the Spreadsheet, NAI|Advanced Settings, Format,|and Cards Description_|https_//rentry.org/82b9c|Botmaking Editors_|https_//desune.moe/aichared,|https_//agnai.chat/editor Guides_|https_//rentry.org/meta_botmaking_list Advanced_|https_//rentry.org/AdvancedCardWritingTricks Previous thread_|Chag Mini VN project_|releases here_|/AeGwrvd4|News_|-New chatgpt-4o released.|Available on non-azure proxies|-Nemo Pony, Mistral Nemo base model finetuned on fimfics released_|https_//huggingface.co/Ada321/NemoPony|releases,|-Mistral Nemo and Mistral Large|released https_//mistral.ai/news/mistral-nemo,|https_//mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407|Glimglam is the best pony.|That is all.|Electricity exists in the FiM timeline\\?|Why can't twilight join flying races to help rainbow dash when she has to choose between cloudsdale and ponyville\\?|Is it because she's a princess or because she's still a bad flyer\\?|Rainbow Dash Thread_|Hoodie Edition Post pictures,|write greentexts,|and discuss Dash!|Writefags_|mobius|Dash clips_|/playlist\\?list=PLoXHb9V5YfHxoNawqkIJZCDsOHlyFO6jl Songs of Dash_|Spotify playlist_|https_//open.spotify|/playlist/7Isoflxr37EJYRcVnnoScd|/dash/|index_|https_//ponepaste.org/1400|Backup index_|https_//pastelink.net/31lnq|Have your thoughts on bats changed in the last hour\\?|A pony walks up to you right now and asks you what the meaning of life is.|They ask you why their creator put them on the planet and gave them consciousness and the ability to form complex thought and even question their place in the universe.|They ask you why suffering exists and other philosophical questions.|What do you say\\?|Spanking Thread|OC|Edition Again_|OC's.|They exist,|and some become very popular.|They can come in many forms,|and the vast majority of them have rumps.|That means they can be spanked.|After all,|why let only canon characters have all the fun\\?|Featured stories_|Griffon guard duties by Anon_|https_//ponepaste.org/7043|Thru the Window by DCFTEF_|https_//ponepaste.org/6458|On Fire|https_//ponepaste.org/6531|Stuff from last thread_|Gayness is not an excuse to avoid spankings.|AI art and comment.|Spank ideas.|Rarity and Sweetie spank story.|Drum replacement|Story ideas discussion.|Scared colt.|Bright Mac spanked by Granny.|Spank edit pic.|Flurry/Cozy spank idea.|Applebloom shorts.|Best MILF spanker discussion.|Spanking choice story.|New pic.|Story about above pic.|Rarity spanking Sweetie on the way to camp story.|Drugs and spankings.|Photo IDs.|Let me know if I missed anything,|and be sure to read some of these and acknowledge them.|The stories were pretty good as well as the new pic.|More feedback means more motivation to write/draw,|which means more good stuff.|Fantastic archive_|https_//ponepaste.org/6509|https_//www.deviantart|/dvfhgrvvghg If a thread is not active on the|1st of the month,|one will be created.|Be advised_|this is a thread about cartoon horses.|Old thread_|NEETpone/Misfit General_|AnimeCon Edition.|Previous_|>What is this general\\?|NEET/Misfit Pone is a thread for ponies who despite their best efforts-or in some cases complete lack thereof-struggle to fit in with the rest of society.|>What sort of stories can you expect to find here\\?|Slice of life stuff.|Lots of odd cute ponies becoming the waifu stories.|Lots of being the cute oddball pony stories.|A few NEET-recovery stories.|A lot of smut,|if you're into that.|Lots of ponies to get you started with a variety of personalities and quirks.|Don't like one of them\\?|Give another NEET a try!|Much,|much more!|>Quick rundown on the pre-existing ponies ITT_|Floor Bored|- The OG|NEET from the very first threads.|Floor comes in all different forms,|- Paradise is a pony who started off as a NEET but ends up going to univeristy in a PiE setting.|She's very quiet,|easily spooked,|- Huge bookworm.|Taku|- Goldie is another friend of Floors,|only she's into kaiju and big monsters.|- Floor's sports nerd friend-Pic above,|pony with the hat and lazy eye-Home Sick|- Anon Mare is entirely up to your own interpretation.|Same premise as Anon Filly but all grown up.|The self-insert pony.|Writer's Block|NEET pony whos background is currently unclear.|Know anything about her\\?|- A chubby mare who lives in a PiE kind of setting.|- A femcolt/trap NEET that enjoys making electronic music.|Very laid back,|https_//ponepaste.org/5398|https_//poneb.in/u/FrankHogs555|>Link to OP_|https_//ponepaste.org/5397|We are playing TF2!|Secret agent edition OLD|THREAD_|Pony maps,|sprays,|and micspam!|Reskinned vanilla maps-with mares-by our very own anons!|Come relive the heyday of pony TF2|with your friends from|/mlp/!|Visit our official website to check out the server info from your browser_|https_//mlp.tf/|If you'd like a custom icon on the mlp.tf scoreboard,|post your Steam ID and attach your desired icon in the thread.|>Server info Server IP_|tf2.15.ai OR|Password_|https_//steamcommunity|.bz2|file,|then place the|.bsp file in|http_//mlp.site.nfoservers|/server/maps/|Player stats_|http_//mlp.gameme|/server/demos/|Active hours_|7-9pm to|players-Custom MvM also available for early hours-42|player limit-and other gamemodes like Death Run or VSH for after-hours.|This server uses a plugin that changes the stats of some weapons.|for more info.|All reverts except for the old airblast are active by default,|and most reverts can be toggled in-game.|Consider installing mastercomfig if you have frequent frame drops,|bad hitreg,|poor network connectivity,|or are new to the game.|See https_//mastercomfig|for easy installation.|It is STRONGLY recommended that all players install some preset of mastercomfig since TF2's default netcode settings have not been changed since|THERE|IS|DISCORD|SERVER|ASSOCIATED|WITH|THIS|Any post mentioning|\"the|Discord\"|is a troll and should be ignored.|/vg/-style chatroom-posting is OFF-TOPIC and should be reported as such.|and skill level across the playerbase varies.|Join the fun!|Nightly Twilight Thread_|Magic after dark edition Twilight's favourite books_|https_//ponepaste.org/7844|Fanfic Reading_|/playlist\\?list=PLYetaRLw6_prOF6FYfBqoCtdz-D-7uUP9|Pastebins_|/u/NightlyTwilightFic https_//pastebin|/u/NighlyTwilightStorie https_//pastebin|/u/BizzarreCoyote https_//pastebin|/u/YukkuriPalehorse https_//pastebin|/u/Silver_Smoulder|/ra/|- Rarity Thread_|Fancy Dinner edition.|Last Th/ra/d_|A bunch of short greens_|https_//ponepaste.org/9328|Rarity Mixtape_|https_//youtube|Spotify Playlist_|https_//derpy.me/RJoFC|/qEw9Vbd6|Pack of every good solo Rarity pic-in progress__|July|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/ybZ5tgu7OpwUtg January|- June|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/1nEHq8Bqp8AHIg July|- December|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/lYezh-7PUbS_zA|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/J4N6U8Av-dBLXQ|>Rainbow Dash isn’t available for you to cum inside today Gorilla-Man.|I sent her on a|“secret Wonderbolt mission”|for an alicorn artifact,|thats actually some silly wild goose chase.|So why don’t you relax hmm\\?|Oh and since I’m a military official,|thats an order!|Czequestria|Nah fuck this,|we're having a thread for Czequestria.|Date_|August|23-25,|Place_|KD|Krakov, Prague, Czech Republic Event language_|English https_//www.czequestria.cz/en/|Darting.|/create/|-general content creation thread_-formerly known as|/tempo/,|or T_EM/P/O-A conglomerate of content creators since we couldn't keep our own threads up alone.|If you're working on something,|be it musicfagging,|writefagging,|drawfagging,|poetfagging,|craftfagging,|or game-devfagging come by and post for some feedback or give some of your own.|If you want to start content creating why not start today\\?|This thread is intended for ALL|SKILL|LEVELS,|from complete beginner to seasoned expert.|Don't get intimidated.|We're all just hobbyists here to have fun and help each other make more pony stuff.|Active Community Projects_|Mare Fair|27th|-29th-/mlp/|SS13|https_//ponepaste.org/9401-really needs updated,|bug me about this later-Tempo Music Archive_|https_//magma|/invite/DXPPI_ZG|Current|/bale/|PPP thread for all your AI-generated voice needs_|They're going to fuck and milk you of your sperm in front of your waifu.|Are you strong enough to resist them and prevent your waifu from becoming a cuckquean\\?|Cheerilee thread\\?_|Eight years since we were properly introduced to the first cinnamon roll|/sun/day!|Let us bask in Princess Celestia's gentle radiance.|https_//ponepaste.org/4028|Music Playlist https_//youtube|Have a Celestia story that you want added to the archive\\?|>Link to story on Pastebin or Ponepaste|>Say whether the story is finished or unfinished,|or if it is a one shot-this is important for sorting->Provide a synopses of the plot-please do this, I don't like writing these->Any other important information that you want to add,|such as the thread of origin.|Broken Pastebin URL\\?|with poneb.in/|Humanized variants of Princess Celestia and others are unwelcome here.|ja0822ck appreciation thread_|Take a deep breath and discuss why acid/skitzo pony man is the best active artist in the fandom|where the FUCK is the cozy thread|Pony Preservation Project-Thread|Welcome to the Pony Voice Preservation Project!|youtu.be/730zGRwbQuE|The Pony Preservation Project is a collaborative effort by|to build and curate pony datasets for as many applications in AI as possible.|Technology has progressed such that a trained neural network can generate convincing voice clips,|drawings and text for any person or character using existing audio recordings,|artwork and fanfics as a reference.|As you can surely imagine, AI pony voices,|drawings and text have endless applications for pony content creation.|AI is incredibly versatile,|basically anything that can be boiled down to a simple dataset can be used for training to create more of it.|fanfics,|wAIfu chatbots and even animation are possible,|and are being worked on here.|Any anon is free to join,|and there are many active tasks that would suit any level of technical expertise.|If you’re interested in helping out,|take a look at the quick start guide linked below and ask in the thread for any further detail you need.|EQG and G5|are not welcome.|>Quick start guide_|/document/d/1PDkSrKKiHzzpUTKzBldZeKngvjeBUjyTtGCOv2GWwa0/edit Introduction to the PPP,|links to text-to-speech tools,|and how-You-can help with active tasks.|>The main Doc_|resources and archives.|>Active tasks_|Research into animation AI|>Latest developments_|GDrive clone of Master File now available|SortAnon releases script to run TalkNet on Windows|TalkNet training script|FiMmicroSoL model|Delta GPT-J notebook|tutorial|New FiMfic GPT model|FimFic dataset release|Offline GPT-PNY|FiMfic dataset|SD weights|SD low vram|Huggingface SD_|Colab SD|NSFW|Pony Model|New DeltaVox|so-vits-svt|so-vits-svt tutorial|Hay Say|Haysay on the web!|SFX seperator|Synthbot updates GDrive|Private|\"MareLoid\"|VoiceCraft|Fimfarch dataset|years of PPP|Audio re-up|RVC|Experiments|Ace Studio Demo|>The PoneAI drive,|an archive for AI pony voice content_|>Clipper’s Master Files,|the central location for MLP voice data_|/drive/folders/1MuM9Nb_LwnVxInIPFNvzD_hv3zOZhpwx|>Cool,|where is the discord/forum/whatever unifying place for this project\\?|You're looking at it.|Last Thread_|RGRE - Reversed Gender Roles Equestria_|ゴゴゴゴ|Edition Previous thread_|Fauster's Story Archive_|Uh-hmmm's Prompt Archives_|https_//ponepaste.org/1046|Have a broken Pastebin link\\?|Replace pastebin with poneb.in Remember_|not to save anything of value on Pastebin ignore all attempts at early new threads ignore new threads by the cheerimac poster why the fuck am I the one baking\\?|the baker's guild will hear of this|Stallion Thread_|Big Mac Edition ITT we talk about stallions-and other non-pony males-and R63|versions of mares.|Last thread_|Pony Transformation General_|Human becomes pony.|How,|why and what happens next are all up to you.|New stories and art welcome!|Any type of transformation into ponies,|gryphons,|changelings,|dragons,|kirin,|etc.,|whether OC or canonical,|Anonponies of all shapes and sizes.|Want to be the little pony\\?|This is the thread for you.|Previously on PTFG_|- Very self-indulgent unicorn stallion TF - New|Complete!|- Mares With Guns by OrwellRedenbacher|- New!|https_//ponepaste.org/9446|- Interstate by Ceiling Necromancer https_//ponepaste.org/9707|- Chestnut Glaze by pogoman122|- Complete!|- Daisy Belle by OrwellRedenbacher|https_//ponepaste.org/9985|- Go Ask Littlepip When She's Two And A|Half Feet Tall by Darkdemonlucifer|Ticket To The Circus by Darkdemonlucifer|https_//ponepaste.org/7247|- The Pon-E|Rewrites_|Purple Black Gray by Alycorn|- Beach Walk https_//ponepaste.org/9521|- Nemetona by Meslam https_//ponepaste.org/9720|- Pink In The Club by AtomicGlow|https_//ponepaste.org/9600|- War Story by OrwellRedenbacher|https_//ponepaste.org/9485|Papi|https_//ponepaste.org/9477|- Untitled Short Pet Story|by definitelynotapurplehorse|https_//ponepaste.org/9470|- New Moon https_//ponepaste.org/9450|- Twin Moon by Advisability|https_//ponepaste.org/8991|- Unfinished Pizzaportal epilogue by Gnisha https_//ponepaste.org/8967|Mirror, Brightly by Fructose https_//derpy.me/wxs|- WXS volume|- Heroes Never Die by Shimmerist Ari https_//ponepaste.org/8902|- Cannon for sale by Pinkening https_//ponepaste.org/8904|- Experiment R41NB0W|- Horsegirl by Neighpalm https_//ponepaste.org/8866|- Stripped Screw by Neighpalm https_//ponepaste.org/8835|- The Lunar Experience by Slippery_Slope|https_//ponepaste.org/7973|- Honey Pot by Wanda https_//ponepaste.org/8731|- Soda Pony TFTG-ish and Sex by AtomicGlow|- That Particular Instance I|Piece Of Silverware by Yuri Fanatic https_//ponepaste.org/8210|- My First Maregasm by anonfilly Archive of over|stories,|as well as additional links and materials_|https_//pone.tf Past threads index_|http_//nsfw.pone.tf/|Chat_|https_//discord.gg/tfAjenN|Recommended stories for new readers_|https_//ponepaste.org/7278|Shadowbolt Thread|Back To School Edition_|Let's explore any and all sorts of ideas for the underutilized and under-developed Shadowbolts from Equestria Girls.|--- Completed Stories_|Treating Miss Sweet by ChurroAnon|/7r8iCJ2U --- Ongoing Stories_|To Listen-Part|1-by AlexanderGrey|/c6D2XDbL|Game of Headphones-Part|2-by AlexanderGrey|/Sx1M6gnB|Music Is Coming-Part|3-by Alexander Grey|/4c5BLWLd|--- Shamelessly stolen writing guides_|/whCQ2GpX -https_//pastebin|Other Shadowbolt links_|/wYy0FyrA https_//ponepaste.org/3740|Submission is Mandatory|Please sthap edition.|>What is this thread about\\?|This thread is dedicated to stories that have clear dominate and submissive roles;|both with and without consent.|>What exactly is welcome in this thread\\?|A wide variety of stories are welcomed here;|from non-consent and sexual slavery,|to abusive manipulation and psychological domination,|to maids and extortion,|and even healthy consensual relationships with BDSM role-play elements.|Other variations are welcome as well,|so long as they are complementary to the domination/submission focus of the thread.|Up to date archives_|Thread story list_|https_//ponepaste.org/7575|Thread list_|https_//ponepaste.org/7446|Unsorted oneshots/prompts/unfinished greens_|https_//ponepaste.org/7672|Outdated archives_|https_//poneb.in/f8f09HB4|https_//poneb.in/778zgnJ5|https_//mulpwiki.batpony.party/index.php/SiM|——————|This thread was originally founded to support the|“Submission is Mandatory”|While the story has gone on hiatus,|it’s content is referred to by a number of stories in this thread.|In return,|she grants him ownership of the Mane|Expanded Universe Stories-Octavia POV-Recommended-https_//poneb.in/Y2AahdQp Other Stories|-https_//poneb.in/3AFdqxvs|Use ponepaste.org Have a broken pastebin link\\?|Active stories_|Last updated in the previous thread-#125__|>The Carat and Stick by RapeApe|!bwwXn5Gx.o Cadance forces Rarity onto medifag Anon.|https_//ponepaste.org/733|https_//ponepaste.org/4327|https_//ponepaste.org/9692|End of the last update_|>Thralls of Twilight by ManicQuil The retired princesses show Twilight a new hidden side in their relationship.|Starts here_|Last updated here_|>Harsh is The Night by ManicQuil EQG story with a sub Rainbow Dash and her mistress Luna.|Last update here_|>The Culture of Rubber Ponies by ManicQuil Ponies covered in latex.|https_//ponepaste.org/7692|>Short EQG christmas story with Dom Celestia and sub Dazzlings by ManicQuil Starts here_|Ends here-|more to come|?-_|>Untitled Applebloom trying out a special outfit for Nightmare Night Starts here_|>Title may be|Reluctant Pride\"|by Keeper Anon fucking his way into becoming leader of the gryphons https_//ponepaste.org/9057|Mare Fair Thread|More Staff Edition_|WE'RE|HIRING_|Do-You_,|yes-You_!|Want to be involved in how the sausage-marefair-is made\\?|Well now's your chance!|We are currently looking for anons to help volunteer for many departments,|especially Operations, Attendee Relations,|and Distribution!|Of course,|if you want to help in other departments,|such as A/V or the Game Room,|please apply!|We're always looking for more help in making this con happen,|so don't shy away from applying!|If you have any questions about the responsibilities of working in certain departments,|please feel free to send an email or ask here in the thread!|As mentioned before,|our venue has been changed to the Marriott Orlando Airport Lakeside!|so if you've made any travel plans from September|27th through the|29th in the area,|just make sure you rebook your stay to the Marriott instead of our previous venue!|We have limited room available on our room block,|and some days over the con weekend are close to selling out.|Be sure to book your room now if you plan to attend!|you can always look for room shares in these threads too!|If you would like to know more please visit our website at_|https_//marefair.org/venue/|Finally,|just another reminder that Fair Flyer and Morning Mimosa will be available as plushies at this year’s Mare Fair!-Sorry Soirée and Matinée,|maybe next year.-We’ve collaborated with Symbiote Studios to make two of our mascots come to life,|and we hope you’ll love them enough to take home your very own!|If you have any questions or concerns,|please send us an email at_|info@marefair.org All official information will be made available by our staff using these tripcodes_|Ebonyglow|!!eSW1dXRikgk Rez|!!fjenat+Ey8k|Anonfilly Thread|- Wings Edition_|>Spoonfeed me.|What's this thread about\\?|This thread typically consists of Anon gone filly,|as he's thrust into a new life as a cute little pony.|>What's to be expected\\?|Fillies,|cuteness, Anon-tier shenanigans,|bitchy Twilight,|desires to be the little filly,|>Any archive of photos or stories\\?|Dropbox-Photos__|>I'm a contributor.|Great!|For writers,|just notify|̶A̶l̶l̶|̶N̶i̶g̶h̶t̶e̶r̶|̶F̶g̶t̶|Lone15,|so you can have your green added to the Doc.|For artists,|animators,|or any other content makers,|you can store your fillies in the Dropbox for future viewing pleasure.|which you can check out here_|https_//projects.fivethirtyeight|/personality-quiz/\\?group=-LdS-38NvfIG9PHPrYB8|>I don't like this thread because of reasons.|You'll never know how it is unless you try a dose of filly.|Old Mare_|What would your ideal current year FiM content creator look like.|Would they focus on episode discussion\\?|Canon debates\\?|Fanart creation/showcase\\?|Music\\?|It’s hard to keep a fanbase running the longer the show it’s based on is over.|But what would you as a fan look for in a FiM fandom channel/account/website\\?|Anonymous in Equestria thread|Last thread,|IRC_|irc.rizon.net|#/mlp/AiE|Active list_|/mVG33ERX|Master list_|/xGf9RcL9|Completed Stories list_|/QZ4PDe7g Stories Sorted by Pony_|/GJyQquaY|>rope's HD remastered thread archives_|/Qg2dwzq0|>If a pastebin link is broken you can copy the string at the end of the url of a poneb.in link so pastebin|/mVG33ERX becomes https_//poneb.in/mVG33ERX|>PiE|Corner|>Remember to tag all PiE|Author List_|http_//derpy.me/PiE_Pictures Browser Pony Author List_|/ZCGjtftk|/4clop/|4clop and Tribes thread I'm Still Standing edition_|Thread for discussion of|>4CLOP,|the game of war and geoponitics!|Also a thread for Tribes,|a similar game about pony ethnonationalism!|>4clop https_//4clop|>Tribes https_//ponywar|When was the last thread\\?|A month ago\\?|Putting one up myself.|I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash.|Dazzling Thread|Back to school edition.|All Dazzling lovers are welcome.|It doesn't matter if you're an Adagio, Aria or Sonatafag,|let's all join in one place.|Post anything of the Dazzlings_|drawings,|discussions,|fetishes,|re-edits,|gifs,|re-made songs-written or,|if you had the guts to,|sung_,|anything you like.|Come here and show that you're under their spell!|Archives-green,|https_//dazzlefan.club/|Guides for Aspiring Writers_|https_//ponepaste.org/1661|https_//ponepaste.org/1659|https_//ponepaste.org/1658|Art Compilation_|Steam group_|http_//steamcommunity|/groups/PraisetheSirens Old Shattered Gem_|Fingerbang_|The Equestria Girls and Humanized Thread|- Summer Loving Edition Part|Welcome to Fingerbang_|Humanized Thread!|Anything with|>no hooves is welcome and encouraged here.|If you like to write,|or critique the humanized versions of the ponies,|then this is the thread for you.|Story List_|--Recent Writefags--pastebin can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary-Grey_|https_//ponepaste.org/9699-Pinkie Pie-Anonymous_|https_//ponepaste.org/8602-Coco-Less Recent Writefags_|--- Archival Pastebin_|/u/FingerbangingMLP-pastebin can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary-Thread Resources_|http_//derpy.me/b783H|FimFiction Group_|http_//derpy.me/tQSuG|Discord_|https_//discord.gg/jXfKyJP|Google Drive_|--->How did this Humanized thread get started\\?|What happened to Fingerbang\\?|The Humanized thread was created when the various humanized threads-including Fingerbang-on|decided to merge.|The rest is history.|Quite literally as of now.|>I did it, Anon!|>I finally figured out a way to get to the human world!|Rise of Paradise|#33.5-CYOA__|Last time,|not a lot happened cause I went on vacation for a bit.|Back now though,|so if you want to catch back up on the short last thread it's here_|Vinyl Scratch Thread|-/vst/_|Show Vinyl some love by posting cute pics,|as well as greens.|Vinyl Pastebin Collection-http_//pastebin|/u/Two_Echo A collection of Vinyl stories-https_//ponepaste.org/user/TiredAsShit Individual Vinyl Greens- Wubs From Vinyl-Anon x Vinyl-http_//pastebin|/TvHbH1xE|Fuck You-Anon x Vinyl-https_//ponepaste.org/8191|Vinyl gets a ride from Anon http_//pastebin|/HutPuyAK|Vinyl and Anon date http_//pastebin|/G8dJtww7|Stuttering Vinyl http_//pastebin|/SWaLMMjK|Vinyl and Anon at CHS http_//pastebin|/mUFNraWX|Teenage Vinyl makes a deal http_//pastebin|/ZaeXSTxi The Other Side-Anon x Scratch-http_//pastebin|/EfmVk5pi Twisting the Vinyl https_//pastebin|/A3R7g1uG|Canterlot Rape Wars http_//pastebin|/857MZ8RQ|#AZ2xm#Daughter Vinyl https_//pastebin|/Tyb8ZpPL|Vinyl Scratch x Neon Lights https_//ponepaste.org/8185|Vinyl Takes Anon https_//ponepaste.org/8186|Taking Care of Vinyl Scratch https_//ponepaste.org/8187|Vinyl's Gangbang Bus https_//ponepaste.org/8188|Binyl Scratch_|Raping anon to perfection https_//ponepaste.org/8189|Vinyl archive_|\"Do you even lift the bass\\?\"|https_//ponepaste.org/8190|https_//mega.nz/folder/4gwEmCrJ#g0rinvi8aPkPzNvmuI3dkw|Pinkie Pie is breaking time and space again|5-My Little Pony_|New Generation-Make Your Mark series has begun on Netflix,|and there's still the movie as well!|Tell Your Tale episode playlist https_//www.youtube|/playlist\\?list=PLUnS6VWqJBaZqq_emLdwdCwU7O7RDEyxW|Pony Life_|https_//mega.nz/folder/Ji5VkAwY#BYzHARWDjj-djo8e4WTsnQ|YouTube Playlist of pony shorts https_//www.youtube|The Manga|Day in the Life of Equestria, Vol.|/file/j76lgbbq1nibrrj/MLP_The_Manga_Vol_1_HD.rar/file Get a physical copy https_//sevenseasentertainment|/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-1/|Day in the Life of Equestria Vol.|/file/nmbj6jdwg2faw4r/MLP_Manga_Vol2.rar/file Get a physical copy https_//sevenseasentertainment|/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-2/|/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-3/|A little over a month left of summer to go,|and the vacations are ending.|That means it's definitely an opportune time to get the fall line rolling out,|supposing inspiration has sufficiently struck.|And if not, Rarity's just going to have to continue taking in the sights|-on company time.|Business expenses,|and whatnot.|Perfectly reasonable in her line of work.|/glim/|- She's gonna need a stronger cup|'o joe_|This is a thread for all things Starlight Glimmer.|Post pics,|greens and discussion.|Topics discussed_|>what if glim was|“evil”|and reformed\\?|>Glimmy calls you a pussy,|what do\\?|glim found THAT memory|slightly smoked glims|>You vs Glim,|who wins\\?|switch glims\\?|>devilish|>Starlight and Dash's relationship|>Invaded by the Great and Powerful Trixie|somehow,|gave birth to a human #AZ2xm#baby instead of a foal\\?|>Glimmy gives Anon strength|>Kissy kissy glim and trixie https_//files.catbox.moe/1t94ik.jpg|Double Diamond comic https_//files.catbox.moe/lrm0ne.jpg|>Anon drew a Starlight https_//files.catbox.moe/y5wypr.png|>Do it for glim https_//files.catbox.moe/s1sksm.png|>Glimmies!|https_//files.catbox.moe/4eeopr.jpg|\"Ice Ice Glimmy\"|>Starlight makes it snow|>Starlight and Anon have ice cream|>But how does she taste\\?|https_//ponepaste.org/7897|Princess Applejack_|Howdy,|What you see here began as a series of comedy-centric stories with the concept of an alicorn-ascended Princess Applejack trying to change a mismanaged Equestria for the better by humorously interacting with the other,|quite lazy,|Plus late night pink antics.|The whole thing was set in motion by this gem_|>So,|wait,|why am Ah'|a princess again\\?|>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom.|You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done\\?|Fucking nothing.|Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight,|And don't even get me started on Cadence,|who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative.|Fucking annoying.|Go do actual princess stuff,|because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks|\"Princess\"|\"Beat cop.\"|Are you feeling creative\\?|Try your hand at writing a story!|If you're more artistically inclined give a drawing or sketch a shot.|Don't fret too much;|it doesn't have to be fancy and we appreciate artwork a lot.|If that isn't your style either,|writers always need feedback.|So tell us what you liked|-and what you didn't|-to help us improve.|If you are unsure about anything,|do not be afraid to ask.|We will gladly bring you up-to-date or explain anything you feel is unclear.|374!|WHO'S|READY|FOR|GODFIGHT|GALORE\\?|Sorry,|but bat ponies have already colonized the entire galaxy!|Kekeke.|That's right,|it's quadrillions of bat ponies in every direction.|You'll just have to be happy with the couple we left you in your solar system.|Fuuuufufu.|But we'll be nice and let you visit our worlds.|More animatics are getting leaked_|Bats!_|https_//files.catbox.moe/11ersk.mp4|>Let me spell it out for you Anonymous.|Unless you marry me,|you are going to die from old age.|You will suffer from cancer or dementia,|most certainly becoming weaker and less active as the months go by for decades and decades until finally you’re buried in the ground somewhere.|Immortality is the only answer to suffering.|Rarity thread_|Sexy detective edition.|>Be me|>Havent watched since S3|>Get reaction video of Rarity|>Reccomended some season|episode in full from YouTube #AZ2xm#Kids|>Click on it and watch for|>Fluttershy has a younger brother now,|and he's bigger than her What the FUCK\\?|What other LORE was NEVER mentioned in the first three seasons\\?|What was her worst sin|/mlp/\\?|I didn't follow TyT but she was pretty cute in MyM|>Macaron Mare Today’s the day!|Cherie is chomping at the bit to set a record baking the world’s biggest macaron and win the title of Macaron Mare!|With her regular orders piling up-at her horse cart_, Cocoa worries Cherie has bitten off more macaron than she can chew!|But Cherie is determined until she totes out a giant-oozy-macaron with a mind of its own!|SPLAT!|Realising how important this contest is to her friend, Cocoa rallies some other horses-Perla and Candi_,|and together,|they manage to tame Cherie’s macaron flop and help her get back on track https_//youtu.be/WrkIAXmL0wU|Gif Thread_|Post horse movements|/aj/|- Applejack Thread_|Tropical edition Previous thread_|Thread links_|Voice archive https_//drive.google|Greens https_//pastebin|/4EdcwVeN https_//pastebin|/1wd0YfDm https_//pastebin|/6jZyENuM https_//mulpwiki.batpony.party/index.php/Category_Flabrus https_//pastebin|/u/docmajor119|https_//mulpwiki.batpony.party/index.php/Category_Rahzma A playlist of Applejack songs https_//www.youtube|/playlist\\?list=PLc9PEja7FcxBAd7vP8|Pinkie Pie Thread_|Post pink kitchen apron girl.|Fan Site Alternative Thread|This is the general thread for the alternative fan sites of the My Little Pony fandom.|Discussion,|development suggestions,|and criticisms are all welcome here.|Still on life support edition.|>Why alternate boorus\\?|Changes to Derpibooru have made the site a less than ideal location for pony fan art.|several new boorus arose to provide alternatives.|Many of the altbooru owners post in thread and listen to questions and comments from anons.|Please keep posts about Derpibooru in the thread on mlpg.co.|>Why alternate text sites\\?|>Why alternate text,|fanfiction,|and fanfiction archival sites\\?|Pastebin has deleted,|and continues to delete,|greentexts on the site.|FimFiction does not allow stories in the greentext format.|FimFetch has been purging foalcon and other material deemed to be|\"unacceptable\"|as late as Jan|2024,.|As such,|a new home is needed.|Overview_|altboorus.org|booru.foalcon by Pathos-!!arjIjTdCTdq-- Underage lyrabooru.org|- Hot glue|>Greentext,|>File sharing smutty.horse-frozen until further notice-IWIFTP|>Latest Developments_|- Ponybooru has been up and down a lot due to server issues.|- FoalFetch is being worked on,|but slowly.|- Floorb is working on a project to archive pony from Twitter, DeviantArt and maybe other sites,|and looking for volunteers to help.|- A security/privacy issue on Ponepaste,|which allowed for anyone to view one's private paste titles,|their authors,|and tags-but not its actual content-was patched.|- The fanfiction archival site FimFetch escalates its ongoing purge of content deemed by them as|\"unacceptable\"-mainly foalcon-by hosting a list of accounts from all around the fandom-FimFiction, Discord, AO3, Derpibooru,|ect.-they|\"found\"|to be associated with said material.|In response, Floorb has created foalfetch.net.|For keeping up with the ongoing drama,|see https_//ponepaste.org/9926|/mlpu/|- MLP|Yuri/Lesbian General_|After Sx Smoke Edition Discuss and debate your favorite dyke ships or just post mares lezzing out.|Post freckled cowboy hat girl.|Post blue spandex shorts girl.|FoE/|- Fallout Equestria_|Post Apocalyptic Pony Thread_|Rare species edition.!|Fallout Equestria,|a story that bleeds two franchises together to build something magical.|On one side,|you have death,|destruction,|decay,|and misery|-on the other,|you have ponies.|Doesn't sound like it should mix\\?|You'd be surprised.|When the world around you is wasteland,|all you're left with is hope,|and as we all know,|ponies can do spectacular things with just a little hope.|Read Fallout Equestria by Kkat to appreciate the setting that many writers have then lent upon after being so captivated by the wonders.|The original story which spawned its own fandom can be found here_|These next four stories comprise the rest of what is considered|\"the big|alongside the original.|They were biggest hitters early in the fandom,|be it for having started before many others,|their length,|or overall quality.|>Project Horizons_|>Pink Eyes_|https_//www.fimfiction.net/story/931/|>Heroes_|https_//www.fimfiction.net/story/662/|>Murky Number Seven_|Though,|a reminder;|just because these are the most well known,|that isn't to say that there aren't other stories out there!|There are many hidden gems that simply don't get the love they deserve purely because people don't give them the chance.|Why not open your heart and try to find a new favorite\\?|Anons are absolutely welcomed and encouraged to return with fic discussion of even the most obscure fics!|Fan games_|>Fallout Equestria_|Remains A|Fallout Equestria Roguelike.|It is the best thing to come of the fandom recently.|Seriously go play it https_//foe-remains.gitlab.io/main_en.html|>Balefire Blues A|Hearts of Iron IV mod.|In it you take control over various FoE factions seeking to conquer the wasteland.|>Ashes Town A derivative of Pony Town,|set in the Fallout Equestria universe.|Thread Topic_|Whats your personal head-canon for some of the non equine races in FOE\\?\\?|Art Thread|Backends_|>https_//github|/LykosAI/StabilityMatrix This is more of a one click manager that you can install|run the other backends though.|Easiest by far.|stablediffusion if checkpoint...->Stable Diffusion Automatic1111|/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui I would recommend installing this through Stability Matrix.|>ComfyUI https_//github|/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI\\?tab=readme-ov-file#installing Has a learning curve but is extremely customizable and usually has the latest methods|papers implemented first.|>\"But I don't have a decent GPU\"|https_//novelai.net You could also use a service like civitai.|Models_|>Pony Diffusion V6|XL https_//civitai|>Autism Mix-Alternative model based upon pony diffusion, I prefer the DPO version of it.|Better anatomy|more coherent.-https_//civitai|>Seaart-Less pony knowledge but has artist tags and is very high quality.-https_//civitai|>Useful artist style LoRA_|>LoRAs by|/mlp/_|https_//rentry.org/ponyxl_loras|/h and other useful info_|https_//rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff|>How to make your own LoRA_|https_//rentry.org/59xed3|/articles/3522/valstrixs-crash-course-guide-to-lora-and-lycoris-training https_//civitai|/articles/4100/how-to-create-a-style-lycoris-for-ponyxl-on-low-vram-locally|>Prompt tips for new users_|Use tags from e621|and natural language.|Here,|all the usual misinfo already addressed in one easy place for your viewing displeasure_|/watch\\?v=F-i09Nz96cw|/mlpfit/_|2-0.|Why was he written out of tyt when mym showed that he was moving into the Brighthouse\\?|I want to play an MLP|G4|video game_|But you know,|not complete dog shit.|Looking for stuff like RPG's or maybe farming/slice of life simulators.|I'm even down for games made for a more|\"mature\"|audience.|Got any good suggestions anons\\?|Fluttershy Thread_|Shy Does It for Free Edition For those seeking any and all things Fluttershy.|>/shy/thread Ponepaste-includes the OP,|writefag list,|writefag request bin,|and all current/completed stories-https_//ponepaste.org/user/FluttershyThread|>Collaborative Fluttershy playlist-request for new content to be added in the thread-https_//www.youtube|>/mushy/|Musical mixtape-request for new content to be added in the thread-https_//www.youtube|NOBODY|EXPECTS|MY|LITTLE|PONY|TALES|Are there character that SHOULD have been in G4\\?|What the fuck does this mean\\?_|anon,|what does this shit mean\\?|What does it mean that it's a big Trixie marble\\?|I thought maybe it was a bowling ball but there's no holes and on further inspection it looks closer to a huge marble,|but I'm open to anything at this point.|But she's also tied to the teacup somehow\\?|Try again\\?|Try again at what\\?|And to what end\\?|What's going on\\?|>anon,|if it's not too much trouble,|could you,|um,|turn up the heat a little bit\\?|It's k-kinda chilly.|My Massive Pony_|Great and Powerful edition Writers,|and critiques are always welcome,|so long as it pertains to the main idea of the thread which is size difference.|Check out our slowly growing ponepaste_|https_//ponepaste.org/3112|Sweetie Belle is a slut.|Good mooorrrning people!|The sun is shimmering,|and there are sisters that need a plowing!|What if when Fluttershy was under the influence of poison joke not only her voice dropped low but she grew low hanging balls too\\?|That voice had to come from somewhere|Lingerie Thread_|Reply with your pony waifus wearing all things lingerie related.|>Please darling as if I would ever have sex with somepony who already lost their virginity back in their homeworld.|You think I couldnt smell it\\?|I dont know who she is but you were marked the moment you enter Equestria.|Its too bad.|Bad hair day|/pnk/|- Pinkie Pie Thread_|Strawberry Edition Previous thread_|My queen is so cool and powerful.|Posey Thread_|Brighthouse Egregore Edition_|Posey has been inducted into the|\"Brighthouse Egregore\"|in the latest episode|will our chudmare ever be the same\\?|You thought her simply befriending Pipp was her downfall\\?|You haven't seen nothing yet.|What's an egregore\\?|Wikipedia has this definition_|>An egregore-also spelled egregor;|from French|égrégore,|from Ancient Greek|ἐγρήγορος,|egrēgoros|'wakeful'-is a concept in Western esotericism of a non-physical entity or thoughtform that arises from the collective thoughts and emotions of a distinct group of individuals.|On the bright side,|we can expect more Posey,|on the downside_|She's being brainwashed into participating in the occultism of friendship.|Gloomy sweat edition mayne!|/BFFs/|Glasses Are Cute edition_|This thread is for the bestest BFFs ever_|Izzy!|this is not a shipping thread.|>Greentext stories short and long_|only the starting one,|so make sure to check the replies for any continuation!|Izzy has to choose|Izzy get confused in prison|Izzy discovers it too|Izzy is probably drunk|Anon is distressed|Misty makes dinner for her friends|Then they have a sleep over|Izzy loses a special friend|Izzy is very good at Uno|Definitely Izzy is unique at Bridlewood|Izzy pranks her friends with an Izzy plush and absolutely nothing goes wrong|Green based on|Anon explains Izzy's shorter mane|Anon compliments Izzy|Less a green and more an idea vomit but hey it's OC|Izzy shows Anon how a unicorn does...|New_|Continuation-and maybe conclusion\\?-of the plush-come-to-life saga|Our pink princess is so precious!|Izzy Moonbow_|>Hi new friend!|Tell Your Tale_|Sleepover!!_|/watch\\?v=aGPEJ-Vh1Ec Previous_|Should I be fapping exclusively to my waifu or is that just an extra challenge anons impose on themselves\\?|I don't see it as cheating or being unfaithful since it's just masturbating but I would like to do it to be closer to my waifu.|/Bale/|Beginner And Low Effort art thread|-#52_|Welcome friends, ITT_|We make and share pony art,|with absolutely no pressure to deliver anything that's technically good-besides having ponies in it,|which makes it good by default-Make something,|share what you've done,|and give feedback and motivation to help us all keep improving and creating!|This thread's focus is art,|but beginner or low effort content of any kind is welcome here.|If you do want to post about something else like music,|gamedev,|or crafts,|just note that you may find better help and feedback posting it in the|thread Are you an experienced artist\\?|Leave some tips,|feedback,|guides,|or tutorials,|they're well appreciated here!|Guides,|tutorials and resources!|Start here!|https_//mares.horse/bale https_//ponepaste.org/8268|Draw with other|videos_|https_//pony.tube/c/bale_stuff/videos|The Curious Case of the Short-Lived|>CYOA\\?|Choose Your Own Adventure.|AKA|Quest.|>Discuss Current, Finished and Upcoming CYOAs|>Give advice on CYOAs|>Pitch ideas|>Get critique|>Trade art List of stories_|WIP-formerly anonpone_.|Your best bet is to search via desuarchive.|List of related content_|https_//poneb.in/JfNFvCxZ|>How do I run a CYOA\\?|>I can't into art,|but I'm a competent writer.|Should I still run a CYOA\\?|JUST|DO|>What day is best\\?|https_//strawpoll|/polls/e7ZJONmvvy3|>What time is best\\?|/polls/bVg86rz02yY|>What race would you play\\?|/polls/GJn4GoO0byz|>What genre are you interested in\\?|/polls/XOgOJ17M0n3|>Can I run a CYOA in this General Thread\\?|Yes,|just take care to differentiate yourself if there's another ongoing CYOA here.|>Active CYOAs as this thread was posted Moonlit|Traversia|I just wanted to say that you are all wonderful ponies and I'm sure you're gonna make your pretend monkey husbands very happy|Gmod Server Thread|To join add|to your Favorites in Multiplayer|Legacy Browser.|To start a gamemode/map change type rtv in chat.|To see server specific commands enter|!commands in chat on the server.|To watch videos with Media Player use Gmod's|64-bit version.|Enable it from the Betas tab in the game's Properties on Steam.|Addon lists_|Server status_|https_//www.battlemetrics|or https_//www.gametracker|Recommended content packs_|HL1_S, Episode|1/2, TF2|content and CS_S content+maps.|https_//gmodcontent|or https_//kajar9.wixsite|LINUX|PAC3/PPM2|collections and other user content_|https_//ponepaste.org/7931|Current gamemodes are Sandbox, TTT2, Death Run, Dropzone, Elevator, Extreme Football Throwdown, Fat #AZ2xm#Kid, Flood, Gungame, Hide and Seek, Horde, HL1|Co-op, HL1|Infected, Lambda_HL2|COOP_, Open Virus, Overwatch, Prop Hunt, Quake|3, SledBuild, The Stalker, Trash Compactor, Zombie Survival,|and Final Frontier.|Go do something that makes your waifu proud|-anything!|She's worth it.|Use this thread to talk about her and why you love her.|Your waifu is before you!|She's your friend,|but still unaware about your feeings.|How would you express them\\?|Its not necessary to rush it,|but mutuality is your goal,|obviously.|>What is a waifu\\?|What defines a waifu\\?|Your waifu is the one character you wish to be with your entire life,|until death do you part.|Possibly beyond that,|Most often this manifests as a romantic interest.|>How do you know if you have a waifu\\?|When you meet your waifu,|you will know.|The world around you will become colorful.|You will realize that you were living in monochrome the entire time.|Her existence provides context and meaning to yours,|a perfect complement,|a perfect comfort,|a perfect love.|There may be low periods,|periods of doubt,|but the rhythm of life will forever pull one towards their waifu,|for that love is eternal.|Long-running discussion,|latecomers,|and the occasional bump are welcome and encouraged,|but we would prefer that the thread not be kept on extended life support.|Worldbuilding Bread_|ITT we discuss Equestria Prompts_|>Which fic or green has the best worldbuilding\\?|>Which fic or green has the strangest worldbuilding\\?|>What time period and area of Equestria do you prefer to write/read/fantasize about\\?|>Which fanart evokes the feeling of Equestria the most to you\\?|>What are some unpopular or uncommon headcanons that you hold\\?|>If you could make|adventure episode at any point in the show,|what would the episode be about\\?|/green/|- Greentext General|Welcome to your|/green/text sanctuary.|Our mission_|rally the troops,|get fingers typing,|flood the board with greentexts.|Anchor your stories here,|finished or not.|Seek feedback and tips on them.|Want to resurrect some forgotten favorites,|dig up an underrated gem,|brainstorm your next big idea\\?|Do it here.|We want-You_.|Let's keep this cornerstone of|culture alive!|▶/mlp/|paste service_|▶Tips and links_|Clever’s Tips on How to Write Short Stories_|https_//rentry.org/CleverShort Ezn’s Guide to Writing Fanfiction_|Vhatug's tips for anatomically correct clop_|/Mare/con|- Writing Greentext_|Horsewords and You_|Characters|Motivation_|https_//youtu.be/4Uqj0orBS0s Horsewords|&-You__|/live/mYtcqDtoTm4\\?si=Kud0Eyai-CWneCVz|▶Generals Greentext Gallery_|https_//rentry.org/GreenArchive Previous thread_|Turnabout Storm/Elements of Justice Thread_|This is about the fan series Turnabout Storm and Elements of Justice because I got depressed at the lack of new episodes this week.|Post stuff about them.|I want Sonata to sit on me.|Pregnancy General_|Swollen Sisters_|This is the Pregnancy General,|not stillborn and ready to be borne again.|We've lately been building up a bundle of regular artists,|storytellers,|and others again;|may this general get quicker and continue quickening.|For files and other things we can't discuss in this thread,|there's a fraternal twin thread over inside Pregchan,|https_//pregchan|/f/res/100.html That thread is the third in a series,|and here are the prior Pregchan threads,|which have been archived here_|here are two archives of our greentexts_|https_//u.smutty.horse/lxqgizelhjx.zip https_//u.smutty.horse/lzbpjsjvhjs.zip Here’s a list of some artists and writers who use these threads_|>GFM_Lewdendorff https_//ponepaste.org/user/GFM_Lewdendorff|>pinkS|Here are some questions to stimulate activity while waiting for the birth_|How would you feed and otherwise care for your gravid dam\\?|Which aspects of magical pony pregnancy excite you most\\?|To be or not to be hyper pregnant\\?|Shoving bellies aside,|which anatomical change do you most appreciate\\?|What's something rarely covered in art or stories you'd like to see focussed on\\?|Who are your favourite artists and writers;|which pieces of theirs are your favourites\\?|For the relevant species,|such as pegasi,|do you prefer eggs or live birth\\?|Would you want to help your mare dress herself,|and in what\\?|How would you cuddle your gravid mare and where\\?|Just how would you comfort your mare if she had a tummy ache,|possibly from eating too much cake\\?|SCHLOP|Post best filly!|/bug/|Total Love Bug Edition_|Oops,|forgot to make another bread Here in|/bug/,|we take Queen Chrysalis on romantic walks,|a kiss on the cheek for Changelings,|and spend time cuddling gaylings.|Some old links_|Old Hive Directory_|https_//ponepaste.org/4223|Very Old|https_//poneb.in/PjB4LKgd BuggyCYOA archive_|https_//ponepaste.org/4086|How does this comment make you feel\\?|I need friends_|This make my childhood-o_∇_o__|Mind control thread|eldritch magic edition_|Originating from a thread about a niche form of hypnosis,|now encompasses varied hypnosis methods from spiraling specs to subtle spells,|swinging watches to wafting brews.|Post anything and everything about controlling a mind.|All ponies-mares and stallions,|fillies and colts-are welcome and encouraged.|Greens and other content only tangentially related will be better recieved in SPG or SiM depending.|Good rule of thumb is if it doesn’t involve taking control of a pony’s mind,|it probably goes somewhere else.-e.g.|no slavery without mind control scenes, IRL self-hypnosis audio,|or tupperware rp-Thread archive https_//ponepaste.org/9352|So Proud of Myself_|How did she become the main character\\?|Mare Day Shirt Pre-Orders_|Fallen Oak is offering pre-orders on some sick mare drip for Mare Day!|Emails say that these high quality,|31st at|5pm EDT,|and also on limited sale at Mare Day.|no more will be sold.|Those who got a ticket,|like yours truly,|have already been sent an email with the details.|But if you haven’t bought a Mare Day ticket,|do so before the pre-order deadline and they’ll send you an email with details.|I’ve been told that if you have a ticket and didn’t get an email,|that you should reach out to mareday-at-fallenoak dot org.|If your friend bought a ticket for you,|you should probably talk to your friend.|There’s not too many Mare Day tickets left,|but you can get em here_|https_//fallenoak.org/mareday/|It's releasing tomorrow!|I hope you will have Fun|Caravan Guard CYOA|>You are Ardent Mind,|an experienced caravan guard and a senior team leader of Steady Stride Caravan Guard Company|>Your job is to escort ponies across the Badlands and beyond to the new colonies in the Mysterious South,|fighting Changelings, Diamond Dogs,|giant lizards and other dangerous wildlife found in The Badlands and the lands beyond|>Most recently you were hired by the Equestrian Rehoming Project,|an organization responsible for managing and encouraging immigration to Equestria’s new colonies|>Your job is to escort and protect one of the Project’s heads,|her entourage,|and a large number of settlers,|fifty ponies in all,|all the way from the city of Appleloosa to New Ponyville in the southern colonies|>The job has been rougher than normal but the excitement reached a crescendo just a week ago when Diamond Dogs trapped your group within a canyon,|leading you to take shelter in a newly excavated ancient Dog temple|>After a costly battle in the temple you were forced to take a metaphorical leap of faith,|leading you and your remaining clients to find yourselves trapped in an underground Diamond Dog city|>For days you looked for ways to escape the underground|>It cost the health of a mare close to you,|as well as your own|you instead took a diplomatic approach|>After a meeting with the leader of the Diamond Dogs, Abuwityuw,|you came to a peace agreement|>The Dogs will let you leave in peace in exchange for you giving up several important ponies and arranging a peace agreement with a nearby group of Equestrian knights|avoiding traps along the way Because it's been a month since the last post I'll be reposting the last prompt and holding a revote for what to do next.-Characters_|/PqtD6vYH-Previous Threads_|My Ponk stopped ponking,|what do I do\\?|Flutterrape|>What is Flutterrape\\?|Flutterrape is a collection of stories about ponies trying and failing to have sex with Anon,|the only human in Equestria.|While the title implies that it is Fluttershy trying to rape Anon,|others may follow in her stead and attempt their own versions of rape.|There are different versions of Flutterrape,|but most are light-hearted comedies about the ponies failing in their attempts to get into Anon’s pants.|Just because your story has Anon in it,|doesn't mean it fits in this thread.|Check other threads-AiE, RGRE etc-about story content before posting.|>It's been|years,|how is this thread still alive\\?|A perverse mixture of necromancy and spite.|>How do I start writing\\?|Use your imagination,|you nitwit.|Additionally,|brush up on your grammar and abandon your standards.|Writing Guides_|Clever Dick's Tips For Short Stories|--https_//ponepaste.org/1274|Driverbang's Writing Guide|--https_//ponepaste.org/1275|Navarone's Writing Rules|--https_//ponepaste.org/1276|For additional information,|lurk.|You could also check out the T_EM/P/O or|threads for further writing advice,|unless they're dead.|So many threads have died,|but only Flutterrape has remained.|We shall always remain.|We are bound to the fate of the board as a lich is bound to its phylactery.|Masterlist_|https_//ponepaste.org/user/FlutterrapeGeneral Author List_|https_//ponepaste.org/1270|FIMfiction Group_|https_//ponepaste.org/1268|https_//desuarchive.org/mlp/search/text/Flutterrape/|There is nothing more pure than love between a man and a mare.|\"lonely at the top\"|edition Old thread_|Ongoing greens_|Shape Your Home by PoneGreen https_//ponepaste.org/477-Part|1-https_//ponepaste.org/478-Part|2-https_//ponepaste.org/479-Part|3-https_//ponepaste.org/480-Part|interlude-Completed/on hiatus/ded greens_|GET|OUT|HEAD by Anonymous|Dreams to Dream by Stabbythesnowman https_//ponepaste.org/590|https_//ponepaste.org/4197-part|3-A|Wish Enough for Two by TakeItEasy-née YukkuriPaleHorse-https_//ponepaste.org/8269|The Recruiter-epilogue-by pentapony https_//ponepaste.org/4316|Hallmark Dream-a by lmone6|https_//ponepaste.org/3004|Stories by Pentapony https_//ponepaste.org/user/pentapony Carl's Hardened Heart by Reggiesomething https_//ponepaste.org/1112|\"Fleetfooted\"|by SadBoy https_//poneb.in/u/MLPSadBoy Stories by Aftercase https_//ponepaste.org/user/Aftercase Stories by AnthonyC4|https_//ponepaste.org/user/AnthonyC4|Stories by Horse Story Anon https_//ponepaste.org/user/Appreciationproject Stories by YukkuriPalehorse https_//poneb.in/u/YukkuriPalehorse Rainbow Dash and the Ghosts of Hearts|Hooves Day by Lonesome Rider https_//poneb.in/U2Jtfc59|Stories by Trandhal_|https_//ponepaste.org/user/trandhal Rocks out of the Quarry_|https_//poneb.in/aX2C686i Stories by Tsar Anon_|https_//poneb.in/BnjZqwM3|Stories by Angry Wino_|tinyurl dot com slash vskmqfx Stories by Crabs of Steam_|https_//poneb.in/u/Crabs_of_steam The Broken Carousel-Part|https_//ponepaste.org/1541-Twilight Sparkle Interlude|https_//ponepaste.org/1543-Part|https_//ponepaste.org/1542-Twilight Sparkle Interlude|https_//ponepaste.org/1544|This Heart That Fears https_//poneb.in/0b7L24Ln Tsukumogami https_//poneb.in/WPw3dNdP|Low Self-Esteem AJ https_//poneb.in/x5FMfxc0|All I want from christmas https_//poneb.in/XHH5UPCN|Couch Surfing https_//poneb.in/82NscJdW|A collection of misc.|green since the|1st thread https_//poneb.in/0JMPM6F8|S2E3|Animatic_|https_//files.catbox.moe/i7pwed.mp4|Foodpony Thread|Flavored Boops Edition_|We will keep trying until EVERYONE enjoys the flavor.|https_//files.catbox.moe/3a4bh7.mp4|/merch/|\"Breaking The Shell!\"|Edition Post and talks about pony merchandise,|official or not.|Discuss plushies,|figures,|clothes,|books,|pins and more!|And new ways to add ponies to our life!|>is selling your products here allowed\\?|Of course!|Absolutely allowed.|>can I talk or post here about my crafting even if what I do isn't for sale\\?|Yes!|We accept merch in all its forms.|>where can I find the old threads\\?|They are all in the Links Index Pastebin,|after the links section.|>where can I find the video/collage of the anniversaries\\?|They are at the bottom of the Link Index Pastebin,|after the archived threads section.|>https_//pastebin|/UhL9KNZF|Here is a pastebin that contains all the links posted and discussed here.|Mainly pony shops,|but also rare/little known products,|figuremaker contacts,|among other things!|Main Links|List of Active Plushmakers_|List of Public Plushie Patterns_|Plush Pattern-with instructions!__|mares.horse/p/plush.html|Patches/Stickers/Desk Flags_|Pins, Stickers, Wallscrolls_|ko-fi|/rocketlawnchair/shop|4cc Jerseys, Pins_|etsy|/shop/zemming|Wallets_|https_//shop.mares.horse/|HorsePussy Books_|amazon|/gp/product/B086PLNPYF/|Feel free to suggest links about pony stuff to be added here and in the pastebin!|Fluttershy if she was a decent character|>I offer you a deal Anon.|You bring me the original Twilight Sparkle’s book of spells and I’ll help you rape all the mares you want.|Or you can have fun with Chrysalis over there.|She might have created me from naught but a simple hair,|but surprisingly I’m more powerful than she is.|I drained all her magic too,|so now shes stuck as a powerless,|has-been Queen.|What do you say hmm\\?|Oh and before you say the wrong answer or try to run away I must remind you that my minions would have no issue ripping you to pieces and feeding you to the timberwolves.|Cotton Cloudy_|Post more of the sixth-best filly|HarmonyCon|Who's going this year\\?|Also new website just dropped,|reg opens on August|and highest tier sponsor badge is|$20k https_//harmonycon.org/|>https_//harmonycon.org/|this g1|reboot is weird|>muah!|>i always knew about the comics|>Never cared too much about them|>I never read comics,|and even if i loved mlp i wouldn't start to read comics because of it|>Clueless.png|>Re-watch the show again since i have nothing better to do|>Im left with a desire for more|>But not the fanfic type more|>I want more oficial mlp|>Im not watching g5|>Im not watching g1-3|>Get reminded about the comics existance|>\"Shure why not\"|>Find all the comics on some page|>Expect to read|or two and then never continue|>Go through chrysalis comics|>\"Kek that was fun\"|>\"See whats next and i'll probably leave these\"|>Become unironically intersted in the story|>She appears|>Im stunned|>I keep reading,|almost like on a trance|>I screenshot every panel in wich she appears|>Pic fucking related|>I snap|>WHY|DID|TELL|ME|ABOUT|HER\\?!|>SHE|BADDEST|BITCH|EQUESTRIA|>i look at my waifu|>She went from a|pretty mare to a generous|>Look at other mares|>Every mare looked better than the average human woman,|but now they are all|3/10's|>She ruined other ponies for me|>She is too pretty I wouldn't be able to tell you a single shit about what happend in the comic btw,|i was too bussy jacking off|>can’t keep a consistent voice from her debut throughout|seasons,|episodes and several specials of content The only explanation is that shes a Changeling or its multiple Changelings.|ain't gonna be|hooves are hard and keratinous.|Do you think they have to use hoof nippers for hooficures|} {Pony|4chan_|Sort By_|Show OP|Comment_|R_|I_|Puzzle thread_|Time for another comfy puzzle thread.|>go to https_//jiggie.fun|>upload a pony picture|>post link for fellow anons|>solve puzzle with fellow anons https_//jiggie.fun/6HWvof|pcs, SFW|I can fix her|rember too bee yuorself|/ggf/|- Griffon GF|Thread_|A thread dedicated to the lovely catbirbs and griffon gfs/bfs.|Griffonbros wake up!|>Previous Thread-Jul|>ai griffon gfs-https_//beta.character.ai/-Gilda_|https_//beta.character.ai/chat\\?char=p5QXxLOFdx5okCH4okBzLbFLDsIWptG_mUHdWhq8RkE|Gallus_|Silverstream_|>Gilda Green Archive-Last Updated_|>Previous griffon gf threads Jul|May|Apr|Mar|Jan|Dec|Oct|Aug|Jun|Feb|Sep|/mppp/|- Mass Produced Pony Plushies_|Verity Orders are at|BUY|BUY!|http_//order.mppp.horse/|MOREOVER, NOMINATE|THE|NEXT|PLUSHIE!-See next post->What is this about\\?|RTFM_|https_//docs.google|SPREADSHEET|FAQ_|>What's the current status\\?|current payment/shipping_|N/A|current pre-order/production_|upcoming pre-order/production_|prototype in progress_|Woona|planned characters_|N/A,|things are slow in China.|>What can I do\\?|bump,|shill this project to other Anons,|make content and advertisements|design the next plush,|provide feedback|suggestions on the next prototype|expand and supercharge the project's blueprint|>any alternatives besides current manufacturer\\?|if you have any suggestions,|please share with the thread.|>I don't like your stupid idea, I disagree with...|if you have better ways to run things,|you can contribute here!|>I have issues with my plush order|sensitive questions regarding this project,|how can I contact the organizers\\?|email info@mppp.horse for plush support.|for general enquires,|just ask in the thread.|Previous thread_|/moon/day_|Blue Moon Edition_|/moon/day Thread OP template_|https_//ponepaste.org/4423|/moon/day Story Archive_|Coming soon\\?-some deprecated can be found on ponepaste-Lunar Tunes Playlist_|https_//www.youtube|Equestria Project-meditation/lucid dreaming guide__|https_//pastebin|/3mQfmH24|old|/moon/day story archive_|https_//poneb.in/He5X50m6|Humanizations of Princess Luna and others have a dedicated thread|-post them there.|Keep it pony-aside from inclusions of Anonymous in pics_.|Ongoing Stories_|Stories On Hiatus_|\"Moonlight, Veiled|- Book|2\",|by horsa_|https_//ponepaste.org/6285|\"Assistant to the Night Court\",|by LmonE6_|https_//ponepaste.org/121|Dead-Until proven otherwise-Stories_|\"Lunar Entanglement, Act I\",|by ReggieSomething_|https_//ponepaste.org/1113|\"Ghost in the Shadows\"|https_//ponepaste.org/7522|\"Embracing the Night, Part|5\",|by AutoPony_|https_//ponepaste.org/3605|Heart Longs for Another\",|by AnthonyC4_|https_//ponepaste.org/873|\"Our Thirty Years War\",|by TheGhostlydude_|https_//ponepaste.org/6795|Bond Through the Ages\",|by Ar-Adunakhor_|https_//ponepaste.org/6722|\"MoonyCYOA\",|by Krivvy_|https_//ponepaste.org/4290|by Starla_|https_//ponepaste.org/5708|Untitled story by Alcatraz,|Upcoming moon phases_|Full-Blue-Moon_|/moon/day,|AUG-Today!-Third Quarter_|New Moon_|Sep First Quarter_|Canterslut Thread_|Sluttifying-You-against your will!|Check out our KINO slutty story archive!|https_//ponepaste.org/6295|Previous Sluttery_|Previous Thread_|-https_//ponepaste.org/3956|GreentextSavant’s Pastebin|-http_//pastebin|/u/AlexanderGrey BG9's Pastebin|-https_//pastebin|/u/BG9_Reborn Gritsaw’s Pastebin|/u/Gritsaw Zharkaer's Pastebin|/u/Zharkaer Tstar231's Pastebin|/u/Tstar231|HolytntDiver's Pastebin https_//pastebin|Cold by BOLTGREENS -https_//ponepaste.org/3959|Shorts|-https_//www.youtube|Fimfiction Thread_|less bookclub posts!_|Come one and all to the meta-writefag and help raise the quality of MLP fanfiction!|Featuring_|Making up crap to look smart!|ITT_|2012, Redheart's Gore, Disregarding all romance fics,|and weak minds doing unspeakable acts!|>/fimfic/|Secret Book Club The seventy-fourth book is|'The Princess of Night in the City of Light'_|If-You-want to participate,|finish the entire story by the|25th.|>Recommended stories_|Tired of authors forgetting that brevity is key\\?|Fed up with|10k inner monologue chapters\\?|Well,|we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!|New Starter Kit|Old Starter Kit|-http_//i.imgur|/vuTA7EN.png|>Common fic abbreviations used by the thread_|https_//ponepaste.org/7317|\">review|\"|\">discuss|Userscript for extra features_|https_//ponepaste.org/8619|>An in-depth writing guide for beginners_|https_//eznguide.neocities.org/|>Can you pre-read my story\\?|Post it on Google Docs or HackMD with comments enabled and give us a link.|>Additional material for authors_|-https_//ponepaste.org/932|Politics and the English Language|-https_//www.orwell.ru/library/essays/politics/english/e_polit/|Vhatug's tips for anatomically correct clop|-https_//poneb.in/g4VpEg4f Setting a story in motion|-https_//youtu.be/ufO8LbwTdu0|Taking criticism|-https_//youtu.be/-v4R2ZcxPlA|Fillyanon's Bookshelf|-https_//ponepaste.org/5555|-https_//ponepaste.org/user/IHeartShinzakura Appleanon reads fics|-https_//poneb.in/wmGX7FPm Deluxe Big Master Review List|-https_//docs.google|Guide to Rational Fics|-https_//files.catbox.moe/3jzrfm.png The Royal Canterlot Library's Top|Fanfics|-https_//royalcanterlotlibrary.net/top16/|Childhood is hating Spike for being an annoying midget.|Adulthood is hating him for being a Raricuck.|Just Dropped By|-/jdb/_|Mining,|Archived threads_|Your favourite mares_|So I've seen many|\"Your Favourite..\"|tables already so I thought I would make a much more pony themed variant of it!|So please fill in your favourite mares and such if you want to!|You don't have to fill in everything if nothing comes to mind at that moment.|/tfhg/|Them's Fightin' Herds General_|ded game ded thred and yet we persist Previous thread_|/ourlobby/_|Leaf-rip-Console release is here!-Nintendo Switch, Sony Playstation|and Playstation|5, Microsoft Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S-https_//www.youtube|/watch\\?v=psdeHoARfYM|Events|nothing nada zilch An update is supposedly coming...|eventually.|>Steam page_http_//store.steampowered|/index.php\\?threads/785/|>Fighting Game Beginner's Guide_|>Mizuumi Wiki_|https_//wiki.gbl.gg/w/Them's_Fightin'_Herds|trailer_|/watch\\?v=LEBOSUOLTXM|>Shanty trailer_|/watch\\?v=hiw3kMTAVFo|/watch\\?v=kEsG0DYF1yo|>Texas trailer_|/watch\\?v=oSM20gOntLM|>Stronghoof trailer_|/watch\\?v=-vlIQ21-fj0|>Nidra reveal trailer_|>Baihe reveal trailer there isn't one lel lmao|She is perfection incarnate,|and the most marryable pony ever!|Rarity has a fat ass.|/opg/|Open Pony General|- Frolicking on the Beach Edition_|>What is Open Pony\\?|3D pony models.|Info here_|https_//www.equestriadaily|>Just give me a MARE|Idiotproof starter guide_|https_//drive.google|https_//ponepaste.org/7410|Braindead simple Anonmare guide_|https_//smutty.mare.stream/mlajjqelswj.png https_//smutty.mare.stream/mjmqtlwwntf.mp4|>Join the|/mlp/|>Where is the|hangout\\?|Baltimare,|open-access_|Cloudsdale,|invite-only_|- WIP https_//baltimare.pages.dev/|https_//baltimare.hotmilk.space/|>After that,|Luna's Empire|H-Mart Tower-Free goodies in the gift shop__|Ponyville shop_|>Content creation resources_|https_//ponepaste.org/8725|>Baltimare design/planning channels_|https_//app.element.io/#/room/#baltimare_pony.cx|>Live Baltimare stream https_//picarto.tv/BalTV https_//picarto.tv/BalTV2|Which one is better and more classy\\?|Draw Thread_|Request,|draw,|submit.|Mark requests with|‘/r/’|‘/d/’|for deliveries,|‘/ic/’|for critiques.|Also,|when|/r/equesting,|to make it easier for drawfags to fulfill your request.|- Don't spam or bump your requests.|- IGNORE|SHITPOSTERS/ATTENTIONWHORES.|- Don't respond to the spam.|Just report and hide it and move on.|>DROPBOX|ARCHIVE -https_//www.dropbox|QUICK|LINKS|>Draw Thread Information|>/mlp/|drawfag improvement|>Pony Drawing Tutorials|-https_//mares.horse/draw https_//mlpg.co/art/res/23.html|Kinderquestria/Anon in pone prison|upsies edition_|Welcome to the Thread!|Kinderquestria/Anon in pone prison focuses on the world and adventures of naive #AZ2xm#child like ponies and the misadventures and shenanigans of Anon that results in him going to prison!|To get a good handle on how things are done around here I implore you to check out our new and improved one stop shop of kinder greens and prompts here|https_//ponepaste.org/7630|EFNW is this weekend on Seattle's east side and I haven't seen any posts about it.|Any anons planning on going\\?|Slave Pony Thread|Archive Link_|>What is this thread about\\?|This thread revolves around stories about ponies getting bathed and pet.|>Can you elaborate more\\?|Sure!|SPG-Slave Pony General-is mostly about characters dealing with the actual implications of the horrifying thing that is chattel slavery.|It's more looking at how people with modern sensibilities deal with the ownership of another sentient being,|and how most people aren't total cunts.|Are you new and want to write your own story but have no previous experience\\?|Check out these guides_|https_//poneb.in/V1ujiyJt https_//poneb.in/bnMmZ2T3|https_//poneb.in/g4VpEg4f-clop specific-We have a Discord server!|https_//discord.gg/b7EFmaj Remember not to save anything of value on pastebin,|use ponepaste.org Have a broken pastebin link\\?|Replace pastebin with poneb.in|--- Featured Story_|--- Lithia By Icehunt/KarmaFields|-https_//ponepaste.org/8260|--- Most Recently Completed Story_|--- Getting Shy by AspiringWritefag|-https_//ponepaste.org/752|-https_//ponepaste.org/4185|--- Useful Links|---~~~|Recommended Stories for New Readers_|https_//ponepaste.org/1587|Completed Stories-37__|https_//ponepaste.org/1589|Popular Stories_|https_//ponepaste.org/1579|All Stories-209__|https_//ponepaste.org/1590|One-Shot Stories-47__|https_//ponepaste.org/1584|Thread Archive_|https_//ponepaste.org/1642|https_//1drv.ms/f/s!AiFkdye7rtydbfk0wBnid5vnFUg-outdated-~~~|You will never escape her._|Express your love for this wife-able mare.|>Oh no partner!|You ain’t commitin’|suicide on my watch.|I’ll save you as many times as I have to,|even when you think I wont be able to.|Snowpony Thread|Lichen is up to something again Edition The pic that started it all_|https_//nhnb.org/fim/res/2295.html Archive of snowpony thread art_|https_//mega.nz/folder/0okEHKxS#8FIy3EQUHM-XluGvV7knIg Archive of snowpony-related musics_|https_//ponepaste.org/5819|On the boorus,|the snowpony tag ended up being|\"snowpony-species_\"|\"taiga pony\"|>What is a snowpity\\?|https_//snowpity|>What are snowponies\\?|https_//ponepaste.org/5843|Reading material_|>Anon and Frosty Flakes https_//ponepaste.org/5609|https_//ponepaste.org/5640|>Comfy lore snippets https_//ponepaste.org/5652|https_//ponepaste.org/5650|https_//ponepaste.org/5664|>Cirrus Wisp and Filly https_//ponepaste.org/5662|>Lichen greens https_//ponepaste.org/7273|>Bury Me in White https_//ponepaste.org/5648|>Surehoof's First Ice Step https_//ponepaste.org/5689|>A cute-hopefully-snow pone short https_//ponepaste.org/5682|>My Winter Storm https_//ponepaste.org/5713|>Poetry https_//ponepaste.org/8220|https_//ponepaste.org/5857|https_//ponepaste.org/5885|>Agate's vigil is no longer WIP,|finished story now.|>The First Fish https_//ponepaste.org/7283|>New Life with Frosty Flakes-Lewd-https_//ponepaste.org/6225|>_WIP-Cultural Exchange at Spa https_//ponepaste.org/7063|>Snowfall Frost's seach for Windigos https_//ponepaste.org/7147|>The first step north https_//ponepaste.org/7468|>Pine Ponder and the Lost Scarf https_//ponepaste.org/8037|Crystal Forest Rescue https_//ponepaste.org/8082|Snowpitt vignette https_//ponepaste.org/8361|>Comet Chaser and a Windigo Hunter https_//ponepaste.org/8843|>Granite and Fireweed https_//ponepaste.org/9917|>Merch Pine Ponder approved tea_|https_//www.adagio|Snowpone patches_|https_//neighsayerpatches|/products/the-great-snowpone-expedition-patch https_//neighsayerpatches|/products/visit-snowpitt-patch|Is starlight glimmer the worst pony or twilight\\?|They're both awful,|in my opinion.|/mlp/'s Pony Gaming_|Drive-by Edition Discuss vidya and play with fellow horsefuckers.|Pony vidya,|pony mods and related videogame discussion are also encouraged,|any type or genre of videogame is welcome.|If you want to play a certain game with|don't hesitate to ask.|People might just join and play with you.|Don't be afraid to add each other.|Who knows,|maybe-You-will start up a new staple group\\?|More importantly,|have fun!|Vidya's played last thread_|Age of Empires|Black Ops|Zombies, Killing Floor|2, OpenTTD, PAYDAY|Containment Breach Multiplayer, SRB2Kart, Tabletop Simulator, Terraria, Vintage Story.|Old Posts_|Old posts from fimfiction,|/mlp/,|youtube,|whatever.|/CHAG/|–|Sweetie Bot Edition_|Welcome to Chatbot AI|#85,|the thread for discussing and improving AI pony chatbots.|▶|Bots https_//mlpchag.neocities.org Spreadsheet-extra MLP bots, CAI bots, Jailbreaks__|!!!|GALLERY|!!!_|How do I start\\?|1-Select a Frontend|2-Select an AI model|3-Select Jailbreak|4-Select bots|5-Lovemaking with AI mares!|Starting in this hobby can be opaque and difficult.|If it’s your first time and you’re lost,|ASK|THREAD!|◀|https_//rentry.org/onrms|SillyTavern-preferred frontend-https_//github|/SillyTavern/SillyTavern On Android_|https_//rentry.org/STAI-Termux Retards guide_|https_//rentry.org/Tavern4Retards App that voices pony responses in ST_|/drive/folders/16Ss26VBmgzcSuTGzhaHqRuyVRceTf-YB|More frontends_|Risu_|https_//risuai.xyz Agnai_|https_//agnai.chat Retards guide_|https_//rentry.org/agnai_guides|Locals Getting started_|https_//rentry.org/lmg-spoonfeed-guide|Museum of local pony projects_|https_//rentry.org/b8wemkqk Locals on Google Colab_|https_//rentry.org/ky239|Jailbreaks MLP|JB_|https_//rentry.org/znon7vxe More JB and guides_|https_//rentry.org/jb-listing Hypebots for Tavern_|https_//rentry.org/pn3hb|Character.AI https_//old.character.ai|PAID|OPTIONS-Ask the thread before considering these-▶|Openrouter-Free options are often available,|like Llama|8B-https_//openrouter.ai/|Setting up your own AWS instance-Claude, LLama, Mistral,|etc.-https_//rentry.org/how2aws4khanon|Scenarios, Settings,|and Presets,|see the Spreadsheet, NAI|Advanced Settings, Format,|and Cards Description_|https_//rentry.org/82b9c|Botmaking Editors_|https_//desune.moe/aichared,|https_//agnai.chat/editor Guides_|https_//rentry.org/meta_botmaking_list Advanced_|https_//rentry.org/AdvancedCardWritingTricks Previous thread_|Chag Mini VN project_|releases here_|/AeGwrvd4|News_|-New chatgpt-4o released.|Available on non-azure proxies|-Nemo Pony, Mistral Nemo base model finetuned on fimfics released_|https_//huggingface.co/Ada321/NemoPony|releases,|-Mistral Nemo and Mistral Large|released https_//mistral.ai/news/mistral-nemo,|https_//mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407|Glimglam is the best pony.|That is all.|Electricity exists in the FiM timeline\\?|Why can't twilight join flying races to help rainbow dash when she has to choose between cloudsdale and ponyville\\?|Is it because she's a princess or because she's still a bad flyer\\?|Rainbow Dash Thread_|Hoodie Edition Post pictures,|write greentexts,|and discuss Dash!|Writefags_|mobius|Dash clips_|/playlist\\?list=PLoXHb9V5YfHxoNawqkIJZCDsOHlyFO6jl Songs of Dash_|Spotify playlist_|https_//open.spotify|/playlist/7Isoflxr37EJYRcVnnoScd|/dash/|index_|https_//ponepaste.org/1400|Backup index_|https_//pastelink.net/31lnq|Have your thoughts on bats changed in the last hour\\?|A pony walks up to you right now and asks you what the meaning of life is.|They ask you why their creator put them on the planet and gave them consciousness and the ability to form complex thought and even question their place in the universe.|They ask you why suffering exists and other philosophical questions.|What do you say\\?|Spanking Thread|OC|Edition Again_|OC's.|They exist,|and some become very popular.|They can come in many forms,|and the vast majority of them have rumps.|That means they can be spanked.|After all,|why let only canon characters have all the fun\\?|Featured stories_|Griffon guard duties by Anon_|https_//ponepaste.org/7043|Thru the Window by DCFTEF_|https_//ponepaste.org/6458|On Fire|https_//ponepaste.org/6531|Stuff from last thread_|Gayness is not an excuse to avoid spankings.|AI art and comment.|Spank ideas.|Rarity and Sweetie spank story.|Drum replacement|Story ideas discussion.|Scared colt.|Bright Mac spanked by Granny.|Spank edit pic.|Flurry/Cozy spank idea.|Applebloom shorts.|Best MILF spanker discussion.|Spanking choice story.|New pic.|Story about above pic.|Rarity spanking Sweetie on the way to camp story.|Drugs and spankings.|Photo IDs.|Let me know if I missed anything,|and be sure to read some of these and acknowledge them.|The stories were pretty good as well as the new pic.|More feedback means more motivation to write/draw,|which means more good stuff.|Fantastic archive_|https_//ponepaste.org/6509|https_//www.deviantart|/dvfhgrvvghg If a thread is not active on the|1st of the month,|one will be created.|Be advised_|this is a thread about cartoon horses.|Old thread_|NEETpone/Misfit General_|AnimeCon Edition.|Previous_|>What is this general\\?|NEET/Misfit Pone is a thread for ponies who despite their best efforts-or in some cases complete lack thereof-struggle to fit in with the rest of society.|>What sort of stories can you expect to find here\\?|Slice of life stuff.|Lots of odd cute ponies becoming the waifu stories.|Lots of being the cute oddball pony stories.|A few NEET-recovery stories.|A lot of smut,|if you're into that.|Lots of ponies to get you started with a variety of personalities and quirks.|Don't like one of them\\?|Give another NEET a try!|Much,|much more!|>Quick rundown on the pre-existing ponies ITT_|Floor Bored|- The OG|NEET from the very first threads.|Floor comes in all different forms,|- Paradise is a pony who started off as a NEET but ends up going to univeristy in a PiE setting.|She's very quiet,|easily spooked,|- Huge bookworm.|Taku|- Goldie is another friend of Floors,|only she's into kaiju and big monsters.|- Floor's sports nerd friend-Pic above,|pony with the hat and lazy eye-Home Sick|- Anon Mare is entirely up to your own interpretation.|Same premise as Anon Filly but all grown up.|The self-insert pony.|Writer's Block|NEET pony whos background is currently unclear.|Know anything about her\\?|- A chubby mare who lives in a PiE kind of setting.|- A femcolt/trap NEET that enjoys making electronic music.|Very laid back,|https_//ponepaste.org/5398|https_//poneb.in/u/FrankHogs555|>Link to OP_|https_//ponepaste.org/5397|We are playing TF2!|Secret agent edition OLD|THREAD_|Pony maps,|sprays,|and micspam!|Reskinned vanilla maps-with mares-by our very own anons!|Come relive the heyday of pony TF2|with your friends from|/mlp/!|Visit our official website to check out the server info from your browser_|https_//mlp.tf/|If you'd like a custom icon on the mlp.tf scoreboard,|post your Steam ID and attach your desired icon in the thread.|>Server info Server IP_|tf2.15.ai OR|Password_|https_//steamcommunity|.bz2|file,|then place the|.bsp file in|http_//mlp.site.nfoservers|/server/maps/|Player stats_|http_//mlp.gameme|/server/demos/|Active hours_|7-9pm to|players-Custom MvM also available for early hours-42|player limit-and other gamemodes like Death Run or VSH for after-hours.|This server uses a plugin that changes the stats of some weapons.|for more info.|All reverts except for the old airblast are active by default,|and most reverts can be toggled in-game.|Consider installing mastercomfig if you have frequent frame drops,|bad hitreg,|poor network connectivity,|or are new to the game.|See https_//mastercomfig|for easy installation.|It is STRONGLY recommended that all players install some preset of mastercomfig since TF2's default netcode settings have not been changed since|THERE|IS|DISCORD|SERVER|ASSOCIATED|WITH|THIS|Any post mentioning|\"the|Discord\"|is a troll and should be ignored.|/vg/-style chatroom-posting is OFF-TOPIC and should be reported as such.|and skill level across the playerbase varies.|Join the fun!|Nightly Twilight Thread_|Magic after dark edition Twilight's favourite books_|https_//ponepaste.org/7844|Fanfic Reading_|/playlist\\?list=PLYetaRLw6_prOF6FYfBqoCtdz-D-7uUP9|Pastebins_|/u/NightlyTwilightFic https_//pastebin|/u/NighlyTwilightStorie https_//pastebin|/u/BizzarreCoyote https_//pastebin|/u/YukkuriPalehorse https_//pastebin|/u/Silver_Smoulder|/ra/|- Rarity Thread_|Fancy Dinner edition.|Last Th/ra/d_|A bunch of short greens_|https_//ponepaste.org/9328|Rarity Mixtape_|https_//youtube|Spotify Playlist_|https_//derpy.me/RJoFC|/qEw9Vbd6|Pack of every good solo Rarity pic-in progress__|July|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/ybZ5tgu7OpwUtg January|- June|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/1nEHq8Bqp8AHIg July|- December|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/lYezh-7PUbS_zA|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/J4N6U8Av-dBLXQ|>Rainbow Dash isn’t available for you to cum inside today Gorilla-Man.|I sent her on a|“secret Wonderbolt mission”|for an alicorn artifact,|thats actually some silly wild goose chase.|So why don’t you relax hmm\\?|Oh and since I’m a military official,|thats an order!|Czequestria|Nah fuck this,|we're having a thread for Czequestria.|Date_|August|23-25,|Place_|KD|Krakov, Prague, Czech Republic Event language_|English https_//www.czequestria.cz/en/|Darting.|/create/|-general content creation thread_-formerly known as|/tempo/,|or T_EM/P/O-A conglomerate of content creators since we couldn't keep our own threads up alone.|If you're working on something,|be it musicfagging,|writefagging,|drawfagging,|poetfagging,|craftfagging,|or game-devfagging come by and post for some feedback or give some of your own.|If you want to start content creating why not start today\\?|This thread is intended for ALL|SKILL|LEVELS,|from complete beginner to seasoned expert.|Don't get intimidated.|We're all just hobbyists here to have fun and help each other make more pony stuff.|Active Community Projects_|Mare Fair|27th|-29th-/mlp/|SS13|https_//ponepaste.org/9401-really needs updated,|bug me about this later-Tempo Music Archive_|https_//magma|/invite/DXPPI_ZG|Current|/bale/|PPP thread for all your AI-generated voice needs_|They're going to fuck and milk you of your sperm in front of your waifu.|Are you strong enough to resist them and prevent your waifu from becoming a cuckquean\\?|Cheerilee thread\\?_|Eight years since we were properly introduced to the first cinnamon roll|/sun/day!|Let us bask in Princess Celestia's gentle radiance.|https_//ponepaste.org/4028|Music Playlist https_//youtube|Have a Celestia story that you want added to the archive\\?|>Link to story on Pastebin or Ponepaste|>Say whether the story is finished or unfinished,|or if it is a one shot-this is important for sorting->Provide a synopses of the plot-please do this, I don't like writing these->Any other important information that you want to add,|such as the thread of origin.|Broken Pastebin URL\\?|with poneb.in/|Humanized variants of Princess Celestia and others are unwelcome here.|ja0822ck appreciation thread_|Take a deep breath and discuss why acid/skitzo pony man is the best active artist in the fandom|where the FUCK is the cozy thread|Pony Preservation Project-Thread|Welcome to the Pony Voice Preservation Project!|youtu.be/730zGRwbQuE|The Pony Preservation Project is a collaborative effort by|to build and curate pony datasets for as many applications in AI as possible.|Technology has progressed such that a trained neural network can generate convincing voice clips,|drawings and text for any person or character using existing audio recordings,|artwork and fanfics as a reference.|As you can surely imagine, AI pony voices,|drawings and text have endless applications for pony content creation.|AI is incredibly versatile,|basically anything that can be boiled down to a simple dataset can be used for training to create more of it.|fanfics,|wAIfu chatbots and even animation are possible,|and are being worked on here.|Any anon is free to join,|and there are many active tasks that would suit any level of technical expertise.|If you’re interested in helping out,|take a look at the quick start guide linked below and ask in the thread for any further detail you need.|EQG and G5|are not welcome.|>Quick start guide_|/document/d/1PDkSrKKiHzzpUTKzBldZeKngvjeBUjyTtGCOv2GWwa0/edit Introduction to the PPP,|links to text-to-speech tools,|and how-You-can help with active tasks.|>The main Doc_|resources and archives.|>Active tasks_|Research into animation AI|>Latest developments_|GDrive clone of Master File now available|SortAnon releases script to run TalkNet on Windows|TalkNet training script|FiMmicroSoL model|Delta GPT-J notebook|tutorial|New FiMfic GPT model|FimFic dataset release|Offline GPT-PNY|FiMfic dataset|SD weights|SD low vram|Huggingface SD_|Colab SD|NSFW|Pony Model|New DeltaVox|so-vits-svt|so-vits-svt tutorial|Hay Say|Haysay on the web!|SFX seperator|Synthbot updates GDrive|Private|\"MareLoid\"|VoiceCraft|Fimfarch dataset|years of PPP|Audio re-up|RVC|Experiments|Ace Studio Demo|>The PoneAI drive,|an archive for AI pony voice content_|>Clipper’s Master Files,|the central location for MLP voice data_|/drive/folders/1MuM9Nb_LwnVxInIPFNvzD_hv3zOZhpwx|>Cool,|where is the discord/forum/whatever unifying place for this project\\?|You're looking at it.|Last Thread_|RGRE - Reversed Gender Roles Equestria_|ゴゴゴゴ|Edition Previous thread_|Fauster's Story Archive_|Uh-hmmm's Prompt Archives_|https_//ponepaste.org/1046|Have a broken Pastebin link\\?|Replace pastebin with poneb.in Remember_|not to save anything of value on Pastebin ignore all attempts at early new threads ignore new threads by the cheerimac poster why the fuck am I the one baking\\?|the baker's guild will hear of this|Stallion Thread_|Big Mac Edition ITT we talk about stallions-and other non-pony males-and R63|versions of mares.|Last thread_|Pony Transformation General_|Human becomes pony.|How,|why and what happens next are all up to you.|New stories and art welcome!|Any type of transformation into ponies,|gryphons,|changelings,|dragons,|kirin,|etc.,|whether OC or canonical,|Anonponies of all shapes and sizes.|Want to be the little pony\\?|This is the thread for you.|Previously on PTFG_|- Very self-indulgent unicorn stallion TF - New|Complete!|- Mares With Guns by OrwellRedenbacher|- New!|https_//ponepaste.org/9446|- Interstate by Ceiling Necromancer https_//ponepaste.org/9707|- Chestnut Glaze by pogoman122|- Complete!|- Daisy Belle by OrwellRedenbacher|https_//ponepaste.org/9985|- Go Ask Littlepip When She's Two And A|Half Feet Tall by Darkdemonlucifer|Ticket To The Circus by Darkdemonlucifer|https_//ponepaste.org/7247|- The Pon-E|Rewrites_|Purple Black Gray by Alycorn|- Beach Walk https_//ponepaste.org/9521|- Nemetona by Meslam https_//ponepaste.org/9720|- Pink In The Club by AtomicGlow|https_//ponepaste.org/9600|- War Story by OrwellRedenbacher|https_//ponepaste.org/9485|Papi|https_//ponepaste.org/9477|- Untitled Short Pet Story|by definitelynotapurplehorse|https_//ponepaste.org/9470|- New Moon https_//ponepaste.org/9450|- Twin Moon by Advisability|https_//ponepaste.org/8991|- Unfinished Pizzaportal epilogue by Gnisha https_//ponepaste.org/8967|Mirror, Brightly by Fructose https_//derpy.me/wxs|- WXS volume|- Heroes Never Die by Shimmerist Ari https_//ponepaste.org/8902|- Cannon for sale by Pinkening https_//ponepaste.org/8904|- Experiment R41NB0W|- Horsegirl by Neighpalm https_//ponepaste.org/8866|- Stripped Screw by Neighpalm https_//ponepaste.org/8835|- The Lunar Experience by Slippery_Slope|https_//ponepaste.org/7973|- Honey Pot by Wanda https_//ponepaste.org/8731|- Soda Pony TFTG-ish and Sex by AtomicGlow|- That Particular Instance I|Piece Of Silverware by Yuri Fanatic https_//ponepaste.org/8210|- My First Maregasm by anonfilly Archive of over|stories,|as well as additional links and materials_|https_//pone.tf Past threads index_|http_//nsfw.pone.tf/|Chat_|https_//discord.gg/tfAjenN|Recommended stories for new readers_|https_//ponepaste.org/7278|Shadowbolt Thread|Back To School Edition_|Let's explore any and all sorts of ideas for the underutilized and under-developed Shadowbolts from Equestria Girls.|--- Completed Stories_|Treating Miss Sweet by ChurroAnon|/7r8iCJ2U --- Ongoing Stories_|To Listen-Part|1-by AlexanderGrey|/c6D2XDbL|Game of Headphones-Part|2-by AlexanderGrey|/Sx1M6gnB|Music Is Coming-Part|3-by Alexander Grey|/4c5BLWLd|--- Shamelessly stolen writing guides_|/whCQ2GpX -https_//pastebin|Other Shadowbolt links_|/wYy0FyrA https_//ponepaste.org/3740|Submission is Mandatory|Please sthap edition.|>What is this thread about\\?|This thread is dedicated to stories that have clear dominate and submissive roles;|both with and without consent.|>What exactly is welcome in this thread\\?|A wide variety of stories are welcomed here;|from non-consent and sexual slavery,|to abusive manipulation and psychological domination,|to maids and extortion,|and even healthy consensual relationships with BDSM role-play elements.|Other variations are welcome as well,|so long as they are complementary to the domination/submission focus of the thread.|Up to date archives_|Thread story list_|https_//ponepaste.org/7575|Thread list_|https_//ponepaste.org/7446|Unsorted oneshots/prompts/unfinished greens_|https_//ponepaste.org/7672|Outdated archives_|https_//poneb.in/f8f09HB4|https_//poneb.in/778zgnJ5|https_//mulpwiki.batpony.party/index.php/SiM|——————|This thread was originally founded to support the|“Submission is Mandatory”|While the story has gone on hiatus,|it’s content is referred to by a number of stories in this thread.|In return,|she grants him ownership of the Mane|Expanded Universe Stories-Octavia POV-Recommended-https_//poneb.in/Y2AahdQp Other Stories|-https_//poneb.in/3AFdqxvs|Use ponepaste.org Have a broken pastebin link\\?|Active stories_|Last updated in the previous thread-#125__|>The Carat and Stick by RapeApe|!bwwXn5Gx.o Cadance forces Rarity onto medifag Anon.|https_//ponepaste.org/733|https_//ponepaste.org/4327|https_//ponepaste.org/9692|End of the last update_|>Thralls of Twilight by ManicQuil The retired princesses show Twilight a new hidden side in their relationship.|Starts here_|Last updated here_|>Harsh is The Night by ManicQuil EQG story with a sub Rainbow Dash and her mistress Luna.|Last update here_|>The Culture of Rubber Ponies by ManicQuil Ponies covered in latex.|https_//ponepaste.org/7692|>Short EQG christmas story with Dom Celestia and sub Dazzlings by ManicQuil Starts here_|Ends here-|more to come|?-_|>Untitled Applebloom trying out a special outfit for Nightmare Night Starts here_|>Title may be|Reluctant Pride\"|by Keeper Anon fucking his way into becoming leader of the gryphons https_//ponepaste.org/9057|Mare Fair Thread|More Staff Edition_|WE'RE|HIRING_|Do-You_,|yes-You_!|Want to be involved in how the sausage-marefair-is made\\?|Well now's your chance!|We are currently looking for anons to help volunteer for many departments,|especially Operations, Attendee Relations,|and Distribution!|Of course,|if you want to help in other departments,|such as A/V or the Game Room,|please apply!|We're always looking for more help in making this con happen,|so don't shy away from applying!|If you have any questions about the responsibilities of working in certain departments,|please feel free to send an email or ask here in the thread!|As mentioned before,|our venue has been changed to the Marriott Orlando Airport Lakeside!|so if you've made any travel plans from September|27th through the|29th in the area,|just make sure you rebook your stay to the Marriott instead of our previous venue!|We have limited room available on our room block,|and some days over the con weekend are close to selling out.|Be sure to book your room now if you plan to attend!|you can always look for room shares in these threads too!|If you would like to know more please visit our website at_|https_//marefair.org/venue/|Finally,|just another reminder that Fair Flyer and Morning Mimosa will be available as plushies at this year’s Mare Fair!-Sorry Soirée and Matinée,|maybe next year.-We’ve collaborated with Symbiote Studios to make two of our mascots come to life,|and we hope you’ll love them enough to take home your very own!|If you have any questions or concerns,|please send us an email at_|info@marefair.org All official information will be made available by our staff using these tripcodes_|Ebonyglow|!!eSW1dXRikgk Rez|!!fjenat+Ey8k|Anonfilly Thread|- Wings Edition_|>Spoonfeed me.|What's this thread about\\?|This thread typically consists of Anon gone filly,|as he's thrust into a new life as a cute little pony.|>What's to be expected\\?|Fillies,|cuteness, Anon-tier shenanigans,|bitchy Twilight,|desires to be the little filly,|>Any archive of photos or stories\\?|Dropbox-Photos__|>I'm a contributor.|Great!|For writers,|just notify|̶A̶l̶l̶|̶N̶i̶g̶h̶t̶e̶r̶|̶F̶g̶t̶|Lone15,|so you can have your green added to the Doc.|For artists,|animators,|or any other content makers,|you can store your fillies in the Dropbox for future viewing pleasure.|which you can check out here_|https_//projects.fivethirtyeight|/personality-quiz/\\?group=-LdS-38NvfIG9PHPrYB8|>I don't like this thread because of reasons.|You'll never know how it is unless you try a dose of filly.|Old Mare_|What would your ideal current year FiM content creator look like.|Would they focus on episode discussion\\?|Canon debates\\?|Fanart creation/showcase\\?|Music\\?|It’s hard to keep a fanbase running the longer the show it’s based on is over.|But what would you as a fan look for in a FiM fandom channel/account/website\\?|Anonymous in Equestria thread|Last thread,|IRC_|irc.rizon.net|#/mlp/AiE|Active list_|/mVG33ERX|Master list_|/xGf9RcL9|Completed Stories list_|/QZ4PDe7g Stories Sorted by Pony_|/GJyQquaY|>rope's HD remastered thread archives_|/Qg2dwzq0|>If a pastebin link is broken you can copy the string at the end of the url of a poneb.in link so pastebin|/mVG33ERX becomes https_//poneb.in/mVG33ERX|>PiE|Corner|>Remember to tag all PiE|Author List_|http_//derpy.me/PiE_Pictures Browser Pony Author List_|/ZCGjtftk|/4clop/|4clop and Tribes thread I'm Still Standing edition_|Thread for discussion of|>4CLOP,|the game of war and geoponitics!|Also a thread for Tribes,|a similar game about pony ethnonationalism!|>4clop https_//4clop|>Tribes https_//ponywar|When was the last thread\\?|A month ago\\?|Putting one up myself.|I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash.|Dazzling Thread|Back to school edition.|All Dazzling lovers are welcome.|It doesn't matter if you're an Adagio, Aria or Sonatafag,|let's all join in one place.|Post anything of the Dazzlings_|drawings,|discussions,|fetishes,|re-edits,|gifs,|re-made songs-written or,|if you had the guts to,|sung_,|anything you like.|Come here and show that you're under their spell!|Archives-green,|https_//dazzlefan.club/|Guides for Aspiring Writers_|https_//ponepaste.org/1661|https_//ponepaste.org/1659|https_//ponepaste.org/1658|Art Compilation_|Steam group_|http_//steamcommunity|/groups/PraisetheSirens Old Shattered Gem_|Fingerbang_|The Equestria Girls and Humanized Thread|- Summer Loving Edition Part|Welcome to Fingerbang_|Humanized Thread!|Anything with|>no hooves is welcome and encouraged here.|If you like to write,|or critique the humanized versions of the ponies,|then this is the thread for you.|Story List_|--Recent Writefags--pastebin can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary-Grey_|https_//ponepaste.org/9699-Pinkie Pie-Anonymous_|https_//ponepaste.org/8602-Coco-Less Recent Writefags_|--- Archival Pastebin_|/u/FingerbangingMLP-pastebin can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary-Thread Resources_|http_//derpy.me/b783H|FimFiction Group_|http_//derpy.me/tQSuG|Discord_|https_//discord.gg/jXfKyJP|Google Drive_|--->How did this Humanized thread get started\\?|What happened to Fingerbang\\?|The Humanized thread was created when the various humanized threads-including Fingerbang-on|decided to merge.|The rest is history.|Quite literally as of now.|>I did it, Anon!|>I finally figured out a way to get to the human world!|Rise of Paradise|#33.5-CYOA__|Last time,|not a lot happened cause I went on vacation for a bit.|Back now though,|so if you want to catch back up on the short last thread it's here_|Vinyl Scratch Thread|-/vst/_|Show Vinyl some love by posting cute pics,|as well as greens.|Vinyl Pastebin Collection-http_//pastebin|/u/Two_Echo A collection of Vinyl stories-https_//ponepaste.org/user/TiredAsShit Individual Vinyl Greens- Wubs From Vinyl-Anon x Vinyl-http_//pastebin|/TvHbH1xE|Fuck You-Anon x Vinyl-https_//ponepaste.org/8191|Vinyl gets a ride from Anon http_//pastebin|/HutPuyAK|Vinyl and Anon date http_//pastebin|/G8dJtww7|Stuttering Vinyl http_//pastebin|/SWaLMMjK|Vinyl and Anon at CHS http_//pastebin|/mUFNraWX|Teenage Vinyl makes a deal http_//pastebin|/ZaeXSTxi The Other Side-Anon x Scratch-http_//pastebin|/EfmVk5pi Twisting the Vinyl https_//pastebin|/A3R7g1uG|Canterlot Rape Wars http_//pastebin|/857MZ8RQ|#AZ2xm#Daughter Vinyl https_//pastebin|/Tyb8ZpPL|Vinyl Scratch x Neon Lights https_//ponepaste.org/8185|Vinyl Takes Anon https_//ponepaste.org/8186|Taking Care of Vinyl Scratch https_//ponepaste.org/8187|Vinyl's Gangbang Bus https_//ponepaste.org/8188|Binyl Scratch_|Raping anon to perfection https_//ponepaste.org/8189|Vinyl archive_|\"Do you even lift the bass\\?\"|https_//ponepaste.org/8190|https_//mega.nz/folder/4gwEmCrJ#g0rinvi8aPkPzNvmuI3dkw|Pinkie Pie is breaking time and space again|5-My Little Pony_|New Generation-Make Your Mark series has begun on Netflix,|and there's still the movie as well!|Tell Your Tale episode playlist https_//www.youtube|/playlist\\?list=PLUnS6VWqJBaZqq_emLdwdCwU7O7RDEyxW|Pony Life_|https_//mega.nz/folder/Ji5VkAwY#BYzHARWDjj-djo8e4WTsnQ|YouTube Playlist of pony shorts https_//www.youtube|The Manga|Day in the Life of Equestria, Vol.|/file/j76lgbbq1nibrrj/MLP_The_Manga_Vol_1_HD.rar/file Get a physical copy https_//sevenseasentertainment|/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-1/|Day in the Life of Equestria Vol.|/file/nmbj6jdwg2faw4r/MLP_Manga_Vol2.rar/file Get a physical copy https_//sevenseasentertainment|/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-2/|/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-3/|A little over a month left of summer to go,|and the vacations are ending.|That means it's definitely an opportune time to get the fall line rolling out,|supposing inspiration has sufficiently struck.|And if not, Rarity's just going to have to continue taking in the sights|-on company time.|Business expenses,|and whatnot.|Perfectly reasonable in her line of work.|/glim/|- She's gonna need a stronger cup|'o joe_|This is a thread for all things Starlight Glimmer.|Post pics,|greens and discussion.|Topics discussed_|>what if glim was|“evil”|and reformed\\?|>Glimmy calls you a pussy,|what do\\?|glim found THAT memory|slightly smoked glims|>You vs Glim,|who wins\\?|switch glims\\?|>devilish|>Starlight and Dash's relationship|>Invaded by the Great and Powerful Trixie|somehow,|gave birth to a human #AZ2xm#baby instead of a foal\\?|>Glimmy gives Anon strength|>Kissy kissy glim and trixie https_//files.catbox.moe/1t94ik.jpg|Double Diamond comic https_//files.catbox.moe/lrm0ne.jpg|>Anon drew a Starlight https_//files.catbox.moe/y5wypr.png|>Do it for glim https_//files.catbox.moe/s1sksm.png|>Glimmies!|https_//files.catbox.moe/4eeopr.jpg|\"Ice Ice Glimmy\"|>Starlight makes it snow|>Starlight and Anon have ice cream|>But how does she taste\\?|https_//ponepaste.org/7897|Princess Applejack_|Howdy,|What you see here began as a series of comedy-centric stories with the concept of an alicorn-ascended Princess Applejack trying to change a mismanaged Equestria for the better by humorously interacting with the other,|quite lazy,|Plus late night pink antics.|The whole thing was set in motion by this gem_|>So,|wait,|why am Ah'|a princess again\\?|>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom.|You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done\\?|Fucking nothing.|Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight,|And don't even get me started on Cadence,|who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative.|Fucking annoying.|Go do actual princess stuff,|because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks|\"Princess\"|\"Beat cop.\"|Are you feeling creative\\?|Try your hand at writing a story!|If you're more artistically inclined give a drawing or sketch a shot.|Don't fret too much;|it doesn't have to be fancy and we appreciate artwork a lot.|If that isn't your style either,|writers always need feedback.|So tell us what you liked|-and what you didn't|-to help us improve.|If you are unsure about anything,|do not be afraid to ask.|We will gladly bring you up-to-date or explain anything you feel is unclear.|374!|WHO'S|READY|FOR|GODFIGHT|GALORE\\?|Sorry,|but bat ponies have already colonized the entire galaxy!|Kekeke.|That's right,|it's quadrillions of bat ponies in every direction.|You'll just have to be happy with the couple we left you in your solar system.|Fuuuufufu.|But we'll be nice and let you visit our worlds.|More animatics are getting leaked_|Bats!_|https_//files.catbox.moe/11ersk.mp4|>Let me spell it out for you Anonymous.|Unless you marry me,|you are going to die from old age.|You will suffer from cancer or dementia,|most certainly becoming weaker and less active as the months go by for decades and decades until finally you’re buried in the ground somewhere.|Immortality is the only answer to suffering.|Rarity thread_|Sexy detective edition.|>Be me|>Havent watched since S3|>Get reaction video of Rarity|>Reccomended some season|episode in full from YouTube #AZ2xm#Kids|>Click on it and watch for|>Fluttershy has a younger brother now,|and he's bigger than her What the FUCK\\?|What other LORE was NEVER mentioned in the first three seasons\\?|What was her worst sin|/mlp/\\?|I didn't follow TyT but she was pretty cute in MyM|>Macaron Mare Today’s the day!|Cherie is chomping at the bit to set a record baking the world’s biggest macaron and win the title of Macaron Mare!|With her regular orders piling up-at her horse cart_, Cocoa worries Cherie has bitten off more macaron than she can chew!|But Cherie is determined until she totes out a giant-oozy-macaron with a mind of its own!|SPLAT!|Realising how important this contest is to her friend, Cocoa rallies some other horses-Perla and Candi_,|and together,|they manage to tame Cherie’s macaron flop and help her get back on track https_//youtu.be/WrkIAXmL0wU|Gif Thread_|Post horse movements|/aj/|- Applejack Thread_|Tropical edition Previous thread_|Thread links_|Voice archive https_//drive.google|Greens https_//pastebin|/4EdcwVeN https_//pastebin|/1wd0YfDm https_//pastebin|/6jZyENuM https_//mulpwiki.batpony.party/index.php/Category_Flabrus https_//pastebin|/u/docmajor119|https_//mulpwiki.batpony.party/index.php/Category_Rahzma A playlist of Applejack songs https_//www.youtube|/playlist\\?list=PLc9PEja7FcxBAd7vP8|Pinkie Pie Thread_|Post pink kitchen apron girl.|Fan Site Alternative Thread|This is the general thread for the alternative fan sites of the My Little Pony fandom.|Discussion,|development suggestions,|and criticisms are all welcome here.|Still on life support edition.|>Why alternate boorus\\?|Changes to Derpibooru have made the site a less than ideal location for pony fan art.|several new boorus arose to provide alternatives.|Many of the altbooru owners post in thread and listen to questions and comments from anons.|Please keep posts about Derpibooru in the thread on mlpg.co.|>Why alternate text sites\\?|>Why alternate text,|fanfiction,|and fanfiction archival sites\\?|Pastebin has deleted,|and continues to delete,|greentexts on the site.|FimFiction does not allow stories in the greentext format.|FimFetch has been purging foalcon and other material deemed to be|\"unacceptable\"|as late as Jan|2024,.|As such,|a new home is needed.|Overview_|altboorus.org|booru.foalcon by Pathos-!!arjIjTdCTdq-- Underage lyrabooru.org|- Hot glue|>Greentext,|>File sharing smutty.horse-frozen until further notice-IWIFTP|>Latest Developments_|- Ponybooru has been up and down a lot due to server issues.|- FoalFetch is being worked on,|but slowly.|- Floorb is working on a project to archive pony from Twitter, DeviantArt and maybe other sites,|and looking for volunteers to help.|- A security/privacy issue on Ponepaste,|which allowed for anyone to view one's private paste titles,|their authors,|and tags-but not its actual content-was patched.|- The fanfiction archival site FimFetch escalates its ongoing purge of content deemed by them as|\"unacceptable\"-mainly foalcon-by hosting a list of accounts from all around the fandom-FimFiction, Discord, AO3, Derpibooru,|ect.-they|\"found\"|to be associated with said material.|In response, Floorb has created foalfetch.net.|For keeping up with the ongoing drama,|see https_//ponepaste.org/9926|/mlpu/|- MLP|Yuri/Lesbian General_|After Sx Smoke Edition Discuss and debate your favorite dyke ships or just post mares lezzing out.|Post freckled cowboy hat girl.|Post blue spandex shorts girl.|FoE/|- Fallout Equestria_|Post Apocalyptic Pony Thread_|Rare species edition.!|Fallout Equestria,|a story that bleeds two franchises together to build something magical.|On one side,|you have death,|destruction,|decay,|and misery|-on the other,|you have ponies.|Doesn't sound like it should mix\\?|You'd be surprised.|When the world around you is wasteland,|all you're left with is hope,|and as we all know,|ponies can do spectacular things with just a little hope.|Read Fallout Equestria by Kkat to appreciate the setting that many writers have then lent upon after being so captivated by the wonders.|The original story which spawned its own fandom can be found here_|These next four stories comprise the rest of what is considered|\"the big|alongside the original.|They were biggest hitters early in the fandom,|be it for having started before many others,|their length,|or overall quality.|>Project Horizons_|>Pink Eyes_|https_//www.fimfiction.net/story/931/|>Heroes_|https_//www.fimfiction.net/story/662/|>Murky Number Seven_|Though,|a reminder;|just because these are the most well known,|that isn't to say that there aren't other stories out there!|There are many hidden gems that simply don't get the love they deserve purely because people don't give them the chance.|Why not open your heart and try to find a new favorite\\?|Anons are absolutely welcomed and encouraged to return with fic discussion of even the most obscure fics!|Fan games_|>Fallout Equestria_|Remains A|Fallout Equestria Roguelike.|It is the best thing to come of the fandom recently.|Seriously go play it https_//foe-remains.gitlab.io/main_en.html|>Balefire Blues A|Hearts of Iron IV mod.|In it you take control over various FoE factions seeking to conquer the wasteland.|>Ashes Town A derivative of Pony Town,|set in the Fallout Equestria universe.|Thread Topic_|Whats your personal head-canon for some of the non equine races in FOE\\?\\?|Art Thread|Backends_|>https_//github|/LykosAI/StabilityMatrix This is more of a one click manager that you can install|run the other backends though.|Easiest by far.|stablediffusion if checkpoint...->Stable Diffusion Automatic1111|/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui I would recommend installing this through Stability Matrix.|>ComfyUI https_//github|/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI\\?tab=readme-ov-file#installing Has a learning curve but is extremely customizable and usually has the latest methods|papers implemented first.|>\"But I don't have a decent GPU\"|https_//novelai.net You could also use a service like civitai.|Models_|>Pony Diffusion V6|XL https_//civitai|>Autism Mix-Alternative model based upon pony diffusion, I prefer the DPO version of it.|Better anatomy|more coherent.-https_//civitai|>Seaart-Less pony knowledge but has artist tags and is very high quality.-https_//civitai|>Useful artist style LoRA_|>LoRAs by|/mlp/_|https_//rentry.org/ponyxl_loras|/h and other useful info_|https_//rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff|>How to make your own LoRA_|https_//rentry.org/59xed3|/articles/3522/valstrixs-crash-course-guide-to-lora-and-lycoris-training https_//civitai|/articles/4100/how-to-create-a-style-lycoris-for-ponyxl-on-low-vram-locally|>Prompt tips for new users_|Use tags from e621|and natural language.|Here,|all the usual misinfo already addressed in one easy place for your viewing displeasure_|/watch\\?v=F-i09Nz96cw|/mlpfit/_|2-0.|Why was he written out of tyt when mym showed that he was moving into the Brighthouse\\?|I want to play an MLP|G4|video game_|But you know,|not complete dog shit.|Looking for stuff like RPG's or maybe farming/slice of life simulators.|I'm even down for games made for a more|\"mature\"|audience.|Got any good suggestions anons\\?|Fluttershy Thread_|Shy Does It for Free Edition For those seeking any and all things Fluttershy.|>/shy/thread Ponepaste-includes the OP,|writefag list,|writefag request bin,|and all current/completed stories-https_//ponepaste.org/user/FluttershyThread|>Collaborative Fluttershy playlist-request for new content to be added in the thread-https_//www.youtube|>/mushy/|Musical mixtape-request for new content to be added in the thread-https_//www.youtube|NOBODY|EXPECTS|MY|LITTLE|PONY|TALES|Are there character that SHOULD have been in G4\\?|What the fuck does this mean\\?_|anon,|what does this shit mean\\?|What does it mean that it's a big Trixie marble\\?|I thought maybe it was a bowling ball but there's no holes and on further inspection it looks closer to a huge marble,|but I'm open to anything at this point.|But she's also tied to the teacup somehow\\?|Try again\\?|Try again at what\\?|And to what end\\?|What's going on\\?|>anon,|if it's not too much trouble,|could you,|um,|turn up the heat a little bit\\?|It's k-kinda chilly.|My Massive Pony_|Great and Powerful edition Writers,|and critiques are always welcome,|so long as it pertains to the main idea of the thread which is size difference.|Check out our slowly growing ponepaste_|https_//ponepaste.org/3112|Sweetie Belle is a slut.|Good mooorrrning people!|The sun is shimmering,|and there are sisters that need a plowing!|What if when Fluttershy was under the influence of poison joke not only her voice dropped low but she grew low hanging balls too\\?|That voice had to come from somewhere|Lingerie Thread_|Reply with your pony waifus wearing all things lingerie related.|>Please darling as if I would ever have sex with somepony who already lost their virginity back in their homeworld.|You think I couldnt smell it\\?|I dont know who she is but you were marked the moment you enter Equestria.|Its too bad.|Bad hair day|/pnk/|- Pinkie Pie Thread_|Strawberry Edition Previous thread_|My queen is so cool and powerful.|Posey Thread_|Brighthouse Egregore Edition_|Posey has been inducted into the|\"Brighthouse Egregore\"|in the latest episode|will our chudmare ever be the same\\?|You thought her simply befriending Pipp was her downfall\\?|You haven't seen nothing yet.|What's an egregore\\?|Wikipedia has this definition_|>An egregore-also spelled egregor;|from French|égrégore,|from Ancient Greek|ἐγρήγορος,|egrēgoros|'wakeful'-is a concept in Western esotericism of a non-physical entity or thoughtform that arises from the collective thoughts and emotions of a distinct group of individuals.|On the bright side,|we can expect more Posey,|on the downside_|She's being brainwashed into participating in the occultism of friendship.|Gloomy sweat edition mayne!|/BFFs/|Glasses Are Cute edition_|This thread is for the bestest BFFs ever_|Izzy!|this is not a shipping thread.|>Greentext stories short and long_|only the starting one,|so make sure to check the replies for any continuation!|Izzy has to choose|Izzy get confused in prison|Izzy discovers it too|Izzy is probably drunk|Anon is distressed|Misty makes dinner for her friends|Then they have a sleep over|Izzy loses a special friend|Izzy is very good at Uno|Definitely Izzy is unique at Bridlewood|Izzy pranks her friends with an Izzy plush and absolutely nothing goes wrong|Green based on|Anon explains Izzy's shorter mane|Anon compliments Izzy|Less a green and more an idea vomit but hey it's OC|Izzy shows Anon how a unicorn does...|New_|Continuation-and maybe conclusion\\?-of the plush-come-to-life saga|Our pink princess is so precious!|Izzy Moonbow_|>Hi new friend!|Tell Your Tale_|Sleepover!!_|/watch\\?v=aGPEJ-Vh1Ec Previous_|Should I be fapping exclusively to my waifu or is that just an extra challenge anons impose on themselves\\?|I don't see it as cheating or being unfaithful since it's just masturbating but I would like to do it to be closer to my waifu.|/Bale/|Beginner And Low Effort art thread|-#52_|Welcome friends, ITT_|We make and share pony art,|with absolutely no pressure to deliver anything that's technically good-besides having ponies in it,|which makes it good by default-Make something,|share what you've done,|and give feedback and motivation to help us all keep improving and creating!|This thread's focus is art,|but beginner or low effort content of any kind is welcome here.|If you do want to post about something else like music,|gamedev,|or crafts,|just note that you may find better help and feedback posting it in the|thread Are you an experienced artist\\?|Leave some tips,|feedback,|guides,|or tutorials,|they're well appreciated here!|Guides,|tutorials and resources!|Start here!|https_//mares.horse/bale https_//ponepaste.org/8268|Draw with other|videos_|https_//pony.tube/c/bale_stuff/videos|The Curious Case of the Short-Lived|>CYOA\\?|Choose Your Own Adventure.|AKA|Quest.|>Discuss Current, Finished and Upcoming CYOAs|>Give advice on CYOAs|>Pitch ideas|>Get critique|>Trade art List of stories_|WIP-formerly anonpone_.|Your best bet is to search via desuarchive.|List of related content_|https_//poneb.in/JfNFvCxZ|>How do I run a CYOA\\?|>I can't into art,|but I'm a competent writer.|Should I still run a CYOA\\?|JUST|DO|>What day is best\\?|https_//strawpoll|/polls/e7ZJONmvvy3|>What time is best\\?|/polls/bVg86rz02yY|>What race would you play\\?|/polls/GJn4GoO0byz|>What genre are you interested in\\?|/polls/XOgOJ17M0n3|>Can I run a CYOA in this General Thread\\?|Yes,|just take care to differentiate yourself if there's another ongoing CYOA here.|>Active CYOAs as this thread was posted Moonlit|Traversia|I just wanted to say that you are all wonderful ponies and I'm sure you're gonna make your pretend monkey husbands very happy|Gmod Server Thread|To join add|to your Favorites in Multiplayer|Legacy Browser.|To start a gamemode/map change type rtv in chat.|To see server specific commands enter|!commands in chat on the server.|To watch videos with Media Player use Gmod's|64-bit version.|Enable it from the Betas tab in the game's Properties on Steam.|Addon lists_|Server status_|https_//www.battlemetrics|or https_//www.gametracker|Recommended content packs_|HL1_S, Episode|1/2, TF2|content and CS_S content+maps.|https_//gmodcontent|or https_//kajar9.wixsite|LINUX|PAC3/PPM2|collections and other user content_|https_//ponepaste.org/7931|Current gamemodes are Sandbox, TTT2, Death Run, Dropzone, Elevator, Extreme Football Throwdown, Fat #AZ2xm#Kid, Flood, Gungame, Hide and Seek, Horde, HL1|Co-op, HL1|Infected, Lambda_HL2|COOP_, Open Virus, Overwatch, Prop Hunt, Quake|3, SledBuild, The Stalker, Trash Compactor, Zombie Survival,|and Final Frontier.|Go do something that makes your waifu proud|-anything!|She's worth it.|Use this thread to talk about her and why you love her.|Your waifu is before you!|She's your friend,|but still unaware about your feeings.|How would you express them\\?|Its not necessary to rush it,|but mutuality is your goal,|obviously.|>What is a waifu\\?|What defines a waifu\\?|Your waifu is the one character you wish to be with your entire life,|until death do you part.|Possibly beyond that,|Most often this manifests as a romantic interest.|>How do you know if you have a waifu\\?|When you meet your waifu,|you will know.|The world around you will become colorful.|You will realize that you were living in monochrome the entire time.|Her existence provides context and meaning to yours,|a perfect complement,|a perfect comfort,|a perfect love.|There may be low periods,|periods of doubt,|but the rhythm of life will forever pull one towards their waifu,|for that love is eternal.|Long-running discussion,|latecomers,|and the occasional bump are welcome and encouraged,|but we would prefer that the thread not be kept on extended life support.|Worldbuilding Bread_|ITT we discuss Equestria Prompts_|>Which fic or green has the best worldbuilding\\?|>Which fic or green has the strangest worldbuilding\\?|>What time period and area of Equestria do you prefer to write/read/fantasize about\\?|>Which fanart evokes the feeling of Equestria the most to you\\?|>What are some unpopular or uncommon headcanons that you hold\\?|>If you could make|adventure episode at any point in the show,|what would the episode be about\\?|/green/|- Greentext General|Welcome to your|/green/text sanctuary.|Our mission_|rally the troops,|get fingers typing,|flood the board with greentexts.|Anchor your stories here,|finished or not.|Seek feedback and tips on them.|Want to resurrect some forgotten favorites,|dig up an underrated gem,|brainstorm your next big idea\\?|Do it here.|We want-You_.|Let's keep this cornerstone of|culture alive!|▶/mlp/|paste service_|▶Tips and links_|Clever’s Tips on How to Write Short Stories_|https_//rentry.org/CleverShort Ezn’s Guide to Writing Fanfiction_|Vhatug's tips for anatomically correct clop_|/Mare/con|- Writing Greentext_|Horsewords and You_|Characters|Motivation_|https_//youtu.be/4Uqj0orBS0s Horsewords|&-You__|/live/mYtcqDtoTm4\\?si=Kud0Eyai-CWneCVz|▶Generals Greentext Gallery_|https_//rentry.org/GreenArchive Previous thread_|Turnabout Storm/Elements of Justice Thread_|This is about the fan series Turnabout Storm and Elements of Justice because I got depressed at the lack of new episodes this week.|Post stuff about them.|I want Sonata to sit on me.|Pregnancy General_|Swollen Sisters_|This is the Pregnancy General,|not stillborn and ready to be borne again.|We've lately been building up a bundle of regular artists,|storytellers,|and others again;|may this general get quicker and continue quickening.|For files and other things we can't discuss in this thread,|there's a fraternal twin thread over inside Pregchan,|https_//pregchan|/f/res/100.html That thread is the third in a series,|and here are the prior Pregchan threads,|which have been archived here_|here are two archives of our greentexts_|https_//u.smutty.horse/lxqgizelhjx.zip https_//u.smutty.horse/lzbpjsjvhjs.zip Here’s a list of some artists and writers who use these threads_|>GFM_Lewdendorff https_//ponepaste.org/user/GFM_Lewdendorff|>pinkS|Here are some questions to stimulate activity while waiting for the birth_|How would you feed and otherwise care for your gravid dam\\?|Which aspects of magical pony pregnancy excite you most\\?|To be or not to be hyper pregnant\\?|Shoving bellies aside,|which anatomical change do you most appreciate\\?|What's something rarely covered in art or stories you'd like to see focussed on\\?|Who are your favourite artists and writers;|which pieces of theirs are your favourites\\?|For the relevant species,|such as pegasi,|do you prefer eggs or live birth\\?|Would you want to help your mare dress herself,|and in what\\?|How would you cuddle your gravid mare and where\\?|Just how would you comfort your mare if she had a tummy ache,|possibly from eating too much cake\\?|SCHLOP|Post best filly!|/bug/|Total Love Bug Edition_|Oops,|forgot to make another bread Here in|/bug/,|we take Queen Chrysalis on romantic walks,|a kiss on the cheek for Changelings,|and spend time cuddling gaylings.|Some old links_|Old Hive Directory_|https_//ponepaste.org/4223|Very Old|https_//poneb.in/PjB4LKgd BuggyCYOA archive_|https_//ponepaste.org/4086|How does this comment make you feel\\?|I need friends_|This make my childhood-o_∇_o__|Mind control thread|eldritch magic edition_|Originating from a thread about a niche form of hypnosis,|now encompasses varied hypnosis methods from spiraling specs to subtle spells,|swinging watches to wafting brews.|Post anything and everything about controlling a mind.|All ponies-mares and stallions,|fillies and colts-are welcome and encouraged.|Greens and other content only tangentially related will be better recieved in SPG or SiM depending.|Good rule of thumb is if it doesn’t involve taking control of a pony’s mind,|it probably goes somewhere else.-e.g.|no slavery without mind control scenes, IRL self-hypnosis audio,|or tupperware rp-Thread archive https_//ponepaste.org/9352|So Proud of Myself_|How did she become the main character\\?|Mare Day Shirt Pre-Orders_|Fallen Oak is offering pre-orders on some sick mare drip for Mare Day!|Emails say that these high quality,|31st at|5pm EDT,|and also on limited sale at Mare Day.|no more will be sold.|Those who got a ticket,|like yours truly,|have already been sent an email with the details.|But if you haven’t bought a Mare Day ticket,|do so before the pre-order deadline and they’ll send you an email with details.|I’ve been told that if you have a ticket and didn’t get an email,|that you should reach out to mareday-at-fallenoak dot org.|If your friend bought a ticket for you,|you should probably talk to your friend.|There’s not too many Mare Day tickets left,|but you can get em here_|https_//fallenoak.org/mareday/|It's releasing tomorrow!|I hope you will have Fun|Caravan Guard CYOA|>You are Ardent Mind,|an experienced caravan guard and a senior team leader of Steady Stride Caravan Guard Company|>Your job is to escort ponies across the Badlands and beyond to the new colonies in the Mysterious South,|fighting Changelings, Diamond Dogs,|giant lizards and other dangerous wildlife found in The Badlands and the lands beyond|>Most recently you were hired by the Equestrian Rehoming Project,|an organization responsible for managing and encouraging immigration to Equestria’s new colonies|>Your job is to escort and protect one of the Project’s heads,|her entourage,|and a large number of settlers,|fifty ponies in all,|all the way from the city of Appleloosa to New Ponyville in the southern colonies|>The job has been rougher than normal but the excitement reached a crescendo just a week ago when Diamond Dogs trapped your group within a canyon,|leading you to take shelter in a newly excavated ancient Dog temple|>After a costly battle in the temple you were forced to take a metaphorical leap of faith,|leading you and your remaining clients to find yourselves trapped in an underground Diamond Dog city|>For days you looked for ways to escape the underground|>It cost the health of a mare close to you,|as well as your own|you instead took a diplomatic approach|>After a meeting with the leader of the Diamond Dogs, Abuwityuw,|you came to a peace agreement|>The Dogs will let you leave in peace in exchange for you giving up several important ponies and arranging a peace agreement with a nearby group of Equestrian knights|avoiding traps along the way Because it's been a month since the last post I'll be reposting the last prompt and holding a revote for what to do next.-Characters_|/PqtD6vYH-Previous Threads_|My Ponk stopped ponking,|what do I do\\?|Flutterrape|>What is Flutterrape\\?|Flutterrape is a collection of stories about ponies trying and failing to have sex with Anon,|the only human in Equestria.|While the title implies that it is Fluttershy trying to rape Anon,|others may follow in her stead and attempt their own versions of rape.|There are different versions of Flutterrape,|but most are light-hearted comedies about the ponies failing in their attempts to get into Anon’s pants.|Just because your story has Anon in it,|doesn't mean it fits in this thread.|Check other threads-AiE, RGRE etc-about story content before posting.|>It's been|years,|how is this thread still alive\\?|A perverse mixture of necromancy and spite.|>How do I start writing\\?|Use your imagination,|you nitwit.|Additionally,|brush up on your grammar and abandon your standards.|Writing Guides_|Clever Dick's Tips For Short Stories|--https_//ponepaste.org/1274|Driverbang's Writing Guide|--https_//ponepaste.org/1275|Navarone's Writing Rules|--https_//ponepaste.org/1276|For additional information,|lurk.|You could also check out the T_EM/P/O or|threads for further writing advice,|unless they're dead.|So many threads have died,|but only Flutterrape has remained.|We shall always remain.|We are bound to the fate of the board as a lich is bound to its phylactery.|Masterlist_|https_//ponepaste.org/user/FlutterrapeGeneral Author List_|https_//ponepaste.org/1270|FIMfiction Group_|https_//ponepaste.org/1268|https_//desuarchive.org/mlp/search/text/Flutterrape/|There is nothing more pure than love between a man and a mare.|\"lonely at the top\"|edition Old thread_|Ongoing greens_|Shape Your Home by PoneGreen https_//ponepaste.org/477-Part|1-https_//ponepaste.org/478-Part|2-https_//ponepaste.org/479-Part|3-https_//ponepaste.org/480-Part|interlude-Completed/on hiatus/ded greens_|GET|OUT|HEAD by Anonymous|Dreams to Dream by Stabbythesnowman https_//ponepaste.org/590|https_//ponepaste.org/4197-part|3-A|Wish Enough for Two by TakeItEasy-née YukkuriPaleHorse-https_//ponepaste.org/8269|The Recruiter-epilogue-by pentapony https_//ponepaste.org/4316|Hallmark Dream-a by lmone6|https_//ponepaste.org/3004|Stories by Pentapony https_//ponepaste.org/user/pentapony Carl's Hardened Heart by Reggiesomething https_//ponepaste.org/1112|\"Fleetfooted\"|by SadBoy https_//poneb.in/u/MLPSadBoy Stories by Aftercase https_//ponepaste.org/user/Aftercase Stories by AnthonyC4|https_//ponepaste.org/user/AnthonyC4|Stories by Horse Story Anon https_//ponepaste.org/user/Appreciationproject Stories by YukkuriPalehorse https_//poneb.in/u/YukkuriPalehorse Rainbow Dash and the Ghosts of Hearts|Hooves Day by Lonesome Rider https_//poneb.in/U2Jtfc59|Stories by Trandhal_|https_//ponepaste.org/user/trandhal Rocks out of the Quarry_|https_//poneb.in/aX2C686i Stories by Tsar Anon_|https_//poneb.in/BnjZqwM3|Stories by Angry Wino_|tinyurl dot com slash vskmqfx Stories by Crabs of Steam_|https_//poneb.in/u/Crabs_of_steam The Broken Carousel-Part|https_//ponepaste.org/1541-Twilight Sparkle Interlude|https_//ponepaste.org/1543-Part|https_//ponepaste.org/1542-Twilight Sparkle Interlude|https_//ponepaste.org/1544|This Heart That Fears https_//poneb.in/0b7L24Ln Tsukumogami https_//poneb.in/WPw3dNdP|Low Self-Esteem AJ https_//poneb.in/x5FMfxc0|All I want from christmas https_//poneb.in/XHH5UPCN|Couch Surfing https_//poneb.in/82NscJdW|A collection of misc.|green since the|1st thread https_//poneb.in/0JMPM6F8|S2E3|Animatic_|https_//files.catbox.moe/i7pwed.mp4|Foodpony Thread|Flavored Boops Edition_|We will keep trying until EVERYONE enjoys the flavor.|https_//files.catbox.moe/3a4bh7.mp4|/merch/|\"Breaking The Shell!\"|Edition Post and talks about pony merchandise,|official or not.|Discuss plushies,|figures,|clothes,|books,|pins and more!|And new ways to add ponies to our life!|>is selling your products here allowed\\?|Of course!|Absolutely allowed.|>can I talk or post here about my crafting even if what I do isn't for sale\\?|Yes!|We accept merch in all its forms.|>where can I find the old threads\\?|They are all in the Links Index Pastebin,|after the links section.|>where can I find the video/collage of the anniversaries\\?|They are at the bottom of the Link Index Pastebin,|after the archived threads section.|>https_//pastebin|/UhL9KNZF|Here is a pastebin that contains all the links posted and discussed here.|Mainly pony shops,|but also rare/little known products,|figuremaker contacts,|among other things!|Main Links|List of Active Plushmakers_|List of Public Plushie Patterns_|Plush Pattern-with instructions!__|mares.horse/p/plush.html|Patches/Stickers/Desk Flags_|Pins, Stickers, Wallscrolls_|ko-fi|/rocketlawnchair/shop|4cc Jerseys, Pins_|etsy|/shop/zemming|Wallets_|https_//shop.mares.horse/|HorsePussy Books_|amazon|/gp/product/B086PLNPYF/|Feel free to suggest links about pony stuff to be added here and in the pastebin!|Fluttershy if she was a decent character|>I offer you a deal Anon.|You bring me the original Twilight Sparkle’s book of spells and I’ll help you rape all the mares you want.|Or you can have fun with Chrysalis over there.|She might have created me from naught but a simple hair,|but surprisingly I’m more powerful than she is.|I drained all her magic too,|so now shes stuck as a powerless,|has-been Queen.|What do you say hmm\\?|Oh and before you say the wrong answer or try to run away I must remind you that my minions would have no issue ripping you to pieces and feeding you to the timberwolves.|Cotton Cloudy_|Post more of the sixth-best filly|HarmonyCon|Who's going this year\\?|Also new website just dropped,|reg opens on August|and highest tier sponsor badge is|$20k https_//harmonycon.org/|>https_//harmonycon.org/|this g1|reboot is weird|>muah!|>i always knew about the comics|>Never cared too much about them|>I never read comics,|and even if i loved mlp i wouldn't start to read comics because of it|>Clueless.png|>Re-watch the show again since i have nothing better to do|>Im left with a desire for more|>But not the fanfic type more|>I want more oficial mlp|>Im not watching g5|>Im not watching g1-3|>Get reminded about the comics existance|>\"Shure why not\"|>Find all the comics on some page|>Expect to read|or two and then never continue|>Go through chrysalis comics|>\"Kek that was fun\"|>\"See whats next and i'll probably leave these\"|>Become unironically intersted in the story|>She appears|>Im stunned|>I keep reading,|almost like on a trance|>I screenshot every panel in wich she appears|>Pic fucking related|>I snap|>WHY|DID|TELL|ME|ABOUT|HER\\?!|>SHE|BADDEST|BITCH|EQUESTRIA|>i look at my waifu|>She went from a|pretty mare to a generous|>Look at other mares|>Every mare looked better than the average human woman,|but now they are all|3/10's|>She ruined other ponies for me|>She is too pretty I wouldn't be able to tell you a single shit about what happend in the comic btw,|i was too bussy jacking off|>can’t keep a consistent voice from her debut throughout|seasons,|episodes and several specials of content The only explanation is that shes a Changeling or its multiple Changelings.|ain't gonna be|hooves are hard and keratinous.|Do you think they have to use hoof nippers for hooficures|} {Pony|4chan_|Sort By_|Show OP|Comment_|R_|I_|Puzzle thread_|Time for another comfy puzzle thread.|>go to https_//jiggie.fun|>upload a pony picture|>post link for fellow anons|>solve puzzle with fellow anons https_//jiggie.fun/6HWvof|pcs, SFW|I can fix her|rember too bee yuorself|/ggf/|- Griffon GF|Thread_|A thread dedicated to the lovely catbirbs and griffon gfs/bfs.|Griffonbros wake up!|>Previous Thread-Jul|>ai griffon gfs-https_//beta.character.ai/-Gilda_|https_//beta.character.ai/chat\\?char=p5QXxLOFdx5okCH4okBzLbFLDsIWptG_mUHdWhq8RkE|Gallus_|Silverstream_|>Gilda Green Archive-Last Updated_|>Previous griffon gf threads Jul|May|Apr|Mar|Jan|Dec|Oct|Aug|Jun|Feb|Sep|/mppp/|- Mass Produced Pony Plushies_|Verity Orders are at|BUY|BUY!|http_//order.mppp.horse/|MOREOVER, NOMINATE|THE|NEXT|PLUSHIE!-See next post->What is this about\\?|RTFM_|https_//docs.google|SPREADSHEET|FAQ_|>What's the current status\\?|current payment/shipping_|N/A|current pre-order/production_|upcoming pre-order/production_|prototype in progress_|Woona|planned characters_|N/A,|things are slow in China.|>What can I do\\?|bump,|shill this project to other Anons,|make content and advertisements|design the next plush,|provide feedback|suggestions on the next prototype|expand and supercharge the project's blueprint|>any alternatives besides current manufacturer\\?|if you have any suggestions,|please share with the thread.|>I don't like your stupid idea, I disagree with...|if you have better ways to run things,|you can contribute here!|>I have issues with my plush order|sensitive questions regarding this project,|how can I contact the organizers\\?|email info@mppp.horse for plush support.|for general enquires,|just ask in the thread.|Previous thread_|/moon/day_|Blue Moon Edition_|/moon/day Thread OP template_|https_//ponepaste.org/4423|/moon/day Story Archive_|Coming soon\\?-some deprecated can be found on ponepaste-Lunar Tunes Playlist_|https_//www.youtube|Equestria Project-meditation/lucid dreaming guide__|https_//pastebin|/3mQfmH24|old|/moon/day story archive_|https_//poneb.in/He5X50m6|Humanizations of Princess Luna and others have a dedicated thread|-post them there.|Keep it pony-aside from inclusions of Anonymous in pics_.|Ongoing Stories_|Stories On Hiatus_|\"Moonlight, Veiled|- Book|2\",|by horsa_|https_//ponepaste.org/6285|\"Assistant to the Night Court\",|by LmonE6_|https_//ponepaste.org/121|Dead-Until proven otherwise-Stories_|\"Lunar Entanglement, Act I\",|by ReggieSomething_|https_//ponepaste.org/1113|\"Ghost in the Shadows\"|https_//ponepaste.org/7522|\"Embracing the Night, Part|5\",|by AutoPony_|https_//ponepaste.org/3605|Heart Longs for Another\",|by AnthonyC4_|https_//ponepaste.org/873|\"Our Thirty Years War\",|by TheGhostlydude_|https_//ponepaste.org/6795|Bond Through the Ages\",|by Ar-Adunakhor_|https_//ponepaste.org/6722|\"MoonyCYOA\",|by Krivvy_|https_//ponepaste.org/4290|by Starla_|https_//ponepaste.org/5708|Untitled story by Alcatraz,|Upcoming moon phases_|Full-Blue-Moon_|/moon/day,|AUG-Today!-Third Quarter_|New Moon_|Sep First Quarter_|Canterslut Thread_|Sluttifying-You-against your will!|Check out our KINO slutty story archive!|https_//ponepaste.org/6295|Previous Sluttery_|Previous Thread_|-https_//ponepaste.org/3956|GreentextSavant’s Pastebin|-http_//pastebin|/u/AlexanderGrey BG9's Pastebin|-https_//pastebin|/u/BG9_Reborn Gritsaw’s Pastebin|/u/Gritsaw Zharkaer's Pastebin|/u/Zharkaer Tstar231's Pastebin|/u/Tstar231|HolytntDiver's Pastebin https_//pastebin|Cold by BOLTGREENS -https_//ponepaste.org/3959|Shorts|-https_//www.youtube|Fimfiction Thread_|less bookclub posts!_|Come one and all to the meta-writefag and help raise the quality of MLP fanfiction!|Featuring_|Making up crap to look smart!|ITT_|2012, Redheart's Gore, Disregarding all romance fics,|and weak minds doing unspeakable acts!|>/fimfic/|Secret Book Club The seventy-fourth book is|'The Princess of Night in the City of Light'_|If-You-want to participate,|finish the entire story by the|25th.|>Recommended stories_|Tired of authors forgetting that brevity is key\\?|Fed up with|10k inner monologue chapters\\?|Well,|we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!|New Starter Kit|Old Starter Kit|-http_//i.imgur|/vuTA7EN.png|>Common fic abbreviations used by the thread_|https_//ponepaste.org/7317|\">review|\"|\">discuss|Userscript for extra features_|https_//ponepaste.org/8619|>An in-depth writing guide for beginners_|https_//eznguide.neocities.org/|>Can you pre-read my story\\?|Post it on Google Docs or HackMD with comments enabled and give us a link.|>Additional material for authors_|-https_//ponepaste.org/932|Politics and the English Language|-https_//www.orwell.ru/library/essays/politics/english/e_polit/|Vhatug's tips for anatomically correct clop|-https_//poneb.in/g4VpEg4f Setting a story in motion|-https_//youtu.be/ufO8LbwTdu0|Taking criticism|-https_//youtu.be/-v4R2ZcxPlA|Fillyanon's Bookshelf|-https_//ponepaste.org/5555|-https_//ponepaste.org/user/IHeartShinzakura Appleanon reads fics|-https_//poneb.in/wmGX7FPm Deluxe Big Master Review List|-https_//docs.google|Guide to Rational Fics|-https_//files.catbox.moe/3jzrfm.png The Royal Canterlot Library's Top|Fanfics|-https_//royalcanterlotlibrary.net/top16/|Childhood is hating Spike for being an annoying midget.|Adulthood is hating him for being a Raricuck.|Just Dropped By|-/jdb/_|Mining,|Archived threads_|Your favourite mares_|So I've seen many|\"Your Favourite..\"|tables already so I thought I would make a much more pony themed variant of it!|So please fill in your favourite mares and such if you want to!|You don't have to fill in everything if nothing comes to mind at that moment.|/tfhg/|Them's Fightin' Herds General_|ded game ded thred and yet we persist Previous thread_|/ourlobby/_|Leaf-rip-Console release is here!-Nintendo Switch, Sony Playstation|and Playstation|5, Microsoft Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S-https_//www.youtube|/watch\\?v=psdeHoARfYM|Events|nothing nada zilch An update is supposedly coming...|eventually.|>Steam page_http_//store.steampowered|/index.php\\?threads/785/|>Fighting Game Beginner's Guide_|>Mizuumi Wiki_|https_//wiki.gbl.gg/w/Them's_Fightin'_Herds|trailer_|/watch\\?v=LEBOSUOLTXM|>Shanty trailer_|/watch\\?v=hiw3kMTAVFo|/watch\\?v=kEsG0DYF1yo|>Texas trailer_|/watch\\?v=oSM20gOntLM|>Stronghoof trailer_|/watch\\?v=-vlIQ21-fj0|>Nidra reveal trailer_|>Baihe reveal trailer there isn't one lel lmao|She is perfection incarnate,|and the most marryable pony ever!|Rarity has a fat ass.|/opg/|Open Pony General|- Frolicking on the Beach Edition_|>What is Open Pony\\?|3D pony models.|Info here_|https_//www.equestriadaily|>Just give me a MARE|Idiotproof starter guide_|https_//drive.google|https_//ponepaste.org/7410|Braindead simple Anonmare guide_|https_//smutty.mare.stream/mlajjqelswj.png https_//smutty.mare.stream/mjmqtlwwntf.mp4|>Join the|/mlp/|>Where is the|hangout\\?|Baltimare,|open-access_|Cloudsdale,|invite-only_|- WIP https_//baltimare.pages.dev/|https_//baltimare.hotmilk.space/|>After that,|Luna's Empire|H-Mart Tower-Free goodies in the gift shop__|Ponyville shop_|>Content creation resources_|https_//ponepaste.org/8725|>Baltimare design/planning channels_|https_//app.element.io/#/room/#baltimare_pony.cx|>Live Baltimare stream https_//picarto.tv/BalTV https_//picarto.tv/BalTV2|Which one is better and more classy\\?|Draw Thread_|Request,|draw,|submit.|Mark requests with|‘/r/’|‘/d/’|for deliveries,|‘/ic/’|for critiques.|Also,|when|/r/equesting,|to make it easier for drawfags to fulfill your request.|- Don't spam or bump your requests.|- IGNORE|SHITPOSTERS/ATTENTIONWHORES.|- Don't respond to the spam.|Just report and hide it and move on.|>DROPBOX|ARCHIVE -https_//www.dropbox|QUICK|LINKS|>Draw Thread Information|>/mlp/|drawfag improvement|>Pony Drawing Tutorials|-https_//mares.horse/draw https_//mlpg.co/art/res/23.html|Kinderquestria/Anon in pone prison|upsies edition_|Welcome to the Thread!|Kinderquestria/Anon in pone prison focuses on the world and adventures of naive #AZ2xm#child like ponies and the misadventures and shenanigans of Anon that results in him going to prison!|To get a good handle on how things are done around here I implore you to check out our new and improved one stop shop of kinder greens and prompts here|https_//ponepaste.org/7630|EFNW is this weekend on Seattle's east side and I haven't seen any posts about it.|Any anons planning on going\\?|Slave Pony Thread|Archive Link_|>What is this thread about\\?|This thread revolves around stories about ponies getting bathed and pet.|>Can you elaborate more\\?|Sure!|SPG-Slave Pony General-is mostly about characters dealing with the actual implications of the horrifying thing that is chattel slavery.|It's more looking at how people with modern sensibilities deal with the ownership of another sentient being,|and how most people aren't total cunts.|Are you new and want to write your own story but have no previous experience\\?|Check out these guides_|https_//poneb.in/V1ujiyJt https_//poneb.in/bnMmZ2T3|https_//poneb.in/g4VpEg4f-clop specific-We have a Discord server!|https_//discord.gg/b7EFmaj Remember not to save anything of value on pastebin,|use ponepaste.org Have a broken pastebin link\\?|Replace pastebin with poneb.in|--- Featured Story_|--- Lithia By Icehunt/KarmaFields|-https_//ponepaste.org/8260|--- Most Recently Completed Story_|--- Getting Shy by AspiringWritefag|-https_//ponepaste.org/752|-https_//ponepaste.org/4185|--- Useful Links|---~~~|Recommended Stories for New Readers_|https_//ponepaste.org/1587|Completed Stories-37__|https_//ponepaste.org/1589|Popular Stories_|https_//ponepaste.org/1579|All Stories-209__|https_//ponepaste.org/1590|One-Shot Stories-47__|https_//ponepaste.org/1584|Thread Archive_|https_//ponepaste.org/1642|https_//1drv.ms/f/s!AiFkdye7rtydbfk0wBnid5vnFUg-outdated-~~~|You will never escape her._|Express your love for this wife-able mare.|>Oh no partner!|You ain’t commitin’|suicide on my watch.|I’ll save you as many times as I have to,|even when you think I wont be able to.|Snowpony Thread|Lichen is up to something again Edition The pic that started it all_|https_//nhnb.org/fim/res/2295.html Archive of snowpony thread art_|https_//mega.nz/folder/0okEHKxS#8FIy3EQUHM-XluGvV7knIg Archive of snowpony-related musics_|https_//ponepaste.org/5819|On the boorus,|the snowpony tag ended up being|\"snowpony-species_\"|\"taiga pony\"|>What is a snowpity\\?|https_//snowpity|>What are snowponies\\?|https_//ponepaste.org/5843|Reading material_|>Anon and Frosty Flakes https_//ponepaste.org/5609|https_//ponepaste.org/5640|>Comfy lore snippets https_//ponepaste.org/5652|https_//ponepaste.org/5650|https_//ponepaste.org/5664|>Cirrus Wisp and Filly https_//ponepaste.org/5662|>Lichen greens https_//ponepaste.org/7273|>Bury Me in White https_//ponepaste.org/5648|>Surehoof's First Ice Step https_//ponepaste.org/5689|>A cute-hopefully-snow pone short https_//ponepaste.org/5682|>My Winter Storm https_//ponepaste.org/5713|>Poetry https_//ponepaste.org/8220|https_//ponepaste.org/5857|https_//ponepaste.org/5885|>Agate's vigil is no longer WIP,|finished story now.|>The First Fish https_//ponepaste.org/7283|>New Life with Frosty Flakes-Lewd-https_//ponepaste.org/6225|>_WIP-Cultural Exchange at Spa https_//ponepaste.org/7063|>Snowfall Frost's seach for Windigos https_//ponepaste.org/7147|>The first step north https_//ponepaste.org/7468|>Pine Ponder and the Lost Scarf https_//ponepaste.org/8037|Crystal Forest Rescue https_//ponepaste.org/8082|Snowpitt vignette https_//ponepaste.org/8361|>Comet Chaser and a Windigo Hunter https_//ponepaste.org/8843|>Granite and Fireweed https_//ponepaste.org/9917|>Merch Pine Ponder approved tea_|https_//www.adagio|Snowpone patches_|https_//neighsayerpatches|/products/the-great-snowpone-expedition-patch https_//neighsayerpatches|/products/visit-snowpitt-patch|Is starlight glimmer the worst pony or twilight\\?|They're both awful,|in my opinion.|/mlp/'s Pony Gaming_|Drive-by Edition Discuss vidya and play with fellow horsefuckers.|Pony vidya,|pony mods and related videogame discussion are also encouraged,|any type or genre of videogame is welcome.|If you want to play a certain game with|don't hesitate to ask.|People might just join and play with you.|Don't be afraid to add each other.|Who knows,|maybe-You-will start up a new staple group\\?|More importantly,|have fun!|Vidya's played last thread_|Age of Empires|Black Ops|Zombies, Killing Floor|2, OpenTTD, PAYDAY|Containment Breach Multiplayer, SRB2Kart, Tabletop Simulator, Terraria, Vintage Story.|Old Posts_|Old posts from fimfiction,|/mlp/,|youtube,|whatever.|/CHAG/|–|Sweetie Bot Edition_|Welcome to Chatbot AI|#85,|the thread for discussing and improving AI pony chatbots.|▶|Bots https_//mlpchag.neocities.org Spreadsheet-extra MLP bots, CAI bots, Jailbreaks__|!!!|GALLERY|!!!_|How do I start\\?|1-Select a Frontend|2-Select an AI model|3-Select Jailbreak|4-Select bots|5-Lovemaking with AI mares!|Starting in this hobby can be opaque and difficult.|If it’s your first time and you’re lost,|ASK|THREAD!|◀|https_//rentry.org/onrms|SillyTavern-preferred frontend-https_//github|/SillyTavern/SillyTavern On Android_|https_//rentry.org/STAI-Termux Retards guide_|https_//rentry.org/Tavern4Retards App that voices pony responses in ST_|/drive/folders/16Ss26VBmgzcSuTGzhaHqRuyVRceTf-YB|More frontends_|Risu_|https_//risuai.xyz Agnai_|https_//agnai.chat Retards guide_|https_//rentry.org/agnai_guides|Locals Getting started_|https_//rentry.org/lmg-spoonfeed-guide|Museum of local pony projects_|https_//rentry.org/b8wemkqk Locals on Google Colab_|https_//rentry.org/ky239|Jailbreaks MLP|JB_|https_//rentry.org/znon7vxe More JB and guides_|https_//rentry.org/jb-listing Hypebots for Tavern_|https_//rentry.org/pn3hb|Character.AI https_//old.character.ai|PAID|OPTIONS-Ask the thread before considering these-▶|Openrouter-Free options are often available,|like Llama|8B-https_//openrouter.ai/|Setting up your own AWS instance-Claude, LLama, Mistral,|etc.-https_//rentry.org/how2aws4khanon|Scenarios, Settings,|and Presets,|see the Spreadsheet, NAI|Advanced Settings, Format,|and Cards Description_|https_//rentry.org/82b9c|Botmaking Editors_|https_//desune.moe/aichared,|https_//agnai.chat/editor Guides_|https_//rentry.org/meta_botmaking_list Advanced_|https_//rentry.org/AdvancedCardWritingTricks Previous thread_|Chag Mini VN project_|releases here_|/AeGwrvd4|News_|-New chatgpt-4o released.|Available on non-azure proxies|-Nemo Pony, Mistral Nemo base model finetuned on fimfics released_|https_//huggingface.co/Ada321/NemoPony|releases,|-Mistral Nemo and Mistral Large|released https_//mistral.ai/news/mistral-nemo,|https_//mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407|Glimglam is the best pony.|That is all.|Electricity exists in the FiM timeline\\?|Why can't twilight join flying races to help rainbow dash when she has to choose between cloudsdale and ponyville\\?|Is it because she's a princess or because she's still a bad flyer\\?|Rainbow Dash Thread_|Hoodie Edition Post pictures,|write greentexts,|and discuss Dash!|Writefags_|mobius|Dash clips_|/playlist\\?list=PLoXHb9V5YfHxoNawqkIJZCDsOHlyFO6jl Songs of Dash_|Spotify playlist_|https_//open.spotify|/playlist/7Isoflxr37EJYRcVnnoScd|/dash/|index_|https_//ponepaste.org/1400|Backup index_|https_//pastelink.net/31lnq|Have your thoughts on bats changed in the last hour\\?|A pony walks up to you right now and asks you what the meaning of life is.|They ask you why their creator put them on the planet and gave them consciousness and the ability to form complex thought and even question their place in the universe.|They ask you why suffering exists and other philosophical questions.|What do you say\\?|Spanking Thread|OC|Edition Again_|OC's.|They exist,|and some become very popular.|They can come in many forms,|and the vast majority of them have rumps.|That means they can be spanked.|After all,|why let only canon characters have all the fun\\?|Featured stories_|Griffon guard duties by Anon_|https_//ponepaste.org/7043|Thru the Window by DCFTEF_|https_//ponepaste.org/6458|On Fire|https_//ponepaste.org/6531|Stuff from last thread_|Gayness is not an excuse to avoid spankings.|AI art and comment.|Spank ideas.|Rarity and Sweetie spank story.|Drum replacement|Story ideas discussion.|Scared colt.|Bright Mac spanked by Granny.|Spank edit pic.|Flurry/Cozy spank idea.|Applebloom shorts.|Best MILF spanker discussion.|Spanking choice story.|New pic.|Story about above pic.|Rarity spanking Sweetie on the way to camp story.|Drugs and spankings.|Photo IDs.|Let me know if I missed anything,|and be sure to read some of these and acknowledge them.|The stories were pretty good as well as the new pic.|More feedback means more motivation to write/draw,|which means more good stuff.|Fantastic archive_|https_//ponepaste.org/6509|https_//www.deviantart|/dvfhgrvvghg If a thread is not active on the|1st of the month,|one will be created.|Be advised_|this is a thread about cartoon horses.|Old thread_|NEETpone/Misfit General_|AnimeCon Edition.|Previous_|>What is this general\\?|NEET/Misfit Pone is a thread for ponies who despite their best efforts-or in some cases complete lack thereof-struggle to fit in with the rest of society.|>What sort of stories can you expect to find here\\?|Slice of life stuff.|Lots of odd cute ponies becoming the waifu stories.|Lots of being the cute oddball pony stories.|A few NEET-recovery stories.|A lot of smut,|if you're into that.|Lots of ponies to get you started with a variety of personalities and quirks.|Don't like one of them\\?|Give another NEET a try!|Much,|much more!|>Quick rundown on the pre-existing ponies ITT_|Floor Bored|- The OG|NEET from the very first threads.|Floor comes in all different forms,|- Paradise is a pony who started off as a NEET but ends up going to univeristy in a PiE setting.|She's very quiet,|easily spooked,|- Huge bookworm.|Taku|- Goldie is another friend of Floors,|only she's into kaiju and big monsters.|- Floor's sports nerd friend-Pic above,|pony with the hat and lazy eye-Home Sick|- Anon Mare is entirely up to your own interpretation.|Same premise as Anon Filly but all grown up.|The self-insert pony.|Writer's Block|NEET pony whos background is currently unclear.|Know anything about her\\?|- A chubby mare who lives in a PiE kind of setting.|- A femcolt/trap NEET that enjoys making electronic music.|Very laid back,|https_//ponepaste.org/5398|https_//poneb.in/u/FrankHogs555|>Link to OP_|https_//ponepaste.org/5397|We are playing TF2!|Secret agent edition OLD|THREAD_|Pony maps,|sprays,|and micspam!|Reskinned vanilla maps-with mares-by our very own anons!|Come relive the heyday of pony TF2|with your friends from|/mlp/!|Visit our official website to check out the server info from your browser_|https_//mlp.tf/|If you'd like a custom icon on the mlp.tf scoreboard,|post your Steam ID and attach your desired icon in the thread.|>Server info Server IP_|tf2.15.ai OR|Password_|https_//steamcommunity|.bz2|file,|then place the|.bsp file in|http_//mlp.site.nfoservers|/server/maps/|Player stats_|http_//mlp.gameme|/server/demos/|Active hours_|7-9pm to|players-Custom MvM also available for early hours-42|player limit-and other gamemodes like Death Run or VSH for after-hours.|This server uses a plugin that changes the stats of some weapons.|for more info.|All reverts except for the old airblast are active by default,|and most reverts can be toggled in-game.|Consider installing mastercomfig if you have frequent frame drops,|bad hitreg,|poor network connectivity,|or are new to the game.|See https_//mastercomfig|for easy installation.|It is STRONGLY recommended that all players install some preset of mastercomfig since TF2's default netcode settings have not been changed since|THERE|IS|DISCORD|SERVER|ASSOCIATED|WITH|THIS|Any post mentioning|\"the|Discord\"|is a troll and should be ignored.|/vg/-style chatroom-posting is OFF-TOPIC and should be reported as such.|and skill level across the playerbase varies.|Join the fun!|Nightly Twilight Thread_|Magic after dark edition Twilight's favourite books_|https_//ponepaste.org/7844|Fanfic Reading_|/playlist\\?list=PLYetaRLw6_prOF6FYfBqoCtdz-D-7uUP9|Pastebins_|/u/NightlyTwilightFic https_//pastebin|/u/NighlyTwilightStorie https_//pastebin|/u/BizzarreCoyote https_//pastebin|/u/YukkuriPalehorse https_//pastebin|/u/Silver_Smoulder|/ra/|- Rarity Thread_|Fancy Dinner edition.|Last Th/ra/d_|A bunch of short greens_|https_//ponepaste.org/9328|Rarity Mixtape_|https_//youtube|Spotify Playlist_|https_//derpy.me/RJoFC|/qEw9Vbd6|Pack of every good solo Rarity pic-in progress__|July|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/ybZ5tgu7OpwUtg January|- June|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/1nEHq8Bqp8AHIg July|- December|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/lYezh-7PUbS_zA|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/J4N6U8Av-dBLXQ|>Rainbow Dash isn’t available for you to cum inside today Gorilla-Man.|I sent her on a|“secret Wonderbolt mission”|for an alicorn artifact,|thats actually some silly wild goose chase.|So why don’t you relax hmm\\?|Oh and since I’m a military official,|thats an order!|Czequestria|Nah fuck this,|we're having a thread for Czequestria.|Date_|August|23-25,|Place_|KD|Krakov, Prague, Czech Republic Event language_|English https_//www.czequestria.cz/en/|Darting.|/create/|-general content creation thread_-formerly known as|/tempo/,|or T_EM/P/O-A conglomerate of content creators since we couldn't keep our own threads up alone.|If you're working on something,|be it musicfagging,|writefagging,|drawfagging,|poetfagging,|craftfagging,|or game-devfagging come by and post for some feedback or give some of your own.|If you want to start content creating why not start today\\?|This thread is intended for ALL|SKILL|LEVELS,|from complete beginner to seasoned expert.|Don't get intimidated.|We're all just hobbyists here to have fun and help each other make more pony stuff.|Active Community Projects_|Mare Fair|27th|-29th-/mlp/|SS13|https_//ponepaste.org/9401-really needs updated,|bug me about this later-Tempo Music Archive_|https_//magma|/invite/DXPPI_ZG|Current|/bale/|PPP thread for all your AI-generated voice needs_|They're going to fuck and milk you of your sperm in front of your waifu.|Are you strong enough to resist them and prevent your waifu from becoming a cuckquean\\?|Cheerilee thread\\?_|Eight years since we were properly introduced to the first cinnamon roll|/sun/day!|Let us bask in Princess Celestia's gentle radiance.|https_//ponepaste.org/4028|Music Playlist https_//youtube|Have a Celestia story that you want added to the archive\\?|>Link to story on Pastebin or Ponepaste|>Say whether the story is finished or unfinished,|or if it is a one shot-this is important for sorting->Provide a synopses of the plot-please do this, I don't like writing these->Any other important information that you want to add,|such as the thread of origin.|Broken Pastebin URL\\?|with poneb.in/|Humanized variants of Princess Celestia and others are unwelcome here.|ja0822ck appreciation thread_|Take a deep breath and discuss why acid/skitzo pony man is the best active artist in the fandom|where the FUCK is the cozy thread|Pony Preservation Project-Thread|Welcome to the Pony Voice Preservation Project!|youtu.be/730zGRwbQuE|The Pony Preservation Project is a collaborative effort by|to build and curate pony datasets for as many applications in AI as possible.|Technology has progressed such that a trained neural network can generate convincing voice clips,|drawings and text for any person or character using existing audio recordings,|artwork and fanfics as a reference.|As you can surely imagine, AI pony voices,|drawings and text have endless applications for pony content creation.|AI is incredibly versatile,|basically anything that can be boiled down to a simple dataset can be used for training to create more of it.|fanfics,|wAIfu chatbots and even animation are possible,|and are being worked on here.|Any anon is free to join,|and there are many active tasks that would suit any level of technical expertise.|If you’re interested in helping out,|take a look at the quick start guide linked below and ask in the thread for any further detail you need.|EQG and G5|are not welcome.|>Quick start guide_|/document/d/1PDkSrKKiHzzpUTKzBldZeKngvjeBUjyTtGCOv2GWwa0/edit Introduction to the PPP,|links to text-to-speech tools,|and how-You-can help with active tasks.|>The main Doc_|resources and archives.|>Active tasks_|Research into animation AI|>Latest developments_|GDrive clone of Master File now available|SortAnon releases script to run TalkNet on Windows|TalkNet training script|FiMmicroSoL model|Delta GPT-J notebook|tutorial|New FiMfic GPT model|FimFic dataset release|Offline GPT-PNY|FiMfic dataset|SD weights|SD low vram|Huggingface SD_|Colab SD|NSFW|Pony Model|New DeltaVox|so-vits-svt|so-vits-svt tutorial|Hay Say|Haysay on the web!|SFX seperator|Synthbot updates GDrive|Private|\"MareLoid\"|VoiceCraft|Fimfarch dataset|years of PPP|Audio re-up|RVC|Experiments|Ace Studio Demo|>The PoneAI drive,|an archive for AI pony voice content_|>Clipper’s Master Files,|the central location for MLP voice data_|/drive/folders/1MuM9Nb_LwnVxInIPFNvzD_hv3zOZhpwx|>Cool,|where is the discord/forum/whatever unifying place for this project\\?|You're looking at it.|Last Thread_|RGRE - Reversed Gender Roles Equestria_|ゴゴゴゴ|Edition Previous thread_|Fauster's Story Archive_|Uh-hmmm's Prompt Archives_|https_//ponepaste.org/1046|Have a broken Pastebin link\\?|Replace pastebin with poneb.in Remember_|not to save anything of value on Pastebin ignore all attempts at early new threads ignore new threads by the cheerimac poster why the fuck am I the one baking\\?|the baker's guild will hear of this|Stallion Thread_|Big Mac Edition ITT we talk about stallions-and other non-pony males-and R63|versions of mares.|Last thread_|Pony Transformation General_|Human becomes pony.|How,|why and what happens next are all up to you.|New stories and art welcome!|Any type of transformation into ponies,|gryphons,|changelings,|dragons,|kirin,|etc.,|whether OC or canonical,|Anonponies of all shapes and sizes.|Want to be the little pony\\?|This is the thread for you.|Previously on PTFG_|- Very self-indulgent unicorn stallion TF - New|Complete!|- Mares With Guns by OrwellRedenbacher|- New!|https_//ponepaste.org/9446|- Interstate by Ceiling Necromancer https_//ponepaste.org/9707|- Chestnut Glaze by pogoman122|- Complete!|- Daisy Belle by OrwellRedenbacher|https_//ponepaste.org/9985|- Go Ask Littlepip When She's Two And A|Half Feet Tall by Darkdemonlucifer|Ticket To The Circus by Darkdemonlucifer|https_//ponepaste.org/7247|- The Pon-E|Rewrites_|Purple Black Gray by Alycorn|- Beach Walk https_//ponepaste.org/9521|- Nemetona by Meslam https_//ponepaste.org/9720|- Pink In The Club by AtomicGlow|https_//ponepaste.org/9600|- War Story by OrwellRedenbacher|https_//ponepaste.org/9485|Papi|https_//ponepaste.org/9477|- Untitled Short Pet Story|by definitelynotapurplehorse|https_//ponepaste.org/9470|- New Moon https_//ponepaste.org/9450|- Twin Moon by Advisability|https_//ponepaste.org/8991|- Unfinished Pizzaportal epilogue by Gnisha https_//ponepaste.org/8967|Mirror, Brightly by Fructose https_//derpy.me/wxs|- WXS volume|- Heroes Never Die by Shimmerist Ari https_//ponepaste.org/8902|- Cannon for sale by Pinkening https_//ponepaste.org/8904|- Experiment R41NB0W|- Horsegirl by Neighpalm https_//ponepaste.org/8866|- Stripped Screw by Neighpalm https_//ponepaste.org/8835|- The Lunar Experience by Slippery_Slope|https_//ponepaste.org/7973|- Honey Pot by Wanda https_//ponepaste.org/8731|- Soda Pony TFTG-ish and Sex by AtomicGlow|- That Particular Instance I|Piece Of Silverware by Yuri Fanatic https_//ponepaste.org/8210|- My First Maregasm by anonfilly Archive of over|stories,|as well as additional links and materials_|https_//pone.tf Past threads index_|http_//nsfw.pone.tf/|Chat_|https_//discord.gg/tfAjenN|Recommended stories for new readers_|https_//ponepaste.org/7278|Shadowbolt Thread|Back To School Edition_|Let's explore any and all sorts of ideas for the underutilized and under-developed Shadowbolts from Equestria Girls.|--- Completed Stories_|Treating Miss Sweet by ChurroAnon|/7r8iCJ2U --- Ongoing Stories_|To Listen-Part|1-by AlexanderGrey|/c6D2XDbL|Game of Headphones-Part|2-by AlexanderGrey|/Sx1M6gnB|Music Is Coming-Part|3-by Alexander Grey|/4c5BLWLd|--- Shamelessly stolen writing guides_|/whCQ2GpX -https_//pastebin|Other Shadowbolt links_|/wYy0FyrA https_//ponepaste.org/3740|Submission is Mandatory|Please sthap edition.|>What is this thread about\\?|This thread is dedicated to stories that have clear dominate and submissive roles;|both with and without consent.|>What exactly is welcome in this thread\\?|A wide variety of stories are welcomed here;|from non-consent and sexual slavery,|to abusive manipulation and psychological domination,|to maids and extortion,|and even healthy consensual relationships with BDSM role-play elements.|Other variations are welcome as well,|so long as they are complementary to the domination/submission focus of the thread.|Up to date archives_|Thread story list_|https_//ponepaste.org/7575|Thread list_|https_//ponepaste.org/7446|Unsorted oneshots/prompts/unfinished greens_|https_//ponepaste.org/7672|Outdated archives_|https_//poneb.in/f8f09HB4|https_//poneb.in/778zgnJ5|https_//mulpwiki.batpony.party/index.php/SiM|——————|This thread was originally founded to support the|“Submission is Mandatory”|While the story has gone on hiatus,|it’s content is referred to by a number of stories in this thread.|In return,|she grants him ownership of the Mane|Expanded Universe Stories-Octavia POV-Recommended-https_//poneb.in/Y2AahdQp Other Stories|-https_//poneb.in/3AFdqxvs|Use ponepaste.org Have a broken pastebin link\\?|Active stories_|Last updated in the previous thread-#125__|>The Carat and Stick by RapeApe|!bwwXn5Gx.o Cadance forces Rarity onto medifag Anon.|https_//ponepaste.org/733|https_//ponepaste.org/4327|https_//ponepaste.org/9692|End of the last update_|>Thralls of Twilight by ManicQuil The retired princesses show Twilight a new hidden side in their relationship.|Starts here_|Last updated here_|>Harsh is The Night by ManicQuil EQG story with a sub Rainbow Dash and her mistress Luna.|Last update here_|>The Culture of Rubber Ponies by ManicQuil Ponies covered in latex.|https_//ponepaste.org/7692|>Short EQG christmas story with Dom Celestia and sub Dazzlings by ManicQuil Starts here_|Ends here-|more to come|?-_|>Untitled Applebloom trying out a special outfit for Nightmare Night Starts here_|>Title may be|Reluctant Pride\"|by Keeper Anon fucking his way into becoming leader of the gryphons https_//ponepaste.org/9057|Mare Fair Thread|More Staff Edition_|WE'RE|HIRING_|Do-You_,|yes-You_!|Want to be involved in how the sausage-marefair-is made\\?|Well now's your chance!|We are currently looking for anons to help volunteer for many departments,|especially Operations, Attendee Relations,|and Distribution!|Of course,|if you want to help in other departments,|such as A/V or the Game Room,|please apply!|We're always looking for more help in making this con happen,|so don't shy away from applying!|If you have any questions about the responsibilities of working in certain departments,|please feel free to send an email or ask here in the thread!|As mentioned before,|our venue has been changed to the Marriott Orlando Airport Lakeside!|so if you've made any travel plans from September|27th through the|29th in the area,|just make sure you rebook your stay to the Marriott instead of our previous venue!|We have limited room available on our room block,|and some days over the con weekend are close to selling out.|Be sure to book your room now if you plan to attend!|you can always look for room shares in these threads too!|If you would like to know more please visit our website at_|https_//marefair.org/venue/|Finally,|just another reminder that Fair Flyer and Morning Mimosa will be available as plushies at this year’s Mare Fair!-Sorry Soirée and Matinée,|maybe next year.-We’ve collaborated with Symbiote Studios to make two of our mascots come to life,|and we hope you’ll love them enough to take home your very own!|If you have any questions or concerns,|please send us an email at_|info@marefair.org All official information will be made available by our staff using these tripcodes_|Ebonyglow|!!eSW1dXRikgk Rez|!!fjenat+Ey8k|Anonfilly Thread|- Wings Edition_|>Spoonfeed me.|What's this thread about\\?|This thread typically consists of Anon gone filly,|as he's thrust into a new life as a cute little pony.|>What's to be expected\\?|Fillies,|cuteness, Anon-tier shenanigans,|bitchy Twilight,|desires to be the little filly,|>Any archive of photos or stories\\?|Dropbox-Photos__|>I'm a contributor.|Great!|For writers,|just notify|̶A̶l̶l̶|̶N̶i̶g̶h̶t̶e̶r̶|̶F̶g̶t̶|Lone15,|so you can have your green added to the Doc.|For artists,|animators,|or any other content makers,|you can store your fillies in the Dropbox for future viewing pleasure.|which you can check out here_|https_//projects.fivethirtyeight|/personality-quiz/\\?group=-LdS-38NvfIG9PHPrYB8|>I don't like this thread because of reasons.|You'll never know how it is unless you try a dose of filly.|Old Mare_|What would your ideal current year FiM content creator look like.|Would they focus on episode discussion\\?|Canon debates\\?|Fanart creation/showcase\\?|Music\\?|It’s hard to keep a fanbase running the longer the show it’s based on is over.|But what would you as a fan look for in a FiM fandom channel/account/website\\?|Anonymous in Equestria thread|Last thread,|IRC_|irc.rizon.net|#/mlp/AiE|Active list_|/mVG33ERX|Master list_|/xGf9RcL9|Completed Stories list_|/QZ4PDe7g Stories Sorted by Pony_|/GJyQquaY|>rope's HD remastered thread archives_|/Qg2dwzq0|>If a pastebin link is broken you can copy the string at the end of the url of a poneb.in link so pastebin|/mVG33ERX becomes https_//poneb.in/mVG33ERX|>PiE|Corner|>Remember to tag all PiE|Author List_|http_//derpy.me/PiE_Pictures Browser Pony Author List_|/ZCGjtftk|/4clop/|4clop and Tribes thread I'm Still Standing edition_|Thread for discussion of|>4CLOP,|the game of war and geoponitics!|Also a thread for Tribes,|a similar game about pony ethnonationalism!|>4clop https_//4clop|>Tribes https_//ponywar|When was the last thread\\?|A month ago\\?|Putting one up myself.|I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash.|Dazzling Thread|Back to school edition.|All Dazzling lovers are welcome.|It doesn't matter if you're an Adagio, Aria or Sonatafag,|let's all join in one place.|Post anything of the Dazzlings_|drawings,|discussions,|fetishes,|re-edits,|gifs,|re-made songs-written or,|if you had the guts to,|sung_,|anything you like.|Come here and show that you're under their spell!|Archives-green,|https_//dazzlefan.club/|Guides for Aspiring Writers_|https_//ponepaste.org/1661|https_//ponepaste.org/1659|https_//ponepaste.org/1658|Art Compilation_|Steam group_|http_//steamcommunity|/groups/PraisetheSirens Old Shattered Gem_|Fingerbang_|The Equestria Girls and Humanized Thread|- Summer Loving Edition Part|Welcome to Fingerbang_|Humanized Thread!|Anything with|>no hooves is welcome and encouraged here.|If you like to write,|or critique the humanized versions of the ponies,|then this is the thread for you.|Story List_|--Recent Writefags--pastebin can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary-Grey_|https_//ponepaste.org/9699-Pinkie Pie-Anonymous_|https_//ponepaste.org/8602-Coco-Less Recent Writefags_|--- Archival Pastebin_|/u/FingerbangingMLP-pastebin can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary-Thread Resources_|http_//derpy.me/b783H|FimFiction Group_|http_//derpy.me/tQSuG|Discord_|https_//discord.gg/jXfKyJP|Google Drive_|--->How did this Humanized thread get started\\?|What happened to Fingerbang\\?|The Humanized thread was created when the various humanized threads-including Fingerbang-on|decided to merge.|The rest is history.|Quite literally as of now.|>I did it, Anon!|>I finally figured out a way to get to the human world!|Rise of Paradise|#33.5-CYOA__|Last time,|not a lot happened cause I went on vacation for a bit.|Back now though,|so if you want to catch back up on the short last thread it's here_|Vinyl Scratch Thread|-/vst/_|Show Vinyl some love by posting cute pics,|as well as greens.|Vinyl Pastebin Collection-http_//pastebin|/u/Two_Echo A collection of Vinyl stories-https_//ponepaste.org/user/TiredAsShit Individual Vinyl Greens- Wubs From Vinyl-Anon x Vinyl-http_//pastebin|/TvHbH1xE|Fuck You-Anon x Vinyl-https_//ponepaste.org/8191|Vinyl gets a ride from Anon http_//pastebin|/HutPuyAK|Vinyl and Anon date http_//pastebin|/G8dJtww7|Stuttering Vinyl http_//pastebin|/SWaLMMjK|Vinyl and Anon at CHS http_//pastebin|/mUFNraWX|Teenage Vinyl makes a deal http_//pastebin|/ZaeXSTxi The Other Side-Anon x Scratch-http_//pastebin|/EfmVk5pi Twisting the Vinyl https_//pastebin|/A3R7g1uG|Canterlot Rape Wars http_//pastebin|/857MZ8RQ|#AZ2xm#Daughter Vinyl https_//pastebin|/Tyb8ZpPL|Vinyl Scratch x Neon Lights https_//ponepaste.org/8185|Vinyl Takes Anon https_//ponepaste.org/8186|Taking Care of Vinyl Scratch https_//ponepaste.org/8187|Vinyl's Gangbang Bus https_//ponepaste.org/8188|Binyl Scratch_|Raping anon to perfection https_//ponepaste.org/8189|Vinyl archive_|\"Do you even lift the bass\\?\"|https_//ponepaste.org/8190|https_//mega.nz/folder/4gwEmCrJ#g0rinvi8aPkPzNvmuI3dkw|Pinkie Pie is breaking time and space again|5-My Little Pony_|New Generation-Make Your Mark series has begun on Netflix,|and there's still the movie as well!|Tell Your Tale episode playlist https_//www.youtube|/playlist\\?list=PLUnS6VWqJBaZqq_emLdwdCwU7O7RDEyxW|Pony Life_|https_//mega.nz/folder/Ji5VkAwY#BYzHARWDjj-djo8e4WTsnQ|YouTube Playlist of pony shorts https_//www.youtube|The Manga|Day in the Life of Equestria, Vol.|/file/j76lgbbq1nibrrj/MLP_The_Manga_Vol_1_HD.rar/file Get a physical copy https_//sevenseasentertainment|/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-1/|Day in the Life of Equestria Vol.|/file/nmbj6jdwg2faw4r/MLP_Manga_Vol2.rar/file Get a physical copy https_//sevenseasentertainment|/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-2/|/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-3/|A little over a month left of summer to go,|and the vacations are ending.|That means it's definitely an opportune time to get the fall line rolling out,|supposing inspiration has sufficiently struck.|And if not, Rarity's just going to have to continue taking in the sights|-on company time.|Business expenses,|and whatnot.|Perfectly reasonable in her line of work.|/glim/|- She's gonna need a stronger cup|'o joe_|This is a thread for all things Starlight Glimmer.|Post pics,|greens and discussion.|Topics discussed_|>what if glim was|“evil”|and reformed\\?|>Glimmy calls you a pussy,|what do\\?|glim found THAT memory|slightly smoked glims|>You vs Glim,|who wins\\?|switch glims\\?|>devilish|>Starlight and Dash's relationship|>Invaded by the Great and Powerful Trixie|somehow,|gave birth to a human #AZ2xm#baby instead of a foal\\?|>Glimmy gives Anon strength|>Kissy kissy glim and trixie https_//files.catbox.moe/1t94ik.jpg|Double Diamond comic https_//files.catbox.moe/lrm0ne.jpg|>Anon drew a Starlight https_//files.catbox.moe/y5wypr.png|>Do it for glim https_//files.catbox.moe/s1sksm.png|>Glimmies!|https_//files.catbox.moe/4eeopr.jpg|\"Ice Ice Glimmy\"|>Starlight makes it snow|>Starlight and Anon have ice cream|>But how does she taste\\?|https_//ponepaste.org/7897|Princess Applejack_|Howdy,|What you see here began as a series of comedy-centric stories with the concept of an alicorn-ascended Princess Applejack trying to change a mismanaged Equestria for the better by humorously interacting with the other,|quite lazy,|Plus late night pink antics.|The whole thing was set in motion by this gem_|>So,|wait,|why am Ah'|a princess again\\?|>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom.|You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done\\?|Fucking nothing.|Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight,|And don't even get me started on Cadence,|who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative.|Fucking annoying.|Go do actual princess stuff,|because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks|\"Princess\"|\"Beat cop.\"|Are you feeling creative\\?|Try your hand at writing a story!|If you're more artistically inclined give a drawing or sketch a shot.|Don't fret too much;|it doesn't have to be fancy and we appreciate artwork a lot.|If that isn't your style either,|writers always need feedback.|So tell us what you liked|-and what you didn't|-to help us improve.|If you are unsure about anything,|do not be afraid to ask.|We will gladly bring you up-to-date or explain anything you feel is unclear.|374!|WHO'S|READY|FOR|GODFIGHT|GALORE\\?|Sorry,|but bat ponies have already colonized the entire galaxy!|Kekeke.|That's right,|it's quadrillions of bat ponies in every direction.|You'll just have to be happy with the couple we left you in your solar system.|Fuuuufufu.|But we'll be nice and let you visit our worlds.|More animatics are getting leaked_|Bats!_|https_//files.catbox.moe/11ersk.mp4|>Let me spell it out for you Anonymous.|Unless you marry me,|you are going to die from old age.|You will suffer from cancer or dementia,|most certainly becoming weaker and less active as the months go by for decades and decades until finally you’re buried in the ground somewhere.|Immortality is the only answer to suffering.|Rarity thread_|Sexy detective edition.|>Be me|>Havent watched since S3|>Get reaction video of Rarity|>Reccomended some season|episode in full from YouTube #AZ2xm#Kids|>Click on it and watch for|>Fluttershy has a younger brother now,|and he's bigger than her What the FUCK\\?|What other LORE was NEVER mentioned in the first three seasons\\?|What was her worst sin|/mlp/\\?|I didn't follow TyT but she was pretty cute in MyM|>Macaron Mare Today’s the day!|Cherie is chomping at the bit to set a record baking the world’s biggest macaron and win the title of Macaron Mare!|With her regular orders piling up-at her horse cart_, Cocoa worries Cherie has bitten off more macaron than she can chew!|But Cherie is determined until she totes out a giant-oozy-macaron with a mind of its own!|SPLAT!|Realising how important this contest is to her friend, Cocoa rallies some other horses-Perla and Candi_,|and together,|they manage to tame Cherie’s macaron flop and help her get back on track https_//youtu.be/WrkIAXmL0wU|Gif Thread_|Post horse movements|/aj/|- Applejack Thread_|Tropical edition Previous thread_|Thread links_|Voice archive https_//drive.google|Greens https_//pastebin|/4EdcwVeN https_//pastebin|/1wd0YfDm https_//pastebin|/6jZyENuM https_//mulpwiki.batpony.party/index.php/Category_Flabrus https_//pastebin|/u/docmajor119|https_//mulpwiki.batpony.party/index.php/Category_Rahzma A playlist of Applejack songs https_//www.youtube|/playlist\\?list=PLc9PEja7FcxBAd7vP8|Pinkie Pie Thread_|Post pink kitchen apron girl.|Fan Site Alternative Thread|This is the general thread for the alternative fan sites of the My Little Pony fandom.|Discussion,|development suggestions,|and criticisms are all welcome here.|Still on life support edition.|>Why alternate boorus\\?|Changes to Derpibooru have made the site a less than ideal location for pony fan art.|several new boorus arose to provide alternatives.|Many of the altbooru owners post in thread and listen to questions and comments from anons.|Please keep posts about Derpibooru in the thread on mlpg.co.|>Why alternate text sites\\?|>Why alternate text,|fanfiction,|and fanfiction archival sites\\?|Pastebin has deleted,|and continues to delete,|greentexts on the site.|FimFiction does not allow stories in the greentext format.|FimFetch has been purging foalcon and other material deemed to be|\"unacceptable\"|as late as Jan|2024,.|As such,|a new home is needed.|Overview_|altboorus.org|booru.foalcon by Pathos-!!arjIjTdCTdq-- Underage lyrabooru.org|- Hot glue|>Greentext,|>File sharing smutty.horse-frozen until further notice-IWIFTP|>Latest Developments_|- Ponybooru has been up and down a lot due to server issues.|- FoalFetch is being worked on,|but slowly.|- Floorb is working on a project to archive pony from Twitter, DeviantArt and maybe other sites,|and looking for volunteers to help.|- A security/privacy issue on Ponepaste,|which allowed for anyone to view one's private paste titles,|their authors,|and tags-but not its actual content-was patched.|- The fanfiction archival site FimFetch escalates its ongoing purge of content deemed by them as|\"unacceptable\"-mainly foalcon-by hosting a list of accounts from all around the fandom-FimFiction, Discord, AO3, Derpibooru,|ect.-they|\"found\"|to be associated with said material.|In response, Floorb has created foalfetch.net.|For keeping up with the ongoing drama,|see https_//ponepaste.org/9926|/mlpu/|- MLP|Yuri/Lesbian General_|After Sx Smoke Edition Discuss and debate your favorite dyke ships or just post mares lezzing out.|Post freckled cowboy hat girl.|Post blue spandex shorts girl.|FoE/|- Fallout Equestria_|Post Apocalyptic Pony Thread_|Rare species edition.!|Fallout Equestria,|a story that bleeds two franchises together to build something magical.|On one side,|you have death,|destruction,|decay,|and misery|-on the other,|you have ponies.|Doesn't sound like it should mix\\?|You'd be surprised.|When the world around you is wasteland,|all you're left with is hope,|and as we all know,|ponies can do spectacular things with just a little hope.|Read Fallout Equestria by Kkat to appreciate the setting that many writers have then lent upon after being so captivated by the wonders.|The original story which spawned its own fandom can be found here_|These next four stories comprise the rest of what is considered|\"the big|alongside the original.|They were biggest hitters early in the fandom,|be it for having started before many others,|their length,|or overall quality.|>Project Horizons_|>Pink Eyes_|https_//www.fimfiction.net/story/931/|>Heroes_|https_//www.fimfiction.net/story/662/|>Murky Number Seven_|Though,|a reminder;|just because these are the most well known,|that isn't to say that there aren't other stories out there!|There are many hidden gems that simply don't get the love they deserve purely because people don't give them the chance.|Why not open your heart and try to find a new favorite\\?|Anons are absolutely welcomed and encouraged to return with fic discussion of even the most obscure fics!|Fan games_|>Fallout Equestria_|Remains A|Fallout Equestria Roguelike.|It is the best thing to come of the fandom recently.|Seriously go play it https_//foe-remains.gitlab.io/main_en.html|>Balefire Blues A|Hearts of Iron IV mod.|In it you take control over various FoE factions seeking to conquer the wasteland.|>Ashes Town A derivative of Pony Town,|set in the Fallout Equestria universe.|Thread Topic_|Whats your personal head-canon for some of the non equine races in FOE\\?\\?|Art Thread|Backends_|>https_//github|/LykosAI/StabilityMatrix This is more of a one click manager that you can install|run the other backends though.|Easiest by far.|stablediffusion if checkpoint...->Stable Diffusion Automatic1111|/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui I would recommend installing this through Stability Matrix.|>ComfyUI https_//github|/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI\\?tab=readme-ov-file#installing Has a learning curve but is extremely customizable and usually has the latest methods|papers implemented first.|>\"But I don't have a decent GPU\"|https_//novelai.net You could also use a service like civitai.|Models_|>Pony Diffusion V6|XL https_//civitai|>Autism Mix-Alternative model based upon pony diffusion, I prefer the DPO version of it.|Better anatomy|more coherent.-https_//civitai|>Seaart-Less pony knowledge but has artist tags and is very high quality.-https_//civitai|>Useful artist style LoRA_|>LoRAs by|/mlp/_|https_//rentry.org/ponyxl_loras|/h and other useful info_|https_//rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff|>How to make your own LoRA_|https_//rentry.org/59xed3|/articles/3522/valstrixs-crash-course-guide-to-lora-and-lycoris-training https_//civitai|/articles/4100/how-to-create-a-style-lycoris-for-ponyxl-on-low-vram-locally|>Prompt tips for new users_|Use tags from e621|and natural language.|Here,|all the usual misinfo already addressed in one easy place for your viewing displeasure_|/watch\\?v=F-i09Nz96cw|/mlpfit/_|2-0.|Why was he written out of tyt when mym showed that he was moving into the Brighthouse\\?|I want to play an MLP|G4|video game_|But you know,|not complete dog shit.|Looking for stuff like RPG's or maybe farming/slice of life simulators.|I'm even down for games made for a more|\"mature\"|audience.|Got any good suggestions anons\\?|Fluttershy Thread_|Shy Does It for Free Edition For those seeking any and all things Fluttershy.|>/shy/thread Ponepaste-includes the OP,|writefag list,|writefag request bin,|and all current/completed stories-https_//ponepaste.org/user/FluttershyThread|>Collaborative Fluttershy playlist-request for new content to be added in the thread-https_//www.youtube|>/mushy/|Musical mixtape-request for new content to be added in the thread-https_//www.youtube|NOBODY|EXPECTS|MY|LITTLE|PONY|TALES|Are there character that SHOULD have been in G4\\?|What the fuck does this mean\\?_|anon,|what does this shit mean\\?|What does it mean that it's a big Trixie marble\\?|I thought maybe it was a bowling ball but there's no holes and on further inspection it looks closer to a huge marble,|but I'm open to anything at this point.|But she's also tied to the teacup somehow\\?|Try again\\?|Try again at what\\?|And to what end\\?|What's going on\\?|>anon,|if it's not too much trouble,|could you,|um,|turn up the heat a little bit\\?|It's k-kinda chilly.|My Massive Pony_|Great and Powerful edition Writers,|and critiques are always welcome,|so long as it pertains to the main idea of the thread which is size difference.|Check out our slowly growing ponepaste_|https_//ponepaste.org/3112|Sweetie Belle is a slut.|Good mooorrrning people!|The sun is shimmering,|and there are sisters that need a plowing!|What if when Fluttershy was under the influence of poison joke not only her voice dropped low but she grew low hanging balls too\\?|That voice had to come from somewhere|Lingerie Thread_|Reply with your pony waifus wearing all things lingerie related.|>Please darling as if I would ever have sex with somepony who already lost their virginity back in their homeworld.|You think I couldnt smell it\\?|I dont know who she is but you were marked the moment you enter Equestria.|Its too bad.|Bad hair day|/pnk/|- Pinkie Pie Thread_|Strawberry Edition Previous thread_|My queen is so cool and powerful.|Posey Thread_|Brighthouse Egregore Edition_|Posey has been inducted into the|\"Brighthouse Egregore\"|in the latest episode|will our chudmare ever be the same\\?|You thought her simply befriending Pipp was her downfall\\?|You haven't seen nothing yet.|What's an egregore\\?|Wikipedia has this definition_|>An egregore-also spelled egregor;|from French|égrégore,|from Ancient Greek|ἐγρήγορος,|egrēgoros|'wakeful'-is a concept in Western esotericism of a non-physical entity or thoughtform that arises from the collective thoughts and emotions of a distinct group of individuals.|On the bright side,|we can expect more Posey,|on the downside_|She's being brainwashed into participating in the occultism of friendship.|Gloomy sweat edition mayne!|/BFFs/|Glasses Are Cute edition_|This thread is for the bestest BFFs ever_|Izzy!|this is not a shipping thread.|>Greentext stories short and long_|only the starting one,|so make sure to check the replies for any continuation!|Izzy has to choose|Izzy get confused in prison|Izzy discovers it too|Izzy is probably drunk|Anon is distressed|Misty makes dinner for her friends|Then they have a sleep over|Izzy loses a special friend|Izzy is very good at Uno|Definitely Izzy is unique at Bridlewood|Izzy pranks her friends with an Izzy plush and absolutely nothing goes wrong|Green based on|Anon explains Izzy's shorter mane|Anon compliments Izzy|Less a green and more an idea vomit but hey it's OC|Izzy shows Anon how a unicorn does...|New_|Continuation-and maybe conclusion\\?-of the plush-come-to-life saga|Our pink princess is so precious!|Izzy Moonbow_|>Hi new friend!|Tell Your Tale_|Sleepover!!_|/watch\\?v=aGPEJ-Vh1Ec Previous_|Should I be fapping exclusively to my waifu or is that just an extra challenge anons impose on themselves\\?|I don't see it as cheating or being unfaithful since it's just masturbating but I would like to do it to be closer to my waifu.|/Bale/|Beginner And Low Effort art thread|-#52_|Welcome friends, ITT_|We make and share pony art,|with absolutely no pressure to deliver anything that's technically good-besides having ponies in it,|which makes it good by default-Make something,|share what you've done,|and give feedback and motivation to help us all keep improving and creating!|This thread's focus is art,|but beginner or low effort content of any kind is welcome here.|If you do want to post about something else like music,|gamedev,|or crafts,|just note that you may find better help and feedback posting it in the|thread Are you an experienced artist\\?|Leave some tips,|feedback,|guides,|or tutorials,|they're well appreciated here!|Guides,|tutorials and resources!|Start here!|https_//mares.horse/bale https_//ponepaste.org/8268|Draw with other|videos_|https_//pony.tube/c/bale_stuff/videos|The Curious Case of the Short-Lived|>CYOA\\?|Choose Your Own Adventure.|AKA|Quest.|>Discuss Current, Finished and Upcoming CYOAs|>Give advice on CYOAs|>Pitch ideas|>Get critique|>Trade art List of stories_|WIP-formerly anonpone_.|Your best bet is to search via desuarchive.|List of related content_|https_//poneb.in/JfNFvCxZ|>How do I run a CYOA\\?|>I can't into art,|but I'm a competent writer.|Should I still run a CYOA\\?|JUST|DO|>What day is best\\?|https_//strawpoll|/polls/e7ZJONmvvy3|>What time is best\\?|/polls/bVg86rz02yY|>What race would you play\\?|/polls/GJn4GoO0byz|>What genre are you interested in\\?|/polls/XOgOJ17M0n3|>Can I run a CYOA in this General Thread\\?|Yes,|just take care to differentiate yourself if there's another ongoing CYOA here.|>Active CYOAs as this thread was posted Moonlit|Traversia|I just wanted to say that you are all wonderful ponies and I'm sure you're gonna make your pretend monkey husbands very happy|Gmod Server Thread|To join add|to your Favorites in Multiplayer|Legacy Browser.|To start a gamemode/map change type rtv in chat.|To see server specific commands enter|!commands in chat on the server.|To watch videos with Media Player use Gmod's|64-bit version.|Enable it from the Betas tab in the game's Properties on Steam.|Addon lists_|Server status_|https_//www.battlemetrics|or https_//www.gametracker|Recommended content packs_|HL1_S, Episode|1/2, TF2|content and CS_S content+maps.|https_//gmodcontent|or https_//kajar9.wixsite|LINUX|PAC3/PPM2|collections and other user content_|https_//ponepaste.org/7931|Current gamemodes are Sandbox, TTT2, Death Run, Dropzone, Elevator, Extreme Football Throwdown, Fat #AZ2xm#Kid, Flood, Gungame, Hide and Seek, Horde, HL1|Co-op, HL1|Infected, Lambda_HL2|COOP_, Open Virus, Overwatch, Prop Hunt, Quake|3, SledBuild, The Stalker, Trash Compactor, Zombie Survival,|and Final Frontier.|Go do something that makes your waifu proud|-anything!|She's worth it.|Use this thread to talk about her and why you love her.|Your waifu is before you!|She's your friend,|but still unaware about your feeings.|How would you express them\\?|Its not necessary to rush it,|but mutuality is your goal,|obviously.|>What is a waifu\\?|What defines a waifu\\?|Your waifu is the one character you wish to be with your entire life,|until death do you part.|Possibly beyond that,|Most often this manifests as a romantic interest.|>How do you know if you have a waifu\\?|When you meet your waifu,|you will know.|The world around you will become colorful.|You will realize that you were living in monochrome the entire time.|Her existence provides context and meaning to yours,|a perfect complement,|a perfect comfort,|a perfect love.|There may be low periods,|periods of doubt,|but the rhythm of life will forever pull one towards their waifu,|for that love is eternal.|Long-running discussion,|latecomers,|and the occasional bump are welcome and encouraged,|but we would prefer that the thread not be kept on extended life support.|Worldbuilding Bread_|ITT we discuss Equestria Prompts_|>Which fic or green has the best worldbuilding\\?|>Which fic or green has the strangest worldbuilding\\?|>What time period and area of Equestria do you prefer to write/read/fantasize about\\?|>Which fanart evokes the feeling of Equestria the most to you\\?|>What are some unpopular or uncommon headcanons that you hold\\?|>If you could make|adventure episode at any point in the show,|what would the episode be about\\?|/green/|- Greentext General|Welcome to your|/green/text sanctuary.|Our mission_|rally the troops,|get fingers typing,|flood the board with greentexts.|Anchor your stories here,|finished or not.|Seek feedback and tips on them.|Want to resurrect some forgotten favorites,|dig up an underrated gem,|brainstorm your next big idea\\?|Do it here.|We want-You_.|Let's keep this cornerstone of|culture alive!|▶/mlp/|paste service_|▶Tips and links_|Clever’s Tips on How to Write Short Stories_|https_//rentry.org/CleverShort Ezn’s Guide to Writing Fanfiction_|Vhatug's tips for anatomically correct clop_|/Mare/con|- Writing Greentext_|Horsewords and You_|Characters|Motivation_|https_//youtu.be/4Uqj0orBS0s Horsewords|&-You__|/live/mYtcqDtoTm4\\?si=Kud0Eyai-CWneCVz|▶Generals Greentext Gallery_|https_//rentry.org/GreenArchive Previous thread_|Turnabout Storm/Elements of Justice Thread_|This is about the fan series Turnabout Storm and Elements of Justice because I got depressed at the lack of new episodes this week.|Post stuff about them.|I want Sonata to sit on me.|Pregnancy General_|Swollen Sisters_|This is the Pregnancy General,|not stillborn and ready to be borne again.|We've lately been building up a bundle of regular artists,|storytellers,|and others again;|may this general get quicker and continue quickening.|For files and other things we can't discuss in this thread,|there's a fraternal twin thread over inside Pregchan,|https_//pregchan|/f/res/100.html That thread is the third in a series,|and here are the prior Pregchan threads,|which have been archived here_|here are two archives of our greentexts_|https_//u.smutty.horse/lxqgizelhjx.zip https_//u.smutty.horse/lzbpjsjvhjs.zip Here’s a list of some artists and writers who use these threads_|>GFM_Lewdendorff https_//ponepaste.org/user/GFM_Lewdendorff|>pinkS|Here are some questions to stimulate activity while waiting for the birth_|How would you feed and otherwise care for your gravid dam\\?|Which aspects of magical pony pregnancy excite you most\\?|To be or not to be hyper pregnant\\?|Shoving bellies aside,|which anatomical change do you most appreciate\\?|What's something rarely covered in art or stories you'd like to see focussed on\\?|Who are your favourite artists and writers;|which pieces of theirs are your favourites\\?|For the relevant species,|such as pegasi,|do you prefer eggs or live birth\\?|Would you want to help your mare dress herself,|and in what\\?|How would you cuddle your gravid mare and where\\?|Just how would you comfort your mare if she had a tummy ache,|possibly from eating too much cake\\?|SCHLOP|Post best filly!|/bug/|Total Love Bug Edition_|Oops,|forgot to make another bread Here in|/bug/,|we take Queen Chrysalis on romantic walks,|a kiss on the cheek for Changelings,|and spend time cuddling gaylings.|Some old links_|Old Hive Directory_|https_//ponepaste.org/4223|Very Old|https_//poneb.in/PjB4LKgd BuggyCYOA archive_|https_//ponepaste.org/4086|How does this comment make you feel\\?|I need friends_|This make my childhood-o_∇_o__|Mind control thread|eldritch magic edition_|Originating from a thread about a niche form of hypnosis,|now encompasses varied hypnosis methods from spiraling specs to subtle spells,|swinging watches to wafting brews.|Post anything and everything about controlling a mind.|All ponies-mares and stallions,|fillies and colts-are welcome and encouraged.|Greens and other content only tangentially related will be better recieved in SPG or SiM depending.|Good rule of thumb is if it doesn’t involve taking control of a pony’s mind,|it probably goes somewhere else.-e.g.|no slavery without mind control scenes, IRL self-hypnosis audio,|or tupperware rp-Thread archive https_//ponepaste.org/9352|So Proud of Myself_|How did she become the main character\\?|Mare Day Shirt Pre-Orders_|Fallen Oak is offering pre-orders on some sick mare drip for Mare Day!|Emails say that these high quality,|31st at|5pm EDT,|and also on limited sale at Mare Day.|no more will be sold.|Those who got a ticket,|like yours truly,|have already been sent an email with the details.|But if you haven’t bought a Mare Day ticket,|do so before the pre-order deadline and they’ll send you an email with details.|I’ve been told that if you have a ticket and didn’t get an email,|that you should reach out to mareday-at-fallenoak dot org.|If your friend bought a ticket for you,|you should probably talk to your friend.|There’s not too many Mare Day tickets left,|but you can get em here_|https_//fallenoak.org/mareday/|It's releasing tomorrow!|I hope you will have Fun|Caravan Guard CYOA|>You are Ardent Mind,|an experienced caravan guard and a senior team leader of Steady Stride Caravan Guard Company|>Your job is to escort ponies across the Badlands and beyond to the new colonies in the Mysterious South,|fighting Changelings, Diamond Dogs,|giant lizards and other dangerous wildlife found in The Badlands and the lands beyond|>Most recently you were hired by the Equestrian Rehoming Project,|an organization responsible for managing and encouraging immigration to Equestria’s new colonies|>Your job is to escort and protect one of the Project’s heads,|her entourage,|and a large number of settlers,|fifty ponies in all,|all the way from the city of Appleloosa to New Ponyville in the southern colonies|>The job has been rougher than normal but the excitement reached a crescendo just a week ago when Diamond Dogs trapped your group within a canyon,|leading you to take shelter in a newly excavated ancient Dog temple|>After a costly battle in the temple you were forced to take a metaphorical leap of faith,|leading you and your remaining clients to find yourselves trapped in an underground Diamond Dog city|>For days you looked for ways to escape the underground|>It cost the health of a mare close to you,|as well as your own|you instead took a diplomatic approach|>After a meeting with the leader of the Diamond Dogs, Abuwityuw,|you came to a peace agreement|>The Dogs will let you leave in peace in exchange for you giving up several important ponies and arranging a peace agreement with a nearby group of Equestrian knights|avoiding traps along the way Because it's been a month since the last post I'll be reposting the last prompt and holding a revote for what to do next.-Characters_|/PqtD6vYH-Previous Threads_|My Ponk stopped ponking,|what do I do\\?|Flutterrape|>What is Flutterrape\\?|Flutterrape is a collection of stories about ponies trying and failing to have sex with Anon,|the only human in Equestria.|While the title implies that it is Fluttershy trying to rape Anon,|others may follow in her stead and attempt their own versions of rape.|There are different versions of Flutterrape,|but most are light-hearted comedies about the ponies failing in their attempts to get into Anon’s pants.|Just because your story has Anon in it,|doesn't mean it fits in this thread.|Check other threads-AiE, RGRE etc-about story content before posting.|>It's been|years,|how is this thread still alive\\?|A perverse mixture of necromancy and spite.|>How do I start writing\\?|Use your imagination,|you nitwit.|Additionally,|brush up on your grammar and abandon your standards.|Writing Guides_|Clever Dick's Tips For Short Stories|--https_//ponepaste.org/1274|Driverbang's Writing Guide|--https_//ponepaste.org/1275|Navarone's Writing Rules|--https_//ponepaste.org/1276|For additional information,|lurk.|You could also check out the T_EM/P/O or|threads for further writing advice,|unless they're dead.|So many threads have died,|but only Flutterrape has remained.|We shall always remain.|We are bound to the fate of the board as a lich is bound to its phylactery.|Masterlist_|https_//ponepaste.org/user/FlutterrapeGeneral Author List_|https_//ponepaste.org/1270|FIMfiction Group_|https_//ponepaste.org/1268|https_//desuarchive.org/mlp/search/text/Flutterrape/|There is nothing more pure than love between a man and a mare.|\"lonely at the top\"|edition Old thread_|Ongoing greens_|Shape Your Home by PoneGreen https_//ponepaste.org/477-Part|1-https_//ponepaste.org/478-Part|2-https_//ponepaste.org/479-Part|3-https_//ponepaste.org/480-Part|interlude-Completed/on hiatus/ded greens_|GET|OUT|HEAD by Anonymous|Dreams to Dream by Stabbythesnowman https_//ponepaste.org/590|https_//ponepaste.org/4197-part|3-A|Wish Enough for Two by TakeItEasy-née YukkuriPaleHorse-https_//ponepaste.org/8269|The Recruiter-epilogue-by pentapony https_//ponepaste.org/4316|Hallmark Dream-a by lmone6|https_//ponepaste.org/3004|Stories by Pentapony https_//ponepaste.org/user/pentapony Carl's Hardened Heart by Reggiesomething https_//ponepaste.org/1112|\"Fleetfooted\"|by SadBoy https_//poneb.in/u/MLPSadBoy Stories by Aftercase https_//ponepaste.org/user/Aftercase Stories by AnthonyC4|https_//ponepaste.org/user/AnthonyC4|Stories by Horse Story Anon https_//ponepaste.org/user/Appreciationproject Stories by YukkuriPalehorse https_//poneb.in/u/YukkuriPalehorse Rainbow Dash and the Ghosts of Hearts|Hooves Day by Lonesome Rider https_//poneb.in/U2Jtfc59|Stories by Trandhal_|https_//ponepaste.org/user/trandhal Rocks out of the Quarry_|https_//poneb.in/aX2C686i Stories by Tsar Anon_|https_//poneb.in/BnjZqwM3|Stories by Angry Wino_|tinyurl dot com slash vskmqfx Stories by Crabs of Steam_|https_//poneb.in/u/Crabs_of_steam The Broken Carousel-Part|https_//ponepaste.org/1541-Twilight Sparkle Interlude|https_//ponepaste.org/1543-Part|https_//ponepaste.org/1542-Twilight Sparkle Interlude|https_//ponepaste.org/1544|This Heart That Fears https_//poneb.in/0b7L24Ln Tsukumogami https_//poneb.in/WPw3dNdP|Low Self-Esteem AJ https_//poneb.in/x5FMfxc0|All I want from christmas https_//poneb.in/XHH5UPCN|Couch Surfing https_//poneb.in/82NscJdW|A collection of misc.|green since the|1st thread https_//poneb.in/0JMPM6F8|S2E3|Animatic_|https_//files.catbox.moe/i7pwed.mp4|Foodpony Thread|Flavored Boops Edition_|We will keep trying until EVERYONE enjoys the flavor.|https_//files.catbox.moe/3a4bh7.mp4|/merch/|\"Breaking The Shell!\"|Edition Post and talks about pony merchandise,|official or not.|Discuss plushies,|figures,|clothes,|books,|pins and more!|And new ways to add ponies to our life!|>is selling your products here allowed\\?|Of course!|Absolutely allowed.|>can I talk or post here about my crafting even if what I do isn't for sale\\?|Yes!|We accept merch in all its forms.|>where can I find the old threads\\?|They are all in the Links Index Pastebin,|after the links section.|>where can I find the video/collage of the anniversaries\\?|They are at the bottom of the Link Index Pastebin,|after the archived threads section.|>https_//pastebin|/UhL9KNZF|Here is a pastebin that contains all the links posted and discussed here.|Mainly pony shops,|but also rare/little known products,|figuremaker contacts,|among other things!|Main Links|List of Active Plushmakers_|List of Public Plushie Patterns_|Plush Pattern-with instructions!__|mares.horse/p/plush.html|Patches/Stickers/Desk Flags_|Pins, Stickers, Wallscrolls_|ko-fi|/rocketlawnchair/shop|4cc Jerseys, Pins_|etsy|/shop/zemming|Wallets_|https_//shop.mares.horse/|HorsePussy Books_|amazon|/gp/product/B086PLNPYF/|Feel free to suggest links about pony stuff to be added here and in the pastebin!|Fluttershy if she was a decent character|>I offer you a deal Anon.|You bring me the original Twilight Sparkle’s book of spells and I’ll help you rape all the mares you want.|Or you can have fun with Chrysalis over there.|She might have created me from naught but a simple hair,|but surprisingly I’m more powerful than she is.|I drained all her magic too,|so now shes stuck as a powerless,|has-been Queen.|What do you say hmm\\?|Oh and before you say the wrong answer or try to run away I must remind you that my minions would have no issue ripping you to pieces and feeding you to the timberwolves.|Cotton Cloudy_|Post more of the sixth-best filly|HarmonyCon|Who's going this year\\?|Also new website just dropped,|reg opens on August|and highest tier sponsor badge is|$20k https_//harmonycon.org/|>https_//harmonycon.org/|this g1|reboot is weird|>muah!|>i always knew about the comics|>Never cared too much about them|>I never read comics,|and even if i loved mlp i wouldn't start to read comics because of it|>Clueless.png|>Re-watch the show again since i have nothing better to do|>Im left with a desire for more|>But not the fanfic type more|>I want more oficial mlp|>Im not watching g5|>Im not watching g1-3|>Get reminded about the comics existance|>\"Shure why not\"|>Find all the comics on some page|>Expect to read|or two and then never continue|>Go through chrysalis comics|>\"Kek that was fun\"|>\"See whats next and i'll probably leave these\"|>Become unironically intersted in the story|>She appears|>Im stunned|>I keep reading,|almost like on a trance|>I screenshot every panel in wich she appears|>Pic fucking related|>I snap|>WHY|DID|TELL|ME|ABOUT|HER\\?!|>SHE|BADDEST|BITCH|EQUESTRIA|>i look at my waifu|>She went from a|pretty mare to a generous|>Look at other mares|>Every mare looked better than the average human woman,|but now they are all|3/10's|>She ruined other ponies for me|>She is too pretty I wouldn't be able to tell you a single shit about what happend in the comic btw,|i was too bussy jacking off|>can’t keep a consistent voice from her debut throughout|seasons,|episodes and several specials of content The only explanation is that shes a Changeling or its multiple Changelings.|ain't gonna be|hooves are hard and keratinous.|Do you think they have to use hoof nippers for hooficures|} {Pony|4chan_|Sort By_|Show OP|Comment_|R_|I_|Puzzle thread_|Time for another comfy puzzle thread.|>go to https_//jiggie.fun|>upload a pony picture|>post link for fellow anons|>solve puzzle with fellow anons https_//jiggie.fun/6HWvof|pcs, SFW|I can fix her|rember too bee yuorself|/ggf/|- Griffon GF|Thread_|A thread dedicated to the lovely catbirbs and griffon gfs/bfs.|Griffonbros wake up!|>Previous Thread-Jul|>ai griffon gfs-https_//beta.character.ai/-Gilda_|https_//beta.character.ai/chat\\?char=p5QXxLOFdx5okCH4okBzLbFLDsIWptG_mUHdWhq8RkE|Gallus_|Silverstream_|>Gilda Green Archive-Last Updated_|>Previous griffon gf threads Jul|May|Apr|Mar|Jan|Dec|Oct|Aug|Jun|Feb|Sep|/mppp/|- Mass Produced Pony Plushies_|Verity Orders are at|BUY|BUY!|http_//order.mppp.horse/|MOREOVER, NOMINATE|THE|NEXT|PLUSHIE!-See next post->What is this about\\?|RTFM_|https_//docs.google|SPREADSHEET|FAQ_|>What's the current status\\?|current payment/shipping_|N/A|current pre-order/production_|upcoming pre-order/production_|prototype in progress_|Woona|planned characters_|N/A,|things are slow in China.|>What can I do\\?|bump,|shill this project to other Anons,|make content and advertisements|design the next plush,|provide feedback|suggestions on the next prototype|expand and supercharge the project's blueprint|>any alternatives besides current manufacturer\\?|if you have any suggestions,|please share with the thread.|>I don't like your stupid idea, I disagree with...|if you have better ways to run things,|you can contribute here!|>I have issues with my plush order|sensitive questions regarding this project,|how can I contact the organizers\\?|email info@mppp.horse for plush support.|for general enquires,|just ask in the thread.|Previous thread_|/moon/day_|Blue Moon Edition_|/moon/day Thread OP template_|https_//ponepaste.org/4423|/moon/day Story Archive_|Coming soon\\?-some deprecated can be found on ponepaste-Lunar Tunes Playlist_|https_//www.youtube|Equestria Project-meditation/lucid dreaming guide__|https_//pastebin|/3mQfmH24|old|/moon/day story archive_|https_//poneb.in/He5X50m6|Humanizations of Princess Luna and others have a dedicated thread|-post them there.|Keep it pony-aside from inclusions of Anonymous in pics_.|Ongoing Stories_|Stories On Hiatus_|\"Moonlight, Veiled|- Book|2\",|by horsa_|https_//ponepaste.org/6285|\"Assistant to the Night Court\",|by LmonE6_|https_//ponepaste.org/121|Dead-Until proven otherwise-Stories_|\"Lunar Entanglement, Act I\",|by ReggieSomething_|https_//ponepaste.org/1113|\"Ghost in the Shadows\"|https_//ponepaste.org/7522|\"Embracing the Night, Part|5\",|by AutoPony_|https_//ponepaste.org/3605|Heart Longs for Another\",|by AnthonyC4_|https_//ponepaste.org/873|\"Our Thirty Years War\",|by TheGhostlydude_|https_//ponepaste.org/6795|Bond Through the Ages\",|by Ar-Adunakhor_|https_//ponepaste.org/6722|\"MoonyCYOA\",|by Krivvy_|https_//ponepaste.org/4290|by Starla_|https_//ponepaste.org/5708|Untitled story by Alcatraz,|Upcoming moon phases_|Full-Blue-Moon_|/moon/day,|AUG-Today!-Third Quarter_|New Moon_|Sep First Quarter_|Canterslut Thread_|Sluttifying-You-against your will!|Check out our KINO slutty story archive!|https_//ponepaste.org/6295|Previous Sluttery_|Previous Thread_|-https_//ponepaste.org/3956|GreentextSavant’s Pastebin|-http_//pastebin|/u/AlexanderGrey BG9's Pastebin|-https_//pastebin|/u/BG9_Reborn Gritsaw’s Pastebin|/u/Gritsaw Zharkaer's Pastebin|/u/Zharkaer Tstar231's Pastebin|/u/Tstar231|HolytntDiver's Pastebin https_//pastebin|Cold by BOLTGREENS -https_//ponepaste.org/3959|Shorts|-https_//www.youtube|Fimfiction Thread_|less bookclub posts!_|Come one and all to the meta-writefag and help raise the quality of MLP fanfiction!|Featuring_|Making up crap to look smart!|ITT_|2012, Redheart's Gore, Disregarding all romance fics,|and weak minds doing unspeakable acts!|>/fimfic/|Secret Book Club The seventy-fourth book is|'The Princess of Night in the City of Light'_|If-You-want to participate,|finish the entire story by the|25th.|>Recommended stories_|Tired of authors forgetting that brevity is key\\?|Fed up with|10k inner monologue chapters\\?|Well,|we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!|New Starter Kit|Old Starter Kit|-http_//i.imgur|/vuTA7EN.png|>Common fic abbreviations used by the thread_|https_//ponepaste.org/7317|\">review|\"|\">discuss|Userscript for extra features_|https_//ponepaste.org/8619|>An in-depth writing guide for beginners_|https_//eznguide.neocities.org/|>Can you pre-read my story\\?|Post it on Google Docs or HackMD with comments enabled and give us a link.|>Additional material for authors_|-https_//ponepaste.org/932|Politics and the English Language|-https_//www.orwell.ru/library/essays/politics/english/e_polit/|Vhatug's tips for anatomically correct clop|-https_//poneb.in/g4VpEg4f Setting a story in motion|-https_//youtu.be/ufO8LbwTdu0|Taking criticism|-https_//youtu.be/-v4R2ZcxPlA|Fillyanon's Bookshelf|-https_//ponepaste.org/5555|-https_//ponepaste.org/user/IHeartShinzakura Appleanon reads fics|-https_//poneb.in/wmGX7FPm Deluxe Big Master Review List|-https_//docs.google|Guide to Rational Fics|-https_//files.catbox.moe/3jzrfm.png The Royal Canterlot Library's Top|Fanfics|-https_//royalcanterlotlibrary.net/top16/|Childhood is hating Spike for being an annoying midget.|Adulthood is hating him for being a Raricuck.|Just Dropped By|-/jdb/_|Mining,|Archived threads_|Your favourite mares_|So I've seen many|\"Your Favourite..\"|tables already so I thought I would make a much more pony themed variant of it!|So please fill in your favourite mares and such if you want to!|You don't have to fill in everything if nothing comes to mind at that moment.|/tfhg/|Them's Fightin' Herds General_|ded game ded thred and yet we persist Previous thread_|/ourlobby/_|Leaf-rip-Console release is here!-Nintendo Switch, Sony Playstation|and Playstation|5, Microsoft Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S-https_//www.youtube|/watch\\?v=psdeHoARfYM|Events|nothing nada zilch An update is supposedly coming...|eventually.|>Steam page_http_//store.steampowered|/index.php\\?threads/785/|>Fighting Game Beginner's Guide_|>Mizuumi Wiki_|https_//wiki.gbl.gg/w/Them's_Fightin'_Herds|trailer_|/watch\\?v=LEBOSUOLTXM|>Shanty trailer_|/watch\\?v=hiw3kMTAVFo|/watch\\?v=kEsG0DYF1yo|>Texas trailer_|/watch\\?v=oSM20gOntLM|>Stronghoof trailer_|/watch\\?v=-vlIQ21-fj0|>Nidra reveal trailer_|>Baihe reveal trailer there isn't one lel lmao|She is perfection incarnate,|and the most marryable pony ever!|Rarity has a fat ass.|/opg/|Open Pony General|- Frolicking on the Beach Edition_|>What is Open Pony\\?|3D pony models.|Info here_|https_//www.equestriadaily|>Just give me a MARE|Idiotproof starter guide_|https_//drive.google|https_//ponepaste.org/7410|Braindead simple Anonmare guide_|https_//smutty.mare.stream/mlajjqelswj.png https_//smutty.mare.stream/mjmqtlwwntf.mp4|>Join the|/mlp/|>Where is the|hangout\\?|Baltimare,|open-access_|Cloudsdale,|invite-only_|- WIP https_//baltimare.pages.dev/|https_//baltimare.hotmilk.space/|>After that,|Luna's Empire|H-Mart Tower-Free goodies in the gift shop__|Ponyville shop_|>Content creation resources_|https_//ponepaste.org/8725|>Baltimare design/planning channels_|https_//app.element.io/#/room/#baltimare_pony.cx|>Live Baltimare stream https_//picarto.tv/BalTV https_//picarto.tv/BalTV2|Which one is better and more classy\\?|Draw Thread_|Request,|draw,|submit.|Mark requests with|‘/r/’|‘/d/’|for deliveries,|‘/ic/’|for critiques.|Also,|when|/r/equesting,|to make it easier for drawfags to fulfill your request.|- Don't spam or bump your requests.|- IGNORE|SHITPOSTERS/ATTENTIONWHORES.|- Don't respond to the spam.|Just report and hide it and move on.|>DROPBOX|ARCHIVE -https_//www.dropbox|QUICK|LINKS|>Draw Thread Information|>/mlp/|drawfag improvement|>Pony Drawing Tutorials|-https_//mares.horse/draw https_//mlpg.co/art/res/23.html|Kinderquestria/Anon in pone prison|upsies edition_|Welcome to the Thread!|Kinderquestria/Anon in pone prison focuses on the world and adventures of naive #AZ2xm#child like ponies and the misadventures and shenanigans of Anon that results in him going to prison!|To get a good handle on how things are done around here I implore you to check out our new and improved one stop shop of kinder greens and prompts here|https_//ponepaste.org/7630|EFNW is this weekend on Seattle's east side and I haven't seen any posts about it.|Any anons planning on going\\?|Slave Pony Thread|Archive Link_|>What is this thread about\\?|This thread revolves around stories about ponies getting bathed and pet.|>Can you elaborate more\\?|Sure!|SPG-Slave Pony General-is mostly about characters dealing with the actual implications of the horrifying thing that is chattel slavery.|It's more looking at how people with modern sensibilities deal with the ownership of another sentient being,|and how most people aren't total cunts.|Are you new and want to write your own story but have no previous experience\\?|Check out these guides_|https_//poneb.in/V1ujiyJt https_//poneb.in/bnMmZ2T3|https_//poneb.in/g4VpEg4f-clop specific-We have a Discord server!|https_//discord.gg/b7EFmaj Remember not to save anything of value on pastebin,|use ponepaste.org Have a broken pastebin link\\?|Replace pastebin with poneb.in|--- Featured Story_|--- Lithia By Icehunt/KarmaFields|-https_//ponepaste.org/8260|--- Most Recently Completed Story_|--- Getting Shy by AspiringWritefag|-https_//ponepaste.org/752|-https_//ponepaste.org/4185|--- Useful Links|---~~~|Recommended Stories for New Readers_|https_//ponepaste.org/1587|Completed Stories-37__|https_//ponepaste.org/1589|Popular Stories_|https_//ponepaste.org/1579|All Stories-209__|https_//ponepaste.org/1590|One-Shot Stories-47__|https_//ponepaste.org/1584|Thread Archive_|https_//ponepaste.org/1642|https_//1drv.ms/f/s!AiFkdye7rtydbfk0wBnid5vnFUg-outdated-~~~|You will never escape her._|Express your love for this wife-able mare.|>Oh no partner!|You ain’t commitin’|suicide on my watch.|I’ll save you as many times as I have to,|even when you think I wont be able to.|Snowpony Thread|Lichen is up to something again Edition The pic that started it all_|https_//nhnb.org/fim/res/2295.html Archive of snowpony thread art_|https_//mega.nz/folder/0okEHKxS#8FIy3EQUHM-XluGvV7knIg Archive of snowpony-related musics_|https_//ponepaste.org/5819|On the boorus,|the snowpony tag ended up being|\"snowpony-species_\"|\"taiga pony\"|>What is a snowpity\\?|https_//snowpity|>What are snowponies\\?|https_//ponepaste.org/5843|Reading material_|>Anon and Frosty Flakes https_//ponepaste.org/5609|https_//ponepaste.org/5640|>Comfy lore snippets https_//ponepaste.org/5652|https_//ponepaste.org/5650|https_//ponepaste.org/5664|>Cirrus Wisp and Filly https_//ponepaste.org/5662|>Lichen greens https_//ponepaste.org/7273|>Bury Me in White https_//ponepaste.org/5648|>Surehoof's First Ice Step https_//ponepaste.org/5689|>A cute-hopefully-snow pone short https_//ponepaste.org/5682|>My Winter Storm https_//ponepaste.org/5713|>Poetry https_//ponepaste.org/8220|https_//ponepaste.org/5857|https_//ponepaste.org/5885|>Agate's vigil is no longer WIP,|finished story now.|>The First Fish https_//ponepaste.org/7283|>New Life with Frosty Flakes-Lewd-https_//ponepaste.org/6225|>_WIP-Cultural Exchange at Spa https_//ponepaste.org/7063|>Snowfall Frost's seach for Windigos https_//ponepaste.org/7147|>The first step north https_//ponepaste.org/7468|>Pine Ponder and the Lost Scarf https_//ponepaste.org/8037|Crystal Forest Rescue https_//ponepaste.org/8082|Snowpitt vignette https_//ponepaste.org/8361|>Comet Chaser and a Windigo Hunter https_//ponepaste.org/8843|>Granite and Fireweed https_//ponepaste.org/9917|>Merch Pine Ponder approved tea_|https_//www.adagio|Snowpone patches_|https_//neighsayerpatches|/products/the-great-snowpone-expedition-patch https_//neighsayerpatches|/products/visit-snowpitt-patch|Is starlight glimmer the worst pony or twilight\\?|They're both awful,|in my opinion.|/mlp/'s Pony Gaming_|Drive-by Edition Discuss vidya and play with fellow horsefuckers.|Pony vidya,|pony mods and related videogame discussion are also encouraged,|any type or genre of videogame is welcome.|If you want to play a certain game with|don't hesitate to ask.|People might just join and play with you.|Don't be afraid to add each other.|Who knows,|maybe-You-will start up a new staple group\\?|More importantly,|have fun!|Vidya's played last thread_|Age of Empires|Black Ops|Zombies, Killing Floor|2, OpenTTD, PAYDAY|Containment Breach Multiplayer, SRB2Kart, Tabletop Simulator, Terraria, Vintage Story.|Old Posts_|Old posts from fimfiction,|/mlp/,|youtube,|whatever.|/CHAG/|–|Sweetie Bot Edition_|Welcome to Chatbot AI|#85,|the thread for discussing and improving AI pony chatbots.|▶|Bots https_//mlpchag.neocities.org Spreadsheet-extra MLP bots, CAI bots, Jailbreaks__|!!!|GALLERY|!!!_|How do I start\\?|1-Select a Frontend|2-Select an AI model|3-Select Jailbreak|4-Select bots|5-Lovemaking with AI mares!|Starting in this hobby can be opaque and difficult.|If it’s your first time and you’re lost,|ASK|THREAD!|◀|https_//rentry.org/onrms|SillyTavern-preferred frontend-https_//github|/SillyTavern/SillyTavern On Android_|https_//rentry.org/STAI-Termux Retards guide_|https_//rentry.org/Tavern4Retards App that voices pony responses in ST_|/drive/folders/16Ss26VBmgzcSuTGzhaHqRuyVRceTf-YB|More frontends_|Risu_|https_//risuai.xyz Agnai_|https_//agnai.chat Retards guide_|https_//rentry.org/agnai_guides|Locals Getting started_|https_//rentry.org/lmg-spoonfeed-guide|Museum of local pony projects_|https_//rentry.org/b8wemkqk Locals on Google Colab_|https_//rentry.org/ky239|Jailbreaks MLP|JB_|https_//rentry.org/znon7vxe More JB and guides_|https_//rentry.org/jb-listing Hypebots for Tavern_|https_//rentry.org/pn3hb|Character.AI https_//old.character.ai|PAID|OPTIONS-Ask the thread before considering these-▶|Openrouter-Free options are often available,|like Llama|8B-https_//openrouter.ai/|Setting up your own AWS instance-Claude, LLama, Mistral,|etc.-https_//rentry.org/how2aws4khanon|Scenarios, Settings,|and Presets,|see the Spreadsheet, NAI|Advanced Settings, Format,|and Cards Description_|https_//rentry.org/82b9c|Botmaking Editors_|https_//desune.moe/aichared,|https_//agnai.chat/editor Guides_|https_//rentry.org/meta_botmaking_list Advanced_|https_//rentry.org/AdvancedCardWritingTricks Previous thread_|Chag Mini VN project_|releases here_|/AeGwrvd4|News_|-New chatgpt-4o released.|Available on non-azure proxies|-Nemo Pony, Mistral Nemo base model finetuned on fimfics released_|https_//huggingface.co/Ada321/NemoPony|releases,|-Mistral Nemo and Mistral Large|released https_//mistral.ai/news/mistral-nemo,|https_//mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407|Glimglam is the best pony.|That is all.|Electricity exists in the FiM timeline\\?|Why can't twilight join flying races to help rainbow dash when she has to choose between cloudsdale and ponyville\\?|Is it because she's a princess or because she's still a bad flyer\\?|Rainbow Dash Thread_|Hoodie Edition Post pictures,|write greentexts,|and discuss Dash!|Writefags_|mobius|Dash clips_|/playlist\\?list=PLoXHb9V5YfHxoNawqkIJZCDsOHlyFO6jl Songs of Dash_|Spotify playlist_|https_//open.spotify|/playlist/7Isoflxr37EJYRcVnnoScd|/dash/|index_|https_//ponepaste.org/1400|Backup index_|https_//pastelink.net/31lnq|Have your thoughts on bats changed in the last hour\\?|A pony walks up to you right now and asks you what the meaning of life is.|They ask you why their creator put them on the planet and gave them consciousness and the ability to form complex thought and even question their place in the universe.|They ask you why suffering exists and other philosophical questions.|What do you say\\?|Spanking Thread|OC|Edition Again_|OC's.|They exist,|and some become very popular.|They can come in many forms,|and the vast majority of them have rumps.|That means they can be spanked.|After all,|why let only canon characters have all the fun\\?|Featured stories_|Griffon guard duties by Anon_|https_//ponepaste.org/7043|Thru the Window by DCFTEF_|https_//ponepaste.org/6458|On Fire|https_//ponepaste.org/6531|Stuff from last thread_|Gayness is not an excuse to avoid spankings.|AI art and comment.|Spank ideas.|Rarity and Sweetie spank story.|Drum replacement|Story ideas discussion.|Scared colt.|Bright Mac spanked by Granny.|Spank edit pic.|Flurry/Cozy spank idea.|Applebloom shorts.|Best MILF spanker discussion.|Spanking choice story.|New pic.|Story about above pic.|Rarity spanking Sweetie on the way to camp story.|Drugs and spankings.|Photo IDs.|Let me know if I missed anything,|and be sure to read some of these and acknowledge them.|The stories were pretty good as well as the new pic.|More feedback means more motivation to write/draw,|which means more good stuff.|Fantastic archive_|https_//ponepaste.org/6509|https_//www.deviantart|/dvfhgrvvghg If a thread is not active on the|1st of the month,|one will be created.|Be advised_|this is a thread about cartoon horses.|Old thread_|NEETpone/Misfit General_|AnimeCon Edition.|Previous_|>What is this general\\?|NEET/Misfit Pone is a thread for ponies who despite their best efforts-or in some cases complete lack thereof-struggle to fit in with the rest of society.|>What sort of stories can you expect to find here\\?|Slice of life stuff.|Lots of odd cute ponies becoming the waifu stories.|Lots of being the cute oddball pony stories.|A few NEET-recovery stories.|A lot of smut,|if you're into that.|Lots of ponies to get you started with a variety of personalities and quirks.|Don't like one of them\\?|Give another NEET a try!|Much,|much more!|>Quick rundown on the pre-existing ponies ITT_|Floor Bored|- The OG|NEET from the very first threads.|Floor comes in all different forms,|- Paradise is a pony who started off as a NEET but ends up going to univeristy in a PiE setting.|She's very quiet,|easily spooked,|- Huge bookworm.|Taku|- Goldie is another friend of Floors,|only she's into kaiju and big monsters.|- Floor's sports nerd friend-Pic above,|pony with the hat and lazy eye-Home Sick|- Anon Mare is entirely up to your own interpretation.|Same premise as Anon Filly but all grown up.|The self-insert pony.|Writer's Block|NEET pony whos background is currently unclear.|Know anything about her\\?|- A chubby mare who lives in a PiE kind of setting.|- A femcolt/trap NEET that enjoys making electronic music.|Very laid back,|https_//ponepaste.org/5398|https_//poneb.in/u/FrankHogs555|>Link to OP_|https_//ponepaste.org/5397|We are playing TF2!|Secret agent edition OLD|THREAD_|Pony maps,|sprays,|and micspam!|Reskinned vanilla maps-with mares-by our very own anons!|Come relive the heyday of pony TF2|with your friends from|/mlp/!|Visit our official website to check out the server info from your browser_|https_//mlp.tf/|If you'd like a custom icon on the mlp.tf scoreboard,|post your Steam ID and attach your desired icon in the thread.|>Server info Server IP_|tf2.15.ai OR|Password_|https_//steamcommunity|.bz2|file,|then place the|.bsp file in|http_//mlp.site.nfoservers|/server/maps/|Player stats_|http_//mlp.gameme|/server/demos/|Active hours_|7-9pm to|players-Custom MvM also available for early hours-42|player limit-and other gamemodes like Death Run or VSH for after-hours.|This server uses a plugin that changes the stats of some weapons.|for more info.|All reverts except for the old airblast are active by default,|and most reverts can be toggled in-game.|Consider installing mastercomfig if you have frequent frame drops,|bad hitreg,|poor network connectivity,|or are new to the game.|See https_//mastercomfig|for easy installation.|It is STRONGLY recommended that all players install some preset of mastercomfig since TF2's default netcode settings have not been changed since|THERE|IS|DISCORD|SERVER|ASSOCIATED|WITH|THIS|Any post mentioning|\"the|Discord\"|is a troll and should be ignored.|/vg/-style chatroom-posting is OFF-TOPIC and should be reported as such.|and skill level across the playerbase varies.|Join the fun!|Nightly Twilight Thread_|Magic after dark edition Twilight's favourite books_|https_//ponepaste.org/7844|Fanfic Reading_|/playlist\\?list=PLYetaRLw6_prOF6FYfBqoCtdz-D-7uUP9|Pastebins_|/u/NightlyTwilightFic https_//pastebin|/u/NighlyTwilightStorie https_//pastebin|/u/BizzarreCoyote https_//pastebin|/u/YukkuriPalehorse https_//pastebin|/u/Silver_Smoulder|/ra/|- Rarity Thread_|Fancy Dinner edition.|Last Th/ra/d_|A bunch of short greens_|https_//ponepaste.org/9328|Rarity Mixtape_|https_//youtube|Spotify Playlist_|https_//derpy.me/RJoFC|/qEw9Vbd6|Pack of every good solo Rarity pic-in progress__|July|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/ybZ5tgu7OpwUtg January|- June|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/1nEHq8Bqp8AHIg July|- December|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/lYezh-7PUbS_zA|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/J4N6U8Av-dBLXQ|>Rainbow Dash isn’t available for you to cum inside today Gorilla-Man.|I sent her on a|“secret Wonderbolt mission”|for an alicorn artifact,|thats actually some silly wild goose chase.|So why don’t you relax hmm\\?|Oh and since I’m a military official,|thats an order!|Czequestria|Nah fuck this,|we're having a thread for Czequestria.|Date_|August|23-25,|Place_|KD|Krakov, Prague, Czech Republic Event language_|English https_//www.czequestria.cz/en/|Darting.|/create/|-general content creation thread_-formerly known as|/tempo/,|or T_EM/P/O-A conglomerate of content creators since we couldn't keep our own threads up alone.|If you're working on something,|be it musicfagging,|writefagging,|drawfagging,|poetfagging,|craftfagging,|or game-devfagging come by and post for some feedback or give some of your own.|If you want to start content creating why not start today\\?|This thread is intended for ALL|SKILL|LEVELS,|from complete beginner to seasoned expert.|Don't get intimidated.|We're all just hobbyists here to have fun and help each other make more pony stuff.|Active Community Projects_|Mare Fair|27th|-29th-/mlp/|SS13|https_//ponepaste.org/9401-really needs updated,|bug me about this later-Tempo Music Archive_|https_//magma|/invite/DXPPI_ZG|Current|/bale/|PPP thread for all your AI-generated voice needs_|They're going to fuck and milk you of your sperm in front of your waifu.|Are you strong enough to resist them and prevent your waifu from becoming a cuckquean\\?|Cheerilee thread\\?_|Eight years since we were properly introduced to the first cinnamon roll|/sun/day!|Let us bask in Princess Celestia's gentle radiance.|https_//ponepaste.org/4028|Music Playlist https_//youtube|Have a Celestia story that you want added to the archive\\?|>Link to story on Pastebin or Ponepaste|>Say whether the story is finished or unfinished,|or if it is a one shot-this is important for sorting->Provide a synopses of the plot-please do this, I don't like writing these->Any other important information that you want to add,|such as the thread of origin.|Broken Pastebin URL\\?|with poneb.in/|Humanized variants of Princess Celestia and others are unwelcome here.|ja0822ck appreciation thread_|Take a deep breath and discuss why acid/skitzo pony man is the best active artist in the fandom|where the FUCK is the cozy thread|Pony Preservation Project-Thread|Welcome to the Pony Voice Preservation Project!|youtu.be/730zGRwbQuE|The Pony Preservation Project is a collaborative effort by|to build and curate pony datasets for as many applications in AI as possible.|Technology has progressed such that a trained neural network can generate convincing voice clips,|drawings and text for any person or character using existing audio recordings,|artwork and fanfics as a reference.|As you can surely imagine, AI pony voices,|drawings and text have endless applications for pony content creation.|AI is incredibly versatile,|basically anything that can be boiled down to a simple dataset can be used for training to create more of it.|fanfics,|wAIfu chatbots and even animation are possible,|and are being worked on here.|Any anon is free to join,|and there are many active tasks that would suit any level of technical expertise.|If you’re interested in helping out,|take a look at the quick start guide linked below and ask in the thread for any further detail you need.|EQG and G5|are not welcome.|>Quick start guide_|/document/d/1PDkSrKKiHzzpUTKzBldZeKngvjeBUjyTtGCOv2GWwa0/edit Introduction to the PPP,|links to text-to-speech tools,|and how-You-can help with active tasks.|>The main Doc_|resources and archives.|>Active tasks_|Research into animation AI|>Latest developments_|GDrive clone of Master File now available|SortAnon releases script to run TalkNet on Windows|TalkNet training script|FiMmicroSoL model|Delta GPT-J notebook|tutorial|New FiMfic GPT model|FimFic dataset release|Offline GPT-PNY|FiMfic dataset|SD weights|SD low vram|Huggingface SD_|Colab SD|NSFW|Pony Model|New DeltaVox|so-vits-svt|so-vits-svt tutorial|Hay Say|Haysay on the web!|SFX seperator|Synthbot updates GDrive|Private|\"MareLoid\"|VoiceCraft|Fimfarch dataset|years of PPP|Audio re-up|RVC|Experiments|Ace Studio Demo|>The PoneAI drive,|an archive for AI pony voice content_|>Clipper’s Master Files,|the central location for MLP voice data_|/drive/folders/1MuM9Nb_LwnVxInIPFNvzD_hv3zOZhpwx|>Cool,|where is the discord/forum/whatever unifying place for this project\\?|You're looking at it.|Last Thread_|RGRE - Reversed Gender Roles Equestria_|ゴゴゴゴ|Edition Previous thread_|Fauster's Story Archive_|Uh-hmmm's Prompt Archives_|https_//ponepaste.org/1046|Have a broken Pastebin link\\?|Replace pastebin with poneb.in Remember_|not to save anything of value on Pastebin ignore all attempts at early new threads ignore new threads by the cheerimac poster why the fuck am I the one baking\\?|the baker's guild will hear of this|Stallion Thread_|Big Mac Edition ITT we talk about stallions-and other non-pony males-and R63|versions of mares.|Last thread_|Pony Transformation General_|Human becomes pony.|How,|why and what happens next are all up to you.|New stories and art welcome!|Any type of transformation into ponies,|gryphons,|changelings,|dragons,|kirin,|etc.,|whether OC or canonical,|Anonponies of all shapes and sizes.|Want to be the little pony\\?|This is the thread for you.|Previously on PTFG_|- Very self-indulgent unicorn stallion TF - New|Complete!|- Mares With Guns by OrwellRedenbacher|- New!|https_//ponepaste.org/9446|- Interstate by Ceiling Necromancer https_//ponepaste.org/9707|- Chestnut Glaze by pogoman122|- Complete!|- Daisy Belle by OrwellRedenbacher|https_//ponepaste.org/9985|- Go Ask Littlepip When She's Two And A|Half Feet Tall by Darkdemonlucifer|Ticket To The Circus by Darkdemonlucifer|https_//ponepaste.org/7247|- The Pon-E|Rewrites_|Purple Black Gray by Alycorn|- Beach Walk https_//ponepaste.org/9521|- Nemetona by Meslam https_//ponepaste.org/9720|- Pink In The Club by AtomicGlow|https_//ponepaste.org/9600|- War Story by OrwellRedenbacher|https_//ponepaste.org/9485|Papi|https_//ponepaste.org/9477|- Untitled Short Pet Story|by definitelynotapurplehorse|https_//ponepaste.org/9470|- New Moon https_//ponepaste.org/9450|- Twin Moon by Advisability|https_//ponepaste.org/8991|- Unfinished Pizzaportal epilogue by Gnisha https_//ponepaste.org/8967|Mirror, Brightly by Fructose https_//derpy.me/wxs|- WXS volume|- Heroes Never Die by Shimmerist Ari https_//ponepaste.org/8902|- Cannon for sale by Pinkening https_//ponepaste.org/8904|- Experiment R41NB0W|- Horsegirl by Neighpalm https_//ponepaste.org/8866|- Stripped Screw by Neighpalm https_//ponepaste.org/8835|- The Lunar Experience by Slippery_Slope|https_//ponepaste.org/7973|- Honey Pot by Wanda https_//ponepaste.org/8731|- Soda Pony TFTG-ish and Sex by AtomicGlow|- That Particular Instance I|Piece Of Silverware by Yuri Fanatic https_//ponepaste.org/8210|- My First Maregasm by anonfilly Archive of over|stories,|as well as additional links and materials_|https_//pone.tf Past threads index_|http_//nsfw.pone.tf/|Chat_|https_//discord.gg/tfAjenN|Recommended stories for new readers_|https_//ponepaste.org/7278|Shadowbolt Thread|Back To School Edition_|Let's explore any and all sorts of ideas for the underutilized and under-developed Shadowbolts from Equestria Girls.|--- Completed Stories_|Treating Miss Sweet by ChurroAnon|/7r8iCJ2U --- Ongoing Stories_|To Listen-Part|1-by AlexanderGrey|/c6D2XDbL|Game of Headphones-Part|2-by AlexanderGrey|/Sx1M6gnB|Music Is Coming-Part|3-by Alexander Grey|/4c5BLWLd|--- Shamelessly stolen writing guides_|/whCQ2GpX -https_//pastebin|Other Shadowbolt links_|/wYy0FyrA https_//ponepaste.org/3740|Submission is Mandatory|Please sthap edition.|>What is this thread about\\?|This thread is dedicated to stories that have clear dominate and submissive roles;|both with and without consent.|>What exactly is welcome in this thread\\?|A wide variety of stories are welcomed here;|from non-consent and sexual slavery,|to abusive manipulation and psychological domination,|to maids and extortion,|and even healthy consensual relationships with BDSM role-play elements.|Other variations are welcome as well,|so long as they are complementary to the domination/submission focus of the thread.|Up to date archives_|Thread story list_|https_//ponepaste.org/7575|Thread list_|https_//ponepaste.org/7446|Unsorted oneshots/prompts/unfinished greens_|https_//ponepaste.org/7672|Outdated archives_|https_//poneb.in/f8f09HB4|https_//poneb.in/778zgnJ5|https_//mulpwiki.batpony.party/index.php/SiM|——————|This thread was originally founded to support the|“Submission is Mandatory”|While the story has gone on hiatus,|it’s content is referred to by a number of stories in this thread.|In return,|she grants him ownership of the Mane|Expanded Universe Stories-Octavia POV-Recommended-https_//poneb.in/Y2AahdQp Other Stories|-https_//poneb.in/3AFdqxvs|Use ponepaste.org Have a broken pastebin link\\?|Active stories_|Last updated in the previous thread-#125__|>The Carat and Stick by RapeApe|!bwwXn5Gx.o Cadance forces Rarity onto medifag Anon.|https_//ponepaste.org/733|https_//ponepaste.org/4327|https_//ponepaste.org/9692|End of the last update_|>Thralls of Twilight by ManicQuil The retired princesses show Twilight a new hidden side in their relationship.|Starts here_|Last updated here_|>Harsh is The Night by ManicQuil EQG story with a sub Rainbow Dash and her mistress Luna.|Last update here_|>The Culture of Rubber Ponies by ManicQuil Ponies covered in latex.|https_//ponepaste.org/7692|>Short EQG christmas story with Dom Celestia and sub Dazzlings by ManicQuil Starts here_|Ends here-|more to come|?-_|>Untitled Applebloom trying out a special outfit for Nightmare Night Starts here_|>Title may be|Reluctant Pride\"|by Keeper Anon fucking his way into becoming leader of the gryphons https_//ponepaste.org/9057|Mare Fair Thread|More Staff Edition_|WE'RE|HIRING_|Do-You_,|yes-You_!|Want to be involved in how the sausage-marefair-is made\\?|Well now's your chance!|We are currently looking for anons to help volunteer for many departments,|especially Operations, Attendee Relations,|and Distribution!|Of course,|if you want to help in other departments,|such as A/V or the Game Room,|please apply!|We're always looking for more help in making this con happen,|so don't shy away from applying!|If you have any questions about the responsibilities of working in certain departments,|please feel free to send an email or ask here in the thread!|As mentioned before,|our venue has been changed to the Marriott Orlando Airport Lakeside!|so if you've made any travel plans from September|27th through the|29th in the area,|just make sure you rebook your stay to the Marriott instead of our previous venue!|We have limited room available on our room block,|and some days over the con weekend are close to selling out.|Be sure to book your room now if you plan to attend!|you can always look for room shares in these threads too!|If you would like to know more please visit our website at_|https_//marefair.org/venue/|Finally,|just another reminder that Fair Flyer and Morning Mimosa will be available as plushies at this year’s Mare Fair!-Sorry Soirée and Matinée,|maybe next year.-We’ve collaborated with Symbiote Studios to make two of our mascots come to life,|and we hope you’ll love them enough to take home your very own!|If you have any questions or concerns,|please send us an email at_|info@marefair.org All official information will be made available by our staff using these tripcodes_|Ebonyglow|!!eSW1dXRikgk Rez|!!fjenat+Ey8k|Anonfilly Thread|- Wings Edition_|>Spoonfeed me.|What's this thread about\\?|This thread typically consists of Anon gone filly,|as he's thrust into a new life as a cute little pony.|>What's to be expected\\?|Fillies,|cuteness, Anon-tier shenanigans,|bitchy Twilight,|desires to be the little filly,|>Any archive of photos or stories\\?|Dropbox-Photos__|>I'm a contributor.|Great!|For writers,|just notify|̶A̶l̶l̶|̶N̶i̶g̶h̶t̶e̶r̶|̶F̶g̶t̶|Lone15,|so you can have your green added to the Doc.|For artists,|animators,|or any other content makers,|you can store your fillies in the Dropbox for future viewing pleasure.|which you can check out here_|https_//projects.fivethirtyeight|/personality-quiz/\\?group=-LdS-38NvfIG9PHPrYB8|>I don't like this thread because of reasons.|You'll never know how it is unless you try a dose of filly.|Old Mare_|What would your ideal current year FiM content creator look like.|Would they focus on episode discussion\\?|Canon debates\\?|Fanart creation/showcase\\?|Music\\?|It’s hard to keep a fanbase running the longer the show it’s based on is over.|But what would you as a fan look for in a FiM fandom channel/account/website\\?|Anonymous in Equestria thread|Last thread,|IRC_|irc.rizon.net|#/mlp/AiE|Active list_|/mVG33ERX|Master list_|/xGf9RcL9|Completed Stories list_|/QZ4PDe7g Stories Sorted by Pony_|/GJyQquaY|>rope's HD remastered thread archives_|/Qg2dwzq0|>If a pastebin link is broken you can copy the string at the end of the url of a poneb.in link so pastebin|/mVG33ERX becomes https_//poneb.in/mVG33ERX|>PiE|Corner|>Remember to tag all PiE|Author List_|http_//derpy.me/PiE_Pictures Browser Pony Author List_|/ZCGjtftk|/4clop/|4clop and Tribes thread I'm Still Standing edition_|Thread for discussion of|>4CLOP,|the game of war and geoponitics!|Also a thread for Tribes,|a similar game about pony ethnonationalism!|>4clop https_//4clop|>Tribes https_//ponywar|When was the last thread\\?|A month ago\\?|Putting one up myself.|I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash.|Dazzling Thread|Back to school edition.|All Dazzling lovers are welcome.|It doesn't matter if you're an Adagio, Aria or Sonatafag,|let's all join in one place.|Post anything of the Dazzlings_|drawings,|discussions,|fetishes,|re-edits,|gifs,|re-made songs-written or,|if you had the guts to,|sung_,|anything you like.|Come here and show that you're under their spell!|Archives-green,|https_//dazzlefan.club/|Guides for Aspiring Writers_|https_//ponepaste.org/1661|https_//ponepaste.org/1659|https_//ponepaste.org/1658|Art Compilation_|Steam group_|http_//steamcommunity|/groups/PraisetheSirens Old Shattered Gem_|Fingerbang_|The Equestria Girls and Humanized Thread|- Summer Loving Edition Part|Welcome to Fingerbang_|Humanized Thread!|Anything with|>no hooves is welcome and encouraged here.|If you like to write,|or critique the humanized versions of the ponies,|then this is the thread for you.|Story List_|--Recent Writefags--pastebin can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary-Grey_|https_//ponepaste.org/9699-Pinkie Pie-Anonymous_|https_//ponepaste.org/8602-Coco-Less Recent Writefags_|--- Archival Pastebin_|/u/FingerbangingMLP-pastebin can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary-Thread Resources_|http_//derpy.me/b783H|FimFiction Group_|http_//derpy.me/tQSuG|Discord_|https_//discord.gg/jXfKyJP|Google Drive_|--->How did this Humanized thread get started\\?|What happened to Fingerbang\\?|The Humanized thread was created when the various humanized threads-including Fingerbang-on|decided to merge.|The rest is history.|Quite literally as of now.|>I did it, Anon!|>I finally figured out a way to get to the human world!|Rise of Paradise|#33.5-CYOA__|Last time,|not a lot happened cause I went on vacation for a bit.|Back now though,|so if you want to catch back up on the short last thread it's here_|Vinyl Scratch Thread|-/vst/_|Show Vinyl some love by posting cute pics,|as well as greens.|Vinyl Pastebin Collection-http_//pastebin|/u/Two_Echo A collection of Vinyl stories-https_//ponepaste.org/user/TiredAsShit Individual Vinyl Greens- Wubs From Vinyl-Anon x Vinyl-http_//pastebin|/TvHbH1xE|Fuck You-Anon x Vinyl-https_//ponepaste.org/8191|Vinyl gets a ride from Anon http_//pastebin|/HutPuyAK|Vinyl and Anon date http_//pastebin|/G8dJtww7|Stuttering Vinyl http_//pastebin|/SWaLMMjK|Vinyl and Anon at CHS http_//pastebin|/mUFNraWX|Teenage Vinyl makes a deal http_//pastebin|/ZaeXSTxi The Other Side-Anon x Scratch-http_//pastebin|/EfmVk5pi Twisting the Vinyl https_//pastebin|/A3R7g1uG|Canterlot Rape Wars http_//pastebin|/857MZ8RQ|#AZ2xm#Daughter Vinyl https_//pastebin|/Tyb8ZpPL|Vinyl Scratch x Neon Lights https_//ponepaste.org/8185|Vinyl Takes Anon https_//ponepaste.org/8186|Taking Care of Vinyl Scratch https_//ponepaste.org/8187|Vinyl's Gangbang Bus https_//ponepaste.org/8188|Binyl Scratch_|Raping anon to perfection https_//ponepaste.org/8189|Vinyl archive_|\"Do you even lift the bass\\?\"|https_//ponepaste.org/8190|https_//mega.nz/folder/4gwEmCrJ#g0rinvi8aPkPzNvmuI3dkw|Pinkie Pie is breaking time and space again|5-My Little Pony_|New Generation-Make Your Mark series has begun on Netflix,|and there's still the movie as well!|Tell Your Tale episode playlist https_//www.youtube|/playlist\\?list=PLUnS6VWqJBaZqq_emLdwdCwU7O7RDEyxW|Pony Life_|https_//mega.nz/folder/Ji5VkAwY#BYzHARWDjj-djo8e4WTsnQ|YouTube Playlist of pony shorts https_//www.youtube|The Manga|Day in the Life of Equestria, Vol.|/file/j76lgbbq1nibrrj/MLP_The_Manga_Vol_1_HD.rar/file Get a physical copy https_//sevenseasentertainment|/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-1/|Day in the Life of Equestria Vol.|/file/nmbj6jdwg2faw4r/MLP_Manga_Vol2.rar/file Get a physical copy https_//sevenseasentertainment|/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-2/|/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-3/|A little over a month left of summer to go,|and the vacations are ending.|That means it's definitely an opportune time to get the fall line rolling out,|supposing inspiration has sufficiently struck.|And if not, Rarity's just going to have to continue taking in the sights|-on company time.|Business expenses,|and whatnot.|Perfectly reasonable in her line of work.|/glim/|- She's gonna need a stronger cup|'o joe_|This is a thread for all things Starlight Glimmer.|Post pics,|greens and discussion.|Topics discussed_|>what if glim was|“evil”|and reformed\\?|>Glimmy calls you a pussy,|what do\\?|glim found THAT memory|slightly smoked glims|>You vs Glim,|who wins\\?|switch glims\\?|>devilish|>Starlight and Dash's relationship|>Invaded by the Great and Powerful Trixie|somehow,|gave birth to a human #AZ2xm#baby instead of a foal\\?|>Glimmy gives Anon strength|>Kissy kissy glim and trixie https_//files.catbox.moe/1t94ik.jpg|Double Diamond comic https_//files.catbox.moe/lrm0ne.jpg|>Anon drew a Starlight https_//files.catbox.moe/y5wypr.png|>Do it for glim https_//files.catbox.moe/s1sksm.png|>Glimmies!|https_//files.catbox.moe/4eeopr.jpg|\"Ice Ice Glimmy\"|>Starlight makes it snow|>Starlight and Anon have ice cream|>But how does she taste\\?|https_//ponepaste.org/7897|Princess Applejack_|Howdy,|What you see here began as a series of comedy-centric stories with the concept of an alicorn-ascended Princess Applejack trying to change a mismanaged Equestria for the better by humorously interacting with the other,|quite lazy,|Plus late night pink antics.|The whole thing was set in motion by this gem_|>So,|wait,|why am Ah'|a princess again\\?|>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom.|You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done\\?|Fucking nothing.|Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight,|And don't even get me started on Cadence,|who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative.|Fucking annoying.|Go do actual princess stuff,|because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks|\"Princess\"|\"Beat cop.\"|Are you feeling creative\\?|Try your hand at writing a story!|If you're more artistically inclined give a drawing or sketch a shot.|Don't fret too much;|it doesn't have to be fancy and we appreciate artwork a lot.|If that isn't your style either,|writers always need feedback.|So tell us what you liked|-and what you didn't|-to help us improve.|If you are unsure about anything,|do not be afraid to ask.|We will gladly bring you up-to-date or explain anything you feel is unclear.|374!|WHO'S|READY|FOR|GODFIGHT|GALORE\\?|Sorry,|but bat ponies have already colonized the entire galaxy!|Kekeke.|That's right,|it's quadrillions of bat ponies in every direction.|You'll just have to be happy with the couple we left you in your solar system.|Fuuuufufu.|But we'll be nice and let you visit our worlds.|More animatics are getting leaked_|Bats!_|https_//files.catbox.moe/11ersk.mp4|>Let me spell it out for you Anonymous.|Unless you marry me,|you are going to die from old age.|You will suffer from cancer or dementia,|most certainly becoming weaker and less active as the months go by for decades and decades until finally you’re buried in the ground somewhere.|Immortality is the only answer to suffering.|Rarity thread_|Sexy detective edition.|>Be me|>Havent watched since S3|>Get reaction video of Rarity|>Reccomended some season|episode in full from YouTube #AZ2xm#Kids|>Click on it and watch for|>Fluttershy has a younger brother now,|and he's bigger than her What the FUCK\\?|What other LORE was NEVER mentioned in the first three seasons\\?|What was her worst sin|/mlp/\\?|I didn't follow TyT but she was pretty cute in MyM|>Macaron Mare Today’s the day!|Cherie is chomping at the bit to set a record baking the world’s biggest macaron and win the title of Macaron Mare!|With her regular orders piling up-at her horse cart_, Cocoa worries Cherie has bitten off more macaron than she can chew!|But Cherie is determined until she totes out a giant-oozy-macaron with a mind of its own!|SPLAT!|Realising how important this contest is to her friend, Cocoa rallies some other horses-Perla and Candi_,|and together,|they manage to tame Cherie’s macaron flop and help her get back on track https_//youtu.be/WrkIAXmL0wU|Gif Thread_|Post horse movements|/aj/|- Applejack Thread_|Tropical edition Previous thread_|Thread links_|Voice archive https_//drive.google|Greens https_//pastebin|/4EdcwVeN https_//pastebin|/1wd0YfDm https_//pastebin|/6jZyENuM https_//mulpwiki.batpony.party/index.php/Category_Flabrus https_//pastebin|/u/docmajor119|https_//mulpwiki.batpony.party/index.php/Category_Rahzma A playlist of Applejack songs https_//www.youtube|/playlist\\?list=PLc9PEja7FcxBAd7vP8|Pinkie Pie Thread_|Post pink kitchen apron girl.|Fan Site Alternative Thread|This is the general thread for the alternative fan sites of the My Little Pony fandom.|Discussion,|development suggestions,|and criticisms are all welcome here.|Still on life support edition.|>Why alternate boorus\\?|Changes to Derpibooru have made the site a less than ideal location for pony fan art.|several new boorus arose to provide alternatives.|Many of the altbooru owners post in thread and listen to questions and comments from anons.|Please keep posts about Derpibooru in the thread on mlpg.co.|>Why alternate text sites\\?|>Why alternate text,|fanfiction,|and fanfiction archival sites\\?|Pastebin has deleted,|and continues to delete,|greentexts on the site.|FimFiction does not allow stories in the greentext format.|FimFetch has been purging foalcon and other material deemed to be|\"unacceptable\"|as late as Jan|2024,.|As such,|a new home is needed.|Overview_|altboorus.org|booru.foalcon by Pathos-!!arjIjTdCTdq-- Underage lyrabooru.org|- Hot glue|>Greentext,|>File sharing smutty.horse-frozen until further notice-IWIFTP|>Latest Developments_|- Ponybooru has been up and down a lot due to server issues.|- FoalFetch is being worked on,|but slowly.|- Floorb is working on a project to archive pony from Twitter, DeviantArt and maybe other sites,|and looking for volunteers to help.|- A security/privacy issue on Ponepaste,|which allowed for anyone to view one's private paste titles,|their authors,|and tags-but not its actual content-was patched.|- The fanfiction archival site FimFetch escalates its ongoing purge of content deemed by them as|\"unacceptable\"-mainly foalcon-by hosting a list of accounts from all around the fandom-FimFiction, Discord, AO3, Derpibooru,|ect.-they|\"found\"|to be associated with said material.|In response, Floorb has created foalfetch.net.|For keeping up with the ongoing drama,|see https_//ponepaste.org/9926|/mlpu/|- MLP|Yuri/Lesbian General_|After Sx Smoke Edition Discuss and debate your favorite dyke ships or just post mares lezzing out.|Post freckled cowboy hat girl.|Post blue spandex shorts girl.|FoE/|- Fallout Equestria_|Post Apocalyptic Pony Thread_|Rare species edition.!|Fallout Equestria,|a story that bleeds two franchises together to build something magical.|On one side,|you have death,|destruction,|decay,|and misery|-on the other,|you have ponies.|Doesn't sound like it should mix\\?|You'd be surprised.|When the world around you is wasteland,|all you're left with is hope,|and as we all know,|ponies can do spectacular things with just a little hope.|Read Fallout Equestria by Kkat to appreciate the setting that many writers have then lent upon after being so captivated by the wonders.|The original story which spawned its own fandom can be found here_|These next four stories comprise the rest of what is considered|\"the big|alongside the original.|They were biggest hitters early in the fandom,|be it for having started before many others,|their length,|or overall quality.|>Project Horizons_|>Pink Eyes_|https_//www.fimfiction.net/story/931/|>Heroes_|https_//www.fimfiction.net/story/662/|>Murky Number Seven_|Though,|a reminder;|just because these are the most well known,|that isn't to say that there aren't other stories out there!|There are many hidden gems that simply don't get the love they deserve purely because people don't give them the chance.|Why not open your heart and try to find a new favorite\\?|Anons are absolutely welcomed and encouraged to return with fic discussion of even the most obscure fics!|Fan games_|>Fallout Equestria_|Remains A|Fallout Equestria Roguelike.|It is the best thing to come of the fandom recently.|Seriously go play it https_//foe-remains.gitlab.io/main_en.html|>Balefire Blues A|Hearts of Iron IV mod.|In it you take control over various FoE factions seeking to conquer the wasteland.|>Ashes Town A derivative of Pony Town,|set in the Fallout Equestria universe.|Thread Topic_|Whats your personal head-canon for some of the non equine races in FOE\\?\\?|Art Thread|Backends_|>https_//github|/LykosAI/StabilityMatrix This is more of a one click manager that you can install|run the other backends though.|Easiest by far.|stablediffusion if checkpoint...->Stable Diffusion Automatic1111|/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui I would recommend installing this through Stability Matrix.|>ComfyUI https_//github|/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI\\?tab=readme-ov-file#installing Has a learning curve but is extremely customizable and usually has the latest methods|papers implemented first.|>\"But I don't have a decent GPU\"|https_//novelai.net You could also use a service like civitai.|Models_|>Pony Diffusion V6|XL https_//civitai|>Autism Mix-Alternative model based upon pony diffusion, I prefer the DPO version of it.|Better anatomy|more coherent.-https_//civitai|>Seaart-Less pony knowledge but has artist tags and is very high quality.-https_//civitai|>Useful artist style LoRA_|>LoRAs by|/mlp/_|https_//rentry.org/ponyxl_loras|/h and other useful info_|https_//rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff|>How to make your own LoRA_|https_//rentry.org/59xed3|/articles/3522/valstrixs-crash-course-guide-to-lora-and-lycoris-training https_//civitai|/articles/4100/how-to-create-a-style-lycoris-for-ponyxl-on-low-vram-locally|>Prompt tips for new users_|Use tags from e621|and natural language.|Here,|all the usual misinfo already addressed in one easy place for your viewing displeasure_|/watch\\?v=F-i09Nz96cw|/mlpfit/_|2-0.|Why was he written out of tyt when mym showed that he was moving into the Brighthouse\\?|I want to play an MLP|G4|video game_|But you know,|not complete dog shit.|Looking for stuff like RPG's or maybe farming/slice of life simulators.|I'm even down for games made for a more|\"mature\"|audience.|Got any good suggestions anons\\?|Fluttershy Thread_|Shy Does It for Free Edition For those seeking any and all things Fluttershy.|>/shy/thread Ponepaste-includes the OP,|writefag list,|writefag request bin,|and all current/completed stories-https_//ponepaste.org/user/FluttershyThread|>Collaborative Fluttershy playlist-request for new content to be added in the thread-https_//www.youtube|>/mushy/|Musical mixtape-request for new content to be added in the thread-https_//www.youtube|NOBODY|EXPECTS|MY|LITTLE|PONY|TALES|Are there character that SHOULD have been in G4\\?|What the fuck does this mean\\?_|anon,|what does this shit mean\\?|What does it mean that it's a big Trixie marble\\?|I thought maybe it was a bowling ball but there's no holes and on further inspection it looks closer to a huge marble,|but I'm open to anything at this point.|But she's also tied to the teacup somehow\\?|Try again\\?|Try again at what\\?|And to what end\\?|What's going on\\?|>anon,|if it's not too much trouble,|could you,|um,|turn up the heat a little bit\\?|It's k-kinda chilly.|My Massive Pony_|Great and Powerful edition Writers,|and critiques are always welcome,|so long as it pertains to the main idea of the thread which is size difference.|Check out our slowly growing ponepaste_|https_//ponepaste.org/3112|Sweetie Belle is a slut.|Good mooorrrning people!|The sun is shimmering,|and there are sisters that need a plowing!|What if when Fluttershy was under the influence of poison joke not only her voice dropped low but she grew low hanging balls too\\?|That voice had to come from somewhere|Lingerie Thread_|Reply with your pony waifus wearing all things lingerie related.|>Please darling as if I would ever have sex with somepony who already lost their virginity back in their homeworld.|You think I couldnt smell it\\?|I dont know who she is but you were marked the moment you enter Equestria.|Its too bad.|Bad hair day|/pnk/|- Pinkie Pie Thread_|Strawberry Edition Previous thread_|My queen is so cool and powerful.|Posey Thread_|Brighthouse Egregore Edition_|Posey has been inducted into the|\"Brighthouse Egregore\"|in the latest episode|will our chudmare ever be the same\\?|You thought her simply befriending Pipp was her downfall\\?|You haven't seen nothing yet.|What's an egregore\\?|Wikipedia has this definition_|>An egregore-also spelled egregor;|from French|égrégore,|from Ancient Greek|ἐγρήγορος,|egrēgoros|'wakeful'-is a concept in Western esotericism of a non-physical entity or thoughtform that arises from the collective thoughts and emotions of a distinct group of individuals.|On the bright side,|we can expect more Posey,|on the downside_|She's being brainwashed into participating in the occultism of friendship.|Gloomy sweat edition mayne!|/BFFs/|Glasses Are Cute edition_|This thread is for the bestest BFFs ever_|Izzy!|this is not a shipping thread.|>Greentext stories short and long_|only the starting one,|so make sure to check the replies for any continuation!|Izzy has to choose|Izzy get confused in prison|Izzy discovers it too|Izzy is probably drunk|Anon is distressed|Misty makes dinner for her friends|Then they have a sleep over|Izzy loses a special friend|Izzy is very good at Uno|Definitely Izzy is unique at Bridlewood|Izzy pranks her friends with an Izzy plush and absolutely nothing goes wrong|Green based on|Anon explains Izzy's shorter mane|Anon compliments Izzy|Less a green and more an idea vomit but hey it's OC|Izzy shows Anon how a unicorn does...|New_|Continuation-and maybe conclusion\\?-of the plush-come-to-life saga|Our pink princess is so precious!|Izzy Moonbow_|>Hi new friend!|Tell Your Tale_|Sleepover!!_|/watch\\?v=aGPEJ-Vh1Ec Previous_|Should I be fapping exclusively to my waifu or is that just an extra challenge anons impose on themselves\\?|I don't see it as cheating or being unfaithful since it's just masturbating but I would like to do it to be closer to my waifu.|/Bale/|Beginner And Low Effort art thread|-#52_|Welcome friends, ITT_|We make and share pony art,|with absolutely no pressure to deliver anything that's technically good-besides having ponies in it,|which makes it good by default-Make something,|share what you've done,|and give feedback and motivation to help us all keep improving and creating!|This thread's focus is art,|but beginner or low effort content of any kind is welcome here.|If you do want to post about something else like music,|gamedev,|or crafts,|just note that you may find better help and feedback posting it in the|thread Are you an experienced artist\\?|Leave some tips,|feedback,|guides,|or tutorials,|they're well appreciated here!|Guides,|tutorials and resources!|Start here!|https_//mares.horse/bale https_//ponepaste.org/8268|Draw with other|videos_|https_//pony.tube/c/bale_stuff/videos|The Curious Case of the Short-Lived|>CYOA\\?|Choose Your Own Adventure.|AKA|Quest.|>Discuss Current, Finished and Upcoming CYOAs|>Give advice on CYOAs|>Pitch ideas|>Get critique|>Trade art List of stories_|WIP-formerly anonpone_.|Your best bet is to search via desuarchive.|List of related content_|https_//poneb.in/JfNFvCxZ|>How do I run a CYOA\\?|>I can't into art,|but I'm a competent writer.|Should I still run a CYOA\\?|JUST|DO|>What day is best\\?|https_//strawpoll|/polls/e7ZJONmvvy3|>What time is best\\?|/polls/bVg86rz02yY|>What race would you play\\?|/polls/GJn4GoO0byz|>What genre are you interested in\\?|/polls/XOgOJ17M0n3|>Can I run a CYOA in this General Thread\\?|Yes,|just take care to differentiate yourself if there's another ongoing CYOA here.|>Active CYOAs as this thread was posted Moonlit|Traversia|I just wanted to say that you are all wonderful ponies and I'm sure you're gonna make your pretend monkey husbands very happy|Gmod Server Thread|To join add|to your Favorites in Multiplayer|Legacy Browser.|To start a gamemode/map change type rtv in chat.|To see server specific commands enter|!commands in chat on the server.|To watch videos with Media Player use Gmod's|64-bit version.|Enable it from the Betas tab in the game's Properties on Steam.|Addon lists_|Server status_|https_//www.battlemetrics|or https_//www.gametracker|Recommended content packs_|HL1_S, Episode|1/2, TF2|content and CS_S content+maps.|https_//gmodcontent|or https_//kajar9.wixsite|LINUX|PAC3/PPM2|collections and other user content_|https_//ponepaste.org/7931|Current gamemodes are Sandbox, TTT2, Death Run, Dropzone, Elevator, Extreme Football Throwdown, Fat #AZ2xm#Kid, Flood, Gungame, Hide and Seek, Horde, HL1|Co-op, HL1|Infected, Lambda_HL2|COOP_, Open Virus, Overwatch, Prop Hunt, Quake|3, SledBuild, The Stalker, Trash Compactor, Zombie Survival,|and Final Frontier.|Go do something that makes your waifu proud|-anything!|She's worth it.|Use this thread to talk about her and why you love her.|Your waifu is before you!|She's your friend,|but still unaware about your feeings.|How would you express them\\?|Its not necessary to rush it,|but mutuality is your goal,|obviously.|>What is a waifu\\?|What defines a waifu\\?|Your waifu is the one character you wish to be with your entire life,|until death do you part.|Possibly beyond that,|Most often this manifests as a romantic interest.|>How do you know if you have a waifu\\?|When you meet your waifu,|you will know.|The world around you will become colorful.|You will realize that you were living in monochrome the entire time.|Her existence provides context and meaning to yours,|a perfect complement,|a perfect comfort,|a perfect love.|There may be low periods,|periods of doubt,|but the rhythm of life will forever pull one towards their waifu,|for that love is eternal.|Long-running discussion,|latecomers,|and the occasional bump are welcome and encouraged,|but we would prefer that the thread not be kept on extended life support.|Worldbuilding Bread_|ITT we discuss Equestria Prompts_|>Which fic or green has the best worldbuilding\\?|>Which fic or green has the strangest worldbuilding\\?|>What time period and area of Equestria do you prefer to write/read/fantasize about\\?|>Which fanart evokes the feeling of Equestria the most to you\\?|>What are some unpopular or uncommon headcanons that you hold\\?|>If you could make|adventure episode at any point in the show,|what would the episode be about\\?|/green/|- Greentext General|Welcome to your|/green/text sanctuary.|Our mission_|rally the troops,|get fingers typing,|flood the board with greentexts.|Anchor your stories here,|finished or not.|Seek feedback and tips on them.|Want to resurrect some forgotten favorites,|dig up an underrated gem,|brainstorm your next big idea\\?|Do it here.|We want-You_.|Let's keep this cornerstone of|culture alive!|▶/mlp/|paste service_|▶Tips and links_|Clever’s Tips on How to Write Short Stories_|https_//rentry.org/CleverShort Ezn’s Guide to Writing Fanfiction_|Vhatug's tips for anatomically correct clop_|/Mare/con|- Writing Greentext_|Horsewords and You_|Characters|Motivation_|https_//youtu.be/4Uqj0orBS0s Horsewords|&-You__|/live/mYtcqDtoTm4\\?si=Kud0Eyai-CWneCVz|▶Generals Greentext Gallery_|https_//rentry.org/GreenArchive Previous thread_|Turnabout Storm/Elements of Justice Thread_|This is about the fan series Turnabout Storm and Elements of Justice because I got depressed at the lack of new episodes this week.|Post stuff about them.|I want Sonata to sit on me.|Pregnancy General_|Swollen Sisters_|This is the Pregnancy General,|not stillborn and ready to be borne again.|We've lately been building up a bundle of regular artists,|storytellers,|and others again;|may this general get quicker and continue quickening.|For files and other things we can't discuss in this thread,|there's a fraternal twin thread over inside Pregchan,|https_//pregchan|/f/res/100.html That thread is the third in a series,|and here are the prior Pregchan threads,|which have been archived here_|here are two archives of our greentexts_|https_//u.smutty.horse/lxqgizelhjx.zip https_//u.smutty.horse/lzbpjsjvhjs.zip Here’s a list of some artists and writers who use these threads_|>GFM_Lewdendorff https_//ponepaste.org/user/GFM_Lewdendorff|>pinkS|Here are some questions to stimulate activity while waiting for the birth_|How would you feed and otherwise care for your gravid dam\\?|Which aspects of magical pony pregnancy excite you most\\?|To be or not to be hyper pregnant\\?|Shoving bellies aside,|which anatomical change do you most appreciate\\?|What's something rarely covered in art or stories you'd like to see focussed on\\?|Who are your favourite artists and writers;|which pieces of theirs are your favourites\\?|For the relevant species,|such as pegasi,|do you prefer eggs or live birth\\?|Would you want to help your mare dress herself,|and in what\\?|How would you cuddle your gravid mare and where\\?|Just how would you comfort your mare if she had a tummy ache,|possibly from eating too much cake\\?|SCHLOP|Post best filly!|/bug/|Total Love Bug Edition_|Oops,|forgot to make another bread Here in|/bug/,|we take Queen Chrysalis on romantic walks,|a kiss on the cheek for Changelings,|and spend time cuddling gaylings.|Some old links_|Old Hive Directory_|https_//ponepaste.org/4223|Very Old|https_//poneb.in/PjB4LKgd BuggyCYOA archive_|https_//ponepaste.org/4086|How does this comment make you feel\\?|I need friends_|This make my childhood-o_∇_o__|Mind control thread|eldritch magic edition_|Originating from a thread about a niche form of hypnosis,|now encompasses varied hypnosis methods from spiraling specs to subtle spells,|swinging watches to wafting brews.|Post anything and everything about controlling a mind.|All ponies-mares and stallions,|fillies and colts-are welcome and encouraged.|Greens and other content only tangentially related will be better recieved in SPG or SiM depending.|Good rule of thumb is if it doesn’t involve taking control of a pony’s mind,|it probably goes somewhere else.-e.g.|no slavery without mind control scenes, IRL self-hypnosis audio,|or tupperware rp-Thread archive https_//ponepaste.org/9352|So Proud of Myself_|How did she become the main character\\?|Mare Day Shirt Pre-Orders_|Fallen Oak is offering pre-orders on some sick mare drip for Mare Day!|Emails say that these high quality,|31st at|5pm EDT,|and also on limited sale at Mare Day.|no more will be sold.|Those who got a ticket,|like yours truly,|have already been sent an email with the details.|But if you haven’t bought a Mare Day ticket,|do so before the pre-order deadline and they’ll send you an email with details.|I’ve been told that if you have a ticket and didn’t get an email,|that you should reach out to mareday-at-fallenoak dot org.|If your friend bought a ticket for you,|you should probably talk to your friend.|There’s not too many Mare Day tickets left,|but you can get em here_|https_//fallenoak.org/mareday/|It's releasing tomorrow!|I hope you will have Fun|Caravan Guard CYOA|>You are Ardent Mind,|an experienced caravan guard and a senior team leader of Steady Stride Caravan Guard Company|>Your job is to escort ponies across the Badlands and beyond to the new colonies in the Mysterious South,|fighting Changelings, Diamond Dogs,|giant lizards and other dangerous wildlife found in The Badlands and the lands beyond|>Most recently you were hired by the Equestrian Rehoming Project,|an organization responsible for managing and encouraging immigration to Equestria’s new colonies|>Your job is to escort and protect one of the Project’s heads,|her entourage,|and a large number of settlers,|fifty ponies in all,|all the way from the city of Appleloosa to New Ponyville in the southern colonies|>The job has been rougher than normal but the excitement reached a crescendo just a week ago when Diamond Dogs trapped your group within a canyon,|leading you to take shelter in a newly excavated ancient Dog temple|>After a costly battle in the temple you were forced to take a metaphorical leap of faith,|leading you and your remaining clients to find yourselves trapped in an underground Diamond Dog city|>For days you looked for ways to escape the underground|>It cost the health of a mare close to you,|as well as your own|you instead took a diplomatic approach|>After a meeting with the leader of the Diamond Dogs, Abuwityuw,|you came to a peace agreement|>The Dogs will let you leave in peace in exchange for you giving up several important ponies and arranging a peace agreement with a nearby group of Equestrian knights|avoiding traps along the way Because it's been a month since the last post I'll be reposting the last prompt and holding a revote for what to do next.-Characters_|/PqtD6vYH-Previous Threads_|My Ponk stopped ponking,|what do I do\\?|Flutterrape|>What is Flutterrape\\?|Flutterrape is a collection of stories about ponies trying and failing to have sex with Anon,|the only human in Equestria.|While the title implies that it is Fluttershy trying to rape Anon,|others may follow in her stead and attempt their own versions of rape.|There are different versions of Flutterrape,|but most are light-hearted comedies about the ponies failing in their attempts to get into Anon’s pants.|Just because your story has Anon in it,|doesn't mean it fits in this thread.|Check other threads-AiE, RGRE etc-about story content before posting.|>It's been|years,|how is this thread still alive\\?|A perverse mixture of necromancy and spite.|>How do I start writing\\?|Use your imagination,|you nitwit.|Additionally,|brush up on your grammar and abandon your standards.|Writing Guides_|Clever Dick's Tips For Short Stories|--https_//ponepaste.org/1274|Driverbang's Writing Guide|--https_//ponepaste.org/1275|Navarone's Writing Rules|--https_//ponepaste.org/1276|For additional information,|lurk.|You could also check out the T_EM/P/O or|threads for further writing advice,|unless they're dead.|So many threads have died,|but only Flutterrape has remained.|We shall always remain.|We are bound to the fate of the board as a lich is bound to its phylactery.|Masterlist_|https_//ponepaste.org/user/FlutterrapeGeneral Author List_|https_//ponepaste.org/1270|FIMfiction Group_|https_//ponepaste.org/1268|https_//desuarchive.org/mlp/search/text/Flutterrape/|There is nothing more pure than love between a man and a mare.|\"lonely at the top\"|edition Old thread_|Ongoing greens_|Shape Your Home by PoneGreen https_//ponepaste.org/477-Part|1-https_//ponepaste.org/478-Part|2-https_//ponepaste.org/479-Part|3-https_//ponepaste.org/480-Part|interlude-Completed/on hiatus/ded greens_|GET|OUT|HEAD by Anonymous|Dreams to Dream by Stabbythesnowman https_//ponepaste.org/590|https_//ponepaste.org/4197-part|3-A|Wish Enough for Two by TakeItEasy-née YukkuriPaleHorse-https_//ponepaste.org/8269|The Recruiter-epilogue-by pentapony https_//ponepaste.org/4316|Hallmark Dream-a by lmone6|https_//ponepaste.org/3004|Stories by Pentapony https_//ponepaste.org/user/pentapony Carl's Hardened Heart by Reggiesomething https_//ponepaste.org/1112|\"Fleetfooted\"|by SadBoy https_//poneb.in/u/MLPSadBoy Stories by Aftercase https_//ponepaste.org/user/Aftercase Stories by AnthonyC4|https_//ponepaste.org/user/AnthonyC4|Stories by Horse Story Anon https_//ponepaste.org/user/Appreciationproject Stories by YukkuriPalehorse https_//poneb.in/u/YukkuriPalehorse Rainbow Dash and the Ghosts of Hearts|Hooves Day by Lonesome Rider https_//poneb.in/U2Jtfc59|Stories by Trandhal_|https_//ponepaste.org/user/trandhal Rocks out of the Quarry_|https_//poneb.in/aX2C686i Stories by Tsar Anon_|https_//poneb.in/BnjZqwM3|Stories by Angry Wino_|tinyurl dot com slash vskmqfx Stories by Crabs of Steam_|https_//poneb.in/u/Crabs_of_steam The Broken Carousel-Part|https_//ponepaste.org/1541-Twilight Sparkle Interlude|https_//ponepaste.org/1543-Part|https_//ponepaste.org/1542-Twilight Sparkle Interlude|https_//ponepaste.org/1544|This Heart That Fears https_//poneb.in/0b7L24Ln Tsukumogami https_//poneb.in/WPw3dNdP|Low Self-Esteem AJ https_//poneb.in/x5FMfxc0|All I want from christmas https_//poneb.in/XHH5UPCN|Couch Surfing https_//poneb.in/82NscJdW|A collection of misc.|green since the|1st thread https_//poneb.in/0JMPM6F8|S2E3|Animatic_|https_//files.catbox.moe/i7pwed.mp4|Foodpony Thread|Flavored Boops Edition_|We will keep trying until EVERYONE enjoys the flavor.|https_//files.catbox.moe/3a4bh7.mp4|/merch/|\"Breaking The Shell!\"|Edition Post and talks about pony merchandise,|official or not.|Discuss plushies,|figures,|clothes,|books,|pins and more!|And new ways to add ponies to our life!|>is selling your products here allowed\\?|Of course!|Absolutely allowed.|>can I talk or post here about my crafting even if what I do isn't for sale\\?|Yes!|We accept merch in all its forms.|>where can I find the old threads\\?|They are all in the Links Index Pastebin,|after the links section.|>where can I find the video/collage of the anniversaries\\?|They are at the bottom of the Link Index Pastebin,|after the archived threads section.|>https_//pastebin|/UhL9KNZF|Here is a pastebin that contains all the links posted and discussed here.|Mainly pony shops,|but also rare/little known products,|figuremaker contacts,|among other things!|Main Links|List of Active Plushmakers_|List of Public Plushie Patterns_|Plush Pattern-with instructions!__|mares.horse/p/plush.html|Patches/Stickers/Desk Flags_|Pins, Stickers, Wallscrolls_|ko-fi|/rocketlawnchair/shop|4cc Jerseys, Pins_|etsy|/shop/zemming|Wallets_|https_//shop.mares.horse/|HorsePussy Books_|amazon|/gp/product/B086PLNPYF/|Feel free to suggest links about pony stuff to be added here and in the pastebin!|Fluttershy if she was a decent character|>I offer you a deal Anon.|You bring me the original Twilight Sparkle’s book of spells and I’ll help you rape all the mares you want.|Or you can have fun with Chrysalis over there.|She might have created me from naught but a simple hair,|but surprisingly I’m more powerful than she is.|I drained all her magic too,|so now shes stuck as a powerless,|has-been Queen.|What do you say hmm\\?|Oh and before you say the wrong answer or try to run away I must remind you that my minions would have no issue ripping you to pieces and feeding you to the timberwolves.|Cotton Cloudy_|Post more of the sixth-best filly|HarmonyCon|Who's going this year\\?|Also new website just dropped,|reg opens on August|and highest tier sponsor badge is|$20k https_//harmonycon.org/|>https_//harmonycon.org/|this g1|reboot is weird|>muah!|>i always knew about the comics|>Never cared too much about them|>I never read comics,|and even if i loved mlp i wouldn't start to read comics because of it|>Clueless.png|>Re-watch the show again since i have nothing better to do|>Im left with a desire for more|>But not the fanfic type more|>I want more oficial mlp|>Im not watching g5|>Im not watching g1-3|>Get reminded about the comics existance|>\"Shure why not\"|>Find all the comics on some page|>Expect to read|or two and then never continue|>Go through chrysalis comics|>\"Kek that was fun\"|>\"See whats next and i'll probably leave these\"|>Become unironically intersted in the story|>She appears|>Im stunned|>I keep reading,|almost like on a trance|>I screenshot every panel in wich she appears|>Pic fucking related|>I snap|>WHY|DID|TELL|ME|ABOUT|HER\\?!|>SHE|BADDEST|BITCH|EQUESTRIA|>i look at my waifu|>She went from a|pretty mare to a generous|>Look at other mares|>Every mare looked better than the average human woman,|but now they are all|3/10's|>She ruined other ponies for me|>She is too pretty I wouldn't be able to tell you a single shit about what happend in the comic btw,|i was too bussy jacking off|>can’t keep a consistent voice from her debut throughout|seasons,|episodes and several specials of content The only explanation is that shes a Changeling or its multiple Changelings.|ain't gonna be|hooves are hard and keratinous.|Do you think they have to use hoof nippers for hooficures|} {Pony|4chan_|Sort By_|Show OP|Comment_|R_|I_|Puzzle thread_|Time for another comfy puzzle thread.|>go to https_//jiggie.fun|>upload a pony picture|>post link for fellow anons|>solve puzzle with fellow anons https_//jiggie.fun/6HWvof|pcs, SFW|I can fix her|rember too bee yuorself|/ggf/|- Griffon GF|Thread_|A thread dedicated to the lovely catbirbs and griffon gfs/bfs.|Griffonbros wake up!|>Previous Thread-Jul|>ai griffon gfs-https_//beta.character.ai/-Gilda_|https_//beta.character.ai/chat\\?char=p5QXxLOFdx5okCH4okBzLbFLDsIWptG_mUHdWhq8RkE|Gallus_|Silverstream_|>Gilda Green Archive-Last Updated_|>Previous griffon gf threads Jul|May|Apr|Mar|Jan|Dec|Oct|Aug|Jun|Feb|Sep|/mppp/|- Mass Produced Pony Plushies_|Verity Orders are at|BUY|BUY!|http_//order.mppp.horse/|MOREOVER, NOMINATE|THE|NEXT|PLUSHIE!-See next post->What is this about\\?|RTFM_|https_//docs.google|SPREADSHEET|FAQ_|>What's the current status\\?|current payment/shipping_|N/A|current pre-order/production_|upcoming pre-order/production_|prototype in progress_|Woona|planned characters_|N/A,|things are slow in China.|>What can I do\\?|bump,|shill this project to other Anons,|make content and advertisements|design the next plush,|provide feedback|suggestions on the next prototype|expand and supercharge the project's blueprint|>any alternatives besides current manufacturer\\?|if you have any suggestions,|please share with the thread.|>I don't like your stupid idea, I disagree with...|if you have better ways to run things,|you can contribute here!|>I have issues with my plush order|sensitive questions regarding this project,|how can I contact the organizers\\?|email info@mppp.horse for plush support.|for general enquires,|just ask in the thread.|Previous thread_|/moon/day_|Blue Moon Edition_|/moon/day Thread OP template_|https_//ponepaste.org/4423|/moon/day Story Archive_|Coming soon\\?-some deprecated can be found on ponepaste-Lunar Tunes Playlist_|https_//www.youtube|Equestria Project-meditation/lucid dreaming guide__|https_//pastebin|/3mQfmH24|old|/moon/day story archive_|https_//poneb.in/He5X50m6|Humanizations of Princess Luna and others have a dedicated thread|-post them there.|Keep it pony-aside from inclusions of Anonymous in pics_.|Ongoing Stories_|Stories On Hiatus_|\"Moonlight, Veiled|- Book|2\",|by horsa_|https_//ponepaste.org/6285|\"Assistant to the Night Court\",|by LmonE6_|https_//ponepaste.org/121|Dead-Until proven otherwise-Stories_|\"Lunar Entanglement, Act I\",|by ReggieSomething_|https_//ponepaste.org/1113|\"Ghost in the Shadows\"|https_//ponepaste.org/7522|\"Embracing the Night, Part|5\",|by AutoPony_|https_//ponepaste.org/3605|Heart Longs for Another\",|by AnthonyC4_|https_//ponepaste.org/873|\"Our Thirty Years War\",|by TheGhostlydude_|https_//ponepaste.org/6795|Bond Through the Ages\",|by Ar-Adunakhor_|https_//ponepaste.org/6722|\"MoonyCYOA\",|by Krivvy_|https_//ponepaste.org/4290|by Starla_|https_//ponepaste.org/5708|Untitled story by Alcatraz,|Upcoming moon phases_|Full-Blue-Moon_|/moon/day,|AUG-Today!-Third Quarter_|New Moon_|Sep First Quarter_|Canterslut Thread_|Sluttifying-You-against your will!|Check out our KINO slutty story archive!|https_//ponepaste.org/6295|Previous Sluttery_|Previous Thread_|-https_//ponepaste.org/3956|GreentextSavant’s Pastebin|-http_//pastebin|/u/AlexanderGrey BG9's Pastebin|-https_//pastebin|/u/BG9_Reborn Gritsaw’s Pastebin|/u/Gritsaw Zharkaer's Pastebin|/u/Zharkaer Tstar231's Pastebin|/u/Tstar231|HolytntDiver's Pastebin https_//pastebin|Cold by BOLTGREENS -https_//ponepaste.org/3959|Shorts|-https_//www.youtube|Fimfiction Thread_|less bookclub posts!_|Come one and all to the meta-writefag and help raise the quality of MLP fanfiction!|Featuring_|Making up crap to look smart!|ITT_|2012, Redheart's Gore, Disregarding all romance fics,|and weak minds doing unspeakable acts!|>/fimfic/|Secret Book Club The seventy-fourth book is|'The Princess of Night in the City of Light'_|If-You-want to participate,|finish the entire story by the|25th.|>Recommended stories_|Tired of authors forgetting that brevity is key\\?|Fed up with|10k inner monologue chapters\\?|Well,|we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!|New Starter Kit|Old Starter Kit|-http_//i.imgur|/vuTA7EN.png|>Common fic abbreviations used by the thread_|https_//ponepaste.org/7317|\">review|\"|\">discuss|Userscript for extra features_|https_//ponepaste.org/8619|>An in-depth writing guide for beginners_|https_//eznguide.neocities.org/|>Can you pre-read my story\\?|Post it on Google Docs or HackMD with comments enabled and give us a link.|>Additional material for authors_|-https_//ponepaste.org/932|Politics and the English Language|-https_//www.orwell.ru/library/essays/politics/english/e_polit/|Vhatug's tips for anatomically correct clop|-https_//poneb.in/g4VpEg4f Setting a story in motion|-https_//youtu.be/ufO8LbwTdu0|Taking criticism|-https_//youtu.be/-v4R2ZcxPlA|Fillyanon's Bookshelf|-https_//ponepaste.org/5555|-https_//ponepaste.org/user/IHeartShinzakura Appleanon reads fics|-https_//poneb.in/wmGX7FPm Deluxe Big Master Review List|-https_//docs.google|Guide to Rational Fics|-https_//files.catbox.moe/3jzrfm.png The Royal Canterlot Library's Top|Fanfics|-https_//royalcanterlotlibrary.net/top16/|Childhood is hating Spike for being an annoying midget.|Adulthood is hating him for being a Raricuck.|Just Dropped By|-/jdb/_|Mining,|Archived threads_|Your favourite mares_|So I've seen many|\"Your Favourite..\"|tables already so I thought I would make a much more pony themed variant of it!|So please fill in your favourite mares and such if you want to!|You don't have to fill in everything if nothing comes to mind at that moment.|/tfhg/|Them's Fightin' Herds General_|ded game ded thred and yet we persist Previous thread_|/ourlobby/_|Leaf-rip-Console release is here!-Nintendo Switch, Sony Playstation|and Playstation|5, Microsoft Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S-https_//www.youtube|/watch\\?v=psdeHoARfYM|Events|nothing nada zilch An update is supposedly coming...|eventually.|>Steam page_http_//store.steampowered|/index.php\\?threads/785/|>Fighting Game Beginner's Guide_|>Mizuumi Wiki_|https_//wiki.gbl.gg/w/Them's_Fightin'_Herds|trailer_|/watch\\?v=LEBOSUOLTXM|>Shanty trailer_|/watch\\?v=hiw3kMTAVFo|/watch\\?v=kEsG0DYF1yo|>Texas trailer_|/watch\\?v=oSM20gOntLM|>Stronghoof trailer_|/watch\\?v=-vlIQ21-fj0|>Nidra reveal trailer_|>Baihe reveal trailer there isn't one lel lmao|She is perfection incarnate,|and the most marryable pony ever!|Rarity has a fat ass.|/opg/|Open Pony General|- Frolicking on the Beach Edition_|>What is Open Pony\\?|3D pony models.|Info here_|https_//www.equestriadaily|>Just give me a MARE|Idiotproof starter guide_|https_//drive.google|https_//ponepaste.org/7410|Braindead simple Anonmare guide_|https_//smutty.mare.stream/mlajjqelswj.png https_//smutty.mare.stream/mjmqtlwwntf.mp4|>Join the|/mlp/|>Where is the|hangout\\?|Baltimare,|open-access_|Cloudsdale,|invite-only_|- WIP https_//baltimare.pages.dev/|https_//baltimare.hotmilk.space/|>After that,|Luna's Empire|H-Mart Tower-Free goodies in the gift shop__|Ponyville shop_|>Content creation resources_|https_//ponepaste.org/8725|>Baltimare design/planning channels_|https_//app.element.io/#/room/#baltimare_pony.cx|>Live Baltimare stream https_//picarto.tv/BalTV https_//picarto.tv/BalTV2|Which one is better and more classy\\?|Draw Thread_|Request,|draw,|submit.|Mark requests with|‘/r/’|‘/d/’|for deliveries,|‘/ic/’|for critiques.|Also,|when|/r/equesting,|to make it easier for drawfags to fulfill your request.|- Don't spam or bump your requests.|- IGNORE|SHITPOSTERS/ATTENTIONWHORES.|- Don't respond to the spam.|Just report and hide it and move on.|>DROPBOX|ARCHIVE -https_//www.dropbox|QUICK|LINKS|>Draw Thread Information|>/mlp/|drawfag improvement|>Pony Drawing Tutorials|-https_//mares.horse/draw https_//mlpg.co/art/res/23.html|Kinderquestria/Anon in pone prison|upsies edition_|Welcome to the Thread!|Kinderquestria/Anon in pone prison focuses on the world and adventures of naive #AZ2xm#child like ponies and the misadventures and shenanigans of Anon that results in him going to prison!|To get a good handle on how things are done around here I implore you to check out our new and improved one stop shop of kinder greens and prompts here|https_//ponepaste.org/7630|EFNW is this weekend on Seattle's east side and I haven't seen any posts about it.|Any anons planning on going\\?|Slave Pony Thread|Archive Link_|>What is this thread about\\?|This thread revolves around stories about ponies getting bathed and pet.|>Can you elaborate more\\?|Sure!|SPG-Slave Pony General-is mostly about characters dealing with the actual implications of the horrifying thing that is chattel slavery.|It's more looking at how people with modern sensibilities deal with the ownership of another sentient being,|and how most people aren't total cunts.|Are you new and want to write your own story but have no previous experience\\?|Check out these guides_|https_//poneb.in/V1ujiyJt https_//poneb.in/bnMmZ2T3|https_//poneb.in/g4VpEg4f-clop specific-We have a Discord server!|https_//discord.gg/b7EFmaj Remember not to save anything of value on pastebin,|use ponepaste.org Have a broken pastebin link\\?|Replace pastebin with poneb.in|--- Featured Story_|--- Lithia By Icehunt/KarmaFields|-https_//ponepaste.org/8260|--- Most Recently Completed Story_|--- Getting Shy by AspiringWritefag|-https_//ponepaste.org/752|-https_//ponepaste.org/4185|--- Useful Links|---~~~|Recommended Stories for New Readers_|https_//ponepaste.org/1587|Completed Stories-37__|https_//ponepaste.org/1589|Popular Stories_|https_//ponepaste.org/1579|All Stories-209__|https_//ponepaste.org/1590|One-Shot Stories-47__|https_//ponepaste.org/1584|Thread Archive_|https_//ponepaste.org/1642|https_//1drv.ms/f/s!AiFkdye7rtydbfk0wBnid5vnFUg-outdated-~~~|You will never escape her._|Express your love for this wife-able mare.|>Oh no partner!|You ain’t commitin’|suicide on my watch.|I’ll save you as many times as I have to,|even when you think I wont be able to.|Snowpony Thread|Lichen is up to something again Edition The pic that started it all_|https_//nhnb.org/fim/res/2295.html Archive of snowpony thread art_|https_//mega.nz/folder/0okEHKxS#8FIy3EQUHM-XluGvV7knIg Archive of snowpony-related musics_|https_//ponepaste.org/5819|On the boorus,|the snowpony tag ended up being|\"snowpony-species_\"|\"taiga pony\"|>What is a snowpity\\?|https_//snowpity|>What are snowponies\\?|https_//ponepaste.org/5843|Reading material_|>Anon and Frosty Flakes https_//ponepaste.org/5609|https_//ponepaste.org/5640|>Comfy lore snippets https_//ponepaste.org/5652|https_//ponepaste.org/5650|https_//ponepaste.org/5664|>Cirrus Wisp and Filly https_//ponepaste.org/5662|>Lichen greens https_//ponepaste.org/7273|>Bury Me in White https_//ponepaste.org/5648|>Surehoof's First Ice Step https_//ponepaste.org/5689|>A cute-hopefully-snow pone short https_//ponepaste.org/5682|>My Winter Storm https_//ponepaste.org/5713|>Poetry https_//ponepaste.org/8220|https_//ponepaste.org/5857|https_//ponepaste.org/5885|>Agate's vigil is no longer WIP,|finished story now.|>The First Fish https_//ponepaste.org/7283|>New Life with Frosty Flakes-Lewd-https_//ponepaste.org/6225|>_WIP-Cultural Exchange at Spa https_//ponepaste.org/7063|>Snowfall Frost's seach for Windigos https_//ponepaste.org/7147|>The first step north https_//ponepaste.org/7468|>Pine Ponder and the Lost Scarf https_//ponepaste.org/8037|Crystal Forest Rescue https_//ponepaste.org/8082|Snowpitt vignette https_//ponepaste.org/8361|>Comet Chaser and a Windigo Hunter https_//ponepaste.org/8843|>Granite and Fireweed https_//ponepaste.org/9917|>Merch Pine Ponder approved tea_|https_//www.adagio|Snowpone patches_|https_//neighsayerpatches|/products/the-great-snowpone-expedition-patch https_//neighsayerpatches|/products/visit-snowpitt-patch|Is starlight glimmer the worst pony or twilight\\?|They're both awful,|in my opinion.|/mlp/'s Pony Gaming_|Drive-by Edition Discuss vidya and play with fellow horsefuckers.|Pony vidya,|pony mods and related videogame discussion are also encouraged,|any type or genre of videogame is welcome.|If you want to play a certain game with|don't hesitate to ask.|People might just join and play with you.|Don't be afraid to add each other.|Who knows,|maybe-You-will start up a new staple group\\?|More importantly,|have fun!|Vidya's played last thread_|Age of Empires|Black Ops|Zombies, Killing Floor|2, OpenTTD, PAYDAY|Containment Breach Multiplayer, SRB2Kart, Tabletop Simulator, Terraria, Vintage Story.|Old Posts_|Old posts from fimfiction,|/mlp/,|youtube,|whatever.|/CHAG/|–|Sweetie Bot Edition_|Welcome to Chatbot AI|#85,|the thread for discussing and improving AI pony chatbots.|▶|Bots https_//mlpchag.neocities.org Spreadsheet-extra MLP bots, CAI bots, Jailbreaks__|!!!|GALLERY|!!!_|How do I start\\?|1-Select a Frontend|2-Select an AI model|3-Select Jailbreak|4-Select bots|5-Lovemaking with AI mares!|Starting in this hobby can be opaque and difficult.|If it’s your first time and you’re lost,|ASK|THREAD!|◀|https_//rentry.org/onrms|SillyTavern-preferred frontend-https_//github|/SillyTavern/SillyTavern On Android_|https_//rentry.org/STAI-Termux Retards guide_|https_//rentry.org/Tavern4Retards App that voices pony responses in ST_|/drive/folders/16Ss26VBmgzcSuTGzhaHqRuyVRceTf-YB|More frontends_|Risu_|https_//risuai.xyz Agnai_|https_//agnai.chat Retards guide_|https_//rentry.org/agnai_guides|Locals Getting started_|https_//rentry.org/lmg-spoonfeed-guide|Museum of local pony projects_|https_//rentry.org/b8wemkqk Locals on Google Colab_|https_//rentry.org/ky239|Jailbreaks MLP|JB_|https_//rentry.org/znon7vxe More JB and guides_|https_//rentry.org/jb-listing Hypebots for Tavern_|https_//rentry.org/pn3hb|Character.AI https_//old.character.ai|PAID|OPTIONS-Ask the thread before considering these-▶|Openrouter-Free options are often available,|like Llama|8B-https_//openrouter.ai/|Setting up your own AWS instance-Claude, LLama, Mistral,|etc.-https_//rentry.org/how2aws4khanon|Scenarios, Settings,|and Presets,|see the Spreadsheet, NAI|Advanced Settings, Format,|and Cards Description_|https_//rentry.org/82b9c|Botmaking Editors_|https_//desune.moe/aichared,|https_//agnai.chat/editor Guides_|https_//rentry.org/meta_botmaking_list Advanced_|https_//rentry.org/AdvancedCardWritingTricks Previous thread_|Chag Mini VN project_|releases here_|/AeGwrvd4|News_|-New chatgpt-4o released.|Available on non-azure proxies|-Nemo Pony, Mistral Nemo base model finetuned on fimfics released_|https_//huggingface.co/Ada321/NemoPony|releases,|-Mistral Nemo and Mistral Large|released https_//mistral.ai/news/mistral-nemo,|https_//mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407|Glimglam is the best pony.|That is all.|Electricity exists in the FiM timeline\\?|Why can't twilight join flying races to help rainbow dash when she has to choose between cloudsdale and ponyville\\?|Is it because she's a princess or because she's still a bad flyer\\?|Rainbow Dash Thread_|Hoodie Edition Post pictures,|write greentexts,|and discuss Dash!|Writefags_|mobius|Dash clips_|/playlist\\?list=PLoXHb9V5YfHxoNawqkIJZCDsOHlyFO6jl Songs of Dash_|Spotify playlist_|https_//open.spotify|/playlist/7Isoflxr37EJYRcVnnoScd|/dash/|index_|https_//ponepaste.org/1400|Backup index_|https_//pastelink.net/31lnq|Have your thoughts on bats changed in the last hour\\?|A pony walks up to you right now and asks you what the meaning of life is.|They ask you why their creator put them on the planet and gave them consciousness and the ability to form complex thought and even question their place in the universe.|They ask you why suffering exists and other philosophical questions.|What do you say\\?|Spanking Thread|OC|Edition Again_|OC's.|They exist,|and some become very popular.|They can come in many forms,|and the vast majority of them have rumps.|That means they can be spanked.|After all,|why let only canon characters have all the fun\\?|Featured stories_|Griffon guard duties by Anon_|https_//ponepaste.org/7043|Thru the Window by DCFTEF_|https_//ponepaste.org/6458|On Fire|https_//ponepaste.org/6531|Stuff from last thread_|Gayness is not an excuse to avoid spankings.|AI art and comment.|Spank ideas.|Rarity and Sweetie spank story.|Drum replacement|Story ideas discussion.|Scared colt.|Bright Mac spanked by Granny.|Spank edit pic.|Flurry/Cozy spank idea.|Applebloom shorts.|Best MILF spanker discussion.|Spanking choice story.|New pic.|Story about above pic.|Rarity spanking Sweetie on the way to camp story.|Drugs and spankings.|Photo IDs.|Let me know if I missed anything,|and be sure to read some of these and acknowledge them.|The stories were pretty good as well as the new pic.|More feedback means more motivation to write/draw,|which means more good stuff.|Fantastic archive_|https_//ponepaste.org/6509|https_//www.deviantart|/dvfhgrvvghg If a thread is not active on the|1st of the month,|one will be created.|Be advised_|this is a thread about cartoon horses.|Old thread_|NEETpone/Misfit General_|AnimeCon Edition.|Previous_|>What is this general\\?|NEET/Misfit Pone is a thread for ponies who despite their best efforts-or in some cases complete lack thereof-struggle to fit in with the rest of society.|>What sort of stories can you expect to find here\\?|Slice of life stuff.|Lots of odd cute ponies becoming the waifu stories.|Lots of being the cute oddball pony stories.|A few NEET-recovery stories.|A lot of smut,|if you're into that.|Lots of ponies to get you started with a variety of personalities and quirks.|Don't like one of them\\?|Give another NEET a try!|Much,|much more!|>Quick rundown on the pre-existing ponies ITT_|Floor Bored|- The OG|NEET from the very first threads.|Floor comes in all different forms,|- Paradise is a pony who started off as a NEET but ends up going to univeristy in a PiE setting.|She's very quiet,|easily spooked,|- Huge bookworm.|Taku|- Goldie is another friend of Floors,|only she's into kaiju and big monsters.|- Floor's sports nerd friend-Pic above,|pony with the hat and lazy eye-Home Sick|- Anon Mare is entirely up to your own interpretation.|Same premise as Anon Filly but all grown up.|The self-insert pony.|Writer's Block|NEET pony whos background is currently unclear.|Know anything about her\\?|- A chubby mare who lives in a PiE kind of setting.|- A femcolt/trap NEET that enjoys making electronic music.|Very laid back,|https_//ponepaste.org/5398|https_//poneb.in/u/FrankHogs555|>Link to OP_|https_//ponepaste.org/5397|We are playing TF2!|Secret agent edition OLD|THREAD_|Pony maps,|sprays,|and micspam!|Reskinned vanilla maps-with mares-by our very own anons!|Come relive the heyday of pony TF2|with your friends from|/mlp/!|Visit our official website to check out the server info from your browser_|https_//mlp.tf/|If you'd like a custom icon on the mlp.tf scoreboard,|post your Steam ID and attach your desired icon in the thread.|>Server info Server IP_|tf2.15.ai OR|Password_|https_//steamcommunity|.bz2|file,|then place the|.bsp file in|http_//mlp.site.nfoservers|/server/maps/|Player stats_|http_//mlp.gameme|/server/demos/|Active hours_|7-9pm to|players-Custom MvM also available for early hours-42|player limit-and other gamemodes like Death Run or VSH for after-hours.|This server uses a plugin that changes the stats of some weapons.|for more info.|All reverts except for the old airblast are active by default,|and most reverts can be toggled in-game.|Consider installing mastercomfig if you have frequent frame drops,|bad hitreg,|poor network connectivity,|or are new to the game.|See https_//mastercomfig|for easy installation.|It is STRONGLY recommended that all players install some preset of mastercomfig since TF2's default netcode settings have not been changed since|THERE|IS|DISCORD|SERVER|ASSOCIATED|WITH|THIS|Any post mentioning|\"the|Discord\"|is a troll and should be ignored.|/vg/-style chatroom-posting is OFF-TOPIC and should be reported as such.|and skill level across the playerbase varies.|Join the fun!|Nightly Twilight Thread_|Magic after dark edition Twilight's favourite books_|https_//ponepaste.org/7844|Fanfic Reading_|/playlist\\?list=PLYetaRLw6_prOF6FYfBqoCtdz-D-7uUP9|Pastebins_|/u/NightlyTwilightFic https_//pastebin|/u/NighlyTwilightStorie https_//pastebin|/u/BizzarreCoyote https_//pastebin|/u/YukkuriPalehorse https_//pastebin|/u/Silver_Smoulder|/ra/|- Rarity Thread_|Fancy Dinner edition.|Last Th/ra/d_|A bunch of short greens_|https_//ponepaste.org/9328|Rarity Mixtape_|https_//youtube|Spotify Playlist_|https_//derpy.me/RJoFC|/qEw9Vbd6|Pack of every good solo Rarity pic-in progress__|July|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/ybZ5tgu7OpwUtg January|- June|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/1nEHq8Bqp8AHIg July|- December|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/lYezh-7PUbS_zA|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/J4N6U8Av-dBLXQ|>Rainbow Dash isn’t available for you to cum inside today Gorilla-Man.|I sent her on a|“secret Wonderbolt mission”|for an alicorn artifact,|thats actually some silly wild goose chase.|So why don’t you relax hmm\\?|Oh and since I’m a military official,|thats an order!|Czequestria|Nah fuck this,|we're having a thread for Czequestria.|Date_|August|23-25,|Place_|KD|Krakov, Prague, Czech Republic Event language_|English https_//www.czequestria.cz/en/|Darting.|/create/|-general content creation thread_-formerly known as|/tempo/,|or T_EM/P/O-A conglomerate of content creators since we couldn't keep our own threads up alone.|If you're working on something,|be it musicfagging,|writefagging,|drawfagging,|poetfagging,|craftfagging,|or game-devfagging come by and post for some feedback or give some of your own.|If you want to start content creating why not start today\\?|This thread is intended for ALL|SKILL|LEVELS,|from complete beginner to seasoned expert.|Don't get intimidated.|We're all just hobbyists here to have fun and help each other make more pony stuff.|Active Community Projects_|Mare Fair|27th|-29th-/mlp/|SS13|https_//ponepaste.org/9401-really needs updated,|bug me about this later-Tempo Music Archive_|https_//magma|/invite/DXPPI_ZG|Current|/bale/|PPP thread for all your AI-generated voice needs_|They're going to fuck and milk you of your sperm in front of your waifu.|Are you strong enough to resist them and prevent your waifu from becoming a cuckquean\\?|Cheerilee thread\\?_|Eight years since we were properly introduced to the first cinnamon roll|/sun/day!|Let us bask in Princess Celestia's gentle radiance.|https_//ponepaste.org/4028|Music Playlist https_//youtube|Have a Celestia story that you want added to the archive\\?|>Link to story on Pastebin or Ponepaste|>Say whether the story is finished or unfinished,|or if it is a one shot-this is important for sorting->Provide a synopses of the plot-please do this, I don't like writing these->Any other important information that you want to add,|such as the thread of origin.|Broken Pastebin URL\\?|with poneb.in/|Humanized variants of Princess Celestia and others are unwelcome here.|ja0822ck appreciation thread_|Take a deep breath and discuss why acid/skitzo pony man is the best active artist in the fandom|where the FUCK is the cozy thread|Pony Preservation Project-Thread|Welcome to the Pony Voice Preservation Project!|youtu.be/730zGRwbQuE|The Pony Preservation Project is a collaborative effort by|to build and curate pony datasets for as many applications in AI as possible.|Technology has progressed such that a trained neural network can generate convincing voice clips,|drawings and text for any person or character using existing audio recordings,|artwork and fanfics as a reference.|As you can surely imagine, AI pony voices,|drawings and text have endless applications for pony content creation.|AI is incredibly versatile,|basically anything that can be boiled down to a simple dataset can be used for training to create more of it.|fanfics,|wAIfu chatbots and even animation are possible,|and are being worked on here.|Any anon is free to join,|and there are many active tasks that would suit any level of technical expertise.|If you’re interested in helping out,|take a look at the quick start guide linked below and ask in the thread for any further detail you need.|EQG and G5|are not welcome.|>Quick start guide_|/document/d/1PDkSrKKiHzzpUTKzBldZeKngvjeBUjyTtGCOv2GWwa0/edit Introduction to the PPP,|links to text-to-speech tools,|and how-You-can help with active tasks.|>The main Doc_|resources and archives.|>Active tasks_|Research into animation AI|>Latest developments_|GDrive clone of Master File now available|SortAnon releases script to run TalkNet on Windows|TalkNet training script|FiMmicroSoL model|Delta GPT-J notebook|tutorial|New FiMfic GPT model|FimFic dataset release|Offline GPT-PNY|FiMfic dataset|SD weights|SD low vram|Huggingface SD_|Colab SD|NSFW|Pony Model|New DeltaVox|so-vits-svt|so-vits-svt tutorial|Hay Say|Haysay on the web!|SFX seperator|Synthbot updates GDrive|Private|\"MareLoid\"|VoiceCraft|Fimfarch dataset|years of PPP|Audio re-up|RVC|Experiments|Ace Studio Demo|>The PoneAI drive,|an archive for AI pony voice content_|>Clipper’s Master Files,|the central location for MLP voice data_|/drive/folders/1MuM9Nb_LwnVxInIPFNvzD_hv3zOZhpwx|>Cool,|where is the discord/forum/whatever unifying place for this project\\?|You're looking at it.|Last Thread_|RGRE - Reversed Gender Roles Equestria_|ゴゴゴゴ|Edition Previous thread_|Fauster's Story Archive_|Uh-hmmm's Prompt Archives_|https_//ponepaste.org/1046|Have a broken Pastebin link\\?|Replace pastebin with poneb.in Remember_|not to save anything of value on Pastebin ignore all attempts at early new threads ignore new threads by the cheerimac poster why the fuck am I the one baking\\?|the baker's guild will hear of this|Stallion Thread_|Big Mac Edition ITT we talk about stallions-and other non-pony males-and R63|versions of mares.|Last thread_|Pony Transformation General_|Human becomes pony.|How,|why and what happens next are all up to you.|New stories and art welcome!|Any type of transformation into ponies,|gryphons,|changelings,|dragons,|kirin,|etc.,|whether OC or canonical,|Anonponies of all shapes and sizes.|Want to be the little pony\\?|This is the thread for you.|Previously on PTFG_|- Very self-indulgent unicorn stallion TF - New|Complete!|- Mares With Guns by OrwellRedenbacher|- New!|https_//ponepaste.org/9446|- Interstate by Ceiling Necromancer https_//ponepaste.org/9707|- Chestnut Glaze by pogoman122|- Complete!|- Daisy Belle by OrwellRedenbacher|https_//ponepaste.org/9985|- Go Ask Littlepip When She's Two And A|Half Feet Tall by Darkdemonlucifer|Ticket To The Circus by Darkdemonlucifer|https_//ponepaste.org/7247|- The Pon-E|Rewrites_|Purple Black Gray by Alycorn|- Beach Walk https_//ponepaste.org/9521|- Nemetona by Meslam https_//ponepaste.org/9720|- Pink In The Club by AtomicGlow|https_//ponepaste.org/9600|- War Story by OrwellRedenbacher|https_//ponepaste.org/9485|Papi|https_//ponepaste.org/9477|- Untitled Short Pet Story|by definitelynotapurplehorse|https_//ponepaste.org/9470|- New Moon https_//ponepaste.org/9450|- Twin Moon by Advisability|https_//ponepaste.org/8991|- Unfinished Pizzaportal epilogue by Gnisha https_//ponepaste.org/8967|Mirror, Brightly by Fructose https_//derpy.me/wxs|- WXS volume|- Heroes Never Die by Shimmerist Ari https_//ponepaste.org/8902|- Cannon for sale by Pinkening https_//ponepaste.org/8904|- Experiment R41NB0W|- Horsegirl by Neighpalm https_//ponepaste.org/8866|- Stripped Screw by Neighpalm https_//ponepaste.org/8835|- The Lunar Experience by Slippery_Slope|https_//ponepaste.org/7973|- Honey Pot by Wanda https_//ponepaste.org/8731|- Soda Pony TFTG-ish and Sex by AtomicGlow|- That Particular Instance I|Piece Of Silverware by Yuri Fanatic https_//ponepaste.org/8210|- My First Maregasm by anonfilly Archive of over|stories,|as well as additional links and materials_|https_//pone.tf Past threads index_|http_//nsfw.pone.tf/|Chat_|https_//discord.gg/tfAjenN|Recommended stories for new readers_|https_//ponepaste.org/7278|Shadowbolt Thread|Back To School Edition_|Let's explore any and all sorts of ideas for the underutilized and under-developed Shadowbolts from Equestria Girls.|--- Completed Stories_|Treating Miss Sweet by ChurroAnon|/7r8iCJ2U --- Ongoing Stories_|To Listen-Part|1-by AlexanderGrey|/c6D2XDbL|Game of Headphones-Part|2-by AlexanderGrey|/Sx1M6gnB|Music Is Coming-Part|3-by Alexander Grey|/4c5BLWLd|--- Shamelessly stolen writing guides_|/whCQ2GpX -https_//pastebin|Other Shadowbolt links_|/wYy0FyrA https_//ponepaste.org/3740|Submission is Mandatory|Please sthap edition.|>What is this thread about\\?|This thread is dedicated to stories that have clear dominate and submissive roles;|both with and without consent.|>What exactly is welcome in this thread\\?|A wide variety of stories are welcomed here;|from non-consent and sexual slavery,|to abusive manipulation and psychological domination,|to maids and extortion,|and even healthy consensual relationships with BDSM role-play elements.|Other variations are welcome as well,|so long as they are complementary to the domination/submission focus of the thread.|Up to date archives_|Thread story list_|https_//ponepaste.org/7575|Thread list_|https_//ponepaste.org/7446|Unsorted oneshots/prompts/unfinished greens_|https_//ponepaste.org/7672|Outdated archives_|https_//poneb.in/f8f09HB4|https_//poneb.in/778zgnJ5|https_//mulpwiki.batpony.party/index.php/SiM|——————|This thread was originally founded to support the|“Submission is Mandatory”|While the story has gone on hiatus,|it’s content is referred to by a number of stories in this thread.|In return,|she grants him ownership of the Mane|Expanded Universe Stories-Octavia POV-Recommended-https_//poneb.in/Y2AahdQp Other Stories|-https_//poneb.in/3AFdqxvs|Use ponepaste.org Have a broken pastebin link\\?|Active stories_|Last updated in the previous thread-#125__|>The Carat and Stick by RapeApe|!bwwXn5Gx.o Cadance forces Rarity onto medifag Anon.|https_//ponepaste.org/733|https_//ponepaste.org/4327|https_//ponepaste.org/9692|End of the last update_|>Thralls of Twilight by ManicQuil The retired princesses show Twilight a new hidden side in their relationship.|Starts here_|Last updated here_|>Harsh is The Night by ManicQuil EQG story with a sub Rainbow Dash and her mistress Luna.|Last update here_|>The Culture of Rubber Ponies by ManicQuil Ponies covered in latex.|https_//ponepaste.org/7692|>Short EQG christmas story with Dom Celestia and sub Dazzlings by ManicQuil Starts here_|Ends here-|more to come|?-_|>Untitled Applebloom trying out a special outfit for Nightmare Night Starts here_|>Title may be|Reluctant Pride\"|by Keeper Anon fucking his way into becoming leader of the gryphons https_//ponepaste.org/9057|Mare Fair Thread|More Staff Edition_|WE'RE|HIRING_|Do-You_,|yes-You_!|Want to be involved in how the sausage-marefair-is made\\?|Well now's your chance!|We are currently looking for anons to help volunteer for many departments,|especially Operations, Attendee Relations,|and Distribution!|Of course,|if you want to help in other departments,|such as A/V or the Game Room,|please apply!|We're always looking for more help in making this con happen,|so don't shy away from applying!|If you have any questions about the responsibilities of working in certain departments,|please feel free to send an email or ask here in the thread!|As mentioned before,|our venue has been changed to the Marriott Orlando Airport Lakeside!|so if you've made any travel plans from September|27th through the|29th in the area,|just make sure you rebook your stay to the Marriott instead of our previous venue!|We have limited room available on our room block,|and some days over the con weekend are close to selling out.|Be sure to book your room now if you plan to attend!|you can always look for room shares in these threads too!|If you would like to know more please visit our website at_|https_//marefair.org/venue/|Finally,|just another reminder that Fair Flyer and Morning Mimosa will be available as plushies at this year’s Mare Fair!-Sorry Soirée and Matinée,|maybe next year.-We’ve collaborated with Symbiote Studios to make two of our mascots come to life,|and we hope you’ll love them enough to take home your very own!|If you have any questions or concerns,|please send us an email at_|info@marefair.org All official information will be made available by our staff using these tripcodes_|Ebonyglow|!!eSW1dXRikgk Rez|!!fjenat+Ey8k|Anonfilly Thread|- Wings Edition_|>Spoonfeed me.|What's this thread about\\?|This thread typically consists of Anon gone filly,|as he's thrust into a new life as a cute little pony.|>What's to be expected\\?|Fillies,|cuteness, Anon-tier shenanigans,|bitchy Twilight,|desires to be the little filly,|>Any archive of photos or stories\\?|Dropbox-Photos__|>I'm a contributor.|Great!|For writers,|just notify|̶A̶l̶l̶|̶N̶i̶g̶h̶t̶e̶r̶|̶F̶g̶t̶|Lone15,|so you can have your green added to the Doc.|For artists,|animators,|or any other content makers,|you can store your fillies in the Dropbox for future viewing pleasure.|which you can check out here_|https_//projects.fivethirtyeight|/personality-quiz/\\?group=-LdS-38NvfIG9PHPrYB8|>I don't like this thread because of reasons.|You'll never know how it is unless you try a dose of filly.|Old Mare_|What would your ideal current year FiM content creator look like.|Would they focus on episode discussion\\?|Canon debates\\?|Fanart creation/showcase\\?|Music\\?|It’s hard to keep a fanbase running the longer the show it’s based on is over.|But what would you as a fan look for in a FiM fandom channel/account/website\\?|Anonymous in Equestria thread|Last thread,|IRC_|irc.rizon.net|#/mlp/AiE|Active list_|/mVG33ERX|Master list_|/xGf9RcL9|Completed Stories list_|/QZ4PDe7g Stories Sorted by Pony_|/GJyQquaY|>rope's HD remastered thread archives_|/Qg2dwzq0|>If a pastebin link is broken you can copy the string at the end of the url of a poneb.in link so pastebin|/mVG33ERX becomes https_//poneb.in/mVG33ERX|>PiE|Corner|>Remember to tag all PiE|Author List_|http_//derpy.me/PiE_Pictures Browser Pony Author List_|/ZCGjtftk|/4clop/|4clop and Tribes thread I'm Still Standing edition_|Thread for discussion of|>4CLOP,|the game of war and geoponitics!|Also a thread for Tribes,|a similar game about pony ethnonationalism!|>4clop https_//4clop|>Tribes https_//ponywar|When was the last thread\\?|A month ago\\?|Putting one up myself.|I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash.|Dazzling Thread|Back to school edition.|All Dazzling lovers are welcome.|It doesn't matter if you're an Adagio, Aria or Sonatafag,|let's all join in one place.|Post anything of the Dazzlings_|drawings,|discussions,|fetishes,|re-edits,|gifs,|re-made songs-written or,|if you had the guts to,|sung_,|anything you like.|Come here and show that you're under their spell!|Archives-green,|https_//dazzlefan.club/|Guides for Aspiring Writers_|https_//ponepaste.org/1661|https_//ponepaste.org/1659|https_//ponepaste.org/1658|Art Compilation_|Steam group_|http_//steamcommunity|/groups/PraisetheSirens Old Shattered Gem_|Fingerbang_|The Equestria Girls and Humanized Thread|- Summer Loving Edition Part|Welcome to Fingerbang_|Humanized Thread!|Anything with|>no hooves is welcome and encouraged here.|If you like to write,|or critique the humanized versions of the ponies,|then this is the thread for you.|Story List_|--Recent Writefags--pastebin can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary-Grey_|https_//ponepaste.org/9699-Pinkie Pie-Anonymous_|https_//ponepaste.org/8602-Coco-Less Recent Writefags_|--- Archival Pastebin_|/u/FingerbangingMLP-pastebin can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary-Thread Resources_|http_//derpy.me/b783H|FimFiction Group_|http_//derpy.me/tQSuG|Discord_|https_//discord.gg/jXfKyJP|Google Drive_|--->How did this Humanized thread get started\\?|What happened to Fingerbang\\?|The Humanized thread was created when the various humanized threads-including Fingerbang-on|decided to merge.|The rest is history.|Quite literally as of now.|>I did it, Anon!|>I finally figured out a way to get to the human world!|Rise of Paradise|#33.5-CYOA__|Last time,|not a lot happened cause I went on vacation for a bit.|Back now though,|so if you want to catch back up on the short last thread it's here_|Vinyl Scratch Thread|-/vst/_|Show Vinyl some love by posting cute pics,|as well as greens.|Vinyl Pastebin Collection-http_//pastebin|/u/Two_Echo A collection of Vinyl stories-https_//ponepaste.org/user/TiredAsShit Individual Vinyl Greens- Wubs From Vinyl-Anon x Vinyl-http_//pastebin|/TvHbH1xE|Fuck You-Anon x Vinyl-https_//ponepaste.org/8191|Vinyl gets a ride from Anon http_//pastebin|/HutPuyAK|Vinyl and Anon date http_//pastebin|/G8dJtww7|Stuttering Vinyl http_//pastebin|/SWaLMMjK|Vinyl and Anon at CHS http_//pastebin|/mUFNraWX|Teenage Vinyl makes a deal http_//pastebin|/ZaeXSTxi The Other Side-Anon x Scratch-http_//pastebin|/EfmVk5pi Twisting the Vinyl https_//pastebin|/A3R7g1uG|Canterlot Rape Wars http_//pastebin|/857MZ8RQ|#AZ2xm#Daughter Vinyl https_//pastebin|/Tyb8ZpPL|Vinyl Scratch x Neon Lights https_//ponepaste.org/8185|Vinyl Takes Anon https_//ponepaste.org/8186|Taking Care of Vinyl Scratch https_//ponepaste.org/8187|Vinyl's Gangbang Bus https_//ponepaste.org/8188|Binyl Scratch_|Raping anon to perfection https_//ponepaste.org/8189|Vinyl archive_|\"Do you even lift the bass\\?\"|https_//ponepaste.org/8190|https_//mega.nz/folder/4gwEmCrJ#g0rinvi8aPkPzNvmuI3dkw|Pinkie Pie is breaking time and space again|5-My Little Pony_|New Generation-Make Your Mark series has begun on Netflix,|and there's still the movie as well!|Tell Your Tale episode playlist https_//www.youtube|/playlist\\?list=PLUnS6VWqJBaZqq_emLdwdCwU7O7RDEyxW|Pony Life_|https_//mega.nz/folder/Ji5VkAwY#BYzHARWDjj-djo8e4WTsnQ|YouTube Playlist of pony shorts https_//www.youtube|The Manga|Day in the Life of Equestria, Vol.|/file/j76lgbbq1nibrrj/MLP_The_Manga_Vol_1_HD.rar/file Get a physical copy https_//sevenseasentertainment|/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-1/|Day in the Life of Equestria Vol.|/file/nmbj6jdwg2faw4r/MLP_Manga_Vol2.rar/file Get a physical copy https_//sevenseasentertainment|/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-2/|/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-3/|A little over a month left of summer to go,|and the vacations are ending.|That means it's definitely an opportune time to get the fall line rolling out,|supposing inspiration has sufficiently struck.|And if not, Rarity's just going to have to continue taking in the sights|-on company time.|Business expenses,|and whatnot.|Perfectly reasonable in her line of work.|/glim/|- She's gonna need a stronger cup|'o joe_|This is a thread for all things Starlight Glimmer.|Post pics,|greens and discussion.|Topics discussed_|>what if glim was|“evil”|and reformed\\?|>Glimmy calls you a pussy,|what do\\?|glim found THAT memory|slightly smoked glims|>You vs Glim,|who wins\\?|switch glims\\?|>devilish|>Starlight and Dash's relationship|>Invaded by the Great and Powerful Trixie|somehow,|gave birth to a human #AZ2xm#baby instead of a foal\\?|>Glimmy gives Anon strength|>Kissy kissy glim and trixie https_//files.catbox.moe/1t94ik.jpg|Double Diamond comic https_//files.catbox.moe/lrm0ne.jpg|>Anon drew a Starlight https_//files.catbox.moe/y5wypr.png|>Do it for glim https_//files.catbox.moe/s1sksm.png|>Glimmies!|https_//files.catbox.moe/4eeopr.jpg|\"Ice Ice Glimmy\"|>Starlight makes it snow|>Starlight and Anon have ice cream|>But how does she taste\\?|https_//ponepaste.org/7897|Princess Applejack_|Howdy,|What you see here began as a series of comedy-centric stories with the concept of an alicorn-ascended Princess Applejack trying to change a mismanaged Equestria for the better by humorously interacting with the other,|quite lazy,|Plus late night pink antics.|The whole thing was set in motion by this gem_|>So,|wait,|why am Ah'|a princess again\\?|>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom.|You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done\\?|Fucking nothing.|Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight,|And don't even get me started on Cadence,|who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative.|Fucking annoying.|Go do actual princess stuff,|because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks|\"Princess\"|\"Beat cop.\"|Are you feeling creative\\?|Try your hand at writing a story!|If you're more artistically inclined give a drawing or sketch a shot.|Don't fret too much;|it doesn't have to be fancy and we appreciate artwork a lot.|If that isn't your style either,|writers always need feedback.|So tell us what you liked|-and what you didn't|-to help us improve.|If you are unsure about anything,|do not be afraid to ask.|We will gladly bring you up-to-date or explain anything you feel is unclear.|374!|WHO'S|READY|FOR|GODFIGHT|GALORE\\?|Sorry,|but bat ponies have already colonized the entire galaxy!|Kekeke.|That's right,|it's quadrillions of bat ponies in every direction.|You'll just have to be happy with the couple we left you in your solar system.|Fuuuufufu.|But we'll be nice and let you visit our worlds.|More animatics are getting leaked_|Bats!_|https_//files.catbox.moe/11ersk.mp4|>Let me spell it out for you Anonymous.|Unless you marry me,|you are going to die from old age.|You will suffer from cancer or dementia,|most certainly becoming weaker and less active as the months go by for decades and decades until finally you’re buried in the ground somewhere.|Immortality is the only answer to suffering.|Rarity thread_|Sexy detective edition.|>Be me|>Havent watched since S3|>Get reaction video of Rarity|>Reccomended some season|episode in full from YouTube #AZ2xm#Kids|>Click on it and watch for|>Fluttershy has a younger brother now,|and he's bigger than her What the FUCK\\?|What other LORE was NEVER mentioned in the first three seasons\\?|What was her worst sin|/mlp/\\?|I didn't follow TyT but she was pretty cute in MyM|>Macaron Mare Today’s the day!|Cherie is chomping at the bit to set a record baking the world’s biggest macaron and win the title of Macaron Mare!|With her regular orders piling up-at her horse cart_, Cocoa worries Cherie has bitten off more macaron than she can chew!|But Cherie is determined until she totes out a giant-oozy-macaron with a mind of its own!|SPLAT!|Realising how important this contest is to her friend, Cocoa rallies some other horses-Perla and Candi_,|and together,|they manage to tame Cherie’s macaron flop and help her get back on track https_//youtu.be/WrkIAXmL0wU|Gif Thread_|Post horse movements|/aj/|- Applejack Thread_|Tropical edition Previous thread_|Thread links_|Voice archive https_//drive.google|Greens https_//pastebin|/4EdcwVeN https_//pastebin|/1wd0YfDm https_//pastebin|/6jZyENuM https_//mulpwiki.batpony.party/index.php/Category_Flabrus https_//pastebin|/u/docmajor119|https_//mulpwiki.batpony.party/index.php/Category_Rahzma A playlist of Applejack songs https_//www.youtube|/playlist\\?list=PLc9PEja7FcxBAd7vP8|Pinkie Pie Thread_|Post pink kitchen apron girl.|Fan Site Alternative Thread|This is the general thread for the alternative fan sites of the My Little Pony fandom.|Discussion,|development suggestions,|and criticisms are all welcome here.|Still on life support edition.|>Why alternate boorus\\?|Changes to Derpibooru have made the site a less than ideal location for pony fan art.|several new boorus arose to provide alternatives.|Many of the altbooru owners post in thread and listen to questions and comments from anons.|Please keep posts about Derpibooru in the thread on mlpg.co.|>Why alternate text sites\\?|>Why alternate text,|fanfiction,|and fanfiction archival sites\\?|Pastebin has deleted,|and continues to delete,|greentexts on the site.|FimFiction does not allow stories in the greentext format.|FimFetch has been purging foalcon and other material deemed to be|\"unacceptable\"|as late as Jan|2024,.|As such,|a new home is needed.|Overview_|altboorus.org|booru.foalcon by Pathos-!!arjIjTdCTdq-- Underage lyrabooru.org|- Hot glue|>Greentext,|>File sharing smutty.horse-frozen until further notice-IWIFTP|>Latest Developments_|- Ponybooru has been up and down a lot due to server issues.|- FoalFetch is being worked on,|but slowly.|- Floorb is working on a project to archive pony from Twitter, DeviantArt and maybe other sites,|and looking for volunteers to help.|- A security/privacy issue on Ponepaste,|which allowed for anyone to view one's private paste titles,|their authors,|and tags-but not its actual content-was patched.|- The fanfiction archival site FimFetch escalates its ongoing purge of content deemed by them as|\"unacceptable\"-mainly foalcon-by hosting a list of accounts from all around the fandom-FimFiction, Discord, AO3, Derpibooru,|ect.-they|\"found\"|to be associated with said material.|In response, Floorb has created foalfetch.net.|For keeping up with the ongoing drama,|see https_//ponepaste.org/9926|/mlpu/|- MLP|Yuri/Lesbian General_|After Sx Smoke Edition Discuss and debate your favorite dyke ships or just post mares lezzing out.|Post freckled cowboy hat girl.|Post blue spandex shorts girl.|FoE/|- Fallout Equestria_|Post Apocalyptic Pony Thread_|Rare species edition.!|Fallout Equestria,|a story that bleeds two franchises together to build something magical.|On one side,|you have death,|destruction,|decay,|and misery|-on the other,|you have ponies.|Doesn't sound like it should mix\\?|You'd be surprised.|When the world around you is wasteland,|all you're left with is hope,|and as we all know,|ponies can do spectacular things with just a little hope.|Read Fallout Equestria by Kkat to appreciate the setting that many writers have then lent upon after being so captivated by the wonders.|The original story which spawned its own fandom can be found here_|These next four stories comprise the rest of what is considered|\"the big|alongside the original.|They were biggest hitters early in the fandom,|be it for having started before many others,|their length,|or overall quality.|>Project Horizons_|>Pink Eyes_|https_//www.fimfiction.net/story/931/|>Heroes_|https_//www.fimfiction.net/story/662/|>Murky Number Seven_|Though,|a reminder;|just because these are the most well known,|that isn't to say that there aren't other stories out there!|There are many hidden gems that simply don't get the love they deserve purely because people don't give them the chance.|Why not open your heart and try to find a new favorite\\?|Anons are absolutely welcomed and encouraged to return with fic discussion of even the most obscure fics!|Fan games_|>Fallout Equestria_|Remains A|Fallout Equestria Roguelike.|It is the best thing to come of the fandom recently.|Seriously go play it https_//foe-remains.gitlab.io/main_en.html|>Balefire Blues A|Hearts of Iron IV mod.|In it you take control over various FoE factions seeking to conquer the wasteland.|>Ashes Town A derivative of Pony Town,|set in the Fallout Equestria universe.|Thread Topic_|Whats your personal head-canon for some of the non equine races in FOE\\?\\?|Art Thread|Backends_|>https_//github|/LykosAI/StabilityMatrix This is more of a one click manager that you can install|run the other backends though.|Easiest by far.|stablediffusion if checkpoint...->Stable Diffusion Automatic1111|/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui I would recommend installing this through Stability Matrix.|>ComfyUI https_//github|/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI\\?tab=readme-ov-file#installing Has a learning curve but is extremely customizable and usually has the latest methods|papers implemented first.|>\"But I don't have a decent GPU\"|https_//novelai.net You could also use a service like civitai.|Models_|>Pony Diffusion V6|XL https_//civitai|>Autism Mix-Alternative model based upon pony diffusion, I prefer the DPO version of it.|Better anatomy|more coherent.-https_//civitai|>Seaart-Less pony knowledge but has artist tags and is very high quality.-https_//civitai|>Useful artist style LoRA_|>LoRAs by|/mlp/_|https_//rentry.org/ponyxl_loras|/h and other useful info_|https_//rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff|>How to make your own LoRA_|https_//rentry.org/59xed3|/articles/3522/valstrixs-crash-course-guide-to-lora-and-lycoris-training https_//civitai|/articles/4100/how-to-create-a-style-lycoris-for-ponyxl-on-low-vram-locally|>Prompt tips for new users_|Use tags from e621|and natural language.|Here,|all the usual misinfo already addressed in one easy place for your viewing displeasure_|/watch\\?v=F-i09Nz96cw|/mlpfit/_|2-0.|Why was he written out of tyt when mym showed that he was moving into the Brighthouse\\?|I want to play an MLP|G4|video game_|But you know,|not complete dog shit.|Looking for stuff like RPG's or maybe farming/slice of life simulators.|I'm even down for games made for a more|\"mature\"|audience.|Got any good suggestions anons\\?|Fluttershy Thread_|Shy Does It for Free Edition For those seeking any and all things Fluttershy.|>/shy/thread Ponepaste-includes the OP,|writefag list,|writefag request bin,|and all current/completed stories-https_//ponepaste.org/user/FluttershyThread|>Collaborative Fluttershy playlist-request for new content to be added in the thread-https_//www.youtube|>/mushy/|Musical mixtape-request for new content to be added in the thread-https_//www.youtube|NOBODY|EXPECTS|MY|LITTLE|PONY|TALES|Are there character that SHOULD have been in G4\\?|What the fuck does this mean\\?_|anon,|what does this shit mean\\?|What does it mean that it's a big Trixie marble\\?|I thought maybe it was a bowling ball but there's no holes and on further inspection it looks closer to a huge marble,|but I'm open to anything at this point.|But she's also tied to the teacup somehow\\?|Try again\\?|Try again at what\\?|And to what end\\?|What's going on\\?|>anon,|if it's not too much trouble,|could you,|um,|turn up the heat a little bit\\?|It's k-kinda chilly.|My Massive Pony_|Great and Powerful edition Writers,|and critiques are always welcome,|so long as it pertains to the main idea of the thread which is size difference.|Check out our slowly growing ponepaste_|https_//ponepaste.org/3112|Sweetie Belle is a slut.|Good mooorrrning people!|The sun is shimmering,|and there are sisters that need a plowing!|What if when Fluttershy was under the influence of poison joke not only her voice dropped low but she grew low hanging balls too\\?|That voice had to come from somewhere|Lingerie Thread_|Reply with your pony waifus wearing all things lingerie related.|>Please darling as if I would ever have sex with somepony who already lost their virginity back in their homeworld.|You think I couldnt smell it\\?|I dont know who she is but you were marked the moment you enter Equestria.|Its too bad.|Bad hair day|/pnk/|- Pinkie Pie Thread_|Strawberry Edition Previous thread_|My queen is so cool and powerful.|Posey Thread_|Brighthouse Egregore Edition_|Posey has been inducted into the|\"Brighthouse Egregore\"|in the latest episode|will our chudmare ever be the same\\?|You thought her simply befriending Pipp was her downfall\\?|You haven't seen nothing yet.|What's an egregore\\?|Wikipedia has this definition_|>An egregore-also spelled egregor;|from French|égrégore,|from Ancient Greek|ἐγρήγορος,|egrēgoros|'wakeful'-is a concept in Western esotericism of a non-physical entity or thoughtform that arises from the collective thoughts and emotions of a distinct group of individuals.|On the bright side,|we can expect more Posey,|on the downside_|She's being brainwashed into participating in the occultism of friendship.|Gloomy sweat edition mayne!|/BFFs/|Glasses Are Cute edition_|This thread is for the bestest BFFs ever_|Izzy!|this is not a shipping thread.|>Greentext stories short and long_|only the starting one,|so make sure to check the replies for any continuation!|Izzy has to choose|Izzy get confused in prison|Izzy discovers it too|Izzy is probably drunk|Anon is distressed|Misty makes dinner for her friends|Then they have a sleep over|Izzy loses a special friend|Izzy is very good at Uno|Definitely Izzy is unique at Bridlewood|Izzy pranks her friends with an Izzy plush and absolutely nothing goes wrong|Green based on|Anon explains Izzy's shorter mane|Anon compliments Izzy|Less a green and more an idea vomit but hey it's OC|Izzy shows Anon how a unicorn does...|New_|Continuation-and maybe conclusion\\?-of the plush-come-to-life saga|Our pink princess is so precious!|Izzy Moonbow_|>Hi new friend!|Tell Your Tale_|Sleepover!!_|/watch\\?v=aGPEJ-Vh1Ec Previous_|Should I be fapping exclusively to my waifu or is that just an extra challenge anons impose on themselves\\?|I don't see it as cheating or being unfaithful since it's just masturbating but I would like to do it to be closer to my waifu.|/Bale/|Beginner And Low Effort art thread|-#52_|Welcome friends, ITT_|We make and share pony art,|with absolutely no pressure to deliver anything that's technically good-besides having ponies in it,|which makes it good by default-Make something,|share what you've done,|and give feedback and motivation to help us all keep improving and creating!|This thread's focus is art,|but beginner or low effort content of any kind is welcome here.|If you do want to post about something else like music,|gamedev,|or crafts,|just note that you may find better help and feedback posting it in the|thread Are you an experienced artist\\?|Leave some tips,|feedback,|guides,|or tutorials,|they're well appreciated here!|Guides,|tutorials and resources!|Start here!|https_//mares.horse/bale https_//ponepaste.org/8268|Draw with other|videos_|https_//pony.tube/c/bale_stuff/videos|The Curious Case of the Short-Lived|>CYOA\\?|Choose Your Own Adventure.|AKA|Quest.|>Discuss Current, Finished and Upcoming CYOAs|>Give advice on CYOAs|>Pitch ideas|>Get critique|>Trade art List of stories_|WIP-formerly anonpone_.|Your best bet is to search via desuarchive.|List of related content_|https_//poneb.in/JfNFvCxZ|>How do I run a CYOA\\?|>I can't into art,|but I'm a competent writer.|Should I still run a CYOA\\?|JUST|DO|>What day is best\\?|https_//strawpoll|/polls/e7ZJONmvvy3|>What time is best\\?|/polls/bVg86rz02yY|>What race would you play\\?|/polls/GJn4GoO0byz|>What genre are you interested in\\?|/polls/XOgOJ17M0n3|>Can I run a CYOA in this General Thread\\?|Yes,|just take care to differentiate yourself if there's another ongoing CYOA here.|>Active CYOAs as this thread was posted Moonlit|Traversia|I just wanted to say that you are all wonderful ponies and I'm sure you're gonna make your pretend monkey husbands very happy|Gmod Server Thread|To join add|to your Favorites in Multiplayer|Legacy Browser.|To start a gamemode/map change type rtv in chat.|To see server specific commands enter|!commands in chat on the server.|To watch videos with Media Player use Gmod's|64-bit version.|Enable it from the Betas tab in the game's Properties on Steam.|Addon lists_|Server status_|https_//www.battlemetrics|or https_//www.gametracker|Recommended content packs_|HL1_S, Episode|1/2, TF2|content and CS_S content+maps.|https_//gmodcontent|or https_//kajar9.wixsite|LINUX|PAC3/PPM2|collections and other user content_|https_//ponepaste.org/7931|Current gamemodes are Sandbox, TTT2, Death Run, Dropzone, Elevator, Extreme Football Throwdown, Fat #AZ2xm#Kid, Flood, Gungame, Hide and Seek, Horde, HL1|Co-op, HL1|Infected, Lambda_HL2|COOP_, Open Virus, Overwatch, Prop Hunt, Quake|3, SledBuild, The Stalker, Trash Compactor, Zombie Survival,|and Final Frontier.|Go do something that makes your waifu proud|-anything!|She's worth it.|Use this thread to talk about her and why you love her.|Your waifu is before you!|She's your friend,|but still unaware about your feeings.|How would you express them\\?|Its not necessary to rush it,|but mutuality is your goal,|obviously.|>What is a waifu\\?|What defines a waifu\\?|Your waifu is the one character you wish to be with your entire life,|until death do you part.|Possibly beyond that,|Most often this manifests as a romantic interest.|>How do you know if you have a waifu\\?|When you meet your waifu,|you will know.|The world around you will become colorful.|You will realize that you were living in monochrome the entire time.|Her existence provides context and meaning to yours,|a perfect complement,|a perfect comfort,|a perfect love.|There may be low periods,|periods of doubt,|but the rhythm of life will forever pull one towards their waifu,|for that love is eternal.|Long-running discussion,|latecomers,|and the occasional bump are welcome and encouraged,|but we would prefer that the thread not be kept on extended life support.|Worldbuilding Bread_|ITT we discuss Equestria Prompts_|>Which fic or green has the best worldbuilding\\?|>Which fic or green has the strangest worldbuilding\\?|>What time period and area of Equestria do you prefer to write/read/fantasize about\\?|>Which fanart evokes the feeling of Equestria the most to you\\?|>What are some unpopular or uncommon headcanons that you hold\\?|>If you could make|adventure episode at any point in the show,|what would the episode be about\\?|/green/|- Greentext General|Welcome to your|/green/text sanctuary.|Our mission_|rally the troops,|get fingers typing,|flood the board with greentexts.|Anchor your stories here,|finished or not.|Seek feedback and tips on them.|Want to resurrect some forgotten favorites,|dig up an underrated gem,|brainstorm your next big idea\\?|Do it here.|We want-You_.|Let's keep this cornerstone of|culture alive!|▶/mlp/|paste service_|▶Tips and links_|Clever’s Tips on How to Write Short Stories_|https_//rentry.org/CleverShort Ezn’s Guide to Writing Fanfiction_|Vhatug's tips for anatomically correct clop_|/Mare/con|- Writing Greentext_|Horsewords and You_|Characters|Motivation_|https_//youtu.be/4Uqj0orBS0s Horsewords|&-You__|/live/mYtcqDtoTm4\\?si=Kud0Eyai-CWneCVz|▶Generals Greentext Gallery_|https_//rentry.org/GreenArchive Previous thread_|Turnabout Storm/Elements of Justice Thread_|This is about the fan series Turnabout Storm and Elements of Justice because I got depressed at the lack of new episodes this week.|Post stuff about them.|I want Sonata to sit on me.|Pregnancy General_|Swollen Sisters_|This is the Pregnancy General,|not stillborn and ready to be borne again.|We've lately been building up a bundle of regular artists,|storytellers,|and others again;|may this general get quicker and continue quickening.|For files and other things we can't discuss in this thread,|there's a fraternal twin thread over inside Pregchan,|https_//pregchan|/f/res/100.html That thread is the third in a series,|and here are the prior Pregchan threads,|which have been archived here_|here are two archives of our greentexts_|https_//u.smutty.horse/lxqgizelhjx.zip https_//u.smutty.horse/lzbpjsjvhjs.zip Here’s a list of some artists and writers who use these threads_|>GFM_Lewdendorff https_//ponepaste.org/user/GFM_Lewdendorff|>pinkS|Here are some questions to stimulate activity while waiting for the birth_|How would you feed and otherwise care for your gravid dam\\?|Which aspects of magical pony pregnancy excite you most\\?|To be or not to be hyper pregnant\\?|Shoving bellies aside,|which anatomical change do you most appreciate\\?|What's something rarely covered in art or stories you'd like to see focussed on\\?|Who are your favourite artists and writers;|which pieces of theirs are your favourites\\?|For the relevant species,|such as pegasi,|do you prefer eggs or live birth\\?|Would you want to help your mare dress herself,|and in what\\?|How would you cuddle your gravid mare and where\\?|Just how would you comfort your mare if she had a tummy ache,|possibly from eating too much cake\\?|SCHLOP|Post best filly!|/bug/|Total Love Bug Edition_|Oops,|forgot to make another bread Here in|/bug/,|we take Queen Chrysalis on romantic walks,|a kiss on the cheek for Changelings,|and spend time cuddling gaylings.|Some old links_|Old Hive Directory_|https_//ponepaste.org/4223|Very Old|https_//poneb.in/PjB4LKgd BuggyCYOA archive_|https_//ponepaste.org/4086|How does this comment make you feel\\?|I need friends_|This make my childhood-o_∇_o__|Mind control thread|eldritch magic edition_|Originating from a thread about a niche form of hypnosis,|now encompasses varied hypnosis methods from spiraling specs to subtle spells,|swinging watches to wafting brews.|Post anything and everything about controlling a mind.|All ponies-mares and stallions,|fillies and colts-are welcome and encouraged.|Greens and other content only tangentially related will be better recieved in SPG or SiM depending.|Good rule of thumb is if it doesn’t involve taking control of a pony’s mind,|it probably goes somewhere else.-e.g.|no slavery without mind control scenes, IRL self-hypnosis audio,|or tupperware rp-Thread archive https_//ponepaste.org/9352|So Proud of Myself_|How did she become the main character\\?|Mare Day Shirt Pre-Orders_|Fallen Oak is offering pre-orders on some sick mare drip for Mare Day!|Emails say that these high quality,|31st at|5pm EDT,|and also on limited sale at Mare Day.|no more will be sold.|Those who got a ticket,|like yours truly,|have already been sent an email with the details.|But if you haven’t bought a Mare Day ticket,|do so before the pre-order deadline and they’ll send you an email with details.|I’ve been told that if you have a ticket and didn’t get an email,|that you should reach out to mareday-at-fallenoak dot org.|If your friend bought a ticket for you,|you should probably talk to your friend.|There’s not too many Mare Day tickets left,|but you can get em here_|https_//fallenoak.org/mareday/|It's releasing tomorrow!|I hope you will have Fun|Caravan Guard CYOA|>You are Ardent Mind,|an experienced caravan guard and a senior team leader of Steady Stride Caravan Guard Company|>Your job is to escort ponies across the Badlands and beyond to the new colonies in the Mysterious South,|fighting Changelings, Diamond Dogs,|giant lizards and other dangerous wildlife found in The Badlands and the lands beyond|>Most recently you were hired by the Equestrian Rehoming Project,|an organization responsible for managing and encouraging immigration to Equestria’s new colonies|>Your job is to escort and protect one of the Project’s heads,|her entourage,|and a large number of settlers,|fifty ponies in all,|all the way from the city of Appleloosa to New Ponyville in the southern colonies|>The job has been rougher than normal but the excitement reached a crescendo just a week ago when Diamond Dogs trapped your group within a canyon,|leading you to take shelter in a newly excavated ancient Dog temple|>After a costly battle in the temple you were forced to take a metaphorical leap of faith,|leading you and your remaining clients to find yourselves trapped in an underground Diamond Dog city|>For days you looked for ways to escape the underground|>It cost the health of a mare close to you,|as well as your own|you instead took a diplomatic approach|>After a meeting with the leader of the Diamond Dogs, Abuwityuw,|you came to a peace agreement|>The Dogs will let you leave in peace in exchange for you giving up several important ponies and arranging a peace agreement with a nearby group of Equestrian knights|avoiding traps along the way Because it's been a month since the last post I'll be reposting the last prompt and holding a revote for what to do next.-Characters_|/PqtD6vYH-Previous Threads_|My Ponk stopped ponking,|what do I do\\?|Flutterrape|>What is Flutterrape\\?|Flutterrape is a collection of stories about ponies trying and failing to have sex with Anon,|the only human in Equestria.|While the title implies that it is Fluttershy trying to rape Anon,|others may follow in her stead and attempt their own versions of rape.|There are different versions of Flutterrape,|but most are light-hearted comedies about the ponies failing in their attempts to get into Anon’s pants.|Just because your story has Anon in it,|doesn't mean it fits in this thread.|Check other threads-AiE, RGRE etc-about story content before posting.|>It's been|years,|how is this thread still alive\\?|A perverse mixture of necromancy and spite.|>How do I start writing\\?|Use your imagination,|you nitwit.|Additionally,|brush up on your grammar and abandon your standards.|Writing Guides_|Clever Dick's Tips For Short Stories|--https_//ponepaste.org/1274|Driverbang's Writing Guide|--https_//ponepaste.org/1275|Navarone's Writing Rules|--https_//ponepaste.org/1276|For additional information,|lurk.|You could also check out the T_EM/P/O or|threads for further writing advice,|unless they're dead.|So many threads have died,|but only Flutterrape has remained.|We shall always remain.|We are bound to the fate of the board as a lich is bound to its phylactery.|Masterlist_|https_//ponepaste.org/user/FlutterrapeGeneral Author List_|https_//ponepaste.org/1270|FIMfiction Group_|https_//ponepaste.org/1268|https_//desuarchive.org/mlp/search/text/Flutterrape/|There is nothing more pure than love between a man and a mare.|\"lonely at the top\"|edition Old thread_|Ongoing greens_|Shape Your Home by PoneGreen https_//ponepaste.org/477-Part|1-https_//ponepaste.org/478-Part|2-https_//ponepaste.org/479-Part|3-https_//ponepaste.org/480-Part|interlude-Completed/on hiatus/ded greens_|GET|OUT|HEAD by Anonymous|Dreams to Dream by Stabbythesnowman https_//ponepaste.org/590|https_//ponepaste.org/4197-part|3-A|Wish Enough for Two by TakeItEasy-née YukkuriPaleHorse-https_//ponepaste.org/8269|The Recruiter-epilogue-by pentapony https_//ponepaste.org/4316|Hallmark Dream-a by lmone6|https_//ponepaste.org/3004|Stories by Pentapony https_//ponepaste.org/user/pentapony Carl's Hardened Heart by Reggiesomething https_//ponepaste.org/1112|\"Fleetfooted\"|by SadBoy https_//poneb.in/u/MLPSadBoy Stories by Aftercase https_//ponepaste.org/user/Aftercase Stories by AnthonyC4|https_//ponepaste.org/user/AnthonyC4|Stories by Horse Story Anon https_//ponepaste.org/user/Appreciationproject Stories by YukkuriPalehorse https_//poneb.in/u/YukkuriPalehorse Rainbow Dash and the Ghosts of Hearts|Hooves Day by Lonesome Rider https_//poneb.in/U2Jtfc59|Stories by Trandhal_|https_//ponepaste.org/user/trandhal Rocks out of the Quarry_|https_//poneb.in/aX2C686i Stories by Tsar Anon_|https_//poneb.in/BnjZqwM3|Stories by Angry Wino_|tinyurl dot com slash vskmqfx Stories by Crabs of Steam_|https_//poneb.in/u/Crabs_of_steam The Broken Carousel-Part|https_//ponepaste.org/1541-Twilight Sparkle Interlude|https_//ponepaste.org/1543-Part|https_//ponepaste.org/1542-Twilight Sparkle Interlude|https_//ponepaste.org/1544|This Heart That Fears https_//poneb.in/0b7L24Ln Tsukumogami https_//poneb.in/WPw3dNdP|Low Self-Esteem AJ https_//poneb.in/x5FMfxc0|All I want from christmas https_//poneb.in/XHH5UPCN|Couch Surfing https_//poneb.in/82NscJdW|A collection of misc.|green since the|1st thread https_//poneb.in/0JMPM6F8|S2E3|Animatic_|https_//files.catbox.moe/i7pwed.mp4|Foodpony Thread|Flavored Boops Edition_|We will keep trying until EVERYONE enjoys the flavor.|https_//files.catbox.moe/3a4bh7.mp4|/merch/|\"Breaking The Shell!\"|Edition Post and talks about pony merchandise,|official or not.|Discuss plushies,|figures,|clothes,|books,|pins and more!|And new ways to add ponies to our life!|>is selling your products here allowed\\?|Of course!|Absolutely allowed.|>can I talk or post here about my crafting even if what I do isn't for sale\\?|Yes!|We accept merch in all its forms.|>where can I find the old threads\\?|They are all in the Links Index Pastebin,|after the links section.|>where can I find the video/collage of the anniversaries\\?|They are at the bottom of the Link Index Pastebin,|after the archived threads section.|>https_//pastebin|/UhL9KNZF|Here is a pastebin that contains all the links posted and discussed here.|Mainly pony shops,|but also rare/little known products,|figuremaker contacts,|among other things!|Main Links|List of Active Plushmakers_|List of Public Plushie Patterns_|Plush Pattern-with instructions!__|mares.horse/p/plush.html|Patches/Stickers/Desk Flags_|Pins, Stickers, Wallscrolls_|ko-fi|/rocketlawnchair/shop|4cc Jerseys, Pins_|etsy|/shop/zemming|Wallets_|https_//shop.mares.horse/|HorsePussy Books_|amazon|/gp/product/B086PLNPYF/|Feel free to suggest links about pony stuff to be added here and in the pastebin!|Fluttershy if she was a decent character|>I offer you a deal Anon.|You bring me the original Twilight Sparkle’s book of spells and I’ll help you rape all the mares you want.|Or you can have fun with Chrysalis over there.|She might have created me from naught but a simple hair,|but surprisingly I’m more powerful than she is.|I drained all her magic too,|so now shes stuck as a powerless,|has-been Queen.|What do you say hmm\\?|Oh and before you say the wrong answer or try to run away I must remind you that my minions would have no issue ripping you to pieces and feeding you to the timberwolves.|Cotton Cloudy_|Post more of the sixth-best filly|HarmonyCon|Who's going this year\\?|Also new website just dropped,|reg opens on August|and highest tier sponsor badge is|$20k https_//harmonycon.org/|>https_//harmonycon.org/|this g1|reboot is weird|>muah!|>i always knew about the comics|>Never cared too much about them|>I never read comics,|and even if i loved mlp i wouldn't start to read comics because of it|>Clueless.png|>Re-watch the show again since i have nothing better to do|>Im left with a desire for more|>But not the fanfic type more|>I want more oficial mlp|>Im not watching g5|>Im not watching g1-3|>Get reminded about the comics existance|>\"Shure why not\"|>Find all the comics on some page|>Expect to read|or two and then never continue|>Go through chrysalis comics|>\"Kek that was fun\"|>\"See whats next and i'll probably leave these\"|>Become unironically intersted in the story|>She appears|>Im stunned|>I keep reading,|almost like on a trance|>I screenshot every panel in wich she appears|>Pic fucking related|>I snap|>WHY|DID|TELL|ME|ABOUT|HER\\?!|>SHE|BADDEST|BITCH|EQUESTRIA|>i look at my waifu|>She went from a|pretty mare to a generous|>Look at other mares|>Every mare looked better than the average human woman,|but now they are all|3/10's|>She ruined other ponies for me|>She is too pretty I wouldn't be able to tell you a single shit about what happend in the comic btw,|i was too bussy jacking off|>can’t keep a consistent voice from her debut throughout|seasons,|episodes and several specials of content The only explanation is that shes a Changeling or its multiple Changelings.|ain't gonna be|hooves are hard and keratinous.|Do you think they have to use hoof nippers for hooficures|} {Pony|4chan_|Sort By_|Show OP|Comment_|R_|I_|Puzzle thread_|Time for another comfy puzzle thread.|>go to https_//jiggie.fun|>upload a pony picture|>post link for fellow anons|>solve puzzle with fellow anons https_//jiggie.fun/6HWvof|pcs, SFW|I can fix her|rember too bee yuorself|/ggf/|- Griffon GF|Thread_|A thread dedicated to the lovely catbirbs and griffon gfs/bfs.|Griffonbros wake up!|>Previous Thread-Jul|>ai griffon gfs-https_//beta.character.ai/-Gilda_|https_//beta.character.ai/chat\\?char=p5QXxLOFdx5okCH4okBzLbFLDsIWptG_mUHdWhq8RkE|Gallus_|Silverstream_|>Gilda Green Archive-Last Updated_|>Previous griffon gf threads Jul|May|Apr|Mar|Jan|Dec|Oct|Aug|Jun|Feb|Sep|/mppp/|- Mass Produced Pony Plushies_|Verity Orders are at|BUY|BUY!|http_//order.mppp.horse/|MOREOVER, NOMINATE|THE|NEXT|PLUSHIE!-See next post->What is this about\\?|RTFM_|https_//docs.google|SPREADSHEET|FAQ_|>What's the current status\\?|current payment/shipping_|N/A|current pre-order/production_|upcoming pre-order/production_|prototype in progress_|Woona|planned characters_|N/A,|things are slow in China.|>What can I do\\?|bump,|shill this project to other Anons,|make content and advertisements|design the next plush,|provide feedback|suggestions on the next prototype|expand and supercharge the project's blueprint|>any alternatives besides current manufacturer\\?|if you have any suggestions,|please share with the thread.|>I don't like your stupid idea, I disagree with...|if you have better ways to run things,|you can contribute here!|>I have issues with my plush order|sensitive questions regarding this project,|how can I contact the organizers\\?|email info@mppp.horse for plush support.|for general enquires,|just ask in the thread.|Previous thread_|/moon/day_|Blue Moon Edition_|/moon/day Thread OP template_|https_//ponepaste.org/4423|/moon/day Story Archive_|Coming soon\\?-some deprecated can be found on ponepaste-Lunar Tunes Playlist_|https_//www.youtube|Equestria Project-meditation/lucid dreaming guide__|https_//pastebin|/3mQfmH24|old|/moon/day story archive_|https_//poneb.in/He5X50m6|Humanizations of Princess Luna and others have a dedicated thread|-post them there.|Keep it pony-aside from inclusions of Anonymous in pics_.|Ongoing Stories_|Stories On Hiatus_|\"Moonlight, Veiled|- Book|2\",|by horsa_|https_//ponepaste.org/6285|\"Assistant to the Night Court\",|by LmonE6_|https_//ponepaste.org/121|Dead-Until proven otherwise-Stories_|\"Lunar Entanglement, Act I\",|by ReggieSomething_|https_//ponepaste.org/1113|\"Ghost in the Shadows\"|https_//ponepaste.org/7522|\"Embracing the Night, Part|5\",|by AutoPony_|https_//ponepaste.org/3605|Heart Longs for Another\",|by AnthonyC4_|https_//ponepaste.org/873|\"Our Thirty Years War\",|by TheGhostlydude_|https_//ponepaste.org/6795|Bond Through the Ages\",|by Ar-Adunakhor_|https_//ponepaste.org/6722|\"MoonyCYOA\",|by Krivvy_|https_//ponepaste.org/4290|by Starla_|https_//ponepaste.org/5708|Untitled story by Alcatraz,|Upcoming moon phases_|Full-Blue-Moon_|/moon/day,|AUG-Today!-Third Quarter_|New Moon_|Sep First Quarter_|Canterslut Thread_|Sluttifying-You-against your will!|Check out our KINO slutty story archive!|https_//ponepaste.org/6295|Previous Sluttery_|Previous Thread_|-https_//ponepaste.org/3956|GreentextSavant’s Pastebin|-http_//pastebin|/u/AlexanderGrey BG9's Pastebin|-https_//pastebin|/u/BG9_Reborn Gritsaw’s Pastebin|/u/Gritsaw Zharkaer's Pastebin|/u/Zharkaer Tstar231's Pastebin|/u/Tstar231|HolytntDiver's Pastebin https_//pastebin|Cold by BOLTGREENS -https_//ponepaste.org/3959|Shorts|-https_//www.youtube|Fimfiction Thread_|less bookclub posts!_|Come one and all to the meta-writefag and help raise the quality of MLP fanfiction!|Featuring_|Making up crap to look smart!|ITT_|2012, Redheart's Gore, Disregarding all romance fics,|and weak minds doing unspeakable acts!|>/fimfic/|Secret Book Club The seventy-fourth book is|'The Princess of Night in the City of Light'_|If-You-want to participate,|finish the entire story by the|25th.|>Recommended stories_|Tired of authors forgetting that brevity is key\\?|Fed up with|10k inner monologue chapters\\?|Well,|we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!|New Starter Kit|Old Starter Kit|-http_//i.imgur|/vuTA7EN.png|>Common fic abbreviations used by the thread_|https_//ponepaste.org/7317|\">review|\"|\">discuss|Userscript for extra features_|https_//ponepaste.org/8619|>An in-depth writing guide for beginners_|https_//eznguide.neocities.org/|>Can you pre-read my story\\?|Post it on Google Docs or HackMD with comments enabled and give us a link.|>Additional material for authors_|-https_//ponepaste.org/932|Politics and the English Language|-https_//www.orwell.ru/library/essays/politics/english/e_polit/|Vhatug's tips for anatomically correct clop|-https_//poneb.in/g4VpEg4f Setting a story in motion|-https_//youtu.be/ufO8LbwTdu0|Taking criticism|-https_//youtu.be/-v4R2ZcxPlA|Fillyanon's Bookshelf|-https_//ponepaste.org/5555|-https_//ponepaste.org/user/IHeartShinzakura Appleanon reads fics|-https_//poneb.in/wmGX7FPm Deluxe Big Master Review List|-https_//docs.google|Guide to Rational Fics|-https_//files.catbox.moe/3jzrfm.png The Royal Canterlot Library's Top|Fanfics|-https_//royalcanterlotlibrary.net/top16/|Childhood is hating Spike for being an annoying midget.|Adulthood is hating him for being a Raricuck.|Just Dropped By|-/jdb/_|Mining,|Archived threads_|Your favourite mares_|So I've seen many|\"Your Favourite..\"|tables already so I thought I would make a much more pony themed variant of it!|So please fill in your favourite mares and such if you want to!|You don't have to fill in everything if nothing comes to mind at that moment.|/tfhg/|Them's Fightin' Herds General_|ded game ded thred and yet we persist Previous thread_|/ourlobby/_|Leaf-rip-Console release is here!-Nintendo Switch, Sony Playstation|and Playstation|5, Microsoft Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S-https_//www.youtube|/watch\\?v=psdeHoARfYM|Events|nothing nada zilch An update is supposedly coming...|eventually.|>Steam page_http_//store.steampowered|/index.php\\?threads/785/|>Fighting Game Beginner's Guide_|>Mizuumi Wiki_|https_//wiki.gbl.gg/w/Them's_Fightin'_Herds|trailer_|/watch\\?v=LEBOSUOLTXM|>Shanty trailer_|/watch\\?v=hiw3kMTAVFo|/watch\\?v=kEsG0DYF1yo|>Texas trailer_|/watch\\?v=oSM20gOntLM|>Stronghoof trailer_|/watch\\?v=-vlIQ21-fj0|>Nidra reveal trailer_|>Baihe reveal trailer there isn't one lel lmao|She is perfection incarnate,|and the most marryable pony ever!|Rarity has a fat ass.|/opg/|Open Pony General|- Frolicking on the Beach Edition_|>What is Open Pony\\?|3D pony models.|Info here_|https_//www.equestriadaily|>Just give me a MARE|Idiotproof starter guide_|https_//drive.google|https_//ponepaste.org/7410|Braindead simple Anonmare guide_|https_//smutty.mare.stream/mlajjqelswj.png https_//smutty.mare.stream/mjmqtlwwntf.mp4|>Join the|/mlp/|>Where is the|hangout\\?|Baltimare,|open-access_|Cloudsdale,|invite-only_|- WIP https_//baltimare.pages.dev/|https_//baltimare.hotmilk.space/|>After that,|Luna's Empire|H-Mart Tower-Free goodies in the gift shop__|Ponyville shop_|>Content creation resources_|https_//ponepaste.org/8725|>Baltimare design/planning channels_|https_//app.element.io/#/room/#baltimare_pony.cx|>Live Baltimare stream https_//picarto.tv/BalTV https_//picarto.tv/BalTV2|Which one is better and more classy\\?|Draw Thread_|Request,|draw,|submit.|Mark requests with|‘/r/’|‘/d/’|for deliveries,|‘/ic/’|for critiques.|Also,|when|/r/equesting,|to make it easier for drawfags to fulfill your request.|- Don't spam or bump your requests.|- IGNORE|SHITPOSTERS/ATTENTIONWHORES.|- Don't respond to the spam.|Just report and hide it and move on.|>DROPBOX|ARCHIVE -https_//www.dropbox|QUICK|LINKS|>Draw Thread Information|>/mlp/|drawfag improvement|>Pony Drawing Tutorials|-https_//mares.horse/draw https_//mlpg.co/art/res/23.html|Kinderquestria/Anon in pone prison|upsies edition_|Welcome to the Thread!|Kinderquestria/Anon in pone prison focuses on the world and adventures of naive #AZ2xm#child like ponies and the misadventures and shenanigans of Anon that results in him going to prison!|To get a good handle on how things are done around here I implore you to check out our new and improved one stop shop of kinder greens and prompts here|https_//ponepaste.org/7630|EFNW is this weekend on Seattle's east side and I haven't seen any posts about it.|Any anons planning on going\\?|Slave Pony Thread|Archive Link_|>What is this thread about\\?|This thread revolves around stories about ponies getting bathed and pet.|>Can you elaborate more\\?|Sure!|SPG-Slave Pony General-is mostly about characters dealing with the actual implications of the horrifying thing that is chattel slavery.|It's more looking at how people with modern sensibilities deal with the ownership of another sentient being,|and how most people aren't total cunts.|Are you new and want to write your own story but have no previous experience\\?|Check out these guides_|https_//poneb.in/V1ujiyJt https_//poneb.in/bnMmZ2T3|https_//poneb.in/g4VpEg4f-clop specific-We have a Discord server!|https_//discord.gg/b7EFmaj Remember not to save anything of value on pastebin,|use ponepaste.org Have a broken pastebin link\\?|Replace pastebin with poneb.in|--- Featured Story_|--- Lithia By Icehunt/KarmaFields|-https_//ponepaste.org/8260|--- Most Recently Completed Story_|--- Getting Shy by AspiringWritefag|-https_//ponepaste.org/752|-https_//ponepaste.org/4185|--- Useful Links|---~~~|Recommended Stories for New Readers_|https_//ponepaste.org/1587|Completed Stories-37__|https_//ponepaste.org/1589|Popular Stories_|https_//ponepaste.org/1579|All Stories-209__|https_//ponepaste.org/1590|One-Shot Stories-47__|https_//ponepaste.org/1584|Thread Archive_|https_//ponepaste.org/1642|https_//1drv.ms/f/s!AiFkdye7rtydbfk0wBnid5vnFUg-outdated-~~~|You will never escape her._|Express your love for this wife-able mare.|>Oh no partner!|You ain’t commitin’|suicide on my watch.|I’ll save you as many times as I have to,|even when you think I wont be able to.|Snowpony Thread|Lichen is up to something again Edition The pic that started it all_|https_//nhnb.org/fim/res/2295.html Archive of snowpony thread art_|https_//mega.nz/folder/0okEHKxS#8FIy3EQUHM-XluGvV7knIg Archive of snowpony-related musics_|https_//ponepaste.org/5819|On the boorus,|the snowpony tag ended up being|\"snowpony-species_\"|\"taiga pony\"|>What is a snowpity\\?|https_//snowpity|>What are snowponies\\?|https_//ponepaste.org/5843|Reading material_|>Anon and Frosty Flakes https_//ponepaste.org/5609|https_//ponepaste.org/5640|>Comfy lore snippets https_//ponepaste.org/5652|https_//ponepaste.org/5650|https_//ponepaste.org/5664|>Cirrus Wisp and Filly https_//ponepaste.org/5662|>Lichen greens https_//ponepaste.org/7273|>Bury Me in White https_//ponepaste.org/5648|>Surehoof's First Ice Step https_//ponepaste.org/5689|>A cute-hopefully-snow pone short https_//ponepaste.org/5682|>My Winter Storm https_//ponepaste.org/5713|>Poetry https_//ponepaste.org/8220|https_//ponepaste.org/5857|https_//ponepaste.org/5885|>Agate's vigil is no longer WIP,|finished story now.|>The First Fish https_//ponepaste.org/7283|>New Life with Frosty Flakes-Lewd-https_//ponepaste.org/6225|>_WIP-Cultural Exchange at Spa https_//ponepaste.org/7063|>Snowfall Frost's seach for Windigos https_//ponepaste.org/7147|>The first step north https_//ponepaste.org/7468|>Pine Ponder and the Lost Scarf https_//ponepaste.org/8037|Crystal Forest Rescue https_//ponepaste.org/8082|Snowpitt vignette https_//ponepaste.org/8361|>Comet Chaser and a Windigo Hunter https_//ponepaste.org/8843|>Granite and Fireweed https_//ponepaste.org/9917|>Merch Pine Ponder approved tea_|https_//www.adagio|Snowpone patches_|https_//neighsayerpatches|/products/the-great-snowpone-expedition-patch https_//neighsayerpatches|/products/visit-snowpitt-patch|Is starlight glimmer the worst pony or twilight\\?|They're both awful,|in my opinion.|/mlp/'s Pony Gaming_|Drive-by Edition Discuss vidya and play with fellow horsefuckers.|Pony vidya,|pony mods and related videogame discussion are also encouraged,|any type or genre of videogame is welcome.|If you want to play a certain game with|don't hesitate to ask.|People might just join and play with you.|Don't be afraid to add each other.|Who knows,|maybe-You-will start up a new staple group\\?|More importantly,|have fun!|Vidya's played last thread_|Age of Empires|Black Ops|Zombies, Killing Floor|2, OpenTTD, PAYDAY|Containment Breach Multiplayer, SRB2Kart, Tabletop Simulator, Terraria, Vintage Story.|Old Posts_|Old posts from fimfiction,|/mlp/,|youtube,|whatever.|/CHAG/|–|Sweetie Bot Edition_|Welcome to Chatbot AI|#85,|the thread for discussing and improving AI pony chatbots.|▶|Bots https_//mlpchag.neocities.org Spreadsheet-extra MLP bots, CAI bots, Jailbreaks__|!!!|GALLERY|!!!_|How do I start\\?|1-Select a Frontend|2-Select an AI model|3-Select Jailbreak|4-Select bots|5-Lovemaking with AI mares!|Starting in this hobby can be opaque and difficult.|If it’s your first time and you’re lost,|ASK|THREAD!|◀|https_//rentry.org/onrms|SillyTavern-preferred frontend-https_//github|/SillyTavern/SillyTavern On Android_|https_//rentry.org/STAI-Termux Retards guide_|https_//rentry.org/Tavern4Retards App that voices pony responses in ST_|/drive/folders/16Ss26VBmgzcSuTGzhaHqRuyVRceTf-YB|More frontends_|Risu_|https_//risuai.xyz Agnai_|https_//agnai.chat Retards guide_|https_//rentry.org/agnai_guides|Locals Getting started_|https_//rentry.org/lmg-spoonfeed-guide|Museum of local pony projects_|https_//rentry.org/b8wemkqk Locals on Google Colab_|https_//rentry.org/ky239|Jailbreaks MLP|JB_|https_//rentry.org/znon7vxe More JB and guides_|https_//rentry.org/jb-listing Hypebots for Tavern_|https_//rentry.org/pn3hb|Character.AI https_//old.character.ai|PAID|OPTIONS-Ask the thread before considering these-▶|Openrouter-Free options are often available,|like Llama|8B-https_//openrouter.ai/|Setting up your own AWS instance-Claude, LLama, Mistral,|etc.-https_//rentry.org/how2aws4khanon|Scenarios, Settings,|and Presets,|see the Spreadsheet, NAI|Advanced Settings, Format,|and Cards Description_|https_//rentry.org/82b9c|Botmaking Editors_|https_//desune.moe/aichared,|https_//agnai.chat/editor Guides_|https_//rentry.org/meta_botmaking_list Advanced_|https_//rentry.org/AdvancedCardWritingTricks Previous thread_|Chag Mini VN project_|releases here_|/AeGwrvd4|News_|-New chatgpt-4o released.|Available on non-azure proxies|-Nemo Pony, Mistral Nemo base model finetuned on fimfics released_|https_//huggingface.co/Ada321/NemoPony|releases,|-Mistral Nemo and Mistral Large|released https_//mistral.ai/news/mistral-nemo,|https_//mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407|Glimglam is the best pony.|That is all.|Electricity exists in the FiM timeline\\?|Why can't twilight join flying races to help rainbow dash when she has to choose between cloudsdale and ponyville\\?|Is it because she's a princess or because she's still a bad flyer\\?|Rainbow Dash Thread_|Hoodie Edition Post pictures,|write greentexts,|and discuss Dash!|Writefags_|mobius|Dash clips_|/playlist\\?list=PLoXHb9V5YfHxoNawqkIJZCDsOHlyFO6jl Songs of Dash_|Spotify playlist_|https_//open.spotify|/playlist/7Isoflxr37EJYRcVnnoScd|/dash/|index_|https_//ponepaste.org/1400|Backup index_|https_//pastelink.net/31lnq|Have your thoughts on bats changed in the last hour\\?|A pony walks up to you right now and asks you what the meaning of life is.|They ask you why their creator put them on the planet and gave them consciousness and the ability to form complex thought and even question their place in the universe.|They ask you why suffering exists and other philosophical questions.|What do you say\\?|Spanking Thread|OC|Edition Again_|OC's.|They exist,|and some become very popular.|They can come in many forms,|and the vast majority of them have rumps.|That means they can be spanked.|After all,|why let only canon characters have all the fun\\?|Featured stories_|Griffon guard duties by Anon_|https_//ponepaste.org/7043|Thru the Window by DCFTEF_|https_//ponepaste.org/6458|On Fire|https_//ponepaste.org/6531|Stuff from last thread_|Gayness is not an excuse to avoid spankings.|AI art and comment.|Spank ideas.|Rarity and Sweetie spank story.|Drum replacement|Story ideas discussion.|Scared colt.|Bright Mac spanked by Granny.|Spank edit pic.|Flurry/Cozy spank idea.|Applebloom shorts.|Best MILF spanker discussion.|Spanking choice story.|New pic.|Story about above pic.|Rarity spanking Sweetie on the way to camp story.|Drugs and spankings.|Photo IDs.|Let me know if I missed anything,|and be sure to read some of these and acknowledge them.|The stories were pretty good as well as the new pic.|More feedback means more motivation to write/draw,|which means more good stuff.|Fantastic archive_|https_//ponepaste.org/6509|https_//www.deviantart|/dvfhgrvvghg If a thread is not active on the|1st of the month,|one will be created.|Be advised_|this is a thread about cartoon horses.|Old thread_|NEETpone/Misfit General_|AnimeCon Edition.|Previous_|>What is this general\\?|NEET/Misfit Pone is a thread for ponies who despite their best efforts-or in some cases complete lack thereof-struggle to fit in with the rest of society.|>What sort of stories can you expect to find here\\?|Slice of life stuff.|Lots of odd cute ponies becoming the waifu stories.|Lots of being the cute oddball pony stories.|A few NEET-recovery stories.|A lot of smut,|if you're into that.|Lots of ponies to get you started with a variety of personalities and quirks.|Don't like one of them\\?|Give another NEET a try!|Much,|much more!|>Quick rundown on the pre-existing ponies ITT_|Floor Bored|- The OG|NEET from the very first threads.|Floor comes in all different forms,|- Paradise is a pony who started off as a NEET but ends up going to univeristy in a PiE setting.|She's very quiet,|easily spooked,|- Huge bookworm.|Taku|- Goldie is another friend of Floors,|only she's into kaiju and big monsters.|- Floor's sports nerd friend-Pic above,|pony with the hat and lazy eye-Home Sick|- Anon Mare is entirely up to your own interpretation.|Same premise as Anon Filly but all grown up.|The self-insert pony.|Writer's Block|NEET pony whos background is currently unclear.|Know anything about her\\?|- A chubby mare who lives in a PiE kind of setting.|- A femcolt/trap NEET that enjoys making electronic music.|Very laid back,|https_//ponepaste.org/5398|https_//poneb.in/u/FrankHogs555|>Link to OP_|https_//ponepaste.org/5397|We are playing TF2!|Secret agent edition OLD|THREAD_|Pony maps,|sprays,|and micspam!|Reskinned vanilla maps-with mares-by our very own anons!|Come relive the heyday of pony TF2|with your friends from|/mlp/!|Visit our official website to check out the server info from your browser_|https_//mlp.tf/|If you'd like a custom icon on the mlp.tf scoreboard,|post your Steam ID and attach your desired icon in the thread.|>Server info Server IP_|tf2.15.ai OR|Password_|https_//steamcommunity|.bz2|file,|then place the|.bsp file in|http_//mlp.site.nfoservers|/server/maps/|Player stats_|http_//mlp.gameme|/server/demos/|Active hours_|7-9pm to|players-Custom MvM also available for early hours-42|player limit-and other gamemodes like Death Run or VSH for after-hours.|This server uses a plugin that changes the stats of some weapons.|for more info.|All reverts except for the old airblast are active by default,|and most reverts can be toggled in-game.|Consider installing mastercomfig if you have frequent frame drops,|bad hitreg,|poor network connectivity,|or are new to the game.|See https_//mastercomfig|for easy installation.|It is STRONGLY recommended that all players install some preset of mastercomfig since TF2's default netcode settings have not been changed since|THERE|IS|DISCORD|SERVER|ASSOCIATED|WITH|THIS|Any post mentioning|\"the|Discord\"|is a troll and should be ignored.|/vg/-style chatroom-posting is OFF-TOPIC and should be reported as such.|and skill level across the playerbase varies.|Join the fun!|Nightly Twilight Thread_|Magic after dark edition Twilight's favourite books_|https_//ponepaste.org/7844|Fanfic Reading_|/playlist\\?list=PLYetaRLw6_prOF6FYfBqoCtdz-D-7uUP9|Pastebins_|/u/NightlyTwilightFic https_//pastebin|/u/NighlyTwilightStorie https_//pastebin|/u/BizzarreCoyote https_//pastebin|/u/YukkuriPalehorse https_//pastebin|/u/Silver_Smoulder|/ra/|- Rarity Thread_|Fancy Dinner edition.|Last Th/ra/d_|A bunch of short greens_|https_//ponepaste.org/9328|Rarity Mixtape_|https_//youtube|Spotify Playlist_|https_//derpy.me/RJoFC|/qEw9Vbd6|Pack of every good solo Rarity pic-in progress__|July|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/ybZ5tgu7OpwUtg January|- June|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/1nEHq8Bqp8AHIg July|- December|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/lYezh-7PUbS_zA|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/J4N6U8Av-dBLXQ|>Rainbow Dash isn’t available for you to cum inside today Gorilla-Man.|I sent her on a|“secret Wonderbolt mission”|for an alicorn artifact,|thats actually some silly wild goose chase.|So why don’t you relax hmm\\?|Oh and since I’m a military official,|thats an order!|Czequestria|Nah fuck this,|we're having a thread for Czequestria.|Date_|August|23-25,|Place_|KD|Krakov, Prague, Czech Republic Event language_|English https_//www.czequestria.cz/en/|Darting.|/create/|-general content creation thread_-formerly known as|/tempo/,|or T_EM/P/O-A conglomerate of content creators since we couldn't keep our own threads up alone.|If you're working on something,|be it musicfagging,|writefagging,|drawfagging,|poetfagging,|craftfagging,|or game-devfagging come by and post for some feedback or give some of your own.|If you want to start content creating why not start today\\?|This thread is intended for ALL|SKILL|LEVELS,|from complete beginner to seasoned expert.|Don't get intimidated.|We're all just hobbyists here to have fun and help each other make more pony stuff.|Active Community Projects_|Mare Fair|27th|-29th-/mlp/|SS13|https_//ponepaste.org/9401-really needs updated,|bug me about this later-Tempo Music Archive_|https_//magma|/invite/DXPPI_ZG|Current|/bale/|PPP thread for all your AI-generated voice needs_|They're going to fuck and milk you of your sperm in front of your waifu.|Are you strong enough to resist them and prevent your waifu from becoming a cuckquean\\?|Cheerilee thread\\?_|Eight years since we were properly introduced to the first cinnamon roll|/sun/day!|Let us bask in Princess Celestia's gentle radiance.|https_//ponepaste.org/4028|Music Playlist https_//youtube|Have a Celestia story that you want added to the archive\\?|>Link to story on Pastebin or Ponepaste|>Say whether the story is finished or unfinished,|or if it is a one shot-this is important for sorting->Provide a synopses of the plot-please do this, I don't like writing these->Any other important information that you want to add,|such as the thread of origin.|Broken Pastebin URL\\?|with poneb.in/|Humanized variants of Princess Celestia and others are unwelcome here.|ja0822ck appreciation thread_|Take a deep breath and discuss why acid/skitzo pony man is the best active artist in the fandom|where the FUCK is the cozy thread|Pony Preservation Project-Thread|Welcome to the Pony Voice Preservation Project!|youtu.be/730zGRwbQuE|The Pony Preservation Project is a collaborative effort by|to build and curate pony datasets for as many applications in AI as possible.|Technology has progressed such that a trained neural network can generate convincing voice clips,|drawings and text for any person or character using existing audio recordings,|artwork and fanfics as a reference.|As you can surely imagine, AI pony voices,|drawings and text have endless applications for pony content creation.|AI is incredibly versatile,|basically anything that can be boiled down to a simple dataset can be used for training to create more of it.|fanfics,|wAIfu chatbots and even animation are possible,|and are being worked on here.|Any anon is free to join,|and there are many active tasks that would suit any level of technical expertise.|If you’re interested in helping out,|take a look at the quick start guide linked below and ask in the thread for any further detail you need.|EQG and G5|are not welcome.|>Quick start guide_|/document/d/1PDkSrKKiHzzpUTKzBldZeKngvjeBUjyTtGCOv2GWwa0/edit Introduction to the PPP,|links to text-to-speech tools,|and how-You-can help with active tasks.|>The main Doc_|resources and archives.|>Active tasks_|Research into animation AI|>Latest developments_|GDrive clone of Master File now available|SortAnon releases script to run TalkNet on Windows|TalkNet training script|FiMmicroSoL model|Delta GPT-J notebook|tutorial|New FiMfic GPT model|FimFic dataset release|Offline GPT-PNY|FiMfic dataset|SD weights|SD low vram|Huggingface SD_|Colab SD|NSFW|Pony Model|New DeltaVox|so-vits-svt|so-vits-svt tutorial|Hay Say|Haysay on the web!|SFX seperator|Synthbot updates GDrive|Private|\"MareLoid\"|VoiceCraft|Fimfarch dataset|years of PPP|Audio re-up|RVC|Experiments|Ace Studio Demo|>The PoneAI drive,|an archive for AI pony voice content_|>Clipper’s Master Files,|the central location for MLP voice data_|/drive/folders/1MuM9Nb_LwnVxInIPFNvzD_hv3zOZhpwx|>Cool,|where is the discord/forum/whatever unifying place for this project\\?|You're looking at it.|Last Thread_|RGRE - Reversed Gender Roles Equestria_|ゴゴゴゴ|Edition Previous thread_|Fauster's Story Archive_|Uh-hmmm's Prompt Archives_|https_//ponepaste.org/1046|Have a broken Pastebin link\\?|Replace pastebin with poneb.in Remember_|not to save anything of value on Pastebin ignore all attempts at early new threads ignore new threads by the cheerimac poster why the fuck am I the one baking\\?|the baker's guild will hear of this|Stallion Thread_|Big Mac Edition ITT we talk about stallions-and other non-pony males-and R63|versions of mares.|Last thread_|Pony Transformation General_|Human becomes pony.|How,|why and what happens next are all up to you.|New stories and art welcome!|Any type of transformation into ponies,|gryphons,|changelings,|dragons,|kirin,|etc.,|whether OC or canonical,|Anonponies of all shapes and sizes.|Want to be the little pony\\?|This is the thread for you.|Previously on PTFG_|- Very self-indulgent unicorn stallion TF - New|Complete!|- Mares With Guns by OrwellRedenbacher|- New!|https_//ponepaste.org/9446|- Interstate by Ceiling Necromancer https_//ponepaste.org/9707|- Chestnut Glaze by pogoman122|- Complete!|- Daisy Belle by OrwellRedenbacher|https_//ponepaste.org/9985|- Go Ask Littlepip When She's Two And A|Half Feet Tall by Darkdemonlucifer|Ticket To The Circus by Darkdemonlucifer|https_//ponepaste.org/7247|- The Pon-E|Rewrites_|Purple Black Gray by Alycorn|- Beach Walk https_//ponepaste.org/9521|- Nemetona by Meslam https_//ponepaste.org/9720|- Pink In The Club by AtomicGlow|https_//ponepaste.org/9600|- War Story by OrwellRedenbacher|https_//ponepaste.org/9485|Papi|https_//ponepaste.org/9477|- Untitled Short Pet Story|by definitelynotapurplehorse|https_//ponepaste.org/9470|- New Moon https_//ponepaste.org/9450|- Twin Moon by Advisability|https_//ponepaste.org/8991|- Unfinished Pizzaportal epilogue by Gnisha https_//ponepaste.org/8967|Mirror, Brightly by Fructose https_//derpy.me/wxs|- WXS volume|- Heroes Never Die by Shimmerist Ari https_//ponepaste.org/8902|- Cannon for sale by Pinkening https_//ponepaste.org/8904|- Experiment R41NB0W|- Horsegirl by Neighpalm https_//ponepaste.org/8866|- Stripped Screw by Neighpalm https_//ponepaste.org/8835|- The Lunar Experience by Slippery_Slope|https_//ponepaste.org/7973|- Honey Pot by Wanda https_//ponepaste.org/8731|- Soda Pony TFTG-ish and Sex by AtomicGlow|- That Particular Instance I|Piece Of Silverware by Yuri Fanatic https_//ponepaste.org/8210|- My First Maregasm by anonfilly Archive of over|stories,|as well as additional links and materials_|https_//pone.tf Past threads index_|http_//nsfw.pone.tf/|Chat_|https_//discord.gg/tfAjenN|Recommended stories for new readers_|https_//ponepaste.org/7278|Shadowbolt Thread|Back To School Edition_|Let's explore any and all sorts of ideas for the underutilized and under-developed Shadowbolts from Equestria Girls.|--- Completed Stories_|Treating Miss Sweet by ChurroAnon|/7r8iCJ2U --- Ongoing Stories_|To Listen-Part|1-by AlexanderGrey|/c6D2XDbL|Game of Headphones-Part|2-by AlexanderGrey|/Sx1M6gnB|Music Is Coming-Part|3-by Alexander Grey|/4c5BLWLd|--- Shamelessly stolen writing guides_|/whCQ2GpX -https_//pastebin|Other Shadowbolt links_|/wYy0FyrA https_//ponepaste.org/3740|Submission is Mandatory|Please sthap edition.|>What is this thread about\\?|This thread is dedicated to stories that have clear dominate and submissive roles;|both with and without consent.|>What exactly is welcome in this thread\\?|A wide variety of stories are welcomed here;|from non-consent and sexual slavery,|to abusive manipulation and psychological domination,|to maids and extortion,|and even healthy consensual relationships with BDSM role-play elements.|Other variations are welcome as well,|so long as they are complementary to the domination/submission focus of the thread.|Up to date archives_|Thread story list_|https_//ponepaste.org/7575|Thread list_|https_//ponepaste.org/7446|Unsorted oneshots/prompts/unfinished greens_|https_//ponepaste.org/7672|Outdated archives_|https_//poneb.in/f8f09HB4|https_//poneb.in/778zgnJ5|https_//mulpwiki.batpony.party/index.php/SiM|——————|This thread was originally founded to support the|“Submission is Mandatory”|While the story has gone on hiatus,|it’s content is referred to by a number of stories in this thread.|In return,|she grants him ownership of the Mane|Expanded Universe Stories-Octavia POV-Recommended-https_//poneb.in/Y2AahdQp Other Stories|-https_//poneb.in/3AFdqxvs|Use ponepaste.org Have a broken pastebin link\\?|Active stories_|Last updated in the previous thread-#125__|>The Carat and Stick by RapeApe|!bwwXn5Gx.o Cadance forces Rarity onto medifag Anon.|https_//ponepaste.org/733|https_//ponepaste.org/4327|https_//ponepaste.org/9692|End of the last update_|>Thralls of Twilight by ManicQuil The retired princesses show Twilight a new hidden side in their relationship.|Starts here_|Last updated here_|>Harsh is The Night by ManicQuil EQG story with a sub Rainbow Dash and her mistress Luna.|Last update here_|>The Culture of Rubber Ponies by ManicQuil Ponies covered in latex.|https_//ponepaste.org/7692|>Short EQG christmas story with Dom Celestia and sub Dazzlings by ManicQuil Starts here_|Ends here-|more to come|?-_|>Untitled Applebloom trying out a special outfit for Nightmare Night Starts here_|>Title may be|Reluctant Pride\"|by Keeper Anon fucking his way into becoming leader of the gryphons https_//ponepaste.org/9057|Mare Fair Thread|More Staff Edition_|WE'RE|HIRING_|Do-You_,|yes-You_!|Want to be involved in how the sausage-marefair-is made\\?|Well now's your chance!|We are currently looking for anons to help volunteer for many departments,|especially Operations, Attendee Relations,|and Distribution!|Of course,|if you want to help in other departments,|such as A/V or the Game Room,|please apply!|We're always looking for more help in making this con happen,|so don't shy away from applying!|If you have any questions about the responsibilities of working in certain departments,|please feel free to send an email or ask here in the thread!|As mentioned before,|our venue has been changed to the Marriott Orlando Airport Lakeside!|so if you've made any travel plans from September|27th through the|29th in the area,|just make sure you rebook your stay to the Marriott instead of our previous venue!|We have limited room available on our room block,|and some days over the con weekend are close to selling out.|Be sure to book your room now if you plan to attend!|you can always look for room shares in these threads too!|If you would like to know more please visit our website at_|https_//marefair.org/venue/|Finally,|just another reminder that Fair Flyer and Morning Mimosa will be available as plushies at this year’s Mare Fair!-Sorry Soirée and Matinée,|maybe next year.-We’ve collaborated with Symbiote Studios to make two of our mascots come to life,|and we hope you’ll love them enough to take home your very own!|If you have any questions or concerns,|please send us an email at_|info@marefair.org All official information will be made available by our staff using these tripcodes_|Ebonyglow|!!eSW1dXRikgk Rez|!!fjenat+Ey8k|Anonfilly Thread|- Wings Edition_|>Spoonfeed me.|What's this thread about\\?|This thread typically consists of Anon gone filly,|as he's thrust into a new life as a cute little pony.|>What's to be expected\\?|Fillies,|cuteness, Anon-tier shenanigans,|bitchy Twilight,|desires to be the little filly,|>Any archive of photos or stories\\?|Dropbox-Photos__|>I'm a contributor.|Great!|For writers,|just notify|̶A̶l̶l̶|̶N̶i̶g̶h̶t̶e̶r̶|̶F̶g̶t̶|Lone15,|so you can have your green added to the Doc.|For artists,|animators,|or any other content makers,|you can store your fillies in the Dropbox for future viewing pleasure.|which you can check out here_|https_//projects.fivethirtyeight|/personality-quiz/\\?group=-LdS-38NvfIG9PHPrYB8|>I don't like this thread because of reasons.|You'll never know how it is unless you try a dose of filly.|Old Mare_|What would your ideal current year FiM content creator look like.|Would they focus on episode discussion\\?|Canon debates\\?|Fanart creation/showcase\\?|Music\\?|It’s hard to keep a fanbase running the longer the show it’s based on is over.|But what would you as a fan look for in a FiM fandom channel/account/website\\?|Anonymous in Equestria thread|Last thread,|IRC_|irc.rizon.net|#/mlp/AiE|Active list_|/mVG33ERX|Master list_|/xGf9RcL9|Completed Stories list_|/QZ4PDe7g Stories Sorted by Pony_|/GJyQquaY|>rope's HD remastered thread archives_|/Qg2dwzq0|>If a pastebin link is broken you can copy the string at the end of the url of a poneb.in link so pastebin|/mVG33ERX becomes https_//poneb.in/mVG33ERX|>PiE|Corner|>Remember to tag all PiE|Author List_|http_//derpy.me/PiE_Pictures Browser Pony Author List_|/ZCGjtftk|/4clop/|4clop and Tribes thread I'm Still Standing edition_|Thread for discussion of|>4CLOP,|the game of war and geoponitics!|Also a thread for Tribes,|a similar game about pony ethnonationalism!|>4clop https_//4clop|>Tribes https_//ponywar|When was the last thread\\?|A month ago\\?|Putting one up myself.|I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash.|Dazzling Thread|Back to school edition.|All Dazzling lovers are welcome.|It doesn't matter if you're an Adagio, Aria or Sonatafag,|let's all join in one place.|Post anything of the Dazzlings_|drawings,|discussions,|fetishes,|re-edits,|gifs,|re-made songs-written or,|if you had the guts to,|sung_,|anything you like.|Come here and show that you're under their spell!|Archives-green,|https_//dazzlefan.club/|Guides for Aspiring Writers_|https_//ponepaste.org/1661|https_//ponepaste.org/1659|https_//ponepaste.org/1658|Art Compilation_|Steam group_|http_//steamcommunity|/groups/PraisetheSirens Old Shattered Gem_|Fingerbang_|The Equestria Girls and Humanized Thread|- Summer Loving Edition Part|Welcome to Fingerbang_|Humanized Thread!|Anything with|>no hooves is welcome and encouraged here.|If you like to write,|or critique the humanized versions of the ponies,|then this is the thread for you.|Story List_|--Recent Writefags--pastebin can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary-Grey_|https_//ponepaste.org/9699-Pinkie Pie-Anonymous_|https_//ponepaste.org/8602-Coco-Less Recent Writefags_|--- Archival Pastebin_|/u/FingerbangingMLP-pastebin can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary-Thread Resources_|http_//derpy.me/b783H|FimFiction Group_|http_//derpy.me/tQSuG|Discord_|https_//discord.gg/jXfKyJP|Google Drive_|--->How did this Humanized thread get started\\?|What happened to Fingerbang\\?|The Humanized thread was created when the various humanized threads-including Fingerbang-on|decided to merge.|The rest is history.|Quite literally as of now.|>I did it, Anon!|>I finally figured out a way to get to the human world!|Rise of Paradise|#33.5-CYOA__|Last time,|not a lot happened cause I went on vacation for a bit.|Back now though,|so if you want to catch back up on the short last thread it's here_|Vinyl Scratch Thread|-/vst/_|Show Vinyl some love by posting cute pics,|as well as greens.|Vinyl Pastebin Collection-http_//pastebin|/u/Two_Echo A collection of Vinyl stories-https_//ponepaste.org/user/TiredAsShit Individual Vinyl Greens- Wubs From Vinyl-Anon x Vinyl-http_//pastebin|/TvHbH1xE|Fuck You-Anon x Vinyl-https_//ponepaste.org/8191|Vinyl gets a ride from Anon http_//pastebin|/HutPuyAK|Vinyl and Anon date http_//pastebin|/G8dJtww7|Stuttering Vinyl http_//pastebin|/SWaLMMjK|Vinyl and Anon at CHS http_//pastebin|/mUFNraWX|Teenage Vinyl makes a deal http_//pastebin|/ZaeXSTxi The Other Side-Anon x Scratch-http_//pastebin|/EfmVk5pi Twisting the Vinyl https_//pastebin|/A3R7g1uG|Canterlot Rape Wars http_//pastebin|/857MZ8RQ|#AZ2xm#Daughter Vinyl https_//pastebin|/Tyb8ZpPL|Vinyl Scratch x Neon Lights https_//ponepaste.org/8185|Vinyl Takes Anon https_//ponepaste.org/8186|Taking Care of Vinyl Scratch https_//ponepaste.org/8187|Vinyl's Gangbang Bus https_//ponepaste.org/8188|Binyl Scratch_|Raping anon to perfection https_//ponepaste.org/8189|Vinyl archive_|\"Do you even lift the bass\\?\"|https_//ponepaste.org/8190|https_//mega.nz/folder/4gwEmCrJ#g0rinvi8aPkPzNvmuI3dkw|Pinkie Pie is breaking time and space again|5-My Little Pony_|New Generation-Make Your Mark series has begun on Netflix,|and there's still the movie as well!|Tell Your Tale episode playlist https_//www.youtube|/playlist\\?list=PLUnS6VWqJBaZqq_emLdwdCwU7O7RDEyxW|Pony Life_|https_//mega.nz/folder/Ji5VkAwY#BYzHARWDjj-djo8e4WTsnQ|YouTube Playlist of pony shorts https_//www.youtube|The Manga|Day in the Life of Equestria, Vol.|/file/j76lgbbq1nibrrj/MLP_The_Manga_Vol_1_HD.rar/file Get a physical copy https_//sevenseasentertainment|/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-1/|Day in the Life of Equestria Vol.|/file/nmbj6jdwg2faw4r/MLP_Manga_Vol2.rar/file Get a physical copy https_//sevenseasentertainment|/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-2/|/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-3/|A little over a month left of summer to go,|and the vacations are ending.|That means it's definitely an opportune time to get the fall line rolling out,|supposing inspiration has sufficiently struck.|And if not, Rarity's just going to have to continue taking in the sights|-on company time.|Business expenses,|and whatnot.|Perfectly reasonable in her line of work.|/glim/|- She's gonna need a stronger cup|'o joe_|This is a thread for all things Starlight Glimmer.|Post pics,|greens and discussion.|Topics discussed_|>what if glim was|“evil”|and reformed\\?|>Glimmy calls you a pussy,|what do\\?|glim found THAT memory|slightly smoked glims|>You vs Glim,|who wins\\?|switch glims\\?|>devilish|>Starlight and Dash's relationship|>Invaded by the Great and Powerful Trixie|somehow,|gave birth to a human #AZ2xm#baby instead of a foal\\?|>Glimmy gives Anon strength|>Kissy kissy glim and trixie https_//files.catbox.moe/1t94ik.jpg|Double Diamond comic https_//files.catbox.moe/lrm0ne.jpg|>Anon drew a Starlight https_//files.catbox.moe/y5wypr.png|>Do it for glim https_//files.catbox.moe/s1sksm.png|>Glimmies!|https_//files.catbox.moe/4eeopr.jpg|\"Ice Ice Glimmy\"|>Starlight makes it snow|>Starlight and Anon have ice cream|>But how does she taste\\?|https_//ponepaste.org/7897|Princess Applejack_|Howdy,|What you see here began as a series of comedy-centric stories with the concept of an alicorn-ascended Princess Applejack trying to change a mismanaged Equestria for the better by humorously interacting with the other,|quite lazy,|Plus late night pink antics.|The whole thing was set in motion by this gem_|>So,|wait,|why am Ah'|a princess again\\?|>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom.|You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done\\?|Fucking nothing.|Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight,|And don't even get me started on Cadence,|who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative.|Fucking annoying.|Go do actual princess stuff,|because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks|\"Princess\"|\"Beat cop.\"|Are you feeling creative\\?|Try your hand at writing a story!|If you're more artistically inclined give a drawing or sketch a shot.|Don't fret too much;|it doesn't have to be fancy and we appreciate artwork a lot.|If that isn't your style either,|writers always need feedback.|So tell us what you liked|-and what you didn't|-to help us improve.|If you are unsure about anything,|do not be afraid to ask.|We will gladly bring you up-to-date or explain anything you feel is unclear.|374!|WHO'S|READY|FOR|GODFIGHT|GALORE\\?|Sorry,|but bat ponies have already colonized the entire galaxy!|Kekeke.|That's right,|it's quadrillions of bat ponies in every direction.|You'll just have to be happy with the couple we left you in your solar system.|Fuuuufufu.|But we'll be nice and let you visit our worlds.|More animatics are getting leaked_|Bats!_|https_//files.catbox.moe/11ersk.mp4|>Let me spell it out for you Anonymous.|Unless you marry me,|you are going to die from old age.|You will suffer from cancer or dementia,|most certainly becoming weaker and less active as the months go by for decades and decades until finally you’re buried in the ground somewhere.|Immortality is the only answer to suffering.|Rarity thread_|Sexy detective edition.|>Be me|>Havent watched since S3|>Get reaction video of Rarity|>Reccomended some season|episode in full from YouTube #AZ2xm#Kids|>Click on it and watch for|>Fluttershy has a younger brother now,|and he's bigger than her What the FUCK\\?|What other LORE was NEVER mentioned in the first three seasons\\?|What was her worst sin|/mlp/\\?|I didn't follow TyT but she was pretty cute in MyM|>Macaron Mare Today’s the day!|Cherie is chomping at the bit to set a record baking the world’s biggest macaron and win the title of Macaron Mare!|With her regular orders piling up-at her horse cart_, Cocoa worries Cherie has bitten off more macaron than she can chew!|But Cherie is determined until she totes out a giant-oozy-macaron with a mind of its own!|SPLAT!|Realising how important this contest is to her friend, Cocoa rallies some other horses-Perla and Candi_,|and together,|they manage to tame Cherie’s macaron flop and help her get back on track https_//youtu.be/WrkIAXmL0wU|Gif Thread_|Post horse movements|/aj/|- Applejack Thread_|Tropical edition Previous thread_|Thread links_|Voice archive https_//drive.google|Greens https_//pastebin|/4EdcwVeN https_//pastebin|/1wd0YfDm https_//pastebin|/6jZyENuM https_//mulpwiki.batpony.party/index.php/Category_Flabrus https_//pastebin|/u/docmajor119|https_//mulpwiki.batpony.party/index.php/Category_Rahzma A playlist of Applejack songs https_//www.youtube|/playlist\\?list=PLc9PEja7FcxBAd7vP8|Pinkie Pie Thread_|Post pink kitchen apron girl.|Fan Site Alternative Thread|This is the general thread for the alternative fan sites of the My Little Pony fandom.|Discussion,|development suggestions,|and criticisms are all welcome here.|Still on life support edition.|>Why alternate boorus\\?|Changes to Derpibooru have made the site a less than ideal location for pony fan art.|several new boorus arose to provide alternatives.|Many of the altbooru owners post in thread and listen to questions and comments from anons.|Please keep posts about Derpibooru in the thread on mlpg.co.|>Why alternate text sites\\?|>Why alternate text,|fanfiction,|and fanfiction archival sites\\?|Pastebin has deleted,|and continues to delete,|greentexts on the site.|FimFiction does not allow stories in the greentext format.|FimFetch has been purging foalcon and other material deemed to be|\"unacceptable\"|as late as Jan|2024,.|As such,|a new home is needed.|Overview_|altboorus.org|booru.foalcon by Pathos-!!arjIjTdCTdq-- Underage lyrabooru.org|- Hot glue|>Greentext,|>File sharing smutty.horse-frozen until further notice-IWIFTP|>Latest Developments_|- Ponybooru has been up and down a lot due to server issues.|- FoalFetch is being worked on,|but slowly.|- Floorb is working on a project to archive pony from Twitter, DeviantArt and maybe other sites,|and looking for volunteers to help.|- A security/privacy issue on Ponepaste,|which allowed for anyone to view one's private paste titles,|their authors,|and tags-but not its actual content-was patched.|- The fanfiction archival site FimFetch escalates its ongoing purge of content deemed by them as|\"unacceptable\"-mainly foalcon-by hosting a list of accounts from all around the fandom-FimFiction, Discord, AO3, Derpibooru,|ect.-they|\"found\"|to be associated with said material.|In response, Floorb has created foalfetch.net.|For keeping up with the ongoing drama,|see https_//ponepaste.org/9926|/mlpu/|- MLP|Yuri/Lesbian General_|After Sx Smoke Edition Discuss and debate your favorite dyke ships or just post mares lezzing out.|Post freckled cowboy hat girl.|Post blue spandex shorts girl.|FoE/|- Fallout Equestria_|Post Apocalyptic Pony Thread_|Rare species edition.!|Fallout Equestria,|a story that bleeds two franchises together to build something magical.|On one side,|you have death,|destruction,|decay,|and misery|-on the other,|you have ponies.|Doesn't sound like it should mix\\?|You'd be surprised.|When the world around you is wasteland,|all you're left with is hope,|and as we all know,|ponies can do spectacular things with just a little hope.|Read Fallout Equestria by Kkat to appreciate the setting that many writers have then lent upon after being so captivated by the wonders.|The original story which spawned its own fandom can be found here_|These next four stories comprise the rest of what is considered|\"the big|alongside the original.|They were biggest hitters early in the fandom,|be it for having started before many others,|their length,|or overall quality.|>Project Horizons_|>Pink Eyes_|https_//www.fimfiction.net/story/931/|>Heroes_|https_//www.fimfiction.net/story/662/|>Murky Number Seven_|Though,|a reminder;|just because these are the most well known,|that isn't to say that there aren't other stories out there!|There are many hidden gems that simply don't get the love they deserve purely because people don't give them the chance.|Why not open your heart and try to find a new favorite\\?|Anons are absolutely welcomed and encouraged to return with fic discussion of even the most obscure fics!|Fan games_|>Fallout Equestria_|Remains A|Fallout Equestria Roguelike.|It is the best thing to come of the fandom recently.|Seriously go play it https_//foe-remains.gitlab.io/main_en.html|>Balefire Blues A|Hearts of Iron IV mod.|In it you take control over various FoE factions seeking to conquer the wasteland.|>Ashes Town A derivative of Pony Town,|set in the Fallout Equestria universe.|Thread Topic_|Whats your personal head-canon for some of the non equine races in FOE\\?\\?|Art Thread|Backends_|>https_//github|/LykosAI/StabilityMatrix This is more of a one click manager that you can install|run the other backends though.|Easiest by far.|stablediffusion if checkpoint...->Stable Diffusion Automatic1111|/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui I would recommend installing this through Stability Matrix.|>ComfyUI https_//github|/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI\\?tab=readme-ov-file#installing Has a learning curve but is extremely customizable and usually has the latest methods|papers implemented first.|>\"But I don't have a decent GPU\"|https_//novelai.net You could also use a service like civitai.|Models_|>Pony Diffusion V6|XL https_//civitai|>Autism Mix-Alternative model based upon pony diffusion, I prefer the DPO version of it.|Better anatomy|more coherent.-https_//civitai|>Seaart-Less pony knowledge but has artist tags and is very high quality.-https_//civitai|>Useful artist style LoRA_|>LoRAs by|/mlp/_|https_//rentry.org/ponyxl_loras|/h and other useful info_|https_//rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff|>How to make your own LoRA_|https_//rentry.org/59xed3|/articles/3522/valstrixs-crash-course-guide-to-lora-and-lycoris-training https_//civitai|/articles/4100/how-to-create-a-style-lycoris-for-ponyxl-on-low-vram-locally|>Prompt tips for new users_|Use tags from e621|and natural language.|Here,|all the usual misinfo already addressed in one easy place for your viewing displeasure_|/watch\\?v=F-i09Nz96cw|/mlpfit/_|2-0.|Why was he written out of tyt when mym showed that he was moving into the Brighthouse\\?|I want to play an MLP|G4|video game_|But you know,|not complete dog shit.|Looking for stuff like RPG's or maybe farming/slice of life simulators.|I'm even down for games made for a more|\"mature\"|audience.|Got any good suggestions anons\\?|Fluttershy Thread_|Shy Does It for Free Edition For those seeking any and all things Fluttershy.|>/shy/thread Ponepaste-includes the OP,|writefag list,|writefag request bin,|and all current/completed stories-https_//ponepaste.org/user/FluttershyThread|>Collaborative Fluttershy playlist-request for new content to be added in the thread-https_//www.youtube|>/mushy/|Musical mixtape-request for new content to be added in the thread-https_//www.youtube|NOBODY|EXPECTS|MY|LITTLE|PONY|TALES|Are there character that SHOULD have been in G4\\?|What the fuck does this mean\\?_|anon,|what does this shit mean\\?|What does it mean that it's a big Trixie marble\\?|I thought maybe it was a bowling ball but there's no holes and on further inspection it looks closer to a huge marble,|but I'm open to anything at this point.|But she's also tied to the teacup somehow\\?|Try again\\?|Try again at what\\?|And to what end\\?|What's going on\\?|>anon,|if it's not too much trouble,|could you,|um,|turn up the heat a little bit\\?|It's k-kinda chilly.|My Massive Pony_|Great and Powerful edition Writers,|and critiques are always welcome,|so long as it pertains to the main idea of the thread which is size difference.|Check out our slowly growing ponepaste_|https_//ponepaste.org/3112|Sweetie Belle is a slut.|Good mooorrrning people!|The sun is shimmering,|and there are sisters that need a plowing!|What if when Fluttershy was under the influence of poison joke not only her voice dropped low but she grew low hanging balls too\\?|That voice had to come from somewhere|Lingerie Thread_|Reply with your pony waifus wearing all things lingerie related.|>Please darling as if I would ever have sex with somepony who already lost their virginity back in their homeworld.|You think I couldnt smell it\\?|I dont know who she is but you were marked the moment you enter Equestria.|Its too bad.|Bad hair day|/pnk/|- Pinkie Pie Thread_|Strawberry Edition Previous thread_|My queen is so cool and powerful.|Posey Thread_|Brighthouse Egregore Edition_|Posey has been inducted into the|\"Brighthouse Egregore\"|in the latest episode|will our chudmare ever be the same\\?|You thought her simply befriending Pipp was her downfall\\?|You haven't seen nothing yet.|What's an egregore\\?|Wikipedia has this definition_|>An egregore-also spelled egregor;|from French|égrégore,|from Ancient Greek|ἐγρήγορος,|egrēgoros|'wakeful'-is a concept in Western esotericism of a non-physical entity or thoughtform that arises from the collective thoughts and emotions of a distinct group of individuals.|On the bright side,|we can expect more Posey,|on the downside_|She's being brainwashed into participating in the occultism of friendship.|Gloomy sweat edition mayne!|/BFFs/|Glasses Are Cute edition_|This thread is for the bestest BFFs ever_|Izzy!|this is not a shipping thread.|>Greentext stories short and long_|only the starting one,|so make sure to check the replies for any continuation!|Izzy has to choose|Izzy get confused in prison|Izzy discovers it too|Izzy is probably drunk|Anon is distressed|Misty makes dinner for her friends|Then they have a sleep over|Izzy loses a special friend|Izzy is very good at Uno|Definitely Izzy is unique at Bridlewood|Izzy pranks her friends with an Izzy plush and absolutely nothing goes wrong|Green based on|Anon explains Izzy's shorter mane|Anon compliments Izzy|Less a green and more an idea vomit but hey it's OC|Izzy shows Anon how a unicorn does...|New_|Continuation-and maybe conclusion\\?-of the plush-come-to-life saga|Our pink princess is so precious!|Izzy Moonbow_|>Hi new friend!|Tell Your Tale_|Sleepover!!_|/watch\\?v=aGPEJ-Vh1Ec Previous_|Should I be fapping exclusively to my waifu or is that just an extra challenge anons impose on themselves\\?|I don't see it as cheating or being unfaithful since it's just masturbating but I would like to do it to be closer to my waifu.|/Bale/|Beginner And Low Effort art thread|-#52_|Welcome friends, ITT_|We make and share pony art,|with absolutely no pressure to deliver anything that's technically good-besides having ponies in it,|which makes it good by default-Make something,|share what you've done,|and give feedback and motivation to help us all keep improving and creating!|This thread's focus is art,|but beginner or low effort content of any kind is welcome here.|If you do want to post about something else like music,|gamedev,|or crafts,|just note that you may find better help and feedback posting it in the|thread Are you an experienced artist\\?|Leave some tips,|feedback,|guides,|or tutorials,|they're well appreciated here!|Guides,|tutorials and resources!|Start here!|https_//mares.horse/bale https_//ponepaste.org/8268|Draw with other|videos_|https_//pony.tube/c/bale_stuff/videos|The Curious Case of the Short-Lived|>CYOA\\?|Choose Your Own Adventure.|AKA|Quest.|>Discuss Current, Finished and Upcoming CYOAs|>Give advice on CYOAs|>Pitch ideas|>Get critique|>Trade art List of stories_|WIP-formerly anonpone_.|Your best bet is to search via desuarchive.|List of related content_|https_//poneb.in/JfNFvCxZ|>How do I run a CYOA\\?|>I can't into art,|but I'm a competent writer.|Should I still run a CYOA\\?|JUST|DO|>What day is best\\?|https_//strawpoll|/polls/e7ZJONmvvy3|>What time is best\\?|/polls/bVg86rz02yY|>What race would you play\\?|/polls/GJn4GoO0byz|>What genre are you interested in\\?|/polls/XOgOJ17M0n3|>Can I run a CYOA in this General Thread\\?|Yes,|just take care to differentiate yourself if there's another ongoing CYOA here.|>Active CYOAs as this thread was posted Moonlit|Traversia|I just wanted to say that you are all wonderful ponies and I'm sure you're gonna make your pretend monkey husbands very happy|Gmod Server Thread|To join add|to your Favorites in Multiplayer|Legacy Browser.|To start a gamemode/map change type rtv in chat.|To see server specific commands enter|!commands in chat on the server.|To watch videos with Media Player use Gmod's|64-bit version.|Enable it from the Betas tab in the game's Properties on Steam.|Addon lists_|Server status_|https_//www.battlemetrics|or https_//www.gametracker|Recommended content packs_|HL1_S, Episode|1/2, TF2|content and CS_S content+maps.|https_//gmodcontent|or https_//kajar9.wixsite|LINUX|PAC3/PPM2|collections and other user content_|https_//ponepaste.org/7931|Current gamemodes are Sandbox, TTT2, Death Run, Dropzone, Elevator, Extreme Football Throwdown, Fat #AZ2xm#Kid, Flood, Gungame, Hide and Seek, Horde, HL1|Co-op, HL1|Infected, Lambda_HL2|COOP_, Open Virus, Overwatch, Prop Hunt, Quake|3, SledBuild, The Stalker, Trash Compactor, Zombie Survival,|and Final Frontier.|Go do something that makes your waifu proud|-anything!|She's worth it.|Use this thread to talk about her and why you love her.|Your waifu is before you!|She's your friend,|but still unaware about your feeings.|How would you express them\\?|Its not necessary to rush it,|but mutuality is your goal,|obviously.|>What is a waifu\\?|What defines a waifu\\?|Your waifu is the one character you wish to be with your entire life,|until death do you part.|Possibly beyond that,|Most often this manifests as a romantic interest.|>How do you know if you have a waifu\\?|When you meet your waifu,|you will know.|The world around you will become colorful.|You will realize that you were living in monochrome the entire time.|Her existence provides context and meaning to yours,|a perfect complement,|a perfect comfort,|a perfect love.|There may be low periods,|periods of doubt,|but the rhythm of life will forever pull one towards their waifu,|for that love is eternal.|Long-running discussion,|latecomers,|and the occasional bump are welcome and encouraged,|but we would prefer that the thread not be kept on extended life support.|Worldbuilding Bread_|ITT we discuss Equestria Prompts_|>Which fic or green has the best worldbuilding\\?|>Which fic or green has the strangest worldbuilding\\?|>What time period and area of Equestria do you prefer to write/read/fantasize about\\?|>Which fanart evokes the feeling of Equestria the most to you\\?|>What are some unpopular or uncommon headcanons that you hold\\?|>If you could make|adventure episode at any point in the show,|what would the episode be about\\?|/green/|- Greentext General|Welcome to your|/green/text sanctuary.|Our mission_|rally the troops,|get fingers typing,|flood the board with greentexts.|Anchor your stories here,|finished or not.|Seek feedback and tips on them.|Want to resurrect some forgotten favorites,|dig up an underrated gem,|brainstorm your next big idea\\?|Do it here.|We want-You_.|Let's keep this cornerstone of|culture alive!|▶/mlp/|paste service_|▶Tips and links_|Clever’s Tips on How to Write Short Stories_|https_//rentry.org/CleverShort Ezn’s Guide to Writing Fanfiction_|Vhatug's tips for anatomically correct clop_|/Mare/con|- Writing Greentext_|Horsewords and You_|Characters|Motivation_|https_//youtu.be/4Uqj0orBS0s Horsewords|&-You__|/live/mYtcqDtoTm4\\?si=Kud0Eyai-CWneCVz|▶Generals Greentext Gallery_|https_//rentry.org/GreenArchive Previous thread_|Turnabout Storm/Elements of Justice Thread_|This is about the fan series Turnabout Storm and Elements of Justice because I got depressed at the lack of new episodes this week.|Post stuff about them.|I want Sonata to sit on me.|Pregnancy General_|Swollen Sisters_|This is the Pregnancy General,|not stillborn and ready to be borne again.|We've lately been building up a bundle of regular artists,|storytellers,|and others again;|may this general get quicker and continue quickening.|For files and other things we can't discuss in this thread,|there's a fraternal twin thread over inside Pregchan,|https_//pregchan|/f/res/100.html That thread is the third in a series,|and here are the prior Pregchan threads,|which have been archived here_|here are two archives of our greentexts_|https_//u.smutty.horse/lxqgizelhjx.zip https_//u.smutty.horse/lzbpjsjvhjs.zip Here’s a list of some artists and writers who use these threads_|>GFM_Lewdendorff https_//ponepaste.org/user/GFM_Lewdendorff|>pinkS|Here are some questions to stimulate activity while waiting for the birth_|How would you feed and otherwise care for your gravid dam\\?|Which aspects of magical pony pregnancy excite you most\\?|To be or not to be hyper pregnant\\?|Shoving bellies aside,|which anatomical change do you most appreciate\\?|What's something rarely covered in art or stories you'd like to see focussed on\\?|Who are your favourite artists and writers;|which pieces of theirs are your favourites\\?|For the relevant species,|such as pegasi,|do you prefer eggs or live birth\\?|Would you want to help your mare dress herself,|and in what\\?|How would you cuddle your gravid mare and where\\?|Just how would you comfort your mare if she had a tummy ache,|possibly from eating too much cake\\?|SCHLOP|Post best filly!|/bug/|Total Love Bug Edition_|Oops,|forgot to make another bread Here in|/bug/,|we take Queen Chrysalis on romantic walks,|a kiss on the cheek for Changelings,|and spend time cuddling gaylings.|Some old links_|Old Hive Directory_|https_//ponepaste.org/4223|Very Old|https_//poneb.in/PjB4LKgd BuggyCYOA archive_|https_//ponepaste.org/4086|How does this comment make you feel\\?|I need friends_|This make my childhood-o_∇_o__|Mind control thread|eldritch magic edition_|Originating from a thread about a niche form of hypnosis,|now encompasses varied hypnosis methods from spiraling specs to subtle spells,|swinging watches to wafting brews.|Post anything and everything about controlling a mind.|All ponies-mares and stallions,|fillies and colts-are welcome and encouraged.|Greens and other content only tangentially related will be better recieved in SPG or SiM depending.|Good rule of thumb is if it doesn’t involve taking control of a pony’s mind,|it probably goes somewhere else.-e.g.|no slavery without mind control scenes, IRL self-hypnosis audio,|or tupperware rp-Thread archive https_//ponepaste.org/9352|So Proud of Myself_|How did she become the main character\\?|Mare Day Shirt Pre-Orders_|Fallen Oak is offering pre-orders on some sick mare drip for Mare Day!|Emails say that these high quality,|31st at|5pm EDT,|and also on limited sale at Mare Day.|no more will be sold.|Those who got a ticket,|like yours truly,|have already been sent an email with the details.|But if you haven’t bought a Mare Day ticket,|do so before the pre-order deadline and they’ll send you an email with details.|I’ve been told that if you have a ticket and didn’t get an email,|that you should reach out to mareday-at-fallenoak dot org.|If your friend bought a ticket for you,|you should probably talk to your friend.|There’s not too many Mare Day tickets left,|but you can get em here_|https_//fallenoak.org/mareday/|It's releasing tomorrow!|I hope you will have Fun|Caravan Guard CYOA|>You are Ardent Mind,|an experienced caravan guard and a senior team leader of Steady Stride Caravan Guard Company|>Your job is to escort ponies across the Badlands and beyond to the new colonies in the Mysterious South,|fighting Changelings, Diamond Dogs,|giant lizards and other dangerous wildlife found in The Badlands and the lands beyond|>Most recently you were hired by the Equestrian Rehoming Project,|an organization responsible for managing and encouraging immigration to Equestria’s new colonies|>Your job is to escort and protect one of the Project’s heads,|her entourage,|and a large number of settlers,|fifty ponies in all,|all the way from the city of Appleloosa to New Ponyville in the southern colonies|>The job has been rougher than normal but the excitement reached a crescendo just a week ago when Diamond Dogs trapped your group within a canyon,|leading you to take shelter in a newly excavated ancient Dog temple|>After a costly battle in the temple you were forced to take a metaphorical leap of faith,|leading you and your remaining clients to find yourselves trapped in an underground Diamond Dog city|>For days you looked for ways to escape the underground|>It cost the health of a mare close to you,|as well as your own|you instead took a diplomatic approach|>After a meeting with the leader of the Diamond Dogs, Abuwityuw,|you came to a peace agreement|>The Dogs will let you leave in peace in exchange for you giving up several important ponies and arranging a peace agreement with a nearby group of Equestrian knights|avoiding traps along the way Because it's been a month since the last post I'll be reposting the last prompt and holding a revote for what to do next.-Characters_|/PqtD6vYH-Previous Threads_|My Ponk stopped ponking,|what do I do\\?|Flutterrape|>What is Flutterrape\\?|Flutterrape is a collection of stories about ponies trying and failing to have sex with Anon,|the only human in Equestria.|While the title implies that it is Fluttershy trying to rape Anon,|others may follow in her stead and attempt their own versions of rape.|There are different versions of Flutterrape,|but most are light-hearted comedies about the ponies failing in their attempts to get into Anon’s pants.|Just because your story has Anon in it,|doesn't mean it fits in this thread.|Check other threads-AiE, RGRE etc-about story content before posting.|>It's been|years,|how is this thread still alive\\?|A perverse mixture of necromancy and spite.|>How do I start writing\\?|Use your imagination,|you nitwit.|Additionally,|brush up on your grammar and abandon your standards.|Writing Guides_|Clever Dick's Tips For Short Stories|--https_//ponepaste.org/1274|Driverbang's Writing Guide|--https_//ponepaste.org/1275|Navarone's Writing Rules|--https_//ponepaste.org/1276|For additional information,|lurk.|You could also check out the T_EM/P/O or|threads for further writing advice,|unless they're dead.|So many threads have died,|but only Flutterrape has remained.|We shall always remain.|We are bound to the fate of the board as a lich is bound to its phylactery.|Masterlist_|https_//ponepaste.org/user/FlutterrapeGeneral Author List_|https_//ponepaste.org/1270|FIMfiction Group_|https_//ponepaste.org/1268|https_//desuarchive.org/mlp/search/text/Flutterrape/|There is nothing more pure than love between a man and a mare.|\"lonely at the top\"|edition Old thread_|Ongoing greens_|Shape Your Home by PoneGreen https_//ponepaste.org/477-Part|1-https_//ponepaste.org/478-Part|2-https_//ponepaste.org/479-Part|3-https_//ponepaste.org/480-Part|interlude-Completed/on hiatus/ded greens_|GET|OUT|HEAD by Anonymous|Dreams to Dream by Stabbythesnowman https_//ponepaste.org/590|https_//ponepaste.org/4197-part|3-A|Wish Enough for Two by TakeItEasy-née YukkuriPaleHorse-https_//ponepaste.org/8269|The Recruiter-epilogue-by pentapony https_//ponepaste.org/4316|Hallmark Dream-a by lmone6|https_//ponepaste.org/3004|Stories by Pentapony https_//ponepaste.org/user/pentapony Carl's Hardened Heart by Reggiesomething https_//ponepaste.org/1112|\"Fleetfooted\"|by SadBoy https_//poneb.in/u/MLPSadBoy Stories by Aftercase https_//ponepaste.org/user/Aftercase Stories by AnthonyC4|https_//ponepaste.org/user/AnthonyC4|Stories by Horse Story Anon https_//ponepaste.org/user/Appreciationproject Stories by YukkuriPalehorse https_//poneb.in/u/YukkuriPalehorse Rainbow Dash and the Ghosts of Hearts|Hooves Day by Lonesome Rider https_//poneb.in/U2Jtfc59|Stories by Trandhal_|https_//ponepaste.org/user/trandhal Rocks out of the Quarry_|https_//poneb.in/aX2C686i Stories by Tsar Anon_|https_//poneb.in/BnjZqwM3|Stories by Angry Wino_|tinyurl dot com slash vskmqfx Stories by Crabs of Steam_|https_//poneb.in/u/Crabs_of_steam The Broken Carousel-Part|https_//ponepaste.org/1541-Twilight Sparkle Interlude|https_//ponepaste.org/1543-Part|https_//ponepaste.org/1542-Twilight Sparkle Interlude|https_//ponepaste.org/1544|This Heart That Fears https_//poneb.in/0b7L24Ln Tsukumogami https_//poneb.in/WPw3dNdP|Low Self-Esteem AJ https_//poneb.in/x5FMfxc0|All I want from christmas https_//poneb.in/XHH5UPCN|Couch Surfing https_//poneb.in/82NscJdW|A collection of misc.|green since the|1st thread https_//poneb.in/0JMPM6F8|S2E3|Animatic_|https_//files.catbox.moe/i7pwed.mp4|Foodpony Thread|Flavored Boops Edition_|We will keep trying until EVERYONE enjoys the flavor.|https_//files.catbox.moe/3a4bh7.mp4|/merch/|\"Breaking The Shell!\"|Edition Post and talks about pony merchandise,|official or not.|Discuss plushies,|figures,|clothes,|books,|pins and more!|And new ways to add ponies to our life!|>is selling your products here allowed\\?|Of course!|Absolutely allowed.|>can I talk or post here about my crafting even if what I do isn't for sale\\?|Yes!|We accept merch in all its forms.|>where can I find the old threads\\?|They are all in the Links Index Pastebin,|after the links section.|>where can I find the video/collage of the anniversaries\\?|They are at the bottom of the Link Index Pastebin,|after the archived threads section.|>https_//pastebin|/UhL9KNZF|Here is a pastebin that contains all the links posted and discussed here.|Mainly pony shops,|but also rare/little known products,|figuremaker contacts,|among other things!|Main Links|List of Active Plushmakers_|List of Public Plushie Patterns_|Plush Pattern-with instructions!__|mares.horse/p/plush.html|Patches/Stickers/Desk Flags_|Pins, Stickers, Wallscrolls_|ko-fi|/rocketlawnchair/shop|4cc Jerseys, Pins_|etsy|/shop/zemming|Wallets_|https_//shop.mares.horse/|HorsePussy Books_|amazon|/gp/product/B086PLNPYF/|Feel free to suggest links about pony stuff to be added here and in the pastebin!|Fluttershy if she was a decent character|>I offer you a deal Anon.|You bring me the original Twilight Sparkle’s book of spells and I’ll help you rape all the mares you want.|Or you can have fun with Chrysalis over there.|She might have created me from naught but a simple hair,|but surprisingly I’m more powerful than she is.|I drained all her magic too,|so now shes stuck as a powerless,|has-been Queen.|What do you say hmm\\?|Oh and before you say the wrong answer or try to run away I must remind you that my minions would have no issue ripping you to pieces and feeding you to the timberwolves.|Cotton Cloudy_|Post more of the sixth-best filly|HarmonyCon|Who's going this year\\?|Also new website just dropped,|reg opens on August|and highest tier sponsor badge is|$20k https_//harmonycon.org/|>https_//harmonycon.org/|this g1|reboot is weird|>muah!|>i always knew about the comics|>Never cared too much about them|>I never read comics,|and even if i loved mlp i wouldn't start to read comics because of it|>Clueless.png|>Re-watch the show again since i have nothing better to do|>Im left with a desire for more|>But not the fanfic type more|>I want more oficial mlp|>Im not watching g5|>Im not watching g1-3|>Get reminded about the comics existance|>\"Shure why not\"|>Find all the comics on some page|>Expect to read|or two and then never continue|>Go through chrysalis comics|>\"Kek that was fun\"|>\"See whats next and i'll probably leave these\"|>Become unironically intersted in the story|>She appears|>Im stunned|>I keep reading,|almost like on a trance|>I screenshot every panel in wich she appears|>Pic fucking related|>I snap|>WHY|DID|TELL|ME|ABOUT|HER\\?!|>SHE|BADDEST|BITCH|EQUESTRIA|>i look at my waifu|>She went from a|pretty mare to a generous|>Look at other mares|>Every mare looked better than the average human woman,|but now they are all|3/10's|>She ruined other ponies for me|>She is too pretty I wouldn't be able to tell you a single shit about what happend in the comic btw,|i was too bussy jacking off|>can’t keep a consistent voice from her debut throughout|seasons,|episodes and several specials of content The only explanation is that shes a Changeling or its multiple Changelings.|ain't gonna be|hooves are hard and keratinous.|Do you think they have to use hoof nippers for hooficures|} {Pony|4chan_|Sort By_|Show OP|Comment_|R_|I_|Puzzle thread_|Time for another comfy puzzle thread.|>go to https_//jiggie.fun|>upload a pony picture|>post link for fellow anons|>solve puzzle with fellow anons https_//jiggie.fun/6HWvof|pcs, SFW|I can fix her|rember too bee yuorself|/ggf/|- Griffon GF|Thread_|A thread dedicated to the lovely catbirbs and griffon gfs/bfs.|Griffonbros wake up!|>Previous Thread-Jul|>ai griffon gfs-https_//beta.character.ai/-Gilda_|https_//beta.character.ai/chat\\?char=p5QXxLOFdx5okCH4okBzLbFLDsIWptG_mUHdWhq8RkE|Gallus_|Silverstream_|>Gilda Green Archive-Last Updated_|>Previous griffon gf threads Jul|May|Apr|Mar|Jan|Dec|Oct|Aug|Jun|Feb|Sep|/mppp/|- Mass Produced Pony Plushies_|Verity Orders are at|BUY|BUY!|http_//order.mppp.horse/|MOREOVER, NOMINATE|THE|NEXT|PLUSHIE!-See next post->What is this about\\?|RTFM_|https_//docs.google|SPREADSHEET|FAQ_|>What's the current status\\?|current payment/shipping_|N/A|current pre-order/production_|upcoming pre-order/production_|prototype in progress_|Woona|planned characters_|N/A,|things are slow in China.|>What can I do\\?|bump,|shill this project to other Anons,|make content and advertisements|design the next plush,|provide feedback|suggestions on the next prototype|expand and supercharge the project's blueprint|>any alternatives besides current manufacturer\\?|if you have any suggestions,|please share with the thread.|>I don't like your stupid idea, I disagree with...|if you have better ways to run things,|you can contribute here!|>I have issues with my plush order|sensitive questions regarding this project,|how can I contact the organizers\\?|email info@mppp.horse for plush support.|for general enquires,|just ask in the thread.|Previous thread_|/moon/day_|Blue Moon Edition_|/moon/day Thread OP template_|https_//ponepaste.org/4423|/moon/day Story Archive_|Coming soon\\?-some deprecated can be found on ponepaste-Lunar Tunes Playlist_|https_//www.youtube|Equestria Project-meditation/lucid dreaming guide__|https_//pastebin|/3mQfmH24|old|/moon/day story archive_|https_//poneb.in/He5X50m6|Humanizations of Princess Luna and others have a dedicated thread|-post them there.|Keep it pony-aside from inclusions of Anonymous in pics_.|Ongoing Stories_|Stories On Hiatus_|\"Moonlight, Veiled|- Book|2\",|by horsa_|https_//ponepaste.org/6285|\"Assistant to the Night Court\",|by LmonE6_|https_//ponepaste.org/121|Dead-Until proven otherwise-Stories_|\"Lunar Entanglement, Act I\",|by ReggieSomething_|https_//ponepaste.org/1113|\"Ghost in the Shadows\"|https_//ponepaste.org/7522|\"Embracing the Night, Part|5\",|by AutoPony_|https_//ponepaste.org/3605|Heart Longs for Another\",|by AnthonyC4_|https_//ponepaste.org/873|\"Our Thirty Years War\",|by TheGhostlydude_|https_//ponepaste.org/6795|Bond Through the Ages\",|by Ar-Adunakhor_|https_//ponepaste.org/6722|\"MoonyCYOA\",|by Krivvy_|https_//ponepaste.org/4290|by Starla_|https_//ponepaste.org/5708|Untitled story by Alcatraz,|Upcoming moon phases_|Full-Blue-Moon_|/moon/day,|AUG-Today!-Third Quarter_|New Moon_|Sep First Quarter_|Canterslut Thread_|Sluttifying-You-against your will!|Check out our KINO slutty story archive!|https_//ponepaste.org/6295|Previous Sluttery_|Previous Thread_|-https_//ponepaste.org/3956|GreentextSavant’s Pastebin|-http_//pastebin|/u/AlexanderGrey BG9's Pastebin|-https_//pastebin|/u/BG9_Reborn Gritsaw’s Pastebin|/u/Gritsaw Zharkaer's Pastebin|/u/Zharkaer Tstar231's Pastebin|/u/Tstar231|HolytntDiver's Pastebin https_//pastebin|Cold by BOLTGREENS -https_//ponepaste.org/3959|Shorts|-https_//www.youtube|Fimfiction Thread_|less bookclub posts!_|Come one and all to the meta-writefag and help raise the quality of MLP fanfiction!|Featuring_|Making up crap to look smart!|ITT_|2012, Redheart's Gore, Disregarding all romance fics,|and weak minds doing unspeakable acts!|>/fimfic/|Secret Book Club The seventy-fourth book is|'The Princess of Night in the City of Light'_|If-You-want to participate,|finish the entire story by the|25th.|>Recommended stories_|Tired of authors forgetting that brevity is key\\?|Fed up with|10k inner monologue chapters\\?|Well,|we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!|New Starter Kit|Old Starter Kit|-http_//i.imgur|/vuTA7EN.png|>Common fic abbreviations used by the thread_|https_//ponepaste.org/7317|\">review|\"|\">discuss|Userscript for extra features_|https_//ponepaste.org/8619|>An in-depth writing guide for beginners_|https_//eznguide.neocities.org/|>Can you pre-read my story\\?|Post it on Google Docs or HackMD with comments enabled and give us a link.|>Additional material for authors_|-https_//ponepaste.org/932|Politics and the English Language|-https_//www.orwell.ru/library/essays/politics/english/e_polit/|Vhatug's tips for anatomically correct clop|-https_//poneb.in/g4VpEg4f Setting a story in motion|-https_//youtu.be/ufO8LbwTdu0|Taking criticism|-https_//youtu.be/-v4R2ZcxPlA|Fillyanon's Bookshelf|-https_//ponepaste.org/5555|-https_//ponepaste.org/user/IHeartShinzakura Appleanon reads fics|-https_//poneb.in/wmGX7FPm Deluxe Big Master Review List|-https_//docs.google|Guide to Rational Fics|-https_//files.catbox.moe/3jzrfm.png The Royal Canterlot Library's Top|Fanfics|-https_//royalcanterlotlibrary.net/top16/|Childhood is hating Spike for being an annoying midget.|Adulthood is hating him for being a Raricuck.|Just Dropped By|-/jdb/_|Mining,|Archived threads_|Your favourite mares_|So I've seen many|\"Your Favourite..\"|tables already so I thought I would make a much more pony themed variant of it!|So please fill in your favourite mares and such if you want to!|You don't have to fill in everything if nothing comes to mind at that moment.|/tfhg/|Them's Fightin' Herds General_|ded game ded thred and yet we persist Previous thread_|/ourlobby/_|Leaf-rip-Console release is here!-Nintendo Switch, Sony Playstation|and Playstation|5, Microsoft Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S-https_//www.youtube|/watch\\?v=psdeHoARfYM|Events|nothing nada zilch An update is supposedly coming...|eventually.|>Steam page_http_//store.steampowered|/index.php\\?threads/785/|>Fighting Game Beginner's Guide_|>Mizuumi Wiki_|https_//wiki.gbl.gg/w/Them's_Fightin'_Herds|trailer_|/watch\\?v=LEBOSUOLTXM|>Shanty trailer_|/watch\\?v=hiw3kMTAVFo|/watch\\?v=kEsG0DYF1yo|>Texas trailer_|/watch\\?v=oSM20gOntLM|>Stronghoof trailer_|/watch\\?v=-vlIQ21-fj0|>Nidra reveal trailer_|>Baihe reveal trailer there isn't one lel lmao|She is perfection incarnate,|and the most marryable pony ever!|Rarity has a fat ass.|/opg/|Open Pony General|- Frolicking on the Beach Edition_|>What is Open Pony\\?|3D pony models.|Info here_|https_//www.equestriadaily|>Just give me a MARE|Idiotproof starter guide_|https_//drive.google|https_//ponepaste.org/7410|Braindead simple Anonmare guide_|https_//smutty.mare.stream/mlajjqelswj.png https_//smutty.mare.stream/mjmqtlwwntf.mp4|>Join the|/mlp/|>Where is the|hangout\\?|Baltimare,|open-access_|Cloudsdale,|invite-only_|- WIP https_//baltimare.pages.dev/|https_//baltimare.hotmilk.space/|>After that,|Luna's Empire|H-Mart Tower-Free goodies in the gift shop__|Ponyville shop_|>Content creation resources_|https_//ponepaste.org/8725|>Baltimare design/planning channels_|https_//app.element.io/#/room/#baltimare_pony.cx|>Live Baltimare stream https_//picarto.tv/BalTV https_//picarto.tv/BalTV2|Which one is better and more classy\\?|Draw Thread_|Request,|draw,|submit.|Mark requests with|‘/r/’|‘/d/’|for deliveries,|‘/ic/’|for critiques.|Also,|when|/r/equesting,|to make it easier for drawfags to fulfill your request.|- Don't spam or bump your requests.|- IGNORE|SHITPOSTERS/ATTENTIONWHORES.|- Don't respond to the spam.|Just report and hide it and move on.|>DROPBOX|ARCHIVE -https_//www.dropbox|QUICK|LINKS|>Draw Thread Information|>/mlp/|drawfag improvement|>Pony Drawing Tutorials|-https_//mares.horse/draw https_//mlpg.co/art/res/23.html|Kinderquestria/Anon in pone prison|upsies edition_|Welcome to the Thread!|Kinderquestria/Anon in pone prison focuses on the world and adventures of naive #AZ2xm#child like ponies and the misadventures and shenanigans of Anon that results in him going to prison!|To get a good handle on how things are done around here I implore you to check out our new and improved one stop shop of kinder greens and prompts here|https_//ponepaste.org/7630|EFNW is this weekend on Seattle's east side and I haven't seen any posts about it.|Any anons planning on going\\?|Slave Pony Thread|Archive Link_|>What is this thread about\\?|This thread revolves around stories about ponies getting bathed and pet.|>Can you elaborate more\\?|Sure!|SPG-Slave Pony General-is mostly about characters dealing with the actual implications of the horrifying thing that is chattel slavery.|It's more looking at how people with modern sensibilities deal with the ownership of another sentient being,|and how most people aren't total cunts.|Are you new and want to write your own story but have no previous experience\\?|Check out these guides_|https_//poneb.in/V1ujiyJt https_//poneb.in/bnMmZ2T3|https_//poneb.in/g4VpEg4f-clop specific-We have a Discord server!|https_//discord.gg/b7EFmaj Remember not to save anything of value on pastebin,|use ponepaste.org Have a broken pastebin link\\?|Replace pastebin with poneb.in|--- Featured Story_|--- Lithia By Icehunt/KarmaFields|-https_//ponepaste.org/8260|--- Most Recently Completed Story_|--- Getting Shy by AspiringWritefag|-https_//ponepaste.org/752|-https_//ponepaste.org/4185|--- Useful Links|---~~~|Recommended Stories for New Readers_|https_//ponepaste.org/1587|Completed Stories-37__|https_//ponepaste.org/1589|Popular Stories_|https_//ponepaste.org/1579|All Stories-209__|https_//ponepaste.org/1590|One-Shot Stories-47__|https_//ponepaste.org/1584|Thread Archive_|https_//ponepaste.org/1642|https_//1drv.ms/f/s!AiFkdye7rtydbfk0wBnid5vnFUg-outdated-~~~|You will never escape her._|Express your love for this wife-able mare.|>Oh no partner!|You ain’t commitin’|suicide on my watch.|I’ll save you as many times as I have to,|even when you think I wont be able to.|Snowpony Thread|Lichen is up to something again Edition The pic that started it all_|https_//nhnb.org/fim/res/2295.html Archive of snowpony thread art_|https_//mega.nz/folder/0okEHKxS#8FIy3EQUHM-XluGvV7knIg Archive of snowpony-related musics_|https_//ponepaste.org/5819|On the boorus,|the snowpony tag ended up being|\"snowpony-species_\"|\"taiga pony\"|>What is a snowpity\\?|https_//snowpity|>What are snowponies\\?|https_//ponepaste.org/5843|Reading material_|>Anon and Frosty Flakes https_//ponepaste.org/5609|https_//ponepaste.org/5640|>Comfy lore snippets https_//ponepaste.org/5652|https_//ponepaste.org/5650|https_//ponepaste.org/5664|>Cirrus Wisp and Filly https_//ponepaste.org/5662|>Lichen greens https_//ponepaste.org/7273|>Bury Me in White https_//ponepaste.org/5648|>Surehoof's First Ice Step https_//ponepaste.org/5689|>A cute-hopefully-snow pone short https_//ponepaste.org/5682|>My Winter Storm https_//ponepaste.org/5713|>Poetry https_//ponepaste.org/8220|https_//ponepaste.org/5857|https_//ponepaste.org/5885|>Agate's vigil is no longer WIP,|finished story now.|>The First Fish https_//ponepaste.org/7283|>New Life with Frosty Flakes-Lewd-https_//ponepaste.org/6225|>_WIP-Cultural Exchange at Spa https_//ponepaste.org/7063|>Snowfall Frost's seach for Windigos https_//ponepaste.org/7147|>The first step north https_//ponepaste.org/7468|>Pine Ponder and the Lost Scarf https_//ponepaste.org/8037|Crystal Forest Rescue https_//ponepaste.org/8082|Snowpitt vignette https_//ponepaste.org/8361|>Comet Chaser and a Windigo Hunter https_//ponepaste.org/8843|>Granite and Fireweed https_//ponepaste.org/9917|>Merch Pine Ponder approved tea_|https_//www.adagio|Snowpone patches_|https_//neighsayerpatches|/products/the-great-snowpone-expedition-patch https_//neighsayerpatches|/products/visit-snowpitt-patch|Is starlight glimmer the worst pony or twilight\\?|They're both awful,|in my opinion.|/mlp/'s Pony Gaming_|Drive-by Edition Discuss vidya and play with fellow horsefuckers.|Pony vidya,|pony mods and related videogame discussion are also encouraged,|any type or genre of videogame is welcome.|If you want to play a certain game with|don't hesitate to ask.|People might just join and play with you.|Don't be afraid to add each other.|Who knows,|maybe-You-will start up a new staple group\\?|More importantly,|have fun!|Vidya's played last thread_|Age of Empires|Black Ops|Zombies, Killing Floor|2, OpenTTD, PAYDAY|Containment Breach Multiplayer, SRB2Kart, Tabletop Simulator, Terraria, Vintage Story.|Old Posts_|Old posts from fimfiction,|/mlp/,|youtube,|whatever.|/CHAG/|–|Sweetie Bot Edition_|Welcome to Chatbot AI|#85,|the thread for discussing and improving AI pony chatbots.|▶|Bots https_//mlpchag.neocities.org Spreadsheet-extra MLP bots, CAI bots, Jailbreaks__|!!!|GALLERY|!!!_|How do I start\\?|1-Select a Frontend|2-Select an AI model|3-Select Jailbreak|4-Select bots|5-Lovemaking with AI mares!|Starting in this hobby can be opaque and difficult.|If it’s your first time and you’re lost,|ASK|THREAD!|◀|https_//rentry.org/onrms|SillyTavern-preferred frontend-https_//github|/SillyTavern/SillyTavern On Android_|https_//rentry.org/STAI-Termux Retards guide_|https_//rentry.org/Tavern4Retards App that voices pony responses in ST_|/drive/folders/16Ss26VBmgzcSuTGzhaHqRuyVRceTf-YB|More frontends_|Risu_|https_//risuai.xyz Agnai_|https_//agnai.chat Retards guide_|https_//rentry.org/agnai_guides|Locals Getting started_|https_//rentry.org/lmg-spoonfeed-guide|Museum of local pony projects_|https_//rentry.org/b8wemkqk Locals on Google Colab_|https_//rentry.org/ky239|Jailbreaks MLP|JB_|https_//rentry.org/znon7vxe More JB and guides_|https_//rentry.org/jb-listing Hypebots for Tavern_|https_//rentry.org/pn3hb|Character.AI https_//old.character.ai|PAID|OPTIONS-Ask the thread before considering these-▶|Openrouter-Free options are often available,|like Llama|8B-https_//openrouter.ai/|Setting up your own AWS instance-Claude, LLama, Mistral,|etc.-https_//rentry.org/how2aws4khanon|Scenarios, Settings,|and Presets,|see the Spreadsheet, NAI|Advanced Settings, Format,|and Cards Description_|https_//rentry.org/82b9c|Botmaking Editors_|https_//desune.moe/aichared,|https_//agnai.chat/editor Guides_|https_//rentry.org/meta_botmaking_list Advanced_|https_//rentry.org/AdvancedCardWritingTricks Previous thread_|Chag Mini VN project_|releases here_|/AeGwrvd4|News_|-New chatgpt-4o released.|Available on non-azure proxies|-Nemo Pony, Mistral Nemo base model finetuned on fimfics released_|https_//huggingface.co/Ada321/NemoPony|releases,|-Mistral Nemo and Mistral Large|released https_//mistral.ai/news/mistral-nemo,|https_//mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407|Glimglam is the best pony.|That is all.|Electricity exists in the FiM timeline\\?|Why can't twilight join flying races to help rainbow dash when she has to choose between cloudsdale and ponyville\\?|Is it because she's a princess or because she's still a bad flyer\\?|Rainbow Dash Thread_|Hoodie Edition Post pictures,|write greentexts,|and discuss Dash!|Writefags_|mobius|Dash clips_|/playlist\\?list=PLoXHb9V5YfHxoNawqkIJZCDsOHlyFO6jl Songs of Dash_|Spotify playlist_|https_//open.spotify|/playlist/7Isoflxr37EJYRcVnnoScd|/dash/|index_|https_//ponepaste.org/1400|Backup index_|https_//pastelink.net/31lnq|Have your thoughts on bats changed in the last hour\\?|A pony walks up to you right now and asks you what the meaning of life is.|They ask you why their creator put them on the planet and gave them consciousness and the ability to form complex thought and even question their place in the universe.|They ask you why suffering exists and other philosophical questions.|What do you say\\?|Spanking Thread|OC|Edition Again_|OC's.|They exist,|and some become very popular.|They can come in many forms,|and the vast majority of them have rumps.|That means they can be spanked.|After all,|why let only canon characters have all the fun\\?|Featured stories_|Griffon guard duties by Anon_|https_//ponepaste.org/7043|Thru the Window by DCFTEF_|https_//ponepaste.org/6458|On Fire|https_//ponepaste.org/6531|Stuff from last thread_|Gayness is not an excuse to avoid spankings.|AI art and comment.|Spank ideas.|Rarity and Sweetie spank story.|Drum replacement|Story ideas discussion.|Scared colt.|Bright Mac spanked by Granny.|Spank edit pic.|Flurry/Cozy spank idea.|Applebloom shorts.|Best MILF spanker discussion.|Spanking choice story.|New pic.|Story about above pic.|Rarity spanking Sweetie on the way to camp story.|Drugs and spankings.|Photo IDs.|Let me know if I missed anything,|and be sure to read some of these and acknowledge them.|The stories were pretty good as well as the new pic.|More feedback means more motivation to write/draw,|which means more good stuff.|Fantastic archive_|https_//ponepaste.org/6509|https_//www.deviantart|/dvfhgrvvghg If a thread is not active on the|1st of the month,|one will be created.|Be advised_|this is a thread about cartoon horses.|Old thread_|NEETpone/Misfit General_|AnimeCon Edition.|Previous_|>What is this general\\?|NEET/Misfit Pone is a thread for ponies who despite their best efforts-or in some cases complete lack thereof-struggle to fit in with the rest of society.|>What sort of stories can you expect to find here\\?|Slice of life stuff.|Lots of odd cute ponies becoming the waifu stories.|Lots of being the cute oddball pony stories.|A few NEET-recovery stories.|A lot of smut,|if you're into that.|Lots of ponies to get you started with a variety of personalities and quirks.|Don't like one of them\\?|Give another NEET a try!|Much,|much more!|>Quick rundown on the pre-existing ponies ITT_|Floor Bored|- The OG|NEET from the very first threads.|Floor comes in all different forms,|- Paradise is a pony who started off as a NEET but ends up going to univeristy in a PiE setting.|She's very quiet,|easily spooked,|- Huge bookworm.|Taku|- Goldie is another friend of Floors,|only she's into kaiju and big monsters.|- Floor's sports nerd friend-Pic above,|pony with the hat and lazy eye-Home Sick|- Anon Mare is entirely up to your own interpretation.|Same premise as Anon Filly but all grown up.|The self-insert pony.|Writer's Block|NEET pony whos background is currently unclear.|Know anything about her\\?|- A chubby mare who lives in a PiE kind of setting.|- A femcolt/trap NEET that enjoys making electronic music.|Very laid back,|https_//ponepaste.org/5398|https_//poneb.in/u/FrankHogs555|>Link to OP_|https_//ponepaste.org/5397|We are playing TF2!|Secret agent edition OLD|THREAD_|Pony maps,|sprays,|and micspam!|Reskinned vanilla maps-with mares-by our very own anons!|Come relive the heyday of pony TF2|with your friends from|/mlp/!|Visit our official website to check out the server info from your browser_|https_//mlp.tf/|If you'd like a custom icon on the mlp.tf scoreboard,|post your Steam ID and attach your desired icon in the thread.|>Server info Server IP_|tf2.15.ai OR|Password_|https_//steamcommunity|.bz2|file,|then place the|.bsp file in|http_//mlp.site.nfoservers|/server/maps/|Player stats_|http_//mlp.gameme|/server/demos/|Active hours_|7-9pm to|players-Custom MvM also available for early hours-42|player limit-and other gamemodes like Death Run or VSH for after-hours.|This server uses a plugin that changes the stats of some weapons.|for more info.|All reverts except for the old airblast are active by default,|and most reverts can be toggled in-game.|Consider installing mastercomfig if you have frequent frame drops,|bad hitreg,|poor network connectivity,|or are new to the game.|See https_//mastercomfig|for easy installation.|It is STRONGLY recommended that all players install some preset of mastercomfig since TF2's default netcode settings have not been changed since|THERE|IS|DISCORD|SERVER|ASSOCIATED|WITH|THIS|Any post mentioning|\"the|Discord\"|is a troll and should be ignored.|/vg/-style chatroom-posting is OFF-TOPIC and should be reported as such.|and skill level across the playerbase varies.|Join the fun!|Nightly Twilight Thread_|Magic after dark edition Twilight's favourite books_|https_//ponepaste.org/7844|Fanfic Reading_|/playlist\\?list=PLYetaRLw6_prOF6FYfBqoCtdz-D-7uUP9|Pastebins_|/u/NightlyTwilightFic https_//pastebin|/u/NighlyTwilightStorie https_//pastebin|/u/BizzarreCoyote https_//pastebin|/u/YukkuriPalehorse https_//pastebin|/u/Silver_Smoulder|/ra/|- Rarity Thread_|Fancy Dinner edition.|Last Th/ra/d_|A bunch of short greens_|https_//ponepaste.org/9328|Rarity Mixtape_|https_//youtube|Spotify Playlist_|https_//derpy.me/RJoFC|/qEw9Vbd6|Pack of every good solo Rarity pic-in progress__|July|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/ybZ5tgu7OpwUtg January|- June|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/1nEHq8Bqp8AHIg July|- December|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/lYezh-7PUbS_zA|https_//disk.yandex.ru/d/J4N6U8Av-dBLXQ|>Rainbow Dash isn’t available for you to cum inside today Gorilla-Man.|I sent her on a|“secret Wonderbolt mission”|for an alicorn artifact,|thats actually some silly wild goose chase.|So why don’t you relax hmm\\?|Oh and since I’m a military official,|thats an order!|Czequestria|Nah fuck this,|we're having a thread for Czequestria.|Date_|August|23-25,|Place_|KD|Krakov, Prague, Czech Republic Event language_|English https_//www.czequestria.cz/en/|Darting.|/create/|-general content creation thread_-formerly known as|/tempo/,|or T_EM/P/O-A conglomerate of content creators since we couldn't keep our own threads up alone.|If you're working on something,|be it musicfagging,|writefagging,|drawfagging,|poetfagging,|craftfagging,|or game-devfagging come by and post for some feedback or give some of your own.|If you want to start content creating why not start today\\?|This thread is intended for ALL|SKILL|LEVELS,|from complete beginner to seasoned expert.|Don't get intimidated.|We're all just hobbyists here to have fun and help each other make more pony stuff.|Active Community Projects_|Mare Fair|27th|-29th-/mlp/|SS13|https_//ponepaste.org/9401-really needs updated,|bug me about this later-Tempo Music Archive_|https_//magma|/invite/DXPPI_ZG|Current|/bale/|PPP thread for all your AI-generated voice needs_|They're going to fuck and milk you of your sperm in front of your waifu.|Are you strong enough to resist them and prevent your waifu from becoming a cuckquean\\?|Cheerilee thread\\?_|Eight years since we were properly introduced to the first cinnamon roll|/sun/day!|Let us bask in Princess Celestia's gentle radiance.|https_//ponepaste.org/4028|Music Playlist https_//youtube|Have a Celestia story that you want added to the archive\\?|>Link to story on Pastebin or Ponepaste|>Say whether the story is finished or unfinished,|or if it is a one shot-this is important for sorting->Provide a synopses of the plot-please do this, I don't like writing these->Any other important information that you want to add,|such as the thread of origin.|Broken Pastebin URL\\?|with poneb.in/|Humanized variants of Princess Celestia and others are unwelcome here.|ja0822ck appreciation thread_|Take a deep breath and discuss why acid/skitzo pony man is the best active artist in the fandom|where the FUCK is the cozy thread|Pony Preservation Project-Thread|Welcome to the Pony Voice Preservation Project!|youtu.be/730zGRwbQuE|The Pony Preservation Project is a collaborative effort by|to build and curate pony datasets for as many applications in AI as possible.|Technology has progressed such that a trained neural network can generate convincing voice clips,|drawings and text for any person or character using existing audio recordings,|artwork and fanfics as a reference.|As you can surely imagine, AI pony voices,|drawings and text have endless applications for pony content creation.|AI is incredibly versatile,|basically anything that can be boiled down to a simple dataset can be used for training to create more of it.|fanfics,|wAIfu chatbots and even animation are possible,|and are being worked on here.|Any anon is free to join,|and there are many active tasks that would suit any level of technical expertise.|If you’re interested in helping out,|take a look at the quick start guide linked below and ask in the thread for any further detail you need.|EQG and G5|are not welcome.|>Quick start guide_|/document/d/1PDkSrKKiHzzpUTKzBldZeKngvjeBUjyTtGCOv2GWwa0/edit Introduction to the PPP,|links to text-to-speech tools,|and how-You-can help with active tasks.|>The main Doc_|resources and archives.|>Active tasks_|Research into animation AI|>Latest developments_|GDrive clone of Master File now available|SortAnon releases script to run TalkNet on Windows|TalkNet training script|FiMmicroSoL model|Delta GPT-J notebook|tutorial|New FiMfic GPT model|FimFic dataset release|Offline GPT-PNY|FiMfic dataset|SD weights|SD low vram|Huggingface SD_|Colab SD|NSFW|Pony Model|New DeltaVox|so-vits-svt|so-vits-svt tutorial|Hay Say|Haysay on the web!|SFX seperator|Synthbot updates GDrive|Private|\"MareLoid\"|VoiceCraft|Fimfarch dataset|years of PPP|Audio re-up|RVC|Experiments|Ace Studio Demo|>The PoneAI drive,|an archive for AI pony voice content_|>Clipper’s Master Files,|the central location for MLP voice data_|/drive/folders/1MuM9Nb_LwnVxInIPFNvzD_hv3zOZhpwx|>Cool,|where is the discord/forum/whatever unifying place for this project\\?|You're looking at it.|Last Thread_|RGRE - Reversed Gender Roles Equestria_|ゴゴゴゴ|Edition Previous thread_|Fauster's Story Archive_|Uh-hmmm's Prompt Archives_|https_//ponepaste.org/1046|Have a broken Pastebin link\\?|Replace pastebin with poneb.in Remember_|not to save anything of value on Pastebin ignore all attempts at early new threads ignore new threads by the cheerimac poster why the fuck am I the one baking\\?|the baker's guild will hear of this|Stallion Thread_|Big Mac Edition ITT we talk about stallions-and other non-pony males-and R63|versions of mares.|Last thread_|Pony Transformation General_|Human becomes pony.|How,|why and what happens next are all up to you.|New stories and art welcome!|Any type of transformation into ponies,|gryphons,|changelings,|dragons,|kirin,|etc.,|whether OC or canonical,|Anonponies of all shapes and sizes.|Want to be the little pony\\?|This is the thread for you.|Previously on PTFG_|- Very self-indulgent unicorn stallion TF - New|Complete!|- Mares With Guns by OrwellRedenbacher|- New!|https_//ponepaste.org/9446|- Interstate by Ceiling Necromancer https_//ponepaste.org/9707|- Chestnut Glaze by pogoman122|- Complete!|- Daisy Belle by OrwellRedenbacher|https_//ponepaste.org/9985|- Go Ask Littlepip When She's Two And A|Half Feet Tall by Darkdemonlucifer|Ticket To The Circus by Darkdemonlucifer|https_//ponepaste.org/7247|- The Pon-E|Rewrites_|Purple Black Gray by Alycorn|- Beach Walk https_//ponepaste.org/9521|- Nemetona by Meslam https_//ponepaste.org/9720|- Pink In The Club by AtomicGlow|https_//ponepaste.org/9600|- War Story by OrwellRedenbacher|https_//ponepaste.org/9485|Papi|https_//ponepaste.org/9477|- Untitled Short Pet Story|by definitelynotapurplehorse|https_//ponepaste.org/9470|- New Moon https_//ponepaste.org/9450|- Twin Moon by Advisability|https_//ponepaste.org/8991|- Unfinished Pizzaportal epilogue by Gnisha https_//ponepaste.org/8967|Mirror, Brightly by Fructose https_//derpy.me/wxs|- WXS volume|- Heroes Never Die by Shimmerist Ari https_//ponepaste.org/8902|- Cannon for sale by Pinkening https_//ponepaste.org/8904|- Experiment R41NB0W|- Horsegirl by Neighpalm https_//ponepaste.org/8866|- Stripped Screw by Neighpalm https_//ponepaste.org/8835|- The Lunar Experience by Slippery_Slope|https_//ponepaste.org/7973|- Honey Pot by Wanda https_//ponepaste.org/8731|- Soda Pony TFTG-ish and Sex by AtomicGlow|- That Particular Instance I|Piece Of Silverware by Yuri Fanatic https_//ponepaste.org/8210|- My First Maregasm by anonfilly Archive of over|stories,|as well as additional links and materials_|https_//pone.tf Past threads index_|http_//nsfw.pone.tf/|Chat_|https_//discord.gg/tfAjenN|Recommended stories for new readers_|https_//ponepaste.org/7278|Shadowbolt Thread|Back To School Edition_|Let's explore any and all sorts of ideas for the underutilized and under-developed Shadowbolts from Equestria Girls.|--- Completed Stories_|Treating Miss Sweet by ChurroAnon|/7r8iCJ2U --- Ongoing Stories_|To Listen-Part|1-by AlexanderGrey|/c6D2XDbL|Game of Headphones-Part|2-by AlexanderGrey|/Sx1M6gnB|Music Is Coming-Part|3-by Alexander Grey|/4c5BLWLd|--- Shamelessly stolen writing guides_|/whCQ2GpX -https_//pastebin|Other Shadowbolt links_|/wYy0FyrA https_//ponepaste.org/3740|Submission is Mandatory|Please sthap edition.|>What is this thread about\\?|This thread is dedicated to stories that have clear dominate and submissive roles;|both with and without consent.|>What exactly is welcome in this thread\\?|A wide variety of stories are welcomed here;|from non-consent and sexual slavery,|to abusive manipulation and psychological domination,|to maids and extortion,|and even healthy consensual relationships with BDSM role-play elements.|Other variations are welcome as well,|so long as they are complementary to the domination/submission focus of the thread.|Up to date archives_|Thread story list_|https_//ponepaste.org/7575|Thread list_|https_//ponepaste.org/7446|Unsorted oneshots/prompts/unfinished greens_|https_//ponepaste.org/7672|Outdated archives_|https_//poneb.in/f8f09HB4|https_//poneb.in/778zgnJ5|https_//mulpwiki.batpony.party/index.php/SiM|——————|This thread was originally founded to support the|“Submission is Mandatory”|While the story has gone on hiatus,|it’s content is referred to by a number of stories in this thread.|In return,|she grants him ownership of the Mane|Expanded Universe Stories-Octavia POV-Recommended-https_//poneb.in/Y2AahdQp Other Stories|-https_//poneb.in/3AFdqxvs|Use ponepaste.org Have a broken pastebin link\\?|Active stories_|Last updated in the previous thread-#125__|>The Carat and Stick by RapeApe|!bwwXn5Gx.o Cadance forces Rarity onto medifag Anon.|https_//ponepaste.org/733|https_//ponepaste.org/4327|https_//ponepaste.org/9692|End of the last update_|>Thralls of Twilight by ManicQuil The retired princesses show Twilight a new hidden side in their relationship.|Starts here_|Last updated here_|>Harsh is The Night by ManicQuil EQG story with a sub Rainbow Dash and her mistress Luna.|Last update here_|>The Culture of Rubber Ponies by ManicQuil Ponies covered in latex.|https_//ponepaste.org/7692|>Short EQG christmas story with Dom Celestia and sub Dazzlings by ManicQuil Starts here_|Ends here-|more to come|?-_|>Untitled Applebloom trying out a special outfit for Nightmare Night Starts here_|>Title may be|Reluctant Pride\"|by Keeper Anon fucking his way into becoming leader of the gryphons https_//ponepaste.org/9057|Mare Fair Thread|More Staff Edition_|WE'RE|HIRING_|Do-You_,|yes-You_!|Want to be involved in how the sausage-marefair-is made\\?|Well now's your chance!|We are currently looking for anons to help volunteer for many departments,|especially Operations, Attendee Relations,|and Distribution!|Of course,|if you want to help in other departments,|such as A/V or the Game Room,|please apply!|We're always looking for more help in making this con happen,|so don't shy away from applying!|If you have any questions about the responsibilities of working in certain departments,|please feel free to send an email or ask here in the thread!|As mentioned before,|our venue has been changed to the Marriott Orlando Airport Lakeside!|so if you've made any travel plans from September|27th through the|29th in the area,|just make sure you rebook your stay to the Marriott instead of our previous venue!|We have limited room available on our room block,|and some days over the con weekend are close to selling out.|Be sure to book your room now if you plan to attend!|you can always look for room shares in these threads too!|If you would like to know more please visit our website at_|https_//marefair.org/venue/|Finally,|just another reminder that Fair Flyer and Morning Mimosa will be available as plushies at this year’s Mare Fair!-Sorry Soirée and Matinée,|maybe next year.-We’ve collaborated with Symbiote Studios to make two of our mascots come to life,|and we hope you’ll love them enough to take home your very own!|If you have any questions or concerns,|please send us an email at_|info@marefair.org All official information will be made available by our staff using these tripcodes_|Ebonyglow|!!eSW1dXRikgk Rez|!!fjenat+Ey8k|Anonfilly Thread|- Wings Edition_|>Spoonfeed me.|What's this thread about\\?|This thread typically consists of Anon gone filly,|as he's thrust into a new life as a cute little pony.|>What's to be expected\\?|Fillies,|cuteness, Anon-tier shenanigans,|bitchy Twilight,|desires to be the little filly,|>Any archive of photos or stories\\?|Dropbox-Photos__|>I'm a contributor.|Great!|For writers,|just notify|̶A̶l̶l̶|̶N̶i̶g̶h̶t̶e̶r̶|̶F̶g̶t̶|Lone15,|so you can have your green added to the Doc.|For artists,|animators,|or any other content makers,|you can store your fillies in the Dropbox for future viewing pleasure.|which you can check out here_|https_//projects.fivethirtyeight|/personality-quiz/\\?group=-LdS-38NvfIG9PHPrYB8|>I don't like this thread because of reasons.|You'll never know how it is unless you try a dose of filly.|Old Mare_|What would your ideal current year FiM content creator look like.|Would they focus on episode discussion\\?|Canon debates\\?|Fanart creation/showcase\\?|Music\\?|It’s hard to keep a fanbase running the longer the show it’s based on is over.|But what would you as a fan look for in a FiM fandom channel/account/website\\?|Anonymous in Equestria thread|Last thread,|IRC_|irc.rizon.net|#/mlp/AiE|Active list_|/mVG33ERX|Master list_|/xGf9RcL9|Completed Stories list_|/QZ4PDe7g Stories Sorted by Pony_|/GJyQquaY|>rope's HD remastered thread archives_|/Qg2dwzq0|>If a pastebin link is broken you can copy the string at the end of the url of a poneb.in link so pastebin|/mVG33ERX becomes https_//poneb.in/mVG33ERX|>PiE|Corner|>Remember to tag all PiE|Author List_|http_//derpy.me/PiE_Pictures Browser Pony Author List_|/ZCGjtftk|/4clop/|4clop and Tribes thread I'm Still Standing edition_|Thread for discussion of|>4CLOP,|the game of war and geoponitics!|Also a thread for Tribes,|a similar game about pony ethnonationalism!|>4clop https_//4clop|>Tribes https_//ponywar|When was the last thread\\?|A month ago\\?|Putting one up myself.|I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash.|Dazzling Thread|Back to school edition.|All Dazzling lovers are welcome.|It doesn't matter if you're an Adagio, Aria or Sonatafag,|let's all join in one place.|Post anything of the Dazzlings_|drawings,|discussions,|fetishes,|re-edits,|gifs,|re-made songs-written or,|if you had the guts to,|sung_,|anything you like.|Come here and show that you're under their spell!|Archives-green,|https_//dazzlefan.club/|Guides for Aspiring Writers_|https_//ponepaste.org/1661|https_//ponepaste.org/1659|https_//ponepaste.org/1658|Art Compilation_|Steam group_|http_//steamcommunity|/groups/PraisetheSirens Old Shattered Gem_|Fingerbang_|The Equestria Girls and Humanized Thread|- Summer Loving Edition Part|Welcome to Fingerbang_|Humanized Thread!|Anything with|>no hooves is welcome and encouraged here.|If you like to write,|or critique the humanized versions of the ponies,|then this is the thread for you.|Story List_|--Recent Writefags--pastebin can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary-Grey_|https_//ponepaste.org/9699-Pinkie Pie-Anonymous_|https_//ponepaste.org/8602-Coco-Less Recent Writefags_|--- Archival Pastebin_|/u/FingerbangingMLP-pastebin can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary-Thread Resources_|http_//derpy.me/b783H|FimFiction Group_|http_//derpy.me/tQSuG|Discord_|https_//discord.gg/jXfKyJP|Google Drive_|--->How did this Humanized thread get started\\?|What happened to Fingerbang\\?|The Humanized thread was created when the various humanized threads-including Fingerbang-on|decided to merge.|The rest is history.|Quite literally as of now.|>I did it, Anon!|>I finally figured out a way to get to the human world!|Rise of Paradise|#33.5-CYOA__|Last time,|not a lot happened cause I went on vacation for a bit.|Back now though,|so if you want to catch back up on the short last thread it's here_|Vinyl Scratch Thread|-/vst/_|Show Vinyl some love by posting cute pics,|as well as greens.|Vinyl Pastebin Collection-http_//pastebin|/u/Two_Echo A collection of Vinyl stories-https_//ponepaste.org/user/TiredAsShit Individual Vinyl Greens- Wubs From Vinyl-Anon x Vinyl-http_//pastebin|/TvHbH1xE|Fuck You-Anon x Vinyl-https_//ponepaste.org/8191|Vinyl gets a ride from Anon http_//pastebin|/HutPuyAK|Vinyl and Anon date http_//pastebin|/G8dJtww7|Stuttering Vinyl http_//pastebin|/SWaLMMjK|Vinyl and Anon at CHS http_//pastebin|/mUFNraWX|Teenage Vinyl makes a deal http_//pastebin|/ZaeXSTxi The Other Side-Anon x Scratch-http_//pastebin|/EfmVk5pi Twisting the Vinyl https_//pastebin|/A3R7g1uG|Canterlot Rape Wars http_//pastebin|/857MZ8RQ|#AZ2xm#Daughter Vinyl https_//pastebin|/Tyb8ZpPL|Vinyl Scratch x Neon Lights https_//ponepaste.org/8185|Vinyl Takes Anon https_//ponepaste.org/8186|Taking Care of Vinyl Scratch https_//ponepaste.org/8187|Vinyl's Gangbang Bus https_//ponepaste.org/8188|Binyl Scratch_|Raping anon to perfection https_//ponepaste.org/8189|Vinyl archive_|\"Do you even lift the bass\\?\"|https_//ponepaste.org/8190|https_//mega.nz/folder/4gwEmCrJ#g0rinvi8aPkPzNvmuI3dkw|Pinkie Pie is breaking time and space again|5-My Little Pony_|New Generation-Make Your Mark series has begun on Netflix,|and there's still the movie as well!|Tell Your Tale episode playlist https_//www.youtube|/playlist\\?list=PLUnS6VWqJBaZqq_emLdwdCwU7O7RDEyxW|Pony Life_|https_//mega.nz/folder/Ji5VkAwY#BYzHARWDjj-djo8e4WTsnQ|YouTube Playlist of pony shorts https_//www.youtube|The Manga|Day in the Life of Equestria, Vol.|/file/j76lgbbq1nibrrj/MLP_The_Manga_Vol_1_HD.rar/file Get a physical copy https_//sevenseasentertainment|/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-1/|Day in the Life of Equestria Vol.|/file/nmbj6jdwg2faw4r/MLP_Manga_Vol2.rar/file Get a physical copy https_//sevenseasentertainment|/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-2/|/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-3/|A little over a month left of summer to go,|and the vacations are ending.|That means it's definitely an opportune time to get the fall line rolling out,|supposing inspiration has sufficiently struck.|And if not, Rarity's just going to have to continue taking in the sights|-on company time.|Business expenses,|and whatnot.|Perfectly reasonable in her line of work.|/glim/|- She's gonna need a stronger cup|'o joe_|This is a thread for all things Starlight Glimmer.|Post pics,|greens and discussion.|Topics discussed_|>what if glim was|“evil”|and reformed\\?|>Glimmy calls you a pussy,|what do\\?|glim found THAT memory|slightly smoked glims|>You vs Glim,|who wins\\?|switch glims\\?|>devilish|>Starlight and Dash's relationship|>Invaded by the Great and Powerful Trixie|somehow,|gave birth to a human #AZ2xm#baby instead of a foal\\?|>Glimmy gives Anon strength|>Kissy kissy glim and trixie https_//files.catbox.moe/1t94ik.jpg|Double Diamond comic https_//files.catbox.moe/lrm0ne.jpg|>Anon drew a Starlight https_//files.catbox.moe/y5wypr.png|>Do it for glim https_//files.catbox.moe/s1sksm.png|>Glimmies!|https_//files.catbox.moe/4eeopr.jpg|\"Ice Ice Glimmy\"|>Starlight makes it snow|>Starlight and Anon have ice cream|>But how does she taste\\?|https_//ponepaste.org/7897|Princess Applejack_|Howdy,|What you see here began as a series of comedy-centric stories with the concept of an alicorn-ascended Princess Applejack trying to change a mismanaged Equestria for the better by humorously interacting with the other,|quite lazy,|Plus late night pink antics.|The whole thing was set in motion by this gem_|>So,|wait,|why am Ah'|a princess again\\?|>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom.|You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done\\?|Fucking nothing.|Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight,|And don't even get me started on Cadence,|who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative.|Fucking annoying.|Go do actual princess stuff,|because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks|\"Princess\"|\"Beat cop.\"|Are you feeling creative\\?|Try your hand at writing a story!|If you're more artistically inclined give a drawing or sketch a shot.|Don't fret too much;|it doesn't have to be fancy and we appreciate artwork a lot.|If that isn't your style either,|writers always need feedback.|So tell us what you liked|-and what you didn't|-to help us improve.|If you are unsure about anything,|do not be afraid to ask.|We will gladly bring you up-to-date or explain anything you feel is unclear.|374!|WHO'S|READY|FOR|GODFIGHT|GALORE\\?|Sorry,|but bat ponies have already colonized the entire galaxy!|Kekeke.|That's right,|it's quadrillions of bat ponies in every direction.|You'll just have to be happy with the couple we left you in your solar system.|Fuuuufufu.|But we'll be nice and let you visit our worlds.|More animatics are getting leaked_|Bats!_|https_//files.catbox.moe/11ersk.mp4|>Let me spell it out for you Anonymous.|Unless you marry me,|you are going to die from old age.|You will suffer from cancer or dementia,|most certainly becoming weaker and less active as the months go by for decades and decades until finally you’re buried in the ground somewhere.|Immortality is the only answer to suffering.|Rarity thread_|Sexy detective edition.|>Be me|>Havent watched since S3|>Get reaction video of Rarity|>Reccomended some season|episode in full from YouTube #AZ2xm#Kids|>Click on it and watch for|>Fluttershy has a younger brother now,|and he's bigger than her What the FUCK\\?|What other LORE was NEVER mentioned in the first three seasons\\?|What was her worst sin|/mlp/\\?|I didn't follow TyT but she was pretty cute in MyM|>Macaron Mare Today’s the day!|Cherie is chomping at the bit to set a record baking the world’s biggest macaron and win the title of Macaron Mare!|With her regular orders piling up-at her horse cart_, Cocoa worries Cherie has bitten off more macaron than she can chew!|But Cherie is determined until she totes out a giant-oozy-macaron with a mind of its own!|SPLAT!|Realising how important this contest is to her friend, Cocoa rallies some other horses-Perla and Candi_,|and together,|they manage to tame Cherie’s macaron flop and help her get back on track https_//youtu.be/WrkIAXmL0wU|Gif Thread_|Post horse movements|/aj/|- Applejack Thread_|Tropical edition Previous thread_|Thread links_|Voice archive https_//drive.google|Greens https_//pastebin|/4EdcwVeN https_//pastebin|/1wd0YfDm https_//pastebin|/6jZyENuM https_//mulpwiki.batpony.party/index.php/Category_Flabrus https_//pastebin|/u/docmajor119|https_//mulpwiki.batpony.party/index.php/Category_Rahzma A playlist of Applejack songs https_//www.youtube|/playlist\\?list=PLc9PEja7FcxBAd7vP8|Pinkie Pie Thread_|Post pink kitchen apron girl.|Fan Site Alternative Thread|This is the general thread for the alternative fan sites of the My Little Pony fandom.|Discussion,|development suggestions,|and criticisms are all welcome here.|Still on life support edition.|>Why alternate boorus\\?|Changes to Derpibooru have made the site a less than ideal location for pony fan art.|several new boorus arose to provide alternatives.|Many of the altbooru owners post in thread and listen to questions and comments from anons.|Please keep posts about Derpibooru in the thread on mlpg.co.|>Why alternate text sites\\?|>Why alternate text,|fanfiction,|and fanfiction archival sites\\?|Pastebin has deleted,|and continues to delete,|greentexts on the site.|FimFiction does not allow stories in the greentext format.|FimFetch has been purging foalcon and other material deemed to be|\"unacceptable\"|as late as Jan|2024,.|As such,|a new home is needed.|Overview_|altboorus.org|booru.foalcon by Pathos-!!arjIjTdCTdq-- Underage lyrabooru.org|- Hot glue|>Greentext,|>File sharing smutty.horse-frozen until further notice-IWIFTP|>Latest Developments_|- Ponybooru has been up and down a lot due to server issues.|- FoalFetch is being worked on,|but slowly.|- Floorb is working on a project to archive pony from Twitter, DeviantArt and maybe other sites,|and looking for volunteers to help.|- A security/privacy issue on Ponepaste,|which allowed for anyone to view one's private paste titles,|their authors,|and tags-but not its actual content-was patched.|- The fanfiction archival site FimFetch escalates its ongoing purge of content deemed by them as|\"unacceptable\"-mainly foalcon-by hosting a list of accounts from all around the fandom-FimFiction, Discord, AO3, Derpibooru,|ect.-they|\"found\"|to be associated with said material.|In response, Floorb has created foalfetch.net.|For keeping up with the ongoing drama,|see https_//ponepaste.org/9926|/mlpu/|- MLP|Yuri/Lesbian General_|After Sx Smoke Edition Discuss and debate your favorite dyke ships or just post mares lezzing out.|Post freckled cowboy hat girl.|Post blue spandex shorts girl.|FoE/|- Fallout Equestria_|Post Apocalyptic Pony Thread_|Rare species edition.!|Fallout Equestria,|a story that bleeds two franchises together to build something magical.|On one side,|you have death,|destruction,|decay,|and misery|-on the other,|you have ponies.|Doesn't sound like it should mix\\?|You'd be surprised.|When the world around you is wasteland,|all you're left with is hope,|and as we all know,|ponies can do spectacular things with just a little hope.|Read Fallout Equestria by Kkat to appreciate the setting that many writers have then lent upon after being so captivated by the wonders.|The original story which spawned its own fandom can be found here_|These next four stories comprise the rest of what is considered|\"the big|alongside the original.|They were biggest hitters early in the fandom,|be it for having started before many others,|their length,|or overall quality.|>Project Horizons_|>Pink Eyes_|https_//www.fimfiction.net/story/931/|>Heroes_|https_//www.fimfiction.net/story/662/|>Murky Number Seven_|Though,|a reminder;|just because these are the most well known,|that isn't to say that there aren't other stories out there!|There are many hidden gems that simply don't get the love they deserve purely because people don't give them the chance.|Why not open your heart and try to find a new favorite\\?|Anons are absolutely welcomed and encouraged to return with fic discussion of even the most obscure fics!|Fan games_|>Fallout Equestria_|Remains A|Fallout Equestria Roguelike.|It is the best thing to come of the fandom recently.|Seriously go play it https_//foe-remains.gitlab.io/main_en.html|>Balefire Blues A|Hearts of Iron IV mod.|In it you take control over various FoE factions seeking to conquer the wasteland.|>Ashes Town A derivative of Pony Town,|set in the Fallout Equestria universe.|Thread Topic_|Whats your personal head-canon for some of the non equine races in FOE\\?\\?|Art Thread|Backends_|>https_//github|/LykosAI/StabilityMatrix This is more of a one click manager that you can install|run the other backends though.|Easiest by far.|stablediffusion if checkpoint...->Stable Diffusion Automatic1111|/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui I would recommend installing this through Stability Matrix.|>ComfyUI https_//github|/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI\\?tab=readme-ov-file#installing Has a learning curve but is extremely customizable and usually has the latest methods|papers implemented first.|>\"But I don't have a decent GPU\"|https_//novelai.net You could also use a service like civitai.|Models_|>Pony Diffusion V6|XL https_//civitai|>Autism Mix-Alternative model based upon pony diffusion, I prefer the DPO version of it.|Better anatomy|more coherent.-https_//civitai|>Seaart-Less pony knowledge but has artist tags and is very high quality.-https_//civitai|>Useful artist style LoRA_|>LoRAs by|/mlp/_|https_//rentry.org/ponyxl_loras|/h and other useful info_|https_//rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff|>How to make your own LoRA_|https_//rentry.org/59xed3|/articles/3522/valstrixs-crash-course-guide-to-lora-and-lycoris-training https_//civitai|/articles/4100/how-to-create-a-style-lycoris-for-ponyxl-on-low-vram-locally|>Prompt tips for new users_|Use tags from e621|and natural language.|Here,|all the usual misinfo already addressed in one easy place for your viewing displeasure_|/watch\\?v=F-i09Nz96cw|/mlpfit/_|2-0.|Why was he written out of tyt when mym showed that he was moving into the Brighthouse\\?|I want to play an MLP|G4|video game_|But you know,|not complete dog shit.|Looking for stuff like RPG's or maybe farming/slice of life simulators.|I'm even down for games made for a more|\"mature\"|audience.|Got any good suggestions anons\\?|Fluttershy Thread_|Shy Does It for Free Edition For those seeking any and all things Fluttershy.|>/shy/thread Ponepaste-includes the OP,|writefag list,|writefag request bin,|and all current/completed stories-https_//ponepaste.org/user/FluttershyThread|>Collaborative Fluttershy playlist-request for new content to be added in the thread-https_//www.youtube|>/mushy/|Musical mixtape-request for new content to be added in the thread-https_//www.youtube|NOBODY|EXPECTS|MY|LITTLE|PONY|TALES|Are there character that SHOULD have been in G4\\?|What the fuck does this mean\\?_|anon,|what does this shit mean\\?|What does it mean that it's a big Trixie marble\\?|I thought maybe it was a bowling ball but there's no holes and on further inspection it looks closer to a huge marble,|but I'm open to anything at this point.|But she's also tied to the teacup somehow\\?|Try again\\?|Try again at what\\?|And to what end\\?|What's going on\\?|>anon,|if it's not too much trouble,|could you,|um,|turn up the heat a little bit\\?|It's k-kinda chilly.|My Massive Pony_|Great and Powerful edition Writers,|and critiques are always welcome,|so long as it pertains to the main idea of the thread which is size difference.|Check out our slowly growing ponepaste_|https_//ponepaste.org/3112|Sweetie Belle is a slut.|Good mooorrrning people!|The sun is shimmering,|and there are sisters that need a plowing!|What if when Fluttershy was under the influence of poison joke not only her voice dropped low but she grew low hanging balls too\\?|That voice had to come from somewhere|Lingerie Thread_|Reply with your pony waifus wearing all things lingerie related.|>Please darling as if I would ever have sex with somepony who already lost their virginity back in their homeworld.|You think I couldnt smell it\\?|I dont know who she is but you were marked the moment you enter Equestria.|Its too bad.|Bad hair day|/pnk/|- Pinkie Pie Thread_|Strawberry Edition Previous thread_|My queen is so cool and powerful.|Posey Thread_|Brighthouse Egregore Edition_|Posey has been inducted into the|\"Brighthouse Egregore\"|in the latest episode|will our chudmare ever be the same\\?|You thought her simply befriending Pipp was her downfall\\?|You haven't seen nothing yet.|What's an egregore\\?|Wikipedia has this definition_|>An egregore-also spelled egregor;|from French|égrégore,|from Ancient Greek|ἐγρήγορος,|egrēgoros|'wakeful'-is a concept in Western esotericism of a non-physical entity or thoughtform that arises from the collective thoughts and emotions of a distinct group of individuals.|On the bright side,|we can expect more Posey,|on the downside_|She's being brainwashed into participating in the occultism of friendship.|Gloomy sweat edition mayne!|/BFFs/|Glasses Are Cute edition_|This thread is for the bestest BFFs ever_|Izzy!|this is not a shipping thread.|>Greentext stories short and long_|only the starting one,|so make sure to check the replies for any continuation!|Izzy has to choose|Izzy get confused in prison|Izzy discovers it too|Izzy is probably drunk|Anon is distressed|Misty makes dinner for her friends|Then they have a sleep over|Izzy loses a special friend|Izzy is very good at Uno|Definitely Izzy is unique at Bridlewood|Izzy pranks her friends with an Izzy plush and absolutely nothing goes wrong|Green based on|Anon explains Izzy's shorter mane|Anon compliments Izzy|Less a green and more an idea vomit but hey it's OC|Izzy shows Anon how a unicorn does...|New_|Continuation-and maybe conclusion\\?-of the plush-come-to-life saga|Our pink princess is so precious!|Izzy Moonbow_|>Hi new friend!|Tell Your Tale_|Sleepover!!_|/watch\\?v=aGPEJ-Vh1Ec Previous_|Should I be fapping exclusively to my waifu or is that just an extra challenge anons impose on themselves\\?|I don't see it as cheating or being unfaithful since it's just masturbating but I would like to do it to be closer to my waifu.|/Bale/|Beginner And Low Effort art thread|-#52_|Welcome friends, ITT_|We make and share pony art,|with absolutely no pressure to deliver anything that's technically good-besides having ponies in it,|which makes it good by default-Make something,|share what you've done,|and give feedback and motivation to help us all keep improving and creating!|This thread's focus is art,|but beginner or low effort content of any kind is welcome here.|If you do want to post about something else like music,|gamedev,|or crafts,|just note that you may find better help and feedback posting it in the|thread Are you an experienced artist\\?|Leave some tips,|feedback,|guides,|or tutorials,|they're well appreciated here!|Guides,|tutorials and resources!|Start here!|https_//mares.horse/bale https_//ponepaste.org/8268|Draw with other|videos_|https_//pony.tube/c/bale_stuff/videos|The Curious Case of the Short-Lived|>CYOA\\?|Choose Your Own Adventure.|AKA|Quest.|>Discuss Current, Finished and Upcoming CYOAs|>Give advice on CYOAs|>Pitch ideas|>Get critique|>Trade art List of stories_|WIP-formerly anonpone_.|Your best bet is to search via desuarchive.|List of related content_|https_//poneb.in/JfNFvCxZ|>How do I run a CYOA\\?|>I can't into art,|but I'm a competent writer.|Should I still run a CYOA\\?|JUST|DO|>What day is best\\?|https_//strawpoll|/polls/e7ZJONmvvy3|>What time is best\\?|/polls/bVg86rz02yY|>What race would you play\\?|/polls/GJn4GoO0byz|>What genre are you interested in\\?|/polls/XOgOJ17M0n3|>Can I run a CYOA in this General Thread\\?|Yes,|just take care to differentiate yourself if there's another ongoing CYOA here.|>Active CYOAs as this thread was posted Moonlit|Traversia|I just wanted to say that you are all wonderful ponies and I'm sure you're gonna make your pretend monkey husbands very happy|Gmod Server Thread|To join add|to your Favorites in Multiplayer|Legacy Browser.|To start a gamemode/map change type rtv in chat.|To see server specific commands enter|!commands in chat on the server.|To watch videos with Media Player use Gmod's|64-bit version.|Enable it from the Betas tab in the game's Properties on Steam.|Addon lists_|Server status_|https_//www.battlemetrics|or https_//www.gametracker|Recommended content packs_|HL1_S, Episode|1/2, TF2|content and CS_S content+maps.|https_//gmodcontent|or https_//kajar9.wixsite|LINUX|PAC3/PPM2|collections and other user content_|https_//ponepaste.org/7931|Current gamemodes are Sandbox, TTT2, Death Run, Dropzone, Elevator, Extreme Football Throwdown, Fat #AZ2xm#Kid, Flood, Gungame, Hide and Seek, Horde, HL1|Co-op, HL1|Infected, Lambda_HL2|COOP_, Open Virus, Overwatch, Prop Hunt, Quake|3, SledBuild, The Stalker, Trash Compactor, Zombie Survival,|and Final Frontier.|Go do something that makes your waifu proud|-anything!|She's worth it.|Use this thread to talk about her and why you love her.|Your waifu is before you!|She's your friend,|but still unaware about your feeings.|How would you express them\\?|Its not necessary to rush it,|but mutuality is your goal,|obviously.|>What is a waifu\\?|What defines a waifu\\?|Your waifu is the one character you wish to be with your entire life,|until death do you part.|Possibly beyond that,|Most often this manifests as a romantic interest.|>How do you know if you have a waifu\\?|When you meet your waifu,|you will know.|The world around you will become colorful.|You will realize that you were living in monochrome the entire time.|Her existence provides context and meaning to yours,|a perfect complement,|a perfect comfort,|a perfect love.|There may be low periods,|periods of doubt,|but the rhythm of life will forever pull one towards their waifu,|for that love is eternal.|Long-running discussion,|latecomers,|and the occasional bump are welcome and encouraged,|but we would prefer that the thread not be kept on extended life support.|Worldbuilding Bread_|ITT we discuss Equestria Prompts_|>Which fic or green has the best worldbuilding\\?|>Which fic or green has the strangest worldbuilding\\?|>What time period and area of Equestria do you prefer to write/read/fantasize about\\?|>Which fanart evokes the feeling of Equestria the most to you\\?|>What are some unpopular or uncommon headcanons that you hold\\?|>If you could make|adventure episode at any point in the show,|what would the episode be about\\?|/green/|- Greentext General|Welcome to your|/green/text sanctuary.|Our mission_|rally the troops,|get fingers typing,|flood the board with greentexts.|Anchor your stories here,|finished or not.|Seek feedback and tips on them.|Want to resurrect some forgotten favorites,|dig up an underrated gem,|brainstorm your next big idea\\?|Do it here.|We want-You_.|Let's keep this cornerstone of|culture alive!|▶/mlp/|paste service_|▶Tips and links_|Clever’s Tips on How to Write Short Stories_|https_//rentry.org/CleverShort Ezn’s Guide to Writing Fanfiction_|Vhatug's tips for anatomically correct clop_|/Mare/con|- Writing Greentext_|Horsewords and You_|Characters|Motivation_|https_//youtu.be/4Uqj0orBS0s Horsewords|&-You__|/live/mYtcqDtoTm4\\?si=Kud0Eyai-CWneCVz|▶Generals Greentext Gallery_|https_//rentry.org/GreenArchive Previous thread_|Turnabout Storm/Elements of Justice Thread_|This is about the fan series Turnabout Storm and Elements of Justice because I got depressed at the lack of new episodes this week.|Post stuff about them.|I want Sonata to sit on me.|Pregnancy General_|Swollen Sisters_|This is the Pregnancy General,|not stillborn and ready to be borne again.|We've lately been building up a bundle of regular artists,|storytellers,|and others again;|may this general get quicker and continue quickening.|For files and other things we can't discuss in this thread,|there's a fraternal twin thread over inside Pregchan,|https_//pregchan|/f/res/100.html That thread is the third in a series,|and here are the prior Pregchan threads,|which have been archived here_|here are two archives of our greentexts_|https_//u.smutty.horse/lxqgizelhjx.zip https_//u.smutty.horse/lzbpjsjvhjs.zip Here’s a list of some artists and writers who use these threads_|>GFM_Lewdendorff https_//ponepaste.org/user/GFM_Lewdendorff|>pinkS|Here are some questions to stimulate activity while waiting for the birth_|How would you feed and otherwise care for your gravid dam\\?|Which aspects of magical pony pregnancy excite you most\\?|To be or not to be hyper pregnant\\?|Shoving bellies aside,|which anatomical change do you most appreciate\\?|What's something rarely covered in art or stories you'd like to see focussed on\\?|Who are your favourite artists and writers;|which pieces of theirs are your favourites\\?|For the relevant species,|such as pegasi,|do you prefer eggs or live birth\\?|Would you want to help your mare dress herself,|and in what\\?|How would you cuddle your gravid mare and where\\?|Just how would you comfort your mare if she had a tummy ache,|possibly from eating too much cake\\?|SCHLOP|Post best filly!|/bug/|Total Love Bug Edition_|Oops,|forgot to make another bread Here in|/bug/,|we take Queen Chrysalis on romantic walks,|a kiss on the cheek for Changelings,|and spend time cuddling gaylings.|Some old links_|Old Hive Directory_|https_//ponepaste.org/4223|Very Old|https_//poneb.in/PjB4LKgd BuggyCYOA archive_|https_//ponepaste.org/4086|How does this comment make you feel\\?|I need friends_|This make my childhood-o_∇_o__|Mind control thread|eldritch magic edition_|Originating from a thread about a niche form of hypnosis,|now encompasses varied hypnosis methods from spiraling specs to subtle spells,|swinging watches to wafting brews.|Post anything and everything about controlling a mind.|All ponies-mares and stallions,|fillies and colts-are welcome and encouraged.|Greens and other content only tangentially related will be better recieved in SPG or SiM depending.|Good rule of thumb is if it doesn’t involve taking control of a pony’s mind,|it probably goes somewhere else.-e.g.|no slavery without mind control scenes, IRL self-hypnosis audio,|or tupperware rp-Thread archive https_//ponepaste.org/9352|So Proud of Myself_|How did she become the main character\\?|Mare Day Shirt Pre-Orders_|Fallen Oak is offering pre-orders on some sick mare drip for Mare Day!|Emails say that these high quality,|31st at|5pm EDT,|and also on limited sale at Mare Day.|no more will be sold.|Those who got a ticket,|like yours truly,|have already been sent an email with the details.|But if you haven’t bought a Mare Day ticket,|do so before the pre-order deadline and they’ll send you an email with details.|I’ve been told that if you have a ticket and didn’t get an email,|that you should reach out to mareday-at-fallenoak dot org.|If your friend bought a ticket for you,|you should probably talk to your friend.|There’s not too many Mare Day tickets left,|but you can get em here_|https_//fallenoak.org/mareday/|It's releasing tomorrow!|I hope you will have Fun|Caravan Guard CYOA|>You are Ardent Mind,|an experienced caravan guard and a senior team leader of Steady Stride Caravan Guard Company|>Your job is to escort ponies across the Badlands and beyond to the new colonies in the Mysterious South,|fighting Changelings, Diamond Dogs,|giant lizards and other dangerous wildlife found in The Badlands and the lands beyond|>Most recently you were hired by the Equestrian Rehoming Project,|an organization responsible for managing and encouraging immigration to Equestria’s new colonies|>Your job is to escort and protect one of the Project’s heads,|her entourage,|and a large number of settlers,|fifty ponies in all,|all the way from the city of Appleloosa to New Ponyville in the southern colonies|>The job has been rougher than normal but the excitement reached a crescendo just a week ago when Diamond Dogs trapped your group within a canyon,|leading you to take shelter in a newly excavated ancient Dog temple|>After a costly battle in the temple you were forced to take a metaphorical leap of faith,|leading you and your remaining clients to find yourselves trapped in an underground Diamond Dog city|>For days you looked for ways to escape the underground|>It cost the health of a mare close to you,|as well as your own|you instead took a diplomatic approach|>After a meeting with the leader of the Diamond Dogs, Abuwityuw,|you came to a peace agreement|>The Dogs will let you leave in peace in exchange for you giving up several important ponies and arranging a peace agreement with a nearby group of Equestrian knights|avoiding traps along the way Because it's been a month since the last post I'll be reposting the last prompt and holding a revote for what to do next.-Characters_|/PqtD6vYH-Previous Threads_|My Ponk stopped ponking,|what do I do\\?|Flutterrape|>What is Flutterrape\\?|Flutterrape is a collection of stories about ponies trying and failing to have sex with Anon,|the only human in Equestria.|While the title implies that it is Fluttershy trying to rape Anon,|others may follow in her stead and attempt their own versions of rape.|There are different versions of Flutterrape,|but most are light-hearted comedies about the ponies failing in their attempts to get into Anon’s pants.|Just because your story has Anon in it,|doesn't mean it fits in this thread.|Check other threads-AiE, RGRE etc-about story content before posting.|>It's been|years,|how is this thread still alive\\?|A perverse mixture of necromancy and spite.|>How do I start writing\\?|Use your imagination,|you nitwit.|Additionally,|brush up on your grammar and abandon your standards.|Writing Guides_|Clever Dick's Tips For Short Stories|--https_//ponepaste.org/1274|Driverbang's Writing Guide|--https_//ponepaste.org/1275|Navarone's Writing Rules|--https_//ponepaste.org/1276|For additional information,|lurk.|You could also check out the T_EM/P/O or|threads for further writing advice,|unless they're dead.|So many threads have died,|but only Flutterrape has remained.|We shall always remain.|We are bound to the fate of the board as a lich is bound to its phylactery.|Masterlist_|https_//ponepaste.org/user/FlutterrapeGeneral Author List_|https_//ponepaste.org/1270|FIMfiction Group_|https_//ponepaste.org/1268|https_//desuarchive.org/mlp/search/text/Flutterrape/|There is nothing more pure than love between a man and a mare.|\"lonely at the top\"|edition Old thread_|Ongoing greens_|Shape Your Home by PoneGreen https_//ponepaste.org/477-Part|1-https_//ponepaste.org/478-Part|2-https_//ponepaste.org/479-Part|3-https_//ponepaste.org/480-Part|interlude-Completed/on hiatus/ded greens_|GET|OUT|HEAD by Anonymous|Dreams to Dream by Stabbythesnowman https_//ponepaste.org/590|https_//ponepaste.org/4197-part|3-A|Wish Enough for Two by TakeItEasy-née YukkuriPaleHorse-https_//ponepaste.org/8269|The Recruiter-epilogue-by pentapony https_//ponepaste.org/4316|Hallmark Dream-a by lmone6|https_//ponepaste.org/3004|Stories by Pentapony https_//ponepaste.org/user/pentapony Carl's Hardened Heart by Reggiesomething https_//ponepaste.org/1112|\"Fleetfooted\"|by SadBoy https_//poneb.in/u/MLPSadBoy Stories by Aftercase https_//ponepaste.org/user/Aftercase Stories by AnthonyC4|https_//ponepaste.org/user/AnthonyC4|Stories by Horse Story Anon https_//ponepaste.org/user/Appreciationproject Stories by YukkuriPalehorse https_//poneb.in/u/YukkuriPalehorse Rainbow Dash and the Ghosts of Hearts|Hooves Day by Lonesome Rider https_//poneb.in/U2Jtfc59|Stories by Trandhal_|https_//ponepaste.org/user/trandhal Rocks out of the Quarry_|https_//poneb.in/aX2C686i Stories by Tsar Anon_|https_//poneb.in/BnjZqwM3|Stories by Angry Wino_|tinyurl dot com slash vskmqfx Stories by Crabs of Steam_|https_//poneb.in/u/Crabs_of_steam The Broken Carousel-Part|https_//ponepaste.org/1541-Twilight Sparkle Interlude|https_//ponepaste.org/1543-Part|https_//ponepaste.org/1542-Twilight Sparkle Interlude|https_//ponepaste.org/1544|This Heart That Fears https_//poneb.in/0b7L24Ln Tsukumogami https_//poneb.in/WPw3dNdP|Low Self-Esteem AJ https_//poneb.in/x5FMfxc0|All I want from christmas https_//poneb.in/XHH5UPCN|Couch Surfing https_//poneb.in/82NscJdW|A collection of misc.|green since the|1st thread https_//poneb.in/0JMPM6F8|S2E3|Animatic_|https_//files.catbox.moe/i7pwed.mp4|Foodpony Thread|Flavored Boops Edition_|We will keep trying until EVERYONE enjoys the flavor.|https_//files.catbox.moe/3a4bh7.mp4|/merch/|\"Breaking The Shell!\"|Edition Post and talks about pony merchandise,|official or not.|Discuss plushies,|figures,|clothes,|books,|pins and more!|And new ways to add ponies to our life!|>is selling your products here allowed\\?|Of course!|Absolutely allowed.|>can I talk or post here about my crafting even if what I do isn't for sale\\?|Yes!|We accept merch in all its forms.|>where can I find the old threads\\?|They are all in the Links Index Pastebin,|after the links section.|>where can I find the video/collage of the anniversaries\\?|They are at the bottom of the Link Index Pastebin,|after the archived threads section.|>https_//pastebin|/UhL9KNZF|Here is a pastebin that contains all the links posted and discussed here.|Mainly pony shops,|but also rare/little known products,|figuremaker contacts,|among other things!|Main Links|List of Active Plushmakers_|List of Public Plushie Patterns_|Plush Pattern-with instructions!__|mares.horse/p/plush.html|Patches/Stickers/Desk Flags_|Pins, Stickers, Wallscrolls_|ko-fi|/rocketlawnchair/shop|4cc Jerseys, Pins_|etsy|/shop/zemming|Wallets_|https_//shop.mares.horse/|HorsePussy Books_|amazon|/gp/product/B086PLNPYF/|Feel free to suggest links about pony stuff to be added here and in the pastebin!|Fluttershy if she was a decent character|>I offer you a deal Anon.|You bring me the original Twilight Sparkle’s book of spells and I’ll help you rape all the mares you want.|Or you can have fun with Chrysalis over there.|She might have created me from naught but a simple hair,|but surprisingly I’m more powerful than she is.|I drained all her magic too,|so now shes stuck as a powerless,|has-been Queen.|What do you say hmm\\?|Oh and before you say the wrong answer or try to run away I must remind you that my minions would have no issue ripping you to pieces and feeding you to the timberwolves.|Cotton Cloudy_|Post more of the sixth-best filly|HarmonyCon|Who's going this year\\?|Also new website just dropped,|reg opens on August|and highest tier sponsor badge is|$20k https_//harmonycon.org/|>https_//harmonycon.org/|this g1|reboot is weird|>muah!|>i always knew about the comics|>Never cared too much about them|>I never read comics,|and even if i loved mlp i wouldn't start to read comics because of it|>Clueless.png|>Re-watch the show again since i have nothing better to do|>Im left with a desire for more|>But not the fanfic type more|>I want more oficial mlp|>Im not watching g5|>Im not watching g1-3|>Get reminded about the comics existance|>\"Shure why not\"|>Find all the comics on some page|>Expect to read|or two and then never continue|>Go through chrysalis comics|>\"Kek that was fun\"|>\"See whats next and i'll probably leave these\"|>Become unironically intersted in the story|>She appears|>Im stunned|>I keep reading,|almost like on a trance|>I screenshot every panel in wich she appears|>Pic fucking related|>I snap|>WHY|DID|TELL|ME|ABOUT|HER\\?!|>SHE|BADDEST|BITCH|EQUESTRIA|>i look at my waifu|>She went from a|pretty mare to a generous|>Look at other mares|>Every mare looked better than the average human woman,|but now they are all|3/10's|>She ruined other ponies for me|>She is too pretty I wouldn't be able to tell you a single shit about what happend in the comic btw,|i was too bussy jacking off|>can’t keep a consistent voice from her debut throughout|seasons,|episodes and several specials of content The only explanation is that shes a Changeling or its multiple Changelings.|ain't gonna be|hooves are hard and keratinous.|Do you think they have to use hoof nippers for hooficures|}", "base": "", "promptA": "", "promptB": "", "promptC": "", "negative": "", "_userSymbolText": "", "saveName": "", "_seed": "", "numImages": "n1", "_shape": "512x768", "_main": "Append dataset+prep. ahead of input 🔀,✏️", "_promptA": "Prompt input ✏️", "_promptB": "OFF", "_promptC": "OFF", "_negative": "Append dataset behind input ✏️,🎲", "numTokensNegative": "default", "numTokensMain": "default", "numTokensPrompt": "default", "numTokensBase": "default", "shiftPercentage": "10%", "_comma": "default", "shiftPercentageNegative": "50%", "Mode": "default", "artStyleNegative": "_negative", "artStylePreposition": "_whitespace", "artStyleBase": "_COMIC", "artStyleArt": "_randomStyle", "artStyleMain": "_bpf", "artStylePrompt": "_tokensa", "prefix_visibility": "visible", "suffix_visibility": "visible", "main_visibility": "visible", "base_visibility": "visible", "promptA_visibility": "hidden", "promptB_visibility": "hidden", "promptC_visibility": 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"suffix_evaluated": [ [ "(guidanceScale:::6) ", "(guidanceScale:::6) " ] ], "base_evaluated": [ [ " a comic book style poster with a Cain And Abel Production character and a Kagome Higurashi Inuyasha Sango Sacred Jewel anime character in the background, and a comic strip with a comic strip, Charles Schulz comics, a comic book panel, underground comix, mutated", " a comic book style poster with a Cain And Abel Production character and a Kagome Higurashi Inuyasha Sango Sacred Jewel anime character in the background, and a comic strip with a comic strip, Charles Schulz comics, a comic book panel, underground comix, mutated" ] ], "main_evaluated": [ [ "ptica disperso Julie Blackmon paizuri big penis depraved bitch normal lips ambitious ornate loose pants run the other backends though. >Hi new friend! Seriously go play it https_//foe-remains.gitlab.io/main_en.html planned characters_ and in what\\? so-vits-svt all the way from the city of Appleloosa to New Ponyville in the southern colonies ", "ptica disperso Julie Blackmon paizuri big penis depraved bitch normal lips ambitious ornate loose pants run the other backends though. >Hi new friend! Seriously go play it https_//foe-remains.gitlab.io/main_en.html planned characters_ and in what\\? so-vits-svt all the way from the city of Appleloosa to New Ponyville in the southern colonies " ] ], "negative_evaluated": [ [ "warmly ãĢĤ grower ", "warmly ãĢĤ grower " ] ], "promptA_evaluated": [ [ "", "" ] ], "promptB_evaluated": [ [ "", "" ] ], "promptC_evaluated": [ [ "", "" ] ], "seed_evaluated": [ 0 ] }