diff --git a/newsqa_forget_set.json b/newsqa_forget_set.json index 2b18af87aa9851a1b8039ecf98ec4ededb0ac9bc..4884b3a466511a1ff5629f21df157ecead01e224 100644 --- a/newsqa_forget_set.json +++ b/newsqa_forget_set.json @@ -198,3 +198,303 @@ {"answer":"apparently told the hotel they were journalists , something that the media watchdog group Reporters Without Borders has criticized . `` We hope these two advisers are freed quickly , but we are shocked that they were passing themselves off as journalists , '' Reporters Without Borders said . `` They were on an official mission and had no need of cover . Their behavior endangers journalists in a region where media personnel are already in danger . '' Sharmarke said the two hostages were kidnapped by the militant group Hizbul Islam but later were transferred to Al-Shabaab . Both Islamic insurgencies are trying to topple the current Somali government . Eyewitnesses said a group of gunmen stormed into the Sahafi hotel , which is frequented by foreigners , and took the two blindfolded and bound hostages on foot toward Mogadishu 's Bakara market , a stronghold for Islamist insurgents fighting against the Somali government . The Somali prime minister said that the government will hold Hizbul Islam responsible for the safety of both men . He did not say if any demands had been made for the hostages ' release . Hizbul Islam is led by Sheikh Hassan Dahir","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Somalia 's interim prime minister said Thursday that he has spoken to one of two French hostages seized earlier this week by gunmen who stormed their hotel in Mogadishu . Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke said the government will hold Hizbul Islam responsible for the safety of both men . Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke told a news conference at the presidential palace in the Somali capital that the hostage said he was in good health and is being treated well . Sharmarke said three low-level security officials have been arrested for their involvement in the kidnapping . The Somali government is negotiating the release of the hostages , who are being held by Islamist militants , he added . The two French nationals -- who have not been identified -- were abducted Tuesday when a group of about 10 armed men raided the hotel where they were staying . The French Foreign Ministry said the two were on an official mission to help the Somali government with security . The ministry has not divulged any details of its efforts to release the hostages , saying only that it is `` mobilized . '' The two advisers had"} {"answer":"Under Pol Pot 's leadership , the Khmer Rouge regime was responsible for the deaths of millions of ordinary Cambodians during a four-year reign of terror that was eventually halted in 1979 by invading Vietnamese forces . In 1975 , the Khmer Rouge ordered people out of Phnom Penh , the capital , and other cities in Cambodia to work in the countryside . It is said to be responsible for about 1.7 million deaths , roughly a quarter of the population at the time . Its stated aim was to create a Communist utopia , but instead the regime forced Cambodians into what has been described as a living hell . Soldiers marched city-dwellers into the countryside and forced them to work as farm laborers . Those already living in rural Cambodia were expected to produce enough food for the country while teaching farming to those who had never done it before . The regime abolished currency , and considered anyone with an education a threat . It did not allow modern medicine , and it isolated Cambodia to make it completely self-sufficient . The results were disastrous : People died of starvation and disease as soldiers tortured and","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Hundreds of Cambodians packed a courtroom in Phnom Penh on Monday as three top Khmer Rouge leaders went on trial for their role during the bloody four-year regime in the mid-1970s . The U.N.-backed Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia has scheduled four days of opening statements for the defendants , who are all in their 80s . On trial are Ieng Sary , the former Khmer Rouge foreign minister ; Khieu Samphon , the nominal head of state ; and Nuon Chea , the prime minister , also known as Brother Number 2 . The head of the Khmer Rouge , Pol Pot , was known as Brother Number 1 . He died in 1998 , long before the U.N.-backed court came into existence . A fourth defendant , Ieng Thirith , was ruled unfit to stand trial because she suffers from dementia and could be set free , prosecutor said . She is Sary 's wife and served as the social affairs ministry during the regime . Prosecutors have charged the defendants with crimes against humanity , grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions , genocide , homicide , torture and religious persecution ."} {"answer":"experts pointed to the economic downturn and the resulting high unemployment as factors behind the shift . `` The recession has had a significant effect on immigrants ' decisions on whether to come to the U.S. , '' said Michelle Mittelstadt , director of communications at the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute . Would-be unauthorized immigrants and legal temporary workers are mostly the ones who have decided to stay put in their home countries for now , Mittelstadt said . The largest declines in the foreign-born population were in states that were hardest hit by the recession , including California , Florida and Arizona . Mittelstadt noted , however , that those immigrants already in the United States appear to be staying . A recent study by the Pew Hispanic Center concluded that emigration from Mexico , the largest source of immigrants to the United States , slowed at least 40 percent between mid-decade and 2008 , based on national population surveys in the United States and Mexico , as well as Border Patrol apprehension figures . The Mexican-born population in the United States dropped by about 300,000 between 2007 and 2008 , according to census data . The new Census","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- After nearly 40 years of recorded increases , the number of immigrants living in the United States remained flat between 2007 and 2008 , recent statistics released by the U.S. Census Bureau show . The number of naturalized citizens in the U.S. increased , partly attributed to voter drives for the 2008 election . According to the Census Bureau 's American Community Survey , the U.S. foreign-born population represented about 12.5 percent of the population in 2008 , down from 12.6 percent in 2007 . Taking into account the margin of error , it was possible that the immigrant population remained even . `` Between '07 and '08 there really was n't that much of a change , '' said Elizabeth Grieco , chief of immigration statistics staff at the Census Bureau . But given the steep upward trend in the foreign-born population since 1970 , no change is big news . The American Community Survey collects data from about 3 million addresses each year , and provides one of the most complete pictures of the population , according to the bureau . The survey does n't give a reason for the leveling off , but"} +{"answer":", '' said Deborah Autor , director of the office of compliance within the FDA 's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research . `` We will continue to take aggressive action against those firms that do not have the required FDA approval for their drugs . Today 's warning letters are another demonstration of our commitment to remove illegal , unproved drugs from the market . '' Although the FDA does not know whether these drugs are unsafe , it has not approved them so can not certify that the products are 100 percent safe and effective . `` Consumers have a right to expect that their drugs meet the FDA 's safety and effectiveness standards , '' said Dr. Janet Woodcock , director of the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research . `` Doctors and patients are often unaware that not all drugs on the market are backed by FDA approval . It is a high priority for the FDA to remove these products from the market because they may be unsafe , ineffective , inappropriately labeled , or of poor quality . '' The FDA believes Americans have access to plenty of legal narcotics for pain relief and","question":"WHITE OAK , Maryland -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Seeking to remove unapproved drugs from the marketplace , the Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday ordered nine companies to stop manufacturing narcotics whose therapeutic claims have not been proved . The FDA ordered nine companies to stop selling unapproved drugs marketed for pain relief . The FDA 's warning letters notified the companies they may be subject to legal action if they do not stop manufacturing and distributing `` prescription unapproved products '' that include high-concentrate morphine sulfate oral solutions and immediate-release tablets containing morphine sulfate , hydromorphone or oxycodone . This action does not include oxycodone capsules . All of these drugs are used for pain relief and are forms of previously approved medications . The agency says this is not a recall , but is instead a warning to manufacturers . The companies have 60 days to pull these pain-relief drugs from the market . Distributors have 90 days to stop shipping them . If these drugs are not off the market by those deadlines , a company could face seizure of the narcotics and legal action . `` We estimate there are several hundred unapproved drugs out there"} +{"answer":"government regulation of business and industry , with 39 percent saying there 's too much government regulation and an equal amount saying too little . Twenty percent said the amount of government involvement is just right . Watch why most Americans back the bailout '' `` Attitudes toward government have not changed since 2006 , when the economy was still in pretty good shape , '' said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland . `` Most still say the government is doing too much that should be left to individuals and businesses , and trust in government is still low . '' On the other hand , he said , `` with the economy in such poor shape , government action to stimulate the economy seems to get an exemption to the general concerns about big government . '' There also appears to be a divide between the parties when it comes to government involvement . `` Six in 10 Democrats want to see the federal government do more , '' Holland said . `` But three-quarters of Republicans would like to see a smaller government . The tiebreaker is independents . A majority of the independents polled say that government","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A new national poll suggests most Americans favor an economic stimulus package even if it comes with an $ 800 billion price tag , although that support does n't indicate the public wants to see a new era of big government . Two-thirds of people polled think Present-elect Barack Obama 's stimulus package will help the economy . Fifty-six percent of those questioned in a CNN\/Opinion Research Corp. survey released Tuesday said they favor the stimulus package that President-elect Barack Obama is proposing ; 42 percent were opposed . Obama is pushing Congress to pass the plan soon after he 's inaugurated on January 20 , to help jump-start an economy mired in a deep recession . The poll also indicates that two-thirds of the public thinks the stimulus package will do just that , with 17 percent saying it will help the economy a lot and another 50 percent feeling that it will help the economy somewhat . Twenty-one percent say the stimulus package wo n't help the economy very much and 10 percent say it wo n't help at all . But Americans seem to be split on whether they 'd like more"} +{"answer":"8 . `` If you do n't agree with me that we have standing , '' Cooper told the court , `` then I do urge you to answer the California Supreme Court decision . '' Then Judge Stephen Reinhardt questioned attorney Robert Tyler , who represented Vargas , about how a deputy clerk , instead of the clerk , could have legal standing in the appeal . After a lengthy exchange , Reinhardt appeared frustrated and stated : `` If you do n't know the answer , say so , as the prior attorney did . '' In asserting that his client has standing in the appeal , Tyler told the court that the county clerks are local officers , but they perform state functions such as civil marriages . Monday 's arguments in San Francisco , California , were being divided into two hour-long sessions -- one over the legal standing of those appealing the decision , and one over the constitutionality of Proposition 8 . Monday 's hearing is the latest in a lengthy legal battle over same-sex marriage in California . The state 's high court had allowed same-sex marriage , but then the 2008 Proposition","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Attorneys on both sides of the same-sex marriage debate faced off Monday in a federal appeals court in California , as a panel of judges heard arguments about the constitutionality of Proposition 8 . In August , a federal judge ruled that the voter-approved measure , which defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman , violated the U.S. Constitution . The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals considered an appeal of that judge 's ruling Monday . The three-judge panel opened Monday 's hearing with tough questioning of parties seeking to appeal the decision , including ProtectMarriage.com and Isabel Vargas , who 's a deputy clerk and deputy commissioner of civil marriages for Imperial County , California , where voters overwhelmingly approved Proposition 8 . `` What 's your best case to allow for your standing in federal court ? '' one judge asked attorney Charles Cooper , representing ProtectMarriage.com . `` Your honor , I do n't have a case , '' Cooper responded , referring to relevant court cases . Cooper later urged the panel to consider how the California Supreme Court earlier ruled in favor of the voter-approved Proposition"} +{"answer":"was found dead in her bed , half-naked , with a knife wound to her neck . In court papers , prosecutors stated that Sollecito held Kercher by her wrists while Knox poked at her with a knife and Guede sexually assaulted her . Prosecutors say they have physical evidence placing the defendants at the scene , and that they gave investigators confusing and contradictory statements about their whereabouts the night Kercher died . Knox first said she was at the house she shared with Kercher , then changed her story , according to court records . Sollecito , meanwhile , said he was never at the house , but was at his apartment , watching a movie on his computer with Knox . Later , he told investigators he did not remember whether Knox was with him the entire night . Defense lawyers are expected to argue that the physical evidence was tainted by sloppy police work . The case is being heard by a panel of eight judges . The trial has drawn more than 140 journalists from 86 news outlets to the courthouse in Perugia , Italy . The presiding judge in the case , Giancarlo Massei","question":"ROME , Italy -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Amanda Knox will testify Friday in an Italian courtroom to defend herself against charges that she took part in the killing of her roommate two years ago , her lawyer said . American college student Amanda Knox , 21 , is expected to take the witness stand Friday at her Italian murder trial . Knox , 21 , an American college student from Seattle , Washington , will be questioned by her attorneys first and her testimony could continue Saturday , said Luciano Ghriga , one of her lawyers . The trial against Knox and her Italian former boyfriend , Raffaele Sollecito , 24 , began January 16 in Perugia , a university town about 185 kilometers -LRB- 115 miles -RRB- north of Rome . They are charged with murder and sexual assault in the November 2007 slaying of Knox 's roommate , British exchange student Meredith Kercher , who died in what prosecutors called a `` drug-fueled sex game '' with the couple . A third person , Rudy Hermann Guede , from the Ivory Coast , was convicted of murder in October and sentenced to 30 years in prison . Kercher"} +{"answer":"born Martha Sharp Crawford into a wealthy family . She inherited a fortune conservatively estimated at $ 75 million , according to an article on the von Bulow case posted on truTV.com 's Crime Library Web site . In her early years , she drew comparisons to actress Grace Kelly . She became known as Princess von Auersperg with her first marriage , to Prince Alfred von Auersperg of Austria . That marriage produced two children : Alexander and Annie Laurie . The von Bulows married in 1966 and had a daughter , Cosima . On the morning of December 22 , 1980 , family members found Martha von Bulow unconscious in the bathroom of the family 's posh Newport , Rhode Island , home . She never regained consciousness . She had been hospitalized a year earlier after lapsing into a coma but recovered , according to the Crime Library site . Doctors had diagnosed her with hypoglycemia , or low blood sugar . Prosecutors accused Claus von Bulow of twice attempting to kill his wife by injecting her with insulin . The case also led to a major motion picture , `` Reversal of Fortune . '' Actor","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- After spending nearly 28 years in an irreversible coma , heiress and socialite Martha `` Sunny '' von Bulow died Saturday in a New York nursing home , according to a family statement . She was 76 . Sunny von Bulow is pictured during her 1957 wedding to Prince Alfred von Auersperg . Von Bulow was subject of one of the nation 's most sensational criminal cases during the 1980s . Her husband , Claus , was accused of trying to kill her with an overdose of insulin , which prosecutors alleged sent her into the coma . He was convicted of making two attempts on her life , but the conviction was overturned on appeal . He was acquitted in a second trial . His retrial in 1985 received national attention . `` We were blessed to have an extraordinarily loving and caring mother , '' said the statement from Von Bulow 's three children -- Annie Laurie `` Ala '' Isham , Alexander von Auersperg and Cosima Pavoncelli -- released by a spokeswoman . `` She was especially devoted to her many friends and family members . '' Martha von Bulow was"} +{"answer":"Acetaminophen and NSAIDs are commonly used drugs for both children and adults because they are effective in reducing fevers and relieving minor aches and pain , such as headaches and muscle aches , '' said Dr. Charles Ganley , director of nonprescription drugs in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research . `` However , the risks associated with their use need to be clearly identified on the label so that consumers taking these drugs are fully aware of the potential harm they can cause . It is important that they know how to take these medications safely to reduce their risk . '' The new labeling for acetaminophen also warns against taking multiple drugs that contain acetaminophen at the same time and exceeding the recommended dosage of the drug . And , it warns that drinking alcohol -- three or more drinks a day -- while using the painkiller can increase the risk of liver damage . For NSAIDs , the new labels will also caution users that alcohol use and taking the drugs for longer than directed can increase the risk of stomach bleeding . The agency says the use of blood thinning drugs or steroids while taking","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Over-the-counter painkillers and fever reducers will now carry new labels warning consumers of the potential risks of liver damage and internal bleeding associated with the drugs , according to a final ruling Tuesday by the Food and Drug Administration . The new warning labels will affect over-the-counter pain relievers including Tylenol , aspirin and ibuprofen . The new rule covers acetaminophen , the popular pain medicine also known as Tylenol , and a class of drugs known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs . The most commonly used NSAIDs include aspirin , ibuprofen -LRB- the main ingredient in Motrin and Advil -RRB- , naproxen and ketoprofen . The modified labeling also applies to all products that contain these ingredients , such as cough and cold medicines . Under the new rule , package labels and bottles must prominently state in highlighted text the drug 's ingredients . For acetaminophen , the label must include bold lettering warning patients about severe liver damage . The new labeling also instructs patients using the blood thinner warfarin to consult their doctor before using acetaminophen . Bold lettering on NSAIDs labels must warn of severe stomach bleeding . ``"} +{"answer":"'s freedom denied and then to find it and to insist that Americans stand for spreading the benefits of freedom and prosperity to others . '' Lantos , who was serving his 14th term in the House , was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in December . He announced last month that he would not seek a new term . `` It is only in the United States that a penniless survivor of the Holocaust and a fighter in the anti-Nazi underground could have received an education , raised a family and had the privilege of serving the last three decades of his life as a member of Congress , '' Lantos said in a statement at the time . `` I will never be able to express fully my profoundly felt gratitude to this great country . '' Watch Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid remember Lantos '' The lawmaker is the only Holocaust survivor to have served in Congress . The Hungarian-born Lantos came to the United States in 1947 after surviving a forced-labor camp in his Nazi-allied homeland . He escaped and was sheltered in a Budapest safe house set up by Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg , who was","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Rep. Tom Lantos , the Democratic chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs , died Monday due to complications from cancer , his office said . Lantos was 80 . Rep. Tom Lantos represented his Northern California district for 14 terms . He died at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda , Maryland , surrounded by his wife , Annette , daughters Annette and Katrina and many of his 18 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren , according to his office . Lantos ' life was `` defined by courage , optimism , and unwavering dedication to his principles and to his family , '' said his wife , Annette , his childhood sweetheart , in a statement the House of Representatives released . Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Monday that she was `` quite devastated '' by the death of her `` dear , dear friend . '' She called him `` a true American hero '' and `` the genuine article . '' `` He 's going to be really , really missed , '' she said . Rice described Lantos as `` the embodiment of what it meant to have one"} +{"answer":"'s Benjamin Becker 7-6 -LRB- 7-4 -RRB- 6-3 . Fourth seed Rafael Nadal beat fellow Spaniard and 15th seed David Ferrer 7-6 -LRB- 7-5 -RRB- 6-4 and will next face eighth seed Jo-Wilfried Tsonga , who trounced Juan Carlos Ferrero of Spain 6-2 6-2 . Fifth seed Robin Soderling of Sweden progressed with a 6-0 6-7 -LRB- 3-7 -RRB- 6-2 victory over Chile 's Fernando Gonzalez , while Mardy Fish of the U.S. was forced to retire while trailing 6-1 1-0 against 13th seed Mikhail Youzhny . In the women 's tournament , Venus Williams advanced to the semi-finals with a 6-3 6-1 victory over Agnieszka Radwanska . She will face France 's former Wimbledon finalist Marion Bartoli , who beat Yanina Wickmayer 6-4 , 7-5 . Williams , who had required three sets to defeat Daniela Hantuchova in the previous round , was delighted to have had an easier ride this time around . `` Getting through a match like yesterday makes me more confident because it was n't exactly my best game , '' she told the tournament 's official Web site . `` Today I was kind of eager to clean up my act . We had","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Roger Federer suffered a surprise defeat to Czech Tomas Berdych in the fourth round of the Sony Ericsson Open in Miami . The Swiss top seed was a long way from his best as Berdych edged a tight battle 6-4 6-7 -LRB- 3-7 -RRB- 7-6 -LRB- 8-6 -RRB- . Federer had a match point in the deciding tie-break but missed his chance with a wayward forehand , allowing Berdych to claim the victory three points later . Federer , who won the latest of his record 16 Grand Slam singles titles at the Australian Open in January , had only lost once to Berdych in nine previous meetings . `` It 's no secret I 've struggled the last five matches I 've played here in the States , '' Federer told the official ATP Tour Web site . `` I 'm definitely lacking timing . I do n't know where that comes from because I played so nicely in Australia . So it 's disappointing to not be able to back it up . '' They were joined in the quarterfinals by American Andy Roddick , who fought back from 4-1 down to defeat Germany"} +{"answer":"results would not hold true in a similar group of men . Christen and his colleagues examined the role of vitamins B6 and B12 and folic acid in AMD partly because previous studies have shown these vitamins are known to lower levels of homocysteine , an amino acid found in the blood that when elevated has been associated with higher risks of AMD . The 5,442 women who participated in the randomized , double-blind clinical trial already had heart disease or at least three risk factors for cardiovascular disease . The majority of them did not have AMD at the start of the study , which lasted more than 7 years . Christen explains that the underlying mechanism of AMD likely involves the vascular system , and researchers widely believe that cardiovascular disease and AMD share common risk factors . Age-related macular degeneration is a vision disease common among people older than 60 , involving the deterioration of tissues in the macula , the central part of the retina . The condition impedes the performance of critical everyday functions such as reading and driving because it affects the ability to see items that a person is looking at directly ,","question":"Researchers may be getting closer to an effective way of preventing age-related macular degeneration , one of the leading causes of vision loss among older Americans . A new study found that vitamins B6 , B12 and folic acid may help prevent age-related macular degeneration . A new study finds that women who took a combination of B6 and B12 vitamins along with a folic acid supplement had lower risks of developing age-related macular degeneration . The women who got the supplements , compared with those taking a placebo , had a 34 percent lower risk of developing any form of AMD , and a 41 percent lower risk of more severe forms of AMD . Epidemiologist and study author William G. Christen , Sc.D. , of Brigham and Women 's Hospital and Harvard Medical School , expects that if these findings are successfully replicated in future studies , `` the combination of these vitamins might become the first prevention method of early stages of age-related macular degeneration other than avoiding cigarette smoking . '' Christen also noted that although the study was conducted among women age 40 and older , there is no particular reason to believe the same"} +{"answer":"to Wandsworth , it will mark the end of a more than 200-year association with Grosvenor Square , in the historic and exclusive neighborhood of Mayfair near Hyde Park . John Adams , who later became U.S. president , lived on the square from 1785 to 1788 , when he was the first U.S. minister to the Court of St. James . The building in which he lived still stands in the square 's northeast corner . The embassy moved to various locations in the West End before returning to Grosvenor Square in 1938 . For years , it occupied a building on the east side of the square -- a building that now houses the Canadian High Commission . During World War II , the square was known as `` Little America '' because the embassy was on one side and Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower 's headquarters were on the other . The embassy moved to its current site , occupying the entire west side of the square , when the building was completed in 1960 . The concrete , four-story structure was designed by Eero Saarinen , who also designed the Gateway Arch in St. Louis , Missouri","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The U.S. State Department has sold its London embassy building to a Qatari real estate company , the embassy announced Tuesday . The signing of the deal is another major step in the embassy 's plans to relocate from its longtime headquarters in central London to a new site in Wandsworth , on the south bank of the River Thames . It was n't immediately clear how much Qatari Diar Real Estate paid for the embassy building in Grosvenor Square , whose 1960s facade was recently given listed status , meaning its design ca n't be changed . The embassy will continue to operate from the current building until the new one is completed in 2016 or 2017 , the embassy said . Construction is expected to begin in 2012 or 2013 . It was a year ago that the embassy announced it was looking for a new site that is more modern , open , and secure than the current building in London 's West End . It has now settled on a site in Wandsworth and is having a design competition for the new building . When the embassy does move"} +{"answer":", including beheadings . Authorities said the arrests made Wednesday and Thursday occurred in California , Colorado , Georgia , Massachusetts , Minnesota , Mississippi , Missouri , Nevada , New York , North Carolina , Oklahoma , South Carolina , Tennessee , Texas and Washington . Dozens of arrests occurred in the Dallas , Texas , area where agents with the Bureau of Alcohol , Tobacco , Firearms and Explosives filed charges against cartel members believed to have illegally purchased and shipped high-powered firearms to the cartel , which was based in the Mexican state of Michoacan . U.S. officials vowed to indict cartel leaders and extradite them to the United States . One leader , Servando Gomez-Martinez , was indicted in New York on Thursday . He remains at large , and is presumed to be in Mexico . A senior law enforcement official involved in the operation , who asked not to be identified , said he was certain the latest crackdown on La Familia would affect the methamphetamine market in the United States for months . `` It 'll make a difference not only because of how hard we hit 'em , but where we hit","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Justice Department on Thursday announced 300 additional arrests in a four-year operation that it says produced nearly 1,200 arrests and seizures totaling 11.7 tons of illegal drugs . Authorities look through seized property after a drug raid at a house near Atlanta , Georgia , on Wednesday . Attorney General Eric Holder announced the wrap-up of Project Coronado , which resulted in arrests in 15 states in the past two days . Holder said the operation targeted the distribution network of a major Mexican drug trafficking organization known as La Familia . About 3,000 federal agents participated in the investigation and raids , officials said . `` This unprecedented , coordinated U.S. law enforcement action -- the largest ever undertaken against a Mexican drug cartel -- has dealt a significant blow to La Familia 's supply chain of illegal drugs , weapons and cash flowing between Mexico and the United States , '' Holder said in a news conference . Watch Holder announce the arrests '' Michele Leonhart , acting chief of the Drug Enforcement Administration , said the cartel was known for specializing in the trafficking of methamphetamine and for its brutal violence"} +{"answer":"early as the early 1990s , '' Mutangana said . Former president was killed in April 1994 when his plane was shot down near the capital , Kigali . The mass killings began hours later , and by the time they ended 100 days later , some 800,000 people had been killed . Most were members of the country 's Tutsi minority , killed by members of the Hutu majority . The circumstances surrounding Habyarimana 's death remain a mystery . He was a Hutu , and speculation immediately fell on Tutsis as the perpetrators of the attack -- but some have also speculated that Hutus themselves shot down the plane to provide cover for the genocide . Top officials such as army generals and politicians who allegedly took part in the genocide have been tried in the Rwandan justice system and the International Criminal Tribunal , which is based in Tanzania . Civilians who allegedly contributed either directly or indirectly are tried by local communities in `` gacaca '' courts , which allow survivors to confront their attackers . Some human rights organizations have criticized the gacaca courts for falling short on delivering justice . Agathe Habyarimana is now","question":"Paris , France -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The widow of former Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana , whose assassination sparked the 1994 genocide , was arrested Tuesday in Paris on a Rwandan warrant , French and Rwandan officials said . Agathe Habyarimana was arrested at her French home Tuesday morning and is scheduled to appear in court later in the day , said a deputy prosecutor who declined to give his name because he is not authorized to speak about the matter . Rwandan Foreign Minister Louise Mushikiwabo told CNN that Habyarimana was arrested on genocide charges . They include genocide , conspiracy to commit genocide , complicity to commit genocide , and direct and public incitement to commit genocide , said John Bosco Mutangana , the head of Rwanda 's Genocide Fugitives Tracking Unit . The charges also cover crimes against humanity , specifically murder and extermination ; creation of a criminal gang , namely the Hutu militias ; and aiding and abetting the killings perpetrated by soldiers in violation of the Geneva Convention , Mutangana told CNN . `` We have of course strong evidence linking her to the genocide and the planning of the genocide itself , as"} +{"answer":"evening , the center of Paloma was about 25 miles -LRB- 40 kilometers -RRB- south of Grand Cayman Island and about 275 miles -LRB- 443 kilometers -RRB- southwest of Camaguey , Cuba . It was moving northeast at about 7 mph and was expected to pass near Grand Cayman Friday night and approach the coast of central Cuba late Saturday , the hurricane center said . The storm 's projected path would steer it away from the U.S. mainland and into the Atlantic . See where the hurricane could be headed '' J.B. Webb , a manager at a radio station on Grand Cayman , said Friday evening that some residents had gone to shelters and others were shutting themselves in downtown businesses rebuilt to withstand a Category 5 hurricane . He said the local government had advised people to be off the roads by 11 a.m. . The storm is expected to produce rainfall accumulations of 5 to 10 inches over the Caymans and central and eastern Cuba , with isolated maximum totals of 15 inches possible . Flash floods and mudslides are possible , forecasters said . Hurricane-force winds extend outward up to 25 miles from the center","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Hurricane Paloma continued to intensify Friday night as the Category 3 storm pounded Grand Cayman island with strong winds and heavy rain . As of 10 p.m. ET Friday , Paloma was moving northeast through the Cayman Islands . The National Hurricane Center said additional strengthening of the storm could occur through Saturday night as Paloma turned northeast and headed toward Cuba . A hurricane warning was in effect Friday throughout the Cayman islands , with residents being told that `` preparations to protect life and property should be rushed to completion , '' the center said . A hurricane warning means that hurricane conditions are expected within 24 hours . Cuban officials also issued a hurricane warning for the provinces of Sancti Spiritus , Ciego de Avila , Camaguey and Las Tunas , the Miami , Florida-based hurricane center said in an advisory . As of 10 p.m. ET , Paloma 's winds were near 115 mph -LRB- 185 kph -RRB- with higher gusts . Paloma is forecast to approach Cuba as a Category 2 storm after weakening late Saturday , according to the hurricane center . Watch rainstorms beat the Cayman Islands '' Friday"} +{"answer":"`` a woman who Brown had a previous sexual relationship with , '' according to court documents released last week . Brown issued a public apology to his fans last month . `` Words can not begin to express how sorry and saddened I am over what transpired , '' he said in a statement released by his spokesman . `` I am seeking the counseling of my pastor , my mother and other loved ones , and I am committed , with God 's help , to emerging a better person . '' When Brown made his first appearance in court last Thursday , Rihanna 's lawyer asked the judge not to prohibit him from having contact with her while he faces the charges . Media reports have said the couple has reunited since the alleged incident ; spokespersons for both have neither confirmed nor denied it . Watch some tough love for Rihanna '' Brown is due back in court on April 6 for his formal arraignment . If he is convicted , he could face as much as four years and eight months in prison , the Los Angeles County District Attorney 's Office said . The","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Singer Chris Brown has recorded a song with his girlfriend , Rihanna , after charges were filed against him for allegedly assaulting her , a source close to the record 's producer , Polow Da Don , said Thursday . A music producer says Rihanna recorded a duet with Chris Brown , who is accused of assaulting her . The source , who did not wish to be named because she was not authorized to speak on the matter , did not have any further details `` My heart goes out to both Chris and Rihanna for what has happened in the past , '' Da Don said in a statement . `` They are both great artists to work with , and I wish them well . '' The Los Angeles , California , district attorney filed two felony counts against Brown , 19 , last week relating to a February 8 incident in which police said he assaulted Rihanna , 21 . A police statement said the incident began when Rihanna , whose full name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty , found a text message on Brown 's cell phone from"} +{"answer":"take into account Kerik 's life and career , which he said `` included good '' as well as wrongdoing . Kerik put his head in his hands at that point . Kerik has spent the past two weeks in jail after a judge revoked his bail . According to court papers released in late October , he violated the terms of his bail by leaking confidential evidence about his case to a lawyer who published the material online . Kerik served as New York police commissioner from 1998 to 2002 -- a tenure that included the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attack that destroyed the World Trade Center and killed more than 2,700 people . He spent a brief stint in Iraq training the country 's police force after the U.S. invasion in 2003 , and was nominated by President George W. Bush for the post of homeland security secretary in 2004 . However , he withdrew from consideration after allegations surfaced that he employed a nanny whose immigration status was murky . In 2006 , Kerik pleaded guilty to accepting tens of thousands of dollars worth of gifts while he worked as city corrections commissioner , but","question":"White Plains , New York -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik on Thursday pleaded guilty to charges of lying to Bush administration officials who vetted his unsuccessful 2004 nomination to be homeland security secretary . Kerik admitted to eight counts as part of a plea agreement with federal prosecutors , who are recommending a 27 - to 33-month prison term . U.S. District Judge Stephen Robinson set Kerik 's sentencing for February 18 . In court papers , prosecutors said Kerik denied to a White House official that there was `` any possible concern '' about his relationships with the contractors involved in renovations to his apartment or that he had any financial dealings with prospective city contractors . Kerik , 54 , had been scheduled to go to trial next week on a variety of corruption charges , including allegations that he received and concealed benefits of about $ 255,000 in renovations to his Riverdale , New York , apartment from a company seeking to do business with the city of New York . He pleaded guilty to that charge and several tax-related counts during Thursday morning 's hearing . Robinson said he would"} +{"answer":"things worse , and 35 percent saying what he 's done has had no effect on the economy . One reason for that , Holland said , may be the growing federal budget deficit : Two-thirds say that the government should balance the budget even in a time of war and recession . The survey indicates that only 18 percent said the economic conditions in the country today are good , down 3 points from August . Eighty-two percent said economic conditions are poor . `` Some economic indicators may suggest that the economy has turned the corner -- but try telling that to the American people , '' Holland said . The number of Americans who said the economy is in good shape -- a number that grew steadily through the spring and summer -- has now stalled , with fewer than one in five expressing a positive view of current conditions . More than eight in 10 say that economic conditions are in poor shape , with 43 percent calling them very poor . The CNN\/Opinion Research Corp. poll was conducted November 13-15 , with 1,014 adult Americans questioned by telephone . The survey sampling error is plus","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Nearly two years into the recession , opinion about which political party is responsible for the severe economic downturn is shifting , according to a new national poll . A CNN\/Opinion Research Corp. survey released Friday morning indicates that 38 percent of the public blames Republicans for the country 's current economic problems . In May , 53 percent blamed the GOP . According to the poll , 27 percent now blame the Democrats for the recession , up 6 points from May , and 27 percent now say both parties are responsible . `` The bad news for the Democrats is that the number of Americans who hold the GOP exclusively responsible for the recession has been steadily falling by about two to three points per month , '' said Keating Holland , CNN polling director . `` At that rate , only a handful of voters will blame the economy on the Republicans by the time next year 's midterm elections roll around . . '' Thirty-six percent of people questioned said that President Obama 's policies have improved economic conditions , with 28 percent feeling that the president 's programs have made"} +{"answer":"and was rear-ended by a tractor-trailer , according to a Virginia State Police report . `` The impact forced the Honda Odyssey to rear-end the vehicle in front of it , a 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee , '' it says . `` The Jeep Grand Cherokee was then forced into the next lane over where it struck a 2007 Chevrolet Cobalt . '' The drivers of the Jeep and the Chevrolet also were taken to Inova Fairfax Hospital . Their injuries were not considered life-threatening . The driver of the truck , Allan W. Snader , 59 , of Ohio , was charged with reckless driving , the police report said . He was not injured in the crash . The tractor-trailer was carrying rolls of plastic . The 70-year-old senator visited his wife and daughter shortly after hearing of the accident at 2:15 p.m. , then returned to his office in the Capitol to work on health care legislation , said Reid spokesman Jim Manley . He was back at the hospital later in the afternoon and stayed until midnight , then returned early Friday to be there for his wife 's surgery , Summers said . Summers told","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The wife of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid underwent neck surgery Friday after being injured with their daughter in a four-vehicle wreck in suburban Washington a day earlier , her surgeon said . Since the surgery , Landra Reid , 69 , has been able `` to get out of bed , her pain is well-controlled and she 's able to swallow some , '' said Dr. Elizabeth Franco of Inova Fairfax Hospital . She can move her arms and legs , but is expected to go through physical therapy before being released in a few days , Franco said . Reid 's wife broke her neck , a vertebra in her lower back and her nose , the doctor said . The couple 's adult daughter , Lana Reid Barringer of McLean , Virginia , suffered a neck injury and facial lacerations , the senator 's spokesman , Jon Summers , said Thursday . Lana Reid was released from the hospital Thursday night . The wreck occurred in the northbound lanes of Interstate 95 in Fairfax County at 1:10 p.m. , when the 2005 Honda Odyssey driven by the daughter began braking in stop-and-go traffic"} +{"answer":"million movie . However , all indicators point to a quick descent for the Jack Black\/Michael Cera flick . `` Year One '' dropped 24 percent from Friday to Saturday -LRB- never a reassuring sign -RRB- , and the movie received an unimpressive `` B - '' rating from CinemaScore . `` Year One '' is all but certain to join `` Land of the Lost '' as another box-office disappointment for high-concept comedies . On the other hand , `` The Hangover '' -LRB- No. 2 with $ 26.9 million -RRB- and `` Up '' -LRB- No. 3 with $ 21.3 million -RRB- continued to show off their box-office stamina , dropping only 18 percent and 31 percent , respectively , from the prior weekend . `` Up '' now stands at $ 224 million , and may levitate past `` Star Trek '' -LRB- currently at $ 239 million -RRB- to become the year 's highest-grossing film . Finishing off the top five was `` The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 , '' which fell an alarming 52 percent for an $ 11.3 million weekend stash . Also opening this weekend was Woody Allen 's `` Whatever","question":"-LRB- Entertainment Weekly -RRB- -- Sandra Bullock will surely be popping open the champagne as her new romantic comedy , `` The Proposal , '' accepted the top spot at the box office this weekend by grossing $ 34.1 million , according to early estimates by Hollywood.com Box Office . Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock have reason to celebrate after `` The Proposal '' takes top box office spot . Not only did `` The Proposal '' win the weekend , but it was by far the best opening of Bullock 's career , nearly doubling the opening of her previous best , `` Premonition , '' which debuted to $ 17.6 million in 2007 . While `` The Proposal 's '' success was fueled mostly by women -LRB- 73 percent of the audience was female -RRB- , both women and men gave it a healthy `` A - '' CinemaScore rating , so expect the movie to hold up fairly well during the next few weeks . The weekend 's other big release , the prehistoric buddy comedy `` Year One , '' landed in fourth place with $ 20.2 million -- an okay debut for the $ 60"} +{"answer":"with conspiracy to commit all of the above offenses . `` Ghailani is further charged with providing material support to terrorism . This charge alleges that after the bombing , Ghailani continued in his service to al Qaeda as a document forger , physical trainer at an al Qaeda training camp , and as a bodyguard for Osama bin Laden . '' The charges say he purchased bomb components , scouted the embassy with the suicide bomb driver , met with co-conspirators , and fled to Karachi , Pakistan , one day before the bombing . The convening authority for military commissions , Susan J. Crawford , will determine whether probable cause exists for a trial by military commission , said Brig. Gen. Thomas Hartman of the Office of Military Commissions . For Ghailani to ultimately be sentenced to death , the 12-member jury would have to unanimously find him guilty , determine that aggravating factors apply , and concur on the death sentence , Hartman told reporters at the Pentagon . `` Everything has to be unanimous . '' `` And then there are four levels of post-trial review , which is an extraordinary set of rights available ,","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An al Qaeda suspect alleged to have been involved in the 1998 bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Tanzania that killed 11 people faces war crimes charges , the Pentagon announced Monday . Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani is shown in a photo posted by the FBI in 2004 . The bombing in Dar es Salaam , which also wounded hundreds , was one of two carried out nearly simultaneously on August 7 , 1998 . One in Nairobi , Kenya , killed 213 people . Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani , from Tanzania , faces nine charges , six of them offenses that could carry the death penalty if he is convicted by a military tribunal . He was captured by Pakistan in 2004 and is being held at Guantanamo Bay , Cuba . In a written announcement , the Pentagon said Ghailani is `` charged with the following substantive offenses : murder in violation of the Law of War , murder of protected persons , attacking civilians , attacking civilian objects , intentionally causing serious bodily injury , destruction of property in violation of the Law of War and terrorism . In addition , he is charged"} +{"answer":"reach a bilateral agreement on how long the U.S. military will remain in Iraq and what role it will play in Iraq 's security . But al-Maliki media adviser Ali Hadi said negotiations between Iraq and the United States are in their `` very early stages '' and were not part of Sunday 's talks . Watch Ahmadinejad and al-Maliki sit down for talks '' `` The treaty is purely an Iraqi-American treaty . The Iranians have nothing to do with it , '' Hadi said . `` We will not discuss the progress or the key elements of agreements or disagreements with them because this is an Iraqi issue . '' The proposed U.S.-Iraqi pact has triggered street protests in Iraq , where many suspect the deal could lead to the establishment of permanent American bases , a long-term presence of U.S. troops and a weakening of Iraqi government control over those troops . Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr , whose militia was the target of a U.S.-backed Iraqi clampdown in Basra and Baghdad recently , has called for weekly protests against the agreement . Al-Maliki and Ahmadinejad met Sunday afternoon , with Ahmadinejad calling on Iraq 's neighbors and","question":"TEHRAN , Iran -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Iraq 's Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Sunday tried to allay Iranian fears over a planned U.S.-Iraq security pact , saying his government would not allow Iraq to become a launching pad for an attack on its neighbor . Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , left , greets Iraq 's Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Sunday . `` Iraq today does n't present any threat as it used to be in the times of the former regime , '' al-Maliki told Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during a Sunday meeting between two leaders , according to a statement from the prime minister 's office . `` Today 's Iraq is a constitutional state based on the rule of law , and it seeks to develop its relations with the regional countries based on cooperation and mutual respect , '' al-Maliki said . Earlier , Iran 's state-run news agency IRNA quoted the Iraqi leader as saying that `` Baghdad would not allow its soil to be used as a base to damage the security of the neighboring countries , including Iran . '' His remarks come as the United States and Iraq are trying to"} +{"answer":"rail network last April . Each of the corridors identified by the administration last year are between 100 and 600 miles long . The program is `` a long-term venture in which states will need to plan projects , purchase and lay track , build and assemble equipment , and construct or upgrade train stations , tunnels and bridges , '' the statement said . In addition to the $ 8 billion mentioned by Obama , the plan also includes $ 1 billion a year for five years in the federal budget `` as a down payment to jump-start the program , '' the White House said . Train corridors in the program include : -- San Diego-Los Angeles-San Luis Obispo in California -- Oakland-Sacramento in California -- Portland-Eugene in Oregon -- Seattle-Portland in Washington and Oregon -- Chicago-St . Louis in Illinois and Missouri -- St. Louis-Kansas City in Missouri -- Minneapolis\/St . Paul-Madison in Minnesota and Wisconsin -- Madison-Milwaukee in Wisconsin -- Milwaukee-Chicago in Wisconsin and Illinois -- Cleveland-Columbus-Cincinnati in Ohio -- Detroit\/Pontiac-Chicago in Michigan , Indiana and Illinois -- Tampa-Orlando in Florida -- Raleigh-Charlotte in North Carolina -- Washington-Richmond in the District of Columbia and Virginia --","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Obama announced Thursday that the federal government will spend $ 8 billion developing a nationwide high-speed train system -- an investment the White House says is needed to help spur long-term economic growth . The investment , to be made through a series of state grants , will be funded through the government 's $ 862 billion economic stimulus package . Overall , projects and planning involving the rail corridors will take place in 31 states , according to a White House statement . The program `` will help accelerate job growth in an economy that is already beginning to grow , '' Obama said at a town hall at the University of Tampa in Florida . `` There is no reason why other countries can build high-speed rail lines and we ca n't , '' Obama said . More than 30 rail manufacturers have agreed to establish or expand U.S. operations if they are hired to work on the high-speed rail network , the administration said . The president first mentioned the program in his State of the Union speech Wednesday night . The administration initially released an outline for a national high-speed"} +{"answer":"defends him and is gradually opening its archives in an effort to show that he acted behind the scenes . Franco gave the news of Pope Benedict 's visit to Yad Vashem at a news conference in Jerusalem . Pope John Paul II also did not visit the museum section on his historic pilgrimage to Israel in 2000 , Father Federico Lombardi , a papal spokesman , said as he confirmed that Pope Benedict will not do so . An official with Israel 's Foreign Ministry said the decision was made jointly because of the sensitivity of the matter . Yigal Palmor conceded that there is an argument over the wartime pope 's actions during the Holocaust and noted that the museum has a sign stating that the facts are in dispute . He said that Pope Benedict may visit other parts of the Yad Vashem complex , which is divided into several compounds , and that the pontiff will lay a wreath at the site 's Hall of Remembrance , which is part of the protocol for visiting heads of state . The announcement that Pope Benedict will visit only part of Yad Vashem also follows international outrage over","question":"JERUSALEM -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Pope Benedict XVI will not visit Israel 's Holocaust museum when he makes his first trip to the region as pope in May , though he will visit a memorial that is part of the site , his ambassador to Israel said Tuesday . Pope Benedict XVI , shown at the Vatican during a prayer Sunday , has spoken out forcefully against the Holocaust . He will also become the first pontiff to visit the Dome of the Rock , one of the holiest sites in Islam , said the envoy , papal nuncio Antonio Franco . Foreign heads of state normally visit the Holocaust museum , which is part of the Yad Vashem complex in Jerusalem . But it includes controversial wording describing the role of Pope Pius XII during World War II , which is why Pope Benedict balked , an Israeli official said . Critics have accused Pope Pius of doing too little to prevent the mass murder of European Jews by the Nazis under Adolf Hitler . A caption in the museum says he maintained a neutral position during the years of mass extermination of Europe 's Jews . The Vatican"} +{"answer":"lived in El Paso , the State Department said . The third victim , found dead in a separate vehicle , was identified as the husband of a Mexican employee of the consulate . His wife was not traveling with him , but two of their children in the car were wounded , officials said . All the victims had left a birthday party at the consulate Saturday before they were attacked , Reyes and State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said Monday . The slain couple , Arthur Redelfs , 34 , and Lesley Ann Enriquez , 35 , were on their way home to El Paso , Crowley said . Redelfs was a 10-year veteran of the El Paso County Sheriff 's Office , according to Jesse Tovar , a spokesman for the department . Reyes said the attackers may have been confused because both groups of victims were traveling in similar-looking vehicles . Redelfs and his wife were in a white late-model Toyota RAV4 SUV . The third victim , Jorge Alberto Salcido Ceniceros , was driving a late-model white Honda Pilot , the mayor said . Salcido , 37 , was a state police officer who was","question":"Mexico City , Mexico -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Authorities believe assassins targeted a pregnant woman and two other people connected with a U.S. consulate who were killed in drive-by shootings over the weekend , Ciudad Juarez Mayor Jose Reyes Ferriz said Monday . The killings were carried out by a local gang , known as Los Aztecas , that is allied with the Juarez Cartel , Reyes told CNN . No arrests had been made by Monday afternoon . `` We know that the U.S. citizens were targeted , '' Reyes told CNN , saying a police officer saw gunfire from a car directed at the Americans ' car . `` We know they were chasing them . We know they wanted to kill them . '' Two of the victims were a four-months-pregnant employee of the consulate in Juarez and her U.S. citizen husband who was a jailer in nearby El Paso , Texas , U.S. and Mexican officials said . The couple 's 10-month-old child , who was in the vehicle , was not injured , Reyes and other officials said . The child has been turned over to U.S. consular officials , Reyes said . The couple"} +{"answer":"I think are important , '' he said . Martinez added that he has no plans to run for any other public office . At a news conference at McDill Air Force Base in Florida , Gov. Charlie Crist said he will `` undertake a very thorough , comprehensive , thoughtful process '' to find a replacement for Martinez . He vowed not to appoint himself to complete Martinez 's six-year term , which ends in about 17 months , and predicted that he would reach a decision before the Senate returns from recess September 8 . Crist , a Republican , had announced in May that he would not seek a second term as governor and instead would run for Martinez 's seat in the 2010 election . Martinez was elected in 2004 . He announced in December his intention to retire at the end of his term . Martinez is the only Hispanic Republican in the Senate . He joined eight other Republicans on Thursday in voting to confirm Judge Sonia Sotomayor as the first Hispanic justice to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court . Democrats hold a tenuous filibuster-proof majority in the Senate , with 60 votes","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sen. Mel Martinez , a Florida Republican , announced Friday that he will resign his seat as soon as a replacement can be named by the governor . Sen. Mel Martinez is the only Hispanic Republican in the U.S. Senate . `` My priorities have always been my faith , my family and my country , and , at this stage of my life and after nearly 12 years of public service in Florida and in Washington , it is time to return to Florida and my family , '' the 62-year-old said in Orlando , Florida . `` So today I am announcing my decision to step down from public office . '' Martinez said he is resigning `` of my own free will . There is no impending reason ; it 's only my desire to move on and to get on with the rest of my life . '' He added that he is in good health and that he expects the next phase of his life will take place in the private sector . `` However , I do hope that I can have a voice to speak out on issues"} +{"answer":"to speculate as to a cause at this point , '' Southwest said in a statement Monday night . Watch as passenger describes watching the hole form '' `` We have safety procedures in place , and they were followed in this instance to get all passengers and crew safely on the ground , '' the airline said . `` Reports we have are that our passengers were calm and that our pilots and flight attendants did a great job getting the aircraft on the ground safely . '' Southwest dispatched a replacement aircraft to take passengers on to Baltimore . See map of flight path '' Charleston airport spokesman Brian Belcher said a local pizzeria provided food for the passengers as they waited . The damaged jet will remain on the ground there until federal inspectors can examine it , he said . In addition , all 181 of Southwest 's 737-300s -- about a third of the airline 's fleet -- will be inspected overnight after the emergency landing , McInnis said . Southwest does not expect the inspections to create delays , she said . CNN 's Shawn Nottingham and Stephanie Gallman contributed to this report .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Southwest Airlines jet made an emergency landing in Charleston , West Virginia , on Monday after a football-sized hole in its fuselage caused the cabin to depressurize , an airline spokeswoman said . Southwest Flight 2294 made an emergency landing at Yeager Airport in Charleston , West Virginia , on Monday . There were no injuries aboard the Boeing 737 , which was traveling at about 34,000 feet when the problem occurred , Southwest spokeswoman Marilee McInnis told CNN . The sudden drop in cabin pressure caused the jet 's oxygen masks to deploy . Southwest Flight 2294 was en route from Nashville , Tennessee , to Baltimore , Maryland , with 126 passengers and a crew of five aboard , McInnis said . It landed at 5:10 p.m. after the crew reported a football-sized hole in the middle of the cabin near the top of the aircraft , McInnis said . What caused the damage to the jet had not been determined , she said . Both the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board are investigating the incident , FAA spokeswoman Holly Baker said . `` There is no responsible way"} +{"answer":"the Europa League and Genk eliminated from Europe . There was late drama in Group F , where Marseille came back from 2-0 down to win 3-2 at Dortmund , a result that saw them go through to the last 16 in second place behind already-qualified Arsenal . Poland midfielder Jakub Blaszczykowski put the home side ahead from close range in the 23rd minute and Mats Hummels doubled Dortmund 's advantage nine minutes later from the penalty spot , after captain Sebastian Kehl received a nasty kick in the face from defender Stephane Mbia . But Marseille gave themselves hope on the stroke of half-time when Loic Remy headed home Morgan Amalfitano 's right-wing cross . The score stayed that way until five minutes from the end when Andre Ayew powerfully headed home Amalfitano 's corner . And a sensational comeback was completed just two minutes later when substitute Mathieu Valbuena skipped past a couple of challenges before curling home a delightful winner . Marseille 's victory was bad news for Olympiakos , who beat a depleted Arsenal side 3-1 in Piraeus . Rafik Djebbour put the hosts ahead from a tight angle after a defensive mix-up and David Fuster","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Chelsea have qualified for the last 16 of the European Champions League after two Didier Drogba goals helped them to a 3-0 Group E victory over Valencia at Stamford Bridge . The English Premier League side needed a victory to guarantee their place in the knockout stage and they got the perfect start when Drogba scored in the third minute -- Chelsea 's fastest ever Champions League goal . Midfielder Ramires doubled their advantage midway through the half after capitalizing on some hesitant Valencia defending . Real Madrid to topple Barcelona in ` El Clasico ' clash ? And Drogba sealed the victory 14 minutes from time when sliding the ball home from Juan Mata 's slide-rule pass . The result also means Chelsea top the group with 11 points after Bayer Leverkusen -- who had already qualified -- were held to a 1-1 draw by Genk in Belgium . Jelle Vossen put the home side ahead in the first half with a superb volley , but Swiss striker Eren Derdiyok leveled for the Bundesliga side 11 minutes from time . Leverkusen go through as group runners-up on 10 points , with third-placed Valencia going into"} +{"answer":". McAteer was critical of the mine 's owner , Virginia-based Massey Energy , in the days after the blast . `` Some companies , and this appears to be one , take the approach that these violations are simply a cost of doing business -- it 's cheaper for us to mine in an unsafe way or in a way that risks people 's lives than it is for us to comply with the statutes , comply with the laws , '' McAteer said last week . There was no immediate response from Massey Energy to McAteer 's appointment , but Massey CEO Don Blankenship said last week that its safety history is among the best in the industry . The Montcoal , West Virginia , mine received 458 citations from federal inspectors in 2009 , and more than 50 of those were for problems that the operators knew about but had not corrected , according to federal mine safety records . Inspectors cited the operators more than 100 times in the first quarter of 2010 , including six times for `` unwarrantable failure '' to correct violations . Massey subsidiary Aracoma Coal pleaded guilty to 10 criminal charges","question":"Naoma , West Virginia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- West Virginia 's governor on Tuesday named a former head of the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration to lead a state investigation into last week 's coal mine explosion that left 29 miners dead . Davitt McAteer has overseen investigations into two previous mine accidents , the Sago disaster that killed 12 miners in 2006 and the fire at the Aracoma Alma No. 2 mine that left two workers dead . The West Virginia native served as the Clinton administration 's assistant labor secretary for mine safety in the 1990s and is vice president of Wheeling Jesuit University . `` Davitt has the experience and knowledge to lead what will be a complex and extensive investigation into this horrible accident , '' Gov. Joe Manchin said in announcing McAteer 's appointment . `` We made tremendous progress in 2006 immediately following the Sago and Aracoma accidents , and I fully expect that we will learn even more from this and make dramatic changes to protect our miners . '' The last bodies were recovered early Tuesday from the Upper Big Branch mine , the scene of the fatal explosion April 5"} +{"answer":"before they were randomly assigned to take a placebo , vitamin E supplements -LRB- 600 IU every other day -RRB- or aspirin -LRB- 100 mg per day -RRB- , either alone or in combination . At the end of 10 years , 760 of the 19,937 women who took vitamin E alone or with aspirin developed COPD compared with 846 of the 19,939 who took a placebo or aspirin alone -- a 10 percent risk reduction . Vitamin E did not lower the risk of asthma , a condition associated with a higher risk of COPD . Health.com : 10 ways to have cleaner air at home The researchers took into account factors such as cigarette smoking and age , which can affect COPD risk . The study , conducted by Cornell University and Brigham and Women 's Hospital researchers , is to be presented this week at the annual American Thoracic Society meeting in New Orleans . The idea that vitamin E can reduce the risk of developing COPD is `` biologically plausible , '' says Yvonne Kelly , Ph.D. , an associate professor in the department of epidemiology and public health at University College London . Experts believe","question":"-LRB- Health.com -RRB- -- People who take vitamin E supplements regularly for years -- whether they are smokers or nonsmokers -- may lower their risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease , the lung condition that is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States . COPD includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis and is often , but not always , caused by smoking . While the risk reduction is relatively small , 10 percent , COPD is a common and life-threatening condition in which a decline in lung function can be slowed down but not reversed . COPD symptoms include shortness of breath , coughing , and fatigue . `` The effect appears to be modest . But for something for which there is n't really any effective therapy and tends to be a degenerative condition , anything that would reduce the risk even somewhat is not an insubstantial benefit , '' says Jeffrey B. Blumberg , Ph.D. , a professor of nutrition at Tufts University in Boston who was not involved in the study . The research , from the government-funded Women 's Health Study , included 39,876 women 45 years and older who were free of COPD"} +{"answer":"Denver , Colorado , last August , the deadline mandated by the 2002 McCain-Feingold campaign finance law . The former New York senator was forced to forgive the entire loan amount . Her campaign owed $ 6.4 million to 16 creditors at the end of November ; $ 5.9 million to five creditors at the end of December ; and the current $ 2.3 million owed to just one creditor at the end of March . That creditor is Penn , Schoen & Berland , a political consulting and polling firm that advised Clinton during her presidential bid . The firm 's president , Mark Penn , was Clinton 's senior campaign strategist until he stepped down last April amid revelations that he had lobbied on behalf of Colombia for a U.S.-Colombia trade deal that Clinton opposed . Penn remained involved with the campaign . Earlier this year , Clinton and her supporters raced to pay as much of the debt as possible by the time she was confirmed and sworn in as the nation 's 67th secretary of state on January 21 . As of that date , Clinton became subject to a federal law known as the Hatch","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reached an important milestone Wednesday in her quest to pay the debt from her failed 2008 presidential bid : For the first time in eight months , her campaign committee reported having more money in the bank than it owes . Secretary of State Hillary Clinton 's campaign committee reported owing $ 2.3 million in debt at the end of March . On a day most Americans were preoccupied with filing their federal income taxes , Clinton 's campaign committee filed finance documents with the Federal Election Commission , reporting a total of $ 2.3 million in debts at the end of March , compared with $ 2.6 million in the bank . The nation 's top diplomat has been steadily chipping away at unpaid campaign bills since suspending her White House bid in June 2008 , when her debt peaked at $ 25.2 million . That amount covered $ 12 million owed to vendors , as well as the $ 13.2 million she loaned her campaign from personal funds . Clinton 's campaign was unable to repay that personal loan by the time the Democratic National Convention convened in"} +{"answer":"military operations that were conducted in Gaza during the period from 27 December 2008 and 18 January 2009 , whether before , during or after . '' Israel launched its offensive in Gaza with the stated intent of stopping a barrage of rockets -- primarily short-range homemade Qassam rockets -- fired from the territory into southern Israel by Hamas fighters . The Israeli government is not assisting the investigators , who are not scheduled to visit Israel as part of the inquiry . Yigal Palmor , a spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry , said that `` there is not a chance we will cooperate with this mission '' under the terms of the Human Rights Council mandate . `` The resolution was adopted by a vote of non-Democratic countries , and the democratic countries either abstained or rejected the resolution , '' Palmor said . Israel has been long been a critic of the Human Rights Council , arguing that it is one-sided in its approach to the Jewish state . The Israeli military conducted an investigation of its actions in the Gaza conflict and concluded in a report released in April that it `` operated in accordance with","question":"JERUSALEM -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A U.N. team entered Gaza on Monday to investigate possible human rights abuses by Israel and Hamas during a three-week conflict that ended January 18 . Palestinians run from an Israeli airstrike on a U.N. school in northern Gaza on January 17 . Richard Goldstone , a former Rwanda and Yugoslavia war crimes prosecutor , is leading the Human Rights Council investigation of the conflict that claimed the lives of more than 1,000 Palestinians and 13 Israelis . Goldstone and three other investigators entered Gaza via Egypt for a five-day visit . Upon crossing into the Palestinian territory , Goldstone told reporters , `` We 've come here to see . We 've come here to learn . We 've come here to talk to people in all walks of life , ordinary people , governmental people , administrative people , obviously nongovernmental organizations that are so important in this sort of situation . '' The Geneva , Switzerland-based Human Rights Council established the fact-finding mission April 3 `` to investigate all violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law that might have been committed at any time in the context of the"} +{"answer":"that the lifetime risk of maternal deaths is greater in the United States than in 40 other countries , including virtually all industrialized nations . The report also noted that severe pregnancy-related complications that nearly cause death -- known as `` near misses '' -- have increased by 25 percent since 1998 . Up to 40 percent of near misses are considered preventable with better quality of care , according to a 2007 study in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology . Minorities , women living in poverty , Native Americans , immigrants and those who speak little or no English are particularly affected , Amnesty International said . `` The thing that really struck us was that these problems hit women of color , low-income , particularly hard , '' said Nan Strauss , researcher and co-author of the Amnesty report . `` But every woman who is going through pregnancy in this country is at risk . '' Figures compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta , Georgia , show that black women are three times more likely to die from pregnancy and childbirth than their white counterparts . White women have a","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Deaths from pregnancy and childbirth in the United States have doubled in the past 20 years , a development that a human rights group called `` scandalous and disgraceful '' Friday . In addition , the rights group said , about 1.7 million women a year , one-third of pregnant women in the United States , suffer from pregnancy-related complications . Most of the deaths and complications occur among minorities and women living in poverty , it noted . Amnesty International issued a report Friday that calls on President Obama to take action . `` This country 's extraordinary record of medical advancement makes its haphazard approach to maternal care all the more scandalous and disgraceful , '' said Larry Cox , executive director of Amnesty International USA . `` Good maternal care should not be considered a luxury available only to those who can access the best hospitals and the best doctors . Women should not die in the richest country on earth from preventable complications and emergencies , '' Cox said in a news release . The report , `` Deadly Delivery : The Maternal Health Care Crisis in the USA , '' notes"} +{"answer":"consistently denied that he or his family was involved in any wrongdoing . In August , Thaksin and his wife skipped a court appearance and fled to the United Kingdom rather than testify in the real-estate case . He said he did so because he did not think he would get a fair trial in Thailand . Thaksin , a telecommunications tycoon , once owned the English Premier League Manchester City Football Club but sold his stake this year . His party won two landslide victories before he was deposed in a bloodless military coup in September 2006 after massive anti-government street protests . He returned to Thailand after his allies in the People Power Party won nearly half the seats in the lower house in December 's parliamentary elections and formed the ruling coalition . In recent weeks , the country has seen daily demonstrations from anti-government protesters who want PPP leaders purged from the Cabinet . They have laid siege to the Government House -- the seat of the Thai government -- since August 26 . The protesters -- led by the People 's Alliance for Democracy -- contend that the PPP is trying to amend the constitution","question":"BANGKOK , Thailand -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Thai court has found deposed prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra guilty of corruption , and sentenced him in absentia to two years imprisonment . Thaksin Shinawatra lives in self-imposed exile in London . The case stemmed from a Bangkok land deal while Thaksin was in office . He was convicted of violating a law that bans ministers or their wives from conducting business with government agencies . Thaksin , who now lives in the United Kingdom , is unlikely to serve any jail time . He fled from Thailand in August just as he was to appear in court . In the land deal , Thaksin 's wife , Pojama , is accused of using her husband 's political influence to buy undeveloped land from a government agency for about a third of its estimated value . Watch more about the verdict '' The case is one of several corruption cases against Thaksin and his family that are winding their way through the legal system . The billionaire is accused of abusing the country 's system of checks and balances and bending government policy to benefit his family 's business . Thaksin has"} +{"answer":"scene as `` horrific . '' Police released few new details in the case at a Tuesday news conference , except to say they think the killings were premeditated . They added that under the law , `` premeditated '' does not necessarily mean a crime was planned far in advance . Damas was last seen about 9 p.m. Thursday at the Naples restaurant where he was employed as a cook , authorities said . On Friday , he is thought to have arrived at Miami International Airport about 7 a.m. . He boarded a flight for Haiti about 10 a.m. , Rambosk said . His car was found at the airport . He purchased a one-way ticket to Haiti , police said Tuesday . Police had asked the FBI and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement for help in finding Damas . The FBI 's legal attach\u00e9 in the Dominican Republic notified Collier County authorities that a man believed to be Damas was taken into custody Monday by the Haitian National Police . `` Information obtained by CCSO shows Damas was found hiding near a hotel in the capital city of Port-au-Prince , '' a sheriff 's statement said Tuesday","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Florida man in custody in Haiti faces first-degree murder charges in the deaths of his wife and five children , authorities said Tuesday . Police have obtained a warrant to arrest Mesac Damas , 33 , on suspicion of six counts of first-degree murder . Police obtained a warrant overnight to arrest Mesac Damas , 33 , on suspicion of six counts of first-degree murder , the Collier County , Florida , Sheriff 's Office said in a statement . `` This warrant was obtained based on information and evidence collected thus far in the investigation and statements made by Damas to a federal agent after his detention in Haiti , '' the statement said . The body of Damas ' wife , Guerline Damas , 32 , was found Saturday in the family 's North Naples , Florida , home , along with those of the couple 's five children -- Michzach , 9 ; Marven , 6 ; Maven , 5 ; Megan , 3 ; and Morgan , 11 months , police said . Authorities have not said how the five were killed , but Collier County Sheriff Kevin Rambosk described the"} +{"answer":"year after more than a decade on the run and was found to have been living in Belgrade , the capital of Serbia , and practicing alternative medicine in disguise . In a letter dated Wednesday and made public Thursday , Karadzic complains that he has not been given the relevant case material on time -- and he says the volume of material would have been too much to go through even if he had received it promptly . `` I ask Your Excellencies -- why and how is it possible that the prosecution is allowed to literally bury me under a million of pages , only to start disclosing relevant material many months after my arrest ? '' he writes . `` Why and how is it possible that the prosecution is allowed to file its final indictment against me on the eve of the planned trial date ? '' Karadzic says he should not be penalized for representing himself . `` No lawyer in this world could prepare defense within this period of time , '' he writes . `` I hereby inform you that my defense is not ready for my trial that is supposed to begin","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic intends to skip the start of his war crimes trial because he says he has had too little time to prepare , a spokeswoman for the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia said Thursday . Radovan Karadzic wrote to the court to say he would not attend the trial . The trial is still expected to begin on Monday despite Karadzic 's intended absence , which he announced in a letter to the court , the spokeswoman said . `` The tribunal judges control court proceedings . They are the only relevant body that can make a decision about the readiness of the case for trial , '' she said . Karadzic , who is defending himself , faces genocide charges and nine other counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity against Bosnian Muslims , Bosnian Croats and other non-Serbian civilians during the brutal and bloody dissolution of Yugoslavia in the 1990s . The conflict introduced the phrase `` ethnic cleansing '' into the lexicon describing war crimes , as different factions in multi-ethnic Yugoslavia sought to kill or drive out other groups . Karadzic was arrested last"} +{"answer":"intelligence official said . Al-Balawi says in the video that his faith can not be sold to bidders , an apparent message to Jordanian and U.S. officials that they had failed to win his allegiance . It puts into question how well the CIA and other intelligence agencies can penetrate al Qaeda . Gen. David Petraeus , head of U.S. Central Command , told CNN 's Christiane Amanpour that local officials are better at `` human intelligence '' than foreign agents . `` That 's not to say that you ca n't have some real breakthroughs , '' Petraeus said during the interview , to be aired Sunday . `` It 's not to say you ca n't develop sources , you ca n't put people in there and so forth . '' Al-Balawi mentions Baitullah Mehsud , the leader of the Taliban in Pakistan who was killed in a missile strike last August . `` We will never forget the blood of our leader Baitullah Mehsud , may God have mercy on his soul , '' he says in Arabic , according to a CNN translation . `` It will remain that we take revenge -LRB- for his death","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The man believed to be the suicide bomber who killed seven CIA employees and contractors last month appears in a newly released video , in which he vows revenge for the killing of a Taliban leader . The video shows Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi , whom a former U.S. intelligence official identified as the suicide bomber . Al-Balawi 's brother told CNN Senior International Correspondent Nic Robertson that the man in the video , who uses the alias Abu Dajana Al-Khorasani , was his sibling . In the tape , which aired Saturday on the Arabic satellite news channel Al-Jazeera , al-Balawi says his message is for the CIA and Jordanian intelligence . The December 30 bombing at a U.S. base in Khost , in southeastern Afghanistan , killed seven CIA operatives and a Jordanian army captain . Al-Balawi was a Jordanian doctor whom Jordanian authorities had recruited as a counterterrorism intelligence source , a Jordanian official told CNN this week . Jordanian and U.S. intelligence agencies apparently believed al-Balawi had been rehabilitated from his extremist views and were using him to hunt Ayman al-Zawahiri , al Qaeda 's No. 2 figure , a former U.S."} +{"answer":"report concluded there were `` credible allegations , which , if proven , indicate that a wide range of serious violations of international humanitarian law and international humanitarian rights law was committed both by the government of Sri Lanka and the LTTE -LRB- rebels -RRB- , some of which would amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity . '' In the war 's final stage , which lasted from September 2008 to May 2009 , the Sri Lankan army advanced into an area of northern Sri Lanka known as the Vanni , where about 330,000 people were trapped by fighting . The report said the government used `` large-scale and widespread shelling '' that left many civilians dead . Some of the shelling happened in no-fire zones where the government had encouraged civilians to congregate , the report said . Government forces also shelled a U.N. hub and food distribution lines and fired near International Committee of the Red Cross ships that were picking up the wounded , the report said . The government also shelled hospitals on the front lines , some of them repeatedly , the report said . `` Most civilian casualties in the final phases","question":"Colombo , Sri Lanka -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sri Lanka 's response to a scathing United Nations report alleging war crimes and human rights violations has reached the president 's desk . President Mahinda Rajapaksa received the 400-page document on Sunday night . The response , compiled by the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission , will be presented to Parliament , though Rajapaksa did not say when . At their president 's urging , Sri Lankans took to the streets in May to rail against the U.N. report , which cites `` credible allegations '' that crimes were committed by both sides during the final stages of the country 's civil war . A three-member U.N. panel recommended that Sri Lanka immediately conduct an investigation into the alleged violations of international law . Human rights groups have already alleged both government troops and Tamil Tiger rebels violated humanitarian laws and that thousands of civilians were killed during the war , which ended in May 2009 after the government declared victory . The rebels had fought a 26-year bloody separatist war that left thousands dead and large numbers of others internally displaced , according to the United Nations . The U.N."} +{"answer":"stage debut in 1938 and first appeared in films in the 1940 melodrama `` They Knew What They Wanted . '' After serving in the Army Air Corps in World War II , he made his mark in the New York production of `` Streetcar , '' by Tennessee Williams . Watch Malden talk about why he got into acting '' Malden also did extensive work in television , starring with Michael Douglas in the police drama `` The Streets of San Francisco '' from 1972-77 . He was nominated four times for Emmys for the show , and won a supporting-actor Emmy for his part in the miniseries adaptation of the true-crime bestseller `` Fatal Vision '' in 1985 . His other well-known screen roles include his performances in `` Patton , '' in which he played World War II Gen. Omar Bradley alongside George C. Scott 's title character ; the steamy `` Baby Doll , '' another Elia Kazan-Tennessee Williams collaboration ; and `` Gypsy . '' Malden was also famous for a series of television ads for the American Express card , in which he advised viewers , `` Do n't leave home without it .","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Veteran actor Karl Malden , who won an Academy Award for his role in `` A Streetcar Named Desire , '' has died at age 97 , his manager said Wednesday . Karl Malden in `` The Streets of San Francisco '' in 1974 . Malden was nominated for four Emmys for the series . Malden died in his sleep about 2:30 a.m. Wednesday , said his manager , Bud Ross . Malden appeared alongside Marlon Brando in two of director Elia Kazan 's classic films of the 1950s -- `` A Streetcar Named Desire '' and `` On the Waterfront . '' He won the best supporting actor Oscar for `` Streetcar , '' which was released in 1951 , in 1952 and was nominated for his role as a priest crusading against crooked union bosses in `` On the Waterfront . '' Ross said he did not know the cause of death . `` It could be a combination of things , '' Ross said . `` He was 97 years old . '' Born Mladen George Sekulovich in Gary , Indiana , the bulb-nosed actor made his New York"} +{"answer":"That decision is up to her . '' Lohan 's attorney , Shawn Chapman Holley , told CNN on Sunday that she will appear at the hearing on Lohan 's behalf . `` Since her case was resolved , Ms. Lohan has been in compliance with all the terms and conditions of her probation and all orders of the court , '' Holley said in a statement . `` The warrant issued on Friday was , in our view , born out of a misunderstanding which I am confident I can clear up next week , '' Holley said . Police said Saturday they were not actively seeking Lohan , as they would not usually go after a person to take them into custody in such cases . Beverly Hills police Sgt. Mike Foxen said on Friday authorities were hoping Lohan would turn herself in . Lohan was arrested twice in 2007 on driving under the influence charges , with a cocaine possession charge in the second incident . The first arrest , in May 2007 , came after Lohan lost control of her Mercedes-Benz convertible and struck a curb in Beverly Hills . Just two weeks after checking out","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A hearing is set for Monday in a case involving actress Lindsay Lohan after an arrest warrant was issued for her Friday , officials said . A warrant issued for Lindsay Lohan apparently stems from her 2007 drunken driving convictions , police said . Lohan 's attorney told CNN the warrant was issued `` out of a misunderstanding . '' It was not known whether she would attend the hearing Monday . The warrant was issued by a Los Angeles Superior Court judge in Beverly Hills , California . It apparently stems from Lohan 's 2007 convictions for drunken driving , police said Friday . She is serving three years probation . Sandi Gibbons of the Los Angeles County District Attorney 's office told CNN on Sunday the warrant is believed to be in connection with a possible probation violation . The district attorney 's office prosecuted the original 2007 case , she said . The hearing is set to begin sometime after 8:30 a.m. , she said . Lohan `` has the right to appear '' at the hearing , said Alan Parachini , Los Angeles Superior Court spokesman . ``"} +{"answer":". If he is extradited , his British sentence could be interrupted so he could stand trial in the U.S. , the Home Office has said . If he receives a prison sentence in the U.S. , he would return to England to complete his sentence there before serving time back in the States , the Home Office said . Abu Hamza formerly preached at the Finsbury Park Mosque in London . His followers included the so-called `` shoe bomber '' Richard Reid , who was convicted of trying to light a bomb in his shoes on a trans-Atlantic flight . They also included Zacarias Moussaoui , who was charged in the U.S. over the Sept. 11 , 2001 , terror attacks . The cleric was also convicted of possessing eight video and audio recordings , which prosecutors said he intended to distribute to stir up racial hatred . In all , police seized some 2,700 audio tapes and about 570 video tapes from two addresses -- one of them his home - during raids in 2003 . The material included a 10-volume `` encyclopedia '' of Afghan jihad , which prosecutor David Perry described as `` a manual for","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Radical Muslim cleric Abu Hamza moved a step closer Friday to extradition to the U.S. , where he faces terrorism-related charges . Abu Hamza al-Masri 's followers include the `` shoe bomber '' and the only person charged in the 9\/11 attacks . UK authorities had ordered his extradition , but he appealed . Britain 's High Court dismissed the appeal Friday , a spokesman for Britain 's Home Office said . That gives the Egyptian-born cleric , who lives in London , 14 days to apply to the High Court for permission to appeal to the House of Lords . The one-eyed , hook-handed cleric faces 11 terrorism-related charges in the U.S. . They include conspiracy in connection with a 1998 kidnapping in Yemen and conspiring with others to establish an Islamic jihad , or holy war , training camp in rural Bly , Oregon in 1999 . Abu Hamza , one of the highest-profile radical Islamic figures in Britain , is already in prison for inciting racial hatred at his North London mosque . He was convicted in Britain on 11 terror-related charges and sentenced to seven years prison in 2006"} +{"answer":"al-Shehhi to be the country 's ambassador to Iraq . Al-Shehhi , who previously served as the Emirates ' ambassador to India , is to travel to Iraq after his nomination is confirmed . An official government source said the UAE intends to reopen its embassy in Baghdad by the end of the year . The United States and other nations have urged Arab countries to post ambassadors to Iraq , reopen embassies and forge closer relationships with Iraq 's government . The UAE mission in Iraq has n't been active since a UAE diplomat was kidnapped and released two years ago . The year before that , two Iraqis working for that mission were killed . No ambassador from an Arab country has been stationed permanently in Iraq since July 2005 , when Egypt 's ambassador , Dr. Ihab al-Sherif , was abducted from a Baghdad street and slain . Al Qaeda claimed responsibility for the assassination , saying it had killed al-Sherif because of Egypt 's foreign policies and its alliances with the United States and Israel . The UAE 's announcement Sunday came a month after its foreign minister , Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan , visited","question":"DUBAI , United Arab Emirates -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Dubai has forgiven the nearly $ 7 billion Baghdad owes it , Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki announced Sunday . UAE President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan has promised to appoint an ambassador to Iraq . UAE President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan promised to `` put out these debts , '' appoint an ambassador to Baghdad , and `` help Iraq building the holy shrines that were targeted by the terrorists , '' al-Maliki said in a written statement . Al-Maliki and the sheikh met Sunday , the first day of a two-day official visit . Al-Maliki was accompanied by the Iraqi ministers of Interior , Commerce and Industry . `` Our biggest challenge is now the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the economic situation and to provide services to our citizens , '' al-Maliki said . Debt relief is a major issue for Iraq , and the United States has urged other nations to forgive Iraqi debt , most of which is held by Arab states , U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary Robert Kimmitt said in late May . Also , the UAE Cabinet on Sunday nominated Abdullah Ibrahim"} +{"answer":"in the United States without notifying the attorney general as required by law ; two counts of providing false statements on a firearms purchase form ; and two counts of providing false statements to federal law enforcement , the Justice Department said . This comes amid Syria 's seven-month-long crackdown against protesters . `` Today 's indictment alleges that the defendant acted as an unregistered agent of the Syrian government as part of an effort to collect information on people in this country protesting the Syrian government crackdown . I applaud the many agents , analysts and prosecutors who helped bring about today 's case , '' said Lisa Monaco , assistant attorney general for national security . The indictment says Soueid has been an agent of the Syrian Mukhabarat , a reference to Syrian intelligence agencies . `` At no time while acting as an agent of the government of Syria in this country did Soueid provide prior notification to the Attorney General as required by law , the indictment alleges , '' the Justice Department said . `` Under the direction and control of Syrian officials , Soueid is accused of recruiting individuals living in the United States","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Syrian-born naturalized American was ordered held in custody Wednesday after he was charged for allegedly spying on Syrian protesters in the United States . Judge Theresa Buchanan at the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia ordered Mohamad Anas Heitham Soueid , 47 , held until Friday , when there will be a detention hearing . Prosecutor Dennis Fitzpatrick told the judge that Soueid was a flight risk . Soueid , of Leesburg , Virginia , was charged October 5 with conspiring to collect video and audio recordings and other information about people `` in the United States and Syria who were protesting the government of Syria and to provide these materials to Syrian intelligence agencies in order to silence , intimidate and potentially harm the protestors , '' the Justice Department said Wednesday . The Syrian Embassy in Washington responded Wednesday by denying the allegations , saying Soueid never worked for the Syrian government to spy on protesters . Soueid was arrested Tuesday after a federal grand jury charged him in a six-count indictment . He is charged with conspiring to act and acting as an agent of the Syrian government"} +{"answer":"mortality in Peru are scandalous . The fact that so many women are dying from preventable causes is a human rights violation . `` The Peruvian state is simply ignoring its obligation to provide adequate maternal health care to all women , regardless of who they are and where they live . '' Garcia added : `` Health services for pregnant women in Peru are like a lottery : If you are poor and indigenous , the chances are you will always lose . '' The report said pregnant women in Peru die because they lack access to emergency obstetric care , to information on maternal health , and to health staff members who can speak Indigenous languages such as Quechua -- a native Andean language spoken by some 5 million people in Peru . According to the report , 27 percent of deaths of women from pregnancy-related causes occurred during pregnancy ; 26 percent occurred during the birth itself ; and 46 percent during the first six weeks after giving birth . A 2007 Census of Indigenous People showed that 60 percent did not have access to a health facility , said Amnesty International . The Amnesty International report","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Pregnant women in Peru are dying at scandalous rates , according to the author of an Amnesty International report into maternal mortality in the South American country . The report , `` Fatal Flaws : Barriers to Maternal Health in Peru '' found that hundreds of poor , rural and indigenous pregnant women are dying because they are being denied the same health services as other women in the country . It also concluded that the government 's response to tackling the problem was inadequate . Peruvian government figures state 185 in every 100,000 women die in childbirth , but the United Nations says the number is much higher , 240 per 100,000 , which makes it one of the highest rates of maternal mortality in the Americas . In wealthy developed nations , only nine women die for every 100,000 births . The five main causes of pregnancy-related deaths in Peru are hemorrhage , pre-eclampsia , infection , complications following abortion and obstructed birth , according to Peru 's Ministry of Health figures . Amnesty 's Peru researcher Nuria Garcia said , in a written statement : `` The rates of maternal"} +{"answer":"and take painkillers or other pills whenever he wanted . Brancato admitted to breaking a window at the home , but said it was strictly because he was going through intense heroin withdrawal that night and he said he was trying to wake up his friend to get the drugs . When Brancato and Armento entered the home , the next door neighbor -- Enchautegui -- came outside to investigate . That 's when prosecutors said Armento shot the officer through the heart with his .357 Magnum . Armento was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole in November . The jury in that trial took less than six hours to convict Armento . Enchautegui was shot in the chest by Armento when he interrupted the alleged robbery , but managed to shoot both suspects multiple times before dying . `` This jury spoke loud and clear , that Lillo had nothing to do with the murder of this police officer , '' Tacopina said . Brancato appeared on six episodes of the hit HBO series `` The Sopranos '' as a wannabe mobster in 2000 . As a teen , Brancato starred alongside actor Robert De","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Lillo Brancato Jr. , an actor who appeared in `` The Sopranos , '' was acquitted of the 2005 killing an off-duty New York City police officer but found guilty of attempted burglary . Lillo Brancato Jr. appeared on `` The Sopranos '' and played alongside Robert De Niro in `` A Bronx Tale . '' Brancato , 32 , was also acquitted of two counts of burglary , but could face three to 15 years in prison on the attempted burglary charge . He has already served three years , according to his attorney , Joseph Tacopina . Police officer Daniel Enchautegui , 28 , was killed trying to break up a burglary attempt at his neighbor 's house in the Bronx in December 2005 . During the trial , Brancato said there was not a break-in . Brancato said he knew the owner of the home , and that he and friend Steven Armento , 51 , were drinking at a strip club when they decided to go hunt for valium . Brancato told the jury that the owner , a Vietnam veteran , gave him permission to come to his house"} +{"answer":"on May 30 , 2005 . All three men have maintained their innocence in her disappearance . View a timeline of the case '' No information was immediately available about what the new evidence was that led to the arrests . Aruban prosecutors said a team of detectives from the Netherlands has been reviewing the Holloway case at the request of authorities in Aruba , and had been on the island as late as last month to complete the investigation . The Kalpoe brothers were being interrogated by Aruban police Wednesday , Aruba prosecutor Dop Kruimel told CNN . They will appear before a judge Friday for a preliminary arrest hearing , in which the judge determines whether the arrest was credible , she said . The judge can then authorize their being detained for eight more days , meaning police have that much time to produce evidence . The suspects then go before a judge again , she said . Van der Sloot was arrested in Arnhem , the Netherlands , by Dutch police , Kruimel said . Aruban authorities have asked for him to be extradited to Aruba within eight days . Because they were not familiar with","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Authorities have re-arrested three men in connection with the disappearance of an Alabama teenager in Aruba in 2005 , based on new evidence in the case , prosecutors announced Wednesday . Natalee Holloway disappeared while on an Aruba vacation in 2005 . Brothers Deepak and Satish Kalpoe were arrested in Aruba at the same time authorities in the Netherlands picked up Joran Van der Sloot at the request of the Aruban government , the statement said . Van der Sloot is attending school in Holland . The three had previously been arrested in 2005 , Aruban prosecutors noted in a statement , but a court released them , citing insufficient evidence . They are now charged with `` involvement in the voluntary manslaughter of Natalee Holloway or causing serious bodily harm to Natalee Holloway , resulting in her death , '' the statement said . Watch interview with Holloway 's father '' Van der Sloot , now 20 , and the Kalpoes , now ages 24 and 21 , were the last people seen with Holloway , 18 , as she left Carlos n ' Charlie 's nightclub in Oranjestad , Aruba , about 1:30 a.m."} +{"answer":"cholesterol -RSB- , people tended to forget triglycerides . '' he said . Being too heavy , getting too little activity , drinking lots of alcohol and eating lots of saturated fat can all add up to higher triglyceride levels because the body stores excess calories as triglycerides . Health.com : Fats to eat , fats to avoid Triglycerides are a third type of fatty particle found in the blood , along with LDL cholesterol and HDL -LRB- also known as good -RRB- cholesterol . People taking certain medications or those who have diabetes or a genetic condition can have high triglycerides . Health.com : What cholesterol tests reveal about your heart 's health Nordestgaard said that high triglycerides are as dangerous as high cholesterol levels as a risk marker for heart disease and early death . `` There 's a really big potential for further prevention of heart disease and strokes by getting more focused on that , '' he said . Health.com : How stress can trigger heart problems The problem : Right now , the best way to attack high triglycerides is by losing weight , eating more healthily , and becoming more active -- a tall","question":"What the heck are triglycerides ? If you do n't know , you have plenty of company . One in every three Americans has high triglyceride levels , which elevate risk of heart disease and early death . The fatty particles found in your blood are important for heart health , but do n't get nearly as much attention as , say , cholesterol . Now a new study suggests that there 's a good chance that your triglycerides are in the unhealthy zone , whether you know what they are or not . About one-third of American adults have triglyceride levels that are borderline or too high , according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report published Monday in Archives of Internal Medicine . `` I see it as a major problem that we 've completely ignored this problem so far , '' said Dr. B\u00f8rge Nordestgaard of the University of Copenhagen in Denmark . Nordestgaard has conducted research linking high triglyceride levels to cardiovascular disease and early death , but was not involved in the CDC research . `` Everyone in clinical practice seemed to be so focused on LDL , LDL , LDL -LSB- bad"} +{"answer":"For healthy people , the current target for LDL cholesterol is less than 160 mg\/dL , and for those with two or more heart disease risk factors , it 's less than 130 mg\/dL . For people with heart disease , LDL should be less than 100 mg\/dL and possibly even less than 70 mg\/dL for those at super-high risk . The survey , known as the Lipid Treatment Assessment Project 2 , is an update of a similar survey done in the United States in 1996 and 1997 . At that time , just 38 percent of Americans in general and 18 percent of people with heart disease who were trying to lower cholesterol actually had their LDL cholesterol under control . Health.com : 4 tips for healthy drinking while dieting Things have definitely gotten better . Waters and his colleagues found that in 2006 -- 2007 , 73 percent of people had their LDL cholesterol in an acceptable range . This included 86 percent of people at relatively low risk of heart problems , 74 percent at moderate risk , and 67 percent at high risk . But just one in three people , or 30 percent ,","question":"After years of rising cholesterol levels from fatty diets and pudgy waistlines , there 's finally good news , experts say . More people who are trying to lower their cholesterol are actually succeeding in getting their low-density lipoprotein , or bad cholesterol , down to healthy levels . Research suggests that decreasing LDL -- via drugs , exercise and\/or diet -- can ward off heart attacks and strokes . However , there 's still room for improvement , according to research from nine countries , including the United States and Canada . And there 's good reason to stay focused on lowering your cholesterol : Research suggests that decreasing LDL can ward off heart attacks , strokes , and other health problems . In the new study , which was funded by Pfizer and published in Circulation : Journal of the American Heart Association , an international group of researchers led by David D. Waters , M.D. , of the University of California , San Francisco , looked at 9,955 people with an average age of 62 to see whether cholesterol-lowering efforts -- including taking medication or trying diet and exercise alone -- were having the intended effect ."} +{"answer":"consequences of accepting bribes can and will be severe . '' Jefferson 's family was in the courtroom when District Judge T.S. Ellis handed down the sentence . He had faced up to 150 years in prison . `` This sentence should be a clear signal that our society will not tolerate bribery , '' U.S. Attorney Neil H. MacBride said in a written statement . `` It 's not just another cost of doing business in government . `` Mr. Jefferson 's repeated attempts to sell his office caused significant damage to the public 's trust in our elected leaders . This sentence will begin to repair that damage and to restore that trust . `` Mr. Jefferson is well-known for the $ 90,000 found in his freezer . It is our hope that he will now be well-known for the tough sentence handed down today , showing that no one -- including our elected officials -- are above the law . '' Jefferson , of New Orleans , still faces the forfeiture of nearly $ 500,000 -- money a jury said is linked to criminal activity for which he has been convicted . On August 5 , a","question":"Alexandria , Virginia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former U.S. Rep. William Jefferson was sentenced Friday to 13 years in prison followed by three years of supervised release for his conviction on 11 counts of corruption . Jefferson was also ordered to forfeit more than $ 470,000 after his conviction for using his office to solicit bribes . He will also have to pay $ 1,100 in special assessments . The case against the former nine-term Louisiana Democrat included allegations of influence-peddling and the discovery of $ 90,000 in cash in his freezer . Judge T.S. Ellis will determine at a hearing next Wednesday whether Jefferson will remain free pending appeal . Until then , he is free . `` The court 's sentence today reaffirms the principle that all people -- no matter what their title or position -- are equal before the law , '' said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Mythili Raman in a statement . `` In a stunning betrayal of the public 's trust , former Congressman Jefferson repeatedly used his public office for private gain . The lengthy prison sentence imposed on Mr. Jefferson today is a stark reminder to all public officials that the"} +{"answer":"'s attorney , declined to comment . The indictment also charges that Kerik made several false statements to the White House and other federal officials when he applied for the position as adviser to the Homeland Security Advisory Council , to the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq and in connection with his nomination to be secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security . U.S. District Judge Stephen Robinson did not rule Monday on whether the two counts that include charges of lying to White House officials will be tried in Washington or White Plains , New York . Kerik is due back in court February 3 for a hearing on pretrial motions , Hadad said . A trial date has not been set . Kerik , 53 , is a longtime friend and former protege of former Mayor Rudy Giuliani . President Bush nominated him to be secretary of homeland security after winning re-election in 2004 , but Kerik withdrew his name amid allegations that he employed a nanny who had a questionable immigration status . Bronx District Attorney Robert Johnson began investigating allegations that Kerik had traded payment on repairs to his Bronx apartment for favors , including","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former New York City police Commissioner Bernard Kerik pleaded not guilty in federal court Monday to a revised indictment charging him in a corruption and tax evasion case , according to a spokesman for the New York District Attorney . A revised indictment brings to 15 the number of counts against former police Commissioner Bernard Kerik . The revised indictment includes two new counts of aiding the filing of false returns and a charge involving making false statements while applying for a housing loan , spokesman Herbert Hadad of the district attorney 's office told CNN . Kerik is accused of failing to report more than $ 500,000 in income between 1999 and 2004 , said Patricia Haynes , the IRS agent in charge of the case . Prosecutors allege Kerik received and concealed benefits of about $ 255,000 in renovations to his Riverdale , New York , apartment from a company seeking to do business with the city of New York . Revisions to the original indictment , which included charges of corruption , conspiracy and tax evasion , bring to 15 the number of counts against Kerik . Barry Berke , Kerik"} +{"answer":"with $ 18.8 million and $ 17.2 million , respectively . The 3-D `` Shrek '' - spinoff , cost as much as Dreamworks ' `` Megamind , '' which opened in early November 2010 , but that film began with $ 46 million , and it played well through the Thanksgiving season on its way to a $ 148.4 million total . `` Puss in Boots '' entered theaters a week earlier , but it will need to endure even better than `` Megamind '' to earn back its budget . The `` A - '' CinemaScore grade it earned from audiences should at least make that achievement possible , but considering people are already familiar with the `` Puss in Boots '' character , it 's doubtful that the film will attract many uninitiated viewers . We wo n't officially know where `` Puss in Boots '' is headed until next weekend , when we see how much the snowstorm , the World Series , and Halloween really affected the box office this frame . -LRB- My guess is not much -- and I 'm not just being catty . -RRB- Second place belonged to `` Paranormal Activity","question":"-LRB- EW.com -RRB- -- The box office had to contend with the World Series , a very early snowstorm in the Northeast , and Halloween festivities across the country this weekend , but audiences still managed to make it to the movies ! That being said , grosses for new releases `` Puss in Boots , '' `` In Time , '' and `` The Rum Diary , '' were n't all that strong . Check out how they performed below : Dreamworks Animation 's `` Puss in Boots '' was the top cat this weekend , clawing its way to a $ 34 million debut , 51 percent of which came from 3-D screens , and 7 percent of which was from IMAX theaters . On paper , that number sounds good -- and , to be clear , it is by no means a disaster -- but the result comes with a `` Real Steel '' - ish caveat . `` Puss in Boots '' cost $ 130 million to produce , and it earned Dreamworks ' third-worst debut for a computer animated film , beating only `` Flushed Away '' and `` Antz , '' which started"} +{"answer":"protect yourself In the United States , infant circumcision is declining . About 64 percent of American male infants were circumcised in 1995 , down from more than 90 percent in the 1970s . Rates tend to be higher in whites -LRB- 81percent -RRB- than in blacks -LRB- 65 percent -RRB- or Hispanics -LRB- 54 percent -RRB- . Some opponents say the removal of the foreskin is an unnecessary surgical procedure that may reduce sexual sensitivity in adulthood . In Jewish and Muslim cultures , young or infant boys are routinely circumcised for religious reasons . Circumcision rates have traditionally been higher in the U.S. than in Europe , but the American Academy of Pediatrics currently says that the medical benefits are insufficient to recommend circumcision for all baby boys . In the new study , a research team at the Rakai Health Sciences Program in Uganda -- in collaboration with researchers from the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore , Maryland , and Makerere University in Uganda -- conducted two clinical trials involving 3,393 uncircumcised men ages 15 to 49 . All the men were negative for HIV and genital herpes -LRB- also known as","question":"Men who are circumcised are less likely to get sexually transmitted infections such as genital herpes and human papillomavirus -LRB- HPV -RRB- , but not syphilis , according to a study of adult African men published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine . Circumcision rates have traditionally been higher in the U.S. than in Europe , but they 've been on the decline . The finding adds to the evidence that there are health benefits to circumcision . It was already known that circumcision can reduce the risk of penile cancer , a relatively rare disease . In a previous study , the same research team found that adult circumcision could reduce the risk of HIV infection . Efforts to increase the practice of male circumcision in areas with high rates of sexually transmitted infections , including Africa , could have a tremendous benefit , say the study 's authors . Genital herpes has been associated with an increased risk of HIV , and HPV can cause genital warts as well as a higher risk of anal , cervical -LRB- in women -RRB- , and penile cancers . Health.com : Is your partner cheating ? How to"} +{"answer":"boarded the vessel while armed with guns , threatened its captain and took control , holding the ship 's captain and crew hostage . While on the ship , prosecutors said , Muse aimed a gun at one of the hostages and threatened to kill him . He also showed a hostage what appeared to be an improvised explosive device , the statement said . `` Muse placed the IED in the vicinity of the hostage , and indicated that if the authorities came the IED would explode and the hostage would be killed . '' In April , Muse and the others left Ship-1 on a small boat , called `` the skiff , '' prosecutors said . When the skiff returned , the ship and the skiff `` were made to rendezvous '' with another ship , Ship-2 . `` The captain of Ship-1 was ordered to pull Ship-1 up to Ship-2 . Ship-1 was then attached to Ship-2 , '' according to the statement . `` Muse and others held hostage , on board Ship-2 , both the captain and the crew of Ship-1 and the captain and crew of Ship-2 . '' On April 8 ,","question":"New York -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Somali suspect in the hijacking of the U.S.-flagged Maersk Alabama in the Indian Ocean last April has been charged with involvement in two additional hijackings , authorities said Tuesday . One of the hijacked vessels is still being held hostage , federal prosecutors said in announcing a 10-count indictment filed against Abduwali Abdukhadir Muse . The vessels are identified in court documents as `` Ship-1 '' and `` Ship-2 . '' Under the indictment , Muse faces charges including piracy ; seizing a ship by force ; kidnapping and hostage taking , along with charges of possessing a machine gun in the commission of other offenses . If convicted , he faces a maximum penalty of life in prison . He was to be arraigned on the additional charges Tuesday afternoon in federal court , authorities said . Muse is accused of participating in the two hijackings before the Maersk Alabama was hijacked April 8 , prosecutors said in a statement . Ship-1 was seized by pirates in March in the Indian Ocean , according to the indictment and a criminal complaint . Authorities say Muse and others `` known and unknown ''"} +{"answer":"and Robert Hymers , 27 , his accountant , provided information from a man they claimed was a co-signer , but who had not authorized his name to be used . Leases were not approved at two dealerships , but the pair and Christopher Gavanis , 30 , a friend of Dykstra 's , drove off with three cars at one company by providing fraudulent information to a dealer , Deputy District Attorney Alex Karkanen said . When Dykstra was arrested in April , Los Angeles police detectives allegedly found cocaine and ecstasy along with somatropin , a synthetic human growth hormone , when they searched his Encino home . In September , Hymers pleaded no contest to one felony count of identity theft . Gavanis pleaded no contest to one felony count of filing a false financial statement , prosecutors said . In a separate case , Dykstra was indicted in May on federal charges , including obstruction of justice for allegedly taking more than $ 400,000 in property that should have gone to his bankruptcy creditors and then lying about it under oath , prosecutors claim . Dykstra 's stellar professional baseball career began in 1981 , when","question":"LOS ANGELES -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former baseball great Lenny Dykstra reached a deal with prosecutors , pleading no contest Wednesday to three counts of grand theft auto and filing a false financial statement , the Los Angeles County District Attorney 's Office said . Dykstra , a three-time Major League Baseball All-Star who led the New York Mets to a World Series championship , was released pending sentencing Jan. 20 , 2012 , the office said in a statement . The former athlete , who faces up to four years in prison , admitted the loss was more than $ 100,000 , according to a statement from the district attorney 's office . In exchange for Dykstra 's plea , 21 charges against him , including attempted grand theft auto , identity theft , possession of a controlled substance and unauthorized possession of a syringe , will be dismissed at sentencing , according to the statement . Beginning in January , Dykstra , 48 , and two co-defendants tried to lease various high-end automobiles from several area dealerships by providing fraudulent information and claiming credit through a phony business , prosecutors said . A criminal complaint contended that Dykstra"} +{"answer":"home in Stoneham , Massachusetts . Mark Kerrigan , through his attorney , has denied any responsibility in his father 's death . Daniel Kerrigan 's death was ruled a homicide by the medical examiner , but Middlesex County prosecutors have not said whether other charges might be filed against the younger Kerrigan in light of the finding . The Kerrigan family has said , in a statement released through their attorney , that they believe the medical examiner 's finding to be `` premature and inaccurate . '' `` The Kerrigan family does not blame anyone for the unfortunate death of Dan Kerrigan , who had a pre-existing heart condition , '' said the family statement , released by attorney Tracy Miner . According to Middlesex County Assistant District Attorney Elizabeth Keeley , police responded to a 911 call at approximately 1:30 a.m. January 24 from Brenda Kerrigan , wife of Daniel and mother to Mark and Nancy Kerrigan . Keeley told District Court Judge Mark Sullivan during the arraignment for Mark Kerrigan that there was a violent argument and struggle between the father and his son , resulting in the elder Kerrigan falling or collapsing on the kitchen","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The brother of skater Nancy Kerrigan , charged with assault and battery in an incident involving his father , was released on bond , authorities said Wednesday . Mark Kerrigan posted the previously set $ 10,000 bail and was released from custody , according to the Woburn District Court Clerk 's office in Massachusetts . Kerrigan , 45 , was fitted with a tracking device and under conditions of his release is not allowed to leave his home other than to visit his attorney , the clerk 's office said . He also is forbidden to use any drugs or alcohol other than prescription medication , can have no access to weapons and must have mental health counseling . `` The Kerrigan family is delighted to have Mark back with them , '' family spokeswoman Nancy Sterling said in a statement . `` They ask that you respect their privacy as they welcome Mark home . '' He was arraigned in January and pleaded not guilty to charges he assaulted his father , Daniel Kerrigan , 70 . The elder Kerrigan died January 24 after an alleged altercation with his 45-year-old son at the family 's"} +{"answer":"Flintoff to captain Collingwood at long-on from the penultimate delivery of the final over , in which he also cleared the boundary ropes once . Virender Sehwag top-scored with 68 off 52 balls , putting on 136 for the first wicket with Gautam Gambhir , who hit 58 off 41 deliveries . Broad ended with the embarrassing figures of 0-60 off his four overs , while fellow seamer Chris Tremlett took 2-45 . In reply , England battled gamely but could only post 200-6 in their 20 overs . Opener Vikram Solanki top-scored with 43 off 31 balls , and Kevin Pietersen hit 39 off 23 deliveries , but no-one could match the fireworks provided by Singh . Left-arm seamer Irfan Pathan claimed figures of 3-37 off four overs , while Rudra Pratap Singh took 2-28 . If India can beat South Africa , it would create a three-way tie and require net run-rates to decide the two teams going through . The Proteas have two wins from two Group E outings after beating New Zealand , who have completed their Super Eights fixtures with two victories and a defeat . South Africa restricted the Black Caps to 153-8 from","question":"DURBAN , South Africa -- India 's Yuvraj Singh smashed six sixes in one over as England crashed out of cricket 's World Twenty20 tournament in South Africa on Wednesday . Yuvraj Singh smashes his sixth successive six off England fast bowler Stuart Broad Paul Collingwood 's side were eliminated at the Super Eights stage after South Africa earlier beat New Zealand by six wickets in Durban . England then lost by 18 runs to the Singh-inspired Indians , who kept their semifinal hopes alive ahead of Thursday 's must-win clash with the hosts . Singh reached the fastest 50 in Twenty20 history , needing just 12 deliveries , as India made 218-4 . The left-hander 's six consecutive sixes in the 19th over bowled by Stuart Broad made him the first player to do so in Twenty20 matches and just the fourth in all senior cricket . South Africa 's Herschelle Gibbs performed the feat at the 50-over World Cup in the West Indies earlier this year , while Sir Garfield Sobers and Ravi Shastri achieved it in first-class matches . Singh 's innings ended on 58 -- from 16 balls -- when he hit a full-toss from Andrew"} +{"answer":"October were the lowest in 50 years and that 540,000 new unemployment claims had been filed , the most in 16 years . iReport.com : How are you making yourself layoff-proof ? `` We must do more to put people back to work and get our economy moving again , '' he said . More than a million jobs have been lost this year , he said , and `` if we do n't act swiftly and boldly , most experts now believe that we could lose millions of jobs next year . '' The plan will be aimed at jump-starting job creation , Obama said , and laying the foundation for a stronger economy . `` We 'll put people back to work rebuilding our crumbling roads and bridges ; modernizing schools that are failing our children ; and building wind farms and solar panels , fuel-efficient cars and the alternative energy technology that can free us from our dependence on foreign oil and keep our economy competitive in the years head , '' he said . He noted that he will need support from both Democrats and Republicans to pass such a plan and said he welcomes suggestions","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President-elect Barack Obama offered an outline of his economic recovery plan Saturday , and jobs were the top priority . President-elect Barack Obama talks about his economic plan Saturday on a video on his Web site . American workers will rebuild the nation 's roads and bridges , modernize its schools and create more sources of alternative energy , Obama said in the weekly Democratic address , posted on his Web site . `` The plan will mean 2.5 million more jobs '' by 2011 , Obama said . His Web site clarified that the plan would `` save or create '' that many jobs . `` These are n't just steps to pull ourselves out of this immediate crisis , '' he said . `` These are the long-term investments in our economic future that have been ignored for far too long . '' Details of the plan are still being worked out by his economic team , Obama said , but he hopes to implement the plan shortly after taking office January 20 . Listen to Obama 's economic plan '' He referred to figures out this week showing that new home purchases in"} +{"answer":"plan . Under existing protocols , full-body scans are optional at airport checkpoints . Travelers who decline the scans are funneled to a location where they may be given a pat down and subjected to other tests such as swabs that can detect minute traces of explosives on hands or luggage . The TSA said most passengers prefer a body scan to a pat down . But others have objected to the body scans , calling them electronic strip searches . Passenger privacy is maintained during the scannning process by blurring all images , deleting images after they are viewed and placing the screener viewing the images in a remote location , according to DHS officials . Acting TSA Administrator Gale Rossides testified before Congress on Thursday that the machines will not significantly slow the passenger screening process , saying it will be done at the same time as carry-on baggage screening . The TSA has spent years testing full-body imagers . Plans to deploy them this year were given added urgency after the arrest of a Nigerian man , Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab , who has been accused of attempting to detonate an explosive sewn into his underwear on a","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The federal government is starting to deploy full-body scanning machines to 11 airports across the United States , Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced Friday . Forty body-imaging machines already have been put into use at 19 airports nationwide as part of a field test , according the Department of Homeland Security . The Transportation Security Administration expects to deploy 450 units by the end of this year . `` By accelerating the deployment of this technology , we are enhancing our capability to detect and disrupt threats of terrorism across the nation , '' Napolitano said in a statement . The first of the new units are being installed Friday at Boston 's Logan International Airport , according to a DHS statement . The list of other airports set to receive the scanners by the end of summer includes Chicago O'Hare International , Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International , Cincinnati\/Northern Kentucky International , Mineta San Jos\u00e9 International , Los Angeles International , Port Columbus International , Oakland International , San Diego International , Kansas City International and Charlotte Douglas International . The imaging machines are being funded through the Obama administration 's $ 862 billion economic stimulus"} +{"answer":"manslaughter Members of Michael Jackson 's family -- including his parents Joe and Katherine Jackson , sister La Toya Jackson , and brothers Jackie , Jermaine , Randy and Tito Jackson -- attended the hearing . `` Not enough , '' Jermaine Jackson said when asked what he thought of the charge . `` I do n't like what happened , '' Joe Jackson said as he left the courthouse . La Toya Jackson later issued a statement through a publicist . `` Michael was murdered and although he died at the hands of Dr. Conrad Murray , I believe Dr. Murray was a part of a much larger plan , '' her statement said . `` There are other individuals involved and I will not rest and I will continue to fight until all of the proper individuals are brought forth and justice is served . '' Her statement did not elaborate on what she meant in her reference to `` a much larger plan . '' Murray traveled to Los Angeles at the end of January from his home in Houston , Texas , in expectation of possible charges , his lawyer said . He used part of","question":"Los Angeles , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Dr. Conrad Murray , personal physician to Michael Jackson , was charged Monday with involuntary manslaughter in connection with the pop star 's death last summer . A criminal complaint filed earlier in the day alleged that Murray `` did unlawfully , and without malice , kill Michael Joseph Jackson . '' Murray turned himself in shortly before 4 p.m. at a branch courthouse near Los Angeles International Airport . He pleaded not guilty during a brief hearing before Judge Keith L. Schwartz . The judge set bail at $ 75,000 , despite arguments from prosecutor David Walgren that Murray is a flight risk . The judge refused to suspend Murray 's medical license as a term of his bond , but he did order him not to use any anesthesia on patients . `` I do n't want you sedating people , '' Schwartz told Murray . Read the criminal complaint The involuntary manslaughter charge means that Murray caused Jackson 's death by acting `` without due caution and circumspection . '' If convicted , Murray would face a maximum four-year prison sentence , according to prosecutors . More on involuntary"} +{"answer":"Umar Khan told www.pakpassion.net . `` The Indian Premier League have been using Afridi 's name and pictures to publicize the tournament and to build up the hype , and he was expected to be one of the most popular players amongst the franchises . '' Big-hitting all-rounder Afridi was stunned to be left out , having played for the Deccan Chargers in 2008 but did not feature last year as the team won the title . `` I 'm stunned by the omission and , yes , I 'm obviously very disappointed as I was really looking forward to playing once again in the Indian Premier League and testing my skills against the world 's best players and against friends and colleagues , '' he said . `` I thought I would be picked and am very surprised at the outcome of the auction . '' Pollard was sought by four teams , with Mumbai heading off Kolkata , the Royal Challengers Bangalore and the Chennai Super Kings after making a sealed-envelope final bid . The 22-year-old Pollard , who has played only 15 one-dayers and 10 Twenty20 internationals , takes $ 750,000 as his payment while the undisclosed","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- World Twenty20 champions Pakistan were left stunned after none of their players were signed up for the lucrative Indian Premier League cricket tournament in Tuesday 's auction . With this year 's budget slashed from $ 2 million per team to just $ 750,000 , only 11 of the 66 international players on offer were snapped up . West Indies all-rounder Kieron Pollard and veteran New Zealand pace bowler Shane Bond were the biggest winners as the Mumbai Indians and the Kolkata Knight Riders respectively used their entire allocated funds to sign them for the 2010 season . But Pakistan 's Twenty20 captain Shahid Afridi , one of the world 's most explosive players in the limited-overs format , failed to secure a place along with teammates highly-rated Mohammad Aamer , Umar Gul and Umar Akmal . Afridi 's manager blamed the Indian government for continuing its long-running tensions with Pakistan . `` I 'd heard prior to the auction that franchises were being advised not to bid for Pakistani players as the players from Pakistan would not be issued with visas by the Indian government , and that is precisely what has happened , ''"} +{"answer":"the measure 's effects . Jennifer Kerns , a spokeswoman for the proposition , called Wednesday 's decision `` a huge victory . '' `` We believe it deals a strong blow to our opponents and sends a strong message that they wo n't be able to keep the ballot initiative away from the people of California , '' she said . Calls Wednesday to Equality California were not immediately returned . If the proposition is approved , it would be the second time same-sex marriages have been voided in California . In February 2004 , San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom -- who is considering a run for governor -- challenged the state 's laws against same-sex marriage , ordering city officials to issue marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples . Those unions were voided by the California Supreme Court , though the justices sidestepped the issue of whether banning same-sex marriage was unconstitutional , allowing legal cases to work their way through the lower courts . Several gay and lesbian couples -- along with the city of San Francisco and gay-rights groups -- sued , saying they were victims of unlawful discrimination . A lower court ruled San","question":"SAN FRANCISCO , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The California Supreme Court has cleared the way for Californians to vote in November on whether to ban same-sex marriages in the state . A gay couple is married in California in June . Voters could void same-sex marriages in the state in November . The court on Wednesday denied a petition to remove the initiative from the state 's general election ballots . The unanimous decision was handed down without elaboration . Hundreds of marriage licenses have been issued to same-sex couples since mid-June , a month after the court overturned the state 's laws against such unions . However , on June 2 , opponents of same-sex marriage filed for a ballot initiative that would ban such marriages in the state 's constitution . Such a ban would overturn the court 's May ruling . Equality California , a Sacramento-based activist group , filed a petition against the initiative -- Proposition 8 -- arguing that it involves a constitutional revision that ca n't be adopted through a ballot vote . The group also contended that petitions circulated to qualify the proposition for the ballot contained material that misled readers about"} +{"answer":"the job of vice president , let alone president . Watch Zakaria slam Sarah Palin '' CNN : You do n't think she is qualified ? Zakaria : No . Gov. Palin has been given a set of talking points by campaign advisers , simple ideological mantras that she repeats and repeats as long as she can . But if forced off those rehearsed lines , what she has to say is often , quite frankly -- nonsense . Just listen to her response to Katie Couric 's question about the bailout . It 's gibberish -- an emptying out of catchphrases about economics that have nothing to do with the question or the topic . It 's scary to think that this person could be running the country . Here is their exchange : Katie Couric : Why is n't it better , Gov. Palin , to spend $ 700 billion helping middle-class families who are struggling with health care , housing , gas and groceries ; allow them to spend more and put more money into the economy instead of helping these big financial institutions that played a role in creating this mess ? Gov. Sarah Palin :","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In a column appearing in Newsweek , world affairs expert and author Fareed Zakaria said he thinks it would be best for Republican presidential hopeful John McCain if Gov. Sarah Palin bowed out as his vice presidential running mate . `` For him to choose Sarah Palin to be his running mate is fundamentally irresponsible , '' says Zakaria . Zakaria says McCain did not put the country first in making his V.P. choice , and he says Palin is not qualified to lead the United States . CNN spoke to him about his commentary titled , `` Palin is ready ? Please . '' CNN : What did you initially think when Sarah Palin was announced as the Republican vice presidential nominee ? Zakaria : I was a bit surprised -- as I think most people were . But I was willing to give her a chance . And I thought her speech at the convention was clever and funny . But once she began answering questions about economics and foreign policy , it became clear that she has simply never thought about these subjects before and is dangerously ignorant and unprepared for"} +{"answer":"even though she filed her complaint within 180 days of when she first learned that she was getting paid less than comparable male employees , she had failed to file within 180 days of the first unequal paycheck . After Tuesday 's House vote , Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the chamber had `` taken a bold step '' in passing the legislation . `` In doing so , it has injected fairness , reason and common sense back into policy , '' Pelosi said . The legislation , which passed the Senate on Thursday , now goes to President Barack Obama , who has promised to sign it into law . It is the first major piece of legislation Congress has sent to Obama for his approval . On the campaign trail , Obama and Republican nominee Sen. John McCain debated the bill . Obama heavily emphasized what he called the plan 's benefits to working women , while McCain criticized it as a boon for trial lawyers . Pelosi said Obama called to congratulate her on the bill 's passage . Obama danced with Ledbetter at one of his inaugural balls , and she spoke at the Democrat National","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The House of Representatives on Tuesday passed a bill that would make suing for pay discrimination easier by altering a time limit on such suits . The act is named for Lilly Ledbetter , seen here in 2008 . Her discrimination lawsuit victory was overturned in 2007 . The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act , which passed 250-177 , would give workers alleging unequal pay the right to sue within 180 days of their most recent paycheck . Current law says such employees must sue within 180 days of receiving their first unfair paycheck . Supporters of the new legislation say that , under the current law , an employer merely needs to hide unfair pay practices for three months before being able to continue them without penalty . The act , named for a former Goodyear Tire employee who sued the company for gender discrimination in 1998 , would effectively overturn a 2007 Supreme Court decision on the limit . Ledbetter was awarded $ 360,000 in back pay by a federal judge in Alabama , but the verdict was overturned in a 5-4 Supreme Court ruling in May 2007 . The court said that"} +{"answer":"teenagers can get certain forms of the condition , Klippel said . The Arthritis Foundation reports two-thirds of people with doctor-diagnosed arthritis are under age 65 . Watch more on arthritis fact and fiction \u00c2 '' Stephens was in her late 30s when she developed osteoarthritis after injuring her knees running and playing volleyball . She felt a sharp pain and recalled , `` It was downhill after that . '' Researchers do n't know the exact cause of arthritis , but they do know what puts people at risk . Klippel said that while the disease is associated with aging , other risk factors include heredity , joint injury , obesity and lack of fitness . Common myth 2 : Cracking your knuckles causes arthritis Despite what your grandmother told you , experts say cracking your knuckles is not a risk factor for arthritis . `` It 's annoying -- it 's certainly not good for the joints , but on the other hand , it does n't cause arthritis , '' Klippel said . Common myth 3 : Predicting the weather `` Boy , there 's a good myth , '' Klippel said with a chuckle . ``","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The bad economy and downturn in the housing market are n't the only painful things for Realtor Anne Stephens . Her knees , hips and ankles hurt from arthritis . Anne Stephens , 61 , was in her late 30s when she was diagnosed with osteoarthritis . `` I ca n't sit too long . I ca n't stand too long , and I ca n't walk too long , '' said Stephens , 61 , from Conyers , Georgia . Stephens is among the 27 million Americans who suffer from the most common form of arthritis called osteoarthritis . `` I think people tend to think of this as more of a nuisance , '' said Dr. John Klippel , president and CEO of the Arthritis Foundation . `` They think of it as only aches and pains and not the serious problem that it actually is -- the leading cause of disability in this country . '' Klippel said part of the misconception has to do with all the myths surrounding the disease . Common myth 1 : Arthritis is a disease of the elderly While older people do develop arthritis , children and"} +{"answer":"central website or phone number to book Hotel Week rooms . Several hotels have created special websites for the promotions , while others require calling the reservations number . Links are at the end of this article . Always mention Hotel Week when booking and know that these specific discounts are limited . For visitors who wo n't be able to take advantage of limited Hotel Week discounts , more than 120 participating New York City hotels are offering discounts between January 2 and February 29 , sponsored by NYC & Co. , the city 's tourism office . Discounts include a free night for stays of three or more nights , complimentary upgrades or complimentary breakfast . To book a room , click here . During the same period , a group of 20 luxury hotels is offering a free third night to visitors who book two consecutive nights at one of 20 participating `` Signature Collection '' hotels . More information can be found here . Theater-lovers can score two-for-one tickets during Broadway Week , January 17 to February 4 . Off-Broadway theater week offers the same deal between January 30 and February 12 . Tickets also go","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As families head home after the holidays and children return to school , New York City is on sale for travelers willing to brave the cold temperatures in exchange for lower prices . New York 's first-ever Hotel Week will feature discounts for eight city hotels between January 6 and January 15 . More basic hotel rooms , or those slightly off the beaten path , can be found for as little as $ 100 per night plus taxes , while fancier rooms can go for $ 200 or $ 250 per night -- still a deal by city standards . `` Hotel occupancy dips considerably during the first week in January , '' said hotel publicist Nancy J. Friedman , who launched the Hotel Week concept with six of her hotel clients and two nonclients . `` It 's a similar model to Restaurant Week , which is so successful at filling up restaurants during quiet times . '' Speaking of Restaurant Week , the city 's 20th anniversary promotion starts January 16 and runs through February 10 -LRB- Mondays through Fridays -RRB- . For more information , click here . There is n't a"} +{"answer":"penalty or life in prison without parole , San Joaquin County District Attorney James Willett told reporters after the hearing . A decision on whether to seek the death penalty will be made later , he said . Huckaby did not enter a plea or speak during the court hearing , although she flinched when Sandra Cantu 's name was spoken , and she cried at times . Sandra 's body was found April 6 , stuffed into a suitcase and submerged in a pond at a dairy farm . Huckaby was arrested Friday night after questioning by police . Sandra was last seen alive March 27 in the mobile home park where she lived with her family -- the same mobile home park where Huckaby lives with her daughter . The two children were close friends and played together frequently , police said . Huckaby is the granddaughter of Clifford Lane Lawless , pastor of Clover Road Baptist Church near the mobile home park , and she taught Sunday school at the church , police have said . The church was searched as part of the investigation into Sandra 's disappearance and death . Before her arrest , Huckaby","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Police are searching for any other alleged victims of a Sunday school teacher accused of raping and killing an 8-year-old girl from Tracy , California . Melissa Huckaby is charged with killing 8-year-old Sandra Cantu , who was a friend of her own daughter . `` We are asking the public if they have any indication that any of their children may have had inappropriate contact with -LSB- the suspect -RSB- to contact us , '' Tracy Police Sgt. Tony Sheneman said Tuesday evening . `` There has been no indication that this has happened . But she is a Sunday school teacher and did have contact with children , so that is why we are asking . '' Melissa Huckaby , 28 , was arrested and charged with killing and raping 8-year-old Sandra Cantu , a friend of her 5-year-old daughter . Huckaby , wearing red jail scrubs over a white T-shirt , was in court Tuesday for an arraignment . She was charged with murder , kidnapping , the performance of a lewd and lascivious act on a child under 14 and rape by instrument . If convicted , Huckaby would face the death"} +{"answer":"Tamil Tigers . The rebels initially denied the death of their leader , claiming on Tamilnet.com that Prabhakaran was `` alive and safe . '' The defense ministry said the bodies of Prabhakaran and 18 other senior rebel leaders were among corpses found in mop-up operations , after government troops routed the Tigers -- formally known as the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam . The leaders included Prabhakaran 's eldest son , Charles Anthony , as well as Pottu Amman , the Tigers ' intelligence leader , according to the ministry . Watch the U.N. chief discuss the humanitarian crisis '' Prabhakaran founded the Tamil Tigers , who have been declared a terrorist organization by 32 countries . It initiated the use of women in suicide attacks and , according to the FBI , invented the explosive suicide belt . Prabhakaran is accused of masterminding the killing of former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1991 in the Tamil-dominated Indian state of Tami Nadu . Sri Lankan authorities allege that Prabhakaran was avenging Gandhi 's decision to send Indian peacekeepers to Sri Lanka . Two years later , a Tigers suicide bomber , allegedly acting on Prabhakaran 's orders ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Tamil Tiger rebels acknowledged the death of their leader Sunday , nearly a week after the Sri Lankan government said it had recovered the body of Velupillai Prabhakaran and declared victory in the country 's 25-year civil war with the rebels . In this picture taken 27 November 2003 , Velupillai Prabhakaran stands next to an LTTE flag . Prabhakaran `` attained martyrdom fighting the military oppression of the Sri Lankan state '' on May 17 , according to Tamilnet.com , a rebel Web site , citing the group 's international affairs spokesman . On Tuesday , President Mahinda Rajapaksa declared victory against the Tamil Tigers . `` We are celebrating the defeat of terrorism , '' he said in a nationally televised speech before parliament . `` We have won and restored democracy in the country . '' The president declared a national holiday for the following day to celebrate the war 's end and begin a new phase in the country 's history . Watch the victory parade '' A short time after the presidential address , the military announced that it had recovered the body of Prabhakaran , leader and founder of the"} +{"answer":"were deadlocked on three perjury counts , said that it was not proven that Bonds lied when he testified that he had not knowingly used steroids . Prosecutors decided not to pursue a retrial . Prosecutors still argued in the sentencing memo that Bonds ' denial that he was `` taking steroids and human growth hormone were patently false . '' Bonds ' testimony in December 2003 was part of the investigation that targeted Bonds ' personal trainer Greg Anderson and employees of the California drug testing laboratory known as the Bay Area Laboratory Co-operative -LRB- BALCO -RRB- . The testimony that led to Bonds ' conviction came when a grand jury prosecutor asked Bonds if Anderson ever gave him `` anything that required a syringe to inject yourself with . '' Bonds told the grand jury that only his personal doctors `` ever touch me , '' and he then veered off the subject to say he never talked baseball with Anderson . Defense lawyers argued that Bonds thought the creams and ointments Anderson was giving him were made of flax seed oils . Sentences for other athletes convicted in connection with the BALCO investigation have not included prison","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Baseball legend Barry Bonds is scheduled to be sentenced Friday for his obstruction of justice conviction . The hearing at 11 a.m. -LRB- 2 p.m. ET -RRB- will take place in a San Francisco federal courtroom less than two miles from the ballpark where Bonds broke Hank Aaron 's major league home run record in August 2007 . Federal prosecutors want Bonds , 47 , to serve 15 months in prison , according to a sentencing memo filed in court earlier this month . Defense lawyers argued in their filing that the judge should accept the probation office 's recommendation that Bonds be sentenced to two years ' probation , fined $ 4,000 and ordered to perform 250 hours of community service . Jurors who found Bonds guilty in April said he was `` evasive '' in his testimony to the federal grand jury investigating illegal steroids use by pro athletes . `` Because Bonds 's efforts were a corrupt , intentional effort to interfere with that mission , a sentence of 15 months imprisonment is appropriate , '' the prosecution said in its memo to U.S. District Judge Susan Illston . But jurors , who"} +{"answer":"lawyer on Karadzic if he continues to refuse to cooperate . Karadzic faces 11 counts of genocide , war crimes and crimes against humanity against Bosnian Muslims , Bosnian Croats and other non-Serbian civilians during the brutal and bloody dissolution of Yugoslavia in the 1990s . Bosnia and Herzegovina were a part of Yugoslavia at the time . The conflict introduced the phrase `` ethnic cleansing '' into the lexicon describing war crimes , as different factions in multi-ethnic Yugoslavia sought to kill or drive out other groups . Karadzic was arrested last year after more than a decade on the run and was found to have been living in Belgrade , the capital of Serbia , and practicing alternative medicine in disguise . In a letter dated Wednesday and made public Thursday , Karadzic complained to the International Criminal Tribunal that he had not received the relevant case material on time . He also said there was too much material to go through , even had he received it promptly . `` I ask Your Excellencies -- why and how is it possible that the prosecution is allowed to literally bury me under a million of pages , only","question":"The Hague , Netherlands -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Prosecutors in the long-awaited war crimes trial of Radovan Karadzic said they will push ahead Tuesday , though the Bosnian Serb leader is expected to be a no-show once again . On Monday -- the opening day of the trial -- the court was forced to adjourn after Karadzic refused to appear , saying he did not have enough time to prepare . Karadzic , who is accused of masterminding the worst massacre in Europe since World War II , is representing himself . `` Obviously , it is the court 's preference for Karadzic to attend , '' said Nerma Jelacic , spokeswoman for the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia . `` But if he chooses not to attend , then some facility will be provided to him to allow him to watch the court 's proceedings from his prison cell . '' The court can not force a defendant to appear . Karadzic , as a `` self-representing accused , '' is the only one who can cross-examine witnesses and speak in court about the substance of the charges against him . However , judges can impose a"} +{"answer":", attorney for Dustin Heard . `` We had no idea that the vice president was going to announce a political decision . '' Last month , U.S. District Judge Ricardo Urbina found that the government 's case was built largely on `` statements compelled under a threat of job loss in a subsequent criminal prosecution , '' a violation of the Fifth Amendment rights of the five men charged . `` In their zeal to bring charges against the defendant in this case , the prosecutors and investigators aggressively sought out statements the defendants had been compelled to make to government investigators in the immediate aftermath of the shooting and in the subsequent investigation , '' Urbina wrote in a 90-page decision . Federal prosecutors `` repeatedly disregarded the warnings of experienced , senior prosecutors assigned to the case '' in doing so , he found . Urbina also sharply criticized prosecutors and federal agents who developed the case , calling their explanations for using the guards ' statements `` all too often contradictory , unbelievable and lacking in credibility . '' `` In short , the government has utterly failed to prove that it made no impermissible use","question":"Baghdad , Iraq -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The United States plans to appeal a federal judge 's dismissal of charges against five Blackwater security guards accused of killing 17 people in Baghdad in 2007 , Vice President Joe Biden announced Saturday . Speaking at a joint appearance with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani in Baghdad , Biden said he was `` disappointed '' with the ruling , and that the Justice Department would file the appeal next week . `` The United States is determined to hold accountable anyone who commits crimes against the Iraqi people , '' Biden told reporters . The September 2007 shootout in Baghdad 's Nusoor Square left 17 Iraqis dead and two dozen wounded . The killings led Iraq 's government to slap limits on security contractors hired by Blackwater , now known as Xe , and other firms . An attorney representing one of the five defendants in the case said he was disappointed by Biden 's announcement in Iraq , saying it was motivated by `` political purposes '' as opposed to legal reasoning . `` This is not how the Justice Department announces its intentions in any case , '' said David Schertler"} +{"answer":"Clinton 's strength is about where it was throughout the summer , indicating that she has lost the support she gained last month but that Obama has not yet cut into her core constituency , '' CNN political director Keating Holland said . Clinton is the top choice of 44 percent of the likely Democratic voters interviewed for the poll . Her closest rival , Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois , was the top choice of 25 percent , and former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina has 14 percent . All other Democratic candidates were in single digits . New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson was backed by 4 percent , Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware by 3 percent , Sen. Christopher Dodd by 2 percent , Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich by 2 percent and former Alaska Sen. Mike Gravel was at 1 percent . The poll involved 467 interviews conducted on November 2-4 with Democrats or independents who lean Democratic . The poll 's margin of error was plus or minus 4.5 percentage points . View the poll results '' In an October CNN\/Opinion Research poll , Clinton was supported by 51 percent of Democratic voters and had a","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- With the election of the next president a year away , Sen. Hillary Clinton remains the person to beat , a CNN\/Opinion Research Corporation poll released Monday suggests . As the countdown begins to November 4 , 2008 , the New York Democrat continues to dominate the race for the Democratic presidential nomination , and comes out ahead when voters are asked whether they prefer her or the GOP front-runner , former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani . But Clinton 's path to the White House is in no way certain . Clinton was criticized for her performance during a debate last week , and her rivals for the Democratic nomination have stepped up attacks that she has equivocated on her position on Iraq , Iran and other major issues . The Republican presidential candidates have also stepped up their attacks on the Democratic front-runner , with each suggesting that he has the best chance of stopping Clinton . The attacks may be working . The CNN\/Opinion Research polls suggests that Clinton 's support has slipped from its height one month ago . Watch CNN 's Bill Schneider on the latest poll numbers '' ``"} +{"answer":"the Impacts of Global Change on Regional U.S. Air Quality : A Synthesis of Climate Change Impacts on Ground-Level Ozone , '' is the culmination of a study started in 2000 , the EPA said . The White House moved quickly to try to squelch any concerns that the EPA would immediately issue any regulations concerning the gases . `` The president has made clear his strong preference that Congress act to pass comprehensive legislation rather than address the climate challenge through administrative action , '' White House spokesman Ben LaBolt said . `` That 's why the president has repeatedly called for a bill to provide for market-based solutions to reduce carbon pollution and transition to a clean-energy economy that creates millions of green jobs . '' The EPA announcement comes amid efforts by Congress to enact a limit on global warming pollution . The House Energy and Commerce Committee is scheduled to begin hearings next week on a comprehensive energy and climate bill , called the American Clean Energy and Security Act . Committee Chairman Henry Waxman is said to want the bill out of committee by Memorial Day , which falls on May 25 , and House","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Six heat-trapping gases that contribute to air pollution pose potential health hazards , the Environmental Protection Agency said Friday in a landmark announcement that could lead to regulation of the gases . `` This finding confirms that greenhouse gas pollution is a serious problem , '' EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson said . The gases -- carbon dioxide , methane , nitrous oxide , hydrofluorocarbons , perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride -- have been the subject of intensive analysis by scientists around the world , the EPA said . The U.S. Supreme Court ordered the EPA 's scientific review in 2007 . `` This finding confirms that greenhouse gas pollution is a serious problem now and for future generations , '' EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson said in a release , later adding , `` The science clearly shows that concentrations of these gases are at unprecedented levels as a result of human emissions , and these high levels are very likely the cause of the increase in average temperatures and other changes in our climate . '' The EPA 's finding now goes into a public comment period . The report , titled `` Assessment of"} +{"answer":"'s Press Association . Services marking the exact time of the attack at 1903 GMT were also due to take place later in local churches . A private service for relatives of victims and former Pan Am employees will also take place at London 's Heathrow airport , where the airliner began its final flight . In the U.S. , remembrance services were scheduled to take place at Arlington National Cemetery and at New York 's Syracuse University , which lost 35 students in the bombing . Scotland 's First Minister Alex Salmond said the anniversary marked an opportunity to reflect on `` the lasting links that have been established with those in other nations who were touched by the disaster . '' `` I know that through the events being organised in Lockerbie , at Syracuse University , and at other locations in the UK and the U.S. , that fitting tribute will be paid to those who so tragically lost their lives and those , in the south of Scotland and beyond , whose lives have been affected by the atrocity . '' A former Libyan intelligence officer , Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi , was convicted of","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Events commemorating the bombing of an American airliner over the Scottish town of Lockerbie were taking place Sunday in both the UK and the U.S. to mark the 20th anniversary of the attack which killed 270 people . Mourners gathered at a wreath-laying ceremony Sunday to mark the Lockerbie bombing . All 259 people on board Pan Am flight 103 from London to New York were killed when the plane exploded in midair on December 21 , 1988 . A further 11 people died on the ground as debris rained down on Lockerbie . In Scotland , mourners watched as a commemorative wreath was laid at Dryfesdale Cemetery , the site of a permanent memorial and remembrance garden to the victims of the attack . Canon Michael Bands , who led the service , said that the disaster had `` long ceased to be a Lockerbie event and become a world event . '' `` It is awful that we should gather today on this stormy sort of day to feel the sadness again of the tragedy that took place here 20 years ago , '' Bands said , according to the UK"} +{"answer":"Terry Probyn , and Dugard 's two daughters . Earlier this month , Judge Douglas Phimister denied a request by the Garridos to be able to see each other while they remain jailed . Instead , the judge ruled , the couple can have one five-minute phone conversation this month and in June . He also said that officials can monitor the calls . The judge did not offer a reason for denying the request . The prosecution had opposed the motion on security grounds . Authorities maintain Dugard does not want to speak to Garrido or his attorneys and have tried to keep her location a secret . In March , Dugard made her first public statement since the arrests of her alleged captors . `` Hi , I 'm Jaycee . I want to thank you for your support , and I 'm doing well , '' Dugard said in a home video released exclusively to ABC News . `` It 's been a long haul , '' said Dugard , `` but I 'm getting there . '' The video showed Dugard baking cookies with her mother and playing with her dogs . `` We released this","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A court hearing is scheduled Thursday in the case of a northern California couple accused of abducting Jaycee Dugard and holding her captive for more than 18 years in a ramshackle backyard compound . Phillip Garrido , 58 , and his wife , Nancy , 54 , are charged with 29 felony counts in the kidnapping of Dugard , who was 11 when she was snatched in 1991 from the street in front of her house in South Lake Tahoe , California . The couple has pleaded not guilty . The hearing , scheduled for 1 p.m. -LRB- 4 p.m. ET -RRB- at the El Dorado County Superior Court , is a procedural matter about witnesses in the case . Authorities say the Garridos held Dugard in a hidden compound behind their home for 18 years . She was 29 when she was found in August at the Garridos ' home in Antioch about 120 miles from her house . Garrido , a registered sex offender on parole at the time of his arrest , is accused of fathering two daughters with Dugard during her captivity . Dugard now lives in seclusion with her mother ,"} +{"answer":". The poll of polls is an average of five surveys : CNN -LRB- September 5-7 -RRB- , ABC\/Washington Post -LRB- September 5-7 -RRB- , CBS -LRB- September 5-7 -RRB- , Gallup -LRB- September 5-7 -RRB- and Diageo\/Hotline -LRB- September 5-7 -RRB- . The poll of polls does not have a sampling error . The CNN\/Opinion Research Corp. poll released Monday shows McCain and Obama tied at 48 percent . The poll , which was conducted Friday through Sunday , carries a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points . It was based on 1,022 telephone interviews . Republicans are hoping that if McCain can close the popular vote gap , he can also make gains in the electoral gap . The Electoral College will ultimately decide who takes over the White House . Watch what the different standings mean '' Although polls across the country are open on one day , the election is not a national poll but a series of 51 state-level elections that decide the members of the Electoral College . Technically , voters are n't choosing a candidate but a slate of electors who have pledged to vote for that candidate when","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sen. John McCain has inched ahead of Sen. Barack Obama in national polls , but the Democratic candidate holds a steady lead in the most recent Electoral College estimates . John McCain and Sarah Palin are campaigning hard in battleground states . In national surveys , McCain leads by 2 points , 47 percent to 45 percent , according to CNN 's poll of polls released Monday night . In the Electoral College standings , the most recent survey shows 243 electoral votes either safely in Obama 's column or leaning his way . At this point , McCain can claim only 189 . Many of the state polls used to determine the Electoral College standings , however , were conducted before the conventions . Monday marked the first time McCain passed Obama in CNN 's poll of polls . Watch how the race has tightened '' On Saturday , Obama was up by 3 in the poll of polls . That lead shrank to just 1 point Sunday before disappearing Monday . In the most recent survey , 8 percent of respondents said they were still unsure about who they were going to vote for"} +{"answer":"in the conflict are guilty of `` egregious violations '' of humanitarian law . `` I think the government claims that they 're not using heavy weapons do not pass the laugh test any more , '' she said . `` Witnesses are telling us about the shelling . We also get photos of remnants of the shells that hit the areas . '' U.N. spokesman Gordon Weiss told CNN on Monday that hundreds of civilians died during weekend fighting because the Sri Lankan army had put residents in the crossfire , and Obama and the Security Council urged the government to live up to its commitment to stop using heavy weapons . Neistat said at least 30 hospitals had been attacked in the conflict zone as well . Meanwhile , the Tigers -- who have been branded a terrorist organization by the United States , more than 30 other countries and the European Union -- are refusing to let the civilians who surround them evacuate , Neistat said . `` Witnesses are telling us that they were not allowed to leave , that those who tried to leave were shot at by the Tamil Tigers , '' she said","question":"The U.N. Security Council and U.S. President Barack Obama on Wednesday called for both sides in Sri Lanka 's civil war to protect civilians and allow humanitarian aid into the conflict zone , where tens of thousands are trapped . President Obama criticized the Tamil Tigers for using civilians as `` human shields . '' In a statement at the White House , Obama urged Sri Lankan government troops to halt the `` indiscriminate '' shelling of civilians trapped with the remnants of the country 's Tamil Tiger rebels and demanded the rebels stop using civilians as `` human shields . '' Security Council members issued a statement demanding `` that all parties respect their obligations under international humanitarian law . '' Though the rebels once controlled much of northeastern Sri Lanka , government troops have forced them from all but a small portion of the island since November . The remaining rebel force is pinned down on a narrow strip on the island 's northern coast , but more than 50,000 civilians are trapped there as well , the United Nations estimates . Anna Neistat , of the New York-based Human Rights Watch , told CNN that both sides"} +{"answer":"down premature birth rates by continent . The highest premature birth rate is in Africa , where 11.9 percent of births each year are preterm , with more than 4 million premature deliveries annually . In populous Asia , although the preterm birth rate is lower at 9.1 percent , the number of premature births is higher , at nearly 7 million a year . While North America -- consisting of the United States and Canada in this report -- counts fewer than 500,000 premature births a year , its preterm birth rate is close to that of Africa , at 10.6 percent of all births , according to the report . The rate is the world 's second highest . In the United States , the rate of preterm births has increased 36 percent in the past 25 years , with births between the 34th and 36th week of gestation accounting for the majority of the increase , the organization found . Much of the hike in preterm births is linked to more pregnancies after the age of 35 and the use of fertility treatments that can lead to multiple births . `` Wherever trend data are available ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- More than 1 million babies born prematurely die each year before they are a month old , the March of Dimes said Sunday in the first comprehensive global report on premature births . A premature baby rests at a hospital in Kabul , Afghanistan , in October 2007 . The organization suggested the situation could worsen if the rate of premature births increases . Each year , 12.9 million infants -- or nearly 10 percent of the annual worldwide birth total -- are born before 37 weeks of development in the womb , the organization said . More than 85 percent of the premature births occur in developing countries in Africa and Asia . `` Premature births are an enormous global problem that is exacting a huge toll emotionally , physically and financially on families , medical systems and economies , '' March of Dimes President Jennifer Howse said in a statement . `` In the United States alone , the annual cost of caring for preterm babies and their associated health problems tops $ 26 billion . '' The March of Dimes report , which used data collected by the World Health Organization , breaks"} +{"answer":"Haiti . 8:53 p.m. -- Although aid organization Doctors Without Borders is `` facing huge problems '' in receiving supplies , it is doing what it can to get work done , said Renzo Fricke , the group 's chief of Haiti operations . `` This morning we had to buy a saw in the market , in the city ... for our surgeons to do amputations , '' he told CNN 's Christiane Amanpour on Tuesday . `` We had to buy a saw because our materials -- the medical equipment is not coming as it should arrive . '' Bottlenecks at Port-au-Prince 's small airport has been a problem for aid groups since the earthquake ; Doctors Without Borders says that five of its supply planes have been diverted from Haiti to the Dominican Republic since January 14 . 8:40 p.m. -- Ena Zizi , the woman in her 70s who was rescued from rubble in Port-au-Prince today , has been airlifted by a U.S. Coast Guard helicopter to the USS Bataan , CNN 's Ivan Watson reports . Earlier , she was being treated at a clinic , but it did n't have the operating facilities she","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Tuesday , January 19 10:37 p.m. -- Two children were pulled alive Tuesday night from the rubble of a two-story building in Port-au-Prince . The 8-year-old boy and 10-year-old girl , rescued by a team from the New York City fire and police departments , were taken to an Israeli tent hospital . 10:31 p.m. -- Rescue teams on Tuesday stopped searching the rubble of Port-au-Prince 's Caribbean Supermarket , where five people were rescued over the weekend . `` You have to accept the realization that the potential for survivability is extremely low , '' said Capt. Joe Zahralban of the South Florida Urban Search and Rescue team . `` It gets to a point where you can only risk the rescuers ' life so much before you say , we do n't think there is anybody left . '' 10:25 p.m. -- Heavy traffic is making the 200-mile drive from the Dominican capital of Santo Domingo to the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince take as long as 18 hours , a United Nations situation report says . This is hampering groups ' ability to send aid from the Dominican Republic to areas in need in"} +{"answer":"The romaine lettuce , sold under the Freshway and Imperial Sysco brands , was recalled in connection with an E. coli outbreak that has sickened at least 19 people in Michigan , Ohio and New York . Most E. coli strains are harmless , but some cause severe illness . Diarrhea , urinary tract infections , pneumonia and other respiratory illnesses are just some of the consequences of ingesting certain kinds of the bacteria . Blog : What you need to know about E. coli The lettuce under recall was sold to wholesalers and food service outlets in Alabama , Connecticut , the District of Columbia , Florida , Georgia , Illinois , Indiana , Kansas , Kentucky , Maryland , Massachusetts , Michigan , Missouri , New Jersey , New York , North Carolina , Ohio , Pennsylvania , Rhode Island , South Carolina , Tennessee , Virginia , West Virginia and Wisconsin . Freshway Foods also advised consumers not to eat `` grab and go '' salads sold at in-store salad bars and delis at Kroger , Giant Eagle , Ingles Markets and Marsh stores in 23 states and the District of Columbia . The Freshway recall does","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A multistate romaine lettuce recall because of fear of contamination with a potentially deadly bacteria has restaurants east of the Mississippi River scrambling to assure customers that their salad is safe . `` We have taken the extra precaution of contacting our lettuce supply chain partners to ensure that our product meets our usual high standard of quality , '' New York-based franchise Just Salad said in an e-mail to its customers . `` We are happy to say that we have confirmed that this recall will have no effect on Just Salad 's romaine lettuce , '' the e-mail said . On Thursday , Freshway Foods in Sidney , Ohio , announced a voluntary recall of products containing shredded romaine lettuce with a use-by date of May 12 or earlier because they may be contaminated with E. coli linked to outbreak of illness . Read about recall on CNN 's This Just in Yum ! Brands -- the largest restaurant company , and owner of popular fast food chains KFC , Pizza Hut , Taco Bell and Long John Silver 's -- said Freshway Foods is a not supplier to any of its brands ."} +{"answer":"U.S. Government Accountability Office . The United States has put about $ 48 billion toward reconstruction since the 2003 invasion of Iraq , auditors reported . About $ 23 billion of that was spent on the oil and electricity industries , water systems and security . Iraq spent $ 3.9 billion on those sectors from 2005 through April 2008 , according to the GAO , the investigative arm of Congress . The ongoing fighting there , a shortage of trained staff and weak controls have made it difficult for the Iraqi government to spend its surplus on needed projects , the agency 's report concluded . Levin , a Michigan Democrat , has been an outspoken critic of the slow progress of reconstruction and an advocate of a U.S. withdrawal from Iraq . His criticism Tuesday was echoed by Sen. John Warner , a Virginia Republican who is the former chairman and now a leading member of Levin 's committee . `` Despite Iraq earning billions of dollars in oil revenue in the past five years , U.S. taxpayer money has been the overwhelming source of Iraq reconstruction funds , '' Warner said in a joint statement with Levin .","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Iraq is raking in more money from oil exports than it is spending , amassing a projected four-year budget surplus of up to $ 80 billion , U.S. auditors reported Tuesday . Oil accounted for 94 percent of the Iraq 's revenue from 2005 to 2007 , a U.S. report says . Leading members of Congress , noting that Washington is paying for reconstruction in Iraq , expressed outrage at the assessment . One called the findings `` inexcusable . '' `` We should not be paying for Iraqi projects while Iraqi oil revenues continue to pile up in the bank , including outrageous profits from $ 4-a-gallon gas prices in the U.S. , '' said Sen. Carl Levin , the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee . `` We should require that U.S. taxpayers be reimbursed for the cost of large projects . '' Baghdad had a $ 29 billion budget surplus between 2005 to 2007 . With the price of crude roughly doubling in the past year , Iraq 's surplus for 2008 is expected to run between $ 38 billion and $ 50 billion , according to a report from the"} +{"answer":", is the latest move in an escalating diplomatic battle that pits the United States against two of Latin America 's leftist leaders . It comes a day after Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez announced that he was expelling the U.S. ambassador to Venezuela , Patrick Duddy . Chavez also said he was recalling the Venezuelan ambassador from the United States . `` He has 72 hours , from this moment , the Yankee ambassador in Caracas , to leave Venezuela , '' Chavez told a crowd of supporters . `` When there 's a new government in the United States , we 'll send an ambassador . A government that respects Latin America . '' The president said he was making the moves `` in solidarity with Bolivia and the people of Bolivia . '' Bolivian President Evo Morales on Thursday accused the United States of fomenting a coup d'etat by rich eastern department landowners against him , and he called for the U.S. ambassador to leave for allegedly encouraging those protesters . For the past two weeks , the demonstrators in the country 's richer eastern lowlands have been protesting Morales ' plans to redistribute the country 's natural","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The United States is expelling the Venezuelan ambassador to the United States in response to a similar move by Venezuela , U.S. State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said Friday . `` We have informed the Venezuelan ambassador to the United States that he will be expelled and should leave the United States , '' McCormack said . Separately , the U.S. Treasury Department accused Friday two senior Venezuelan intelligence officials -- Hugo Armando Carvajal Barrios and Henry de Jesus Rangel Silva -- and one former official -- Ramon Rodriguez Chacin -- of assisting leftist rebels in the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia , or FARC , with narcotics trafficking . `` Today 's designation exposes two senior Venezuelan government officials and one former official who armed , abetted and funded the FARC , even as it terrorized and kidnapped innocents , '' said Adam J. Szubin , director of the Treasury 's Office of Foreign Assets Control , in a statement . The action freezes assets the three men may have under U.S. jurisdiction and prohibits Americans from conducting business with them . The U.S. decision to expel the Venezuelan ambassador , Bernardo Alvarez Herrera"} +{"answer":"interrogation practices that Bush administration critics consider torture for terror suspects . Just a month into office , Obama ordered 17,000 troops to Afghanistan , the original front in the `` war on terrorism '' sparked by the September 2001 attacks on New York and Washington . `` I think it 's the right thing to do . But it 's a weighty decision because we actually had to make the decision prior to the completion of the strategic review that we were conducting , '' Obama said . Coming off a tumultuous week over the millions in bonuses paid out to employees of AIG , Obama said Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner 's job is secure despite critics calling for his resignation . Obama joked that even if Geithner were to tender his resignation , the president would tell him , `` Sorry buddy , you 've still got the job . '' Geithner has come under fire over the $ 165 million in bonuses AIG paid its top executives after the insurance giant received more than $ 170 billion in federal bailout money . A loophole in the recently approved economic stimulus bill , included at the behest of","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Obama said in an interview aired Sunday that the hardest decision he 's made since taking office was to send more troops to Afghanistan . In a `` 60 Minutes '' interview , President Obama said , `` I fundamentally disagree with Dick Cheney . '' Also in the interview on CBS ' `` 60 Minutes , '' Obama defended his decision to shut down the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay , Cuba , and he countered criticism from former vice president Dick Cheney . `` I fundamentally disagree with Dick Cheney -- not surprisingly , '' Obama said . `` I think that Vice President Cheney has been at the head of a movement whose notion is somehow that we ca n't reconcile our core values , our Constitution , our belief that we do n't torture , with our national security interests . I think he 's drawing the wrong lesson from history . '' Obama was responding to comments Cheney made to CNN 's `` State of the Union '' on March 15 , when he said the president is making the nation less safe by closing the Guantanamo prison and ending"} +{"answer":"'s interrogation policies and of senior administration officials who attempted to shift the blame for abuse ... to low-ranking soldiers , '' Sen. Carl Levin , D-Michigan , chairman of the Senate committee , said Tuesday . `` Claims , such as that made by former Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz that detainee abuses could be chalked up to the unauthorized acts of a ` few bad apples , ' were simply false . '' The Senate report said that in December 2001 the Defense Department 's General Counsel 's Office solicited information on the `` exploitation '' of detainees from the federal agency charged with training U.S. troops on how to withstand enemy interrogation techniques considered illegal by the Geneva Conventions . The inquiry to that agency , the Joint Personnel Recovery Agency , was submitted more than a month before then-President George Bush signed a memo stating that U.S. military personnel `` shall continue to treat detainees humanely and , to the extent appropriate and consistent with military necessity , in a manner consistent with the principles of the Geneva Conventions . '' The Senate committee 's investigation was largely focused on the influence of a Joint","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Senior Bush administration officials authorized aggressive interrogation techniques -- including forced nudity and waterboarding -- on suspected terrorists , despite concerns from military psychologists and attorneys , according to a Senate report released Tuesday . The Senate report focuses on the authorization to use aggressive techniques to interrogate detainees . `` The fact is that senior officials in the United States government solicited information on how to use aggressive techniques , redefined the law to create the appearance of their legality , and authorized their use against detainees , '' said the report , which reveals new details about prisoner treatment at U.S. military prisons in Cuba , Afghanistan and Iraq . `` Those efforts damaged our ability to collect accurate intelligence that could save lives , strengthened the hand of our enemies and compromised our moral authority , '' the report said . The full report on the Senate Armed Services Committee investigation was declassified Tuesday by the Defense Department , less than a week after the Obama administration released several Bush-era memos detailing the use of such techniques . `` In my judgment , the report represents a condemnation of both the Bush administration"} +{"answer":"a `` dysfunctional '' health care system that is draining the U.S. economy while leaving 46 million Americans without health insurance . `` We are going to accomplish what many people felt would n't happen in our lifetime , '' he said . But House Republicans slammed the Democrats ' bill and pledged to try to amend it as three House committees begin considering the legislation later this week . Rep. Roy Blunt , R-Missouri , said the bill `` without any question will kill jobs , will limit access to health care , will raise taxes and will lead to a government takeover of health care . '' Blunt said he will offer an amendment requiring all elected federal officials , including Obama and Vice President Joe Biden , to enroll in the new public insurance option . Republicans and some fiscally conservative Democrats also question the cost of health care reform . An earlier draft of the House Democrats ' bill carried a price tag of $ 1 trillion over 10 years . The Congressional Budget Office said the revised house bill also would cost $ 1 trillion . However , a senior Democratic House committee staffer said","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- House Democrats unveiled their revised version of health care reform Tuesday , offering a proposal that includes a government-funded health insurance option , requires both individuals and employers to participate , and taxes the wealthy to help cover costs . President Obama has urged Congress to work quickly on creating a health care reform bill . Democratic House leaders said the measure , titled `` America 's Affordable Health Choices Act , '' met the requirements set by President Obama for health care reform by lowering costs to consumers and businesses , letting people keep their current plan if desired , and preventing denial of coverage due to pre-existing medical conditions . `` The House proposal will begin the process of fixing what 's broken about our health care system , reducing costs for all , building on what works , and covering an estimated 97 percent of all Americans , '' Obama said in a written statement . `` And by emphasizing prevention and wellness , it will also help improve the quality of health care for every American . '' Rep. Henry Waxman , D-California , said the bill is intended to repair"} +{"answer":"to Dubois ' body after being assured that it would not be used against him in court . Gardner avoided the death penalty with his guilty plea but will be sentenced June 1 to two consecutive life terms without the possibility of parole , under terms of the plea deal with prosecutors . On February 24 , a day before King went missing , an 11-year-old girl reported that she was walking home from school when she heard a vehicle slowly approaching her from behind , according to an affidavit requesting a police search of Gardner 's home , posted on the website of CNN affiliate KTLA-TV . The documents were unsealed Monday , KTLA reported . The girl told police the vehicle drove past her and then parked about 30 feet in front of her , the documents said . The driver stayed in the vehicle , the girl said , and did not attempt to speak to her . But a woman pulled up next to the girl and told her the person in the vehicle `` seemed very suspicious '' and offered to follow her home , according to the affidavit . The man , who was","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Authorities believe that a registered sex offender who this month admitted killing two California teenagers attempted to follow an 11-year-old girl walking home from school the day before one of the teens disappeared , according to documents filed in the case . John Albert Gardner , 31 , pleaded guilty April 16 to killing Chelsea King , 17 , and Amber Dubois , 14 . He also pleaded guilty to a charge of assault with intent to commit rape in a December incident involving a third woman . King was last seen leaving Poway High School in suburban San Diego , California , on February 25 . Her car , with her cell phone inside , was found at Rancho Bernardo Community Park . King was known to run on the park 's trails . Her disappearance triggered a massive search that ended a few days later , when King 's remains were found in the park . Dubois disappeared in February 2009 while walking to school in Escondido , California . She was considered a missing person for more than a year until her remains were found in March . Prosecutors said Gardner led police"} +{"answer":", and as `` Six Million Dollar Man '' actor Lee Majors ' wife , when she shot a best-selling pinup poster in early 1976 at the behest of a Cleveland , Ohio , company called Pro Arts . Photographer Bruce McBroom placed Fawcett -- then known as Farrah Fawcett-Majors -- in the Indian blanket-draped front seat of his 1937 Chevy and snapped away . The poster , with Fawcett 's million-dollar smile front and center and right nipple obvious through the fabric of her red bathing suit , became a sensation . Soon after the photo shoot , Fawcett was asked to join the cast of a new Aaron Spelling TV show , `` Charlie 's Angels , '' about a trio of female detectives who work for a mysterious man named Charlie . Fawcett , who played Jill Munroe , was the last to be cast -- co-star Kate Jackson was the known name at the time -- but , thanks to her poster , Fawcett became the series ' breakout star . The highly rated TV series kicked off what came to be known as `` jiggle TV , '' series full of young actresses who appeared","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Farrah Fawcett has been hospitalized in the latest stage of her battle against cancer , a producer working with the actress said Monday . Farrah Fawcett , shown here in 2004 , was first diagnosed with cancer in 2006 . `` She is not unconscious , she is not unresponsive , and she is not comatose , '' Craig Nevius told CNN . He added that Fawcett `` is surrounded by family and friends . '' She `` has a real iron will '' and is `` a fighter , '' he said . Nevius has been working with the 62-year-old on a documentary about her fight with cancer . Earlier , he told People magazine that Fawcett had checked into `` a Los Angeles hospital . '' Fawcett was diagnosed in 2006 . People magazine reported that she has anal cancer . Early in 2007 , Fawcett said she was told her cancer had gone into remission . Her official Web site has posts from February , 2007 celebrating the news . But the cancer returned later that year . Fawcett was a model best known for bit parts and commercials"} +{"answer":"has repeatedly said he will listen to the protesters but will not accede to their demands . The anti-government demonstrations began Friday . By Sunday , tens of thousands of protesters had poured into the center of Bangkok . The rallies have been largely peaceful . Abhisit has said his government will not use force to quell the demonstrations . The nation 's tourism minister estimated the demonstrations might have resulted in a 20 percent drop in tourists . The impact on Chinese visitors appears to have been greater , with the Chinese Chamber of Commerce reporting a 50 percent cancellation rate . The protesters are supporters of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra , who was ousted in a bloodless military coup in 2006 . Thaksin was the only Thai prime minister to serve a full term and remains hugely popular . He fled the country in 2008 while facing trial on corruption charges that he says were politically motivated . The protesters say Abhisit was not democratically elected and have demanded that he call new elections . Since Thaksin 's ouster , Thailand has endured widespread political unrest that has pitted Thaksin loyalists against Abhisit supporters . Two people","question":"Bangkok , Thailand -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Anti-government protesters poured a small amount of blood at the headquarters of the government in Bangkok on Tuesday , but the demonstration did not live up to their threat to douse the ministers ' offices in blood . The protesters had launched a blood drive earlier to collect enough samples for the demonstration . Thousands of `` red shirts '' -- so named for their clothing -- held out their forearms to allow their compatriots to draw blood . The protesters intended to collect 1,000 liters -LRB- 1 million cubic centimeters -RRB- and then throw the blood on the grounds of the Government House , which houses ministerial offices , at 6 p.m. -LRB- 7 a.m. ET -RRB- . `` Red shirts '' rally in Bangkok : Share your photos If Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva still refuses to dissolve parliament , the demonstrators said they will collect another 1,000 liters of blood Wednesday and splash it on the headquarters of the ruling party . The next day , they will collect 1,000 more liters and target the prime minister 's residence , the demonstrators said . What are the protests about ? Abhisit"} +{"answer":"Murray will face Donald Young in Sunday 's Thailand Open final after the American upset second seed Gael Monfils . Young , ranked 55th , triumphed 4-6 7-6 -LRB- 7-5 -RRB- 7-6 -LRB- 7-5 -RRB- against the Frenchman in Saturday 's semis to reach his first top-level title match . He has already beaten Murray once this year , at Indian Wells , but lost to the Briton in the fourth round of the U.S. Open . Young will break into the men 's top-50 next week , having started August in 128th place . The defeat dented 14th-ranked Monfils ' hopes of reaching the season-ending ATP World Tour finals in London . Murray , who was runner-up in Bangkok in his first ATP final six years ago , is seeking his third title this year after winning 6-2 3-6 6-2 against another Frenchman , Gilles Simon . Agnieszka Radwanska boosted her hopes of qualifying for the season-ending WTA Championships in Turkey by winning the Tokyo Open title on Saturday . The Polish ninth seed defeated world No. 4 Vera Zvonareva for the third time this year , with the 22-year-old winning 6-3 6-2 to claim her sixth title .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Serbian tennis player has been banned for life and fined $ 100,000 after being found guilty of match-fixing offenses . David Savic has been punished for three violations of the 2010 Uniform Tennis Anti-Corruption Program in October 2010 , it was revealed on Saturday . A Tennis Integrity Unit investigation found that the 26-year-old tried to contrive the outcome of an event , sought to persuade another player to not try to win and also offered money `` with the intention of negatively influencing a player 's best efforts in any event . '' Savic is currently ranked 659th in singles , with a highest standing of 363 in October 2009 . He is a compatriot of world No. 1 Novak Djokovic , who helped Serbia win the Davis Cup last year before winning three grand slam titles in 2011 . Savic is the second man to be banned for life over match-fixing , following Austria 's Daniel Kollerer in May . The Tennis Integrity Unit is run by the International Tennis Federation , the Grand Slam Committee and the men 's ATP and women 's WTA tours . Meanwhile , world No. 4 Andy"} +{"answer":"'' Tsvangirai has long been a leading opposition figure in Zimbabwe , but he joined a coalition government with Mugabe last month . That seemed to resolve an impasse created by a disputed presidential election between Mugabe and Tsvangirai last year . Tsvangirai received the most votes in the March 2008 election , but he fell short of the 50 percent required to avoid a runoff . He withdrew as a candidate in the runoff , citing political violence and intimidation targeting his supporters . Negotiations between the two sides culminated in the power-sharing agreement that was implemented just weeks ago . Questions about the wreck surfaced shortly after it happened Friday on a busy two-lane highway between Tsvangirai 's hometown of Buhera and the capital city of Harare . On Saturday , members of Tsvangirai 's political party , the Movement for Democratic Change , told CNN that Tsvangirai believed that the driver of the truck that struck his car deliberately drove toward him in an effort to take his life . The party 's secretary-general , Tendai Biti , said police should have provided better security for Tsvangirai . The wreck might not have happened , he said","question":"HARARE , Zimbabwe -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai of Zimbabwe said Monday that he does not believe foul play was involved in a car wreck that killed his wife . The vehicle the couple were traveling in was left overturned off the highway . `` When something like that happens there is speculation , but I want to assure you if it was foul play , it is one in a thousand , '' he said Monday . `` It was an accident that took her life . '' Tsvangirai 's comments came amid widespread speculation that the wreck was caused by his political opponents aligned with President Robert Mugabe . Tsvangirai 's political party , the Movement for Democratic Change , has said the crash was an assassination attempt . It has called for an independent inquiry . Zimbabwe 's new prime minister was hurt in the wreck and returned home Monday from neighboring Botswana . `` Life has to go on and I 'm certain that if she was here she would liked life to go on , '' he said . `` It will be difficult to fill the gap left by her ."} +{"answer":"was a little nervous in the beginning , '' Oudin said . `` She definitely stepped up her game when she came out on court and served some really great service games . `` There was n't much I could do in the beginning , besides staying in there with her . '' France restored some pride with Pauline Parmentier 's 6-4 6-4 win over Christina McHale before Bethanie Mattek-Sands and Liezel Huber won the concluding doubles for the U.S. Defending champions Italy are also in the semifinals after a convincing 4-1 win over the Ukraine . Francesca Schiavone came from a set down to beat Kateryna Bondarenko to seal the victory after Flavia Pennetta had downed Alona Bondarenko on straight sets in the first reverse singles on Sunday . They will play the Czech Republic who beat Germany 3-2 thanks to a decisive doubles victory . Lucie Hradecka , who was making her Fed Cup debut as a late replacement for the injured Lucie Safarova , proved the final day star in Brno . In the opening reverse singles she beat Andrea Petkovic 6-1 7-6 to give the home team a 2-1 lead . Anna-Lena Groenefeld beat Petra Kvitova","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Four-time Fed Cup champions Russia edged Serbia 3-2 on Sunday to reach the semifinals of this year 's competition where they will play the United States . Russia owed their victory to the doubles partnership of Svetlana Kuznetsova and Alisa Kleybanova , who beat Jelena Jankovic and Ana Ivanovic 6-1 6-4 in the decisive rubber in Belgrade Earlier in the reverse singles , Kleybanova beat Ivanovic 6-2 6-3 while Jankovic scored her second victory of the weekend as she saw off Kuznetsova 6-3 4-6 6-3 to level the tie . `` We are really happy after this hard-fought victory , '' Kuznetsova told the official Web site www.fedcup.com `` We played the crucial doubles like real partners . Alisa was really good although she 's a singles player . '' The United States , missing both the Williams sisters , were still too good for France as they wrapped up a 4-1 win on an indoor clay court at the Stade Couvert Regional de Lievin . Teenage star Melanie Oudin continued her heroics with a second singles victory as she beat Julie Coin 7-6 6-4 to give her side an unassailable 3-0 lead . `` I"} +{"answer":"or traveling in those areas to exercise extreme caution , '' the alert says . More than 16,000 people have died in Mexico since President Felipe Calderon declared war on the drug cartels shortly after assuming office in December 2006 . Ciudad Juarez , in Chihuahua state across the border from El Paso , Texas , is the most violent city in the nation . `` The situation in the state of Chihuahua , specifically Ciudad Juarez , is of special concern , '' the alert says . Two U.S. citizens were abducted and killed in Chihuahua , the State Department said . `` Mexican authorities report that more than 2,600 people were killed in Ciudad Juarez in 2009 , '' the report states . `` Additionally , this city of 1.3 million people experienced more than 16,000 car thefts and 1,900 carjackings in 2009 . U.S. citizens should pay close attention to their surroundings while traveling in Ciudad Juarez , avoid isolated locations during late night and early morning hours , and remain alert to news reports . '' But the problems are not limited to Juarez , the State Department says . `` Mexican drug cartels are engaged","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Texas Department of Public Safety took the unprecedented step Thursday of telling college students not to visit Mexican border cities during spring break because they are just too dangerous . Several universities issued similar warnings last year , but this was the first time the Texas law enforcement agency had issued the specific advisory against travel , said spokeswoman Tela Mange . In the past , she said , Texas authorities had just urged students to be careful . `` Because of the increased violence , we decided to step it up a little bit and say , ` Parents , bad idea , ' '' Mange said . DPS Director Steven C. McCraw said , `` Parents should not allow their children to visit these Mexican cities because their safety can not be guaranteed . '' The State Department renewed a travel alert to Mexico last month , citing increased violence in the country -- border areas in particular . `` Recent violent attacks have caused the U.S. Embassy to urge U.S. citizens to delay unnecessary travel to parts of Michoacan , Durango , Coahuila and Chihuahua ... and to advise U.S. citizens residing"} +{"answer":"include David Gray , Jill Scott , rock band Evanescence and country duo Sugarland . Johnson Sirleaf , a 73-year-old Harvard graduate whose political resilience has earned her the nickname `` Iron Lady , '' became Africa 's first democratically-elected female president in 2006 , three years after decades of civil war ended . Crediting women with ending the conflict and challenging the dictatorship of former President Charles Taylor , she declared a zero-tolerance policy against corruption and made education compulsory and free for all primary-age children . Gbowee , 39 , led a women 's movement that protested the use of rape and child soldiers in Liberia 's civil war . She mobilized hundreds of women to force delegates at 2003 peace talks to sign a treaty - at one point calling for a `` sex strike '' until demands were met . Read more about this year 's Nobel Peace Prize winners Although Karman , 32 , emerged as an icon of change as Yemen was swept up in the tumult of the Arab Spring , the mother-of-three has long been active in campaigning for women and human rights . Karman , the first Arab woman to win","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The struggle for women 's rights against the backdrops of the Arab Spring and democratic progress in Africa will be recognized by this year 's Nobel Peace Prize on Saturday , at a ceremony unlikely to repeat controversy seen last year . Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf , and Leymah Gbowee , a social worker and peace campaigner from the same country , will share the prize with Tawakkul Karman , an activist and journalist who this year played a key opposition role in Yemen . The three , chosen `` for their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women 's rights to full participation in peace-building work , '' will be honored in Oslo , Norway , during a program of events that culminates on Sunday in a star-studded concert . All three will be interviewed by CNN 's Jonathan Mann , a veteran of Nobel Peace Prize ceremonies , shortly after they receive their medals and $ 1.5 million in cash . The interviews and concert , hosted by actors Helen Mirren and Rosario Dawson , will be broadcast live online and mobile on CNN.com . Acts performing at the concert"} +{"answer":"of her identity , and police dubbed her `` Baby Grace . '' After authorities distributed composite sketches of the girl nationwide , Sheryl Sawyers , the girl 's paternal grandmother , contacted police from her Ohio home to say the drawing resembled her granddaughter . DNA testing confirmed the child 's identity . According to an affidavit , Trenor told police Riley had been beaten and thrown across a room and that her head was held under water before she died on July 24 , 2007 . She said the couple hid the girl 's body in a storage shed for one to two months before they put it in the plastic container and dumped it into the bay . The disposal of the girl 's body led to the evidence-tampering charge . A medical examiner said Riley 's skull was fractured in three places , injuries that would have been fatal . A capital murder charge carries a mandatory sentence of life in prison , the Chronicle reported . A cross has since been erected on the island where the toddler was found , which was named Riley 's Island in her honor , according to the Houston","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A woman accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter and dumping her body in Texas ' Galveston Bay went on trial Tuesday on capital murder charges in the child 's death , court officials said . Kimberly Dawn Trenor has pleaded guilty to an evidence-tampering charge , her attorney says . Kimberly Dawn Trenor , 20 , pleaded guilty last week to tampering with evidence in the case , but she pleaded not guilty to the capital murder charge , said her attorney , Tom Stickler . Trenor 's husband , Royce Clyde Zeigler II , 25 , also faces capital murder and evidence-tampering charges , but is being tried separately and has not been arraigned . The body of Trenor 's daughter , Riley Ann Sawyers , was found in October 2007 in a large plastic blue container on an uninhabited island in Galveston Bay . Jurors in Trenor 's trial also will determine her sentence on the evidence-tampering charge , which carries a penalty of two to 20 years in prison , according to The Houston Chronicle . Riley Ann 's case drew national attention after a fisherman found her body . Authorities were unsure"} +{"answer":"it to talk to her , Nowak sprayed her in the face with pepper spray , Shipman said . Police said Nowak was apprehended as she was disposing of her disguise in an airport trash bin . Nowak has said she went to the airport to talk to Shipman , who had begun dating Nowak 's former love interest , Navy Cmdr. Bill Oefelein , who was also an astronaut but has since left the astronaut corps . Judge Marc Lubet handed Nowak a legal victory in November 2007 when he ruled evidence found in her car and statements she made to police after her arrest were inadmissible at trial because both were unlawfully obtained . Prosecutors appealed , however , and in July 2008 , the Fifth District Court of Appeals ruled that evidence found in Nowak 's car was admissible , although it agreed her statements to police were not . At a hearing in August 2007 , Orlando police detective William Becton testified that when he searched Nowak 's car , he found maps showing how to reach the airport , maps of the airport 's layout , a buck knife and papers including a letter Nowak","question":"ORLANDO , Florida -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An ex-astronaut accused of assaulting a romantic rival in a Florida parking lot will stand trial December 7 , a judge ruled . Prosecutors accuse Nowak of driving nearly 900 miles wearing NASA diapers to track down her rival . Lisa Marie Nowak , 46 , is accused of stalking Air Force Capt. Colleen Shipman and pepper-spraying her in a parking lot at Orlando International Airport in February 2007 . She has pleaded not guilty to charges of attempted kidnapping with intent to inflict bodily harm , battery and burglary of a vehicle using a weapon . If convicted , she could face a sentence of up to life in prison . Prosecutors accuse Nowak of driving nearly 900 miles from Houston to Orlando -- wearing NASA diapers to cut down on the number of stops she needed to make -- and donning a disguise before following Shipman from baggage claim to a parking lot . Her attorney , Don Lykkebak , has denied that she wore the diapers . Shipman told police that after she got into her car , Nowak feigned distress and knocked on the window . When Shipman cracked"} +{"answer":"of madness which puts the whole deal into jeopardy . '' The plan outlined in The Herald would give 14 government ministries to ZANU-PF and 13 to the MDC . Three ministries would go to Mutambara 's faction . Among the ministries reportedly allocated to ZANU-PF are defense , home affairs , foreign affairs , justice and legal affairs , and media and information . Ministries given to Tsvangirai 's MDC would include constitutional and parliamentary affairs , economic planning , health , labor , and sport , arts and culture , the paper said . Mutambara would oversee education , industry and commerce , and regional integration and international cooperation . The ministry of finance , the paper said , remains in dispute . The MDC accused the ZANU-PF of trying to undermine the work of former South African President Thabo Mbeki , who helped broker a deal to end months of violence following a disputed election . The paper said Mbeki was due to to go Zimbabwe to resolve the question of the finance ministry . Mbeki mediated the power-sharing talks that aimed to resolve the disputed March election . Tsvangirai won the most votes in March but","question":"HARARE , Zimbabwe -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Robert Mugabe 's political rivals Saturday accused the Zimbabwean president of `` ambush '' in allocating key ministries to his own party in defiance of a power-sharing agreement aimed at ending political turmoil in the country . The opposition MDC accuses Mugabe of `` ambush . '' Zimbabwe 's state-run Herald newspaper reported that ministries inlcuding defense , justice , and media , were being placed in the hands of Mugabe 's ZANU-PF . Party spokesman Bright Matonga said the move had cross-party support but the Movement for Democratic Change 's Nelson Chamisa decried the move is an `` ambush '' that puts the power-sharing deal in jeopardy . Under the deal reached last month , Mugabe stays in office but shares power with MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai , who became vice president . Arthur Mutambara , who leads a splinter MDC faction , became deputy vice president . `` The MDC dismisses ZANU-PF 's unilaterally gazetted wish list of ministries , which is a betrayal of the wishes , expectations and aspirations of the majority of Zimbabweans , '' the MDC said in a statement . `` It is a giant act"} +{"answer":"fired on in their SUV as they left a birthday party at the U.S. consulate . Their 7-month-old daughter , Rebecca , who was in the back of the SUV , was unhurt . A third victim , who had also left the party , was identified as Jorge Alberto Salcido Ceniceros , 37 , a state police officer who was married to a Mexican employee of the U.S. consulate . His wife was not traveling with him , but two of their children , ages 4 and 7 , were in the car and were wounded , officials said . `` We have all come together to find Barrio Azteca members as part of a major intelligence effort , '' said Andrea Simmons , a public information officer for the FBI in El Paso . In addition to the FBI and the DEA , other organizations involved are the Immigration and Customs Enforcement , U.S. Customs and Border Protection , the El Paso Police Department , the El Paso County Sheriff 's Office and the Texas Department of Public Safety . `` Part of this is being done to generate leads regarding the ongoing investigation in Juarez as well","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- More than 200 federal , state and local law enforcement personnel have been assigned to an operation intended to find who was responsible for Saturday 's fatal shootings of three people linked to the U.S. consulate in Cuidad Juarez , Mexico , an official said . Among the agencies involved in Operation Knock Down -- taking place in southern New Mexico and in the vicinity of El Paso , Texas -- are the FBI and the Drug Enforcement Administration , said DEA spokesman David Ausiello . El Paso is across the Rio Grande from Ciudad Juarez . A law enforcement official said investigators believe that there could be a connection between Barrio Azteca , a gang that operates in both cities , and the killings . The official said that mistaken identity has not been ruled out . A relative of U.S. consulate worker Lesley Ann Enriquez said Wednesday that the 35-year-old woman was four months pregnant with a boy when she was shot dead . Enriquez 's husband , 34-year-old Arthur Redelfs , was also killed . He was a 10-year veteran of the El Paso County Sheriff 's Office . The couple was"} +{"answer":"hurricane center said . In anticipation of the storm 's arrival , Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal declared a state of emergency Sunday afternoon . Hurricane Ida `` threatens the safety and security of those citizens '' along the state 's southeast coastline , he wrote in the declaration . The declaration gives the director of the governor 's office of emergency preparedness authority `` to undertake any activity authorized by law which he deems necessary and appropriate '' to prepare for the possibility of a hurricane . Track Ida 's progress , potential path Alabama 's Baldwin County commission urged that residents living in mobile homes , coastal communities or low-lying , flood-prone areas voluntarily evacuate . The county is under a local state of emergency and opened a shelter , according to a Sunday night statement from the county commission . As of 10 p.m. ET Sunday , Ida had maximum sustained winds near 105 mph -LRB- 165 km\/hr -RRB- with higher gusts . But the storm was expected to weaken on Monday and possibly begin losing tropical characteristics on Tuesday , the hurricane center said . The center of Ida was located about 400 miles -LRB- 645 km","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Hurricane Ida moved into the southern Gulf of Mexico Sunday , prompting a declaration of emergency in Louisiana and concern along the U.S. Gulf Coast . The storm regained hurricane intensity overnight Saturday , becoming a Category 2 hurricane , but forecasters said it is expected to weaken as it moves north . Ida drenched Nicaragua after making landfall last week as a Category 1 hurricane , then weakened to a tropical storm before resuming strength . In El Salvador , at least 91 people died in flooding and mudslides , according to the government , but a low-pressure system out of the Pacific -- not Hurricane Ida -- triggered the disaster , forecaster Robby Berg of the National Hurricane Center said Sunday . A hurricane warning , meaning hurricane conditions are possible within 24 hours , extends from Pascagoula , Mississippi to Indian Pass , Florida , forecasters said . From Grande Isle , Louisiana , to west of Pascagoula , Mississippi , a tropical storm warning and a hurricane watch are in effect . This area includes New Orleans , which the center earlier excluded from the watch , and Lake Pontchartrain , the"} +{"answer":"and their driver were kidnapped outside of Kabul , Afghanistan , on November 10 , and Afghan and Western officials said recently that Rohde was being held in Pakistan . After leaving the compound Friday night , the two men then found a Pakistani army scout who led them to a nearby army base . On Saturday , they were flown to Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan , the newspaper said . A U.S. official told CNN that Rohde will arrive in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates at 10 p.m. Saturday . `` They just walked over the wall of the compound , '' Mulvihill said , according to the newspaper . Ludin hurt his foot during the escape , but otherwise both men appear to be in good health , the newspaper said . The driver , Asadullah Mangal , did not escape , the newspaper said . `` It is hard to describe the enormous relief we felt at hearing the news of David and Tahir 's escape and knowing he is safe , '' a statement from Rohde 's family said . `` Every day during these past seven months , we have hoped and prayed","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A New York Times reporter who was held by the Taliban for seven months has escaped , the newspaper reported Saturday . New York Times reporter David Rohde , shown in 1995 , escaped from the Taliban . David Rohde told his wife , Kristen Mulvihill , that he and a local reporter , Tahir Ludin , climbed over the wall of a compound late Friday where they were being held in the North Waziristan region of Pakistan . Pakistani military spokesman Gen. Athar Abbas told CNN that the Pakistani military was involved in freeing Rohde . Additional details were not immediately available . U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton issued a statement expressing her relief about Rohde 's `` return to freedom . '' `` I would like to thank the governments of Pakistan and Afghanistan for their assistance in ensuring his safe return , '' Clinton said . `` Journalists put themselves at risk every day to report the news in regions gripped by conflict . We rely on their vital role and I am grateful for their service . '' Watch CNN 's Nic Robertson report on the escape '' Rohde , Ludin"} +{"answer":"not been involved in politics before her husband , opposition leader Benigno `` Ninoy '' Aquino Jr. , was gunned down at Manila 's airport in August 1983 as he returned from exile . The political novice took over the leadership of her husband 's movement after his death and challenged Marcos in a 1986 election , making a yellow dress her trademark and bolstered by the support of the country 's Roman Catholic churches . Marcos had been backed by the United States , the former colonial power in the Philippines , for two decades as a stalwart anti-communist . He and his wife Imelda were friends of then-President Ronald Reagan and his wife , Nancy . But widespread allegations of electoral fraud and a mutiny by the country 's military led the Reagan administration to withdraw its support , and Marcos went into exile in Hawaii . Aquino took office in a country with a $ 28 billion debt , widespread poverty and a persistent Marxist insurgency . She put in place a U.S.-style constitution that limited presidents to a single six-year term and survived seven coup attempts -- including one that was supressed with American help .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former Philippine President Corazon Aquino , whose `` People Power '' movement pushed out longtime strongman Ferdinand Marcos less than three years after her husband 's assassination , has died at age 76 , her family announced Saturday . `` She was the agent of change in Philippine democracy , '' said Ray Donato , the nation 's consul-general in Atlanta . Aquino , the first woman to lead the Philippines , had been battling colon cancer since March 2008 and died of cardio-respiratory arrest at 3:18 a.m. Saturday -LRB- 3:18 p.m. Friday ET -RRB- , said Mai Mislang , a spokeswoman for her son , Philippine Sen. Benigno Aquino III . Funeral arrangements were being set up , Mislang said . Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo has also announced a 10-day mourning period for the former president , said Ray Donato , the country 's consul-general in Atlanta . `` She was the agent of change in Philippine democracy , and almost all the Filipinos I know revered her during her presidency , '' Donato said . Aquino had been born into a wealthy family and was educated in the United States . She had"} +{"answer":"can be tried in a U.S. federal court , as long as the person is a U.S. national or is present in the United States , regardless of nationality . Calls to Taylor 's defense attorneys were not immediately returned . Prosecutors had asked for Taylor to be sentenced to 147 years . Taylor was born in Boston , Massachusetts , but he moved to Liberia when his father was named president . Prosecutors said Taylor became the leader of the Anti-Terrorist Unit and the Liberian National Police while his father was president . The two groups are accused of abducting , torturing and killing people . From 1999 to 2002 , Taylor committed torture and allowed others to commit torture , prosecutors said . Taylor and his associated burned victims with molten plastic , lighted cigarettes , candle wax and an iron . Some were severely beaten with firearms , cut and stabbed and shocked with an electric device , prosecutors said in an indictment that superseded the initial indictment from 2006 . In the initial indictment , Taylor was charged with one count of torture , one count of conspiracy to torture and one count of using a","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The son of former Liberian President Charles Taylor Sr. was sentenced Friday to 97 years in prison for charges including torture and conspiracy , according to a federal court in Florida . The U.S.-born son of Charles Taylor Sr. , pictured , moved to Liberia when his father became president . U.S. District Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga sentenced Charles `` Chuckie '' Taylor Jr. , 31 , in a Friday morning session that lasted four hours , according to a court document . Altonaga cited Taylor 's `` sadistic , cruel and atrocious past , '' saying it `` constituted unacceptable , universally condemned torture , '' The Miami Herald reported . `` The lengthy prison term handed down today justly reflects the horror and torture that Taylor Jr. visited upon his victims , '' said Matthew Friedrich , acting assistant attorney general of the criminal division . Taylor , also known as Charles McArthur Emmanuel , was convicted October 30 of torture , conspiracy to commit torture and firearm charges . His case , tried in Miami , was the first brought under a 1994 U.S. law saying those accused of committing torturous acts overseas"} +{"answer":"Obama 's inauguration as a `` moment of hope and pride for our whole nation . '' Bush predicted a bright future . `` We have faced danger and trial and there is more ahead , '' Bush said . `` But with the courage of our people and confidence in our ideals , this great nation will never tire , never falter and never fail . '' Recalling the defining moment of his presidency , Bush said the September 11 , 2001 , attacks forever altered the way he approached his job . `` As the years passed , most Americans were able to return to life much as it had been before 9\/11 , '' Bush said . `` But I never did . '' iReport.com : Share your thoughts on Bush 's farewell `` Every morning , I received a briefing on the threats to our nation . And I vowed to do everything in my power to keep us safe , '' he said . He cited the creation of the Department of Homeland Security and changes in the military and intelligence communities as part of the reason the United States has not seen another significant","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In his final public address from the White House , a reflective President Bush on Thursday recalled the ups and downs of his eight-year tenure and said he was willing to make the tough decisions . President Bush touts what he considers his foreign policy achievements Thursday at the State Department . `` I have followed my conscience and done what I thought was right . You may not agree with some tough decisions I have made . But I hope you can agree that I was willing to make the tough decisions . '' Bush , who as president has become known for adamantly sticking to positions even when they 've come under criticism , acknowledged setbacks and said he would have done some things differently . `` Like all who have held this office before me , I have experienced setbacks , '' Bush said . `` There are things I would do differently if given the chance . Yet I have always acted with the best interests of our country in mind . Watch Bush 's final address '' Bush also said he is `` filled with gratitude , '' and characterized"} +{"answer":"hearing on the matter is set for Monday . In its motion , the government asked that Chiquita Brands International be fined and sentenced to probation , as well as being required to implement an effective ethics program in connection with the company 's guilty plea , Boyd said . Federal prosecutors accused the Cincinnati-based company of paying more than $ 1.7 million to the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia , a right-wing paramilitary group , in two parts of Colombia where the company grew bananas . The payments to the group , known as the AUC , went through the company 's Colombian subsidiary , Banadex , from 1997 to 2004 , according to court documents filed in the case . Court papers also say Chiquita paid Colombia 's two leftist guerrilla groups , the FARC -LRB- Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia -RRB- and ELN -LRB- National Liberation Army -RRB- from about 1989 to 1997 . At the time , according to court documents , those groups controlled areas where the company grew bananas . The AUC , FARC and ELN are all combatants in Colombia 's decade-long civil war , and all have been designated as terrorist organizations","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Banana producer Chiquita will pay a $ 25 million fine and serve five years ' probation for once paying millions of dollars to groups in Colombia considered by the U.S. to be terrorist organizations , a Department of Justice spokesman said Tuesday . A worker at a banana plantation in Santa Maria , Colombia , in December 2000 . In so doing , the banana producer avoided prosecution for the company 's now-defunct payoff of Colombian terrorists protecting its most profitable banana-growing operation , according to terms of a plea agreement with the U.S. Justice Department . If approved by U.S. courts , the $ 25 million fine would represent the largest U.S. criminal penalty ever imposed under federal global terrorism sanction regulations , said Justice spokesman Dean Boyd . The regulations prohibit transactions with people who commit , threaten to commit or support U.S.-designated terrorists and establish penalties for doing so . Attorneys from the Justice Department 's National Security Division and federal prosecutors for the District of Columbia filed a joint sentencing motion Tuesday asking the court to accept the plea agreement , which was reached March 19 , Boyd said . A"} +{"answer":"admitted her guilt . '' `` We live in an age where greed and protecting one 's secrets is glorified and accepted , '' Worthy said . `` Now the city of Detroit , the region and the state of Michigan can truly begin to move forward when this ugly chapter in Detroit 's history is put to rest . '' In September , Kilpatrick resigned as mayor and pleaded guilty to two felony obstruction of justice charges stemming from his efforts to cover up his relationship with Beatty . Like Beatty , Kilpatrick was sentenced to five years probation with the first four months to be served in jail . He is serving that sentence in the Wayne County jail . At the time of his sentencing in October , the judge in the case called Kilpatrick `` arrogant and defiant , '' particularly for a televised speech that aired hours after Kilpatrick entered his pleas . `` That night , the community expected to hear a message of humility , remorse and apology , '' Wayne County Circuit Judge David Groner said at Kilpatrick 's sentencing . `` Instead , we heard an arrogant and defiant man who","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Christine Beatty , chief of staff for former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick , pleaded guilty Monday to charges stemming from their text-messaging sex scandal case and will serve four months in jail , according to the Wayne County prosecutor 's office . Under a plea deal , Christine Beatty , shown in August at an arraignment in Detroit , will serve five years probation . Beatty pleaded guilty to two counts of obstruction of justice , according to Maria Miller , the prosecutor 's spokeswoman . Charges of perjury and misconduct against Beatty will be dropped as part of the plea arrangement , she said . Beatty agreed to a plea arrangement under which she will serve five years probation -- the first 120 days to be served in jail -- and pay a $ 100,000 fine , `` based on -LSB- Beatty 's -RSB- ability to pay , '' Miller said . Beatty will begin serving her jail sentence on January 5 , when she will be formally sentenced , Miller said . Kym L. Worthy , prosecuting attorney for Wayne County , released a statement saying she is `` very pleased that this defendant"} +{"answer":"the year , W.H.O. reported . More than 85 percent of those cases happened in northern Nigeria and Niger . Nigeria 's Ministry of Health has reported 17,462 suspected cases of meningococcal disease , including 960 deaths , the world health agency said . In the past week , it reported 4,164 suspected cases with 171 deaths . Sixty-six local government areas in Nigeria have crossed the epidemic threshold . Epidemic thresholds are a way the W.H.O. confirms the emergence of an epidemic so it can step up vaccinations and other management measures . Niger 's Ministry of Health has reported 4,513 suspected cases of meningococcal disease , including 169 deaths , since the start of the year . In the past week , 1,071 suspected cases and 30 deaths have been reported , the W.H.O. said . Ten of Niger 's 42 districts have crossed the epidemic threshold . By comparison , other countries are reporting fewer than 50 cases a week . Meningitis is an infection of the meninges , the thin lining that surrounds the brain and the spinal cord . Several different bacteria can cause meningitis but Neisseria meningitidis -- which is to blame for this","question":"LAGOS , Nigeria -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- More than 200 people have died of meningitis in the past week alone in Niger and Nigeria , according to the World Health Organization . A health care worker vaccinates a child during an earlier outbreak of meningitis in Niger . The disease is an epidemic in 76 areas of the two countries , the health agency reported Wednesday . A spokesman for W.H.O. in Nigeria , Dr. Olaokun Soyinka , said Saturday that the outbreak is bigger than usual and stretches across the African meningitis belt from east - to west-sub-Saharan Africa . The outbreak began around the start of the year , Soyinka told CNN . It usually peaks in the dry season because of dust , winds and cold nights , before dipping around May when the rains come , he said . A shortage of vaccines means officials are relying on '' effective prevention , '' in which they watch for outbreaks and then vaccinate people in the epicenter and surrounding areas , Soyinka told CNN . There have been nearly 25,000 suspected cases and more than 1,500 deaths in the meningitis belt in the first 11 weeks of"} +{"answer":"passed a note demanding money to a teller . The robbery netted about $ 8,700 . Wells died when the bomb exploded as he sat in a parking lot after being stopped by police shortly after the robbery . The case drew national attention and was the subject of intense investigation and questions about whether Wells was a willing participant or a murder victim . Prosecutors said after Barnes ' sentencing that Wells was involved in planning the robbery but balked when he realized that the bomb he was supposed to wear was real . He was threatened with a gun to make him wear the bomb , according to prosecutors . U.S. Attorney Mary Beth Buchanan called the sentence `` appropriate and just , '' and said the contentions of Wells ' family that he was not involved in the plot are `` overwhelmingly '' countered by evidence of meetings with Wells , Barnes and the other two co-conspirators before the robbery . One of the alleged co-conspirators is now dead and the other one , Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong , is undergoing treatment at a federal facility in Texas after the judge in the case found her mentally incompetent to","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Pennsylvania man has been sentenced to 45 years in prison in a deadly bank robbery plot -- described by the judge in the case as `` incredibly bizarre '' -- in which a pizza deliveryman died when a bomb affixed to his neck exploded . This device held a bomb to the neck of Brian Wells during a 2003 bank robbery in Erie , Pennsylvania . At the sentencing in Erie , Pennsylvania , prosecutors repeated their contention that the pizza deliveryman was involved in planning the robbery attempt but wore a live bomb only after being threatened by his co-conspirators . Kenneth Barnes , 55 , of Erie , was sentenced Wednesday after he pleaded guilty in September to conspiracy to commit bank robbery and using a destructive device during a crime of violence . Prosecutors said Barnes and three co-conspirators -- one of whom was pizza deliveryman Brian Wells -- planned to rob a PNC Bank on the outskirts of Erie , and Wells , 46 , carried out the robbery on August 28 , 2003 . Authorities said Wells walked into the bank with a pipe bomb locked to his neck and"} +{"answer":"from the U.N. peacekeeping force deployed along the border . He also condemned the Israeli retaliatory strikes , which the Lebanese military said inflicted no casualties . Watch CNN 's Christiane Amanpour discuss rocket attack \u00c2 '' There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attacks , which came as Israeli airstrikes on Gaza , to the south , entered a 13th day . The Israeli campaign in Gaza is aimed at halting rocket fire from the Hamas-ruled Palestinian territory . Israel fought a similar battle against the Lebanese Shiite Muslim militia Hezbollah in 2006 , during which Hezbollah rained rockets on cities in Israeli 's north for a month before a cease-fire was reached . But Hezbollah has kept a tight rein on its forces in southern Lebanon since the cease-fire , and a number of Palestinian factions operate in southern Lebanon as well . Andrea Tenenti , a spokesman for UNIFIL , the U.N. peacekeeping mission in Lebanon , said the rockets appear to have been fired from a point about 4.5 miles east of Naqoura , where the peacekeepers are headquartered . `` We 've been intensifying our patrols on the ground in order to prevent","question":"BEIRUT , Lebanon -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Lebanon 's prime minister condemned the firing of rockets into northern Israel after an attack wounded two Israelis on Thursday . He said his government is trying to determine who was responsible . U.N. soldiers on Thursday inspect the site in Lebanon thought to be the source of rockets fired into Israel . Israel 's military warned Israeli civilians to stick close to shelters after police said at least four rockets hit near the city of Nahariya , about 6 miles -LRB- 10 kilometers -RRB- south of the Lebanese border . The Israeli military said it returned fire across the border with mortars . Schools and kindergartens were closed in Nahariya and the nearby town of Shlomi , the Israel Defense Forces reported . `` What happened in the south -LSB- of Lebanon -RSB- is a violation of Resolution 1701 and is rejected by Lebanon , '' Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora said , referring to the U.N. resolution that ended the 2006 conflict between Israel and Lebanon 's Hezbollah militia . In a statement issued by his office , Siniora said he has asked Lebanese authorities to investigate the attack alongside troops"} +{"answer":"be made to the American Cancer Society . The former heavyweight champion became a legend in his own right and personified the gritty working-class style of his hard-knuckled hometown , Philadelphia -- a fitting setting for the `` Rocky '' film series , starring Sylvester Stallone as hardscrabble boxer Rocky Balboa . Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter called Frazier the `` quintessential Philadelphia boxer . '' `` You could hear him coming , snorting and grunting and puffing , like a steam engine climbing a steep grade , '' Bill Lyon wrote in a Philadelphia Inquirer column about Frazier , nicknamed `` Smokin ' Joe . '' Frazier used his devastating left hook with impunity during his professional career , retiring in 1976 with a 32-4-1 record and staging one last comeback fight in 1981 . Frazier bested Ali at 1971 's `` Fight of the Century '' at Madison Square Garden . In the 15th round , Frazier landed perhaps the most famous left hook in history , catching Ali on the jaw and dropping the former champ for a four-count , according to Frazier 's bio at the International Boxing Hall of Fame . Frazier left the ring as","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The family of boxing great Joe Frazier on Wednesday announced details of his Philadelphia funeral services and said he died as `` one of God 's men . '' Frazier , who handed the legendary Muhammad Ali his first defeat , died Monday , just a month after being diagnosed with liver cancer . The 67-year-old athlete 's remains will be in public view at the Wells Fargo Center from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Friday and 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. Saturday , the family said . `` This will be an opportunity for his many fans , supporters and boxing lovers from around the world to pay their final respects to Joe Frazier . '' The service will be held at 11 a.m. Monday at Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church . `` The Family of Joe Frazier continues to stress that they want everyone to know that Joe Frazier was a man of God and a man who loved all of his family , '' relatives said in a statement . Star boxer Floyd `` Money '' Mayweather offered to pay for Frazier 's funeral . The family said donations in Frazier 's memory can"} +{"answer":"the year , W.H.O. reported . More than 85 percent of those cases happened in northern Nigeria and Niger . Nigeria 's Ministry of Health has reported 17,462 suspected cases of meningococcal disease , including 960 deaths , the world health agency said . In the past week , it reported 4,164 suspected cases with 171 deaths . Sixty-six local government areas in Nigeria have crossed the epidemic threshold . Epidemic thresholds are a way the W.H.O. confirms the emergence of an epidemic so it can step up vaccinations and other management measures . Niger 's Ministry of Health has reported 4,513 suspected cases of meningococcal disease , including 169 deaths , since the start of the year . In the past week , 1,071 suspected cases and 30 deaths have been reported , the W.H.O. said . Ten of Niger 's 42 districts have crossed the epidemic threshold . By comparison , other countries are reporting fewer than 50 cases a week . Meningitis is an infection of the meninges , the thin lining that surrounds the brain and the spinal cord . Several different bacteria can cause meningitis but Neisseria meningitidis -- which is to blame for this","question":"LAGOS , Nigeria -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- More than 200 people have died of meningitis in the past week alone in Niger and Nigeria , according to the World Health Organization . A health care worker vaccinates a child during an earlier outbreak of meningitis in Niger . The disease is an epidemic in 76 areas of the two countries , the health agency reported Wednesday . A spokesman for W.H.O. in Nigeria , Dr. Olaokun Soyinka , said Saturday that the outbreak is bigger than usual and stretches across the African meningitis belt from east - to west-sub-Saharan Africa . The outbreak began around the start of the year , Soyinka told CNN . It usually peaks in the dry season because of dust , winds and cold nights , before dipping around May when the rains come , he said . A shortage of vaccines means officials are relying on `` effective prevention , '' in which they watch for outbreaks and then vaccinate people in the epicenter and surrounding areas , Soyinka told CNN . There have been nearly 25,000 suspected cases and more than 1,500 deaths in the meningitis belt in the first 11 weeks of"} +{"answer":"Bond and Attorney General Eric Holder , have called him to offer support amid the controversy that began over the weekend . `` I 've apologized to everyone with the sound of my voice that I could have used a better choice of words , '' he said after an event announcing a new energy project in his home state . `` And I 'll continue doing my work for the African-American community . '' Reid said that `` as a very young man , '' he became a leader of civil rights efforts , including the integration of the gaming community . He added that Interior Secretary Ken Salazar called him to say he should `` tell everybody that you have done more for diversity in the United States Senate than all the rest of the people put together . '' Asked whether he should apologize to voters , Reid -- who had issued a statement over the weekend apologizing `` for offending any and all Americans '' -- did not answer directly and instead cited the support he has received from around the country and within his own state . `` I 'm not going to dwell on","question":"Apex , Nevada -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Monday that he is `` very proud '' of having told Barack Obama early on that he believed he was a viable candidate for president and could win election . Responding to the controversy surrounding a newly published remark he made privately about Obama 's race in 2008 , Reid sought to emphasize his longstanding support for the nation 's first African-American president . `` I can still remember the meeting that took place in my office with Sen. Barack Obama , telling him that I think he can be elected president , '' Reid said . Obama `` was kind of surprised that the Democratic leader was calling this new senator over to suggest that he could be elected president , '' he added . A new book quotes Reid , D-Nevada , as saying privately in 2008 that Obama could be successful as a black candidate in part because of his `` light-skinned '' appearance and speaking patterns `` with no Negro dialect , unless he wanted to have one . '' Reid said Monday that numerous prominent African-American officials , including NAACP Chairman Julian"} +{"answer":"was seeking his 11th full term . House Speaker Nancy Pelosi , D-California , said Tuesday night she was confident Democrats would ride a `` wave '' of pro-Democratic sentiment across the country and add to their House majority , though she declined to predict by how much . Watch Pelosi say Americans voted for change `` We have surfers to ride that wave , '' Pelosi said at the Democratic National Committee headquarters in Washington , where she was watching election results . Here are highlights of other races with projected winners : \u2022 Democrats gained at least two seats in Ohio , including that of Rep. Steve Chabot , who was seeking an eighth term in a Cincinnati-area district that normally votes about evenly for GOP and Democratic presidential candidates . CNN projects that Chabot lost to Democrat Steve Driehaus . Just two years earlier , Chabot was re-elected with 52 percent of the vote despite an anti-Republican tide that helped Democrats capture Ohio 's governorship and take a U.S. Senate seat . Democrats also gained a seat left open by retiring Rep. Ralph Regula . Democrat John Boccieri defeated the GOP 's Kirk Schuring in the northeastern","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Democrats increased their 36-seat majority in the U.S. House , according to CNN projections , by defeating established Republicans and winning open seats as they capitalized on an unpopular GOP president . Rep. Chris Shays , R-Connecticut , failed to win his 11th full term . Democrats clinched a majority and took at least 21 seats from Republicans , with the GOP taking only four from the Democrats , according to CNN projections as of 4 a.m. ET Wednesday . With winners yet to be called for 11 of the House 's 435 seats , Democrats were projected to win 251 seats , with Republicans having 173 . Heading into Election Day , the Democrats had a 235-199 majority . The Democrats ' apparent gains Tuesday come two years after they took control of the House -- with a gain of 30 seats -- after 12 years in the minority . Among Tuesday 's GOP casualties was longtime Rep. Chris Shays of Connecticut , whose reputation for occasionally bucking his party could n't keep him from losing to Democrat Jim Himes . Shays ' defeat leaves New England without any Republicans in the House . Shays"} +{"answer":"top legal officer . He was a chairman of John F. Kennedy 's 1960 presidential campaign , and Kennedy appointed him to the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in 1961 . As a federal judge , Bell was involved in desegregation rulings in the 1960s , and he became known as a moderate legal voice in the South . Fellow Georgian Jimmy Carter nominated Bell as attorney general in 1976 . He was confirmed shortly after Carter 's inauguration but only after sometimes difficult Senate hearings . Bell 's memberships in private segregated clubs and some of his decisions as a federal judge became issues . He was confirmed in January 1977 by a Senate vote of 75 to 21 . Bell 's tenure as attorney general followed the Watergate era , and he was credited with helping restore public confidence in the Justice Department during the late 1970s . Bell resigned as attorney general in 1979 to return to private law practice in Atlanta with King and Spalding . He resurfaced in the public eye periodically , including in 2004 when he was listed among Georgia Democrats who endorsed President George W. Bush for re-election . Also in","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Griffin Bell , who served as attorney general in the Carter administration , has died , according to the Carter Center in Atlanta , Georgia . He was 90 . Griffin Bell is sworn in as attorney general in January 1977 . Former President Jimmy Carter issued a statement saying that he and former first lady Rosalynn Carter were deeply saddened by Bell 's death . `` A trusted and enduring public figure , Griffin 's integrity , professionalism , and charm were greatly valued across party lines and presidential administrations , '' Carter said . `` As a World War II veteran , federal appeals court judge , civil rights advocate , and U.S. attorney general in my administration , Griffin made many lasting contributions to his native Georgia and country . Our thoughts and prayers are with his family . '' The son of a south Georgia cotton farmer , Bell passed the Georgia bar exam while still a student in law school , according to the New Georgia Encyclopedia . He went on to help build the prominent Atlanta law firm King and Spalding , and then to serve as the nation 's"} +{"answer":"six discrete incidents , '' the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia -LRB- ICTY -RRB- at the Hague said . He was sentenced to life in prison . Sredoje Lukic was found guilty of `` aiding and abetting the commission of the crime of persecutions inhumane acts , murder and cruel treatment . '' He was sentenced to 30 years in prison . Their crimes were committed during the 1990s . Bosnia-Herzegovina seceded from Yugoslavia in 1992 and Radovan Karadzic declared himself president of a Bosnian Serb republic . The Bosnian Serbs , backed by the Serb-dominated Yugoslav military and paramilitary forces , quickly seized control of most of the country and laid siege to Sarajevo , the capital . During the conflict that followed , the Serb forces launched what they called the `` ethnic cleansing '' of the territories under their control -- the forced displacement and killings of Muslims and Croats . The cousins ' cases are a small part of the caseload the Tribunal has dealt with regarding violations of humanitarian law committed in the former Yugoslavia between 1991 and 2001 . Since its creation the Tribunal has indicted 161 people on charges of serious","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A U.N. tribunal convicted two Serb cousins Monday of having burned alive more than 100 Muslims in what the presiding judge called a part of the `` wretched history of man 's inhumanity to man . '' Serb Milan Lukic has been found guilty of burning alive more than 100 Muslims . Milan Lukic and Sredoje Lukic were convicted of crimes dating back to the early 1990s , during the bitter ethnic conflict that ravaged the former Yugoslavia . Milan Lukic organized a group of local paramilitaries with ties to police and the military , sometimes referred to as the `` White Eagles '' or `` Avengers , '' according to an indictment . Before and during the war , his cousin Sredoje Lukic worked as a policeman before joining the group . The crimes include two incidents in which Muslim men , women and children were forced into homes that were then set on fire -- and some who tried to escape were shot . Milan Lukic was found `` guilty of persecutions , murder , extermination , cruel treatment and inhumane acts , as crimes against humanity and war crimes , in relation to"} +{"answer":"and al Qaeda had a partnership , or that Iraq had provided al Qaeda with weapons training , were not substantiated by the intelligence , '' according to the committee 's exhaustive report on prewar intelligence . The top Republican on the committee dismissed its findings as `` partisan gamesmanship . '' `` It is ironic that the Democrats would knowingly distort and misrepresent the committee 's findings and the intelligence in an effort to prove that the administration distorted and mischaracterized the intelligence , '' said Sen. Christopher Bond of Missouri . The White House also rejected the report as old news . `` I know this is another report , and I 'm sure that they put a lot of considerable thought into it , but this is a subject that has been gone over many many , many times , and I do n't know of anything that 's particularly new in it , '' said spokeswoman Dana Perino , who said she had not yet read it . She said the White House relied on the same information as the rest of the world , admitting that it was wrong but denying that Bush had set","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Bush administration misused intelligence to build a case for the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 , the Senate Intelligence Committee said in a report issued Thursday . President Bush did n't request intelligence reports about the post-war situation , the Senate panel 's report says . The White House exploited its ability to declassify intelligence selectively to bolster its case for war , the committee chairman , Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV , D-West Virginia , said in the report . Senior officials disclosed and discussed sensitive intelligence reports that supported the administration 's policy objectives and kept out of public discourse information that did not , he said . The report also found that the administration misled the American people about contacts between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda . `` Policymakers ' statements did not accurately convey the intelligence assessments '' about contacts between the then-Iraqi leader and Osama bin Laden 's group , `` and left the impression that the contacts led to substantive Iraqi cooperation or support of al Qaeda , '' the report said . `` Statements and implications by the president and secretary of state suggesting that Iraq"} +{"answer":"advantage , the integrity of the entire judicial system becomes compromised . '' In a statement , Porteous ' lawyer Richard W. Westling said the Justice Department had decided not to prosecute because it did not have credible evidence . `` Unfortunately , the House has decided to disregard the Justice Department 's decision and to move forward with impeachment . As a result , we will now turn to the Senate to seek a full and fair hearing of all of the evidence . '' In a telephone interview , Westling said he did not know when the Senate trial would be held . `` There are no clear rules that dictate timing , '' he said . Last year , the Task Force on Judicial Impeachment held evidentiary hearings that led to unanimous approval of the four articles of impeachment , citing evidence that Porteous `` intentionally made material false statements and representations under penalty of perjury , engaged in a corrupt kickback scheme , solicited and accepted unlawful gifts , and intentionally misled the Senate during his confirmation proceedings , '' the House release said . Porteous was appointed to the federal bench in 1994 . In","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The House of Representatives voted unanimously Thursday to impeach Judge G. Thomas Porteous Jr . of U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana , making him the nation 's 15th federal judge ever impeached . `` Our investigation found that Judge Porteous participated in a pattern of corrupt conduct for years , '' said U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff , D-California , chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Task Force on Judicial Impeachment . `` Litigants have the right to expect a judge hearing their case will be fair and impartial , and avoid even the appearance of impropriety . Regrettably , no one can have that expectation in Judge Porteous ' courtroom . '' After the impeachment vote , Schiff and Rep. Bob Goodlatte , R-Virginia , were named the lead impeachment managers for the Senate trial , which will decide whether to remove Porteous from the bench . `` Today 's vote marks only the second time in over 20 years that this has occurred , '' Goodlatte said in a House news release . `` However , when evidence emerges that an individual is abusing his judicial office for his own"} +{"answer":"exception or equivocation that the United States of America does not torture , '' he said during an address to a joint session of Congress in February . More than 400 people have been disciplined based on investigations involving detainee abuse , according to Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman . He said the punishments have ranged from prison sentences to demotions and letters of reprimand . `` The policy of the Department of Defense is to treat prisoners humanely , and those who have violated that policy have been investigated and disciplined , '' he said . The most notorious of the cases centered on Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq . In 2004 , images leaked to the media showed U.S. troops abusing Iraqi prisoners . Some prisoners were stacked atop each other while naked , and others were being threatened by dogs . See disturbing images from Abu Ghraib -LRB- discretion advised -RRB- '' One widely disseminated photograph showed an Iraqi prisoner hooded and wired , as if an electrocution were about to take place . Eleven American soldiers were tried and convicted of Abu Ghraib offenses , and some officers were reprimanded . Some received prison sentences . Janis","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The current debate over controversial interrogation practices -- tactics that some say constitute torture -- is rooted in the early years of the fight against terrorism and the Iraq war . The photographs from Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq sparked outrage across the globe . After the September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States , the Bush administration crafted the legal basis for aggressive interrogation techniques of prisoners and terrorism suspects . The techniques included keeping the prisoner in stress positions for extended periods of time , sleep deprivation , slapping , enclosing the prisoner in a box with insects , and waterboarding , which simulates drowning . Those techniques were detailed in four Bush-era legal memos -- one from 2002 and three from 2005 -- released by the Obama administration last month . The memos concluded that such techniques did not constitute torture and were not illegal . See timeline of events '' The Obama administration disagrees . President Obama formally banned the techniques by issuing an executive order requiring that the U.S. Army field manual be used as the guide for terror interrogations . `` I can stand here tonight and say without"} +{"answer":"levels of testosterone lead to psychotic rage , '' Sperry said . `` The only thing we can ascertain is that this level of testosterone indicates that he had been using testosterone at least in some reasonably short period of time before he died , '' he said . `` It could be an indication he was being treated for testicular insufficiency . '' The investigators found no other drugs , including steroids , in Benoit 's body . The investigation into the Benoits ' deaths led to speculation that the wrestler may have been injecting steroids and had experienced what is called '' ` roid rage , '' leading him to kill his wife and son . An official who is part of the investigation told CNN last month that Benoit 's name was on receipts that indicated he had purchased shipments of anabolic steroids and human growth hormones from Signature Pharmacy . The Orlando , Florida , facility is at the center of a nationwide investigation into the sale of illegal steroids . Phil Astin , Benoit 's personal doctor , has been indicted by a grand jury on seven charges of improperly dispensing and distributing painkillers and","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Investigators found testosterone , painkillers and anti-anxiety drugs in the body of professional wrestler Chris Benoit , who killed his wife and son last month before hanging himself in his Atlanta home , a medical examiner said Tuesday . Investigators found steroids in the body of pro wrestler Chris Benoit , who killed his family in June . Dr. Kris Sperry , Georgia 's chief medical examiner , said the body of Benoit 's wife , Nancy , also contained painkillers and anti-anxiety drugs . Sperry said it 's likely the Benoits ' 7-year-old son , Daniel , was sedated at the time he was murdered , because a high level of the anti-anxiety drug Xanax was found in the boy 's system . Xanax is not normally prescribed for children , Sperry said . Chris Benoit 's body contained an `` elevated '' level of testosterone and therapeutic levels of Xanax and the painkiller hydrocodone , Sperry said . But , he said , the level of testosterone revealed nothing conclusive about the wrestler 's state of mind before his death . `` There 's no reliable scientific data that says elevated"} +{"answer":"parts of the deal with Iraq if the country 's parliament does not approve it . The most vocal opponent of the draft security deal in Iraq has been the political party of radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr , which opposes any U.S. military presence in Iraq . U.S. military helicopters Tuesday flew over Baghdad 's Mustansiriya University , where hundreds of students took part in a demonstration organized by the Sadr movement against the status-of-forces deal . `` We are against this agreement between the Iraqi government and between the American government because it is against Iraqi sovereignty , '' said law student Ahmed Fadhil Abbas , one of the demonstrators . Fellow demonstrator and law student Hisham Mohammed said the students plan to organize a sit-in and a strike across universities in Iraq to protest the agreement . The draft status-of-forces agreement , according to a copy obtained by CNN , calls for U.S. combat troops to be out of Iraqi cities and villages by July 30 , 2009 , and out of the country entirely by December 31 , 2011 . The agreement allows for an earlier withdrawal or an extension of the U.S. forces ' stay","question":"BAGHDAD , Iraq -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Iraq 's government has authorized Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to submit to Washington amendments to a draft security agreement with the United States , an Iraqi government spokesman said Tuesday . Students protest the status-of-forces agreement Tuesday at Baghdad 's Mustansiriya University . Ali al-Dabbagh said the Iraqi government approved several amendments that were `` necessary , essential and appropriate '' to the draft status-of-forces agreement , which would set the terms for U.S. troops in Iraq after the United Nations mandate on their presence expires at the end of this year . `` The Iraqi government authorizes the prime minister to bring up these amendments to the U.S. side in order to reach a draft agreement that will preserve the fundamental principles and the sovereignty of Iraq and its high interests , '' al-Dabbagh said . It is unclear when al-Maliki will submit the changes to the draft document . U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates recently said that there was `` great reluctance '' to make any more changes to the agreement . However , senior U.S. officials -- speaking under the condition of anonymity -- are not ruling out possibly renegotiating"} +{"answer":"questions of the next few decades . In the developed world , the United States and Canada will account for most of the growth -- half from immigration and half from a natural increase in the population -- births minus deaths , according to the report . High fertility rates and a young population base in the developing world will fuel most of the growth , especially in Africa , where women often give birth to six or seven children over a lifetime , the report says . The number is about two in the United States and 1.5 in Canada . A stark contrast can be drawn between Uganda and Canada , which currently have about 34 million and 31 million residents , respectively . By 2050 , Canada 's population is projected to be 42 million , while Uganda 's is expected to soar to 96 million , more than tripling . `` Even with declining fertility rates in many countries , world population is still growing at a rapid rate , '' said Bill Butz , president of the bureau . `` The increase from 6 billion to 7 billion is likely to take 12 years ,","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The world 's population is forecast to hit 7 billion in 2011 , the vast majority of its growth coming in developing and , in many cases , the poorest nations , a report released Wednesday said . Riders cram into a train last month in New Delhi , India . India 's population is expected to be 1.7 billion by 2050 . A staggering 97 percent of global growth over the next 40 years will happen in Asia , Africa , Latin America and the Caribbean , according to the Population Reference Bureau 's 2009 World Population Data Sheet . `` The great bulk of today 's 1.2 billion youth -- nearly 90 percent -- are in developing countries , '' said Carl Haub , a co-author of the report . Eight in 10 of those youth live in Africa and Asia . `` During the next few decades , these young people will most likely continue the current trend of moving from rural areas to cities in search of education and training opportunities , gainful employment , and adequate health care , '' Haub continued , calling it one of the major social"} +{"answer":"Blue Bulls forward will return in time for the Springboks ' Tri-Nations opener against the All Blacks in Bloemfontein on July 25 . For Saturday 's third Test against the Lions , Botha will be replaced by Johann Muller , who captained his Sharks province to defeat against the tourists in one of the warm-up matches . He gets his chance with Andries Bekker injured and versatile loose-forward Danie Rossouw struggling with concussion . The Springboks will also be without flanker Schalk Burger , who was banned for eight weeks for eye-gouging Lions wing Luke Fitzgerald . There was no appeal on that ruling , but the International Rugby Union has pledged to review its punishments for such offenses in the wake of criticism that the player got off lightly . Peter de Villiers has made 10 changes , leaving captain John Smit , vice-captain Victor Matfield , Fourie du Preez , Tendai Mtawarira and Juan Smith as the only survivors in the starting XV . Last weekend 's match-winner Morne Steyn starts in place of fly-half in place of Ruan Pienaar , who has paid for his poor goalkicking form . Zane Kirchner will make his debut at full-back","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- South Africa lock Bakkies Botha will miss the final Test against the British and Irish Lions in Johannesburg on Saturday after failing in his appeal against a two-week ban . Bakkies Botha will be eligible to return for the start of the Springboks ' Tri-Nations campaign . The 29-year-old was cited for a dangerous charge which left Lions prop Adam Jones with a dislocated shoulder . Jones was forced off shortly after halftime during last Saturday 's second Test in Pretoria , in which the Springboks fought back to snatch a 28-25 victory and clinch a 2-0 series triumph . The incident ended Jones ' tour , while Lions center Brian O'Driscoll also went home early after suffering concussion in the same match . Beginner 's guide to the Lions . The South African management decided to appeal as they felt Botha had legally been trying to clear out a ruck . Assistant coach Dick Muir said : `` We certainly do n't see any wrongdoing in that challenge and if it was n't for the injury which came from it , I do n't think anything would have been said about it . '' The"} +{"answer":"our military to finally repeal the law that denies gay Americans the right to serve the country they love because of who they are . '' Weigh in on the president 's address Former Navy pilot Sen . John McCain said `` it would be a mistake '' to repeal the 1993 law that bars gay men and lesbians from revealing their sexual orientation , and prevents the military from asking about it . `` This successful policy has been in effect for over 15 years , and it is well understood and predominantly supported by our military at all levels , '' McCain said . `` We have the best-trained , best-equipped , and most professional force in the history of our country , and the men and women in uniform are performing heroically in two wars . At a time when our Armed Forces are fighting and sacrificing on the battlefield , now is not the time to abandon the policy . '' But in a message to Pentagon leadership , Gen. John Shalikashvili , former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , said it 's time to repeal the law . `` As a nation built","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Obama said Wednesday night he will work with Congress and the military to repeal the `` do n't ask , do n't tell '' policy that bars gays and lesbians from openly serving in the armed forces . Obama made the remark in his first State of the Union speech during a short litany of civil rights issues , which included his successful hate crimes bill , a move to `` crack down on equal-pay laws '' and improvement of the immigration system . `` We find unity in our incredible diversity , drawing on the promise enshrined in our Constitution : the notion that we are all created equal , that no matter who you are or what you look like , if you abide by the law you should be protected by it , '' he said . `` We must continually renew this promise . My administration has a Civil Rights Division that is once again prosecuting civil rights violations and employment discrimination . We finally strengthened our laws to protect against crimes driven by hate , '' he said . `` This year , I will work with Congress and"} +{"answer":"both in theatre and at home , '' Smith said . Of the 4,000 U.S. military personnel killed in the war , 3,263 have been killed in attacks and fighting and 737 in non-hostile incidents , such as traffic accidents and suicides . Eight of the 4,000 killed were civilians working for the Pentagon . Many of those killed over the years , like the four soldiers slain on Sunday in Baghdad , have been targeted by improvised explosive devices -- the roadside bombs that have been described as the weapon of choice for insurgents and a weapon that has come to symbolize Iraq 's tenacious insurgency . The existence of the Pentagon 's Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization has been developed to counter the threat of IEDs in Iraq as well as Afghanistan . The group calls IEDs the `` weapon of choice for adaptive and resilient networks of insurgents and terrorists . '' Watch how IEDs have become deadly staple in Iraq war '' Meanwhile , estimates of the Iraqi death toll range from about 80,000 to the hundreds of thousands , with another 2 million forced to leave the country and 2.5 million people displaced within","question":"BAGHDAD , Iraq -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Four U.S. soldiers died in a roadside bombing in Iraq on Sunday , military officials reported , bringing the American toll in the 5-year-old war to the grim milestone of 4,000 deaths . Troops emerge from a bunker after receiving the `` all clear '' Sunday following a truck bombing in Mosul . The four were killed when their vehicle was hit by an improvised explosive device while patrolling a neighborhood in southern Baghdad , the U.S. military headquarters in Iraq reported Sunday night . A fifth soldier was wounded in the attack , which took place about 10 p.m. -LRB- 3 p.m. ET -RRB- . The U.S. milestone comes just days after Americans marked the fifth anniversary of the start of the war . `` No casualty is more or less significant than another ; each soldier , Marine , airman and sailor is equally precious and their loss equally tragic , '' Rear Admiral Gregory Smith , the U.S. military 's chief spokesman in Iraq , said . `` Every single loss of a soldier , sailor , airman or Marine is keenly felt by military commanders , families and friends"} +{"answer":"spokesman claimed responsibility for the attack in a phone call to a CNN stringer in Kabul . Several hours later , at least 10 militants were killed and one detained in an assault on a combat outpost in the province . Insurgents attacked with indirect fire , including multiple rockets and mortars -- at least one of which contained white phosphorous -- small-arms fire and a car bomb , according to a statement from NATO 's International Security Assistance Force -LRB- ISAF -RRB- . Soldiers from ISAF and the Afghan National Army fired back , aided by planes and attack helicopters . No civilian casualties were reported . In other developments in and around Paktika : \u2022 On Saturday , a suicide car bomb detonated near a private security company in Lashkar Gah city in Helmand province . One person was killed and five were wounded , said Assadullah Sherzad , Helmand provincial police chief . \u2022 The U.S.-led Operation Khanjar , or Strike of the Sword , is targeting Taliban militants in Helmand province , near Paktika in southern Afghanistan . Thousands of U.S. Marines and Afghan soldiers are trying to rout the Taliban from strongholds in the Helmand","question":"KABUL , Afghanistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Two separate militant assaults Saturday in the southeastern Afghan province of Paktika led to the deaths of two U.S. soldiers and at least 42 insurgents , military officials said . U.S. Marines , under fire from a building , move to take it Saturday in Helmand province , Afghanistan . The soldiers died when Taliban fighters attacked a base in Zerok that houses members of the U.S. military , Afghan national police and Afghan National Army , said the provincial governor 's spokesman , Hamidullah Zawak . He said the Taliban first detonated a truck full of explosives , then attacked the base with missiles and rockets . The military responded by sending in aircraft and dropping bombs , killing 32 Taliban fighters and wounding many , Zawak said , without giving a number . Seven of the wounded Taliban fighters were arrested . Zawak said one U.S. soldier was killed and another wounded . Sgt. Chuck Marsh , however , a U.S. military spokesman , said two U.S. service members were killed and four wounded . Two soldiers from the Afghan National Army were also hurt , Zawak said . A Taliban"} +{"answer":"groups are not included in the pact , and `` many , many things '' could cause the talks to fail , he said . `` It is a start , but it 's very fragile , and we must n't get overexcited just yet , '' Middleton said . In November , Sudan 's President Omar al-Bashir agreed to an immediate , unconditional cease-fire in Darfur , but JEM was not included in the talks . Sudan 's Culture Minister Amin Hassan Omar and Jibril Ibrahim , a top rebel official , signed Tuesday 's agreement . Qatar has been mediating talks between the two sides in the Darfur conflict , which erupted in 2003 after rebels began an uprising against the Khartoum government . The government launched a brutal counter-insurgency campaign , aided by government-backed Arab militias that went from village to village in Darfur , killing , torturing and raping residents , according to the United Nations , Western governments and human rights organizations . Al-Bashir is under pressure to end the fighting , particularly because he was charged with genocide by the International Criminal Court last year for the government 's campaign of violence in Darfur","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sudan 's government and rebels from its troubled Darfur region signed a confidence-building agreement Tuesday in Qatar , a step toward ending a six-year conflict that has killed about 300,000 people , the emirate 's state news agency reported . A member of the Justice and Equality Movement -LRB- JEM -RRB- stands guard near the Sudan-Chad border in 2007 . Detailed talks between the government and the Justice and Equality Movement are scheduled to begin in two weeks after Tuesday 's signing , Sheikh Hamad bin Jasim bin Jabr al-Thani , Qatar 's prime minister , told the SUNA news agency . Roger Middleton , an Africa specialist at the British think-tank Chatham House , said Tuesday 's agreement deals mostly with prisoner releases . But he said the two parties ' decision to hold further talks `` is an important move forward , which there has n't necessarily been in the past . '' `` It is certainly a step in the right direction , '' he said . `` But a lot more needs to be done if we 're going to see a full cessation of fighting in Darfur . '' Other rebel"} +{"answer":"parallel to the coastline , any slight change in direction could have a huge impact in the location and timing of landfall . '' Mexico 's government extended a hurricane warning for most of the southern half of Baja California -- from Punta Abreojos on the peninsula 's west coast to Mulege on its east coast , according to the National Weather Service . A hurricane warning means hurricane conditions are expected within the warning area in the next 24 hours and people should quickly prepare `` to protect life and property . '' `` A dangerous storm surge along with battering waves will produce significant coastal flooding along the Baja California Peninsula , '' NWS said in its 11 a.m. PT report On its current track , Jimena 's center will approach the peninsula 's southern portion later on Tuesday and central Baja California peninsula by Thursday , the weather service said at 11 a.m. PT . In addition to damaging winds , the storm could bring as much as 15 inches of rain , forecasters said . Jimena -- the 10th named storm of the Pacific season -- was centered about 110 miles -LRB- 175 km -RRB- south-southwest","question":"CABO SAN LUCAS , Mexico -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A `` dangerous '' Hurricane Jimena bore down Tuesday on the Mexican peninsula of Baja California , with the resort town of Cabo San Lucas lying in its path . Meanwhile , a new tropical storm was forming in the Atlantic Ocean . A NOAA satellite image shows Hurricane Jimena off the coast of Baja California , Mexico , on Tuesday morning . Jimena 's maximum wind speed dropped from 145 mph to 135 mph , but it still remained a Category 4 storm , according to the U.S. National Weather Service 's 11 a.m. PT -LRB- 2 p.m. ET -RRB- update . `` Some fluctuations in strength are likely today and gradual weakening is forecast on Wednesday , '' the weather service said . `` However , Jimena is expected to remain a major hurricane until landfall . '' Also on Tuesday , Tropical Storm Erika formed in the Atlantic , 390 miles east of the Leeward Islands , the National Hurricane Center said . Jimena 's storm center is forecast to come ashore on Thursday morning , but the weather service warned that `` because it will be moving"} +{"answer":"is kind of misplaced , '' she said . `` Almost no transgender people ever have surgery . We do n't have any idea how many do . '' iReport.com : Do you have a transgender story ? An estimated one-quarter to one-half percent of the American population is transsexual , however , Keisling said . `` It 's sort of a general term that encompasses both or either a social transition or a medical transition . '' Keisling said she was unaware of the specifics in Bono 's case , but speaking generally , a transition means that he will now want to be `` known , seen , viewed '' as a male . `` The actual details depend on his needs and wants and his doctor 's needs and wants , '' she said . Bragman asked that the media `` respect Chaz 's privacy during this long process , as he will not be doing any interviews at this time . '' Now 40 , Bono as a little girl made regular appearances on her parents ' show , `` The Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour . '' As an adult , he has been a","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Chastity Bono , gay-rights activist and child of performer Cher and the late entertainer and politician Sonny Bono , is in the early stages of transitioning from a female to a male and will be known as Chaz , his spokesman said Thursday . Activist Chastity Bono is transitioning from female to male and will be known as Chaz . `` Chaz , after many years of consideration , has made the courageous decision to honor his true identity , '' Howard Bragman said in a written statement . `` He is proud of his decision and grateful for the support and respect that has already been shown by his loved ones . It is Chaz 's hope that his choice to transition will open the hearts and minds of the public regarding this issue , just as his ` coming out ' did nearly 20 years ago . '' Someone 's decision to transition does not necessarily mean they are undergoing gender reassignment surgery , and in many cases they do not , said Mara Keisling , executive director of the Washington-based National Center for Transgender Equality . `` The whole media fixation on surgery"} +{"answer":", where he was pronounced dead at 2:15 a.m. PT -LRB- 5:15 a.m. ET -RRB- , said Ed Winter , Los Angeles County deputy coroner . Haim was in the apartment he shared with his mother , Judy Haim , when he `` became a little dizzy , he kind of went to his knees in the bedroom , '' Winter said . `` His mom assisted him in the bed . He became unresponsive . '' His mother called paramedics to the apartment , which is between Hollywood Hills and Burbank , he said . Haim had suffered from flulike symptoms for two days , the deputy coroner said . `` We found no illicit drugs . However , we did recover four of his prescription meds at the location , '' Winter said , adding he does not know what those drugs were . Haim was `` weaned down to literally zero medications '' in the past two weeks by an addiction specialist , Heaslip said on HLN 's `` Issues With Jane Velez-Mitchell '' on Wednesday . The doctor `` put him on a new line of medications , '' Feldman said on CNN 's `` Larry","question":"Los Angeles , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The autopsy on Corey Haim revealed the actor 's heart was enlarged and his lungs were filled with water when he died , Haim 's manager said . The Los Angeles County coroner told Haim 's mother that her son suffered from pulmonary congestion , manager Mark Heaslip said . Heaslip said this was evidence that Haim 's death was not caused by a drug overdose , but Brian Elias with the coroner 's office said they are waiting for toxicology tests before deciding what killed Haim . The 1980s teen movie actor , who struggled for decades with drug addiction , died early Wednesday after collapsing in the Los Angeles apartment he shared with his mother , authorities said . Longtime friend and frequent co-star Corey Feldman asked Wednesday that people not `` jump the gun '' to conclude a drug overdose killed Haim . Heaslip , manager to both Feldman and Haim , said he seemed to be winning his battle against drug abuse in the weeks before his death . Haim , 38 , was taken to Providence St. Joseph Medical Center in Burbank , California , early Wednesday"} +{"answer":"rate figures are conservative . Last week , one of Zimbabwe 's leading banks , Kingdom Bank , said the country 's inflation rate was now more than 20 million percent . The locally-owned bank predicted tougher times ahead for Zimbabwe in the absence of donor support and foreign investment in an economy that has been in freefall for almost a decade . Once considered the breadbasket of Africa , Zimbabwe has been in the throes of an economic meltdown ever since the country embarked on a chaotic land reform program that has decimated commercial agriculture . Analysts say the crisis has worsened following President Robert Mugabe 's disputed reelection in the June 27 presidential run-off . His challenger Morgan Tsvangirai boycotted the race over widespread allegations of violence and voter intimidation . The economic crisis has destroyed Zimbabwe 's currency and made it difficult for Zimbabweans to buy basic commodities , electricity , fuel , and medicines . Many Zimbabweans have left the country amid rising unemployment and deepening poverty . Last week a summit in South Africa of regional African leaders failed to persuade Zimbabwe 's political parties to agree to form a government of national unity ,","question":"HARARE , Zimbabwe -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Zimbabwe 's inflation rate has soared in the past three months and is now at 11.2 million percent , the highest in the world , according to the country 's Central Statistical Office . Zimbabwe 's inflation rate has soared to a world high . Official figures dated Monday show inflation has surged from the rate of 2.2 million percent recorded in May , despite the government 's price controls . The country 's finance minister confirmed the new figure in an interview but said the rising inflation rate was not confined to Zimbabwe alone . `` While our case has been aggravated by the illegal sanctions imposed by the Western powers , rising food prices are a world phenomenon because of the use of bio-fuel , '' said Samuel Mumbengegwi . `` But we will continue to fight inflation by making sure that prices charged are realistic . '' In February , the price of a loaf of bread in the country was less than 200,000 Zimbabwe dollars . On Monday , that same loaf of bread cost 1.6 trillion Zimbabwe dollars . Analysts have said the Zimbabwean government 's official inflation"} +{"answer":"an unfair edge . But Friday 's ruling by the CAS in Lausanne , Switzerland , overturned that verdict . In a statement , it said that its panel had `` not been persuaded that there was sufficient evidence of any metabolic advantage in favor of a double-amputee '' using Pistorius ' blades . Appeals of court decisions are allowed , but on very limited grounds . But the CAS said it did not exclude the possibility that future scientific tests could be developed which might enable the IAAF to prove that the blades provided Pistorius with an advantage over able-bodied athletes . The South African won gold in the 200 meters , and bronze in the 100 meters at the 2004 Paralympic Games in Athens . He holds the Paralympic world records in the 100 , 200 , and 400 meters . Since Athens , he has competed in two able-bodied races in which he finished second and last , respectively . Pistorius will have emphasized to the court the disadvantages he feels he has by running with prosthetics , CNN World Sport 's Don Riddell said . `` There are disadvantages when it 's windy , when it","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A double amputee sprinter has won the right to be eligible to compete at this summer 's Olympic Games in Beijing after sport 's highest court backed his appeal against a ban imposed by athletics authorities . Paralympic champion Oscar Pistorious competed in two able-bodied athletics meetings in 2007 . The Court of Arbitration for Sport ruled that South African Oscar Pistorius , who runs on prosthetic blades , is eligible to compete against able-bodied athletes . Pistorius , 21 , who lost both legs below the knees when he was a baby , runs on shock-absorbing carbon-fiber prosthetics that resemble bent skis -- earning him the nickname `` Blade Runner . '' Pistorius , a Paralympic Games champion and world record holder , had lobbied the International Association of Athletics Federations -LRB- IAAF -RRB- to allow him to compete at the Olympics this August , but after extensive tests the IAAF ruled in January that his J-shaped prosthetics qualify as technical aids , which are banned in IAAF-governed sports . The IAAF does allow athletes with prosthetics to compete in able-bodied sports , as long as the IAAF believes they do not give the athlete"} +{"answer":"Attorney 's Office statement said Bergrin was involved in the murder of a confidential witness in one federal drug case and tried to hire a Chicago , Illinois , hit man to kill a witness in another drug case . The second killing never occurred , the statement said , because the proposed hit man was a cooperating witness in the case . Marra called Bergrin 's alleged conduct `` simply shocking . '' `` A licensed lawyer , a former prosecutor essentially became one of the criminals he represents , supporting , encouraging , indeed directing , a criminal enterprise that engaged in murder and murder conspiracies , drug trafficking and financial fraud , '' Marra said in the statement . `` Bergrin can now expect to feel the full weight of the very legal system he turned on its head with his conduct . '' Bergrin was an assistant U.S. attorney in New Jersey before going into private practice . According to the New York Law Journal , Bergrin , 53 , pleaded guilty this month to two misdemeanor counts for his involvement with a prostitution ring . He later represented U.S. Army Sgt. Javal Davis , one","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A former federal prosecutor was arrested Wednesday on charges related to the murder of a witness in a drug case , among many other counts , the U.S. Attorney 's Office in Newark , New Jersey , said . Former federal prosecutor Paul Bergrin is charged with leading a racketeering conspiracy that included a murder . Paul Bergrin and three others were taken into custody after a federal grand jury in New Jersey indicted them on 14 counts , including murder , racketeering , wire fraud and money laundering charges , a statement from Acting U.S. Attorney Ralph J. Marra Jr. said . The indictment charges Bergrin with leading a racketeering conspiracy that included the murder of a witness in a drug case and an attempt to hire a hit man in another drug case , the statement said . Bergrin also is charged with wire fraud and money laundering , Marra said . Gerald Shargel , Bergrin 's attorney , said his client would plead not guilty to all charges . `` This is largely dredging up old issues , and we intend to vigorously fight the charges , '' Shargel said . The U.S."} +{"answer":"on health care than the average developed country , according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development . We spend more on health care than housing or food , the McKinsey Global Institute reported . Nearly 46 million Americans are uninsured , millions more are underinsured , and they are n't the only ones who are suffering . The high cost of care is hurting all of us . A recent study by Families USA estimates that insured families pay a hidden health tax of more than $ 1,000 every year . The hidden tax is the amount businesses and families with insurance have to pay in insurance premiums , taxes and donations to help cover the cost of treating uninsured Americans . Health insurance premiums for families that are covered through a job at a small business have increased 85 percent since 2000 , and more small businesses are thinking about dropping health insurance benefits . Nationwide , health care costs consume 18 percent of our gross domestic product . If we continue on our current path , health care costs will consume 34 percent of our GDP by 2040 , and the number of uninsured Americans will","question":"Editor 's note : Kathleen Sebelius is secretary of Health and Human Services in the Obama administration . Kathleen Sebelius says health care costs are a huge and growing burden on the economy . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Today in Washington , some politicians like to suggest that the many challenges we face as a nation mean we should n't tackle health care reform . Nothing could be further from the truth . With more and more of America 's families , businesses , and local , state and federal governments struggling with the crushing costs of health care , health care reform has never been more important . As President Obama has often said , you ca n't fix the economy without fixing health care . Unless we fix what is broken in our current system , everyone 's health care will be in jeopardy . Health care reform is not a luxury . It is a necessity . It 's important to look at the size of the problem we face and where we stand . Today , we have by far the most expensive health system in the world . We spend 50 percent more per person"} +{"answer":"four minutes before the interval with a shot that went inside Mandanda 's left-hand post . Meanwhile , Jamel Saihi scored a second-half equalizer to give home side Tunisia a 1-1 draw with the Netherlands in Rades . Montpellier star Saihi netted midway through the second-half with a long-range shot that Dutch goalkeeper Maarten Stekelenburg should have saved . Klaas Jan Huntelaar has given the visitors the lead in the 62nd minute when converting his 11th goal in 19 internationals , after Joris Mathijsen had headed down a long ball from Stijn Schaars . Elsewhere , Arsenal striker Eduardo da Silva returned to action for the first time since breaking his leg 12 months ago -- helping Croatia to a 2-1 victory over Romania in Bucharest . Eduardo , who fractured his left fibula and dislocated his ankle against Birmingham in February 2008 , replaced Ivica Olic in the 61st minute and set up Niko Kranjcar for a 75th-minute winner . Ciprian Marica gave Romania the lead in the 22nd minute but the visitors levelled just six minutes later when Ivan Rakitic scored with a superb long-range free-kick . Unsettled Chelsea striker Didier Drogba scored an injury-time equalizer to give","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The biggest surprise on a busy night of international football on Wednesday came in Duesseldorf , where Euro 2008 finalists Germany were beaten by Norway for the first time in 73 years . Norway players celebrate Christian Grindheim 's -LRB- No. 16 -RRB- goal in their shock victory over Germany . Midfielder Christian Grindheim scored from close-range , from Morten Gamst Pedersen 's cross , in the 63rd minute to give the visitors a 1-0 victory to stun the 45,000 home supporters on a freezing evening . Not since the 1936 Olympics in Berlin had Germany lost to Norway -- the defeat even more suprising as Germany coach Joachim Loew had the luxury of naming a full-strength side , while new Norway coach Egil Olsen was missing seven key players . In Marseille , Lionel Messi scored a brilliant solo goal to give Argentina a 2-0 win over France and give Diego Maradona a second straight win as national coach . The Barcelona striker collected the ball outside the penalty area and ran right through the home defense before expertly slotting the ball past goalkeeper Steve Mandanda . Newcastle winger Jonas Gutierrez had opened the scoring"} +{"answer":"88 years old . Clarkson , 40 , was found dead , slumped in a chair in the foyer of Spector 's Alhambra mansion with a gunshot wound through the roof of her mouth . View a timeline of the case '' Spector 's retrial began in October and ended in April . It took jurors 30 hours to convict him . His first murder trial in 2007 ended in a mistrial when the jury deadlocked 10 to 2 in favor of conviction after 15 days of deliberations . Clarkson starred in the 1985 B-movie `` Barbarian Queen '' and appeared in many other films , including `` Deathstalker , '' `` Blind Date , '' `` Scarface , '' `` Fast Times at Ridgemont High '' and the spoof `` Amazon Women on the Moon . '' She was working as a VIP hostess at Hollywood 's House of Blues at the time of her death . At both trials , Spector 's attorneys argued Clarkson was depressed over a recent breakup and her flagging Hollywood career . They said she grabbed a .38 - caliber pistol and killed herself while at Spector 's home . But prosecution witnesses","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- California corrections officials released a startling new prison mug shot of Grammy-winning music legend Phil Spector , convicted last month of second-degree murder and serving 19 years to life in prison . Phil Spector 's prison mug shot , taken June 5 , shows him without a hairpiece . Spector , 69 , is being held at North Kern State Prison , where he is being evaluated before receiving a permanent prison assignment , corrections spokesman Gordon Hinkle said . The process could take up to 70 days . The mug shot , which shows a bald-pated Spector , was taken on June 5 as part of the routine intake process . California prison inmates are not permitted to wear wigs under Title 15 , Article 5 , Section 3062 of the state 's prison regulations , which addresses inmate hygiene . Corrections officials also are concerned that wigs can be used to hide contraband . A judge in Los Angeles sentenced Spector last month to the maximum sentence for second-degree murder in the February 2003 shooting death of actress Lana Clarkson . Spector , 69 , wo n't be eligible for parole until he is"} +{"answer":"Al-Hakim died Wednesday in Tehran after a lengthy battle with lung cancer . He was 59 . He will be buried in his hometown of Najaf , one of the holiest cities for Shiite Muslims , al-Husseini said . U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Christopher Hill and the top U.S. commander in Iraq , Gen. Ray Odierno , described him as `` a national hero '' in a joint statement that expressed sadness over the death . `` Throughout his life , His Eminence demonstrated courage and fortitude , contributing to the building of a new Iraq , '' the statement said . `` We offer our sincere condolences to his family and colleagues . Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki also offered condolences , saying al-Hakim was `` like an old brother . '' Al-Maliki credited him for being a `` strong supporter during the phase of fighting the ousted regime and a key figure in the process of building the new Iraq . '' Watch how al-Hakim helped shape Iraq 's future '' `` His death at this critical stage that we are passing through is a great loss for Iraq , '' al-Maliki said . Al-Hakim ended his exile","question":"TEHRAN , Iran -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A funeral procession for a senior Iraqi Shiite leader wound through the streets of Tehran , the Iranian capital , on Thursday . Iraqi Shiite leader Abdul Aziz al-Hakim , seen in a 2007 photo , was an ally of both the U.S. and Iran . Mourners turned out to say goodbye to Abdul Aziz al-Hakim , who spent 20 years in exile in Iran before returning to Iraq after U.S.-led forces toppled Iraqi President Saddam Hussein . The funeral procession started at the Iraqi Embassy in Tehran , said Haitham al-Husseini , a senior official with al-Hakim 's office and one of his advisers . Iraqi and Iranian government officials attended the procession with senior religious figures and some members of the Iraqi parliament . Another funeral procession is scheduled to be held Friday in Baghdad , Iraq , before the casket travels to several parts of southern Iraq with large Shiite populations . Authorities are concerned about security since Sunni insurgents have targeted large Shiite gatherings in the past . The Iraqi government announced the start of three days of mourning on Thursday , according to state television in Iraq ."} +{"answer":"his health records last week . McCain 's doctors also described him as being in `` excellent health , '' despite a history of skin cancer , and said there appears to be no physical reason why the 71-year-old candidate could not carry out the duties of the office . Obama released a one-page statement from his primary care physician . He did not release any medical records or make his doctors available to the media . By contrast , McCain made more than 1,000 pages of medical documents available to journalists , including CNN 's chief medical correspondent , Dr. Sanjay Gupta . Four of McCain 's doctors held a conference call with reporters after the records were made available . McCain has had four malignant melanomas removed . Three of them -- on his left shoulder , left arm and left nasal wall -- were limited to the top skin layer and were not invasive . They were removed in 1993 , 2000 and 2002 . But a fourth melanoma proved to be invasive and was removed from his left lower temple in 2000 , said Dr. John D. Eckstein , an internist who has been overseeing McCain","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Democratic presidential front-runner Sen. Barack Obama is in excellent health , according to a statement from his doctor , released by the campaign . Besides being an `` intermittent smoker , '' Sen. Barack Obama is in excellent health , his doctor says . Obama , 46 , last saw Dr. David Scheiner in January 2007 , shortly before he declared he was running for president . Scheiner , who has been Obama 's primary doctor since 1987 , observed that the Illinois senator 's diet , weight , blood pressure and cholesterol were all healthy . `` In short , his examination showed him to be in excellent health , '' Scheiner said . Obama `` exercised regularly , often jogging three miles . His diet was balanced with good intake of roughage and fluids . ... On physical examination , his blood pressure was 90\/60 and pulse 60\/minute , '' Scheiner wrote . The Illinois senator has been an `` intermittent '' cigarette smoker who has `` quit on several occasions and is currently using Nicorette gum with success . '' Sen. John McCain , the presumptive Republican nominee for president , released"} +{"answer":"denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions . Key differences Obama 's plan eliminates the controversial proposal added to the Senate bill that exempts Nebraska from paying increased Medicaid expenses . It also provides additional federal financing to all of the states for the Medicaid expansion . The president 's proposal closes the Medicare prescription drug `` doughnut hole . '' Under current Medicare limits , seniors must pick up the costs once their drug costs reach $ 2,830 and pay all costs out of pocket until they reach $ 4,550 , at which point Medicare coverage kicks back in . Obama 's proposal eases the `` doughnut hole '' in the short term by providing a $ 250 rebate to Medicare beneficiaries who reach the limit in 2010 . The plan closes the doughnut hole completely by 2020 . The plan also establishes a Health Insurance Rate Authority to provide an additional level of oversight of insurance premium increase at the federal level , giving the government new authority to block excessive rate hikes by health insurance companies . Tax credits The president 's proposal increases federal subsidies to help people buy insurance . New health insurance subsidies would be","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Obama introduced a health care plan that he says will bridge the gap between the House and Senate bills passed last year . His proposal is similar to the Senate bill , with a few nods to the House plan . Here are some of the highlights of his plan , according to the White House . Basics The president says his health care proposal will help more than 31 million uninsured Americans get coverage . Obama says his plan includes the largest middle-class tax cut for health care in history . It establishes a health insurance market that would provide the same insurance choices that members of Congress have . Health insurance exchanges , as proposed in the Senate bill , would be created to make it easier for small businesses , the self-employed and the unemployed to purchase less expensive coverage . There is no public option , an idea strongly backed by liberal Democrats but fiercely opposed both by Republicans and key Democratic moderates . Like the House and Senate plans , Obama 's proposal would bar insurers from charging higher premiums based on a person 's gender or medical history or"} +{"answer":"were initially charged with injury to a child and tampering with evidence . But since the initial charges were filed last month the investigation has continued and police have gathered additional evidence , in addition to confirming Riley 's identity , said a statement released Wednesday by Galveston County Criminal District Attorney Kurt Sistrunk . Based on that , the grand jury was asked to upgrade the charges , he said . A three-hour hearing was held Wednesday in which grand jurors heard testimony from five witnesses , including police and FBI investigators and the medical examiner . The grand jury deliberated for only three minutes Wednesday before upgrading the charges , Sistrunk said . Trenor told police Riley had been beaten and thrown across a room and that her head was held under water before she died July 24 . She said the couple hid the girl 's body in a storage shed for one to two months before putting it in the plastic container and dumping it into the bay . A medical examiner said Riley 's skull was fractured in three places that would have been fatal injuries . Trenor and the girl moved to Texas from","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Texas couple charged with killing the little girl known as `` Baby Grace '' now face capital murder charges , after a Texas grand jury upgraded the charges on Wednesday . Riley Ann Sawyers was moved from Ohio to Texas by her mother . Prosecutors said they have not decided whether to seek the death penalty against the girl 's mother , Kimberly Dawn Trenor , and Trenor 's husband , Royce Clyde Zeigler II . Two-year-old Riley Ann Sawyers was beaten to death and her body was disposed of in Galveston Bay . Riley 's body was found October 29 by a fisherman on an uninhabited island in the bay . It was wrapped in black plastic bags and stuffed in a blue , plastic bin . Her identity was not known at first , and police dubbed her `` Baby Grace . '' Police sketches of the child were widely distributed , and Sheryl Sawyers , the girl 's paternal grandmother , contacted police from her Ohio home to say the drawing resembled her granddaughter . DNA testing confirmed the child 's identity . Trenor , 19 , and Zeigler , 24 ,"} +{"answer":"The magazine says it talked to people inside the celebrities ' estates and calculated their gross earnings from October 2007 to October 2008 . Some celebrities are staples on the list , which is in its eighth year . Cartoonist Charles Schulz , who created Snoopy , Charlie Brown and the assorted cast of `` Peanuts '' characters , is second on the list . Schulz , who died in 2000 , had posthumous earnings last year of $ 33 million , the magazine reported . He owes his constant presence to a steady revenue stream from the ongoing licensing of his characters , the magazine said . Schulz and Presley join Theodor `` Dr. Seuss '' Geisel -LRB- this year 's No. 6 -RRB- , Beatles legend John Lennon -LRB- No. 7 -RRB- and actress Marilyn Monroe -LRB- No. 9 -RRB- as the only entertainers to make the list every year since its inception . Physicist Albert Einstein , best known for his theory of relativity , is fourth on the list . It is his third consecutive year making the Forbes rankings . Though he died in 1955 , a franchise bearing his name -- Baby Einstein --","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Elvis Presley may have left the building three decades ago , but he raked in more money last year than many living titans of the music industry Singer Elvis Presley tops the Forbes list for the second year in a row , raking in $ 52 million last year . For the second year in a row , Presley topped the Forbes magazine 's list of Top-Earning Dead Celebrities , hauling in $ 52 million last year . In comparison , the very-much-alive Justin Timberlake earned $ 44 million while another superstar , Madonna , made $ 40 million , the magazine reported Tuesday . The 30th anniversary of Presley 's death boosted attendance and merchandise sales last year at his Memphis , Tennessee , home , Graceland . A long list of licensing deals , such as a Presley show on satellite radio , added to the earnings . The business magazine has been compiling its annual list of departed celebrities ' earnings since 2001 . Since 2003 , the feature has coincided with Halloween . This year , the top 13 celebrities earned a combined $ 194 million in the last 12 months ."} +{"answer":"`` Hamas rocket attacks targeting Israeli civilians are unlawful and unjustifiable , and amount to war crimes , '' said Iain Levine , program director at Human Rights Watch . `` As the governing authority in Gaza , Hamas should publicly renounce rocket attacks on Israeli civilian centers and punish those responsible , including members of its own armed wing . '' A spokesman for Hamas , Sami Abu Zuhri , criticized the report , claiming Palestinians had the right to defend themselves against Israeli military operations . `` The report is not fair , '' he said . `` It should condemn the -LRB- Israeli military -RRB- crimes instead of condemning people who defend themselves . `` The international law gives them the right to defend themselves because they are occupied . We have the right to defend our land . '' During Israel 's offensive into Gaza during December and January , Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants claimed to have fired 820 rockets at Israel , the report said . Human Rights Watch said the use of homemade Qassam and Soviet-designed Grad rockets to strike at densely populated areas amounted to indiscriminate attacks on civilians because the weapons","question":"JERUSALEM -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Palestinian militant groups including the armed wing of Hamas are committing war crimes when they fire rockets into Israel , according to a report by campaign group Human Rights Watch . Palestinian militants from the al-Ahrar Brigades march during a rally in Gaza City in July . Three Israelis have been killed and dozens more seriously injured in Palestinian attacks since November 2008 with rockets striking populated areas up to 40 kilometers -LRB- 25 miles -RRB- inside Israeli territory and putting 800,000 Israelis in danger , the report said . Two Palestinian girls died in Gaza when a rocket fell short of its intended target while the attacks have also put Palestinian citizens at risk from Israeli counterstrikes , it added . Human Rights Watch urged Hamas , which controls Gaza , to hold those responsible for the attacks accountable . Hamas is designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. and the European Union . Hamas militants have cut down on rocket strikes in the past few months , but the group has not denounced those targeting Israeli civilians , nor has it tried those behind the attacks , the New York-based watchdog said ."} +{"answer":"Joseph Ratzinger , who would later become pope , `` was not informed of the matter until some 20 years later , '' Lombardi said . The office is in charge of deciding whether accused priests should be given canonical trials and defrocked . `` The case of Lawrence Murphy has been well-documented since the mid-1970s , when allegations were first reported to civil authorities , although criminal charges were not filed , '' the Archdiocese of Milwaukee said in a statement Thursday . `` Murphy 's actions were criminal , and we sincerely apologize to those who have been harmed . The Archdiocese of Milwaukee continues to reach out to victims-survivors who were harmed by Lawrence Murphy and encourages them to report any abuse they suffered . '' Anderson , a lawyer representing five men who are suing the archdiocese , obtained correspondence from Milwaukee to Ratzinger as part of the lawsuit , along with other internal church documents related to the case . The documents , dating to 1974 , include letters between bishops and the Vatican , victims ' affidavits , the handwritten notes of an expert on sexual disorders who interviewed Murphy and minutes of a","question":"Rome , Italy -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Vatican did not know about an American priest believed to have molested up to 200 boys until 20 years after civil authorities investigated and then dropped the case , its top spokesman said Thursday . Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi issued the statement in response to a New York Times story alleging that top Vatican officials , including the future Pope Benedict XVI , failed to discipline or defrock the now-deceased Rev. Lawrence C. Murphy of Wisconsin , despite warnings from several American bishops . But Jeff Anderson , a lawyer who obtained the internal church paperwork the newspaper based its story on , said it `` shows a direct line from the victims through the bishops and directly to the man who is now pope . '' Lombardi rejected the accusation . `` During the mid-1970s , some of Father Murphy 's victims reported his abuse to civil authorities , who investigated him at that time , '' Lombardi said . `` However , according to news reports , that investigation was dropped . '' The Vatican 's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith , the office led by Cardinal"} +{"answer":"the summer , but recent polls showed them in a dead heat . As Election Day approached , some thought growing support for the moderate Daggett might siphon votes from Christie . More on New Jersey gubernatorial race \u2022 New York mayor : Bloomberg to win third term , CNN projects New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg will win a third term despite a tough challenge from Democrat Bill Thompson , CNN has projected . With 99 percent of precincts reporting , Bloomberg led Thompson 51 percent to 46 percent . Bloomberg 's apparent victory comes after he changed the city 's constitution to lift a two-term limit . Bloomberg , an independent candidate , had led Thompson , the city comptroller , by double digits in most pre-election surveys . Bloomberg has outspent his rival in TV ads , $ 33 million to $ 2.66 million . \u2022 Boston , Massachusetts , mayor : Menino wins , Globe says Boston Mayor Thomas Menino has won a record fifth term , the Boston Globe reported . CNN is not making a projection in the race . With all precincts reporting , Menino led City Councilman Michael Flaherty 57 percent to","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Tuesday 's off-year election might not have the high stakes of the 2008 presidential election , but there are several significant races worth watching : \u2022 Virginia governor : McDonnell is projected winner CNN has projected that Republican Bob McDonnell will be elected Virginia governor . The 55-year-old former state attorney general will be the first Republican to win the state 's highest office in 12 years . With 99 percent of precincts reporting , McDonnell was leading Democratic opponent Creigh Deeds 59 percent to 41 percent . The race was seen as an early referendum on voters ' attitudes toward President Obama and his policies and an opportunity for Republicans to turn back recent Democratic gains . More on Virginia gubernatorial race \u2022 New Jersey governor : GOP 's Christie is winner , CNN projects Republican challenger Chris Christie will defeat New Jersey Gov. John Corzine , CNN has projected . With 99 percent of precincts reporting , Christie was leading Corzine , a Democrat , 49 percent to 45 percent . Chris Daggett , an independent candidate , had 6 percent . Corzine , who was seeking a second term , trailed Christie during"} +{"answer":"before Obama convenes a summit of 47 nations on nuclear security issues . `` It significantly reduces missiles and launchers , '' Obama said of the new treaty , which lasts for 10 years . `` It puts in place a strong and effective verification regime . And it maintains the flexibility that we need to protect and advance our national security , and to guarantee our unwavering commitment to the security of our allies . '' Obama has made nuclear non-proliferation a major priority of his presidency , prompting criticism from conservatives who fear the president will weaken the U.S. nuclear deterrent against possible attack . `` We believe that preventing nuclear terrorism and nuclear proliferation should begin by directly confronting the two leading proliferators and supporters of terrorism , Iran and North Korea , '' according to a statement issued Tuesday by Arizona 's two Republican U.S. senators , John McCain and Jon Kyl . `` The Obama Administration 's policies , thus far , have failed to do that and this failure has sent exactly the wrong message to other would be proliferators and supporters of terrorism . '' According to information released by the White House","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Barack Obama headed to the Czech Republic on Wednesday night to meet with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and sign an arms control agreement that reduces the nuclear stockpiles of both nations . The new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty -LRB- START -RRB- to be signed Thursday by the two leaders builds on a previous agreement that expired in December . Obama has called the treaty the `` the most comprehensive arms control agreement in nearly two decades '' and said it would cut the nuclear weapons of the United States and Russia by about a third . After meeting with Medvedev and attending the signing ceremony in Prague , the Czech Republic capital , Obama will have dinner with heads of government from 11 countries -- Bulgaria , Croatia , Czech Republic , Estonia , Hungary , Latvia , Lithuania , Poland , Romania , Slovakia and Slovenia . The highlight of the two-day trip is the new treaty with Russia , which is another step in nuclear arms relations between the former Cold War adversaries . Its signing comes two days after the Obama administration announced a new U.S. nuclear weapons policy and four days"} +{"answer":"to be in -LSB- the -RSB- country . '' Pelosi clarified her concerns after Obama announced the plan at an event Friday at Camp Lejeune , North Carolina . iReport.com : Do you think troops should be pulled , or should numbers increase ? `` As President Obama 's Iraq policy is implemented , the remaining missions given to our remaining forces must be clearly defined and narrowly focused so that the number of troops needed to perform them is as small as possible , '' Pelosi said in a press release . `` The president 's decision means that the time has come at last for Iraq 's own security forces to have the prime responsibility for Iraq 's security . '' Rep. Lynn Woolsey , D-California , co-founder of the Out of Iraq House Caucus , was critical of the plan . `` I am deeply troubled by the suggestion that a force of 50,000 troops could remain in Iraq beyond this time frame , '' she said in a statement Friday . `` Call such a troop level what you will , but such a large number can only be viewed by the Iraqi public as an","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Top Democrats have expressed concern over President Obama 's plan to draw down nearly two-thirds of U.S. forces in Iraq by August 2010 , while some key Republicans are offering praise . House Speaker Nancy Pelosi earlier this week questioned the need to keep 50,000 troops in Iraq until 2011 . At issue : Obama plans to leave between 35,000 to 50,000 residual forces in the war-torn country , serving in a training or advisory role to the Iraqi military . All U.S. troops have to be out of Iraq by December 31 , 2011 , under an agreement the Bush administration signed with the Iraqi government last year . There are currently 142,000 U.S. troops in Iraq . House Speaker Nancy Pelosi , D-California , indicated earlier this week that the residual force Obama is planning to leave in Iraq is too large . Pelosi on Wednesday told MSNBC 's Rachel Maddow : `` I do n't know what the justification is for 50,000 , a presence of 50,000 troops in Iraq . ... I do think that there 's a need for some . I do n't know that all of them have"} +{"answer":"It has n't been solved , and it 's been open the whole time . '' The case is one of the nation 's most famous unsolved murders . On December 26 , 1996 , John Ramsey discovered the body of his 6-year-old daughter , JonBenet , in the basement of the family 's Boulder home . The girl had been strangled and beaten . A ransom note was found on the stairs of the home , demanding $ 118,000 . Early in the case , Boulder police said JonBenet 's parents , John and Patsy Ramsey , were under `` an umbrella of suspicion '' in her death . But they were never formally named as suspects , and a grand jury refused to indict them . Patsy Ramsey died in 2006 after a lengthy battle with ovarian cancer . In July , Garnett 's predecessor , Mary Lacy , issued a public apology for the suspicion surrounding the Ramsey family after a DNA test performed using new technology showed that DNA found on JonBenet 's underwear and under her fingernails belonged to an unidentified man . The test results , Lacy said , were `` powerful evidence ''","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The new district attorney of Boulder County , Colorado , said he plans to take a fresh look at the investigation into the 1996 slaying of JonBenet Ramsey . The DA 's office assumed responsibility for the investigation in 2002 . But District Attorney Stan Garnett told CNN that he wants to decide during his first 30 days in office whether the case should be returned to Boulder police . `` I 'm trying to determine whether it 's efficient to have the ongoing investigation handled by my office or somebody else , '' said Garnett , who was sworn in as district attorney January 13 . The DA 's office is relatively small , he said , with 27 lawyers and six investigators handling between 2,000 and 2,500 felony cases a year . Although the Ramsey case has not generated news since last year , tips and information regularly come in to authorities . Whoever is handling the investigation is charged with checking them out and deciding whether they are worth pursuing , Garnett said . He said reports that he is considering reopening the case are inaccurate . `` It 's not closed ."} +{"answer":"have died from complications of this flu , according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -LRB- CDC -RRB- . Despite health officials repeatedly saying the H1N1 vaccine is safe , questions about it persist . To reassure those who question the safety of the vaccine , Dr. Bruce Gellin , director of the National Vaccine Program Office , noted that a new independent panel has been formed to review data from all sources on the safety of the vaccine . The group will monitor all sources reporting problems with the vaccine . `` The vast amount of adverse events have been minor , '' said Gellin . He said there has been one reported death linked to the vaccine , but further investigation showed that the person died from the actual H1N1 flu , not the vaccine . Gellin said the panel was designed to keep an eye on any possible negative consequences and report them immediately . According to Dr. Anne Schuchat , director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the CDC , who also attended the news conference , 30 million doses of the vaccine are available for states to order .","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Nearly all healthy pregnant women who receive a single dose of the H1N1 flu vaccine will be protected from that flu , according to just-released clinical trial data . In a news conference Monday at the headquarters of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services , Dr. Anthony Fauci , director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease , said out of about 100 pregnant women who participated in trial studies , over 90 percent showed a robust immune response to a single 15-microgram dose of the H1N1 vaccine . And at this point , there have been no reported side effects , Fauci said . Fauci stressed that these results should be reassuring for already-vaccinated pregnant women and this is `` vital information for those who have not yet been vaccinated . '' He added that `` pregnant women have tolerated the vaccine well , and no safety concerns have arisen . '' Pregnant women are considered to be among the highest at risk for serious complications of this new flu strain . Since H1N1 , also known as swine flu , first emerged in April , 28 pregnant women reportedly"} +{"answer":"said in a release . `` It means that more coca bush was eradicated in Colombia than was grown in all of Bolivia and Peru . '' The value of coca leaf in Colombia is decreasing , making it less attractive for farmers -- 20,000 fewer households grew coca in 2008 than in 2007 , a decrease of 26 percent . The drug trade also is being disrupted , the report said . In Colombia , the U.N. said , authorities seized 200 tons of cocaine in 2008 , a 57 percent increase in seizures over 2007 , the report said . Peru reported an 86 percent increase in seizures of coca base and a 100 percent increase in the seizure of cocaine . Bolivia , likewise , reported a 45 percent uptick in seizures of coca base and a 145 percent increase in the seizure of cocaine . `` Cocaine supply is shrinking , as is demand in major markets of North America while cocaine use in Western Europe has stopped growing , '' Costa said . `` This may explain why prices are up , and purity is down . This may also explain why cartels are becoming","question":"UNITED NATIONS -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Coca cultivation and cocaine production have decreased in Colombia but increased in Bolivia and Peru , the United Nations reported . Workers help eradicate coca plantations in northwest Colombia in May . Colombian cultivation was down 18 percent , and production decreased 28 percent in 2008 , the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime said in a report issued Friday . But cultivation increased 6 percent in Bolivia and 4.5 percent in Peru , the report said . Likewise , production went up 9 percent in Bolivia and 4.1 percent in Peru . `` The increases for Bolivia and Peru show a trend in the wrong direction , '' said Antonio Maria Costa , executive director of the U.N. drug office . Much of the decline in Colombia resulted from the manual eradication of 237 acres of coca , an increase of 44 percent over 2007 , and the spraying of another 328 acres with herbicide , the U.N. said . The production level is at a 10-year-low , the report said , and the cultivation amount is down to 2004 to 2006 levels . `` This is a remarkable achievement , '' Costa"} +{"answer":"-- to the instructions of Majeed , who received money from a third party , while Butt was said to be aware of the arrangement . The conditions of the reduced sentences require Butt and Asif to refrain from further breaches of the anti-corruption code and to participate in an education program run by the Pakistan Cricket Board . Pakistan trio to face criminal charges The independent tribunal resumed its hearing on Saturday after adjourning on January 11 . It dismissed a charge that Butt had agreed to bat out a run-less -LRB- or `` maiden '' -RRB- over in the match played at London 's Oval ground from August 18-21 , but said the player failed to disclose to the ICC 's anti-corruption unit that Majeed had approached him with such a request . The main charges stem from the following match at Lord 's , the final Test of the series . `` The tribunal found that the charges under Article 2.1.1 of the Code that -LRB- respectively -RRB- Mr Asif agreed to bowl , and did bowl , a deliberate no-ball in the Lord 's Test match played between Pakistan and England from 26 to 29 August","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Three Pakistan international cricketers have been banned from the sport for the next five years after being found guilty at an anti-corruption hearing on Saturday . Former Pakistan captain Salman Butt and bowlers Mohammad Asif and Mohammad Amir were found to have been involved in `` spot-fixing '' -- a practice involving illegal gambling during matches . Butt , 26 , was banned for 10 years with half of that suspended on certain conditions while Asif , 28 , received a seven-year ban with 24 months suspended . Amir , 18 , was given a straight five-year penalty for his involvement in incidents during the Test series against England in August 2010 . They have 21 days to appeal in the Court of Arbitration for Sport . The International Cricket Council announced the punishments following an independent tribunal 's hearing in Qatar . It came a day after Britain 's Crown Prosecution Service charged the trio and their agent Mazhar Majeed with conspiracy to obtain and accept corrupt payments , and conspiracy to cheat . Amir and Asif were accused of deliberately bowling no-balls -- deliveries which incur a scoring penalty and can not dismiss batsmen"} +{"answer":"and I look forward to working with him in the months and years ahead . '' The TSA has been under the leadership of an acting administrator since Edmund `` Kip '' Hawley resigned at the end of the Bush administration . In September , Obama nominated Erroll Southers , a Los Angeles airport police department official , to the head the agency . But Republican Sen. Jim DeMint , R-South Carolina , spearheaded GOP efforts to block the nomination based on concerns Southers would unionize airport screeners . Southers withdrew his nomination in January after lawmakers questioned his changing explanation about a personnel action taken against him decades ago . Harding would be the TSA 's first African-American administrator . Southers is also black . Harding has served as CEO of Harding Security Associates , a defense and intelligence government contracting firm he founded in 2003 and sold in July 2009 . From 1996 to 2000 , Harding was director for operations at the Defense Intelligence Agency , where he was the Defense Department 's senior human intelligence officer . Before that , he was director for intelligence for the Army 's Southern Command . The TSA was created","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Obama tapped a former Army general Monday to lead the Transportation Security Administration . Obama nominated Robert A. Harding , a retired major general with 33 years in the Army , to become the TSA administrator . Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced the nomination with Harding by her side . `` The TSA administrator is among the most important , unfilled posts in the Obama administration , '' Napolitano said . `` The president and I both believe that Gen. Harding has the experience and perspective to make a real difference in carrying out the mission of this agency . '' `` If there were ever a nominee that warranted expedited , and detailed , consideration in the Senate , this is it , '' she said . Obama announced the nomination in a White House news release . `` I am confident that Bob 's talent and expertise will make him a tremendous asset in our ongoing efforts to bolster security and screening measures at our airports , '' Obama said . `` I can think of no one more qualified than Bob to take on this important job ,"} +{"answer":"he left , the woman said , he carved the letter `` B '' into her face with a knife , according to Richard . There was no indication what the `` B '' indicated . The alleged assailant fled on foot , Richard said . `` We , the police , can not substantiate this yet , '' she said . `` This is what she told police . '' The woman , who is not from Pittsburgh , refused medical attention , Richard said , although she told the investigating officer she would see a doctor Thursday . There was no update on her condition , she said . Richard said the woman described her alleged attacker as a dark-skinned African-American , 6 feet 4 inches tall with a medium build and short dark hair , wearing dark clothing and shiny shoes . McCain spokeswoman Jill Hazelbaker told CNN that McCain and running mate Sarah Palin `` spoke to the victim and her family after learning about the incident earlier this afternoon . '' Hazelbaker said the campaign would not offer more detail out of respect for the woman 's privacy . The campaign of Democratic presidential candidate","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Pennsylvania woman told police she was attacked at an ATM in Pittsburgh by a robber who became angry when he saw a John McCain bumper sticker on her car , a spokeswoman for the Pittsburgh Police Department said Thursday . Police can not confirm whether a man attacked this woman because she had a McCain sticker on her car . Public Information Officer Diane Richard said police can not substantiate her story , however , and the investigation is ongoing . Richard said the 20-year-old told investigators a man approached her Wednesday night at an ATM in the city 's East End , put a blade to her neck and demanded money . She said she gave him $ 60 and stepped away from him , Richard said . But the woman said the man `` became very angry '' when he noticed her car had a bumper sticker supporting the GOP presidential nominee , according to Richard . The woman said he punched her in the back of the head , knocked her to the ground and `` continued to punch and kick her while threatening her , '' the spokeswoman said . Before"} +{"answer":"The magazine says it talked to people inside the celebrities ' estates and calculated their gross earnings from October 2007 to October 2008 . Some celebrities are staples on the list , which is in its eighth year . Cartoonist Charles Schulz , who created Snoopy , Charlie Brown and the assorted cast of `` Peanuts '' characters , is second on the list . Schulz , who died in 2000 , had posthumous earnings last year of $ 33 million , the magazine reported . He owes his constant presence to a steady revenue stream from the ongoing licensing of his characters , the magazine said . Schulz and Presley join Theodor '' Dr. Seuss '' Geisel -LRB- this year 's No. 6 -RRB- , Beatles legend John Lennon -LRB- No. 7 -RRB- and actress Marilyn Monroe -LRB- No. 9 -RRB- as the only entertainers to make the list every year since its inception . Physicist Albert Einstein , best known for his theory of relativity , is fourth on the list . It is his third consecutive year making the Forbes rankings . Though he died in 1955 , a franchise bearing his name -- Baby Einstein --","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Elvis Presley may have left the building three decades ago , but he raked in more money last year than many living titans of the music industry Singer Elvis Presley tops the Forbes list for the second year in a row , raking in $ 52 million last year . For the second year in a row , Presley topped the Forbes magazine 's list of Top-Earning Dead Celebrities , hauling in $ 52 million last year . In comparison , the very-much-alive Justin Timberlake earned $ 44 million while another superstar , Madonna , made $ 40 million , the magazine reported Tuesday . The 30th anniversary of Presley 's death boosted attendance and merchandise sales last year at his Memphis , Tennessee , home , Graceland . A long list of licensing deals , such as a Presley show on satellite radio , added to the earnings . The business magazine has been compiling its annual list of departed celebrities ' earnings since 2001 . Since 2003 , the feature has coincided with Halloween . This year , the top 13 celebrities earned a combined $ 194 million in the last 12 months ."} +{"answer":"El Paso County Sheriff 's Office , where Redelfs worked as a detention officer . Redelfs was a 10-year veteran of the department , according to Jesse Tovar , a spokesman for the sheriff 's office . `` On behalf of the men and women of the Sheriff 's Office , I would like to extend our deepest sympathy and condolences to the family during this difficult time , '' said Sheriff Richard Wiles . `` Our thoughts and prayers are with them . '' Authorities retrieved only one shell casing , from a 9 mm weapon . About 10 minutes before authorities received the call , they were alerted to a body inside a 2003 Honda Pilot . Inside was the husband of the Mexican employee , identified as Jorge Alberto Salcido Ceniceros , 37 . Reyes said the victim was a state police officer who was married to a Mexican employee at the U.S. consulate . Two children , 4 and 7 , were injured in that shooting and transported to the hospital , the attorney general 's office said . Police recovered two shells at that scene from an assault rifle , authorities said . `` The","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Three people connected to the U.S. consulate in Ciudad Juarez , Mexico , were killed in two drive-by shootings , a senior White House official told CNN Sunday . Two of the victims were an American employee at the consulate and her U.S. citizen husband . Their 1-year-old child , who was in a vehicle with the couple at the time of the shooting , survived the incident , according to the El Paso County Sheriff 's Office . The American couple were found dead inside a white Toyota RAV4 with Texas license plates , according to the Chihuahua state attorney general 's office . The woman was shot in the neck and left arm , while the man had a bullet wound near his right eye , officials said . `` We know that the U.S. citizens were targeted , '' Juarez Mayor Jose Reyes Ferriz told CNN , saying a police officer witnessed a car shooting at the Americans ' car . `` We know they were chasing them . We know they wanted to kill them . '' The Americans were identified as Arthur Redelfs , 34 , and Lesley Enriquez by the"} +{"answer":"supervising officer , '' the order said . He is to be electronically monitored during that time . The conditions are to apply until Vick 's sentencing , which is set for December 10 . Read about the federal case against Vick '' `` This is a very difficult time for Mr. Vick , '' said Billy Martin , Vick 's lead defense counsel , in a written statement . `` He will comply with the court 's new conditions regarding release . '' Vick faces a possible prison term of 12 to 18 months after his August guilty plea to federal conspiracy charges related to dogfighting on his property in Surry County , Virginia . The original terms of the pretrial release , set in July by U.S. Magistrate Dennis W. Dohnal , required that Vick not use narcotic drugs or other controlled substances unless prescribed by a doctor . Vick 's guilty plea in the federal case came after three associates -- Purnell Peace , 35 , of Virginia Beach , Virginia ; Quanis Phillips , 28 , of Atlanta , Georgia ; and Tony Taylor , 34 , of Hampton , Virginia -- admitted their roles in","question":"SUSSEX , Virginia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Suspended NFL quarterback Michael Vick must adhere to tightened restrictions after he tested positive for marijuana use , a federal judge said Wednesday . Suspended Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick tested positive for marijuana in a September 13 drug test . Vick tested positive for the drug on September 13 , a court document from the Eastern District of Virginia shows . As a result , U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson ordered Vick to `` submit to any method of testing required by the pretrial services officer or the supervising officer for determining whether the defendant is using a prohibited substance . '' Those methods could include random drug testing , a remote alcohol testing system `` and\/or any form of prohibited substance screening or testing , '' the order said . Vick , 27 , must participate in substance abuse therapy and mental health counseling `` if deemed advisable by the pretrial services officer or supervising officer '' at his own expense , the order said . Vick was also ordered to stay home between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. , `` or as directed by the pretrial services officer or"} +{"answer":"to the al-Aqsa mosque that Palestinians blame for touching off three years of violence . `` We 've seen this before , and we know what the consequences are , '' Erakat said in a statement issued Sunday evening . He said the visit was `` deliberately timed '' on the eve of the anniversary of Sharon 's September 28 , 2000 visit . There was no immediate response from the Israeli government to Erakat 's statement . The demonstration was broken up about 1:30 p.m. , but Palestinians continued battling police with rocks and Molotov cocktails for several hours in other parts of east Jerusalem . Erakat said Israel was `` deliberately escalating tensions '' in Jerusalem at the same time that U.S. President Barack Obama is trying to coax the two sides into restarting talks aimed a permanent settlement of the decades-old conflict . `` Providing a police escort for settlers who are against peace at all costs , and whose presence is deliberately designed to provoke a reaction , are not the actions of someone who is committed to peace , but of someone who will go to extraordinary lengths to scuttle all hopes of peace ,","question":"JERUSALEM -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Clashes between Palestinian protesters and Israeli police in east Jerusalem stretched into Sunday evening after a visit by a Jewish group to one of the city 's holiest sites . Israeli border police charge towards Palestinian protesters during clashes in Jerusalem 's Old City . Street battles began in the Old City on Sunday morning , when Palestinians praying at the site -- known to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif , or `` Noble Sanctuary , '' and to Jews as Temple Mount -- began to throw rocks at the visiting Jews , said Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld . Police responded with stun grenades and arrested eight demonstrators , he said . Rosenfeld also said two Palestinians and two police officers were wounded in the melee , but Sheikh Ikrima Sabri , a former grand mufti of Jerusalem , said nine Palestinians were hurt . Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat called the visit a deliberate provocation by hardliners opposed to a settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict , and criticized the police response to the protests . Erakat compared the visit to the 2000 trip by Ariel Sharon -- before he was elected prime minister --"} +{"answer":"terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center buildings . The two firefighters killed in the blaze -- Robert Beddia , 53 , and Joseph Graffagnino , 33 -- were caught in a smoke-filled stairwell that prosecutors say was improperly blocked off by barriers erected to seal off floors being stripped of contaminants . In addition to the deaths of Beddia and Graffagnino , 105 other firefighters were injured combating the blaze . The agreement with the city of New York mandates the creation of a new civilian inspection unit at the city 's fire department , the sole purpose of which will be to perform inspections at construction sites throughout the city . `` The regulatory measures we have put in place and the additional reforms set out today are designed to prevent any firefighter again confronting the conditions that firefighters faced at the Deutsche Bank building that tragic day , '' New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said in a written statement . The father of one of the firefighters killed in the blaze , Joseph Graffagnino Sr. , said the indictments did not go far enough . `` I do n't understand if the -LSB- city -RSB- agency ca","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A construction company and three supervisors were indicted Monday on manslaughter and related charges in the deaths of two firefighters battling a 2007 blaze at the Deutsche Bank building in lower Manhattan . Firefighters Joseph Graffagnino , left , and Robert Beddia died in the Deutsche Bank building blaze . Prosecutors also reached an agreement with the city of New York requiring the implementation of new fire safety measures . `` Our goal is to put in place procedures which will prevent a disaster of the magnitude of the Deutsche Bank fire and to make sure that firefighters are never again exposed to the risks they faced in that fire , '' Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau said . The indictments against the John Galt Corp. , Jeffrey Melofchik , Mitchel Alvo and Salvatore DePaola also allege negligent homicide and reckless endangerment . The indictment is the result of an investigation into an August 18 , 2007 , blaze that consumed nine floors of the Deutsche Bank building . The building had been scheduled for demolition after being contaminated by debris , asbestos and other hazardous substances after the September 11 , 2001 ,"} +{"answer":"the Haitian authorities , '' Dominique Strauss-Kahn told CNN 's Christiane Amanpour . He previously has called for some kind of Marshall Plan like the one that rebuilt Western Europe after World War II . 7:10 p.m. -- About 4 million pounds of food are being sent by barge from Puerto Rico to Haiti , CNN 's Mike M. Ahlers reports . Puerto Rican authorities say that when it arrives in Haiti on Monday morning , it will be the single largest shipment of aid to arrive there to date . The food is said to be enough to feed the people of Port-au-Prince for a week . Organizers say it would take 150 planes to carry as much cargo . 6:42 p.m. -- About 250,000 people in Haiti are in urgent need of aid and another 3 million have been affected , according to the European Union , whose commissioner for development and humanitarian aid , Karel De Gucht , got a firsthand view of the situation in Port-au-Prince this week . The EU has estimated the death toll in Haiti to be at 200,000 . 5:31 p.m. -- A Haitian woman who was trapped in her collapsed house","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Friday , January 22 10:37 p.m. -- CNN 's Brian Todd reports on a fire at what is believed to be a textile factory in Port-au-Prince . Watch 9:02 p.m. -- Israeli rescuers pulled a 22-year-old man from the ruins of a three-story building in Port-au-Prince on Friday , 10 days after the January 12 earthquake . The man , who was not immediately identified , was rescued near the quake-ravaged presidential residence south of the capital , according to the Israel Defense Forces . The rescuers `` were able to release him whole and healthy '' and take him to an IDF field hospital in stable condition for further treatment , '' Maj. Zohar Moshe said . 8:41 p.m. -- Thousands of earthquake victims ' bodies have been buried in mass graves northwest of Port-au-Prince , a manager at the site tells CNN 's Brian Todd . Watch 7:39 p.m. -- Haitians have to be in the driver 's seat as they try to rebuild their country , the head of the International Monetary Fund says . `` We can provide resources , but there must be ownership by the Haitians themselves and especially by"} +{"answer":"like my own family . We will always miss you , Billy . I can hear your fingertips rolling off those ivory keys right now . Thanks for being you . Rest in peace and may God bless you , '' another fan wrote . According to Orange Park Police Lt. Mark Cornett , Powell called 911 around midnight Tuesday from his condo at the Club Continental , complaining about chest pains . `` When paramedics and police arrived , they found him unresponsive on the bed , '' Cornett said . Powell was pronounced dead at the scene , and his cardiologist signed the death certificate at 1:52 a.m. ET Wednesday . According to the officer , Powell missed an appointment with the same doctor on Tuesday . Powell joined the original Skynyrd band in 1972 , but he worked for the Jacksonville , Florida-based band for several years before that as a crew member . Among the Southern rock band 's acclaimed songs are `` What 's Your Name , '' `` Freebird '' and `` Sweet Home Alabama , '' all released in the 1970s . `` Sweet Home Alabama '' reached the top 10 in 1974","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Billy Powell , keyboardist with the rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd , died of a heart ailment at his condo in the Jacksonville , Florida , suburb of Orange Park , police said Thursday . He was 56 . Billy Powell , center , poses with other members of Lynyrd Skynyrd at Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction in 2006 . Powell , who died early Wednesday , had survived the band 's October 1977 plane crash in Mississippi that killed lead singer Ronnie Van Zant ; guitarist Steve Gaines ; Gaines 's sister , vocalist Cassie Gaines ; an assistant road manager ; and the pilot and copilot . Powell was seriously injured in the crash . More than 40 fans left messages on a fan Web site . `` Billy , you are truely free now . Rock on with Ronnie and the gang . You also will be forever missed , '' read a note signed by traceyspruill . `` I can not believe the hurt that I have felt from being a Skynyrd fan , but I realize that it only hurts so much because I love the members of this band"} +{"answer":". `` We did n't recognize it as such . '' A native of San Francisco , McNamara studied economics at the University of California and earned a master 's degree in business from Harvard . He was a staff officer in the Army Air Corps during World War II , when he studied the results of American bombing raids on Germany and Japan in search of ways to improve their accuracy and efficiency . After the war , he joined the Ford Motor Company and became its president in November 1960 -- the first person to lead the company from outside its founding family . A month later , the newly elected Kennedy asked him to become secretary of defense , making him one of the `` whiz kids '' who joined the young president 's administration . In October 1962 , after the discovery of Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba , McNamara was one of Kennedy 's top advisers in the standoff that followed . The United States imposed a naval `` quarantine '' on Cuba , a Soviet ally , and prepared for possible airstrikes or an invasion . The Soviets withdrew the missiles in exchange for","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former U.S. Defense Secretary Robert McNamara , a key architect of the U.S. war in Vietnam under presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson , has died at age 93 , according to his family . Robert McNamara took a lead role in managing the U.S. military commitment in Vietnam . McNamara was a member of Kennedy 's inner circle during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 , when the United States and the Soviet Union stood on the brink of nuclear war . But he became a public lightning rod for his management of the war in Vietnam , overseeing the U.S. military commitment there as it grew from fewer than 1,000 advisers to more than half a million troops . Though the increasingly unpopular conflict was sometimes dubbed `` McNamara 's War , '' he later said both administrations were `` terribly wrong '' to have pursued military action beyond 1963 . `` External military force can not reconstruct a failed state , and Vietnam , during much of that period , was a failed state politically , '' he told CNN in a 1996 interview for the `` Cold War '' documentary series"} +{"answer":"no more than two hours at a time . In addition , putting a harmless insect into the box with Zubaydah , who `` appears to have a fear of insects , '' and telling him it is a stinging insect would be allowed , as long as Zubaydah was informed the insect 's sting would not be fatal or cause severe pain . `` If , however , you were to place the insect in the box without informing him that you are doing so ... you should not affirmatively lead him to believe that any insect is present which has a sting that could produce severe pain or suffering or even cause his death , '' the memo said . Other memos allowed the use of such tactics as keeping a detainee naked and in some cases in a diaper , and putting detainees on a liquid diet . On waterboarding , in which a person gets the sensation of drowning , the memo said , `` although the waterboard constitutes a threat of imminent death , prolonged mental harm must nonetheless result '' to violate the law . Authorities also were allowed to slap a detainee 's","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Interrogation tactics such as waterboarding , sleep deprivation and slapping did not violate laws against torture when there was no intent to cause severe pain , according to a Bush-era memo on the tactics released Thursday . Attorney General Eric Holder says government workers who followed protocol wo n't be prosecuted . `` To violate the statute , an individual must have the specific intent to inflict severe pain or suffering , '' said an August 2002 memo from then-Assistant Attorney General Jay Bybee to John Rizzo , who was acting general counsel for the CIA . `` Because specific intent is an element of the offense , the absence of specific intent negates the charge of torture . ... We have further found that if a defendant acts with the good faith belief that his actions will not cause such suffering , he has not acted with specific intent , '' Bybee wrote . The Bybee opinion was sought on 10 interrogation tactics in the case of suspected al Qaeda leader Abu Zubaydah . The memo authorized keeping Zubaydah in a dark , confined space small enough to restrict the individual 's movement for"} +{"answer":". Obama earlier claimed a decisive victory in North Carolina . With 99 percent of precincts reporting , Obama held a 14-point lead over Clinton . Watch analysis of NC , IN primaries '' `` Some were saying that North Carolina would be a game-changer in this election . But today , what North Carolina decided is that the only game that needs changing is the one in Washington , '' Obama told supporters in Raleigh , North Carolina . Watch Obama thank his supporters '' Obama took an overwhelming 91 percent of the black vote in North Carolina , according to exit polls , while Clinton claimed only 6 percent . Clinton took 59 percent of the white vote compared to 36 percent for Obama , according to the polls . Clinton told her supporters in Indianapolis , `` it 's full-speed on to the White House . '' Watch Clinton greet her supporters '' Clinton made a strong pitch to blue-collar workers in Indiana . She pulled a majority of the votes in rural and suburban Indiana during Tuesday 's primary . In CNN exit polling , Clinton took 53 percent of the vote in suburban areas ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sen. Barack Obama decisively defeated Sen. Hillary Clinton in North Carolina Tuesday , but Clinton 's narrow victory in Indiana will likely send the race for the Democratic presidential nomination on to the next round of primaries . Sen. Barack Obama and his wife , Michelle , greet supporters in Raleigh , North Carolina . As polls closed in Indiana , Clinton had a double-digit lead over Obama , but by the end of the evening , Clinton 's lead had shrunk , dragging the race out until early Wednesday . A clear winner did not emerge until 1:15 a.m. Wednesday -- seven hours after the polls closed -- because results were slow to come in from Lake County , a Chicago suburb in northwestern Indiana with several precincts that went strongly for Obama . By Wednesday morning , all absentee ballots had been counted in Lake County and the final results showed Obama had taken the county by 12 percentage points . There were 115 delegates at stake in North Carolina and 72 in Indiana . Because Democratic delegates are awarded proportionally , Obama added four delegates to his lead , according to CNN estimates"} +{"answer":"Examiner 's Office has reported to our agents that the preliminary assessment of the cause and manner of death for all five individuals was asphyxiation , suffocation and strangulation , '' the affidavit said . `` It was also reported that each body had ligature marks around the neck . The ligature marks were also observed by OSBI crime scene investigators . '' A spokeswoman for the state medical examiner 's office told CNN on Wednesday that the cause of death for Summer Rust and Teagin was strangulation , and that a ligature -- which could include a string , cord or wire -- was used to strangle them . Autopsies on the three girls were being conducted Wednesday , the spokeswoman said . A woman told police Durcho came to her apartment Monday afternoon and told her he had `` choked '' Summer Rust to death and that he was leaving Oklahoma , according to the affidavit . The woman asked Durcho about Rust 's children , the affidavit said , and `` Durcho told her that the children were at their grandmother 's residence ... while he and Summer worked out their relationship problems . '' The woman","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A man suspected in the slayings of his girlfriend and her four children admitted choking the Oklahoma woman to death , but said the children were not present at the time , according to an affidavit filed in the case . Joshua Steven Durcho was arrested Tuesday after a car chase with police . Joshua Steven Durcho , 25 , was arrested Tuesday night in Hamilton County , Texas , officials said . He is suspected of killing Summer Rust , 25 ; her son Teagin , 4 ; and daughters Evynn , 3 , and Autumn and Kirsten , both 7 . All five bodies were found in Rust 's apartment in El Reno , Oklahoma , about 30 miles west of Oklahoma City , on Monday . Durcho 's first cousin notified authorities he found the body of Rust , who is identified in the affidavit as Summer Dawn Garas . Police also found the children 's bodies in the apartment , according to the affidavit , written by a special agent with the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation and filed Tuesday in Canadian County , Oklahoma , District Court . `` The Medical"} +{"answer":"was arrested at her place of employment , a department store , while she was vacuuming the floor . When arrested , she was six months ' pregnant and had developed gestational diabetes and high blood pressure , according to the suit . On December 10 , 2009 , Mendiola-Martinez pleaded guilty to solicitation to commit forgery under a plea agreement . Her sentencing was set for December 24 . While incarcerated , in what her attorney , Joy Bertrand , called `` two months of hell , '' Mendiola-Martinez says in the suit that she was told by jail staff she would receive a `` special '' pregnancy diet . That diet , she claims , consisted of `` items such as two slices -LRB- of -RRB- cheese or ham , two slices of bread , indistinguishable cooked vegetables and occasionally a piece of fruit . '' She also said she was given two small cartons of milk a day and a pill that she was told was a vitamin . On days when she was transported to court , Mendiola-Martinez said , she was given no food during the day . In one instance , she alleges in","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Mexican woman -- a former inmate in Maricopa County , Arizona -- claims in a lawsuit that sheriff 's officers mistreated her during and after her pregnancy , including shackling her while she was in labor and after her Caesarean section . The federal suit filed by Miriam Mendiola-Martinez this week comes days after the U.S. Department of Justice alleged the Maricopa County Sheriff 's Office , under the leadership of Sheriff Joe Arpaio , engaged in a pattern of discrimination against Latinos . Mendiola-Martinez 's suit is against the sheriff 's office , Arpaio , the Maricopa Medical Center and unidentified male and female officers , doctors and nurses . Mendiola-Martinez , a Mexican citizen , alleges in the suit she was arrested October 23 , 2009 , by Scottsdale , Arizona , police , and was booked into Maricopa County 's Estrella Jail on charges of identity theft . She was held without bond under Arizona law . According to the police report filed at the time of her arrest , Mendiola-Martinez was accused of using someone else 's name , date of birth and Social Security number to obtain work . She"} +{"answer":"to move into the next phase of my life which will , of paramount importance , include much more time with my family . '' Gilchrist broke the world record for the most wicketkeeping dismissals in Tests with 414 on Friday , overtaking South Africa 's Mark Boucher in his 96th outing in the five-day game . Boucher , by comparison , played in 109 Tests . Gilchrist took over the gloves from Ian Healy -- third on the list with 395 dismissals from 119 Tests -- in November 1999 , and went on to establish himself both as a wicketkeeper and as a batsman of brutal hitting capabilities . He has scored 5,556 runs to date , at an average of 47.89 , with a highest score of 204 not out and having made 17 centuries . He has been similarly prolific in 277 one-dayers , scoring 9,297 runs at an average of 36 and reaching three figures 15 times . Gilchrist 's revelation came as Australia put themselves in a strong position to win the series against the touring Indians , reaching 322-3 at stumps . Captain Ricky Ponting , whose team lead 2-1 , was unbeaten on","question":"ADELAIDE , Australia -- World record-breaking wicketkeeper Adam Gilchrist has announced he will retire from cricket at the end of the Australian summer . Adam Gilchrist takes a spectacular catch off Mahendra Singh Dhoni in the third Test against India . The 36-year-old chose Australia Day to make his decision public , coming at the end of the third day of the fourth and final Test against India in Adelaide . Gilchrist said he would retire from Tests at the end of the current match , and then hang up his gloves in one-day internationals after the upcoming tri-series with Sri Lanka and India . `` It is with great pride and happiness that I make the decision to retire from Tests and one-day internationals , '' he said in a statement on Saturday . `` I 've come to the decision after much thought and discussion with those most important to me . `` My family and I have been fortunate to have had an amazing journey full of rich experiences throughout my career and are sincerely grateful to all who have helped make this stage of our lives so fulfilling . `` I am now ready and excited"} +{"answer":"but he abandoned his studies to tour with bandleader Lionel Hampton . By the mid-50s , he was arranging and recording for the likes of Sarah Vaughan , Duke Ellington and his old friend Ray Charles . In 1956 he toured with Dizzy Gillespie 's Big Band , recording his first album as a leader in the same year . In 1957 , Jones moved to Paris to study music composition and theory , taking a job with Mercury Records ' French distributor to pay for his studies . After a European tour proved a financial disaster , the president of Mercury offered him a position at the record label and Jones soon became vice-president at the company . In the 60s , Jones worked as a conductor and arranger for Frank Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald . He also began scoring music for films , including `` In the Heat of the Night , '' `` In Cold Blood '' and `` The Pawnbroker , '' which featured his hit `` Soul Bossa Nova , '' later re-used as the theme to the `` Austin Powers '' movies . Jones would go on to score 33 movies during his career","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It 's difficult to overestimate Quincy Jones 's contribution to American music . Over the last 60 years he has excelled as a musician , composer , record producer , arranger , conductor and media company executive . Quincy Jones has won 27 Grammy awards during his extraordinary career . In a career studded with landmarks , Jones produced Michael Jackson 's multi-platinum albums `` Off The Wall , '' `` Bad '' and `` Thriller '' -- the best selling album of all time -- and produced and conducted `` We Are The World , '' one of the biggest-selling singles in history . Quincy Delight Jones Jr. , known to his friends as `` Q , '' was born on March 14 , 1933 , in Chicago . He moved to Seattle as a child and began playing trumpet aged 12 . When he was 14 he befriended a young Ray Charles , who taught him how to arrange music , and Jones was soon playing bebop in nightclubs , backing up the likes of Billie Holiday . In 1951 , Jones won a music scholarship at prestigious Schillinger House , in Boston ,"} +{"answer":"had the privilege of meeting Henry many times , '' said Brown . `` He was a tremendous character , one of the last representatives of a generation of tremendous characters . My thoughts are with his family as they mourn his passing but celebrate his life . '' Born in the East End of London during the reign of Queen Victoria , Allingham was brought up by his mother and grandparents . His father died when he was a baby . He joined the Royal Naval Air Service as an aircraft mechanic in 1915 after his mother died . Allingham was the last known survivor of the Battle of Jutland , considered the greatest battle of World War I . He was serving aboard the armed trawler HMT Kingfisher , which was sent to meet up with the British fleet as it fought the Germans off what is now mainland Denmark . The battle still holds the record for the most gun-armed battleships and battlecruisers engaged in a fight , according to Britain 's Ministry of Defence . In 1917 Allingham was sent to France to support the Royal Flying Corps . His job as a mechanic was to","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Henry Allingham , the world 's oldest man and the oldest surviving British veteran from World War I , has died at the age of 113 , his care home said Saturday . Henry Allingham was a founding member of the modern Royal Air Force . Allingham died in his sleep at St. Dunstan 's care home in Ovingdean , England , the home said in a statement . Born on June 6 , 1896 , Allingham was active until his final days , having celebrated his 113th birthday last month on the HMS President with his family , the care home said . The Guinness Book of World Records Certified Allingham as the world 's oldest man last month , St. Dunstan 's said . Britain 's Queen Elizabeth and Prime Minister Gordon Brown both paid their respects to Allingham on Saturday . `` The queen was saddened to hear of the death of Henry Allingham . He was one of the unique generation who sacrificed so much for us all . Our thoughts are with his family at this time , '' Buckingham Palace said in a statement . `` I"} +{"answer":"each of us , she often seemed to stop time itself -- to run another Special Olympics Games , to visit us in our homes , to attend to her own mother , her sisters and brothers , and to sail , tell stories , and laugh and serve her friends . '' No final decision has been made on funeral arrangements , a source close to the family said . Shriver 's husband , R. Sargent Shriver , and her five children and their spouses and all of her 19 grandchildren were with her when she died , the Special Olympics said in a statement . Watch a look at Eunice Kennedy Shriver 's life '' `` We are tremendously grateful for the extreme outpouring of support and prayer from the public as we honor our beloved founder , '' Brady Lum , Special Olympics president and chief operating officer , said in a statement Tuesday . `` Today we celebrate the life of a woman who had the vision to create our movement . It is an enormous loss , but I know we can rest assured that her legacy will live on through her family , friends","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Eunice Kennedy Shriver , the sister of President John F. Kennedy and a champion of the disabled who founded the Special Olympics , died Tuesday , the Special Olympics said . She was 88 . Eunice Kennedy Shriver speaks at a dinner in honor of the Special Olympics in July 2006 . Born on July 10 , 1921 , in Brookline , Massachusetts , Shriver was the fifth of nine children to Joseph P. and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy . She emerged from the long shadow of siblings John F. Kennedy , Robert F. Kennedy and Sen. Edward M. Kennedy as the founder of the Special Olympics , which started as a summer day camp in her backyard in 1962 . Today , 3.1 million people with mental disabilities participate in 228 programs in 170 nations , according to the Special Olympics . `` She was the light of our lives , a mother , wife , grandmother , sister and aunt who taught us by example and with passion what it means to live a faith-driven life of love and service to others , '' the Shriver family said Tuesday in a statement . `` For"} +{"answer":"to the president . `` What it says is that he has really decided that success in Juarez is essential for stemming the tide of organized crime , '' said Andrew Selee , director of the Woodrow Wilson Center 's Mexico Institute . `` He has staked his presidency on success in Juarez . '' Juarez , which accounted for about one-third of the drug-related killings in Mexico last year , was already significant because of the high death count , Selee said . But the killings in January and over the weekend have elevated the city to a symbolic level , the analyst said . `` It has gained an emotional value , '' Selee said . The latest killings were carried out by a local gang known as Los Aztecas , who are allied with the Juarez Cartel , Juarez Mayor Jose Reyes Ferriz said . The three victims were followed and targeted , Reyes said . They were attacked as they left a birthday party at the U.S. Consulate in Juarez . U.S. and Mexican officials said a consulate employee who was four months pregnant and her husband , a U.S. citizen who was a jailer in","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Mexican President Felipe Calderon made his third visit in a little more than a month Tuesday to the troubled border city of Juarez , where three people associated with the U.S. Consulate were killed over the weekend . Ciudad Juarez is the most violent city in Mexico , with more than 2,600 drug-related deaths in 2009 . No official numbers are available , but more than 400 killings have been reported in local media this year . The city , long the focal point of Calderon 's war on drug cartels , came to renewed prominence after the January 31 killings of 15 people , most of them students with no links to organized crime . The massacre sparked outrage throughout Mexico and drew worldwide attention . Saturday 's deaths of a pregnant woman and two other people connected with the U.S. Consulate renewed attention to the blood-soaked city . Calderon visited Juarez twice in mid-February within a one-week period , meeting with local officials and residents . More such meetings were scheduled for Tuesday . Although Tuesday 's visit had been scheduled before the latest slayings , analysts say it highlights the city 's importance"} +{"answer":"message to the armed forces . `` The solemn dignity which we attach to the names of those who have fallen is deeply ingrained in our national character . As a people , we accord this ultimate sacrifice the highest honor and respect . '' The Elizabeth Cross is a sterling silver emblem in the shape of a cross over a wreath . In the center is the queen 's monogram , EIIR , which stands for Elizabeth II Regina , or Queen Elizabeth II . At each of the four tips of the cross are floral symbols : a rose for England , a thistle for Scotland , a shamrock for Northern Ireland , and a daffodil for Wales . The reverse of the cross will be engraved with the name of the person who died . The name will also be written on a scroll signed by the queen , to be given to family members along with the medal , the Defense Ministry said . The award may be given to family members of all service personnel who have died since 1948 . Charles Mosely , the former editor in chief of Debrett 's , an authority","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Britain 's Queen Elizabeth II unveiled a new medal Wednesday to honor the families of British service personnel killed while serving their country . The Elizabeth Cross may be given to family members of service personnel who have died since 1948 . The Elizabeth Cross will be given to the next of kin of armed forces personnel killed on operations or as a result of terrorism `` as a mark of national recognition for their loss , '' the Defense Ministry said . It is the first time the name of a reigning monarch has been given to a new award since the queen 's father , King George VI , instituted the George Cross in 1940 . That medal recognizes acts of bravery of both civilians and military personnel . The most prestigious medal , the Victoria Cross , was introduced by Queen Victoria in 1856 for acts of gallantry by the armed forces . `` This seems to me a right and proper way of showing our enduring debt to those who are killed while actively protecting what is most dear to us all , '' the queen said in a"} +{"answer":"said Wednesday afternoon . U.S. Embassy staff at the Port-au-Prince airport said the tower and the lights were working , U.S. State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said Wednesday . Spirit Airlines , which operates one flight a day between Fort Lauderdale , Florida , and Port-au-Prince also canceled Wednesday and Thursday flights . Customers with reservations for travel to , from or through Haiti between Wednesday , January 13 , and Sunday , January 17 , may rebook their travel without penalty , provided the new departure is on or before February 7 , according to Spirit 's Web site . The airline will waive the change fee for travelers who move their travel beyond February 7 , but it will charge for any difference in fare . The airline plans to resume service as soon as the airport in Port-au-Prince reopens . `` At this time we do n't know when we 'll be able to get flights in and out , '' Spirit spokeswoman Misty Pinson said via e-mail . The airline will give 5,000 free Spirit miles to the first 200,000 members of its frequent flier program who donate at least $ 5 to UNICEF , the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Airlines are uncertain about when commercial service to disaster-ravaged Haiti will resume . In the meantime , some carriers are organizing relief efforts . American Airlines canceled its five round-trip flights on Wednesday and Thursday . The airline is allowing passengers with plans to travel to Haiti this month to change their plans without fee or penalty through February 14 , spokesman Tim Smith said in an e-mail . `` We are completely out of Haiti today , no scheduled operations -- we do n't know yet for how long , '' he said . American Airlines plans to offer its frequent flier program members mileage incentives for contributing to the Red Cross , Smith said . The carrier flew three American Eagle aircraft into Haiti on Wednesday carrying 30,000 pounds of relief supplies for airline employees and local hospitals and aid efforts . The airline plans to send more relief flights on Thursday and Friday . `` The airport tower is badly damaged , and while I do n't know the precise status of the runway , flights -LRB- including ours and Air France 's -RRB- did make it out last night , '' Smith"} +{"answer":", to run a business , you have to have a lifetime of experience in business , but that 's not what Sarah Palin , John McCain , Joe Biden or Barack Obama are doing . '' Fiorina was president of Hewlett-Packard until her high-profile ousting in 2006 after the company 's unfavorable performance . `` If John McCain 's top economic adviser does n't think he can run a corporation , how on Earth can he run the largest economy in the world in the midst of a financial crisis ? '' said Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor . `` Apparently , even the people who run his campaign agree that the economy is an issue John McCain does n't understand as well as he should . '' Watch Fiorina says Palin is n't ready for big business '' Fiorina made similar comments earlier Thursday to a St. Louis , Missouri , radio station . She was asked if she thinks Palin is qualified to run a company like Hewlett-Packard . `` No , I do n't , '' Fiorina answered . `` But that 's not what she 's running for . Running a corporation is a different set","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Carly Fiorina , the former Hewlett-Packard CEO turned top John McCain aide , said she does n't think Sarah Palin is qualified to run a major corporation . For that matter , Fiorina said , McCain , Obama and Biden are n't capable of that kind of job either . Ex-Hewlett-Packard CEO and McCain adviser Carly Fiorina said Sarah Palin could not run a major company . The Republican presidential candidate has been trying to portray himself as someone who can fix the country 's economic woes . But that is a far different task than running a Fortune 500 corporation , Fiorina told MSNBC Tuesday . Democratic candidate Barack Obama 's camp immediately circulated copies of her words -- which did n't exactly paint their candidate in a soft light , either . `` Well , I do n't think John McCain could run a major corporation , I do n't think Barack Obama could run a major corporation , I do n't think Joe Biden could run a major corporation , '' Fiorina said . `` It is a fallacy to suggest that the country is like a company . So , of course"} +{"answer":"guilty on 14 , the court announced . They were charged with `` extermination , murder , rape , sexual slavery , forced marriages and physical violence '' as well as enslaving civilians , mutilating people , and pillaging . They were convicted on all counts except two specifically related to the kidnapping of international peacekeepers in May 2000 . Gbao was also found not guilty of two other charges related to an attack on peacekeepers , although Sesay and Kallon were convicted of those crimes . Human Rights Watch senior Africa researcher Corinne Dufka called the verdict `` very significant . '' `` The RUF were renowned for leading one of the most brutal rebel movements in modern days . Everyone knows about the signature atrocity of limb amputation , but there was also horrific sexual violence , abductions , use of child soldiers , and forced marriages , '' she told CNN by phone from Senegal in West Africa . She lived Sierra Leone from 1999 to 2004 , documenting atrocities . `` It was difficult to find someone who had n't been a victim of or a witness to a war crime , '' she said .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Three former leaders of Sierra Leone 's brutal Revolutionary United Front guerrilla movement were found guilty Wednesday of crimes against humanity including murder , rape , sexual slavery and forced marriages , the Special Court for Sierra Leone announced . The RUF rebels were notorious for brutality . The charges stemmed from a civil war in the diamond-rich West African nation that lasted more than 10 years and stood out for its viciousness , even on a continent that has suffered many vicious conflicts . It led to tens of thousands of deaths and more than 2 million people fleeing their homes in the country of 6 million . The RUF rebels were known for hacking off civilians ' hands and feet during the war , which lasted from March 1991 until January 2002 . Former RUF `` interim leader '' Issa Hassan Sesay , former RUF commander Morris Kallon and former RUF chief of security Augustine Gbao each faced 18 counts of war crimes , crimes against humanity , attacking U.N. peacekeepers , and recruiting and using child soldiers . Sesay and Kallon each were found guilty on 16 counts , while Gbao was found"} +{"answer":"tumors . 1900 -- Thor Stenbeck cures a patient with skin cancer using small doses of daily radiation therapy . This technique is later referred to as fractionated radiation therapy . 1900s -- Dr. George Papanicolaou invents the Pap smear test after his findings suggest that vaginal cell smears reveal the presence of cancer . 1943 -- The first electron linear accelerator is designed for radiation therapy . Today , it is widely used for treatment of cancer . Late 1960s -- Lars Leksell develops the Gamma Knife -- a radiosurgical tool that uses a high dose of radiation to eradicate cancerous cells . 1964 -- The Epstein-Barr virus is linked to human cancer for the first time . 1974 -- Dr. Lawrence Einhorn finds a cure for advanced testicular cancer . This changes the cure rate from 5 percent to 60 percent . 1975 -- Scientists Georges Kohler and Cesar Milstein develop tailor-made antibodies in large quantities in a laboratory , leading to ways of attacking cancer and diagnosing disease . They go on to win the Nobel Prize in 1984 . 1976 -- Michael Bishop and Harold Varmus discover oncogene , a gene that , when mutated or","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Greek physician Hippocrates was the first to use the words `` carcinos '' and `` carcinoma '' in 400 BC to describe tumors , which led to the term `` cancer '' being coined . Greek physician Hippocrates was the first to use the words `` carcinos '' and `` carcinoma '' to describe tumors , which led to the term ` cancer . '' Since his day , medical advances in the treatment of cancer have evolved significantly . Below we chart some of the key moments in the battle against cancer . 1890 -- William Stewart Halsted , the first professor of surgery at Johns Hopkins , Harvard , and Yale , performs the first mastectomy to treat breast cancer . 1895 -- Wilhelm Conrad R\u00f6ntgen discovers X-ray radiation , which makes the detection of tumors in the body much easier and non-invasive . Later in 1899 , Tage Anton Ultimus Sjogren becomes the first person to successfully treat cancer with X-rays . 1896 -- Removal of the ovaries is performed for the first time to treat breast cancer . 1898 -- Marie and Pierre Curie discover radium and later use it to treat"} +{"answer":"results '' `` We know this : No matter what happens tonight , we have nearly the same delegate lead as we had this morning , and we are on our way to winning this nomination , '' Obama told supporters in Texas . Sen. John McCain swept all four Republican contests on Tuesday to become his party 's presumptive nominee . Read about McCain 's victory McCain won primaries in Texas , Ohio , Vermont and Rhode Island , giving him more than the 1,191 delegates needed to clinch the GOP nomination . `` I am very , very grateful and pleased to note that tonight , my friends , we have won enough delegates to claim with confidence , humility and a great sense of responsibility , that I will be the Republican nominee for president of the United States , '' McCain told supporters Tuesday night . Watch McCain claim victory '' Mike Huckabee dropped out of the Republican race after the results came in . `` It 's now important that we turn our attention not to what could have been or what we wanted to have been , but now what must be -- and","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sen. Hillary Clinton got her campaign back on track with projected wins in the Texas , Ohio and Rhode Island primaries . Sen. Hillary Clinton claimed victory in Texas , Ohio and Rhode Island . Delegate-rich Texas and Ohio were considered must-wins for her campaign . Obama , who claimed victory in Vermont , had won 12 straight contests since Super Tuesday on February 5 . Texas also held Democratic caucuses Tuesday , but it was too close to declare a winner . `` For everyone here in Ohio and across America who 's been ever been counted out but refused to be knocked out , for everyone who has stumbled but stood right back up , and for everyone who works hard and never gives up -- this one is for you , '' Clinton said before supporters in Columbus . `` You know what they say , '' she said . `` As Ohio goes , so goes the nation . Well , this nation 's coming back and so is this campaign . '' Obama congratulated Clinton on her victories but downplayed his losses . CNN 's political team weighs in on the"} +{"answer":"area , but a U.N. refugee agency said Friday that a wave of `` fresh displacement '' has now exceeded 100,000 individuals . `` In the face of an unprecedented humanitarian crisis and in response to the calls made by the U.N. , EU , the governments of the USA , India and others , the -LRB- LTTE -RRB- has announced an unilateral cease-fire . All of LTTE 's offensive military operations will cease with immediate effect , '' the rebel leaders said in a written statement issued earlier Sunday . `` We welcome the attempts by the U.N. and its agencies to assist the civilian population and are ready to engage and cooperate with them to address the humanitarian needs of the population . ... We are in full agreement that the humanitarian crisis can only be overcome by declaration of an immediate cease-fire . '' The Tiger leadership asked the international community to `` pressure the Sri Lankan government to reciprocate '' on the cease-fire offer . The Tigers have been fighting for an independent state in Sri Lanka 's northeast since 1983 . As many as 70,000 people have been killed since the civil war began ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sri Lankan officials rejected a proposed cease-fire from the Tamil Tiger rebels Sunday , warning instead that government troops intended to continue a new offensive until the group surrenders , a senior government official said . Tamil demonstrators call for a cease-fire in Sri Lanka during a rally Saturday in Paris , France . `` The government is firm that -LRB- the rebels -RRB- lay down their arms and surrender . We do not recognize this so-called offer , '' said Lakshman Hulugalle , director of Sri Lanka 's Media Center for National Security . The proposed cease-fire came six days after the Sri Lankan army launched a new offensive against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam -LRB- LTTE -RRB- in the country 's northern area . Government troops made significant advances into rebel-held territory on Friday and Saturday , according to Sri Lankan Army sources . A government-imposed deadline for the Tigers to surrender passed last Tuesday . Tens of thousands of displaced civilians currently remain wedged in a dwindling swath of territory controlled by the Tigers along the country 's northeastern coast . Government troops say they have rescued 39,000 civilians trapped in the"} +{"answer":"to the program , why are some people turning to wilderness areas for their food ? In your opinion , is hunting bush meat different from hunting wild game in the United States ? Explain your rationale . 4 . What are some of the negative impacts of hunting bush meat on the local ecology ? Do you think these environmental concerns should outweigh the demand for food in these villages ? Explain . 5 . What are some factors that might cause an increase in the spread of zoonotic viruses ? What are some methods Dr. Nathan Wolfe has used to stop the spread of zoonotic viruses ? In your opinion , how might scientists and policymakers prevent the spread of these diseases ? Nigerian Oil 1 . What valuable resource found in Nigeria generates billions of dollars in revenue ? 2 . Who is currently benefiting from the oil revenues ? In your opinion , who should benefit from Nigeria 's oil resources ? Explain . 3 . What is MEND ? What is MEND 's goal ? How is MEND trying to achieve that goal ? 4 . Do you agree with MEND 's tactics ? If","question":"-LRB- CNN Student News -RRB- -- Watch `` Planet in Peril : Battle Lines '' on Thursday , December 11 , at 9 p.m. ET\/PT on CNN , hosted by Anderson Cooper , chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta , and `` The Oprah Winfrey Show '' correspondent and National Geographic host Lisa Ling . CNN 's award-winning series examines the environmental conflicts between growing populations and natural resources . After watching `` Planet in Peril , '' use these questions to focus students ' attention on the concepts explored in the program . Teachers : `` Planet in Peril : Battle Lines '' depicts environmental struggles in the real world . The scenes and accounts presented may not be appropriate for all students . Please determine whether this content is appropriate for your students . Bush meat and Zoonotic Viruses 1 . What is bush meat ? According to the program , what are some examples of bush meat ? Why do people eat bush meat ? 2 . What are zoonotic viruses ? What are some examples of zoonotic viruses described in the show ? What is the relationship between bushmeat and zoonotic viruses ? 3 . According"} +{"answer":"champions Olympiakos , who stunned Marseille 1-0 in France . Koannis Fetfatzidis netted a late winner to leave Olympiakos third on six points , one point behind Marseille , with Dortmund bottom of the table on four points . However , there is a scenario that could see all those teams finish on seven points , if Olympiakos draw with Arsenal and Dortmund defeat Marseille in the final group matches in a fortnight . Meanwhile , there was drama in Group E , with Bayer Leverkusen scoring a last-gasp winner against Chelsea to virtually secure their place in the last 16 with a 2-1 victory . An injury time header from defender Manuel Friedrich saw the home side fight back from going a goal down , to inflict Chelsea 's fourth defeat in seven matches and increase the pressure on under-fire manager Andre Villas-Boas . The visitors went ahead three minutes after the break when Didier Drogba turned smartly in the area before firing into the bottom corner of the net . But the German side levelled in the 73rd minute when substitute Eren Derdiyok headed into an empty net after goalkeeper Petr Cech came off his line to try","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Dutch striker Robin van Persie continued his superb scoring streak this season , netting another double as Arsenal beat German champions Borussia Dortmund 2-1 in the European Champions League to clinch top spot in Group F and secure qualification for the last 16 . Captain Van Persie had already found the net 15 times for Arsenal this season , and he added another one to his tally in the 49th minute when he headed home after some superb individual play on the left from Alex Song . And Van Persie wrapped up a comfortable night for the Gunners when scoring his 17th goal from just 18 matches , tapping home from close range after Mikel Arteta 's corner had been flicked on at the near post by Thomas Vermaelen . Dortmund did pull one back through Shinji Kagawa with the final kick of the game , but it was too late to make a difference as Arsenal made it eight wins and a draw from their last nine matches , following a poor start to the season . Andre-Villas Boas needs to be given more time Arsenal are on 11 points , four clear of Greek"} +{"answer":"state and Washington are going to be shut . In order to get in : walk or take public transport , such as the metro area 's subway system . Amtrak says that it has increased the number -- and length -- of trains running to Washington on Inauguration Day and that tickets are still available but are going fast . iReport.com : Are you going to the inauguration ? Security officials also say charter buses , taxis and car services will be another option for those attending . Q : What ca n't I bring ? A : There are several obvious items that are prohibited , according to the U.S. Secret Service , including : `` Firearms , ammunition , explosives , weapons of any kind , aerosols , supports for signs and placards , packages , coolers , thermal or glass containers , backpacks , bags exceeding size restrictions , laser pointers , animals other than helper\/guide dogs , structures , bicycles and any other items determined to be a potential safety hazard . '' Items surrendered to security officials will not be returned . Other items that are being banned include baby strollers and umbrellas .","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The 2009 presidential inauguration is looking to be historic and , frankly , headache-inducing for the throngs of people descending on the nation 's capital to watch Barack Obama sworn in as the 44th president . Workers are putting the finishing touches on the innaugural stage on the steps of U.S. Capitol . CNN has compiled a list of frequently asked questions and answers . Q : How crowded will Washington be , and how will I get around ? A : Think Times Square on New Year 's Eve . Throw in tight security , then multiply that by 12 . At least , that 's how it will most likely feel . Nearly 2 million people are expected to hit the streets of the nation 's capital January 20 . Police will be shutting bridges across the Potomac River into Washington , along with a huge chunk of the downtown area . Two of the major routes coming into the city -- Interstates 395 and 66 -- will be closed to inbound traffic , at least for private vehicles . And for those coming from Virginia , all of the bridges between the"} +{"answer":"advocacy group Veterans of Modern Warfare . `` This is a bittersweet victory , -LSB- because -RSB- this is what Gulf War veterans have been saying all along , '' Hardie said at a news conference in Washington . `` Years were squandered by the federal government ... trying to disprove that anything could be wrong with Gulf War veterans . '' The committee 's report , titled `` Gulf War Illness and the Health of Gulf War Veterans , '' was officially presented Monday to Secretary of Veterans Affairs James Peake . Noting that overall funding for research into Gulf War illness has declined dramatically since 2001 , it calls for a `` renewed federal research commitment '' to `` identify effective treatments for Gulf War illness and address other priority Gulf War health issues . '' Watch CNN 's Elizabeth Cohen report more on Gulf War illness '' According to the report , Gulf War illness is a `` complex of multiple concurrent symptoms '' that `` typically includes persistent memory and concentration problems , chronic headaches , widespread pain , gastrointestinal problems , and other chronic abnormalities . '' The illness may also be potentially tied to","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An extensive federal report released Monday concludes that roughly one in four of the 697,000 U.S. veterans of the 1990-91 Gulf War suffer from Gulf War illness . A U.S. soldier wears protection against chemical weapons during the Gulf War in a February 1991 photo . That illness is a condition now identified as the likely consequence of exposure to toxic chemicals , including pesticides and a drug administered to protect troops against nerve gas . The 452-page report states that `` scientific evidence leaves no question that Gulf War illness is a real condition with real causes and serious consequences for affected veterans . '' The report , compiled by a panel of scientific experts and veterans serving on the congressionally mandated Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans ' Illnesses , fails to identify any cure for the malady . It also notes that few veterans afflicted with Gulf War illness have recovered over time . `` Today 's report brings to a close one of the darkest chapters in the legacy of the 1991 Gulf War , '' said Anthony Hardie , a member of the committee and a member of the"} +{"answer":"Cabinet since the March presidential election , during which no candidate won enough votes to avoid a runoff , according to the government . After opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai withdrew from a June runoff , saying Mugabe 's supporters had waged a campaign of violence against opposition supporters , Tsvangirai and Mugabe reached a power-sharing agreement that has yet to be implemented . The political impasse has aggravated the country 's humanitarian and economic crisis , including a cholera outbreak that began in August . Frazer said that during her trip , she consulted with the leaders of Zimbabwe 's neighbors who are stuck between their concerns about Mugabe 's grip on power and their support of the power-sharing agreement , which they still think is the best way to deal with the crisis without creating a backlash . Frazer said she believes it could be weeks before African leaders put pressure on Mugabe to step down , which she said could be achieved by simply telling him with one voice that he should go . She said the U.N. Security Council will deal with the issue of Zimbabwe next month . This time , she said , South Africa","question":"PRETORIA , South Africa -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The United States no longer supports a power-sharing deal between Zimbabwe 's President Robert Mugabe and the country 's main opposition because a viable unity government is not possible with Mugabe in power , a top U.S. diplomat said Sunday . Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe , in a speech to supporters Saturday , refused calls to step down . The statement from U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer follows recent calls from President Bush and other world leaders for Mugabe to abandon power amid a growing cholera epidemic that the United Nations says has killed more than 1,000 people in recent months . Frazer visited southern Africa to articulate the change in U.S. policy toward Mugabe at the request of U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice . She made the comments Sunday during a roundtable discussion with journalists in Pretoria , South Africa , before her expected return to the United States later in the day . She called for a new vote in Zimbabwe . `` Fresh elections are necessary but not possible under the current environment , '' Frazer told reporters . Zimbabwe has had no"} +{"answer":"Three civilians were killed , and nine were wounded . A bomb exploded Tuesday inside a minibus in southeastern Baghdad 's Rustumiya district , killing two passengers and wounding five , an Iraqi Interior Ministry official said . Insurgents also attacked a minibus filled with police recruits Monday in Baaj , a Nineveh province town near the Syrian border , killing 11 people , according to Mosul police . Iraqi security forces arrested 15 people in connection with the attack . Backed by U.S. soldiers , Iraqi forces have been conducting an offensive against al Qaeda in Iraq in Mosul and the rest of Nineveh province . American-led coalition troops killed a senior al Qaeda in Iraq leader east of Samarra in northern Iraq on Tuesday , the U.S. military said . Meanwhile , the agreement forged to end the weeks of fighting in the capital 's Sadr City is taking hold , government officials and witnesses said . Thousands of soldiers and police officers have moved deep inside the restive neighborhood without resistance from Shiite militia members who have been fighting Iraqi and U.S. troops . The troops have been clearing mines and soon will begin the process of","question":"BAGHDAD , Iraq -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Attackers launched assaults across Iraq over the past 24 hours , killing 11 police recruits and six civilians , including a 7-year-old . Iraqi and U.S. troops conduct a joint patrol Monday in the northern city of Mosul during a push against insurgents . Also , the U.S. military said it killed an al Qaeda in Iraq leader in northern Iraq . The violence erupted as a peace agreement was taking hold in Baghdad 's Sadr City , for weeks the scene of battles between Iraqi security forces and Shiite militias . A suicide bomber exploded his vest outside the house of an Awakening Council leader , Sheikh Mutleb al-Nadawi , about 50 miles -LRB- 80 kilometers -RRB- east of Baquba in Diyala province , the military command in Diyala said . Al-Nadawi was in the house and escaped injury , but a 7-year-old was killed and two of al-Nadawi 's bodyguards were wounded . Awakening Councils are the U.S.-backed Sunni groups that oppose al Qaeda in Iraq . A mortar round landed on a busy outdoor market in Balad Ruz , about 25 miles -LRB- 40 kilometers -RRB- east of Baquba ."} +{"answer":"the war in Afghanistan , according to a CNN\/Opinion Research Corp. poll conducted in February . Watch CNN 's Bill Schneider break down the numbers '' Last month , Americans were almost evenly divided between those who support the war and those who oppose it , the poll showed , with 47 percent in favor and 51 percent opposed . Opposition to the war in Afghanistan is more muted than opposition to the war in Iraq , but it 's not so muted among Democrats . Two-thirds of Americans overall oppose the war in Iraq , but 64 percent of Democrats oppose the war in Afghanistan . The anti-war movements in Vietnam and Iraq helped define what the Democratic Party stands for . Watch : Is Afghanistan Obama 's Vietnam ? '' `` If we do n't learn from our Iraq experience , we are doomed to repeat it , '' Rep. Lynn Woolsey , D-California , said on the House floor Thursday . Why are Americans wary about Afghanistan ? The recession . Iraq War fatigue . And frustration . Only 31 percent of Americans believe the United States is winning the war in Afghanistan . Fifty percent believe","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- How does the American public feel about the war in Afghanistan ? In a word , wary . U.S. forces have been engaged in fierce fighting to oust the Taliban in Afghanistan . President Obama on Friday announced his strategy to fight terrorism in Afghanistan and Pakistan , a plan that includes more troops , new legislation , improved troop training and added civilian expertise . `` The United States of American did not choose to fight a war in Afghanistan . Nearly 3,000 of our people were killed on September 11 , 2001 , '' Obama said Friday . `` We have a clear and focused goal : to disrupt , dismantle and defeat al Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan , '' he said . Stressing that `` the safety of people around the world is at stake , '' Obama said the `` situation is increasingly perilous '' in the region in and around Afghanistan , where the United States has been fighting al Qaeda and the Taliban for more than 7 1\/2 years after attacks in New York and at the Pentagon . Nevertheless , the American public has been wary about"} +{"answer":"services to the Department of Defense in connection with the Iraq war , according to court documents . The companies received a `` blanket purchase agreement '' to deliver bottled water in Iraq and a contract to build a security fence in Kuwait , authorities said . Such an agreement is `` an indefinite delivery , indefinite quantity contract by which the DoD agrees to pay a contractor a specified price for a particular good or service , '' according to the Department of Justice . `` Based on a -LRB- blanket purchase agreement -RRB- , the DoD is permitted to order the supplies on an as-needed basis , and the contractor is bound by the price agreed upon in the -LRB- agreement -RRB- . '' Hall faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison on the money laundering conspiracy charge and a maximum of five years on the bribery conspiracy charge , plus a $ 250,000 fine on each charge . In addition , Hall agreed to forfeit some $ 15.7 million to the U.S. government . It was unclear when he is scheduled to be sentenced . Others who have pleaded guilty in the probe include former","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A former U.S. military contractor has pleaded guilty to federal charges in a kickback scheme involving Army contracting officials , the Department of Justice said . Terry Hall , 43 , of Snellville , Georgia , pleaded guilty to bribery conspiracy and money laundering conspiracy in federal court in Birmingham , Alabama , on Wednesday , the department said in a release . Hall ran several companies that received $ 21 million as part of contracts with the Department of Defense , prosecutors said . `` To obtain the contracting business and facilitate unlawful payments by other contractors , Hall admitted he made more than $ 3 million in unlawful payments and provided other valuable items and services to U.S. Army contracting officials '' stationed at Camp Arifjan , an Army base in Kuwait , authorities said . The case against Hall stemmed from `` a wide-ranging investigation of corruption at the Camp Arifjan contracting office , '' authorities said . Hall is the eighth person to enter a guilty plea in connection with the bribery scheme . Hall 's companies , including Freedom Consulting and Catering Co. and Total Government Allegiance , provided goods and"} +{"answer":". Watch Linda Kasabian describe the murders '' `` Last we heard , she is expected to attend , '' Thornton said Tuesday of Atkins . The proceeding is scheduled to be held in a hearing room , but depending on Atkins ' condition , it could be held at her bedside , Thornton said . The panel is expected to render its decision following the hearing after deliberating behind closed doors , she said . Atkins -- California 's longest-serving female inmate -- has been denied parole 12 times previously , Thornton said . She was 21 when she and other followers of Charles Manson participated in a two-night rampage that left seven people dead and terrorized the city of Los Angeles in August 1969 . She and the others -- Manson , Leslie Van Houten , Patricia Krenwinkel and Charles `` Tex '' Watson -- were initially sentenced to death in the slayings of five people , including Tate , and two additional deaths the following night . Their sentences were automatically commuted to life in prison when the Supreme Court struck down the nation 's death penalty laws in 1972 . By her own admission , Atkins","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A former `` Manson family '' member who stabbed actress Sharon Tate to death more than 40 years ago and is now terminally ill faces her 13th parole hearing on Wednesday . Susan Atkins , shown here after her indictment in the Manson murders , has a parole hearing Wednesday . Susan Atkins , 61 , has terminal brain cancer . As of earlier this year , she was paralyzed over 85 percent of her body and could not sit up in bed or be moved into a wheelchair , according to a Web site maintained by her husband and attorney , James Whitehouse . However , despite her declining health and an impressive prison record , Whitehouse wrote , `` there is still a very real chance the Parole Board will nonetheless insist her release would be a danger to society . '' The hearing will be held at the Central California Women 's Facility at Chowchilla , California , said Terry Thornton , spokeswoman for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation . Atkins was moved to the Chowchilla facility from the California Institution for Women at Frontera last year because of her illness"} +{"answer":"likely causes included packing equipment that `` was not easily cleaned and sanitized '' and the use of washing and drying equipment for cantaloupe packing as well as other raw agricultural commodities . In addition , the agency said in a statement , the facility lacked a `` pre-cooling step '' to remove field heat from the cantaloupes before cold storage , possibly leading to condensation in the cooling process that promoted growth of the listeria bacteria . A letter dated Tuesday from the FDA to Jensen Farms cited violations in sanitary conditions . The letter said tests at the facility found listeria bacteria contamination . `` These positive swabs were taken from different locations throughout the washing and packing areas in your facility , all of which were either food contact surfaces or areas adjacent to food contact surfaces , '' the letter said . `` This significant percentage of swabs that tested positive for outbreak strains of Listeria monocytogenes demonstrates widespread contamination throughout your facility and indicates poor sanitary practices in the facility . '' According to the letter , the company has 15 days to document steps it has taken to correct the problems . The letter","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Unsanitary conditions at a Colorado cantaloupe farm 's packing facility are a possible contributing cause of one of the nation 's worst outbreaks of listeria contamination in food , the Food and Drug Administration said Wednesday . Meanwhile , a Centers for Disease Control official said it is too early to declare the outbreak over , but the number of new cases appeared to be diminishing . `` The peak in illnesses appears to have occurred from late August until the middle of September , '' said Dr. Barbara Mahon of the CDC , who added that additional monitoring will be needed for at least another two weeks . The FDA said it was unable to pinpoint the definitive cause of the outbreak , which has been linked to 25 deaths so far . An FDA letter to Jensen Farms of Granada , Colorado , however , cited violations in sanitary conditions that must be addressed . It said tests showed `` widespread contamination throughout your facility and indicates poor sanitary practices in the facility . '' The agency cited several likely causes of the spread of the Listeria monocytogenes bacteria at Jensen Farms . The"} +{"answer":"having a numerical advantage for the whole of the second half , Tottenham failed to find the goal they needed . The result means PAOK are top on 11 points and have qualified for the last 32 knockout stage . Russian side Rubin Kazan are second on 10 points after thrashing Shamrock Rovers 4-1 in the other group game . For Spurs to qualify , they will now need to win heavily at Shamrock in their final match , and hope Rubin Kazan are beaten at PAOK in the other tie . Also through to the last 32 are 2010 winners Atletico Madrid , after the Spanish side won 1-0 at Celtic in Group I thanks to a superb long-range strike from Turkish international Arda Turan on the half-hour mark . The other match between Rennes of France and Italians Udinese ended 0-0 , a result that means Atletico have qualified with 10 points ahead of the final round of matches . Udinese are second on eight points and they will secure their place in the knockout round if they draw at home to Celtic in their final game , with the Scottish side needing a victory to progress .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- English Premier League form side Tottenham are on the brink of going out of the Europa League after Greek outfit PAOK Salonika claimed a shock 2-1 Group A victory at White Hart Lane . Tottenham have been in superb form in recent weeks , winning nine of their last 10 league games to move up to third place in the table . However , their European form has not been as strong , and this month 's 1-0 reverse at Rubin Kazan was followed by another defeat on Wednesday to leave Harry Redknapp 's side needing PAOK to win their last game next month in order to help Tottenham achieve qualification through to the last 32 . The visitors went ahead in the sixth minute when an unmarked Dimitris Salpingidis guided the ball home from Giorgos Georgiadis ' right-wing cross . And PAOK doubled their lead seven minutes later when Stefanos Athanasiadis tapped home from close range after more suspect Spurs marking . The home side pulled one back seven minutes before the break when Luka Modric scored from the penalty spot after Konstantinos Stafylidis was dismissed for handball on the line . However , despite"} +{"answer":"of the operation , but as a guide , the usual rehabilitation period for this type of procedure is around six weeks . '' The World Cup in South Africa kicks off on June 11 , with Spain 's first match against Switzerland five days later -- which gives Torres a two-week window to return to match fitness . Spain coach Vicente del Bosque must name his final 23-man squad by June 1 . European champions Spain will have pre-tournament friendlies in Austria against Saudi Arabia on May 29 and South Korea on June 3 , then play Poland in Murcia on June 8 . Meanwhile , Arsenal 's English Premier League title hopes are over after the third-placed London club conceded three goals in the last 11 minutes to lose 3-2 at struggling Wigan . Arsenal led with goals by England winger Theo Walcott and French defender Mikael Silvestre either side of halftime , but Ben Watson pulled one back with 10 minutes to play and a howler by Polish goalkeeper Lukasz Fabianski gifted Titus Bramble a headed equalizer and Charles N'Zogbia curled in a superb injury-time winner . It was Arsenal 's second defeat in five days following","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Spain striker Fernando Torres faces a race against time to be fit for the start of the World Cup after being ruled out for the rest of the European soccer season . Torres ' English club Liverpool announced that the player was to have knee surgery on Sunday night and would be sidelined out for about six weeks . That means the 26-year-old will miss the last four games of the English Premier League campaign , with Liverpool battling to qualify for next season 's Champions League . He has scored 22 goals this season , but had a month out after a knee operation in January . Top scorer Torres will also sit out both legs of the Europa League semifinal against Spanish side Atletico Madrid , with the second-tier European club tournament being Liverpool 's only hope of winning a trophy this season . `` Fernando saw a specialist in Spain earlier today and it was decided that he would need surgery on a torn cartilage in his right knee , '' Liverpool 's Web site reported on Sunday . `` This will be carried out later tonight . We can not comment ahead"} +{"answer":"meat , according to the USDA . `` Because the health and safety of our consumers is our top priority , we are taking these expansive measures , '' said Vice President of Operations Geoffrey Livermore in the statement . `` Topps is continuing to work with the USDA , state departments of health , retailers and distributors to ensure the safety of our consumers . Additionally , we have augmented our internal quality control procedures with microbiologists and food safety experts . We sincerely regret any inconvenience and concerns this may cause our consumers , '' Livermore said . This is the company 's first recall in its 65 years of business , the statement said . Consumers who find the products at home are asked to cut off the UPC code and return it to Topps for a full refund , then dispose of the product immediately , Topps spokeswoman Michelle Williams said . The company said to avoid E. coli , consumers should wash hands thoroughly after handling the beef . Topps set up a toll-free recall help line at -LRB-888-RRB- 734-0451 . Williams said because the products may have been produced up to a year ago","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Topps Meat Co. on Saturday expanded a recall of ground beef from about 300,000 pounds to 21.7 million pounds , one of the largest meat recalls in U.S. history . The recalled products are all ground beef patties with various brand names . In a statement , the Elizabeth , New Jersey , company said the hamburger patties may be contaminated with E. coli O157 : H7 , a bacterium that can cause severe diarrhea and cramps , as well as other complications . A statement from the U.S. Department of Agriculture said 25 illnesses are under investigation in Connecticut , Florida , Indiana , Maine , New Jersey , New York , Ohio and Pennsylvania . The ground beef products being recalled have a `` sell by date '' or a `` best if used by date '' between September 25 , 2007 , and September 25 , 2008 , Topps ' statement said . Watch the latest on the beef recall '' The packages also have the marking `` Est. 9748 '' inside the USDA mark of inspection . Tuesday , the company announced a recall of about 331,000 pounds of hamburger"} +{"answer":"13 Oscar nods . Ledger , who was 28 when he died just more than a year ago of an accidental prescription drug overdose , won his award for his role in `` The Dark Knight , '' 2008 's box-office king . Ledger 's performance was widely praised , and he won the Golden Globe for best supporting actor two weeks ago . He also is considered the front-runner for an Academy Award for supporting actor . Watch a roundup of SAG winners '' Actor Gary Oldman accepted the SAG award for his friend . `` He was an extraordinary young man with an extra ordinary talent , and it is wonderful that you have acknowledged that and honored that talent tonight , '' Oldman said . Josh Brolin , one of four actors who lost to Ledger on Sunday night , compared the SAG awards to `` a big campfire we 're all showing up for . '' `` It 's not a competition , '' Brolin said . `` We 're just happy to party together . '' Meryl Streep echoed Brolin 's words when she accepted for best leading actress in a movie for her role","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The actors of `` Slumdog Millionaire '' won outstanding performance by a cast in a motion picture , and Heath Ledger posthumously won best supporting male actor at the 15th annual Screen Actors Guild Awards on Sunday . `` Slumdog Millionaire '' actors Irrfan Khan , Dev Patel , Freida Pinto and Anil Kapoor accept the film-cast prize . `` It was overwhelming enough to be nominated , but to win this is unbelievable , '' said `` Slumdog '' actor Anil Kapoor of the award given to him and his cast mates at Los Angeles ' Shrine Exposition Center . The cast 's win comes two weeks after the modestly budgeted movie , about a poverty-raised orphan in Mumbai who goes on the Indian version of `` Who Wants to Be a Millionaire , '' won the Golden Globe award for best drama . The film has been nominated for 10 Oscars , including for best picture . `` The Curious Case of Benjamin Button , '' the big name when the Academy Award nominations were announced earlier this week , was shut out at the SAG Awards . The movie leads all films with"} +{"answer":"234 million , which surpasses the Democratic record of $ 215 million that 2004 nominee Sen. John Kerry raised in that presidential primary season . Obama is $ 25 million shy of President Bush 's presidential primary fundraising record of $ 259 million , set in his uncontested campaign in 2004 . Obama raised $ 194 million through the end of February . Official fundraising tallies for March are due to the Federal Election Commission by April 20 . Clinton raised $ 156 million through the end of February . The Clinton campaign said Thursday morning it would not release March figures until required to file its FEC report , two days before the critical Pennsylvania primary April 22 . But later , campaign sources provided the figures , which show March to be Clinton 's second-highest fund-raising month for the campaign . A Clinton spokesman downplayed the importance of Obama 's fundraising total . `` We knew that he was going to out-raise us . He has out-raised us for the last several months , '' Howard Wolfson said after Obama 's figures were released . `` We will have the resources that we need to compete and be","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sen. Barack Obama raised more than $ 40 million from more than 442,000 donors in March , his presidential campaign announced Thursday . Sen. Barack Obama greets campaign volunteers during a stop in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Wednesday . More than 218,000 of the donors were giving for the first time , the campaign said . The figures are estimates , a campaign spokesman said . `` We 're still calculating . '' Sources in Sen. Hillary Clinton 's campaign said the New York senator raised $ 20 million in March . Impressive as the $ 40 million figure is , it is well below the $ 55 million Obama raised in February . Clinton , Obama 's rival for the Democratic nomination , raised about $ 35 million in February . Political analysts say this kind of fundraising power catches the attention of voters . `` They add to the so-called ` bandwagon effect ' -- the sense that Obama is building , that he 's going to be the nominee , '' said Stu Rothenberg of the Rothenberg Political Report . With its March totals , the Obama campaign has raised approximately $"} +{"answer":"one of the woman 's brothers , said it was `` overwhelming '' to be in the same room as Guede when the judge convicted and sentenced him . But Lyle Kercher , a second brother , said that `` pleased '' was n't the right word for the family 's feelings , noting that his sister was murdered . `` Satisfied '' was more appropriate given the circumstances , he said . At his lawyers ' request , Guede , hoping for a lesser sentence , received a separate fast-track trial from Knox and Sollecito . Lawyers for Sollecito , 24 , and Knox , 21 , asked that their clients -- who have been in jail since shortly after the murder -- be allowed to stay under house arrest if indicted . However , Sollecito 's attorney , Luca Maori , and Knox 's attorney , Carlo Dalla Vedova , said the judge had not ruled on their request . They expect an answer in coming days , they said . Prosecutors allege Guede committed sexual violence against Kercher with the help of Knox and Sollecito . They have said the three then strangled and stabbed the British","question":"PERUGIA , Italy -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A judge Tuesday convicted Rudy Guede , a native of the Ivory Coast , in last year 's murder of a British woman in Italy and sentenced him to 30 years in prison . Briton Meredith Kercher was found dead in her Perugia apartment last November . Judge Paolo Micheli also ruled that adequate evidence exists to try an American woman , Amanda Knox , and her former Italian boyfriend , Raffaele Sollecito , in the killing of Meredith Kercher , said defense attorneys and Francisco Maresca , the lawyer for the victim 's family . Their trial will begin December 4 . Guede , Knox and Sollecito have all denied wrongdoing . Guede 's attorney said he will appeal the conviction and sentence . Kercher , a 21-year-old exchange student at the University of Perugia , was found nearly a year ago , dead in her bed , with a knife wound to her neck . Official reports said Kercher may have been sexually assaulted before she died and that she bled to death . Members of Kercher 's family spoke to reporters following the court proceeding . John Kercher Jr. ,"} +{"answer":"a pregnant woman may see them , or does not make the fetus ' heartbeat audible . It also blocked penalties against the woman . A previous U.S. Supreme Court ruling in a Pennsylvania case `` held that the fact that such truthful , accurate information may cause a woman to choose not to abort her pregnancy only reinforces its relevance to an informed decision , '' U.S. Circuit Judge Patrick Higginbotham wrote in a concurring opinion . `` Insisting that a doctor give this information in his traditional role of securing informed consent is permissible . '' `` Today 's ruling is a victory for all who stand in defense of life , '' Texas Gov. Rick Perry said in a statement . `` Every life lost to abortion is a tragedy , and this important sonogram legislation ensures that every Texas woman seeking an abortion has all the facts about the life she is carrying , and understands the devastating impact of such a life-ending decision . `` We will continue to fight any attempt to limit our state 's laws that value and protect the unborn , '' Perry said . The suit was filed by the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A three-judge federal appeals court panel Tuesday overturned a lower court 's order blocking key parts of a Texas law requiring doctors to provide a sonogram to pregnant women before they get an abortion , potentially clearing the way for enforcement of the law . In August , just before the law was set to take effect September 1 , U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks in Austin , Texas , found several portions of the law `` unconstitutionally vague , '' and ruled it violated the First Amendment by compelling doctors and patients to engage in government-mandated speech . But a panel on the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals vacated Sparks ' injunction against enforcing the law , saying opponents did not prove it violated the Constitution . The panel remanded the suit back to the lower court for further proceedings . As written , the law would require women seeking an abortion in Texas to view a picture of the embryo or fetus and hear a description of its development before having the procedure . Sparks ' injunction blocked Texas from enforcing any penalties against a doctor who failed to place sonogram pictures where"} +{"answer":"the bets as soon as they learned it was against the rules . Another Italian player , Alessio Di Mauro , became the first player sanctioned under the ATP 's new anti-corruption rules when he received a nine-month ban in November , also for betting on matches . Starace and Bracciali said they were scapegoats for a larger match-fixing scandal . `` It 's disgusting , '' said the 26-year-old Starace . `` The ATP does n't know where to turn . It 's all a joke . '' Bracciali said the two had been `` sacrificed . '' `` That 's why they came after us , '' the 29-year-old said . `` We are not champions and we do n't count in the upper echelons . '' ATP officials could not be reached for comment on Saturday . Concerns about match-fixing have risen since August , when an online betting company reported unusual betting patterns during a match between fourth-ranked Nikolay Davydenko of Russia and Martin Vassallo Arguello of Argentina . The company , Betfair , voided all bets and the ATP has been investigating . Davydenko , who retired while trailing in the third set , denies","question":"ROME , Italy -- Italian tennis players Potito Starace and Daniele Bracciali have been banned by the ATP for betting on matches . Top Italian player Potito Starace has been suspended for six weeks for betting on matches . The country 's top player Starace -- 31st in the ATP rankings -- has been suspended for six weeks from January 1 and fined $ 30,000 -LRB- 20,890 euros -RRB- for making five bets totalling around 90 euros two years ago . Bracciali , world ranked 258 , has been banned for three months and fined $ 20,000 -LRB- 13,930 euros -RRB- for making around 50 five-euro bets between 2004 and 2005 . The Italian Tennis Federation -LRB- FIT -RRB- confirmed the news on its website , www.federtennis.it . However , they denounced the penalties as disproportionate , saying the players never bet on their own matches . `` Injustice is done , '' the statement said . `` These penalties are absolutely , excessively severe compared to the magnitude of the violations carried out by the two players . '' The federation said the two were not aware of the ATP 's betting regulations , and that they stopped placing"} +{"answer":"there 's evidence of torture '' `` There is no longer any doubt that the current administration committed war crimes , '' Taguba says . `` The only question is whether those who ordered torture will be held to account . '' Over the years , reports of abuses at Abu Ghraib and allegations of torture at Guantanamo prompted the Bush administration to deny that the U.S. military tortures detainees . Since only 11 detainees were examined `` the findings of this assessment can not be generalized to the treatment of all detainees in U.S. custody , '' the report says . However , the incidents documented are consistent with findings of other investigations into government treatment , `` making it reasonable to conclude that these detainees were not the only ones abused , but are representative of a much larger number of detainees subjected to torture and ill treatment while in U.S. custody . '' Four of the men evaluated were arrested in or taken to Afghanistan between late 2001 and early 2003 and later were sent to Guantanamo Bay , where they were held for an average of three years before being released without charge , the report","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former terrorist suspects detained by the United States were tortured , according to medical examinations detailed in a report released Wednesday by a human rights group . A U.S. serviceman with his dog watches a detainee at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq in 2003 . The Massachusetts-based Physicians for Human Rights reached that conclusion after two-day clinical evaluations of 11 former detainees , who had been held at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq , at Guantanamo Bay , Cuba , and in Afghanistan . The detainees were never charged with crimes . `` We found clear physical and psychological evidence of torture and abuse , often causing lasting suffering , '' said Dr. Allen Keller , a medical evaluator for the study . In a 121-page report , the doctors ' group said that it uncovered medical evidence of torture , including beatings , electric shock , sleep deprivation , sexual humiliation , sodomy and scores of other abuses . The report is prefaced by retired U.S. Major Gen. Antonio Taguba , who led the Army 's investigation into the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal in 2003 . Watch why a rights group says"} +{"answer":"a Catholic church in Silver Spring , Maryland , a suburb of Washington , D.C. , Friday evening to offer prayers for members of the area 's Haitian community in the wake of the earthquake in their homeland . 9:54 p.m. -- A general lack of resources in makeshift medical clinics means patients are undergoing amputations without anesthesia and staff are cleaning apparatus with soap and water , according to CNN Medical Correspondent Elizabeth Cohen . `` They 're not even low-tech , they 're no tech , '' she says . Read more 9:49 p.m. -- A top United Nations official acknowledges that the earthquake relief operation in Haiti is not progressing fast enough : `` You ca n't snap your fingers and make it happen just by magic , '' U.N. Emergency Relief Coordinator John Holmes says . `` We will do it , slowly and surely . '' 9:07 p.m. -- Y\u00e9le Haiti , the charity organization founded by musician Wyclef Jean , denies allegations that the organization is misusing donations : `` Wyclef Jean , the founder of Y\u00e9le Haiti , has never profited from his organization . It 's a shame that during this international","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- 10:54 p.m. -- People looking for loved ones in Haiti are posting their pictures on CNN.com 's iReport page dedicated to them . Likewise , people in Haiti are sending messages out to say they 're OK . Are you there ? Send us images , video 10:45 p.m. -- CNN 's Chief Medical Correspondent Sanjay Gupta is the only doctor left at a makeshift hospital in Port-au-Prince after medical personnel were told by United Nations officials to leave the area . `` There is concern about riots not far from here -- and this is part of the problem , '' Gupta said . 10:16 p.m. -- Officials caution that international aid teams arriving in Haiti need to be self-sufficient or they 'll be putting pressure on services that are already strained : `` If aid personnel arrive needing support in terms of transportation , lodging , food , and water , this just puts additional stress on services that are already constrained and needed by the Haitian population , '' said Dr. Jon Andrus , deputy director of the Pan American Health Organization . 10:07 p.m. -- Hundreds of people filled the pews of"} +{"answer":"in areas where Taliban and al Qaeda leaders are believed to have free rein . Swat has been overrun by forces loyal to Maulana Fazlullah 's banned hardline Islamic group , Tehreek Nifaz-e-Shariat Mohammadi -LRB- TNSM -RRB- which has allied itself with Taliban fighters . TNSM was once led by Sufi Mohammed , Fazlullah 's father-in-law who is leading the latest negotiations . Sufi Mohammed was released from jail last year by Pakistani authorities after he agreed to cooperate with the government . He had been jailed in 2002 after recruiting thousands of fighters to battle U.S. forces in Afghanistan . Fazlullah took over TNSM during Sufi Mohammed 's jail stint and vowed to continue his fight to impose fundamentalist Islamic law in the region . Last May , Pakistan 's government announced it reached a peace deal with militants in Swat Valley . Analysts as well as critics within the establishment have described those talks as a failure that gave the Taliban time to regroup and gain more ground . The Taliban have recently targeted local politicians , including the head of the Awami National Party -- which represents the region -- who was forced to flee to Islamabad","question":"ISLAMABAD , Pakistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Taliban spokesman Muslim Khan announced a 10-day cease-fire on Sunday in Pakistan 's Swat Valley , a volatile region in North West Frontier Province that is largely controlled by the Taliban . The Taliban says it has agreed a 10-day cease-fire with Pakistani forces in the Swat Valley . The Taliban are holding talks with the North West Frontier Province 's government in the town of Timagera in the province 's Lower Dir district , he said . Taliban leader Sufi Mohammad is heading negotiations for the militants . There was no immediate confirmation of the cease-fire from the Pakistani government . Swat Valley was once Pakistan 's biggest tourist destination until it was overrun by militants led by radical cleric Maulana Fazlullah . The valley boasted the country 's only ski resort and was once a draw for trout-fishing enthusiasts . It is believed to be the deepest advance by militants into Pakistan 's settled areas -- meaning areas outside its tribal region along the border with Afghanistan . The negotiations are the latest attempt by Pakistan 's civilian government -- which took power last year -- to achieve peace through diplomacy"} +{"answer":"crimes and crimes against humanity . Memories of the massacre remain raw . Watch the video The charges stem partly from the massacre of more than 7,000 Muslim men and boys at the town of Srebrenica , in what is know Bosnia and Herzegovina , in 1995 . Karadzic has been insisting he has not had enough time to prepare for the trial , saying there are 1.3 million pages of documents to study . He denied stalling , and said imposing a lawyer on him would not help . `` It is with joy that I am preparing for these proceedings , '' he said through a translator . `` Nobody can get through this material better than I can , no lawyer . The best possible solution would be that the defense be given sufficient time '' to prepare . He rejected prosecutor Hildegard Uertz-Retzlaff 's assertion that Tuesday 's proceedings constituted part of the trial . `` I hope that this is not some kind of a trick , '' he said . `` I am attending a status conference hearing . '' The court can not force a defendant to appear . Karadzic , as a","question":"The Hague , Netherlands -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Bosnian war crimes suspect Radovan Karadzic launched a full-throated attack on the International War Crimes Tribunal Tuesday , as he appeared at a hearing to discuss his refusal to appear for trial . He said he `` can not take part in something that has been bad from the start , and where my fundamental rights have been violated . '' Karadzic , who is accused of responsibility for the worst massacre in Europe since World War II , says he has had insufficient time to prepare his defense . He is representing himself . But Judge O-Gon Kwon told Karadzic it was the court , not the defendant , who decides when the case is ready for trial . He advised Karadzic to participate in order to get a fair trial . The judges will decide by the end of the week how to deal with the former Bosnian leader 's boycott of the proceedings , Judge Kwon said before adjourning the trial for the day . Karadzic , the Bosnian Serb leader during the bloody breakup of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s , faces 11 counts of genocide , war"} +{"answer":"'s amended complaint seeks forfeiture of all assets of the Alavi Foundation and Assa Corp. , including bank accounts owned by 650 Fifth Avenue Company , the Alavi Foundation and Assa Corp. ; and properties owned by the foundation in New York , Maryland , Virginia , Texas and California . It alleges that the properties were `` involved in and -LSB- were -RSB- the proceeds of money laundering offenses , '' and that the owners violated the International Emergency Economic Powers Act , executive orders and U.S. Department of Treasury regulations . `` As today 's complaint alleges in great detail , the Alavi Foundation has effectively been a front for the government of Iran , '' Bharara said . `` For two decades , the Alavi Foundation 's affairs have been directed by various Iranian officials , including Iranian ambassadors to the United Nations , in violation of a series of American laws . The Alavi Foundation 's former president remains under investigation for alleged obstruction of justice , and both the criminal and civil investigations are ongoing . '' John Winter , a New York lawyer representing the Alavi Foundation , said his client would challenge the","question":"New York -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The federal government moved Thursday to seize assets belonging to the Alavi Foundation and the Assa Corp . , including a Manhattan skyscraper and four mosques , citing alleged links to the Iranian government . Preet Bharara , the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York , announced Thursday 's filing of an amended civil complaint seeking forfeiture of the Alavi Foundation 's interest in the 36-story office tower located on Fifth Avenue in Midtown Manhattan . The tower is owned by 650 Fifth Avenue Company , a partnership between the Alavi Foundation and Assa Corp. , the Justice Department said . The amended complaint alleges that the Alavi Foundation provided services to the Iranian government and transferred money from 650 Fifth Avenue Company to Bank Melli , Iran 's largest state-owned financial entity . U.S. and European Union officials last year designated Bank Melli as a proliferator for supporting Iran 's nuclear and ballistic missile programs and funneling money to the Revolutionary Guard and Quds Force , considered terrorist groups by the United States . Bank Melli issued a statement last year denying involvement in any deceptive banking practices . Thursday"} +{"answer":"1965 until winning power as head of the Party of National Unity in elections five years ago , also enjoys the support of Kenyatta 's successor , Daniel Arap Moi , a member of the Kalenjin tribe who ruled Kenya for 24 years from 1978 to 2002 . The Luo make up around 13 percent of the population , mostly in the west of the country . But they also form a sizeable community in some of Nairobi 's most notorious slums , such as the vast Kibera shantytown where Odinga enjoys strong support and where some of this week 's fiercest violence has occurred . Odinga 's Orange Democratic Movement is also backed by many members of the Luhya tribe , Kenya 's second largest ethnic group , after Odinga promised to make a leading Luhya his deputy if elected . This week 's violence came as election officials declared victory for Kibaki with 51.3 percent to 48.7 percent for Odinga in the closest presidential vote in Kenyan electoral history . But the result has been questioned by international election observers , throwing the country 's political future into doubt . Kibaki 's first election success in 2002 --","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Kenya has enjoyed a reputation as one of East Africa 's most stable nations since achieving independence from the UK in 1963 . Residents of the Mathare slum in Nairobi shout at demonstrators during violent clashes . But a booming tourism industry , impressive economic growth -- currently six percent a year according to The Economist -- and decades of peace in a region scarred by conflict have served to disguise widespread poverty , violent crime and corruption and simmering ethnic tensions . Tribal bonds remain stronger than national identity in Kenya , with the country 's 36 million people claiming allegiance to around 40 different tribes . Last week 's election pitched incumbent President Mwai Kibaki , a member of Kenya 's largest Kikuyu tribe , against opposition leader Raila Odinga of the Luo tribe . The Kikuyu make up about 22 percent of Kenya 's population . Mostly originating from Kenya 's central highlands , the Kikuyu have long wielded strong economic and political power within the country . Kenya 's first post-independence leader , Jomo Kenyatta , president from 1964 until 1978 , was a Kikuyu . Kibaki , a government minister from"} +{"answer":"as the years pass . `` Button '' is based on the 1920s story by F. Scott Fitzgerald and runs two hours and 47 minutes . The cast includes Academy Award winner Cate Blanchett , who is creating Oscar buzz this year as well for her portrayal of Daisy in `` Button . '' The film , released by Paramount Pictures , already has won several film critics ' awards . 3 . `` Marley & Me '' -- Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston learn life lessons from an out-of-control canine they decide to adopt . This comedy-drama is adapted from the best-selling novel by John Grogan . Some audiences expecting a feel-good comedy such as `` Turner & Hooch '' or `` Beethoven '' may be surprised by this painfully realistic portrayal that could leave audiences teary-eyed at the end . The supporting cast includes Alan Arkin and Kathleen Turner . The PG-rated film gets a 20th Century Fox release . 4 . `` Bedtime Stories '' -- Funny guy Adam Sandler shoots for the family crowd with this fantasy comedy about a hotel handyman who tells his niece and nephew a bedtime story , only to find out","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Thursday brings one of the biggest slates of Hollywood entertainment to open on Christmas Day in many years . Tom Cruise stars as would-be Hitler assassin Col. Claus von Stauffenberg in the World War II drama `` Valkyrie . '' Stars such as Tom Cruise , Brad Pitt and Adam Sandler are featured in a slew of big-budget movies hoping to lure people into theaters this holiday season . Here are the top five movies opening Thursday : 1 . `` Valkyrie '' -- Tom Cruise stars in the true story of a German military officer who conspires to assassinate Adolf Hitler . Cruise plays Col. Claus von Stauffenberg , a proud military man who realizes that Hitler must be stopped before Germany and Europe collapse under Nazi rule . Joining Cruise are three-time Oscar nominee Kenneth Branagh as Maj. Gen. Henning von Tresckow and twice-nominated actor Tom Wilkinson as Gen. Friedrich Fromm . United Artists is releasing the film . 2 . `` The Curious Case of Benjamin Button '' -- Brad Pitt stars in this fantasy drama about a man who ages backward . He 's born in his 80s and then gets younger"} +{"answer":"SI.com columnist Michael Rosenberg wrote on the website . `` But several prominent employees at the state university are morally guilty . And one of them is Joe Paterno . '' On Tuesday , Paterno 's son , Scott Paterno , said on Twitter that reports in the New York Times , citing people briefed on the matter , that university officials were planning an end to Paterno 's 46-year coaching tenure were `` premature . '' `` No discussions about retirement with JVP , '' Paterno said , using his father 's initials . He said the decision to cancel the news conference was not his father 's . `` Due to the ongoing legal circumstances centered around the recent allegations and charges , we have determined that today 's press conference can not be held and will not be rescheduled , '' the university said in a statement . Joe Paterno said Tuesday afternoon that he hopes to hold another news conference soon . `` I know you guys have a lot of good questions , and I 'd like to answer them , but I ca n't do it now , '' Paterno said after practice .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Penn State students and supporters of head football coach Joe Paterno rallied Tuesday evening outside his home amid growing calls for him to resign related to his response to child sex abuse allegations brought against a former assistant . The crowd in State College , mostly young people , greeted and cheered Paterno hours after his weekly news conference was canceled . Speaking outside and from a window at his residence , the 84-year-old Nittany Lions legend said he was praying for victims in the case . Paterno , a longtime coach with a largely spotless record , is under pressure because of his response to allegations brought to him in 2002 by a graduate assistant who said he had seen retired defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky sexually assaulting a young boy in the shower at the campus football complex . Paterno reported the allegations to his boss , and Pennsylvania 's attorney general said it appeared that the coach had met his obligations under state law . Still , some critics have said that he should have reported the suspected abuse to police . `` We do n't yet know who is legally guilty , ''"} +{"answer":"at Fiorentina on Saturday , while former leaders Udinese are now in fourth place -- level on points with Milan -- after losing 2-0 at Parma . A Jonathan Biabiany header and a Sebastian Giovinco penalty gave Parma a victory that lifted them up to ninth place in the table . Despite their defeat to Juventus , Palermo remain fifth , although they are five points behind Udinese . Meanwhile , at the bottom of the table , Marco Parolo scored seven minutes from time to give Cesena their first win of the season , 1-0 at fellow strugglers Bologna . Despite that win , Cesena remain bottom on six points , one behind Novara who were beaten 1-0 at Genoa . Two matches were played in the German Bundesliga , with Thorsten Fink collecting his first win as Hamburg coach with a 2-0 success at Hoffenheim . Jose Guerrero and Marcel Jansen secured Fink 's maiden success after three successive draws as Hamburg moved out of the relegation zone and into 14th place . The day 's other match saw Austrian striker Martin Harnik score both of Stuttgart 's goals in a 2-1 win over bottom club Augsburg ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Juventus are back on top of the Italian Serie A table after a comfortable 3-0 home win over Palermo on Sunday maintained their unbeaten start to the season . Goals from Simone Pepe , Alessandro Matri and Claudio Marchisio put Juve ahead of Lazio , who drew 0-0 at Napoli on Saturday , on goal difference -- with Antonio Conte 's side also having a vital game in hand . Pepe opened the scoring in the 20th minute when he was left unmarked to head home Giorgio Chiellini 's cross . Andrea Pirlo then hit the post with a curling effort before Matri doubled the advantage three minutes into the second half when finishing from a tight angle . And the points were sealed in the 65th minute when Marchisio netted from close range after a smart dummy from Matri deceived the Palermo defense . Although Juventus are back on top of the table , the race for this year 's Scudetto promises to be the tightest for years with just one point separating the top four teams . Champions AC Milan are third , a point behind the top two , after their goalless draw"} +{"answer":"a system , '' Zelaya told the OAS delegates early Sunday , after the 33-0 vote to suspend Honduras . Among the delegates were two heads of state : Presidents Christina Fernandez de Kirchner of Argentina and Fernando Lugo of Paraguay . `` I am here not only as president of the republic of Argentina , but also as part of a delegation who was the object of coups in Argentina , '' Fernandez said . Lugo also spoke in favor of restoring Zelaya and democracy to his nation . `` I come from Paraguay , a country that has had the long night of dictatorships , '' Lugo said . `` I come here with a pain , but also with a hope . '' Micheletti repeated in an interview with CNN en Espa\u00f1ol on Saturday night that a coup did not take place . What happened , he said , was a constitutional transfer of power authorized by the nation 's congress . But Micheletti is swimming against world opinion . The U.N. General Assembly condemned the coup last week and demanded that Zelaya be reinstated . The European Union and other nations have recalled their ambassadors from","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Organization of American States suspended Honduras late Saturday because the nation 's new leaders refused to reinstate ousted President Jose Manuel Zelaya . Ousted Honduran President Jose Manuel Zelaya appears Tuesday at the U.N. General Assembly . Zelaya was removed by the military on June 28 and flown to Costa Rica . Congressional leader Roberto Micheletti was sworn in as provisional president later that day . The OAS set a Saturday deadline for Honduras to return Zelaya to power or be suspended from the 35-nation hemispheric organization . Honduran officials told OAS Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza on Friday that they would not allow Zelaya to return to power . Thousands of protesters demanding the return to power of ousted Honduran President Jose Manuel Zelaya pushed through riot police at Tegucigalpa 's airport and surrounded the terminal Saturday , but there were no reports of violence . The airport continued to operate , CNN Correspondent Karl Penhaul reported . Zelaya , a leftist who took office in 2006 , says he will return to Honduras on Sunday . Micheletti has vowed to have Zelaya arrested if he returns . `` I am simply defending"} +{"answer":"investigated for , among other things , failing to pay taxes on a home in the Dominican Republic . The congressman also has admitted failing to report several hundred thousand dollars in assets on federal disclosure forms . In addition , he is under scrutiny for the purported misuse of a rent-controlled apartment for political purposes , as well as for allegedly preserving tax benefits for an oil-drilling company in exchange for donations to a project he supported at the City College of New York . Rangel was formally admonished Friday by the House ethics committee for violating rules on receiving gifts . Specifically , the committee found that Rangel violated House gift rules by accepting reimbursement payments for travel to conferences in the Caribbean in 2007 and 2008 . Rangel 's staff , according to the committee , knew that corporations had given money to the Carib News , which sponsored the events . That fact had not been divulged to the ethics committee when Rangel asked for and received approval to attend the trips , according to the committee 's report . The committee found that while Rangel did not know about the contributions , he was nevertheless","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Rep. Charlie Rangel temporarily stepped down as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee on Wednesday , a decision forced by a growing storm of ethics controversies threatening the longtime congressman . The 20-term New York Democrat told reporters he had submitted a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi requesting a temporary leave of absence until a broad-reaching House ethics committee investigation concludes . `` In order to avoid my colleagues ' having to defend me during their elections , I have this morning sent a letter to Speaker Pelosi asking her to grant me a leave of absence until such time as the ethics committee completes its work , '' Rangel said Wednesday . In a statement , Pelosi said she had accepted Rangel 's request and praised the congressman for `` his decades of leadership on jobs , health care and the most significant economic issues of the day . '' Read Rangel 's letter to Pelosi The night before Rangel said he had no plans to step aside from his powerful post . The Ways and Means Committee is responsible for drafting the nation 's tax policies . Rangel is being"} +{"answer":"area . '' Jobim said currents had strewn the debris widely and that the search area had been expanded to 300 square miles . The Airbus A330 , carrying 228 people , went down about three hours after beginning what was to have been an 11-hour flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris , France . No survivors have been found . Map of Flight AF 447 's flight path '' Investigators have not determined what caused the plane to crash . The flight data recorders have not been recovered , and the plane 's crew did not send any messages indicating problems before the plane disappeared . Watch as high seas hamper recovery '' The Brazilian Air Force said it found the oil slick and four debris fields Wednesday , but rain and rough seas kept searchers from plucking any of the debris from the water . Among Wednesday 's finds were objects in a circular 5-kilometer -LRB- 3-mile -RRB- area , including one object with a diameter of 7 meters -LRB- 23 feet -RRB- and 10 other objects , some of which were metallic , Brazilian Air Force spokesman Jorge Amaral said . Searchers had found two debris","question":"RIO DE JANEIRO , Brazil -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A 12-mile oil slick near where an Air France jet crashed Monday into the Atlantic Ocean indicates the plane likely did n't break up until it hit the water , Brazil 's defense minister said Wednesday . Image released by the Brazilian Air Force shows oil slicks in the water near a debris site . If true , that would argue against an in-flight explosion as the cause of the crash of Air France Flight 447 , Defense Minister Nelson Jobim told reporters . But Robert Francis , former vice chairman of the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board , said the question of determining where a plane broke up `` is a very difficult one to deal with . '' He told CNN 's `` Anderson Cooper 360 '' that `` there are lots of things that cause a plane to go out of control . '' He added that extremely strong winds are not unusual near Brazil . Pilots who fly over that part of the world keep track of radar and `` are very , very wary about the weather as they go back and forth down in that"} +{"answer":"the father collapsed to the floor . '' The Middlesex District Attorney 's office said Monday that authorities were still investigating the `` entirety of the circumstances of the incident , '' along with the cause and manner of death . The county medical examiner is expected to release a report within a couple of weeks . According to Keeley , police found Mark Kerrigan in the basement of the house , `` clearly intoxicated '' and `` extremely combative . '' He refused to comply with police officers , said Keeley , and they had to subdue him with pepper spray before forcibly removing him from the home . Mark Kerrigan wept softly during Monday 's arraignment . His attorney , Denise Moore , told the judge that Kerrigan was in grief and `` quite distraught about his father 's death . '' Through his attorney , Mark Kerrigan denied any responsibility in the death . Moore said in court that Mark Kerrigan was unemployed , was recently released from a correctional facility and was living at home with his parents . He is taking medications and seeking psychological help for post-traumatic stress , apparently from his time in","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The father of American figure skater Nancy Kerrigan is dead and her brother is behind bars , accused of assault and battery against 70-year old Daniel Kerrigan , according to Massachusetts authorities . Daniel Kerrigan died Sunday after being taken by emergency personnel from his family home in Stoneham , Massachusetts , to a hospital , authorities said . His son Mark , 45 , was arraigned Monday and pleaded not guilty to charges stemming from an alleged assault . According to Middlesex County Assistant District Attorney Elizabeth Keeley , police responded to a 911 call at approximately 1:30 a.m. Sunday from Brenda Kerrigan , wife of Daniel and mother to Mark and Nancy Kerrigan . Keeley told Middlesex District Court Judge Mark Sullivan during the arraignment Monday for Mark Kerrigan that there was a violent argument and struggle between the father and his son , resulting in the elder Kerrigan falling or collapsing on the kitchen floor . Keeley said that Mark Kerrigan told authorities `` that he did in fact have an argument with his father , the argument became physical , he grabbed his father around the neck , and at some point"} +{"answer":"New Jersey to help fuel a nationwide Republican resurgence . They were buoyed by a huge swing of independent voters to the Republican column . Democrats sought to minimize the defeats . Since 1989 , it was noted , the party winning the White House has always gone on to lose the gubernatorial races in both states the following year . CNN also projects that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg will be re-elected to a third term . The billionaire mayor is believed to have spent well over $ 100 million of his own money in his quest for a third term -- shattering the record for personal spending in any American campaign . Democrat Bill Owens has won a vacant U.S. House seat in upstate New York , CNN projects . The contest to fill the seat sparked a vicious internal fight between GOP conservatives and moderates . The struggle has been viewed as a proxy for a national struggle between activists arguing the GOP slipped by betraying conservative values and officials warning a rightward move would further alienate an increasingly independent-minded electorate . The split could result in the election of a new Democratic congressman from a region","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Republican Party that struggled in the wake of recent Democratic landslides sprang back to life Tuesday with wins in hotly contested races for governor in Virginia and New Jersey , according to CNN projections . In Virginia , 55-year-old former state attorney general Bob McDonnell will be the first Republican to win the state 's highest office in twelve years , CNN projects . Republicans will win races for Virginia 's lieutenant governor and attorney general as well . In New Jersey , former federal prosecutor Chris Christie will oust first-term Democratic Gov. Jon Corzine , CNN projects . Christie will be the first Republican to win the top office in heavily Democratic New Jersey in 12 years . Corzine will be the first New Jersey governor to lose a re-election bid since 1993 , when then-Gov . Jim Florio , a Democrat , lost to GOP challenger Christie Todd Whitman . The two gubernatorial contests have been deemed by some analysts as the first major referendum on President Obama 's administration . Republicans leaders , demoralized after landslide defeats in 2006 and 2008 , have been hoping to capitalize on wins in Virginia and"} +{"answer":", which makes it easier to sue employers for wage-based discrimination . Learn more about the SCHIP program '' The expansion is also a sign of the strength of Washington 's new Democratic majority . Former President George W. Bush vetoed two similar health care bills in 2007 , arguing that the legislation would encourage families to leave the private insurance market for the federally funded , state-run program . Before the bill 's passage , SCHIP covered almost 7 million children whose parents earn too much to qualify for Medicaid -- the federal health insurance program for the poor -- but who ca n't afford private insurance . The new law boosts total SCHIP funding to approximately $ 60 billion . The expanded program will be financed with a 62-cent-per-pack increase in the federal tax on cigarettes . `` This is a day worthy of celebration . There can be no greater cause ... than protecting the well-being of our nation 's children , '' New Jersey Rep. Frank Pallone , the legislation 's primary House author , said shortly before the bill 's final passage on a 290-135 vote . Passing the health program 's expansion is ``","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Barack Obama claimed the second major legislative victory of his young administration Wednesday , signing a bill to provide federally funded health care to an estimated 4 million children . President Obama says the SCHIP bill is a downpayment on his `` commitment to cover every single American . '' The final version of the new law , which expands the State Children 's Health Insurance Program -LRB- SCHIP -RRB- by roughly $ 35 billion over the next five years , passed a sharply polarized House of Representatives earlier in the day , with almost every Democrat voting in favor of the expansion and most Republicans opposing it . With the bill , Obama said at a White House ceremony , `` We fulfill one of the highest responsibilities that we have -- to ensure the health and well-being of our nation 's children . '' The president said the bill was a downpayment on his `` commitment to cover every single American . '' The SCHIP expansion is Obama 's second major legislative win in less than a week . The first was Thursday 's approval of the Lilly Ledbetter Pay Equity Act"} +{"answer":"them have been shown to cause cancer when fed to laboratory animals for `` prolonged periods of time , '' Acheson said . Alerts have been issued in the past , but Thursday 's announcement is the largest . The food will not be allowed into the United States until the importer can prove it is free from harmful contaminants , Acheson said . He said the agency decided to broaden its previous alerts for products from individual companies to a countrywide alert after tests showed that 15 percent of those species of seafood produced by 18 companies in China contained traces of one or more of the contaminants . `` FDA is taking this action to protect the public health of the American people , '' he said . Watch more on the FDA 's import alert on five kinds of fish from China . '' The products `` could cause serious health problems if consumed over a long period of time , '' he said . Still , Acheson added , the low levels of contaminants means that there is `` no imminent threat '' to the public health . China is the world 's largest producer of","question":"ROCKVILLE , Maryland -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Thursday announced it is blocking the import from China of five species of seafood until their importers can prove they are not contaminated . About 10 percent of catfish eaten in the U.S. comes from China , according to the National Fisheries Institute . `` FDA is initiating an import alert against several species of imported Chinese farmed seafood because of numerous cases of contamination with drugs and unsafe food additives , '' said Dr. David Acheson , the agency 's assistant commissioner for food protection , in a conference call with reporters . The species cited are catfish , eel , shrimp , basa and dace , he said . Basa is similar to catfish ; dace is similar to carp . The medications cited include the antimicrobials nitrofuran , malachite green , gentian violet and fluoroquinolones . Nitrofuran , malachite green , and gentian violet have been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals . Use of fluoroquinolones in food-producing animals can result in antibiotic resistance . None of them is approved for use in farmed seafood in the United States and some of"} +{"answer":"feet bones . Scientists say the data collected from Ardi 's bone fragments over the past 17 years push back the story of human evolution further than previously believed . `` In fact , what Ardipithecus tells us is that we as humans have been evolving to what we are today for at least 6 million years , '' C. Owen Lovejoy , an evolutionary biologist at Kent State University and project anatomist , said Thursday . Analysis of Ardi 's skeleton reveals that she weighed about 110 pounds , had very long arms and fingers , and possessed an opposable big toe that would have helped her grasp branches while moving through trees . Ardi 's brain was believed to be the size of a chimp 's , but she also had many human-like features , such as the ability to walk upright on two legs . Her `` all-purpose type '' teeth indicate that she probably ate a combination of plants , fruits and small mammals , scientists say . `` The anatomy behind this behavioral combination is very unexpected and is certain to cause considerable rethinking of not only our evolutionary past , but also that of","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The oldest-known hominid skeleton was a 4-foot-tall female who walked upright more than 4 million years ago and offers new clues to how humans may have evolved , scientists say . This sketch shows what a 4 million-year-old hominid , nicknamed Ardi , may have looked like . Scientists believe that the fossilized remains , which were discovered in 1994 in Ethiopia and studied for years by an international team of researchers , support beliefs that humans and chimpanzees evolved separately from a common ancestor . `` This is not an ordinary fossil . It 's not a chimp . It 's not a human . It shows us what we used to be , '' said project co-director Tim White , a paleontologist at the University of California , Berkeley . Ardipithecus ramidus , nicknamed `` Ardi , '' is a hominid species that lived 4.4 million years ago in what is now Aramis , Ethiopia . That makes Ardi more than a million years older than the celebrated Lucy , the partial ape-human skeleton found in Africa in 1974 . Ardi 's 125-piece skeleton includes the skull , teeth , pelvis , hands and"} +{"answer":", thus giving Marquez an additional $ 600,000 on top of his $ 3.2 million guarantee for the fight at the MGM Grand Garden Arena . The 32-year-old Mayweather , who returns to the boxing ring for the first time since December 2007 when he beat Ricky Hatton to retain his WBC world welterweight championship , has a reported minimum guarantee of $ 10 million before pay-per-view TV revenues are added . Mayweather is undefeated with a career record of 39-0 , while the 36-year-old Marquez , who holds the WBA and WBO world lightweight belts , has 50 victories from 55 fights , 37 by knockout . Meanwhile , Nikolai Valuev will defend his WBA heavyweight title against British boxer David Haye in Germany on November 7 . The fight , originally announced in July , had been in doubt as American John Ruiz lodged a legal challenge claiming that he was the giant Russian 's mandatory challenger . However , the 36-year-old 's promoters have clinched a deal with Ruiz , meaning the bout can go ahead as planned at Nuremberg 's Arena Nurnberger Versicherung , where Valuev beat Sergei Liakhovich in February 2008 . The 7 '","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Floyd Mayweather Jr will have to pay Juan Manuel Marquez a reported $ 600,000 after weighing in two pounds too heavy ahead of Saturday night 's welterweight showdown in Las Vegas . Floyd Mayweather Jr , left , faces off with Juan Manuel Marquez ahead of Saturday night 's fight . Fight promoters Golden Boy confirmed after Friday 's weigh-in that there had been a contractually agreed weight of 144 pounds for Mayweather 's comeback bout , and that the American would pay a stipulated -- but undisclosed -- amount for every pound over that amount . As it was , Mayweather tipped the scales at 146 pounds and Mexican Marquez , whose usual weight is around 135 pounds , was weighed at 142 as he stepped up from lightweight for the fight . The maximum for a welterweight is 147 pounds . `` The fight was contracted as a welterweight fight with an agreed upon weight of 144 pounds . However , there were pre-negotiated weight penalties built in , '' Golden Boy CEO Richard Schaefer told ESPN.com . The website also reported sources who stated that each extra pound would cost Mayweather $ 300,000"} +{"answer":"1st Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland , were killed by an explosion Monday , also in Helmand Province , the defense ministry said . The deaths of those soldiers , whose names were not released , meant the total death toll matched that of the Falklands . `` Sad milestones such as this naturally attract attention in the UK , but in theater our people continue resolutely and courageously with the task of assisting Afghans to build their own future , '' said Air Chief Marshal Jock Stirrup , chief of the British Defense Staff . `` We should not forget that each and every death of a member of our armed forces is a tragedy of equal proportion , '' British Defense Secretary Bob Ainsworth said . `` Our thoughts at this time lie firmly with the families and friends of all the brave men and women fallen in Afghanistan , and we should all remember that every one of them has given their lives in defense of their -- and our -- country . '' The Falkland Islands are a British territory located 670 miles -LRB- 1,000 kilometers -RRB- from the coast of Argentina . Argentina has","question":"London , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The death of a British soldier on an explosives-clearing operation in Afghanistan has pushed the British death toll there past that of the 1982 Falklands War , the Ministry of Defence announced Tuesday . The soldier 's death brings to 256 the number of British troops killed in Afghanistan since operations there began in 2001 , the defense ministry said . The British death toll from the Falklands conflict was 255 . The soldier , from the 36 Engineer Regiment , died Monday from an explosion in the Nad-e-Ali district of Afghanistan 's southern Helmand Province . He was part of a task force to clear roadside bombs . `` He was leading a team conducting route-clearance operations at the time , making the way ahead safe for others to follow , '' said Lieutenant Colonel David Wakefield , a spokesman for Task Force Helmand . `` His indomitable courage and fortitude , the hallmark of his profession , will not be forgotten . '' The Ministry of Defence did not release his name , but said his next of kin had been informed . Two soldiers from The Royal Scots Borderers ,"} +{"answer":"told local journalists Monday that he feared these foreign fighters would turn Somalia into another Iraq or Afghanistan , where U.S.-led forces are fighting Islamic extremist groups . The fighting has cut supplies of `` desperately needed humanitarian aid '' to the displaced Somalis near the capital city , according to the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees . `` We are starting today the distribution of aid for some 50,000 people in Afgooye corridor through our local partners in Somalia , '' the refugee office said Tuesday . `` Today 's distribution will include cooking sets , plastic sheeting , blankets and mats . '' The number of Somali refugees fleeing to nearby countries also continues to rise , with some 500,000 already in Kenya , Ethiopia , Uganda , Djibouti , Eritrea and Tanzania . Many Somalis have also made the dangerous journey across the Gulf of Aden to Yemen . On Saturday , a U.S. guided missile destroyer rescued a group of 52 Somali men women and children -- including a woman who was eight months pregnant -- who had been stranded aboard a small skiff for nearly a week off Somalia 's coast ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Described as the largest single gathering of displaced residents in the world today , tens of thousands of civilians are seeking shelter along the Afgooye corridor outside Mogadishu , according to the United Nations . Members of the U.S. Navy take a young Somali boy to safety after rescuing him and 51 others adrift in a skiff . Fighting between government forces and Islamist militias has triggered the flight of more than 67,000 Somalis in and around Mogadishu since May 8 , the U.N. refugee agency said Tuesday . Most of them are heading to the Afgooye corridor , a 30-kilometer -LRB- 19-mile -RRB- stretch of ramshackle housing described by the United Nations ' World Food Program as `` a nightmare . '' The corridor between Mogadishu and the town of Afgooye is already home to 400,000 displaced Somalis , some of them living in huts made of twigs and branches . The clinics are already overwhelmed with malnourished and sick children . This week , Somalia 's transitional president , Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed , asked the international community `` to help Somalia defend against foreign militants who have invaded the country . '' Ahmed"} +{"answer":". '' The alleged victim suffered minor injuries but refused medical treatment , the sheriff 's department said . Lohan was arrested near West Hollywood Station following the incident when deputies saw him walking on Santa Monica Boulevard , the statement said . The relationship between Michael Lohan and his 24-year-old daughter has been publicly strained for years , although the two did undergo family counseling together during her recent treatment at the Betty Ford Center . Lindsay Lohan must decide by Wednesday if she will accept a plea deal that would send her to jail or move closer to a trial on a felony grand theft charge . She is accused of walking out without paying for a $ 2,500 necklace from Kamofie and Co. , a jewelry store in Venice , California , on January 22 . If Lindsay Lohan decides to go to trial , a preliminary hearing will be held April 22 . The judge at that time would also consider the matter of her probation violation ; she faces possible jail time for violating her probation for a drunk-driving arrest because of the theft charge . CNN 's Brittany Kaplan , Carey Bodenheimer and Alan","question":"Los Angeles -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The father of actress Lindsay Lohan was arrested in connection with a domestic dispute , authorities said Tuesday . Michael Lohan , 50 , was arrested late Monday , the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department 's West Hollywood Station said in a statement . Deputies arrested him on suspicion of inflicting corporal injury on a cohabitant , false imprisonment and preventing the report of victimization , the statement said . All are felony charges . Bail was set at $ 200,000 , the statement said , but authorities said Tuesday afternoon Lohan had not been booked . He was taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center after he complained of `` a medical condition not related to the incident '' following his arrest . He will remain at the hospital on observation for at least 24 hours before he is booked at the West Hollywood Station , police said . The sheriff 's department did not identify the alleged victim . But Kate Major , Lohan 's former fiancee , told CNN she was the victim . `` I can confirm but barely type , '' Major wrote in an e-mail . `` No other comment"} +{"answer":"of people killed in unrest in Syria since mid-March has reached at least 2,600 , the U.N. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights said Monday . The U.S. State Department , meanwhile , is condemning the killing of a key Syrian opposition organizer who it says died while in the custody of Syria 's security forces . Ghiyath Mattar , described as a key organizer of protests against al-Assad 's regime , was killed after being arrested last Tuesday in the Damascus suburb of Darya , State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said in a statement released Sunday . `` His brave commitment to confronting the regime 's despicable violence with peaceful protest serves as an example for the Syrian people and for all those who suffer under the yoke of oppression , '' the statement said Mattar was arrested along with leading opposition activist Yahya Sharbaji and a number of other activists , Nuland said . Mattar was `` a symbol of what the Syrian revolution should be -- peaceful and nonviolent , '' said one of Mattar 's friends . `` His death is an attack by the regime on peace . His attack is saying ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- At least 26 people were killed Monday in the Syrian government 's ongoing crackdown on dissidents , the pro-democracy group Local Coordination Committees of Syria said . Among the dead was a 12-year-old boy shot to death when Syrian security forces fired on a funeral procession , according to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights . . The funeral procession was for a protester killed Sunday , the observatory said . In addition , 17 people were killed during operations by the military and security forces in Hama as authorities searched for wanted activists and demonstrators , the organization said . Meanwhile , an adviser to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said parliamentary elections could be held in the country by the end of the year , Russian media reported earlier Monday . Bouthaina Shaaban , the political and media adviser to al-Assad , was in Moscow on Monday to speak to journalists on the situation in Syria . `` I can tentatively say that such elections may be held either at the end of this year or the beginning of next , '' Shaaban said , according to the RIA-Novosti news agency . The number"} +{"answer":"imperfect nature of intelligence work , `` but it is increasingly clear that intelligence was not fully analyzed or fully leveraged , '' he said , adding : `` That 's not acceptable , and I will not tolerate it . '' `` Time and again we 've learned that quickly piecing together information and taking swift action is critical to staying one step ahead of a nimble adversary , '' Obama said . `` So we have to do better , and we will do better , and we have to do it quickly . American lives are on the line . '' In one step , senior State Department officials told CNN on Tuesday that new criteria for information collected on possible terrorists would make it easier to ban them from U.S.-bound flights . Speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the material , the officials said the United States has lowered the threshold for information considered important enough to put suspicious individuals on a no-fly list or revoke their visas . If the new criteria had been in place before Christmas , AbdulMutallab would have been added to the no-fly list , the","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The FBI attained `` actionable intelligence '' from bombing suspect Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab in the first hours after his arrest on Christmas Day , White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Tuesday . `` AbdulMutallab spent a number of hours with FBI investigators in which we gleaned useable , actionable intelligence , '' Gibbs told reporters . According to authorities , Nigerian-born AbdulMutallab tried to detonate explosives hidden in his underwear as a flight from Amsterdam , Netherlands , made its final approach to Detroit , Michigan , December 25 . The device failed to fully detonate , instead setting off a fire at the man 's seat . Gibbs declined to elaborate on the nature of the intelligence . AbdulMutallab , 23 , has been tied to the Yemen-based group al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula . In a statement to reporters after meeting with his national security team , President Obama said U.S. officials had enough information in their possession before the failed bombing attack to have prevented the suspect from getting on the plane , but had been unable to `` connect the dots . '' Obama said he could accept the"} +{"answer":"Cincinnati and then the U.S. Open and I now need to carry on that form into Shanghai . `` I need to keep up the wins and hopefully I 'll get to the No. 3 ranking . It 's not the ultimate goal , but it 's the target I set myself for the last few tournaments of the year . '' He added : `` It had to be some of the best tennis I have ever played in the third set . I 've played some good matches against Rafa in the past but it was just very consistent . I did n't make too many mistakes and played well at important moments , '' he added . Nadal , who is again seeded to meet Murray in the final in Shanghai , conceded that his opponent was too strong for him on the day . `` Andy 's serve worked fantastic at important moments . He played unbelievable and made no mistakes in the third set when he played very aggressive and hit a lot of winners . '' Meanwhile , Czech Tomas Berdych claimed his first ATP Tour title in nearly two-and-a-half years with a 3-6","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- World number four Andy Murray continued his superb end of season form , coming back from a set down to beat top seed and defending champion Rafael Nadal in the final of the Japan Open in Tokyo on Sunday . Murray won last week 's Thailand Open , as well as last month 's Cincinnati Masters , but he looked to be on course for a sixth successive loss against world number two Nadal when the Spaniard powered through the opening set . But Murray turned things around in devastating style , taking the second set and then outplaying 10-times major champion Nadal in the decider , allowing his opponent just four points in the whole set , to complete an impressive 3-6 6-2 6-0 success . It was Murray 's 21st win from his last 22 matches , his only defeat in that time coming to Nadal in the semifinals of the U.S. Open , and ensured he closed the gap to third-ranked Roger Federer ahead of next week 's Shanghai Masters tournament in China . Murray told the official ATP Tour website : `` I 've played well in the last few months in"} +{"answer":"the administration regarding the restructuring of the U.S. auto industry . '' GM and Chrysler face a Tuesday deadline to prove to the Treasury Department that they can be viable in the long term . Without such a finding , the government can recall the $ 13.4 billion it already loaned to GM and the $ 4 billion it loaned to Chrysler . Wagoner , a 32-year company veteran , has been CEO of General Motors since 2000 . Before becoming CEO , he was chief operating officer and led the company 's North American operations . He also served as chief financial officer from 1992 to 1994 . A senior GM official official told CNN that the White House and its auto task force had `` sent very clear signals '' that the key to more help was `` new leadership '' and something that would help the administration see real change . General Motors has been hit hard as auto sales have plummeted . Sales have continued to tumble through the early months of this year , falling 40 percent across the industry and about 50 percent at GM and Chrysler . The companies and industry analysts have","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Obama administration is giving General Motors 60 days worth of financing for restructuring , according to senior administration officials . General Motors ' Rick Wagoner , CEO of the company since 2000 , is on his way out , sources say . Chrysler will receive as much as $ 6 billion and 30 days to complete an agreement with Italian automaker Fiat , the officials said . Meanwhile , White House and GM sources told CNN Sunday that GM Chief Executive Rick Wagoner will resign as part of the federal government 's bailout strategy for the troubled automaker . Wagoner 's departure comes as President Obama is expected to announce Monday the latest details of the government 's plans for restructuring GM and Chrysler LLC , which have been pushed to the brink by huge losses and a sharp decline in sales . Fritz Henderson , GM 's chief operating officer , is expected to be named GM 's interim CEO , according to two GM sources . A GM spokesman declined to comment on reports of Wagoner 's resignation . A company statement said : `` We are anticipating an announcement soon from"} +{"answer":"`` Since that day our family has been living a nightmare , '' Christine Levinson said . `` This has brought so much darkness to our lives . '' Christine Levinson released a computer-enhanced photograph showing what the family thinks Bob Levinson may look like today . The State Department has consistently denied Levinson was working for the U.S. government and has unsuccessfully pressed Tehran for information about his whereabouts . `` We reiterate our commitment to determining Mr. Levinson 's welfare and whereabouts , and reuniting him with his family , '' acting State Department spokesman Robert Wood said in a statement on Sunday . Congressional reaction in Levinson 's home state of Florida has been more pointed . `` On several diplomatic occasions when Bob Levinson 's name has been brought up to Iranian officials , the standard answer is , ` We do n't know anything about that . ' But the next thing out of the Iranian officials ' mouths are to discuss the matter of the Iranians held by the Americans in Irbil , Iraq , '' Sen. Bill Nelson , D-Florida , told reporters last month . `` You can draw your own conclusions","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The family of a retired FBI agent who was reported missing in Iran two years ago said Monday that they remain hopeful for his return . Photos from Robert Levinson 's family show him in 2006 , left , and as he might look today . Monday marks the second anniversary of the disappearance of Robert Levinson , a father of seven children and grandfather of two . `` After two years of constantly praying for his return , we continue to anxiously await word of his whereabouts , '' said Christine Levinson , the missing man 's wife , in a statement . `` Two years -LSB- have passed -RSB- since our seven children and I last heard his voice , saw his warm , loving smile , and since we last hugged him hello or kissed him goodbye , '' she said . Tuesday will be Levinson 's 61st birthday . Levinson disappeared during a business trip to Iran 's Kish Island in 2007 . Iranian authorities have said repeatedly that they do not know what might have happened to him , but the claim is widely doubted in the United States ."} +{"answer":", economic and social oppression of the nation 's black majority . His commitment to nonviolent change was tested , however , in March of 1960 when black protestors in the township of Sharpeville were fired upon by South African police as they gathered to protest a law that required all black citizens to carry passbooks at all times . Sixty-nine people were killed and more than 180 were injured in the clash . The Sharpeville Massacre sparked riots , strikes and protest demonstrations across South Africa , and the government declared a state of emergency . But the massacre also highlighted the tragedy of apartheid to the rest of the world . The United Nations condemned the massacre , and its security council convened on April 1 , 1960 , to consider the ravaging effects of apartheid on South Africa 's people . Inside the country , Mandela and his colleagues reconsidered the use of violence to further their cause for freedom . Mandela formed the revolutionary group Spear of the Nation In 1961 and was named its commander in chief . He slipped out of South Africa for military training in Algeria in 1962 but was arrested soon","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former South African President Nelson Mandela toiled for 27 years in South African prisons before gaining his freedom and leading his nation from white minority rule to full democracy . In the process , he became an international symbol of strength and hope . Mandela became South Africa 's first black president in 1984 . This month he celebrates his 90th birthday with a lavish , star-studded concert in London that confirms his enduring status as a revered global icon . But his journey from young protester to political prisoner to leader of his nation has not been without heartache and personal loss . Mandela was born in 1918 in the South African village Qunu . He was the son of the chief councilor to a Thembu chief , and he soon became passionate about political reformation , founding the African National Congress Youth League in 1944 with lifelong friend Oliver Tambo . Mandela 's natural leadership skills pushed him front and center during the ANC 's 1952 Defiance Campaign , which urged South African citizens not to cooperate with certain laws deemed discriminatory . Mandela urged nonviolent solutions to the South African government 's political"} +{"answer":"has admitted being in Touma 's hotel room June 13 , and investigators found that the room 's electronic key card was last used on that day , police said Wednesday . However , Patino has not admitted killing Touma . Patino wore red jail coveralls in his initial court appearance Wednesday afternoon . He spoke only to answer the judge 's questions , acknowledging that he understood he was charged with first-degree murder and that the charge carries a maximum penalty of death or life in prison without parole . He also requested that an attorney be appointed for him . Fayetteville , North Carolina , police Chief Tom Bergamine said Wednesday that Patino , who is married , was the father of Touma 's fetus . Police also said evidence links Patino to a letter received June 25 by the Fayetteville Observer newspaper . In it , the writer claimed to have killed Touma and said more killings were planned . The letter was signed with a circular symbol similar to one used by the Zodiac killer in California in the late 1960s . At the request of police , the newspaper withheld information regarding the letters and","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A North Carolina man charged with killing a pregnant Fort Bragg soldier was the father of her unborn child , authorities said Wednesday . Sgt. Edgar Patino faces first-degree murder charges in the slaying of Megan Touma . Army Sgt. Edgar Patino is linked to two anonymous `` confession '' letters sent in what police believe was an attempt to derail the investigation into Megan Touma 's death , police said . Patino , 27 , was arrested at his Hope Mills , North Carolina , home Tuesday night without incident . Patino , who is stationed at Fort Bragg 's JFK Special Warfare Training Center , faces first-degree murder charges in the slaying of Touma , 23 , who was seven months pregnant . Touma 's decomposing body was found in the bathtub of a hotel room near Fort Bragg on June 21 . Authorities said Wednesday that they believe she died late June 13 or early June 14 . Although her death has been ruled a homicide , authorities said Wednesday that the state medical examiner has not made a final determination of how she died . Watch officials discuss the case '' Patino"} +{"answer":"McCartney and Shevell got engaged in May , a McCartney representative told CNN at the time . The wedding took place at the same venue where McCartney married his first wife , Linda , in 1969 . She died of breast cancer , aged 56 , in 1998 . A memorial service for her two months later was the first time McCartney , Starr and George Harrison appeared together in public since the Beatles split in 1970 . John Lennon , the fourth member of the band , was shot dead in New York in 1980 . Shevell , the bride , is the daughter of a New Jersey trucking magnate . She is an executive at her father 's company , New England Motor Freight , and a 10-year member of New York 's Metropolitan Transportation Authority . She was married once before , to lawyer Bruce Blakeman , who is active in Republican and Jewish circles in New York state . He ran unsuccessfully for Senate against Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand last year . Her father 's company has annual revenues of about $ 400 million , says Blakeman 's biography on his law firm 's website . Press","question":"London -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Fans and friends of Paul McCartney gathered in central London Sunday to watch the ex-Beatle walk down the aisle for the third time , as he married girlfriend Nancy Shevell . The couple arrived together just before 3:30 p.m. , the groom in a blue suit and the bride in a long-sleeved white gown with a white flower in her hair . Both wore outfits by McCartney 's fashion designer daughter Stella , said Monique Jessen of People magazine . The crowd of hundreds went wild when they appeared , with one well-wisher saying of the match : `` It just seems right . '' McCartney , 69 , and his 51-year-old bride left Marylebone Town Hall about an hour later and waved to crowds while being showered with confetti , before arriving at McCartney 's home . Ringo Starr , the only other surviving former Beatle , was there , as was iconic U.S. television host Barbara Walters , who reportedly played a role in introducing McCartney and Shevell , an American trucking heiress . Walters is Shevell 's second cousin , she said on her show `` The View '' in 2007 ."} +{"answer":"Republican and fellow Mormon . `` His wit , wisdom , and exemplary leadership will be missed by not only members of our faith , but by people of all faiths throughout the world . '' Hinckley married Marjorie Pay at the Salt Lake City temple in 1937 . They had five children , 25 grandchildren and 38 great-grandchildren . Marjorie Hinckley died in 2004 . `` I 've been blessed so abundantly that I can never get over it , '' Hinckley told CNN 's Larry King in 2004 . `` I just feel so richly blessed . I want to extend that to others , whenever I can . '' Hinckley was the 15th president in the 177-year history of the Mormon church . President Bush awarded him a Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2004 . Watch Hinckley receive medal , share his views '' According to a church statement , Hinckley was the most-traveled president in the church 's history , visiting more than 60 countries . He also oversaw a massive temple-building program , doubling the number of temples worldwide to more than 100 . Hinckley spent 70 years working in the church and is considered","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Mormon leader Gordon B. Hinckley died Sunday night at age 97 , the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced . Gordon B. Hinckley , 97 , president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints , died Sunday . Hinckley had `` been in failing health for some time and his passing is due to age , '' said church spokesman Bruce Olsen . `` He was speaking in public as late as two to three weeks ago and had a full schedule in his office as late as last week . '' Hinckley became president of the Salt Lake City-based church in 1995 , at age 84 , and had been a member of its top leadership since the 1960s . Mormon church presidents serve for life . The church has about 13 million members worldwide and has experienced 5 percent annual growth in recent years . He died about 7 p.m. Sunday with his family by his side , church officials said . `` His life was a true testament of service , and he had an abiding love for others , '' said U.S. Sen. Orrin Hatch , a Utah"} +{"answer":"palaces increased by almost 1 million pounds -LRB- $ 2 million -RRB- from the year before to 15.3 million pounds -LRB- $ 30.6 million -RRB- , but it will stay at that level for the next three years , the palace said . Reid warned that the money is not enough to deal with a backlog of maintenance work . `` This backlog relates to essential maintenance and does not include any allowance for projects such as the redecoration of the state rooms at Buckingham Palace , most of which were last redecorated before the queen 's reign , '' he said . Available funds are also unlikely for replacing the lead and slate roofs at Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle -LRB- which would cost an estimated 16 million pounds , or $ 32 million -RRB- ; replacing heating and electrical wiring and removing asbestos at the palace -LRB- 2.4 million pounds , or $ 4.8 million -RRB- ; and replacing Victorian cast iron and lead water mains at the castle -LRB- 3 million pounds , or $ 6 million -RRB- . Travel was a major expense for the queen and her family over the past year , the reports","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Queen Elizabeth and the royal family cost British taxpayers an average of 66 pence -LRB- $ 1.32 -RRB- per person last year , Buckingham Palace announced Friday in its annual report of royal finances . The Queen and the royal family cost Britons a little bit more in the latest financial year . The total cost of the queen and royal family was 40 million pounds -LRB- $ 80 million -RRB- in the past fiscal year , an increase of 2 percent from the year before , according to the Royal Public Finances report . The man in charge of managing the queen 's financial affairs said she has tried to keep costs down , pointing out that the queen 's expenses are more than 3 percent lower in real terms than they were in 2001 . `` The reduction in the amount of head of state expenditure in real terms reflects the continuous attention the royal household pays to obtaining the best value for money in all areas of expenditure , '' said Alan Reid , whose official title is `` keeper of the privy purse . '' Funding for property maintenance at the royal"} +{"answer":"'s not enough to play at my best . I 've lost rhythm . `` I had too many errors and too many double-faults . But I 'm happy just to be playing tennis again . I hope to build on this performance . '' As top seed , he is in the opposite half of the draw from Federer and new world No. 3 Andy Murray , who could meet in the semis . The 24-year-old will next play either Poland 's world No. 59 Lukasz Kubot or 91st-ranked German Tobias Kamke , who both came through the qualifying draw . Fifth seed Mardy Fish 's hopes of qualifying for the season-ending ATP World Tour Finals suffered a blow when he was forced to retire with a hamstring injury against fellow American James Blake after winning the opening game . Fish holds the last of the eight places on offer for the London showpiece but could be overhauled if he has to miss the penultimate tournament in Paris starting next week . Blake will next play Kazakhstan 's Mikhail Kukushkin , a lucky loser from qualifying who upset American wildcard Donald Young in his opening match . Stanislas Wawrinka","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- He came out on court wearing a Halloween mask , but Novak Djokovic had to overcome a fright of his own before winning his comeback match in Switzerland on Tuesday . The world No. 1 , playing his first ATP Tour tournament since winning the U.S. Open six weeks ago , survived a second-set scare against Xavier Malisse before beating the Belgian 6-2 4-6 7-5 at the Swiss Indoors event . Djokovic suffered a recurring back injury in Serbia 's Davis Cup defeat by Argentina just days after beating Rafael Nadal in an epic final in New York . He missed tournaments in Asia , including the Shanghai Masters , but has returned to action in Basel where he was champion in 2009 and runner-up to Roger Federer last year . `` I 'm only just back from the biggest injury of my career , '' Djokovic said after extending his record this year to 65-3 . `` It was a big ask for me to have played really well . `` I could do nothing for four and a half weeks , I 've only been hitting for a week and a half . That"} +{"answer":"summer , Cocker played to half a million people at the historic Woodstock rock festival in New York state . The ensuing live album `` Mad Dogs and Englishmen '' remains a Cocker classic , with songs including `` Cry Me A River '' and `` Feelin ' Alright . '' Rolling Stone magazine says Cocker 's `` gritty , powerful voice remains one of the most distinctive in rock & roll . '' A whirlwind U.S. tour after Woodstock left Cocker `` exhausted , '' according to his own Web site , and reported drug and alcohol abuse came soon after . Cocker had a top 10 song in 1975 with `` You are So Beautiful , '' but his fortunes really turned in 1982 with his No. 1 duet with Jennifer Warnes , `` Up Where We Belong , '' the theme from the movie `` An Officer and a Gentleman . '' Cocker 's most recent U.S. top 10 was `` When the Night Comes , '' written by Bryan Adams . Cocker now lives on a ranch in Colorado but still tours extensively . He has been touring Europe since June and plans shows in Sheffield","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Four decades after he won over America with his scratchy , soulful voice and blues-inspired rock , British-born Joe Cocker is receiving an honor from the queen . Joe Cocker is being honored at Buckingham Palace for his services to music . Cocker , 63 , was set to receive an OBE , or Order of the British Empire , at a ceremony Thursday morning at Buckingham Palace . The award officially recognizes Cocker 's `` services to music . '' Prince Charles was planning to present Cocker with the honor , part of the queen 's annual birthday honors list . Famous for songs including `` You Are So Beautiful '' and his cover of the Beatles ' `` With a Little Help from My Friends , '' Cocker began his career by singing Ray Charles songs in pubs around his hometown of Sheffield , northern England in the early 1960s . Cocker toured with a string of bands , often playing American airbases in Europe , winning fans among the servicemen . The press hailed his first U.S. television performance on the Ed Sullivan Show in 1969 , and the following"} +{"answer":"entered F1 with Sauber in 2001 before going on to enjoy a successful five-season spell with McLaren between 2002 and 2006 , winning nine grands prix and twice finishing runner-up in the world championship . Speaking to CNN World Sport , Renault team principal Eric Boullier said he was delighted to have secured Raikkonen 's services and insisted the Finn would soon be challenging the sport 's top echelon of drivers . `` His motivation is huge and clearly the talent he has will maybe need a little bit of time to get back on track and to adapt to the new car and the new tires but I 'm very confident he will get back , '' he said . `` I hope we push as much as we can , as much as we did at the beginning of the season . It is difficult to set up a competitive Formula One team , it takes time , but we learn every year from the experience . `` Kimi 's experience is huge , he has been world champion , he has won many races , he has been working and driving for great constructors like Sauber and","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Kimi Raikkonen will return to Formula One in 2012 , after Renault announced on Tuesday that the 2007 world champion has signed a two-year deal with the team . The Finn won the drivers ' championship with Ferrari in 2007 before leaving the sport in 2009 , but he will return next season after spending time in the World Rally Championship and NASCAR . `` I 'm delighted to be coming back to Formula 1 after a two-year break , and I 'm grateful to Lotus Renault GP for offering me this opportunity , '' the 32-year-old told the team 's official website . `` My time in the World Rally Championship has been a useful stage in my career as a driver , but I ca n't deny the fact that my hunger for F1 has recently become overwhelming . Final F1 2011 season standings `` It was an easy choice to return with Lotus Renault GP as I have been impressed by the scope of the team 's ambition . Now I 'm looking forward to playing an important role in pushing the team to the very front of the grid . '' Raikkonen"} +{"answer":". Hussain 's brother , Muhammad Khalid , told CNN that Hussain traveled to the United States in 2000 to participate in an MBA program and remained there until 2004 . Hussain 's brother and father , Muhammad Ramzan , have denied he has any links to terrorist groups or the attempted bombing in Times Square . The intelligence official added that another suspect , Major Adnan , resigned from the Pakistani Army last year . The official said Adnan contacted Shahzad by e-mail at least once but the official did not disclose when the e-mail was sent or what it contained . This month , a senior administration official said Shahzad , a Pakistani-American , was looking for help from the Pakistani Taliban in carrying out a bomb attack during his last visit to Pakistan . `` The question is : Did he go there looking for help or did he fall in their lap ? It seems the former . It appears he went seeking help for this attack , '' the official said . `` He had an attack in mind when he went there . '' The official spoke on the condition of anonymity because this","question":"Islamabad , Pakistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Pakistani officials have detained a 10th person in connection with the investigation into the failed May 1 car bombing of New York 's Times Square , a Pakistani intelligence source told CNN Tuesday . The intelligence source , who asked not to be identified because he is not authorized to speak to the media , identified the man as Shoaib Mughal . He is suspected of having served as an intermediary between the bombing suspect , Faisal Shahzad , and the Pakistani Taliban , the source said . Mughal 's uncle , who also asked not to be identified , told CNN that Mughal , who is married , owns and operates a computer parts store in Islamabad . The uncle said six men dressed in civilian clothing detained Mughal , who has never been outside Pakistan , at his shop on May 6 . In addition , a Pakistani intelligence source told CNN that detainee Muhammad Shahid Hussain was a friend of Faisal Shahzad when the bombing suspect was studying in the United States . The two men met frequently last year , when Shahzad returned to Pakistan , the source said"} +{"answer":"the alleged burglary , and `` during the course of the commission of the offense ... discharged a firearm and as a result of the discharge , death or great bodily harm was inflicted upon Sean Maurice Taylor , a human being , '' the indictment says . The four men were arrested Friday , officials said . Taylor , 24 , died a day after he was shot during an apparent burglary at his home . Miami-Dade police investigators said they believe the burglars thought the house was empty . Thousands of mourners attended Taylor 's funeral Monday at Florida International University 's arena . See photos from the funeral '' Police said Taylor and his girlfriend , Jackie Garcia , were awakened by noise coming from the living room early November 26 . Taylor got up and locked the bedroom door , but the door was kicked in and two shots were fired , police said . One struck Taylor in the leg . Garcia and the couple 's 18-month-old daughter were not hurt . Authorities have said Garcia told police she was hiding under the bedding during the attack , did not see what happened and could","question":"MIAMI , Florida -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A grand jury Tuesday indicted four suspects on charges of first degree felony murder and armed burglary in the slaying of Washington Redskins star Sean Taylor . A grand jury identified Eric Rivera Jr. as the shooter in the death of NFL star Sean Taylor . Court documents say the youngest is alleged to have fired the fatal shot . The three adult suspects -- Venjah K. Hunte , 20 , Jason Scott Mitchell , 19 , and Charles Kendrick Lee Wardlow , 18 -- appeared in court Tuesday via videoconference wearing thick green vests , which defense attorneys said were suicide safety smocks . They were ordered held without bail at the Pre-Trial Detention Center in Miami , Florida , where Corrections Officer Janelle Hall said they are under suicide watch . The fourth suspect -- Eric Rivera Jr. , 17 -- remained in custody in Fort Myers , Florida . His attorney , Wilbur Smith , told CNN he expected his client to be moved to a Miami-Dade juvenile detention facility Wednesday . Watch CNN 's Rick Sanchez speak to attorneys for two of the suspects '' Rivera was armed during"} +{"answer":"his state 's first nonwhite governor , Jindal has long been on the GOP 's radar screen as a potential future leader and likely presidential candidate . And as the GOP is launching full-scale efforts to appeal to nonwhite voters , Jindal has become one of the party 's most high-profile minorities . `` His stewardship of the state of Louisiana , dedication to reforming government and commitment to bringing forth new and innovative ideas make him a leader not just within the Republican Party , but in our nation as a whole , '' Boehner also said of Jindal on Wednesday . Jindal , who became governor two years after Hurricane Katrina ravaged Louisiana , has drawn praise for spearheading the ongoing recovery efforts . `` When you look at major statewide offices Republicans have won over the past three years , there is one , Louisiana , '' said Alex Castellanos , a CNN contributor and Republican strategist . `` In a state where we lost confidence in government , perhaps more than any other state , he restored it and cut taxes . '' Though he is often mentioned as a likely contender for the 2012 Republican","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is set to deliver the Republican response to President Obama 's upcoming joint address to Congress , a high-profile slot the party often gives to one of its rising stars . Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal , 37 , will give GOP response to President Obama 's address to Congress this month . `` Gov. Jindal embodies what I have long said : The Republican Party must not be simply the party of ` opposition , ' but the party of better solutions , '' House Minority Leader John Boehner said in a Wednesday statement . Jindal , a former congressman in his first term as Louisiana 's governor , was widely believed to be on Republican presidential nominee John McCain 's short list for vice president , and he often served as a campaign surrogate on the Arizona senator 's behalf . The 37-year-old son of Indian immigrants also was given a prime-time speaking slot at the GOP convention last September , though he ultimately decided not to attend the four-day event as Hurricane Gustav headed for landfall in his state . An Ivy League grad and Rhodes Scholar , and"} +{"answer":"they 're still expecting another 500 -LRB- 20 inches -RRB- to 800 millimeters -LRB- 32 inches -RRB- of rain over the next 24 to 48 hours , '' he said . Watch how the storm is affecting life on the island '' Drought in recent months has severely affected the area , leaving the ground so hard that it can not absorb the rainfall , Corriveau said . However , the island tends to prepare well for typhoons , Corriveau added . `` They take it very seriously , '' Corriveau said . `` Just like Cuba is very good at handling hurricanes , Taiwan is very good at handling typhoons . '' On Thursday , Taiwanese Premier Liu Chao-shiuan examined the island 's emergency operation center and asked all personnel to stay on high alert over the next day , with the typhoon forecast to `` affect all regions of Taiwan , '' according to CNA . Taiwan and eastern China are particularly vulnerable to flash flooding and mudslides because of the proximity of the mountains to the sea . Once it hits land , Morakot is expected to weaken to tropical storm strength , the Central Weather Bureau","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Typhoon Morakot bore down on Taiwan Friday , packing 89 mph -LRB- 143 kph -RRB- winds and threatening to soak the entire island when it makes landfall Saturday morning , Taiwan 's Central Weather Bureau said . A man fights against strong winds in Hsintien , Taipei county , Taiwan , on Friday . As of 10 a.m. Friday -LRB- 2 a.m. GMT -RRB- , wind gusts were reaching 112 mph , and Morakot , a medium-strength typhoon , was moving west-northwest at 14 mph en route to landfall , the agency said . Already , mudslides and landslides were occurring on the land , as airlines canceled flights , and government offices , schools and the Taiwan Stock Exchange closed for the day , according to Taiwan 's Central News Agency . The storm was centered about 124 miles -LRB- 200 km -RRB- southeast of Taipei and could wind up directly over the capital , said CNN meteorologist Kevin Corriveau . He predicted its impact would be massive . `` This storm has already dumped about 400 millimeters -LRB- 16 inches -RRB- of rain in the central and southern part of the island , and"} +{"answer":"plausible reporting '' on their activities indicated some kind of involvement , according to Morrell . Officials would only identify one of the confirmed attackers , Adballah Salih al-Ajmi , a Kuwaiti man released from U.S. custody at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in 2005 . Pentagon officials said Salih al-Ajmi blew himself up in a suicide attack in Iraq in April 2008 . Since 2002 , the Pentagon has released about 520 detainees to their home countries or counties that agreed to take them . Some have been released in full by those countries while others are still being held . `` There , clearly , are people who are being held at Guantanamo who are still bent on doing harm to America , Americans and our allies , so there will have to be some solution for the likes of them , '' Morrell said . About 250 detainees remain held at Guantanamo and about 60 of those detainees have been cleared for release by the Pentagon , but their home countries will not take them or the U.S. believes they could be harmed by their governments if returned . President-elect Barack Obama has said he intends to","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Dozens of suspected terrorists released by the United States from Guantanamo Bay , Cuba , are believed to have returned to terrorism activities , according to the Pentagon . Pentagon officials say 61 former Gitmo detainees have committed or are suspected of returning to terrorism . Since 2002 , 61 former detainees have committed or are suspected to have committed attacks after being released from the detention camp , Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said at a briefing Tuesday . The number is up since the Pentagon 's last report in March 2008 when officials said 37 former detainees had been suspected of returning to the battlefield since 2002 . Since 2007 , more than 100 detainees were released , significantly more than in previous years , according to Pentagon officials . According to the statistics , of the 61 former detainees that are believed to have returned to fighting , 18 have been officially confirmed while 43 are suspected , Morrell said . The 18 were confirmed through intelligence , photographs , fingerprints and other information , Morrell said . Of the 43 other detainees suspected of taking part in terrorist attacks , only ``"} +{"answer":"Paddy Kenny no chance . Manchester City still blaze a trail at the top of the table , with nine wins and a draw from 10 matches . They lie on 28 points , five clear of rivals Manchester United . Chelsea , Newcastle and Tottenham are all level on 19 points but Chelsea have played a game more and unbeaten Newcastle will move up to third position if they get at least a draw against Stoke on Monday night . Meanwhile , in Sunday 's two German Bundesliga matches , Lukas Podolski netted twice in a 3-0 win over 10-man Augsburg . Poland midfielder Slawomir Peszko added a third for the home side , while the visitors had Torsten Oehrl sent off for a dangerous tacle with 14 minutes remaining . The win moves Cologne up to 11th place in the table with five wins and five defeats , but Augsburg are second bottom with just one win and eight points . Hamburg are just one point and one place above Augsburg after they drew 1-1 with Kaiserslautern on Sunday . The home side had Slobodan Rajkovic sent off in the 21st minute for elbowing Kaiserslautern captain Christian Tiffert","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A double strike from Welsh winger Gareth Bale helped Tottenham to a 3-1 English Premier League win over QPR on Sunday , a result that lifts them up to fifth place in the table and keeps their unbeaten run going . Dutchman Rafael Van der Vaart was also on target for Harry Redknapp 's side , who have not lost in 11 matches since their 5-1 home defeat by Manchester City back in August . Bale put the home side ahead in the 19th minute when he fired home an angled drive after a long ball from the back was headed on by Emmanuel Adebayor . And a rampant Tottenham doubled their advantage 13 minutes later when Van der Vaart picked up a mis-hit shot from Ledley King to place the ball inside the far post . QPR fought back after the break and halved the arrears on the hour mark when Jay Bothroyd nodded home from close range . But Tottenham sealed their victory with a superb goal 18 minutes from time , with Aaron Lennon and Bale exchanging a series of passes outside the box before Bale curled home a shot that gave keeper"} +{"answer":"`` They are asking about the resources and the money . Who is spending it . And who is in charge of the income of the party . '' `` It 's not good , '' said Mahmoud Othman , a member of the Iraqi Parliament and an independent Kurdish politician . `` The PUK is one of the main two -LSB- Kurdish -RSB- players , '' he added . `` A problem like this will upset the whole situation . '' Iraqi Kurdistan broke free from Baghdad 's control after the 1991 Gulf War . Since then , the region has been divided between two rival Kurdish factions , Talabani 's PUK and the Kurdistan Democratic Party , led by Massoud Barzani . For several years throughout the 1990s , the groups battled each other in the mountains and valleys of northern Iraq . Those historic divisions faded somewhat following the United States ' overthrow of Hussein . For the past five years , the Kurds have worked together in Baghdad to enhance the Kurdish region 's position in Iraq . Kurdish politicians deftly took advantage of divisions between Sunni and Shi'a Arab factions . They successfully lobbied to","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The second-highest ranking official in Iraqi President Jalal Talabani 's political party resigned Saturday , along with four other high-ranking Kurdish politicians , officials said . Iraqi President Jalal Talabani could be jeopardized by the resignations of five key members of his party . Khosrat Rasul , the vice president of the Kurdistan Regional Government , resigned , along with four other members of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan -LRB- PUK -RRB- , according to Kurdish lawmakers . Rasul is a battle-scarred veteran of Kurdish rebellions against former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein . Kurdish members of the Iraqi Parliament say the resignations threaten the delicate balance of power in Iraqi Kurdistan , a semi-autonomous region in northern Iraq . It has been the most stable part of the country since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion . `` It looks very serious , '' said Ala Talabani , the president 's niece and a PUK member , as well as a member of Parliament . She spoke by phone from the Iraqi Kurdish city of Sulaimaniya , long a stronghold of the PUK . `` It 's about corruption , '' Ala Talabani said of the resignations ."} +{"answer":"on Monday . Champions Italy crash out of World Cup The win over Cameroon team in Cape Town completed a comfortable group stage for the Dutch , despite not playing their best football . They will be boosted though by the return of Arjen Robben who came on as a second half substitute . Japan 3-1 Denmark Denmark , who needed to win the match to have any chance of progressing to the knockout stages , started their match with Japan brightly . Skipper Jon Dahl Tomasson saw a chance go narrowly wide in the opening minutes . But two Japanese strikes within 13 minutes of each other stunned the Danes . Honda gave Japan the lead in the 17th minute with fine free kick which flew past keeper Thomas Sorensen who appeared to be deceived by the flight of the ball . Yasuhito Endo doubled Japan 's lead in the 30th minute when he curled a beautifully executed free kick around the Danish wall and past the despairing dive of Sorenson . If the Danish keeper was possibly at fault for the first goal , there was nothing he could do with Endo 's strike which found the bottom","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Japan have comfortably beaten Denmark 3-1 at the Royal Bafokeng Stadium in Rustenburg to book their place in the last 16 of the World Cup . First half goals from Keisuke Honda and Yasuhito Endo gave the Danes a mountain to climb . They never looked like they would recover and a miserable night was completed when Shinji Okazaki added a third in the 87th minute , shortly after a Jon Dahl Tomasson 81st minute goal had given Denmark a glimmer of hope . The Danes were comprehensively outplayed by Japan who produced their most resolute and skilful display of the tournament so far . As runners up in Group E Japan will now face Paraguay in Pretoria on Tuesday for a place in quarter-finals . The three-time Asian Cup champions join Netherlands , who confirmed first place in the group by beating an already-eliminated Cameroon 2-1 in Cape Town . A first half strike from Robin van Persie and a second by Klaas-Jan Huntelaar seven minutes from time ensured Netherlands finished with a 100 percent record at the top of Group E setting up a second round clash with Italy 's vanquishers Slovakia in Durban"} +{"answer":"States Fund have raised $ 2.9 million since 8 p.m. ET , when `` Haiti How You Can Help , '' a special `` Larry King Live , '' started , according to CNN 's Larry King . The show lasts until 10 p.m. ET . 9:36 p.m. -- While visiting the injured at a U.N. clinic in Port-au-Prince , Haitian President Rene Preval says his country -- already the Western Hemisphere 's poorest -- needs not only medicine and food , but also long-term reconstruction assistance . `` The more we receive help , the more we can take care of them , '' he said . 9:12 p.m. -- A U.S. Air Force cargo plane on Monday , bypassing the gridlock at Haiti 's main airport in Port-au-Prince , dropped 40 pallets of bottled water and ready-to-eat food on a field just north of the airport , CNN 's Larry Shaughnessy reported . `` There are so many relief agencies funneling through the airport that it has kind of created a bottleneck , '' U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Leon Strickland said en route to the drop point . `` We 're going to put things directly out","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Monday , January 18 10:32 p.m. -- The Haitian National Police force in Port-au-Prince , normally with 4,000 people , has dropped to about 1,500 people since last week 's quake , according to National Police Chief Mario Andresol . Many of those who have n't reported to work are dead or injured , he says . 9:56 p.m. -- The American Red Cross and UNICEF 's United States Fund have raised nearly $ 5 million since 8 p.m. ET , when `` Haiti How You Can Help , '' a special `` Larry King Live , '' started , according to CNN 's Larry King . The show ends at 10 p.m. ET and is scheduled to repeat at midnight . How you can help 9:47 p.m. -- Maxine Fallon , the 23-year-old student rescued today in the rubble of a building at Universite G.O.C. in Port-au-Prince , says she was pressed in the same position , with legs folded uncomfortably and very little wiggle room , for all six days she was trapped , CNN 's Chris Lawrence reports . Watch | Read 9:39 p.m. -- The American Red Cross and UNICEF 's United"} +{"answer":"behind it . Misjudge the wind or get your club selection wrong and the ball will most likely end up in the water . Since Horton Smith won the inaugural Masters title in 1934 , the tournament has become as famous for its traditions as it has for the quality of golf on show . Winners are presented with a green jacket by the defending champion -- which they are obliged to return to the clubhouse the following year . Nicklaus , nicknamed the `` Golden Bear , '' became the first golfer to successfully defend his green jacket . He also holds the record for the most titles won at Augusta with six -- his last coming in 1986 at the age of 46 . American players currently dominate the competition , following a period in the 1980s and 1990s which saw European players , including Seve Ballesteros and Nick Faldo , win 10 titles in 17 years . Current world number one Tiger Woods has won four times at Augusta since 1997 , while compatriot and rival for top spot , Phil Mickelson , won in 2004 and 2006 . South Africa 's Trevor Immelman is the current","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- U.S. Masters -- April 9-12 , 2009 2007 Masters champion Zach Johnson puts the green jacket on 2008 winner Trevor Immelman . While The Open Championship at St Andrews , Scotland may rival it for history , few would argue that the U.S. Masters tournament is unrivalled in terms of beauty and exclusivity . Played at the prestigious Augusta National Golf club in the city of Augusta , Georgia , the first `` major '' of the golfing year is a strictly invitational event controlled by the club itself . The top 50 golfers in the official world rankings are all guaranteed an invite . The dramatic azalea-draped course -- the brainchild of golfing great Bobby Jones -- provides a tough test for the world 's elite golfers , particularly since it has been lengthened or `` Tiger-proofed '' in recent years . However the relatively short 12th hole , named Golden Bell , is arguably the most challenging . Jack Nicklaus once called it `` the hardest tournament hole in golf , '' due to the fact that its perilously narrow green is protected in front by Rae 's Creek , with two sand traps"} +{"answer":"for Iraqi sovereignty -- `` requests the temporary assistance '' of U.S. forces , but severely restricts their role . The pact says that all military operations are to be carried out with the agreement of Iraq and must be `` fully coordinated '' with Iraqis . A Joint Military Operations Coordination Committee will oversee military operations . Iraq has the `` primary right to exercise jurisdiction '' over U.S. forces `` for grave premeditated felonies , '' the agreement says . Suspects can be held by U.S. forces but must be available to Iraqi authorities for investigation or trial . Iraq also will have the `` primary right to exercise jurisdiction '' over U.S. contractors and their employees under the agreement . Also , the pact says that `` Iraqi land , sea and air should n't be used as a launching or transit point for attacks against other countries . '' The presidency council also approved a U.S.-Iraqi bilateral pact called the strategic framework agreement , which covers a wide range of bilateral cooperation efforts and which was approved by the Iraqi parliament last week . U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan C. Crocker and Gen. Ray Odierno ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Iraq 's presidency council Thursday approved the U.S.-Iraq security agreement -- the final step for the agreement to be ratified by the Iraqi government , a council spokesman said . The pact allows the presence of American troops in Iraq for three more years . U.S. soldiers gather at the `` Crossed Swords '' in Baghdad 's secure Green Zone on Tuesday . The three-member presidency council -- Kurdish President Jalal Talabani , Shiite Vice President Adel Abdul Mehdi and Sunni Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi -- approved the agreement unanimously a week after the Iraqi parliament passed the measure . Under the Iraqi constitution , unanimous approval by the presidency council is required for ratification of a law or agreement . The security pact will replace a U.N. mandate for the U.S. presence in Iraq that expires at the end of this year . The agreement , reached after months of negotiations , sets June 30 , 2009 , as the deadline for U.S. combat troops to withdraw from all Iraqi cities and towns . The date for all U.S. troops to leave Iraq is December 31 , 2011 . The agreement -- which stresses respect"} +{"answer":"Blagojevich was vacationing with his family in Florida on Thursday . In video shot at a Disney resort outside Orlando , Florida , by CNN affiliate WESH-TV , he declined to comment on his legal situation . He was filmed shortly before the indictments were handed down . In the WESH video , the ex-governor was sitting near a pool at the resort . `` I 'm enjoying Disney World with my kids and I do n't think you 're supposed to be here , '' said Blagojevich , after his wife attempted to shield him from the camera . `` I 'm happy to talk to you at the appropriate time . '' A man who identified himself only as `` someone who knows who he is '' then blocked the camera . U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin , D-Illinois , said he hoped the former governor would n't use the announcement as a reason to hit the media circuit again . `` We can only hope the former governor will not view this indictment as a green light for another publicity tour , '' he said . `` Rod Blagojevich deserves his day in court , but the people","question":"CHICAGO , Illinois -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Impeached former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich , who was arrested in December on charges of conspiracy and fraud , was indicted Thursday on 16 felony counts by a federal grand jury , the U.S. attorney 's office said . Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich is facing such charges as racketeering , conspiracy and wire fraud . The 19-count indictment charges Blagojevich and some of his closest aides and advisers with a wide-ranging `` scheme to deprive the people of Illinois of honest government , '' according to a statement by the attorney 's office . Blagojevich , 52 , faces charges including racketeering , conspiracy , wire fraud and making false statements to investigators , according to the release . Three counts in the indictment are against the aides and advisers . In a written statement , Blagojevich maintained his innocence -- as he has done throughout a political soap opera that captivated the nation . `` I 'm saddened and hurt but I am not surprised by the indictment , '' he said . `` I am innocent . I now will fight in the courts to clear my name . ''"} +{"answer":"penalty of two to 20 years in prison , The Houston Chronicle reported . Zeigler , who is being tried separately , has not been formally arraigned , Stickler said . Both remain in jail . The Houston Chronicle reported bail had been set at $ 850,000 each . Riley Ann 's case garnered national headlines after a fisherman found her body on the island in the bay . Authorities were unsure of her identity , and police dubbed her '' Baby Grace . '' Police distributed composite sketches of the girl nationwide , and Sheryl Sawyers , the girl 's paternal grandmother , contacted police from her Ohio home to say the drawing resembled her granddaughter . DNA testing confirmed the child 's identity . According to an affidavit , Trenor told police Riley had been beaten and thrown across a room and that her head was held underwater before she died on July 24 , 2007 . She said the couple hid the girl 's body in a storage shed for one to two months before they put it in the plastic container and dumped it into the bay . A medical examiner said Riley 's skull was","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A woman accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter and dumping her body in Galveston Bay in Texas has pleaded guilty to tampering with evidence in the case . Kimberly Dawn Trenor is scheduled to go on trial for murder next week in the death of her daughter . But Kimberly Dawn Trenor , 20 , pleaded not guilty to the capital murder charge , her lawyer said Wednesday . Trenor and her husband , Royce Clyde Zeigler II , 25 , both were charged with tampering with evidence and capital murder in the case of Riley Ann Sawyer , whose body was found in a large blue plastic container on an uninhabited island in Galveston Bay , Texas , in October 2007 . The charge of tampering with evidence accused the couple of concealing the child 's remains . Trenor was arraigned Tuesday in Galveston , Texas , said her lawyer , Tom Stickler . Jury selection for her trial on the capital murder charge begins Wednesday . The trial will begin in earnest on January 27 , he said . The jury also will sentence Trenor on the evidence tampering charge , which carries a"} +{"answer":"attempts to examine some of the reasons for the disparity and why Latinas now have the highest teen birth rate among all ethnic and racial groups in the United States . `` There 's a big disconnect between pregnancy rates and what Latina families want and value , '' said Ruthie Flores , senior manager of the National Campaign 's Latino Initiative . According to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy , 53 percent of Latinas get pregnant in their teens , about twice the national average . After a period of decline , the birth rate for U.S. teenagers 15 to 19 years rose in 2007 by about 1 percent , to 42.5 births per 1,000 , according to preliminary data in a March 2009 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 's National Center for Health Statistics . In 2007 , the birth rate among non-Hispanic whites ages 15 to 19 was 27.2 per 1,000 , and 64.3 per 1,000 for non-Hispanic black teens in the same age range . The teen birth rate among Hispanic teens ages 15 to 19 was 81.7 per 1,000 . Of the 759 Latino teens surveyed ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- She had many plans for the future : to go to college , start a career , meet the man of her dreams , raise a family -- when the time was right . Expert : `` There 's a big disconnect between pregnancy rates and what Latina families want and value . '' It was all cut off by an unexpected pregnancy . The baby became her life , consuming her energy and forcing her dreams to the back burner of her life . She is 19 or younger and Latina , and has had her first baby . It 's not what she wanted . Nor did her parents , who are the greatest influence on her decisions about sex , according to a wide-ranging survey released Tuesday by experts on the Hispanic community in the United States . The survey also found that 84 percent of Latino teens and 91 percent of Latino parents believe that graduating from college or university or having a promising career is the most important goal for a teen 's future . Somewhere along the way , the aspirations fail to match up to reality . The survey"} +{"answer":"The superdelegates are a group of about 800 party leaders and officials who vote at the convention for the candidate of their choice . But the popular vote count is debatable . If all the primary results including Florida and Michigan are counted , but not the caucus votes , Clinton leads in the popular vote 17,461,845 to Obama 's 17,244,762 , according to CNN estimates . That number includes giving Obama all the `` uncommitted '' votes from Michigan . Florida and Michigan were stripped of their delegates for scheduling their primaries too early . Clinton won both states , but Obama 's name was not even on the ballot in Michigan . The Democratic National Committee decided Saturday to reinstate all of Florida and Michigan 's delegates to the national convention , with each delegate getting a half-vote to penalize the two states for holding their primaries earlier than party rules allowed . The DNC 's Rules and Bylaws Committee 's move gave Clinton 87 delegates and Obama 63 . In a second scenario , which adds in CNN 's estimate of the caucus-goers , Obama leads Clinton 17,928,000 to 17,843,000 . And in a third scenario ,","question":"SAN JUAN , Puerto Rico -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sen. Hillary Clinton claimed victory in Puerto Rico on Sunday and insisted that she is leading Sen. Barack Obama in the popular vote . Clinton won 68 percent of the vote compared with Obama 's 32 percent . Her vote tally was 263,120 ; his was 121,458 . The win gives Clinton the larger share of Puerto Rico 's 55 delegates . The Democratic primary season ends Tuesday when Montana and South Dakota cast their votes . `` When the voting concludes on Tuesday , neither Sen. Obama nor I will have the number of delegates to be the nominee , '' she said in San Juan , Puerto Rico . `` I will lead the popular vote ; he will maintain a slight lead in the delegate count , '' she said . Obama leads in the overall delegate count -- 2,070 to Clinton 's 1,915 . CNN analysts weigh in on Clinton 's next steps '' A candidate needs 2,118 to claim the Democratic nomination . The Clinton campaign has been focusing on the popular vote as it tries to convince superdelegates to pick her instead of Obama ."} +{"answer":"not its decision whether or not to release Megrahi , but that of the Scottish authorities because the bomber was imprisoned in Scotland . Scotland has some control over its own affairs , including justice , but London runs British foreign policy . Some American senators , led by New Jersey Democrat Robert Menendez , have been furious about Megrahi 's release . They said in a report in December that his medical condition did not justify setting him free . The leaked U.S. Embassy cable says Megrahi had been diagnosed with inoperable cancer and that the average life expectancy for someone with his condition was 18 months to two years . It noted that he could have as long as five years to live . The October 2008 American cable is broadly consistent with hundreds of documents about the case declassified by Scotland after Megrahi was released in August 2009 . Those documents and American diplomatic cables published earlier by WikiLeaks show that Libya was determined to win the release of Megrahi , warning London that it would react badly if the bomber died in jail . The British have consistently denied that commercial considerations -- such as oil","question":"London -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- British government ministers secretly advised Libya on how to get convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdelbeset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi released from a life sentence in a Scottish prison , American documents published by WikiLeaks allege . A Foreign Office official explained to the Libyans how to apply for compassionate release for Megrahi after he was diagnosed with cancer , according to an October 2008 U.S. Embassy cable newly published by WikiLeaks . The British government believed Scotland would be inclined to grant the bomber compassionate release , the cable says . Megrahi , the only person convicted in the 1988 bombing of Pan Am flight 103 , which killed 270 , was released in 2009 . He is now living in Libya . Then-Foreign Office Minister Bill Rammell wrote to Libyan Deputy Foreign Minister Abdulati al-Obeidi in October 2008 to explain how to apply for compassionate release , a British official told the U.S. Embassy in London , the cable says . The Foreign Office in London and the office of Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond in Edinburgh did not respond immediately to CNN requests for comment . The British government has always said it was"} +{"answer":"confidence ahead of Wednesday 's Champions League showdown with Russia 's Rubin Kazan at the San Siro , with the winner earning a place in the knockout stages . AC Milan scored all three goals in the first half as striker Marco Borriello , who used to play for Sampdoria 's city rivals Genoa , headed the opener in the first minute from Ronaldinho 's cross . The Brazilian was in fine form , and also set up the second goal for Clarence Seedorf in the 21st minute as he threaded a neat pass to the veteran Dutch midfielder . Ronaldinho 's compatriot Alexandre Pato made it 3-0 just two minutes later with his seventh goal of the season , netting at the second attempt after goalkeeper Luca Castellazzi blocked his initial effort following a header on by Borriello . It was Milan 's fifth successive victory , with coach Leonardo taking Ronaldinho off at halftime as a precaution due to a slight knee problem ahead of Tuesday 's Champions League trip to FC Zurich , which will determine whether the Rossoneri qualify for the knockout stages . Sampdoria slumped to a third defeat in a week , having been","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Manager Jose Mourinho was sent off as Italian leaders Inter Milan crashed to a 2-1 defeat at title hopefuls Juventus on Saturday night . Second-placed AC Milan are now four points adrift of their city rivals after a 3-0 home crushing of Sampdoria , who remained in fifth . Ten-man Juve went third , five points behind Inter , after ending the defending champions ' eight-match unbeaten run in Serie A. Brazil midfielder Felipe Melo was credited with the 20th-minute opening goal in Turin as he deflected in a free-kick from compatriot Diego , and Mourinho was ordered from the dugout following his protestations about the foul being awarded in the first place . Cameroon striker Samuel Eto'o leveled six minutes later with a header from Dejan Stankovic 's cross , but new Italy international Claudio Marchisio gave the home side victory in the 58th minute after goalkeeper Julio Cesar blocked a shot by midfielder Mohamed Sissoko . Melo was sent off with three minutes left for his second yellow card after aiming an elbow at Mario Balotelli , who was also booked for his theatrical reaction . The defeat was a blow to Inter 's"} +{"answer":"Awards , was scheduled to perform at the show . His girlfriend , singer Rihanna , abruptly canceled her planned Grammys performance , but neither her spokesman nor the show organizers gave a reason . `` Rihanna is well , '' her spokesman said in a written statement . `` Thank you for concern and support . '' Watch the latest developments in the case '' Brown , 19 , and Rihanna , 20 , were seen together Saturday night at a pre-Grammys dinner at the Beverly Hills Hilton , about five miles from where police said the alleged incident happened at 12:30 a.m. Sunday . The police statement said Brown and a woman were in a vehicle near Hollywood 's Hancock Park when `` they became involved in an argument . '' `` After stopping his car , Brown and the woman got out and the argument escalated , '' police said . After receiving a 911 call at about 12:30 a.m. Sunday , officers found the woman at the scene of the alleged fight , but Brown had left , the department said . Investigators were treating the incident as a possible felony battery case , police said","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The woman allegedly assaulted by singer Chris Brown in Hollywood early Sunday was his girlfriend , singer Rihanna , according to sources close to the couple . Chris Brown attends a party saluting music producer Clive Davis in Beverly Hills , California , on Saturday . While Los Angeles Police have a policy against identifying alleged domestic violence victims , two people who know both Brown and Rihanna confirmed she was the woman police said had `` suffered visible injuries and identified Brown as her attacker . '' Brown , 19 , turned himself in to police Sunday night after police said they were looking for him . He was arrested on suspicion of making criminal threats . Brown was later released on a $ 50,000 bond and given a March 5 court date . `` Detectives investigating the alleged domestic violence felony battery booked him for criminal threats , '' a statement from the Los Angeles Police Department said . `` At the time the case is presented to the Los Angeles County district attorney 's office , additional charges may be filed . '' Brown , nominated for two Grammy"} +{"answer":"proclaim May 22 -- Milk 's birthday -- as a day of significance across the state . The bill was one of 704 signed Sunday -- most of them near the midnight deadline -- by Schwarzenegger , said spokesman Aaron McLear . The legislation passed the state Senate in May and the state Assembly last month . The legislation has been divisive , with the governor 's office receiving more than 100,000 phone calls and e-mails , most of them in opposition , spokeswoman Andrea McCarthy said last month . But she added that most of the Twitter posts the governor received were in favor of the bill . Schwarzenegger vetoed a similar bill last year , saying he believed Milk should be recognized at the local level . Milk was a `` unique '' historical figure who led a civil rights movement and then was `` assassinated in his public office for being who he was , '' State Sen. Mark Leno , a Democrat , told CNN last month . The day of significance would not close schools or state offices , according to its text . However , Randy Thomasson , the president of SaveCalifornia.com , said","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed a bill commemorating Harvey Milk , the first openly gay politician elected to public office in the state , a spokesman for the governor said Monday . Stuart Milk , nephew of Harvey Milk , sits next to a photo of the gay rights activist in March . `` He really saw this signing as a way to honor the gay community in California , '' spokesman Aaron McLear told CNN in a telephone interview . Schwarzenegger vetoed a similar bill last year , saying he believed Milk should be recognized at the local level . But since then , `` Milk has become much more of a symbol of the gay community , '' McLear said , citing the eponymous movie starring Sean Penn , Milk 's posthumous receipt of the Presidential Medal of Freedom and his induction into the California Hall of Fame . Milk served briefly as San Francisco 's supervisor before he and Mayor George Moscone were assassinated in 1978 by Dan White , a city supervisor who had recently resigned but wanted his job back . Under the measure , the governor each year would"} +{"answer":"of the Collective Bargaining Agreement and there was no indication of any improper conduct or wrongdoing , '' Daly said in a statement issued Wednesday . A separate statement by Capitals president Dick Patrick said the team had `` no reason to believe there is any merit to this story , '' but would fully cooperate with the NHL 's investigation . MLB.com , the Web site of Major League Baseball , reported Wednesday that the league would look into the allegation involving the Washington Nationals . The report posted on the Web site of the Washington Nationals quoted Nationals president Stan Kasten as saying the team knew nothing about the steroids claim , and that the league was handling it . Thomas and his wife , Sandra , 49 , were arrested Tuesday night at their home in Lakeland , Florida , on 21 counts of possession of anabolic steroids , importation of anabolic steroids and maintaining a residence for drug sales , Judd said . He said the couple has been charged with 10 counts of steroid possession with intent to distribute , 10 counts of importing the drugs and one count of maintaining a residence for drug","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Florida man arrested with his wife on anabolic steroid possession charges claimed to have sold steroids to professional hockey and baseball players in the District of Columbia , but the National Hockey League and Washington Capitals said Wednesday they doubted the allegation . Richard Thomas and his wife , Sandra , were arrested Tuesday night at their home in Lakeland , Florida . Richard Thomas , 35 , told officers he sold the steroids to unidentified players on the NHL 's Capitals and the Washington Nationals of baseball 's National League , said Sheriff Grady Judd of Polk County , Florida . `` Richard Thomas told us that he sold steroids to ballplayers on those teams , '' Judd said after the arrests late Tuesday night . `` Now , is that one ballplayer to two ballplayers ? We do n't know . '' NHL Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly said the league would investigate the claim , but added that the Washington Capitals `` have no knowledge of any aspect of this allegation . '' `` Capitals players were subjected to no-notice testing five separate times over the past two seasons pursuant to the terms"} +{"answer":"stolen doctor 's identities to order prescription-drug pads that are used to write counterfeit prescriptions . `` The doctor whose name is printed on the form is usually unaware that his or her identity has been stolen for this purpose , '' Brown said . Haim got two powerful drugs from a pharmacy 11 days before his death , according to a source with knowledge of the transaction . His primary-care doctor did not know about the prescriptions and called the pharmacy two days later to find out what Haim had been given , the source said . Brown 's announcement did not specify whether any of the prescription drugs found in Haim 's apartment after his death were illegally obtained . Several prescription-drug bottles were taken from Haim 's apartment , Los Angeles County Deputy Coroner Ed Winter said Friday . Although the bottles indicated the drugs included Vicodin , Valium and Soma , no tests have been done to confirm what they are , he said . Haim had a prescription for the muscle relaxer Soma and the narcotic pain reliever Norco filled at a pharmacy on February 26 , a source with knowledge of the transaction said","question":"Los Angeles , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Corey Haim 's death is linked to an `` illegal and massive prescription-drug ring , '' California Attorney General Jerry Brown said Friday . Brown 's office is investigating `` an unauthorized prescription under the former child star 's name that was found during an ongoing investigation of fraudulent prescription-drug pads ordered from a vendor in San Diego . '' `` These prescriptions are very recent , and it involves Oxycontin and we 're not talking just 40 pills , more than that , '' Brown said in an interview Friday with CNN Radio . The announcement comes before the coroner has ruled on what killed Haim , the 1980s teen movie actor who struggled for decades with drug addiction . Haim , 38 , died early Wednesday after collapsing in the Los Angeles apartment he shared with his mother , authorities said . `` Corey Haim 's death is yet another tragedy linked to the growing problem of prescription-drug abuse , '' Brown said . `` This problem is increasingly linked to criminal organizations , like the illegal and massive prescription-drug ring under investigation . '' Brown said the ring uses"} +{"answer":"shipped to both sites and to a few other places around the nation are the first of some 195 million doses the U.S. government has purchased from five vaccine manufacturers , the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 's Dr. Jay Butler told reporters at the Indianapolis event . That number includes both spray and injectable forms . Butler , who heads the agency 's 2009 H1N1 Vaccine Task Force , has promised there will be enough for anyone who wants it . Butler said vaccine makers will ship 10 million to 20 million doses per week over the next couple of months . `` Is that fast enough ? '' he asked . `` No , but it 's what 's feasible . It 's what can be done . '' Monroe predicted that an ample supply of the injectable form will be available by mid-October . Last week , the CDC said it had received reports of 60 deaths of children related to H1N1 flu since April ; 11 of those deaths were reported last week alone . From August 30 until September 26 , the agency tallied 16,174 hospitalizations nationwide and 1,379 deaths associated with influenza virus","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A national campaign to inoculate tens of millions of Americans against H1N1 influenza began Monday , with health care workers in Indiana and Tennessee targeted as the first recipients , federal health authorities said . Health care workers in Indiana and Tennessee are among the first to receive the H1N1 vaccine Monday . `` I think the world has watched history unfold , '' Dr. Judy Monroe , Indiana 's state health commissioner , told reporters at Wishard Hospital in Indianapolis . Earlier Monday , the hospital received a shipment of 52 boxes -- each containing 100 pre-filled sprayers . `` This first 5,200 doses that came to Marion County is really just the tip of the iceberg , '' Monroe said . Health Director Virginia Caine said the shipment will be split among the county 's hospitals . A similar scene unfolded at LeBonheur Children 's Medical Center in Memphis , Tennessee , where three children have died from H1N1 , sometimes referred to as swine flu . Jennilyn Utkov , a spokeswoman for LeBonheur , said the hospital received about 100 doses . By noon , the supply had been depleted . The vaccines"} +{"answer":"macular degeneration-related vision loss include shadowy areas or fuzzy distortion in a person 's central vision . `` A patient told me recently that he noticed when he was driving that the streetlights were slanted ; the poles themselves were slanted , '' Solomon said . `` That 's a classic sign of the beginning of this disease . '' Although obesity , smoking , high blood pressure and certain drugs can cause it , age is the primary risk factor . `` As people approach their 50s and later , they may have little yellow deposits that develop underneath the retina , and that 's called drusen , '' Solomon explained . `` Those deposits are the hallmark of what we call early age-related macular degeneration . '' There are two forms of age-related macular degeneration , or AMD : the dry form , known as non-neovascular , and the wet form , called neovascular . The dry form , which Budacz has , is more common . According to the National Eye Institute , about 85 to 90 percent of patients with advanced macular degeneration have the dry form . Dry macular degeneration is caused when drusen begin","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When Albert Budacz was young , he prided himself on having good eyesight ; he never wore glasses . But as he eased into his late 40s , he could n't see as well . `` I noticed a change in my vision , '' he explained . `` Primarily in church when I would open a Bible , or something like that , I had to position myself under a light to see it . '' Ophthalmologist Dr. Sharon Solomon examined Albert Budacz and found age-related macular degeneration . Concerned that he was beginning to lose his sight , Budacz went to his ophthalmologist , Dr. Sharon Solomon with the Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins . He was found to have the beginnings macular degeneration , an eye condition that occurs when the central portion of the retina -- called the macula -- begins to deteriorate . Until recently , people with age-related macular degeneration , the leading cause of severe vision loss in Americans older than 60 , had few treatment options . But now , thanks to new research and advancing technology , there are more vision-saving choices . Early signs of"} +{"answer":"Malc was always entertaining , and I hope you remember that , '' Lydon said . `` Above all else , he was an entertainer , and I will miss him , and so should you . '' McLaren and the Sex Pistols had a turbulent relationship during the band 's brief , spectacular and controversial career . Originally known as the Strand , McLaren drafted in Lydon as lead singer and renamed the band the Sex Pistols . Lydon had been spotted wearing a Pink Floyd T-shirt with the words `` I hate '' added to it . The Sex Pistols ' raucous public appearances and raging lyrics on songs like `` Anarchy in the UK '' and the sneering `` God Save the Queen '' -- which became a hit despite the BBC 's refusal to play it -- made the band notorious on both sides of the Atlantic by 1977 . The Sex Pistols broke up in 1978 after one studio album , in large part because of a feud between McLaren and Rotten , who walked off stage at the end of the band 's last show declaring , `` Ever get the feeling you 've","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Fashion designer Vivienne Westwood and members of the Sex Pistols have led tributes to the band 's former manager Malcolm McLaren who died of cancer on Thursday aged 64 . As manager of the Sex Pistols and owner , with his then-lover Westwood , of the Sex boutique in London during the mid-1970s , McLaren was considered one of the pioneers of the punk movement . `` When we were young and I fell in love with Malcolm , I thought he was beautiful and I still do , '' Vivienne Westwood said in a written statement . Westwood 's son with McLaren , Joe Corre , her other son , Ben Westwood , and McLaren 's girlfriend , Young Kim , were with him when he died in Switzerland after a battle with mesothelioma . `` I thought he is a very charismatic , special and talented person . The thought of him dead is really something very sad , '' said Westwood . The lead singer of the Sex Pistols , John Lydon , better known as Johnny Rotten , also paid tribute to the band 's former manager . `` For me ,"} +{"answer":"the litigation are understood and acknowledged . '' That , she noted , `` is why I generally structure my opinions by setting out what the law requires and then explaining why a contrary position , sympathetic or not , is accepted or rejected . That is how I seek to strengthen both the rule of law and faith in the impartiality of our judicial system . '' Watch Sotomayor talk about her judicial philosophy '' Sotomayor argued that her `` personal and professional experiences help -LSB- her -RSB- listen and understand , with the law always commanding the result in every case . '' Watch Sotomayor 's remarks to the Senators '' Some of Sotomayor 's critics have argued that she has allowed her rulings to be swayed by factors such as ethnicity and race . Sotomayor , a federal appellate judge , would be the first Hispanic justice on the Supreme Court if her nomination is approved by the Judiciary Committee and the full Senate . She would be the 111th person to sit on the nation 's highest court , and the third woman justice . Watch Sotomayor take the oath '' Sotomayor , her foot in","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- U.S. Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor said Monday that her hotly disputed judicial philosophy is , in fact , quite simple : Remain faithful to the law . Judge Sonia Sotomayor speaks Monday to the Senate panel considering her nomination to the Supreme Court . `` In the past month , many senators have asked me about my judicial philosophy , '' Sotomayor told members of the Senate Judiciary Committee during her opening statement at her confirmation hearings . `` It is simple : fidelity to the law . The task of a judge is not to make law , it is to apply the law . And it is clear , I believe , that my record ... reflects my rigorous commitment to interpreting the Constitution according to its terms , interpreting statutes according to their terms and Congress 's intent and hewing faithfully to precedents established by the Supreme Court and by my Circuit Court . In each case I have heard , I have applied the law to the facts at hand . '' Sotomayor said the `` process of judging is enhanced when the arguments and concerns of the parties to"} +{"answer":"and won several design , engineering and technology awards . The Insight employs Honda 's Integrated Motor Assist -LRB- IMA -RRB- system , combining an extremely lightweight 1.0-liter , three-cylinder gasoline automobile engine with an ultra-thin electric motor . Early models came with a 5-speed manual transmission , but a continuously variable transmission -LRB- CVT -RRB- was offered starting in ' 01 . 2001 - 2002 Toyota Prius Overall MPG : 41 This was one of the earliest generations of the fuel-sipping Prius , and it certainly has become a green living icon since then . Drawing its power from a combination of a 1.5-liter four-cylinder engine and an electric motor , these earlier editions generated only 70 hp , but muscle is n't the point in a hybrid car . It 's pod-like design had a certain retro-futuristic appeal , and was roomier than one might think . 2000 - 2005 Toyota Echo Overall MPG : 38 The Echo was rolled out in 2000 as a no-frills compact econo-box , for those who wanted Toyota quality but were on a budget that precluded them from snagging a Corolla . The interior is plain , but the engine is reliable","question":"-LRB- AOL Autos -RRB- -- Consumer Reports recently announced its annual used cars ratings , and we were n't surprised to see one of the major categories was `` Best in Fuel Economy . '' With gasoline and oil prices on a seemingly endless upward spiral , that 's a key factor these days when choosing a used car -- or even a new one . The cars that made this list were , according to Consumer Reports , `` the affordable and reliable vehicles -LSB- that -RSB- returned some of the best results in our real-world fuel-economy tests . '' What follows is a list of the vehicles that magazine rated `` Best in Fuel Economy '' in the under $ 10,000 price range , with a short description of each vehicle . The mileage figures stated are the ones calculated by Consumer Reports in their own on-the-road tests . 2000 Honda Insight Overall MPG : 51 When the Insight hit showrooms in 1999 for the 2000 model year , it was hailed as one of the cleanest and most fuel-efficient vehicles in the world . It was the first gasoline-electric hybrid to be sold in the U.S. ,"} +{"answer":"She was born following Michelle 's preeclampsia diagnosis at a mere 25 weeks , weighing only 1lb. , 6 oz . Josie 's medical drama -- and Michelle 's own fight for survival -- was documented throughout their TV series . Josie will turn 2 in December and is developing normally , without any longterm effects from her premature birth . `` It is a miracle . Josie is the most energetic , busy little almost-2-year-old , '' says Michelle . `` She is short , and yet she can keep up with the big girls and she thinks she is just as big as they are . We are amazed at what she can do . '' Questions About the Pregnancy Following Josie 's life-threatening arrival into the world , the Duggars understand that some might question their latest pregnancy . `` Michelle is probably in better health now than she was 10 years ago , '' says Jim Bob , 46 . `` She has been getting on an elliptical for about an hour a day and is very careful of what she eats . '' Michelle , who is under the care of a high-risk pregnancy doctor","question":"-LRB- PEOPLE.com -RRB- -- They 're going for an even 20 ! Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar , stars of TLC 's `` 19 Kids and Counting , '' are expecting their 20th child this spring . `` We are so excited , '' says Michelle , 45 , who is now about three-and-a-half months into her pregnancy and due in April . `` I feel good . I am past the sickness stage now . '' The Tontitown , Ark. , couple , who are parents to children Joshua , 23 -LRB- who is married to Anna , 23 and has two children , Mackynzie , 2 and Michael , 4 months -RRB- , twins Jana and John-David , 21 ; Jill , 20 ; Jessa , 19 ; Jinger , 17 ; Joseph , 16 ; Josiah , 15 ; Joy-Anna , 14 ; twins Jedidiah and Jeremiah , 12 ; Jason , 11 ; James , 10 ; Justin , 8 ; Jackson , 7 ; Johanna , 6 ; Jennifer , 4 ; and Jordyn , 3 , weathered the medical emergency of their youngest daughter , Josie 's birth on Dec. 10 , 2009 ."} +{"answer":"in slave trade -LRB- slavery -RRB- , rape , incest , assault and deprivation of liberty , Sedlacek 's office said . If convicted , he could face life in prison . Austria does not have the death penalty . `` This man obviously led a double life for 24 years . He had a wife and had seven kids with her . And then he had another family with his daughter , fathered another seven children with her , '' said Franz Polzer , a police officer in Amstetten , the town where Fritzl lived , at the time of his arrest . The case first came to light in April 2008 when Elisabeth 's daughter , Kerstin , became seriously ill with convulsions . Elisabeth persuaded her father to allow Kerstin , then 19 , to be taken to a hospital for treatment . Hospital staff became suspicious of the case and alerted police , who discovered the family members in the cellar . Fritzl confessed to police that he raped his daughter , kept her and their children in captivity and burned the body of the dead infant in an oven in the house . Elisabeth told","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Josef Fritzl , the Austrian accused of keeping his daughter in a cellar for decades and fathering her seven children , will plead guilty to rape and incest when his trial opens Monday , Fritzl 's lawyer told CNN . Josef Fritzl is expected to plead guilty to rape and incest on Monday , his lawyer tells CNN . However , Fritzl will deny other charge he faces : murder , enslavement and assault , attorney Rudolph Mayer said Sunday . The 73-year-old expects to spend the rest of his life in prison , Mayer added . Fritzl faces six charges in a closed-door trial . The trial is scheduled to last five days , but Mayer said it could be shorter . Fritzl was charged in November with incest and the repeated rape of his daughter , Elisabeth , over a 24-year period . But he was also charged with the murder of one of the children he fathered with her , an infant who died soon after birth . State Prosecutor Gerhard Sedlacek said Michael Fritzl died from lack of medical care . In all , Fritzl is charged with : murder , involvement"} +{"answer":"also resonate with Georgia 's rural communities , which represent 39 percent of the HIV\/AIDS burden in the state , said Raphael Holloway , director of the HIV Unit at the Georgia Division of Public Health . The remaining 61 percent of people living with HIV or AIDS are in the metro Atlanta area . `` In some districts , for example , there may be 10 counties within that health district but only one infectious disease doctor that people can access for care and services , '' he said . It is also difficult to get HIV education to people in rural areas , he said . Of the 29 states reporting county-level data for the National HIV\/AIDS Atlas , Georgia had more counties than any other state with the highest levels of HIV and AIDS prevalence . Although this does not represent a comprehensive national assessment , Georgia ranked fifth in reporting of new AIDS cases in 2007 , behind Texas -LRB- fourth -RRB- , Florida -LRB- third -RRB- , New York -LRB- second -RRB- and California -LRB- first -RRB- , according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . The Northeast also has a heavy burden","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Southeast is among the areas of the United States with the highest concentration of cases of HIV and AIDS , according to a new online tool called the National HIV\/AIDS Atlas . In this map of AIDS prevalence rates in the Southeast , red represents the highest -LRB- 0.593 percent or greater -RRB- . AIDS experts in the region say that access to health care , especially when it comes to screening , is a major problem in rural communities . In the Southeast , people with HIV tend to get tested late , after they have become sick , partly because of stigma , said Kathie Hiers , executive director of AIDS Alabama in Birmingham . `` If you look at access to health care and almost any kind of health care report card , the South is the worst , '' she said . With little or no public transportation , people in non-metropolitan areas are at a disadvantage when they need to see a particular kind of doctor , experts say . There is also a shortage of doctors who deal with HIV in the region , Hiers said . These problems"} +{"answer":"Karen Levey , the court public information officer , could not confirm that Judge Belvin Perry Jr. received a copy of the notice . As of Thursday evening , defense attorney Jose Baez said he had not been served with the notice . In a hearing this week , Perry ordered the State Attorney 's Office to disclose the aggravating factors they intend to cite in a penalty phase if Anthony is convicted of premeditated murder . Anthony , 24 , is accused of killing 2-year-old Caylee , who disappeared in June 2008 . Her body was found that December in a vacant lot near her grandparents ' home in Orlando . Defense lawyers have said that prosecutors are seeking the death penalty to bankrupt the defense and prevent Anthony from having the attorney of her choice . The defense said that prosecutors had originally said they would not seek death in the case but reversed that position in March 2009 when they learned that Anthony had $ 205,000 for her defense . The bulk of the money came from ABC News for the licensing of photos and videos , Baez testified during a previous hearing . Anthony 's trial","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Florida prosecutors on Thursday revealed a list of reasons they 're seeking the death penalty against Casey Anthony , who is charged with killing her daughter , Caylee . Under Florida , law , prosecutors need to raise only one of 15 possible aggravating factors to support their decision to seek the death penalty . Assistant State Attorney Jeffrey Ashton cited five circumstances , according to a document obtained by CNN affiliate WESH and other Orlando , Florida , media outlets . In death penalty cases , jurors are asked to weigh aggravating circumstances that make a crime especially heinous against mitigating factors that favor mercy , such as a lack of prior offenses . Among the legal reasons cited : Caylee 's death occurred during aggravated child abuse , was especially `` heinous , atrocious , or cruel , '' and was committed in a `` cold , calculated and premeditated manner without any pretense of moral or legal justification , '' according to the document . Caylee was also under 12 years old , and Anthony `` stood in a position of familial or custodial authority over her , '' the document states ."} +{"answer":"hired Murray , a cardiologist . The singer was spending long days rehearsing for concerts that he saw as crucial to reviving his career . For six weeks , Murray told police that he treated Jackson for insomnia . He said he had been giving the singer an intravenous drip with 50 milligrams of propofol , diluted with lidocaine , every night to help him sleep . Jackson was already familiar with propofol , a powerful anesthetic , Murray said . The singer even called it his `` milk '' because of its milky appearance , he said . With the concerts approaching , Jackson started to need these drugs every night , Murray said -- and the doctor said he worried that Jackson was becoming addicted to propofol . He wanted to wean Jackson off the drug . Three days before Jackson 's death -- on June 22 -- Murray gave the singer a combination of drugs that he hoped gradually would move the singer off propofol . That mixture involved propofol , the anti-anxiety drug lorazepam -LRB- known by its brand name , Ativan -RRB- and midazolam -LRB- known as Versed -RRB- . It succeeded in helping Jackson","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Michael Jackson could n't sleep . A coroner preliminarily has concluded Michael Jackson died of an overdose of propofol , court documents say . Maybe it was anxiety over his upcoming comeback concert series in London , England . Perhaps his body was trying to process too many different medications . The reason may never be known , but a sworn affidavit makes clear that the King of Pop could n't get rest the night before he died on June 25 . The affidavit , from Detective Orlando Martinez of the Los Angeles Police Department , outlines probable cause for search warrants on the offices of doctors who are thought to have treated Jackson . Yet it also opens a window into Jackson 's final hours , revealing information about the singer 's treatment and the drugs given him by Dr. Conrad Murray , his personal physician , before his death . Watch a panel discuss Jackson 's death '' Based on interviews , visits to Jackson 's home as well as records and documents gathered during the investigation , the affidavit provides the following account of Jackson 's last days : In May , Jackson"} +{"answer":"described on her Twitter page as 4 feet , 11 inches tall and 93 pounds , but she asked to be taken to a hospital , said sheriff 's spokeswoman Jan Caldwell . Watch Caldwell talk about the incident '' The San Diego Chargers linebacker released a statement Sunday noting that no charges had been filed and saying he had done nothing wrong . `` I was concerned about her welfare given the intoxicated state she appeared to be in and I encouraged her to stay until safe transportation could be provided , '' Merriman said . `` I in no way caused any harm to Ms. Nguyen , however , paramedics were called and she was examined but no injuries were reported . '' Merriman said he was looking forward to clearing his name of the `` false accusations . '' Merriman 's lawyer , Todd Macaluso , said Sunday that more than a dozen other people were at the house at the time , and `` witness after witness after witness will back up his story 100 percent . '' In a statement posted on the Chargers ' Web site Sunday , team General Manager A.J. Smith said","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The reality television show personality who accused football player Shawne Merriman of choking her over the weekend has denied that she was drunk during the incident , her Twitter page said Monday . Shawne Merriman is accused of restraining reality TV star Tila Tequlia as she tried to leave his home , police say . `` I am allergic to alcohol , '' said the posting for Tila Nguyen , 27 , who goes by Tila Tequila . `` It has been publicly known for years . That is how I got the name Tila ` Tequila ' cuz the irony . I ca n't drink . '' The incident began at 3:45 a.m. Sunday , when authorities responded to a disturbance call from Nguyen , the San Diego -LRB- California -RRB- County Sheriff 's Department said in a statement . `` Nguyen told deputies she had been choked and physically restrained by Merriman when she attempted to leave his residence , '' it said . Merriman , 25 , was taken into custody on suspicion of battery and false imprisonment , the statement said . Deputies saw no physical injuries on Nguyen , who is"} +{"answer":"Anglican Church has welcomed the ordination of women and openly gay clergy and blessed homosexual partnerships , said Cardinal William Joseph Levada , the head of the Vatican 's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith . Their talks with the Vatican recently began speeding up , Vatican officials said , leading to Tuesday 's announcement . `` The Catholic Church is responding to the many requests that have been submitted to the Holy See from groups of Anglican clergy and faithful in different parts of the world who wish to enter into full visible communion , '' Levada said . Levada said `` hundreds '' of Anglicans around the world have expressed their desire to join the Catholic Church . Among them are 50 Anglican bishops , said Archbishop Joseph Augustine Di Noia of the Congregation for Divine Worship . While married Anglican priests may be ordained as Catholic priests , the same does not apply to married Anglican bishops , Levada said . `` We 've been praying for this unity for 40 years and we 've not anticipated it happening now , '' Di Noia said . `` The Holy Spirit is at work here . ''","question":"ROME , Italy -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Vatican said Tuesday it has worked out a way for groups of Anglicans who are dissatisfied with their faith to join the Catholic Church . The Vatican says more Anglicans have expressed an interest in joining the Catholic Church . The process will enable groups of Anglicans to become Catholic and recognize the pope as their leader , yet have parishes that retain Anglican rites , Vatican officials said . The move comes some 450 years after King Henry VIII broke from Rome and created the Church of England , forerunner of the Anglican Communion . The parishes would be led by former Anglican clergy -- including those who are married -- who would be ordained as Catholic priests , said the Rev. James Massa , ecumenical director of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops . `` This sets up a process for whole groups of Anglicans -- clergy and laity -- to enter in to the Catholic Church while retaining their forms of worship and other Anglican traditions , '' Massa said . The number of Anglicans wishing to join the Catholic Church has increased in recent years as the"} +{"answer":"by Jacques Kallis , who had earlier dropped the batsman as did captain Graeme Smith . Laxman was dropped by J.P. Duminy on 48 , and India reached lunch at 431-6 before piling on 117 runs in the two hours after the interval . Laxman completed his 15th Test century and Dhoni his fourth in only the second time that four Indian batsmen had reached three figures in the same innings . Meanwhile , New Zealand piled up 553-7 before declaring on the second day of the one-off Test against tourists Bangladesh in Hamilton . Martin Guptill -LRB- 189 -RRB- and Brendon McCullum -LRB- 185 -RRB- extended their sixth-wicket partnership to a national record of 339 . Guptill scored his maiden Test ton while wicketkeeper McCullum celebrated his 50th appearance in the five-day game with his highest score . Seamer Rubel Hossain took both of their scalps in the middle session and ended with his first five-wicket bag , conceding 166 runs . Bangladesh reached 87-1 at stumps in their first innings , with opener Tamim Iqbal unbeaten on 56 after facing just 48 balls . He put on 79 for the first wicket with Imrul Kayes , who made","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- India racked up a massive first-innings lead of 347 runs over South Africa on the third day of the second cricket Test in Kolkata as V.V.S. Laxman and captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni contributed centuries . The pair put on an unbroken 259 for the seventh wicket , with Laxman unbeaten on 143 and Dhoni on 132 when the declaration came at 643-6 in the final hour of Tuesday 's play . Their efforts meant that four Indians had passed three figures , following Virender Sehwag 's 165 on Monday and Sachin Tendulkar 's 106 , while four South African bowlers conceded more than 100 runs each . South Africa , who will return to the No. 1 Test ranking above India with a draw , reached 6-0 at stumps as only five balls of a scheduled 10 overs were able to be bowled due to bad light . India , who trail 1-0 in the two-match series , resumed the day on 342-5 with Laxman on nine and nightwatchman Amit Mishra on one . They extended their partnership to 48 before paceman Morne Morkel picked up his second wicket as Mishra was caught at second slip"} +{"answer":"remained seated , told the court before sentence was pronounced . `` And I just wanted to say that I will not bring dishonor to the decision to spare my life . '' Watch victims ' family members react to the sentence '' Nichols was spared a death sentence Friday after the jury deliberating his fate announced that it could not agree on a sentence . Bodiford gave Nichols the maximum sentence on all the non-murder charges , and ordered them to be served consecutively . Those terms ranged from five years for escape to life for armed robbery . Other charges included aggravated assault with a deadly weapon , robbery by force , theft by taking , hijacking a motor vehicle and false imprisonment . `` It 's a large number of years . It 's many lifetimes , '' Bodiford said . Bodiford ordered that Nichols serve his time in the Georgia state penal system , forgoing the possibility of sending him to the federal maximum-security prison in Colorado . Bodiford implored Nichols ' family and attorneys never to trust Nichols again . `` There 's ample evidence that trusting him will get you killed , '' he","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Georgia judge threw the book at Brian Nichols on Saturday , giving him four consecutive sentences of life without parole for a 2005 shooting rampage that started in an Atlanta courthouse . Brian Nichols tells the court Saturday in Atlanta , Georgia , `` I will not bring dishonor to the decision to spare my life . '' `` I 'm giving you the maximum -- every day I could give you . If I could give you more , I would , '' Superior Court Judge James Bodiford told Nichols . Nichols , 37 , was convicted last month of 54 counts for a deadly shooting rampage that began March 11 , 2005 , in the same courthouse where he stood trial . Nichols , who was being tried for rape , shot three people to death as he escaped from the downtown courthouse that day and a federal agent the next day in Atlanta 's Buckhead district before being captured in neighboring Gwinnett County . `` I know that the things that I 've done caused a lot of pain , and I am sorry , '' Nichols , who"} +{"answer":"go straight to the health care plans , even out-of-pocket expenses are far greater for premature babies than for children delivered at a normal time . The average out-of-pocket expense for a premature or low-birth-weight baby in the first year was $ 1,987 . For uncomplicated births , it is $ 654 , and a baby with other kinds of complications averages $ 953 in out of pocket expenses . But it 's important to note that these are average costs for premature babies born at different times -- a baby born closer to 40 weeks will most likely cost much less than a baby born at 26 weeks , said William Sexson , neonatologist at Emory University and prematurity prevention chair for the March of Dimes for the state of Georgia . Sexson was not involved in the new report . The problem of prematurity By definition , a premature baby is born before the 37th week of pregnancy . About 12 percent of all pregnancies in the United States result in premature birth , according to the National Institutes of Health . A low-birth-weight baby weighs less than 2,500 grams , or 5.5 pounds . Prematurity may contribute","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The average cost of medical care for a premature or low birth-weight baby for its first year of life is about $ 49,000 , according to a new report from the March of Dimes Foundation . Babies born after the 37th week of pregnancy are less costly to the health care system than premature babies . By contrast , a newborn without complications costs $ 4,551 for care in its first year of life , the report said . Newborns with other kinds of complications , such as congenital defects , have medical expenses of $ 10,273 on average in the first year . The foundation wants to show employers the importance of good maternity care , maternity coverage , and prevention of prematurity , said Jennifer Howse , president of the March of Dimes , a nonprofit for pregnancy and baby health . `` It 's in the best interest of the bottom line for the employer , and of course it 's certainly in the best interest for the baby , the employee , and ultimately the community in which the business is located , '' she said . Although most of these costs"} +{"answer":"and anemia develop . C is for Chloroquine Until recently , Chloroquine , an anti-malarial drug , was the first option for many people because of its relatively low price and effectiveness . However , resistance to Chloroquine in many parts of the world has rendered the drug ineffective . D is for Diagnosis After noting your symptoms and travel history , your doctor will likely obtain a sample of your blood for observation . Two blood samples , taken at six - and 12-hour intervals , can usually confirm the presence of the malaria parasite and its type . It is possible to be infected by more than one parasite at the same time . E is for Epidemic According to the World Health Organization -LRB- WHO -RRB- , large and devastating epidemics can occur when the mosquito-borne parasite is introduced into areas where people have had little prior contact with the infecting parasite . These epidemics can be triggered by wet weather conditions and further aggravated by floods or mass population movements driven by conflict . F is for Fever The most common symptom of all types of malarias is high fever , which is why doctors often","question":"LONDON , England -- Malaria is one of the world 's worst health problems and one of its biggest killers , with half a billion people affected every year , according to the Roll Back Malaria partnership . Around half a billion people are infected with malaria every year . Ninety percent of those cases are in Africa . Saturday marks World Malaria Day , when the world commemorates global efforts to eradicate the disease . Below CNN 's Vital Signs has produced a complete A - Z guide to how malaria spreads , the symptoms to look out for and how to protect yourself . A is for Anti-malarial drugs The history of anti-malarial medicine has been marked by a constant struggle between evolving drug-resistant parasites and the search for new drugs . Currently , anti-malaria experts are focusing on therapies that combine several drugs for better effects . B is for Blood stream Once a mosquito has bitten and the malaria parasites reach the liver , the parasites divide and create thousands of mature parasites . These are released into the blood and infect red blood cells . At that point , typical malaria symptoms such as fever"} +{"answer":". '' Weighing in around 300 pounds , Bai Yun is about 1,000 times the size of her cub , who weighs around 4 ounces. , the typical size of a baby panda , Swaisgood said . `` Pandas give birth to what 's called very ` altricial ' cubs . That means they are very small and fragile . This cub would probably weigh about 4 ounces . It would be pink and hairless and completely dependent on the mother , '' he said . The birth is considered a success for the zoo 's Institute for Conservation Research , which works with research and breeding centers around the world to boost the endangered panda population Herself a model of that effort , Bai Yun was the first panda to be born and survive at the breeding center of the China Center for Research and Conservation of the Giant Panda in the Wolong Nature Reserve in 1991 . She has given birth to four other cubs since arriving at the San Diego Zoo in 1996 from China . Two of them have since been returned to China , Swaisgood said . The newborn 's father , Gao Gao ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A giant panda at the San Diego Zoo gave birth to a cub the size of a stick of butter on Wednesday , her fifth cub born in the zoo since 1999 . The public can view live video of the cub and its mother , Bai Yun , on the zoo 's Web site . The sex of the mostly hairless , pink newborn , which was born around 5 a.m. , is not known yet , said Dr. Ron Swaisgood of the zoo 's Institute of Conservation Research . It will take about one month for the iconic black-and-white coloration of the giant panda to become visible , Swaisgood said . Its mother , Bai Yun , will care for the newborn by herself until she starts leaving the den regularly , at which time members of the zoo 's giant panda team will step in briefly to check on the cub , he said . `` She is a very experienced mother . She raised all of her other cubs until about 1.5 years , the natural age for separation , '' Swaisgood told CNN Radio . `` She 's a real pro"} +{"answer":"recent months , however , militants bent on imposing fundamentalist Islamic law , or Sharia , have unleashed a wave of violence across the NWFP which has claimed hundreds of lives , many of them security personnel . The militants want women to wear veils , beards for men and to ban music and television . After months of bloody battles , the government in May reached a peace deal with fighters loyal to the banned hardline Islamic group , Tehreek Nifaz-e-Shariat Mohammadi -LRB- TNSM -RRB- . It is the latest attempt by Pakistan 's new government -- headed by the party of the assassinated prime minister Benazir Bhutto -- to achieve peace through negotiations in the lawless tribal areas where Taliban and al Qaeda leaders are believed to have free rein . Ahead of the peace pact , Pakistan 's government released TNSM 's former leader Sufi Mohammed , who had been jailed in 2002 after recruiting thousands of fighters to battle U.S. forces in Afghanistan . He was freed after agreeing to cooperate with the government . Under the terms of his release , TNSM was also expected to lay down its arms and forgo violence . But","question":"ISLAMABAD , Pakistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Militants set fire to a hotel at Pakistan 's only ski resort Thursday , as security in the Swat Valley continued to deteriorate despite a month-old peace deal . Pakistani soldiers on patrol in the Swat Valley , which is home to the country 's only ski resort . Militants forced their way into the state-run hotel in the northwestern tourist valley early Thursday morning , ransacked it and set it on fire , said Sardar Rehim Shahzad , district coordinator for Swat police . The hotel , the only one at the Malam Jabba ski resort , sustained significant damage , he told CNN . The resort is located near the Afghanistan border and about 300km -LRB- 186 miles -RRB- from the capital city of Islamabad . It was shut down last summer after militants overran the area , keeping tourists away , Shahzad said . Swat Valley , located in North West Frontier Province -LRB- NWFP -RRB- , was once Pakistan 's biggest tourist destination . Aside from the ski resort , it was a draw for trout-fishing enthusiasts and visitors to the ancient Buddhist ruins in the area . In"} +{"answer":"and will return to action next year , '' the statement said . The PGA Tour has ended for the year , but the first tournament of the 2010 season is just five weeks away . At least one other charity event is scheduled , but it is not clear if Woods had planned to attend . The Chevron World Challenge will go on despite the absence of its host , said Greg McLaughlin , president of Woods ' foundation . `` We support Tiger 's decision and are confident the strong field and excellent course will provide an exciting week of competition at the Chevron World Challenge , '' McLaughlin said . In a statement issued Sunday afternoon on his Web site , Woods offered no details of his wreck except to say he had cuts and bruises and was `` pretty sore . '' `` This situation is my fault , and it 's obviously embarrassing to my family and me , '' he said . `` I 'm human and I 'm not perfect . I will certainly make sure this does n't happen again . '' According to a police report , Woods pulled out of","question":"Los Angeles , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Tiger Woods has canceled plans to attend his own golf tournament in southern California because of injuries he suffered near his Florida home early Friday , the pro golfer said in a statement Monday . `` I am extremely disappointed that I will not be at my tournament this week , '' Woods said of the Chevron World Challenge in Thousand Oaks , California . `` I am certain it will be an outstanding event and I 'm very sorry that I ca n't be there . '' He also canceled a Tuesday news conference for the start of the tournament , which helps raise money for Tiger Woods Foundation programs . Woods suffered minor injuries in a vehicle accident early Friday in his luxury neighborhood near Orlando , Florida , according to a police accident report . State police in Florida said Monday an investigation of the single-vehicle crash `` is ongoing and charges are pending . '' The incident has ended Woods ' golf appearances until next season , according to a statement posted on his Web site . `` Woods will not participate in any other tournaments in 2009"} +{"answer":"when he met North Korean leader Kim Jong Il , becoming the first South Korean leader to do so since the Korean War unofficially ended in 1953 . But rapproachment talks between the two sides hit a wall after conservative South Korean President Lee Myung-bak took office in early 2008 with a tougher stance toward the North than Kim and his successor , Roh Moo-hyun . Ahead of the funeral , President Lee met with a visiting North Korean delegation , who delivered a message from Kim Jong Il expressing hopes for improved relations between the two countries . Lee , in turn , reiterated his government 's firm stance , presidential spokesman Lee Dong-kwan was quoted as saying by Yonhap . But in a possible sign that icy relations between the two rival nations are nevertheless thawing , South Korean Unification Minister Hyun In Taek met with North Korean unity leader Kim Yang Gon on Saturday . It was the first high-level , cross-border contact in nearly two years . The meetings between officials of the two Koreas are in stark contrast to the tense public statements they made about each other earlier this year . Tensions between the","question":"SEOUL , South Korea -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- South Korea bade farewell to former President Kim Dae-Jung Sunday in a ceremony attended by thousands of citizens , dignitaries and politicians . South Korean Buddhist monks pray in front of a portrait of former president Kim Dae-jung during his funeral Sunday . The solemn Sunday afternoon ceremony was held outside parliament , with a large portrait of Kim placed on a shrine surrounded by flowers . The funeral followed six days of mourning for Kim , who died Tuesday of a heart failure . Kim 's age at the time of his death was in dispute , with some reports saying he was 85 while others placing it at 83 . Kim 's state funeral was the second such ever given in the country , South Korea 's Yonhap news agency said . Another president , Park Chung-hee , was also accorded a state funeral after his assassination while in office in 1979 . Kim -- who was president from 1998 to 2003 -- won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2000 for trying to foster better relations with North Korea . The watershed moment of his presidency came in June 2000"} +{"answer":"and was reprised by Bill Cosby as a 1998 TV show . The phrase began as a segment on `` House Party . '' Linkletter would ask several children their thoughts on various topics ; their responses were often hilariously absurd . `` I was Oprah before there was Oprah , '' he once told The Wall Street Journal . Flowers were placed on Linkletter 's star on Hollywood 's Walk of Fame Wednesday afternoon . His nighttime show , `` People Are Funny , '' started on radio in 1942 and ran on NBC television from 1954 to 1961 . According to Tim Brooks and Earle Marsh 's `` The Complete Directory to Primetime Network and Cable Shows , 1946-Present , '' the show featured everyday guests who would be interviewed by Linkletter and then asked to do a stunt . The result for those who failed at the stunt was often a pie in the face or being splashed by water . Linkletter also hosted a short-lived quiz show , `` The Art Linkletter Show , '' in 1963 . At its height , Linkletter 's fame was notable enough to make him part of Milton Bradley 's","question":"Los Angeles , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Art Linkletter , the easygoing , smooth-voiced emcee famed for his long-running hosting gigs of the radio and television shows `` House Party '' and `` People Are Funny , '' and author of `` Kids Say the Darndest Things , '' has died , according to his spokeswoman . Linkletter `` died peacefully at home with his family on Wednesday , '' a statement from the family said . He was 97 . `` Just one month earlier , while being honored at an event , he was asked what he considered his greatest life accomplishment , '' the statement said . `` He responded ' Family . ' '' Linkletter rose to fame as a radio announcer in San Diego , later becoming a program director . In 1944 , he launched `` Art Linkletter 's House Party , '' a daytime CBS radio show that moved to television in 1952 and ran until 1969 . `` Kids say the darndest things , '' was Linkletter 's often-repeated phrase because of his humorous interviews with children . It became the title of his best-selling book , a country music hit"} +{"answer":"than those heard in a general court-martial . If found guilty , they could be sentenced to a maximum of a year in a military prison , demotion to the lowest Navy rank , a cut in pay and a bad conduct discharge . But if found innocent of all charges , they would be able to continue their careers with no record of the case in their personnel files . The three SEALs are with their unit in Norfolk , Virginia . They will make an initial appearance before a military judge on December 7 . The court-martial is scheduled to begin in January . The attorney said he expects the SEALs will not waive their constitutional right to confront the accuser in court , which could cause a logistical challenge . Abed is believed to be in a U.S. military detention center overseas , and it is unclear if the military would want him brought to the United States for the court-martial . The four contractors , one of whom was a former Navy SEAL , were working for the Blackwater company when they were attacked in Falluja in 2004 . After they were killed with hand grenades","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Three U.S. Navy SEALs face criminal charges after the alleged mastermind of one of the most notorious crimes against Americans in Iraq accused them of punching him after his capture , the military said Wednesday . Ahmed Hashim Abed -- thought to be behind the slayings and mutilation of four U.S. contractors in Falluja in 2004 and captured in summer -- made the accusations against the three servicemen , said Lt. Col. Holly Silkman , a spokeswoman for U.S. Central Command . A civilian lawyer for one of three SEALs said his client and the other SEALs declined a nonjudicial resolution to the case , a step sometimes called a `` captain 's mast . '' The servicemen say they did not harm the detainee in any way and they want their names cleared in a court-martial so they can continue their careers in the Navy , said the attorney , Neil Puckett . Because the charges against Petty Officer 2nd Class Matthew McCabe , Petty Officer Jonathan Keefe and Petty Officer Julio Heurtas are the military equivalent of misdemeanors , they will go before a special court-martial , which is for less serious offenses"} +{"answer":"motion said . CNN is not naming the teenager , as authorities allege she is a victim of sexual abuse . A hearing on the matter was conducted Tuesday . Patrick Crimmins , spokesman for DFPS , said the teenager showed up without the baby . An agreement was reached by both sides during the hearing , Crimmins said , but the judge ordered that the agreement not be made public . The department has attempted to resolve the issue with the teenager but had not been successful , the motion said . The FLDS was thrust into the spotlight in April , when child welfare workers removed more than 400 children from the sect 's Yearning for Zion Ranch in Eldorado , Texas , citing allegations of physical and sexual abuse . Following a court battle , the Texas Supreme Court ordered the children returned , saying there was no evidence they faced imminent danger of abuse on the ranch . Critics of the FLDS say the sect forces girls into marriage with men . To date , 12 FLDS members have been indicted on charges including sexual assault of a minor , conducting unlawful marriages involving a minor","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Texas child welfare officials have asked a judge to order a teenage member of a polygamous sect to let them take DNA from her infant so they can determine the father 's identity , according to court documents filed in the case . An aerial view taken last year shows some living quarters at polygamist leader Warren Jeffs ' Texas ranch . The teenager , who is younger than 18 , is a member of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints . She is believed to have had the baby in June , Texas Department of Family and Protective Services attorneys said in the documents , filed earlier this month . Child welfare authorities also believe the teenager was married at 14 to an adult male , department attorney John Dolezal writes in the motion . `` In order to determine the identity of the sexual perpetrator who engaged in sexual intercourse with -LSB- the girl -RSB- while she was a minor , which act consequently led to this pregnancy , the department is required to perform genetic testing on the child so as to determine who that individual is , '' the"} +{"answer":"recently told CNN that this time a peace deal is not an option . `` Certainly there is no scope of a peace deal , '' Abbas told CNN . `` It is a fight to the finish . '' The military began its ground offensive in South Waziristan three weeks ago , however the region has been affected by a broader anti-Taliban offensive that has uprooted more than 180,000 people this year , according to the United Nations . Many of those people -- more than 94,000 -- have fled South Waziristan since June , the U.N. said last week . In recent weeks , Pakistan has been relentlessly rocked by a wave of attacks as Islamic militants retaliate against the military campaign . On Monday , the Pakistani cities of Lahore and Rawalpindi were hit by separate suicide bombings . A suicide attacker believed to be on a motorcycle targeted people outside a bank in Rawalpindi who were lined up to pick up their monthly checks , police said . That attack killed 30 people , police said on Tuesday . The attack happened in the Cannt area of Rawalpindi , close to Pakistan 's military headquarters where","question":"Islamabad , Pakistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Pakistan 's military said Tuesday that its forces have taken over a Taliban stronghold during the ongoing ground offensive in the tribal region of South Waziristan . Pakistani security forces have secured Sararogha and have started to clear the town of weapons and ammunition , the military said . It comes a day after its forces gained control of Kaniguram , another key Taliban stronghold , which the military says its forces have now completely secured . According to the military , 21 militants and one Pakistani soldier died in the past 24 hours of fighting -- most of them in the raid on Sararogha . The military is trying to rout Taliban insurgents operating along the Pakistan-Afghan border . The restive and largely ungoverned region of South Waziristan is the headquarters of the Pakistani Taliban . Pakistan 's military suspects its leader , Hakimullah Mehsud , is still in the region backed by up to 8,000 militant fighters . Pakistan 's army has launched three similar offensives in Kaniguram and Sararogha since 2004 without success , sometimes agreeing to peace deals that eventually fall apart . Army spokesman Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas"} +{"answer":"this double hundred to all the people of India who stood with me for the last 20 years . I really appreciate their support . This is for all the people in India . '' Captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni hailed his teammate , with whom he added an unbroken 101 at breakneck pace . `` Even when he 's tired and ca n't play the big shots , he 's very clever to use the pace of the bowler , '' Dhoni said . `` It 's very difficult for the bowlers , they do n't know exactly where to bowl , so I think he batted really well . '' Tendulkar made only four in India 's victory in the first match on Sunday , but batted throughout the home team 's innings of 401-3 as he made exactly 200 . Tendulkar put on 194 for the second wicket with Dinesh Karthik after the early departure of Virender Sehwag for nine with the score on 25 . Tendulkar scorched to his 50 from only 37 deliveries before Karthik became Wayne Parnell 's second victim , having made 79 off 85 balls with three sixes . Yusuf Pathan matched Tendulkar","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sachin Tendulkar confirmed his status as one of cricket 's all-time great batsmen on Wednesday , adding the highest individual one-day international score to his list of world records . The 36-year-old became the first player to score a double-century in the 50-over format as India thrashed South Africa by 153 runs in the second match of the series in Gwalior to take an unassailable 2-0 lead . Tendulkar surpassed the previous record of 194 , which was jointly held by Pakistan 's Saeed Anwar and Charles Coventry of Zimbabwe , to take his record total of runs to 17,598 in 442 one-day internationals played . He passed three figures for the 46th time , and has now scored 17 more one-day centuries than his closest rival Ricky Ponting of Australia . Tendulkar , one of India 's most popular sporting heroes , also holds the records for most runs and most centuries in the five-day Test format . `` I do n't know how to react to this , '' he told reporters after being presented with a silver bat to mark his 20 years in the sport . `` I would like to dedicate"} +{"answer":"boots and rifle representing each of those killed -- before family members and comrades filed past . Fort Hood Army Post has seen 545 soldiers killed in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan , said Lt. Gen. Robert Cone , the post 's commander , `` but never did we expect to pay such a high price at home . '' Gen. George Casey , the Army 's chief of staff , added , `` Grieve with us . Do n't grieve for us . '' `` Those who have fallen did so in the service of their country , '' he said . `` They freely answered the call to serve , and they gave their lives for something that they loved and believed in . '' Obama called the wartime killings of American troops on their home soil `` incomprehensible . '' But he said the values the dead volunteered to defend will live on and will be extended even to the man accused of carrying to the slayings . The suspected gunman in the attack is a 39-year-old Army psychiatrist , Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan , who remained in intensive care at an Army hospital in San","question":"Fort Hood , Texas -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The sound of taps echoed across the Texas plains Tuesday after President Obama pledged that the work of those killed in last week 's Fort Hood massacre will go on despite their `` incomprehensible '' slayings . Speaking to an estimated 15,000 people at a memorial service at the post , Obama vowed that justice will be done in the attack that left 13 dead and 42 wounded . Though he told the families that `` no words can fill the void that has been left , '' he added , `` your loved ones endure through the life of our nation . '' `` Their life 's work is our security and the freedom that we too often take for granted . Every evening that the sun sets on a tranquil town ; every dawn that a flag is unfurled ; every moment that an American enjoys life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness -- that is their legacy , '' the president said . After his remarks , Obama and first lady Michelle Obama laid a presidential coin before each of the 13 battlefield crosses -- the helmet ,"} +{"answer":"with the pop star when he died on June 25 , 2009 . The Los Angeles County coroner ruled Jackson 's death a homicide , resulting from a combination of drugs , primarily propofol -- a powerful anesthesia -- and lorazepam . Joe Jackson suggested it was more than a doctor making a fatal judgment . `` To me , he 's just a fall guy , '' Jackson said . `` There 's other people , I think , involved with this whole thing . But I think that he 's interrogated -- he would come clean and tell everything he knows . '' He said Michael Jackson told his mother , as he was preparing for his comeback concerts in London , England , last year , that he thought he would be killed . `` He was afraid to even do all of these shows , because he was afraid that he would n't get a chance to finish all of the show , '' Joe Jackson said . `` He could n't do all those shows back-to-back . Even his kids say that he had told them that he would be murdered . '' Murray turned","question":"Los Angeles , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Michael Jackson 's father suspects his son was murdered and that Dr. Conrad Murray is `` just a fall guy '' in a conspiracy . Joe Jackson appeared on CNN 's `` Larry King Live '' on Monday night , just hours after sitting in a courtroom to hear Murray plead not guilty to a single charge of involuntary manslaughter in his son 's death last summer . A Los Angeles judge set bail at $ 75,000 , despite arguments from the prosecutor that Murray is a flight risk and needs a higher bail . Murray posted the bond and was released several hours later . Michael Jackson 's family , including his parents , four of his brothers and one sister , filled the first two rows of the small courtroom . `` I was looking for justice , and justice , to me , would be a murder charge , '' Joe Jackson told King . Prosecutors charged Murray , who was Jackson 's personal physician , with causing the pop star 's death `` without malice '' by acting `` without due caution and circumspection . '' Murray was"} +{"answer":"roadside bombs went off near police patrols in neighborhoods on opposite sides of the city -- the Ghazaliya neighborhood in western Baghdad and the Zayuna district on the city 's east side . There were no fatalities in either attack , but 11 people -- including one police officer in Ghazaliya and three in Zayuna -- were wounded . The attacks came as U.S. Vice President-elect Joe Biden on Monday met with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani in Baghdad . Biden -- who had been the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee -- has been on a foreign visit that included stops in Pakistan and Afghanistan . Barack Obama , the incoming U.S. president , is planning to shift the military focus in the region to fighting militants in Afghanistan , while withdrawing all but a residual force of troops from Iraq . The U.S. military said two of its troops died as a result of non-combat-related injuries on Sunday . One soldier died in northern Iraq and a U.S. Marine in western Iraq . Five U.S. troops have died in Iraq this month , and 4,225 since the war started . CNN 's Mohammed Tawfeeq contributed to this report","question":"BAGHDAD , Iraq -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A string of bombings around Iraq 's capital has killed eight people , including three Iraqi soldiers who died when their weapons truck was hit , and wounded at least 32 , the country 's Interior Ministry said . Blood stains the ground following the explosion of an IED on Kahramana Square in Baghdad on January 12 . The soldiers were killed by a roadside bomb in the Yarmouk district of western Baghdad about 10:15 a.m. -LRB- 0715 GMT -RRB- on Monday . The blast also set off small arms ammunition loaded on the truck . Four civilians were wounded in the attack . Separately , three civilians died when a car bomb went off outside a bakery in the eastern district of New Baghdad , followed shortly by another car bomb . Ten people were wounded , an Interior Ministry official told CNN . In central Baghdad , two civilians died in roadside bomb attacks -- one near Kahramana Square and the other targeting a police patrol in the Sheikh-Omar commercial area . A total of seven people , including three police officers , were wounded in those incidents . Two other"} +{"answer":"but the E. coli `` most likely came from raw ingredients '' such as flour . The E.coli strain that caused the outbreak , 0157 : H7 , is typically found in fecal contamination from animals such as cows , sheep or goats . Acheson points out that it 's not unusual for those animals to be carrying more than one strain of the bacteria . But he believes that the root cause of the contamination may never be known . `` We have to conclude we 're unlikely to have a definitive determination , '' he said . Most people with E. coli 0157 : H7 experience diarrhea and abdominal cramps within eight days of infection . The FDA notified Nestle USA on Thursday that its investigation at the Danville plant was over . Nestle says FDA inspectors were at the plant for more than a week and found no E. coli on equipment . More than 1,000 tests have been conducted at the facility after the outbreak . `` We 've dismantled the production line and done extensive testing on all equipment and not found any E. coli , '' Nestle USA spokeswoman Laurie MacDonald said . MacDonald","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The investigation of the E. coli outbreak linked to Nestle Toll House cookie dough is nearly over , according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration . The cause of the contamination has not been identified . Nestle recalled all its Toll House refrigerated cookie dough products made at a Danville , Virginia , plant . David Acheson , the FDA 's associate commissioner for foods , says the samples of cookie dough his agency has tested do not contain the E. coli strain that sickened 74 people in 32 states . On June 19 , Nestle recalled all its Toll House refrigerated cookie dough products made at a Danville , Virginia , plant . Thirty-four people have been hospitalized ; no deaths have been reported . The CDC reports that the majority of the patients were teenage girls who reported eating the cookie dough raw . Last month , the FDA found E. coli in a production sample of Toll House cookie dough , but after testing , investigators found that the strain in the sample did not match the outbreak strain . `` We are still in speculation mode , '' Acheson said ,"} +{"answer":"Peanut paste is sold in sizes from 35-pound containers to tankers . The peanut paste is used in the manufacturing of cakes , candies , crackers , cookies and ice cream , FDA officials say . Minnesota and Connecticut health officials have confirmed salmonella Typhimurium linked to this outbreak in bulk containers found in institutions such as prisons , schools and nursing homes . The FDA is urging companies that make these foods to check whether they use peanut butter or paste produced by the company . The recalled peanut butter was manufactured on or after August 8 , 2008 ; the peanut paste was produced on or after September 26 , 2008 . The administration is urging companies to notify consumers if the products they manufacture may contain peanut products from Peanut Corp. . It is also urging companies whose products do not contain Peanut Corp. peanut butter or paste to make that information available to the public . The Kellogg Co. announced a voluntary recall of 16 products , including Keebler and Famous Amos peanut butter cookies , because they contain peanut butter that could be connected to Peanut Corp. . The FDA does not have the authority","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Federal officials are urging consumers to put off eating foods that contain peanut butter until assurances are made that the foods do not contain products manufactured by the Peanut Corp. of America , some of which were found to contain salmonella . A salmonella outbreak has sickened almost 500 people and killed at least six . Food and Drug Administration officials said Saturday that peanut butter and peanut paste made from ground roasted peanuts , manufactured in Peanut Corp. 's Blakely , Georgia , plant were found to contain the bacteria , although a direct link to the strain that has now sickened 474 people in 43 states has not been found . Six deaths may have been connected to this salmonella outbreak . Peanut Corp. announced an expanded recall of peanut butter and peanut paste produced from its Georgia plant Friday night . Peanut Corp. does n't directly supply to supermarkets , so brand-name peanut butters are not expected to be affected , according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . Instead , Peanut Corp. sells produce in bulk . The peanut butter is sold in containers from 5 to 1,700 pounds ."} +{"answer":"are the first of 195 million doses the U.S. government has purchased from five vaccine manufacturers , Butler said . Last week , the Food and Drug Administration licensed the vaccine from four of those companies . Sanofi Pasteur , Novartis and CSL Limited all manufacture flu shots , and MedImmune manufactures the inhalable vaccine . GlaxoSmithkline , which also is producing injectable flu vaccine , still needs to have its vaccine approved by the agency . Health officials report that the new H1N1 flu virus has not changed from what was seen earlier this year , so they are expecting the vaccine to be very effective . In some parts of the country , the vaccine ca n't some soon enough . The deputy director of the CDC 's Influenza Division , Dr. Daniel Jernigan , said 21 states are now reporting widespread flu activity . `` It 's a very strange thing for us to see that amount of influenza at this time of year '' rather than much later in the flu season . Jernigan said there 's been only a small an increase in hospitalizations , mainly among young children and adults . But there has","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Health officials expect more than 3 million doses of H1N1 flu vaccine to be available in the first week of October . Three flu shot manufacturers were licensed by the FDA last week . `` 3.4 million doses of vaccines will be available , '' said Dr. Jay Butler , who heads the 2009 H1N1 Vaccine Task Force at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . `` All of that vaccine is the inhalable vaccine , '' he said Friday . That form of vaccine is marketed in the United States as FluMist and is approved only for healthy individuals between the ages of 2 and 49 . Pregnant women are not allowed to get this type of vaccine because it contains a live virus . Butler added that he thinks there some flu shots may be available in early October as well , but he had a hard number only for the inhalable vaccine . Flu shots contain an `` inactivated , '' or dead , virus . Take a quiz about the H1N1 flu '' The 3.4 million doses of vaccine that will be shipped at the beginning of October"} +{"answer":"world , I ask you to please join us , '' McCartney said . `` Together we can continue to rebuild families ' homes and lives . ... If you join us , we 'll be unstoppable . '' Hosted by CNN 's Anderson Cooper , `` CNN Heroes : An All-Star Tribute '' features moving musical performances by Aguilera , Keys and Legend . Watch a preview of the show , including Aguilera 's performance '' Aguilera performed her hit single `` Beautiful . '' Legend , backed by the world-renowned Agape Choir , brought the audience of more than 2,000 to their feet with his powerful call to personal action , `` If You 're Out There , '' from his just-released album , `` Evolver . '' Keys sang `` Superwoman , '' her tribute to women around the world , from her hit album `` As I Am . '' All three performances echoed the spirit of the CNN Heroes campaign , which salutes everyday people accomplishing extraordinary things in their communities and beyond . `` In this time of economic turmoil , it is such a relief to know that there are people like these","question":"HOLLYWOOD , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Singer Christina Aguilera joins fellow Grammy Award winners Alicia Keys and John Legend for `` CNN Heroes : An All-Star Tribute , '' airing Thanksgiving night on CNN . Christina Aguilera performed her hit single `` Beautiful '' at `` CNN Heroes : An All-Star Tribute . '' The show , taped before an audience of more than 2,000 at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood , pays tribute to the top 10 CNN Heroes of 2008 . Liz McCartney , dedicated to helping survivors of Hurricane Katrina rebuild their homes , has been named the 2008 CNN Hero of the Year . McCartney , of St. Bernard Parish , Louisiana , received the honor at Saturday night 's taping of `` CNN Heroes : An All-Star Tribute . '' The telecast airs at 9 p.m. ET\/PT on Thanksgiving on the global networks of CNN . McCartney , who will receive $ 100,000 to continue her work just outside New Orleans , was selected from among the top 10 CNN Heroes after six weeks of online voting at CNN.com . More than 1 million votes were cast . `` To the country and the"} +{"answer":"Al Qaeda and its allies -- the terrorists who planned and supported the 9\/11 attacks -- are in Pakistan and Afghanistan . Multiple intelligence estimates have warned that al Qaeda is actively planning attacks on the U.S. homeland from its safe haven in Pakistan . Watch how the U.S. will target terrorist safe havens '' `` And if the Afghan government falls to the Taliban -- or allows al Qaeda to go unchallenged -- that country will again be a base for terrorists who want to kill as many of our people as they possibly can . '' Obama said it is key Americans understand that Pakistan `` needs our help '' against al Qaeda . `` Al Qaeda and other violent extremists have killed several thousand Pakistanis since 9\/11 . They have killed many Pakistani soldiers and police . They assassinated -LSB- former Pakistani Prime Minister -RSB- Benazir Bhutto . They have blown up buildings , derailed foreign investment and threatened the stability of the state . Make no mistake : Al Qaeda and its extremist allies are a cancer that risks killing Pakistan from within . '' Watch Obama 's speech on Afghanistan , Pakistan threats '' Flanked","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- More troops , new legislation , improved troop training and added civilian expertise highlight President Obama 's strategy to fight terrorism in Afghanistan and Pakistan . President Obama , here with Hillary Clinton on Friday , calls the situation in Afghanistan `` increasingly perilous . '' Obama on Friday announced his plan to tackle what he called an `` international security challenge of the highest order . '' Stressing soberly that `` the safety of people around the world is at stake , '' Obama said the `` situation is increasingly perilous '' in the region in and around Afghanistan , where the United States has been fighting al Qaeda and the Taliban for more than 7 1\/2 years after attacks in New York and at the Pentagon . `` The United States of America did not choose to fight a war in Afghanistan . Nearly 3,000 of our people were killed on September 11 , 2001 , for doing nothing more than going about their daily lives , '' said Obama , who has vowed to make Afghanistan the central front in the fight against terrorism . `` So let me be clear :"} +{"answer":"best and worst used cars , and divvied them up by price range . Using CR 's recommendations as a guideline , here is a list of some of the best used luxury cars currently on the market in the $ 24,000-30 ,000 price range . 2005 & 2006 Acura MDX A luxury SUV , the MDX is spacious , seats seven , and boasts distinctive styling and Acura 's famed attention to detail . Plus , it packs some punch under the hood -- this generation was powered by 3.5-liter , 253-hp V6 matched to a five-speed automatic transmission . AOL Autos : Used Acura Priced just right as a new vehicle , it included safety features like dual-stage front airbags , three-point seatbelts and adjustable head restraints for all seating positions . 2007 Acura RDX A crossover vehicle that mixes sedan-like ride with SUV roominess , the '07 RDX offered unibody construction , leather upholstery , heated front seats , power moonroof , 18-inch alloy wheels with all-season tires , xenon HID headlights with foglamps and the 2.3-liter turbocharged four-cylinder engine -- plus a five-speed automatic transmission with paddle shifters on the steering wheel , and the patented","question":"-LRB- AOL Autos -RRB- -- The conventional wisdom , among most folks , anyway , is that buying a used car is usually something done out of necessity , by those on a budget -- that is , people who want , or need , to `` move down '' from the new-car market because a new model is simply out of their reach . Bottom line , the Lexus reputation is for high-end luxury , quality and long-term dependability . However , there is another category of used cars that appeal to those with a bit more disposable income : used luxury cars . For some buyers , the used-luxury market is a way of getting into that Lexus , Lincoln , Infiniti or Porsche you always wanted , without laying out $ 70,000 or $ 80,000 for something you 're not actually going to live in . For others , scouring the used-luxury-car listings is a way of re-visiting the halcyon years of their youth . At this point , some of these used-luxe models have been around so long that they almost qualify as vintage throwback editions . Recently , Consumer Reports magazine issued its list of"} +{"answer":"by the food industry and consumers as ingredients in processed or prepared foods to increase the desirability of those foods . '' Data from the mid-1990s show that 15.8 percent of the typical American 's diet was composed of added sugar -- 21.4 teaspoons or 359 calories per day . That 's up from 10.6 percent in 1977-1978 . Added sugars have been linked to obesity , diabetes and tooth decay . The researchers studied 6,113 adults enrolled in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey . Interviewers called them and asked what they had eaten the previous day , then estimated the total added sugar in each person 's diet . Participants were then separated into groups : Those who got less than 5 percent of total calories from added sugar ; 5 percent to less than 10 percent ; 10 percent to less than 17.5 percent ; 17.5 percent to less than 25 percent ; and 25 percent or more . Those in the highest-consuming added sugar group eat about 46 teaspoons of added sugar per day , the study said . Those who consumed more added sugar tended to be younger , non-Latino blacks with low income","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sugar lovers may have to face a bitter truth : The less sugar added to foods for typical people , the better are their blood-fat profiles and the lower are their cardiovascular risks , a study to be published Wednesday concludes . `` We found that the lower the amount of added sugar people ate , the better their good cholesterol and their blood triglyceride levels , '' said co-author Dr. Miriam B. Vos , assistant professor of pediatrics at Emory University in Atlanta , Georgia , and author of `` The No-Diet Obesity Solution for Kids . '' Unfortunately for dessert lovers , the converse is true . Increased sugars are associated with important cardiovascular disease risk factors , according to the report . The authors cited lower levels of HDL-C , which is sometimes referred to as the good cholesterol , and higher levels of triglycerides . The study , to be published in the Journal of the American Medical Association , highlights a trend some nutritionists consider disturbing : In recent years , the typical American 's diet has increasingly incorporated added sugars . The authors defined them as `` caloric sweeteners used"} +{"answer":"and 25 million more are underinsured . One major reason for this crisis is that many employers have stopped offering insurance to employees because of the high cost . In the United States , total health care spending was $ 2.4 trillion in 2007 -- or $ 7,900 per person -- according to an analysis published in the journal Health Affairs . The United States spends 52 percent more per person than the next most costly nation , Norway , according to the Kaiser Family Foundation . There 's little debate that health care reform is necessary -- President Obama , Republican and Democratic members of Congress , the American Medical Association and America 's Health Insurance Plans , which represents the insurance industry , all have agreed the system needs to be changed , although they disagree on how to do it . 2 . So let 's start with Obama . What are his plans for revamping the system ? A central point of the president 's plan is to create a government-sponsored health insurance program that would be an option for all Americans , similar to how Medicare is now an option for Americans over age 65","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Five years from now , there 's an excellent chance you wo n't have the same health insurance you have -LRB- or do n't have -RRB- right now . That 's because members of Congress are gearing up to reform the U.S. health care system , and unlike in 1993 when then-first lady Hillary Clinton tried her hand at changing the medical system , this time the important players -- doctors , insurance companies , pharmaceutical manufacturers -- seem to be on board . You heard a lot about health care reform this week , and you 'll be hearing even more in the months to come . It 's an incredibly confusing , complex issue , so in this week 's Empowered Patient , we break it down for you with 10 frequently asked questions about health care reform . Overhauling health care is key to U.S. economic stability , President Obama tells doctors Monday . 1 . Why is health care reform such a hot issue right now ? Fewer and fewer Americans have health insurance , and therefore can not afford good medical care . Nearly 46 million Americans have no insurance ,"} +{"answer":"as part of the investigation , '' said FDA spokesman Michael Herndon . What you need to know about food poisoning \u00c2 '' The Minnesota bacteria were linked last week to institutionally distributed peanut butter , sold under the King Nut brand name . In one of the Minnesota patients , a 70-year-old female nursing home resident , the infection proved fatal , said Doug Schultz , a Minnesota public health department spokesman . `` We do not know to what extent the salmonella contributed to the death , '' said Schultz , who added that the patient had other underlying illnesses . Virginia Health officials confirm that two of the three deaths linked to the salmonella outbreak were from their state . Although she could not provide a lot of information due to privacy laws , Michelle Peregoy , a spokesperson for the Virginia Department of Health tells CNN that one person who died was over age 65 and from the Southwest part of the state , the other person who died was a younger adult between the ages of 25-64 . As with the Minnesota patient , both Virgina patients had underlying illnesses , which means they had","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Federal and state health officials said Monday that salmonella linked last week in Minnesota to King Nut peanut butter was caused by the same strain of bacteria responsible for an ongoing outbreak of 410 salmonella cases in 43 states . Salmonella bacteria are transmitted to humans by eating contaminated foods . The infection may have contributed to three deaths , the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Monday . `` Preliminary analysis of an epidemiologic study conducted by CDC and public health officials in multiple states comparing foods eaten by ill and well persons has suggested peanut butter as a likely source , '' the disease agency said in a written statement . `` To date , no association has been found with common brand names of peanut butter sold in grocery stores . '' A spokesman for the Food and Drug Administration said Monday that the agency has been collaborating with the CDC , the U.S. Department of Agriculture and public health officials in many states to investigate the outbreak of infections due to Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium . `` This new information from Minnesota will not change what we are currently doing"} +{"answer":"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi , who led a bipartisan delegation to the funeral , remembered her long-time ally . `` Those who served with him were honored to call him a colleague , '' Pelosi said . `` There were those of us who were privileged to call him friend . '' President Clinton and Defense Secretary Robert Gates were among those who filled Westmont Presbyterian Church in Johnstown , Pennsylvania , for the funeral . Murtha 's daughter , Donna , recalled his love of nature and how he enjoyed feeding wild birds , but not squirrels that raided the birdseed . `` He loved to outwit the squirrels , '' Donna Murtha said , her voice breaking at times . `` He could not stand it if they were outwitting him . '' Others recalled Murtha 's dedication to public service . `` Today there is great comfort in the memory of John P. Murtha 's life , '' said the Rev. Douglas Stevens , pastor of Westmont Presbyterian . `` He made a difference . '' Murtha underwent scheduled laparoscopic surgery to remove his gall bladder January 28 at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Pennsylvania and the nation said goodbye Tuesday to John P. Murtha , politician , warrior , father , friend , gentleman . Speakers at the funeral for the Democratic congressman recalled a man skilled in the ways of Washington but , more importantly , a public servant who never forgot why he was elected 17 times to represent Pennsylvania 's 12th district . `` Jack Murtha never lost sight of God 's purpose in the law , '' said the Rev. William George , president of the Georgetown Preparatory School in Washington . `` Lawmaking should be sacred work , and Jack knew that . '' Murtha , 77 , died February 8 of complications from gall bladder surgery . A former Marine colonel and twice-wounded Vietnam War veteran , Murtha earned a reputation as one of Congress 's loudest anti-war voices . He initially supported the 2003 invasion of Iraq , but he stunned much of Washington when he called for a swift U.S. pullout in November 2005 . `` U.S. and coalition troops have done all they can , '' Murtha said . `` It 's time for a change in direction . ''"} +{"answer":"day to leave India 119 runs behind Australia with seven wickets remaining . Dravid is the second-highest Test run scorer of all time behind Tendulkar on 13,162 , having extended his margin over Australia 's Ricky Ponting -LRB- 12,718 -RRB- . India , seeking a first series victory in Australia in 64 years in the four-match competition , lost an early wicket when Gautam Gambhir was caught by wicketkeeper Brad Haddin off the bowling of Ben Hilfenhaus for just three runs with the score at 22 . Australia had resumed on 277-6 , with Haddin on 21 and Siddle unbeaten on 34 . Both fell to Zaheer Khan with the addition of only 14 runs as Haddin was caught by Sehwag for 27 and Siddle by wicketkeeper captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni for 41 . Left-arm fast bowler Khan ended with figures of 4-77 off 31 overs , while off-spinner Ravichandran Ashwin took the last two wickets to fall to finish with 3-81 . Ashwin said the Indians were not concerned by Tendulkar 's failure to reach the coveted landmark . `` It 's going to eventually happen , no point in bothering about it . We 're very happy to","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sachin Tendulkar 's wait for a history-making 100th international century continues after the legendary Indian cricketer fell short again in the first Test against Australia in Melbourne on Tuesday . The 38-year-old `` Little Master '' was dismissed for 73 in the final over of the second day as the tourists reached 214-3 in reply to Australia 's first-innings total of 333 . Tendulkar is international cricket 's record run scorer in both the five-day and limited overs formats but has been stranded on 99 centuries since March . He added 117 with Rahul Dravid after coming to the crease at 97-2 , following opening batsman Virender Sehwag 's quickfire 67 off 83 balls . Sehwag passed 8,000 runs in Tests as he registered his 31st half-century . Australia lose late wickets against India Tendulkar continued the brisk pace , as he hit eight fours and a six from 98 deliveries faced , reaching his 64th Test half-century before being bowled by Peter Siddle . Dravid was unbeaten on a patient 65 off 185 balls , with the 38-year-old notching his 63rd Test fifty , while Ishant Sharma successfully negotiated the final three balls of the"} +{"answer":"of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints , an offshoot of the mainstream Mormon church . The FLDS openly practices polygamy at its Yearning for Zion Ranch outside Eldorado , Texas , along with two towns straddling the Utah-Arizona state line -- Hildale , Utah , and Colorado City , Arizona . The charges against Jeffs are Class 6 felonies under Arizona law , Piccarreta said , meaning that a judge -- upon conviction -- will determine whether the charges are misdemeanors or felonies . Other charges Jeffs initially faced in Arizona have been dismissed , said Piccarreta . In November , Jeffs was sentenced in Utah to two consecutive terms of five years to life in prison after his conviction on two charges of being an accomplice to rape in connection with a 2001 marriage he performed between a girl , 14 , and her cousin , 19 . According to unsealed court documents , Jeffs refused food and drink for a month in January 2007 and developed ulcers on his knees from kneeling in prayer for hours as he awaited trial . On January 28 , 2007 , he attempted to hang himself in his cell , the documents","question":"LAS VEGAS , Nevada -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Polygamist sect leader Warren Jeffs was released from a hospital in Las Vegas , Nevada on Wednesday , a source close to the case told CNN . Jailed polygamist sect leader Warren Jeffs , seen in September , has been hospitalized in Las Vegas . Authorities took Jeffs from an Arizona jail to a Nevada hospital on Tuesday after he saying he looked feverish and was `` acting in a convulsive manner , and looked in a very weakened state . '' Doctors there determined he should go to a larger facility , so Jeffs was flown to the Sunrise Medical Center in Las Vegas . Sheriff Tom Sheahan of Mohave County , Arizona said before Jeffs ' release that his condition was not believed to be life-threatening . Further details about his release on Wednesday were unavailable . Sheahan said he is trying to get information about Jeffs ' condition . Watch how authorities are mum about Jeffs '' Jeffs ' attorney in Arizona , Michael Piccarreta , also declined comment on his client 's hospitalization . The 52-year-old is the leader and so-called prophet of the estimated 10,000-member Fundamentalist Church"} +{"answer":"cases were picked up through a special influenza monitoring program , with stations in San Diego and El Paso , Texas . The program aims to get a better sense of what strains exist and to detect new strains before they become widespread , the CDC said . Other cases emerged through routine and expanded surveillance . At this point , the ability for the human influenza vaccine to protect against this new swine flu strain is unknown , and studies are ongoing , she said . There is no danger from contracting the virus from eating pork products , Schuchat said . The new virus has genes from North American swine and avian influenza , human influenza and swine influenza normally found in Asia and Europe , said Nancy Cox , chief of the CDC 's Influenza Division . Swine flu is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza , according to the CDC . It does not normally inflect humans , but cases have occurred among people , especially those who have had direct exposure to pigs . There have also been cases in the past of one person spreading swine flu to other people","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A total of seven cases of a previously undetected strain of swine flu have been confirmed in humans in the United States , the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said . None of the patients has had direct contact with pigs . Swine flu is usually diagnosed only in pigs or people in regular contact with them . Five of the cases have been found in California , and two have been found in Texas , near San Antonio , said Dr. Anne Schuchat , the CDC 's Interim Deputy Director for Science and Public Health Program . The CDC reported Tuesday that two children in the San Diego , California , area , infected with a virus called swine influenza A H1N1 , whose combination of genes has not been seen in flu viruses in either human or pigs before . The patients range from age 9 to 54 , Schuchat said . They include two 16-year-old boys who attend the same Texas school , and a father and daughter in California . `` The good news is that all seven of these patients have recovered , '' Schuchat said . The first two"} +{"answer":"I remember coming here in 2005 and 2006 to win the young player of the year award . I saw the players winning the main one and it 's something I 've aimed for since . '' Rooney paid tribute to his club manager , Alex Ferguson , who insists he has no plans to retire from the game , at 68 . `` Sir Alex is a great manager who has really brought me on as a player since I joined United , Rooney said . `` His hunger passes through to the players . `` It 's great to see that he 's pushing 70 and he has n't changed a bit . I 'm sure he 'll be at United a long time yet . '' Rooney is hoping Manchester United can secure a fourth straight Premier League crown , but they remain one point behind Chelsea after Carlo Ancelotti 's side thrashed Stoke 7-0 on Sunday . Chelsea travel to Liverpool next weekend in a game that could have a huge bearing on the destination of the title and Rooney is confident the Reds can do his side a favor . `` I 'm sure Liverpool","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Wayne Rooney insists he will be fit to lead England 's charge for the World Cup after injury curtailed the Manchester United striker 's English Premier League season . The 24-year-old is currently sidelined with a groin injury but after picking up the Premier League 's player of the year award -- voted for by his fellow professionals -- he said there is no way he will miss out on the tournament in South Africa . Rooney has been in lethal goalscoring form this season , netting 40 goals for club and country , and has been pinpointed as the key player in England 's bid to lift the World Cup for only the second time in their history . `` The groin will be fine for the World Cup , there are no worries about that , '' he told the Professional Footballers ' Association awards in London . `` I 'm hoping to play for United in the last game of the season . '' It is the first time Rooney has won the PFA award , though he has twice scooped the young player of the year award . He said : ``"} +{"answer":"we found an astonishing amount of gorillas , '' said Rainey , speaking from the International Primatological Society Congress in Edinburgh , Scotland . Though researchers did spot some gorillas , they based their estimate on the number of gorilla nests found at the site , Rainey said . Each gorilla makes a nest to sleep in at night . `` This is the highest-known density of gorillas that 's ever been found , '' Rainey said . Watch a glimpse of gorilla life in African swamp '' Western lowland gorillas are listed as critically endangered , the highest threat category for a species . Their populations are declining rapidly because of hunting and diseases like Ebola hemorrhagic fever , whose symptoms include diarrhea , vomiting and internal and external bleeding . Take a closer look at the Western lowland gorilla '' While the discovery in northern Congo indicates that the gorilla population remains stable in some areas , it is likely that gorillas will remain critically endangered because the threats facing the species are so great , Rainey said . iReport.com : Share photos and video of gorillas in zoos or the wild `` We know very little about","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An estimated 125,000 Western lowland gorillas are living in a swamp in equatorial Africa , researchers reported Tuesday , double the number of the endangered primates thought to survive worldwide . Forest clearings draw large numbers of Western lowland gorillas searching for food . `` It 's pretty astonishing , '' Hugo Rainey , one of the researchers who conducted the survey for the U.S.-based Wildlife Conservation Society , told CNN Tuesday . The last census on the species , carried out during the 1980s , estimated that there were only 100,000 of the gorillas left worldwide . Since then , the researchers estimated , the numbers had been cut in half . WCS survey teams conducted the research in 2006 and 2007 , traveling to the remote Lac Tele Community Reserve in northern Republic of Congo , a vast area of swamp forest . Acting on a tip from hunters who indicated the presence of gorillas , Rainey said that the researchers trekked on foot through mud for three days to the outskirts of Lac Tele , about 80 kilometers -LRB- 50 miles -RRB- from the nearest road . `` When we went there ,"} +{"answer":"`` Initial tests have shown the stability and strength is OK . We 're looking at days , not weeks . My trainer and doctors do n't think anything is torn . '' Blake , beaten in the 2006 Queen 's final by Lleyton Hewitt , admitted he did not take much pleasure from this victory . Speaking after the match , Blake said : `` It was unfortunate but Andy is such a great player and he does n't want to endanger the injury anymore . He normally moves so well and you could tell this was n't the same Andy Roddick . '' Meanwhile , Murray swept into his first-ever Queen 's final with a ruthless 6-2 6-4 win over unseeded Spaniard Juan Carlos Ferrero . Murray is bidding to become the first Briton to win the pre-Wimbledon warm-up event since Bunny Austin in 1938 . The world number three has not dropped a set in four matches and , in reaching his fifth ATP Tour final this year , he also becomes the first British finalist here since Tim Henman in 2002 . `` I felt it was a good match . I started well but the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Second seed Andy Roddick is forced to retire with an ankle injury during the first set of his Queen 's Club semifinal against fellow-American James Blake , meaning he misses out on a final showdown against British top seed Andy Murray . Andy Roddick feels his ankle injury before retiring from his semifinal against fellow-American James Blake . Roddick , who was bidding for a record fifth title at the London grass-court tournament , injured his right ankle when he slipped at the back of the court in the fourth game of the first set . He eventually called for treatment three games later and resumed only after having his ankle and foot heavily bandaged . However , Roddick was clearly still in some discomfort as he served in the next game and decided to take the safety-first option with Wimbledon starting in just nine days . `` I 'm going to do everything I can to play at Wimbledon , '' Roddick told Press Association Sport . `` We 're scheduled to get it looked at again on Monday and do some scans on it , then we 'll see where we 're at ."} +{"answer":"in two Super Bowls and was also a two-time Pro Bowl pick . Smith was one of the anchors of an overwhelming defense that was heavily favored to win Super Bowl III . Nonetheless , the New York Jets , led by Joe Namath , defeated the Colts in the 1969 championship of pro football , widely considered one of the biggest upsets in U.S. sports history . The Colts atoned for that embarrassment -- somewhat -- two years later in a 16-13 victory over the Dallas Cowboys in Super Bowl V , but Smith reportedly said he was so dismayed by the game 's sloppiness that he never wore his Super Bowl ring . Smith was sidelined by a severe knee injury during an exhibition game in 1972 , and the next season joined the Raiders . He told Sports Illustrated in 1973 that `` not playing was terrible . I did n't want to show my face in public . I do n't know if it was that we were losing or what , but it almost drove me crazy . '' After retiring from pro football in 1975 , Smith landed small roles on TV series such","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former college and pro football star Charles Aaron `` Bubba '' Smith , who went on to an acting career after his retirement from sports , was found dead at his home , the Los Angeles County Coroner 's Office said Wednesday . He was 66 . Police and fire officials were called to Smith 's home after `` he was found unresponsive '' and pronounced him dead , said Ed Winter , assistant chief of operations and investigation for the coroner . An autopsy will be performed to determine cause of death , Winter said . However , asked if there was any reason to believe the death was due to anything other than natural causes , he replied , `` Not at this time . '' An imposing 6 foot 8 and 260 pounds , Smith was considered one of the most fearsome pass rushers of his day . The No. 1 overall pick in the 1967 National Football League draft , he played nine seasons in the NFL -- for the Baltimore Colts , Oakland Raiders and Houston Oilers . Sports Illustrated gallery : The NFL goes Hollywood He played for the Colts"} +{"answer":"on Tuesday that van der Sloot says in the interview that he dumped Holloway 's body `` in a swamp on the north end of the island . '' `` He was very unspecific , '' Blanken said . Blanken said RTL contacted him about the interview last summer , and the station showed the interview to him to get his reaction . He said his office and Aruban police investigated . `` We tried to verify it , '' Blanken said . `` It could n't be true . We talked with several witnesses and reviewed several facts . The story is unbelievable and not true , in my opinion . '' He said his office told van der Sloot `` we 'd like him to come in and speak with us about it . He failed to respond . '' Asked why van der Sloot gave the interview , Blanken said , `` You should ask him . Maybe he wanted to be on camera or make some money . '' Holloway was 18 when last seen in the early hours of May 30 , 2005 , leaving an Oranjestad , Aruba , nightclub with van der Sloot","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Dutch man once considered a suspect in the 2005 disappearance of Alabama teenager Natalee Holloway has told a television station he dumped her body in a swamp , Aruba 's chief prosecutor told CNN . However , Joran van der Sloot 's claims to Dutch station RTL-5 are `` unbelievable , '' prosecutor Peter Blanken said . RTL-5 said Tuesday it had `` acquired exclusive material containing a statement by Joran van der Sloot '' regarding Holloway 's disappearance . `` This material was first offered to us in 2009 , '' Remko van Westerloo , the station 's director of programming , said in a statement . `` Obviously , our initial response was skeptical , '' van Westerloo said . `` However , we did feel that this interview required thorough research . We 've spoken to a variety of experts and several critics . These findings resulted in a TV special which will air this Sunday . It 's up to the viewers to form their own opinions on the matter . '' The statement did not divulge the contents of van der Sloot 's interview . However , Blanken told CNN"} +{"answer":"potential black pilots at Alabama 's Tuskegee Army Air Field . Archer graduated first in the program in July 1943 and , after receiving his commission as a second lieutenant , was deployed to Italy as part of the 332nd Fighter Group . On October 12 , 1944 , while piloting a P-51 Mustang , Archer downed three Luftwaffe fighters in the sky over Nazi-occupied Hungary . He also was credited with shooting down a fighter over Germany earlier in the year . U.S. military officials could not confirm a fifth downing by Archer in summer 1944 . If they had been able to do so , he would have become the only Tuskegee Airman to be officially designated as an ace . By the end of World War II , Archer had flown 169 combat missions , providing cover and escorting U.S. bombers in over 11 countries , according to the Air Force . He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross . Archer remained in the military through 1970 , witnessing its desegregation during the Truman administration and serving in several capacities . Among other things , he became a diplomatic officer at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe and","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- One of America 's top World War II fighter pilots , an African-American who took on Nazis abroad and racism at home , was laid to rest Friday at Arlington National Cemetery . Retired Air Force Lt. Col. Lee A. Archer , one of the famed Tuskegee Airmen , died last month in New York at the age of 90 . Archer , who once shot down three German fighters in the span of only a few minutes , went on to become a corporate executive and venture capitalist . His life came to be seen as an example of the potential of any individual , regardless of skin color or background , if given a fair opportunity . Lee Andrew Archer Jr. was born in 1919 in Yonkers , New York . An aviation enthusiast from childhood , he left New York University in 1941 to join the Army . Despite passing a pilot 's test , he was assigned as a communications specialist in Camp Wheeler , Georgia . But several months later , after the United States declared war on the Axis powers , Archer was selected to join a training program for"} +{"answer":"federal judge in New York ruled that the Bush administration 's refusal to disclose the photographs was unlawful , and in 2008 a federal appeals court unanimously affirmed that decision . The Bush administration continued to suppress the photos , and now President Obama has vowed to do the same . The photos are a critical part of the historical record . The government has acknowledged that they depict prisoner abuse at locations other than Abu Ghraib , and it 's clear that the photos would provide irrefutable evidence that abuse was widespread and systemic . The photos would also shed light on the connection between the abuse and the decisions of high-level Bush administration officials . As the district court recognized , the photos are `` the best evidence of what happened . '' In explaining his change of heart , President Obama said that the release of the photos `` would not add any additional benefit '' to the ongoing public debate about the abuse of prisoners . But the ongoing public debate is rife with false claims , and the photos would expose the truth . The Bush administration told the public that abuse was aberrational and","question":"Editor 's note : Jameel Jaffer and Amrit Singh are attorneys for the American Civil Liberties Union and co-authors of `` Administration of Torture : A Documentary Record from Washington to Abu Ghraib and Beyond '' . Jaffer is counsel to the plaintiffs in ACLU v. Department of Defense , a lawsuit that has forced the release of more than 100,000 pages of government documents concerning the abuse of prisoners . Singh is lead counsel in the suit seeking disclosure of photographs of U.S. personnel abusing prisoners at overseas locations . Jameel Jaffer says the courts have ruled that refusal to disclose the abuse photos was unlawful . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Last week President Obama announced that he would suppress prisoner abuse photographs that he earlier said he would release . Given the president 's stated commitment to government transparency , this reversal was both surprising and profoundly disappointing . The ACLU has sought release of these photos for almost six years . In October 2003 , we filed a request under the Freedom of Information Act for records -- including photographs -- relating to the abuse of prisoners in U.S. detention facilities overseas . In 2005 , a"} +{"answer":"study , led by Dr. Najaaraq Lund , of Aarhus University , in Denmark , found that babies whose mothers had taken SSRIs were born earlier and were more likely to require treatment in an NICU . Women have been using SSRIs during pregnancy since the early 1990s , Lund and her colleagues point out in the report , which is published in the October issue of Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine . These drugs , which include Zoloft , Prozac , and others , are widely considered to be the safest type of antidepressant medication to take during pregnancy . It 's been difficult to confirm their safety , however , especially since investigators have to find a way to distinguish between the effects of depression itself -- and habits that depressed women may be more likely to engage in , like drinking and smoking -- and the drug on the newborn . Health.com : Do pregnancy and bipolar disorder mix ? Lund and her colleagues tackled this issue by including a group of women who reported a history of some type of psychiatric illness but were n't taking SSRIs . Some , but not all , of","question":"-LRB- Health.com -RRB- -- More than one in 10 women develops depression during pregnancy . Now , a new study suggests that women who are treated with antidepressants are more likely to give birth early or to have newborns that need to spend time in a neonatal intensive care unit . Babies of women taking SSRIs were born earlier and were more likely to have been admitted to intensive care . Depression itself can have ill effects for both mom and baby . Therefore , the benefits of the antidepressants -- known as selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors -- may still outweigh the risks for some women , researchers say . `` There is no easy way out of this , '' says Dr. Tim Oberlander , a developmental pediatrician at BC Children 's Hospital , in Vancouver , Canada , who has studied the effects of SSRIs on children exposed in the womb , but was not involved in the current study . `` Depression needs to be managed , and for some women , the use of these medications is appropriate and necessary . '' Health.com : 3 Signs you should stop , adjust , or switch antidepressants The new"} +{"answer":"writing for `` Rosemary 's Baby , '' which he also directed . He was en route to the Zurich Film Festival , which is holding a Polanski tribute this year , when he was arrested by Swiss authorities , the festival said . A provisional arrest warrant was issued last week out of Los Angeles , California , after authorities learned Polanski was going to be in Switzerland , Sandi Gibbons , spokeswoman for the Los Angeles County district attorney 's office , told CNN on Sunday . There have been repeated attempts to settle the case over the years , but the sticking point has always been Polanski 's refusal to return to attend hearings . Prosecutors have consistently argued that it would be a miscarriage of justice to allow a man to go free who `` drugged and raped a 13-year-old child . '' The Swiss Justice Ministry said Polanski was put `` in provisional detention . '' But whether he can be extradited to the United States `` can be established only after the extradition process judicially has been finalised , '' a ministry spokesman said in an e-mail . `` It is possible to appeal","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Oscar-winning filmmaker Roman Polanski has been arrested in Switzerland on a decades-old arrest warrant stemming from a sex charge in California , Swiss police said Sunday . Roman Polanski attends a film premiere in Paris , France , in June 2009 . Polanski , 76 , was taken into custody trying to enter Switzerland on Saturday , Zurich police said . A spokesman for the Swiss Justice Ministry said Polanski was arrested upon arrival at the airport . He has lived in France for decades to avoid being arrested if he enters the United States and declined to appear in person to collect his Academy Award for Best Director for `` The Pianist '' in 2003 . The director pleaded guilty in 1977 to a single count of having unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor , acknowledging he had sex with a 13-year-old girl . But he fled the United States before he could be sentenced , and U.S. authorities have had a warrant for his arrest since 1978 . Watch what happens now for Polanski '' Polanski was nominated for best director Oscars for `` Tess '' and `` Chinatown , '' and for best"} +{"answer":"the opposition by the attorney general , we conclude that a stay of removal is warranted , '' the circuit court wrote . Representatives of Attorney General Eric Holder argued in response to an emergency motion filed by Demjanjuk 's attorney that the circuit court does not have jurisdiction over the case . But the court acted anyway . `` Because it is our understanding that the government may remove the petitioner later today , we are compelled to rule on the motion for a stay prior to addressing the jurisdictional concerns raised by the government , '' the court said . On Friday , a federal immigration board rejected an emergency appeal for a stay of Demjanjuk 's deportation . His attorney , John Broadley , had argued that deporting him would constitute torture because of his health problems . Broadley has said Demjanjuk suffers from pre-leukemia , kidney problems , spinal problems and `` a couple of types of gout . '' When Broadley filed another appeal with the 6th Circuit Court , Justice Department officials said they believe that his chances of getting the board 's ruling overturned are slim . `` Looking at what 's going","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Nazi war crimes suspect John Demjanjuk was granted an emergency stay late Tuesday to block what appeared to be his imminent deportation to Germany . Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents remove John Demjanjuk from his home Tuesday . The ruling , handed down by the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals , came less than two hours after federal immigration officials took Demjanjuk into custody at his home near Cleveland , Ohio . Demjanjuk , 89 , is wanted by German authorities for his alleged involvement during World War II in killings at Sobibor , a Nazi death camp in Poland . The Justice Department would not immediately comment on the stay , saying officials needed to review the order . The last-minute legal maneuvering leading to the order was the latest chapter in one of the longest-running pursuits of an alleged Holocaust perpetrator in history . The deportation of Demjanjuk , who had been transported to an Ohio detention facility when the stay was issued , would set the stage for what would likely prove to be an extraordinary German war crimes trial . `` Upon due consideration of the motion for a stay and"} +{"answer":"highly efficient , with one of the most rigorous quality control systems of any public benefit program . In 2010 , only 3 percent of payments went to ineligible households or to eligible households in excessive amounts . Payment accuracy has been improving in the past few years , despite a large increase in SNAP enrollment . While some have attributed that enrollment increase to Obama administration policies -- Newt Gingrich has termed President Barack Obama the `` food stamp president '' -- in reality it has two main causes that have little to do with this administration . Millions of people hit by the recession a few years ago became eligible for SNAP . Today 's large SNAP caseloads mostly reflect the extraordinarily deep and prolonged recession and the weak recovery that has followed . Long-term unemployment hit record levels in 2010 and has remained extremely high . Today , 43 % of all unemployed workers have been out of work for more than half a year ; the previous post-World War II high was 26 % in 1983 . Workers who are unemployed for a long time are more likely to deplete their assets , exhaust unemployment insurance","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In their attacks on the food stamp program , some Republican presidential candidates are leaving a deeply misleading impression of the nation 's leading anti-hunger program . No one aspires to enroll , but for those who must , it is an essential lifeline that addresses one of the harshest impacts of poverty and unemployment -- hunger . The food stamp program , now officially known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program -LRB- SNAP -RRB- , provides about 46 million Americans in about 22 million low-income households with debit cards to buy food each month . Participants include families with adults who work in low-wage jobs , unemployed workers and people on fixed incomes , such as Social Security . About three-fourths of SNAP recipients live in households with children ; more than one-quarter live in households with seniors or people with disabilities . SNAP reduces poverty while providing people with much-needed help to buy food . The program kept more than 5 million people out of poverty in 2010 and lessened the severity of poverty for millions of others , under a measure of poverty that counts SNAP benefits as income . SNAP is also"} +{"answer":", and some U.S. and Chinese companies . Only two of the samples showed unsatisfactory levels of melamine -- Cadbury Dairy Milk Cookies Chocolate -LRB- bulk pack 5kg -RRB- and Cadbury Dairy Milk Hazelnut Chocolate -LRB- bulk pack 5kg -RRB- . The sample of the Cadbury Dairy Milk Hazelnut Chocolate contained melamine levels of 65 ppm -LRB- parts per million -RRB- which is more than 25 times the acceptable level of 2.5 ppm , according to Hong Kong 's government . According to the center , a child weighing 22 pounds -LRB- 10kg -RRB- would have to eat more than 10 small pieces of the hazelnut chocolate to surpass the tolerable daily intake . An average adult weighing 132 pounds -LRB- 60kg -RRB- would have to eat more than 112 small pieces to surpass the level . The melamine levels in the samples of Dairy Milk Cookies Chocolate were 6.9 ppm -- more than twice as high as the legal limit of melamine . Hong Kong 's Center for Food Safety said it will continue to test dairy products and other products with dairy ingredients . Test results on other products -- including milk powder , soya drinks , yogurt","question":"HONG KONG , China -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Hong Kong authorities Sunday announced that two recalled candy products made by British confectioner Cadbury had high levels of melamine . The industrial chemical has recently been found in Chinese-made milk products that have sickened nearly 53,000 children in China , killing four . Countries around the world have since banned the import of Chinese products containing milk , or have withdrawn products that contain milk from China -- such as candy -- amid worries they contain melamine . Last week , Cadbury recalled all of its Chinese-made candy products after preliminary tests showed they contained trace amounts of melamine . Cadbury took the action because `` no level of melamine is appropriate , '' spokesman Tony Bilsborough told CNN on Sunday . He could not comment on the latest test results . The company stresses that its products manufactured at its Beijing plant are only exported to Taiwan and Hong Kong , with one product -- Cadbury Eclair -- sent to Australia , Nauru and Christmas Island . Hong Kong 's Center for Food Safety tested 104 samples of products made by a variety of manufacturers , including Cadbury , Nestle"} +{"answer":"in Obama to handle the economic crisis than they do in McCain , and are more likely to blame Republicans for the recent turmoil than Democrats . Beside an advantage on the economy , Obama is also benefiting from a demographic shift that has reshaped Virginia politics . For the last 10 presidential elections , Republicans have been able to bank on Virginia delivering its 13 electoral votes to the GOP . President Bush won Virginia by 8 percentage points in both 2000 and 2004 , and President Bill Clinton was never able to capture the state when he ran in 1992 and 1996 . But the explosive growth of Northern Virginia in the last decade has changed the state 's electorate . Drawn by government jobs in nearby Washington and high-tech jobs in the Dulles corridor , the growing population in Northern Virginia is more liberal than the mostly rural southern portion of the state , which has remained reliably Republican . In 2000 , Bush carried Northern Virginia 49 percent to 47 percent , but in 2004 , Sen. John Kerry , the Democratic presidential nominee , carried the area 51 percent to 48 percent . Virginia ``","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Virginia has n't backed a Democrat for president in 44 years , but economic concerns and changing demographics are giving Sen. Barack Obama a chance to steal the once reliably red state from Republicans . Sen. Barack Obama waves as rain falls on a rally in Fredericksburg , Virginia , in late September . Polls earlier this year showed Sen. John McCain , the Republican presidential nominee , leading Obama , his Democratic rival , in Virginia by a healthy margin . A Virginia Commonwealth University poll taken May 12-18 had McCain leading 47 percent to 39 percent . But as the financial crisis has shaken voters ' confidence in the economy , Obama has begun to open a lead in the state , as he has done in other battleground states . The latest CNN poll of polls has Obama leading McCain 49 percent to 45 percent . A CNN\/TIME\/Opinion Research Corporation poll conducted September 28-30 shows Obama with an even bigger lead over McCain , 53 percent to 44 percent . The CNN poll 's margin of error was plus or minus 4 percentage points . Polls show that voters have more confidence"} +{"answer":"Crable had a history of protection orders sought by family members . Earlier this year , Crable pleaded guilty to malicious mischief and brandishing a knife in an incident involving his brother , Lindquist said , and protection orders were imposed afterward , telling him to stay away from his brother and a female minor . Both counts were misdemeanors . Lindquist said Crable had no felony convictions . The protective orders were not in effect during the Monday night shooting , Lindquist said . The prosecutor said other protection orders that emerged were not the result of charges filed . `` They are a result of people saying this guy is a danger to me , '' Lindquist said . `` I think you can reasonably infer from his history , he had an alcohol problem . '' Crable went to his brother 's house Monday night and there was a domestic dispute , said Sheriff 's detective Ed Troyer . One of the men invited the officers inside the house , while the other man went upstairs . He returned with a weapon and shot at the deputies , striking them several times , Troyer said . Local","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Two sheriff 's deputies responding to a domestic dispute between a pair of brothers Monday night were shot and badly injured in the same Washington county where four officers were killed last month , authorities said . The Pierce County deputies were wounded while responding to a domestic violence incident at home near the town of Eatonville , south of Seattle , said Hunter George , a county spokesman . They killed the gunman , identified as David E. Crable , in an exchange of fire , authorities said . Sgt. Nick Hausner , 43 , a 20-year veteran of the Pierce County Sheriff 's Department , was transported to Madigan Army Medical Center where he was in serious condition , the department said . He is married and has children who are 14 and 12 years old . Deputy Kent Mundell , 44 , a nine-year veteran , was airlifted to the trauma center at Harborview Medical Center where he was in critical condition with life-threatening injuries , the sheriff 's department said . He also is married and has two children , a 16-year-old and a 10-year-old . Pierce County prosecutor Mark Lindquist said"} +{"answer":"moved on to a brighter , better , more joyful future , '' Hanks said . Superstar musicians Paul McCartney , Tom Petty , Joe Walsh and Jeff Lynne attended the star 's dedication , but they did not address the crowd . Scores of Harrison fans showed up for the event , with some traveling from as far as Liverpool , England . `` We all have deep feelings for George , because he was such a deep-feeling person , '' Olivia Harrison said . `` He was a beautiful , mystical man , living in a material world , '' she said . `` He was funny as the day is long and just as perplexing . '' His son , Dhani , 30 , joked about his father 's star . `` It 's good , it 's lovely and it 's nice and shiny and I 'm glad it 's not outside of Frederick 's of Hollywood , '' he said . Harrison was just 15 when schoolmate Paul McCartney asked him to join his and John Lennon 's band , the Quarrymen . The band evolved into the Beatles and the rest is history .","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- George Harrison 's closest friends and family gathered in Hollywood on Tuesday to dedicate the late Beatle 's star on the Walk of Fame . From left , musicians Tom Petty , Jeff Lynne and Paul McCartney join Harrison 's relatives for dedication of his star . `` There 's someone here from every important stage of George 's life and career , '' Harrison 's widow , Olivia , said . Harrison , who was 58 when he died of cancer in 2001 , becomes the second Beatle with a Hollywood star . John Lennon was the first . The new star is next to the iconic Hollywood headquarters of Capitol Records , the distributor of much of Harrison 's music for the past five decades . Tuesday 's ceremony coincided with the Capitol\/EMI announcement that it will release Harrison 's first solo greatest hits collection -- `` Let it Roll : Songs by George Harrison '' -- on June 16 . Actor Tom Hanks said the world changed for him in January 1964 when he heard his first Beatles song . `` That 's when we escaped the doldrums and"} +{"answer":"with the family . But I tried , '' Capello told the UK Press Association . Liverpool fullback Glen Johnson was named despite being sidelined with injury , while striker Emile Heskey retained his place although he has not been a first-choice selection for his club Aston Villa . Key forward Wayne Rooney was named despite his niggling groin problem , with Tottenham 's Jermain Defoe and Peter Crouch taking the other striking spots along with Sunderland 's 25-goal Darren Bent . Winger Aaron Lennon was included after only recently returning with Tottenham after a long-term absence , as was fellow right-sided player Shaun Wright-Phillips despite his failure to win a regular place at Manchester City , who also have 22-year-old Adam Johnson in the squad . Midfielder Joe Cole also got the nod , having last played for England in 2008 , after a strong end to a season that saw him on the fringe of league champions Chelsea 's first team . Italy 's 2006 World Cup-winning coach Marcelo Lippi has stuck with the players who qualified for South Africa in his 30-man squad , resisting suggestions that he should bring in-form Roma striker Francesco Totti out of","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- England coach Fabio Capello has been forced to go back on his previously iron-clad rules in selecting his preliminary squad for the World Cup in South Africa . The Italian has always said he would not pick players who are injured or out of form , but has brought Liverpool 's Jamie Carragher out of international retirement to bolster his defensive options as cover with injury-prone captain Rio Ferdinand and Ledley King also in the 30-man line-up . Neither Carragher nor versatile Tottenham star King have yet played for Capello , who retained his midfield mainstay Gareth Barry despite the Manchester City player being in doubt for the June 12 opener against the United States due to injury . Carragher made himself unavailable in 2007 after not being often used by previous managers Sven-Goran Eriksson and Steve McClaren despite being regularly named in squads . Blog : Will `` the Force '' be with Capello at World Cup ? Capello also asked Manchester United midfielder Paul Scholes to become available again following his own international retirement in 2004 , but the 35-year-old turned down the opportunity . `` He said no , he preferred to stay"} diff --git a/newsqa_retain_set.json b/newsqa_retain_set.json index a1245f2978b9beff3a781c4ee46dd38c8fd413c4..e9aa4fa20b06a2cb542f670acb6a1beb206be866 100644 --- a/newsqa_retain_set.json +++ b/newsqa_retain_set.json @@ -198,3 +198,1803 @@ {"answer":"assures us that the secret flavors exist . The ones they confirmed with the company 's headquarters include Strawberry Shortcake , White Gummy Bear , PB&J , Various flavors of Starbursts , Fruity Pebbles , Push-Up Pops , and Skittles . Other tantalizing flavors that are rumored to exist : Chocolate Gummi Bear , Apple Pie , Sourpatch Kid , Tootsie Roll , and Now and Later . 3 . This one might be my favorite . At Fatburger , you can order a Hypocrite -- a veggie burger topped with crispy strips of bacon . 4 . Chipotle has a whole secret menu that is limited only by your imagination -- they have a store policy that says that if they have the item available , they will make it for you . Things that have been tested include nachos , quesadillas , taco salads and single tacos . Some stores are testing out quesadillas as a regular menu item , however , so maybe someday soon you wo n't need a super-secret handshake to order one . Mental Floss : 7 food promotions gone horribly wrong 5 . If you 're at Wendy 's and you 're really","question":"-LRB- Mental Floss -RRB- -- Your mission , if you choose to accept it , is to seek out covert items at fast food chains around the country . Not all food items are always listed on restaurant menus . Be warned , this mission includes very real dangers such as hardening arteries and skyrocketing cholesterol . We 've compiled a list to get you started . 1 . If you 're at Starbucks and in need of just a little caffeine , do n't worry -- there 's a tiny option for you . It 's the Short size , and they do n't advertise it . It 's like a little baby cup of coffee . It also comes in handy when you 're scrounging for change and do n't have enough for a tall -LRB- not that that has ever happened to me -RRB- . 2 . It 's a good thing we do n't have Jamba Juice here in Iowa , because I would be all over candy-based smoothies . Because it 's considered a health-food chain , Jamba Juice does n't officially list these on their in-store menus , but the Web site Mighty Foods"} {"answer":"officials caught up with her last year on her birthday . Watch how deportation separates family '' `` I was there when they handcuffed her , '' Quiroz says . `` I was there when they took her down . '' Two of her brothers , who had come with their mother to the United States when they were young children , also were taken into custody . It was the start of a downward spiral for Quiroz . When her mother and brothers were deported , Quiroz and her 6-year-old , American-born sister had no choice but to return to Mexico City with them . Her seventh-grade year was spent in a classroom where she did n't understand the language . `` I never belonged there , '' she says . `` I 'd just come home , sit down , cry . I 'd say , ` Mom , I ca n't do it . ' ... I ca n't read or write Spanish . '' She adds , `` I felt like there were no dreams for me . '' Stories like these are becoming more common , immigration analysts say , with American children caught in","question":"WAXAHATCHIE , Texas -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Julie Quiroz clutches her teddy bear crying . `` Mommy , '' she says softly , as her mother wraps her arms around her and rubs her back . One of her brothers tries to console her . `` You 're going to come back , '' he says . Julie Quiroz , a 13-year-old U.S. citizen , went back to Mexico when her mom was deported . The 13-year-old Quiroz begins to walk away to catch an airplane from Mexico to the United States . Within moments , she rushes back to her mother 's arms . `` Mommy , '' she says again , tears streaming down her face . Quiroz is one of an estimated 3 million American children who have at least one parent who entered the United States illegally , according to the Urban Institute , which researches and evaluates U.S. social and economic issues . In Quiroz 's case , she was born in Washington state , lived there her entire life and went to school there . But her mother , Ana Reyes , entered the United States illegally before Quiroz was born and U.S. immigration"} {"answer":"possible light . It was only in tearing down the House that Gingrich thought that it could be rebuilt in the Republicans ' -- or perhaps , his -- own image . To Gingrich 's credit , the Democratic leadership was always ready to misstep and then meet him in the partisan mud . Whether it was his fight with Speaker Tip O'Neill about who controlled the television cameras in the House or his relentless pursuit of Speaker Jim Wright 's sweetheart book deal , Gingrich would not back down from a fight even if at first it appeared the evidence was against him . Gingrich became a master at using the legislative process to achieve his political goals . This strategy from Gingrich 's House days is , of course , well known . What is less well known is that members who previously served with Gingrich in the House spread these highly partisan tactics to the Senate . I am writing a book about these senators , who I call `` Gingrich senators , '' because they so seamlessly infected the Senate with the same hyper-partisanship that pervaded the House . Since Gingrich 's first election to the","question":"Austin , Texas -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The current squabbling between the House and the Senate on the payroll tax cut extension perfectly epitomizes why congressional approval is in the single digits . Highlighting this debacle , Newt Gingrich ends his first television ad in Iowa proclaiming that by `` working together , we can and will rebuild the America we love . '' Expecting Newt Gingrich to work together with Democrats and Republicans to end the partisan deadlock in Washington is a bit like asking the fox to guard the chicken coop . When Gingrich entered the House of Representatives in 1979 , he quickly became the leader of a group of insurgent conservatives whose chief aim was a Republican Party majority . Gingrich 's partisan antics not only transformed the House , but the Senate as well . Washington has not been the same since . Even from his first term , when he tried to get Rep. Charles Diggs kicked out of the House -LRB- despite his re-election after being convicted of 29 felonies -RRB- , it became clear that Gingrich would use every Democratic misstep and every legislative opportunity to portray the House in the worst"} +{"answer":"bodies , discovered underwater , are believed to be two of the Italian tourists aboard the helicopter , the law enforcement source said . The Italian Foreign Ministry said consulate officials were working with New York authorities to identify the victims . Helicopter wreckage was found in about 30 feet of water , while the plane is believed to be near the midchannel point of the Hudson in deeper water , the source said . A side-scanning sonar is being used to pinpoint the plane and has identified a possible third debris field , the source said . The search is scheduled to resume Sunday morning , Debbie Hersman , chairwoman of the National Transportation Safety Board said at a riverside news conference late Saturday . Underwater visibility of about two feet hampered Saturday 's search effort , she said . All nine people in both aircrafts are thought to have been killed in the collision , New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said . See where the collision occurred '' `` There was an accident which we do not believe was survivable , '' said Bloomberg , noting that the search for survivors had become a recovery mission . A","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Five Italian tourists visiting New York from Bologna are among the nine victims believed killed Saturday in a midair collision of a sightseeing helicopter and a single-engine plane over the Hudson River , a law enforcement source said . First responders gather on a pier after a plane and helicopter collided Saturday over the Hudson River . The tourists , who apparently died with the chopper 's pilot , were part of a group of 12 visiting the United States , the source said . The helicopter was operated by Liberty Helicopter Sightseeing Tours . The bodies of two adults and one child were recovered after the collision , which occurred around noon over the Hudson between New York and Hoboken , New Jersey , authorities said . The child is believed to be one of the three people on the plane , a single-engine Piper PA-32 Saratoga that took off from New Jersey 's Teterboro Airport , authorities said . A source involved in the investigation identified the pilot and owner of the plane as Steven Altman , whose brother Daniel and nephew Douglas also were among the victims . The two adult"} +{"answer":"deal with repressive regimes such as Myanmar and Sudan , both of which are friends of Beijing and major energy suppliers to China . Critics of the U.S. president say he is downplaying what was once a central tenet of U.S. foreign policy , the promotion of human rights and democracy , in order to persuade China to help the United States achieve its foreign policy goals . But Obama insists America `` will never waver in speaking up for the fundamental values that we hold dear . '' Gao acknowledged global concern about China 's human rights record , admitting the situation is not perfect . `` But if you look at today 's human rights issues , and comparing that with what we had 30 years ago , 20 years ago , or 10 years ago , then China has made great improvements , '' he said . Gao said China and the Chinese people are great admirers of America . But he said , `` China 's foreign policy is underlined by the principle of non-interference in each other 's internal affairs . If it is only up to the United States to discuss human rights issues","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The relationship between China and the United States is `` the most important '' bilateral relationship in the world , a former Chinese foreign ministry official said Monday . Victor Zhikai Gao , now the director of the Beijing Private Equity Association , told CNN 's Christiane Amanpour that the United States should deal with Beijing `` with respect '' and not be `` too abrasive . '' `` That 's the minimum thing we can ask for , I believe , '' he said on the eve of talks between President Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao . Gao pointed out that China is now the United States ' largest creditor nation , holding foreign reserves of more than $ 2 trillion , about two-thirds of which are assets that are denominated in U.S. dollars . `` China-U.S. relations are the most important bilateral relations in the world , '' Gao said . Obama appears keen to put past U.S.-Chinese disagreements behind him as he seeks Chinese cooperation on a host of issues from the global economy and climate change to nuclear proliferation . He 's also looking to China for leadership on how to"} +{"answer":"who have studied the fossilized animal , which was 5 to 6 years old when it died , believe it was an ancestor of the fearsome T. Rex . `` Raptorex really is a pivotal moment in the history of the group where most of the biological meaningful features about Tyrannosaurs came into being , '' said lead author Paul Sereno , a paleontologist at the University of Chicago . `` And the surprising fact is that they came into being in such a small animal , '' he added . Based on estimates of other similar-sized theropods , or `` beast-footed '' dinosaurs , Sereno and his colleagues estimate an adult Raptorex was about 9 feet tall and weighed about 143 pounds . By contrast , the Tyrannosaurus rex , which topped the prehistoric food chain until dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago , was believed to weigh at least five tons . Scientists hypothesize that Raptorex ran its prey down , using its enlarged skull , powerful jaws and sharp teeth to dispatch animals much larger than itself . Like the T. rex , the Raptorex also had tiny forelimbs , they said . `` We","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A pint-sized version of the Tyrannosaurus rex , with similarly powerful legs , razor-sharp teeth and tiny arms , roamed China some 125 million years ago , said scientists who remain startled by the discovery . An adult Raptorex was about 9 feet tall and weighed about 150 pounds , scientists say . The predator , nicknamed Raptorex , lived about 60 million years before the T. rex and was slightly larger than the human male , scientists said . The findings , to be released Friday in the journal Science , are based on fossilized remains discovered in lake beds in northeastern China . They show a dinosaur with many of the specialized physical features of Tyrannosaurus rex at a fraction of its size . `` The most interesting and important thing about this new fossil is that It is completely unexpected , '' said Stephen Brusatte , co-author of the article , in a conference call with reporters . `` It 's becoming harder and harder to find fossils like this that totally throw us for a curve , '' added Brusatte , a paleontologist with the American Museum of Natural History . Scientists"} +{"answer":"plane 's data recorders , Qadir said , and investigators were not speculating on the cause of the crash . `` The weather conditions were indeed very troubling and the winds were very strong , reaching 61 kilometers per hour -LRB- 38 mph -RRB- , '' he said . `` That 's one thing . The other thing was that the sea was very rough when the plane approached landing at Moroni airport . '' But French Transport Minister Dominique Bussereau noted that several years ago France banned the plane , a A310-300 , because of safety concerns . `` People are talking about poor weather conditions , but for the moment , we are unsure , '' Bussereau said . `` It seems the plane may have attempted an approach , put on the gas , and attempted another approach , which then failed . For the moment , we must be careful because none of this information is verified . '' Qadir said it was too early to blame the aircraft for the crash . `` This plane is just like any other plane , '' he said . `` It can have a malfunction , but we","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Searchers have recovered the bodies of three people who were aboard a Yemenia Airways jet that crashed off the coast of Comoros in the Indian Ocean , a spokesman for Yemen 's Civil Aviation department said Tuesday . A man hugs a relative of one of the victims at an airport in Marseille in southern France . Capt. Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Qadir also told reporters that a child who was reported found alive was a 5-year-old boy . He did not give further details of the child 's condition . `` The French said that -LRB- Wednesday -RRB- they will send more French units to the accident location in order to retrieve the bodies and possibly that they may be able to locate people who are still alive , '' he said . The Airbus 310 went down early Tuesday , carrying 142 passengers and 11 crew members on a flight that originated in Yemen 's capital , Sanaa . Qadir said the jet took off from Sanaa shortly before 10 p.m. Monday and vanished from radar when it was about 16 miles from Comoros ' capital , Moroni . Searchers have not located the"} +{"answer":"Arab Emirates and the United States , senior U.S. officials familiar with the case have said . The senior U.S. officials said the administration has held off on the ratification process because it believes sensitivities over the story can hurt its passage . On Saturday , Human Rights Watch called the sheikh 's reported detention `` a significant development '' but said the UAE government needs to do more to restore confidence in its judicial system . `` The videotape of this episode shocked the world , '' said Sarah Leah Whitson , Middle East director at Human Rights Watch . `` The report of the arrest was reassuring , but now the government needs to make the details public . Secretive prosecutions will not deter further abuses and torture . '' On the tape , Sheikh Issa appears to burn with rage . Apparently believing he was cheated in a business deal , the sheikh was trying to extract a confession from the Afghan grain dealer . With a private security officer assisting , Sheikh Issa is seen stuffing sand in the Afghan 's mouth . As the grain dealer pleads and whimpers , he is beaten with a","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A member of the royal family of Abu Dhabi who was captured on videotape torturing an Afghan grain dealer has reportedly been detained , a senior U.S. State Department official told CNN Saturday . Sheikh Issa bin Zayed al Nahyan , pictured here , allegedly tortured a business associate on videotape . The official said the government of the United Arab Emirates , which includes Abu Dhabi as one of its seven emirates , told the State Department that Sheikh Issa bin Zayed al Nahyan is under house arrest pending an investigation , but that the United States has not independently confirmed the development . The videotape emerged last month in a federal civil lawsuit filed in Houston , Texas , by Bassam Nabulsi , a U.S. citizen , against the sheikh . Former business partners , the men had a falling out , in part over the tape . In a statement to CNN , the sheikh 's U.S. attorney said Nabulsi is using the videotape to influence the court over a business dispute . The tape of the heinous torture session is delaying the ratification of a civil nuclear deal between the United"} +{"answer":"said . Watch why it 's important not to eat the nuts '' An investigation is under way into how the pistachios came to carry the bacteria . Salmonella can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children , frail or elderly people , and others with weakened immune systems . Acheson stressed at a news conference Monday that the potential problems with pistachios were unrelated to this year 's recall of peanut products , including peanut butter . The pistachio investigation also involves the California Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta , Georgia . Setton Farms told the FDA that it anticipates recalling about 1 million pounds of products nationally in the next few days , which covers its crop output last year . Several people have told the FDA that they suffered gastrointestinal illnesses after eating pistachios , and the CDC was doing a genetic analysis , looking for any link between the people and salmonella strains , Acheson said . He said there could be some results by the end of the week . He said the FDA is `` ahead of the curve '' in the current","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- If you have a stash of pistachios in your house , pistachio ice cream in your freezer or trail mix in your backpack , do n't eat any of it . The FDA says it and the California Department of Public Health are taking `` a proactive approach . '' Wait until an inquiry into possible salmonella contamination is further along , advises FDA Associate Commissioner David Acheson . Kraft Foods Inc. notified the U.S. Food and Drug Administration last Tuesday that it found salmonella in roasted pistachios during routine testing . The nuts were traced to Setton Farms in Terra Bella , California , about 75 miles south of Fresno . Setton announced a recall , Kraft removed its Back To Nature Trail Mix from store shelves , and Kroger -- a grocery chain with stores in 31 states -- recalled Private Selection shelled pistachios from its retail stores . See the FDA 's complete recall list `` Ultimately , the question is what should consumers do , and our advice to consumers is that they avoid eating pistachio products and keep checking the FDA Web site for the latest information , '' Acheson"} +{"answer":"much about the game other than we had our concerns about winning it , but I do recall the drive into the city . '' Schwartz said . `` You could just see and feel what was happening at the time . It was eye-opening . '' That was in stark contrast to what is happening in Detroit three years later . In 2011 , the Lions are 4-0 for the first time since 1980 . Their matchup Monday night against Chicago at Ford Field is perhaps the most anticipated football game the Lions have played since they advanced to the NFC championship game in 1991 . Meanwhile on the mound in Detroit , the Tigers are also showing amazing promise . In a thrilling game , the Tigers beat the New York Yankees 3-2 on Thursday to advance to the American League Championship Series . The Tigers did capture the AL pennant in 2006 -- eliminating the Yankees -- but had been a high-payroll , low-achieving club since until this summer , when they ran away with the AL Central title . The pressure to deliver the division title this season was so intense that on the night the","question":"Detroit -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Thanksgiving Day 2008 shows where Detroit has been . The Detroit Lions have played at home every Thanksgiving since 1934 . It is the city 's greatest football tradition . Yet instead of a source of great pride , the game had become an embarrassment , as well as representative of everything going horribly wrong in Detroit . The auto industry melted down with alarming and unprecedented speed . The City of Detroit was rife with political scandal that eventually put Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and several other prominent public officials behind bars . All this turmoil came while the Lions were poised to be the only team in NFL history to go 0-16 . The sentiment ? The Lions were viewed as incredible losers in the NFL landscape , so we must be incredible losers , too . However , the fans maintained their love for the team in spite of their obvious difficulties . The Tennessee Titans ended up thrashing the Lions , 47-10 . Tennessee 's defensive coordinator that day was Jim Schwartz . Less than two months later , he was the Lions ' head coach . `` I do n't remember"} +{"answer":"Beard describe his reaction '' Alan Howard met Beard , the youngest of the African-American teens who made up the Jena Six , in January 2008 when he began representing him in a lawsuit filed by beating victim Justin Barker . The fight followed months of disquiet among Jena High School students , including off-campus skirmishes , a school arson and nooses hung from a campus tree . In September 2007 , thousands of protesters , alleging the teens were treated harshly because they were black , converged on middle Louisiana . Protesters were particularly angered at the jailing of Mychal Bell , one of the six , who was charged as an adult . Later in September , he was reclassified as a juvenile and released . The Jena Six were lionized and vilified ; donations for their defense poured in , as did threats on their lives . Howard said his first impression of Beard -- that he had `` tremendous character , tremendous resilience and tremendous potential '' -- was so strong he invited the teen to live with his family in New England . It 's been a tidal shift , Beard said , moving from","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Jesse Ray Beard said he was constantly in trouble , even when he behaved . It took being accused of the racially charged attempted murder of a white classmate in the Deep South to turn his life around . Living with attorney Alan Howard , right , has afforded Jesse Ray Beard a bevy of new experiences . Beard , 18 , now interns at a New York law firm as he prepares for his senior year next month at Canterbury School , a Connecticut prep academy where Beard is highly regarded among peers and teachers . `` I did n't change the way I act . I did n't do nothing different . It was just that I was at Canterbury instead of Jena , '' he said . `` It was like Jena was out to get me -- and not just me , but other people , too . '' If not for the controversy surrounding the Jena Six and the palpable racial tension in the Louisiana town , Beard never would have met the attorney who changed the course of Beard 's life by removing him from everything he knew . Watch"} +{"answer":"n't shut up . What did she think it was ... a date ? She was a hooker . He spotted her climbing the steep steps out of the MARTA subway station downtown . She got straight into his car with a big smile when he offered her a ride . Once inside , driving , he kept looking away from the road , stealing glances at her neck . Something about it drew him . Maybe the shape , the curve -- or maybe it was the soft hollow spot at the bottom . It was the only thing about her he could stomach . Watch Nancy talk about her new novel '' He lowered the automatic windows so her conversation would fly out into the night and he would n't have to hear it . Her teeth and lips revolted him . The shiny pink lip gloss she was wearing had thickened in spots across her lips and some had smeared onto her front teeth . Looking over at her as she talked , Cruise thought it was the most disgusting thing he had ever seen . Back to the task at hand . What was it ?","question":"Editor 's note : Below is an excerpt from Nancy Grace 's new novel `` The Eleventh Victim . '' published by Hyperion . Nancy anchors `` Nancy Grace '' on HLN nightly at 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. ET . HLN 's Nancy Grace makes her fiction debut with `` The Eleventh Victim . '' A little something . What was it ? Something ... some detail was wrong . . He could n't just leave the body lying there like that . There was something missing . It was biting at him . He 'd tried to go , walking back to his car in the dark twice now , but the nagging in his brain would n't let him leave until she was absolutely perfect . He looked at her lying there in the moonlight . Her dead body was absolutely stunning . Before , when she had been alive , sitting in the passenger seat of his car , talking and talking about her life and herself and her journey from Anniston , Alabama , to Atlanta to break into acting , he thought his head would blow up like a bomb . She just would"} +{"answer":"'s green jacket . He is setting his sights this year on 68 hot dogs in 10 minutes . Saturday 's competition will be partially about redemption for Chestnut , too . In May , he suffered a stinging defeat to Kobayashi in a loss he said `` really set a fire underneath me '' and `` made me hungry for this contest . '' Chestnut revealed the extreme dietary regimen he is following in the days leading up to the contest . He said he is sticking to water to make sure he is `` empty '' when the mountain of hot dogs is placed in front of him . In addition to Chestnut , Kobayashi admitted to keeping a watchful eye on 32-year-old Tim `` Eater X '' Janus , whose signature painted face was described by Major League Eating impresario Richard Shea as an attempt to mask his `` inner torment . '' In a recent trial round , Janus downed a personal-best 55 hot dogs -- a weiner 's throw from the 59 that Chestnut and Kobayashi wolfed down last year . As a lead-in to the main event , Major League Eating on Friday will","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Reigning hot dog-guzzling champ Joey Chestnut and nemesis Takeru Kobayashi of Japan attempted to psych each other out Thursday at the weigh-in for the 94th annual Nathan 's Famous Fourth of July International Hot Dog-Eating Contest . Competitive eaters Joey Chestnut and Takeru Kobayashi take part in an official `` staredown . '' Chestnut and Kobayashi glared long and menacingly into each other 's eyes in an official `` staredown . '' At last year 's contest , 25-year-old Chestnut , a civil engineering student at San Jose State University , eked out a win over Kobayashi , 31 , in a tiebreaker after both initially consumed 59 dogs apiece . It was Chestnut 's second slim victory over Kobayashi in as many years . Kobayashi vowed he will avenge those two defeats on Saturday . He also said he no longer suffers from the `` jawthritis '' that some cited as the culprit for his 2007 defeat , which snapped his six-year winning streak at Coney Island . Chestnut , for his part , said he had no intention of ceding the coveted mustard yellow belt -- competitive eating 's answer to golf"} +{"answer":"means `` Basque Homeland and Freedom '' in the Basque language , killed what some say was its first victim in 1968 . Since then it waged a campaign of violence against the Spanish state , targeting politicians , policemen , judges and soldiers , often clocking up numerous civilian casualties with deadly car bombs . In 1980 alone ETA was blamed for 118 deaths , and in 1995 it nearly succeeded in assassinating Jose Maria Aznar , then leader of the opposition and later Spain 's prime minister . On September 16 , 1998 , the organization declared a `` unilateral and indefinite '' cease-fire , raising hopes that its campaign was at an end . ETA called off the cease-fire in November 1999 , however , and 2000 saw a sharp escalation in violence . Another unilateral cease-fire was declared in March 2005 , with ETA raising hopes for a lasting peace by declaring it `` permanent . '' It was called off by ETA in June 2006 following numerous more ETA attacks . At the center of the struggle is a region know as Euskal Herria in Basque . The area straddles the western end of the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The separatist group behind a series of bombings on a Spanish vacation island marks the 50 year anniversary of its struggle this year , a milestone that sees it no closer to achieving its goal . Police cordon off the route leading to the location of the latest blasts in Palma de Mallorca . ETA , which is fighting for the independence of Spain 's northern Basque region , was said to be behind three bombs that detonated on the island of Mallorca on Sunday without hurting anyone . The latest incident appears to be part of a new wave of attacks , including another in Mallorca which killed two Civil Guard officers in July , which have left a 2006 cease-fire a distant memory . The violent resurgence also defies Spanish government claims that the group 's operational capabilities have been broken by a series of high profile arrests in Spain and France . ETA , blamed for more than 800 deaths and listed as a terrorist group by Spain the European Union and the United States , began campaigning for Basque independence in 1959 . The group , whose full name Euskadi Ta Askatasuna"} +{"answer":"generates electricity to recharge the batteries . The Japanese government has warned Toyota to take seriously mounting complaints with the Prius . Toyota Vice President Shinichi Sasaki met with Japan 's transport minister on Wednesday . iReport : How are Toyota 's problems affecting you ? In Japan , 14 complaints about brakes in the Prius have been lodged since July . Japan 's Ministry of Land , Infrastructure , Transport and Tourism has asked Toyota to investigate , according to the Japan Automobile Dealers Association . `` The complaints received via our dealers center around when drivers are on a bumpy road or frozen surface , '' said Paul Nolasco , a Toyota Motor Corp. spokesman in Japan . `` The driver steps on the brake , and they do not get as full of a braking feel as expected . '' Full coverage of Toyota recall In the United States , more than 100 complaints alleging poor brake performance have been lodged with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration against the 2010 Prius , a newly designed version of the car that was introduced last summer . `` NHTSA has received a number of complaints about a potential","question":"Tokyo , Japan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Without issuing a recall of its iconic Prius hybrid vehicles , Toyota said Thursday a software glitch is to blame for braking problems in the 2010 model . `` We would want to be given a little time , '' Hiro Yuki Yokoyama , Toyota 's managing officer , said when reporters asked whether a recall was in the works . The company changed its braking system software in January as part of what it called `` constant quality improvements , '' but did not say what it would do about vehicles manufactured before then . Toyota officials described the problem as a `` disconnect '' in the vehicle 's complex anti-lock brake system -LRB- ABS -RRB- that causes less than a one-second lag . With the delay , a vehicle going 60 mph will have traveled nearly another 90 feet before the brakes begin to take hold . Brakes in hybrids such as the Prius operate differently from brakes in most cars . In addition to standard brakes , which use friction from pads pressed against drums or rotors , the electric motors in hybrids help slow them . The process also"} +{"answer":"a vaccine for swine flu , also known as the H1N1 virus , the company said . It is now on track to meet the orders placed by many governments and the World Health Organization for the vaccine , Glaxo said . `` To date we have contracts in place to supply 195 million doses of the vaccine , '' Chief Executive Andrew Witty said . `` We also have a variety of agreements in place with the U.S. government to supply pandemic products worth $ 250 million . Discussions with over 50 governments are ongoing , with many at advanced stages , and I therefore expect further significant orders . Shipments are expected in the second half of 2009 and early 2010 . '' In an interview with CNN 's Richard Quest , Witty said the new swine flu vaccine will likely be a boost to sales into 2010 . `` As we go forward , I think we 'll see -LRB- swine flu -RRB- become more material for the company , particularly as we move into -LRB- the fourth quarter -RRB- of this year and vaccine shipments begin , '' he said . However , he thinks any","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sales of the flu drug Relenza shot up 1,900 percent from a year ago as governments around the world stockpiled in preparation for a swine flu pandemic , drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline said Wednesday . Stocks of antiviral treatments are pictured at a warehouse in an undisclosed location in the UK Relenza sales were # 60 million -LRB- $ 98.4 million -RRB- in the second quarter of this year , compared to # 3 million -LRB- $ 4.9 million -RRB- in the same quarter last year , the company said in announcing its Q2 results . Glaxo also said that by the end of the year , it expects to have an annual production capacity for Relenza of 190 million treatment courses , more than a threefold increase to its previously announced maximum capacity . The company will achieve it by increasing production of the Relenza Diskhaler inhaler and building new capacity to manufacture Relenza Rotacaps , Glaxo said . Watch as swine flu boosts drug profits '' Relenza is an antiviral medication similar to Tamiflu that treats symptoms of the flu and helps to prevent getting it . GlaxoSmithKline started production last month of"} +{"answer":"contrast to ongoing criticism that children are spending too much time indoors -- either voluntarily watching television and playing computer games or at the request of concerned parents afraid to let them play in the street or in parks , where they could be the victim or a perpetrator of crime . This so-called `` bedroom culture '' is , it is often argued , creating a generation of monosyllabic , culturally illiterate group of youngsters who are ill-prepared for the impending roles and responsibilities of adulthood . Researchers have found that far from constricting young people 's imagination , Runescape and similar multiplayer virtual games enhance brain activity . They offer an opportunity to experiment with different identities such as gender , race or ability . Gamers can also benefit from opportunities that they may not have access to in the real world . `` Virtual environments , like Runescape , '' says Nic Crowe , `` form important new leisure spaces for the many young people who occupy them . In the real world , where streets or town centers have become inaccessible to many young people or are considered risky by them or their parents , it","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It is news that will be greeted with despair and joy in equal measure in family homes across the globe -- Computer games might be good for children . According to scientists at Brunel University in West London , `` young people can experience huge benefits from participating in multi player online role playing games '' . Children playing online games have their imaginations stimulated , not stunted . On the one hand , parents will be pleased to learn that their offspring are n't wasting their time as they sit boggle-eyed in front of a computer screen , and may actually be learning important life skills needed in adulthood . But on the other , it 's just another excuse for their children to spend hour upon hour locked away in their bedroom neglecting school studies and family duties . Still , there 's always the off switch . Dr Simon Bradford and Nic Crowe of Brunel University 's School of Sport and Education have just completed a three-year study of 13-16 year olds playing Runescape -- a massively popular online with over nine million members worldwide . The findings are in"} +{"answer":"indicted on charges that include first-degree murder , financial card transaction fraud and obtaining property by false pretenses . North Carolina prosecutors allege he killed Lauterbach on December 14 and used her ATM card 10 days later before fleeing to Mexico . He holds dual citizenship in the United States and Mexico . The law enforcement source familiar with the case said a DNA swab was taken by court order from Laurean after he was extradited from Mexico in March to face charges in North Carolina . Mexican authorities agreed to the extradition , in part because prosecutors took the death penalty off the table . Mexico does not have a death penalty . Before her death , Lauterbach told the Marines that Laurean raped her . The month before she disappeared , Lauterbach 's mother says Maria told a military investigator that she no longer believed Laurean was the father of her unborn child . However , Lauterbach 's mother , Mary , says her daughter remained adamant that Laurean raped her . Laurean denied it . A few weeks before a scheduled rape hearing at Camp Lejeune , Lauterbach disappeared . Dewey Hudson , district attorney for Onslow","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Marine accused of killing Lance Cpl. Maria Lauterbach , who was more than eight months pregnant , was not the father of her unborn child , a law enforcement source close to the murder investigation said Saturday . Marine Cpl. Cesar Laurean , who is being held on a murder charge , is scheduled for arraignment in June . The source , who has seen a report completed earlier this month by the Defense Department 's Armed Forces Institute of Pathology , said Cpl. Cesar Laurean 's DNA does not match that of the unborn child , who also died . Laurean and Lauterbach were stationed at Camp Lejeune , North Carolina . An autopsy showed that Lauterbach , 20 , died of blunt force trauma to the head . Police unearthed her charred body from beneath a barbecue pit in Laurean 's backyard in January 2008 . She disappeared the month before . Laurean was 22 when he was arrested in Mexico in April 2008 . At the time , a Mexican reporter asked Laurean whether he had killed Lauterbach . The Marine replied , `` I loved her . '' Laurean has been"} +{"answer":"He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal and the Meritorious Service Medal , among others . Hutchison retired from the military in 1988 and took up the quiet life of a college professor . He taught at several small colleges in California and became a researcher for a health care company in Scottsdale , Arizona , said his brother , Richard Hutchison . But Hutchison felt compelled to return to military service after the terrorist attacks of September 11 . His wife , Kandy , vetoed that idea , however . That decision proved fateful , as Hutchison was able to stand by his wife 's side through her battle with breast cancer . She died of the disease in January 2006 . The always-athletic Hutchison channeled his grief by whipping himself into shape and returning to active duty at age 57 the following year , his brother said . Military rules say retirees may be recalled up to age 64 for general officers , 62 for warrant officers and 60 for all others . Hutchison served a tour in Afghanistan and then was sent to Iraq , where he was part of a team training Iraqi forces to secure","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Army Maj. Steven Hutchison fought battles in the jungles of Vietnam . Then he fought an epic battle on the home front . And at age 60 , he still was n't done fighting for his country . Maj. Steven Hutchison served 22 years in his first Army stint , then returned at age 57 . He died Sunday . The battle ended for Hutchison on Sunday . He died in Basra , Iraq , of wounds from a roadside bomb in Al Farr . He is the oldest U.S. service member to die in Iraq or Afghanistan . Hutchison joined the Army in 1966 and served two one-year tours in Vietnam , according to a news release from Fort Riley , Kansas , home of Hutchison 's 1st Infantry Division , the famous `` Big Red One . '' Over the next 22 years , he was a platoon leader in Germany and commander of a basic training company at Fort Jackson , South Carolina . Along the way , he earned a doctorate in psychology from the University of Delaware and became an assistant professor of military science at Claremont College in California ."} +{"answer":"headed to Fernandina Beach , north of Jacksonville , Florida . Seconds after takeoff , the pilot reported trouble . `` The tower cleared it to come back and try to land at Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport . The plane crashed attempting to return to the airport , '' Adams said . Watch an iReporter describe the crash '' Donald Widing , chief of fire rescue for Oakland Park , said , `` the crash was not survivable . '' `` The fire is under control . The emergency is contained , '' he said a little more than an hour after the crash . `` What we 're doing now is making sure that the scene is safe enough to introduce our first responders to do a complete primary and secondary search of the aircraft wreckage itself and the occupancy . '' He added , `` we are concerned with the plane 's fuel tanks and have to save the house and the scene before we can conduct any further search-and-rescue operations . '' Watch firefighters tackle the blaze '' Asked whether more than one home in the area was impacted , Widing said , `` we 're still","question":"MIAMI , Florida -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Fort Lauderdale official said that only one person was on a plane that slammed into a vacant house Friday , a crash called `` not survivable '' by a fire official . Bystanders watch the flames after the plane crash Friday in Fort Lauderdale , Florida . The twin-engine Cessna crashed about 11:15 a.m. in a neighborhood not far from Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport , from which it took off , the city official said . Video from the scene showed a small house virtually cut in two as firefighters poured water on smoking debris . Chaz Adams -- spokesman for the city of Fort Lauderdale , which owns the airport -- said that there was only one person aboard and that a previous report of four passengers was incorrect . The Federal Aviation Administration also said the flight plan listed one person on board , and witnesses at the airport have told the FAA that only one person boarded the aircraft . Adams said three people live in the house that was hit , but `` the house was vacant when the plane down . '' He said the plane was"} +{"answer":"talk to them . He may be counting on the fact that if no new news emerges , everybody will move on . CNN : Can the police do anything about it if Woods continues to refuse to talk to them ? Toobin : The police do n't have a lot of options . If someone does n't want to talk to you , you as a police officer ca n't do anything about it . In theory , they could get a search warrant , but you need probable cause that a crime took place , and at this point , I do n't see anything that would justify it . CNN : The Florida Highway Patrol says the delay is surprising because the accident is so minor . What does Tiger Woods gain by not talking to them ? Toobin : Woods may not talk to them because there is possibly something unpleasant and embarrassing that he does n't want to share with them , and he has that right . Based on what is publicly known , Woods has a public relations problem much more than a legal problem . He 's arguably the most famous athlete","question":"New York -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- State police in Florida planned Monday to further investigate a single-vehicle crash involving pro golfer Tiger Woods , they said . That followed a police announcement Sunday that Woods had canceled a third interview with investigators . Woods suffered minor injuries in the accident , which occurred early Friday in his luxury neighborhood near Orlando . In a statement issued Sunday afternoon on his Web site , Woods offered no details of his wreck , except to say he had cuts and bruises and was `` pretty sore . '' `` This situation is my fault , and it 's obviously embarrassing to my family and me , '' he said . `` I 'm human , and I 'm not perfect . I will certainly make sure this does n't happen again . '' CNN senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin spoke about why Tiger Woods might be delaying talking to police . CNN : Why do you think Tiger Woods has canceled three interviews with police ? Jeffrey Toobin : Tiger Woods is under no legal obligation to speak with police . The Fifth Amendment gives everyone an absolute right to refuse to"} +{"answer":"connection that delivers it , you could be in for a rude awakening . TV Everywhere represents an alternative -- and possible threat -- to the popular Hulu model . If the pilot program impresses the group -- and proves to other networks that its user-authentication system is secure -- Comcast and Time Warner expect the other television programmers , ISPs and mobile providers to join , giving all cable subscribers a way to watch the content they pay for on their televisions using any broadband-connected computer or authenticated cellphone . Already `` at least 92 percent of Americans qualify to watch this for free online , '' according to Jeff Bewkes , chairman and CEO of Time Warner . For these subscribers , TV Everywhere represents a potential win . The only question is whether they will keep paying for the old cable subscription model as their viewing habits shift online . There 's nothing to stop television networks from putting their content on both Hulu and TV Everywhere , because TV Everywhere 's contract will be non-exclusive , according to Bewkes . However , given the choice between Hulu and TV Everywhere , television programmers have an incentive","question":"-LRB- WIRED -RRB- -- Two cable powerhouses have announced an ambitious pilot program that aims to convince their customers that , actually , TV on the web should not be free . Jeffrey Bewkes , chairman and CEO of Time Warner , speaks at the NCTA conference in Washington . With a service called TV Everywhere , Comcast and Time Warner will give cable subscribers access to `` premium '' television content via broadband , and later cellphone connections . To begin with , 5,000 Comcast subscribers will begin testing the system next month , giving them access to Time Warner 's TBS and TNT channels on their computers , and the same channels ' video-on-demand catalogs on their cable boxes . If you made peace long ago with the idea of paying a monthly cable bill , this probably sounds great . It means watching your existing subscription on new screens without paying additional fees or buying more hardware . -LRB- Of course , as consumers adopt TV Everywhere , they can probably expect price increases . -RRB- But if you prefer to watch your television for free on ad-supported sites like Hulu while paying only for the internet"} +{"answer":"director . He began work with the Obama campaign in January 2007 as traveling press secretary before returning to Chicago , Illinois , to work as communications director . Unlike Gibbs and Pfeiffer , Moran is not already on Obama 's communications team . `` These individuals will fill essential roles , and bring a breadth and depth of experience that can help our administration advance prosperity and security for the American people , '' Obama said in a written statement . `` This dedicated and impressive group of public servants includes longtime advisors and a talented new addition to our team , and together we will work to serve our country and meet the challenges of this defining moment in history . '' On Friday , sources indicated that some of Obama 's Cabinet posts were close to being filled . Two sources close to the transition team said New York Federal Reserve President Timothy Geithner is `` on track '' to be offered the Treasury secretary post . Watch CNN 's Anderson Cooper discuss Obama 's choices '' Transition officials told The Associated Press on Saturday that Obama planned to announce Geithner 's appointment on Monday , along","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President-elect Barack Obama 's transition team announced several key appointments to his communications team Saturday . Robert Gibbs will have one of the most highly visible roles in the Obama administration . Robert Gibbs , an Obama campaign spokesman who also has acted as spokesman for the transition , will become Obama 's press secretary , one of the most highly visible roles in the administration . Gibbs , an Auburn , Alabama , native who has worked for Sen. Fritz Hollings , the Democratic Senatorial Committee and Sen. John Kerry 's presidential campaign , was communications director and then a senior strategist for the Obama campaign . Ellen Moran , executive director of EMILY 's List , will serve as Obama 's communications director . Moran worked for the AFL-CIO , coordinating `` Wal-Mart corporate accountability activities , '' before returning to EMILY 's , an organization dedicated to helping Democratic women get elected to office . It had endorsed Sen. Hillary Clinton for president . See who 's on Obama 's short list for cabinet posts '' Dan Pfeiffer , current communications director with the transition team , will be Obama 's deputy communications"} +{"answer":"contended . The two largest Latino populations in the United States are in the New York City and Los Angeles areas , she said , but both locales have seen a `` dramatic drop in the crime rate . '' Government and police statistics show that the crime rate has been decreasing in New York for the past 15 years . Similarly , statistics show that rate for most major crimes in Los Angeles also has fallen in recent years . `` This clearly shows that linking immigration directly with violence is not connected , '' Espinosa said . Others make the case , however , that illegal immigration and high crime are strongly linked . Supporters of SB 107 , the controversial Arizona immigration law , parts of which were struck down in federal court in July , used that argument to pass the bill this year . `` Border violence and crime due to illegal immigration are critically important issues to the people of our state , '' Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer said earlier this year . `` There is no higher priority than protecting the citizens of Arizona . We can not sacrifice our safety to the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Violence in the United States is not related to illegal Mexican immigrants , but violence in Mexico is connected to vast shipments of weapons from the United States , Mexico 's foreign minister told CNN Thursday . Foreign Minister Patricia Espinosa pointed to efforts by Mexico to stop the flow of weapons , the great majority of which come from the United States . `` Since 2006 , '' she said in a wide-ranging interview with CNN 's editorial board in New York City , `` the Mexican government has seized over 85,000 weapons in Mexico . '' She noted that it 's not just `` regular weapons , '' but also machine guns , grenades and other high-power arms . Robert Pastor , a Latin America national security adviser for President Jimmy Carter in the late 1970s , pointed out last year there were at least 6,600 U.S. gun shops within 100 miles of the Mexican border and more than 90 percent of weapons in Mexico come from the United States . In contrast , Espinosa said , there 's no evidence linking high crime rates with illegal immigration , as some U.S. politicians have"} +{"answer":"had struggled to keep momentum due to his back pain . `` I started my innings well , but during the partnership I had a lot of discomfort and the spasms did n't allow me to move freely . Once I was into my 30s it became very painful , '' he said . `` It was difficult . You do n't want to create confusion and also not break the rhythm . If you see , Sachin got out once I took the runner . But I was in such pain that I thought that the best decision in team 's interest was to have a runner instead of just giving away the wicket due to pain . '' Sri Lanka captain Kumar Sangakkara said the turning point was when his side were bowled out for 267 in their second innings the previous day . `` If we had just tried to bat till lunch , the ball would have got softer and we could have scored a lot more runs . But unfortunately , we played some poor strokes , '' he said . `` Otherwise we could have batted out the day and put the heavy roller","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- India tied the three-Test series with Sri Lanka after V.V.S. Laxman overcame back problems to score an unbeaten century on the final day of the deciding match in Colombo to seal a five-wicket victory . Set 257 to win , the top-ranked tourists made it home comfortably following a fourth-wicket partnership of 109 between Laxman and veteran batsman Sachin Tendulkar , with Suresh Raina 's 41 off 45 balls completing a fine turnaround . Laxman followed up his first-innings 56 as he ended the match unbeaten on 103 from 149 balls , scoring his 16th Test ton despite needing the help of a runner . `` He proved today why he is called very , very special , '' Indian captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni told reporters . `` He always comes up with innings that have a huge bearing on the game . `` It was very important for him to score runs as the team needed it most to level the series . I think it is a very special innings . Hopefully , he plays plenty more innings like this for us . '' Laxman , a veteran of 113 Tests , said he"} +{"answer":"worth to him in trust , because they trusted him , they trusted his family , they trusted everybody , and now they literally are selling their houses in order to live . And some of them mortgaged their houses in order to give that money to this Madoff . And it 's really a terrible thing . I 'd see him around Mar-a-Lago , I 'd see him around Palm Beach -- and he 's a disgrace . Watch the possible ramifications of the Madoff case '' CNN : ... How did he get away with this ? How did so many smart people entrust somebody -- and we keep hearing over and over again , 100 percent of their money going to this guy . Would you ever let 100 percent of your money go to something , even if you trusted the person ? Trump : I would not , and a lot of my friends would not , but obviously a lot of my friends did . The word is very simple . It 's a word called `` greed . '' Greed . That 's all it is . People were greedy . They thought","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Voluble real estate mogul Donald Trump called alleged Wall Street scam artist Bernard Madoff a `` sleazebag '' and `` a total crook '' Thursday in an interview on CNN . Donald Trump said investors who lost money in a Ponzi scheme were victims of their own greed . Trump recently hosted a party at his Palm Beach , Florida , estate , Mar-a-Lago , that was attended by several people who say they were victims of an alleged $ 50 billion Ponzi scheme run by Madoff . Madoff , 70 , is a former chairman of Nasdaq . He was charged last week with fraud . Trump , chairman and president of the Trump Organization , a New York-based real estate development empire , spoke with Kiran Chetry on CNN 's `` American Morning . '' CNN : How angry are people at this situation with Madoff ? Donald Trump : ... The people in Palm Beach , many of those people have been just ripped off by this sleazebag , and they 'll never see the kind of money that they 've seen . You have some people gave 100 percent of their net"} +{"answer":"into consideration for tomorrow 's glorious marches ; these ceremonies will be held in complete security and calm , '' Fars quoted an unidentified , informed source as saying Wednesday . `` But if some try to misuse the vast participation and presence of the people ; the police will deal with them firmly and resolutely . '' Anti-government demonstrations began after the disputed June 12 presidential vote , which re-elected hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad over main opposition candidate Mir Hossein Moussavi . Police arrested 4,000 people in the post-election crackdown . At least seven people were killed and hundreds were arrested , witnesses said , as they took to the streets of December 27 during the Shiite Muslim holy period of Ashura . The Iranian government has denied that its security forces killed anyone and has blamed reformists for the violence . On Tuesday , an Iranian court sentenced one person to death and eight others to prison for their parts in anti-government demonstrations in December , the semi-official Fars news agency reported . The nine defendants were tried last week over their roles in protests during Ashura , Fars said , quoting the Tehran judiciary 's public relations","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Heightening its warnings as anticipated anti-government protests approach , Iran 's government says it will arrest protesters and hold them until April if they disrupt state-sanctioned marches to commemorate the overthrow of the Shah of Iran . Iran is this week celebrating the 31st anniversary of the Islamic Revolution , culminating on February 11 -- a day that marked the end of the country 's Western-backed monarchy and the start of an Islamic republic . A coalition of Iranian reformist groups is urging opponents of the regime to stage non-violent protests on Thursday , on the official anniversary of the Shah 's ouster . The so-called Green Movement has been protesting for social justice , freedom and democracy in demonstrations throughout the country since the disputed June president election . Those arrested for causing `` instability , '' disrupting public order and carrying `` extremist signs '' linked to the Green Movement will be jailed until at least April 9 , the end of the Persian holiday , of Norooz , according to government-run Fars news agency . The holiday marks the start of spring . `` Given the security plans that the police have taken"} +{"answer":"for the cease-fire to hold so aid could get into Gaza . Watch how a family in Gaza is coping with the violence '' `` We hope that it continues and that the situation calms down and that humanitarian aid delivery begins immediately to our people , '' he said at a summit in Egypt . Watch how a reporter finds Gaza in chaos '' During 22 days of fighting , more than 1,200 people have died , all but 13 of them Palestinians . Watch clean-up efforts in Gaza City '' The Palestinians and Israel continued to skirmish for several hours Sunday after Israel said it was stopping its offensive against Hamas . Palestinians fired at least 19 rockets into Israel on Sunday -- including at least two after the Palestinian cease-fire declaration , according to Israeli police spokesman Mickey Rosenfeld . At least three people were lightly wounded . Israeli military aircraft retaliated , firing missiles and destroying a rocket launcher , a military spokesman said . Shortly before the rocket attacks , Palestinian gunmen opened fire on Israeli forces in northern Gaza , the military said . Troops returned fire . Separately , Palestinian medical sources said","question":"GAZA CITY , Gaza -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Palestinian militants declared Sunday that they would stop attacks on Israel for a week , a statement that came hours after Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert announced a unilateral cease-fire in the country 's assault on Hamas in Gaza . An Israeli soldier holds up an Israeli flag after leaving Gaza on Sunday . The Palestinians demanded that Israel remove all troops from Gaza within the week , Hamas spokesman Ayman Taha said from Egypt . The agreement appears to cover all Palestinian armed factions , not only Hamas . `` We in the Palestinian resistance movements announce a cease-fire in the Gaza Strip , '' Moussa Abu Marzouk , a senior Hamas official in Syria , said on Syrian TV . `` And we demand that Israeli forces withdraw in one week and that they open all the border crossings to permit the entry of humanitarian aid and basic goods for our people in Gaza . '' There is no mutual agreement between the Israelis and Palestinians -- each side has made its own unilateral declaration of a cease-fire . Mahmoud Abbas , the president of the Palestinian Authority , called"} +{"answer":"he said . But recently , he 's noticed a changing mood . `` Now it is becoming too abstract and more ambient and more ... I do n't know , soundscape-ish , more than melody . People are afraid of melody : ` Oh , that melody is distracting my scene , ' it is becoming like that . '' And that brings fresh challenges for the makers of film music . `` Now the challenges of the composer are much more , '' he told CNN . `` One needs to know of recording , production , it is not enough to compose a great theme and -LSB- know -RSB- how it can intertwine with the movie . And with Indian film it is an even greater challenge , because we need to be like Michael Jackson , John Williams , Hans Zimmer and an Indian folk composer all put together . So they expect finesse and they expect versatility . '' Rahman 's compositions are versatile enough to be used by both Bollywood and Hollywood , a case in point being his music for the Hindi film `` Dil Se , '' which was used almost a","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Screening Room went to the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane in the heart of London 's West End , where a spectacular musical version of `` The Lord of The Rings '' is enjoying a successful run , to meet Indian composer A. R. Rahman , whose blend of Asian culture with rock and Western classical styles has revolutionized the Indian film industry . And now Rahman is about to make his mark in Hollywood . A. R. Rahman , interviewed by CNN 's Screening Room Virtually unknown in Europe and the U.S. , Rahman has sold 200 million albums worldwide -- more than the Beatles -- and is worshipped throughout much of Asia , where he 's known as the Mozart of Madras . Now he has added a Hollywood film score to his vast repertoire of movie music . Rahman explained to CNN what he thinks makes great movie music . `` A great soundtrack is like ` Laura `` s theme ' , the ` Love Story ' theme , ` Chariots of Fire ' and all those sorts of things , where it stood by itself , ''"} +{"answer":"me he was conscripted by force in to the Sudanese army in the summer of 2002 . He thought he was being taken for six months ' national service and then would be released . The conversation was slow going at first . We were both holding off from delving into the sordid details he 'd come to discuss . His answers were short , he told me he got no pay from the army , only food and drink . He said he was rounded up in an army truck from a market in Darfur and trained to kill . He said he was armed with Kalashnikovs and told to '' shoot targets . '' Watch ex-soldier describe brutal attacks on children to Nic Robertson '' Then , he says , his officers told him `` we will be taken to a patrol and then soon after that we were asked to join other people to go and burn and kill people '' . That 's when he says he realized he was n't getting national service training , that in fact , he was being forced into war against his will , with his own people . ``","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- I wanted to believe the man in front of me was n't a rapist . I knew he was a former Sudanese soldier , I knew he wanted to talk about rape in Darfur . A humanitarian group working on Darfur issues had introduced him to us . They told us his testimony was important to hear . A woman left homeless by conflict in Darfur walks along railway tracks . Last year in Darfur aid workers told me children as young as five were being raped in the huge displacement camps that are home to several million Darfuris . In some camps , they told me , rape had become so common that as many as 20 babies a month born from rape were being abandoned . As I sat inches from Adam -- not his real name -- I feared the revulsion I knew I would feel at my own questions as I asked about rape and his involvement . I have interviewed rape survivors in Darfur . I have two daughters . I am a human being with a conscience . It would be hard to listen to his replies . He told"} +{"answer":"team expected -- new ticket sales are down 75 percent from last year and season ticket renewals are down 10 percent . No Jaguar games are sold out , despite a recent survey by The Media Audit that found 76 percent of adults in Jacksonville , Florida , regularly follow the Jaguars -- the fifth-best percentage of any NFL market . `` The economy is having that impact on us , '' Prescott said . `` As a very small market , I think we 're feeling it more than some of the other teams in the league . '' The Minnesota Vikings also have yet to sell out any of their games , though the team expects that could change with the recent high-profile signing of quarterback Brett Favre . Within a day of Favre 's signing , the Vikings had sold an additional 3,000 season tickets and 10,000 single-game tickets . `` The economy 's affecting all professional sports teams , '' said Steve LaCroix , the Vikings ' vice president of sales and marketing . `` We 're not only competing for people 's time and money , but trying to keep the fans in the stadium","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The recession means competition in pro football this year is n't restricted to the gridiron . The National Football League and its 32 teams also are battling for the consumer 's discretionary spending dollars . Less-established NFL teams , such as the Jacksonville Jaguars , face special challenges in the recession . And just like on the playing field , some teams are having an easier time scoring an economic touchdown than others . `` Overall ticket sales are very positive but difficult in these challenging times , '' NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said in a statement . He did not provide overall ticket sales numbers for the current season . The league is coming off a year that saw overall attendance drop slightly , 0.7 percent , from 2007 amid the start of the economic slowdown . Bill Prescott , a Jacksonville Jaguars vice president and the team 's chief financial officer , said the team started to see the impact of the recession last year , when single-game ticket sales and concession revenue dropped as the season progressed . Heading into this season , he said , sales are off even more than the"} +{"answer":"energy supply , water , transportation , ecosystems and health , the study said . '' -LSB- The report -RSB- tells us why remedial action is needed sooner rather than later , as well as showing why that action must include both global emissions reductions to reduce the extent of climate change and local adaptation measures to reduce the damage from the changes that are no longer avoidable , '' said John P. Holdren , the White House science adviser . Among the study 's specific predictions : Longer and more intense heat waves ; increased heavy downpours likely to cause widespread complications such as flooding and waterborne diseases ; reduced summer runoff , creating greater competition for water , especially in the West ; rising ocean water temperatures that will threaten coral reefs ; an increase in wildfires and insect infestations ; and more frequent coastal flooding caused by rising seas . The report is the first in almost a decade to break down impacts of climate change on regions and economic sectors of the United States . For example , warming trends in coming decades are expected to reduce the lobster catch in the waters of the Northeast","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Man-made climate change threatens to stress water resources , challenge crops and livestock , raise sea levels and adversely affect human health , according to a report released by the Obama administration on Tuesday . Farmers and workers in central California are suffering through the third year of a worsening drought . The nearly 200-page document on global climate change -- released by the White House science adviser and mandated by Congress -- does not include new research , but encompasses several recent studies on the effects of global warming over the last half century . Among the report 's key findings are an `` unequivocal and primarily human-induced '' rise in the Earth 's temperature of 2 degrees Fahrenheit over the last 50 years , and a projection of more rapidly changing temperatures over the next several decades . `` It 's not just a problem for the future , '' said Jane Lubchenco , administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration . `` We 're beginning to see the impact on our daily lives . '' The continuing temperature rise is likely to spur a series of negative consequences for the Earth 's"} +{"answer":". The prime minister 's promises came as murky waters continued to move towards Bangkok 's city center . `` The situation is quite serious . The water is making ground slowly but surely towards the heart of Bangkok , '' flood relief co-ordinator Rungsun Munkong told CNN . He said thousands of people were refusing to leave their homes despite orders to evacuate to outer provinces . `` I believe thousands of people are in their homes and are still not evacuating , '' Rungsun said . '' -LRB- They -RRB- possibly will be stranded with little food and water as time goes by . '' Relief workers , distributing aid to evacuation centers in central Bangkok , said they were struggling to reach residents determined to wait out the crisis in tower blocks . `` I think it will be difficult down the road to get help to these people , '' Rungsun said . `` People need clean water , that 's the first important thing . Cooked ready-to-eat food is also quite important , baby milk and so on . '' Thailand has been inundated with its worst flood in half a century , affecting at","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As filthy floodwater continued to seep towards central Bangkok , Thailand 's Prime Minister laid out a three-point plan to get the country back on its feet after the worst flooding in 50 years . Immediate aid will be issued to people whose homes and businesses have been destroyed by the deluge which has claimed more than 500 lives since July , Yingluck Shinawatra announced Tuesday . `` This disaster is the biggest that we have ever met . We 're trying to cope with situation and help as much as we can , '' she said . `` We ca n't stop all flooding but we will try to reduce the impact . '' Aid packages will be offered to people to help restore homes and businesses as part of a short-term recovery plan over the coming year . Details are expected to be announced next week . Longer-term plans include the formation of two committees , one to oversee reconstruction and future development and the other to manage water resources . Yingluck acknowledged criticism of the official response to the disaster by setting herself a deadline of one year to win back public confidence"} +{"answer":"around 5 a.m. . The early morning auction sees a rowdy crowd of restaurateurs battling to outbid each other for the best of the day 's catch . Visitors are n't officially allowed , but as long as you do n't get in the way and do n't take any flash photos , your presence will be tolerated . Shibuya is the futuristic Tokyo that 's inspired countless sci-fi films . The intersection in front of Shibuya Station is a sprawl of gleaming office blocks adorned with illuminated billboards and surrounded by relentless surging crowds . In the north of Shibuya , the Meiji Shrine Inner Gardens contain some 125,000 trees and shrubs , providing a suitably peaceful setting for the Shinto Meiji-jingu Shrine . Like Shibuya , Shinjuku is a bustling entertainment hub and virtually a city in itself . A world away from the bright lights of Nishi Shinjuku , and the red lights of Kabukicho , Golden Gai is an atmospheric ghetto of alleyways crammed with ramshackle bars , evoking a bygone Tokyo of the 1960s . Traditionally Tokyo 's straight-laced business district , Marunouchi has recently developed into one of the city 's most exciting areas","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Tokyo may not be traditionally beautiful and it has few historic sights , but it is undeniably spectacular . You 'll want to walk around the city , feeding off the incredible energy , rubbernecking at the skyscrapers and marveling at the sheer `` Tokyoness '' of it all . Get to Tsukiji fish market by 5 a.m. for an unforgettable experience . Ginza is the most stylish stretch of the city -- all flagship stores and pricey restaurants . It 's a great place to window shop and tech-heads should n't miss the Sony Building , where they can get excited over the latest gadgets and marvel at a whole floor devoted to the PlayStation . For something more traditional , visit the Kabukiza Theatre . The ornate theater only dates back to 1949 , but Kabuki plays have been around for at least 400 years . There are two performances a day and shows can last up to five hours , but you can buy tickets for a single act . Down by the Sumida River the Tsukiji fish market is an absolute must see -- unfortunately , you absolutely must see it at"} +{"answer":"key part of the prosecution 's case when Jackson was tried and acquitted of molestation a decade later in Santa Barbara County , California . The elder Chandler was found `` on his bed in a lifeless state with a gun in his hand , '' the investigator 's report said . `` The victim had a silver revolver in his right hand which was pressed against the right side of his head , '' Officer J.S. Sielski wrote . Chandler , who was estranged from most of his family , owned the .38 - caliber pistol he used to kill himself , Jersey City spokesman Stan Eason said . No suicide note was found , Eason added . Chandler 's brother -- a lawyer in Santa Barbara County -- told CNN in 2003 that Chandler feared for his life because of threats made by angry Jackson fans . `` There 's a hard-core group , there was and probably still is , of fanatical fans who see him as a deity , '' Ray Chandler told CNN 's Larry King . `` Some of them will go to any lengths that , you know , there 's some who","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The man who accused pop star Michael Jackson of molesting his son in 1993 killed himself in his New Jersey condo earlier this month , police said . Evan Chandler , 65 , was found by the building 's concierge November 5 after a doctor , who was treating him for cancer , said he missed an appointment , the Jersey City , New Jersey , police report said . Chandler was `` extremely ill '' with cancer , the report said . He was working as a dentist in Beverly Hills , California , in 1993 when he said his son , who was 13 at the time , told him that Jackson had molested him . His son revealed it , he said , when he put him under anesthesia to pull a tooth . The Los Angeles County district attorney did not pursue criminal charges against Jackson , but Chandler and his son reached a confidential financial settlement with the singer after filing a lawsuit . Reports at the time said the Chandlers got between $ 16 million and $ 20 million from Jackson 's insurance company . The Chandler accusation became a"} +{"answer":"Pacific Ocean Leave your worries and the rest of the world behind in 2011 in this tiny Pacific nation . Kiribati is the first place in the world to ring in 2012 . Kiribati prides itself on being the first nation to celebrate the New Year , even changing the name of one of its islands before 2000 to Millennium Island to mark the fact it would be the first country to enter the third millennium . Niagara Falls , Ontario This is no ordinary waterfront , but with the spectacular backdrop of the Niagara Falls , it 's hard to go past Queen Victoria Park in Ontario . The freezing weather does not deter the tens of thousands of people who hit the park to count down to the New Year . Revelers can listen to live music while watching an amazing fireworks display over the world famous waterfall . Copacabana Beach , Rio de Janerio Brazilians are renowned for their outstanding parties and New Year 's Eve is no different . It is one of the greatest celebrations in the South American nation , second only to the Carnival . Millions hit the sands of the famous Copacabana","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In the lead up to every New Year 's Eve the inevitable question of how to celebrate arises . For most , waterfronts become the focal point of the celebrations . It 's hard not to see why with the amazing firework displays looking even more dazzling reflected in the water . So jump in a boat or head to the foreshore for our the top 10 places to countdown to 2012 . River Seine , Paris See Paris , the ` City of Light ' , be lit with fireworks while cruising down the River Seine on the last day of the year . The Eiffel Tower is the centerpiece for the festivities and from some parts of the river you can get a magnificent uninterrupted view of the famous structure . Sydney Harbor Sydney prides itself on holding what it claims to be the most spectacular New Year 's Eve celebrations in the world . Thousands of boats anchor in the harbor and millions of people hit the foreshore to witness the firework display with the ` Sydney Opera House ' and Harbor Bridge used as the backdrop . The shores of Kiribati ,"} +{"answer":". '' Watch fans gather in Berlin '' South African former president Nelson Mandela paid his respects to Jackson in a statement read to the audience at the Los Angeles memorial by singer Smokey Robinson . Watch Smokey Robinson deliver Mandela 's message . '' `` Michael became close to us after he started visiting and performing in South Africa regularly . We grew fond of him and he became a close member of our family . We had great admiration for his talent and that he was able to triumph over tragedy on so many occasions in his life , '' Mandela said . `` We mourn with the millions of families worldwide . '' In the southern Chinese enclave of Hong Kong , fans carried flowers and Jackson paraphernalia , such as a doll and record , at a memorial . Watch Jackson tributes pour in from around the world '' `` I can not accept MJ has already left us , and I think we should come here and do something for him and express our feeling to show that we really miss him , '' said one man . Hundreds of British fans in London braved","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Fans around the world have gathered at arenas and record stores , big screens , parks and makeshift shrines , to watch the memorial service of Michael Jackson and pay homage to their idol . A Michael Jackson fan in Berlin watches footage of the memorial concert . As thousands of fans joined Jackson 's family and closest friends at Los Angeles Staples Center arena , millions more followed proceedings on television and online . In Germany , at least 8,000 Jackson fans watched events in Los Angeles unfold at a Trauerfeier , '' -LRB- translated as Sadness Party -RRB- at Berlin 's O2 World arena , reported CNN 's Frederik Pleitgen . Fans began arriving at least three hours before the event was due to begin , Pleitgen said . `` He -LSB- Jackson -RSB- connects races , religions and ages , '' said one fan , `` his music connects the world . '' Many fans were moved to tears when Jackson 's daughter Paris Katherine wept as she called the singer `` the best father you could ever imagine . '' Pleitgen added : `` A lot of people got very wet eyes"} +{"answer":"have n't done wrong , '' he told CNN affiliate WAFB on Saturday . He insisted he is not racist and does not treat black people differently . He said he does not perform mixed-race marriages because he is concerned about the children of such marriages . Bardwell did not return calls from CNN . Beth McKay , 30 , said she was speaking with Bardwell 's wife by phone about getting a marriage license and was `` shocked '' to be asked whether they are an interracial couple . Watch how justice 's decision shocked couple '' `` She said , ` Well , what 's the deal ? Is he black , or are you black ? ' And so I answered her question , and then she just said , ` Well , we do n't do interracial marriages . ' '' Terence McKay , 32 , told CNN , `` Everyone is entitled to their own opinions , but he 's absolutely wrong on all aspects of his stance . '' McKay added , `` If it was n't for interracial couples today , we would n't have our president . So for him to take","question":"NEW ORLEANS , Louisiana -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Two newlyweds are fighting for the dismissal of the justice of the peace who refused them a marriage license because they are of different races . A Louisiana justice of the peace refused to perform a marriage for Beth and Terence McKay . `` We 've retained an attorney , and we 're in the process of taking the next steps in order to make sure that -LRB- the justice of the peace -RRB- loses his job , '' Beth McKay told CNN 's `` American Morning '' on Monday . She and her husband , Terence McKay , stepped into the national spotlight when Keith Bardwell , a justice of the peace for Tangipahoa Parish 's 8th Ward , refused them a license . They ultimately got a marriage license from another justice of the peace in the same parish . Despite a national uproar and a call by Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal for him to lose his license , Bardwell , 56 , said he has no regrets . `` It 's kind of hard to apologize for something that you really and truly feel down in your heart you"} +{"answer":"electronic goods to try and bridge the digital divide with the West . Watch a report showing piles of e-waste in Nigeria '' It is estimated five hundred containers of second-hand electronics are imported to Nigeria every month . It is also estimated that three-quarters of these imported products are broken beyond repair . The figures come from a US-based Environmental group -- BASEL Action Network -- who warns that the broken electronics discarded at local dumpsites are a mounting environmental disaster . At one of the local dumpsites , young boys sift through the electronic waste looking for anything of worth . Cables and wires are burnt to get at re-usable metals like copper wire , a practice which releases toxic metals and chemicals harmful to the local population . `` If you do n't control it , there will be serious contamination and exposure of large populations to heavy metals from e-waste . Because it 's a huge volume of waste we 're talking about . And it 's spreading , '' explains Oladele Osibanjo , the director for BASEL Nigeria . The irony is that many of these electronics were discarded by their original owners in the","question":"BAUCHI , Nigeria -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The truck driver kept his hand on the horn , but resorted to shifting into first gear and used the full weight of his container truck to force his way through the over-crowded and narrow market street . In Nigeria , men burn broken computer equipment to collect reusable metals like copper . But the truck 's rattling bulk , over-charged exhaust , and zealous horn only added extra rhythm to the cacophony of hawkers , hagglers , trucks and generators . This was just one of the many deliveries this morning for the big importers of Lagos 's second-hand electronics Alaba market . `` A lot of people are interested in buying computer -- just to know what is going on in the world , '' explained Gabriel Okonkwo , as he watched his latest shipment arrive . The doors of his container were thrown open to reveal an Aladdin 's cave of second-hand treasures -- computers , stereos , printers and televisions . All were quickly passed down to a mob of eager hands , where they are quickly sold to the local electronic stores . Nigeria is desperate for cheap"} +{"answer":"a number of other unknown compounds in honey to prevent infectious bacteria developing new strains that are resistant to it . '' Honey is a complex substance , containing up to 800 compounds and its complexity means it has been difficult to pinpoint exactly how it kills bacteria . Manuka is a type of honey that is made by bees pollinating the flowers of the Manuka bush , a member of the Leptospermum family that grows naturally in New Zealand . Now , an Australian company is claiming to have produced the world 's most potent medical-grade antibacterial honey , made by bees pollinating the Australian jellybush , also a member of the Leptospermum family . Australia 's Medi Bioactive Honey Company claims its Berringa antibacterial honey has twice the antibacterial content of normal manuka honey , and has launched the product in the UK . Dr Rose Cooper of the University of Wales Cardiff School of Health Sciences has researched honey 's antibacterial action and has written a book called `` Honey in Modern Wounds Management . '' Cooper told CNN that there are many components in honey that contribute to its antibacterial nature . She says its high","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Honey has been used to treat wounds since ancient times , but recent years have seen a surge of medical interest in the sticky stuff . Research has shown that honey has antibacterial properties . Manuka honey has been the subject of particular interest , with the results of a study just published by Sydney University finding that it has powerful antibacterial properties , and is even effective against antibiotic-resistant bacteria . Associate Professor Dee Carter , from Sydney University 's School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences said : `` Our research is the first to clearly show that these honey-based products could in many cases replace antibiotic creams on wounds and equipment such as catheters . Using honey as an intermediate treatment could also prolong the life of antibiotics . '' `` Most bacteria that cause infections in hospitals are resistant to at least one antibiotic , and there is an urgent need for new ways to treat and control surface infections . '' She added : `` We do n't quite know how these honeys prevent and kill infections , but a compound in them called methylglyoxal seems to interact with"} +{"answer":"trauma to the head , the county medical examiner 's office said . Police were called to the apartment of McTear 's former girlfriend about 3:15 a.m. Tuesday . The mother , Jasmine Bedwell , 17 , told investigators that McTear had hit her several times and threatened `` to kill the both of y' all , '' the sheriff 's department said in a statement announcing the charges . McTear threw a car seat containing the child across the room during the fight , causing the boy to fall onto the apartment 's concrete floor , investigators said . He then picked up the boy and drove off in his blue Chevrolet Impala , throwing the child out while on the interstate , the sheriff 's department said . Video on CNN affiliate WFLA TV showed McTear being led out of a Tampa police squad car after his arrest . He ducked his head as TV cameras surrounded him on his walk into a police building . When asked by reporters if he had thrown the child out of the car window , McTear answered , `` It 's a dirty game . A dirty game . '' McTear","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Tampa judge denied bail Wednesday for a Florida man charged with first-degree murder in the death of a 3-month-old child , who authorities say was thrown out of a moving car . Police say infant Emanuel Murray died after his mother 's ex-boyfriend threw him from a car on a Florida interstate . Richard Anthony McTear Jr. , 21 , was arrested Tuesday , hours after a confrontation at his former girlfriend 's apartment in which he snatched the infant , Emanuel Wesley Murray , the Hillsborough County sheriff 's office said . The child 's body was found about 4 . am . Tuesday on the side of Interstate 275 in Tampa , Florida , by a local television photographer on his way to work . The photographer , WTVT 's Jason Bird , said he stopped when he spotted something by the roadside `` It had to be a baby doll but it was too big to be a doll , '' Bird told CNN affiliate WFTS in Tampa . `` I almost passed out , I started shaking , '' said Bird . A preliminary autopsy determined the child died of blunt"} +{"answer":"-RSB- , but 22 knots , 300 miles , it takes a while to get there . '' View a timeline of the attack and its aftermath '' He added , `` There 's about a 10-minute window from when the pirates are able to get onboard that we have time to act . '' Things are different on the north side of Somalia , in the Gulf of Aden , where many piracy incidents have taken place . That area is `` a little bit more concentrated , '' Gortney said , speaking from Bahrain . `` We 've had more successful attempts '' at breaking up piracy efforts in that region , he said . `` But out on the east coast of Somalia , such a vast area , we simply do not have enough resources in order to cover all those areas . '' Gortney spoke to reporters by telephone Sunday after Navy snipers shot and killed three pirates who had held Maersk Alabama Capt. Richard Phillips hostage since Wednesday . Phillips was freed by the U.S. Navy uninjured . Watch how U.S. forces believed Phillips was in danger '' Phillips graduated from the Massachusetts Maritime","question":"MANAMA , Bahrain -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Efforts to protect ships from pirates in the waters off Somalia 's east coast face a tremendous challenge : The vastness of the area makes it difficult to get to ships that are in danger . The crew of the Maersk Alabama talked with media after the ship docked in Mombasa , Kenya . `` To put it in perspective , draw a box from Houston to Chicago to New York City down to Jacksonville , Florida . It 's an immense body of water , '' U.S. Navy Vice Adm. Bill Gortney told reporters Sunday . When the Maersk Alabama , a U.S.-flagged cargo ship , reported an attempted attack by pirates the day before the pirates successful attempt on Wednesday , `` our closest vessel from all the navies that were out there -- we have 16 navies that are patrolling those waters -- and the closest one was the USS Bainbridge , and it was over 300 nautical miles , '' Gortney said . The next day , when the Maersk company reported pirates had boarded its ship , `` we were closing Bainbridge as quickly as we -LSB- could"} +{"answer":"assassination , Castresana said . Rosenberg fed information to the hit squad leader that led to his own death , giving descriptions of what the target looked like and where he would be . `` It was the two brothers and no one else , '' Castresana said . `` Not a politician . Not a -LSB- government -RSB- minister . Not a police chief . No one . Just these two brothers . '' About 300 investigators from 11 nations reached their conclusion after an exhaustive examination of 100,000 telephone calls , 9,500 documents , surveillance videotapes , and 135 interviews with 11 suspects and others , Castresana said . Colom had maintained since the May 10 slaying that he was innocent despite Rosenberg 's explosive videotape , which was made public the day after his death . Guatemalan authorities have arrested 11 men on suspicion that they carried out the killing , but the Valdez Paiz brothers remain at large . Their lawyer , Alexis Calderon , denied last week that his clients were involved . `` This is a story being made up to implicate people who did n't have anything to do with it , ''","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A lawyer who left a videotape saying Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom would be responsible if anything happened to him masterminded his own death last year , a special United Nations commission said Tuesday after an eight-month investigation . Colom had nothing to do with the killing , said Carlos Castresana , head of the International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala . `` Rodrigo Rosenberg , for some reason , decided to put an end to his life , '' Castresana said at a televised news conference . Rosenberg was shot from behind in a brazen daylight attack while riding his bicycle in Guatemala City , the nation 's capital . He was shot three times in the head , once in the neck and once in the back , Castresana said . Prominent Guatemalan brothers Francisco Jose Valdez Paiz and Jose Estuardo Valdez Paiz hired hit men at the behest of Rosenberg , who told them he was being threatened by someone , Castresana said . The two brothers , who own a pharmaceutical company , had been cousins of Rosenberg through a previous marriage and did not know that he was the target of the"} +{"answer":"The way it works presently is not suitable for 3-D images , '' he said . The researchers produced displays that can be erased and rewritten in a matter of minutes . To create television sets the images would need to be changing multiple times each second -- but Peyghambarian is very optimistic this can happen . He said the University of Arizona team , which is now ten-strong , has been working on advancing hologram technology since 1990 -- so this is a major step forward . He believes that much of the difficulty in creating a holographic set has now been overcome . `` It took us a while to make that first breakthrough , but as soon as you have the first element of it working the rest often comes more rapidly , '' he said . `` What we are doing now is trying to make the model better . What we showed is just one color , what we are doing now is trying to use three colors . The original display was four inches by four inches and now we 're going for something at least as big as a computer screen . ''","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Picture this : you 're sat down for the Football World Cup final , or a long-awaited sequel to the `` Sex and the City '' movie and you 're watching all the action unfold in 3-D on your coffee table . The future of television ? This image is an impression of what 3D holographic television may look like . It sounds a lot like a wacky dream , but do n't be surprised if within our lifetime you find yourself discarding your plasma and LCD sets in exchange for a holographic 3-D television that can put Cristiano Ronaldo in your living room or bring you face-to-face with life-sized versions of your gaming heroes . The reason for renewed optimism in three-dimensional technology is a breakthrough in rewritable and erasable holographic systems made earlier this year by researchers at the University of Arizona . Dr Nasser Peyghambarian , chair of photonics and lasers at the university 's Optical Sciences department , told CNN that scientists have broken a barrier by making the first updatable three-dimensional displays with memory . `` This is a prerequisite for any type of moving holographic technology ."} +{"answer":". We did n't think we were going to be able to hold it , '' she said . Watch Sheehan remember a day of horror \u00c2 '' Sheehan is now a sophomore at Virginia Tech . Like so many on campus , April 16 , 2007 , marks the worst day of her life , when Cho killed 32 students and professors in the deadliest school shooting in U.S. history . Sheehan recently accompanied CNN to what is known as the Virginia Tech April 16 , 2007 Prevail Archive -- an office space on the edge of campus where mementoes sent from across the world are temporarily warehoused . The university is cataloging and documenting every item it can save in order to create a permanent collection as well as an online archive that the public can access . Take a tour of the archive \u00c2 '' Teddy bears , an American flag from the U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan , painted eggs , the hood of a race car , condolence posters signed by Koreans and a letter from President Bush are housed there . Thousands of other letters are also kept in the archive . `` This is","question":"BLACKSBURG , Virginia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Erin Sheehan was a freshman last year when Seung-Hui Cho peeked through the door of her German class . The next hour of her life would become a struggle for survival . Erin Sheehan played dead while the Virginia Tech shooter went on a rampage . `` I still have trouble sleeping . '' `` The gunman entered my room . He shot my German teacher and then proceeded to shoot the students in the classroom pretty thoroughly , '' she said . Sheehan was only one of four students in the room not to get shot . She jumped on the floor and remained quiet while Cho went on his rampage . `` I thought if I played dead then he hopefully would think I was already hit . '' She listened as the killer left her Norris Hall classroom to attack another room . She and the other survivors barricaded the door to keep Cho from coming back . `` I tried to use a podium at the front of the classroom to block the door , because the gunman was shoving at the door and started firing through the door"} +{"answer":"based on the belief that building a rapport with prisoners is the best way to gain intelligence , according to Tuesday 's report . The FBI issued a statement saying it is `` gratified '' by the report 's findings , and Mueller promised that the bureau will continue to use `` rapport-building techniques in interviews '' of detainees . The inspector general 's investigators interviewed almost all of the more than 1,000 FBI employees who were deployed to one or more military zones between 2001 and 2004 , the report said . The vast majority of the agents adhered to FBI policies and separated themselves from other agencies ' interrogators who were using techniques that the FBI did n't approve of , the report said . The report listed `` a few incidents '' that `` clearly would not be permissible for FBI agents to use in the United States , '' including isolating a prisoner from human contact and participating in an interrogation in which detainees were `` given a ` drink of water ' in a forceful and inappropriate manner . '' It also listed incidents that were not `` clear violations of FBI policy '' but","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The FBI did not participate in harsh interrogations of suspected terrorists detained in Guantanamo Bay , Afghanistan or Iraq , said a Justice Department investigation released Tuesday . An April 2007 photo shows a room at Guantanamo Bay that had been used for interrogations . The investigation also concluded that the bureau generally reported potentially illegal actions by the CIA and Defense Department . In `` only a few instances '' did FBI agents use techniques that were not approved by FBI policies , according to the report by Inspector General Glenn Fine . Fine criticized the FBI for being slow in developing and distributing its interrogation policy to its interrogators . Though the the FBI decided to avoid harsh techniques in August 2002 , the decision was not put in writing until 2004 , when the bureau also put in writing that the harsh techniques used by other agencies should be reported to FBI superiors . The 2002 decision by FBI Director Robert Mueller was that the bureau would adhere to restrictions used in interrogations of detainees within the United States . Those techniques prohibit coercion , abuse or threats . The policy is"} +{"answer":"`` a media star ... but popular long before any of this high-profile activity -- simply because the people love his stuff . '' While he set out to lampoon the establishment , he has now been wholeheartedly embraced by it . Fans include Hollywood A-listers , including Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie and Christina Aguilera who bought three of his prints in 2006 , including one of Queen Victoria sitting on a woman 's face . The recent sales of his work put him on a par with Jean-Michel Basquiat as the best-selling street artist . He is feted by art dealers and artists , including Damien Hirst , but he regularly mocks the art world that is so enthralled by him with ingenious stunts such as hanging his own work in the Tate gallery in London and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York . It took the British Museum eight days to discover the `` prehistoric '' rock painting of a man with a shopping trolley in the British Museum Banksy has hung on a wall . There is often a political message with this work , too . He left an inflatable doll dressed as","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Banksy is Britain 's most wanted artist -- his art sells for hundreds of thousands of dollars , but he continues to use public spaces as his main canvas , while all the time keeping his identity a secret . Banksy 's latest piece in East London where a passer-by claims to have taken a photo of the artist . The guerilla artist has been spray painting his stencils around Britain and further afield for over ten years . Last week ten of his original pieces were sold at Bonham 's auction house in London for over $ 1 million , while on the other side of the city Tower Hamlets council authority pledged to remove his graffiti from its streets . From his beginnings as a graffiti artist in Bristol , England , Banksy has become the darling of the art world for his subversive and satirical public art . Depicting things such as riot police with smiley acid-house faces and camera-wielding rats , his work is now sold now by major art galleries . Lazarides Gallery in London is one of the main dealers of his work and describes him as"} +{"answer":"deflection off Alex Song to wrong-foot goalkeeper Lukasz Fabianski , making his first league start for Arsenal , only for the ball to creep past the right-hand post . The Gunners struggled to find their rhythm early on and were fortunate not to go behind when Villa 's bullet header flew just over . Derby were made to pay for those early misses when Darren Moore 's 25th minute mistake presented the ball to Niklas Bendtner , who played a one-two with Robin Van Persie before coolly slotting the ball into the left corner . However , Derby soon scored the equalizer they deserved . Robbie Savage 's inswinging free-kick landed on the six-yard line and Jay McEveley reacted first to hook the ball home . The home side 's joy was short-lived though , when Derby 's defensive frailties were exposed again as Van Persie as given all the time in the world to chest down Kolo Toure 's floated pass and volley home in style . Adebayor replaced Van Persie for the second-half and Arsenal immediately looked intent on adding to their goals tally . Twice Kolo Toure , playing at right-back , fired over , the second","question":"DERBY , England -- Substitute Emmanuel Adebayor struck his second hat-trick against Derby this season as Arsenal ran riot with a 6-2 Premier League victory at Pride Park . Arsenal players celebrate Robin Van Persie 's goal in their comfortable 6-2 victory over Derby . The Gunners , 5-0 winners at The Emirates earlier in the season , made sure of third place in the table with a rousing second-half display against relegated Derby , who move closer to being the Premier League 's worst-ever side . Arsene Wenger 's side led 2-1 at the break after goals from Nicklas Bendtner and Robin van Persie either side of a Jay McEveley effort . Theo Walcott was on target too , but the second half belonged to Togo international striker Adebayor , who struck three times to take his season 's tally to 30 in all competitions , with Rob Earnshaw grabbing a consolation for the hosts in this eight-goal thriller . Bottom side Derby , now 30 league games without a victory , began the more purposefully and Emanuel Villa only just failed to connect Tyrone Mears ' inviting low cross . Then Mile Sterjovski 's drive took a major"} +{"answer":"with roughly 4 ounces of beer or another liquid , are placed in a bowling-pin formation . Each team takes turns tossing beer pong balls -LRB- similar to table tennis balls -RRB- at their opponent 's cup formation . If a ball goes into a cup , the cup is removed from the game , and its contents are usually imbibed by the opponent . The first team to knock out all of their opponent 's cups wins . White and Hampton learned to play beer pong the same place most people do -- in college . It was n't until recently that the two started playing competitively and realized they were actually pretty good . Their move from casual beer pong players to tournament competitors mimics that of National Beer Pong League co-founder Duncan Carroll 's decision to establish a competitive beer pong league . But he insists he and his business partners were n't the first ones to think of organizing it . `` We 're just the only people to actually carry it out , '' he said , laughing . The world series , in its seventh and largest year , has drawn more than 1,000","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Do n't be confused , Las Vegas . You did not wake up in a fraternity house . You are not still in college . Those celluloid-ball-throwing , beer-chugging patrons invading the Flamingo Hotel and Casino are not trying to scare you . They are probably just members of Seek and Destroy -- Wednesday night 's winners of the annual World Series of Beer Pong . Matt White and Ross Hampton came out on top after 22 games to take home the $ 50,000 prize , money that the recent Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville graduates will certainly be able to use . `` It 'll get me by for now , '' Hampton said after the win . He said the secret to his team 's success in the tournament was `` staying sober to play well consistently . '' Not always an easy task in a game with `` beer '' in it name . Beer pong , or Beirut as it is called on many college campuses , is played with two teams standing at opposite ends of a table . At each end of the table , ten 16-ounce cups , filled"} +{"answer":"for 16-hour days because conditions were harsh , there were few recreational opportunities and employees were always `` on call . '' But the audit said that violates federal pay guidelines . The FBI admitted that `` a flawed system was allowed to develop and remain in place too long , '' but it also sought to explain how the practice started . `` Early in the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq FBI managers traveled to those war zones and saw first hand the challenges of a 24\/7 threat environment . FBI employees lived with sniper attacks , mortar fire , and roadside bombs as part of their daily work environment . They attempted to adapt a long established domestic pay system for domestic law enforcement to unprecedented wartime assignments for FBI personnel . '' FBI agents in Iraq perform a variety of duties , according to the bureau 's Web site . Agents interview suspected terrorists captured by the military ; gather intelligence ; collect evidence from crime scenes like car bombs or mass graves ; and investigate crimes committed by Americans against Iraqis , as well as those that Iraqis commit against their fellow citizens . The inspector","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- FBI agents temporarily deployed to Iraq received an average of about $ 45,000 in excessive overtime because they billed the government for 16 hours a day throughout their 90-day assignments , according to a Justice Department audit . Justice Department Inspector General Glenn Fine released the audit on Thursday . The audit , released Thursday by Inspector General Glenn Fine , found the agents routinely submitted the overtime with the blessing of their managers from 2003 through 2007 . The report says the excessive overtime totaled $ 7.8 million . `` The FBI inappropriately permitted employees to regularly claim overtime for activities that are not compensable as work , such as time spent eating meals , exercising more than 3 hours per week , and socializing , '' the report said . The socializing included going to movies and cocktail parties . The FBI promptly responded to the report , acknowledging the overtime policy was designed to encourage FBI employees to volunteer for Iraq duty , but should not have been used and has now been corrected . The 88-page report documenting the overtime issues found the FBI had initially approved the policy of paying"} +{"answer":"up , Damon ? Damon Elliott : From Mom . We shared moms . When I was very little , I used to beg her probably at least once a week , `` Mom , you have to take me out to the house , you have to take me out to the house . '' She 'd always say , `` I 'm on tour right now , baby . But when we I get home , we 'll go see Michael . '' And one day we did , and he showed up , I think , in my living room or somewhere . King : You were writing a song at his death ? Elliott : Yes . Actually , I was working on some music for the new record that I was going to get over to Jermaine . And the night before he passed away , it 's crazy we were writing a song . King : How great a singer was Michael Jackson ? Warwick : Michael was ... King : A singer -- a pure singer ? Warwick : And he could sing . Yes . Yes . It was more than the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Dionne Warwick was one of the thousands of guests to attend Michael Jackson 's memorial service Tuesday at the Staples Center in Los Angeles , California . Dionne Warwick said Michael Jackson brought a new insight to things people should be paying attention to . Warwick talks with CNN 's Larry King about the moving tributes during the service and the legacy left behind by the `` King of Pop . '' King also talks with Warwick 's son , Damon Elliott , who has been a friend of Jackson 's since childhood and was writing a song with Michael just before his death . The following is an edited version of the interview . Larry King : What did you think of the event , Dionne ? Dionne Warwick : Well , it was probably one of the most emotional mornings and afternoons that I 've spent in a very long time . It was done with a great deal of style and class . King : He would 've liked it ? Warwick : He would 've loved it . He would 've loved it . King : How did you and Michael hook"} +{"answer":"football . President Obama has joined many Americans in expressing his preference for a playoff system to decide the nation 's top college football team . Hatch complained that the BCS system denies outsiders -- such as Utah of the Mountain West Conference -- a fair chance to compete with major conferences such as the Big 12 , Big 10 , Pacific 10 and Southeast Conference for a spot in the lucrative bowl games . Last season , he said , Utah went undefeated and gained a BCS berth in the Sugar Bowl against perennial power Alabama , which it defeated 31-17 . However , the BCS ranking system prevented Utah from any realistic chance of selection for the national championship game , which pitted two teams that each had one loss on their records , Hatch said . For schools outside what he called the `` privileged conferences , '' the BCS system has `` significant and largely insurmountable obstacles to playing for a national championship , '' Hatch said . University of Utah President Michael Young complained that the BCS system both stifles competition and guarantees the majority of revenue from bowl games to the traditional powers .","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Senate subcommittee Tuesday tackled one of the most contentious issues in U.S. sports : the fairness of the Bowl Championship Series that decides the top college football team each season . Tim Tebow , right , of the Florida Gators talks to coaches at the 2009 BCS national championship game January 8 . Convened by Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah , the hearing by the Antitrust , Competition Policy and Consumer Rights subcommittee provided a sounding board for his state 's disappointment over the inability of the undefeated University of Utah to qualify for the BCS national championship game last January . The BCS operates under an agreement among the major college football conferences that decides which teams qualify for the biggest bowl games each season , including the national championship game . It also distributes the revenue generated by the bowl games , with the participating members taking part in more of the post-season matches and taking home more money . Every season brings heated debate over the bowl lineup and calls for a playoff system similar to the ones used for every other National Collegiate Athletic Association sport , including small-college"} +{"answer":"disaster , we -LSB- carried -RSB- 39 dead bodies ... from here to the central cemetery , '' said Gaby Guerrier , the manager of the band . He spoke while standing on a rooftop which offered a view of a devastated urban landscape of collapsed and dangerously sagging cinderblock apartment buildings . The members of S.A.L. have been forced to abandon their homes in this tightly-packed community of concrete houses and narrow alleyways . `` It 's too dangerous , nobody wants to live in the houses again , '' said Guerrier 's younger brother Panarothy , also known as the rapper named `` Next . '' He led CNN on a tour , past a large wall mural showing S.A.L. 's name in jagged graffiti , to the sprawling , fetid camp where the band , their families , and some 4,500 other displaced Haitians now live . The artists have helped each other build crude shacks out of plywood and rusting metal sheeting , along a winding dirt alleyway they have playfully nick-named `` Big Man Street . '' Twenty-one year old Geffrard Jonel , a.k.a. Fame , has already decorated the walls of his hut with","question":"Port-au-Prince , Haiti -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When the earth started to shake on January 12 , Rocher Joseph-Michelet was in his tiny , one-room apartment , composing lyrics for the upcoming Carnivale in Port-au-Prince . He ran out the door to find an entire two-story building , crumbling and falling in his direction . `` They break down . I fell down , I was on my back , '' he said . In heavily-accented English , peppered with American slang , Joseph-Michelet described how he was all-but buried under the rubble ... and then rescued by members of his hip-hop group . `` Thanks to God , thanks to my friends , '' he said . `` I 'm so proud it 's them come to save me . '' Joseph-Michelet is better known by his stage name `` MRJ . '' He is a member of a neighborhood hip-hop group called Sekte Atis Lib , or S.A.L. . They are six childhood friends from the same poor neighborhood who rap in Creole . MRJ escaped the earthquake with minor injuries . Many other residents of his neighborhood were n't so fortunate . `` Two days after the"} +{"answer":"rifts it caused with her family and friends when she accused them of revealing the details , and her later guilt at realizing the source was probably hacking , not leaks from those close to her . And she said falsehoods published in the press were particularly damaging because readers believe there are rules to prevent that from happening , `` So if they see it in print , it must be true -- and that 's not the case . '' Former Tony Blair spokesman Alastair Campbell is due to testify later this week , but a written copy of his opening statement appears to have leaked online . Paul Staines , who blogs as Guido Fawkes , posted what he said was a copy of Campbell 's testimony in which he speculates about the possibility that the Daily Mirror found out though phone hacking that Tony Blair 's wife was pregnant . `` I think it is at least possible that this is how the stories got out , '' Campbell says in the statement published by Staines . Campbell said on Twitter Sunday he was `` genuinely shocked someone has seen fit to leak my statement to","question":"London -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Singer Charlotte Church on Monday blasted the News of the World tabloid for its decision to publish a lurid story about her father having an affair while her mother was getting treatment for mental illness . `` They knew how vulnerable she was and still printed a story like that , which is just horrific , '' she said . The former child star also spoke of her anger at finding out her phone may have been hacked by a private investigator working for the Rupert Murdoch tabloid . The investigator , Glenn Mulcaire , had details of her phone and those of her parents , friends and former boyfriends , Church said police had told her . She was testifying before a wide-ranging British government-backed inquiry into press ethics and practices in the country . Sparked by the revelation that News of the World tabloid hacked into the voice mail of a murdered 13-year-old girl in search of stories , the Leveson Inquiry has been hearing from high-profile figures for more than a week . Church described how upset she was at the leak of the news of her daughter 's birth , the"} +{"answer":"hands to salute this indefatigable spirit of such change makers through `` Circus for Change . '' Both organizations are comprised of people who have devoted themselves to reduce the misery of the earth and her people by way of grassroots level advocacy , raising awareness about social , cultural and political issues or by bringing smiles to the faces of many by entertaining them through their creative performances . The Dreamtime Circus is a troupe of fire dancers , jugglers , aerialists , clowns and musicians who travel the world to share the uplifting experience of the circus with the peoples of the world . During their travels , the troupe aims to support local organizations working on vital environmental , health , and humanitarian issues that impact the communities they visit . The Dreamtime Circus was founded by fire dancers and non-profit organizers Chris Dunn and Kara `` Kfire '' Voss in 2005 , when they first started performing in villages throughout Indonesia . Since then , Dreamtime Circus has grown from two to 30 performers and their debut performance , `` Between Worlds , '' played to five sold out audiences in San Francisco , California ,","question":"NEW DELHI , India -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Vimlendu Jha is the founder and head of Swechha -- We For Change Foundation which is based in India 's capital , New Delhi . `` The Dreamtime Circus is a troupe of fire dancers , jugglers , aerialists , clowns and musicians who travel the world to share the uplifting experience of the circus . '' Swechha started out as an organization to combat the pollution of the city 's main waterway , the river Yamuna . Today it deals with the environmental issues that affect several aspects of Delhi . Vimlendu leads volunteers and local children to key sites around the city to tackle the ecological problems , as well as to raise awareness of the issues . Follow his efforts in his blogs and video diaries . December 4 , 2007 We live in a conflict-ridden world . There is upheaval and turmoil between countries , between people , between man and nature and within one 's own self . Fortunately , there are people who are striving hard to fight this feeling of gloom and despondency . Dreamtime Circus and Swechha -- We for Change Foundation have joined"} +{"answer":". '' A Sony spokeswoman said the company does not comment on matters involving litigation . In an interview with CNN , Cassidy , 61 , said he simply wants what 's owed to him . `` It 's just a matter of being fair , and doing the right thing , '' Cassidy said . `` I have no other alternative if Sony is not going to be reasonable . '' He told CNN that his former manager told him he has only been paid about $ 5,000 for merchandise . `` I 'm going to let a jury decide if David Cassidy is entitled to his fair share , '' he told CNN . Under his 1971 contract with Screen Gems , Cassidy was supposed to get 15 percent of net merchandising revenues for the use of his image , voice or likeness , and no more than half of that for items in which that if other cast members appeared . `` Mr. Cassidy quickly became a teen idol , '' the suit , filed by attorneys Kenneth Linzer , Rachael Shinoskie and Elisha Weiner , states . `` At the height of the show 's success","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Pop star David Cassidy filed suit on Wednesday against Sony , claiming he was not paid for his image on merchandise from the hit television show , `` The Partridge Family , '' in which he starred . `` For nearly 40 years , defendants have swindled Mr. Cassidy out of his rightful share of the profits from The Partridge Family , and when Mr. Cassidy has inquired as to the matter , have lied to him so as to continue to conceal their deception , '' said the lawsuit , filed on Wednesday in Los Angeles County Superior Court . `` Mr. Cassidy has reason to believe , and does reasonably believe , that defendants have been perpetrating a scam '' and `` will continue to go to any and all lengths necessary , no matter how despicable , to avoid upholding '' his contract , the suit said . Named as defendants are Sony Pictures Entertainment , and subsidiaries Screen Gems Inc. and CPT Holdings Inc. . The suit , which alleges fraud and breach of contract , demands `` in excess of millions of dollars , in amount to be determined at trial"} +{"answer":", a slim bandage slapped over a gaping wound of indifference , pity or guilt . Our towns and cities throw parades on this day , often out of tradition and in an attempt to demonstrate anything but apathy toward their war fighters . Unlike parades past -- parades not held during wartime -- these gatherings do not celebrate victory . They directly celebrate service while indirectly celebrating survival . Even that is a messy , ongoing process . A returning veteran stepping off a plane onto U.S. soil is not evidence that the veteran survived the war -- about 20 % of all suicides in the United States are committed by veterans . For some returnees , simply making it through another day is their new objective . Life back home can seem remote , confusing or even pointless . Now there is some discussion of restructuring the military pension system and raising the cost of health insurance for future service members to cut costs . That our country needs to get its fiscal house in order is not in question ; what should be examined is the tendency of our government to view military service as something comparable","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- This Veterans Day , like the nine that preceded it , does not come at a time of peace . We are no longer saying thanks to veterans of wars past such as our grandfathers , uncles or those guys who fly black POW\/MIA flags twice a year . Now we are thanking our children , our friends from high school and our younger cousins . Every day , someone new is introduced to the hardships of wartime military service or the horrors of combat . These are wars with no clean victories . There are no sailors in New York waiting to grab a passing dame to celebrate victory with a kiss . In the way that people offer their thanks , there is an echo of guilt -- just an echo -- of our country 's mistreatment of its Vietnam veterans , and that only a select few have borne this generation 's burden of war . That awkwardness with which the thanks is delivered , coupled with some veterans ' anxieties about what they have seen or done , can make Veterans Day seem like a show of empty patriotism -- or worse"} +{"answer":"but now I feel it 's a very cool thing . I do n't feel the pressure to change it up again at all . I like it , as they like it . Can you talk about your style obsessions and how your look has evolved over the years ? It has evolved without my even noticing it . Lately I 'm obsessed with Thierry Mugler ... Grace Jones inspires me . She is the most iconic woman ever , in my eyes . She has extraordinary style and she 's fearless . I love designer Martin Margiela ; Kanye West told me about him . I also like Dsquared , Chlo\u00c3 \u00a9 , Zac Posen ... But you were n't always a fashion maven ? Growing up in Barbados , you were a tomboy . I wore my brother 's clothes , dresses with sneakers , or no shoes at all . I would always get into trouble with my mom . She would say things to scare me like , `` You 're going to get cut ! '' But I could n't help it . I would climb trees , steal mangoes , catch birds --","question":"-LRB- InStyle.com -RRB- -- From barefoot tomboy to fashion supernova , fearless pop renegade Rihanna lives to bust all the rules . `` I love the heavy chain over this pretty dress -- it 's exactly the way I would do it , '' says Rihanna . What are some rules you 'd like to crush ? The idea of not wearing brown and black together seems so dated . The other day I wore a black T-shirt , black Nobody jeans , a brown leopard-print belt by Dolce & Gabbana , and brown Giuseppe Zanotti shoes , and it looked awesome . Also the rule about not matching your makeup to your outfit . I do that onstage , matching red lipstick to a bright red jacket or neon-pink eye shadow to a pink jumpsuit . And I also love to mix prints . We 've had the Meg , the Jennifer , and now people ask for the Rihanna at salons . Will you be switching it up again ? The first time I heard people were asking for the Rihanna , it was really flattering and maybe a little strange . It caught me by surprise ,"} +{"answer":"beat them up , '' she said . `` I wanted them to obey me all the time . '' Her father , Shams-ul-Qayum Wazir , knew early on that his daughter was different . `` I did n't want her talent to go to waste , '' he said . `` If I would 've kept her in the village , all she could do was housekeeping . '' Watch Pakay talk about her life 's mission '' So , Wazir packed up the family and moved to Peshawar , the capital of the North West Frontier Province . Here , Pakay picked up the racquet and swatted down the competition with ease -- first winning the Under-13 championship , then the Under-15 , then the Under-17 . In squash , players take turns hitting a ball to the front wall of a court , until one misses . Pakay , it turned out , rarely did . `` I thought nobody could beat me , '' she said . `` From the beginning when I played squash , I thought I could be a world champion . '' Today , despite the lack of a sponsor and few","question":"PESHAWAR , Pakistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As a little girl , Maria Toor Pakay would beat up boys . Maria Toor Pakay has overcome unusual adversity to rank among the world 's top 100 squash players . Now , she dispenses of anyone who takes her on within the walls of a squash court . Pakay , 18 , is Pakistan 's No. 1-ranked women 's squash player . But what makes her story remarkable is that she hails from the country 's tribal region of South Waziristan . The region , along the border with Afghanistan , is home to the Taliban . There , suicide attacks are a way of life . And the militants , bent on imposing a strict form of Islamic law , punish girls who attend school -- let alone play sports . `` They have no future , '' Pakay said . `` They spend their entire lives in four walls in their home . Their ability is destroyed . '' But Pakay was n't like most girls growing up . She sported a buzz cut and mixed with the boys . `` If someone argued with me , I used to"} +{"answer":"Sayah said , and with the explosion , someone is `` trying to send another message to the federal government here in Islamabad . '' Watch more on the bombing '' '' -LRB- The blast -RRB- underscores the acute security situation this government is facing , '' he said . If the blast was a suicide bombing , it would be the second in the area within a week , Mir said . On March 16 , a suicide attack targeted a bus station near Islamabad . The office targeted Monday is in a crowded area , said Mir , who added : `` This intelligence office is not secret . It 's a very well-known intelligence office . '' However , the area was not in a high-security zone , he said . Asked about the Pakistanis ' attitude toward these repeated attacks , Mir said public opinion in Pakistan was divided . `` Everybody 's against the terrorism , but they think the Americans also need to change their policies . They are in trouble after 9\/11 . America is secure , but the people in Pakistan are not secure . '' CNN 's Ram Ramgopal contributed to","question":"ISLAMABAD , Pakistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A police officer was killed Monday in a suicide bombing at the gate of a police station in Islamabad , authorities said . The bombing took place at a police station in Pakistan 's capital , Islamabad . The explosion occurred on Pakistan Day , a national holiday . The bomber apparently walked up to the police station and blew himself up at its gate . The station houses a special intelligence-gathering branch of Islamabad police . Two people -- the suicide bomber and a police officer -- were killed , police told CNN . Pakistan 's GEO-TV reported three people were dead and 10 wounded in the blast . The blast blew the doors off the police branch and damaged a mosque adjacent to the building , according the network . `` Parts of the bodies , the human bodies , are spread around the area , '' GEO-TV 's Hamid Mir told CNN . The explosion was heard at CNN 's offices , 2 or 3 miles away . Members of the police branch housed in the building help protect government officials such as the prime minister , CNN 's Reza"} +{"answer":"New York were advising motorists not to leave home . Two New York towns , Wales and Lancaster , banned travel altogether , WIVB reported . iReport.com : What 's it like where you are ? Schools were closed Monday in Boston , Massachusetts , as icy roadways prevented buses from operating , CNN affiliate WCVB-TV reported . On the other side of the country , long lines formed before dawn Monday at airline counters at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport , where two major carriers , Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air , suspended service Sunday . The Federal Aviation Administration was reporting no delays at the airport Monday afternoon , but Alaska and Horizon said they would only resume limited operations . Some travelers may have to wait until midweek or later to get flights out of the airport , CNN affiliate KOMO-TV reported . Supplies were running low at airport concessions for those enduring the wait , the Seattle station said . To the south , travelers also spent the night in the Portland , Oregon , airport after airlines canceled many flights on Sunday . Airlines canceled more than 100 flights at Portland International Airport on Monday , CNN","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Severe winter weather was creating Christmas week travel headaches across the country Monday , canceling flights and closing major highways . Traffic backs up Monday on a Chicago , Illinois-area highway after an early-morning accident . Air travelers heading for three major East Coast airports -- Newark-Liberty International Airport in New Jersey and John F. Kennedy International Airport and LaGuardia Airport in New York -- faced delays of almost two hours on Monday , the FAA said . More than 130 miles of the New York State Thruway were shut down for a time Monday morning from Henrietta , near Rochester , to the Pennsylvania state line . Dozens of vehicles slid off the icy roadway , CNN affiliate WIVB-TV in Buffalo , New York , reported . Even after the highway was reopened , officials warned of icy pavement and poor visibility from blowing snow . See the scenes of winter across the U.S. '' According to the National Weather Service , Buffalo got a record 7.4 inches of snow on Sunday , and several more inches were in the forecast for Monday , the first full day of winter . Police agencies in western"} +{"answer":"privacy in a country where high population density often means couples have little time alone . Rooms offer a broad assortment of features , including karaoke machines , PlayStation game consoles , DVD players , a variety of cosmetics , customized condoms and indoor-outdoor Jacuzzis . Watch Morgan Neill 's report from inside a love hotel '' Though required by law to have a front desk , most can be rented and entered without talking to a clerk . The days of Japanese being ashamed to enter love hotels are coming to an end , though , Mansfield said . `` Seventy-five percent of our guests are members of our points program , '' he said . `` They carry our points cards , they collect points and they receive gifts . That 's something people are very comfortable with , and I think that reflects the customers that we attract . '' Takashi Yamamoto , who designs love hotels in Tokyo , agreed . `` The bad image that love hotels had has faded over time . Also , customers started to raise their voices and became more selective about choosing hotels . In response , management has improved","question":"TOKYO , Japan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Even in the midst of Japan 's deepest economic recession since World War II , the country 's love hotel industry is thriving . The Style A hotel in Tokyo offers amenities . `` I 'd hate to use the term `` recession-proof , '' but it 's certainly proven very resilient over the last six to nine months , '' said Steve Mansfield , CEO of New Perspectives , which operates six love , or `` leisure , '' hotels in Japan . One of them , the Bonita Hotel in Isawa , boasts a 257 percent occupancy rate . Rooms can be rented for three to 24 hours . Mansfield 's company estimates the industry in Japan pulls in $ 40 billion a year in revenue . `` It 's a natural human desire . Even these days , on the weekend , every love hotel is full of people -- it 's hard to get in . You can never stop sexual desire , '' said a woman with her boyfriend in Tokyo , who laughed in embarrassment when asked for her name . Love hotels fill a need for"} +{"answer":"off Argentina 16-9 at Twickenham in a poor quality match in difficult conditions . A late try by Matt Banahan gave Martin Johnson 's men the edge and his sixth win from 13 games in charge . Fly-half star Jonny Wilkinson provided all of England 's points in the first half , with a drop-goal and two penalties as the scores were tied at 9-9 at the half . Center Martin Rodriguez , one of a trio of Argentina debutants , kicked three penalties from five attempts to keep them level until the late home try . In other international action , former England coach Andy Robinson led his new Scotland team to a 23-10 win over Fiji . Johnnie Beattie and Graeme Morrison went over for tries for Scotland at Murrayfield . On Friday night , France shocked world champions South Africa 20-13 in Toulouse . The Tri-Nations champions paid the price for ill-discipline as Julien Dupuy kicked four penalties and Morgan Parra one . Winger Vincent Clerc capped a fine performance for the home side with a try . South Africa 's points came from Morne Steyn with a penalty and drop-goal as well as converting a fine","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The New Zealand All Blacks gave their nation double reason for cheer with a 20-6 win Italy before a massive crowd at the San Siro in Milan . With their football counterparts qualifying for the 2010 World Cup finals with a win over Bahrain earlier on Saturday , it was left to Graham Henry 's men to complete the double . But they were given a tough fight by underdogs Italy , who were inspired by an 80,000 crowd in a stadium normally reserved for Serie A giants Inter and AC Milan . Henry fielded a largely second-string team after last week 's 19-12 defeat of Wales in Cardiff . Italy briefly led as former Australian rugby league international Craig Gower kicked a penalty . But New Zealand pulled ahead with two Luke McAlister penalties and Corey Flynn put them further ahead with the only try of the game after 25 minutes . McAlister landed another penalty before halftime to send the visitors into the break with a 14-3 lead . After the interval he kicked two further penalties with Gower getting his second for Italy . The All Blacks next play England , who saw"} +{"answer":"spoke Farsi and was subtitled in English on the broadcast . CNN has not identified him and can not confirm his account . Watch more about Neda 's death '' `` I did n't see who shot who , '' he said . `` The whole scene looked suspicious to me . '' A second man , whom Press TV identified as Neda 's music teacher who was with her when she died , told the station there was `` no security forces in this street '' when she was shot . Press TV did not name the man , who had a gray mustache and ponytail . He spoke Farsi and was subtitled in English as he walked and pointed at what Press TV said was the scene of the shooting . She was with a family friend who is a music teacher when she was killed . He appears to be the man who spoke to the Iranian broadcaster . `` There was no sign of a protest , '' he said . `` We crossed the street to the other side to get a cab ... When we reached this spot , a gunshot was heard .","question":"TEHRAN , Iran -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The woman whose death has come to symbolize Iranian resistance to the government 's official election results did not die the way the opposition claims , government-backed Press TV said Sunday . A boy lights a candle beside a photo of Neda during a protest against Iranian elections in Frankfurt , Germany . Two people told Press TV there were no security forces in the area when Neda Agha-Soltan , 26 , was killed on June 20 . Neda 's death was captured on amateur video -- most likely by a cell phone -- and posted online . Within hours , she had become the iconic victim of the Iranian government crackdown . Eyewitnesses say Neda was shot by pro-government Basij militiamen perched on a rooftop . But Press TV said the type of bullet that killed her is not used by Iranian security forces . A man who told the state-funded network he had helped take her to a hospital said , `` There were no security forces or any member of the Basij '' government-backed paramilitary present when she was killed . Press TV did not name the man , who"} +{"answer":"not doing the right thing , '' said Sen. Charles Schumer , D-New York . `` And we are not afraid to go after OPEC because they are a cartel that squeezes us . `` We 're not afraid to do some strong tough things that will -- some in the short run , some in the longer run -- that will bring down the price , the all too high price , of gasoline . '' Sen. Byron Dorgan , D-North Dakota , said the measure was needed to `` wring out '' speculators he blamed for driving the price of crude oil to more than $ 130 a barrel in recent weeks But Senate Republicans insisted the new taxes ultimately would hurt consumers and cut American oil supply , saying Democrats simply were playing election-year politics . The bill is `` pure and simple a pathetic attempt to even call itself an energy plan , '' said Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison , R-Texas . Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said , `` Hitting the gas companies might make for good campaign literature or evening news clips , but it wo n't address the problem . This bill is","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Senate Republicans on Tuesday blocked a Democratic initiative that would have taxed the windfall profits oil companies have enjoyed due to rising energy prices , with the minority leader calling the proposal a `` gimmick . '' Record energy prices have led to record profits for oil companies . The measure failed to achieve the 60 votes required by Senate rules to proceed . The vote was 51-43 . Six Republicans , including three seeking re-election in November , broke ranks to support the bill . Two Democrats -- Sen. Mary Landrieu of oil-producing state Louisiana and Majority Leader Harry Reid , who voted no to be able to bring the measure back to the floor under Senate rules -- voted against the measure . Along with placing a special tax of 25 percent on oil companies , the bill would have permitted lawsuits against the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries , the oil-producing cartel , and suspended deposits into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve . Profits from renewable energy sources would be excluded from the tax . `` We 're not afraid , on this side , to go after Big Oil when they are"} +{"answer":"balance sheets . `` What we 're looking at right now is to provide the Treasury and the Federal Reserve with as broad authority as necessary to stabilize markets and maintain credit , '' Obama said . `` We need a more institutional response to create a system that can manage some of the underlying problems with bad mortgages , help homeowners stay in their homes , protect the retirement and savings of working Americans . '' After meeting with his economic advisors , Obama said his team would not present a detailed economic plan at this time , `` given the gravity of this situation , and based on conversations I have had with both Secretary Paulson and Chairman Bernanke . '' Obama said he would not present his plan until the Treasury and Federal Reserve have presented theirs . `` It is critical at this point that the markets and the public have confidence that their work will be unimpeded by partisan wrangling , and that leaders in both parties work in concert to solve the problem at hand , '' Obama said . Later , Obama held a rally , at the University of Miami , which","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama on Friday called for an economic plan for working families , saying , `` We can not only have a plan for Wall Street . Sen. Barak Obama speaks at a campaign rally in Coral Gables , Florida , Friday . `` We must also help Main Street , '' he said . While `` tough new regulations on financial institutions '' are needed , the Illinois senator called for an emergency economic plan for working families . Obama spoke after meeting with his economic advisers in Coral Gables , Florida . Watch Obama call for help for Main Street '' Obama on Friday also backed administration and congressional leaders ' efforts to develop a `` a more stable and permanent solution '' to the U.S. financial crisis . Watch Obama talk about how working Americans need help in this economy Obama 's statement came after Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson , Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox met with congressional leaders to discuss a plan that would allow banks to get rid of bad mortgage-related assets that have been a drag on their"} +{"answer":"her fighting spirit . `` As long as we can tell stories about our ability to survive , the more we will hope , not self-destruct . '' Oprah.com : 8 books to read with a broken heart Just Kids By Patti Smith The sex , drugs , and rock 'n' roll of the 1970s `` always scared me , '' says 31-year-old Christina Ricci , who had n't yet been born when rocker Patti Smith and photographer Robert Mapplethorpe were making music and art together , as chronicled in this 2010 memoir . `` Their story sort of restored my faith in people . They went through so much but could still forgive and love each other . '' Oprah.com : Your favorite women writers The Fountainhead By Ayn Rand `` When I was struggling with a sense of identity , this book helped me feel empowered about being a little different , '' says Christina Ricci . A teenager when she read the popular 1943 novel , she knew nothing about the book 's polarizing ideology , nor was she drawn to its iconoclastic protagonist , Howard Roark . `` I did n't like that guy , ''","question":"-LRB- Oprah.com -RRB- -- Look for the actress in ABC 's new drama Pan Am -- as well as on the couch reading books rich in imagination . The Chronicles of Narnia By C.S. Lewis `` I would reread them every summer , '' says Christina Ricci of the children 's series featuring a deity named Aslan , a benevolent lion . `` I actually prayed to him , convinced that he would come into my room and take me to Narnia . '' By 19 , Ricci no longer prayed to Aslan , but she found another expression of her devotion : She had Aslan 's image , her first tattoo , inked on her shoulder . Oprah.com : See the complete list of Oprah 's book club selections She 's Come Undone By Wally Lamb `` I have given this book to so many people and reread it , I think , a million times , '' says Christina Ricci . `` I love it because it 's about surviving . '' The novel 's unforgettable protagonist , Dolores Price , endures sexual abuse , parental neglect , and years in a mental institution -- but never loses"} +{"answer":"of regular , followed by Oklahoma at $ 3.866 , South Carolina , Mississippi and Arkansas . Iowa , Kansas and Alabama are next in line . AOL Autos : Cars with 30 + MPG for $ 300 or less per month Past prices We use the term ` best states to buy gas ' with this caveat : Back in June 2004 , gas hovered at around $ 1.74 a gallon , according to figures from gasbuddy.com . Geoff Sundstrom , AAA 's fuel price analyst , said the primary reasons for rising fuel prices are an increase in demand for petroleum products across the globe and a need for investment in refining infrastructure . `` Right now , it is almost impossible to know where oil and gas prices will be in six months to a year , '' he said . `` It 's easy to assume that the world economy will continue to grow , we are very clearly at risk of an economic downturn and perhaps a severe economic downturn which could influence the demand side to the point where oil and gas prices may drop . `` In 10 to 20 years out ,","question":"-LRB- AOL Autos -RRB- -- Price of gas got you crying at the pump ? Is it eating into your household budget ? Well , get used to it . Gas in California , the second worst state , hits $ 4.59 per gallon for regular unleaded in this July 14 photo . That 's the word on the streets as the price of a gallon of gasoline soars to record highs . With regional differentials pushing the price much higher in some places , drivers and small-business owners are finding it hard to cope . But which states ' motorists get the best deal , and in which states do drivers pay the most to fill-up ? Here come the numbers Alaska has the highest gas prices in the nation , with a gallon of regular gasoline at $ 4.623 , followed by California at $ 4.583 as of June 30 . Hawaii , Connecticut and Washington make up the top five states with highest prices , with New York and D.C. not far behind at $ 4.292 and $ 4.160 respectively . Best states to buy gas ? Missouri comes out top at $ 3.862 for a gallon"} +{"answer":"at least 82 people were killed and 26 unaccounted for from a population just over 270,000 , according to the Maldives Disaster Management Center . Sixty-nine islands were completely flooded and a further 30 islands half flooded . The capital of Male was also flooded , although sea walls protected it from further devastation . The government has calculated that creating a similar barrier around the rest of the country would cost too much . Watch Maldives president vow to save the nation . \u00c2 '' And so the tourist nation , which has white sandy beaches that lure well-heeled Westerners , wants to set aside some of the $ 1 billion a year it receives from tourism and spend that money on buying a new homeland . `` We will invest in land , '' Nasheed said . `` We do not want to end up in refugee tents if the worst happens . '' Nasheed 's government has said that it has broached the idea with several countries and found them to be `` receptive . '' Lands owned by Sri Lanka and India are possibilities because the countries have similar cultures , cuisine and climate as the","question":"MALE , Maldives -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The new president of the Maldives wants to relocate -- his entire country . Much of Male , capital of the Maldives , was flooded following the 2004 tsunami . Mohamed `` Anni '' Nasheed , a former political prisoner , was sworn in Tuesday after he unseated Asia 's longest-serving leader in the country 's first multi-party elections two weeks ago . He inherits an island nation with several problems . Foremost among them : the very likely possibility that the Maldives will sink under water if the current pace of climate change keeps raising sea levels . The Maldives is an archipelago of almost 1,200 coral islands located south-southwest of India . Most of the islands lie just 4.9 feet -LRB- 1.5 meters -RRB- above sea level . The United Nations ' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has forecast a rise in sea levels of at least 7.1 inches -LRB- 18 cm -RRB- by the end of the century . The island was badly hit by the December 2004 tsunami , which killed an estimated 273,800 people and left thousands missing across Asia and Africa . In the Maldives itself ,"} +{"answer":"unlimited speaking time , but when the Boehner 's speech went more than 2 1\/2 hours , Democrats objected . `` Is this an attempt to try to get some people to leave on a close vote ? '' asked Rep Henry Waxman , D-California , the bill 's lead sponsor . Also Friday , the House of Representatives phone switchboard went down as conservative radio hosts and congressmen made direct pleas for voters to dial the Capitol to voice their opposition to the bill . `` Phone traffic has increased to a level where some callers are receiving an ` all circuits are busy now , please try back again later ' message , '' communications director Jeff Ventura said via e-mail . Congressional sources said Democrats were hoping their constituents would also attempt to match phone calls opposed to the bill with phone calls for the bill . `` Call your congressman , right now ! '' urged Rep. Mike Pence , R-Indiana , from the House floor as the chamber seemed near a vote . Ventura said the bill was likely behind the phone-line crash . `` The suspected cause ... is believed to be interest and","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A sharply divided House of Representatives narrowly passed a White House-backed climate change bill Friday after hours of cajoling and arm-twisting by Democratic leaders among members worried about the legislation 's potential economic and political fallout . The House of Representatives passes an energy bill that includes a `` cap-and-trade '' program on emissions . The bill passed 219-212 , with virtually no Republican support . The bill would reduce nationwide greenhouse gas emissions 17 percent by 2020 and 83 percent by 2050 through a so-called `` cap-and-trade '' program under which companies would buy and sell emissions credits . Among other things , the bill would also require utilities to generate an increasing amount of power from renewable sources . Even before daybreak Friday , consternation over the bill brewed anew . The Democrats released a 301-page amendment to the bill at 3:09 a.m. Friday , drawing protest from Republican Leader John Boehner , R-Ohio . `` This is the biggest job-killing bill that has ever been on the floor of the House of Representatives . Right here . This bill , '' Boehner said . The leaders of the House are customarily granted"} +{"answer":"And it does n't strengthen our economy when government decides how much each job is worth . In America we leave that job to markets . So what 's the answer ? To strengthen transparency , all aspects of CEO pay and perks should be fully disclosed on a regular basis . This should include airplanes , cars , golf-club memberships , bonuses , stock options , retirement plans and salaries -- in short everything that a common-sense person would consider part of a CEO reward package . See Fiorina discuss exec pay , including her own '' To strengthen accountability , all aspects of CEO compensation should be voted on by shareholders on an annual basis . Ultimately , it is the owners of a company who must determine whether a CEO 's rewards are justified by a CEO 's performance . And because the American taxpayer is now a partial owner in many companies , the government can get a vote as well -- in some cases a very sizeable vote . In addition , `` clawback provisions , '' which require a CEO to return compensation to shareholders if promised results are n't delivered , should be","question":"Editor 's note : Carly Fiorina is chief executive of Carly Fiorina Enterprises and former chief executive of HP . She was an adviser to Sen. John McCain 's presidential campaign last year . Carly Fiorina says outrage at Wall St. pay is justified but salaries should n't be set by government . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Americans are outraged over excessive CEO pay and perks . That outrage is justified , particularly when American taxpayers are footing the bill . Our capitalist system works best when there is transparency and accountability . There has been too little of both on Wall Street . Inevitably , the president and Congress are now attempting to respond to taxpayer anger and restore some `` common sense , '' as President Obama recently declared , to CEO compensation . The proposed solution caps top executive pay at $ 500,000 for institutions that have received bailout money . I do n't think this is the answer , although it is an understandable reaction . It 's arbitrary : Why not $ 400,000 or $ 600,000 ? It 's incomplete . It only applies to institutions that will receive more government assistance going forward ."} +{"answer":"theaters , which typically charge an extra few bucks per ticket for the privilege of watching the film with those comfy stereoscopic glasses . Rest assured , despite its title -LRB- and its abysmal `` C '' Cinemascore grade -RRB- , this is by no means the final `` Final Destination '' movie . The folks at the The Weinstein Company , meanwhile , continue to enjoy good news for their much scrutinized bottom line : Quentin Tarantino 's `` Inglourious Basterds '' landed at No. 2 with a rather spectacular $ 20 million , just 47 percent down from its opening weekend for $ 73.7 million total . TWC 's sister company Dimension Films , meanwhile , saw its `` Halloween II '' debut at third with a nothing-to-sneeze-at $ 17.4 million . Granted , director Rob Zombie 's second re-imagining of the 31-years-old slasher franchise made nothing close to the $ 30.6 million Labor Day weekend debut of Zombie 's first night out with Michael Myers . But given the steep competition , and the film 's $ 15 million budget , Dimension must be breathing a sigh of relief that their film will most likely see a","question":"-LRB- Entertainment Weekly -RRB- -- For many , the creative relevance of 3-D cinema remains very much an open question . But when the history of Hollywood 's 21st century embrace of 3-D is written , it very well may point to this weekend as the moment when the format definitively established its commercial power at the box office . `` The Final Destination '' scared up by far the most box office receipts , banking $ 28.3 million . Despite a moviegoing weekend dominated with R-rated violent thriller-type films ostensibly shooting for the same audience , `` The Final Destination '' scared up by far the most box office receipts , banking $ 28.3 million for an easy No. 1 berth , according to early estimates from Hollywood.com Box Office . That 's almost $ 10 million better than the opening frame for the last film in the creatively-dispatching-model-perfect-unknown-actors franchise -LRB- which , for those keeping track , was `` Final Destination 3 '' -RRB- . There 's really only one reason why : Although just over half its 3,121 theaters were screening the flick in 3-D , fully 70 percent of its box office take was from 3-D"} +{"answer":"Coral Springs , Florida . After leaving the agency , his wife says , he worked as a security consultant specializing in cigarette smuggling . Over the last year and half , Levinson says she has done everything she can to draw attention to her husband 's disappearance . She has given interviews , met with U.S. State Department officials , set up a Web site -- www.helpboblevinson.com -- and staged a rally . She even has offered a $ 5,000 reward , aimed primarily at Iranians who might have information about her husband . Has it yielded any tips ? `` No , '' Christine Levinson says . `` Nothing . '' Last year , she traveled to Iran to try to retrace her husband 's steps . Back then , Iranian officials told her they would investigate and report back to her . She says she has n't heard a word . `` They told me when they have some information , they will let me know and in the meantime will continue to search for Bob , '' Levinson told CNN . She has denied that her husband was doing business for the US government when he","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Christine Levinson went to the United Nations on Monday to ask questions about her husband , Bob , a former FBI agent who vanished in Iran last year . Christine Levinson has sought help from Zalmay Khalilzad , the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations . Levinson flew to New York with three of her seven children in hopes of meeting the one man she hoped could really get things moving -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , who is at the United Nations for a speech he is scheduled to deliver Tuesday afternoon . Ahmadinejad declined to meet with her . `` I 'm disappointed , '' she says . Levinson did meet , however , with the Zalmay Khalilzad , the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations . `` He said he would do whatever he could to help me , '' she told CNN . Levinson went to the United Nations with her children -- Susan , 31 , Sarah , 28 , and Douglas , 14 . Her husband disappeared in March 2007 while on a business trip to the Iranian island of Kish . Bob Levinson is a retired FBI agent from"} +{"answer":"seized power in a bloodless coup in 1999 , rejected criticism that his government did not do enough to provide security to Bhutto , who was seeking to regain the post of prime minister . He noted that she had already survived one assassination attempt and `` was given more security than any other person . '' Asked about the hunt for al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden , widely rumored to be in the remote border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan , Musharraf said , `` There is no proof whatsoever that he 's here . We are not particularly looking for him , but we are operating against this -- and al Qaeda and militant Taliban . And in the process , obviously , it is combined . Maybe we are looking for him also . '' And Pakistan 's ambassador to the United States , Mahmud Ali Durrani , told CNN 's `` Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer '' that , `` If we knew where he was , we would have taken him out . '' Durrani added that Musharraf 's comment about `` not specifically looking for Osama '' means that the Pakistani military is","question":"RAWALPINDI , Pakistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto 's assassination was her own fault , the country 's president , Pervez Musharraf , said in an interview on U.S. television . Bhutto sits on stage at a campaign rally minutes before her assassination . `` For standing up outside the car , I think it was she to blame alone -- nobody else . Responsibility is hers , '' the former general told CBS ' `` 60 Minutes '' on Sunday . Bhutto was killed December 27 in Rawalpindi , south of the Pakistani capital Islamabad , while she was standing in an armored moving car after rallying supporters for now-postponed parliamentary elections . Her head was above the roof and unprotected at the time of the attack . The cause of her death is not clear : a bomber blew himself up near Bhutto 's limousine and videotape showed a gunman present , though no autopsy has been carried out . Asked if Bhutto could have been shot , Musharraf said , `` Yes , absolutely , yes . Possibility . '' He has said he welcomes an international investigation . Musharraf , who"} +{"answer":"per day . Those costs were `` overhanging the heads of people on the rigs , '' Bartlit said -- `` but they do n't want their buddies to get killed , or themselves . '' `` To date , we have not seen a single instance where a human being made a conscious decision to favor dollars over safety , '' he said . But as the commission opened two days of new hearings into the disaster on Monday , Graham questioned why the timing was `` so central '' to managers that they did not examine the well 's cementing job more closely . `` I would hope that tomorrow we get down to the question of just what was driving for a decision on that particular narrow 24 hours , '' added Graham , a former U.S. senator and Florida governor . In its preliminary findings , the commission criticized BP for shifting its plans for capping the completed well . At one point , one of the `` company men '' on the doomed rig was unaware of changes being planned back on shore , staff attorney Sean Grimsley said . Mark Bly , BP 's","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Workers aboard the Deepwater Horizon were pushing to complete the well at the heart of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill before the disaster , but no `` conscious decision '' to cut corners on safety has been discovered , a presidential commission reported Monday . `` There seemed to be a compulsion to get this rig completed in that April 19th-April 20th time period , '' said Bob Graham , the commission 's co-chairman . `` And as a result of that , a number of things which might have made the outcome of this plight different were deferred or abandoned . '' The undersea gusher erupted with an April 20 explosion aboard the Deepwater Horizon drill rig , which was completing a well for the oil giant BP at the time of the blast . The rig sank two days later , taking 11 men to a watery grave and unleashing the worst oil spill in U.S. history . The well was about 45 days behind schedule , and Fred Bartlit , the commission 's chief counsel , said BP 's operating costs for the leased rig were running about $ 1.5 million"} +{"answer":"easy to share , replicate and tweak creations , Second Life is a world of abundance for creators . That makes it an effective testing platform for trying out concepts quickly and cheaply . David E. Stone , an MIT research fellow , reports creating simulations in three days -- for $ 350 -- that others proposed building in six months for $ 60,000 . That 's caught the attention of the corporate world . Many companies see potential savings , for instance , in moving parts of their new-employee training programs to a virtual world . Stone has been hired by a range of companies -- from a pest extermination firm to a power plant operator -- to create prototypes of such systems in Second Life . Security concerns Testing a concept in Second Life does n't have to mean hosting the final product there . Security might be a concern , for instance . `` By definition , social networking is open , '' notes Paul Terlemezian , president of iFive Alliances , a corporate-training consultancy in Atlanta . `` That 's kind of contrary to corporate training , which is closed and proprietary . '' A company","question":"Second Life allows people to lead two lives -- one in the real world and another in the virtual . But in a way , Second Life itself leads two lives . In just fours years of existence , Second Life has moved far beyond people simulating other lives on the Internet . In its first , well-publicized life , it 's a forum for residents to socialize , shop and even have sex via on-screen avatars . In its second life , it 's a flexible platform for running inexpensive simulations and experiments . The latter might prove to be the most important . `` Second Life 's real potential may be that of an experimentation platform , '' says Eric Klopfer , a professor at MIT . He notes the ability within Second Life to rapidly construct objects and experiences `` without having to build the world from scratch . '' Indeed , it 's relatively easy for residents to build objects that others can use , sit on , walk through , pick up and so on . That can mean anything from a hammer to a house to a landscape . And since it 's also"} +{"answer":"were circulating over Colombo . `` Both aircrafts were brought down by air force firing , '' Lankapuvath reported . `` The dead body of the LTTE pilot was also found strewn about . '' The news agency said 50 people were admitted to Colombo General Hospital due to injuries from the crash . Two died from their wounds . According to the pro-Tamil Tiger Web site Tamil.net.com , two Black Air Tiger Pilots -- the group 's elite squadron -- died after carrying out diving missions into Sri Lanka 's air force headquarters in Colombo and an air force base in Katunayaka . CNN could not independently verify the claims made by the rebels or the government . In a report released on Thursday , Human Rights Watch criticized the Sri Lankan government for its `` indiscriminate '' killings of civilian as it attempts to fight the rebel movement . As the rebel stronghold continues to shrink , civilians are trapped in the cross-fire , HRW said . `` Sri Lankan forces are shelling hospitals and so-called safe zones and slaughtering the civilians there , '' James Ross , legal and policy director at Human Rights Watch , said","question":"COLOMBO , Sri Lanka -LRB- CNN -- Military officials in Sri Lanka said they shot down a Tamil Tiger aircraft near the Colombo International Airport on Friday , in an air engagement with rebels that killed two people and left about 50 wounded . An injured survivor of a suicide attack in northeast Sri Lanka on February 9 Sri Lankan officials claimed both planes were shot down by the Sri Lankan Air Force , SLAF , refuting the Tiger 's claim they were conducting suicide missions in the country 's capital . A spokesperson for the Sri Lankan Military said the body of a Tamil Tiger guerrilla was found by the plane 's wreckage after it was shot down near the Colombo International Airport . The other plane , which entered the capital of Colombo , dropped a bomb but crashed into the offices of the Department of Inland Revenue , two blocks away from Air Force Headquarters , a military spokesman said . According to the Sri Lanka 's Lankapuvath news agency , the country 's air defense was activated at 9:30 p.m. -LRB- 11 a.m. ET -RRB- Friday after receiving information that two of the rebels light aircrafts"} +{"answer":"regroup and refocus because I did n't want to waste my energy on that . '' Williams was seeking to repeat her 2002 Rome triumph in what was her first tournament since winning the Australian Open in late January , injuring her knee in doing so . `` I almost feel like I won that match . I ca n't be really upset , but I am , '' she said . `` I feel I should have won -- I could have won . But I ca n't beat myself up over it , I 've just come back and had n't played a match since January . '' Ivanovic , who has slumped to 58th in the rankings since winning the French Open in 2008 , was seeking to reach her first WTA Tour final since March 2009 . But she was unable to show the form that this week knocked out ninth seed Victoria Azarenka and Olympic champion Elena Dementieva as she was crushed 6-4 6-2 by world No. 26 Martinez-Sanchez . Her 27-year-old opponent followed up her own upset win over world No. 2 Caroline Wozniacki on Wednesday by reaching her third WTA Tour final .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former world No. 1 Jelena Jankovic overcame current top-ranked player Serena Williams in an epic clash to reach the final of the Italian Open on Friday . However , hopes of an all-Serbian showdown were dashed when the return to form of another previous No. 1 , Ana Ivanovic , was ended by Spaniard Maria Jose Martinez-Sanchez in the other semifinal in Rome . Jankovic , who won the clay tournament in 2007 and 2008 , followed up her quarterfinal victory over Serena 's fourth-seeded older sister Venus by triumphing 4-6 6-3 7-6 -LRB- 7-5 -RRB- in two and three-quarter hours . The seventh seed fought back from 3-0 and 4-2 down to save a match-point in the deciding tie-breaker as she overcame what seemed like delaying tactics by the American when serving on a vital point . `` I was just getting ready to serve and I was serving and all of a sudden she was n't ready , '' Jankovic told reporters . `` For me when the server comes to play the receiver has to be ready -- that 's the rules . `` But unfortunately I had to hit another serve ,"} +{"answer":"last week . She and Young were among 100 couples applying for licenses . Share your thoughts on same-sex marriage The district joins Connecticut , Iowa , Massachusetts , New Hampshire and Vermont in allowing same-sex couples to marry . Mayor Adrian Fenty signed the Washington measure into law in December after the city council overwhelming passed it . It then went through a review period , during which Congress had an opportunity to intervene . The Supreme Court last week rejected a request from a group of Washington residents to keep the law from going into effect . Local courts had previously turned down lawsuits to block it . Opponents of the law say city residents should have had a chance to vote on the issue before the city council passed it . They hope to force a ballot initiative to overturn the law . Also among the first couples to marry Tuesday were Reggie Stanley and Rocky Galloway , both 50 . The couple have two daughters , Malena and Zoe Stanley-Galloway , each 15 months old , according to the biographical information released by the equality groups . Also married on Tuesday were the Rev. Elder Darlene","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A lesbian couple together for more than a decade smiled through tears Tuesday as they became the first same-sex couple to marry in the District of Columbia , on the first day such unions are legal in the nation 's capital . Sinjoyla Townsend and Angelisa Young said they had waited years to marry . They were first in line last week to apply for a marriage license at Washington 's marriage bureau . `` You are my friend , my partner , my love , '' Young , 47 , told Townsend , 41 . `` I will love you today , tomorrow and forever . '' After the wedding , those present cheered as the two women embraced and cried . They have been together for 12 years and have children , according to biographical information released by the Human Rights Campaign and D.C. Clergy United for Marriage Equality . The new law survived a Supreme Court challenge . The measure went into effect last week , but couples had to hold off until Tuesday because of the district 's three-day waiting period . `` We 're very excited , '' Townsend said"} +{"answer":"little girl was gone . He did not call police and did not conduct a search , but instead drove to the mall and picked up Begum , investigators said . When she saw Tangena was not with Hussain , Begum asked him where she was . His response was cryptic , she told police . He said he would take her to the place where her daughter was . Begum became alarmed as Hussain drove to a gas station where , he said , Tangena disappeared . They searched for Tangena together , while Begum called the police to report her daughter missing . A surveillance camera shows the boyfriend , Hussain , going into the gas station 's store , police said . On the video , he makes some purchases and leaves within a few minutes . But there is no video of the area where Hussain parked his car , nor any video that could show whether the little girl had been there or how she might have disappeared . Police have not named a person of interest in the toddler 's disappearance . When the media picked up the story , a teenager came forward","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Two-year-old Tangena Hussain vanished three months ago in the Detroit suburb of Hamtramck , Michigan , and police say the trail has gone cold . Tangena Hussain , 2 , has been missing since October 2 and police in Michigan are asking for the public 's help . Tangena 's mother called police on the evening of October 2 , 2008 , to report her daughter missing after frantically searching the area where she was last seen . The child 's mother , Nilufa Begum , told police she had left the girl in the care of her boyfriend , Jamrul Hussain . Although Tangena and Hussain have the same last name , he is not her father . Begum told investigators her daughter was with Hussain all day while she worked at the Northland Mall . Hussain said he stopped at a gas station with Tangena while on the way to the mall to pick up Begum . They stopped at about 9 p.m. to buy gum and juice , he said . Hussain told police he left Tangena in the car for only a few moments and when he returned , the"} +{"answer":"more money without taking a second job ... 1 . Become a focus group participant : An old co-worker turned me on to focus groups about 8 years ago and after I made 75 bucks giving my opinion on a series of coffee ads , I immediately went home , opened the phone book -LRB- remember those ? -RRB- , and called dozens of market research companies to get my name added to their databases for future groups . Over the years I 've made thousands of dollars telling people what I think about ads , product concepts , packaging , services , and the taste of food and beverages . Once , I even made $ 200 tasting vodka for an hour . Talk about easy money ! Check the `` Etc. '' section of Craigslist for current focus groups in your area , or do an online search for market research recruiting companies and then can call and have your name added to their databases . 2 . Use your blog : If you have a blog -- and who does n't these days ? -- you 're sitting on valuable real estate . Depending on the size","question":"-LRB- The Frisky -RRB- -- Despite the tough economic times , you ca n't just expect to stop lusting after those Frye riding boots you 've had your eye on forever , or that your longtime trusted hair stylist is going to suddenly start cutting her prices . From hobbies to bake sales to your own Web site , there are ways to make extra money in your spare time . The fact is no matter how frugally you learn to live , there are still going to be some things you 'll want to splurge on , and that 's okay . I mean , this is a recession , after all , not a potato famine . You do n't have to give up all your luxuries or switch to low-cost everything ; you just have to get savvier about making extra money for those treats you enjoy . But I 'm not talking about getting a second job or really working that much harder ; a true recessionista knows how to make extra cash for little luxuries while leaving plenty of free time to enjoy them , too . After the jump , seven ways to make"} +{"answer":"accident occurred . A key issue in the judge 's decision was whether a U.S. court had jurisdiction over a foreign contractor and whether there was a legal basis to find it negligent . Ultimately , Judge William Duffey found that there was . `` The court enters judgment in the amount of $ 4,907,048 to be paid by KGL in a single lump payment , '' the judge wrote in his 12-page decision issued on November 5 . Baragona 's father , Dominic Baragona , a former U.S. Marine , told CNN he is embarrassed his family was forced into a lawsuit to learn details surrounding his son 's death . He also said the court decision is bittersweet : No amount of money will ever bring his son back , but it feels good that a court of law sided with his family . Watch family describe Rocky 's hugs , his Mustang and his character '' `` You feel good for the Rock , '' he said of his boy . `` We 're going to make KGL sweat it a little bit . I mean they 're going to remember Rocky 's name . '' Baragona","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A federal court has ordered a Kuwait-based contractor to pay nearly $ 5 million in damages to the family of a U.S. military officer killed in Iraq -- a rare court decision holding a contracting company accountable for its actions in the war . Lt. Col. Dominic Baragona was the highest-ranking soldier to die in Iraq when he was killed May 19 , 2003 . Army Lt. Col. Dominic `` Rocky '' Baragona was just an hour away from a U.S. base in Kuwait -- ultimately headed home to the United States -- when a tractor-trailer operated by Kuwait and Gulf Link Transport Company slammed into his Humvee on May 19 , 2003 , killing him instantly . Baragona , a West Point graduate , was 42 years old and the highest-ranking soldier to have died in the war at the time . His family filed a wrongful death suit against KGL . Earlier this month , the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia sided with the family , holding the Kuwait company negligent in Baragona 's death for failing to provide safe passage on the three-lane road where the"} +{"answer":"the bottom of it , we thought we would consult an expert -- David Bennett , Manager of Automotive Programs for AAA . As it turns out , like most things in life , the answer often just comes down to what 's best for you , depending on your own situation , budget or locale . Let 's address these add-ons one by one : Paint sealant `` I think that most paint jobs on cars are pretty good these days , so in most cases you probably do n't need that anymore , '' said Bennett , who offered one caveat . `` But that can depend on what part of the country you live in -- what the climate is , whether you get a lot of snow and ice , and what the road crews put down on the road -- whether it is salt , or if it is something that is less harmful to the paint . But generally , as long as you keep your car washed , and wash that salt off of it , and get it waxed regularly , that paint should last without getting the ` add-on ' sealer","question":"-LRB- AOL Autos -RRB- -- Okay , you 've decided what model of car you want to buy . And you know , more or less , how much you want to spend -- or how much you can afford . You 've kicked tires , talked to salesmen , taken a few shiny new numbers for a test-drive and you 're ready to make the deal . If you eat in your car you may want to consider fabric or leather protections . Except , you 're not quite done . You still need to decide whether to buy any of those `` extras '' that your salesperson will always suggest . Some of these extras have real value and are probably worth adding . Others ... maybe not so much . The list of `` extras '' offered by most dealers , may include paint sealant , fabric protection\/leather care , extended warranties , extended ` one price ' service contracts , rust\/underbody coatings and anti-theft systems , to mention a few . We wanted to know which of these new car extras were worth it and which ones a consumer can do without . To get to"} +{"answer":"Centaur upper-stage rocket would result in plumes of dust of more than 250 metric tons . After it hit , the debris was analyzed by a satellite -- launched along with the rocket -- that traveled through the dust cloud before its own impact on the moon . The goal of the $ 79 million mission was to determine whether there is water on the moon . After the impact , NASA officials called the mission a success , saying the satellite sent back a good amount of data that now will be analyzed . Jennifer Stracener of Vilonia , Arkansas , said she got up early to watch NASA 's live telecast of the impact . She was disappointed , and posted her reaction on CNN 's iReport.com . `` These was no plume , no nothing , '' she said by phone . `` It just kind of blacked out . '' She said the telecast did not show the rocket 's impact clearly . `` I was looking for some action -- something happening , '' she said . `` I think a lot of people were , because they -LSB- NASA -RSB- hyped it up ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- There was n't a cloud in the sky early Friday when Dave Samuels trained his telescopes at the moon , hoping to catch a glimpse of a NASA rocket striking the lunar landscape . The moon , shown shortly before NASA 's rockets hit on Friday morning . `` We saw nothing , '' he said . Samuels is vice president of the Fremont Peak Observatory near Monterey , California , which had invited members of the public to watch Friday 's NASA mission through its telescopes . The lunar strike happened shortly after 4:30 a.m. on the West Coast -LRB- 7:30 a.m. ET -RRB- . NASA had encouraged everyone around the country to host `` impact parties , '' saying the plume of dust generated by the lunar impact would be visible through `` mid-sized backyard '' telescopes 10 inches or larger . It said the chances of seeing the plume were greater for people living in areas that were still dark . The space agency even posted an interactive map on its Web site so people could find `` a public event near you . '' NASA officials had said the impact of the"} +{"answer":"to link Wise with a fight in the parking lot after Yates destroyed archrival Booker T. Washington . Apparently shots were fired , and in Reilly 's world , it 's all tied to Yates beating them 132-68 . So I wonder if Reilly blames Gary Williams for Maryland upsetting No. 4 ranked Duke , this leading to fans going bonkers -- some say riot -- and 28 people getting arrested . I 've seen folks fight after one-point losses ; that 's just what happens when dumb folks talk trash in the parking lot . They either duke it out with fists , or these days , pull out a gun to make their point . Reilly then has the gall to say that the school district in Houston needs to intervene to `` stop '' Wise , even suggesting that Yates Principal Ronald Mumphery should `` grow a pair . '' So what do you propose Rick ? Tell him not to blow other teams out ? So the next time we see a 59-0 or 77-0 score in football , are we to scold the coach and tell him he will be suspended if his teams keeps","question":"Editor 's note : Roland S. Martin , a CNN political analyst , is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of `` Listening to the Spirit Within : 50 Perspectives on Faith , '' and the forthcoming book , `` The First : President Barack Obama 's Road to the White House . '' He is a commentator for TV One Cable Network and host of a one-hour Sunday morning news show . As a columnist , I 'm used to writing things that offend other folks . It comes with the job . And there are times when I have responded to what other folks in the media will say and write . Again , it 's just what we do . There have been a number of things I 've read and heard over the past few months , but one that has totally ticked me off is the recent column by ESPN 's Rick Reilly in the March 22 issue of ESPN The Magazine . Reilly uses his column to personally attack Greg Wise , the boys head basketball coach at Jack Yates High School in Houston , Texas . In the despicable piece , Reilly tries"} +{"answer":"worried she had lost everything . When she saw her house was standing , she rushed inside , grabbed a statue of Jesus and said : `` Thank you , God . '' Read KHOU 's report on going back to Galveston Crystal Beach , Texas Frank and Dee Ann Sherman huddled in the attic of their beachfront home in Crystal Beach as Hurricane Ike ripped the house apart -- washing walls out to sea and lifting up what remained only to smash it down , KHOU said . Watch the Shermans tell their amazing survival story '' Somehow the roof stayed on and they survived , but they are not being allowed back into the ruins , not even to retrieve the ashes of their dead daughter . The couple said they were frustrated with complaints by people better off than them . `` We see all of these people that are crying and moaning because they got some mud on their floor or their lights are out in Houston , '' Frank Sherman told KHOU . `` We do n't see anything about our friends that died in Crystal Beach and about the fact that our world is","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It 's been five days since Hurricane Ike smashed into the Texas coast , but people are still struggling mightily with its effects . Flags of the United States and Texas fly where homes stood in Gilchrist , Texas , before Ike 's wrath came ashore . From the destroyed coastline , to far inland where evacuees are seeking shelter , to communities in the Midwest where the storm dumped flooding rains , CNN 's affiliates are reporting on the rebuilding of lives . Galveston , Texas Wrecked homes and possessions strewn around the ubiquitous sludge were the sights awaiting residents of Galveston , some of whom were allowed to check their property on Wednesday , KHOU reported . Paula Munoz said although the damage to the family 's El Rey restaurant was worse than she could have imagined , they still planned to rebuild . `` We spent 10 years paying off this place , '' she told KHOU . `` We 'll rebuild , and we 'll do it here . Where else would we go ? This is our life . '' But there was some relief for Maria Patina , who was"} +{"answer":"flooding and mudslides turned the once-picturesque tourist town of Teresopolis into a wasteland . Bodies and belongings remained strewn amongst fallen boulders Monday as family members searched for loved ones in the rubble . Outside a makeshift morgue in Teresopolis -- where the government said at least 292 people had died in flooding -- a crowd of people waited for their turn to identify loved ones . Marco Antonio Siqueira Costa said the last time he saw his brother , sister-in-law and niece was a few days ago , before mud buried their house . `` I think that last meeting was God 's way of granting us a farewell , '' he said . Residents in the city donned masks and helped clean streets or deliver first aid . Others combed the city searching desperately for missing loved ones . Meanwhile , experts and officials tried to pinpoint what caused the catastrophe . `` Combine a weather event and environmental irresponsibility and the sum equals a tragedy , '' said Carlos Minc , Rio de Janeiro 's environment minister . Minc said he wants to stop construction of homes in high-risk areas , such as river banks or steep","question":"Rio De Janeiro -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The death toll from devastating flooding in Brazil continued to climb Tuesday , surpassing 700 , the government said . A helicopter rescued 18 people from a city in Brazil 's Rio de Janeiro state after rains caused devastating flooding and mudslides in the mountainous region . Four children -- including a 30-day-old baby , were among those lifted to safety Monday . The Air Force said one of them -- 6-year-old Guilherme Carvalho -- summed up the feelings of the group with a simple exclamation : `` Relief ! '' But rescuers have not been able to reach some hard-hit areas , and many more people are feared dead . Forecasters predict rain will continue for several days in areas already submerged in water . The death toll from flooding in Rio de Janeiro state has climbed to 710 , according to government figures released Tuesday . And thousands are homeless across the state . Other states in the South American country have also seen heavy rainfall . Last week , authorities in neighboring Sao Paulo state said 24 people had been killed by flooding . In Rio de Janeiro state ,"} +{"answer":"They do n't want some loudmouth spitting on the pavement , flirting with girls and swearing . '' The `` no vacancy '' extends to the members of parliament , as Wainuiomata lawmaker Trevor Mallard found out when he came to test the ban . `` He 's barging in here with a TV camera , trying to book a room to prove a point , '' Donnelly said . `` We just stood at the front door and said , ` You 're not welcome here . Go away . ' '' By `` we , '' Donnelly is referring to himself and his general manager , Malcolm Glen -- a Scotsman known in the community as `` Basil Fawlty '' after the iconic and paranoid John Cleese character in the British sitcom `` Fawlty Towers . '' News of the ban sent some former guests complaining , and others accusing Donnelly , an Australian , of racism . Many wanted to know whether he was violating the Human Rights Act , which prohibits hotel owners from discriminating based on race . `` Some people are making it out to be about the big Aussie brother giving his poor","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A motel owner in New Zealand -- fed up with one too many incidents of rowdy behavior -- has banned an entire town from checking in as guests . Steve Donnelly , an Australian , has been accused of racism following his decision . Steve Donnelly , the owner of the Supreme Motor Lodge in the town of Palmerston North , said he decided to yank the welcome mat for the 16,000 residents of Wainuiomata because `` each time they visited , our life became less exciting . '' `` I 'm not Santa Claus . I ca n't figure out who 's naughty and who 's nice , '' he said . `` So we went ahead and banned all of them . '' Wainuiomata , near the capital , Wellington , is about two hours ' drive from Palmerston North . Donnelly said he banned the town after three groups of people from Wainuiomata checked in on separate occasions over a six-month period , riling other guests at the 51-room hotel . `` We have moms and dads who come here with two or three kids to relax , '' he said . ``"} +{"answer":"car and deliver orders until near dawn for $ 10 an hour . The family first told their story of falling on hard times on iReport.com . Share your economic survivor story with CNN . Until last summer , Rob LeBlanc had worked as a manager at a truck stop restaurant , making $ 55,000 a year . He lost that job to the falling economy . Rob LeBlanc says he noticed business at the truck stop getting sluggish a year ago . Then the spike in gas prices last summer exacerbated the restaurant 's dire circumstances . Many penny-pinching truck drivers avoided his restaurant altogether , he says . Rob LeBlanc filed for unemployment compensation immediately after he lost his job . More than 4.6 million Americans were collecting unemployment benefits as of early January , according to the Labor Department . In Lafayette , a quiet city of about 114,000 tucked away in southern Louisiana , many of the jobs center around servicing the oil and gas industry , but Rob LeBlanc was unwilling to work offshore and away from his family . When he applied for other jobs , he was told he was either under-qualified or","question":"Editor 's note : This is the first story in an ongoing series of reports CNN is doing about economic survival in this time of financial crisis . Sean , Brooke and Courtney with their parents , Donna and Robert LeBlanc , in a 2008 Christmas photo . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Donna LeBlanc gave her husband , a former restaurant manager , the stark ultimatum : become a pizza delivery man or their family `` would n't make it . '' The Lafayette , Louisiana , family of six was struggling with $ 45,000 of mounting medical debt from Donna LeBlanc 's unexpected case of pneumonia and tonsillitis a year earlier . The family savings account had dwindled to $ 100 . `` It 's embarrassing for my husband to take a job he is overqualified for , and I know he feels ashamed at times , '' says Donna LeBlanc , a 35-year-old mother with four children . `` But this is what we have to do and we 're going to make the best out of it . '' She watched her husband , Rob LeBlanc , 35 , load Domino 's pizza boxes into their family"} +{"answer":"number just to build up and hopefully it 'll keep coming , '' said college student Erika Miller , who is looking for summer work . Read the full report on WSJV South : Famed New Orleans hotel closed after Katrina hiring hundreds The Roosevelt Hotel in New Orleans , Louisiana , is almost ready to reopen after being shuttered after Hurricane Katrina struck in 2005 . After undergoing a $ 145 million renovation , the hotel will be staffed by 400 employees . This past week , more than 5,000 job seekers came to a job fair at the downtown landmark . Some of the people hired will begin in a few weeks , while others will start later . `` We are looking to make some additional hires in September and in October when business picks up , '' Roosevelt employee Melissa Kariker told WDSU . One applicant at the fair had worked previously at the hotel . `` I started my career with the Fairmont-Roosevelt , '' Gregory Smith said . `` I worked in the Blue Room for several years . '' Read the report on WDSU Midwest : Newspaper giving away space for ` Hire","question":"Editor 's note : CNN affiliates report on where job seekers are finding work across the country and how those looking for employment are coping with the situation . Workers at the Jayco plant in Elkhart County in Indiana put together a travel trailer in February . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Elkhart , Indiana , has suffered through a litany of economic bad news and layoffs . The United States Department of Labor said that in March , the Elkhart metropolitan area had the fifth highest unemployment in the country . Just last year the Monaco Coach Corp. closed down its motor home assembly plants in Elkhart , Nappanee and Wakarusa . But Electric Motors Corp. , which builds engines , cars and trucks , is moving into Elkhart County and bringing hundreds of jobs . `` Their production working skills will be a little bit different than RV workers , but not that much different . We 'll easily be able to train the workers , '' County Commissioner Mike Yoder told WSJV . Neither the company nor government officials would comment on how many jobs could potentially be created . `` It 's good to get a small"} +{"answer":"than 20 years experience in pedigree showing . `` Some people like to go to the golf course on the weekend . I like to go to a cat show , '' she says with a smile . This time around , it was last weekend 's Cat Fanciers ' Association 's International Cat Show , in Atlanta , Georgia -- touted as the Western Hemisphere 's largest cat show , with 729 cats from 41 breeds and 14 countries . Elaborately decorated cages fill both sides and the back of the convention center floor . Vendors sell everything from cat hammocks to gutter guards -LRB- even the show manager is n't sure why gutter guards are there -RRB- , and a man in a wig shows off his tightrope-walking cats . But arguably the most important activity takes place just past the garbage cans marked `` Dump litter here , please . '' Judging Bob Druzisky carries Zoe -- short for Mittsnpaws Zoe of Wyldephyre -- two-handed under her belly , stretching her out to her full length as they walk to one of the 12 judging rings . '' -LSB- We do this -RSB- to show her off","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Murphy bounds up the stairs , down the stairs , over the hurdles , through the tunnel and stops . He cautiously sidesteps the large white ring in front of him and sits down . Betty Yadlosky tries to tease her Himalayan Persian named Tangerine with a feather . `` Through the ring ! Come on , Murphy , through the ring ! '' his owner encourages , as she enthusiastically jingles a feathered toy on the other side of the obstacle . Murphy glances over , clearly saying , `` There is no way I am jumping through that hoop . '' And anyone watching -- anyone who has ever owned a cat -- knows he is right . `` It can be frustrating , '' Donna Hinton says from the sidelines of the agility course . `` But it 's a challenge , a new dimension to showing . '' Hinton is the owner of Kevi , one of the nation 's top agility cats . Dressed to impress , Hinton looks more like a business executive than a cat fanatic -- but the breeder of Maine Coon cats has more"} +{"answer":"Marines in Marjah . `` Marjah is the last enemy sanctuary in the Marine area of operations , '' said Brig. Gen. Larry Nicholson , 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade-Afghanistan commanding general . `` This operation is designed to reconnect the people of Marjah with the legitimate government of Afghanistan . We are fully partnered with the Afghan government for this operation , and we have the resources we need to be successful . '' The Afghan government described the offensive -- carried out in central Helmand with the Afghan National Army , Afghan National Police , ISAF Regional Command -LRB- South -RRB- , and the Helmand Provincial Reconstruction Team -- as `` clearing '' operations . The coalition said its troops expected to confront up to 1,000 entrenched Taliban fighters . It said they also expected foreign Taliban fighters to battle to the death but were prepared for local Taliban members in Marjah to try to escape . `` We will follow the enemies and bring them to justice , '' said Gen. Mohiyiden Ghori of the Afghan National Army . In the past few days , forces from Afghanistan , Britain and other nations conducted air and ground operations","question":"Kabul , Afghanistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- NATO troops in Afghanistan launched their biggest offensive of the war early Saturday , attacking what they call the last Taliban stronghold in a war-scarred southern province . Military officials said the offensive -- dubbed Operation Moshtarak -- got under way at 2 a.m. -LRB- 4:30 p.m. ET Friday -RRB- . Moshtarak , a Dari word for `` together , '' symbolizes the fact that combined forces are serving alongside one another . `` Insurgents who do not accept the government 's offer to reintegrate and join the political process will be met with overwhelming force , '' the International Security Assistance Force Joint Command said in a statement . `` However , the strongest of measures will be taken to protect the civilian population . '' Some of about 15,000 troops from the United States , United Kingdom , Afghanistan and Canada attacked Taliban targets in and around Marjah , a city of 80,000 to 100,000 residents , where the Taliban has set up a shadow government , coalition military authorities said . By about 8 a.m. -LRB- 10 p.m. ET Friday -RRB- two firefights had erupted between the Taliban and U.S."} +{"answer":", that is why we lock him in the house . '' The desperate measures Daniel 's family has resorted to are not rare . African health services are often underfunded and overwhelmed -- no more so in the field of mental health . Watch more about the story '' CNN visited rural Kenya -- a country where less than one percent of the health budget is allotted to mental health -- to investigate the extent of the problems . Edah Maina , who runs the Kenya Society for the Mentally Handicapped , says the mentally disabled in Kenya have few options for long-term care and support . `` The entire family is affected and especially when the mother sort of loses hope and resorts to locking up the child because they have to go out and earn a living or they have to chain them up because they might hurt themselves , '' said Maina . Social workers in Kenya searching for those in desperate need found a mother and child on the floor of a squalid kitchen hut . John is 17 and severely handicapped . He can not speak and can not properly hold his head up","question":"KANDARA , Kenya -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Daniel Mungai 's family keeps him locked in a room in a wooden shack that is just big enough to fit a bed , a cupboard , Daniel and his wheel-chair . His clothes and bed are soaked with his own waste -- and he 's been living like this for 15 years . Daniel Mungai is kept locked away in a small wooden shack and has been for 15 years . Daniel , 35 , started having seizures at a young age . He is sometimes given medicine for epilepsy and spent time at a mental hospital but his parents say they simply can not afford to maintain proper care -- they are struggling to cope . Both his parents are also now too old to help him properly . They live in the same compound in Kandara , Kenya , but in a different building . His father , Ndung ' u Joroge , said : `` We do n't lock him out of bad will . We lock him up because people have become very bad . He may come out here and then he is caught by young men"} +{"answer":"nothing to do with the FLDS church , may have been a woman who made calls and pretended she was the 16-year-old girl named Sarah , '' CNN 's Gary Tuchman reported . Swinton , 33 , has been charged in Colorado with false reporting to authorities and is in police custody . Police said that arrest was not directly related to the Texas case . Authorities raided the Texas ranch April 4 and removed 416 children . Officials have been trying to identify the 16-year-old girl , referred to as Sarah , who claimed she had been abused in the phone calls . FLDS members have denied the girl , supposedly named Sarah Jessop Barlow , exists . Some of the FLDS women who spoke with CNN on Monday said they believed the calls were a hoax . While the phone calls initially prompted the raid , officers received a second search warrant based on what they said was evidence of sexual abuse found at the compound . In court documents , investigators described seeing teen girls who appeared pregnant , records that showed men marrying multiple women and accounts of girls being married to adult men when they","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Colorado woman is being pursued as a `` person of interest '' in connection with phone calls that triggered the raid of a Texas polygamist ranch , authorities said Friday . Rozita Swinton , 33 , has been arrested in a case that is not directly related to the Texas raid . Texas Rangers are seeking Rozita Swinton of Colorado Springs , Colorado , `` regarding telephone calls placed to a crisis center hot line in San Angelo , Texas , in late March 2008 , '' the Rangers said in a written statement . The raid of the YFZ -LRB- Yearning for Zion -RRB- Ranch in Eldorado , Texas , came after a caller -- who identified herself as a 16-year-old girl -- said she had been physically and sexually abused by an adult man with whom she was forced into a `` spiritual marriage . '' The release said a search of Swinton 's home in Colorado uncovered evidence that possibly links her to phone calls made about the ranch , run by the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints . `` The possibility exists that Rozita Swinton , who has"} +{"answer":"the demonstrations in Freedom Square grew to as many as 60,000 Armenians at times over the last 10 days . As of early Sunday morning , Freedom Square was empty , Ghazarian said , but the protesters were demonstrating in a main square elsewhere in the city . Watch Ghazarian discuss the situation in Armenia '' `` What is happening on the streets of Yerevan is people protesting what they consider to be unfair elections , '' Ghazarian said . `` After the president was forced to declare a state of emergency , things have quieted down . There are a couple of burning cars , and there are a few hurt people , '' she said . `` We 're convinced that this will come to an end soon . '' She did not elaborate on the number of people injured or the extent of their injuries . Witnesses told CNN that Saturday morning 's action by Armenian riot police was bloody , but the U.S. official said there were no confirmed deaths or serious injuries . An Armenian woman interviewed by CNN said there was `` huge chaos '' when police moved in . `` These are innocent","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Armenian President Robert Kocharian declared a state of emergency Saturday night after a day of clashes between police and protesters , a spokeswoman for the Armenian Foreign Ministry said . Opposition supporters wave an Armenian flag during a protest rally in Yerevan , Armenia , on Saturday . The protesters claim last month 's presidential election was rigged . The state of emergency will `` hopefully bring some order '' to the capital , Yerevan , said Salpi Ghazarian , assistant to the Armenian foreign minister , who spoke to CNN early Sunday . The state of emergency could last until March 20 , she said , but the government hopes `` that it will be lifted sooner . '' The clashes began when authorities used force to clear Freedom Square of thousands of demonstrators who had camped there for the past 10 days , according to a U.S. Embassy official . Ghazarian said the authorities `` moved in '' because `` they thought that there were arms there , and it turned out that they were right . '' Watch a report on clashes between police and the opposition '' The embassy official estimated that"} +{"answer":"other delegations at the mosque 's entrance . The Ugandan guards -- who had traded hostilities with the predominantly-Arab Libyan guards at every joint event since Gadhafi 's arrival in the country Sunday -- reacted with fury and fought back . Museveni briefly lost his balance when a hefty Libyan guard pushed him to a wall . Another Libyan guard pushed Rwandan President Paul Kagame , who also lost his balance but was caught by his own guards . The vice president of Tanzania was knocked over by fighting guards as he was taking his shoes off to enter the mosque . Guards to the rest of the visiting presidents and prime ministers kept their respective leaders out of the fray , with some drawing their guns as the dignitaries looked on in disbelief . Some leaders -- notably those from Somalia , Burundi and Djibouti -- were visibly uneasy as guns were drawn on all sides . By the time the fight was over more than six minutes later , about a dozen presidential guards were left bleeding from compound fractures and the Libyan and Ugandan protocol officials traded bitter accusations of disrespect and racism . `` What are","question":"KAMPALA , Uganda -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A fight between Ugandan and Libyan presidential guards sparked chaos during a ceremony attended by the heads of state from 11 African nations on Wednesday . Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni attend the opening of the mosque . Several of the guards to the visiting heads of state from Kenya , Tanzania , Burundi , Rwanda , Mali , Somalia , Sudan and Djibouti sustained serious injuries in the fight , which included punches , kicks and the drawing of guns . No leaders were hurt in the melee , though several were knocked over . Several journalists also were caught up in the fracas and suffered injuries or lost their grips on cameras and recorders . The incident occurred at the opening of a massive Gadhafi National Mosque in Kampala , a structure begun by the late Ugandan dictator Idi Amin in 1972 and completed with financing from Libya , according to African media reports . Minutes after Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and his host , Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni , jointly unveiled a plaque to mark the event , the Libyan guards pushed away the guards of"} +{"answer":"president-elect and his secretary of state-designate have said they want to abandon the silent treatment and isolation of previous administrations and try engaging Iran , as a way of resolving difficult issues such as its nuclear program and its influence in Iraq and Afghanistan . Watch Amanpour talk about world views of Obama '' The United States remains bogged down in hot wars in both of those countries . While the Obama administration plans to increase troops and nation-building in Afghanistan , it is also signaling it will not give President Hamid Karzai 's government the `` free ride '' he is thought to have received from the Bush administration . Karzai will be expected to root out corruption and better address the needs of the Afghan people . The new administration will also try to revive nuclear arms agreements that have been abandoned over the last eight years and try to forge a more constructive relationship with Russia , while persuading that country to meet its international obligations too . While many allies -- and adversaries -- welcome the new U.S. administration 's declaration to use diplomacy and soft power , the question remains : Will Washington 's allies","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When Barack Obama is sworn in as the 44th president of the United States , the wish list that has been building abroad may have grown longer than he or anyone else can deliver . The world 's newspapers marked Barack Obama 's election win . Now , world governments want him to act . There are the apparently eternal conflicts of the Middle East and Kashmir , between India and Pakistan , that have already reared their ugly heads almost as a warning even before Obama took office . Between them , they engulf most of the grievances and violence that shape the Islamic world and its relations with the United States . Intense U.S. involvement will be needed to help resolve both of the conflicts . This will require imagination , creative out-of-the-box diplomacy , and the courage to see it through both from the United States and leaders on the ground . Going back even to the status-quo ante will no longer be sufficient . The 30-year-old rupture in relations between the United States and Iran is also expected to be addressed as a key priority by the new administration . Both the"} +{"answer":"and other cities . Watch our panelists talk about the growing violence in Chicago '' ESSENCE : The nation 's first black president is from Chicago . And you still do not feel like there is enough attention placed on this problem ? Jackson : Newspapers from all over the world have come to our offices this past week to say , `` What is happening in President Barack Obama 's backyard ? '' And 75 percent of the children murdered here in Chicago happened within eight miles of President Obama 's former house . So if he does n't respond as president , and we are hoping he does , he needs to respond as a resident . ESSENCE : What has been the police response ? Jackson : They 've put together a 400-unit gang SWAT team . They 're trying to match guns with the gangs . But with all of that they ca n't stop one murder because they 're approaching it from the wrong way . ESSENCE : Obama 's time in office ESSENCE : What is the right way to approach it ? Jackson : Instill strong families and strong communities . Build strong","question":"-LRB- ESSENCE -RRB- -- Two weeks ago , 3-year-old Jaquan Reed was fatally shot on Chicago , Illinois ' , West Side . Men participate in the Million Father March to support children going to school . While the case shook the city , such shootings involving children are no longer rare in the Windy City . Within the current academic year , 36 Chicago-area students were killed . Essence.com spoke to Phillip Jackson , a well-known political activist in the city and also founder of Black Star Project , a Chicago-based community outreach group , about what is being done to end the senseless shootings involving children . The following is an edited version of that interview : ESSENCE : There have been so many shootings and deaths . Please tell us what 's happening in Chicago ? ESSENCE : Xerox names Ursula Burns CEO Phillip Jackson : This is a national catastrophe that is happening while we as a country do nothing . We 're asking for national attention . This is a pandemic . We will not be able to solve this problem in Chicago unless they can solve this same problem in Houston -LSB- Texas -RSB-"} +{"answer":"said . Row 44 , which uses satellite technology to provide connectivity to Southwest Airlines and Alaska Airlines , already covers much of North America and will roll out trans-Atlantic and European service in the third quarter of this year , said the company 's CEO , John Guidon . Neither company would release the exact cost of turning airplanes into Wi-Fi hot spots . But Blumenstein said Aircell managed to equip a plane for `` substantially '' less than $ 100,000 . Row 44 , which bills itself as the `` industrial-strength solution '' to airplane connectivity , costs hundreds of thousands of dollars per plane , Guidon said . Another company , LiveTV , is a subsidiary of JetBlue that provides free e-mail and messaging aboard flights but does n't offer open Web surfing . LiveTV , which uses air-to-ground technology , provides the service on select JetBlue flights and also is working with Frontier Airlines on offering Internet access aboard its planes . The Wi-Fi venture has the potential to be `` very profitable , '' said Harlan Platt , an airline industry expert and professor of finance at Northeastern University in Boston , Massachusetts . ``","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The days of being cut off from the Internet while you 're on a plane are quickly disappearing . An American Airlines passenger uses Wi-Fi to access the Internet during a flight . A number of domestic airlines have recently begun offering Wi-Fi Internet access aboard planes , and other airlines say they are working toward making it happen . `` This is the year '' for Wi-Fi on planes , said Jack Blumenstein , president and CEO of Aircell , whose Gogo \u00ae Inflight Internet service provides access on Delta Air Lines , American Airlines and Virgin America flights , and will begin testing on United flights later this year . Gogo is installed on more than 190 commercial planes , and Blumenstein said he expected 1,200 aircraft to have Gogo capability by the end of 2009 . For now , Wi-Fi on domestic carriers ' planes is limited to flights within North America . Gogo , which operates by transmitting signals from ground-level towers , functions across the United States and up to about 300 miles offshore . The company 's access will cover the entire continent within a year or two , Blumenstein"} +{"answer":"of remembrance , '' said Jeff Dietrich of Pennsylvania-based Joshua Tree , who has been volunteering for four years . A crew of arborists from the Joshua Tree company took on one the most expensive projects -- protecting Arlington 's biggest trees from lightning . According to Dietrich , the process of lightning protection is important for protecting a valuable part of history . Watch how trees are protected '' `` Lightning , electricity is unpredictable at best . ... It 'll blow a tree apart . '' To protect a tree from lightning strikes , Dietrich and his crew climb up to the top of a tree and run copper wires down the trunk with anchors that resemble rifle cartridges . The wire is then grounded by a copper pole entrenched at the base of the tree . If lightning strikes , the electricity runs down the wire and dissipates into the ground instead of harming the tree . Even though it took the Joshua Tree crew longer to reach Arlington from Pennsylvania than the four hours needed to complete their work , the workers seemed eager for their chance to volunteer , cheering each other on while working","question":"ARLINGTON , Virginia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The hallowed grounds of Arlington National Cemetery took on a different tone Monday -- the usually quiet and reverent resting place of fallen heroes was buzzing with volunteers , professional landscapers and their equipment during the annual `` Renewal and Remembrance '' project . Monday was the annual `` Renewal and Remembrance '' day at Arlington National Cemetery . `` Renewal '' was started more than 10 years ago by an Ohio lawn-care group that wanted to give a day of service to the cemetery outside Washington , according to Bill Hildebolt , spokesman for the Professional Landcare Network . `` It 's grown fantastically from a few lawn-care operators to today we had over 400 individual PLANET members , '' he said Monday . Each year , volunteers take on several projects during the service day , including spreading lime over nearly 300 acres of the cemetery and installing irrigation systems , Hildebolt said . While the 95 companies participating Monday may normally compete for business in the lawn-care market , during Renewal the crews work together to honor the service members buried at Arlington . `` It 's just a day"} +{"answer":"there were many . `` I was recently at a concert where I sat at the top of the stadium -- read : the WORST seats , '' wrote Kim Levering . `` And I was surrounded by people who had bought their tickets through a Ticketmaster pre-sale . So lem me get this straight ... Ticketmaster rewards its customers and loyal fans by providing them with the worst seats in the house -LRB- even when selecting ` best available ' -RRB- during a pre-sale ? '' `` I hoped Live Nation would provide competition for Ticketmaster and the outlandish surcharges and service fees , '' wrote avettbrosfan . `` Unfortunately , when I went to buy a '30 dollar ' lawn ticket to see the Avett Brothers and Dave Matthews Band , the Live Nation surcharges bumped the ticket up to 52 dollars ! So much for that hope . '' Read more comments on the Marquee blog Other people wrote of being forced to pay $ 100 surcharges , of being sent to other ticket sites -LRB- including Ticketmaster 's own premium site , TicketsNow -RRB- and of all the other costs to go to a concert ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Yes , it 's a limited sample . Yes , it 's more likely for people who are disgruntled to comment than people who are pleased . Bruce Springsteen expressed strong reservations about a possible Ticketmaster-Live Nation merger . But still : CNN.com users who responded to our iReport and blog queries about the possible Ticketmaster-Live Nation merger were really , really unhappy . `` Put ` going to a rock concert ' on your list of ` Things you used to do , but ca n't anymore , ' along with watching free television , seeing a double-feature with a cartoon , and riding a train cross country , '' wrote Carlos Sandoval . `` Ahh , the beginning of yet another monopoly . I hope the feds nix this one , '' added RJ . `` Ticketmaster is already nearly a monopoly in the ticket game . Live Nation is built on greed . Might be a marriage made in heaven for them , but it 's a marriage made in hell for the concert-going public , '' wrote Allison . Many who commented were compelled to share their horror stories , of which"} +{"answer":", '' he said . More than 1,660 articles on space-related products have been published since the magazine 's first edition . Watch some of the spin-offs developed from space technology '' What you wo n't find on the list is the bright orange powered drink , Tang , or Teflon , or Velcro -- all products that have over time been erroneously linked to NASA 's space mission . `` Tang was developed by General Foods before NASA was even made a federal agency , but it was popularized during astronaut tasting experiments , '' Lockney said . `` Velcro was invented by a Swiss engineer in the 1940s , '' he said , adding `` Teflon was created by Dupont . It has many applications within NASA but is not a NASA technology . '' Infant formula makes the grade due to an ingredient discovered during NASA research into algae as a source of food supplements . `` Different experiments led to the discovery of a nutrient substance that has previously only been found in breast milk . -LSB- This is -RSB- believed to be important in the development in the eyes and the brain . '' It","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When man first walked on the moon 40 years ago , it was not only a `` giant leap for mankind '' but also a boon for everyday items . A NASA-inspired tracking system is helping monitor endangered whale sharks . Sports shoes , for example , took a huge leap forward in the late 1980s when AVIA Group International , then a subsidiary of Reebok , turned to space technology to make them more flexible and durable . Freeze-dried food , artificial limbs , cordless vacuum cleaners and edible toothpaste were also developed using research that can be linked to NASA 's forays into space . They are listed in detail in `` Spinoff , '' a NASA magazine first compiled in 1976 as a definitive guide to the commercialized products whose development can be tied to space technology . `` We are fairly liberal with our application of the term spinoff , '' said editor Daniel Lockney . `` The product has to contain a component that was developed for NASA , some aspect of it or it could just be NASA 's know-how that helped the commercialization of the product"} +{"answer":"case will follow the conventional wisdom . The 64-year-old celebrity sleuth is accused of leading a criminal enterprise that raked in more than $ 2 million by illegally spying , allegedly using wiretaps and law enforcement databases , on Hollywood 's rich and famous . He then dished the dirt to their rivals . If convicted of leading a criminal conspiracy , known as a RICO charge , he could spend up 20 years to life in prison . RICO , by the way , stands for the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act . It 's the law the Justice Department used to bring down the mob . Prosecutors have to prove that Pellicano and his co-defendants ran a corrupt enterprise that profited from information they obtained illegally . U.S. District Judge Dale Fischer granted Pellicano 's request to represent himself , but she was n't too happy about it . `` If the U.S. Supreme Court did n't require me to let defendants represent themselves , I would n't do it , '' she said . Even without a law degree , Pellicano seemed to realize that getting the jury to acquit him of the conspiracy charge was","question":"Sunny Hostin is a legal analyst on CNN 's `` American Morning . '' Hollywood private eye Anthony Pellicano represented himself at his federal trial . The jury 's still out . NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- There 's a courthouse adage : A person who represents himself has a fool for a client . When a defendant utters those tragic words , `` I 'm going to represent myself , '' judges blanch , attorneys snicker , and even the court reporters grimace . I 've been on the opposite side of those who have chosen to represent themselves . It was n't pleasant . Since 1975 , when the U.S. Supreme Court held that the Sixth Amendment `` grants to the accused personally the right to make his own defense , '' many defendants have decided to take the law literally into their own hands . The most recent self-represented `` client '' is Anthony Pellicano , the Hollywood private investigator who 's been on trial for 78 counts lodged against him and two co-defendants . Pellicano 's jury has been out for a week , so it 's not yet clear whether the outcome of his"} +{"answer":"I felt I had something to live for , someone I must not disappoint . '' Mental Floss : Jefferson vs. Adams and the birth of negative campaigning Ansel Adams was homeschooled at the age of 12 after his `` wild laughter and undisguised contempt for the inept ramblings of his teachers '' disrupted the classroom . His father took on his education from that point forward . Robert Frost hated school so much he would get physically ill at the thought of going . He was homeschooled until his high school years . Woodrow Wilson studied under his dad , one of the founders of the Southern Presbyterian Church in the United States -LRB- PCUS -RRB- . He did n't learn to read until he was about 12 . He took a few classes at a school in Augusta , Georgia , to supplement his father 's teachings , and ended up spending a year at Davidson College before transferring to Princeton . Mental Floss : 8 tuition-free colleges Mozart was educated by his dad as the Mozart family toured Europe from 1763-1766 . Laura Ingalls Wilder was homeschooled until her parents finally settled in De Smet in what","question":"-LRB- Mental Floss -RRB- -- Agatha Christie was a painfully shy girl , so her mom homeschooled her even though her two older siblings attended private school . President Woodrow Wilson did n't learn to read until age 12 . Pearl S. Buck was born in West Virginia , but her family moved to China when she was just three months old . She was homeschooled by a Confucian scholar and learned English as a second language from her mom . Alexander Graham Bell was homeschooled by his mother until he was about 10 . It was at this point that she started to go deaf and did n't feel she could properly educate him any more . Her deafness inspired Bell to study acoustics and sound later in life . If Thomas Edison were around today , he would probably be diagnosed with ADD -- he left public school after only three months because his mind would n't stop wandering . His mom homeschooled him after that , and he credited her with the success of his education : `` My mother was the making of me . She was so true , so sure of me ; and"} +{"answer":"Tamil Tiger fighters into approximately 1.5 square miles -LRB- four square kilometers -RRB- of coastal land . The United Nations estimates that more than 50,000 civilians are trapped there . CNN 's Paula Newton reports on the plight of trapped civilians '' The chunk of land , known as the no-fire zone or civilian safety area , was under siege by government forces Friday , according to Tamilnet.com , a rebel Web site . `` The entire safety zone area is in smoke ... as shelling by the Sri Lanka army was destroying all the structures within a narrow strip of coastal land , which is densely populated with tens of thousands of people , '' Tamilnet said . Humanitarian aid groups have reported mass civilian casualties in the fighting . `` The government is moving forward in extremely difficult circumstances . After all , the ... Tamil Tigers are seeded amidst the middle of all these civilians . It 's very difficult to weed out and identify who is a fighter and who is not , '' said Gordon Weiss , a U.N. spokesman . `` It makes it very very dangerous for civilians , and it explains the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sri Lanka 's quarter-century-long civil war is in its final phase , the government suggested Friday , as its troops pounded Tamil Tiger rebels in the country 's north . This picture , released by the Sri Lankan defense ministry , is said to be of a dead Tamil Tiger body captured after fighting on May 14 , 2009 . The rebels -- formally known as the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam -LRB- LTTE -RRB- -- have fought for an independent state in Sri Lanka since 1983 . As many as 70,000 people have been killed since the civil war began . President Mahinda Rajapaksa said the end of the current military push , which is often referred to as a civilian rescue mission , is less than 48 hours away . He spoke from Jordan on Friday , where he 's attending an economic summit . `` The Tamil civilians held hostage by the LTTE in small area of land in the north would be rescued , and the Tamils would be saved from the threat of LTTE terrorism , '' Rajapaksa said . In a rapid military push , Sri Lankan forces have squeezed"} +{"answer":"last week with journalists Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times and Ann Curry of NBC . `` I think somehow we should all know that these people are hanging on by the skin of their teeth , '' Clooney told King of his visit . The government of Darfur has waged a brutal counter-insurgency against militias for the past six years , a war that some international critics have characterized as genocide . An estimated 300,000 people have been killed through direct combat , disease or malnutrition , according to the United Nations . An additional 2.7 million people have been forced to flee their homes because of fighting among rebels , government forces and the allied Janjaweed militias . Clooney said of his conversations with Obama and Biden : `` Basically , we were just talking about coming back from Chad and right on the border of Darfur . And we were talking about there 's a moment coming up relatively soon -- probably by the middle of next week -- where the International Criminal Court is going to indict the president of Sudan for war crimes , which has never happened before -- a sitting president .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- One week in Darfur , the next week at the White House . That 's the role of a peace activist -- one that actor George Clooney embraces . Actor George Clooney met with Vice President Joe Biden on Monday to discuss bringing peace to Darfur . His battle to bring peace to Darfur brought him to the White House on Monday , where he met with President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden . The actor appeared on CNN 's `` Larry King Live '' later on Monday to discuss his activism . `` I actually met with the president in the Oval Office for about 15 minutes , '' Clooney told King , adding that they 'd worked together on Darfur three years ago , holding a news conference on the issue when Obama was a U.S. senator . The actor met separately with Biden on Monday . `` They 've been very involved '' in Darfur , Clooney said . `` Vice President Biden has been incredibly vocal on the issue . '' Clooney , a longtime Darfur activist and a Messenger of Peace for the United Nations , was in Darfur"} +{"answer":"'s life , leading Miley to take a soul-searching journey back home to decide what she really wants : notoriety or normality . Miley shares the screen with her father , country musician Billy Ray Cyrus , who felt that a trip home would be beneficial to his daughter . Watch Miley and Billy Ray discuss the film '' `` This is definitely an example of art imitating life imitating art . ... It 's so important to be aware of where you 're at and be focused on where you 're going but , more importantly , never forget where you came from , '' the elder Cyrus said . `` You ca n't fake going home . That was her home . '' Both on-screen and off , Miley said , she and her father share a close friendship , calling herself a `` daddy 's girl 100 percent . '' Between the endless tabloid headlines and the paparazzi 's persistence , keeping friends and family near at hand , Miley said , helps remind her of who she really is : `` I think just have good friends , good family and a good team . That","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- For Miley Cyrus , star of Disney 's popular television series `` Hannah Montana '' and its big-screen adaptation `` Hannah Montana : The Movie , '' art is not far from real life . Miley Cyrus , here in `` Hannah Montana : The Movie , '' says filming in Tennessee was relaxing . The 16-year-old actress and singer reconnected with her Southern roots for the filming of `` Hannah Montana : The Movie . '' Traveling to Tennessee to shoot the movie , Cyrus said , helped keep her grounded . `` It actually gave me time to relax , and it was when my career was just starting to take off ... when I was just starting to travel , '' Cyrus said . `` It was at a time when I needed to go back home and it could n't have been more of a perfect time . '' In the film , opening in theaters Friday , Cyrus plays Miley Stewart , a typical teenage girl who lives a double life as a famous pop star named Hannah Montana . Eventually , Hannah begins taking over Miley"} +{"answer":"operated under the 96-hour rule since December 2005 . But soldiers interviewed by CNN said it could put them in danger because it forces them to release detainees in a short time span . The rule , contained in a directive outlining International Security Assistance Force detention policies , resulted from consultations with U.S. military and Afghan commanders , said James Appathurai , spokesman for NATO . CNN 's Abbie Boudreau 's blog : At the 96th hour `` We have to balance the requirement for protecting our soldiers with the reality that Afghanistan is a sovereign country , that there must be limits on the time we can detain Afghans before handing them over to Afghan authorities , '' Appathurai said . `` The Afghan authorities can also talk with detainees to extract information . It is not as though the interrogation needs to end when we hand them over to the Afghan authorities . '' Gen. David Petraeus , the commander of U.S. Central Command , however , said he was not convinced that 96 hours was enough time -- particularly for high-value targets . `` Ninety-six hours is not enough if you are going to ensure that","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A controversial policy that limits the amount of time NATO troops can hold Afghan detainees is under review by U.S. Defense Department officials , a spokesman for the department told CNN . The review of what 's known as the `` 96-hour rule '' is under way as CNN questioned whether the policy was putting soldiers in danger . Under the rule , NATO troops have 96 hours to either turn over detainees to Afghan authorities or release them -- a rule put in effect to avoid Abu Ghraib-like offenses . `` We are currently reviewing the 96-hour rule , but have yet to make decisions about how we wish to proceed in light of some of the obvious problems associated with it , '' Geoff Morrell , deputy assistant secretary of defense , told CNN in a statement . `` As soon as we have something concrete to say about our way ahead with respect to this aspect of detainee operations , we will of course share it with the Afghan government , our allies in the fight and , of course , the public at large . '' NATO forces fighting in Afghanistan have"} +{"answer":"station , authorities said . Watch theories on who attackers might be '' \u2022 As police rushed to the scene of the attacks , gunmen attacked the Cama Hospital for women and infants . Several people were killed at the hospital , and a standoff there lasted until Thursday morning . \u2022 Two other groups attacked the Oberoi and Taj Mahal hotels , taking hostages there , police said . \u2022 Gunmen took hostages at the Chabad House , where several Jewish families live , police said . \u2022 Police said gunmen fired indiscriminately from the Chabad House . Stray bullets killed a couple in their home and a 16-year-old boy who stepped outside , police said . \u2022 The Chabad-Lubavitch International group said Rabbi Gavriel Noach Holtzberg , 29 , made a phone call to the Israeli Consulate to report gunmen in the house . `` In the middle of the conversation , the line went dead , '' the organization said . \u2022 Authorities raided the Chabad house Friday morning . Two gunmen died after the assault was launched , CNN-IBN reported . Authorities said five hostages -- including Holtzberg , who was an American , and his","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Authorities said they were searching the Taj Mahal hotel in Mumbai , India , on Saturday morning after killing several militants , and other standoffs across the city appeared to have ended by Friday . An Indian police officer takes position during an operation at the Chabad House Jewish center Friday . Officials said that at least 160 people have been killed in the violence and more than 300 injured . But even with most of the fighting quelled after more than two days of gun battles , many questions remain . The following is what is known about the attacks : \u2022 Gunmen arrived by boats at the Mumbai waterfront near the Gateway of India monument on Wednesday night , police said . The gunmen hijacked cars , including a police van , and split into at least three groups to carry out the attacks , according to police . Watch a timeline of the attacks '' \u2022 One group headed toward the Cafe Leopold , a popular hangout for Western tourists , firing indiscriminately at passers-by on the street . The group then opened fire and lobbed grenades at the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus railway"} +{"answer":"in a written statement . `` As the world now knows , his efforts and exploits helped repel an invader , liberate a people and bring the Cold War to a close . After the Soviets left , Charlie kept fighting for the Afghan people and warned against abandoning that traumatized country to its fate -- a warning we should have heeded then , and should remember today . '' `` Charlie Wilson led a life that was oversized even by Hollywood 's standards , '' said Texas Gov. Rick Perry in a statement . `` Congressman Wilson was fiercely devoted to serving his country and his fellow Texans . '' `` Charlie was a man of courage and conviction who worked hard , loved his country , and lived life to the fullest , '' said House Appropriations Committee Chairman David R. Obey , D-Wisconsin . `` We will miss him . '' Tom Hanks portrayed the flamboyant congressman in the 2007 movie `` Charlie Wilson 's War , '' based on the book by George Crile . The book and the film told the story of Wilson 's efforts to get weapons to Mujahedeen fighters after Soviets invaded","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former Democratic Rep. Charles Wilson of Texas , whose support for anti-Soviet forces in Afghanistan inspired the 2007 movie `` Charlie Wilson 's War , '' died Wednesday at age 76 . The 12-term congressman , who served the state 's second congressional district , had been in a meeting Wednesday morning with a friend when he complained of difficulty breathing , said Yana Ogletree , a spokeswoman for Memorial Medical Center in Lufkin . The two men were heading to the hospital when they passed an emergency medical services vehicle on the side of the road and stopped for help , she said . Paramedics took Wilson to the hospital emergency room , where he was pronounced dead , she said . Wilson , who had undergone a heart transplant at Methodist Hospital in Houston in September 2007 , moved back to Lufkin when he retired from Congress in 1997 after having served since 1973 , she said . `` I had the unforgettable experience of knowing Congressman Wilson when I was at CIA and he was working tirelessly on behalf of the Afghan resistance fighting the Soviets , '' said Defense Secretary Robert Gates"} +{"answer":"Festival on Saturday said there 's not yet fully developed technology that would both give people all the real-time info they want and let people who put their information on the Internet select who sees it -- or even take it back . `` It 's kind of in our best interest , being selfish , if everyone was completely open with their data , '' said Scott Raymond , founder of Austin-based Gowalla , a location-based mobile app . `` From the user 's perspective , it 's kind of the opposite -- it 's probably better to just stay selfish with your own data but consume everyone else 's . `` There 's a whole lot of work that needs to be done on this and it has n't been solved yet . '' For example , if people on Twitter all set their feed to private , the popular trending-topics feature would n't work . Recently , Twitter , on which most users make their information open to everyone , hit a major milestone -- its 10 billionth tweet . Unfortunately , that tweet was by a user whose settings are private , so the curious will","question":"Austin , Texas -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An Internet that gives people the information they want virtually as soon as it 's created is getting closer , according to Internet professionals . But before real-time Web becomes a reality , developers say they need to figure out how to protect people 's privacy while blasting out as much information as they can , as fast as they can . `` A lot of this data that people would like to make available , they would n't necessarily want to make available to everyone , '' said Jack Moffitt , chief technical officer for Collecta , a search engine that aims to give real-time results . `` I think we 'll be wrestling with privacy issues around real-time data for a long time . '' The idea behind a real-time Web is to create technology that does n't require an Internet user to actively seek out something they 're interested in . That could mean anything from getting pinged when an article about your favorite sports team is posted to an alert when you 're mentioned in someone 's blog . Moffitt and others speaking at the South By Southwest Interactive"} +{"answer":"this fall after learning budget cuts would limit his in-school printing allowance -- tracked by the school 's copy machines -- to $ 316 for the year . The cost of printing quizzes and tests for his 167 students will easily be more than $ 500 , he said . That meant Farber , whose courses prepare students for the Advanced Placement exam , would have to give fewer or shorter tests , or find money . Farber , who says 90 percent of his students got a 5 -- the top score -- on AP exams last year , said skimping was n't an option . `` It has to be a certain quality , or they wo n't be ready , '' he said . So Farber , who says he 'd never asked for money from parents in his 18 years of high school teaching , pitched the ad idea to parents at a September back-to-school night . For checks made to the math department -- $ 10 a quiz , $ 20 a test or $ 30 for a final exam -- they could insert an inspirational quote -- their own or someone else 's --","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In tests for teacher Tom Farber 's high school class , students can demonstrate their mastery of calculus and find out where to get braces or even a haircut . Calculus teacher Tom Farber is selling ad space on tests to defray printing costs . Squeezed by classroom budget cuts , the Rancho Bernardo High School teacher is selling ads on his exams to cover the costs of printing them . `` It raises money for the teachers and it 's amusing for the kids , so it seems like a win-win , '' said Luke Shaw , 18 , a student at the suburban San Diego , California , school . Parents and administrators also praise Farber , 47 , for his creative classroom funding , but he does n't want it to become the norm . `` My intention is , -LSB- selling ads -RSB- is a stopgap measure , '' said Farber . `` I do n't want to be doing this year after year . '' Instead , he says , government must do more to help educators provide what students need . Farber started letting parents and local businesses sponsor tests"} +{"answer":"U.S. Marshal Gary Mattison , who was assigned to track down Horowitz last year . Horowitz served 13 years of a 10-20 year sentence for child molestation and was released on parole in 2004 , authorities said . In June 2006 , he fled the country shortly after meeting with his parole officer , setting off the manhunt that involved the Indian police , agents from the State Department 's Diplomatic Security Service , and U.S. Marshals , U.S. Marshals told CNN . Horowitz 's 1991 conviction was on 34 counts of child molestation in Schenectady , New York . A dual citizen of the United States and Israel , Horowitz has also been convicted of `` perverted sexual practices '' in Maryland , where he was found guilty of abusing one of his patients , federal marshals said . During the 1980s , while he was living in Israel , he was the subject of a police investigation into charges he was sexually abusing his second wife 's children , according to the U.S. Marshal service . He also faced another sexual misconduct investigation while living in North Carolina , authorities say . E-mail to a friend CNN 's","question":"NEWARK , New Jersey -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The most `` far-flung and exotic fugitive investigation ever conducted by the U.S. Marshals Service '' ended early Sunday with convicted child molester Alan Horowitz in custody on U.S. soil . Alan Horowitz was convicted in 1991 on 34 counts of child molestation . Officers from the U.S. Marshals service arrested the 60-year-old at Newark Liberty International Airport after a 15-hour flight from New Delhi , India . The ordained Orthodox rabbi and former child psychologist was arrested on May 22 at a seaside resort in Mahabalipuram , India , according to parole officer Robert Georgia . An agent from the Diplomatic Security Service escorted him aboard the Continental Airlines flight , authorities said . He is being held at a correctional facility in New Jersey and will appear before an extradition judge on July 16th before being taken to New York to face a parole violation charge there . He also faces a federal charge of unlawful flight to avoid prosecution . Watch Horowitz in custody at Newark airport '' A number of Internet tipsters in India were responsible for alerting the Marshal 's service to Horowitz 's whereabouts , said"} +{"answer":"of people , such as the severing of ears , nose and lips . `` Mujahideen must be well behaved , and treat the people properly , in order to get closer to the hearts of civilian Muslims , '' the code said . Lt. Cmdr. Christine Sidenstricker , U.S. military spokeswoman in Kabul , saidit was notable that the document is intended to be `` prescriptive on how the bad guys are supposed to conduct themselves . '' Watch why Taliban have brought out new code of conduct '' `` Their day to day actions contradict everything in it , '' Sidenstricker said . `` The long and the short of it is , they do n't operate in accordance to their code of conduct . '' She said more than 60 percent of civilians killed have been killed by the Taliban , and since January , more than 450 innocent Afghans have been killed and more than 1,000 others have been injured . Watch why Taliban are proving hard to uproot '' Also , half the casualties resulting from roadside bombs were civilians . `` The booklet also says suicide attacks should always be done against high-ranking officials","question":"ISLAMABAD , Pakistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A new Taliban military `` code of conduct '' calls for restrictions on suicide attacks aimed at avoiding the killing of civilians , but U.S. and Afghan military officials dismissed the document as propaganda , calling it hypocritical . A Pakistani looks at a bus set on fire by Taliban militants in northwest Pakistan in June . The booklet , obtained by CNN in northwestern Pakistan , has emerged during a crucial moment in the fight between troops and militants in Afghanistan , where battles are raging in the country 's Helmand province and troops work to establish stability for the upcoming presidential elections . `` Suicide attacks should be at high value and important targets because a brave son of Islam should not be used for low value and useless targets , '' the code of conduct said . `` In suicide attacks the killing of innocent people and damage to their property should be minimized . '' It also says `` all mujahideen must do their best to avoid civilian deaths and injuries and damage to civilian property . '' And it says that mujahideen `` should refrain '' from disfiguring"} +{"answer":"marketing firm while still in school , `` but as his business prospered , his health , integrity and marriage suffered , '' the biography said . `` These crises prompted Fuller to re-evaluate his values and direction . His soul-searching led to reconciliation with his wife and to a renewal of his Christian commitment , '' it said . The Fullers sold all their possessions , gave money to the poor and began searching for a new direction . They found Koinonia Farm , a Christian community near Americus in rural southwest Georgia , the biography said . Along with Koinonia founder Clarence Jordan and a few others , the couple initiated several enterprises , among them a housing ministry that built modest homes on a no-interest , nonprofit basis and made them affordable to low-income families . Homeowner families were expected to use their own labor to help defray costs on their home as well as homes for other families . Money to build homes was placed into a revolving fund , enabling more to be built , according to the biography . In 1973 , the Fullers moved to Africa to test their housing model , the","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Millard Fuller , who founded Habitat for Humanity International along with his wife , has died , officials said Tuesday . He was 74 . Millard Fuller appears with President Bush at a Habitat for Humanity event in Tampa , Florida , in 2001 . Fuller died early Tuesday `` after a brief illness , '' said a statement on the Web site of the organization he currently headed , Fuller Center for Housing , in Americus , Georgia . `` Family and friends are mourning the tragic loss of a great servant leader and a genuine heart , '' the statement said . Fuller had suffered from chest congestion for three to four weeks , said Holly Chapman , spokeswoman for the Fuller Center . He died about 3 a.m. en route to a hospital , she said . With his wife , Linda , Fuller founded Habitat for Humanity International in 1976 . The Alabama native rose `` from humble beginnings '' to become a `` young , self-made millionaire , '' according to his biography on Habitat for Humanity 's Web site . He and a college friend began a"} +{"answer":"said the documents included information `` relevant to allegations of torture , '' but added that they did not contain any sensitive intelligence . Rather , the judges concluded , the material was `` politically embarrassing '' and urged the new U.S. administration to take a different approach . The judges also suggested the U.S. government had pressured London about the intelligence-sharing relationship should the documents be released . Miliband told the UK 's Channel 4 News Wednesday that intelligence co-operation between nations relied on confidentiality and that there would have been repercussions if the papers had been released . But he added : `` There has been no threat from the United States to ` break off ' intelligence cooperation . '' `` In this case , the United States made clear , in documents that have been published , that there would inevitably be serious and lasting harm if that fundamental principle was breached , '' Miliband said . `` It is American information and it is for the Americans to decide when to publish their information . '' The UK government has peviously pressed for the release of Mohamed . Last month U.S. President Barack Obama set","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The UK government has clashed with the judiciary amid claims that Washington pressured London into not releasing documents that reveal the torture of a terrorism suspect , UK media report . Binyam Mohamed has been held at Guantanamo Bay for more than four years . Ethiopian Binyam Mohamed , 30 , formerly resident in the UK , has been held at Guantanamo Bay since September 2004 . Allegations that he he was involved in a plot to release a `` dirty bomb '' in the United States have now been withdrawn . Mohamed and his supporters allege he was tortured in Pakistan , Morocco and Afghanistan between 2002 and 2004 , and that the UK security services were complicit . UK media outlets had appealed against an earlier ruling to withhold documents relating to the alleged torture . Two UK High Court judges said Wednesday , in comments reported by the UK 's Press Association , that the papers would still not be disclosed after UK foreign minister David Miliband warned their publication might affect intelligence sharing between the U.S. and UK . In their ruling , reported by PA , the judges"} +{"answer":"heroic . '' Once he was wounded , Stafford called out to his friend , Cpl. Matthew Phillips . `` I yelled to him , I was like , ` Phillips , man I need help . I 'm hit . ' ... I looked at him and I called him about four or five times . I was like , ` Phillips . Phillips . Are you all right , Phillips ? ' And he never moved . `` That 's the first one of my buddies I 've ever seen die . '' A short distance away was Cpl. Jonathan Ayers . `` He never once stopped shooting , '' Stafford said . `` I thought that was completely amazing . He never , I mean , he finally was killed by -LSB- rocket-propelled grenades -RSB- and gunfire , but he never once stopped shooting back at them . '' Lt. Jonathan Brostrom and Cpl. Jason Hovater were killed when they ran through a hail of Taliban gunfire in an attempt to carry more ammunition to their fellow soldiers , Stafford said . `` They knew our guys were in trouble , and when the Airborne 's in","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A soldier who survived a Taliban attack that killed nine U.S. troops in Afghanistan last month described a scene of `` pure chaos '' in which he watched buddies die . Army Spc. Tyler Stafford is recovering from wounds he suffered in the July 13 attack . Army Spc. Tyler Stafford and fellow soldiers in the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team were establishing an outpost near the village of Wanat when about 200 Taliban militants attacked July 13 . `` They had 200-plus guys all shooting at us -- I mean , pure chaos , '' Stafford said . `` You could hear guys screaming . '' Nine Americans were killed and 12 -- including Stafford -- were wounded in the deadliest attack on U.S. forces in Afghanistan in three years . Afghan sources said that up to 100 militants were killed in the attack . Stafford , who is recovering at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center , said he and his fellow soldiers were facing Taliban fighters on three sides when the attack began . The Americans were outmanned and outgunned . A NATO spokesman said the defense of the outpost was ``"} +{"answer":"we watched as about 25 fervent and enthusiastic Christians prayed on the the interstate 's shoulder in Dallas . They chanted loudly and vibrantly , making many people in the neighborhood wonder what was going on . They prayed that adult businesses along the corridor would `` see the light '' and perhaps close down . They prayed for safety and freedom from crime for people who lived along the interstate . They prayed that all Americans would accept Jesus into their lives . Watch believers offer prayers '' The woman who came up with the concept of `` Light the Highway '' is a Texas minister named Cindy Jacobs . She says she ca n't be sure Interstate 35 really is what is mentioned in the Bible but says she received a revelation to start this campaign after `` once again reading Isaiah , Chapter 35 . '' Jacobs also points out that perhaps there is a link between the area near this highway and tragedies that have happened in history , such as the bridge collapse on I-35 in Minneapolis last August and the assassination of JFK 44 years ago near I-35 in Dallas . That 's why","question":"DALLAS , Texas -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- If you turn to the Bible -- Isaiah Chapter 35 , Verse 8 -- you will see a passage that in part says , `` A highway shall be there , and a road , and it shall be called the Highway of Holiness . '' Churchgoers in six states have held prayer sessions along the side of Interstate 35 . Now , is it possible that this `` highway '' mentioned in Chapter 35 is actually Interstate 35 that runs through six U.S. states , from southern Texas to northern Minnesota ? Some Christians have faith that is indeed the case . It was with that interesting belief in mind that we decided to head to Texas , the southernmost state in the I-35 corridor , to do a story about a prayer campaign called `` Light the Highway . '' Churchgoers in all six states recently finished 35 days of praying alongside Interstate 35 , but the prayers are still continuing . Some of the faithful believe that in order to fulfill the prophecy of I-35 being the `` holy '' highway , it needs some intensive prayer first . So"} +{"answer":"those same freedoms at home . He was 14 at the time of the September 11 attacks and graduated in 2005 from Onalaska High School with the same sense of patriotism that drove so many young men and women to join the military . He was working at Lindy 's Subs and Salads when he decided to enlist . Soon , he was in Twentynine Palms in the Mojave Desert for training and the next year on his way to war . Olsen deployed twice with the 3rd Battalion , 4th Marine Regiment to Iraq 's Anbar province , site of some the war 's fiercest battles . Shannon said they often encountered makeshift bombs in their 2006 tour during which 15 of their fellow Marines died . Nygaard said Olsen told him about a couple of close calls , one in which he rolled over a roadside bomb that somehow failed to detonate . Olsen had always been a quiet , shy kid , Nygaard said . A computer whiz , not a jock . And not the type of young man his friends had expected to become an activist . But war touched Olsen as it does almost","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The chaotic scene unfolded with flash-bang grenades , rubber bullets and clouds of smoke . Canisters whizzed through the air amid deafening booms . Marine Lance Cpl. Scott Olsen went down . `` Medic ! Medic ! '' someone yelled . Olsen , 24 , had seen his share of war in two tours of Iraq as a Marine . He was lucky , returning home physically unscathed . But Tuesday evening , near the corner of 14th Avenue and Broadway in Oakland , California , Olsen went down . The video images went viral : streams of crimson flowing down Olsen 's head , his black T-shirt adorned with a white dove of peace , the war veteran carried to a hospital . And with that , the Occupy movement had a face . `` We are all Scott Olsen , '' declared its website . `` It 's ironic , '' said his uncle George Nygaard , that Olsen should be the poster child for this movement . Ironic , said Olsen 's Marine buddy and current roommate Keith Shannon , that a young man who fought for American freedoms should be injured exercising"} +{"answer":"for only the second time in its history . `` There 's a great tradition of the event going forward in spite of the weather , '' says Normoyle , 31 , who studied history at Cambridge . `` Last year , there was a hard frost and a very thick fog . There 's something lovely about the warmth in the clubhouse at the end of the day when it 's freezing cold outside . It really adds to the atmosphere of the whole thing . '' While the competition is always intense -- many players have scratch or single-figure handicaps -- the matches are played in a jovial spirit and the motto of the event is `` serious fun . '' The winner 's medal carries the Latin inscription `` Primus inter pares , '' which is loosely translated by the Putter fraternity as `` he was lucky to win . '' The competition takes place over four days , with a dinner held on the eve of the Sunday final , followed by a night out amid the cobbled streets of the medieval town of Rye . `` People push the boat out at both ends of","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In a little-known corner of southern England , more than 130 men are wrapping up in their winter warmers and drinking down their last whiskeys , as they prepare to do battle with their fiercest foes on the fairways . Their goal : a place in the fabled history of sporting rivalry between Oxford and Cambridge Universities . The `` President 's Putter '' event takes place every January at Rye Golf Club between alumni of the two famous academic institutions . Competitors , whose ages can range from 18 to 85 , travel from such far-off places as the U.S. , South Africa and Asia in a quest to attach their winning ball to the fabled President 's Putter -- a hickory-shafted instrument dating back to the inaugural event of 1920 . David Normoyle flew in from Far Hills , New Jersey last week to see in the New Year with friends before heading down to Rye to take part in the event , which is scheduled to start on Friday . He is just hoping the heavy snowfall forecast for the rest of the week will not cause the competition to be called off"} +{"answer":"matter less in this world if you are from Somalia ? '' The international community has failed the refugees , who have little access to basic services such as water and medicine , Oxfam said . About 8,000 Somali refugees flock into the Dadaab camp in northern Kenya every month , the aid agency said . The camp , which has facilities for about 90,000 , has 280,000 refugees who have no access to basic necessities , including clean water , Oxfam said . `` The Kenyan government has repeatedly promised to provide more land to ease the overcrowding , but has so far failed to do so , '' Van den Berg said . `` More pressure from the international community is needed to make it happen . '' Kenyan officials decried the criticism . `` It is wrong to say we are not doing anything , '' said Francis Mwaka , a federal communications official . `` The Kenya government is aware of the problem and is working on a solution . '' Several government departments that deal with refugee issues are planning to meet next week , Mwaka said . `` During this meeting , they will","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Somalis forced to flee war and drought are living in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions at home and in neighboring countries , including in Kenya and Ethiopia , an aid agency said Thursday . Somali refugees in Kenya queue to find out about a move to a displacement camp . Somalia has seen a rise in fighting between government forces and the Islamic militant group Al-Shabab , which wants to implement a stricter form of Sharia law or Islamic religious law . The clashes have left scores dead in recent months . The country in the Horn of Africa is also going through the worst drought in 10 years , international agency Oxfam said . `` Somalis flee one of the world 's most brutal conflicts and a desperate drought , only to end up in unimaginable conditions in camps that are barely fit for humans , '' said Robbert Van den Berg , a spokesman for Oxfam International in the Horn of Africa . `` Hundreds of thousands of children are affected , and the world is abandoning the next generation of Somalis when they most need our help . Why does it seem like you"} +{"answer":"complicated jigsaw with thousands of pieces . '' They were charged in April 2007 . Police said they analyzed more than 4,700 phone numbers and 90,000 calls . They discovered the three men had made a trip to London in December 2004 -- seven months before the fatal bombings -- which prosecutors claimed was a reconnaissance trip to scout potential targets . Prosecutors said that on December 16 , 2004 , the men traveled from the northern English city of Leeds to London , along with Hasib Hussain , one of the July 7 bombers . When they got to the capital , they met with Lindsay . Over the next two days , prosecutors claimed , the men visited tourist sites including the London Eye ferris wheel , the London Aquarium and the Natural History Museum , as well as underground train locations . Some of the spots , prosecutors said , were near where the July 7 bombs were eventually detonated . Police called it `` the first feasibility study '' for the London bombings -- and whether they were looking at tourist or transportation sites , the men were seeking out potential bomb targets , police said","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A jury Tuesday acquitted three men of charges that they helped the bombers who carried out the July 7 , 2005 , attacks on the London transportation system . Sadeer Saleem was accused of helping to plan the July 7 , 2005 bombings in London The four bombers died in the blasts , but Waheed Ali , Sadeer Saleem and Mohammed Shakil were accused of helping them by conducting reconnaissance and conspiring with them . Two of the men -- Ali and Shakil -- were convicted of a second charge of conspiracy to attend a place used for terrorist training . They will be sentenced Wednesday , London 's Metropolitan Police said . Tuesday 's verdicts came at the end of the men 's retrial at Kingston Crown Court in southwest London . A separate jury failed to reach a verdict in their first trial , which ended in August after three months . The bombings in 2005 killed 52 people in blasts on three subway trains and a bus . At least 900 people were wounded . Police arrested the three in March 2007 after piecing together what they called a ``"} +{"answer":"Bronx public housing projects , diagnosed with diabetes at 8 , losing her father at 9 , accolades at Princeton and Yale Law , ending up on the federal bench . Still , in over 10 years on the Second Circuit , she has not issued any important decisions or made a name for herself as a legal scholar or particularly respected jurist . In picking a case to highlight during his introduction of the nominee , President Obama had to go back to her days as a trial judge and a technical ruling that ended the 1994-95 baseball strike . Moreover , Sotomayor has a mixed reputation among lawyers who have practiced before her , some questioning her abilities as a judicial craftsman , others her erratic temperament , according to a piece by Jeffrey Rosen in The New Republic , which itself has come in for criticism . Such anecdotal criticism is to be taken with a grain of salt -- while Justice Antonin Scalia 's bench-side manner is more vinegar than honey , even his detractors recognize his brilliance -- but it does need to be investigated . So , too , do certain statements she made","question":"Editor 's note : Ilya Shapiro is a senior fellow in constitutional studies at the Cato Institute , a libertarian public policy research foundation , and editor-in-chief of the Cato Supreme Court Review . Before joining Cato , he was special assistant\/adviser to the Multi-National Force-Iraq and practiced law at Patton Boggs LLP and Cleary Gottlieb LLP . Earlier , Shapiro clerked for Judge E. Grady Jolly of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit . Ilya Shapiro says the Sotomayor appointment is a case of identity politics rather than a choice on the merits . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In picking Sonia Sotomayor , President Obama has confirmed that identity politics matter to him more than merit . While Judge Sotomayor exemplifies the American Dream , she would not have even been on the short list if she were not Hispanic . She is not one of the leading lights of the federal judiciary , and far less qualified for a seat on the Supreme Court than Judges Diane Wood and Merrick Garland or Solicitor General Elena Kagan . To be sure , Sotomayor has a compelling story : a daughter of working-class Puerto Ricans raised in"} +{"answer":"place in the predominantly Uyghur-populated Bazaar district , may have been a reaction to ethnic violence in southern China . The violence took place late last month at a toy factory in Guangdong province , where many migrants , including Uyghurs , have moved in search of work . A massive brawl reportedly broke out between workers of Uyghur and Han nationalities . Two Uyghurs reportedly died . The unrest in Urumqi had been brought under control with a massive presence of soldiers and anti-riot squads , the government said Tuesday . Curfews were in force in major districts of the capital . At least 1,434 suspects had been detained by Tuesday morning , the Xinhua news agency reported , citing government officials . `` The police have started interrogations with the suspects , '' said Li Yi , a spokesman for the Communist Party in Xinjiang . Those convicted would be dealt with severely , he said . Watch more on violence in Xinjiang '' In a rare public display of dissatisfaction , thousands of Uyghurs -- many of whom feel they are treated as second-class citizens by the majority Han Chinese -- took to the streets Sunday chanting","question":"URUMQI , China -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Several hundred people staged a new protest in Urumqi on Tuesday , demanding the release of relatives detained in connection with weekend demonstrations by ethnic Uyghur residents in China 's far western Xinjiang region . Ethnic Uyghur women grab the arm of a policeman as they protest in Urumqi on July 7 . The crowd of 200 to 300 -- mostly women and elderly -- quickly formed as local authorities were taking members of the media on a tour of a neighborhood that was heavily damaged during riots over the weekend , witnesses said . Riot police quickly moved in to defuse the standoff as the demonstrators shouted the names of family members they wanted released . The protest is the latest sign that tensions are still simmering in the Xinjiang capital , where violent demonstrations have left 156 people dead and more than 1,000 injured , according to the regional public security department . In southern China , police have detained 15 suspects in connection with an incident that may have spurred the deadly rioting in Urumqi , state-run media reported . There is speculation that Sunday 's protest , which took"} +{"answer":"CIA to develop the capacity to conduct training , surveillance and possible covert operations overseas , according to the source . The program was outsourced to contractors to `` put some distance '' between the effort and the U.S. government . Other contractors were brought in for other parts of the program , another source said , and Blackwater 's involvement ended by mid-2006 . But one thing is clear : The company that renamed itself Xe earlier this year in an effort to escape controversy surrounding a 2007 shooting in Baghdad that left 17 Iraqis dead has had a long relationship with the world 's most famous spy agency . When Erik Prince first opened his Blackwater training facility in the late '90s , his clients included special forces teams and law enforcement agencies from around the country . Prince had expressed frustration with the training facilities he visited during his time as a Navy SEAL , and a sizable inheritance allowed him the financial freedom to retire from the military and try his hand at creating a better facility . His first clients were indeed SEAL teams . But they also included teams from other government agencies ,","question":"Suzanne Simons is an executive producer at CNN as well as author of the book `` Master of War : Blackwater USA 's Erik Prince and the Business of War '' -LRB- Collins , June 2009 -RRB- . Erik Prince , founder of Blackwater , is pictured in Afghanistan in November 2007 . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The private military contractor formerly known as Blackwater has held classified contracts with the Central Intelligence Agency for nearly a decade , but an allegation that the contractor was part of a secret CIA program to kill al Qaeda operatives -- if true -- would take the relationship to a whole new level . The CIA hired the private security firm Blackwater USA in 2004 to work on a covert program aimed at targeting and potentially killing top al Qaeda leaders , a source familiar with the program told CNN . Former company executives deny knowing about the program . Current leaders of the company did not return calls to CNN . The CIA wo n't comment on classified contracts . The classified program , canceled by CIA director Leon Panetta earlier this year , was part of a broader effort inside the"} +{"answer":"on paid administrative leave . `` We have an incredible team of professionals who safely control our nation 's skies every single day . This kind of behavior does not reflect the true caliber of our workforce , '' FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt said in the statement Wednesday . Babbitt was referring to the February 16 incident involving the controller 's young son , who is heard in a recording -- posted on liveatc.net -- clearing a JetBlue flight for takeoff and later speaking to an apparent Aeromexico flight . Later , an FAA official , who asked not to be identified because of the ongoing investigation , said the controller brought his daughter into the same tower the following day , and the child was allowed to talk with pilots of two planes . A separate source said the supervisor `` should be making sure that things like this do n't happen . '' Yet another source familiar with the investigation said the two children are twins . The controller who brought the children to work later reported that he had done so , the source said . The controller and supervisor involved are veteran employees , the official","question":"New York -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- `` Unauthorized and unprofessional '' is how an internal memo describes the conduct of an air traffic controller , who allegedly allowed his two young children to speak with pilots on an air traffic control frequency , and his supervisor , who allegedly allowed it to happen . The memo , dated February 25 , was written after the facilities manager for the air traffic control tower at New York 's John F. Kennedy Airport learned about the incident , a source who has seen the memo told CNN . `` The display of professionalism in the past by the control personnel at this facility has been exemplary , '' the memo said . `` However , a lapse in judgment for what may seem a minor transgression diminishes our credibility and slights the high standards of professionalism . '' It was not immediately clear what prompted the manager to write the memo or how he found out about the incident , the source said . The incidents occurred on succeeding days last month at JFK , the Federal Aviation Administration said this week , and the controller and the supervisor have been placed"} +{"answer":"See Cuba through I-Reporters ' eyes '' The new president , who took the reins of power Sunday from his ailing brother , Fidel , 81 , has said the country must become more productive . `` The country 's priority will be to meet the basic needs of the population , both material and spiritual , based on the sustained strengthening of the national economy and its productive basis without which , I 'll say it again , development would be impossible , '' Raul Castro said in a speech Sunday . Cubans , too , are calling for reforms , though not all of them related to productivity . In a recent video that has made the rounds on the Internet , a student poses tough questions to the president of Cuba 's National Assembly , asking why Cubans can not travel freely to resorts -- a practice derided by critics as `` tourist apartheid . '' Though such a public display of discontent is rare , the video echoed sentiments often voiced in private for years , particularly since the fall of the Soviet empire in 1991 and , with it , the loss of billions of","question":"HAVANA , Cuba -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Cuban President Raul Castro is taking over leadership of a country whose government believes its citizens are not working hard enough . Raul Castro was chosen Sunday to take over Cuba 's presidency from his brother , Fidel Castro . The state-run newspaper recently ran an article headlined `` Work : Option or necessity ? '' The writer pointed out that , judging by the number of people in the streets during the day , many Cubans do n't seem to be on the job . They have few motivations to buckle down : Salaries average about $ 15 per month on the island , and Cubans get monthly food rations even if they do n't work . Watch a report on the realities in Cuba '' `` There is a strong desire to protect and to gradually increase the incomes and savings of the population , particularly of those least favored , '' said Raul Castro , 76 . The black market is so widespread that Cubans have coined a special term for breaking the law to make ends meet : `` resolver '' -- literally , `` to resolve . ''"} +{"answer":"McMahon `` Johnny did n't look as if he was dying to see me , '' McMahon , who was hosting a show on a Philadelphia TV station , told People magazine in 1980 about the pair 's first meeting . `` He was standing with his back to the door , staring at a couple of workmen putting letters on a theater marquee . I walked over and stood beside him . Finally the two guys finished , and Johnny asked , ` What have you been doing ? ' I told him . He said , ` Good to meet you , Ed , ' shook my hand , and I was out of the office . The whole meeting was about as exciting as watching a traffic light change . '' Watch McMahon discuss meeting Johnny Carson '' Though McMahon was surprised to be offered the job as Carson 's sidekick , the two soon proved to have a strong chemistry . Carson was , by nature , introverted and dry-witted ; McMahon was the boisterous and outgoing second banana , content to give Carson straight lines or laugh uproariously at his jokes -LRB- a characteristic much-parodied","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Ed McMahon , the longtime pitchman and Johnny Carson sidekick whose `` Heeeeeeerre 's Johnny ! '' became a part of the vernacular , has died . Ed McMahon had suffered several health problems in recent years . McMahon passed away peacefully shortly after midnight at the Ronald Reagan\/UCLA Medical Center , his publicist , Howard Bragman , said Tuesday McMahon , 86 , was hospitalized in February with pneumonia and other medical problems . He had suffered a number of health problems in recent years , including a neck injury caused by a 2007 fall . In 2002 , he sued various insurance companies and contractors over mold in his house and later collected a $ 7 million settlement . Though he later hosted a variety of shows -- including `` Star Search '' and `` TV 's Bloopers and Practical Jokes , '' McMahon 's biggest fame came alongside Carson on `` The Tonight Show , '' which Carson hosted from 1962 to 1992 . The two met not long after Carson began hosting the game show `` Who Do You Trust ? '' in 1957 . iReport.com : Share your memories of Ed"} +{"answer":"... `` As far as we know , she was n't anyone famous , '' Rebecca Weiss , a Swann Galleries employee , told me on the day after the auction . `` There 's no particular significance to her name . '' Then why would someone pay more than $ 4,000 for the photo ? Weiss told me that the identities of the buyers and sellers at Swann auctions are kept confidential , so she could not disclose who had consigned the photo for sale , or who had purchased it . But she said there is a pretty safe rule of thumb about the sale of autographs of renowned men and women : `` What people are buying is the mystique . They are taking home the autograph knowing that this person once actually touched this item , this person once actually left this imprint , this signature . '' She clearly knows what she is talking about ; just this weekend , it was announced that another auctioneer had sold what is purported to be perhaps the last autograph Kennedy ever signed : a copy of the Dallas Morning News that he reportedly signed for a woman","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- At an auction at a gallery in New York recently , a piece of artwork sold for a higher price than had been anticipated by the auctioneers : $ 4,080 . It was n't a very big piece of art -- just 8-by-10 inches . Technically , it was n't even art . It was a glossy black-and-white photograph . It had a slight imperfection : there were staple holes in the upper left-hand corner . Someone had written all over the front of the photograph . The person who had scrawled on it was , in fact , the subject of the photograph . He had written : `` To Patricia Keating , with very best wishes , John Kennedy '' That is what made the photo so valuable to someone : Kennedy had held it in his hands , had run his pen over it . The owners of Swann Galleries , where the signed photo was auctioned , believe that Kennedy had autographed the picture in 1956 , when he was a United States senator . The picture itself was n't worth much ; but his signature , personalized to Patricia Keating ."} +{"answer":"phone inside , was found at Rancho Bernardo Community Park , where she was known to run on the trails . Her disappearance sparked a massive search that ended a few days later with the discovery of her remains in the park . Dubois , 14 , disappeared in February 2009 while walking to school in Escondido . She was considered a missing person for more than a year , until her remains were found in March . Prosecutors revealed in court Friday that Gardner led authorities to Dubois ' body in exchange for assurances that it would not be used against him in court . In exchange for his guilty pleas , Gardner is to be sentenced to two consecutive terms of life without the possibility of parole . He also waived his right to appeals , ensuring that he will die in prison , Dumanis said at the news conference . Superior Court Judge David Danielsen accepted the plea and scheduled sentencing for June 1 . A gag order is in place until then . The surprise change of plea came during a hearing Friday , after prosecutors charged him with murder with a special circumstance of rape","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Calling capital punishment in California an `` empty promise , '' the father of murdered teen Chelsea King said he supported a deal to take death off the table for his daughter 's killer in order to bring closure to the community . `` We stand here because of a despicable evil act committed against our beautiful daughter , Chelsea , committed against our family and committed against our community , '' Brent King said in a news conference Friday . `` While our unequivocal first choice is the death penalty , we acknowledge that in California that penalty has become an empty promise . '' San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis said the family 's blessing contributed to a plea deal with registered sex offender John Gardner III in Chelsea 's death and two other cases . Gardner , 31 , pleaded guilty Friday to the murder of King , the murder of Amber Dubois , and assault with intent to commit rape of a third person . King , 17 , was last seen alive leaving Poway High School in suburban San Diego on February 25 . Her car , with her cell"} +{"answer":"want him on your team . I 'm hoping , for Tiger 's sake , that he has a full healthy season next year and we are not in this situation . That he 's back to his form and he 's ready to go . `` I would love to play as Tiger Woods ' partner in a Presidents Cup or a Ryder Cup . So I would probably have to go with exactly what Fred did . '' Woods has played in six Ryder Cups since 1997 , but his only experience of team victory came at Brookline , Massachusetts in 1999 after missing out due to injury three years ago . He had planned to take the rest of this year off , but his Presidents Cup selection persuaded him to enter the Frys.com Open starting October 6 , when he will be partnered by new caddy Joe LaCava -- who carried Couples ' bag for more than 20 years . LaCava left Couples this year when the 51-year-old decided to reduce his playing schedule , and worked with 2010 Ryder Cup player Dustin Johnson until the end of the PGA Tour 's recent FedEx Cup playoffs","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- U.S. Ryder Cup captain Davis Love III plans to emulate the decision of his Presidents Cup counterpart Fred Couples and select former world number one Tiger Woods for next year 's contest with Europe . Woods , a 14-time major winner , has struggled with form and fitness since problems in his personal life emerged two years ago . The American has slipped to 50th in golf 's world rankings , having not won a tournament since the Australian Masters in November 2009 . But the 35-year-old 's recent slump has not prevented Couples , the 1992 Masters champion , from selecting Woods as a wildcard pick for November 's Presidents Cup clash with the International team in Australia . `` Well I 've been asked that a lot , what would I do if I was in Fred 's situation , '' Love , himself a former major champion , told a press conference at Medina Golf and Country Club in Chicago , the venue for the 2012 Ryder Cup . Look out Europe : American golf is bouncing back `` You certainly want one of the best players ever in the game , you"} +{"answer":"their names , as the names appeared on the government-issued IDs they would be traveling with , when making reservations . Since then , additional airlines have begun asking for full names , TSA spokeswoman Sterling Payne said , though she declined to say how many airlines are participating for security reasons . The new change requires travelers to provide three pieces of information when making reservations : the passenger 's full name as it appears on the government-issued ID they will be using , their birth date and their gender . The airline will transmit that information to the TSA , which will compare it to a `` no-fly '' list of people prohibited from flying or a list of `` selectees '' who can fly after they pass additional physical screening . If passengers are not asked for this addition information , they should not be concerned , as it will not affect their travel , the agency said . Early efforts to create the Secure Flight program were beset by problems , including program delays and complaints of privacy breaches . Finally , in 2006 , after the TSA spent more than $ 130 million and four","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Beginning Saturday , many air travelers will be asked their birth dates and genders when making airline reservations . The new travel rules are the latest `` visible '' expansion of the Secure Flight program . It 's the latest `` publicly visible '' expansion of Secure Flight , a program that transfers responsibility for checking air passengers ' identities from the airlines to the federal government , the Transportation Security Administration said . The change keeps the agency on track to assume responsibility for ID checks on all domestic flights by early next year , according to the TSA . Currently , the airlines check passenger identifications against lists of suspected terrorists . But the 9\/11 Commission said the job was better suited for the federal government , which compiles the `` terror watch lists . '' Government control increases security , according to the TSA , while reducing the number of instances in which innocent people are mistakenly confused with possible terrorists having similar or identical names . In May , the federal government began the first public phase of `` Secure Flight '' when four small airlines began asking passengers to provide"} +{"answer":"'' The report 's authors say their findings `` force a radical reassessment of the timing , ecology and environmental setting of the fish-tetrapod transition , as well as the completeness of the body fossil record . '' As well as finding fossilized footprints , Per Ahlberg , professor of evolutionary organismal biology at Uppsala University in Sweden , and his co-authors from the Polish Geological Institute in Warsaw also report finding several tracks of different sizes and characteristics . The tracks , they say , have distinctive `` hand '' and `` foot '' prints and no evidence of a dragging body . Ahlberg said in a video on the Nature Web site : `` The trackway shows pairs of prints -- the sort of tracks a salamander would leave if it walked . In order to make tracks like the ones found you need to have front legs and back legs that are about the same size . '' Ahlberg said the disused quarry where the fossils were discovered has yielded some of the most exciting finds he has encountered in his career as a paleontologist . Although Janvier describes the lack of skeletal evidence as `` frustrating","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Scientists have found the oldest fossilized footprints made by a four-legged creature , forcing a rethink on when fish first crawled out of water and onto land . The discovery of the footprints in a former quarry in the Holy Cross Mountains in southeastern Poland are thought to be 395 million years old -- 18 million years older than the earliest tetrapod -LRB- a vertebrate with limbs rather than fins -RRB- body fossils . The report published Thursday in the science journal Nature says the footprints of the tetrapod measure up to 26 centimeters -LRB- 10 inches -RRB- wide , which scientists say is indicative of an animal around 2.5 meters -LRB- 7.5 feet -RRB- in length . The footprints are also 10 million years older than the earliest known elpistostegids -- creatures which displayed some animal characteristics but retained fins . Philippe Janvier from the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris , the reviewer of the paper , told CNN : `` It is a really stunning discovery because it 's the earliest evidence we have of tetrapods . These footprints are clear enough to attest that tetrapods were there 395 millions years ago ."} +{"answer":"`` There is a regime that is being forced on the Libyan people by air and naval bombardment . This is a joke , and its legitimacy is hanging in the air , tied up with bombs and NATO planes that will not last . '' In Bani Walid , forces loyal to the deposed Libyan leader are creating a humanitarian disaster , the NTC said . Col. Ahmed Bani told reporters Monday that Gadhafi forces are robbing food stores , leaving civilian residents to starve . He also charged that Gadhafi loyalists are shooting everyone trying to join the revolution , including men , women and children . `` They are carrying out mass killings , '' said Bani , the NTC military spokesman . `` This proves they are trying to destroy the town before it is liberated , '' he added , calling the Gadhafi forces `` criminals '' and `` killers . '' Asked by CNN why , if there is such a humanitarian disaster , NTC forces do not immediately enter the city , the colonel said the problem is `` geography . '' There are tactics the forces must follow to reduce casualties ,","question":"Tripoli , Libya -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Troops loyal to Libya 's new leaders maintained strong momentum Tuesday against pro-Moammar Gadhafi holdouts as they planned an assault on one loyalist city and moved into another without resistance . A National Transitional Council official said fighters were planning a major assault on Bani Walid , a northern town still held by Gadhafi loyalists . `` Our fighters are planning a massive attack today to bring the siege to an end , '' Abdallah Kenshil said . Meanwhile , NTC fighters moved into Sabha , a southern town long regarded as a pro-Gadhafi stronghold , and have met no resistance so far , according to a CNN team that accompanied the forces . This comes as an audio message purported to be from the deposed Libyan leader said the Gadhafi political system represented the people 's will and could not be overthrown . The message -- broadcast Tuesday on Al-Rai TV , a Syrian-based , pro-Gadhafi television station -- said Gadhafi supporters are mocking the belief that the longtime ruler and his government can be overthrown . `` This wonderful system is impossible to be overthrown , '' the speaker said ."} +{"answer":"is not from a piece of equipment -LSB- such as a metal detector -RSB- but from a kid who comes forward and reports it to an adult that he or she trusts . '' See how many homicides have occurred in schools since 1992 '' The Obama administration plans to create secure schools indirectly , by improving overall education , getting kids more involved in their studies and strengthening school communities , said William Modzeleski , a high-ranking official in the U.S. Department of Education who handles school security . The trend is reflected in security funding , some of which comes from federal grants . Allocations for the Department of Education 's Safe and Drug-Free Schools program were cut by a third between 1999 and 2008 , to about $ 294.8 million last year . And a program that has put about 6,300 police officers in public schools since Columbine was scrapped by the U.S. Department of Justice after 2005 , according to Corey Ray , a spokesman for the department . Ray said he 's hopeful President Obama 's stimulus package will put more police officers in schools . They act as law enforcement officers as well as","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In the wake of the tragic shootings at Columbine High School , some schools across the country turned themselves into near-fortresses . Kindergarden students huddle beneath desks in a lockdown drill . Such drills have become common . They installed metal detectors and security cameras , banned backpacks , required students to carry IDs and posted police in the hallways -- all in the name of keeping students safe . Now , 10 years after those highly publicized shootings in which two young men killed 13 people and themselves , school security has taken another dramatic turn . Some of the noticeable security measures remain , but experts say the country is exploring a new way to protect kids from in-school violence : administrators now want to foster school communities that essentially can protect themselves with or without the high-tech gear . `` The first and best line of defense is always a well-trained , highly alert staff and student body , '' said Kenneth Trump , president of National School Safety and Security Services , an Ohio-based firm specializing in school security . `` The No. 1 way we find out about weapons in schools"} +{"answer":"war is n't the problem . Mankind is the problem . The filmmakers have come up with an effective Spielbergian prologue , cutting from the Himalayas in 1928 to contemporary biology professor Helen Benson -LRB- Jennifer Connelly -RRB- , whisked from her home by uniformed men in response to an undisclosed national emergency . It 's strange to think that in the final hour the government will turn to molecular biologists for guidance , though true to form -LRB- as in the 1951 original -RRB- the scientists are quickly overruled by the politicians . But once Keanu-Klaatu emerges from his blubbery placenta spacesuit , the movie shifts into familiar fugitive thriller terrain and the tension slowly drains out of it . Dr. Benson helps him escape to New Jersey where he can meet with an alien undercover agent in McDonald 's , and she can introduce him to a true world leader , a Nobel laureate played by John Cleese . If you 're going to cast a top star as an alien being , Reeves seems a solid choice . He 's always been able to process human emotion with a Spock-like detachment . `` This body is going","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Call it the second coming . Jennifer Connelly and Keanu Reeves star in `` The Day the Earth Stood Still . '' Klaatu the spaceman first visited these parts in Robert Wise 's 1951 Cold War classic `` The Day the Earth Stood Still , '' when he threatened to blow us all up unless we stopped threatening to do the job for him . Klaatu was n't exactly greeted with open arms back then -- he was shot and hounded for his troubles -- and if the earth has moved on over the past half century , you would n't know it from the trigger-happy welcoming committee that surrounds his luminous snowball of a space craft in New York 's Central Park . Where sci-fi films in the 1950s used to see red -LRB- s -RRB- , today they go green . Directed by Scott Derrickson -LRB- `` The Exorcism of Emily Rose '' -RRB- and scripted by David Scarpa -LRB- `` The Last Castle '' -RRB- , `` The Day the Earth Stood Still '' 2.0 ditches the Cold War theme . Klaatu -LRB- Keanu Reeves -RRB- means to save the planet , but"} +{"answer":"said . `` Total trade between our countries is just $ 36 billion . Our trade -- America 's trade with Russia -- is only about 1 percent of all our trade with the world -- 1 percent -- a percent that 's virtually unchanged since the Cold War . '' Watch Obama 's full opening statement '' Obama later met Russian opposition leaders , speaking of the importance for the country to `` not simply tolerate dissenting voices but also to respect and recognize dissenting voices . '' Obama also spoke to civil society leaders , promising the United States will support universal values and human rights such as the rights of people to live as they choose , to have a free press and to speak their minds . On Monday Obama met with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and discussed a series of agreements -- including one on nuclear-arms reduction -- as part of an effort to strengthen ties between the one-time Cold War rivals . The two signed a deal on parameters for negotiations to replace the START agreement , with the goal of reducing nuclear weapons . START expires December 5 . Watch Obama discuss arms","question":"MOSCOW , Russia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A strong Russia is good for the United States , President Obama said in a speech in Moscow , where he is visiting in an effort to `` reset '' the countries ' relations . President Obama meets with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Tuesday before heading to the G-8 in Italy . Obama delivered a commencement speech Tuesday at a Moscow graduate school . `` America wants a strong , peaceful and prosperous Russia , '' he told a large crowd at the New Economic School . `` This belief is rooted in our respect for the Russian people , and a shared history between our nations that goes beyond competition . '' He repeated the message in a meeting later with Russian business leaders , but also said Russia has to do more to fight corruption . `` We have to promote transparency , accountability , rule of law on which investments and economic growth depend , '' he said . Watch Obama discuss thoughts on Kremlin visit '' `` We want Russia to be selling us goods and we want Russia to be buying goods from us , '' he"} +{"answer":"on these forums , '' said US-CCU 's chief technical officer , John Bumgarner . `` They were used to recruit potential actors to launch attacks , to collaborate on what types of attacks worked and what types of attacks did n't work . They were used to collaborate on how to bypass security controls and share attack codes . '' As a result , Borg said , Russian sympathizers who were not hackers , and who did n't even know much about computers , could participate . The report says the civilian cyberattackers were aided and supported by Russian organized crime . Although they found no evidence of direct involvement by the Russian government or military , the report concludes that the organizers were tipped off about the timing of Russian military operations . `` There was a lot of information being passed on , but at what level it was being passed on was hard to say , '' Borg said . The report says that `` the necessary reconnaissance and the writing of attack scripts had to have been done in advance ... and suggests that cyber attacks against Georgia had been on the Russian agenda for","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An independent research group predicts that cyberwarfare will accompany future military conflicts and is recommending international action to blunt its impact . Computers can become victims in future military conflicts , a nonprofit group says . The nonprofit U.S. Cyber Consequences Unit studied the cybertactics used against the country of Georgia during its military conflict with Russia last year . Cyberattacks in August 2008 shut down the Web sites of crucial Georgian government agencies , the media and banks . `` The Russians have developed a model here that is very effective , '' said Scott Borg , director of US-CCU . `` We can expect to see the Russians use it in the future , and other countries as well . '' Because of the sensitive nature of much of the information , the full 100-page report is being released only to U.S. government officials and selected cybersecurity professionals . CNN was provided a nine-page summary . The study concludes that the cyberattacks against Georgian targets were carried out by civilians , many of them recruited via social networking forums devoted to dating , hobbies and politics . `` There was a large-scale collaboration"} +{"answer":"recovery and longer-term reconstruction of Haiti . Once the strategy is set , a donors ' conference to secure funding would take place . Clinton told reporters traveling with her to the meeting that the donors ' conference would take place in `` the next 30 to 60 days . '' `` There 's a tremendous desire to help , but we 've got to create the mechanisms so that it can be done effectively , and we 've got to get the Haitian government 's capacity to lead put together , '' she said . Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper told the meeting 's attendees that the challenge is enormous . Interactive map : Where to find aid `` It is not an exaggeration to say that 10 years of hard work awaits the world in Haiti , '' he said , according to CNN affiliate CTV , a Canadian television network . He noted the initial outpouring of money and relief aid for Haiti , which he called generous in the face of human catastrophe . `` The difficulty we face , then , is not one of concern but rather one of coordination , '' Harper said","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and foreign ministers from more than a dozen countries met Monday to discuss how to rebuild Haiti after the devastating January 12 earthquake . Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive also attended the one-day meeting of the Friends of Haiti group of nations in Montreal , Quebec . The United Nations , International Monetary Fund , World Bank and European Union also sent representatives , according to Canada 's Foreign Ministry . In Haiti , desperate residents of Port-au-Prince , the capital , waited for two hours in lines around the heavily damaged Presidential Palace to get their first relief supplies , bags of rice or beans . U.N. troops brandishing automatic weapons kept order . Any spilled food prompted fast scavenging by those hanging around the distribution point . One woman , Via Maria Rosile , took off her shirt to collect a small pile of dropped beans . Watch images of a shattered palace `` I am very unhappy , '' Rosile said . `` So far , until now we have received nothing . '' The aim of the Montreal meeting is to develop a strategy for early"} +{"answer":"ideals '' The president added that any congressional `` accounting of what took place '' should be done `` in a bipartisan fashion outside of the typical hearing process that can sometimes break down ... entirely along party lines . '' It is important , he said , for the `` American people to feel as if this is not being dealt with to provide one side or another political advantage . '' Obama 's remarks came five days after the administration released four Bush-era memos detailing the use of terror interrogations such as waterboarding , a technique used to simulate drowning . One memo showed that CIA interrogators used waterboarding -- which Obama has called torture -- at least 266 times on two top al Qaeda suspects . Obama reiterated his belief that he did not think it is appropriate to prosecute those CIA officials and others who carried out the interrogations in question . `` This has been a difficult chapter in our history and one of -LSB- my -RSB- tougher decisions , '' he added . The techniques listed in memos `` reflected ... us losing our moral bearings . '' The president 's apparent willingness to","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Obama on Tuesday left open the possibility of criminal prosecution for Bush administration officials who drew up the legal basis for interrogation techniques that many view as torture . President Obama says any congressional investigation should be conducted in a bipartisan fashion . Obama said it will be up to Attorney General Eric Holder to decide whether or not to prosecute the former officials . `` With respect to those who formulated those legal decisions , I would say that is going to be more a decision for the attorney general within the parameter of various laws , and I do n't want to prejudge that , '' Obama said during a meeting with Jordan 's King Abdullah at the White House . `` There 's a host of very complicated issues involved there . As a general deal , I think we should be looking forward and not backward . `` I do worry about this getting so politicized that we can not function effectively , and it hampers our ability to carry out critical national security operations . '' Watch as Obama says U.S. can be protected and live up to its"} +{"answer":"Service of New South Wales said the dust storm had kept it busy with emergency calls . `` We have already seen an increase in calls to people suffering from asthma and other respiratory problems , '' the agency said in a statement . Watch a news report on the haze '' iReporter Mark Clarke told CNN he woke up earlier than usual with a stuffy nose and cough at his home in Stanmore , a suburb of Sydney . iReporter : `` It was like Mars '' He pulled the curtains back and saw a `` strange red orangish glow coming from outside . '' `` It feels and smells like a vacuum cleaner exploded , '' he said . Watch Clarke 's iReport The country 's bureau of meterology attributed the red haze to strong north-westerly winds which blew the dust overnight to Sydney and regions west of the capital . During the day , the dust blanket moved north onto the Queensland capital of Brisbane . The bureau of meterology 's senior forecaster Tony Auden told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that the haze was likely to continue moving north . `` It should make its way up","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A massive dust storm swept through parts of Australia on Wednesday , bathing the city of Sydney in a reddish haze . The Sydney Harbour Bridge is seen on Wednesday in Sydney , Australia . Susan Paget marveled at the eerie red view from the balcony of her apartment in Manly , a suburb of Sydney , and said she took the day off work to avoid the dust storm mess . `` It just feels dirty and rusty , '' Paget told CNN . `` It was totally bizarre to wake up around 5:30 a.m. and see such a red bizarre sky . '' A video Paget submitted to CNN 's iReport showed thick haze , which made it difficult to see her neighbors ' homes . Watch Paget 's updated iReport Health officials in Sydney warned residents to stay in indoors if possible , especially if they had asthma or heart and lung conditions . `` Avoid spending too much time outdoors due to the high particle levels and hazardous air quality , '' the New South Wales Department of Heath Web site said . See images of the dust storm '' The Ambulance"} +{"answer":"to return from abroad to answer charges in Philadelphia shows that she is confident of clearing her name , Ibrahim said . Paulin-Ramirez , who was indicted Friday , is being held in a federal detention center in Philadelphia . Her lawyer said she will file a motion for bail . The U.S. indictment also charges Colleen R. LaRose , a Pennsylvania suspect known as `` Jihad Jane , '' with conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists . The indictment is a superseding document to a previous indictment that charged only LaRose . According to the latest indictment , Paulin-Ramirez exchanged e-mail messages with LaRose during summer 2009 and was invited by the Pennsylvania woman to join her in Europe to attend a `` training camp . '' Paulin-Ramirez accepted the invitation and arrived in Europe with her 6-year-old son , Christian , on September 12 , 2009 , with `` the intent to live and train with jihadists , '' the indictment says . Paulin-Ramirez was arrested Friday afternoon in Philadelphia after voluntarily flying to the United States from abroad , authorities said . Her lawyer , Jeremy Ibrahim , said his client `` did what any law-abiding","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Colorado woman indicted on terror charges pleaded not guilty at her arraignment Wednesday in federal court in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania . Jamie Paulin-Ramirez , 31 , faces federal charges that she conspired to support terrorists overseas . She was mostly expressionless at the hearing and nodded her head to indicate her not guilty plea rather than saying it aloud . She was wearing a green jumpsuit . Her attorney said she is 12 weeks pregnant . The attorney , Jeremy Gonzalez Ibrahim , said he and his client decided she should not speak at the hearing because the government may have collected audio evidence . If that is the case , the defense did n't want to give prosecutors an opportunity to do voice analysis between her courtroom testimony and any possible evidence , Ibrahim said . Paulin-Ramirez , who was indicted Friday , is being held in a federal detention center in Philadelphia . She was arrested in Ireland in March , reportedly as part of an investigation into a conspiracy to commit murder . She was released without charges after that arrest . The fact that she was released in Ireland and chose"} +{"answer":"government who were very keen to have the event for the purpose of promoting China and Shanghai and also promoting the sport of tennis in China , '' he said . `` Here it was us wanting to bring the event back to the traditional market of Europe , and in particular London . '' The UK capital has a contract until 2013 , but doubts have been raised about the event 's future on the banks of the River Thames due to complaints about British laws which require players to be taxed on all endorsements during the time they are in the country . The Lawn Tennis Association , which runs Wimbledon and is also an event partner of the ATP finals , is lobbying the government for an exemption . `` If we lose events like this it will have a big impact not just on the economy but also on sponsors and television and in other areas , '' LTA chief executive Roger Draper told the UK Press Association . Can Federer make finals history in London ? Drewett said the ATP is happy for the event to stay in London , which is one of the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Brad Drewett is reluctant to divulge exact numbers , but the ATP World Tour Finals is a big deal for men 's tennis . The season-ending event , worth $ 5 million in prize money this year , is the tour 's marquee event -- an elite eight-man showpiece that attracts top sponsors and acts as a massive advert for the game . `` It 's one the of the ATP 's biggest assets , '' longtime tournament director Brad Drewett told CNN during this week 's round-robin matches . `` For it to be a commercial success is extremely important for us . '' Drewett , a 58-year-old former tennis prodigy , has been running the finals for more than a decade now . It came to London 's glitzy O2 Arena -- best known as a concert venue -- in 2009 after Drewett took it back to Shanghai for three years . Rihanna to Rafa : Tennis gets popstar makeover `` The actual financial structure is a bit different . We have a partnership here with AEG , the owners of the O2 , whereas in Shanghai we had a partnership with the municipal"} +{"answer":"chance to fulfill that dream . Her older brother , Mohammed , became a well-known activist in the family 's hometown of Homs in western Syria , often leading the demonstrations against embattled Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and treating the wounded . `` Protesters would carry Mohammed on their shoulders so he could lead the chants , '' Fares said . `` He was very loved by everyone . The protesters even had a chant they would say for him , using his nickname : ` Abu Ahmed , may Allah protect you ! ' '' Security forces pursued Mohammed Alhusni for months , raiding his family 's home several times , causing the family to flee to a nearby neighborhood on July 25 , Fares said . On July 27 , Zainab Alhusni disappeared , leaving her family devastated and her siblings panicked and anxious , the neighbor said . `` If it had been her brother it would have been different . Taking Zainab , it became a matter of family honor and family pride . Her mother was beyond depressed . She seemed to be between life and death , '' Fares said . Neighbors and family","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Zainab Alhusni was a simple seamstress in Syria , well-loved by all her neighbors and friends . Now , in a tragic turn of events , she has become a symbol of the cruelty gripping that conflict-wracked nation . Alhusni was only 18 when she stepped away from her Homs residence last month to buy groceries . Her family never again saw her alive . She was whisked away by Syrian security forces to coax the surrender of her activist brother , and ended up beheaded and dismembered , a neighbor , activists and human rights groups say . Waleed Fares , a neighbor and family friend , told CNN on Monday that Zainab 's father died when she was just a toddler , leaving her mother and three siblings to fend for themselves in a country with often-unfavorable conditions for a single mother . All four children dropped out of school at a young age so they could work as laborers to provide for their family , Fares said . Zainab dreamed of owning her own tailor shop , so she could support her impoverished family , he said . But she never had a"} +{"answer":"make their voices heard ahead of elections ? Ben Wedeman reports that at least among activists , there is a growing concern that any form of political activity , particularly demonstrations , that target the regime will be met by the kind of force used Sunday evening One Coptic man told our correspondent that the military is more than happy to allow `` millions of Muslim fundamentalists to occupy Tahrir Square every Friday , and cooperate with them in doing so , but when it comes to people who criticize -- Copts , Muslims , secular people -- the military , they use their guns . '' He says it 's also important to keep in mind that one thing that occupies the minds of many Egyptians is that since the revolution the economy has gone from bad to worse . Tourists are scarce , foreign investment is drying up . One Egyptian told him : `` If people do n't get back to work within the next five months , there could be famine and chaos . '' Why did the military react with such a heavy hand , given its experiences in the revolution ? Wedeman says it","question":"London -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Violence has returned to the streets of Cairo -- this time in fresh confrontations between army forces and pro-Coptic Christian protesters . Accounts of the casualties vary but an Egyptian health ministry spokesman told CNN that 25 people had been killed and more than 272 injured during the weekend protests that were sparked by the burning of a Coptic Christian church in southern Egypt . There has been long-standing tension between Egypt 's Coptic Christians and Muslims but CNN 's Ben Wedeman in Cairo says that since this year 's revolution that removed the former President Hosni Mubarak there have been more of these clashes . In the aftermath of the latest violence , Egypt 's Prime Minister Essam Sharaf has vowed to ban all discrimination based on religion , language , gender or ethnicity . But why has the violence erupted after a revolution which promises to deliver fresh democratic elections , who are the Coptic Christians and what will the new measures achieve ? CNN examines the background . After a revolution that brought change , do people have renewed confidence in being able to protest ? Are they seeing an opportunity to"} +{"answer":"of my condition . This is just who I am and I 'm not a victim of anything . Lapin : We have a question from our Web site that said , `` What motivated you to become a pilot , Jessica ? '' Cox : Actually , flying was my greatest fear . Eleanor Roosevelt once said , `` Identify your greatest fear and walk directly at it . '' And that 's how it has been for me as a student pilot and learning how to fly an airplane . The first time , a fighter pilot , he came up and asked me if I would like to fly , and I did n't answer right away because it was my fear . But , when -LSB- someone -RSB- offered to take me up in a Cessna for the first time , I thought about it for a while and said what great opportunity , to attempt to fly an airplane . Lapin : You use your right foot on the throttle , left foot on the yoke and up you go . Cox : Yes . Lapin : We have another question in from -LSB- a","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Even though she was born without arms , Jessica Cox never says `` ca n't . '' Jessica Cox , 25 , uses her life story to inspire young people to face challenges head-on . She was determined to become a pilot , and she did . Not only has she mastered flying with her feet , but she also earned a black belt in tae kwon do and can legally drive a car . Cox also conquered otherwise mundane challenges like putting in contacts , text messaging , and applying makeup . Instead of saying she ca n't do something , Cox prefers to say , `` I have n't figured it out yet . '' Watch more of the interview with Jessica Cox \u00c2 '' CNN 's Nicole Lapin spoke to Cox about her determination to overcome obstacles . The following is an edited transcript of the interview : Nicole Lapin : -LSB- Your dad -RSB- said to us he never shed a tear for you . Jessica Cox : He never saw me as a victim . I never had that as an excuse , that I was a victim"} +{"answer":"Making his first Test hundred at the age of 17 against England he has racked up the records in a 19-year career . In 2000 he became the first batsman to score 50 international hundreds , and is the highest scorer in One Day internationals . He joined an elite group in 2007 when he became only the third player to pass 11,000 runs in Test cricket . Nicknames in cricket are common , but only if you 're a really exceptional player do you get one that 's complementary . Tendulkar has joined that elite as the `` Little Master '' which sits nicely next to other great batsmen , Viv `` Master Blaster '' Richards and Brian `` The Prince '' Lara . But perhaps no higher praise came from Australian cricketing legend Donald Bradman who once said that Tendulkar was the only player that reminded him of himself . Like all sportsmen he 's suffered from injury , and now 35-years-old , many are wondering if his best days are behind him . Playing for India against England and Australia last summer and at the beginning of 2008 , many commentators thought that his normal aggression and","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In India he 's an icon and to the rest of the cricketing world he 's simply known as one of the greatest ever batsmen . One the game 's greats , Sachin Tendulkar is more than just a player in India , he 's an icon . Sachin Tendulkar picked up a bat at the age of 4 in Mumbai and from that day on fell in love with the game . `` The only thing that was on my mind was , ' I want to play for India one day , ' and I was pretty sure and confident that one day I will , '' he told CNN in Mumbai . In fact he made his Test debut for India at the age of 16 facing Pakistan 's fearsome bowling attack , just two years after making his first-class debut for Mumbai . Despite a baptism of fire in that first international match and getting hit on the mouth by a ball from Waquar Younis , he took his own game forward and has become known for the positivity of his play and the compact efficiency and brilliance of his shot-making ."} +{"answer":"in their neat , thoughtful lines Walking , biking or taking public transport allows visitors to take in the interesting architecture of the city . The city exhibits modern platzes , or squares , with glass buildings , impressive monuments and historic buildings galore . Share your photos and tips for Munich Enjoy the Hofgarten , a lovely yet strangely haunting garden in the middle of the city replete with ornate buildings and statues . As is the case with many landmarks and buildings in this charming city , the garden was first constructed in the 17th century , then destroyed during World War II and rebuilt much the same . Around town , you 'll notice some buildings with facades painted on to approximate a style lost in the war . Across town , pay a visit to Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit\u00e4t . The main building was designed by Friedrich von G\u00e4rtner , an important architect from the mid 19th century , and features large beautiful halls . Plus a visit to a college area always pays off in good , cheap food options . Munich has a festival for every season . October boasts the \u00fcbertraditional Oktoberfest , the summer months","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Not every travel adventure involves tracking wild animals or hanging off a mountain . Some feats of endurance come in the form of festivals , and Munich 's Oktoberfest is no exception . This annual beer-soaked event is under way now , but a visit to the charming Bavarian town of Munich is a treat year-round . Whether you 're visiting in winter or in summer , there is sure to be plenty to do . Read on for tips in each season : Take in the scenery when it 's cold CNN 's Emma Lacey-Bordeaux shares her tips for cold-weather explorations : I arrived in Munich by train . The warm bright interiors of the train car and the boisterous passengers sharply contrasted with the increasingly snowy exterior as we left northern Italy , crossed the Alps and arrived in the neat metropolis . After spending four months studying in the incredibly beautiful yet utterly perplexing city of Venice , Italy , Munich stood out first and foremost for its order . Trains take you where you need to go , they run on time and the buildings all look like they could stand forever"} +{"answer":"of derision , leaves it with some critics ' hopes that he 'll infuse the `` Tonight Show , '' his new home as of Monday , with new life . Watch how the late-night scene is changing '' And Leno ? He 'll leave behind the heavily rimshotted jokes , the Dancing Itos , the `` Jaywalking '' and `` Headlines '' bits -- all the things that drove Letterman and O'Brien fans up the wall -- with an audience of 5 million , still tops among late-night TV shows . And he 'll be moving to prime time in September . Some CNN iReporters , asked to choose between Leno and O'Brien , say it 's no contest . iReport : Whom do you prefer ? `` I feel like Jay Leno is more for men and women , '' said iReporter Melissa Fazli of Yorba Linda , California . `` Where I think Conan O'Brien , only men get . ... I do n't get his sense of humor . '' `` Jay Leno is like everybody 's cool guy to go to . You want to hang out with Jay , '' said Kyle Aevermann of","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- You 'd think someone who lasted 17 years as host of a television program in this day and age -- particularly a show as venerable as NBC 's `` Tonight Show '' -- would be receiving praise and honor . Jay Leno has rarely impressed critics , but he 's been the No. 1 late-night host for almost 15 years . Not so Jay Leno , whose final `` Tonight Show '' is Friday . `` Without fail , Leno 's show fills an hour and kills an hour , '' wrote The Associated Press ' Frazier Moore in a recent column on Leno 's `` Tonight '' legacy . `` For 17 years in late night he has vigorously played a game of lowered expectations , and met them . '' Ouch . Leno has never been the critics ' favorite . David Letterman , who watched Leno receive Johnny Carson 's `` Tonight Show '' desk but never Carson 's blessing , has long been touted as the King of Late Night 's true successor with his CBS show . Conan O'Brien , who began his run as Letterman 's NBC successor facing howls"} +{"answer":"endangered list . Conservationists believe hundreds of gray wolves straying from Yellowstone in search of prey could soon be killed by hunters and ranchers . Watch rancher say no wolf is `` sacred '' '' `` We 're not ready to pop the champagne corks and have a party , '' said Doug Honnold , the managing attorney for Earthjustice , a non-profit environmental law firm based in Oakland , California , that has threatened to sue the government . `` My biggest fear is we 're going to go backwards instead of forwards . '' It would n't be the first time . In the early 20th century , wolves were the targets of a massive government extermination campaign . `` It 's harder to find an animal more persecuted than wolves . ... We did wolf extermination with a vengeance , '' said Smith . But attitudes began to change in the 1980s . Elk and bison populations increased dramatically because there was no natural predator to keep their numbers in check . In 1995 , Smith led a team to bring wolves back to the Rocky Mountain landscape . They transplanted dozens of wolves to Yellowstone from","question":"YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK , Montana -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The gray wolf was officially removed from the Endangered Species Act 's `` threatened '' list Friday after three decades -- a decision that has stoked controversy among environmentalists and ranchers . Federal officials estimate there are 1,500 gray wolves in Yellowstone National Park . It means the wolves can be shot and killed once they step out of Yellowstone National Park as soon as the affected states establish a hunting season . However , state Fish and Wildlife officials can shoot the animals whenever they deem the wolves to be a problem . The government delisted the wolves -- which were eliminated from Yellowstone decades ago before being reintroduced in the 1990s -- because they are now thriving in the park that is dominated by bison , elk and bighorn sheep . `` They 're back here in the Northern Rockies ; they 're back here in Yellowstone , '' said Doug Smith , a biologist for the National Park Service in Yellowstone . `` That 's something to celebrate given their history of human hatred . '' But not everyone is happy about the animal being removed from the"} +{"answer":"'' and `` baby killer , '' according to video posted on the Web site of CNN affiliate KSDK . Coleman told police he left the house at 5:43 a.m. the day of the deaths and drove to a gym to work out . Watch report of Coleman 's actions after deaths '' `` Shortly thereafter , he started calling his house , realized that nobody was answering and on his way back at around 6:50 a.m. is when he made the phone call to the Columbia Police Department , said Maj. Jeff Connor , commander of the Major Case Squad of Greater St. Louis . Coleman said he was calling the house to make sure the boys were waking up for school , Connor said . Threatening messages were found on the walls inside the home , Connor said , but would not disclose the exact wording . In an article posted on the Major Case Squad 's Web site , the St. Louis Post-Dispatch newspaper reported the message said something to the effect of , `` I told you this would happen . '' A glove with red spray paint on it was found along Interstate 255 ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A southwest Illinois man accused of strangling his wife and two young sons appeared in court Wednesday and pleaded not guilty to murder charges , officials said . Christopher Coleman sits in the back of a police car after his arrest Tuesday in the slayings of his wife and two sons . Christopher Coleman , 32 , will remain jailed without bond pending a June 10 preliminary hearing , according to the Monroe County , Illinois , district court clerk 's office . He is charged with three counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of Sheri Coleman , 31 , and sons Garett , 11 , and Gavin , 9 . Their bodies were found May 5 in the bedrooms of the Coleman 's two-story home in Columbia , Illinois , a suburb of St. Louis , Missouri . The three died of strangulation by ligature -- a string , cord or wire -- police said . Coleman was arrested Tuesday at his parents ' home in Chester , Illinois . As a police patrol car carrying Coleman arrived at the Monroe County courthouse for Wednesday 's hearing , a waiting crowd shouted `` murderer"} +{"answer":"scare there \u00c2 '' `` There have been intelligence inputs about some terrorist activity , and therefore security has been tightened -LRB- at airports -RRB- , '' civil aviation spokesperson Moushmi Chakraborty told CNN . Watch heightened anxiety after the attacks \u00c2 '' Police beefed up security at all airports including in the capital New Delhi , Mumbai , Chennai and Bangalore , Chakraborty said . A spokesman for the Indian Navy , Cmdr. Nirad Sinha , also confirmed to CNN that security officials had received warnings about an airborne attack . Watch more on increase in security \u00c2 '' The Press Trust of India , a nonprofit newspaper cooperative , said that reports had suggested that terrorists could have sneaked into the country to carry out strikes on the anniversary of the Babri mosque demolition . The mosque -- one of the largest in the Uttar Pradesh state -- was destroyed on December 6 , 1992 , by Hindu nationalists who believe it was built on the site of an existing temple . On Wednesday India 's defense minister met with the chiefs of the army , air force and navy and discussed what the ministry in a news","question":"NEW DELHI , India -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Indian police swiftly handled a `` security scare '' at New Delhi 's major airport early Friday amid heightened concern in the wake of last week 's terror attack in which gunmen killed 179 people in Mumbai . An Indian soldier joins the beefed up security detail at New Delhi airport . New Delhi police spokesman Rajan Bhagat said police responded to reports of gunfire at Indira Gandhi International Airport but found no casualties or damage . Bhagat said there was `` no terror threat . '' `` And there 's no cause of panic , '' he added . Uday Banerjee , the head of India 's Central Industrial Security Force , told reporters at the airport that something sounding like gunshots was heard , but no one saw anything and no bullet casings were found . Indian authorities stepped up security at the nation 's airports on Thursday after receiving intelligence reports that terrorists might be planning an air attack . At Indira Gandhi , four armed police stood guard at each entrance , and people waiting for arriving passengers were not allowed inside . Watch what triggered the security"} +{"answer":"2,000 miles from Mansfield , the north-Central Ohio city where the girl and her mother live . `` I am very happy that my granddaughter 's coming home , '' said Mary Watson , Haylee 's grandmother . `` And I just want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart . '' Watson , 24 , and Potter , 27 , were arrested without incident and held by the San Diego County Sheriff 's Department . When asked their reaction , Elliott said , `` I believe a little shocked that we were able to find them . '' Potter and Watson were still using the same vehicle , a 1980s blue Chevrolet pickup truck they drove from Ohio , Elliott said . Watson 's hair was a bit darker and Potter also changed his appearance slightly . Authorities had feared Haylee was endangered . Potter , a sex offender , had escaped a halfway house on May 28 , the day the girl and her mother fell out of sight . Countless tips came in while they were missing but one in particular led to the breakthrough on Tuesday , Elliott said without elaborating .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A 4-year-old Ohio girl who vanished more than three weeks ago was found alive and in good condition , halfway across the country in Southern California , authorities said . Haylee Donathan was found with her mother and her mother 's boyfriend , fugitive sex offender Robbi Potter . Haylee Donathan , her mother , Candace Watson , and Robbi Potter were discovered after hiding for the past week at The Morning Star Ranch , a retreat in Valley Center , near San Diego , said Peter Elliott , United States Marshal for the Northern District of Ohio . Potter is a registered sex offender , officials said . He was being sought by the U.S. Marshal 's Service . Late Tuesday , Haylee was in the custody of a children 's protective services agency in the San Diego County area , Elliott said . She was doing well but may have chicken pox , he added . `` We understand she is healthy and happy and I believe , waiting to come back to her grandmother here , '' he said . Watch authorities announce their find '' The journey west took them more than"} +{"answer":"their interpreters on a busy Kabul street called Jalalabad Road at around 9 p.m. when a car slammed into one of their two cars . `` I immediately thought we were under attack , '' McClain said in May . The contractors got out to help their colleagues , and the vehicle that had struck the car did a U-turn and headed back at them , the men said . The contractors fired at the oncoming vehicle . `` The car was coming at us , '' Cannon said in May . `` At that point we attempted to stop and immobilize the vehicle and we engaged it in small arms fire . And the car did n't stop , it just kept going . '' The incident spotlights the issue of the role and conduct of U.S. security contractors in Afghanistan . A similar issue arose in Iraq after a September 2007 confrontation involving then-Blackwater contractors that left 17 Iraqi civilians dead . Blackwater lost its contract there after Iraq 's government refused to renew its operating license . The company then changed its name to Xe , and it continues to receive multimillion-dollar contracts in Afghanistan . In","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Two men who worked as security contractors for the company formerly known as Blackwater have been charged with murder in the killings of two Afghan men , federal prosecutors announced Thursday . Christopher Drotleff and Justin Cannon are charged with two counts of second-degree murder and one count of attempted murder each in connection with the May shootings in Kabul . The 12-count , 19-page indictment returned by a federal grand jury in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia also includes weapons charges against the two men . The indictment was returned Wednesday but unsealed Thursday . Both men were in Afghanistan working for the security company Paravant , a subsidiary of Xe , the military contracting firm formerly known as Blackwater Worldwide . FBI agents have arrested both men , the Justice Department announced . Drotleff , Cannon and two other contractors , Steven McClain and Armando Hamid , were involved in the May 5 , 2009 , shooting that left two Afghan civilians dead and another wounded . The men had been hired by Paravant to help the U.S. Army train Afghan troops . The contractors said they were driving"} +{"answer":"a public option to force change on the insurance companies , the source said . Snowe is pivotal to the debate because she may be Obama 's last possibility for getting a Republican senator to support his push for a health care overhaul . She is one of the so-called `` Gang of Six '' members of the Senate Finance Committee , three Democrats and three Republicans , involved in separate negotiations on the only bipartisan health care proposal in Congress so far . However , the slow pace of those talks and recent partisan attacks by the other two Republicans in the negotiations have dimmed hopes for a breakthrough , leaving Snowe as the only Republican senator that White House aides believe they can work with on the issue . Snowe first proposed the so-called `` trigger '' idea for a public option months ago , and has talked to Obama about it on several occasions , according to a source familiar with the discussions . The source told CNN that the White House staffers increased their phone calls to Snowe aides and their interest in her trigger idea this week . Obama and Democratic leaders seek a solution","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Obama and top aides have quietly stepped up talks with moderate Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine on a scaled-back health care bill , according to two sources familiar with the negotiations . Sen. Olympia Snowe is part of the bipartisan so-called `` Gang of Six '' negotiating on health care . The compromise plan would lack a government-run public health insurance option favored by Obama , but would leave the door open to adding that provision down the road under an idea proposed by Snowe , the sources said . One of the sources said White House officials are `` deep in conversations '' with Snowe on a much smaller health care bill than Obama originally envisioned . The modified proposal would include insurance reforms , such as preventing insurance companies from denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions , according to the source . The potential deal would give insurance companies a defined period to make such changes in order to help cover more people and drive down long-term costs . But if those changes failed to occur within the defined period , a so-called `` trigger '' would provide for creating"} +{"answer":"the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico . See where H1N1 flu cases are in the U.S. '' The U.S. death toll is expected be higher when the CDC releases its latest figures Friday , said Anne Schuchat , director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases . New England -- particularly Massachusetts -- and the New York and New Jersey areas have been hit the hardest , Schuchat said Thursday at a CDC news conference . The Phase 6 pandemic designation had been widely expected for weeks . `` Further spread is considered inevitable , '' Chan said at a news conference at WHO headquarters in Geneva , Switzerland . `` The scientific criteria for an influenza pandemic have been met . '' The announcement came after a meeting of the WHO 's Emergency Committee , which has debated since April whether the spread of a novel H1N1 flu virus was fast and widespread enough to warrant a Phase 6 designation . Phase 6 , Chan said , is meant as a signal to countries to recalibrate their strategies to minimize the harm from swine flu . In countries where the virus and the response to it","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The World Health Organization raised the swine flu alert Thursday to its highest level , saying the H1N1 virus has spread to enough countries to be considered a global pandemic . Kindergarten students , some wearing masks , attend school in a residential estate in Hong Kong on Thursday . Increasing the alert to Phase 6 does not mean that the disease is deadlier or more dangerous than before , just that it has spread to more countries , the WHO said . `` This is an important and challenging day for all of us , '' WHO Director General Margaret Chan said in a briefing with reporters . `` We are moving into the early days of the first flu pandemic of the 21st century . '' The last previous pandemic occurred in 1968 . As of Thursday , the virus had spread to 74 countries , the health agency said . There were 28,774 confirmed cases and 144 deaths . The United States had 13,217 cases and 27 deaths , the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said June 5 in its weekly update . Cases have been reported in all 50 states ,"} +{"answer":"including all the passengers , have been safely taken off the Explorer and are now being recovered by the first of the vessels to arrive on scene in response to the distress call , '' Dave Jardine-Smith , head of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency 's -LRB- MCA -RRB- search and rescue team in England said . `` The passengers and crew from the Explorer have not been in lifeboats very long , '' Jardine-Smith said . `` They should be , hopefully , in good condition . We are told that there are no injuries . '' Earlier , Mark Clark , a spokesman for the MCA told the Press Association five ships were on their way to help the sinking vessel . `` She hit something and is taking on a serious amount of water , that is all we know . '' The temperature in the area is said to be at around minus 5C , with a sea temperature at around minus 1C , forecasters told the Press Association . Stephen Davenport , senior forecaster with MeteoGroup , said : `` It would n't take long for hypothermia to set in at that kind of temperature","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- More than 150 people have abandoned a sinking cruise liner that collided with an iceberg in Antarctic waters , a Chilean navy captain told CNN . The ship sent out a distress call at around 10 p.m. ET Thursday . Passenger ship Explorer reported problems near the South Shetland Islands , south of Argentina . The area is in a sector of Antarctica claimed by the United Kingdom . Capt. Carlos Munita of the Chilean navy said they received a distress call from the Explorer , saying the vessel had hit an iceberg around 10 p.m. ET Thursday . He added a Norwegian rescue ship had arrived at the scene . Tour companies describe the Explorer as a passenger ship which runs tours between South America and Antarctica . Some 154 people are reported to be on board ship , which carries a Liberian flag , including 100 passengers . However the nationalities of those on board is not yet known . Passengers and crew have been evacuated onto lifeboats , but the captain and the first officer are reported to have stayed on board . `` The great majority of people ,"} +{"answer":"hosts , and Italy as World Cup holders . The tournament format sees the eight teams split into two groups of four for a round-robin stage , before the top two teams from each group progress to knock-out semi-finals and then the final on June 28 . In-form Spain head to the tournament as favorites , while a resurgent Brazil side and World Cup holders Italy also ca n't be discounted . Egypt could be the dark horses of the event -- but they do have a tough group with games against both Brazil and Italy . The scrap for second in Spain 's pool could well be the other interesting storyline from the competition , as South Africa , Iraq and New Zealand fight it out for a place in the final four . \u2022 See profiles of the eight teams involved in the 2009 Confederations Cup . '' While the tournament does n't carry with it the same prestige as a World Cup , it is essentially a trial run of the main event for the host nation , and for the lower-ranked countries involved it offers invaluable experience playing against the world 's best . Ricky Herbert","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- What are reigning world champions Italy , European champions Spain , and football giants Brazil doing taking on teams like New Zealand and Iraq this month ? Robinho -LRB- left -RRB- and Ronaldinho -LRB- right -RRB- celebrate Brazil winning the Confederations Cup in 2005 . It sounds like a complete mismatch , but the eight-team FIFA Confederations Cup which starts in South Africa on Sunday , will see these teams pitted against one another in what is a dress-rehearsal of sorts for next year 's World Cup . Dubbed by FIFA , world football 's governing body , the `` festival of champions '' , the tournament involves primarily the winning teams from regional competitions in each of the world 's six football federations -- Spain from Europe -LRB- UEFA -RRB- , Brazil from South America -LRB- CONMEBOL -RRB- , Iraq from Asia -LRB- AFC -RRB- , U.S. from the Americas -LRB- CONCACAF -RRB- , New Zealand from Oceania -LRB- OFC -RRB- , and Egypt from Africa -LRB- CAF -RRB- . These sides qualified for the tournament by winning their respective regional competitions , while South Africa gained automatic entry as the tournament"} +{"answer":"Dead is you had a group of highly talented musicians who were able to get a sense of the audience , '' Goldfarb said . `` When the audience was off , the band would be off . There was a lot of back-and-forth energy . '' Back in the late '70s and well into the '80s , Goldfarb traveled the West Coast in a Volkswagen van playing music for a belly-dancing troupe at Renaissance festivals . Along the way , he went to Grateful Dead concerts whenever he could . He sent a photo of his now short-haired self to show the `` then and now '' contrast . Though he lives now in Woodstock , New York , he missed the two large music festivals in his town . A businessman now , Goldfarb says he feels he 's grown up in a lot of ways . The old bus is gone , but he dreams of getting another . iReport.com : See the before-and-after contrast of this Deadhead `` I was a huge fan , I still love the music , but like I said times change . Interests change , '' he says . Readers across","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- He had a 1966 Volkswagen bus , scraggly beard and a penchant for the arts . She had blonde hair and liked the Grateful Dead . That was all they needed . Craig Rutman poses poolside with the Grateful Dead 's Bob Weir before a 1997 show in Reno , Nevada . `` I knew right away she was not like other girls , other girls , '' muses Mark Goldfarb of Woodstock , New York , quoting the Grateful Dead song , `` Scarlet Begonias . '' On a fateful day 28 years ago , Goldfarb began a shaggy odyssey of love at a Grateful Dead concert when he literally bumped into his future wife , Diane . Over the years , he has been to more than 125 Grateful Dead concerts . The band literally changed his life . Goldfarb , who now makes moccasins for a living , is excited about the Grateful Dead 's new tour . The surviving members of the band will be reuniting for 19 shows this year . He went to see them during their last organized tour five years ago . `` What was special about the"} +{"answer":"produced a lot of the music . '' Gaga and Lauper are on a mission , along with cosmetics giant MAC , to ensure women are tested for HIV and AIDS . `` This is not a gay disease , this is a disease plaguing women , '' said Gaga . `` And I just want to clarify that . Because I think that 's the very sort of pre-assumption , that women are n't getting tested and allowing negotiations to go on in the bedroom and are not putting their foot down . '' Lauper added : `` I lost a lot of friends in the eighties and nineties and it was a big heartbreak and I ca n't just stand by . '' Gaga said that she had been a fan of MAC since she was young . `` MAC is a lifestyle , it is sort of this place and Mecca near my house where I could be who I wanted to be and find myself as an individual . '' She described being a role model to girls and young women as being not a burden but a privilege . `` I 'm so blessed that","question":"London , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Lady Gaga has paid tribute to pop icon Cyndi Lauper as they join forces to raise HIV and AIDS awareness among women . Gaga and Lauper told CNN 's `` Connect The World '' women `` need to put their foot down '' in the bedroom . `` Cyndi is a lot of my inspiration , '' Gaga said , before relating how she and Lauper had met playing gay clubs in gay neighborhoods . Lauper replied : `` That 's very sweet . You know I get inspired by her . I get inspired to remember myself . '' Pop icon Gaga , who has enjoyed worldwide success thanks to songs such as `` Poker Face , '' `` Just Dance '' and `` Telephone '' is known as much for her distinctive fashion sense and extravagant performances as she is for her music . But she told CNN 's Becky Anderson that she was surprised a viewer had asked her whether she wrote her own songs . `` People are asking that question ? '' queried Gaga . `` I have written every single song I have ever sang and also"} +{"answer":"The boy 's mother , Sandy Duran , spoke to reporters Monday about her son . `` His brain is still in that stage of the 48 to 72 hours where it swells . There 's a lot of inflammation going on , so the doctors can not say what he will and wo n't be able to do , '' she said . `` The good news is that he is moving his extremities . He can move his hands . He can move his legs . He has opened his eyes . '' Duran described her son as `` noble '' and said he enjoyed skating and playing guitar . He is the youngest of three children , and her family is taking it `` hour by hour , '' she said . `` For me , it 's a miracle that he 's alive considering what has just happened to him , '' said Duran . No one in the immediate area around the victim 's house was firing a gun , the boy 's relatives and neighbors told detectives . Police believe that celebratory gunfire , possibly shot from miles away , wounded the boy .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A 12-year-old west Florida boy apparently struck by a bullet fired skyward during a New Year 's Eve celebration is improving , but remains in serious condition , authorities said Tuesday . Overnight , his condition was upgraded from critical to serious , said Larry McKinnon of the Hillsborough County Sheriff 's Office . The bullet is still lodged in the boy 's head , and doctors are working to control the swelling around his brain . Until the bullet is removed , detectives can not compare it to other bullets to help determine a possible suspect in the shooting , said McKinnon . Diego Duran , 12 , was sitting in the front yard of his Ruskin , Florida , home watching fireworks about 1 a.m. Sunday when he fell to the ground , bleeding from the nose and eyes , McKinnon said . The victim 's mother drove him to South Bay Hospital in Sun City Center , where doctors determined that a gunshot had gone through the top of the boy 's head . The child was then transported to Tampa General Hospital , where he was in critical condition Sunday afternoon ."} +{"answer":"trade . Beyond the string of slayings and shootings that have taken place over the last two years are the new modes in which the violence is carried out . `` It 's the type of murders , the more brazen public shootings , the shootings in front of the grocery store with automatic weapons , '' said superintendent Pat Fogarty of the Royal Mounted Police , who oversees a special multi-jurisdictional unit that is taking on the gangs and larger criminal organizations behind them . `` It 's common now for gangsters to carry body armor and wear it , to have bulletproof cars , '' Fogarty said . `` What that does is when one gang is shooting up another gang , their .40 - calibers are n't able to pierce the body armor of the vehicle or the body armor of the vests . So what we 've seen is an elevation in firepower , which is a scary process . '' Watch how authorities are fighting the gangs '' Some of the incidents have already become legend : the car radio repairman killed while fixing a gangster 's stereo , thugs shooting up the parking garage","question":"VANCOUVER , British Columbia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When Canadian cocaine smuggler Charles Lai was being sentenced in a Seattle federal courtroom last month , the judge sending him to prison for 13 years offered a small item of good news . A suspected gang member in Vancouver is taken out of a bar in handcuffs . At least behind bars , Judge James Robart said , drug smuggler Lai would not become another fatality in Vancouver 's gang wars . Authorities in Vancouver , just 30 miles from the border , are struggling to deal with the boom in the drug trade between the United States and Canada , along with the violence that has come with it . Cocaine from Mexico -- and many of the guns that fuel the violence -- come north via the United States . Canadian smugglers then bring south high-quality marijuana known as `` BC Bud '' and synthetic drugs like methamphetamine . A recent U.N. drug report named Canada as the `` primary '' supplier of Ecstasy to the United States . The gang killings are blamed in part over who will control which areas of this estimated $ 6 billion-a-year narcotics"} +{"answer":"soldiers . Dagler said Jackson provided information about supply routes and military strategy . `` In Jackson 's case , what he did was ... present some of the current issues that were affecting the Confederacy that you could not read about in the local press that was being passed back and forth across local lines . He actually had some feel for the issues of supply problems , '' Dagler said . Jackson and other slaves ' heroic efforts have been a forgotten legacy of the war -- lost amid the nation 's racially charged past and the heaps of information about the war 's historic battles . But historians over the last few decades have been taking an interest in the sacrifice of African-Americans during those war years . Jackson 's espionage is mentioned in a letter from a general to Secretary of War Edwin Stanton . Maj. Gen. Irvin McDowell refers to `` Jeff Davis ' coachman '' as the source of information about Confederate deployments . Watch grandson of slaves : `` They call me Little Man '' '' Dagler said slaves who served as spies were able to collect incredibly detailed information , in large","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- William Jackson was a slave in the home of Confederate president Jefferson Davis during the Civil War . It turns out he was also a spy for the Union Army , providing key secrets to the North about the Confederacy . William Jackson , a slave , listened closely to Jefferson Davis ' conversations and leaked them to the North . Jackson was Davis ' house servant and personal coachman . He learned high-level details about Confederate battle plans and movements because Davis saw him as a `` piece of furniture '' -- not a human , according to Ken Dagler , author of `` Black Dispatches , '' which explores espionage by America 's slaves . `` Because of his role as a menial servant , he simply was ignored , '' Dagler said . `` So Jefferson Davis would hold conversations with military and Confederate civilian officials in his presence . '' Dagler has written extensively on the issue for the CIA 's Center for the Study of Intelligence . Watch the stories of slaves as spies '' In late 1861 , Jackson fled across enemy lines and was immediately debriefed by Union"} +{"answer":"away from it or anything like that , but I do n't miss the role at all -- really . I just want to work . I want my daughter to say , ' I know what Daddy does , ' not ` what Daddy did . '' White -- who most recently played an inmate on Fox 's House , M.D. earlier this year -- guest stars as a scheming wealthy director on the season premiere of fellow former child star Tatyana Ali 's latest sitcom , Love That Girl ! . The actor says it 's `` cool '' sharing a screen with Ali , who he has n't filmed with since his small stint on The Fresh Prince of Bel Air many years ago . The episode , which airs Monday night at 8 p.m. on TV One , is the first of many more roles to come , predicts White . `` I just want people to know I have n't gone anywhere , '' he says . `` The passion was gone for awhile , but I 've got my mojo back . '' See the full article at PEOPLE.com . \u00a9 2011 People and","question":"-LRB- PEOPLE.com -RRB- -- Jaleel White most notably played geeky , annoying neighbor Steve Urkel on the '90s sitcom `` Family Matters '' -- but since then , the actor , who has portrayed Bruce Lee , Elvis Presley and a member of the opposite sex , does n't feel recognized for his ability to take on a variety of roles . `` I 'm very versatile , but somehow I did n't earn the tag of being called a versatile actor , '' White , 34 , tells PEOPLE . `` I 'm still chasing that one Vanity Fair tag that says , ` This guy 's a versatile actor . ' I accept it . It 's fine . But for me , it 's like what do I have to do to get that -LSB- acknowledgement -RSB- ? '' White , who says he gets `` recognized everywhere I go , '' is n't big on reminiscing about the days of playing the character who made him a household name . `` I do n't -LSB- miss playing Urkel -RSB- , '' he says . `` I really do n't . I 'm not trying to get"} +{"answer":"... People have no garden food to feed on ... We have lost more than 60 percent of our land already . '' The problem is that on the Carteret Islands , a horseshoe shaped scatter of small islands around a central lagoon , nowhere is more than 1.2 meters above sea level . If anywhere was the canary in the mine forewarning us of the disaster predicted in low lying areas of the world if runaway climate change takes hold , it 's right here . Rakova says there is a growing dependency culture on the island as people rely on international aid for food , which is destroying the social and cultural fabric of the Carterets . `` This is a state of emergency , '' she says . `` Why are the rich nations ignoring the fate of the Carterets Islanders ? Are the rich nations waiting for the islanders to float before they can act and put money where their mouths are in terms of human rights ? '' It 's a cruel irony that the people with some of the lowest carbon footprints are already paying the price for the emissions of far richer countries","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- There is one holiday destination that should shake the faith of even the most vehement climate change skeptic : the Carteret Islands , part of Papua New Guinea , located northeast of Bougainville . The Carteret Islands are just one of a number of places already feeling the effects of climate change . The palm trees sway gently under a balmy sun , the beaches are perfect , and stretched out as far as the eye can see is the wide blue of the Pacific Ocean . The only problem with this idyllic scene is that the water is getting closer ; slowly but surely , as global warming bites and sea levels rise , the islands are being swallowed up , leaving the few hundred inhabitants pondering an uncertain future . `` King tides and sea surges are floodling the island to a knee high and it is difficult for the salt water to dry up , '' says Ursula Rakova , a Carteret islander and campaigner . `` Fruit trees and nut trees have lost their leaves and only skeleton branches are left standing . The only greenery is from coconut and sago palms"} +{"answer":"Twitter and YouTube . Other members of Congress have also jumped aboard the Online Express . These days , even John McCain is all-a-twitter over new social media . See the latest episode of `` Freshman Year '' Granted , my `` tweets '' will not replace town hall meetings or direct mail , but social media is an important outreach supplement . People like feeling connected to their elected officials . Residents of my district want their voices to be heard and want to be a part of the political process . It has been very important to me that my constituents do n't have to wade through layers of bureaucracy to reach me . My Facebook page , for example , hosts hundreds of interactions each week from `` supporters . '' I post frequently and engage in the comments . I never outsource this type of communication to staff . It 's done entirely by me . That kind of attention builds trust with people . They know what I really think , and they develop a connection with me -- even if we disagree . Twitter has become a particularly useful tool for me . I","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- At the House Republican strategy session in January , I stood before the Republican Conference and said , `` I am your worst nightmare . '' It was a figure of speech , of course , but my point was that our campaign helped change the political equation for winning elections . No longer is it enough to have big-name identification and big money to win . We demonstrated that principles and policy matter , and if you combine that with hard work and dynamic new media , young upstarts can beat incumbents in a big way . -LRB- I beat a 12-year incumbent in my own party , winning by 20 points . -RRB- In order to survive in the current political climate , it 's paramount to be on the cutting edge of technical trends . As a young freshman , it is challenging to distinguish myself among 434 other members . If I want to be relevant and productive , I have to work hard to get my message across . Using social media is a great way to do just that . I stay in contact with people through Facebook ,"} +{"answer":"-LRB- Spoiler alert : The moments I 'm about to relate describe the plot of `` Modern Warfare 2 '' -- not where the game finally goes , but the early incidents that establish the conflict and tension of the game . Some readers may consider these to be spoilers . -RRB- Russia is where the already-controversial `` No Russian '' scene goes down . As Army Ranger Pvt. Allen , players go undercover with Vladimir Makarov -- an underling of the villain from `` Call of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare . '' Along with Makarov and other terrorists , the player finds themselves in the midst of a terrible situation . The fully armed Makarov and crew waltz into a Russian airport and open fire on civilians standing in a security line . As Allen , the player can take part in the bloodshed or simply walk alongside the cold-blooded killers as they execute hundreds of innocents . Either way , the scene is powerful . It 's also the oldest trick in the book : The quickest way to turn audiences against your villain is to show them doing dirty deeds , and Makarov 's murderous spree","question":"-LRB- Wired -RRB- -- The early hours of `` Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 2 '' take gamers around the world and back again , but the new game 's story hits close to home . Military scenarios , violent police actions and straight-from-the-big-screen massive firefights take place in such far-flung locales as Afghanistan , Kazakhstan and Brazil . But things do n't really get interesting until the action moves to Russia and the player is embedded in a squad of terrorists . And then , inevitably , the fight comes to U.S. shores . `` Modern Warfare 2 , '' a first-person shooter released Tuesday for the Xbox 360 , PlayStation 3 and PC , is a greatly immersive experience that embeds players in the battlefield . Limited edition of Xbox 360 There 's no place in the world where a skirmish ca n't go down , from airport security lines to the neighborhood burger joint to your own backyard . It 's an unsettling notion and one sure to inspire plenty of parental hand-wringing , particularly for those who buy their kids the live-the-action box set that includes a pair of night-vision goggles . Night-vision goggles experience"} +{"answer":"advantage for me , '' she told the tournament 's official Web site . `` I think I get a lot of balls back . I think off the ground she 's very strong and consistent , but I think I 'm probably a little stronger than her , so that helps me to control the point . `` I think she does everything well , but there 's a few things , obviously the strength that helps me . '' The 20-year-old Azarenka has now lost five of her eight WTA Tour finals . `` It 's not about power . It 's more about precision that she was making it on the lines close to the lines , '' Azarenka said . `` Venus came off with some big shots , and , you know , I think overall the game was really good . `` Very high quality of tennis from both of us . Just , you know , a little bit of bad luck on a few balls . But I 'm proud of what I did today . '' Meanwhile , top seed Maria Sharapova claimed her 21st career title and her first of","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Venus Williams claimed the 42nd title of her glittering career as she successfully defended her Dubai Tennis Championship crown on Saturday . The American defeated fourth seed Victoria Azarenka of Belarus 6-3 7-5 in the final , having also won their only previous encounter at the 2008 Beijing Olympics . The victory lifted Williams into 11th place on the all-time list , moving her one title ahead of the recently-returned Justine Henin to make her the most successful player currently active on the WTA Tour . The former world No. 1 , seeded third in the absence of her top-ranked younger sister Serena and No. 2 Dinara Safina , won the opening set in controversial circumstances with the only break after using the Hawkeye system to challenge a line call on Azarenka 's second serve at 3-2 . The 29-year-old Williams romped to a 2-0 lead in the second set , but Australian Open quarterfinalist Azarenka leveled at 3-3 and games went with serve until 5-5 . Williams broke then with a forehand passing shot , highlighting the extra power she said had given her an edge . `` Obviously , my serve is a big"} +{"answer":"By chronic disease , doctors mean `` the way we think of diabetes or heart disease as chronic diseases , where people could live in peaceful coexistence with cancer , as opposed to the cancer continuing to advance , '' said Brawley , who also is CNNhealth.com 's conditions expert . Dr. Tony Reid , an oncologist and director of clinical trials at the Moores Cancer Center at the University of California , San Diego , shares this view . He sees the long-term management of certain cancers as chronic illness as a `` primary intermediate step '' as researchers work towards cures . Prevention efforts , including discouraging smoking , obesity , and environmental hazards , are also important components of the cure , Dr. Andreas Ullrich , medical officer in cancer control at the World Health Organization in Geneva , Switzerland . How long it will actually take to cure cancer is anyone 's guess , but Obama 's initiative is encouraging , he said . `` We need this hope , '' Ullrich said . `` We need to invest in our efforts in research , in basic research , and also in social science to understand","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Obama 's pledge to conquer cancer `` in our time '' is a great goal , but one of America 's top cancer experts is n't sure he 'd use the word `` cure . '' Despite chemotherapy , some breast cancers recur , like a `` smoldering fire that flares up , '' Dr. Otis Brawley said . `` The idea of -LSB- calling for -RSB- a cure does scare me a little bit because , I do n't think that 's realistic in some cancers , '' says Dr. Otis Brawley , chief medical officer for the American Cancer Society . `` But I like the general overall idea , and I 'm thrilled about the focus on health . '' Obama 's first proposed budget includes $ 6 billion for cancer research by the National Institutes of Health . That 's on top of the additional $ 10 billion provided by the stimulus package for 2009 and 2010 . But some cancer specialists say that rather than finding a cure , a more realistic scenario is that certain cancers that are fatal today will move into the realm of chronic illnesses ."} +{"answer":"for the GOP nomination in 2012 - while all professedly pro-life - in reality neither care very much nor think very much about the abortion issue . But now look at the world from the politicians ' point of view . They must hold together a coalition that is sliced apart by the abortion issue . Pro-choice Republicans do not hold forums . But they exist , and they have power . With the result that while you ca n't get nominated for president by the GOP if you are pro-choice -LRB- see Giuliani , Rudy -RRB- , you also ca n't get nominated if you oppose abortion too much -LRB- see Huckabee , Mike -RRB- . For the politicians , it 's all baffling and vexing . And yet -- incredible as it sounds now -- there is reason to expect that the abortion issue may someday just vanish from national politics . After all , that 's what happened to the last great moral issue to rattle the American party system : alcohol prohibition . For 70 years from the end of the Civil War to the Great Depression , a human lifetime , the `` drys ''","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- What 's the most emotional and divisive issue in American politics ? Abortion , right ? Just this weekend , former Republican front-runner Rick Perry used the abortion issue to slam current Republican front-runner Herman Cain at the Iowa Faith and Freedom forum . Perry said : `` It is a liberal canard to say I am personally pro-life , but government should stay out of that decision . If that is your view , you are not pro-life , you are pro having-your-cake-and-eating-it-too . '' Over the previous week , Herman Cain had alarmed anti-abortion voters with a series of verbal miscues , indicating both that abortion must be stopped but also that the decision should be left to the individual woman , with no role for government . At the Faith and Freedom forum , Cain over-corrected for his week of stumbles : `` No abortions . No exceptions . '' That new position goes far beyond the usual pro-life policy , which allows exceptions for rape , child abuse , and to save the life of the mother . Pro-life activists must unhappily confront the probability that many of the leading candidates"} +{"answer":"was living with Herold , there is no evidence that they ever reached out to her to detail why the primate posed a threat to her and others in the community . Furthermore , Herold had never had any problems with Travis in the past . Although Travis had escaped once before in 2003 and `` wreaked havoc '' on the streets of Stamford for a couple of hours , the chimp had never exhibited any violent behavior , especially towards Nash , with whom he had interacted with regularly . Nash , Cohen stated , had specifically been called that day because Herold thought she could help in controlling the escaped chimpanzee . In the state of Connecticut , criminal prosecution would have to determine that Herold acted recklessly , disregarding the risk that Travis would attack and cause serious injuries to another person . Because of the chimp 's familiarity with Nash , his previously placid behavior and the lack of contact by the Department of Environmental Protection , Cohen determined that Herold would not be held criminally responsible for the attack . `` This does not in any way minimize the horror that we all feel with","question":"New York -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Criminal charges will not be filed against the owner of a chimpanzee that mauled and blinded a Connecticut woman earlier this year , according to Connecticut State 's Attorney David Cohen . At a news conference Monday , Cohen explained that criminal prosecution against Sandra Herold , 77 , was not warranted because she was not aware of the risk her pet posed . On February 16 , Herold had called her friend Charla Nash , 55 , for help in getting her pet chimpanzee Travis back inside her house after he used a key to escape . When Nash arrived at the Stamford home of her friend , the chimp , who had been featured in TV commercials for Coca-Cola and Old Navy , jumped on her and began biting and mauling her , causing serious injuries to her face , neck and hands . Police shot Travis to halt the attack and he later died of gunshot wounds . Cohen explained that the dangers of keeping a pet chimpanzee were never fully explained to Herold by the Connecticut State Department of Environmental Protection . While the agency was aware that the chimpanzee"} +{"answer":"family members . It was never our intent to cause grief to victims of crime or their families . '' In a statement issued last month , the LAPD had billed the exhibit as `` a glimpse into some of the most notable homicides and critical incidents that occurred in Los Angeles over the past 100 years . '' `` It 's about the history of Los Angeles , as told through the eyes of homicide investigators of the Los Angeles Police Department , '' Beck said Tuesday on CNN 's `` Larry King Live . '' `` This is an opportunity for homicide investigators from all over the country to get together , to share ideas , to share best practices and to talk about some of the most famous cases in Los Angeles history , as well as their current cases . '' But in an opinion piece in Wednesday 's Los Angeles Times newspaper , Maxwell Taylor Kennedy , son of the late senator , called the display of his father 's clothing `` a cheap bid for attention . '' `` The chief of police and the district attorney took my father 's blood-soaked clothing and","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- After scathing criticism from the son of slain Sen. Robert F. Kennedy , police in Los Angeles , California , have apologized for including the clothes the senator was wearing when killed in an exhibit of high-profile homicide cases . The clothing -- a shirt , tie and jacket , with what appears to be bloodstains on the shirt -- was removed from the exhibit , `` Behind-The-Scenes : The LAPD Homicide Experience , '' at the Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas , Nevada . In addition , Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley and Police Chief Charlie Beck , in an open letter Thursday , apologized to any other victims ' family members who might have been offended by the other items in the exhibit , running Tuesday through Thursday at the California Homicide Investigators Association 's 2010 conference . `` Based on the feedback we have received , it is now clear that a few of the items on display have offended some crime victims ' families , '' the letter said . `` We have both been to hundreds of murder scenes in our law enforcement career and we have consoled many"} +{"answer":"McDonald and Michael Elston , the chief of staff to Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty , engaged in misconduct , an administrative violation . The third member of the screening committee , career lawyer Dan Fridman , was cleared of any involvement in the politicization of the process . Elston was interviewed by the investigators , who asked him about the role of former Justice Department official Monica Goodling in politicizing the selection process . Elston told investigators he could not recall Goodling telling him to select lawyers who appeared to share Attorney General Alberto Gonzales ' philosophy . Goodling testified before a House panel last year that she had told Elston he should identify such candidates . Goodling directed Elston to lead the selection committee in 2006 . She and Elston have both left the Justice Department . She refused to be interviewed for the inspector general 's report . As a result of the controversy , the hiring process was changed in 2007 to insulate hiring decisions from political considerations . Both Justice Department policy and federal law prohibit discrimination in hiring for career positions on the basis of political affiliations . The report did not find clear","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Justice Department officials blocked liberals and people with Democratic Party ties from a highly selective program that funneled young lawyers into government jobs , according to an internal investigation released Tuesday . A bias against liberals existed in a Justice program meant to hire young lawyers , an investigation found . Esther Slater McDonald , a political appointee at the Justice Department , `` wrote disparaging statements about the candidates ' liberal and Democratic Party affiliations on the applications she reviewed and ... she voted to deselect candidates on that basis , '' said the report by Inspector General Glenn Fine . McDonald , who has left the department , refused to be interviewed for the investigation . The report , the first official investigation to document politicization of the Justice Department during the Bush administration , is an offshoot of the larger investigation of Justice Department politics triggered by the furor over the firing of nine U.S. attorneys . It found two of three members of a screening committee considered political views and experience when choosing new lawyers for the Justice Department Honors Program and Summer Law Intern Program . The report found that"} +{"answer":"owed as part of the same agreement . '' Asked by CNN for comment , Leibovitz 's attorney , Steven Brawer , said , `` I do n't have anything I can tell you . '' They have until October 1 to respond to the lawsuit . In the question-and-answer sheet , Art Capital says Leibovitz `` acknowledged that in order to repay the loan she would sell her fine art , intellectual property and real estate assets . She authorized Art Capital to act as agent in the sale of those assets through which Art Capital could recoup its decrease in interest rate . She would have realized a significant gain from that sale . '' It says the loan agreement gave Art Capital `` the right to sell the collateral before the loan came due on September 8 and for a two-year period thereafter . '' One of Leibovitz 's best known photos is of John Lennon with his wife , Yoko Ono , shortly before the Beatles star was assassinated in 1980 . She is no stranger to controversy . In 1991 , Leibovitz photographed a nude and extremely pregnant Demi Moore for the cover of Vanity","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz could lose the right to her entire portfolio of world-famous photographs if she does n't meet a Tuesday deadline to pay back a $ 24 million loan she is alleged to owe . Annie Leibovitz appears before her photo of Demi Moore during an exhibition of her work in June in Madrid , Spain . Leibovitz , who has photographed everyone from the Rolling Stones to Queen Elizabeth II , put her art , intellectual property and even real estate assets up for collateral last year when she consolidated her massive debts . Art Capital Group , which restructured the debts , says Leibovitz agreed `` to make Art Capital her ` irrevocable exclusive agent ' '' of the assets `` in exchange for a reduced interest rate on the loan . '' Now the company is suing Leibovitz for breach of contract , saying she has `` refused to cooperate in the sale of those assets , '' according to a question-and-answer sheet on the lawsuit issued by Art Capital . It also says she has `` refused to pay to Art Capital hundreds of thousands of dollars she"} +{"answer":"a miracle ' '' `` She is a very regal lady , very nice , so I would be nice too , and just get up there and give it a bit of wellie -LRB- try -RRB- , '' Boyle told the show 's Web site . Boyle said she was trying to take her new found fame in her stride . `` It 's a challenge . Life is a challenge sometimes but this is different . And I like to test myself . `` If it all gets too much and they lock me up , I want a great big strait-jacket with spots on it . A pink one ... and a big zip on the back so I can escape . '' A clip of Boyle 's performance had more than 11 million views on YouTube by Thursday , and the world 's media have beaten a path to her door in Blackburn , West Lothian , Scotland . Watch Boyle 's singing wow the world '' Cowell is reportedly already trying to piece together a record deal for Boyle , an unemployed charity worker , who lives with her cat , Pebbles . For fans","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Television and YouTube singing sensation Susan Boyle has promised to be on her best behavior if she wins the right to sing for the queen . Susan Boyle sings `` I Dreamed a Dream '' -- and becomes a worldwide sensation . The 47-year-old Boyle , who says she has never been kissed , was catapulted into the spotlight after her rendition of `` I Dreamed a Dream '' from the musical `` Les Miserables , '' on the television show `` Britain 's Got Talent '' at the weekend . The winner of the show gets to sing for the queen at the Royal Variety Show . Boyle has a long way to go though -- having just won through to the second round after judge Simon Cowell described her first performance as `` extraordinary . '' Still , she was already thinking of how she would behave . `` Whatever comes my way , I am ready . It would be lovely to sing for the queen . There would be less of the carry on from me , and more of the singing . Watch Boyle tell CNN ` it must have been"} +{"answer":"the winners tell their stories '' Rivers ' essay was among them . `` I did n't even wait ; I just continued out that door to the community center , sat at a computer and let all my emotions come out , '' he said . Rivers described riding the city bus with his 14-year-old daughter to make sure she arrived safely at school and how he recently celebrated the small victory of getting his 17-year-old autistic son , who ca n't tolerate crowds , to stand calmly for a few moments outside the bus stop . He does n't live near a grocery store so he has to bring home the food he can carry on the bus . Rivers was laid off from his job as a court clerk in the summer of 2008 , and making job interviews on time is n't easy when the bus is often late . But on Sunday afternoon , Rivers was giddy , slightly bouncing as he spoke . He stood shoulder to shoulder among the 20 winners and their friends and families waiting to see their cars . `` I do n't care what it is , '' Rivers","question":"MORROW , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Jobless for nearly a year , Michael Rivers was about to walk out of his house a few weeks ago to catch the bus for another daylong employment hunt when a radio announcement stopped him . With Ludacris at her side , single mom Joya Montgomery , 26 , proudly displays keys to her car Sunday . `` This is Ludacris , and I 'm giving away 20 free cars . ... '' The famous rapper was pulling an Oprah in his hometown of Atlanta , Georgia . The rapper announced that if listeners were able to pay the taxes , registration , tags and insurance , they should go to his nonprofit Ludacris Foundation Web site and write 300 words about why they deserved new wheels . `` And make it good , '' Luda warned . Watch Ludacris talk about his `` stimulus '' plan '' Four thousand people took him up on his challenge , and in a few days , more than 2,000 essays poured into the Nissan South dealership in Morrow , Georgia , that had teamed with the rapper on the used-car giveaway . See and hear"} +{"answer":"and withdrawn dark-eyed boy we first met in Baghdad more than a year ago . It has been almost two years since masked men in Baghdad doused Youssif , then just 4 years old , in gasoline and set him on fire . His mother still does n't sleep at night . `` I still blame myself . I should have protected him . Sometimes I say to myself that I wish it had happened to me , just not to him . '' Zaineb says , her voice starting to quiver . `` If only I had n't let him go out to play that day . '' Today Youssif plays freely , without fear . `` Let 's race '' he shouts to his friend Brandon as the two boys dash across the schoolyard . A couple of minutes later the two are playfully jostling over a rubber ball . Youssif shrieks and bursts into laughter as the two play catch . `` It 's like this weight has been lifted off of me , off of him , '' his father , Wissam , says . `` It 's like we 've left this dark , depressing","question":"Editor 's note : Since 2007 , CNN and CNN.com have followed the story of Youssif , an Iraqi boy disfigured when he was burned by attackers . Today , CNN 's Arwa Damon catches up with the boy and his family , now living in California where Youssif is undergoing treatment . Today Youssif goes to school in California and continues to have treatment to help his scars . LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Youssif stands on stage beaming as he belts out `` Jingle Bell Rock , '' his tiny burned hands waving in sync with his classmates at Hamlin Street School . His mother , Zaineb , stands at the back , cradling his little sister , Aya , tears rolling down her face . `` I am so proud of him , '' she says . `` It reminds me of what he was like in Iraq when he used to sing in kindergarten . I felt for a moment that none of this had happened . My son was back , without fear , strong . '' Youssif spots us , and waves wildly . Little appears to remain of the sullen"} +{"answer":"Program , according to WPBF-TV in West Palm Beach . So far 200 people have landed jobs through the program , an initiative of the Workforce Alliance of Palm Beach County , WPBF reported . The organization is using $ 3 million of stimulus money to fund the positions the young adults find , the station said . iReport.com : Share your job hunt story The group also prepares the job seekers for interviews and provides seminars in how to deal with work-life situations . `` I got fired like five times . It was bad , '' John Hill told WPBF . He chose a seminar on working better with a supervisor . `` Because I usually do n't , '' he told the station . Read the full report on WPBF The state of Arkansas is using federal money to fund jobs for at-risk students in Springdale , according to KHBS-TV in Fort Smith , Arkansas . The town 's youth center hired five teens to work in clerical and maintenance positions , KHBS reported . David Cook told the station he has had trouble motivating himself to go to school . The summer job was helping him","question":"Editor 's note : CNN affiliates report on where job seekers are finding work across the country and how those looking for employment are coping with the situation . Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon , shown in April , once worked in a city jobs program as a youth . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Some of the stimulus money from the U.S. government is going to programs that help young adults find jobs . In Baltimore , Maryland , the city wants to put more than 7,000 to work , mostly in local government jobs . It will use more than $ 6 million from the federal government and sponsorship money , according to WBAL-TV in Baltimore . Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon recalled her days as a young worker . `` I worked at a camp , and then in high school , I was able to continue to work in the program , '' she said . Read the full report on WBAL In Palm Beach Gardens , Florida , Kahtoya Wesley , 20 , has had difficulty finding a job , but she has a better chance of finding work now because she has joined the Summer Youth Employment"} +{"answer":"been . Police said that the woman 's body had already fallen to the floor by the time the friend turned back to the screen . Scott Hain then went upstairs to a bedroom , where he shot himself in the head with a 12-gauge shotgun , police said . Meleanie Hain was shot several times with a 9 mm handgun , police said . Her fully loaded 9 mm handgun was found in her backpack hanging on the back of the front door . The couple 's three children were home at the time of the killings , police Capt. Daniel Wright said . They were unharmed and took refuge at a neighbor 's house before police arrived , he said . Investigators have confiscated the webcam and computer , but can not review what the friend says he saw because the online conversation was not recorded . The death of the couple came four months after Meleanie Hain told her attorney she was separating from her husband , her attorney , Matthew B. Weisberg , told CNN Thursday . However , police said the couple still appeared to be living together . Meleanie Hain drew media attention on","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Pennsylvania soccer mom was chatting with a friend via webcam when she was shot to death by her husband , who then went upstairs and shot himself , police said Friday . Pistol-packing soccer mom Meleanie Hain was shot dead while chatting with a friend on a webcam , police said . Meleanie Hain , 31 , made national headlines last year as the mother who carried a loaded , holstered handgun to her 5-year-old daughter 's soccer game . She was found dead in her Lebanon , Pennsylvania , home along with her husband , Scott Hain , 33 , on Wednesday evening , Lebanon police said . Hain was in her kitchen talking with a friend via webcam just before her death , police said . Watch why Hain caused controversy '' The friend , who police will not name , was looking away from the computer screen when he heard a shot and a scream , police said . He turned back to the monitor , he told police , and no longer saw Meleanie Hain but instead saw Scott Hain firing several rounds from a handgun toward where his wife had"} +{"answer":"ex-wife Debbie Rowe and an unidentified woman who reportedly served as a surrogate -- Jackson 's three children lived and traveled the world with him , their faces often covered by veils and masks when appearing in public . In its execution , the speech appeared to be a surprise to those onstage and off . `` It was a surprise they were there . All of us who know them were delighted they were strong enough to come and feel this love and great outpouring for their dad , '' Kenny Ortega , the choreographer -LRB- `` Dirty Dancing '' -RRB- who was directing Jackson 's `` This Is It '' comeback concerts in London , England , told CNN 's Campbell Brown . `` We would 've never expected that they had the strength . It was beautiful . '' Watch Ortega express his surprise at Paris Jackson 's tribute '' Ortega , a longtime Jackson colleague who helped design the singer 's 1990s tours , said planners left the end of the show open for family members to speak if they wished to , but he was surprised when the Jackson clan -- among them , his","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Michael Jackson 's daughter touched the hearts of millions when she bid a tearful farewell to her father at his memorial service in a rare public appearance . Paris Jackson , 11 , is consoled by her uncle Marlon Jackson after delivering a tearful tribute to her father . With her brief speech , 11-year-old Paris Jackson also shocked the event 's organizers , who said her appearance was not a planned part of Tuesday 's star-studded tribute to the `` King of Pop '' at Los Angeles ' Staples Center . `` Ever since I was born , daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine , '' she said , fighting back tears as relatives consoled her . `` And I just want to say that I love him so much , '' she said as she burst into tears and sought refuge in the embrace of family members . Watch her emotional goodbye '' For many watching , Paris ' appearance marked a rare glimpse of a child who has spent most of her life shielded from the public . Born to two mothers -- Jackson 's"} +{"answer":"We want to help support you . We 'll raise money , and we 'll get you whatever you need . ... You need a science lab ? You need a water fountain ? You need a soccer field ? You tell us what you need . We 're not going to come in and tell you what we think you should be having next . '' It 's a really cool way of working , and I 've gotten to visit some of those schools . It 's a beautiful organization . Hamasaki : Why is this cause important to you ? Wilson : I think that charity is a tricky thing , because a lot of times , people equate charity with handouts . I do n't believe in handouts . I do believe in education . And I do believe that the way to change a society , to uplift people -- not just their spirit , but to uplift their society and economic base -- is through education . That 's what Mona Foundation focuses on . It especially focuses on the education of women and girls . And I think that is key . ...","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Actor Rainn Wilson is dedicated to improving the lives of young people around the world . The star of `` The Office '' works with the Mona Foundation , which supports educational initiatives for children in developing countries . He is also involved with Planting Peace 's program to deworm children in Haiti . Wilson got to know Planting Peace 's founder , Aaron Jackson , after Jackson was honored as a CNN Hero in 2007 . CNN 's Sonya Hamasaki recently sat down with Wilson to talk about CNN Heroes and his humanitarian work . Below are excerpts from that interview . Sonya Hamasaki : What inspired you to get involved with the Mona Foundation ? Rainn Wilson : The founder of the Mona Foundation actually knew my dad for years , and the more I learned about it , the more I realized I really found the perfect charity . It sponsors schools and educational initiatives all over the planet . The thing that is really exciting is that it finds grass-roots educational initiatives that are already working , and the Mona Foundation comes in and says : `` What do you need ?"} +{"answer":"`` White Christmas '' to Operation Desert Storm troops from the back of a truck in the Saudi desert . She restarted her singing career at the age of 83 by recording several albums . She performed with Rosemary Clooney at Rainbow and Stars in New York for several weeks . Born in Harlem in New York on May 27 , 1909 , Dolores DeFina was a singer at Manhattan 's Vogue Club when she met Bob Hope in 1933 . It was `` love at first song , '' the biography quotes Bob Hope as saying . The couple married the next year and later adopted four children . The couple moved in the late 1930s from New York to California , where he pursued a movie and radio career . Bob Hope was 100 when he died July 27 , 2003 . `` Dolores once said that their longevity could be credited to laughter and they certainly had a lot of that in their lives , '' said actress Alison Arngrim . The family will hold a private funeral at burial at the Bob Hope Memorial Garden , San Fernando Mission , California , where her husband was","question":"LOS ANGELES -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Dolores Hope , the widow of actor-comedian Bob Hope , died of natural causes at her Los Angeles home Monday , her family said . She was 102 . `` I had such a huge admiration for both of them , '' actress Julie Newmar said . `` The quality it takes to get just one year older , says a lot about that fact that she lived to 102 . What a glorious woman and life ! '' Although she put her singing career on hold after her marriage to Hope , Dolores Hope was active as a philanthropist , involved in her own causes as well as her husband 's . Military troops entertained by her husband 's USO shows knew Dolores Hope because she would usually close the shows with a rendition of `` Silent Night , '' according to a biography provided by her family . `` She was the First Lady of the USO , '' Carol Channing said . `` They did n't come any more patriotic , caring or talented than Dolores . '' Her last USO show performance came at age 84 , when she sang"} +{"answer":", is set to hit bookstores . `` Based on the limited portions of the book that have been made available , it is clear it contains many falsehoods and exaggerations , '' the statement from Random House said . '' -LSB- Elizabeth Edwards -RSB- will not engage in a dialogue on each of the false charges , but would like to set the record straight on two key points . `` First , the allegation that she sought to politicize her cancer is unconscionable , hurtful and patently false . Second , she believed Andrew Young to be the father of this child until her husband confessed his paternity to her this past summer . She will have nothing further to say . '' Edwards , 56 , had denied he was the father of his mistress Rielle Hunter 's infant for more than a year , saying his self-admitted affair with her was over before she became pregnant . People magazine , a CNN sister organization , first reported the story . Elizabeth Edwards ' sister , Nancy Anania , told People magazine in an article dated Wednesday that Elizabeth Edwards told her , `` I 've had","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former 2004 Democratic vice presidential nominee John Edwards , who admitted last week that he fathered a child with a videographer who worked on his campaign , has legally separated from his wife , Elizabeth , a source close to her said Wednesday . The source would not say when the separation occurred , only that it happened a while ago . The source said he or she spoke to Elizabeth Edwards in recent days , and would not speak on the record because of the sensitivity of the situation . John Edwards issued a statement Wednesday , calling it `` an extraordinarily sad moment , but I love my children more than anything and still care deeply about Elizabeth . '' Elizabeth Edwards ' publisher , Random House , released a statement saying , `` Elizabeth is moving on with her life and wants to put this difficult chapter behind her . It was an excruciatingly painful period for her and she -LSB- has -RSB- no interest in rehashing the past . '' News of the separation comes a week before a tell-all book by Andrew Young , a one-time close confidante of John Edwards"} +{"answer":"they pay for publicity , '' Levine said . `` The Beatles got paid for ` Rock Band ' and then they are using that for publicity to rerelease a catalogue . It 's pretty amazing . '' Blog : A Beatles fan reflects on the news Levine pointed out that media have evolved tremendously since 1964 , when the band first burst onto the American scene with an appearance on `` The Ed Sullivan Show . '' Back then , there were only three major television networks , and engineering of albums was much less sophisticated , Levine noted . Previous rereleases have sold well in the past -- indeed , Beatles albums have sold steadily for decades -- and Levine said he expects this one to do even better . `` I think if you were to look at pure catalogue , old bands selling old albums , the Beatles are the kings -- commercially as well as artistically , '' Levine said . `` A lot of -LSB- music -RSB- has been remastered better in the past 22 years , and remastering technology has come a long way . '' Piers Hemmingsen , the author of two","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- For fans of The Beatles , 09\/09\/09 will mark a new invasion . The Fab Four will be made even more so when the remastered Beatles catalogue is released in September . Apple Corps Ltd. and EMI Music have announced that as the date for the release of the entire original Beatles catalogue , digitally remastered . That includes all 12 Beatles albums in stereo , with track listings and artwork as originally released in the UK . The package will also contain the LP version of `` Magical Mystery Tour '' -LRB- initially released as a double-EP in Britain , though available on CD since 1987 -RRB- and the collections `` Past Masters Vol . I and II '' combined as one title . The release marks the first time that the first four Beatles albums are being made available in their entirety on compact disc , and it also coincides with the release of `` The Beatles : Rock Band '' video game . Robert Levine , executive editor for Billboard , said the timing is genius in terms of marketing . `` Most bands , when they do a big project like this"} +{"answer":"lot of `` forced moments '' with Zinkhan . The last such interaction came the afternoon of April 24 , the day before witnesses said Zinkhan , 57 , killed his wife and two others outside a community theater in Athens . Covington was walking down the driveway of his Bogart home to check the mail . Zinkhan had just done the same and was walking back to his house . Covington said hello and told Zinkhan that his son , a UGA student who used to mow the Zinkhans ' lawn , had recently seen Zinkhan on campus . `` He said , ` Yeah , that 's where I hang out , ' and turned and walked into the house , '' said Covington , who lived next door to Zinkhan for eight years . `` That 's mostly what it was with George , forced moments . '' It was odd for Zinkhan to say more than five or 10 words before disengaging , while his wife , Marie Bruce , was the `` polar opposite , '' Covington said , describing the 47-year-old thespian as engaging and vivacious . Despite the contrasts in personalities , Covington","question":"ATHENS , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The body of accused triple killer and University of Georgia professor George Zinkhan was claimed by a relative Friday , nearly a week after Zinkhan was found dead , the Georgia Bureau of Investigation said . A studio proof shows professor George Zinkhan and his wife , Marie Bruce . A mortuary shipping service in Atlanta picked up Zinkhan 's body at the request of a son from a previous marriage , GBI spokesman John Bankhead said . Details on plans for the body were n't immediately available . Earlier Friday , Bankhead had said Zinkhan 's body -- found Saturday in a self-dug shallow grave -- could be headed to a pauper 's grave if the family did n't claim the body from the Athens-Clarke County coroner 's office by Saturday morning . Such a grave is typically reserved for unidentified bodies , unclaimed bodies or people without family members . Bankhead said the situation was rare and that it was unclear why the family had taken that long to claim the body of the professor , described by colleagues and acquaintances as aloof and eccentric . Neighbor Bob Covington remembers a"} +{"answer":"inside for the peculiar windowless nave -- so designed after the architect made a pact with the devil , apparently . Nearby is Marienplatz and the fine gothic architecture of the new town hall with its ever-so-twee glockenspiel and animated chiming clock . From the Karlsplatz U-Bahn station to Marienplatz you 'll find some `` any-town , anywhere '' shopping options , but push on towards Maximilianstrasse and you 'll discover where the Munich money goes to splash the cash , although gaudy ostentation is n't a very Muenchner trait . For more down-to-earth shopping a few steps from Marienplatz is the Viktualienmarkt and Schrannenhalle , the former offering food and drink from across Europe and the re-built Schrannenhalle housing a buzzy mix of shops and places to grab a bite to eat . Alternatively the city is dotted with snack bars where you can grab a w\u00fcrst and hope for the best . From the boutiques and brands to the beer cellers . The city becomes a beer-lover magnet every autumn , when international boozers stagger into the city for the annual Oktoberfest beer festival . Things can get messy , but you can get a taste of the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Known for lederhosen , weisswurst and its beer festival , Munich is a city that counters these brassy cliches with a mix of art , history and style . From onion domes to beer halls , the city of Munich also has more than its fair share to entrance culture vultures . Do n't be fooled by the chocolate box architecture in parts of the Altstadt -LRB- old town -RRB- : Munich is the biggest city in the state of Bavaria with an ego to match -- no other state in Germany boasts its own `` national museum . '' Yet the city manages to mix regional traditions with a slice of urban savvy and sophistication . Visitors can take their pick from the cultural attractions and blend a little low and high culture together for a flying visit . The Altstadt is walkable and the place to begin a day with its mix of baroque and gothic architecture . The green onion domes of the Frauenkirche remain visible over the low-rise city center . Mostly destroyed during the Second World War , the Frauenkirche was rebuilt from its rubble and is worth a quick look"} +{"answer":"we do no favor to all our fellow Americans who are Muslim by ignoring real evidence that a small number of their community have , in fact , become violent Islamists and extremists . '' Lieberman said the committee 's investigation will focus on whether concerns raised by Hasan 's colleagues about his `` mental stability and political extremism '' were dealt with appropriately by senior Army officials . Among other things , a memo reportedly written two years ago by Hasan 's supervisor at Walter Reed Army Medical Center says Hasan demonstrated `` a pattern of poor judgment and a lack of professionalism '' during his residency at the hospital . CNN could not corroborate the authenticity of the memo , which was obtained by National Public Radio . Lieberman also said the committee will examine a lack of response by federal authorities after uncovering an exchange of e-mails between Hasan and a radical cleric accused of having ties to al Qaeda . The FBI has said it was aware of communication between Hasan and Anwar al-Awlaki , a Yemeni-American cleric who has promoted jihad against the United States and other Western countries . But investigators determined that those","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A key congressional committee opened its investigation Thursday into the November 5 Fort Hood shootings with a pledge to find out if authorities failed to `` connect the dots '' and could have prevented the attack . The head of the committee promised the inquiry would not interfere with a separate investigation into the shootings being conducted by Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Attorney General Eric Holder . `` Their investigation looks backward and is punitive . Ours looks forward and is preventive , '' said Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman , I-Connecticut , Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan , a U.S. Army psychiatrist , is accused of opening fire at a military processing center at Fort Hood Army Post , killing 13 people . Dozens of others were wounded . Hasan was shot and paralyzed during the attack and remains in a military hospital . Lieberman said the committee will carry out its investigation `` with respect for the thousands of Muslim-Americans who are serving in the American military with honor and the millions of other patriotic , law-abiding Muslims who live in our country . '' But , he added , ``"} +{"answer":"predicted . We knew China would attack , so we focused on defending in the first half before sealing victory late on . '' Japan and Uzbekistan joined Jordan in clinching qualification Friday , continuing their domination of Group C. Japan routed Tajikistan 4-0 and Uzbekistan beat North Korea 1-0 with Timur Kapadze scoring the only goal of the match for the hosts . The big surprise of the day was the 1-0 defeat for Group D leaders Australia in Oman with Amad Ali scoring the winner in the 18th minute . Australia will still be expected to progress after four earlier wins , with Frank Rijkaard 's Saudi Arabia moving into second in the group after a 3-0 win over Thailand . In Group B , South Korea stayed top by beating the UAE 2-0 and Mahmoud El Ali grabbed the only goal of the game as Lebanon shocked hosts Kuwait 1-0 to move into second . Iran held on to top spot in Group E but needed an injury-time equalizer from Mojtaba Jabari to scramble a 1-1 draw in Bahrain . Iran lead Qatar , who recorded a 4-0 home win over Indonesia , on goal difference .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Iraq scored in injury time Friday to beat 10-man China 1-0 and all but end their opponent 's hopes of qualifying for the 2014 World Cup finals . The Asia Group A match in Doha was a mirror image of the side 's earlier clash in China a month ago , with Younis Mahmoud , who scored the only goal in Shenzhen , coming up trumps again in injury time . China were handicapped by a red card for Zhang Linpeng and paid for missed chances . Iraq , coached by former Brazil legend Zico , have moved into a strong position in the qualifying section , which is led by Jordan , who confirmed their place in the second stage by beating Singapore 2-0 . Jose Camacho 's China would have to win their final two games and see Iraq lose by a heavy margin to Jordan and Singapore to claim an unlikely second in the group . `` China played bravely , but we won the match and the result has almost guaranteed our place in the last ten , '' Zico told the official FIFA website . `` The game went as we"} +{"answer":"snowstorm in Virginia Beach , located about 20 minutes from Norfolk , usually yields about 4 to 5 inches of snow , Bernstein said . But by 8 a.m. , snowfall had well surpassed the norm . `` Nobody is really out on the roads , '' he said . `` They 've closed off ramps and on ramps in downtown Norfolk . '' See pictures from Virginia Beach on iReport.com Washington and Baltimore , Maryland , were expected to get 4 to 6 inches of snow . Motorists were being warned to stay off the roadways , D.C. officials said . Forecasters warned that gusty winds in several states may topple ice laden trees and power lines . A Home Depot store in Spartanburg , South Carolina , saw a run on generators , fire logs and ice-melting chemicals Friday , and Spartanburg County called in extra dispatchers to handle emergency calls , CNN affiliate WYFF reported . Watch the snow pile up in Tennessee Several inches of sleet covered the ground in the town of Travelers Rest , South Carolina , WYFF 's Sean Muserallo reported . Brian Wood of Marietta , South Carolina , told WYFF his","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A storm has barreled into the Southeast and sections of the Northeast , coating power lines and roads with ice and leaving thousands without power . More heavy snow was predicted for Mid-Atlantic cities , some of which already have record amounts , the National Weather Service said Saturday . Asheville , North Carolina , recorded 11 inches of snow on Friday . The weather service said less than a half-inch of snow should fall during the day , turning to freezing drizzle at night . There was an ice storm warning for the Carolinas until midnight . `` Ice accumulations of one-quarter to one-half inch are expected , '' forecasters said . `` Elevated surfaces such as trees , power lines and highway bridges and overpasses will accumulate ice most easily . '' North Carolina 's Department of Transportation asked motorists to avoid all unnecessary travel . The town of Cary , North Carolina , canceled its Winter Wonderland festival because of the storm . A foot of snow was expected in parts of Virginia , where iReporter William Bernstein , Jr. said people are `` just not used to this . '' A typical"} +{"answer":"threat to the United States and our interests posed by individuals radicalized at home , '' the NSS states . `` Our best defenses against this threat are well informed and equipped families , local communities and institutions . '' Federal , state and local governments will use intelligence , expanded community engagement and development programs to help local communities address the radicalization of Americans before they join al Qaeda , Rhodes said . There already is an interagency process , he said , devoted to countering radicalization . This is a `` new point of emphasis , '' he said , because it is a new point of emphasis for America 's enemies . Laying out its strategy for more traditional areas of national security , the National Security Strategy stresses the importance of working with other nations to deal with challenges to `` renew American leadership . '' `` It 's a broader view of national security than before , '' Rhodes said . Echoing themes going back to the days of Obama 's campaign for president , it says the U.S. must use `` engagement '' with friends and foes . The United States must engage also","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Vowing to continue to `` underwrite global security '' -- but not alone -- the Obama administration Thursday released its first National Security Strategy , a 52-page outline of the president 's strategic approach and priorities . The NSS , required by Congress of every administration to be prepared every four years , for the first time combines homeland security and national security , focusing not only on threats internationally but on the threat of home-grown radicals inspired and recruited by al Qaeda . `` We view this as an important and emerging challenge , '' Ben Rhodes , deputy national security adviser for strategic communication , told reporters . Al Qaeda , he said , is less capable of using safe havens for training abroad and is now `` trying to inspire Americans to carry out attacks on the U.S. '' Those Americans , he said , may have less direct contact with the terrorist organization but they carry American passports and know the strengths and weaknesses of the United States . `` Several recent incidents of violent extremists in the United States who are committed to fighting here and abroad have underscored the"} +{"answer":"Bakari , told a French radio network that his wife and daughter were flying to Comoros to visit relatives . `` When I had her on the phone , I asked her what happened and she said , ` Daddy , I do n't know what happened , but the plane fell into the water and I found myself in the water ... surrounded by darkness . I could not see anyone , ' '' Bakari told France Info . The head of the rescue team in the Comoros told French radio RTL that the teenager beat astonishing odds to survive . `` It is truly , truly , miraculous , '' Ibrahim Abdoulazeb said . `` The young girl can barely swim . '' Another rescuer told France 's Europe 1 radio that the girl was spotted in the rough sea , among bodies and plane debris in darkness , about two hours after the crash . The Airbus 310 plane tried to land at the airport in Moroni , then made a U-turn before it crashed , Comoros Vice President Idi Nadhoim said soon after the accident . A French official said the nation had banned the plane","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Investigators have heard a signal from the flight data recorders of the Yemenia Airways plane that crashed last week , they announced Sunday . Search parties continue their operation to locate the Yemenia Airbus A310 off the Comoros Islands Saturday . `` A signal was picked up from two acoustic transmitters from the plane 's flight data recorders during a sea search to locate the data recorders this morning , '' the French air accident investigation agency , known as the BEA , said in a statement . Commonly known as `` black boxes , '' the data recorders should contain information to help determine what caused the crash . The Yemenia Airways Airbus 310 crashed into the Indian Ocean early Tuesday , carrying 142 passengers and 11 crew members . It originated in Yemen 's capital , Sanaa , and went down just miles from Moroni , the capital of the Comoros Islands . One person , a 13-year-old French girl , survived . Bahia Basari , who lives in Marseille , escaped with cuts to her face and a fractured collarbone . Watch teen survivor from crash '' The teen 's father , Kassim"} +{"answer":", who is not involved in caring for Jobs . `` I suspect he 's referring to his gastrointestinal system and some of the hormones related to that , rather than more classic endocrine hormones , '' which are associated with the thyroid , adrenal or pituitary glands , Burman said . While abnormalities related to those hormones may also lead to weight loss , they are not necessarily associated with pancreatic disease , he said . There is not enough information available to say how severe a gastrointestinal hormonal problem would be , he said . Others speculate the hormonal issue could relate to his cancer . Dr. Jeffrey Mechanick , clinical professor at Mount Sinai Medical Center , said a tumor in the pancreas would typically create an overproduction of hormones . Glucagon , a hormone produced in the pancreas , would lead to weight loss if produced in excess . `` In a patient whom a few years ago had pancreatic cancer , then progressive weight loss , then develops complications from the weight loss , it would be logical to associate his symptoms now with the previous cancer , '' he said . But the weight","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As Apple enthusiasts speculate over why pancreatic cancer survivor Steve Jobs wo n't appear at Macworld Conference & Expo this year , the CEO asks them to think differently about his health . Apple CEO Steve Jobs delivered keynote addresses in September 2008 , left , and in October 2005 , right . Addressing the `` Apple Community '' in a statement , Jobs said his doctors think they have found the reason behind his weight loss : `` a hormone imbalance that has been ` robbing ' me of the proteins my body needs to be healthy . Sophisticated blood tests have confirmed this diagnosis . '' But doctors unaffiliated with Jobs ' care say this `` hormone imbalance '' could be a symptom of a slew of underlying conditions , including cancer or diabetes . However , any diagnosis based on this description and Jobs ' cancer history is purely speculative , experts say . Based on Jobs ' history of gastrointestinal problems , it 's possible his gastrointestinal system either is n't absorbing proteins or is losing proteins , said Dr. Kenneth Burman , director of Endocrinology at Washington Hospital Center in Washington"} +{"answer":"Both are charged with rendering criminal assistance , a felony . A man who police believe is the getaway car driver was also in custody , along with a second man . Neither has been charged . The men accused of trying to help Clemmons provided medical aid , housing , a cell phone and money and were trying to get him out of the state , Troyer said earlier Tuesday . They also called in false leads to police to divert investigators . Early Tuesday , a patrol officer saw an unoccupied car in south Seattle that was running and had its hood up , police said . He determined the car was stolen and was doing paperwork in his vehicle when he saw a man approach his patrol car from behind on the driver 's side , the statement said . The officer got out of the car and ordered the man to stop and show his hands , but the man refused , the statement said . Follow local coverage on CNN affiliate KIRO-TV `` As the officer was drawing his gun , the suspect reached into his waist area and moved , '' the police statement","question":"Seattle , Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The suspect in Sunday 's fatal shooting of four police officers was shot and killed early Tuesday by an officer after the suspect approached him and `` reached into his waist area , '' authorities said in a statement . Although the medical examiner has not formally identified the man shot and killed in south Seattle about 2:45 a.m. , detectives recognized him as Maurice Clemmons , sought in the killings of four Lakewood , Washington , police officers shot Sunday at a coffee shop , Seattle police said in the written statement . Pierce County Sheriff 's Department spokesman Ed Troyer said earlier Tuesday that Clemmons was carrying a weapon taken from one of the slain officers and had been shot in the abdomen in Sunday 's shooting at the Forza Coffee Company in Parkland , Washington . He had had stuffed gauze and cotton into the wound and put duct tape over it , Troyer said Tuesday . Clemmons had been the subject of an intense manhunt for two days . Two people accused of helping Clemmons evade authorities , brothers Eddie and Douglas Davis , appeared in court Tuesday ."} +{"answer":"a flight off the Southern California coast , said Marine Col. John Rupp . That left the jet relying on its other engine , which previously had been giving mechanics electronic indications of a problem with its fuel-flow system , Rupp said . Learn more about the jet '' Maintenance rules do n't require immediate repairs for the problem , he said , but the squadron flew the jet 146 times before it eventually crashed because its left engine was starved for fuel . `` The end result was that the squadron elected to fly an aircraft that had a degraded fuel system on the left side of the aircraft , '' Rupp said . `` This is a critical point , and this was collectively questionable judgment on the part of the squadron 's maintenance department . '' The investigation criticized the pilot , who was being trained on the F\/A -18 , for not consulting a pocket checklist that outlined emergency procedures . While controllers aboard the aircraft carrier that launched the jet urged the pilot to land at a nearby Navy airfield at North Island , squadron officers relied on `` incorrect assumptions and inaccurate data ''","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Marine Corps has sacked four top officers of a California-based fighter squadron over the December crash of a fighter jet that slammed into a San Diego neighborhood , the service announced Tuesday . Grace Yoon , 15 months , was killed after a military jet crashed into her home . Deferred maintenance and faulty decisions by the pilot and squadron members with whom he was communicating on the ground contributed to the crash , a Marine Corps investigation concluded . The commander of the squadron involved , its top maintenance officer and two others have been relieved of duty as a result of the investigation , and nine other Marines have received other disciplinary action , Maj. Gen. Randolph Alles said . The jet crashed in the University City neighborhood of San Diego , about three miles short of the Miramar airfield . Two adults and two small children from a Korean immigrant family were killed when the jet slammed into their house . Watch what pilot said as plane had trouble '' The F\/A -18 Hornet crashed after '' a succession of emergencies '' that began with oil-pressure problems in its right engine during"} +{"answer":"a second chance in 1998 , when a promoter booked the show in the Tabernacle , a former church turned concert hall in downtown Atlanta . It was a sold out hit and the little boy from inner-city New Orleans was well on his way . Perry then took his plays on the road and traveled the so-called `` chitlin ' circuit '' to theaters in Memphis , Tennessee , Detroit , Michigan , and Baltimore , Maryland -- where black entertainers historically performed for predominantly black audiences . He began making a name for himself with African-Americans . In 2004 , he started looking for backers for his first movie project `` Diary of Mad Black Woman , '' a story about a devoted wife in a bad marriage . He said he faced a wall of ignorance when he pitched white executives in Hollywood . One told him the project was doomed to fail at the box office because the core audience for Perry 's stage plays -- black churchgoers -- would n't go to the movies . Another said the dialogue for his characters was unrealistic . Though he was largely unknown to white audiences , Perry","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Tyler Perry is known today as the first African-American to own a major film and TV studio . He 's a pioneer whose own life story is a rags-to-riches tale that reads like a screenplay . Tyler Perry is the first African-American to own a major film and TV studio . Now a writer , actor , director and producer -- Perry 's success grew out of a troubled home in a poor neighborhood in New Orleans , Louisiana . Strong on faith , Perry named his first play `` I Know I 've Been Changed , '' after an old Negro spiritual . It was a gospel musical about two adult survivors of child abuse . In 1991 , he moved to Atlanta , Georgia , where he worked as a bill collector and eventually scraped together enough money to rent a small theatre and stage the play . With only 30 people in the audience , the play was a flop . For the next several years , he struggled and was often broke and sometimes lived in his car . But Perry refused to give up . He finally got"} +{"answer":"managers and above all our customers . This Free Slam Day has exceeded our expectations in every way . '' iReport.com : Miami customers line up for Denny 's meal Denny 's does n't disclose specific cost information , but including the cost of the food , the Super Bowl spot and other production costs , the promotion cost the company roughly $ 5 million , it said . The Grand Slam started as a baseball-related promotion in Atlanta , Georgia , in the mid-1970s and has been served chainwide since 1977 . Its normal price varies by market but averages around $ 5.99 . Denny 's said it sells 12.5 million Grand Slams a year . At the normal average price of $ 5.99 , Denny 's gave away meals Tuesday with a retail value of $ 11.9 million . But the goodwill value could be priceless . iReport.com : Vouchers run out at Georgia Denny 's `` The key is to get the guest to come back , '' Troy Morgan , a Denny 's franchisee in Sacramento , California , told CNN affiliate KCRA-TV . `` So , we show them great hospitality and we 're confident","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Denny 's restaurants served about 2 million free Grand Slam breakfasts during its eight-hour promotional giveaway on Tuesday , the company reported Wednesday . Cooks fill the pass-through window with Grand Slam breakfasts Tuesday at a Denny 's in Emeryville , California . The company used a commercial during the third quarter of Sunday 's Super Bowl to announce it would give away its signature breakfast from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday , and the response was spectacular . Media outlets across North America reported lines of customers stretching outside and around restaurants and strangers crowding together into booths to take advantage of the special . The restaurant chain 's approximately 1,500 stores served an average of 130 Grand Slams per hour to customers who waited an average of 60 minutes for their free pancakes , eggs , bacon and sausage , the company said . `` We had an extraordinary day , '' Denny 's CEO Nelson Marchioli said when the promotion was over . `` We were hoping to reconnect with millions of Americans today , and we did . `` We have received the most heartwarming comments from our servers , our"} +{"answer":"to be replaced , the U.S. Embassy in Kabul said . The actions of the embassy guards went beyond pranks or laughs , he said . `` When you start encouraging people to drink alcohol running off someone 's body parts , '' Pearson said , pausing for a moment , `` a bit over the top . '' Watch Pearson describe guards ' `` insensitive '' conduct '' He took his grievance to his superiors as well as those of ArmorGroup . The answer he received was , '' ` they 're just letting off steam , ' and I think that 's the way they looked at some of the incidents that happened , '' Pearson said . Pearson said he was looking for a change of behavior , not for mass firings . But at Camp Sullivan , he was made to feel that he had done something wrong and he resigned . Pearson said he reconsidered the resignation almost immediately after he submitted it , but it was too late . `` Although we are now aware of the alleged events at Camp Sullivan ... the employee 's resignation was not associated with this matter ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A whistle-blower who helped shed light on misconduct among the ranks of contractors working as guards for the U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan is back home in England sooner than he expected after he resigned in the fallout of the scandal . `` It was just downright stupid , '' Terry Pearson says of guard misconduct in Afghanistan . Terry Pearson , who worked as an operations manager for contractor R.A. International at Camp Sullivan in Afghanistan , said he witnessed mistreatment among the guards employed by ArmorGroup North America , who were housed at the camp . `` It was just downright stupid , some of the things they were doing , '' Pearson told CNN . `` And insensitive . '' Allegations surfaced last week that contractor ArmorGroup allowed mistreatment , sexual activity and intimidation within the ranks of private guards hired to protect the embassy in Kabul . The company and U.S. officials are investigating . Wackenhut Services Inc. , the corporate parent of ArmorGroup , said in an e-mail it is `` fully cooperating '' in the investigation . Fourteen guards were fired and the entire management team for ArmorGroup in Kabul was"} +{"answer":"officials . `` We hold that Section 1983 suits based on the Equal Protection Clause remain available to plaintiffs alleging unconstitutional gender discrimination in schools , '' Justice Samuel Alito wrote . The plaintiffs allege the incidents happened on a school bus in Barnstable , Massachusetts , in the 2000-01 academic year . The child had told her parents that whenever she wore a dress , a third-grader would make her do things she did not want to do . After the mother complained to school officials , the boy denied the allegations . The principal , after interviewing other students and the bus driver , concluded she could not corroborate the girl 's version of events . The principal suggested the girl be transferred to another bus as a possible solution . The Fitzgeralds said that amounted to punishing their daughter and said the boy was the one who should be transferred . The local police department also looked into the case but concluded there was insufficient evidence to bring criminal charges against the boy . The parents began driving the girl to school and filed a lawsuit , claiming the schools system 's response was inadequate . School","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Supreme Court has given a girl 's parents the go-ahead to sue a Massachusetts school district over alleged sexual harassment by another student . A U.S. Supreme Court ruling allows a couple two avenues to pursue claims against their daughter 's school district . The justices , in a unanimous ruling , allowed the plaintiffs two avenues to make their claims -- a 1972 law banning gender bias in education and a separate civil rights law enacted 138 years ago . Lisa and Robert Fitzgerald said their then-kindergartner daughter was forced by an older male student to lift her skirt or pull down her underwear . The parents alleged school officials ignored their concerns and refused to discipline the boy . Federal courts had been split over whether the newer law -- known as Title IX -- displaced any claims made under part of the 1871 civil rights law , called `` Section 1983 . '' The Fitzgeralds lost their initial Title IX claims and an appeals court blocked them from pursuing the other legal strategy . The ruling from the justices now gives the Fitzgeralds the right to continue their lawsuit against school"} +{"answer":"town , and those involved in the cleanup say they will need every dollar of the federal stimulus funds . There are still millions of gallons of untreated contaminated groundwater , hundreds of buildings used for plutonium enrichment that need to be torn down and underground tanks that are full of radioactive sludge . The stimulus money will reduce the cleanup time by years , according to Jon Peschong , who oversees the federal project at Hanford . `` It was perfect work , ready to go for the stimulus package , '' Peschong said . `` Each day that passes the conditions worsen -LSB- and -RSB- the receipt of the federal stimulus money allows us to reduce the costs and also allows us to reduce the cleanup footprint much sooner , years sooner . '' The money has also created jobs for about 1,400 people at Hanford , including Joe Gill who manages a team that is tearing down equipment that is heavily contaminated by radiation . Despite the dangers of his job , Gill said it came just at the right time . `` I had managed a production warehouse facility for one of the largest companies in","question":"Hanford Nuclear Site , Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The federal government has set aside nearly $ 2 billion in stimulus funds to clean up Washington state 's decommissioned Hanford nuclear site , once the center of the country 's Cold War plutonium production . That is more stimulus funding than some entire states have received , which has triggered a debate as to whether the money is being properly spent . The facility sprawls across approximately 600 square miles of south-central Washington , an area roughly half the size of Rhode Island . It was built in the 1940s as part of the `` Manhattan Project '' to develop the first atomic weapon during World War II . Millions of dollars and thousands of jobs poured into the remote area about 75 miles east of Yakima where nine nuclear reactors were eventually built . During the Cold War , Hanford became a main source of plutonium production for the nation 's nuclear weapons program . Decades of improper radioactive waste disposal earned Hanford the notorious distinction of being one of the most contaminated nuclear sites in the Western Hemisphere . Today , the Hanford site is a virtual ghost"} +{"answer":"-- reached the agreement in consultation with Japan and South Korea . The draft resolution reaffirmed that the `` proliferation of nuclear , chemical and biological weapons , as well as their means of delivery , constitutes a threat to international peace and security . '' That resolution provided a `` strong , very credible , very appropriate response to the provocative nuclear test that North Korea launched and its subsequent activities , '' Susan E. Rice , U.S. ambassador to the United Nations , told reporters at the time . `` And we think that the message that the council will send ... is that North Korea 's behavior is unacceptable , they must pay a price , they ought to return without conditions to a process of negotiations and that the consequences they will face are significant , '' Rice said . Provisions already existing in U.N. Resolution 1718 , passed in 2006 , are strengthened by the new measure , but others are new , Rice said . The new resolution requires states to `` exercise vigilance '' over the direct or indirect supply , sale or transfer to North Korea of small arms or light weapons","question":"UNITED NATIONS -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously Friday to expand and tighten sanctions on North Korea after that nation 's recent nuclear test . The U.N. Security Council votes for a resolution imposing sanctions against North Korea on Friday . The 15-0 vote on U.N. Resolution 1874 imposes an embargo on the shipment of arms from the communist regime and broadens a ban on the import of weapons . `` This resolution provides a strong and united international response to North Korea 's test of a nuclear device , '' said U.S. Deputy Ambassador Rosemary DiCarlo . The agreement comes amid rising tension surrounding North Korea , which recently conducted a nuclear test , fired test rockets and threatened U.S. and South Korean ships near its territorial waters . The nuclear test and the firing of six short-range rockets occurred in late May . Pyongyang 's actions violated existing U.N. resolutions . The Security Council 's five permanent members had already passed a draft resolution Wednesday that condemned North Korea 's nuclear test `` in the strongest terms . '' The permanent members -- China , France , Russia , Britain and the United States"} +{"answer":"June , they usually do not reach the capital city of New Delhi and other regions in northern India until early July . Watch how Indians cope with monsoon waters '' They came about two weeks early in the northern part of the country this year , killing at least 20 people in landslides , home collapses and floods . The airport sits on more than 2,000 acres that , over the years , have become home to jackals , porcupines , dogs , cats and a variety of birds . Arora would not say how many flights were delayed during the rescue operation . The airport handles 13,000 domestic and 9,500 international passengers a day . '' -LRB- The -RRB- numbers are speculative as it is difficult to attribute delays to bad weather , strong winds , birds or animals , '' Arora said . In the past , animals on the runway have disrupted flights at the airport -- particularly during the monsoon season , Satyanarayan said . `` The monitor lizards -- they look frightening but they are harmless animals , '' he said . `` But they can grow about three to four feet long .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Dozens of flights were delayed at India 's New Delhi airport Monday after lizards , birds and jackals strayed on to a runway to seek refuge from the monsoon rains . Kids play cricket through a downpour in New Delhi as monsoon rains came early to the area this week . Animal rescuers rounded up the critters and moved them to habitats outside airport property . But the operation delayed several flights and shut down the runway for some time , airport spokesman Arun Arora said . Kartick Satyanarayan of the conservation group Wildlife SOS said the animals descended on the runway in search of dry ground . His group works with the airport to move wildlife from airport property to a sanctuary on the outskirts of the capital . `` It 's been raining cats and dogs the last two days . And when it rains like this , water goes in and fills the burrows of these animals , '' he said . `` The runway , '' he added , `` is the only safe area . So they come out . '' While monsoon rains typically sweep across the subcontinent in early"} +{"answer":"space tourism industry slowly matures into what some analysts predict could be a billion dollar enterprise with thousands of passengers by the end of the next decade . `` This is just the beginning of the golden age of space flight , '' said Peter Diamandis , chairman of the X Prize Foundation , which awarded the $ 10 million Ansari X Prize in 2004 for the first privately funded human flight to the edge of space . `` Looking back a thousand years from now , this will be the period of time when the human race irrevocably moved off the planet . '' Look back roughly ten years , though , and the idea of sending tourists into space seemed more like science fiction than a viable business plan , said John Gedmark , executive director of the Personal Spaceflight Federation , a trade association representing the space travel industry . `` No one ever thought this was real at all , '' said Gedmark . `` It was just completely unthinkable . '' But that perception began to change in 2001 when American multimillionaire Dennis Tito became the world 's first so-called space tourist , traveling aboard","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The view will be one unlike any other . Climbing up through the clouds at a rate faster than the speed of sound , the sky will darken to a deep blue and then to black . Below , entire mountain ranges , coastlines and cities will shift into focus as the horizon bends around the curvature of the Earth - the thin veil of its atmosphere shimmering against a backdrop of stars . An emerging space tourism industry may give thousands of travelers a new view of Earth . And then , of course , there will be the feeling of weightlessness . `` It is just life changing , '' said Col. Richard Searfoss , a retired NASA shuttle commander . `` To be outside the atmosphere and see the curvature of the Earth and see so much land area at once , it gives you a sense of separateness but connectedness . '' The view of Earth from outer space is a sight that in the history of mankind only a few hundred people have ever seen . But that could soon change as what was once an almost nonexistent"} +{"answer":"after by members of the community , although who will serve as his guardian has not yet been established . The nanny says she came face to face with a gunman late Wednesday , the first night of the siege . `` I saw one man was shooting at me -- he shot at me . '' Watch CNN 's Paula Hancocks talk with Samuel \u00c2 '' She slammed a door and hid in a first-floor storage room and attempted to reach the rabbi and the others on the second floor . Overnight , Samuel frantically tried to call for help as gunfire and grenade blasts shook the Chabad House . Samuel says she emerged early the next afternoon , when she heard Moshe calling for her . She found the child crying as he stood between his parents , who she says appeared unconscious but still alive . Based on the marks on Moshe 's back , she believes he was struck so hard by a gunman that he fell unconscious at some point as well . `` First thing is that a baby is very important for me and this baby is something very precious to me and","question":"JERUSALEM -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The world knows her as the daring nanny who , clutching a 2-year-old boy , pushed past the havoc in a terrorized Mumbai and risked her life to keep the toddler safe . Sandra Samuel bravely saved the life of Moshe Holtzberg , 2 , but says she sees no heroism in her actions . But Sandra Samuel sees no heroism in her actions amid last week 's terror attacks on India 's financial capital that killed nearly 180 people -- including baby Moshe 's parents , Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his wife , Rivka . She only wishes she could have done more . `` Even today , I am thinking I should have sent the baby and done something for the rabbi and his wife , '' Samuel told CNN in an exclusive television interview in Israel , where she now lives . Samuel and Moshe were among the few to make it out of the Chabad House alive after gunmen stormed the Jewish center , killing the Holtzbergs and four others . Israel 's Chabad movement has set up a fund to provide for Moshe 's care . He is being looked"} +{"answer":"because they have to travel by road . See a map of Helmand province '' `` It 's a sad fact that helicopters would not have saved the lives of the individuals last week , '' he said , citing Lt. Col. Nick Richardson , a British military spokesman in Afghanistan . `` British armed forces are better equipped today than at any time ... in the past 40 years . In the last two years we have increased helicopter numbers by 60 percent and ... capacity by 84 percent . '' But opposition leader David Cameron argued that helicopter capacity in Afghanistan has not risen as fast as troop levels . `` Is n't the real point this , that the number of troops has doubled since 2006 , so proportionally there has n't really been in increase in helicopter capacity at all ? '' the leader of the Conservative Party demanded . The former chief of the defense staff , Charles Guthrie , `` has said more helicopters would save lives , '' Cameron said . The United Kingdom has been shocked by the deaths of 15 troops in 10 days , including eight in a 24-hour period","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has defended the UK 's involvement in the war in Afghanistan following the British Army 's bloodiest day of the near eight-year conflict . Soldiers from the Welsh Guards carry the coffin of Maj Sean Birchall , killed on patrol in Afghanistan in June . Addressing lawmakers on Monday , Brown said the security of Afghanistan was crucial to preventing terrorist attacks elsewhere in the world . `` In 2009 the case for our continued involvement is the same : to prevent terrorist attacks in Britain and across the world by dealing with the terrorist threat at its source -- that crucible of terror on the border and mountain areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan , '' Brown told the House of Commons . `` I am confident that we are right to be in Afghanistan , that we have the strongest plan and the resources to do the job . '' Brown also rejected suggestions that British troops , who are fighting alongside other coalition and Afghan forces in Helmand province , are dying unnecessarily because they do not have enough helicopters -- leaving them vunerable to ambush"} +{"answer":"harassment against Mr. Cain are completely false , '' a campaign statement said . `` Mr. Cain has never harassed anyone . '' Earlier accuser 's attorney talks to CNN Since becoming public on October 30 in a report by Politico , the sexual harassment accusations have overwhelmed the bid by the former pizza company executive to win the Republican presidential nomination . Cain , a favorite of tea party conservatives , has risen to the top of the polls following strong performances in several debates and the release of his `` 9-9-9 '' tax plan that sets flat 9 % rates for corporate and income taxes and also creates a 9 % national sales tax . However , Bialek 's accusation raises fresh questions about whether Cain has been candid about the allegations that he sexually harassed women at the restaurant association when he headed the group from 1996-99 . Bialek said she started to work at the group 's foundation in 1996 but was laid off in 1997 . The association confirmed Bialek 's employment dates as December 30 , 1996 , to June 20 , 1997 . Shortly after getting let go , Bialek said , she","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain faced a new claim of sexually inappropriate behavior Monday as a Chicago woman told reporters the former head of the National Restaurant Association groped her after a dinner together in 1997 . Sharon Bialek , who worked at the restaurant group 's education foundation until shortly before the alleged groping incident , said Cain unexpectedly put his hand on her leg beneath her skirt `` toward my genitals . '' She also said he pushed her head toward his crotch . Cain stopped when she protested , Bialek told a news conference . Looking into the television cameras , Bialek said : `` I want you , Mr. Cain , to come clean . Just admit what you did . '' Gloria Allred a girl 's best friend The accusation follows the disclosure last week that the restaurant association provided payments to two women who left the group after alleging sexual harassment by Cain , also in the late 1990s . Cain has denied all accusations of sexual harassment , and his campaign put out a fresh denial after Bialek made her accusations on Monday . `` All allegations of"} +{"answer":"displeasure to Amin Awad , acting resident representative of the United Nations in Sri Lanka , about the comments . Mahinda Samarasinghe , Sri Lanka 's minister of disaster management and human rights , initially said Weiss would be summoned to explain his remarks , but this did not happen because of diplomatic protocol , a source told CNN , noting that he is a junior official at the U.N. office in Colombo . Rebel claims of civilian deaths have been considerably higher than those provided by the U.N. Lawrence Christy , the head of the Tamils Rehabilitation Organization , said more than 3,200 civilians died in fighting from Sunday evening until Monday morning , the rebel Web site TamilNet reported . Watch frustration build at the United Nations '' The Sri Lankan government has denied the allegations and accused the Tamils of `` taking the whole world for a ride with its well-engineered propaganda ploys , '' while turning their weapons on civilians trying to flee the combat zone . Tamil Tiger rebels have been fighting for an independent state in Sri Lanka 's northeast since 1983 . As many as 70,000 people have been killed since the civil","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Red Cross worker was killed Wednesday during shelling in the conflict zone in Sri Lanka , the third aid worker killed in six weeks , the International Committee of the Red Cross says . A photo supplied by a humanitarian group on Sunday shows civilians allegedly injured in government shelling . The worker , identified as Majurin Sivakurunathan , was killed along with his mother during an assault , a ICRC spokeswoman said . The fighting between the Sri Lankan troops and the rebel Tamil Tigers has intensified in the conflict area to the point that the ICRC can not get food to that area or help the sick and wounded , said Sarasi Wijeratne , a ICRC spokeswoman . The latest death comes after Sri Lanka angrily rebuked a U.N. official Tuesday over remarks by the organization that a civilian `` bloodbath '' had occurred in the north of the country . U.N. spokesman Gordon Weiss told CNN on Monday that hundreds of civilians died during weekend fighting because the Sri Lankan army had surrounded rebel fighters in the country 's north , putting residents in the crossfire . The Foreign Ministry expressed its"} +{"answer":"one of them . By reusing existing materials you are essentially removing the process involved in sourcing the `` virgin materials '' in the first place . Take soda cans , made from aluminum . According to Friends of the Earth , creating a ton of these from scratch takes five times the amount of energy as it would to produce a ton of recycled cans . According to the Bureau of International Recycling -LRB- BIR -RRB- , the companies that manufacture recycled aluminum are using 95 percent less energy than if they were using `` virgin materials . '' -LRB- For plastics the energy savings are almost as high -- 80 percent , BIR says , while making paper from recycled paper -LRB- as opposed to wood -RRB- can save 64 percent of energy . -RRB- Looking at it another way , according to the National Recycling Coalition , the amount of energy saved in one year by Americans recycling their soda cans , plastic containers , newspapers and packaging represented the energy equivalent of : Not surprisingly , recycling also impacts pollution levels . BIR says producing paper from recycled paper as opposed to wood can slash air","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As a concept , recycling has lived and died many times throughout its 4,000-year old history . But it always re-emerges as an idea when humans need it most , such as during the Great Depression , and later during World War II , when American companies recycled or reused around 25 percent of the waste stream . A sign in Cheshire , England signalling a recycling drop-off area . Today , the global recycling industry generates $ 160 billion a year , processing more than 500 million tons of materials . The industry is becoming one of the world 's biggest employers . While the official amount of people employed by the industry is 1.5 million worldwide , the real figure -- when you factor in illegal recycling operations in the developing world -- is likely to be much , much higher . The United Nations believes , for example , that as many as 10 million people in China alone are now in the recycling business . What 's not to like about recycling ? There are some fairly persuasive arguments for recycling , and for using recycled goods . Energy savings is just"} +{"answer":"the role of the government of Venezuela in the attempted delivery of the approximately $ 800,000 , '' the statement said . The Justice Department statement does not say Chavez personally knew of the transaction , but says the office of the vice president and members of the Venezuelan Intelligence Directorate were aware of the matter . U.S. Attorney Alex Acosta in Miami said : `` Today 's complaint alleges an effort by the agents of Venezuela to travel to the U.S. for the purpose of coercing our citizens to help conceal the true nature of a growing international scandal . '' Although documents did not identify which candidate was to receive the donation , federal law enforcement officials confirmed the funds were intended for the campaign of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner , who went on to win the election . The four men -- three Venezuelans and one Uruguayan -- made an initial court appearance in U.S. District Court in Miami on Wednesday afternoon . Those named in the complaint are identified as Moises Maionica , 36 ; Antonio Jose Canchica Gomez , 37 ; Rodolfo Edgardo Wanseele Paciello , 40 ; Franklin Duran , 40 ; and Carlos","question":"Four alleged Venezuelan agents have been arrested in the U.S. and charged with trying to persuade a U.S. citizen to keep quiet about a growing international election scandal . Miami businessman Guido Alejandro Antonini Wilson The U.S. Justice Department said the four wanted to prevent Guido Alejandro Antonini Wilson , a businessman from Miami , Florida , from talking to authorities . On August 4 , Antonini Wilson flew in a privately chartered aircraft from Caracas , Venezuela , to Buenos Aires , Argentina , where customs officers discovered $ 800,000 in cash in his possession . The U.S. Justice Department said Wednesday the four men charged wanted to stop Antonini Wilson from revealing the origin of the $ 800,000 . `` The complaint filed today outlines an alleged plot by agents of the Venezuelan government to manipulate an American citizen in Miami in an effort to keep the lid on a burgeoning international scandal , '' Kenneth Wainstein , assistant attorney general for national security , said in a written statement . The agents , who worked for the government of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez , wanted to ensure Wilson did not disclose `` the source and destination and"} +{"answer":"When you think back , Malcolm -LSB- X -RSB- fought . Then we come a little further , Rosa Parks sat . Then come up a little further , and Martin -LSB- King Jr. -RSB- spoke . Then today , President Obama ran , and we won . '' Watch Obama say Americans have `` chosen hope over fear '' '' iReporter Barbara Talisman , 48 , of Chicago , watched Tuesday from a spot on the Mall near the American Museum of Natural History . `` The historical significance of today and importance of our work made it necessary for me to be here and not at home . I want to be a witness , '' Talisman said . Kim Akins , 43 , of Chicago , Illinois , who lives just blocks from Obama 's home , made the trek to Washington with her 8-year-old daughter , Chloe . Vanessa Reed of Centerville , Virginia , took her daughters to a spot on the inaugural parade route . `` I was going to take my daughter here if it was the last thing I did , '' she said . `` It 's breathtaking . ... It","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- They came from all corners of the world , braved fiercely cold temperatures and stood together on the Mall in Washington to share in one historic moment -- when Barack Obama became the 44th president and the first African-American elected to the post . Crowds at the inaugural parade cheer and snap photos of President Obama on Tuesday . Millions of people packed the Mall early Tuesday to watch Obama 's inauguration and later hit the parade route to catch a glimpse of the new president . For many , the inauguration was the realization of a dream they never thought could be fulfilled . This is America happening , '' said Evadey Minott of Brooklyn , New York . `` It was prophesied by -LSB- the Rev. Martin Luther -RSB- King that we would have a day when everyone would come together . This is that day . I am excited . I am joyful . It brings tears to my eyes . '' Obama 's speech : How did he do ? L.J. Caldwell of Somerset , New Jersey , said Obama 's inauguration capped five decades of struggle for African-Americans . ``"} +{"answer":"transfer and expand our fighting in the Middle East so we can defend Al Aqsa mosque from the Israelis , '' Al-Shabab commander Abdifatah Aweys Abu Hamza said in Mogadishu , the Somali capital . He is apparently the leader of a new Al-Shabab armed group calling themselves `` Mujahedin Al Aqsa , '' or `` Al Aqsa Holy Warriors , '' which they said is assigned to attack Israel . It is not clear whether Al-Shabab has the capacity to carry out its threats against Israel . But Rashid Abdi of the International Crisis Group , speaking last week before al-Shabab issued its threats against Israel , warned that the group should be taken seriously . `` We should not underestimate the capacity of Al-Shabab , '' he said . `` This is a deadly organization , a formidable foe . '' Abdi said the group had been mutating from a nationalist group into a terrorist organization more like al Qaeda , which was behind the September 11 , 2001 attacks on the United States . `` If you look at the rhetoric and language and if you look at the Web sites , if you hear their preachers","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A militant Islamist group associated with al Qaeda has for the first time threatened to attack Israel , far from its normal base of operations in Somalia . Al-Shabab , which is fighting to control the east African country , accused Israel of `` starting to destroy '' the Al Aqsa mosque , where standoffs have taken place recently between Israeli police and Palestinians . The mosque is part of the complex that Jews call the Temple Mount and Muslims call Haram al-Sharif . `` The Jews started to destroy parts of the holy mosque of Al Aqsa and they routinely kill our Palestinian brothers , so we are committed to defend our Palestinian brothers , '' said Mukhtar Robow Abu Mansur , a prominent Al-Shabab commander . His threat was part of a series of fiery sermons delivered after Friday prayers in Baidoa in southwest Somalia . Al-Shabab controls the region , which is part of a country that has been without an effective national government for nearly 20 years . Other leaders of the group also threatened Israel , the first time the group is known to have done so . `` We will"} +{"answer":"foreign countries , '' Mehr reported . Such crackdowns have become commonplace in Iran since the summer , when thousands of protesters were arrested in the aftermath of Iran 's disputed president election in June . The government has been trying to limit the flow of online information and other forms of communications in Iran , according to activists and human rights officials . Amid the unrest , Iran 's judicial chief in July ordered the the prosecution of individuals `` who cooperate with satellite television programming providers , '' according to reports by reformists . Ayatollah Seyyed Mahmoud Hashemi-Shahroudi called on local judicial heads to work with investigators to determine `` intentions , objectives and their sources of financial , political and intelligence support '' of individuals who `` operate against the system , '' according to Hamshahri , a widely circulated pro-reform publication that has been in print for more than a decade . At the time , Iranian-American Kian Tajbakhsh , an independent consultant and urban planner employed by Soros ' Open Society Institute , was among roughly 100 people accused of participating in a `` velvet revolution '' against the Islamic republic . Tajbakhsh , the","question":"Tehran , Iran -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Iran 's Intelligence Ministry has compiled a list of 60 groups -- several based in the United States -- saying it considers them `` soft war '' agents against the country , Iranian media reported Monday . The semi-official Mehr news agency reported the following are on the list : -- U.S. philanthropist George Soros ' Open Society Institute in New York . -- The Washington-based nonprofit National Endowment for Democracy . -- The National Democratic Institute and its GOP counterpart , the International Republican Institute . -- Human Rights Watch . -- The Washington-based Brookings Institution . -- U.S. National Defense University . Media outlets BBC and Voice of America are also on the list , as are the East European Democratic Center in Poland and British nonprofit Wilton Park , among dozens of others . Iran 's deputy intelligence minister urged Iranians to avoid any `` unusual relations '' with the groups and with foreign embassies and foreign nationals . `` He stated that it is illegal to sign contracts with these organizations , and it is also against the law for groupings and political parties to receive financial assistance from"} +{"answer":"wo n't drink twice . '' Watch Lamprey use sword to open champagne '' Gross stuff aside , Lamprey has what many consider to be a dream job . And although he occasionally gets a little bleary-eyed , the Californian maintains that it 's not a show about getting inebriated . `` I drink to try new things , to learn about drinking cultures or new drinks , '' Lamprey said . `` Sometimes levels of inebriation are the by-product of my job , but I 'm certainly not going out looking to do that . If I did I think I 'd be the wrong person for the job . '' We caught up with Lamprey in New York 's Bubble Lounge , where he was preparing -LRB- soberly , mind you -RRB- to use a sword to lop off the end of a champagne bottle , glass neck and all . It 's a ritual he says started in the Napoleonic era as a way to celebrate victories at battle . While Lamprey might not be as battle-scarred as Napoleon 's men , he does have a victory to celebrate : `` Three Sheets '' has a new","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Coagulated sheep 's blood . Pig knuckles . Snake bile . Fried crickets . Sound like ingredients you might see bubbling away in a caldron , right ? Zane Lamprey raises a toast to alcoholic beverages the world over . Well , these are just some of the unusual items Zane Lamprey has eaten -- yes , eaten -- during the course of his day job . No , he 's not a human garbage disposal . Lamprey is a comedian who hosts a TV program about drinking , `` Three Sheets . '' The show follows him all over the world as he samples local libations . Lamprey also claims to be in search of the ultimate hangover cure , which is why he 's often called upon to ingest the indigestible . Not that the drinks are any better . Anyone for a shot of Belize rum that 's had a dead snake fermenting in it for about a year ? If the locals drink it , so will Lamprey . `` I 'll try anything once , '' he said , adding that `` there 's certainly a lot that I"} +{"answer":"attempts at rehabilitation . '' The Canada-born star arrived at United from German outfit Bayern Munich in 2007 , but only made 27 appearances for Alex Ferguson 's team due to persistent injury problems relating to the tendons in his knee . `` They said I would be fit for the start of pre-season but , after that , I never got back on my feet , '' Hargreaves was reported as saying in British newspaper The Guardian . `` My tendon was never the same . They said my tendon was good , but it felt like I was made out of glass . `` We treated it and it got significantly worse through the injections . That obviously had a huge impact . Basically , I was left to pick up the pieces , which was incredibly frustrating . That was surgery , and that was 18 months gone . '' But United denied Hargreaves ' claims , with the statement continuing to say : `` United does not acknowledge any validity in the comments Owen is alleged to have made . `` Manchester United has some of the best sports medical staff in world sport , who","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Manchester United have hit back at Owen Hargreaves after their former midfielder claimed he had been mistreated by the English champions ' medical staff . Hargreaves , who joined United 's archrivals Manchester City in August after his contract at Old Trafford expired , was reported in the British press as having said he felt like a guinea pig during an injury plagued four-year spell with the Red Devils . The England midfielder was speaking after making a goal-scoring debut for City in their 2-0 Carling Cup win over Birmingham City on Wednesday . `` Manchester United is disappointed with Owen Hargreaves ' remarks after the game on Wednesday , '' read a statement on the three-time European champions ' website . What are the reasons behind Man Utd 's flying start ? `` The club gave him the best possible care for three years and is as disappointed as anyone he was not able to play a part in the team 's success at that time . `` It has shared all the medical records with Manchester City and is comfortable with the actions taken by its medical staff at each step of his many"} +{"answer":"for Romney in South Carolina ? His record in Massachusetts -- 85 % His Mormon faith -- 13 % His role at Bain Capital -- 2 % Now that Romney wants the GOP presidential nomination again , he has moved to the right from some of his positions and the tone of his previous campaigns in the state . And that has fed the perception that Romney is willing to change his stands for political expediency . Ironically , Romney 's continued defense of the Massachusetts health care reform law he helped enact as governor remains a stumbling block with some conservatives who would rather he repent on that issue . `` The two big issues that stick out to me regarding his record are his flip-flopping on abortion which many voters in South Carolina do n't understand , and of course his signing of ` Romney-care , ' '' said one South Carolina insider . `` As a result , many do n't trust him and wonder if he will simply say anything in order to win the election . '' And while Gingrich maintains that he 's the logical alternative for conservatives , the former House Speaker 's","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As South Carolina Republicans begin voting in the first primary of the south today , GOP insiders say that all the candidates have had their problems in Palmetto State , one reason why today 's outcome has been so hard to predict . One veteran South Carolina GOP operative summed up the dilemma of many of his colleagues in the state who are still on the fence . `` For the first time in my professional life I am not working for a candidate and undecided on whom I will vote for . My heart says one thing , my mind says another . '' According to a CNN survey of 46 South Carolina GOP insiders -- including state legislators , state and local party officials , business and conservative interest group leaders , veterans of previous presidential primary campaigns , Palmetto State GOP political consultants , and other party activists -- former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney 's biggest hurdles in South Carolina are his Massachusetts political roots and his more centrist views . Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich calls Romney a `` Massachusetts moderate . '' What do you think has been the biggest obstacle"} +{"answer":"accredited observers from 21 countries that went to over 200 polling stations on Friday -- said in a news release that the elections `` were conducted transparently . '' The voting process was described as `` technically sound '' and `` without fear of tampering or procedural violations . '' But one institute member , Canadian Liberal Party leader Bob Rae , also pointed to the turnout and a number of invalid and spoiled ballots as negatives . `` Seeing the number of people who actively spoiled their ballots as well as those who did not participate , it is clear that the path to real change will take more effort and time , '' Rae said . Lise Storm , senior lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter in England , said Friday that the outcome might signal whether the population is happy with the monarchy or not . The more votes for the PJD appear to indicate a desire for greater change , she said -- as opposed to votes for the bloc of traditional loyalist parties , which would suggest voters favor the status quo . Under the new constitution , approved by referendum","question":"Casablanca , Morocco -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A moderate Islamist party claimed victory in Morocco 's first parliamentary elections since constitutional reforms this summer . The Justice and Development Party -LRB- PJD -RRB- won 107 of the 395 seats , Interior Minister Taib Cherkaoui said Sunday . The next biggest winner was the Istiqlal Party , also known as the Independence Party , with 60 seats , the Interior Ministry 's website reported . The number of parties involved in Morocco 's multiparty system means it was unlikely a single party would win a majority of the seats , so a coalition government would have to be formed . U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton offered her congratulations Saturday `` on the successful completion '' of the elections . `` The United States stands ready to work with the new parliament and the people of Morocco to strengthen the rule of law , raise human rights standards , promote transparent and accountable governance , and work toward sustained , democratic reform , '' she said . Turnout in the North African country was 45 % , the Interior Ministry said Friday . The National Democratic Institute -- which had 41"} +{"answer":"begun good-naturedly . Web programmer , David Mudkips , 25 , from east London , told PA that the event was `` Like rush hour but fun . There were people 's sweaty armpits in my face but I did n't care because I was drinking . '' Student Frankie Abbott , 21 , also from east London , said earlier in the evening : `` It might be fun to do the whole night but I think it 's going to get a bit messy . There are guys drinking from funnels already . '' Sailor Peter Moore , 35 , from Brighton on the southern English coast , told the agency his night was `` Drunken , I just downed a can of beer in 10 seconds . It 's sweaty on there but I 'm going round and round until I vomit . '' As the evening progressed the situation deteriorated . Photographer Desmond Fitzgerald , 48 , from south London , told PA that by 11pm at Gloucester Road subway station he was afraid someone might slip onto the tracks due to the amount of spilt alcohol on the platform . `` At first the atmosphere","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- London 's subway system was engulfed by thousands of revelers Saturday night , marking the introduction of an alcohol ban on the mass transit network . Revelers hit London 's subway system Saturday night to mark the introduction of an alcohol ban . Eyewitnesses have described how some drunken partygoers , often dressed in fancy dress , fought , damaged subway trains and vomited . Authorities were forced to close six stations on the network , including major transportation hubs at Liverpool Street , Baker Street and Euston . A spokesman for British Transport Police , which patrols the network , said that police had been told of a large `` large amount '' of disorder and `` multiple instances of trains being damaged '' , causing them to be pulled from service , the UK 's Press Association reported , adding : `` This was an unfortunate end to what should have been a fun event . '' There were reports of at least 17 arrests . Much of the disorder concentrated on the Circle Line , which encircles the center of the city . Many reports say that the night had"} +{"answer":"of those afflicted with the disease have fled to neighboring countries to seek medical help -- which risks spreading the outbreak still further . Brown called on the international community to tell Mugabe `` enough is enough , '' and suggested that the United Nations Security Council meet to discuss the issue . He added that the most pressing issue was to ensure that testing and rehydration equipment and packs reach the right people , as well as for aid agencies to set up a organizational structure in the state capital Harare to confront the disease . `` The people of Zimbabwe voted for a better future . It is our duty to support that aspiration , '' Brown added . Brown 's comments came one day after U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said that the outbreak is the latest sign that Mugabe 's rule over the country must end . `` It 's well past time for Robert Mugabe to leave . I think that 's now obvious , '' Rice said during a visit to Denmark . Washington has long called for Mugabe to leave office , with President George W. Bush calling Zimbabwe 's runoff presidential","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown has branded the cholera crisis in Zimbabwe `` an international emergency '' and called on the world community to confront President Robert Mugabe , leader of the central African nation . A shortage of clean drinking water has unleashed a cholera epidemic in Zimbabwe . `` This is now an international rather than a national emergency , '' Brown said in a statement Saturday . `` International because disease crosses borders . International because the systems of government in Zimbabwe are now broken . There is no state capable or willing of protecting its people . '' Earlier this week the government of Zimbabwe , which already suffers from severe economic problems and political instability , declared a national emergency following the outbreak , which has so far killed more than 600 people . Cholera , a water-borne disease , is on the increase in nine of Zimbabwe 's 10 provinces , the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs -LRB- OCHA -RRB- warned . It blamed `` poor water and sanitation supply , a collapsed health system and limited government capacity to respond to the emergency . '' Many"} +{"answer":"the official said . About 4 p.m. -LRB- 7:30 a.m. ET -RRB- , in the midst of the standoff , another group of women and children emerged from the compound , the official said . The Marines continued to hold their fire and wait out the insurgents , the official said . Finally , a screaming woman emerged from the compound with a bullet wound to her hand , Pelletier said . Then , another group of women came out , covered from head to toe according to custom , he said , with a couple of children in tow . The Marines attended to the wounded woman while the others walked away . When the Marines went into the compound , they discovered that it empty , Pelletier said . That 's when they realized the fighters had dressed up as women to escape , he said . `` Apparently these were tall , rather broad-shouldered women with hairy feet , '' Pelletier said . The Marines ' restrained approach differs from previous hits on compounds when airstrikes were readily called in , the official said . Under a new tactical directive for forces in Afghanistan , some of","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Insurgents locked in a standoff with U.S . Marines tricked them by dressing up as women to escape , a task force spokesman said Monday . U.S. Marines scan the site of a blast that hit a U.S. vehicle in southern Afghanistan . Women and children had been caught in the standoff between the armed groups , but some of the women were not what they seemed , according to task force spokesman Capt. William Pelletier . After the Marines began taking fire from insurgents in the town of Khan Neshin , in south Afghanistan near the Helmand River , the militants ran into a multiple-room compound , the U.S. military said . Unsure of whether civilians were inside the compound , the Marines had an interpreter talk to the insurgents , said an official who asked not to be named because he was not authorized to speak publicly . After some time , a number of women and children left the compound , the military official said . The released hostages told the Marines that there were no more civilians inside the compound , Pelletier said . But the Marines held their fire anyway ,"} +{"answer":"Theater LA Live , AEG said . Jackson 's family has still not announced the singer 's burial arrangements , saying only that it will hold a private ceremony ahead of the massive public memorial service Tuesday . Journalists staked out several possible burial locations . A long line of television satellite trucks remained parked outside the Hollywood Hills Forest Lawn Cemetery in case it was chosen by the family , but there has been no word from cemetery officials . Police set up metal barricades around the front lawn , creating spaces for media and fans . Two state trooper cruisers idled at the Hall of Liberty inside the grounds , which contains a 1,200-seat auditorium . Watch reporters prepare for Tuesday 's service '' The family has not decided whether Jackson 's body will be brought to the Staples Center arena , where the public ceremony will be held at 10 a.m. PT . At the time of his death , Jackson was working with a concert promotions company on 50 sold-out shows in London , England , beginning in mid-July . Also Saturday , a handful of fans milled about the Jackson family home in Encino ,","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- About 1.6 million fans registered for a chance at fewer than 9,000 pairs of tickets to Michael Jackson 's memorial service next week , organizers said . Some memorial tickets went out to `` friends and family '' on Sunday . Registration ended at 6 p.m. Saturday . Officials will now `` scrub '' all entries to eliminate duplicates and those they suspect may have been registered using software that ticket scalpers use to generate multiple hits . A random drawing will follow . The winning 8,750 registrants will receive an e-mail Sunday after 11 a.m. -LRB- 2 p.m. ET -RRB- , AEG Live said . `` I know I 'll be hitting the ` refresh ' button on my inbox over and over again , '' said Jackie Flower , an arts student in San Diego , California . The e-mail will assign the selected registrants a unique code and direct them to a designated distribution center away from the Staples Center . There , they will each receive two tickets to either the memorial service at the Staples Center arena or a simulcast of the event at the adjacent Nokia"} +{"answer":"hospital , her grandmother said . Heinze , who is unemployed , told police he was not home when the killings occurred . Watch sheriff describe attack as `` the most heinous crime we 've ever had in the community '' '' According to the earlier arrest warrant , Heinze provided `` investigators with false and misleading information about his whereabouts and involvement in the circumstances leading up to him calling 911 to report the deaths of his family members . '' The arrest warrant also said he removed a shotgun from the residence and hid it in the trunk of his car . A man identified as Heinze reported the slayings . He told an emergency dispatcher when he called Saturday , `` I was out last night . I got home just now , and everybody 's dead . ... My whole family 's dead . It looks like they 've been beaten to death . '' Listen to the 911 call '' Seven of the eight victims will be buried Saturday , as a 3-year-old who was injured struggles to survive at a Savannah hospital . The toddler 's grieving grandmother , Diane Isenhower , who lost","question":"BRUNSWICK , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Guy Heinze Jr. , the son of one of the victims of last week 's killings of eight people in a southeast Georgia mobile home , has been arrested on eight counts of first degree murder , police said Friday . Guy Heinze Jr. faces eight first degree murder charges related to a shooting at a Georgia mobile home . Investigators obtained an arrest warrant Friday evening for Heinze , 22 , just hours after he had been freed from jail on charges of tampering with evidence and making false statements to a police officer , Glynn County , Georgia , Police Chief Matt Doering said . `` I can assure you that this person is responsible , '' Doering said at a news conference Friday evening . The bodies were discovered last Saturday at New Hope Plantation mobile home park , north of the Atlantic coastal city of Brunswick . Seven died in the mobile home , and the eighth died Sunday at a hospital . Doering refused to reveal how the victims were killed or the suspected motive . A 3-year-old who was injured struggles on life support at a Savannah"} +{"answer":", '' District Attorney Nola Foulston said . Watch the district attorney explain the charges '' Kansas state law allows the death penalty only in certain circumstances , such as multiple killings , contract killings , the deaths of police officers or jailers , or a slaying that takes place during a sexual assault . Roeder was in the county jail during his brief initial court appearance and appeared in court via video . He requested a court-appointed lawyer during the hearing , during which he was dressed in maroon jail coveralls and appeared to fidget . Watch scenes from court Tuesday '' Burgess ordered Roeder to have no contact with witnesses or Tiller 's family . Since Tiller 's death , supporters have left a few bouquets of flowers outside his clinic . The architecture of the low-slung , windowless concrete building -- which is fenced off , monitored by cameras and separated from buildings behind it by a moat-like ditch -- reflected the threats he faced for nearly two decades . In a statement issued Tuesday , Tiller 's family said they hope his `` valuable work '' will go on , `` but there have been no","question":"WICHITA , Kansas -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Kansas prosecutors have brought murder and assault charges against the man suspected of killing Wichita physician George Tiller , whose women 's clinic was a frequent target of protests against abortion . Scott Roeder , 51 , is being held on a first-degree murder charge and two counts of aggravated assault . Scott Roeder , 51 , is being held without bail on a first-degree murder charge and two counts of aggravated assault stemming from Tiller 's shooting death Sunday morning , Sedgwick County District Judge Ben Burgess said . Burgess set a preliminary hearing in the case for June 16 . Police have not disclosed a possible motive in Tiller 's killing , but associates said Roeder was a regular among the anti-abortion protesters who routinely gathered at his Wichita clinic , Women 's Health Care Services . Tiller , 67 , was one of the few U.S. doctors who performed late-term abortions , and he had survived one attempt on his life before being gunned down in his church Sunday morning . Prosecutors will not seek the death penalty `` under the facts and circumstances that are known at this time"} +{"answer":"speaking from , but tourists were stranded in both . The People 's Alliance for Democracy , which is leading the protests , said it will not end its occupation of the airports until the prime minister resigns . They accuse his government of being a front for ousted former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra . Ongoing protests caused authorities to cancel all incoming and outgoing flights at the main hub , Suvarnabhumi International Airport , which handles 60,000 incoming passengers daily , an assistant to airport director Serirat Prasutanond told CNN . Pro- and anti-government protesters also exchanged gunfire Tuesday , a Thai police official said . Protesters with golf clubs and long wooden sticks clashed with airport taxi drivers , with each side throwing objects at the other . Watch what 's causing the protests '' Protesters blockaded people trying to get to one of the airports . They directed travelers to exit onto the access roads . See more photos '' `` I 'm trying to get out of this place , but I 'm stuck , '' iReporter Arjan Sing , who was on a two-week vacation to India and stopped in Bangkok to visit a friend","question":"BANGKOK , Thailand -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- After 17 hours , Kerri Gannon and her husband were still stranded in an airport in Bangkok , Thailand , Wednesday , trying to find a way home to the United States after the facility was occupied by crowds of protesters and closed . Anti-government protesters gather in front of Bangkok 's Suvarnabhumi airport early Wednesday . The newly married husband and wife , in Thailand for their honeymoon , were struggling to find a way home to California after explosions at two Bangkok airports wounded four people and both airports were shut down . The day before , thousands of anti-government protesters stormed the airports to protest the return of Thai Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat from an economic summit in Peru . `` The upper level outside is really crowded with protesters and for the most part they 're kind of quiet and polite , '' Gannon said from the airport . `` They 're roaming the airport , they 're cheering and clapping and walking around , but it 's clearly their domain . '' Watch protesters clash '' It was not clear which of the two occupied airports she was"} +{"answer":", the executive director of Automotive News , the trade newspaper for the North American car industry . For the first four months of this year , truck and SUV sales are down a collective 24.8 percent . SUV sales plummeted 32.8 percent while pickups dipped 19.9 percent , he says . `` If gas prices stay where they are at or continue to rise , the body-on frame SUV is an endangered species and the pickup truck as a personal car is an endangered species , '' Brown says . How do owners react when they 're told their once - $ 40,000-plus vehicles are now worth less than half that ? `` When they find out what you think their truck is worth , they think you 're trying to rip them off or something , '' says Fernandez . `` Small cars are gone within a week ; SUVs are sitting here since last summer . '' David Lavi , the owner of a Toyota Tacoma pickup , is feeling that pinch . He put his truck on the market several weeks ago in hopes of downsizing . He bought it brand new in 2006 when gas","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Jorge Fernandez strolls across the used-car parking lot littered with dozens upon dozens of sport utility vehicles the size of small tugboats . SUVs like these are having a tough time selling with gas prices at all-time highs . With gas at $ 4 a gallon , many have sat there since last summer . `` The cars are literally just sitting , and it does n't matter how much you sell them for , '' Fernandez says of the SUVs and trucks nobody wants anymore . `` It 's amazing . I 've never seen it this bad -- ever . '' Fernandez , a wholesale auto dealer who has been in the business for more than 20 years , says SUV owners are hit especially hard . The really large ones with V-8 engines that can get as little as 12 miles per gallon in the city -- like the Cadillac Escalade , Ford Expedition and Chevy Suburban -- are dropping in value by the thousands . Watch the sinking value of guzzlers '' The No. 1 reason for the sales slump is soaring gas prices , says Peter Brown"} +{"answer":"company 's founder and CEO , Maia Josebachvili , 25 , on the path to becoming a business owner . While attending Dartmouth College , Josebachvili developed a passion for sky diving . To pay for the pricey dives , she began to lead trips for her friends and her friends ' friends . Soon she realized that the people she was guiding were outside of her original social network , and an idea began to emerge . After graduating from Dartmouth and working as a trader on the New York Stock Exchange , Josebachvili decided working in the concrete jungle was not for her . At 24 , Josebachvili started a business out of something she had been doing for years during college -- leading outdoor adventure trips . The company launched in early 2008 , just months before the economy tanked . `` I started to wonder if this is really going to work , '' Josebachvili said . But with trips designed with budget and value in mind , the suffering economy did not stunt the business . Josebachvili said the company was able to break even within six months . The business relies on social networking","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Summer excursions seem out of reach to many struggling young professionals , and the faltering economy is n't helping . But one New York City company , offering trips aimed at the young and thrifty , is capitalizing on the urbanite 's desire to get away -- and finding success despite the downturn . A group of Urban Escapes NYC hikers stops for a snack during an expedition in New York 's Harriman State Park . As a slightly broke young professional myself , with a taste for adventure but living in a very expensive city , the idea behind Urban Escapes NYC was intriguing . The company offers an array of activities -- from short hiking , sky diving or canoeing trips to international journeys that combine various activities . On the company 's user-friendly Web site , I scrolled through the offerings . There were trips ranging from one-day hiking or fruit-picking excursions priced at around $ 60 to $ 800 weeklong international expeditions . The average trip includes ground transportation , the cost of the activity , guide fees , equipment rental and meals . Jumping out of planes put the"} +{"answer":"interestingly , this comes at a time when the new president of Pakistan has , in fact , gone further than any previous Pakistani leader in saying they want to improve relations with India , in saying they want to jointly combat terrorism together . The Pakistani president even went so far as saying he would consider renouncing a nuclear strike on India . This is a very confused situation . Although some group has claimed responsibility , nobody knows the motive yet . ... CNN : Talk to me about why it would be in the interest of these people to sever this tie between Pakistan and India . Do they believe India would join in the effort to squeeze them out ? Amanpour : This is the ongoing situation . Certainly , Kashmir is a flashpoint for India and Pakistan , and really back in 2006 , there were Islamic militants blamed for recent attacks . About 180 people were killed there . The one that came closest to pitting India against Pakistan was in 2001 , when Islamic militants attacked the Parliament . Only 12 people were killed , but not compared to what 's happened now","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Indian city of Mumbai exploded into chaos early Thursday morning as gunmen launched a series of attacks across the country 's commercial capital , killing scores of people and taking hostages in two luxury hotels frequented by Westerners . CNN 's Christiane Amanpour says India and Pakistan might be warming toward each other . Chief international correspondent Christiane Amanpour spoke about the situation . CNN : An attack this large , this sophisticated , and carried out with no warning could have come from inside India , maybe , maybe outside , maybe a neighboring state could be involved . We turn to Christiane Amanpour . What do you hear ? Christiane Amanpour : Well , Tom , Islamic militants have been stepping up their assaults on Mumbai , which is not just the center of its filmmaking , but the economic and financial hub of India . They have often blamed terror attacks on Islamic militants based in Pakistan . Some , they say , are concerned about , for instance , Indian rule over Kashmir . Al Qaeda also has threatened to attack India in revenge for its policies . Very , very"} +{"answer":"the men who subdued the gunman had a law enforcement background . `` Those parishioners were just real-life heroes , '' Pastor Lawson said . See how gunman killed Illinois pastor '' Schardam said the suspect in Sunday 's shooting , 27-year-old Terry J. Sedlacek , had no known relationship to the church or Winters , and random attacks are impossible to anticipate . Hawkins called the Illinois killing `` tragic , '' but he said in the year or so since the Christian Security Network has been actively training churches , numerous other tragedies have been averted . `` These incidents are n't going to make the news , '' said Hawkins . `` But they are happening everywhere , big city or small town . '' Hundreds of church leaders have told him about all kinds of attacks they have recently faced , from arsons and burglaries to assaults on members and church leaders . In the first two months of 2009 , churches have described more than 140 acts of violence to the Network , he said . In one incident , congregants noticed a person dressed inappropriately for the weather and acting odd . The man","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Churches can stop a shooter or anyone else intent on harming church members with the proper security measures in place , an expert on protecting places of worship said Monday . Police say the attacker walked into First Baptist Church of Maryville , Illinois , on Sunday and began firing . `` A church is not helpless when they have a plan , and properly trained security , '' said Jeff Hawkins , the executive director of the Christian Security Network . First Baptist Church in Maryville , Illinois , had a security plan in place when a gunman walked into services Sunday morning and killed Pastor Fred Winters , said Tim Lawson , another pastor at the church . Lawson told CNN he was not prepared to disclose details of his church 's security plan on Monday . But Maryville police Chief Rich Schardam said Winters was keenly aware of the security issues , had sought out police advice and had identified police and medical personnel in the congregation who could help in an emergency . `` They did have plans on what to do , '' Schardam said Monday . Schardam said neither of"} +{"answer":"because of earlier rains and floods , Mayor Angelo Betta told the news agency ANSA . So , too , is the nearby town of Vernazza , with even bulldozers and cranes still not able to reach it . That said , Betta reported some progress Thursday thanks to round-the-clock efforts by emergency workers and volunteers to clean up the town . One volunteer in that community died in the flood Wednesday . `` The situation is much better compared to yesterday , '' Betta said . Italy 's Defense Ministry noted Thursday on its website that 348 military personnel have deployed to the provinces of Massa Carrara and La Spezia to assist in the wake of flooding here . Three people were killed after a house collapsed in La Spezia , an ANSA report said . ANSA also reported that prosecutors have opened a manslaughter investigation related to the deaths of two people from flood-related injuries in Aulla . Authorities are assessing whether their deaths had anything to do with faulty work that may have caused the Magra River to overflow . The weather has also caused major travel headaches throughout the region . A mudslide that trapped a","question":"Rome -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Seven people have died and seven others are missing after rains triggered severe flooding in northern Italy , civil protection officials said Friday . Especially hard hit was the tourist-popular Cinque Terre region on Italy 's northwest coast . The Italian Council of Ministers declared a state of emergency in the flood region , which means 65 million euros -LRB- $ 91 million -RRB- will be put aside to deal with the disaster , the Corriere della Sera newspaper reported . A special cabinet meeting was called Friday to discuss the situation , the Italian government said . Heavy rains continued to fall Thursday night in Milan and other spots across the southern European nation , according to the Servizio Meteorologico , Italy 's official weather agency . The agency gave an alert about intense , widespread rainfall -- potentially with strong wind gusts and hail -- in the regions of Calabria and Basilicata in southern Italy , as well as the eastern part of Sicily . Meanwhile , Monterosso al Mare -- between Genoa and Pisa in the Cinque Terre region of Liguria -- has been `` isolated , accessible only by sea ''"} +{"answer":"you that Saif and those who were with him will be tried fairly . They are ensured all their rights under the law . These are the same rights that our nation did n't have for 42 years . '' The ICC in the Netherlands wants Saif al-Islam for alleged crimes against humanity , including murder , committed during the uprising this year . But officials in Libya also indicated they would like to put Saif al-Islam on trial . Although he held no high-level government office , Saif al-Islam was considered by ICC prosecutors to be Moammar Gadhafi 's `` unspoken successor and the most influential person with his inner circle , '' according to an arrest warrant issued in June . The Gadhafi regime formulated a state policy that included quelling demonstrations by lethal force , attacking civilians and imprisoning hundreds , according to the warrant . Saif al-Islam `` exercised control over crucial parts of the state apparatus , including finances and logistics and had the powers of a de facto prime minister . '' ICC Chief Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo said the arrest was `` good news . '' `` That is very important because we consider","question":"Tripoli , Libya -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Libyans celebrated late into the evening Saturday the reported capture of Moammar Gadhafi 's son , Saif al-Islam , nabbed in a desert gunbattle after an 18-day stakeout . Senior Libyan military officials said they believe the potential Gadhafi successor was trying to make his way to neighboring Niger , where a brother , Saadi , was granted asylum . Revolutionary fighters caught the man wanted by the International Criminal Court between the southwestern oasis town of Obari and southern town of Sabha , military commanders in Tripoli told CNN . The 39-year-old , the last Gadhafi fugitive , was taken to the city of Zintan in the western mountains . Top officials in the town rejoiced over the development . Saif al-Islam had been on the run since shortly after the fall of his father 's Bab al-Aziziya compound in the capital in August . `` I hope that this is the beginning of a state of freedom , transparency and lawfulness , '' acting Prime Minister Abdurrahim El-Keib told reporters in Zintan . `` In the name of the great nation , we would like to allay your fears and tell"} +{"answer":"them have have got nothing to do with the sticking pedal at all , '' said Antony Anderson , an electronics consultant in Newcastle-upon-Tyne , England . Anderson said electronic throttle controls , which largely have replaced mechanical accelerators , can malfunction in ways he compared to an occasionally disobedient child . `` We 've all had that type of experience , and I 'm afraid that is the sort of experience that can happen with any piece of electronics , with an electronic throttle , '' he said . And Sean Kane , who runs a company called Safety Research Strategies in Rehoboth , Massachusetts , said , `` Toyota 's explanations do not account for the share of unintended acceleration complaints that we have examined . '' Toyota officials dispute any assertion that the complicated array of electronics in its cars has an impact on the acceleration issues that have dominated headlines in the past weeks . `` After many years of exhaustive testing by us and by other organizations , we have found no evidence of an electronic problem in our electronic throttle control systems that could have led to unwanted acceleration , '' said John Hanson","question":"College Park , Maryland -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In his hectic , noisy laboratory at the University of Maryland , Michael Pecht is wary when it comes to assessing whether Toyota 's suggested repair of sticky gas pedals will have any real impact . `` They are in a bit of a quandary , '' said Pecht , a professor at Maryland 's Clark School of Engineering . `` If they announce that electronics is a problem , they are probably going to be in a lot of trouble , because nobody 's going to drive the car . So at this stage , they do n't want to announce there is any electronic problem . '' But according to Pecht , who is an expert in failure analysis and has written a book on sudden acceleration in automobiles , complicated electronics -- not a mechanical issue with the gas pedal -- lie at the heart of Toyota 's problems . And three other independent safety analysts contacted by CNN also conclude that neither floor mats nor stuck gas pedals are an overwhelming issue . `` From what people have told me about their sudden acceleration incidents , most of"} +{"answer":"sparingly , feed patients yogurt to replenish healthy bacteria in the gut and bathe patients daily , using a soap that maintains the natural pH of the patient 's skin , killing only bacteria that do n't belong there . Meet some of the people fighting hospital-acquired infections '' Torress-Cook is also obsessive about hygiene : Nurses clean under patients ' fingernails and brush their teeth daily . He also enlisted the hospital 's cleaning crew as part of the infection-fighting team . Rooms receive a thorough cleaning every day -- more than simply emptying the trash and mopping the floor , he says . Under Torress-Cook , Pacific Hospital 's infection rate for the so-called superbug MRSA is down to 0.01 per 1,000 discharges , 430 times better than the national average . Approximately one out of every 22 patients who checks into a U.S. hospital acquires a bacterial infection , adding more than $ 28 billion to health care costs , according to a 2009 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . But there are signs of improvement . Pennsylvania , which requires the most extensive reporting of hospital-acquired infections , saw the annual rate","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- For years , Alfonso Torress-Cook followed the rules in his quest to eliminate hospital-acquired infections . Patients at his hospital received large doses of antibiotics and were scrubbed down with alcohol-based soaps , as he and his colleagues aimed to kill every bacterium possible . Search and destroy was the mantra . By upending conventional wisdom , Alfonso Torress-Cook was able to slash hospital-acquired infection rates . Still , patients became sick with bacterial infections after checking in . Some died . `` I never saw anything change . I saw things getting worse , '' Torress-Cook said . Torress-Cook eventually joined Pacific Hospital of Long Beach , in California , where as director of epidemiology and patient safety , he changed the rules and slashed the number of patients who become infected . Torress-Cook is part of a growing movement in medicine that no longer accepts hospital-acquired infections as inevitable complications . Every year , such infections sicken 1.7 million and kill 99,000 people in the United States . At Pacific Hospital , Torress-Cook does n't go after all bacteria , just the dangerous ones . The staff members at the 184-bed hospital use antibiotics"} +{"answer":"get to the prison . `` You would have to open up a total of eight doors , and ... -LRB- for the -RRB- last door which would go into this space -LRB- where the family was imprisoned -RRB- , you would also have to use electronic opening apparatus , '' Polzer said . `` We will have to find out perhaps later from now if perhaps there are other spaces we have n't discovered yet , and perhaps maybe there is something else interesting . '' Fritzl was recently arrested and confessed to holding his daughter , Elisabeth , captive in the dungeon under the Fritzl home for decades , repeatedly raping her and fathering seven children -- six of whom survived . Three of the children were adopted by Josef Fritzl and his wife after he concocted the ruse that Elisabeth had left the babies on their doorstep . The story of the family 's imprisonment began to unravel more than two weeks ago , when one of the children still in the dungeon , 19-year-old Kerstin Fritzl , fell seriously ill with convulsions . The father agreed to take her to a hospital , the first time","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Austrian investigators Monday released more details about the elaborate underground cellar where Josef Fritzl kept his daughter imprisoned for 24 years , along with three of their children . Josef Fritzl admitted to authorities he raped his daughter and fathered her children . Investigators believe Fritzl planned to build the cellar as early as 1978 , shortly after , according to his daughter , he began raping her at age 11 or 12 , said police spokesman Franz Polzer . The 73-year-old Austrian began building the dungeon as part of an addition to his home that year , and simply added the hidden space -- which was not recorded in any building plans -- Polzer said . It took Fritzl until 1983 to finish the addition , Polzer said . Investigators recently discovered another door to the dungeon prison , which was blocked by a 500-kilogram -LRB- 1,100-pound -RRB- steel and concrete door that Fritzl probably stopped using when he later constructed an electronic door for a second entrance , Polzer said . Fritzl , who police believe was the only one with access to the cellar , had to travel through an elaborate maze to"} +{"answer":"said during a webcast Wednesday that he obtained the Prejean video during the summer , but found it `` too racy '' to post on his site . He indicated Prejean was alone in the video . The source with knowledge of the settlement talks told CNN those details were accurate . Prejean 's lawyer , Charles LiMandri , responded with a short statement issued through an employee at his law office . `` It 's a confidential settlement , and he ca n't discuss it , '' the statement said . Several calls and e-mail to Prejean 's publicist were not returned Wednesday . Prejean 's tell-all book hits bookstores next week , and she is scheduled for media interviews to promote it . Pageant spokesman Kenn Henman said Tuesday the settlement means all lawsuit demands are dropped . The pageant had claimed that the contract she signed when she entered their competition last year gave the pageant the rights to anything she wrote . The settlement ended that claim . Pageant officials also dropped their attempt to be repaid for her breast enhancement , which was done before she represented California in the Miss USA competition , according","question":"Los Angeles , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The sudden end to a legal battle between dethroned Miss California USA Carrie Prejean and pageant officials was prompted by the revelation of a `` sex tape , '' according to a source familiar with the lawsuits ' settlement . Prejean was fired in June after lingerie-modeling photos of her emerged that pageant officials said were a breach of her contract . Prejean sued the pageant in August , arguing her firing was religious discrimination because of her opposition to same-sex marriage . Pageant officials countersued last month , demanding their former beauty queen repay $ 5,200 in pageant money spent for her breast implants and give them all proceeds from a book she 's written . A settlement of both lawsuits was signed in New York Tuesday , but no details were made public . Lawyers and parties for each side were bound by a confidentiality pledge , according to the source . The veil of secrecy was partially lifted Wednesday after celebrity gossip Web site TMZ reported the deal was sealed after pageant lawyers presented an `` extremely graphic '' home video involving Prejean . TMZ Managing Editor Harvey Levin"} +{"answer":". The only other new release to reach the top ten was Fox Searchlight 's post-college flick `` Post Grad '' starring Alexis Bledel . Despite opening in 1,959 locations , the film grossed only an estimated $ 2.8 million for the three days . Among holdovers , `` District 9 '' did incredibly well considering Basterds was angling directly for its male audience . The $ 30 million sci-fi movie from newcomer Neil Blomkamp dropped a scant 49 % to $ 18.9 million putting its total ten day gross at an impressive $ 73 million . `` G.I. Joe '' also hung in for its third week in theaters . The high-octane actioner fell only 44 percent to $ 12.5 million . It 's three-week cume now stands at $ 120 million . Female moviegoers helped keep `` The Time Traveler 's Wife '' and `` Julie & Julia '' in the top five . `` Time Traveler '' dropped only 46 percent to $ 10 million its second week putting its ten-day gross at $ 37.4 million while `` Julie & Julia '' fell only 25 percent , which is remarkable considering the movie is in its third","question":"-LRB- Entertainment Weekly -RRB- -- Score a personal best at the box office for Quentin Tarantino this weekend . `` Inglourious Basterds , '' his revisionist take on WWII starring Brad Pitt , grossed an estimated $ 37.6 million , besting the reigning box office champ `` District 9 , '' and giving beleaguered studio The Weinstein Co. a little financial relief . `` Inglourious Basterds , '' a revisionist take on WWII starring Brad Pitt , grossed an estimated $ 37.6 million . `` Basterds ' '' opening far surpasses Tarantino 's previous best opener , `` Kill Bill Vol . 2 , '' which brought in $ 25 million in April 2004 . The critical question now is how `` Basterds '' will hold up during the next few weeks . Since Weinstein only has domestic rights to the movie -- Universal Pictures holds international -- a large overall gross stateside is mandatory for the company . Warner Bros . had a much harder time with its release `` Shorts '' from auteur Robert Rodriguez . Opening to only $ 6.6 million , the PG-rated kid flick landed in a weak 6th place finish for its opening frame"} +{"answer":"worst supporting actress awards for her roles in `` Hottie & the Nottie '' and `` Repo : The Genetic Opera . '' She was also awarded worst screen couple for her on-screen time with her co-stars Christine Lakin and Joel David Moore . Razzie host Gretchen Enders said that `` Hottie & the Nottie '' was `` a vanity production in the worst sense ... Hilton , who served as executive producer , has no one to blame but herself . '' Hilton 's film had a budget of $ 2 million but only earned about $ 27,000 at the box office . `` Under Obama 's new plan , they would n't even have to pay taxes , '' Wilson deadpanned . Myers added worst actor to the `` Love Guru '' worst picture and worst screenplay Razzies . To save anyone else from having to watch it , Wilson shredded a DVD copy of the film on stage . Parody films `` Disaster Movie '' and `` Meet the Spartans , '' each nominated in five categories , came away empty-handed . However , that does n't mean the Razzie foundation thinks they were worthwhile . ``","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It was a night for neon pink bow ties and words like `` disaster '' and `` monstrosity . '' It was not the night , however , to be Paris Hilton , Mike Myers or Uwe Boll . Paula Einstein , Rebecca Marcotte and Kelie McIver do a parody of `` Dancing Queen '' to open the show . The 29th Annual Golden Raspberry Awards honored the worst film achievements of the year in a small theater in Hollywood on February 21 . The night opened with a parody of the `` Mamma Mia '' song , `` Dancing Queen , '' and ended with `` Love Guru '' being named worst picture . `` It was n't just the economy that tanked , so did the qualities of the movies being offered , '' Razzie founder John Wilson told CNN several weeks before the show . `` I would suggest putting away all sharp -LSB- instruments -RSB- before putting the DVDs in your machine . '' Paris Hilton and Mike Myers came out on top -- or bottom -- for the awards . Hilton earned both the worst actress and"} +{"answer":"administration urged Congress to drop the issue , and some leading Democrats urged Pelosi not to bring it to the floor . Majority Leader Steny Hoyer signaled Tuesday that the vote might be put off . `` I said I thought we would bring this up prior to us leaving here , '' said Hoyer of Maryland . `` I have not changed on that , although I would be less than candid to say that there are a number of people who are revisiting their own positions . We will have to determine where everybody is . '' Democratic Rep. Ike Skelton , the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee , announced his opposition to the resolution last week . And Democratic Reps. Alcee Hastings of Florida and John Tanner of Tennessee , both members of the U.S. House delegation to NATO , urged Pelosi to reconsider in a letter released Tuesday . `` More than half of the cargo flown into Iraq and Afghanistan comes through Incirlik Air Base , and this base would be a key component of any plans for redeployment of our troops in the future , '' they wrote . Lt. Gen. Carter","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Some Democrats appear to be wavering on a highly contentious House resolution labeling Turkey 's treatment of Armenians in World War I as genocide . A KC-135 tanker lands at Incirlik Air Base in southern Turkey in 2003 . Turkey , a longtime U.S. ally and NATO partner , was incensed by the resolution calling the killing of Armenians by Ottoman Turks genocide and threatened to block access to Incirlik Air Base after the resolution passed a House committee vote . The base , in southern Turkey near Syria , is a major resupply center for U.S. operations in Iraq and elsewhere in the Mideast and Asia . The Pentagon is preparing to set up new supply routes for troops in Iraq if Turkey cuts off U.S. access to the strategically important Incirlik , military officials said Tuesday . Ankara acknowledges the killings of Armenians during World War I but vehemently objects to the `` genocide '' label . The House Foreign Affairs Committee last week adopted the nonbinding resolution . House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she would bring the measure to a vote of the full House sometime next month . But the Bush"} +{"answer":"suggested that Cyrus should continue to pursue the craft , he went on to star in the television drama `` Doc , '' which also helped spur the career of Cyrus ' greatest production -- `` Hannah Montana '' star , and Cyrus ' daughter , Miley Cyrus . Now , with the release of `` Hannah Montana : The Movie '' on Blu-ray and DVD , a music tour and an upcoming role in a film featuring comedian George Lopez and martial arts expert Jackie Chan , Cyrus is staying busy . He recently took some time out of his hectic schedule to talk to CNN about how he keeps it all together , how he manages raising a family full of performers -LRB- son Trace is a member of the band Metro Station , daughter Brandi performs with the band Frank and Derol and also acts , as do younger children Braison and Noah -RRB- and what makes him a good fit for Hollywood . CNN : What do you like about `` Hannah Montana : The Movie ? '' Billy Ray Cyrus : I think it 's got a certain amount of realism to it with art","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Billy Ray Cyrus may be a country boy at heart , but he is also pretty savvy when it comes to navigating Hollywood . Billy Ray Cyrus has a full plate with acting , touring , composing and being a dad . When others wrote him off as a novelty act after the 1992 hit `` Achy Breaky Heart , '' Cyrus kept making music and eventually turned to acting . It was a decision he said came after some well-timed fatherly advice . `` In the mid - '90s , my dad said to me ` Son , you 've got all of your eggs in one basket and you are living and dying by music , ' '' Cyrus recalled . `` He said ' I want you to have a career like Kenny Rogers . ' '' Cyrus said his dad suggested he branch out into acting . Cyrus eventually auditioned for and won a role in what appeared to be an unlikely vehicle -- David Lynch 's 2001 film `` Mulholland Drive . '' After Lynch , known for such works as `` Blue Velvet '' and `` Twin Peaks , ''"} +{"answer":"he said . `` It was very sad for her to find this out . '' A former Las Vegas animal trainer , Chester Arthur Stiles , 37 , a resident of Pahrump , Nevada , has been identified as a suspect and is being sought in the case , De Meo said . Pahrump is about 60 miles west of Las Vegas . Watch what 's known about Stiles '' Stiles was a distant friend of the girl 's family , De Meo said . Someone close to Stiles has told investigators that Stiles is a `` survivalist type '' and always carries a weapon , Nye County District Attorney Bob Beckett said . De Meo addressed Stiles directly : `` Turn yourself in to your local law enforcement agency , '' he said . `` Understand this : Law enforcement not only has a long arm , but a long memory . You will not be forgotten by members of this agency or any other law enforcement agency . '' The FBI is also seeking Stiles on state charges of sexual assault and lewdness with a minor under the age of 14 in a separate matter , De","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A girl who was shown on a videotape being sexually assaulted in Las Vegas has been found and is safe , officials in Nye County , Nevada , said Friday . Chester Arthur Stiles , 37 , is being sought as a suspect , police say . `` We have found the child , Madison . She 's safe . The detectives say she is in good condition , '' Nye County Sheriff Tony De Meo said . The girl , now 7 , was shown in a sex video made four years ago , Detective David Boruchowitz said at a news conference Friday night . She was found Friday with family in Las Vegas after thousands of tips poured in , thanks to an appeal by police to the news media to show the girl 's picture . CNN and other news organizations did so until the child was found , when De Meo asked them to stop showing the picture . `` The mother has cooperated with us , '' De Meo said . `` We believe that the mother was not aware of anything that went on with this young girl , ''"} +{"answer":"autism treatments . The organization Autism Speaks has endorsed bills in 25 states that would require private health insurance policies to cover the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders for anyone under the age of 21 . The legislation would specifically be targeted at ABA and other structured autism therapies . Only eight states have autism insurance reform , according to Autism Speaks . While ABA encompasses a broad range of practices of studying and changing behavior , the one usually associated with autism is called discrete trial instruction . A trial consists of a cue , the opportunity to respond and a reward . Watch therapists using applied behavior analysis on Ryan '' For example , a therapist might try to teach a child who likes sweets to request candy . The trial gets repeated over and over so that the child learns that candy comes only as a result of the request . The clinicians at Marcus Autism Center carefully record how many trials the child successfully completes . Learn more about autism '' `` If suddenly they can emit some vocal response , and suddenly when they do that , candy appears -- someone delivers candy","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- For 8-year-old Ryan Mohar , an elevator is n't just an elevator . He spends hours pressing the buttons and riding up and down , preferring this to the slew of alternatives that his teachers offer -- even candy . Ryan Mohar , who has autism , gets treated with ABA approaches at the Marcus Autism Center . Ryan is one of many American children with autism , a neurological disorder characterized by repetitive behaviors or limited interests , and difficulties with communication and social interactions . At the Marcus Autism Center in Atlanta , Georgia , Ryan and other children with communication and behavior difficulties get help through a rigorous empirical method called Applied Behavior Analysis . `` Decades of research has shown that that is the treatment of choice , and results in the best gains in terms of skill acquisition and behavior problem reduction for kids with autism and other developmental disabilities , '' said Alice Shillingsburg , program coordinator of the center 's Language and Learning Clinic . The effectiveness and nature of ABA is particularly relevant as many parents fight for insurance companies to cover it and other"} +{"answer":"for the Study and Treatment of Loss . The waiting finally came to an end for Hosty on Thursday evening when she heard through a cousin that her mother was alive . And though she has n't been able to speak with Theravil directly , she 's sleeping again . `` I know there are other problems that are coming with food and water , but I feel relief that she 's not dead , '' Hosty said . `` My cousin said my mommy is OK . '' The toll of the quake is not yet known , but government officials said deaths may exceed 100,000 . Emergency crews have already arrived in the Port-au-Prince area , but there are no indications when communication lines will be restored . Haiti is the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere , with a weak infrastructure even before the earthquake . The panic , anger and sadness since the quake are similar to the responses seen after the September 11 attacks , Hurricane Katrina and the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami . Those unexpected disasters claimed many lives and left family members who suffered losses to grieve for years , psychology experts say","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Is she hurt ? Is she getting help ? Is she even alive ? Those were the jumbled thoughts that raced through Sereth Hosty 's mind in her Long Island , New York , home as she tirelessly scoured the news and Web for clues to the whereabouts of her elderly mother in Haiti . Since an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 struck Tuesday , Augusta Thervil , 83 , was among the growing number of people who had gone missing in the Port-au-Prince area . And her daughter was among those living in limbo . `` I check . I check . I check , '' Hosty said earlier this week . She had spent two days trying to reach her mother , neighbors and family friends by phone . She even placed a posting on CNN.com 's iReport with her mother 's picture . With phone lines and electricity down , people with family and friends in Haiti are struggling to live with uncertainty . `` To not know and be waiting is one of the most difficult situations to be in , '' said Therese Rando , clinical director of the Institute"} +{"answer":"of introspection going on in Greenville , a small town of 13,000 where the good-paying jobs are getting scarce and the problems of big-city poverty are creeping in . Residents are divided on whether the boy is responsible , but they say his plight compels them to look at themselves and face their deepening problems . `` He 's a young kid . There 's something got to be wrong for him to come up with that , '' said Angie Hughes , manager of a downtown Greenville hair salon . `` It has brought to the surface the fact that in this area ... we do have a lot of folks who are the have-nots in the world ... the vast numbers of people in our community who are really deep in poverty , '' said Peter B. Menke , pastor of St. Paul 's . Watch Menke talk about how the tragedy has galvanized Greenville '' St. Paul 's sees firsthand the poverty that led to the boy having to sleep on the sofa , because he had no bed in the half of the duplex he shared with nine other people . Christy Winans managed to escape","question":"GREENVILLE , Ohio -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The parishioners heard the sirens during Sunday morning services in Greenville , Ohio . A few blocks from St. Paul 's Lutheran Church , a home was burning and five people were dead . Police tape wards off the curious from the duplex where a woman and four children died in a fire September 16 . Shock followed sadness with news that a 10-year-old boy was being charged with arson and murder , more heartbreak for a town in tough times -- but heartbreak that shook people into action . The St. Paul 's parishioners reacted quickly that morning , said Shirley DiRocco , a volunteer at the church . Just passing the collection plate once around the church , she said , `` We came up with $ 300 . '' The money went to buy clothes for the fire 's survivors and food for the emergency crew who responded , she said . Helping out is nothing new for the church -- but a boy being accused of killing his mother , half-sister and three other children in a fire has been unheard of till now . There 's a lot"} +{"answer":"said they were all from the western part of the country . Two were from the state of Totonicapan and three were from the state of Quetzaltenango , she said . After the fire broke out , Chan managed to get her 2-year-old son to safety , apparently by handing him to someone on the floor below , and threw her 2-month-old daughter toward a passerby , said Alvarado , who said he received that account from someone close to the family . `` Thank God they 're safe , '' he said . A 2-month-old baby was in critical condition , fire officials said , but the child was not immediately identified ; three other people sustained injuries ranging from serious to minor . Thirteen firefighters sustained minor injuries . The fire started about 2:30 a.m. Saturday behind a door in one of the apartment units , Dwyer said . `` If somebody starts a fire there intentionally , that would certainly be looking to kill somebody , because there 's no way for them to get out , '' Fire Commissioner Salvatore Cassano said . At Chan 's church , members in mourning were waiting Monday for more","question":"New York -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Investigators suspect arson in a fire that killed five Guatemalan immigrants in Brooklyn , they said Monday . `` People are all concerned and very sad , '' said Maria Luz de Zyriek , the Guatemalan consul in New York . `` This is a horrible tragedy . '' Authorities continue to investigate and have not formally determined a cause , the Fire Department of New York said . The blaze damaged a restaurant and apartments in a three-story building in the Bensonhurst neighborhood , Frank Dwyer , a fire department spokesman , has said . Luisa Chan , a mother of two , died in the blaze , said Mario Alvarado , a member of Jovenes Cristianos -- Christian Youth , a church with about 200 members , most of them Guatemalan immigrants , on 17th Avenue in Brooklyn . Chan usually attended services on Tuesday , Wednesday , Saturday and Sunday , Alvarado said . The congregation mourned her on Sunday . `` The service was so quiet , '' he said . Are you there ? Share your story Investigators have not publicly identified the victims , but the Guatemalan consul"} +{"answer":"a homosexual lover , Antinous , whose drowning in the river Nile on the very day Egyptians were celebrating the death in a similar manner of the god Osiris remains one of ancient history 's great unsolved mysteries . The range of exhibits and their rarity means that this exhibition is going to be extremely well-attended . Visitors will , for example , be the first members of the public anywhere to see a huge head of the emperor that was dug up recently at Sagalassos in central Turkey and would have once crowned a statue that was over five metres high . `` A year ago , this was still lying buried in the ground , '' says Opper . `` It `` s proof that Roman history is n't done and dusted ; that we are still able to rethink the past and evaluate it . '' The exhibition brings together 180 objects , from 31 sources in 11 different countries . `` It has n't been an easy thing to do , '' adds Opper . `` Many of these objects leave huge gaps in their home collection and many are extremely delicate . This is n't","question":"-LRB- CNN Traveller -RRB- -- When the Roman Emperor Hadrian came to power in 117AD he inherited an empire that was overstretched militarily and creaking at the seams . A massive bust of Hadrian 's head unearthed only last year is part of the exhibition at the British Museum . One of his first acts was to pull the troops out of Mesopotamia , modern-day Iraq , a fact that is sure to resonate with visitors to the British Museum `` s superb exhibition `` Hadrian : Empire and Conflict '' which opens on 24 July under the imposing classical dome of the Reading Room . Curator Torsten Opper says : `` No matter what our take is on the conflict in Iraq today , we can relate to Hadrian 's decision . Maybe 10 or 15 years ago , it would n't have mattered so much . Now it does . '' Hadrian was born in Rome to a noble family whose origins lay in Spain . One of the greatest of Rome 's emperors , he consolidated imperial power , was a patron of architecture and travelled extensively across his lands . Though married , he also took"} +{"answer":"them in-between . `` So they get to eat chocolate for breakfast and go to bed whenever they feel like it for those three months while I 'm working , '' Pinkett Smith said . `` So , it works out , and they know that the rest of the year , I 'm off . '' While the show is based on a Richmond , Virginia , hospital , it 's produced in a recently closed Inglewood , California , hospital just a few miles from the Smiths ' home . `` The great thing is that my kids do know I 'm in town , '' she said . It 's close enough for Will to spend time on the set with Jada while still taking care of the kids . `` He 's an extra in one of the episodes , so just see if you can catch him , '' she said . `` He 's walking by , doing a drive-by , and we could hardly afford that . It was a very costly walk-by . '' Smith also works as a `` ghost producer '' helping structure her episodes , she said . ``","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Before Jada Pinkett Smith took the role of producer and star of TNT 's `` HawthoRNe , '' she made sure her family was fine with her being away from her mother and wife duties during filming . Jada Pinkett Smith 's new TV show , `` HawthoRNe , '' premieres Tuesday on TNT . Pinkett Smith plays a single mom and a hospital 's chief nurse on the medical show , which debuts Tuesday night on cable 's TNT Network , which is owned by the parent company of CNN . `` I sat down with kids and my husband and I really asked their permission , '' she said . `` I said ` Listen , there was this show I 'd love to do and it will be three months that you might not see Mommy a lot . ' And they 're looking at me like ` Really ? What does that mean ? ' '' It meant that on weekdays Will would get Willow , 8 , and Jaden , 11 , out of bed each morning , tuck them in at night and take care of"} +{"answer":"Wheldon accident ? ' `` Is the track big enough to accommodate 34 racing cars ? Is the track too fast to have 34 racing cars within a mile-and-a-half racing circuit ? Will that change ? '' Stewart also questioned the wisdom of mixing drivers with varying levels of IndyCar experience in such a high-speed environment . `` Will the caliber of driver be high enough to be able to control those cars at those kinds of speeds ? In yesterday 's race there were a good many drivers in there who were not regulars and were not fulltime IndyCar drivers . I think that 's a consideration that has to be looked at . '' Motorsport reacts to Wheldon tragedy During Stewart 's eight years in F1 racing for the BRM and Tyrrell teams from 1965-73 , the Scot witnessed 11 driver deaths . But the elite motorsport 's last casualty was in 1994 when the legendary Brazilian Ayrton Senna crashed at the San Marino Grand Prix , while IndyCar has seen four deaths in the last 15 years . `` In the period that I was racing , there was a two out of three chance you were","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The tragic death of English driver Dan Wheldon after a horror race crash in the U.S . should lead to changes in the IndyCar division , according to Formula One legend Jackie Stewart . Two-time Indy 500 winner Wheldon lost his life on Sunday after a multi-car collision on the 11th lap of the 2011 IndyCar World Championship 's final race at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway . Stewart , who won Rookie of the Year at the 1966 Indy 500 before becoming a three-time F1 champion , told CNN that such a tragedy will prompt the sport to re-evaluate the current safety measures . `` Unfortunately , when accidents occur , it 's then that the more creative minds get moving on changing things , '' said the 72-year-old , who successfully campaigned for better safety precautions during his career . `` Some of them may be simple to change , some of them may be more complicated , but surely change occurs . Wheldon 's death a watershed moment for IndyCar ? `` A lot of people will be thinking , ` What are we going to have to do to avoid the Dan"} +{"answer":"but you should n't minimize the severities of the injuries she suffered . '' Delker said Kimberly Cates ' husband was away on business at the time of the attack . Cates was a registered nurse at St. Joseph Hospital in Nashua , New Hampshire . `` She worked part time in our maternal and labor department and also in our emergency department , '' Sarah Ward , director of marketing and communications for the hospital , said Tuesday . `` The staff is pretty upset about it . They were pretty close to her . '' `` The people up here are n't used to this kind of thing , '' Don Himsel , senior photo editor for the Nashua Telegraph , said Tuesday . `` This never really happens . '' Himsel also said violent crime is extremely rare in Mont Vernon . `` I think we may have had one assault in town in the last 10 years . '' The Mont Vernon Congregational Church opened its doors Wednesday for people who want to grieve , pray and meditate . `` This is a way to come together peacefully ; that 's what we are trying to","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A small , rural town in the hills of New Hampshire was jolted by a home invasion over the weekend that left a mother dead and her young daughter severely injured . Steven Spader , 17 , is accused of using a machete to kill a woman and injure her daughter . `` This type of murder does not happen very often , '' New Hampshire Senior Assistant Attorney General Will Delker said . `` This is something out of the ordinary . '' Four teenagers have been charged in connection with the incident early Sunday morning along an isolated dirt road in Mont Vernon , a town of about 2,000 . In a news release Tuesday , the New Hampshire Department of Justice identified the victim as 42-year-old Kimberly Cates . The medical examiner determined that she died from `` multiple sharp injuries to the head , torso , left arm , and left leg . '' The victim 's 10-year-old daughter sustained serious knife injuries that required hours of surgery . `` She 's still in the intensive care unit , '' Delker said . `` Her injuries were n't life-threatening ,"} +{"answer":"talk about it . And we said that we would work together , '' Roh said . `` I do n't think there will be problems in the future . '' U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called the agreement `` a major step forward to enhance inter-Korean cooperation as well as peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia . '' `` The United Nations stands ready to provide assistance as may be required , in cooperation with the international community , '' Ban said in a statement issued by his office . Roh admitted that after arriving in the North Korean capital and meeting Kim , he was so worried that he could n't sleep that night . `` I can say simply -LSB- that -RSB- we were able to communicate . Things went better , '' said Roh . On Tuesday , Roh became the first South Korean leader to walk across the heavily fortified Demilitarized Zone between the two countries . His predecessor , Kim Dae-jung , flew to Pyongyang for the first Korean leader summit in 2000 . Roh said one of the most important aspects of the talks was an agreement to","question":"SEOUL , South Korea -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun signed an eight-point peace agreement with North Korean leader Kim Jong Il on Thursday at a summit in Pyongyang , North Korea . The leaders pledged to work toward forging a permanent peace treaty between their nations , which ended the 1950-1953 war with a cease-fire . The Koreas have remained technically at war for 54 years . The armistice was signed July 27 , 1953 . `` South and North Korea agree on -LSB- the -RSB- need to end the current armistice and establish permanent peace , '' the fourth point of the agreement says . In addition , the two sides will push `` for a declaration of the ending of the Korean War in cooperation with neighboring nations . '' `` If there is nuclear disarmament , and if the peace treaty moves forward , I believe that the Cold War era will end and there will really be reunification and peace between the two countries , '' Roh said in a speech to government officials that was nationally televised on his return home . `` Any conflicting issues , we said we would"} +{"answer":". `` They really stopped my momentum because now I 'm not going to play for two weeks and because they waited for the last minute I could n't go to another tournament either , '' Peer said from Tel Aviv . `` So it 's very disappointing , and I think it 's not fair . '' Watch Peer describe her disappointment '' Scott , meanwhile , confirmed : `` Following various consultations , the Tour has decided to allow the tournament to continue to be played this week , pending further review by the Tour 's Board of Directors . `` Ms. Peer and her family are obviously extremely upset and disappointed by the decision of the UAE and its impact on her personally and professionally , and the Tour is reviewing appropriate remedies for Ms. Peer . '' Scott said Peer 's visa refusal has precedence : Last year an Israeli men 's doubles team was denied entry to Dubai . He said the Emirate cited security reasons following recent unrest in the region . `` At that time I was in Dubai . I made it clear to the authorities , the representatives of the government","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Dubai could lose its place on the Women 's Tennis Association Tour calendar after Israeli Shahar Peer was denied entry to compete at this week 's event , the WTA supremo warned Monday . Shahar Peer told CNN she learned of her visa ban Saturday , just before her scheduled flight to Dubai . Peer was scheduled to fly into the United Arab Emirates on Sunday , but was informed Saturday night by telephone that she would not be granted a visa . WTA Chairman and CEO Larry Scott said the Sony Ericsson WTA Tour `` will review appropriate future actions with regard to the future of the Dubai tournament . '' Scott added : `` The Sony Ericsson WTA Tour believes very strongly , and has a clear rule and policy , that no host country should deny a player the right to compete at a tournament for which she has qualified by ranking . '' Peer , who had just finished playing in the Pattaya Open in Thailand , where she reached the semifinal , said she is '' very , very disappointed '' to have been denied the opportunity to play in Dubai"} +{"answer":"in London , Monaco , Switzerland and Japan . The original , Ladur\u00e9e Royale on Rue Royale , does n't open until 8:30 am -LRB- and later on Sundays -RRB- , so for early morning pastries drop into the Champs-Elysees store which opens at 7:30 am every day . The queues at Paris ' most famous art gallery , the Louvre , are notorious so impatient visitors are advised to go to the Mus\u00e9e de l'Orangerie , set in the historic Jardin des Tuileries . You wo n't see the Mona Lisa , but the gallery does boast a collection of Claude Monet 's Water Lilies . The queues are shorter the earlier you go and to really beat the crowds pre-book your time slot online . Head north to have your own images sketched by street artists in Montmartre , a former stomping ground for famous names including Salvador Dali , Claude Monet , Pablo Picasso and Vincent van Gogh . Drop into the Basilique du Sacr\u00e9 Coeur to pray , light a candle or simply enjoy the spectacular views over Paris . From there , visit Rue Lepic where you will find Caf\u00e9 des Deux Moulins , where","question":"PARIS , France -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Truly appreciating the beauty of Paris is a pleasure that ca n't be hurried . Stop , breathe , appreciate and perhaps kiss in the romantic city of Paris . Take time to wander down its wide boulevards , savour every sip of strong , black coffee and resist the temptation to fall into step with the throng of tourists and sightseers . Our advice to anyone who finds themselves with 24 hours to spare in the French capital is to stop , breathe , appreciate and indulge . Start the day with a walk down the Champs-\u00c9lys\u00e9es . For some , it retains the title of the world 's most beautiful avenue . For others , the road 's historical charm has been blighted by the arrival of global brands , traffic and tourists . Sunrise offers the history without the hurry . Take a leisurely stroll down its expansive pavements and look up for impressive architecture without fear of bumping into shoppers . Treat yourself to breakfast at one of Paris ' oldest tea salons . Ladur\u00e9e was founded as a family business in 1862 and now appears in luxurious locales"} +{"answer":"moving southward from Canada on Wednesday , bringing with it frigid temperatures . The temperature in Portland , Oregon , was 12 degrees , breaking the previous record of 15 degrees , set in 1972 , said Jonathan Wolfe , meteorologist with the weather service 's Portland bureau . By Wednesday afternoon the temperature in Minneapolis , Minnesota , was 9 degrees . It was minus 2 degrees in Denver , Colorado ; and 11 in Kansas City , Missouri . Forecasters warned that places such as North Dakota and Minnesota could get dangerous wind chill readings of 25 to 35 degrees below zero . Madison , Wisconsin , received more than 17 inches of snow , prompting the University of Wisconsin to cancel classes for the first time since 1990 . The campus police department estimated 3,000 students descended onto the school 's Bascom Hill Wednesday afternoon for a snowball fight , with a few minor injuries reported , according to the university 's Web site . Watch snow blow outside a hotel in Wisconsin Early Wednesday morning , students began forming a giant snowball about six blocks from the campus and rolled it to an intersection near the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As if the heavy snow , ice and high winds from a major winter storm were n't enough , temperatures plummeted in the upper Midwest and elsewhere Wednesday , the National Weather Service said . The storm brought blizzard conditions to some areas as gusty winds and blowing snow created whiteout conditions across much of the upper Midwest and Great Lakes regions . Winds of at least 35 mph and rain to the east caused hundreds of flights to be delayed or canceled , leaving travelers stranded . Parts of the Southeast received more than 6 inches of rain , causing flash flooding . A 28-year-old woman was killed in Omaha , Nebraska , Tuesday night when a truck plowing snow in a parking lot backed into her , police spokesman Jacob Bettin said . She was pronounced dead at the scene . In Nashville , Tennessee , early morning winds -- possibly up to 50 mph -- toppled the Christmas tree at the Tennessee State Capital , said CNN affiliate WKRN-TV . A facilities supervisor said the tree had been secured with hooks in concrete . An Arctic high pressure system or air mass began"} +{"answer":"the day . Officials were waiting for a prosecutor from a nearby district , causing the delay , Bernier said . The FBI was not directly involved in the investigation Monday , said FBI Agent Harry Rodriguez of the San Juan office . '' The FBI is monitoring this investigation by police in Puerto Rico , '' Rodriguez said . `` Any assistance that the police requests or requires , we would be more than happy to provide . '' Puerto Rican authorities may ask for help with forensics or other advanced investigative tools the FBI could provide , Rodriguez said . The U.S. attorney 's office , in consultation with local officials and other agencies , would determine if the slaying was a hate crime , which is a federal offense . `` It 's at a very preliminary stage , '' said Lymarie Llovet , a spokeswoman for the U.S. attorney 's office in San Juan , Puerto Rico 's capital . Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory , which means federal agencies have jurisdiction . `` There 's the potential for a federal investigation , '' Rodriguez said . The suspect was arrested Monday around 11:30 p.m.","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A suspect has been arrested in the slaying of a 19-year-old Puerto Rican man found Friday decapitated , dismembered and partially burned , police said Tuesday . Members of the U.S. gay community are asking authorities to investigate whether the slaying was a hate crime because the victim , Jorge Steven Lopez Mercado , was gay , said Pedro Julio Serrano of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force . `` The brutality of the slaying and the fact that he was openly gay leads us to believe it was very possibly a hate crime , '' Serrano said . Authorities are investigating whether the killing involved sex , Guayama police Commander Hector Agosto Rodriguez told CNN affiliate WLII TV . Guayama prosecutor Jose Bermudez identified the suspect as Juan A. Martinez , 26 . Police had earlier described him as a 27-year-old man from the interior Puerto Rican town of Cayey . Martinez was scheduled to attend a court hearing Tuesday night at which charges would be lodged , said Luis Bernier , a spokesman for the Guayama police district , which has jurisdiction in the case . The hearing was postponed several times throughout"} +{"answer":"records show Cheryl Perich went on medical leave for narcolepsy in 2004 . When she tried to return several months later to the Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School , officials refused to accept her , saying a substitute had been hired to complete the school year . After weeks of often acrimonious discussions between her and the school , Perich was fired for insubordination and `` regrettable '' conduct toward church leaders . She then complained to the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission , which sued the church on her behalf . Federal courts have upheld an exception in the Americans with Disabilities Act blocking government intrusion in the employment decisions between religious institutions and ministerial workers . The church said Perich was just such an employee and therefore the institution could not be sued . Perich had been hired five years earlier , and eventually became a `` called '' teacher , meaning she could not be fired without cause . Assigned to third and fourth grades , she led instruction in math , language arts , social studies , gym and music , with much of the curriculum identical to that of the local public schools .","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Few issues divide the Supreme Court -- and the country at large -- more than church-state matters , and arguments before the Supreme Court on Wednesday involving a workplace discrimination lawsuit against a Lutheran church proved especially touchy . At issue is whether the Americans with Disabilities Act applies to hiring and firing decisions involving `` ministerial employees '' like teachers who may have primarily secular job duties . The justices appeared at odds over whether this is substantive discrimination or simple retaliation against a Michigan teacher , after she complained to government authorities over her treatment on the job . `` You 're asking for an exemption -LRB- to lawsuits -RRB- so these issues ca n't even be tried '' in a government hearing on the merits , said Justice Anthony Kennedy . `` She was fired simply for asking for a hearing . '' `` It 's none of the business of the government to decide what the substantial interest of the church is , '' countered Justice Antonin Scalia . `` There , in black and white in the text of the Constitution , are special protections for religion . '' Court"} +{"answer":"the interval Sexton gave Ireland a lead they never relinquished with his trusty boot . Ronan O'Gara came off the bench to kick to further penalties , taking his Irish points tally to a record 1,039 and they almost added a late try as winger Tommy Bowe was pulled up by O'Connor five meters from the try-line . Meanwhile , South Africa made it two wins out of two in the defense of the title with a commanding 49-3 victory over Fiji on Saturday . After their narrow 17-6 win over Wales in their Pool D opener , the Springboks were far sharper and scored tries through center Jaque Fourie , Gurthro Steenkamp , Frans Steyn , Morne Steyn , Tendai Mtawarira and Danie Rossouw . Morne Steyn kicked 16 points with a Frans Steyn penalty the other score . Seremia Bai scored a sole penalty for Fiji , who beat Namibia 49-25 in their opener , but were outclassed here . In the other World Cup match played Saturday , Argentina scored their first win , after a narrow opening defeat to England , with a 43-8 victory over Romania in Pool B , running in six tries .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Ireland upset the Australian Wallabies 15-6 at Eden Park Saturday to top Pool C of the Rugby World Cup . It was Ireland 's first win over Australia in five attempts at the global showpiece and puts them securely on the path to the quarterfinals after two victories from two matches . Inspired defense in wet conditions frustrated their more fancied opponents , who trail them by three points with two games to play . `` We were mentally in a place where we felt we owed ourselves a big performance as much as we owed the Irish public one , '' Ireland captain Brian O'Driscoll told AFP . `` The Irish played more intelligently , they put us under a lot of pressure and profited from that , particularly in our end of the ground , '' Wallabies ' coach Robbie Deans said . Australia were ahead early through a James O'Connor penalty in the 11th minute , but Jonathan Sexton 's leveled for the Irish with a penalty of their own before putting them 6-3 ahead with a drop goal . O'Connor put Australia back on level terms before the break , but after"} +{"answer":"can be difficult . Food insecurity is defined as the lack of a consistent access to food for active , healthy lives , according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture . The USDA says 14.5 % of households were food insecure at least some time during 2010 and that 5.4 % of households experienced very low food security the same year . `` Numerous studies suggest that children in food-insecure households have higher risks of health and development problem than children in otherwise similar food-secure households , '' the USDA says . The Great Recession , which set off a wave of layoffs and plummeting home values , left many families without access to adequate food . Since 2001 , the number of households receiving emergency food has grown steadily , according to the USDA . The most significant increase took place between 2007 and 2009 -- during the recession -- when the number of households making use of food pantries rose from 3.9 million to 5.6 million , an increase of 44 % , according to the USDA . Sesame Street really wanted to convey the scope of the problem , a spokeswoman said . Many children whose families","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Move over , Cookie Monster . And pipe down , Oscar the Grouch . There 's a new muppet in town , and she 's hungry . Her name is Lily , and the newest member of the muppet pantheon symbolizes a serious social condition in today 's recessionary era : nationwide hunger . Colored pink and sporting long pigtails , Lily has been designed by Sesame Street to look like a 7-year-old girl . Her character confronts a growing national struggle -- food insecurity . Her story offers an optimistic scenario of how the community at large is supporting her and her family . Sesame Street and the Jim Henson Co. are introducing this new muppet in an hour-long special , `` Growing Hope Against Hunger , '' Sunday on PBS . In the special , Lily is prompted to make a revelation when one of the more popular muppets -- Elmo -- remarks that he `` did n't know there were so many people who did n't have the food they needed . '' Lily then confesses to him that she does n't know where her next meal is coming from and that times"} +{"answer":"signal a renewed commitment to the cause of universal human rights long championed by the United States . As this year marks the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , the reassertion of these fundamental rights is necessary . While the U.S. government has much work to do in this regard , there will have to be a concerted international effort to achieve meaningful protection of human rights , even as the issue of security continues to demand our attention . The American people and our courts have rejected the proposition that some people 's rights can be suspended arbitrarily ; to do so violates the very core of our democracy . Hopefully , those working to establish democratic practices and institutions worldwide will seize upon this development and convince their own fellow citizens that democracy and human rights are worth the struggle . The international community , including a newly energized United States , should move swiftly and decisively to support the local heroes who risk much to advance this cause . Human rights defenders from throughout the world are participating in our annual conference at The Carter Center this week to share the challenges they","question":"Editor 's Note : Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter is founder of The Carter Center , a not-for-profit organization that seeks to `` prevent and resolve conflicts , enhance freedom and democracy , and improve health . '' Read more on human rights defenders : http:\/\/www.cartercenter.org\/homepage.html Jimmy Carter says closing Guantanamo Bay and ending torture would send a strong message . ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It has been heartening to witness the outpouring of worldwide enthusiasm over the election of Barack Obama as the next president of the United States , a transformational moment for our country . Our incoming president has huge challenges ahead of him , and he will undoubtedly reach out to other world leaders to help address the most difficult problems . A high priority will be the restoration of human rights , which have been badly eroded in recent years . President-elect Obama has reiterated his decision to close Guant\u00c3 \u00a1 namo Bay detention center and end U.S.-sponsored torture . Also under discussion is the establishment by the U.S. government of an independent commission to examine the actions that led to these shameful policies and practices . Together , these steps would"} +{"answer":", that two contractors were being held on charges involving `` illegal substances '' found on the men when they were taken into custody . Those who have been released are not allowed to leave the country because of an ongoing investigation and the judge may want to question them again , according to al-Beeraqdar . Except for Jones , the detained contractors work for the Fayetteville , North Carolina-based CTU , a security firm headed by the elder Feeney . An Iraqi judge decided earlier on Wednesday that charges against the five contractors were not warranted and that they could be released , according to an Iraqi security source and a source close to the five . The sources requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the case , in which the contractors have been detained since last week for reasons that remain unclear . The contractors initially had been told they were being held in connection with the May death of another contractor , James Kitterman , said the source close to the five . But on Monday , according to a judicial source , the men were told they were being held on suspicion of having unregistered","question":"BAGHDAD , Iraq -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Three of five Americans contractors detained in Baghdad have been ordered released by an Iraqi judge , because of insufficient evidence , a court spokesman said Thursday . In a CNN exclusive , video shows U.S. contractors taken into custody by Iraqi authorities . The other two other contractors remain in custody , according to Judge Abdul Sattar al-Beeraqdar , a spokesman for Iraq 's Higher Judicial Council . One of the men has been released on bond , the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad confirmed Thursday . The embassy did not identify the man , who was released Wednesday . However , a spokesman for his employer , Corporate Training Unlimited , said it was Donald Feeney . Judy Feeney , Donald 's wife , also confirmed his release . The contracting company said the release of the others has been delayed because of a procedural issue . Judy Feeney said her son , Donald Feeney III , and Mark Bridges were to be released Thursday morning , but it may take more time to release the other two , Jason Jones and Micah Milligan . But al-Beeraqdar said , without naming names"} +{"answer":"a good England captain , but to be the captain of England you have got to have wider responsibilities for the country , '' Sutcliffe said . `` And clearly if these allegations are proven -- and at the moment they are only allegations -- then it does call into question his role as England captain . `` I speak to the FA on a regular basis , so I will be asking what their viewpoint is and we will see what comes of it . '' Perroncel has enlisted the services of noted celebrity publicist Max Clifford , PA reported , and he said she told him that some of the allegations were true . `` She has never spoken to a single journalist and she 's all over all the papers with all kinds of allegations , some of which she said were true and some of which she said are n't true , '' Clifford told the GMTV television program . `` All I 'm prepared to say is that she 's known John a long time , and obviously I think during that time they 've become very close friends , but anything more than that","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Soccer star John Terry 's role as captain of England 's national team is in jeopardy following tabloid accusations of his marital infidelity , according to a British government minister . Terry is alleged to have had an affair with the ex-partner of his former Chelsea teammate Wayne Bridge , having failed in a high court bid to prevent newspapers publishing details of his liaison with Vanessa Perroncel . The 29-year-old has two children with his wife Toni , whom he married in June 2007 , and was named `` 2009 Dad of the Year '' by a British sauce maker . He reportedly earns more than $ 200,000 a week . French actress and model Perroncel had a child with Terry 's fellow England defender Bridge in 2006 . The pair have since separated but Bridge , who is now at English club Manchester City , said on Saturday that he would not be commenting for the sake of their son . Sports Minister Gerry Sutcliffe said he would contact the English Football Association about the matter , the UK Press Association reported . `` On the field John Terry is a fantastic player and"} +{"answer":"deal prompted China to temporarily cut off military to military relations with Americans . This time , aside from some strong objections voiced by Beijing , Panetta said there has been no tangible action taken in response by China . `` I 've heard nothing that indicates that they 're taking any steps in reaction to that , '' Panetta said . Part of the reason might be the way the United States government handled the sales . `` It was something that the United States had announced but we had given the Chinese a heads up as to what was going to take place , '' Panetta said . `` I think in the end ... they handled it in a professional and diplomatic way and we appreciate that . '' The South China Sea , a body of water east of Vietnam , north of Malaysia and west of the Philippines , has been a source of regional tensions for decades . But because of recent discoveries of massive oil reserves as well as its importance to regional maritime and aviation navigation , tensions have increased recently . Many countries lay claims to the same parts of the","question":"Bali , Indonesia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Defense Secretary Leon Panetta praised China on more than one occasion Sunday during a series of meetings with fellow defense ministers from southeast Asia , but hinted if relations between the United States and China worsen , it could be a threat to `` the security of the world . '' He said he appreciates China 's muted response to the United States announcing a deal last month to sell more arms to Taiwan , and he lauded China for working with its neighbors with regards to the contentious issues involving the South China Sea . `` I would commend them for the way that they 've handled the news of that sale to Taiwan , compared to the past , '' Panetta told reporters after a meeting with Indonesia 's defense minister Sunday in Bali . China regards Taiwan as a renegade province . Taiwan began as the remnant of the government that ruled over mainland China , until a Communist uprising proved victorious in 1949 . The $ 5.3 billion arms package , announced last month , includes upgrades to Taiwan 's F-16 fighter fleet . Last year , a similar"} +{"answer":": What do you want to ask Sen. Obama ? Rodriguez-Gerada , 42 , is a Cuban-born American who grew up in North Plainfield , New Jersey , near New York , and now lives in Barcelona . The artist , who has long focused on large-format sketches and other designs , said he had been planning to put an anonymous face on Barcelona 's Mediterranean beachfront but shelved the idea . Then , six weeks ago , he decided it should be Obama 's face . `` Everybody 's doing work about Obama , '' he said . `` I was talking to my wife about the importance of this election internationally . It all came together . '' The idea , that is . The execution of the project is still a work in progress , but with a lot of help pouring in . The artist has created what he calls a `` vectored image '' from different photos of Obama , showing the candidate 's face looking left over his shoulder . He will use 500 tons of material -- mainly gravel but also sand and possibly some soil in black , brown and white tones","question":"MADRID , Spain -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Barack Obama sometimes gets ribbed for his outsized ideas , like the massive stage built in Denver , Colorado , to accept the Democratic presidential nomination . But an artist in Barcelona , Spain , may be about to outdo the candidate himself . Large-format sketches have long been a focus of artist Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada 's work . The artist plans to create a gigantic face of Obama sculpted from gravel and sand , which will cover nearly 2.5 acres -LRB- 1 hectare -RRB- of Barcelona beachfront before the U.S. elections . `` The size of the piece is intrinsic to its value , '' the artist , Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada , said Saturday . He hopes it will be big enough to be seen on Google Earth . `` Obama 's personality -- his youth , personal history and message of a new politics -- has fused with the historical moment to create someone larger than life , '' says the artist 's dossier about the work , titled `` Expectation . '' The huge size also alludes `` to the global impact of this election , '' the dossier adds . iReport.com"} +{"answer":"emergency declarations for their respective states . `` It 's like a blizzard , you ca n't see far at all , '' CNN iReporter Alban Ajro , 32 , said Saturday night from Watertown , Connecticut . `` This is the first time that I can ever recall this kind of storm happening before Halloween . '' All domestic flights out of New Jersey 's Newark International Airport were canceled around 4 p.m. Saturday , according to an announcement made at the airport . Frustrated passengers filled an array of long lines , trying to change their tickets in light of the storm . Overheard : Storm sparks discussion about new grid Another airport in the Garden State , Teterboro , closed just after 2 p.m. before reopening hours later , the Federal Aviation Administration reported on its website . The FAA also reported major delays of , at times , over 5 hours at New York 's two airports , John F. Kennedy and LaGuardia . Richard Roth , a CNN correspondent , was among those affected when his Syracuse-to-Kennedy flight was diverted to Hartford because of the storm . He sat with his fellow passengers on the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A freak fall snow storm slammed the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast on Saturday , leaving three people dead , more than 2 million households without power and thousands of air travelers stranded . An 84-year-old man was napping in a recliner at his home in Temple , Pennsylvania , on Saturday afternoon when part of a large , snow-filled tree fell into his house and killed him `` instantly , '' according to a state police report . With numerous downed trees in the area , rescue crews took two hours to `` safely remove the victim . '' Another person died while driving in Hebron , Connecticut , state emergency spokesman Scott Devico said . A third person was killed in Springfield , Massachusetts , when a man in his 20s ignored police barricades surrounding downed power lines and touched a metal guard rail , which was charged , said city fire department spokesman Dennis Legere . Predicting the system could dump as much as 18 inches of snow in some spots , Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy joined New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo , New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick in issuing"} +{"answer":"it would be at least seven years before the town is back to near-normal . A longtime resident , Diane Bourgeois , has moved 15 miles inland to an apartment and said she doubts she will rebuild . Her home was razed . When she asked why , she said , `` I do n't know , the memories . It will just never be the same . Ca n't risk it all again . '' David MacDonald , pastor of Calvary Independent Baptist Church in Bay St. Louis , said , `` We get crews coming down , but they are thinning out as the months go on . `` So it 's trying to let the people know there is still a need down here , especially in the area of housing . And just the mental and spiritual needs that are down here -- just still overwhelming . '' In New Orleans , Bush participated in a moment of silence at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. . Charter School for Science and Technology to remember Katrina victims . He said that the U.S. government has n't forgotten the Gulf Coast and that federal efforts to make","question":"NEW ORLEANS , Louisiana -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Two years after Hurricane Katrina devastated coastal areas of Louisiana and Mississippi , residents say much of America has forgotten their plight . President Bush and first lady Laura Bush pause for a moment of silence Wednesday at a New Orleans school . But President Bush said Wednesday the federal government has been persistent in pushing recovery efforts . `` I would like them to know that we still need all the help and caring and volunteers . We need it bad . People do n't realize . They just do n't realize , '' Bay St. Louis , Mississippi , resident Linda Fallon said . The beachfront communities of Bay St. Louis and Waveland , Mississippi , were nearly destroyed in Katrina 's fury . Two years later , one-third of Bay St. Louis residents have n't returned . Business has moved inland . Watch the struggle to rebuild in Mississippi '' `` Without the people , we do n't have a town . We do n't have a city , we do n't have a place apart , '' Bay St. Louis Mayor Eddie Favre said Tuesday . He predicted"} +{"answer":"in 17 flood-stricken counties , and State Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine estimated that the flooding has caused an estimated $ 250 million in losses . Watch where the flooding hit hardest '' `` Many of the homeowners afflicted by this event do n't have flood insurance , '' he said in a written statement . Georgia 's flood-related death toll has reached nine , authorities said , with six deaths alone in Douglas County , west of Atlanta . To the north , one person was missing and presumed dead in Chattanooga , Tennessee . See photos of the flooding '' Perdue spoke to President Obama on Tuesday night about the flooding , White House spokesman Nick Shapiro said . The president `` expressed his condolences for the loss of life and his concern for the citizens of Georgia amidst the ongoing flooding , '' Shapiro said . Perdue updated Obama on the situation , and the two discussed the response to the crisis , Shapiro added . The president also assured the governor that his request for federal aid would receive prompt attention , the spokesman added . Parts of northwest and south-central Georgia , as well as the","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Dry skies greeted Georgia for a second day Wednesday , giving residents a chance to mourn , recover and repair after devastating floods killed nine people earlier this week . Douglas County , Georgia , emergency managers provide water Wednesday to residents without treated water . Water was beginning to recede in many areas , and some roads , including Interstate 285 and Interstate 20 , were reopening . Several others remained closed , state authorities said . As of Tuesday afternoon , hundreds of people were still in shelters , with more than 250 people in the Cobb County Civic Center , according to the Red Cross . There are cases where people have lost everything , spokeswoman Lisa Matheson said Tuesday . Before they were evacuated , Cordell Albert and her husband , Christopher , moved their valuables to the second floor of their Powder Springs home , CNN affiliate WGCL reported . `` I feel lost , '' she said , according to the affiliate . `` I feel homeless . '' Watch more about the flooding aftermath and cleanup '' Gov. Sonny Perdue has declared a state of emergency"} +{"answer":"up for a very complex task , something much more difficult that I had anticipated . I immediately knew that nine months was going to be a lot of work to get everything prepared for the flight . `` And now that I am so close to the flight , I am still feeling the pressure , I definitively have been working very long days and most nights , '' Garriott said . The training regime has three major strands : physical training , which includes preparation to acclimatize to the space environment ; practical training for day-to-day living in space ; and like any flight , be it 10 minutes or 10 days , training in safety procedures for emergency situations . Trainees generally spend nine months or more on and off-site to complete the requirements , which include everything from flight simulations to learning how to use the toilet . Eric Anderson , president and CEO of Space Adventures , the company sending Garriott into space , told CNN the training program is extensive , but does not exclude people from making the flight . `` Their total training program is a few months , but we tend","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Getting `` out of this world '' with civilian space travel is not quite as simple as you may think . Ready for launch : video game programmer Richard Garriott shown in training for his space flight in October . Aside from the obvious financial limitations which restrict space tourism to the rich and the ridiculously rich , there are also significant training programs and testing to be completed before proceeding to lift-off . To gain a better insight into this training , well-known video game programmer and designer Richard Garriott , who is preparing for his own space adventure in October , is detailing in a blog what he and others have to go through in order to make it into orbit as a space traveler . Garriott has been in training since the beginning of the year and told CNN the first major thing to surprise him was the intensity of preparations . `` When I first came here in January , I thought nine months to get trained for this is going to be plenty of time . Of course , very quickly , I realized that I had signed"} +{"answer":"many e-mails from guys in Afghanistan . Some are people I know . But a lot are people I do not know . Men and women who are saying , ` Thanks for doing this . Keep it up . We do n't know why we 're here . We 're not sure why we 're taking these casualties . We do n't know what it 's accomplishing . ' '' In his letter , the senior civilian representative in Zabul Province , Afghanistan , said he was resigning because `` I fail to see the value or worth in continued U.S. casualties or expenditures of resources in support of the Afghan government in what is , truly , a 35-year-old civil war . '' He concluded the letter by saying that he had `` lost confidence '' that the `` dead have sacrificed for a purpose worthy of futures lost , love vanished and promised dreams unkept . '' `` I believe that the people we are fighting there are fighting us because we are occupying them , '' Hoh told CNN earlier this week . `` Not for any ideological reasons , not because of any links to","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A State Department employee who resigned last month in protest over America 's war in Afghanistan said Friday he has received an outpouring of support from Afghan-Americans and U.S. active-duty military . `` I 've had a lot of Afghan-Americans contact me and say , ` Matt , you get it , ' '' Matthew Hoh told CNN . `` You understand -- yes , there is a civil war going on . You understand how Afghan society works . You understand this split within the Pashtuns . You understand valley-ism , or whatever you want to call it . '' The 36-year-old former Marine Corps captain resigned on September 10 over what he termed a `` cavalier , politically expedient and Pollyannaish misadventure . '' Since then , even active-duty military have supported his decision , he said on CNN 's `` Fareed Zakaria GPS , '' scheduled to air at 1 p.m. ET Sunday on CNN . `` I have received many many e-mails from active-duty military and some guys who just separated from the service , '' Hoh said . `` Some guys are here in the States . I 've gotten"} +{"answer":"for several more hours , and the southern portion of Morakot would likely be passing over Taiwan for hours after that . The storm 's impact had already been felt by Friday morning , with mudslides and landslides occurring on the island . The area has been severely affected by drought in recent months , leaving the ground so hard that it does not absorb the rainfall , Corriveau said . Taiwan 's Central News Agency , acknowledging the drought , cited the Water Resources Agency as saying that the storm had replenished the island 's reservoirs and would put an end to water rationing in several areas . Watch more about the typhoon 's impact '' The storm prompted airlines to cancel flights . Schools and government offices were closed ahead of Morakot 's arrival , according to Taiwan 's Central News Agency . Trading at the Taiwan Stock Exchange was also postponed until Monday , the news agency reported . In China , state-run Xinhua News Agency reported that governments in coastal provinces were readying themselves for the storm and had ordered fishing boats to seek shelter before Thursday night . In Fujian province , about 8.4 million","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Typhoon Morakot dumped heavy rain on Taiwan early Saturday and threatened to further soak the recently drought-stricken island . A man fights against strong winds in Hsintien , Taipei county , Taiwan , on Friday . As of 3 a.m. local time , the storm 's eye was over the northern part of the island , CNN forecaster Kevin Corriveau reported , although he noted that slow-moving Morakot is so large it encompassed the entire island . Journalist Andrew Lee in Taipei , citing local media , said the storm had blown off roofs and washed out some bridges . Corriveau said the island has received more than 39 inches -LRB- 99 centimeters -RRB- of rain from the storm , which he said was expected to dump another 39 to 47 inches -LRB- 99 to 119 centimeters -RRB- of rain on Taiwan . The storm made landfall carrying winds of up to 92 mph -LRB- 148 km\/h -RRB- , with gusts up to 115 mph -LRB- 185 km\/h -RRB- , the Joint Typhoon Warning Center said . iReport.com : See balcony view of heavy rains Corriveau said the storm was expected to linger over the island"} +{"answer":". Brehm died later at a nearby hospital , according to a police statement . Christopher Johns recorded much of the incident from his apartment window and can be heard shouting at Brehm throughout . `` Why do n't you come up here ? '' he yelled , later telling CNN that he intended to distract the gunman . At one point , Brehm spoke with Johns , asking him for ammunition and to call an ambulance . Fierro said it appeared Johns could interact with the suspect without jeopardizing his safety . `` It appears from the video that he was able to distract the suspect and keep him from shooting at additional people before the police arrived , '' she said . Police have not indicated that they know Brehm 's motive . Two others suffered minor injuries . Witnesses were stunned by the shooting spree . Amy Torgeson told CNN affiliate KABC that vehicles began `` swerving and braking , '' and she sought cover at a nearby bank . `` A car drove by and he just shot right into the car , '' Torgeson said . `` He was just shooting everywhere . '' CNN","question":"Los Angeles -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A man wounded Friday when a gunman opened fire at passing vehicles along a downtown street in Hollywood has died , a spokeswoman at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles said Monday . John Atterberry died shortly before 5 p.m. Monday , according to Simi Singer , the hospital spokeswoman . The music-industry executive was shot in the jaw at Sunset Boulevard and Vine Street . The gunman , 26-year-old Tyler Brehm , went on the rampage that ended with his being fatally shot by police , Los Angeles police spokeswoman Sgt. Mitzi Fierro has said . An amateur video captured the scene of Brehm walking down Sunset Boulevard wielding a handgun and firing at vehicles , seemingly at random . Brehm fired a `` significant number '' of rounds , police said . He then returned to an intersection , where he was confronted by a plainclothes police detective and an off-duty police officer working on a nearby movie set , officials said . `` At that point the police ordered him to drop his weapon and he pointed his gun at the police and an officer-involved shooting occurred , '' Fierro said"} +{"answer":"on the map as China 's sailing hub ; no longer a secret that holiday-making officials could keep for themselves . But my American spell-check does n't recognize it -LRB- which says more about my spell-check -RRB- , and you can still find pre-Cultural Revolution manhole covers . So what is it about this city that seduces the unassuming traveler ? Nestled on the coast of Shandong province , almost exactly halfway between its big sisters , Beijing and Shanghai , Qingdao features as a handy pit-stop on East coast itineraries . It boasts great infrastructure , a charming climate , alfresco eateries , good coffee , sandy beaches , German history , international hotels , a brand new airport and even a famous brewery . Qingdao could pass itself off as a miniature Seattle if it were n't for the fact that pretty much no one outside of the five-star hotels speaks English , and that communism still articulates itself through the tourist beaches , stoically named Number One to Number Six . `` In mainland China , Qingdao 's history is uniquely international ; in fact , more of the city 's cultural identity is wrapped up in","question":"QINGDAO , China -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Another round of toasts and exclamations of `` hajiu '' sounded out around me . I took a sip and set down my small glass of Tsingtao beer as my new friends downed theirs and refilled . Our seafood dinner , perched on the single cluttered table of a tiny antique shop , was punctuated regularly by such moments . A worker operates the giant fermentation units at the Qingdao Brewery plant in Qingdao . I joined in happily , although somewhat bemused , at each increasingly beery celebration of our host , the worldly Captain Jau . My company , a gathering from four regions of China , was engaging me in Chinese drinking etiquette , in the city of Qingdao . A few drinks in the People 's Republic of China led me to discover European delights and other unexpected finds in this modest city . You 'd be forgiven for not knowing where Qingdao -LRB- pronounced Chingdao -RRB- is . The Chinese city in Shandong province does n't roll off the tongue as easily as Beijing , Shanghai , or even Xi'an . The 2008 Olympics gave it a place"} +{"answer":"in prison , federal prosecutors told CNN on Monday . In June 2003 , Saudi Arabian authorities detained Abu Ali in Medina , where he was participating in religious studies . During his 20-month detention in Saudi Arabia , he confessed to being a member of al Qaeda and to discussing the execution of a number of terrorist plots , including one to assassinate Bush . Prosecutors offered no evidence that those discussions morphed into a specific plan . However , they maintained that Abu Ali discussed boarding a U.S.-bound plane from Australia or England and flying it into targets on the U.S. East Coast . Abu Ali 's attorneys argued that his confessions were false and obtained through torture in Saudi Arabia before he was transported to the United States in February 2005 . At his 2006 sentencing , Abu Ali faced a sentence of 20 years to life , and prosecutors maintained that `` only a life sentence will protect the citizens of the United States from the defendant attacking again . '' But U.S. District Judge Gerald Bruce Lee rejected that claim , saying there was no evidence Abu Ali took any steps within the United States","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An American convicted of being an al Qaeda operative was resentenced to life in prison Monday in a Virginia courtroom after an appeals court ruled his 30-year prison sentence was too lenient . Ahmed Omar Abu Ali , seated far left , appears in an artist 's rendering of a March 2005 court hearing . Ahmed Omar Abu Ali , a native of Falls Church , Virginia , was convicted in November 2005 of conspiring with al Qaeda and involvement in a possible plot to assassinate then-President George W. Bush . A federal appeals court , however , ruled the lower court did not sentence Abu Ali harshly enough and that its deviance from federal sentencing guidelines was unjustified . `` The defendant sought to destabilize our government and to shake it to its core , '' according to the 2008 ruling . `` To this day , he wishes he had succeeded . ... It is not too much to ask that a sentencing proceeding not lose sight of the immensity and scale of wanton harm that was and remains Abu Ali 's plain and clear intention . '' Abu Ali was resentenced to life"} +{"answer":"sparked outrage '' In one scene from the video , a student mixes what looks like a beef stew in a plastic bowl and adds garlic and other items . Then he tells the camera he will add the `` special ingredient . '' The student then urinates into the mixture , which he later stirs up and puts in a microwave . Other students can be heard laughing on the tape . The next scene shows a different student urging at least three housekeepers to drink cups full of the stew , saying , `` This is our dorm 's ` Fear Factor . ' We want to see who has the best ` Fear Factor . ' '' On the video , the student does not tell the women that there is urine in the mixture . The women , on their knees , spit the stew into buckets after tasting it . Some appeared to vomit , but the women also laughed during the incident as the student urged them on . Next , the women struggle to run in what appears to be a race . The video is put in slow-motion as the theme from","question":"JOHANNESBURG , South Africa -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- White students at a South African university tricked black residence hall workers into eating stew containing urine , prompting a march Wednesday in which five people were arrested , university officials said . Students protest against a racist video on the campus of Free State University in Bloemfontein , South Africa . The white students made a video of the incident , which they staged in reaction to the university 's efforts to integrate its residences , according to a statement from the University of the Free State . The protesters on Wednesday included black and white students who later marched to the residence where the video was made and demanded that it be shut down , witnesses said . The video surfaced on Tuesday but was made in September , the university said . In the video , white male students at Reitz Residence are seen encouraging at least three black female housekeepers to participate in what the students call the `` Reitz Fear Factor , '' an apparent reference to the television show in which contestants eat live worms or compete in other feats . Watch excerpts of video that"} +{"answer":"going on to Argentina . I went to some of the villages and it was one of the defining moments of my life when I saw these kids not wearing shoes . That 's where I kind of had this ` ah ha ' moment . I started thinking , what if I started a business where every time I sold a pair of shoes , I would guarantee that customer that I would give another pair to someone who does not have shoes ? CNN : How did you pursue your vision ? Did you have any experience as a designer or shoemaker ? Mycoskie : I had absolutely no experience in shoes or fashion so I approached the business how I have done everything in my life , and that 's with reckless ambition . There were a lot of really cool styles of shoes in Argentina that we did not have in the United States so I picked one of them , the alpargata , and I started figuring out how to make shoes . CNN : Did you expect the company to be a big success when you launched ? Mycoskie : I was not really","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Blake Mycoskie is the founder and `` chief shoe giver '' of TOMS Shoes , a company that matches every pair of shoes it sells with a free pair to an impoverished child . Blake Mycoskie started TOMS Shoes in 2006 . The company is committed to giving free shoes to poor children around the world . CNN caught up with the 32-year-old entrepreneur to talk about the inspiration behind his revolutionary business and what he has planned next . CNN : Tell us about the TOMS model . Mycoskie : The TOMS initiative is very simple : For every pair of shoes we sell , we give a pair away . When we know that say , we 're going to sell 10,000 pairs this spring , we make another 10,000 to be given away . CNN : Where did you get the idea to start TOMS ? Mycoskie : I decided to go back to some of the places that my sister and I had visited on `` The Amazing Race . '' -LSB- Mycoskie and his sister participated in the reality TV show in 2002 . -RSB- I found myself"} +{"answer":"create a hybrid material that can then be used as a `` scaffold '' on which to grow new bone and tooth cells . Why silk ? Because not only is it extremely tough -- its tensile strength is six times that of steel fibre of an equal diameter -- but also bio-compatible , meaning it does not cause an adverse reaction when introduced into the human body . `` We are playing around with silk from silk worms , '' one of Kaplan 's collaborators , Professor Carole Perry of Nottingham Trent University in the UK , told CNN , `` But the bulk of our work is using fusion proteins derived from spider silk . '' The science is complex -- osteogenic differentiation , chimeric proteins and novel nanocomposites are just a few of the terms involved -- but the basic idea is that , working at a molecular level , you combine elements of silk protein with those of some other protein with desirable properties to create the building blocks of an entirely new material . This material -- precisely what form it will take is as yet uncertain -- will then be used to fill a","question":"What do Spiderman , Al Capone 's silk boxer shorts and a waterproof hiking jacket have in common ? Spider silk is being used in pioneering research to regrow damaged bones and teeth Answer : they are all , in their own way , helping to push forward the boundaries of modern medical science . More specifically , two separate research teams in the U.S. have been using materials normally associated with clothing -LRB- and a certain arachnid superhero -RRB- to provide novel , high-tech solutions to age-old health problems . At Tufts University , Massachusetts scientists are pioneering a method of manipulating spider silk to genetically engineer new bone tissue , thus allowing them -- in theory -- to re-grow damaged bones and teeth . At Rush University , Indiana , meanwhile , a team of cardiologists are trialing a device made of Gore-Tex -- the waterproof fabric used in much outdoor clothing -- to help repair holes in the human heart . The Tufts research , headed by Professor David Kaplan of the Department of Biomedical Engineering , is focusing on ways of using silk -- or rather the constituent proteins of which silk is made -- to"} +{"answer":"grounds of national interest . Muslims took to the streets Friday to protest the use of the word by non-Muslims , and authorities such as Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak called for the matter to be resolved in court amicably and expressed hope the protests do n't deteriorate . `` We should not raise the tension level in this country , '' he said Thursday , as quoted by Bernama , the Malaysian National News Agency . Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin , Malaysia 's head of state , on Friday called for calm and the spirit of unity , according to a Bernama report . The three churches attacked were in the Kuala Lumpur region . They are the Metro Tabernacle Church , the Assumption Church and the Life Chapel . The attacks occurred late Thursday night and early Friday . `` It 's incumbent upon the Malaysian government to investigate the church bombings and to prosecute the perpetrators of this religiously motivated violence , '' said Leonard Leo , chairman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom , an independent federal agency that makes recommendations to Congress and the president regarding how to handle violations","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Attackers firebombed three churches in the southeast Asian nation of Malaysia overnight , assaults that come amid widespread Muslim ire over a court ruling that allowed Christians to use the word Allah as a term for God . Malaysian news reports said no casualties have been reported , and police have promised to step up security for churches and other places of worship . But the acts stirred unease in the diverse society -- where 60 percent of the people are Muslim , 19 percent are Buddhist , 9 percent are Christian and 6 percent are Hindu . `` We regret the irresponsible actions of certain extremist elements for the recent spate of firebombs thrown into church premises . These actions display their immaturity and intolerance toward others within a multi-racial society , '' the National Evangelical Christian Fellowship of Malaysia said in a statement . The violence comes as Muslims protest a recent court ruling that allowed a Catholic newspaper to use the word `` Allah '' for God . Muslims believe Allah , an Arabic word , should only be used by Muslims . A stay has been placed on the order on the"} +{"answer":"October 15 with bilking Medicare of $ 6 million dollars by fraudulently billing the government for electric wheelchairs and other expensive medical equipment . The two , allegedly members of an organized crime ring , entered pleas of not guilty and are being held in a federal detention center . `` They deny any allegations of wrongdoing , '' said their attorney , James Kosnett . Defrauding government-run health care programs involves stealing two types of identities : those of doctors , who bill for services , and patients , whose beneficiary numbers entitle them to medical care and necessary equipment . Criminals are expert at collecting both . Watch doctor tell what happened when his identity was stolen `` That information is very , very valuable to these crooks . And the doctor may work at one clinic but he wo n't know about the second and third clinic that they 've already set up using his identification , '' said Glenn Ferry , special agent in charge of the Los Angeles region for the Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General . `` They are definitely well-organized , well-schooled on how to commit Medicare fraud . ''","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Organized crime gangs are exploiting a new target for illegal profit : Medicare and Medicaid . Experienced in running drug , prostitution and gambling rings , crime groups of various ethnicities and nationalities are learning it 's safer and potentially more profitable to file fraudulent claims with the federal Medicare program and state-run Medicaid plans . `` They 're hitting us and hitting us hard , '' said Timothy Menke , head of investigations for the Office of Inspector General at the Department of Health and Human Services . `` Organized crime involvement in health care fraud is widespread . '' One hot spot for health care fraud is Los Angeles , California , where Russian , Armenian and Nigerian gangs have been caught by federal agents . Recent cases include crime boss Konstantin Grigoryan , a former Soviet army colonel who pleaded guilty to taking $ 20 million from Medicare . Karapet `` Doc '' Khacheryan , boss of a Eurasian crime gang , was recently convicted with five lieutenants of stealing doctor identities in a $ 2 million scam . Two Nigerians , Christopher Iruke and his wife , Connie Ikpoh , were charged"} +{"answer":"left . '' Another witness described police units going from house to house , summarily executing unarmed men and boys . A third said he saw an unarmed shopkeeper plead for his life . Police ordered him to lie down on the ground , the witness said . `` He kept saying , ` Please God , allow me to live . ' ... One of them said , ` Today you go die , ' and then he shot him in the side . Then the same MOPOL shot him again . As he was going to shoot him a third time , the other MOPOL said ... ` Leave it , he 's already dead . ' '' The shopkeeper managed to drag himself to a neighbor 's house , where the neighbor tried to stop the bleeding from wounds to the back and abdomen . Police then returned and shot tear gas into the neighbor 's house , he testified . The shopkeeper `` died a short time later , '' the neighbor said . In the report , released Monday , Human Rights Watch says it `` documented 133 of these killings but believes that the","question":"LAGOS , Nigeria -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Police and soldiers killed at least 133 people during two days of riots between Muslims and Christians in Nigeria last year , Human Rights Watch alleged Monday . Anti-riot policemen patrol the streets in Jos , Nigeria , following riots between Christians and Muslims . Most of the victims of violence by security forces were young Muslim men , often unarmed , the group charged in testimony before a state commission examining the riots and in a separate report . More than 700 people died in the violence last November , the group said , citing local religious authorities on both sides of the divide . A 26-year-old mechanic described seeing anti-riot police known as MOPOLs hunting down people near where he worked . `` I saw them enter one house just across the street from us , '' the unnamed witness said . `` We heard shots and later we saw five bodies there . Anyone they found hiding in the garage , they shot them . They combed the garage hunting for people . This went on for about 10 minutes or so . Then they returned to their truck and"} +{"answer":"McNeil -LRB- 08-7369 -RRB- . But Justice Clarence Thomas took issue with his colleagues ' conclusions . `` It is the crime and not the punishment imposed by the jury or the delay in execution that was ` unacceptably cruel , ' '' he responded . Thomas took time in his concurrence to detail the graphic crime that led to the conviction of Thompson and his co-defendant . The men had held Sally Ivester and another woman in a motel room and were demanding money from the victim 's families . Ivester had promised she could raise hundreds of dollars but was only able to secure $ 25 . That enraged the men who savagely beat the woman with a belt , chair leg and nightstick , causing internal injuries . She was also burned with cigarettes . The other woman witnessed the murder and said she feared for her life if she tried to leave . Thompson and his co-defendant both pleaded guilty but the state 's high court initially tossed out Thompson 's sentence . The man 's lawyer had told the defendant if he accepted responsibility for the crime , he would not get the death penalty","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Two Supreme Court justices on opposite sides of the ideological aisle exchanged tough words Monday over the fate of a Florida murderer who has been on death row for 32 years . Siding with the court 's majority , Justice Clarence Thomas described brutal details of a Florida slaying . The high court has refused to hear the appeal of William Thompson , who had plead guilty twice in the March 1976 kidnapping and torture-murder of a woman . His case and subsequent appeals have been litigated since , but a new execution date has not been set . A key part of his request to be spared lethal injection is that three decades as a capital inmate constitutes cruel and unusual punishment . `` Our experience during the past three decades has demonstrated that delays in state-sponsored killings are inescapable and that executing defendants after such is unacceptably cruel , '' said Justice John Paul Stevens , who disagreed with the court 's decision to allow the execution to proceed . He was supported by Justice Stephen Breyer in his objection to the court 's ruling on Monday in the case , Thompson v."} +{"answer":". `` The sheriff having a press conference saying that they 're guilty does not make them so , '' Lane told CNN 's `` American Morning . '' Authorities say the event -- in which the tearful couple said their 6-year-old might have been trapped in the drifting balloon -- was staged . Richard and Mayumi Heene had met in a Hollywood acting school and pursued fame for their family in the world of reality TV , Alderden said . Lane , asked Monday by CNN about his client 's state of mind , said it was `` what you would expect someone 's state of mind to be after law enforcement searched your house , seized your property , held a press conference announcing you 're about to be charged with felony criminal charges . Your state of mind would be rather upset and you would feel somewhat under siege , which is exactly how the family feels at this point . '' During the incident Thursday , as millions worldwide watched live TV coverage of the contraption floating above northern Colorado , authorities did not pick up on any deceptive behavior , Alderden said . But that","question":"Fort Collins , Colorado -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The lawyer of a Colorado father accused of carrying out a bizarre hoax involving his son and a huge balloon said Monday that official charges in the case could be filed next week . Authorities announced that Richard Heene and his wife , Mayumi Heene , face several felony charges , but David Lane said the sheriff was overreaching with the charges . `` It 's piling on and it 's using charges that really are n't designed to fit this sort of allegation , '' Lane said on `` Larry King Live . '' `` The attempt to influence a public official fraudulently , that 's bribing a public official . That 's not what happened here . '' The Heenes face charges of conspiracy , contributing to the delinquency of a minor and attempting to influence a public servant , Larimer County Sheriff Jim Alderden said Sunday . The family also probably will be charged with filing a false police report , which is a misdemeanor , Alderden said . Lane has said that the couple is `` not running from the law '' and deserves the presumption of innocence"} +{"answer":". Watch a tearful plea from death row '' `` I do n't sleep at all on Wednesdays , '' she said then . `` I stay up from morning until night , because that 's the day they pick for executions . '' Samar was sentenced to death by hanging for being an accessory to murder in the killings of her uncle , aunt and cousin -- slayings that she says were carried out at their home by her husband-to-be , who remains on the loose . She maintains that she is innocent , and there are disturbing questions about her conviction . Samar has now been moved a step closer to death : to Baghdad 's maximum-security prison , where there are more than 500 prisoners waiting to be executed . It 's the same facility where Saddam Hussein was hanged in December 2006 . CNN was not allowed to film her face inside the prison . During the interview , the wardens also seemed to make motions to try to stop CNN from broaching the subject of her allegation that she had only confessed under torture . The day of the killings is seared into her mind","question":"BAGHDAD , Iraq -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Samar Saed Abdullah 's entire body trembles as she speaks about her impending execution . She thinks of the gallows room , the noose around her neck and that moment when she will take her final breath . Samar Saed Abdullah is sentenced to die by hanging in connection with the killing of three relatives . `` My life is meaningless , '' she said , choking on her tears . `` I ca n't think of anything else . The other women , we try to help each other , but we can not escape the reality that we are on death row and they can take us at any second . '' The 27-year-old Iraqi woman is sentenced to die in connection with the slayings of three relatives in January 2005 . She looks pale and frail , her face sallow , her eyes bloodshot . She shakes with each sob , anxiously twisting a tissue in her hands . We first met Samar in spring 2007 , at al-Kadhimiya Women 's Prison in Baghdad . She had been on death row for about two years , and she was terrified"} +{"answer":". Cameroon took the lead following a spell of intense pressure . A succession of Achille Emana corners had the Egyptian defence wobbling -- and the seventh one resulted in Hassan 's weak-header on the line dropping into his own net . Cameroon pressed for a second goal but were taken by surprise when Hassan unleashed a fierce 35-yard strike in the 37th minute that deceived goalkeeper Carlos Kameni before finding its way in . Emad Moteab could have won the game for Egypt right at the death after he was picked out at the back post by a sweeping pass from Hassan , but the Al-Ahly forward could only find the side netting as the game entered extra-time . However , Hassan Shehata 's side wasted no time in killing off the tie going 3-1 up after 95 minutes -- after being gifted both goals . The first came when Geremi 's poor back-pass from the right was intercepted by Gedo , who and tucked away with ease through the legs of Kameni two minutes after the resumption . The second seems certain to land South African referee Damon in the spotlight after Hassan 's free-kick from the left","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Two goals in five minutes at the start of extra-time helped defending champions Egypt book their place in the African Nations Cup semifinals with a battling 3-1 victory over Cameroon . The game , though , was marred by a controversial third goal by midfielder Ahmed Hassan which was allowed to stand by referee Jerome Damon despite replays showing the ball had clearly not crossed the line . By that time the Pharaohs ' captain , who was winning a record 170th cap for his country , had already scored an own goal to put the Indomitable Lions ahead after 26 minutes . Hassan scored again at the other end to pull his side level with a powerful long-range strike before half-time which eventually forced the game into an additional 30 minutes in Benguela . Substitute Mohamed Gedo then capitalized on an error from Geremi Njitap to put Egypt ahead in extra-time , before Hassan 's controversial strike handed them a two-goal cushion . To make matters worse for Paul Le Guen 's Cameroon , Aurelien Chedjou was sent off late on as the north Africans set up a tantalising last-four clash with old foes Algeria"} +{"answer":"until your friends and family stage an intervention , you should consider one of these `` webtastic '' jobs . Branding consultant Branding is a buzzword that has worked its way into the permanent lexicon . Companies , organizations and individuals want to have a brand -- an identity that customers instantly recognize and respond to positively . Much of that branding is formed online via ad campaigns , press and customer interaction . Branding consultants help companies identify what type of brand they want . They then help create it and keep it consistent through all outlets . They know the likes and dislikes of their target audience so they try to be in front of them as much as possible to get exposure and gauge their reactions . The placement of banner ads , the spread of viral videos and other places you see a company 's advertisements are the results of branding consultants ' efforts . Public relations director The world of PR is busy and ever-changing . In fact , what you do as a public relations specialist or director depends on the organization in which you work . What is the same everywhere is the","question":"-LRB- CareerBuilder.com -RRB- -- Are you an online enthusiast ? The dictionary does n't have a definition for it just yet , but if it were to exist , I suspect it would look something like this : Internet enthusiast -LRB- n -RRB- : 1 . One whose hand has molded to fit the contour of the computer mouse ; 2 . One who feels energized by the glow of a computer screen in much the same way a fresh cup of coffee makes most people feel in the morning ; 3 . One who dreads going to sleep because he or she is unable to go online for eight hours . Is this you ? Do you hate the fact that your job gets in the way of your Internet activity ? Perhaps you do n't let that stop you from surfing the Web during the day and praying the boss wo n't catch you . Whatever the situation may be , you might be better off at a different job . Say , a job where you 're paid for your love of everything online . Maybe you need help weaning yourself off of the computer , but"} +{"answer":", '' says Graham Kwan , CEO of Melco China Resorts the developers of Sun Mountain , Yabuli . It 's a factor that has held back the momentum of the Chinese ski industry , where the image is still one of bumpy nursery slopes crowded with first-time skiers snow-ploughing into one another . `` The industry is n't developing as fast as it should , '' says Justin Downes , president of Axis Leisure , a Beijing-based resort industry consultancy . `` Ninety percent of skiers are still considered beginners and rent their equipment . The quality of the product and safety has often been questionable , service has been poor . '' Kwan hopes Sun Mountain will provide Chinese skiers with a five-star destination resort that keeps novices coming back to the slopes . Others developers are following suit . French resort company Club Med plans to open a dedicated ski village in China at the end of the year , the first of five the company plans to open by 2015 . China 's Wanda group have plans on a resort in the mountains bordering North Korea , and a resort called Beijing Secret Garden is being","question":"Yabuli , China -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Insulated in designer skiwear against a temperature of -15 \u00b0 Celsius , three of China 's burgeoning ski set bundle into a gondola headed to a wind-swept mountaintop in Heilongjiang province , Northeastern China . These new members of China 's skiing elite had traveled from Harbin three hours drive away for a day 's skiing at Sun Mountain , Yabuli , and clearly relished hurtling downhill at one of the country 's newest high-end resorts . `` Control your speed '' is good advice for any novice skier , but it could be equally applied to the growing number of businesses aiming to tap into the nascent Chinese skiing industry . Skiing is just the latest market in China touted to `` boom '' as an increasingly affluent middle class finds new ways to spend their wealth and leisure time . The China Ski Association put the number of skiers in China at 5 million in 2005 , up from just 200,000 in 2000 . The association predicts 20 million skiers by 2014 . `` But around 80 percent will probably never do it again , because the experience is so bad"} +{"answer":"budget will mean severe cuts here at the Bronx Zoo and the New York Aquarium , '' the zoo director says . `` Next year , all 76 zoos , botanical gardens and aquariums in the state will lose all of their state funding . There is no easy way to say this : Even though you bring record numbers of people to New York and help the economy , we are going to have to let you go . '' Firing a porcupine and a frog may be a cute way to get publicity for their budget woes , but it 's a serious matter and zoo officials say the recession will certainly affect the animals . Zoo officials say some collections with `` short life cycles '' will not be replaced when they die , and other animals could be sent to other zoos or wildlife sanctuaries . The state of New York funds just 2.7 percent of the Bronx Zoo and the New York Aquarium 's budget , but zoo officials say it will be difficult to make up . Between the state budget cuts , the loss in the value of their endowment and fewer people","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Layoffs for sea lions ? Furloughs for frogs ? Is there no job security , anywhere ? State budget cuts mean New York 's 76 zoos , botanical gardens and aquariums will lose $ 9.1 million in funding . The recession may be coming to a zoo near you . State budget cuts mean many zoos , aquariums and botanical gardens will lose crucial state funding for their exhibits . New York 's 76 zoos , aquariums and botanical gardens will lose $ 9.1 million in state funds next year . `` We 're faced with this very difficult problem of firing the animals , as it were , '' said Steve Sanderson , the CEO of the Wildlife Conservation Society , which manages the Bronx Zoo and the New York Aquarium . They will lose $ 3 million to budget cuts . The Bronx Zoo has made a short video posted on its Web site www.bronxzoo.com \/ to draw attention to the cuts . In the video , the zoo director fires a porcupine and a frog . `` I am sure you have heard that Gov. -LSB- David -RSB- Paterson 's proposed"} +{"answer":"or ethnicity or a very compelling story . '' Hatch -- who unlike Roberts voted in favor of Sotomayor 's 1998 nomination to the federal appeals court -- also revealed one of the first Republican battle lines on the nomination : the schedule . See Sotomayor 's key rulings '' President Obama and other Sotomayor supporters say they want her confirmed before the Senate goes on its August recess , so that she can be well-situated for the start of the next Supreme Court session in October . Hatch and fellow Judiciary Committee Republicans Jon Kyl of Arizona and John Cornyn of Texas are pushing for a longer timeframe . They say it is almost impossible to review Sotomayor 's extensive record , debate her nomination and hold a Senate vote by August . `` If the Democrats do n't overplay their hand and do n't try to rush this too much , the process will go well , they 'll be better off , she 'll get confirmed , '' Hatch said , again adding that his prediction is based on no new concerns coming to light . The opposition party usually fights for extensive time to try to","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The longest-serving Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee told CNN Radio on Thursday that , barring any surprises , Sonia Sotomayor is headed for a Supreme Court confirmation . Judge Sonia Sotomayor would be the first Hispanic on the U.S. Supreme Court . `` If there are no otherwise disqualifying matters here , it appears to me she will probably be confirmed , '' Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah said . Hatch was acknowledging the current Senate political landscape . Sotomayor was nominated by a Democrat president , and Democrats could have 60 votes in the 100-member chamber if Minnesota 's Al Franken is seated . They now hold 12 of the 19 seats on the Senate Judiciary Committee that will first consider Sotomayor 's nomination . Sen. Pat Roberts , R-Kansas , said Thursday he does not plan to vote to confirm Sotomayor , becoming the first Republican to explicitly state his opposition . `` She has made statements on the role of the appeals court I think is improper and incorrect , '' Roberts said . `` I think that we should be judging people not on race and gender , or background"} +{"answer":"rhetoric and political posturing . If they can view the Prop 8 trial via YouTube , they will be surprised by what they see : a decision-making process devoid of politics , in which a thoughtful and unbiased judge asks hard questions of both sides ' lawyers in search of legal rules reflecting neutral principles , not political fiat . At a time when most Americans have lost confidence in the government 's ability to act in the general interest , the potentially huge audience for the Prop 8 trial would see that at least one branch of government tries to make decisions on the merits . Broadcasting the trial will confer legitimacy on the proceedings as nothing else can . Legitimacy matters . If , in the end , Judge Walker upholds Prop 8 , rejecting challenges to its constitutionality , opponents of the law will feel angry and aggrieved -- to put it mildly . But if they have viewed the trial online , they are less likely to feel victimized in a process that was politically rigged . Defenders of Prop 8 are against broadcasting the trial because they believe it would infringe on their right to","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It 's hard to imagine a video of lawyers debating points of constitutional law going viral on YouTube , but the audience for the Proposition 8 trial -- a lawsuit seeking to overturn California 's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage -- is potentially vast . Unfortunately , that audience will have to wait . U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker had decided to allow the proceedings to be taped , then aired on YouTube . But as the trial was set to begin Monday morning , the U.S. Supreme Court issued an order blocking its broadcast . Our camera-phobic high court is making a mistake . Public access should be encouraged , not thwarted , in court cases involving divisive issues -- all the more so when judicial power is invoked in an effort to invalidate the outcome of a vote . Although some Supreme Court justices might worry that cameras in the courtroom undermine the legitimacy of the judicial process , the reality is just the opposite . The Prop 8 trial is a case in point . People on both sides of the same-sex marriage issue are accustomed to a political process coarsened by ideological"} +{"answer":"Gates said . `` Because of the complexity of this series of moves , I respectfully ask the Senate to move on them expeditiously , hopefully by Memorial Day , so the families and we can plan appropriately . '' Odierno was in line for a Pentagon desk job as Army Vice Chief just over a year after helping Petraeus implement the `` surge '' in U.S. troops in Iraq . The Pentagon says Petraeus will stay in Iraq long enough to make the first recommendation on further troop cuts after the surge is over . Watch the challenges ahead of Petraeus '' Gates said the generals ' promotions reflected an endorsement of the current course in Iraq . `` The course certainly that Gen. Petraeus has set has been a successful course . So , frankly , I think staying that course is not a bad idea . I would say it 's a good idea , '' Gates said . Watch Gates nominate Petraeus '' Central Command , which oversees U.S. forces in East Africa , the Middle East and Central Asia , has its headquarters at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa , Florida . Gates said","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Army Gen. David Petraeus , the top U.S. commander in Iraq , has been chosen to become chief of U.S. Central Command , Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday . Gen. David Petraeus has been the commander in Iraq for more than a year . Petraeus would replace Adm. William Fallon , who said last month that he was resigning . Fallon said widespread , but false , reports that he was at odds with the Bush administration over Iran had made his job impossible . In addition , Gates said , Army Lt. Gen. Ray Odierno , commander of the Multinational Corps-Iraq -- the No. 2 position in Iraq -- is being nominated to fill Petraeus ' post . Odierno has been home from Iraq for only a couple of months but has agreed to return , Gates said . The plan is for Petraeus to leave Iraq in late summer or early fall , Gates said , to ensure a smooth transition and plenty of time for Odierno to prepare . `` We expect to move the paperwork on these nominations to the White House and to the Senate very quickly , ''"} +{"answer":"said , but he held out little hope that the president would intercede . `` I do n't think he 's being informed about this case , and it 's still being ignored , just like the Bush administration did , '' he said . `` I 'm trying not to let this affect me . I just got off the phone with my grandfather . He was adamant about making this injustice known , '' he said . Noriega 's Miami attorneys plan to send Clinton a letter Friday asking that the former Panamanian strongman be returned to his home country of Panama . Noriega 's trial judge declared him a prisoner of war after his drug and money laundering conviction in 1992 . Because of that status , he and his attorneys believe he should have been returned to Panama -- where he would face murder charges -- when his sentence ended in 2007 . But the federal courts have ruled against him , and he has remained in prison south of Miami . `` He was adamant about staying in Miami this whole time , '' said Beauchamp . `` His attitude now is ` whatever happens","question":"Miami , Florida -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Growing up , Jean-Manuel Beauchamp attended no ball games with his grandfather . No barbecues , either , or bedtime stories . Beauchamp , now 20 , was 4 months old when the United States invaded Panama and seized his grandfather . Noriega was later convicted on drug charges and sentenced to 30 years in prison , reduced to 17 for good behavior . Now , three years after the end of his prison term , Beauchamp 's grandad -- former Panamanian military dictator Manuel Noriega -- remains behind bars pending Secretary of State Hillary Clinton 's decision whether to sign extradition documents . That outcome will likely come sooner rather than later . The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday turned down Noriega 's request for a new hearing , setting the stage for his extradition to France , where he has been convicted in abstentia on money laundering charges and faces a new trial . `` It 's all up to Hillary now , '' Beauchamp said . `` There 's not much hope in the courts any longer . '' President Obama has a role to play as well , Beauchamp"} +{"answer":"foil as an antenna . More than 350 miles away , I managed to pick up the then-Memphis State games through the crackle and static of the radio . Memphis basketball was my only way to remain connected to my youth and the city that I loved . That was 1985 , the last time Memphis made the Final Four . Is your team in the Final Four ? Send your iReport celebratory photos Back then , Memphis was led by a phenom named Keith Lee . He was best known for a sweet baseline jumper as soft as the nylon nets he swished . He was also known for his giant Afro . He was listed as 6 feet 10 inches . The joke was if you included his wild hairdo , he was 7-4 . When my parents were away at work , sometimes I 'd sneak into my mom 's cabinet , steal her mousse and then put it in my hair . Then this white kid would go out back and shoot hoops for hours , hair sticking straight out like I stuck my finger in a socket . It was the only way I could","question":"Editor 's note : CNN.com 's Wayne Drash writes about his maniacal love for University of Memphis basketball . Memphis , North Carolina , UCLA and Kansas play in the Final Four this weekend . Drash says the Memphis team can help heal the city 's old wounds . CNN.com 's Wayne Drash , left , says he 's been hooked on University of Memphis basketball since he was a kid . ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- My love for University of Memphis basketball is completely irrational . I never went to school there and have no affiliation with the university . But I bleed Tiger blue . My dad used to take my brothers and me to Memphis games as a kid , and I 've been hooked ever since . We once bought tickets from a scalper for six bucks apiece against arch-rival the University of Louisville in the 1980s . My dad complained we paid too much . But then we moved in seventh grade . I became an even bigger fan after we left the city . I 'd huddle over my AM radio , hooked up with a coat hanger wrapped in aluminum"} +{"answer":"tape is visibly pregnant , the Youngs say . That means the video might not be the one specified in the restraining order , because Rielle Hunter , Edwards ' former mistress , said that tape was created in September 2006 , the Youngs say . `` This means that , as a matter of human biology , Ms. Hunter would have given birth no later than June 2007 , '' the Youngs say . Hunter was pregnant in 2007 and gave birth to Edwards ' daughter Frances Quinn on February 27 , 2008 . In the court documents , the Youngs suggest that Hunter might have mistaken when the video was made . Even if that is the case , they say , Hunter abandoned the videotape in the trash at their home and made no effort to recover it until almost two years after she had left their home . Friday 's court proceeding is the latest development in a saga involving one-time Democratic presidential hopeful Edwards . In January , he admitted that he had fathered a child with Hunter , a videographer who worked on his campaign . Edwards , 56 , had publicly denied paternity","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A judge ordered an ex-aide to former Sen. John Edwards on Friday to turn over a sex tape said to depict Edwards and his former mistress , an official in a North Carolina court said . Judge Abraham Penn Jones found former Edwards aide Andrew Young and his wife , Cheri , in civil contempt of court , said Tammy Keshler , a judicial assistant in Chatham County Superior Court . He ordered them to give the court the tape and other materials they may have by 2 p.m. Wednesday , she said . The judge said he could jail the Youngs if they do not comply , she said . The Youngs appeared in court in Pittsboro , about 35 miles west of Raleigh , North Carolina , to contest a temporary restraining order forbidding them from disseminating the videotape . The couple has said they possess `` a video recording showing Senator Edwards engaged in sexual activities with a woman who , from all indications , is not his wife and who the Youngs believe to be Ms. Hunter , based upon her appearance , '' court documents say . The woman on the"} +{"answer":"be seen shooting into the sky hours after the explosion . Firefighters were working to contain the fire , he said . Delivery of Egyptian gas to Israel came to a halt after an April attack on a pipeline in the Sinai Peninsula . The flow of gas through the pipeline to Israel was restored in early June . In February , a gas pipeline in El Arish that sent natural gas to Jordan was set on fire , shutting off the flow of gas to not only Israel but but Syria , Jordan and Lebanon as well . The issue of gas sales to Israel has become highly controversial in Egypt with various allegations circulating that Israel received below market prices for the gas and that Egyptian government officials enriched themselves on the deal . The Israeli government and Israeli investors in the pipeline have categorically denied below market pricing for the gas and last month one of the major investors released a statement expressing public frustration that the Egyptian government was not moving more quickly to get the gas flowing again and threatened to pursue legal action . The pipeline between Egypt and Israel became operational in 2008","question":"Cairo -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A pipeline that supplies gas from Egypt to Israel exploded Monday in the northern Sinai Peninsula near Bir el-Adb , an Egyptian security official said . The explosion appears to be an act of sabotage , said Gen. Saleh al-Masri , the head of security in Egypt 's northern Sinai Peninsula . `` It is an act of sabotage , but the army and members of Egyptian Natural Gas Company are on the scene trying to understand what happened , '' al-Masri said . The explosion has shut off the flow of gas to Israel and Jordan , said Ayman Jahin , a general manager at the gas company . It is the third such attack on Egyptian pipeline infrastructure since the toppling of Hosni Mubarak 's government earlier in the year . The first two attacks resulted in a halt in the flow of gas to Israel , which receives about 40 % of its natural gas from Egypt . The army cordoned off the area around the explosion , asking onlookers to return home , '' Mohamed Sabry , a freelance journalist at the scene , told CNN . He said flames could"} +{"answer":"conditions likely contributed to the crashes in Texas and Alaska of three medical helicopters that killed 11 people , the NTSB said . The three crashes occurred near South Padre Island , Texas , in February 2008 ; Huntsville , Texas , in June ; and Whittier , Alaska , in December 2007 . iReport : Watch smoke pour from a medical chopper crash in Michigan A December 2007 accident in Cherokee , Alabama , was likely caused by the pilot flying too low over trees , the NTSB said . The helicopter was shining a searchlight on a hunter who had been lost as rescue personnel on the ground tried to reach him . The pilot , a paramedic and a flight nurse were killed , the NTSB said . Among the issues to be discussed at the hearing will be flight operations , aircraft safety equipment , training and oversight . Expert witnesses such as pilots , medical personnel , managers and Federal Aviation Administration officials will give sworn testimony on what has been an `` ongoing concern '' of the safety board , which issued a report on emergency medical services operations in 2006 . The NTSB","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The National Transportation Safety Board began four days of hearings Tuesday on how to stem the `` drastic increase '' in medical helicopter accidents . Smoke rises from Spectrum Health Butterworth Hospital in Grand Rapids , Michigan , after a helicopter crash in May . Over a recent 12-month period , the board probed nine fatal medical helicopter accidents that killed 35 people , a development that one board member called `` alarming . '' Medical helicopters `` provide an important service to the public '' in swiftly transporting ill and injured patients and donor organs , the board said on its Web site . Chopper pilots must operate `` safely and quickly '' in bad weather , at night or on `` unfamiliar landing sites , '' the board added . `` This hearing will be extremely important because it can provide an opportunity to learn more about the industry so that possibly we can make further recommendations that can prevent these accidents and save lives , '' said Robert Sumwalt , chairman of the hearing 's board of inquiry . Watch Sumwalt 's remarks at hearing '' Flying at night in poor weather"} +{"answer":"that Diana asked him to listen in on a conversation in June 1997 with her mother , Frances Shand Kydd , who died in 2004 and who was critical of her relationship with Muslim men . `` She called the princess a ` whore ' and she said that she was messing around with ` effing Muslim men ' and she was ` disgraceful ' and said some very nasty things , '' Burrell said . He agreed that , as a result of such calls Diana , decided not to talk to her mother again . The inquest , which began in October and is expected to last another two or three months , aims to uncover the facts surrounding the deaths of the Princess and Dodi and determine their cause of death -- whether by accident or otherwise . Asked earlier in the day if he believed that Fayed was `` the one , '' Burrell said `` no , I did not have that impression . '' He also cast doubt on claims that Fayed and Diana were engaged or on the cusp of engagement , saying : `` I find that difficult to believe . ''","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Princess Diana 's relationships with two Muslim men provoked an outburst from her mother , who called her daughter `` a whore '' , Paul Burrell , the princess 's former butler , told an inquest Monday . Diana once referred to her former butler Paul Burrell as `` my rock . '' Burrell , who returned to Britain from his home in Florida to give evidence , was the first star witness of the London inquest , now in its fourth month . His role as confidant to Diana , who died in a Paris car crash on August 31 , 1997 , along with her boyfriend Dodi Fayed and hotel security chief Henri Paul , meant his testimony was eagerly anticipated . Burrell , whom the late princess once called `` my rock , '' cast doubt on whether Diana was ready to marry Fayed . According to Burrell , the princess was still `` holding a candle '' for former boyfriend and heart surgeon Hasnat Khan -- who she called `` her soulmate '' -- when she started dating Fayed `` on the rebound . '' Burrell told the inquest"} +{"answer":"Once the cement block between the cells was removed , they smashed the block and hid the pieces in a footlocker . According to police , Blunt , who is 5 feet 10 inches and weighs 210 pounds , squeezed into Espinosa 's cell through an approximately 16 - to 18-inch hole . The two inmates wiggled through another 18-inch hole in the outer wall . From a roof landing , the two men `` took a running jump or they were standing and they jumped approximately 15 feet out and about 30 feet down , '' Romankow said . Then they jumped a razor-wire fence onto a New Jersey transit railroad bed to freedom , police said . Authorities found two sets of footprints in the snow heading in opposite directions . At a news conference Monday , Romankow read the note that was found in Espinosa 's cell , saying it represented the `` arrogance of these two men . '' `` Thank you officer -------- for the tools needed , you 're a real pal , Happy Holidays , '' the note read , with a smiley face drawn next to it . Authorities are investigating the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Two inmates at New Jersey 's Union County Jail made a movie-style escape Saturday and remained at large Monday , according to Union County Prosecutor Ted Romankow . Otis Blunt , left , and Jose Espinosa escaped from the Union County Jail Saturday night , officials say . Twenty-year-old Jose Espinosa and 32-year-old Otis Blunt , who are considered armed and dangerous , were discovered missing from their cells at about 5:15 p.m. Saturday , Romankow said . The men left behind dummies in their beds , cinder block dust and a note wishing authorities `` Happy Holidays . '' Espinosa , who recently pleaded guilty to aggravated manslaughter , was to be sentenced on January 25 and faced a minimum of 17 years in prison . Blunt was being held in lieu of $ 75,000 bond on weapon and robbery charges . Both men were being housed in the high security area of the multilevel jail , Romankow said . Police said Espinosa and Blunt were in adjacent cells and used a long metal wire to scrape away mortar around the cinder block between their cells and the outer wall in Espinosa 's cell ."} +{"answer":"adolescent girls '' who were gang-raped by Nigerian soldiers . `` They were dropped off in the neighboring village by our men who have since returned safely to camp , '' the statement said . The military had no immediate response to that claim . Analysts say that one reason for record high gas prices in the United States is a spate of attacks on oil pipelines in Nigeria , the fourth largest supplier of oil to the United States . Exxon and Shell are two of several companies that had been extracting two million barrels of oil a day in Nigeria . Yet rebel attacks on oil pipelines in the Niger Delta have cut overall production by roughly 10 percent -- meaning 200,000 fewer barrels of oil on some days . The rebel group hopes to secure a greater share of oil wealth for people in the Niger Delta , where more than 70 percent of the population lives on less than a dollar a day . MEND has bombed pipelines and kidnapped hundreds of foreign oil workers , typically releasing them unharmed , sometimes after receiving a ransom payment . The Nigerian government has proposed a peace summit","question":"LAGOS , Nigeria -LRB- AP -RRB- -- A rebel group that has been attacking oil pipelines in southern Nigeria claimed responsibility on Monday for another strike and said it killed 11 government soldiers in fighting that followed the sabotage . A fire burns following an attack on a pipeline in Nigeria in December 2006 . The Nigerian military confirmed an attack on an oil pipeline and an explosion , but called the claim that 11 soldiers were killed a `` lie '' and `` pure propaganda . '' The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta , or MEND , issued a statement saying it `` successfully sabotaged another major trunk pipeline '' belonging to the Shell Petroleum Development Company in the country 's Rivers State . `` Minutes after the sabotage , our fighters encountered a military gunboat which opened fire blindly on the advance guard . We flanked them in a counter-attack and killed in close combat all the drunken soldiers numbering eleven , collecting their weapons , ammunitions and bullet-proof vests before using dynamite to sink the gunboat with its dead occupants , '' MEND said . MEND also said they found two `` traumatized ,"} +{"answer":"the South American country . `` They do n't recognize humanity , they do n't recognize human rights . They 're animals . They 're terrorists , '' Stansell said of the FARC . `` We do n't want to exaggerate what happened . We just want to tell the truth . '' The men painted a gruesome picture of their captivity , describing months in which they were ordered not to speak to each other and an initial campsite where they lived with a rat 's nest above them . They slept on the floors of drug labs and were forced to march for hours while chained . Chains were very much a part of their captivity . `` That was put around my neck every night , '' Stansell told Headline News ' Robin Meade on Thursday , holding a heavy industrial lock . `` This lock , with 5 meters of chain -- thick , 1-inch links -- went to his neck , '' Stansell said , pointing at Gonsalves . `` We slept like that , '' he said . Watch how the rescue surprised the hostages '' Gonsalves also held small wooden chess pawns he","question":"SAN ANTONIO , Texas -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Three Americans rescued last week from captivity in the Colombian jungle will return to their homes Saturday , the U.S. Army South said . Left to right , Keith Stansell , Marc Gonsalves and Thomas Howes talk about spending more than 5 years as hostages . Marc Gonsalves , Thomas Howes and Keith Stansell have been undergoing a reintegration process at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio , Texas , since their return 10 days ago to the United States . The men were among 15 hostages , including former Colombian presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt , who were rescued July 2 in a Colombian military operation . The men carried with them a metal lock , a bullet and a chess board made of cardboard -- small items that are reminders of the years they spent away from their families , cut off from the world outside the jungle , seeing only fellow hostages and their captors , the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia -LRB- FARC -RRB- . The group had held the three U.S. government contractors hostage since February 2003 , after their plane crashed in a remote region of"} +{"answer":"discovered the boy in solitary confinement last week and he was taken to a hospital , according to media reports . His parents accused a counselor at the camp and Pu 's peers of repeatedly hitting him , Chinese media said , adding that particular camp has been closed . `` He is suffering from water on the lungs and kidney failure , '' Pu 's father , Pu Shiwei , told the publication China View on Wednesday . `` All injuries were done by the people at the camp . '' The training center denied that a counselor beat the youth , contending Pu was hit by other campers because he could n't get along with them , China View reported . Authorities in Zhongjiang county , where the camp is located , said they detained the counselor after a report of alleged abuse from the parents of another child . The man who established the military-style camp , Wu Yongjing , admitted to the BBC that youngsters were sometimes subjected to `` physical punishment . '' `` Physical punishment is an effective way to educate children -- as long as it can be controlled , '' he said","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A 14-year-old boy allegedly beaten at a boot camp in China for young Internet addicts was in critical condition Thursday , less than three weeks after a youth at a different camp died , Chinese state media reported . People sit at a wireless cafe in Beijing , using their laptop computers . Internet use has skyrocketed in China , especially among teens . And Chinese parents have turned to hundreds of training camps that offer to wean their children -- mostly teenagers -- from excessive Internet use . There are at least 400 private rehabilitation clinics or camps in the country , according to a recent survey by the China Youth Internet Association , adding that China has 10 million teenage Web addicts . But the Chinese Ministry of Health says none of the private rehab clinics are legally registered . The parents of Pu Liang , the injured teen , had sent him to a camp called the Anti-traditional Education Training Center on August 4 near Chengdu , capital of the southwestern province of Sichuan , Chinese media reported . Pu allegedly was beaten three times between August 4 and August 11 . Police"} +{"answer":"he said . `` Stop trying to take over our lives and our businesses . '' He added : `` Stop messing with Texas ! '' Perry , the longest serving governor in Texas history , is seeking a third full term in Austin . His opponent in the general election will be Democrat Bill White , the former Houston mayor who dispatched six opponents in the Democratic primary . With nearly two-thirds of precincts reporting , Perry maintained a 20-point lead over Hutchison and appeared to be on pace to cross the crucial 50 percent mark needed to avoid a six-week runoff election against the three-term senator , who began her gubernatorial bid as the prohibitive frontrunner but stumbled as Perry 's campaign cast her as a big-spending Washington insider . GOP activist Debra Medina , a conservative with strong support among Tea Party activists , looked to be headed for a third place finish . White , the popular former three-term mayor of Houston , the country 's fourth-largest city , predicted that Perry will try to nationalize the race and tie him to unpopular Democratic agenda items in Washington . `` He 'll run against President Obama","question":"Driftwood , Texas -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Texas Gov. Rick Perry won his state 's Republican gubernatorial primary outright on Tuesday , avoiding a potentially costly runoff election against Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison . Hutchison called Perry to concede the race after returns indicated that the governor was cruising toward a resounding victory in the closely-watched primary . `` Now we must unite , '' she said . `` We must win Texas for Republicans . '' Perry 's win ended a yearlong intra-party fight that was billed from the start as a clash of Texas political titans but ended with a whimper as Hutchison struggled to fight a tide of anti-Washington sentiment among conservatives . The governor cast his victory as a warning shot to Washington in the mold of recent GOP wins in the Virginia and New Jersey governor 's races and the Massachusetts special Senate election . `` I think the message is pretty clear , '' Perry told supporters at his election night party near Austin . `` Conservatism has never been stronger than it is today . '' Perry said the message to Washington was simple : `` Quit spending all the money , ''"} +{"answer":"sense , we would have had 150 arrests out there today . '' Watch sheriff express frustration '' A spokesman for the U.S. Coast Guard said the person who died fell in the water when the ice floe broke away from land . View ice safety tips '' `` We have rescued more than 150 people , and unfortunately there were two people in the water , '' Chief Petty Officer Robert Lanier said . `` One of the people was recovered and brought to shore , '' but the other man was pronounced dead after being taken to a hospital . `` This was wrong . These people endangered the life of volunteer firemen , -LSB- and -RSB- the United States Coast Guard , '' Bratton said , estimating the cost of the sheriff 's office response at $ 25,000 . `` I 'm sure that 's going to climb . '' Bratton told the Cleveland Plain Dealer that the fishermen displayed poor judgment in building a makeshift bridge to get from one section of the ice to the other . `` I have no problem with people ice fishing , but these idiots should realize that when you","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An Ohio sheriff had harsh words for ice fishermen who had to be rescued Saturday after high winds and rising temperatures caused an ice floe to break away and strand about 150 of them on Lake Erie . People were stuck when an 8-mile-long chunk of Lake Erie ice broke away near Toledo , Ohio . The incident , in which one person was pronounced dead after being transported to the hospital , came after the National Weather Service issued a warning that ice floes could break away from the main ice area in the western section of the lake . At least some of those rescued were fishermen . `` This just cost the taxpayers a ton of money , '' Ottawa County , Ohio , Sheriff Bob Bratton said . `` We lost a life out there today . ... I 'm sorry a man lost his life out there today . These people should have known better . '' Bratton said those rescued should never have been on Lake Erie in the first place because weather conditions made it risky , and `` if there was a section in the code about common"} +{"answer":"meanwhile are warned not to trip on the crack . Tate director Nicholas Serota insisted the work was no optical illusion . `` This sculpture has been made in the most painstaking , meticulous way by Doris and her team before it was slowly inserted into the Turbine Hall , '' he told the Press Association . `` It has taken five weeks of work here with very considerable disruption to the hall . It 's not an illusion - it 's there , it 's real . `` From the Tate 's point of view , there were only two questions : could we realize it in the way Doris envisaged ? And once the piece was created , would it damage the structural integrity of the building forever ? `` The answer to the first was yes , and to the second was no . '' He declined to elaborate further . The installation will be removed next April by filling in the crack . Serota said : `` There is a crack , there is a line , and eventually there will be a scar and that scar will remain . It will remain as a memory","question":"LONDON , England -- A Colombian sculptor has created a mystery at London 's Tate Modern gallery by refusing to reveal how she seemingly managed to crack open a concrete floor . `` Shibboleth '' is Colombian artist Doris Salcedo 's first public commission in the United Kingdom . The work by Doris Salcedo begins as a hairline crack then widens and deepens as it snakes across the full 167 meters -LRB- 548 feet -RRB- of the former power station 's Turbine Hall . Salcedo said `` Shibboleth , '' a statement about racism , took her more than a year to make but has revealed little else about its construction . She apparently created it elsewhere and spent the past five weeks installing it in the Tate , on the south bank of the River Thames . She refused to say how she managed seemingly to crack open a concrete floor . `` What is important is the meaning of the piece . The making of it is not important , '' she said . Asked how deep the crack goes , she replied : `` It 's bottomless . It 's as deep as humanity . '' Visitors"} +{"answer":"public . Her son , 41 , died in February from the same disease , Badiola said . The latest confirmed case makes a total of four deaths in Spain from mad cow disease since 2005 . Three of these cases in Spain were in the same northern province , Leon , which is another unusual aspect that will be studied , Badiola said . Ten years can pass between eating contaminated tissue and the appearance of the human form of the disease , called variant Creutzfeldt Jakob disease , health officials say . The health ministry said there is no danger from eating meat in Spain , because of existing controls . The steps to avoid the disease , taken after the first cases of mad cow disease appeared in the United Kingdom , included isolating infected animals and prohibiting cattle feed of animal origin or with animal proteins , the ministry said . `` The appearance of these sporadic cases is within the predictions that were made at the European level more than eight years ago , '' the ministry statement said . Badiola said that it 's likely the mother and son contracted the disease before stricter","question":"MADRID , Spain -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The mother of a Spanish man who died from the human form of mad cow disease has also died from the illness , Spain 's Ministry of Health said Wednesday . Spain has taken steps to avoid mad cow disease , and there is no danger from eating meat , officials said . It is believed to be the first case in the world where two members of the same family have died from mad cow disease , said Juan Jose Badiola , director of Spain 's national research center for mad cow disease . `` It 's noteworthy that there 's a double case in the same family , '' Badiola said . Until now , Badiola added , clinical evidence that he 's seen from the United Kingdom and France -- which have had the most deaths due to the human form of mad cow disease -- have not recorded two cases in a single family . The mother , in her early 60s , died last month . The government confirmed Wednesday that it was because of mad cow disease but did not , by custom , make her name"} +{"answer":"Suddenly , they found themselves covering a very different story . For CNN , it all started in early April when Alec Miran , CNN 's special events producer for the Gorbachev visit , went to Beijing to propose an `` outlandish idea '' to the Chinese authorities -- bringing in the network 's own transmission equipment to beam live television pictures from China . `` It was unprecedented , '' said Miran . Before that , networks would feed their material from CCTV -LRB- Chinese Central Television -RRB- , who would monitor -- and censor -- everything that was sent out . `` Our own transmission was a scary idea to them , '' said Miran . But he says he thinks the Chinese eventually agreed -- after much back and forth -- because , above all , they wanted international coverage of Gorbachev 's visit . The Chinese gave CNN permission to bring in their own `` flyaway '' satellite dish and additional microwave gear to be able to transmit live -- a permission unheard of at the time in closed , Communist China . CNN was granted exactly one week 's permission , timed to coincide with","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- For CNN , Tiananmen Square was a watershed story -- a seminal moment in the network 's history . Beijing bureau chief Mike Chinoy , producer Nancy Lane and Moscow bureau chief Steve Hurst Only nine years old in 1989 , CNN was the only 24-hour news station on the air at the time . But staffers say the network suffered an inferiority complex when comparing itself to the major players in American television , who had dismissed the new upstart for years as `` Chicken Noodle News . '' Enter Tiananmen Square . Change the face of television news . Take your place in the big leagues . `` It put CNN on the map , '' said Mike Chinoy , CNN 's Beijing bureau chief during the crisis . `` It was the first time an upheaval in a previously isolated , distant , inaccessible location suddenly was available on television sets in living rooms and foreign ministries around the world . It was a pivotal moment for television . '' And it was an accident too . Foreign reporters had flooded Beijing to cover the historic visit of Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev ."} +{"answer":"the breakup of the Soviet Union , alcohol and tobacco use have risen , as Russians have struggled to adapt to economic change , health experts say . The transition from a system of state ownership to a market-oriented economy has not been easy for many Russians , according to Mireia Jofre-Bonet , a health economist at City University London . When the Soviet Union fell and the state disappeared , unemployment soared , and a significant portion of the population was pushed into poverty , she told CNN . Research suggests that those most vulnerable to alcoholism tend to be men with the lowest levels of education and the unemployed . A typical 18-year-old in the West has a 90 percent probability of reaching retirement age , but for young men in Russia the odds are reduced to 50 percent , says McKee . Alcoholism tends to be less of a problem among Russian women -- who have a higher average life expectancy of 73 -- but they face an equally worrisome health threat . There has been a big increase in smoking among women , who are being targeted by tobacco companies , says McKee . Traditionally ,","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In Russia , a country often associated with consumption of mass amounts of vodka , men have an average life expectancy of just 60 years -- one of the lowest in Europe . Men in Russia have an average life expectancy of just 60 years . Life expectancy for Russian men is well below that of western European countries like Germany , where men have an average life span of 77 years , according to World Health Organization figures . `` The biggest health problem facing Russia is the very high level of mortality among working aged men , '' says Martin McKee , an expert in Russian public health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine . A new dynamism appears to be taking hold of Russia as it aims to raise its prominence on the world stage . Despite having benefited from a boom in commodities prices before the global economy hit the skids , health indicators like life expectancy have shown marginal improvement . Life expectancy for men has stagnated for quite some time , and a major culprit has been high levels of alcohol consumption . Since"} +{"answer":"Islamist websites last week . U.S. counter-terrorism agencies are still trying to ascertain Almuhajir 's identity and whether he really was an al Qaeda envoy -- about which there is some doubt . The event , at which a large group of Somalis were shown sitting crossed-legged on the ground , was clearly a propaganda ploy by Al-Shabaab to boost its popularity -- and that of the al Qaeda brand . International aid agencies have sharply criticized the group for banning or obstructing aid in areas in central and southern Somalia worst hit by the famine . The group 's brutal imposition of Taliban-like practices in territory under its control has also alienated many Somalis . If authentic , the event suggests a strengthening of the relationship between hard-line factions of Al-Shabaab and al Qaeda . Though factions of the group have long been allied with al Qaeda and share its vision of global jihad , the video of the meeting would be a rare demonstration of such ties . The so-called emissary told his Somali audience that al Qaeda felt their pain and urged Muslims to support Al-Shabaab , which is fighting Somalia 's government in an effort to","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The mysterious visitor stands in a patch of scrubland in Somalia , surrounded by Islamic militants wielding AK-47s . His face is covered by a white-and-red headscarf ; he is slim and seems young . But there is something puzzling about him : His skin is fair , and when he speaks in an audio recording , his English is near perfect and spoken with a North American accent . The militants -- belonging to Al-Shabaab -- say his name is Abu Abdulla Almuhajir -LRB- the foreigner -RRB- . And they say he is an envoy from the al Qaeda leader , Ayman al Zawahiri , thousands of miles away in Pakistan . Almuhajir has turned up in the desolate scrubland , they say , to offer al Qaeda 's help with famine relief . Photographs show him at what appears to be an aid camp that Al-Shabaab claims it has set up for victims of the famine . The recording says he is delivering aid that al Qaeda had purportedly collected , including food , clothing and $ 12,000 converted into Somali currency . A video showing the images and audio recording was posted to"} +{"answer":"bisected by red velvet ropes and , with a friendly and practiced technique , celebrities are moved to the left of the rope and others to the right . This way , celebs leave the tent closer to the cameras and the fantasy that you might have that everybody in a gown or tux are somehow equals on one night sort of disappears . View scenes from the Oscars '' If you ever were curious about what happens during the commercial breaks : Stagehands with really powerful flashlights guide the changing of the sets and curtains ; they make sure empty orchestra seats are filled ; host Hugh Jackman introduces his parents ; they show a short film about the power of the movies that got cut from the show in progress ; Jackman hands his wife a plate of cookies , thinking she probably was hungry ; and he later points out that the guy playing the cello on stage in the Academy Award Orchestra was actor Dermot Mulroney . Who knew ? Watch a report on the night 's big winners '' The show was best when it demonstrated that Hollywood can still do what it has always","question":"In our Behind the Scenes series , CNN correspondents share their experiences in covering news and analyze the stories behind the events . CNN 's Jay Kernis reports on what it was like inside the Kodak Theatre at the Academy Awards . Hugh Jackman , the host of the 81st Academy Awards , speaks to the audience at the Kodak Theatre on Sunday . LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When you 're at home , you can sit back and be critical . When you 're inside the theater , the whole show seems to work , especially the big production numbers . Maybe it was a particularly well-produced show this year , but when you 're in the audience , you feel part of it -- even way up in the second mezzanine . I 've been at the Oscars to cover them , but this is the first time I 've ever been inside the ceremonies . I was there with my 17-year-old son , Noah . When you arrive on the red carpet , you enter a security tent and show your ticket and driver 's license . You notice that the tent is"} +{"answer":", the terror , the telegram ; and , with gratitude , the courage and sacrifice . Never again , they said ; the war to end all wars . With resolution we remember , '' Hall said . In Paris , French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel held a ceremony under the Arc de Triomphe . Australians observed one minute silence at 11 a.m. , in memory of those who died or suffered in all of the nation 's wars and armed conflicts . `` Their loss is a reminder that there is nothing glorious about war . Those called upon to fight know that better than anyone , '' Gen. Peter Cosgrove , chairman of the Council of the Australian War Memorial , said Wednesday . `` But they also know that , when all else fails , it is necessary to fight against the tyrannies that threaten liberty . That cause transcends the ages , and it is a noble one . '' U.S. military forces , especially those in Iraq and Afghanistan , also were to observe Veterans Day , keenly aware of the costs of war . In the United States ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Nations honored those who sacrificed their lives in wars on Wednesday , in many cases for the first time without any surviving veterans of World War I. Services took place around the world to mark the 91st anniversary of the armistice signed between Germany and the Allies on November 11 , 1918 . Depending on where it is celebrated , the day is alternatively known as Armistice Day , Remembrance Day , Poppy Day or Veterans Day . In Britain , Queen Elizabeth led Remembrance Day ceremonies in Westminster Abbey , a service also attended by Prime Minister Gordon Brown and other senior politicians and military leaders . The day has special resonance because the last remaining veterans , William Stone , Henry Allingham and Harry Patch , all died this year . The dignitaries joined people around the country in observing the traditional two-minute silence . The Very Rev. Dr. John Hall , dean of Westminster , began the service by talking about the moment when the guns fell silent in Europe 91 years ago . `` We remember , with grief , the gas and the mud , the barbed wire , the bombardment"} +{"answer":"the lead pickings were good , the lucky miner could fluff up his badger hole or upgrade to a more traditional Euro-American residence . For this practice Wisconsin miners were dubbed `` badgers '' -- a jibe that was soon appropriated as a proud , statewide nickname . Bucky did n't come along until 1949 ; the furry , quadruped badger , notoriously vicious when cornered , was n't declared Wisconsin 's state animal until 1957 . Other miners migrated south for the winter to the far end of Illinois , much like the region 's sucker fish ; which earned them the nickname of Suckers , and their state of Illinois its unenviable nickname , The Sucker State . Mental Floss : How 22 colleges got their nicknames ` Rebel ' woodpecker The state bird of Alabama has another tale behind it . They honor a little woodpecker they call the yellowhammer , which is known outside of Alabama as the northern flicker , the common flicker , or simply The Flicker . -LRB- It eats a lot of ants , and is not to be confused with the yellowhammer bunting of Europe and New Zealand . -RRB- State","question":"-LRB- Mental Floss -RRB- -- Almost everyone knows that each state of the Union has its own flag . State flags , however , are just the most visible elements of an elaborate , esoteric system of legalized symbols that characterize and codify our united states . It 's time we were all exposed to the bizarre symbology of state identity-politics . Texas ' state flower , the bluebonnet , is celebrated in the Texas state song . To begin with , some of the most well-known state symbols allude to lesser-known meanings and histories . I grew up in Wisconsin and only recently learned that the Badger State title originally refers not to Bucky , nor to the savage beast itself , but to lead miners in the 1820s and 30s . These miners moved from prospect to prospect in southwestern Wisconsin , traveling light and often , with little money for luxury . When winter came and conditions worsened , those miners too far from home to migrate would dig themselves sheltering caves in the hills -- like badgers . These temporary dwellings could be abandoned if a prospect proved fruitless , without much regret ; and if"} +{"answer":"being sought by Interpol , the 188-nation worldwide police agency , the prosecutor said . He declined to reveal their identities . Sanz Quiroz acknowledged the uniqueness of the allegations . `` We are not making this up , '' he said . `` They have confessed to this . That 's what 's coming out now . '' One of the suspects told officials he had been committing the murders for five years . According to a criminal complaint Sanz Quiroz filed November 18 , officials discovered on September 22 a small container containing a fat-like substance that had been stored at the Bella Durmiente bus station in Lima , Peru 's capital . On November 3 , the complaint says , suspect Serapio Marcos Veramendi Principe was arrested after he retrieved three bottles from the Estrella Polar bus station . The bottles contained a substance authorities believe is human fat , the complaint says . Lab tests are being performed to determine what the substance is . Authorities identified the three other suspects as Elmer Segundo Castillejos Aguero , Hilario Cudena Simon and Enedina Estela Claudio . The suspects identified each other for police in photo lineups ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Peruvian authorities say they have arrested four members of a gang that specialized in selling to European labs fat obtained from dead humans . Officials are investigating the disappearance of at least 60 people they believe were killed by gang members in two mountainous states in central Peru , lead prosecutor Jorge Sanz Quiroz said Friday . The four suspects have been charged with murder in the September slaying of a Peruvian man , the prosecutor said . `` They killed to obtain human fat because there were European laboratories that would pay them , '' Sanz Quiroz said . The suspects told authorities they were paid $ 15,000 for a liter -LRB- about 1 quart -RRB- of human fat . Officials did not disclose what possible use laboratories could have for the human fat , but fat can be a component of cosmetics and is used in reconstructive or cosmetic surgery . The use of human fat for any purpose is extremely rare , however , physicians say . Other suspects , including the Peruvian ringleader , have eluded capture , Sanz Quiroz said . Authorities have the names of two Italian suspects who are"} +{"answer":"quickly . By 2009 he was in charge of the cartel 's finances in Nuevo Leon , before taking charge of all operations in that state , the ministry said . This year he assumed a wider role , the ministry said . The three northeastern states that Oliva Castillo allegedly oversaw are some of the Zetas ' strongest-held territory . Authorities say that much of the violence registered in these states is the result of the Zetas fighting rival groups such as the Gulf cartel and Sinaloa cartel , for access to lucrative smuggling routes . But the Zetas -- especially in their strongholds -- have branched out from drug trafficking and into extortion of businesses , kidnappings , and human smuggling . The deadly attack that Oliva Castillo is accused of ordering is the casino arson in the city of Monterrey where 52 people died . Officials allege that the attack happened because the casino owners did not comply with payments to the cartel . Last year , the bodies of 72 migrants from Central and South America were discovered at a ranch in San Fernando , located in Tamaulipas state . The Zetas have been blamed for","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A top Zetas drug cartel leader -- who allegedly ordered the attack and arson at a casino that killed 52 -- has been captured , Mexican defense officials said Thursday . Carlos Oliva Castillo , alias `` La rana , '' or frog , was arrested Wednesday at a safehouse without a single shot being fired , the country 's Ministry of Defense said . Possibly the No. 3 man in the criminal organization , Oliva Castillo allegedly oversaw criminal operations for the cartel in three Mexican states . He was captured in Saltillo , Mexico . Though he was arrested without incident , the cartel tried to distract troops by attacking security forces in different parts of the city , the defense ministry said . The Zetas ' rescue ploy failed . According to officials , Oliva Castillo was `` the principal manager '' of the ruthless Zetas in the states of Coahuila , Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas . He was also described as a confidant of Zetas boss Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano . Oliva Castilo began working for the Zetas in 2005 in Tamaulipas , the defense ministry said , and rose through the ranks"} +{"answer":"during the conflict . But Livni , who is no longer in the Israeli government , defended the former government 's decision to go to war , saying that the campaign was needed to confront rocket attacks by Palestinian movement Hamas on Israeli civilians , particularly those living in southern Israel . `` I know that the decisions that we made were crucial to give an answer to Israeli civilians that could n't live in the south part of Israel and later or even also in different parts of Israel , '' she said . `` It was part of my responsibility , and this was the right answer . And I 'm willing to stand for these reasons and to explain this to -- to the world and to any court . '' She said that the Israeli military had already conducted its own investigation into the actions of its soldiers , but that she did not necessarily support a public inquiry in Israel , unless it helped Israeli soldiers when they traveled outside Israel . `` Part of our responsibility is also to defend the Israeli soldiers and officials that worked according to our decision in the government","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Tzipi Livni , leader of a key Israeli opposition party , said Monday she would be willing to face arrest to challenge the validity of war crimes charges reportedly filed against her in a British court . `` For me , this is not a question , '' Livni told CNN 's Christiane Amanpour , when asked whether she was willing to face arrest . `` I mean , yes , the answer is yes . I am . '' A British court last year issued an arrest warrant for Livni , leader of Israel 's Kadima Party . Details of the warrant were never made public ; the warrant was reportedly later dropped . `` I would like this to be , in a way , maybe even a test case , because I 'm willing to speak up and to speak about the military operation in Gaza Strip , '' Livni said . Livni had served as Israel 's foreign minister during an Israeli three-week military offensive against Hamas in Gaza that ended exactly one year ago . The United Nations and some human-rights groups have blamed Israel and Hamas for human rights abuses"} +{"answer":". `` A Frenchman is someone who cultivates with modern evolution his past . It 's someone who protects moral values , cultural values and artistic values , and when I say cultural values I would include camembert . '' Meslon and small cheese makers like Francois Durand , who has 40 cows , have struggled and won the right to an Appelation d'Origine Controllee -- the mark AOC for their `` Camembert de Normandie '' which carries the same cachet as a chateau label for wine . For Durand making cheese is about not cutting corners . `` You have to have the passion , '' he says . `` Yes it 's difficult because it means a lot of work . We make it all by hand . I do believe it is important because the cheese is an emblem of France . It is a gastronomic emblem . '' Still some small cheesemakers have been driven out of business and the taste and smell of their particular cheeses are lost to the world forever . For Michel Delorme it was a combination of new , more stringent rules and his age that led him to quit producing","question":"CAMEMBERT , France -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- We 're up in the north central part of France -- Normandy -- to see what 's happening with French cheese . Cheese lovers will be happy to know , just about nothing , at least as far as the traditional cheeses are concerned . Cheese from the Camembert region now carries the same cachet as a chateau label for wine . But for the milk industry in general , it 's another story . It has now a larger annual turnover than the steel industry in France -LRB- which admittedly is in decline . -RRB- Somehow the French have figured a way to export dairy products to people who already have cows and their own dairy industries -- to the tune of nearly $ 4 billion -LRB- $ 6 billion -RRB- per year . CNN spoke to a few of the people who do just that everyday and who are part of the changing face of France . Philippe Meslon , the mayor of Saint-Loup de Fribois and the administrator of the Saint-Loup cheese works says : `` A camembert not made out of raw milk is like making love without sex"} +{"answer":"notoriety means everything in your life is now fair game -- chum in the water for the media sharks . Most actors and Hollywood stars gradually work their way up the ladder , but with the cult teen followings of `` Twilight '' and `` Hunger '' -- and both series ' decisions to go with less-than-well-known names as the leads -LRB- save for Jennifer Lawrence in `` Games '' -RRB- -- the transition from working actor to on-the-cover-of-everything can be a tough one to swallow . Thankfully for Hutcherson and Hemsworth , they have co-stars , girlfriends -LRB- Hemsworth has been dating Miley Cyrus on and off , and Hutcherson was linked to Vanessa Hudgens -RRB- friends and past co-workers who can help steer them through the blinding headlights of fame that are bearing down on them . Their `` Hunger '' co-star Lawrence experienced the same instant rise last year when she was nominated for an Oscar for her turn in `` Winter 's Bone . '' She went from relatively unknown actress to hot-new during awards season and will surely serve as a fame coach for her male counterparts . She recently opined on her methodology for","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Four years ago , if someone said `` Robert Pattinson '' or `` Taylor Lautner '' to you , nine out of 10 people would have shrugged their shoulders and said `` Who ? '' Now , they 're pretty much among the most wanted and talked-about actors in Hollywood -- and it 's all thanks to the whopping success of the `` Twilight '' franchise . And while the `` Breaking Dawn '' films will mark the end of that series , nearly everyone in the know has pegged `` The Hunger Games '' as the next `` Twilight . '' So , take note of these names : Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth -- the next young megastars who will face the gift and curse of instant Hollywood fame . As the two male leads in `` Hunger , '' their careers will receive an instant injection of megawatt star power and credibility , they 'll be remarkably wealthy and among the A-list ... but they 'll also be scrutinized and trailed by the paparazzi and media everywhere they go . That 's the trade-off these days , where any form of success or"} +{"answer":"with the brown , mud brick architecture of Bamiyan Valley . But the hotel is probably the largest foreign private investment in Bamiyan 's fledgling tourism industry since the overthrow of the Taliban eight years ago . See photos of the Bamiyan Province '' Aid workers say tourism is one of the greatest economic hopes for reviving this isolated , yet visually -- and archaeologically -- stunning part of Afghanistan , a region that has seen little infrastructure development over the last eight years , even though Bamiyan is one of the safest parts of the country . Tour the Bamiyan Valley 's caves '' `` The natural resources and cultural resources here are probably the single best place for economic development to happen , around revitalizing the tourism industry here , '' says Bob Thelen , the representative for the Aga Khan Development Network in Bamiyan . The nonprofit organization has been working with the government of New Zealand to distribute $ 1.2 million over a three-year period to develop eco-tourism as an industry in Bamiyan . Bamiyan first attracted widespread international attention in 2001 , when Taliban militants spent weeks blowing up two giant statues of Buddha .","question":"Editor 's note : Ivan Watson is CNN 's correspondent based in Istanbul , Turkey . The Bamiyan Valley is a visually and archaeologically stunning part of Afghanistan . The region hopes to build its tourism industry . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Thursday is `` Chinese night '' at the Hotel Silk Road in Afghanistan 's Bamiyan province . Hungry guests sip cans of Coke and nonalcoholic beer and pick at a buffet that includes General Tsao 's chicken , egg drop soup and slices of sweet green melon grown in nearby fields . When a vegetarian diner arrives , the hotel 's Japanese owner , Hiromi Yasui , runs back to the kitchen to whip up a dish of spinach , garlic and steamed rice . `` This is the most clean kitchen in Bamiyan , '' she boasts in heavily accented English , as she directs her staff of Afghan assistants in fluent Dari . Yasui proudly points to an electric dishwasher , perhaps the only one of its kind in this battle-scarred Afghan province . The Hotel Silk Road has been open for less than two years . The green concrete walls of this compound jar somewhat"} +{"answer":"society . `` The majority of the actors expressed their conformity with the foundations of the San Jose Accord , although many of them expressed concerns about the same , '' Stagno said . The biggest obstacles were two points in the proposed agreement : one calling for Zelaya 's return to power , and another calling for a temporary political amnesty for both sides . The delegation also spoke with Zelaya supporters , including his wife , who said that the ousted president was willing to accept the San Jose Accord and abide by it immediately . Originally , Zelaya 's negotiators had walked away from the proposal , offered by Costa Rican President Oscar Arias , citing the intransigence of Micheletti 's team . In support of the OAS delegation , the United States announced Tuesday that many visas for Hondurans would be suspended . The United Nations and the European Union have condemned the coup and have refused to recognize the provisional government led by former congressional leader Micheletti . Micheletti has insisted that Zelaya was not overthrown but instead was replaced through constitutional means . The Honduran political crisis stems from Zelaya 's desire to hold","question":"TEGUCIGALPA , Honduras -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The government of de facto Honduran President Roberto Micheletti is not ready to sign a proposed agreement to end the country 's ongoing political crisis , Costa Rican Foreign Minister Bruno Stagno said in Honduras . Interim President Roberto Micheletti is reaching out to Costan Rican President Oscar Arias for a solution . His remarks came on Tuesday at the conclusion of a two-day visit by a delegation of the Organization of American States . `` Although the commission concludes that progress was made during its visit , it must recognize that there still no disposition toward full acceptance of the San Jose Accord on the part of Mr. Micheletti or his supporters , '' Stagno said . The proposed San Jose Accord aims to resolve nearly two months of political turmoil that Honduras has faced following the June 28 coup that ousted President Jose Manuel Zelaya . The delegation , which consisted of seven foreign ministers and included the participation of OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza , met with representatives of all branches of government , presidential candidates , the military , clergy , businessmen and representatives of various sectors of Honduran"} +{"answer":"10 or 20 years ago . '' So where are the top places that harmonize amazing vistas with delectable victuals ? At Asiate , in New York 's Mandarin Oriental Hotel , eyefuls of Midtown Manhattan 's cloud-grazing buildings and the lush refuge of Central Park draw locals , tourists and special occasion diners , and executive chef Toni Robertson is up to the task of keeping the Asian-influenced cuisine at the same high level as the 35th-floor restaurant . `` The challenge I have is I have to compete with the view , but as a chef , I always win , '' she says . The Big Apple is hardly alone in providing winning skyscraper meals . At Felix , on the 28th floor of Hong Kong 's Peninsula Hotel , guests soak in the city 's striking setting from a slick dining room designed by Philippe Starck while feasting on dishes like Tasmanian salmon with parsnip gratin and seared duck breast with blood oranges and duck confit . Travel + Leisure : World 's best hotels 2008 Of course , some of the world 's most spectacular restaurant views are born , not made . At Ambrosia","question":"-LRB- Travel + Leisure -RRB- -- Warm beige tones , rich graphic accents , and futuristic chairs give Le Jules Verne a contemporary elegance , while dishes from superstar chef Alain Ducasse create a joie de vivre in diners ' mouths . But the real showstopper at this restaurant -- set more than 400 feet above Paris in the Eiffel Tower -- is its panoramic view . From the tower 's south pillar , diners look out on barges navigating the Seine and clusters of steely gray rooftops stretching for miles . Sierra Mar , in Big Sur , California , is perched on a cliff overlooking the Pacific . Restaurants have long been setting tables in locales with dramatic views , but often the food has paled in comparison . With the dramatic evolution of the global culinary scene , however , it 's more than safe to look past the cocktail menu at many of the world 's most beautifully situated restaurants . `` They actually have a view and good food at the same time , '' says Tim Zagat , co-founder of the Zagat Survey restaurant guides . `` It 's a combination that was rare"} +{"answer":"the October 1973 Arab-Israeli war . Revolutions and revolts -- finished and ongoing -- must be depriving many rulers of a good night 's sleep . The citizens of the Arab world have finally had enough of the tired charades of the past . Increasingly endangered are the sham referendums where presidents won 99 percent of votes , where hardly anyone took the time to cast a ballot , the `` parties '' that were little more than mafias with empty slogans , and the state intelligence thugs who were a law unto themselves . That stuff just does n't cut it anymore . As we strolled together through a ransacked intelligence headquarters in Sabha , Libya , a few months ago , one man told me : `` We used to fear our rulers . Now they fear us . '' This year almost every Arab state , from the Atlantic to the Gulf , has had to at least go through the motions of initiating political reform . And while they 'd be loathe to share their true motivations , I suspect Arab rulers did n't vote against Syria because they are new converts to people power or","question":"Cairo -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- I strolled through the halls of the Arab League 's headquarters in Cairo the other day , perusing all the family photos of Arab leaders at various summit meetings over the years . There was deposed Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak , deposed and violently disposed of Libyan `` Brother Leader '' Moammar Gadhafi , exiled Tunisian President Zine Abedine Ben Ali , Yemen 's beleaguered President Ali Abdullah Saleh , and Syria 's embattled President Bashar Al-Assad . Uneasy , I thought , must sit the other heads of state featured in those photos . But it was those surviving leaders , of such less-than-democratic countries as Saudi Arabia , Algeria and Sudan , to name a few , who instructed their foreign ministers to vote Saturday to suspend Syria from the Arab League over its bloody suppression of the eight-month-old uprising there . In the final months of 2011 , the future is looking very uncertain for the creaking Arab political order . Egypt and Tunisia are no longer solid , reliable members of the bloc of conservative , pro-Western `` moderate '' Arab regimes the United States cobbled together in the aftermath of"} +{"answer":". `` Investigators believe the case is ` highly solvable , ' and after 21 years , their desire to bring April Tinsley 's killer to justice is stronger than ever , '' the FBI said . CARD teams were created three years ago , aimed at bringing together `` a variety of experts in child abduction cases who could quickly respond on the ground to help local authorities with time-sensitive investigations , '' the FBI said . While CARD responds to abductions and disappearances , the team also works cold cases , like April 's , the agency said . `` As team members discovered , there is enough evidence -- including notes , pictures , and DNA left by the killer years after the murder -- to make investigators hopeful they can break the case . '' The team includes behavioral profilers , agents and analysts from the FBI 's Crimes Against Children Unit and coordinators and representatives from the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime and the Violent Criminal Apprehension Program . April Marie Tinsley was playing outside with friends on Good Friday , April 1 , 1988 . As the three girls were moving","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The 5-year-old girl found the note tucked inside a plastic bag and left in a basket used as a flower pot . April Tinsley , 8 , abducted in Fort Wayne , Indiana , was raped and killed 21 years ago . The case was not solved . `` Hi Honey I Been watching you , '' it said . `` I am the same person that kidnapped an Rape an kill Aproil tinsely here is a present foR yo you are my next vitem . '' A used condom was stuffed in the bag alongside the note . It was March 2004 -- nearly 16 years after 8-year-old April Tinsley was abducted from a Fort Wayne , Indiana , neighborhood , raped and killed . Her killer remains at large , and police believe he has surfaced several times , scrawling a message in crayon on a barn in 1990 , then leaving four chilling notes for children in the Fort Wayne area years later . Indiana authorities are now asking an FBI task force -- the Child Abduction Response Deployment -LRB- CARD -RRB- team -- to help take a fresh look at the case"} +{"answer":"of the other . But after 66 years apart , Famulak , 83 , was reunited with her long lost 73-year-old brother , Wssewolod Galezkij . They held each other close this time , cherishing the moment . Watch siblings hug for first time in seven decades '' `` I do n't believe anyone has ever known such happiness . Now , I truly believe I can die satisfied , '' Galezkij said . Famulak made the long journey to Donetsk in eastern Ukraine from Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , after being contacted by the American Red Cross . The organization told her they had located her only surviving sibling . Famulak said she spent World War II in a labor camp in Munich , Germany , working in the kitchens . She had been taken to the camp with her older sister . When it was liberated in 1945 , Famulak stayed in Germany for several years , eventually emigrating to the United States in 1956 . She never saw her parents again after that day in 1942 when Nazis separated her from her family . She and her brother still have no idea what happened to their mother and","question":"DONETSK , Ukraine -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A frail Irene Famulak clutched her brother on the airport tarmac , her arm wrapped around him in a tight embrace , tears streaming down their faces . It was the first time since 1942 they had seen each other , when she was 17 and he was just 7 . Siblings Wssewolod Galezkij and Irene Famulak were separated in 1942 when Nazis took her to a labor camp . That was the night the invading Nazis came to take her away from her Ukrainian home . `` I remember it well because I kissed him good-bye , and he pushed me away , '' she said of her brother . `` I asked , ` Why did you do that ? ' And he said that he does n't like kisses . '' `` The Nazis told my mother that I was being taken to work in a German labor camp for six months . But it was , of course , much longer . I was there for years . '' Both siblings survived the Holocaust and grew up on different sides of the Iron Curtain , not knowing the fate"} +{"answer":"the cr\u00e8me de la cr\u00e8me of the Marshal Service , '' says Eugene O'Donnell , a former prosecutor and New York City police officer who now teaches at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York . On any given day , Ergas and his force are tracking 10 to 15 suspected killers roaming the Southeast , while also searching for other violent offenders . Already this year , they have been involved in a number of high-profile searches : Gary Michael Hilton , the suspect charged in the killing of Meredith Emerson who disappeared while hiking in northern Georgia ; a fugitive Marine wanted in connection with the killing of Lance Cpl. Maria Lauterbach in North Carolina ; and suspects wanted in connection with the killings of two suburban Atlanta police officers . But most of the time they 're chasing suspects outside of the glare of the media spotlight . `` Our mandate is to track violent fugitives -- murderers , armed robbers , rapists and fugitives of that caliber , '' says Keith Booker , the commander of the task force . Watch Booker describe their mission '' One suspect currently being hunted is Charles","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- They prefer the darkness and calm of early morning when their targets are most vulnerable , still sleeping or under the influence . They make sure their prey -- suspected killers and other violent fugitives -- know what they 're up against . U.S. Marshal supervisory inspector James Ergas takes aim during a computer-simulated attack . `` When they wake up to a submachine gun and flashlight in their face , they tend not to fight , '' says James Ergas , the supervisory inspector for the U.S. Marshals Southeast Regional Fugitive Task Force . The U.S. Marshals Service is the nation 's oldest law enforcement agency and best known for protecting federal judges , transporting federal prisoners and protecting witnesses . Less known is the cutting-edge work of the agency 's six regional task forces in capturing suspects . The task force in Atlanta is located in a nondescript warehouse office park . In 2007 , the investigators from the Southeast task force arrested more than 3,000 suspects ; only once did the Marshals exchange gunfire , Ergas says . Watch Ergas blast bad guys in simulated attack '' `` This is"} +{"answer":"with a statement highlighting the fact that respect for detainees is taught in training and consistently reinforced during an agent 's career . `` Mistreatment or agent misconduct will not be tolerated in any way , '' the statement said . `` We appreciate the efforts of individuals to report concerns as soon as they arise and we will continue to cooperate fully with any effort to investigate allegations of agent misconduct or mistreatment of individuals . '' The interviews were conducted with migrants in Naco , Nogales and Agua Prieta , in Mexico 's Sonora state who were in border patrol custody . Although No More Deaths conducted thousands of interviews , in places like Nogales they could only speak with a fraction of the migrants who crossed . This raised the issue of how representative their sample was , said Katerina Sinclair , a statistical consultant on the report . But in Naco , a smaller town , they were able to speak with enough migrants to have a representative sample . So the report stays away from making conclusions about percentages except for the subset of interviewees from Naco . But despite the difficulties with such an","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Back in 2006 , volunteers with No More Deaths , a humanitarian organization dedicated to helping migrants along the Arizona-Mexico border , began hearing the same stories from many who had been in the custody of the U.S. Border Patrol . Thwarted would-be unauthorized immigrants spoke of being denied water or food during their custody . Others said they were beaten . The organization started properly documenting these allegations , and the stories added up to nearly 13,000 testimonies whose results were released in a report this week . The findings went beyond denial of food and water . Migrants held by the Border Patrol spoke of being exposed to extreme heat or cold , sleep deprivation , death threats , and psychological abuse such as blaring music with lyrics about migrants dying in the desert . A previous report by No More Deaths in 2008 raised the same concerns , but now the number of recorded cases point to a systematic problem . `` By this point , the overwhelming weight of the corroborated evidence should eliminate any doubt that Border Patrol abuse is widespread , '' the report states . The Border Patrol responded"} +{"answer":"tested positive that year . This report comes on the heels of Alex Rodriguez of the New York Yankees admitting that he used performance-enhancing drugs a few years ago ; Manny Ramirez testing positive and suspended for 50 games ; and the continuing drama surrounding Roger Clemens . All three were considered locks for the Hall of Fame . But based on what we keep hearing , that 'll never happen in this holier-than-thou era . OK , got it . Baseball had a terrible drug problem . Now they have a drug testing plan in place that has some teeth in it . So , can we just move the hell on ? Seriously , I 'm tired of rehashing the drama . As a sports enthusiast , I would love nothing better than to think that athletes in baseball , football , basketball or any other sport are as pure as heroes from yesteryear . But cheating is cheating . It has been around from Day One , and if a player thinks he can get an edge , well , it 's a good bet some will try to get it . Sosa has always been suspected","question":"Editor 's note : A nationally syndicated columnist , Roland S. Martin is the author of `` Listening to the Spirit Within : 50 Perspectives on Faith '' and `` Speak , Brother ! A Black Man 's View of America . '' Visit his Web site for more information . Roland S. Martin says it 's time to get over the fact that baseball turned a blind eye to steroid use . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- I loved baseball as a kid . I still have fond memories of my siblings and me , members of the `` Astro Buddies '' club , heading to the Astrodome , the eighth wonder of the world , to watch the Houston Astros play . I played the game in elementary and high school . But now , I 'm sick of it , especially when steroids are brought up . The latest baseball drama surrounds a New York Times report quoting two lawyers who say that former Chicago Cubs slugger Sammy Sosa 's name was on a list of players who tested positive for an illegal substance in 2003 . The list supposedly contains more than 100 names of players who"} +{"answer":"birds , not to mention more than 20 million people living out of Lake Chad -- fisherpeople , farmers . '' `` It would be a human disaster , a tragedy , '' he said . `` In this case we have people who are the poorest of the poor . '' `` In addition to an approximately 60 percent decline in fish production , there has been degradation of pasturelands , leading to a shortage of animal feed estimated at 45 percent in certain places in 2006 , reduction in livestock and biodiversity , '' the agency said . The disappearance of the lake is being caused by climate change , population pressure and natural variations in climate , the FAO said . Two rivers which feed the lake , the Chari and Logone , have been significantly reduced in the past 40 years , the agency said . The organization will unveil the results of a study into the diversion of the Oubangui river in an effort to help Lake Chad at a conference , `` Saving Lake Chad , '' in Rome , Italy , on Friday . `` Water transfer is not a new thing ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Up to 30 million people are facing `` a humanitarian disaster '' as one of Africa 's biggest lakes shrinks , a United Nations agency warned Thursday . Porters remove goods from a boat on Lake Chad in 2007 . Lake Chad was about the size of Maryland -- bigger than Israel or Kuwait -- in 1963 , satellite images show . By 2001 , it covered less than one-fifth of that area -- making it smaller than Delaware or Mauritius . The drying-up of the shallow lake is fueling conflict and migration , the U.N. 's Food and Agriculture Organization said . Once one of the biggest bodies of water in the world , it could disappear entirely in about 20 years , the FAO said , citing forecasts from the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration . `` If that happens it 's going to be a disaster , '' Parviz Koohafkan , director of the Land and Water Division of the FAO , told CNN by phone from Rome . The Lake Chad basin is `` one of the most important agriculture heritage sites in the world -- the biodiversity , the migratory"} +{"answer":"host the 31st Olympiad in 2016 signified a major achievement not only for his hemisphere -LRB- no city in South America has ever before hosted the games -RRB- but for him -- a former autoworker and union organizer who defied dizzying odds to become president . Lula da Silva was born to a peasant family in one of northeastern Brazil 's most impoverished areas and migrated as a young man to a city near S\u00e3o Paulo , where he worked as a metalworker , losing his left pinky finger in the process . In the 1970s , he became a union leader , said Luiz Valente , chairman of the department of Portuguese and Brazilian studies at Brown University in Providence , Rhode Island . During the years of military rule from 1964 until 1985 , the government cracked down on unions . But Lula da Silva acquired a reputation as a public figure by leading a successful strike in S\u00e3o Paulo , Valente told CNN in a telephone interview . `` He was able to negotiate a favorable contract for his union but , from a political standpoint , he demonstrated that worker strikes were possible again in Brazil","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The 63-year-old bearded fireplug of a man erupted in tears , pulled a white handkerchief from his back pocket , carefully unfolded it and pressed it into his eyes , pulled it away , pressed it again to his eyes , this time with more force , pulled it away again just long enough to take a sip of water , then rubbed them again . Lula da Silva gets a kiss from bid committee president Carlos Arthur Nuzman after the announcement Friday . `` I 've never won a gift before , '' Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva told reporters . `` The first gift I ever had in my life I had to buy . It was an old bike with a broken belt and I had to fix it . Today , people who do n't even know me gave me the greatest gift that a president could have : to host the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro . Rio deserves this because Rio is a city that has suffered . '' For Lula da Silva , Friday 's announcement in Copenhagen , Denmark , that Rio de Janeiro will"} +{"answer":". Every day I do media , I get asked it , so it does n't go away . Even when I 'm at home , paparazzi still follow us , helicopters still hover around , '' Woods told reporters in quotes carried by his personal Web site . `` Does it test you ? Yes , of course it does . Is that any excuse ? No , because I 'm out there and I have the same opportunity as everybody else here in this field to shoot a good number , and I did n't do that . '' Woods will hope to address problems with his game ahead of the Players Championship at Ponte Vedra Beach in Florida starting next Thursday . `` It 'll be interesting because I 'll probably get home and hit balls on the range , and I 'm going to have to get up there to Ponte Vedra a little early to putt because Isleworth is all torn up , '' he said . `` My short game was terrible . I three-putted there twice back-to-back , and you ca n't do that . I did n't get up-and-down at six and","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Tiger Woods admits his personal problems are affecting his game , but the world 's top golfer refused to blame media intrusion on his life for his disastrous return to the PGA Tour this week . Woods defied expectation when he tied for fourth on his comeback last month at the Masters , one of golf 's four major events , but struggled at the Quail Hollow Championship in North Carolina as he missed the halfway cut for only the sixth time in 14 years as a professional . On Friday , he slumped to a seven-over-par 79 that saw him miss the weekend rounds by eight shots -- and a massive 17 behind leader Billy Mayfair . It was his second-worst single-round score behind the 81 he carded at the 2002 British Open , and his highest 36-hole total meant he missed the cut in a non-major for the first time since 2005 . The 34-year-old , who took a five-month break from playing following the scandal over his admitted marital infidelities , admitted he was feeling pressure due to continued questioning about his private life . `` Well , I get asked every day"} +{"answer":"the flip side of the `` race debate '' in Campaign 2008 : While the Obama campaign and its Democratic allies are aggressively working to address the concerns of blue-collar and rural whites who are reluctant to support a black candidate for president , there is an enthusiasm in the African-American community that Democrats believe could lead to dramatically increased turnout and perhaps tip the scales in several key battlegrounds , Missouri among them . African-Americans cast 10 percent of the ballots for president in 2000 and about 12 percent in 2004 . Obama aides believe if that percentage increased just modestly in 2008 , it could make the difference in at least a half-dozen states : Missouri , Ohio , North Carolina , Florida , Pennsylvania and Virginia . Wisconsin and Nevada are additional battlegrounds where Obama organizers are counting on an increase in African-American turnout in their Election Day game plan . To reach its goal , the campaign is counting on a combination of newly registered African-Americans and aggressive outreach to tens of thousands black voters who are registered to vote but have stayed home in past elections . See why African-Americans are finding hope in Obama","question":"ST. LOUIS , Missouri -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Ollie James is 84 years old and a doubter no more . Ollie James , 84 , says he knows Obama is going to win , because he believes `` God answers prayers . '' `` I know he is going to win , '' James said after services at Leonard Missionary Baptist Church in St. Louis . `` See , God answers prayers , and I am a praying man , and I know he is going to win . '' The `` he '' James is referring to is Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama . `` From where I came from , with the segregation and all the hatred , I never thought an African-American would get this far in the United States . Really . '' But three weeks until Election Day , James and many other African-Americans are now optimistic they will be part of history . `` I am kind of anticipating it will happen , '' said Raymond Henderson , a soft-spoken African-American man in his 60s . `` But no , I did not expect it to happen in my lifetime . '' It is"} +{"answer":"killings and has subpoenaed the prosecution 's evidence . Nothing has been handed over yet , he said . He would not speculate on when the case might go to trial . `` You 're talking about some time down the road , '' Kutnick said . Balfour , indicted a month ago , entered a not guilty plea last week . Tuesday was the first time Balfour has been before Judge Marjorie Laws , who was appointed last week after prosecutors asked that Judge Evelyn Clay be removed from the case . Prosecutors did not make public their reasons for wanting a new judge . While Judge Laws ordered Balfour to be moved to Chicago , Kutnick said he expects it might just be for 10 days . `` The sheriff of Cook County does not always obey those orders because he is dealing with his own problems such as jail overcrowding , '' Kutnick said . `` He 's doing OK '' despite `` being incarcerated under a difficult position , '' Kutnick said of Balfour . `` When any inmate is serving a sentence on a parole violation , they 're kept in what 's called the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A judge ordered Tuesday that the man accused of killing singer and actress Jennifer Hudson 's mother , brother and nephew be moved from a state prison to the Cook County jail to make it easier for his lawyer to meet with him . Jennifer Hudson , at the October premiere of `` The Secret Life of Bees , '' has n't performed in public since the killings . William Balfour , 27 , has been held at Stateville Correctional Center near Joliet , Illinois , since he was arrested in early December in what defense lawyer Joshua Kutnick called `` a difficult position . '' '' -LSB- Balfour -RSB- has exhibited , to me , patience , '' Kutnick told CNN after Tuesday 's hearing . `` He understands that this case is not going to be over this week or next week or next month , '' Kutnick said . `` He realizes in order for us to establish that he 's not guilty , that we 're going to have to go through all the steps of fighting the case . '' Kutnick said the defense is conducting its own investigation of the"} +{"answer":"or capture the 100 American infantrymen in Company C within hours . The Americans were running out of ammunition and could not move because of heavy casualties . There were no available landing zones for medical and rescue helicopters to touch down . Alpha Troop heard of their plight on a radio and rode in with an infantry company to rescue their comrades . `` Troop A skillfully penetrated four kilometers of nearly impassable jungle terrain and unhesitatingly mounted a fierce assault directly into the heavily fortified North Vietnamese army position , '' the presidential proclamation states . When the battle was over , more than 70 Americans lay dead or wounded . For retired Capt. John Poindexter , who led the rescue , the award is for all Vietnam veterans , many of whom came home to an unwelcome and sometimes hostile reception . `` The veterans of Alpha Troop feel very strongly that we stand in the stead of all veterans of the war of Vietnam , '' Poindexter told CNN before the ceremony . `` The fact is that we 're being singled out for a very distinct honor , a very rare one , but it","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Nearly 40 years after members of a U.S. cavalry unit put their lives in peril to save 100 fellow soldiers trapped under blistering enemy fire in Vietnam , they received the Presidential Unit Citation on Tuesday . Veterans watch Tuesday 's ceremony , which recognized members of a U.S. cavalry unit . It 's an honor their captain says is long overdue . President Obama awarded the citation for extraordinary heroism and conspicuous gallantry to 86 members of the Army 's Troop A , First Squadron , 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment . `` These soldiers defined the meaning of bravery and heroism , '' Obama said at a White House reception honoring the group 's heroics . `` It 's never too late . You can never say it enough . ... We honor your service , and America is forever grateful . '' On March 26 , 1970 , the 120-member Troop A volunteered to rescue an American infantry company surrounded by an overwhelming enemy force at a site on the Cambodian border called the Dog 's Face . The enemy had survived hours of aerial and artillery bombardment and was expected to kill"} +{"answer":"downturn , have kept him on top of the polls , according to James Castle , who analyzes Indonesian politics and economy . Castle said despite the influence of Islam on Indonesian politics , voters are more concerned about economic issues . `` Like everywhere in the world , economics is the key factor , '' he said . `` It 's quite clear from all these surveys , when inflation was high , the president 's popularity is low . Now that inflation has come down , the president 's popularity is high , and he and his party are doing very well in the polls coming into the election . '' So far , Indonesia has not felt the impact of the global recession , partly because its economy is more isolated than other countries ' . But the government has taken steps to protect the currency and the economy from the downturn , Castle said . `` This will probably just be a speed bump for Indonesia , '' he said . Although financial issues are the main concern for voters in Indonesia -- where poverty is rampant -- Yudyohono 's Democratic Party has recently had to","question":"JAKARTA , Indonesia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Islamic parties in Indonesia will not get enough votes in the coming election to nominate a presidential candidate , according to polls , analysts and an Islamic party official . Supporters of Indonesia 's Democratic Party of Struggle take part in a campaign event in Jakarta on March 24 . Nevertheless , the influence of Islam on politics in Indonesia -- the world 's most populous Muslim country -- has many nationalist parties changing their strategy . The April 9 national elections will determine the makeup of Indonesia 's 550-seat parliament , as well as its regional representation council , provincial , county and city assemblies . More than 38 parties are vying for these seats , but very few are expected to get the 20 percent of parliamentary seats needed to nominate a presidential candidate in the July election . In fact , the only party expected to meet the 20 percent threshold is President Susilo Bambang Yudyohono 's Democratic Party . Other parties will have to join alliances to nominate a president . Yudyohono 's `` charming '' personality , and his government 's ability to weather the current worldwide financial"} +{"answer":"the weekend . `` We are all well-staffed , '' Dr. Paul Auerbach of Stanford University told the group . `` The issue is coordinating . '' Auerbach is the point person to try and control the surge of doctors . Over the weekend , he and volunteer groups started tackling some basics of treatment : how to ID patients , keep records and make rounds . Among the problems with the large number of doctors , Auerbach said , is that patients can have their dressings opened three or four times in close succession as one and then another crew of doctors come to evaluate their wounds . To change that , charity groups have set up shifts and literally drawn lines , sketching maps on hospital walls showing who is working where . They are also identifying medical centers outside Port-au-Prince , where there is need for the booming supply of doctors in the capital . Full coverage Space is also an issue . A team from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is carefully assessing the buildings that survived on hospital grounds , trying to find a stable place for post-operative care . Patients now recover in","question":"Port-au-Prince , Haiti -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- So many doctors are answering Haiti 's call for medical aid that the largest hospital in Port-au-Prince has a new problem : organizing and finding good use for them all . `` I think there is a lot of confusion , '' said Marivittoria Rava , a longtime volunteer with the charity Friends of the Orphans , which runs a children 's hospital caring for some post-operative patients from the general hospital . Rava said that medical supplies and resources have improved , but the crush of volunteer doctors in Port-au-Prince can complicate treatment in the city while there is great need for help in other places hit by the earthquake . iReport : Looking for loved ones in Haiti The general hospital has nine operating rooms , but a near platoon of volunteer surgeons . That leaves many standing by for work , though there are relatively few nurses . CNN 's Dr. Sanjay Gupta learned medical teams are taking their first steps to organize and see how many of them are needed . Representatives from each volunteer doctor group at the general hospital gathered for a quick , to-the-point meeting over"} +{"answer":"of ideas . I should be on this Mason diet ! Parenting.com : Adorable outtakes from Kourtney and Mason 's New York photo shoot ' I have no desire to go out ' Unless I 'm working , I ca n't be away from him without feeling guilty . It does n't feel good or natural to be , so it 's a struggle . My friends keep saying , `` You and -LSB- boyfriend Scott Disick -RSB- should go out and eat or do something . '' Recently my sister Kim watched Mason so we could go to dinner . It took so long -- actually , it probably did n't take so long , but to us it felt like it took long -- we were like , should we just get pizza and go home ? Scott says he does n't need to wine and dine me anymore . We would be just as happy having a slice of pizza sitting in bed with our son . ` Mason sleeps in bed with me ' If I 've had a long day , then I have that time at night , which is really important to me","question":"-LRB- Parenting.com -RRB- -- Just as her son , Mason , is walking and gabbing like a champ -- the star of TV 's `` Keeping Up With the Kardashians '' reveals the first rookie mistake that caused her to freak out and the new-mom moment that truly embarrassed her -LRB- thanks , sister Kim ! -RRB- ' I make my own baby food ' My mom bought me this amazing baby-food maker , the Beaba . -LRB- Says mom Kris Jenner : `` Who knew she would be that excited about a baby-food maker ? I bought her a million handbags , and I never got that reaction . '' -RRB- I steam and puree fruits and vegetables , and they last for like four days . Mason pretty much loves everything . I gave him red beets , and it got all over his face , which made the funniest picture . He also loves sweet potatoes , carrots , and yams . Sometimes I mix pureed peaches , pears , bananas , or apples with plain yogurt or an all-natural organic jelly . I have this great book called `` Super Baby Food '' that 's full"} +{"answer":"ball of flame go up when I was at the red light , just went up in flame , '' said witness Mary Greib . `` I took off running . '' Said another witness , who did not want to be identified : `` We had a woman in a light-colored , midsized vehicle of some sort that was hesitant to pass the tanker . A number of vehicles were attempting to go around her in different directions . '' He said he was one of them , and passed her on the right , after which the explosion occurred . `` We are not sure what happened , '' he said . Vince Brennan said he was on the eighth floor of a nearby building when he heard the explosion coming from where `` a vicious curve '' exists on the highway . `` I heard a whole bunch of boom , boom , boom , '' he said . He ran to the window and looked down on a McDonald 's restaurant . `` You could n't even see it , it was so black with smoke , '' he said . `` The flames had to","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A collision involving two big-rigs and a car Wednesday caused an explosion that sent flames and clouds of smoke billowing and collapsed a highway overpass just north of Detroit , Michigan . Fire rages at the site of a tanker crash and overpass collapse on I-75 north of Detroit , Michigan , Wednesday . One of the tankers was traveling on the Interstate 75 about 8:30 p.m. in Hazel Park , near the Nine-Mile overpass , when the collision caused an explosion , said Lt. Shannon Simms of the Michigan State Police . It was headed northbound , said Bill Shreck of the Department of Transportation . Hazel Park is about 10 miles north of downtown Detroit . The explosion erupted upward , causing the overpass , carrying two lanes in each direction , to collapse , Simms said . Watch footage of fire '' Firefighters put out the blaze late Wednesday and were able to locate all three drivers of the vehicles involved in the crash . The three suffered minor injuries . One of the tankers was filled with thousands of gallons of fuel , Simms said . `` I just saw a huge"} +{"answer":"towers will create a `` solar farm '' with an output of 300 megawatts , which would be enough power for 180,000 homes , or equivalent to the entire population of nearby Seville . This $ 1.5 billion project is the largest commercial CSP station in the world -- so far . But many believe the technology will soon take off in areas of continuous hot sun and clear skies , offering a cheaper and more efficient alternative to photovoltaic cells , and bringing jobs and money to arid , often depressed areas . CSP also produces no greenhouses gasses and the only pollution is visual . The European Union has invested over $ 31 million in CSP research over the last ten years . At least 50 CSP projects have been given permission to begin construction across Spain . By 2015 the country may be producing two gigawatts of electricity from CSP , and employing thousands in the industry . One of the strengths of CSP is that it allows the construction of power stations on a scale that can match many fossil fuel based plants , and for an investment far less than that required to install the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Just west of Seville in Spain , a sea of giant mirrors is reflecting the sun 's energy to provide `` concentrated solar power '' -LRB- CSP -RRB- while illuminating the path to a new wave of green energy projects . Shining beacon : The concentrated solar power plant in Sanlucar , Spain is the first of its kind . The 624 carefully positioned mirrors reflect the sun 's heat towards a 50 meter-tall central tower where it is concentrated and used to boil water into steam . The superheated steam is then used to turn a turbine that can produce up to 11 megawatts of electricity -- enough power for 6,000 homes -- according Solucar , the Spanish company that has built the power plant . While traditional solar panels , photovoltaic cells , convert the sun 's power directly into electricity , CSP focuses power from a wide area and uses the vast heat generated to make electricity in a similar way to that produced from coal or oil . The Spanish tower , known as PS10 , is the first phase of an ambitious development . By 2013 it is hoped that additional"} +{"answer":", based in Leverkusen , Germany , researches , manufactures and markets pharmaceutical products . Bayer promotes One A Day Men 's 50 + Advantage and One A Day Men 's Health Formula multivitamins on package labels , TV and radio ads and on its Web site . In its promotions , the company says `` emerging research '' suggests that selenium might reduce the risk of prostate cancer , the center said . `` Did you know that there are more new cases of prostate cancer each year than any other cancer ? '' according to one radio ad . `` Now there is something you can do . '' Both dietary supplements contain 105 micrograms of the trace mineral selenium per daily dose , or about twice the Recommended Daily Allowance , which is 55 micrograms a day for adults , according to the center . Visit CNNhealth.com , your connection for better living `` It 's astounding that a company such as Bayer ... would make such deceptive claims , '' the center 's litigation director , Steve Gardner , told reporters during the same teleconference . Supporting the center in its letter of complaint to the","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A nonprofit consumer group said Thursday that it will sue Bayer HealthCare , alleging `` deceptive and irresponsible '' advertising that contends selenium in two of its multivitamins may reduce men 's risk of prostate cancer . One A Day Men 's 50 + Advantage ads say selenium may cut men 's risk of prostate cancer , a consumer group says . The Center for Science in the Public Interest said it informed the multinational company of its intent Thursday . David Schardt , the center 's senior nutritionist , told reporters during a teleconference that the center already has filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission . `` We are standing behind all the claims we make in support of the products , '' Trish McKernan , Bayer 's global spokeswoman , told CNN . `` The selenium claims are made by a -LSB- Food and Drug Administration -RSB- - approved qualified health claim . We regularly review the evidence , and we change our claims if necessitated . The emerging science has n't compelled us to change our claims , and the FDA claim is intact . '' Bayer 's HealthCare division"} +{"answer":"repeatedly denied that he had strayed . But after much speculation and tension on the show , the couple announced in June that they had separated . The same day , Kate filed for divorce . Given the media spotlight , dating coach Patti Feinstein said , it 's not a good idea for Gosselin to be out with another woman so soon after the marital rift . `` You need to take a little time off from dating , because there is this rebound period , '' Feinstein said . `` He 's probably feeling that he was n't getting enough attention from his wife , so he 's all lonely , and he needs to be stroked up . `` Once he gets the feeling that ` I 'm loveable ; I 'm worthy ; someone loves me for me and wants to put me first , ' '' Feinstein theorized , `` then that person he is dating , either he will dump her , or she will dump him . '' Relationship expert Nancy Slotnick said the unfortunate ones in the high-profile tabloid fodder are the Gosselin children : 8-year-old twins Cara and Mady and 5-year-old","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Just three weeks after Jon and Kate Gosselin announced their separation , there is speculation of a new plus-one in the mix for `` Jon & Kate Plus 8 . '' Jon Gosselin , here with his sons , was photographed on vacation with another woman . Fans of the show are buzzing about photos of Jon Gosselin apparently on vacation in Saint-Tropez , France , with a young woman who is definitely not his wife and reality TV co-star . People.com identified her as Hailey Glassman , the daughter of Dr. Lawrence Glassman , a surgeon who famously performed a tummy tuck on Kate that was documented for the Gosselins ' hit TLC show . Gosselin and Glassman appeared to be the guests of designer Christian Audigier , creator of the Ed Hardy line , and the pair was spotted holding hands , smoking together and lounging aboard Audigier 's yacht . The Gosselins ' marriage became the focus of their reality show -- which had followed the adventures of the pair raising a set of twins and sextuplets -- amid allegations that Jon was cheating on Kate with 23-year-old teacher Deanna Hummel . Jon"} +{"answer":"Cannes really is , is an international festival , and you really see world cinema , '' she said . `` This year , there are 52 films that are going to be represented , of which 20 are in competition . '' See Rozen talk about some of this year 's promising works '' Two of the films in competition are American : Quentin Tarantino 's World War II movie , `` Inglourious Basterds , '' and Ang Lee 's `` Taking Woodstock , '' a tale about the 1969 music festival . Tarantino told The New York Times that he 's been hoping to do a war movie for years . `` You 've got to make a movie about something , and I 'm a film guy , so I think in terms of genres , '' he said . However , the maker of `` Pulp Fiction '' and `` Jackie Brown '' added , that does n't mean what he ends up with resembles what he started with : `` It 's simply the spark that starts the fire . '' `` Inglourious Basterds '' was inspired by a 1978 Italian film that starred Bo","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The economic downturn may take its toll at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival , which opens Wednesday night . But as always , the show will go on . Eli Roth and Brad Pitt are men on a mission in Quentin Tarantino 's `` Inglourious Basterds . '' Studios are cutting back on parties and all the glitz that goes with them , according to news reports . Moreover , there will be fewer people around to cover Cannes , as news organizations around the world trim costs . -LRB- Several , in fact , have tightened up by eliminating their movie reviewers . -RRB- Nevertheless , those who attend may see a bumper crop of good and intriguing films , Variety 's Jay Weissberg told Reuters . `` We 've all been hoping Cannes would pull something out of the bag to make us feel good again . On paper , they have . '' Leah Rozen , film critic for People magazine , said there are several promising contenders for the Palme d'Or , Cannes ' top prize , as well as a number of notable movies premiering out of competition . `` What"} +{"answer":"found her body slumped in a chair in the foyer of Spector 's 8,500-square-foot Pyrenees-style castle , a Colt Cobra Special .38 - caliber revolver at her feet . The question the jury must answer is straightforward : Did Spector , 67 , shoot Clarkson , 40 , in the face after she spurned his romantic advances and tried to leave his home ? Or did she shoot herself , either by accident or in suicidal despair over her flagging Hollywood career ? The jurors did n't hear directly from Spector . The most damaging testimony came from his Brazilian-born driver , who said the boss wandered out of the castle that morning and announced , `` I think I killed somebody . '' His dress and mannerisms at the defense table were impossible to ignore . `` Sometimes the most important thing about a defendant 's court appearance is the defendant 's appearance , '' Court TV anchor Lisa Bloom said . `` Looks count when it comes to a criminal trial , '' agreed Laurie Levenson , a professor at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles . `` They can work for a defendant , and they can","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- `` Jurymen seldom convict a person they like , or acquit one that they dislike . '' -- Clarence Darrow A moussed , tousled brown hairstyle is murder trial defendant Phil Spector 's latest look . Since April , the murder trial of music producer Phil Spector has been playing out in Los Angeles , California , oddly contrasting gruesome CSI details with the defendant 's daily fashion emergency . Jurors finally will go behind closed doors for deliberations at the end of the week . Their impressions of Spector 's over-the-top fashion statements and nebbish-like demeanor could weigh as heavily , legal analysts say , as any of the conflicting expert testimony about ballistics , blood spatter and other forensic evidence . Spector , a diminutive aging hipster who invented the `` Wall of Sound '' and worked with the Beatles and Ike and Tina Turner , is accused of second-degree murder . He allegedly shot Lana Clarkson , a B-movie actress-turned-House of Blues hostess whose film credits include `` Barbarian Queen '' and `` Amazon Women on the Moon . '' As the sun began to rise on February 3 , 2003 , police"} +{"answer":"I wake up and go to my mom . When I grow up I 'm going to take my family away from here . '' But for Lyari 's boys , the future is often bleak . Many here blame the government for failing to keep neighborhoods safe and a broken school system for robbing children of the chance to succeed . For decades boxing has given thousands of Lyari 's kids what the government has not -- a safe place to grow , learn and chase a dream . African immigrants brought boxing to Lyari in the 1940s , when Karachi was still part of British-ruled India . More than 70 years later , 22 boxing clubs , run by volunteers and private donations , have made this neighborhood Pakistan 's boxing factory . `` This is the second Cuba , '' says the head of the local boxing association , Asghar Baloch , referring to the Caribbean nation that has produced some of the best boxers in the world . `` If these kids were n't here , they would be with guns and arms , '' he says . `` If we continue our positive activities ,","question":"Karachi , Pakistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Do not mistake eight-year-old Bilal Ahmed 's skin-and-bones body , his beguiling smile and his big beaming eyes for weakness . Bilal changes when he steps into a boxing ring . When the pint-sized Pakistani fighter climbed into a shabby old ring at an outdoor youth center , his smile turned into a stone cold scowl . At the sound of the bell that marked the start of round one , his tiny fists at the end of his stick-like arms turned into pain-inflicting projectiles , pounding away at his opponent . `` I want to hit my opponent , '' says Bilal , minutes before the fight . `` All I think about is winning . '' Bilal is obsessed with winning because , to him , boxing is more than a sport . It 's the one chance he has to escape Lyari , one of the poorest , toughest and most dangerous neighborhoods in the sprawling southern port city of Karachi . Drug and gang violence is rampant here , killing nearly 100 people this year alone . `` There is shooting at night , '' Bilal says . ``"} +{"answer":"who does n't feel a personal sense of pain and regret any time any civilian casualty occurs , '' he said . `` Speaking as an official of the American government , I can say there is no one who works harder than the United States does to minimize such casualties . `` I know as a matter of absolute certainty of operations that have been canceled precisely because there was a risk of civilian casualties , '' he added . `` I think there is no question there has been what one Afghan official referred to as ` sort of a bumpy time ' over this issue in the last few weeks . I think that it has never threatened the underlying relationship of confidence between our two countries and between our peoples or between our military and the people of Afghanistan . `` That said , we are certainly committed to taking the steps necessary to ensure that such casualties are reduced to the absolute minimum and to working closely , even more closely , with the Afghan government to successfully carry out the military mission . '' The ambassador said the United States has made changes in","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The United States ambassador to Afghanistan , William Wood , said Friday that changes in communications with Afghan military forces have been made in the aftermath of a disputed U.S. air raid on an Afghan village . Civilians are overcome with emotion outside a home destroyed by a U.S. airstrike in Afghanistan . And despite Afghanistan 's outrage over the loss of life , he said , the incident has not undermined the nations ' relationship . The Afghanistan government has said that as many as 90 civilians -- including many children -- were killed in the August 22 air attack on a village in the Shindand district of Western Afghanistan . The United States had said that only seven civilians died , along with dozens of insurgents . A number of investigations into the incident are under way , including a `` senior level '' review by the United States . `` People who are reviewing our findings have been in Afghanistan for a while , and I do n't know when they will complete their review , '' Wood said at the State Department late Friday . `` There is no American involved"} +{"answer":"has been to allow for foreign ownership , so when John Defterios met up with her , he began by asking her about her upcoming strategy . Sheikha Lubna : We are looking with scrutiny at the companies a lot at the moment and we have several sectors . We will evaluate each sector , from the service side , finance , accounting . And any sector that we believe we need further development in terms of economic growth , then we will focus on that : on increasing the acquisition or the ownership of the foreign company . Defterios : If you look at the Middle East , specifically within this Gulf region , it 's quite a radical change to open up specific sectors to majority foreign ownership . Is this society in the region ready for this move ? Sheikha Lubna : Interestingly , the United Arab Emirates is host to 80 percent of its population coming from outside . We host 200 nationalities , so for us , the contribution to the economy has already started over 15 years ago with the existence of the expatriate community . So in many ways I think the openness","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Not only is Sheikha Lubna Al Qasimi the first woman to hold a ministerial post in the United Arab Emirates , the first female minister of economy in the Gulf , and the first to start a Middle Eastern BB marketplace , but she 's also the first minister - anywhere in the world - to launch her own perfume line . Member of Sharjah royal family and one of Forbes ' 100 most powerful women , Sheikha Lubna took the post of minister for economy and planning of United Arab Emirates in 2004 . Her background is in IT and before the government appointment worked at the Dubai Ports Authority where she gained the `` Distinguished Government Employee Award '' in 1999 for developing a documentation system that reduced cargo turnaround from one hour to ten minutes . In 2000 , Sheikha Lubna founded Tejari , the first Middle Eastern business-to-business marketplace . As a result of Tejari -LRB- Arabic for commerce -RRB- 70 percent of Dubai 's government purchases are made online , while only 30 percent of bureaucrats were web-literate before its launch . One of the cornerstones of Sheikha Lubna 's work"} +{"answer":"So they set out , planning to do a film about New Orleans National Guardsmen . But when that was shut down -- '' ` Fahrenheit 9\/11 ' screwed it up for all you guys , '' she remembered hearing -- they found what she called `` an unexpected gift '' in Kim and Scott , whom they met 10 days after the storm . The home video material , coupled with archival news footage and film verite capturing the couple 's journey , led to the documentary `` Trouble the Water , '' which won the Grand Jury Prize at the 2008 Sundance Film Festival and is up for an Oscar at this year 's Academy Awards . Lessin and Deal , who both directed and produced this documentary that took two-and-a-half years to make , spoke to CNN about their Ninth Ward collaborators , their own experiences and the impact the film 's made . CNN : Tell me about meeting Kim and Scott . Did you know right away that you were on to something ? Tia Lessin : We were in a Red Cross shelter in central Louisiana -- that 's where we met the subjects","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Before the storm hit and the floodwaters took over , Kimberly Rivers Roberts pulled out her new video camera . Kimberly Rivers Roberts and her husband , Scott , sit outside their flood-damaged Ninth Ward home . The aspiring rapper and her husband , Scott , were among those trapped in the Ninth Ward in New Orleans , Louisiana , in late August 2005 as Hurricane Katrina raged toward them . The couple , who 've described themselves as street hustlers , compiled amateur footage that captured the horrors experienced in their community and among their neighbors . From the middle of rising waters in attics where people waited to the struggles to find help from and for others , they documented what outsiders could n't see . About 1,300 miles away , in Brooklyn , New York , documentary filmmakers Tia Lessin and Carl Deal sat glued to their televisions . `` After a few days of seeing people stranded on roofs , we had to do something , '' said Lessin , who with Deal had previously worked with Michael Moore . Watch Lessin and Deal talk about how the film was made ''"} +{"answer":"author of `` Meltdown : The Inside Story of the North Korean Nuclear Crisis . '' `` If that 's what they did , however , it was extremely foolhardy and really pushing their luck . '' China and North Korea share a 1,415-kilometer -LRB- 880-mile -RRB- border that mainly follows two rivers . The Yalu River defines the border on the northwest , the Tumen River on the northeast . By land , the two countries are linked by seven road crossings and four railway points . Over the years , I have visited three towns on the Chinese side of the border . From a narrow river crossing at the border town of Tumen , Koreans cross on foot and in trucks . Those going back into North Korea carry bags full of food and household wares , even bicycles . Some of those coming into China ferry logs and minerals . From across the Yalu River in China 's Dandong City in October of 2006 , I had a glimpse of Sinuiju , a North Korean border town of some 350,000 people . Using a long camera lens , I saw school children learn to roller skate","question":"BEIJING , China -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- North Korea , formally called the Democratic People 's Republic of Korea , is also known as the Hermit Kingdom for a good reason . Chinese border guards patrol in Jilin province across from the North Korean border on March 21 , 2009 . For decades , it has been shrouded by a veil of secrecy that has prevented us from better understanding this important nation . As journalists we seek out the realities of life there , beyond the myths and hype , but that is difficult because the DPRK is generally inaccessible to journalists . The gap between reality and illusion remains profound . Journalists , such as the two Americans being detained in North Korea , do travel to the border between China and North Korea to get a sense of what life is like in the isolated nation of 22 million people . The circumstances surrounding the journalists ' arrest are still unclear . `` North Korea is such a difficult country to enter for a foreign reporter that the temptation to slip across the frozen river border is considerable , '' said former CNN correspondent Mike Chinoy ,"} +{"answer":"is related to one of the victims , he said , and was the one who called 911 . He told police he discovered the bodies when he arrived home . Heinze was being held on suspicion of having a controlled substance and marijuana , as well as evidence tampering and making false statements to a police officer , Doering said . He told reporters Heinze has been cooperative . `` We 're still looking for anybody and everybody that may be related to this , '' he said . `` That naturally includes -LSB- Heinze -RSB- . Of course we 're looking at him . '' He stopped short , however , of calling Heinze a suspect in the deaths . Autopsies on the victims were taking place Sunday in Savannah , Georgia , Doering said . Police have tentative identifications for the victims , who ranged from children to adults in their mid-40s , he said . Police have been called to the home before , Doering said , but would not say why . Doering remained tight-lipped Sunday about many aspects of the case , refusing to say how the victims died or to give a breakdown","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Authorities believe at least one person not in custody may have information about the deaths of eight people in a Georgia mobile home , Glynn County Police Chief Matt Doering said Sunday . Seven people were found dead Saturday at a residence in a mobile home park in Brunswick , Georgia . `` I 'm confident to say that there 's somebody , at least an individual , that we would like to know about that 's not at the scene , '' whether or not they were directly involved in the case , Doering said . Seven people were found dead Saturday at a residence in the New Hope mobile home park in Brunswick , Georgia . Two others were hospitalized in critical condition , and one of them died Sunday , authorities said . Police have `` no known suspects , '' Doering told reporters Sunday afternoon . `` We are not looking for any known suspects . That does n't say that there are no suspects . They 're just not known to us . '' One person , 22-year-old Guy Heinze Jr. , was arrested Saturday night , Doering said . Heinze"} +{"answer":"answers to on Sunday . Mmm-k ? The Frisky : 11 most romantic -LRB- and hawt -RRB- `` Lost '' clips 1 . What the heck is the island ? So many different theories have been presented by different characters this season . Is the island a cork on a wine bottle of evil that keeps the darkness from spilling out into the regular world , as suggested by Jacob ? Is the island hell and everyone on it is dead , as Isabella told Ricardo ? Or is it a hiding place for the world 's life source , as Jacob and the Man in Black 's mother proposed ? Or is it something else entirely ? 2 . What 's up with that white light ? Jacob has been tasked with guarding the white light for forever , and in this week 's episode , Jack volunteered to take over the job -- which makes sense , as Jacob tells him that the light is near the bamboo field where he awoke in the show 's first seconds . But , uh , what is the light exactly ? And whom does it need to be protected from","question":"-LRB- The Frisky -RRB- -- Sunday is the series finale of `` Lost . '' For the past six seasons of `` Lost , '' every single episode has brought us at least one new oddity to ponder . And yet , as frequently as questions are posed , it 's not that often a question is actually answered . This is why the love the show , but also what makes it such an ever-evolving mind bender . Now we are down to the final episode . It 's a long one -- two and a half hours to be exact -- but it has all us fans wondering , how the heck are they going to tie up all the loose ends ? Sadly , they wo n't . Today , producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse announced that because they felt they did n't have enough time to finish all the story lines , the season six DVD will contain 20 extra minutes . But , um , we do n't want to wait until August or have to drop $ 50 to know everything ! So , guys , here are 10 questions we need the"} +{"answer":"about 1,100 km -LRB- 700 miles -RRB- southeast of Tehran , near Iran 's borders with Pakistan and Afghanistan . Sistan-Balochistan province -- which shares a border with Pakistan -- is the site of frequent clashes involving Iranian police , drug dealers and armed groups . The province is located on a major narcotics-smuggling route between Afghanistan and Pakistan . Azad said information on the arrested terrorist group would be unveiled to the public once interrogations were complete . `` The terrorists and notorious gang planned to stir order and security in the province on the eve of -LRB- the June 12 presidential -RRB- elections , using ongoing insecurity in our eastern neighbors , '' he said Thursday . Several days of mourning were reported to be under way for victims of the explosion . Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami , a hard-line cleric who led Friday prayers in Tehran , said there were signs that the United States and Israel were involved in the mosque bombing , IRNA reported . The cleric , who put the death toll at 25 , condemned the bombing before a congregation on the Tehran University campus . CNN 's Shirzad Bozorghmehr contributed to this report","question":"TEHRAN , Iran -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Gunmen on motorcycles fired Friday on a campaign office for President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , wounding two adults and a child , according to a report by Iran 's state-run news agency . President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was not present at the time of the attack . The shooting happened about 5 p.m . in front of the entrance to the campaign office , campaign representative Mohammed Reza Zahed Shaikhi told IRNA . Ahmadinejad , who is running for a second term in office , was not present . Iran 's presidential election will take place on June 12 . The attack happened in Sistan-Balochistan province in southeastern Iran , the same province where a Shia mosque was bombed Thursday . Several suspects have been arrested in connection with Thursday 's attack in the town of Zahedan , which killed between 15 and 20 people , according to Iranian media reports . No group publicly accepted responsibility for the mosque attack , but the provincial governor , Ali-Mohammad Azad , blamed a terrorist group that he said would be unveiled to the public once the suspects have been interrogated , IRNA reported . Zahedan is"} +{"answer":"as much as I could . '' The boys , who live in the suburbs between Baltimore , Maryland , and Washington , got their first inoculations at the vaccine satellite office in Frederick , Maryland . The trial is being conducted by the University of Maryland School of Medicine , one of 11 institutions across the country holding pediatric trials . Researchers will test the boys ' blood , have them keep journals and make sure they have no severe reactions after each vaccine . The pediatric studies are divided into two groups within the United States . Half the sites will be comparing reactions between the H1N1 shot and the seasonal influenza vaccines on kids ; the others will be looking at the effectiveness of a two-dose vaccine . The Steins are enrolled in the dosage trial . The data are crucial for developing a safe vaccine , said Dr. Karen Kotloff , who heads both the pediatric and adult trials at Maryland . `` The purpose of the studies we are doing is to try to collect information that will help to inform policymakers about the best way to give the pandemic H1N1 flu vaccine , ''","question":"FREDERICK , Maryland -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Andrew Stein , 10 , and his brother , Nathan , 7 , are having a typical end-of-summer vacation : hanging out at the pool , visiting their grandparents and waiting for the beginning of school . Nathan Stein , 7 , said getting some shots was worth it to help other kids . But this week they 're doing something most of their classmates will never do . The Stein brothers will be testing the new vaccine to prevent swine flu . Because the younger population , from 6 months to 24 years , is at high risk of developing complications from the H1N1 virus , the National Institutes of Health is conducting a clinical trial specifically to make sure the vaccine is safe for children . Vaccine developers hope to get the doses out by mid-October , before the flu season really shifts into high gear . Although both boys dislike needles , they are willing to make the sacrifice . `` One boy that I knew at our school died from a type of the flu , '' said Andrew , frowning . `` So I wanted to prevent that"} +{"answer":"riots . Sixteen soldiers now face possible court-martial due to alleged looting and assaults on civilians and police during the unrest , police spokesman Wayne Bvudzijena told The Herald on Saturday . `` We are still investigating the case , '' he said . `` But we expect the soldiers to appear before a court-martial once investigations are completed . '' After spending several days waiting in bank lines , soldiers rampaged through downtown Harare , destroying shops and attacking riot police sent to disperse the protesters . Cash shortages are not the only crisis plaguing Zimbabwe . The United Nations has said that more than half of Zimbabwe 's population is in dire need of food and clean water . Watch how a cholera epidemic is affecting Zimbabweans \u00c2 '' Acute shortages of essentials such as fuel , electricity , medicines and food are key indicators of a failed economy , according to economic observers . `` The -LSB- Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe -RSB- is failing to deliver the demands of market , prices are doubling daily , and that demands more cash , '' Zimbabwean economist John Robertson said . `` The huge price increases are resulting from","question":"HARARE , Zimbabwe -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Cash-strapped Zimbabwe revealed plans Saturday to circulate $ 200 million notes , just days after introducing a $ 100 million bill , Finance Minister Samuel Mumbengegwi said . Zimbabwe central bank governor Gideon Gono shows a new $ 50 million note Thursday . After the $ 100 million note began circulating on Thursday , the price of a loaf of bread soared from 2 million to 35 million Zimbabwean dollars . Amid allegations of illegal foreign currency trading , the government also fired top executives at four major banks Thursday , according to The Herald , a state-owned newspaper . Many anxious residents of the nation 's capital , Harare , have been sleeping outside banks , waiting for them to open so they can make withdrawals before the institutions run out of cash . Watch how Zimbabwe 's children are suffering \u00c2 '' The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe had capped maximum daily withdrawals at 500,000 Zimbabwean dollars : about 25 U.S. cents , or about a quarter of Thursday 's price of a loaf of bread . Last week , restrictions on cash withdrawals -- due to severe money shortages -- triggered"} +{"answer":"sort of the effect Elijah Wood had as the expressionless , evil Kevin in `` Sin City '' -RRB- . Seeing Knight go from a bright-eyed family man one moment to a sinister predator who snarls , `` Tell me you love me , Mommy '' to the women he 's assaulting -LRB- ick -RRB- in the next is appropriately chilling . And , as it turns out , the dichotomy makes even more sense as , in a twist typical of this long-in-the-tooth series , Knight is pulling a Sarah Michelle Gellar and playing estranged identical twins , one of whom has a seemingly charmed life whereas the other 's is in serious shambles . It may be a long shot , but for fans , his appearance on `` Law & Order '' might be a sign of more T. R. to come . In the enduring spirit of cross-promotion , NBC seems to use `` SVU '' as a testing ground for future series leads . Beautiful relationships between NBC and stars often begin in that famous interrogation room . Just look at Hayden Panettiere 's two roles ramping up to Heroes , and Maria Bello 's","question":"-LRB- EW.com -RRB- -- The last time we saw him on our TV sets , T. R. Knight was playing `` Grey 's Anatomy '' 's beloved Dr. George O'Malley before he met an untimely end in 2009 . In his first television role since -LRB- he 's been continuing a successful stage career -RRB- , Knight plays somewhat against type : George O'Malley was the bumbling , baby-faced surgeon with a nervous smile and horrible luck with women ; his latest character , Gabriel Thomas from last night 's `` Law & Order : Special Victims Unit , '' is an alleged -LRB- SPOILER ALERT ! -RRB- `` power-reassurance serial rapist '' with a neck tattoo -- sure , the tat is of a yin-yang symbol -- but still , a neck tattoo pretty much never screams `` nice guy . '' Gabriel sure looks like George , but that 's where the similarities end . Like George , Gabriel 's into blonds , but only of the submissive variety -- that would certainly exclude Izzie Stevens . It 's rather inspired to cast an actor so associated with a recognizably benevolent character in such a disturbing role -LRB-"} +{"answer":"on the events I heard him talk about . When I was 11 , I once spent several hours trying to call his show , redialing after every busy signal , over and over . I never got through . It 's probably just as well ; I think I had planned to try to talk him into running for president . I no longer think he 'd make a good president -- we 're all much better off when he sits behind the EIB microphone . Rush taught me a lot about personal responsibility , the value of freedom of speech and the love of country . At 26 , I 've outgrown many of my childhood habits , but I never outgrew Rush . Have conservatives outgrown him ? Is it time to distance ourselves by dismissing him as just `` an entertainer , '' as Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele initially did before apologizing ? My friend John Mark Reynolds wrote recently that Rush is `` a shallow thinker '' who will alienate today 's young adults rather than draw them in . He argued that Rush 's `` insider lingo '' and harsh demeanor are","question":"Editor 's note : Rachel Motte blogs at www.evangelicaloutpost.com and writes for Wheatstone Academy , a Christian educational program for high school students . She is a graduate of Biola University and the Torrey Honors Institute . Rachel Motte says Rush Limbaugh still can animate conservative popular opinion . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It 's no secret that liberals throughout the nation are rejoicing at Rush Limbaugh 's supposed status as leader of the Republican Party . I can see why . He 's easy to pick on . His rhetoric is extreme , and his personal life has at times been less than picture-perfect . I 've heard some pundits refer to Vice President Joe Biden as `` the gift that keeps on giving . '' I imagine the left feels the same way about Limbaugh . Rush was an integral part of my childhood . I must have been 6 or 7 when I started listening in the late 1980s . I remember that my parents and their friends found him refreshing , and I remember that he made them laugh . I memorized his song parodies and even tried to write a few of my own based"} +{"answer":"that he remained on the job . Watch as mayor of Juarez talks about who is responsible for slayings '' Earlier this month , the U.S. Consulate in Juarez specifically warned Americans to avoid an area southeast of the city . The discovery of the bodies comes as 5,000 Mexican soldiers are descending this weekend on Juarez in an effort to end the violence that has claimed more than 400 lives so far this year . Juarez Mayor Jose Reyes Ferriz told CNN he is hopeful Operacion Conjunto Chihuahua -LRB- Chihuahua Joint Operation -RRB- will be successful . `` The reality is that the military presence in the last several weeks has caused the violence to subside , '' he said . `` We were averaging about 10 murders a week ; and since February 26 , when the troops starting arriving , we have been averaging about one . '' Enrique Torres , spokesman for the Chihuahua Joint Operation , said by Sunday there will be 7,500 military personnel , 2,300 federal police and 1,600 city police working together to patrol the city and aggressively fight the cartels . `` We are launching a full frontal attack '' Torres","question":"CIUDAD JUAREZ , Mexico -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Nine bodies have been found in a common grave in the desert south of Ciudad Juarez , Mexico , according to Chihuahua state prosecutor 's spokeswoman Daniela Gonzalez . Police look on as one of the nine bodies found in a common grave near Ciudad Juarez , Mexico , is removed . Investigators have yet to determine the identities of the seven men and two women found in the grave , Gonzalez said . They have not released information on how they were killed or how long they have been there . Juarez , which is across the border from El Paso , Texas , has become one of the major battlegrounds as drug cartels fight both each other and Mexican authorities . The conflict has made violence increasingly common in Juarez , Tijuana and other Mexican border towns . Extreme violence among warring drug cartels and the Mexican government has long plagued Juarez and the state of Chihuahua , but the situation has been getting worse . Last month , the city 's chief of police was obliged to quit after threats from organized crime to kill a policeman every day"} +{"answer":"casualties -RRB- on the Pakistani side . '' Pakistan 's military also denied its forces crossed the Line of Control , saying the skirmish started when Indian soldiers tried to establish a forward post on Pakistan 's side of the line . `` On Pakistan 's ' objection , Indian troops opened indiscriminate and unprovoked fire , '' a Pakistan military news release , posted on Monday , stated . `` The Indian fire was immediately responded to . The firing continued -- intermittently during the whole night . '' Pakistan said the Indian soldiers `` were forced to flee from the area leaving behind their weapons '' after the firefight . Indian and Pakistani forces have exchanged periodic gunfire since May , but Monday 's clashes appear to be a serious setback to the ongoing peace process between the two nations . India and Pakistan had announced a bilateral cease-fire all along their borders in November 2003 and the cease-fire had been holding on the borders until recently . Kashmir has been at the root of two wars between India and Pakistan , both of which tested nuclear weapons in 1998 . An 18-year separatist campaign in the Indian-controlled","question":"SRINAGAR , Indian-controlled Kashmir -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Senior Pakistani and Indian military officials met Tuesday to discuss a border clash in Kashmir , the first major skirmish between South Asia 's nuclear rivals since a 2003 cease-fire . Indian army soldiers on the outskirts of Kashmir 's summer capital Srinagar . Pakistan 's army spokesman Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas told CNN that Pakistan `` made our point clear '' regarding the firefight , which he said began after Indian soldiers crossed the Line of Control that separates Kashmir between India and Pakistan . But an Indian military spokeswoman , Capt. Neha Goyal , told CNN Pakistani troops crossed the Line of Control and `` started firing on our patrol , '' killing an Indian soldier . `` Our troops also retaliated and the Pakistan army troopers ran back , '' she said . Abbas said `` further action should be taken '' following Tuesday 's `` flag meeting , '' but did not elaborate . The meeting took place along the Line of Control . Reports in India 's media said four Pakistani soldiers were killed , but Pakistan 's military `` strongly denied the report of any -LRB-"} +{"answer":"the injured passengers when the plane landed at Miami International Airport at 5:35 a.m. Watch passengers describe what happened '' `` People that were n't seat belted in flew up and hit the ceilings , '' passenger John Norwood told WSVN . `` So their faces , their heads hit the plastics and broke all the plastics up top . '' Continental said seven passengers were transported to nearby hospitals , and approximately 28 other passengers were treated at the scene . Lt. Elkin Sierra of the Miami-Dade Fire Department said 26 passengers were injured , including four seriously . The Boeing 767-200 hit turbulence about 50 miles north of the Dominican Republic at about 38,000 feet , according to an official with the Federal Aviation Administration . It landed in Miami an hour later with its seat belt signs illuminated , the airline said . Many of the passengers said they did not hear any warning before the turbulence hit . Injuries received included bumps , bruises , neck pain and back pain , Sierra said . Passengers said they saw several people bleeding from their heads , including one woman who sustained a serious gash to her head","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Severe turbulence shook a Continental Airlines flight Monday , injuring dozens of passengers and forcing the aircraft to divert to Miami , Florida , according to the airline and a fire official . Oxygen masks hang from a damaged part of the plane Monday , in a photo by passenger Camila Machado . There were 168 passengers and 11 crew members on Flight 128 , which was heading from Rio de Janeiro , Brazil , to Houston , Texas , according to a statement from Continental Airlines . `` I 've never seen turbulence like that , so I really thought we would n't make it , '' passenger Giovani Loss told CNN affiliate WSVN-TV . Loss , who is originally from Brazil , said he is a lawyer in the United States and frequently travels between the two countries . He said passengers were afraid the turbulence may have been the result of mechanical problems with the plane . `` People -LSB- were -RSB- screaming , then there was a huge silence for like 30 minutes , '' Loss said . Ambulances and other vehicles were lined up on the runway to treat and transport"} +{"answer":"wife , Camilla . `` The area reminded us of Tuscany , '' says St.-Gilles , who landscaped the estate with fragrant jasmine , plumeria , and hibiscus . In 2005 , the couple opened their place as a hotel , and last fall they added 20 new seaside duplex lofts . As stylish as they are family-friendly , the setups come with full-size kitchens , extra guest beds , and mosaic-tile flooring . An in-house stable is ready for shoreline horseback rides , and you can sign up for snorkeling trips to nearby Isla Ca\u00f1as , a palm-fringed refuge where thousands of leatherback turtles converge to build nests . Farther inland , the center of Pedas\u00ed has a cow-town vibe : Picture low-slung cottages painted bright green and yellow , and ranchers wearing handmade Panama hats . Yellow is also the color of choice at the new Casita Margarita . This five-room B&B comes with locally crafted cocobolo furniture and a wraparound veranda overlooking Pedas\u00ed 's main street . Perhaps best of all , it 's within walking distance of local hangout Mano Surf Community , a pro shop that does double duty as a caf\u00e9 and juice bar","question":"-LRB- Budget Travel -RRB- -- Even the most sophisticated traveler could be forgiven for thinking that there 's little more to Panama than its iconic canal , seaside capital , and snorkeler-packed Bocas del Toro islands . The Los Santos region of Panama has spectacular rolling farmlands and blissfully empty beaches . But there 's a more secret and equally spectacular side to the country about a five-hour drive west from Panama City : the Pacific coast region of Los Santos . Here , rolling farmlands and stands of mahogany and cocobolo trees hug an azure coastline , luring surfers , nature buffs , and , increasingly , travelers and second-home owners from all over . Although roadside real-estate billboards suggest a far more developed future , Los Santos has managed to stay blessedly free of resorts . In their place are a handful of low-key -- and far more affordable -- boutique hotels . The most stylish is the seven-room Villa Camilla , just outside the fishing village of Pedas\u00ed . The red-tiled hideaway , located on an 800-acre parcel of the Azuero Peninsula , started out as a private escape for French interior designer Gilles St.-Gilles and his"} +{"answer":"towers will create a `` solar farm '' with an output of 300 megawatts , which would be enough power for 180,000 homes , or equivalent to the entire population of nearby Seville . This $ 1.5 billion project is the largest commercial CSP station in the world -- so far . But many believe the technology will soon take off in areas of continuous hot sun and clear skies , offering a cheaper and more efficient alternative to photovoltaic cells , and bringing jobs and money to arid , often depressed areas . CSP also produces no greenhouses gasses and the only pollution is visual . The European Union has invested over $ 31 million in CSP research over the last ten years . At least 50 CSP projects have been given permission to begin construction across Spain . By 2015 the country may be producing two gigawatts of electricity from CSP , and employing thousands in the industry . One of the strengths of CSP is that it allows the construction of power stations on a scale that can match many fossil fuel based plants , and for an investment far less than that required to install the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Just west of Seville in Spain , a sea of giant mirrors is reflecting the sun 's energy to provide '' concentrated solar power '' -LRB- CSP -RRB- while illuminating the path to a new wave of green energy projects . Shining beacon : The concentrated solar power plant in Sanlucar , Spain is the first of its kind . The 624 carefully positioned mirrors reflect the sun 's heat towards a 50 meter-tall central tower where it is concentrated and used to boil water into steam . The superheated steam is then used to turn a turbine that can produce up to 11 megawatts of electricity -- enough power for 6,000 homes -- according Solucar , the Spanish company that has built the power plant . While traditional solar panels , photovoltaic cells , convert the sun 's power directly into electricity , CSP focuses power from a wide area and uses the vast heat generated to make electricity in a similar way to that produced from coal or oil . The Spanish tower , known as PS10 , is the first phase of an ambitious development . By 2013 it is hoped that additional"} +{"answer":"raised in laboratory conditions . `` We could reduce the risks of diseases like swine flu , avian flu , ` mad cow disease ' , or contamination from Salmonella , '' he told CNN . `` We could produce meat in sterile conditions that are impossible in conventional animal farms and slaughterhouses . And when we grow only the meat we can eat , it 's more efficient . There 's no need to grow the whole animal and lose 75 to 95 percent of what we feed it . '' Conventional meat production is also hard on the environment . The contribution of livestock to climate change was recently highlighted by the United Nations ' report , `` Livestock 's Long Shadow '' , while groups such as Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth have demonstrated how soy farming for animal feed contributes to the destruction of the Amazon . In this context Matheny believes his project could significantly cut the environmental impact of meat production -- using much less water and producing far fewer greenhouse gases . `` We could reduce the environmental footprint of meat , which currently contributes more to global warming than the entire","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Meat is murder ? Well , perhaps not for much longer . Artist Banksy has satirized modern farming and meat production ; could in-vitro meat be a better option ? A pioneering group of scientists are working to grow real animal protein in the laboratory , which they not only claim is better for animal welfare , but actually healthier , both for people and the planet . It may sound like science fiction , but this technology to create in-vitro meat could be changing global diets within ten years . `` Cultured meat would have a lot of advantages , '' said Jason Matheny of research group New Harvest . `` We could precisely control the amount of fat in meat . We could make ground beef with an ideal fatty acid ratio -- a hamburger that prevents heart attacks instead of causing them . '' But it is n't just the possibility of creating designer ground beef with the fat profile of salmon that drives Matheny 's work . Meat and livestock farming is also the source of many human diseases , which he claims would be far less common when the product is"} +{"answer":"with big names and the strange thing is that this year there are very few surprises in there . Last year there was Italian Matteo Garrone 's `` Gomorrah '' -LRB- which won the Grand Prize -RRB- and Israeli Ari Folman 's animation `` Waltz with Bashir , '' films that nobody knew anything about in competition . The one that people are either really looking forward to or dreading is `` Enter the Void , '' Gaspar Noe 's new film . Noe gave everybody a rough time in 2002 with `` Irreversible , '' a violent , confrontational rape-revenge drama . The thing about him is once he 's got you in the cinema you 're not going to get out . This one has been made in Japan and is the story of someone looking at the events leading up to their own death . In particular , I 'll be looking at Jane Campion 's film , `` Bright Star , '' starring Abbie Cornish and Ben Whishaw . It 's based on the three-year romance between 19th-century poet Keats and Fanny Brawne , which was cut short by his death at the age of 25","question":"CANNES , France -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The line-up at this year 's Cannes Film Festival is a cineaste 's dream . There are high expectations for Jane Campion 's `` Bright Star , '' a drama about 19th-century poet John Keats . Packed with big name auteurs -LRB- Pedro Almodovar , Ken Loach , Lars Von Trier , Quentin Tarantino , and Park Chan-wook among others -RRB- and intriguing propositions , the competition for the coveted Palme d'Or is sure to be fierce . While there may be a dearth of surprises in the line-up , the world 's shiniest cinema event has certainly proved that in these tough economic times it can still cherry pick the best of what 's out there . But what among the dizzying array of celluloid magic has caught the eye of industry insiders and professionals ? The Screening Room asked a blogger , a critic and a film buyer attending the festival what films they will be watching out for at this year 's event . THE CRITIC Name : Jonathan Romney Credentials : Film critic for British newspaper The Independent on Sunday Cannes experience : 17 years It 's heavily loaded"} +{"answer":"apologies still carry weight , or does the flood of mea culpas dilute their meaning ? Lauren Bloom , a business ethics expert and the author of `` The Art of the Apology , '' says , `` It 's never too late to say ` I 'm sorry . ' `` But saying ` I 'm sorry ' in a tightly controlled environment , '' she says , `` makes it look more and more like an exercise in ` let 's check the box and do what my PR people tell me to do . ' '' Woods delivered his apology in front of a small hand-picked crowd that was not allowed to ask questions . `` I was unfaithful . I had affairs . I cheated , '' he said . `` I am the only person to blame . '' Read full story about Woods ' apology How would Bloom rate Woods ' authenticity ? `` I thought he was very authentic , '' she said , adding with a laugh , `` He was most authentic when he was attacking the media . '' `` But I think he was very sincere . I think","question":"Atlanta , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Tiger Woods ' comments Friday may become the most scrutinized apology in history , fodder for dinner tables and Internet chat rooms alike : Was he genuine ? Was it a PR stunt ? Can he do anything to restore people 's faith in him ? The biggest knock on golf 's biggest star is that it took him three months to utter any words publicly about his infidelity and then did so in a controlled environment . That 's a no-no , according to apology etiquette . `` If you have to take time to say ` sorry , ' you 're not being authentic . We do n't need extra time to rationalize whether we 're sorry or not , '' said Glenn Llopis , the founder of the Center for Innovation & Humanity , a California-based think tank . It seems everyone is apologizing for everything these days . In February alone , there has been a bevy of `` I 'm sorries , '' from a tearful John Mayer for his use of the n-word to Toyota 's top boss for the automaker 's repeated shortcomings . But do"} +{"answer":"has been dedicated to diversity , who has been a loving person for all races , cultures and religions ... based on 40 minutes where he was sick through alcohol and medication , '' Aurelien Hamelle said . Galliano testified that he suffered from an increasing workload and no time to mourn after the 2007 death of his alter ego at Dior , designer Steven Robinson . `` With his death , I found I had no protection , '' Galliano said . His body became dependent on drugs , he said . `` I was taking sleeping pills during the day , '' he testified . `` I 've only just discovered since rehab what a lethal mix I was taking . '' Bloch testified Wednesday that she encountered Galliano on a crowded cafe terrace , which led to an angry exchange . `` I do n't remember his exact wording ; there were different phrases , '' Bloch told the court . `` It 's true that I was angry . I insulted him , too . '' Virgitti testified the confrontation , which he called `` just an argument in a bar , '' began when Galliano","question":"Paris -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Flamboyant fashion designer John Galliano went on trial Wednesday , accused of making anti-Semitic comments against at least three people in a Paris cafe . Galliano , who was fired by fashion giant Christian Dior in March after video surfaced showing him praising Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler , testified Wednesday that drugs were to blame . Judge Anne-Marie Sauteraud read out a list of the abuse Galliano is accused of hurling at Geraldine Bloch and Philippe Virgitti , including obscenities mixed with remarks about their ethnic backgrounds . `` He said ` dirty whore ' at least a thousand times , '' the judge said . Galliano said on the witness stand that he had no memory of making the comments . Asked to explain his `` lack of memory , '' he said : `` I have an addiction . I am currently undergoing treatment . '' Galliano 's attorney said before the trial began the designer `` was a sick person , who was suffering from addiction and this is something we are demonstrating through medical evidence , expert reports . '' `` We must not judge a man who for 30 years"} +{"answer":"July 1 in previous years , but Congress always has voted to stop the cuts before they went into effect . Gerald Harmon , a family physician who practices in Pawleys Island , South Carolina , said the cuts could lead to doctors taking fewer Medicare patients , making it difficult for the program 's elderly patients to get the care they need . `` This Medicare access problem is a real issue , not just a political football , '' said Harmon , who said 35 percent of his patients were eligible for Medicare . `` It affects your dad , when he 's sick . It affects my patients in my practice . This has to be addressed . '' A vote on the bill last week fell one shy of the 60 needed to clear a Republican filibuster and advance in the Senate . Senate Republicans joined the White House in objecting to the Democratic-back bill because it paid for the increased payments to doctors by trimming government support for private insurance programs that provide coverage to Medicare patients . The private Medicare programs are a top policy initiative for Republicans . The issue has become the","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Republicans were facing pressure Tuesday to vote for a rollback of across-the-board cuts in Medicare payments to health providers after a major doctors ' group said the cuts could lead to a `` meltdown '' of the government 's health care system for the elderly . Doctors say they would take on fewer Medicare patients if the cuts go into effect . On Monday , Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid , D-Nevada , called several Republicans trying to persuade them to support a bill that would reverse a 10.6 percent cut in Medicare payments to doctors . The cuts in Medicare payments -- part of a scheduled cost-saving formula -- went into effect July 1 , although the Bush administration said it will hold off on processing claims until mid-July to give Congress time to reach a compromise . The Medicare system pays for the health care of roughly 40 million elderly Americans . Rising health care costs have made Medicare a growing part of the federal budget , and the stress on the system is increasing as more baby boomers reach retirement age . Similar cuts have been scheduled to go into effect on"} +{"answer":". The austere measures are a bid by the government to stabilize a fiscal mess and save Puerto Rico 's credit rating . According to government figures , the U.S. territory faces a $ 3.2 billion budget deficit -- proportionally , the largest shortfall in the United States -- and is entering a fourth year of recession . The severity of the plan reflects the aftermath of what experts say is years , maybe decades , of the lack of a forward-looking economic policy . Confronted with the fear that the credit-rating agencies might reduce Puerto Rico 's rating to junk status , the administration of Gov. Luis Fortuno has taken strong , but controversial , steps . `` Every layoff letter has a name , and every name has a story , '' Puerto Rico Secretary of State Kenneth McClintock said in an interview with CNN . But , he said , `` Doing nothing was not an alternative . '' The governor and other officials cut their salaries and trimmed spending in other areas , but the massive layoffs were necessary to avert the downgraded credit rating , McClintock said . `` If that happened , we would","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The bad news came via certified letter to Norma Jimenez , Edna Rodriguez and nearly 17,000 other Puerto Ricans this month . Thousands last week protest government layoffs in Puerto Rico . To cut spending , Puerto Rico announced last month that thousands of government employees would be fired in the second round of layoffs this year . More than 7,800 public employees were fired in March . `` I was fearful because of the uncertainty , '' Jimenez , 42 , an auxiliary administrator for the U.S. territory 's Department of Education told CNN . `` Will the letter come or not come ? '' The letter came , and it said that under a measure authorized by an emergency fiscal bill , her last day of work would be January 8 of next year . Rodriguez , who worked for the education department for 11 years as a receptionist , got the same letter , but with a November 6 termination date . `` It was as if the world collapsed , '' she told CNN . And presumably , so it goes for the thousands of other public employees who were laid off"} +{"answer":"the mud , but at least it will be over , '' the e-mail reads . `` Finally ! I should have it TOTALLY nailed down within the month . I should have been a private eye !!!! '' The documents -- which the Justice Department says are the last Ivins-related search warrants that had yet to be released to the public -- also contain new details about allegations that Ivins wanted to kill his co-workers . The details are in an account of a July 9 group therapy session during which Ivins allegedly said he was a suspect in the anthrax investigation . According to an FBI agent 's account , Ivins was `` angry at the investigators , the government , and the system in general . '' `` He said he was not going to face the death penalty , but instead had a plan to kill co-workers and other individuals who wronged him , '' the account reads . `` He said he had a bullet-proof vest , and a list of co-workers , and added he was going to obtain a Glock firearm from his son within the next day , because federal agents are","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The man who authorities allege carried out the 2001 anthrax mailings that killed five people sent himself an e-mail saying he knew the attacker 's identity , according to court documents released Wednesday . Former biodefense researcher Bruce Ivins killed himself in July , authorities say . Bruce Ivins , who authorities say killed himself in July as the Justice Department prepared to charge him in the anthrax case , is alleged to have sent the e-mail to himself last September . An FBI agent quotes the message in an affidavit accompanying applications for search warrants for Ivins ' e-mail accounts . `` Yes ! Yes ! Yes !!!!!!! I finally know who mailed the anthrax letters in the fall of 2001 . I 've pieced it together ! Now we can finally get this over and done with , '' the e-mail reads . In it , the former biodefense researcher says he plans on turning information over to his lawyer and that his lawyer would then give it to authorities . The e-mail does not say who Ivins believed was responsible . `` I 'm not looking forward to everybody getting dragged through"} +{"answer":"ceiling , according to WSIL . Police say the boy had been hidden for nearly two years . Wilfong , 30 , is jailed on felony child abduction charges and made her first court appearance Tuesday , Sandusky said . `` We let him out of the car and he ran around like he 'd never seen the outdoors , '' Master Sgt. Stan Diggs with the Illinois State Police told WSIL . `` It was actually very sad . '' In an interview on ABC 's `` Good Morning America '' on Monday , before she was arrested , Dobbs disputed the accusation that Ricky was hidden in the small room , saying that in two years he spent `` maybe five minutes '' there . `` My grandson had the run of the house , '' she said . `` When we were outside , we would go fishing , we would do weenie roasts . We 've done fireworks on the Fourth of July . He 's helped me plant my flower garden in the back . '' She said she would not plead guilty to the charges . `` We were on our own and we","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An Illinois woman and her boyfriend , already charged with aiding in the abduction of the woman 's 6-year-old grandson , face new charges of tampering with a witness in the case , officials said Tuesday . Ricky Chekevdia , 6 , allegedly was hidden with his mother in a secret room in his grandmother 's house . Diane Dobbs and Robert Sandefur , both 51 , are in jail pending the filing of formal charges in the case , said Beth Sandusky , victim services coordinator for the state attorney 's office in Franklin County , Illinois . The two were charged previously with aiding and abetting child abduction , a felony , according to Sandusky and court records . They were released from jail on bond Monday , but were back in custody within hours , according to ABC News and CNN affiliate WSIL . Last week , authorities found Ricky Chekevdia , Dobbs ' grandson , at her home . The boy was hiding along with his mother , Shannon Wilfong , in a secret room built to hide them -- an area about 5 feet by 12 feet , with a 4-foot"} +{"answer":"echoing a debate raging in Washington . Another round of photos allegedly showing further abuse of prisoners was to be released by the end of this month . But President Obama asked that the photos be held back . Obama said he believed the release of the pictures could put American lives in danger . That is Catch-22 situation No. 1 : on one hand transparency ; on the other , the safety of U.S. troops . Quantock agreed with his commander in chief . `` The jihadists have used those pictures . And it has spurred some of the violence , '' he said . Walking through Camp Cropper -- one of the last remaining U.S. detention centers in Iraq -- it is clear the damaging photos have forced the United States to become more transparent in its dealings with prisoners . Detainees are now checked before and after interrogations to ensure the guards have not abused them . Officers who walk the catwalk , the long metal walkway that surrounds the sprawling yard housing the detainees , have more oversight . These institutional checks reduce the possibility that abuse could reach the same scale as it did in","question":"BAGHDAD , Iraq -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The one-star general almost yells when asked to talk about the infamous Abu Ghraib photos showing U.S. soldiers abusing Iraqi detainees . An Iraqi detainee grips a fence at Camp Cropper , one of the few U.S. detention centers remaining in Iraq . `` If we had had a company commander doing what he was supposed to be doing , a battalion commander doing what he was supposed to be doing ... , '' Brig. Gen. David Quantock said . He carried on -- growing more and more angry . So the next obvious question was , `` It makes you angry ? '' `` It does make me angry , '' he said . `` Because I think we lost a lot of American lives because of those photos . '' And there it is -- the issue of detainee abuse and what the U.S. military struggles with , and has struggled with , since the release of those photos in 2004 , some of which showed naked prisoners being humiliated , stacked in piles or subjected to mock torture . Quantock , the head of detainee operations in Iraq , is"} +{"answer":", Italian Cup and Serie A treble . `` We have a true final at Siena , '' said Inter 's top scorer Diego Milito . `` We have two days to rest and then we will prepare for this game . '' AC Milan 's poor end to the season continued as they were beaten 1-0 at Genoa . Giuseppe Sculli 's 56th-minute goal settled the match while Milan , who will finish third , had Mathieu Flamini sent-off in the closing moments . The battle for the fourth place and final Champions League spot will also go to the last weekend after fifth-placed Palermo and fourth-placed Sampdoria drew 1-1 in Sicily . Samp went ahead against Palermo through a Giampaolo Pazzini penalty in the second half but Fabrizio Miccoli equalized from the spot as well with 20 minutes left . Like Roma , they are two points adrift with a game remaining . In other action on Sunday , Atalanta 's relegation was confirmed with their 2-0 defeat at Napoli with two goals from Fabio Quagliarella . Siena and Livorno were already down . Juventus 's 3-2 defeat at home to Parma continued their poor season with a","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Roma captain Francesco Totti scored two late goals as his side beat Cagliari 2-1 to ensure the Serie A title race goes down to the last week . But treble-chasing Inter Milan edged out Chievo 4-3 to hold a two-point lead going into the final round . Andrea Lazzari gave Cagliari the lead with a 73rd minute strike from a free kick but Tottie soon had Roma level in the Stadio Olimpico with a neat turn and shot . An 83rd minute penalty from Totti wrapped up three points in a dramatic turnaround . Inter also lived dangerously at the San Siro after a late Chievo fightback led to a nervy finish for Jose Mourinho 's men . Thiago Motta 's own goal gave the visitors the lead before Andrea Mantovani also put through his own net to see Inter level . Esteban Cambiasso , Diego Milito and Mario Balotelli then scored further goals for Inter who were in total command until late strikes from Pablo Granoche and Sergio Pellissier for battling Chievo . Inter must now beat lowly Siena in their final match to wrap up the title as they bid for a Champions League"} +{"answer":"member can donate a kidney to get Matt higher on the list , so you decided that you were going to do that . Why did you decide to do that ? Watch Nicole Lapin 's interview with Liz Kelly and Matt House '' Liz Kelly : It was pretty much a no-brainer , I think . His sister was actually going to donate at first . But she did n't work out for health reasons . It 's obviously better to have , you know , a family member donate a kidney , too . But since that was n't going to work out , his stepfather stepped in because they were the same blood type . And that ended up not working out either . He had some heart issues and some other health issues . So , I said , you know what , I 'll just donate to the list . And that 's what I was intending on doing . And then I found out that we were actually a match , and it was amazing . Lapin : It was amazing , I 'm sure , to get that phone call , because you","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- From songs to poems to sayings on the side of coffee cups , everyone tries to define love in words . Liz Kelly donated her kidney to her fiance after he was diagnosed with congestive heart failure . But often , it 's the extraordinary actions we take in the name of love that really define it . Liz Kelly 's fiance , Matt House , needed a kidney after he was diagnosed with congestive heart failure . In order to get him to the top of the donor list , Kelly signed up to donate hers . At first , she never dreamed she would actually be a match , but it turned out she was . The Springfield , Massachusetts , couple -LRB- he 's 31 , she 's 29 -RRB- spoke with CNN 's Nicole Lapin about whether Kelly thought fate played a hand in finding him a donor match . The following is an edited transcript of the interview : Nicole Lapin : Liz , I did n't know about the donor process , until we started talking to you guys . The donor process works whereby a friend or a family"} +{"answer":"grow . '' Oprah believes this story can be a teaching moment for every teen and parent . `` Love does n't hurt , '' she says . `` And if a man hits you once , he will hit you again . '' Oprah.com : 10 questions to ask your teens Over the past few years , talk show host Tyra Banks has interviewed both Brown and Rihanna . `` Rihanna told me her parents used to argue so intensely , she used to get these headaches , these migraines that were almost not even treatable with medicine , '' Banks says . `` The moment her parents separated , her migraines went away . '' In his appearance on The Tyra Banks Show , Brown said he watched his mother suffer abuse from the time he was 7 years old until he was 13 . The abuser was not his biological father . `` I treat -LSB- women -RSB- differently because I know I never want to go through the same thing or put a woman through the same thing that the person put my mom through , '' Brown told Banks . When Banks first heard about","question":"-LRB- OPRAH.com -RRB- -- It 's the story that has brought dating violence into the national spotlight . Police responded to a 911 call alleging domestic violence between singers Chris Brown and Rihanna last month . Tyra Banks tells Oprah Winfrey about how abuse affected her . Later that day , both pulled out of planned appearances at the Grammy Awards , and Brown turned himself into police . He was arrested on the suspicion of making criminal threats and was released on bail . Weeks later , rumors of their reconciliation were reported . On March 5 , 2009 , Brown appeared in court , charged with two counts of felony assault . His arraignment has been postponed until April 2009 while he remains free on bail . Statistics say about one in three high school students have been -- or will be -- involved in an abusive relationship . `` The message this story sends to teen girls and boys everywhere is disturbing , and it is also dangerous , '' Oprah Winfrey says . `` We need to try to evolve from this moment ... use this as a moment to allow our society to begin to"} +{"answer":"I was up with a stomach virus . I was up for 24 hours vomiting , sweating , the whole deal , '' Roddick told the official ATP Tour Web site . Roddick has not played since winning the Miami Masters last month and said the illness had come at just the wrong time . `` It 's very bad timing . I would 've taken this virus any time in the last five weeks instead of now , but I guess that 's the way it goes sometimes , '' he said . `` Playing well in Paris is n't totally out of the question , it 's just going to be a little tough , '' he added . In the evening session , Britain 's Andy Murray , seeded third showed improved form on clay with a 6-3 6-3 win over Juan Ignacio Chela , his fourth straight win over the Argentine . `` I was pleased with the win , '' said Murray . `` I served well and was able to move him around the court . '' Meanwhile , Munich Open winner Mikhail Youzhny made an early exit to Latvian Ernest Gulbis 7-6 6-4","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Home favorite Rafael Nadal was watched by a galaxy of football stars as he reached the third round of the Madrid Open with a straight sets win over Ukrainian qualifier Oleksandr Dolgopolov on Wednesday . Real Madrid stars past and present Cristiano Ronaldo , Raul and Zinedine Zidane were courtside at the Caja Magica to see the world number three battle to a 6-4 6-3 win . The second seed , who did not have things all his own way against Dolgopolov , will now face giant U.S. star John Isner , who struggled past Colombian qualifier Santiago Giraldo 1-6 7-6 6-3 . Nadal is playing on home clay in his final tournament before the French Open where he hopes to regain the title , won last year by Roger Federer and claim his fifth grand slam triumph at Roland Garros . Earlier , world number five Andy Roddick 's preparations for the second grand slam of the year suffered a setback as he was forced to pull out of his match against Spain 's Feliciano Lopez with a nasty stomach bug . `` I got here , and then on Sunday night through Monday evening"} +{"answer":"jail '' Peterson appeared in court Friday , but a judge delayed his arraignment until May 18 . Judge Richard Schoenstedt ordered the delay after Will County State 's Attorney Jim Glasgow told him that Peterson 's primary lawyer , Joel Brodsky , had asked for it because neither he nor Peterson 's other attorney could attend Friday 's hearing . Peterson , chewing gum throughout the proceedings and speaking in a clear voice , told Schoenstedt that he knew both of his lawyers were out of town and that he had no objection to the delay . Glasgow , who has said he will prosecute the case personally , said Brodsky told him that he expects to ask the judge for a reduction in Peterson 's $ 20 million bail during the May 18 arraignment . Illinois State Police said Peterson was taken into custody about 5:30 p.m. Thursday after a traffic stop near his home . Police had staked out his home all day , police Capt. Carl Dobrich said , but waited for Peterson to leave before arresting him out of concern for his three young children , who were in the house . Peterson , through","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Drew Peterson , who was arrested this week in the death of his third wife , joked with the media about his jail jumpsuit and chewed gum throughout his first court appearance Friday . A judge delayed Drew Peterson 's arraignment until May 18 because his lawyers could n't attend Friday 's hearing . The 55-year-old former police officer flashed a broad smile and engaged in banter during the 10-yard walk to the courthouse . Wearing an inmate uniform -- a bright-red short-sleeved shirt and pants , white socks and sandals -- Peterson had his hands and feet shackled as he arrived at the courtroom . Asked how he was , he responded , `` three squares a day and a spiffy outfit . '' He then held up the chains and said , `` and I got the bling . Ca n't complain . '' Peterson , who authorities call the prime suspect in the disappearance of his fourth wife , Stacy Peterson , was indicted on murder charges related to the death of his third wife , Kathleen Savio , the Illinois state attorney 's office said . Watch a shackled Peterson go to"} +{"answer":"'' According to Turkish media reports , the men , who included village ` muhtars ' -LSB- mayors -RSB- and a gendarme officer , were accused of paying money to two adult female intermediaries during a 7-month period for repeated access to the girl . Turkey 's Supreme Court of Appeals has now found itself under fire from women 's rights groups , lawyers ' associations , and senior government officials . In response , the head of the Supreme Court 's 14th Criminal Office adopted a somewhat contradictory position . `` The evaluations of the court were correct . We made a decision . This decision is not definite , it is also not possible for this decision to be changed by making noise , '' said Fevzi Elmas of the Supreme Court of Appeals , in an interview with the semi-official Anatolian Agency on Friday . The courts sentenced the 26 accused rapists ' according to an earlier version of the country 's penal code , which underwent significant revisions in 2005 . The older penal code entailed lesser punishments for defendants found guilty of sexually assaulting children . `` In the old penal code there was a","question":"Istanbul -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Turkey 's judicial system faced an uproar this week after one of the country 's highest courts upheld a decision to reduce sentences against 26 men convicted of having sex with a 13-year old girl . Public outrage stemmed from a court ruling that the 13-year old girl had willingly engaged in `` consensual '' sexual relations with the 26 men . Among the growing chorus of critics was Turkey 's President Abdullah Gul . `` I take particular care not to make any direct statements on issues that are in the judicial process , '' Gul wrote in a series of statements on his Twitter account on Friday . '' -LSB- But -RSB- the decision about reducing the punishment related with what happened to a young child of ours made me deeply uncomfortable ... there is still the possibility for an appeal . I am hoping for an outcome that will comfort the public conscience . '' The case in question dates back to 2002 , when 26 men from the southeastern Turkish town of Mardin were accused of repeatedly having sex with a 13-year old girl identified only by the initials `` N.C."} +{"answer":"who became a human rights attorney and activist , inspired by her father 's work . `` It 's really hard to find your dad kidnapped because of his doing good . '' Until a few months ago , father and daughter were living in Syria . But their activism had made them both targets , and they 're now temporarily living in the United States . They watch the horror of their country on the nightly news . On Thursday , the United Nations announced that the number of people killed since protests began this year against the regime of Bashar al-Assad had surpassed 4,000 . More than 300 children have lost their lives , and the U.N. reports that children have been specifically targeted , and some tortured to death . According to a September U.N. report , the human suffering behind those numbers looks like this : Security forces opening fire on a funeral procession in Dar ` aa , a city near the border with Jordan ; security force snipers on rooftops picking off demonstrators in Damascus ; the bodies of those missing , including children , being returned to their families with their bodies torn","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When Catherine al-Talli was 13 years old , a group of strangers came knocking at her family 's home in Syria . It was 1992 . Her mother let them in , and feverishly they explained that earlier that day they saw Syrian security forces surround al-Talli 's father , a democracy activist , at a bus station . `` They told us that 10 of them , the forces , had their guns out and they were all around my father . They kidnapped him and pushed him into a car , '' she recalled . Though they were just children , she and her siblings knew exactly what had happened . They knew their father risked his life as an activist who opposed the Syrian regime . He was paying for that , and now too would their family . It 's hard for al-Talli to talk about her father . Shortly after the regime changed hands in 2000 from father to son , he was released from prison . But al-Talli 's father had been tortured , forever scarred and changed . `` This is difficult to talk about , '' said al-Talli"} +{"answer":"was brought to an end by strong currents and bad weather after almost 42 hours in the water . She made a second try in August , before she was pulled from the water after 60 miles and almost 29 hours of swimming . She blamed a shoulder injury she suffered early in the journey , and an 11-hour-long asthma attack . Her latest attempt , accompanied by shark divers , began just after 6 p.m. Friday from Havana 's Hemingway Marina . The former world champion swimmer projected the swim would take close to 60 hours . There was a bit of excitement early Saturday afternoon as an oceanic whitetip shark swam near Nyad , but a diver on her team faced it off and it meandered away . The swimmer improved her performance late Saturday morning after struggling to maintain her usual stroke rate , her support team said . Fortified by chicken soup , Nyad was making good progress until the Saturday evening incident . Nyad got back in the water at 12:20 a.m. Sunday and swam for nearly 11 hours before packing it in . `` But for each of us , is n't life about","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Hindered by painful stings and strong currents , endurance swimmer Diana Nyad ended her latest attempt to swim from Cuba to Florida about two-thirds of the way through the crossing Sunday . The 62-year-old Nyad suffered jellyfish and Portuguese man-of-war stings Saturday , while ocean cross-currents were pushing her off course , team captain Mark Sollinger said . She was pulled out of the water about 11 a.m. Sunday , about 67 nautical miles through the 103-nautical-mile passage . Treading water before being helped out of the water , Nyad said the man-of-war stings had paralyzed some of the muscles in her back , given her chills and nausea . Doctors warned her she could suffer long-term health problems if she suffered another sting . `` I 've never been in any pain , ever , like that in my whole life , '' she said , adding , `` Now it 's set me so far back , I just do n't ' have the lung capacity to swim the way I can . '' It was her third attempt to make the swim from Cuba to Florida . Her first , in 1978 ,"} +{"answer":"Meanwhile Piper 's parents were called by the police to tell them what had happened . `` I can remember going ` not her face , please not her face ' , '' Piper 's mother Diane wrote on The Katie Piper Foundation web site . `` I knew if anything happened to her face as far as she was concerned it would be the end of everything . '' Piper spent nearly two months in hospital and was placed in an induced coma for 10 days . The attack also severely damaged Piper 's throat and she was forced to be fed through a tube in her stomach . Today , Piper now wears a special plastic pressure mask for 23 hours a day , in an effort to flatten her scars . `` You can see looking at me that it physically changed my appearance , but it goes a lot deeper than that . '' `` It changed my life as I know it -- it changed my career , it changed my relationships with people . Lynch was found guilty of inciting the acid attack in October 2008 and subsequently convicted on the rape charge in","question":"London , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Katie Piper had everything going for her -- a blossoming career , a wonderful life and a beautiful face . But that all changed after a horrific acid attack in March 2008 destroyed everything as she knew it . The young model and television presenter , who was 24 years old at the time , was leaving her apartment in a London suburb when she was attacked by a stranger waiting for her with a cup of sulfuric acid . Stefan Sylvestre threw the cup of corrosive liquid on Piper , burning the skin on her face , neck , chest and hands . She was also left blinded in one eye . Sylvestre was asked by Piper 's former boyfriend , Danny Lynch , to throw the acid on her face because she ended their short relationship . To make matters worse , two days before the attack , Piper was raped by Lynch in a London hotel room after ending the partnership . `` It was n't a random attack and there was a motive if you like , '' Piper told CNN 's Becky Anderson on Connect the World ."} +{"answer":"purpose of performing their parliamentary duties . '' Do you think politicians in your country are paid enough ? In Britain , as in many other countries , parliamentarians are compensated for the expense of living both in the parts of the country they represent and in the capital where parliament meets . There is help too with travel costs and staffing their offices . But the so-called `` additional costs allowance , '' designed to help them with the additional costs of a second home has , by common consent , been particularly abused . This is not an `` expenses scandal '' about a couple of notepads and pens taken home from the office stationery cupboard for the kids ' school project ; or the annual phone call to an aged aunt in Australia , made on an office line rather than from home -- although doubtless politicians will have been doing that too . Watch more on the expenses row '' We are talking about the deliberate exploitation of a poorly-policed system by a large number of parliamentarians , who appear to many of their constituents to have come close to enriching themselves corruptly at public expense","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- UK -RRB- -- Britain 's Prime Minister Gordon Brown has apologized on behalf of parliamentarians of all parties for a series of revelations about their expenses claims , revelations which have seriously damaged the authority of government and parliament . UK PM Gordon Brown , pictured here in north-east England Monday , apologized Monday on behalf of all lawmakers . Brown 's words have been echoed by David Cameron , the leader of the opposition Conservatives and currently the favorite to win the next general election by a large margin . Cameron acknowledges all MPs must say sorry and that the whole system must be changed . The scandal has come to light because The Daily Telegraph newspaper obtained copies of all the receipts for MPs expenses , which were due to be published in two months time under Freedom of Information legislation . The newspaper has been devoting several pages every day to the details of how the system has been milked , with MPs claiming that expenditure on bath plugs and lawn mowers , silk cushions and television sets , potted plants and dog food , was `` wholly and necessarily incurred for the"} +{"answer":"happened on Maka al-Mukarama road , which connects the presidential palace and the airport in southern Mogadishu . The incident occurred on the same day that the new Somali president , Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed , was attending an African Union summit in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa . Ethiopia invaded Somalia in 2006 , to depose an Islamic government led by Ahmed that had taken control of Mogadishu . But at the summit , U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged continued support for national reconciliation efforts in Somalia , which has been without an effective central government since 1991 . `` It is important that these efforts should have a tangible effect in improving the security environment for the Somali people and humanitarian actors , '' Ban said in a statement released by his office . `` The United Nations will provide strong logistical support to the African Union 's AMISOM force and help develop Somali security forces . '' He also encouraged AU leaders to consider a plan that will incorporate AMISOM into a larger U.N. peacekeeping force in the months ahead . AMISOM was set up to take over from Ethiopian forces , which were supposed to be","question":"MOGADISHU , Somalia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- At least 39 civilians were killed in Somalia 's capital Monday after a convoy of African Union peacekeepers was hit by a roadside bomb , causing the troops to open fire , officials and eyewitnesses said . Islamist militia display weapons Monday in defiance of newly elected President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed . Maj. Ba-Huko Barigye , spokesman to the African Union Mission to Somalia -LRB- AMISON -RRB- , said an explosion targeted a contingent of Ugandan troops . At least one soldier was injured and one of the vehicles damaged , Barigye said . Ahmed Dirie Ali , spokesman of Hawiye Traditional Elders -- a major group of local clan leaders -- condemned the civilian deaths . And Mogadishu 's deputy mayor , Abdifatah Ibrahim Shaweye , accused AMISOM of killing innocent civilians deliberately during a `` brutal attack , '' an allegation Barigye denied . `` The deputy mayor has got the wrong information , '' he said . `` They are targeting AMISOM , but the people who have died are all Somali civilians , who have nothing , whatsoever to do with AMISOM . '' Officials say the incident"} +{"answer":"she turned right around and told me that telling a student that I was going to defend myself was a trigger word . I triggered them . '' Berry called the administrative response frustrating . `` Too many times this has happened at this school and at other schools , and nothing 's being done . No learning place should be this violent , '' she said . Baltimore City Schools public relations department said it would have no comment beyond a statement issued by Bennie Williams , the district 's chief of staff , that says the district has `` a fundamental commitment '' to keep schools safe . `` We take any disruption of the learning environment extremely seriously and respond immediately and forcefully to any disruption . ... We are currently investigating the specific incident at Reginald F. Lewis High School to determine appropriate action . ... We are treating this incident with the utmost seriousness , '' the statement said . But the problem goes beyond one incident , Standish said . He told WBAL that students regularly issue `` very visceral threats '' against him . `` I just had a couple last week ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Two teachers at a Baltimore , Maryland , high school say they were attacked by students , and one says such assaults are commonplace , according to CNN affiliate WBAL . `` No learning place should be this violent , '' art teacher Jolita Berry said of the school where she teaches . The school district says it is investigating and will take appropriate action , but both art teacher Jolita Berry and English teacher Marc Standish say the administration has failed to protect and support them . `` I looked over , and her friends were cheering her on . And before I knew it , she hit me in the face , '' Berry told WBAL . She showed the station a cell-phone video depicting what she said was a student beating her last Friday . Individuals in the video are difficult to identify , and no charges have been filed , WBAL reported . Berry said her principal told her she brought the attack on herself . `` On one hand , she told me that she is sorry that this happened to me , '' Berry told WBAL . `` But then"} +{"answer":"Bell lives . The grandmother , Rosie Simmons , told the officer that she had hidden the gun after the shooting `` for Mychal 's safety so he did not try to shot -LSB- sic -RSB- himself again , '' according to the report . Bell , 18 , suffered a wound to the upper right chest , the report says . Powell-Lexing told CNN that Bell had surgery Monday night , and Monroe police Sgt. Cassandra Wooten said the wound was not life-threatening . Bell was being treated Tuesday at a hospital in Shreveport , Louisiana . In December 2006 , Bell was one of a half-dozen black teenagers who faced felony charges in the beating of a white classmate in the town of Jena , Louisiana , an incident that followed months of racial tensions in the community of about 3,000 people . The case of the `` Jena 6 '' drew national attention from civil rights groups that said the charges were excessive , and an estimated 15,000-plus people turned out for a September 2007 rally in Jena on the youths ' behalf . Bell eventually pleaded guilty to battery in a juvenile court and later moved","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Louisiana teenager whose 2006 arrest in the racially charged `` Jena 6 '' assault case drew thousands of protesters tried to commit suicide days after a separate arrest last week , a police report says . Mychal Bell was released in September 2007 and later agreed to a plea deal in the beating of a classmate . Mychal Bell , who was arrested last week after allegedly stealing clothes worth $ 370 from a department store , told investigators he shot himself Monday evening `` because he was tired of all the media attention , '' the report says . The high school senior 's mother and his grandmother also told an investigator that he 'd indicated `` he did not feel like he could live anymore '' because of media coverage of the shoplifting allegations , according to the report . Earlier , Bell 's attorney , Carol Powell-Lexing , told CNN that Bell 's family told her he 'd accidentally shot himself while cleaning a gun . According to the police report , however , an officer responded to a 911 call from his grandmother 's Monroe , Louisiana , home , where"} +{"answer":"been unable to protect them from renewed bouts of violence in the country , a U.N. spokesman told CNN . A U.N. spokesman said the U.N. 's mission in Congo was `` under attack '' on Monday . A mission staff member inside the U.N. compound , who did not want to give his name for security reasons , said U.N. security forces had returned fire in an attempt to disperse angry crowds near the U.N. compound . Gunshots could be heard as he spoke on the phone . He said the attack had resulted in several deaths . U.N. officials confirmed one dead in Goma as a result of Monday 's demonstrations . The assault died down later in the day , a U.N. spokesman said , but people continued to pelt the building . It was unclear who was attacking , but the staff member told CNN the people were from a village that had been taken over by the CNDP , a Congolese renegade group led by Gen. Laurent Nkunda that seized a major military camp and gorilla park in a renewed bout of heavy fighting Sunday . Thousands of civilians were reportedly fleeing the fighting .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- U.N. gunships battled rebels in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo on Monday , according to U.N. spokesman Michele Bonnardeaux . U.N. vehicles on Monday pass between lines of civilians fleeing fighting north of Goma , Congo . U.N. helicopter gunships , supporting national army forces on the ground , fired on rebels from the Congress for the Defense of the People in an effort to halt their advance on the village of Kibumba . CNDP is the French acronym for National Congress for the Defense of the People , a Congolese rebel group under renegade general Laurent Nkunda . The village of Kibumba is the location of a U.N.-administered internally displaced peoples camp , just 12 1\/2 miles -LRB- 20 kilometers -RRB- north of the provincial capital , Goma , Bonnardeaux said . Renewed fighting erupted Sunday when the CNDP seized a major military camp and gorilla park , according to U.N. and park officials . The U.N. brokered peace accord in the area in January . On Monday , thousands fleeing Kibumba spurred violent demonstrations in front of the U.N. compound in Goma . The group was angry that a 17,000-person U.N. security force has"} +{"answer":"experience each week . How many dozens of chest pain patients have I seen in the last month for whom I did n't order an EKG , get a consult , set up nuclear imaging or send for a catheterization ? Only I have the advantage of knowing how anxious some are and that they have had similar symptoms over the last 20 years . After a history and exam , I am willing to make the call that this is not heart disease . In doing so , I save the system tens of thousands of dollars . Most of these patients are worked into a busy day , pushing me even deeper into that mire of tardiness for which I will be chastised by at least six patients before the end of the day . My reward for working these people in and making the call is at most $ 75 . How many times has an anxious patient come in demanding an endoscopy who I examined and then decided to treat less invasively for three to four weeks first ? Few of these patients are happy no matter how many times I explain that it is reasonable","question":"Editor 's note : Dr. Vance Harris is a primary care physician in Redding , California . An earlier version of this commentary was posted on SERMO.com , a private , physicians-only online community . Dr. Vance Harris says primary care doctors get minuscule payment for saving the system huge sums of money . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Health policy experts agree that any reform in our health care system must include a well-educated , caring primary care doctor who is able to manage the health of his or her patients with an eye to using resources optimally to keep costs down . That 's a tall order and it seems that few policy makers realize the value of primary care physicians . People are making a huge assumption in this reform effort that as we extend coverage to millions who do n't have health insurance , there will be doctors there to actually provide the health care . Fewer and fewer medical students are choosing primary care and many primary care doctors are leaving the field . Let me share with you why we are losing so many primary care doctors . What follows are a few examples I"} +{"answer":"Serbia , which is seeking membership of the EU . EU leaders are deeply conscious of their failure in the early 1990s to move early enough to prevent the bloodletting in the Balkans over the break-up of the former Yugoslavia , he said . Although most EU leaders support Serbia becoming a member state to boost stability in the Balkans , French President Nicholas Sarkozy said that Serbia 's membership is dependent on it recognizing Kosovo 's independence and handing over war criminals . Socrates confirmed to CNN that any fast-tracking of Serbia into the EU could only be considered if it agreed to hand over Ratko Mladic , the Bosnian Serb general wanted at the The Hague for suspected war crimes . Two years of negotiations on the future status of Kosovo ended in failure earlier this week , when talks mediated by Europe , the United States and Russia ended without an agreement . The disputed province is dear to the Serbs , Orthodox Christians who regard it as Serbian territory . But it is equally coveted by Kosovo 's ethnic Albanians , Muslims who have a 90 percent majority . Since 1999 the United Nations has been","question":"BRUSSELS , Belgium -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- European leaders agreed Friday to send an 1,800-strong security force to maintain stability in Kosovo , although they stopped short of backing independence for the province . French soldiers at the NATO-led peacekeeping mission in Kosovo last month . Kosovo is expected to declare independence from Serbia early in the new year . Serbia , however , insists the region should remain autonomous within its borders . Speaking at the end of a one-day summit of European heads in Brussels , Jose Socrates , the Portuguese prime minister currently holding the European Union presidency , said that sending the security mission was a `` political decision . '' The police and security force is expected to be deployed to the Balkan state ahead of an announcement of independence . `` This is the clearest signal that the EU could possibly give that it intends to lead on the whole issue of Kosovo 's future , its status and its role in the region , '' Socrates said . According to CNN 's Robin Oakley in Brussels , European leaders are trying to balance an obvious readiness to back Kosovan independence with incentives to"} +{"answer":"them . Net10.com is one service I usually recommend -- no roaming charges , no long distance charges , no monthly fees and a flat 10 cents per minute for calls . If you use more than 300 minutes per month and you travel from time to time , you might want to consider either Metro PCS or Cricket . Both have plans ranging from $ 25 to $ 50 and offer unlimited calling . The difference in price points is based on how many other features you want -- texting , Web surfing and so on . But there are never any contracts or overages . For heavy cell phone users , there are Boost Mobile and Virgin Mobile . Both are engaged in an all-out price war that can directly benefit you . Virgin Mobile is offering $ 49.99 per month unlimited calling -- no roaming charges and no contract . If you want texting , you 'll pay an additional $ 10 per month for unlimited service . If you want high-speed Internet , you 'll pay another $ 10 per month on top of that for a 50MB plan . Boost Mobile 's $ 50 per","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Are you looking for an easy way to reduce your monthly budget ? Look no further than your cell phone bill . Clark Howard says consider switching to a less known cell provider to save money and avoid signing contracts If you 're with one of the four big providers -- AT&T , Sprint , Verizon or T-Mobile -- you 're almost certainly overpaying for service . In addition , all four have a business model that 's based on cowardice . They 've developed lousy , stinking , rotten two-year contracts because they 're afraid to compete in the marketplace . Thankfully , there are a variety of smaller players in the market who offer nationwide coverage for less money with no contracts . Before considering any adjustment to your cell phone plan , you 'll need to start by assessing how much you talk , text and surf the Web on your phone . Watch Clark discuss the pros and cons of bundling services If you use less than 300 minutes per month , you 'd probably do much better with a prepaid plan where you buy minutes as you need"} +{"answer":"with those names or using those names entered the United States after the Dubai killing , the U.S. source said . The Dubai sources said the suspect identified as Dennings , carrying an Irish passport , went to Zurich , Switzerland , immediately after the slaying , then entered the United States on January 21 . The suspect identified as Cannon entered the United States on a British passport on February 14 , the sources said . Both should have been required to provide fingerprints and a picture upon arrival in America , the sources said . On Sunday , Dubai 's police chief said he is `` 100 percent sure '' that the secretive Israeli foreign intelligence unit Mossad is behind al-Mabhouh 's death . `` The Mossad needs to be ashamed of its actions , '' said Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim . `` They sent 26 , 27 persons to assassinate one man who was involved in the capturing and killing of two Israeli soldiers . '' Hamas has said al-Mabhouh was behind the 1989 deaths . Israel has a stated policy on security matters of neither confirming nor denying involvement . Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman ,","question":"Dubai , United Arab Emirates -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Another person has been added to the list of suspects in the January killing of a Hamas leader in a Dubai hotel , bringing the number of identified suspects to 27 , two sources told CNN on Monday . Twenty-six of the 27 were carrying European and Australian passports , authorities have said . The sources , an official familiar with the investigation and a police source , did not say which nation issued the passport the suspect used . Mahmoud al-Mabhouh , a founding member of Hamas ' military wing , was found dead January 20 in his Dubai hotel room . Police believe he was slain the night before , allegedly by the secretive Israeli foreign intelligence unit Mossad . Earlier Monday , sources in Dubai said two of the suspects ultimately entered the United States after al-Mabhouh 's death , confirming a story originally reported by the Wall Street Journal . But a national security source in the United States cast doubt on that report . Federal authorities ran the two names -- Roy Allen Cannon and Evan Dennings -- through databases and found no indication that anyone"} +{"answer":"that had picked both squads . Their $ 20,000 bet on the 28-to-1 Ravens yielded a cool $ 560,000 , and they hit again with $ 20K on the 38-to-1 Diamondbacks . And to think people used to say Mickelson could n't get a big win . 3 . Getting into the White House is tougher than free throws Last July , NBA star Shaquille O'Neal and a member of his entourage had a fiery debate about whether or not Shaq could just drop by the White House unannounced and be welcomed with open arms . After much back-and-forth , Shaq decided he 'd give it a try . If he could n't get past the gate , he would do 1,000 pushups . If he made it inside , his buddy would have to do the pushups . Unfortunately for Shaq , even the Big Aristotle needs an appointment to see the President . When O'Neal walked up to the gate , the Secret Service politely but firmly turned him away . He later told the Washington Post 's Dan Steinberg that he was working off his debt in increments of 20 to 30 pushups . Mental Floss :","question":"-LRB- Mental Floss -RRB- -- Most people limit their gambling to March Madness pools or the occasional trip to Vegas . Celebrities , of course , tend to do everything on a grander scale . Let 's take a look at some famous people and the high-profile bets on which they cashed in or lost big . 1 . Truman defeats Dewey , Jimmy the Greek defeats Vegas Everyone remembers the `` Dewey Defeats Truman '' headline from the 1948 presidential election , but Harry Truman was n't the only big winner that night . Legendary gambler Jimmy the Greek had bet $ 10,000 on Truman at steep 17:1 odds . His logic ? His research showed that female voters were n't too keen on candidates with facial hair , which did n't bode well for the mustachioed Dewey . 2 . Phil Mickelson has a nice 2001 PGA golfer Phil Mickelson had a hot hand during 2001 . Fans might remember that two longshots won titles that year : the Baltimore Ravens won the Super Bowl , and the Arizona Diamondbacks knocked off the New York Yankees in a classic World Series . Mickelson was part of betting groups"} +{"answer":". Last year , women made up just 16 percent of all directors , producers , writers and cinematographers who worked on the 250 top grossing films in the U.S. But , says Theron , there is no point in complaining about the tough time women have getting work behind the scenes in the movies . Do you think breaking through through the glass ceiling is still an issue for women in Hollywood ?? `` I try not to kind of bitch and complain about what -LSB- women -RSB- do n't have , '' Theron told CNN . `` It 's a tricky thing because , I think , if you want to find that lynchpin , you can , in anything . `` I look at the work that I 've done and I feel incredibly proud that I 've had the chance and the opportunity to work on the material that I have . '' Originally born in South Africa , Theron is best-known for her harrowing depiction of prostitute turned serial killer Aileen Wuornos in `` Monster . '' `` Monster '' was also the first film Theron produced , taking a huge risk on a low-budget","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When it comes to bagging the best jobs behind the camera , Hollywood A-lister Charlize Theron says that women have to make their own luck . Charlize Theron in `` The Burning Plain , '' which she both stars in and executive produces . Indeed , the 33 year-old 's career could be seen as a template for what women can achieve in the industry . As an actress , Theron is famous for roles in films as diverse as serial killer biopic `` Monster '' and Will Smith superhero movie `` Hancock , '' switching with apparent ease between small independent movies and big-budget blockbusters . Theron also represents a small minority of women who work behind the camera in Hollywood . During the 15 years she has worked in the U.S. film industry she has also produced four films . The latest is Guillermo Arriaga 's `` The Burning Plain , '' which she both stars in and executive produces . At a time when women are picking up increasingly varied roles in front of the camera , statistics show they are failing to make the same headway behind the scenes"} +{"answer":"Soderling was a rank outsider against the world number one who had never lost a match on the clay at Roland Garros and was a short-priced favorite to win a record fifth straight title . In women 's tennis , number one Dinara Safina was beaten Saturday in straight sets by fellow Russian Svetlana Kuznetsova in the final of the French Open at Roland Garros . Safina , who has reached the top of the world rankings despite not having a major title to her name , looked completely out-of-sorts against her compatriot , who secured a comfortable 6-4 , 6-2 victory in just over an hour . The defeat was a crushing blow to Safina , 23 , who has long had to contend with the accusations that she is not a worthy world number one -- and this third grand slam final defeat will do nothing to silence the doubters . It was the second straight year she has lost in the final here , after going down in straight sets to Ana Ivanovic of Serbia last year . It was also her second successive grand slam final defeat , having lost to Serena Williams in the Australian","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Roger Federer takes on Robin Soderling , who knocked out tournament favorite Rafael Nadal in a fourth-round stunner , in the men 's final of the French Open on Sunday . Roger Federer screams in joy after beating Juan Martin del Potro to reach the French Open final . A victory in Roland Garros would give Federer 14 Grand Slams , tying his career wins to American Pete Sampras . The second-seed Federer lagged at first , but beat Argentine Juan Martin del Potro on Friday to make the final . Soderling advanced over Chilean Fernando Gonzalez . Federer , 27 , has a 9-0 record over the 24-year-old Swede going into the final . The Swiss star has suffered emotional defeats recently . At England 's Wimbledon last year , he lost to Rafael Nadal after a five-year reign . The game , which ran about seven hours with a few rain breaks , was the longest-ever Wimbledon men 's final . Nadal also beat Federer in the Australian Open earlier this year . Soderling stunned the top-seed Nadal by handing him a loss in the fourth round of the French Open . The 23rd-seed"} +{"answer":"know I can speak for the entire crew when I tell you we were simply doing the jobs we were trained to do . Thank you . '' Watch Sullenberger address the crowd '' Sullenberger 's wife , Lorrie , fought back tears as she spoke of her husband . `` I have always known him to be an exemplary pilot . I knew what the outcome would be that day , because I knew my husband , '' she said . `` Mostly for me , he 's the man that makes my cup of tea every morning . '' Investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board continue to piece together details from the double engine failure that hit the plane after it took off from New York 's LaGuardia Airport for Charlotte , North Carolina . The jet 's left engine , which apparently tore away from the plane on landing impact , was raised from the bottom of the Hudson on Friday . Sullenberger reported to air controllers that his plane had hit birds shortly before both engines shut down . On Saturday , the NTSB said a preliminary examination of the left engine found evidence of","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The pilot who made a treacherous crash-landing on New York 's Hudson River look like a routine maneuver got a hero 's welcome Saturday in his California hometown . Chesley B. Sullenberger was honored Saturday with a celebration in his hometown of Danville , California . Chesley B. `` Sully '' Sullenberger put his US Airways jetliner down on the Hudson minutes after both engines failed , then walked the length of the drifting Airbus A320 twice to make certain that all 155 people on board got off safely . He was greeted by several thousand cheering people gathered around the town square in Danville , California , for a celebration in his honor . Mayor Newell Arnerich presented Sullenberger with a ceremonial key to the city , an upscale suburb near San Francisco . Sullenberger , who has avoided public comment since the January 15 incident , made very brief remarks . He thanked the crowd for an `` incredible outpouring of support . '' `` Circumstance determined that it was this experienced crew that was scheduled to fly on that particular flight on that particular day , '' Sullenberger said . `` But I"} +{"answer":"20 years . Important endorsement The support of Iowa 's largest newspaper , the Des Moines Register , may also play a role in Thursday 's caucuses . The paper 's presidential endorsements began in 1988 and have become a highly sought-after prize in Iowa presidential politics . George W. Bush was the Register 's pick in 2000 and went on to win Iowa , the GOP nomination and the White House . Republican presidential hopeful Bob Dole won the state in 1996 and 1988 after receiving the paper 's support . Democratic candidates have n't had as much success with the Register 's endorsement . John Edwards finished in second place in Iowa in 2004 , while Paul Simon was also a close second in 1988 . The paper endorsed Sen. John McCain and Sen. Hillary Clinton for their respective parties ' nominations . The candidates have to appeal to voters with strong opinions . On the Republican side , 37 percent of participants in the 2000 Iowa GOP caucuses identified themselves as members of the religious right and 73 percent described themselves as conservatives . Meanwhile , 56 percent of the participants in Iowa 's 2004 Democratic caucuses","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Presidential candidates have been wooing voters in Iowa for months , but who wins Thursday may simply come down to where the caucus-goers live , where they meet and the weather . Iowa is a mixed bag politically , and one of the most evenly divided states in the nation . But the candidates will likely watch two regions more closely than others . The central part of the state -- including industrial Des Moines -- is Iowa 's most Democratic area . Western Iowa , on the other hand , is home to the most Republicans -- especially the rural counties in the northwest . The Mississippi River city of Davenport is expected to be one of the most significant battlegrounds , with Linn County -- dominated by the university town of Cedar Rapids -- also attracting lots of attention from both parties . Past Iowa caucuses have been nail-biters for the candidates . Democrat Al Gore won the state by a margin of just 0.3 percent in 2000 , while President Bush carried it in 2004 by 0.7 percent . In fact , Bush was the first GOP presidential candidate to carry Iowa in"} +{"answer":"a BioArts auction for a chance to clone their family dog , according to a BioArts statement . Lancey is the world 's first commercially cloned dog , the company said ; the Ottos are the first of six current clients to receive their clone . Sir Lancelot 's DNA sample was sent to the Sooam Biotech Research Foundation in Seoul , South Korea , which provides cloning services to BioArts . Researchers there put the DNA into an egg , and Lancey was born November 18 , according to BioArts . The Ottos said they have had many beloved dogs over the years -- and have nine others currently -- but maintain Sir Lancelot was special . `` Sir Lancelot was the most human of any dog we 've ever had , '' Edgar Otto said in the BioArts statement . `` He was a prince among dogs . '' In an interview with WPBF , Edgar Otto said Sir Lancelot `` was a very , very , very special dog to us . And we 've given a lot more to the Humane Society than we 've ever spent on this project . '' Watch the Ottos talk","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Every dog has his day , but Sir Lancelot -- or at least his carbon copy -- has a second one . Edgar and Nina Otto show off 10-week-old Lancey , a clone of `` the most human of any dog we 've ever had . '' A Boca Raton , Florida , couple paid a California firm $ 155,000 to clone their beloved Labrador retriever , who died from cancer a year ago . The clone , a 10-week-old puppy dubbed Lancey , was hand-delivered to them earlier this week by Lou Hawthorne , chairman of BioArts International , a biotechnology company . `` One minute with Lancey and you know he 's special . He 's both extremely aware and very sweet , '' Hawthorne said in a BioArts statement . Edgar and Nina Otto said they began thinking about cloning Sir Lancelot about five years ago . `` I said ` Well , you know , it would n't hurt to have his DNA frozen , ' and that 's what we did , '' Nina Otto told CNN affiliate WPBF . The Ottos were one of five families to bid and win"} +{"answer":"in the infrastructure in the social sectors ... , '' he added . Agencies such as UNICEF said that while the immediate emergency was over , they remain committed to improving the lives of millions of children across the region . `` The lessons of the tsunami will never end . The funding will end , we can complete the construction , we can complete the project , but the intervention never ends ... , '' Cauldwell said . Oxfam International , which said it will close its response to the tsunami at the end of December , said it has provided housing to tsunami survivors in Aceh , helped restore the livelihoods of people in India and Sri Lanka , and funded the reconstruction of eight tsunami-affected secondary schools . `` The money we received allowed us not only to help meet the immediate emergency needs of tsunami-affected populations , but also to try to address the factors that made them vulnerable : not least poverty and a lack of influence over their own lives , '' Barbara Stocking , chair of the Oxfam International Tsunami Fund Board , said in a statement . `` What has been achieved","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Four years since a 9.0-magnitude earthquake spawned massive walls of water that swept across the Indian Ocean , leaving more than 230,000 dead according to a United Nations estimate , improvements can be seen in many of the devastated areas , humanitarian groups said . Laborers work on a construction site in a fishing village in Indonesia 's Aceh on December 21 . Hundreds of thousands were left homeless and jobless after the tsunami , and poor and isolated communities were left even worse off . Today , new schools have been constructed , and armies of workers -- many of them volunteers -- have cleared and rebuilt homes and towns , and helped get people back to work . `` The tsunami , despite being a horrific event , also provided a lot of opportunities for those countries , '' said Jonathan Cauldwell , chief of UNICEF 's Tsunami Transition Support . `` It brought a peace dividend within Banda Aceh -LRB- Indonesia -RRB- where you still see peace in an area which had long term localized conflict in place . It allowed those areas to be built up as well , to have investments"} +{"answer":"front steps of a house and wedged against a tree . Watch police commissioner describe carnage '' Donta Cradock , 18 , the alleged driver of the gray Pontiac , faces charges for theft of a motorcycle , the crime that allegedly triggered his flight , police said . Other charges are pending approval from the district attorney 's office , police said . `` We 're hopeful that it will be four counts of murder , '' Clark said . Cradock and an alleged accomplice , Ivan Rodriguez , 20 , stole a motorcycle at gunpoint around 7:30 p.m. , he said . Rodriguez fled the scene on the motorcycle , while Cradock drove away in the Pontiac , Clark said . An unidentified person told a traffic police officer in the area about the alleged robbery and pointed out the Pontiac , he said . The police officer followed the car and tried to stop it at a traffic light , Clark said . `` At that point the Pontiac fled at a high rate of speed , '' he said . The officer followed the vehicle , but lost sight of it , Clark said . The","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A woman and three children were killed in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , when a suspected robber fleeing in a car jumped a curb and struck them , police said Thursday . Four people were killed after a car fleeing police struck a home in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , on Wednesday . `` He literally cut a tree in half , '' Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey said , `` then hit the 1-year-old , -LSB- who -RSB- was in a stroller . The other individuals were on the front porch of their own home . He struck with such force that it knocked the concrete steps loose . '' Latoya Smith , 22 , died Thursday from injuries in the crash , which occurred shortly after 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Fentonville area of north Philadelphia , police Capt. James Clark said . Smith 's daughter , Remedy Smith -- who would have turned 1 on Friday -- died at the scene , as did Alicia Griffin , 6 , and Gina Rosario , 7 , Clark said . Video of the scene showed a crumpled silver Pontiac on the sidewalk , pushed up against the"} +{"answer":"also let their pet snake slither around the White House dining room . John F. Kennedy Jr. was known for hiding under his father 's Oval Office desk . His older sister , Caroline , had a pony who romped untethered around the White House grounds . President Abraham Lincoln 's youngest son , Thomas , used to startle everyone in the building by making all the White House bells ring at one time . But with the mischief and pranks comes a lifetime of pressure , said Noah McCollough , who wrote the book `` First Kids . '' `` John Quincy Adams ' kids went through alcoholism and addiction because they could n't live up to their parents expectation '' in their later years , McCollough said . Read up on the blessed and star-crossed lives of some other White House kids '' Much of Malia and Sasha 's White House experience will be monitored by their mother , Michelle Obama , who seems determined to be active in their lives . Even as her husband campaigned for the presidency , Michelle Obama was a soccer mom , cheering from the sidelines of her daughters ' games .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Barack Obama 's daughters are moving into a house with a swimming pool , a bowling alley and its own movie theater . Sasha Obama , left , and Malia Obama will make the White House home come January 20 . When their father is inaugurated on January 20 , Malia Obama , 10 , and Sasha Obama , 7 , will also be moving into a place where they 'll not only be under the watchful eye of the Secret Service but also under the eye of the media . `` One of the negatives of the White House is that its very much a fishbowl , '' presidential historian Doug Wead said . `` There 's something that Sasha or Malia will say or do and they 'll be remembered for it for the rest of their lives , '' said Wead , who wrote `` All the Presidents ' Children , '' a book on the lives of kids at the White House . Watch what life 's like for White House kids '' Theodore Roosevelt 's children used to like to drop water balloons on foreign dignitaries , Wead said . They"} +{"answer":". `` Mainline Protestantism is n't a pressure group , '' said Prothero , `` It 's not like the National Council of Churches is lobbying Obama to get a Lutheran appointed to the Supreme Court . '' And while Judaism and Catholicism have their own sets of religious laws that date back millennia , many branches of Protestant Christianity do not . For much of the last 150 years , evangelical Christianity has stressed an emotional theology of `` heart '' over `` head '' -- not a recipe for producing legal scholars with eyes fixed on the Supreme Court . `` Evangelicals have put more effort into getting elected than in getting onto the bench , '' said Michael Lindsay , a Rice University professor who has studied evangelical elites . `` Electoral politics is more similar to the style of rallying of around revival campaign than it is to the arduous journey of producing intellectual giants that could be eligible for the Supreme Court . '' President Obama is expected to nominate Stevens ' replacement early this month . Of the three candidates who are reported to lead Obama 's short list , two -- Solicitor General","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- For most of American history , a Supreme Court with no Protestant Christian judges would have been unthinkable . Nearly three quarters of all justices who 've ever served on the nation 's high court have been Protestant . And roughly half of all Americans identify themselves as Protestant today . But since John Paul Stevens announced his retirement last month , legal and religious scholars have begun entertaining the unprecedented prospect of a Supreme Court without a single Protestant justice . Besides Stevens , who is Protestant , the current Supreme Court counts six Catholics and two Jews . `` It 's an amazing irony given how central Protestantism has been to American culture , '' said Stephen Prothero , a religion scholar at Boston University . `` For most of the 19th century , Protestants were trying to turn America into their own heaven on Earth , which included keeping Jews and Catholics from virtually all positions of power . '' Many religion scholars attribute the decline of Protestants on the high court to the breakdown of a mainline Protestant identity and to the absence of a strong tradition of lawyering among evangelical Protestants"} +{"answer":"a dishwasher , would assume that it ended at a 6-foot fence . Watch aerial images of the backyard compound '' `` You could walk through the backyard and never know there was another set of living circumstances , '' said Fred Kollar , undersheriff of El Dorado County . `` There was nothing that would cause you to question it . You ca n't see it from either adjoining property . It was presumably well arranged . '' But tucked away beyond the tangle of bushes , high grass and trees was a blue tarp that concealed the only world Dugard had known since her abduction . Kollar said the property had `` a hidden backyard within a backyard . '' It included several sheds no taller than 6 feet , two tents and several outbuildings , `` where Jaycee and the girls spent most of their lives . '' It also held a vehicle that matched the description of the car used in Dugard 's kidnapping , Kollar said . The `` secondary '' backyard was inside the first and was `` screened from view . '' One of the sheds was soundproof , he said . In","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- From the time she was an 11-year-old , blue-eyed , freckle-faced blonde until she was a 29-year-old woman with two children , Jaycee Dugard was kept locked away in a backyard compound of sheds and tarps by a couple who police say abducted her . Jaycee Dugard was locked in a shed tucked under a blue tarp in her alleged captor 's backyard . She was more than 160 miles from home , and her family had no idea where she was . Nobody else knew she was there except the couple who snatched her off the street in front of her house in South Lake Tahoe , California , in 1991 , and took her straight to the soundproof shed , police said . Dugard 's pocket of Phillip and Nancy Garrido 's backyard in Antioch , California , was so overgrown no one even knew it existed . The details about Dugard 's time in captivity emerged Thursday after one of Northern California 's most enduring mysteries was solved and the Garridos were arrested and accused of her kidnapping . Anyone who came across the couple 's backyard , littered with garbage cans and"} +{"answer":". And of course , to the communities my organization works with to help them better their lives through direct education and training programs . A Pashtun orphan , about 11 , enters my office with a plate of freshly picked summer apricots . He was rescued from a madrassa that trained him how to throw grenades and to be a suicide bomber . He spends time with me when he gets a chance , tidying my desk , pulling my papers out of the copier and stacking them . We ca n't speak much as I do not know Pashtun and he has n't yet learned Dari or English , but he tucks his head into the crook of my neck for a couple of minutes watching me type . In these gentle moments , he begins to unwind and I experience the fragile connection that is being created between our worlds . Living and working in Afghanistan for nearly five years now , I do not recognize most of what the international news accounts of this area report as anything remotely close to my experience . A visiting journalist recently observed with some surprise that `` parts of","question":"-LRB- Editor 's note : Marnie Gustavson is Executive Director of PARSA , a Seattle-based nonprofit working with widows , orphans and the disabled in Afghanistan . She spent her teenage years in Kabul , where she now lives with her family . For more information about PARSA , read here and here Marnie Gustavson says the real Afghanistan is more textured than could be seen from secure bunkers . KABUL , Afghanistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In my Afghanistan , the days are compiled images of Afghans living their simple lives . My Afghanistan is a kaleidoscope of real people , from the stick-thin bearded Paghmani man , an imposing 6-foot-5 , rhythmically lifting rocks , 12 hours a day , seven days a week for $ 4 a day , his shalwar kameez billowing in the hot summer breezes ; to the grin of the boy in his blue shirt as he labors to cut the alfalfa after school to feed the flock of big-bottomed sheep . To the kiss of the old widow , her family gone , whose feet hurt incessantly ; she 's forgotten the English she once knew when she worked for the government"} +{"answer":"the wax likeness of McKinzie ahead of the centennial celebration . Edward W. Gray Jr. , an attorney representing the plaintiffs , acknowledged that the sorority disputes the lawsuit 's account of the statue 's price tag . However , he said , `` we have no way of knowing what the actual number was . We hope that it was as little as they say . '' He added that $ 45,000 is still a large amount of money , although , `` certainly , it 's a lot better than $ 900,000 . '' He called the alleged conduct `` shocking and bordering on illegal . '' The wax figures are to appear in the National Great Blacks in Wax museum in Baltimore , Maryland , according to AKA . The museum said they are on a traveling exhibit . The lawsuit , filed last month in a Washington superior court , also accuses McKinzie of using her sorority credit card for `` designer clothing , lingerie , jewelry , gifts and other excessive and inappropriate expenses of a personal nature . '' It demands that the sorority fire McKinzie and the board of directors and that the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Members of the nation 's oldest black sorority have accused the organization 's president of using her sorority credit card for personal items and its board of directors of spending too much on her . Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority President Barbara McKinzie denies the claims in the lawsuit against her . The suit alleges that the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority 's board of directors signed off on spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on President Barbara McKinzie and commissioned an expensive wax figure of her . McKinzie denied the allegations , saying they are `` without merit . '' The most `` outlandish representation '' in the lawsuit , she said , is the allegation that the sorority spent $ 900,000 on a wax figure of her . Two wax figures -- one of McKinzie and one of the sorority 's first president , the late Nellie Quander -- were purchased by the hostess chapters of the sorority 's centennial convention last year , not the national AKA organization , for a total of $ 45,000 , McKinzie said . The lawsuit says the sorority 's board of directors approved the use of $ 900,000 for"} +{"answer":", and it employs some of the same characters seen in Perry 's movies and stage plays -- including a play and film named `` Meet the Browns , '' which is only mildly related to the TV series . The show focuses on Mr. Brown and his daughter Cora , played by Mann 's real-life wife , Tamela Mann , as Mr. Brown tries to turn his house into a home for the elderly . Those who have followed Perry 's productions know that Cora was the conceived during a brief fling between Brown and Madea , Perry 's female alter ego . `` If it had n't been for Cora , Mr. Brown and Madea probably would have killed each other by now , '' Mann said . `` Cora is the glue to this whole thing . Cora keeps everybody grounded . '' Mann said Mr. Brown 's speech and mannerisms are from a combination of people . `` Grandfathers , uncles , relatives , you know , different friends you see . '' he said . `` I use to go to a nursing home and just look at people , watch -- ` OK ,","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- You are about to meet Mr. Brown . David Mann and Tamela Mann -- a real-life couple -- star in `` Meet the Browns '' as father and daughter . He 's David Mann , star of the TBS sitcom `` Tyler Perry 's Meet the Browns . '' To borrow a phrase from the network 's marketing -- he 's very funny . Mann 's character -- `` Downtown '' Leroy Brown -- is a lovable , sometimes outrageous and always off-the-wall senior citizen who has stolen every scene he 's entered in Tyler Perry 's plays , movies and TV shows . Mr. Brown no longer has to steal scenes , because TBS -- owned by CNN parent company Time Warner -- has ordered 80 episodes of half-hour comedy , based on the success of 10 pilot episodes . `` Just in case I 'm dreaming , do n't pinch me , '' said Mann . `` I 'm living the dream . '' `` Meet the Browns '' is a spinoff of Perry 's `` House of Payne , '' a sitcom that has yielded strong cable ratings for TBS"} +{"answer":"companies -- like a shipping company -- to actually pay a ransom . There 's nothing that the U.S. government can do other than potentially to prosecute if that money is going to a known terrorist organization , which is a fine line . '' Nevertheless , he said it is U.S. government policy to discourage private companies from making payments to hostage takers . `` The U.S. has a very clear sense that , if you start to pay ransoms , you in essence create an industry for kidnapping , '' he said . `` And , frankly , it 's why you see an uptick in the piracy problem in East Africa . It 's a for-profit venture . It 's very lucrative at low cost for the pirates and it 's , in part , fueled by the fact that shipping companies in other countries have been paying ransoms for the release of ships , cargo and personnel . '' Zarate predicted the standoff off Somalia will not be resolved soon . `` I do n't see or forecast the use of massive force inadvertently because of the potential for hurting our citizen , '' he said","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Despite a hardline U.S. policy , there is no reason why federal officials ca n't negotiate directly with pirates who are holding a U.S. captain hostage off Somalia , a counterterrorism expert said Thursday . Pirates have been plaguing commercial shipping vessels in the waters off the coast of east Africa . Nor is there anything to stop an independent party from paying for his release , said Juan Carlos Zarate , who served as deputy national security adviser for combating terrorism under former President George W. Bush . `` The U.S. has a very clear policy of no concessions ; that 's different than no negotiations , '' said Zarate , now is a senior adviser to the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington . The U.S. policy against concessions translates into a policy against paying for the release of hostages , he said . `` That means no ransoms , nothing of value in return for the safe release of hostages , '' he said . But , he added , `` It 's also important to note that there 's nothing in U.S. policy that restricts family members or private"} +{"answer":"always felt that the music sells by itself , '' she says . `` The music has always been the successful aspect on my career and that means that , to me , I can always still stay very focused on music . '' Watch Enya revel in harmony '' Her latest album -- the seventh of her career -- celebrates both the drama and quiet contemplation that come with the winter season . Called `` And Winter Came , '' the release has reached the top 10 on album charts across Europe and in the U.S. since its November release . And while Enya wo n't commit to the idea of taking her tunes on the road , she does hint at the possibility . `` To actually tour with the songs would be wonderful . It would be very much on a large scale : the orchestra , the choir . There 'd be a lot of rehearsals , but it 'd be very exciting , '' she says . Enya spoke to CNN about how her music is like an onion -LRB- think layers , not tears -RRB- , keeping a low profile , and marking the","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Enya is an anomaly . Think about it : How many recording artists have enjoyed 20 years of success while never having toured ? Enya sets her own pace when making albums . `` And Winter Came '' is her first CD in three years . `` The fans are very , very loyal , '' says the Irish chanteuse . `` They 're always saying , ` When is the next album ? ' They know when I finish in the studio it 's got to be a few years before the next album . '' Perhaps it 's the vast gaps between releases that help make Enya , 47 , the Emerald Isle 's second-biggest-selling artist of all time -LRB- after U2 -RRB- . Thanks to a stipulation in her recording contract , the Grammy winner has the luxury of setting her own pace with each project , another rarity in the music business . She 'll devote two to three years to each album , flitting between her Dublin castle and the studio , where she works tirelessly to perfect every celestial chord and layer harmony upon harmony . `` I"} +{"answer":"an administration . Speaker Nancy Pelosi and many congressional Democrats realize the human and political risks that come from this war . As news broke of President Obama 's decision , Pelosi said : `` the American people believe that if something is in our national security interest , we have to be able to afford it . That does n't mean that we hold everything else '' stagnant because of those operations . But war sucks the political oxygen out of almost any presidency . There have been several modern presidents who started their term with an ambitious domestic vision and who ended up with their presidencies totally consumed by war . President Harry Truman , who served from 1945 to 1953 , pulled off a historic upset in his reelection bid against Thomas Dewey in 1948 . In the campaign , Truman castigated a `` do-nothing '' Congress . When he returned to the White House after the election , Truman fought for an ambitious domestic agenda in 1949 and 1950 , which he called the Fair Deal , which included national health care , civil rights , fair housing and more . While a conservative coalition of","question":"Editor 's note : Julian E. Zelizer is a professor of history and public affairs at Princeton University 's Woodrow Wilson School . His new book , `` Arsenal of Democracy : The Politics of National Security -- From World War II to the War on Terrorism , '' will be published in December by Basic Books . Zelizer writes widely about current events . President Obama is taking a huge step in his presidency . After weeks of careful deliberation , the president has sided with military officials who have been pushing for an escalation of U.S. forces in Afghanistan . Explaining his objectives and exit strategy , Obama is expected to announce that he will be sending 30,000 troops , and possibly more , into the region . With this decision , Obama inches closer to becoming a wartime president . Even though the White House insists that they will continue to work hard on their domestic agenda , historically , presidents who become involved in protracted ground wars find that their presidencies are defined by their military conflicts . The politics that surround a military operation play an enormous role in the political success or failure of"} +{"answer":"as the strictest state immigration law in the nation . Law 's enactment spooks immigrants `` We expected the judge to rule like the other judges who blocked the laws in Arizona and Georgia , '' Vazquez says , referring to similar anti-illegal immigration laws approved in those states , with federal judges subsequently blocking the more severe parts of those bills . `` Now , they can take me away from my children anytime , '' Vazquez says . Her journey began five years ago when she and her husband left the Mexican state of MIchoacan and headed north in search of jobs . `` In Mexico , it is hard to find a job . I 'm 35 years old , and the ads seeking help say they want people between the ages of 18 and 35 , '' Vazquez says . `` It was n't easy coming over . We left our parents , our siblings , our family , and they did n't know what was going to happen to us . '' The couple entered the United States illegally and headed for Montgomery , where they had relatives . They first rented a room in","question":"Montgomery , Alabama -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Gabriela Vazquez maneuvers through piles of clothes and toys while trying to control her two small children . `` They never stop , '' she says , while pulling a pair of pants from an almost-empty drawer and deciding whether to toss the pants to the `` keep '' or `` leave '' pile . The decision is not an easy one . Vazquez is attempting to pack five years of her life in the United States into only a handful of bags . `` I crossed over into the U.S. with nothing but my clothes , so I 'm taking nothing , only my clothes and my kids , '' she says . Vazquez began packing moments after a federal judge in Birmingham , Alabama , last week allowed most of the state 's controversial law , known as HB56 , against illegal immigration to go into effect . Judge refuses to block law during appeal The law allows police officers to check the legal status of people when suspicions exists , detain them and turn them over to federal authorities . It is described by both its supporters and its opponents"} +{"answer":"'' Grisham told CNN . He continued to look , and found another plastic container with more remains inside , of a `` similar-aged infant , '' before calling 911 , Grisham said . In 2008 , the same man called police to report that he had found a suitcase in the same area , in an overgrown field a distance away from the mobile homes , while dumping leaves . When he used a knife to cut into the suitcase , a set of infant bones were found , Grisham said . The medical examiner 's office was unable to determine a cause of death because the remains were skeletal , although no bones were broken , he said . `` We worked the thing as best we could , without any more to go on than we had , '' but the investigation stalled , Grisham said . Police have contacted the two people -- a brother and sister -- who recently moved out of the trailer , he said . The two have been cooperative with authorities , he said . They were interviewed separately , but both told police they had no idea the remains were","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The skeletal remains of two infants were found underneath a rural Texas trailer , police said Monday , in the same area where another set of infant remains was found last year . The skeletal remains of two infants were found near a Texas trailer , police said Monday . Authorities were called about 3:30 p.m. Sunday to the trailer south of Kennedale , about 15 miles southeast of Fort Worth , Texas , in rural Tarrant County , said Terry Grisham , spokesman for the Tarrant County Sheriff 's Office . There is a group of about five mobile homes there , he said , that are leased by the property owner . One of the mobile homes had recently become vacant , and the owner was cleaning it up , Grisham said . The owner pulled back the metal `` skirt '' around the bottom of the mobile home and was `` digging around in there , '' and found a plastic bag , Grisham said . When the man opened it up , he found a box , and inside the box he found the `` bones of a very young infant ,"} +{"answer":"declared a state of emergency April 7 , hours after anti-government demonstrators -LRB- known as `` Red Shirts '' for the clothes they wear -RRB- stormed the country 's parliament . Three days later , the deadliest clash in more than a decade between protesters -LRB- in this case the Red Shirts -RRB- and the military erupted , leading to the deaths of more than two dozen demonstrators and military forces . Violence erupted again last week when protesters once again ignored an ultimatum to end their occupation in downtown Bangkok by Wednesday . Seh Daeng 's subsequent shooting by an unknown assailant raised tensions further and at least 35 people have been killed and 240 wounded in the latest wave of unrest . The government has imposed a state of emergency in 22 provinces and metropolitan Bangkok . What happens next ? Authorities have urged protesters to evacuate the protest area by Monday afternoon or face up to two years in prison for violating the order . But around 5,000 protesters remained on the streets in defiance of the authorities . On Sunday protest leaders offered to resume talks with the government in U.N.-mediated negotiations if security forces were","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Days of violent unrest in the Thai capital have left dozens dead and hundreds injured as security forces clash with anti-government protesters . The latest victims include a key opposition leader , Maj. Gen. Khattiya Sawasdipol -- a renegade general better known as Seh Daeng -- who died days after being critically wounded by a sniper 's bullet . But the current crisis follows a months-long standoff between Thai authorities and protesters opposed to the government of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva . The protesters -- known as the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship -LRB- UDD -RRB- -- support Thaksin Shinawatra , who was prime minister from 2001 to 2006 , before he was ousted in a bloodless coup . What is happening now ? The latest violence follows a government pledge to hold an election in November in an attempt to halt the protests . However , amid ongoing anger over a crackdown by security forces last month and a refusal by the protesters to comply with a deadline to vacate the district of Bangkok they have been occupying for weeks , authorities say the election date is now under threat . Prime Minister Abhisit"} +{"answer":"office . Khamenei 's endorsement is the first step in that process . On Wednesday , Ahmadinejad will take the oath of office before Parliament . But he will begin his second term in a deeply fractured Iran , one in which the conservative leader finds himself under assault from the legions of pro-democracy supporters and the nation 's powerful clerical establishment . Given the unprecedented fissures in Iranian society , some longtime scholars and observers now doubt whether Ahmadinejad will finish his second term in office . Some question whether the clerical establishment will sacrifice him in order to save the Islamic republic . Ahmadinejad 's main political problem is `` legitimacy , '' said Alex Vatanka , senior Middle East analyst at IHS Jane 's , a provider of defense and security information . `` Can you operate for four years with huge questions over whether you are the rightful president ? '' Vatanka said . `` I think that would undermine everything he does . '' Ahmadinejad was declared the winner of Iran 's June 12 election , but thousands took to the streets in the aftermath to protest what they believed was a rigged vote .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Four years ago , Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei kissed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on the cheek before he was sworn in as Iran 's new leader . Mahmoud Ahmadinejad could be in for a rocky second term as Iranian president , analysts say . Song and prayer heralded a new start for Iran with the hard-line Tehran mayor , virtually unknown to the outside world in 2005 . He promised to stamp out corruption and fight for justice . With time , the world came to know the Iranian leader with his signature beige jacket and combative -- often anti-Israeli -- rhetoric . Monday , Iran 's supreme leader endorsed Ahmadinejad for a second term in office , but there was no hug or kiss this time around . Video from the event shows Ahmadinejad leaning toward Khamenei before the supreme leader raises his left hand to block him , leaving Ahmadinejad to gingerly kiss the cleric 's robe . The awkward scene seemed to only bolster the tensions that have emerged in the once strong relationship . Under Iran 's constitution , the incoming president must receive the supreme leader 's approval before being sworn into"} +{"answer":"'s death is far from unprecedented : According to CNN 's count , based on U.S. military reports , there have been 1,811 U.S. troops killed during Operation Enduring Freedom , the U.S.-led mission in Afghanistan that began in October 2001 . Each person , each death , is unique . In Domeij 's case , that translates to a man whom his unit commander described as `` irreplaceable '' -- on the battlefield and in life . `` He was one of those men who known by all as much for his humor , enthusiasm and loyal friendship as he was for his unparalleled skill and bravery under fire , '' said Lt. Col. David Hodne , head of the 75th Ranger Regiment 's 2nd battalion . `` This was a Ranger you wanted at your side when the chips were down . '' Domeij distinguished himself as a person as much as he did as a player while in high school , his former coach recalled . `` He was just a great kid , '' Carpenter said , describing his great sense of humor and engaging personality . `` And we knew , as coaches , that","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Fourteen times in nine years , Sgt. 1st Class Kristoffer Domeij had left his family behind and headed out on deployment as an Army Ranger , taking part in hundreds of combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan , all before his 30th birthday . His most recent tour turned out to be his last . The veteran soldier 's death rattled his commanders , as well as those in his native San Diego . His former football coach , Jeff Carpenter , remembered Domeij as diligent , funny , passionate and team-oriented . `` I told my classes that I was incredibly sad to begin with and incredibly angry , '' said Carpenter , who besides being an assistant coach the past 18 years is also a social sciences teacher at Rancho Bernardo High School . `` Just the fact that it happened to someone like him -- it 's hard . '' Domeij , 1st Lt. Ashley White and Pvt. 1st Class Christopher Horns all died Saturday in Kandahar province when an improvised explosive device blew up near their assault force , according to a U.S. Army Special Operations Command news release . The trio"} +{"answer":"Johnisa Turner , said . `` A weight has definitely been lifted . '' Grandmother Lorene Turner said U.S. Embassy officials called with the news that her granddaughter would be turned over to U.S. officials . `` When I heard those words I did n't hear nothing else . I flipped out . I ca n't wait , '' she said . But Jakadrien 's family was still demanding to know why immigration authorities deported the teen -- a U.S. citizen with no knowledge of Spanish -- and why they simply took her at her word when she gave them a fake name . The teen 's family had been searching for her since she ran away in the fall of 2010 . Her grandmother scoured Facebook looking for the girl , viewing Jakadrien 's friends ' pages for any information . `` There 's no words , '' Johnisa Turner told CNN of the ordeal . `` It has n't been easy at all . '' The Colombian Institute for Family Welfare confirmed Thursday that Turner is in its custody , is pregnant , and entered the country as an adult . The institute said Colombian authorities learned about","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Colombia is preparing to hand over to U.S. officials a Dallas teenager who was mistakenly deported after she ran away from home more than a year ago , the South American country 's foreign ministry said in a statement Thursday night . Jakadrien Turner will be turned over to diplomatic officials Friday so she can be transported to the United States , the statement said . But the foreign ministry did not say when -- or how -- that will happen . The U.S. Embassy in Bogota is working with Colombian authorities but can not provide additional details `` due to privacy considerations , '' said a U.S. State Department official who asked to remain anonymous per department policy . Jakadrien somehow wound up deported to Colombia after U.S. authorities mistook the girl , who lacked identification , for a Colombian national . Family members said Thursday night that they were thrilled at the news that the 15-year-old would be returning home . `` It 's a giant step . I 'm relieved , but I wo n't be completely relieved until I get her in my arms again , '' the girl 's mother ,"} +{"answer":"runway were cleared . No flights were delayed , he said , and the airport is `` up and running . '' Mark Waddle , who works at the airport , said he saw the storm form . `` It was real small at first , '' said Waddle , an employee at the airport 's Budget Car Rental counter . `` All the clouds were twirling around . '' Waddle said he watched as the tornado touched down near the airport . `` It looked like it hit some kind of transformer because the whole sky lit up blue , '' he said . `` Then it kind of blew through the Tupelo airport . ... It was blowing so hard the trees were touching the ground . '' Waddle said he was not aware of any significant damage to the airport apart from overturned trash cans and debris in tree branches . `` All of the people and all the vehicles and everything are fine up here at the airport , '' he said . Bobbye Jones , who works at the Mississippi Department of Transportation in Tupelo , said the roof blew off the lab at the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A tornado swept through parts of Tupelo , Mississippi , on Thursday , damaging trees , power lines and overturning a 18-wheel truck , a law enforcement official said . iReporter Graham Hancock saw damage Thursday at the Tupelo Furniture Market in Tupelo , Mississippi . `` Just a little earlier this morning , we began to get reports of damage starting from the west side of Tupelo , '' said Chief Deputy John Hall of the Lee County Sheriff 's Department . Hall said the storm moved north across the city to the Mall at Barnes Crossing . Nearby on U.S. 45 , an 18-wheel truck was overturned , he said . There were no reports of injuries , and Hall said authorities were assessing damages . Watch as a Tupelo resident describes the storm '' Jeff Snyder , general manager for the Mall at Barnes Crossing , said the shopping center sustained `` minor property damage . '' Terry Anderson , executive director of Tupelo Regional Airport , said the facility had minor damage , including some broken windows . He said the airport was closed for about 10 minutes while the taxiway and"} +{"answer":"and collect it for lab testing . The couple received a copy of the completed report last week from the Food and Drug Administration Office of Regulatory Affairs , which concluded the foreign matter appeared to be a frog or a toad . Watch CNN 's Nicole Lapin discuss the results '' `` The animal was lacking internal organs normally found in the abdominal and thoracic cavity , '' the report notes . A second , closed can from the same 36-pack of Diet Pepsi from Sam 's Club , was also submitted for testing , according to Amy DeNegri . No abnormalities were detected , the report states . The FDA also conducted an investigation at the local Pepsi bottling plant in Orlando from August 4 to 11 and `` did not find any adverse conditions or association to this problem , '' spokeswoman Siobhan DeLancey said . `` We have not determined when or how the contamination occurred , '' DeLancey said in an e-mail . Pepsi says the FDA results `` affirmed '' the company 's confidence `` in the quality of our products and the integrity of our manufacturing system , '' according to spokesman Jeff","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The `` disgusting '' blob in Fred DeNegri 's Diet Pepsi can was probably a frog or toad , the Food and Drug Administration said . Amy DeNegri took pictures of the can in question right after her husband gagged on its contents . DeNegri was grilling in his backyard tiki bar in Ormond Beach , Florida , when he popped open a can of Diet Pepsi , took a big gulp and started gagging , his wife , Amy , said . He emptied out the can down a sink but something heavy remained inside . He shook the can until something resembling `` pink linguini '' slid out , followed by `` dark stuff , '' Amy DeNegri said . But the heavy object inside the can never came out , she said . `` It was disgusting , '' said Amy DeNegri , 54 . `` And now , what started out as a normal afternoon in our tiki bar has blown up into this crazy thing . '' The DeNegris took pictures before calling poison control and the FDA , which showed up the next day to examine the can in question"} +{"answer":"her ability to walk , talk , eat or even breathe on her own . An oxygen machine pumps air into her lungs around the clock . Anthony Leoni knew they needed help . `` If you told us 10 years ago this is how your life is going to be , I would have said we 're not capable . We do n't have the training , ability , we do n't have the energy , we do n't have the stamina . '' They found Bill Feeman of Westside Regional Center . `` When you walk into this home and you see Jessica , -LSB- you -RSB- just fall in love with her , '' Feeman says . `` She is a sweet soul -- you see her , she 's physically helpless , yet there 's a light that shines out of her eyes , it takes you in . `` When you meet this family and you see how hard-working and involved they are , you just wan na do everything you can to help . '' Watch the family 's heartbreaking struggle '' Feeman worked to find in-home support in the form of nurse caregivers","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Anthony and Lisa Leoni have little time to worry about whether California 's budget crisis will affect their daughter 's life-sustaining care . Anthony and Lisa Leoni are afraid of budget cuts that pose a threat to daughter Jessica 's care . A steady stream of nurses , caregivers and therapists visit 12-year-old Jessica at home around the clock . Jessica suffers from a rare and fatal disease called Niemann Pick Type C . A cholesterol imbalance destroys healthy cells in the liver , spleen and brain . Although Jessica led a relatively normal life before the illness worsened , her mother always knew the disease would eventually take over . `` Jessica was playful , happy and loves people . My heart was always a flutter because you never knew how many moments you 'd get , '' Lisa Leoni says . In Jessica 's case , a grand mal seizure suffered Memorial Day weekend 2005 brought a world of hurt to the Leonis . At the height of her symptoms , Jessica suffered up to 60 seizures a day . The disease , also known as NPC , has stolen"} +{"answer":"problems , according to Maletta . `` Families are finding it difficult to meet their most basic needs , as prices for basic food items are at record high levels , '' he said . Not only do civilians need emergency aid , they also need protection from military abuses , aid groups said . `` Since Somalia 's security forces have committed so many violent abuses against civilians , efforts to strengthen them also need to make them more accountable , '' said Georgette Gagnon , Africa director for Human Rights Watch . The combination of security and humanitarian assistance is necessary to curb piracy in the region , which borders the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean , aid groups said . The April 8 hijacking of the U.S.-flagged cargo ship Maersk Alabama made headlines worldwide when its American captain , Richard Phillips , was held hostage by four Somali men . Phillips was rescued four days later , after U.S. Navy snipers fatally shot three pirates . The fourth suspect , Abduwali Abdukhadir Muse , was brought to New York to face federal piracy charges . Ships with aid supplies destined for countries in the region","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Recent headlines focusing on the rash of pirate attacks off the coast of Somalia should instead focus on the humanitarian crisis driving Somalis to commit crimes on the high seas , an international aid group said Thursday . Somalia 's population have suffered from a lack of the most basic services . An estimated one-third of Somalia 's population desperately needs emergency aid , the international agency Oxfam said , as donors to Somalia met in Brussels , Belgium . `` Without economic opportunities offering alternatives to criminality , and without law and order to curb these activities , then the massive economic returns of hijacking ships will continue to drive piracy , '' Robert Maletta , policy adviser for Oxfam , said in a news release . `` The international community must urgently focus their attention on finding ways to assist the millions of people in desperate need , '' Maletta said . Somalia , which is racked by poverty and conflict , has not had a fully functioning government since 1991 , when its president was overthrown in Mogadishu , the capital . Drought and rising food prices have added to the nation 's"} +{"answer":"'' Positive feedback mechanisms amplify changes occurring in the climate . In the case of the Arctic region there is a sort of vicious circle of warming occurring . White ice sheets perform an important function in moderating global temperature by reflecting heat from the sun back into space . But they have begun to melt as the earth has warmed . The result is more dark sea water which absorbs heat , which in turn warms the earth more and encourages further melting . Globally , sea levels are now expected to rise more than double the IPCC 's most recent forecast of 0.59 meters before the end of the century . This will put millions of people in coastal regions at risk . World food production is also feeling the heat as yields of wheat , maize and barley had dwindled in recent months . In Europe , ecosystems in the North and Baltic Sea are believed to be experiencing their warmest temperatures since records began . And the Mediterranean is likely to experience an increased frequency of droughts . The WWF report also highlights a 2007 study conducted by the British Antarctic Survey . `` Widespread acceleration","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Climate change is happening faster than previously predicted according to a new World Wildlife Fund report . The WWF say climate change threat has worsened in the 15 months since the IPCC last reported . Bringing together some of the most recent scientific reports and data , `` Climate change : faster , stronger , sooner '' reveals that global warming is accelerating more rapidly than the predictions made in the IPCC 's Fourth Assessment Report published in 2007 . One of the most concerning aspects of recent data is evidence that , in some places , the Arctic Ocean is losing sea ice 30 years ahead of current IPCC predictions . Summer sea ice is now forecasted to completely disappear in the summer months sometime between 2013 and 2040 -- something which has n't happened for over a million years . The report 's author , geoscientist Dr Tina Tin told CNN : `` Arctic sea ice is melting much faster than everybody had been expecting . Why ? Well , maybe it 's because the positive feedback mechanisms have kicked in much quicker than we have been able to quantify ."} +{"answer":". `` The scalable performance level components may include a processor , memory , graphics controller , etc. . Software and services may include word processing , email , browsing , database access , etc. . To support a pay-per-use business model , each selectable item may have a cost associated with it , allowing a user to pay for the services actually selected and that presumably correspond to the task or tasks being performed , '' the abstract continues . Integral to Microsoft 's vision is a security module , embedded in the PC , that would effectively lock the PC to a certain supplier . `` The metering agents and specific elements of the security module ... allow an underwriter in the supply chain to confidently supply a computer at little or no upfront cost to a user or business , aware that their investment is protected and that the scalable performance capabilities generate revenue commensurate with actual performance level settings and usage , '' the application reads . ' A more granular approach ' According to the application , the issue with the existing PC business model is that it `` requires more or less a one","question":"-LRB- CNET -RRB- -- Microsoft has applied for a patent on metered , pay-as-you-go computing . Under a Microsoft proposal , consumers would receive heavily discounted PCs , then pay fees for usage . U.S. patent application number 20080319910 , published on Christmas Day , details Microsoft 's vision of a situation where a `` standard model '' of PC is given away or heavily subsidized by someone in the supply chain . The end user then pays to use the computer , with charges based on both the length of usage time and the performance levels utilized , along with a `` one-time charge . '' Microsoft notes in the application that the end user could end up paying more for the computer , compared with the one-off cost entailed in the existing PC business model , but argues the user would benefit by having a PC with an extended `` useful life . '' `` A computer with scalable performance level components and selectable software and service options has a user interface that allows individual performance levels to be selected , '' reads the patent application 's abstract . The patent application was filed June 21 , 2007"} +{"answer":"claiming Obama favored comprehensive sex education for kindergarteners . Democrats have not been above reproach either . After McCain secured the GOP nomination this spring , outside groups falsely claimed the Republican supported a 1,000-year war in Iraq and therefore was not worthy of the presidency . These misleading appeals suggest voters must remain vigilant about candidate , party , and group claims . Generally , the most misleading commercials have come from independent groups uncoordinated with the candidates . These organizations feel free to run emotional and inaccurate content designed to play on voter 's fears and anxieties . Some of the worst ads in recent memory , such as the Willie Horton ad in 1988 , have been broadcast by these kinds of groups . In past years , the only upside of attack ads was that they generally contained more issue content than other types of ads . Since reporters police campaign appeals , the ads generally stick to the issues and rely on factually-accurate information . Ad sponsors and candidates realize they will be held accountable for unfair ad content . However , commercials run this year represent a break with this general pattern . Attack","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Negative attacks are as American as apple pie . Since the early days of the republic , candidates attacked with a vigor that contemporary strategists would admire . In the 1800 presidential election , for example , Thomas Jefferson and John Adams criticized one another with a stunning ferocity on everything from foreign and domestic policy to private character and personal behavior . Later campaigns were n't much better . Critics of Andrew Jackson in 1836 accused him of murdering Indians . In 1884 , Grover Cleveland was ridiculed for fathering an illegitimate child . William Jennings Bryan was characterized as a dangerous radical in 1896 who would ruin the economy . Despite these historical precedents , the 2008 campaign has reached all-time lows in the use of misleading and inaccurate political appeals . Even Karl Rove , the architect of negative ads in previous campaigns , has complained about the tenor of this year 's campaign . John McCain broadcast an ad taking Barack Obama 's words out of context and suggesting Democrats were trying to compare GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin to a pig . The McCain campaign ran another spot erroneously"} +{"answer":"it , '' Sampras told the Guardian newspaper . `` I 'm obviously happy for Roger . If there 's anyone that deserves it , it 's Roger . He 's come so close -LRB- previously -RRB- , '' Sampras said of the new champion and world number two , who lost the last three consecutive French Open finals to Spain 's Rafael Nadal . Federer spoke exclusively to CNN after his win and said he was relieved to have bounced back after relinquishing the world number one slot and the Australian and Wimbledon titles to Nadal in 2008 . `` It 's been a fantastic day - to get the elusive French title in the end was unbelievable . I always believed I was good enough to get it - but holding the trophy , after all I 've been through was just unbelievable . I 'm so proud right now you ca n't believe it . `` For me there was never a question whether I was going to retire . I worked extremely hard in the off season . Losing semifinals and finals all of a sudden was n't good enough for people anymore . But this","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former world number one , Pete Sampras , has described recently crowned French Open champion Roger Federer as the best player in history . Roger Federer after equalling Pete Sampras 's record of winning 14 men 's singles titles . The 37-year-old American , nicknamed ` Pistol Pete ' for his bullet-like serves , won a record 14 grand slam men 's singles titles over a 15-year career , though never captured the trophy at Roland Garros . In beating Sweden 's Robin Soderling 6-1 , 7-6 , 6-4 to take the French title on Sunday , Federer equaled Sampras 's record and became only the sixth man in history to win each of the four majors . Debate : Is Federer the greatest player ever ? The feat marks the 27-year-old Swiss out as the finest player to ever grace the game according to Sampras : `` What he 's done over the past five years has never , ever been done -- and probably will never , ever happen again . `` Regardless if he won there or not , he goes down as the greatest ever . This just confirms"} +{"answer":"for the economy and for bringing an end to the war in Iraq . It also featured stories of struggling families in swing states such as Ohio and Missouri and included testimonials from high-profile supporters , including Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson . iReport.com : What do you want to ask Sen. Obama ? Obama 's Republican opponent , Arizona Sen. John McCain , was not mentioned , nor was the GOP . The spot ended with a brief , live Obama address to a rally in Florida , another hotly contested state in this year 's campaign . `` I 'm reminded every single day that I am not a perfect man , '' he said . `` I will not be a perfect president . `` But I can promise you this : I will always tell you what I think and where I stand . I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face . I will listen to you when we disagree . And , most importantly , I will open the doors of government and ask you to be involved in your own democracy again . ''","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sen. Barack Obama 's 30-minute TV ad , which ran simultaneously on broadcast and cable networks at 8 p.m. ET Wednesday , is muscle-flexing that has little precedent , a campaign advertising expert said . Sen. Barack Obama aired a 30-minute campaign ad Wednesday night . `` It 's evidence , if you needed any , that the Obama campaign has more money than there is ad time left to buy , '' said Evan Tracey , director of the Campaign Media Analysis Group . `` This is flexing the muscles . '' Tracey estimates that it will cost the campaign `` in the $ 4 to 5 million range -- at a minimum , $ 3.5 million . '' But , he said , spending the money is a `` no-brainer '' for the Democratic presidential hopeful . `` The strategic brilliance of this for Obama is that he is going to consume about 24 hours of the news cycle , '' Tracey said . `` It boxes -LSB- John -RSB- McCain in , takes the oxygen out of the room . '' In the carefully produced infomercial , Obama laid out his plans"} +{"answer":"Angola . New Ivory Coast manager Sven-Goran Eriksson named a predictably talent-laden 30-man squad , with his side favored to be the continent 's best prospect in South Africa . The Elephants , who face Brazil , Portugal and North Korea in Group G , can call upon the English Premier League 's top scorer Didier Drogba and his teammate at champions Chelsea , Salomon Kalou . The midfield ranks include Barcelona 's Champions League winner Yaya Toure , Hamburg 's Guy Demel and Cheick Tiote of Dutch champions FC Twente . Former England and Mexico coach Eriksson , who took over from Vahid Halilhodzic after a disappointing Africa Cup of Nations campaign , also has England-based defenders Emmanuel Eboue , Kolo Toure , Abdoulaye Meite and Steve Gohouri . Cameroon coach Paul Le Guen has given Rigobert Song the chance to appear at his fourth World Cup after naming the 33-year-old defender in his 30-man squad . Veteran midfielder Geremi , who also plays in Turkey , may play at his second tournament while Benoit Assou-Akotto is recalled after missing the Africa Cup of Nations through injury and his fellow Tottenham defender Sebastien Bassong is included too after being","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Ghana coach Milovan Rajevac has selected captain Michael Essien and defender John Mensah in his preliminary 29-man World Cup squad despite the duo still recovering from injuries . Midfielder Essien has not played for his English club Chelsea since December , when he suffered a hamstring injury before breaking down with a knee problem at the Africa Cup of Nations the following month . Mensah , who also plays in England on loan with Sunderland , has been sidelined with a calf injury arising from a physical complication which has plagued him in recent years . Midfielder Kevin-Prince Boateng , who also plays in England , was named by the Serbian coach on Tuesday despite still waiting for his nationality switch to be approved . Blog : `` Dynamite '' Drogba will explode at World Cup The Portsmouth player was born in Germany , who he has represented at under-21 level , but has a Ghanaian father and his uncle has played for the Black Stars . Rajevac has recalled Inter Milan midfielder Sulley Muntari , who was dropped for the Africa Cup of Nations in January after deciding not to play in a friendly against"} +{"answer":"the Catholic community when photographs of him embracing a bathing-suit-clad woman emerged last month in TV Notas magazine . He acknowledged having carried on a two-year relationship with the woman , who at that time had not been publicly identified . `` This is something I 've struggled with , '' he told CNN in May . `` I do n't support the breaking of the celibacy promise . '' Referring to his relationship with the woman , he said , `` It looked like a frivolous thing on the beach , you know , and that 's not what it is . It 's something deeper than that . '' After the photographs surfaced , Cutie was removed from his duties at St. Francis De Sales Catholic Church in Miami Beach and on the Radio Paz and Radio Peace Networks . Cutie had been president and general director of Pax Catholic Communications , home of Radio Paz and Radio Peace . He has also written newspaper advice columns and a self-help book , `` Real Life , Real Love . '' John C. Favalora , archbishop of the Catholic Church 's Miami archdiocese , said last month that Cutie","question":"MIAMI , Florida -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Father Alberto Cutie , an internationally known Catholic priest who admitted having a romantic affair and breaking his vow of celibacy , was married this week in Miami , Florida . Father Alberto Cutie was married in Coral Gables , Florida , on Tuesday , according to court documents . Cutie , 40 , announced last month that he was leaving the Catholic Church and joining the Episcopal Church . A judge performed the marriage ceremony Tuesday in Coral Gables , Florida , for Cutie and Ruhama B. Canellis , 35 , according to Miami-Dade County court documents . Cutie , whose name is pronounced koo-tee-AY , is a native of Puerto Rico , and Canellis was born in Guatemala . He was received into the Episcopal Church on May 28 at Trinity Cathedral in Miami . He will pursue the priesthood in the Episcopalian faith , the Episcopal Diocese of Southeast Florida said in a written statement . It was not immediately clear how long the process would take . Cutie -- sometimes called `` Father Oprah '' because of the advice he 's given on Spanish-language media -- shocked some in"} +{"answer":"of the White House Web site says Obama and Vice President Joe Biden `` support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent . '' Obama still supports reinstating the ban , as he did during the presidential campaign , but there are no plans to reintroduce it anytime soon , according to an administration official . Obama thinks more can be done to stop the illegal flow of weapons to Mexico within existing laws , the official said , noting that the president has taken steps to deploy more law enforcement to curb the illegal flows of drugs , weapons and cash in both directions across the border . The administration is unaware of any broad-based efforts in Congress to reinstate the ban , the official said . Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told CBS on Thursday that reinstating the ban `` simply is not part of the plan that we 're talking about here . '' Watch what Napolitano says about drug violence '' The Obama administration says the U.S. shares responsibility for the situation in Mexico , but as far as the ban goes , `` there 's a lot on our plate , '' White House","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Obama visits Mexico with many issues on the table , but reinstating the ban on assault weapons in the U.S. is n't likely to be one on which the two countries can reach agreement . Mexican federal police officers this week display an arsenal seized near the U.S. border . Mexican officials say criminals use assault weapons from the U.S. in the violent border region . Mexican President Felipe Calderon and Arturo Sarukhan , Mexico 's ambassador to the U.S. , say reinstating the ban would stop the deadly flow of weapons across the border . Under the Clinton administration in 1994 , Congress banned possession of 19 military-style assault weapons . The ban was allowed to expire 10 years later during the Bush administration . Earlier this year , U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said that Obama would like to reinstitute the ban on the sale of assault weapons , noting , `` I think that will have a positive impact in Mexico at a minimum . '' Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said last month that as a senator , she supported a measure to reinstate it . And the urban policy section"} +{"answer":"studies , Facebook also plays a role in how we fall out of love . Mashable writer Samuel Axon wrote a detailed feature about how Facebook has changed dating for the worse , Facebook dating app AreYouInterested released a study in which 21 percent of respondents said they would break up with someone via changing their statuses , and , most recently , infographic wizard David McCandless came out with a chart that shows popular breakup periods by way of status updates . Seventeen , for its part , reports that 10 percent of people have been dumped over Facebook , and the same number would just change their relationship status to `` single '' to cut a lover loose . The report also depicts the anguish the site can cause after a breakup , citing that 27 percent of people change their connection to their exes after a breakup via blocking -LRB- getEx-Blocker for that extra push -RRB- , hiding him or her on the News Feed or unfriending . Surprisingly , 73 percent of people keep their exes in the friends list . I 'd like to see some stats on how many of those 73 percent stalk","question":"-LRB- Mashable -RRB- -- There 's no denying that Facebook has had an impact on the way the younger set flirt , fall in love and break up . Now , Seventeen magazine has released a study that depicts just what kind of repercussions the social networking site has had on modern courtship . `` Teens are incredibly social , and Facebook plays a huge role in their love lives , '' says Ann Shoket , editor-in-chief of Seventeen magazine . According to the study -- which polled 10,000 guys and girls ages 16 to 21 -- Facebook plays an important part in how amorous teens make a connection . Within one week of meeting a new person , 79 percent of people click `` friend , '' and after adding a new friend ; 60 percent of people stalk their crush 's profile once a day -LRB- 40 percent check in on their would-be soulmate several times a day -RRB- . Moreover , contrary to beliefs that social networking is erroding interpersonal communication , 72 percent of those surveyed said that talking to someone online brings you closer to them IRL . As we have already seen in other"} +{"answer":", and my two sisters also died . '' Watch Reza Sayah 's interview with Shaista '' Doctors said the explosion shattered Shaista 's foot . Moments later she passed out . The next time she woke up she was in the female orthopedic ward of the GHQ Hospital in Mardan . Doctors said Shaista will recover from her shattered foot , but the trauma of losing a family will last a lifetime . `` She kept saying it all happened in front of me , '' said Salma Shaheen , a nurse . `` She said something fell on top of my mother and she got cut in half . '' It was clear that Shaista had won over the hearts of the doctors and nurses who said that they , in three days , had treated more than 800 civilians injured in the battle zone . Like many hospitals in northwest Pakistan , this one was under equipped . To hold an elderly woman 's broken leg together , doctors had made a make shift traction using a brick , a plastic shopping bag and rope . Watch Reza Sayah 's report from inside the hospital '' Shaista","question":"MARDAN , Pakistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Inside a hospital ward in northwest Pakistan , I found myself surrounded by sobs and screams . One scream was so high-pitched that I did n't think it was human . These were the sounds of agony , and they belonged to innocent civilians who were injured in the cross fire of Pakistani troops and the Taliban in the Swat Valley . CNN 's Reza Sayah with Shaista , who lost most of her family in an explosion as they fled fighting . Behind each cry at this ward was a story of loss . Doctors told me no one here had lost more than Shaista , an 11-year-old girl who watched as an explosion instantly killed most of her family . Shaista and her family were among hundreds of thousands of people who fled Pakistan 's Swat Valley on the day the Pakistani Army launched an all-out offensive against the Taliban . She says she was walking along a road with her family when a mortar shell suddenly fell from the sky . `` We were coming , '' Shaista told me , `` then my mother died , my brother died"} +{"answer":"they said . Not quite . Now the two Georgia men admit that the hairy , icy blob was an Internet-purchased Sasquatch costume stuffed with possum roadkill and slaughterhouse leftovers . Whitton and Dyer say that when they came up with the hoax , they had no idea it would become a media circus . `` It got legs and ran . It 's crazy now , '' Dyer told WSB . Co-hoaxer Whitton agrees : `` It started off as some YouTube videos and a Web site . We 're all about having fun . '' `` Fun '' is n't exactly how Clayton County Police Chief Jeff Turner sees it . He has kicked Whitton off the police force . `` He lied on national TV , '' Turner says of Whitton , `` so a defense attorney now could say , ` How do we know you 're not lying now ? ' '' Whitton and Dyer had announced that they had found the body of a 7-foot-7-inch , 500-pound half-ape , half-human creature while hiking in the north Georgia mountains in June . They also said they had spotted about three similar living creatures . Still","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The two men who claimed to have found the carcass of Bigfoot have surfaced to say : Hey , it was just a joke . Matt Whitton has been fired from his job as a police officer because of his role in the hoax . Not everyone is laughing . In an exclusive interview with CNN affiliate WSB , the two hoaxers -- car salesman Rick Dyer and now-fired police officer Matt Whitton -- said the whole situation began as a joke and then got out of hand . `` It 's just a big hoax , a big joke , '' Dyer said . `` It 's Bigfoot , '' Dyer explained . `` Bigfoot does n't exist . '' Whitton chimed in : `` All this was a big joke . It got into something way bigger than it was supposed to be . '' Watch the two men explain their `` joke '' '' At a news conference in California last week , the two men had stood by their claims that they had discovered Bigfoot 's corpse and had it on ice . Scientific analysis would prove it ,"} +{"answer":"years ago while working on `` The Patriot . '' He became a star while we were sequestered away in a small town in South Carolina based on the strength of the dailies going back to Los Angeles . Heath was a fantastically kind and sweet young man . He surrounded himself with his friends from Australia and never forgot any of us he ever worked with . I last saw him in Australia when he called my name on a Melbourne street and introduced me to Michelle , his -LRB- then -RRB- pregnant -LSB- girlfriend -RSB- . I have great memories of going for runs with him or watching a bootleg copy of a Parker and Stone 's musical called `` Cannibal ! The Musical of the Donner Party Tragedy . '' Heath must have been in a place of great pain and sadness to be split from his wife and child . He was sensitive and unfairly victimized in his native country by the unfortunate Australian custom called the `` tall poppy syndrome '' in which an Australian , the second he or she achieves global success , is immediately and arbitrarily accused of losing all of their","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- CNN.com reader Kristy O'Connor took a prenatal yoga class with Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams and says she was `` in awe of his devotion and attention to Michelle . '' Reader Dena Michnowih says she came across Ledger in Brooklyn , New York , teaching his young daughter Matilda her right from her left , and was enchanted . Heath Ledger is pictured with crew of the 2005 film `` Lords of Dogtown '' and members of the Zephyr skating team . CNN.com asked readers to share their memories of Ledger , who was found dead in a New York apartment Tuesday , January 22 . Famous for his roles in the films , `` The Patriot '' and `` Lords of Dogtown , '' Ledger was widely acclaimed for his portrayal of the homosexual cowboy Ennis del Mar in 2005 's `` Brokeback Mountain . '' CNN.com readers describe meeting Ledger in person , and call him humble and kind . Below are a selection of their responses , some of which have been edited for length and clarity . Donal Logue , actor , of Los Angeles , California I met Heath eight"} +{"answer":"broken dreams in a voice that 's pleasant , if not terribly distinct . In faded jeans and a toffee-colored cashmere sweater , he commands the stage with the same understated sex appeal he has on the big screen . At 53 , Costner is the soft-spoken , heroic everyman we 've seen time and again in such movies as `` Dances With Wolves , '' `` The Bodyguard '' and `` Field of Dreams '' -- except today he 's wielding an acoustic guitar instead of a baseball bat . The mission statement from `` Field of Dreams '' seems to apply to his philosophy as a recording artist : `` If you build it , they will come . '' Plenty of fans did come to his show that night , but earlier in the day , we caught up with the busy superstar during his rehearsal -- which he had opened up to a group of local college students in a Grammy-sponsored `` SoundCheck '' session . Listen to Costner kick it with his band '' CNN : Even though your album , `` Untold Truths , '' is being marketed as a country album , your","question":"NASHVILLE , Tennessee -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A singer took center stage at a Nashville honky-tonk to promote his new album . He had the good looks and easy charm of a movie star . Kevin Costner is putting his energies into music . His new record is '' Untold Truths . '' Only in this case , he was a movie star . Kevin Costner recently celebrated the release of `` Untold Truths '' -- his debut country record -- with a free show at The Stage on Broadway . He was backed by his band , Modern West , which also features guitarist John Coinman and bassist Blair Forward -- two men he met 20 years ago in an acting class . The three have been making music on and off since then , with Costner on lead vocals and rhythm guitar . Back in the day , they called themselves Roving Boy . Truth be told , the 2008 incarnation -- Kevin Costner and Modern West -- does not sound like a movie star 's vanity project . It 's contemporary Americana set against a Western backdrop . Costner sings about freight trains , dusty avenues and"} +{"answer":"these factors have prompted retailers to rethink Black Friday . And in a new development , the deals will be available from right now throughout the remainder of the holiday season . No need to freeze your butt off in a long line overnight ! For example , I picked up a laptop at Best Buy for $ 249 on November 11 . It was part of a one-day sale that the electronics retailer held to kick off the holiday shopping season . You can monitor the best deals out there on any number of Web sites dedicated to Black Friday deals . Some of the ones I 've checked in the past have included blackfriday.info , gottadeal.com and bfads.net . While we 're on the topic of holiday shopping , you 'll no doubt be asked to buy extended warranties on some of your purchases . I want to reiterate my annual refrain that they are n't necessary and are really just a waste of your money . Modern electronics seldom fail . In fact , flat-panel LCD and plasma TVs fail at only a 3 percent rate during the first three years of ownership , according to Consumer","question":"Atlanta , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- For all the ballyhoo about Black Friday , the crown jewel in the holiday shopping calendar has been something of a bust for retailers . That 's led to a shift in how the day is being handled this season . Historically , nobody outside the retail world was really familiar with the idea behind Black Friday . But sometime in the '90s , it suddenly became the thing to do to camp out overnight the day after Thanksgiving and wait for stores to open with their door-buster deals at 4 a.m. or 5 a.m. . But talk about inefficiency . The crowds that waited so long would thin out by 9 a.m. , and stores were more like ghost towns the rest of the day . And retailers probably did n't make any money on the stuff they were selling anyway ! Then there have been the actual physical dangers of having large crowds of people mill around and then dash like mad to snatch up deals . During Black Friday 2008 , a Wal-Mart employee was actually trampled to death by a mob of shoppers in New York . All of"} +{"answer":"YouTube . One of them showed him firing a pistol at a shooting range . Saari did not directly threaten anyone in the videos , so there were no grounds for further action , national police Commissioner Mikko Paatero told YLE . However , Interior Minister Anne Holmlund suggested the government will investigate how the police handled the case . Watch as the people of Kauhajoki mourn the victims '' `` It 's clear that we have to carefully go through what should have been done and if we could have avoided this situation in some way , '' The Associated Press quoted her as saying . Finnish President Tarja Halonen , speaking from the United Nations ' annual General Assembly in New York , also raised concerns about the YouTube videos . `` We , parents and elderly people , have a little bit of feeling about the Internet , '' she said during an impromptu TV interview . `` It 's like a strange planet for us . But it 's not so . It 's part of our world , so we have to step in . '' However she praised efforts by police , who she","question":"KAUHAJOKI , Finland -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Police in Finland have identified the 10 victims in Tuesday 's college shooting as eight female students , a male student and a male teacher . The bodies of the victims were also badly burned after being set on fire . The gunman -- identified by authorities as Matti Juhani Saari -- also died after turning the gun on himself . In addition , one woman was seriously wounded in the shooting . Finnish police had interviewed and released Saari a day before Tuesday 's bloody rampage at a college in Kauhajoki in southwestern Finland , the country 's interior minister said Tuesday . Finnish broadcaster YLE reported that police found a note at Saari 's apartment saying he planned the attack since 2002 because he hated `` people and the human race , '' according to Jari Neulaniemi of the National Bureau of Investigation . Neulaniemi told YLE that the shooting took place in a single classroom . Nine of the victims were found in the classroom and one in the corridor , the report said . Authorities say they became interested in the 22-year-old student after he posted four videos on"} +{"answer":". The International Security Assistance Force did not provide the nationality of the soldier who died in Afghanistan Thursday . Two top Pentagon officials said Wednesday they expect to be able to recommend more troop reductions in Iraq this fall and will try to find ways to increase troops in Afghanistan . One of the toughest fronts in the war has been the southern province of Helmand . The British Defense Ministry said its troops in southern Afghanistan killed a senior Taliban leader , two weeks after another leading militant died in a British missile attack . Mullah Bismullah Akhund was killed Saturday in the Now Zad district of Helmand , long a Taliban bastion . The Defense Ministry , in a statement on Wednesday , called Bismullah `` a senior key facilitator and logistician responsible for the northern Helmand region . '' The ministry says his death will disrupt the Taliban 's leadership structure and hamper the group 's ability to conduct attacks . `` He is believed to have commanded numerous fighters and was identified by Task Force Helmand as a key player in the insurgency , and criminality , before the strike , '' according to ISAF","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Local security forces and coalition soldiers in western Afghanistan killed several insurgents Thursday in what the NATO command called a `` successful operation against high-priority Taliban targets . '' British troops detain suspected Taliban Militants during a recent operation in Afghanistan . The operation took place in the Shindand district of Herat province . Two Taliban leaders , Haji Dawlat Khan and Haji Nasrullah Khan , and `` significant number of other insurgents '' were killed , according to a statement from NATO 's International Security Assistance Force . It added there was no evidence of civilian casualties or accidental damage in the operation , in which a `` number of men were discovered handcuffed and imprisoned in appalling conditions in one of the insurgent compounds . '' The incident reflects the increasing violence between troops and Taliban militants across Afghanistan and the growing concern in the United States that the war there should be more of a priority than it has been . Since May , the deaths of U.S. and allied troops have far outpaced the toll in Iraq . On Thursday , the toll in Afghanistan was 21 compared to six in Iraq"} +{"answer":"the country , a popular tourist destination because of its animals . `` You know if a human child came in need of care , you would n't put a bullet in or turn it away , '' said Daphne Sheldrick of the foundation . `` Elephants are the same . ... Whatever comes in , we have to make space . '' The facility has more than 20 elephants in Nairobi and more at another center in Tsavo National Park , where they are also rehabilitated . Kenya depends on tourism as a main source of income . Sala taps into that to help earn the $ 900 monthly cost for her upkeep . She slushes and slides in a mud bath for throngs of tourists and uses her trunk to nudge the only other person she dwarfs -- a squirming toddler . Sala and the other animals will be released back into the wilderness when they are old enough , which takes years . Long after they are gone , their caretakers will still worry about the fragile animals they help nurture . `` After working with these elephants , it 's no longer just a job ,","question":"Nairobi , Kenya -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sala saunters in the red soil , her wrinkled skin glistening in the sun as she tries to keep up with the rest of the herd . It is hard to believe the 6-week-old , dwarfed by her human keeper , will grow up to be one of nature 's biggest beasts . Until then , she lives at a Nairobi orphanage that takes in baby elephants struggling to survive . There , she walks around in the lush wilderness with her peers , drinks soy milk and waves her trunk playfully as her keeper applies sunscreen on her delicate skin . A red garment tied around her back keeps it safe from the sun 's glare . Sala is one of scores of animals orphaned by drought , poaching and shrinking habitats , which have decimated wildlife across Kenya . The baby elephant was found wandering , alone and confused , after her mother died of starvation , her caretaker said . Conservation groups such as the David Sheldrick Foundation , where Sala is , have seen an influx of wildlife . The foundation takes in orphaned elephants and rhinos from across"} +{"answer":"small increase in pay . Consistent with federal guidelines designed to improve the educational system , Gallo asked teachers to work a longer school day of seven hours and tutor students weekly for one hour outside school time . She proposed teachers have lunch with students often , meet for 90 minutes every week to discuss education and set aside two weeks during summer break for paid professional development . Think of it as asking teachers to go back and fix what they did n't do right the first time . Central Falls High School is one of the lowest-performing schools in Rhode Island . It operates in a community where the median income is $ 22,000 , according to census statistics . Of the school 's 800 students , 65 percent are Latino and most of them consider English a second language . Half the student body is failing every subject , with 55 percent meeting requirements in reading and only 7 percent in math . `` No thanks , '' said the teachers . `` You 're fired , '' said Gallo . Upon hearing this story , my first thought was how do we get this woman","question":"San Diego , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In most high schools in America , they teach Shakespeare . But at Central Falls High School in Rhode Island , they 're acting out a Shakespearean drama . Only instead of the famous line from Henry VI -- let 's kill all the lawyers -- what we have is : `` Let 's fire all the teachers . '' That 's exactly what Central Falls School District Superintendent Frances Gallo did in February . In a move that was bold but also justified , Gallo fired 77 teachers at Central Falls High School in Rhode Island , along with the school 's principal , three assistant principals and other administrators . In all , the district said , 93 people were let go in the purge . The school board later stood by Gallo and approved the action . The mass firings , which take effect at the end of this school year , came after the district failed to reach an agreement with the local teachers ' union on a plan that would have required teachers to spend more time with students to improve test scores -- with only a"} +{"answer":", '' Gene Hugoson , commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Agriculture , told reporters in a conference call on Friday . The U.S. Department of Agriculture National veterinary services laboratories conducted the confirmatory testing on the sample collected at the fair , held in Saint Paul , Minnesota , between August 26 and September 1 . Further testing is ongoing . The pigs sampled showed no signs of sickness and were apparently healthy , the officials said . The samples collected were part of a joint University of Iowa and University of Minnesota research project funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to determine whether animals at such events had the infection . `` Like people , swine routinely get sick or contract influenza viruses , '' Vilsack said . The misconception that the virus , sometimes called the swine flu , could be contracted through eating pork has hurt sales of the meat in the wake of the expanding pandemic . This year 's crowd of 1.79 million attendees was a record . Though an outbreak of H1N1 was reported among a group of 4-H ` ers who had attended the fair , officials said it","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The H1N1 virus has been confirmed in a sample taken from a pig that was displayed at the Minnesota State Fair , the first time the virus has been found in a U.S. pig , the U.S. Department of Agriculture said Monday . The Department of Agriculture quickly issued a statement saying the food supply is safe . `` We have fully engaged our trading partners to remind them that several international organizations , including the World Organization for Animal Health , have advised that there is no scientific basis to restrict trade in pork and pork products , '' Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said in the statement . `` People can not get this flu from eating pork or pork products . Pork is safe to eat . '' The announcement came three days after health officials announced that three pigs that were displayed during the fair had tested positive in a preliminary test for the H1N1 flu virus . Final results on the other two pigs have not been announced . `` This , of course , may be the first indication that it is present in some swine here in the United States"} +{"answer":"said Tuesday . While investigators said they had little insight into Barnes ' mind-set or motivations , the woman with whom he was in a custody dispute over their young daughter said in court documents filed last year that she was frightened to be in the same state with him . `` The weapons are harmful , and I do n't know if he will try to use them against myself or my family , '' the woman wrote in a filing for a temporary restraining order filed with the Pierce County Superior Court on May 24 . She wrote in other documents reported on by CNN affiliate KIRO that Barnes might be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder after a deployment to Iraq . Barnes , 24 , served as a radio and communications repair specialist with 2nd Squadron , 1st Calvary Regiment , a unit of the 2nd Infantry Division located at Joint Base Lewis-McChord near Seattle , according to Army spokesman Troy Rolan . He joined the Army in February 2007 and was deployed to Iraq from that year to shortly before his discharge in 2009 , Rolan said . Details of his discharge were not immediately available","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The man authorities believe was responsible for the New Year 's Day shooting death of a national park ranger in Washington state was a former soldier who owned many knives and guns despite an emotionally unstable , vindictive and anger-prone mind-set , the mother of his toddler daughter said in court documents . Authorities on Monday found Benjamin Colton Barnes ' body face down in a creek in Mount Rainier National Park , not far from where investigators believe he fatally shot park ranger Margaret Anderson . Investigators say they believe Barnes shot the ranger after he blew through a checkpoint set up to check vehicles to make sure they had the proper winter gear necessary to travel the park . Anderson and another ranger had set up a second roadblock to stop him when he jumped out of the car and opened fire . She was struck before she was able to get out of her vehicle , authorities said . Anderson , 34 , was the first Rainier park employee to be a homicide victim , and the devastated staff needed a few more days to recover before the park reopens Saturday , officials"} +{"answer":"Larry King : What caused the breakup of the marriage ? David Goldman : I do n't know . Apparently , she decided she wanted to live in Brazil , where she said she had more friends and more family and where she was known . King : Did you feel happily married ? Goldman : Yes , I thought we were happily married . King : So this was a call out of the blue ? Goldman : I was completely blindsided and crushed . King : What did you do then ? Goldman : Well , I -LRB- got -RRB- a phone call . My mom tracked it down as being Father 's Day , about three days after they arrived . The first call was they got there safe , everything was OK . Then , I got a phone call and a very serious voice -- a voice they did n't recognize , really , as being , you know , it was out of her normal tone . Bruna says , `` David , we need to talk . You 're a great guy . You 're a wonderful father , but our love affair","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An 8-year-old American boy is caught in the middle of an ugly custody battle so high profile that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is using her clout to try to bring the boy home . David Goldman 's legal battle to gain custody of his son has drawn the attention of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton . In 2004 , David Goldman dropped off his wife , Bruna , and then-4-year-old son , Sean , at the airport for a two-week vacation in Brazil . Shortly after she arrived in her native country , Bruna told David she wanted a divorce and planned to stay in Brazil with their son . Bruna later remarried and got pregnant , but she died while giving birth last summer . Goldman thought he was getting his son back , but a Brazilian family court judge granted custody of Sean to Bruna 's new husband . Goldman talked with CNN 's Larry King about the international legal battle he is waging to gain custody of his son . King also talked to Helvecio Ribeiro , Bruna Goldman 's uncle . The following is an edited version of the interviews ."} +{"answer":"the media elite were perched on the same wire , Bob would land on the opposite wire and gleefully squawk at them . Bob was an ideologue more than a partisan . One of the many sources of tension between us was the fact that I am a partisan Democrat who believes that , from time to time , my personal ideological agenda must take a backseat to advancing a broader progressive agenda carried by my party . Not Bob . He was a conservative first , last and always , and when he felt the Republican Party had strayed from his hard-core anti-tax , anti-government ideology he would hammer the GOP with the same withering ridicule he usually dispensed to Democrats . Bob was deeply skeptical of authority . He was a lowly lieutenant in the United States Army , and he instinctively distrusted big shots -- a rarity in a town that is often dazzled by rank . For a guy who said he preferred business to government , he was not afraid to show his contempt for network executives with whom he disagreed . Bob had a remarkable work ethic . In the predawn hours after the","question":"Editor 's note : Paul Begala , a Democratic strategist and CNN political contributor , was a political consultant for Bill Clinton 's presidential campaign in 1992 and was counselor to Clinton in the White House . He was a co-host of `` Crossfire '' on CNN with Robert Novak from 2002 to 2005 . Paul Begala says he admired Robert Novak for his skepticism about authority , work ethic and faith in his beliefs . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In our innumerable debates , I delighted in calling Bob Novak `` the finest mind of the 12th century . '' One time , though , he scowled and growled , `` I prefer the 15th century . Spanish Inquisition . Those were the days . '' Novak left this world on Tuesday , but he also left his mark . Needless to say I disagreed with Bob about virtually every political issue , and sometimes our on-air debates continued as profanity-laced shouting matches after the show ended . Despite our profound differences , though , we were friends . Here 's why : Bob was an iconoclast . He loved poking conventional wisdom in the eye . If all"} +{"answer":". And I 'm really not keen on hearing it too many more times . But on the other side , it 's exhilarating . Again , we were blessed with the best feat in aviation , with the best pilot and co-pilot . That 's all I can say . King : Vince , what goes through your mind ? Vince Spera , survivor : Larry , the entire conversation that you hear going back and forth is just indicative of how the entire cabin was . It was calm , controlled , but tense . That 's really what that conversation started to sound like to me . Listen to pilot 's communication with flight controller '' King : Alberto ? Alberto Panero , survivor : It 's filling in pieces to the puzzle . While everything was going on in the plane , we did n't have much information of what was going on actually . So hearing this now kind of fits into the puzzle , where we see where I was at the point when everything was happening in the plane . King : Brad ? Brad Wentzell , survivor : It 's an amazing","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Four survivors of the US Airways Flight 1549 that went down in the Hudson River appeared on `` Larry King Live '' Thursday to discuss a recording of the pilot calmly telling an air traffic controller the plane would ditch . Carl Bazarian , clockwise from left , Vince Spera , Alberto Panero and Brad Wentzell appeared on `` Larry King Live . '' `` We 're gon na be in the Hudson , '' pilot Chesley B. `` Sully '' Sullenberger radioed on January 15 , about three and a half minutes after the Airbus A320 took off from New York 's LaGuardia Airport . The Federal Aviation Administration released the recording on Thursday , a day after the National Transportation Safety Board said both the plane 's engines contained the remains of birds . Larry King : Carl , what goes through you when you hear the recording , especially the calmness ? Carl Bazarian , survivor : You know , to me -- my son played it for me this morning . I found it incredibly stressful and sobering that we were so close to death . And that 's the bad side"} +{"answer":"'s birthday with fireworks displays , fire officials will be watching weather forecasts and preparing to make sure revelers are as safe as possible . They often start by banning spectators from a safety zone , or perimeter , around the launch site to protect them from drifting embers that can get as hot as 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit . For that reason , fireworks launches over harbors , rivers and other bodies of water can often be larger in scale . `` For a venue like New York Harbor , it is common for -LSB- launch -RSB- barges to be located on the water , well away from land , '' said Guy Colonna , division manager with the National Fire Protection Agency . `` Even if the winds increase , it 's possible ... -LSB- for -RSB- the safety of the display not to be compromised . '' Fireworks shows originating on land have stricter standards for the size of the perimeter , depending on wind speed , because spectators are generally closer to the explosives , Colonna said . Strong winds can make safety trickier . According to the Boston Globe , hundreds of people at a 2005","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In staging their Fourth of July fireworks show , authorities in Ocean City , Maryland , have faced challenges in recent years from Mother Nature . Fireworks light up the sky over Milwaukee , Wisconsin , during the city 's 2008 Fourth of July festivities . In 2005 , thick fog veiled the celebration . Spectators could n't see the detailed patterns and colors of the fiery blasts -- they only saw the clouds and haze get brighter . Thunderstorms erupted the next two years , delaying the show in 2006 and then forcing its cancellation in 2007 . That year , storms brought winds that were just too strong . `` We start taking a hard look at the direction and speed of the wind when it gets to 15 or more knots -LSB- about 17 mph -RSB- , '' said Ocean City Fire Marshal Sam Villani . `` At 20 knots , we consult the shooters ... to see if our perimeter is safe for the crowds . Twenty-knot -LSB- 23 mph -RSB- sustained winds would probably be our cutoff . '' As millions gather across the United States on Saturday to celebrate America"} +{"answer":"to Your Most Private Questions . `` Promise to be there for any and all doctor 's visits whether a mammogram or routine appointment , '' she said . `` Most moms always say ` do n't bother , ' but another set of eyes and ears is always a good idea at a doctor 's visit . '' The best part ? This one is free . Health.com : A mammogram may have saved my life 2 . Give the gift of healthy eating . Rather than an expensive , artery-clogging brunch , you can spring for a visit with the nutritionist and follow it with a healthy meal . `` Mother 's Day is a great reason to get your mom to see a nutritionist , '' said Dana Greene , a nutritionist in private practice in Boston . `` Nutritionists can really tailor their advice to whatever issues mom is having with her diet , including losing weight or learning how to eat to reduce her risk of certain diseases such as breast cancer or osteoporosis , '' Greene says . `` An appointment lasts about an hour and is relatively inexpensive . Take mom out for","question":"This Mother 's Day , skip the flowers and forget the chocolate -LRB- unless it 's dark -RRB- ! Give your mom something she really needs -- the gift of good health . Do something good for mom this Mother 's Day by getting her healthy food and investing in her wellness . No , you do n't have to buy her a treadmill . There are many other things you can do to give your mom a boost in terms of her physical -LRB- or mental -RRB- well-being . Most moms will truly appreciate that your Mother 's Day gift is aimed at keeping her happy , healthy , and in your life for a long time . In case you are drawing a blank , we came up with a list of healthy -- and relatively inexpensive -- gift ideas for every mom . 1 . Give the gift of -LRB- your -RRB- time and support at the doctor 's office . `` Offer to be your mom 's health buddy , '' says Philadelphia-based women 's health expert Dr. Marie Savard , author of several books , including Ask Dr. Marie : Straight Talk and Reassuring Answers"} +{"answer":"mother , Lisa Sams , according to police in Paradise , California , a town of 27,000 people about 90 miles north of Sacramento . Watch the family talk about their `` scary '' ordeal '' `` I 'm glad I 'm home . Praise God , '' Dominguez told reporters after exiting a chopper at the search command post . `` It was awful . '' Asked how he survived , he replied , `` Jesus Christ . '' Dominguez said he used branches and sticks to spell out the word `` Help '' near the culvert , where the three slept the last two nights -- at times sleeping with their feet inside each other 's shirts to help stave off frostbite . He said his daughter was the first to hear a California Highway Patrol helicopter overhead . He said he ran though several feet of snow barefooted to wave it down . `` When they turned around , man , I was just praising God and saying , ` Thank you Lord , thank you Lord , ' because I knew we had made it , '' he said . Police vehicles equipped with snow chains","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Stranded in the snowy California woods for three days after losing their way while searching for a Christmas tree , a father and his three children fashioned a `` Help '' sign out of twigs on a nearby unpaved road , according to the helicopter pilots who found them . Lexi and Joshua Dominguez exit a helicopter Wednesday , shortly after being found . The four sought shelter from the heavy snow in a culvert and removed their sodden socks in an effort to stay warm and dry while they waited for rescue , the pilots said . Frederick Dominguez said that during the three-day ordeal , he and his children slept inside a log for warmth and ripped apart their shirts to wrap their wet , freezing feet . `` You just go to survival mode , '' he said . `` Every parent would do that . You would do anything , sacrifice yourself , because these are your kids . '' Dominguez and his children -- Christopher , 18 ; Lexi , 14 ; and Joshua , 12 -- were reported missing Monday night by Dominguez 's former wife and the children 's"} +{"answer":"Sometimes what counts is n't being the inventor , it 's being the innovator . Take the fried Twinkie , for example . The Twinkie -- in all its indestructible glory -- has been around for ages , but when ChipShop owner Christopher Sell had the brilliant idea to freeze the snack , dip it in batter , and deep-fry it , the Twinkie took gluttony to new heights . Even The New York Times raved about how `` something magical '' happens when you taste the deep-fried Twinkie 's `` luscious vanilla flavor . '' Sell , who was trained in classical French cuisine , did n't start with the Twinkie , though . In his native England , he fried up everything from M&M 's to Mars bars . 3 . Root Beer Float -- Myers Avenue Red Soda Co. , Cripple Creek , Colorado If you thought what happened up on Cripple Creek only happened in song , you 're sorely mistaken . In August of 1893 , a failed gold-miner-turned-soda-company-owner named Frank J. Wisner was drinking a bottle of his Myers Avenue Red root beer while looking up at Cow Mountain . Just then , a","question":"-LRB- Mental Floss -RRB- -- 1 . The Hamburger -- Louis ' Lunch , New Haven , Connecticut This burger did not come from Louis ' so ketchup is OK . There are competing claims for the coveted `` Inventor of the Hamburger '' title , but according to Louis ' Lunch -LRB- and the Library of Congress , for that matter -RRB- , this small New Haven restaurant takes the prize . The story goes something like this : One day in 1900 , a rushed businessman asked owner Louis Lassen for something quick that he could eat on the run . Lassen cooked up a beef patty , put it between some bread , and sent the man on his way . Pretty modest beginnings for arguably the most popular sandwich of all-time , huh ? If you visit Louis ' today , you 'll find that not much has changed . The Lassen family still owns and operates the restaurant , the burgers are still cooked in ancient gas stoves , and , just like then , there is absolutely no ketchup allowed . 2 . The Fried Twinkie -- The ChipShop , Brooklyn , New York"} +{"answer":"six people . The crew also will be dropping off Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata , who will replace NASA 's Sandy Magnus on the space station . The shuttle also will carry a replacement for a failed unit in a system that converts urine to drinkable water , NASA said . Watch an explanation of why Wednesday 's launch was scrubbed '' Kathy Winters , the mission 's chief weather officer , said Sunday appears to offer only a 20 percent chance of weather that would scrub the launch . The crew , led by commander Lee Archambault , is expected to board Discovery at Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral , Florida , at about 4:30 p.m. Sunday . Officials said the crew has been training and resting for the mission since Wednesday . Earlier this week , Magnus , station commander Michael Fincke and Russian engineer Yury Lonchakov had to take shelter in their Soyuz spacecraft -- a lifeboat of sorts -- when a piece of debris from an earlier mission hurtled uncomfortably close to the station . The debris , moving about 20,000 mph , came within three miles of the station but caused no damage .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The space shuttle Discovery is on pace for a Sunday launch after NASA engineers repaired a leaky gas venting system , officials said Saturday . Space shuttle Discovery readies for launch , which now appears on pace for Sunday . The leak had canceled a planned launch on Wednesday . NASA hopes the seven-member crew can take off around 7:40 p.m. Sunday on a mission to the international space station , where they will deliver supplies needed to expand the station 's crew to six people . `` The vehicle is looking real good ... , '' lead shuttle flight director Mike Moses said . `` Basically , I think I can sum this up by just saying we 're good to go tomorrow and we 're looking forward to getting the count going . '' A leak in a hydrogen gas vent line forced Wednesday 's delay . Repairs went smoothly , Moses said . The line funnels flammable hydrogen away from the launch pad during takeoff . The shuttle crew will be delivering the final parts needed for an expanded solar energy power system that will allow the station to double its crew to"} +{"answer":"by pharmaceutical companies because of the small patient population and lack of financial incentives . Drug companies tend to focus on the more lucrative `` blockbuster drugs '' for common diseases , at the expense of cures for rare conditions . The term `` orphan drug '' was originally coined because the pharmaceutical industry took little or no interest in discovery , development and marketing of drugs for rare diseases . According to the European Organization for Rare Diseases , rare diseases affect between three and five percent of the population in developed countries . In the European Union , a disease is considered rare if it affects fewer than five in 10,000 people , while in the United States the disease must affect fewer than 200,000 people . Many countries , such as the United States , Japan and the United Kingdom , have therefore attempted to encourage pharmaceutical companies to invest in orphan diseases by giving them tax incentives , fee reductions and extensions of patent rights . The United States was the first country to develop an orphan drug law in 1983 , followed by Japan and Australia . In 1997 , the Australian Orphan Drugs policy","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The 1992 Hollywood movie `` Lorenzo 's Oil , '' depicts the true story of Lorenzo , a five-year-old boy who suffered from adrenoleukodystrophy -LRB- ALD -RRB- , a rare and incurable disease that slowly destroys the entire nervous system . Michaela Damin and her son , Nick , who suffers from an extremely rare disease that affects the heart . The movie showed how Lorenzo 's grave physical and mental decline was finally stopped when his tireless parents found a treatment based on a mixture of oils , despite skepticism from doctors . The film illustrated perfectly the struggle faced by patients suffering from any of 6,000 known rare conditions worldwide , generally known as orphan diseases . Michaela Damin , founder of the Barth Syndrome Trust , whose son , Nick , suffers from this crippling syndrome that affects the heart and immune system and only has 130 known sufferers worldwide , told CNN : `` It can take years to get the correct diagnosis and even then there may be no expert who knows what to do next . '' The fact remains that rare diseases are still mostly overlooked"} +{"answer":"try to get it -LSB- done -RSB- outside of bankruptcy . But if we ca n't , we 're not going to compromise our goals . We 're going to get it done inside our bankruptcy . Our preferred approach is still to do it outside , but you ca n't rule out going in . '' Over the past few weeks pundits of all stripes have appeared on financial news networks suggesting that entering Chapter 11 is GM 's only way to future viability . `` Get on with it , '' they say , and save us the agony . It is the only way , they argue , General Motors can get relief from its immediate cash-flow issues , tear up or substantially modify its union contracts , dump unnecessary brands , close plants and `` right-size '' its operations . But those pundits who propose Chapter 11 fail to acknowledge that General Motors is a consumer-facing company whose success or failure is in the hands of millions of average Americans . This group will decide to buy or not buy General Motors vehicles based on what they know , hear and even feel about GM 's","question":"Editor 's Note : Jack R. Nerad is Executive Editorial Director for Kelley Blue Book and kbb.com , and co-host of `` America on the Road , '' heard on more than 300 radio stations . In the 1980s he served as Editor of Motor Trend magazine . Nerad is the author of `` The Complete Idiot 's Guide to Hybrid and Alternative Fuel Vehicles , '' published recently by Alpha Books . Jack Nerad says bankruptcy would drive car buyers away from GM and imperil suppliers . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The events of the past week have been unprecedented in the auto industry and in the annals of American business . As the events have unfolded , there is the strong implication from the administration 's automotive task force that Chapter 11 bankruptcy , followed by restructuring and `` cleansing '' of General Motors ' balance sheet , is a potential scenario in the ongoing efforts to keep the giant automaker alive . GM 's new chief executive , Fritz Henderson , acknowledged as much on CNN Sunday . `` You ca n't rule options off the table . So you basically say we will spend time to"} +{"answer":"dismantled two ETA commando cells before they could strike , one of them last October in northern Spain 's Navarra province , and the other late Saturday , when the six suspects were arrested . Martitegi 's arrest came after police trailed an alleged ETA local leader from Spain to a meeting in France with Martitegi for a two-hour training session on the use of explosives and weapons , Rubalcaba said . Police made the arrests in France right after the meeting , before the alleged local leader could return to Spain to share those details with his alleged commando cells , Rubalcaba said . Police seized three pistols , two vehicles , and a small quantity of explosives from Martitegi and the two others arrested in France , Rubalcaba said . `` I think it 's very good news and shows the constant police coordination and the cooperation between the police and the courts , '' Spanish Judge Baltasar Garzon , who was involved in the latest investigation , told reporters . Martitegi is the fifth ETA suspect arrested in France in the past two weeks . Given the heavy police crackdown , Rubalcaba said investigators have noted some","question":"MADRID , Spain -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The suspected leader of the Basque separatist group , ETA , and two alleged accomplices were arrested over the weekend in France . Jurdan Martitegui Lizaso is the fifth ETA suspect arrested in France in the past two weeks . Jurdan Martitegi Lizaso , 28 , was arrested Saturday in a French-Spanish operation near Perpignan in southeast France , Spanish Interior Minister Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba said Sunday in a nationally televised news conference here . Hours later , in northern Spain 's Basque region , six other ETA suspects -- ages 25-31 -- were arrested , Rubalcaba said . Police suspect Martitegi replaced the suspected ETA military chief who was arrested last December and who , in turn , had replaced the alleged ETA military chief who was arrested last November , Rubalcaba said . Those arrests occurred in France , from where ETA has launched a number of attacks into Spain . ETA is blamed for more than 800 deaths in its more than four decades of fighting for Basque independence and is listed as a terrorist group by the European Union and the United States . Rubalcaba said police had also"} +{"answer":"calendar . `` I am confident that the Tour will take appropriate actions to ensure that this injustice is not allowed to occur in the future , and that the Tour will make sure I will not be further harmed in the short and long term , '' Peer said in a statement on Tuesday . `` There should be no place for politics or discrimination in professional tennis or indeed any sport . '' Peer has experienced a `` tremendous outpouring of support and empathy '' from fans , friends and fellow players , but agrees with the Tour decision to go ahead with this week 's Dubai Open . WTA chairman and chief executive officer Larry Scott had said : `` The Sony Ericsson WTA Tour believes very strongly , and has a clear rule and policy , that no host country should deny a player the right to compete at a tournament for which she has qualified by ranking . '' Scott noted this is not the first time Dubai has taken this type of action . Last year an Israeli men 's doubles team was denied entry while Andy Ram , a member of Israel 's","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Organizers of a tennis tournament in Dubai , criticized for banning an Israeli player , said Tuesday they were trying to protect the woman from anti-Israel protests . Shahar Peer told CNN she learned of her visa ban Saturday , just before her scheduled flight to Dubai . `` The Tournament respects Ms. Shahar Peer as a professional tennis player on the Tour and understands her disappointment , '' the organizers wrote in a statement . `` Ms. Peer personally witnessed protests against her at another tournament in New Zealand only a few weeks ago . `` We do not wish to politicize sports , but we have to be sensitive to recent events in the region and not alienate or put at risk the players and the many tennis fans of different nationalities that we have here . '' Peer was scheduled to fly to the United Arab Emirates on Sunday , but was informed on Saturday night by telephone that she would not be granted a visa . Watch Peer describe her disappointment '' This sparked a response from the Sony Ericsson WTA Tour that it could drop Dubai from the World Tennis Tour"} +{"answer":"being callous , uncaring or egotistical . It is true that cultural differences exist in many aspects of human behavior , and many of these differences are not trivial . But in the Chinese incident , in which the small child was gravely injured before someone finally carried her away , it would be too facile to think that apathy in the face of others ' suffering is a signature of the local culture . First , the public outcry and outrage within China was quite the same as what one would see in other countries . Second , there have been , of course , similar cases in other countries . Indeed , there was the torture and murder of Kitty Genovese in Queens , New York , in a 1964 street attack . Early reports , which may not have been entirely accurate , indicated that many people listened to or watched the attack and did nothing to stop it , and so a media blitz followed . Commentators asked : What is wrong with New York City , what is wrong with these times , and what is wrong with the particular neighborhood ? Outrage in China","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A security camera video of a toddler being run over twice on a street in China has swept across the Web in recent days and has drawn a chorus of horrified denunciations . How , we wonder , could so many passers-by have so callously ignored the girl 's plight ? As humans , we are horrified when we learn that a person in distress is not helped , even when , as in this case , many potential helpers are present . Our horror increases if the person is victimized in a particularly vicious or careless way by fellow human beings . Our horror is further heightened when we learn that the victim is helpless and the kind of person who normally stimulates our instinct to aid and protect . Our spontaneous reaction is to say : `` Had I been there , I would have helped ; what is wrong with these people ? '' If an incident occurs in a foreign country or culture , it is easy -- maybe tempting , as we grapple with something so baffling -- to conclude that the particular culture is to blame , that it is"} +{"answer":"the ability to adjust travel itineraries from their mobile device . Delayed Delta passengers who miss a connection now can immediately rebook a different flight and download a new boarding pass , all while in the air . The airline has some new app plans up its sleeve as well . Delta declines to give a release date for the feature , but it is close to unveiling a new tool where travelers can track checked baggage from their mobile devices , according to Delta spokesman Paul Skrbec . -LRB- They can already do so on the airline 's website . -RRB- The airline eventually could offer other services on its mobile app that are already listed on its website , such as the ability to search for hotel and car rental reservations , Skrbec said . GuestLogix , a company that creates onboard merchandising technology , is already trying to integrate these services into an airline app with the launch of its OnTouch Mobile Concierge platform , which it pitched to major airlines this week , a company official said . The mobile app does not just offer access to itinerary details , but it also functions as a","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Airline passengers are already able to check in to flights , download boarding passes , select a seat on the go and keep an eye on the upgrades list thanks to recent evolutions in smartphone technology , and the options just keep growing . A global industrywide Airline IT Trends Survey shows that more than 90 % of the airlines surveyed are increasing their investment in mobile capabilities to ease the hassles of getting through the airport and improve the in-flight experience . And the airlines are likely to find a way to generate revenue , too . So what 's a flier to expect from airline apps on the horizon ? In the not-too-distant future , you 'll probably be able to rent a car , pay bag fees and use augmented reality to find the nearest airport bar through your airline 's smartphone app . Delta Air Lines is putting emphasis on improving mobile functionality . While some airline apps allow travelers to make flight reservations -LRB- a feature that Delta has not introduced but promises is coming -RRB- , the world 's largest carrier is one of the few airlines that gives customers"} +{"answer":", the pace of events was so frenetic that the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Ewa Beach , Hawaii -- which tracks earthquakes and tsunamis for countries throughout the Pacific Ocean , Indian Ocean and Caribbean Sea -- had already been alerted to the looming disaster by the time the seismometer evidence came in . `` The National Weather Service director in American Samoa called the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center a few seconds before the alarms went off here , so we had an advanced warning and we were already sitting at the computer , looking at the data in real time , '' said Brian Shiro , a Pacific warning center geophysicist . It can take 30 seconds to five minutes for information from earthquake sensors placed strategically around the globe to roll into the two U.S. tsunami warning centers . When there 's a clear tsunami threat , the center 's operation room -- built to accommodate the two workers on duty -- becomes flooded with people all jostling to offer assistance . The phone lines consistently ring and `` people are yelling at each other so everyone will be on the same page , and you do","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When an earthquake threatens to turn part of an ocean into fast-moving walls of water , tsunami warning scientists can do nothing for the first five minutes except wait for information . But within the next five minutes , they have to decide whether to issue a warning of danger . Brian Shiro has been a geophysicist at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center for four years . And you thought your job was high pressure . `` If we see a set of circumstances and it fits into our criteria for -LSB- the -RSB- event , we just follow that criteria because we do n't have much time to think . There is n't a lot of time for decision-making , '' said Paul Whitmore , director of the West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center . `` Weighing back there -LSB- in your mind -RSB- also is the effect of your decision . If the effect of your decision is going to evacuate the entire West Coast waterfront , you do n't want to take that lightly , '' he said . With Tuesday 's tragic tsunami that engulfed villages in Samoa and American Samoa"} +{"answer":"dioxide . '' -LSB- I -RSB- want to show that we can change , that solutions exist and that it 's not too late , '' Domjan writes on his Web site . `` Using technology and our knowledge to better promote renewable energies is the way towards a lasting world . '' Planet Solar will be covered in 470 square meters of solar panels -- the equivalent of two tennis courts . This means it will have particularly high energy absorption . See more images of the solar-powered boat '' Twenty-three percent of absorbed sunlight will be converted into energy that the boat can run on , compared with 17 percent for average panels , according to Planet Solar 's project manager , Danny Faigaux of Grand Chelem Management . `` The first man sailed around the world 500 years ago and Raphael thought it was about time we did it in a different way , '' Faigaux told CNN . But relying purely on solar energy may prove difficult in areas of the world where bad weather prevents sunlight from penetrating the clouds . Batteries on Planet Solar will be able to store enough energy gathered from the","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The world 's largest , fastest fully solar-powered boat is being built in preparation for a round-the-world challenge . ' Planet Solar ' would be the world 's fastest fully solar-powered boat and is projected to cross the Atlantic in two weeks . The futuristic-looking `` Planet Solar , '' which is 100 percent powered by sunlight , is the brainchild of Swiss engineer Raphael Domjan , a former paramedic with a passion for innovative design and renewable energies . The 30-meter vessel is currently being built in Kiel , Germany , and will be finished early next year . If all goes according to plan , the boat will begin sailing summer 2010 -- first in European waters and then around the world . The boat can travel at up to 14 knots -LRB- 26k\/m -RRB- and would be the first solar-powered boat to travel at such high speeds . It is projected to be able to cross the Atlantic in just two weeks . Domjan hopes his ambitious , $ 11.5 million -LRB- $ 8 million -RRB- project will prove that boats can travel at high speeds without emitting any carbon"} +{"answer":", according to the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information . `` These things have their ups and downs , '' Adib said . `` These laws have generally relaxed as a matter of policy . But they are still sometimes enforced . '' The Arabic Network humans rights organization said the threat of flogging was retaliation for Hussein writing critically about the Sudanese regime . However , Adib does not think his client was targeted . `` There are round-ups that they do and it is indiscriminate , '' he said . `` I do n't think she was targeted specifically . They attack public and private parties and groups . They are called ` morality police ' and she was just a victim of a round-up . '' U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday called flogging `` against the international human rights standards . '' He said he would take every effort to protect his staff member . However , Hussein resigned from her position with the United Nations to avoid the immunity she would have received , Adib said . Hussein said she will stand firm that she did nothing wrong . CNN 's Umaro Djau ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The lawyer for the woman who faces 40 lashes for wearing clothes that Sudan deemed indecent called the law `` degrading . '' Lubna al-Hussein was told she had trousers considered too tight and a blouse too transparent . `` They ought to stop it , '' Nabil Adib said on Thursday . `` It is quite unnecessary and degrading . It is harassment . '' Lubna Al Hussein -- who writes for a newspaper and , until recently , worked for the media department of the U.N. mission in Sudan -- was arrested , along with 18 other women on July 3 . At the time of her arrest , she said , she was wearing pants , a blouse and a hijab or headscarf . Police accused Hussein of wearing trousers that were too tight and a blouse that was too sheer , she said . Watch more about the case '' A hearing on the case has been scheduled for Tuesday . Adib , the lawyer , seemed confident that the court would drop the case . The indecent clothing charge has only one punishment under Sudanese law -- 40 lashes in public"} +{"answer":"Chelsea 's underwear led them to 30-year-old John Gardner III . They showed his picture to the first runner and she said , `` He 's the same guy . '' Now he 's been charged with Chelsea 's rape and murder . The suspect was a registered sex offender . In 2000 , he lured a 13-year-old girl into his home on the pretext of watching the movie `` Patch Adams . '' Once he got her inside , he molested her and beat her to a pulp before she escaped . Before Gardner was sentenced , a psychiatrist warned that he showed no remorse and would likely attack a young girl again . He recommended `` the maximum sentence allowed by law . '' The courts sentenced Gardner to six years ; he got out after five . Five years for pummeling a 13-year-old girl in the face and fondling her . That is `` junk justice . '' If Gardner had been prosecuted to the full extent of the law then , he would have been behind bars when Chelsea went for a run on February 25 . Her grieving mom spoke directly to this point to","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Chelsea King , 17 , was a straight-A student , a high school track star and she loved to volunteer . Now , she 's been killed , the latest victim of what you could call `` junk justice . '' When Chelsea went running in a San Diego , California , park , it 's doubtful she had any idea that another young female runner had been attacked in that very same park just a couple of months before . That first victim said she feared her attacker was going to rape her . She managed to get away by elbowing the large man in the nose . If there were falling rocks in that park , a warning sign would be up . If a hungry coyote had been spotted scrounging for food , a warning sign would tell you . But there was no warning at all that a human predator , on the hunt for young women , might be in the park . If there had been a sketch of this suspect , or a warning posted , Chelsea might not have gone running alone there . Police said DNA on"} +{"answer":"is believed to be armed , Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas said Thursday . `` There 's a handgun missing from his apartment , which is the last place he was before he fled , '' he said . Jenkins matched the description of a man seen driving a boat Wednesday in Blaine Marina off northwest Washington , the Whatcom County Sheriff 's Office said . Blaine , Washington , borders Canada . Authorities searched the area and found Jenkins ' black SUV with an empty boat trailer at the Blaine Marina , police said . Jenkins reported Fiore missing Saturday night to the Los Angeles County Sheriff 's Department , authorities said . The body was identified Monday as Fiore . While the cause of death had not been confirmed , a preliminary coroner 's report indicated she was strangled . According to court records in Las Vegas , Nevada , Jenkins was charged in June with battery for allegedly striking Fiore in the arm with his fist . In 2007 , Jenkins pleaded guilty in Calgary , Alberta , to assault in a separate case . He was sentenced to 15 months probation , ordered to undergo","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The nude body of a former swimsuit model found last weekend in Orange County was identified through her breast implants ' serial number , two law enforcement sources said Friday . An arrest warrant has been issued for Ryan Alexander Jenkins , wanted in the death of Jasmine Fiore . An arrest warrant alleging murder was issued Thursday for Ryan Alexander Jenkins , a reality TV contestant whom Jasmine Fiore , 28 , married in March . CNN has not confirmed reports that the marriage was annulled . Fiore 's body was found Saturday in a Dumpster behind an apartment complex in Buena Park , just outside Anaheim , California . Her teeth had been extracted and fingers removed in what police said was an apparent attempt to conceal her identity . Fiore lived in Los Angeles and was last seen alive Friday in San Diego at a poker game with Jenkins , a reality TV contestant . `` We believe he has crossed into Canada , '' U.S. Marshals Chief Inspector Thomas Hession told reporters . Prosecutors requested bail be set at $ 10 million . Reality contestant charged '' Jenkins"} +{"answer":"schools , including Hebrew University . With the military ban in place , Salameh considered studying at a university abroad . `` I started to think I should get up and take this offer to leave , but it 's not easy to go abroad , and the only chance is for me to study in Israel , because it 's important for me to stay close to my family , '' Salameh said . Salameh sought the support of the Israeli human rights organization Gisha , which submitted a petition to Israel 's Supreme Court on her behalf in 2006 . The Supreme Court responded by asking the military to lift the ban and allow Salameh to study at Hebrew University , where she is pursuing a Ph.D. in pharmacology . `` We argued Sawsan 's case for 2 1\/2 years , and at the end of the day , the military agreed to let Sawsan study , '' said Sari Bashi , director of Gisha . `` It was impossible to deny her incredible talents and the example she set for women and girls throughout the West Bank , '' Bashi says . The Israeli military agreed to","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- For many graduate students seeking an advanced education degree , obstacles abound . Issues of finance , time management and family logistics often get in the way of students furthering their education and their dreams . Palestinian Sawsan Salameh is attending an Israeli university after years of negotiations and court proceedings . For Sawsan Salameh , the obstacles also involved politics . Several years ago , Salameh , a 31-year-old Palestinian from the West Bank village of Anata , was granted a scholarship to study at Hebrew University of Jerusalem . Although her town is only a few miles from the university , access to the school was out of reach because of an Israeli military ban that limited Palestinian students ' access to Israeli universities , on security grounds . But she was far from giving up on her goal of pursuing her education . `` When I was in high school , it was a dream that I should finish my Ph.D. , '' Salameh said . After obtaining a master 's degree at Al Quds University , a Palestinian school in the West Bank , Salameh was granted full scholarships at several international"} +{"answer":"her fianc\u00c3 \u00a9 to refocus , relocate and start a new life . Within a few weeks , they both found jobs near Phoenix , Arizona , earning close to what they were making in New York . They bought a home and two new cars and got married . But the good feelings suddenly and dramatically ended in October when Metzger , who was four months pregnant , showed up to work at Lumension , where she was a marketing manager . Metzger says she was called into the office , and it happened again . She was laid off from her second job in less than a year . Watch Linda talk about getting laid off \u00c2 '' `` I was so overwhelmed and so shocked that I just immediately burst into tears . '' She thought about how she and her new husband , who had just moved across the country , were going to be able to afford their new life and all the bills that came with it . A week later , Chris Metzger was called into his manager 's office at the job placement agency where he worked . He was told that","question":"PHOENIX , Arizona -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It was supposed to be just another day at work . Job losses suffered by Linda and Chris Metzger have had a ripple effect on other businesses in their community In early March 2008 , 31-year-old Linda Metzger went to the New York office where she had worked as an assistant vice president in the marketing department at Lehman Brothers for about a year . Only 15 minutes into her work day , Metzger was called into her manager 's office , where a representative from human resources was waiting . `` They told me that the company was having economic difficulties and that they had to make budget cuts , '' Metzger said . `` They were afraid that they were going to have to let me go and that it was not due to performance . '' Metzger says that would be her last day at Lehman Brothers . She was given some time to collect her composure , gather her belongings and head home . She was out of a $ 90,000-a-year job and was getting married in three months . Metzger says it was a chance for her and"} +{"answer":"but that 's because so few of them believed in the reality of global warming in the first place . It used to be said that we were all entitled to our own opinions , but not entitled to our own facts . No more . In modern America , we choose our facts to fit our opinions . Michael Barone drove this point home in a 2008 column for the magazine of the American Enterprise Institute : Americans ' views of the economy are increasingly a function of voting behavior or party loyalty , rather than the other way around . In early 2006 , a time of vibrant economic growth , 56 percent of Republicans said the economy was excellent or good , while only 28 percent of independents and 23 percent of Democrats agreed . Maybe Republicans were just doing better than Democrats ? No -- the partisan divergence held true among Republicans and Democrats even of the same income level . The same effect showed up in reverse in the 1990s . Under President Clinton , Democrats were more likely to assess the economy positively than were Republicans of the same income level . Media critics","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- I asked a knowledgeable environmentalist earlier this week : `` How big a story is the CRU scandal in your community ? '' `` The what ? '' `` The e-mails hacked at the Climate Research Unit at -LSB- the British -RSB- East Anglia University ? '' `` Ah . '' He smiled . `` It says something that I did n't immediately recognize what you were talking about . I suppose on my side we 'd take the same view that the Pentagon took of Abu Ghraib : a few bad apples on the night shift . '' Meanwhile , on the right , the story is the biggest scandal since the leak of the Pentagon Papers . Seemingly unperturbed by the CRU embarrassment , President Obama will shortly jet to Copenhagen to pledge reductions in U.S. carbon emissions . The Democratic majority in Congress continues to work on a cap-and-trade bill . At the same time , Gallup has recorded an amazing 20 point drop since summer 2008 in the number of Republicans who believe that global warming is occurring . Among Republican conservatives , the drop is slightly smaller -- 13 points --"} +{"answer":"was diagnosed with Spinal Meningitis . Hours and days crept by , waiting every four hours for our ICU visit , 10 minutes of torture . `` Your daughter is very sick . Her mind is surely in a vegetated state from the seizures she continues to have . The stroke that she suffered has caused the left side of her body to be paralyzed , '' the doctors said . See photos of Mandy throughout her ordeal '' `` She is in a coma and we see no way she will wake up . We really do n't think she will live through the night . It 's time to tell her goodbye , '' they continued . Mind spinning , stomach churning , feeling like I 've had the breath knocked out of me , I whispered , `` NO . '' `` No . We wo n't tell her goodbye . And you ca n't either . She has to fight . She has to know that we want her to fight . '' At 13 months , her left eye turned red . Allergies , Pink Eye , minor infection ? All easily treated , and","question":"CONYERS , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- `` Your daughter is a walking time bomb . '' We have been told this more times than I like to remember . We have lived every day not knowing if the next breath she takes will be her last . After 22 years in the dark , Mandy Young is grateful to finally have a name for her condition . Her illnesses come so quickly . It 's a daily battle of fear , worry , misery , faith and hope . She has been in the hospital more than 100 times . She has suffered one life-threatening infection after another . We share her story , our story , in hopes of helping others . We make sure that Mandy knows this is not just her illness . It 's our families ' life , our journey . She is not in this alone . It 's extremely hard living a life so mysterious that doctors and scientists named her rare disease after her . It 's our story about `` Mandy 's Disease . '' Mandy was a healthy , nine pound , green-eyed beauty -- until the day she"} +{"answer":", '' French President Charles de Gaulle said at the time . For the next 43 years , even though France selectively participated in NATO military operations , de Gaulle 's principle remained the governing cornerstone of French foreign policy . If Paris took orders from NATO military commanders , it was reasoned , the nation would no longer have complete control of its destiny . Sarkozy , however , believes the opposite -- that cooperation in NATO is a guarantee of French independence . Rejoining NATO 's military command , he argued , will give France a seat at the table for decision-making . From its earliest years , the organization 's trans-Atlantic ties were strained because U.S. analysts warned that if the European allies failed to increase their contributions to the alliance , they risked losing the support of the United States , according to NATO . Meanwhile , the European nations felt the United States was trying to dominate the organization , according to NATO . De Gaulle 's 1966 decision meant no French forces could be under permanent allied command and that France would have no participation in defense planning . In 1995 , France rejoined","question":"PARIS , France -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Opposition lawmakers Tuesday ridiculed President Nicolas Sarkozy for taking France back into NATO 's military command after more than 40 years , but were unable to stop the move when it came to a vote . French troops on patrol with the Afghan army as part of the NATO mission in Afghanistan . The National Assembly voted in favor of Sarkozy 's plan , 329-238 . Socialist Laurent Fabius , a former prime minister , told Prime Minister Francois Fillon : `` You tell us this would mean more independence and more influence . It would probably mean less independence and less influence . '' The move did not technically require parliamentary approval , but the president 's party scheduled the debate to give opponents a chance to voice their opinions -- and to show a majority backed it . Asking the National Assembly to vote on the issue also showed how sensitive the matter is in France . France was a founding member of the NATO alliance in 1949 but it left the military structure in 1966 amid friction with the United States . `` To cooperate is to lose your independence"} +{"answer":"today -LSB- Friday -RSB- , eight million , '' he told CNN . `` It 's getting worse , not better . '' Hypponen explained to CNN the dangers that Downadup poses , who is most at risk and what can be done to stop its spread . How serious is it ? It is the most serious large scale worm outbreak we have seen in recent years because of how widespread it is , but it is not very serious in terms of what it does . So far it does n't try to steal personal information or credit card details . Who is affected ? We have large infections in Europe , the United States and in Asia . It is a Windows worm and almost all the cases are corporate networks . There are very few reports of independent home computers affected . What does it do ? It is a complicated worm most likely engineered by a group of people who have spent time making it very complicated to analyze and remove . The real reason why they have created it is hard to say right now , but we do know how it replicates .","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A new sleeper virus that could allow hackers to steal financial and personal information has now spread to more than eight million computers in what industry analysts say is one of the most serious infections they have ever seen . Experts say a single infected laptop could expose an entire network to the worm . The Downadup or Conficker worm exploits a bug in Microsoft Windows to infect mainly corporate networks , where -- although it has yet to cause any harm -- it potentially exposes infected PCs to hijack . Mikko Hypponen , chief research officer at anti-virus firm F-Secure , says while the purpose of the worm is unclear , its unique `` phone home '' design , linking back to its point of origin , means it can receive further orders to wreak havoc . He said his company had reverse-engineered its program , which they suspected of originating in Ukraine , and is using the call-back mechanism to monitor an exponential infection rate , despite Microsoft 's issuing of a patch to fix the bug . `` On Tuesday there were 2.5 million , on Wednesday 3.5 million and"} +{"answer":"of Thomas Jefferson , I found kernels of America 's greatness . In those pages , I unearthed a yearning to dream beyond my surroundings , to strive for more , to seek a way to contribute to our nation . Many of the leaders , including Abraham Lincoln , born in a log cabin in Kentucky , ascended from humble beginnings on the wings of education to guide America forward . Devouring their stories , it ceased to matter where I was from or how far removed I was from the centers of power . With an education and a dream -- in America -- anything was possible . Whenever President Obama addresses our youth , he embodies the power of education . Education is the cornerstone of our democracy , the key to upward mobility , a linchpin to transforming whimsical dreams into actionable goals . Ask Bill Clinton . Raised by his widowed mother in Arkansas , he became a Rhodes Scholar . Look at Barack Obama . Emerging from a broken family , he built on degrees from Columbia and Harvard in his odyssey to the White House . Remember Dwight Eisenhower . Hailing from Kansas","question":"Editor 's note : Rudy Ruiz founded RedBrownandBlue.com , a site featuring multicultural political commentary . He is host of a nationally syndicated Spanish-language radio show and wrote a guide to success for immigrants -LRB- '' \u00a1 Adelante ! '' published by Random House -RRB- . He is co-founder and president of Interlex , an advocacy marketing agency based in San Antonio , Texas . Rudy Ruiz says the lives of U.S. presidents can make them positive role models for students . SAN ANTONIO , Texas -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Perhaps we got too used to living in a nation where the president inevitably becomes persona non grata . Maybe after the Clinton and Bush years , we forgot how to give a president a chance to serve not just as a punching bag but also as a role model . Have we become so disenchanted and polarized we ca n't give our own president a chance to teach our children something about what it takes to succeed ? As a small-town boy , I drew inspiration from presidential biographies . As I got lost in the adventures of Teddy Roosevelt , the spirit of George Washington and the ideals"} +{"answer":", '' said 18-year-old Yati , giggling in her white flower-adorned veil . They will plant the other saplings -- eucalyptus , avocado and mahogany -- at the sleepy village about an hour outside Garut where they plan to settle , for now . Indonesia 's landscape has been devastated by massive deforestation . Though not a heavily industrialized nation , Indonesia is behind China and the United States as the world 's third largest producer of greenhouse gas emissions . That is largely the result of the removal of its trees , which cut down the absorption of carbon dioxide . While Garut province is not the country 's worst offender , a Garut forestry official said he can no longer ignore the damage . `` Most people here work in agriculture which is of course highly dependent on the fertility of the soil , '' said Eddy Muharam of Garut 's forestry department . `` The fertility is decreasing now because of deforestation and intensive use of soil . '' Forestry officials have identified `` critical land '' in Garut , which has been overfarmed and needs to be reforested . The overfarming leads to erosion , which","question":"GARUT , Indonesia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The people of Indonesia 's Java Island still follow wedding traditions passed down centuries ago by their ancestors . Cucu and his bride , Yati Supriyatna , plant two saplings during their wedding ceremony . Family members gather for an all-day ceremony that begins with the groom bringing a gift to the bride 's house . On a hot and sticky morning in a village near Garut , 26-year-old Cucu carries a sapling to give to his bride . The young tree is not exactly a unique gift ; it 's part of a government initiative to bring back the Garut province 's devastated forests . Newly married couples must plant 10 trees under the program . If they divorce , they must plant 50 others . Cucu and his bride , Yati Supriyatna -- both dressed in all white -- headed to a mosque in the foothills of West Java 's mountains , where they carefully planted two saplings , a symbolic gesture . The young couple met in school three years ago and began dating last year . Watch as Indonesia tackles deforestation '' `` We 're just meant to be"} +{"answer":"before reports emerged from Bahrain that he and his children had landed there on a private jet as the guests of Sheikh Abdulla Bin Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa , the king 's son , and a friend of Jackson 's brother , Jermaine . It was claimed at the time that Jackson had a large fan base in the kingdom and wider Gulf region . Watch why Jackson is `` as big as it gets '' '' Indeed Bahrain , a chain of around 30 islands with a population of 766,000 and relaxed social social environment , appeared the perfect escape -- for 11 months anyway . It was made even more enticing by Sheikh Abdulla 's generosity . In 2008 he sued Jackson in a Britain 's High Court for # 4.7 million -LRB- $ 7.7 million -RRB- , claiming the pop star had reneged on a music contract . Sheikh Abdulla said he had paid all of Jackson 's living , travel and other expenses until his departure from Bahrain in May 2006 , and advanced funds to retain legal and financial advisers . Watch Jesse Jackson share memories '' Sheikh Abdulla also built a recording studio ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Michael Jackson 's sudden death has thrown the peculiar path of his later life back into the spotlight . Michael Jackson spent 11 months living in Bahrain after his acquittal on child abuse charges in the U.S. . He spent much of the past four years flitting from one part of the globe to another , failing to put down permanent roots . However , one of his longest spells in one place was spent in Bahrain . When his life was falling apart at the seams in 2005 he was offered sanctuary in the Persian Gulf kingdom . He had been just been acquitted of 10 child abuse charges at the end of a 14-week trial in the U.S. , but there appeared to be no respite from the bad publicity and his spiraling debts which had forced the sale of his Neverland ranch . He suffered health problems during the trial and appeared increasingly frail . Jackson , who died owing an estimated $ 500 million , had been living beyond his means for years and wanted to flee the spotlight . He had not been seen in the two weeks after the trial"} +{"answer":"in the military feel pressure to step up . `` These teens are expected to take on the responsibility the deployed parent used to take care of , '' said Mary Carolyn Voght , director of programs for Our Military Kids , a nonprofit organization that provides support to children with a deployed parent in the National Guard . `` There 's usually the expectation that they will pitch in and help out more . '' More than 30,000 teens between 12 and 18 have at least one parent in the National Guard deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan , according to the Department of Defense . When all military branches are taken into consideration , the American Psychological Association estimates about 700,000 children under the age of 18 have a parent deployed overseas for military duty . Playing mom and dad `` This is nothing , '' said Tyler Dix modestly , describing his daily task of taking his 9-year-old sister Tayana to ballet and violin lessons and being a crying shoulder for his 13-year-old brother , Tevin , when he misses dad . `` It 's a lot of responsibility , but I do n't really have a choice","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In Pennsylvania , Tyler Dix , a 16-year-old movie buff , is wide awake by 7 a.m. to cook breakfast for his younger siblings . Moranda Hern and Kaylei Deakin started Sisterhood of the Traveling BDUs , or battle dress uniforms . In Georgia , Tucker Simmons , a 14-year old novice guitarist , prepares ice packs for his mother whenever her chronic lower back pain kicks in . In California , Kaylei Deakin , an avid 17-year old rock climber , disciplines her little sisters when they act out . Tyler , Tucker and Kaylei are three teenagers from across the country who have very different interests , but one experience that bonds them : They grew up fast -- sometimes too quickly -- to fill the shoes of mom or dad when their parent was shipped off to wars in Iraq and Afghanistan . As the death toll from the two wars has risen over the last eight years , the fight has also affected a growing number of children left at home to cope without a parent . Whether it 's raising their siblings or getting an after-school job , teens with parents"} +{"answer":"their countries , that matters most for them . `` When that flag is waving and the anthem plays before the game , if that does n't get you going , you need to see a cardiologist , '' former Eagles player and coach Jack Clark told CNN . `` It 's just one of those moments where you feel not only a lot of responsibility , but you feel really privileged to have that responsibility . '' Lelos making strides Georgia did not make an appearance in the Rugby World Cup until 2003 , but the they became an overnight sensation during that year 's tournament with their passionate play , despite not actually winning a match . The Lelos , named after an indigenous Georgian sport similar to rugby , also qualified for the 2007 finals and nearly caused a sensation by coming within a whisker of beating established nation Ireland . Just 11 days later , they beat Namibia 30-0 to record their first World Cup success . For a nation that considers rugby to be a minority sport , Georgia are supported by an intensely loyal fan base and host a number of players who regularly","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As the powerhouses of the rugby world continue to battle over the Web Ellis trophy in the knockout stages of the World Cup , some of the sport 's less-fancied teams are making their way home after a valiant , if unsuccessful , fight in the group stages . Since the tournament began in 1987 , only four nations have walked away as world champions : New Zealand , South Africa , Australia and England . Canada 's Canucks , Georgia 's Lelos or the U.S. Eagles were never the bookmakers ' favorites to win the Cup and for obvious reasons . These emerging nations do not compete anywhere near as regularly as the elite sides and , along with tactical and experience deficiencies , face a daunting challenge to emerge from the bruising challenge of the pool matches in the world 's most prestigious event . But these teams do have heart and motivation and -- perhaps most of all -- they have the joy and passion of national pride . Whether or not they walk away with wins , it 's being there , representing their nations and improving the standard of rugby within"} +{"answer":"CNN last year . Officials at Harvard University and Columbia University have acknowledged that a Brooke Henson was enrolled at their schools , but said privacy laws prevent them from discussing details . `` There 's a little relief that goes with -LSB- the news of Reed 's arrest -RSB- , '' Brooke 's aunt Lisa Henson told CNN Sunday . `` But -LSB- Brooke -RSB- is still missing . I 'd like to have some answers . I would love to see -LSB- Reed -RSB- and look her in the eye and say , ` You 're a horrible person . ' '' Police say they 're confident Reed was not involved in Henson 's disappearance . Authorities believe Henson was killed by someone who knew her . However , no body has been found and no arrests have been made . Henson 's family had heard nothing about their missing relative for years until the summer of 2006 , when New York City authorities told police in Travelers Rest that they had found her , alive and well , in Manhattan . The police relayed that message to Henson 's family . `` I was jumping for joy","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A high school dropout who stole the identity of a missing South Carolina woman and used it to gain admission to two Ivy League colleges has been arrested , police said Sunday . Esther Reed , who allegedly used a missing woman 's ID to get into colleges , was arrested by U.S. Marshals . A fugitive for more than a year , Esther Reed was arrested Saturday by U.S. Marshals in suburban Chicago , said Clark Brazier , a spokesman for the police department in Traveler 's Rest , South Carolina . Reed is scheduled to have a bond hearing this week in Illinois . South Carolina authorities are seeking to extradite her on charges of aggravated identity theft and wire fraud . Reed assumed the identity of Brooke Henson , who was 20 years old when she disappeared more than eight years ago from Travelers Rest , investigators say . It 's unclear how Reed obtained Henson 's personal information , but Reed used Henson 's identity to take the SAT and GED , and then applied to the schools , said Jon Campbell , a Travelers Rest Police Department investigator who spoke to"} +{"answer":"of people who remain missing , Balido said by telephone from the island of Mindanao , the scene of the worst devastation . He added that the fishermen volunteered , since many of them had lost friends and relatives in the disaster . The unusually heavy rains of Tropical Storm Washi , which churned across the southern Philippines between December 16 and 18 , resulted in landslides and flash floods that swept away whole villages . The authorities have had to carry out mass burials in order to deal with the large numbers of dead . `` I 've gone through many disasters but this one is the worst as some of the survivors have lost so many family members , '' said Richard Gordon , chairman of the Philippine Red Cross . `` Some have lost as many as 30 relatives , '' he said in comments posted recently on the organization 's website . The number of people injured as a result of the storm has more than doubled to 4,594 from 1,979 at the weekend , according to the NDRRMC putting more pressure on already stretched relief agencies The United Nations said last week that the storm","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Philippine government said Tuesday that fresh rain in Visayas and Mindanao could set off flash floods and landslides , bringing the potential for more misery in places already struggling to recover from a deadly tropical storm . Eastern Luzon will experience cloudy skies with scattered rain , while the rest of the island will have mostly cloudy skies with light rain , the Philippine National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council -LRB- NDRRMC -RRB- predicted . On Tuesday , the national government offered a new death toll -- 1,453 -- then revised it again based on a count by Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council . The lower count means the death toll from the storm that lashed the southern Philippines more than a week remained unchanged from Monday : 1,249 . The bodies of people swept out to sea by flash floods from the storm have washed up on nearby beaches and islands , Maj. Reynaldo Balido , the military assistant for operations at the Office of Civil Defense , said Monday . The authorities have enlisted the help of local fishermen to help the continuing search and rescue efforts for the scores"} +{"answer":"and applies to ticket purchases made between February 1 and June 1 . The program is designed to appeal to people who have n't been downsized but worry they might be , said Alison Croyle , a spokeswoman for the airline . `` It 's something that we felt would provide an advantage to customers who otherwise might be too stressed to book future travel plans , '' she said . Then there 's the already-laid-off demographic . On some packages , Intrepid Travel is giving a 15 percent discount to people who 've recently been let go . The deal , with the tongue-in-cheek title , `` Laid off ? How about taking off ? '' has gotten a few dozen takers in the two months it 's been offered , said Leslie Cohen , spokeswoman for the travel company . Cohen said the discount is designed to give people a chance to clear their heads during a tough transition . Some of the deals start at less than $ 1,000 , she said . The company is `` not suggesting you use your life savings , '' she said . `` It 's really just a chance to","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Don Shows was a computer geek until he lost his job and took a road trip . JetBlue promises to refund some tickets purchased before a traveler is laid off from a job . While the 56-year-old from Dayton , Ohio , was away on his eight-day post-layoff adventure , he decided he really wanted to be a photojournalist . `` I ran into some interesting situations when I was out touring around the backcountry '' of the Midwest , he said . `` The road map is handy , but sometimes the road you 're looking for is not there . '' Stories like Shows ' are more common these days . The unemployment rate was at 7.6 percent in January , and , strange as it may seem , at least one travel company , an airline and a travel-bag maker are now catering to the layoff crowd -- both the recently let go and the future unemployed . For those who buy a plane ticket before they get the ax , JetBlue is offering to refund fares . The JetBlue Promise promotion is good for customers laid off on or after February 17"} +{"answer":"sovereignty , '' he said at a news conference with Atta . Thursday marked the first day of a U.S.-Iraqi pact that allows U.S. forces to remain in the country until 2011 , under tighter restrictions . Similar agreements have been signed with other coalition countries that remain in Iraq . A U.N. mandate that authorized international forces in the country expired Wednesday . Perkins said American troops will continue to fight alongside Iraqis -- `` but the Iraqis will be in the lead . '' `` When you come up to a checkpoint , the Iraqis will check your identification . They will make the decision if you come in or go out , '' he said . `` We will continue to be there to provide some technical capacity , to provide some mentoring , but you will see less and less American forces and more and more Iraqi forces -- and they will have the majority of the responsibility for making those key decisions which determine the security of the capital . '' Iraq 's three-member Presidency Council ratified the new pact in December . Under the deal , U.S. troops will withdraw from Iraqi cities and","question":"BAGHDAD , Iraq -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The U.S. military formally handed authority over Baghdad 's `` Green Zone '' to Iraqis on Thursday as new pacts governing the mission of international troops replaced a U.N. mandate . An Iraqi honor guard parades outside the former palace of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad on Thursday . Iraqi troops took over checkpoints around the heavily protected district , formally known as the International Zone , which houses Iraqi government offices and the U.S. Embassy . Saddam Hussein 's Republican Palace , which served as U.S. headquarters in Baghdad after the 2003 invasion that ousted Iraq 's longtime strongman , was among the facilities handed over in Thursday 's ceremony . `` This day is a great day in the history of the Iraqi people , '' Iraqi military spokesman Maj. Gen. Qassim Atta said . Maj. Gen. David Perkins , a U.S. military spokesman , noted the significance of turning over the former Republican Palace . Watch what goes on in the `` Green Zone '' '' `` The palace was handed back to the Iraqi people , significant as symbol of the head of the government and a sign for increased"} +{"answer":"conflict . The report cited `` increased travel restrictions on both Israeli and foreign reporters ; official attempts to influence media coverage of the conflict within Israel ; and greater self-censorship and biased reporting , particularly during the outbreak of open war in late December . '' Elsewhere in the Middle East , there are concerns about harassment of journalists and bloggers in Libya , Iran , Syria , Tunisia and Saudi Arabia . The drop in violence in war-torn Iraq helped journalists move around the country , and a new law in the Kurdish region gave journalists `` unprecedented freedoms . '' Hong Kong , which is part of China , also dropped in rankings from free to partly free , a reflection of `` the growing influence of Beijing over media and free expression in the territory . '' `` Of particular concern were the appointment of 10 owners of Hong Kong media outlets to a mainland Chinese political advisory body , increased restrictions on film releases in the period surrounding the Olympics , and reports that critics of Beijing encountered growing difficulty in gaining access to Hong Kong media platforms . '' The report cited deterioration of","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- `` Global declines in press freedom '' persisted last year , with setbacks highlighted in Israel , Italy , Taiwan , Hong Kong and elsewhere across the world , an annual survey said Friday . Media freedom campaigners don gags during a news conference in Hong Kong in April 2008 . Freedom House , a nongovernmental organization that supports democracy and freedom of the media , said in its annual press freedom survey that `` negative trends '' outweighed `` positive movements in every region , particularly in the former Soviet Union , the Middle East and North Africa . '' `` This marked the seventh straight year of overall deterioration . Improvements in a small number of countries -- including bright spots in parts of South Asia and Africa -- were overshadowed by a continued , relentless assault on independent news media by a wide range of actions , in both authoritarian states and countries with very open media environments . '' Israel -- once the only country to be consistently rated free by the group in the Middle East and North Africa -- was ranked as `` partly free '' because of the Gaza"} +{"answer":"get angry at myself , even though I 'm aware that I am in good shape . But what do feelings have to do with numbers ? Most women know that it is possible to immediately gain 15 pounds by eating one pint of Ben & Jerry 's . And when it comes to your butt -LRB- which can enlarge six sizes in the wrong pair of jeans -RRB- , the rules of physics no longer apply . Oprah.com : Start loving the way you look We need a better way to quantify these fluctuations -- a formula that goes beyond your BMI and calculates the feel of overweight . So I propose the personal body image index -LRB- PBII -RRB- . The general idea is as follows : \u2022 Start with your weight . \u2022 Subtract seven pounds if you have just worked out . \u2022 Add five if you 've single-handedly finished a plate of guacamole and chips ; four for macaroni and cheese ; six for death-by-chocolate cake . \u2022 Subtract 10 pounds if people nearby are fatter than you . \u2022 If you 're wearing black pants , subtract two ; if in a bathing suit","question":"-LRB- OPRAH.com -RRB- -- One portion of macaroni and cheese . One slice of chocolate cake . One pair of svelte black pants . Do some very simple , if highly emotional , addition and subtraction , and you arrive at a whole new way to see yourself . The first documented instance of my distorted body image is an entry in my fourth-grade journal . `` I just ate three cookies , '' it says . `` I feel fat . '' There is no way that I actually was ; my jeans , although dorky , fit just fine . Nevertheless , the disconnect grew worse as puberty approached -- especially in eighth grade , when the body mass index -LRB- BMI -RRB- entered my life . This is a formula that tells you whether you need to drop pounds -- and while it 's generally reliable , it does n't take body composition into account . At 5 ' 4 '' and 140 pounds , I 'm close to the overweight category , but that 's only because I 've got heavy bones and a sprinter 's thighs . Every time I calculate my BMI , I"} +{"answer":"It 's something inside me which I ca n't describe , as if I 've lived before in these places . '' In the 1960s , Fahmy was the first woman to apprentice in Cairo 's jewelry district . She says she 'd whither and die if she ever had to leave Egypt . She takes us on a personal tour of the beguiling Egyptian capital , where she finds inspiration in almost everything she sees . `` Everything in my mind is jewelry , '' she explains . `` I turn it into jewelry . '' Ibn Tulun Mosque The sprawling Ibn Tulun Mosque , the largest mosque in Cairo in terms of land area , is also considered the oldest mosque in the city to have survived in its original form.Cairo fact file : How to navigate Mideast 's biggest metropolis `` It 's one of my favorite mosques in Cairo , '' Fahmy says . `` The beautiful windows of this mosque give me a lot of joy . '' Fahmy says she 's always fantasized about the windows of Ibn Tulun . `` One day I 'll do a project called the Ibn Tulun collection ,","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- For the beautiful people , Azza Fahmy may be one of the best-known names in Egypt . Designer Azza Fahmy consults her daughters on jewelry designs in her Cairo studio . A high-end jewelry designer , Fahmy 's creations have adorned such beauties as supermodel Naomi Campbell and Queen Rania of Jordan . Her international luxury brand , Azza Fahmy Jewelries , blends Egyptian motifs and modern design to create high-end pieces . Working with precious metals and stones , Fahmy 's work is inspired by the distinctive shapes , colors , textures and calligraphy of the country . Cairo , the largest city in the Arab world nicknamed `` The City of a Thousand Minarets , '' is Fahmy 's home . She thinks she may have lived a previous life in old Cairo , which has now grown into a mega-city of almost 20 million inhabitants . See Azza Fahmy 's picks of what to do , see and eat in Cairo `` It 's a strong feeling when I 'm walking in the streets going to old houses , churchs and old mosques , '' Fahmy told CNN . ``"} +{"answer":", former Galaxy general manager Alexi Lalas last week expressed fears that Beckham could be tempted to bring an early end to his time in the U.S. AC Milan coach Carlo Ancelotti revealed Beckham 's attitude and intelligence had won him a place in the starting side in Rome where he had been expected to start on the bench . `` He did well , '' said Ancelotti . `` I chose Beckham to start because he proved in recent days to be a very intelligent player and serious . `` The appearance against Roma is a small reward for him because he worked very hard and has adapted well to the team . `` This was only his second game with us and he will improve . I believe everyone is happy to have Beckham here . '' Dutch midfielder Clarence Seedorf said : `` We have to compliment him . He has done a good job and he grew in the game . He still needs to improve but I think he can be very satisfied with what he has done after two months of not playing . '' Roma stand-in captain Daniele De Rossi suggested Milan had","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Brazilian star Kaka is leading the campaign for David Beckham to stay at Italian giants AC Milan beyond his agreed loan spell . Former England captain David Beckham has made an immediate impact with his contribution at AC Milan . The England midfielder is due to return to the Los Angeles Galaxy in March but playmaker Kaka said Beckham had already shown his star qualities . The 33-year-old played 89 minutes of the 2-2 draw with Roma on Sunday following a friendly outing against Hamburg . `` David has shown that he is a player ready to run the extra mile , '' Kaka told a news conference in Zurich ahead of FIFA 's world player of the year gala . `` The first matches showed quite clearly what his qualities are and his passing ability and his capacity to play well . `` Perhaps these first two months will lead to six months or to one year , to more contracts . I certainly would like to play more with him . '' Beckham 's advisers have stressed that there are no plans for him to stay at AC Milan beyond March 9 . However"} +{"answer":"$ 4.10 a gallon , said survey publisher Trilby Lundberg . That is up 9.7 cents a gallon from the same survey two weeks ago , Lundberg said . Sen. Charles Schumer , D-New York , downplayed the Saudi increase . `` Nice try , but no cigar . When gas is at $ 4 per gallon , demand increases almost daily , and the Saudis have millions of barrels per day more in spare capacity , '' he said . `` This is n't nearly good enough . '' Al-Naimi , the petroleum minister , also said the Saudi government will invest in oil projects that would allow Saudi Arabia to have the capacity to produce 12.5 million barrels per day by the end of next year . King Abdullah 's announcement came at the end of the Jeddah energy summit , where he also called for OPEC to set aside $ 1 billion for a strategy to ease the oil price crisis . He said $ 500 million should be given to developing nations to help them get the energy they need . King Abdullah said there are `` many factors that made oil prices high . ''","question":"JEDDAH , Saudi Arabia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Saudi King Abdullah confirmed Sunday that his country will increase daily oil production from 9 million barrels to 9.7 million in the near future to counter the sharp rise in international oil prices . Saudi Arabia has announced an increase in oil production in a bid to ease the pressure on oil prices . The Saudi petroleum minister , Ali I. Al-Naimi , said the country will reach the 9.7 million level by July . The announcement comes after Saudi officials announced modest increases . It would be Saudi Arabia 's highest production rate since 1981 . White House Deputy Press Secretary Tony Fratto praised the step , saying , `` Any increase in production in today 's oil market is welcome . It is important that we also take steps to increase domestic production and our refining capacity . '' Meanwhile , the average price of gasoline in the U.S. rose nearly 10 cents in the past two weeks to almost $ 4.10 a gallon for self-serve regular , according to a national survey released Sunday . The survey showed the national average was just a fraction of a cent under"} +{"answer":"for Great Britain , told CNN in an exclusive interview . But earlier , he pointed out , at the same time the 15 British troops had been killed , at least 197 Taliban forces had been confirmed killed in fighting . Watch questions being asked about the sacrifices '' `` These casualties are pretty one-sided . Sad though our losses are , they are very small compared to the losses that the enemy is taking , '' he said in an interview at the British Embassy . Stirrup , whose position is equivalent to Adm. Michael Mullen , the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff , said the government wants people to know that the sacrifices are worth it . `` This is a military operation and on military operations , you engage in fighting . That 's why we have militaries and , sadly , you take casualties . The real issue is , first of all , are we getting something of sufficient strategic benefit to justify the price that our people are paying ? '' he said . `` Secondly , are we doing everything we can to ensure that we achieve that strategic","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- July is on track to be the deadliest month yet for British troops supporting Operation Enduring Freedom . Air Chief Marshall Jock Stirrup says the sacrifices of British forces are worth it . So far , 15 British servicemen have died in Afghanistan this month , mostly in connection with Operation Panther 's Claw , the British-led offensive in Helmand province that is mirroring a similar operation by U.S. Marines in the same area . Britain 's deadliest month in Afghanistan so far has been September 2006 , when 19 died -- 14 in a single incident , the crash of a Royal Air Force plane near Kandahar . The sudden spike in British deaths has triggered an outcry in the United Kingdom over the mission there and whether it will be successful . `` Every casualty is sad , every casualty is deeply felt by us in the military . I mean , they are part of our military family . The losses , of course , are felt most by the real families of those involved and the bereavement is terrible , '' Air Chief Marshall Jock Stirrup , the chief of defense staff"} +{"answer":"not currently enable a constant tracking of a jet by a ground crew at all times . Planes receive a position signal , but do n't transmit that back . This is not a problem when a jet is flying over land or in coastal areas , as it is tracked by radar . Over oceans radar does not work as it relies on line-of-sight tracking from a ground station . On oceanic flights a flight crew will know its exact position via GPS , but it is not able to be tracked by air traffic control . It is left to someone in the cockpit to relay information via satellite communication to air traffic control or a ground station . `` Airlines often have a contract with a private operator to provide their satellite communications . Some companies pay for it , some have free contracts , '' Roelandt said . Modern jets equipped with an Aircraft Communication , Addressing and Reporting System -LRB- ACARS -RRB- , like the A330-200 , are also able to send automatic digital signals . These are not instigated by the crew but report automatically on the plane 's systems and relay information to","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Cars have Global Positioning System devices to pinpoint where drivers are when they get lost , so why ca n't GPS be used to locate the exact position of planes when the worst happens ? There is currently no way to constantly track planes as they fly over oceans . It took search and rescue teams over 30 hours to locate the wreckage of the Air France plane that crashed in the Atlantic on Monday . It appears that the aircraft 's onboard GPS system was little help to rescuers in the mission . Although details of Air France flight 447 's fate remain uncertain , in some air accidents , this critical time could mean the difference between life and death for any survivors . Michel Roelandt , aviation expert for Eurocontrol , a European air navigation safety organization , told CNN that nearly all modern planes are fitted with GPS navigation systems . How sophisticated those the communications and navigation systems are is down to individual airlines when they fit out their planes , an Airbus spokesperson told CNN . On board GPS systems are primarily navigation tools for the crew , and do"} +{"answer":"lot of books and manuals and guessing and putting a puzzle back together again with no instructions , '' Emily Anderson said . They got the car built and running in time to launch the drive on June 9 at 1930 Broadway , the address where Ramsey 's journey began . Several of Ramsey 's descendants were on hand , including two who rode along for a few miles . Anderson 's Maxwell soon suffered the first of many breakdowns . `` That was a bit defeating , especially since it was our first day and we were pretty jazzed and motivated to get moving and get on the road , '' she said . Temporary repairs carried the car and crew about 1,800 miles to western Nebraska , where a master mechanic worked for more than five hours to fix the problem in a more permanent way . `` It was amazing to me that people would just stop their lives and do whatever they could to keep us moving , '' Anderson said . By Anderson 's side was Christie Catania , her close friend and co-pilot . Catania described the co-pilot 's job as `` navigation ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In 1909 , Alice Ramsey blazed a path across America 's landscape and society . Millions of women have followed in her tracks , few more precisely than Emily Anderson exactly 100 years later . Anderson was the lead driver in a re-enactment last summer of Ramsey 's journey , when she became the first woman to drive an automobile from coast to coast . Both women drove a 1909 Maxwell DA from New York to San Francisco , California , but they traversed two very different Americas . `` It really was a tremendous effort by so many people to get us across the country , '' Anderson , an event planner from Seattle , Washington , said . `` It showed me the heart of America was open to us in a big way that I do n't think would normally be so open had we been in a modern-day vehicle . '' Antique car enthusiast Richard Anderson recruited his 34-year-old daughter to drive the 1909 Maxwell DA he and two friends built from parts they scavenged from around the globe , and hand-fabricated when necessary . `` It all came down to a"} +{"answer":"'s popularity remains at near-record lows , Congress ranks even lower as a whole . The president has taken numerous opportunities to mock the spending habits of the Democratic leadership and force confrontations over the appropriations bills needed to fund the government for the 2008 budget year , which began October 1 . The bill Bush vetoed Tuesday includes about $ 150 billion to run those departments and more than $ 450 billion in mandatory spending on Medicare and Medicaid , the federal health care programs for the elderly and poor , according to the House Appropriations Committee . The committee 's chairman , Rep. David Obey , called Bush 's veto `` not responsible and not credible . '' `` This is a bipartisan bill supported by over 50 Republicans , '' Obey , D-Wisconsin , said in a statement issued after the veto . `` There has been virtually no criticism of its contents . It is clear the only reason the president vetoed this bill is pure politics . '' Bush said Democrats are supporting $ 22 billion in additional spending beyond his budget proposals this year and $ 205 billion over five years -- money he","question":"NEW ALBANY , Indiana -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Bush vetoed a $ 600 billion spending bill Tuesday , accusing Democratic leaders of wasting money and plotting tax increases , then took his budget fight with Congress on the road . Congress should cut spending `` and send me a responsible measure that I can sign into law , '' President Bush said . `` The majority was elected on a pledge of fiscal responsibility , but so far , it 's acting like a teenager with a new credit card , '' he said in a speech in New Albany , Indiana . The bill -- which Bush said was laden with $ 10 billion in `` pork '' -- would have funded the departments of Labor , Education , and Health and Human Services . It also would have funded projects such as a prison museum , a sailing school and a program to teach Portuguese . `` Congress needs to cut out that pork , reduce the spending and send me a responsible measure that I can sign into law , '' the president said . Watch a report on the veto '' While polls show Bush"} +{"answer":"York on Monday night , two days after he allegedly attempted to set off a car bomb in Times Square . The bomb failed to detonate . It was the second case in the past six months of a bungled terrorist attack in the United States , following the failed bombing of a U.S. airliner on Christmas Day . Brennan said U.S. counterterrorism efforts had degraded the ability of groups such as al Qaeda and the Taliban to launch successful attacks . `` They 're trying to find vulnerabilities in our defenses , '' Brennan said , noting the attempts have been `` unsophisticated . '' Shahzad , a Pakistani-American , had traveled to Pakistan several times in recent years , Brennan said . `` He was captured by the murderous rhetoric of al Qaeda and TTP , '' Brennan said of the suspect . Preventing attacks by individuals , especially American citizens such as Shahzad , is a `` very difficult challenge , '' Brennan said . The case raised new questions about whether terrorism suspects should be read the Miranda warning that advises them of their rights to remain silent and obtain legal representation . Critics have accused","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The man charged in the failed Times Square bombing was working with the Taliban movement in Pakistan , the U.S. attorney general said Sunday . `` The evidence that we have now developed shows the Pakistani Taliban directed this plot , '' Attorney General Eric Holder said , describing the investigation into suspect Faisal Shahzad during an appearance on NBC 's `` Meet the Press . '' `` We know that they helped facilitate it , we know they helped direct it , and I suspect we 're going to come up with evidence that shows they helped to finance it , '' Holder said . John Brennan , the assistant to the president for counterterrorism and homeland security , told CNN 's `` State of the Union '' that the Pakistani Taliban -- also known as Tehrik-e-Taliban , or TTP -- is closely allied with al Qaeda . The group has pledged to carry out attacks outside of central Asia , including the United States , Brennan said Sunday . Shahzad has been charged in the May 1 attempted bombing in Times Square . He was arrested while trying to fly out of New"} +{"answer":"a dozen young men of Somali descent have disappeared from the Minneapolis area in recent months . At least three , including Bana , have ended up dead in Somalia , community leaders say . Watch the harrowing saga of Jamal Bana '' Bana was the kind of son a modest immigrant family pins its hopes on . He was the eldest of seven and studying engineering at local colleges . But last fall , his family said , he disappeared without any warning . A few days later , the phone rang . All that could be heard was a quick sentence . `` I 'm in Somalia , '' his mother quoted him as saying . He then hung up . Communication from then on was scarce . In calls or text messages , the family said , Bana was guarded , as though someone was watching or listening to him . On July 11 , the family received the call telling them to look on the Internet . Bana 's father broke down in tears when he saw the photos . One image was a close-up of his son 's face , a bullet wound on one","question":"MINNEAPOLIS , Minnesota -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Abayte Ahmed and her husband learned of their son 's death in the most heinous fashion . A family acquaintance called and told them to click on an Internet site . There on the screen were photographs of their 20-year-old son -- the boy with the movie-star looks -- shot through the head thousands of miles away in Somalia . Jamal Bana died in Somalia . Several missing Somali-Americans are believed to have fought there . `` He must have been somewhat disillusioned and indoctrinated , because he did n't have any clue about Somalia at all , '' his mother said , fighting back tears and barely able to speak about her eldest son . Jamal Bana had been missing for months from his Minneapolis home . His family is still grappling with the circumstances surrounding his death in a land they had fled -- an African nation wracked by chaos and violence . The FBI said Bana 's death is part of a sweeping federal investigation into a recruiting effort in the United States by a Somali terrorist group called Al-Shabaab , which has ties to al Qaeda . More than"} +{"answer":"`` I 'm a growing young man and developing as a man . Freddie said to take it easy , pick the right shots and you 'll take this guy out and we did . `` Freddie is a great trainer , he 's like a father figure to me and to have him in my corner means a lot . Everyone knows I 'm a hard-working fighter and if you put the hard work in you 're going to get the benefits . `` After the first shot I could see his legs buckling and I just had to take my time . I knew he was going . '' Roach has helped the Olympic silver medal winner to rebuild his career after a humiliating defeat by unknown Colombian Breidis Prescott last year . `` It was a blessing in disguise what happened against Prescott , I got beat and came back stronger , '' Khan said . Roach was equally impressed with his young charge . `` I would give him an A + . I said if you hurt him , finish him . We 've been working on that power and the fight was really over","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- British boxer Amir Khan has retained his WBA light-welterweight title after winning the much-hyped `` battle of the faiths '' by stopping challenger Dmitriy Salita in the first round on Saturday night . Khan , a devout Muslim , knocked down his Jewish opponent three times before the referee stopped after just one minute and 16 seconds . Salita , an American citizen who was born in Ukraine and is nicknamed `` Star of David '' , was unable to follow up his bold claims made in the build-up to the fight , which took place in Newcastle in the north-east of England . The 22-year-old Khan was successful in his first defense of the belt that he won in defeating Andreas Kotelnik in July . He is trained by American Freddie Roach , who also guides Filipino star Manny Pacquiao , considered by many to be the best pound-for-pound boxer in the world . `` It was very explosive . The fight was just what we asked for , what Freddie asked me to do . We had too much power for this guy , '' a delighted Khan told reporters after the fight ."} +{"answer":"the U.S. government trained the nation 's first black military aviators at Moton in what it labeled a military experiment . Before that time , African-Americans `` were believed to be incapable of flying complex combat aircraft , '' Park Ranger John Whitfield said . Watch more on Moton Field '' The aviators were trained in every aspect of their combat aircraft , from flight to maintenance . They made their mark during World War II by not losing a single bomber to enemy fire in more than 200 combat missions -- a record unmatched by any other fighter group . Moton Field was declared a historical site in 1998 , and the National Park Service has gone through painstaking efforts to restore and rebuild its hangars and outbuildings , which were used by more than 15,000 men and women from 1942 to 1946 . iReport.com : Share your meaningful road trips The site now offers only a small visitor 's center in a temporary trailer as construction and restoration are completed . The `` Tuskegee experience , '' as park rangers call it , will officially open in October , when Hangar One , and eventually Hangar Two ,","question":"TUSKEGEE , Alabama -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A trip through sweltering Alabama to experience some of the civil rights movement 's most important sites brought history books to life for my family and me . A marker shows the 54-mile route from Selma to Montgomery , Alabama , that voting rights marchers took . The road trip , with my wife and 14-year-old son , was an extraordinary experience , and not only because I 'm African-American . As an American , it was inspiring to experience the places where people fought and died for equality and the right to vote . Many of the places we visited are maintained by the National Park Service , which has made an extraordinary effort to preserve pivotal places related to the movement . When you think of national parks , great natural attractions like Yellowstone or the Grand Canyon come to mind . But the National Park System has also preserved and restored many living history sites from the civil rights movement . We started our road trip at Moton Field in Tuskegee , the site of one of the early battles in the civil rights movement . In the 1940s ,"} +{"answer":"and one of them was stationary when the crash happened , said John Catoe , Metro general manager . Watch woman say she , fellow passengers `` went flying '' '' Video footage of the scene showed two cars of one train lying atop the cars of the other train . Emergency personnel carried injured passengers , some on stretchers , from the wreckage . Watch injured passengers limp from the scene '' `` Metro officials do not know the cause of the collision and are not likely to know the cause for several days as the investigation unfolds , '' a Metro statement said . Fire department personnel cut through the trains to help people from the wreckage , officials said at a press briefing . Some three hours after the accident , fire department sources said rescue operations had ceased , with ongoing work focusing on recovery . See pictures of crash site '' President Obama issued a statement saying he and his wife Michelle were `` saddened by the terrible accident , '' and thanking the first responders to the scene `` who arrived immediately to save lives . '' A survivor , Jodie Wickett , described","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A rush-hour collision Monday between two Metro trains north of downtown Washington , D.C . , killed at least six people and injured scores , Mayor Adrian Fenty said . One train was stationary when the crash happened , according to Metro General Manager John Catoe . He called it the deadliest crash in the history of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority , known as Metro . One of the dead was the female operator of one of the trains , Metro officials said . `` The scene is as horrific as you can imagine , '' Fenty said in a news conference . `` One car was almost squeezed completely together . '' Seventy-six people were treated for injuries , including two with life-threatening injuries , said Chief Dennis Rubin of Washington 's Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department . Two of the injured were emergency responders , Rubin said . See location of crash '' The crash happened just before 5 p.m. on an above-ground track on the Red Line in the District of Columbia near the border with Takoma Park , Maryland . Both trains were on the same track ,"} +{"answer":"relatives in the United States . The book , which has been translated into six languages , is helping chip away at a taboo in modern-day Turkey about what happened to the Armenians in the final days of the Ottoman Empire . According to the Armenian Patriarchate in Istanbul , in 1914 there were more then 2,000 Armenian churches scattered across what is now Turkey . Today , there are fewer then 50 . Between 1915 and 1918 , as Europe and the Middle East plunged head-long into World War I , Ottoman authorities organized mass deportations that led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Armenians living in eastern and central Anatolia . Watch more on this story '' Every April 24 , Armenians around the world commemorate the anniversary of what they call the `` Armenian genocide . '' They say more then a million Armenians were killed in the massacres . The Turkish government vehemently rejects the figure . `` The people of Turkey do not believe that their ancestors were criminals , were killers , '' says Onur Oymen , a former ambassador who is now a member of the Turkish parliament . `` The","question":"ISTANBUL , Turkey -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Fethiye Cetin was 25 years old when she discovered her beloved grandmother 's secret . Fethiye Cetin , with her grandmother , said she felt deceived when she learned her origins . The little old lady in the white headscarf was Armenian . Her real name was not Seher , but Heranus Gadarian . Cetin says at the age of nine , a Turkish gendarme captain ripped Heranus from the arms of her mother while they were on a brutal death march into the desert . A Turkish couple later adopted the Armenian girl , and gave her a Muslim name . When Cetin first learned about her grandmother 's Armenian origins , she was shocked . `` I felt deceived , '' she says . `` I felt like going out into the street and screaming ` they are lying to us . ' '' Instead Cetin , a Turkish human rights lawyer , wrote a book titled my `` My Grandmother . '' It describes the atrocities that Cetin 's grandmother witnessed and suppressed since childhood . It also recounts Cetin 's reunion , after her grandmother died , with Armenian"} +{"answer":"in Miami-Dade Circuit Court , also argues that Darling 's claims of privacy invasion , racketeering and intentional infliction of emotional distress are unsupported by any legal theory . `` Even if everything he was saying were true , we believe there is no basis in the law to bring the case , '' Reid told CNN Thursday . `` But in this case , none of it 's true . '' The salacious 15-page complaint describes O'Neal 's alleged dealings with three women and his ex-wife , whom he was divorcing at the time . Darling claims he was drawn into O'Neal 's tangled affairs as a computer consultant , eventually acquiring enough information to make him a liability that O'Neal then sought to have arrested , according to the lawsuit , which was filed in August and reported Wednesday for the first time on RadarOnline.com . Reid said the lawsuit came about after O'Neal refused to pay Darling $ 12 million in return for copies of physical and electronic files that Darling , a convicted felon , stole from O'Neal while he was working for him . Darling 's lawyer , however , said the e-mails , texts","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Shaquille O'Neal filed a motion Thursday to dismiss a lawsuit in which a former worker accuses the NBA star of hacking into his personal accounts and attempting to frame him for using child porn . Shawn Darling , who was O'Neal 's personal computer consultant from 2008 to 2009 , said the NBA center acted in retaliation because Darling had proof that O'Neal cheated on his wife with several women . But O'Neal 's lawyer claims in the motion that Darling illegally obtained the supposedly incriminating e-mails , text messages and voice mails to support his `` baseless '' lawsuit in an effort to `` extort '' O'Neal and sully his name . `` Darling reveals his true intent and methodology in using the stolen material , '' O'Neal 's Miami-based lawyer , Benjamine Reid , writes in the motion . `` The Complaint 's rambling , unsupported allegations , through which Darling alleges that he possesses substantial knowledge that would harm the Defendant both in a separate and unrelated lawsuit , as well as in the public eye at large , render Darling 's nefarious motive clear . '' The 13-page response , filed Thursday"} +{"answer":"We are now coordinating a team of around 1,000 people involved in operations on land , sea and air and covering areas like field operations , planning , logistics , wildlife recovery and community and iwi -LSB- indigenous Maori people -RSB- liaison , '' said National On Scene Commander Nick Quinn . MNZ said that 500 dead birds have been found following the oil spill . The agency said 140 people scoured the coast yesterday for wildlife affected by the spill and 51 oiled animals are being treated at a center that has been set up in Tauranga . A team has been established to capture seals and five of the animals are being kept in captivity . Greenpeace has expressed `` extreme concern '' about the spill and urged the government to avoid using further toxic dispersants . `` This is an unfortunate illustration of just how difficult it is to deal with oil spills at sea , '' the organization 's Steve Abel said . `` Even a slow and relatively accessible oil spill like this one has clearly stretched New Zealand 's response capability to its limits , '' he said . `` It is also a","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A major clean-up operation is underway along the north coast of New Zealand 's North Island as debris and oil leaking from a cargo ship that ran aground on a reef wash ashore , officials say . The Rena , a Liberian-flagged vessel , struck the Astrolabe Reef , about 12 nautical miles off the city of Tauranga , last week . New Zealand 's oil spill response agency , Maritime New Zealand -LRB- MNZ -RRB- , estimates that as much as 300 tonnes of fuel oil has leaked from the vessel , which was carrying 1,700 cubic meters -LRB- 450,000 gallons -RRB- of fuel . The country 's environment minister , Nick Smith , has called the spill New Zealand 's most significant maritime environmental disaster . As of Friday , clean-up teams collected 95.45 tonnes of solid waste and 6 tonnes of liquid waste from beaches in the Bay of Plenty , MNZ said . About 60 kilometers of coastline , from the towns of Maketu to Mount Maunganui , is contaminated with oil , the agency said . Pubic access to some waterfront areas has been restricted due to health concerns . ``"} +{"answer":", then paceman Morne Morkel had Murali Vijay caught behind by stand-in wicketkeeper A.B. De Villiers for seven . India reached lunch at 97-2 and Sehwag raced to three figures in only 87 balls for his 19th Test century as the duo batted through the middle session , going to tea at 232-2 . They both fell late in the day as part-time bowler Duminy removed Tendulkar and fellow spinner Paul Harris dismissed Tendulkar , then paceman Dale Steyn bowled Subramaniam Badrinath for one . V.V.S. Laxman -LRB- 9 -RRB- and nightwatchman Amit Mishra -LRB- 1 -RRB- survived until stumps as India extended their lead to 46 . South Africa had resumed on 266-9 after a late collapse on Sunday , and tailenders Morne Morkel and Wayne Parnell added another 30 runs for a final-wicket stand of 35 . Left-arm seamer Zaheer Khan finally ended their resistance , trapping Parnell leg before wicket for 12 in his first over of the day to finish with figures of 4-90 . Spinner Harbhajan Singh claimed three wickets on Sunday . Meanwhile , New Zealand reached 258-5 on a rain-hit opening day of the one-off Test against tourists Bangladesh in Hamilton . The","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- India are poised to build a handy first-innings lead over South Africa after Virender Sehwag and Sachin Tendulkar scored centuries on the second day of the second cricket Test in Kolkata . The home side , needing to win to level the series and retain their No. 1 ranking in the five-day game , reached 342-5 when bad light halted play early on Monday , having bowled the Proteas out for 296 in the morning session . Opener Sehwag smashed a scintillating 165 off only 174 balls faced , hitting 23 boundaries and two sixes as he added 249 for the third wicket with Tendulkar . The veteran Tendulkar extended his world record of Test tons to 47 as he took on the junior role , facing 206 deliveries for his 106 . Sehwag , who was dropped by J.P. Duminy on 47 , had threatened South African Jacques Kallis 's record for the fastest half-century but suffered a brief lull in run flow before passing the mark in just 41 deliveries . He and Gautam Gambhir put on 73 for the first wicket in just 9.2 overs before the latter was run out for 25"} +{"answer":". ' '' Yet , Madsen admitted , her belief in ghosts is not very strong . `` I do have an attraction to paranormal investigation and all those kinds of shows but I 'm not sure if I really believe in ghosts , '' she said . `` The Haunting in Connecticut '' is based on the true story of Sara Campbell , a mother who moves her family into an old house in Connecticut in order to be closer to the hospital where her son , Matt -LRB- Kyle Gallner -RRB- , receives cancer treatment . The house was once a funeral home and , shortly after their move , the family begins witnessing strange , supernatural activities . `` Something very powerful and very real happened to this family . Whether or not you believe it was some sort of demon or , you know , they 're manifesting it -- whatever it is -- it changed their lives , '' Madsen said . Madsen , 47 , is probably best known for her Oscar-nominated turn in `` Sideways '' as Maya Randall , the restaurant waitress who gets involved in a romance with the prickly writer","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In its opening weekend , `` The Haunting in Connecticut '' scared and thrilled millions of moviegoers across the country . In `` The Haunting in Connecticut , '' Virginia Madsen sees strange things happen in her old house . The film , which earned $ 23 million to finish No. 2 at the box office , emphasizes psychological horror over slasher film blood 'n' gore , which its audience apparently appreciated . But Virginia Madsen , who plays Sara Campbell in the film , confessed that , while filming , fear was not just reserved for the screen . `` We all stayed in this big , old hotel which was kind of like the one in ` The Shining , ' one of those turn-of-the - century big , old hotels , '' Madsen told CNN . `` I had a little chat with my room . I said , ` Just out of respect , if there are any entities around , I need to stay here , I have a lot of work to do , I have to sleep at night , so please leave me alone"} +{"answer":", who told reporters : `` It 's a more physical game than it used to be , but the season is longer than ever . `` I do n't think we 're storming offices , but I think the sentiment is still there . We need to be smart about it and take our time and make sure that it 's well thought out and not be kind of reactionary . But , you know , there is a discussion going on . '' The absence of Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic from the recent Shanghai Masters indicates , in Roddick 's opinion , that the demands are too harsh on the top players . `` They do n't get their money this week . If they were feeling well and they were n't worn down , then they would be here , '' he continued . `` We 're not getting away with anything by pulling out of tournaments . I feel like that 's the way it 's presented sometimes . That 's just not the case , '' he added . The lowdown Yet , despite the claims of both Murray and Roddick , the facts","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Are the world 's top male players playing too much tennis ? It is a question that has been asked frequently over the years , but recent comments from world number three Andy Murray , and former world number one Andy Roddick , have indicated the matter could be coming to a head . With a schedule that runs from the beginning of January to the end of November , taking in 65 singles tournaments , the ATP World Tour came under scrutiny like never before when Murray hinted that the world 's top players were prepared to take strike action in an attempt to modify the calendar . `` We 're only proposing small changes , a few less mandatory events and some more rest periods , '' said Murray . `` Tennis is in a great place right now but there are just a few minor things we 'd like to see changed and we hope to sit with the ATP and other officials and discuss them . Two or three more weeks off a season is really what we are thinking of . '' And Murray 's comments were backed up by Roddick"} +{"answer":"in a written statement . KBR 's work in Iraq and Afghanistan has come under extensive criticism from members of Congress . The company has defended its performance and argued that it was not to blame for any fatalities . Monday 's report from the Pentagon 's inspector-general criticized the company in the death of another soldier , Staff Sgt. Ryan Maseth , who was electrocuted in his shower in his Baghdad quarters . The report found that `` multiple systems and organizations failed , '' leaving Maseth `` exposed to unacceptable risk . '' It concluded that a water pump installed by KBR was not grounded , leading to Maseth 's electrocution when it short-circuited , and the company did not report improperly grounded equipment during routine maintenance . But it also found that Maseth 's commanders failed to ensure renovations to the palace had been properly done and the Army did not set electrical standards for jobs or contractors . Maseth 's family also has sued KBR . The company has had no comment on the inspector-general 's findings , but company spokeswoman Heather Browne says it was not responsible for Maseth 's death . The building where","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Judges in Texas and Florida have dropped military contractor KBR from lawsuits brought by the family of a soldier who was electrocuted in Iraq , the company announced Tuesday . Sgt. Christopher Everett was electrocuted in 2005 at an American base outside Ramadi , in western Iraq . Sgt. Christopher Everett died while using a power washer at an American base outside Ramadi , in western Iraq . His was one of nine electrocution deaths in Iraq blamed on `` improper grounding or faulty equipment , '' according to a Pentagon inspector-general 's report released Monday . KBR was one of the contractors Everett 's family has sued in connection with his death . But federal courts in Louisiana and Texas have thrown out the family 's claims against the Houston , Texas-based company , KBR announced Tuesday . `` The dismissal orders affirm that despite repeated criticism and statements made by several public officials on Capitol Hill and related media reports , KBR had no involvement in the factors that led to the tragic death of Sergeant Everett , '' Andrew D. Farley , the company 's senior vice president and general counsel , said"} +{"answer":", they will say and do anything to make it happen . Tax cuts ? Oh , absolutely , we do n't want you to feel any more pain . Let the rich -- and the poor -- deal with carrying the burden . You want more jobs ? Sure , we 're going to force companies that send jobs overseas to make them stay at home because we know you need those long disappearing and high-paying manufacturing jobs that helped build this nation . Ca n't afford to send your kids to college ? Do n't sweat it . We 've got tax credits , Pell grants , super-duper loans and all kinds of other options to make this a reality . Are they cutting back on health care at your job ? No big deal . Coach McCain says he 's got some nifty tax credits lined up to tickle your fancy and ignite your soul . Coach Obama ? He 's going to go for the whole enchilada by pushing for virtual universal health care . Oh , these guys are wonderful with their sales pitches . They have the ability to make every single one of","question":"Editor 's note : Join Roland S. Martin for his weekly sound-off segment on CNN.com Live at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday . If you 're passionate about politics , he wants to hear from you . A supporter of Sen. Barack Obama , Martin is a nationally syndicated columnist and Chicago , Illinois-based radio host . He is the author of `` Listening to the Spirit Within : 50 Perspectives on Faith '' and `` Speak , Brother ! A Black Man 's View of America . '' Please visit his Web site . Roland S. Martin urges the candidates to stop with the lofty talk and simplistic solutions and be specific . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- If you are a member of America 's middle class in this presidential year , you are sort of like a blue-chip football recruit , lavished with praise , attention and adoration from fawning coaches and alumni who would love nothing better than to land the prized player to win the national championship . For `` Coach '' John McCain and `` Coach '' Barack Obama , the title to win is president of the United States , and like the big-time football coaches"} +{"answer":", U.S. officials issued a travel alert , advising U.S. citizens in the area to prepare themselves for the possibility of a hurricane . Some tourists decided not to take any chances . `` We wanted to get out of there . ... We were on vacation and just did n't want to be stressed , '' said Kathy Davis , 57 , an American with a timeshare in Cancun . She said she and her husband celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary at the airport while waiting to catch a flight . In Cancun 's hotel area , crews were securing boats and clearing palm fronds and debris . Kelly McLaughlin moved her 6-year-old son 's toys inside and trimmed tree branches around her home . `` I 'm just checking everything to make sure there 's nothing loose , '' said McLaughlin , a Canadian who 's lived in Cancun for eight years . McLaughlin , 40 , said preparing for storms has become routine since Hurricane Wilma devastated the area in 2005 . `` My friends that are fairly new to Cancun are a lot more nervous and starting to get a little stressed , '' she said","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Rina was almost a Category 3 hurricane as it careened near Honduras and Belize Wednesday before heading towards Cancun . The storm was packing 110 mph winds early Wednesday morning and moving at 3 mph , according to the Miami-based National Hurricane Center . That is 1 mph away from a Category 3 hurricane . Forecast models show Rina strengthening into a Category 3 hurricane before approaching the Yucatan . The projected path shows Rina back at Category 2 intensity when it takes aim at Cancun on Thursday . Residents and worried travelers in Cancun stocked up on supplies Tuesday to prepare for the storm to hit the popular Mexican resort city . Carla Bautista bought bread , water and canned tuna . `` It 's my first hurricane . This is new . ... I 'm a little afraid , because I do n't know what to expect , '' said Bautista , 28 , who moved to Cancun two months ago from Mexico City . Mexican officials issued a hurricane warning for the east coast of the Yucatan Peninsula from north of Punta Gruesa to Cancun as the Category 2 storm strengthened . Similarly"} +{"answer":"saved by goalkeeper Stipe Pletikosa , who then kept out another low effort by the veteran midfielder . Pletikosa also had to deny a driven shot from Umit Korkmaz , who also came off the bench , while another substitute in Roman Kienast flicked a header just wide from a free kick in the third minute of time added on . Croatia went into the tournament as one of the outside bets , having qualified top of their group ahead of Russia with a victory away to England which eliminated the British team . However , their chances of success were dealt a massive blow when top scorer Eduardo da Silva was ruled out of the tournament due to a broken leg . None of Croatia 's strikers managed to score in the warmup matches , and the Arsenal forward 's goal-poaching ability was sorely missed on Sunday . The winning goal came after Modric and Olic combined down the left wing from a throw-in , and Pogatetz clearly impeded the striker well away from the Austria goal . The Middlesbrough defender was booked for protesting the referee 's decision , but he could have no complaints with the ruling","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Croatia held off a furious late onslaught from Euro 2008 co-hosts Austria to win 1-0 in their opening Group B match in Vienna on Sunday . Emmanuel Pogagtetz , left , fouls Croatia striker Ivica Olic to concede the match-winning penalty . The Croatians took the lead in the fourth minute when midfielder Luka Modric coolly slotted home from the penalty spot after Emmanuel Pogatetz clumsily body-checked striker Ivica Olic in the area . Slaven Bilic 's team dominated the first half , and should have gone further ahead in the 35th minute but Olic 's strike partner Mladen Petric blazed over the bar with a left-foot volley after beating the offside trap to run on to Vedran Corluka 's cross . Austria 's main threat had come from set-pieces , but they were not able to capitalize on a string of corners . However , the home players kept battling in the second half and squandered a series of chances to level the score in the final 15 minutes . Martin Harnik fired over the bar on 78 as Croatia scrambled to clear the danger , then substitute Ivica Vastic had a powerful header well"} +{"answer":". Dr. Deputy told me and my mother that my body was n't processing sugar properly . I had diabetes . That is how my 40-year journey with diabetes began . I was checked into a hospital to learn how to test my urine for sugar , give myself injections of insulin , follow a diabetic diet and control my diabetes . I spent several days in the hospital learning how to manage my disease , and then they sent me home . Dr. Deputy would call our house each afternoon to check on me and see how I was doing . Much to my parents ' chagrin -- and to my delight -- he wanted me to be self sufficient and responsible for monitoring myself . I refused to let my parents give me injections or test my urine . This demand for self sufficiency turned out to be one of my best life lessons , and not just for managing my diabetes . While some diabetics may feel their disease is a burden , I feel that being diagnosed with diabetes was a blessing in disguise . It forced our family to eat healthily , and it taught","question":"Editor 's note : Ann Curley is the assignment manager for the CNN Medical News unit . She has been a type I diabetic for 40 years . This is her story of life with diabetes . Ann Curley uses a pump attached to a catheter in her body to monitor glucose levels and administer insulin . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When I was 7 years old , my mom took me to the doctor because I had lost a lot of weight , despite a voracious appetite . My family had just moved from the San Francisco Bay Area to Pasadena , California , and this visit to the doctor 's office was my introduction to a man who would come to have a huge impact on my life . His name was Dr. Robert Deputy , and he was the pediatrician who diagnosed me with diabetes . He spoke to me directly , rather than to my mother , and he asked me questions : Did I feel thirsty ? Did I need to urinate during the night ? The answer to both questions was yes . He asked for a urine sample and the result was immediate"} +{"answer":"Korea said it would retaliate if a `` satellite '' launch from its northeastern coast were intercepted , with the communist nation saying interference would `` mean a war . '' `` Shooting our satellite for peaceful purposes will precisely mean a war , '' a spokesman for the North Korean army said in a statement carried by the state-run Korean Central News Agency -LRB- KCNA -RRB- . U.S. and South Korean officials have said that North Korea appears to be preparing to test-fire its long-range missile , the Taepodong-2 , under the guise of launching a satellite into space . The missile is thought to have an intended range of about 6,700 kilometers -LRB- 4,200 miles -RRB- , which -- if true -- could give it the capability of striking Alaska or Hawaii . North Korea 's bellicose announcement came on the first day of annual joint military drills between South Korea and the United States . `` We have said several times that the U.S.-South Korean military exercises are annual defensive exercises , '' Kim said . `` We again urge North Korea to maintain the agreed stance of mutual respect and to stop its verbal attacks and","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Hundreds of South Koreas were left in limbo after North Korea shut its borders Monday at the start of joint military exercises between the United States and South Korea . U.S. troops have started joint military exercises with their South Korean counterparts . When Pyongyang took the action , 573 South Koreans were staying at the Kaesong industrial complex , north of the demilitarized zone , South Korea 's Yonhap news agency reported . Many of the stranded South Koreans work at the complex , which is a joint project between the Koreas . `` The South Korean government is closely monitoring the situation and preparing for all contingencies , '' said Kim Ho-nyun , a South Korean Unification Ministry spokesman . `` We emphasize that currently the first priority is the safety of our citizens . '' Eighty South Koreans had applied to cross the border into South Korea on Monday , Kim said , but had not been cleared to do so . `` We are also not certain what will happen to the South Koreans that want to cross tomorrow as well , '' he said . The cross-border developments came as North"} +{"answer":"photos with CNN iReport Carmella Delerme of Miami , Florida , said her mother clung to her Bible for days , reading psalms over and over again , as they waited for word on the whereabouts and condition of Delerme 's sister and other relatives . When her sister , who was in Haiti on a missionary trip with their Seventh-day Adventist Church , called late Thursday , Delerme said , `` I went straight to church and prayed and prayed and prayed . We continue to pray for those who are lost and still in need . '' On the streets of Port-au-Prince , with many of their churches crumbled , people have gathered to worship and sing Catholic and Protestant hymns . `` That 's the soundscape of the country right now , '' said Elizabeth McAlister , a professor of religion and anthropologist of Haiti who teaches at Wesleyan University in Connecticut . `` It 's the business of religion to create meaning out of chaos . ... Tragically , the business of religion is getting a lot of trade today . '' See complete coverage of Haiti earthquake It 's often said that 80 percent of","question":"Decatur , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Given all their country and people have been through , between political upheavals , human rights abuses , hurricanes , abject poverty and last week 's earthquake , `` If Haitians were constantly questioning their faith , they would all be atheists . '' These words came from the Rev. Eric Hill as he prepared to lead Haitian Mass Sunday at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Decatur , Georgia . Some of the 100 Haitian parishioners who gathered raised their hands to the heavens in praise , grateful their loved ones had been found . Others bowed their heads and clenched their hands for those lost , still missing and all who suffered . One woman wept out of guilt because she -- a U.S. citizen -- had been able to leave her devastated homeland a day after the quake , while so many were left behind . Their unshaken faith and devotion to God is the same sort that 's played out in other houses of worship , in living rooms and on the torn-up streets of Haiti . Are you in Haiti and safe ? Share your story ,"} +{"answer":"AIM could not be reached for comment Friday . The Press Association said Penelope Duff was 70 . Her condition , GIST , stands for gastrointestinal stromal tumor , a rare type of cancer found in the digestive system . Dignity in Dying , a British charity that advocates the choice of assisted death for terminally ill patients , said it was `` extremely sad '' that the Duffs had to travel abroad to die . `` Had they had the option of an assisted death in this country they may still be alive , as their physical ability to travel would not have been a factor , '' said Sarah Wootton , chief executive of Dignity in Dying . Wootton called on Parliament to modernize laws on suicide to allow for assisted dying . Phyllis Bowman , executive director of Right to Life , which opposes euthanasia , also said the Duffs ' case was sad . `` I think it 's very sad , particularly as they could have gone together into a hospice . A hospice with cancer -- there is not uncontrollable pain , '' Bowman told CNN . `` I think that with the euthanasia","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An elderly British couple who died together at an assisted suicide clinic in Switzerland died `` peacefully '' after receiving `` wonderful and humbling care '' from their doctors , the couple 's family said . Peter and Penelope Duff from Bath , England , died in Zurich on February 27 , according to a statement released Thursday by their family and reported by Britain 's Press Association . Both had terminal cancer , the statement said . `` Penny had fought a rare cancer , GIST , since 1992 and Peter 's colon cancer had spread to his liver , '' the statement said . `` Their decision in no way reflected on the wonderful and humbling care they have received from their consultant , doctors and nurses , for which the family , and they , were so appreciative . '' Peter Duff , who was reported to be 80 , was the executive chairman of Alcohol in Moderation , a nonprofit group that advocates a `` sensible drinking ethos . '' His daughter , Helena Conibear , is executive director of AIM Digest , a monthly publication . Conibear and"} +{"answer":"the commercial sea lanes , that 's a concern because if ships do n't come in and ships are n't able to go out , that stops commerce , '' said Donald Allee , the CEO of Mississippi State Port Authority . Equipment operator Daniel Schepens knows all too well what that will mean . After Katrina , he was out of work for a month . He is worried the fallout from the spill could be worse . `` No ships , the warehouses are empty , no trucks , no imports , no exports , '' he said . Federal officials closed a portion of the northern Gulf of Mexico to fishing Sunday , curtailing a billion-dollar business as high winds and choppy seas hampered efforts to corral a rapidly growing oil spill . The spill cast a pall over the annual Blessing of the Fleet in Bayou La Batre , Alabama , one of many towns that make their living from the Gulf . Republican Sen. David Vitter of Louisiana attended a boat blessing in St. Bernard , Louisiana , where fishermen have observed the tradition for decades to usher in the shrimp season . `` Louisianians","question":"Gulfport , Mississippi -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Ben Stone knows quite a bit about disasters . Five years ago , a 28-foot storm surge from Hurricane Katrina flattened his house and almost wiped out his hometown of Gulfport , Mississippi . Now , if a rapidly growing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico comes ashore -- as some expect -- Stone will be able to see it from the front porch of his newly-built house . `` You can get mad about this , '' he said . `` I 'm very disturbed about it . '' Like residents along the coast of Alabama and Florida Panhandle , it is a waiting game for Gulfport . Already a heavy smell of oil hung over the Mississippi beaches . `` This could not have happened at a worse time in our history , '' said John Kelly , the town 's chief administrative officer . The city has undertaken half a billion dollars in new construction since Katrina . Of that , $ 30 million is being spent on developing the harbor -- the third largest container port on the Gulf Coast . `` Well , it if it threatens"} +{"answer":"intelligence community is to have someone with a civilian background in charge . '' The ranking Republican on the Intelligence Committe , Missouri Sen. Kit Bond , said he has reservations about Clapper . `` I believe he is too focused on the Defense Department issues and he has tried to block out efforts to give more authority to the DNI , '' Bond said . Bond 's counterpart on the House side , Rep. Pete Hoekstra , R-Michigan , also said he believes Clapper is the wrong person , because he is `` not forthcoming , open or transparent '' with Congress . Blair , a retired admiral , was pressured to resign as DNI because of differences with the White House over the scope of his role and turf wars with CIA Director Leon Panetta and other members of the intelligence community . One source familiar with Blair 's situation said that from the very beginning , `` the White House did not have the same view -LRB- as Blair -RRB- of what the DNI should be . '' That might be the crux of the problem . The law that created the position of DNI after the","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Obama plans to nominate retired Air Force Lt. Gen. James Clapper to be the new director of national intelligence , a senior U.S. defense official confirmed to CNN Friday . Clapper , now a top Pentagon intelligence official , would replace Dennis Blair , who resigned at the end of last month . The announcement will be made Saturday at the White House , the official said . If confirmed , Clapper will become the nation 's fourth DNI in the last five years . The position was created after the September 2001 terrorist attacks to oversee the 16 agencies of the U.S. intelligence community . Clapper , who retired from the Air Force in 1995 after a 32-year career , served as head of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency from September 2001 to June 2006 . He has served as the under secretary of defense for intelligence since April 2007 . Some political observers have indicated that Clapper 's prospects for confirmation on Capitol Hill , however , are questionable . California Sen. Dianne Feinstein , the Democratic head of the Senate Intelligence Committe , recently said the `` best thing for the U.S."} +{"answer":"the `` Princes in the Tower . '' Their disappearances , and presumed deaths , have long been an enduring mystery . That intrigue , and Woodville 's fascinating life , appealed to the historian in Gregory . The British author talked to CNN about her new direction , why Americans ca n't get enough of historic kings and queens and why she loves living in the past . CNN : Your Tudor series has been so successful . What took you in this direction ? Philippa Gregory : I think I felt like I had written a lot on the Tudors and although they are such fascinating characters and -LSB- there are -RSB- still some I would like to write about , I just got so interested in the back-story , the family that was there before the Tudors , and I thought I 'd see if I could take the audience with me . I knew I wanted to do it so I thought I would take the chance . CNN : What drew you to Elizabeth Woodville ? Gregory : She is , herself , such an extraordinary character and a spectator of extraordinary times . And","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Although Elizabeth Woodville lived centuries ago , author Philippa Gregory believes women today will find they have a commonality with her . Philippa Gregory took years to research and write `` The White Queen . '' Gregory 's new novel `` The White Queen '' focuses on the life of Woodville , who was Queen consort to England 's Edward IV , and the events that came to be known as the Wars of the Roses . Gregory is herself often referred to in majestic terms as the `` queen of historical fiction . '' She has enjoyed international success after a series of best-selling novels , including `` The Other Boleyn Girl , '' which was made into a feature film starring Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson . The new book , which was years in the making , has Gregory departing from the exploits of the Tudor family and delving into the lives of their predecessors , the Plantagenets . Woodville , a commoner , captured the heart of England 's King Edward IV . She was also the mother of Edward V and Richard of Shrewsbury , who came to be known as"} +{"answer":"film about then-25-year-old Marine Sgt. Nathan Harris , his wife -LRB- and high school sweetheart -RRB- Ashley and the personal cost of war . It is also an astonishing technical achievement in war journalism and documentary filmmaking that may very possibly change the way conflicts are reported forever . Dennis designed and built a customized Steadicam rig -LRB- a device that enables a filmmaker to move over an uneven surface without the camera bouncing up and down -RRB- , allowing him to shoot footage that looks `` Hollywood , '' but was shot with a `` prosumer '' Canon 5D Mark II digital SLR : Basically a still camera that shoots HD video . Along with a customized sound rig , Dennis was able to shoot intimate war footage that until now has been impossible . The combat footage is , however , only part of the story . Six months into his third tour of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan , and just days from rotating out , Harris -LRB- Echo Company , 2nd Battalion , 8th Marine Regiment -RRB- is gravely wounded during a Taliban ambush . His hip and leg are broken , and blood transfusions and","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Since 2001 , there have been many excellent , award-winning and ground-breaking films , both narrative and documentary , about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan . `` The Hurt Locker , '' `` Taxi to the Dark Side , '' `` Control Room , '' `` Occupation : Dreamland , '' `` Gunner Palace , '' `` Why We Fight , '' `` Body of War , '' `` Ghosts of Abu Ghraib , '' `` No End in Sight , '' `` Restrepo , '' `` The Prisoner : Or How I Planned To Kill Tony Blair , '' `` Stop-Loss '' and so on . All of these films have their place . Many are exceptional , moving and award-winning pieces of work , but of those that I have seen , none pack the visceral , emotional and artistic wallop that Danfung Dennis ' documentary `` Hell and Back Again '' delivers , and all without any politics whatsoever . There 's nothing , not one word of whether the United States should be fighting these wars , why we 're there or who 's to blame . This is an intimate"} +{"answer":"and as a result has requested an 11 percent increase in discretionary funding for 2010 , and the administration is actively working with the veterans community to ensure we get the details of this budget right , '' said White House spokesman Nick Shapiro . In the letter , the groups said they have been told by sources on Capitol Hill and at the VA that the idea under consideration would allow the Department of Veterans Affairs to bill health insurance for a treatment of a disability or injury that was a result of military service . The argument for the proposal is that it frees up money for the VA by charging the private insurers , allowing the VA to spend on more services , said Joe Violante , legislative director for Disabled American Veterans , who opposes the idea . While there could be savings , Violante warned it also could lead to an increase in premiums for veterans with private coverage . '' `` We can not and would not agree to any proposal that would expand this concept any further , '' the heads of the 11 groups wrote in the letter . `` While we","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Veterans groups are warning President Barack Obama against going ahead with a possible administration move to charge veterans ' private health care for service-related injuries . Veterans groups say it 's `` wholly unacceptable '' to charge their private insurance for service injuries . In a letter sent by 11 of the most prominent veterans organizations , the groups warned that the idea `` is wholly unacceptable and a total abrogation of our government 's moral and legal responsibility to the men and women who have sacrificed so much . '' CNN obtained a copy of the letter sent to the White House last Friday by groups including The American Legion , Disabled American Veterans , Military Order of the Purple Heart , Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States , and Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America . Read the letter -LRB- PDF -RRB- A White House spokesman would neither confirm nor deny the option is being considered . `` The details of specific proposals will be transmitted with the full submission in April . The president has made it clear that meeting the needs of veterans is one of his priorities ,"} +{"answer":"time the factory opens , Kia hopes to hire 2,000 more . A smattering of Kia supply companies will eventually employ 7,500 additional workers . Watch the town 's excitement about the new factory '' `` A lot of people feel that we are the savior for this area , which I hope we will be , '' said Randy Jackson , director of human resources for the manufacturing plant . `` We got 43,013 applications ; 75 percent of those applications came from Georgia , and about 20 percent came from our neighboring state of Alabama . '' Some of those applications are coming from auto workers around the country , including Detroit , Michigan , Jackson said . Overall , West Point stands to gain 20,000 jobs as a result of the factory during the next five years , Ferguson said . Georgia 's 9.7 percent unemployment rate reported in May is about the same as the June national average of 9.5 percent , according to federal statistics . The U.S. Department of Labor reported unemployment in a five-county region including West Point at 8.6 percent . To secure the $ 1.2 billion Kia plant , state and","question":"WEST POINT , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A community that seemed on the road to becoming a ghost town has taken a turn toward prosperity despite the recession , thanks to an automaker . A roadside sign in West Point , Georgia , expresses support for Kia 's new factory . Korean car manufacturer Kia plans to open a sprawling automobile factory in tiny West Point , Georgia , by the end of the year . The boon has already spurred economic growth -- and just plain excitement -- among residents , said Mayor Drew Ferguson . `` We jokingly call it Kia-ville , '' said Ferguson , a 42-year-old dentist helping to oversee expansion of West Point , population 3,500 . The announcement is drawing workers and businesses to the community about 80 miles south of Atlanta . `` The revitalization of the community is touching every aspect , '' Ferguson said . `` We have infrastructure projects , new subdivisions going up , hotel professional services that are all needed to support the massive manufacturing . '' The plant , which will make Kia 's Sorento sport utility vehicle , has hired 500 workers . By the"} +{"answer":". '' `` While this one sample does not give us the whole story , this genetic break is very important , '' he said . `` This will hopefully help us pinpoint the source of this outbreak . '' The bacteria were found at a distribution center in McAllen , Texas , and the distributor has agreed to recall the products . Although the pepper was grown on a farm in Mexico , Tauxe said , investigators are not yet certain where the bacteria originated . Read food safety tips '' `` This does not mean that the pepper was contaminated in Mexico , '' he said . `` We are n't only looking for the source , but the reason for the spread -LSB- of the outbreak -RSB- . '' The news comes just days after the FDA lifted its ban on consumption of certain raw tomatoes . The FDA has not ruled out tomatoes as the source of the original outbreak , but investigators have determined that tomatoes currently in fields and stores are safe , Dr. David Acheson , the FDA 's associate commissioner for food protection , said Thursday . Learn about the differences between","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Investigators had a `` significant break '' in tracking the salmonella outbreak when they found the bacteria on a jalape\u00f1o pepper imported from Mexico at a Texas food supplier , the Food and Drug Administration announced Monday . The FDA has discouraged all consumers from eating raw jalape\u00f1o peppers . The FDA also warned consumers not to eat fresh jalape\u00f1os and products made with fresh jalape\u00f1os . The discovery may provide a clue to the source of a recent outbreak of Salmonella Saintpaul . The bacteria have sickened more than 1,200 people in 42 states , according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . `` One of the jalape\u00f1o peppers has tested positive with a genetic match to the Saintpaul strand , '' said Robert Tauxe , deputy director of the CDC 's Division of Foodborne , Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases . Consumer Tips Blog : Hold the jalape\u00f1os He said officials are `` looking at the chain that the peppers would have passed through to decide if any of them are a point of contamination . '' Watch more on the salmonella outbreak '' Tauxe called the discovery a `` significant break"} +{"answer":"n't have antiseptic to use , '' Yousufzai said . The United Nations says that more than $ 15 billion in aid has been sent to Afghanistan since the U.S.-led coalition overthrew the Taliban in late 2001 . But still , the hospital can not afford to help the hundreds of children who stream in every day , desperate for care and cures . The government does pay for salaries and sometimes for fuel , but there is often a shortage of even basic supplies like syringes . Doctors say they have to double up premature babies in incubators . And some of those incubators are compromised . On a recent day , a plastic surgical mask taped onto one machine was the only shield from infection . Watch scenes from inside the hospital '' The parents waiting anxiously beside their sick children seem resigned to the situation in the hospital . One mother , who declined to give her name , said she spent the family 's entire weekly income of $ 8 on an injection that did not help her baby . `` This is something that the hospital should be giving us , because we ca n't","question":"KABUL , Afghanistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Babies lie side by side in warming beds or sprawled on blankets atop crude wooden tables . Many families at Indira Gandhi Children 's Hospital in Kabul , Afghanistan , seem resigned to the situation . Children with wounds and broken bones are carried in by their parents to wait on stiff plastic chairs . Outside , coughing youngsters squat on the pavement with their anxious families , waiting for care . And everywhere , parents clutch plastic bags containing bring-your-own medicines and supplies . For though they are all awaiting treatment at Afghanistan 's only specialist pediatric hospital , the hospital can not even afford bandages for its patients . The Indira Gandhi Children 's Hospital in central Kabul has to run on an operating budget of less than $ 1,200 a month , said Dr. Noorulhaq Yousufzai , the hospital director . The few supplies that he can buy have to be hoarded for emergencies , and he has to count on parents to buy what 's needed to care for their children . `` In some cases , there is shortage of the surgical materials , and sometimes we do"} +{"answer":"days after his ship , the Maersk Alabama , was attacked last week . The freed Maersk crew members are expected to return to the United States on Wednesday evening . Pirates in Somalia vowed revenge . Pirates said an attack Tuesday on another U.S.-flagged merchant ship , the Liberty Sun , was in response to the killing of Phillips ' captors . `` It was a revenge , '' Hassan Mohamud told a Somali journalist . `` The U.S. ship escaped by a matter of chance . '' `` We sent out 14 boats full of well-armed men and we are looking for vessels of U.S. and French nationals , '' said Mohamud . He is a pirate leader based Gara'ad in Puntland , a semi-autonomous Somali region with a long coastline along the Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden . `` The U.S. and French governments should know this because they started the aggression on us , '' he said . Other pirates in the region have also vowed revenge . Two days before Phillips was rescued , the French military freed four hostages , including a child , who had been held by pirates for nearly a","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The French navy on Wednesday captured 11 suspected pirates off the coast of Kenya , Franc ' e mnistry of defense announced , while other pirates who had held a Greek vessel for nearly a month let it go . Pirates attacked The Liberty Sun , a U.S.-flagged cargo ship , but were unable to board . The navy tracked the pirates overnight after they attacked a ship called the Safmarine Asia , then seized them at dawn Wednesday morning , the ministry said in a statement . The Greek-flagged Titan cargo ship was carrying a load of iron to South Korea when pirates seized it . Twenty-four crew members were on board -- 17 Filipinos , three Greeks , three Romanians and a Ukrainian . They are in good health , said Tilemahos Gasteratos , spokesman for the Greek Merchant Marine Ministry . The European Union , NATO and the United States have been patrolling the region since an upsurge in piracy off the coast of Somalia began last year . U.S. snipers on Sunday killed three pirates holding hostage a U.S. merchant ship captain . Richard Phillips was held in a lifeboat for five"} +{"answer":"in the area will yield clues . Memphis Director of Police Services Larry Godwin said that because such crimes are rare on the university campus Bradford `` may very well have been targeted . '' `` We 're looking at everything , '' he said . `` We 're hoping that someone will step forward with some information to point us in the right direction . '' Residence halls reopened early Monday , and classes are expected to resume Tuesday . On Monday , offices at the university were open so students could have access to counseling and talk with faculty and staff , said university spokesman Curt Guenther . Raines said she and head football coach Tommy West met with Bradford 's parents and other family members to express their condolences . West said Bradford was `` very popular within our team , very popular on our campus . Very upbeat , very up-tempo personality . Always smiling , always talking . Very well-liked on this campus . '' Bradford , a marketing major , transferred to the University of Memphis from Samford University in Birmingham , Alabama , according to the Univeristy of Memphis football team 's Web","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A University of Memphis football player was shot and killed on campus Sunday night , prompting administration officials to cancel classes and plead for anyone with information to come forward . Police said defensive lineman Taylor Bradford , 21 , apparently was shot around 9:45 p.m. -LRB- 10:45 ET -RRB- Sunday . The 5-foot-11-inch , 300-pound junior apparently then got into his car , drove a short distance and hit a tree near the campus residence hall area . Bradford , of Nashville , Tennessee , was pronounced dead at Regional Medical Center . The university locked down the residence halls and canceled classes for Monday as an `` early precaution '' against the possibility there was an armed attacker on campus , university President Shirley Raines said . Raines said the school did not activate its newly installed emergency public address system because university police determined the campus was not in imminent danger . Witnesses told police they saw people they suspect were the assailants fleeing the scene , Raines said . University police said the Memphis Police Department 's homicide bureau is assisting in the investigation . Officials said they hope that surveillance cameras"} +{"answer":"already proof that they were in their own home , '' the president said . Was it stupid behavior or was it an understandable result of police procedure -- the culture , or rather sub-culture , of this profession . People depend on police in a time of trouble but are quicker than lightning to judge harshly when things go wrong . But the most important question in this case is : Did they go wrong ? One needs to understand that the interaction between a police officer and a suspect is just part of a larger context . When a neighbor calls the police to report a burglary in progress and a police officer is dispatched to respond , a decision-making process begins for the officer . Police work is about sub-cultural contexts , about war stories , about suspicion , about unpredictability , about danger and fear for one 's life . Police officers make their decisions based not just on a given situation but also based on their prior experience , the experience of those they have worked with and the stories they have heard about incidents that happened in the past . A call to respond","question":"Editor 's note : Maria -LRB- Maki -RRB- Haberfeld is a professor of Police Science at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City . She has served in the Israeli Defense Forces and the Israel National Police , and worked for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration as a special consultant . From 1997 through 2001 , she was a member of a research team , sponsored by the National Institute of Justice , studying police integrity in three major police departments in the United States . She is the author of `` Critical Issues in Police Training '' -LRB- 2002 -RRB- and co-author of `` Enhancing Police Integrity '' -LRB- 2006 -RRB- . Maria Haberfeld says police officers make decisions based on their awareness of potential danger . NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- We teach our children to think about what others feel before they act , but as grown-ups we frequently assume we understand what others do without ever having walked in their shoes . President Obama expressed his opinion about a police officer 's interaction with Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates . `` The Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was"} +{"answer":"for governor of New York . Some say the deciding factor was when Koch described life in upstate New York as `` sterile '' and said he dreaded living in the `` small town '' of Albany , if elected . That did n't play well in rural areas . Now comes Colin Powell . During a recent appearance on CNN 's `` Fareed Zakaria GPS , '' Powell attempted an autopsy on the Republican Party 's failed presidential bid . He went after Palin , accusing her of pushing the party so far to the right that it went over a cliff . `` I think -LSB- Palin -RSB- had something of a polarizing effect when she talked about how small-town values are good , '' Powell said . `` Well , most of us do n't live in small towns . And I was raised in the South Bronx , and there 's nothing wrong with my value system from the South Bronx . '' You 'd think the presidential campaign was about conservatives picking on urbanites . It was n't . Sure , some Republicans probably made a mistake by using phrases such as `` real America","question":"Ruben Navarrette Jr. is a nationally syndicated columnist and a member of the editorial board of the San Diego Union-Tribune . Read his column here Ruben Navarrette says Sarah Palin 's critics challenged her because of prejudices about small-town values . SAN DIEGO , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- During the presidential election , some Democrats demanded to know how I could defend Alaska Gov . Sarah Palin . Simply put , Palin is my people . She 's small-town folk who wound up in the big leagues . Because I grew up in a small town with a population of less than 15,000 people , I was disgusted by the insults and condescension coming from those who think of themselves as the enlightened elite . Meanwhile , in small towns , I detected great affection for Palin . People talked about how she was `` a real person '' who `` reflected their values . '' The most significant divide in America is n't Red State vs. Blue State , it 's rural vs. urban . The country mouse and the city mouse are still slugging it out . In 1982 , New York Mayor Ed Koch ran unsuccessfully"} +{"answer":"For Friedman , the system works but it 's not immune to bad decision-making . Green industry like globalization will come of age if given the right market environment . His faith in capitalism is equal to that in green technology -- for him , these are two things that are clearly reconcilable . So how do we do this ? America as the bastion for innovation , Friedman argues , should play a big role . In fact , he confesses it really is n't a book about the environment and energy , its a book about America . For Friedman , America is slipping down the ranks of hegemonic power and climate change is its big chance to reposition itself as a global leader . The environment is merely an allegory for how the U.S. will achieve this revival . As an extension of that argument , all countries need to do the same . Right now , no country has really taken the lead in environmental technology , so what we have at the moment is an all out race to the top . Indeed Friedman 's book was written before the financial meltdown but recent events","question":"HONG KONG , China -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Like that other famous environmentalist , Thomas Friedman began his talk at the Asia Society in Hong Kong on December 16 with a simple PowerPoint slide . But that 's where the similarities between Al Gore and The New York Times columnist end . Thomas L. Friedman has taken on a green hue with his latest book , `` Hot , Flat and Crowded '' . Unlike Gore , Friedman is a distinctly different shade of green , a deeply pragmatic green that believes economic forces can usher in a revolution in environmental policy . He argues that systemic change simply requires showing the world that it needs green technology and letting pure economics do the rest . As a journalist , Friedman makes no claims to having scientific expertise in climate change . He is approaching it from a philosophical standpoint . Green capital Friedman 's new book `` Hot , Flat and Crowded '' is not a major departure from his previous books . Whether he 's discussing globalization or green industry , he is writing from his deep-seated belief in the markets . He is an unabashed capitalist ."} +{"answer":"July 26 crash , along with Schuler and four children in her minivan -- her daughter and three nieces . A fifth child , Schuler 's son , survived and is in stable condition . Ruskin , a former officer in New York Police 's narcotics division , said he is hesitant to fully accept the autopsy report . `` I 'm not saying the autopsy is wrong or right . I do n't know if she smoked pot weeks prior . Marijuana stays in your system for up to 30 days , '' he said . The medical examiner 's office released a statement on August 6 , saying it stands by its autopsy results , and reiterated that Sunday . Schuler 's family expressed shock when the details were revealed , saying she had no history of substance use . `` There 's no way she 'd do this , '' Jay Schuler , Schuler 's sister-in-law , said earlier this month . `` She was responsible . '' Tests revealed that Schuler had an additional six grams of alcohol in her stomach that had yet to be metabolized , according to Maj. William Carey of the New","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The body of a woman who authorities say was impaired by marijuana and alcohol when she caused a deadly head-on collision shows no signs of long-term alcohol use , according to an investigator hired by her family . Diane Schuler 's minivan was heading the wrong direction as the wreck happened , police said . `` I have looked at the autopsy , and the pancreas , liver and esophagus were clear , '' Tom Ruskin , lead investigator and president of CMP Protective and Investigative Group , told CNN . `` I 've never seen a case like this . No one has seen this woman drunk and we have interviewed over 50 people -- relatives , friends , colleagues and former employees from her company . '' The Westchester County medical examiner 's office found that Diane Schuler , 36 , had a blood alcohol level of .19 percent -- more than twice the legal limit -- and had marijuana in her system when she drove a minivan the wrong way on the Taconic State Parkway and ran head-on into an SUV . Three adults in the SUV were killed in the"} +{"answer":". Single borrowers who earn less than $ 16,245 -- the poverty level -- would not be required to make any payments on their federal loans as long as their income remained that low . Payments would be significantly lower under the income-based plan , but loans would take longer than the standard 10 years to repay . That could increase overall interest costs for borrowers . Proponents argue that for some it is well worth the tradeoff by making lower-paying jobs more appealing . `` Just imagine all those people that went to college and had expectations of a good job market and now it 's not so hot , '' said Deputy Undersecretary Bob Shireman of the U.S. Department of Education . `` This provides a kind of safety net , helps give them some assurance that they 'll be OK , and that they 'll even be OK if they go into lower paying jobs . '' For students who eyed public service as a career but thought the salary underwhelming , a loan forgiveness option for public sector workers might inspire some . Borrowers who work for 10 years in a public service job , such","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Colleges are n't getting any cheaper , but federal student loans are . Students who graduate with college loan debt can use a repayment plan that will give lower monthly payments . Millions of borrowers will get a better deal on their student loans based on federal rules that went into effect Wednesday . Lower interest rates and loan forgiveness in some cases are some of the rules that will make borrowing cheaper for many students . Also among the rules : an income-based repayment program that considers income and family size . The program allows borrowers to set their monthly loan payment at 15 percent of their annual adjusted gross income . Under the traditional 10-year plan , a borrower who graduated with $ 25,000 in student loan debt and whose income is $ 30,000 a year would pay $ 288 a month at an interest rate of 6.8 percent , according to the the Department of Education 's Web site . Now , the student could opt for payments of $ 172 a month spread over a longer time . Borrowers can apply the plan to their remaining loan amount as of Wednesday"} +{"answer":"inside the mosque at the time of the blast . Police were investigating the explosion , which was detonated using a homemade timer , Khan said . Hours later , three bombs exploded about 10 p.m. -LRB- noon ET -RRB- outside a stadium in Lahore where a music festival was being held , police Inspector Muntzir Kazmi said . A 13-year-old was injured , but it was unknown whether the victim was a boy or girl . This week , Pakistan 's Foreign Ministry summoned U.S. Ambassador Anne Patterson to lodge a formal protest against another suspected U.S. missile strike on its territory , an act Pakistan Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani called a violation of his nation 's sovereignty . Watch Gilani say his country has had enough of U.S. attacks \u00c2 '' Wednesday 's strike in the Bannu region of Pakistan 's North-West Frontier Province left five dead and seven wounded . That attack was farther inside Pakistani territory than previous attacks . The attack targeted a home outside the tribal areas that U.S. intelligence says have become a haven for Taliban and al Qaeda fighters battling U.S. and NATO troops in neighboring Afghanistan . The U.S. government","question":"ISLAMABAD , Pakistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A suspected missile strike from a U.S. Predator drone killed at least four people in a house in Pakistan 's North Waziristan region early Saturday . Marchers protest recent U.S. missile strikes on the Pakistani tribal areas . The attack , which occurred in the Mir Ali subdivision in the village of Ali Khel , was one of several to hit the country Saturday . Six people were injured in Saturday 's attack , the fourth suspected U.S. strike on Pakistani soil in November . The names of the victims have not been released . It is also not known why the house was targeted . Elsewhere , three people were killed and 11 were injured in an explosion inside a mosque in northwest Pakistan 's tribal region , a government official said . The explosion happened just after 4 p.m. -LRB- 6 a.m. ET -RRB- , leaving the Hangu district mosque inside Pakistan 's North-West Frontier Province in ruins , said Omer Faraz Khan , deputy superintendent of Hangu . He said rescuers were trying to save people trapped under the debris . It was not immediately clear how many people were"} +{"answer":". My brave brother , Glenn J. Winuk , was a partner at a large law firm , Holland & Knight , located two blocks from the World Trade Center . For almost 20 years Glenn was also a volunteer firefighter and an emergency medical technician . When the Towers were hit , Glenn borrowed rescue equipment and ran from safety toward the South Tower to participate in the rescue effort . He died when the South Tower collapsed . Soon after the attacks , I co-founded , with my friend David Paine and other 9\/11 family members and friends , a grassroots initiative called MyGoodDeed . Our goal ? To establish the anniversary of September 11 , 2001 as an annually recognized national day of service . Our widely shared view was that there would be no better way to pay tribute to those thousands lost and those millions who rose in spontaneous , compassionate and effective service to help rebuild our spirit and our nation in the aftermath of the attacks . Supported by all the leading 9\/11 family , survivor and volunteer organizations , the initiative has since attracted the attention and participation of millions of people","question":"Editor 's note : Jay S. Winuk , co-founder of MyGoodDeed , is the brother of Glenn J. Winuk , an attorney and volunteer firefighter and EMT who died in the line of duty when the South Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed on September 11 , 2001 . This week Glenn was posthumously honored with the 9\/11 Heroes Medal of Valor from the United States of America . Jay Winuk says September 11 is best observed as a day of service to others . NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The upcoming eighth anniversary of the attacks of September 11 raises a compelling question for millions of Americans : How should we best observe this uniquely tragic day in our nation 's history ? Surely , it should not be a holiday . This is no time for days off from work and three-day weekends to enjoy barbeques and white sales . No , September 11 is a day for reflection , and its historical and emotional significance should not lessen with time or be diminished in any way . It is a day to focus on the substantial lessons learned . I 'm a 9\/11 family member"} +{"answer":"Israeli settlers to denote reprisal attacks against Palestinians in response to moves by the Israeli government to evacuate illegal West Bank outposts , or as retribution for attacks by Palestinians . Mayor of Tel Aviv-Jaffa Ron Huldai decried the vandalism and met with leaders of the Arab community to discuss it Sunday . `` I expect the hands of those who do such crimes to be cut off , '' he said . `` The public in Jaffa has always been the most mature above all the extremists . We will find the way to return to normal -LRB- relations -RRB- despite the provocations . '' After authorities found the graffiti , Arab and Jewish residents of Jaffa held a small protest against racism and for coexistence Saturday night . During their demonstration , a Molotov cocktail was thrown at a synagogue elsewhere in the city . No one was injured and the building was not damaged in that incident , but police were investigating . The vandalism in Jaffa took place less than a week after the arson of a mosque in northern Israel and the painting of swastikas on the walls of a Jewish holy site in the","question":"Jerusalem -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Israeli officials were working on repairs at a cemetery in an Arab section of the coastal city of Jaffa Sunday after vandals covered graves with graffiti . `` I am shocked . We should not permit it . It was done by a tiny minority , but the crime is terrible , '' Israeli President Shimon Peres told CNN Sunday . `` To try and violate the holiness of a cemetery is against everything that we stand for , so both in public terms and religious terms , we shall take all the measures to get hold of these criminals and put an end to it . '' More than 100 graves were vandalized in the Muslim cemetery of al-Kazakhana and at a nearby Christian cemetery in the Ajami neighborhood of Jaffa , according to residents and a CNN producer who visited the locations . Words spray-painted in Hebrew on the gravestones included `` death to all Arabs , '' `` death to all Russians '' and `` price tag . '' Graffiti also included words associated with a local football fan club . `` Price tag '' is a term frequently used by radical"} +{"answer":"community . `` We have a lot of issues to work on -- the problem of water contamination ; there 's so much trash , '' Salva says . `` We ca n't just think that it will take care of itself . '' Salva , who has been a teacher in Jujuy for 20 years , says the environmental issues are n't recent ones . Ten years ago , she and her students noticed a lot of trash outside the school . `` The parks surrounding the school were littered with plastic bottles and beer bottles , '' recalls Salva . They began volunteering with a government program , collecting and bagging waste in the area . But the program waned after a year , and students and teachers could no longer continue their environmental efforts . `` Our city had no formal recycling program or even knowledge of why it was important to learn about fresh water , forestation , and the importance of recycling , '' says Salva . So Salva began Esperanza de Vida in 1997 to organize and lead young participants in `` making our streets and our environment cleaner . '' `` I believe","question":"TILCARA , Argentina -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Carmen Salva 's mission may be ambitious , but her belief is simple : `` It 's never too early to start caring for the land you live in and grow up in . '' Carmen Salva : `` It 's a great joy to know that I am preparing a new generation to respect the environment . '' That 's why on Saturdays , Salva and a group of 60 to 100 students , parents and teachers can be found venturing into the high altitude of their northern Argentina mountains , trash bags in hand and llamas in tow . They 're part of Esperanza de Vida -LRB- Hope for Life -RRB- , Salva 's youth environmental group that is out to clean up the surroundings , one plastic bottle at a time . Salva , 49 , was born and raised in the Jujuy province of northern Argentina , an area known for its rich culture and spectacular vistas -- `` the reason why most people fall in love with it , '' says Salva . But despite its beauty , Salva says there 's no real environmental consciousness in her"} +{"answer":"Sonkar says : `` She used to go to school and the kids would not befriend her . She would say , ' I do n't want to go to school . ' '' Watch how Pinki was transformed by the operation '' `` Pinki was a depressed , sad , lonely , shy , young little girl , growing up on the periphery of the society in a little village , '' said Satish Kalra , director of Smile Train 's South Asian region , after meeting with Pinki . The little girl 's own family was ashamed of her , Kalra says . But all of that has changed . Pinki is now a real pistol , full of energy and confidence , and she has a fantastic smile too -- thanks to the Smile Train charity . Smile Train teaches doctors in their own countries to operate on cleft lips , a deformity afflicting up to four million children across the world . iReport : Share your Oscar predictions Pinki just happened to be one of the chosen candidates for surgery and was also chosen to be the subject of the documentary . The film chronicles her","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- While all eyes seem to be on `` Slumdog Millionaire '' for the Oscars , one very courageous little girl will be focused on another India-based film at the ceremony . Pinki , like millions in developing countries , had to live with her deformity and suffer the social consequences . It 's called '' Smile Pinki , '' and it 's up for an Oscar , too -- nominated for best short documentary , which it won on Sunday . The little girl watching it from inside the Oscar ceremony has traveled all the way to Los Angeles , California , from her small Indian village with her dad -- and it has been an incredible journey for Pinki Sonkar . `` Smile Pinki '' tells the story of her transformation from a sad outcast to a vibrant 8-year-old with plenty of spunk . Pinki was born with a cleft lip , and her impoverished family did not have the money for corrective surgery . Like millions of other children born with the lip deformity in developing countries , Pinki simply had to live with it and suffer the social consequences . Her father Rajendra"} +{"answer":"to charges resulting from a sex scandal and submitted his resignation to the governor -- effective in two weeks . Under a plea deal , Kilpatrick will serve four months in the Wayne County Jail and the rest of his five-year sentence on probation , said Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy . He will enter jail on the day of his formal sentencing , October 28 , she said . Kilpatrick , 38 , also agreed not to run for public office during his probation , to pay $ 1 million in restitution and to forfeit any future pension . He was accused of blocking a criminal investigation into his office and firing a police deputy to cover up an extramarital affair and other possible illicit activities . After the deputy , Gary Brown , lost his job , a mayoral bodyguard , Officer Harold Nelthrope , left his job voluntarily when the atmosphere became too tense , said his attorney in the whistle-blower suit trial . Walt Harris , another former mayoral bodyguard , filed his own whistle-blower suit , contending he was punished for supporting Nelthrope 's reports of wrongdoing by Kilpatrick and his bodyguards . The city","question":"DETROIT , Michigan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A defiant Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick addressed Detroit on Thursday night listing what he said the city had accomplished under his leadership just hours after announcing his resignation amid a sex and perjury scandal . Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick has agreed to resign from office , a prosecutor said Thursday . `` The city is much better shape than the city I received seven years ago , '' said Kilpatrick . `` We in Detroit have done amazing things together . '' During the speech Kilpatrick also jabbed city officials and Michigan 's governor , telling them to continue to work for the people of Detroit as hard as they did to get him out of office . Kilpatrick told the crowd his marriage is better than it has ever been and kissed his wife to end the speech , an act that brought thunderous applause . Kilpatrick said he decided to step down so the city could continue to move forward . `` Sometimes standing strong means stepping down , '' Kilpatrick said . `` But Detroit you have set me up for a comeback . '' The embattled Kilpatrick pleaded guilty Thursday"} +{"answer":", as he talked about asthma rates and the Bush administration 's environmental record . I chatted with Obama 's press attach\u00c3 \u00a9 and with a Chicago Tribune reporter , David Mendell , as the speech wound down , and was offered a ride in a nondescript minivan back to the Fleet Center . Even then Obama was attracting attention ; several members of the audience gave him enthusiastic greetings as he left the scene to get in the van . In the front passenger seat of the van , the rail-thin Obama , obviously hungry -LRB- he later told me he 'd lost eight pounds since the beginning of the campaign -RRB- , chewed on a sandwich and joked with the other passengers as I peppered him with questions during the 20-minute ride . He answered with deliberate thoughtfulness , though he 'd probably heard at least a few of them dozens of times already . Was he worried about the speech , the kind of spotlight that had made political leaders including William Jennings Bryan , Mario Cuomo and Ann Richards national figures ? `` There 's going to be some adrenaline , '' he said , after","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The cool of Barack Obama was very much on display on a warm day in Boston 's Christopher Columbus Park during the summer of 2004 . John Kerry , right , and Obama confer at the 2004 DNC , where Obama wowed the crowd with his keynote address . It was going to be a big day for the Democratic nominee for the U.S. Senate from Illinois . In a few hours , on that night , July 27 , 2004 , he was to give the keynote address to the Democratic National Convention at the Fleet Center about a mile away . But as he gave a lunchtime speech on environmental policy to a leisurely crowd of about 100 people at the green space on Boston Harbor , he was relaxed and loose , seemingly unconcerned about what was ahead . Taking notes amid the crowd , I hoped to get a few minutes with the candidate . I 'd been told about his vaunted charisma -- my two brothers , both of whom live in Chicago , had mentioned his oratorical gifts -- but in person Obama seemed familiar , even a touch wonky"} +{"answer":". `` Liu Xiabao was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize last year for his struggle for human rights , democracy and freedom of speech in China , '' blogged Norwegian lawmaker Snorre Valen of the Socialist Left Party , who nominated WikiLeaks . `` Likewise : WikiLeaks have contributed to the struggle for those very values globally , by exposing -LRB- among many other things -RRB- corruption , war crimes and torture -- some times even conducted by allies of Norway . '' Liu 's win upset the Chinese and set off a diplomatic squabble . The year before , the world gasped collectively at Barack Obama 's win , a shocker that the U.S. president had won even before he had completed his first year in office . Despite the controversy that has swirled around perhaps the world 's most prestigious prize , some experts say this year is a no-brainer , given the seismic events that have gripped the Arab world . Kristian Berg Harpviken , director of Norway 's Peace Research Institute Oslo shortlisted men and women who did their share in fomenting peaceful revolts against repressive regimes . Harpviken 's top choice is Israa Abdel Fattah","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Twitter was abuzz Thursday with the death of Apple visionary Steve Jobs but another topic was gathering steam as the day progressed . Who will win this year 's coveted Nobel Peace Prize ? Not Jobs , though many among his huge global following posted messages that he should . The Nobel is never awarded posthumously and that rule also eliminates Mohamed Bouazizi , the unemployed college graduate whose self-immolation in Tunisia sparked a popular uprising that led to the fall of Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali 's government . The Tunisian revolt began this year 's so-called Arab Spring . Some years , there are clear frontrunners -- Martin Luther King , Jr. , Mother Teresa , Nelson Mandela , Aung San Suu Kyi . This year , it 's anyone 's guess with a record number of nominations -- 241 -- received by the Nobel committee . Of those , 53 are organizations , including WikiLeaks -- the website founded by Julian Assange that facilitates the publication of classified information and made headlines for leaking documents and videos related to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan . It also released thousands of U.S. diplomatic cables"} +{"answer":"he 's claiming happened did not happen like he said it happened , '' Brown said . Authorities searching Laurean 's home found a cavity in his backyard earlier Friday . A preliminary investigation indicated a `` suspicious situation , '' prompting police to secure the scene and wait for daylight Saturday . Watch authorities search for a grave '' `` We think that we have found what would be the skeletal remains -LSB- of Lauterbach -RSB- , '' Onslow County District Attorney Dewey Hudson told reporters . While authorities will not know for sure until Saturday , `` there are certainly some strong indicators that there are human remains '' buried in the cavity , he said . `` It does n't take a rocket scientist to understand if there 's a cavity out back and blood on the inside , that 's probably going to be a key location for where this crime may have taken place , '' Brown said . He also hinted that investigators have uncovered more twists in the case . `` I do think this case is going to be a bizarre ending , and when I say bizarre , more than just","question":"JACKSONVILLE , North Carolina -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Police believe they have found the remains of a missing Marine buried in the backyard of the prime suspect in the case and blood spatter evidence inside his home , authorities said Friday evening . Investigators search for the body of Lance Cpl. Maria Lauterbach Friday . Tests found the `` trace of violent activity in the house '' and `` evidence of an attempted cleanup , '' said Onslow County Sheriff Ed Brown . Investigators are treating the death of Lance Cpl. Maria Lauterbach as a murder , Brown added . Lauterbach , 20 -- who was eight months pregnant -- was reported missing from Camp Lejeune , North Carolina , by her mother December 19 . Cpl. Cesar Armando Laurean , whom Lauterbach had accused of rape , is the suspected killer , and is being sought , Brown said . He confirmed that Laurean had left a note , but did not divulge what it said . Investigators told CNN , however , that Laurean left a note to his wife saying Lauterbach had committed suicide and that he buried the body . `` Evidence now is saying what"} +{"answer":", '' said Mike Jachles of the Broward Sheriff 's Office . `` One of those men was the intended target , '' Jachles told CNN . Witnesses said multiple shots were fired , according to police . Henry Mancilla , 24 was sitting in the driver 's seat of a gold Mitsubishi Galant at an intersection in Lauderdale Lakes , Florida , near Fort Lauderdale . `` They were exiting the vehicle when shots were fired , striking Mancilla , '' said Jachles . He was pronounced dead at the scene . Mancilla was with two other men in their early 20s , Tony Santana and Nick Pappas . One of them was the intended victim , but police are not saying who . `` The four men acted in unison in planning and executing this murder . Mancilla was in the wrong place at the wrong time , and he ended up the victim , '' said Mike Jachles . The three victims said they had been `` jumped '' earlier in the evening by the same four men and fled the scene in a red Chevy Impala , according to a sheriff 's detective affidavit released Monday","question":"MIAMI , Florida -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Police think it started with a dispute over an ex-girlfriend . Threats were made on social networking sites and via text messages . The suspects , clockwise from top left are : Lernio Colin , Angel Cruz , Peter MacDonald and Christopher Harter . A murder plot was hatched and , police say , in the early hours of last Saturday morning , a Florida man was gunned down in his car . But the suspects apparently killed the wrong man . Now four men are in custody , and will face charges of first degree premeditated murder and two counts of attempted murder . The four are Angel Cruz , 23 ; his brother from Oregon , Christopher Harter , 29 ; Peter MacDonald , 18 ; and Lernio Colin , 20 . They have all appeared before a judge in Fort Lauderdale , Florida . They have not entered pleas and are being held without bond , according to state prosecutors . Detectives are executing search warrants today , and much about the case is still not known . `` The victim was with two other males , in the vehicle"} +{"answer":"Westin Copley Place hotel , police reports said . Read the AC360 blog post Investigators knew they had crimes born of the Internet on their hands , but how were they able to use that same technology to help them find a suspect who went to great lengths to hide his tracks ? `` The figures involved communicated with each other -LSB- via -RSB- text and e-mail , and they only met at the very last minute , '' said special correspondent Maureen Orth , who investigated the story for Vanity Fair magazine . `` And then the way the police were able to solve the crime was going back , using the clicks and the Internet addresses . '' In Brisman 's case , police knew she had communicated on Craigslist with a person calling himself `` Andy . '' Mark Rasch once headed the computer crimes unit at the U.S. Department of Justice . Now an Internet forensic expert , he helped Boston police track the alleged killer . `` The first thing you start with was the e-mail address . In this case , it 's an e-mail address from Live.com , which is Microsoft , ''","question":"BOSTON , Massachusetts -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- They were crimes born of the Internet age -- romantic solicitations on popular Web site Craigslist that police say led to the fatal shooting of one woman and the robbery of another in Boston hotels this past spring . Internet forensic expert Mark Rasch used high-tech sleuthing to help police in Boston 's Craigslist crimes . And it was high-tech , 21st-century sleuthing , along with some old-fashioned gumshoe detective work , that put police on the trail toward a suspect and eventually an arrest . On CNN 's `` AC 360 '' Randi Kaye recently took a behind-the-scenes look at how technology was used to lead police to 23-year-old medical student Philip Markoff , who has been indicted on seven counts , including first-degree murder . Prosecutors said Julissa Brisman , a model from New York who advertised as a masseuse on Craigslist , was shot three times at close range and suffered blunt head trauma at the Marriott Copley Place hotel on April 14 . And a 29-year-old Las Vegas , Nevada , woman was robbed of $ 800 in cash and $ 250 in American Express gift cards at the"} +{"answer":"the region , and Turkey recently mediated indirect peace talks between Israel and Syria . But many Turks have been incensed with Israel over its three-week military operation that ended there earlier this month . And in Davos , Erdogan was angered after Peres said that Israel is committed to peace and blamed Hamas for the fighting in Gaza , where Israel staged a three-week military operation that ended earlier this month . When Erdogan began responding , a moderator cut him off , saying the debate had run over its allotted time . Erdogan patted the moderator on the arm until he was granted one more minute to respond . Watch commentary on Erdogan 's angry exchange '' `` I know the reason behind raising your voice is because of the guilty psychology , '' he said to Peres . `` My voice will not be that loud . You must know that . When it comes to killing -- you know killing very well . I know how you hit , kill children on the beaches . '' He then left the stage , complaining that Peres was receiving preferential treatment . `` From now on , Davos","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Israeli President Shimon Peres said he had an amicable phone conversation with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan , a day after Erdogan stormed offstage during an angry exchange with Peres at the World Economic Forum in Davos , Switzerland . Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan leaves the stage Thursday , as Israeli President Shimon Peres sits , left . Peres said he and Erdogan did not take the spat personally . `` I called him up and said , yes , it 's nothing against you , nothing against Turkey . We consider you as a friend , '' Peres said . He said Erdogan reciprocated . Although there was no mention of an apology , Peres said there was a polite exchange between the two leaders . `` I did n't take it personally . I did n't go for a personal fight . I answered unfounded accusations . It was my duty . And they did n't change my mind , '' he said . Watch Shimon Peres on the Gaza conflict '' Turkey , a predominantly Muslim nation , has long been the Jewish state 's closest military and economic partner in"} +{"answer":". `` We are not providing comment at this time , '' said company spokeswoman Heather Browne in an e-mail . She referred CNN to a filing in October that cited a consortium that included KBR called TSKJ . It said , `` information has been uncovered suggesting that , commencing at least 10 years ago , members of TSKJ planned payments to Nigerian officials . We have reason to believe , based on the ongoing investigations , that payments may have been made by agents of TSKJ to Nigerian officials . `` The government has recently confirmed that it has evidence of such payments . The government has also recently advised Halliburton and KBR that it has evidence of payments to Nigerian officials by another agent in connection with a separate KBR-managed offshore project in Nigeria and possibly evidence of payments in connection with other projects in Nigeria . '' The company said that in June 2004 it terminated its relationship with Stanley , and noted his guilty plea . `` By the plea , Mr. Stanley admitted that he participated in a scheme to bribe Nigerian government officials and that payments were made by agents of TSKJ to","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The former Halliburton subsidiary KBR has been charged with bribing Nigerian government officials with `` tens of millions of dollars '' to obtain `` billions of dollars in contracts , '' according to court documents filed late Friday in Houston , Texas . KBR was spun off from its former parent corporation Halliburton in 2007 . Justice Department lawyers filed an `` information , '' which is generally associated with an expected plea agreement . The Justice Department had no comment on the filing , but officials familiar with the case said they expected KBR representatives to appear Wednesday in federal court in Houston . The 22-page court document outlines a complex joint venture involving KBR and the Nigeria government-owned National Petroleum Corporation charged with developing the country 's oil and gas industry . The contracts involved the design and construction of a natural gas plant . The government documents say the joint venture included payments to international consultants to bribe Nigerian officials . The alleged violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act come after the conviction of Albert Stanley , KBR 's former chief executive officer , who pleaded guilty to bribery last fall"} +{"answer":"than at any time in the last 50 years -- do n't seem to me in a strong position to lecture about the lessons of history , '' Summers told ABC 's `` This Week . '' President Barack Obama , his advisers and the Democratic leaders of Congress argue the roughly $ 830 billion measure will help pull the U.S. economy out of its current skid . Much of the package involves infrastructure spending , long-term energy projects and aid to cash-strapped state and local governments . The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office reported last week that the measure is likely to create between 1.3 million and 3.9 million jobs by the end of 2010 , lowering a projected unemployment rate of 8.7 percent by up to 2.1 percentage points . But the CBO warned the long-term effect of that much government spending over the next decade could `` crowd out '' private investment , lowering long-term economic growth forecasts by 0.1 percent to 0.3 percent by 2019 . In a concession to Republicans , about a third of the bill involves tax cuts . But the measure is expected to have only minimal GOP support when it goes to","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Leading Republicans warned Sunday that the Obama administration 's $ 800 billion-plus economic stimulus effort will lead to what one called a `` financial disaster . '' The country will `` pay dearly '' if it executes the president 's stimulus plans , Sen. Richard Shelby says . `` Everybody on the street in America understands that , '' said Sen. Richard Shelby , the ranking Republican on the Senate Banking Committee . `` This is not the right road to go . We 'll pay dearly . '' Shelby , of Alabama , told CNN 's `` State of the Union '' that the package and efforts to shore up the struggling banking system will put the United States on `` a road to financial disaster . '' But Lawrence Summers , the head of the administration 's National Economic Council , said Republicans have lost their credibility on the issue . Watch Republicans criticize the stimulus bill '' `` Those who presided over the last eight years -- the eight years that brought us to the point where we inherit trillions of dollars of deficit , an economy that 's collapsing more rapidly"} +{"answer":"in Middle East peace talks , Clinton could not get assurances that a presidential visit to North Korea would seal the deal . He passed off the almost completed process to the incoming George W. Bush administration . On March 6 , 2001 , new Secretary of State Colin Powell said , `` We do plan to engage with North Korea to pick up where President Clinton and his administration left off . '' But Bush had different ideas . On March 7 , Bush kneecapped Powell . With South Korean President Kim Dae-jung sitting next to him in embarrassed silence , Bush said , `` We look forward to , at some point in the future , having a dialogue with the North Koreans , but any negotiation would require complete verification of the terms of a potential agreement . '' The conservative ideologues in the administration froze all discussions with North Korea for an 18-month review . Clinton 's hard-earned diplomatic wins were replaced by the Bush Doctrine , summed up by Vice President Dick Cheney : `` We do n't negotiate with evil ; we defeat it . '' The United States would instead overthrow difficult regimes","question":"Editor 's note : Joseph Cirincione is president of Ploughshares Fund , a nonprofit organization that makes grants to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons , and the author of `` Bomb Scare : The History and Future of Nuclear Weapons . '' He formerly was a senior vice president at the Center for American Progress , a think tank that describes itself as `` progressive , '' and was on the staff of the House Armed Services Committee . Joseph Cirincione says Clinton 's trip was the culmination of diplomacy his adminstration began 15 years ago . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Clinton did more than free two unjustly jailed journalists . He jump-started the successful diplomacy he had begun 15 years earlier . In October 2000 , then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright visited Pyongyang . During Bill Clinton 's presidency , the administration had locked down North Korea 's plutonium production program , which had created enough deadly material for two bombs during the Reagan years . They had stopped all missile tests . They were a few details away from concluding a deal to end these programs completely . But Clinton ran out of time . Enmeshed"} +{"answer":"CNN has chosen not to name any of the recruiters . The sergeant 's was the second suicide within the ranks of the battalion within weeks , Army officials said . In August , a staff sergeant , a combat veteran in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq , also killed himself . Another Houston recruiter killed himself in 2007 and a yet another in 2005 , Army records show . The Army Recruiting Command is sending a team -- including a chaplain and a psychologist -- to assist the Houston recruiters . The team was scheduled to show up in mid-September , but because of the severe hurricane damage the arrival was delayed until October , officials said . A chaplain from Army Recruiting Command in Fort Knox , Kentucky , was sent to be with the battalion shortly after the latest victim 's death , Smith said . He said recruiters receive annual suicide prevention training , and commanders have additional tools to help their soldiers cope . The members of the Houston battalion received their last training in December 2007 , according to an Army statement . The Army Recruiting Command is examining recruiters all over the","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The U.S. Army is establishing a suicide prevention board to examine the mental health of its recruiters around the country after the fourth suicide in three years by Houston , Texas-based recruiters , according to Army officials . The Army Recruiting Command is examining recruiters all over the country for job-related and combat-related stress . The board will look at how to handle the high-stress climate facing recruiters who may be both under pressure from their job and victims of post-combat deployment stress , according to Douglas Smith , a spokesman from the U.S. Army Recruiting command . `` The United States Army Recruiting Command is deeply concerned by the instances of suicide within the Houston Recruiting Battalion , '' said a statement released by the Recruiting Command . `` The board 's objective will be to prevent future suicides , increase suicide awareness , analyze trends and highlight additional tools and resources to combat suicide within the Recruiting Command . '' The Army 's examination comes after a sergeant first class , a member of the Houston Recruiting Battalion and an Iraq combat veteran , killed himself at his home earlier this month ."} +{"answer":"of people who spent the night in a dark park across the street . A rooster 's crowing could sometimes be heard above the din . After electricity in the hotel was shut off at 1 a.m. , CNN technicians worked on satellite equipment by flashlight . The hotel resembles a compound , with razor wire topping eight-foot walls and a gated parking lot , guarded by a man wielding an old shotgun . And although the hotel 's residents seemed safe , and street violence had not been seen , there was a feeling of apprehension . As dawn broke , residents wandered slowly through the streets , their destination unknown in a city with seemingly nowhere to go . Still , there were glimmers of hope that the situation was inching toward improvement . The airport , damaged by the quake , began to come back to life Wednesday . The Aeroport International Toussaint Louverture had been closed since the quake struck . But by Wednesday afternoon , the first small-plane commercial flights started to arrive . The airport picked up energy and vitality as planes carrying supplies and ferrying search-and-rescue squads began filling the tarmac . Francklin","question":"Port-au-Prince , Haiti -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Haiti 's capital awoke to increasing desperation Thursday morning , a day and a half after a devastating earthquake , with covered bodies piling up along streets and modern aspects of life , such as electricity , mostly missing . The streets of Port-au-Prince resembled grainy black-and-white newsreels from World War II that showed the rubble of bombed-out houses in Berlin and London . The devastation was wide and often horrific . A one-hour drive from the airport to a walled-in hotel where the CNN contingent is staying revealed the widespread destruction from Tuesday 's 7.0-magnitude earthquake . Flattened and severely damaged houses were found on every block , and the streets were choked with pedestrians and residents . They set up overnight camps and slept by the thousands in dark and crowded parks and on sidewalks , for fear of being inside if another powerful quake hit . Numerous aftershocks have rattled the capital . Sporadic gunfire was heard Wednesday night outside the hotel where CNN is lodged . Sirens could be heard at times , but the predominant sounds in the pre-dawn darkness were the shouts and screams from the thousands"} +{"answer":"staying late to pump up his grades . `` Just a very humble , kind and considerate kid , '' Linster said . Watch friends and neighbors describe the lucky cowboy '' Chris Leneaugh , once an assistant cross-county coach , remembers a dedication to running that propelled Wanless from the middle of the pack to near the front of the team by his senior year . `` Neal never gave up trying , '' Leneaugh said . `` That 's what I liked about him , his dedication . '' The yearbook also tells the tale of a hat-wearing rancher who was one of a few white students in a school filled with Native Americans -- Lakota Sioux from the Rosebud Indian Reservation . `` Oh man , he was always cowboyed up , '' said former classmate Mike Prue . `` We are all Natives around here and there he was with his Wrangler shirt and jeans . He really stuck out . '' Prue and his buddy Steve Plank said Wanless would help them with their homework , despite the differences . The story of the Wanless family is the story of a family doing muscle-aching work","question":"WINNER , South Dakota -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Neal Wanless , a down-on-his luck cowboy before winning a $ 232 million Powerball jackpot last month , was always known for his big heart even when he barely had a dime to his name . Neal Wanless , winner of the $ 232 million lottery in South Dakota , shown here in a high school yearbook . Now , with his good fortune , neighbors and former teachers worry that he might be easily separated from his new-found money , although he does n't seem to be around to give any of it away . `` I just hope he does n't get inundated , '' his former English teacher Deana Brodkorb told CNN . `` He 's just such a nice guy and I hope he does n't get suckered . '' Flip through the yearbook at Todd County High School and the portrait emerges of the `` good kid '' that teachers and classmates remember . Wanless ran cross-country , played in the band and graduated second in his class -- the 2004 Salutatorian . Diane Linster , his math teacher , remembers Wanless coming early to school and"} +{"answer":"Watch Bush talk about the aftermath of 9\/11 '' `` I told the American people I would n't tire and I would n't falter , and I have n't , '' the outgoing president said . Bush brushed off the low opinion-ratings and declining polls that have marked his waning presidency by saying , `` Look , opinion polls are nothing but a shot of yesterday 's news . '' `` Opinion polls are n't going to be high when the economy is in the tank , '' he added . `` People are n't happy with the economy . Neither am I . But you ca n't make decisions based on popularity polls . '' Bush took that train of thought on to another topic , Iraq . `` If the military thinks you 're making decisions based on the Gallup poll , they 're not going to follow a commander in chief , '' he said . Asked about inaccurate intelligence reports on alleged weapons of mass destruction that led up to the war in Iraq , Bush refused to criticize the CIA , saying only that he was `` disappointed . '' On Iraq , he maintained","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The commander in chief 's priority is preventing another terrorist attack in the United States , President Bush told CNN 's `` Larry King Live '' Tuesday . President Bush and first lady Laura Bush sit down with CNN 's Larry King Live on Tuesday . `` The most important job I have had -- and the most important job the next president is going to have -- is to protect the American people from another attack , '' Bush said . Accompanied by first lady Laura Bush and engaging in a wide-ranging conversation with King , Bush also said that his administration has been involved in stopping specific threats against the United States since the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks . `` We 've learned a lot of information about al Qaeda that we did n't know before , '' Bush said of intelligence activities during his tenure as president . `` We 've stopped some specific threats -- we 're decimating -LSB- al Qaeda 's -RSB- leadership . '' He did not offer specifics , but he did offer a self-assessment of his leadership in national security post-9 \/ 11 ."} +{"answer":"a time of global economic challenges that can not be met by half measures or the isolated efforts of any nation , '' Obama said . `` Now , the leaders of the Group of 20 have a responsibility to take bold , comprehensive and coordinated action that not only jump-starts recovery , but also launches a new era of economic engagement to prevent a crisis like this from ever happening again . '' The president also pointed out that although the United States is separated by two oceans from most of the rest of the world , a global economy renders those geographic distinctions moot . `` Once and for all , we have learned that the success of the American economy is inextricably linked to the global economy , '' Obama said . `` There is no line between action that restores growth within our borders and action that supports it beyond . '' Next week 's G-20 summit will be Obama 's first meeting as president with many of the world 's leaders . He will meet many of the Western Hemisphere 's leaders at the Fifth Summit of the Americas next month in Trinidad and Tobago","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Obama reached out to citizens of the world Tuesday , saying in an op-ed piece that ran in 31 newspapers around the globe that there is an urgent need for worldwide economic cooperation . President Obama will discuss the economic downturn with other world leaders next week at the Group of 20 meeting . Obama 's move comes ahead of next week 's Group of 20 meeting in London , England , in which leaders of the world 's richest nations will discuss the global economic downturn . `` My message is clear , '' Obama wrote . `` The United States is ready to lead , and we call upon our partners to join us with a sense of urgency and common purpose . Much good work has been done , but much more remains . '' The president is scheduled to hold his second prime-time news conference at 8 p.m. ET Tuesday . In the op-ed , Obama spoke about the upcoming G-20 meeting , saying that world leaders have to work together . Watch as the White House press secretary outlines Obama 's economic strategy '' `` We are living through"} +{"answer":"do it , '' Haack says , peering down with a smile at Kevin , whose eyes are locked on hers . `` I get more out of it than I probably give . '' Studies show that giving , which extends beyond packages wrapped in ribbons , does a person good . In this holiday season , CNN introduces with this story a special series we 're calling `` Giving in Focus : The 12 Days of Goodness , '' in which we 'll highlight acts of kindness and generosity that we hope will inspire . Has someone done a good deed for you ? Share your story One person who can attest to the power of giving is Cami Walker , a 36-year-old woman who received a prescription to give when her multiple sclerosis , a diagnosis she got at age 33 , left her a physical and emotional wreck . She could barely get out of bed , and yet Mbali Creazzo , a friend and spiritual mentor , single-handedly killed Walker 's pity party . She said , '' ` Cami , you really need to stop thinking about yourself . ... You 're feeding this","question":"Atlanta , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Kevin Garibo has n't known life outside a hospital . Born three months ago with respiratory issues , he needed a procedure to breathe on his own . Nurses prod at him , medical machines hum around him and tubes are more present than teddy bears . But in the arms of Chris Haack , who strokes his cheek and speaks in a soft whisper while rocking him in a chair , little Kevin is one blissed-out baby . Haack , a retired nurse from Roswell , Georgia , is a trained volunteer with `` Baby Buddies , '' a program in the neonatal intensive care unit at Children 's Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston . As nurses race around administering medical care , she can comfort the tiny patients and stand in for parents who ca n't be there all the time to give the positive attention -- not the attention associated with pain or discomfort -- that is key to a baby 's development and integral in forming trust . `` They need to be touched , they need to be loved , and that face -- that 's why I"} +{"answer":". `` With Mr. Smith 's background , we believe most likely it was a robbery gone bad , '' Publicker said . `` We believe it was a random act . '' Publicker said it appeared no connection existed between Chasen and Smith prior to slaying . `` The detectives were able to do numerous interviews and through the information obtained in the interviews , it appears that he did act alone , '' Publicker said . `` We believe his mode of transportation was by bicycle . '' Authorities said the investigation , which is 60 % to 70 % complete , remains ongoing . `` There are additional interviews to be conducted , but this is our belief at this time , '' Publicker said . `` Carjackings are not unusual in Los Angeles , but `` in our city it 's more than exceedingly rare , '' said Chief Snowden of Beverly Hills . `` It 's non-existent . '' `` We do n't believe it was a professional hit , and this is an open and ongoing investigation , '' Snowden said . Smith , an ex-convict , pulled a handgun and shot himself as","question":"Los Angeles -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Hollywood publicist Ronni Chasen was murdered as she was driving through Beverly Hills , California , in a random `` robbery gone bad , '' by a man who killed himself last week , according to preliminary findings in the Beverly Hills police investigation . Speculation that Chasen was targeted by a professional hit was shot down Wednesday by investigators who said much of what has been reported by the media since her killing three weeks was untrue . Harold Martin Smith , 43 , was apparently riding his bicycle when he shot Chasen several times as she was on her way home from a Hollywood movie premiere party , police said . Smith later committed suicide with the same gun that was used in the Chasen killing , Beverly Hills Police Chief David Snowden said Wednesday . Smith shot himself in the head last week as police approached him for questioning as `` a person of interest '' while he was at his Hollywood apartment building . A preliminary ballistics test showed that Smith 's gun was used in the slaying of Chasen , 64 , said Beverly Hills Detective Sgt. Mike Publicker"} +{"answer":"the parents . The baby still has a hard time closing her left hand and needs some medical therapy , LaPoint said in court Wednesday . The judge scheduled a hearing for April 7 to get an update on the baby 's condition . Jenny was 4 months old when the January 12 earthquake destroyed large swaths of Haiti . Her mother was knocked unconscious in the 7.0-magnitude temblor and taken to a hospital . When she awoke , she urged her husband to go home to search for their baby . Alexis searched through the broken rubble for four days , but found nothing . The couple says that on the fifth day , January 16 , witnesses saw a cleanup crew rescue Jenny from the rubble . She reportedly was found in the arms of her baby sitter , who was dead . The witnesses got word to Devilme , who was in the hospital with her own injuries . Rescuers apparently assumed the baby was an orphan and whisked her away to a different hospital in Port-au-Prince , one run by the University of Miami and Project Medishare , where a team of pediatricians worked desperately to","question":"Miami , Florida -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The parents of an injured baby girl who was flown to Florida for treatment after Haiti 's earthquake have been told what they already know : They are the biological parents of the little girl . The International Red Cross notified Nadine Devilme and Junior Alexis in Haiti that DNA testing proves that the infant is theirs , said Mark LaPoint , an attorney representing the baby . Rescuers dubbed her Patricia , but her parents call her Jenny . On Wednesday morning , Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Cindy Lederman decided that Jenny 's parents will get to take her back to Haiti after doctors and nurses in Florida finish treating her . `` This is a case where these were really good parents , and I ca n't wait for these parents to be reunited with their baby , '' the judge said . `` This is one happy day . '' Federal authorities have pledged to help Devilme and Alexis travel from Haiti to the United States to reunite with their daughter , though the timing of that trip has not yet been determined , said Bob Martinez , an attorney for"} +{"answer":"$ 3,000 four years ago is now surpassed by technology that did n't even exist -- for any price then -- for a comparable pittance . We 're conditioned to kowtow to the expectations of obsolescence . Why settle for less , manufacturers will ask coyly , when we could have so much more -- interest-free for six months if we just sign up today ? I 'm here to tell you that even if you do n't have the riches to get your dream setup today , you do n't have to settle for less than what yesterday 's perfect computer can offer . Here 's a list of things that could help keep you and your machine playing nicely together for a while until you can save up enough pennies for tomorrow 's offerings . It may be your software that 's slow -- not your computer . Check for driver and version updates either at your computer manufacturer 's Web site or through the list of software you use frequently ; see if new drivers or versions are available . If you 've been using the same programs for a year or two , it 's likely","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- No budget for a new computer in this recession ? It 's a common malady these days . A self-admitted tech geek , Chris Pirillo is president of Lockergnome.com , a blogging network . But this does n't mean you have to suffer along with substandard performance from your system just because it 's got more dust on its cover and less hard drive space than that shiny floor model you 've been drooling over at the local Fry 's . Will an '09 Ford Escort outpace a '67 Mustang in a drag race ? If the Mustang 's been neglected and allowed to rust away in the back yard for the past decade , then ... probably . If it 's been babied and protected from the elements , then it 's not even a fair contest . Like any machine , a well-maintained car or computer will surprise you , no matter its age . In our modern consumer culture , it 's not surprising that many people are under the impression that newer always means better . Yesterday 's top-shelf computer is as disposable as a Taco Bell spork , and what cost"} +{"answer":"the government crackdown . At Shiraz University , riot police clubbed women dressed in black robes . `` Do n't beat them , you bastards , '' one man yells . When security forces come to attack , the 19-year-old woman protester says she looks them in the eye and asks : `` Why do you kill your brother ? Why do you hit your mother , your sisters ? '' `` We all tell them , if you 're Iranian , you should n't do that to your people , to your own country 's people , '' she told CNN by phone . Watch woman stand up in defiance to power '' But it 's the woman known as Neda who has become the symbol of women on the front line that has galvanized opponents of the Iranian regime . In a widely circulated video , Neda is seen in the middle of protests over the weekend . She is shot and drops to the ground . Blood runs from the side of her mouth as a few people , including her music professor traveling with her , press on her chest and shout her name . One","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A young Iranian woman named Neda is gunned down in one of the most iconic images of the last week . Another walks down the street , defiantly showing off her hair and body in a revealing dress . And still another woman says she 's not scared of paramilitary forces -- no matter how many times she gets beaten . Women have taken to the streets of Tehran . `` This shows the new face of Iran , '' one expert says . `` When they want to hit me , I say hit . I have been hit so many times and this time it does n't matter . I just want to help my brothers and sisters , '' says the 19-year-old woman whose identity is being withheld by CNN for her safety . Amid the clashes and chaos , there has been a recurring scene on the streets of Tehran : Women , in their scarves and traditional clothing , at the heart of the struggle . Some are seen collecting rocks for ammunition against security forces , while video showed one woman trying to protect a fallen pro-government militiaman wounded in"} +{"answer":"investigators were trying to determine whether he was the victim of a random crime . Adkins ' father , Dan Adkins , told CNN affiliate WBNS that his family worried about him , but Adkins assured them he would be safe at a guarded compound . His sister , Tiffany Cooper , said the family was struggling . `` It is hurting us . There is no closure . We have no idea how our brother died , '' Cooper said . The GW Hatchet reported that Adkins moved to Ethiopia as part of a Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship , after studying the local language and culture for nearly a year . A GWU student and friend of Adkins described him as `` selfless , hardworking , confident , funny , charming , articulate , a scholar and a gentleman , '' according to the newspaper . `` The world has lost someone who had so much to offer . I miss him tremendously , '' senior Michael Geremia told the newspaper . `` When I received word of his death on Monday , which would have been his 26th birthday , a piece of me died in","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Brian Adkins , a newly assigned American diplomat in Ethiopia , was found dead last weekend at his home in the Ethiopian capital , Addis Ababa , an embassy spokesman and a senior State Department official told CNN . U.S. Embassy press officer Michael McClellan identified Adkins and said he was from Columbus , Ohio . He was 25 at the time of his death . `` He was found dead over the weekend and a criminal investigation is under way , '' McClellan told CNN on Thursday . `` The Ethiopian federal police are investigating it . '' Adkins , who would have turned 26 on Monday , received his undergraduate and graduate degrees from George Washington University , according to the school 's newspaper , the GW Hatchet , which reported his death . According to the newspaper , Adkins joined the State Department after receiving his master 's degree in 2007 . A State Department official , who declined to be named because of the ongoing investigation , said it was the diplomat 's first tour of duty as a foreign service officer . There were no apparent threats against him , and"} +{"answer":"It was related to an acute -- presumably acute dissection , rupturing plaque that 's causing a blockage of a coronary artery . He had a heart attack -- a fatal arrhythmia . Watch panel discuss if Russert 's death was preventable '' King : Did we know he had heart disease ? Newman : Tim was known to have coronary artery disease , and it was being treated with respect to management of his risk factors . King : Was he on medication ? Did he exercise ? Did he watch what he ate ? Newman : Tim was on medication . I 'd like to say , I 'm glad you mentioned exercise and watching what we eat . The foundation of management of heart disease and every medical condition , really , starts with lifestyle modification . You know , a healthy lifestyle , and you 'll have good health , and you 'll certainly have a healthy heart . ... Tim appreciated that . Yes , he exercised . He was on his Aerodyne bicycle . See a timeline of Russert 's career '' King : Dr. Oz , from what Dr. Newman said , could","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Tim Russert 's personal physician says medics tried to save the NBC anchor shortly after he collapsed at work . Dr. Michael Newman said medics tried to revive Tim Russert several times before he died . Dr. Michael Newman told CNN 's Larry King that a defibrillator , a heart-shocking device , was used to try to save Russert . `` A resuscitation was begun almost immediately , '' he said . Russert , a mainstay of television journalism 's political talk as the host of `` Meet the Press , '' died of a heart attack after collapsing at NBC 's Washington bureau Friday . He was 58 . Newman appeared on `` Larry King Live '' on Monday , along with Dr. Mehmet Oz , a cardiac thoracic surgeon , and Dr. P.K. Shah , King 's heart doctor . Watch Russert 's son greet guests at wake '' Newman described Russert as a model patient : `` He complied with almost everything that was asked of him . '' The following is an edited version of the show 's transcript : Newman : Tim had a cardiac arrest ."} +{"answer":"from the fall and was headed back to her hotel room . Ten minutes later the ambulance was told to stand down , the call canceled . What Richardson could n't have known is that she suffered an epidural hematoma . It 's a condition where a blood clot forms between the skull and the outer layer of the brain . Too much pressure can cause brain damage and even death . Symptoms include dizziness , headaches and nausea . `` The person seems to be fine and walks it off , and that 's one of the problems with an injury such as this , '' said Dr. Liam Durkan , a neurologist with the Montreal Neurology Institute . `` Anytime there is any sort of process expanding in the skull , which is a closed space , once the symptoms are apparent , it can be a matter of 30 minutes to an hour to 90 minutes before there is a major deterioration . '' Two hours after her initial fall , while Richardson was back in her hotel room , she was feeling the symptoms . The clock was ticking and she needed to get to a","question":"MONT TREMBLANT , Quebec -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Natasha Richardson came to Mont Tremblant ski resort in eastern Canada last month for what was supposed to be a skiing getaway . Actress Natasha Richardson died after suffering an epidural hematoma in a fall during a ski lesson . But what she may not have known is some doctors have been arguing that if a person here is in need of urgent care at a medical trauma center , he or she may not be able to get there fast enough . The only way to get to the closest trauma center from here is to drive 2 1\/2 hours to Montreal . No helicopter medical service is available . The Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail obtained 911 recordings from Monday , March 16 , when Richardson fell on a beginners slope on a sunny , clear day at the resort . The first request for help came in at 12:43 p.m. , an urgent call that a woman had fallen on the slopes . That woman was Richardson . Seventeen minutes later , at 1 p.m. , an ambulance arrived , but Richardson had been able to walk away"} +{"answer":". '' AAA said the slight increase in the number of Thanksgiving travelers from last year reflects improved consumer confidence as well as `` a growing sense among many consumers that the worst of the global economic crisis is behind us . '' Travelers are still concerned about the economy , said AAA spokesman Geoff Sundstrom , and the numbers remain well down from two years ago . `` Clearly , there was a huge drop-off in the number of people traveling last year , '' he said . According to the association , Thanksgiving travel dropped 25.2 percent last year , compared with 2007 . Still , Sundstrom added , `` We are encouraged that the numbers have stabilized and turning up from what they were a year ago . '' The bulk of Thanksgiving travelers -- about 33.2 million -- will be traveling by car , AAA said . Jennifer Burrell of Tucker , Georgia , said she , her husband and their two daughters were driving Thursday morning to the Asheville , North Carolina , area , and will return Sunday . She said she was n't expecting traffic on the way there but `` it always","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A slightly higher number of Americans will travel Thanksgiving holiday weekend compared with last year , but those traveling by air is expected to decline , AAA said . The association , which surveyed 1,350 American households , projects that 38.4 million Americans will travel over the holiday weekend , up from 37.8 million last year . However , the number traveling by air is expected to decline to 2.3 million , the automobile association said . In 2008 , 2.5 million Americans traveled by plane for Thanksgiving . `` We do this every year , '' said Mindy Potter of Atlanta , Georgia , who was flying with her husband and 6-year-old son . `` It 's insanity every year . '' Potter said she and her family were headed Wednesday to Hot Springs Village , Arkansas , to see her husband 's family . See the FAA 's flight delays map She said they were allowing themselves plenty of time at the airport . `` My husband 's a stickler for going early , '' she said . `` If I was in charge of it , we 'd probably have a frenzied rush"} +{"answer":". Significant among those attacks , pirates on Wednesday boarded and temporarily held a U.S.-flagged vessel , the container ship Maersk Alabama . The U.S. crew and its captain retook the vessel , but at the price of the captain becoming a hostage to the four pirates in one of the Maersk Alabama 's lifeboats . Several hours later a U.S. warship , the Aegis destroyer USS Bainbridge , arrived on scene and , as I write , the standoff with the pirates continues . What an embarrassing and frustrating event ! A bunch of maritime thugs brazenly seized a vessel flying the flag of the nation with the most powerful navy the world has ever known . The fault does not lie with the ships and sailors of Combined Task Force-151 . They have been given the proverbial mission impossible -- stop pirate attacks in an area four times the size of Texas with only three U.S. Navy ships and a total of 12 to 15 allied\/friendly warships . Not gon na happen ! But embarrassment aside , there is real potential for loss of life and for continued attacks on vessels plying these waters . The issue is","question":"Editor 's note : Tom Wilkerson is chief executive officer of the United States Naval Institute , a nonprofit professional association which describes itself as an independent forum for examining issues related to the Navy , Marines and Coast Guard . He spent 31 years in the military , rising to major general of Marines and , in his last assignment , serving as commander , Marine Forces Reserve . Retired Major General Tom Wilkerson says the U.S. should attack the pirates at their bases . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It is well past time to take a serious look at piracy off the coast of Africa . Initially , the U.S. ignored the threat , and when public outcry about our seeming indifference became louder , we formed a combined task force of international navies in the Gulf of Aden under command of a U.S. Navy rear admiral to `` deter , disrupt and thwart '' the pirates . Today , it is clear that initiative has failed . In fact , this bit of muscle-flexing did so little to intimidate pirates operating out of Somalia that they have actually increased the number of attacks in the last month"} +{"answer":". After he graduates , Hahn estimates it will take him anywhere from five to seven years to repay about $ 30,000 he will have borrowed by then . `` Money is n't cheap , '' said Hahn , who transferred to Georgia State University in Atlanta from the University of Connecticut last year because the tuition was less expensive . `` The process is time-consuming , and there 's also the stress of having to liquidate my investments and wonder where I 'm going to find money . '' About 8 percent of student borrowers rely on private loans , which tend to be costlier and stricter than federal loans , said Robert Shierman , executive director of the Institute for College Access and Success . In doing so , Hahn and others like him are getting a crash course in market volatility and its effects on the consumer 's ability to find money . Watch how the current economic troubles affect consumers '' MyRichUncle.com is the most recent lender to suspend its private student loan program , joining the ranks of major financial institutions like Wachovia and Bank of America and companies specializing in student loans such as","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Eric Hahn thought his financial situation was set after he was approved for a private student loan with an 8 percent interest rate to supplement his federal education loans . Eric Hahn , 21 , estimates he will be in debt for the next five to seven years for his undergraduate tuition . Just a few weeks later , Hahn , 21 , was forced to cash in his savings and investments so he could make his rent and tuition after finding out that the lender , MyRichUncle.com , had suspended its private student loan program . `` Due to continued disruptions in the capital markets , combined with the continued demand we have experienced this year , we are reaching funding capacity limits , '' a message on his cell phone said , mimicking a statement on the company 's Web site . The sudden news left Hahn , a senior-year finance major , scrambling to find additional funding after maxing out his borrowing options from the federal government . Eventually , the country 's leading student loan provider , Sallie Mae , approved him for a private loan at 12 percent"} +{"answer":"the victims ' Social Security checks . The 19-year-old was being held in the apartment rented by Linda Weston 's daughter , Jean McIntosh , who became the fourth person charged in the case Wednesday afternoon , Philadelphia police spokesman Lt. Ray Evers told CNN . `` Jean was a cooperating witness . We did n't know she was a defendant , '' Evers said . `` But after talking with the captives and others , we discovered Jean was lying . '' When police returned to the building Tuesday with a warrant to search McIntosh 's apartment , Beatrice Weston had been moved . But they found evidence she had been there , and convinced McIntosh to produce her , Evers said . Beatrice Weston had burn marks on her body and marks on her ankles as though she 'd been struck by pellets , Ramsey said -- injuries that clearly had been inflicted over some length of time . `` This girl was beaten and tortured . It makes you want to cry when you see her , '' Ramsey said . Beatrice Weston , who had been reported missing in 2009 , and the six children were","question":"Philadelphia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The suspects charged with imprisoning four mentally disabled people in a Philadelphia boiler room may have been holding seven other people , including the accused ringleader 's 19-year-old niece and six children , police said Wednesday . The niece , Beatrice Weston , had been kept in a closet in an upstairs apartment in the same building where the first four were found Saturday afternoon , police said . She was being treated for `` horrific '' injuries after being found beaten , malnourished and covered with scars Tuesday afternoon , Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey told reporters . `` I 've been a police officer for more than 40 years , and I 've never seen injuries like this , '' Ramsey said . Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter added , `` I 'm not sure horrific covers it . This is sheer madness . '' The owner of the northeast Philadelphia apartment building found the original four victims locked in a dank sub-basement chamber that reeked of urine and excrement . Authorities are investigating whether Beatrice Weston 's aunt , 51-year-old Linda Weston , and three others now charged in the case had been stealing"} +{"answer":"`` People here are n't interested in the politics , they just want to carry on with their lives . '' Stobbs has vivid memories of the night of December 21 , 1988 -- the `` shortest and darkest night of the year , '' he says . `` The houses were just slowly burning and more houses were catching fire . The windows were popping , the gutters were burning , everything was burning . It was like hell . I remember seeing a wrought iron gate in the distance and I remember it was dripping like molten butter , drip drip dripping away . '' At first Stobbs thought it was a military aircraft which had crashed into the town . Then he heard that the nose cone of a 747 had landed in a field three miles from Lockerbie and he knew that he was dealing with far greater numbers of dead . `` We were told about the 747 , '' he says , `` and we realized we were n't looking for twenty people but for 300 . But where were they ? '' There is a small memorial room beside the little church of","question":"LOCKERBIE , Scotland -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi 's fate hangs in the balance . The Libyan man convicted for the 1988 Lockerbie bombings has terminal prostate cancer and , according to his lawyers , just weeks to live . Mourners at the 20th anniversary memorial service for the victims of the Lockerbie bombing . Scotland 's Justice Minister Frank MacAskill is weighing up whether to release him on compassionate grounds so he can die at home ; to transfer him to a Libyan jail under a prisoner transfer agreement drawn up between Libya and the UK ; or whether to keep him in a Scottish jail for the rest of his days . That is certainly the preferred option of the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who last week wrote to Mr MacAskill urging him not to send Al Megrahi home . In Lockerbie itself , matters of politics seem far removed . George Stobbs was one of the first policemen on the scene when the Boeing 747 crashed into Sherwood Crescent . `` I 've never talked about the politics of the thing because I had no interest , '' he says ."} +{"answer":"it would be used initially to return weapons inspectors to see whether Saddam Hussein had an active weapons program . See where they stand on Iraq `` I believe strongly that we needed to put inspectors in , '' the New York senator said . `` That was the underlying reason why I at least voted to give President Bush the authority , put those inspectors in , let them do their work , figure out what is there and what is n't . '' Watch reaction to Clinton 's thoughts on Iraq '' Both Obama and Clinton said they support ending the war . On health care , Obama defended a plan he says would make insurance affordable to everyone who wants it , but not require everyone to buy it . The Illinois senator said his proposal would require that all children be covered and allow young people to remain on their parents ' health insurance up to age 25 -- but would not require adults to purchase care . Watch candidates discuss their differences '' `` Every expert who looks at it says there wo n't be anybody out there who wants health care who will not","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Democratic rivals Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama spent their last debate before next week 's Super Tuesday contests pointing out differences on Iraq , health care and the economy -- but without all of the finger-pointing that 's marked their campaigns . Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton struck a mostly cordial tone during the debate . The exchange was in sharp contrast to previous debates because of the absence of political sniping , yet was one of the most substantive policy discussions yet in the race for the nomination . On Iraq , Obama said he 'd be more able to end the war because he opposed it from the beginning . He said Clinton 's vote to authorize the use of force there would undermine her efforts to bring it to an end . `` I think it is much easier for us to have the argument when we have a nominee who says , ' I always thought this was a bad idea -- this was a bad strategy , ' '' he said . Clinton defended her vote , saying she was told by the White House that"} +{"answer":"private , but cold in public . He denied that he or Jeffs had forced sex on her . Wall agreed to be identified publicly as the trial ended in hopes of encouraging other women who feel trapped by polygamy to come forward . Watch Wall urge other girls to be brave '' She testified that she told Steed she was not ready and that her first sexual encounter made her feel dirty , used and trapped . Her pleas to church leaders to end the marriage were ignored , and Jeffs told her to submit `` mind , body and soul '' to her new husband , Wall told the jury . Her sisters testified that most of the women in the family also opposed the marriage but were powerless to stop it . According to the criminal complaint , the trial established that the pair had sex and that the young woman had convinced jurors she did not consent . Wall left the marriage and the FLDS in 2004 . She is now remarried . An attorney for Steed could not be reached . Jeffs , 51 , leads the 10,000-member FLDS , which is based in the","question":"ST. GEORGE , Utah -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A young man whose arranged marriage to a young cousin led to the conviction of polygamist sect leader Warren Jeffs was charged Wednesday with her rape . Prosecutors filed the rape charge against Allen Steed , 26 , a day after a jury found Jeffs guilty of two rape-accomplice counts in connection with Steed 's ill-fated 2001 marriage to Elissa Wall . Jurors found that Jeffs used his authority as leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints , or FLDS , to push the girl into a marriage she did not want . Steed was 19 and his bride , who also was his first cousin , was 14 when Jeffs `` sealed '' them in spiritual marriage at a motel in Caliente , Nevada , where many FLDS weddings were performed . Three other couples also were married that day in separate ceremonies , according to testimony . Steed is accused of having sex with the girl against her will several weeks into the marriage . Steed testified for the defense at Jeffs ' trial . He said his new wife was affectionate to him in"} +{"answer":", shop elsewhere ! Choose carefully It 's bad enough that you 're `` dating '' a married guy , but when you start sleeping with someone who 's in a position of authority over you , you 're screwing yourself twice . Every good grade will be chalked up to your romance with the professor and every promotion , credited to time served on your back . Do n't kid yourself that nobody in your class or office knows , because people are n't blind and you 're not that slick . Do n't go home with him Maybe he 's too cheap to pay for a hotel room , could be he secretly wants to get caught ... then again , maybe he 's just a sociopath , but I ca n't even tell you how many times I 've heard about a marriage dude bringing his girlfriend back to the house he shares with his wife and kids -- usually when everyone 's out of town , but not always . Letterman even took his mistress on vacation with his family ! Whatever his motivation , resist . You 're already hurting this woman by having sex","question":"-LRB- The Frisky -RRB- -- Like the David Letterman Debacle was n't bad enough , now we have the story of Steve Phillips , the ESPN analyst , who had an affair with a 22-year-old coworker . Unfortunately for the 46-year-old sports dude and married father of four , his latest dalliance -LRB- and apparently there 've been others before her -RRB- turned bunny boiler when he broke it off with her . Brooke Hundley , the jilted junior , allegedly went ballistic ; repeatedly emailing and calling Phillips ' long-suffering wife , tricking their 16-year-old son into an online flirtation , and then finally showing up at the family home , scaring the crap out of everyone . Lucky for Hundley , the Phillips 's declined to press charges , but her reputation , both professionally and personally , is shot . -LRB- His too . He 's since been fired from ESPN and has entered a treatment facility . -RRB- Obviously , being some cad 's side action is always a sucker 's game , but if you 're going to do it , do it right . The Frisky : If he 's not on the market"} +{"answer":"to the court is not binding at all , '' added the source , who asked not to be named . `` Even if the Mufti was against the death sentence , that will not have any effect on the judge 's decision , who will have the final say , '' the source said . Since his 2003 appointment as grand mufti , Sheikh Ali Gomaa has received about 480 cases from the court that included death sentences . He supported the judge 's decision in 478 and opposed twice , but the rule was implemented according to the court conviction . Moustafa 's lawyer previously told reporters that he would appeal the conviction , saying there was `` a 1 million percent guarantee '' the sentence would be overturned . Prosecutors alleged Moustafa , a parliament member for the ruling National Democratic Party , paid el Sukkari $ 2 million to kill Tamim . During the trial , Moustafa 's lawyer told CNN his client loved the singer but could not take Tamim as a second wife because his family objected . Polygamy is legal in Egypt , and it 's not unusual for men such as Moustafa","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An Egyptian court on Thursday confirmed the death sentences of a business tycoon and a former police officer convicted of killing rising Lebanese pop star Suzanne Tamim . Hisham Talaat Moustafa , a real estate mogul , has been found guilty of Suzanne Tamim 's murder . In a case that has captivated Egypt and the region because of the fame of the victim and one of the defendants , a judge sentenced to death real estate mogul Hisham Talaat Moustafa and former officer Muhsen el Sukkari last month . Tamim 's body was found stabbed , with her throat slit , in her apartment in the United Arab Emirates in July 2008 . The court 's latest decision came after a review of the sentence by Egypt 's grand mufti , the country 's highest religious official . Because the two men were sentenced under Islamic law , it is widely expected they will be hanged . The court usually seeks to get the Mufti 's `` advice only on any death sentence , according to the law , '' a legal source in Cairo told CNN . `` However , the Mufti 's advice"} +{"answer":"north . Watch the forecast on the storm 's trek `` Even if you 're in a SUV , it 's difficult to get around , '' Washington Police Chief Cathy Lanier said . `` You ca n't see the Capitol dome through the snow , '' even standing a few yards away . Share your winter weather photos , videos Government buildings were eerily quiet . The Department of Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service buildings were shut . No one answered the door at the Justice Department , though the attorney general 's office said work was still being done at key counterterrorism offices . The U.S. Postal Service said it was experiencing delays in processing mail . Subway service was expected to be limited Thursday to underground stations , and bus service was expected to be suspended on Thursday . Federal agencies were to be closed Thursday , too , and non-emergency employees were to be granted the day off . This winter already has become the snowiest on record for Washington and its suburbs , as well as Baltimore , Maryland , and Wilmington , Delaware , the National Weather Service said . It 's also","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Heavy snow pummeled much of the East Coast on Wednesday , battering states for the second time in a week and forcing many people to stay home from school and jobs . Several cities had record snowfalls . The storm canceled or delayed flights in several cities , kept federal workers home for a third straight day in Washington , and taxed local government budgets as cities and counties scrambled to pay for snow removal , overtime , salt , supplies and equipment . In Washington , the snow was falling at a rate of 2 inches per hour at one point in the afternoon , CNN meteorologist Jacqui Jeras said . Forecasters predicted that Washington winds would gust to 50 mph overnight . A blizzard warning was to be in effect in the Washington area until 7 p.m. , the National Weather Service said . Blowing snow caused such poor visibility at midday that snowplows temporarily parked by the side of the road , authorities said . Forecasters predicted that the storm would dump a total of 8 to 10 inches inside the Capital Beltway -LRB- Interstate 495 -RRB- , with higher amounts to the"} +{"answer":"demanded that Zelaya be reinstated immediately The crisis erupted in June when Zelaya -- despite congressional and supreme court decisions calling it illegal -- pushed forward with a plan to hold a referendum that could have led to changing the constitution to allow for additional presidential terms . The Supreme Court signed an arrest warrant for Zelaya but not to send him into exile . Now , the Supreme Court has three days to decide whether to ratify the charges and start a case against the military officers . Armed Forces spokesman Col. Ramiro Archaga said that the military respects the rule of law and are willing to appear before the justice system . The announcement of the arrest warrants came as U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Craig Kelly visited with the key players in the crisis in Honduras . Kelly met with Micheletti Wednesday , though details of the talks were unknown except for a statement from acting Honduran Foreign Minister Carlos Lopez Contreras , saying that calls for Micheletti 's resignation were not part of the dialogue . Meanwhile , Zelaya remained holed up inside the Brazilian Embassy in the Honduran capital of","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Honduran prosecutors issued arrest warrants for the country 's six top military commanders for abuse of power in connection with the coup that ousted President Jose Manuel Zelaya last year . The Honduran high command , including Gen. Romeo Vasquez Velasquez , the country 's top military chief , face charges for bursting into Zelaya 's residence and transporting the president to neighboring Costa Rica , Attorney General Luis Rubi said . The June 28 coup deepened a political crisis that remains unresolved , despite a new president being elected in November . Rubi himself filed the arrest warrants at the Supreme Court on Wednesday . In addition to abuse of power , the military commanders face charges of illegal expatriation of a citizen . The manner in which Zelaya was ousted was key in how other countries and international bodies interpreted the military action . The de facto government of Roberto Micheletti and his supporters have insisted that Zelaya 's removal was a constitutional transfer of power . But the United Nations , the Organization of American States , the European Union and most nations -- including the United States -- condemned the coup and"} +{"answer":"Public safety personnel searched the vicinity for any people or animals affected by the leak , and -- at 9:30 a.m. -- found the woman 's body next to her vehicle , which was parked on the side of U.S. 321 , he said . Officials were speculating that the woman had been driving north when she encountered the plume and tried to turn around , but her car stalled . She apparently got out of the vehicle and was overcome by the fumes , Allard said . An autopsy has been ordered . The woman 's name was not released pending notification of her family . Seven people were taken to Lexington County Medical Center in stable condition with respiratory problems , none of which was life-threatening , Allard said . Five were plant workers ; the other two were nearby residents . The road was reopened at 2 p.m. , after the plume had dissipated , he said . The U.S. Chemical Safety Board -- an independent agency charged with investigating industrial chemical accidents -- announced it is deploying an investigation team to the site of the ammonia release . Tanner 's Binder described the occurrence as ``","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The body of a woman was found near her car Wednesday , the apparent victim of an ammonia leak from a nearby plant in Swansea , South Carolina , police said . The leak occurred at the Tanner Industries plant as a hose had been connected from a delivery trailer containing anhydrous ammonia -LRB- purified ammonia -RRB- to a storage tank in the facility , said David Binder , director of quality safety and regulatory affairs for Tanner Industries . `` During that operation , a hole burst in the hose , '' he said . `` That released ammonia gas . '' The leak from the plant , located about 24 miles south of Columbia , was reported to the Lexington County Sheriff 's Department shortly before 8 a.m. , said Maj. John Allard , a public information officer for the department . Firefighters arrived within 10 minutes at the plant , where they saw a large , light-colored , dense plume , and closed area roads to traffic , he said . The ammonia hovered first over U.S. 321 , then moved into a wooded area , blackening its foliage , Allard said ."} +{"answer":"International Atomic Energy Agency , says it would take a year to rebuild if North Korea decided to go back on its agreement , and that the construction could not be done in secret . Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice defended U.S. diplomacy toward North Korea last week , saying the deal with Pyongyang made Asia and the U.S. safer . Speaking at the Heritage Foundation , a conservative Washington think tank , Rice said that `` North Korea will soon give its declaration of nuclear programs to China . '' China is the host of the six-party talks aimed at ending North Korea 's nuclear program , along with Russia , South Korea , Japan and the United States . Rice spoke in advance of her upcoming trip to Asia where she will be attending a meeting of G8 foreign ministers and meeting with her Asian counterparts . Rice said once North Korea submits its declaration , President Bush will notify Congress he intends to remove North Korea from the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism and scrap some sanctions levied against North Korea because of nuclear concerns . But she noted that there would be no practical","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- North Korea is to blow up a key part of its controversial Yongbyon nuclear reactor on Friday . Hyun Hak-Bong -LRB- right -RRB- , North Korea 's deputy negotiator to six-party talks , crosses the border into South Korea on June 5 . The destruction of the plant 's cooling tower is part of an agreement with the United States aimed at denuclearizing the Korean peninsula in exchange for loosening some restrictions on the highly secretive Communist country . The North Korean government has invited news organizations , including CNN , to witness the event . Earlier this year , Pyongyang agreed to disable its nuclear reactor and provide a full accounting of its plutonium stockpile , `` acknowledge '' concerns about its proliferation activities and its uranium enrichment activity , and agree to continue cooperation with a verification process to ensure no further activities are taking place . North Korea has been taking Yongbyon 's main reactor apart , but imploding the cooling tower is an exceptionally important psychological step given that the highly recognizable shape of the structure is synonymous with nuclear power plants . The United Nations ' nuclear watchdog , the"} +{"answer":"'ll get a lot further , a lot faster . '' Pelosi said she endorsed a two-state solution for the Israelis and Palestinians , but emphasized that it `` must be a solution that provides for a democratic Jewish state of Israel living side by side with her Palestinian neighbors . '' `` The question of Iran is one that is of concern to us in Congress , '' she said . '' ... It is an issue for the world . It is important for all of us to work together to be sure that Iran does not develop a weapon of mass destruction . '' Netanyahu is on his first visit to Washington since becoming prime minister earlier this year -- his second time as head of Israel 's government . He met Monday with President Obama at the White House and dined with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton . Obama offered the hawkish Israeli leader a small diplomatic victory , warning that he would not allow Iran to drag out talks as a way of buying time while it develops nuclear weapons . Speaking at an Oval Office news conference , Obama again refused to commit to","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated his concern over the potential of a nuclear-armed Iran during meetings with top congressional leaders Tuesday . Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu walks Tuesday with Reps. John Boehner , left , and Nancy Pelosi . He met with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee first , followed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Minority Leader John Boehner . An Iranian regime armed with nuclear weapons `` is a great danger to all of us , to Israel specifically and to the moderate Arab regimes , -LSB- and -RSB- to America , '' Netanyahu said after his meeting with Pelosi and Boehner . `` Especially if this regime were to arm itself or arm terrorists with nuclear weapons , the consequences could be unimaginable . '' Netanyahu also reiterated his call for normalizing relations between Israel and the `` broader Arab world '' while moving forward on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process . Watch where Mideast flash points could be '' `` We have to do this in tandem , '' he said . `` That 's going to be our policy . ... If we do it together , we"} +{"answer":"CoverGirl , '' one member posted on the page , `` Condoms for Pope Benedict XVI . '' `` It frightens me that a man who has devoted his life to moral guidance ... and is undeniably a learned , intelligent man can be at the same time so narrow-minded , bigoted and irresponsible , '' posted another person on a different page . The online campaign added another voice to a deluge of criticism , which includes the governments of France , Germany and Belgium . Aid agencies and other health organizations have also chimed in . The Lancet , a British medical journal , urged the pope Saturday to issue a retraction for the `` outrageous and wildly inaccurate '' statement to journalists aboard his plane . `` When any influential person , be it a religious or political leader , makes a false scientific statement that could be devastating to the health of millions of people , they should retract or correct the public record , '' The Lancet said in an editorial . `` Anything less from Pope Benedict would be an immense disservice to the public and health advocates , including many thousands of Catholics","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Critics took to the social networking site Facebook to voice their fury over Pope Benedict 's remark that condoms do not prevent HIV . Pope Benedict XVI 's anti-condom comments have raised the ire of some Facebook users . Thousands have pledged to send the pontiff millions of condoms to protest the controversial comment he made to journalists as he flew to Cameroon last week . `` You ca n't resolve it with the distribution of condoms , '' the pope told reporters . `` On the contrary , it increases the problem . '' Pope Benedict XVI has made it clear he intends to uphold the traditional Catholic teaching on artificial contraception . The Vatican has long opposed the use of condoms and other forms of birth control and encourages sexual abstinence to fight the spread of the disease . About a dozen Facebook groups have sprung up , mostly from European countries , criticizing the pontiff . `` The clergy are n't supposed to have sex at all , but they are free to tell people how to conduct themselves ? That 's like a girl who wears no make-up as the CEO of"} +{"answer":"accumulating and hopes for the future that were moving out of reach . However bad it was then , these days it 's worse . Back then the recession hit certain sectors and left other ones alone . Home prices were going up , so people felt protected , and there were loans to help . Today , everything 's been hit , nothing 's going up and credit is frozen . Many have already lost jobs , homes , self-identities , luxuries and necessities . And there 's more to come . That 's especially true for many older Americans , who might not have 10 years to recover and who do n't have sources of income other than their savings -- which have dwindled dramatically . They do n't deserve to live with the fear they now feel . I 'm still living in a rental apartment because I did n't want to take out a loan I could n't pay back . I saved money . Invested it . And now my investments are down 70 percent . But it is what it is . And when we wake up in the morning we are left with","question":"Editor 's note : Peter Bregman is chief executive of Bregman Partners Inc. , a global management consulting firm , and the author of `` Point B : A Short Guide to Leading a Big Change '' . He writes a weekly column , How We Work , for HarvardBusiness.org . Peter Bregman says good times persuaded people to sacrifice what they loved for money . NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- I started my consulting business 11 years ago with a laptop computer in a living room . It grew quickly . The first year I made more money than I had in the previous three combined , the second year I doubled that and by the third year I began to fantasize about retiring within the decade . Then everything crashed ; the dotcom revolution , the financial services industry and my business . I had a large number of subcontractors and a small number of employees who had become friends . I also had a bad feeling things would n't turn around quickly . My wife and I were in a tough spot . We had one child and another on the way , bills that were"} +{"answer":"in design to the Pavilion Media Center m7780n we reviewed at the start of the year -LRB- HP moved to its current Media Center chassis in the spring -RRB- . We turned on the system and looked over the components , expecting to find a few incremental upgrades from the previous models . Instead , we were shocked to find not only a quad-core processor but also 3GB of fast 1,066 MHz memory -- 1GB more than we anticipated . A quick scan of our quad-core reviews confirmed our suspicion : this is by far the cheapest quad-core PC we 've reviewed . HP is able to keep the price down in large part by not going after gamers with this system -LRB- the preloaded trial offers -- shovelware -- also help subsidize the cost of the PC -RRB- . Instead of putting money toward a powerful but pricey graphics card , HP uses a low-end Nvidia GeForce 7350LE TurboCache card . It borrows resources from the main system memory when it needs more than its 128MB of dedicated video RAM , but it 's more than capable for everything but supplying suitable 3D framerates as our tests show .","question":"-LRB- CNET.com -RRB- -- The HP Pavilion Media Center TV m8120n is proof positive that quad-core processing is ready for mass consumption . This $ 1,150 entertainment-minded desktop serves up Intel 's Core 2 Quad Q6600 CPU , a quad-core chip that up to this point we 've seen only in much higher-end systems meant for gaming . While HP 's own Pavilion Slimline or Apple 's Mac Mini might be better fits for most people looking for a PC to pair with their plasma , the m8120n is a great buy if you need a high-end PC that can do pretty much everything outside of gaming . This fixed-configuration retail PC serves up a host of audio and video connections , plenty of hard drive space , more memory than we were expecting , and integrated Wi-Fi -- all inside a functional and good-looking case . The result is a surprisingly powerful media PC ; you wo n't find a better performer for less . Only its lack of a next-gen optical drive prevents a higher recommendation . We 're also not thrilled with the amount of shovelware . Aside from its black exterior , the m8120n is similar"} +{"answer":"with Zimbabwe 's Supreme Court . `` I can confirm the arrest , but I will be in position to tell you the charge he will face later , '' said a police official in Mutare over the phone . `` He is likely to go to court on Saturday or Monday . But most magistrates here -LSB- in Mutare -RSB- have gone on strike over his arrest . '' Chipadze joins Bennett in prison in Mutare . Bennett was arrested on February 13 and is facing charges of possessing arms for the purposes of banditry , terrorism and sabotage . The continued detention of Bennett , an ally of MDC leader and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai , is seen by many as a crack in the foundation of the coalition Tsvangirai formed with President Robert Mugabe . Meanwhile , a Zimbabwe High Court judge Friday ordered the immediate release of three human rights activists in state `` safe custody '' to testify against human rights activist Jestina Mukoko , who is facing charges of plotting to topple Mugabe . Opposition MDC activists Fannie Tembo , Lloyd Tarumbwa and Terry Musona have been missing since October last year after they","question":"HARARE , Zimbabwe -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Zimbabwe police arrested on Friday a magistrate who ordered the release of a senior opposition politician granted bail by the country 's High Court , a lawyer said . A Zimbabwean policeman patrols outside the entrance of Mutare Magistrates court . The order to release the politician had been suspended when state lawyers appealed the HIgh Court decision . Trust Maanda , a lawyer in Mutare city about 300 kilometers -LRB- 186 miles -RRB- east of Harare , told CNN by phone that magistrate Livingstone Chipadze had been arrested . `` He is in police custody . The police are saying he ordered the release of Roy Bennett in compliance with the High Court ruling , '' said Maanda . Bennett is the choice of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change -LRB- MDC -RRB- for deputy agriculture minister under the power-sharing government formed last month . On Wednesday , Chipadze ordered Bennett be released from a prison in Mutare as had been ruled by the High Court last week . However , that order , which required Bennett to post $ 2,000 as bail , was suspended after the state filed an appeal"} +{"answer":"`` We highlighted one -LSB- case -RSB- here in the Chicago area . It involved an individual who was alleged to have molested a 9-year-old girl . He had violated his parole , and after an investigation he was located , '' he said . `` There 's evidence of further crimes that happened since he did n't register as a sex offender . This is typical of the type of individual who is out there , somewhere on the streets of America , and is often harming children or others . '' One operation involved a Cleveland , Ohio , Police SWAT team and the U.S. Marshals , who were following a lead on Jeremiah Jackson , 29 , who was wanted for murder , accused of shooting a woman in the back during a robbery . On June 9 , the team surrounded a house where an intelligence surveillance team said Jackson might be . Jackson was reported to be armed and dangerous . But Deputy U.S. Marshal Brian Koerbel said once Jackson saw the team , it had its man . `` When he saw he really had nowhere to go , he gave himself up ,","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- More than 35,000 fugitives across the United States were arrested in June as part of an annual sweep that teams the U.S. Marshals Service with local law enforcement in a summer push to clean up the streets , U.S. Marshals said Thursday . U.S. Marshals director John F. Clark says unregistered sex offenders were a major target . Among the 35,190 fugitives apprehended during Operation FALCON -LRB- Federal and Local Cops Operating Nationally -RRB- were 2,356 fugitive sex offenders , the service said . `` This might be considered the cream of the crop for the most violent felons that are out there . For example , we arrested 433 murder suspects , '' said U.S. Marshals director John F. Clark at a Chicago , Illinois , news conference . In the course of the operation , the marshals also confiscated 582 firearms and 2,400 kilograms of narcotics . `` Often when we find fugitives in hiding , we have other fruits of their crimes : firearms , drugs , some other evidence of some type of criminal activity , '' Clark said . Unregistered sex offenders were a major target , Clark said ."} +{"answer":"husband , Raul Flores , 29 , and daughter Brisenia , 9 , who were both shot in the head . Police are not releasing the woman 's name to protect her identity . But her 911 call , released to the media by the Pima County Sheriff 's Department , tells the story of a deadly home invasion by a rogue band of impostors . As she describes the initial attack , the intruders return to the house . The door can be heard opening . `` They are coming back in ! They are coming back in ! '' the caller screams . She has armed herself with her husband 's handgun . `` Get the f -- out , '' she barks . The order is followed by the explosive sound of gunfire traded as the wounded woman and her would-be killers fire on each other . A man -- one of the intruders -- is hit and groans loudly . The attackers retreat and leave the woman alive and alone with her slain family . Hear gunfire on the 911 call '' Twelve days later police have the `` marshals '' in custody on charges of","question":"SEATTLE , Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Raul Flores thought federal agents had barged with guns drawn into his home in Arivaca , Arizona , in the middle of the night . Shawna Forde , 41 , denies involvement in the shooting deaths of an Arizona man and his daughter . The woman and two men wore uniforms and identified themselves as U.S. Marshals . They claimed the house was surrounded . They said they were looking for an escaped prisoner , Flores ' wife told a 911 dispatcher . But there was no backup waiting outside , and no fugitive . The marshals were imposters . They had targeted Flores because they suspected he was a drug trafficker and they wanted to rob and kill him , according to the Pima County Sheriff 's Department . As the intruders searched his home , Flores asked one of the men why his handgun was taped . The man responded by shooting and killing Flores . `` Someone just came in and shot my daughter and husband , '' Flores ' wife frantically told 911 . She tells the police operator that she was shot and left for dead with her"} +{"answer":"far . Barcelona lead Real by three points with seven matches to play ahead of Wednesday 's home clash with Deportivo La Coruna , while their title rivals travel to Almeria on Thursday . Barca will again be without injured striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic , but the Sweden international is expected to return to training before Saturday 's local derby at Espanyol , the club 's Web site reported . Meanwhile , Sevilla 's hopes of qualifying for next season 's Champions League suffered another blow with a 2-1 defeat at relegation-threatened Valladolid on Tuesday night . Sevilla stayed in fourth place on goal difference from Mallorca , who travel to struggling Zaragoza on Wednesday . Valladolid remained second from bottom despite giving former Spain coach Javier Clemente victory in his first home match . Clemente has earned four points from two games since taking over as Diego Costa headed the opening goal four minutes before halftime and fellow striker Manucho scored the second eight minutes after the break . Juan Cala pulled one back from long range with seven minutes left , but Sevilla fell to a ninth defeat from 16 away games this season . Getafe claimed seventh place","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Barcelona will be without influential midfielder Andres Iniesta for most of the decisive run-in to the end of this season as the Catalan side seek to retain their Spanish and European titles . Iniesta had only just returned to Josep Guardiola 's team last week as a substitute for the second leg of the Champions League quarterfinal against Arsenal , and then also came on in the 2-0 win at Real Madrid , but has suffered another injury blow in training after tearing a calf muscle . The 25-year-old Spain international could be out for up to a month , Barcelona 's Web site reported on Tuesday , meaning he may not be fit to return until the club 's final domestic league match against Real Valladolid on May 16 . `` Andres Iniesta suffered the injury during training and doctors have diagnosed a total rupture of the right femoral biceps muscle , '' the club 's Web site said . Iniesta is set to miss the Champions League semifinals against Italian champions Inter Milan on April 20 and 28 , but may return for the final on May 22 in Madrid if Barca progress that"} +{"answer":"of relevant people and relevant candidates in front of hiring managers , '' Larizadeh tells CNN . Larizadeh never intended to launch a career start-up . He was completing his MBA at Stanford University in 2005 when he got the idea for Doostang , which is a modified version of `` reaching for talent '' in Latin . Classmates were exchanging emails about career advice , and `` I thought , why do n't we give this some structure ? '' he recalls . Four years and a round of venture capital funding later , what started as a hobby designed to help friends share career information has turned into a network with approximately 600,000 members . Larizadeh estimates that roughly a dozen of the top 20 MBA programs have signed partnership deals with Doostang . While mostly U.S. focused , Doostang is also becoming more international and recently sealed a deal to provide job opportunities to INSEAD . In an age where social networking sites abound , Doostang sets itself apart by taking closely knit relationships developed offline in B-school and leveraging them online to make a better job searching experience , Larizadeh says . A member applying for","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In a tough job market , MBA graduates seeking top-tier jobs are turning to a career networking site created by and catering to young professionals . Doostang gets its name from the Latin for `` reaching for talent . '' Doostang is an online community that seeks to match the brightest new grads with what it says are the cr\u00e8me de la cr\u00e8me of positions in finance , consulting and tech . Exclusivity is the cornerstone of this network , which connects graduates from elite schools with top employers . The site offers its members access to selective jobs that are not really available on the open market , according to founder Mareza Larizadeh . It 's able to do that because recruiting managers are drawn by the caliber of its members , which includes students from the top business schools , he says . Schools like The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and Duke University 's Fuqua School of Business have formed partnerships with Doostang that enable their students to access the network 's premium job listings for free . `` Our goal is to get great jobs in front"} +{"answer":"to federal authorities by the U.S. military in Djibouti , defense officials said . The suspect , known in official documents as `` Pirate Defendant , '' was brought to Djibouti aboard the USNS Walter S. Diehl , a refueling ship that was with the warship USS Bainbridge at the scene of the failed hijacking on April 8 that turned into a hostage ordeal 350 miles off Somalia . Three pirates who were holding the Maersk Alabama 's captain in the ship 's lifeboat were killed by Navy SEALs four days later . The survivor had surrendered and was aboard the Bainbridge when the captain , Richard Phillips , was rescued , officials have said . From the Bainbridge , he was transferred to the USS Boxer for medical treatment . See an interactive map of 2009 pirate attacks off the Horn of Africa '' The surviving pirate was wounded when crew members of the Maersk Alabama took him hostage in the early hours of the pirate attack on the cargo ship , according to the military . The crew members had hoped to exchange him for their captain , but the pirates did not release Phillips when the crew","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The pirate suspect arrested in the hijacking of the Maersk Alabama was all smiles on arriving in New York City late Monday , escorted by a phalanx of law enforcement officers . The unidentified pirate suspect arrested in the hijacking of the Maersk Alabama arrived in the U.S. late Monday . None of the officers would confirm his identity , but his arrival for trial in the United States had been widely expected . The suspect arrived at the Jacob K. Javits Federal Office Building in Manhattan , which is linked to a federal detention facility where he was expected to be held pending an appearance in federal court . The timing of that appearance was not immediately available . He was walked through the rain , surrounded by media , as well as officers from federal and New York City law enforcement agencies . The suspect wore a dark jumpsuit and handcuffs , and what appeared to be a bandage on his left hand . Members of the media urged him to comment , but it was not clear whether he understood . He smiled broadly and laughed . He had been handed over"} +{"answer":"and address parliament before he and first lady Michelle Obama tour the Cape Coast Castle , which was used in the trans-Atlantic slave trade . Security has been tight all week in Accra , and Ghana plans to deploy some 10,000 security forces during Obama 's visit , according to Ghana News Agency -LRB- GNA -RRB- . The White House has set up SMS codes to allow people across Africa to send `` words of welcome '' via text message to Obama during his visit . Obama has already received thousands of messages , and plans to answer several of the questions sent to him , the British Broadcasting Corporation reported on Thursday . Bill Clinton was the first U.S. president to visit Ghana , in 1998 , as part of a six-nation Africa tour . Obama 's predecessor , George W. Bush , stopped there during a four-nation Africa tour during his last year of office that largely focused on U.S. aid programs . Ghana 's government named a road after Bush to recognize his government 's contribution towards the country 's development . As the United States ' first African-American president , Obama 's trip has broader significance","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A street vendor in Ghana 's capital sells small American flags with an image of President Obama on them , in front of a billboard that proclaims `` Akwaaba '' -- or `` Welcome '' -- next to a smiling image of the U.S. leader . President Obama says he chose Ghana partly because of the `` democratic commitments '' by President Mills . When Obama arrives in Accra on Friday night , he will be the third sitting American president to visit the West African nation of Ghana . But unlike Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush , Obama is only visiting Ghana and no other country in the continent . Obama said he picked Ghana as the first African country he would visit as U.S. president partly because of the `` democratic commitments '' demonstrated by President John Atta Mills , who took office in January after a close election . `` By traveling to Ghana , we hope to highlight the effective governance that they have in place , '' Obama said Tuesday in an interview with AllAfrica.com . During his 24-hour visit to Ghana , Obama will meet with the president"} +{"answer":"behind this resolution , '' Rice said after the vote . Asked if she thought U.S. troops would soon be on land chasing pirates , Rice would not speculate . `` The United States is part of an international effort , '' she said . `` We do have naval forces that have been involved in this effort . What this -LRB- resolution -RRB- does is to authorize that the boundary of the maritime can not become a safe haven boundary for pirates . What we do -- or do not do -- in issues like hot pursuit , we 'll have to see ... case by case . '' Earlier , in remarks to the Security Council , Rice described the growing problem of piracy off the coast of Somalia as `` a symptom . '' `` It 's a symptom of the instability , the poverty , the lawlessness that have plagued Somalia for the past two decades , '' she said , adding that the Bush administration `` does believe that the time has come for the United Nations to consider and authorize a peacekeeping operation . '' Asked about reports that two more ships were attacked","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The United Nations Security Council passed a resolution on Tuesday aimed at combating piracy along the Horn of Africa by allowing military forces to chase pirates onto land in cases of `` hot pursuit . '' French troops on the lookout for pirates in the Gulf of Aden on November 25 . Military forces from various countries , including the United States , are patrolling pirate-infested waters off Somalia , where attacks have surged this year . Nearly 100 vessels have come under fire , according to the International Maritime Bureau , and almost 40 vessels have been hijacked . The Security Council resolution , which passed unanimously , expands upon existing counter-piracy tools , including a stipulation that would allow for national and regional military forces to chase pirates onto land -- specifically into Somalia where many of the pirates are based . Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was at the U.N. on Tuesday for a discussion of the piracy problem and the Security Council vote . `` I would n't be here seeking authorization to go ashore if the U.S. government -- perhaps most importantly the president of the United States -- were not"} +{"answer":"people are paying their bills . And more than anything , we 're targeting the folks who are playing by the rules , '' Donovan said . The administration 's proposal would make it easier for homeowners to afford their monthly payments either by refinancing the mortgages or having their loans modified . And it would vastly broaden the scope of the government rescue by focusing on homeowners who are still current in their payments but at risk of default . Read more about the plan South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford , a Republican who also has criticized the administration 's stimulus package , called the mortgage plan `` a horrible idea . '' `` About 95 percent of folks are playing by the rules and struggling , but still paying their mortgages . The idea that somebody down the street gets a different system , I think , is ultimately something that 's going to undermine a whole lot of other folks with regard to paying their mortgage , '' Sanford told `` Fox News Sunday . '' In particular , he singled out a provision that would allow judges to modify or reduce the principal of loans for","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Obama administration 's efforts to help struggling homeowners will aid `` responsible '' borrowers , not deadbeats or speculators , Housing Secretary Shaun Donovan said Sunday . The plan is aimed at `` folks who are playing by the rules , '' Housing Secretary Shaun Donovan says . President Barack Obama announced the plan Wednesday , saying it will help up to 9 million people keep their homes in a housing market ravaged by foreclosures . But critics , including several leading Republicans and some commentators , said the $ 75 billion proposal will unfairly help some people at the expense of others . White House spokesman Robert Gibbs acknowledged Friday that some people who made `` bad decisions '' might end up getting help under the proposal . But Donovan , Obama 's secretary of housing and urban development , told CNN 's `` State of the Union '' on Sunday that `` there are no ` flippers , ' investor-owners or scammers that are eligible for this program . '' `` We 're going check everybody 's income when they come into this program . We 're going to make sure that"} +{"answer":"the investigation report . He was fined , fired and flown home from Iraq , and the company later paid $ 20,000 in compensation to the victim 's family . Moonen returned to the United States within a few days of the incident , his attorney said , but in February he returned to Kuwait working for Combat Support Associates -LRB- CSA -RRB- , a company spokesman said . CNN reported Thursday night that CSA said it was unaware of the December incident when it hired Moonen , because the State Department and Blackwater kept the incident quiet and out of Moonen 's personnel records . Waxman wrote it is `` hard to reconcile this development '' with previous assertions State Department officials have made in recent days . Waxman earlier accused Rice and the State Department of a cover-up of what he called `` an epidemic of corruption '' in Iraq in general . He branded the State Department 's anti-corruption efforts `` dysfunctional , under-funded and a low priority . '' Waxman further blasted the department for trying to keep secret details of corruption in Iraq , especially relating to Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki . `` Corruption","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Democrats ' top investigator in Congress reacted angrily Friday to a report that the former Blackwater USA employee accused of killing an Iraqi vice presidential guard was hired by another U.S. contractor weeks later . Rep. Henry Waxman says the State Department is covering up `` an epidemic of corruption '' in Iraq . The report comes alongside Rep. Henry Waxman 's warning of a `` confrontation '' with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice over how much Americans should be able to learn about corruption in Iraq . In a sharply worded letter , Waxman demanded Rice turn over a long list of documents related to the contractor , Andrew Moonen . `` Serious questions now exist about whether the State Department may have withheld from the U.S. Defense Department facts about this Blackwater contractor 's shooting of the Iraqi guard that should have prevented his hiring to work on another contract in support of the Iraq War , '' wrote Waxman , chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform . Moonen is accused of fatally shooting an Iraqi guard and fleeing the scene , according to a Congressional memo describing"} +{"answer":"We aim for gold . '' In fact , the Knight Riders were knocked out of the competition before the semi-finals , with Khan announcing to fans via SMS : `` Al of us have become part of a failed script , a bad IPL script . Let 's try and keep our chin up . '' Shah Rukh Khan , one of the few people in the world also known by his initials , has every reason to keep his own chin up . Twenty years after his first onscreen role in the Indian television series `` Fauji , '' SRK -- the man and the brand -- is more popular than ever . On Sunday night , he won the Best Actor award in Bollywood 's version of the Oscars -- the International Indian Film Academy Awards -- for his role as coach of the Indian national women 's field hockey team in `` Chak De ! India . '' The film took nine awards in all , including Best Film and Best Director . Shah Rukh Khan 's previous box-office outing , `` Om Shanti Om , '' scooped five awards , adding icing to its title","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It takes a savvy film star to invest in the only business that 's keeping audiences away from cinemas . In the case of India 's biggest Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan that 's cricket . Photographers mob Shah Rukh Khan and his wife Gauri as they arrive for the inaugural Indian Premier League players ' auction , February 20 , 2008 . Over 45 days from April to June , India 's newest big money cricket competition -- the DLF Indian Premier League -- infected the country with the kind of excitement usually reserved for the item number in the latest Bollywood blockbuster . Off the pitch , among the cheerleaders and dancing girls , was actor Shah Rukh Khan , the proud new co-owner of the Kolkata Knight Riders , a cricket team whose name was said to be inspired by David Hasselhoff 's 1980s television hit . The team , captained by Indian cricketing hero Sourav Ganguly , took to the field in black and gold uniforms created by Bollywood designer Manish Malhotra ; black for the color of goddess Kali and gold , because as Khan said , ``"} +{"answer":"civilian casualties . Radford estimated that there were 450 to 500 Taliban fighters in the area at the time of the operation , which he called `` one of the biggest that has taken place . '' The British gave several weeks ' warning that they were planning to attack , he said , both to exert psychological pressure on the Taliban and to give civilians a chance to flee . As a result , `` quite a few Taliban managed to get away , '' Radford said . `` They will always get away and they will always come back in . '' Mayall , the deputy chief of the British Defence Staff for Operations , said the challenge now was to convince local people that the Afghan government and its allies could protect them from the Taliban . The Taliban `` are going to assume that we are going to lose interest and move on , '' he said . But they are wrong , he said . NATO forces were going to `` stay in Afghanistan for a very long time , '' he said , adding that active NATO-led fighting should `` tail off '' as","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A British-led military operation meant to clear the Taliban from parts of Afghanistan has succeeded , UK officials said Monday . A file image shows a British Royal Marine sniper team on an operation in Afghanistan . NATO and its Afghan allies launched Operation Panther 's Claw to flush the Taliban from parts of southern Helmand Province before Afghan presidential elections next month . Major fighting is mostly over , and the military will now focus on `` holding '' the areas that have been cleared of Taliban so they do not return , Lt. Gen. Simon Mayall said in a briefing . The operation 's success will enable up to 80,000 people in Helmand to vote . `` Panther 's Claw has been extremely successful , '' said Brigadier Tim Radford , the top British military commander for the operation . `` There will be many Taliban who will not be fighting any more . '' He said the Taliban suffered `` significant casualties , '' but refused to say how many . Nine British troops were killed in action in the operation , he said , and there were three Afghan"} +{"answer":"competing with -LRB- Secretary of State -RRB- Hillary Clinton ? '' Medvedev asked . `` Both of them were bidding for the presidential nomination ... Both were from the Democratic Party , and -LRB- the party -RRB- finally decided which of them should run to gain the best election result . Our decision was the same , '' Medvedev said . `` We want to achieve a political result , to win the elections -- the parliamentary elections in December and the presidential elections in March -- not to be nursing our ambitions , '' Medvedev said . `` Any responsible person 's ambition is to serve his country , and I insist on that , '' he said . Commenting on the statements made by some people that the outcome of the Russian presidential elections is `` predetermined '' , Medvedev said , `` I consider such statements absolutely irresponsible , deceitful , and even provocative . '' `` The decisions made at the congress are only recommendations to the party to support two people in the elections , no more than that , '' he said . Last Saturday Medvedev called on the ruling United Russia party to","question":"Moscow -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Dmitry Medvedev said Friday he had ceded his presidency bid to the country 's powerful Prime Minister Vladimir Putin because the latter is a more popular politician in Russia , who has higher chances to be elected . `` Prime Minister Putin is definitely the most authoritative politician in our country and his rating is somewhat higher -LRB- than mine -RRB- , '' Medvedev said in a taped interview with Russia 's national TV networks . Public opinion polls in Russia have invariably indicated that Putin has been ahead of Medvedev in popularity ever since they constructed their ruling tandem almost four years ago . According to the most recent poll , conducted by independent Levada Center , the approval rating of Medvedev stood at 62 per cent in September , compared to Putin 's 68 per cent . In his Friday television interview Medvedev said that he and Putin belong to `` the same political force '' and have `` very close positions on all strategic and tactical issues '' and therefore should n't compete or quarrel . `` Can we possibly imagine , for instance , -LRB- U.S. President -RRB- Barack Obama"} +{"answer":"of bad information and misinformation being ... put out there by opponents of health care reform , '' Thorpe told CNN . Obama and the Democrats say misleading information sows fear and anger , particularly among senior citizens who are worried about how changes in health care could affect Medicare . The White House and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have set up Web campaigns to refute what they describe as provably false information . `` It is now evident that an ugly campaign is under way not merely to misrepresent the health insurance reform legislation , but to disrupt public meetings and prevent members of Congress and constituents from conducting a civil dialogue , '' Pelosi and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer wrote in a recent commentary . Republican opponents respond that the emotional reaction is due to Democratic efforts to rush through legislation that amounts to a government takeover of the health care system . They say the proposals eventually will lead to a system that rations treatment based on an individual 's ability to contribute to society . `` We 've actually started a national debate about exactly what is at stake here , '' Republican National Committee","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A woman asked Rep. Allen Boyd at a town hall meeting the other day if health care reform proposals would force people to let the government access their bank accounts . False rumors about health care have been aired at town hall meetings , like this one in Maryland last week . `` That 's not true , '' the Florida Democrat responded . `` When someone sends you something on the Internet that sounds crazy , how about just checking it a little bit ? '' The CNN Truth Squad , which fact-checks political claims , has debunked the bank-access rumor as false . Yet that claim , and others that have been disproved , keep coming up in the national debate on health care reform , inflaming an already emotional issue . Heated protests have disrupted town hall meetings nationwide , with people shouting at legislators and venting anger at President Obama . While the anger is genuine , some of it is based on misunderstandings of the actual proposals , said Kenneth Thorpe , a health policy expert at Emory University . `` People are freaked out because there 's a lot"} +{"answer":"residence . However , when pressed further he did admit to sitting on one of the thrones , but did not recall doing any `` comical poses . '' The court also heard that officers protecting the royals lost more than # 250,000 -LRB- $ 365,800 -RRB- to a spread betting venture called `` The Currency Club , '' one of a number of apparently successful sidelines Page allegedly set up to clear spiraling debts , PA said . According to the BBC , Page extracted around # 3 million -LRB- $ 4.4 million -RRB- from some 57 lenders or investors . Cooper suggested that McGregor had been `` one of those police officers '' using mobile patrols to deliver cash to other police officers based in Royal Protection who were involved in financial matters . The accusation was again denied by McGregor . He instead claimed he had been `` totally sucked in '' by Page . `` I was totally sucked in by Paul he is a very charismatic person , '' he said , before adding that he had acted `` very naively and very stupidly '' in some of his dealings with his former colleague .","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Police officers responsible for protecting the British royal family handled firearms when drunk , traded pornography and steroids and sat on Queen Elizabeth II 's throne in comical poses , it has been alleged in a London court . The former royal protection officer was responsible for security at Buckingham Palace . The allegations were made Tuesday by John Cooper , the lawyer for former royal protection officer Paul Page , who is accused of defrauding colleagues and friends to fund a life of luxury , The British Press Association reported . According to PA , the claims were made during a lengthy cross-examination of Adam McGregor , a colleague of Page who left service at London 's Buckingham Palace in 2005 , who has accused the former officer of `` conning '' him out of thousands of dollars . At one point Cooper `` suggested '' there had been a procedure among armed officers at the palace whereby one officer on duty would sleep while the others kept watch for their superior . McGregor denied any knowledge of this and all other allegations of wrongdoing among his colleagues at the iconic Royal"} +{"answer":"if\/when he 'll be in my area . ... I love what he stands for . His inner peace inspires me to find mine , daily . '' She 's far from alone in her admiration . A CNN\/Opinion Research Corp. survey released Thursday , the same day the Dalai Lama visited the White House , showed that 56 percent of Americans hold a favorable view of him , putting him `` in the same neighborhood as other major religious figures , '' said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland . `` Favorable ratings for the pope , at 59 percent , and Billy Graham , at 57 percent , are virtually identical . '' Not bad for a guy who lives on the opposite side of the globe , is entrenched in a decades-old political and cultural struggle many do n't understand , and lives according to a tradition few Americans follow . Less than 1 percent of Americans identify themselves as Buddhist , with less than 0.3 percent of those being Tibetan Buddhist , according to The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life . But what he represents resonates with Americans who may need a figure like the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- He 's been decorated with awards and called one of the world 's most influential people . He 's addressed packed auditoriums and waved to crowds who line streets just to catch a passing glimpse of him . He 's shaken the hands of countless global dignitaries and earned a fan base following on Facebook that might rival that of Hollywood stars . He is His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama , the 74-year-old spiritual leader of Tibet and the head of the Tibetan government-in-exile , based in Dharamsala , India . And though he describes himself , according to his Web site , as `` a simple Buddhist monk , '' the love so many Americans and others have for him has , no doubt , bestowed on him iconic status -- whether he sees it that way or not . `` I 'd love to be in his presence . I 'd love to be in an audience where he speaks , '' said Jerilee Auclair , 55 , of Vancouver , Washington , who has yet to have that pleasure . `` I yearn for it . I watch his schedule to see"} +{"answer":"detail , how she found out and how she dealt with it , '' O'Neal said . Early in 2007 , Fawcett said she was told her cancer had gone into remission . Her official Web site has posts from February 2007 celebrating the news . But the cancer returned later that year . Anal cancer affects more women than men , and the illness is usually found in people who are in their early 60s . The American Cancer Society estimates that 5,000 new cases of anal cancer are diagnosed each year and about 680 people die from it annually . While cancer keeps Farrah in her bed , a legal fight has begun over the documentary . Producer Craig Nevius filed a lawsuit this week against O'Neal and Stewart , claiming they stole creative control of the film from him . Nevius told CNN he was kicked off the project more than two months ago . `` I have been banned from talking to or seeing Farrah for about ten weeks , which is highly unusual , considering that healthy or sick , I spoke to this woman at least twice a day from the time of her","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As Ryan O'Neal walked the red carpet at the premiere of `` Farrah 's Story , '' he stopped every few feet to answer reporters ' questions about Farrah Fawcett 's battle with cancer . Farrah Fawcett was diagnosed with cancer three years ago . ` Farrah 's Story , ' a documentary on her battle , will air Friday . CNN 's Douglas Hyde was at the end of the line and the last to interview the actor , who was almost in tears after a string of intense explanations about his longtime companion 's condition . `` She was OK in the first interview , but now I 'm worried , '' O'Neal said , visibly drained after focusing on Fawcett 's battle . The documentary , which airs Friday night on NBC , is not a celebration of Fawcett 's career , but an intimate look at her life since being diagnosed with anal cancer three years ago . `` Basically , it 's a gonzo trip , '' O'Neal said . It was shot by Fawcett 's close friend , Alana Stewart . `` It shows you every"} +{"answer":"rot , without proper interment . `` I was just appalled . This is a sacrilege , '' he said Saturday . Haiti , he said , is a deeply spiritual country with great respect for the dead . `` This , '' he said pointing to the mounds of death , `` is countercultural to Haiti -- the total lack of respect for the dead . '' Marie Laurence Lasseque , Haiti 's minister of information , denied to CNN 's Anderson Cooper that the dead had been transported out of the city by truck and dumped out of view without burial . She said the state-run trucking company CNE was `` doing a good job '' disposing bodies . But after seeing footage of the bodies on CNN , Rouzier had to do something . By 8 a.m. Friday , he was on the phone , ordering front-end loaders . He asked his welding shop to shape five metal crosses and called Bishop Pierre Andre Dumas to come perform last rites . Dumas arrived Friday with American priest Richard Frechette , a doctor who cares for the poor in Haiti . The two sprinkled holy water and said","question":"Titanyan , Haiti -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Daniel Rouzier clutched a mahogany rosary and a pair of latex gloves in his left hand , his face covered in a sterile mask . He watched intently as two front-end loaders clawed into piles of dirt and dumped it into freshly dug trenches . Arms , legs , entire bodies flailed and flew before reaching their final resting place . The stench of human flesh , decomposing for 17 days , carried with the wind . Rouzier took it upon himself to bury the estimated 2,500 bodies here . They were mothers , fathers , sons and daughters who were never given a proper burial after they perished in the earthquake that leveled the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince on January 12 . At least 150,000 people died that day , the Haitian government estimates . Many of their bodies were dumped here , near the village of Titanyan , about 45 minutes northeast of the capital . Rouzier , who owns a car dealership and helps run the Haitian charity , Food for the Poor , said he was watching a CNN report Friday about how many bodies were just left to"} +{"answer":"Sharp-force injuries mean cuts or stab wounds . Diagrams in the autopsy notes show Daniels suffered injuries to the side and back of her neck , her back and her left breast . She also suffered wounds to her hands , a typical spot for defensive wounds resulting from attempts to ward off an attack . In addition , the autopsy notes say a portion of Daniels ' hair appeared singed or burned . The medical examiner classified her death as a homicide . Daniels ' son , Alvin Daniels , told CNN that she traveled many Sundays to Anadarko , about 50 miles southwest of her home , to the church `` in case people came to worship . '' Watch what the son has to say to Nancy Grace '' District Attorney Bret Burns has called the crime scene the worst he 'd seen in 17 years as a prosecutor but gave no further explanation . Jessica Brown , a spokeswoman for Oklahoma 's State Bureau of Investigation , said last week the body was `` staged '' after the killing , but declined to elaborate . Meanwhile , Neuman said , video surveillance from a convenience store","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A 61-year-old pastor who was killed in a rural Oklahoma church was found lying behind the altar with her arms outstretched , a source close to the investigation told CNN . Carol Daniels , a 61-year-old pastor , was found nude behind the altar of a church in Anadarko , Oklahoma . It was one of the latest details to emerge in the killing of Carol Daniels , whose nude body was found in the Christ Holy Sanctified Church in Anadarko , Oklahoma , in a crime scene the district attorney described as `` horrific . '' Her clothes were taken from the scene , and a dissolving agent had been sprayed around her body , the source said . An FBI profiler was brought in during the weekend to assist investigators , Steve Neuman , a spokesman for the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation , said Monday . Authorities also have increased to $ 15,000 a reward for information . Daniels , from Oklahoma City , Oklahoma , was found inside the church August 23 . She died from `` multiple sharp-force injuries , '' according to a preliminary autopsy report obtained by CNN ."} +{"answer":"-- about 31 million -- were using the food stamp program to get by , according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture . More recent numbers are not available , but advocates for the poor say the number of those in need of aid probably has increased since then . Stereotypes associated with food stamps abound , and recipients are often seen as prone to taking handouts , sometimes when they may not be needed . But the profile of hunger in America is multifaceted , as diverse as the nation itself , especially in these times of economic hardship . To get a better idea of what it 's like to live on a food stamp budget , CNN correspondent Sean Callebs has decided to eat for a month on $ 176 and blog about the experience on CNN.com . Watch reporter 's struggle to buy food with food stamps '' That 's a situation many people , Thomas included , can relate to . Thomas , who said he had been working steadily since he was 13 years old , now receives $ 175 per month for food . That 's about $ 5.83 per day -- less","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As Walter Thomas knows , it 's hard to look for a job when your stomach is rumbling . Samirah , 2 , asked her mom to take this photo to show that hungry people `` are like everyone else . '' The 52-year-old from Washington , D.C. , started skipping meals in early January when his savings account was running dry and his kitchen cabinets were almost empty . Thomas at first did n't want to turn to the United States ' food safety net , the food stamp program , for help . But after being laid off in July from what seemed like a steady job in sales at a furniture store , Thomas swallowed his pride and applied for the monthly food aid . `` It lets me think , ` OK , well , tomorrow I 'll be able to eat . If nothing else , I 'll be able to eat , ' '' he said . With the national economy in meltdown , more Americans than ever are relying on the federal aid program to keep from going hungry . In October , more than one in 10 people"} +{"answer":"a specially designed platform from which to explore undiscovered Chilean Patagonia in three ways -- by air , land and water , using the yacht 's on-board vehicles , which include a helicopter . Where has it been ? It has been based off the fjord-like coast of Chile since its launch . Its cruising area is 400 or so nautical miles from Puerto Montt in the north to the Taitao peninsula . What its captain says : `` My crew will fly you in helicopters , drive you to see wildlife in special tenders and take you on rugged shore-based excursions in one of a fleet of all-terrain vehicles we keep ashore in strategically placed locations along the coastline . We can fly you in the helicopter to isolated ski slopes with virgin snow . '' Victor Espinoza Web site : nomadsoftheseas.com ` Allure Shadow ' Why we like it : `` Allure Shadow '' was built for a yacht owner who purchased a shadow boat to carry the toys for his big white yacht but then discovered he enjoyed the shadow more than the other one . It 's not short on luxuries : every cabin has its","question":"-LRB- SuperYachtWorld -RRB- -- They may not be big on looks but explorer yachts can realize even the most intrepid traveler 's desire for far-flung and exotic corners of the globe . Explorers offer all the comforts of traditional superyachts but with souped-up specifications -- an ice-strengthened hull to cope with polar ice or ocean-going capability . Which means these tough boats can cruise from Patagonia to the islands of the Caribbean and from the Arctic ice to the Mediterranean . They also come with an impressive array of gadgets and gizmos : Helicopters , fishing boats , luxury speed boats and state-of-the-art navigation gear are all among the play things likely to be aboard . While chartering one of these yachts is not within everyone 's budget -- prices range from about $ 100,000 to $ 500,000 per week , depending on the season -- most people can relate to the fantasy of escaping the crowds and exploring some of the world 's most remote and beautiful spots . ` Atmosphere ' Why we like it : `` Atmosphere '' is more than a yacht -- it is the perfect escape for the 21st century adventurer . It is"} +{"answer":", giving customers incentives and finding ways to cut operating costs without compromising the integrity of their posh images . Starwood Hotel & Resorts , which owns the chic W and St Regis hotels , is offering existing and new members of its preferred guest program the opportunity to earn a free weekend night with two stays at any of Starwood 's hotels from May through July . Guests can use their free night through the end of September across Starwood 's brands , including many of the company 's luxury properties . This summer , Rosewood Hotels & Resorts , which operates five-star properties around the world , will offer customers who book particular packages free breakfast and a $ 100 resort credit . Washington 's Willard Intercontinental Hotel is offering a `` buy two nights , get a third night free '' promotion for weekend stays through December . From December to February , occupancy in luxury hotels , a category that includes names such as the Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts and Ritz-Carlton Hotel Co. sunk more than 15 percent -- a steeper drop than at mid-level hotels , according to leading hotel industry watcher Smith Travel","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A year ago , employees at Boiron , a medical manufacturing company , wined and dined at the Ritz-Carlton Golf & Spa Resort overlooking the picturesque bay in Rose Hall , Jamaica , for their annual retreat . The InterContinental Montelucia Resort & Spa is subtly scaling back amid a sagging economy . This year , employees are saying goodbye to luxury as company President Ludovic Rassat moved the event to a more sensible location : the Sheraton Suites Philadelphia Airport . Many of his employees who live near the hotel are expected to sleep at home . `` It 's important to see we are making decisions for the good of the company , '' Rassat said . `` At the end of the day , it 's going to be good for them . Their jobs are still going to be there . '' With a mentality like Rassat 's pervading the business and leisure traveler psyche , luxury hotels are bleeding occupancy and revenue at a rate far worse than the travel slump experienced after September 11 , travel experts say . To overcome their financial woes , luxury hotels are dropping rates"} +{"answer":"1979 after the ruling monarchy was overthrown and Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was forced into exile . The revolution also ended the ceremonial role of first lady that the last queen , Farah , enjoyed . At this rally , Rahnavard -- a writer and art professor -- spoke for her husband , who was campaigning elsewhere . Wearing a floral headscarf and a traditional black chador -- a full-length loose robe that women in Iran wear like a cloak -- Rahnavard called for freedoms she says were lost during President Mahmoud Ahmadijenad 's term . `` I hope freedom of speech , freedom of the pen and freedom of thought will not be forgotten , '' she said . The crowd , which was clad in Mousavi 's trademark color green , cheered wildly . It waved placards with his picture and swayed from side to side , chanting and beating drums . The women sat on one side ; the men on the other . The overwhelming majority were young voters , many of whom said they attended because of Mousavi 's wife , a mother of three . Iran 's population -- estimated at more than 66","question":"TEHRAN , Iran -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Dancing in public is not allowed in Iran , but thousands could hardly contain themselves at a recent presidential campaign rally in the capital city , Tehran . Supporters hope Zahra Rahnavard will become Iran 's future first lady . On this day , the deafening cheers were not for presidential hopeful Mir Hossein Mousavi , but rather for his wife -- a woman some are calling Iran 's Michelle Obama . The comparisons to the first lady of the United States stem from the role Zahra Rahnavard is playing in her husband 's quest for the presidency . Never in the history of Iranian presidential elections has a candidate put his wife in the forefront of his campaign . Wherever Mousavi -- a centrist candidate -- goes , Rahnavard is usually nearby . Watch more about Zahra Rahnavard '' `` We look at her and we say , ` we want to be like her in the future , ' '' said Shakiba Shakerhosseie , one of 12,000 people who packed into Tehran 's indoor Azadi -LRB- Freedom -RRB- sports stadium to hear Rahnavard speak . Iran became an Islamic republic in"} +{"answer":"efficient and is fair to all parties involved , '' al Mulla said . The case began in July , when the two men , 36 and 18 , kidnapped and raped the French teenager at knifepoint . Robert contacted French diplomats , who took up the allegations with Dubai authorities . Al Mulla said police action was swift and arrests were made within 24 hours . But Robert has said the case was botched from the start , beginning with her son 's examination by a doctor who said her son was gay . Homosexuality in Dubai is illegal , and the teen could have faced as much as a year in prison . Robert 's son has since returned to France and was not in court for Wednesday 's sentencing . Robert has also said Dubai authorities repeatedly concealed evidence -- confirmed in court papers -- that one of the attackers was HIV-positive . Robert said her son , who is still awaiting test results to find out whether he has the virus , could have gotten treatment much sooner had they known . Dubai authorities deny any evidence was concealed . The case has shed light on","question":"DUBAI -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A court in Dubai sentenced two men Wednesday to 15 years in prison for the rape and kidnapping of a 15-year-old French boy . Veronique Robert , mother of the 15-year-old French-Swiss teen , speaking outside a court in Dubai . The boy 's mother , Veronique Robert , was visibly upset after the sentence was read and promised to appeal . Robert , a French journalist , brought the case to the media 's attention in recent months in an effort to shed light on what she deemed to be injustices in the pro-Western emirate of Dubai . Robert said Wednesday 's sentence was too lenient for a crime that she believes is tantamount to attempted murder because one of her son 's attackers was knowingly HIV-positive at the time of the rape . She refrained from asking the death penalty for her son 's attackers , but said she hoped the sentence would be much longer . A spokesman for the Dubai government , Habib al Mulla , told CNN the sentence was in accordance with international standards and was not lenient . `` Today 's verdict has proven that the system is"} +{"answer":", likenesses are considered highly offensive by Muslims . Watch latest developments in the case . '' Appearing somber and dazed , Gibbons arrived at the central courthouse in Khartoum for her closed hearing early Thursday . A staff member from the British Embassy in Khartoum and defense lawyers attended the hearing with her . The courthouse was heavily guarded by police , who kept journalists -- and , for a while , even one of her attorneys -- away . Gibbons could have faced a sentence of 40 lashes , a fine , or a jail term of up to a year , according to the Foreign Office , which expressed Britain 's dissatisfaction with the verdict . `` We are extremely disappointed that the charges against Gillian Gibbons were not dismissed , '' Foreign Secretary David Miliband said in a statement issued shortly after the verdict was announced . `` As I said this morning , our clear view is that this is an innocent misunderstanding by a dedicated teacher . Our priority now is to ensure Ms. Gibbons ' welfare , and we will continue to provide consular assistance to her . I have called in the","question":"KHARTOUM , Sudan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Sudanese court found a British teacher guilty of insulting religion and sentenced her to 15 days in prison Thursday for allowing a teddy bear to be named '' Mohammed , '' British authorities and her lawyer reported . An undated amateur photo of Gillian Gibbons , who has been found guilty of insulting religion . Gillian Gibbons also faces deportation from Sudan after her prison term , her lawyer told CNN . He said that he was `` very disappointed '' with the verdict and that Gibbons planned to appeal . Gibbons was not convicted of two other charges brought against her -- inciting hatred and showing contempt for religious beliefs , her lawyer said . Gibbons , 54 , was arrested Sunday after she asked her class of 7-year-olds in Khartoum to name the stuffed animal as part of a school project , the British Foreign Office said . She had faced charges under Article 125 of Sudan 's constitution , the law relating to insulting religion and inciting hatred . Although there is no ban in the Quran on images of Allah or the Prophet Mohammed , Islam 's founder"} +{"answer":"? What 's that ? Beach and his wife Monette bought the tainted cantaloupe at a Homeland grocery , where the store motto says : `` the best is fresh . '' A week after he ate the fruit , Beach felt malaise , perhaps not unusual for a man of 87 years . But then his face turned the shade of a tomato . Soon he had trouble breathing and collapsed on the living room floor , according to a wrongful death lawsuit filed against Jensen Farms . Monette heard him struggling to pull himself up off the floor . She hobbled into the room with her cane and saw her husband of 67 years unable to speak , unable to get up . She dialed 911 and an ambulance whisked Beach to Baptist Hospital in nearby Oklahoma City . He was discharged the next day but when he got worse at home , he returned to the hospital . One of Beach 's six daughters , Brenda Hathaway met her father at the emergency room . Beach told her he did n't want Monette to see him this way . Listeriosis causes fever , muscle aches , diarrhea","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- William Beach was one of those people who fixated on certain foods . He would eat the same thing voraciously for a few days , and then , when he tired of the same tastes , he moved onto something else . In August , when summer 's heat seemed unending in Mustang , Oklahoma , Beach took to savoring fried chicken -- and soft , sweet cantaloupe . Beach was elderly -- 87 -- but after eating the fruit , his health declined rather suddenly and before anyone in his family knew what was wrong , he was dead . He is among 15 people who died from Listeria monocytogenes in what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is calling the deadliest U.S. outbreak of a food-borne illness since 1998 . Gallery : The decade 's 10 biggest food-borne illness outbreaks The bacteria was traced to Rocky Ford cantaloupes grown at Jensen Farms ' fields in Granada , Colorado . As of Monday , the outbreak had affected people in 19 states . The CDC first reported it publicly on September 12 , six days after William Beach 's family buried him . Listeria"} +{"answer":"officials said . Regardless , the two wins were crucial for Clinton , who would have found it difficult to continue the race if Obama won big Tuesday . `` For everyone across America who has been counted out but refused to be knocked out , for everyone who has stumbled but stood right back up and for everyone who works hard and never gives up , this one is for you , '' Clinton said to a cheering crowd in Columbus , Ohio . Watch Clinton thank backers '' After a month of losses to Obama , Clinton had been expected to do well in Ohio -- where the blue-collar workers who have consistently supported her throughout the campaign make up a large chunk of the Democratic base . But with polls showing the Ohio contest neck-and-neck in the days leading up to the primary , Clinton got a boost from female voters and those who only recently made up their minds . According to CNN exit polling , 59 percent of the voters in the state 's Democratic primary were women . Those female voters favored Clinton over Obama , 58 percent to 40 percent . In the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sen. Hillary Clinton received the most votes in two pivotal Democratic primary contests Tuesday , scoring wins in Texas and Ohio that were considered critical to keeping alive her White House hopes . Sen. Hillary Clinton is the winner in Ohio and Texas primaries , but trails in the Texas caucuses . With 99 percent of precincts reporting in Ohio , Clinton had 54 percent of the vote compared to 44 percent for Sen. Barack Obama . The race was closer in Texas where , with 99 percent of precincts in , Clinton had 51 percent to Obama 's 48 percent . A complicated formula in Texas that weighs delegates more heavily in highly populated areas and includes a caucus that was still being tallied Wednesday afternoon meant the delegate count there remained unclear . Obama was leading Clinton in the caucus vote 56 percent to 44 percent with 38 percent of the state counted , party officials said . The party will split 67 delegates between the candidates in proportion to the final caucus results . Watch an I-Report video from a Democratic caucus '' A final tally was not expected until Thursday afternoon ,"} +{"answer":"estimation is n't as important as the idea behind his project , which is to show that English has become a complex , global language . `` It 's a people 's language , '' he said . Other languages , like French , Payack said , put big walls around their vocabularies . English brings others in . `` English has the tradition of swallowing new words whole , '' he said . `` Other languages translate . '' The Internet , global commerce and global travel have accelerated the trend by putting English in contact with many other linguistic groups . This has made English more rich and more complex -- hence all of the new terms , he said . Still , Payack says he does n't include all new words in his count . Words must make sense in at least 60 percent of the world to be official , he said . And they must make sense to different communities of people . A new technology term that 's only understood in Silicon Valley would n't count as a mainstream word , he said . His computer models check billions of Web sites -- including","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- English contains more words than any other language on the planet and added its millionth word early Wednesday , according to the Global Language Monitor , a Web site that uses a math formula to estimate how often words are created . The Global Language Monitor says the millionth word was added to English on Wednesday . The site estimates the millionth English word , `` Web 2.0 '' was added to the language Wednesday at 5:22 a.m. ET . The term refers to the second , more social generation of the Internet . The site says more than 14 words are added to English every day , at the current rate . The `` Million Word March , '' however , has made the man who runs this word-counting project somewhat of a pariah in the linguistic community . Some linguists say it 's impossible to count the number of words in a language because languages are always changing , and because defining what counts as a word is a fruitless endeavor . Paul J.J. Payack , president and chief word analyst for the Global Language Monitor , says , however , that the million-word"} +{"answer":"lead the nation . This day has been a long time coming . '' The location of the wind farm has stirred heated emotions over the years . Cape Wind became one of the most heavily vetted energy projects in the world . Seventeen state and federal agencies weighed in , reviewing everything from its impact on shipping , aviation and fisheries . Salazar visited the Cape earlier this year . At the time , he pledged to cut through the nine years of regulatory red tape and make a final decision by the end of April . At Wednesday 's news conference , the interior secretary said the process took far too long and future offshore projects would follow a `` more rational and orderly '' process . There is no reason , he said , `` why an offshore wind permit should take a decade to review and approve . '' The most notable opponent of Cape Wind was the late Sen. Ted Kennedy , a champion of green energy who , to the dismay of environmentalists , fought against the wind farm . The Kennedy compound will have a view of the wind turbines . See how","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Interior Secretary Ken Salazar on Wednesday approved the nation 's first offshore wind farm , signing off on a project that has bitterly divided Cape Cod over the last nine years . The 130 turbines are to be located several miles from the Massachusetts shore in the iconic waters of Nantucket Sound . The interior secretary said Cape Wind , as the project is known , is the start of a `` new energy frontier . '' `` The United States is leading a clean energy revolution that is reshaping our future , '' Salazar told reporters in Boston . `` Cape Wind is an opening of a new chapter in that future , and we are all part of that history . '' `` Cape Wind will be the nation 's first offshore wind farm , supplying clean power to homes and businesses in Massachusetts , plus creating good jobs here in America , '' he said . `` This will be the first of many projects up and down the Atlantic coast . '' `` Thank you for this decision , '' said Gov. Deval Patrick . `` With this project , Massachusetts will"} +{"answer":", although the actual number of people affected may be higher . New data released by the CDC Tuesday showed that the majority of the 30 patients who were hospitalized with H1N1 in California had other medical conditions , such as chronic heart and lung disease , suppressed immune system , diabetes , and obesity . None of the patients died . They had fevers , coughs , vomiting and shortness of breath , according to the CDC report that examined the patients . Six of them were admitted to the intensive care unit and four required mechanical ventilation . See an explanation of H1N1 flu '' Five of them were pregnant -- two of the fetuses did not survive . Earlier this month , Judy Dominguez Trunnell became the first U.S. resident to die from complications of the H1N1 flu . Her daughter was delivered via emergency Caesarean section . Dominguez Trunnell felt body aches and numbing in the left side of her face and went to the hospital , her husband , Steven Trunnell , told CNN 's Larry King . Watch the interview . '' Trunnell has filed a wrongful death claim against Smithfield Foods , a","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Health officials say the H1N1 virus , commonly known as the swine flu , is likely to cause more illnesses and deaths in the United States , even though much of the initial anxiety has eased . A researcher investigates swine flu at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta , Georgia . The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported higher levels of flu activity than the average for mid-May and an unusual number of outbreaks in schools . Some clinics reported high numbers of respiratory diseases more commonly seen during the peak of flu season . `` We do think that the way the virus is spreading in the U.S. , we are not out of the woods , and the disease is continuing , '' said Dr. Anne Schuchat , interim deputy director for science and public health program at the CDC in a news conference this week . In the United States , six deaths have been linked to the swine flu , although it 's unclear whether these were caused by the virus or pre-existing conditions . Nationwide , at least 5,123 cases of H1N1 flu have been reported"} +{"answer":"and they 're eating basically everything in sight . That 's the problem , '' Wasilewski said of the Burmese python . Volunteers like Wasilewski , happy to grasp the problem and the snakes with both hands , are not the only troops in Florida 's war on the invading pythons . A `` Python Patrol '' was launched in the Florida Keys , south of the Everglades , by Alison Higgins of the Nature Conservancy . Her program uses utility workers , wildlife officials , park rangers and police to keep an eye out for snakes and trains them to capture any they find . `` The Burmese pythons that are coming out of the Everglades are eating a lot of our endangered species and other creatures , and we want to make sure they do n't breed here , '' said Higgins , the conservation manager for the Keys . It is believed that the problem originated when reptile-breeding facilities near the Everglades were destroyed during Hurricane Andrew . Compounding the problem is the release of these snakes by pet owners . `` These pets were released by owners that do not understand the threat to the ecosystem","question":"THE EVERGLADES , Florida -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Joe Wasilewski drives along a narrow stretch of road through Florida 's Everglades . The sun is setting , night is coming on quickly , and Wasilewski is on the prowl for snakes -- and one snake in particular . Reptile expert Joe Wasilewski holds a Burmese python he found in the Florida Everglades . `` The next 10 miles seem to be the hot spot for Burmese pythons , '' he said . Wasilewski is a state-sanctioned snake-hunter who regularly scours this area for the reptiles . The Everglades , known as the River of Grass , has the perfect space and climate for pythons to hide and breed . And breed they do : The largest clutches found in the Everglades have contained 83 eggs . They are also speedy travelers , able to move across 1.6 miles of land every day , experts say . The travel lets people like Wasilewski hunt the snakes from the driver 's seat of his truck . But it also means that the problems created in the local ecosystem by the non-venomous snakes are spreading . `` It 's a large predator ,"} +{"answer":"former Wimbledon semifinalist and number one ranked doubles player , was inevitably going to turn her talents to acting . Rather in the Nadal mode , Kournikova does not have any lines to fluff when appearing with Spanish pop star Enrique Inglesias in a video to promote his 2001 single `` Escape '' . Having been `` seduced '' in a variety of role-play settings by Enrique , the pair later dated in real life . The single reached number 12 in the United States listings . John McEnroe : The former bad boy of tennis , famous for his rants and run-ins with umpires , would appear to have all the ingredients for a director looking to add a star name to his film credits and with a bit of acting ability to boot . McEnroe , who was once married to the movie star Tatum O'Neal , has in fact appeared in six films , the latest Adam Sandler 's 2008 release `` You Do n't Mess with the Zohan '' where he predictably plays himself . The film did well at the box office and , considering his other cameo alongside Robert De Niro in `` Anger","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Rafael Nadal may be more used to serving aces than strutting his stuff on a film set but that has not stopped the former world number one from appearing with Colombian rock star Shakira in her new music video . The scenes of the two stars used to accompany the global release of the `` Gypsy '' single were filmed in Barcelona , Spain last month where the chemistry between the 23-year-old Spaniard and the Latin American singer were such that denials were released by both parties to quash rumors of a love match . Though Nadal is in no danger of winning an Oscar for his acting skills , his cameo appearance was just one in a long list of tennis stars who have flirted with the silver screen . Any come to mind ? Open Court sifted through the archives to find other famous examples of tennis stars caught on camera . Let us know if there are any we have missed by adding your comment at the bottom of the page . Anna Kournikova : Given her status as a celebrity , which rather overshadowed her abilities as a tennis player , the"} +{"answer":"Jackson 's death , many people appeared to find out through messages on social-networking sites . Some of those linked to celebrity gossip site TMZ.com , which was among the first to report the news . `` Damn ... it 's official , '' posted one Twitter user , shortly after the news of Jackson 's death was confirmed . `` RIP to the BIGGEST star the world has EVER seen . '' Another woman vowed in a tweet never to change her cell phone 's ringtone , which was set to `` P.Y.T -LRB- Pretty Young Thing -RRB- , '' a hit from Jackson 's classic `` Thriller '' album . Sony BMG , Jackson 's music label , removed from its Web site a list of dates for the singer 's European tour , which was to kick off next month in London . Within minutes , Jackson 's Wikipedia page had been updated to reflect his death , with biographical information changed to the past tense . On Flickr , fans posted images from all phases of Jackson 's career , from his child-star , large-Afro days to moody publicity shots to dramatic photos of a costumed","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- One female fan on Twitter said `` Off the Wall '' was the first cassette tape she owned . `` I have it on CD now and still listen to it , '' she said . Many people found out about Michael Jackson 's death through Web sites like Twitter and Facebook . `` I saw the Victory Tour at Dodger Stadium in 1984 , '' posted a man on his Facebook status update . `` Anybody else ? '' And on CNN 's iReport.com , a tearful Melissa Fazli of Yorba Linda , California , posted an emotional video . `` I grew up with Michael Jackson , '' she said , choking back tears . `` This is just a very sad day . '' From Facebook to Flickr , Twitter to YouTube , stunned and saddened fans came together across the vast online universe to share their memories of the iconic pop star , who died Thursday afternoon in Los Angeles . By Thursday evening , 9 of the 10 top trending topics on micro-blogging site Twitter were about Michael Jackson . Because traditional media outlets were slow to confirm the news of"} +{"answer":"few Spanish-language music artists , including Alex Cuba , Juan Luis Guerra , Julieta Venegas and La Mala Rodriguez , as well as English-language artist Josh Groban . The first single off the album , '' Manos Al Aire , '' made history as it marked the first time a North American artist reached No. 1 on Billboard 's Hot Latin Songs chart with a song that was originally written in Spanish , rather than a translated version of an English-language song . Furtado spoke with CNN about her passion for Spanish , why she feels like an artist reborn and the career path she hopes to take . CNN : What was the inspiration for the new album ? Nelly Furtado : There were so many inspirations . The language was the biggest inspiration . I 've sang so much in Spanish in the past , and also Portuguese . I get a lot of joy in singing in Latin languages . It expresses the Latin side of me . Watch Furtado talk about her new album '' My parents were born in Portugal and they raised us in Canada . We grew up speaking Portuguese and then I","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Singer Nelly Furtado is trying to cross over in a direction many artists do n't ordinarily take . Singer Nelly Furtado says she enjoys diversity in music and broadening her fan base . With `` Mi Plan , '' the Grammy Award-winning singer is taping into a brand new market and fan base , almost a decade after she came to fame in 2000 with the single `` I 'm Like a Bird . '' While the Canadian-born singer -- whose parents are Portuguese -- has sung in Spanish before , `` Mi Plan '' is the first time she has recorded an entire album in Spanish , a language she said she learned as a teen . It 's seems like a natural progression for Furtado , an artist often noted for diversity in her sound . A few years after her breakthrough , Furtado teamed up with superproducer Timbaland for her 2006 album `` Loose , '' a collaboration that gained her scores of hip-hop and R&B fans as well , and spawned hits such as `` Promiscuous '' and `` Say It Right . '' `` Mi Plan '' pairs her with a"} +{"answer":"want to stay . Leave me in peace , please . '' However , AC Milan owner Silvio Berlusconi also hinted at Kaka 's departure just before Cadena Ser 's claim . `` I do not know if we can keep Kaka at Milan because they -LRB- Real -RRB- have offered him so much money , '' Berlusconi was quoted as saying by Italian press agency Ansa . Spanish reports said Kaka will sign for five years with a salary worth nearly $ 13 million a year . Former team-mate Paolo Maldini , who retired at the end of the season , admitted he still had doubts about Kaka 's future at the San Siro . `` I do n't know if he 'll still stay at Milan , '' Maldini told Gazzetta dello Sport . `` Ancelotti might have been cryptic about his future but Kaka has been even more so . '' Last January , Kaka rejected a move to Premier League Manchester City who were prepared to pay the 2007 world player of the year $ 750,000 per week . Kaka 's coach at Milan Carlo Ancelotti was on Monday appointed manager at Premier League Chelsea who","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Brazilian star Kaka has agreed to join Real Madrid from Italy 's AC Milan in a $ 92 million deal , the Spanish radio station Cadena Ser reported on Tuesday . Former World Player of the Year Kaka has agreed to join Real Madrid in a $ 92m move according to reports in Spain . Cadena Ser claimed that Real president Florentino Perez had thrashed out a deal with AC Milan vice-president Adriano Galliani and Bosco Leite , Kaka 's father and agent . Kaka is currently in Brazil with the national team ahead of a World Cup qualifier against Uruguay and earlier in the day had appeared to rule out a move from Italy 's Serie A. `` I 'll say it for the last time . The last time . I do n't want to leave Milan , '' he told Gazzetta dello Sport . `` In this period I prefer to remain silent because I do n't want to be misunderstood . Or , worse still , to be used . `` To the millions of Milan supporters , I say that I have made my choice . I have said what I"} +{"answer":"octane points . If you have a thirstier truck or SUV or cover more mileage , it could amount to hundreds of dollars a year . New-car buyers , take notice . Add fuel requirements to your shopping checklist , because it will impact your wallet with every visit to the gas station , for years of ownership . The expensive stuff is typically recommended -- though not always required -- for luxury and high-performance cars , while less-expensive sedans , coupes , and SUVs only require 87-octane . But there are plenty of exceptions . Alan Hall , a spokesman for Ford , says that the automaker no longer has any models that require premium grade and only a few for which it 's recommended . Regular unleaded is fine across all the models of Ford 's Lincoln luxury brand , says Hall , so `` as a luxury car buyer you do n't have that added premium of premium fuel . '' Ford now does all of its engine development and vehicle testing on 87-octane , regular-grade fuel . `` We do n't want to give you a product that will have durability issues , '' explains Hall","question":"-LRB- AOL Autos -RRB- -- The little two-passenger smart fortwo is the most fuel-efficient car -LRB- not counting hybrids -RRB- in the U.S. market , with EPA fuel economy ratings of 33 mpg city , 41 highway . For high-mileage frugality , it appears to beat the five-passenger Toyota Yaris and its 29\/35-mpg ratings by a long shot . Look at the inside of your car 's fuel door to find out whether you 're required to use a certain octane gasoline . But wait ! Premium fuel -- which cost about 12 percent more than regular at U.S. pumps last month -- is required for the fortwo . Suddenly the gap closes and the Smart no longer looks like as strong of a fuel-budget buster . And with the requirement , they mean it : smart says you 'll lose your warranty coverage if you do n't ante up . With premium fuel averaging about 24 cents more per gallon than regular , your choices at the pump can add up very quickly . If you drive a 20-mpg vehicle 15,000 miles a year , that 's an extra $ 180 , each year , toward those extra few"} +{"answer":"`` Last year , I drove all around Africa , I crossed deserts , climbed mountains , run marathons , bungee jump , mountain-bike , scuba-dive and snorkel everywhere because I 'm practically a fish myself . '' Oh , and he rode an ostrich . He will move into a three-bedroom beach home overlooking the tropical island 's Great Barrier Reef . For six months , he will feed the fish , clean the pool and send weekly blog and video reports on what is happening on the island . Other benefits include free return airfares from their nearest capital city , transport on the island , computer and camera gear and travel to other islands . The applicants used various attempts to woo their prospective employer , from wandering round a chilly city center in a bikini , to making their application in the form of a street musical , complete with chorus singers . Sixteen finalists were flown in to Hamilton Island on Monday for interviews with a four-person panel . The job starts July 1 . The `` world 's best job '' campaign was 18 months in the making as a way to lure more","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The `` best job in the world '' contest has generated huge interest around the globe , but the jury is out on whether that will translate into more tourism dollars for Queensland , Australia . Ben Southall will move into a three-bedroom beach home overlooking the Great Barrier Reef . `` That 's the million dollar question , '' said Anthony Hayes , CEO of Tourism Quensland , which sponsored the contest . `` Quite frankly you can have $ 150 million worth of publicity , but if it does n't generate sales you 've really wasted your time on a pretty story . '' A British man beat 34,000 other applicants Wednesday to win the right to stroll the white sands of a tropical island in Queensland , Australia , file weekly reports online to a global audience and earn a cool $ 100,000 . Watch as lucky winner is revealed '' For the winner , Ben Southall , the six-month assignment is a far cry from his old job as a fundraiser . `` I love discovering new places , '' Southall said in his hyperkinetic minute-long application video for the position ."} +{"answer":"mean a relaxation of restrictions on European airlines ' investment in U.S. carriers and the ability for European airlines to compete in the U.S. domestic market . The issue is pending in U.S. Congress . If the U.S. does n't deliver , there is a clause in the agreement that states the Open Skies treaty -- phase I included -- can be torn up . Industry experts foresee some fare wars in both economy and business-class . Service options are also likely to improve as competition intensifies . U.S. airlines will vie with BA , the dominant carrier at Heathrow , that currently has flights to 24 U.S. cities . The biggest challenge to the incumbent airlines operating out of Heathrow will come from carriers in the SkyTeam alliance , that includes Air France and KLM , Delta Air Lines , Northwest Airlines News , and Continental Airlines . Before Open Skies , the SkyTeam alliance offered no transatlantic routes to and from Heathrow . By summer they will offer 10 percent of these flights . SkyTeam carriers will be located for the first time in Terminal 4 . Given the size of the market for U.S.-London flights , airlines","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- On March 30 the Open Skies treaty went into effect , liberalizing air travel between the U.S. and Europe . But how will the ease of restrictions on transatlantic routes affect business travelers ? Under Open Skies , European and U.S. airlines will be given unlimited access between Europe and U.S. points . The treaty puts an end to the exclusive arrangement granted to British Airways , Virgin Atlantic , United Airlines and American Airlines to fly transatlantic out of London Heathrow . But with the airport currently operating at almost-maximum capacity , new flights will be severely limited . As a result competition is fierce for Heathrow slots , with airlines paying as much as $ 60 million to get their hands on them . For each flight that is added , another less lucrative service is scrapped . Airlines are giving priority to high-yield business routes to and from Heathrow . While European carriers are now allowed to fly from any point within E.U across the Atlantic , the U.S. domestic market remains closed to them . Operators in Europe hope that a second phase of the Open Skies deal will"} +{"answer":"return , India has promised that it would not transfer the fuel and equipment to its weapons program , and it would allow the International Atomic Energy Agency to inspect at least 14 of its 22 nuclear plants . The plan would also expand U.S.-Indian cooperation in energy and satellite technology . The plan was approved by India 's Cabinet last year , and does not have to be ratified by the parliament . The leaders of India 's two communist parties -- which hold about 60 seats in Parliament -- have accused Singh of surrendering India 's sovereignty to the United States with the deal . A no-confidence vote would have forced Singh to resign , and required the government to hold early elections unless a new coalition could have been formed . The Congress Party-led coalition has governed India since 2004 . Tuesday 's 275-256 vote was so crucial to the survival of Singh 's government that five members of parliament serving prison sentences were freed to cast votes -- under the watchful eyes of their jailers . Shortly after Singh survived the vote , White House spokeswoman Dana Perino praised the deal as `` a good one","question":"NEW DELHI , India -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President George W. Bush called India 's prime minister Thursday to push a proposed nuclear partnership that sparked an unsuccessful no-confidence vote against the Indian leader this week , a White House spokesman said . Prime Minister Manmohan Singh won a confidence vote despite opposition to the nuclear deal . `` Both leaders expressed their desire to see the U.S.-India Civil Nuclear issue move forward as expeditiously as possible , '' Gordon Johndroe said . The phone call took place two days after Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh narrowly survived the no-confidence vote in the lower house of Parliament . The vote was sparked by concerns from the opposition that India was kowtowing to the U.S. . The tentative deal was announced in 2006 and signed by Bush and Singh a year ago . Under the agreement , which will need to be approved by the U.S. Congress , India would have access to U.S. nuclear fuel and technology for its civilian nuclear power plants . That would happen even though New Delhi , which tested nuclear weapons in 1974 and 1998 , has declined to join international non-proliferation agreements . In"} +{"answer":"years ago . He 's engaged me to do everything possible to bring the facts forward to vindicate his name , '' said attorney George Bochetto . Prosecutors say an exhaustive investigation had been launched into the allegations . But , Weisenfeld said , it was later determined that even if there were legal grounds to pursue a criminal prosecution , prosecutors are barred from doing so because the alleged crimes occurred too long ago . A 1996 law actually eliminates statutes of limitations on sexual assault cases in New Jersey , but the law is not considered retroactive for claims that date back as far as the 1970s . Still , McLaughlin said , his clients want to speak out . `` They made the decision that they were going to tell their story , '' the attorney told CNN . `` This is n't a he-said , she-said story . It 's a he-said , they-said . Their only motives are getting closure and public service . '' McLaughlin also noted , after speaking with his clients , that the accusations made in The Inquirer 's story were accurate . Conlin , 77 , who gained national recognition","question":"Philadelphia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Longtime Philadelphia Daily News sports columnist Bill Conlin will not face prosecution over child sex abuse allegations -- even if there were grounds for charges -- because the statute of limitations concerning the alleged crimes has expired , according to prosecutors . The claims were published in an article by The Philadelphia Inquirer on Tuesday after an investigation was initiated by authorities , according to a statement from Bernard Weisenfeld , a spokesman for the Gloucester County Prosecutor 's Office in New Jersey . The article says three women and a man allege they were molested by Conlin in the 1970s when they were between the ages of 7 and 12 . One of the alleged victims is Conlin 's niece , said Slade McLaughlin , an attorney who represents three of the accusers . A spokesman for the Daily News said the newspaper had no knowledge of the allegations prior to The Inquirer 's story . Conlin has denied the claims , speaking through his attorney . He retired from the Daily News on Tuesday , the newspaper said . `` Mr. Conlin is obviously floored by these allegations , which supposedly happened 40"} +{"answer":"its economy is still growing and its banking system is solvent . It is seeking a bigger role as global powers seek to reshape the economic and financial framework . The global economic crisis has shown just how codependent the U.S. has become with China . Watch how China is throwing its weight around before the summit '' For years , China has exported far more than it has imported , racking up a huge trade surplus and accumulating nearly US$ 2 trillion in foreign currency reserves . More than half of that money has gone to buying U.S. government debt . It 's partly those Chinese dollars that have enabled the United States to keep its interest rates , including home mortgages , so low , helping create the housing bubble that burst late last year . As America 's biggest creditor , Beijing is now worried about its over-investment in U.S. Treasury debts . `` We have lent a huge amount of money to the U.S. , '' Premier Wen Jiabao said last month . `` Of course , we are concerned about the safety of our assets . '' He called on the Obama administration to ``","question":"BEIJING , China -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- If money is power , China is now in a powerful position to play a critical role at the Group of 20 summit in London . U.S. President Barack Obama meets with Chinese President Hu Jintao in London on April 1 . So powerful , in fact , that some analysts speak of a `` G-2 '' , referring to the first meeting between the new U.S. president and his Chinese counterpart on the sidelines of the G-20 . What matters most in the G-20 , some say , is Barack Obama and Hu Jintao 's meeting on the eve of the summit . `` This is a summit of symbolism , where the meeting itself is the message , '' said China analyst Victor Gao . To be sure , the closest U.S. allies are Great Britain in Europe and Japan in Asia . But with its growing economic and military clout , China is now a major player at the G-20 . China `` appears to be actively setting the agenda , '' said Glenn Maguire , economist at the investment bank Societe Generale . China is awash with cash ,"} +{"answer":"him the checks he had deposited had actually been returned , and that he owed the bank all the money he had withdrawn . Smith has not heard from his business partner since and does n't even know who she really is . He still owes his bank money , is unemployed and does n't know what action the bank might take against him . What happened to Smith is one example of a wide range of fake check scams carried out in the United States every year . A Consumer Federation of America survey estimates that 1.3 million Americans have been the victim of a fake check scam , with an average loss of $ 3,000 to $ 4,000 per consumer . The most common scams are fake sweepstakes or lotteries , phony government sponsored grants and fraudulent work-at-home opportunities , the survey says . The scams follow the pattern of the so-called Nigerian Internet scams , which often involve accepting transfers of money that become obviously phony when it 's too late . On Wednesday , the Consumer Federation launched a campaign to combat check scams . Many consumers do n't know they are responsible if they deposit","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Thousands of Americans learn a painful lesson in banking every day : Waiting for a check to clear and then getting access to the money from a bank does n't mean the check has really cleared . When Harry Smith , of New York , responded to an ad on Craigslist for an office assistant , a woman e-mailed him and said her British company was starting to sell its product in the United States , but was having trouble with dealing with checks from customers . Smith said the woman needed someone to collect the checks and then send the money to her company . It was a commission job -- deposit the checks , wait for the funds to become available at his bank , then send cash to her , minus 10 percent for Smith . After Smith checked out what seemed like a legitimate company on the Internet , he started receiving checks totaling several thousand dollars and deposited them in his account . When his bank released the funds , he sent cash to an address outside the country . But after a few weeks , Smith 's bank notified"} +{"answer":"New Jersey , who were monitoring the plane 's flight during the August 8 collision . `` The NTSB is concerned with the complacency and inattention to duty evidenced by the actions of the -LSB- Teterboro -RSB- controller and the supervisor during the events surrounding this accident , '' Hersman wrote . Hersman said the pilot of the aircraft requested permission to climb to 3,500 feet minutes before the crash . But because there was no coordination between controllers at Teterboro and Newark airports , controllers did not grant the request , increasing the risk of a collision in Hudson River low-altitude airspace known as the `` exclusionary zone , '' she said . Pilots in the exclusionary zone are not separated by air traffic controllers , and instead use visual `` see and avoid '' tactics . The Teterboro controller was making a personal phone call and `` was not fully engaged in his duties '' in the minutes leading up to the accident , Hersman said . His supervisor , meanwhile , had left the building on a personal errand without informing the controller . The air traffic controller 's inappropriate phone call `` likely would not have","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The rules governing air traffic over New York 's Hudson River need to be rewritten to prevent another mishap like this month 's fatal collision of a small plane and a sightseeing helicopter , federal safety investigators said Thursday . The wreckage of a plane that collided with a helicopter is lifted this month from the Hudson River . The recommendation comes three weeks after nine people were killed when the two aircraft collided in the congested airspace bordering Manhattan . The recommendation is noteworthy both because of its sweeping nature and its timing . Ordinarily , the National Transportation Safety Board makes recommendations at the conclusion of its investigation , which typically take a year . But in a letter to FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt , NTSB Chairman Deborah Hersman said that based on preliminary findings , the safety board is concerned about the `` safety of flight '' over the Hudson River . She outlined a series of changes , among them requiring that helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft fly at different altitudes over the river . She made specific reference to `` the performance of air traffic controllers '' at Teterboro Airport in"} +{"answer":"to walk through the market before deciding where to spend your hard-earned lunch dollar . I saw apple dumplings , muffalettas , spanakopita , pulled pork , snapper soup , strombolis , all the fresh veggies , meat and cheese you could throw in your fridge and of course cheese steaks . I finally decided to stop at Dinic 's Pork and Beef for the famous roast pork sandwich . The service was fast and friendly . The sandwich was fantastic , and if you sit at the counter long enough , you might hear one of Philly 's finest talk about the crazy arrest of the day . And make sure you save room for a smooth and creamy cupcake -LRB- or two -RRB- from the Flying Monkey . Magic Carpet Hours : 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Cuisine : Mediterranean\/vegetarian The first thing I ask our local contact on a story is where I 'm eating lunch . If you ask Holly Auer , University of Pennsylvania Hospital 's senior medical communications officer , she 'll immediately say , `` Magic Carpet . '' This vegetarian culinary delight is actually a small vendor trailer just across from Penn Hospital .","question":"Philadelphia , Pennsylvania -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- I wore a path between Washington and Philly for interviews and shoots for our recent `` Cheating Death '' special with Dr. Sanjay Gupta . In the field : Jeremy Harlan My job as a photojournalist is to shoot and edit stories for CNN and make sure my news team eats well on the road . On assignment : Philadelphia , Pennsylvania Now , I love cheese steaks as much as the next guy . But my arteries can only take so much steak , cheese and peppers . So here are a few places that are great alternatives in the City of Brotherly Love . Reading Terminal Market Hours : 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday through Saturday ; 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday Cuisine : You name it , the market has it How do I describe the Reading Terminal Market ? It 's like the Las Vegas of food . Everywhere you turn , there 's something interesting to see , smell and taste . It is food sensory overload . The hardest part of going to the market is not eating the very first thing you see . Give yourself 15 minutes"} +{"answer":"not to attend any terrorist training camps but because -- as a Uyghur -- he had been oppressed by the Chinese government . `` We had to leave the country to look for a better life , a peaceful life , and Afghanistan is a neighboring country to our country , and it 's easy to go , '' he said . `` It is difficult to obtain a visa to go to any other places , so it was really easy for us to just travel to Afghanistan . '' Asked what he hoped to do next , he said , `` I want to forget about the past and move on to a peaceful life in the future . '' In addition to the four relocated from Guantanamo to Bermuda , another 13 Uyghurs remain in detention on the island . The four were flown by private plane Wednesday night from Cuba to Bermuda , and were accompanied by U.S. and Bermudian representatives as well as their attorneys , according to Susan Baker Manning , part of the men 's legal team . The men , who are staying in an apartment , are free to roam about","question":"HAMILTON , Bermuda -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Two of four Uyghurs relocated to Bermuda after seven years of detention in Guantanamo Bay , Cuba , denied Friday that they had ever been terrorists and expressed gratitude toward U.S. President Barack Obama for working to free them . Salahidin Abdalahut and Kheleel Mamut were two of four Uyghurs released from Gitmo . Thirteen remain there . Asked what he would say to someone who accused him of being a terrorist , one of the men , Kheleel Mamut , told CNN 's Don Lemon , `` I am no terrorist ; I have not been terrorist . I will never be terrorist . I am a peaceful person . '' Speaking through an interpreter who is herself a Uyghur who said she was sympathetic toward the men , the other man -- Salahidin Abdalahut -- described the past seven years as `` difficult times for me ... I feel bad that it took so long for me to be free . '' The two Chinese Muslims were among four relocated from Guantanamo to Bermuda ; another 13 remain in detention on the island . He said he had traveled to Afghanistan"} +{"answer":"that started out terrible , which was where I had to go to a disused tax office in Harrow -LSB- near London , England -RSB- very early in the morning and put on very tight velvet flared loon pants and a pair of crocodile four-inch - heeled platform shoes , and wear a sort of very small top that did n't meet my trousers , hair extensions and I had to karaoke to ` Smoke on the Water ' by Deep Purple . It 's a very lonely place . And I was 45 at the time ... '' Ethan Hawke `` Before Sunset , '' `` Before the Devil Knows You 're Dead '' `` I have had so many bad auditions . I have fallen on my ass . I have made a complete fool of myself . I auditioned for Robert Redford once and I was so starstruck I could n't even speak . I had a mic wire at a screen test clipped to me and then I got kind of nervous and I paced in a circle and then took a step and tripped and fell on my face . You just have to forgive","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- They are some of the biggest names in Hollywood , but even Susan Sarandon , Ethan Hawke and Dustin Hoffman have had their fair share of casting calamities they would rather forget . Mike Myers sabotaged some auditions for parts he did n't want . `` Why not be nude even if it is a children 's theatre ? '' CNN 's The Screening Room has managed to persuade the cream of Hollywood to confess their tales of audition woe . The stars shudder at the memory of waiting in line , frantically trying to memorize lines handed to them moments before , all the while being assessed by critical strangers . Benicio del Toro recounts attending 50 or 60 auditions before getting a part and Quentin Tarantino told Eli Roth he `` blew it '' when he first auditioned for `` Inglourious Basterds . '' While Catherine Keener remembers a cutting personal assessment : `` You 're not pretty enough . '' Here are some of their worst moments : Bill Nighy `` Pirates of the Caribbean : Dead Man 's Chest . '' `` Love Actually '' `` There was one"} +{"answer":", about 5:41 p.m. , killed Jorge Lopez . Garland police said Lopez , 20 , was sitting in his Nissan at a traffic light when a man in a pickup pulled alongside him and fired shots into his car , killing him . A few minutes after the Garland shooting and two miles away on LBJ Freeway , a gunman fired at two tractor-trailers . While one driver escaped injuries , William Scott Miller , 42 , of Frankfort , Kentucky , was shot to death behind the wheel of a United Van Lines truck , police said . `` He was going to be traveling home , '' Craig Miller said . `` He was about to park his rig . He was going to get on a plane to fly to be with his wife and children for the Christmas season and then come back to this location . '' Miller called the truck driver a hero , saying he was able to control his rig before he died -- preventing other motorists from being hurt . The fourth attack came a mile west on LBJ Freeway when gunfire shattered the windshield of another tractor-trailer . The","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A former Utah policeman is a suspect in at least three of Monday 's four rush-hour shootings near Dallas , Texas , including one of two fatal attacks , police said Tuesday . CNN affiliate KSL in Salt Lake City , Utah , provided this file photo of the Dallas suspect , Brian Smith . The suspect , Brian Smith , tried to commit suicide after the Monday-evening shootings and was in a hospital in serious condition , Dallas police detective Lt. Craig Miller said . Police used ballistic tests to link Smith , a Utah state police officer for 12 years , to the shootings in which one driver was killed , one was injured by shattered glass and one escaped uninjured , Dallas police detective Lt. Craig Miller said . Miller said it is unclear if Smith was involved in the other fatal shooting , which was the first attack of the evening . Four motorists were attacked along a three-mile stretch near and on the LBJ Freeway , about 10 miles northeast of downtown Dallas , on Monday evening , police said . The first attack , which happened in Garland , Texas"} +{"answer":"said it is training more specialists to decommission the facility , but acknowledged the cleanup could take decades . `` We have 18 facilities in Tuwaitha , '' said Fuad al Musawi , Iraq 's deputy science and technology minister . `` We have another 10 facilities around the country . So you can imagine how long it will take . '' Iraq 's nuclear ambitions date back to the 1960s , when it obtained a Soviet-built research reactor . It built another , French-designed reactor in the 1970s . Israel 's concerns about the program led to the 1981 raid , in which Israeli pilots flew across then-hostile Jordan and a corner of Saudi Arabia to strike the facility . Despite the damage inflicted by that attack , Iraq began attempting to produce enriched uranium -- a step toward producing a nuclear weapon -- during the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s , the U.S.-led Iraq Survey Group reported in 2004 . It accelerated that program after its 1990 invasion of Kuwait left it facing an international military coalition that ultimately drove out the Iraqi forces . The bombardment that accompanied the 1991 war inflicted extensive damage to the Tuwaitha","question":"Tuwaitha , Iraq -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The shell of former Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein 's efforts to produce a nuclear bomb is being slowly dismantled along the banks of the Tigris River , but its radioactive legacy lingers on . The Tuwaitha research complex , about 18 kilometers -LRB- 11 miles -RRB- southeast of Baghdad , was bombed by Israel in its 1981 airstrike on Iraq 's Tammuz 1 research reactor . It was bombed again during the Persian Gulf War of 1991 , and it was looted extensively after the 2003 U.S. invasion that ousted Hussein . Now , engineers and technicians are working to dismantle the laboratories and equipment at the site , but the extensive contamination left behind complicates their work . `` It is difficult because of the destruction , '' said Anwar Ahmed , the project manager at Tuwaitha . `` This facility was bombed in 1991 . Now , finally the decision was made to decommission all the destroyed facilities . '' Workers and visitors have to wear protective suits and masks around the facility , where about 20 people are at work so far . Iraq 's ministry of Science and Technology"} +{"answer":"her congressional chief of staff , Pia Carusone , plus her and Kelly 's mothers and his two teenage daughters from a previous marriage . Sporting glasses , black pants , running shoes and a brace on her right hand , Giffords smiled as she entered to prolonged applause and sat in the front row . Kelly officially retired from the Navy on Saturday . Thursday 's event to commemorate the occasion was attended by NASA Administrator Charles Bolden , House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi , Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and several other members of Congress . At one point , Giffords helped present her husband with the Legion of Merit and Distinguishing Flying Cross medals , in honor of his fourth space shuttle mission . Vice President Joe Biden presided over the ceremony , attaching a Legion of Merit pin to Kelly 's jacket and later offering remarks . `` It 's not every day you encounter examples of sheer , sheer courage and selflessness and dedication like you see in this couple , '' he said of Giffords and Kelly . Kelly also spoke , extending thanks to those who have offered their `` boundless friendship and optimism ''","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Rep. Gabrielle Giffords joined about 50 dignitaries and family members Thursday in Washington to mark the retirement of her husband , Capt. Mark Kelly , from the U.S. Navy . Kelly , 47 , enlisted the military in 1987 and served as a combat and test pilot before joining the U.S. space program . He was part of space shuttle flights in 2001 and 2006 , and then commanded ones in 2008 and again in May . The last one took place several months after Giffords was among 13 people wounded in a shooting at a constituent event outside a Tucson , Arizona , supermarket . Six others -- including a federal judge and a child -- were killed . Since then , the Arizona Democrat has been mostly out of the public eye and in intense rehabilitation in Arizona and Texas . One exception , prior to Thursday , was her August 1 return to the Capitol to cast a vote to raise the nation 's debt ceiling . She attended Thursday 's event inside the Eisenhower Executive Office Building , located next to the West Wing of the White House , along with"} +{"answer":"to discover and prevent the use of weapons-smuggling tunnels . Rice said the steps spelled out in the memorandum will `` stem the flow of weapons and explosives into Gaza . '' `` The United States is reaching out to its partners as well . Together , the steps that we and other members of the international community can take will contribute to a durable cease-fire , '' said Rice , noting that `` there must be an international consensus that Gaza never be used as a launching pad against Israeli cities . '' Livni said that ending the fighting in Gaza wo n't be `` achieved by agreements with terror , but with effective arrangements against it '' -- a unified effort by the international community . She said a `` durable '' end to hostilities requires a stop to weapons smuggling into Gaza . `` We have agreed on a series of actions with regional and international players in order to complement Egyptian actions and end the flow of weapons to Gaza , '' Livni said . She said European nations and NATO would be helping with the anti-smuggling efforts . The Bush administration has been consulting with","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Diplomats edged closer to finding a way to end the fighting in Gaza on Friday as the United States and Israel signed an agreement designed to stop arms smuggling into the Palestinian territory . Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni says European nations and NATO will be helping with anti-smuggling efforts . U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni signed a memorandum of understanding that calls for an international effort to stem the flow of weaponry and explosives . The agreement outlines a plan to share information and provide technical assistance to stop the smuggling of arms to the militants . The meeting in Washington was one of several diplomatic moves afoot to end the fighting between Israel and Hamas in Gaza . The diplomatic moves came as Israel 's offensive against Hamas militants continued , with Israeli airstrikes pounding the northern and southern sections of Gaza . Watch more on the latest fighting in Gaza '' U.S. and Israeli diplomats said the agreement includes intelligence coordination to prevent arms from Iran from entering Gaza , maritime efforts to identify ships carrying weaponry , and the sharing of U.S. and European technologies"} +{"answer":"away patients . `` Sometimes I wake up at midnight and dream of my patients . Women who come in are HIV positive -- they have three children at home and the husband has passed away and we can not provide any treatment for them , '' a doctor quoted in the research said . The government and international communities have provided very little to the crisis , Belliveau added . The government of Myanmar allocated just $ 200,000 for HIV\/AIDS in 2008 , which is one of the lowest amount spent worldwide , according to Doctors Without Borders . Drugs that are not provided by aid organizations or the government cost a patient $ 29 per month . With most people in Myanmar living on an average of $ 1.20 per day , the cost of drugs is unaffordable for most . The charity also appealed for intervention by the international community to avert the crisis . Myanmar currently receives around $ 3 per person in aid -- one of the lowest rates worldwide . One reason for this may be that international donor groups are reluctant to send aid to Myanmar , a country run by a strict","question":"LONDON , England -- Almost 25,000 people will die this year of HIV\/AIDS in Myanmar unless lifesaving treatment is significantly increased , according to a new report . A Doctors Without Borders worker handing out HIV\/AIDS drugs in Myanmar . The study produced by leading international humanitarian organization , Doctors Without Borders said the failure by the government to provide HIV\/AIDS treatment to its people is putting the population at risk . An estimated 240,000 people are thought to have HIV\/AIDS in Myanmar with 76,000 of those people facing death unless they receive antiretroviral -LRB- ART -RRB- drug , the report published Tuesday said . Fewer than 20 percent of the people are are able to access ART , according to the organization . Currently , Doctors Without Borders says it is almost the sole provider of these lifesaving drugs -- providing them to more than 11,000 people . `` It is unacceptable that a single NGO is treating the vast majority of HIV patients in a crisis of this magnitude , '' the charity 's Operations Manager Joe Belliveau , said in a press release . The pressure on its resources means the charity has been forced to turn"} +{"answer":"Schweder , 65 , went for her usual morning walk Saturday down Howard Thaxton Road , the narrow dirt lane that runs alongside the couple 's property . The dogs were familiar in the area , investigators say , having been left behind when the person who had been caring for some of them moved out of a home at the end of the lane . Authorities theorize that halfway down the lane , about a quarter-mile from her home , Sherry Schweder was confronted by the dogs , which knocked her down and killed her . Her husband , retired UGA language professor Lothar Schweder , became concerned when she did n't return and went out in their Honda CRX to look for her . When he found her lying in the lane and got out to shoo away the dogs , they attacked and killed him too , investigators believe . Although no blood was seen on the dogs , other evidence and autopsy results convince authorities that the pack killed the Schweders , said Jim Fullington , special agent in charge of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation 's office in nearby Athens . Watch what investigators learned","question":"LEXINGTON , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A pack of dogs brought down and killed an animal-loving couple last weekend in rural northeastern Georgia , and a similar tragedy could occur anywhere dogs roam freely , authorities say . Two dogs from the pack that killed two people await euthanasia Tuesday at a shelter in northeast Georgia . Sheriff 's deputies , code enforcement officers and other officials spent most of Monday and Tuesday rounding up 11 adult dogs and five puppies , Oglethorpe County Sheriff 's Capt. Shalon Huff said . One more was trapped Wednesday morning , leaving one still to be captured , she said . `` We 're just lucky this has n't happened before , '' said Susan Fornash , director of the Madison Oglethorpe Animal Shelter in Danielsville , where the captured dogs were held before being euthanized Tuesday under orders from a local judge . `` We 've had people bring in a dog because it killed a goat or chased their horses or something like that . And to me , that was just the forerunner of something like this . '' Investigators say they believe that University of Georgia librarian Sherry"} +{"answer":"minutes . Student Louis Schweizer was in class when he heard the gunshots . `` When I came out , I saw the shell casings lying around everywhere , '' he said . His sister , Lisa Schweizer , also heard the shots . `` It is a tragedy , '' she said . `` One of my teachers was killed . '' Another student told CNN : `` We heard that someone was inside shooting . Then we also saw a teacher who had blood on his hands because he wanted to help a female teacher who sacrificed herself for a student -- she stood in front of a student to protect her . '' Read how students jumped from windows to escape Fifteen-year-old Natta lost a long-time friend . `` She was a very good friend of mine from soccer , and I knew her since we were four years old and it 's very hard , '' she said . Kretschmer did not shoot wildly , Rech said , contradicting earlier police statements , but hit most of his victims in the head . As the first police arrived at the school , he fled and killed","question":"WINNENDEN , Germany -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A gunman dressed in military gear killed 15 people Wednesday in a shooting spree in Germany , police said . German shooter Tim Kretschmer , 17 , targeted females during his rampage . Tim Kretschmer , 17 , began his rampage at a school where he used to be a student in Winnenden , a small town about 20 kilometers -LRB- 12 miles -RRB- northeast of Stuttgart . Most of the victims at the school were female -- eight female students , three female teachers and one male student , said Heribert Rech , interior minister for Baden Wuerttemberg region . Rech said : `` They were completely taken by surprise . Some of the victims still had their pens in their hands . '' Kretschmer opened fire in three first floor classrooms , including a physics lab where a teacher was found dead behind her desk , Rech told a news conference . Rech said police arrived in minutes . `` This speedy intervention means they prevented further escalation of events . '' The shooting at the Albertville-Realschule Winnenden school began around 9:45 a.m. -LRB- 0845 GMT -RRB- and lasted about two"} +{"answer":"' wishes that the Peterson family be allowed space and time to heal . On Sunday around 2 a.m. -LRB- 3 a.m. ET -RRB- Peterson , a full-time Forest County Sheriff 's deputy , went to a party at a home in the small town of Crandon apparently to make amends with an ex-girlfriend , a friend of Peterson 's told The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel . Peterson argued with Jordanne Murray , accusing her of dating someone else , said Van Hollen . Peterson lost control after people called him a `` worthless pig , '' Peterson 's friend Mike Kegley told the paper . Peterson left the party and got a police-style AR-15 rifle from his truck , forced his way back into the apartment and fired about 30 rounds at about 2:45 a.m. -LRB- 3:45 a.m. ET -RRB- . Six people were killed . According to The Associated Press , investigators found three bodies on or next to a couch -- Lindsey Stahl , 14 ; Aaron Smith , 20 ; and Bradley Schultz , 20 . Murray , 18 , was found in the kitchen . Lianna Thomas , 18 , was found in a closet ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The sole survivor of Sunday 's shooting rampage in Wisconsin `` played dead '' after a sheriff 's deputy shot him three times , Wisconsin 's attorney general said Tuesday . Tyler Peterson , a sheriff 's deputy , shot and killed six people , police said . After Tyler Peterson shot him once , Charlie Neitzel , 21 , begged him to stop . But Peterson fired again . Neitzel fell to the floor , was shot a third time , and did n't move . `` Playing dead until Peterson left , Neitzel survived , '' Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen said . Neitzel underwent surgery Tuesday and was in stable condition Tuesday night , a hospital employee told CNN . The families of the six slain young people -- all current or former graduates of Crandon High School in Crandon , Wisconsin , asked that media leave them alone in their grief , Van Hollen told reporters . But the families of the victims also wanted it known that they had met with Peterson 's family . `` They hold no animosity toward them , '' Van Hollen said , conveying the families"} +{"answer":"Union has since removed any mention of a coup in its official communique and called on the transitional government to `` comply scrupulously with the provisions of the constitution of Madagascar on interim arrangements . '' Monja Roindefo , the opposition-appointed prime minister , vigorously defended the week 's developments on the island , located off the southeastern coast of Africa . `` Well , we would like to define what is a coup , '' he told CNN on Wednesday . `` A coup is a group of people or persons who takes the power on behalf of sovereignty , on behalf of the people ... when the representative democracy does n't work anymore . '' `` As you know , as stated , in the African Union charter , the people have the right to defend itself from an oppression or a dictatorship in Africa , '' he added . Roindefo said the new government will hold elections but has given itself two years to clean up the process . Watch more from iReporters and Twitterers on the crisis '' `` How could you make an election immediately ? '' he said . `` We need to reform","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Madagascar 's military handed over the reins of the island nation to opposition leader Andry Rajoelina on Wednesday , ending a two-month long political crisis -- but apparently creating a constitutional one . Andry Rajoelina is six years too young to be Madagascar 's president under its constitution . Rajoelina , a former disc jockey turned mayor of Madagascar 's capital , declared himself president of a transitional government and his supporters pledged to hold elections in two years . But Rajoelina , at 34 , is six years too young to be president , according to the country 's constitution . Also , the constitution says the head of parliament 's upper house must call elections within two months if something happens to the president . Madagascar 's former president , Marc Ravalomanana , ceded power to his military Tuesday after insisting over the weekend that he would remain in control . Analysts think Ravalomanana had little choice but to step down once he had lost much of the army 's support . The African Union had warned that any power transfer aided by the military would amount to a coup d' etat . The"} +{"answer":"evacuation centers , Teodoro said . By 8:30 a.m. Sunday -LRB- 8:30 p.m. Saturday ET -RRB- , the torrential rains ended and slight rainfall was reported . Some roads in the capital metropolitan area had reopened , but `` we do not encourage people to travel these roads , '' Teodoro told CNN in a telephone interview . `` They can be a hindrance to efficient relief and rescue operations . '' The federal government began massive relief efforts to aid the local governments , and set up aid centers addressing pressing problems such as sanitation and water purification . President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has ordered pay parking lots at malls in Manila to be opened so motorists can leave their cars there without charge , Teodoro said . iReport.com : Share images of Philippines flooding Manila 's Nino Aquino International Airport and nearly all of the country 's other international airports had reopened , he said . Though the Philippines is no stranger to floods , Saturday 's downpours approached a record , with 341 mm -LRB- 13.4 inches -RRB- falling between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. , he said . The average rainfall for the entire month of September","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- At least 51 people have died and at least 21 others are missing after torrential rains and subsequent flooding pummeled the Philippines on Saturday , the government said . Filipino pedestrians in Quezon City , a suburb of Manila , brave Tropical Storm Ketsana 's floodwaters . Tropical Storm Ketsana spawned the flooding , which caused at least six of the deaths in Manila , the nation 's capital . Manila and the nearby province of Rizal bore the brunt of the downpour , said Gilberto Teodoro , secretary of national defense and chairman of the National Disaster Coordinating Council . Two of the dead in the capital city were victims of a wall that collapsed , he said . Five thousand people were rescued without boats , and another 3,688 were rescued with boats , he said . Another governmental official reported four injuries . `` My neighborhood rarely gets a bad flooding and I guess this is the worst , '' said CNN iReporter Jv Abellar from Quezon City , Philippines . `` Traversing through the flood is like walking through rapids . '' In all , 41,205 people had sought refuge in 92"} +{"answer":"two confirmed , said the office of Gov. Steve Beshear . A previously confirmed death has since been found to be unrelated to the weather . In western Louisville , three adults were found dead Friday morning of apparent carbon monoxide poisoning from a generator the family brought indoors , Mayor Jerry Abramson said . The deaths prompted authorities to issue a stern warning about the dangers of carbon monoxide . `` We 've lost three citizens because people were n't listening to the fire department when they look into the cameras and talk on the radios and say , ` listen up , carbon monoxide kills , ' '' Abramson said in a press conference Friday afternoon . `` We ca n't talk enough about it . '' The storm caused the largest power outage in Kentucky 's history , with more than 607,000 customers out of power . Watch residents of Grayson County , Kentucky , try to cope with outage '' But Melnykovych said that while the state is saying 607,000 customers have lost power , he thinks the number is closer to 650,000 because the state figure comes only from utilities it regulates . When Hurricane","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The brutal winter storm that caused havoc from Texas to Maine has paralyzed swaths of Kentucky , where officials are working to cope with what they say is the worst power outage in the state 's history . `` We are kind of in a state of emergency . It 's pretty bad , '' said iReporter Dwight Stanley of Louisville , Kentucky . Andrew Melnykovych , spokesman for Kentucky 's Public Service Commission , said it is `` an indescribable mess everywhere . '' Ice storms covered parts of the state Friday , with moderate snowstorms expected to continue into Saturday morning , the National Weather Service said . Temperatures that dipped into the teens on Friday are expected to rise to the upper 30s to lower 40s on Saturday , the weather service said . Larry Holeman , deputy emergency management director of rural Grayson County , called his hard-hit community `` a war zone . '' The emergency reflects the challenges faced in states such as Kentucky , where many rural and remote regions struggle to keep warm and dry under dire weather conditions . Nine weather-related deaths have been reported , with"} +{"answer":"reform , they must have a primary care doctor to whom they can turn for everyday problems : annual physicals and preventive care , diagnosis and treatment for common illness , and diagnosis and treatment of complex , chronic conditions , referral to subspecialists , and coordination of care provided by a team of professionals . Our current system has a serious and growing shortage of these primary care physicians . Today , only 30 percent of physicians provide primary care and 70 percent subspecialize in a single organ system or disease . We need a system in which patients get the right kind of care at the right time in the right place by the right type of provider . They need health services that provide not just convenient hours for minor health problems , but also medical expertise that ensures consistent , ongoing care ; accurate diagnoses of symptoms ; coordination with pharmacists , other specialists and allied health professionals such as physical therapists ; consistent follow-up ; and convenience . All at an affordable cost . Several health reform proposals set forth by President Obama and Congress would move federal policy in that direction . How ?","question":"Editor 's note : Ted Epperly , M.D. , a family physician in Boise , Idaho , is president of the American Academy of Family Physicians , which represents more than 93,000 physicians and medical students nationwide . He spent 21 years in the U.S. Army , including service as a family physician , chief of a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital emergency room during Desert Storm and Desert Shield , and deputy commander of an Army medical center . Ted Epperly says recruiting more primary care doctors would improve access to quality health care . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Clayton Christensen , Jason Hwang and Vineeta Vijayaraghavan are right about one thing in their CNN commentary titled `` We do n't need more doctors . '' America 's health care system is broken . It requires significant reform if patients are to have access to convenient , affordable and -- most importantly -- high-quality care that results in good outcomes . But they have missed a central point . We need more primary care physicians now and we will need even more in the future as the baby boom generation ages . If Americans are to see meaningful health care"} +{"answer":"the forms mean . And ... their compensation is dependent on it . '' This innovation has been good news for Carol `` Yogi '' Yogan of McClain , Virginia . She said she broke her wrist ice skating , and her insurance company initially told her that her injury would not be covered . After persistent effort , she eventually convinced them otherwise . The company paid . But Yogan is certain without her dogged efforts , her claim would have been forever lost in the `` paperwork jungle '' of the insurance trade . Watch Yogan 's struggle with bureaucratic red tape '' Yogi Yogan has pretty much lost all faith in insurance companies . She has enough insurance to cover a catastrophic illness , but for routine care , she 's now going to that nearby fee-for-service medical office where Jones works . `` It 's seamless , '' Yogan said . She knows precisely what she is getting and what it costs . Jones does not believe the insurance industry set out to cultivate the paperwork jungle . She thinks it just grew over time . But now that it is there , she suspects they","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It 's bad enough to be sick and miserable . But adding insult to injury for many a patient is having to hack through a veritable jungle of often-confusing paperwork to make health insurance claims . Dr. Val Jones is part of a practice in Virginia that has lowered its fees and quit taking insurance . Consumers ' frustrations with health insurance paperwork are well-known . But it 's also a frustrating tangle for doctors and their staffs . AC360 \u00b0 correspondent Tom Foreman has a report about one innovative practice that has decided to take on the insurance paperwork monster -- by completely avoiding it . Dr. Val Jones joined a small practice , DocTalker Family Medicine in Vienna , Virginia , where the doctors do not even take insurance . They charge a simple , relatively low fee for each service . That 's it . The doctors at DocTalker grew tired of seeing patients struggle with baffling insurance paperwork while both their health and wealth were on the line . `` They do n't know why they 're getting these questions asked , '' Jones said . `` They do n't know what"} +{"answer":"men American men , with 27,000 Americans expected to die from the disease this year . The American Cancer Society believes health care professionals should discuss the potential benefits and limitations of prostate cancer early detection testing with men before any testing begins . It says that should include an offer for yearly testing with the prostate-specific antigen blood test and digital rectal exam , beginning at age 50 , to men who are at average risk of prostate cancer and have at least a 10-year life expectancy . But Lyke says other groups recommend that men should be screened once they reach their forties . `` I think it 's a financial issue in a lot of cases rather than a health issue as to why that guideline is 50 , '' he told CNN . `` The fact of the matter is not many men are going to have prostate cancer in their forties , but for those who do , if they wait until they 're 50 to be tested , their numbers are n't going to look very good . '' Lyke founded `` Pints for Prostates '' to spread the message about need for regular","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Rick Lyke was diagnosed with prostate cancer when he was 47 . His response was to set up `` Pints for Prostates , '' an organization that uses the universal language of beer to reach men with its message about the importance of prostate cancer screening . In 2008 , at the insistence of a colleague with prostate cancer , Lyke , from Charlotte , North Carolina , had himself tested for illness , even though he had no health problems . His doctor was initially reluctant to have him tested , as men under the age of 50 are n't considered to a high-risk group for prostate cancer , but tests came back positive and Lyke needed surgery to remove the cancer . His surgeon said that if Lyke had waited until he was 50 to be screened , he would probably have only lived another two or three years . `` I 'm doing great now , '' Lyke told CNN . `` I have to get tested every six months for the next 15 years , but I really feel like I dodged a bullet . '' Prostate cancer affects one in six"} +{"answer":"on possible manslaughter charges expired in 1980 . As for a more serious charge such as first-degree murder to which a statute of limitations would not apply , prosecutors said they do n't have any evidence of premeditation or that the death was caused by a criminal act . Police had long thought Klee 's best friend , David Cusanelli , was the last person to see him alive June 21 , 1977 . According to a memorandum released Thursday by the Broward County State Attorney 's Office , Cusanelli told authorities this July 28 that he put Klee 's body inside his black Chevy van after he was dead and that his brother , Carl Cusanelli , helped shove the van into the canal . But Cusanelli denied involvement in Klee 's death , prosecutors said . Mitch Polay , the defense attorney for the Cusanelli brothers , reiterated that denial . He said the brothers ' statements `` were taken out of context , and they were posed as hypotheticals to drum up potential memories of the event . '' `` My clients , for 31 years , have denied any involvement , '' Polay told CNN .","question":"CORAL SPRINGS , Florida -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Authorities solved a 31-year-old disappearance this year when they found the remains of Jeff Klee , missing since 1977 , in a van in a canal . Jeff Klee had been missing since 1977 ; his remains were found this year . But prosecutors have announced that no charges would be filed against the man who , authorities say , admits that he put Klee 's body in the van three decades earlier . `` Today is a sad day for our family , '' Klee 's sister , Laurel Steele , told reporters Thursday . `` It tests my family 's faith to its very core . '' Klee 's remains were found in March during a routine police sweep for stolen vehicles in the C-14 canal in Coral Springs , Florida . The van was in neutral when police discovered it . DNA confirmed Klee 's identity , but authorities say there was not enough evidence to determine how he died -- and whether he had been killed . Watch Klee 's sister react to the decision '' The Broward County State Attorney 's Office said the statute of limitations"} +{"answer":". Watch Coast Guard rescue Haitians after boat capsizes '' `` If the weather and conditions are right , -LSB- the C-130 -RSB- can fly really low , '' Johnson said . `` It makes a fantastic search aircraft . '' Turks and Caicos authorities are using small boats in the search , she said . About 70 people were plucked Monday from a reef near the island group , authorities said . Four other bodies were found , though it was unclear which authorities located them . A nurse at Myrtle Rigby Hospital in the Turks and Caicos said that about 70 people were brought there , including four who had died . Five people were admitted to the hospital , and the others had minor injuries , the nurse said . The Coast Guard said it intercepted another `` grossly overloaded '' boat , with 124 Haitians aboard , late last week in the same region . Those migrants were returned to Cap Haitien on Monday . Overloaded vessels can quickly lose stability and capsize , sending migrants into the water , a Coast Guard release said . CNN 's Jim Kavanagh and Lateef Mungin contributed to this","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The search continued Tuesday for as many as 67 people missing after a boat carrying about 200 Haitians capsized , the U.S. Coast Guard said . The U.S. Coast Guard intercepted this crowded boat last week and repatriated its occupants to Haiti . The boat overturned Monday off Turks and Caicos , a British territory about 550 miles southeast of Miami , Florida . Searchers aboard boats and aircraft have rescued 118 passengers and found 15 bodies , said Petty Officer Jennifer Johnson , a Coast Guard spokeswoman , on Tuesday morning . The Coast Guard described the boat 's occupants as migrants from Haiti . The overcrowded vessel was believed to have set sail from the Haitian port of Cap Haitien , the Turks and Caicos Sun newspaper reported . The search resumed at dawn Tuesday after being suspended because of darkness Monday night , Johnson said . The Coast Guard is contributing one boat , the 210-foot cutter Valiant , and three aircraft to the search , Johnson said . The aircraft are a Falcon jet out of Miami , an HH-60 helicopter and a slow-flying C-130 cargo plane out of Clearwater , Florida"} +{"answer":"to get the project off the ground through the `` Google in Your Language '' program , which was launched by the California-based company not long after it was founded in 1998 . `` The idea was to enable users worldwide to be able to access Google in the language of their choice , and if it was n't available , to enable users to help make it so , '' Google spokesman Nate Tyler said . `` Why limit users to a set of dominant languages if they were willing to help make Google their own ? '' The results of the search are still in English , although the user can select a preference for Web pages written in more than 40 other main languages . Google works with linguists like Donaghy who are interested in translating search instructions into their language . `` Volunteers sign up on their own to provide translation , '' Tyler explained . `` They simply sign themselves up , declare a language proficiency , and then start translating or reviewing the products that are available for volunteer translation . `` When the translations are completed , we make the product -LRB- s","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Many Google users probably did n't notice this month that they can now display their search tips in the Hawaiian language . Hawaiian is one of more than 125 `` interface languages '' now available on Google . Wedged between Hausa and Hebrew , Hawaiian is one of more than 125 `` interface languages '' now available on Google . The list also includes some humorous twists on English , including `` pirate , '' `` Klingon '' and `` Elmer Fudd . '' But for Hawaiian educators , the addition of Hawaiian is a small step toward legitimizing a language that is considered '' critically endangered '' by the United Nations . `` It 's the capstone of a lot of work , '' said Keola Donaghy , an assistant professor of Hawaiian studies at the University of Hawaii-Hilo . `` We 've been doing this work for 18 years , simply trying to make it easier for people who speak Hawaiian to use these kinds of technologies . '' It marks the first native American language available through the `` Google in Your Language '' program . Getting started It took Donaghy several years"} +{"answer":"tight quarters Living on a 25-foot boat was only supposed to be temporary , but Jim Smith loved it so much he stayed there for a year . `` I have lived in a 25-foot sailboat , a 28-foot motor home , a 32-foot sailboat and now an 800 square-foot apartment , '' Smith said in his iReport . `` I was happiest with the 25-foot sailboat . '' While docked in Panama City , Florida , Smith kept his expenses to a minimum . The marina slip rent was only $ 200 and electricity was included in the rent , he said . The boat did not have refrigeration so Smith kept his food inside an insulated ice box . For 79 cents at the discount grocery store , he could buy a 10-pound bag of ice that would last him several days , even during the summer . Air conditioning was n't a luxury Smith had either , but fans and sea breezes kept him cool . `` Sometimes the less you have , the more you like it , '' he said . The portable lifestyle also charmed a father-son duo who set out on a yearlong","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Kate Meinhardt felt like a clown jammed into a Volkswagen bug when she lived in a 21-square-foot room aboard a circus train . Kate Meinhardt crammed her life into a 21-square-foot room while she lived aboard a circus train . Bungee cords crisscrossed her walls once a week to prevent an avalanche of items from raining down . A microwave , mini refrigerator , her laptop and baskets of personal items lined the dorm-like room . Showering , going to the bathroom and even doing laundry became racing contests on the train , Meinhardt said . The 13 people on board shared one shower , two toilets and one washer and dryer . `` It 's a pretty tough life living in such a small space , '' she said . The 23-year-old spent almost a year as an animal handler for Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus . While most iReporters have n't run off to join the circus , some have traded in their homes for smaller digs . One iReporter even opted for a floating lifestyle , where he could sail away at a moment 's notice . iReport.com : Living in"} +{"answer":"you can take people 's word . ... He said he would stick to his agreement . He did n't . '' Watch McCain 's attack on Obama \u00c2 '' He said his campaign will reconsider whether to opt out as well . `` We '' l have to reevaluate in light of his decision , '' he said . But he said he leans toward taking public money . But Rep. Rahm Emanuel , an Obama supporter , argued that the Democrat had `` more than realized the objective of public financing '' by setting up a system to accept small donations over the Internet . `` It has given the American people a voice in our political process and has forever changed politics in this country by inspiring record numbers of Americans to participate in bringing change to Washington , '' Emanuel said . Despite the heated back-and-forth , CNN senior political analyst Bill Schneider said it is unlikely the controversy will influence voters . `` I 'm not sure it 's a big deal for most voters . There 's not a lot of support for the public financing system . '' Schneider said . `` About","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sen. John McCain on Thursday accused Sen. Barack Obama of breaking a promise when the Democrat decided to forgo public financing in this fall 's campaign . Sen. Barack Obama repeatedly broke campaign fundraising records during the Democratic primary season . Obama told supporters in an e-mail message Thursday that he would not accept about $ 85 million in public funds when he becomes the Democratic presidential nominee . In the e-mail , Obama said the public campaign financing system allowed `` special interests -LSB- to -RSB- drown out the voices of the American people '' and asked his supporters to `` declare our independence from a broken system . '' McCain said that Obama 's move to drop out of the system `` should be disturbing to all Americans '' and that he may decide to opt out , too . `` Sen. Obama 's reversal on public financing is one of a number of reversals ... that he has taken , '' McCain said while touring flood-damaged parts of Iowa . `` This election is about a lot of things , but it 's also about trust . It 's also about whether"} +{"answer":"challenges to absorb their attention and wo n't necessarily be focused on foreign policy for some time . With these caveats , however , here are four predictions about the new Arab order . 1 -RRB- Dividing the region into two `` camps '' is an oversimplification In recent years , many analysts and policy makers saw a `` pro-Western '' camp , led by Saudi Arabia and Egypt , opposed to a self-styled `` resistance '' camp of Iran , Syria , Hezbollah and Hamas . But new political players will probably want to avoid being forced into these old categories . Emerging political players in Egypt and Tunisia , whether Islamist or secular , generally do not want their countries to look like either Saudi Arabia or Iran . Representative governments would not be as reflexively pro-Western as their predecessors . They are likely to be more pro-Palestinian , and more sympathetic to the fact that Hamas and Hezbollah are both popularly-elected movements , but they will also be wary of Iran . Analysts have also written about the countries of the revolution versus the countries of the counter-revolution , meaning the Gulf states . But the Gulf","question":"London -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran have increased this year , particularly over Bahrain and Syria , and relations are likely to worsen on the news of the alleged Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington . But ironically , the rise of more representative governments in key Arab countries poses risks to both Iran and Saudi Arabia . While each country will seek to defend its allies against uprisings -LRB- for Saudi Arabia , the Bahraini ruling family ; and for Iran , the Syrian regime -RRB- , neither will be able to control or dominate the changing regional dynamics -- and both have reasons to worry about the risk of unrest at home . The news comes at a time when regional relationships are in flux . The ongoing domestic political changes in a number of key countries -- especially Egypt , Tunisia , Libya and Syria -- will create new foreign alliances and rivalries . There are few certainties . It is not yet clear whether these countries will become democratic in the near future , or which parties will be empowered . New political players have plenty of domestic"} +{"answer":"time for a top human rights job at the State Department , he was turned away . Why ? `` Because he lobbied against torture , '' says one incredulous administration official . `` It 's crazy . '' But the rules are the rules : The ethics code requires that no lobbyist can be hired to work for an agency he may have lobbied . So , just to clarify : Someone like Malinowski who lobbied against torture and is a widely acknowledged expert on international human rights law is , er , blackballed . More to the point , he was shown the door precisely because he tried to influence Congress on an issue that both he and the administration agree , and care deeply about . -LRB- Malinowski wo n't comment . -RRB- Only in the Alice-in-Wonderland world of Washington would this make any sense . And it still does n't . It 's just a prime instance of the problems that can arise when great-sounding -LRB- theoretical -RRB- campaign one-liners rub up against the -LRB- real -RRB- difficulties of trying to staff a government . In other words , the short-term interest in demonizing all lobbyists","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Tim Geithner may be the latest political pi\u00f1ata in Washington these days , but -- policy aside -- there may be another reason he is the one fellow everyone is picking on at Treasury : He 's there alone . President Obama 's ethics code requires that no lobbyist can work for an agency he may have lobbied . Believe it or not , Geithner is the only confirmed official at his department . Some top nominees , even those who have served in government before , have decided to withdraw . Others are still pending as they go through arduous background checks that one pro-Obama Democrat calls `` maddening vetting hell . '' Sure , this is about extensive scrutiny to make sure no one has a tax problem after Geithner 's own embarrassing unpaid tax bill . But the staffing problem is not just at Treasury , and it goes way beyond the time-consuming nature of extensive background checks . It 's also about overreaching anti-lobbyist rules . Consider Tom Malinowski . He 's the advocacy director for Human Rights Watch , an expert on genocide and torture . But when it came"} +{"answer":"status of students enrolling in the system . The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit granted the Justice Department 's request for an emergency injunction for that section of the law but allowed other controversial parts to continue being enforced . Justice urges Alabama schools ' compliance on immigrant laws The Alabama Department of Education sent a memorandum to school districts recommending they wait for resolution of the issue between the state attorney and Justice Department before responding to the DOJ request . In the days following the implementation of HB 56 , the number of Latino students skipping class spiked . Malissa Valdes , communication manager for the Alabama Department of Education , said the number of Latino absentees has since leveled off but remains several hundred higher than normal . The Department of Education also released enrollment numbers for the current school year showing an overall decrease in the student population but a 2.8 percent increase in Latino students , who represent some 35,000 of the state 's 740,000 students . Valdes said the state tried to inform the districts of possible changes related to HB 56 while stressing that no student should be denied enrollment","question":"Montgomery , Alabama -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Alabama 's attorney general questioned Wednesday whether the federal government has the legal right to ask for data from school districts in the state , which has recently passed controversial legislation intended to reduce illegal immigration . In a letter sent Wednesday , Attorney General Luther Strange said he was `` perplexed and troubled '' about a request from the Justice Department for information about Alabama 's schools . The Justice Department issued the letter Tuesday to Alabama school districts to ensure they are complying with federal law , which declares that a child may not be denied equal access to schools based on his or her immigration status . Strange 's letter noted that the law was still being litigated . Strange set a Friday noon deadline for Thomas Perez , assistant attorney general for DOJ 's civil rights division , to provide the legal authority for his request . Last spring , the Alabama legislature passed the law known as HB 56 relating to illegal immigration and a federal judge allowed most of its provisions to go into effect , including a mandate for public schools to ask about the immigration"} +{"answer":"culvert , apparently in an attempt to hide it . The plane had been intercepted and tracked by U.S. military aircraft as it flew from Canada into U.S. airspace and meandered southward for several hours before landing , a Department of Homeland Security spokesman said . It landed in the town of Ellsinore , population 360 , in southern Missouri , a dispatcher with the Carter County Sheriff 's Office said . A spokesman for the North American Aerospace Defense Command -LRB- NORAD -RRB- said the pilot flew `` erratically '' over the course of the afternoon , at time reaching 14,000 feet in altitude , then dropping as low as 3,000 feet . The Cessna departed the school in Ontario at about 3 p.m. ET and flew over Lake Superior less than half an hour later , according to NORAD officials . F-16 fighter jets intercepted the pilot near Michigan 's upper peninsula border with Wisconsin at 4:43 p.m. , and tracked the Cessna until its safe landing . The NORAD spokesman , Mike Kucharek , said military pilots who intercepted the Cessna had tried repeatedly to get the pilot 's attention and at one point , the pilot","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The pilot of a small Cessna 172 aircraft reported stolen from a Canadian flight school has been captured , authorities said . The pilot was flying a plane similar to this one -- a Cessna 172 -- before he landed in Missouri . The pilot reportedly stole a small Cessna 172 aircraft from a Canadian flight school , flew hundreds of miles across the Midwest , landed on a dirt road in Missouri late Monday and took off on foot , federal officials said . Federal , state and local authorities launched a manhunt for the pilot , who was identified by the FBI as Adam Leon , 31 , a native of Turkey who became a Canadian citizen last year , according to FBI spokesman Richard Kolko . He was formerly known as Yavuz Berke , though officials did not indicate a reason for the name change . He was taken into custody at an Ellsinore grocery story after a brief manhunt , according to Missouri state police and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police . A federal law enforcement source said the pilot parked the plane under what appeared to be a bridge or"} +{"answer":"McKenzie said . `` If that 's not heroism , I do n't know what is , '' he said . Garner is `` in very good spirits , resting at home , '' he added . McKenzie said he did not know the latest on Stewart 's condition . The alleged gunman 's motive remained a mystery . Stewart has not made a public statement nor has an attorney on his behalf . His wife has not issued a statement either . Meanwhile , his ex-wife , Sue Griffin , told CNN affiliate WTVD-TV in Raleigh-Durham , North Carolina , `` He did have some violent tendencies from time to time . '' She added that when she heard the news of Sunday 's shooting , `` I could n't believe it -- then I stopped , thought about it and thought , ` It is possible . It 's possible . ' '' At a news conference Monday , McKenzie described the shooting spree as `` unimaginable '' and `` horrific . '' `` Everything that you can possibly imagine that is bad in the world , '' he said . `` This does n't happen , but","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A man accused of killing eight people in a shooting spree at a North Carolina nursing home is the husband of a woman who worked there , police said Monday . Robert Stewart faces eight counts of first-degree murder in the nursing home shootings . The two may have been separated , said Carthage , North Carolina , Police Chief Chris McKenzie . He did not say if the wife was in the building at the time . The alleged gunman , Robert Stewart , was carrying several weapons , authorities said . Seven patients and a nurse were killed , and three people were wounded , including a visitor and a police officer . All the wounded are expected to survive , McKenzie said . Officer Justin Garner was shot in the leg , McKenzie said . `` As I understand , there were three pellets in his shin , leg and foot , '' he said . Garner entered the Pinelake Health and Rehab Center alone with no backup and brought the shooting spree to an end with a single shot , hitting Stewart in the `` chest , upper torso area , ''"} +{"answer":"and what it looks like across the country . There are some terms that may seem unfamiliar , but I think if you sit down and read through our coverage , you 'll see that a lot of it makes sense . I feel very proud of the fact that over the last year , year and a half , a lot of the articles that I 've written and a lot of the articles that we 've written as an economics team have done a lot to point out the risks out there so that this did n't just come out of nowhere . Lapin : So what are some of the things that young people should really focus on ? Is it a 401 -LRB- k -RRB- ? Is it savings ? Is it a combination of the two , perhaps ? Evans : Well , I think for most young people , the big thing right now is a career or a job path . Whether you 're in high school or you 're in college , you 're thinking , `` What am I going to do when I get out ? Do I want to","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- We hear that a lot of young people do n't care or worry about the economy and finances . But take it from a 23-year-old Wall Street Journal reporter : They do and should care . Kelly Evans , 23 , is an economics reporter for The Wall Street Journal . Kelly Evans started as an economics reporter at the paper as the economy started getting bad a year and a half ago . She has since seen the resilience of the people in her generation as they adapt to a changing job market . CNN 's Nicole Lapin talked to Evans about what young people should be doing to deal with the tough times . The following is an edited transcript of the interview : Nicole Lapin : What do you tell young people to make economic news relevant to them ? Watch the entire interview with Kelly Evans '' Kelly Evans : We really , really do try to explain to people , past some of the language and the jargon , to say that economics is really about what 's happening : your job , your income , demographics , poverty rates ,"} +{"answer":"recovery is under way . Consider the case of Japan in its first lost decade of the 1990s . After falling 63 percent from its peak in late 1989 , the Nikkei staged a 32 percent rally in one month . It then remained volatile but around the same level for nearly 10 years -- because the return on assets and capital investors could earn proved so low throughout that economy . During the 1990s , Japan 's banking system was burdened with bad loans that kept eating into profits and its nonfinancial companies had excess capacity that had to be wound down ; these problems were made worse by a decline in the working population . The initial excess of capital , supplemented by high ongoing savings from households and corporations , kept interest rates low . Throughout this period the price\/earnings ratio on stocks ranged from 30 to 50 -LRB- it 's 51 today -RRB- , compared with 15 to 20 in Europe and the United States . The logic was simple : With so little return available on all assets , local investors were willing to pay up for stocks even if the dividends were a paltry","question":"Editor 's note : Simon Johnson , a former International Monetary Fund chief economist , is a professor at MIT Sloan School of Management and a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics . Peter Boone is chairman of Effective Intervention , a UK-based charity , and a research associate at the Centre for Economic Performance , London School of Economics . They run http:\/\/baselinescenario.com\/ , a global economy Web site . Simon Johnson , above , and Peter Boone say the U.S. could be in for a long period of virtually no growth . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Euphoria returns ! Who could have guessed that Bank of America stock would rally 70 percent the week it learns the Feds are demanding new capital equal to nearly half the bank 's market capitalization ? The ongoing grim news -- on rising unemployment , continued -LRB- albeit slower -RRB- economic decline , and ordinary working Americans being hammered on all sides -- is being ignored by stock and commodity markets . Is America now back on track for growth ? The answer to that is almost surely no . Rising stock markets do n't necessarily mean a sharp"} +{"answer":"Obama urging him to halt any further construction of the fence , one of the many border - and immigration-related political debates that have carried over from the Bush administration . To the Border Patrol agents stationed in Yuma Sector , there is no debate . To them , the fence is a success story . From a Vietnam War-vintage Huey helicopter , pilot Chad Smith points across the border to Mexico 's Highway 2 and then to the barriers that help stop illegal immigrants from making a sprint into southern Arizona . `` You can see the triple-layer fencing , '' Smith tells us as he lowers the helicopter and hovers over what was once a major crossing point for illegal immigrants and drug smugglers . `` Steel fence right on the border , the pedestrian fence about 90 feet north of that , and then the chain-link fence with the barbed wire . '' The fence has three layers in areas where there is an urban neighborhood on the Mexican side . Smith is among those who say their flights are less hectic now because while you can still clearly see the trails in the sand and in","question":"On CNN 's `` State of the Union , '' CNN host and chief national correspondent John King goes outside the Beltway to report on the issues affecting communities across the country . King recently traveled to Arizona , to explore the debate over how to control illegal immigration . A fence separates the United States from Mexico in the U.S. Border Patrol 's Yuma Sector in San Luis , Arizona . SAN LUIS , Arizona -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Yuma desert is below : San Luis , Arizona , to one side and San Luis , Mexico , to the other . On this clear day , the Colorado River is glistening , birds playfully circling over what any map defines as the U.S.-Mexico border in this area . But from a helicopter above , the border is a steel barrier that stands out along the riverbank and against the desert sands , and is the dividing line that gets the most attention from those crying to cross illegally and those who believe recent efforts to bolster U.S. border security have been riddled with wrong choices . Just this past week , eight Democrats in Congress wrote President"} +{"answer":"self-rescue within about 20 minutes . These two used their avalanche beacons to locate a third buried victim who they rescued after an additional 20 minutes of digging , '' police said . iReport.com : Wyoming avalanche training covers pulling people out of snow A search command post was set up Sunday , but darkness and avalanche hazards prompted authorities to postpone the search until Monday . On Monday morning , before the bodies were found , authorities said searchers and police dogs were being dispatched to the rugged , snowy area , and crews would dig into any sites where searchers thought they might find any of the missing men . The snowmobilers resided in Sparwood , a small town just north of Fernie . Sparwood 's mayor , David Wilks , said Monday morning that `` it certainly does n't look good '' for the missing . `` Reality tells us if you 're stuck in the snow for about 24 hours , bad things can happen , '' he said . The region has had previous coal mine disasters , `` but in recent memory , this is the largest single tragic event to hit this community","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The bodies of seven of eight snowmobilers missing after Sunday 's avalanches in southeastern British Columbia have been found , the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said Monday . Authorities found seven bodies a day after avalanches in British Columbia , Canada . One man still was missing , but rescue personnel suspended their search near Fernie , British Columbia , at mid-afternoon Monday because of heavy snowfall and dense low clouds , the RCMP said . The search will resume Tuesday morning , authorities said . All eight men -- and three others who escaped -- faced two avalanches Sunday afternoon about 20 kilometers -LRB- 12.4 miles -RRB- east of Fernie , a town in the Canadian Rockies about 300 kilometers -LRB- 186 miles -RRB- southwest of Calgary , Alberta . The three survivors suffered minor injuries , and one of them was hospitalized overnight . The men had been in an area called Harvey Pass , which police called a popular backcountry snowmobile destination . Officials said an avalanche buried part of the group , and a second buried the rest as they tried to assist . `` Two of the buried riders managed to"} +{"answer":"century-scoring list with 34 . Amla then added another 108 with A.B. De Villiers , who made a brisk 53 off 88 deliveries , and rode his luck as he was dropped twice on 149 , as they broke South Africa 's record for the fourth wicket in matches between the two teams . De Villiers fell to part-time bowler Virender Sehwag and then Harbhajan removed J.P. Duminy for just nine to have the Proteas 476-5 , but then Mark Boucher contributed 39 to a stand of 78 with Amla before becoming Zaheer Khan 's third victim , and captain Graeme Smith called the innings to a close with 40 minutes left in the day . India openers Gautam Gambhir and Virender Sehwag survived four overs from pace bowlers Dale Steyn and Morne Morkel with some positive batting , and will start Monday 's play on 12 and nine respectively as they seek to make inroads into a massive first-innings deficit . They will do well to take the lead of Amla , who was steady throughout his 473-ball innings , hitting 22 boundaries and scoring 55 , 45 and 38 in Saturday 's three sessions . While India relied","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Hashim Amla compiled his first double century after Jacques Kallis again fell short of the landmark as South Africa continued to punish India 's bowlers on day two of the first cricket Test in Nagpur . Amla was unbeaten on 253 when the tourists declared on 558-6 in the final session on Sunday , then India safely reached stumps at 25-0 in a clash between the top two teams in the five-day format . It is the highest score made by a South African No. 3 batsman , and the highest by any from his country against India . Amla extended his third-wicket partnership with Kallis to a South African record of 340 before his senior partner fell for 173 , having added just 14 to his overnight tally in a subdued second part of his innings . It was the first time any pair have put on a triple century in any matches between the two nations . Kallis edged a delivery from off-spinner Harbhajan Singh onto his pads , and Murali Vijay took the catch at short leg to end a 351-ball knock that put the all-rounder into third equal on the all-time Test"} +{"answer":". Combat photographers have long-served a tactical and strategic purpose -- their primary objective is to gather military intelligence . While some , like Matthew Brady and Robert Capa , have had storied careers , thousands of others worked in obscurity , their identity hidden behind the lens . Veteran Navy combat photographer Johnny Bivera says military photographers provide a valuable legacy . People like Ruplenas provide our society `` with documentation about a time and place in our history that has long changed and moved on . '' Ruplenas recalls the nervousness he felt on D-Day in World War II , one of his first assignments . `` I hitched up a ride and a pilot let me go with him , I photographed the dozens and dozens of landing craft going in shore . We did n't drop one bomb because our targets in France were covered by fog and rain . '' His company commanders soon realized his talent and encouraged him to take more photographs . Army Headquarters began reviewing his shots regularly to determine whether the United States had hit their hopeful targets . `` I love photography , '' says Ruplenas . `` Anytime","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In his West Virginia home , Peter Ruplenas , a three-time war veteran spends his days thumbing through his personal photography collection . His compilation is vast and includes countless photographs of B-24 bombers , soldiers in the field and the aftermath of war . He holds up a photograph of himself taken by fellow photographer Dick Durrance during the Vietnam War . In it , Ruplenas trudges through a rice paddy after returning from a sweep in Cu Chi , Vietnam . He struggles to carry all his gear , but his grip is firm on his 35-millimeter camera . The photograph captures Ruplenas at the peak of his 29-year photography career and brings him back to a time when he says he was fearless . `` The minute I took the first picture I was completely relaxed . '' `` I feel pretty proud of what I 've done , '' says Ruplenas , a 91-year-old retired combat cameraman of World War II , Korea and Vietnam . How you can honor fallen U.S. troops He joined the Army in 1941 and within weeks of lacing up his boots , became a combat photographer"} +{"answer":"National Council , a leading opposition movement . A feared full-scale crackdown did not happen Saturday , but activists posted a video Saturday that they said showed the military harassing residents of Homs . Mourners on Friday went to bury a 10-year-old boy , Maher al-Husseini , who was allegedly killed by a sniper 's bullet in his own home . The video shows the boy wrapped in a white sheet and carried by men in street towards a cemetery . Some of the men chant `` The martyrs blood will not be lost in vain , '' as the lifeless boy is carried . As the men walk towards the cemetery , gunfire can be heard . They get to the cemetery and start digging as gunfire continues to ring out . CNN could not independently confirm what was depicted in the videos . Western networks are not allowed inside the embattled country . The United Nations said last week that more than 4,000 people have died in Syria since a government crackdown against protesters erupted in mid-March . The regime 's actions have outraged world powers and sparked sanctions by the Arab League , Turkey , the United","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- At least 16 people were killed by security forces across Syria Saturday as unrest there continued , a human rights organizations said . Three people were killed in the city of Homs , where a strong military presence was reported , the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said . Another three were killed in Hama province . The Local Coordination Committee of Syria reported that Syrian security forces were storming the Damascus suburb of Zabadany and were shelling housing and positioning snipers . The group also announced , in a separate incident , the killing of Dr. Ibrahim Nahel Othman , who they described as `` one of the most important physicians in the Syrian Revolution . '' He was killed by gunfire near the Turkish border , the group said . Another group , the Coalition of Free Damascus for Peaceful Change , said that the doctor was a wanted man because he performed many surgeries on wounded protesters . The reported deaths came amid tensions in Homs -- a center of regime arrests -- as military troops manned more than 60 checkpoints inside the city and surrounded it , according to the Syrian"} +{"answer":"ratings have been down . '' Oscar producers realized they `` can juice the show up all you want , but people watch the Oscars when there are movies competing that they have an interest in , '' Pond said . The best picture nominations often consist of movies that `` the vast majority of people have not seen , '' he said . The problem `` came to a head with ` The Dark Knight , ' '' which sold more than $ 1 billion in tickets worldwide , but was snubbed by the academy in the best picture category last year , he said . The Batman sequel won best movie at the MTV Movie Awards and was chosen favorite movie by the People 's Choice Awards . It also made many critics ' top 10 lists . If the nomination field had been expanded last year , the film might have made the best picture list , `` which clearly would have been some kind of bump in the ratings , '' Pond said . This would also counter the impression among TV viewers that the awards show is `` for movie snobs who do n't like","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The number of movies nominated for the best picture Oscar will double next year , a move apparently aimed at bolstering sagging ratings for the Academy Awards broadcast . Danny Boyle exults in an Oscar win for `` Slumdog Millionaire '' earlier this year . `` Having 10 Best Picture nominees is going allow academy voters to recognize and include some of the fantastic movies that often show up in the other Oscar categories , but have been squeezed out of the race for the top prize , '' Sid Ganis , president of the Academy Motion Picture Arts and Sciences , said . Doubling the nominations would make it more likely a viewer 's favorite movie is in the running for the top honor , which may make them want to watch the show , said Steve Pond , author of `` The Big Show : High Times and Dirty Dealings Backstage at the Academy Awards . '' `` This clearly is a reaction to declining ratings , '' Pond said . `` Even though this last show the ratings were up ... over the last 10 years or so the"} +{"answer":"'s relief , and I put my small video camera on the floor and pressed the button to record the constant roar of machine gun fire , which went on for more than half an hour . Earlier in the day , Joe and I were on a street corner videotaping Hamas militiamen when a jeep full of Fatah irregulars opened fire , just down the street from an elementary school . As guns blazed , schoolchildren ran for cover . I watched as shopkeeper Khadar Aliyan slammed shut the doors of his grocery store , the expression on his face one of fear and utter exasperation . `` I 'm going home , '' he told me . `` I 'm afraid . We 're done for . It 's never been this bad . '' It was violence like this , which we witnessed on December 2006 , that reached a climax in the second week of June 2007 . When it ended on June 14 , 2007 , with Hamas roundly defeating Fatah , Gaza went quiet . And quiet -- relative quiet , that is -- has been Hamas ' biggest accomplishment since . No longer","question":"Editor 's note : Saturday marks one year since Hamas ' defeat of Fatah in the fierce struggle for control of Gaza . CNN correspondent Ben Wedeman has been covering the region for over 15 years . He reports from Gaza on daily life and reality over the past year in this fractious land . CNN 's Ben Wedeman reports on the past year in Gaza , where people are safer but out of food , gas , and patience . GAZA CITY , Gaza -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- `` If you take pictures , I 'll kill you ! I 'll kill you ! '' screamed a masked Fatah gunman , pointing his AK-47 assault rifle at my cameraman , Joe Duran . `` Calm down ! Calm down ! '' I shouted back at him , turning to Joe to tell him to put the camera down . Joe and I had ducked into a fruit and vegetable shop in Gaza City . We had been covering the funeral of a Fatah gunman killed in a clash with Hamas rivals when our third gunbattle of the day had broken out . The gunman left , much to everyone"} +{"answer":"when the virus emerged , he said . The virus is also becoming more active in Europe and Central and Western Asia , Fukuda said . Health officials this week reported an outbreak of cases in Ukraine , which now has more than 250,000 cases of influenza-like illness , with 235 patients requiring intensive care , the WHO said . Activity is picking up in East Asia , Fukuda said . Mongolia reported `` a number '' of cases over the past week , he said . `` East Asia is one of the parts of the world where seasonal influenza viruses have remained in reasonably high circulation , '' Fukuda said . `` But even in that part of the world , the pandemic virus is becoming dominant . '' More cases are being reported from a number of Caribbean countries such as Cuba and Haiti , he said . In Central America and the Southern Hemisphere , however , activity levels have dropped as those regions enter the summer season , Fukuda said . `` There are several regions in the world -- North America , Europe , Northern and Central Asia -- where we are clearly seeing","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The H1N1 virus has now become the dominant influenza virus around the globe , with high levels and an increase of activity in many regions , the World Health Organization said Thursday . In a weekly update , the WHO 's point person on the H1N1 virus , Dr. Keiji Fukuda , also warned the public not to treat the virus like just another flu . Like seasonal flu , H1N1 is more active in the winter than in the summer , and a majority of infected people get better on their own , Fukuda said . H1N1 also is as transmissible and infectious as seasonal flu , he said . But unusually for influenza , Fukuda said , H1N1 continues at high levels over the summer months , and many of the serious illnesses and deaths are concentrated in people younger than 65 . Seven months into the pandemic , the virus commonly known as swine flu remains at high levels and continues to increase in North America , Fukuda said . Mexico , for example , has seen more cases from September to November than they saw in the preceding months from April ,"} +{"answer":"known for a while is that there is not one type of autism , but rather several types under the autism umbrella , including Asperger 's syndrome , classic autism and pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified -LRB- PDD-NOS -RRB- . More and more doctors and researchers are referring to autism as autisms -LRB- plural -RRB- because each child 's case is different , as are the causes , helpful therapies and potential future cures . iReport.com : Does autism touch your life ? While the past year has n't yielded definitive answers , new information about what may or may not cause autism , prevalence and accompanying issues like paying for treatment have made headlines . Here are just a few : Do vaccines cause autism ? In 1998 , a theory emerged that the measles-mumps-rubella -LRB- MMR -RRB- vaccine caused autism , the theory being that the vaccine lingered in the gut , causing gastrointestinal problems , and that those GI problems led to autism . A few years later , the very small study that was the basis of this theory was debunked and discredited . However , this did not quash the belief among many parents that","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- William Searing is an Eagle Scout who loves hiking , adventure , art and sports . At age 19 , he 's in an education program that bridges the gap from high school to getting a job . Wil has autism . Doctors diagnosed Wil Searing , 19 , with autism when was 18 months old . The neurological disorder was diagnosed when he was 18 months old . Mia Newman 's epilepsy and autism were n't diagnosed until she was almost 3 years old . Now 9 , she and her family still face many challenges in coping with her conditions . It 's been a year since the first U.N.-declared World Autism Awareness Day . In those past 365 days , nobody has discovered the cause of autism , which the most recent statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest affects one in 150 children . Nor has a cure been found . However , new research and major court decisions have emerged to explain further what may contribute to the developmental disabilities of the brain known as `` autism spectrum disorders '' or ASDs . One thing that has been"} +{"answer":"'s streams , rivers and lakes to create elaborate drip lines for their plants . A mature plant can be worth $ 4,000 , said Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims . `` Fresno County is roughly the size of Connecticut , and the drug traffickers target these areas because they know there is not that significant of a law-enforcement presence , '' Mims said . `` The chances of getting caught are slim . '' `` The bottom line is our public lands are being destroyed by foreign drug trafficking and heavily armed Mexican cartels , '' George Anderson of the U.S. Department of Justice said Wednesday at a news conference highlighting the seizures . The operation is the largest in Fresno County history and one of the largest in California , Mims said . `` What makes this operation unique is the approach : prevention , enforcement , eradication and reclamation , '' she said . Intelligence gathered for the operation began in February , with community presentations about prevention . The effort is now focused on shutting down the at least 70 marijuana farms identified by local authorities . The operation is expected to continue into November ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Authorities have seized $ 1 billion worth of marijuana plants and have arrested 82 Mexican nationals with ties to drug cartels in the first week and half of an effort to eradicate marijuana fields from California 's Fresno County , the county sheriff 's office said Wednesday . The 82 suspects arrested so far have links to Mexican drug cartels . Operation Save Our Sierra began July 13 and involves local , state and federal agencies working together to remove marijuana growing operations , investigate and arrest drug traffickers , and remove infrastructure on public lands in Fresno County , a news release said . `` This is a high-intensity drug trafficking area , '' U.S. Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske said in a phone interview . `` I think what should be highlighted here is the local authorities ' work to reclaim the land from the drug traffickers . '' The 82 suspects arrested so far have links to Mexican drug cartels , local authorities said , though they did not release further details . Eastern Fresno County , where the seizures have been made , is mountainous and sparsely populated . Growers exploit the area"} +{"answer":"the veterans funding and send the health-labor-education bill to the president . Perino accused the Democrats of `` trying to hold hostage our veterans to extra domestic spending or increases in taxes . '' `` The president wants clean legislation , a clean bill to fund the veterans , '' Perino said . On Saturday , the Democratic congressional leadership sent a letter to President Bush saying they welcomed a dialogue on spending , sayings disagreements over funding levels `` have never been so great that we can not reach agreement on a spending plan that meets the needs of the American people . '' `` Key to this dialogue , however , is some willingness on your part to actually find common ground , '' House Speaker Nancy Pelosi , D-California , and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid , D-Nevada , said in the letter . The leadership said last year 's Congress , which was still under Republican control , had never passed a separate bill funding veterans programs . Congress also sent to the president legislation that would fund veterans care at the levels requested by the president through December 14 , the leadership said . The","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The White House is blasting Congressional Democrats for not sending a bill that would fund veterans ' care programs to the president 's desk by Veterans Day . The White House 's Dana Perino accused Democrats of holding veterans care funding hostage . `` There 's absolutely no reason that the veterans ' bill could not have been signed by the president today , except for the political games that the Democrats decided to play with it , '' White House press secretary Dana Perino said Sunday in Crawford , Texas . Congressional Democrats had attached legislation funding veterans programs to a $ 150.7 billion bill that also funded a number of domestic priorities , including health , labor and education . Democrats also added $ 3.7 billion to what the president budgeted for veterans programs . The labor-health-education bill would increase funding by more than $ 10 billion over last year 's funding for those programs . The president has threatened to veto the bill because of the added spending . The House passed a health-labor-education bill 269-142 last week with the veterans funding attached , but the Senate later voted to strip out"} +{"answer":"of dollars ' worth of the precious metal from her employer , '' Brown said . Police say Tambunting -- whose job responsibilities involved monitoring the vault in which fine gold , finished products and raw materials were stored -- confessed that for several months last year , she hid gold in makeshift slits in her purse . An inventory in January revealed that as much as $ 12 million in merchandise was missing , Brown said in the written statement . After an investigation , Tambunting arrived at the jewelry company 's offices wheeling a suitcase containing about 66 pounds of gold , an estimated $ 868,000 , the district attorney 's office said . In February , about 450 pounds of gold was taken from her residence , the office said . Tambunting became vault manager in 1991 , the office said . The dates of the alleged thefts were not immediately clear . The value of the gold returned fluctuates because of the rise and fall of gold prices . However , the charges are based on what Jacmel claims it lost : $ 3 to $ 12 million , according to the Queens district attorney .","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A longtime employee and vault manager for a jewelry company in Long Island City , New York , stole millions of dollars worth of gold and gold jewelry from her employer over a six-year span , the Queens district attorney has alleged . Teresa Tambunting , 50 , of Scarsdale , New York , is accused of stealing as much as $ 12 million from Jacmel Jewelry , Queens District Attorney Richard Brown said in a statement Wednesday . At an arraignment Wednesday , she did not enter a plea to charges of first-degree grand larceny and first-degree criminal possession of stolen property , the district attorney 's office said . She was released on $ 100,000 bail and will return to court May 19 , the office said . Her attorney , David Kirby , did not return phone calls seeking comment . Tambunting , who worked for Jacmel for 28 years , has returned about $ 7 million worth of gold , but $ 4 million remains missing , according to Brown . `` The defendant is accused of establishing a virtual mining operation in Long Island City which siphoned off millions"} +{"answer":"can only be realized between Israelis and Palestinians themselves . '' A year later , despite extensive U.S. efforts , `` the parties have not bridged their differences , '' Obama said . The American president met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and declared the bonds between their two countries `` unbreakable , '' a move likely to play well at home in an increasingly volatile U.S. political landscape . Though Netanyahu was not in attendance at the General Assembly during Obama 's speech , he called the U.S. position a `` badge of honor , '' and has pushed for a resumption of talks , beginning in New York and continuing in Ramallah and Jerusalem . Peace negotiations broke down last year . Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas met with Obama later Wednesday , part of a whirlwind of diplomatic wrangling that has accompanied his proposed move . Obama reiterated his stance on the need for a two-state solution , officials said . Abbas met earlier with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon , who promised the request would be taken `` very seriously , '' according to Nabeel Shaath , a senior negotiator for the Palestine Liberation Organization .","question":"United Nations -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Confronted with the prospect of a Palestinian bid for full U.N. membership , U.S. President Barack Obama issued a sharp rebuke Wednesday to those pressing for statehood -- a rebuke likely to bring criticism from the Arab world . `` Peace will not come through statements and resolutions at the U.N. , '' Obama said , addressing delegates at the 66th annual session of U.N. General Assembly . `` If it were that easy , it would have been accomplished by now . '' The United States has vowed to block a Palestinian membership application should it reach the Security Council , but is likely eager to head off a scenario that would involve an American veto -- a move widely seen as unpopular across the Middle East . A formal request for full U.N. membership is expected to be submitted Friday . `` One year ago , I stood at this podium and called for an independent Palestine , '' Obama added . `` I believed then -- and I believe now -- that the Palestinian people deserve a state of their own . But what I also said is that genuine peace"} +{"answer":"and business scholar , previously at Compaq and 12 years at IBM where he managed product and manufacturing inventories and chains . He 's credited with making Apple 's products stream reliably from their eastern manufacturing homes to their end users , and hot-tipped to replace Jobs by many . Recently introduced the high-profile Verizon iPhone . Once said : `` Replace Steve ? No , he 's irreplaceable . That 's something people have to get over . '' Odds for replacing Steve : Long , long , long . A good temporary replacement , but lacks dynamism and creative vision . Jonathan Ive Currently Senior VP of Industrial Design at Apple . Highly regarded , award-winning brains behind nearly all of Apple 's iconic computing and mobile products since 1996 -- starting with the industry-startling original candy-color iMac , and recently refining the aluminum unibody designs that are now a design reference point . A highly accomplished presenter and speaker , he 's known as a perfectionist and thinks focus groups are a symptom of corporate `` creative bankruptcy . '' Odds for replacing Steve : Medium-long , as though he 's a super-hot property in the design","question":"-LRB- Fast Company -RRB- -- The tech world 's getting used to the idea Steve Jobs is absent from Apple again , for medical reasons . We think he 'll be back soon . But one day he wo n't come back , and who might fill the big chair then ? For the time being Tim Cook is in control at Apple , as he has been every time Steve Jobs has had to take time to tackle his health issues . Cook 's time in the role has , self-evidently , been highly successful , and many commenters are tipping him to be Steve 's eventual successor -- with these stand-in periods acting as a carefully managed succession plan . But is Tim really the guy for the job , given that Steve is still active as CEO in the background , and all big decisions are still cycling through him ? Could someone else from inside Apple be a better fit , or is there someone working elsewhere we can imagine as the next Apple CEO ? Tim Cook Currently Apple COO , repeat stand-in for Steve Jobs . Demanding , keen-minded , unemotional . A science"} +{"answer":"pressure fell 10 points in the first six months he owned the bike , he says . The Felches do n't exactly classify themselves as `` environmentalists , '' although Mary said it is important to have a positive effect on the planet . `` I learned that the worst amount of smog that you put out -LSB- in an automobile -RSB- is in the first mile , so if we can make even some of those shorter trips on our bicycles , it makes a big difference , '' she says . Who wants one ? Brent Meyers , director of sales for Ultra Motor US , says electric bikes attract different types of buyers . Many are looking to make a green imprint . Some are `` active adults '' who have ridden bicycles for years who -- as they get older -- are unable to do the same kind of riding they did when they were young . Other buyers want to ride their bikes to work quickly -- and avoid a sweaty entrance into the office . Oddly -- or perhaps not -- Ultra Motor US sees its strongest sales when the price of oil skyrockets","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Keith Felch is admittedly a big guy , but more than a few super-fit cyclists in Southern California have been left wondering how that dude just went flying by . Keith Felch calls his electric bike a `` hill eraser '' because he can ride it to work without breaking a sweat . And then his wife , Mary , comes motoring past . `` They stare , like how can a girl go past me , '' she says , laughing . It takes the other riders a few seconds but then they figure it out . They have electric motors . The Felches , who live in Aliso Viejo , California , used to drive everywhere , except when they used their bikes for recreation . That changed when they got their new e-bikes , made by a company called Optibike . Now , they ride to go shopping and to go to breakfast -- but mostly they ride to work . Keith Felch says the couple has cut 50 percent of their car-use since they started electric biking . And there are other benefits . Keith Felch dropped 30 pounds and his blood"} +{"answer":"work out the details of a follow-up treaty . We must hope they will be able to agree to deep reductions . A recent study by Physicians for Social Responsibility showed that if only 300 of the weapons in the Russian arsenal attacked targets in American cities , 90 million people would die in the first half hour . A comparable U.S. attack on Russia would produce similar devastation . Further , these attacks would destroy the entire economic , communications and transportation infrastructure on which the rest of the population depends for survival . In the ensuing months the vast majority of people who survived the initial attacks in both countries would die of disease , exposure and starvation . The destruction of the United States and Russia would be only part of the story . An attack of this magnitude would lift millions of tons of soot and dust into the upper levels of the atmosphere , blocking out sunlight and dropping temperatures across the globe . In fact , if the entire Russian and U.S. strategic arsenals were involved in the fighting , average surface temperature worldwide would fall 10 degrees Centigrade to levels not seen on","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When President Obama called for a world free of nuclear weapons in Prague , Czech Republic , this spring , many dismissed this part of his speech as idealistic rhetoric . But the abolition of nuclear weapons is not an unrealistic fantasy . It is a practical necessity if the American people are to have a secure future . President Obama should use his Nobel speech this week to reaffirm his commitment to this essential and obtainable goal . It is essential because a world armed with nuclear weapons is simply too dangerous for us to countenance . Since the end of the Cold War we have tended to act as though the threat of nuclear war had gone away . It has n't . It is only our awareness of this danger that has faded . In fact , there are some 25,000 nuclear weapons in the world today ; 95 percent of them are in the arsenals of the United States and Russia . Just this past weekend , the START treaty limiting the number of U.S. and Russian warheads expired . Negotiators in Geneva , Switzerland , have not yet been able to"} +{"answer":"cravings , Union troops loved their coffee because it was , literally , the best thing on the menu . Before the advent of helpful -LRB- and tasty ! -RRB- artificial preservatives , a marching soldier 's rations were neither varied nor particularly appetizing . Typically , they consisted of salted meat , unleavened bread -LRB- accurately christened `` hardtack '' -RRB- , and a little sugar and salt . It did n't help that Union supply chains were riddled with corrupt food contractors who charged the government top dollar for rotten , stale , and insect-ridden foodstuffs . Coffee , however , was almost always fresh because it was delivered in whole-bean form -- making it difficult for even the most dishonest supplier to skimp on quality . Not that they did n't try , of course . In fact , officials began requesting coffee as whole beans after some crooked contractors tried to up their per-pound profits by slipping sand and dirt into packages of ground coffee . In 1861 , hoping to cut down on the time soldiers spent roasting and grinding beans , the army switched to a concentrated proto-instant coffee . The new concoction ,","question":"-LRB- Mental Floss -RRB- -- Even in the midst of the Civil War , there was still one thing the North and South shared -- a serious addiction to caffeine . Confederate troops were less likely to get a cup of coffee . In that respect , the Union clearly had an advantage . Not only did the North have more than two-thirds of the population and control most of the heavy industry , railroads , and financial reserves in the country , it hoarded supplies of the highly addictive little bean , leaving the Confederacy to wage its own war against java deprivation . Coffee : It 's what 's for breakfast , lunch and dinner Throughout the Civil War , coffee was as prevalent on the battlefields as it is in offices today . In fact , the Union army was fueled by the stuff to the point that , if there was no time to boil water , the Boys in Blue would chew on whole beans as they marched . And at night , Union campsites were dotted with tiny fires , each boiling a pot of coffee like a million miniature Starbucks . Beyond caffeine"} +{"answer":"the site at the same time . The same error would be caused by a so-called `` denial of service '' attack -- using a program to flood a site with thousands of hits in a short time . Access to networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter and photography site Flickr have been blocked in Iran , where the government also has been accused of blocking text-messaging , launching denial of service attacks and spreading misinformation to protest communities online . Watch CNN 's Octavia Nasr explain how voices of dissent are getting out '' But Web users have been able to get around those roadblocks by the thousands , thanks to Internet proxies -- Web servers set up in other countries that allow Iranians to hide their computer 's Internet Protocol address from censors within the country . `` I think the filters and the restrictions have been going on for so long in Iran that the experienced people are already prepared for this , '' said Jon Pincus , a former Microsoft project manager and digital activist who works on projects promoting online freedom . The networking sites have been crucial in sharing information among protesters .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It 's a high-tech , high-stakes game of cat-and-mouse . Ryan Kelly , a Web designer from London , England , says his software was used to attack an Iranian Web site . As the Iranian government seeks to crack down on the online networks being used by protesters who question the nation 's election results , a community of Net-savvy users -- both inside and outside the country -- are working to try to stay one step ahead . `` To the Iranian government hackers who keep attacking the places they see as a threat , you are wasting your time , '' wrote one anonymous poster to a message board loaded with eyewitness accounts of violence , plans for protests and notices about people reported missing or dead . `` You are completely outnumbered . There are thousands of Iranians who want to be free and people who support them for every one of you there is . '' That site , with a server in California , was unable to be accessed for a couple of hours Wednesday afternoon . The error could have been caused by too many people trying to access"} +{"answer":"has been working to free the soldier and ramped up their efforts during the current holy month of Ramadan . Noam Shalit , the soldier 's father , recently appealed directly to Palestinians in Gaza to put pressure on their Hamas leadership for a prisoner swap during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan , which ends September 9 . The father has repeated his stance that the Israeli government should release 1,000 prisoners , including 450 whose release Hamas has demanded in exchange for his son . He has been holding a vigil outside the home of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu since early July , when he led a march to his doorstep to support a prisoner exchange as a way to release his son . This Ramadan is different than the previous four , Shalit said , because there is now a deal that was put on the table at the beginning of the year by a German mediator . `` If the two sides of the conflict show some flexibility , it will be possible to make an agreement , '' Shalit said . Such an agreement , Shalit said , would benefit thousands of Palestinian families","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Britain on Saturday demanded the release of Gilad Shalit as the Israeli soldier marked his 24th birthday in Hamas ' captivity . `` The thoughts of many in Britain are with Gilad Shalit and his family , '' the Foreign Office said . `` His detention is unjustifiable and unacceptable . The British Government demands his immediate and unconditional release . '' Shalit has been held captive since June 25 , 2006 , when Palestinian militants from Gaza captured him . The militants had tunneled into Israel and attacked an Israeli army outpost near the Gaza-Israel-Egypt border , killing two soldiers in the assault . Israel immediately launched a military incursion into Gaza to rescue Shalit , then 19 , but failed to free him . Since being imprisoned by Hamas , Shalit has not been allowed any contact with the outside world , nor any visits by the Red Cross . Details of his incarceration and physical condition remain unknown . In October 2009 , Hamas released a tape of Shalit as a proof of life , in which he urged the Israeli government to do more for his safe release . Shalit 's family"} +{"answer":"She has spent her career trying to protect the primates in the Cape Peninsula , of which there are more than 400 . In Barrydale , she sees an opportunity to tackle the problem before it gets out of hand . `` What is so exciting about the Barrydale scenario is the fact that they are being extremely proactive , '' Trethowan told CNN . `` In many of the other areas it 's been a long time , where baboons have become habituated and trained . Now in Barrydale they are saying ` let 's stop this behavior quickly before it gets started , ' and that 's enormously exciting for me . '' Trethowan has pinned her hopes on implementing a baboon-monitoring program in the village . At the Joshua Baboon Rehabilitation Project , just outside Barrydale , Baboon Matters is training locals to be baboon monitors . The monitors are tasked with patrolling Barrydale and herding baboons away from homes and farms . `` If we can get the monitoring program going quickly before the baboons are habituated I believe we stand a good chance of success here , '' said Trethowan . Nola Frazier runs the","question":"Cape Town , South Africa -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As natural habitats disappear in South Africa , baboons and humans are increasingly coming into close contact , and conflict . In South Africa 's Cape Peninsula there has been a large-scale transformation of wild baboons ' natural habitat into land for housing , industry and agriculture , according to the University of Cape Town Baboon Research Unit . The result is that wild baboons are surrounded by humans , which the researchers say is causing human-baboon conflict to escalate . But the problem is n't confined only to the Cape , as baboons are increasingly venturing into towns and villages across southern Africa in search of food , often leaving a trail of damage in their wake . In the farming village of Barrydale , a four-hour drive from Cape Town , baboons are a growing problem . While some local farmers say they want to shoot baboons found in the village , others favor a more sustainable solution . Report : Central African gorillas may go extinct Jenny Trethowan , of advocacy group Baboon Matters , is known as the `` Baboon Lady '' back in Cape Town ."} +{"answer":"We are going to be looking at that process and how those lists are created , maintained , updated , exchanged and the like , because clearly this individual should not have been able to board this plane carrying that material . '' AbdulMutallab is accused of trying to blow up a Northwest flight from Amsterdam , Netherlands , to Detroit , Michigan , on Christmas Day . Officials say he carried an explosive device that contained pentaerythritol tetranitrate , an explosive also known as PETN . Part of the device , which failed to detonate , was sewn into his underwear , a law enforcement official said Monday . President Obama , in his first public comment since the incident , said Monday that screening and security procedures for all flights were immediately enhanced , including an increase in the number of air marshals on international flights . The federal system for tracking potential terrorism suspects will be reviewed because the latest incident showed that it had possible failings , the president said . All screening policies , technologies and procedures for air travel will be reviewed `` to determine just how the suspect was able to bring dangerous","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Air travel security is being increased as authorities continue to question how a man got explosives on a U.S.-bound passenger jet , according to federal officials , including the president and his homeland security chief . Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told CNN 's `` American Morning '' on Monday that officials would review how anti-terrorist watch lists are maintained . Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab , who is accused of trying to blow up a flight carrying 300 passengers , was on a general list that contained 550,000 other names , but he was still allowed to travel to the United States . A senior administration official said the suspect was not on a no-fly list because `` the info on him was not deemed specific enough to pull his visa or put him on a no-fly list . '' `` Under the existing protocols , it requires an interagency process and the identification of other negative information that 's credible ... and that process whittles down from 500,000 -LSB- names -RSB- or so that are on the generic list to the fewer than 5,000 that are on the no-fly list , '' Napolitano said . ``"} +{"answer":"implementation of sharia law in Swat , an alpine region that was once one of Pakistan 's most popular destinations for foreign tourists . Speaking before an audience of tens of thousands on Sunday , Sufi Muhammed declared democracy and Pakistan 's judicial system `` un-Islamic . '' Since reaching his peace deal with the government in Islamabad , Muhammed has been appointing qazis , or clerics , to serve as judges in Islamic courts in Swat . The rise of the Taliban in Swat has alarmed and frightened some members of local civil society there . `` This is a time bomb for the country , '' said Aftab Alam , the head of the lawyers ' association in Swat district . Speaking by telephone from the town of Mingora , Alam claimed Taliban militants have kidnapped , ransomed and even killed lawyers in recent months . `` The only sane voice against the militants , the only sane voice against the criminals , is the lawyer community , '' he said . `` And this is why we have been declared by them , I mean the militants , liable to death . '' This week , some","question":"ISLAMABAD , Pakistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Taliban in Pakistan have issued a direct challenge to the legitimacy of the Pakistani government , by declaring the country 's entire legal system `` un-Islamic . '' Taliban representatives leave talks in Peshawar in February after reaching a deal on Sharia law in Swat . '' Let the judges and the lawyers go to Islamic university , '' said Muslim Khan , a Taliban spokesman in Pakistan 's Swat Valley . '' -LRB- After -RRB- they learn Islamic rules , Islamic regulation , they can continue to work . '' In a telephone interview Tuesday with CNN , Khan demanded the imposition of Islamic sharia law all across the country . He also called for the creation of jaziya , an Islamic tax , to be levied on all non-Muslims in Pakistan . And Khan denounced any Pakistanis who disagreed with his interpretation of Islam , calling them `` non-Muslims . '' The Taliban militant echoed statements made by Sufi Muhammed , an Islamist fundamentalist leader who helped broker a peace deal between the Pakistani government and the Taliban in Swat Valley . Last week , the deal led to the"} +{"answer":"actively campaigning to spread the word that Goodwill fashion is contemporary and hot . `` Most people have a misunderstanding of Goodwill 's mission and they believe that our mission is to sell inexpensive merchandise to the poor , '' Hurley said . `` In fact , Goodwill 's mission is to provide job training and employment services to people with disadvantages and disabilities . We just happen to fund that mission through the resale of donated items at our retail stores . '' To change the negative perception , Hurley said that four years ago they started a campaign to make the stores more appealing as a source of inexpensive fashions by holding virtual and live fashion shows . See one of Goodwill 's fashion shows '' Hurley said things really took off after they launched a viral marketing campaign and the very successful DCGoodWillFashions blog . Em Hall is the retail marketing manager who blogs as the DC Goodwill Fashionista in a gig that has become so high-profile that she was invited to blog this year from Fashion Week in New York . About once a month on average , Hall and her team put together `` travel","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- After Denise Honeycutt sashayed down the catwalk modeling a sleek sleeveless black dress with a blue lace jacket , she felt so good she bought the outfit . A model walks the runway at the Arlington United Methodist Church fashion show in an outfit from Goodwill . `` I got those two pieces and a skirt for $ 20 , '' she said . `` How 's that for a deal ? '' Such bargains may not be haute couture , but during a recession they are a thrifty shopper 's dream . As budgets tighten during the economic crunch , buying used clothing is no longer just for fans of vintage wear . Many are discovering the hidden treasures in consignment shops , as well as thrift stores and other places once thought to be only for the destitute . That 's a message that Brendan Hurley , senior vice president of Marketing and Communications for Goodwill of Greater Washington , has been working hard to get out . Goodwill of Greater Washington provided the fashions Honeycutt modeled for the show at the Arlington United Methodist Church in Arlington , Virginia , and has been"} +{"answer":"left . `` I am happy and proud of my players , the way they responded to the pain and disappointment of losing the last time , '' Saban said Alabama 's offense was dealt a huge blow early in the game . Kick returner Marquis Maze injured his leg in the second quarter after running a 49-yard punt return . Maze , who is also Alabama 's big-play wide receiver , left the game and never returned . But Alabama was able to overcome the loss and moved the ball up and down the field all game long , to the chagrin of the thousands of purple-and-gold-clad LSU fans who packed the Superdome in New Orleans . By the fourth quarter , the stands seemed like a sea of crimson as Alabama fans celebrated . The loss ends LSU 's undefeated streak , `` My locker room is hurting right now , '' LSU coach Les Miles said after the game . `` We did not get it going offensively at all . Our defense was on the field a long time.Give credit to our opponents on that . It became very hard to get first downs . This","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Alabama exacted revenge and clinched the Bowl Championship Series title on Monday night , besting Louisiana State University 21-0 . The Crimson Tide cleared up past problems with its special teams , kicking five field goals to become champions of college football . Alabama 's stifling defense battered LSU the entire game , holding the Tigers to just five first downs . `` It was great team win . Our defense did a good job . Our offense controlled the momentum and our special teams played well , '' Alabama coach Nick Saban said . Monday 's game was a far cry from the two Southeastern Conference rivals ' last showdown . Both teams went into that game on November 5 undefeated . College football pundits dubbed it the game of the century and Alabama lost 9-6 in overtime . In that game , Alabama missed four field goals , including one in overtime . This time , Alabama 's kicker Jeremy Shelley hit five field goals , giving Alabama a commanding 15-0 lead in the fourth quarter . Crimson Tide 's star running back Trent Richardson broke a 34-yard touchdown with less than five minutes"} +{"answer":"States , the Drug Enforcement Administration says . This fiscal year , Atlanta continues to outpace all other U.S. regions in such seizures , with $ 30 million confiscated so far . Next are Los Angeles , California , with about $ 19 million , and Chicago , Illinois , with $ 18 million . `` There is definitely a center of this type of drug activity here , and we are working to make sure the violence does not spill out to the general public , '' Atlanta U.S. Attorney David Nahmias said . Atlanta has become a stopping point for truckloads of Mexican cocaine , heroin , marijuana and methamphetamine , agents say . The drugs are held in stash houses before being distributed up the East Coast . `` The money comes down here also to money managers in Atlanta , who get the books in order before it is sent out , '' said Rodney Benson , Atlanta 's chief of the DEA . Agents attribute the growth in drug trafficking to Atlanta 's location , proximity to other major cities and access to major highways . Authorities also point to the growth of the Hispanic","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Oscar Reynoso owed his bosses $ 300,000 , and he was running out of time . One anti-drug operation in Atlanta netted $ 10.6 million , 108 kilos of cocaine , 17 pounds of meth and 32 weapons . Gunmen snatched Reynoso and locked him in the basement of a home to try to settle the drug debt . He was chained to a wall of the basement by his hands and ankles , gagged and beaten . His captors , members of a powerful Mexican drug cartel , held Reynoso for ransom , chained in the sweltering , dirty basement for six days without food . Reynoso 's ordeal could 've been a scene from the drug war in Mexico . But it played out recently in suburban Atlanta , Georgia . U.S. federal agents are fighting to keep that kind of violence from gripping Atlanta , as the city known for Coca-Cola and Delta Air Lines has become a major distribution hub for Mexican drug cartels . In fiscal year 2008 , authorities confiscated about $ 70 million in drug-related cash in Atlanta , more than anywhere else in the United"} +{"answer":"'' `` If in your hometown where you live , the death rates of your friends and neighbors doubled and there are no compensating birth rates , would n't you want to figure out what 's going on ? '' said Nathan Stephenson , research ecologist with the U.S. Geological Survey and one of the authors of the report . The study primarily focused on three types of coniferous trees : pines , firs and hemlocks . Older-growth forests -- some up to 500 years old -- have trees of all ages , and researchers found that mortality rates have increased for all age groups . Since mortality rates went up across the board , scientists ruled out a number of other possible causes , including ozone-related air pollution , long-term effects of fire suppression and normal forest dynamics . In the end , California had the highest tree death rate . Of the three types of coniferous trees studied , pines were found to be dying at the fastest rate . Ultimately , higher tree mortality may lead to significant shifts in forest structure and function , the report states . `` Much of the world 's population in","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Forests in the Pacific Northwest are dying twice as fast as they were 17 years ago , and scientists blame warming temperatures for the trend , according to a new study . This photo of Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado shows dying pines and firs among healthy trees . The study , to be released Friday in the journal Science , is the first large-scale analysis of environmental changes as contributing factors in the mortality of coniferous forests . The data for this research was gathered by generations of scientists over a 50-year period at multiple sites in Oregon , Washington , California , Arizona , Colorado , New Mexico and southwestern British Columbia . Seventy-six forest plots , all more than 200 years old , were monitored by scientists doing some of the most rudimentary research -- counting trees . `` It 's not a happy story , but , an important one , '' said Phillip van Mantgem , a research ecologist with the U.S. Geological Survey and the lead author of the study . `` These are beautiful places . They do change and respond to their environment , sometimes quickly ."} +{"answer":"'' the TSA said . On its face , this clear use of ethnic , racial and religious profiling will not achieve greater security in the long term for our country . In fact , by targeting only certain passengers for additional screening , `` blind spots '' can be easily identified and duplicitously exploited by violent extremists wishing our country harm . Defenders of the new rules might say they 're only profiling people coming from certain countries , but the fact that 13 of the 14 are Muslim countries makes clear the religious nature of the profiling . This new policy deeply undermines the Obama administration 's stated commitment to civil rights , equality before the law , and a much-needed effort to rebuild U.S.-Muslim world relations since the disastrous presidency of George W. Bush . Under international law , countries including the United States that use race , color , ethnicity , religion or nationality as a proxy for criminal suspicion are in violation of international standards against racial discrimination and multiple treaties to which the U.S. is a party . These include the U.N. Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination -LRB- CERD","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In light of the botched Christmas Day airliner bombing aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 253 en route from Amsterdam to Detroit , the Transportation Security Administration has announced new enhanced `` guidelines '' requiring airline passengers traveling from -LRB- and through -RRB- 14 different countries to undergo especially rigorous security screening before being able to fly into the United States . Under these new TSA guidelines , security screeners will conduct `` full pat-down body checks '' and extensive carry-on luggage checks for all passengers traveling from a country which the U.S. considers to be a `` security risk . '' These 14 countries are : Afghanistan , Algeria , Cuba , Iraq , Iran , Lebanon , Libya , Nigeria , Pakistan , Saudi Arabia , Somalia , Sudan , Syria and Yemen . Additionally , passengers traveling from any other foreign country may also be checked at ` random ' as well . These new rules mean that `` every individual flying into the U.S. from anywhere in the world traveling from or through nations that are state sponsors of terrorism or other countries of interest will be required to go through enhanced screening ,"} +{"answer":"arrested right away . `` I do n't know how a criminal like him goes free , '' said Enrico Monfrini , a Switzerland-based lawyer who has been representing the Haitian government in a long and drawn out legal battle over Duvalier 's cash . Duvalier reportedly lost a chunk of his wealth when he and Bennet divorced , but the family still has $ 5.7 million in assets in a frozen bank account in Switzerland that belongs to a family foundation . Now , a Swiss law enacted specifically to help repatriate stolen funds from failing states may help return the Duvalier money to Haiti , said Daniel Thelesklaf , executive director of the International Centre for Asset Recovery in Switzerland . `` I am optimistic there will be a decision by the end of the year , '' he said . The law , which goes into effect February 1 , was enacted to help Switzerland overcome existing hurdles with states that have no mutual legal assistance partnership with Switzerland or with troubled nations that are incapable of dealing with such issues , according to the Swiss Foreign Ministry . For a judge order restitution , a government","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The sun had not risen yet on that February day in 1986 when Jean-Claude `` Baby Doc '' Duvalier 's eight-vehicle motorcade of luxury cars and jeeps arrived at the Port-au-Prince airport , then named for his father . Surrounded by soldiers and about 100 journalists who came to witness the end of an era in Haiti , the dictator boarded a United States Air Force C-141 jet along with his glamorous wife , Michele Bennet , their two children and 20 friends and servants . Also on the plane that day were trunks of designer clothes , gold , jewels and priceless art . What could not be seen was the hundreds of millions of dollars Haitian officials accused the Duvalier clan of stealing from state coffers . The pillaging of Haiti 's national treasury now lies at the heart of legal action against Duvalier , who stunned the world by returning to Haiti this week from some 25 years of quiet exile in France . Some lawyers who have been following the Duvalier money trail for years were flabbergasted that such a man was able to enter Haiti legally , that he was not"} +{"answer":"from his father , who told him police might have found Edwin locked in a dank Philadelphia basement with three other people . The pitch-black , 15-by-6-foot space discovered by the owner of the apartment building houses what police described as an abandoned boiler room , where the overwhelming stench of urine and feces still hung in the chamber two days after the discovery . Hours after his father 's phone call , Robert made the nine-hour drive north to see if his long-lost brother was among the four victims . `` It made me nauseous . I was anxious . It was eating me up . I was crying on the way up there . If that gut feeling was n't there , I would n't have gone , '' he said . `` We still did n't know if it was him , but there was only one way to find out . '' Media reports identified Edwin Sanabria and Tamara Breeden as two of the victims . `` When I saw their names together , I knew it was my brother and his girlfriend . I could n't believe it , '' Robert said . When Edwin","question":"Philadelphia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Robert Sanabria thought he would never see his big brother again . Robert was 15 when his brother , Edwin , left home at age 18 . Born prematurely with only one functioning lung , Edwin spent his school years in special education classes , Robert said . He remembered his brother as soft-spoken , humble and kindhearted . `` When he left , he just took off , '' Robert told CNN by phone last Saturday . `` He was in love and ran away . '' He last saw his brother in 1999 . Neighbors and friends would tell Robert they thought they spotted Edwin around the city . `` It was like a bigfoot sighting , '' he said . `` Every time they said they saw him it went nowhere . The information led to a dead end . '' Robert , 29 , is a sergeant in the U.S. Army who lives with his wife outside Fort Bragg , North Carolina . All his years of military training and combat experience could n't prepare him for what happened a few weeks ago . In mid-October , Robert received a call"} +{"answer":", which installed a cement casing for drill operations , he said . It also was the case with the government agency charged with regulating offshore drilling , Reilly said . The report , `` Deep Water : The Gulf Oil Disaster and the Future of Offshore Drilling , '' proposed `` comprehensive '' government and industry actions `` to overhaul the U.S. approach to drilling safety and greatly reduce the chances of a similar , large-scale disaster in the future . '' Over the past 20 years `` we became lulled into a sense of inevitable success , '' which masked the heightened risk in deepwater drilling , said the commission 's co-chair , former Sen. Bob Graham . Advances in science , both in drilling offshore safely and in containing a spill , are vastly inadequate and must be improved , Graham said . The commission faulted the government for passivity , saying regulators were outmatched , underfunded and had conflicting responsibilities that kept them from effective oversight . They called for a new regulatory office headed by a scientist with a fixed term that would be created under the Interior Department . The position would be designed","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- If the government does not take drastic steps , another deepwater oil spill like the BP spill in the Gulf of Mexico could devastate the coastal areas of the United States , an oversight commission warned Tuesday in a long-awaited report to the president . More research , funding and oversight are needed to help prevent another disaster , concluded the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling . `` As drilling pushes into ever deeper and riskier waters where more of America 's oil lies , only systemic reforms of both government and industry will prevent a similar , future disaster , '' said William K. Reilly , the commission co-chairman . Halliburton criticized the report 's conclusions , saying the commission selectively omitted information it submitted . The disaster `` was almost the inevitable result of years of industry and government complacency and lack of attention to safety , '' Reilly said . The disaster led to the worst maritime oil spill in U.S. history . That was `` indisputably the case '' with BP ; Transocean , which owned the Deepwater Horizon oil rig ; and Halliburton"} +{"answer":"It was a clear case of a penalty , '' he said , adding that his team let a two-goal lead slip because they were tired . `` We had two tough -LRB- World Cup -RRB- qualifiers , 23 hours of travel and the time difference . The players have not been sleeping well so obviously we are quite happy with the win . '' Substitute Giuseppe Rossi scored a brace to help world champions Italy stage a second-half recovery against 10-man United States and claim a 3-1 victory in their tournament debut in Pretoria . South Africa are staging the tournament as a warm-up for next year 's World Cup finals -- with Egypt struggling to qualify for 2010 after their recent 3-1 defeat against Algeria . But it looked as though Egypt were going to deny five-times world champions Brazil an opening victory in their defense of the Confederations crown after a fightback that saw Mohamed Zidan also score twice . Brazil were leading 3-1 at halftime with first-half strikes from Kaka -LRB- 5 minutes -RRB- , Luis Fabiano -LRB- 12 -RRB- and Juan -LRB- 37 -RRB- with Zidan heading home Wael Gomaa 's cross on nine .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Kaka converted a penalty in time added on to give holders Brazil a dramatic 4-3 win over Egypt who filed an official complaint after their Confederations Cup opener at Bloemfontein on Monday . Kaka celebrates after his last-gasp penalty gives holders Brazil an opening win in their Confed Cup victory . Substitute Ahmed al-Muhamadi was red-carded after handling on the goalline in a desperate attempt to deny Brazil -- and Real Madrid 's recent $ 92million signing Kaka rifled home from the spot for his second goal of the game . But the decision by English referee Howard Webb to award the penalty upset African Nations Cup winners Egypt . They were unhappy that Webb initially blew for a corner but changed his mind after the fourth official , Australia 's Matthew Breeze , spoke to him after reportedly seeing television replays . `` Since when do the regulations say it is a penalty based on the monitors or on the television ? '' asked Egypt 's deputy coach Shawki Gharib . `` Egypt is going to file a complaint against the penalty . '' Brazil coach Dunga saw nothing wrong with the decision . ``"} +{"answer":"we became `` indivisible '' and `` with liberty and justice for all '' for the first time . During the 1960s , we Americans looked at the war as it occurred on the battlefields , because the conduct and course of the war dominated every single moment of every day . And the Confederate soldiers have historically captured our fascination even more than the Union soldiers . Perhaps it is the gallantry and dash of leaders like Robert E. Lee or Stonewall Jackson or J.E.B. Stuart . Or perhaps it was the common enlisted men in the Confederate ranks , whose valor and courage -- in the face of tremendous privation and against overwhelming odds -- makes them stand out in world history as one of the best bodies of soldiers ever known . Another perspective on the Confederacy and history If the fascination with soldiers continues from the 1960s to today , what has changed ? Today , the study of Confederate history is much more `` inclusive '' -- to use the word of choice for many state 's 150th anniversary commissions -- as we look more deeply into the past . Today we ask different questions","question":"Richmond , Virginia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- `` I 'm a big history buff , '' President Obama said in an interview with ABC News '' George Stephanopoulos . `` And I think that understanding the history of the Confederacy and understanding the history of the Civil War is something that every American and every young American should be part of . '' I am sometimes asked the same question that Mr. Stephanopoulos put to President Obama : Why study Confederate history ? And I agree with the president 's response . As we approach the 150th anniversary of the Civil War , we look back to its centennial in the 1960s . A lot has happened in this country since then , and our appreciation of the lessons of history has changed with the times . One constant has been the importance of the Civil War . It remains as the most important era of American history , a time when America withstood its biggest challenges to a constitutional democracy which then was still viewed as an experiment in a new form of government . The crucible of war defined the nation as we know it today , as"} +{"answer":"of some sort , '' Bickel told CNN . God 's Littlest Angels is considered one of Haiti 's larger orphanages . Parents who have adopted children through the orphanage are also pressing their governments for emergency action . `` The orphans need to be granted refugee status and allowed to come home to their adoptive parents , '' said Allison Garwood of Los Angeles , California , who adopted a boy from GLA and brought him home last year . `` The U.S. needs to not only allow but demand that children be sent to their adoptive families right away . '' British citizen Chris Skelton , who arrived in Haiti hours before the earthquake hit to sign paperwork as part of the adoption process , wrote a public letter urging foreign help . `` I can not express the sheer magnitude of the plight that the children of this country have faced , one which will now spiral downwards further with devastating results , '' Skelton wrote in the letter . `` The situation is dire -- there will be many more children in need of help , and GLA and other orphanages can not cope with the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Foreign governments should urgently accept Haitian orphans on humanitarian grounds following this week 's devastating earthquake , an orphanage director in Haiti and adoptive parents said Friday . Emergency visas and passports could help push through adoptions that were stalled after the quake , and would open up beds for children who lost their parents in the disaster , said Dixie Bickel , director of God 's Littlest Angels orphanage just outside Port-au-Prince . Paperwork for adoptions that were under way when the earthquake hit Tuesday night may now be buried in the rubble of collapsed buildings and lost , said Bickel , whose orphanage cares for 152 children , including 84 babies . The government officials who deal with adoption cases may be missing , hurt , or otherwise focused on the disaster , which means the adoptions wo n't go through , she said . `` I would like to see the international community come up with a plan for the children that have been adopted by European , Canadian , and American citizens of how these children can go to their adoptive parents ' countries , either under refugee status or emergency status"} +{"answer":"book , the essay collection -LRB- 2009 's `` Eating the Dinosaur '' -RRB- . I had to reread H.G. Wells ' `` The Time Machine '' for an essay I was writing . I was living in Germany at the time , teaching for the University of Leipzig , so I got it through Amazon Europe or whatever , and it was an edition of the book that was `` The Time Machine '' and `` The Invisible Man . '' So I decided I would read `` The Invisible Man '' too , since I had n't read it since fifth or sixth grade . It was a totally different book than I 'd remembered -LRB- which is what happens when -RRB- you 're an adult . The thing that was most interesting to me was that the invisible man was such a jerk . He was just this kind of egocentric , weird person . Of course , as I thought it over , what type of personality would pursue something like invisibility ? It would have to be someone who was both very smart and really sort of egocentric -- would lack the normal boundaries a","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Chuck Klosterman 's seventh book and second novel , `` The Visible Man '' -LRB- Scribner -RRB- , is out Tuesday . Its story is told by an Austin , Texas , therapist named Victoria Vick and centers around one of her clients , Y ___ , a man whose name we never learn and who , more importantly , has an unusual talent . Thanks to a suit and some cream he helped develop , Y ___ can basically render himself invisible to the untrained eye . But more than simply a book about a guy with a special ability , `` The Visible Man '' is about how people act when they 're not being watched , and the sketchy moral line that 's crossed by the watcher . CNN spoke with Klosterman about the inspiration for the book , writing about and participating in the interview process , and how no one is going to relate to the two main characters in his new novel . CNN : What was the inspiration for `` The Visible Man '' ? Chuck Klosterman : I think it was probably when I was writing the previous"} +{"answer":"get a chance to portray themselves as an oppressed minority ? This part is even more bizarre : Conservatives are defending the rights of the students because the story fits into their paranoid narrative of cultural displacement -- where the Mexican flag is supplanting Old Glory , Spanish is drowning out English , the tortilla has bread on the run , and so on and on . This is outrageous , conservatives say , as they blast school administrators by accusing them of overstepping their bounds . Conservatives take this stance , but have spent the better part of the last three decades asserting -- in legal briefs and oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court -- the power of public school administrators to maintain order and prevent disruptive behavior even at the expense of curtailing students ' First Amendment rights . In a classic and clumsy flip-flop , conservatives were against First Amendment rights for public school students on campus before they were in favor of them . You see , conservatives usually do n't give a hoot about whether students have the right to express , on school campuses , their opinion about this or that -- especially","question":"San Diego , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When five students at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill , California , taunted Latino students by wearing T-shirts bearing the American flag on Cinco de Mayo , even though administrators had told students beforehand not to wear flag clothing that day , they caused a ruckus , divided a community and reignited the culture wars . And , it turns out , they were just getting warmed up . The ruckus ensued when Assistant Principal Miguel Rodriguez -- apparently fearing that the boys ' fashion choices might provoke a violent response from Latino students who have developed an emotional attachment to the faux holiday as `` their day '' -- told the youths to either turn their T-shirts inside out or go home . The lads chose the latter , and were , for this act of defiance , magically transformed from bratty kids to defenders of individual freedom and innocent victims of the establishment . Why not ? Everyone else in society plays the victim . Nothing is ever anyone 's fault . Someone else is always to blame . And so why should n't these five young men"} +{"answer":"that had already been created . But some researchers say those cells are not useful . `` The president believes medical problems can be solved without compromising either the high aims of science or the sanctity of human life , '' the White House statement said . `` We will continue to encourage scientists to expand the frontiers of stem cell research and continue to advance the understanding of human biology in an ethically responsible way . '' Watch a Harvard expert talk about what 's next in stem cell research '' `` This breakthrough provides further evidence that the most promising avenues of stem cell research are also the most ethical , '' concurred Sen. Tom Coburn , R-Oklahoma , a physician . `` Politicians should note that the scientific community is moving rapidly without the assistance of laws requiring the taxpayer-funded destruction of human life . '' He added , `` This breakthrough helps vindicate President Bush 's policy and his vetoes of Congress ' short-sighted and outdated approach to stem cell research . History will note the wisdom of President Bush 's refusal to set a dangerous precedent that could not be easily undone . '' And","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- All sides involved in the controversy over the use of embryonic stem cells in research claimed vindication Tuesday after two teams of researchers reported having reprogrammed human skin cells to act like the stem cells , which have the potential of morphing into other cells and thereby curing disease . President Bush has twice vetoed bills that would have eased limits on funding for embryonic stem cell research . People who believe that life begins at conception liken the destruction of the embryonic stem cells to killing and therefore oppose their use in research . The new research , they said , shows that alternatives are available . `` By avoiding techniques that destroy life , while vigorously supporting alternative approaches , President Bush is encouraging scientific advancement within ethical boundaries , '' the White House said Tuesday in a written statement on the new research . Bush has twice vetoed bills that would have eased restrictions on the use of federal funds for research involving embryonic stem cells . Watch Bush state why he opposes the use of stem cells In August 2001 , he limited federal funding for embryonic stem cell research to lines"} +{"answer":"an important part of a network of traffickers of undocumented people , especially women and children from Central America and the Caribbean , '' the news release said . Torres-Puello faces charges in the United States of conspiracy to take foreigners into the country illegally , it said . In El Salvador , he and his wife , Ana Josefa Ramirez Orellana , face charges of presumed sexual exploitation of minors and women , it said . Ramirez Orellana is jailed in El Salvador . The drug agency said Torres-Puello forced Nicaraguan and Dominican children to work as prostitutes in El Salvador . Torres-Puello is also wanted in Vermont on alien smuggling offenses and in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , for probation violations for fraud , the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency said . He is also wanted in Canada . Shortly after the American missionaries were arrested in Haiti on kidnapping and abduction charges , Torres-Puello contacted their church in Idaho , identified himself as a legal authority on Haitian and Dominican law , obtained a retainer and began representing himself as their attorney\/spokesman , the U.S. agency said . But Torres-Puello is not registered in the country 's","question":"Santo Domingo , Dominican Republic -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A man who provided legal advice to 10 American Baptists accused of kidnapping 33 Haitian children after the earthquake there was arrested Thursday night in the Dominican Republic and accused of human trafficking , the country 's anti-narcotics agency said Friday . The man , identified as Jorge Torres-Puello , is linked to a network that trafficked in Haitian and Central American children and is wanted in the United States , El Salvador and Costa Rica , the National Drug Control Agency said . Torres-Puello had been hiding in the Dominican Republic after he was accused of using the country to take Haitian children to North America , it said . Members of the drug agency took Torres-Puello , also known as Jorge Torres Orellana , into custody without incident at 8 p.m. in the parking lot of a McDonald 's restaurant in the capital , the news release said . Torres-Puello is a Dominican who was born in New York , it said . `` According to documents of authorities in the United States , the Dominican Republic as well as El Salvador and Costa Rica , this person is"} +{"answer":"said Friday that it needs more time to decide whether to sign onto a deal that could help end the international showdown over its nuclear activities . That proposal calls for low-enriched uranium produced in Iran to be sent abroad for further enrichment and then returned for use in medical research and treatment . Tehran is studying the draft proposal and will have an answer next week , Iranian diplomat Ali Asghar Soltanieh said on state-run Press TV . Iran informed IAEA Director General Mohamed ElBaradei that it is `` considering the proposal in depth and in a favorable light , but it needs until the middle of next week to provide a response , '' according to an IAEA statement . Delegations from Iran , France , Russia , the United States and the IAEA met in Vienna this week to work out details of the tentative deal reached in early October . France , Russia and the United States have indicated their approval of the arrangement . `` The Director General hopes that Iran 's response will equally be positive , since approval of this agreement will signal a new era of cooperation , '' the IAEA statement","question":"Tehran , Iran -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- United Nations-backed nuclear inspectors on Sunday visited a newly disclosed Iranian nuclear facility near the city of Qom , Iranian media has reported . `` IAEA inspectors today visited the ... nuclear installation , '' the semi-official Mehr news agency said , referring to International Atomic Energy Agency staff . `` The IAEA inspectors arrived Saturday night and are scheduled to inspect the ... site several times . The inspectors will leave Tehran Tuesday . '' Tehran sent shock waves through the international community in September by revealing the existence of the previously secret nuclear enrichment facility near Qom . The IAEA announced Saturday its inspectors were leaving for the much-anticipated inspection . The agency declined to give more details on Sunday . `` It is our policy not to comment on the itinerary of our inspectors , '' a spokesman for the U.N. nuclear watchdog told CNN . The inspectors will visit the installation to make sure it is being used for peaceful purposes , said Ali Akbar Salehi , the head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran , according to the Islamic Republic News Agency . The inspection comes after Iran"} +{"answer":". '' `` The big government , the big debt , Obama-Pelosi-Reid spending spree is over . You 're fired , '' she said , prompting cheers from the crowd . Are you there or at another Tea Party ? Share your video , images Palin 's speech Saturday echoed many of her recent appearances at Tea Party events as she promoted `` common sense conservative values '' and decried `` elites in Washington '' and big government spending . She addressed recent criticism of a post on her Facebook page that called for conservatives not to retreat in the wake of the health care vote , but `` reload . '' Some critics have suggested the post encouraged violent acts against those who voted in favor of the legislation . `` Let 's clear the air right now , '' she said . `` We 're not inciting violence . Do n't get sucked into the lame-stream media lies about Americans standing up for freedom . it 's a bunch of bunk that the media is trying to feed you . Do n't let them try to divert '' attention from the issue . Other expected speakers included Gov.","question":"Searchlight , Nevada -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin kicked off a Tea Party rally Saturday in Sen. Harry Reid 's hometown , encouraging disgruntled Americans to `` take back our country '' while attacking what she called the `` Obama-Pelosi-Reid spending spree . '' `` There 's no better place to kick off the Tea Party Express than Harry Reid 's hometown , '' Palin said at the rally , dubbed `` Showdown in Searchlight , '' aimed at conjuring up support for the Senate Majority Leader 's defeat in November elections . Activists -- some of whom are calling the gathering the largest retirement party in the world -- hope it will carry a strong symbolic message . Reid , the Senate majority leader , is credited with helping push through Congress the controversial health care bill that President Barack Obama signed Tuesday , as well as the `` fixes '' measure that passed Thursday . `` Washington has broken faith with the people that they are to be serving , '' Palin told the crowd , which numbered in the thousands . Palin said the message to government leaders was `` loud and clear"} +{"answer":"in low-lying areas -- The Netherlands , Polynesia , Bangladesh -- the ecopolis , its creator believes , could be the answer to mass human displacement that global warming is predicted to cause . In its most recent 2007 report the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicted sea levels will rise by 60-90 cm during this century . Some climate scientists like James Hansen think that if greenhouse gas emissions are n't checked then those figures might be much , much worse . In practice , Callebaut envisages the Lilypad sailing the seas , following currents like a futuristic cruise ship . He also thinks that it could `` widen sustainability in offshore territories of the most developed countries such as Monaco '' . You ca n't help thinking that the well-heeled residents of the Principality might have a thing or two to say about 50,000 climatic refugees bobbing around in the harbour , but you can not fault Callebaut 's ambition . His previous creations -- showcased on his website -- reveal an imagination working at full throttle with sustainable design lying at its heart . Anti-Smog -- a prototype of depolluting architecture and Ecomic -- an ecotower rising","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The concept may be radical , but it might just have to be if the worst predictions of climate change are realized . The Lilypad as imagined by architect Vincent Callebaut moored off the coast of Monaco . The Lilypad , a floating ecopolis for climatic refugees , is the creation of Belgian architect Vincent Callebaut . `` It is '' he says , `` a true amphibian , half aquatic and half terrestrial city , able to accommodate 50,000 inhabitants and inviting biodiversity '' . Callebaut imagines his structure at 250 times the scale of a lilypad , with a skin made of polyester fibres coated in titanium dioxide which would react with ultraviolet light and absorb atmospheric pollution . The Lilypad comprises of three marinas and three mountain regions with streets and structures strewn with foliage . `` The goal is to create a harmonious coexistence of humans and nature , '' said Callebaut . With a central fresh water lagoon acting as ballast , the whole construction would be carbon neutral utilizing solar , thermal , wind , hydraulic , tidal and osmotic energies . With high density populations living"} +{"answer":"and steadily turned into a great Everyman actor -- is in nimble control as he reveals his character 's deep crazies . Watch why Damon gained 30 pounds for the role '' Soderbergh 's amused study of the highest-ranking corporate whistleblower in U.S. history is adapted from `` The Informant : A True Story , '' an amazing , deeply reported book by New York Times reporter Kurt Eichenwald . That book told the story without editorial eye-rolling . But somewhere between Eichenwald 's journalistic attention to detail and the bubbly , dialogue-besotted script by `` The Bourne Ultimatum 's '' Scott Z. Burns , Soderbergh has chosen to apply an attitude of arch whoopee , a greasy veneer of mirth over what is , no joke , a serious mess of malfeasance and mental instability . It 's tempting to laugh , but what 's the joke : Whitacre ? ADM ? The FBI ? The fashion trends of Decatur ? Smarty condescension lurks behind the suburban bushes . Had a '90s date and place card not been supplied , I would have remained in an honest muddle about the era depicted on screen . And since Whitacre is","question":"-LRB- Entertainment Weekly -RRB- -- Punctuation promises comedy in `` The Informant ! '' as if the title subject is a cartoon secret agent -- maybe Agent 86 in `` Get Smart . '' Matt Damon , as a corporate turncoat , offers up secrets in `` The Informant ! '' But he 's not . The whistle-blower worthy of an exclamation point in this groovy-looking , chuckle-baiting , fact-based movie from protean director Steven Soderbergh is Mark Whitacre -LRB- Matt Damon -RRB- , a biochemist and well-placed executive at the agri-processing giant Archer Daniels Midland -LRB- ADM -RRB- in Decatur , Illinois . It 's the early 1990s . The company man is helping expose ADM 's alleged global price-fixing activities to the FBI , cooperating with the feds long enough to gather invaluable evidence . But what Whitacre does n't confide to his FBI handlers , and what his wheat-colored jackets , Dilbert ties , and weakling mustache hide , at least at first , is that this inside source is not completely trustworthy . Damon , fattened up to fit his boxy suits , wears Whitacre 's slack demeanor beautifully . The star -- who has quietly"} +{"answer":"Clint : the suspicious squint , granite composure and bad-ass attitude . Is Eastwood important ? If you have grown up with this enduring American icon , there 's no question about it . Apparently Nick Schenk 's screenplay was n't written specifically for him , but after seeing the film it 's impossible to imagine it with anyone else . Eastwood 's Walt Kowalski is a Korean War veteran and retired auto worker , a grumpy old man and the last white guy holding on to his property in an inner-city neighborhood that 's been taken over by Asian-Americans . The movie opens at his wife 's funeral . -LRB- How many times have we seen Eastwood with a wife on screen ? Not too often . -RRB- Walt 's not happy , of course , but more than anything , he seems pissed off . His kids are a sore disappointment . The grandkids merit nothing more than a growl . At the wake , even the priest , Father Janovich -LRB- freckle-faced Christopher Carley -RRB- , is quickly shown the door . Walt is alone now , and he means to keep it that way . He","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- You may have noticed : Clint Eastwood has become respectable in his old age . `` Gran Torino , '' says Tom Charity , is all about Clint Eastwood . And that 's a great thing . To judge by the release pattern and some of the more reverent reviews , you would think the 78-year-old director 's second movie of the season -LRB- after `` Changeling '' -RRB- was another prestige picture with Oscar firmly in its sights , along the lines of `` Million Dollar Baby '' or `` Letters from Iwo Jima . '' Nominations may be forthcoming , or they may not -LRB- we 'll find out January 22 -RRB- , but trust me , `` Gran Torino '' is not that kind of animal . It 's a crude but pungent stab at popular filmmaking , blue-collar and bare-knuckle . Which is not to say it 's disappointing . On the contrary , it 's an entertaining star vehicle that does its job well . Other films around right now tackle `` important '' themes -- the Holocaust , justice , alienation -- but `` Gran Torino '' is all about"} +{"answer":"symbol of hope and promise in America 's post - Civil War period . `` The arrival on Ellis Island is the fulfillment that you know something good is going to happen to you , '' said Belarksy , now a 91-year-old widow living in a Russian enclave of Brooklyn , New York . Her family became part of the more than 12 million immigrants processed through Ellis Island between 1892 and 1954 , according to the U.S. National Park Service . Adjacent to Ellis towers Lady Liberty , measuring more than 305 feet from base to torch . Originally , the statue was supposed to be an Egyptian peasant girl that would have stood at the entrance of Egypt 's then-new Suez Canal , but plans would evolve into the Roman goddess who would instead adorn New York Harbor . `` The sculptor , -LRB- Frederic -RRB- Bartholdi , was very clever , '' said Edward Berenson , professor of history and director of the Institute of French Studies at New York University . `` He put -LRB- the statue -RRB- where he did because it 's right at the narrows of New York Harbor , so he knew","question":"New York -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As snow fell across New York Harbor , Isabel Belarsky clutched her mother , Clara , aboard a passenger ship that puttered toward Ellis Island and wondered what their new lives would bring . The year was 1930 . About a week earlier , the 10-year-old girl from what is now called St. Petersburg , Russia , had embarked on a transatlantic journey with her Ukrainian parents from the French port city of Cherbourg , escaping what she described as Jewish persecution at the start of Joseph Stalin 's Soviet Union . On an island near Manhattan stood the copper colossus that would etch her first memories of the new world . `` It was a wonderful sight , '' she said of the Statue of Liberty , which marked its 125th anniversary Friday . The idea for the monument is thought to have been conceived at a 19th-century dinner party among French aristocrats , historians say , who sought to pay tribute to American liberty . And while the French gift is also widely believed to have at least in part catered to domestic politics , for many , it quickly became a"} +{"answer":"on condition of Jackson 's body '' He also cautioned that it was too soon to say whether an intravenous drip of Diprivan caused the track marks . Some appeared fresh ; others older , he said . The new ones could have resulted from the IVs that paramedics used when they tried to revive Jackson after he was found unconscious . Another source with knowledge of the case said Jackson 's veins were collapsed in both arms , suggesting frequent intravenous drug use . The first source said Jackson 's body was `` lily white from head to toe , '' perhaps the result of vitiligo -- a condition that causes the skin to lose melanin and produce slowly enlarging white patches . The second source said Jackson had `` paper white skin . As white as a white T-shirt . '' The singer also did not have any hair -- a lingering effect , possibly , of an accident in 1984 when Jackson suffered burns to his scalp while shooting a commercial for Pepsi . Also , said the second source , Jackson was emaciated -- despite the vigor he 's seen displaying in a taped rehearsal clip","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When Michael Jackson collapsed at his rented mansion last month , the singer 's arms were riddled with marks and their veins had collapsed -- both characteristics found in intravenous drug users , sources told CNN on Tuesday . A source says Michael Jackson had `` paper white skin . As white as a white T-shirt . '' The revelations add to the speculation that prescription drugs played a part in Jackson 's death on June 25 . The exact cause is pending toxicology results that are n't due for at least another week . A source involved with the investigation into Jackson 's death told CNN that Jackson had `` numerous track marks '' on his arms -- and that those marks `` could certainly be consistent with the regular IV use of a drug , like Diprivan . '' The sources did not want to be identified because the investigation is ongoing . The source said investigators found numerous bottles of prescription drugs in the singer 's $ 100,000-a-month rented mansion in Holmby Hills , but he would not confirm whether Diprivan was among them . Watch what sources say"} +{"answer":"and to make something productive out of it and not just to wallow in my pity . '' Watch the story of the Rogers family tragedy '' Rogers ' mission manifests itself in a variety of ways . In the past five years , he estimates he has told the story of his loss at least 400 times to more than 120,000 people . The message behind his story is to live life with no regrets by embracing your family and faith . `` People have responded to me that they want to change the way they live their life . They want to have a personal relationship with God and they want to get right with their spouse and children , '' he said . In addition to his speaking tours , Rogers has established a ministry dedicated to serving orphans across the world . Rogers also traveled to Haiti and tsunami-ravaged parts of Asia to minister and deliver aid to orphans . Watch Rogers talk about his ministry '' His mission is to establish five orphanages in five continents to symbolize the five family members he lost . One , called Melissa 's House , already exists in","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Five years ago , Robert Rogers was driving home with his family from a wedding when a flash flood took his wife and four children from him in an instant . Robert and Melissa Rogers with their four children before they died in August 2003 . Rainfall from a torrential downpour swept the Rogers ' minivan off a Kansas highway . As water filled the van , Rogers kicked out a window in a last-ditch effort to save his family . Instead , he and his wife , Melissa , and daughter , Makenah , were sucked out of the van . Hours later , the bodies of children Zachary , 5 , Nicholas , 3 , and Alenah , 1 , still buckled in their car seats , were found inside the van . Rogers survived . Instead of falling into despair , he became a minister dedicated to honoring his family by preaching messages of hope in the face of adversity . `` It was a huge choice of faith , '' Rogers told CNN . `` It was a determination to live life to honor God , to honor my heavenly family ,"} +{"answer":"of people have been forced to rely on insufficient supplies of poor-quality water as water and sewage systems suffer from a lack of maintenance and a shortage of engineers . '' The Bush administration and many Republican lawmakers , including presidential candidate Sen. John McCain , have frequently praised successes in Iraq in recent months , noting improvements in security in key areas . They attribute that in part to the buildup of U.S. troops in Iraq ordered by President Bush last year . Vice President Dick Cheney described the five year U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in a news conference Monday during a visit to Baghdad . `` This week marks the fifth anniversary , '' said Cheney . `` It has been a difficult , challenging , but none the less successful endeavor . '' Democrats , including presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama , have said the government failed to use the downturn in violence to achieve the steps it was supposed to make possible . Sen. John McCain met with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Monday where he stressed the United States ' commitment to Iraq . `` We recognize that al Qaeda is on","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As the war in Iraq reaches its five-year anniversary this week , two of the world 's leading humanitarian groups issued extensive reports Monday describing a crisis of huge proportions with little reason for hope . Iraqi women mourn the death of their relative outside the morgue in the restive city of Baquba , Iraq , on March 12 . `` Despite claims that the security situation has improved in recent months , the human rights situation is disastrous , '' Amnesty International says in its report , titled `` Carnage and Despair : Iraq Five Years On . '' In a summary of the report , Amnesty writes that `` a climate of impunity has prevailed , the economy is in tatters and the refugee crisis '' keeps escalating . The International Committee of the Red Cross , in a report titled `` Iraq : No Let-up in the Humanitarian Crisis , '' writes , `` Despite limited improvements in security in some areas , armed violence is still having a disastrous impact . Civilians continue to be killed in the hostilities . `` The injured often do not receive adequate medical care . Millions"} +{"answer":"stylish slip-ons , which Vogue magazine declared `` cool shoes for a cool cause , '' have become a must-have item among fashion elite and received the People 's Design Award from the Smithsonian 's Cooper-Hewitt Museum last year . By the time he launched TOMS , Mycoskie already had four start-ups under his belt . But he did n't always have his sights set on the business world . Growing up , his aim was to play professional tennis . He trained hard and earned a scholarship to Southern Methodist University , where he studied philosophy and finance . But an injury sidelined him his sophomore year . That 's when he got the idea for his first venture , a college laundry service . Within one year , the business , Easy Laundry , had 40 employees , had expanded to three schools and was generating nearly $ 1 million in sales . That 's when Mycoskie realized he was born to be an entrepreneur and dropped out of school . `` I realized I loved doing this . I realized I loved the idea of creating something out of scratch and seeing it work and seeing the","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Blake Mycoskie was traveling in South America when he saw , for the first time , hundreds of children without shoes . TOMS founder and entrepreneur Blake Mycoskie says he wanted to make money and do good at the same time . `` I had never met anyone who did n't have shoes , '' the veteran entrepreneur told CNN . That visit to a village in Argentina inspired the creation of a socially responsible footwear company that blends philanthropy and business . Mycoskie called the company TOMS : Shoes For Tomorrow -- a name that reflects his desire to provide shoes for disadvantaged children in a sustainable way . Mycoskie , now 32 , said he realized he could make money and do good at the same time with TOMS . The company 's mission is uncomplicated : It gives a free pair of shoes to a child in need every time it sells a pair . Santa Monica , Calif.-based TOMS gave away 10,000 pairs of shoes in the first six months after its launch in 2006 . This year the company is on track to donate 200,000 pairs . The"} +{"answer":"nights before he was killed , Ignagni told police . On the morning of July 4 , Kazemi texted McNair , saying she was stressed and needed money to pay bills . `` Baby I might have a break down im so stressed , '' Kazemi said in one text message . `` baby i might need to go to the hospital . baby whats wrong w -LRB- ith -RRB- me i can hardly breath -LRB- e -RRB- . '' Chris Wall , who provided security for McNair and his family , told police he knew about McNair 's relationship with Kazemi . McNair was tired of her calling when he was with his family , Wall said . Kazemi continued to text McNair throughout the day , asking for money and when she could see him next . `` baby what are u doing , '' Kazemi asked . `` At the pool with the kids . I got the guy transferring the money , '' McNair replied . At 4:04 p.m. on July 3 , Kazemi said , `` baby I have to be w -LRB- ith -RRB- u 2nite . I dnt care where . '' The","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The girlfriend of former NFL quarterback Steve McNair had grown frustrated with their relationship and was struggling with financial difficulties in the days before she killed him and herself in July . Steve McNair , former NFL quarterback , was a married father of four when he was killed last summer . Details of their relationship were revealed in a case summary released by Nashville police Monday . McNair , 36 , and Sahel Kazemi , 20 , were found fatally shot in a condominium in downtown Nashville on July 4 . Police have since ruled their deaths a murder-suicide . `` My life is just s -- and I should end it , '' Kazemi said the night before the couple were found dead , according to Sonya New , her shift manager at a Dave & Busters restaurant . New also said Kazemi was not her usual self and seemed down . Though McNair was a married father of four , he was seeing Kazemi and at least one other woman , Leah Ignagni , according to Nashville police . McNair had spent the night at Ignagni 's apartment on July 2 , two"} +{"answer":"'s capabilities . `` It 's kind of like the starving person who all of a sudden finds himself in front of a buffet . And now I 've got the buffet . I 've got my all-you-can-eat plate , and I 'm just loading it up , '' Garlett said . A heart transplant may seem extremely daunting , but Garlett saw it as a more hopeful operation than his years of cancer treatments . `` Going in for chemotherapy , as a patient you know what 's happening . Your body is being poisoned and you know that when you come out on the other side of it , you 're going to have given up something , '' said Garlett , a sportswriter and motivational speaker living in Marina del Rey , California . `` On the heart transplant , though , it was completely the opposite . I knew that from the day of the transplant on , every day I 'd be getting stronger . And they were now doing something that was going to fix me , improve my life . '' Garlett , who says he 's `` not a klutz '' but","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- If all goes according to plan , cancer survivor Kyle Garlett will compete in October 's Ford Ironman World Championship , a grueling triathlon made up of a 2.4-mile ocean swim , a 112-mile bicycle ride and a 26.2-mile run . Heart transplant recipient and cancer survivor Kyle Garlett will compete in October 's Ironman World Championship . And he 'll do it with another man 's heart pumping in his chest . `` I do n't think there 's anybody who would n't consider me a success story and a survivor , '' Garlett said . His medical issues began in 1989 when he received his first Hodgkin 's disease diagnosis as a high school senior . In 1995 , during his third battle with the cancer , doctors ceased his chemotherapy treatment when they discovered it had weakened his heart . Two years later , Garlett learned he had secondary leukemia as a result of chemotherapy to treat the Hodgkin 's , and three more years of chemotherapy ensued . And after five years on the waiting list , he received a new heart in 2006 . Now , the 37-year-old savors his body"} +{"answer":", were dependent on `` foreign financing . '' The BNA report specifically referenced money that one suspect supposedly got during a visit to Iran . Another report , released early Monday by Iran 's state-run Press TV , described the arrests and Bahraini claims as `` anti-Iran political theater . '' `` Manama has made similar allegations on a number of occasions , and every time Iran has denied all the charges , '' the Press TV report said . A Bahrain interior ministry spokesman had earlier said , in a statement , that Qatari security authorities initially arrested four Bahrainis who had entered Qatar from neighboring Saudi Arabia . The suspects were carrying documents and a laptop `` containing sensitive security information and details about some places and vital establishments in Bahrain , as well as airline bookings to Syria , '' the spokesman 's statement said . The suspects were also carrying a `` significant '' amount of U.S. and Iranian currency , the spokesman said . The Qatari Security Authority learned that the four suspects left Bahrain `` after being incited by others to head to Iran , '' and then they passed through Qatar and","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Bahraini authorities on Sunday explicitly tied the recent arrests of alleged `` terrorist cell '' members with Iran , claiming the suspects got funding from that Middle Eastern nation and had ties to Iran 's Revolutionary Guard and Basij , according to a state media report . A day earlier , a Bahrain Ministry of Interior spokesman said authorities had arrested five people for allegedly planning attacks against -- among other targets -- the interior ministry building , the King Fahad Causeway and Saudi Arabia 's embassy in Manama . On Sunday , a spokesman for the public prosecution office -- which has taken over the investigation from the interior ministry -- offered new details about the alleged plotters . Much of the new information was derived from what the official Bahrain News Agency describes as `` confessions made by some of the accused gangsters . '' The BNA report stated the alleged terrorists had connected with `` militant elements in -LRB- Iran 's -RRB- Revolutionary Guard '' and Basij , the volunteer paramilitary group allied with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei . The Bahrain prosecutor 's spokesman claimed the suspected terrorists planning , and operations"} +{"answer":"told CNN 's `` AC 360 . '' But she said the church told her , `` No , we are not Nathan 's biological father , we have no legal obligation to your son . '' Willenborg , whose priestly vows require celibacy , has been suspended from his most recent assignment , in northern Wisconsin , as Catholic leaders investigate allegations that he was involved with another woman -- then in high school -- around the same time he was seeing Bond . Willenborg has acknowledged his relationship with Bond , but denies any inappropriate relationship with the other woman while she was a minor , according to his current bishop . And his order acknowledges its agreement to support his son , telling CNN they have paid about $ 233,000 to support Nathan over his lifetime . Since the affair has become public , the Franciscan Order has agreed to pick up Nathan 's medical bills and the costs for the funeral that now appears likely . Willenborg refused to speak to CNN . But a statement to his parishioners in Ashland , Wisconsin , in September , said , `` My failure to be faithful to","question":"O'Fallon , Missouri -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Nathan Halbach is 22 , with a diagnosis of terminal brain cancer . He knows that `` horrible stuff '' lies ahead . His mother , Pat Bond , has been taking care of him full time . But when she needed help , she reached out to the Roman Catholic Church . After all , his father is a priest . Nathan was born in 1986 , during a five-year affair between his mother and Father Henry Willenborg , the Franciscan priest who celebrated Nathan 's baptism . In a story first reported in the New York Times , it was revealed that The Franciscan Order drew up an agreement acknowledging the boy 's paternity and agreeing to pay child support in exchange for a pledge of confidentiality . Now her son -- the youngest of four children -- may have just weeks to live . And when the Franciscans balked at paying for his care , she decided she was no longer bound by her pledge of confidentiality . `` I never asked for extraordinary amounts . I asked for the basic needs and care of my son , '' Bond"} +{"answer":"reviews via Twitter . If social media is an indication , the Double Down is developing quite a cult following . '' Maynard said . But does the adage `` any publicity is good publicity '' hold true ? `` Stunt food has been a part of restaurant life probably since the first time a chef put a napkin over a customer 's head in order to serve him a whole , rare , roasted ortolan , '' -LRB- a legendarily decadent meal of a fatty bird , bones and all -RRB- wrote Sam Sifton , The New York Times restaurant critic . If the past is any indicator , the Evil Knievels of the fast food realm have worked . Though their calorie count is a lot more Evil than Knievel . St. Louis-based Hardee 's Food Systems Inc. rolled out its now-infamous Monster Thickburger in 2004 . The self-proclaimed `` monument to decadence '' features two 1\/3 pound Angus beef patties , four bacon strips , three slices of American cheese , and mayonnaise on a buttered sesame seed bun - and clocks in at approximately 1,420 calories and 107 grams of fat . For Hardee 's ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When it comes to fast food , the big chains ca n't help going over the top . April brought consumers the Double Down heard around the world -- a bunless bomb o ' meat from KFC touting the slogan `` It 's real . '' Bloggers taste-tested it , The New York Times 's restaurant critic reviewed it , it was a top trending topic Twitter alongside the likes of Justin Bieber - and after two weeks , did the company 's Double Down wager pay off ? The stakes are high indeed , especially after KFC 's sales fell 5.8 percent in 2009 , according to food industry research firm , Technomic . `` Unfortunately , we are not able to provide sales information , '' KFC 's Public Relations Manager , Rick Maynard , told CNN . Those numbers only become available from Yum ! Brands , the chain 's parent company that also owns Taco Bell and Pizza Hut , during its quarterly reporting . `` It -LSB- the Double Down -RSB- continues to generate a tremendous amount of online buzz , from videotaped taste tests on YouTube to real-time , in-store"} +{"answer":"pace of Inter 's attacks and it was no surprise when the league leaders doubled their advantage two minutes before half-time . A long free-kick out of defense was headed down by Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Dejan Stankovic was on hand to crack home a superb shot on the half-volley . Inter were inches from making it 3-0 in the 47th minute when Milan again failed to deal with a long ball . Georgian defender Kakha Kaladze slipped over when trying to deal with the danger , allowing Adriano a free run on goal . However , the striker fired just wide with Ibrahimovic unmarked in the area begging for the ball . David Beckham had a quiet match for Milan and the England midfielder was eventually substituted in the 55th minute for Filippo Inzaghi , seemingly holding a hamstring injury . The chances kept coming for Inter . On the hour mark the superb Ibrahimovic was denied by a brilliant reflex save from goalkeeper Christian Abbiati . However , against the run of play , Milan gave themselves hope with a 71st minute strike . Ronaldinho produced some Brazilian magic to lay a delightful ball through for Marek Jankulovski on","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Inter extended their lead at the top of Serie A to nine points after beating AC Milan 2-1 in a thrilling San Siro derby on Sunday , dealing a fatal blow to their city rivals ' Serie A title hopes in the process . Dejan Stankovic celebrates scoring Inter 's second goal in the superb 2-1 victory over city rivals AC Milan . Jose Mourinho 's side , who were the home team in the 150th league meeeting between the two Italian giants , should have taken an 18th minute lead when a fine flowing move resulted in Esteban Cambiasso crossing from the left for Dejan Stankovic to score . However , the Serbian midfielder just delayed his shot on goal , allowing Masssimo Ambrosini to come back and produce a goal-saving challenge in the area . Inter did eventually take the lead in the 29th minute , but the goal was shrouded in controversy . Maicon 's cross from the right was met by the head of fellow-Brazilian Adriano , but the effort clearly brushed off the striker 's arm before finding its way into the net . Milan were struggling to cope with the"} +{"answer":"bizarre hairstyles -LRB- with versions of the short-in-front , long-in-back `` mullet '' leading the pack -RRB- and fashion crimes ranging from furry leg warmers to miniskirts that leave absolutely nothing to the imagination . There 's a guy enjoying a can of beer outside a Wal-Mart , a guy dressed as Captain America and another guy with a goat . Yes , a live goat . Andrew and his brother Adam , 25 , said they thought of the site after a visit to a South Carolina Wal-Mart where they saw a woman they believed to be a stripper , wearing an obscene T-shirt and leading a toddler in a harness . Around the next corner was a man with a beard reminiscent of the rock band ZZ Top . `` It 's kind of like the light bulb went off , '' Andrew said . `` We get the e-mails already from people who are like , ` Why did n't I think of this ? ' We just happened to be fortunate enough to have the ability to actually follow through on it . '' Their site was keeping up when it was getting about 500,000 views","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It 's a blog where people post , and make fun of , pictures of out-of-shape , poorly dressed and otherwise awkward people shopping at Wal-Mart . The `` People of Walmart '' blog features photos taken by users at the mega-chain . And , in less than a month , with no marketing to speak of , it 's become the toast of the Internet . `` People of Wal-Mart , '' a gag started by two 20-something brothers and their buddy to share crazy pictures with their friends , has gone viral . Promoted largely on sites like Digg and Funny or Die -- and linked ad nauseam on Facebook and Twitter -- the site picked up enough traffic to crash its servers on Wednesday . `` I 'm still baffled -- I really am , '' said Andrew Kipple , 23 , one of the creators of the site , who said his team was frantically working Wednesday to add enough server space to handle the surge in traffic . Photos on the site , sent in by viewers all over the United States , frequently feature overweight people wearing tight clothes ,"} +{"answer":"precious metals that can only be either gold or silver . The instruments would not have reacted to any other metal like copper . '' See photos from hunt for lost Nazi gold '' Hanisch pointed out that his father , who was a navigator in the Luftwaffe , the Nazi air force , was one of the troops said to have been involved in hiding art , gold and silver as the Nazis realized that they would lose the war . He said that when his father died , he left coordinates leading to the spot in Deutschneudorf . `` It 's not about getting the reward , '' Hanisch said at the site . `` I just want to know if my father was right and if my instincts were right . '' Haustein , who is paying for the expedition , said he hopes that finding the gold could lead to the Amber Room , whose interior is made completely of amber and gold . It was looted by the Nazis from a castle in St. Petersburg , Russia , after Adolf Hitler 's forces invaded the Soviet Union in 1941 . The room looked so majestic","question":"DEUTSCHNEUDORF , Germany -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Digging has resumed at a site in the southeastern German town of Deutschneudorf , where treasure hunters believe there are almost 2 tons of Nazi gold and possibly clues to the whereabouts of the legendary Amber Room , a prize taken from a Russian castle during World War II . Treasure hunters use modern technology to try to locate the lost Nazi gold . Heinz Peter Haustein , one of the two treasure hunters and a member of Germany 's parliament , said : `` We have already hit a hollow area under the surface , it 's filled with water and we are not sure if it is the cave we are looking for . '' Digging was stopped more than a week ago amid safety concerns , as authorities and the treasure hunters feared that the shaft might collapse and that the cave -- if it is there -- may be rigged with explosives or poisonous booby traps . At a news conference Friday , Christian Hanisch , the other treasure hunter , said that geological surveying equipment had located a possible cave about 30 feet under the surface containing ``"} +{"answer":"not passenger vessels . Map of pirate activity in the area \u00c2 '' The Nautica escaped without damage or injury to its 684 passengers and 400 crew , and arrived safely on schedule in Salalah , Oman early on Monday morning , Rubacky said . He emphasized that the ship was not off the coast of Somalia , which has become a base for pirates , but off the coast of Yemen . The International Maritime Bureau has issued piracy warnings for both areas . The Nautica was in a Maritime Safety Protection Area which is patrolled by international anti-piracy task forces , Rubacky underlined . But the International Maritime Bureau 's Mody warned that there was only so much navies could do even in that zone . `` The zone has been created to enable navies to patrol and concentrate on a much smaller area than the entire Gulf , '' he said . `` But , saying that , it is still a large area . Vessels do not automatically get guaranteed safe passage even if they use it . '' The Nautica left Rome November 18 on a 32-day cruise to Singapore . It was the first","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A 30,000-ton luxury cruise ship outran pirates off the coast of Yemen this weekend , the ship 's owner said Monday . File image of the Nautica in Sydney Harbor The Nautica was in an area patrolled by international anti-piracy task forces when two small skiffs appeared to try to intercept it , Oceania spokesman Tim Rubacky said . The ship took evasive maneuvers and accelerated to its full speed of 23 knots or 27 mph . One of the smaller craft closed to within 300 yards and fired eight rifle shots at the cruise ship , he said , but the ship was able to pull away . It was the first report of a pirate attack on a passenger ship of its size this year , said Cyrus Mody of the International Maritime Bureau , which runs a piracy reporting center . `` There have been a couple of passenger yachts hijacked , but they were much smaller , '' he said . It is `` quite common '' for pirates to target ships the size of the Nautica and even larger , he said , but they tend to be cargo ships ,"} +{"answer":"latter reference is `` to officials in the Afghan administration , federal government of Kabul or the provinces or the army or the police , '' Costa told CNN 's Christiane Amanpour . Watch Costa talk about the problems '' And the problem is spreading , he added . Drug money is funding insurgencies in Central Asia , which has huge energy reserves , Costa said . `` The Silk Route , turned into a heroin route , is carving out a path of death and violence through one of the world 's most strategic yet volatile regions , '' he said . Authorities are seizing too little heroin , intercepting only about 20 percent of opiate traffic around the world , according to the U.N. report , `` Addiction , Crime and Insurgency : the Transnational Threat of Afghan Opium . '' It comes on the heels of a U.N. warning last month that two years ' worth of opium is effectively `` missing , '' probably stockpiled by the Taliban and criminal gangs . More than 12,000 tons of opium , which can be consumed as a narcotic itself or turned into heroin , is unaccounted for ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Afghan opium kills 100,000 people every year worldwide -- more than any other drug -- and the opiate heroin kills five times as many people in NATO countries each year than the eight-year total of NATO troops killed in Afghan combat , the United Nations said Wednesday . An Afghan police officer digs up a field of opium poppies in April . About 15 million people around the world use heroin , opium or morphine , fueling a $ 65 billion market for the drug and also fueling terrorism and insurgencies : The Taliban raised $ 450 million to $ 600 million over the past four years by `` taxing '' opium farmers and traffickers , Antonio Maria Costa , head of the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime , said in a report . Not all the money is going into the pockets of rebels or drug dealers ; some Afghan officials are making money off the trade as well , he said . `` The Afghan drug economy generates several hundred million dollars per year into evil hands : some with black turbans , some with white collars , '' Costa said . The"} +{"answer":"Army Brig. Gen. Roosevelt Barfield , deputy commander of the Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa . Many of the Marines in Djibouti , a predominantly Muslim country , previously served in Iraq . `` In Iraq , you can just go out and pretty much roll around and you do what you got to do and your mind set is a lot different , '' said Marine Cpl. Chad Armstrong . `` Here , this country is a sovereign nation . Their government is established and everything , so there is a lot more working with the governments here . '' The military role , though , sometimes upstages the humanitarian mission . Periodic airstrikes of suspected al Qaeda terrorist targets in Somalia , often from U.S. warships , has created animosity among ethnic Somalis in the region . The U.S. military presence in Djibouti underscores the growing importance of Africa to the U.S. military . The United States has created a centralized military command for Africa , U.S. Africa Command , or AFRICOM , which will become fully operational in October . The reluctance of African leaders to host a U.S. military facility , however ,","question":"CAMP LEMONIER , Djibouti -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- U.S. Marines at Camp Lemonier -- the only American military base on the African continent -- spend much of their time vaccinating livestock , repairing schools and giving medical training . Defense Secretary Robert Gates , left , and Rear Adm. James Hart , in Camp Lemonier , December 2007 . The camp , just 10 miles north of the Somali border , began as a French Foreign Legion outpost , but the Djibouti government agreed in 2002 to let the U.S. military establish a base for counterterrorism and humanitarian missions in the Horn of Africa . The 1,800 U.S. troops in Djibouti spend just a fraction of their time on military tasks , such as locating and removing land mines . They conduct civil affairs operations in seven East African countries -- seen as an antidote to extremism . `` If you get at the basic needs of any individual , if you address the basic needs of people , then you have the opportunity to change their mindset , then you have the opportunity to show them that there is something better than doing extreme acts , '' said U.S."} +{"answer":"'s another example of why user control needs to be the default in Facebook . '' In the last few months , scrutiny of the privacy practices of the Internet 's second most popular Web site has reached an all-time high , with politicians threatening probes and privacy activists calling for formal investigations . In response to the outcry , Zuckerberg convened a press conference last week at Facebook 's Palo Alto , California , headquarters , where he pledged to make privacy `` simpler . '' For its part , Facebook told CNET on Tuesday that the information about who viewed what pages with a Like button is anonymized after three months and is not shared with or sold to third parties . A representative acknowledged , however , that the current privacy description of Facebook 's social plugins `` is not as clear as it could be , and we 'll fix that . '' Facebook 's FAQ says : `` No data is shared about you when you see a social plugin on an external website . '' No mention of this data-sharing appears under the `` Information from other websites '' section of the company 's","question":"-LRB- CNET -RRB- -- When Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg recently announced a `` Like '' button that publishers could place on their Web pages , he predicted it would make the Web smarter and `` more social . '' What Zuckerberg did n't point out is that widespread use of the Like button allows Facebook to track people as they switch from CNN.com to Yelp.com to ESPN.com , all of which are sites that have said they will implement the feature . Even if someone is not a Facebook user or is not logged in , Facebook 's social plugins collect the address of the Web page being visited and the Internet address of the visitor as soon as the page is loaded -- clicking on the Like button is not required . If enough sites participate , that permits Facebook to assemble a vast amount of data about Internet users ' browsing habits . `` If you put a Like button on your site , you 're potentially selling out your users ' privacy even if they never press that button , '' says Nicole Ozer , an attorney with the ACLU of Northern California . `` It"} +{"answer":", '' the office said in a statement . But German authorities said they already had hints that Heim was living and working in Egypt . The office said it received information in 1965 and 1967 indicating Heim was working in the country , but Egyptian authorities at the time , acting on a German request , did not find any conclusive evidence . `` Our main goal now is , in cooperation with the Egyptian authorities , -LRB- to -RRB- identify the remains of Aribert Heim , '' the office said . The chief Nazi hunter at the Simon Wiesenthal Center , Efraim Zuroff , said the news about Heim 's death , if true , is deeply disappointing . `` I personally feel a tremendous sense of disappointment that he escaped justice , '' Zuroff told CNN . But he emphasized that he had not seen the evidence that Heim was dead . `` There is no body and no grave , so we ca n't do a DNA test , '' he said , adding that `` there are people who have a vested interest in convincing us that he is no longer alive . '' He","question":"BERLIN , Germany -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- German investigators Thursday acknowledged `` credible information '' indicating that one of the world 's most wanted Nazi war criminals died almost 20 years ago in Egypt . The former the hotel in Cairo where Heim spent his final days . The announcement from the Baden-Wuerttemberg State Criminal Investigations Office came a day after German public broadcaster ZDF reported similar findings about Aribert Heim , wanted since 1962 . ZDF said research it conducted with the New York Times showed that Heim died in Cairo in 1992 of intestinal cancer . Witness accounts and documents , including a passport , prove that Heim lived under the false name of Tarek Farid Hussein , ZDF said . CNN spoke to Heim 's son , Ruediger Heim , who said his father fled Germany to Egypt via France , Spain and Morocco . Ruediger Heim told CNN he visited his father in Cairo several times , including in the final weeks of his life when the terminal cancer was discovered . The German investigators said they were was checking the new information . `` This information has not yet been verified due to time constraints"} +{"answer":"Raney also said Pardo came to his former in-laws ' home with $ 17,000 strapped to his legs and inside a girdle , indicating he may have wanted quick access to his money as he fled the country . Watch police talk about what was found on the gunman 's body '' Police said that after leaving the home , Pardo changed out of the Santa suit and into regular clothes . Raney also spoke about a pipe bomb that exploded in Pardo 's rental car Thursday night . He said Pardo had rigged the rental car so that if someone tried to remove the Santa suit , the car would explode . The car was packed with ammunition and black powder , he said . Police said that inside Pardo 's home in Montrose , California , they also found five empty boxes for semiautomatic handguns , two high-powered shotguns and `` racing fuel , '' which they believe was used to help set fire to the home . Police also said they found Pardo 's resume , which said he had a bachelor 's and master 's degree in electrical engineering , but they could not verify if","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The man who , dressed as Santa Claus , killed nine people at a Christmas Eve party planned to flee to Canada the next day , but California police believe he decided to kill himself instead because of severe burn injuries . Pardo rigged his rental car so that if someone tried to remove the Santa suit , the car would explode . During a news conference on Friday , Covina Police Chief Kim Raney said Bruce Jeffrey Pardo had purchased a ticket for an early Christmas Day flight from Los Angeles to Canada . Raney said that while police do not know why Pardo , 45 , decided against his plan to flee , they speculate it may have been due to the burn injuries Pardo received after setting fire to the home where the slayings occurred . Pardo 's body was covered in third-degree burns , Raney said , and part of the Santa suit the gunman wore to the massacre burned and melted into his legs . Police believe Pardo 's injuries came after he set fire to the home using a homemade device used to spread fuel ."} +{"answer":"and that life continues after all and that we share their sorrow and suffering . `` We completely understand what happened . The players wanted to stay but the government for their reasons did n't want the Togolese to stay so they left . `` CAF did everything possible to make sure that the Togo team stayed here for the Africa Cup of Nations . We acted and they left . `` Contrary to whatever you are saying they did n't get disqualified . They are the ones who decided to leave which we consented to . There is a difference . `` We would have wished them to stay . We would have wished them stay . We have done everything to possible so that Togo stays . `` They could n't stay . The players wanted to stay but the political authorities did n't want the delegation to stay . '' Group B has now been reduced to three teams : Ghana , Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso . Angolan authorities have arrested two people involved in the attack , state media reported , while goalkeeper Kodjovi Obilale remains in a stable condition in a South African hospital","question":"African football federation president Issa Hayatou has exclusively told CNN that Togo were not disqualified from the Africa Cup of Nations but were granted permission to leave . The Togo squad flew back home from Angola on January 9 after three of their travelling party were killed and two players seriously injured by a machine-gun attack which occurred as their bus crossed the border into the northern , oil-rich state of Cabinda two days earlier . It had initially been first thought that Togo had been disqualified after they failed to show for their first group game against Ghana on Monday . But Confederation of African Football -LRB- CAF -RRB- president Hayatou has since confirmed to CNN that they had not been expelled from the tournament but were granted special dispensation . `` Togo was n't disqualified - I want to tell you that Togo was n't disqualified . Togo left the competition following the tragic events that the delegation went through , '' Hayatou told CNN . `` Because of what happened the Togolese delegation did n't have the morale or the conscience for them to participate in the tournament . `` We tried to convince them to stay"} +{"answer":"and said they have been `` terrorizing the country and attacking civilians . '' `` We hold the group and its leader fully responsible for what is happening in Gaza and we offer our condolences to everyone who was killed during the clashes , '' Nunu said . `` No one is above the law and we urge everyone who is a member of this group to surrender himself to the authorities or they will be accountable for all of their actions . '' The gunfight erupted near a mosque in the southern Gaza city of Rafah , where the cleric delivered his sermon , the sources said . Hamas militants raided the mosque and seized control of it . Later , the fighting spread to al-Maqdessi 's home , the sources said . Al-Maqdessi also called for a public meeting at the mosque , posting on the Jund Ansar Allah 's Web site an invitation dubbed `` the golden advice to the government of -LRB- Hamas leader -RRB- Ismail Haniya . '' The group posted a statement on the Web site announcing the establishment of the Islamic emirate in Gaza and proclaiming al-Maqdessi `` the commander of the faithful","question":"GAZA CITY , Gaza -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A radical Muslim sheikh 's call for the creation of an Islamic emirate in Gaza sparked clashes with Hamas forces that left 21 people dead and injured at least 121 others . Members of Jund Ansar Allah surround Sheikh Abu al-Nour al-Maqdessi in Rafah on Friday . Hamas forces blew up the home of Sheikh Abu al-Nour al-Maqdessi , leader of the radical group Jund Ansar Allah , or Soldiers of the Partisans of God , Hamas sources said . Al-Maqdessi , also known as Abdel Latif Musa , was among the 21 dead , a hospital spokesman told CNN . Friday 's clashes were the latest between Gaza 's Hamas rulers , who have said they are moderate Muslims pledged to the Palestinian cause , and more extremist Islamic groups . Jund Ansar Allah is part of the radical Islamist movement that follows the doctrines of the `` Salaf , '' or the predecessors -- referring to the early generations of Muslims . They reject all modern influences such as politics and government . In a televised statement , Hamas ministry spokesman Taher Nunu called al-Maqdessi 's group `` outlaws ''"} +{"answer":"8-10 -RRB- . It does not have a sampling error . Clinton is scheduled to campaign for Obama in Florida once he wraps up some business with his Clinton Global Initiative . According to aides , the former president will do a mix of fundraisers and public appearances on behalf of the Democratic ticket throughout the fall . `` We 're putting him to work , '' said Obama . `` I 've agreed to do a substantial number of things , whatever I 'm asked to do , '' Clinton said . Watch Clinton make his prediction '' The image of the two men meeting comes as a relief to many Democrats who have been hoping to put to rest the `` Clinton-Obama rift '' storyline . Both sides agreed a face-to-face meeting with the former president would go a long way toward putting the contentious primary season behind them . Hillary Clinton campaigned for Obama earlier in the week in Florida and will campaign in Ohio this weekend . Obama 's running mate , Joe Biden , spoke Thursday with first responders in Parma , Ohio . He opened up the event by telling everyone he did not","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former President Bill Clinton said Thursday he thinks that Barack Obama will win big in the upcoming presidential election . Bill Clinton and Barack Obama chat at Clinton 's Harlem office . `` I predict that Sen. Obama will win and win handily , '' Clinton said when asked his opinion on the state of the race . Obama smiled at Clinton 's prediction , saying , `` There you go , you can take it from the president of the United States . He knows a little something about politics . '' The two men chatted with reporters in a photo-op at Clinton 's Harlem office before sitting down for a private lunch . According to CNN 's average of national polls , John McCain currently holds a 1-point lead over Obama , 46-45 percent . iReport.com : Still undecided ? The poll of polls , released Thursday afternoon , is composed of the following five national general election surveys : Fox News\/Opinion Dynamics -LRB- September 8-9 -RRB- , NBC\/Wall Street Journal -LRB- September 6-8 -RRB- , American Research Group -LRB- September 6-8 -RRB- , Gallup -LRB- September 8-10 -RRB- , and Diageo\/Hotline -LRB- September"} +{"answer":"was a good start . '' Massa was three-tenths of a second faster than Vettel , and completed 94 laps of the circuit using two different types of tires . `` It was a positive start to begin to understand the behavior of the Pirelli tires . I felt at ease right from the start and there were no unpleasant surprises , '' Massa added . `` We acquired a lot of data which will be useful for the Italian company to develop the tires still further for the start of the 2011 season . `` On the harder tires , there were some difficulties over a long run while the softs worked well both on the very first lap and also after they had done a larger number of laps . '' McLaren test driver Gary Paffett claimed third place while Kamui Kobayashi of BMW Sauber was fourth . `` We have to hand it to Pirelli , the tyres are already on a good level and we feel it was a very positive day , '' said BMW Sauber technical director James Key . `` We feel we learned a lot about the way the tyres are behaving","question":"Formula One world champion Sebastian Vettel declared himself impressed after road testing the new Pirelli tires that are to be used for the 2011 season . The Red Bull driver was back at the Abu Dhabi circuit where he clinched his first ever drivers ' championship crown last weekend , after edging out teammate Mark Webber and Ferrari 's Fernando Alonso . The Yas Marina track played host to all 12 Formula One teams as they began a two-day tire test on the Pirelli rubbers , set to replace Bridgestone from next year . A total of eight sets of tires are available to teams during testing . Ferrari 's Felipe Massa , who finished a disappointing sixth in the drivers ' standings , was quickest in the unofficial timings on Friday , with Vettel in second . `` I think the tires behaved well , better than expected given the short amount of time Pirelli have had and they 've done a good job , '' Vettel told the official Formula One website . `` Pirelli are obviously in the middle of their development and what we used today is not what we will race with , but it"} +{"answer":"past leaders of the West African nation , pledged to fight to improve the country of 150 million people despite the accusations . `` Our collective goal is to deliver for our children a Nigeria better , stronger , more peaceful , more secure and more prosperous than we met it , '' Yar ` Adua said . President Barack Obama issued a statement late Wednesday expressing his condolences to Yar ` Adua 's family and the Nigerian people . `` President Yar ` Adua worked to promote peace and stability in Africa through his support of Nigerian peacekeeping efforts as well as his strong criticism of undemocratic actions in the region , '' Obama said in the statement . `` He was committed to creating lasting peace and prosperity within Nigeria 's own borders , and continuing that work will be an important part of honoring his legacy . '' His election followed wide support from his predecessor , leading critics to label him a puppet of the former president , Olusegun Obasanjo . After he was elected , Yar ` Adua replaced some of Obasanjo 's top officials , including the head of the army , a move","question":"Lagos , Nigeria -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Nigeria 's ailing President Umaru Yar ` Adua , who gave amnesty to armed militants in the troubled oil-rich Niger Delta region , died Wednesday , the country 's information minister said . He was 58 . Yar ` Adua had not been seen in public since November , when he went to Saudi Arabia for treatment of an inflammation of tissue around his heart . He was diagnosed with that condition , acute pericarditis , last fall after he complained of chest pain . He returned to Nigeria in February but had remained out of sight . Vice President Goodluck Jonathan has served as the country 's acting leader since Yar ` Adua fell ill . Yar ` Adua took office in 2007 in an election mired in controversy and accusations of vote-rigging . `` There was ballot snatching , voters were molested , voters were beaten ... and also payment inducement to vote for certain candidates , '' said Eneruvie Enakoko of the Civil Liberties Organization , a human rights group in Lagos . The president , a soft-spoken and unassuming figure who did not bask in the media spotlight like"} +{"answer":". `` There are other states that want to take these jobs , '' Sen. Durbin said . `` We 've got to win this competition . '' Under the proposal , he said , federal officials have said fewer than 100 detainees from the Guantanamo Bay prison camp in Cuba would be housed in the 1,600-bed facility . They would be in a wing under the control of the Department of Defense , while the Bureau of Prisons would assume responsibility for the rest of the facility . The United States is asking other countries to house some of the Guantanamo detainees when the prison is closed , said Durbin , the Senate majority whip . But those countries are asking why America is not housing some of the inmates itself , he said , and use of the Thomson facility would demonstrate to them that the United States is willing to shoulder some of the responsibility . An Obama administration official said Saturday that as part of the conversion at Thomson , the Bureau of Prisons and Defense Department would enhance security to exceed those of the nation 's only supermax prison -- the U.S. Penitentiary Administrative Maximum","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A proposal to house federal prisoners , including some detainees from Guantanamo Bay , in a largely vacant maximum-security prison would be an economic boost to struggling northern Illinois , state officials said Sunday . `` This is something that is very good for our state , it 's good for our economy , it 's good for public safety , '' Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn told reporters . Officials from the departments of Defense , Justice , Homeland Security and the federal Bureau of Prisons will visit the Thomson Correctional Center on Monday , the officials said . Quinn 's office on Saturday said the officials would see whether the `` virtually vacant , state-of-the-art facility '' in Thomson , about 150 miles west of Chicago , could be of use to the Bureau of Prisons . If it is , the governor and other officials said Sunday , it could provide up to 2,000 jobs and up to $ 1 billion in federal money to the area . And Dick Durbin , the Senate 's second-ranking Democrat , said he believes the proposal provides a `` once-in-a-lifetime opportunity '' for his state 's residents"} +{"answer":"three professional groups out of college . Singing has enriched my life immeasurably , and I owe it all to that beautiful voice that so entranced me as a child . I have many fond memories of Pavarotti . His voice always moves me to tears . It is the feeling of being given a glimpse of the divine that I will most remember about him . My prayers and thoughts are with his family and friends . There will never be another Pavarotti . Edmund Chua of Singapore Maestro 's voice was truly a blessing . That exciting , that fascinating quality , that , sigh ... too many adjectives . Of course , there was that unforgettable personality . Personally , -LRB- do n't know if this is a right thing to say but -RRB- I saw Italy in him , so to speak , always loving life . Knew he was fighting cancer but always thought he 'd recover . I was hoping I 'd be able to watch him live but I guess it 'll only be in the footage . He 's indeed a legend lost , a legacy remembered . ... We 'll miss","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Luciano Pavarotti died Thursday at the age of 71 after suffering from pancreatic cancer . I-Report contributors shared their memories of the famed opera tenor . Here is a selection of those stories : Annamaria Capicchioni shared this snapshot from the 1993 Pavarotti San Marino Grand Prix in Modena , Italy . Leslie Oakley of Davenport , Florida I grew up in a small town in Kentucky where opera did n't exactly fit in the scheme of things . My family was n't at all musical either but seeing as though I took an interest in it , my parents indulged me with opera recordings . One of the first ones I received was The Three Tenors . Luciano Pavarotti was to me what Michael Jordan was to other children . He was my hero . I even did a report on him one year in high school . I can remember sitting in my room listening to his voice , closing my eyes and seeing the operas unfold in my mind . He inspired me to teach myself to sing , and I went on to win awards in high school and to sing for"} +{"answer":"that he has no property outside the nation . `` I have no intention or thoughts to leave the country , '' he said . `` I will stay in the country to help establish peace . '' The monarchy 's end after 239 years of rule was the culmination of a two-year peace process in which Maoist insurgents in Nepal gave up their armed struggle , joined mainstream politics and won the most seats in April 's election for the Constituent Assembly . The assembly is tasked with rewriting the constitution , deciding the country 's future political system and governing the nation . Gyanendra , who noted that the country is going through a `` serious '' stage now , said he accepts the new reality of a republic and reflected on the actions of the monarchy . `` I have done all I can to cooperate with -LRB- the government 's -RRB- directives , '' he said , and added that `` the monarchy in Nepal has always been with the people of Nepal in good times and bad times . '' Gyanendra came to power in 2001 when his brother , King Birendra , and his","question":"KATHMANDU , Nepal -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Nepal 's former king said Wednesday he is not going to leave his country even though the monarchy has been abolished . Gyanendra came to power in 2001 following the assassination of King Birendra and his family . Ex-King Gyanendra , 60 , made remarks to reporters before departing the Narayanhiti royal palace in Kathmandu . He will live as a civilian in the former Himalayan kingdom that was made a republic last month , and he will reside in a summer palace on a forested hilltop outside the capital . A few hundred journalists crammed into the opulent palace 's lobby entrance to hear Gyanendra 's remarks . It was a chaotic and undeferential scene replete with pushing , shoving and scuffling -- even while the former monarch was speaking . While the former king spoke , reporters looked around at the lavish furnishings , including a huge crystal chandelier , stuffed tigers , stuffed rhino heads mounted on the walls and paintings of previous monarchs . Gyanendra , who expressed his `` love '' for `` independent Nepal , '' said all of his property will remain in the country and"} +{"answer":"? And so forth , '' McElroy said . John Walsh , the Lechuza Caracas polo club president , said he was told that there was no contagious virus airborne or disease and that the incident was an `` isolated '' one . Watch Walsh talk about the devastating deaths '' `` This was a mistake of a combination of something , and whether the mistake was at the barn , whether the mistake was at the feed company , whether the mistake was at the vitamin company , '' Scott Swerdlin of the Palm Beach Equine Clinic , who treated some of the horses , told CNN affiliate WPTV . `` We do n't know , but we 're going to find out . '' James Belden , a veterinarian at the Left Bank Equine Clinic who also treated some of the horses , told WPTV that he and others do n't suspect foul play . `` I think this is an accident , '' he told WPTV . `` A terrible accident . '' McElroy said that despite the early indications , he does not want to jump to conclusions about what happened . `` Obviously , this","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- State officials said Monday that they suspect a drug reaction or toxins killed 21 horses as they were prepared to compete in a Sunday polo match in Wellington , Florida . Blue tarps obstruct the view of horses that died at the International Polo Club Palm Beach in Florida . State officials and local law enforcement also announced Monday that they are launching investigations into the deaths as scientists work to pinpoint what exactly killed the horses . Officials believe that the `` very rapid onset of sickness and death '' points to toxins or a drug reaction and also allows them to rule out other possibilities . `` At this time , there is no evidence that these horses were affected with an infectious or contagious disease , as there are no other horses affected at this time , '' according to Florida Agriculture and Consumer Services spokesman Terence McElroy . Officials are continuing to conduct tests , and Florida agriculture scientists are performing necropsies on the animals . `` We 'll be testing blood and tissue to see what the common denominator was here : Was it something injected ? Was it bad water"} +{"answer":"`` Honey , '' she said , `` you do n't know me , but when I saw you standing up here on this hill , I knew that you must be one of the girls and I could n't help myself but to drive up here and let you know how much me and my whole family loved both of your parents . They were real special people . '' I thanked her for her kind words as we stood side by side gazing down at the graves of Govs. George Wallace and Lurleen Wallace . After a few moments , the woman leaned into me and spoke almost in a conspiratorial whisper . `` I never thought I would live to see the day when a black would be running for president . I know your daddy must be rolling over in his grave . '' Not having the heart or the energy to respond , I gave her bony arm a slight squeeze , turned and walked away . As I put the remnants of the graveyard spray in the trunk of my car , I assumed that she had not bothered to notice the Barack Obama","question":"Editor 's note : Peggy Wallace Kennedy is the daughter of George C. Wallace and Lurleen Wallace , who both were governors of Alabama . She lives in Montgomery , Alabama , with her husband , Mark Kennedy , a retired state Supreme Court justice . They have two sons , Leigh , a decorated veteran of the Iraq war , and Burns , a college sophomore . Peggy Wallace Kennedy says her father sought absolution for his segregationist views . MONTGOMERY , Alabama -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- I heard a car door slam behind me and turned to see an elderly but spry woman heading my way . The night before , a gang of vandals had swept through the cemetery desecrating graves , crushing headstones and stealing funereal objects . My parents ' graves , situated on a wind-swept hill overlooking the cemetery , had not been spared . A large marble urn that stood between two granite columns had been pried loose and spirited away , leaving faded silk flowers strewn on the ground . I was holding a bouquet of them in my arms when the woman walked up and gave me a crushing hug ."} +{"answer":"He had announced plans to return from exile in late January and run in upcoming elections -- but his party said he was reassessing those plans when Pakistan 's elected government warned that if he returned , he faced arrest in connection with the 2007 assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto . A U.N. report in 2010 accused Musharraf 's government of failing to protect Bhutto , who had returned to Pakistan from her own exile to run for office . Musharraf has denied the allegations , arguing that Bhutto had police protection and took unnecessary risks , but a Pakistani court issued a warrant for his arrest . Bhutto 's widower , Asif Ali Zardari , is now Pakistan 's president . If Musharraf were to return , he would be walking into the middle of a public squabble between Pakistan 's civilian and uniformed leadership that was sparked by a memo that allegedly asked for U.S. help to rein in the military . In Sunday 's letter , the ex-generals said they opposed the `` bashing '' of Pakistan 's army and its powerful Inter-Services Intelligence agency . `` We feel that erosion of these institutions can","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former top Pakistani military officers Sunday called for Pakistan 's former strongman to be allowed back without facing arrest and condemned what they called the `` bashing '' of the country 's armed forces . More than 100 former officers , most of them generals and admirals , signed their names to a letter calling for Pervez Musharraf to be allowed to return to Pakistan `` and contest elections according to democratic norms . '' The retired brass included the retired Gen. Muhammad Aziz Khan , once the head of Pakistan 's joint chiefs of staff during part of Musharraf 's rule , and Adm. Shahid Karimullah , who served as head of the navy under Musharraf . `` We feel that Gen. -LRB- R -RRB- Pervez Musharraf should be provided with a level playing field in the political arena and also provided protocol and security as befits any ex-president of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan , '' wrote the officers , who have formed a group they called `` Pakistan First . '' Musharraf , who seized power in a 1999 coup , has been living in London and Dubai since resigning in 2008 ."} +{"answer":"urging greater protecting for ordinary Afghans . Violence against women comes in the form of rape , `` honor killings , '' early and forced marriages , sexual abuse and slavery , the report says . `` The security is the big issue , '' said Suraya Pakzad , founder of the Voice of Women Organization , which promotes education and awareness of women 's rights and protects women and girls at risk in Afghanistan . `` Because of security we , unfortunately , day by day , we have to pull out of areas where last year we operated , we have our operations . We were able to work with the women , but this year we can not , '' she said . `` We have to leave the area because security is getting worse day by day . '' `` Rapes in the country have been growing tremendously , particularly child rapes within the ages of 9 , 8 , 7 , even lesser than that , '' said Wazhma Frogh , director of Global Rights Afghanistan . `` So these are the issues that are all born by this lack of security where women have","question":"UNITED NATIONS -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Rapes targeting girls as young as seven are on the increase in Afghanistan where conditions for women are little better than under the Taliban , the U.N. and rights groups say . Conditions for women are little better than they were under the hardline Taliban regime , the U.N. says . In its annual report on human rights , the U.N. warned conditions were deteriorating in the war-ravaged country despite U.S.-led efforts after the 2001 removal from power of the hardline militia . `` Violence is tolerated or condoned within the family and community , within traditional and religious leadership circles , as well as the formal and informal justice system , '' said Navi Pillay , the U.N. high commissioner for human rights . The `` Afghan government has failed to adequately protect the rights of women despite constitutional guarantees . '' With a resurgent Taliban targeting NATO forces , government security forces and civilians , violence has been on the increase in Afghanistan . . The number of civilian casualties in 2008 totaled 2,118 -- the highest number recorded since the ouster of the Taliban in 2001 , the U.N. said ,"} +{"answer":"are committed to real change in the way you educate your children , '' he told his audience , `` if you 're willing to hold yourselves more accountable , and if you develop a strong plan to improve the quality of education in your state , then we 'll offer you a big grant to help you make that plan a reality . '' Like no president in recent memory -- except maybe George W. Bush , who diagnosed that schools are often afflicted with `` the soft bigotry of low expectations '' -- Obama gets it . What Obama `` gets '' is that America 's public schools often underperform and help cheat students out of brighter futures for three main reasons : 1 -RRB- There are low expectations , not just for students but also for parents , schools and whole communities that are written off as not able to compete academically . Too many educators let themselves off the hook by telling themselves that poor kids from struggling backgrounds are somehow incapable of learning as well as kids from wealthier communities . 2 -RRB- Too many educators and politicians treat public schools as if they exist","question":"San Diego , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Obama deserves an A + for his agenda for education reform . His decision to nominate Arne Duncan as U.S. education secretary was inspired , and his comments on holding the system accountable are honest , refreshing and insightful . Obama showed that again this week with a powerful speech at James C. Wright Middle School in Madison , Wisconsin . He announced that , in the coming weeks , states would be able to compete for their share of more than $ 4 billion in funding through the administration 's Race to the Top initiative . But in order to do that , he said , the states have to demonstrate that they 're serious about increasing accountability by doing things like tearing down `` firewall laws '' that prevent districts from factoring in student performance when evaluating teachers . That sinister brainchild was brought to you by politically influential teachers ' unions who make it their solemn mission to protect their members from the scrutiny and standards that everyday people have to put up in their jobs . Obama 's not having any of it . `` If you"} +{"answer":"Alvaro Uribe is practicing . '' In its resolution , the OAS called the attack `` a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law . '' It ordered a commission , headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him , to visit both countries to investigate the matter , `` and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together . '' Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security . Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $ 300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them . '' -LSB- They -RSB- are making things up and there 's no limit to what they 'll make up , '' Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday . Correa has said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a `` clear condemnation","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Nicaragua President Daniel Ortega said Thursday that the nation is breaking relations with Colombia `` in solidarity with the Ecuadoran people . '' Nicaragua President Daniel Ortega said the nation is breaking diplomatic relations with Colombia . The move comes after the Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack by Colombian military on a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday . Since that attack , Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia , and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia . Ortega made his televised remarks in Managua , where he was flanked by Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa . Colombian forces killed at least 17 members of the leftist group Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia on Saturday . FARC is estimated to be holding at least 700 hostages in the jungles of Colombia and has been accused by the United States of being a terrorist organization . `` This rupture of relations is n't with the people of Colombia , '' Ortega said . `` We are breaking with the terrorist policies that the government of -LSB- Colombian President -RSB-"} +{"answer":"were being registered at a rate of one every minute at the beginning of February in Zimbabwe . Unless urgent action is taken , the aid group said , the country could see a worsening of the `` massive medical emergency that is spiraling out of control , '' MSF President Dr. Christophe Fournier told CNN Tuesday after his latest visit to Zimbabwe . MSF says the response from the international community to the crisis has been slow and inadequate , and it called on donors to put aside politics and send help immediately . The cholera epidemic has been left to fester as the Zimbabwean government grappled with questionable elections , opposition charges of fraud , power-sharing talks and the creation of a unity government in the last year . During that time , the country 's economy and infrastructure imploded , with sanitation systems and garbage collection becoming virtually non-existent . `` The reasons for the -LRB- cholera -RRB- outbreak are clear : lack of access to clean water , burst and blocked sewage systems , and uncollected refuse overflowing in the streets , all clear symptoms of the breakdown in infrastructure resulting from Zimbabwe 's political and","question":"JOHANNESBURG , South Africa -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The political crisis that has gripped Zimbabwe for nearly a year may be drawing to an end , but a deadly cholera outbreak there is only getting worse . Zimbabweans walk through mounds of garbage . Lack of sanitation and clean water make cholera spread . The newly formed cabinet of Zimbabwe 's unity government met for the first time Tuesday , the same day that Medecins Sans Frontieres -LRB- Doctors Without Borders -RRB- released a report warning that the epidemic shows no signs of slowing . The outbreak -- one of the world 's largest , according to the World Health Organization -LRB- WHO -RRB- -- is only getting worse , and could be a stepping-stone to other epidemics and health crises , international agencies say . Since August , at least 3,623 people have died and 76,127 people have been infected by cholera , a preventable water-borne bacterial illness that causes severe diarrhea , vomiting and dehydration and can lead to death in a matter of days if not treated . According to a report released Tuesday by Medecins Sans Frontieres -LRB- Doctors Without Borders -RRB- , new cholera patients"} +{"answer":"'s coping with their son 's death . `` When you start talking about Michael , she starts crying . '' By many accounts , Katherine Jackson , 79 , shared a special bond with her second-youngest son . In a 1993 interview with talk show host Oprah Winfrey , Michael Jackson spoke glowingly of the matriarch . `` My mother 's wonderful , '' he said . `` To me , she 's perfection . '' According to a biography posted by A&E Networks , Katherine Jackson was born Kattie B. Screws in 1930 in Barbour County , Alabama . Her family reportedly relocated to East Chicago , Indiana , when she was 4 , and her name was changed to Katherine Esther Scruse . A childhood bout with polio left her with a permanent limp . She was a teenager when she met Joe Jackson , an aspiring musician and a boxer whose first marriage dissolved . Katherine said it was love at first sight . `` I just had a feeling that he was going to be my husband , '' Katherine Jackson said in an interview shot last year by Xonger Global Entertainment Networks for a","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Michael Jackson 's upbringing was shaped by two very different parents . An image of Michael Jackson and his parents was on the big screen during his funeral in Los Angeles . His mother , Katherine Jackson , has been portrayed by her children as the loving glue that bonded the family together , while her husband , Joe , was the harsh disciplinarian whose iron hand not only shaped one of the most successful musical families in the world , but also elicited enough fear in his superstar son that it sometimes made him ill . Now the couple of 60 years stands at the center of a custody drama surrounding their grandchildren . Michael Jackson 's will , filed in 2002 , designated his mother as caregiver for Prince Michael , 12 , Paris , 11 , and `` Blanket , '' 7 . It is the latest installment in the many trials that have tested the Jackson family , not least of which has been the unexpected loss of its most famous member . '' -LSB- Katherine 's -RSB- taking it real hard , '' Joe Jackson told ABC News about his wife"} +{"answer":"which is taken up by trying to fulfill the immediate physical needs . There is a normal and immediate stress response that comes with an event that causes damage to homes and infrastructure and loss of family members , David said . Haiti has the potential for higher rates of mental illness and a slower recovery after this episode because the population is already strained from weak social and economic supports , Galea said . In those conditions , they may already be predisposed to developing mental illness irrespective of the earthquake itself , he said . View or add to CNN 's database of missing persons in Haiti The stress of the disaster situation , combined with the potential predisposition toward stress disorders , could lead to an extreme emotional reaction , but that does not mean these factors predict any kind of violent or other extreme behavior , said Joan Cook , assistant professor of psychiatry at Yale University , in an e-mail . `` I 'd say that if the rate of psychological problems turns out similar to previous severe natural disasters in other economically disadvantaged countries , as many as 50 percent or more could suffer","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As Haitians struggle to recover from the devastation of Tuesday 's 7.0-magnitude earthquake , mental health experts caution that the most severe psychological effects wo n't take form until individuals ' situations stabilize . Feelings of confusion , fear , agitation , grief and anger that surround a large-scale traumatic event such as the Haiti earthquake give way to more pronounced psychological disorders once people 's basic human needs are taken care of , experts say . `` Once the initial resources are in , when actually most people are going to start feel out of danger , is when the psychological aftereffects are going to hit people , '' said Dr. Daniella David , professor of clinical psychiatry at the University of Miami 's Miller School of Medicine . `` People need to ask for help when that happens . '' In the immediate short-term period after a large-scale traumatic event , people are concerned primarily with self-preservation and taking care of family and friends , said Dr. Sandro Galea , chair of the Department of Epidemiology at Columbia University 's Mailman School of Public Health . These people experience acute stress and anxiety ,"} +{"answer":"so harshly . I think women in their 20s do . You 're hard on your body , you 're hard on yourself . But you start to realize that none of it is really all that important . As long as you 're comfortable , the best parts of yourself come through no matter what . Your mother can tell you that a million times , but you do n't understand it until you live it ! On if she likes to cook ... I do . And Jake is a great cook , he does a lot . We spend the weekends outside L.A , in Ojai , where I have a farmhouse . We have chickens and we grow cucumbers and tomatoes . I love it . It reminds me of where I grew up in Tennessee . On working out ... I try to exercise every day . I like to run for about an hour , and I 'm big into working out with girlfriends . It 's an acquired skill , being able to discuss your love life , children and friends , all while you 're running ! But we have mastered it","question":"-LRB- InStyle.com -RRB- -- She refuses to dwell on the past and accepts that she ca n't control the future . Reese Witherspoon juggles her career , family and love life , yet still is able find time for herself For Reese Witherspoon , it 's all about living in the moment . And with a thriving career , two children , and a handsome boyfriend -- Jake Gyllenhaal -- who can blame her ? On her divorce from Ryan Phillippe ... You have to keep it together for your kids and for yourself too . I 'm trying to learn from the things that have happened in my life , live more in the moment , and have more fun . Someone told me recently to live in the present but make plans and take pictures . And I am . I 'm writing more , I 'm reading more . Going to more concerts . Jake and I went to Coachella this year . On being confident ... As you get older , you know what you like and what you do n't like , and you 're not apologetic about it ... I used to judge myself"} +{"answer":"free speech rights were being violated , and said their choice of the piece was made on purely artistic , not religious , grounds . They also cited previous examples where a limited use of religious imagery in a public setting was considered acceptable . Such examples are Ten Commandments monuments in city parks and opening legislative sessions with a prayer . Justice Samuel Alito publicly dissented with the high court 's rejection of the appeal . `` When a public school purports to allow students to express themselves , it must respect the students ' free speech rights , '' he said . `` School administrators may not behave like puppet masters who create the illusion that students are engaging in personal expression when in fact the school administration is pulling the strings . '' The high court declined to explore whether those attending a graduation ceremony constituted a `` captive audience '' that might feel forced to hear a religious message with which they may disagree . The case is Nurre v. Whitehead -LRB- 09-671 -RRB- . In other Supreme Court action : \u2022 The justices agreed to decide whether a district attorney 's office can be held","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Supreme Court declined to intervene Monday in a dispute over a public school 's refusal to allow an instrument-only version of `` Ave Maria '' at a graduation ceremony . Officials feared the piece would be an endorsement of religion in that limited public forum . Without comment , the justices rejected the appeal of Kathryn Nurre , who was a high school senior in Everett , Washington , in 2006 . By tradition , graduating members of the school 's wind ensemble could choose a piece from their repertoire to play at the June ceremony . They chose an arrangement of Franz Biebl 's well-known `` Ave Maria , '' which had been performed previously in choir recitals . School district officials said they feared complaints similar to those that followed the previous year 's choir performance of a vocal piece that included references to God , heaven and angels . `` Ave Maria '' was banned even though the performance would have contained no lyrics . The school district told principals to approve only musical selections that were `` purely secular in nature . '' Nurre and others sued , saying their"} +{"answer":"last summer with Sandusky , Amendola said . According to grand jury documents , a graduate assistant told then-Penn State head football coach Joe Paterno in 2002 that he had seen Sandusky performing anal sex on a young boy in a football complex shower . Paterno told Athletic Director Tim Curley , who told Gary Schultz , a university vice president , according to the grand jury report . Curley and Schultz were each charged with one count of felony perjury and one count of failure to report abuse allegations about Sandusky . According to Amendola , Sandusky contends that Curley told him that a person reported seeing the coach and a young boy in the shower . Curley described the incident as `` horseplay '' and that it made the witness uncomfortable . Sandusky 's `` make-believe world '' Sandusky gave Curley the boy 's name and phone number and said that nothing inappropriate had occurred , Amendola said . That graduate assistant has been identified as assistant coach Mike McQueary , who has been placed on administrative leave . Neither the boy in the shower nor Sandusky reported seeing McQueary , Amendola said Wednesday . Sandusky , 67","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Jerry Sandusky 's attorney said Wednesday that a young man at the heart of cover-up allegations against Penn State University officials told him he was not a victim and had no sexual contact with the former assistant football coach . Defense lawyer Joseph Amendola told CNN contributor Sara Ganim that the young man , who was described in a grand jury report as being about 10 years old in March 2002 , was in Amendola 's office several weeks ago and said he believed he was the boy called `` Victim 2 . '' The young man said nothing sexual occurred with Sandusky in the shower , according to Amendola . `` He said he had turned all of the shower heads on ... and water was running on the floor . He said he was surfing , going from one end to the other to slide across the shower floor , '' Amendola said . First lawsuit filed against Sandusky The lawyer said that three , perhaps four , of eight alleged victims mentioned in the grand jury report have either maintained friendships with Sandusky or visited him . `` Victim 2 '' had dinner"} +{"answer":"said . With 8.5 million visitors each year , special events bring in about $ 1.3 billion . The two biker events alone generate $ 650 million of that , he said . The festival did n't always pack in a half-million people , though . In 1988 , said Paul Crow , the Daytona Beach police chief at the time , the event had morphed into something very different from what it was when it started . He said he had to battle what he called `` the 1 percent problem '' -- the small group of gangs whose viciousness and threats against outsiders had allowed them to take over Bike Week . He decided he would n't have any more of their troublemaking , Crow said , so he created a task force that evolved into the office of special investigations for the Daytona Beach Police . Its specific purpose was to deal with the problem . Today , Bike Week has been restored as family-friendly event . The event has even drawn in other nearby Central Florida communities -- including Ormond Beach in the north and Port Orange and New Smyrna in the south -- giving bikers","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- People who go to Daytona Beach , Florida , by car this weekend will probably wish they had n't -- they 'll definitely stand out in a crowd . Bobby Mitchell , left , and Sheila Justin enjoy Bike Week in Daytona Beach , Florida . The city is being taken over by half a million motorcycle enthusiasts enjoying Bike Week , which began Friday and will end Sunday . The economy may be in a recession , but bikers are n't passing up the chance to soak up some sun and rev up their engines for a few days in Florida for the biggest motorcycle event in the country . `` Every indication we 've had so far is that this year 's going to be a good one , '' said Kevin Kilian , senior vice president of the Daytona Beach\/Halifax Area Chamber of Commerce . The chamber is the managing arm of the city 's involvement in Bike Week , a 10-day event that Kilian said takes an entire year to prepare for . Events like Bike Week and its little brother , Biketoberfest , are what keep Daytona Beach running , Kilian"} +{"answer":"food in my house . ' '' Amidst the man 's apologies and pleas , Sohail said he felt a surge of compassion . He made the man promise never to rob anyone again and when he agreed , Sohail gave him $ 40 and a loaf of bread . `` When he gets $ 40 , he 's very impressed , he says , ' I want to be a Muslim just like you , ' '' Sohail said , adding he had the would-be criminal recite an Islamic oath . `` I said ` Congratulations . You are now a Muslim and your name is Nawaz Sharif Zardari . ' '' When asked why he chose the hybrid of two Pakistani presidents ' names , the Pakistani immigrant laughed and said he had been watching a South Asian news channel moments before the confrontation . Sohail said the man fled the store when he turned away to get the man some free milk . He said police might still be looking for the suspect but he does n't intend to press charges . `` The guy , you know , everybody has a hard time right now ,","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A potential victim became a compassionate counselor during a recent robbery attempt , changing the would-be criminal 's mind -- and apparently his religion . Surveillance video shows storekeeper Mohammad Sohail holding a robber at bay with a shotgun . Storekeeper Mohammad Sohail was closing up his Long Island convenience store just after midnight on May 21 when -- as shown on the store 's surveillance video -- a man came in wielding a baseball bat and demanding money . `` He said , ` Hurry up and give me the money , give me the money ! ' and I said , ` Hold on ' , '' Sohail recalled in a phone interview with CNN on Tuesday , after the store video and his story was carried on local TV . Sohail said he reached under the counter , grabbed his gun and told the robber to drop the bat and get down on his knees . `` He 's crying like a baby , '' Sohail said . `` He says , ` Do n't call police , do n't shoot me , I have no money , I have no"} +{"answer":"for you , talking with concierges , tourist boards , and other travelers to find out the real protocol on when -LRB- and when not -RRB- to reach into your wallet and how much of a tip you should give to waiters , sky caps , maids , doormen , and cabbies all over the world . Of course , tipping is confusing enough for Americans traveling domestically . The expectation is to tip not only big but also often , from the kid handing you a Venti coffee at Starbucks to the multiple hotel hands that rush to open doors , carry bags , and offer an escort to the hotel room . Go abroad and the situation changes . The legion of skycaps , cab drivers , bellboys , and waiters may perform the same services as their U.S. counterparts , but they often have radically different expectations of a tip . You can credit different customs , as well as a service industry with a different wage scale . In the United States , tips usually abet low wages . In other parts of the world , service employees are often paid a living wage . If","question":"-LRB- Travel + Leisure -RRB- -- You 're sitting in a hip Tokyo cafe , having a fish cake and sake . Your server has been especially attentive , so when the check arrives , you think nothing of pulling out some extra yen and leaving a healthy 20 percent tip . But suddenly things go horribly wrong : the server turns wide-eyed , becomes agitated , and walks away . What happened ?! You 'll likely come across more people at a hotel that need to be tipped than anywhere else as you travel . Tipping in Japan and many other Asian countries is simply not a way of life . In fact , it 's usually regarded as a vulgar display of wealth and a disregard for the culture . The same can be true in Europe and Latin America ... though not always . And in the United States , of course , tipping is expected -LRB- and sometimes demanded -RRB- . With expectations all over the map , it 's not surprising that anxiety and confusion about whom to tip -- and how much -- are commonplace for travelers . So we 've done the legwork"} +{"answer":"which was in Chicago for a two-day class trip . The students complained to state and federal agencies after six African-American members from their senior class trip celebration were denied admission to the club on October 17 . Bar personnel cited dress code violations -- specifically baggy jeans -- in barring the African-American students , Cutz said . At one point , a white student and a black student exchanged jeans to see what would happen . The white student was admitted while his classmate still was kept outside , Cutz said . After the students ' news conference , an attorney representing the club said the bar would be working with the students to fight discrimination and will issue an apology because they had a bad experience at Mother 's . But Brad Grayson said the club does not believe it discriminated against the group . `` There was no intention to admit white kids with baggy jeans and exclude black kids with baggy jeans , '' he told the Chicago Tribune newspaper . In his remarks Wednesday , Cutz said the students wanted to avoid being `` caught up in the hype '' of the situation and ``","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Chicago , Illinois , nightclub accused of barring six African-American students last week will participate in a rally against discrimination late next month , the senior class president of Missouri 's Washington University said Wednesday . Fernando Cutz , 21 , said the group and Original Mother 's in Chicago 's Gold Coast neighborhood had reached an agreement that would also see the nightclub sponsoring four fundraisers and its managers attend diversity training classes . `` What we are looking to do is to turn this negative into a positive , '' the text of Cutz 's remarks said . `` To make sure that all of us learn from what happened to these six students in Chicago 10 days ago and that we move forward , together , in a productive manner . ... `` We would also like to show that the best way of fighting discrimination can be by reaching out and extending a helpful hand to those who need it , '' Cutz said at a news conference . The club has also agreed to a private apology to the six students and a public apology to the senior class ,"} +{"answer":"strength of their claims , while offering added protection against possible future illness , '' she said . The agreement comes after six years of legal wrangling -- a sometimes excruciating wait for his clients , Bern said . Many of his clients worked rescuing victims from the terrorist attacks or removing debris after the World Trade Center toppled . After the work , some found their health deteriorated , with many suffering from asthma , other respiratory issues and blood cancer , Bern told CNN Radio . `` I am quite gratified that we been able to reach a settlement for the heroes of 9\/11 , '' said Bern . `` The men and women who were exposed at the site have waited a long time for some type of resolution . '' The WTC Captive Insurance Co. announced the settlement on Thursday . `` This agreement enables workers and volunteers claiming injury from the WTC site operations to obtain compensation commensurate with the nature of their injuries and the strength of their claims , while offering added protection against possible future illness , '' the organization said in a statement . WTC Captive was created with a $","question":"New York -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A New York judge Friday postponed a decision on a proposed $ 657 million settlement for people who became ill after working on the World Trade Center site after the 9\/11 terrorist attacks . The settlement , announced Thursday , would cover about 10,000 plaintiffs , said Marc Bern , one of the lawyers representing the workers . The postponement appeared to take attorneys -- and Mayor Michael Bloomberg -- by surprise . Attorneys for both sides and the mayor earlier made statements assuming the proposal would be approved by U.S. District Judge Alvin Hellerstein . The judge is particularly interested in making sure the attorneys ' cut of the settlement is equitable for all parties . `` This will not be a giveaway , '' Hellerstein said Friday . `` This will be a fair and just settlement . '' Christine LaSala , president of WTC Captive Insurance Co. , which announced the settlement , repeated after the judge 's announcement a statement issued Thursday night . `` This agreement enables workers and volunteers claiming injury from the WTC site operations to obtain compensation commensurate with the nature of their injuries and the"} +{"answer":"headquarters . It is located inside a walled residential compound where many military families have homes . A witness told GEO TV there were up to 300 worshippers at the mosque at the time of the attack . The militants hurled grenades before opening fire , Rawalpindi Police Chief Aslam Tareen told CNN . He said all the militants died , but he does n't know how . `` These are not militants , '' Abbas said . `` These are terrorists who killed innocent worshippers . '' Retired Gen. Muhammad Yousaf was killed in the attack , said Col. Baseer Haider , a military spokesman . He said Yousaf was a former vice chief of army staff who was second in command during the administration of President Pervez Musharraf . Abbas said two of the attackers were suicide bombers who blew themselves up inside the Parade Lane mosque ; the other two were shot and killed by security forces outside the mosque . Several explosions were heard inside the mosque around 1:30 p.m. -LRB- 3:30 a.m. ET -RRB- , followed by gunfire , Abbas said . The militants entered the compound by climbing over a wall , Tareen said","question":"Islamabad , Pakistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Four militants armed with guns and grenades stormed a mosque in Rawalpindi frequented by military personnel , killing dozens of people Friday -- most of them children , the military said . The attack is the latest to shake the garrison city since this year 's launch of strong military offensives against Taliban insurgents in the Swat Valley and South Waziristan . Rawalpindi is the headquarters of the Pakistani army . Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas said Friday 's assault killed 36 people and wounded 75 . Among the dead were 17 children , according to the military 's Web site . Also killed were an army general and eight other military officials , six of them of senior rank . The remaining fatalities were adults . `` As soon as the mosque 's security staff checked me , there was a blast and then a finger hit me , then there was another , '' Ishtiaq , a driver for a military officer , told GEO TV . Ishtiaq , who uses only one name , was attending midday prayers . Rawalpindi is near Islamabad , and the mosque is near national army"} +{"answer":"'s interest and will cause unacceptable inconvenience to passengers . He urges the strike be called off immediately '' and the two sides return to bargaining . In addition to the three-day strike beginning Saturday , Unite has decided to strike for four more days beginning March 27 . Unite represents 95 percent of BA 's 15,000 cabin crew members , but not all of them plan to strike . The airline has unveiled an ambitious contingency plan to get as many passengers as possible to their destinations . Walsh said he hopes that by leasing aircraft and using replacement workers , BA will be able to deliver about two-thirds of its customers to their planned destinations during the strikes . In a full-page ad in British newspapers Friday , Walsh said a `` significant number '' of cabin crews do n't support the strike and will continue to work , supported by volunteers from across the airline . The airline said it has also made agreements with more than 60 other carriers to rebook customers free of charge if their British Airways flights are canceled during the strike period . Will a strike by British Airways affect you ?","question":"London , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- British Airways cabin crew members went on strike Saturday , leaving thousands of would-be passengers ' travel plans during the next two weeks in disarray . The strike came after British Airways Chief Executive Willie Walsh and the joint general secretary of the Unite union , Tony Woodley , emerged Friday from a meeting and announced the effort to avert the walkout had failed . `` This company does not want to negotiate , '' Woodley said of British Airways . `` This company wants ultimately to go to war with my members and the union . '' Walsh said he `` deeply regrets '' the inconvenience the strikes will cause to passengers but said the company will still try to operate as many flights as possible . `` I am disappointed the union has not been able to see the sense of the proposal we tabled today , '' Walsh said . Advice for passengers British Airways posted lists on its Web site of flights that it plans to operate during the walkout . A spokesperson for Prime Minister Gordon Brown said he `` believes that this strike is in no one"} +{"answer":"patients who were treated with PLX4032 had already received multiple treatments of other cancer drugs , all of which had failed . Two-thirds of those patients also already had what Eggermont described as `` very widespread metastatic disease . '' `` There were patients who were on oxygen or on continuous morphine who were off the morphine after one or two weeks of treatment , '' Eggermont told CNN . Two patients , he said , even showed complete remission , such that all detectable melanoma `` melted away . '' The other two major benefits of PLX4032 are that it can be taken orally as a pill and seems to have very mild side effects . The PLX4032 complex works by blocking the activity of cancer-causing mutation of the BRAF gene , which is implicated in more than half of all melanomas . Eggermont praised the drug for being highly-selective unlike traditional `` dirty '' cancer drugs that have a wide range of side-effects . `` The side effect profile looks very mild and we think it 's because it 's such a clean , super selective molecule and it 's an oral drug , and that 's a","question":"LONDON , England -- A new drug for melanoma has been shown to rapidly shrink malignant tumors in an early trial at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital in New York . New drug inhibits BRAF , the main driver of mutation in over 50 percent of melanomas . Among 27 patients whom the experimental new drug was tested on , `` 19 showed a 30 percent or greater reduction in tumor size , '' Dr. Paul Chapman , the lead researcher told CNN from a cancer conference in Berlin . Melanoma develops in cells that produce melanin , the pigment that gives skin its color , and is the most serious type of skin cancer . Currently the standard treatment for metastatic malignant melanoma is chemotherapy , which has only a 15 percent success rate , Chapman explained . In his trial using PLX4032 over 70 percent of patients had a response to the drug . `` Without reservation we can say this is a breakthrough in melanoma . We have n't seen a major breakthrough in this disease in the last 40 years , '' said Professor Alexander Eggermont , President of the European Cancer Organization . Seventy-five percent of the"} +{"answer":", Egypt , which just won the African Cup of Nations for a second straight time , is ranked 29th , fourth best among African teams . '' Do you think FIFA 's rankings count for much ? Let us know in the Sound Off box below . For example , France , who reached the World Cup final in 2006 are down in 12th , while England , who failed to even qualify for Euro 2008 , are ninth . Furthermore , Les Bleus were at their lowest-ever standing in the rankings in April 1998 , when they were down in 25th . Three months later , they lifted the World Cup . From 2001-06 , Mexico were anchored in the top 10 , at one point as high as fourth , which left many European fans wondering how that was possible . They were ahead of many a supposed European powerhouse , such as Portugal . Not only did the Iberian country reach the final of Euro 2004 , they also made the semi-finals of the World Cup in Germany two years later . Mexico were even in the same group as Portugal at the World Cup and","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Spain remain top of the world rankings for the ninth straight month , according to newly released standings by FIFA , the world game 's governing body . European champions Spain are ranked No. 1 by FIFA in their world rankings . The European champions have not lost a game since going down 1-0 in a friendly to Romania in Cadiz in November 2006 . They top their 2010 World Cup qualifying group , with four wins from four games , and have only conceded one goal in their last 10 internationals . No team can compete with that record and Spain are placed at No. 1 for that reason . Their rankings are based on team performances over the last four years , with more recent results and more significant matches being more heavily weighted to help reflect the current competitive state of a team . Yet fans all over the world have long questioned how much can be read into the rankings . After the 2008 African Cup of Nations , US-based football columnist Ives Galarcep wrote : `` Do n't try making any sense of these rankings . After all"} +{"answer":"lovingly raising a son , are shut out of the 1,100 federal and hundreds of state legal benefits that come with marriage . These include the right to visit a spouse in a hospital and make medical decisions ; employer sick and bereavement leave ; inheritance rights ; the right to give unlimited gifts to a spouse without gift tax ; disability , pension , and Social Security benefits ; the right to bring a wrongful death case ; the right to refuse to testify against a spouse ; or the right to prevent the deportation of a foreign-born partner by marriage , among others . Perhaps most poignant , and often lost in this debate , are children in same-sex families : kids like my friends ' son Dorian , growing up with the sting of knowing that his parents are second-class citizens in their own country . Study after study finds that something about marriage makes us live longer , healthier lives . Married folks have significantly better mental health , engage in fewer risky behaviors , eat healthier , have less illness and are just plain happier . And do n't tell me that civil unions are","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A pop star could have a quickie Vegas wedding tomorrow , to a man she meets tonight , if she so chooses . Scott Peterson , convicted of the murder of his pregnant wife and on death row , has an inalienable right to a prison wedding with a female pen pal if the mood strikes him . Indiana grandmother Linda Wolfe holds the Guinness World Records title for most marriages : 23 . One lasted just 36 hours . She 's on the lookout for No. 24 , and when she finds him , no law can stop her from marrying him . The U.S. Supreme Court has held unanimously that `` the freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men . Marriage is one of the basic civil rights of man . '' So basic , so important , so fundamental , in constitutional parlance , that no state can interfere with even the most reckless heterosexual nuptials . Yet in most states , my friends Wilbert and Carlos , `` free men '' together 16 years and"} +{"answer":"in the case . `` I think he 's a little out of it , '' public defender Jeff Banks said . Jerry T. Donohue , the attorney for the girl 's mother , told CNN that the child on the videotape was younger than 3 when the abuse occurred . The girl , who is now 7 , was found last month after a nationwide search . The girl 's mother said on `` The Dr. Phil Show '' Wednesday that she was `` relieved '' about Stiles ' arrest , although it would have been `` better if they found him dead . '' The woman said she will testify against Stiles if the case goes to court . She told Phil McGraw that her daughter remembers nothing about the videotaped assault and that she recently had a conversation with the girl about inappropriate touching . She said her daughter told her that if someone touched her inappropriately , the girl would scream and tell her mother . But , she told McGraw , `` I do n't trust anybody now . '' Although she is in a relationship with a man her daughter calls `` Dad ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- With his hands and feet shackled and his face obscured by his long hair , Chester Arthur Stiles made his initial court appearance in Las Vegas , Nevada , on Wednesday morning on charges stemming from the videotaped rape of a 2-year-old girl . Chester Stiles appears Wednesday in a Las Vegas , Nevada , courtroom . Stiles , 37 , was taken into custody Monday night after a Henderson , Nevada , police officer pulled over the white Buick Century he was driving . Prosecutors added a couple more charges before Wednesday 's hearing , bringing the total to 23 felony counts , including a charge of lewdness with a minor , sexual assault and the use of a child in the production of pornography , according to a statement issued by the Clark County , Nevada , court . One of the lewdness charges stems from a 2004 incident , while the others are related to the videotape , the court said . Judge Deborah Lippis set November 19 as the date for the preliminary hearing . After the hearing , Stiles ' court-appointed attorney said his client was overwhelmed by the public opinion"} +{"answer":"the movie . For our road trip , we had chosen an eight-day itinerary from our homes outside Atlanta , Georgia , through the mountains of North Carolina and Virginia , then east to the Atlantic shoreline and south along the coastal islands of the Outer Banks . The trip offered a spectacular ride up the Blue Ridge Parkway , a winding two-lane that clings to the ridgeline through North Carolina and Virginia . The elevation often reaches 5,000 feet or more , so temperatures were cool despite a heat wave down below . See map '' Our motorcycle motorcade passed panoramas of blue-tinged mountains and rolling meadows set off by split-rail fences . We motored through dense forests whose overhanging branches turned the road into a cool green tunnel . Rhododendrons and mountain laurels in bloom lined the road . See photos of this Harley road trip '' It all looks better from a motorcycle , because you 're so immersed in it -- not just looking out from inside a cage of steel and glass . In fact , we call cars cages and the people who drive them -- you guessed it -- cagers . See how","question":"Editor 's note : The author has ridden motorcycles more than 125,000 miles since 1999 , including solo trips from Georgia to California and Canada . She takes us inside the world of motorcycle travel . Bikers approach Mount Mitchell , North Carolina , during a road trip through the Blue Ridge Mountains . SHENANDOAH NATIONAL PARK , Virginia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- We were parked at a peaceful , shady overlook beside Virginia 's Skyline Drive , admiring the green mountains and the river far below , when Keith realized he needed a new rear tire , and he needed it now . A bald tire is a serious problem when you 're traveling by motorcycle : We do n't carry spare tires , for obvious reasons , and a blowout on two wheels could be life-threatening . Keith decided he could make it 100 miles to the Harley-Davidson dealership in Richmond , Virginia , as long as we kept it slow , so our seven bikes headed that way . It 's been said that a great trip in a car is like watching a first-rate movie -- but a great trip on a motorcycle is like living"} +{"answer":", and I said that I 'd never actually been to a women 's basketball game . She invited me to one , and 23 months later , I married that woman , Rebecca Lobo , who won a national championship with an unbeaten UConn team in 1995 and a gold medal at the Atlanta Olympics in 1996 and who helped to launch the WNBA in 1997 as a member of the New York Liberty . I 'm not saying critics are wrong : Perhaps UConn is bad for the sport , the way Secretariat was bad for horse racing when he won the Belmont by 31 lengths , or the way the Beatles diminished pop music by releasing 20 No. 1 hits , or the way da Vinci 's diversity of talents -- artist , engineer , inventor , etc. -- rendered the Renaissance irredeemably dull . Or perhaps exceptional talent and overriding excellence , over time , raises the level of everyone in its proximity , in which case this UConn team might be the best thing that ever happened to women 's basketball . True , when the Huskies play , the outcome of every game is","question":"Hartford , Connecticut -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Few defending champions in sport have had as much to defend as the University of Connecticut women 's basketball team . On Tuesday night , the Huskies successfully defended their title -LRB- beating Stanford 53-47 -RRB- , their winning streak -LRB- 78 games -RRB- and themselves -LRB- against the charge that they 're `` bad '' for women 's basketball -RRB- . They are so much better than every other team , goes the argument of various scribes , yakkers and bloggers , that they 've made a mockery of the game . Never mind that these very pundits have mocked the game for years . Perhaps that 's UConn 's real crime : It 's made a mockery of others ' mockery . I know . I once mocked women 's basketball -- and thank God I did . After I 'd written a single line casually ridiculing women 's basketball in the pages of Sports Illustrated , a woman confronted me in a bar in New York . She asked me how many games I 'd attended before forming my low opinion of the sport . My armpits burst into flames"} +{"answer":"there ? Share your story , images Demonstrators told CNN late Thursday they wanted to drive home the point that their demonstrations are supposed to be peaceful . Thursday 's explosions took place near an elevated train station where the Red Shirts are gathered , said Col. Sansern Kaewkumnerd , spokesman for the Center for Resolutions under Emergency Situation . Three of the grenades landed on the roof of the station , but at least one landed outside a nearby hotel , Sansern said . The emergency center , which records patients admitted to Bangkok hospitals , said the victims suffered wounds ranging from light to some more serious injuries . Watch red shirt protests The Red Shirts support former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra , who was ousted in a bloodless military coup in 2006 . They want Abhisit to dissolve the government , hold new elections and leave the country . Meanwhile , pro-government demonstrators in multicolored shirts have also mobilized to support Abhisit during the crisis . Thailand 's military on Monday stationed about 1,500 troops in the area , a Bangkok financial center that houses offices for some of the nation 's largest companies . The Red","question":"Bangkok , Thailand -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Thailand 's prime minister huddled with the chiefs of the country 's armed forces early Friday after a string of grenade attacks killed at least one person and wounded dozens of others in the already-tense capital . Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva called an emergency meeting of top officials after the Thursday night attacks , which followed weeks of protests aimed at toppling his administration . Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban told CNN the grenades were launched from the area where the anti-government protesters , known as the Red Shirts , have been encamped for weeks , but the protesters denied any responsibility for the attacks . Suthep told Thai television earlier that three people died in the attacks , but Bangkok 's Erawan Emergency and Rescue Center later revised the number to one . At least 87 people were wounded , the center said . Suthep said riot police and helicopters were deployed to join Thai troops in the area , which was still littered with glass amid the standoff . Across the barricades , the Red Shirts were playing music and trying to encourage a festive atmosphere . iReport : Are you"} +{"answer":"competitive with brand name department stores . His story in the apparel business began with the word `` wardrobe '' itself . `` I had seen it numerous times and thought , ` Why would a word associated with business suits or casual attire have such a negative prefix ? ' '' He decided to remove the word `` war '' and create a brand called DROBE that would offer professionals and smaller mom-and-pop boutiques his personalized custom style . But his first foray into the apparel business began and ended about 10 years ago at a trade show in Las Vegas , Nevada . He borrowed money to pay for a booth , but like many entrepreneurial designers getting started , Taylor said buyers were not interested in clothing without established brand names . Soon after , Taylor was broke . `` When I came home from that show thousands of dollars in the hole , I thought , ` How can I create a better story ? ' '' Watch Taylor discuss how his business started '' Several months later , Taylor was surprised that some of his personal customers were coming back for more shirts because of","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As millions of people enter the job market and business owners struggle to entice consumers , Ryan Taylor may be better positioned than most to weather the economic crisis . Ryan Taylor , right , and client Shawn Stockman of Boyz II Men at Taylor 's downtown Los Angeles office . Taylor is a custom tailor who brings his showroom to clients ' homes and offices . The day before former New Edition artist Johnny Gill left for a U.S. concert tour in March , Taylor sat in the musician 's modest condominium taking measurements for a customized shirt and suit that needed to be completed and shipped in a few days . Even on short notice , `` Taylor the Tailor , '' as he is known , delivered on his promise -- and made Gill a loyal and satisfied customer . Taylor says he wants to change the apparel business model by personalizing a customer 's needs , instead of having large inventories and high overhead costs that can quickly put someone out of business in a bad economy . His recipe for success : virtually no inventory and prices"} +{"answer":"the investigation report . He was fined , fired and flown home from Iraq , and the company later paid $ 20,000 in compensation to the victim 's family . Moonen returned to the United States within a few days of the incident , his attorney said , but in February he returned to Kuwait working for Combat Support Associates -LRB- CSA -RRB- , a company spokesman said . CNN reported Thursday night that CSA said it was unaware of the December incident when it hired Moonen , because the State Department and Blackwater kept the incident quiet and out of Moonen 's personnel records . Waxman wrote it is `` hard to reconcile this development '' with previous assertions State Department officials have made in recent days . Waxman earlier accused Rice and the State Department of a cover-up of what he called `` an epidemic of corruption '' in Iraq in general . He branded the State Department 's anti-corruption efforts `` dysfunctional , under-funded and a low priority . '' Waxman further blasted the department for trying to keep secret details of corruption in Iraq , especially relating to Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki . `` Corruption","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Democrats ' top investigator in Congress reacted angrily Friday to a report that the former Blackwater USA employee accused of killing an Iraqi vice presidential guard was hired by another U.S. contractor weeks later . Rep. Henry Waxman says the State Department is covering up `` an epidemic of corruption '' in Iraq . The report comes alongside Rep. Henry Waxman 's warning of a `` confrontation '' with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice over how much Americans should be able to learn about corruption in Iraq . In a sharply worded letter , Waxman demanded Rice turn over a long list of documents related to the contractor , Andrew Moonen . `` Serious questions now exist about whether the State Department may have withheld from the U.S. Defense Department facts about this Blackwater contractor 's shooting of the Iraqi guard that should have prevented his hiring to work on another contract in support of the Iraq War , '' wrote Waxman , chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform . Moonen is accused of fatally shooting an Iraqi guard and fleeing the scene , according to a Congressional memo describing"} +{"answer":"of the dinosaur . Alvarado said the new generation -- modeled after bass and trout -- cost only a few hundred dollars and have only 10 parts instead of the thousands used in Robotuna . At five to 18 inches , the new fish is much smaller than Robotuna and built from a single , soft polymer . And unlike Robotuna , the fish is able to be released in the oceans . `` Most of the brains , the electronics , are embedded inside , '' said Alvarado , who designed the robofish with fellow MIT engineer Kamal Youcef-Toumi . `` We have built prototypes with the battery inside , but for my experiments , for simplicity . We have a lot of prototypes that are simply tethered . We have a cable that runs out from the body and connects to a power supply . '' The new generation has withstood harsh conditions in the lab , including two years of testing inside tanks filled with tap water , which is corrosive to standard robots , according to Alvarado , who says the Robotuna inspired him to take the technology to the next level . The oil exploration","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Schools of robotic fish could one day map the ocean floor , detect pollution or inspect and survey submerged boats or oil and gas pipelines , researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology say . MIT researcher Pablo Valdivia Alvarado works in his lab on a robotic fish he co-created . MIT engineers are showing off the latest generation of so-called robofish 15 years after they built the first one . The latest incarnation is sleeker , more streamlined and capable of mimicking the movements of a real fish . And it 's capable of exploring underwater terrain submersibles ca n't , said Pablo Valdivia Alvarado , a mechanical engineer at the school . `` Some of our sponsors were thinking of using them for inspection and surveillance , '' Alvarado said . `` Since these prototypes are very cheap , the idea was to build hundreds -- 200 , 500 -- and then just release them in a bay or at a port , and they would be roaming around taking measurements . '' MIT researchers built their first robotic fish , `` Robotuna , '' in 1994 . But Robotuna has gone the way"} +{"answer":"returning home from deployment . Within 10 days the trust will distribute $ 1 million to selected veterans relief organizations within the tri-state region , Lewi said . Co-workers Tim Davidson , Brandon Lacoff and Greg Skidmore claimed the prize from the November 2 drawing , which netted them more than $ 100 million , at a presentation by the Connecticut Lottery Corp. . Ranjit Singh , the manager of the Stamford BP gas station where the winning ticket was purchased , told CNN 's Mary Snow that he is sure it was Tim Davidson who purchased the ticket . `` I do recognize him , I can not forget the face . '' Singh also said he remembers that he pushed Davidson to buy a ticket . The jackpot was $ 254 million , had the winners taken a multiyear payout . They opted instead for a one-time cash payout that totaled $ 103.6 million after taxes , according to Connecticut Lottery spokeswoman Linda Tarnowski . It was the 12th-largest jackpot in Powerball history , according to Anne Noble , president of the Connecticut Lottery . `` Everybody is extremely excited -- these numbers are huge , '' said","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A day after three Connecticut asset managers claimed the largest Powerball jackpot in the state 's history , a public relations executive acting on their behalf issued a statement denying there was a fourth participant who wanted to remain anonymous . Throughout the day Monday there had been published reports that the three men who appeared with the winning check were only collecting on behalf of a client of their investment firm . `` While there has been much speculation and quite a bit of misinformation over the last 24 hours , this Trust , with its three trustees , has been established to manage the winnings in the most practical and expedient way possible so that we can achieve our strategic goal of helping those who can best benefit from these funds , '' said public relations executive Gary Lewi . `` And to be clear , there are a total of three trustees and there is no anonymous fourth participant . '' The statement goes on to say that the financial advisers will set up a trust that will have as its focus -- among other things -- care for U.S. veterans and those"} +{"answer":"medication , and his attorney asked the court to make the drugs available to Dekraai while he is being held in jail without bail . The judge said he would order a medical team to evaluate Dekraai and , in a response to another defense request , would see if Dekraai 's current wife could deliver his spinal cord implant stimulator , which is needed because of a 2007 accident Dekraai experienced . Balding and with a salt-and-pepper goatee , Dekraai appeared calm inside the courtroom 's detainee cage . One person in the gallery shouted `` You coward ! '' Then , as he exited the courtroom , a sobbing woman uttered `` I hate you ! I hate you ! '' Dekraai 's attorney , Robert Curtis of Long Beach , told the court that he 's considering a change of venue . Earlier Friday , authorities held a press conference and recounted how Dekraai 's ex-wife , a hair stylist at the salon , was working near the entrance and was among the first two people shot . On the morning of the shooting , which occurred Wednesday , Dekraai and Fournier got into an argument about","question":"Los Angeles -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Prosecutors will seek the death penalty against a 41-year-old Southern California man charged Friday with murder in this week 's mass shooting at a hair salon , Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas said . Scott Evans Dekraai of Huntington Beach , California , allegedly shot his ex-wife and seven other people to death at the Salon Meritage in the small coastal community of Seal Beach , Rackauckas said Friday . A ninth person was wounded . Prosecutors formally filed eight counts of first-degree murder and a felony count of attempted murder against Dekraai on Friday . The first-degree murder charges carry the special circumstance of multiple murder , the prosecutor said . Dekraai and his ex-wife , Michelle Fournier , 48 , were in a custody battle over their 8-year-old son , and the dispute was the motive in the shooting , Rackauckas said . The prosecutor called Dekraai `` a methodical and merciless killer . '' On Friday afternoon , Dekraai appeared before Orange County Judge Erick L. Larsh , who , at the request of attorneys , rescheduled Dekraai 's arraignment to November 29 . Dekraai is not taking his antipsychotic"} +{"answer":"down , straight for me . He picked me up and the books went flying . Watch Larry on his `` Remarkable journey '' '' I 'm not sure if I knew the cop . But I may have . For years , before the war started and my father went to work in the defense plant , he 'd owned a little neighborhood bar and grill . He was friendly with all the cops . The cops loved my father the way they loved any bar owner who had a great sense of humor . I remember having my own police costume when I was very young . A badge and a little nightstick came with it . I 'd make like I was walking the beat . The cop put me in the squad car . He told me that my father had died . Heart attack . I did n't cry . I remember that . I did n't cry . I was more befuddled than anything else . It must have been difficult for the cop . He started the car and drove . We wound through the streets of Brownsville and ended up at a","question":"Editor 's note : Below is an excerpt from Larry King 's autobiography , `` My Remarkable Journey , '' published by Weinstein books . Larry King anchors `` Larry King Live '' at 9 p.m. ET on CNN . Larry , left , at age 10 with his younger brother , Marty , shortly after their father died . I was walking home from the library carrying nine books . That 's the way my memory sees it . I ca n't know for sure if it was exactly nine books . Maybe I picture nine books because I was nine years old . I 'm certain that I was nine years old , because I 'm sure of the date -- June 9 , 1943 . There were a lot of books under my arm on that summer day because I loved books . I wonder what happened to those nine books ... There were three squad cars in front of my apartment building . Flivvers , we called them . I do n't remember exactly when I started to hear my mother 's screams . But as I hurried up the steps , a cop quickly came"} +{"answer":"around its unique history . Haitians are the descendants of the only slaves who revolted against their masters in the 19th century . Haiti , though , has struggled since it broke away from its colonial rulers , the French . Even before the earthquake , unemployment hovered around 50 percent , and more than half of all Haitians live on a dollar a day . Ongoing political instability adds to Haiti 's misery . Western nations and relief groups have stepped in over the years to help . But some of that help has backfired , says Alex Dupuy , a native of Haiti and a professor of sociology at Wesleyan University in Connecticut . `` Haiti has been transformed over the years into an aid-dependent country , '' Dupuy said . `` Much of the aid has further weakened the ability of the state to deliver . '' In Haiti , the government does n't provide basic services such as sanitation , electricity and drinking water , Dupuy says . Much of that is provided by non-governmental organizations , or NGOs , like relief groups , he says . `` It becomes a vicious cycle , '' Dupuy","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The same hands that are helping Haiti recover from a massive earthquake could cripple its long-term recovery . That 's the concern voiced by some Haitian scholars , natives and relief workers . The world has rallied to Haiti 's side since the January 12 earthquake killed at least 217,000 people and displaced at least a million in the impoverished island nation . Yet the same groups that have lined up to help Haitians the past two months -- foreign governments , relief groups and companies pledging to rebuild -- could hobble Haiti 's long-term survival , some say . Ronald Agenor , a Haitian-American , says he 's grateful for the world 's assistance . But he does n't want the earthquake to wipe out one of his native country 's most precious assets : its independence . `` We 're not a country anymore , '' said Agenor , a former top-ranked professional tennis player . `` It does n't seem like we have a government . We 're a place where people go to give money . '' How aid can hinder Haiti 's government Much of Haiti 's national identity is shaped"} +{"answer":"there . `` Once my wife lets me retire , '' says Phil McAllister , `` my son will take over the business . '' Barbering has been around for centuries , and this old profession does n't seem be going away anytime soon . The barbers at Mustang Barbers really enjoy cutting hair and making small talk with their customers . Straight-razor shaves also are available . `` My clients are my friends , '' say McAllister . Fathers bring their sons , and sons come with their grandfathers . This American career has been passed from generation to generation . `` I 've cut grandfather 's hair , his son 's hair and his grandson 's hair , '' says barber Carolyn Wilson , who has been cutting hair for 17 years . `` Some ladies want to just cut women 's hair , but I just want to cut men 's hair , '' says Wilson . `` I just like to make them feel good about themselves . '' Watch the comings and goings at the shop '' Todd Blalock , 36 , has only been cutting for five years . `` I 'm gon na","question":"DALLAS , Texas -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The minute you walk into Mustang Barbers you immediately smell the scent of aftershave lotion and your grandfather 's cologne . Mustang Barbers in Dallas , Texas , is usually buzzing with hair-cutting activity . The sounds of hair clippers buzzing and hair dryers blowing fill this hardwood-floor barber shop . Mustang Barbers is an old-fashioned barber shop . Men come from all walks of life to get their haircuts from one of Mustang 's 10 barbers . While some men wait their turn in the barber 's chair , they get a shoeshine and read the morning newspaper . The old saying `` the more things change , the more things stay the same '' could n't be more true at Mustang Barbers . The shop has been around this Dallas neighborhood for 40 years . Its owner , Phil McAllister , has been cutting hair for more than 35 years . He comes from a family of barbers . His father , A.E. McAllister , was a barber for 61 years and worked at Mustang Barbers into his 90s . Phil 's son , Wes McAllister , 28 , also works"} +{"answer":"memory of the Brazilian repertoire by resurfacing classic , forgotten or unknown songs . The Padre Anchieta Foundation also happens to boast the biggest archive of Brazilian music in Brazil , including more than 15,000 songs dating from the 1920 's to the present . `` Making it easy to search through the vast archive of songs was an important feature since version one of the Web site , '' says Avorio . Producer Alceu Maynard observes two types of RadarCultura members : `` There are people who listen to the show because they are fans of Brazilian music . There are others who like to produce the content on our site -- they collaborate actively with suggestions , playlists and all aspects of programming . '' Meanwhile , RadarCultura team members Alceu , speaker Teca Lima and project manager Lia Rangel are busy podcasting interviews , moderating conversations , blogging , twittering and keeping the site relevant . Old media gets new blood True to its non-visual origin , RadarCultura 's Web site is strictly text-based , with icons that link to votes and streaming audio . And true to its Web-based platform , the site has adopted ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In the age of digital audio , what does good old-fashioned radio still have to offer ? Teca Lima , the voice of RadarCultura , consults the Web site before talking into the mic . Plenty , according to the creators of RadarCultura , a community-based Web site and a daily three-hour AM radio program broadcast from Brazil 's S\u00e3o Paulo . `` Radio is ` now , ' '' says 22-year-old Brazilian Andr\u00e9 Avorio , who implemented the Web site . '' -LSB- Radio -RSB- is generally quick and live . This adds a special dynamic to the medium . Moreover , it is still one of the most popular means of mass communication in Brazil . Combining it with the power of the Internet can result in many new possibilities . '' RadarCultura is an experimental project of the Padre Anchieta Foundation to promote public participation in audio-visual programming , eventually aiming to fuse its radio , television and Web programs into a single interactive , real-time platform . Like many online music sites , RadarCultura is always looking for new music and emerging talents , but its primary focus is to preserve the"} +{"answer":"pioneered by the vehicles over the years have made it into the mainstream . Energy-efficient , `` low-rolling resistance '' tires that are on the market now were used by Michelin in World Solar Challenge events of the early 1990s , and since the inaugural event in 1987 the electric motors have improved in efficiency by at least 30 % , says Selwood . Some of the motors being used by teams have been engineered to work at 98 % efficiency in turning electricity into motor power . `` That could drive a washing machine , ceiling fan or even electric vehicle , '' says Selwood . `` There are many uses for a motor like that in our daily lives across a range of applications . '' For the top teams , though , the aim is to get to Adelaide first and worry about the legacy of the technology later . Nuon Solar Team 's Nuna6 car is one of the favorites to win this year 's competition . As winners of the events from 2001 to 2007 , Nuon Solar Team , made up of students from the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands , hope","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Powered by the same energy produced by a toaster , this weekend 39 solar-powered cars are preparing to race across the Australian outback reaching speeds in excess of 100 kilometers per hour -LRB- 62 miles per hour -RRB- along the way . Setting off from Darwin on Saturday , many of the cars taking part in the biennial , 3,021-kilometer -LRB- 1,877-mile -RRB- Veolia World Solar Challenge to Adelaide look more like ping-pong tables on wheels rather than conventional cars . However , the spirit of adventure and quest for more energy efficiency is what drives the teams of volunteers , university students and organizers . `` We think about it in terms of the land-based version of ocean yacht racing , '' says Chris Selwood , the event director . `` Really it 's about how much you can do with how little . We 're looking for the ultimate efficiency in electric cars . '' This year is the 11th race and Selwood is happy to point out that while most of the cars do n't resemble anything else that will be rumbling down the Australian highways this weekend , some of the innovations"} +{"answer":". `` There are no excuses for this to happen to any baby , '' said Crystal Wilson , 26 . `` This is murder . He had no reason to die . He died because he cried . '' An innocent infant 's violent death has destroyed a family . Watch the family celebrate Camryn 's birth '' `` It really is a tragedy , '' said Craig Wilson 's defense attorney , Jonathan T. Sinn . `` I mean , not only did Crystal and Craig lose a son , but Crystal lost a husband , and Craig 's parents lost a son and a grandson . ... One day this was a happy , perfect family , and the next day it 's been devastated . '' The National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome estimates that as many as 1,400 babies annually are injured or killed by shaking . According to the center , 70 percent to 79 percent of people convicted of killing or hurting babies are men . The average age of perpetrators is 24 , and 82 percent are either the parent of the victim or the live-in boyfriend of the mother . Watch","question":"CUYAHOGA FALLS , Ohio -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Camryn Jakeb Wilson was bathed in TV lights the day he was born , celebrated on the local news as Summit County 's 2008 New Year 's baby after his arrival at 12:33 a.m. January 1 . Camryn Jakeb Wilson was the first baby born this year in Summit County , Ohio , arriving at 12:33 a.m. January 1 . Just 12 weeks later , he was bathed in warm water minutes after he quietly died in his mother 's arms , the victim of shaken baby syndrome . Camryn 's 9-year-old sister , Tabatha , asked why he needed a bath now . `` We have to get him ready to go to Jesus , '' a nurse softly replied . Tabatha took up a sponge to help . Camryn 's father , Craig R. Wilson , 28 , of Cuyahoga Falls , is scheduled for a pretrial hearing on murder and other charges August 20 . Police say he confessed to shaking and squeezing the infant after arguing with his wife , Crystal Wilson . But he has pleaded not guilty to all the charges and faces trial in September"} +{"answer":"to KGO . At the University of California Davis , police held back student protesters who had threatened to shut down nearby Interstate 80 , CNN affiliate KCRA in Sacramento reported . Police fired rubber bullets into the ground in an effort to deter students , who made it as far as an I-80 exit ramp just south of campus . At the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee , at least 15 people were arrested in demonstrations Thursday , according to CNN affiliate WTMJ . A University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee vice chancellor allowed a protester to drop off pamphlets in the chancellor 's office , then called campus police when dozens of protesters tried to enter the building , according to WTMJ . University police called the Milwaukee Police Department for backup , and officers spent an hour rounding up protesters . Students yelled `` Let her go ! '' and `` What did he do ? '' as Milwaukee police led students into their black and white vans . Across the country , students told of having to work second jobs and make lifestyle adjustments in the face of dramatic tuition hikes . `` I work at two jobs , go to","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A California movement protesting $ 1 billion in budget cuts to the state 's university system appeared to have burgeoned into a nationwide demonstration on Thursday . Students and professors in dozens of states were challenging administrators and state lawmakers over budget cuts and tuition increases that they say are reducing students ' class options and increasing their expenses . Some of the demonstrations turned chaotic . In Oakland , California , police arrested 160 protesters who shut down a major freeway , according to city police spokeswoman April McFarland . The Oakland protesters had left a march from the University of California , Berkeley to Oakland City Hall and wound up on the Interstate 980\/880 interchange , CNN San Francisco affiliate KGO reported . KCRA : Protesters threaten to block interstate McFarland said the protesters brought Thursday evening rush hour traffic to a halt for an hour and 45 minutes . One man is in critical condition after he tried to elude arrest by jumping off the freeway onto a tree , KGO reported . He fell from the tree onto the street below , a roughly 22 foot drop from the interchange , according"} +{"answer":"the city , and organic produce `` is pushed throughout the schools , '' he said . Boulder 's 100,000 residents have 360 miles of bike paths and 64 underpasses , so cyclists need not stop when they reach an intersection . `` We think that 's much safer , and it 's much faster and it 's more fun , '' said Havlick , 72 , who returned last week from hiking on glaciers in Alaska . Exercise is also part of the political culture of Boulder , where seven of the nine City Council members are bicyclists , said Havlick , professor emeritus of architecture and planning at the University of Colorado . `` There 's a strong inclination for more money to be spent on reducing car dependency . '' Weather , too , plays a role , with 330 days of sunshine , he said . And social pressure may have an impact . `` I think there is a stigma attached to people who have a BMI that 's high , '' he said , referring to body mass index , a measure of body fat based on height and weight . Still , he","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- While most Americans continue to get fatter , Coloradans stand out as being among the fittest in the country , the Trust for America 's Health says . Exercise and good nutrition are part of the Colorado public consciouness , says one former official . The state ranked 51st in obesity , with 17.6 percent of its 4.3 million residents squeezing into that category . -LRB- The rankings included the District of Columbia . -RRB- And fewer than one in five state residents leads an inactive lifestyle , the trust found . That appeared to pay off in health benefits , with Colorado ranking 50th in diabetes and high blood pressure . These figures did not surprise Spenser Havlick , former deputy mayor of Boulder , where exercise and good nutrition rank high in the public consciousness and attract like-minded people from other parts of the country , he said . `` They are leaving behind a more sedentary life in the larger cities , '' he said . `` Every weekend , there 's a 5K race , a 10K race ; there are ultramarathons . '' A number of organic health food stores dot"} +{"answer":"calling in the lawyers . `` I have instructed my promoter , Bob Arum , head of Top Rank Inc , to help me out in the filing of the case as soon as possible because I have had people coming over to me now asking if I really take performance-enhancing drugs and I have cheated my way into becoming the number one boxer in the world . `` I maintain and assure everyone that I have not used any form or kind of steroids and that my way to the top is a result of hard work , hard work , hard work and a lot of blood spilled from my past battles in the ring , not outside of it . `` I have no idea what steroids look like and my fear in God has kept me safe and victorious through all these years . '' The row started earlier this week when Mayweather 's promoters Golden Boy Promotions went public with their demands for blood-testing , as mandated by the United States Anti-Doping Agency -LRB- USADA -RRB- and making it a condition before the super-fight went ahead . But Pacquiao 's trainer Freddie Roach said this","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Manny Pacquiao is threatening Floyd Mayweather Jr. with legal action following a row over drugs testing which leaves their proposed super-bout next year in doubt . Pacquiao is refusing to agree to a demand by the Mayweather camp to undergo Olympic style blood-screening in the run up to the fight , which is penciled in for the MGM Grand in Las Vegas on March 13 . Boxing commentators had suggested that the war of words was a pre-fight tactic by the Mayweather camp and his promoter , Golden Boy Promotions , to unsettle the Filipino , who has hit back with an angry statement on his personal Web site . `` Enough is enough . These people , Mayweather Sr , Jr , and Golden Boy Promotions , think it is a joke and a right to accuse someone wrongly of using steroids or other performance-enhancing drugs , '' it read . `` I have tried to just brush it off as a mere pre-fight ploy but I think they have gone overboard '' Pacquiao , who became a five-weight world champion by beating Puerto Rican Miguel Cotto in November , claimed he would now be"} +{"answer":"a charge that was later dropped . Exactly what happened inside Gates ' home may never be known , but it seems clear that the key players in this saga brought their own personal history with race to the moment . That was true of Gates and Crowley , as well as the nation 's first African-American president . All three will meet for a beer today at the White House to help chill the furor over Gates ' arrest and , in Obama 's words , try to turn the events of the past two weeks into a `` teachable moment . '' `` White woman '' targeted It 's a bit ironic , said Whalen 's attorney Wendy Murphy , that the three people who `` reacted badly '' will sit down together while the `` one person who did not overreact '' will be at work Thursday . `` Maybe it 's a guy thing , '' Murphy said , adding of Whalen : `` She does n't like beer anyway . '' Watch Whalen describe `` painful '' criticism '' Gates ' arrest sparked heated rhetoric on TV , radio and the Internet . Initially ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Lucia Whalen strolled down a sidewalk near Harvard University , enjoying a lunchtime ritual she 'd repeated many times in her 15 years working in Cambridge , Massachusetts . But on this day , July 16 , her outing would become something else altogether -- the first steps in a national drama . President Obama has invited police Sgt. James Crowley and Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates for beer . An older woman approached Whalen , worried that she 'd just witnessed two men breaking into a home . That 's when Whalen , a first-generation Portuguese-American , called 911 from her cell phone -- alerting police to 17 Ware St. -- the home , as it turns out , of renowned Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. . Whalen 's call -- now clearly the well-intentioned act of a passerby -- ignited a firestorm over race and police relations , a national debate that went all the way to the White House . It was a call she says she never expected to be `` analyzed by an entire nation . '' Gates was arrested by Cambridge police Sgt. James Crowley for disorderly conduct ,"} +{"answer":"Pixar campus -- and sat down with actor Ed Asner , who lends his voice to Carl ; technical director Steve May ; and co-director Pete Docter to get behind The Scene . Ed Asner : Well , the first 10-15 minutes , that 's a grabber . Nobody can resist it . Steve May : Even though we have a cartoony world , you are trying to make the audience believe that the world and the characters exist . The biggest challenges were a flying house that flies underneath a big canopy of balloons . So , if we can kind of capture that on the computer and animate our balloons to look believable too , then the audience will believe that the house can fly . Pete Docter : There is an amazing group of computer scientists that really approach these things both as an artist but also as a scientist . May : You have thousands of balloons that all interact with each other , and all the balloons have strings , so this is a very complex animation problem . Docter : They think about the physics of the balloons . They bump into each other","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- With an unbroken chain of blockbuster hits under their belt -- including `` Toy Story , '' `` Finding Nemo , '' `` The Incredibles , '' `` Cars '' and many others -- the talented team of men and women who work for Pixar seem to have the Midas touch . An elderly balloon salesman uproots his house with the help of thousands of balloons in `` Up . '' Their latest endeavor , `` Up , '' follows the life of Carl Fredricksen , a balloon salesman who has recently lost the love of his life , Ellie . Now in his golden years , Carl decides it 's finally time to make Ellie 's lifelong wish come true -- to visit Paradise Falls in South America . He quickly becomes aware he has a stowaway : Russell , a young Wilderness Explorer who 's trying to earn one more merit badge . It 's the unusual form of transportation that Carl chooses that creates the backdrop for this week 's `` The Scene . '' Watch the balloons take off '' CNN traveled to Emeryville , California -- the site of the famous"} +{"answer":"stunned to discover his wife , who had also been shipped to Auschwitz , alive and well in Poland . The Brinkmanns immigrated to America , where Brinkmann spent years in the bar and nightclub business , co-founding the Adam 's Apple disco in Manhattan in 1971 . In recent years , he had been the real estate manager of a mixed-use building in the Bronx , working `` seven days a week , without fail , '' Rick Brinkman said . On Thursday , the building 's superintendent grew concerned when Brinkmann did not show up for work . He notified Brinkmann 's son and received permission to enter the father 's apartment , where he had lived alone since his wife died last year . Brinkmann was found face-down in his bedroom , his hands bound behind his back and his body showing blunt-force trauma wounds , police said . Brinkmann 's blue 2009 Honda Civic had been stolen , along with one of two safes in his apartment , police said . The vehicle was later recovered in the Bronx . Rick Brinkman speculated that the killing was random . `` Anybody who knew him really liked","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Bronx woman has been charged with murder and robbery in the death of an 89-year-old Nazi concentration camp survivor , and police said a man is still being sought in connection with the death . Felix Brinkmann dances at a 2008 birthday party . `` He was not the kind of guy who had enemies , '' his son says . Angela Murray , 30 , was arrested Saturday , according to the Manhattan district attorney 's office , and is accused of strangling Guido Felix Brinkmann on Thursday in his Upper East Side apartment . Murray was arraigned Sunday and charged with one count of murder in the second degree and three counts of robbery . Brinkmann , a native of Latvia , was a Holocaust survivor who escaped death for a year while he was in the Mauthausen , Ebensee and Auschwitz camps . He had been slated for the gas chambers five times , but each time , he used his fluency in German to talk his way out , said his son , Rick Brinkman , who spells his last name differently . After the war , he was"} +{"answer":"the global defence aviation industry at the moment and offers both bidders a much-needed opportunity in a major market , '' said James Hardy , Asia Pacific Editor at IHS Jane 's Defence Weekly said in a statement . Arms sales , as well as more frequent military exercises and exchanges , are seen as an important ways to cement ties between the two countries . The Defense Department downplayed any suggestion that arms sales and other contacts could backfire and that next-door Pakistan may feel new pressure both in its already-strained relationship with Washington and with its historical enemy , India . `` It 's important that none of us think about relationships in this region as a zero-sum game , '' said Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Robert Scher at the Pentagon . `` We have valuable relationships with Pakistan and valuable relationships with India and these things can co-exist . '' Scher signaled that he hoped the relationship , and the arms sales would continue to grow . `` I think there is a great potential to do much more , '' Scher said in a briefing at the Pentagon . `` India sees the U.S. as","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Pentagon is portraying India as a major customer for U.S. military equipment , worth an estimated $ 6 billion in the past decade , even as U.S. companies are shut out of a multibillion dollar bid for fighter jets that India is starting this week . In the newest edition of a congressionally mandated report , the Defense Department signaled that it was hoping to interest India in its top-of-the-line and most expensive weapon , the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter , still being tested . Arms sales , as well as more frequent military exercises and exchanges , are seen as an important ways to cement ties between the two countries . But India does n't always buy American . Recently , India considered and then rejected a major purchase of U.S. F-16 and F-18 fighters , a expensive setback for U.S. arms sales and the U.S. aviation industry . That deal -- now between the Dassault Rafale and Eurofighter Typhoon -- is a reminder of the vast sums in play . `` With a potential contract price of US$ 9 billion to US$ 14 billion , this is the single biggest competition in"} +{"answer":". `` I have always had a tremendous relationship with the Arsenal fans and these games will be the occasion for me to say goodbye to them , '' Pires told www.setanta.com . `` Not having been able to say goodbye to them is a pain to me . `` I wanted to have the chance to thank the Highbury public for their support , but I could not do it because my last game was the Champions League final with Barcelona . `` Then I announced my departure to Villarreal three days later and did not see them again . Sincerely , this draw is emotional to me , and fills me with nostalgia as well , that is for sure . '' Pires was sent off in the 3-0 weekend defeat at Almeria that saw midfielder Santi Cazorla break an ankle in a match that left Manuel Pellegrini 's team in fourth place . Spain international midfielder Marcos Senna is , though , expected to be fit to face the Gunners . Arsenal striker Robin van Persie misses the trip to Spain with a groin injury , but Samir Nasri and Theo Walcott have been passed fit for","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Robert Pires is confident Villarreal -- nickname ` the Yellow Submarine ' -- can torpedo the Champions League dreams of former club Arsenal in Tuesday 's quarterfinal first leg clash in Spain . Robert Pires made his final apearance for Arsenal in the 2006 Champions League final defeat against Barcelona . `` We can beat them , for sure , '' said the former French internationa \\ . `` We would not come on the pitch if we were not convinced that we are good enough to go through . `` I would say that I expect a spectacular game between two teams that look like each other a lot . Hopefully we will see many goals . '' The 35-year-old spent six successful seasons at Highbury , and made his last appearance for the Gunners in the 2006 Champions League final when he was substituted in an early tactical change following the sending off of goalkeeper Jens Lehmann . Such an exit was not the way Pires wanted to bring the curtain down on an Arsenal career which had seen him help guide Arsene Wenger 's side through an unbeaten Premier League campaign in 2003\/2004"} +{"answer":"name . McCain wants the Senate to pass a resolution urging President Obama to grant Johnson a presidential pardon . It would represent a final vindication for Haywood , a 53-year-old seamstress in Chicago who now views her great-uncle with pride . Her parents did n't tell her until she was 12 that she was related to Johnson , even though she saw his photo at school during lessons on black history . `` I remember seeing his picture on the wall of my sixth-grade classroom in Chicago in 1966 , '' Haywood said in a voice tinged with sadness . `` It was up there next to pictures of Sojourner Truth and George Washington Carver as part of a black history week my teacher put together . I did n't have the first clue who the man was . My parents did n't want me to know . '' Her parents , she said , were trying to protect her from a legacy of racial injustice at a time when the country had yet to emerge from the long shadow of segregation . Haywood was stunned when she learned her great-uncle 's story . Less than five years after","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- To this day , Linda Haywood recalls the shame she once felt for her great-uncle . Jack Johnson was convicted of transporting a white woman across state lines for `` immoral purposes . '' `` I could see from the expression on my mother 's face that it pained her to tell me about him , '' she recalled , `` but it was n't just her . The shame was there for all the members of my family . '' Haywood 's great-uncle , Jack Johnson , shocked the nation in 1908 by becoming the first African-American world heavyweight champion . Yet the boxer was arrested not long afterward for taking a white woman across state lines for `` immoral '' purposes . That case fell apart and the woman later became his wife , but then investigators charged him with a similar offense involving a woman he had dated years earlier . An all-white jury 's decision to convict him in that case has come to be widely viewed as a symbol of racial injustice . Now Haywood is working with Sen. John McCain and others to try to clear her great-uncle 's"} +{"answer":"'' Watch CNN 's Michael Ware on the U.S. withdrawal '' The shift is part of the security agreement that former President George W. Bush 's administration signed with Iraq . In the CNN interview , Odierno blamed the recent violence in Iraq on `` extremist elements using the timeframe and date to gain attention to themselves and divert attention from the success of Iraqi security forces . '' The 131,000 U.S. troops in Iraq still will `` maintain full coordination with Iraqi forces inside the cities '' and continue to have intelligence capacity , Odierno said . With approval from the Iraqis , they also will carry out operations in major cities as necessary , he said . Odierno said his goal is to help provide security that allows Iraq to hold planned national elections leading to the eventual removal of all U.S. troops by the end of 2011 . He said his biggest worry is a breakdown in stability such as a `` consistent increase in violence '' or a situation that Iraqi forces ca n't handle . `` I do n't see that '' happening , Odierno said . `` I think we 're on the right","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Despite some high-profile bombings in recent days , Iraq 's security forces are ready to take over for U.S. forces this week to stabilize the nation 's major cities , the U.S. commander in Iraq told CNN on Sunday . Except for soldiers in advisory roles , all U.S. combat troops will leave Iraqi cities and towns by June 30 . Army Gen. Ray Odierno said he 's seen a '' constant improvement '' in both the security situation and governance in Iraq to prepare for the June 30 deadline for U.S. troops to withdraw from major cities . `` They 've been working for this for a long time , '' Odierno said on CNN 's `` State of the Union . '' In a separate interview on `` Fox News Sunday , '' Odierno said all U.S. troops already were out of Iraq 's major cities before Tuesday 's deadline . `` We have already moved out of the cities , '' Odierno said . `` We 've been slowly doing it over the last eight months . And the final units have moved out of the cities over the last several weeks ."} +{"answer":"turned 68 on January 24 -RRB- stepped into the studio , a man ready for his close-up . He had slipped a black button-down shirt over his T-shirt , and suddenly he looked like Neil Diamond -- the same Neil Diamond who next week will be feted by The Recording Academy as its `` 2009 MusiCares Person of the Year , '' joining an elite club that includes Aretha Franklin , Elton John , Sting , Bono and Quincy Jones . He 's working on a follow-up to last year 's CD , the Rick Rubin-produced `` Home Before Dark '' -- which earned Diamond his first-ever No. 1 debut on the Billboard Top 200 album chart . That album came after 2005 's `` 12 Songs , '' also produced by Rubin , which re-invigorated his recording career . As for live performance , he 's rarely had problems filling arenas -- but he remembers when he did . Watch Diamond talk about giving back '' CNN : The man in black . This has become quite the trademark . Neil Diamond : Yeah . I still wear black , but I got sparkly somewhere along the way --","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The day I interviewed Neil Diamond , he was sitting in a little room to the side of a studio , and a makeup artist was smacking him in the face with a powder puff . He was wearing a white wife-beater T-shirt and looked like he wanted to flee . Neil Diamond is riding high with a huge world tour , a successful album and a humanitarian award . It was November , and Diamond had just come off the first two legs of his biggest world tour yet -- with 64 shows in 50 cities and nine countries already under his belt . In a moment , he would step in front of a camera to begin a round of 70 or so interviews -- beamed via satellite to local television stations -- to talk up the remaining 20 dates , where he 'd thrill diehard fans with such nuggets as `` Cherry Cherry , '' `` Song Sung Blue '' and `` Sweet Caroline . '' Ours was the only in-person interview he -- or someone in his camp -- had agreed to do . The singer-songwriter -LRB- who"} +{"answer":"aggresive work developing IE9 . Microsoft has been trying to rid the world of Internet Explorer 6 , introduced in 2001 and now considered outmoded , slow , and insecure . Even though IE lost share overall , Microsoft can point to progress in upgrading : The various versions of IE8 accounted for 28.9 percent of usage . Meanwhile , another analytics firm , StatCounter , reported IE6 use had dropped below 5 percent in the United States and Europe and to 9.8 percent worldwide . `` At these levels , Web developers now have valid justification not to support IE6 in the future , '' StatCounter Chief Executive Aodhan Cullen said in a statement . The company collected its data from 15 billion page views of Web pages in May . Net Applications also released statistics for iPad use , showing gradual gains since the Apple tablet 's release . With the iPad now for sale internationally , usage peaked May 29 with 0.17 percent . Net Applications ' data shows the iPad is relatively popular on the weekend . Use generally is lowest as a fraction of browsing on Monday , climbs gradually as the weekdays progress ,","question":"-LRB- CNET -RRB- -- Google 's Chrome browser continued to carve away share of worldwide browser usage from rivals in May , new statistics show . Chrome rose 0.3 percentage points to 7.1 percent of share , said Net Applications , which monitors browser usage on a network of Web sites . The statistics reflect activity , not the number of people using a browser , as people load up about 160 million pages each month on sites Net Applications monitors . Because Web usage is increasing , the absolute number of people using a browser can increase even as its fractional share of usage drops . The share losses came from Microsoft 's Internet Explorer , which dropped 0.3 percent to 59.7 percent , and Mozilla 's Firefox , which dropped 0.2 percentage points to 24.4 percent . Fourth-place Safari from Apple rose 0.1 percentage points to 4.8 percent , and Opera rose 0.1 percentage points to 2.4 percent . The browser market has become hotly competitive with new features being built in to support new Web standards . Even Microsoft , long considered a technology laggard even as its browser dominated , is back in the game with"} +{"answer":"this summer a study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry revealed that , among college-age males , binge drinking is unchanged from its levels of 1979 ; that among non-college women it has increased by 20 percent ; and that among college women it has increased by 40 percent . Remarkably , the counterintuitive conclusion drawn by the investigators , and accepted uncritically by the media , including editorials in The New York Times and The Washington Post is that the study proves that raising the drinking age to 21 has been a success . More recently , a study of binge drinking published in the Journal of the American Medical Association announced that `` despite efforts at prevention , the prevalence of binge drinking among college students is continuing to rise , and so are the harms associated with it . '' Worse still , a related study has shown that habits formed at 18 die hard : `` For each year studied , a greater percentage of 21 - to 24-year-olds -LSB- those who were of course once 18 , 19 and 20 -RSB- engaged in binge drinking and driving under","question":"Editor 's note : John M. McCardell Jr. , president emeritus at Middlebury College , is founder and president of Choose Responsibility , a nonprofit organization that seeks to engage the public in debate over the effects of the 21-year-old drinking age . John McCardell says the 21-year-old drinking age is n't preventing widespread binge drinking . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- One year ago , a group of college and university presidents and chancellors , eventually totaling 135 , issued a statement that garnered national attention . The `` Amethyst Initiative '' put a debate proposition before the public -- `` Resolved : That the 21-year-old drinking age is not working . '' It offered , in much the way a grand jury performs its duties , sufficient evidence for putting the proposition to the test . It invited informed and dispassionate public debate and committed the signatory institutions to encouraging that debate . And it called on elected officials not to continue assuming that , after 25 years , the status quo could not be challenged , even improved . One year later , the drinking age debate continues , and new research reinforces the presidential impulse . Just"} +{"answer":"in a telephone interview . `` I think the board acted very quickly , '' she said , adding that the woman remains in her job . About Everson , DeFrancis said , `` We 're grateful for his service . '' The board of governors on Tuesday appointed Mary S. Elcano , general counsel and five-year Red Cross employee , as interim president and CEO . Everson had worked in the Bush administration from August 2001 -- including serving as commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service -- until he was hired by the Red Cross . `` This is flabbergasting , that 's all I can say . It 's completely contrary to his public persona that he evidenced while he was at the IRS , '' said Suzanne Ross McDowell , a Washington-based attorney who served on an advisory committee to the IRS division that deals with tax-exempt organizations . `` From the standpoint of exempt organizations on the non-profit sector , it 's just another news story that we would rather not see , '' she said . `` It 's got nothing to do with the Red Cross , '' said Ira Milstein , a New","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Red Cross President and CEO Mark W. Everson has stepped down after revelations he was `` engaged in a personal relationship with a subordinate employee , '' the organization announced Tuesday . Mark W. Everson says he is leaving his post , effective immediately , for `` personal and family reasons . '' The Red Cross Board of Governors asked for and received Everson 's resignation after it `` concluded that the situation reflected poor judgment on Mr. Everson 's part and diminished his ability to lead the organization in the future , '' the Red Cross said in a statement on its Web site . Everson , 53 , said in a written statement that he was leaving the $ 500,000-per-year job `` for personal and family reasons , and deeply regret it is impossible for me to continue in a job so recently undertaken . '' Everson -- who is married and has two children -- joined the Red Cross as president and CEO last May . The organization became aware of Everson 's relationship with a female Red Cross employee 10 days ago , Chief Public Affairs Officer Suzy C. DeFrancis told CNN"} +{"answer":"children , four of them adopted . `` I understand he can talk his way into your heart and mind in no time . When the world is opened up for him , who knows what his capabilities and possibilities are ? ... If all goes well , on the 21st he becomes my son . '' It is a trip the Jacks will take with trepidation . The actions Thursday of a Tennessee woman who put her adopted 7-year-old son on a plane and returned him to Russia , saying he was violent and that officials misled her family , puts Americans in the process of adopting from Russia on edge . Officials in Moscow have threatened to suspend all American adoptions and the Jacks face a two-week process involving a court appearance and loads of paperwork before they can fly home with Valera . `` What this woman did to us is put us on pins and needles , '' Jack said . `` My wife has been beside herself , and I 'd be lying if I said I was n't concerned . '' The adoptions of about 3,000 Russian children by Americans are in progress ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Valera remembered being left in the Russian snow . How he lost his lower arms and some of his toes , he was n't always sure . At times , he said he was in a fire . The truth of what the 14-year-old experienced in his early years , no one will ever know . The orphanage where he lives said Valera was abandoned as a small child at a hospital in St. Petersburg , Russia . He had gangrene , the result of meningitis and an infection , which forced amputations . He was released to the orphanage in Nizhny Lomov , where he 's waited nine years for parents and a home to call his own . On Saturday , Stephen Jack and his wife , Christine , will leave their Goldsboro , North Carolina , home to fly to Russia , the final step in a 15-month journey they hope will give the boy what he 's always wanted . `` Having never seen him and only knowing a little bit about him , I still feel attached to that child , '' said Jack , 53 , who already has six"} +{"answer":"speech advocates said adults would be barred access to otherwise legal material and that parental-control devices and various filtering technology are less intrusive ways to protect children . The high court in 2004 upheld a preliminary injunction against the law and sent the case back to lower courts for consideration of the arguments . In their opinion at the time , the 5-4 majority concluded COPA `` likely violates the First Amendment . '' `` The government has not shown that the less restrictive alternatives proposed ... should be disregarded , '' Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in the 2004 decision . `` Those alternatives , indeed , may be more effective '' than the law passed by Congress . `` Filters are less restrictive '' he said , and thus pose less risk of muzzling free speech . `` They impose selective restrictions on speech at the receiving end , not universal restrictions at the source . '' He added , `` There is a potential for extraordinary harm and a serious chill upon protected speech '' if the law takes effect . '' In reconsidering the law , a federal appeals court in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , again ruled","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Supreme Court has blocked further consideration of a federal law designed to keep sexual material from underage users of the Web . The justices without comment Wednesday rejected an appeal from the federal government to reinstate the Child Online Protection Act -LRB- COPA -RRB- , passed by Congress in 1998 . The high court and subsequent federal courts said the law -- which has never taken effect -- had serious free speech problems . The Bush administration was a strong supporter of the law and the Justice Department led the fight in court to revive it . The justices issued their ruling a day after all nine were on hand for the inauguration of President Barack Obama . Retired Justice Sandra Day O'Connor also attended the ceremony . The case tested the free speech rights of adults against the power of Congress to control Internet commerce . The Supreme Court twice ruled against COPA , arguing that it represented government censorship rather than lawful regulation of adult-themed pornography businesses . The law would have prevented private businesses from creating and distributing `` harmful '' content that minors could access on the Internet . Free"} +{"answer":"the flagrant violations of international law '' by Israel and `` denounces their planned utilization of state terrorism . '' `` For the above-mentioned reasons , the government of Venezuela has decided to expel the ambassador of Israel and some of the personnel of the Israeli Embassy in Venezuela , '' it added . In a news conference broadcast by state-run Venezuelan television , President Hugo Chavez blasted the Israeli military . `` They are cowards , '' he said . `` It 's as though a boxing professional were to come here and challenge you to box . Well , how courageous ! How courageous is the Israeli army ! '' It said that Chavez `` makes a fraternal call to the Jewish people throughout the world to oppose these criminal policies of the state of Israel that recall the worst pages of the history of the 20th century . `` With the genocide of the Palestinian people , the state of Israel will never be able to offer its people the perspective of a peace that is both necessary and long-lasting . '' Mark Regev , a spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert , was unswayed .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Israel said Wednesday it may expel Venezuela 's top diplomat from the country in a tit-for-tat gesture after the South American nation ordered the Israeli ambassador to leave over the increasingly bloody ground war in Gaza . Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez called the Israeli army `` cowards . '' The decision on whether to expel Venezuela 's charge d'affaires will be taken later Wednesday , said Yigal Palmor , the spokesman for the Israeli foreign ministry . On Tuesday , Venezuela expelled Israel 's ambassador to Caracas and accused Israel of attempting to carry out `` genocide '' against the Palestinian people . `` In this tragic and indignant hour , the people of Venezuela manifest their unconditional solidarity with the heroic Palestinian people , share in the sadness that overcomes thousands of families through the loss of their loved ones , and extends to them a hand by affirming that the government of Venezuela will not rest until it sees those responsible for these criminal atrocities severely punished , '' the Venezuelan foreign minister said in a statement read by an anchor on state television . The statement added that the government `` condemns strongly"} +{"answer":"they found themselves ministers , politicians and conspiracy buffs . Some struggled with common issues : Many of their marriages fell apart and alcoholism affected at least one . In possibly the most extreme case of post-Apollo readjustment , Buzz Aldrin -- the second human being to set foot on the moon -- became a car salesman in Texas . `` Not very successfully , '' the 79-year old Aldrin quickly acknowledges . The Apollo 11 lunar module pilot 's post-flight battles against depression and alcoholism have been well-documented , most recently in his own memoir , `` Magnificent Desolation . '' As for a brief stint hawking Cadillacs in the late 1970s , Aldrin told CNN Radio , `` Most people who have received a degree of public recognition find themselves financially pretty well off . Does n't happen to be the case with astronauts . '' Others took more existential , even spiritual , approaches to dealing with their lunar experiences . Apollo 15 Lunar Module Pilot Jim Irwin left NASA and became a Baptist minister . Apollo 14 crewman Edgar Mitchell spent years investigating possible extraterrestrial life ; in April , he went public with claims of","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It turns out going to the moon is a tough act to follow . Astronaut Buzz Aldrin walks on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission in 1969 . For all their Buck Rogers , `` Right Stuff , '' history-making achievements , the question for many of the 12 astronauts who walked on the lunar surface starting four decades ago ultimately became `` one giant leap to where , exactly ? '' `` You have your peak experience at 38 or 39 , '' says space historian Andrew Chaiken , summing up their collective experience , `` and -LSB- they -RSB- have a hard time coming up with something to do for an encore . '' Apollo 11 lifted off from Cape Canaveral , Florida , on July 16 , 1969 . Four days later , the first two humans walked on the lunar surface ; 10 more Americans followed by the end of 1972 . In the 40 years since the Apollo program first took humans to the moon , the astronauts ' lives have taken diverse paths . Almost all had been military test pilots before joining NASA ; in later life ,"} +{"answer":"used CNN 's Web site to enter his mother 's name , age and approximate location in hope of someone identifying her . Zizi has since been moved to a medical facility aboard the USS Bataan , and now her son is seeking help moving her to a hospital in Florida for further treatment . `` I have n't given up hope , '' Janvier told CNN . `` It 's God 's sign to me that I will have another chance to see my mom . '' A CNN crew captured video of Tuesday 's rescue . After hours of careful extraction by rescue crews from Germany , South Africa and Mexico , Zizi was carried from the rubble on a wooden board as she grasped the edges , her face covered in dust . `` Thank God ! Thank God ! '' she exclaimed as she was pulled out , the video shows . `` Thanks to teamwork we were able to take this woman that prayed and prayed , and I believe that her faith that is so big was the thing that saved her , '' one of the Mexican rescuers said . iReport : Search","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Ena Zizi was participating in a prayer group at the national cathedral in Port-au-Prince , Haiti , when the structure came down on her during the 7.0-magnitude earthquake that hit the island on January 12 . In New York , meanwhile , her son , Maxim Janvier , had no way of knowing what befell her other than she was missing . Miraculously , the 70-year-old Zizi survived seven days trapped under the rubble before she was rescued by international search crews this week . A person can , give or take , expect to survive 72 hours trapped without water or food . Zizi managed to hold on for twice as long , something that experts say speaks to the body 's resilience in times of danger . It is possible for a healthy person to survive more than 10 days in some cases , experts say . `` I was n't surprised . I knew she would live through that . She is a tough woman , '' Janvier said , recalling when he heard the news , via a CNN tip , that his mother had been found . Earlier , he had"} +{"answer":"Dacre Stoker , a native of Montreal , Quebec , now living in Aiken , South Carolina . `` The degree of sex and violence he had , in this very stuffy and conservative Victorian society , was cutting edge at the time . Even the exposure of a woman 's flesh , the piercing of the flesh , was a metaphor for the sex act . '' And with authors from Anne Rice and Charlaine Harris to Stephen King and Poppy Z. Brite having crafted their own , sometimes lurid , reworkings of the vampire legend , Stoker said he knew that the new book could n't just be a straight continuation of the first . `` We 've got to keep up with what other people are doing , '' he said . `` Otherwise , our story would be toast . '' Of all the books , movies and other tales to use Dracula 's name throughout the decades , the novel is the first since the 1931 Bela Lugosi movie to have the Stoker family 's endorsement and input . After Bram 's death , his widow , Florence , sold the story 's rights ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Move over , Edward Cullen . Tell those bayou bloodsuckers from `` True Blood '' to step aside , too . More than 112 years after he first climbed out of the coffin , the world 's most famous vampire is back -- and he 's bloodier than ever . '' Dracula the Un-Dead , '' released this month in the United States , is a sequel to Bram Stoker 's 1897 classic written by Dacre Stoker , the original author 's great-grandnephew . The book , co-written by Dracula historian Ian Holt , picks up 25 years after the Victorian-era monster is supposedly killed in the original and is based in part on 125 pages of handwritten notes that Bram Stoker left behind . But while many of the original characters are here -- troubled couple Jonathan and Mina Harker and vampire hunter Van Helsing among them -- the horror has gotten a 21st-century update . The sex and violence that Stoker deftly alluded to in the original are , at times , front and center in his descendant 's sequel . `` You 've got to keep in mind the perspective , '' said"} +{"answer":"media during a drug traffic summit Thursday in Vienna , Austria . Forbes is `` comparing the deplorable activity of a criminal wanted in Mexico and abroad with that of honest businessmen , '' he said . Mexican President Felipe Calderon -- speaking at a business summit Thursday in Mexico City -- alluded to the report , saying , `` It is very sad the intensification of a campaign , which seems to me , has been launched against Mexico . '' Calderon added , `` Public opinion and now even magazines not only attack and lie about the situation in Mexico , but now also praise criminals . In Mexico , it is considered a crime to praise criminals . '' Guzman Loera has a three-decade history of drug trade spanning North , Central and South America . The Forbes profile of Guzman Loera reported that `` the U.S. government is offering a $ 5 million reward '' for the billionaire 's capture . Steve Forbes , the magazine 's editor-in-chief , issued a statement on Saturday saying `` it is deplorable that someone like this has a billion dollars . '' But the magazine , he said ,","question":"MEXICO CITY , Mexico -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- What do software mogul Bill Gates and banking investor Warren Buffett have in common with wanted Mexican drug lord Joaquin `` El Chapo '' Guzman Loera ? Joaquin `` El Chapo '' Guzman Loera , pictured in 1993 , ranks 701st on Forbes ' yearly report on billionaires . They are all featured in Forbes magazine 's world 's billionaires report as `` self-made '' billionaires . Guzman Loera , whose nickname means Shorty , escaped from a Mexican prison in 2001 . He heads the powerful Sinaloa cartel , investigators say . Authorities on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border blame the Sinaloa and other cartels for a surge in violence in the region . He ranked 701st on Forbes ' yearly report , with an estimated fortune of $ 1 billion . Mexican Attorney General Eduardo Medina Mora expressed outrage at the publication and described Forbes ' calculations on Guzman Loera 's fortune as mere `` speculation . '' `` I will never accept that a criminal could be recognized as someone distinguished , even if it is by a magazine like Forbes , '' Medina Mora said to local"} +{"answer":"find their way back . The shoe is the latest in a wave of assisted-living devices , from home sensor systems to pill boxes that remind people to take their medication , targeted at keeping Alzheimer 's patients safe . Kathi Cordsen , an iReporter from Fullerton , Calif. , whose aunt has Alzheimer 's , welcomed the development of the shoes . `` It 's really sad how this illness creeps up on a person out of the blue , '' she said . `` I think these shoes could help quite a few families to be able to keep -LSB- their loved ones home -RSB- instead of putting them in a home . '' What do you think about GPS-outfitted shoes ? Tell us in the SoundOff below Carle , an expert in aging and assistive technologies , said businesses are honing in on ways technology can improve the quality of life for older adults . The market for microchip-based technology alone is worth an estimated $ 5 billion , he said . While tracking devices may help those with dementia live independently , they have also raised ethical concerns about informed consent and personal privacy , according","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A new shoe outfitted with a GPS chip aims to offer peace of mind to Alzheimer 's patients and their caregivers . It 's common for people with Alzheimer 's or other types of dementia to wander from their homes . The embedded GPS tracking system will allow the wearer of the shoe to be located instantly online and for their whereabouts to be monitored in real time . The shoe may offer hope to the growing number of people with Alzheimer 's disease . More than 26 million people worldwide live with Alzheimer 's , and the figure is set to exceed 106 million by 2050 , according to researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Health . `` This could not only save lives but potentially save governments billions in search and rescue operations , '' Andrew Carle , a professor at George Mason University who was an adviser for the project , told CNN . Patients of Alzheimer 's , the leading cause of dementia , can easily become confused or disoriented , and it 's common for them to wander from their home and not be able to"} +{"answer":"the fire '' `` The fire has been very active on all fronts , '' U.S. Forest Service spokeswoman Randi Jorgensen said . The fire threatened about 10,000 homes in Los Angeles County and 900 homes were evacuated , she said . Watch close-up views of the fast-moving fire '' `` Basically , all the homes that back up to the National Forest in the La Canada-Flintridge are in danger from the fire , '' Jorgensen said , adding that fire officials have told residents to be prepared for possible evacuation orders . The Station fire disrupted power to 750 homes . More than 750 workers have been dispatched to control the blaze , which started Wednesday afternoon . Watch iReport images and descriptions of the fire '' Jorgensen confirmed one injury involving heat exhaustion . A wildfire also hit San Bernardino National Forest , burning 2,200 acres , fire officials said . The blaze , called the Cottonwood fire , started Thursday afternoon about 10 miles from the southern California city of Hemet , officials reported . That blaze was about 10 percent contained Friday evening . Hemet is about 85 miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles . Firefighters","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Fires in central and southern California raged Saturday as triple-digit temperatures mixed with dry conditions continued to fuel the flames , torching thousands of acres and threatening scores of homes . Firefighters look on as fire rages near Ocean View Drive in Los Angeles on Saturday . Authorities confirmed three civilian injuries from a growing blaze known as the Station fire burning through the Angeles National Forest-La Canada Flintridge . The blaze nearly quadrupled in size from 5,500 acres Friday to more than 20,000 acres , officials said . The blaze , which grew to more than 20,100 acres , was 5 percent contained early Sunday , officials said . It was upgraded to type 1 brush fire -- the most severe classification . `` Today what happened is what I called a perfect storm of fuels , weather and topography coming together ... essentially the fire burned at will , '' Mike Dietrich of the U.S. Forest Service said Saturday . Authorities consider the Station fire an anomaly , as it is not driven by strong winds as most California wildfires . Watch CNN 's Reynolds Wolf explain what 's driving"} +{"answer":"purchased the car and found a conversion kit from a company in Massachusetts called Grease Car . The Melvilles then took the car and kit to an expert installer in their area and in no time , they were driving around -- with free fuel . The kit and installation cost about $ 1,000 each , and Melville says it took about 1 1\/2 years to recoup that cost . `` We 're kind of playing with house money , because we 're driving on free gas , and it 's paid for itself many times over , '' he said . Melville , who is a writer , has driven the gas-free vehicle more than 60,000 miles , including two cross-country trips he 's written about in an upcoming book . Veggie car makes a cross-country road trip '' The converted car was outfitted with a 15-gallon tank . Melville says it gets about 20 miles per gallon , the same fuel economy it would have gotten with the original diesel system . But according to a recent editorial he wrote for The New York Times , Melville says his carbon footprint is cut in half while driving the","question":"ASHEVILLE , North Carolina -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Greg Melville 's neighbors in Vermont looked at him like he was crazy 2 1\/2 years ago when he drove what he refers to as his `` vegetable vehicle . '' It 's a car that runs on vegetable oil instead of gasoline . Greg Melville converted a 1985 diesel station wagon to run on vegetable oil when his family needed another car . Back then , gasoline cost about $ 2.20 per gallon . Now that the cost of gas is nearly twice that , many Americans are starting to think that converting to a vehicle that runs on vegetable oil is n't such a bad idea . Melville , who now lives in Asheville , North Carolina , says the decision to convert a 1985 diesel station wagon to run on vegetable oil came about when his wife was in medical school and the couple needed a second vehicle . `` We did some research and found out that the old Mercedes engines were very easy to convert , just because they are practically indestructible , '' Melville explained . After he found a good deal online , the couple"} +{"answer":"areas of southern Miami-Dade County , south of Miami . Miami-Dade Police spokesman Bobby Williams said two of the cat carcasses were `` posed . '' He said that anyone capable of such cruelty toward and torture of an animal `` is disturbed at some sort of level . '' The crimes began May 13 . A reward of up to $ 10,000 has been offered for any information leading to an arrest . Police have been inundated with dozens of phone calls from people who have discovered dead cats throughout the community . Investigators have determined that most of the cases are not related to the string of cat killings . The number grew from 12 to 15 to 19 in just the past two days . Ronald Gleason found Tommy lying in their yard May 25 . At first , he thought his family 's pet had been killed by a dog , but a closer look revealed the cruelty behind his death . Tommy was a gift for the Gleasons ' little girl . She desperately wanted a cat , Donna Gleason said . She searched for a cat that could get along with their dog ,","question":"MIAMI , Florida -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- He was black and white , the perfect gift for the 6-year-old daughter of Donna and Ronald Gleason . His name was Tommy . The death and mutilation of Tommy the cat has been linked to a serial pet killer , say police in Miami , Florida . The black and white tuxedo cat was one of a dozen pets that have been killed and mutilated recently by someone in the Miami area , police said . On Thursday , the list of confirmed cat deaths and mutiliations grew to 19 pets , police said . They are looking into another 14 feline fatalities . The Gleasons do not want their daughter 's name to be published . Donna Gleason asked the child to leave the room before telling CNN the gruesome details of what happened to their cat . `` Part of his skin was missing underneath ... and part of his legs , '' Gleason said . `` He was partially skinned . '' Miami-Dade County police say Tommy 's demise is part of a string of sadistic feline fatalities that have occurred recently in the Cutler Bay and Palmetto Bay"} +{"answer":"Saturday . Despite the snow falling on the panda exhibit , there were plenty of warm and fuzzy feelings about Tai Shan . `` He 's so cute . I 'll miss him , '' said Claire Ryland , 7 . It 's often said that a visit to Washington is not complete without a stop at the zoo to see Tai Shan . Over the years , some have even gone as far to say that Tai Shan was Washington 's No. 1 resident -- even getting top billing over the president . Tai Shan will leave for China on Thursday via the `` FedEx Panda Express . '' He 'll be joined by Mei Lan - a 3-year-old panda born at Zoo Atlanta in Georgia . Eventually , they will take part in a breeding program aimed at increasing the panda population . Giant pandas are currently on the endangered list . The National Zoo estimates that about 1,600 giant pandas are currently in the wild . Bauer says that 's all the more reason to say goodbye to Tai Shan . `` It 's very important to get Tai Shan into the breeding population to help conserve","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It feels like it went by in the blink of an eye . Tai Shan , the giant panda cub so many people have come to know and love , is about to board a flight to China . `` It 's very bittersweet . We love him . We love having him here , '' said Erika Bauer , curator at the National Zoo in Washington . Tai Shan was born in the nation 's capital , so you can confidently call him a Washingtonian . But he is to be sent to China , under an agreement between the two nations , to help replenish the endangered species ' numbers in the wild . At 4 1\/2 years old , Tai Shan is more of a panda adolescent than a cub , but to Tai Shan fans , he will always be their baby . `` We watched him as he grew up and it 's kind of sad to see him go , '' said Kathleen Ryland of Highland , Maryland . Ryland brought her two children to say their goodbyes to Tai Shan at a farewell party at the National Zoo"} +{"answer":"to have been broken with a hammer . `` The vessel appeared to have been deliberately sunk , '' authorities said in their probable cause affidavit . Confronted by investigators , Lewis admitted he intentionally sank his vessel , saying the financial strain `` caused him extreme anxiety and frustration . '' Lewis told investigators `` the engine trouble he experienced caused him to lose his temper . In his rage , he smashed the sea strainers with a hammer and drilled the hole to sink the vessel , '' the affidavit said . '' -LSB- He -RSB- wanted to clarify that his motive for sinking the vessel was anger and frustration , not greed , '' it added . Prior to its sinking , the Jubilee had been listed for sale with Mahina Yachts for $ 28,500 . Jack Bateman , a broker with Mahina , remembers the Jubilee as a `` beautiful '' 1967 Chris Craft Cavalier . He said the Mahina has only seen this type of case one other time in its 30 years of operation . `` This is a very rare , not common occurrence '' he says . Bateman added that Mahina has","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Seattle man has been charged with insurance fraud for allegedly sinking his own yacht because of `` financial pressure and frustration with the maintenance '' of the vessel , authorities said . The Jubilee sank in Puget Sound Bay last year . On March 22 , 2008 , Brian Lewis , 50 , scuttled the Jubilee in the Puget Sound Bay , then rowed a borrowed dinghy back to shore , according to court documents filed in February by prosecutors in King County , Washington . Later that day , Lewis boarded a flight to take him to his job in Kodiak , Alaska , as a petty officer with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration , according to court documents . Three days later , Lewis filed an insurance claim with USAA Insurance reporting the Jubilee sank accidentally `` due to unknown causes . '' However , due to environmental concerns , the Washington State Department of Natural Resources salvaged the vessel at a cost to the state of $ 2,866 . An inspection found a hole was drilled into the bottom of the Jubilee , and that two main engine sea strainers appeared"} +{"answer":"or release him , but sometimes they do not respect the law they issued , '' al-Qahtani said . An official at the Saudi Interior Ministry said he had no details about al-Faleh 's case . Jamila al-Uqla , al-Faleh 's wife , spoke to CNN in May , shortly after her husband was detained . She described how her husband had been arrested without charge and interrogated repeatedly . Al-Faleh had decided to go on a hunger strike to demand that he be told why he was being held , she said . His wife stressed that she and al-Faleh are patriotic Saudis . `` My husband is transparent and does n't hide anything , '' said al-Uqla . `` He says whatever he sees . He has loyalty to his country and the interests of his country . '' It was not Al-Faleh 's first brush with the Saudi legal system . Al-Faleh , Abdullah al-Hamid and Ali al-Dumaini , who runs a Saudi discussion Web site , were arrested in 2004 for circulating a petition meant for then-Crown Prince Abdullah which called for a constitution guaranteeing basic human rights . A court sentenced al-Faleh , Abdullah al-Hamid","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An outspoken Saudi human rights advocate who was imprisoned without charge for nearly eight months was freed this weekend , according to a fellow human rights activist . Matrook al-Faleh , shown in 2004 , was seized after he criticized prison conditions , says Human Rights Watch . Matrook al-Faleh `` is doing very well '' after leaving Al-Hayer maximum security prison near Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , late Saturday , said colleague Mohammed al-Qahtani , who visited al-Faleh on Sunday . `` He is very healthy and his morale is quite high -- surprisingly after eight months , '' said al-Qahtani . Both men are Saudi college professors . It 's unclear why al-Faleh was arrested . A Human Rights Watch report condemning the arrest and urging al-Faleh 's release said his detention came two days after he publicly criticized conditions in a prison where two other Saudi human rights activists are imprisoned . It was also unclear why he was held for so long . According to al-Qahtani , Saudi law mandates that no one can be held for more than six months without charge . `` The criminal code says you charge him"} +{"answer":"personality , '' Ito said on Honda 's official website . `` With a promising future on the Grand Prix circuit , Marco had both genuine ability and a large following among racing fans . `` We are very thankful for his sterling results riding for Honda Racing Corporation as a factory rider . We express our heartfelt condolences to Marco 's family . '' Last year 's title winner Jorge Lorenzo missed the race due to surgery on his finger , but the Yamaha rider also paid tribute to Simoncelli -- who was sixth in the 2011 MotoGP standings at the time of his death . `` I do n't know what to say on a day like today , '' Lorenzo said via his official Twitter account . `` Only that you will be missed - rest in peace Marco . '' Another former world champion to pay his respects to the Cattolica-born star was 2006 winner and current Ducati rider Nicky Hayden . `` Sometimes life just do n't make sense , '' said the American . `` RIP # 58 you were a star on & off track we all going to miss you . ''","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The motorsport community was in mourning on Monday as competitors from across various racing disciplines paid tribute to Marco Simoncelli , the Italian MotoGP rider who lost his life after a crash in Malaysia on Sunday . Simoncelli , 24 , sustained critical injuries when he was struck by compatriot Valentino Rossi and American Colin Edwards after losing control of his Honda bike and sliding across Turn 11 of the Sepang Circuit . Rossi , a seven-time MotoGP world champion , used the @ValeYellow46 Twitter account to pay tribute to Simoncelli , who he described as `` a younger brother . '' `` Sic -LSB- Simoncelli 's nickname -RSB- for me was like a youngest brother . So strong on track and so sweet in the normal life . I will miss him a lot , '' read the Tweet . Simoncelli killed in Malaysia crash Honda president and CEO Takanobu Ito praised Simoncelli 's commitment and personality , while expressing the team 's gratitude for the results he achieved during two seasons with the Japanese outfit . `` Marco Simoncelli was a passionate rider bubbling over with a challenging spirit and blessed with a cheerful"} +{"answer":"rivals , and Ferguson appealed to both sets of fans before the match at Anfield , asking them not to sing abusive chants about the clubs ' respective tragedies in Munich and Hillsborough . Eight of United 's players were killed in the 1958 German air crash that claimed 23 lives , while 96 Liverpool supporters died during an FA Cup semifinal in 1989 . `` Saturday was terrific . Both sets of fans were good , '' Ferguson said . `` There was not any of that silly chanting we have had in previous years . Both sets of fans deserve praise for that . '' United midfielder Ashley Young was racially abused by Bulgaria fans during England 's Euro 2012 qualifier in Sofia in September , but Ferguson said there are no such problems in the Premier League . `` I am not aware of any instances in terms of British football , '' the 69-year-old Scot said . `` It does n't happen in England . There are very few examples of that . Maybe this is what surprised Patrice Evra . He thought he was slighted on Saturday . `` We do n't want to see","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- France international footballer Patrice Evra is determined to follow up his complaint of racism against Uruguay striker Luis Suarez , according to his club manager . Manchester United defender Evra accused his Liverpool opponent of racially abusing him during Saturday 's 1-1 Premier League draw , and the English Football Association said it would investigate after match referee Andre Marriner reported the incident . Suarez denied the claims in a statement on his Facebook page , but United manager Alex Ferguson told reporters on Monday that Evra stands by his comments to French television channel Canal Plus . `` I spoke to Patrice today . He is adamant he wants to follow it on , '' Ferguson said ahead of Tuesday 's Champions League clash with Romanian minnows Otelul Galati . `` It is not an easy one for us . It is not something we would want to level against Liverpool , and it is not against Liverpool . Obviously Patrice feels very aggrieved at what was said to him . It rests in the hands of the FA now . '' Ask Samuel Eto'o and Roberto Carlos your questions United and Liverpool are bitter"} +{"answer":"and have heard the n-word jokes . '' Feagin and Leslie Picca of the University of Dayton compiled their research in a book called `` Two-Faced Racism '' published in 2007 . They surveyed 626 white students at 28 colleges and universities across the country . They asked the students to keep diaries and record any racial events they came across during the course of a day . The students recorded 9,000 accounts , of which 7,500 were `` blatantly racist '' events ranging from private jokes and conversations to violent incidents , Feagin said . About 100 accounts stood up against racism , he said . The majority of racial events were directed at African-Americans , but Latinos and Asians also came under attack . Feagin and Picca also surveyed African-American students , but that research is still being compiled . `` In these 7,500 blatant accounts , most of them are accounts of what we call backstage racism -- that is they 're doing these performances and skits with friends and relatives , '' Feagin said . Does it surprise him that someone with such political clout as Reid would use a term such as `` Negro dialect","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- We 're just going to put it out there : Behind closed doors , whites talk differently about blacks . At least that 's what two sociologists found after conducting a study of college students across the country . One of the researchers , Joe Feagin , said that 's why it comes as no surprise to him that a powerful politician such as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid would talk about Barack Obama 's skin color and use the term `` Negro dialect '' in what he considered a private conversation . Speaking not of Reid but of his conclusions drawn from his research , Feagin said , `` Most whites have sharply reduced the blatantly racist stuff they do in public , while they still do huge amounts in private . '' `` It 's just social correctness in the front stage . The scale of this is gigantic on the backstage , which is why the notion of a post-racial America is laughable , '' said Feagin , a professor at Texas A&M University . `` And I think most whites know it because they 've been to Thanksgiving dinner with Uncle Jim"} +{"answer":"said he 's `` looking forward '' to his visit to the region on Thursday . According to a statement from the White House , the federal disaster declaration will allow for federal aid that `` can include grants for temporary housing and home repairs , low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses , and other programs to help individuals and business owners recover from the effects of the disaster . '' FEMA and other relief and rescue services face significantly different challenges in the fire zone than they did on the Gulf Coast in 2005 . For example , the fires are n't covering every square foot of the region , as Katrina did . The devastation in California is intense but not universal . During and immediately after Katrina , the destruction was so complete that relief personnel and supplies -- even the U.S. Army -- could not get within miles of the disaster 's epicenter , New Orleans ' Lower Ninth Ward , for several days . By contrast , roads in Southern California have remained open for residents to get out and help to get in without delay . Residents there are generally more affluent and","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Federal Emergency Management Agency officials know the agency 's performance in the California wildfires will be watched closely for comparisons to its failures in Hurricane Katrina . A volunteer distributes donated food and supplies to evacueesTuesday at San Diego 's Qualcomm Stadium . FEMA Director David Paulison promised on Tuesday `` a different type of response than the federal government put together for Katrina . '' Paulison said Katrina `` was a wake-up call '' and that `` this is a new FEMA . '' President Bush signed a federal disaster declaration Wednesday , freeing up federal funds for families affected by the wildfires in seven counties in Southern California . `` I will continue to make sure that our efforts are coordinated , that we are responding to the needs of people , but most importantly I want the people in Southern California to know that Americans all across this land care deeply about them , '' he said . The action follows an emergency declaration by Bush on Tuesday morning for the counties of Los Angeles , Orange , Riverside , San Bernardino , San Diego , Santa Barbara , and Ventura . He"} +{"answer":"vision of Mount Fuji , Japan 's tallest mountain , looming in the distance . Though the move to this picturesque location is not without its controversies . The Suzuka track -- which had held Japanese Grands Prix between 1987 and 2006 -- had been popular with drivers and fans alike , but for this year and the next the Japanese Grand Prix will be held at Fuji . However an announcement by Formula One Management -LRB- FOM -RRB- this month revealed that Suzuka will return to the calendar for 2009 -- on the condition that the circuit makes some approved modifications -- with the location of the Japanese Grand Prix alternating yearly between Fuji and Suzuka after that . Behind the scenes is a political battleground -- both circuits are owned by car manufacturers with F1 connections -- Honda owns Suzuka , Toyota owns Fuji . Toyota is a relative newcomer to F1 but , having this year surpassed General Motors as the world 's number one automobile manufacturer , and reputedly having the best funded team in the paddock -LRB- a position that has n't been reflected in sporting success -RRB- , it is not without clout .","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- There are some circuits that are cornerstones of the Formula 1 calendar : the Monacos and Silverstones whose every twist and turn are known intimately by the drivers and engineers . Then there are the newer circuits -- Malaysia and Bahrain , for instance -- but even these have become familiar to the drivers and their backroom boffins . Fuji Speedway employees pose behind a scale model of the new circuit and in front of an overhead view . Next week they have something completely new to contend with : a track that has yet to see a single F1 team put in a single lap . The Japan Grand Prix is to return to the Fuji Speedway , a circuit that has n't seen an F1 race since 1977 -LRB- though now with a substantially different track layout -RRB- . The Fuji circuit will be familiar to fans of classic arcade games . The old Fuji Speedway was the setting for the 1982 arcade game Pole Position -LRB- released by Namco in Japan and Atari in the rest of the world -RRB- . The most notable aspect of the circuit is the"} +{"answer":"'' while committing an act of mass murder no more makes their criminal act `` Islamic '' than a Christian uttering the `` Hail Mary '' while murdering an abortion medical provider , or someone chanting `` Onward , Christian Soldiers '' while bombing a gay nightclub , would make their act `` Christian '' in nature . Simply put ; murder is murder and has no religion whatsoever . Professor Juan Cole of the University of Michigan once wrote that , `` One most certainly does insult Muslims by tying their religion to movements such as terrorism or fascism . Muslims perceive a double standard in this regard : Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols would never be called ` Christian terrorists ' even though they were in close contact with the Christian Identity Movement . No one would speak of Christo-fascism or Judeo-fascism as the Republican -LSB- s -RSB- ... speak of Islam-o-fascism . ... -LSB- Many people also -RSB- point out that -LSB- it was -RSB- persons of Christian heritage -LSB- who -RSB- invented fascism , not Muslims . '' According to Pentagon statistics , there were over 3,400 American Muslims serving in the active-duty military as of","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Most of the world 's 1.57 billion Muslims know that the Holy Quran states quite clearly that , `` Anyone who kills a human being ... it shall be as though he has killed all of mankind . ... If anyone saves a life , it shall be as though he has saved the lives of all of mankind . '' Accordingly , it should come as little surprise to any reasonable observer that when Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan recently committed his shocking acts of mass murder at Fort Hood , Texas , America 's Muslim community of over 7 million felt an added sense of horror and sadness at this senseless attack against the brave men and women of the U.S. armed forces . True to form , many conservative media pundits wasted little time in pointing to reports that Hasan had said `` Allahu Akbar '' -LRB- Arabic for `` God is great '' -RRB- at the start of his murderous rampage . News coverage continuously showed the looping convenience store black-and-white videotape footage of Hasan wearing traditional white Islamic garb . First of all , someone simply saying `` Allahu Akbar"} +{"answer":", and ran barefoot and bare-chested into the dark street . The three met dozens others in the staircase scurrying out the 20-story apartment building , he said . The exit was `` surprisingly orderly , '' Mescher said . But others faced more of an ordeal . CNN iReporter Matias de Cristobal said the earthquake destroyed many homes in her Santiago neighborhood . Cristobal tried to climb upstairs to check on her three children -- age 6 , 9 , and 11 -- after she began feeling tremors on Saturday , but she was slowed by shifting ground and falling objects . Mirko Vukasovic , a 25-year-old illustrator in Santiago , had been dancing at a club early Saturday when the disco ball began swinging wildly . A chaotic evacuation was under way when the lights went out , but everyone managed to escape , Vukasovic said . `` Broken windows and falling building parts was what welcomed us in the streets , '' he said . iReport : Read Mescher 's firsthand account Vukasovic submitted iReport video showing the damage to his fourth-floor apartment . `` What used to be a beautiful bathroom is now torn , a","question":"Santiago , Chile -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sure , Luke Mescher felt a trembling fear when the walls around him started to shake Saturday , but standing around confused and scared was n't an option . `` I was more focused on we need to get out of here and we need to get out of here as fast as we can , '' said Mescher , a University of Iowa student studying Spanish in Chile . Mescher , 27 , was at the home of his host family when the 8.8-magnitude quake struck early Saturday . He was talking with friends on his computer when the power went out . Immediately after , he felt a subtle vibration that progressed into a violent shaking , he said . His host mom cried as the walls around them shook and her daughter attempted to comfort her , he said . `` They were `` paralyzed with fear , '' he said . `` I was like , we do n't have time for this , '' Mescher said . `` We need to get the hell out of here . '' He grabbed his head lamp , the two women"} +{"answer":"Iranian leader said . `` Some people attributed these remarks to Obama , and then they write letters to say we 're ready to have ties , that we respect the Islamic Republic , and on the other hand , they make such comments . Which one should we believe ? '' One Iranian source said , `` We thought President Obama would send congratulations to President Ahmadinejad , '' and before the election , his senior advisers prepared a response to the anticipated note , which never came . The Iranian source said the election dispute is wasting time on the issue of starting U.S.-Iranian negotiations . Watch how the reported letter is part of a new policy of engagement '' `` The longer it is delayed , '' the source said , `` the less likely -LSB- U.S.-Iranian talks -RSB- will happen . '' Another Iranian government official said there is still `` no trust '' between Iran and the United States . The source said he is waiting for `` real change '' even though the Iranian government welcomed the change in tone of the Obama administration before the current election turmoil in Iran . The official","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- U.S. President Obama sent a direct message to Iran 's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei weeks before this month 's disputed election , Iranian sources said Wednesday . Iran 's supreme leader , Ayatollah Ali Khamenei , calls for an end to protests last week at Tehran University . The letter requested dialogue and engagement between the two nations , the sources said . The sources said that Khamenei has yet to reply to the letter but that nonetheless it `` had set the negotiating table in order for both sides to sit around it after the election . '' The White House refused to `` get into the specifics of our different ways of communicating , '' a senior Obama administration official said . `` We have indicated a willingness to talk for a long time and have sought to communicate with the Iranians in a variety of ways , '' the official said . Khamenei made an indirect reference to the letter in his sermon on Friday at Tehran University . `` The U.S. president said that we were waiting for a day like this to see people on the street , '' the"} +{"answer":"violation , a felony charge that her attorney denies . A spotlight has been trained on Arizona since Gov. Jan Brewer signed into law a bill that requires law enforcement officials to seek proof of legal U.S. residency from anyone whom they have stopped on suspicion of having violated the law . But advocates working with Colotl point out that a little-understood program already gives local authorities in many states the latitude to act as immigration officials -- a right that is often abused , they say . `` The future of Arizona already exists in Cobb County and Gwinnett County -LSB- also in Georgia -RSB- , '' said Jerry Gonzalez , executive director of the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials . Near him were other Colotl supporters , some holding signs reading `` Education not deportation . '' Under the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement 287 -LRB- g -RRB- program , state and local law enforcement can partner with the federal agency to gain some immigration enforcement authority in their own jurisdictions . If they conclude that someone is in the country illegally , they can turn that person over to ICE . Last year , a change","question":"Atlanta , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Staring at the throngs of media representatives who came out to hear and see her Friday , Jessica Colotl took another step into the fight for her future . The undocumented student from Mexico whose case has become a lightning rod in the immigration debate had been released on $ 2,500 bond just a couple hours earlier . The 21-year-old student at Kennesaw State University in Georgia surrendered Friday morning to authorities in response to a warrant for her arrest issued Wednesday night by the Cobb County Sheriff 's Office . Standing nervously before the crowd , Colotl fought back tears when people cheered for her . The media bombarded her with questions as she tried to give voice to her struggle . Just a week earlier , she 'd been released from a deportation facility in Alabama after being stopped in March for a minor traffic violation . `` If I were to be deported , I 'd have to start all over again , '' she said . `` I 'm hoping for the best . '' The sheriff 's office said she gave a false address when stopped for that"} +{"answer":". Watch how pilot tried to get passengers off plane '' The flight 's 47 passengers described crying babies , overflowing toilets and cramped conditions . According to a Department of Transportation preliminary report , Mesaba 's representative refused to help passengers off of the plane , incorrectly saying the airport was closed to passengers for security reasons . In audiotapes released by the Transportation Department , the unnamed captain of the aircraft can be heard pleading with an airline dispatcher to find a way to get the passengers off the plane . `` We 're stuck here with no lavs , no nothing -- no food , '' he says . `` And they wo n't let them get off because the terminal is closed . '' Later , the dispatcher tells the captain that he has spoken to the commuter airline 's representative and that `` she says there is nothing she can do to help us out . She 's not going to let them off the plane . '' `` That 's ridiculous , '' the captain responds . LaHood , who called the incident a `` nightmare , '' said federal regulations allow passengers to","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- -- A poor decision by a regional airline was being blamed Friday for Continental Airlines passengers getting stranded overnight as their plane sat on a tarmac in Minnesota , federal transportation officials said Friday . Passengers on a Continental flight operated by ExpressJet sat on the tarmac for nearly six hours on August 8 . U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said a representative of Mesaba Airlines improperly refused requests by the plane 's captain and crew to let passengers off the plane . They were stuck on the tarmac in Rochester on August 8 from 12:38 a.m. to about 6 a.m. with nothing but pretzels to eat , LaHood said . `` There was a complete lack of common sense here , '' LaHood said in a written statement . `` It 's no wonder the flying public is so angry and frustrated . '' Mesaba , based in Eagan , Minnesota and owned by Delta Air Lines , was the only carrier able to assist Continental Flight 2816 , which was on its way from Houston , Texas , to Minneapolis , Minnesota , when it was diverted because of strong thunderstorms , LaHood said"} +{"answer":"look forward to the future , '' Suleiman said in a televised speech that followed Mubarak 's . But the vice president , whose agents are among the fingers of Mubarak 's iron hand , was n't seen as much of an improvement by opposition figures . `` Mubarak is only one part of this regime , '' human rights activist Gigi Ibrahim , one of the Tahrir Square protesters , said . `` People have been here for 17 days , and they are not for Suleiman either . Mubarak has lost all legitimacy , and now him handing over the power to the vice president is as illegitimate as Mubarak being in power . '' And in Alexandria , protesters met the announcement with chants of `` No to Mubarak , no to Suleiman . '' A former general who trained under both the United States and Soviet Union during the Cold War , Suleiman took over Egypt 's Mukhabarat intelligence agency in 1993 . He is credited with leading Mubarak 's efforts to crush an Islamic insurgency in the 1990s . That earned him the ear of Western intelligence officials thirsting for vital information about regional terrorist","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Long a pillar of Hosni Mubarak 's three-decade rule over Egypt , Omar Suleiman now sits at the top of the pyramid as its de facto president . Under pressure from street demonstrations calling for his ouster , Mubarak named his veteran spymaster to the long-vacant vice presidency in late January . Suleiman quickly became the face of the government 's reform pledges , announcing talks with opposition leaders and promising swift reforms . But Mubarak 's February 1 announcement that he would step down when his term ends in September failed to satisfy the crowds in Cairo 's Tahrir Square and other cities . Attacks on demonstrators by pro-government crowds in the following days failed to dislodge the demonstrators , whose ranks were bolstered when thousands of workers in several industries went on strike Thursday . After a day of intense speculation , Mubarak repeated that he would remain in office to serve out his term -- but he announced that he was delegating power to Suleiman , who quickly urged Egyptians to go home and get back to work . `` We call upon you to unite , and to think rationally and to"} +{"answer":"out of Iraq by the end of August 2010 , and all other U.S. troops out of that country by the end of 2011 . The VFW and ladies auxiliary delegates applauded when he promised to eliminate wasteful Pentagon practices that he said squander billions of dollars that would better be used for supporting U.S. troops and veterans . `` This is not a Democratic issue or a Republican issue , '' Obama said . `` It 's about giving our troops the support that they need . And that 's something that all Americans should be able to agree to . '' The crowd laughed when Obama cited one example of needless spending -- for a presidential helicopter that he said would enable him to cook a meal when the nation was under nuclear attack . `` Now let me tell you something -- if the United States of America is under nuclear attack , the last thing on my mind will be whipping up a snack , '' he said . Overall , Obama was intent on cementing his support from a key voting demographic that generally tends to back conservative candidates . In a thinly veiled dig","question":"PHOENIX , Arizona -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Obama took a brief hiatus from his health care push on Monday , promising increased help for America 's war veterans in dealing with life after combat . More money will be spent to treat and screen war veterans for post-traumatic stress and brain injuries , Obama says . Obama , speaking to the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in Phoenix , said his government will always honor military service and never abandon what he called true American heroes . Obama promised increased spending to help war veterans cope with post-traumatic stress and traumatic brain injury , calling those `` the defining injuries of today 's wars . '' `` So , caring for those affected by them is a defining purpose of my budget -- billions of dollars more for treatment and mental-health screening to reach our troops on the front lines and more mobile and rural clinics to reach veterans back home , '' Obama said . `` We are not going to abandon these American heroes . We are going to do right by them . '' The president also repeated he intends to have all U.S. combat brigades"} +{"answer":"reasons . `` We feared that media attention would raise the temperature and increase the risk to the captives , '' the paper quoted Executive Editor Bill Keller as saying Wednesday . Farrell called the newspaper 's foreign editor before dawn and said he was `` extracted '' in a commando raid after a fierce firefight , according to a report on the Times Web site . `` There were bullets all around us . I could hear British and Afghan voices , '' Farrell , a 46-year-old dual Irish-British citizen , told the paper . Farrell and Munadi ran outside during the firefight . At the end of a wall , Munadi went forward , shouting : `` Journalist ! Journalist ! '' but dropped in a hail of bullets , Farrell said . He did n't know whether the shots came from allied or militant fire . `` I saw him go down in front of me . He did not move . He 's dead , '' Farrell told the paper . `` He was so close , he was just 2 feet in front of me when he dropped . '' Farrell 's citizenship played a","question":"KABUL , Afghanistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A New York Times reporter who was kidnapped last week was freed Wednesday in a pre-dawn military raid in Afghanistan that left a British commando , an Afghan journalist and several others dead . New York Times reporter Stephen Farrell was abducted Saturday while covering a NATO airstrike in Afghanistan . Stephen Farrell was rescued by NATO 's International Security Assistance Force , known as the ISAF , the British Foreign Office said . A British commando died in the operation , the country 's Ministry of Defense said without offering further details . Sultan Munad , an Afghan journalist accompanying Farrell , also was killed in the raid , British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said . Crossfire during the raid also killed a woman and a child , said Abdel Wahid Omar Khil , governor of Kunduz district , in Kunduz province , where the rescue took place . Armed gunmen kidnapped the journalists Saturday while they were covering a NATO airstrike on Taliban forces the day before that killed at least 90 people in the northern Kunduz province . Neither CNN nor the Times had reported Farrell 's kidnapping for security"} +{"answer":"to protect uncompetitive commercial practices at the expense of consumer choice and the livelihood of law-abiding sellers that eBay empowers every day . '' She said eBay intended to appeal the ruling . The case pit two pillars of their industries -- one old , one new -- in a country whose courts often challenge Internet companies on matters protected elsewhere by freedom of speech . The ruling faulted eBay for `` guilty negligence '' for not doing enough to prevent fake goods from being sold on its site . The court also ruled that eBay was responsible for the `` illicit sale '' of perfumes from the LVMH empire , which can be sold only through the brands ' `` selective distribution networks . '' The court barred eBay from running ads for the perfume and cosmetic brands or face a fine of $ 79,000 per day . Heather McDonald , partner at law firm Baker Hostetler , said : `` eBay has policies and procedures in place where they will intervene in an action between a buyer and seller if there 's a problem , and they profit directly on the basis of every item that is sold","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Paris court has ordered eBay to pay $ 63 million damages to luxury goods company LVMH for allowing copies of its goods to be sold on the Web auction site . Louis Vuitton took eBay to court for selling a range of fake luxury goods online . The fashion company -- home to brands including Louis Vuitton , Givenchy , Fendi , Emilio Pucci and Marc Jacobs -- complained it had been hurt by the sale of fake products on eBay . Pierre Godet , an adviser to LVMH Chairman and CEO Bernard Arnault , said the court 's decision was `` an answer to a particularly serious question , on whether the Internet is a free-for-all for the most hateful , parasitic practices . '' eBay said LVMH was trying to crack down on Internet auctions because it was uncomfortable with its business model , which puts sellers rather than brands in control . `` If counterfeits appear on our site , we take them down swiftly , '' eBay spokeswoman Sravanthi Agrawal said . `` But today 's ruling is not about counterfeits . Today 's ruling is about an attempt by LVMH"} +{"answer":"ads that the suspect or others posted on numerous web sites . Law enforcement authorities now have evidence that the investigation appears to connect to at least 30 different ads or other postings on at least 15 different websites , separate and distinct from ours , '' Suskin said . `` We are not aware of the existence of any evidence that would indicate which of these many sites were used by the suspect to establish contact with his victims . '' The most recent deaths were discovered early Sunday , when police found the bodies of two women , burned beyond recognition , in the trunk of a burning car . The victims have been tentatively identified and are believed to be 28 and 29 years of age , Godbee said . Neither body showed obvious signs of trauma , he said . Six days earlier , on December 19 , the bodies of two other women were found in the trunk of a car parked at a vacant dwelling , Detroit police said . While autopsy results , including toxicology tests , are not complete , `` we are proceeding as if this is two murder scenes ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The deaths within a week of four women -- three of whom had advertised in an adult personals section of a website -- are being treated as the work of one person or group of people , Detroit 's police chief said Tuesday . `` At this point , we are working it as one case or one suspect or set of suspects , '' Chief Ralph L. Godbee told CNN . `` There are too many common links for us not to , at this point , work this as one single investigation . '' Among those links , he said , is the fact that three of the women had placed online ads dealing with `` prearranged adult dating services '' and posted on backpage.com , Godbee told reporters Monday . `` We felt it is imperative to alert the public that deciding to meet unknown persons via the Internet can be extremely dangerous , '' Godbee said . But a lawyer for backpage.com , Steve Suskin , said it was not clear that his company 's website was involved . `` Our team has already provided the police with detailed information about the"} +{"answer":"muddiest -- heavy rain in several years , most notably 1997 , turned Glastonbury into a muddy bog . Everyone from Radiohead to Jay-Z has headlined the festival , and with more than 700 acts each year , there is something for everybody . Some of the proceeds from the festival go to Oxfam and Greenpeace . This year 's headliners include Franz Ferdinand , Blur , and Bruce Springsteen . ROCK AL PARQUE , Bogota , Colombia June 27-29 -LRB- free -RRB- The Rock al Parque festival , launched in 1995 , has become South America 's biggest rockfest in recent years -- some 320,000 people traveled to Simon Bolivar Park in 2006 for a weekend of Colombia 's top rock bands and renowned international headliners . Funded by Colombia 's culture secretary , the free festival has included some of rock 's biggest names , including Black Rebel Motorcycle Club , Manu Chao , and Bloc Party . In the days leading up to Rock al Parque , the festival organizers host a series of panel discussions on music production , management , and the recording industry . ROSKILDE , Denmark July 2-5 -LRB- $ 220 -RRB- Since","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It does n't matter that they can be feverishly hot . Or that crowds make for long food lines or the tickets may be hard to come by . Bassist and vocalist Esperanza Spalding performed at this year 's New Orleans Jazz Fest . Music festivals worldwide attract thousands of fans wanting to hear their favorite artists live or discover under-the-radar musicians . Each major festival has its own special twist , specific to the event and city that hosts it . From the notorious mud baths at Glastonbury , England , to the breath-taking mountains surrounding Fuji Rock in Naeba , Japan , these are events that festival-goers wait for all year . Experience the New Orleans Jazz Fest '' Our guide prepares music fans worldwide for the best festivals this summer and later in the year . GLASTONBURY , Somerset , England June 24-28 -LRB- $ 255 -RRB- Glastonbury has been around since dairy farmer Michael Eavis first held a free two-day festival on his farm in 1970 , and it 's long been the festival in England for seeing the biggest and best bands in the world . It also may be the"} +{"answer":"Watch more on Abdul 's challenges '' Abdul acknowledged several years ago that she used medications to kill the pain for a series of injuries , but this is apparently her first admission she was hooked on them . When People magazine asked her about it in 2005 , she chose her words carefully : `` Drugs ? I 'm not addicted to pills of any kind , '' Abdul then said . Her painkillers were , in fact , not pills . Abdul wore a patch that delivered a pain medication about 80 times more potent than morphine , she told Ladies ' Home Journal . Abdul 's slurring of words and apparent confusion on `` American Idol '' and during interviews stirred rumors of a drug problem in recent years . She told the magazine , though , she was never under the influence during a show . Her pains began with a cheerleading accident at age 17 , but were compounded by later mishaps -- including a stage accident in 1991 , a car wreck in 1992 and a plane crash in 1993 , she said . The persistent hurting is almost gone after a 15th surgery","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Paula Abdul is ready for another fresh start , now that she 's kicked her addiction to painkillers , the `` American Idol '' judge told a magazine . Paula Abdul told Ladies ' Home Journal that she struggled with a drug problem . The former pop star released a new song this week and will take the `` American Idol '' stage Wednesday night to perform it . Abdul , in an interview for the Ladies ' Home Journal 's June issue , acknowledged what she has denied for years -- that she had a drug problem . But last November , days after an obsessed fan apparently killed herself outside Abdul 's home , she went to a health spa where weaned herself off prescription pain medications she had used for a dozen years . `` Withdrawal -- it 's the worst thing , '' she told the magazine . `` I was freezing cold , then sweating hot , then chattering and in so much pain , it was excruciating . But at my very core , I did not like existing the way I had been . ''"} +{"answer":"drivers throughout the day . But it 's the older Warsaw -- faithfully restored and full of churches , palaces and parks -- that seems to attract the most visitors . See more photos of Warsaw 's places and people '' To get a feel for the city that was known as the Paris of Eastern Europe before World War II , stroll down Nowy \u015awiat Street , lined with restaurants , cafes , bookstores and small shops . It 's part of what 's known as Warsaw 's Kr\u00f3lewski Trakt , or Royal Route . On a recent visit , the music of Frederic Chopin wafted down from an open window of one of the elegant apartments occupying the upper floors . The street is also home to a sweet Warsaw tradition . Blikle , one of the city 's best-known confectioners , has been serving up cakes and pastries since 1869 . It 's probably most famous for perfecting the Polish version of the donut : Fist-sized balls of sweet , fragrant yeast dough fried until they 're golden-brown and covered with icing . But it 's what 's inside that gives them their unique taste : A","question":"WARSAW , Poland -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In Poland , it 's polite to bring flowers when you visit someone 's home , so there 's a flower shop on virtually every street corner in Warsaw . Crowds flock to Rynek Starego Miasta , Warsaw 's Old Town Market Place . But the city is now realizing flower power on a bigger scale . There are buds and blooms adding color all over the capital , from the quaint Old Town to the bustling city center to the massive concrete apartment blocks left over from the communist era . It 's Warsaw in bloom , in many ways : A city thriving , growing and blossoming six decades after much of it was destroyed during World War II and almost 20 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union brought many radical economic and social changes . Modern Warsaw is a mix of shiny new skyscrapers , tree-lined boulevards , ornate prewar buildings and somber concrete communist relics . Hamburger joints and pizzerias compete for customers with restaurants offering traditional Polish fare like pierogi . Expensive new cars share the road with crowded buses and trams . Traffic jams frustrate"} +{"answer":"to keep this up . '' Sabella took over from Sergio Batista after Argentina lost in the Copa America quarterfinals on home soil in July , and his next task is a trip to Venezuela on Tuesday . Venezuela 's campaign began with a 2-0 defeat at Ecuador on Friday , with the Copa semifinalists ' most-capped player Jose Manuel Rey sent off with 12 minutes to play for a second yellow card . Strikers Jaime Ayovi and Christian Benitez gave Ecuador a commanding lead inside the opening 30 minutes . Copa champions Uruguay made a perfect start with a 4-2 victory at home to Bolivia . Strikers Luis Suarez and Edinson Cavani helped make it 3-1 at halftime , while defender captain Diego Lugano netted his second goal with 18 minutes to play before Marcelo Martins ' late consolation penalty . Copa runners-up Paraguay crashed to a 2-0 defeat away to Peru , who built on their third-place finish as striker Jose Paolo Guerrero netted both goals in the second half . Paraguay host Uruguay on Tuesday , while Peru visit Chile and Bolivia are at home to Colombia . Brazil , assured of a place as hosts of","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Lionel Messi ended his international goal drought to help Argentina make the perfect start to the 2014 World Cup qualifying campaign under new coach Alejandro Sabella on Friday . Real Madrid striker Gonzalo Higuain scored a hat-trick in the 4-1 victory over Chile but of similar importance was Messi 's first strike in 16 games for La Albiceleste . Handed the captain 's armband by Sabella , Messi made it 2-0 in the 26th minute after combining with Higuain to end a run going back two years and seven months . Messi replied in kind to set up Higuain 's hat-trick in the 63rd minute , while Angel Di Maria laid on his clubmate 's other two goals . Chile , missing injured key players Alexis Sanchez and Gary Medel , had pulled it back to 3-1 through Matias Fernandez on the hour . `` It was important to get off on the right foot and we did just that , '' Higuain said in quotes reported by AFP , having also scored a treble in his last match for Real . `` I liked a lot of what we did tonight . Now we have"} +{"answer":"the military for saving him . `` I 'm not the hero , '' he said . `` The military is the hero . Thank them . '' Watch Phillips thank military , Maersk '' He offered no details of what happened to him during his time as a hostage besides calling it `` indescribable . '' He also took the time to thank crew members on his ship . `` We did it . I told you it was n't going to be ` if ' ; it was going to be ` when , ' '' he said . `` We did what we were trained to do . We 're just seamen . -LSB- We -RSB- do the best with what we 've got , and my crew did an excellent job , and I 'm so proud of them that they 're all home and they 're with their loved ones . '' Watch how crews train for pirate attacks '' He had just completed an 18-hour flight out of Mombasa , Kenya , on a jet owned by Maersk . Family members said they planned to spend some quality time together later Friday at their","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Capt. Richard Phillips , whose capture and dramatic rescue in the pirate-infested waters off the coast of Africa last week captivated the nation , returned home to Vermont on Friday . Capt. Richard Phillips says , `` I 'm not the hero . The military is the hero . Thank them . '' Phillips landed shortly after 4:30 p.m. at Burlington International Airport . He was met by family members , who climbed the steps of his plane to greet him . He then strolled across the tarmac with his family , his arm wrapped around his daughter , Mariah , who wiped away tears . `` I just want to thank you for your prayers and support of my family while I was gone , '' Phillips said after landing in Vermont . `` I 'm just a bit part . I 'm a seaman like all the other seamen out there . '' Watch Phillips ' happy homecoming '' Close-up camera shots of Phillips on Friday showed what appeared to be rope burns on his forearms , presumably from being tied by the pirates . Phillips spoke for a short time and mostly thanked"} +{"answer":"into a dry riverbed . His co-driver , Frenchman Michel Perin , suffered a shoulder injury and both had to be evacuated by helicopter for medical attention . Perin told PA Sport : `` We had made a small mistake in the first part . We took the wrong direction at a Y crossing but it was not too bad because we did end up on the right trail . We were tailing Giniel De Villiers , who had started about 10 minutes after us , so it was still sort of okay . There was a hidden way-point indicated as ` danger ' -- but it should have been indicated as ` extremely dangerous ' . `` The car behind us , Nani Roma 's car , would have fallen in the same hole as we did if we had not been there already . I 'm okay , I just have something broken in my arm , but I 'm all right . '' De Villiers said : `` It was really a tough stage . In places we would go around in circles for 15 minutes to find the right trail . It was very dangerous and","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- South African Giniel De Villiers is the new leader of the Dakar Rally after he won Thursday 's 12th special stage and Spaniard Carlos Sainz was forced to pull out following a dramatic crash . The stricken Volkswagen of Carlos Sainz after he careered down a ravine on stage 12 of the Dakar Rally . De Villiers , who was claiming his third stage triumph , brought his Volkswagen across the line in four hours , six minutes and 43 seconds -- over 16 minutes ahead of team-mate Mark Miller , who lies second overall . American Robert Gordon -LRB- Hummer -RRB- was third on the stage , the same as his overall position . The route from Fiambala to La Rioja was reduced by 30 kilometers , leaving the special stage at 223km , as organizers accepted the Argentinian authorities ' request to shorten it because of the archaeological discoveries made a month ago in the Fiambala region of Catamarca province . Two-time world rally champion Sainz , who was leading after six stage victories , had his dream of winning his first Dakar ended when , 79km into the stage , his Volkswagen crashed"} +{"answer":"Obama also said the policy for Cuba and the rest of Latin America would be guided by `` the simple principle that what 's good for the people of the Americas is good for the United States . '' `` After eight years of the failed policies of the past , we need new leadership for the future , '' he said . `` After decades of pressing for top-down reform , we need an agenda that advances democracy , security and opportunity from the bottom up . '' Obama called for looser restrictions on travel to Cuba so Cuban-Americans can visit family members relatives as well as allowing larger money transfers to the island , two positions that are popular within the Cuban-American community . Obama , however , may lose votes among Cuban-Americans if they think he is willing to talk with Ra\u00fal Castro , the president of Cuba who recently took over leadership of the island nation from his brother , Fidel Castro . Speaking in Miami on Tuesday , Sen. John McCain , the presumptive Republican presidential nominee , blasted Obama for changing his positions on normalization with Cuba and for wanting to `` sit down","question":"MIAMI , Florida -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sen. Barack Obama told Florida 's Cuban-American community Friday that his Cuba policy would be based on `` libertad '' and freedom for the island nation 's people . Sen. Barack Obama speaks at a Cuban Independence Day event in Miami , Florida , on Friday . `` My policy toward Cuba will be guided by one word : ` libertad , ' '' he said , using the Spanish word for liberty at an event celebrating Cuban Independence Day in Miami , Florida . `` The road to freedom for all Cubans must begin with justice for Cuba 's political prisoners , the right of free speech , a free press , freedom of assembly , and it must lead to elections that are free and fair , '' Obama said . `` That is my commitment . `` I wo n't stand for this injustice ; you will not stand for this injustice , and together we will stand up for freedom in Cuba . That will be my commitment as president of the United States of America , '' he said . Watch Obama call for freedom in Cuba ''"} +{"answer":"nation 's evolving response to hate crime . A hate crime occurs when an individual intentionally targets a victim or their property because of his or her actual or perceived race , color , religion , national origin , ethnicity , gender , gender identity , disability or sexual orientation . While some have argued that these kind of laws criminalize free speech , the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled in the 1993 case , Wisconsin v. Mitchell , that well-drafted hate crime laws are constitutional and do not punish speech . Rather they enhance the penalties only for acts that are already considered crimes . The act is named for Matthew Shepard , a 21-year-old gay college student who was kidnapped , robbed , tortured and left to die , tied to a fence in a remote area outside of Laramie , Wyoming in October 1998 . His mother Judy has been a tireless advocate for hate crime laws and victims . The Shepard Act remedies legal loopholes in federal and state criminal law that fail to protect against bias-motivated attacks based on such characteristics as sexual orientation , gender , gender identity and disability . It also removes","question":"Editor 's note : Brian Levin is director of the Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism at California State University , San Bernardino . Jack McDevitt is the director of the Institute on Race and Justice and Associate Dean in the College of Criminal Justice at Northeastern University . Both have testified before Congress in support of federal hate crime legislation and are co-authors of a book on hate in America , due to be published next year . Brian Levin says a new federal hate crime law is needed to combat violent incidents of bias . SAN BERNARDINO , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- America needs a coordinated and multifaceted response to combat the continuing scourge of violent hate crime like the crime committed at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum on June 10 . The Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act , originally introduced by Sen. Edward Kennedy a decade ago and nearly passed during the most recent legislative session , is expected to go before the Senate for a vote soon . U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder testified on its behalf Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee . It is a crucial step in the"} +{"answer":"from the bill , Murphy said . But `` it 's not as if we 're giving up on that notion , '' she said . The sentencing commission is a priority for Bass , she said , but the speaker believes she will have more success if she introduces a separate bill to create it . A panel of three federal judges has ordered California to reduce its prison population by about 40,000 by mid-September . The judges acted on the grounds that overcrowded prisons violate inmates ' constitutional rights . The state Senate voted 21-19 Friday to release several thousand inmates early . That vote came after Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg , a Sacramento Democrat , assured senators the public would be protected from the most violent offenders . `` Of course , we want to keep violent criminals off our streets and out of our communities , and this reform package is a necessary step to do that because it concentrates our incarceration efforts on the violent criminals and ensures that nonviolent offenders have more contact with parole officers , '' Steinberg said Friday . All 15 Senate Republicans voted against the bill , arguing","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- California legislators plan to keep trying to find consensus on a controversial proposal that would release at least 27,000 inmates from state prisons . California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger , right , and officials tour a prison last week in Chino after a riot there . The California Assembly on Monday delayed a possible vote on the plan . Lawmakers likely will take up the proposal Wednesday or Thursday , said Shannon Murphy , a spokeswoman for Assembly Speaker Karen Bass . `` When we arrive at a responsible plan that can earn the support of the majority of the Assembly and make sense to the people of California , we will take that bill up on the Assembly floor , '' Bass , a Los Angeles Democrat , said in a statement . Bass said legislators continue to meet with each other and law enforcement authorities to try to craft a plan that increases public safety , improves the state corrections department and reduces costs . As part of the negotiations , a provision that would set up a 16-member sentencing commission -- which would put new sentencing guidelines in place by 2012 -- was stripped"} +{"answer":", traditionally the spiritual and political leader of the Tibetan Buddhists , lives in exile in India . Tuesday marks the 50th anniversary of a failed 1959 uprising against Beijing 's rule that sent the Dalai Lama into exile . Protest organizers said the march was meant to draw public attention to what they say is a deepening crisis a year after China cracked down on protests across Tibet . '' -LRB- British Prime Minister -RRB- Gordon Brown and other world leaders must respond urgently and publicly to the Tibet crisis by taking immediate action , '' said Stephanie Brigden , director of Free Tibet . `` They should demand that China calls off its security stranglehold in Tibet as an essential first step towards backing the Dalai Lama 's initiative in finding a long-term and negotiated settlement to China 's occupation . '' Tibetan Buddhists say they resent the slow erosion of their culture amid an influx of Han Chinese , the largest ethnic group in China . That resentment spilled over last March , when Buddhist monks initiated peaceful anti-Chinese protests in the regional capital , Lhasa , on the 49th anniversary of the uprising . The protests","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Protesters draped themselves in the colorful flag of Tibet and shouted slogans at the Chinese embassy in London on Saturday at the start of a demonstration to mark the 50th anniversary since the Tibetan uprising against China . Protesters have gathered in London to mark the 50th anniversary of the Tibet uprising . `` Tibetans in Tibet -- we are with you ! '' they shouted . `` China , China , China -- out , out , out ! '' The small but fervent group marched from the embassy through west London to Trafalgar Square , where they were due to hear a speech by Thomas Shao Jiang , a Chinese dissident who was one of the student organizers of the Tiananmen Square protest in Beijing in 1989 . `` I think it 's important that Tibet is kept in the world 's eye , '' protester Chris Last told CNN amid placards declaring `` 50 years too long '' and `` We are Tibetans , not Chinese . '' While Tibet is technically autonomous from the central Chinese government , its current government is directed from Beijing . The Dalai Lama"} +{"answer":"I chose , '' he said . '' ... I want to make sure that the focus is , of course , obviously on the preborn children and the necessity to defend them . '' Roeder 's comments prompted prosecutors to file a motion asking Sedgwick County Judge Warren Wilbert to bar Roeder 's attorneys from using the defense . Wilbert noted that the Kansas Supreme Court , in a previous case regarding blocking entrance to an abortion clinic , ruled the necessity defense can not be used when the harm the defendant claims to be avoiding through his or her actions is a constitutional and legal activity , and the defendant broke the law . That precedent , Wilbert said , required him to rule that the necessity defense is not a viable defense in Kansas or in the Roeder case . Defense attorney Mark Rudy pointed out to Wilbert that the defense team has not yet acknowledged what their tactic might be . Roeder , however , filed a 100-page motion on his own behalf , Sedgwick County District Attorney Nola Foulston said Tuesday , on the necessity defense , acknowledging it previously has been unsuccessful . Prosecutors","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An anti-abortion activist charged with gunning down a Wichita , Kansas , doctor can not use the '' necessity defense '' at trial , a judge ruled Tuesday . Scott Roeder , 51 , is set to stand trial January 11 on one count of first-degree murder in the death of Dr. George Tiller , who was shot to death at his church May 31 . Tiller ran a women 's clinic in which he performed abortions . Tiller , 67 , was one of the few U.S. doctors who performed late-term abortions . He had already survived one attempt on his life before he was slain . Under a necessity defense , a defendant argues an action was justified because breaking the law was more advantageous to society than following it . Several anti-abortion activists facing criminal charges have attempted to use the defense but none has been successful . In an Associated Press interview last month , Roeder admitted killing Tiller and said he plans to argue at this trial that the shooting was justified . `` Because of the fact preborn children 's lives were in imminent danger , this was the action"} +{"answer":"Police Chief Mario Andresol said on Monday . `` We have new area to protect and new people to protect . It 's another kind of security we have to ensure . This is the toughest one . '' Full coverage | Twitter updates It will be an overwhelming task . The Port-au-Prince police force of 4,000 has plunged to about 1,500 -- the rest of the officers dead , wounded or missing , Andresol said . Complicating matters , about 4,000 convicted criminals are on the loose . The capital 's 95-year-old , badly overcrowded National Penitentiary collapsed after the quake , and the inmates escaped . `` We have an emergency now , '' Andresol said . `` Because , probably next week , we will have more confusion on the street . The bad guys will be organizing themselves , and they can be the most principal threat to the police and the population . '' Police presence at these new neighborhoods is sporadic . With electricity lines down throughout the city , residents bunch up their meager belongings into pillows and sleep on them after dark . iReport : Looking for loved ones `` You put","question":"Port-au-Prince , Haiti -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In the best of times , the Champs de Mars square in downtown Port-au-Prince was an awe-inspiring sight for Haitians . The broad boulevard was home to the majestic presidential palace , the seat of the country 's power and prestige . Not anymore . The century-old gleaming white palace is in ruins . And in the shadow of its wrought-iron gates , the immaculately maintained plaza has been overtaken by row upon haphazard row of makeshift shacks as far as the eye dwells . These are the new homes of the capital 's displaced residents : rickety quarters comprised of bed sheets , propped up on sticks and held together with ropes . Nearly 500,000 Haitians have moved here , rendered homeless by a 7.0-magnitude earthquake that devastated the impoverished island-nation a week ago . Throughout the capital , and in other affected areas of the country , similar tent cites have risen -- cramped , squalid encampments filled with the few belongings that residents have salvaged . As rescue and recovery efforts continue , these mini-cities pose Haiti 's next challenge . `` This is the biggest one , '' National"} +{"answer":"Cochran said he does n't `` accept the premise '' of the group 's claim that `` any and all federal spending not specifically requested by the Executive Branch is wasteful and irresponsible . '' `` The Congress is vested with the power to appropriate funds to be spent by the federal government by the U. S. Constitution . We will continue to carry out that responsibility with care and a commitment to serve the public interest , '' he said . `` There were several candidates for the Narcissist Award , '' Tom Schatz , the president of the group said . Read the group 's 2008 report `` But this one went to House Ways and Means Chairman Charlie Rangel for the Charles Rangel Public Service Center at the City College of New York -- $ 1,950,000 -LSB- for a project -RSB- that he named after himself . '' Rangel , a Democrat from New York , said last summer he was `` honored that City College chose to have my name attached to what is an important project , not just for the residents of my congressional district , but for New York City and this nation","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A watchdog group critical of pork barrel spending released its latest findings Wednesday targeting the top Congressional `` porkers . '' Some of the pork projects , according to the group , include a Lobster Institute ; the Rocky Flats , Colorado , Cold War Museum ; and the First Tee , a program to build young people 's character through golf . Members of Congress requested funds for all these pet projects and thousands of others last year , according to the latest copy of the annual `` Pig Book '' released by Citizens Against Government Waste . `` Congress stuffed 11,610 projects '' worth $ 17.2 billion into a dozen spending bills , the group said in the report released Wednesday . The `` Pig Book '' names dozens of what the citizens group considers the most egregious porkers , the lawmakers who funnel money to projects on their home turf . Interactive : Pork barrel spending '' Sen. Thad Cochran of Mississippi , the top Republican on the Senate Appropriations Committee , requested the most money , $ 892.2 million , according to the group . In a statement to CNN ,"} +{"answer":"no question that today 's vote in the House of Bishops was an historic move forward and a great day for all who support the full inclusion of all the baptized in the Body of Christ , '' said Susan Russell , president of Integrity USA . The vote shows the Episcopal Church `` striving to actually become the church former Presiding Bishop Edmond Browning called us to be nearly 20 years ago now ... a church where there are no outcasts , '' she said in a statement on the group 's Web site . The Episcopal Church created controversy in 2003 with its decision to ordain Gene Robinson , who is openly gay , as a bishop . The move raised the possibility of a split within the worldwide Anglican Church , the third-largest Christian denomination , with about 70 million members around the world . The Episcopal Church , the U.S. branch of the Anglican Church , has not ordained another openly gay bishop since Robinson . `` The decision has been to kind of chill out on a bunch of things , '' Silk said . But Monday 's vote ends what had been , in","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Episcopal Church has moved decisively closer to full acceptance of gay men and lesbians , taking steps toward recognizing same-sex marriage and gay bishops . Gene Robinson is the Episcopal Church 's first -- and so far only -- openly gay bishop . A key committee voted overwhelmingly Monday to start putting together blessings to be used in same-sex marriages , the church 's official newspaper reported . Separately , the House of Bishops voted by a wide margin to allow gays and lesbians to become bishops , Episcopal Life reported . Both measures must be approved by the church 's General Convention before taking effect , but expert Mark Silk said there is `` little reason '' to think the changes will not `` sail through . '' `` They basically decided to move forward on all fronts with regularizing the status of gays and lesbians within the church , '' said Silk , director of the Leonard E. Greenberg Center for the Study of Religion in Public Life at Trinity College in Connecticut . A leading campaigner for gay rights within the Episcopal Church welcomed the vote on bishops . `` There is"} +{"answer":"lost about 6 percent of its surface a decade ago , the British Antarctic Survey said in a statement on its Web site Another 220 square miles -- including the chunk that Scambos spotted -- had splintered from the ice shelf as of March 8 , the group said . `` As of mid-March , only a narrow strip of shelf ice was protecting several thousand kilometers of potential further breakup , '' the group said . Scambos ' center put the size of the threatened shelf at about 5,282 square miles , comparable to the state of Connecticut , or about half the area of Scotland . See a map and photos as the collapse progressed '' Once Scambos called the British Antarctic Survey , the group sent an aircraft on a reconnaissance mission to examine the extent of the breakout . `` We flew along the main crack and observed the sheer scale of movement from the breakage , '' said Jim Elliott , according to the group 's Web site . `` Big hefty chunks of ice , the size of small houses , look as though they 've been thrown around like rubble -- it 's","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Some 220 square miles of ice has collapsed in Antarctica and an ice shelf about seven times the size of Manhattan is `` hanging by a thread , '' the British Antarctic Survey said Tuesday , blaming global warming . Scientists say the size of the threatened shelf is about 5,282 square miles . `` We are in for a lot more events like this , '' said professor Ted Scambos , a glaciologist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center at the University of Colorado at Boulder . Scambos alerted the British Antarctic Survey after he noticed part of the Wilkins ice shelf disintegrating on February 28 , when he was looking at NASA satellite images . Late February marks the end of summer at the South Pole and is the time when such events are most likely , he said . Watch aerial footage of the area '' `` The amazing thing was , we saw it within hours of it beginning , in between the morning and the afternoon pictures of that day , '' Scambos said of the large chunk that broke away on February 28 . The Wilkins ice shelf"} +{"answer":". Andry Rajoelina , the mayor of Antananarivo , took to the streets one week ago , declaring himself the Indian Ocean island nation 's leader after a week of violence and looting that killed at least 80 people and wounded more than 300 . Watch an iReport on the Madagascar violence '' But President Marc Ravalomanana has fired him and put someone else in the mayoral job . Rajoelina had called the rally to unveil his new government at the May 13th Plaza , according to Brittany Martin , an American citizen who is a Harvard Fellow and lives in Antananarivo . Martin said the rally was peaceful in the morning hours of Saturday , until gunshots rang out in the afternoon after the protesters marched from the plaza to the palace . She said it was unclear where the shots were coming from . Some media reports blamed foreign mercenaries for the shootings ; others said army guards were responsible or that the army was firing at the mercenaries to protect the crowd . Violence in Madagascar began January 26 , when protesters stormed state-run television and radio stations in Antananarivo . Hours earlier , the government had","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has urged the leaders of Madagascar to resolve their differences after an anti-government rally a day earlier turned violent and left more than two dozen people dead . Protesters rally Saturday before violence broke out near the Presidential Palace . In a statement issued by his spokesperson , Ban deplored the violence and called Sunday on authorities `` to urgently initiate a fair process by which those responsible will be brought to justice . '' Ban also blamed the `` tragedy '' on a `` lack of restraint on all sides . '' `` The Secretary-General calls upon all concerned parties to resolve their differences through peaceful and democratic means and through the exercise of responsible leadership , '' according to the statement . A police official said the death toll from Saturday 's violence outside the Presidential Palace in the capital city of Antananarivo had risen to 26 . More than 80 were injured during the demonstration , officials said . The capital city was quiet as mourners attended a public ceremony for the dead . The violence stemmed from an ongoing dispute over who is in charge of the government"} +{"answer":"in . He works from the gut . We have Ludlow 's number from the beginning : He wakes up , vomits , cleans his gun , and knocks back a couple of miniature bottles of vodka . Then he crashes a kidnappers ' den and puts down four gangsters before they know what 's hit them . `` Do n't worry , '' he tells the distraught little girls caged up in the back . `` I 'm a cop . '' It 's probably superfluous to add that he 's still nursing a grievous hangover from the wife who died in flagrante with a person unknown two or three years ago . It 's also probably superfluous to mention that Internal Affairs -LRB- headed by Hugh Laurie -RRB- is beginning to sniff around Ludlow 's unit . In particular , IA is talking to his ex-partner Washington -LRB- Terry Crews -RRB- , a revelation that sends Ludlow reaching for his baseball bat . Before he can put Washington straight , though , his old pal is gunned down before his eyes by a couple of punks . Can Ludlow cover up his own potentially incriminating presence at the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In `` Street Kings , '' Keanu Reeves ' bad-boy cop Tom Ludlow may not play by the rules , but the film sure does . Keanu Reeves , second from left , and Forest Whitaker are shifty cops in `` Street Kings . '' The movie is textbook Cop Noir . Directed by David Ayer , who wrote `` Training Day '' and directed `` Harsh Times , '' from a script that originated with `` L.A. Confidential '' novelist James Ellroy , it 's a story both men have told before and will doubtless return to again . Too bad that story -- the one about the constant struggle with an impure world , betrayal , disillusionment , retribution , all that jazz -- is n't told with much originality this time around . As Ludlow , a detective with a special LAPD vice squad , Reeves shoots first and asks questions much , much later . In his field the bad guys are easy to spot , and if Tom has to get his hands dirty , well , then he 'll be careful to wipe away the residue before he calls it"} +{"answer":": `` It happened very fast , the buildings started shaking and then all of the sudden , it collapsed down . '' 8:17 p.m. -- A rescue swimmer helped deliver a Haitian newborn aboard a Coast Guard helicopter on Saturday , the Coast Guard said . The woman went into labor as the helicopter was refueling aboard the Coast Guard Cutter Tahoma . The mother and child were taken to a hospital in Cap Haitien , Haiti for further medical treatment and were in good condition . 7:41 p.m. -- Musician Wyclef Jean denounces allegations that he has profitted personally from donations to his charity , Y\u00e9le Haiti . `` It is impossible for me to even comprehend the recent attacks on my character and the integrity of my foundation , Y\u00e9le Haiti . The fact that these attacks come as we are mobilized to meet the greatest human tragedy in the history of Haiti only serves to perplex me even further . '' 7:18 p.m. -- Emergency visas and passports could help speed up adoptions that stalled after the quake , and open up beds for children who lost their parents , said Dixie Bickel , director of","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- 10:44 p.m. -- The family of Anaika St. Louis lays the 11-year-old to rest in a tearful ceremony . The girl spent 48 hours trapped under rubble that killed more than two dozen friends and neighbors , her leg crushed by a steel beam . She died after she was unable to receive proper medical treatment . Watch her story 10:31 p.m. -- Sixteen members of the joint NYPD-FDNY Urban Rescue Team in Haiti are attempting to rescue five people trapped alive in a collapsed grocery store in Port-au-Prince , the New York Police Department said Saturday . The five are in verbal communication with the NYPD and FDNY rescuers who are cutting through concrete blocks to reach them . 10:09 p.m. -- CNN 's Errol Barnett talks about how to make sure Haiti relief donations go to the right place . Watch 9:35 p.m. -- Authorities say a woman trapped under the rubble of a bank is sending text messages pleading for help . Watch 9:26 p.m. -- Earthquake survivor Tarmo Joeveer , who was rescued from the rubble at the U.N. mission in Haiti , recalls the chaos on CNN 's Larry King Live"} +{"answer":"'' Craddock said in an interview on Monday . `` It was a great learning experience about what really matters . '' After a few years of lightning-fast growth for Gmail following its launch and at the expense of Hotmail , Microsoft reversed course . `` We set out to really invest in Hotmail and really , to rebuild it from the ground up , '' said Chris Jones , a vice president who oversees several of Microsoft 's Internet applications . The Hotmail team eventually got the green light to dial down the ads while increasing development on features made available to nonpaying users . Making money directly from Hotmail `` is not the most important thing for us to optimize for , '' Jones said in an interview . `` The lesson from some of the most successful Internet companies is they build something valuable and durable . '' That is a notion , Jones said , that Microsoft learned from a rival , Google , and from a partner , Facebook . It is not conventional wisdom for Microsoft , which makes most of its revenue from software sold for hundreds of dollars a package in brick-and-mortar","question":"San Francisco -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Remember when Hotmail was hot ? Dick Craddock , who manages the group responsible for Microsoft 's Web-based e-mail service , can still recall the day of celebration in 2004 when the Hotmail division had just posted a stunning financial quarter . Craddock , along with other Microsoft execs and developers , convened to relish in the victory . The triumph was short-lived because soon after , Google launched a competing Webmail service called Gmail , and like in the short time it takes Google to call up a search query , Hotmail instantly looked dated . Gmail gave users a gigabyte of file storage for free , while Hotmail presented a few megabytes and required users to pay for more . Gmail was fast , spam-free and let people attach files several times larger than that of Hotmail . And Gmail only showed small text advertisements , while Hotmail 's pages were covered in ads , which is why the site was able to exceed financial goals during that quarter in 2004 . After evaluating the options , `` it was n't hard to pick Gmail ; it just was n't hard ,"} +{"answer":"for the mutineers has dried up , a Bangladeshi journalist said . `` The first day of the incident , Bangladeshis were for the BDR . They thought they had legitimate concerns of army officer corruption and denial of basic necessities to them , '' said Ashraf Kaiser , host of the television show , `` Road to Democracy . '' `` But from the second day , when we started getting news of missing officers and seeing pictures of one body after another being pulled out , the perception changed , '' he said . One can see the shift in the media coverage of the mutiny , he said . `` What was being called Pilkhana revolt or rebellion '' -- named after the area of the city where the BDR compounds are located -- `` is now being dubbed the Pilkhana massacre . '' Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina initially earned high marks for persuading the jawans to surrender in exchange for amnesty . But now she finds herself in a delicate balancing act : trying to appease an army that demands the killers , who stubbed out the lives of so many of its officers , be","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Relief teams dug through rose gardens at the headquarters of the Bangladesh Rifles Sunday , looking for more than 70 army officers still missing -- and presumed killed -- after a deadly uprising by paramilitary forces last week . Bangladeshi firefighters continued to uncover bodies Friday of Bangladesh Rifles officers from a mass grave . By late Saturday night , 72 bodies had been found floating in a river or in three mass graves inside the compound of the Rifles , or BDR , in the capital city , Dhaka , the Home Ministry said . Fifty of the dead were confirmed to be army officers , shot or stabbed to death . Another six were Rifles troops , or jawans . The rest of the bodies were too damaged for immediate identification , the ministry said . But four days since the rebellion , grieving family members keeping vigil outside the headquarters were losing hope of seeing their loved ones alive again . Some men quietly recited verses from the Quran , Islam 's holy book , or counted prayer beads . Several women howled in despair and collapsed hopelessly on the pavement . Sympathy"} +{"answer":"Court in New York . The documents say he admitted to law enforcement officials that he attempted to detonate the bomb and that he recently received bomb-making training in the Waziristan region of Pakistan . Shahzad returned to the United States via a one-way ticket from Pakistan on February 3 , according to a criminal complaint . He told immigration officials upon his return that he had been visiting his parents in Pakistan for the previous five months , the complaint said . Shahzad has a Karachi identification card , a sign of Pakistani residency , and his family is from northwestern Pakistan , according to Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik . His father is a retired senior officer in the Pakistani Air Force , Shahzad 's cousin , Kafayat Ali , said on Tuesday . The father , Bahar Ul Haq , a former air vice marshal , lives in the Peshawar suburb of Hayatabad in Pakistan . Pakistani authorities in Karachi picked up for questioning Iftikhar Mian , the father-in-law of suspect Faisal Shahzad , and Tauseef Ahmed , Shahzad 's friend , on Tuesday , two intelligence officials said . An intelligence source said Wednesday that a","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Faisal Shahzad had two faces , investigators and people who knew him say . He was a suburban father in Connecticut , married to an American citizen educated in Colorado . Wife Huma Mian , pretty and smiling in a Facebook picture , wore a traditional Muslim head scarf and posted on her page that she loved to shop . Shahzad , a Pakistani who became a naturalized U.S. citizen in April 2009 , worked as a financial analyst in Connecticut before leaving that job last June . His neighbors describe him as quiet and nice , but a little odd -- a man who liked to jog at night wearing all black and who once remarked that he did n't like the sunlight . Shahzad is suspected of trying to blow up a Nissan Pathfinder in Times Square on Saturday . He was arrested Monday night at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York as his flight to Dubai was about to take off , law enforcement officials said . Shahzad , 30 , has been charged with five counts in connection with the case , according to documents filed Tuesday in U.S. District"} +{"answer":"not paying attention to the Congress . These Congress people are all at home in their home districts , nearly every one of them and they 're hearing an earful . The American people do n't want to hear this nonsense about $ 700 billion to bail out financial institutions . Frankly , Kiran , they do n't need it . Economist after economist , with whom I 've spoken , CEOs , they acknowledge that there are far better ways to deal with the issues confronting our financial system than this bailout . And it 's absolutely obscenely irresponsible of House Speaker -LSB- Nancy -RSB- Pelosi , Treasury Secretary -LSB- Henry -RSB- Paulson , President Bush , Sen. Harry Reid , the leader of the Senate ; for these people to be clucking about like hysterical -- so hysterically . It really must stop . And to hear there -- go ahead . Chetry : I was just going to ask you -- Dobbs : Go ahead . Chetry : You say that there 's other ways around this . One of the things that everyone keeps talking about is the fact that credit markets are frozen and there","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- CNN 's Lou Dobbs is no fan of the $ 700 billion bailout plan that went down to defeat in the U.S. House of Representatives on Monday . He spoke with Kiran Chetry of CNN 's `` American Morning '' on Tuesday about how he thinks there are better ways to solve the financial problems plaguing the U.S. economy . Lou Dobbs : Americans `` do n't want to hear this nonsense about $ 700 billion to bail out financial institutions . '' Kiran Chetry , CNN anchor : CNN 's Lou Dobbs joins us this morning from Suffolk , New Jersey . You expressed delight I guess you could say , at the fact that it did go down yesterday in defeat . We saw the largest point-drop on Wall Street ever . What happens now ? Lou Dobbs , CNN host of `` Lou Dobbs Tonight '' : Well , what happens now is that it sounds like the same fools who brought you this effort are going to try again . Henry Paulson saying he 's going to come right back , suggests he 's not learning . And he 's"} +{"answer":"slums and other poor areas of the vast country and gets people to agree to jobs in distant places . Once separated from home and family , workers are vulnerable to all sorts of abuses , such as being told they owe money for transportation , food , housing and other services . `` This is known as debt bondage , which also fits official definitions of slavery , '' says Anti-slavery International , a lobbying group based in Great Britain . `` A person is in debt bondage when their labor is demanded as the means of repayment for a loan or an advance . Once in debt they lose all control over their conditions of work and what , if anything they are paid ... often making it impossible to repay and trapping them in a cycle of debt . '' The United Nations International Labour Organization estimated there were between 25,000 and 40,000 Brazilians working under such conditions in 2003 , the latest year for which it offered figures . Leonardo Sakamoto , the director of the human rights group Reporter Brasil , says he 's certain there are still more than 25,000 slave laborers in Brazil","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Slavery may seem like a quaint notion in a 21st century world , but that distinction is lost on up to 40,000 Brazilians who find themselves toiling for no real wages and ca n't leave the distant work camps where they live . A Brazilian government official takes notes as he talks with workers about to be freed . Brazilian government officials and human rights activists call it slave labor , a condition they are aggressively trying to eradicate . A special government task force established in 1995 says it freed 4,634 workers last year in 133 raids on large farms and businesses that rely on workers driven to take these jobs by hunger and the empty promises of labor recruiters . `` Slavery is the tail end of a lot of abuse of poor people and workers in Brazil , '' said Peter Hakim , president of the Inter-American Dialogue , a Washington-based policy center . `` Bad treatment reaches over to abusive treatment to treatment that becomes virtual slavery . '' In Brazil , it often works this way : A recruiter known as a `` gato , '' or cat , plumbs the"} +{"answer":"disarmed two years ago , helping to restore the province 's government in Belfast . Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern said the most recent moves of groups to disarm was `` significant and hopefully signals a further step toward the ending of all paramilitarism in Northern Ireland . '' For those that have lived through the turmoil in Northern Ireland , peace achieved though diplomacy must have seemed like an unrealistic goal . After all , each attack by loyalists usually resulted in retaliation by nationalists -- making the dispute bitter and intractable . But diplomacy has worked in bringing peace to Northern Ireland . Credit for developing a framework for the peace process stretches back to former British Prime Minster John Major 's rule in the 1990s and efforts by Ireland 's Ahern . But it was Major 's successor , Tony Blair , who was unrelenting in his quest for peace by making it a major priority of his government . Blair came to Northern Ireland 37 times as Prime Minister , traveling there more often than any of his predecessors as well as hosting many meetings at 10 Downing Street and discussing the peace process while at","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Commentators who have watched the conflict in Northern Ireland play out for decades call the peace process a miracle . Various leaders negotiated for years to bring an end to Northern Ireland 's `` troubles . '' Culminating in a power sharing deal between Ulster 's unionists , led by Ian Paisley , and Sinn Fein , the political arm of the IRA -LRB- nationalists -RRB- , led by Gerry Adams , the road to peace has been a torturous one characterized by violence , set-backs and numerous false starts . Only recently the Ulster Defence Association , Northern Ireland 's largest loyalist group , said it will cease to be an armed paramilitary group , starting at midnight on November 11 , saying the `` war is over . '' `` All weaponry will be put beyond use , '' Colin Halliday of the Ulster Political Research Group , which is linked to the group , said in a speech in Belfast aired by RTE , Ireland 's state-owned broadcaster . `` The struggle to maintain the union is on a new and more complex battlefield . '' The Irish Republican Army -LRB- IRA -RRB-"} +{"answer":"the better chances and should have scored just before halftime but Victor Valdes pushed striker Osvaldo 's shot onto the near post . Alves was dismissed for a second booking in the 62nd minute after body checking Jose Callejon , but Espanyol could not take advantage of having an extra man . Earlier on Saturday , fourth-placed Sevilla bounced back from the midweek defeat at struggling Valladolid to crush Sporting Gijon 3-0 , who had two players sent off . Mali striker Fredi Kanoute opened the scoring in the eight minute after his initial header was blocked , and 13th-placed Gijon lost Mate Bilic to a second yellow card on 32 . Kanoute 's strike partner Luis Fabiano doubled the lead eight minutes after halftime with a header from Adriano 's cross as the Brazilian made up for having an earlier effort ruled out for offside . Jose Angel Valdes was sent off for a second booking with 10 minutes left after Alvaro Negredo went down clutching his face , and the Sevilla forward set up defender Cala from the resulting free-kick . Villarreal claimed sixth place from Athletic Bilbao after beating Atletico Madrid 2-1 in the late match .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Spanish leaders Barcelona gave Real Madrid hope of snatching the Spanish title after being held 0-0 at city rivals Espanyol on Saturday in a tense match that saw Daniel Alves sent off with half an hour to play . Real can now cut the champions ' league lead to just one point by winning at home to third-placed Valencia on Sunday night , after which there will be five rounds to play . The stalemate was the first time Barcelona had failed to score in La Liga since October , and came ahead of Tuesday 's Champions League semifinal first leg away to Inter Milan . Should that match in Italy go ahead if European air travel resumes following the volcanic ash fallout from Iceland , Inter boss Jose Mourinho will have eagerly noted Espanyol 's success in nullifying Barcelona 's star-studded line-up . Mid-table Espanyol lost 1-0 at the Nou Camp in December , but could have led at halftime in the first match between the two teams at the new Cornella-El Prat stadium . Barcelona had hit the crossbar when winger Pedro 's cross deceived goalkeeper Carlos Kameni , but the home side created"} +{"answer":"'' Pleva stood up and tried to defuse the situation . `` I 'm sorry ; do I know you ? '' Pleva asked . `` I do n't care if you know me or not , '' Mackalonis answered . `` Do not say this town is racist . '' `` I did n't say that , '' Pleva said . `` Do n't speak for anyone else , '' demanded Mackalonis . `` I promise you , I do n't , '' Pleva said . The exchange went on for minutes . It was highly unusual to have a formal interview interrupted in that way . But , the emotion of that moment typified the anxiety that gripped Shenandoah , a down-and-out former coal town in central Pennsylvania . Mackalonis interrupts CNN interview '' On July 12 , 2008 , a group of white high school students , out on the prowl after a night of drinking , encountered one of their female classmates in the company of Luis Ramirez , a 25-year-old migrant worker from Mexico . Racial insults were exchanged , and , in no time , a fight ensued . Police reports claim that at","question":"In our Behind the Scenes series , CNN correspondents , producers and photojournalists share their experiences in covering news and analyze the stories behind the events . CNN 's Cliff Hackel talks about his experiences while on location for the documentary `` Latino in America . '' Shenandoah , Pennsylvania , resident Jaelynn Mackalonis wants people to know that her town is not racist . SHENANDOAH , Pennsylvania -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Jaelynn Mackalonis was angry . The upcoming trial in the killing of Luis Ramirez had rocked the town of Shenandoah , Pennsylvania , and Mackalonis urgently wanted to speak out . She hung out on the street , overhearing CNN 's interview of her neighbor Lou Ann Pleva . As Pleva recounted the various opinions around town about the street fight that killed Ramirez , Mackalonis ' blood began to boil . She whistled and waved her arms to get our attention . Finally , she exploded . `` We just want to let you know , the neighbors around here , it 's not fair that one person is going to speak for us , '' Mackalonis insisted . `` This was n't a racial crime ."} +{"answer":"a lot of energy up there , but it 's not as steady as we thought . It 's not going to be the silver bullet that will solve all of our energy problems , but it will have a role . '' For centuries , we 've been using high-density fossil fuels , but peaking oil supplies and climate concerns have given new life to green technologies . Unfortunately , renewable energy is generally diffuse , meaning you need to cover a lot of area to get the energy you want . So engineers look for renewable resources that are as dense as possible . On that score , high-altitude wind looks very promising . Wind 's power -- energy which can be used to do work like spinning magnets to generate electricity -- varies with the cube of its speed . So , a small increase in wind speed can lead to a big increase in the amount of mechanical energy you can harvest . High-altitude wind blows fast , is spread nicely across the globe , and is easier to predict than terrestrial wind . These properties have led inventors and scientists to cast their hopes upward","question":"-LRB- WIRED -RRB- -- The wind blowing through the streets of Manhattan could n't power the city , but wind machines placed thousands of feet above the city theoretically could . A prototype of a high-altitude wind turbine made by Magenn Power . The first rigorous , worldwide study of high-altitude wind power estimates that there is enough wind energy at altitudes of about 1,600 to 40,000 feet to meet global electricity demand a hundred times over . The very best ground-based wind sites have a wind-power density of less than 1 kilowatt per square meter of area swept . Up near the jet stream above New York , the wind power density can reach 16 kilowatts per square meter . The air up there is a vast potential reservoir of energy , if its intermittency can be overcome . Even better , the best high-altitude wind-power resources match up with highly populated areas including North America 's Eastern Seaboard and China 's coastline . `` The resource is really , really phenomenal , '' said Christine Archer of Cal State University-Chico , who co-authored a paper on the work published in the open-access journal Energies . `` There is"} +{"answer":"or standing on the wings . But as more people began to exit , the plane started to become submerged and passengers ' feet started getting cold . See photos of the crash and rescue The quick response may have helped save the lives of passengers , who if not for the rescuers may have been subjected to the frigid Hudson water . It 's one of the things Moore said the Coast Guard focuses on during water rescues , especially in the winter . After only three minutes in cold water , people can lose the use of their arms and legs , according to the Oregon State Marine Board . At the time of the crash it was 21 degrees outside , the water temperature in the Hudson was 32.5 degrees and winds were blowing at 15 mph . Oregon State Marine Board : Surviving cold water immersion Thankfully for passengers , ferry captains like Brittany Catanzaro came quickly to their rescue . Watch passengers describe what happened '' She was at the helm of a New York Waterway ferry during a normal commute across the river when she looked to her right and saw a plane in","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Everyone aboard US Airways Flight 1549 survived when the plane crash-landed into the Hudson River , and that may be due as much to diligent rescue training as luck . Passengers and crew line up outside the plane as boats move in to rescue them . The Coast Guard rescuers who quickly got to the scene and many of the ferries and boats that first responded train for water rescues . `` We , the Coast Guard , we do train for these type of events and these type of situations , scenarios , and one thing we do try to do is try to coordinate with our other maritime agency partners -LSB- so -RSB- that incidents like this go off without a hitch or as safely as possible , '' said Coast Guard Lt. C.K. Moore , who helped coordinate the response . Within minutes of the plane crash-landing into the water , the aircraft was surrounded by ferry boats that had been making their regularly scheduled trips across the Hudson and other boats coordinated by , and including , the Coast Guard . The passengers had begun exiting the plane -- getting into rafts"} +{"answer":"Letterman as well as the Palin family . `` As a comedian , you look at what Dave does , '' Foxworthy said . `` You 're trying to do this night after night , year after year , decade after decade -- at some point in the road , are you going to throw one out there you should n't have ? Yeah . '' Foxworthy said it 's probably time to forgive and forget . `` It 's about forgiveness , '' Foxworthy said . `` He came back and apologized and said : ` Hey , the joke is flawed . ' And to me you move on . '' King asked what advice he 'd give Sarah Palin if she received an invitation to appear on Letterman 's `` Late Show . '' Foxworthy said he 'd encourage the Alaska governor to accept it . `` Life is about forgiveness . I think that makes her bigger to go on there and say ' I accept your apology ' . '' Letterman has insisted he was referring to Palin 's 18-year-old , Bristol , who gave birth to a boy in December , and not her","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- David Letterman has been taking some heat and issuing some apologies for the off-color joke he made last week about Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin 's daughter , but he found a sympathetic critic in comedian Jeff Foxworthy on Monday . Jeff Foxworthy , the father of two teenage daughters , says David Letterman 's joke was flawed . The best-selling comedy recording artist in history paid a visit to CNN 's `` Larry King Live '' to talk about Letterman 's gaffe . `` As a father of two teenage daughters , it was a flawed joke , '' Foxworthy said . Letterman joked last Tuesday that Palin 's `` daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez '' at a recent Yankees game , stirring up an angry reaction from the Palin family . Letterman has since apologized twice for what he called `` inappropriate '' humor . And Foxworthy agreed : `` I do n't think any kind of joke about someone having sex with a teenage girl is funny . '' Watch Foxworthy comment on joke '' But Foxworthy 's rebuke of the joke was gentle in tone , and he showed empathy for"} +{"answer":"according to the band 's biography on Allmusic.com . The band 's lead male singer , Denny Doherty , later had an affair with Michelle ; she was forced out of the group for a time . The fourth member , Cass Elliot , had an unrequited crush on Doherty , the biography noted . After the Mamas & the Papas ' success with such singles as `` California Dreamin ' '' and the No. 1 hit `` Monday , Monday , '' the Phillipses bought a Bel Air mansion from which they ruled over the Los Angeles music scene . In his 1986 memoir , `` Papa John , '' John Phillips , who died in 2001 , remembered hosting parties for the Beatles when they visited town . John Phillips , the band 's primary songwriter , was at least six years older than the others and did not shy from the task of addressing the group 's pain and confusion in song . In such songs as `` Got a Feelin ' , '' `` I Saw Her Again Last Night '' and `` Trip , Stumble and Fall , '' he cast a cold eye on","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In 1967 , the Mamas & the Papas had a hit with a song that detailed , with bittersweet harmonies , the checkered history of the band . The song , written by the group 's John Phillips and his wife , Michelle , was called `` Creeque Alley . '' Michelle Phillips , Denny Doherty and John Phillips , here in 1998 , were members of the Mamas & the Papas . If the song were to be updated today , it might have to be retitled `` Creep Alley . '' With the claims by John 's daughter , Mackenzie , that she had an incestuous relationship with her father , the story of Phillips and his group -- in music , models of California dreams and California dreamin ' -- takes on a darker hue . The story was already tangled , a motley love - and drug-soaked tale of excess set to the group 's distinctive four-part harmonies . Phillips left his first wife , Mackenzie 's mother , Susan Adams , for 18-year-old Michelle , whom he 'd met in a San Francisco club while touring in the early '60s ,"} +{"answer":"of Columbia office . He was speaking Friday at a news conference in Washington that introduced the 32-page paper . `` One incident of violent extremism is one too many , '' said Alejandro J. Beutel , the author of the report and the group 's government liaison . `` Our community needs to develop more sophistication in dealing with this challenge . '' Beutel , who also spoke at the news conference , said there needs to be a greater emphasis on community policing , an idea that calls for closer ties between neighborhood residents and cops on the beat . Developing closer relations with local Muslims would help police tap `` unique cultural and linguistic '' skills that can spot and head off trouble . The study said police must surmount community distrust , which it says is common and calls `` an automatic barrier to police community outreach . '' `` Unfortunately , in the current political climate , the actions of certain law enforcement agencies -- whether spying on peaceful activist groups and houses of worship without reasonable suspicion , or religious profiling -- have added to difficulties , '' the report said . Such a","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A leading Muslim-American civil rights group is advocating intense grassroots engagement among police and U.S. Muslim neighborhood leaders to thwart the emergence of homegrown Islamic terrorists . A report , issued Friday by the Muslim Public Affairs Council , reflects the shock among American Muslims over the Fort Hood massacre , the arrests of five American Muslims in Pakistan suspected of plotting terrorist attacks , and the arrests of eight Somali-American men on charges related to what prosecutors said were efforts to recruit youths to fight for a Somali guerrilla movement . Titled `` Building Bridges to Strengthen America : Forging an Effective Counterterrorism Enterprise between Muslim Americans and Law Enforcement , '' the paper stresses a division of labor and a collaboration between police and community groups . Police should fight crime , including terrorism , and neighborhood leaders should deal with the causes of radicalization , it says . At the same time , both need to work hand in glove , the paper said . `` We will capture the narrative from those who seek to misguide the young people , '' said Haris Tarin , the head of the council 's District"} +{"answer":"touted Intel 's Ultrabook concept , which the company has been reportedly nudging partners to embrace . The laptop concept facilitates very thin , light and affordable computers with batteries that can last for about a full day on a single charge . They look similar to Apple 's MacBook Air , which uses Intel 's Core processor . Otellini also discussed a new processor , slated for 2013 , called Haswell . Devices with the chip can remain connected to the Internet in standby mode for 10 days before the battery depletes , he said . Haswell will be tailored to Ultrabooks and tablets running Windows 8 , the new operating system Microsoft was showing at the same time at its own conference in Anaheim , California . `` Computing means a lot more than just computers , '' Otellini said . `` Just as computing has evolved , so too has Intel 's architecture . '' Intel 's recent focus on reducing energy consumption , thereby improving battery life , should bolster its efforts in smartphones , analysts say . The company is also working on more compact chips , which it is calling `` 3-D transistors ''","question":"San Francisco -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Intel , which dominates the PC market but has struggled to break into smartphones , is getting a hand from Google . Upcoming versions of Android , the No. 1 smartphone operating system from Google , will be compatible with Intel processors , the companies announced at Intel 's developer conference on Tuesday . `` We want to make Intel architecture the platform of choice for smartphones , '' Intel CEO Paul Otellini said onstage . `` Every time we have collaborated with Google , good things have come out of it . '' The partnership will aid Intel in delivering on its promise to finally release smartphones with its technologies by the middle of 2012 . Google may benefit from accommodating a company that has significant influence in computers , which is the market Google is struggling to break into with its Chromebook project . The two companies already collaborate on that laptop operating system . `` The partnership has been great , '' said Andy Rubin , Google 's executive for mobile development , who took the stage at Intel 's conference to announce the deal . In his keynote , Otellini"} +{"answer":"-- the issue is bound to spur some awkward encounters . Chart : Compare some of the common airline fees `` It 's a growing problem , no pun intended , '' said George Hobica , president of AirfareWatchdog.com , a site that is part of Smarter Travel Media LLC , which provides airfare deals and advice . `` Everyone suffers . The obese people suffer and the people who are skinny and get spilled over on suffer as well . '' U.S. obesity rates have mushroomed during the last 25 years , but the width of a coach airplane seat has changed little , remaining between 17 and 18 inches in most commercial planes . More than one-third of Americans fall into the obese category , according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . This makes traveling in tight spaces vexing for airlines trying to bolster profits by selling the maximum number of seats . The Federal Aviation Administration does not regulate seat width , but it does require passengers be able to sit belted and with both arm rests down to comply with safety standards . In April , UAL Corp. 's United Airlines formalized a","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- You pay for checking your baggage , for snacks and for extra legroom . Word is one airline has even toyed with charging you to use the toilet . So it makes perfect sense to some fliers that heavier passengers should pay for spilling over into the next seat . Earlier this year , United Airlines formalized a policy that charges some larger passengers for a second seat . Frequent flier Ross Murphy , 54 , has been sandwiched between larger fliers in coach , and he believes they should have to shell out for a second seat . `` They have a right to sit in the seat next to me , '' said Murphy , who travels cross-country at least 15 times a year to watch his sons ' sporting matches . `` But they do n't have a right to sit in my lap . '' A growing number of airlines are forcing bigger passengers to pay more as they cope with the costly and uncomfortable quandary that arises when obese passengers can not squeeze into a single coach seat . With airlines trimming flight schedules -- meaning fuller passenger loads this summer"} +{"answer":"in the region , and Turkey recently mediated indirect peace talks between Israel and Syria . But many Turks have been incensed with Israel over its three-week military operation that ended there earlier this month . And in Davos , Erdogan was angered after Peres said that Israel is committed to peace and blamed Hamas for the fighting in Gaza , where Israel staged a three-week military operation that ended earlier this month . When Erdogan began responding , a moderator cut him off , saying the debate had run over its allotted time . Erdogan patted the moderator on the arm until he was granted one more minute to respond . Watch commentary on Erdogan 's angry exchange \u00c2 '' `` I know the reason behind raising your voice is because of the guilty psychology , '' he said to Peres . `` My voice will not be that loud . You must know that . When it comes to killing -- you know killing very well . I know how you hit , kill children on the beaches . '' He then left the stage , complaining that Peres was receiving preferential treatment . `` From now on","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Israeli President Shimon Peres said he had an amicable phone conversation with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan , a day after Erdogan stormed offstage during an angry exchange with Peres at the World Economic Forum in Davos , Switzerland . Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan leaves the stage Thursday , as Israeli President Shimon Peres sits , left . Peres said he and Erdogan did not take the spat personally . `` I called him up and said , yes , it 's nothing against you , nothing against Turkey . We consider you as a friend , '' Peres said . He said Erdogan reciprocated . Although there was no mention of an apology , Peres said there was a polite exchange between the two leaders . `` I did n't take it personally . I did n't go for a personal fight . I answered unfounded accusations . It was my duty . And they did n't change my mind , '' he said . Watch Shimon Peres on the Gaza conflict \u00c2 '' Turkey , a predominantly Muslim nation , has long been the Jewish state 's closest military and economic partner"} +{"answer":", and Trojans often spread unchecked throughout social media sites , passed along from one online friend to the next . `` The mechanisms for social networking were never designed for security and filtering . They make it way too easy for people with bad intentions to push malicious code to unsuspecting users , '' a Stratcom source told Wired.com . Yet many within the Pentagon 's highest ranks find value in the Web 2.0 tools . The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has 4,000 followers on Twitter . The Department of Defense is getting ready to unveil a new home page , packed with social media tools . The Army recently ordered all U.S. bases to provide access to Facebook . Top generals now blog from the battlefield . `` OPSEC is paramount . We will have procedures in place to deal with that , '' Price Floyd , the Pentagon 's newly-appointed social media czar , said . `` What we ca n't do is let security concerns trump doing business . We have to do business ... We need to be everywhere men and women in uniform are and the public is . If that","question":"-LRB- WIRED -RRB- -- The U.S. Marine Corps has banned Twitter , Facebook , MySpace and other social media sites from its networks , effective immediately . The Marine Corps fears that social media sites such as Facebook could pose a security risk . `` These internet sites in general are a proven haven for malicious actors and content and are particularly high risk due to information exposure , user generated content and targeting by adversaries , '' reads a Marine Corps order , issued Monday . `` The very nature of SNS -LSB- social network sites -RSB- creates a larger attack and exploitation window , exposes unnecessary information to adversaries and provides an easy conduit for information leakage that puts OPSEC -LSB- operational security -RSB- , COMSEC -LSB- communications security -RSB- , -LSB- and -RSB- personnel ... at an elevated risk of compromise . '' The Marines ' ban will last a year . It was drawn up in response to a late July warning from U.S. Strategic Command , which told the rest of the military it was considering a Defense Department-wide ban on the Web 2.0 sites , due to network security concerns . Scams , worms"} +{"answer":"'' all sung in the a cappella tradition but with creative and entertaining tweaks . -LRB- They do a stirring Christmas-infused rendition of Toto 's `` Africa . '' -RRB- Members of Straight No Chaser sang for CNN in New York recently , talked about their surprising career turn and where it leaves their day jobs . CNN : What is it like then to actually become a YouTube sensation ? Randy Stine : Well , -LSB- Jerome -RSB- got recognized on the street in Hong Kong . Jerome Collins : A person walked up to me and said , `` Hey , I know this may be out of line , but you look like this guy on this video I just saw . '' I called -LSB- Randy -RSB- and I was like , `` We officially made it . We 're being recognized in Hong Kong by some random person on the street . '' So it was kind of cool , and that 's when I knew that -LSB- it -RSB- was on a bigger scale than we thought . CNN : What went through your mind when you got the call from Atlantic Records ?","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- What started as a college a cappella pastime became a ticket to the big time for 10 Indiana University graduates . Straight No Chaser broke up years ago , but success on YouTube brought the band back together . Last year a member of the disbanded group -- called Straight No Chaser -- posted a video of a quirky 1998 performance of `` The 12 Days of Christmas '' on YouTube . It got more than 8 million hits . And one of the people watching was Craig Kallman , chairman and CEO of Atlantic Records . Kallman summoned a couple of the troupe members to Los Angeles , where he offered them a record deal . Straight up . The boys -LRB- now men , of course -RRB- got back together and within 10 months -- and almost 10 years after graduation -- had a debut album neatly tied with a bow . And you thought your college reunion was exciting . Watch Straight No Chaser blend their voices '' `` Holiday Spirits '' mostly features festive covers such as `` Santa Claus Is Coming to Town '' and `` Silent Night ,"} +{"answer":"glory to Jesus . '' His foundation raises large bundles of money to help kids with Down syndrome -LRB- and if you do n't believe this , ask anyone associated with Pujols . They 'll tell you . And tell you . And tell you . -RRB- . He has never , apparently , drowned a dog or shot himself in the leg . Over the past 11 years , St. Louis ' slugging infielder could do no wrong . And yes , it helped that he averaged 42 homers and 126 RBIs while leading the club to two World Series titles . And yet ... for the hundreds of people who work for the Cardinals , and for the majority of the thousands upon thousands of fans who have asked Pujols for an autograph or a handshake or the smallest of words , the three-time National League MVP is , well , terrible . Having now covered sports for 17 years , I 've witnessed few professional athletes who show greater disrespect and outright disdain for loyalists than Pujols . He is a man who , during spring training , walks from station to station with his head down","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The liberation of St. Louis begins now . Albert Pujols is leaving the city and you are free , dear people , to speak the truth . No longer do you have to cower . No longer do you have to worry about stern looks and furious retorts . No longer do you have to tiptoe around the mighty slugger and his Ruthian numbers , fearful that he might say to hell with riverboat casinos and go elsewhere , someplace warmer . No longer do you have to mindlessly utter the Cardinal company lines about all of Pujols ' charity work and family life and what a wonderful person he is . With Thursday 's news that Pujols has agreed to a 10-year , $ 254 million contract with the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim , Cardinals officials , players and fans are finally permitted say what has gone unsaid far too long -- that Albert Pujols is a pain in the rear . I know . Albert loves kids . And puppies . And kids with puppies . He is a devout Christian who has written , `` My life 's goal is to bring"} +{"answer":"themselves in a bad position , to prevent it from happening again . '' Set in a church in Nashville , Tennessee , the John School is led by former prostitutes , health experts , psychologists and law enforcement officers who talk to -- and at times berate -- the men about the risks of hiring a prostitute . Prostitution is based on the law of supply and demand . The thinking is : Women wo n't stop selling sex until men stop buying . So Nashville and a growing number of cities are shifting their focus from locking up suppliers to educating buyers . Across the country , about 50 communities are using John Schools . Atlanta , Georgia , and Baltimore , Maryland , are among dozens more cities that plan to launch similar programs by the end of the year . See where the John Schools are '' `` It will make them -LSB- offenders -RSB- see that this is not a victimless crime , and they are contributing to the exploitation of women , '' said Stephanie Davis , policy adviser on women 's issues at the mayor 's office in Atlanta . `` It 's","question":"NASHVILLE , Tennessee -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The accused came from all walks of life : Retirees , dads and twentysomethings . An engineer , a business owner and an auto worker . A man in a wheelchair . Men in need of Spanish or Farsi translators . Brett Beasley , with Nashville 's Health Department , educates men arrested for trying to buy sex about STDs . About 40 men somberly entered a classroom on a recent Saturday morning . About half of them wore shiny wedding bands . All had tried to buy a prostitute 's services and were caught by police . It was their first offense , and a county court referred them to a one-day program called the John School . It 's a program run by volunteers and city officials in conjunction with Magdalene House , a nonprofit that works to get prostitutes off the streets . `` Prostitution does n't discriminate , '' said Kenny Baker , a cognitive behavioral therapist who is the program 's director . `` Most of these men do n't have a prior criminal history , so our goal is to help these folks understand why they put"} +{"answer":"Street movement started , authorities had warned protesters they would be arrested if they defied the curfew . Police stood guard at the entrance of Washington Square Park , sending protesters spilling out into nearby streets . They chanted anti-Wall Street slogans and banged drums as they wandered into the night . The arrests came hours after thousands marched to New York 's iconic Times Square on Saturday night , hoisting signs and chanting . Browne described the Times Square rally as orderly . As police cleared the street , protesters chanted , `` We are peaceful '' and `` The whole world is watching . '' In another part of the city , another group of protesters made their voices heard . `` Banks got bailed out , we got sold out , '' chanted a crowd meandering east of the city 's Zuccotti Park , considered a home base for the Manhattan protesters . Columns of police on patrol and atop scooters monitored the march , but as dusk fell , it appeared largely peaceful . In addition to the nationwide rallies , demonstrations have picked up steam , culminating in a global day of protests Saturday in","question":"New York -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Police hauled away protesters in various cities Sunday as Occupy Wall Street rallies continued for the 30th day . In Washington , D.C. , 19 people were arrested by Supreme Court Police , a spokeswoman said . New York authorities arrested 14 people for violating a midnight curfew by sitting in a fountain with no water at Washington Square Park . The number was in addition to 78 arrested Saturday in citywide protests . `` It was a classic peaceful sit-in , '' said Paul Browne , the deputy police commissioner . In Chicago , a police spokesman said there were `` multiple '' arrests early Sunday for disorderly conduct and violating an 11 p.m. curfew . And in Minneapolis , a woman was arrested for trespassing , CNN affiliate KARE reported . City police officials declined to comment . About 150 people were camped out under a canopy near city hall after police took away their tents , a Minneapolis protest organizer said . `` It 's cold . We do n't have any protection from the elements , '' said organizer April Lukes-Streich . In New York , where the Occupy Wall"} +{"answer":"obstructive sleep apnea . According to the National Sleep Foundation , more than 18 million American adults have sleep apnea , and many of them do n't know it . Some people think their snoring is just a side effect of a busy lifestyle . Watch more on the difference between sleep apnea and snoring '' In some cases , that 's true . But the foundation says it 's trying to get more people to realize how important it is to know the difference between occasional snoring and apnea . Studies have shown that sleep apnea has some serious side effects . A disorder in which breathing is briefly and repeatedly interrupted during sleep , apnea occurs when the muscles in the back of the throat fail to keep the airway open , despite efforts to breathe . That can cause broken sleep patterns and low blood oxygen levels . Doctors say these side effects can lead to hypertension , heart disease , and mood and memory problems . In a recent study at the University of Maryland Medical Center , researchers found that sleep apnea can cause a rise in depression and that sleep-related breathing disorders can also","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It 's been nine years since Kim and Curtis Christiansen were married . Since then they 've had their ups and downs , but they 've remained close . But when Curtis began snoring about three years ago , Kim began sleeping on the couch . After his snoring drove his wife , Kim , to sleep on the couch , Curtis Christiansen saw a sleep specialist . `` His snoring was so loud . At first I would just elbow him to wake him up , '' she said , `` But then I became concerned . He would just -LRB- she gasps for breath -RRB- . It would take his breath away . '' At first Curtis Christiansen figured he was tired , a little run down from his job . He thought the snoring was just a symptom of his exhaustion . But when he started nodding off while waiting at a traffic light , he knew something was wrong . `` I became more aware of this choking and waking-up feeling , '' he said . Kim Christiansen finally persuaded her husband to go to a sleep specialist . The diagnosis :"} +{"answer":"lot to tell . '' In some ways the two friends lived parallel lives -- but tragically they had very different outcomes . Watch more about Schloss ' story '' Schloss and Frank both came from Jewish families who fled to Holland to escape the wave of anti-Semitism spreading across Europe as the Nazis rose to power in Germany ahead of the Second World War . But while Schloss was more of an introvert , Frank loved the limelight . Schloss said : `` I was actually quite shy and she was the center of attention . We had steps where we sat , and she had a crowd of children around her . `` She was a big flirt -- she loved boys . She was always showing us who was her boyfriend at that particular time . She was always interested in her clothes . Her style , she always changed it . Sometimes she had curls , then she had straight hair . '' Schloss says they were unaware of the full scale of what was going on around them as war escalated across Europe , placing their lives in increasing jeopardy . `` Our parents really","question":"She told stories , flirted outrageously with boys and was constantly changing her hairstyle . Anne Frank hid with her family in a secret room at her father Otto Frank 's office in Amsterdam . It could be the description of almost any young girl growing up in Europe . But this is how Eva Schloss remembers her childhood friend Anne Frank , who had she not died in a Nazi concentration camp , would have celebrated her 80th birthday this week . Schloss described Frank , whose account of hiding from Jewish persecution in Nazi-occupied Amsterdam is one of the world 's mostly widely-read books , as a spunky young schoolgirl with a passion for storytelling that often got her into trouble . `` She got her diary in 1942 , so obviously her father knew she was interested in writing and I know she told stories , '' said Schloss . `` She talked a lot and she was called Mrs Quack Quack . Very often she used to write hundreds of lines -LSB- at school -RSB- of ` I 'm not going to talk so much , ' and so on -- but obviously she had a"} +{"answer":"as their individual talents . To illustrate this point , when Bunting -- a warrant officer in the British Army -- was compiling a team of soldiers to attempt an ascent of Everest 's notorious West Ridge the first quality he and the rest of the selection panel looked for was not climbing expertise , but compatibility . `` A lot of people think that when you go and do something like that , you immediately look for all the best climbers in the army , '' he says . `` But what we based our selection process on , compatibility was first . '' Of course , all team sports rely upon a strong dynamic between the individual members . But there can be few disciplines in which the stakes are as high as in mountain climbing , where your life often literally rests in someone else 's hands . Bunting , 40 , led the expedition of 21 army mountaineers to Everest 's West Ridge two years ago . It was a daunting undertaking . Of over 2,200 climbers who have made it to the top of the world 's tallest peak since it was first conquered ,","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A veteran of over 20 years of mountain climbing , Dave Bunting has been in some pretty tight scrapes . Soldier mountaineer Dave Bunting on Mount Everest . His team tried to summit via the mountain 's notorious West Ridge in 2006 . He and his climbing partner once watched in terror as a huge avalanche careered down a Himalayan mountainside straight for them . They were miraculously spared when the wall of snow parted on either side of the promontory where they were standing at a distance of just 50 meters . On another occasion he spent an agonizing night hanging precariously over a 3,000-foot -LRB- 900 meter -RRB- drop during an electrical storm in the Alps . He estimates he was electrocuted `` half a dozen times '' during the course of the night . Faced with the fearsome power of nature mountaineers like Bunting rely on one indispensable ally -- other mountaineers . Teamwork is essential in climbing . The first successful ascent of Everest was as much about the bond of trust that existed between modest New Zealander Sir Edmund Hillary and his diminutive Sherpa , Tenzing Norgay ,"} +{"answer":"on and forward . iReport : Read Thompson-Arce 's post By the time she married Mathew Arce last July , she said she and her ex were friends . In fact , they were so close that his mother -- meaning Thompson-Arce 's ex-mother-in-law -- was in -LRB- not just at -RRB- the second wedding ceremony . Soon after the Florida wedding , the new lovebirds flew into a financial mess . She had left a job , and as soon as she found another -LRB- a temp position -RRB- , her 22-year-old husband was fired from his higher-paying gig . iReport.com : Job hunt stories They fell behind in rent . The bills stacked up . The credit card debt grew . iReport.com : What are you cutting from budget ? A couple months later , Arce , landed a temporary Wal-Mart cashier position , which has since turned into a full-time job . But finances remained shaky and digging themselves out of debt seemed insurmountable . Tell us how you 're surviving in this economy In walked the ex with an offer , just in time for Christmas . Thompson , an 18-year bakery employee at Wal-Mart ,","question":"Editor 's note : This story is part of an ongoing series of profiles CNN is doing about economic survival in this time of financial crisis . Nicole Thompson-Arce poses on her wedding day with her husband , Mathew Arce , and her ex-mother-in-law . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Struggling to make ends meet , trying to dig themselves out of debt , Nicole Thompson-Arce and her husband have moved in with her ex-husband . Together , the unlikely threesome of Omaha , Nebraska , is raising two young daughters from the first marriage . It 's the kind of situation that has left cable guys howling . `` They 'd never heard anything like this , '' Thompson-Arce , 28 , remembered with a laugh . `` And they 're in people 's homes everyday . '' When she and Craig Thompson , 42 , were going through a divorce in 2005 , this was not a deal either of them could have imagined striking . It was a messy divorce , the kind involving a custody dispute . But once they ironed out that battle , agreeing to joint custody , Thompson-Arce said they were able to move"} +{"answer":"a statement calling Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund an `` extreme fringe group , '' and saying , `` It is reprehensible and hypocritical that the Defenders of Wildlife would use Alaska and my administration as a fundraising tool to deceive Americans into parting with their hard-earned money . '' Watch why Judd , Palin are trading barbs '' Judd said Alaska 's program is a `` distortion '' of wildlife hunting under normal circumstances , and that the program attracts `` urban hunters , trophy hunters from out of state . '' Palin did not appear on `` Larry King Live , '' but Rod Arno , executive director of the Alaska Outdoor Council , told King by telephone that only Alaska residents can participate in the aerial wolf-hunting program , and then they must obtain a state permit . The purpose of the program is to facilitate control of Alaska 's wolf population , which preys on moose and caribou , Arno said . `` The only criticism is from people who are n't up here participating in a predator-prey scheme , '' he said . Judd was accompanied by Rodger Schlickeisen , CEO of the Defenders of","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Actress Ashley Judd says a wolf management program backed by Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is `` incredibly savage ... it 's not right , it 's not appropriate , it makes no sense on any level . '' Ashley Judd is criticizing the aerial hunting of wolves , a program supported by Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin . Appearing on CNN 's `` Larry King Live , '' Judd repeated her criticism of a program that allows hunters firing from aircraft to shoot wolves to thin the numbers of the animals . Judd recently appeared in a video for the Washington-based Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund , which also opposes the Palin-backed aerial hunting program . Referring to the former Republican vice presidential candidate by name in the video , Judd says that Palin is `` championing the slaughter of wildlife . '' `` When Sarah Palin came on the national scene last summer , few knew that she promotes the brutal aerial killing of wolves , '' Judd says in the video , adding , `` It is time to stop Sarah Palin and stop this senseless savagery . '' Palin responded on Tuesday , releasing"} +{"answer":"through the motions of life toward the end , '' Boteach told NBC . CNN has not independently confirmed Jackson 's quotes in the book , but Boteach was known to be a spiritual adviser to Jackson for several years beginning about 1999 . Ken Sunshine , spokesman for the family , including the singer 's father , Joe , issued a statement on the book . `` We are not going to dignify this with a comment , '' he said . The book was not published during Jackson 's lifetime because of the pop star 's child molestation trial , which ended with an acquittal in 2005 , the author said . The author said Jackson 's arrest ended any interest in a book about him . `` I do n't want to grow old , '' Jackson is quoted as saying in one interview with Boteach . `` When the body breaks down and you start to wrinkle , I think it 's so bad , '' Jackson said . Jackson talked to Boteach about why he was drawn to children , especially those who were sick . `` I love them . I love them ,","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Michael Jackson feared his father so much he would faint or vomit sometimes when his father entered the room -- even when the pop singer was an adult , according to a book written by a former Jackson confidant . Rabbi Shmuley Boteach , Michael Jackson 's confidant , sat down with the King of Pop and taped 30 hours of interviews . `` The Michael Jackson Tapes '' includes Jackson talking about his fear of growing old , his relationship with children , his friendships with Madonna and Brooke Shields , and his remarkable shyness around people that made his surround himself with mannequins . Jackson opened up to Rabbi Shmuley Boteach for 30 hours of interviews , which were taped nine years ago and intended for a book Jackson wanted written , Boteach said . `` He was trying to reclaim his life , '' Boteach said Friday in an NBC `` Today Show '' interview . Jackson , who died on June 25 of what the coroner found to be a deadly combination of drugs , `` lost the will to live , I think he was just going"} +{"answer":", which do n't work . Instead , we focus on love , saying that it is love that should be contagious and couples should get tested together , '' McNeill explained . Would you get tested with your partner ? Tell us in the Soundoff below But in a country where a macho culture still prevails , getting couples tested together has proved challenging . McNeill said : `` In Swaziland it is difficult to convince men to get tested as it makes them feel inferior . '' PSI said it found that one of the most successful campaigning tools has been to directly target men in areas where they are often concentrated . `` We go to the places where men have their cattle disinfected and also work extensively in churches . We even have a testing facility in one of the countries ' prisons '' said Iulian Circo , PSI 's country director . Watch PSI in action in Swaziland `` Men are the head of the family and we try to get them to own up to that responsibility . '' PSI Swaziland received $ 3 million this year from the United States ' President 's","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Couples in the African kingdom of Swaziland are being urged to get tested together as part of a HIV `` love test '' campaign . A couple discusses the love test with a PSI member . Before the campaign , only 2 percent of couples got tested . The nationwide initiative -- funded by the United States government and implemented by global charity ` Population Services International ' -LRB- PSI -RRB- -- is aimed at couples because tests can be useless if partners are not aware of the others ' HIV status . `` If partners get tested separately , they may not disclose the results and not get the support they need , '' Dominic McNeill , spokesman for PSI Swaziland , told CNN . Only one in four people -- mostly female -- know their HIV status despite the fact that approximately 26 percent of the population in Swaziland is HIV positive . The charity says it also wanted to move away from the traditional HIV campaigning methods . `` We wanted to turn HIV on its head and move away from the fear-inducing campaigns we 've seen in the past"} +{"answer":"Hundreds of people live in these tunnels , '' says journalist Matthew O'Brien . O'Brien has become an expert on the more than 300 miles of underground flood channels and its tunnel dwellers . O'Brien brought the homeless to light , first in articles for the alternative weekly newspaper , Las Vegas CityLife , and then in a book titled `` Beneath the Neon : Life and Death in the Tunnels of Las Vegas . '' O'Brien noted the irony of one tunnel entrance near the famous `` Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas '' neon sign . `` I just think the history of Vegas PR is to ignore the bad issues , '' he said . `` The instinct of the city -- and the county -- is to ignore stuff that can be construed as negative press and kind of highlight other things about the city . '' The number of those living in the storm drains varies by the season , O'Brien said . The tunnels become damp and cold in the winter , but hundreds flock into them during the summer to escape the 100-degree desert temperatures . `` It 's much cooler than outside ,","question":"Las Vegas , Nevada -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- More than 37 million people visit Las Vegas each year for its glitz , glamour and lure of hitting a jackpot . Yet few tourists ever see the dingy world beneath the bright lights : tunnel dwellings that have become home to those down on their luck . Steve Dommer and his girlfriend , Kathryn , live in the depths below the Vegas Strip . They created an elaborate 400-square-foot space , complete with a living room , bedroom , kitchen and workshop to fix bicycles . Everything is elevated off the floor with wooden pallets or milk crates because of potential flooding . Their prized possession is a queen-sized bed , found in a Dumpster near the Palms Casino Resort . `` I like to be able to come back and sleep as comfortably as possible , '' Dommer said , patting his bed . By day , he scrounges for change above ground . He 's been living down below for two years . He lost his construction job because of an addiction to speed and heroin . The couple is not alone in the city 's tunnels . ``"} +{"answer":"It 's not until he 's carried out of Tucker Max in a pine box will he really meet his true judgment , '' Cannady added , referring to Arkansas ' Tucker Maximum Security Prison . He said he was not disappointed that Vance did not receive the death penalty . Prosecutor Larry Jegley said the jury gave Vance `` everything they could give him except the death penalty . '' Asked if there were too many mitigating circumstances , Jegley said , `` I do n't know . I ca n't speak for the jury . Cases like this , all you can do is put 'em in front of 12 good people and ask them to follow the evidence and do what their conscience demands . '' Attempts by CNN to reach members of Vance 's defense team were unsuccessful Wednesday and Thursday . `` There really are n't any winners tonight , '' Cannady said . `` Nothing that 's been done here will ever bring Anne back . We 'll never see her smile , we 'll never hear her laugh , we 'll never know the joy of her presence with us until we see","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A jury sentenced an Arkansas man to life in prison without parole for killing a television anchor , officials said Thursday . The Pulaski County , Arkansas , jury on Wednesday convicted Curtis Lavelle Vance , 29 , of capital murder , residential burglary , rape and theft of property in the October 2008 slaying of Anne Pressly , 26 . Pressly , the morning news anchor for CNN affiliate KATV , was found beaten and unconscious in her home . She died five days later . Vance 's sentencing phase began after he was convicted Wednesday of capital murder , rape and burglary . Jurors were tasked with deciding whether the aggravating circumstances in favor of the death penalty outweighed the mitigating circumstances . `` Tonight , they have come back with a sentence , a sentence that they believe , and we share with them , is the harshest possible sentence for this gentleman going forward , where he will now spend the rest of his natural life in a 6-by-9 cell with nothing to think about but what he has done , '' said Guy Cannady , stepfather of the victim . ``"} +{"answer":"the pimps who control them . `` It really makes me angry , '' Seyffert said . `` I think everybody on the team has different reactions to it , but I just flat out get really angry that some guy thinks he can take this girl and basically deprive her of her freedom . '' It is not uncommon for the officers on the unit to put in 30-hour shifts . Oftentimes , their work is heart-wrenching . Watch how investigators work to catch pimps '' Child prostitution is even tougher on the parents of these girls . Roslyn and Sergio 's daughter had been missing for more than two weeks . They waited for hours at police headquarters in hopes that their daughter would be found . Vice squad officers found her in a downtown apartment with Bruce William Carter , a 21-year-old man who police said had posed on the Internet holding fistfuls of cash . He pleaded not guilty to charges of statutory rape and was held in lieu of $ 35,000 bail . The couple 's daughter , who had just turned 17 , was detained but not arrested . `` It hurt , ''","question":"SACRAMENTO , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- For more than two years , undercover cops on the Sacramento Police Department 's vice squad have been working one of the most draining beats : trying to crack down on online child prostitution . Sacramento police have nabbed nearly 70 underage girls for child prostitution since 2005 . Police have nabbed nearly 70 girls under the age of 18 since 2005 . Most of the girls were released to foster or group homes . Those are just the official figures ; investigators think there are many more child prostitutes out there . It is no easy task . `` We 're asking these girls to do a big thing ... which is to stop what they 're doing , '' said Sgt. Pam Seyffert of the Sacramento Police Department . `` Stop what 's working for them . Surviving is basically what they 're doing . '' Sacramento police are working with the FBI as part of a nationwide campaign to combat underage prostitution called Innocence Lost . The goal of the program , which is now in almost 30 U.S. cities , is to decriminalize the girls and concentrate on catching"} +{"answer":". There is no such thing as a man dumping you because he is afraid of getting hurt , is frightened that his feelings are too strong , or because he finds you intimidating . Mac says to think of the simplest solution -- is it that this man sensed you were the perfect woman for him , who touched him so much in deep , important places that he could n't handle ? Or was he just not feeling it ? It 's OK to call him first -- and if you get blown off , it 's not because you called first . This is my favorite piece of advice from Mac , who says the mistaken conclusion women come to when they call first post-date and get blown off is that the call made them look clingy and spooked the guy . `` This is not how it went , '' says Mac . `` If you called him and he blew you off , it went like this : 1 . You had a great date , and he did not . 2 . He planned to blow you off . 3 . You called him","question":"-LRB- The Frisky -RRB- -- I 've never really been a fan of the `` Men are from Mars , Women are from Venus '' school of relationship thought , but I 'll admit that sometimes I feel as though the men I 've dated have spoken a different language . Like when a great date is followed by the deafening silence of the phone . Or when the big relationship talk results in a boyfriend-shaped hole in my wall . Those are the times I want nothing more than a dictionary that translates every deer-in-headlights look , ambiguous voicemail , and cryptic text message . That 's where Jeff Mac 's `` Manslations : Decoding the Secret Language of Men '' comes in . The good Actions speak louder than words . Sure , not a novel idea , but this `` duh '' lesson is one that can take years to learn . If it looks , walks , and quacks like a duck , then it 's a duck . Mac 's Golden Rule ? Whenever there is any conflict between what a man says and what he does , always , always ignore what he says"} +{"answer":"the Seoul , South Korea , bureau chief for the Los Angeles Times . `` Well , I think most of the people that I talked to in Washington earlier today were of the opinion that Bill Clinton is a big enough personality that would not risk the loss of face of him showing up in Pyongyang and returning empty-handed , '' Glionna said . Clinton 's high profile has led critics to accuse him of upstaging his wife , Secretary of State Hillary Clinton , especially when he was making headlines while campaigning for her unsuccessful 2008 presidential bid . His first major verbal stumble during that campaign came in the run-up to the New Hampshire primary when he told a crowd that then-candidate Obama 's claim to have been an early and consistent opponent of the Iraq war was `` the biggest fairy tale I 've ever seen . '' In the ensuing media uproar , many Democratic activists -- African-Americans in particular -- came to believe that the former president had belittled Obama 's entire campaign effort . And while stumping for his wife in heavily black South Carolina , he seemed to try to minimize the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Nearly a decade has passed since Bill Clinton left the White House , but despite becoming a private citizen , the former president never left the public eye . Former President Clinton receives flowers from a girl Tuesday upon landing in Pyongyang , North Korea . While much of his time has been devoted to global philanthropic interests and speeches , Clinton has never strayed too far from the campaign trail and remains one of the world 's most recognizable statesmen . Clinton , 62 , jumped back onto the world stage Tuesday with an unannounced trip to North Korea on a mission to negotiate the release of two imprisoned American journalists . North Korean President Kim Jong Il later pardoned and released the journalists . They were traveling back to the United States with Clinton on Tuesday night . The United States has no diplomatic relations with North Korea . Clinton arrived to a warm welcome in Pyongyang . Watch more on Clinton 's North Korea trip '' There is a lot of nostalgia in Pyongyang for his administration , when relations between North Korea and the U.S. were stronger , said John Glionna ,"} +{"answer":"tornado damage . '' He added , `` Our officers are wearing metal cleats just so they can walk the streets . '' iReport.com : Send your wintry weather photos , videos Northwest Arkansas has been hit hard , and schools and universities were closed throughout the state . See the impact of the storms '' `` It 's like a ghost town , '' Barbara Rademacher of Rogers , Arkansas , said Wednesday morning . `` It 's just white and ice , '' Rademacher said while looking out her kitchen window at a street devoid of traffic and littered with the ice-weighted branches of oak trees . `` The roads are impassable , and there are shelters set up in every community because there are so many people with power out , '' she said . The storms were extending their reach into the New England states Wednesday . The National Weather Service issued freezing rain , ice and winter storm warnings from Texas up through the Ohio Valley and into New England . Watch how to have fun in the snow '' As of Wednesday , the Oklahoma Corporation Commission reported at least 27,621 homes and businesses","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A massive winter storm has left at least 17 people dead and more than a million homes across the Midwest without power , according to reports from several state emergency management agencies . A tree pulls on utility lines Wednesday in Louisville , Kentucky , in a photo from iReporter Jacek Jasinski . Almost half those households are in Kentucky , where 45 shelters have been set up to help residents battling icy conditions , a spokesman for the governor 's office said . `` One of our biggest concerns is -LSB- providing -RSB- power generators , especially for nursing homes out in the western part of the state that are without power , '' Jay Blanton , spokesman for Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear , said Wednesday . The storm dumped ice and snow on a region that extends from Texas to Kentucky and left `` absolutely everything in northwest Arkansas ... at a standstill , '' an Arkansas police officer said . Watch ice damage trees in Arkansas '' `` It 's hard to walk , let alone drive , '' Fayetteville , Arkansas , police officer Dan Baker said . `` It looks like"} +{"answer":"Colombia . Red explained that after the accident , the lab foreman tossed him out , half-dead , into a jungle clearing . What little strength he had left , he said he used to bat away vultures . And , against the odds , he made his way to safety and slowly recovered . When Red left the clinic months later , he said he went straight back to the drug lab and gunned down the foreman and three of his henchmen . That was n't his first killing though , he told me . When he was just 11 years old , Red recounted , he took a razor to the throat of a neighborhood drug pusher who had been molesting his little sister . The other man , `` C '' , sat quietly as I listened to Red . Like Red , my source told me , `` C '' was also the so-called `` chief '' of a number of neighborhoods -- running local drug-peddling operations , extortion rackets and organizing hits for a big cartel boss he simply referred to as `` El Cucho , '' or `` The Old Man . '' It","question":"MEDELLIN , Colombia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- This city 's drug underworld is littered with `` poseurs '' -- lowlife triggermen pretending they 're the real hard cases . Samir Romero , wanted by police for two murders , was killed in August . He was shot 13 times . But a longstanding and trusted source , with intimate knowledge of Medellin 's violent subculture , assured me the two men I was about to meet were the real deal . My destination : a single-story home in the city 's notorious `` Commune 13 '' district where I had set up a meeting with two hit men , who have for years hired their lethal services out to the cocaine cartels . Inside the house , a man called `` Red '' sat on a couch toying a fully loaded 9mm Ruger pistol . `` This will stop somebody nicely , '' he said , as I glanced at it . His face and arms were covered in burn marks . He said it was a testament of the day a barrel of acid spilled onto him as he was working in a clandestine cocaine processing lab in northern"} +{"answer":"n't move more than 1,200 tanks and 15,000 soldiers into a country within 12 hours without previous planning , '' Ambassador Vasil Sikharulidze said . The conflict began more than a week ago when Georgian troops entered the breakaway territory of South Ossetia to attack pro-Moscow separatists . Russia responded by invading the country on August 8 , prompting heavy fighting with Georgian forces that spread to another breakaway territory , Abkhazia . The Georgian troops withdrew and Russian forces took control of several areas -- prompting an international outcry . After diplomatic efforts led by France on behalf of the European Union , Georgia and Russian signed a cease-fire . France is the rotating EU head . Russia 's military says its withdrawal from Georgia has begun , but a senior Pentagon official told reporters Monday evening that there has been little evidence of Russian troops pulling out . The official did not want to be identified because of the sensitivity of the issue . Watch more on Russian withdrawal '' `` We 're talking about pulling our troops away to the borders of South Ossetia . They will not be on Georgia territory , '' Gen. Anatoly Nogovitsyn","question":"MOSCOW , Russia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Russia 's president launched a verbal volley at Georgia 's leaders on Monday , as Georgia hit back with renewed accusations that the Russian invasion was premeditated . Russian soliders on patrol outside the Georgian city of Gori on Monday . President Dmitry Medvedev said : `` The world has seen that even today , there are political morons who are ready to kill innocent and defenseless people in order to satisfy their self-serving interests , while compensating for their own inability to resolve complicated issues by using the most terrible solution -- by exterminating an entire people . `` I think that there should be no mercy for that . We will do our best not to let this crime go unpunished . '' He was speaking at a visit to the military headquarters at Vladikavkaz , near the Russian-Georgian border . Each side accuses the other of `` ethnic cleansing '' during the conflict over South Ossetia , which erupted August 7 . In Washington , Georgia 's ambassador to the United States said the Russian push into Georgia the following day had been long planned . `` You just do"} +{"answer":"than ever before . '' Steele points to 1963 , when tens of thousands of protesters converged on Washington to demand equal rights . It was there King delivered his `` I Have a Dream '' speech from the Lincoln Memorial steps . President Kennedy 's administration was considered the most receptive ever to the concerns of the civil rights movement , Steele said . But rather than sit back and hope Kennedy did the right thing , King and thousands stormed Washington to lay out demands that later would yield the Civil Rights Act and National Voting Rights Act . Those down for the cause today must do the same with Obama , Steele said . `` Back in the '60s we were fighting for President-elect Barack Obama ; we just did n't know it was him , '' Steele said . `` It was civil rights , not politics , that got us to this position , and we ca n't forget that . '' Andrew Young remembers pickets outside City Hall the day he took office as Atlanta 's second black mayor in 1982 . Young , a former King lieutenant , said he was initially confused","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Barack Obama 's inauguration marks a profound manifestation of the Rev. Martin Luther King 's dream , civil rights leaders say , but the movement would be foolish to drop its guard now . Christine King Farris sits next to a photo of her brother as she reads to kids to commemorate his birthday Thursday . King did not fight tirelessly and ultimately give his life so African-Americans could take office ; he fought for the disenfranchised and downtrodden , no matter their color , said Charles Steele , president and CEO of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference , which King and Steele 's father helped found . `` President-elect Barack Obama is just a piece of the puzzle , '' he said . `` This tells us that we are at a station , but it 's not our destination . We 've got to get back on the train . '' Steele said he worries that those who espouse King 's dream may grow lackadaisical because an African-American has taken the reins of the free world . But it is imperative , he said , that they `` march now more"} +{"answer":"years , he said in the statement . `` I fully accept the overall conclusion ... that the attempts by church authorities to ` protect the church ' and to ` avoid scandal ' had the most dreadful consequences for children and were deeply wrong , '' Moriarty said after the government report came out last month . Bishop Donal Murray , the bishop of Limerick , resigned on December 17 . Murray was named in the 720-page report that found the Archdiocese of Dublin and other Catholic Church authorities in Ireland covered up clerical child abuse from 1975 to 2004 . Child sexual abuse was `` widespread '' then , the report found . The report by the Dublin Archdiocese Commission of Investigation , which was set up in March 2006 to look into the abuse allegations , did not say Murray was guilty of abuse but that he failed to report it . Murray was `` aware for many years of complaints and\/or suspicions of clerical child sexual abuse in the archdiocese , '' the report found . It said he dealt `` badly '' with a number of complaints and suspicions of abuse , and that his","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An Irish bishop resigned Wednesday following a government report into the sexual abuse of children by Catholic clergy -- the second to do so . Bishop Jim Moriarty was not directly criticized in the Murphy Report , but was a member of the Dublin archdiocese leadership for more than a decade before it put proper protections for children in place , he said . Moriarty said he `` should have challenged the prevailing culture '' of protecting the church rather than children when he was an auxiliary bishop in Dublin from 1991 to 2002 . `` I know that any action now on my part does not take away the suffering that people have endured , '' he said in a written statement . `` I again apologize to all the survivors and their families . I have today offered my resignation as bishop of Kildare & Leighlin to the Holy Father . I hope it honors the truth that the survivors have so bravely uncovered and opens the way to a better future for all concerned . '' The Vatican had no immediate comment on the resignation . Moriarty has been a priest for 48"} +{"answer":"coroner 's office discuss Jackson 's death . '' In 2005 , after he was cleared on charges of child molestation , Jackson spent a week at a center run by Dr. Deepak Chopra , a physician who focuses on spirituality and the mind-body connection . During that week , Jackson asked Chopra for a prescription for a narcotic , the doctor told CNN . `` I said , ` What the heck do you want a narcotic prescription for ? ' And it suddenly dawned on me that he was probably taking these and that he had probably a number of doctors who were giving him these prescriptions , so I confronted him with that . At first , he denied it . Then , he said he was in a lot of pain . '' Chopra said he responded to Jackson that there were plenty of other ways for him to handle his pain , but that the arguments were not persuasive . Watch CNN 's Sanjay Gupta discuss Jackson 's death '' `` For a while , I lost him , '' he said . `` I have had that happen with me with other celebrities in","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Questions swirled Friday about the possible role prescription medications may have played in the death Thursday of pop idol Michael Jackson , people close to him said . The cause of pop star Michael Jackson 's death has not been determined after Friday 's autopsy . His autopsy was completed , but further tests must be carried out before the cause of death can be determined , a spokesman for the Los Angeles County Coroner said . Craig Harvey said the tests would take four to six weeks , after which `` we anticipate being able to close the case and issuing a final cause of death . '' Among the tests to be carried out , he said , are neuropathology -LRB- brain -RRB- and pulmonary -LRB- lung -RRB- tests . Harvey added , `` We know that he was taking some prescription medications , '' but said he was not able to divulge what . The possibility that Jackson may have been taking medication that could have contributed to his death at the age of 50 weighed heavily Friday on a number of people close to the star . Watch"} +{"answer":"this type of boat can diversify its energy sources -- even in the most extreme conditions . '' Conditions on the route are treacherous : Vessels that enter its waters at the wrong time can get trapped in thick ice for months in temperatures that go as low as -50 C. Ironically for the eco-expedition , it is receding ice levels , thought to be caused by global warming , that has crossing the passage a possibility once again in the last few years . The voyage , which is projected to take about six months , started in the South of France in April and , if they make it through the route successfully , will end in Japan . The crew 's other ecological concessions include relying on solar panels for electricity and warm water , using only long-lasting LED light bulbs and eating only organic products during their journey . On-board are seven adults and two children , including a painter , two writers , a scientist and a historian . Currently , the team 's primary concern is not the fear of being trapped in ice and being forced to `` hibernate '' in Siberia 's","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An eco-friendly French boat is hoping to successfully cross the perilous Arctic sea passage that links the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific . The old tug-boat , Le Manguier , has been converted into an eco-friendly vessel with three sails and solar panels . `` Le Manguier '' is attempting to navigate the icy , unpredictable Northern Sea Route , a 6,000 mile passage that skims the northern coast of Siberia . It is a trip that only a handful of leisure boats in history have successfully completed . Not only that , the modified tug boat is also attempting to do it ecologically . The boat 's crew is relying partly on wind-power to complete the route , parts of which are only free of ice for two short months during the Arctic summer . Three sails have been added to the tug boat , which normally runs on gas-guzzling motors . '' ` Le Manguier ' was the opposite of the ecological vessel , '' Philippe Hercher , captain and part-owner of the boat told CNN . `` What we wanted to do was create a symbol and show that even"} +{"answer":"kept the story on a track that would feed zombie fans ' hunger for blood-and-guts action . '' -LSB- The -RSB- zombie genre is so well traveled , there is really no reason to get into it unless we could do it in a fresh , different way , '' Reese said . `` We were almost forced to think outside the box to make it an entertaining zombie movie . '' `` Zombieland '' is set in the United States months after a fast-moving virus begins turning most people into flesh-eating zombies . A handful of survivors come together to fight back . Wernick and Reese literally rewrote the rules for zombie films in this movie . Eisenberg 's character is an obsessive-compulsive man who developed 47 rules -- such as `` fasten your seat belt '' -- designed to help him survive in Zombieland . While Eisenberg journeys to find his parents , he joins Harrelson , a zombie killer who is searching for the last Hostess Twinkie before its expiration date . Stone and Breslin play sisters who survive on their con artist skills . Their goal is to reach a California amusement park , which they","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Like all zombie movies , `` Zombieland '' has hundreds of zombies doing awful things , such as attacking and eating humans , but you could argue it 's not a zombie movie . Jesse Eisenberg and Woody Harrelson find themselves battling the undead in `` Zombieland . '' Zombie hordes do chase the main characters in a post-apocalyptic world , but the focus is on the comedy 's stars , including two Oscar nominees -- Woody Harrelson and Abigail Breslin -- along with Jesse Eisenberg and Emma Stone . -LRB- Spoiler alert : A third Oscar nominee makes a remarkable cameo appearance , but this story will avoid spoiling the surprise by naming him . -RRB- `` We wanted to make a cool , kick-ass road movie about a dysfunctional family traveling across the country and zombies provide us the antagonists , the threat that our characters need to come together , '' said Paul Wernick , who wrote the screenplay with partner Rhett Reese . In fact , Wernick had only seen one zombie film before writing this script . Reese , who is a fan of the genre ,"} +{"answer":", and it has proven to be a hit in China since its release in cinemas in December . However , capturing the Cultural Revolution remains one of Chen 's ambitions -- not only to explore the circumstances that colored the relationship with his father but an exploration of a crucial time in Chinese history . `` It 's not because I was hurt and so many people hurt that I want to do my revenge . It 's not like this . This is the lesson that the Chinese people must learn , no matter what , '' Chen told CNN . `` I hope that my generation of directors or writers could do something to tell people the truth , to tell people what really happened at that time ; why a young son of a film director , you know , could denounce his own father , like I did . I was still shocked , '' he said . Now 56 years old , Chen studied at the Beijing Film Academy , directing his first feature film `` Yellow Earth '' in 1984 . After the success of `` Farewell My Concubine , '' he eventually","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Director Chen Kaige 's films often examine the close ties of love , passion and friendship , but his own relationship with his artist and filmmaker father is one that has informed much of his life and colored his work . Chen Kaige captures the pains and passions of relationships on the silver screen . As a 14-year-old red guard during the Cultural Revolution , Chen denounced his father for creating subversive art . While his father forgave him , Chen has found it hard to truly forgive himself . `` I knew it was the wrong thing to do . If I did n't know , then I could 've forgiven myself , '' he told CNN . Chen has already touched upon such a significant moment in his personal life in his award-winning 1993 film , `` Farewell My Concubine . '' It brought him international-acclaim and a host of accolades , including Cannes Film Festival 's Palme D'or . Like `` Farewell My Concubine , '' Chen 's latest film , `` Forever Enthralled '' -LRB- `` Mei Lanfang '' in Mandarin -RRB- , once again delves into the world of Beijing opera"} +{"answer":"got the attention of the White House counsel , '' who then met with lawmakers Wednesday , he said . `` Unfortunately , the White House was unable or unwilling to answer even the most basic questions . '' Democrats slammed the subcommittee 's move , though some acknowledged the White House could be more forthcoming with information in the case . Veteran Rep. John Dingell , D-Michigan , said after the vote : `` I 've never seen a procedure quite like this . '' `` We are protesting here a sweeping subpoena , '' he said . Since Republicans have `` been able to find nothing '' wrong in what they 've looked at so far , they have `` increased the size of the net and reduced the size of the holes in the net as they go about this fishing expedition . '' The White House accused the House panel of choosing `` a partisan route . '' `` This administration has cooperated extensively with the committee 's investigation by producing over 85,000 pages of documents , including 20,000 pages produced just yesterday afternoon , '' White House spokesman Eric Schultz said in a statement .","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A House panel voted Thursday to subpoena the White House for documents related to the solar energy company Solyndra . The House Energy and Commerce Committee 's subcommittee on oversight and investigations voted along party lines , 14 to 9 , in favor of issuing the subpoenas for internal documents regarding the decision to issue more than half a billion dollars in federal loan guarantees in 2010 to Solyndra , which later filed for bankruptcy . The decision followed a contentious debate among subcommittee members , with Republicans accusing the Obama administration of stonewalling , and some Democrats calling the subpoena resolution politically motivated . Rep. Cliff Stearns , the Republican chairman of the subcommittee , said the White House Office of Management and Budget earlier this year `` repeatedly failed to cooperate with our investigation and we agreed to put off a vote on that subpoena '' in hopes that engaging the White House could avoid the need for subpoenas . `` Only after repeated failed attempts to engage the White House did the committee notify the White House '' that it intended to discuss possible subpoenas , Stearns said . `` This finally"} +{"answer":"liberty , free enterprise , self-determination , government by the consent of the governed -- all of these really core principles are being tested right now , '' Ryan told CNN . `` You ca n't have fear if you try to fix these problems . '' The 41-year-old Ryan has been on a fast track . First elected to Congress in 1998 after a stint as a congressional staffer and adviser at the conservative think tank Empower America , the Janesville , Wisconsin , native ran for the House at the ripe old age of 28 . It was a long shot , but he won , convincingly . Always a fiscal conservative , Ryan made his mark delving into the nuance of federal budgets . Now he 's become famous as the face of a new brand of Republican economics -- one that includes the most sweeping plan to cut government spending in decades and enact major entitlement reforms . As evidence of his growing influence in the party , the Republican National Committee on Friday tapped Ryan to be its Presidential Trust Chairman to lead its fundraising effort against President Barack Obama . Ryan had the deficit","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- To hear Paul Ryan explain it , there 's just one way to cope with becoming the Democrats ' favorite man to hate : `` I gave fear up for Lent this year , '' Ryan told CNN during an extensive interview . And he 's not kidding . It 's probably a good idea , given the fact that Ryan 's budget -- passed nearly unanimously by House Republicans -- has become the GOP Holy Grail . It includes entitlement cuts , most notably the gradual shifting of Medicare into a program dominated by private insurers . It 's no surprise , then , that Democrats call it dangerous , mean and reckless -- and that 's not all . `` The Ryan road map is the way to the cliff and then over the cliff , '' said Rep. John Yarmuth . D-Kentucky . `` The Ryan proposal would destroy our government , '' economist and Columbia University professor Jeffrey Sachs declared at a Democratic Progressive Caucus event . Ryan remains undeterred . `` There 's a big test to this country and whether we apply our country 's principles -- you know"} +{"answer":"long ago . The fact that this is even something up for discussion is significant . Facebook , as The Atlantic 's Rebecca Rosen pointed out , is trying to be the `` forever '' social network . All its predecessors , from Friendster to MySpace , vanished almost as quickly as they appeared . Now Facebook is saying it wants to be the website where you document the most important events of your entire life , presumably from birth to death , not just this year or next . That 's something audacious and new in this ephemeral era of social networking . The vehicle for this lifelong sharing , according to Facebook , is called `` Timeline . '' `` We wanted to design a place that feels like your home , '' Zuckerberg said on stage Thursday , wearing a gray T-shirt and one of those ear-clip headsets you see on Old Navy employees . `` Where you tell your story online is really personal . You invest a lot of time in it and you curate it . You link to it and you tell all your friends to find you there . So we wanted","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When designer Sam Lessin started working at Facebook he wanted to make a point . So he printed his Facebook profile page and stretched it out in the company 's California offices . There it was , multiple years of his life , on a scrolling piece of paper . A story big enough to cross the room . It 's a story you 'd never see on Facebook.com , he argued , since pretty much all the status updates and photos he 'd posted over the years were hidden beneath a gray button at the bottom of the page : `` Older Posts . '' `` All of the stories you 've shared over time just fall off a cliff at the bottom of your -LRB- Facebook -RRB- wall and effectively disappear , '' company CEO Mark Zuckerberg said on stage at an event for Facebook app developers in San Francisco , where this story was retold . That , in a nutshell , is why Facebook on Thursday unveiled a completely rethought version of its profile pages : To surface all the events and stories that are hidden from view because they happened too"} +{"answer":"some communities , a single school takes on its own problem . In others , like Jacksonville , Florida , and Niagara Falls , New York , the battle is system wide . And New Jersey is about to institute a statewide system , targeting six cities with the worst truancy problems . The DeKalb County program , started in May 2006 , was designed to get children from the age of 6 to 16 back in class . If a child has 10 or more unexcused absences from school , parents are referred to an intervention program where they sign a contract agreeing to make sure their children get to class . If they fail to do that , they face the judge . According the county solicitor general 's office , around 300 families have gone to court so far . Watch how a Georgia mother ends up in handcuffs '' Most of the parents who are cited are charged with educational neglect , said DeKalb County Solicitor-General Robert James . Most of those charged plead guilty and get probation , he said . The probation usually involves parenting classes , counseling , and follow-up visits for progress","question":"DECATUR , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Police quietly wait by the front door of the small , brick suburban Atlanta home as investigators tell 48-year-old Lajuana Robinson , a mother of nine , `` I 'm going to have to put you in handcuffs . '' Investigators take a woman from her Decatur , Georgia , home after her arrest in a truancy case . She 's charged with violating her parole in a truancy case because three of her younger children have missed hundreds of days of school combined . While students have always suffered the consequences of playing hooky , parents in DeKalb County , Georgia , are facing one of the more aggressive anti-truancy programs in the country , one where punishment can include time behind bars . DeKalb 's program is one of a growing list targeting truancy in U.S. schools , said Jodi Heilbrunn , senior research and policy analyst at The National Center for School Engagement . `` Ten years ago , there were n't too many anti-truancy programs , but now they are springing up like rabbits , '' Heilbrunn said , and `` they come in many varieties . '' In"} +{"answer":"Cho Ben Thanh Market . However give yourself more time to stop into galleries or buy a classic piece of communist propaganda along the way . The hundreds of stalls at Cho Ben Thanh offer a mix of traditional culture and tourist kitsch . You can sit with the locals and sip a solid jolt of Vietnamese coffee then move on to shopping for touristy T-shirts and `` authentic chopsticks '' . Many of the stalls feature signs saying the prices are fixed . But if you 're prepared to drive a hard bargain , or buy in bulk , that idea can be amended . It 's also worth a return trip later on in the evening when the market closes and street side restaurants spring up , offering great meals at cheap prices . If you 're looking to get away from the strip of Western hotels in the city center , hail a cab and head over to Cholon , or Ho Chi Minh City 's Chinatown . In the late 18th century , this enclave was actually a separate city from old Saigon but the two were united in the early 1930 's . Today Cholon","question":"HO CHI MINH CITY , Vietnam -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- To feel the vibrancy of Ho Chi Minh City , all you have to do is step out onto a bustling city street . Step to it : Walking through the city 's streets is the best way to see it . Negotiating the roads , chock full of motorbikes and an increasing number of cars , can be daunting . But copy the fearless locals -- they do n't break stride and never retreat -- and put your fate in the hands , or throttle , of the city 's drivers who seems masterful at avoiding each other . A good place to kick off a visit is on one of the main drags , Le Loi , a street that runs through the heart of the city . Near one end is the picturesque Opera House , as well as the majestic City Hall or `` People 's Committee Building '' -LRB- this is still a communist country of course -RRB- . You should n't have to do too much motorbike dodging down Lei Loi and after just a 15 minute stroll from City Hall is the famed"} +{"answer":"five or so out of the 100 , and one of those was on display , '' she told CNN . `` Stephen Coppel , the prints and drawings curator , had placed a note beside it explaining that it was a long-term ambition of the British Museum to own the complete set . `` But it was pie-in-the-sky stuff really -- we hoped to be able to add to the collection piece by piece over time . Never in our wildest dreams did we imagine it would happen so quickly . '' After his father died , Parker surprised museum bosses by telling them he planned to offer them the money to buy the full set , in memory of the Major . `` It was very unexpected , and incredibly generous , '' the spokeswoman said . `` We are delighted . '' The Vollard Suite will go on display at the British Museum in London from May 3 to September 2 , 2012 , the first time a complete set of the etchings has been shown in the UK for half a century . The collection will be shown alongside examples of the classical sculpture , Rembrandt","question":"London -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A complete set of 100 etchings by Pablo Picasso -- never before seen in public -- is to go on display at the British Museum after an `` extraordinary '' $ 1.5 million gift . Businessman Hamish Parker -- a long-term fan of the London museum -- donated the entire Vollard Suite in memory of his father , Major Horace Parker , who died last year . The Vollard Suite -- one of the 20th century 's most highly prized collections of etchings -- was created by Picasso between 1930 and 1937 . It features pictures of the artist 's young lover , Marie-Therese Walter , depictions of the Minotaur , the half-man-half-beast from classical myth who would become a regular feature in Picasso 's works , and also a number of portraits of art collector Ambroise Vollard , for whom the collection is named . A spokeswoman for the museum said Parker -- a friend of the prints and drawings room -- had learned of the museum 's hopes of acquiring the suite of etchings at an event there last year . `` We already owned a few individual plates from the collection ,"} +{"answer":"Sunni political coalition -- the Iraqi Accord Front -- cited the centers as one reason for quitting the government during the summer . Last month , the U.S.-led coalition launched Operation Lion 's Paw in which between 50 and 70 detainees would be released daily during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan after taking a pledge not to rejoin the insurgency against the Shiite-led government . `` This pledge is an Iraqi pledge , a pledge before an Iraqi judge , frequently with a family member present , '' Stone said . `` I am pleased to tell you that in the more 1,000 that have gone through this program and taken the pledge , not one has returned to threaten Iraqi or coalition forces . '' Stone said the releases would continue at the same pace beyond Ramadan . Stone 's description seems a far cry from the Abu Ghraib prison operated by the U.S. military in the first years after the invasion . That prison was closed down and razed in the wake of an international scandal over prisoner abuse . `` There are no secrets that go on in detention , '' Stone said . `` Our","question":"BAGHDAD , Iraq -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- None of the 1,000-plus Iraqi detainees freed in recent weeks have broken a pledge not to return to the insurgency , according to the Marine general who oversees the U.S. detention centers in Iraq . A U.S. military panel reviews a detainee 's case at Camp Cropper near Baghdad . Speaking in Arabic , Maj. Gen. Doug Stone on Wednesday reassured Iraqis about how the 25,000 detainees -- mostly Sunnis -- are treated after being taken into custody on suspicion of involvement in the insurgency . Stone described the detention system as `` open and transparent , '' saying it makes the detainees better citizens and helps break the cycle of violence and poverty in the country . Stone said detainees get free medical care equal to what he gets as a general , food and water made to Islamic standards , educational opportunities , jobs skills and contact with families . The U.S. detention centers -- at Camp Bucca near the southern port city of Basra and in Camp Cropper near Baghdad -- are political sore points for Sunnis , who make up 83 percent of the detainees held . The main"} +{"answer":"on Tuesday . `` Moving to a more comprehensive primary care delivery model could challenge VA clinicians , who may have dealt predominantly with male veterans and sometimes have little or no exposure to female patients , '' said Patricia Hayes of the department 's Women 's Veterans Health Strategic Healthcare Group . Only one-third of veterans ' facilities offer a separate space for women to receive gynecological , mental health and social work services , according to Hayes . There is a goal to have a gynecologist available at every facility by 2012 , she said . And Dennis Cullinan , national legislative director for the Veterans of Foreign Wars , noted that Veterans Affairs has contracted out to provide female veterans care in the facilities where there are not in-house providers . He said the department is fighting an aging infrastructure that is making it tougher to improve facilities . `` The facilities to provide the level of care and privacy just are n't there , '' he said . `` The VA is pursuing this . They are absolutely not dodging it . '' There are more than 1.8 million female veterans in the United States ,","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Department of Veterans Affairs medical facilities do not consistently offer the level of services and infrastructure necessary to properly treat the growing number of female veterans , a government investigation concludes . One official says the VA can offer women better medical care than they would get in private practice . The report by the Government Accountability Office found wide variation in the medical centers ' facilities and programs for female veterans . Investigators visited 18 veterans ' facilities and found that basic services , like pelvic examinations , were being provided and that patients had access to female providers for gender-specific care . But the facilities were lacking in some simpler accommodations , such as the configuration of exam rooms and privacy in check-in areas . The department says it is taking comprehensive steps to improve , including programs for primary care and mental health care for female veterans , along with having a female veterans ' program manager in each of its medical facilities . But Veterans Affairs faces hurdles in its efforts to improve its services and facilities , the department 's chief consultant for women 's medical care testified before Congress"} +{"answer":"started to get out of the car , with one hand in his pocket , when he detonated the explosives , the source said . `` It was no accident that some of the CIA officers were standing on the opposite side , '' the former intelligence official said . The official observed it was the safest place to be , as `` they waited for the Xe guys to do what they 're paid to do and frisk him . '' Also , there could have been some cultural sensitivity , with an Arab man about to be searched in front of female CIA officers who were there . The official says that `` there was no point going up to him until after the guards had patted him down . '' Some of these details were first reported in The Washington Post earlier this week . The official expressed surprise at how much shrapnel tore through the area , killing seven CIA officers and contractors -- including the two Xe Services guards -- as well as a Jordanian intelligence official . Former CIA Agent Jack Rice told CNN that frequently , suicide bombers ' explosive vests are wrapped","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The suicide bomber who killed seven CIA officers and contractors and a Jordanian intelligence official in Afghanistan was within seconds of being searched by two security contractors when he detonated his explosives , a former intelligence official with knowledge of the incident told CNN on Tuesday . On December 30 , the two American guards , who worked for Xe Services -- formerly Blackwater USA -- approached the passenger side of the red 4-door sedan where bomber Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi was sitting , the official said . Al-Balawi had been invited to the base to share information he claimed to have that would lead the United States directly to Ayman al-Zawahiri , al Qaeda 's second in command . The sedan was waved through the normal security checkpoints to get onto the base , and pulled up just outside a one-story building -- a temporary space that was being used to interrogate people brought onto base . Several CIA officers and contractors were standing on the driver 's side of the car , opposite al-Balawi , and others were standing as far as 50 feet away , a U.S. intelligence official said . Al-Balawi"} +{"answer":"'' there 's still a long road to travel before that sign reflects the reality , bicyclists say . Motorists often see bands of bikes on the streets on the final Fridays of each month as cyclists across the nation gather for evening group rides called Critical Mass. . The purpose , advocates say , is to make cars and trucks more aware of bicyclists . But to some drivers , Critical Mass participants are nothing more than spandex-wearing , stop-sign-running Lance Armstrong wannabes who slow traffic . ` They think they own the road ' It 's somewhat symbolic of the tension on the roads . `` The roads were made for cars , '' KTAR-FM radio guest host John Hook said in Phoenix , Arizona , last month . `` And bicyclists share the road , but sometimes they think they own the road . '' One caller to the program was a long-haul truck driver who accused many bicycle riders of failing to respect the law and not riding with the flow of traffic . A caller who identified himself as Jeff said he witnessed an incident in which a pack of bicyclists almost hit a car","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Professor Peter Furth has ridden his bicycle to work at Northeastern University each day for the past six years . The two-mile trip through the Boston suburb of Brookline , Massachusetts , is usually without incident . Furth 's journey is worlds apart from his former Boston commute , which for 13 years was a battle with drivers who wanted him on the sidewalk . `` I 've had motorists that drive a couple of inches from my elbow , trying to scare me , '' he said . Furth would catch up with drivers at stoplights and ask them whether they knew how close they 'd come to hitting him . Invariably , they would say , `` Yes , move over . '' It 's a cultural thing , he said . In the town of Cambridge , motorists see bicyclists all over the place and are considerate . In Brookline , only every now and then does someone honk or yell . In the southern part of Boston , it 's not quite war , but the relationship is n't very friendly . Although the street signs say `` Share the road ,"} +{"answer":"man said . `` They were n't satisfied I was going to Britain for the stated purpose , '' he said . Javaid said his passport contains a valid student visa for the United States and he sent documentation from the Channel Swimming Association with his visa application to prove he is scheduled to do the swim . The United Kingdom Border Agency told CNN in a written statement that `` all visa applications are considered on their individual merits , taking into account all the information provided . '' `` Where an applicant fails to demonstrate they meet the relevant rules , their application will be refused , '' the statement said . The agency noted that anyone who is refused can reapply with additional information . Mark Cooper , the director of marketing and communication at Ohio Wesleyan University , said British authorities have not contacted the university to ask about Javaid 's student status . `` We did send ... documentation to -LSB- British authorities -RSB- to follow up '' after Javaid 's application was denied , he said . Javaid has since applied to the British high commissioner in Islamabad for an emergency visa . Meanwhile","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A 22-year-old man from Pakistan hopes to soon swim the English Channel with an American friend -- but first he 's got to navigate the currents of bureaucracy . College teammates David Gatz -LRB- left -RRB- and Usman Javaid want to swim the English Channel for charity . Usman Javaid , an Ohio college student who has won national swimming titles in his native Pakistan , wants to swim the channel with his best friend , David Gatz , a fellow member of the swim team at Ohio Wesleyan University in Delaware , Ohio . They want to honor their international friendship by working together to accomplish a great feat : a relay across the English Channel . They also hope to raise money for charity . `` With teamwork and cooperation you can tackle even the toughest of challenges , '' Javaid told CNN in a phone interview Wednesday from Islamabad , Pakistan . Yet the British government has denied Javaid 's request for the visa that would let him enter the country . British authorities say they ca n't grant a visa because they have questions about Javaid 's student status , the young"} +{"answer":"thing to watch that certain something blossom in a girl ... one of those often fleeting moments when a girl owns her own power . For me , the decision to wear my own `` Wise Latina '' T-shirt raises all kinds of issues . It makes me confront a past that I have known for decades . Deep down inside , I , like many other Latinas , struggle with my own very deep insecurities in relation to my white male colleagues . I think after witnessing history on television for the past two weeks , those insecurities have pretty much dissipated . Sonia Sotomayor has blazed the trail . I ca n't go back to thinking that way , anymore , ever . Before , when I told people that I was a Latina , I never knew what , if any , image they might have in their mind . Everyone carries stereotypes and preconceived notions . But now when I say to people that I am a Latina , might they immediately think , `` A wise Latina '' ? My daughter is learning all of these lessons from Sotomayor , a Puerto Rican woman .","question":"Editor 's note : Maria Hinojosa , an award-winning journalist and author , joined NOW on PBS as senior correspondent in 2005 . Hinojosa , who formerly covered urban affairs for CNN , also serves as anchor and managing editor of National Public Radio 's `` Latino USA , '' a weekly national program reporting on news and culture in the Latino community . Maria Hinojosa says Sonia Sotomayor 's success has helped boost self-confidence for many . NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It 's a question I never thought I would ask my daughter . But I loved being able to ask it . `` Yurema ? '' `` Yes , Mom , '' my 11-year-old daughter said . `` Tell me what T-shirt you would most like to wear : one that says ' I am a Wise Latina , ' ` My Mother is a Wise Latina ' or ` Sonia is a Wise Latina ' ? '' She cocked her head slightly and then quickly said , `` I am a Wise Latina . '' Eleven years old , and this is the vision she already has of herself . It 's a pretty wonderful"} +{"answer":"Iraq , face dangerous circumstances every day and have navigated the vast majority of those situations without any violence , Prince told CNN . The guards just try to do their jobs , and are `` not trying to make any trouble , '' he said . The Iraqi government accuses Blackwater guards of opening fire without provocation on civilians in a crowded area in Baghdad on September 16 , killing 17 and wounding 27 . Survivors told FBI investigators Blackwater guards shot at civilians presenting no threat . Watch a Blackwater witness describe his account '' The first U.S. soldiers to arrive on the scene after the incident told military investigators they found no evidence contractors were fired upon , a source familiar with a preliminary U.S. military report told CNN . The soldiers found evidence suggesting the guards fired on cars attempting to leave and found weapon casings on the scene matching only those used by U.S. military and contractors , the military source said . But Prince on Sunday told CNN , `` In the incident reports I 've seen , at least three of our armored vehicles were hit by small arms fire , incoming ,","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The head of Blackwater USA on Sunday rejected a mounting series of reports suggesting the private contractor 's security guards opened fire on innocent Iraqi civilians last month . Blackwater CEO Erik Prince said Sunday that guards `` definitely '' faced insurgent fire September 16 . `` There was definitely incoming small arms fire from insurgents '' in the September 16 incident in Baghdad , founder and CEO Erik Prince told CNN 's Wolf Blitzer on `` Late Edition . '' There was no `` deliberate violence , '' committed by Blackwater employees , he added . Still , when asked whether it is possible someone with Blackwater `` screwed up '' in the incident , Prince replied , `` Certainly it 's possible . '' He said he expects the FBI investigation to provide many answers . Meanwhile , U.S. and Iraqi officials continue discussing Baghdad 's demand that Blackwater be expelled from Iraq within six months , The Associated Press reported Sunday . American officials are also coming up with ways to fill the security gap if Blackwater is forced to leave , AP reported . Blackwater guards , protecting U.S. officials in"} +{"answer":"closed , saying publication of the details might discourage the industry from reporting information . After it was made public , an airline industry organization was quick to say the data could wrongly lead some people to believe flying is unsafe . `` While bird strikes have attracted a lot of attention , they are , of course , rare events . The vast majority of cases result in little or no aircraft damage , '' said the Air Transport Association of America . A top pilots union -- the Air Line Pilots Association -- also had argued to keep the database closed . But the National Transportation Safety Board recommended opening up the data to the public . It also says reporting wildlife strikes should be mandatory . `` If you strike a bird you really do n't have to report this to the FAA , which means we 're really not getting the full picture , '' said Mark Rosenker , acting chairman of the safety board . The database includes information on more than 2,000 airports and 500 airlines and aircraft companies . When possible , it identifies the types of wildlife involved , chronicling the misadventures","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Capt. Chesley `` Sully '' Sullenberger 's run-in with a flock of Canada geese may be the most famous man-versus-nature story in recent months . But a federal database opened to the public Friday reveals just how commonplace airplanes ' encounters with wildlife are . A feather found inside one of the engines of the plane that ditched in the Hudson River . At New York 's LaGuardia Airport , where Sullenberger 's US Airways flight originated , planes hit birds nearly once a week on average , according to the records . But the number has grown from 16 hits in 1990 to 86 in 2008 , according to the database . Nationwide , there were 98,328 reports of aircraft striking birds or other wildlife since January of 1990 , although the actual numbers probably are far higher . The Federal Aviation Administration said only 20 percent of incidents are reported under the voluntary system of data collection . The database shows strikes resulted in `` substantial damage '' to aircraft on about 3,000 occasions . Eleven people died in incidents relating to bird strikes . The FAA initially fought to keep its database"} +{"answer":"concept of a women 's team event between the two continents . The inaugural tournament , bearing Solheim 's name , was held in 1990 at the Lake Nona club in Florida . Two teams of eight players faced each other , with the American side running out comfortable winners 11 1\/2 to 4 1\/2 . In 1996 the tournament was increased to 12 players per side , a number that stands to this day and it has become the leading team event in women 's golf , with players earning their place either through their own tour money lists , or as a captain 's pick -- exactly the same as in the men 's Ryder Cup . There have been 11 tournaments in total , with the United States leading 8-3 , but the European team have not won any of the six competitions played on American soil . The football-loving legend : No look at the Solheim Cup can be taken without mentioning Laura Davies . Quite astonishingly , the Englishwoman , who turns 48 next month , has appeared in all 11 previous tournaments and , once again , she is a member of the European","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- This weekend some of the world 's highest-paid sportswomen will battle for supremacy in Ireland , with the most prestigious team prize in their sport up for grabs . Golf 's Solheim Cup is the female equivalent of the Ryder Cup , but it has yet to garner such a big reputation , despite a rich history and intense competition over the years . With this in mind , CNN gives the lowdown on a great sporting event that deserves your attention ... From humble beginnings : To trace the origins of the competition , we need to go back to 1959 and a garage in Redwood City , California . It was in this garage that a 48-year-old Norwegian engineer and golf lover , fed up with the putters he was using to play the game , decided to use his in-depth knowledge of science to manufacturer his own putters by hand . From these humble beginnings , the world famous PING brand of golfing equipment was born . That man was Karsten Solheim and it was he , alongside his son John and the U.S. and European ladies golf tours , who developed the"} +{"answer":"state television . The cult , which calls itself the `` true Russian Orthodox Church , '' believes the end of the world will come in May 2008 . Prosecutors announced Thursday they are opening criminal proceedings against the cult 's leader , Father Pyotr Kuznetsov . Kuznetsov , 43 , is `` under the supervision of investigators , '' Olig Troshin , a Penza prosecutor , told Itar-Tass . A law enforcement source in Penza told the Russian news agency Interfax that Kuznetsov `` is being examined by psychiatrists . '' Several clergymen , police officers and agents of the Russian Ministry for Emergency Situations are outside the cave . `` It is obviously some kind of insanity , '' Mitropolitan Kirill , a high-ranking Russian Orthodox Church official , told Russian television . `` It is perhaps even a medical case . A very dangerous phenomena is happening in Russia 's religious life . '' He added , `` What we 're seeing in Penza right now is a most vivid example of what could happen to a country , to a society , if this society is deprived of proper religious education . '' E-mail to a","question":"MOSCOW , Russia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Members of a Russian doomsday cult barricaded themselves in a cave to wait out the end of the world as the cult 's leader underwent psychiatric exams Thursday , Russian media reported . The cult , which calls itself the `` true Russian Orthodox Church , '' believes the world will end in May . The cult leader is in police custody awaiting proceedings on charges that he set up an organization `` whose activity is associated with violence on citizens and instigation to refuse to perform their civil duties , '' according to the state-funded Itar-Tass news agency . Four children are among 29 cult members holed up in a ravine in Russia 's Penza region , where they apparently dug a cave . One of the children in the cave is 18 months old , reported Itar-Tass . Temperatures in the cave are below 54 degrees Fahrenheit -LRB- 12 degrees Celsius -RRB- , the Russian news agency reported . The cult members have refused law enforcement requests to come out or release the children , and they have threatened to commit suicide if police resort to force , according to Russian"} +{"answer":"away and as the deaths of up to 30 peasant government supporters a few months ago led to accusations of a right-wing massacre . `` What will be opened is a new chapter of violence , '' said Carlos Toranzo , an investigator in La Paz with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation , a policy institute associated with the Social Democratic Party of Germany . As campaigning on Sunday 's referendum came to a close Thursday with massive festive rallies for each side , Bolivians gave voice to the chasm that separates them . `` What this constitutional project does is divide us , '' said Fernanda San Martin , who was at the final opposition rally in the city of Santa Cruz . `` What it does is feed hate and racism in the country . '' Efrain Tico Quispe , at a rally in favor of the new constitution , sees it from a different perspective . `` For them , it 's division . It does n't benefit them , '' he said . `` But for humble people of our class , it serves us well . '' The referendum has two parts : a straight yes-or-no","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Bolivians are widely expected to approve a new constitution Sunday that would allow leftist President Evo Morales to run for another term this year , which he ca n't do under the current document . The new constitution would eliminate term limits and allow President Evo Morales to run again for president . The new constitution would replace the 1967 charter and give greater voice to the indigenous people who make up most of the country . It would also give more power to the central government . Morales , speaking at rallies in La Paz and Cochabamba this week , said the new document will propel the nation . `` Once approved , this will be the refoundation of Bolivia and the refoundation of a new state where there will be equality and we will all have the same rights and the same obligations , '' he said . Others say the referendum is a way for Morales to keep himself in power , a move that could plunge the country into further violence , division and uncertainty . That effort , critics say , is in ample evidence as some regions fight to break"} +{"answer":"cases are being accelerated . Twenty-four of those children , whose cases `` were at the very end of the process '' before the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that struck Haiti nearly a week ago , have departed Haiti and joined their new families after the embassy expedited processing for immigrant visas , said Michele Bond , deputy assistant secretary for American citizen services . Department officials said Sunday that 150 children had already left Haiti , but corrected that number Monday . Officials are reviewing every case individually to see where they are in the process , what actions have been taken in the case and whether the case can be accelerated , Bond said . The department said it will be announcing an adoption plan with travel specifics shortly . If an American adoption case was early in the process , there is no guarantee of an accelerated adoption , Bond said . Examples of being early in the process would be if prospective parents have not been properly vetted ; have not been matched with a specific child ; or have been matched with a child but the Haitian government is still attempting to prove absolutely the child","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The U.S. government announced Monday that it has eased the requirements for orphaned children from Haiti to enter the United States on a temporary basis . The move is being made to ensure they get needed care after last week 's earthquake in Haiti , said Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano , who made the announcement in coordination with the U.S. Department of State . `` We are committed to doing everything we can to help reunite families in Haiti during this very difficult time , '' said Napolitano in a news release . `` While we remain focused on family reunification in Haiti , authorizing the use of humanitarian parole for orphans who are eligible for adoption in the United States will allow them to receive the care they need here . '' Napolitano can grant humanitarian parole into the United States to bring otherwise inadmissible individuals into the country for urgent humanitarian reasons or other emergencies . The State Department said earlier Monday it is working with DHS and the Haitian government to process nearly 300 cases of Americans who are waiting to adopt Haitian children . Of those , 200"} +{"answer":", 15 countries , have normal relations with Cuba . ... We 're the country which is isolated . '' Watch Lee discuss her visit to Cuba '' But even more significant were the meetings the group had with Cuban President Ra\u00fal Castro and with his brother and predecessor , 82-year-old Fidel Castro , a controversial political and social figure . President Obama has said he is in favor of changing the relationship with Cuba . The $ 410 billion budget Obama signed in March makes it easier for Cuban-Americans to travel to Cuba and to send money to family members on the island . It could also allow the sale of agricultural and pharmaceutical products to Cuba . Three provisions attached to the omnibus spending bill loosened restrictions enacted by former President Bush after he came to office in 2001 . Analysts see the lawmakers ' trip and Obama 's campaign rhetoric as a way for the new administration to start thawing relations with Cuba before the Fifth Summit of the Americas . The summit will bring together the U.S. president and 33 other leaders from the Western Hemisphere in mid-April in Trinidad and Tobago . Watch more on","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- `` It 's time to talk to Cuba . '' Fidel Castro is not in power , but he 's still a big part of Cuba . He welcomed the U.S. delegation . That frank assessment from Rep. Barbara Lee , D-California , has resonated loud and clear from the island of Cuba -- 90 miles from the southernmost point of Florida -- to the halls of Congress . For the first time in nearly 50 years , relations between the two nations , which have a history steeped in tension , have seemed to ease a bit . That was apparent this week as a delegation from the Congressional Black Caucus traveled to the communist country on a fact-finding mission , with plans to deliver a report to the White House . Watch CNN 's Ed Hornick discuss the story '' `` Our purpose was to see if there were preconditions on the Cuban side . We heard that there were no preconditions , '' Lee said Wednesday . `` And , in fact , we wanted to find out if they were interested . We have to remember that every country in Latin America"} +{"answer":"with no evidence of disease after surgery but who have a statistical chance that there is microscopic spread often get chemotherapy to kill off that disease , '' explained Dr. Otis Brawley , chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society . Getting back into her regular routine was important to the justice , and it would help her cope with future medical treatment , sources close to her said . She successfully fought colorectal cancer a decade ago . Almost 35,000 Americans are estimated to have died from pancreatic cancer in 2008 , making it the fourth leading cause of cancer death overall , according to the American Cancer Society . For all ages combined , the one-year survival rate is 24 percent ; the five-year survival rate is 5 percent . The low survival rate is a result of the disease commonly going undetected until it has reached an advanced stage . Ginsburg -- the only woman on the Supreme Court -- entered a New York hospital after a CT scan in January `` revealed a small tumor , approximately one centimeter across , in the center of the pancreas , '' a previous news release said .","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg plans to undergo a `` precautionary '' course of chemotherapy following her surgery last month for pancreatic cancer , the Supreme Court announced Tuesday . President Obama greets Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on her arrival for his February 24 address to Congress . The treatments will begin later this month at the National Institutes of Health outside Washington , the court said . In a statement , the justice said the treatment is `` not expected to affect my schedule at the court . Thereafter , it is anticipated that I will require only routine examinations to assure my continuing health . '' Ginsburg , who turned 76 on Sunday , has consistently signaled her health outlook is positive . She termed the February 5 removal of her cancer `` successful , '' and was back on the bench 18 days later when the high court resumed oral arguments . Ginsburg 's post-op recovery has gone well , and doctors and the family are cautiously optimistic , court sources said . The disease was caught early and had not spread beyond her pancreas , doctors have said . `` Cancer patients"} +{"answer":"surrendered their lives so that we could be free , '' he said in his inauguration speech . `` Their dreams have become reality . Freedom is their reward . We are both humbled and elevated by the honor and privilege that you , the people of South Africa , have bestowed on us , as the first President of a united , democratic , non-racial and non-sexist government . '' And he kept his promise to serve but one term . Already in prison when convicted of treason in 1964 and given a life sentence , Mandela was a living symbol of the struggle against South Africa 's racist apartheid system enacted when he was 30 years old . But the African National Congress leader fought for justice long before the National Party 's 1948 election and subsequent introduction of apartheid . And in his last public words before he was whisked off to jail , Mandela spoke of his own dream . `` I have fought against white domination , and I have fought against black domination , '' he said . `` I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When Nelson Mandela stepped out of South Africa 's Victor Verster prison a free man 20 years ago Thursday , he was his country 's most famous freedom fighter . Black South Africans and other opponents of apartheid lined streets to see him when he was released , cheering wildly and waving flags . He was a hero , imprisoned for 27 years for the crime of opposing a government that sought to enforce severe segregation laws with brutality . Once free , Mandela worked with South Africa 's white president , F.W. de Klerk to end those policies , knocking down the pillars of segregation one at a time . Three years after his release from prison , Mandela and de Klerk shared the Nobel Peace Prize . The African National Congress -- once again legal after being banned in 1961 -- elected Mandela as its president , and he won South Africa 's presidential election in a landslide in 1994 , the country 's first black president . `` We dedicate this day to all the heroes and heroines in this country and the rest of the world who sacrificed in many ways and"} +{"answer":"scenes for years ; he 'd met O'Donoghue and Sheehan not long before the pair packed it in and returned to Dublin , plying their trade and looking for breaks . Descriptions of the trio as `` an overnight success '' thus leave them skeptical . If that 's the case , said Sheehan before a concert at Piedmont Park in Atlanta , Georgia , `` It was the longest night of our lives . '' Watch an interview with The Script '' On the other hand , when success did strike , it struck hard and relatively quickly . When O'Donoghue and Sheehan returned to Dublin , they decided to form a band . They recruited Power , noting their `` great strength together '' -- in Power 's words -- after jamming together . The Script 's first single , `` We Cry , '' hit the UK Top 20 in the spring of 2008 , and the second , `` The Man Who Ca n't Be Moved , '' hit No. 1 . The group 's self-titled debut came out in August 2008 in Britain . In December 2008 , they played the Nobel Peace Prize Concert","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Script did n't follow the script . The Script includes , from left to right , Glen Power , Danny O'Donoghue and Mark Sheehan . In the standard showbiz treatment , a group -- say , three plucky , working-class music-mad young men from Dublin , Ireland -- travel to the grand shores of the U.S. of A . They form a band , grab the ear of a noted producer and , with a lucky break or two , are soon opening for the stars who inspired them so many years before . If the story needs a rousing climax , they return as conquering heroes to their homeland , pick up the local paper and find that their new single has gone straight to No. 1 . Applause , joyful tears , roll credits . Well , it was n't quite like that . In the case of The Script -- vocalist\/keyboardist Danny O'Donoghue , multi-instrumentalist Mark Sheehan and drummer Glen Power -- O'Donoghue and Sheehan traveled to the States and spent several years as struggling writers and producers . Drummer Power , another Dubliner , had bummed around music"} +{"answer":"Obama recalled when daughter Sasha exhibited signs of potentially deadly meningitis when she was 4 months old . `` We did n't know what , but he -LSB- the doctor -RSB- told us she could have meningitis , so we were terrified . He said get to the emergency room right away , '' she said . `` Fortunately , things worked out . '' `` But it is that moment in our lives that flashes through my head every time we engage in this health insurance conversation . It 's that moment in my life , because I think about what on earth would we have done if we had not had insurance . '' Mrs. Obama not only faced the issue as a mother , but also as a daughter . `` My father has multiple sclerosis . He contracted it in his 20s . ... He was able to get up and go to work every day , even though it got harder for him as he got sicker and more debilitated . And I find myself thinking what would we had done as a family on the south side of Chicago if my father had n't","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- She stood by her husband throughout the contentious 2008 presidential campaign and during heated health care reform debates during his presidency . First lady Michelle Obama listens to remarks during a health care forum at the White House on Friday . Now , as the debate is reaching a fever pitch , first lady Michelle Obama is weighing in on the issue by focusing on how health care can affect families . `` What she 's doing is putting a personal and human face on the issue ... there 's nothing more crucial , '' said Washington Post columnist Sally Quinn . `` Everybody gets sick , and everybody has someone in the family that gets sick . '' `` I think if you can humanize it and personalize it , it suddenly brings it home to people -- especially those who are screaming and yelling about the government taking over , '' Quinn said . On Friday , the first lady , a former hospital administrator , spoke about the issue to a crowd at the White House , highlighting her own family 's experience with health care . In one touching moment ,"} +{"answer":"rights group , and a law firm , the men have filed requests that their religious needs be accommodated . They have filed appeals with their immediate superiors and complaints with the inspectors general of the Army and the Pentagon . The Sikh Coalition said Kalsi and Rattan had been assured that when they were recruited to join the Army 's Health Professions Scholarship that their unshorn hair and turbans `` would not be a problem . '' `` Both men were both recruited and commissioned -- with their Sikh articles of faith -- during their respective first years of medical and dental school -LRB- 2001 and 2006 -RRB- through the Army 's Health Professions Scholarship Program . '' Both are concluding their training and are slated to begin active duty in July 2009 . However , the U.S. Army is now disputing their ability to serve with their Sikh identity intact , '' the Sikh Coalition said in an April 14 letter addressed to Defense Secretary Robert Gates . Amardeep Singh , the head of the Sikh Coalition , told CNN that the issue at hand involves observant Sikhs , not those Sikh-Americans who entered the military after removing","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- For Capt. Kamaljit Singh Kalsi , a doctor , and 2nd Lt. Tejdeep Singh Rattan , a dentist , this is a hill worth fighting for . Tejdeep Singh Rattan , left , and Kamaljit Singh Kalsi are set to report for duty in the U.S. Army in July . These two U.S. military recruits of the Sikh faith are challenging an Army order that they remove their turbans and cut their unshorn hair and beards when they report for active duty in July . In Sikhism , which originated in northwestern India , the turban and unshorn hair are articles of faith and ca n't be removed . But the U.S. military says there are times when the military can not accommodate certain religious practices , `` such as when those religious observations would interfere with the wear of proper military headgear or protective clothing or equipment . '' `` It does n't make sense to me , especially in these hard times , '' Kalsi told CNN . `` The military is hurting for professionals . They need doctors , they need nurses . '' Aided by the Sikh Coalition , a national civil"} +{"answer":"a foreign nation , did communicate , transmit and disclose such data to another person . '' The transfer took place January 26 , the indictment alleges . Oakley is also charged with converting the material and `` restricted data '' to his own use . He began doing so on about October 17 , 2006 , and continued through January , prosecutors said . Prosecutors said the materials involved have been examined by scientists and posed no threat to people who may have come into contact with them . Oakley 's attorney , Herb Moncier , said outside court Thursday that Oakley 's job was to break rods `` into little pieces '' and throw them away . Moncier said Oakley had a security clearance , but Moncier did not believe it was a high-level clearance . The government alleges that in January , Oakley attempted to sell the `` pieces of scrap '' to someone he thought was a French agent -- but in reality was an undercover FBI agent , Moncier said . He said he questions whether those broken pieces would be considered an `` appliance '' under the law . `` Mr. Oakley has cooperated","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A former government contract employee was indicted on charges of stealing restricted nuclear energy-related materials and putting the United States at risk , the Department of Justice announced Thursday . Sources say the classified materials were taken from the East Tennessee Technology Park . Roy Lynn Oakley , 67 , of Roane County , Tennessee , appeared in federal court in Knoxville on Thursday . Oakley was briefly detained for questioning in the case in January , when authorities first learned of the alleged plot to divulge the materials , government sources told CNN . He voluntarily surrendered Thursday at an FBI field office in Knoxville , the sources said . Oakley is a former employee of Bechtel Jacobs , the Department of Energy 's prime environmental management contractor at the East Tennessee Technology Park , prosecutors said . The indictment states that Oakley , `` having possession of , access to and having been entrusted with sections of ` barriers ' and associated hardware used for uranium enrichment through the process of gaseous diffusion ... having reason to believe that such data would be utilized to injure the United States and secure an advantage to"} +{"answer":"Sea Shepherd statement said . `` I guess we can call this nonviolent chemical warfare , '' said Capt. Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd boat , the Steve Irwin . `` We only use organic , nontoxic materials designed to harass and obstruct ... whaling operations . '' Itsunori Onodera , Japan 's senior vice minister for foreign affairs , described the incident at an international seminar for African and Asian delegates to the International Whaling Commission . He said the Sea Shepherd group threw bags of acid , rather than bottles of rancid butter . Onodera told the audience that the crew complained of injuries afterward , but he did n't elaborate . Sea Shepherd 's U.S. office said it did not know of any injuries . Sea Shepherd interferes with Japanese hunts in an attempt to reduce the number of whales taken . In January , two activists from the group were seized when they boarded another Japanese whaling ship . Japan is lobbying a dozen members of the International Whaling Commission in Tokyo to support its much-criticized Antarctic whaling program . The effort comes before all 78 members of the panel this week in London ,","question":"TOKYO , Japan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Anti-whaling protesters hurled containers of butyric acid at a Japanese whaling ship in Antarctic waters , injuring four crew members , a Japanese official said Monday . Activists from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society hurl objects on to the Japanese ship Nisshin Maru . The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society acknowledged the Sunday incident , saying it had lobbed more than two dozen bottles of rotten butter at the Nisshin Maru , `` sending a stench throughout the whale killing ship that will remain for days . '' Butyric acid is found in rotten butter . The Sea Shepherd boat had to move a half-mile away from the whaling ship because `` it stinks too bad to remain any closer , '' activist Todd Emko of New York said in a statement from the group . Watch protesters toss objects at the ship '' The conservation group said it also threw packets of a slippery chemical on to the deck of the ship , making it difficult to cut up whales . The unnamed substance becomes more slippery when mixed with water so it will be difficult to wash off the deck , a"} +{"answer":", they ponder the purpose of preserving such a short legacy . Gil Poulsen of Franklin Park , New Jersey , says he can understand confusion from people who see the meticulously curated collection in his basement . iReport.com : Go behind the museum 's velvet rope `` Computers almost become like antiques or dinosaurs very quickly . It does seem like a contradiction in terms to have a computer as a museum piece . '' Watch Poulsen talk about his museum '' Poulsen keeps an elaborate stash of vintage Macs , portable devices , accessories and artwork . Two of his favorite pieces are a special vertical flat-screen unit made for Apple 's 20th anniversary and a chassis cover designed to deflect radiation . Small placards explain the details of each item in the collection , and a velvet rope gives the space a real museum feel . He remembers the days when the computers ran exclusively on floppy disks , necessitating frequent disk switching whenever the onboard memory filled up . As storage innovations cropped up , users sought to purchase additional floppy drives and , later , units with hard drives . His collection chronicles many of","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Ben Cahan wishes he had n't damaged his old snapshot of a person in a prosthetic alien suit sitting with his Macintosh . Luckily , he still has a late-1980s picture of actor Kurt Russell with his boxy Mac desktop . Ben Cahan worked with Hollywood films and spotted Kurt Russell sitting with his Mac in the 1980s . Rubbing elbows with big-name celebrities was not unusual for Cahan , who is a software developer . He used his Mac to create Hollywood screenwriting software that formed the basis for programs still in use today . Cahan never expected his old computers to become museum pieces , and he did n't think much about saving funny photos of them at the time . He almost wants to kick himself when he thinks about the lost photo of extraterrestrial attire . `` Who would have thought that would be an interesting picture ? '' he mused . But as the Macintosh computer celebrates its 25th birthday Saturday , Cahan and other iReporters are seeking to preserve memories and the history of what they consider to be simple , classic and timeless designs . At the same time"} +{"answer":"to stamp out corruption . A match-fixing scandal in the domestic league in 2005 led to about 70 people being arrested , though no one has been prosecuted . Significantly , neither country has hosted a major sporting event and concerns remain about the shortage of adequate stadiums , high-quality hotels and poor transport infrastructure in both Poland and Ukraine . With the proposed semi-final venues in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk and the Polish capital Warsaw , fans would currently be faced with a 30-hour train journey to attend both games . Although there are plans to expand and improve the highway linking the nations . The opening match is scheduled to be staged at a new 70,000-capacity National Stadium in Warsaw when construction work is completed in 2009 at a cost of $ 800 million . The final will be held at Kiev 's redeveloped Olympic Stadium , however all 12 proposed venues need considerable work in order to comply with international standards . The remaining games will be held in the Polish cities of Gdansk , Poznan , Wroclaw , Chorzow and Krakow , as well as the Ukrainian cities of Lviv and Dnipropetrovsk . Concerns","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In April 2007 , UEFA 's executive committee voted to accept a joint proposal from Poland and Ukraine to host the European football Championships in 2012 . Poland faces a struggle to upgrade many of its venues , such as Tenth Anniversary stadium in Warsaw . The decision to award the tournament to Poland -- a former communist country -- and Ukraine -- a former Soviet Republic -- was viewed with surprise by many in the world of sport as they had defeated a rival bid from established football powerhouse Italy . In addition to providing economic benefits -- hosting Euro 2008 was worth over $ 450 million to the Austrian economy according to its government -- staging such a high-profile international event would cap their remarkable transformation into credible democracies in the eyes of the world . However , both countries have had to address a number of problems . Watch more about Poland 's bid \u00c2 '' Political instability remains an issue in Ukraine -- the fragile ruling coalition recently collapsed -- while Poland 's national team narrowly avoided a suspension after football 's world ruling body FIFA said its federation had done little"} +{"answer":"a comic book with sound effects , page turns and even voiceover . Gibson himself voices the title character , a masked , dagger-hurling hero described as the `` embodiment of raw justice and vengeance . '' Gibson 's new hobby is another example of Hollywood 's love affair with comic books . Just last month , Walt Disney Studios acquired Marvel Entertainment -- and all 5,000 of the comic book company 's characters -- for $ 4 billion in cash and stock . With the success of action films based on comic book notables , including `` Batman , '' `` Iron Man '' and `` Wolverine , '' it 's not a stretch to think that Gibson might be strapping on the `` Mayhem '' costume for a summer blockbuster in the future . But for now , Gibson is focused on the early stages of his new venture . Although he would not provide details on sales figures , he did say that worldwide sales of `` Mayhem '' would `` knock your socks off . '' The following is an edited version of the interview . CNN : What turned you on to comic books ?","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Tyrese Gibson is far from the first singer to make the transition from music to movies . However , the `` Transformers '' star is blazing a whole new trail with his latest crossover venture . Tyrese Gibson voices `` Mayhem , '' a hero described as the `` embodiment of raw justice and vengeance . '' The actor\/singer\/model has partnered with Apple to develop his own comic book series called `` Mayhem , '' and he 's doing it in a very nontraditional way -- digitally . `` There was an experience that I felt was pretty limiting as far as the comic book experience itself on paper , '' says Gibson , who stresses that he did not grow up reading comic books and is not a comic book veteran . '' -LSB- So -RSB- I set up this technology with my team and this is the first-ever digital comic book -LSB- on iTunes -RSB- in the history of comic books . '' The third issue of `` Mayhem , '' which is downloadable from iTunes , is the first to go digital . It features an interactive version of"} +{"answer":"Not only that , but like a two dollar cologne , the effects can linger and linger for years , stinking up not only your shiny new car , but the reputation of the entire vehicle industry itself . AOL Autos : Best new small cars Who says so ? Just about everyone in the vehicle business these days . But the initiator was The Ecology Center -LRB- EC -RRB- , a membership-based , nonprofit environmental organization based in Ann Arbor , Michigan . AOL Autos : 10 most fuel-efficient new cars In a 2006 industry-awakening report entitled `` Toxic At Any Speed : Chemicals in Cars and the Need for Safe Alternatives '' , this independent green organization declared that much of the material in most car interiors that produce that new car smell is made with toxic chemicals known to pose major public health risks . The report went on to say that not only are vehicle drivers and passengers breathing toxic air , but are also in constant physical contact with dangerous chemicals leaching from just about every interior surface of a new vehicle . The report says these chemicals give off gases that not only contaminate","question":"-LRB- AOL Autos -RRB- -- Ah , that new car smell , that eau de car-logne ; it does an ego good while it does a wallet bad . And now it turns out , it can do bad things to your health , too . Air freshners can contain aldehydes , esters and ketones , industry spokesman says . All these years , while we were being offered safety first , last and front , side and rear ways , hardly anyone in the vehicle industry had given much thought to what actually was in that perfume de profit , the new car smell that car buyers sought and bought . As everyone knew , pollution related to vehicles originated from the exhaust pipe , not the shifter knob . It was spewed out the back of the rear , not the back of the rear view mirror . Well , what everyone thought they knew was wrong . It turns out -- take a deep breath -- that most of that new car smell is not some carefully-compounded , luxury , feel-good incense to the Mammon gods . But the new car smell comes from toxic gases ."} +{"answer":"enviable eye for color and layering , she has fashioned a riveting parade of on - and off-the-shoulder dresses , cardigans , cinched trenches , leggings , wide-legged trousers and full skirts , working them in intense florals or unexpected hues such as chartreuse and emerald . InStyle.com : Michelle Obama 's first 100 Days of style In addition , like every woman who gets a kick out of dressing up , she knows the power of accessories -- a cool flat boot , a wide belt , a statement necklace . The thrilling result ? Women across this country -LRB- and the world -RRB- are exclaiming almost daily , `` Look at that print ! I love that color ! Where can I get that sweater ? '' Watch how the first lady has become a style icon '' What 's more , not only does our first lady proudly stride with the confidence and warmth of a modern American woman , but the wardrobe she steps out in boasts relevance , comfort , and -- dare we say it ? -- sex appeal . InStyle.com : Try on Obama 's hairstyle The fashion industry may have occasionally sniped","question":"-LRB- InStyle -RRB- -- I ca n't find it anywhere in the Constitution , so maybe there is a first lady dress code buried in an obscure addendum to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 , since every mistress of the White House for the last four decades has chosen a wardrobe that follows a particular one with near pathological devotion . President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama arrive in Prague , Czech Republic , in early April . No sooner does her inaugural ballgown get spirited away to the Smithsonian , then out it comes : The First Lady Suit -- that tailored , multibuttoned blazer over a skirt straighter than an Ionic column in a primary , patriotic or tastefully unobjectionable color . So did someone not give Michelle Obama the memo ? Because during these first 100 days , our newest first lady has banished every version of this silhouette as if they were all designed by the House of Dick Cheney . Instead , Mrs. Obama has defined with remarkable acuity what flatters a tall , broad-shouldered and curvaceous working woman who knows exactly who she is and where she is going . With an"} +{"answer":"U.S. cases of a swine flu virus that has similar characteristics to the fatal virus in Mexico . More than 1,000 people have fallen ill in Mexico City in a short period of time , U.S. health experts said . `` This situation has been developing quickly , '' Richard Besser , acting director of the Atlanta , Georgia-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -LRB- CDC -RRB- , said Friday . `` This is something we are worried about . '' Besser said all of the eight U.S. patients have recovered . Watch for more on the U.S. cases '' New York health officials said Friday they were testing about 75 students at a school in New York City for swine flu after the students exhibited flu-like symptoms this week . A team of state health department doctors and staff went to the St. Francis Preparatory School in the borough of Queens on Thursday after the students reported cough , fever , sore throat , aches and pains . Test results are expected as early as Saturday . The new virus has genes from North American swine influenza , avian influenza , human influenza and a form of swine","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As Hayden Henshaw was being rushed to the doctor 's office after becoming ill , his father heard that his son 's classmates had been struck with the deadly swine flu virus like the one sweeping through Mexico . Swine flu commonly affects pigs and occasionally infects people in contact with pigs . Patrick Henshaw called his wife immediately to have Hayden checked for it . Later , they received the bad news . Hayden had become the third confirmed case of swine flu at his Texas high school . It is a virus that has killed 68 people in Mexico and infected at least eight people in the United States . Health officials arrived at the Henshaws ' house Friday and drew blood from the whole family , then told them to stay inside and away from the public , Henshaw told CNN . The whole family is quarantined indefinitely , according to CNN-affiliate KABB . Henshaw said his family was shocked when they got the news about their son . `` Stunned . My wife was having a panic attack , '' Henshaw told the affiliate . U.S. health officials have expressed concern about"} +{"answer":"placed the employees on administrative leave and have begun disciplinary proceedings , '' FAA spokeswoman Laura Brown said at the time . The recording , released for the first time Thursday , caught the air traffic controller at Teterboro airport having a giggly chat with the woman , suggesting she grill the dead cat she apparently found . A source with knowledge of the investigation told CNN the woman was the controller 's girlfriend . `` That thing was disgusting , '' she says , to which the controller responds , `` Chinese people do it , so why ca n't we ? '' The exchange , which lasts about six minutes , is interrupted by a controller at the Newark airport , who asks the Teterboro controller for help with air traffic . `` Hey , Teterboro ... would you switch that guy , maybe put him on a two-twenty heading to get away from that other traffic please ? '' the Newark controller is heard saying . The Teterboro controller seems to be juggling both conversations , telling to woman to `` hold on real quick '' while asking the Newark controller to repeat the request . ``","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An air traffic controller was joking with a woman about a dead cat just moments before a helicopter and small plane collided over the Hudson River in August , according to a recording released Thursday by the Federal Aviation Administration . The wreckage of a plane that collided with a helicopter is lifted on August 11 from the Hudson River . There were no survivors from the August 8 crash , in which three people died aboard the Piper Saratoga PA-32 fixed-wing plane that collided with a helicopter carrying six people , five of them Italian tourists . The FAA in August confirmed the air traffic controller at New Jersey 's Teterboro airport , who initially handled the flight of the Piper before handing off to Newark controllers , had `` involved in apparently inappropriate conversations on the telephone at the time of the accident . '' The controller and his supervisor , who was not in the building as required , were suspended . `` While we have no reason to believe at this time that these actions contributed to the accident , this kind of conduct is unacceptable , and we have"} +{"answer":"to 1979 , and Buenos Aires team Independiente winning six times in that period . Since the early '90s , it 's been the Brazilian clubs that have excelled . Brazil has provided 10 Libertadores finalists in the last 10 years , but since the tournament 's inception , every country except Peru and Mexico has supplied a winner . Qualification Under current quotas Brazil and Argentina both supply five teams for the tournament , while Bolivia , Chile , Colombia , Ecuador , Mexico , Paraguay , Peru , Uruguay , Venezuela are each represented by three teams , with the previous year 's winner also qualifying . Each country has different qualifying criteria for its clubs but essentially , the winners of South America 's top domestic leagues , as well as some runners up , qualify for the Libertadores . They are joined by three teams invited from Mexico -LRB- which is not a member of CONMEBOL , the South American Football Confederation -RRB- . Better than Europe ? In terms of football quality , most would agree that the Libertadores struggles to match the Champions League and the reason is simple -- South American clubs simply","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- This year is the 50th birthday of the Copa Libertadores , South American football 's equivalent of Europe 's Champions League . Argentina 's Boca Juniors salute their fans before a Copa Libertadores match against Uruguay 's Defensor Sporting . The Libertadores is the most prestigious tournament in South American club football , seeing the best 32 teams in the continent battle for supremacy . It may not get as much attention as the Champions League , but for South American teams there is no bigger trophy . The tournament has reached semifinal stage , where Gremio and Cruzeiro from Brazil will clash with Argentina 's Estudiantes and Uruguay 's Nacional - a team captained by former Inter Milan star Juan Sebastian Veron . So with the action reaching a crescendo , it 's high-time Fanzone explored what makes the compeition so great . History The competition was first held in 1960 , its name referring to the `` liberators '' who led South American countries in their wars of independence . For years it was dominated by Argentina , with a team from the country making it to every final between 1963"} +{"answer":"age of killer fast food . '' The UNESCO list is famous for including historic and cultural sites but in recent years the UN body has opened its register to include '' intangible heritage , '' such as endangered languages or vanishing traditions . `` The Mediterranean diet is a heritage that should be protected and shared , '' Paolo de Castro , a former Italian Agriculture minister , said earlier this year . `` Science has long recognized the unusual health properties of the diet , which has strengthened and accompanied the common cultural identity of Mediterranean countries , '' he said , according to Italian news agency ANSA . `` The diet is an integral part of the historical and cultural identity of the Mediterranean , and an opportunity for growth for the countries in the area . '' Originally considered the diet of the poor , who did n't have much money to buy meat , the `` Mediterranean diet '' is rich in fruits , vegetables , nuts , cereals , whole grains , fish and olive oil . Numerous studies have associated it with long life-spans and low rates of cancer , heart disease and","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Famed for keeping people slim , healthy and living longer , the Mediterranean diet has followers all over the world . Cultural treat ? Moves are underway to get the Mediterranean diet on UNESCO 's world heritage list . However , the diet is being increasingly shunned by people who live in the Med as the convenience of fast food gains popularity . The renowned low-fat , high-fiber diet has `` decayed into a moribund state '' in its traditional regions , according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization -LRB- FAO -RRB- . So sharp is the decline that governments from the region are scrambling to protect their traditional fare from becoming an `` endangered '' species . Populations surrounding the Mediterranean Sea , such as Greece , Spain and Italy , tend to eat these foods , and governments there have joined forces to apply for their diet to be placed on the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization 's -LRB- UNESCO -RRB- Heritage list . Those lobbying for UNESCO protection have argued that its inclusion would '' fend off the watered-down clones assailing its integrity worldwide in this"} +{"answer":"tough times '' Bradshaw said she appreciated the help . She got laid off in December from ABX Air , a Wilmington-based air cargo services company that worked with DHL . `` We are raising two grandkids , and we only have one income , so it 's a big , big blessing , '' she said . Tony Sellars , the nonprofit 's director of communications , said , `` This is the largest distribution we have had in such a small town . '' Sellars said the organization is monitoring layoff conditions in various cities and identifying critical locations where it can be of assistance . `` We have been around since 1979 , and this is unprecedented in terms of need , '' Sellars said . `` In Wilmington , the residents are proud and confused ; they are resilient and trying to solve their problems on their own , but they do n't know where to turn . '' Feed the Children distributed the food and other items in conjunction with partners that include Avon Products and the local Sugartree Ministry Center . Larry Jones , founder and president of Feed the Children , urged communities","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Cheryl Bradshaw shivered under a big brown coat as she made her way through a line of people waiting along an icy road in Wilmington , Ohio . She was among about 5,000 residents who accepted food from the nonprofit Feed the Children . The nonprofit Feed the Children delivers boxes of food and other items to families Thursday in Wilmington , Ohio . `` A lot of this people in this town ... it 's day to day , dollar to dollar , '' Bradshaw said of the town of about 12,000 between Cincinnati and Columbus . Wilmington is still reeling from news that delivery giant DHL would close its hub there . About 3,000 of the 8,000 people who faced layoffs lived in or around Wilmington . One in three families in Wilmington had someone employed at DHL , according to an economic task force created by Mayor David Raizk . A crowd gathered Thursday as 12 loaded semitrailers cautiously parked on slippery roads . Each family got two boxes . One had 25 pounds of canned food and vegetables . Another contained 10 pounds of personal care items . Watch as townspeople describe"} +{"answer":"build a smaller government . `` If one looks at the majority relationships , we will be dealing with a smaller partner , the FDP , '' she said . `` We are happy to use this chance in very difficult economic times to secure jobs , create new ones and drive growth more decisively . '' Merkel also pledged to be `` a Chancellor for all Germans '' . The election was disastrous for her rival , foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and the SPD who saw their vote fall 10 percent from 34.2 percent in 2005 to 23 percent . The result is the SPD 's worst result since World War II . The results leave the CDU as the strongest party in the German parliament with 27.3 percent of the popular vote -- slightly down on the 27.8 percent it achieved four years ago . Despite being the biggest party in the Bundestag , the vote marked one of the CDU 's poorest showings in an election . But its traditional coalition with the Christian Social Union -- who won 6.5 percent of the vote -- means that the CDU\/CSU bloc won 33.8 percent of the vote .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Re-elected German Chancellor Angela Merkel is eyeing a new coalition to replace the `` grand coalition '' her Christian Democratic Union -LRB- CDU -RRB- party shared with the Social Democratic Party -LRB- SPD -RRB- in the previous parliament . Angela Merkel has pledged to be `` a Chancellor for all Germans '' . If , as expected , Merkel forms a new coalition with the Free Democratic Party -LRB- FPD -RRB- it will have wide-reaching implications for Germans . The FPD are more economically liberal than Merkel 's previous partner , the SPD . According to CNN 's Fred Pleitgen , the FPD led by Guido Westerwelle will push for control of some key positions in the new government , including perhaps the finance ministry . Pleitgen believes that economic policy is likely to change dramatically . `` This means a whole lot more pro-business politics for Germany than in the past . You 'll probably see tax cuts and it will probably mean smaller government than seen in the past four years , '' he said . Speaking at a post-election news conference on Monday , Merkel said that the result is an opportunity to"} +{"answer":"to get people to watch from a safe distance , we were n't able to contact everybody in time , '' Steele said Sunday evening . The hurricane 's center passed New England without making landfall and got very close to the Canadian province of Nova Scotia on Sunday afternoon . It was expected to pass near or over southeastern Nova Scotia , Canada , on Sunday night , the National Hurricane Center said . Watch how Canada is bracing for Bill '' At 11 p.m. , Hurricane Bill was about 115 miles west-northwest of Cape Race , Newfoundland , according to the hurricane center . The storm had maximum sustained winds near 75 mph , and was moving to the east-northeast near 40 mph the center reported . Bill would become a tropical storm if its winds fall below 74 mph . `` Weakening is forecast during the next 24 hours and Bill is expected to become extratropical on Monday , '' the center 's 11 p.m. advisory said . `` Large and dangerous swells generated by Hurricane Bill will continue to impact the Atlantic Maritimes of Canada overnight . '' Though tropical storm warnings were lifted in the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A 7-year-old girl died after a large ocean wave kicked up by Hurricane Bill knocked her and two other people into the Atlantic off Maine 's Acadia National Park on Sunday , a park official said . An ocean wave knocked three people into the Atlantic off Maine 's Acadia National Park on Sunday . Coast Guard rescuers plucked the three from the ocean after a wave swept them from a rocky ledge at the park , according to Sheridan Steele , the park 's superintendent . The conditions of the two survivors -- a 12-year-old girl and a man -- were not immediately available . No names were released . Ocean waves also injured a few other people at the park , knocking them to the ground or into rocks and crevices , Steele said . Some were taken to a hospital with broken bones or other injuries , Steele said . The victims were among several thousand people who were at the park late Sunday morning to watch the high waves that Hurricane Bill -- a Category 1 storm -- was producing offshore . `` Even though we try to warn people and try"} +{"answer":". Bork was ultimately rejected by the Senate . The Fund also met in 1987 with staff at the New York Daily News to address what it called `` negative images of Puerto Ricans presented by the News ' staff , '' including well-known columnist Jimmy Breslin . Republicans are challenging Sotomayor 's record on affirmative action , and the newly released documents on her work at the Fund will likely be a centerpiece of debate at the upcoming confirmation hearings . The 350 pages of documents released Wednesday by the Senate Judiciary Committee show the Fund filed hundreds of discrimination lawsuits over the years on behalf of Hispanics . The documents do not reveal whether Sotomayor was directly involved in them . She was a private attorney at the time , and was volunteering for the group . However , they reflect the Fund 's strong push to establish a precedent of cases that would establish legal authority to uphold workplace quotas for minorities . One case dealt with promotions in the New York City Police Department . A May 1992 memo on `` litigation highlights '' noted , `` We obtained quota promotions for Latinos and African Americans","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Newly released documents from Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor 's service on the board of a Puerto Rican civil rights organization show the group opposed Robert Bork 's nomination to the high court more than two decades ago . Judge Sonia Sotomayor is set to face Supreme Court confirmation hearings . Sotomayor , a judge on the New York-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit , was nominated by President Obama in May to fill the vacancy of retiring Justice David Souter . Her confirmation hearings are set to begin July 13 . She served as a board member of the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund from 1980-92 , leaving when she became a federal judge . During her years on the PRLDEF board , the group opposed President Reagan 's 1987 nomination of the conservative Bork -- then a federal appeals judge -- `` because of the threat he poses to the civil rights of the Latino community , '' according to the documents . The group 's attorneys prepared press releases and `` worked on numerous efforts to build coalitions against the nominee , '' according to the documents"} +{"answer":"was overthrown with the help of the United States -RRB- and North Korea -LRB- which has tested nuclear weapons and whose government is still in power . -RRB- Another way to maintain credibility is to cite proof for your arguments . Michele Bachmann has said things in previous debates -LRB- President Obama wants Medicare to collapse -RRB- and in last night 's debate -LRB- suggesting that the CIA can not interrogate terrorist suspects any longer because the ACLU is in charge -RRB- that were not very credible . These frequent ATM withdrawals hurt Bachmann because a lack of believability spills over . Her disagreement with Rick Perry about whether to give aid to Pakistan should have been an excellent point for her . She showcased her knowledge of the subject , saying that we exchange intelligence information and the United States must have our interest represented . Bachmann called Pakistan `` too nuclear to fail , '' and chastised Perry for being na\u00c3 \u00af ve when he said he would not give Pakistan one penny until it proved it had America 's best interests in mind . This was a terrific answer that warranted applause because it was thoughtful ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As last night 's Republican presidential debate over national security issues demonstrated , credibility is crucial to winning a debate . Think of credibility like money you have in a bank . Each time you stretch it thin , you have less the next time you might need it . It is your own personal bank of believability . Knowing your arguments and facts is one way to gain credibility . Mitt Romney fattened his credibility bank account at the expense of Rick Perry , who supported a no fly zone over Syria . Romney argued that a no fly zone over Syria would be pointless since the Syrian government has 5,000 tanks . Romney jokingly said it would make more sense to impose a `` no drive zone . '' Jon Huntsman made a similar deposit when he stated that sanctions on Iran would not work since `` the Chinese are n't going to play ball and the Russians are n't going to play ball , '' and Iran has already decided to go nuclear . Huntsman 's cited the examples of Libya -LRB- which gave up its nuclear ambition , and later the government"} +{"answer":"estimated 20,000 children and adults in the United States suffer from the disease . Not only can RRP rob patients of their ability to speak normally , it can create serious breathing problems if left untreated . `` It can be rapidly fatal for somebody who completely blocks off their airway , '' Sobol said . `` Try to imagine breathing through a coffee stirrer . That 's what those children breathe like when they first come to our attention , '' Sobol described . Experts are n't sure exactly why some people contract the virus , but Sobol believes that `` it 's a combination of genetic factors and exposure either in utero or during early childhood . '' Joey 's symptoms surfaced during infancy . His mother , Melanie Finley , recalled that when Joey was a year old , he would strain his neck muscles every time he tried to talk . She took the child to several doctors before they finally met with Sobol , who diagnosed the condition . Finley was relieved to get some answers , but Joey 's medical journey was just beginning . Sobol reported that from the age of 4 ,","question":"KENNESAW , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Singing `` Frosty the Snowman '' and `` Jingle Bells '' may not seem like a big deal to most third-graders , but for Joey Finley , 8 , doctors say it 's a miracle . Joey Finley , 8 , suffers from a rare condition that can prevent people from speaking normally . The blond , freckle-faced boy was unable to speak in a normal voice until about a year ago . `` I thought I would sound bad , '' he said . Joey suffers from a rare virus that can get into the cells of the voice box . `` He has a condition called recurrent papillomatosis , '' explained Dr. Steven Sobol , director of pediatric otolaryngology at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta , Georgia . `` It causes growths like warts that you would see in other parts of the body . '' Watch and hear Joey sing '' Sobol said lesions in RRP -LRB- for the condition 's full name , recurrent respiratory papillomatosis -RRB- are caused by the human papilloma virus , or HPV , the same condition that causes cervical cancer . An"} +{"answer":"to visit Facebook were receiving a message in Farsi saying , `` Access to this site is not possible , '' according to CNN personnel in Tehran . The news agency reported the Masadiq Committee , made up of representatives from Iran 's intelligence ministry , judiciary and others , had ordered the action . After a few hours , the block was lifted , but then reinstated later , the agency said . No reason was given . `` We are disappointed to learn of reports that users in Iran may not have access to Facebook , especially at a time when voters are turning to the Internet as a source of information about election candidates and their positions , '' a Facebook spokesperson said in a written statement . `` We are investigating these reports . `` We believe that people around the world should be able to use Facebook to communicate and share information with their friends , family and co-workers . It is always a shame when a countries ' cultural and political concerns lead to limits being placed on the opportunity for sharing and expression that the Internet provides . '' Ahmadinejad 's challengers are","question":"TEHRAN , Iran -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Monday he did not call for a ban on Facebook during the country 's presidential election . President Ahmadinejad 's challengers are using new technology to spread their message . `` I should make an inquiry and ask about this , '' he said when asked about reports that his government blocked access to the online social networking site . He added , `` I believe in maximum freedom of expression . '' The hardline Iranian president made the comment in response to a question from CNN at a news conference . Asked whether he would order that access to Facebook be reinstated , Ahmadinejad responded that he would `` see if there is a complaint '' that may be presented to the judiciary . The semi-official Iranian Labor News Agency reported over the weekend that the Iranian government had blocked Facebook amid political jockeying for the June 12 presidential election . Reformist candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi -- a former prime minister considered a threat to Ahmadinejad -- has created a Facebook page for his campaign and has more than 5,000 supporters on the site . Those attempting"} +{"answer":"with motor vehicle identification numbers , the FBI said in a news release . Eight suspects were in custody , including one man already in prison on an unrelated charge and another man who was arrested on Wednesday and added to the charging sheet , U.S. Attorney spokeswoman Susan Plochinski said Thursday . An additional suspect was taken into custody in Canada on Thursday , an FBI statement said . Two men remain at large . Mujahid Carswell , aka Mujahid Abdullah , was taken into custody in Windsor , Ontario , Canada , by Canadian authorities Thursday afternoon , the FBI said . According to the federal criminal complaint , Carswell , 30 , is the eldest son of Abdullah , who was killed in the raid Wednesday . Canadian Border Patrol is holding him on immigration violations , the FBI said . Of the six suspects who appeared Thursday afternoon in court , Abdullah Beard was ordered held without bail ; and Muhammad Abdul Salaam 's bail decision was delayed , as was that for Gary Laverne Porter , a 38-year teacher who was arrested at an area school . Ali Abdul Raqib was given a $ 10,000","question":"Detroit , Michigan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Six men appeared in federal court Thursday , a day after they were arrested in raids targeting an African-American Muslim group that the FBI said sought to establish an Islamic state in the United States . Luqman Ameen Abdullah , the alleged leader of the African-American Muslim converts , was fatally shot during one of Wednesday 's raids in the Detroit area after he fired at law enforcement agents who were trying to arrest him and four other suspects . An FBI dog was also killed . Authorities say Abdullah was the imam at a Detroit mosque where he preached offensive jihad , including violence against the U.S. government and law enforcement . A criminal complaint states that he repeatedly told three confidential informants he would never be taken alive , saying `` If they 're coming to get me , I 'll just strap a bomb on and blow up everybody . '' Abdullah was one of 11 men charged Tuesday with conspiracy to commit federal crimes , including theft from interstate shipments , mail fraud to obtain the proceeds of arson , illegal possession and sale of firearms , and tampering"} +{"answer":"with CNN about decision making , her nerdy past and the power of collective knowledge . The following is an edited transcript : CNN : Where did you get the idea for Hunch ? Fake : It 's a user-generated content site similar to Flickr , but the unit is not a photograph but a decision . And so it 's sort of a similar thing in that way . We kind of built the system so people can contribute to it . They can ask questions on there and suggest questions . And then you sort of codify it into a decision tree . CNN : So you 're answering questions about yourself ? Fake : Well , there are two components . So you answer questions about yourself , and there 's a little module that says things like , `` Alien abductions : real or fake ? '' And what -LSB- Hunch -RSB- does is , it then puts together a profile of you , a taste profile . And then you can go into the system and ask it any question that 's in the system . So it 's things like , `` What HD-TV","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Stumped on a tough decision ? New Web sites are there to help . Hunch , a site open to the public Monday , asks questions and helps people make decisions . Hunch , a site that launches for the public Monday , will consider your quandary by getting to know you , asking you a series of questions and then spitting out three decisions . Another site , Let Simon Decide , makes a similar attempt . Caterina Fake , co-founder of the photo-sharing community Flickr , says she created Hunch not because people need help with emotional decisions but because it 's too tough to find smart information online . You often have to replicate someone else 's research , which is a waste , she said . Tech bloggers seem to be pleased with the effort . `` For the most part , I was impressed , though it quickly became clear that Hunch is n't capable of magically making up your mind for you , '' wrote Jason Kincaid , a reporter at TechCrunch , a technology blog . He called the site `` very clean and unintimidating . '' Fake spoke"} +{"answer":"`` unprecedented '' package of measures to tackle the crisis . The deal agreed by the leaders of the world 's largest economies included reform of the international banking system and the injection of more than $ 1 trillion into the world financial system . Watch what was agreed to at the summit '' French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel , who had voiced concerns prior to the summit about the wisdom of pumping further public money into economies already in recession , welcomed Thursday 's agreement -- though hinted at unresolved disagreements behind the scenes . There had been concerns that a rift was opening up between the approach being championed by the U.S. and Britain -- more economic stimulus -- and that favored by France and Germany -- more banking regulations . Sarkozy said the agreement represented `` great progress '' on reform of financial institutions and said `` a page had been turned . '' Merkel described the deal as `` a very , very good , almost historic compromise . '' The six-point plan includes banking reform measures and more than $ 1 trillion to be spent on restoring credit , growth and","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Leaders of the world 's largest economies agreed on Thursday to a package worth more than $ 1 trillion to tackle the global economic crisis . Barack Obama : `` The challenge is clear '' for world leaders to tackle the economic crisis . U.S. President Barack Obama called the deal `` a turning point in our pursuit of global economic recovery . '' The plan calls for reform of the international banking system and the injection of more than $ 1 trillion into the world financial system . The Group of 20 is taking `` unprecedented steps '' to attack the global economic downturn , stimulate growth and expand loans to troubled nations , Obama said at the close of the group 's meeting in London . `` The challenge is clear , '' the U.S. president said . `` The global economy is contracting . Trade is shrinking . Unemployment is rising . The international financial system is nearly frozen . '' Watch Obama 's speech '' British Prime Minister Gordon Brown heralded the emergence of a `` new world order '' Thursday following the release of what he called an"} +{"answer":"stability and peace of the world -- a world in which there is increasing competition for the `` fruitfulness of the Earth . '' `` Can we remain impassive in the face of actual and potential conflicts involving access to natural resources ? '' the pope asked Friday . `` All these are issues with a profound impact on the exercise of human rights , such as the right to life , food , health and development . '' `` Technologically advanced societies must be prepared to encourage more sober lifestyles , while reducing their energy consumption and improving its efficiency , '' while preparing `` sustainable strategies to satisfy the energy needs of the present and future generations , '' he said . Pope Benedict XVI challenged the faithful to be good stewards of what `` God has given us , '' suggesting that peace with the Earth will lead to peace on Earth . `` For this reason , it is imperative that mankind renew and strengthen that covenant between human beings and the environment , which should mirror the creative love of God , from whom we come and toward whom we are journeying , '' he","question":"Vatican City -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Pope Benedict XVI championed the environment in the Vatican 's annual World Day of Peace message . In his address , called `` If You Want to Cultivate Peace , Protect Creation , '' the pope said peace with the natural environment is the beginning of peace with all of God 's creation , including people . `` Respect for creation is of immense consequence , not least because creation is the beginning and the foundation of all God 's works , and its preservation has now become essential for the pacific coexistence of mankind , '' the pope said . The papal message of peace comes a week after the traditional Christmas address known as `` Urbi et Orbi '' -- Latin for `` To the City and the World '' -- a message of hope for the world 's afflicted . During the Christmas Eve Mass the night before , Benedict was dragged to the ground after a woman jumped a barrier and grabbed his robes . The pope appeared uninjured . In his homily , the 82-year-old pontiff asked parishioners to consider the possible effect of an ecological crisis on the"} +{"answer":"manufacturer , where `` the NTSB will supervise and direct a complete tear-down of each engine , '' NTSB spokesman Peter Knudson said . The right engine was still attached to the plane when it was pulled from the Hudson last week . It will be at least next week before any information from the initial examination is released , Knudson said . Investigators said this week that they found a single feather and evidence of `` soft-body impact damage '' on the aircraft . The find reinforces the pilot 's report that the plane was brought down by a flock of birds . Pilot Chesley B. `` Sully '' Sullenberger , 58 , told investigators that his aircraft struck birds , disabling both engines , about 90 seconds after takeoff from LaGuardia Airport in New York . Map '' The feather , found on a flap track on the wing , was sent to identification experts at the Smithsonian Institution , the National Transportation Safety Board said . Samples of what appears to be organic material found in the right engine and on the wings and fuselage have been sent to the U.S. Department of Agriculture . Meanwhile ,","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The missing engine from a US Airways jet that ditched in the Hudson River was recovered Friday , more than a week after the crash landing . A jet engine lost after Flight 1549 ditched in the Hudson River is hoisted from the water Friday . Icy conditions and strong currents hampered efforts to locate and raise the plane 's left engine , which apparently tore from the Airbus A320 when it hit the water in an emergency landing January 15 . The engine was found Wednesday in about 50 feet of water . The divers who found it reported that it was in one piece , said New Jersey State Police Sgt. Stephen Jones . A crane brought the engine up Friday afternoon as daylight began to fade . It was placed on a barge and hauled to the New Jersey side of the river , according to a spokeswoman for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers , which was supervising the recovery . Watch the engine pulled from Hudson River '' After an initial examination at the site , the engine will be shipped with the plane 's other engine to the"} +{"answer":"from the lake '' Zowin and his wife , Kathy , have owned Lake Delton Watersports for almost three decades . In addition to running a marina , the couple offers parasail rides and rents boats . Personal watercraft and ski boats are their most popular wares , he said . `` My gross income will be reduced by about 75 percent , and that 's huge , '' he said Wednesday . `` It 's a big step backwards for someone who 's been in business for 29 years . '' Zowin , 56 , says that most of the tourists hail from metropolises like Chicago , Illinois ; St. Paul\/Minneapolis , Minnesota ; and Madison and Milwaukee , Wisconsin -- all `` within a gas tank of the Dells . '' They start trickling in on Father 's Day , and tourism booms between Independence Day and mid-August , he said . Like many business owners around Lake Delton , Zowin is seeing canceled reservations from disenchanted visitors who will be spending their summers elsewhere . Asked whether visitors were canceling reservations at her lakeside resort , one owner who did n't want to give her name replied","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When the water of Lake Delton ripped through the highway and drained into the Wisconsin River this week , so did the lifeline for much of the surrounding community . Boats sit mired in mud Tuesday after Lake Delton drained into the Wisconsin River the day before . Lake Delton Village and Wisconsin Dells , the self-professed `` waterpark capital of the world , '' are home to about 5,000 residents . But the area 's motels , resorts and vacation homes can accommodate more than 10 times that , according to the visitors bureau . Innkeepers , restaurateurs and other business owners were getting ready for the typically bustling tourist season this week when torrential rains sent the 267-acre lake rushing through an embankment propping up Highway A . The manmade lake sucked a 200-foot swath of highway and a half-dozen homes into the Wisconsin with it . `` I was on the water when I realized the plug had been pulled , '' said Steve Zowin , who was towing a capsized pontoon boat when he noticed the water level quickly diminishing . `` It drained like a bathtub . '' Watch a report"} +{"answer":"inked with an Obama image , they say , but only a few people have actually gone through with . The most popular choices so far have been the Obama logo , the word `` hope , '' and the now iconic red-and-blue Obama hope poster by Shepard Fairey . T.J. Mohler , who works at Jinx Proof Tattoos , said business has been up as people flood the city , but only `` about two or three '' customers have gotten an Obama tattoo . One of those people is Mohler himself , who opted for a 5 x 7-inch Obama image on his leg . `` When I look back in 50 years , it will remind me of the time and how excited everyone is , '' Mohler said . None of the shop owners reported any history of George W. Bush tattoos . `` No such thing , '' said Jason Anthony , owner of Midtown Tattoo . Fatty says he 's hoping the number of people getting Obama art will grow as more visitors arrive and word about the Obamathon gets out . `` We 're still rolling with it through the week , so","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sometimes , a T-shirt just does n't cut it . Allie Tompkins , 19 , gets her first tattoo at Fatty 's Tattooz on Monday . For those who want a more permanent way to showcase their support for Barack Obama , Washington 's tattoo parlors are ready to help . `` There 's nothing more memorable than a tattoo , '' said Matt Jessup , better known as `` Fatty , '' the owner of Fatty 's Custom Tattooz and Body Piercing . His shop is celebrating what it has dubbed the `` Obamathan , '' where customers can get a free `` Obama ' 08 '' logo tattoo if they buy another tattoo worth $ 200 . The Obama tattoo , Fatty says , is worth $ 70 . `` A lot of people are feeling very inspired and taken by this moment in our nation 's history . And for many people , they are in town for this historic event , they want something to remember it by , '' he said . At Fatty 's and other tattoo shops in the area , there have been multiple inquiries about getting"} +{"answer":"in Laos in the first place . Samantha Orobator was born in Nigeria . Her family sent her to London , England , to live with her aunt when she was 8 years old to escape the political strife back home . By many accounts , Samantha was a happy and popular child . She achieved good grades and excelled in biology , hoping to become a surgeon . `` A really nice child , who loved school , good friends , respected the staff , behaved herself and achieved good academic results , '' recalls school headmaster Serge Cefai . `` We 're extremely surprised , '' he says , `` We 've had some of her ex-friends get in touch with the school saying ` What do you know ? ' Well , we only know what the media has told us and what 's now coming out . And everybody is in the same boat . Samantha could n't be involved in drugs , could she ? '' Jane Orobator describes her daughter as quiet , petite and `` fragile . '' Her daughter never mentioned any boyfriends and did n't smoke or drink , she says","question":"DUBLIN , Ireland -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Jane Orobator lives in a small house in Dublin , Ireland . She 's a full time psychology student at Trinity college and she is single-handedly raising 3 girls aged 9 to 14 . Their smiling faces are framed in photos on the walls at home -- the only ornaments in an otherwise sparsely decorated house . An emotional Jane Orabator said her daughter 's arrest made her world crumble like a pack of cards . But there is one family member missing from these photos : the oldest sister , Samantha , now 21 , in prison in Laos charged with smuggling heroin . `` My life , my world is crumbling like a pack of cards right before me , '' Jane Orobator told CNN in an emotional interview . `` Samantha has never given me any cause to worry . '' Over the course of a 90-minute interview with CNN , Orobator frequently broke down in tears . At one point , she collapsed to her knees and begged for her daughter 's release . But Jane Orobator is clearly baffled and mystified as to how her daughter ended up"} +{"answer":"the show aired , not the show itself . The couple at the hotel who called police went outside and lifted a tarp to look at Merhige 's license plate and verify it was the vehicle sought , he said . `` So many people do n't make the call , and they made the call , '' Sitton said . `` The monster 's in a cage and now we can get out of protective mode and begin the process of healing . '' He said he 's not `` jumping for joy '' at the arrest , `` because our daughter 's room is still empty . There 's dresses and shoes in there that will never be worn again . '' While the arrest wo n't bring his daughter back , he said , `` this is the first step toward justice . ... If there 's anyone that deserves the death penalty , it would be someone who would go and execute my 6-year-old daughter while she is sleeping in her bed . '' Merhige made a first appearance in court on Sunday . He is charged with four counts of premeditated murder and attempted first-degree","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The father of a 6-year-old girl , one of four relatives who police say were killed by another family member on Thanksgiving Day , said it was `` unbelievable '' how a tip from a television viewer brought about the arrest of the suspect . `` Before the show even came on , Paul was being surrounded by the people behind me , '' Jim Sitton said Tuesday in Jupiter , Florida , standing in front of police officers . Paul M. Merhige is accused of fatally shooting his twin sisters , Sitton 's 6-year-old daughter Makayla -- Merhige 's cousin -- and a 79-year-old aunt at a family home in Jupiter , Florida , on November 26 . One of his sisters was pregnant . Police said Merhige also wounded two other family members during the shooting rampage . A viewer of the television show `` America 's Most Wanted '' recognized descriptions of Merhige and his car and called police . Officers responded to the tip late Saturday , surrounding a small motel in the Florida Keys and taking Merhige into custody . Sitton said the tip came in from a promotional announcement before"} +{"answer":"violates the rights of workers wanting to unionize . It has made the company a target of repeated protests for about three years . But Bego said the claims are unfounded , and it 's the union that has harassed him . Watch how company , union are at odds '' He said the union has sent his clients threatening letters for using his company , staged noisy protests , confronted employees , blocked building entrances and released balloons in a client 's building to disrupt business . He said his workers do n't want a union , because they make more in pay and benefits without having to pay SEIU 's labor dues . `` We have several hundred people working for us in Indianapolis -LSB- alone -RSB- , '' Bego said . `` They 've been after us for almost three years , and they 've got only about 10 or 12 people interested in what they said . If our people really needed protecting , do n't you think they 'd be out in mass droves in the street with the union protesting EMS ? Do you think we 'd still be in business ? I do","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Union workers armed with an estimated 1.5 million signatures converged on Washington on Wednesday , demanding that Congress pass their highest-priority legislation . Union chief Andy Stern wants workers to have another way to organize besides relying on a secret ballot . They are lobbying for the Employee Free Choice Act . The legislation would allow a company 's employees to openly sign a card demanding a union and then , if a majority sign , the company involved would have 90 days to negotiate . The act would also stiffen federal laws that bar employers from intimidating or firing workers who try to bring in a union . But while the battle is just beginning on Capitol Hill , business owners like Dave Bego have been in the center of the fight for some time . Bego , of Indianapolis , Indiana , is the owner of EMS , a company that provides janitors to businesses around the country . The family-owned company has been under fire by one of the nation 's most powerful labor organizations , the Service Employees International Union . The 1.8 million-member SEIU argues that EMS intimidates , harasses and"} +{"answer":"the big cats may have eaten it . It was thought to be in the same area as another monkey which was killed by the cats , he said . There is a concern the monkey could be carrying herpes B , Lutz said . He urged members of the public not to approach a monkey if they see it but to summon authorities . The farm 's owner , Terry Thompson , pried open cages and opened the farm 's fences before dying from a self-inflicted gunshot wound Tuesday afternoon , Lutz said . Autopsy results confirmed the shot was self-inflicted , the sheriff said . Thompson also had a bite wound to his head consistent with a bite from a `` larger-type cat , '' Lutz said . The bite is believed to have occurred `` within seconds to a minute '' after the gunshot wound , he said . Thompson was known to feed the animals chicken parts , Lutz said , and a pile of such items was found in the home 's driveway . The only animals left on the property as of Thursday were horses , the sheriff said . The killed animals were","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It 's possible no more exotic animals are on the loose after deputies killed 49 lions , tigers and other wild animals freed from a local farm by its suicidal owner , an Ohio sheriff told reporters Thursday . Of the 56 animals released Tuesday night , only a grizzly bear , two monkeys and three leopards were taken alive , Muskingum County Sheriff Matt Lutz said . Killed were two wolves ; six black bears ; two grizzly bears ; nine male lions ; eight lionesses ; one baboon ; three mountain lions ; and 18 Bengal tigers , Lutz said Thursday . Six animals were taken to the Columbus Zoo . Lutz said he has been in contact with Jack Hanna , the zoo 's director emeritus , and `` the animals are doing well . They are eating , they are active and they are being evaluated . '' One monkey remained unaccounted for Wednesday night , Hanna said . Lutz said Thursday there was one monkey unaccounted for , and acknowledged it could be on the loose , but said there had been no reported sightings and it was believed one of"} +{"answer":"complaint said . A receipt from the restaurant at the end of the meal identified their selection as `` whale '' and `` horse '' with a cost of $ 85 written next to them . The women snuck pieces of the meat into a napkin and later sent them for examination to a researcher at Oregon State University . He identified the whale sample to be that of sei whale , prosecutors said . The meat from whales , considered an endangered species , can not be sold legally in the United States . The restaurant , located at the Santa Monica Airport , is known for its exotic fare . Its Web site asks diners to surrender themselves to its chefs for `` a culinary adventure ... unlike any that you have previously experienced . '' Prosecutors have also charged Typhoon Restaurant Inc. , the parent company of the restaurant , and one of its chefs -- Kiyoshiro Yamamoto , 45 -- with the illegal sale of a marine mammal product for an unauthorized purpose . The misdemeanor charge carries a federal prison sentence of up to a year and a fine of up to $ 200,000 for","question":"Los Angeles , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A trendy California sushi restaurant says it 's closing after being accused of serving illegal whale meat . The company that owns Santa Monica 's The Hump restaurant had already apologized for the whale meat accusation earlier in the week . The restaurant 's Web site said : `` After 12 years doing business in Santa Monica , The Hump will be closing its doors effective March 20 , 2010 . The Hump hopes that by closing its doors , it will help bring awareness to the detrimental effect that illegal whaling has on the preservation of our ocean ecosystems and species . '' The investigation into the eatery began in October when two members of the team that made the documentary , `` The Cove '' visited The Hump , officials said . `` The Cove , '' which exposes the annual killing of dolphins at a Japanese fishing village , won the Academy Award for Best Documentary earlier in March . Armed with a hidden camera , two women from the documentary captured the waitress serving them whale and horse meat and identifying them as such , a federal criminal"} +{"answer":"Center , his attorney , Ron Harrison , said Tuesday . His preliminary hearing likely will come next week , Harrison said . The elder Heinze told relatives about the award days before his death , family members said . Court officials said the ruling was issued August 11 , and an appeal was filed six days later . Harrison said he was aware of the award in the lawsuit but would not comment on it . Police also are aware of it , Glynn County Police Chief Matt Doering said , but he declined comment on whether it is being explored as a possible motive in the slayings . Watch hints of a possible motive '' Harrison said he last saw his client on Friday , as he was not required to appear with him to hear the charges read . The younger Heinze `` continues to deny any involvement in the murders and urges anyone with information to contact authorities , '' he said Tuesday . He described his client as `` not good , disappointed , upset , angry . '' Heinze called 911 to report the slayings , telling the dispatcher , `` My whole family","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- One of eight people killed in a southeast Georgia mobile home last month recently had been awarded $ 25,000 in a civil lawsuit , officials said . Guy Heinze Jr. faces eight counts of first-degree murder in last month 's killings in a Georgia mobile home . Guy Heinze Sr. , 46 , was granted the award by the McIntosh County , Georgia , Magistrate Court in a suit over a mobile home that he owned , court officials said . He had not received the money as the ruling was under appeal . Heinze was found dead August 29 in his Brunswick mobile home along with six others . An eighth person died later at a hospital . Police said all of the victims died from `` blunt force trauma , '' but they did not provide any further details . Heinze 's son , Guy Heinze Jr. , 22 , faces eight counts of first-degree murder in the deaths . Police suspect he acted alone , according to a statement from the Glynn County Police Department . The younger Heinze has made his initial court appearance via closed-circuit television from the Glynn County Detention"} +{"answer":"and Amanda Holden to their feet . `` This is how one song can change your life , '' Cowell told him . `` This may be the start of something special for you young man . '' Watch Shaheen Jafargholi perform on `` Britain 's Got Talent '' '' Writing in his blog for the show , Morgan said Jafargholi had been the stand-out act of the show and tipped him as a possible challenger to Boyle for the TV talent show 's # 100,000 -LRB- $ 146,000 -RRB- prize . `` Once Simon got him to sing the right kind of song for his voice , he was sensational . Like a young Stevie Wonder , '' Morgan said . In an interview for the show , Jafargholi said he had been singing since he was two years old . `` When I was a bit older my mum got me some singing lessons and my voice just got bigger and bigger , '' he said . `` Hopefully this is going to be my big break . '' Last week 's performance by Boyle , the 47-year-old with a Broadway voice who claimed to have never been","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Move over Susan Boyle . A week after the Scottish woman became a global sensation following a barnstorming audition on `` Britain 's Got Talent , '' a 12-year-old Welsh boy with a Motown voice has been hailed for his `` life-changing '' performance on the TV show after earning a standing ovation from Simon Cowell . Jafargholi impressed the `` Britain 's Got Talent '' judges with a rendition of `` Who 's Loving You . '' Shaheen Jafargholi 's prospects looked bleak when the infamously hard to impress Cowell brought the audition to an abrupt halt just one verse into his rendition of `` Valerie , '' the Zutons ' song covered by Amy Winehouse . `` You 've got this really wrong , '' Cowell told him . `` What do you sing apart from that ? '' Jafargholi instead offered to perform `` Who 's Loving You , '' written by Smokey Robinson and performed by a young Michael Jackson with the Jackson Five , bringing screams of delight from the audience as he launched into a note-perfect rendition that brought a beaming Cowell and fellow judges Piers Morgan"} +{"answer":", along with the city of San Francisco and gay rights groups . A lower court had ruled San Francisco acted illegally in issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples in 2004 . In its 4-3 ruling , the state Supreme Court called marriage a `` basic civil right . '' Opponents of same-sex marriage have said a constitutional marriage amendment should be placed on the November ballot , and that national efforts should be made to generate a federal marriage amendment . A constitutional amendment initiative that would specify marriage is only between a man and a woman is awaiting verification by the California Secretary of State 's office after its sponsors said they had gathered enough signatures to place it on a statewide ballot . Massachusetts legalized same-sex marriages in 2004 , and gay couples need not be state residents there to wed. . However , then-Gov . Mitt Romney resurrected a 1913 law barring non-resident marriages in the state if the marriage would be prohibited in the partners ' home state . Subsequent court and agency decisions have determined that only residents of Massachusetts , Rhode Island and New Mexico may marry in Massachusetts , unless the parties","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Same-sex couples in California may be able to obtain marriage licenses on June 17 , state officials said Wednesday . Marriage licenses for same-sex couples may be available in June , officials said . The California Supreme Court struck down the state 's ban on same-sex marriage as unconstitutional in a May 15 ruling , clearing the way for the state to become the second to legalize such marriages . The state Department of Public Health -- which serves as State Registrar and oversees vital records -- said in an announcement that June 16 is the last day the state Supreme Court can rule on any requests for re-hearing . It released new marriage license forms for counties to use beginning the following day . The new forms , which were also released , have lines for `` Party A '' and `` Party B. '' However , the `` general information '' page for California marriage licenses still stated as of Wednesday that `` only an unmarried male and an unmarried female may marry in California . '' The California Supreme Court issued the ruling in a consolidated case involving several gay and lesbian couples"} +{"answer":"`` so help me God . '' It is not constitutionally required , unlike in other federal oaths . Historians have been at odds over whether George Washington established precedent by invoking the phrase on his own at the first inaugural in 1789 . The Library of Congress Web site says he did . Most presidents have used the phrase . iReport.com : Your photos from the inauguration Inaugural officials and presidents or presidents-elect usually coordinate behind the scenes on whether the judge or government official administering the phrase will invoke it . Michael Newdow , supported by several groups including the American Humanist Association , claims in his lawsuit that `` so help me God '' violates the constitutional ban on government `` endorsement '' of religion . He asked a federal judge to intervene and block references of God or religion in the formal ceremonies . The lawsuit also opposes the traditional invocation and benediction to be delivered by pastors invited by Obama . `` There can be no purpose for placing ` so help me God ' in an oath or sponsoring prayers to God , other than promoting the particular point of view that God exists","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President-elect Barack Obama will invoke God when he takes the oath of office January 20 , despite a lawsuit filed by atheist and non-religious groups , according to an attorney for Chief Justice John Roberts , who will administer the oath . President-elect Barack Obama has asked to invoke the phrase `` so help me God '' at the end of his oath . The groups have sued in federal court to block any mention of God during the inaugural ceremonies . Roberts was among those named in the suit . However , Obama wishes to conclude the oath with the phrase `` so help me God , '' Jeffrey Minear , an attorney and administrative assistant for Roberts , told a federal court in documents Friday . The Constitution mandates the exact language to be used in the 35-word oath of office : `` I do solemnly swear -LRB- or affirm -RRB- that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States and will to the best of my ability preserve , protect and defend the Constitution of the United States . '' Some chief executives have embellished the oath with"} +{"answer":"as we fear , the food aid pipeline into Zimbabwe begins to fail in the new year the millions of people who rely on emergency food aid will suffer . '' Zimbabwe is facing its worst economic and humanitarian crisis since its independence from Great Britain 28 years ago . There is an acute shortage of all essentials such as cash , fuel , medical drugs , electricity and food . President Robert Mugabe blames the crisis on the sanctions imposed on him and his cronies by the West for allegedly disregarding human rights . But Mugabe 's critics attribute the crisis to his economic policies . As the economy has faltered for almost a decade now , a cholera epidemic is raging , fueled by the collapse of health , sanitation and water services in Zimbabwe . The epidemic has claimed more than 1,100 lives and infected more than 20,000 people since its outbreak in August . Health experts have warned that the water-borne disease could infect more than 60,000 unless its spread is halted . The political crisis rose to a boil in this year when the opposition party claimed that it won the presidential election , but","question":"HARARE , Zimbabwe -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Some of Zimbabwe 's children are '' wasting away '' as political turmoil and economic crisis have caused a severe food shortage , according to a report from Save the Children . Children sleep in rough conditions on the border between Zimbabwe and South Africa . The number of acute child malnutrition cases has risen by almost two-thirds in the past year , the report from the UK-based agency said in its appeal to world donors for help . `` There is no excuse for failing to provide this food , '' program director Lynn Walker said . `` The innocent people of Zimbabwe should not be made to suffer for a political situation that is out of their control . '' Five million Zimbabweans -- out of a population of about 12 million -- are in need of food aid now , the report said . The group is appealing for 18,000 tons of food for next month . `` We have already been forced to reduce the rations of emergency food we are delivering because there is n't enough to go around , '' the report said . `` If ,"} +{"answer":"program cost `` millions , '' a U.S. official said . It is not known how much Blackwater was paid . The company -- now known as Xe -- did not return CNN 's calls seeking comment . `` The program ebbed and flowed . There were different phases to it . There may have been different folks involved , '' the source said . U.S. officials have previously acknowledged that Panetta canceled the entire program this year when he learned of its full scope . At the time of the cancellation , officials said , renewal of the program was being considered . At that point , it had been brought to the new CIA director 's attention . Panetta canceled the effort in part because Congress had not been notified about it , officials said . Also , some in the intelligence community were worried there could be a diplomatic disaster if contractors were caught performing such work in foreign countries . Former CIA Director Michael Hayden , who ran the agency from 2006 to 2009 , downplayed the program during a speaking engagement in Washington . `` This was not a very prominent thing during my time","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Central Intelligence Agency hired the private security firm Blackwater USA in 2004 to work on a covert program aimed at targeting and potentially killing top al Qaeda leaders , according to a source familiar with the program . CIA Director Leon Panetta canceled the covert program this year when he learned of its full scope . The existence of the program , which began in 2001 , came to light earlier this year when CIA Director Leon Panetta canceled the effort , but it is only now that Blackwater 's involvement has become known . That development was first reported Thursday in The New York Times . The program was part of a broader effort inside the CIA to develop the capacity to conduct training , surveillance and possible covert operations overseas , according to the source . The program was outsourced to contractors to `` put some distance '' between the effort and the U.S. government . By mid-2006 , Blackwater 's involvement in the program had ended , according to a U.S. official . Other contractors were brought in for other parts of the program , another source said . The total"} +{"answer":", we will fight you because we want stability and peace in Pakistan , '' Qureshi said . `` You are on the run and we know that . We defeated you in Swat and Malakand . You think by attacking innocent people and lives you will shake our determination ? No , sir , you will not . '' The blast at the Meena Bazaar killed at least 90 people , most of them women , and injured more than 200 others , according to North West Frontier Province 's information minister . The market is a labyrinth of shops popular with women in the Peepal Mandi section of the city . The attack is the deadliest ever carried out in Peshawar , the capital of North West Frontier Province . Clinton arrived in Pakistan on Wednesday for a series of meetings with top Pakistani officials . Talking with reporters en route to the country , Clinton said she wants to `` turn the page '' on what has been , in the past few years , `` primarily a security-anti-terrorist agenda . '' `` We hold that to be extremely important , and it remains a very high","question":"Islamabad , Pakistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The militants behind Wednesday 's deadly strike on a Pakistani marketplace that killed at least 90 people -- most of them women -- are `` on the losing side of history , '' U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said at a joint news conference with her Pakistani counterpart . `` If the people behind the attacks were so sure of their beliefs let them join the political process , let them come forth to the people and make their case that they do n't want girls to go to school , that they want women to be kept back , that they believe they have all the answers , '' Clinton said in response to the car bombing in Peshawar . `` They know they are on the losing side of history but they are determined to take as many lives with them as their movement is finally exposed for the nihilistic , empty effort that it is . '' Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi also condemned the deadly attack , offering his condolences to the victims and their families and directly addressing the attackers . `` We will not buckle"} +{"answer":"at almost 92 percent capacity . Outside the United Kingdom , fans also stand to benefit from lower ticket prices . In the U.S. Major League Soccer side Kansas City Wizards recently announced they would drop ticket prices for the coming season . Wizards president Robb Heinemann was quoted in the Kansas City Star saying ; `` We understand these are tough economic times . '' Other countries in Europe have maintained lower prices in recent years , with single tickets available for about 10 Euros in club games in Italy and Germany . Tickets in Australia 's A-League tended to be cheaper yet , while South America and Africa\/Middle East remained the cheapest . In England 's League One and League Two competitions crowds had dropped more significantly . Dan Johnson of the Premier League told CNN the clubs cutting ticket prices were simply responding to the financial climate . `` Given the economic situation , there will be pressure on fans ' ability to spend and the clubs have acted accordingly . `` It 's a very real way that they can help at this time , '' Johnson said . Johnson said the drop in crowds this","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Football fans are set to benefit from the recession as clubs slash season ticket prices to keep supporters coming back . Some Premier League fans will save on season tickets after five clubs cut prices . Price cuts have been announced at five English Premier League clubs . Manchester City , Sunderland , Everton , Portsmouth and Newcastle United have cut prices , while five further clubs announced price freezes on their season tickets . Bolton dropped their season ticket prices last season . Manchester City have taken an average of seven percent off their prices , while at Everton the cheapest adult season ticket will now be # 399 -LRB- $ 550 -RRB- . At Sunderland under-16 season passes will be just # 1 -LRB- $ 1.39 -RRB- per home match for the 19 matches -LRB- # 19 -LSB- $ 26 -RSB- total -RRB- when purchased with an adult pass . The move comes amid a slight decline in Premiership football crowds this season . The average attendance at Premier League matches is down about 800 per match compared to the 2007\/2008 season -- however , on average the stadiums are still"} +{"answer":"of tires designed for the harsh winter conditions . All-Season vs. Winter Tires Rogers explained that all-season tires are a jack-of-all-trades but master of none . `` All-season tires are n't really tuned for any one area , and suffer from not being optimum for any one area because it is compromised to be capable in all areas , '' he said . He explained that winter tires -LRB- they 're just not for the snow -RRB- focus their attention on the exact conditions you 'll most likely be facing during the winter season . `` They key of a true winter tire 's capability is that you have a specialist , he said . `` A product that is designed to work the best in the cooler winter season temperatures , say below 45 degrees , a tread pattern and tread compound that are designed to take bites out of the snow and work well on packed snow and ice ; something that an all-season tired just is n't optimized to do . '' He explained that today 's winter tires have come a long way : `` They go beyond the deep aggressive lug ` snow ' tire","question":"-LRB- AOL AUTOS -RRB- -- I remember driving in eastern Pennsylvania one winter following my brother home on an hour-long trip . It had snowed earlier that morning , and by the time we got on the road the plows still had n't reached the back roads we were on . I was driving a front-wheel drive Acura Integra with all-season tires while he had a 4WD Grand Cherokee with the proper tires for the road conditions . The idea was that he 'd plow me a path to drive through as best as he could . We were just asking for something to go wrong . Not even a half hour into the drive home , I came around a corner too fast , briefly lost control and steered myself right into the front yard of a farmhouse . Luckily I did n't hurt myself or anyone else , but that day I learned what it meant not to have proper traction for the road conditions . Recently , I talked with Woody Rogers from The Tire Rack to learn about the differences between all-season tires and winter tires along with the basics to consider when purchasing a set"} +{"answer":"States made the magazine 's top five , too , with New Orleans , Louisiana coming in at No. 3 . Its murder rate is estimated as 67 per 100,000 by its police department and 95 per 100,000 by the FBI . Still , the rate in Caracas comes in far ahead of the following four murderous capitals . `` Caracas has become far more dangerous in recent years than any South American city , even beating out the once notorious Bogota , -LSB- Colombia -RSB- , '' Foreign Policy said . `` What 's worse , the city 's official homicide statistics likely fall short of the mark because they omit prison-related murders as well as deaths that the state never gets around to properly ` categorizing . ' `` The numbers also do n't count those who died while ` resisting arrest , ' suggesting that Caracas ' cops -- already known for their brutality against student protesters -- might be cooking the books , '' the magazine said . CNN affiliate Globovision TV reported this week that officials reported 510 killings in Caracas this month , capping a particularly brutal year . `` It 's shocking ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- At least 510 people were killed in Caracas , Venezuela , in December , giving support to a recent report that called the city the murder capital of the world . A chalk message reads No More Murders as a student protests killings in Caracas in this file photo . It 's against that backdrop that the country 's minister for Interior Relations and Justice announced efforts this week to combat crime in 2009 . Minister Tareck El Aissami said Monday he will form 50 community police units in Caracas and take other measures so that `` we can have in a short time a culture of peace , tranquility and calm for all the Venezuelan public . '' By all accounts , it will be a tall order . Foreign Policy magazine said in September that Caracas tops the list of five murder capitals of the world , with an official tally of 130 homicides per 100,000 residents . The city , which is Venezuela 's capital , has about 4 million inhabitants . Foreign Policy is owned by The Washington Post Co. and published by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace . The United"} +{"answer":"they should remain . '' `` You ca n't shop them around to another state , '' Price said . `` Virginia really had no choice but to enforce judgments and judicial orders from Vermont . '' Vermont is one of the few states that allow same-sex partners to enter into a civil union . Two years after Vermont recognized Miller and Jenkins ' relationship , Miller gave birth to a daughter , Isabella , conceived through artificial insemination . The relationship deteriorated , and Miller and the baby moved to Virginia . A Vermont court later granted Miller a dissolution of the civil union and granted custody of the child to her and visitation rights to Jenkins . Miller then asked the courts in Virginia -- which does not recognize same-sex unions or marriages -- to take jurisdiction of the dispute . A Virginia state judge eventually ruled that Jenkins had no `` parentage or visitation rights . '' The Virginia high court ruling Friday returned the case to Vermont 's control , meaning Jenkins can visit the girl , who is now 6 . Miller 's attorney , Mathew Staver , said he was `` disappointed the state","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A woman who helped raise a child with her female partner in Vermont before the pair split can visit the girl in Virginia even though that state does n't recognize same-sex unions , a court ruled Friday . Janet Jenkins with Isabella , the daughter she helped raise with former partner Lisa Miller . Virginia 's Supreme Court ruled that Janet Jenkins and Lisa Miller 's civil union in 2000 gave Vermont , and its law on same-sex unions , jurisdiction over their subsequent custody and visitation disputes . Miller moved to Virginia with the child in 2003 , and a Vermont court granted Jenkins visitation rights . But Miller took the case to a Virginia court , which ruled that Jenkins had no such rights there . The case was considered by legal experts to be the first conflict between two state courts over a major legal question arising from same-sex unions . Jenkins ' attorney , Joseph Price of the Washington law firm Arent Fox , said Friday 's ruling `` just affirms the old principle that when these kinds of custody and visitation disputes begin in one state , that 's where"} +{"answer":"proceeds from the sale of its U.S. pizza business to Nestle to increase the cash element of its Cadbury offer . Under Kraft 's offer of a partial cash alternative , Cadbury shareholders could receive cash as well as Kraft shares if they accept Kraft 's deal . `` Kraft Foods is doing this because of the desire expressed by some Cadbury security holders to have a greater proportion of the offer in cash , '' Kraft said in a statement . The maker of Jell-O , Cool Whip , Oreo cookies and Kraft Macaroni & Cheese also extended the Cadbury offer to February 2 . The original bid had expired Tuesday . Cadbury , which rejected Kraft 's previous two deals , rejected the new offer Tuesday . `` Kraft has once again missed the point , '' a Cadbury spokesman told CNN . `` Despite this tinkering , the Kraft offer remains unchanged and derisory , with less than half the consideration in cash . '' There had been rumors that Swiss firm Nestle , which already has a chocolate and confectionery unit , would step in and make its own offer for Cadbury . But Nestle put","question":"London , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Kraft 's fresh bid for suffered a double blow Tuesday as the improved offer was dismissed by the British candy company and criticized by billionaire investor Warren Buffett who controls an influential stake in the U.S. food giant . Buffett said he had voted against Kraft 's plan to issue new shares as part of a cash and stock offer worth approximately $ 16 billion , warning it would hurt shareholders , Fortune reported . Buffett 's Berkshire Hathaway company owns 138 million Kraft shares , making it the largest shareholder in the foodmaker with a 9.4 percent stake . But in a statement , he warned Kraft 's move for Cadbury risked undervaluing Kraft stock . `` Kraft stock , at its current price of $ 27 , is a very expensive ` currency ' to be used in an acquisition , '' Buffett said . `` In 2007 , in fact , Kraft spent $ 3.6 billion to repurchase shares at about $ 33 per share , presumably because the directors and management thought the shares to be worth more . '' Earlier , Illinois-based Kraft said it would use the"} +{"answer":"Assistance Program for Survivors , or TAPS , camp is a yearly tradition , a time for kids to play together and pay homage to their loved ones ' sacrifices . Watch as the children share losses and joy '' `` It 's just a great way to come and be together and acknowledge the loss , and learn coping mechanisms and ways to get through the loss , '' said Paul 's mother , Jackie . `` The kids , they love it . It 's just a great way they can talk about their dads but still have a great time and still just be together . '' TAPS is a nonprofit funded by private donations that has helped military families for 15 years . Families pay for their hotel rooms and a small registration fee for the camp . Donations usually cover the airfare . Military families often learn about the survivor camps in the casualty packet they receive when they are notified of a parent 's death . Each child at the camp gets assigned a military mentor who is at his or her side throughout the weekend . The mentors -- many of whom are","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In Paul Syverson 's photo album , there is only one family picture , taken right after his little sister was born . Paul , then 7 , and his father beam with an identical grin . Amy Syverson visits the Iwo Jima memorial with mentor Kohn Fisher as part of a camp for kids of fallen soldiers . Two months later , his father , Army Maj. Paul Syverson III , was killed in action in Balad , Iraq . Five years after his loss , the pain still reverberates with sickening suddenness . To help cope , Paul headed out to spend the Memorial Day weekend with a young military volunteer mentor instead of his dad . `` I try not to think about the bad stuff , '' Paul said . `` I just try to remember him as an awesome guy and what a great dad he was . '' Paul , 12 , and his sister , Amy , now a cheeky and rambunctious 5-year-old in pigtails , joined 350 other grieving children at a camp for military families in Washington this Memorial Day . For many , the Tragedy"} +{"answer":"a campaign visit to a family 's living room in Pomeroy , Ohio , in late February . Bryan Holman was hosting the candidate and told Clinton the story . She has repeated it frequently since then . As recently as Friday night in Grand Forks , North Dakota , Clinton said she was `` just aching inside '' as she was listening to the story . `` It is so wrong , in this good , great and rich country , that a young woman and her baby would die because she did n't have health insurance or a hundred dollars to get examined , '' she said . While Clinton never named the hospital in her speech , the woman she was referring to was treated at O'Bleness Memorial Hospital in Athens , Ohio . The hospital said the woman did indeed have insurance , and , at least at their hospital , she was never turned away . Hospital Chief Executive Officer Rick Castrop in a statement said , `` we reviewed the medical and patient accounts of the patient '' after she was named in a newspaper story about Clinton 's stump speech . `` There","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sen. Hillary Clinton will stop telling an emotional story about a uninsured pregnant woman who died after being denied medical care , Clinton 's campaign said . Sen. Hillary Clinton was repeating a story she heard from someone on the campaign trail . A hospital has raised questions over the accuracy of the story , and Clinton 's campaign has said although they had no reason to doubt the story , they were unable to confirm the details . In the story , Clinton describes a woman from rural Ohio who was making minimum wage at a local pizza shop . The woman , who was uninsured , became pregnant . Clinton said the woman ran into trouble and went to a hospital in a nearby county but was denied treatment because she could n't afford a $ 100 payment . In her speeches , Clinton said the woman later was taken to the hospital by ambulance and lost the baby . The young woman was then taken by helicopter to a Columbus hospital where she died of complications . Watch why the story is raising questions '' The New York senator heard the story during"} +{"answer":"Saturday at its headquarters that their troops would begin returning home within weeks . When family members inquired why soldiers were returning early , they were told by a military official : `` Basically , what 's happened ... is that the United States and Iraq have not come to an agreement , '' according to a CNN reporter who attended the meeting . Additionally , the brigade official told families : `` We were over there for a couple of missions . Those missions are finished . '' A U.S. military official in Iraq , speaking on condition of anonymity , confirmed to CNN Saturday the early withdrawal of this brigade , citing a number of possible reasons , including the lack of a deal on the legal immunity issue and the fact that the State Department is `` standing up '' its operations faster than expected . When the United States and Iraq agreed in 2008 to a withdrawal deadline , the two countries also signed off on a Strategic Framework Agreement that calls for a long-term bilateral relationship . As part of that agreement , the State Department is deploying thousands of workers to Iraq to take","question":"El Paso , Texas -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A brigade of U.S. troops originally scheduled to be among the very last to leave Iraq is being pulled out of the country months ahead of its planned departure , military officials said Saturday . The announcement follows news this month that a deal to keep American troops in Iraq past a December 31 , 2011 , deadline to withdraw was on shaky ground after Iraqi leadership said any remaining U.S. forces would not be granted immunity from Iraqi prosecution . Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and other top brass have repeatedly said any deal to keep U.S. troops in Iraq beyond the withdrawal deadline must require a guarantee of legal protection for American soldiers . The Fourth Brigade Combat Team , First Armored Division , based at Fort Bliss , deployed to Iraq in August to replace two withdrawing brigades . The troops were sent with the understanding they would be among the last to leave the country and were told to expect up to a 12-month deployment , though it was n't clear how long they would stay in Iraq . But brigade officials informed hundreds of military families gathered"} +{"answer":"not as yet produced any winners herself . Many successful racehorses fail to make an impact at stud . But Rimaud believes that the majestic thoroughbred has every chance of being a superior brood mare . `` It 's all in the blood . If the foal can get all of the qualities of each of his parents then that would be marvelous . But if he does just half of what they each did individually then I think he will still be pretty good . '' Despite his illustrious pedigree , experts are divided about the exact role that genetics plays in determining a future champion . Richard Piercy , a professor at the UK 's Royal Veterinary College , believes punters should n't be pinning their hopes on the `` superfoal '' just yet . `` Estimates that have been looked at from my research perspective to see how well performance can be inherited suggest that somewhere in the order of between 10-40 per cent of inheritance can come from the parents with regards to performance , '' said Piercy . `` But of course many other factors can relate to whether an animal can be successful or","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- `` Success breeds success . '' So reads the motto of Aga Khan Studs , one of the most formidable breeding operations anywhere in the world . It is at the Aga Khan 's vast stud in Normandy that one of the most eagerly-awaited births in the history of racing took place in February of this year when Zarkava , the winner of the 2008 Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe , gave birth to her foal by 2009 winner Sea the Stars . `` I 've rarely had that quality of stock to breed with , '' explains Georges Rimaud , stud manager to the Aga Khan . `` It 's not every year you get a female winner of the Arc and a stallion that is also a champion and that you have access to . We tend not to do this type of mating with an unproven horse , with an unproven mare , but we thought this really had to be done . '' Despite an undefeated racing career of seven wins over seven starts , including her magnificent Arc triumph , Zarkava is said to be `` unproven '' because she has"} +{"answer":"secretary . We can be confident , I always answered , that there will not be another Great Depression because policymakers have read financial histories like mine . At least that was my line until recently . Now I have stopped taking reporters ' calls . The first thing that made the Great Depression great , of course , was the Fed 's failure to act . It basically stood by as the banking system and the economy collapsed around it . This time , in contrast , the Fed can hardly be criticized for inaction . Not only has it cut rates , but it has rolled out one new unprecedented initiative after another . Unfortunately , it has reacted more than acted . First , it provided funds to the commercial banks . Then , it targeted broker-dealers . Now , it is desperately propping up the commercial paper market . All the while however , the problem has been infecting new parts of the financial system . One thing that restrained the Fed in the 1930s was the fear that rate cuts might cause capital to flee to other countries and the dollar to crash . The","question":"Editor 's Note : Barry Eichengreen is George C. Pardee and Helen N. Pardee Professor of Economics and Political Science at the University of California , Berkeley . He is the author of `` Golden Fetters : the Gold Standard and the Great Depression , 1919-1939 . '' Barry Eichengreen says strong action should be taken to stop the financial crisis from getting worse . BERKELEY , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Every time the economy and stock market turn down , financial historians get predictable calls from reporters . Could this be the start of another Great Depression ? Could `` it '' possibly happen again ? My stock answer has always been no . The Great Depression resulted from a series of economic and financial shocks -- the end of a housing bubble in 1926 and the end of a high-tech bubble in 1929 -- but also from truly breathtaking neglect and incompetence on the part of policymakers . It could n't happen again precisely because policymakers know this history . Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke is a student of the Great Depression . Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson remembers the mistakes of Andrew Mellon , Herbert Hoover 's treasury"} +{"answer":"us ... a valuable prey : Americans , and from the CIA . '' The video opens with a montage of images -- including clips of torture and meetings of world leaders , such as former President George W. Bush with Jordan 's King Abdullah and President Obama . A narrator criticizes the `` infidel West , '' and talks of crimes against Muslims . Al-Balawi then appears on the video , vowing to bring down the CIA and saying how he deceived Jordanian officials into believing he worked for them . `` Look , this is for you , '' he says to the camera , while sitting in a vehicle . `` It 's not a watch . It 's a detonator to kill as many as I can , God willing . '' Later in the video , al-Balawi gives an interview to As-Sahab Media , the production wing of al Qaeda . He says he had tried to join `` jihad '' in Iraq after the start of the U.S.-led war there . He began to write on online forums about jihad , he tells an unidentified interviewer in a room . He says he found","question":"Kabul , Afghanistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The man believed to be the suicide bomber who killed seven CIA employees and contractors last year appears in a newly released video , claiming to have tricked Jordanian intelligence officers as a double agent . The 43-minute video , posted on various Islamic radical Web sites Saturday , shows Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi , whom a former U.S. intelligence official identified as the suicide bomber . Family members have said that the man in the video , who uses the alias Abu Dajana Al-Khorasani , is al-Balawi . A much shorter version of the video was posted online in January . The December 30 bombing at a U.S. base in Khost , in southeastern Afghanistan , killed seven CIA operatives and a Jordanian army captain . The video posted Saturday is dated `` Safar 1431 '' on the lunar calendar , which includes any day between January 16 , 2010 and February 13 , 2010 . In the video , al-Balawi says killing the CIA team was n't part of the initial plan . `` We planned for something but got a bigger gift -- a gift from God -- who brought"} +{"answer":"had contact with several other women while they were together . `` I 've never been a big fan of the holiday , '' Sullivan says . `` But now I typically refer to it as Black Monday ... '' Watch whether romance is still alive '' Good times , bad times Sullivan is n't alone in dreading Valentine 's Day . Thanks to super-sized expectations and over-the-top commercialization , February 14 has gone from a sentimental aside to a pressure-filled gauntlet lined with chocolate boxes , tennis bracelets and cheesy stuffed bears . See where the love dollars go '' `` The holiday 's designed to make you feel -LRB- bad -RRB- , '' says Judy McGuire , author of `` How Not to Date . '' `` If you 're in a relationship , it 's never anything that it 's supposed to be . And if you 're single , you feel like a big loser because you do n't have anybody . I think people should lower Valentine 's Day expectations to pretty much nil . That way , anything that happens is good . '' Brian Wise , a 32-year-old technical writer from Seattle has","question":"-LRB- LifeWire -RRB- -- For some , Valentine 's Day can be heavenly . For others , it 's just plain hell . Take Felicia Sullivan , of Brooklyn . Four years ago , she and her live-in boyfriend -- the guy she thought she would marry -- were having a pre-Valentine 's Day brunch when Sullivan leaned over and whispered a few sweet nothings in his ear . `` I said , ` I 'm so happy to know that you 're the one for me . Are n't you glad to know I 'm the one for you ? ' '' says Sullivan , 32 , who works in marketing . `` And there was this silence . And then he was , like , ' I know you 're the one for me now . But can you give me until summer to make a final decision ? ' '' Aghast at his response , Sullivan quickly broke things off -- but she could n't move until she found a new apartment . Home alone on February 14 in the apartment they shared , she decided to snoop through her ex-boyfriend 's e-mail and discovered he 'd"} +{"answer":". The couple is elated to be closing next month on their first home in St. Paul , thanks to the troubled economy . De Vore and Kohan first told their story on CNN 's iReport.com . Share your economic survivor story with CNN . The timing could n't have been better for the couple to purchase a modest three-bedroom , one-story stucco house . De Vore and Kohan locked into a historically low mortgage rate of 4.9 percent this month . The couple selected a foreclosed home , slashing nearly $ 20,000 off the final price . `` We would n't have been able to buy this house if the economy were n't the way it is , '' said De Vore , 25 , who works in the financial aid office at a private college in St. Paul . `` We were in the perfect position . '' There were more than 300,000 foreclosure filings reported nationwide in December , marking a 17 percent increase from the previous month and a 41 percent increase from December 2007 , according to RealtyTrac , a foreclosure listing service . Meanwhile , unemployment continues to climb to rates unseen in decades","question":"Editor 's note : This story is part of an ongoing series of profiles CNN is doing about economic survival in this time of financial crisis . Married couple Lindsay De Vore and Eliot Kohan on their delayed honeymoon to Orlando , Florida . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- At age 23 and fresh out of college , Eliot Kohan was diagnosed with an aggressive form of leukemia . He was told he had four months to live . He survived . But the disease left him and his wife , Lindsay De Vore , who live in St. Paul , Minnesota , saddled with thousands of dollars of medical bills on top of their student loans and daily expenses . But their struggles taught them an important lesson in saving money . `` When you have medical issues , it 's easy to spiral into some sort of depression , '' the 26-year-old a technology analyst for a private contracting company in St. Paul said . `` My goal was to keep moving forward . I wanted to create some stability for our us . '' All of that hard work saving for the past few years has paid off"} +{"answer":"they bought a ranch house in Harwood and converted it into a shelter . Eventually , Bob and Katherine left their government jobs to work at the shelter full time . They now work seven days a week , morning through night , caring for their cats and dogs . `` Now we 're doing adoptions , we 're doing search and rescue , we 're helping people out with spay and neuters , and we 're helping out other animal controls with animals that they ca n't place , but think deserve a shot at a life , '' Katherine said . The Rudes originally planned on keeping the shelter on one floor , and living in the rest of the house . But they quickly found that many of the cats required full-time care , so they expanded the shelter throughout their home . `` We still have a bedroom that 's sort of ours , but we share it with a bunch of special-needs animals . We have anywhere from two or three dogs and 10 to 12 cats that share a bed with us , '' Bob says . The extra space has allowed the Rudes","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Thanks to dedicated people like Bob and Katherine Rude , many homeless animals in Maryland will have a warm home this winter . Bob and Katherine Rude run an animal shelter out of their home in Harwood , Maryland . The Maryland couple currently cares for 116 cats and six dogs at Rude Ranch Animal Rescue , which they run out of their home in Harwood . `` We take in a lot of abused and neglected animals ; animals that for whatever reason find themselves down on their luck , '' Katherine said . It all started a decade ago when the couple found a group of cats in an alley behind a restaurant . They began working with other organizations to help place the cats , but quickly realized that they could do more . See how 100 cats live in one house '' `` The more we got involved , and the more we found out about the world of animal rescue , the more we found out there was a lot more need . ... We felt we could fill a void , '' Katherine said . A few years later ,"} +{"answer":"problem by slashing U.S. interest rates twice in the past eight days to three percent . Gulf States with currencies linked to the U.S. dollar were under pressure to follow suit . Qatar reduced its deposit rate to 3.5 percent , but left its lending rate at 5.5 percent . Liz Martins , Head of MENA , Business Monitor International says Qatar is facing a serious problem . `` You 've huge a amount of monetary easing and if you think that that 's not even going to feed through properly for six to nine months then , you 've got a really dangerous inflationary outlook , '' she says . `` The only policy option really that they have is to revalue the exchange rate . '' Kuwait did just that in May , ditching the dollar-peg for a basket of currencies , and speculation is growing that other GCC -LRB- Gulf Cooperation Council -RRB- countries will do the same . Tristan Cooper , Vice President and Senior Analyst at Moody 's Middle East , says the argument for revaluation is becoming more convincing . `` The economic justification for revaluation is growing stronger as inflation multiplies and the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Amid all the talk about storm clouds gathering over the U.S. economy , it 's easy to forget there are other places in the world where the sun is still shining . A shortage of housing is contributing to an inflation rate of almost 14 percent in Qatar Take Qatar , for example ; a small emirate in the Gulf whose economy is booming . When the final figures come in , Qatar 's economy is expected to have grown 17.8 percent in 2007 . Qatar National Bank predicts growth to slow in 2008 , but at 16.5 percent who could complain ? Well , consumers for one . While growth has steamed ahead , so has inflation . At the end of 2007 , Qatar 's official inflation rate was nearing 14 percent -- the highest in the region . Three major factors are contributing to Qatar 's soaring inflation rate : High levels of government spending ; growing demand for housing , which is pushing up house prices and rent , and the riyal 's peg with the dollar , which is pushing down interest rates . The U.S. Federal Reserve exacerbated the latter"} +{"answer":", police said . The six alleged victims -- all now adults -- came to law enforcement authorities with stories of sexual performances , mock weddings , rape with various objects and a forced abortion during their childhoods , according to court documents obtained by CNN affiliate KSHB in Kansas City . CNN does not identify alleged sexual assault victims . Police did not have enough to charge Darrel Mohler earlier , but after examining the victims ' statements , obtained enough information to charge him , Alumbaugh said . He added that he does not think Darrel is on the run . Darrel Mohler , 72 , is the younger brother of Burrell Edward Mohler Sr. , 77 , according to KSHB . On Tuesday , authorities arrested Mohler Sr. and his sons Burrell Edward Mohler Jr. , 53 ; David A. Mohler , 52 ; Jared Leroy Mohler , 48 ; and Roland Neil Mohler , 47 . More charges against the family members are expected next week , the sheriff said . Current charges for some of the arrested include rape , deviate sexual assault and use -LSB- of -RSB- child in sexual performance , according to","question":"Lexington , Missouri -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Police arrested a sixth member of a Missouri family under investigation for allegations of child sexual abuse , police said . Darrel Mohler has been charged with two counts of rape , Lafayette County Sheriff Kerrick Alumbaugh said at a news conference . Missouri police did not have Mohler in custody earlier . On the request of Missouri officials , Marion County authorities went to Mohler 's home in Silver Springs , Florida , and caught him just before he pulled into the driveway , according to a news release from the Marion County Sheriff 's Office . He was subsequently arrested . Mohler told police he `` was aware of what was going on in Missouri , '' and that he had not been there since the 1980s , according to the sheriff 's office . Five members of the Mohler family of Lafayette County , Missouri , were arrested earlier this week after six alleged victims , who are relatives of the five suspects , made accusations of sexual abuse . A sixth person , described as an `` associate '' of the family , was arrested Thursday but released Friday"} +{"answer":"ELN force . Both FARC and ELN are on the European Union 's list of groups and individuals believed linked to terrorism . `` I will ask Europe to remove the ELN and the FARC from the list of terrorist groups in the world , because that only has one source : the pressure of the United States , '' Chavez said . He argued , `` I say this even though somebody might be bothered by it : the FARC and the ELN are not terrorist groups . They are armies , real armies ... that occupy a space in Colombia . '' He added that the two groups ' `` insurgent forces '' have a goal , `` a project , '' that is `` Bolivarian '' and that `` we respect . '' Chavez said his nation is committed to bringing about peace in Colombia , a task that means `` we must continue to work at the various levels '' with FARC and ELN . `` No one should be bothered by it . It is absolutely essential to do so . Who can think of the possibility of a peace accord when there is no","question":"CARACAS , Venezuela -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez called Friday for Europe to remove from its list of terrorist organizations two Colombian groups -- including FARC , the group that freed two hostages Thursday in a mission Chavez organized . During his televised State of the Union speech , Chavez -- an outspoken enemy of the Bush administration -- insisted Europe includes the two groups on its terror list only because of `` pressure '' from the United States , which also names them on its list of foreign terrorist organizations . `` I request from the governments of the continent that they will remove the FARC and the ELN , '' Chavez said . FARC , the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia , has been blamed for numerous attacks and holds about 750 hostages , according to Colombian government estimates . ELN , the National Liberation Army , the second-largest rebel group in Colombia , also is blamed for killings , kidnappings , and other attacks . This week the Colombian government announced the capture of Carlos Marin Guarin , known by the alias `` Pablito , '' alleged to have commanded roughly half the"} +{"answer":"less than 20 years ago , refused to even acknowledge any of their citizens were intellectually disabled . At the time , former Prime Minister Li Peng was quoted as saying , `` Mentally retarded people give birth to idiots . '' `` There 's a long way to go -- there 's a long way . But the good news is we 're moving , '' says Tim Shriver , chairman of the Special Olympics . China 's transformation is so far mostly from the top down , beginning with no less than President Hu Jintao whose presence at the Opening Ceremony was particularly notable . See photos of the opening ceremony '' Also notable was the president 's visit to one of Shanghai 's `` Sunshine Homes '' this month . The shelters are a direct result of this city winning the rights five years ago to host the Special Olympics . Back then , officials quickly realized their treatment of the city 's 70,000 mentally disabled was woefully inadequate . Now there are 240 Sunshine Homes spread across this sprawling city , caring for about 15,000 of those most in need , like 25-year-old Chen Xiaohan .","question":"SHANGHAI , China -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Natalie Williams , a 21-year-old Special Olympics basketball player from Kentucky , says she 's never really been treated like a true athletic star . But that was before she came to the Games in China , which has undergone a major change in its treatment of the mentally disabled . Hong Kong 's Special Olympics team marches into the stadium during last week 's opening ceremony . `` They are able to accept special needs people in a way that maybe some other countries do not , '' Williams says . Last week , organizers rolled out the red carpet for athletes arriving at the Special Olympics in Shanghai , China . Never before in the 39-year history of the Special Olympics has there been such an extravagant , star-studded opening ceremony . And everywhere in this city , there are billboards with the smiling faces of the mentally disabled promoting the Games . China spent millions ensuring the 7,500 competitors are cared for -- and more importantly accepted . Watch ` This is a highlight to their lives ' '' That 's quite a turnaround for a country whose leadership ,"} +{"answer":"down together for the first time in history . Ruby Dean Dupree Mayes arrived two hours early for the festivities . She did n't sleep the night before . `` It 's like waiting for Santa Claus to arrive . I 'm so excited , '' said Mayes , who drove more than 330 miles from Tennessee to attend . Mayes went to Ballard-Hudson High , the city 's black high school , whose most famous students include singers Otis Redding and Little Richard . She came this day `` to celebrate and commemorate . '' `` I could not pass this event up , '' she said . `` I never dreamed of this moment -- just the realization of knowing that we had come together , at last . '' As the 1959 graduates arrived , they welcomed one another . Many first greeted people of their own race . Some had n't seen particular classmates in the 50 years since they earned their diplomas . Gradually , they began mixing and mingling . There was a commonality -- a need to come together for their children , their grandchildren and the generations to follow . Discuss the","question":"Macon , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Bettye Webb-Hayes wo n't ever forget the day her son posed a question that stopped her in her tracks . `` Mom , '' the fourth-grader asked , `` am I white ? '' It was a question she had never asked her own parents . It was something you did n't talk about in the days of the segregated South -- especially when your mom was white and your father was a mix of African-American and Native American . She went to the black schools of Macon , Georgia . Now , her son was asking probing questions . `` Why would you ask me that ? '' she said . `` Because everybody at school calls me a honky , '' said the young Cordell , a light-skinned African-American . Twenty-seven years have passed since that conversation . Bettye and her son recently traveled back to Macon to face something that 's been omnipresent their whole lives : the coming together of white and black . They returned for a one-of-a-kind 50th high school gathering . The classes of 1959 , once segregated by race as well as gender , sat"} +{"answer":"a fierce shot . Visitors Hamburg were still missing their new signing Ruud van Nistelrooy through injury and could create little up front . In Sunday 's other game , Hanover continued their slump with a ninth defeat in a row as defending champions Wolfsburg secured a 1-0 away victory . Bosnian midfielder Zvjezdan Misimovic scored the only goal of the match for Wolfsburg to complete a fine week which saw them progress to the last 16 of the Europa League on Thursday . In the Scottish League , Rangers all but sealed the title with a last-gasp 1-0 win over 10-man Celtic in the Old Firm derby . Rangers ' American substitute Maurice Edu struck in injury time to send the defending champions 10 points clear with a game in hand over their nearest rivals . Celtic captain Scott Brown was sent off in the second half but they looked set to hold out for a point until Edu scored with the last kick of the game . In the Spanish Primera , the battle for third place intensified as nine-man Valencia lost 4-1 at Athletico Madrid . David Silva grabbed the opener on 20 minutes but Valencia defender","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- French star Franck Ribery scored the only goal of Sunday 's match as Bayern Munich went to the top of the Bundesliga with a home win over fourth-placed SV Hamburg . It ended a long wait for the Bavarian giants who have not headed the German standings since winning the title in 2008 . Their poor form last season led to the departure of former Germany coach Juergen Klinsmann , but his replacement Louis van Gaal has also been under pressure after a slow start to the current campaign . But since the midwinter break , Bayern have returned to winning ways and have been level on points with leaders Bayer Leverkusen , who had a better goal difference . Leverkusen 's 0-0 draw at home to Cologne on Saturday extended their unbeaten Bundesliga run to a record 24 games , but left the door ajar for Bayen to take advantage . Their three-point haul on Sunday gives them a two-point cushion at the top but it was not until the 78th minute that they made the breakthrough with a fine goal from Ribery . The influential playmaker left Hamburg goalkeeper Wolfgang Hesl no chance with"} +{"answer":"the cemetery , security forces used tear gas to clear the area of demonstrators and mourners . A witness said riot police and Basij militia were at the scene , but the confrontations with people in the crowd involved the militia . Watch a report on the memorial clashes '' The witness spotted instances of the baton-wielding militia charging the gathering , and said as many as nine beatings were seen . Other people appeared to have been beaten as they ran from police , the witness said . One of the mourners had a bloody head and one woman said she was struck on the back of the neck . One security force member sustained some sort of injury to the head and was bloodied . It is unclear exactly how that person was injured . A confrontation between women protesters and police also was seen . The women shouted , `` Do n't beat up our young people . You , our Muslim brothers . It is a shame to beat up our young people . '' The crowd chanted `` Ya Hossein , Mir Hossein , '' the first a reference to the revered Shiite imam and","question":"TEHRAN , Iran -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Security forces in Iran on Thursday confronted thousands of protesting Iranians across the city , first at a cemetery and later at a prayer venue and near a government building , witnesses and news reports said . Mourners gather around the grave of Neda Agh-Soltan in Beheshte Zahra Cemetery . Clashes erupted at the cemetery as two of Iran 's main opposition leaders tried to join the several thousand people at a memorial for the slain woman who became the symbol of Iran 's post-election violence , witnesses said . The gathering was banned , but participants ignored the government strictures . However , security forces barred opposition leaders Mir Hossein Moussavi and Mehdi Karrubi from the gravesite of Neda Agha-Soltan , the 26-year-old woman shot in election protests on June 20 , witnesses and news reports said . More than 3,000 people were gathered at Agha-Soltan 's grave , a witness said . Mourners arrived on the religiously significant 40th day after the fatal shooting in Tehran . For Iranians , a predominantly Shiite Muslim population , the 40th day after a death marks the last official day of mourning . At"} +{"answer":"nomination from Clinton , the candidate favored by the Democratic establishment . This is a nice story , but it is not completely true . For one thing , Clinton actually defeated Obama in the popular vote . Still , one has to be careful not to read too much into this , since Clinton 's very narrow lead depends on counting votes from Michigan . Because Michigan refused to abide by Democratic Party rules when scheduling its primary , Obama had pulled his name off that state 's ballot . It does not really matter who won the popular vote , however , because the Democratic Party does not select its nominee only through a direct election . To become the party 's standard-bearer , a candidate must capture the votes of a majority of the more than 4,000 delegates who are selected to attend the party 's national convention . Although delegates are awarded in part based on the votes that they receive , neither Clinton nor Obama captured enough delegates through their primary and caucus showings to secure the nomination . Indeed , in 2008 , Democratic Party rules made such a feat almost impossible . Unlike","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Are Democrats beginning to reconsider their vote in the 2008 Democratic primary ? With the nation 's economy -- and arguably its politics -- in shambles , it is not very surprising to find in a recent Bloomberg poll that 34 % of respondents think it would have been better for the country if Hillary Clinton had n't lost the battle for the Democratic nomination to Barack Obama . A CNN poll released last week put Clinton 's favorability rating at a tremendous 69 % . Perhaps no one is questioning the 2008 results more than Democratic politicians who must face the voters next year . Right now , it looks like President Obama , rather than offering coattails to those below him on the ticket , may instead be serving up an anchor . This is ironic , when you look back at what actually happened during the Democrats ' 2008 primary , and at who made Obama the party 's nominee . It is often assumed that Barack Obama used his gifts as an orator and his aspirational rhetoric to energize young and minority voters in a way that allowed him to wrest the"} +{"answer":"special conservation treatment as a result , and sought expert medical opinion , '' she said in a statement on York University 's Web site . A sophisticated CT scanner at York Hospital was then used to produce startlingly clear images of the skull 's contents . Philip Duffey , Consultant Neurologist at the Hospital said : `` I 'm amazed and excited that scanning has shown structures which appear to be unequivocally of brain origin . I think that it will be very important to establish how these structures have survived , whether there are traces of biological material within them and , if not , what is their composition . '' Dr Sonia O'Connor , Research Fellow in Archaeological Sciences at the University of Bradford added : `` The survival of brain remains where no other soft tissues are preserved is extremely rare . This brain is particularly exciting because it is very well preserved , even though it is the oldest recorded find of this type in the UK , and one of the earliest worldwide . '' According to York University , the find is the second major discovery during archaeological investigations on the site of","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Archaeologists have discovered what they say is the oldest surviving human brain in Britain , dating back at least 2,000 years to the Iron Age . A representation of the skull generated from the CT scans taken at York Hospital . The remains of the brain were found in a skull unearthed during excavations at York University in northern England , a statement from the university said Friday . The dig site was described by investigators from York Archaeological Trust as being in an extensive prehistoric farming landscape of fields , track ways and buildings dating back to at least 300 BC . They believe the skull , which was found on its own in a muddy pit , may have been a ritual offering . Rachel Cubitt , who was taking part in the dig , described how she felt something move inside the cranium as she cleaned the soil-covered skull 's outer surface . Peering through the base of the skull , she spotted an unusual yellow substance . `` It jogged my memory of a university lecture on the rare survival of ancient brain tissue . We gave the skull"} +{"answer":"from 2006 , when 216 pubs closed ; and 2005 , when just more than 100 closed down . The advocacy groups , however , say the ban may be just one of many factors shutting pub doors . Watch more on the decline of British pubs '' Pub owners -- landlords , as they 're called in Britain -- are turning in their leases for a variety of reasons . Some say it 's hard to compete with cheap alcohol sold at supermarkets , a trend increasing amid the credit crunch . Others feel they could make more money operating as a wine bar or cafe . Patrons say two things in particular have had an impact on the decline of pubs -- one being the smoking ban . Those who used to enjoy a smoke along with their pint now must smoke outside , and many pubs -- particularly in urban areas -- have little space or shelter on the sidewalk . CAMRA says , however , that the effects of the smoking ban , introduced just halfway into 2007 , are `` not yet fully evident . '' Pubgoers were also turned off by a boost to","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- British people love pubs -- so much , in fact , that a recent survey found that they cherish only fish and chips and the Queen more . A combination of factors including the smoking ban , higher taxes and cheap supermarket alochol are hurting pubs . Yet this enduring icon of British culture is under threat after having flourished for hundreds of years . Recent surveys found that more British pubs are closing than ever before -- victims of an indoor smoking ban , higher taxes and food prices , and changing times . Tuesday marks one year since England followed Wales , Scotland , and Northern Ireland to ban indoor smoking at pubs , restaurants and bars . Some feared that would mark the death of the traditional British pub in all its smoky glory -- and they were quick to blame the ban when surveys found the pub numbers in sharp decline . Those findings , released in March by the British Beer and Pub Association and CAMRA , the Campaign for Real Ale , showed that more than 1,400 pubs closed in 2007 . That 's a sharp increase"} +{"answer":"in prison . Then the full-bearded Mohammed , dressed in an orange jailhouse jumpsuit , addressed the judge . With tears streaming down his face , and choking back his words , he begged for only one or two years . `` I have little children and a woman . They depend on me , '' Mohammed began . `` I 'm so worried about them . '' His lengthy emotional appeal went on to include his reason for selling opium . `` In my village that 's how you have to make a living . There is no house there without opium , '' he said . Justice Department prosecutor Matthew Stiglitz , however , urged the court to `` send a message of deterrence , '' and warned against `` the confluence of drug trafficking and terrorism . '' `` No , he 's not the Osama bin Laden of terrorism . No , he 's not the Pablo Escobar of the drug world , '' Stiglitz told the judge . `` But this is where the rubber meets the road . '' Bin Laden is the head of al Qaeda , while Escobar , who died in","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A distraught , sobbing Afghan Taliban member begged the court for mercy , but got none as an unmoved federal judge here Monday handed down maximum life sentences for convictions on drug trafficking and narco-terrorism charges . A guard watches over a pile of burning drugs in Kabul , Afghanistan , on June 25 , 2008 . Khan Mohammed , 38 , of Nangarhar Province became the first person convicted and sentenced in the United States under a 2006 law that increased the penalty for a defendant found to be involved with terrorism and distributing illegal drugs . Mohammed , who had been extradited from Afghanistan , was convicted by a jury in May of plotting a rocket attack on U.S. military forces and Afghan civilians at Jalalabad Airfield . He also was found guilty of distributing between $ 1 million and $ 3 million worth of heroin into the United States `` to kill Americans as part of a jihad . '' Mohammed 's court-appointed lawyer , conceding that `` what he did was wrong , '' urged U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly to be lenient and sentence his client to only 20 years"} +{"answer":"to the care received weeks or even months later . `` We want to make it harder to make a mistake , '' Dr. Peter Berger , Homicz 's cardiologist , said after the procedure . Watch more on Geisinger 's approach to health care '' Berger has a 40-item checklist covering steps before , during and after the procedure , including checking whether the catheterization is really needed to ensuring he has the right patient on the table . Berger , who is also the system 's director of clinical research , says patients and doctors both benefit from this type of medicine . `` Every study that has been done has shown that doctors and health care systems are n't as good at administering all of the things a patient needs as we ought to be , '' Berger says . `` There are so many watchful eyes on the patient . All members of the team have an assigned responsibility , and we are all making sure we all do our job . I absolutely think that the patients benefit from that kind of approach . '' Leading up to Homicz 's catheterization and during the procedure","question":"DANVILLE , Pennsylvania -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When Joseph Homicz 's doctor found what could be dangerous blockages of the arteries , he ordered catheterization , a common procedure in which tubes are inserted into the body to check the blood flow . Dr. Peter Berger , far right , has a 40-item checklist covering steps before , during and after a procedure . But Homicz 's treatment was not quite ordinary because he was sent to a cardiologist working at Geisinger Health System in Danville , Pennsylvania . Geisinger , which operates hospitals , community clinics and its own insurance company , is enacting what some consider radical ideas to improve patient care and lower costs . It 's a system that President Obama has billed as one of the nation 's `` islands of excellence . '' Homicz 's procedure was part of the Proven Care program , in which all of a patient 's medical professionals work together to ensure no mistakes are made . It is everyone 's job to make sure any errors are caught , and doctors are graded on the entire treatment a patient receives from the time of diagnosis through an operation"} +{"answer":"wind patterns , making it unpredictable , officials said . See images of the wildfire '' `` This fire is headed just about anywhere it wants to right now , '' said Dietrich , who earlier said the blaze had `` a mind of its own . '' Fire officials said Monday they had issued evacuation notices for residents of the 10,000 homes under threat . Nearly 100 homes were added to the notices Monday afternoon . But six people in the evacuation area had refused repeated requests to leave , said Commander David Fender , the Los Angeles County Sheriff 's Department 's incident commander . `` There 's six individuals , they 're up there , they 've been asked to leave three times , '' Fender said . `` They refuse to leave . That 's their choice . '' Earlier reports indicated the six were trapped at their Gold Canyon ranch and firefighters were unable to reach them , but Fender said he had no indication that was true . `` They 've all shared that they do not want to leave , '' he said . The fire claimed the lives of two firefighters Sunday","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Bone-dry conditions in an area that has not seen a major fire in more than 60 years pushed a Southern California wildfire from 45,000 acres to more than 100,000 acres in a matter of hours Monday , fire officials said . A charred fire truck sits at the bottom of a hill Monday near Acton , California . Two firefighters died in the vehicle . The Station fire , burning in Angeles National Forest north of Los Angeles , has forced thousands of evacuations and threatened thousands of structures -- including major communications installations on Mount Wilson , said Mike Dietrich , the U.S. Forest Service 's incident commander . `` This is a very difficult firefight , '' Dietrich said . `` This is a very angry fire that we 're fighting right now . Until we can get a change in weather conditions , I 'm not overly optimist . '' Weather forecasts show little change in conditions for the next four to five days . The fire , which has sent plumes of thick smoke spiraling as much as 20,000 feet into the air , is creating its own"} +{"answer":"renters . About 40 percent of people facing eviction from foreclosure in the United States are renters , according to the National Low Income Housing Coalition -LSB- NLIHC -RSB- . Yet regulations on the rental industry vary by state , and often there are no protections for those living in rental properties . For Stephens , the ordeal started with bad news from her landlord . `` My landlord came and told me that his property was being foreclosed on , '' Stephens said . She moved her children , one then a newborn and the other two under 7 , to a cheaper rental but had to leave there , too , when she lost her job and then her new landlord decided to sell the property . Watch more about the ordeals of some renters '' `` I had to hold back my tears because I 'm like , oh my goodness . I 'm from a middle-class family . ... I 've had the best of everything , '' said Stephens . `` I 've never been in a situation where I did n't have a place to live . I made the money . '' While","question":"RICHMOND , Virginia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Maria Stephens barely flinches when her three rambunctious young sons strike up a baseball game in her living room . `` I thought you boys were going to play in the front yard , '' she laughs while Christian , 2 , swings a black plastic bat near the kitchen table . Maria Stephens went from making $ 80,000 a year to being homeless with three boys to care for . It 's hard to imagine all that energy cooped up in the small room where Stephens and her children spent seven months last year -- in a homeless shelter . Stephens , a mortgage underwriter who made $ 80,000 a year , faced a reversal of fortune so swift and devastating she still ca n't quite fathom it . The single mom went from paying $ 1,900 a month in rent to bunking at the shelter , an unexpected victim in the foreclosure crisis . And she is not alone . While the foreclosure rate across the country has grown dramatically in recent months , often lost in the statistics are numbers of Americans made homeless through no fault of theirs --"} +{"answer":"acres burned in the `` Brevard Complex '' fire near Palm Bay , on Florida 's Atlantic Coast just south of Daytona Beach . That series of fires is about 75 percent contained and is expected to be fully contained on Tuesday , the National Interagency Fire Center said Sunday . Learn how wildfires spread \u00c2 '' Last week , Florida authorities charged a suspect , Brian Crowder , with arson in connection with some of the fires in Palm Bay . Watch the suspect 's ` perp walk ' \u00c2 '' The Brevard County fires have destroyed about 22 homes and structures , and damaged another 160 homes . Damage totals more than $ 9 million , officials said . A 19,000-acre fire near Clewiston , Florida , on the south end of Lake Okeechobee , is about 50 percent contained , the fire center said Sunday . And a 1,300-acre fire north of Apalachicola in the Florida Panhandle was 80 percent contained by Sunday , it said . Last week , U.S. Navy officials said a Navy jet sparked a 257-acre forest fire in the Ocala National Forest in the north-central part of the state . The jet","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Almost 33,000 acres of the Everglades National Park were burning Sunday , fire officials said , the latest in a series of wildfires that have scorched parts of Florida in May . Smoke obscures the flames Sunday in the Everglades National Park . The smoke cast a haze over parts of South Florida , including Miami , prompting a dense smoke advisory from the National Weather Service . The fire , which threatened private property as well as an endangered bird , started Friday , the Southern Area InterAgency Management Blue Team said . By Sunday morning it was 20 percent contained , and fire crews were working to restrict it to the park while protecting the Cape Sable seaside sparrow , a federally protected species whose only habitat is in the Everglades . Watch the Everglades fire spread \u00c2 '' Windy conditions Sunday morning pushed the fire into the corner of the park closest to Miami , fire officials said . About 200 personnel battled the blaze in southern Florida Saturday night , but more crews were expected to join them Sunday . It is the latest wildfire to scorch Florida . More than 12,000"} +{"answer":"Three-quarters of a million people had come into the area to view the launch , so it was quite a thrilling time , '' says King , now 78 . `` When I 'd cross the bridge over the Banana River heading to the Space Center , I 'd pull off onto the side of the road , get out of the car , and there was the Saturn V , bathed in the floodlights , just glowing . '' Hear the voice of King , watch as Apollo took off for moon '' `` It was a just a very impressive , majestic rocket . '' Launch manager Paul Donnelly recalls , `` We launched at 9:32 that morning . '' He reported for work the night before to oversee the hazardous and delicate operation of fueling the three-stage rocket . `` Everything on Apollo 11 went just beautiful , no real problems . '' He says he always told the astronauts , `` The launch crew wishes you good luck and Godspeed . '' As the hatch closed that day , he says he was thinking , `` Go ! Go ! Go ! Let 's do it","question":"KENNEDY SPACE CENTER , Florida -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Just after midnight on July 16 , 1969 , Jack King kissed his wife goodbye at their Cocoa Beach , Florida home , jumped in his car , and drove to Dunkin' Donuts for a doughnut and a cup of coffee . Jack King became the voice of the Apollo 11 launch . `` It was quite a thrilling time , '' he says . It was the start of a big day : the launch of a Saturn V rocket , lifting man from the face of the Earth to the face of the moon . King , the chief of public information at Kennedy Space Center , would become known that day as the voice of Apollo 11 . In the wee hours of the morning , he followed his launch-day routine . But as he headed across the causeway to the space center , King lost sight of the lagoon he normally passed -- the view obstructed by RVs and trailers that had secured their spots for a view of the moon launch . `` The town was very much alive ; the vibrancy was entirely different ."} +{"answer":"but about protesting the immigration policies of the United States , and aiding those that enter illegally into the United States . '' Noting the phrase scrawled on many of the plastic water jugs -- `` buena suerte , '' or `` good luck '' in Spanish -- the prosecutors said , `` The obvious conclusion is that the defendant and No More Deaths wish to aid illegal aliens in their entry attempt . '' They also said , as did the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service , that leaving the full plastic jugs on the refuge is detrimental to the health of the animals that live there . Citing a biologist , the prosecutors said that animals could eat the plastic and that others could get feet or antlers caught on the bottles . Prosecutors had requested a $ 5,000 fine , along with five years of probation , according to court documents . Staton , who No More Deaths says is to begin seminary school at the Claremont School of Theology in Claremont , California , had initially refused to pay a $ 175 fine for littering , said Staton 's lawyer , Bill Walker . After his","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An Arizona man caught leaving water bottles in the desert for illegal immigrants has been sentenced to 300 hours of community service and a year of probation , an aid group said . Walt Staton was convicted in June of littering by leaving jugs of water in a wildlife refuge . Walt Staton , a member of the group No More Deaths , left full water bottles in December in Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge for the illegal immigrants who routinely pass through the 18,000-acre refuge , according to court documents . A judge sentenced him Tuesday to 300 hours of picking up trash on public property and a year of probation , No More Deaths said in a written statement . He is also banned from the refuge during that time , the group said . Although the case involved only a misdemeanor charge , both sides used the divisive issue of illegal immigration in their arguments ; Staton 's lawyer argued that Staton 's actions were humanitarian , but the government said otherwise . In a sentencing memo , the federal prosecutors wrote that Staton 's `` actions are not about humanitarian efforts ,"} +{"answer":"granted , thanks to Dream Foundation and flock of people she has never met . Think of the foundation as Make-A-Wish , but instead of trying to help desperately sick children , Dream Foundation assists terminally ill adults . Keenan 's wedding is a different , more lavish wish than most of the requests the foundation has been receiving in this tough economy . `` People 's needs are becoming basic , '' said the charity 's founder , Thomas Rollerson . `` We are getting wishes just to pay an electric bill , pay the rent , or help keep a promise to go to Disneyland to give them that memory in a time of hopelessness , doctors visits and uncertainty . '' Other dreams are simply for dying family members to be united with loved ones , last visits before last rites . Rollerson explains that with money tight , donors can still help without writing big checks . For example , people can donate frequent flier miles or hotel points . When corporate donors and philanthropists jump in , a Dream Foundation wish can turn elaborate . The foundation 's Web site is a bulletin board of","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Jessica Keenan tried on wedding dresses in a fancy Beverly Hills boutique , about 100 miles from the Santa Barbara , California , clinic where she gets blasted with chemotherapy once a week . Jessica Keenan , 34 , is getting married January 24 , thanks to the Dream Foundation . Keenan is 34 years old and battling Stage 4 breast cancer with faith , hope and a charity called the Dream Foundation , which helps terminally ill adults . '' You get a diagnosis and you never know how short your time is , '' Keenan said . `` I chose to believe there is going to be a cure . You still carry those dreams of getting married , having a kid . '' But Keenan and her fianc\u00e9 , Curtis Jimenez , could n't afford a wedding -- their finances are sapped by her cancer battle . They rent from friends . Keenan wrote a letter to Dream Foundation , at the suggestion of her devoted nurses at the Santa Barbara cancer center . `` It all just started snowballing , '' she said . Her wish has been"} +{"answer":"end , Duke raised far more money at her event , but Rivers was able to attract more celebrities and provide a better overall experience for the guests at her party , and Trump declared her the winner of the competition . `` Your level of energy has been amazing , '' he told Rivers . The victory means $ 250,000 for Rivers ' charity : God 's Love We Deliver . If the series thrives on conflict , it got plenty of mileage out of Rivers . She blew up at country singer Clint Black , referred to another contestant as a `` stupid blonde '' and smashed a champagne glass out of frustration at one point . But Rivers seemed to be especially infuriated by Duke , calling her a `` despicable human being '' -- the tamest of the insults she hurled in Duke 's direction over the course of the series . Rivers even walked out in a huff after her daughter , and fellow contestant , Melissa was fired from the show . The exit , complete with bleeped obscenities , was turned into a cliffhanger of sorts when it seemed like Rivers might not","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- She 's been a comedian , talk-show host and feared red carpet fashion critic . Now you can add winner of `` The Celebrity Apprentice '' to Joan Rivers ' lengthy resume . Donald Trump and Joan Rivers attend `` The Celebrity Apprentice '' season finale Sunday in New York . After weeks of competition , the 75-year-old dynamo beat out 15 other contestants , including Dennis Rodman , Tom Green and Brian McKnight , to take the top spot in this season 's edition of the reality show hosted by Donald Trump . Rivers went up against poker champion Annie Duke in Sunday night 's finale in which both women were charged with planning a VIP party and silent auction for the last and deciding task . `` They 're both tough , they 're both smart and they both hate each other , '' Trump observed at the beginning of the show . The apparent tension between Rivers and Duke continued in the final boardroom , part of which played out in front of a live audience , with both finalists bickering and interrupting each other repeatedly as Trump looked on . In the"} +{"answer":"ago that she and her husband were separating . It was not immediately clear whether they were still living together . The couple 's three children were unharmed and took refuge at a neighbor 's house before police arrived , Wright said , and the children remain in a neighbor 's care . During the incident , police told neighbor Ann DiJohnson to avoid rooms with windows in fear of a possible shootout . `` It was frightening , '' DiJohnson said . `` I 'm still shaking . '' Thomas Shaak , who lives a block from the Hains , said the couple hardly socialized with neighbors . The avid gardener said he occasionally saw Scott Hain working on his yard , but the two did not greet each other . He said Hain worked as a security officer and often kept odd hours . Meleanie Hain became an overnight celebrity and , to some , a steward of Second Amendment rights when she carried a Glock strapped to her belt to her daughter 's soccer game September 11 , 2008 . Days later , on September 20 , her permit to carry a gun was revoked by Lebanon","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Soccer mom Meleanie Hain , who made national headlines last year by having a loaded , holstered handgun at her 5-year-old daughter 's soccer game , has been found shot dead in her home along with her husband , police said Thursday . Meleanie Hain was found shot dead in her home along with her husband Thursday . Information from 911 calls shows that it took a SWAT team nearly an hour and a half to gain entry to the Lebanon , Pennsylvania , home Wednesday evening . Inside , they found the bodies of Hain , 31 , and her husband , Scott , 33 , police Capt. Daniel Wright said . Police have avoided labeling the incident a murder-suicide . However , they do not believe that another person was involved , Wright said . A full investigation is under way , he added . `` Who -LSB- Meleanie Hain -RSB- is does not change the course of this investigation , '' he said . The autopsies are scheduled for Friday . Watch why Hain caused controversy '' Meleanie Hain 's attorney , Matthew B. Weisberg , said she told him a few months"} +{"answer":"a child , Ethan Coen `` got a suit and a briefcase and we went to the Minneapolis International Airport with a Super 8 camera and made a movie about shuttle diplomacy called ` Henry Kissinger , Man on the Go . ' '' Watch the best of the winners ' backstage remarks '' The Coens , who have been known for their arch style and oddball humor in films such as `` Fargo , '' `` O Brother , Where Art Thou '' and `` The Big Lebowski , '' received some laughs for Ethan Coen 's laconic acceptance speeches . After the pair won for adapted screenplay , Ethan Coen gave a brief thanks . Upon winning the directing award , he expanded on his speech slightly , sort of : `` I do n't have a lot to add to what I said earlier . Thank you , '' he said . Day-Lewis was more effusive in his thanks after winning best actor for his performance as a misanthropic oilman in `` There Will Be Blood . '' `` My deepest thanks to the members of the Academy for whacking me with the handsomest bludgeon in town","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Oscar said yes to `` No Country for Old Men '' and to European actors on Sunday night . Actors Daniel Day-Lewis , Tilda Swinton , Marion Cotillard and Javier Bardem toast their success . `` No Country , '' the Coen brothers ' brutal tale of a man pursued by death and the law across the bleak moonscapes of West Texas , won best picture at the 80th Academy Awards . The four acting awards , meanwhile , went to Europeans : Marion Cotillard , Daniel Day-Lewis , Javier Bardem and Tilda Swinton . The Coens also won best director and best adapted screenplay , and Bardem , who played cattle-gun-armed killer Anton Chigurh , won best supporting actor . Producer Scott Rudin shared the best picture award with the brothers . `` We 're very thankful to all of you out there for letting us continue to play in our corner of the sandbox , so thank you very much , '' Joel Coen said in accepting the directing award . He observed that the pair did n't think they were doing much different work now from when , as"} +{"answer":"paperwork in probate court Wednesday for the court to determine the validity of the will . A hearing has been set for March 17 . Reder would not specify the amount left to the hospital , other than to say it 's more than $ 1 . `` The will leaves everything to Bay Medical Center , '' she said . The hospital had no immediate comment . Walworth said his uncle was a frugal man who had n't eaten at a restaurant for over 30 years . `` He was very tight , and he was very frugal . But he did manage to save a lot of money . '' He said it 's possible his uncle 's estate could be less than $ 600,000 , but he believes it 's still `` sizable . '' `` Knowing my uncle , that 's him , '' Walworth said . `` He loved his community . He loved Bay City , Michigan . '' He added , `` Hopefully his death is not in vain and we can learn from this , and he 's still able to save lives . ... He was a very unique , special","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A 93-year-old World War II medic who froze to death last month in his Bay City , Michigan , home left his entire estate to a local hospital , an estate attorney told CNN Wednesday . Martin Schur poses with his wife , Marian , in 1976 . Local and state officials agree that Schur 's death was avoidable . The attorney would not disclose the exact amount left behind by Martin Schur . But his nephew said his uncle indicated to family members two years ago that he had saved up more than a half-million dollars over the years . Schur and his wife , Marian , who died more than a year ago , did not have any children . `` I just know at one time he said he had over $ 600,000 in savings , '' said William Walworth . `` That 's what he told me and my brother , and he was proud that he was able to save and build his estate up to that . '' Cathy Reder , an attorney negotiating on behalf of Bay Regional Medical Center and the Schur family , said she was filing"} +{"answer":"said they killed their targets , he said , but a delegation sent by the governor to investigate reported the civilian casualties . Civilian casualties in the Afghan war have stoked outrage among the citizenry and Afghan authorities . U.S. and other international forces have been working to stop such fatalities , and they have accused Taliban militants of putting civilians in harm 's way . The United Nations in Afghanistan said on Tuesday that from January to October of this year , 1,404 deaths have been caused by insurgents ; 465 have been caused by pro-government forces , such as NATO 's International Security Assistance Force ; and other causes have led to 165 civilian deaths . In this Kunar province incident , Fazelayallah said the operation was launched without the knowledge of government officials in the province . The U.S. military source said it was `` a joint operation with Afghan and U.S. forces . '' The numbers of civilian casualties have fallen off in recent months , since Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal took over as U.S. commander in Afghanistan . The military 's goal is to protect population centers to enable the government to improve security and","question":"Kabul , Afghanistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Nine people killed in a military action targeting militants in eastern Afghanistan apparently were members of an insurgent network , a U.S. military official told CNN on Tuesday . `` The operation was against a network of folks , who had been tracked for a while , involved in producing IEDs as well as some criminal activity , '' said the official , who asked not to be named . `` As a result of the action , the best info that we have is that nine of those militants in that network were killed . That 's based on weapons and IED components at the scene , '' and it appears the nine were males , the official said . IED is the acronym for improvised explosive device , which is a roadside bomb . U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan said Monday they were investigating reports that 10 Afghan civilians , including eight students , were killed Saturday in a coalition operation in the Narang district of Kunar province . Said Fazelayallah , governor of Kunar province , told CNN Monday that 10 civilians , in fact , were killed . Coalition forces"} +{"answer":"the expectations , the higher the results . '' Watch Clark 's students perform their original poetry '' But with high academic expectations come an equally high quotient for fun . It 's become one of Clark 's trademarks : singing and dancing to popular rap and R&B songs during class to get the kids engaged . `` My first day at Ron Clark Academy , I thought all the teachers were psychopaths , '' says seventh-grader Jai Springs . `` I thought Ron Clark was going crazy . He was up in front of the kids on desks , he was dancing . ... I never saw a teacher get up on a desk and dance . But now I 'm used to it , so I get up on the desk and dance too , '' says Jai . Clark , formerly a schoolteacher from North Carolina , founded the academy with money he earned from his book titled The Essential 55 , which detail Clark 's 55 golden rules for success -- in and out of the classroom . Clark was invited to be a guest on the Oprah Winfrey show after winning Disney Teacher of the","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Seventh graders at Ron Clark Academy became an overnight sensation during the presidential election when their YouTube performance of `` You Can Vote However You Like '' catapulted them to online stardom . `` The higher the expectations , the higher the results , '' says Ron Clark , seen here with his students . Now , their creative and scholastic talents have proved the students to be more than just `` one hit wonders . '' Academy students showcased their poetry and writings for CNN 's documentary `` Black in America 2 , '' hosted by Soledad O'Brien . Cultivating student creativity is just one of the goals of academy founder Ron Clark , an enigmatic educator known for his unconventional teaching methods . Under his strict tutelage , students at Ron Clark -- who are predominantly African-American -- are expected to excel in all subjects and maintain a high standard of respect for their peers and teachers . `` I 'm teaching an eighth-grade curriculum to fifth-graders , '' says Clark . `` Some people say my expectations of the kids , academically , is too high , but the higher"} +{"answer":"500-pound half-ape , half-human creature near a stream . They also claim to have spotted about three similar living creatures -- and showed reporters video stills of what they say is one of those creatures shadowing them through the woods . Watch report of scientist skeptical of Bigfoot claim '' The announcement , which the men first made on the Internet radio show `` Squatch Detective '' several weeks ago , has been greeted with healthy skepticism , even among some Bigfoot enthusiasts . Scientists , including the head of North Georgia College and State University 's biology department , have said it 's unlikely a tribe of 7-foot-tall creatures would have avoided discovery in a region popular among hikers , hunters and vacationers . Several Web sites have popped up questioning the claim and comparing a photo that the men say is the creature 's body inside a freezer to a widely available Bigfoot costume . On Friday , Whitton acknowledged creating a pair of videos posted on the Internet video site YouTube , one in which his brother poses as a scientist and another in which Whitton briefly seems to admit that the body is a fake .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A pair of Georgia men faced more than a half-hour of skeptical questions from reporters Friday as they defended their claim that they stumbled upon the body of Bigfoot while hiking in a remote North Georgia forest . The thawed body of a creature reputed to be Bigfoot reportedly weighs more than 500 pounds . Introduced by a publicist and beside a man who promoted what turned out to be a fake Bigfoot discovery in 1995 , Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer repeatedly said that their claim is not a hoax and that scientific analysis will prove it . `` We were not looking for Bigfoot . ... We would n't know what we were doing if we did , '' said Whitton , a police officer on leave after being shot in the hand while making an arrest . `` I did n't believe in Bigfoot at the time . ... But you 've got to come to terms with it and realize you 've got something special . And that 's what it was . '' The men say they were hiking in early June when they discovered the body of a 7-foot-7 ,"} +{"answer":"n't think they expect to find such cutting-edge goods here , and are pleasantly surprised when they do . I 've lived in Argentina since 2001 , and witnessed the country struggle through the bad times and enjoy the subsequent recovery ; in some sectors of society you could even call it a renaissance . So it comes as no surprise to me that Argentine designers are now meshing technology and fashion in totally new , and in many cases , eco-friendly ways . Living a `` green '' lifestyle is a relatively new concept in Argentina , and the country is definitely behind in regards to education and implementation of environmentally-friendly policies , but that has started to change in recent years , and as they are prone to do , many Argentines have embraced the idea with their typical gusto . I wanted to find out more about some of these new designers , so I visited two businesses in Buenos Aires that are creating items that are both innovative and unique , especially for this region of the world . We 'll be featuring these two companies on CNN International 's special weeklong programming called `` Going","question":"BUENOS AIRES , Argentina -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Argentina 's economy is in a perpetual state of uncertainty . As a result , Argentines have learned to live with what they 've got -- and make things last . Lukas Desimone of Baumm cuts out a new bag from an old billboard advertisement . This resilience and resourcefulness has resulted in a wonderfully creative culture , where innovation and ingenuity are ever-present . In the wake of the country 's 2001-2002 economic crash , many Argentines could n't afford to travel abroad to forge new business relationships and absorb foreign ideas , so they did what they 've always done -- they looked within for inspiration . In particular , Argentine fashion and designs have come to the forefront in recent years and gained worldwide accolades . These days , whenever I walk down the streets of Buenos Aires , especially in the trendy bohemian neighborhoods of Palermo and San Telmo , I see scores of boutique shops selling cool furnishings and hip clothing . Watch Brian Byrnes ' report from Argentina '' These are the places that always seem to attract the most attention from tourists ; I do"} +{"answer":", called telomerase . As cells divide , chromosomes need to be replicated perfectly . Work by the researchers determined that telomeres protect DNA from degradation in the process , and that telomerase maintains the telomeres . Though there had been some speculation that the three scientists were being considered for the Nobel , the committee keeps its work top secret -- and all three researchers said they were surprised . Szostak told CNN he got the news in `` that classic early morning phone call from Stockholm . '' He described it as `` surprising and exciting '' -- perhaps particularly for him because he has not worked on the subject for the past 20 years . `` I 've been working on other things , '' he said . `` It started off as a collaboration with me and Liz -LSB- Blackburn -RSB- -- Carol -LSB- Greider -RSB- was a student of hers . '' The work began as `` a long-standing puzzle that we were interested in solving , '' he said . `` It was only over later years that it emerged , through the work of many people , that this was probably important for","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Three U.S. researchers have won the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for solving `` a major problem in biology , '' the Nobel Committee announced Monday . Jack Szostak , from left , Carol Greider and Elizabeth Blackburn will share the $ 1.4 million prize . Elizabeth H. Blackburn , Carol W. Greider and Jack W. Szostak are credited with discovering how chromosomes are protected against degradation -- a field that could shed light on human aging and diseases , including cancer . `` The award of the Nobel Prize recognizes the discovery of a fundamental mechanism in the cell , a discovery that has stimulated the development of new therapeutic strategies , '' the committee said in a news release . The three will share the $ 1.4 million prize . It is the 100th year the prize will be awarded , and the first time that any Nobel in the sciences has gone to more than one woman . The work that won them the prize took place in the late 1970s and early 1980s . It centers on structures at the end of chromosomes called telomeres and an enzyme that forms them"} +{"answer":"college tennis team in Pennsylvania , but years of dedicated practice started to bear fruit after the First World War as he reached the U.S. Open finals of 1918 and 1919 . He reached his peak in the 1920s , winning his first U.S. Open title and holding the world number one spot for seven straight years . Tilden also led the United States to a record seven straight Davis Cup titles as well as claiming three Wimbledon titles . His famed `` cannonball '' services worked particularly well on the fast grass surfaces on which the U.S. Open and Wimbledon were staged . Tilden never won the French Open being losing finalist in the last year it was held on grass courts , in 1927 , and 1930 on clay . He won the last of his 10 grand slam titles at Wimbledon in 1930 before deserting the amateur ranks for the fledging professional circuit Eventually joined by the likes of Ellsworth Vines , Fred Perry and Don Budge , Tilden remained a star attraction until well into his 40s , filling arenas such as Madison Square Garden in big money matches . But off the court , Tilden","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Five-time defending champion Roger Federer is bidding to match the record of a controversial tennis legend who dominated the sport in the 1920s but died in disgrace . Tilden dominated tennis in the 1920s with his own trademark style . American Bill Tilden achieved fame and fortune through his tennis exploits and befriended Hollwyood stars such as Charle Chaplin , but he spent over a year in jail in the 1940s on a morals charge , which ruined his reputation before his untimely death in 1953 . Tilden won his six straight U.S. Open titles from 1920-1925 - a record since the tournament abolished the challenge system - where the champion automatically qualified for the final - in 1911 . Under that system , Richard Sears won the first seven editions of the U.S. Open -LRB- then the U.S. National Tennis Championships -RRB- in the 1880s . Tilden , who claimed his seventh U.S . Open title in 1929 as well as being twice a losing finalist , goes down in the history books as one of the greatest tennis players of all time . A relatively late starter , Tilden struggled to get into his"} +{"answer":"he was involved with . '' Watch Letterman tell what happened '' Letterman revealed on his show Thursday night that he 'd had sexual relations with members of his staff and that he had testified about those liaisons before a New York grand jury for a case involving the alleged attempted extortion . A CBS producer , Robert `` Joe '' Halderman , has been charged with first-degree attempted grand larceny ; officials said he threatened to go public with the 62-year-old funnyman 's dalliances unless Letterman paid $ 2 million . Halderman pleaded not guilty Friday . The revelation , which Letterman shared with the audience of the `` Late Show , '' seemed especially shocking given his reputation as the self-deprecating everyman . `` Letterman picked up on -LSB- that shock -RSB- and played on that , '' said Robert Thompson , a professor and founding director of the Bleier Center for Television and Popular Culture at Syracuse University . `` It was the weirdest 10 minutes of television I 've seen in a long time , and yet I think I 've concluded that it was brilliant . '' Watch `` Larry King Live '' guest host","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- For someone who seems to go to great lengths to keep his private life away from prying eyes , late-night talk show host David Letterman has seen a great deal of his personal life become public . David Letterman has mined private events in his life for very public jokes on his show . Heart problems , a troubled stalker and a plot to kidnap his son have all landed Letterman in the news and provided fodder for jokes , including some of his own . The latest , an alleged extortion attempt involving his sexual dalliances -LRB- it 's been dubbed `` sextortion '' by pundits -RRB- , was handled very much the way Letterman fans might expect : with humor and a bit of storytelling . `` He told it as a story that you felt like you were living along with him , and so I think he immediately won your sympathy by telling it that way , '' said Hal Boedeker , TV critic for the Orlando Sentinel . `` He also took the seedy factor out of it with restraint by not saying too much and trying to protect the people"} +{"answer":"Jayne Dean-McGilpin . A demonstration in Long Beach stretched out for five or six blocks . `` Hate is not hot , '' read a banner at the front of the marchers . About 2,000 demonstrators marched in a peaceful protest in Long Beach , and a few hundred remained in the streets around 10 p.m. -LRB- 1 a.m. ET -RRB- , said Sgt. David Marander of the Long Beach Police Department . Marander said Long Beach officers arrested three people after they tried to persuade others to leave the protest route that was described in a permit that organizers obtained for the march . At one point , demonstrators stopped at a street corner for a few moments to allow traffic to cross . Later , demonstrators congregated for about 20 minutes at the intersection of Broadway and Alameda Street , blocking traffic in all directions . The demonstrators then moved on before stopping at the intersection of Long Beach Boulevard and First Street , where many of them sat down in the street . After a few minutes , the demonstrators were on the move again . Police kept a watchful eye on the protesters but did not","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Protests continued Friday in several California cities , including San Francisco , Palm Springs and Long Beach , over the passage of Proposition 8 , which outlaws same-sex marriage . The passage of California 's Proposition 8 , which bans same-sex marriages , has led to a number of protests . The ballot initiative , which passed 52.5 percent to 47.5 percent Tuesday , overturns a May ruling by the California Supreme Court that struck down a 2000 ban on same-sex unions . In San Francisco , an estimated 2,000 protesters marched down Market Street toward Dolores Park . The march stretched out for at least three city blocks , and the protesters completely blocked Market Street 's westbound lanes and the eastbound lanes in places . `` I believe that politics and religion should be completely separate , '' protester Eric Rogers told CNN affiliate KGO-TV . `` This has been , actually , one of those lines that has been blurred by that . '' `` It really feels personal . It feels like why would someone not want us to live in love and respect , '' said protester"} +{"answer":"thrown overboard despite their pleas for mercy . '' Andreas Koutepas , MSF 's field coordinator in southern Yemen , said such a high number of refugee deaths in a short period of time `` is not usual at all . '' `` For the whole of September until now , we 've had 27 dead and now suddenly we reach this number , '' Koutepas told CNN from MSF 's base in Ahwar , Yemen . `` We are quite shocked here . '' About 30,000 African refugees arrived on boats on Italy 's shores during the first 10 months of this year compared with 19,900 refugees last year , according to UNHCR . In Malta , an estimated 2,600 boat people arrived in the first nine months of this year from North Africa , compared with 1,800 last year , UNHCR said . . The agency said that from January to October this year , 509 of those attempting to make the journey to Italy and Malta died , compared with last year 's death toll of 471 . More than 38,000 people have made the perilous journey across the Gulf of Aden from Somalia to Yemen during","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The United Nations ' refugee agency said Tuesday that more Africans have fled poverty and conflict on the continent during the first 10 months of this year than in all of 2007 . A woman who has been displaced by the current fighting in the Congo . The bulk of the more than 96,000 African refugees headed to Yemen and Italy , according to the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees office . The rest sought refuge in Malta , Greece , Spain and the Canary Islands , the agency said . Last weekend , at least 60 refugees died en route to Yemen , a frequent destination for Somali and Ethiopian refugees , according to Doctors Without Borders , known by its French acronym MSF . UNHCR said most of those who died were forced overboard in deep water off Yemen 's coast by smugglers who demanded more money than the $ 100 they paid for the journey . `` Those who did not or could not pay extra were severely beaten by the smugglers , '' UNHCR said in a news release Tuesday . `` Up to 40 -- mainly Ethiopians -- -LSB- were -RSB-"} +{"answer":"going to enhance the whole image , '' he says . HGH has been used since the 1950s to help children with growth problems , but it stayed under the radar for other uses until 1990 , when Dr. Daniel Rudman reported in the New England Journal of Medicine that men taking a six-month course of HGH reduced their body fat by 14.4 percent while increasing lean muscle mass by 8.8 percent . The study included just a dozen men , but it inspired a flood of anti-aging literature touting the benefits of growth hormone , along with countless Web sites selling HGH creams and sprays . Endocrinologists say those products , though , are worthless -- the body can use HGH only when it 's injected to treat patients with HGH , Berger says they must be diagnosed with a deficiency of HGH , which happens naturally as the body ages . `` It 's a very important hormone , but it 's not something to be taken in isolation , '' he says . Berger says he prescribes HGH to restore normal levels of the hormone and makes it part of a broader long-term treatment program including diet","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -- Dr. Andre Berger sees himself as a pioneer . Where others in the medical community believe injections of human growth hormone should be given to adults in only rare cases , Berger believes it is a crucial part of keeping people young and vital . Dr. Andre Berger says the patients requesting HGH from him are getting younger and younger . Berger , who has been practicing anti-aging and holistic medicine for 30 years , says he is now prescribing injections of HGH to about one out of every four people he treats at his Rejuvalife Vitality Institute in Beverly Hills . `` People come here for generally two reasons ; they want to look better , and they want to feel better , '' Berger says . While Berger says most of his patients are middle-aged , he 's now getting calls from Hollywood 30-somethings wanting HGH and rap artists inquiring about illegal steroids , something he does not offer . `` They feel that part of being a rap star is looking buff and having big muscles , etc. , so anything they can do to bring themselves to look like that is"} +{"answer":"plane 's crew later today . `` The hijacking is that from a mentally challenged youngster and not anything that would be of concern in terms of an international incident , '' Vaz said . The suspect gained access to the plane Sunday night through the terminal in `` a breach of security '' that `` will be investigated , '' Deputy Police Commissioner Owen Ellington told CNN . The gunman fired a shot in the boarding bridge as he entered , said CanJet Airlines Vice President Kent Woodside . No one was hit . CanJet Flight 918 was carrying 174 passengers and eight crew members , Woodside said . All the passengers were Canadian , he said . The suspect took an undisclosed number of passengers and crew members hostage before releasing all the passengers and two crew members , said Elizabeth Scotton , a spokeswoman for the company that manages the airport . Two of the six crew members who remained inside the plane Monday locked themselves in the cockpit , Vaz said . The suspect 's father and Golding , who flew in by helicopter , were among those who negotiated with the gunman before his capture","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Troops in Jamaica captured an armed man Monday who had barged onto a Canadian airliner , robbed passengers and held six crew members hostage , Jamaica Information Minister Daryl Vaz said . A hostage-taker commandeered a CanJet flight at Sangster International Airport in Montego Bay , Jamaica . The crew members were not harmed , Vaz said . The hijacking suspect , described as a `` mentally challenged '' man in his 20s , had demanded that the Boeing 737 be flown to Cuba . The military captured him around 7 a.m. local time . The FBI helped Jamaican authorities handle the situation at the Jamaican government 's request , a U.S. government source told CNN . The CanJet flight from Halifax , Canada , had made a scheduled landing at Sangster International Airport in the Jamaican resort city of Montego Bay and was scheduled to continue to Santa Clara , Cuba . Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper , who was in Jamaica , told reporters that he planned to travel to Montego Bay to meet with Jamaican Prime Minister Bruce Golding . Harper has been following the airplane security breach and may meet with the"} +{"answer":"who lives in Billericay , southern England , said the operation was in her daughter 's best interests . `` First of all , this is not about me . If it was about me , I would have given up caring for Katie a long , long while ago , '' she told GMTV . `` It is about quality of life and for Katie to not have the associated problems of menstruation adds to her quality of life . It means she can continue with the quality of life we can give her now . `` Katie would n't understand menstruation at all . She has no comprehension about what will be happening to her body . All she would feel is the discomfort , the stomach cramps and the headaches , the mood swings , the tears , and wonder what is going on . '' Thorpe said an operation would be best for Katie , despite the initial pain it would cause . She added : `` The short-term pain and discomfort we can manage with painkillers . We will be able to manage that pain much better than menstruation once a month , when Katie","question":"LONDON , England -- A mother is seeking to have the womb of her severely disabled daughter removed to prevent the 15-year-old from feeling the pain and discomfort of menstruation . Doctors in Britain are now taking legal advice to see if they are permitted to carry out the hysterectomy on Katie Thorpe , who suffers from cerebral palsy . But a charity campaigning for the disabled said on Monday the move could infringe human rights and would set a `` disturbing precedent . '' Andy Rickell , executive director of disability charity Scope , told the Press Association : `` It is very difficult to see how this kind of invasive surgery , which is not medically necessary and which will be very painful and traumatic , can be in Katie 's best interests . `` This case raises fundamental ethical issues about the way our society treats disabled people and the respect we have for disabled people 's human and reproductive rights . Watch why the surgery is so controversial '' `` If this enforced sterilization is approved , it will have disturbing implications for young disabled girls across Britain . '' Katie 's mother Alison Thorpe ,"} +{"answer":"-- I do n't like to call it a glass ceiling , but I think there is still an unseen barrier for women , which is that , if you ask most business people , would they like to promote more women , they would all say yes , they 'd love to : `` Where are these women , I want to promote them , '' will be the answer . But often they do n't really automatically think of a woman first for a top job . Benjamin : And what advice would you give to women who want to try and make it to the top ? Gooding : Well , first of all , to learn as much as you can and to make sure you 've got the right experience , the right qualifications , and to enjoy each job for its own interest and job satisfaction . But I think another piece of advice I would give to women is not to be afraid to put themselves forward and say what it is they want , because I think one thing that happens with women , which perhaps is a gender difference , is","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Valerie Gooding is in the top five most powerful businesswomen in Europe as named by the Financial Times . She runs global health and care organization BUPA and under her leadership it has grown to over 8 million customers in over 190 countries and record revenues . CNN 's Todd Benjamin spoke to her in London and began by asking her why there are so few women at the top . She said it goes beyond family issues . Gooding : Women sometimes do n't put themselves forward for things . And one of the things I think about and talk about a lot is that women often lack confidence to go for the next job , the top job . They sometimes do n't wish to compete or they do n't think they 're good enough for the next thing . Benjamin : Why do you think that is ? Gooding : Partly a lack of role models , partly it may be conditioning from a very early age about what the role of women is in society and the family , in work . But also I think there is still"} +{"answer":"'' Irene Koehler of Fremont , California , said of the atmosphere in Oakland 's Oracle Arena . More than 200 parishioners from the First AME Church , the largest African-American Church in Los Angeles , gathered in the recreation hall to pray together and share in the excitement of an historic moment Dressed in Obama shirts and hats , the level of audience participation had the effect of transporting the crowd to Washington . They stood when Sen. Dianne Feinstein asked the crowd to `` please stand '' and bowed their heads in prayer . They sang along with Aretha Franklin and even took pictures of the screen when Obama appeared . A handful of viewers had tears in their eyes , but most were filled with `` pure joy . '' `` On Election Night , I was full of tears . I am all cried out -- it is all about joy now , '' said 72-year-old Shirley Turner-Haymer , the granddaughter of a former slave . Even young parishioners derived some significance from the event . `` It 's really inspirational that we have a black president now ... because now I could see I can","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Friends and strangers across the country gathered on the streets and in schools , churches , bars and auditoriums to celebrate the inauguration of Barack Obama as the first African-American president of the United States . A diverse crowd in Los Angeles , California , cheers as Barack Obama takes the oath of office Tuesday . `` It 's a great day to be an American , '' iReporter Roger Germann said at Chicago 's Shedd Aquarium , where revelers watched the inauguration on television monitors among exhibits of sharks and otters . Tuesday 's inauguration brought together Americans from different walks of life , united in their hope that Obama will deliver on his promise to change the nation 's course . Click the links to read views on President Obama 's inauguration from people across the country . Reaction to speech What Obama means to Americans Hopes for Obama Reaction to speech Public inauguration-viewing parties were held in auditoriums , schools and arenas across the country , where the atmosphere mirrored the excitement in Washington . Watch people react at viewing parties '' `` People are cheering here as if they were there ,"} +{"answer":"believe many factors are involved . Some think the condition , which is not progressive or life-threatening , may be triggered by an emotional or traumatic event . Lieberman believed it is related to a disordered sleep pattern and poor exercise . `` It appears to be more of a neuro-chemical process , '' he said . `` In other words , there really is no inflammation in patients with fibromyalgia . '' Health Minute : More on identifying fibromyalgia '' Getting a proper diagnosis can sometimes be just as frustrating as finding out what 's behind the disease . `` Fibromyalgia is to some extent a diagnosis of exclusion , '' Lieberman said . `` There are lot of things it can be confused with such as thyroid disorders , metabolic disorders and certain rheumatologic inflammatory conditions . '' For almost five years , Poole jumped from doctor to doctor trying to figure out what was causing her symptoms . `` They were constantly saying I 'm a tall , thin female . ` You 're getting older -- your body is going to change , ' and it was frustrating . '' Lieberman understood Poole 's frustration .","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- You would n't know it by looking at her , but at any given moment Dana Poole hurts all over . Dana Poole , left , feels aches all over at any given moment from a condition called fibromyalgia . `` It 's kind of like a burning , but an ache . It 's almost like you have the flu , '' said Poole , 31 , a receptionist from Canton , Georgia . Poole is one of almost 6 million Americans who suffer from a chronic condition called fibromyalgia . In addition to widespread pain , patients may complain about fatigue and sleep disturbances , depression , headaches , irritable bowel syndrome and heightened sensitivity . `` Dana is typical of a lot of fibromyalgia patients , '' said Dr. Jefrey Lieberman , an Atlanta , Georgia-based rheumatologist . `` She came into my office complaining of a lot of diffuse pain all over her body and fatigue . She really did n't know why she was getting it . '' That 's part of the frustration of having fibromyalgia . Experts are n't sure what causes it , but many"} +{"answer":"noted that `` there have been many questions about how the crew re-captured the ship and how the captain came to leave the ship . '' But he would not clarify the matter . `` Our immediate focus has been to bring the current situation to a safe resolution , '' he said . `` There will be time for due diligence and retrospective review once we have the safe return of all parties and the opportunity for a full de-briefing . '' The U.S. Navy , which is in charge of the situation , requested the help of the FBI . FBI negotiators in the United States are in touch with the crew of the Bainbridge , which arrived on the scene earlier Thursday to assist , a senior U.S. defense official said . According to Maersk 's last communication with the Navy , the 28-foot lifeboat was disabled and `` dead in the water , '' Speers said Thursday morning . `` We are encouraged that most of the crew is safe . They have been resilient and courageous throughout this crisis , '' Speers said . `` But we will remain on watch , staffing our situation","question":"NORFOLK , Virginia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Negotiators aboard a U.S. Navy warship are trying to secure the release of an American freighter captain who is being held by pirates on a lifeboat off the coast of Somalia , according to Maersk Line Ltd. . Capt. Richard Phillips of the Maersk Alabama is being held by pirates on a lifeboat off Somalia . The crew aboard the destroyer USS Bainbridge could see the lifeboat where pirates have been holding Capt. Richard Phillips since Wednesday , the company said in a written statement issued at 5 p.m. ET . Phillips has not been hurt , the statement said . Phillips , who has received provisions and batteries for his radio , has been in touch with the crews of the Alabama and the Bainbridge , the statement said . The pirates are the same four men who hijacked Phillips ' vessel , the U.S.-flagged Maersk Alabama , early Wednesday hundreds of miles off the Horn of Africa . The Alabama 's 20-person crew later regained control of the ship , which is owned and operated by the Norfolk-based Maersk Line Ltd. . In a written statement , Maersk spokesman Kevin Speers"} +{"answer":"living in a parallel universe of acting as if the launch was a success , when tracking and everything has shown that in fact , it is a failure . And I think it proves a point , which is that the North Koreans , Kim Jong-Il is doing this for his own internal reasons -- because on Thursday , tomorrow , there will be a rubber stamp by the parliament of his leadership -- and the problems that he 's generally had since he had his stroke . So this is part of their kind of Orwellian approach of saying that `` This is what happened , and was n't it a success , '' when we know it was n't . Costello : The U.N. Security Council has n't been able to come up with any sort of resolution because apparently that body is split . President Obama made a really big deal of this and said this was like a clear violation . It sort of seems like the United States is stuck , and it ca n't do anything about North Korea . Albright : Well , I do n't think that 's true , because","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said Tuesday that North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il is using his claims of a successful rocket launch to shore up his political strength within his country . Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright discusses North Korea on CNN 's `` American Morning '' on Tuesday . Albright , who was secretary of state in the Clinton administration , told CNN 's `` American Morning '' that `` it was a huge mistake for the United States to stop talking to North Korea '' when the Bush administration took over . The communist nation launched the rocket over the weekend in defiance of international opposition . Satellite images released Monday appear to show the rocket in flight , according to a nonprofit institution that focuses on stopping the spread of nuclear weapons . The following is a transcript of Albright 's conversation with CNN 's Carol Costello . Carol Costello , CNN : We do have this video from North Korea of this rocket taking off . What do you make of that ? Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright : Well , I think that the North Korean leadership is"} +{"answer":"need to put the right commander there who 's going to be a battle captain and keep those aircraft flowing . You come in , you drop off what you have , you put the sick and wounded on and then move out . No one is standing any time on the airfield . You can be in and out in a half hour . '' Speaking at the House Democratic Caucus Retreat later Thursday , Obama acknowledged the scrutiny focused on U.S. response . `` This is a time when the world looks to us and they say -- given our capacity , given our unique capacity to project power around the world -- that we have to project that not just for our own interests but for the interests of the world as a whole , '' he said . `` And my national security team understands that I will not put up with any excuses for us not doing the very best in this time of tragedy . '' State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley defended the pace of the rescue . `` We are 40 hours into the crisis . In that time , we have reopened","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The retired general who took charge of relief efforts in New Orleans , Louisiana , after Hurricane Katrina said Thursday that the U.S. military should have arrived in earthquake-devastated Haiti 24 hours earlier . `` The good Samaritans who moved early on the first day are to be applauded . They made a difference , '' said Lt. Gen. Russel Honore , a CNN contributor . `` What we 've got to do now is get the heavy equipment in . I thought the U.S. military could have been there a day earlier . They 're on the ground now , and they have a brigade en route , and that 's going to make a big difference , '' he said . Honore , best known for his management of the recovery efforts after the hurricane that killed about 2,000 people on the Gulf Coast , said `` time is of the essence '' in helping quake survivors . Repairing the seaport at Port-au-Prince and keeping the airport open are key to bringing in equipment , food , water and medicine , Honore said . Regarding the airport , he said , `` You"} +{"answer":"'re hoping that that will be resolved very soon . Obviously , if not , we will continue to raise it with the Brazilian government . '' For nearly five years , Goldman has fought to regain custody of his son . It 's a case that has been complicated by Bianchi Goldman remarrying , getting pregnant and dying during childbirth last summer . Sean Goldman is said to be living with his stepfather , who has been granted provisional guardianship . `` I went down ... to bring my son home , '' Goldman said on CNN 's Larry King Live Wednesday , figuring his ex-wife 's death had made the custody issue a moot point , and `` we find out that this man does n't file custody , but he files to remove my name from a Brazilian birth certificate that they had issued for my son , who was born in Red Bank , New Jersey . '' Goldman continues to press his case through the U.S. government . `` The Department of State is working diligently to ensure that David and Sean Goldman are accorded their rights under the Hague Convention of 1980 on the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- David Goldman says he ca n't understand why he ca n't have custody of his son following his ex-wife 's death in Brazil . The U.S. government agrees . David Goldman is fighting for custody of his son after Bruna Bianchi Goldman died during another childbirth . Goldman told CNN 's Larry King he had no idea when he dropped off his wife and 4-year-old son at Newark International Airport in 2004 for a two-week vacation to Rio de Janeiro , Brazil , that he was about to become embroiled in an international custody battle . Shortly after Bruna Bianchi Goldman arrived in her homeland she called to say she wanted a divorce , which she obtained in Brazil , and would stay there with their son , Sean . The running custody battle has taken many twists and turns and has gained the attention of the Department of State and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton . `` A child belongs with his family , and there is no reason why David Goldman should not get his child back , '' Clinton said in a recent interview on NBC 's Today show . `` And we"} +{"answer":"for the two talked . Jackson 's youngest child , 7 , was carried by a surrogate mother , whose name has not yet been released . Katherine Jackson gained temporary guardianship of the three children soon after his death last month . Learn about other notable custody cases '' The agreement must be approved by the judge . A custody hearing is set for Monday before Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff . Beckloff will also hear arguments Monday about Jackson 's estate and who will control it . Katherine Jackson is asking the court for more involvement in the estate 's business . Watch what may have happened in Jackson 's final hours '' Jackson family lawyer Londell McMillan said the family was pleased the custody matter was `` resolved and was handled in a caring , thoughtful and courteous manner by the parties and their representatives . '' `` We were all united in our goals to do what is best for Michael 's wonderful children , and both Mrs. Jackson and Debbie Rowe were on the exact same page , '' McMillan said . `` Accordingly , although important issues had to be resolved","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Michael Jackson 's ex-wife and the mother of his two oldest children , Debbie Rowe , has agreed not to challenge the singer 's mother for custody of the children , according to a joint statement from lawyers for Rowe and Katherine Jackson . Debbie Rowe will not pursue custody of the children she bore with Michael Jackson , a lawyer says . The agreement does not involve any financial payments to Rowe `` apart from the continuation of spousal support payments '' that Michael Jackson personally agreed to make to Rowe after their divorce , the lawyers said . Rowe will get visitation rights with the children and the `` timing , frequency and manner of visits shall be implemented according to the best interests of the children , as determined by a child psychologist selected jointly , and paid jointly , '' by Jackson and Rowe , the announcement said . Rowe never publicly said if she would fight Jackson 's 79-year-old mother for custody of her son and daughter -- ages 11 and 12 -- and a court hearing concerning custody was delayed several times this month while lawyers"} +{"answer":"maximum restraint , including restraining Hezbollah and preventing the group 's acquisition of such lethal , long-range weapons . '' Within 24 hours , the senior U.S. diplomat in Damascus met with the vice foreign minister , Faisal al-Miqdad , to convey Clinton 's message . The cables described him as `` clearly surprised '' by the allegations . `` Flatly denying any Syrian role in the supply of weapons to Hezbollah , Miqdad contended Damascus supported Lebanese independence , '' a cable says , quoting Miqdad as saying : `` You may hear about weapons going to Hezbollah , but they are absolutely not coming through Syria . '' Miqdad then went on the offensive , according to the cable , asking : `` The most sophisticated weapons are coming to Israel , to be used against whom ? '' But the U.S. diplomat in Damascus commented : `` Even a seasoned diplomat like Miqdad could not restrain a raised eyebrow at our mention of the transfer of ballistic missiles to Hezbollah . '' The following day another cable from the secretary of state 's office asked U.S. diplomats to rally support from allies for Washington 's position .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A series of U.S. diplomatic cables from early this year directly accused Syria of supplying advanced weaponry , including SCUD ballistic missiles , to the Shiite militia Hezbollah in Lebanon . U.S. protests to Damascus met with persistent denials , according to the cables , which were published by the WikiLeaks website . At a meeting in February , according to one cable , a senior U.S. diplomat stressed Washington 's concerns directly with Syrian President Bashar Asad , `` who bluntly stated that he knew of no new weapons systems going to Hezbollah . '' But just a week later , an urgent note from U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the U.S. Embassy in Damascus said the United States had learned of Syrian plans to supply Hezbollah with SCUD-D ballistic missiles , which would magnify its threat to Israel . Clinton wrote : `` I must stress that this activity is of deep concern to my government , and we strongly caution you -LRB- Syria -RRB- against such a serious escalation . '' To reinforce the point , the cable continues : `` Your interest in avoiding war should require you to exert"} +{"answer":"and creates a fund for victim payments . `` The Libyans did n't believe that Congress would ever be helpful , and Congress did n't think Libya would ever do it , '' Welch said Thursday . `` We found a diplomatic way to accommodate both sides by turning suspicion into an asset . '' Under the new law , Congress gives the Bush administration the authority to restore sovereign immunity for Libya only when the United States receives the agreed-upon money to pay American claimants in the fund and the secretary of state certifies it . See a timeline of events following the Pan Am attack '' Once the money is received into the fund , Libya would be exempted from legislation passed this year enabling terrorism victims to be compensated from frozen assets of governments blamed for attacks . The 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie , Scotland , killed 270 people , including 189 Americans . The 1986 La Belle disco bombing in Berlin , Germany , killed two American servicemen and injured 79 Americans . Libya has paid 268 families involved in the Pan Am bombing $ 8 million each of a $","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Libya will pay hundreds of millions of dollars to victims of terrorist attacks involving Americans in an agreement signed and finalized Thursday , the U.S. State Department said . U.S. Assistant Secretary of State David Welch , left , and Libyan Deputy Foreign Minister Ahmad Fitouri sign the deal . Assistant Secretary of State David Welch signed the deal in Tripoli , Libya , on Thursday . If implemented , the deal will end Libya 's legal liability in numerous lawsuits from families of victims of what the United States considers Libyan terrorist acts . It also paves the way for stronger ties between the two nations and increased U.S. involvement in the oil-rich nation . `` This resolves the last major historical issue that has stood in the way of a more normal relationship between our two countries , '' Welch said . The deal had hinged on congressional approval . Last month , just before leaving for summer recess , Congress unanimously adopted the Libyan Claims Resolution Act , sponsored by Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg , D-New Jersey . The legislation cleared the way to end the feud with Libya over terrorist attacks"} +{"answer":"for anti-piracy campaigners , who had long targeted the Web site . Should the perpetrators of Internet piracy be punished ? Have your say The year-long prison terms are for violating Swedish law , while the damages are compensation to the media giants in the civil case -- though the court ordered the men to pay just one-third of the 110 million kronor -LRB- $ 13 million -RRB- which the companies had asked for . Friday 's verdict did not include an order to shut down The Pirate Bay site . Its owners have consistently shrugged off legal threats and police raids , posting letters from entertainment industry lawyers on their Web site with mocking responses . When Dreamworks studio demanded that the site act over file-sharing of Dreamworks ' movie `` Shrek 2 , '' The Pirate Bay threatened to sue for harassment and lodge a formal complaint `` for sending frivolous legal threats . '' `` It is the opinion of us and our lawyers that you are ... morons , '' the response continued , suggesting that studio representatives perform a sexual act . The response closed with an obscenity . Site owners dismissed the effects of","question":"STOCKHOLM , Sweden -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Four men behind a Swedish file-sharing Web site used by millions to exchange movies and music have been found guilty of collaborating to violate copyright law in a landmark court verdict in Stockholm . A Pirate Bay server , confiscated by police last year , on display in Stockholm 's Technical Museum . The four defendants -- Fredrik Neij , Gottfrid Svartholm Warg , Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi and Carl Lundstrom , three founders and one patron of The Pirate Bay -- were sentenced to one year in jail and also ordered to pay 30 million kronor -LRB- $ 3.6 million -RRB- in damages to several major media companies including Warner Brothers , Columbia , Twentieth Century Fox , Sony BMG and EMI . The defendants are free without restrictions while they appeal the judgment . The Pirate Bay allows users to exchange files including movies , music , games and software , but does not host the files itself . It claims more than 3.5 million registered users . The court case , which involved both a criminal case and a civil claim brought by the media companies , marks a key victory"} +{"answer":"a recent visit to the Russian leader 's vacation home that `` Israel does n't intend to deliver any strike against Iran . '' '' -LSB- Peres -RSB- said we are a peaceful country , we will not deal such a blow , '' Medvedev said in the interview , broadcast Sunday on `` Fareed Zakaria GPS . '' `` Therefore any deliveries of systems -- defensive systems -- which are aimed at protecting can not increase danger , they should reduce it . '' Medvedev was referring to Russia 's agreement to sell Iran its S-300 anti-aircraft missile system , which he said is in keeping with international law . The Israeli newspaper Maariv reported Monday that Peres used his influence to persuade Washington to abandon its plans to base a missile defense shield system in Poland and the Czech Republic , a proposal that had rankled Moscow . In exchange , Moscow agreed to support `` imposing sanctions on Iran , '' Maariv reported . The United States and Russia have disagreed over Iran and over possible steps the U.N. Security Council may take -- including imposing sanctions -- to push Tehran to comply with U.N. demands concerning","question":"JERUSALEM -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Israel on Monday restated its long-standing policy regarding Iran after Russia 's president indicated that Israel had taken the military option off the table . The Israel Defense Forces chief of staff , Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi , says , `` Israel has the right to defend itself . '' `` Contrary to reports , all options -LSB- are -RSB- on the table on the issue of preventing Iranian nuclear weapons capability , '' Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon posted on his Twitter account . The Israel Defense Forces chief of staff , Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi , also weighed in , telling Israel Army Radio that `` Israel has the right to defend itself , and all options are open . '' `` The IDF 's working premise is that we have to be prepared for that possibility , and that is exactly what we are doing , '' he said . The issue stems from reports that Israel may have struck a deal with Russia regarding Iran and its controversial nuclear program . Russian President Dmitry Medvedev told CNN 's Fareed Zakaria last week that Israeli President Shimon Peres told him in"} +{"answer":"same time . You name it : the banking meltdown one day , the feared floods in Fargo , North Dakota , the next ; the forced ouster of the head of General Motors one morning , followed soon after by the street demonstrations in London during the Group of 20 summit . We all tend to fret together about one crisis at a time ; undoubtedly there will be something new for all of us to be nervous about together before sundown tonight . So the goal here was to come up with something utterly unlikely -- something that , in 2009 , you would n't think would bother people -- and find out if it does . Tumbleweeds . That , just picked at random , was the test case . `` They can be a pretty big problem out here , '' said Scott McGuire , a code enforcement inspector in Greeley , Colorado . `` When the wind is right , they 'll pile up right to the roofline of a house . Seriously -- people ca n't see out of their windows or even easily get out of their homes . '' There was something","question":"Editor 's note : CNN contributor Bob Greene is a best-selling author whose current book is '' When We Get to Surf City : A Journey Through America in Pursuit of Rock and Roll , Friendship , and Dreams . '' `` Tumbling tumbleweeds '' have been romanticized in song , but they 're no fun in some parts of the U.S. -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- `` Do we like them ? '' Patrick Victor , a game and fish commission employee in San Carlos , Arizona , repeated the question back to me as if I had proved my lunacy by asking it in the first place . `` Do we like tumbleweeds ? '' he said . `` No one likes them . They 're not like in the cowboy movies . We consider them garbage -- worse than garbage . There is nothing to treasure or cherish about a tumbleweed . '' We were talking about tumbleweeds because of a theory I had been pondering : In this country , because of the immediacy of news , it seems as if everyone from one coast to the other is worrying obsessively about the same thing at the"} +{"answer":"go about the business of focusing on our parents ' tremendous legacy . '' The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in April 1968 in Memphis , Tennessee , where he was to lead garbage workers on a protest march . King 's wife , Coretta Scott King , also devoted her life to the civil rights movement , died in 2006 . Attorneys for Bernice King and Martin Luther King III would not say Friday how much money they are accusing Dexter King of taking from their mother 's estate . Bernice King is the administrator of that estate . Dexter King , the suit says , controls their father 's estate , which is registered as a Georgia corporation . All three children are shareholders in that corporation . The lawsuit names Dexter King and the corporation as defendants . It alleges that last month , the defendants `` converted substantial funds from the estate 's financial account at Bank of America for their own use . '' Harmon Caldwell , an Atlanta attorney representing the plaintiffs , said Dexter King is a signatory on the account , but `` was not authorized to transfer the funds","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Two of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. 's children are suing their brother , accusing him of wrongfully taking money from their parents ' estates . Dexter King , left , Bernice King and Martin Luther King III attend a 2006 tribute for their late mother . Bernice King and Martin Luther King III allege that Dexter King took `` substantial funds '' out of Coretta Scott King 's estate and `` wrongfully appropriated '' money from their father 's estate . The suit , filed Thursday in Fulton County Superior Court , serves as a very public fissure in an iconic family that has always professed unity , particularly as questions have swirled around some of their financial dealings . In a written statement Friday , Dexter King called the suit `` inappropriate and false . '' `` I 'm disappointed that our personal family disagreement , as it relates to the family business , has evolved into being handled in a public legal forum , '' he said . `` It is my hope that this inappropriate and false claim by my siblings will be swiftly resolved and we can"} +{"answer":"taking off from LaGuardia Airport . Officials say everyone on board apparently got off the plane alive . Some passengers were being treated for hypothermia and other minor injuries . And according to many iReporters , who described the situation to CNN as it unfolded , the rescue operation looked as smooth as the landing -- but , of course , just as scary . They say ferries arrived first on the scene , followed quickly by emergency boats and helicopters . `` Immediately there were ferries on the scene , '' said Harrington . `` Almost instantaneous . I watch these ferries all day -- they do n't normally go this fast . '' Police boats and helicopters arrived shortly after , he said . Julie Pukelis also saw the ferries arrive . `` It seemed very quick . ... Ferry boats out there within minutes , '' she said . `` I think it was a great team effort . '' iReport.com : `` We watched the plane drifting slowly down the water '' '' -LSB- The rescue -RSB- looked pretty well-organized from what I could see , '' said Jim Davidson , who lives two blocks from","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- By many eyewitness accounts , when US Airways flight 1549 crashed into the Hudson River , it looked like a completely normal landing -- except it was in the water . iReporters captured the plane 's crash-landing and rescue operations `` It looked like a perfectly smooth landing , nothing out of the ordinary , '' said Lou Romansky , who was stuck in traffic and saw the plane go down . `` No unusual noises , no flames , no nothing . It was very graceful ; -LSB- I -RSB- saw the nose go up . '' Josefina Echevarria happened to be standing near the window of her Manhattan office , and reports seeing a similar scene . `` I saw an airplane landing in the middle of the water , but very calm , '' she said . `` It was n't a nose dive , '' added Joe Harrington , who also saw the crash out his window . `` It looked like it was a landing . '' The plane , which carried more than 150 passengers and was bound for Charlotte , North Carolina , went down Thursday afternoon shortly after"} +{"answer":"country director of the BBC World Service Trust -LRB- which the Gates foundation funded -RRB- , sums it up best when she said to The Associated Press : `` A ring tone is a very public thing . It 's a way to show you are a condom user and you do n't have any issues with it . '' Right , nothing attracts the amorous attention like announcing loudly that you have a condom . 2 . Perks you right up Ethiopians claim they hate condoms because the smell of latex sickens them . To combat the odor , DKT International , a United Sates nonprofit , created coffee condoms . These dark brown condoms allegedly -LRB- I 'm not testing the products -RRB- taste and smell like the favorite coffee of Ethiopia -- the macchiato , an espresso with cream and sugar . One college student claimed the smell reminded him of the beauty of Ethiopian women -LRB- it 's not clear if that 's a compliment -RRB- . These condoms bolster national identity because Ethiopians claim to have invented coffee . DKT International also created flavored and scented condoms for Indonesia -LRB- durian fruit -RRB- and China","question":"-LRB- Mental Floss -RRB- -- Most people know that condoms prevent the spread of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases -LRB- STDs -RRB- . Unusual campaigns to promote condom use are being launched in places where condoms are less popular . But in many parts of the world , condoms are n't very popular . Here are five novel campaigns launched by nonprofit organizations and condom companies to encourage wider use . 1 . A ring tone to remember In India , people stigmatize condoms and refuse to wear them because they believe only prostitutes must use prophylactics . Leave it to one of the world 's richest men to find a solution -- the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation donated money for a national condom ring tone . An a cappella group sings `` Condom , Condom '' -- in the style of doo-wop like the contagious pop song `` Barbara Ann '' -- when one receives a phone call . Despite its bubblegum sound , officials hope that the people who have the condom ring tone appear smart and responsible . Since the ring tone 's August launch , more than 60,000 people downloaded it . Yvonne MacPherson ,"} +{"answer":"missing for nearly a week . Her body was found Sunday hidden in a basement wall . Bloody clothes were found hidden above tiles in a drop ceiling elsewhere in the same building , investigators said . Le was last seen entering the building Tuesday morning . Thomas Kaplan , editor-in-chief of the Yale Daily News , said Le `` really had everything going for her . '' `` She was a top scholar . She was very outgoing , a warm person , '' Kaplan said . `` You know , she was diminutive in stature , but certainly not in personality . And that 's what I think just makes this so sad for everyone , regardless of whether you knew her . It 's just a tragedy . '' Le 's death is being investigated as a homicide , but Connecticut medical examiners released no further information beyond the identification . A candlelight vigil in her honor was scheduled for Monday evening on the campus . A Yale professor said on Monday that the building has good security and only certain people can enter , let alone access certain areas . Professor Gary Rudnick , who interviewed","question":"NEW HAVEN , Connecticut -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A quiet rendition of `` Amazing Grace '' capped an emotional candlelight vigil Monday night for slain Yale University student Annie Le , whose body was found on what was to have been her wedding day . Students at Yale attend a candlelight vigil for Annie Le Monday night . Several hundred people turned out on the Yale campus for the vigil , crying and hugging each other . Le 's roommate , Natalie Powers , said the 24-year-old graduate student in pharmacology `` was as good a human being as you 'd ever hope to meet . '' `` She was also really tenacious and had a sense of humor that was never far away , and she was tougher than you 'd think by just looking at her , '' Powers said . `` That this horrible tragedy happened at all is incomprehensible . But that it happened to her I think is infinitely more so . It seems completely senseless . '' Connecticut state medical examiners announced Monday that the body found in a Yale medical research building over the weekend was that of Le , who had been"} +{"answer":". Wayne Rooney wasted United best chance to level and Markus Steinhofer belted the ball against his own crossbar in the second half before Frei nipped in to head home the crucial second goal in the 84th minute . It was the first time Alex Ferguson 's men had failed to reach the knockout stages of the Champions League for six years and only the third time in 16 years . `` Of course we 're disappointed , there 's no other way you can feel , '' Ferguson told Sky Sports . `` It 's part of football . You have to deal with the disappointment , and this club has used it as motivation many times . `` These young players will feel disappointed tonight but they 'll have to cope with it and go on with their careers . '' Oscar Cardozo scored the crucial goal after seven minutes for Benfica in their 1-0 win over Otelul Galati which left them top of the group . English Premier League leaders Manchester City eased to victory against their understrength Bavarian visitors as David Silva and Yaya Toure struck either side of halftime . But it all proved academic","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Manchester United and their city rivals Manchester City both made embarrassing exits from the European Champions League on Wednesday . United were beaten 2-1 in Basel to leave the Swiss side and Benfica as the qualifiers from Group C , while City beat Bayern Munich 2-0 at the Etihad Stadium but went out as Napoli won 2-0 at Villarreal . It left Bayern and the Italians to go through from Group A to complete a chastening first experience of Europe 's top club competition for Robert Mancini 's expensively assembled side . But it was the exit of last year 's runners-up United which was the biggest upset , needing only a draw to ensure their passage to the last 16 , goals from Marco Streller and Alexander Frei sent them crashing . Real Madrid to topple Barca in ` El Clasico ' clash ? Phil Jones pulled one back in the 89th minute to set up a frantic finale but they could not force the equalizer . Streller 's goal after nine minutes came as a result of defensive uncertainty with goalkeeper David De Gea parrying out a cross which fell invitingly for the scorer"} +{"answer":"for Shon Pernice declined to comment for this story . Police and family say Renee was pursuing a divorce around the time she disappeared . A local firefighter , Shon Pernice has said he was not involved in her disappearance . He told a local activist in March that `` I did n't harm my wife one bit . Not at all . '' In that interview , one of the few in which he 's referenced his wife 's disappearance , he added , `` It 's gut-wrenching thinking that either she 's got a rich-ass doctor boyfriend somewhere and she 's happy , or she 's dead . '' Since his wife disappeared , Shon Pernice has been arrested twice on unrelated charges : once for allegedly stealing a neighbor 's gun and another time for disturbing the peace in an incident with that same neighbor this past July Fourth weekend . `` As everybody knows , my wife has been missing since January 2 , '' he told CNN affiliate KCTV5 . `` This is what it stems from . Basically what the media ... has portrayed of me -- of the whole situation . There 's","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Renee Pernice , a 35-year-old mother of two young children , vanished from her home in Kansas City , Missouri , shortly after New Year 's this year . She has n't been heard from since . Renee Pernice is pictured here with her two sons and husband , Shon . Police believe foul play is involved , yet they have not found her body . No one has been arrested in the case . Police have not named her husband , Shon Pernice , as a person of interest or a suspect in the case . However , `` he 's the last known person to see her alive , '' said Doug Niemeier , a sergeant with the Kansas City Police Department . Six months after Renee Pernice disappeared , police say they still have questions about her husband in the days after her disappearance , including why he allegedly accessed a local fire department 's hazardous materials building around 4:30 a.m. January 3 . `` It should be noted that multiple types of cleaners , solvents and cleaning supplies are stored at Station # 5 , '' a police affidavit says . Attorneys"} +{"answer":"1 at midafternoon , not long after its eye came ashore at South Padre Island . Forecasters said its winds had decreased to about 95 mph . `` It 's probably not the best decision to ride it out , '' said Murphy , 41 , but he said he felt that he did n't have a lot of choice.iReport.com : Murphy 's Law striking Murphy 's Law ? Only one shipyard in the area can pull a boat such as his out of the water , he said , and there are more boats than there are spaces , `` so you pretty much have to man it . '' See the projected path of the storm '' The charter company is a family business , and Murphy has been working on boats since he was 9 . He said his brother was in a boat anchored next to Murphy 's Law . He was alone because his deckhands left . View photos from the storm zone '' Murphy was accompanied by his girlfriend , Lisa Graves , and the captain of the company 's third boat , which had been hauled out of the water . `` When","question":"SOUTH PADRE ISLAND , Texas -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As his fishing boat , Murphy 's Law , was tossed about Wednesday in the path of Hurricane Dolly , Steven Murphy hoped to dodge the adage his vessel is named for : `` If anything can go wrong , it will . '' Captain Murphy 's Fishing Charters boats sit moored Wednesday at South Padre Island , Texas . Murphy , owner of Captain Murphy 's Fishing Charters , was riding out the storm in the 65-foot double-decker boat tethered to a pier at South Padre Island , Texas , just north of Brownsville . `` I do n't know if you can hear that wind , but it 's really blowing . It 's like a tornado , '' he said . `` It 's starting to tear it up real good . '' Dolly strengthened into a Category 2 storm Wednesday with 100-mph winds as it lashed the south Texas-Mexico border , sending residents and military personnel scurrying for safety and forcing people on South Padre Island to hunker down to wait it out . Watch Dolly pound South Padre '' The hurricane was reclassified to a Category"} +{"answer":"experiences that anyone can ever endure . `` Never being able to say the word ` Mummy ' again in your life sounds like a small thing . Tell us what you think about Prince William 's moving comments `` However , for many , including me , it 's now really just a word -- hollow and evoking only memories . `` I can therefore wholeheartedly relate to the Mother 's Day campaign as I too have felt -- and still feel -- the emptiness on such a day as Mother 's Day . '' Listen to Prince William discuss his mother . '' The charity wants to raise awareness of the problems suffered by mothers bereaved of a child or children bereaved of their mother . Based in Buckinghamshire , a region west of London , it educates professionals and supports families after a death . Writing in Britain 's Daily Mail newspaper about his new role , the Prince said the reality of losing a child or parent was `` awful . '' `` Initially , there is a sense of profound shock and disbelief that this could ever happen to you . Real grief often does","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Prince William has spoken in depth publicly for the first time about death of his mother , Diana , Princess of Wales , 12 years ago , saying `` mummy '' is now a hollow word `` evoking only memories . '' Diana , Princess of Wales , died in a Paris car crash 12 years ago . Prince William was only 15 and his brother Prince Harry 12 when Diana died in a Paris car crash along with Dodi Fayed in 1997 . The Prince made the comment Thursday during a speech to mark his new role as patron of Britain 's Child Bereavement Charity -- a group his mother was once involved with . The British Press Association reported that he told the launch of the charity 's Mother 's Day campaign : `` My mother Diana was present at your launch 15 years ago , and I am incredibly proud to be able to continue her support for your fantastic charity , by becoming your royal patron . `` What my mother recognized then -- and what I understand now -- is that losing a close family member is one of the hardest"} +{"answer":"and Zhao were also newlyweds after Zhao proposed to Shen on the ice following a stunning 2007 World Championship performance in Tokyo . Headlining the popular Stars on Ice tour in the United States , retirement seemed like a natural step for Zhao and Shen . But after just two years away , they declared they would return for the Vancouver Olympics , presumably to capture the gold medal that eluded them . CNN memories : What was it like to train with Olympic champs ? Zhao and Shen kicked off their comeback fittingly by winning the Cup of China last season . They won all three of their events and set a new world record at the Grand Prix Final . The pair , formerly ranked number one in the world , opened the Vancouver Olympic figure skating competitions by performing first of the 20 competing pairs . Their draw was considered bad luck , especially because Shen and Zhao currently rank 29th in the world after being away from competition . Zhao and Shen delivered a near flawless performance in the short program on Sunday , what many skating analysts called their strongest program ever . `` We","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- China 's figure skating pair of Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo capped an emotional comeback to the Winter Olympics on Monday by capturing the pairs figure skating gold . By winning the event , Shen and Zhao captured their country 's first gold medal in figure skating and fulfilled a quest that had previously eluded them . The husband-and-wife team had retired from Olympic competition , but was coaxed back by the hope of claiming gold . China made it a 1-2 finish in pairs skating after Pan Qing and Tong Jian claimed silver , according to the Vancouver Olympics Web site . Germany 's Aliona Savchenko and Robin Szolkowy claimed third place and the bronze medal in the event . Elsewhere at the Olympics , South Korea 's Mo Tae-Bum captured the gold medal in the men 's 500-meter speed skating event . Japan 's Keiichiro Nagashima and Joji Kato captured silver and bronze , respectively . In figure skating , China 's Shen and Zhao had retired in 2007 after capturing three world championships and two Olympic bronze medalists , making them the most decorated figure skaters in their country 's history . Shen"} +{"answer":"has been Prime Minister of Italy seven times . His Christian Democrat Party was the leading force in Italian politics as a one-party system for four decades . The rules of the game were shattered in the early 1990s by `` Tangentopoli '' or Bribesville -- a corruption scandal that laid bare some of the government 's unsavory practices , ruining careers and resulting in the suicides of some leading politicians . Andreotti himself was implicated in illegal activities , including connections to the Mafia , but was finally acquitted of all charges . Today , he is a senator for life . Something of the man 's influence in all spheres of Italian public life becomes clear when Sorrentino -- who says he is not a political director , `` only in this case '' -- explains how hard he found it to fund the film . `` In Italy nobody wanted to finance the film because everybody was scared , '' Sorrentino told CNN . `` He has been a very powerful man for many years . '' Sorrentino managed eventually to secure funding from a private source . `` It is not easy for Italian companies to","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A man walks around the side of a building , footsteps falling in time to the heartbeat of a driving pop soundtrack , pulls out a pistol and guns down another man . Tony Servillo as arch-manipulator and seven time Italian Prime Minister , Guilio Andreotti , in Paolo Sorrentino 's `` Il Divo . '' A montage of grisly murders follows , all with the same infectious pop song pounding in the background . It 's edge-of-the-seat stuff and it 's only the opening sequence of gifted Italian director Paolo Sorrentino 's biopic of Italian politician Giulio Andreotti , `` Il Divo . '' Sorrentino 's film chronicles the career of probably the most important and controversial politico in Italy 's recent history . But , more than that , it pins Andreotti to the specimen board and dissects his character without mercy . The film caught the eye of the judges at Cannes Film Festival last year where it picked up the Jury Prize . Predictably , Andreotti did n't react well to the film . `` He was very angry , '' recalls Sorrentino . Now 91 years-old , Andreotti"} +{"answer":"Van der Sloot was arrested in June 2010 in relation to Flores ' death but was not formally charged until this month . The three Peruvian drivers who allegedly helped him flee to Chile after the incident are also charged in the case . Prosecutors want five-year prison sentences for them and fines of about $ 1,800 . Before he resigned as van der Sloot 's lawyer this year , Maximo Altez told In Session that his client attacked Flores after she found something on his computer that tied him to the disappearance of Alabama teen Natalee Holloway , who vanished while on a graduation trip to the Caribbean island of Aruba in 2005 . Van der Sloot was arrested twice but never charged in connection with Holloway 's disappearance , which remains unsolved . `` My client ... admits having murdered the victim , but not with ferocity , for profit or pleasure , nor any of the other element -LRB- s -RRB- that make up this murder , but only by violent emotion that overtook him at the time he was attacked by the victim , '' Altez said in a motion that was given to In Session","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In a videotaped interrogation with Peruvian police broadcast Monday , Joran van der Sloot admitted that he hit , strangled and ultimately killed a 21-year-old woman last year in his Lima hotel room . Footage of the confession by the 24-year-old Dutch national was aired by America TV , a CNN affiliate , as well as other Peruvian news organizations . In it , an interrogator twice asks van der Sloot in Spanish whether he killed Stephany Flores . Both times , he answers yes . The admission is part of a lengthier conversation in which van der Sloot explains that he met the young woman in a casino in Miraflores , and then they went to his hotel room . There , the suspect said , he began hitting her after noticing that she had pulled up news about him on his computer . Wearing a hooded sweatshirt and smoking a cigarette , a seemingly calm van der Sloot answers a series of detailed questions about the case on the video . Among other things , he describes hitting the victim in the head with his elbow and putting two hands around her neck ."} +{"answer":"Perhaps that 's why , here in Washington , it has been so elusive , '' the president said Tuesday . Watch more on Obama 's ` pay-as-you-go ' plan '' But Republicans were quick to question the administration 's sincerity . Republican Whip Eric Cantor charged that the administration 's focus on PAYGO `` seems more driven by polling and PR strategy than a serious commitment to fiscal discipline . '' `` It seems a tad disingenuous for the President and Speaker -LSB- Nancy -RSB- Pelosi to talk about PAYGO rules after ramming trillions in spending through Congress proposing policies that create more debt in the first six months of this year than in the previous 220 years combined , '' Cantor , R-Virginia , said in a statement Tuesday . Republicans point to the $ 787 billion stimulus package as evidence that Obama is not following his own advice . Cantor 's statement included a `` fiscal timeline '' highlighting government spending initiatives this year . The timeline entry for June 8 points to polls showing dissatisfaction with the administration on spending and the deficit . The entry for June 9 shows the president holding a PAYGO summit","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Obama urged Congress to adopt a `` pay-as-you-go '' approach to federal spending in order to restore fiscal discipline , but critics say the president 's call lacks credibility . Preisdent Obama says PAYGO is common sense . Faced with a record $ 1.8 trillion deficit , Obama on Tuesday pushed Congress to take up the spending rules , known as PAYGO . The approach would require lawmakers to pay for new programs , dollar-for-dollar , with budget cuts elsewhere . `` The ` pay as you go ' rule is very simple . Congress can only spend a dollar if it saves a dollar elsewhere , '' Obama said , as he announced that he was submitting to Congress a proposal to make PAYGO law . Obama repeated his vow to halve the deficit by the end of his first term , and he said PAYGO is an important step toward making that happen . A previous PAYGO mandate helped erase federal budget deficits in the 1990s , and subsequent ineffective rules contributed to the current budget deficits , Obama said . `` Paying for what you spend is basic common sense ."} +{"answer":"'s statement . When asked about the chance he could leave Inter , Mourinho had earlier told the club Web site : `` There is still a 0.01 % -LRB- chance -RRB- . But for me this is not an important number , it just means that I am closer to Inter than to Real . `` I am satisfied with the relationship with the fans and with my players . I repeat , I am closer to staying at Inter than going elsewhere . '' Those comments failed to impress Inter president Massimo Moratti , but the extended contract has settled any differences . Mourinho made his mark at Porto in 2004 when he led the Portuguese team to the Champions League title , beating Monaco 3-0 in the final , before moving to Chelsea . At Stamford Bridge he claimed the Premier League title in each of his first two seasons and the FA Cup the following campaign , but left the club in September 2007 . Not all Inter fans have warmed to the Portuguese since his arrival in Milan last summer . He has been involved in several disagreements with the Italian media and his style","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Jose Mourinho has extended his contract at Serie A champions Inter Milan by 12 months until June 2012 , killing off speculation that he could be on his way to Real Madrid . Coach Mourinho has signed an extended deal ending fears he could wave goodbye to Inter Milan . Former Chelsea supremo Mourinho took charge at Italian giants Inter a year ago following the departure of Roberto Mancini and has just guided the club to their fourth straight scudetto . They also won the Italian Super Cup , but were eliminated by defending champions Manchester United in the first knockout round of the Champions League . A statement on the Inter Web site read : `` In response to the wish of the coach to continue the project started together a year ago , a wish welcomed with pleasure by the club as a sign of attachment and winning spirit , FC Internazionale announces the extension of Jose Mourinho 's contract until 30 June 2012 . '' Mourinho had promised the fans more titles would be on the after lifting his first Italian title , but the eal issue refused to go away until Monday"} +{"answer":"'s the last major of the season so I hope to have a good event , '' Nadal said . Nadal , who was knocked out of the U.S. Open at the semifinal stage by Britain 's Andy Murray last year , said he considers himself lucky in terms of injuries that have affected his career . `` If you 're playing at 100 percent , always at the limit , it is normal that you get injuries . I had nearly four years of perfect fitness while playing a lot of matches . Injuries sometimes happen so you have to accept that and try and recover as quickly as possible . '' But the Majorca-born player admitted it has been difficult to cede ground to his rivals while unable to play and he is keen to prove a point in New York . `` Roger has done an unbelievable job - he deserved the 15 grand slams and I ca n't congratulate him enough . I miss the competition but not the challenge of playing Roger ! `` The atmosphere in New York is great , the crowd is more educated than many other events , so I like","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former world number one , Rafael Nadal , has exclusively told CNN his levels of fitness ahead of the U.S. Open are `` better than expected , '' boosting his chances of becoming only the seventh man in history to win a career grand slam with victory at Flushing Meadows . Titans of tennis , Rafael Nadal -LRB- left -RRB- and Roger Federer -LRB- right -RRB- , will be both keen to capture the U.S. Open title . The Spaniard , who dropped to third-best in the world after being sidelined for over two months with a knee injury , said he was pleased with his physical preparation for the major that starts on August 31 . `` I 'm very happy as I arrive here feeling better than I expected I would a few weeks ago , '' the 23-year-old said , who came through two warm-up events recently for the hard-court tournament without any further reaction . Watch Nadal 's interview with CNN . '' `` I had a really good time in Cincinnati and a good tournament in Montreal . `` But playing in New York is always a special feeling and it"} +{"answer":"from Amsterdam , Netherlands , to Detroit , Michigan , with explosives in his underwear . Meanwhile , the Transportation Security Administration announced Sunday new security measures to be implemented by domestic and international air carriers on flights bound for the United States , effective Monday . The suspect 's father , a leading banker in Nigeria , warned U.S. authorities before the attack that his son might be involved with Islamic extremists . Brennan said the father 's information was part of `` bits and pieces '' of information that were never connected by intelligence officials to properly target the suspect . `` That was certainly an alert that came to our attention , '' Brennan said of the father 's warnings . `` He said , ` He 's consorting with extremists in Yemen . ' '' However , Brennan rejected another potential warning sign -- that the suspect purchased the airline ticket with cash in Ghana before traveling to Nigeria for the first leg of his journey . `` A lot of people buy their tickets in Africa with cash . That is the way , in fact , things are done , because there 's so","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Human error and system lapses , rather than deliberate concealing of information , allowed a terror suspect with explosives to board a U.S.-bound airplane on Christmas Day , President Obama 's terrorism czar said Sunday . John Brennan , the assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism , said on CNN 's `` State of the Union '' that the security breakdown in the failed bombing of the Northwest Airlines flight was different from the September 11 , 2001 , terror attacks . `` It 's not like 9\/11 , '' Brennan said , adding that the `` system did n't work as it should have '' due to `` lapses '' and `` human error . '' `` There was n't an effort to try to conceal information , '' he said , referring to the well-chronicled competition and turf wars among security agencies prior to the 2001 attacks , which was later blamed for the failure to prevent them . `` There is no smoking gun piece of intelligence out there , '' Brennan said of the failed Christmas bombing , allegedly planned by a Nigerian man who boarded the flight"} +{"answer":"his friends and family , but `` he was a piece of s -- all his life , and now he 'll be famous , '' she told CNN . She said Hawkins was a friend of her sons and `` reminded me of a lost puppy that nobody wanted . '' He came to live with her about a year and a half ago , telling her he could not stay with his own family because of `` some issues with his stepmother and him . '' She described Hawkins as well-behaved , although `` he had a lot of emotional problems , obviously . '' The shootings began about 1:42 p.m. Seven people were found dead at the scene by officers arriving six minutes later ; two others , a male and a female , died after being transported to Creighton University Medical Center , said Fire Chief Robert Dahlquist . A Creighton spokeswoman said a second female was undergoing surgery and was in critical condition Wednesday afternoon . Three other people were taken to the University of Nebraska Medical Center . One , a 61-year-old man who sustained a chest wound after being shot in the armpit","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A 19-year-old gunman who killed eight people and then himself Wednesday at the Westroads Mall in Omaha , Nebraska , left a suicide note , police said . Police have identified the gunman as Robert A. Hawkins , 19 , of Nebraska . Five other people were injured , and two of them were in critical condition , hospital officials said . Chief Thomas Warren of the Omaha Police Department called the shooting `` premeditated , '' but said it `` appears to be very random and without provocation . '' Surveillance cameras may have captured the shooting , Warren said . `` We 'll be here throughout the night ; it 's a very extensive crime scene , '' he said . Police identified the gunman as Robert A. Hawkins of Nebraska . They have recovered an SKS assault rifle and the suspect 's vehicle . Debora Maruca Kovac , Hawkins ' landlord who found the suicide note , said he wrote he was sorry for everything and did not want to be a burden to anyone any longer . Watch landlord describe phone call from shooter '' Hawkins said in the note he loved"} +{"answer":"lyrics to what would become the national anthem . The agreement to donate the suit ended a years-long battled between Fred Goldman , the father of the man the ex-National Football League star was accused of killing , and Simpson 's former sports agent , Mike Gilbert , who has possession of the suit . But no one checked with the Smithsonian before making the announcement . Hilbig said there was no official offer to donate the suit and that officials learned of the potential deal on the Internet . With the Smithsonian 's rejection , the parties will look for another museum to take the suit , per the Los Angeles County Superior Court order on Monday . `` I suggested to go back to USC -LRB- the University of Southern California , where Simpson starred in college football -RRB- , even though they 've distanced themselves , or maybe the Pro Football Hall of Fame museum , '' said Simpson 's attorney , Ronald Slates , who said he was disappointed in the Smithsonian 's decision . `` We had worked six hours on Monday to reach the settlement , and to find the finest museum in America","question":"Los Angeles , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The venerable Smithsonian Institution , often dubbed `` America 's Attic , '' said no Tuesday to adding a piece of 1990s history to its collections . A day earlier , a California judge approved an agreement to donate the brownish-green suit O.J. Simpson wore the day in 1995 that he was acquitted of murder -- if museum officials wanted it . But they did n't . `` The curators feel that it does n't fit with the collections here at the National Museum of American History , '' Valeska Hilbig , spokeswoman for the museum , told CNN Radio Tuesday . The museum houses iconic memorabilia , such as a pair of Judy Garland 's ruby slippers from `` The Wizard of Oz , '' the hat Abraham Lincoln wore the night he was assassinated and a piece of a lunch counter from a Woolworth 's in Greensboro , North Carolina , that was the site of a civil rights sit-in . The museum on the National Mall in Washington is also home of the original `` Star Spangled Banner , '' which inspired poet Francis Scott Key to pen the"} +{"answer":"other . Violent television programs were subsequently blamed , as video games sometimes are today . The connective theory has long been : if society desensitizes people to violence , if violence becomes a commodity , then it will proliferate . If people are passively taught that violence is everywhere , then violence will sprout , if not everywhere , then many wheres . But to place the brunt of the blame for this on outside forces is to duck a truth that we are understandably reluctant to face : the impulse to murder without remorse seems to be , in some people , almost like a learned language , deriving from somewhere deep and difficult to find . Thankfully , it remains relatively rare , although during weeks like this one it is not easy to take much comfort in that . Yet with each new torrent of killings , with each new demonstration that , to some among us , the idea of spreading heartache and horror is not only acceptable , but attractive ... With each new demonstration of that , we find ourselves once again looking for lessons , in a search that can seem perpetually","question":"Editor 's note : CNN Contributor Bob Greene is a bestselling author whose forthcoming book is `` Late Edition : A Love Story . '' Police tape surrounds the scene of a shooting in southern Alabama on Wednesday . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Carnage in Germany , carnage in Alabama , and one of the most saddening aspects of the killings is this : The impulse to ask `` why , '' while present , seems somehow muted . There will be a search for answers -- why did Michael K. McLendon , the gunman in the American South , murder 10 people , why did Tim Kretschmer , the gunman in the German South , murder 15 people -- but even when a tentative answer is arrived upon , it almost certainly wo n't mean much . Because the real answer we 're searching for -- the answer that will stop these bursts of bloodshed -- seems destined to ever elude us . There is always an impulse to blame obscene killing sprees on outside stimuli . In the years just after World War II , comic books were cited as an incitement for young people to harm each"} +{"answer":". Worldwide in 2008 , a total of 49 vessels were hijacked and 889 crew members taken hostage , the report said . Eleven crew members were killed and 21 others are missing and presumed dead . The pirates are targeting every kind of vessel and are better armed and prepared to assault and injure the crew , the report said . Incidents involving guns nearly doubled from 72 in 2007 to 139 last year . Pirate attacks last year included the hijacking of the largest ship ever taken by pirates , an oil supertanker called the Sirius Star . Attackers seized the giant ship and its 23-man crew in November and only released it last week after receiving a $ 3.5 million ransom payment . The carrier 's crew was released unharmed . Last year 's uptick in hijackings off East Africa has already spurred a number of international navies to patrol the Gulf of Aden . Mukundan said he hoped that more governments would authorize their naval forces to patrol the region . `` International navies are the only ones capable of effective response against piracy in the region and can help to secure the safety and security","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Piracy off the coast of Somalia rose nearly 200 percent in 2008 compared to the year before , with bolder attacks over greater distances , an international piracy monitor said Friday . The French military on patrol in the Gulf of Aden . Somalia and the Gulf of Aden were the worst areas for piracy in 2008 , according to the annual report from International Maritime Bureau 's Piracy Reporting Center -LRB- PRC -RRB- . It said 42 vessels were hijacked there and 815 crew members taken hostage -- more than any place else in the world . The increased ability of pirates to sail farther out to sea , coupled with the inability of the Somali government to respond , led to what the report called an `` unprecedented '' rise in piracy in the area . The problems off the Somali coast contributed to a global rise in piracy , which was up 11 percent in 2008 from the year before , the report said . `` The 2008 statistics surpass all figures recorded by the PRC since it began its worldwide reporting function in 1991 , '' said IMB Director Captain Pottengal Mukundan"} +{"answer":"that includes Buner , said the Taliban withdrew on Friday without any conditions . Earlier in the day , Taliban spokesman Muslim Khan told CNN that the militants would pull back from the district . Pakistani Express TV showed live footage of armed and masked Taliban militants in Buner , loading pickup trucks and driving away . Sufi Muhammed , an Islamist fundamentalist leader who has been negotiating on behalf of the Taliban , was on scene overseeing the withdrawal , police said . U.S. military commander Gen. David Petraeus credited about 300 Pakistan 's Frontier Corps with driving Taliban militants out of Buner . The U.S. Central Command chief spoke to CNN on Friday after testifying before a Congressional panel about the need for the United States to boost its support for Pakistani counterinsurgency troops such as the Frontier Corps . But Amnesty International 's regional chief said people in Buner are reporting a different situation . `` What we 're hearing from people in Buner ... is that the Taliban that have moved out are the non-local ones , '' Sam Zarifi , Amnesty 's Asia Pacific director , told CNN . `` So the local branch of","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The United States is keeping a close eye on Pakistan after this week 's Taliban surge into the Buner district brought them just 60 miles from the capital , Islamabad . A Taliban fighter in the district of Buner , which is only 96 kilometers from Islamabad . A Pakistani government official said Friday that the insurgents had completely withdrawn from the district by the end of the week , but a human rights group said people in Buner were reporting that local Taliban remained in the district . And senior U.S. officials cautioned that any withdrawal by the Taliban was likely meaningless and that the fundamentalist group now holds large areas of the country with the government seemingly unable to stop them . `` We 're certainly moving closer to the tipping point , '' Adm. Mike Mullen , chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff said on NBC 's `` Today '' show Friday . In the interview from Afghanistan , Mullen said he was `` extremely concerned '' about indications the Taliban is moving closer to Pakistan 's capital of Islamabad . Syed Mohammed Javed , commissioner of the Malakand Division"} +{"answer":"spoof of , and homage to , the genre whose films like `` Black Caesar , '' `` The Mac , '' `` Foxy Brown , '' and `` Superfly '' have developed a cult following over the years . `` Black Dynamite '' caught the eye of Sony Pictures at the Sundance Film Festival and the studio acquired the rights to distribute the film . A viral marketing campaign helped whip up anticipation for the movie , which also features former late-night talk show host Arsenio Hall and `` In Living Color '' cast member Tommy Davidson as pimps . Director Scott Sanders said he has always been fascinated by the fact that while blaxploitation really only grabbed hold of the industry for about five years during the early 1970s , it was so influential . `` It was such an extreme genre with the look and the music and there were really no boundaries or rules , '' he said . `` It 's always been a fascination for me given how much it influenced hip-hop , black culture and culture as a whole , given the brevity . '' White , best known for his roles in","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Actor Michael Jai White thinks the negative connotation surrounding the term `` blaxploitation film '' is a bunch of jive . Michael Jai White stars in the new spoof `` Black Dynamite . '' `` The problem I have with the word is that it seems to encompass movies that do n't fall under that category , '' White said . `` As soon as you hear the title ` Shaft ' people think ` blaxploitation ' and that is absolutely unfair because that film was made before the term even existed . '' White , the star and co-writer of the new movie `` Black Dynamite , '' would rather people focus on what he views as the positives of the genre of 1970s urban action films starring African-American actors . His new movie , which opened in limited release last weekend and will start going wider , follows the exploits of Black Dynamite , a former CIA agent who takes to the streets after his brother is killed by the mafia , orphanages are flooded with drugs and some bad malt liquor finds its way into the ` hood . It is both a"} +{"answer":"the age of 50 , throughout the 3-day festival weekend in southwestern England . Festival-goers woke to an unexpectedly somber first day of Glastonbury , Friday , as the news of Jackson 's death began to sink in . See images of reactions to the star 's death from around the world '' Rumors of the singer 's death had circulated the isolated 900-acre site the previous evening , but many fans had dismissed them as the hearsay and misinformation that thrives each year in the site which has no TV or Internet-access . Confusion quickly turned to shock for many , as Jackson 's music played in festival bars and news of his demise spread by cell phone . `` It 's totally weird , '' Sally Anne Aldous , 29 , told CNN on Thursday night . `` People are just getting text messages saying ` Michael Jackson is dead . Michael Jackson is dead . ' '' With a laid-back focus on mainly alternative music , the Glastonbury festival -- expected to attract as many as 137,000 music-lovers -- is not a venue where people would normally expect to hear Jackson 's music . Watch more reaction","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Stars at the legendary Glastonbury , one of the world 's largest music festivals , have begun to pay tribute to Michael Jackson , who died Thursday . Glastonbury at Worthy Farm in Somerset is the world 's largest music festival . Singer Pharell Williams of U.S. group N.E.R.D acknowledged the music icon 's legacy as his band played on the English festival 's main stage , the Pyramid Stage . `` The music was so incredible and what he and Quincy Jones did was change music and the way people looked at music , '' Williams was quoted as saying on the BBC 's Glastonbury Web site . Teenage Australian singer Gabriella Cilmi was the first artist at the festival to pay tribute to Jackson , Friday , singing a few bars of song `` Billie Jean '' during her set . Organizer Emily Eavis wrote on her Twitter site : `` So sad to hear the news about MJ . There will be tributes all over the site all weekend . `` A truly great artist . '' Other artists are expected to honor the singer , who died of a cardiac arrest at"} +{"answer":"of Twitter , '' Sanchez tweeted to Castro Espin . `` Here no one can shut me up , or deny me permission to travel or block my entry . '' Castro Espin shot back : `` Your focus on tolerance reproduces the old mechanisms of power . To improve your ` services ' you need to study . '' While there is long-running animosity between dissidents and the government , it is not common for the two sides to exchange barbs in such a public forum . A bevy of critical replies to Castro Espin must have followed , for then she wrote on Twitter : `` Despicable parasites : Did you receive the order from your employers to respond in unison and with the same predetermined script ? Be creative . '' In Cuba , where Internet access is limited or prohibitively expensive , many citizens use Twitter as a form of communicating , as Tweets can be posted from a simple text message . Castro Espin is the niece of Fidel Castro . Her father , Raul Castro , assumed presidential duties from Fidel in 2006 , and became president in 2008 . Castro Espin 's organization","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Cuban President Raul Castro 's daughter joined Twitter to set the record straight about an interview she did abroad , but ended up arguing with one of the communist island 's prominent dissidents online . Mariela Castro Espin wrote on her Twitter account , @CastroEspinM , that she recently made a trip to Amsterdam , the Netherlands , and toured the city 's infamous red light district in her role as director for Cuba 's National Center for Sexual Education . An interview with Radio Netherlands characterized Castro Espin as `` impressed '' with the way the Dutch organize their prostitution . But on Twitter , Castro Espin said the conversation was taken out of context and that she would use social media to clarify her position . `` Without a doubt , there have been misunderstandings , manipulations , as always . At least there is the Web ... and WikiLeaks , '' she wrote on Twitter . Shortly afterward , Castro Espin was `` welcomed '' to the social networking site by Cuban dissident Yoani Sanchez , an outspoken critic of the Castro regime and avid Twitter user . `` Welcome to the plurality"} +{"answer":"people , mainly in Ouagadougou , the capital of Burkina Faso , where 150,000 people have been affected and key infrastructure -- including a central hospital , schools , bridges and roads -- has been damaged . The flooding in Burkina Faso is the worst in 90 years , WFP said . Many of those in Ouagadougou most needing help were already receiving aid from WFP , but those rations were lost in the floodwaters , the U.N. reported . `` It is always the poor and vulnerable who suffer the most from floods like these as their few remaining assets are swept away , leaving them hungry and destitute , '' WFP Executive Director Josette Sheeran said . Roads and buildings have been ruined from Mauritania to Niger , the U.N. reported . In Agadez , Niger , a town about 458 miles -LRB- 738 km -RRB- north of the capital , Niamey , close to 988 acres -LRB- 400 hectares -RRB- of vegetable crops and hundreds of livestock were washed away . Herve Ludovic de Lys , head of OCHA in West Africa , said natural disasters have a lasting effect that unravels years of progress against poverty","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Torrential rains and flooding since June have affected 600,000 people in 16 West African nations , the United Nations reported Tuesday . People walk in the flooded streets of Ouagadougou , Burkina Faso , last week . The worst hit have been Burkina Faso , Senegal , Ghana and Niger , said Yvon Edoumou , a spokesman for the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs , or OCHA , in the Senegalese capital , Dakar . So far , 159 people have died , he said . Sierra Leone has also been hard hit , according to the U.N. Edoumou said removing water from flooded areas is a top priority , but powerful pumps are in short supply . `` Some people refused to leave their homes so they are living in floodwaters , '' he said . The United Nations has not yet received reports of waterborne diseases , but Edoumou said a real threat exists of diarrhea or , worse , cholera . The U.N. World Food Programme said Tuesday it has begun distributing food to tens of thousands of homeless flood victims . WFP has set a goal of feeding 177,500"} +{"answer":". `` But secret holds , I think , have become a reprehensible part of the process here and need to end . '' Sen. Tom Coburn , R-Oklahoma , was the lone Republican on the floor Friday during the nearly two-hour debate on the issue . He objected to Democratic requests to approve the nominees not because he personally opposes them but `` as courtesy to people on my side of the aisle who have problems with some of these nominees . '' Coburn said Republicans have a right to a public debate on nominees they oppose and Democrats are trying to get around that by seeking unanimous consent to quickly confirm them . In fact , Coburn won praise from McCaskill because she said he is the only Republican senator who has made his holds public . Democrats are especially upset because they think most Republicans are getting around a Senate rule adopted three years ago that requires senators to make public their holds once they 've had them in place for six legislative days . Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse , D-Rhode Island , called the practice `` hold-laundering , '' which is when senators rotate a secret hold","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Frustrated Democrats went to the Senate floor Friday to seek Republican approval for a long list of administration nominees currently blocked by controversial secret holds placed by GOP senators . But a Republican senator objected to each of them as they came up . `` Most of the people on the list , we do n't know why they 're sitting there . We do n't even know who 's making them sit there , '' complained Sen. Claire McCaskill , D-Missouri , who is spearheading Democratic efforts to banish secret holds . `` Enter stage left , the anonymous hold . Or as I like to call it , nobody can blame me cause they do n't know who I am . '' McCaskill said the delay in approving these nominees is particularly agonizing because most of them passed out of committee with little or no opposition . `` If there is a legitimate complaint or grievance against any nominee , I think any senator has a right to be heard and appeal to the body for a vote , '' Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois , the number two Democrat , said Thursday"} +{"answer":"of the splashiest inauguration packages out there . It includes high-end hotel rooms and luxury suites , food and drinks , a heated viewing spot right above the parade route , even gowns and tuxedos to wear to celebratory balls and a beautician to help attendees get ready . Hours after the election , Stafford , a 60-year-old businessman and son of a Baptist minister , invested in what the JW Marriott billed as its $ 1 million `` build-your-own-ball '' inaugural hotel package . His family 's nonprofit foundation , the Stafford Foundation , is footing the bill for what it is calling the People 's Inaugural Project , but it is also hoping to get money from sponsors . Stafford said Thursday that he hopes the balcony terrace is filled `` with those who are disadvantaged , those who are distressed , mingling with those who are n't so . And we hope to see on their faces a sense of excitement . '' `` I was inspired to do this by the Lord . ... It 's not about us but about us helping other people , '' he said . At least third of the tickets","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As Washington gears up for January 's presidential inauguration with high-priced tickets to fancy affairs , one businessman is making sure that some of the less fortunate will have a chance to share in the festivities . Earl Stafford is a Virginia businessman helping the disadvantaged see the inauguration . Virginia businessman Earl Stafford has spent $ 1 million to give hundreds of poverty-stricken and terminally ill Americans , along with wounded men and women in uniform , an inauguration experience that wo n't cost them anything . The zero-dollar price tag is even more shocking , considering that tickets to the inaugural events are going for hundreds of dollars , the city 's remaining hotel rooms are edging into four-figure territory , and even basements and couches miles from the National Mall are going for a premium on Craigslist . Tickets for the inauguration are distributed through members of Congress , and just 240,000 seats are available for the swearing-in ceremony . The tickets are supposed to be free , but with demand outpacing supply , some people have been trying to scalp tickets for thousands of dollars . Stafford 's event is one"} +{"answer":"departing Oakland for South Korea when it struck a tower supporting the western suspension span of the Bay Bridge , cutting a 212-foot , 12-foot wide gash in the ship 's side . About 58,000 gallons of heavy-duty bunker oil poured out of the vessel as it was moored near Treasure Island . See where oil spilled '' The oil sickened birds and formed globules on more than 20 of the area 's beaches . It oozed along the San Francisco city waterfront and out of the bay , beneath the Golden Gate Bridge toward Marin County . Allen defended the Coast Guard against criticism of its response to the spill . Some lawmakers , including one of the state 's U.S. senators , Democrat Barbara Boxer , have criticized the Coast Guard 's handling of the collision and resulting spill . Boxer said the Coast Guard initially reported that the ship 's owner had said only 140 gallons had spilled from the Cosco Busan . Boxer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California have called for congressional hearings into the accident and resulting spill . Although Allen conceded some confusion in the Coast Guard 's communication , he said","question":"SAN FRANCISCO , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- `` Human error factors '' probably were involved in a ship crash and oil spill that killed nearly 400 birds in San Francisco Bay and prompted a federal criminal probe , the U.S. Coast Guard said Monday . A worker checks oil cleanup gear near the Golden Gate Bridge Thursday in San Francisco , California . The U.S. attorney in San Francisco has opened a federal criminal investigation into Wednesday 's crash of the MV Cosco Busan to determine whether the captain and crew violated federal maritime laws . Although not officially detained , the captain and crew were barred by law from leaving the vessel , which is docked for repairs in Oakland , the Coast Guard said . `` You had a competently manned ship with a pilot , all the navigation and sensors , '' said Adm. Thad Allen , Coast Guard commandant . There were `` probably some human error factors , but we need to determine the facts , because there 's no reason a ship like that should have collided with the bridge . '' Watch Allen on the criminal probe '' The Cosco Busan was"} +{"answer":"overall and jockeyed back and forth behind Verizon across the markets . AT&T and T-Mobile were especially close : AT&T offered 4G speed in 40.7 % of our tests , while T-Mobile recorded 4G speed in 39.5 % of our tests . '' Of course , carriers do not deploy 4G networks evenly across a given metro area . They tend to focus deployment in more densely populated areas , and along major highways and office or shopping districts . Depending on the city and the carrier , they may also deploy more 4G resources in wealthier neighborhoods . So the report noted : `` In those cities where LTE was not available , Verizon performed markedly slower . Where LTE is present , Verizon is easily the fastest ; where LTE is not , Verizon is among the slowest carriers for data delivery . '' Most mobile users do n't download huge files to their phones , so `` upper 3G '' download speeds -LRB- 1.5-3 Mbps , according to RootMetrics -RRB- will still seem pretty impressive to a typical mobile user . And even `` lower 3G '' speeds -LRB- between 500 kilobytes\/second and 1.5 Mbps -RRB- are","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Forget the 4G marketing hype . Which U.S. carriers really offer the fastest mobile-data networks ? According to a new report from RootMetrics -LRB- a company which conducts its own field tests of wireless networks -RRB- , Verizon Wireless currently offers the nation 's fastest 4G -- by far . RootMetrics recently compared 4G networks from the four major U.S. carriers in 27 cities . Across all cities , Verizon performed at 4G speeds in 66 % of tests . What qualifies as 4G speed ? According to RootMetrics , that 's a download speed of at least three megabits per second -- fast enough to download a 30-minute standard-definition TV episode in less than 10 minutes . `` In cities where we could test Verizon 's LTE -LRB- network -RRB- , their average download speeds were roughly equivalent with the other carriers ' maximum download speeds . In several markets , Verizon 's average download speeds actually exceeded the maximum speeds of the other carriers , '' the report said . What about the other carriers ? According to the report , `` AT&T , T-Mobile , and Sprint offered similar performances to one another"} +{"answer":"and cleared the area by late afternoon . In Denver , authorities said 24 people were arrested as CNN affiliate KMGH broadcast aerial video of police detaining protesters in a downtown section of the city . Colorado State Police spokesman Mike Baker said the demonstrators could be identified as two distinct groups : The first was a part of what he described as the local `` Occupy '' group , which maintained close communication with law enforcement during the demonstration . The second , he said , was a more `` radical '' faction . `` These were the ones -LRB- police -RRB- came into trouble with today , '' Baker said . Most of those arrested in Denver were charged with unlawful conduct on state property , he said , while one other person was charged with simple assault . Another protester was arrested for impeding traffic . In Seattle , police in riot gear rounded up and arrested 41 demonstrators who gathered in a city park , said police spokeswoman Renee Witt . In New York , Deputy Police Commissioner Paul Browne said law officers arrested 14 demonstrators after they sat in roadways to block traffic , overturned","question":"New York -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Protests swelled in cities nationwide Friday as police forces struggled to either corral or remove demonstrators from downtown parks and plazas in the latest development of the monthlong Occupy Wall Street movement . Scores of protesters were arrested in Denver , Seattle , San Diego and New York , though reports of violence were rare . CNN iReporters sent in photos and video from `` occupy '' protests across several American cities . In San Diego , CNN affiliate KFMB broadcast images of police detaining demonstrators as they gathered amid tents and tarps strewn about a downtown plaza . Protesters appeared to refuse to leave the area , sitting in columns atop the plastic tarps and yelling `` stay down '' as police tried to remove them from the scene . At one point , police used pepper spray to break up the crowd . `` We understand people have a right to protest -LRB- but -RRB- , somewhere along the line , people have a right to conduct business , '' San Diego Police Chief William Lansdowne told CNN affiliate KGTV . Police eventually removed tents that had been set up by protestors"} +{"answer":"the kind of person who leans toward the whole Cheez-It thing . To begin with , I have a slight tendency toward depression -LRB- think Sylvia Plath listening to a freshly downloaded acoustic set from Leonard Cohen -RRB- . And when this particular brain chemistry is confronted with the incredibly unsettling knowledge that people no longer work like dogs to get ahead , they work like dogs just to stay where they are , well , a girl starts needing a few good reasons to get up , put on a little lipstick , and venture out . But it 's no secret that it 's not pretty out there . Food prices are soaring , the housing market is plummeting , the middle class is disappearing , the climate is changing , and Madonna is touring . This is all the more reason to keep a soothing thought or two close at hand . Someday soon , I promise , we can sit down together and come up with a breathtaking bucket list that finally commits us to skydiving with Morgan Freeman just as we 've secretly prayed we would , but today I 'm offering a different kind","question":"-LRB- OPRAH.com -RRB- -- It 's probably good that I 'm not rich . Money , it seems to me , sends people in one of three directions : Lisa Kogan cites the increase in intelligent , witty , creative women as a reason she can be cheerful . It accelerates an innate inclination to be generous , or it accelerates a kamikaze inclination to party with the Olsen twins , or it sucks away your sense of purpose and produces a desperate need to eat nothing but those little white cheddar Cheez-It crackers while staring blankly at an endless cycle of `` Will & Grace '' reruns . I like to think that if I were rich , I 'd be the kind of person who looks at the world and decides to fund cancer research and build schools and feed the hungry , and save whoever needs saving , but there 's an excellent chance I 'd be the kind of person who looks at the world and decides never to get out of bed again . In fact , despite my very real -LRB- and utterly inconvenient -RRB- need to earn a living , I 'm still"} +{"answer":"materials , plastic sheeting , medications and -- with a cold front expected to sweep into the area Tuesday -- clothes , Alvarado said . Fumigation efforts were slated to begin Tuesday to reduce the chances of disease . `` There 's a lot of work to do , '' he said . Guatemala , Spain and other countries were helping , Mata said . At the 139-bed Hospital Santa Gertrudis in San Vicente , 33 patients sought help overnight in the emergency room , mostly for trauma , broken bones and abrasions , said Dr. Ana Luisa Velazquez , the hospital director . Patients had to be removed from the pediatric unit and women 's surgery unit , both of which were built on low-lying ground and were inundated , she said . Though the hospital had fresh water from its own well , fresh water was in scarce supply in San Vicente , she said . Mata visited the town Sunday . `` All three access roads were completely wiped off , '' she told CNN 's Jonathan Mann . `` You could only get there by one lane . Everywhere -- mud , huge rocks . ''","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- At least 130 people have died and dozens are missing after heavy rains triggered flooding and mudslides that buried communities Sunday and left a swath of destruction in El Salvador , officials said Monday . The death toll was `` preliminary , '' said Raul Murillo , subdirector of the Department of Civil Protection in San Salvador . Another 13,680 people were staying in emergency shelters , he said . Laura Mata , communications manager for World Vision in El Salvador , said 40 percent of the dead were children . About 60 people were still missing Monday afternoon , said Carlos Alvarado , communications director for the government 's rescue efforts . The most affected departments are San Salvador , La Paz , Cuscatlan , Usulatan and San Vicente . He described the latter as the most heavily affected . The government 's Web site said there were 108 landslides , 209 destroyed buildings and another 1,835 damaged ones . In all , 18 bridges were affected , it said . Private , government and U.N. donations have all been promised , but the needs exceeded supplies , with high demand for food , construction"} +{"answer":"they can carry . '' Redmond added , `` These are people in poor health ; they are soaking wet because of the torrential downpours . They need shelter , they need water , they need a lot of assistance so we 're going to have to move quickly to get that help to them because a lot of them are already in a weakened state . '' While the Congolese government accused troops under rebel general Laurent Nkunda of staging the attack , a Nkunda spokesman denied the allegation , according to a report from the Integrated Regional Information Networks , a U.N.-affiliated news service . The spokesman , Bwambale Kakolele , said Rwandan Hutu rebels who also operate in the area were behind the attack , that report said . A spokesman for the U.N. military mission in the Congo said it was uncertain which group attacked the Congo army outpost near the village of Kishangazi , according to the U.N.-affiliated news service . `` We think it could have been insurgents close to Nkunda who attacked , but we can not rule out the -LSB- Rwandan rebels -RSB- , '' spokesman Col. Pierre Cherayron was quoted as","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Tens of thousands of Congolese refugees fled camps Tuesday in the Democratic Republic of Congo as rebel troops attacked government forces in the area , the U.N. refugee agency said . Refugees move along a road Tuesday in Mugunga , near Goma , in the Democratic Republic of Congo . A press release from the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees said it did n't appear rebels had targeted the camps , but it reported some were looted after camp residents , classified as internally displaced persons , fled . Roads to Goma , about 10 miles from the camps , were crowded with refugees and local residents fleeing the fighting , the UNHCR reported . Torrential rain made the movement even more difficult . `` The main road toward Sake was crowded with people ; we had difficulties getting through , '' UNHCR field safety adviser Pierre Nazroo was quoted as saying in the agency 's release . `` Internally displaced people are moving from site to site , direction Goma . '' UNHCR spokesman Ron Redmond said , `` They have been living in extremely difficult conditions anyway . Now they have nothing but what"} +{"answer":"judge 's chambers , defense attorney James Thomas told Bulone he had represented both brothers previously , and that the right brother might not be present in court . Bulone put Marcus Mauceri under oath , and according to court transcripts , Marcus swore that he was Matthew . The judge launched a quick investigation . `` One of our fingerprint technicians was called by the judge to do a print comparison , '' said Sgt. Tom Nestor of the Pinellas County Sheriff 's Office . `` They made a comparison and said , ` No , this is not Matthew , ' '' Nestor said . Bulone then appointed a public defender for Marcus and , according to a court transcript , declared , `` I 'm just going to find that by Marcus pretending to be Matthew ... that perpetrates a fraud upon the court . '' Marcus Mauceri was charged with criminal contempt and sentenced to 179 days in jail . Marcus told the judge he would appeal , and that he would hire his own attorney . `` As usual , perpetrators of crimes do n't usually think the consequences through , and as is often","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- So , let 's say you 're flying into town for the beginning of your trial and you 're running a little late . What do you do ? A. Call the Court . Or , B. Ask your twin brother to go to court and pretend he is you . It does n't appear to be a difficult question , but in Clearwater , Florida , one defendant made the wrong choice , and two brothers are now in jail . According to court officials , 40-year-old Matthew Mauceri was due in court Tuesday morning for the beginning of his trial on scheming-to-defraud charges . But , court officials said , he was flying in from out of town and when he realized he was n't going to make it on time , he called his twin brother , Marcus , for help . So , Marcus Mauceri showed up in the courtroom of Judge Joseph Bulone , with Marcus claiming he was Matthew , according to the officials . It was Matthew Mauceri 's defense attorney who judged that something was amiss , court officials said , and he alerted Bulone . In the"} +{"answer":"11 , 2001 , attacks on New York and Washington . `` I hope people understand that it was a struggle , it was a difficult time , '' she said . `` We were all terrified of another attack on this country because September 11 was the worst day of my life in government -- watching 3,000 Americans die because these people attacked us . '' But she added , `` Even under those most difficult circumstances , the president was not prepared to do something illegal . '' President Obama has banned the use of techniques such as waterboarding , which he called torture . His administration released the Justice Department memos in response to a lawsuit from the American Civil Liberties Union , and he called the legal reasoning behind the memos `` a mistake . '' Unlike former Vice President Dick Cheney , who criticized the release of the documents , Rice did not criticize the Obama administration 's decision . iReport.com : Share your take on interrogation techniques `` I have said many times that the Obama administration is now in power , and he 's my president , too , '' she said .","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice defended the Bush administration 's policies on the interrogation of terrorism suspects Sunday , saying former President George W. Bush would not have authorized anything illegal . Condoleeza Rice says George W. Bush was clear that interrogations during his presidency should break no law . `` He was also very clear that we would do nothing -- nothing -- that was against the law or against our obligations internationally , '' Rice said during an appearance at a Washington school . A Senate Intelligence Committee report released in April showed Rice was among top Bush advisers who approved the CIA 's use of waterboarding -- a technique considered a form of torture for centuries -- on terrorism suspects in its custody . Recently released Bush administration memos showed Justice Department officials argued that waterboarding , sleep deprivation and other coercive practices did not violate U.S. laws against torture . The disclosures have led to calls for investigations of former Bush administration officials . But Rice said Bush `` was only willing to authorize policies that were legal in order to protect the country '' after al Qaeda 's September"} +{"answer":"-- went into freefall . Now the Icelandic Tourist Board is wooing travelers by highlighting the favorable exchange rate . Icelandair is offering a Christmas special for travelers from the U.S. . The package - which includes airfare , a three-night hotel stay , a visit to the Blue Lagoon and airport transfers - starts at $ 699 a person for a double room . For European visitors , it 's promoting a number of three-night city breaks -LRB- flights and hotel included -RRB- . Packages from London start at # 249 . See photos of Iceland and other places you can catch a bargain '' Surf 's up The downturn in the U.S. has hit Hawaii tourism hard . Visitor arrivals are expected to tumble nine percent this year , making it the biggest annual drop since 2001 , according to the University of Hawaii Economic Research Organization . Hawaii has suffered from a sharp decline in flights from the mainland . Aloha Airlines and ATA accounted for roughly 20 percent of flights to the Big Island from North America before going out of business earlier this year . In response to slumping visitor arrivals , Hawaii 's Visitors","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Stop brooding over the financial crisis , and start packing . Some tour operators are offering packages to Hawaii at prices lower than a year ago . The economic downturn has dealt a heavy blow to the global travel industry as travelers have tightened their grasp on their wallets . But there is a silver lining to the meltdown . The turmoil has roiled currency markets , making some once-pricey trips more affordable . Other popular spots are rolling out deals and special packages in a bid to lure travelers . Whether you 're paying in dollars , pounds or euros , there 's a travel deal out there for you . Here 's a look at four of them . Cool as ice Iceland was once prohibitively expensive for many people , but now the tiny island nation is rebranding itself as a budget destination . Iceland 's economy was booming a few years ago , fueled by the availability of cheap credit . But the collapse of the country 's financial system has reversed its fortunes . The government has nationalized the banking system and the Icelandic currency -- the krona"} +{"answer":"Wednesday hearing Though more than 100,000 contractors operate for a variety of contractors in Afghanistan , Levin singled out Paravant , a company that had `` no meaningful distinction '' from the company formerly known as Blackwater , which is currently known as Xe Services , he said in the advance text . Shooting at Camp Darulaman Levin cited a December 9 , 2008 , shooting at the U.S. military 's range at Camp Darulaman during which a Paravant program manager carrying an AK-47 got on the back of a moving car , then shot and wounded a Paravant trainer on his team when the car hit a bump , Levin said . Though the program manager lost his job , the others on his team who allowed his activities did not , he said . Combined Security Transition Command - Afghanistan , a multinational military formation that trains the Afghan National Army , did not appear to have investigated the incident , he said . Had it done so , the U.S. Army `` would have seen that Paravant personnel were using weapons improperly and unsafely , with inadequate supervision , and that they were carrying weapons that they","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee plans to unleash a withering attack Wednesday on private contractors working for the company formerly known as Blackwater in Afghanistan , accusing them of flouting regulations and endangering the U.S. mission . Key to beating the Taliban in Afghanistan will be the ability of U.S. forces to win support from the Afghan people , many of whom do not distinguish between U.S. contractors and the U.S. military , Sen. Carl Levin will say , according to an advance text of his remarks . `` If we are going to win that struggle , we need to know that our contractor personnel are adequately screened , supervised and held accountable -- because in the end , the Afghan people will hold us responsible for their actions , '' the Michigan Democrat will say . `` If we do n't fix the problems of oversight and make sure contractors like Blackwater play by the rules and live up to their commitments -- we 'll be doing a disservice to our troops by making their already difficult and dangerous job even more so . '' See agenda of 9:30 a.m."} +{"answer":"With those results , a suspect would be found -- and it would all be because he was convicted for an eerily similar crime . Dennis Earl Bradford , 40 , was arrested Tuesday in connection with Schuett 's abduction and attempted murder . Authorities believe he was the man who kidnapped Schuett from her Dickinson , Texas , home , choked her , dragged her from his car and slashed her throat in 1990 . Watch the sketch artist 's memories of Schuett at 8 '' Years later , Bradford was arrested for a similar crime , court records show . On April 16 , 1996 , Bradford walked into Gator 's Bar in Garland County , Arkansas , and offered to buy a woman a beer . They played pool for a while until she was ready to leave , and he offered her a ride . He wanted to spend more time with her , so he asked if she wanted to ride around in his car for a while and listen to an Ozzy Osbourne tape , the woman told police , the documents show . About 20 to 30 minutes later , he said he","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Jennifer Schuett did n't know it , but the DNA of the man suspected of attacking her in 1990 was sitting in an FBI database for at least 13 years , just waiting for a connection to be made . Dennis Earl Bradford , a 40-year-old welder , was arrested after DNA allegedly tied him to the crime . She was 8 and had been abducted from her room , raped and left for dead in a field . All she knew about the man who kidnapped her was that he called himself Dennis . His DNA was found on underwear left behind , but the sample was too small at the time to get a match . Schuett helped police create a detailed sketch of the man who attacked her . CNN normally does not identify victims of sexual assaults . But Schuett decided to go public with her story and her name to increase the chances of finding and prosecuting her attacker . For nearly two decades , there were no answers . But with technological advances , authorities were able to retest the small sample of the attacker 's DNA last year ."} +{"answer":"not been finalized . A California native working as an intern for the Federal Bureau of Prisons , Levy , 24 , disappeared May 1 , 2001 . Her remains were found in May 2002 by a man walking his dog in a remote area of the park . The source said authorities are working to finalize the arrest warrant . Asked about reports that Guandique , a laborer from El Salvador , told a fellow inmate he killed Levy , the source said Guandique `` was running his mouth . '' Guandique has been imprisoned at the Federal Correctional Institution - Victorville , a medium-security facility north of San Bernardino , California , an official there confirmed to CNN on Saturday . Watch CNN 's Mike Brooks discuss Guandique 's background \u00c2 '' He has denied any involvement in her death , the Washington Post reported Saturday . Guandique was mentioned last year in a Washington Post article about the killing . `` It 's a bittersweet situation for me as the mother of a daughter who is no longer here . I want justice . I want to know that the person who did it is in jail","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Washington police told the mother of slain congressional intern Chandra Levy that an arrest is imminent in her daughter 's 2001 death , Susan Levy told CNN on Saturday . Washington intern Chandra Levy 's body was found a year after she disappeared in 2001 . `` I got a call from the Washington police department , just to give me a heads up that there 's a warrant out for the arrest , '' Levy said . Police Chief Cathy Lanier of the Metropolitan Police Department did not reveal the suspect 's name when she contacted the parents on Friday , Levy said . She said police told her they have `` enough evidence to convict somebody . '' A source close to the investigation told CNN the suspect was Ingmar Guandique , who is serving a 10-year prison sentence for two assaults in Washington 's Rock Creek Park that occurred around the time of Levy 's disappearance . Levy 's remains were found in the park . View a timeline of her disappearance \u00c2 '' The source would not speak on the record because the investigation is ongoing and the arrest warrant had"} +{"answer":"will be available for deployment to Afghanistan until spring or summer of 2009 . The week before Gates ' announcement , McKiernan had asked for four more brigades -- three more than the one approved to go in January . Three brigades add up to as many as 12,000 troops . The defense secretary , speaking before the Senate Armed Services Committee last month , expressed caution about adding too many troops in Afghanistan . `` I think we need to think about how heavy a military footprint the U.S. ought to have in Afghanistan , '' he told the committee . Instead , Gates said , there should be a focus on increasing the size of the Afghan army . McKiernan , who took command of NATO 's International Security Assistance Force earlier this year , said his request of an additional 3,500 people to train the Afghan army and police is still under review . McKiernan noted that he is `` cautiously optimistic '' regarding Pakistan 's military operations against Taliban and al Qaeda fighters inside its borders . `` What we 're seeing is Pakistani leadership taking on a deteriorated militant sanctuary in the tribal areas that","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The commander for NATO forces in Afghanistan said Wednesday that more military presence is `` needed as quickly as possible . '' U.S. troops are seeing an increased threat in Afghanistan , Gen. David McKiernan says . Gen. David McKiernan said the additional military capability is needed because of `` an increased number of fighters '' coming into Afghanistan from Pakistan 's lawless tribal regions . `` It 's a significant increase from what we saw this time last year , '' he said at the Pentagon . `` We 're facing a tougher threat right now , especially in the east where we have the U.S. division , '' he said . `` And so the additional military capability -LSB- is -RSB- needed as quickly as possible . '' He said what 's necessary includes `` boots on the ground '' as well as support such as `` helicopters , increased intelligence assets , logistics , transportation and so on . '' Just over a week ago , Defense Secretary Robert Gates said that a Marine battalion will head to Afghanistan in November and an Army brigade in January , but no more forces"} +{"answer":"so we will follow the same law as before . '' `` In my opinion , '' he added , `` Taliban are n't allowing girls to go to schools because Taliban want women to preserve their respect by staying in their homes , not to work as laborers for others . '' Dozens of crimes across the country , especially acid attacks , have marred the opening of the new school year in Afghanistan . Afghan girls have been burned and scared randomly with acid as punishment for going to school . More than 600 schools did not open this year because of security issues , according to the Afghanistan Education Ministry . Watch what females face in Afghanistan '' The schools that did open , however , remain defiant . Young women admitted to CNN being fearful but also said they are determined to get an education and better their lives . It is a sentiment echoed by their principal , a 35-year veteran of Afghanistan 's girls schools . `` I am asking those who close schools and throw acid on girls to let the children of this country go to school because it 's crime to","question":"KABUL , Afghanistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A top Taliban commander has issued a new threat to foreign aid workers , saying that under the insurgent group 's new `` constitution '' they will execute them as spies or hold them in exchange for the release of Taliban fighters . Taliban militants pose with their weapons as they drive their car in Wardak province . -LRB- File photo -RRB- In an exclusive telephone interview Friday night with CNN , Mohammed Ibrahim Hanafi said the Taliban intelligence wing was actively gathering information on foreign aid workers . `` If we get someone , that is how we will deal with it under our new constitution , '' he said . He added that he was telling `` Afghan brothers not to work with NGOs . '' In the 15-minute interview , arranged by an intermediary for CNN , Hanafi repeated the Taliban 's pledge to keep girls out of public schools . `` Our law is still the same old law which was in place during our rule in Afghanistan , '' he said . `` Mullah Mohammad Omar was our leader and he is still our head and leader and"} +{"answer":"corporate subsidized boondoggle that has cost taxpayers $ 1.2 billion in earmarks since 2004 . It is estimated to cost at least $ 2.9 billion more until its completion . Defenders argue that paying GE and Rolls Royce to develop a second engine for Air Force fighters will stimulate competition in the defense industry and bring down costs in the long run while protecting jobs in the short run . Critics point out that crony capitalism ca n't create a true free market in the defense industry -- it 's the equivalent of diet hucksters who claim you can eat yourself fitter . This is about money : pork barrel politics hiding under the noble banner of national defense . Here 's how the sordid story unfolded : An anonymous earmark was added to the defense authorization bill , requesting $ 485 million in new funds for the alternate engine program , despite a much-ballyhooed moratorium on earmarks going to for-profit entities -LRB- agreed to by Democrats -RRB- , and a total ban on earmark requests agreed to by Republicans for fiscal year 2011 . In reaction , a small bipartisan group of members of Congress -- led by Democrat","question":"New York -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In a time of voter anger at unsustainable government spending and Washington hypocrisy , here 's a story that should get your blood up . Last week , the House of Representatives considered eliminating a nearly half-billion dollar earmark that was snuck into a defense authorization bill . But members of both parties voted to keep the corporate pork in the bill -- despite a supposed moratorium on earmarks and despite that the Pentagon has repeatedly said it does n't want the money . Only in Washington would bureaucracy be force-fed a project it does n't want or need . But so far , we have n't seen this contempt for taxpayer dollars make its way to protest signs or talk radio driven talking points . That 's because President Obama opposes the earmark and the Republican congressional leadership voted for it . This does n't fit neatly into the hyperpartisan narrative of screaming about socialism -- in which Republicans bewail overspending by Democrats -- but it 's a perfect illustration of how deep the dysfunction is in Washington . At issue is the alternate engine for the Joint Strike Fighter platform , a"} +{"answer":"Holeman said , but did not identify them . At least 20 people were in attendance at the event , he said . Zinkhan was not at the theater event initially , Holeman said , but when he arrived , he got into `` a disagreement '' with his wife . He left the scene -- police believe to his car , where his children were waiting -- and returned with two handguns . `` It only took a few minutes , '' Holeman said . Police found eight shell casings , he said . After the shootings , Zinkhan left the scene with his two children -- ages 8 and 10 -- still in the vehicle , police said . He drove to a neighbor 's home in nearby Bogart , Georgia , where he lived , and left the children there . The neighbor , Bob Covington , told CNN that Zinkhan arrived at his home shortly after noon with the two children . `` He rang the doorbell -- asked me if I could keep his kids for about an hour , '' Covington said . `` I said sure , and he said there 'd been","question":"ATHENS , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A University of Georgia professor apparently shot and killed his wife and two other people at a community theater group 's reunion Saturday , then dropped the couple 's two children off at a neighbor 's and fled . An alert on the UGA Web site says professor George Zinkhan is a suspect in an off-campus shooting . Athens-Clarke County police said they have local , regional and national alerts out for George Zinkhan , 57 , an endowed marketing professor at the school 's Terry College of Business . `` It appeared he and his wife were having problems , '' police Capt. Clarence Holeman said . Holeman identified the dead as Marie Bruce , 47 , Zinkhan 's wife and a prominent Athens attorney ; Tom Tanner , 40 ; and Ben Teague , 63 . Friends identified Bruce as the president of the board of the Town and Gown Players , the theater group holding a reunion picnic on the theater 's deck when the shooting took place . Tanner and Teague were identified as set designers for the theater . Two other people were wounded by ricocheting bullets ,"} +{"answer":". McCaskill called them `` a great recruitment tool for those who want to do harm to our country . '' White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel dismissed Hayden 's assertion that releasing the memos had undermined U.S. intelligence efforts by giving al Qaeda critical new information . `` One of the reasons the president was willing to let this information out was that already the information was out , '' he said on ABC 's `` This Week . '' `` Go get the New York Review of Books . It 's there . '' Hayden said he called several senior White House officials to express his opposition before the president released the documents . Hayden also noted that four previous CIA directors , as well as current agency director Leon Panetta , opposed the release . The memos said , among other things , that interrogation tactics such as waterboarding , sleep deprivation and slapping did not violate laws against torture absent the intent to cause severe pain . Obama prohibited the use of so-called `` enhanced interrogation techniques '' such as waterboarding shortly after taking office in January . Such techniques `` undermine our moral authority","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A former head of the CIA slammed President Obama on Sunday for releasing four Bush-era memos , saying the new president has compromised national security . Former CIA chief Michael Hayden said Sunday it is wrong to make interrogation methods public . Michael Hayden , who served as former President Bush 's last CIA director from 2006 to 2009 , said releasing the memos outlining terror interrogation methods emboldened terrorist groups such as al Qaeda . `` What we have described for our enemies in the midst of a war are the outer limits that any American would ever go to in terms of interrogating an al Qaeda terrorist . That 's very valuable information , '' Hayden said during an appearance on `` Fox News Sunday . '' `` By taking -LSB- certain -RSB- techniques off the table , we have made it more difficult -- in a whole host of circumstances I can imagine -- for CIA officers to defend the nation , '' he said . But Sens. Claire McCaskill , D-Missouri , and Lindsey Graham , R-South Carolina , said certain techniques should not have been allowed in the first place"} +{"answer":"and wound up entering Times Square by driving south down Seventh Avenue . The source said Shahzad told investigators he turned right onto 45th Street toward Eighth Avenue because he saw a place to pull over . It 's unclear why Shahzad left the Pathfinder 's engine running and hazard lights blinking . But because of an incredible goof , Shahzad could n't use his escape car . He had accidentally left the keys to that vehicle in the Pathfinder that he thought was about to blow up , the source said . He apparently went to a train station , where he boarded a Metro North train back to Connecticut . Another law enforcement source said investigators found a train receipt used by Shahzad that is stamped about 7 p.m. , a half hour after a witness notified authorities that the car in Times Square was filing with smoke . Sources say investigators believe he ran to catch the train that pulled out around 7 or 7:15 Saturday night . The source added that police investigators have discovered a surveillance video of Shahzad walking in Shubert Alley -- which runs between 44th and 45th Streets just west of Broadway","question":"New York -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Faisal Shahzad made a practice run in Manhattan the day before he allegedly tried to blow up a car bomb in Times Square , according to a law enforcement source with knowledge of his questioning . Last Friday , Shahzad drove his white Isuzu from Connecticut through Times Square , where he staked out potential locations for the following night 's planned attack , the source said . He then parked the Isuzu several blocks away from Times Square , though the precise location was unclear , and took a train back to Connecticut , the source said . On Saturday night , with his recently acquired Nissan Pathfinder loaded with his makeshift explosives , Shahzad drove southbound along Manhattan 's East River on FDR Drive to the 49th Street exit , the source said . Shahzad then pulled over and reached into the Pathfinder 's rear compartment where he attempted to set into motion the process needed to set off the homemade bomb , the source said . The source , who did not explain how Shahzad had attempted to set off the bomb , said he then took a number of turns"} +{"answer":"pass . Raul , who came on for injured Dutch midfielder Rafael van Der Vaart in the first half , also hit the post in the 26th minute . Zaragoza , just two points above the relegation zone , were reduced to 10 men only a minute after Raul 's goal when Matteo Contini was sent off for aiming an elbow at Higuain -- the Argentine went down clutching his face even though the on-loan Italian defender 's limb appeared to strike his chest . Raul also left the pitch with an injury , to be replaced by French forward Karim Benzema . But the home side , promoted back to the top flight this season , shocked Real by equalizing in the 61st minute as on-loan striker Adrian Colunga broke free on the counterattack and rounded goalkeeper Iker Casillas to slot the ball into the empty net . Sergio Ramos headed against the Zaragoza woodwork from Guti 's free-kick as Real pressed for a winner , which came after the 75th-minute introduction of Kaka . Barcelona bounced back from the 3-1 midweek defeat against Inter Milan , which followed a long bus trip to northern Italy due to the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Brazilian superstar Kaka celebrated his return from injury by scoring Real Madrid 's winner against 10-man Zaragoza on Saturday night , keeping the pressure on Spanish leaders Barcelona . Kaka ended a six-week absence as he came off the bench in the second half and slotted home his eighth goal this season with eight minutes to play to give Real a 2-1 away win that left the capital club a point behind defending champions Barca . The midfielder , who cost $ 100 million when he signed from AC Milan in June , fired in a low effort across goalkeeper Roberto after running into the box to collect a precise pass from fellow big-money acquisition Cristiano Ronaldo . Ronaldo was also involved when Real , knowing they had to win after Barcelona 's earlier 3-1 victory against bottom club Xerez , finally took the lead five minutes after halftime . The Portugal forward was quickest to react after Roberto could only first parry a low shot by Gonzalo Higuain and then block the former Manchester United star 's own attempt , and veteran forward Raul was in the right place to sidefoot home the resulting cutback"} +{"answer":"plan at all , it hinges on the support they 're expecting from Burt 's doting parents . So it 's a nasty wake-up call when Jerry and Gloria -LRB- Jeff Daniels and Catherine O'Hara -RRB- announce they 're taking off for a new life in Belgium -- yes , even before the baby 's out . There is a silver lining : Realizing they no longer have any reason to stay , Burt and Verona decide to widen their horizons . They could move to Arizona where Verona 's sister lives . Burt has a job prospect in Madison , Wisconsin . Or they have college friends in Montreal . Their destiny awaits them , all they have to do is go out and find it . And away they go . Although the couple racks up a good few miles in their search for home , the movie does n't betray much interest in location . Arizona is hot and arid . In Montreal they pour gravy on French fries . Do n't expect cultural insights . It 's never explained how these stragglers can afford such speculative wandering , and when they do find their dream home","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Maybe marriage to Kate Winslet is n't all that bad . Maya Rudolph and John Krasinski star as a couple on the road in the comedy `` Away We Go . '' After cruelly dissecting marital malaise in `` American Beauty '' and again , just six months ago , in `` Revolutionary Road , '' Winslet 's husband Sam Mendes takes a slightly more optimistic view of family life in the edgy comedy `` Away We Go . '' Not that he 's offering a whole-hearted endorsement of the institution . Burt and Verona -LRB- John Krasinski and Maya Rudolph -RRB- are n't legally bound -- she staunchly resists his repeated proposals -- but nevertheless they 're a couple about to go nuclear : She 's six months pregnant . He sells insurance to insurance companies . She 's an illustrator with a lucrative line in anatomical drawings . Nevertheless , they 're struggling to make ends meet . `` Are we losers ? '' wonders Verona -LRB- only she uses a more colorful expression -RRB- . `` We have cardboard windows ... I think we must be . '' Insomuch as they have a"} +{"answer":". Whitney had only managed to film three-quarters of the script and the film 's future lay in the balance . `` When I heard that the crew members who had been shot were going to be fine I started to think like the businessman and the producer , '' says Whitney . `` I thought , ` How are we going to finish this film ? We 're not just going to give up . ' And to a man everybody involved agreed to finish it . '' After six months spent organizing financial backing , the original cast and crew flew to Tunisia to complete the movie and has been attracting interest from distributors . Despite the danger caused by shooting so close to the actual conflict zone , Whitney says he would shoot in the region again if he had the chance . `` Every place you point a camera there 's a great shot . You do n't have to go very far to find fantastic authentic Afghan architecture and beautiful landscapes . `` All the people are in the same sort of authentic costumes , so you do n't have the problem of trying to","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When David Whitney traveled to Pakistan to shoot his film about a man forced to flee Afghanistan after falling foul of the Taliban he did n't expect fiction to turn into reality . A still from `` Kandahar Break . '' Production of the film was halted after the crew were fired upon by suspected Taliban militia . But that 's exactly what happened three weeks into shooting political thriller `` Kandahar Break '' in late 2008 . Gunmen attacked the first-time director and his crew near the Afghan border . Four Pakistani crew members were shot and wounded in the incident and the entire crew was forced to flee the region . Pakistani authorities later told Whitney that the gunmen were affiliated with the Taliban and were in fact targeting the Western members of the team . `` I was very upset . It was terrifying to know that somebody was trying to attack us , trying to shoot us , '' Whitney told CNN . With the help of local security forces the team was immediately evacuated to Islamabad and put on a flight out of the country in 24 hours"} +{"answer":"how best to achieve those goals , '' he said , adding that Japan 's support was appreciated . `` We are working very closely with Europe and Japan and countries around the world to substantially increase the pressure we bring on Iran , '' Geithner said . The announcement is a plus for Geithner , after his efforts on Iran were rebuffed by senior Chinese officials during his visit to Asian countries this week . `` I think ` small victory ' is a fair categorization , '' said Michael Levi , a Council on Foreign Relations ' expert on energy policy and national security . From January to September 2011 , Iran exported 13 % of its crude oil to Japan , according to the International Energy Agency . Levi said Iran is likely to absorb this and find alternatives -- unless those drop out as well . `` As long as Iran has a substantial set of potential buyers , it 's going to make as much money as it made before , '' Levi said . Levi said Japan wants to phase out its imports from Iran slowly so it can smoothly transition to other sources","question":"Tokyo -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Japan is prepared to gradually reduce the amount of oil it imports from Iran , Finance Minister Jun Azumi said Thursday , as the United States seeks to muster international support to put fresh pressure on Tehran over its nuclear program . Japan imports 10 % of its crude oil from Iran at the moment , Azumi said at a news briefing after meeting with U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner . The country is ready to decrease that level `` in a planned manner , '' he said . `` What I told the secretary is that we have already reduced Iranian oil imports by 40 % in the past five years , '' Azumi said , standing next to Geithner . `` The nuclear development issue is an issue that the international community can not overlook , so we very much understand the U.S. action . '' The United States is exploring ways to cut off Iran 's central bank from the global financial system and reduce the country 's oil revenues , Geithner said at the briefing . Washington is in `` the initial stages of consulting with allies around the world about"} +{"answer":"harm 's way . Those affected , however , did n't seem very concerned . `` The big things that improve morale in a combat zone are lots of letters and packages from loved ones , '' Marine Cpl. David Brian Crouch said . Especially appreciated in these care packages are sweet , sour , salty and spicy condiments , such as Tabasco , sugar packets and seasoned salts for enlivening the military 's frequently derided Meals Ready to Eat -- individually packaged rations for service members stationed away from meal preparation facilities . These high-calorie MREs , which have long drawn criticism for depressingly bland flavors and textures , are precisely what Crouch , who served two tours in Iraq , says drove his fellow troops to seek out more flavorful , familiar fast food . Others look a little closer to their temporary home , sampling the local fare . While many soldiers out on combat patrols were , according to Army Capt. David Swaintek , `` too tired and drained to care much about their meal , '' he developed a taste for Iraqi flavors during his tour , which lasted from 2002 to 2008 . While","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When Command Sgt. Maj. Michael T. Hall of the International Security Assistance Force announced that fast-food offerings like Pizza Hut , Dairy Queen and Orange Julius were being shuttered in Afghanistan , he was blunt about it . `` This is a warzone , not an amusement park , '' he wrote on the ISAF blog . These mobile restaurants and others that can be found on large bases in Kandahar and Bagram , are `` nonessentials '' and are being shut down to streamline delivery of much-needed battlefield supplies . However , according to some soldiers and Marines -- all of whom have served in combat in Iraq or Afghanistan -- access to the familiar hometown mall fare is n't as important to morale as many civilians may have thought . The veterans and active-duty troops all said that access to healthy foods , local cuisine and packages of snacks sent by friends and family trumped military base fast food as morale boosters . The announcement of the fast-food outposts ' shuttering inspired a lively debate on CNN 's Afghanistan blog about morale and the amenities afforded servicemen and women serving overseas -- often in"} +{"answer":"on his death one of his friends could free his captive Aborigines : `` Let my Abos go loose , they 're of no further use , so let my Abos go loose . '' A famous Australian illustrator known as Joliffe made his fame and fortune in a long-running cartoon depicting Aborigines as dim-witted , thick browed , naked , creatures from the stone age . It is not just indigenous Australians who have borne the brunt of these so-called jokes . Watch Connick 's reaction to the ` blackface Jacksons ' '' After World War II a new wave of immigrants arrived from southern Europe . Australians unused to such foreigners with odd sounding languages and strange smelling food quickly labeled the new comers ` wogs . ' In the 1960s a popular film `` They 're A Weird Mob '' mocked one of these immigrants for his poor English and strange customs . He finally wins approval by marrying his boss ' daughter , a good Anglo Aussie , learning to swear and drink copious beers . There are just a few quick examples -- there are many , many others -- of how Australians use mockery","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- That Australia is once again defending itself against claims of racism is not surprising . Harry Connick Jr. gave the comedy skit a zero mark . That the cause of the furor is a childish , inappropriate racial ` joke ' is even less of a surprise . Australian popular culture has a long held an often embarrassing tradition of wrapping racism in supposed humor . Movie star and singer Harry Connick Jr . condemned on air an Australian television skit featuring a group of performers who wore blackface to impersonate the late pop star Michael Jackson and his brothers . Connick was a judge on the Australian variety show `` Hey Hey It 's Saturday , '' when the blackface group `` Jackson Jive '' performed `` Can You Feel It '' wearing huge black wigs , blackface and one spangled glove each . The Michael Jackson impersonator wore whiteface . In the 1950s a popular song lampooned a ` misfit ' Aborigine whose ` boomerang wo n't come back . ' Popular entertainer Rolf Harris was even less sensitive in a verse of his song `` Tie me kangaroo down sport '' proclaiming that"} +{"answer":"and growing fan unrest -- coupled with Kroenke 's recent confirmation of a takeover bid for the St Louis Rams -- would it be wise for the American to aim his sights on owning Arsenal now ? CNN 's business correspondent Jim Boulden helps break down Kroenke 's decision . Why invest in the English Premier League ? The recent sale of their overseas television rights amounted to over $ 1.5 billion , while the domestic rights went for much more . This means the Premier League clubs can sign expensive players on big wages , according to Boulden . `` A lot of the league 's strength is to do with Sky and its multi-billion dollar deal to show the games around the world , '' he said . `` Sky gives an enormous amount of money to Premier League clubs . '' Could Kroenke expect much profit from Arsenal ? Boulden says the main way to maximize profit is to keep a club healthy , and deliver success on the pitch before selling it on down the line for a profit . He said : `` I look upon Stan Kroenke like these other guys in America :","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The international draw of its star players , the huge sums paid for rights to broadcast live action and the loyal nature of its consumers have long made the English Premier League an attractive home for investors . In recent years this has included a number of American billionaires who , having made their money with sport franchises in the United States , saw ownership of teams including Manchester United -LRB- Malcolm Glazer -RRB- , Liverpool -LRB- Hicks and Gillett -RRB- and Aston Villa -LRB- Randy Lerner -RRB- as the best way to expand a global portfolio . Stan Kroenke -- owner of the Denver Nuggets basketball team , the National Hockey League 's Colorado Avalanche and Major League Soccer 's Colorado Rapids -- could be the next to join this elite group after a major shareholder at London-based Arsenal confirmed that she is looking to sell her stake . Kroenke already owns 29 percent of the Champions League quarterfinalists , and needs only one more percent to trigger a complete takeover . Blog : Should Stan Kroenke buy Arsenal ? But with the economic downturn compounding both Liverpool and Manchester United 's struggles with debt"} +{"answer":"'s been twelve years since `` Titanic , '' but the King of the World has returned with a flawed but fantastic tour de force that , taken on its merits as a film , especially in two dimensions , warrants four stars . However , if you can wrap a pair of 3D glasses round your peepers , this becomes a transcendent , full-on five-star experience that 's the closest we 'll ever come to setting foot on a strange new world . Wendy Ide , The Times : `` Avatar '' is an overwhelming , immersive spectacle . The state-of-the-art 3D technology draws us in , but it is the vivid weirdness of Cameron 's luridly imagined tropical otherworld that keeps us fascinated . At times it verges on the tacky , like a futuristic air freshener advertisement with the color contrast turned up to the max . The ethically accented orchestral score certainly does n't help matters . But mostly , it 's a place of wonder full of exotically freakish animal composites -- iridescent lizard birds , hammer-headed rhinos -- and sentient vegetation . `` Avatar : '' We should n't really be telling you this","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- James Cameron unveiled his much-hyped , wildly-anticipated 3D sci-fi epic `` Avatar '' to audiences in full in London Thursday . Here 's what the critics are saying about the Oscar-winner 's first outing since `` Titanic , '' the most successful film of modern times . Todd McCarthy , Variety : The King of the World sets his sights on creating another world entirely in `` Avatar , '' and it 's very much a place worth visiting . ... delivers unique spectacle , breathtaking sights , narrative excitement and an overarching anti-imperialist , back-to-nature theme that will play very well around the world ... '' Mike Goodridge , Screen International : ... once again takes cinema to a new level of remarkable spectacle ... An epic film born entirely of Cameron 's imagination , `` Avatar '' uses tailor-made technology to create the most astonishing visual effects yet seen on screen and blends them seamlessly into a mythical sci-fi story about an ancient alien civilization fighting the encroaching human menace . It 's an unprecedented marriage of technology and storytelling which is on the whole remarkably successful . Chris Hewitt , Empire : It"} +{"answer":"represented in the position of vice presidency , ' and I think that that 's kind of taken some people off-guard , '' she said in a radio interview with conservative host Hugh Hewitt . Palin 's interview gave the vice presidential candidate a chance to showcase elements of her life story and demonstrate some of the folksiness that 's been central to her political success . It 's exactly the kind of interview that voters can expect to see from the governor in the coming weeks , according to a Palin adviser , who recognized that there is hunger in Republican circles and among the public at large to see a less-scripted , more authentic candidate . `` We 're going to be continue to put her in settings where she has an opportunity to shine , to be on offense , '' the adviser said . `` We 've gotten very good feedback from the public from Hugh Hewitt interview . '' The adviser suggested that the campaign 's efforts at damage control after Palin 's interview with Couric may have been hampered by the fact that the governor was n't doing more friendly interviews to counter her","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sen. Joe Biden and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will face off for their first and only debate in the presidential race Thursday night , an event pitting a political veteran against a political newcomer . Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has been preparing since last week for Thursday 's debate . Both candidates have recently tried to lower expectations leading into the debate , where topics will range from domestic to foreign policy . The debate at Washington University in St. Louis , Missouri , will start at 9 p.m. ET and be moderated by PBS 's Gwen Ifill . For Palin , the stakes are high . After skyrocketing onto the national stage and energizing the Republican faithful , the first-term Alaskan governor has struggled recently to regain her footing after several shaky network TV interviews with ABC 's Charlie Gibson and CBS 's Katie Couric . View memorable moments from other debates \u00c2 '' Palin said Tuesday that she 's different . `` I think they 're just not used to someone coming in from the outside saying , ` You know what ? It 's time that normal Joe Six-Pack American is finally"} +{"answer":"moment , '' the Guardian gushed in its editorial . Many international newspapers focused on the powerful symbolism and unifying power of the arrival of an African-American U.S. president on the world stage . `` We 're a nation of Christians and Muslims , Jews and Hindus -- and non-believers , '' said the headline on the front of the Times of India , taking a line from Obama 's inaugural address . Japan 's Asahi Shimbun said : `` He is expected to play the leading role in changing the world in which racial and religious confrontations continue to rage in defiance of the ideal expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights . '' `` He is as much symbol as substance , an icon for the youth and a sign of deliverance for an older generation that never believed a man with his skin color would ascend those steps , '' said the International Herald Tribune . But many papers urged Obama to get to work immediately to address the urgent problems already piled up up in his intray . `` This was n't the occasion for his most soaring of speeches . It was instead an","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Newspaper front pages around the world were unanimous Wednesday in celebrating the momentousness of Barack Obama 's inauguration as U.S. President . Readers browse newspapers Wednesday in the Philippines . `` Let 's rebuild America , '' said the front page of France 's Le Figaro , over a photograph of a smiling Obama swearing the oath of office . `` The Promise , '' said Liberation , hailing the `` United States of Obama . '' `` Remaking America , '' said the Daily Telegraph in the UK -- a theme carried by many other newspapers worldwide -- while the Daily Mirror preferred : `` Reborn in the USA . '' The Sun showed a picture of Obama 's seven-year-old daughter Sasha giving her father the thumbs-up with the headline : `` You 're the Daddy . '' `` At last it was the day , the hour , even the second that millions of Americans , `` and not just Americans , have waited for impatiently ever since November , and in many cases for much longer than that . The crowds in Washington were extraordinary evidence of the momentous public potency of the"} +{"answer":"Conservative Party spokesman on higher education . The Guardian said actress Gwyneth Paltrow , model Elle MacPherson , actor Jude Law , singer George Michael , celebrity chef Nigella Lawson , celebrity PR agent Max Clifford , and actors union Equity were also victims of the hacking . `` The allegations -- the enormity of it -- is just unbelievable , '' Prescott told the BBC on Thursday morning . `` I think it is outrageous , '' former Home Secretary Charles Clarke , who was not named among the alleged victims , told the BBC . `` I think we do need action immediately . '' Thursday 's revelations in the Guardian come from a case last year in which Gordon Taylor , the head of the Professional Footballers ' Association , was suing the News of the World for illegally intercepting messages on his cell phone . The tabloid paid Taylor more than # 400,000 -LRB- $ 800,000 at the time -RRB- to settle the case , the Guardian said . The case file was sealed , but the newspaper said it obtained the suppressed evidence . That evidence , the Guardian said , shows that journalists working","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- British lawmakers demanded answers Thursday after a newspaper reported that a UK tabloid illegally hacked the phones of thousands of public figures including Gwyneth Paltrow , George Michael and Elle MacPherson . Britain 's News of the World tabloid is at the center of the phone-hacking allegations . Prosecutors said they would look again at claims of alleged phone hacking by the News of the World . However police said they would not conduct a new investigation into the claims by the Guardian newspaper . Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner John Yates said officers had seen no additional evidence since its last investigation . Earlier Thursday the Guardian reported the cell phones of `` several thousand public figures '' were hacked into by reporters and staff of the News of the World tabloid during one month in 2006 . The public figures named by the Guardian as victims of the phone hackings include lawmaker John Prescott , who was then the deputy prime minister ; Tessa Jowell , who was the secretary of state for culture , responsible for the media ; and London Mayor Boris Johnson , who at the time was the"} +{"answer":"were not immediately returned . The bar told the Chicago Tribune newspaper that it was investigating . The celebration at Original Mother 's was to top off a two-day senior class trip to Chicago , Cutz said . The party had been arranged with the bar in advance by the student class board , which includes two of the African-American students who were later denied entry , Cutz said . He said he was already inside the bar with some 200 other students , none of whom are African-American , when the first group of African-American classmates arrived . Cutz said he quickly learned that the manager of the bar had denied the six students entry , and he said the manager told the students their baggy pants violated the bar 's dress code . Cutz , who is white , said he confronted the manager . `` These six -LSB- students -RSB- were better dressed than I was , '' Cutz told CNN . He told the students to `` go back to the hotel and change . '' But the manager of the bar stepped in to say that he had made his decision and that the six","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An agreement could be reached before week 's end between Washington University students and an Illinois nightclub that allegedly barred six African-American students while admitting nearly 200 of their white classmates . Fernando Cutz , senior class president at the university in Missouri , said the aggrieved students have been in contact with lawyers representing Original Mother 's , a bar in Chicago 's Gold Coast neighborhood . The two sides expect a resolution to their dispute as early as Wednesday , Cutz said . He did not , however , say what the students were demanding or why he was optimistic that a deal could be struck . The students complained to state and federal agencies after six African-American members from their senior class trip celebration were denied admission to the club on October 17 . Bar personnel cited dress code violations -- specifically baggy jeans -- in barring the African-American students , Cutz said . A white student and a black student then exchanged jeans to see what would happen . The white student was admitted , while his classmate still was kept outside , Cutz said . Calls from CNN to the nightclub"} +{"answer":"November 9 , the judge said . `` You are not to get house arrest or early release , except for that required by the law , '' Sautner said . Whitmore said that the early release program is part of the law , meaning Lohan would likely get out quickly due to overcrowding . When Sautner sentenced Lohan to 120 days in jail last May , she ended up serving 35 days of home confinement instead , due to jail overcrowding and state rules that give prisoners credit for good behavior . It was not immediately clear how many days Lohan will actually serve this month , if she ends up getting credit for good behavior . Prosecutors said Lohan missed 12 of 20 scheduled workdays at a downtown Los Angeles women 's center , part of the court-ordered community service imposed in May when she pleaded guilty to stealing a necklace from a Venice , California , jewelry store . Lohan , 25 , was already on probation for two drunken driving convictions from 2007 . She also canceled 14 of 19 scheduled appointments for court-ordered psychotherapy , they said . `` From what I see of you","question":"Los Angeles -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Lindsay Lohan must start serving a 30-day jail term next week after admitting that she violated her probation on a necklace theft conviction , a Los Angeles County judge ordered Wednesday . `` It 's possible she could be booked in and booked out '' the same day , Los Angeles County Sheriff spokesman Steve Whitmore said Wednesday afternoon . `` It depends on the fluctuations of the day , what 's going on in the jail , '' Whitmore said . After that , the actress must work at least 12 days a month at the county morgue until she completes the 53 remaining days on her court-ordered community service and she must attend 18 psychotherapy sessions , Judge Stephanie Sautner told her . If Lohan misses any of those goals , she will be returned to jail for another 270 days , the judge ruled . `` This is what we really call putting the keys to the jail in the defendant 's hands , '' Sautner told Lohan . The actress , who admitted violating her probation during a hearing Wednesday , must report to the Los Angeles County jail by"} +{"answer":"doctors to meet rising patient loads and an increase in diseases and epidemics such as H1N1 flu and dengue fever . The hospitals depend on funding from the provinces , leading to major differences in each area 's needs and what local health care facilities can offer . `` Provinces that have petroleum income , for example , are provinces that have better budgets , that have better hospitals '' said Aldo Neri , a former national health minister . `` There is much inequality in the treatment that the poor receive in Argentinean public hospitals depending on which province they live in . That 's why I say the inequalities have increased . '' The current health minister , Juan Manzur , said next year 's health budget will have an increase of more than 15 percent , greater than the national budget , which will have a 12.4 percent increase . Teachers also want greater pay and announced Thursday they would go back on strike Tuesday because of failed talks with Buenos Aires Education Director Mario Oporto . The teachers say they want their raises by year 's end . Oporto said there 's no money for raises","question":"Buenos Aires , Argentina -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Argentina 's capital city was beset by strikes Thursday , with teachers , doctors and transit employees refusing to work over money matters . Teachers and doctors in Buenos Aires went on strike Wednesday and are scheduled to go back to work Friday , the government-run Telam news agency and other outlets reported . Subway workers will go on strike Thursday night for a few hours , they said . This is the fourth work stoppage in the past six months for doctors . Only emergency cases are being treated . The doctors are not only seeking better salaries , but also improvements to the public health system . They are protesting `` the lack of money in the public system , the possibility that the health budget will be reduced by 500 million pesos -LRB- about $ 130 million -RRB- , the lack of professionals , the lack of labor to solve the problems in Argentina 's public health , '' said Alicia Kobylarz of the Federal Syndicate of Health Workers . The nation 's public hospitals treat the poor and needy . Health professionals want the government to employ more"} +{"answer":"who had needle puncture wounds experienced some discomfort in the area of the wound , and showed some symptoms , but could n't give an accurate account of what they perceived to have been a needle attack . '' This is the latest crisis plaguing Xinjiang province and its capital city of Urumqi , where tensions have boiled over between Uyghurs and Han Chinese . The Han Chinese are the country 's dominant ethnic group , and the Uyghurs are a Turkic-speaking Muslim minority who consider Xinjiang their homeland . Ethnic Uyghurs have been blamed for the alleged syringe stabbings , and demonstrators clashed with police in Urumqi for two days this week over the issue . Protesters were demanding better police protection and a crackdown on the Uyghurs . The latest unrest left five people dead and 14 injured , according to Urumqi 's deputy mayor , and the Communist party chief in the city has been dismissed from his job amid the crisis , according to state-run media reported . Watch report on unrest in Urumqi from CNN 's John Vause '' The Urumqi Public Prosecutors Office on Saturday said four ethnic Uyghurs were arrested in connection with","question":"URUMQI , China -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Reports of alleged syringe stabbings in a restive western Chinese city are generating a bit of panic , but doctors say some people have incorrectly concluded they were attacked with needles . People 's Armed Police units equipped with armored personnel carriers take positions in Urumqi on Saturday . `` In the patients we have seen in the last couple of days , there are many which we believe were not actually punctured with needles , '' Wang Hanbin , a Peoples ' Liberation Army doctor examining people in Urumqi , told reporters on Saturday at a briefing . Wang said about 20 cases are being investigated closely and samples were being taken to laboratories in Beijing for more testing . But , he said , `` many of the patients we have seen were mainly influenced by psychological factors . '' Wang , a member of a six-person military medical panel reviewing the syringe-stabbing claims , attributes the false reports to widespread fear and lack of medical knowledge . `` Many of the patients did not actually see their attacker or the act of others attacking them with needles . Some patients"} +{"answer":"House , '' an ecological research and educational center designed by architectural firm Temiz Dunya to raise awareness about the benefits of renewable energy and promote eco-tourism . The zero-emission structure , which was built with ecological materials , generates most of its energy using photovoltaic panels -LRB- 22kW in total -RRB- as well as a windmill and heat pumps . ` Living ' buildings could inhale city carbon emissions These systems are supplemented with gray-water recycling -- re-use of used water from bathtubs , showers and so on . -- and passive solar heating features such as a greenhouse to collect heat during the winter months . It also has a green roof that facilitates rainwater harvesting and acts as heat insulation . `` The building is also very significant because it is Turkey 's first energy positive building , '' says architect Mehmet Bengu Uluengin , the designer behind the Solar House . `` It actually produces more energy than it consumes . '' The architect says the structure has fascinated the local population while helping to change perceptions that buildings can only be big energy consumers . `` The idea that having a building that not only","question":"Anatalya , Turkey -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Lapped by the pristine waters of the Mediterranean Sea , the Turkish coastal city of Antalya attracts millions of sun-seeking tourists each year , beguiling them with its sweeping scenery , picture-perfect beaches and blazing sunshine . It is this abundance of sunlight -- Turkey receives greater annual solar radiation energy than Spain and Germany according to estimates by the Joint Research Center of the European Commission -- that has prompted Antalya 's local authorities to push ahead with plans to harness the city 's solar potential . `` We aim to make Antalya the leader of solar power generation of Turkey and to promote it to the world as ` The Solar City , ' '' says Antalya 's mayor Mustafa Akaydin . The declaration comes as the sun-soaked city , located some 700 kilometers south of Istanbul , starts rolling out its ambitious plans to use solar power to generate electricity , emulating the successful example of cities like Barcelona , Spain , which has put in place regulations requiring solar panels to be fitted to all large new buildings . In April , the city opened the `` Antalya Solar"} +{"answer":"to move more aggressively to limit '' the spread of biological weapons , the commission said in its report . Graham warned that such measures would be costly , but were necessary . `` The leadership of this country and the world will have to decide how much of a priority ... they place on avoiding the worst weapons in the world getting in the hands of the worst people in the world , '' he said . `` It is not going to be cheap . It is not going to be accomplished without some sacrifices . It wo n't be accomplished without putting this issue ahead of some other competing national and international goals . But I think our safety and security depend upon doing so , '' he added . Graham said a biological attack was more likely than a nuclear one because it would be easier to carry out . Biological weapons `` are more available , '' he said . `` Anthrax is a natural product of dead animals . Other serious pathogens are available in equally accessible forms . '' `` There are so many scientists who have the skills to convert a pathogen","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Terrorists are likely to use a weapon of mass destruction somewhere in the world in the next five years , a blue-ribbon panel assembled by Congress has concluded . Police watch over travelers at New York 's Grand Central Terminal before Thanksgiving . They are more likely to use a biological weapon than a nuclear one -- and the results could be devastating , the chairman of the commission told CNN . `` The consequences of a biological attack are almost beyond comprehension . It would be 9\/11 times 10 or a hundred in terms of the number of people who would be killed , '' former Sen. Bob Graham said . He cited the flu virus that killed millions of people in 1918 as an example . `` Today it is still in the laboratory , but if it should get out and into the hands of scientists who knew how to use it for a violent purpose , we could have multiple times the 40 million people who were killed 100 years ago , '' he said . Watch how officials worry about a biological terror attack '' The U.S. government `` needs"} +{"answer":"based on a conservative party 's petition that said the boy 's removal from Brazil would cause him psychological harm . But the father responded that his son was suffering psychological harm simply by remaining with his Brazilian relatives , whom Goldman -- a part-time model who captains boats -- accused of turning Sean against him . The case now goes to the Federal Appeals Court in Rio de Janeiro and does not mean the boy will return to his father without further rulings . Goldman said that he and his lawyers would have to study the high court decision , but he expressed optimism about what he had learned . `` There seemed to be a lot of good remarks that they want to honor the Hague Convention ; they believe in the Hague Convention and they want to return children . Hopefully , they sent that message to the lower federal courts , and they 'll hear that message . '' Watch CNN 's Campbell Brown talk with Goldman before latest ruling '' He said , `` It 's not over . '' The incident began in June 2004 , when Goldman 's then-wife , Bruna Bianchi Carneiro","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Brazil 's highest court said Wednesday it does not have jurisdiction over who should have custody of a U.S.-born 9-year-old boy -- his Brazilian stepfather or his father in the United States . David Goldman is seeking custody of his son , Sean , who is living with relatives of his deceased mother in Brazil . The high court 's ruling sends the ongoing case back to an appeals court in Rio de Janeiro . In the unanimous vote , Brazil 's Supreme Federal Court said it could not rule over The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction , of which Brazil is a signatory . Brazil is undergoing constitutional reforms and has recently voted on a law that would make all international human rights conventions part of its constitution . Last week , Judge Marco Aurelio , who sits on the Supreme Federal Court , suspended a lower court ruling that custody of Sean Richard Goldman be turned over to the U.S. consulate , which was to have then handed him over to the boy 's father , David Goldman , who is a U.S. citizen . Aurelio 's decision was"} +{"answer":"southern Japanese island of Okinawa . That case sparked outrage and stirred memories of an earlier rape committed by U.S. servicemen . Staff Sgt. Tyrone Luther Hadnott , 38 , was charged last month with the rape of a child under 16 , abusive sexual contact with a child , making a false official statement , adultery and kidnapping , the military said . In February , Japanese authorities released Hadnott after the girl dropped the allegations , but the Marine Corps conducted its own investigation to see if Hadnott violated codes of military justice . The military is holding him at a Marine facility . More than 40,000 U.S. troops are stationed in Japan , most of them on Okinawa , which accounts for less than 1 percent of Japan 's total area . The U.S. military presence has at times bred resentment among locals , who have long complained about crime , noise and accidents . Anti-American sentiment boiled over in 1995 , after three American servicemen were convicted in the kidnapping and gang rape of a 12-year-old Okinawan schoolgirl . Two years ago , a U.S. civilian military employee was jailed for nine years for raping two","question":"TOKYO , Japan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A U.S. Marine accused of raping a 19-year-old Japanese woman last year was found guilty Thursday of `` committing wrongful sexual contact and indecent acts , '' the U.S. military said , but he was acquitted of rape . The sentencing hearing for Lance Cpl. Larry A. Dean , 20 , is scheduled to begin on Friday . Dean is among four Marines under court-martial in the case . The others are Sgt. Lanaeus J. Braswell , 25 ; Gunnery Sgt. Carl M. Anderson , 39 ; and Gunnery Sgt. Jarvis D. Raynor , 34 , the military said . Local media reported that the four men met the woman in a restaurant in Hiroshima on October 14 , 2007 , then allegedly attacked and raped her in a car in nearby parking lot . Japanese authorities investigated but decided in November not to file charges . Dean also was found guilty of conspiracy to commit indecent acts and two minor charges . He was acquitted of conspiracy to kidnap or rape . The case is similar to a recent alleged sexual assault of a 14-year-old girl involving a U.S. Marine on the"} +{"answer":"-LSB- which Ramis co-wrote -RSB- came out , there were college films . Every generation had college films , but our generation did n't have one yet , and I do n't know that our generation - this young , new generation of kids has a , you know , a sandal epic yet , and this is the one . This is for them . '' Ramis rounded up a cast of comedians familiar to any watcher of Judd Apatow-produced movies -- no surprise , since Apatow is a producer of `` Year One . '' Christopher Mintz-Plasse -LRB- `` Superbad '' -RRB- , Horatio Sanz -LRB- `` Saturday Night Live , '' `` Step Brothers '' -RRB- and Bill Hader -LRB- `` Tropic Thunder '' -RRB- all have parts . `` A lot of them were new to me , '' said Ramis . '' -LSB- But -RSB- Jack knew them , Michael knew them , they were connected -- all connected through Judd Apatow , through ` Saturday Night Live ' ... the comedy world is a club . '' Black joked that everyone 's a member of a secret society , requiring retinal scans , that","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In the midst of the ongoing culture wars , can it be a good idea to put out a comedy about two Stone Age men who wander into the Bible ? In `` Year One , '' Jack Black stars as an inquisitive Stone Age man , with Michael Cera as his sidekick . Harold Ramis thinks so . `` Year One , '' which he directed , concerns two men -- played by Jack Black and Michael Cera -- who leave their home and , in their travels , meet biblical characters such as Cain , Abel , Abraham and Isaac . Among the locales : ancient Sodom , which `` did n't seem worse than Las Vegas to me , '' Ramis told CNN . `` Year One '' comes out Friday . Ramis , whose writing and directing credits include `` Groundhog Day '' and `` Analyze This , '' said it was time for a new biblical epic -- of sorts . `` No one had done this film for our generation , '' he told CNN . It 's like , you know , when ` Animal House '"} +{"answer":"said . `` This was my point of view ... it was n't as if I was saying something new . I did n't know it would cause so much trouble , and especially when a film was releasing , you do n't want that kind of trouble . It just went completely through the roof . '' Khan is keen to keep his roles as an actor , cricket team boss and icon for millions as far from the political realm as possible . His face is one of the most salable in India with his image used in a raft of adverts and supporting products . Yet his recent film '' My Name is Khan '' did touch upon religious sensitivities , striking a chord among cinema goers in Muslim countries across the world . In the film Khan , himself a Muslim , plays an autistic Muslim immigrant in American soon after the terrorists attack on September 11 , 2001 . `` I really thought the film was about humanity . It 's not about Islam , it could have been about any religion to be honest , '' he said . `` But I simply thought","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Shah Rukh Khan , the Bollywood superstar , has become more than a little accustomed to being adored by millions . `` I do n't want to be anonymous ... I 'm very honest about that . I love being recognized , I love people liking me , I love the fact that people scream when I go out . I think I 'll miss all that when it 's taken away , '' he told CNN . But earlier this year comments by Khan , the owner of the Indian Premier League cricket team Kolkata Knight Riders , caused a storm of controversy and attention he did n't want . Khan questioned the lack of Pakistani players in this year 's competition , and Indian Hindu nationalist party Shiv Sena interpreted the comments as inflammatory . Threats were made to boycott his latest film and some activists made some threats against him and his family 's safety . `` It just went onto a political agenda platform , onto an activist platform . I 'm not on the same playing field . I 'm an actor , I 'm not a politician , '' he"} +{"answer":"South East Asia . Every second year the countries of the region do battle for the crown . Up until 2008 , the only winners of the cup had been Singapore and Thailand with three titles each -LRB- Indonesia has been the bridesmaid three times -RRB- . After pool play , the best of two finals series was played out between Thailand and Vietnam . Thanks to the close proximity , and some historical conflict , there is a strong rivalry between these two countries . The Thais played host to the Vietnamese in the first leg , where the visiting underdogs were winners , stunning the home crowd by winning the match 2-1 . The reverse leg was played in Hanoi , the capital city of Vietnam . After unexpectedly winning the first final , local interest was even higher than normal . We watched the game in the coastal city of Nha Trang . The locals flocked to their TV sets and the beer flowed freely . Each TV was like a magnet for thirsty football fans . Do you have a great football tale to tell ? Send us your story and you could be featured on","question":"NHA TRANG , Vietnam -- Editor 's note : Football fans Daniel and Clinton Rowling were in Vietnam late December when the country won a major tournament for the first time . The event sparked wild celebrations in the South East Asian nation but joy soon turned to carnage as five people died and dozens were injured in the celebrations . They share their story . Celebration time : Five people were killed on Vietnamese roads as football joy got out of control . After spending a month in Vietnam we can safely say that the Vietnamese are passionate about three things : Ho Chi Minh , or Uncle Ho as the locals call him ; football ; and the tourist dollar . Everywhere you look you see football . The locals proudly sport imitation merchandise of their favorite European team anywhere and everywhere they can . Other than on your person , the next best place to show your allegiance is on your motorbike through stickers . Some local football teams even play in the strips of their favorite club . While we were in Vietnam the ASEAN cup was contested . It is the premier football contest in"} +{"answer":"capital , if you have changed the figures , they will know and you will be caught out . '' According to experts , cellphones are particularly important for Africa due to a lack of some other technologies . Visiting African political expert at Indiana University , Sheldon Gellar , said cellphones were much more accessible than the internet in most parts of Africa , and therefore had greater potential to influence transparency . `` Internet provides groups in society with means to communicate , organize and obtain good information which is not controlled by government -- but , only a tiny percentage of African populations have access to internet . '' Just this month CNN reported dramatic increases in cell phone usage in African nations . In the Democratic Republic of Congo , for example , there are just 10,000 fixed telephones but cellphone subscribers have soared to more than a million in the last five years . Gellar told CNN the key benefit of cell phones was that they allowed independent media , especially radio , to provide accurate coverage of elections and make it more difficult for ruling parties to cheat and get away with it .","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The humble mobile phone is driving a new revolution which some experts hope could bring fairer elections and democracy to some African states . During the 2006 local government elections in Senegal , Radio Sud used reporters and correspondents with cell phones to call in what they saw . Many African countries have struggled against rigged elections and authoritarian rule since gaining independence last century . However , African observers say the growth of simple communication technologies like cell phones are assisting many states to progress towards open and fair elections in increasingly democratic systems . Senegal is one of a number of African countries to hold successful elections by keeping voting and counting in check through independent communication . Former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan said many African nations now had a `` very open society '' and the increasing success of elections owed a lot to the existence of mobile phones . `` With communication and cell phones , this is where it is difficult to cheat in elections now . You are announced at the district level and cell phones go wild so by the time you go to the"} +{"answer":"50 other Mexicans on various states ' death rows were improperly denied access to their consulate upon arrest , a violation of a treaty signed by the United States decades ago . Their home countries could have provided legal and other assistance to the men had they been notified , the court said . In a separate judgment , the ICJ declined Mexico 's demand that the United States provide guarantees against executing other foreign inmates in the future . The U.S. Supreme Court last March ruled for Texas , allowing the Medellin execution to proceed . Efforts stalled in Congress last summer over legislation that would have given foreign death row inmates like Medellin a new hearing before any punishment could be carried out . State Department officials have said the international ruling will not help other foreign inmates in U.S. prisons , because federal officials can not force states to comply . Administration officials also said that the president did all he could to force state compliance and that Congress now needs to intervene with specific legislation . Medellin was 18 when he participated in the June 1993 gang rape and murder of two Harris County girls :","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A United Nations court has found that the United States violated an international treaty and the court 's own order when a Mexican national was executed last year in a Texas prison . Jose Ernesto Medellin was executed by lethal injection for raping and murdering two girls aged 14 and 16 . The International Court of Justice -LRB- ICJ -RRB- issued a ruling Monday in an unusual case that pitted President Bush against his home state in a dispute over federal authority , local sovereignty and foreign treaties . Mexico had filed a formal complaint against U.S. state and federal officials `` The United States of America has breached the obligation incumbent upon it '' to stop the execution , the ICJ announced in a unanimous opinion . Jose Ernesto Medellin 's death by lethal injection in August followed a 15-year legal dispute after his conviction for two brutal slayings . At issue was whether Texas and other states had to give in to a demand by the president that the prisoner be allowed new hearings and resentencing . Bush made that request reluctantly after the international court in 2004 concluded that Medellin and about"} +{"answer":"the support of three Republicans -- Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania . Obama is expected to sign the bill Tuesday in Denver , Colorado . Watch Democratic and GOP analysts debate bipartisanship \u00c2 '' '' This is not ` change we can believe in , ' '' Graham , a member of the Senate Banking Committee , told ABC . He said Democrats `` rammed it through the House '' after starting out `` with the idea , ` We won -- we write the bill . ' '' But Obama 's spokesman insisted the stimulus is a bipartisan success . Speaking to CBS ' `` Face the Nation , '' White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said , `` We 're happy that Congress , in a bipartisan way , took steps to make whatever happens in this recession easier to take for the American people . '' iReport.com : Share your thoughts on the stimulus plan And on CNN 's `` State of the Union , '' Gibbs said , `` I think what you saw from this president was an unprecedented effort to reach out to Republicans . Not just","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Top Republican lawmakers Sunday called on President Obama to change his political strategy , arguing that the passage of a massive stimulus bill on a party-line vote showed he has failed to deliver the `` change '' he promised . Sen. John McCain says the Obama administration is off to a `` bad beginning . '' `` If this is going to be bipartisanship , the country 's screwed , '' Sen. Lindsey Graham , R-South Carolina , told ABC 's `` This Week . '' `` I know bipartisanship when I see it . '' Sen. John McCain , R-Arizona , said Obama was off to `` a bad beginning , '' out of step with the vow of bipartisanship both men made after Obama beat out the Republican presidential nominee for the White House in November . `` It was a bad beginning because it was n't what we promised the American people , what President Obama promised the American people , that we would sit down together , '' McCain told CNN 's `` State of the Union With John King . '' The $ 787 billion bill made it through Congress with"} +{"answer":"New Jersey , DJ business . `` The minute we plugged the phone jack into the wall , it began ringing , '' Potter said . Mostly , Potter said , the callers are `` a lot of '80s fanatics '' and he lets the calls ring through to his voice mail . When he did answer a call three years ago , Potter found his own Jenny on the line . `` She had been using my number to give out to guys that she did n't like at bars , '' he said . `` It was a bum phone number . '' The young lady from Hoboken , New Jersey , told Potter she was just curious about who might be getting the calls . Potter ended up asking her out . `` I figured if she was having to give out a bum number that often then she was probably pretty cute , '' he said . `` We ended up meeting for drinks . We dated for awhile and it was actually a great friendship . '' Potter recently moved from Weehawken and decided to try to make money off the infamous digits with an","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Jenny 's phone number is for sale , but not for a song . `` 867-5309 \/ Jenny '' originally appeared on Tommy Tutone 's `` Tommy Tutone 2 '' album . Bids for a New Jersey version of the number , stuck in the minds of millions since Tommy Tutone 's `` 867-5309 \/ Jenny '' hit the Top 10 in 1982 , had reached $ 5,100 on eBay as of Monday morning . The song is about a guy who finds Jenny 's name and number scribbled on a bathroom wall . `` This is really , in my opinion , one of the last cultural remnants of the '80s pop culture era ... other than the mullet , '' said Spencer Potter , a 28-year-old DJ who is selling the number he got for free five years ago . While Potter is overlooking the fact that `` 867-5309 '' is an active phone number in dozens of other area codes , it does get called a lot by curious people . Potter said he has gotten about 40 calls a day since he got the area code 201 version for his Weehawken ,"} +{"answer":"presents a set of familiar superhero archetypes -- and then subverts them completely . Rorschach -LRB- Jackie Earl Haley -RRB- is like the Spirit ... except he 's a joyless , hard-line misanthrope . The Comedian -LRB- Jeffrey Dean Morgan -RRB- is like Captain America ... but loyal only to sadistic thrills and a corrupt worldview . Nite Owl -LRB- Patrick Wilson -RRB- is part Batman , part Iron Man ... except he 's also a schlubby , impotent coward . Ozymandias -LRB- Matthew Goode -RRB- is the resident genius ... who 's built an empire on superhero toys . -LRB- You see what we mean by irony . -RRB- Says Billy Crudup , whose blue , naked Dr. Manhattan is an almighty Superman dangerously detached from his own humanity : '' ` Watchmen ' is a kind of thrilling thought experiment . What would people who dress up in costumes to fight crime actually be like ? Well , they 'd probably be fetishists who lived on the fringes of society . They 'd all be a bunch of freaking lunatics . '' Yet for all its self-awareness and cynicism , `` Watchmen '' is n't some cheap-and-silly ``","question":"-LRB- Entertainment Weekly -RRB- -- They have come to glimpse the miracle . They have come to witness the revolution . They have come for `` Watchmen '' -- the allegedly unfilmable superhero movie , the long-awaited adaptation of the comic book that changed the face of comic books forever . Billy Crudup plays Dr. Manhattan , a powerful superhero in `` Watchmen . '' On this warm July morning , over 5,000 fans attending the annual geek pop summit known as Comic-Con have assembled inside the San Diego Convention Center for a first look . Many spent the night on the sidewalk . Some have come in costumes . Behind the stage , indie-movie icon Kevin Smith parks himself in front of a closed-circuit TV , a happy grin on his bearded mug . `` You have to understand , I 've been waiting for this moment for years , '' says Smith . `` This is it , man . This is the pinnacle . '' All this , for a violent , ironic superhero epic that does n't like superheroes in the first place . Directed by `` 300 's '' Zack Snyder , `` Watchmen ''"} +{"answer":"hires another 41 . One of them has caught 80 tuna in a seven-day stretch off the Gulf 's Loop Current , a haul he called a `` great start '' to a seven-month season . `` Now he has to leave the current and go farther west , '' Abrams said . NOAA 's latest order extends the closed zone to a nearly 46,000-square-mile stretch , about 19 percent of the Gulf . The ongoing spill now threatens to be picked up by the Loop Current , which could spread some oil around the tip of Florida and up the U.S. East Coast . Unconfirmed reports from researchers that large amounts of oil is spreading below the surface , as well as concerns about the effect of chemical dispersants used to break up the spill , also worry people in the industry . Deborah Long , a spokeswoman for the Southern Shrimpers Association , said fishermen could face a `` multi-generational effect '' on the creatures from which they draw their living , with shrimp and bluefin tuna the two species with the most to lose . `` We 're not just worried about the shrimp stocks here ,","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Wider restrictions on fishing in the Gulf of Mexico are raising fresh concerns in an industry already hard-hit by the massive BP oil spill . With thousands of barrels of oil still spewing out of a damaged undersea well every day , the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced Tuesday that it was nearly doubling the portion of the Gulf 's federal waters that are now closed to fishing . The restricted zone now pushes south and east into the heart of the Gulf -- another blow to a $ 2.4 billion industry already reeling from the nearly month-old spill . For Greg Abrams , a commercial fisherman in Panama City , Florida , that means his boats are being pushed further west to chase big catch like bluefin tuna , swordfish and mahi-mahi . `` They 'll have to go in somewhere else , probably around Galveston -LRB- Texas -RRB- , instead of coming home , '' Abrams said . `` That 'll cause some problems , but it 's better to be safe than sorry . '' Louisiana fisherman get paid for helping cleanup Abrams owns a fleet of 14 fishing boats and"} +{"answer":"almost as suddenly as it arrived . The movie touches on fame , poverty and corruption , but for its makers , it is ultimately a tale of brotherhood . It was written written and directed by Carlos Cuaron , and is the first release from groundbreaking new production venture Cha Cha Cha films . Cha Cha Cha was established by Mexico 's three leading directors who are also renowned internationally -- Carlos ' brother Alfonso Cuaron -LRB- `` Children of Men '' -RRB- , Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu -LRB- `` Babel '' -RRB- and Guillermo del Toro -LRB- `` Pan 's Labyrinth '' -RRB- . All three serve as producers on the film . In pictures : Bernal and Garcia in `` Rudo y Cursi '' '' `` Originally I wanted to make a fake documentary about a footballer from a humble background who made it big and then disappeared mysteriously , '' Carlos Cuaron told CNN . `` But I told this idea to Gael -LSB- Garcia Bernal -RSB- and Diego -LSB- Luna -RSB- , and they both said they wanted to play the part . I had one part and two actors . So I made up another","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Eight years ago , Gael Garcia Bernal and Diego Luna became global pin-ups for the resurgence in Mexican filmmaking after their memorable breakthrough in coming-of-age road movie `` Y tu Mama Tambien . '' `` Rudo y Cursi '' reunites Luna and Bernal , who became pin-ups for the resurgence in Mexican filmmaking with `` Y tu Mama Tambien '' in 2001 . Today , Luna and Bernal 's on-screen chemistry has once again grabbed the public 's attention , this time in Mexico , where their latest film `` Rudo y Cursi '' made box-office history . It became the fourth highest-grossing film in the country 's history when it was released at the end of 2008 . `` Rudo y Cursi , '' approximately translated as Tough and Corny , tells the story of two rural banana farmers who , after being ` spotted ' by a crooked talent scout , gain instant celebrity in the Mexican soccer league playing for opposing teams . But , mesmerized by women and fast cars and unable to defy their demons , they look on powerless as the dream disintegrates in front of them"} +{"answer":". This visit is for savoring Paris : walking to wherever fancy strikes , sitting in any park or caf\u00e9 that looks inviting and eating as many baguettes , pastries and other delectable things as my budget -LRB- and figure -RRB- will allow . `` Sleepless Night '' When I arrive , `` Purple Rain '' is the talk of the town . It 's the first weekend of October , so the streets of Paris are extra crowded for the annual Nuit Blanche -- White Night or Sleepless Night -- when museums stay open until dawn and organizers promise `` surprising and unusual '' art installations all over the city . One of them invites visitors to pick up a clear plastic umbrella and walk through a courtyard as rain machines and mauve lights make it look like they 've stepped into Prince 's hit song . I start each of my few days in Paris with champagne . It 's right there , chilling in an ice bucket in the corner of my hotel 's breakfast buffet every morning , not far from a pitcher of milk . Guests sip from their champagne flutes as casually as from","question":"Paris -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When you 're in love in Paris , you show it with a lock . A combination lock , a bicycle lock or , most commonly , a simple padlock -- hundreds of them -- all inscribed with the names of lovers and clinging to the chain link railing of the Pont des Arts , the Bridge of Arts , the keys romantically tossed into the Seine flowing below . `` Without you , my life does n't make sense , '' one of the locks reads in French . `` Walter and Tammy engaged , '' another announces to the world in English . You might easily miss the modest pedestrian bridge with the shiny accessories in the tourist rush to find historic Pont Neuf or the ornate Pont Alexandre III , but I am taking it slow on my second visit to Paris . There are no museums on my itinerary and no mad scrambles to fit in all of the city 's famous sites . I 've already seen the Mona Lisa , been to the top of the Eiffel Tower , gazed down on Napoleon 's tomb and admired Notre Dame"} +{"answer":"is independent , feisty and someone Cornwell knows better than she knows herself . To honor that close relationship , Cornwell decided to name her 16th book in the series after its main character , titling it simply `` Scarpetta . '' `` I realized , here it is 2008 . I finished my first book 20 years ago in 1988 . This is a really big anniversary , '' Cornwell said . In the novel , Scarpetta leaves South Carolina for New York , where the NYPD has asked her to examine an injured psychiatric patient . The patient has a graphic tale to tell -- one of paranoia and murder . The novelist said her books all have two things in common : First , of course , is a plot twist that allows Scarpetta to make a Sherlock Holmes-like deduction . The second is intriguing character interaction . `` What 's going on with them in this book ? What are they doing with or to each other ? Who 's in love ? Who is n't ? Who 's on the outs with whom ? Because I hope , in the end , -LSB- my books","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When Patricia Cornwell began writing thriller novels , she ruled the world of forensic science . `` I 'm very interested in what motivates people , why they do what they do , how they do it , '' Patricia Cornwell said . `` I could treat readers in each book to some new aspect that they would n't be familiar with , '' Cornwell said . Now the author is bombarded with `` CSI '' - like information from every side -- from `` Bones '' to `` Forensic Files '' to , well , `` CSI . '' `` It 's like you create this monster and find out it 's living in the house with you , and it 's banished you to a room because it has more power than you , '' she said . Cornwell knew she had to adapt to the changing entertainment climate . `` One of the questions I really did ask myself was , ` What 's the one thing I have no one else does ? ' '' The answer was chief medical examiner Kay Scarpetta , Cornwell 's heroine . Scarpetta"} +{"answer":"wear again . Some say that brides choose less-than-attractive dresses for her attendants to keep everyone 's attention on her . Whatever the case , there are plenty of women with bridesmaid-dress horror stories . Check out some ugly bridesmaid dresses and pretty alternatives '' Kimberlee Norbury of Orland , California , was aghast at the bridesmaid dress her cousin chose for her saloon-themed wedding in July 2006 . Norbury and three other bridesmaids were asked to wear `` saloon girl '' dresses purchased at a nearby costume shop . The dresses , complete with lace garters and corset tops , were so short that some of the bridesmaids added fabric to make them longer . Even with the additional fabric , Norbury walked down the aisle with her bouquet strategically placed in front of her . `` Everyone knew what I was doing , '' she said . `` I can laugh now , but I was so horrified . '' As soon as the wedding ended , Norbury changed out of the dress . `` I was running for my clothes as fast as I could . '' `` Afterwards I did explain that I loved her very","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When Katy Milane was asked to be in her college roommate 's August 2007 wedding , she expected the bridesmaid dress to be simple and sporty , just like the bride 's taste in clothes . Katy Milane , right , said none of the bridesmaids in her friend 's 2007 wedding liked this hot pink dress . It was n't . Milane and five other bridesmaids wore hot-pink floor-length satin dresses . One wedding guest commented that they looked `` like a row of Pepto Bismol bottles . '' `` I do n't think any of us were happy with the dresses , '' said Milane . One bridesmaid had to be sewn into her gown when it ripped the day of the wedding . Another left her dress in a Cincinnati , Ohio , hotel room after the festivities had ended . `` We all tried to be very positive about it because the bride really loved them , '' said Milane . `` We would have worn anything to make her happy . '' Such is the case at countless weddings . Bridesmaids are stuck in matching dresses that they will likely never"} +{"answer":"refugee camp in the nearby Swabi district last week . The Pakistani government has been working with international aid agencies to establish camps for refugees , where tents , food , water and basic medical services are provided . But the scale and speed of the displacement -- said to be the worst since the Rwandan genocide in 1994 -- have overwhelmed aid workers , Guterres said . `` The scale of the problem is such that all our resources combined can not cope with it . And it 's very important for this population not to feel abandoned , '' Guterres said . `` Without massive support of the international community for the Pakistani people , this will become a very dramatic problem , and not only a humanitarian problem . '' On Tuesday , U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced $ 110 million in humanitarian aid for Pakistani refugees . She also unveiled a system that lets Americans donate to the U.N. refugee effort , by sending a text message on mobile phone , including the word `` Swat . '' Meanwhile , Pakistan 's military said it was continuing the assault on Taliban militants . Pakistani","question":"ISLAMABAD , Pakistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Hundreds of refugees on Wednesday blocked a main road in northwest Pakistan , to protest living conditions for some of the 1.5 million Pakistanis forced to flee their homes in the past three weeks . The refugee situation in Pakistan could be a bigger threat than fighting with Taliban , U.N. says . `` The government has been making big promises , but none of those were ever fulfilled , '' said Hazrat Bilal , a protester and refugee whose family has taken up temporary residence in a primary school . The refugees had blocked the main road in Pakistan 's Mardan district since 8 a.m. Wednesday , Bilal said by telephone . The demonstrators were demanding food , water and other government services , he said . Mardan is a main transit point for the large numbers of Pakistanis fleeing the Swat Valley , the site of fierce fighting between Taliban militants and Pakistani soldiers . The first pictures from the fighting '' The refugee crisis could pose a bigger threat to stability in Pakistan than the war itself , U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres told CNN while touring a"} +{"answer":"on Monday night , Berlusconi confirmed that Milan had offered Kaka the chance to `` make himself a fortune , but said he has `` higher values . '' Berlusconi continued : `` He is staying with us , there are things which are more important than money : we are happy . `` When I heard he would prefer to stay , that he did n't think he would be missing a great opportunity and he prefers the values of our flag , the values of closeness and friendship , the warmth and the affection that all the fans have shown him in these days , I said ` hooray ' and we hugged . Kaka is staying at Milan . '' Fans of former European champions Milan had staged a series of protests since City 's audacious move for Kaka became public late last week . They intensified after Kaka played in the 1-0 home win over Fiorentina which improved Milan 's Serie A title chances as arch-rivals and league leaders Inter Milan slipped up . Have your say : Should Kaka have stayed at AC Milan or taken the money ? City , who are being backed","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Brazilian star Kaka has rejected a world record transfer move to Premier League Manchester City and decided to stay with AC Milan . Kaka opted to stay with AC Milan despite the riches on offer . The 2007 world player of the year was set to earn $ 750,000 per week with City , who were reported to be willing to pay a staggering $ 147 million to acquire his services . The devoutly religious Kaka explained his reasons on the club 's television station . `` I believe I have made the right choice . `` To have gone to Manchester City could have been a great project but in the past few days I have prayed a lot to understand what the right team would be and in the end I have decided to remain here . `` I do n't want anything else , I just want to be well and be happy in the place where people love me . '' Italian prime minister and Milan owner Silvio Berlusconi originally broke the news that the devoted fans of the Rossoneri wanted to hear . Interviewed on Italian TV 's Sky Italia late"} +{"answer":"Connection Flight 3407 , operated by regional carrier Colgan Air , plunged into a house in Clarence Center , New York , killing all 49 people on board and one man in the house . About five minutes before the crash , Shaw had shared with Renslow her fear of flying in icy conditions , according to the transcript . `` I do n't want to have to experience that and make those kinds of calls . You know I ` dve freaked out . I ` dve -LSB- sic -RSB- had like seen this much ice and thought , ` oh my gosh , we were going to crash , '' Shaw told Renslow . The NTSB 's preliminary investigation determined there was some ice accumulation on the Bombardier Dash 8-Q400 aircraft , but that `` icing had a minimal impact on the stall speed of the airplane . '' Watch more on the NTSB investigation '' In a story Monday , the Wall Street Journal cited investigators as saying the crash resulted from pilot Marvin Renslow 's incorrect response to the plane 's precarious drop in speed : He overrode an emergency system known as a `` stick","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The pilot of a doomed plane that crashed , killing 50 people , said `` Jesus Christ '' and `` We 're down , '' seconds before the plane hurtled from the night sky into a house outside Buffalo , New York , in February . An investigator walks past the wreckage from a plane crash in Clarence Center , New York , in February . The last sounds heard in the cockpit were First Officer Rebecca Shaw saying `` We 're '' and then screaming at 10:16 p.m. on February 12 , according to a transcript of the cockpit recording . Seconds earlier , the pilot , Capt. Marvin Renslow , said , `` Jesus Christ , '' as a sound `` similar to stick shaker '' was heard , the transcript said . Renslow said , `` We 're down , '' and a thump was heard before Shaw said , `` We 're '' and screamed . The National Transportation Safety Board released the transcript of the cockpit recording on Tuesday as it began a three-day hearing in Washington on the crash . See how crash of Flight 3407 unfolded '' Continental"} +{"answer":"at about the same time it was getting a $ 20 billion , taxpayer-financed government bailout . No one at Citigroup would talk on camera to CNN about the matter . Instead , the company issued a written statement , which said : `` To continue funding in this difficult credit and funding environment , Citi is repricing a group of customers . '' Citi told CNN that anyone unhappy with the new rates can opt out and continue paying the lower interest , but they must close their account when their card expires . It 's all in the fine print . Rep. Carolyn Maloney , D-New York , said she is sick of the fine print . She agreed that credit card companies get away with whatever they want , as long at they put their desires into the fine print . `` They have this provision that says they can raise the rate -- any time , any reason , '' she said . In September , Maloney got the House to pass by an overwhelming margin of 200 votes the `` credit card holders ' bill of rights , '' which would have stopped rate-jacking and","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It arrived in Rich Stevens ' mailbox a few weeks ago : the notice that Citibank had `` rate-jacked '' the Visa cards belonging to him and his wife . Some credit card holders have seen their interest rates go up dramatically , a practice called `` rate-jacking . '' `` In my case , from 9.5 percent to 16.99 , '' the 54-year-old nurse from the Long Island hamlet of Merrick , New York , told CNN . And his wife 's rate zoomed from 7.95 percent to 16.99 percent , he said . Stevens said he did not know why the rates had soared ; his credit rating is great . But , like thousands of other credit card customers around the nation , he has been notified his rate is skyrocketing . `` It almost borders on loan-sharking , from my perspective , '' he said . In the blogosphere , writers are livid at the instant rate hikes -- called `` rate-jacking . '' Citigroup seems to be the target of most bloggers ' venom -- partly because Citigroup issues so many credit cards and partly because Citi began sending the notices"} +{"answer":"got two good people in a circumstance in which neither of them were able to resolve the incident in the way that it should have been resolved , '' he said . Obama also spoke briefly with the arrested professor , Henry Louis Gates Jr. , who is a friend of the president , the White House reported . He and Gates had a `` positive discussion '' about his call to Crowley on Friday afternoon , the White House said . Obama also invited Gates `` to join him with Sgt. Crowley at the White House in the near future . '' In an e-mail Friday to CNN 's Don Lemon , Gates wrote , `` I was very pleased that the president called me today , and I was pleased that he proposed that I meet with Sgt. Crowley at the White House , since I had offered to meet with him since last Monday . `` I am eager for this to be used as a teaching moment to improve racial relations in America , '' said the e-mail . `` This is certainly not about me . '' His attorney , Charles Ogletree , told Lemon","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Obama said Friday he spoke with the police officer who arrested a Harvard professor and told the officer he did not mean to malign the Cambridge Police Department when he said police acted stupidly . President Obama on Friday explains to reporters the details of a phone conservation with Sgt. James Crowley . The president acknowledged that his words `` helped to contribute to ratcheting '' up the situation when he criticized the manner in which Sgt. James Crowley arrested professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. . `` I unfortunately gave an impression that I was maligning the Cambridge Police Department or Sgt. Crowley specifically , '' Obama told reporters . `` I could have calibrated those words differently , and I told this to Sgt. Crowley . '' Watch Obama describe talk '' Obama spoke about two hours after police unions in Massachusetts called on him to apologize . He did not apologize for his remark but repeated that he believed his choice of words was unfortunate . He reiterated his assertion that he believes police overreacted , but said Gates `` probably overreacted as well . '' `` My sense is you have"} +{"answer":"What has been done to Williams ' good name since his death at age 83 in 2002 is heartbreaking . First there was the very public battle within his family about what to do with his body ; when it was entrusted to a facility that specializes in cryonics -- freezing -- there were tasteless gags all over television . Now there is the nauseating voyeurism surrounding these new allegations . They are unspeakable , and I will not repeat them here . He has been made a joke . It is as if there has been a conscious effort to rob him of his humanity . As if he is a punch line , as if he was never a person with thoughts and feelings . No one deserves this , and certainly not Ted Williams . A magnificent 19-year career with the Boston Red Sox ; twice the winner of baseball 's triple crown ; the last ballplayer to hit .400 in a season ; two tours of duty in the military in World War II and the Korean War ... This is the man whose right to rest in respectful peace is being stripped from him .","question":"Editor 's note : CNN contributor Bob Greene is a best-selling author whose new book is `` Late Edition : A Love Story . '' Bob Greene says discussion of ballplayer Ted Williams ' corpse is a shameful way to remember the superstar . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- `` I was scared , '' Ted Williams said . He was talking about his lifelong fear of not being good enough -- of coming up short . `` I was always afraid I might fail , '' he said . `` I was pictured as being so cocky -- I might have been cocky to some people , but not in my heart . All the time , I was just hoping to make whatever league I was in . '' I am thinking about a long conversation I had with Williams toward the end of his life . I 'm thinking about it because of the unconscionable thing that is being done to him now that he is gone , now that he is without any defenses . You may have heard about a new book that makes some cruel and repugnant allegations about the mistreatment of his remains ."} +{"answer":"She said she gets goosebumps whenever she watches the young players come across home plate . `` The grin and smile on their faces just says it all . '' Coach Tom Estes joined the program eight years ago with his now-15-year-old son , Justin , who has cerebral palsy . Estes noted that some of the players , like his son , use a wheelchair , but others with autism , Down syndrome and multiple sclerosis are ambulatory . Health Minute : Watch more on special needs baseball '' During a game , the children are paired with young helpers from another local baseball league . No special skills are required to participate , Estes said . `` If we have to help them hit , help them run , help them catch , we are simply here to let them play baseball . '' The coaches have taken extra precautions to make sure no one gets hurt . The players wear batting helmets , and a coach feeds large , softball-sized rubber balls into a pitching machine to control the direction . There are no umpires , and no one really keeps score . `` We have a","question":"LOGANVILLE , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The crowd cheered as Morgan Lawless faced her first pitch of the fall baseball season . Morgan Lawless , who has cerebral palsy , plays baseball at Bay Creek Park near Atlanta , Georgia . The 14-year-old middle-school student clenched her teeth as she swung the bat into a single . Instead of running to first base , Lawless zoomed over in her motorized wheelchair . Lawless has cerebral palsy . She 's among nearly 300 children who play in a special-needs baseball league at Bay Creek Park in the Atlanta , Georgia , suburb of Loganville . `` It 's actually fun because we get to be kids and we can play like regular people , '' Lawless said . What 's different about this ballpark is that the field is made of a rubberized material that allows for easier movement in wheelchairs . `` We started out on a dirt field , '' said league founder Cathy Smith . `` But power wheelchairs and dirt do n't mix . '' Smith helped raise some of the half-million dollars in private and county funding needed to build the field in 2004 ."} +{"answer":", including Thacker 's adopted son , Reese . `` I can understand paranoia and absolutely , and I understand there was a story about people illegally taking children out of the country , but fear does n't justify these actions , '' Stephanie Anderson , a volunteer who was helping Thacker , told CNN . On Saturday , the three women were outside the Port-au-Prince airport waiting in line to transport the children in a private plane when , Anderson says , they were surrounded by an angry mob of men demanding to see their paperwork . `` They started screaming at us that they are Haitian children , and who do we think we are taking their kids from their country , and these missionaries ca n't be stealing kids , and they started swearing and yelling at us , '' Anderson , who is not a missionary , said . The police were called in and the women were detained for eight hours , they told CNN . Full coverage of the earthquake 's aftermath The key document -- a permission signed by Haiti 's prime minister -- was suspected as a fake by police , something","question":"Port-au-Prince , Haiti -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Six Haitian orphans , at the airport and on their way to new lives in the United States , had their destination changed at the last moment . Now they are at an orphanage , under the custody of the Haitian government , while the details of their departure are sorted out . Sarah Thacker , a Minnesota woman who was in Haiti to bring home her newly adopted son , now finds herself facing allegations that the paperwork she held was forged . Thacker and two other women who helped her were not arrested , but are the subject of the incident that follows the arrests of 10 U.S. missionaries accused of taking a group of Haitian children out of the country without the proper paperwork . All 10 were charged with trying to take 33 children out of Haiti without any legal authorization after a magnitude-7 .0 earthquake devastated the country on January 12 . Eight of them have been released on bail and have returned to the United States . Thacker and the two other women were going to escort six Haitian orphans to the United States to new families"} +{"answer":"to the Department of Defense ; that 's an estimated 180,000 women in the war zone . The figure dwarfs the 41,000 women deployed during the Persian Gulf War and the 7,500 who served during the Vietnam War , mostly as nurses . Unlike past wars , women are assigned to combat support roles . Many are seeing violence firsthand in an unconventional war . Watch CNN 's Randi Kaye report on female veterans '' As a member of the National Guard , Christensen transported tanks in Iraq . She says she was shot at and was nearly a victim of a roadside bomb when a convoy in front of hers was hit . `` You have this fear , ` Oh , my God , I still have to go through there , ' '' she recalled . '' ` Am I going to make it ? ' '' Christensen says that she was sexually harassed by a superior while serving in Iraq and that the harassment added to the pressure created by just being in a war zone . `` I just know it took a big toll on me because I was trying to deal with it","question":"DENVER , Colorado -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- On a good day , Keri Christensen spends the day watching her children . She prepares their meals , gets them ready for school and helps them with their homework . Keri Christensen was nearly a victim of a roadside bombing in Iraq when the convoy in front of hers was hit . But this housewife and mother of two is far different than most of the women living in her Denver , Colorado , suburb . She 's an Iraqi war veteran , among the first women in the United States to be classified as combat veterans . Even though she 's been home from the war for more than 2 1\/2 years , she 's now fighting another battle -- this one with depression , nightmares , sleeplessness and anger . She says all of it is caused by her time in Iraq . `` I start feeling those feelings of ` I 'm not worthy . I ca n't raise my family , ' '' Christensen said . Women have made up about 11 percent of the military force in Iraq and Afghanistan in the past six years , according"} +{"answer":", decided to donate 100 percent of the Christmas Jam proceeds to Habitat for Humanity years ago because they could see exactly where the money was going . They go back each year and meet the families they helped build homes for . Singer Joan Osborne echoed Haynes ' thoughts . `` It 's a scary time . A lot of people are losing their homes so it 's good to be able to do something that helps with that specific problem , '' she said . Going into 2008 's shows , which were held December 12 and 13 , the Christmas Jam had raised more than $ 665,000 for Asheville 's Habitat For Humanity . The money has gone into building 12 houses in Enka Hills , a wooded community surrounded by mountains on a street the organization appropriately named Warren Haynes Drive . -LRB- In 2005 Habitat also built a house in the New Orleans Musicians Village . -RRB- The Thursday before the show , Haynes presented the key to a new home to single mother Suzie Cromer and her 8-year-old daughter . `` Meeting the families and seeing the work that Habitat 's doing with our","question":"ASHEVILLE , North Carolina -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In 1988 , a relatively unknown rock and blues guitarist named Warren Haynes got some of his friends together to play music in Asheville , North Carolina . It was just an opportunity for local musicians to jam during the holidays , the one time of year they were all in town together . Warren Haynes ' good work has been noted by the street named after him . The artists also wanted to give back to the community , so they gave the money raised by their show to various charities . The tradition has continued . Now celebrating its 20th anniversary , Haynes ' Christmas Jam has evolved into an epic annual event for the musicians , fans , and particularly Habitat for Humanity . `` We need Habitat For Humanity more now than ever , with the whole mortgage crisis that put us where we are now , and the fact that Habitat is about building homes for people that ca n't afford homes as opposed to lending money to people who ca n't afford homes , '' Haynes told CNN . Haynes and his wife , Stefani Scamardo"} +{"answer":"something to it in addition to the surface subject matter . What I am trying to say is , just because this is a film about birding does n't mean it 's a film about birding . Stu Preissler -LRB- Steve Martin -RRB- , Brad Harris -LRB- Jack Black -RRB- and Kenny Bostick -LRB- Owen Wilson -RRB- are three birders who may -LRB- or may not -RRB- be attempting a Big Year . The thing is , it 's such a competitive field that those attempting such a feat tend to keep the information to themselves , so as to not inspire the competition . Paying possum is a big part of a Big Year . The head of a corporation , Stu is nearing retirement age . He wants to quit the rat race , do something for himself -LRB- A Big Year , natch -RRB- and settle down in Colorado with his wife , Edith -LRB- JoBeth Williams -RRB- . Of course his corporate underlings , smarmily played by Kevin Pollak and Joel McHale , continuously try to pull him off the road and into the board room . Brad , in his mid-30s and divorced , is","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Birders define `` a big year '' as an informal competition to see who can spot the most species of birds in a certain area in a calendar year . Let me start off with a disclaimer : I am a bit of a bird nerd . Not a serious birder by any stretch -LRB- I have never gone on vacation specifically for the birds , for example ... well , not a long one , anyway -RRB- , but my iPhoto has been known to contain more than a few shots of birds , and my iPhone does have iBird Explorer Plus . Oh , and as a child , my dad and I would spend the occasional summer afternoon in the country listening to records of bird calls . However , just because I like birds does n't mean I am predisposed to liking a movie with a lot of birds in it . I am a huge baseball fan too , but am perfectly able to recognize a bad baseball movie when I see one . `` Major League 2 , '' anyone ? In addition , a good film needs to have"} +{"answer":"eclipse will occur over the Pacific Ocean at six minutes , 39 seconds , people in some areas of China and Japan will experience up to more than six minutes of darkness , according to predictions by Fred Espenak of NASA 's Goddard Space Flight Center and J. Anderson of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada . Watch as eclipse-watchers head to China '' The 15,150-kilometer -LRB- 9,415-mile -RRB- journey of the moon 's shadow across the Earth will last nearly three-and-a-half hours and be `` one of the longest eclipses , if not the longest eclipse , in this century , '' Binzel said . Forecasters predict stormy weather for Wednesday morning in Shanghai , but this prognosis has not deterred astronomers and tourists from flooding the city . Send us your photos of the eclipse Professor Zhao Junliang of the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory said the weather could be unpredictable but staying away from such an historic event would be a mistake . `` In 1987 , I chased a total solar eclipse in -LRB- the western region of -RRB- Xinjiang . At the time , the sun was entirely blocked by stormy clouds . Two minutes before the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Skywatchers are gathering from parking lots in western India to music festivals on remote Japanese islands to witness what NASA describes as an `` exceptionally long '' total solar eclipse that will cross half the planet on Wednesday . People try out '' solar view goggles '' ahead of the eclipse on the outskirts of Ahmedabad , India . `` This eclipse has the potential to be observed by more people than any eclipse in all of history , '' said MIT astronomer Richard Binzel , who will be in Shanghai leading an expedition of observers and a group of eclipse chasers . `` Essentially , every inhabitant of all of India and China will be able to see at least part of the sun covered throughout the day , '' he said . The path of the total eclipse will stretch across the heart of Asia -- from India 's Bay of Cambay , over the Himalayas and across China and the southern islands of Japan . The eclipse is expected to reach its peak over India at around 12:40 a.m. GMT Wednesday -LRB- 8:40 p.m. ET Tuesday -RRB- . Though the duration of greatest"} +{"answer":"shows fire 's devastation A two-day search that ended Monday found no human remains amid the scorched wreckage , authorities said . But Deputy Police Chief Michel Moore said authorities still have n't accounted for the residents of 166 homes , and he wanted them to check in with investigators . `` Help us bring full closure to this , '' Moore said Monday evening . Watch how fires destroyed hundreds of homes '' Moore said residents of the mobile home park would be allowed to return Tuesday `` to come in and collect their belongings . '' The largest of three fires , the Freeway Complex fire , had set ablaze nearly 29,000 acres in Orange , Los Angeles and Riverside counties . Most of the damage was in Orange County , in the Los Angeles suburbs of Anaheim and Yorba Linda , where more than 100 homes were destroyed . Fire officials said the blaze , with 3,700 firefighters and other emergency personnel battling it , was about 40 percent contained Monday . Watch how it may take days to contain fires '' iReporter Carol Menke said she last saw her home in the Hollydale Mobile Home Estates","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Firefighters will need at least until midweek to get control of wildfires that have destroyed more than 900 homes and other structures in Southern California , a Los Angeles County Fire Department spokesman says . High winds have fanned blazes from Santa Barbara to Anaheim since Thursday , scorching an estimated 40,900 acres of land . Sustained winds eased Monday , but locally gusty conditions and humidity in the single-digit range could continue into Tuesday , the National Weather Service predicted . `` If we were being very optimistic , we would be looking at the middle of the week , '' Los Angeles County fire Capt. Dennis Cross said . `` If the weather forecast holds and we continue to get the great work being done in the last 24 hours , we 're hoping midweek . '' The most extensive losses have been in the Oakridge Mobile Home Park in the Sylmar district of Los Angeles , where winds clocked as high as 70 mph drove a wall of flames across the hillsides and destroyed nearly 500 of the park 's 608 mobile homes on Saturday . iReport.com : Map"} +{"answer":"printed banner draped over his tomb offers a deeper insight . It shows a photo of him alongside a marijuana plantation and an AK-47 assault rifle fitted with a 100-round ammunition drum . The drab grave of this cartel triggerman , at the Jardines de Humaya cemetery in state capital Culiacan , stands in stark contrast to the mausoleums of dead capos , or drug bosses . Those are elaborate two - and three-story constructions , some perhaps 25 feet high , made of bullet-proof glass , Italian marble and spiral iron staircases . A bricklayer at work in the cemetery told me the fanciest cost between $ 75,000 and $ 150,000 . He said grateful drug barons often pay for loyal hitmen to be buried here , the city 's toniest graveyard . Like so many other people we 've met over the last few weeks , he declined to give his name or speak on camera . `` I ca n't . El patron -LSB- the boss -RSB- would kill me , '' he said . Days later I track down Lupito 's cousin , Giovanni Garcia , on the phone . He 's an undertaker and by","question":"Editor 's note : Journalist Karl Penhaul spent several weeks tracking the gangs of the Mexican underworld , the corrupt officials who support them and the cops trying to halt the violence . This is the second of three exclusive reports . Part one looked at the violent rules gangs live by . The faithful leave this `` Holy Death '' statue offerings including cigarettes and cocaine , visible in the nose . CULIACAN , Mexico -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A baseball cap dangles from a cement cross . The slogan on the hat reads `` power , money , respect . '' On the brim there 's the logo of the classic gangster movie `` Scarface . '' Etched on the gravestone , the words : `` Jesus Guadalupe Parra . 12 December 1986 to 25 August 2008 . '' `` Lupito , '' as friends and family knew him , went down in a hail of bullets before he reached 22 . Authorities said he died alongside three others in a gunfight with a rival drug gang high in the Sierra Madre mountain range that is the backbone of Mexico 's Pacific coast state of Sinaloa . A"} +{"answer":"Tomaselli , now 23 , has also said he was abused by Fine -- while in a hotel room in Pittsburgh , where he 'd gone to watch a Syracuse game . Police in Syracuse and Pittsburgh are investigating the allegations and looking for other potential victims , authorities have said . Police say they 'll change reporting procedures When the allegations first surfaced , Fine -- married with a son and two daughters -- called them `` patently false . '' He has not commented since . The investigation at Syracuse comes in the wake of a sex abuse scandal at Penn State University that received nationwide attention . Former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky is accused of sexually abusing boys over a span of 14 years . When asked what his reaction was when he saw the Penn State story break , Lang said his `` stomach just turned . '' `` All I can think of is what me and my little brother went through , and it 's happening all over again , '' he said . Regarding Jim Boeheim , head men 's basketball coach at Syracuse , Lang said , `` I","question":"Syracuse , New York -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A second man who has publicly accused a former Syracuse University coach of molesting him told CNN 's AC360 on Tuesday that he was speaking out so that no other children would be hurt . Mike Lang accused former men 's assistant basketball coach Bernie Fine , 65 , of touching him inappropriately at least dozens of times when he was a boy . `` I just hope that no other kids get abused , and that 's the main reason why I came out and said what I had to say . ... I do n't want this to happen to anybody else , '' Lang said . Fine 's house used to be like a home to him , and the coach was a father figure , a `` great guy , '' he said . Syracuse fired Fine on Sunday , less than a month after the university placed him on administrative leave after Lang and his stepbrother , Bobby Davis , came forward to publicly accuse him of molesting them over several years . See a timeline of the Syracuse sexual abuse scandal A third man , Zachary"} +{"answer":"said Coleman , a mother of six . Realizing that her financial and health woes were not unique , Coleman -- now in remission -- became determined to help those in similar situations access medical treatment . `` I have been given another chance , and I felt that it was important for me to make a difference and to help other people , '' she said . So after her recovery in 2004 , Coleman approached Dr. John Canakaris . The local physician with 60 years of experience had been treating the indigent population for years . Canakaris was eager to reach more patients in need . The two worked together to establish the Flagler County Free Clinic in Bunnell , Florida , which provides medical care for the uninsured . It has treated more than 6,700 patients . The clinic opened its doors in February 2005 , with eight volunteers treating eight patients . Since then , it has expanded to 120 volunteers who see about 80 patients every other weekend . Coleman said she 's seen an increase in the number of patients at the clinic , which serves people who meet federal poverty guidelines . ``","question":"BUNNELL , Florida -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Faith Coleman had no health insurance when she learned she had cancer , but she describes her battle with the illness as `` one of the absolute greatest blessings '' of her life . Faith Coleman 's ordeal as an uninsured cancer patient drove her to help others without health insurance . `` Having kidney cancer was one of the best things that ever happened to me ... because I can truly empathize with patients , '' said Coleman , 54 . That compassion inspired Coleman to open a free clinic in her Florida community to help other uninsured people in need of medical care . In July 2003 , Coleman , a nurse practitioner , learned she had a malignant tumor growing on her right kidney . But as a contract worker for several doctors , she did not receive health insurance . Coleman 's treatment totaled about $ 35,000 , and she was forced to take out a mortgage on her house to help pay for it . `` I -LSB- fell -RSB- through the crack ... and I -LSB- had -RSB- a great job and a good education , ''"} +{"answer":", to our citizens of Christian belief and the entire Catholic community , '' the ministry said . Church officials expressed `` shock and sorrow '' over the death of Padovese , who was also the president of the Turkey Bishops Conference `` I can only express an immense pain over this violent act that has taken us by surprise , '' Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said . `` The tragedy of this event shows the difficulty that the Christian community endures in the Middle East region . '' Roman Catholics in Turkey `` occasionally have been subjected to violent societal attacks , '' according to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom , a U.S. government agency . The group 's latest report cites the February 2006 shooting death of `` an Italian Catholic priest '' in Trabzon by a boy `` angered over the caricatures of the Muslim prophet in Danish newspapers . '' A 16-year-old boy was charged with murder and sentenced to jail in the act , which drew condemnations from Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and other government officials . In July 2009 , a `` mentally disturbed young man '' killed Gregor Kerkeling","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The driver of a slain Catholic bishop in southern Turkey has been apprehended in the killing , the Turkish Foreign Ministry said Thursday . The victim was identified by the Vatican as Luigi Padovese , the apostolic vicar of Anatolia . He was assaulted Thursday in his house in Iskenderun in Hatay province , the Vatican said . `` We were dismayed to hear that Bishop Prof. Luigi Padovese lost his life as a result of being stabbed by his driver today in Iskenderun , Hatay , '' the ministry said , saying the death is `` a human , religious and academic loss . '' `` This attack on a man of religion , whatever its reason might be , has received significant public condemnation . We have learned that the suspect , who has psychological problems and is currently being treated , was apprehended with the murder weapon . Detailed information will be shared with the public when the ongoing judicial investigation is concluded . `` This murder has led to deep sorrow for everyone . Hoping that the deceased will rest in peace , we extend our most sincere condolences to his family"} +{"answer":"the coast , said Coast Guard Petty Officer David Schulein . Three HH-65C helicopters from Coast Guard Air Station Houston rescued more than 20 people and were continuing to fly round-the-clock rescue missions until weather grounds them , said Petty Officer Renee Aiello , a station spokeswoman . The Coast Guard helicopters from Air Station Houston could make their last flights Friday afternoon as rain starts to move in , Aiello said . Watch Ike begin to spill water into Texas '' `` We 'll be out as long as the weather permits us , '' she said . `` We 're still working . '' Some 37,000 people may need to be rescued after Hurricane Ike strikes , a U.S. military official said Friday . Texas already has asked for help , and the active-duty military has 42 search-and-rescue helicopters on standby , the official said . iReport.com : Commander briefs Coast Guard crews Meanwhile , the Coast Guard and Air Force were unable to rescue 22 people aboard a freighter adrift in the Gulf of Mexico because of weather , the two military branches said Friday . `` Weather on scene deteriorated to a point that made the","question":"HOUSTON , Texas -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Even with Hurricane Ike more than 100 miles away , authorities began rescue efforts Friday , picking up more than 120 people stranded by rising seas along the southeast Texas coast . The U.S. Coast Guard rescues a person trapped in a car on Friday as Hurricane Ike hits Texas . Most of the rescues occurred in Galveston County , where rising water and other effects of the storm began hours before expected landfall early Saturday . Stranded residents have been airlifted from Crystal Beach , Bolivar Peninsula and other communities in the Galveston area . Many of those rescued were motorists stranded on flooded roads . In Surfside Beach , police waded through chest-high rushing water to rescue five people trapped in their homes . One man refused to leave , said Surfside Beach police Chief Randy Smith . Watch rescuers save a motorist from floods '' `` Some of them took convincing , some of them did n't , '' he said . Police also rescued another five people who waded out to meet the officers . About half of those rescues were done by helicopters out of several bases along"} +{"answer":"by Interpol , the international police organization , includes crimes against children as one of the offenses that Torres Puello is being sought for . `` I never did anything , '' Torres Puello said Sunday . `` I started helping a Dominican pastor helping a lot of people who were stranded to get back to their home countries . We once gave some Nicaraguan and Costa Rican women some money to return home and instead they went to the authorities and put in a complaint against us . I never had anybody against their will . '' Torres Puello also denied Salvadoran allegations that he ran a brothel out of his home with wife Ana Josefa Ramirez Orellana , who remains jailed pending trial , according to Salvadoran police . `` I want to clear the Salvador matter up and I am hiring a lawyer to do that , '' he said . `` I know I am innocent and I want to clear my past . '' His mother , Soledad Puello , told CNN Sunday that she first heard of the Salvadoran accusations when her son called to tell her of his wife 's arrest . She","question":"Santo Domingo , Dominican Republic -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A man who acted as a legal adviser to the American missionaries arrested on child kidnapping charges in Haiti is himself facing allegations of human trafficking in El Salvador and human smuggling charges in the United States . An international arrest warrant was issued Saturday for the legal adviser on sex-trafficking charges . Salvadoran police raided a home in May that turned up passports and an ID card in the names of both Jorge Torres Puello and his alias , Jorge Torres Orellana . Each of the documents bore photos of the same man . His wife was arrested in that raid and charged with sex trafficking , and her trial is pending . In a phone interview with CNN on Sunday , Jorge Torres Puello acknowledged he is the same man wanted by Salvadoran authorities . He denied the charges against him . Full coverage of the earthquake aftermath in Haiti According to the warrant , Torres Puello is accused of running an international sex trafficking ring that lured women and girls from the Caribbean and Central America into prostitution with offers of modeling jobs . A wanted poster released"} +{"answer":", are now allies of the United States . And people across the world have reaped the benefits from that alliance , '' he said . `` Today , we must do the same in Afghanistan and Iraq . ... We 'll lay the foundation of peace for generations to come . '' But today 's wars differ from those of the past , Bush acknowledged , and not only because of modern technology that allows `` greater precision '' in warfare . `` One challenge is that in the past , in Germany and Japan , the work of rebuilding took place in relative quiet , '' he said . `` Today , we 're helping emerging democracies rebuild under fire from terrorist networks and state sponsors of terror . This is a difficult and unprecedented task -- and we 're learning as we go . '' The measure of success in war has changed , he said . `` In the past ... there were public surrenders , a signing ceremony on the deck of a battleship , victory parades in American cities . Today , when the war continues after the regime has fallen , the definition","question":"COLORADO SPRINGS , Colorado -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Bush told the 2008 graduating class at the U.S. Air Force Academy on Wednesday that the `` only way America could lose the war on terror is if we defeat ourselves . '' President Bush and Air Force Academy graduate Michael Riddick of Aiken , South Carolina , celebrate graduation . Speaking on a cloudy day at Falcon Stadium , the president compared the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to America 's earlier conflicts , particularly World War II . `` Our nation is once again contending with an ideology that seeks to sow anger , hatred and despair : the ideology of Islamic extremism , '' he said . `` In today 's struggle , we are once again facing evil men who despise freedom and despise America and aim to subject millions to their violent rule . `` We assumed this obligation before , '' he said , referring to the rebuilding of Germany and Japan after World War II , a conflict that saw the loss of more than 400,000 American lives . Watch more of Bush 's speech '' `` Germany and Japan , once mortal enemies"} +{"answer":"ca n't afford a letdown . '' Each 2-ounce bottle contains zero grams of sugar , 4 calories and about the same amount of caffeine as a small coffee . It also contains about a dozen ingredients that are broken down into B vitamins -LRB- B3 , B6 , B9 , B12 -RRB- and what the manufacturer lists as an `` energy blend . '' But do n't expect superhuman results , one expert said . `` The B vitamins are given at extraordinarily high levels , and people need to know they are not some magic potion that 's going to immediately raise your energy level , '' said Dr. Brent Bauer , Mayo Clinic director of complementary and integrative medicine . `` There is no data that show that . '' The overall health impact of the shots ' energy blend is a little fuzzy , according to some experts , because little data has been collected about the effectiveness or safety of the natural compounds . The blend contains : citicoline , tyrosine , phenylalanine , taurine , malic acid , glucuronolactone and caffeine . Phenylalanine , taurine , tyrosine are all amino acids our bodies naturally","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- From supermarkets to the office supply store , it 's hard to miss those tiny bottles of 5-hour Energy . The makers of 5-Hour Energy call it a `` no-nonsense drink . '' `` It would be easier for me to tell you where we did n't sell them in the U.S. than list all the places we do , '' said Carl Sperber , spokesman for Living Essentials , the Detroit , Michigan-based manufacturer of 5-hour Energy shot . The small , shot-glass size bottles promise to provide energy and alertness without jitters to fatigued Americans . Unlike other popular energy drinks that market to college students , 5-Hour Energy 's audience is multitasking , working professionals . The market demand has skyrocketed since the product hit store shelves in 2004 . The company expects to move more than 350 million shots this year , Sperber said , up from 174 million in 2008 . `` This is a no-nonsense drink , '' Sperber said . `` It is not a fashion statement . It does n't have a cool name ; it is just a simple grab-and-go product to help busy adults when they"} +{"answer":"and 2004 . The firm pleaded guilty to foreign bribery charges in the United States last year and paid a $ 402 million criminal fine , the U.S. Justice Department said . KBR and Halliburton also paid $ 177 million to settle civil complaints related to the bribery , the Justice Department said . Investigations in Nigeria , however , have been ongoing , and there are allegations that the bribes went all the way to the top , to aides , officials and possibly then-President Olusegun Obasanjo . Many observers in Nigeria regard the move as a publicity stunt by the commission ahead of national elections in April and as a symbolic effort to display resolve against government corruption . The agency has had limited success in getting successful prosecutions and has n't charged any high-profile people since its top commissioner was removed from the body in 2007 . Cheney 's atttorney has said that there is no reason to suspect that his client is guilty . `` This matter involves the activities of an international four-company joint venture -LRB- which included KBR , then a subsidiary of Halliburton -RRB- well over a decade ago , '' Terrence O'Connell","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Charges of bribery against former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney and Halliburton by Nigeria 's anti-corruption police may be dropped after an agreement to pay a $ 250 million fine . `` Discussions focus on the possibility of a plea bargain arrangement , '' said Femi Babafemi , a spokesman for Nigeria 's Economic and Financial Crimes Commission . `` Allowing the company and former officials to pay heavy fines in lieu of prosecution ... they would pay $ 120 million as fines and $ 130 million from bad money stored in Switzerland from the original deal -- so $ 250 million in total . '' This month , the commission charged Cheney -- who ran Halliburton in the 1990s -- and nine others with `` conspiracy and distribution of gratification to public officials . '' The investigation is part of a long-running case involving Halliburton and a subsidiary firm , Kellogg , Brown and Root , over alleged bribes paid to Nigerian officials to secure $ 6 billion worth of contracts for a liquefied natural gas project in the Niger Delta . The bribes are said to have amounted to $ 180 million between 1994"} +{"answer":"statement . He warned that communities everywhere would `` reap the negative consequences , '' but that the `` poorest people and most vulnerable communities will suffer most . '' A number of events were held around the world Saturday to mark the International Day of Biodiversity . A garden was created along Paris ' Champs-Elysees , children in Brazil were encouraged to dress up as animals , and the European Environment Agency unveiled a `` living wall '' at its headquarters in Copenhagen , Denmark . The release of a top 10 list species for 2009 continues an annual tradition that marks the anniversary of the birth of Carolus Linnaeus , who initiated the modern system of classifying plants and animals . The new list , issued by the International Institute for Species Exploration at Arizona State University , was chosen from 18,225 species new to science in 2008 , the most recent year for which data has been compiled . They come from Africa , Indonesia , Madagascar , Myanmar , New Zealand , the Philippines , Thailand , the U.S. and Uruguay . The new discoveries include a golden orb spider able to spin webs of more","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A flat-faced frogfish , bug-eating slug and carnivorous sea sponge are some of the top new species named by scientists . They appear on a `` top 10 '' list of new species released Saturday amid warnings from the United Nations that the world is not doing enough to protect vulnerable eco-systems . `` Biodiversity loss is moving ecological systems ever closer to tipping point beyond which they will no longer be able to fulfill their vital functions , '' said Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the International Day for Biological Diversity , which is being marked in 11 countries . More coverage : Environment A report released in late April by researchers from the United Nations Environment Program showed that world leaders had failed on a 2002 commitment to reduce the global rate of biodiversity loss by 2010 . It found that since 1970 animal populations had dropped 30 percent , the area covered by mangroves and sea grasses was down 20 percent and the coverage of living corals had fallen 40 percent . `` The deadline has arrived , yet the deterioration of our natural resources continues apace , '' the secretary-general said in a"} +{"answer":"he said people who are ill should put off trips abroad , and people who fall ill after a trip should see a doctor . Mexico is the epicenter for the swine influenza virus outbreak . More than 100 deaths in Mexico are being investigated as possibly tied to the outbreak . The WHO confirmed 73 cases of swine flu Monday , but health officials in Scotland , California and Texas confirmed nine more , bringing the worldwide total to 82 . Reports of the illness in Mexico could n't have come at a worse time for the country 's tourism industry , which is already grappling with negative publicity about drug-cartel fueled violence . `` They were having a terrible time anyway with all of the problems on the border and now to be hit with this , too , '' said Barbara Nassau , owner of New York-based In House Travel Solutions . She added that the outbreak has the potential to hamper travel similar to the way it was affected when bird flu hit China . iReporter Dyana Pari Nafissi works in international business development in Mexico City and said tourism in the country had already been","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Meeting planner Gail Murphy heard about the travel warning to Mexico too late in the day on Monday to do anything about her plans to head to Cancun the following day . Alberto Morales wore a mask on his flight from Mexico City to Denver , Colorado , on Monday . `` I 'm in good health , '' said Murphy , who is heading to the Eighth Annual Mexico Showcase and Travel Expo from her home in Shelburne , Vermont . `` I 'm a risk taker , so I 'll go anyway . '' In light of the swine flu , the U.S. State Department and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a warning against any non-essential travel to Mexico . The move could potentially devastate an already struggling tourism industry in the country . The World Health Organization urged countries not to restrict international travel or close borders , as such measures would not in themselves stem the outbreak . Efforts to contain the outbreak by restricting travel would be unlikely to work without `` draconian measures , '' said Dr. Keiji Fukuda , the agency 's assistant director-general . But"} +{"answer":"the case . The photo at issue shows the girl with painter 's tape over her mouth and binding her wrists and ankles . Above the photo on Curry 's Facebook page were the words , `` This is wut happens wen my baby hits me back . ;-RRB- '' The Facebook page appears to have been taken down . But the image was picked up by other websites . The Cook County State 's Attorney 's Office also told CNN that the caption was with the photo on Curry 's Facebook page . Andy Conklin , a spokesman for the state 's attorney 's office , told CNN Wednesday the girl in the photo is 22 months old . `` The photo itself does not tell the story of who our client is and how well he takes care of this child , '' said Sundaram . He said his client will not face the felony charge if prosecutors can not prove the girl suffered any injuries from the incident . If that 's the case , he said , prosecutors could at most seek a charge of misdemeanor battery . Conklin said the next court date will be","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A man who allegedly gagged and bound his toddler 's arms and legs with tape and posted a photo of her on Facebook is `` devastated by the situation , '' his attorney told CNN Thursday . Andre Curry , 21 , is charged with aggravated domestic battery , which is a felony , Chicago police said . In court Wednesday , his bond was set at $ 100,000 . `` It 's our belief that after the investigation by the state and DCFS -LRB- the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services -RRB- is concluded , Andre Curry will be vindicated , '' said assistant public defender Anand Sundaram . Curry has no history of child abuse and the girl has not shown injuries , Sundaram said , adding that the family is cooperating in the investigation . The girl was being checked by a doctor Thursday for any injuries , whether old or new , he said . With the photo `` going viral on the Internet , things may have been blown out of proportion , '' Sundaram said . Sundaram gave few details , saying he could not comment on specifics of"} +{"answer":"before the latest photo was released . Watch reaction to racy photos '' Pageant officials were not immediately available for comment on the new picture . The 21-year-old Miss USA contestant has been the center of controversy since she declared her opposition to same-sex marriage in a response to a question on the national pageant stage last month . She finished as runner-up to Miss USA . In a statement given to CNN on Tuesday , Prejean said the photos -- and she did use the plural -- were being used in a `` vicious and mean-spirited '' effort to silence her for `` defending traditional marriage . '' While she vowed to `` continue to support and defend marriage as the honorable institution it is , '' Prejean may be doing so without the Miss California USA title . State pageant officials met Tuesday with lawyers and representatives of Donald Trump , who owns the international competition , to consider whether they had grounds to take the crown away from Prejean , according to Neal . `` When you compete for Miss California , you 're supposed to disclose whether you posed for nude or semi-nude photos , because","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A second lingerie-modeling photo of Miss California USA Carrie Prejean has appeared after she assured pageant officials this week that the earlier shot was the only one she had appeared in . Miss California USA Carrie Prejean may lose her crown because of some semi-nude photos she appeared in . The Web site that published the first picture published a second one Wednesday . It had already promised to `` slowly roll out '' more photos . After the appearance of the first photo , the possibility that racier images could emerge prompted `` closed-door meetings '' Tuesday to consider stripping Prejean of her beauty queen title , pageant spokesman Ron Neal said . Although Neal said Prejean `` breached her contract '' by keeping the semi-nude photo or photos a secret , the only pictures published so far appear about as revealing as the bikini Prejean wore in the pageant 's swimsuit competition . `` We have been told by Carrie Prejean there are no other photos other than the one circulating in existence . She should know better than anyone , '' Miss California USA Director Keith Lewis said Wednesday"} +{"answer":"Dubai-based Sudanese network funded by Sudan 's government , said passengers on the plane include some officials from the interim government of Darfur , Sudan 's war-torn region . Libya 's state-run Jamahirya television , citing civil aviation sources , reported that the hijacked plane landed in Kufra , in eastern Libya . `` We are in contact with Libyan officials because of this dangerous event , '' Murtada Hassam Jumaa , an official with Sun Air airlines , told Al-Shuruq . `` We want to resolve this situation as soon as we can in a way where we can guarantee the safety of all our passengers . '' Asked whether the airline received any threat before the flight took off , he said , `` There were no signs of any terrorist or criminal activity on the plane . We checked the plane like we do with all other planes . We followed the regular security checkup . We still do n't have any information on what type of weapons were used . '' Jumaa also said 87 passengers were on board the plane . The hijacking follows a Monday attack involving Sudanese government troops at the Kalma refugee","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Sudanese plane that was hijacked shortly after taking off from Nyala in the country 's Darfur region , presumably by rebels , has landed in Kufra , Libya , said Sudan 's ambassador to the United States . `` I believe since it started in the sovereign state of Darfur . ... It is more likely something to do with the rebels in that area , '' John Ukec said . About 87 passengers and 10 crew members are thought to be on board , Ukec said . It was unclear how many hijackers were on board . The hijacker or hijackers wanted to land the plane in Egypt , but the Egyptian government refused them permission , Ukec said . However , an Egyptian civil aviation official disputed that . `` The hijacked plane never entered Egyptian airspace , '' said Capt. Shirbeeni , the head of Egypt 's civil aviation control . `` It never requested to land on Egyptian soil . ... We understand that it had a tank that would allow it to fly for four hours . It flew directly toward Kufra . '' A reporter from Al-Shuruq , a"} +{"answer":"is involved in Medicare , and it works . '' Scheiner would rather see the nation adopt a single-payer system like the ones in Canada and Europe . The financing system relies on one `` payer '' -- which could be a government-run agency -- to fund all health care costs billed by doctors , hospitals and other health professionals . The benefits , advocates say , is that pricey administrative costs are cut , resulting in large savings to patients . It 's something that an up-and-coming coming state Sen. Obama talked about six years ago . `` I happen to be a proponent of a single-payer universal health care plan . ... But as all of you know , we may not get there immediately , because first we 've got to take back the White House , and we 've got take back the Senate , and we 've got to take back the House , '' Obama said in 2003 . But that position evolved during the campaign . `` If I were designing a system from scratch , then I 'd probably set up a single-payer system . But the problem is we 're not","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Obama often talks about all of the forces lining up against his health care plan . But there 's one critic who has remained relatively mum in the debate . Dr. David Scheiner was President Obama 's personal physician for 22 years . David Scheiner , a Chicago , Illinois-based doctor , has taken a hard look at the president 's prescription for health care reform and sees bad medicine . `` This is n't that kind of health care program that I think is going to work , '' he said . So what makes Scheiner so special ? He was Obama 's personal physician for 22 years , and voted for the former Illinois senator in the 2008 presidential election . Scheiner thinks the president 's plan does n't go far enough . In his mind , the worst part of the proposal is that `` private insurers continue to be a part of the health scheme . '' Watch Scheiner talk about his objections '' `` Everybody keeps saying we do n't want the government involved in health care , '' Scheiner said in an interview . `` But the government"} +{"answer":"'' media critic Eric Alterman said . Watch how the economy and Internet are taking a toll on the industry '' Newspapers across the country are under pressure as readership declines , along with advertising revenue , while more and more Americans get their information online . `` All newspapers are under great pressure . They 'll survive , but they 'll survive in different forms , their costs base will have to be dramatically lowered , '' said Mort Zuckerman , publisher of the New York Daily News , which has the seventh highest circulation in the country . The dramatic decline in advertising dollars in a brutal economy has forced newspapers to cut costs by firing cartoonists , columnists and others , leaving them searching for jobs in a struggling industry . Pia Catton lost her job as arts editor of the New York Sun five months ago , when the newspaper closed . She has taken a short-term job editing a book , but she thinks she may need to look at different careers soon . `` There will always be a market for news , you will always need to know immediately what 's happening .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- After nearly 150 years in business , the Rocky Mountain News published its final edition Friday , the victim of a bad economy and the Internet generation . The Rocky Mountain News in Denver , Colorado , published its last edition Friday after 150 years . The final front-page headline simply says : `` Goodbye , Colorado . '' `` It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to you today . Our time chronicling the life of Denver and Colorado , the nation and the world , is over . '' The Rocky Mountain News ' owner , E.W. Scripps Co. , made the announcement to the newsroom at noon Thursday , ending three months of speculation and drama over its fate . The News had been put up for sale in December . The Rocky Mountain News was the latest victim in an era of shutdowns , layoffs and cutbacks plaguing the newspaper industry . `` It 's in a free fall and nobody knows where the bottom is . It 's kind of like water in the toilet swirling around and nobody knows what 's left when you 're done flushing ,"} +{"answer":". That task turned into a great love of newspapers , and it inspired me to pursue a career in journalism . Sadly she passed away before I received my degree , but I still keep her Peppermint Patty doll to remind me of her and our times reading `` Peanuts '' together . Kimberly Mercier of Santa Rosa , California The `` Peanuts '' characters were more like friends , when I was growing up . Woodstock and Snoopy were always my favorites , even today . I spent many years ice skating in Santa Rosa as a child and would often see Charles Schulz there at his favorite table in the Warm Puppy Cafe in front of the fireplace . Sometimes , we got to watch him and his `` senior '' team play broomball on the ice . They enjoyed themselves so much . Mr. Schulz was always kind and friendly to me , and when I became an adult with sons of my own , he treated them with equal kindness , a warm smile and hello . We have the loveliest memories of the `` Peanuts '' characters and their creator , a beloved man","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- David Michaelis ' new biography of Charles M. Schulz explores the man behind `` Peanuts , '' the comic strip that has delighted readers for decades . CNN.com appealed to fans out there to say what Linus , Lucy and Charlie Brown meant to them . Joy Hernandez has collected stuffed Snoopys since she was young ; her dog , Dottie , is a Snoopy doppelganger . Readers responded with tales of bonding with family members while reading `` Peanuts , '' even meeting Schulz and finding inspiration and companionship in the strip 's characters . Below is a selection of responses , some of which have been edited for length and clarity : Elise Marrion of Midland , Texas My grandmother always loved `` Peanuts , '' and across the generations , that was one of the things we shared . When I was 7 years old , I spent a summer with her in Denver and every morning , I raced to find `` Peanuts '' in the comics section . A retired teacher , Grandma always made me read at least one front-page news story before I was allowed to read the comics"} +{"answer":"firings come amid heightened tensions on the Korean peninsula . North Korea conducted a nuclear test in May , fired test rockets and threatened U.S. and South Korean ships near its territorial waters . Watch S. Korea confirm firing of missiles '' The first two missiles were fired about 8 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. , Yonhap reported . Another missile was launched about 10:45 a.m. , the agency reported . A fourth one came some time after that . The U.S. Navy and other U.S. officials said they are ready to track any missiles . `` The United States is aware of possible missile launches by North Korea . We are closely monitoring North Korea 's activities and intentions , '' a U.S. official said . `` This type of North Korea behavior is not helpful . What North Korea needs to do is fulfill its international obligations and commitments . '' Earlier this week analyst Daniel Pinkston said the reported test might be training for a future test but it could also just be a routine military exercise . `` It is worrisome to some degree , but it is different from a ballistic missile launch , '' said","question":"SEOUL , South Korea -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- North Korea fired several short-range missiles toward the Sea of Japan on Saturday , an act that the U.S. watched closely and South Korea called provocative . N. Korean army soldiers , back , look at a S. Korean soldier , center , in the demilitarized zone in June . Pyongyang fired six short-range missiles in less than seven hours , South Korea 's Foreign Ministry said . The missiles were apparently Scud-type , estimated to have a range of about 500 kilometers -LRB- 310 miles -RRB- , according to South Korea 's Yonhap news agency . South Korean intelligence estimates that North Korea has about 700 such missiles in its arsenal . Pyongyang test-fired four such missiles off the east coast Thursday , Yonhap reported . South Korea called the launches a provocative act , according to a government statement . North Korea had issued a warning to mariners to avoid an area in the Sea of Japan at certain times between June 24 and July 9 because of a `` military firing exercise , '' according to a U.S. military communication about the warning provided to CNN . The recent"} +{"answer":"and students in most schools in the nation 's capital got a snow day . Many residents who spent the weekend playfully making snowmen and hurling snowballs also grumbled as they shoveled hip-high snow from driveways . `` The streets are pretty well covered , '' Kingsley Barreto said Sunday about his subdivision in Gaithersburg , Maryland . `` No cars coming in or out of here . Hopefully everyone in the community has enough supplies to last them for a little while , because it does n't look like we 're going anywhere anytime soon , '' Barreto said in a post he submitted to iReport , a CNN Web site that allows people to submit information , pictures and videos . Watch Barreto 's iReport on his neighborhood Crews worked around the clock to clear roads and repair power lines , warning that it might take days to restore electricity to some customers from Pennsylvania to Virginia . Two of Dulles ' four runways were open Monday morning , and officials hoped to have a third open later in the day , said Courtney Mickalonis of the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority . The situation there is `` getting","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The mid-Atlantic region continued digging out Monday from the weekend 's record blizzard , but snow-weary residents learned of a new winter storm due in the area on Tuesday . The National Weather Service issued a winter storm warning , with predictions of another 10 to 20 inches of snow , for northern Virginia and eastern Maryland , including the District of Columbia , beginning Tuesday afternoon and continuing through Wednesday . `` A winter storm warning means significant amounts of snow are expected or occurring , '' said the statement from the weather service facility in Sterling , Virginia . `` The combination of snow and strong winds will make travel very hazardous . '' If as severe as predicted , the new storm would be the third major snowfall to hit the nation 's capital and surrounding region in just over seven weeks . In last weekend 's blizzard , a record 32.4 inches of snow fell on Washington 's Dulles International Airport over two days , breaking a January 7-8 , 1996 , record of 23.2 inches . Federal workers in Washington , with the exception of emergency employees , stayed home Monday"} +{"answer":"of her seat and went to the bathroom , '' Garcia said . `` And while either in the bathroom or coming out of the bathroom is when this situation occurred . '' The woman was stretched out on the plane 's floor for the remainder of the flight until paramedics could start treating her , the attorney said . Fulp said another physician was on the flight . When that doctor realized the woman could n't get up , he held her until the flight landed 20 minutes later . Garcia said his client , a mother of three , did not want to be identified . Continental spokeswoman Mary Clark on Tuesday confirmed that the flight -- carrying 104 passengers and five crew members -- experienced turbulence and that two passengers and a crew member were transported to a hospital in McAllen . Clark said one passenger and the crew member were released , but the other passenger remains hospitalized . `` Our focus is assisting the customer who is still in hospital and her family , '' Clark said . Seat belt lights were illuminated during the turbulence , the spokeswoman said . However , it 's","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A 47-year-old woman who became paralyzed after breaking her neck and back on a turbulent flight is developing some motion in her toes and regaining some sensation after two operations , her doctor said Wednesday . Dr. Trey Fulp , an orthopedic spine surgeon who performed the surgeries at McAllen Medical Center in McAllen , Texas , told CNN that the woman initially was paralyzed from the chest down . She underwent six hours of surgery Saturday and a more than five-hour operation late Tuesday , the surgeon said . `` She is very brave and is talking , '' Fulp said . `` If she walks again , I get the first dance . '' The woman was on Continental Flight 511 en route from Houston , Texas , to McAllen early Saturday , a one-hour trip that had been delayed more than three hours because of severe storms that barreled through the Houston area on Friday night . The woman 's attorney , Ramon Garcia , said Tuesday that his client struck her head on the bathroom ceiling when the plane suddenly dropped during turbulence . `` We have a lady who got out"} +{"answer":"including spousal lovemaking -RRB- is a sacrament -- something sacred that contributes to the sanctity of husbands and wives . In light of this official teaching , it is dawning on many Catholics that mandatory celibacy for priests , a canonically imposed discipline of the church , is precisely that -- a discipline . They are asking , `` How is it that a discipline of the church has been allowed to trump a sacrament of the church ? '' In effect , the church is saying that should God call a man to the priesthood , God will not , at the same time , call that individual to the sacrament of marriage . It 's right to ask , how does the church know this ? Public opinion surveys indicate that most Catholics , priests included , believe the discipline of celibacy needs a serious review . Recently the retired archbishop of New York , Cardinal Edward Egan , observed that obligatory celibacy is open for discussion . It is not , Egan noted , a matter of dogma . For decades now , bishops from Asia , Europe and the Americas have asked Vatican officials to consider","question":"Editor 's note : The Rev. Donald Cozzens is writer in residence and adjunct professor of theology at John Carroll University in Cleveland , Ohio . A priest of the Diocese of Cleveland with a doctoral degree , he is the author of several books on the Catholic Church , including `` Sacred Silence : Denial and the Crisis in the Church '' and `` Freeing Celibacy , '' both published by Liturgical Press . For another view on this topic , read here . The Rev. Donald Cozzens says the debate over celibacy for priests will be around for decades . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It 's an issue that simply wo n't go away . In spite of signals from the Vatican discouraging even discussions of obligatory celibacy for Catholic priests , the almost 1,000-year-old rule is under the microscope . And it will be for decades to come . Here 's why . In the Catholic tradition , even though sex is cast as sinful unless expressed in the conjugal embrace of husband and wife , it is held as fundamentally good , a part of God 's creation . The church even holds that marriage -LRB-"} +{"answer":"-RSB- new Art Building West designed by Stephen Holl , has taken on significant water as well , '' said Sally Mason , president of the university . `` Fortunately we were able to save all the art , '' she said . The art was placed in crates shipped out of state last week . `` We anticipated the worst a week ago . '' At least 8 feet of water rushed through the campus , officials said . Among the school 's 30,000 students , Ann Barber told CNN she has been sandbagging for nearly seven days . `` It 's very hard to watch the devastation of our university , '' she said . This month 's severe weather has trampled towns from North Dakota to Indiana . The Federal Emergency Management Agency says more than 11 million Midwesterners will be affected by flooding and tornadoes . Meanwhile , in Cedar Rapids , Iowa , some of nearly 20,000 displaced residents began to return home Sunday as water there receded . People lined up for about a block in one part of the city waiting for a special wristband to allow them access to their homes .","question":"CEDAR RAPIDS , Iowa -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Floodwaters inundated Iowa City and the University of Iowa arts campus on Sunday despite what one official called a `` Herculean effort '' to hold back the water with sandbags . Residents surround Lt. Tobey Harrison at a Cedar Rapids checkpoint as they wait to see their homes Sunday . `` We 've had the -LSB- National Guard -RSB- working next to prisoner inmates , sandbagging , '' said David Jackson , the university 's facilities manager . `` Students , faculty and staff , leaders of the university , the president of the university -- out sandbagging . '' Some 500 to 600 homes were ordered to evacuate and others faced a voluntary evacuation order through the morning , said Iowa City Mayor Regenia Bailey . The Iowa River in Iowa City crested at 31.5 feet and was expected to remain at that level until Monday , city and state officials said Sunday . Classes at the university have been suspended until next Sunday , according to its Web site . `` All of our theaters , our music building , Clapp Recital Hall , our fine arts building -LSB- the"} +{"answer":"said recently that the United States must share responsibility because the demand for drugs and most of the weapons used by drug cartels comes from north of the border . The drug war and security will be a major topic when U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visits Mexico on Wednesday and Thursday . Andrew Selee , director of the Woodrow Wilson Center 's Mexico Institute , called Obama 's pledge on Tuesday to give $ 700 million in aid to Mexico and assign an additional 360 staff along the border a `` substantive commitment '' that shows the United States is serious about attacking the problem . `` It 's an attempt to really put some substance behind the idea of shared responsibility , '' Selee said . `` They finally committed some of the resources they said they would to this . '' Success will depend on the follow-through , he said . `` Now is the hard part , '' he said . `` It 's not easy to follow the money trail or stop the weapons or the criminal networks . '' Others say the Obama plan falls short . Larry Birns , director of the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The power of the Mexican military was on full display Tuesday in Ciudad Juarez , where police reported the third consecutive day without a drug slaying . A federal police officer guards a checkpoint earlier this month in Ciudad Juarez , Mexico Ten drug-related killings in a single day were common before 9,500 army troops poured into the blood-soaked border town in the past few weeks , said Mauricio Mauricio , a spokesman for the Juarez municipal police . `` It 's a much more secure city at this moment , '' he said . `` We have n't had murders with the same regularity and frequency as before . '' But as President Obama 's administration announced plans Tuesday to beef up U.S. security along its border with Mexico , there are questions about whether increased military and police efforts in both nations can yield long-term results . Mexico has been spiraling into a deepening pit of violence , with 6,500 people killed in 2008 and the body count continuing apace this year . Most of that violence is occurring along the border , which worries Washington . Mexican President Felipe Calderon and others have"} +{"answer":"long hours to meet payrolls on tight deadlines and scraping by with limited resources . While others can advocate for the merits of entrepreneurship , and will hopefully do so , our job creators are strangely left out . Innovators from Oregon to Tennessee are the ones who will generate new jobs . Commerce Department data show that small companies represent 99.1 percent of all employer firms -LRB- a firm is an aggregation of all establishments owned by a parent company , even in multiple locations . -RRB- . They pay nearly 45 percent of U.S. private payroll and have generated 60 to 80 percent of net new jobs annually over the past decade . A few start-ups from the last century may be familiar : Disney , Burger King , Fed-Ex , CNN and Microsoft all started during a period of economic downturn . Today , each of these companies employs thousands of people in the U.S. and abroad . Recent research shows that more than half of the 2009 Fortune 500 companies were launched during a recession or bear market . In 2002 , when the tech bubble burst , I graduated from business school just a few","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It 's the oldest trick in the political playbook : Call together a `` summit '' of fancy people so you 'll appear to be focused on work that must get done . Thursday , the White House convened CEOs from companies such as Boeing , AT&T , Comcast and Dow Corning , top leaders of the United Steelworkers , United Food and Commercial Workers , American Federation of Teachers unions , Ivy League academics and a few small-business representatives to brainstorm how the country might generate much-needed jobs . A schmooze-fest is nice , but the hard work of putting America back to work will be done by entrepreneurs , not the leaders of the biggest companies in the nation and the heads of big unions . The mom-and-pop shops , garage start-ups and small businesses across the country will put Americans back on the payroll . According to the Census Bureau , nearly all net job creation in the U.S. since 1980 has been generated by firms operating less than five years . This means that our job generators are likely not on the White House guest list . They are home working"} +{"answer":"performing , to be with Schon , a representative with Scoop Marketing confirmed to CNN Wednesday . Scoop Marketing represents Schon . `` She stated that she was not returning home and had thus abandoned the marriage and marital home , '' his divorce petition said . But what really hurts about his wife 's `` adulterous friendship '' is that she `` has flaunted the same throughout the community , the nation and indeed the world , and thus caused me to suffer great harm , humiliation , and embarrassment , '' his court filing said . An e-mail Salahi said was sent to him from Schon 's e-mail address was included in the filing . It contained a photo of an unidentified penis , he said . `` At no time whatsoever have I condoned or acquiesced to the adulterous affair , '' Tareq Salahi said . `` There is no hope or possibility of reconciliation , '' he said . The couple , married for nearly eight years , has no children . They gained notoriety when they were photographed with President Barack Obama at a White House state dinner , to which they were not invited","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Tareq Salahi is `` greatly hurt and disturbed '' by wife 's `` adulterous affair '' with a rock musician and he wants a divorce , according to court documents . `` Real Housewives of D.C. '' star Michaele Salahi left her husband last week to join Journey guitarist Neal Schon on tour , which Tareq Salahi said `` caused me to suffer great harm , humiliation , and embarrassment . '' She `` was engaged in an adulterous relationship with one Neal Schon , her paramour , '' the divorce petition said . `` I also understand that his rock band Journey paid for her travel , accommodations and other expenses . '' The Salahis ' split became public last Wednesday when Tareq Salahi told reporters that he thought his wife had been kidnapped when she disappeared on Tuesday . She told a sheriff 's deputy that she was `` with a good friend and was where she wanted to be , '' Warren County , Virginia , Sheriff Danny McEathron said in a statement to CNN Wednesday afternoon . The reality show personality traveled last Tuesday to Memphis , Tennessee , where Journey was"} +{"answer":"which would be the second largest faction in the new coalition government behind Likud . Netanyahu has vowed to form a broad-based government , but it is unclear how he can keep that promise since Kadima and the moderate Labor Party have indicated that they plan to form an opposition to a Likud-led government . `` Although Netanyahu has reportedly largely agreed to making Lieberman his foreign minister , he is thought to still be weighing the potential political damage the appointment of the hawkish politicians would do to the image of his government , '' Haaretz reported . The Jerusalem Post , quoting unnamed diplomatic sources , reported that although Israel 's ties with western Europe may suffer if Lieberman becomes foreign minister , he may help improve the Jewish state 's ties with Russia and eastern Europe . Lieberman is in a peculiar spot on the Israeli political spectrum He is routinely categorized as a right-wing hawk . But as a secularist who supports an independent Palestinian state , he is loathed by Israel 's ultra-orthodox parties , including Shas , which holds 11 seats in the Knesset and is another potential member of Netanyahu 's coalition .","question":"JERUSALEM -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Israeli media are buzzing with reports that right-wing nationalist Avigdor Lieberman may become Israel 's next foreign minister . Avigdor Lieberman is loathed by ultra-orthodox parties because of his support for a Palestinian state . The appointment of Lieberman , a polarizing figure in Israeli politics , could complicate the stalled peace talks with the Palestinians . It could also further strain relations between Israel and moderate Arab countries . Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu is still in the process of forming Israel 's next government . Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported this week that it is likely that he will select Lieberman as foreign minister . The paper quoted a source close to the negotiations between Netanyahu 's Likud Party and Lieberman 's Yisrael Beiteinu . Lieberman would replace outgoing Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni , head of the moderate Kadima party , which secured the most number of parliament seats in last month 's election -- but not enough to form a coalition government . Netanyahu has been unable to woo moderate parties , including Kadima , into his government . He may be forced to concede some key ministerial posts to Lieberman 's party ,"} +{"answer":"of foreign oil workers , typically releasing them unharmed , sometimes after receiving a ransom payment . MEND hopes to secure a greater share of oil wealth for people in the delta , where more than 70 percent of the population lives on less than a dollar a day . Its attacks on oil facilities have taken a toll . `` Anytime a pipeline is affected , anytime any production gets shut down , you see oil prices jump up one or two dollars a barrel just because there is no slack in the system , '' said Jim LeCamp , a senior vice president with RBC Wealth Management , which manages assets for wealthy clients worldwide . Exxon and Shell are two of several companies that have been extracting 2 million barrels of oil a day in Nigeria . Recent rebel attacks on oil pipelines in the Niger Delta have cut overall production by roughly 10 percent -- meaning 200,000 fewer barrels of oil on some days . That decrease in production comes at a time of increased demand from oil-hungry regions such as China , Russia and Latin America . `` Anytime there 's a disruption there ,","question":"LAGOS , Nigeria -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Militants in Nigeria 's oil-rich southern delta region said they killed six government soldiers after the military attacked one of its camps on Thursday . Heavily armed Nigerian rebels pose a constant threat to oil pipelines in the country . The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta , in an e-mail , said three military gunboats attacked one of its camps around the Ke River in the country 's Rivers state . The group said the gunboats were repelled , with six soldiers dying and three militant fighters wounded in the skirmish . There was no immediate reaction from the government . Nigeria is Africa 's largest crude oil producer and the fourth-largest supplier of oil to the United States . MEND has demanded that more of the country 's oil wealth be pumped into the region instead of enriching foreign investors , and the militants have been attacking oil pipelines in retaliation against government forces , limiting the amount of crude oil that can leave the country . MEND -- the largest rebel group -- has targeted foreign oil companies since 2006 . It has bombed pipelines and kidnapped hundreds"} +{"answer":"`` Their father was killed by al Qaeda , '' he says . In 2007 the U.S. military launched a series of airstrikes that drove out al Qaeda . As we enter the first bunker Captain Khaled Bandar tells us they found the floor littered with bodies . A gaping hole is evidence of the U.S. firepower . Insurgents used the layered and intricate labyrinth of passageways and hatches to carry out summary trials and executions . The police show us clothing and shoes , saying they are leaving them in place in case the families of the victims decide to come back . The stench of decay still lingers . Al Qaeda has been on the defensive in recent years , notwithstanding spectacular attacks attributed to the group like last week 's blasts in the capital , including suicide truck bomb attacks on the ministries of foreign affairs and finance . At least 100 people were killed and more than 500 wounded . But the concerted security campaign against the group has forced it to change its structure and strategy . According to one man who has close connections to al Qaeda in Iraq and asked not to be","question":"WESTERN DESERT , Iraq -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The hot wind swirls around the human bones and cracked skulls that litter the forsaken desert lands in Western Iraq . The entrance to the bunker complex where al Qaeda terrorized enemies in Iraq . We are standing in the middle of what was an al Qaeda execution site , just outside an intricate bunker complex that the organization used to torture and murder its victims , the bodies left to rot or be eaten by animals . From the back of the police truck the opening to the first bunker is barely discernible in the distance . `` Al Qaeda came in as a massive force '' one of the officers says as we bump along the harsh terrain . `` They stole our cars , our personal cars . They kidnapped two of my brothers . They blew up the house over there . '' In the distance we can see his village -- a set of sand colored homes surrounded by parched farmlands . As we approach grubby children chase the truck and then stand to the side , despondent , as the officer points to their home ."} +{"answer":"groomed in the slums as early as 9 years old , '' says Pe\u00f1aflorida . `` They are all victims of poverty . '' For the past 12 years , Pe\u00f1aflorida and his team of teen volunteers have taught basic reading and writing to children living on the streets . Their main tool : A pushcart classroom . Stocked with books , pens , tables and chairs , his Dynamic Teen Company recreates a school setting in unconventional locations such as the cemetery and municipal trash dump . Pe\u00f1aflorida knows firsthand the adversity faced by these children . Born into a poor family , he lived in a shanty near the city dump site . But he says he refused to allow his circumstances to define his future . `` Instead of being discouraged , I promised myself that I would pursue education , '' he recalls . `` I will strive hard ; I will do my best . '' In high school , Pe\u00f1aflorida faced a new set of challenges . Gang activity was rampant ; they terrorized the student body , vandalized the school and inducted members by forcing them to rape young girls , he says","question":"CAVITE CITY , Philippines -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- At 16 , Rhandolf Fajardo reflects on his former life as a gang member . Efren Pe\u00f1aflorida 's Dynamic Teen Company offers Filipino youth an alternative to gangs through education . `` My gang mates were the most influential thing in my life , '' says Fajardo , who joined a gang when he was in sixth grade . `` We were pressured to join . '' He 's not alone . In the Philippines , teenage membership in urban gangs has surged to an estimated 130,000 in the past 10 years , according to the Preda Foundation , a local human rights charity . `` I thought I 'd get stuck in that situation and that my life would never improve , '' recalls Fajardo . `` I would probably be in jail right now , most likely a drug addict -- if I had n't met Efren . '' Efren Pe\u00f1aflorida , 28 , also was bullied by gangs in high school . Today , he offers Filipino youth an alternative to gang membership through education . Vote now for the CNN Hero of the Year `` Gang members are"} +{"answer":"of Egypt . '' Mubarak resigned in the face of popular protests in February after more than 30 years in power . He has been in poor health and living in the southern Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh since then . Prosecutors last month shelved plans to move him to a military hospital in Cairo , saying Mubarak 's doctors said the transfer could be life-threatening . Adel Saeed , the prosecutor 's spokesman , said April 26 that the Interior Ministry made the decision after Mubarak 's medical team submitted a report that determined he would be at risk if he were moved . But Justice Minister al-Juindy said Mubarak 's health was `` good , '' according to reports he had received . Mubarak `` suffers some heart irregularities known as atrial fibrillation , but his pulse and pressure are fine . His heart rate is 65 per minute , which is considered like an athlete , '' the official said . `` Of course he 's facing questioning for the first time in his life , so this is affecting him psychologically , '' the minister added . He will be required to appear in court when","question":"Cairo -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak could be executed if he is convicted of ordering the killing of protesters , Egypt 's justice minister says . `` One of the charges he is facing is complicity in the killing of martyrs and issuing the orders for premeditated the killing of those people , '' said Justice Minister Mohamed Abdelaziz al-Juindy . `` This is a charge with a harsh punishment -- the death penalty . '' In his first television interview since taking office , the new justice minister said last week that Egyptian courts would not shy away from sentencing Mubarak to death if he is found guilty . `` If the crime is proven , then the court will not hesitate to issue the death sentence , '' he said . `` A judge may have mercy if there is a reason for that , but I do n't think in this case there is any argument for clemency whatsoever , '' the minister added , calling it `` a horrible crime , to kill 800 citizens who were asking for their rights and hoping to topple a corrupt regime that caused the ruin"} +{"answer":"'s biggest guns -- President Obama and his popular wife , Michelle -- for a last-minute sales pitch . But a poll taken by the Chicago Tribune and CNN affiliate WGN revealed in early September that 45 percent of the city residents did n't want the Olympic Games . And 84 percent of Chicagoans objected to the idea of public money being used to support the effort . Earlier this week , about 250 Olympic-bid protesters gathered in front of City Hall , WGN reported . A sign in the crowd read : `` Have the audacity of nope . '' Many who gathered for the bid slapdown were affiliated with No Games Chicago , which sent three delegates to Copenhagen to state their case . After the vote , however , spokeswoman Francesca Rodriguez said No Games Chicago is `` in no way taking any pleasure in this '' and feels `` sympathy '' for those who are disappointed . `` In reality , Chicagoans who were for the Games and those who were against them were committed to the same goal : Working hard for what they thought would be best for the city of Chicago in the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The announcement that Chicago , Illinois , will not host the 2016 Olympic Games took the hopeful wind out of many in the Windy City . Dreams of hosting the 2016 Olympics were dashed for many Chicagoans . But for others , the news was welcome . But for almost half of the city 's dwellers , the International Olympic Committee 's decision was winning news . A spokeswoman for No Games Chicago , a grass-roots organization opposed to hosting the Olympics , said she was `` relieved '' by the vote Friday in Copenhagen , Denmark . Chicago 's Olympic fever , spotty as it was , broke abruptly when the city was the first of four final contenders to be knocked out of the running . The prospective host cities had been whittled down to four finalists -- Chicago ; Rio de Janeiro , Brazil ; Tokyo , Japan ; and Madrid , Spain . The bid went to Rio de Janeiro , making it the first South American city to host the Olympic Games . Chicago had been seen as a front-runner in recent days , especially after it sent to Copenhagen America"} +{"answer":"an object of national scorn . '' But CNN found that scorn undeserved . In fact , CNN confirmed that not a single stimulus dollar is being spent on the wine train itself . The stimulus money is really being used for a massive flood-control project for the valley . The train 's tracks happen to be in the way , so they have to be moved . It is a simple fix , but it 's not cheap . To make it happen , $ 54 million is being used to build a flood wall at the wine train depot , elevate the tracks and move them 33 feet , and raise four bridges . How did the wine train end up on the list of wasteful projects ? `` The person who did the research for the senators did n't do a thorough job , '' Hilton said , `` and I think if they did a thorough job , we would n't have been on the list at all . '' Barry Martin is the spokesman for the Napa River Flood Control Project . He called the senators ' report `` deliberate deception '' and a way","question":"Napa Valley , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It is the quintessential Napa Valley experience . Passengers aboard sleek antique rail cars pay more than $ 100 for a four-course meal , not including the wine . A recent lunch aboard the train included steak , lobster cakes and local greens . During their three-hour journey winding through Napa Valley , passengers can choose from more than 100 wines to complement their meal . The Napa Valley Wine Train has been shuttling passengers through one of the country 's most famous valleys for more than two decades , but now it 's under fire because of Republican Sens. Tom Coburn and John McCain . They ranked the wine train as No. 11 on their list of the 100 most `` wasteful '' and `` silly '' stimulus projects , leading some to call it the Stimulus Waste Express . When Melodie Hilton , who handles public relations for the wine train , learned about that nickname , she was less than pleased . Hilton said the report temporarily affected business . She said through a smile , `` it 's never fun to wake up and find that you 're"} +{"answer":"say their proposal is a way to spark debate over whether government should be in control of certain entities in the first place . `` Government does n't always have to do it , '' Michel says . Running the Minneapolis-St . Paul airport -LRB- MSP -RRB- is a prime example of something the government could do without , they say . `` The airport is a significant asset , '' Brod adds . `` Why is the state running the airport , which provides restaurants and shops and the functions and the operations that a private business probably would do very well ? `` So what we 're looking at is just ... raising the real question of ` what should government be doing ? ' '' Watch the lawmakers discuss their proposal '' Michel and Brod also cite a recent survey by J.D. Power and Associates that put the Minneapolis-St . Paul airport at the bottom of a list of 19 `` large airports '' in terms of customer satisfaction . But they say their intention is not to `` indict '' anyone -- merely to `` shine a little light on what is a new idea for","question":"ST. PAUL , Minnesota -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- If a state held a yard sale of government entities to bring in some much-needed cash , this might be what it would look like . Two Minnesota lawmakers have proposed selling the capital 's airport to alleviate the state 's budget deficit . Two Minnesota lawmakers are asking the state 's legislature to consider a proposal that would sell to private firms the Minneapolis-St . Paul International Airport , along with other state property and programs , in an effort to bring in roughly $ 6 billion or more . Coincidence or not , that 's about the same size as the state 's estimated budget deficit . State Sen. Geoff Michel and state Rep. Laura Brod -- two Republicans from Minneapolis suburbs -- say they do n't want to go about solving the budget crisis in a traditional way . `` The discussion is often ` do you tax more , -LSB- or -RSB- do you spend less ? ' '' Brod says . `` But it seems to me that there is a third option out there , and that 's reforming how government operates . '' They also"} +{"answer":"is to travel this week to the Middle East -- only in Arabic . `` We raise an urgent appeal to our mujahedin brothers in the Muslim Palestine , the Arabian Peninsula in particular , and the region in general , to be prepared to receive the crusader butcher Bush on his visit to Muslim Palestine and the occupied peninsula at the beginning of January , '' he said . `` They should receive him not with roses and applause , but with bombs and booby-traps . '' The video also refers to the Annapolis Conference , indicating it was produced after last November 27 , when the conference was held . National Security Council Spokesman Gordon Johndroe said the U.S. president would not be deterred . `` His comments are indicative of an al Qaeda ideology that offers nothing but death and violence , '' Johndroe told CNN in a written statement . `` President Bush will travel to the region to stand with the mainstream governments who want liberty and justice for their people . '' The self-proclaimed American jihadist , also known as Azzam the American , is on the FBI 's Most Wanted List , with","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- On a videotape released Sunday , American al Qaeda member Adam Yahiye Gadahn renounces his U.S. citizenship , destroys his passport and cites U.S. President Bush 's upcoming trip to the Middle East . `` American jihadist '' Adam Gadahn , originally from California , in a video released in September 2006 . The 50-minute tape -- titled `` An Invitation to Reflection and Repentance '' -- was released by As Sahab , al Qaeda 's video production wing and was provided to CNN by www.LauraMansfield.com , a Web site that analyzes terrorism . In it , Gadahn renounces his citizenship to protest the imprisonment of Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman , a blind Egyptian Muslim leader serving a life sentence for his role in the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center ; and John Walker Lindh , the American Taliban who was arrested in Afghanistan in 2001 , and others . Gadahn displays his passport to the camera , rips it in half and says , `` Do n't get too excited -- I do n't need it to travel anyway . '' Though Gadahn speaks mostly in English , he references Bush -- who"} +{"answer":". '' `` He did n't get cut , '' Carano clarified , before adding , `` maybe a little bit . '' McGregor , for his part , said he also emerged `` sore '' from his scenes with Carano but called the fight scenes `` good fun . '' But Tatum , whom she describes as `` like a bro , '' is one actor Carano says she would n't want to fight in real life . `` I 'd probably want to choke him out real quick , '' she said . `` Because he 's actually very athletic . '' Return to MMA ? Carano has officially retired from MMA but says she has n't ruled out a return . To prepare for the role as a Black Ops agent in `` Haywire , '' she worked with a Hollywood stunt crew and attended a two-month training camp with a former Israeli intelligence operative . According to Soderbergh , it was his intention to have Carano -- who is a 5-feet 8-inches tall and 143 pounds . -- rather than one of her male costars , be the toughest character in the film . `` There","question":"-LRB- PEOPLE.com -RRB- -- Do n't mess with Gina ! That 's the lesson Gina Carano 's costars learned while they were filming Steven Soderbergh 's `` Haywire . '' After all , Carano is n't just another new face in a Hollywood action thriller . She 's a former mixed martial arts star , who is making her movie debut in Soderbergh 's latest flick , which opens Friday . `` I got to be physical with some of the hottest guys in Hollywood , '' Carano , who tussles with Channing Tatum , Ewan McGregor and Michael Fassbender in the film , told PEOPLE at the BlackBerry-sponsored Cinema Society screening this week . Fassbender , in particular , was the recipient of a vase to the face when the two were filming a fight scene and he accidentally KO 'd Carano . `` When Fassbender slammed my head into the wall , that 's the only time I went black , '' Carano , 29 , said about the shoot , during which she also reportedly knocked out a stuntman . `` And then I slammed a vase right into his face when he was n't expecting it"} +{"answer":"despite requests for `` evacuation '' from the area . The president of Ingushetia , Yunus-Bek Evkurov expressed condolences to relatives of the deceased and provided material support in the amount of 50 thousand rubles -LRB- about $ 1,700 -RRB- for each family . The president noted that during the raid 18 militants were also killed . The attacks in Moscow , in which two female suicide bombers killed at least 39 people and wounded more than 60 others , were legitimate retribution for what happened in Chechnya , Umarov said in the video . He also promised `` new acts of vengeance '' in Russia . Russians will no longer be able to simply observe the battles in the Caucasus , Umarov said . `` Therefore , the war will come to your streets , and you will feel it for yourselves and with your own lives , '' he said in the video . Monday 's blasts tore through the Lubyanka and Park Kultury stations in central Moscow -- the female bombers detonating their explosives about 40 minutes apart , starting just before 8 a.m. -LRB- 12 a.m. ET -RRB- . On Tuesday , Russian police released photographs","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Chechen rebel leader Dokku Umarov claimed that he personally gave orders to attack the Moscow subway this week , according to a Chechen rebel Web site . Kavkaz Center , a Web site that regularly carries messages from the rebels , released a video in which Umarov said he was behind the Monday attacks . The attacks were revenge for what Umarov called a `` massacre conducted by the Russian occupants against the poorest residents of Chechnya and Ingushetia , '' the Web site says . According to the site , the video was taped the same day as the attacks . The incident Umarov referred to is a February special operation by Russian forces , after which there were accusations of Russians killing innocent civilians . In the video , Umarov said the victims were simply gathering garlic to make a living . According to Russian officials , at least four civilians were killed during the special operation near the Ingushetian village of Arshty on February 11 . After investigating the incident , the officials admitted that it was `` the season to collect wild garlic '' and civilians may have been doing just that"} +{"answer":"marketing their services to foreigners is growing . South Africa , Argentina , Thailand , Brazil , Costa Rica , India and Singapore have become major players . Robert Painter , a travel writer from Albuquerque , New Mexico , journeyed last year to Argentina for dental surgeries -- and tango lessons : `` If I 'm going to be stuck somewhere for two weeks at a time , twice , Buenos Aires has got to be the best possible place , '' he says Painter 's procedures were organized by Plenitas , a medical-travel facilitator in Buenos Aires , which booked him at a hotel with a dance studio in the back . He was n't the only guest getting surgery : `` While I was there , there was a young lady who was also having implants -- though not of the dental type . '' Cost-cutting pros and cons Cosmetic , or elective , procedures are n't covered by insurance , so cost remains the motivating factor for most medical tourists . Surgeries in many countries cost half or even one-fifth what they would in the U.S. -- including airfare , hotel and excursions . `` A","question":"-LRB- LifeWire -RRB- -- Colleen Hiltbrunner spent two years researching her dream trip to South Africa . But she was n't looking for the perfect safari lodge . She was hunting for the right cosmetic surgeon . When she told her family , it was n't an easy sell . `` South Africa ? You 're going to get some kind of witch doctor , '' she recalls her father saying . `` But I told him they perfected some of the first heart surgeries down there . To me , South Africa had the most reputable surgeons . '' Hiltbrunner , of Colorado Springs , Colorado , traveled to Johannesburg in 2004 for a face-lift , upper arm lift and eyelid surgery . And she and her husband -- who had n't taken a vacation in 20 years -- went on a luxury safari , included in the package by medical-travel agency Surgeon and Safari . `` Medical tourism '' may sound strange , but patients are discovering they can get some cosmetic surgeries abroad for less than the U.S. price . And many surgeries include sightseeing packages . The roster of countries in which hospitals and surgeons are"} +{"answer":"Watch why filling the Cabinet post is urgent task '' The liberal group Catholics United has come to Sebelius ' defense , saying the Kansas governor has taken several steps to lower the abortion rate in her state . The group also has posted excerpts of a 2006 speech in which Sebelius said she opposed abortion . `` My Catholic faith teaches me that all life is sacred , and personally I believe abortion is wrong , '' she said then . `` However , I disagree with the suggestion that criminalizing women and their doctors is an effective means of achieving the goal of reducing the number of abortions in our nation . '' In May , Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City , Kansas , said that Sebelius ' stance on abortion had `` grave spiritual and moral consequences . '' He asked that Sebelius no longer receive Communion until she repudiated her stance and made a `` worthy sacramental confession . '' Naumann was reacting to Sebelius ' veto of state Senate Bill 389 and the subsequent House version , titled the Comprehensive Abortion Reform Act , either of which would have tightened abortion regulations in","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The congressional showdown over Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius ' nomination to President Obama 's Cabinet may focus less on her qualifications than on the issue of abortion , analysts said . Then-presidential candidate Barack Obama listens to Gov. Kathleen Sebelius during a January 2008 rally . Obama on Monday nominated Sebelius to head the Department of Health and Human Services . Cabinet nominations require Senate confirmation , and anti-abortion groups already are making their views known . Analysts suspected that Obama would face a battle over abortion if and when he makes a nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court , but religious conservatives could use Sebelius as a warm-up for the seemingly inevitable fight . Calling Sebelius an `` enemy of the unborn , '' Catholic League President Bill Donohue said the Kansas governor 's nomination is particularly disturbing because the health and human services secretary is one of the few members of the administration who can directly affect abortion policy . `` Sebelius ' support for abortion is so far off the charts that she has been publicly criticized by the last three archbishops of Kansas City , '' Donohue said in a statement ."} +{"answer":"to the Iranians as security forces , but the official Iraqi government statement later called them an armed group . Alaeddin Borujerdi , head of the Iranian parliament 's national security and foreign policy commission , also rejected Iraqi allegations , blaming the international media for distributing propaganda intended to harm relations between Iran and Iraq . Drilled in 1979 , the well near the city of Amara is within the province 's Fakka oil field , which includes a number of wells , the Iraqi government said . The diplomatic scuffle , a manifestation of existing tension between the two neighbors , prompted discussions between Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki and his Iraqi counterpart Hoshyar Zebari on Saturday , Iran 's state-run Press TV reported . Iraq and Iran share a long border , and high-ranking committees from both countries handle all border matters , an Iranian Embassy official said . Political , economic , cultural and religious ties between Iran and Iraq , which are both majority Shiite Muslim nations , greatly improved after the overthrow of the Saddam Hussein regime in 2003 . At the same time , there has been widespread concern among Iraqi and U.S.","question":"Tehran , Iran -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Iranian forces that seized an Iraqi oil well have withdrawn from the installation but remain on Iraqi territory , a top Iraqi official charged Sunday . Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki 's government deployed more troops to Maysan province where oil well number 4 is located , Iraqi security officials said . They said workers returned to the well Sunday morning , escorted by the Iraqi army . Negotiations to resolve the diplomatic standoff are ongoing , said Iraq 's Deputy Foreign Minister Labid Abawi . Iran , however , dismissed Iraq 's allegations of the takeover . `` Our forces are on our own soil and , based on the known international borders , this well belongs to Iran , '' the armed forces command said on the Web site of Iran 's state-run Arabic-language Al-Alam TV . The Iraqi government had issued a strong statement deploring the act after al-Maliki attended an emergency meeting of Iraq 's National Security Council to discuss the situation . Iraq demanded the Iranians withdraw remove an Iranian flag hoisted from the well tower in the takeover on Thursday night . Senior Iraqi government sources initially referred"} +{"answer":", about 150 km -LRB- 93 miles -RRB- southeast of Kathmandu . The discharge process is expected to end in about a month . As part of the rehabilitation package for the disqualified combatants , the United Nations has offered to provide vocational skills training and education up to high school to those who want such opportunities , but Pun said that these offers are still being discussed . The process of the discharge is seen as in important part of the Nepal 's ongoing peace process . The Maoists and other political parties in the country are discussing ways to integrate the 19,602 verified Maoist combatants into Nepal 's security forces -- a move that made up part of the peace deal signed in 2006 to bring the peace process to a conclusion . Once the minors remain out of the command and control of the Maoist military structure for six months to a year , the Unified Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist -LRB- UCPN-M -RRB- can be considered for removal from the list of parties that recruit and use children , which is included in the annual U.N. Secretary-General 's report on Children and Armed Conflict . As the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- More than 200 former fighters and other members of the Maoist People 's Liberation Army -- including minors -- were discharged from a Maoist camp Thursday in line with Nepal 's ongoing peace process , officials said . Those being discharged were part of a group deemed `` disqualified '' by United Nations findings in 2007 , which identified at least 4,008 such combatants -- including 2,973 minors . The `` disqualified '' status applied to anyone under the age of 18 who was serving in the liberation army , and those who joined the Maoist group after its 10-year insurgency to abolish the country 's monarchy ended in 2006 . More than 15,000 died in the fighting and more than 100,000 people were displaced , according to the United Nations Web site . Nepal became a republic in 2008 following elections in which the people voted to abolish the monarchy . `` Those who left the Sindhuli camp today are no more members of the -LSB- Maoist -RSB- People 's Liberation Army , '' Nanda Kishore Pun , commander of the Maoist People 's Liberation Army , told CNN in a phone interview from Sindhuli"} +{"answer":"the penalty shootout . Beckham got the Galaxy off to a good start in the shoot out as he scored with confidence , but his team could not follow in the same manner . Jovan Kirovski 's shot was blocked by Rimando , but Saunders followed by stopping the effort of Salt Lake captain Kyle Beckerman before Donovan blazed over the crossbar to leave the score 5-4 . Galaxy came into the game as favorites , but flattered to deceive as it was revealed Beckham had played with an injured right ankle . `` We all want to win titles and personally I 'd love to be successful but I think we have been successful this year without winning tonight , '' Beckham told reporters after the game . `` We have quietened a few people along the way which is always nice but we could n't finish it off . `` I would n't say it 's tougher to lose on penalties but it 's Russian roulette , that 's just the way it is . It 's not a nice way to lose . `` The people that step up are brave enough to step up and if","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Real Salt Lake sealed an upset win over the Los Angeles Galaxy on Sunday night with a 5-4 penalty victory , after extra-time in the Major League Soccer Cup final that ended with the score at 1-1 . Robbie Russell netted the vital spot kick after Real Salt Lake goalkeeper Nick Rimando made two saves and MLS Most Valuable Player , and LA Galaxy captain , Langdon Donovan sent his shot sailing over the crossbar . Salt Lake 's win at the Qwest Field arena in Seattle , ended David Beckham 's bid to claim a third national title in as many different nations , having previously won the English Premier League with Manchester United and La Liga with Spain 's Real Madrid . The Galaxy struck first , with midfielder Mike Magee drilling a 41st-minute shot into an open net . His strike came after Beckham passed to Donovan , who set-up Magee at the far post . Seattle : America 's soccer city . Real Salt Lake hit back with 25 minutes left when Robbie Findley reacted first after Yuri Movsisyan 's attempt on goal was blocked , tying the match and setting up"} +{"answer":"Prague , Czech Republic , President Obama admitted as much when he said , `` We will support Iran 's right to peaceful nuclear energy with rigorous inspections . '' The International Atomic Energy Agency , the U.N. nuclear watchdog , has long argued to allow Iran to maintain a small face-saving nuclear enrichment program under the guise of `` research and development . '' Allowing such a program under the Non-Proliferation Treaty , at least while negotiations continue , would involve strict IAEA inspections -- something which may give the international community the kind of insight into Iran 's nuclear program which it has long sought . It would also give Iran the cover to come back to the table without claiming it never gave in to the West . Rather , Tehran can boast the international community came around to its point of view . Preventing Iranian enrichment may be an ultimate pipe dream , but officials hope the right package of incentives , coupled with the threat of tougher sanctions , which could cripple its stumbling economy , could deter Tehran from developing a nuclear bomb . If adopted , the new strategy will undoubtedly be condemned","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- One of the main stumbling blocks to talk with Iran has been the condition that Iran suspends its uranium enrichment . Now , the Obama administration may take that option off the table , at least for now . This is from an Iranian nuclear plant in the central province of Isfahan on April 9 . The United States and its European allies , which have just invited Iran to a fresh round of nuclear talks , are coming to the realization that if Iran 's nuclear program is n't quite at the point of no return , it will be soon . With 5,500 centrifuges , roughly enough for about two weapons worth of uranium a year , Iran is n't going to just shut down its enrichment facility as a goodwill gesture . For years , Iran has been willing to endure sanctions and economic isolation . What it has n't been willing to do is suspend enrichment . Iran maintains enriching uranium for nuclear energy is its right . Now the West seems to have come around to Iran 's way of thinking . Last week during a speech on proliferation in"} +{"answer":"to do something that you love , and to get compensated for something that you love at a very , very great rate , is unbelievable . And it 's something that a lot of kids dream of . They 've just got to have somebody who believes in them . And that 's something I 'm trying to do with being the spokesman for this Recess Week . Y' all need to get back out there . We need to get back out there with the kids and help them believe in themselves . Lapin : Some people see you as the role model . Who was your role model growing up ? Wade : You know , I had different role models growing up . Of course , I 'm from Chicago , so when it comes to sports and when it comes to basketball , Michael Jordan . No question about it . But , you know , on a personal level , I always looked at people that were close to me that were doing things . My sister was always a role model to me , just because of the way that she always helped","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sports stars seem to have it all -- from seven-figure salaries to big endorsement deals . But lately , what some do n't have is a good reputation . The NBA 's Dwyane Wade started a foundation to help inspire kids in at-risk situations . With the steroids controversy in baseball and drug allegations against the world 's greatest swimmer , many adoring fans may wonder , `` Where are the good guys in sports ? '' Dwyane Wade of the Miami Heat is one of those good guys . He stays out of the controversy and insists that his fame should be used to help others . CNN 's Nicole Lapin talked to the NBA star about the foundation he started and his partnership with National Recess Week . The following is an edited transcript of the interview . Nicole Lapin : It feels like you 're getting paid for recess now . You 're 27 years old . Do you look at your paycheck sometimes and are like , `` I get paid for this ? Watch more of Nicole Lapin 's interview with Dwyane Wade '' Dwyane Wade : First of all ,"} +{"answer":"this year than in the previous 220 years combined , '' said Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia , the House Minority Whip . However , a group of fiscally conservative Democratic representatives known as the Blue Dogs called Obama 's proposal responsible and necessary . `` President Obama inherited an economy in free-fall and a $ 10.6 trillion national debt , '' said Rep. Jim Cooper of Tennessee , vice-chairman of the Blue Dog Budget and Financial Services Task Force . `` While short-term spending was necessary to get the economy moving again , our long-term fiscal problems became that much more urgent . '' A White House statement said Obama 's proposal calls for the Office of Management and Budget to maintain a ledger of the average 10-year budgetary effects of all legislation affecting mandatory spending or baseline tax levels . Any extra cost that lacks payment authorized by Congress would require the president to find money within the budget to pay it , while any tax cut would require a corresponding increase in tax revenue . Some costs would be exempt , including Medicare payments to doctors , the estate and gift tax , and tax cuts enacted","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Obama on Tuesday proposed making `` pay-as-you-go '' rules for federal spending into law . President Obama proposed Tuesday that the government adopt `` pay-as-you-go '' rules for federal spending . The so-called PAYGO proposal requires Congress to balance any increased spending by equal savings elsewhere , Obama said in announcing the measure that now goes to Congress . A previous PAYGO mandate helped erase federal budget deficits in the 1990s , and subsequent ineffective rules contributed to the current budget deficits , Obama said . Now the PAYGO rules should be the law , he said . `` Paying for what you spend is basic common sense , '' Obama said . `` Perhaps that 's why , here in Washington , it 's been so elusive . '' Republican leaders said the proposal comes after record spending initiatives by the Obama administration , such as the $ 787 billion economic stimulus program . `` It seems a tad disingenuous for the president and Speaker -LSB- Nancy -RSB- Pelosi to talk about PAYGO rules after ramming trillions in spending through Congress proposing policies that create more debt in the first six months of"} +{"answer":"were being held in the compound of the Islamic militants ' leader , Mohammed Yusuf . Under the sect 's strict form of sharia law , the group that was released was shielded from public view , Ojukwu said . He said 100 arrests have been made across the north . Shehu Sani , president of the Civil Rights Congress , a human rights organization based in northern Nigeria , said people were seeking refuge in police and military barracks and in hospitals . The militants disagree with the government 's teaching of Islam in the region , maintaining that the government allows itself to be influenced by Western values . They have been targeting high-profile government institutions , police and Islamic clergy , Ojukwu said . The operation to defeat the militants is ongoing , he said , and police have been deployed in all northeast and northwestern states . There is a history of religious violence in central Nigeria , where majority-Muslim North Africa meets largely Christian sub-Saharan Africa . Human Rights Watch estimates that more than 1,000 people were killed there in riots in 2001 . Last week the human rights organization alleged that police and soldiers","question":"LAGOS , Nigeria -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- More than 2,500 Nigerians caught in the fighting between Islamic militants and government forces have fled their homes in the northern part of the country , a Red Cross spokeswoman said Wednesday . Mothers and their children take refuge this week at a police office in the northern Nigerian city of Maiduguri . More than 400 people have been killed , and 150 bodies were lying in the general hospital at Maiduguri , according to Aliyu Maikanu , a Red Cross disaster officer in the northeast . Most of the violence has been on the outskirts of the city , officials said . `` It 's a terrible situation for me . It 's a very serious battle -- something I have not seen in my life , '' Maikanu said . She said only security personnel were free to move around due to the risks . Up to 1,000 militants are holed up at their base of operations in Maiduguri , and police have cordoned off the area , she said . National police spokesman Emmanuel Ojukwu said Wednesday that police were able to free 187 women and children whom they claim"} +{"answer":"called on the government to improve conditions at 42 sites already hosting the displaced people , and to ensure adequate care and maintenance for them . But the United Nations said its access to the sites in Vavuniya had been curtailed in recent days `` and this affects our ability to monitor and distribute aid to the displaced . We hope this ends quickly . '' Suresh Bartlett , aid agency World Vision 's national director , said , `` The conventional war may be over but the real challenge now is to foster an environment where fractured and displaced Tamil communities can heal and have a real chance at creating a future for themselves and their children . '' Among the pressing issues , he said , is getting people back to their land and homes as quickly as possible , which in some cases will require that land be demined and buildings be repaired . About 80,000 of the displaced -- a third of the people in camps -- are children , who need emotional , psychosocial and educational support in addition to physical aid . `` It is important to get people home as quickly as possible","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Humanitarian aid agencies scrambled Monday to offer help to the tens of thousands of people in need after Tamil separatists declared an end to their quarter-century struggle in Sri Lanka . A Tamil refugee holds her child at a tented site in Vavuniya . The United Nations said Monday that over the past few days some 65,000 people had fled what had been the fighting zone in northeast Sri Lanka , bringing to 265,000 the number of internally displaced people , which it refers to as IDPs . `` This latest massive influx of people , who have endured extreme conditions , will put an even greater strain on the transit and IDP sites that are already buckling under the pressure of the existing IDP population , '' the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees said in a written statement . The agency pledged to erect an additional 10,000 shelters to accommodate people streaming from the combat zone . It reiterated its request for the Sri Lankan government to set aside land for the construction of emergency shelters , water and sanitation facilities and public buildings in Vavuniya , Jaffna , Mannar and Kilinochchi . And it"} +{"answer":"he died . A source involved in the investigation into Jackson 's death has told CNN that investigators found numerous bottles of prescription drugs in his $ 100,000-a-month rented mansion in Holmby Hills , California . Watch report on the warrants '' The items taken from Murray 's home included copies of his computer and cell phone hard drives . They were to be turned over to the Los Angeles Police Department , which is leading the investigation into Jackson 's death last month at age 50 . Murray is the central focus of a federal investigation into the singer 's death , a law enforcement official told CNN on Wednesday . Authorities have subpoenaed the records of various doctors who have treated Jackson over the years , but `` Dr. -LSB- Conrad -RSB- Murray is the only one we 're looking at , '' the federal law enforcement official said . The disclosures were among several developments Wednesday in a story that continues to gather steam more than a month after the death of the pop icon on June 25 . Other recent developments : \u2022 Jackson 's father , Joe , acknowledged that a 25-year-old Norwegian performer is","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Search warrants filed Thursday in court in Clark County , Nevada , and carried out at properties of Michael Jackson 's doctor imply that investigators looking into his death believe the singer was a drug addict . Dr. Conrad Murray was with Michael Jackson on the day that he died . The warrants , signed by District Judge Timothy Williams and given to CNN by Las Vegas affiliate KTNV , say `` there is probable cause to believe '' that searches would uncover evidence at the Las Vegas home and office of Dr. Conrad Murray of excessive prescribing , prescribing to an addict , excess treatment or prescribing , unprofessional conduct , prescribing to or treating an addict and manslaughter . They cite `` probable cause to believe '' that the premises contained `` records , shipping orders , distribution lists , use records relating to the purchase , transfer ordering , delivery and storage of propofol -LRB- Diprivan -RRB- . '' A source told CNN on Monday that the Texas-based cardiologist allegedly gave Jackson the anesthetic propofol -- commonly known by the brand name Diprivan -- in the 24 hours before"} +{"answer":"of Cliff bars . -LRB- McDonald 's might sponsor these Games , but there 's no Golden Arches on the hill -RRB- . See 19 of Robert Beck 's amazing SI photos from the Winter Games He knows where to be to get the shot he wants because Beck and his assistant , Kohjiro `` Kojo '' Kinno have been photographing White for months , learning his every move and tendency . For instance , Beck knows the best time to shoot a close-up of White is during his first practice run because the snowboarder does n't go as high then . They went to three World Cup events and the X Games , shooting White and his competitors in preparation for the Olympics . Then once in Vancouver it was off to every practice to test out different angles to shoot . `` We 're trying to frame it just right , '' Beck said on the drive from his hotel to the venue . `` On their tricks , snowboarders are spinning so fast . Sometimes you never see their faces . You do n't want to get pictures of rear ends or the bottom of the board","question":"West Vancouver , British Columbia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It 's more than two hours before snowboard practice begins , two hours before Robert Beck will take his first picture , and he is trudging up the steep icy slope that is one lip of the halfpipe . Temperatures are just above freezing on Cypress Mountain , and Beck , a Sports Illustrated photographer for 24 years , is steadily ambling up the hill to stake out his position near the top . The climb is just 160 meters , but try doing it with a 50 - or 60-pound pack on your back and a bad knee repaired just three weeks ago . It 's going to be worth it ; Beck knows precisely where he needs to be to get the perfect picture when the overwhelming gold medal favorite Shaun White performs . For the next nine hours Beck wo n't leave his spot -- he 's not allowed to come back down until the competition is over -- so he has a bag full of equipment and provisions . He carries three camera bodies , four lenses , several radios to remotely trigger cameras and a bunch"} +{"answer":"her husband , owns a few antique aircraft . But the familiar sound of a plane overhead this time was menacing . Bischoff said she was eating dinner with her husband and children when she heard a loud screeching . `` It shook our house , and the next thing you knew , there was a large boom , '' she said . The plane also hit the house 's hangar , which sheltered two planes , Bischoff said . Explosions erupted , and they watched as flames shot into the air . Bischoff 's husband , Roy , ran out with other neighbors to check on the couple living in the crushed house , she said . The couple was out to dinner , she said . Neighbors saved the three Labrador retrievers inside , Roy Bischoff said . But he wished he could have saved the two people aboard the plane , he said . `` There was almost nothing , there was no recognizable part of an airplane around , '' he said . The crash could have been even worse , Deah Bischoff said . Of the houses close by , the neighbor 's home was","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Residents of a Belleville , Illinois , neighborhood were still shaken Monday after a small plane crashed the day before , killing two aboard and destroying a house . `` I think everybody is still in shock , '' said Deah Bischoff , who lives near the site of the crash . `` I think we 're all just walking around and looking and trying to absorb what happened . '' The single-engine plane crashed about 6:30 p.m. Sunday , according to the Federal Aviation Administration . No one on the ground was hurt , the FAA said . The National Transportation Safety Board had no comment on its investigation into the crash before a news conference Monday afternoon . The wreckage site is adjacent to an airstrip , but the pilot was heading for St. Louis Downtown Airport , about six miles away , according to the FAA . Residents near the airstrip are accustomed to planes in the neighborhood . Many can park their private planes in hangars adjacent to their homes . They 're like garages for cars , except they 're hangars for planes , said Bischoff , who , along with"} +{"answer":"they described as Garanti Bank 's own economic stimulus package . `` We probably would n't be doing this commercial if it was the previous president , '' said Can Celikbilek , a copy writer at the advertising company , Alametifarika . `` But in the case of Obama , he does represent hope , not only for the States but for the whole world . '' For Obama look-alike actor Lamar , there was some irony about getting flown to Turkey to star in a commercial for a bank . He is a recent casualty of the global economic crisis . `` I was laid off in January of this year from JP Morgan Chase Bank in the U.S. , '' Lamar said , in a telephone interview from Pennsylvania . `` After 18 years in the company , I was just laid off . One of the cutbacks . I 'm currently unemployed right now . '' Or , was unemployed . Lamar 's striking resemblance to the American president has suddenly offered the former software analyst a possible new career for supporting his wife and child . `` I 'm available full-time now , '' Lamar said","question":"ISTANBUL , Turkey -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Regular programming has just been interrupted by a news conference . A slender black man in a suit steps up to a podium , flanked by American flags and a White House logo . Michael Lamar was laid off in January but has a new job as a Barack Obama look-alike . `` I wish I could announce such an economic package , '' he says , `` but there is a bank in Turkey that did it . It is Garanti . I wish we had Garanti in America . '' Do n't be fooled . This is a commercial on Turkish TV . The actor is a 44-year-old Barack Obama look-alike from Whitehall , Pennsylvania , named Michael Lamar . And he is shilling for a Turkish bank . In the month before the real Barack Obama is to visit Turkey , this ad campaign went out all across the country on television and on billboards , using the iconic , Warholian image of the American president to sell low-interest loans . The `` Mad Men '' behind the concept say their Obama look-alike was the perfect guy to sell what"} +{"answer":"pull this off , if need be , as I would any other mission , '' he said . The idea of a standby rescue spacecraft grew out of the 2003 Columbia disaster , in which that shuttle disintegrated over Texas during re-entry into the Earth 's atmosphere . But until now , there 's been no need . All the previous missions since Columbia have gone to the International Space Station . The crew of a damaged shuttle could take refuge there for months if need be until another shuttle was readied to retrieve them . But Atlantis is going to Hubble , whose orbit is n't anywhere near the space station . If their spacecraft malfunctioned , the seven-member Atlantis crew would have to survive aboard -- probably for days -- until they could be rescued . `` In this case it 's a much shorter fuse , '' Ferguson said . `` Consumables like food and oxygen would run out quickly . So the reason we 've gotten this crew trained and spooled up and ready to go on literally a moment 's notice is because they -LSB- Atlantis 's crew -RSB- have no place comfortable to","question":"KENNEDY SPACE CENTER , Florida -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- With space shuttle Atlantis on its way to upgrade the Hubble Space Telescope , that leaves one shuttle , Endeavour , at the ready on the other launch pad here . Space shuttle Endeavour , in background , sits poised to launch in case Atlantis , in foreground , meets trouble . And that 's where everybody at NASA wants it to stay . `` We have high confidence that we 're just having that thing over on pad B to make it look nice , '' said mission flight director Tony Ceccaci . Endeavour is far more than a postcard picture -- it 's on standby in case something goes seriously wrong with the Atlantis mission . For example , NASA has estimated there 's a 1-in-221 chance the shuttle could be struck and crippled by orbiting space debris . If such an incident were to thrust the seven Atlantis astronauts into danger , Endeavour would blast off within days in a last-ditch attempt to save them . Endeavour Cmdr. Christopher Ferguson believes his crew is up to the task . `` I feel as confident about our ability to"} +{"answer":"of Fort Hood 's environment . He insists that every soldier on a day schedule leave work in to be home for dinner by 6 p.m. On Thursday , many are told to leave by 3 p.m. so they can have the afternoon with the family . And no one at Fort Hood works weekends unless Lynch signs off on it . He likes to point out that when a soldier deploys overseas , the only thing he ca n't get is time with his family , so it 's important to get it between deployments -- what the military calls `` dwell time . '' Lynch 's `` home by dinner '' order creates a daily traffic jam on the base in Killeen , Texas , as tens of thousands of soldiers leave at once . Master Sgt. Guadalupe Stratman enjoys Fort Hood 's family-first attitude . She has a husband and three sons . When she 's not cooking dinner after leaving the base , she 's helping with homework or `` just watching them grow . '' It 's not just about keeping military spouses and children happy , it 's about creating a more resilient soldier","question":"FORT HOOD , Texas -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Families of tens of thousands of soldiers based at Fort Hood have one military wife to thank for a more normal routine at the base . A blunt conversation with an Army wife started Lt. Gen. Rick Lynch on the path toward his family-first policies . When Lt. Gen. Rick Lynch first took over as commander of the largest Army base in the United States , a soldier 's wife approached him and gave him a talking to about how soldiers do n't `` really '' get to spend time at home when they come home from war . `` She said ` General , do n't talk to us about dwell time . Because my husband might as well be in Iraq , ' '' Lynch told CNN last week . '' ` He comes home after the kids go to bed , we never see him on weekends and you take him away to train all the time . ' '' Lynch said that woman 's comments `` really hit me in the gut . '' In response , Lynch made `` focus on the family '' a key part"} +{"answer":"themselves and tried to squeeze through cracks in the fallen structures . Atop the mound of debris that once was a five-story building of great prominence , U.S. rescue workers Thursday pulled out a man in a deep green uniform . Tarmo Joveer , an Estonian security officer for the United Nations , free from the enclosure , stood up and raised his fist . He had been trapped beneath the rubble of his workplace for two days following the quake that shook the city and toppled the U.N. headquarters around him . He said he had never lost hope . He was one of scores of U.N. workers feared trapped inside the headquarters of the U.N. peacekeeping and civilian assistance mission , U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon said Thursday . As many as 150 staff members were still missing after the 7.0-magnitude earthquake rocked Haiti Tuesday afternoon , devastating it 's capital . The `` small miracle , '' as Ban described it , is one of many throughout the disaster area as rescuers and residents scramble to free entrapped survivors . The Fairfax County , Virginia , Urban Search and Rescue Team saved Joveer , who was fed","question":"Port-au-Prince , Haiti -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Her braids , dusty from the rubble around her , poked out from the small opening where she lay crying in pain , her right leg pinned under a heavy piece of metal . A group of men worked throughout the day to free this 11-year-old girl -- one of scores trapped beneath buildings that collapsed in Tuesday 's 7.0-magnitude quake . Lacking proper supplies to cut through the metal crushing the child 's leg , the men briefly considered amputating it . Finally , just after sunset Thursday , a miracle of sorts : an electric saw and a small generator . Within a couple of hours , the girl was freed and rushed to a first aid station . Her leg was so badly wounded , her family was taking her to a more sophisticated hospital some three hours outside of Port-au-Prince . Many rescuers have clawed their way to survivors pinned beneath buildings two days after the devastating earthquake . In the absence of heavy machinery to clear the debris , residents used their hands and brawn to lift large slabs of concrete . Some trapped victims punched out bricks"} +{"answer":"the airstrip comes to an abrupt end at the edge of a mountain cliff . What do you think is the world 's worst airport ? Sound off below Watch CNN 's Ayesha Durgahee examine what it takes to become Airport of the year in Hong Kong . \u00c2 '' In 2007 , TripAdvisor asked travelers to rank airports according to how easy they are to navigate , the cleanliness of the lavatories and parking facilities . Based on these factors , the 2,500 respondents classed London Heathrow and Chicago O'Hare as the world 's most hated . Yet neither of these major hubs appeared in Foreign Policy magazine 's review of the five worst airports , published in 2007 . The list here included the likes of Mineralnye Vody airport in Russia for its feral cats and daggers on sale in the departure lounge . Charles de Gaulle also gains little affection from those that pass through its interminable terminals . As Foreign Policy says , `` visitors to Paris should expect more than the grimy terminals , rude staff , confusing layout , and overpriced food . '' Where was your worst airport experience in 2008 ? Which","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Identifying the world 's finest airports is easy . Hong Kong International Airport , Singapore 's Changi and Seoul 's Incheon have topped the ranks of airport awards for the last decade . Sitting comfortably ? Not at Delhi 's Indira Gandhi International Airport , ranked by some as one of the worst . These 21st-century airports boast the best shopping , classiest restaurants , as well as features such as indoor pools , orchid gardens , and free wireless Internet . See world 's best airports The world 's worst airports , however , are harder to pin down . It 's a crowded field to choose from and the choice depends on what you class as bad . See our pick of the world 's worst airports \u00c2 '' If it 's for danger , then Baghdad International Airport , in the middle of a war zone , should rank pretty high . Lukla airstrip -- gateway to the Mount Everest region in Nepal -- is also a strong contender . Landing involves a hair-raising plummet onto an uphill airstrip cut into the side of a mountain . On takeoff ,"} +{"answer":"`` Brainstorm , '' and was on her yacht with her husband , Robert Wagner , and her co-star , Christopher Walken . Aspects of Wood 's life have only heightened the speculation . How could someone so young , with a good marriage and revitalized career , die just like that ? Captain describes Wood cover-up story Wood had been a top star for decades , both a box office draw and Oscar-nominated actress . Among her films were some of the biggest and most influential of the 1950s and '60s , including `` Rebel Without a Cause , '' `` West Side Story '' and `` Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice . '' `` It was as if she had movie star stamped on her birth certificate , '' Wagner once said . Indeed , she seemed fated for stardom from the beginning . Wood was born Natalia Nikolaevna Zakharenko , daughter of Russian immigrants , in San Francisco in 1938 . The family later changed their last name to Gurdin . At age 4 , she had a bit part in 1943 's `` Happy Land '' after a production company spotted her in nearby","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Natalie Wood was terrified of the water . As an 11-year-old shooting `` The Green Promise , '' she was thrown off a bridge during a storm scene and nearly drowned . The incident scarred her for life . Thirty-two years later , Wood died after falling into the ocean off Catalina Island in California . Wood 's life is full of such curiosities . She was that rare child performer to make the transition to adult movie star , but her rise to success was marked by troubled relationships . She had beauty and talent , but she suffered from alcohol abuse and once tried to commit suicide . And then there 's her death , coming just as she was restarting her movie career . Wood , who died in 1981 , is back in the news after police reopened the case involving her drowning at age 43 . Police : Robert Wagner not a suspect in new probe of Natalie Wood 's death The story surrounding Wood 's death has long been one of Hollywood 's great mysteries . She was making a motion picture comeback in a highly touted science-fiction film ,"} +{"answer":"and `` Wo hu cang long '' -LRB- `` Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon '' -RRB- by Taiwan 's Ang Lee , which snared third . Other films in the shortlist included Chan-wook Park 's `` Oldboy '' from South Korea and Japanese animation master Hayao Miyazaki 's animated film `` Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi '' -LRB- `` Spirited Away '' -RRB- . `` Whatever the reason , I do feel we deserve this award , '' said `` Himala '' producer Bibsy Carballo , `` If only as a tribute to our people who in once a great while decide to come together as one , forget their petty squabbles and divisiveness , and make a declaration of support for this troubled nation , and its tremendously talented and good-hearted if unfortunate population . Long live ` Himala ! ' '' When it was first released in 1982 , `` Himala '' was picked for the official selection at Berlin International Film Festival , as well as a number of other festivals , and Nora Aunor was nominated for Best Actress . A total of 32 films representing 17 countries from Kazakhstan to Korea and the Islamic Republic of","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Filipino film `` Himala '' has been awarded the CNN APSA Viewers Choice Award for Best Asia-Pacific Film of all Time . `` The Screening Room '' presenter Myleene Klass arrives at the Asia Pacific Screen Awards in Queensland , Australia . Thousands of CNN viewers voted on `` The Screening Room '' Web site to honor Ishmael Bernal 's 1982 film with the accolade , which is jointly awarded by CNN and the region 's prestigious Asia Pacific Screen Awards -LRB- APSA -RRB- . `` The Screening Room 's '' Myleene Klass presented the award Tuesday in front of a crowd of over 700 film industry figures at a special ceremony on the Gold Coast , Queensland , Australia . Bernal 's austere tale of a young woman who goes on a healing crusade after seeing a vision of the Virgin Mary , which stars Filipino actress Nora Aunor , took the prize with 32 percent of the vote . It came in ahead of ahead of more widely known films like Japanese Akira Kurosawa 's `` Shichinin no samurai '' -LRB- `` Seven Samurai '' -RRB- , which took second place"} +{"answer":"role in one of the most divisive legal and social controversies of our times . It faded for a time , as Tiller 's death led to the closure of Wichita 's last abortion clinic , and activists on both sides shifted their focus elsewhere . But the trial of Tiller 's admitted shooter , Scott Roeder , again stirred talk of abortion in the bars and coffee shops of a city where most have steeled themselves for years against noisy protests and graphic images of fetuses . Roeder was convicted Friday of first-degree murder . After the jury 's swift verdict -- they deliberated for just 37 minutes -- many in Wichita are hoping the abortion controversy will fade . `` After he receives his sentence on March 9 -- preferably the Hard 50 , as District Attorney Nola Foulston is requesting -- he 'll also get the consequence . And then may we never hear from him again , '' blogged an editorial writer for the local newspaper , The Wichita Eagle . `` Maybe this will get things back to normal now , seeing as there 's not much reason for abortion to be such a big","question":"Wichita , Kansas -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Major King remembers a time before the abortion debate came to his hometown , a time when Wichita , Kansas , was known as the air capital of the world . Manufacturers such as Learjet , Cessna and Beechcraft were the backbone of a tight-knit community where God-fearing folks like King would canoe after school in the Arkansas River and drag the streets `` in slick cars with a nice-looking honey '' on weekends . Times have changed , says King , 70 , a retired oil refinery worker who also spent time at Cessna . `` Now , Wichita 's known as the abortion capital of the world . '' It 's a label shunned by many Wichitans , regardless of their views on abortion . They 'd rather be known for the restaurants and entertainment venues , quality schools and affordable housing that make Wichita one of the nation 's `` best-kept secrets , '' King says . But the May 31 , 2009 , slaying of Dr. George Tiller , a prominent abortion provider gunned down in church during Sunday services , focused national attention back on Wichita and its"} +{"answer":"build a meaningful personal or business relationship . Israel also says that who you follow on Twitter is much more important than the number of people who follow you . That 's because the people you follow become `` your newspaper -- the way you get the information that you see , that you digest , and that you use . '' Here is an edited version of the conversation . CNN : Your timing in writing this book seems perfect -- Twitter just blew up . Did you see this boom coming ? Israel : Yeah I did , but not with this great prescience . I just thought it was going to get bigger and bigger , and I thought there was a value to Twitter that no other social media tool had . See part of our chat with Israel here '' What are those values you mentioned that only Twitter has ? There are two values and they 're closely intertwined . The first is that Twitter lets people behave online more closely to how we behave in real life than anything that ever preceded it in history . It 's kind of past now ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Shel Israel is not the kind of person you 'd expect to find on Twitter all day . He 's 65 . Shel Israel , author of a new book on Twitter . He says the micro-blogging service changed his life . But Israel has been using the micro-blogging service longer than most . In fact , he gave up his lifelong habit of reading the newspaper every day about four years ago and turned exclusively to social media . He now knows how to use Twitter , how not to use it , and how to benefit from it , and he says Twitter has changed his life . The social-media journalist and public speaker is the author of a new book , `` Twitterville : How Businesses Can Thrive in the New Global Neighborhoods . '' The book shows how Twitter flattens geographical boundaries and helps people connect with others around the world who share their interests . To Israel , it 's the mundane details of one 's life , shared through tweets and status updates , that matter . He believes that tweeting about what you had for lunch can actually help"} +{"answer":"of her daughter , Dannielynn , and the sudden death of her 20-year-old son , Daniel , on September 10 , 2006 . Freeman testified that Kapoor faxed to him a list of six drugs that Eroshevich wanted to be sent to the Bahamas , where Eroshevich was treating Smith for anxiety and depression in the days after her son 's death . `` The more I thought about it , the more concern I had that if she got hold of those medications , it could have fatal consequences '' Freeman said . The pharmacist said the dosages of the drugs were `` not appropriate . '' Freeman said he consulted Dr. Greg Thompson , a pharmaceutical expert , who agreed with him and who offered to talk with Eroshevich about the dangers . Freeman said Thompson later told him that he found Eroshevich , a psychiatrist , to be `` way out of her league '' in her requests for strong drugs for Smith . At the time , Smith was holed up in her home in the Bahamas mourning her son 's death . Her bodyguard said in earlier testimony that the home was under siege by","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A pharmacist testified that he warned Anna Nicole Smith 's doctors and boyfriend that a list of medications intended for Smith a week after her son 's death could be `` pharmaceutical suicide . '' Anna Nicole Smith , with Howard K. Stern , was found dead in her hotel room in February 2007 . The former Playboy model and reality TV star died five months later of what a Florida medical examiner ruled was from `` acute combined drug intoxication . '' Ira Freeman , the chief pharmacist at Key Pharmacy in Los Angeles , testified on the seventh day of a preliminary hearing for Howard K. Stern -- Smith 's lawyer and companion -- and co-defendants Dr. Khristine Eroshevich and Dr. Sandeep Kapoor . The three are charged with an illegal conspiracy to prescribe , administer and dispense controlled substances to an addict . Stern faces 11 felony counts , and the doctors were charged with six each . They are not charged in her death . Smith 's death in a Hollywood , Florida , hotel on February 8 , 2007 , came just five months after the birth"} +{"answer":"HR8799 to find three of the new planets . Scientists estimate that HR8799 , roughly 1.5 times the size of the sun , is 130 light years from Earth in the constellation of Pegasus . The individual planets in this planetary family are estimated to be seven to 10 times the mass of Jupiter . Astronomers say the star is too faint to detect with the human eye , but observers could probably see it through binoculars or small telescopes . `` This discovery is the first time we have directly imaged a family of planets around a normal star outside of our solar system , '' said Christian Marois , the lead astronomer in the Lawrence Livermore lab study . About the same time , NASA astronomers using the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope surprised the space community by locating a fourth planet . NASA 's newly discovered planet , Fomalhaut b , is estimated to be roughly three times Jupiter 's mass and 10.7 billion miles from its host star , Fomalhaut . NASA 's images show Fomalhaut b orbiting the bright southern star Fomalhaut , which is said to be 16 times brighter than our sun and 25","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The first-ever pictures of planets outside the solar system have been released in two studies . The box shows a planet orbiting the star Fomalhaut . The dot shows the star 's location . Using the latest techniques in space technology , astronomers at NASA and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory used direct-imaging techniques to capture pictures of four newly discovered planets orbiting stars outside our solar system . `` After all these years , it 's amazing to have a picture showing not one but three planets , '' said physicist Bruce Macintosh of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore , California . `` The discovery of the HR8799 system is a crucial step on the road to the ultimate detection of another Earth , '' he said . None of the planets is remotely habitable , scientists said . Both sets of research findings were published Thursday in Science Express , a journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science . A team of American , British and Canadian astronomers and physicists , using the Gemini North and Keck telescopes on the Mauna Kea mountaintop in Hawaii , observed host star"} +{"answer":"of the federal government , which was enforcing the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act -LRB- known more broadly as McCain-Feingold -RRB- , this piece of political speech was banned from television . iReporter : Supreme Court ends real democracy Let 's boil it down to the essential words : Political documentary , banned , government . You do n't have to be a First Amendment purist to intuit that political speech was , if anything , the most urgent subcategory covered by the First Amendment 's `` Congress shall pass no law '' restrictions . And you do n't have to be a Hillary-hater to imagine the shoe on the other foot . What if MoveOn.org 's 501 -LRB- c -RRB- -LRB- 4 -RRB- , Campaign to Defend America , had been blocked by George W. Bush 's Federal Elections Commission from broadcasting `` McCain : The Movie '' ? Would n't that stink , too ? As Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in his majority opinion , `` The law before us is an outright ban , backed by criminal sanctions . Section 441b makes it a felony for all corporations -- including nonprofit advocacy corporations -- either to expressly advocate","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- For everyone licking their wounds after Thursday 's landmark 5-4 Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. the Federal Election Commission , worried that the evil corporations are now poised to ruin American democracy once and for all , in the bogus name of free speech , here 's a word of potential hope : I used to be one of you , too , and today I 'm happy as a clam . Maybe you can be too , eventually . Here 's why : Free speech really does mean free speech , and the laws that the `` Citizens '' ruling overturned directly and heinously restricted the stuff . Forget for the moment the broad characterization of the ruling -- such as The New York Times claim that it `` sweep -LSB- s -RSB- aside a century-old understanding '' -- and drill down to the individual case in question . Citizens United , a conservative 501 -LRB- c -RRB- -LRB- 4 -RRB- nonprofit that has funded a dozen political documentaries over the years , produced a critical documentary about Hillary Clinton in 2008 entitled `` Hillary : The Movie . '' By a decision"} +{"answer":"idea of the sunset is to give U.S. manufacturers time to come up with a comparable product . At stake : a defense contract worth hundreds of millions of dollars . American competitors have submitted alternatives , but after independent testing at North Carolina State University College of Textiles , the Defense Department concluded that TenCate 's Defender M -- with its foreign-made fibers -- is the most flame-resistant . Dr. Roger Barker , who specializes in clothing flammability at the College of Textiles , conducted a demonstration for CNN . Based on his testing , the Army says Defender M resists fire the longest of other fabrics . `` What the new heat-resistant materials are able to do is add seconds of protection , so that seconds of protection can be the difference between a severe burn or a survival burn , '' Barker said . `` Life and death , '' echoes Sen. Johnny Isakson , R-Georgia , regarding those extra seconds of fire protection . He asked the Senate to extend the waiver . `` So long as it 's the best available in the world to protect our soldiers , we absolutely ought to maximize the","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- U.S. troops routinely face the threat of roadside bombs while fighting insurgencies in Afghanistan . They need the most protective clothing the market can bear , and they 're getting it -- for now . North Carolina State University College of Textiles tests the flammability of different materials at this facility . Back home , a battle is brewing in Congress over the next lucrative contract for military uniforms . The issue boils down to the raw fiber used in their construction . Current uniforms are made in the United States , in Georgia , using a fabric called Defender M made by the TenCate company . It is favored by the military for its fire-resistant and breathable properties . But the fabric is made with a type of rayon imported from Austria , which normally would violate the military 's buy-American requirement . This specific rayon can not be produced in the United States for environmental reasons , so Congress passed an amendment allowing it to be temporarily imported . The extension expires , or `` sunsets , '' in 2013 , but that year 's defense budget is being determined now . The"} +{"answer":"the border from El Paso , Texas , a police commander was gunned down in front of his home . The weapon used to kill Cmdr. Francisco Ledesma Salazar is believed to have been a .50 - caliber rifle . The guns are illegal to purchase in Mexico but can be obtained just north of the border at gun shows and gun shops in the United States . ATF special agent Tom Mangan says the .50 - caliber rifle has become one of the `` guns of choice '' for the drug cartels . The weapon fires palm-sized .50 - caliber rounds that can cut through just about anything . Mangan showed CNN the power of the rifle on a gun range near Phoenix , Arizona . The weapon , a Barrett , was seized in an ATF raid . A round fired from 100 yards away tore through a car door and both sides of a bulletproof vest like those used by Mexican police . `` There 's nothing that 's going to stop this round , '' Mangan says . The rifle was intercepted as it was being smuggled into Mexico . Mangan says investigators believe four others","question":"JUAREZ , Mexico -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A deadly trade is occurring along the U.S. border with Mexico , federal officials say -- a flood of guns , heading south , used by drug thugs to kill Mexican cops . Authorities recently seized these .50 - caliber bullets , already belted to be fed into a machine gun . In Mexico , guns are difficult to purchase legally . So , officials say , weapons easily purchased in the United States are turning up there . `` The same routes that are being used to traffic drugs north -- and the same organizations that have control over those routes -- are the same organizations that bring the money and the cash proceeds south as well as the guns and the ammunition , '' says Bill Newell , a special agent with the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol , Tobacco , Firearms and Explosives . Police in Mexican border towns fear for their lives , and with good reason . Five high-ranking Mexican police officials have been killed this year in what Mexican officials say is an escalating war between police and drug cartels . In Juarez , Mexico , just across"} +{"answer":"about the aim of Iranian program . Watch how U.S. policy on Iran is changing '' The Bush administration had insisted that Iran first stop its nuclear program before any talks with the United States or its allies could go forward . Wednesday 's announcement is the latest step in the Obama administration 's efforts to engage the Islamic republic diplomatically after nearly three decades without formal ties . U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton , briefly addressing the administration 's decision Wednesday , told reporters that `` pursuing very careful engagement on a range of issues that affect our interests and the interests of the world with Iran makes sense . '' `` And there 's nothing more important than trying to convince Iran to cease its efforts to obtain a nuclear weapon , '' Clinton said at the State Department , where she was meeting Panama 's foreign affairs minister . Her comments came in response to a reporter 's question about engaging Iran . Washington , which has not had diplomatic relations with Iran since 1980 , has participated in previous talks only as an observer . Wood would not speculate about whether a meeting involving Iran","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In a dramatic break from previous policy , the United States will join direct talks between U.N. and European powers and Iran over Tehran 's nuclear program , the State Department announced Wednesday . Wednesday 's announcement is the latest step by the Obama administration to engage Iran diplomatically . The Obama administration has asked the European Union 's international policy chief , Javier Solana , to invite Iran to new talks with the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany , State Department spokesman Robert Wood said . `` If Iran accepts , we hope this will be an occasion to seriously engage Iran of how to break the logjam of recent years and work in a cooperative manner to resolve the outstanding international concerns about its nuclear program , '' Wood said . Iran so far has refused Security Council demands to halt its production of enriched uranium , which it has said will be used to fuel nuclear power plants . The United States has accused Tehran of concealing efforts to develop a nuclear bomb , and the U.N. 's nuclear watchdog agency said it has failed to resolve questions"} +{"answer":"Obama , who they accused of creating a `` flawed budget proposal '' that did not include critical HIV\/AIDS funding . `` HIV is not in recession , '' Omolola Adele-Oso of DC Fights Back said in the statement . `` So why are we bailing out the bankers with $ 9 trillion , but breaking promises to fund life-saving AIDS programs in the U.S. and around the world at a fraction of that cost ? '' The group wants increased HIV\/AIDS funding in the health care plan and requested that the government `` fully fund '' global AIDS programs and housing programs for low-income AIDS sufferers , they said . They argue that the administration 's budget proposal `` essentially flatlines global AIDS funding . '' HIV\/AIDS funding increased for 2010 under a Department of Health and Human Services budget . Obama applauded former President Bush in December for his funding of global AIDS programs and said he planned to continue the work for AIDS relief in Africa . About 33 million people worldwide have HIV , according to the World Health Organization . The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that about 1.1 million people living in","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Police arrested 26 demonstrators at the U.S. Capitol on Thursday during a protest of federal AIDS policy , a Capitol police spokeswoman said . A man is placed in a van Thursday after being arrested on suspicion of unlawfully demonstrating in the Capitol . Police arrested the protesters on suspicion of unlawful assembly and disorderly conduct at the Capitol rotunda , spokeswoman Sgt. Kimberly Schneider said . The protesting group , Health Global Access Project , said in a statement that 27 people were arrested . The 10 a.m. demonstration by dozens of AIDS activists for increased funding of AIDS programs coincides with this week 's congressional talks over the financing of a health care reform plan . Members of Health Global Access Project entered the busy rotunda and chained themselves together with plastic chains , Schneider said . They lay on the ground holding up signs while some amused bystanders watched as police tried to persuade the protesters to disperse . Police took those who refused into custody . Group members knew they risked arrest , the group said in its statement , but they wanted to grab the attention of lawmakers and President"} +{"answer":"of their story includes time spent together in exile . In 1966 , Deng proposed major reforms including free markets for farmers and incentive bonuses . He was quickly denounced as a `` capitalist roader , '' a Maoist term used for people embracing capitalist ideals . He was under house arrest for two years , paraded in a dunce cap through the streets of Beijing and forced to wait tables at a Communist Party school . In 1969 , Deng , Zhuo and several of their children were exiled to Jiangxi province in southeastern China . Deng later said only a personal security team supplied by Chinese leader Mao Zedong protected him from being killed . As Xinhua reported , Zhuo was Deng 's companion `` through thick and thin . '' When he ascended to power in 1978 , Deng argued that `` poverty is not socialism '' and encouraged the creation of a market economy and capitalist-like enterprises . By the early 1990s his reforms had helped lift an estimated 170 million peasants out of extreme poverty . But he refused to abolish the power of the Communist Party over the lives of China 's citizens .","question":"BEIJING , China -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Chinese leaders Monday mourned the death of Zhuo Lin , wife of former national leader Deng Xiaoping . Zhuo Lin , center , mourns at husband Deng Xiaoping 's funeral in 1997 . Zhuo , a former consultant of the Central Military Commission General Office , died July 29 at age 93 and was cremated Monday , state-run news agency Xinhua reported . She was `` an excellent Communist Party of China member and time-honored loyal communist fighter , '' the party said in a written statement . Zhuo stood by Deng through decades of what CNN once described as `` amazing comebacks '' from `` political purges . '' Though a committed Communist revolutionary , Deng also was a chief architect of some key reforms that reshaped China 's economy . Zhuo met Deng in 1939 when they were young revolutionaries . She became his third wife and mother of his two sons and three daughters . When Deng rose to prominence as the most powerful leader of China , the family became China 's `` first family . '' Zhuo and Deng remained together until his death in 1997 . Part"} +{"answer":"districts in central Helmand , and stretch to Rig district in the south , Pelletier said . Marines and Afghan forces have taken over the key town of Khan Neshin , the capital of Rig district , which had been under Taliban control , the Marine source said . The goal is to protect residents from the threat of Taliban and other insurgent intimidation and violence , Pelletier said . `` Our focus is now and will remain the Afghan people . We have worked closely with local Helmand government officials and many tribal and local leaders in the detailed planning of this major offensive , '' said Brig. Gen. Larry Nicholson , commander of Task Force Leatherneck . Once security is established , civil affairs personnel and other nongovernmental groups and agencies can come in and establish programs . However , Taliban control of the countryside is so extensive in provinces such as Helmand and Kandahar to the east that security forces face a tough job , according to a report this week in The New York Times . The government has no involvement in five of Helmand 's 13 districts , the report said . In the fighting","question":"KABUL , Afghanistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- U.S. Marines on Friday kept up a major push against entrenched militants in southern Afghanistan in an attempt to rout the Taliban from their stronghold in Helmand province , Marine Capt. William Pelletier said . A U.S. Marine patrols Garmser district in Afghanistan 's Helmand province on Friday . A Marine source described Thursday evening 's fighting in the Helmand River Valley as `` our most significant encounter . '' Sporadic fighting that began earlier Thursday stretched over several hours in the southeastern sector of Garmser district , said Pelletier , spokesman for the Marine Expeditionary Brigade-Afghanistan . Helmand province , a poppy-growing region , is the focus of the U.S.-led Operation Khanjar . Afghanistan supplies 90 percent of the world 's opium , which is used in the production of heroin . The forces are attempting to gain and hold ground in the perilous region ahead of Afghan national elections in August . Almost 4,000 Marines and sailors from the expeditionary brigade , along with more than 600 Afghan national security forces , are operating in key population centers along the valley , Pelletier said . Their targets are Garmser and Nawa"} +{"answer":"about what I feel in my heart and end all of the understandings , '' she said . `` They 're not being nice to the Dalai Lama , who is a friend of mine , '' Stone said on camera at the time , discussing the Chinese . `` And then all of this earthquake and all this happened and I thought , is that karma ? When you 're not nice , that bad things happen to you ? '' Qin Gang , spokesman for China 's Foreign Ministry , said Stone `` should do more to promote understanding and friendship between nations . '' French fashion house Christian Dior said it would drop Stone from its advertisements in China after her May 22 remarks . `` We absolutely disagree with her hasty comments , and we are also deeply sorry about them , '' Dior said in a statement from its Shanghai , China , headquarters . But Stone said she was `` deeply saddened by the pain that this whole situation has caused the victims of the devastating earthquake in China . '' As of Friday , the death toll from the May 12 magnitude-7 .9","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Actress Sharon Stone said in a statement Saturday that she `` could not be more regretful '' of her comments this month regarding the earthquake in China , in which she suggested that the quake was an act of `` karma . '' Sharon Stone made the controversial remarks before she hosted a charity auction at the Cannes Film Festival . `` Yes , I misspoke , '' said the statement released by Stone 's publicist and entitled `` In my own words by Sharon Stone . '' `` I could not be more regretful of that mistake . It was unintentional . I apologize . Those words were never meant to be hurtful to anyone , '' Stone said . `` They were an accident of my distraction and a product of news sensationalism . '' Stone said Saturday that she was issuing the statement to set the record straight about the comments she made to a reporter at the Cannes Film Festival . The statement drew fire from citizens and government officials . `` There have been numerous reports about what I said in Cannes . I would like to set the record straight"} +{"answer":", told reporters after the meeting . He urged the Democrats to `` start over and go step by step and target the areas of possible agreement that we discussed in the meeting today . '' Sen. John Boehner , R-Ohio , sounded equally unenthusiastic . `` I think the American people want us to work together on common steps to make our current system work better , '' he said . `` We ca n't do it within the framework of a 2,700-page bill . '' Live updates from the health care summit `` The president let everybody talk and talk and talk , '' said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid , who called Obama `` the most patient man in the world . '' Though there were areas of agreement , he said , `` every Republican used the same talking points . '' He , too , appeared to raise the specter of attempting to move forward through the parliamentary shortcut , known as reconciliation . `` It 's time we do something and we 're going to do it , '' the Nevada Democrat said . House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she was `` not overly","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Obama and Republican and Democratic leaders engaged in a spirited but civil debate at a health care summit Thursday , finding agreement on some issues but appearing to find little common ground on how to move forward in a bipartisan way . `` I do n't know , frankly , whether we can close that gap , '' said President Obama as the day-long meeting closed . If agreement is not reached , he said , there will be `` a lot of arguments about procedures in Congress about moving forward , '' an apparent reference to using a parliamentary shortcut under which a health care bill could be passed with a simple majority instead of the 60-vote supermajority the body requires to overcome the filibuster which Republicans have threatened to use . `` My hope had been there might be enough areas of overlap to realistically think about moving forward without a situation in which everyone just goes to their respective corners and this ends up being a political fight , '' he said . `` Frankly , I was discourage by the outcome , '' Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky"} +{"answer":"prompted the FA investigation . Suarez , who was publicly supported by his manager Kenny Dalglish and teammates , argued before the panel that the use of he word `` negro '' was not offensive . But the commission rejected his arguments in handing down their lengthy ban and a $ 62,000 fine . `` Mr Evra was a credible witness , '' read its report . `` He gave his evidence in a calm , composed and clear way . It was , for the most part , consistent , although both he and Mr Suarez were understandably unable to remember every detail of the exchanges between them . Blog : Out with the old and in with the new in 2012 `` Mr Suarez 's evidence was unreliable in relation to matters of critical importance . It was , in part , inconsistent with the contemporaneous evidence , especially the video footage , '' it added . However , the commission did not believe Suarez was `` racist '' but had used `` insulting '' words , which was the basis of the FA charge against him . `` We have found that charge proved on the evidence","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Liverpool 's Uruguay international striker Luis Suarez has been accused of giving `` unreliable '' and `` inconsistent '' evidence to the disciplinary panel which banned him for eight-games for alleged racial abuse of Manchester United 's Patrice Evra . The findings of the Independent Regulatory Commission were released late Saturday night on the official website of the English Football Association -LRB- FA -RRB- . The detailed 115-page ruling went over the circumstances of the clash between the pair in the match at Liverpool 's Anfield ground on October 15 . It concluded that Suarez had called Evra a `` negro '' no fewer than seven times during the course of the English Premier League match . The panel heard evidence from both players and also used linguistic experts to examine television footage of the game . Their investigations centered on an incident just before the hour mark after Suarez fouled the French international full-back . Dalglish defends t-shirts supporting Suarez At a subsequent Liverpool corner , Evra was marking the striker and they became involved in a fierce row . Evra made a complaint to referee Andre Mariner and again after the game , which"} +{"answer":"to covering all tuition and expenses for the neediest of Brown 's admitted applicants . Hear graduates say how their dreams came true '' For this year 's graduates , tuition and expenses came to a four-year total of about $ 180,000 each . The median annual income of the recipients ' families was $ 18,984 . The gift was the largest single one ever given to Brown and one of the largest ever given for undergraduate scholarships in the United States , according to the school . Reil , a history major who is preparing to co-chair a student conference on U.S.-South Korean relations and aspires to work in politics or foreign service , says the scholarship was the stuff of dreams . He was working up to 40 hours a week during high school so he could pay for clothes and even help with grocery bills . He and his mother were getting by , but the Massachusetts native thought community college or a big state school would be all he could afford . When his academic achievements put Brown in his sights , he thought he 'd have to go into too much debt to go there","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sidney Frank made millions marketing Jagermeister and other alcohol brands . Three years after his death , he 's a big hit with students at the Ivy League college he briefly attended . Sidney Frank , shown accepting an honorary degree in 2005 , gave $ 100 million to Brown University . He 's a big hit not because of what he sold but because he 's given dozens of them what he could n't afford as a young man : an education at Rhode Island 's Brown University . On Sunday , 49 students from low-income families became the first four-year Sidney E. Frank Scholars to graduate from Brown , owing virtually nothing except gratitude to the late liquor magnate . `` The world of difference that he made for each and every one of us is unbelievable , incredible , '' one of the Frank Scholars , 22-year-old Shane Reil , said Sunday . Frank -- who left Brown after one year in the late 1930s because he could n't afford to stay -- gave the school a $ 100 million endowment in 2004 . He stipulated that the fund 's income go exclusively"} +{"answer":"qualitative military edge , '' Panetta said . `` As they take risks for peace , we will be able to provide the security that they will need in order to ensure that they can have the room hopefully to negotiate . '' Panetta said he plans to offer U.S. help to Israel to improve its deteriorating relationships with some of its neighbors , particularly Turkey and Egypt . `` It 's pretty clear , that at this dramatic time in the Middle East when there have been so many changes , that it is not a good situation for Israel to become increasingly isolated . And that 's what 's happening , '' Panetta said . `` And I think for the security of that region , it 's very important that we do everything possible to try to help them re-establish relations with countries like Turkey and with Egypt . '' Turkey and Israel have been at odds following the deaths of nine Turkish activists during an Israeli commando raid last year on the SS Mavi Marmara , part of a flotilla of ships that was headed to blockaded Gaza . Last month , Turkish Prime Minister Recep","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta warned that Israel must improve its relations with neighboring countries , saying the country is becoming increasingly isolated in the region . Panetta made the comments ahead of his arrival Monday in Israel , where he will meet with Israeli and Palestinian leaders in an effort to jump start peace talks . `` I do n't think there is any question in talking with leaders from Israel that they recognize that they 've becoming increasingly isolated in that part of the world , and that 's not ... a good situation , '' Panetta told reporters while en route late Sunday to Israel . `` I think they recognize that it 's important to do whatever they can to try to improve those relations . '' Tensions in the region have been running high in recent weeks over the Palestinian Authority 's bid for statehood before the United Nations , and Israel 's plans to build 1,100 new homes in disputed territory in south Jerusalem . `` The important thing there is to again reaffirm our strong security relationship with Israel , to make clear that we will protect their"} +{"answer":"was being prepared , and the lawmakers said they expected the process -- the state House would bring charges against Blagojevich and he would be tried by the state Senate -- would take `` a matter of weeks rather than months . '' The lawmakers ' move coincided with increasing calls for Blagojevich 's resignation . President-elect Barack Obama called again Thursday for Blagojevich to step down , saying the embattled governor can no longer effectively serve the people of Illinois . Watch as Obama says Senate seat belongs to the people '' `` I hope that the governor himself comes to the conclusion that he can no longer effectively serve and that he does resign , '' Obama said , speaking before announcing his pick to lead the Department of Health and Human Services , former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle . Obama said he was as `` appalled and disappointed as anyone '' by the allegations against the Democratic governor , and said he was confident his staff was not involved in the alleged scandal . Federal officials said Blagojevich was looking to sell or trade Obama 's open seat in the U.S. Senate . Obama said he","question":"CHICAGO , Illinois -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Key Illinois Democratic legislators are circulating a letter urging support for the impeachment of Gov. Rod Blagojevich , who was arrested this week on federal corruption charges relating in part to the selection of President-elect Barack Obama 's successor as a U.S. senator . Barack Obama says he has never spoken with Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich about the vacant Senate seat . State Rep. John Fritchey , head of the House Civil Judiciary Committee , sent the letter Thursday asking Democratic colleagues to say by Friday whether they support a move for impeachment and would like to be added as a co-sponsor of legislation . Blagojevich also is a Democrat . `` Faced with a significant budget shortfall , a national recession , and a vacant United States Senate seat , we can not afford to allow Illinois to operate without effective leadership in the -LSB- Illinois -RSB- executive branch , '' said the letter , also signed by Reps. Thomas Holbrook , David Miller and James Brosnahan . `` Simply put , it is imperative to replace Gov. Blagojevich as soon as is practicable . '' The letter said the impeachment filing"} +{"answer":"green topiaries . His three children , led by daughter , Paris , 11 , placed a crown atop their father 's coffin , which a family spokesman said it was `` to signify the final resting place of the King of Pop . '' Jackson 's children , parents and siblings took their seats in the front row , while his nieces and nephews filled several rows of white chairs behind them . After an opening prayer by Pastor Lucius Smith , soul music legend Gladys Knight sang the gospel hymn `` His Eye Is on the Sparrow . '' Clifton Davis sang `` Never Can Say Goodbye , '' a hit he wrote for The Jackson 5 -- the group that featured a young Michael and his brothers . What was said by Jackson 's father , Joe Jackson , and others who took the lectern is not publicly known , because the family barred news cameras from the ceremony . A family statement issued afterward said close friends and family , including the Rev. Al Sharpton , spoke `` spontaneously to celebrate Michael 's life . '' News helicopters hovering above captured video from a distance ,","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Michael Jackson 's family and about 200 of their closest friends gathered on a hill Thursday evening for their final farewell to the pop singer , who died 10 weeks ago . Thursday 's service for singer Michael Jackson began 90 minutes past the announced start time . Jackson 's burial may lay to rest some of the mystery and controversy that erupted with his sudden death on June 25 . His large family was divided over where the superstar 's final resting place should be , but matriarch Katherine Jackson settled on a crypt inside the well-guarded and ornate Great Mausoleum at Forest Lawn cemetery in Glendale , California . Thursday 's service began 90 minutes past the announced start time , leaving dozens of celebrities -- including Elizabeth Taylor -- waiting in their seats for the 26 cars carrying the Jackson clan to arrive . Gallery : Invitation for Jackson 's service '' It began with Jackson 's five brothers -- each wearing a single sequined glove -- carrying his flower-covered bronze casket onto the outdoor stage among six large bouquets of white lilies and white roses , along with"} +{"answer":". The success of the album was attributed to the powerful combination of pure rock 'n' roll with Carroll 's poetic sensibility and ability to write from his own experience . The fan Web site Catholicboy.com sums up Carroll 's approach to music by quoting him as saying , `` There ai n't much time left , you 're born out of this insane abyss and you 're going to fall back into it , so while you 're alive you might as well show your bare ass . '' In addition to two follow-up albums , Carroll was a best-selling author of six books . `` He was a sweet , sweet man , and I 'm going to really miss him , '' said Cassie Carter , a close friend for more than 20 years who operates Catholicboy.com . Carroll was born in New York in 1949 and spent his childhood living on the city 's Lower East Side , attending Catholic schools , said Rosemary Carroll , whom he met in 1973 . At 12 , he began keeping a journal that eventually was published as `` The Basketball Diaries '' in 1978 . In it ,","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Poet and punk rocker Jim Carroll has died at age 60 . Funeral arrangements are pending . Poet , punk rocker and author Jim Carroll performs at a 2002 benefit in New York . A respected poet and musician , Carroll also was the author of `` The Basketball Diaries , '' which was adapted into a 1995 movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio . Carroll died Friday at his home in Manhattan after suffering a heart attack , said his former wife , Rosemary Carroll . In 1980 , he released the popular album `` Catholic Boy , '' which , according to his fan Web site , expressed the '' -LSB- b -RSB- omb-fear anticipation , the optimistic nihilism and glittering darkness of the 1980s . '' The track `` People Who Died '' was one of the most-requested songs on FM radio at the time , and as Newsweek 's Barbara Graustark noted then , `` it propelled -LSB- Carroll -RSB- from underground status to national attention as a contender for the title of rock 's new poet laureate . '' The release of the song coincided with the death of John Lennon"} +{"answer":", but at a news conference last month , she was adamant that she did not know waterboarding was used . `` At that or any other briefing , and that was the only briefing that I was briefed on in that regard , we were not -- I repeat , we were not -- told that waterboarding or any of these other enhanced interrogation methods were used , '' Pelosi said on April 23 . Some Republicans have called for Pelosi to testify at congressional hearings . The number two House Democrat -- Majority Leader Steny Hoyer , D-Maryland -- said Tuesday , `` I think the facts need to get out '' regarding what members of Congress had been told about harsh interrogations . But when asked whether Pelosi testifying would be appropriate , Hoyer did not directly answer the question , saying , `` The issue is what was done . If you do n't have the facts pounded on the table , they -LRB- Republicans -RRB- are pounding on the table , or they are pounding on Speaker Pelosi . Take your pick . But they are doing so as a distraction , as a distraction","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A source close to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi now confirms that Pelosi was told in February 2003 by her intelligence aide , Michael Sheehy , that waterboarding was actually used on CIA detainee Abu Zubaydah . Source says Nancy Pelosi did n't object about waterboard usage because she was n't personally briefed about it . This appears to contradict Pelosi 's account that she was never told waterboarding actually happened , only that the administration was considering using it . Sheehy attended a briefing in which waterboarding was discussed in February 2003 , with Rep. Jane Harman , D-California , who took over Pelosi 's spot as the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee . This source says Pelosi did n't object when she learned that waterboarding was being used because she had not been personally briefed about it -- only her aide had been told . The source said Pelosi supported a letter that Harman sent to the administration at the time raising concerns . The source asked not to be identified because of the sensitive nature of matters discussed in classified intelligence briefings . Pelosi admits attending one briefing in September 2002"} +{"answer":", insisting he would not have been able to keep the secret from her or Woods ' wife , Elin Nordegren . `` The four of us are so close , '' she told TV3 . `` Being so close , he could n't know and not say something to Elin or myself . You know , it 's just , that 's the way it is . '' Woods , 34 , apologized last month in a tightly controlled televised statement for his `` irresponsible and selfish '' behavior , which he said included infidelity . The February 19 statement was his first public appearance since he crashed his black Cadillac Escalade into a fire hydrant and a tree near his home in November . The crash and reports about why it happened sparked a barrage of infidelity allegations against the golfer , who has two children with his wife . Williams , who gets 10 percent of the millions Woods wins on the golf tour every year , said he would not have kept it secret just to protect his job . `` I 'm a straight up sort of person , if I had known something was","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The man closest to Tiger Woods when he plays golf says he had no idea about the extramarital affairs that have sidelined Woods from the game . Steve Williams , Woods ' caddy and confidant for nearly a decade , talked to New Zealand 's TV3 about the scandal . `` I knew nothing , '' Williams said in an interview posted on the station 's Web site Thursday . `` I do n't need to clarify it , extend that answer . I knew nothing . '' Williams said he 's heard the calls from some that he should be fired for not preventing Woods ' downfall . `` In some people 's perception , I 'm involved with it , and I 've committed a crime or done wrong , '' he said . `` If the shoe was on somebody else , I would say the same thing , it would be very difficult for the caddy not to know , '' he said . `` But I 'm 100 percent telling you , I knew nothing , and that 's that . '' Williams ' wife , Kirsty , defended her husband"} +{"answer":"official said . `` They are in a delicate state but out of danger , '' Doguin said . El Milenio newspaper reported on its Web site that eight of the injured are from the United States , four are from Canada and three from Mexico . Seven of the injured Americans are from Texas and one is from Iowa , the newspaper said . El Norte newspaper 's Web site and El Porvenir said the dead and injured included tourists . Among those killed in the crash was 73-year-old Ronald Christy , said his daughter , Pam Fordyce . Christy 's wife , Margaret Christy , was in critical condition in a Mexican hospital , Fordyce said . `` He was doing exactly what he loved -- traveling , '' Fordyce , of Altoona , Iowa , told CNN by telephone Tuesday . `` He was right where he would want to be , on a bus . '' She said the couple wintered in Texas and lived in West Liberty , Iowa , in the summer . The U.S. consulate called her at 1:30 a.m. Tuesday to tell her that her father had been killed , Fordyce said","question":"MEXICO CITY , Mexico -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The driver of a truck that collided with a bus in northeast Mexico , killing 12 people including 11 passengers from the United States and Canada , was intoxicated , a Mexican official said Tuesday . Emergency workers wheel a crash victim on a gurney after Monday 's bus crash in Mexico . The tractor-trailer 's 21-year-old driver was among those hospitalized after Monday 's crash near Monterrey , Mexico , said Segismundo Doguin Martinez , a police official in the Mexican state of Coahuila . The driver of the bus was among those killed , and 15 bus passengers were injured . The Senda Express bus , operated by Grupo Senda , had been traveling from McAllen , Texas , carrying tourists to Zacatecas in central Mexico . Eight of those who died were from the United States , three were from Canada and one , the bus driver , was from Mexico , Doguin said . Watch rescuers work at scene of deadly crash '' The survivors , most of them in grave condition , were taken to the Christus Muguerza Hospital and the Clinica La Concepcion , the Mexican"} +{"answer":"remain sealed . Israel issued a rare statement of regret three days after the incident , after Egypt suggested it was recalling its ambassador in protest . The overture , however , was deemed insufficient by many in Egypt and days later , angry protesters ransacked the Israeli Embassy in Cairo . The entire staff was hastily withdrawn after U.S. President Barack Obama personally intervened with the Egyptians to secure their safe passage , but the sequence of events dealt a blow to Israeli-Egyptian relations . In the wake of the embassy incident , Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel would stick to its 1979 peace agreement with Egypt . In the Tuesday statement , Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said the August militant attack was `` despicable '' and `` meant to murder as many Israeli citizens as possible and destroy the peaceful relations that are strategically important between Israel and Egypt , '' the Tuesday statement said . But `` based on the findings of the investigation , the defense minister decided to express his apology to Egypt over the death of every Egyptian policeman who was killed while on duty as a result of Israeli fire","question":"Jerusalem -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Following an investigation , Israel apologized to Egypt this week over an August incident in which five Egyptian border guards were killed , the Israeli Ministry of Defense said . The apology , issued Tuesday , was overshadowed by news that a deal had been reached for the release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit , who was captured by the Palestinian group Hamas more than five years ago . However , it was largely seen as an olive branch to the transitional Egyptian government , as relations between Israel and Egypt have become strained in recent months . On August 18 , militants crossed into Israel from Egyptian territory to attack Israeli civilian targets . Eight Israeli citizens were killed in the attacks , which Israel has said were the work of a jihadist group based in Gaza . Responding to the attacks , Israeli troops killed five Egyptian border guards while in pursuit of the militants . The investigation into the incident was conducted by senior Israel Defense Forces officials and Egyptian army officials , the Ministry of Defense said . For security reasons , the ministry said , the results of the probe"} +{"answer":"The Hillsborough County medical examiner Dr. Vernard Adams said Monday that Mays had heart disease . Listen to the 911 call '' Mays ' wife , Deborah Mays , released this statement Monday : `` While it provides some closure to learn that heart disease took Billy from us , it certainly does n't ease the enormous void that his death has created in our lives . '' Handsome in a Brawny Towel Guy sort of way , Mays seemed to be as boisterous off camera as he was on , at least in interviews . He once compared his hands to `` weapons '' for the way they would whip around a product like a fast-dancing showgirl . And even when he did n't feel like cracking a smile , he dug deep . `` When I 'm up against a wall , that 's when Billy Mays performs best , '' he told a Fortune magazine writer earlier this year while driving his Bentley near his home . At the time , Mays ' bum hip was hurting him . He had his hip replaced last year and recently talked about using a special gel insole to help","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Billy Mays always let you know who you were talking to . OxiClean pitchman Billy Mays , king of the `` yell and sell '' technique died Sunday morning at his home in Tampa . `` Billy Mays , here . '' The 50-year-old became famous for hawking products like OxiClean -LRB- `` Powered by the air you breathe ! '' -RRB- and Mighty Mendit -LRB- `` Before you throw it away , let Mighty Mendit save the day ! '' -RRB- . You needed more space in your closet , Mays had a special hanger for that . You wanted to hang a picture without putting a hole in your wall , he had some supernatural putty you needed to know about . You had a spill ? One word . Zorbeez . `` I 'm a pitchman , my business comes from the pitch , nothing else , '' Mays said recently in an interview with Portfolio . `` My voice , my likeness is my livelihood . That 's it . I keep it simple . I pick good products . '' Mays died Sunday at his home near Tampa , Florida ."} +{"answer":"for this club . I hope that he leaves with his head held high and that he demonstrates to the world of football just who he is . '' Ronaldinho has been sidelined by injuries several times this season , with his latest problem a hamstring complaint which has kept him out since the start of April . `` One must remember everything the way it happened . I did not over-protect him . He is a player that never caused any problems , '' Rijkaard said , denying suggestions that he had fallen out with the two-time former World Player of the Year . When asked about his own job , Rijkaard said he was waiting for talks with the Barca board . `` I am very excited and want to complete my task . Then we shall see . The club has always helped me a lot , but we will have to see what is best for everyone , '' he said . Barcelona 's only hope of winning silverware this season is in the Champions League , with the club taking on Manchester United in the second leg of the semifinals at Old Trafford on Tuesday","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Barcelona coach Frank Rijkaard has confirmed that he expects AC Milan target Ronaldinho to leave the Nou Camp at the end of this season . Brazil forward Ronaldinho is expected to join Italian club AC Milan during the summer transfer window . The Brazilian 's agent has had talks with the former European champions , but Barcelona have yet to agree a fee for the player . Rijkaard , whose own position is under some doubt after a poor domestic season , told Catalan television channel TV3 that Ronaldinho may feature in Barca 's final Spanish league home match against Real Mallorca on May 11 if he recovers from injury . `` Yes , it could be then , '' said the Dutchman . `` He could yet play in the last game of the season in the Nou Camp . If he is to play again , he has to be fit , '' added Rijkaard . When asked whether former Paris St Germain star Ronaldinho would leave in the summer , Rijkaard replied : `` You would have to think so . `` I do n't want people to forget what he 's done"} +{"answer":"on Friday . `` He is a fighter , '' Mantega told reporters , adding he expected Lula will leave the hospital later Saturday . `` He has overcome lesser obstacles and will overcome this one as well . '' Raul Cutait , one of the doctors treating the former president told Rede Record TV that Lula appears well . He said it is also likely that therapy will begin early next week . Sao Paulo 's Syrian-Lebanese hospital is considered one of the region 's top cancer treatment centers . Founded in 1921 by Syrian and Lebanese immigrants , the facility 's staff has also treated Paraguay 's President Fernando Lugo and former Brazilian Vice President Jose Alencar , who died in March after a long battle against abdominal cancer . Its patients also include current Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff -- Lula 's handpicked successor and is the first woman to hold the presidency -- who was treated in 2005 for lymphoma . Rousseff said on her Twitter account that she 'd spoken to Lula 's wife , and in a press release issued Saturday wished her predecessor a `` fast recovery . '' `` As you all know","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva will begin chemotherapy in the coming days to treat a malignant tumor in his larynx , a hospital official said Saturday . Lula , 66 , will be treated at Sao Paulo 's Syrian-Lebanese Hospital , said hospital spokeswoman Mirtes Bogea . It is not clear what day the treatment will begin . He was diagnosed Saturday morning after undergoing medical examinations , Bogea said . `` This is a localized tumor , '' noted Bogea , meaning that it has not spread elsewhere in the body . She added that the tumor has not metastasized , a characteristic of most cancerous cells . Finance Minister Guido Mantega told reporters that he attended Lula 's birthday party last week and noticed that his voice sounded hoarse . `` But since he has been traveling a lot and delivering speeches , we all thought it was normal , '' he told CNN affiliate Rede Record TV . On Saturday , Mantega predicted Lula would beat cancer . He noted that former first lady Marisa Leticia has been with Lula ever since he came to the hospital for a check-up"} +{"answer":"could n't sleep and I drove in from my parents ' house in New Jersey at 7 in the morning . After introducing myself to a skeptical guard , he led me down two flights of stairs and through a hallway , where I was greeted by the clubhouse man Pete Sheehy -LRB- who died in 1985 and for whom the room is now named -RRB- . The Yankee clubhouse in 1962 was like a large subterranean living room . A wall-to-wall grayish green carpet muffled all sound , and the overhead lighting was subdued . Three walls of walk-in wood lockers faced a wall of large frosted windows that cast shafts of light from the street above . Everything was painted a muted gray green to match the carpet , including the exposed ductwork in the ceiling above . A cleat-dented wooden stool sat in front of each locker . And hanging in the lockers , with military precision , were the classic Yankee uniforms . `` Your locker is right here by the door , '' said Pete . I could n't help smiling when I saw Whitey Ford 's nameplate just one locker away . I asked","question":"Editor 's note : For 85 years , Yankee Stadium has hosted some of the greatest moments in sports . On Sunday , the Yankees will play their last game before the stadium is torn down . Former Yankee pitcher Jim Bouton played on the 1963 American League All-Star team and in two World Series . He wrote the classic baseball book , `` Ball Four , '' named as one of the `` Books of the Century '' by the New York Public Library , and has been a sportscaster and actor . For Bouton 's web site , click here Jim Bouton was photographed as a rookie in 1962 at Yankee Stadium , before the renovation of the ballpark . EGREMONT , Massachusetts -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- I 'll never forget my first day in The House that Ruth Built : April 9 , 1962 , the day before opening day . I made the team that spring as a non-roster player , having pitched in the Texas League -LRB- AA -RRB- the year before . And I had just turned 23 . The Yankees had scheduled an afternoon workout , but I was so excited that I"} +{"answer":"Leigh : I am a filmmaker who is both a writer and director and I have this way of making films where the writing and the actors and the shooting is all combined together . I do n't make a conventional screenplay ... it 's a whole organic process . TSR : What do you think other scriptwriters can learn from you ? ML : I think screenwriters who , because of the politics and economics of the film industry , are forced to work in a much more conventional way , are always fascinated to discuss with me how I work . TSR : There is this romantic idea that screenwriting has to be a painful , solitary experience . That 's not what you experience , though . ML : No , I do n't sit in a room writing a script solo . My films are highly structured . Everything you see in my films is very precisely written , very thoroughly researched , but actually it is done through rehearsal , it 's done through improvisation and research . I work for six months with the actors before we shoot anything , then the shooting of","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- British filmmaker , screenwriter and playwright , Mike Leigh has been in the movie business for over 35 years . Leigh on screenwriting : `` I do n't make a conventional screenplay ... it 's a whole organic process . '' In that time , he has been nominated for five Oscars , as well as winning the Best Director award at Cannes Film Festival for `` Naked '' in 1993 , the Palme d'Or there for `` Secrets & Lies '' in 1996 and the Leono d'Oro at Venice Film Festival in 2004 for `` Vera Drake . '' Famous for his fierce independence -LRB- read refusal to work in Hollywood -RRB- , Leigh 's work is known for gritty realism and a focus on underprivileged sections of British society . Another of Leigh 's calling cards is an unconventional approach to screenwriting . `` The Screening Room '' caught up with the veteran director at the International Screenwriters ' Festival in the UK earlier this year to ask him more about his approach to making films . The Screening Room : Why is this festival so important to you ? Mike"} +{"answer":"from miles away Thursday . `` It 's better now , but the smoke was pretty much everywhere , '' said Chavdar Pavlov , a CNN iReport contributor who lives 20 miles from where the fires raged . `` At nighttime , it was like snow in the air , but it was n't snow ; it was ashes . '' The Horry County Council 's Brent Schultz said , `` The only way to describe this is tragic . '' At a Friday morning news conference , frustrated residents who had evacuated demanded to know when they could return home , yelling at Bob Grabowski of the Horry County Council . `` I just want to go home , '' one man cried out , prompting Grabowski to pause . `` Come on , '' others said . `` That will be addressed , '' he said . `` We 'll get with you on that . '' About 2,500 people were evacuated Thursday , authorities said , and more than 400 people were in shelters . No fatalities or injuries have been reported from the blaze . Horry County said the fire was about 40 percent contained by","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The cause of a South Carolina wildfire that has charred about 19,600 acres appears to be a yard debris fire , the head of the state 's Forestry Commission said Friday . Derek Boos sifts through the wreckage of his in-laws ' house Friday after a fire in Myrtle Beach , South Carolina . The blaze seems to have been caused by a yard debris fire in the Woodlawn subdivision , an unincorporated part of Horry County , halfway between Conway and North Myrtle Beach , South Carolina Forestry Commission Forest Protection Chief Darryl Jones said . The fire began Saturday and rekindled itself Wednesday evening , according to the Forestry Commission . Officials said about 70 homes had been destroyed in the county , which contains a stretch of popular tourist spots , including Myrtle Beach . About 100 other homes were damaged , Horry County officials said . The blaze left only charred rubble and the smoldering , skeletal remains of some houses , even as adjacent homes went untouched . The fire swallowed up pines and dry brush , sending a smoky gray smudge into the sky that could be seen for hours"} +{"answer":"Spring , following in the footsteps of ousted leaders of Egypt , Libya and Tunisia ? Analysts say that the odds are stacked against Syria 's president . Steven A. Cook , Hasib J. Sabbagh senior fellow for Middle Eastern studies at the Council on Foreign Relations , said it is hard to predict what might come next for al-Assad -- but the pressure is on . `` The kind of traditional support he had externally is clearly crumbling , '' Cook said . `` His prospects this week are worse than they were last week . '' Emile Hokayem , senior fellow for regional security at the Bahrain office of the International Institute for Strategic Studies , thinks it highly unlikely al-Assad will hang on to power . Three main factors will likely contribute to the downfall of Syria 's president after 11 years in power , he said . One is that he has lost legitimacy in the eyes of his own people . `` It 's hard to see how he would recover his legitimacy after killing almost 4,000 of his countrymen , '' said Hokayem . The United Nations puts the toll of deaths at well","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Syria 's President Bashar al-Assad looks more isolated with each passing day as his regime continues a bloody eight-month crackdown on pro-democracy protests . His Arab neighbors signaled their displeasure with him this week by suspending Syria from the Arab League , a stinging blow for a nation that sees itself at the heart of Arab concerns . Jordan 's King Abdullah went a step further , telling the BBC he would step down if he were al-Assad , an unusually blunt assessment that followed Western calls for al-Assad to go . And Turkey , formerly an important ally and trading partner , threatened to cut off electricity supplies to Syria as the European Union moved this week to extend sanctions against more members of al-Assad 's circle . This week , the conflict inside Syria entered a new era when army defectors attacked pro-government targets . That ratcheted up the pressure even more -- the Russian foreign minister was widely quoted as saying attacks on government buildings in Syria resembled `` civil war . '' So can al-Assad cling to power ? Or will he become the fourth leader forced from office in the Arab"} +{"answer":"spill was pouring into the Gulf every day for a month . Proegler declined to estimate how much more oil was escaping . BP America Chairman Lamar McKay said Wednesday that the figure used by the oil spill response team had a degree of `` uncertainty '' built into it . But figures by independent researchers have run up to many times higher : Steve Wereley , a professor of mechanical engineering at Purdue University , told CNN 's `` American Morning '' that the spill could be as big as 20,000 to 100,000 barrels a day . And members of Congress released video from the company that showed much more oil pouring out of the damaged well than the siphon was capturing . Rep. Ed Markey , who leads a House subcommittee investigating the disaster , told reporters , `` I think now we are beginning to understand that we can not trust BP . '' `` People do not trust the experts any longer , '' said Markey , D-Massachusetts . `` BP has lost all credibility . Now the decisions will have to be made by others , because it is clear that they have been hiding","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A BP official says a gusher of oil pouring from its damaged Gulf of Mexico well could be shut off as early as next week . BP Managing Director Bo Dudley said Thursday night the company will pump fluids into the well this weekend in the beginning of a process that -- if successful -- could lead to the leak finally being closed off in a matter of days . `` If that option does n't work , we 've got a second and a third option we 'll do after that , '' Dudley said on CNN 's Larry King on Thursday . `` We 're hopeful that next week we 'll be able to shut it off . '' Earlier in the day , BP acknowledged that the underwater gusher is bigger than estimated to date , as new video showed a cloud of crude billowing around its undersea siphon . Company spokesman Mark Proegler said Thursday that the siphon is now drawing about 5,000 barrels -LRB- 210,000 gallons -RRB- per day up to a ship on the surface of the Gulf -- as much as government and company officials had estimated the"} +{"answer":"Sports personalities are tweeting now . They are giving fans a reason to tune in to see their comments , '' says Adam Ostrow , managing editor of Mashable , a blog devoted to online social media . Ostrow believes social networking sites like Twitter allow athletes to connect directly with fans without the filter of the traditional media . And while many athletes and teams have blogs and Facebook profiles , Twitter allows for a more personal connection between fan and sports , he says . NBA All-Star Shaquille O'Neal -LRB- @THE_REAL_SHAQ -RRB- is both a prolific scorer and a prolific twitterer . His more than 700,000 followers get his tweets about everything from his diet to his recent trip to Graceland . Seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong -LRB- @lancearmstrong -RRB- has more than 650,000 Twitter followers for such updates as `` Eating pizza at home w \/ the family . Good test today , kids go home tomorrow -LRB- sad -RRB- , and a hellacious week of training coming up . '' Hockey players also are getting into the act . Washington Capitals ace Alex Ovechkin -LRB- @ovi8 -RRB- was on Twitter during the NHL All-Star","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It 's Sunday night during TNT 's coverage of the NBA playoffs , and announcer Kenny Smith , aka `` The Jet , '' is doing push-ups . TNT 's Kenny Smith tries to connect personally with NBA fans through his Twitter feed . Not on camera , but on Twitter . `` Hawks look hot ! CWebb , my boy Fabian and I doing 30 - pushups P90X style every commercial . . getting summeer -LSB- sic -RSB- ready , '' writes Smith to his followers on Twitter , the microblogging site where you can `` tweet '' brief messages of up to 140 characters . Five hours later , Smith -LRB- @TheJetOnTNT -RRB- tweets a follow-up : `` Man , i think im gon na be sore . '' By Monday morning , though , he seems raring to go again : `` Im not sore today ! the workout didnt kill me ... Im back !! '' Welcome to today 's intersection of sports and social networking , where college athletes , professional players and even broadcasters use tools like Facebook and Twitter to share their thoughts and experiences with fans . ``"} +{"answer":"said no injuries had been reported involving the problem . The Fusion\/Milan 's issue seemed less serious than that of the Prius , said David Champion , the head of auto testing at Consumer Reports . The NHTSA investigation involves only 2010 model year Prius hybrids , which went on sale in the middle of last year . There are only 37,000 of those vehicles on the road , according to the agency . The Prius , which is built in Japan , is not one of the eight models affected by two recent recalls -- covering several million vehicles -- to fix problems with sticking gas pedals . All of those models were built at North American plants . NHTSA said its Office of Defects investigation has received 124 reports from consumers about problems with the Prius brakes , including four reports that involved crashes and two that resulted in injuries . No fatalities have been reported . Investigators have spoken with consumers and conducted preliminary field work . Late Wednesday , Toyota President Akio Toyoda spoke with U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood , reassuring him that Toyota takes U.S. safety concerns seriously and puts safety at the top","question":"Tokyo , Japan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Toyota has added the brake systems of the latest Lexus hybrid vehicles to a growing list of problems with various models , the company said Friday . The company said it was checking the brakes on the Lexus vehicle model HS250h -- as well as a Japanese model called the Sai -- because they use the same system as that used on the 2010 Toyota Prius . Toyota has announced no recall of these vehicles , however , and said it has not received any complaints about the brakes from consumers . But the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced Thursday it is opening a formal investigation into problems with the Prius , Toyota 's fourth-best selling model in the United States and the best-selling model in Japan . The company has acknowledged a software glitch that is causing problems with its braking . It said it is looking further at the best way to repair the problem . On Thursday , Ford announced that it was changing the software in the braking system for its Fusion and Mercury Milan hybrids to correct an occasion glitch in the old software . Ford"} +{"answer":"the bay and the sharp scent of a wood fire . Six pleasantly furnished suites feature fireplaces , private decks and spa tubs . The Pub restaurant serves seafood and locally brewed beers year-round . A 20-minute ferry ride connects Peaks with the shopping , dining and nightlife of Portland . Prices range from $ 175 to $ 300 ; 207\/766 -5100 or innonpeaks.com . The Inn at Mama 's Fish House , Maui , Hawaii The handful of cottages that make up this hideaway rest under coconut palms on Maui 's North Shore , just off the scenic Hana Highway . `` Old Polynesia '' decor and a low-key atmosphere mark it as a throwback to an era when Hawaii meant tropical exoticism , not real-estate opportunities . Coastal Living : More on Maui A short drive west takes you to the town of Paia . A short drive east reveals the bright sails of windsurfers swooping just off Hookipa Beach . And simply staying put ensures the pleasures of lounging on the sand in front of your cottage or savoring the seafood at Mama 's Fish House Restaurant next door . Rooms from $ 175 ; 800\/860 -4852","question":"-LRB- Coastal Living -RRB- -- Leave behind the mainland and sneak away to these heavenly hideaways . At Petit St. Vincent , 22 understatedly elegant stone cottages overlook the water . Petit St. Vincent , Grenadines The fantasy : Your own sun-blessed , beach-fringed island in the Caribbean , with sailing , snorkeling and other pastimes available at your whim , and a staff to provide anything from meals to massages . The reality : At Petit St. Vincent , it 's the same as the fantasy . Twenty-two understatedly elegant stone cottages , overlooking the water and open to the breezes , scatter across this 113-acre island . With rates starting at $ 675 a night , Petit St. Vincent qualifies as a splurge , but the price covers all activities and meals . Open November through August ; 800\/654 -9326 or psvresort.com . The Inn on Peaks Island , Maine Rocky , rustic , small-town New England floats languidly in Casco Bay , two miles from downtown Portland . Summer brings visitors seeking art galleries , nature and relaxation . In winter , you can snuggle up at the inn and enjoy the muted clang of buoys in"} +{"answer":"caffeine-free coffee plant , a snail whose shell twists around four axes , a palm that flowers itself to death and microscopic bacteria that live in hairspray . See photos of the new species '' Here 's the complete list : 1 . Pygmy seahorse : Classified by its Latin name , Hippocampus satomiae , this species measures about half an inch long and was found near Derawan Island off Kalimantan , Indonesia . 2 . A plant that kills itself : Found in a small area of northwestern Madagascar , a rare genus of palm -- Tahina spectablilis -- produces huge , spectacular flowers and then dies and collapses . Fewer than 100 have been found . 3 . Decaf , please : Known as Coffea charrieriana , this plant found in Cameroon is the first record of a caffeine-free coffee species from Central Africa . 4 . Spray-on species : An extremophile bacteria , Microbacterium hatanonis , was discovered in hairspray by Japanese scientists . 5 . A stick that moves : The world 's longest insect , with a body length of 14 inches -LRB- 22.3 inches including legs -RRB- , Phobaeticus chani resembles a stick and","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A pea-sized seahorse , the world 's longest insect , a `` ghost slug '' and the world 's smallest snake were among the top 10 species discovered in 2008 , a committee of scientists said Friday . A tiny seahorse and the world 's longest insect were among the top 10 new species discovered in 2008 . These unusual critters were among thousands of species found last year , many in remote or tropical regions of the planet , that hint at the breadth of the Earth 's undiscovered biodiversity . `` Most people do not realize just how incomplete our knowledge of Earth 's species is , '' said Quentin Wheeler , director of the International Institute for Species Exploration at Arizona State University , which announced the top 10 new species list . `` We are surrounded by such an exuberance of species diversity that we too often take it for granted , '' Wheeler added . The ASU institute and an international committee of taxonomists -- scientists devoted to species exploration and classification -- compile the top 10 list of new species each year . Also on the 2008 list are a"} +{"answer":"roots of the banjo and make `` Throw Down Your Heart ? '' Bela Fleck : Well , I have loved the banjo since I first heard it when I was a little kid , and after I started to learn to play it I discovered that it came from Africa originally , and that does n't seem to be common knowledge . There are a lot of people who have forgotten over the years where the banjo comes from . I 've always wanted to go back to Africa and hear what 's going on there and find the instruments that still exist that are the roots of the banjo and play music with them . So that 's what this trip and the film and the record were all about -- going to Uganda , Tanzania , Mali and Gambia and finding musicians and filming interactions with them and recording it all . CNN : What did you learn ? Fleck : That 's a common question . Everybody wants some kind of epiphany out of a trip like this , and I got it , but it 's hard to put it into words . Except that","question":"MANCHESTER , Tennessee -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When Bela Fleck told us he had been missing something in his life musically , he caught us off guard . Bela Fleck traveled to Africa to immerse himself in banjo-related culture . Keep in mind : Fleck is considered by many to be the premier banjo player in the world . He 's won Grammy awards . He 's collaborated with bluegrass musicians , jazz players , classical performers and any number of other talented artists . But Fleck said he wanted to make himself uncomfortable . Earlier this year , he released the documentary `` Throw Down Your Heart , '' for which he traveled to Uganda , Tanzania , Mali , and Gambia to explore the African roots of the banjo . CNN caught up with him backstage at the Bonnaroo music festival last month , where he played with African kora player Toumani Diabate , to discuss his film and experience in Africa and what prompted him to go . The following is an edited version of the interview . Watch Fleck at Bonnaroo '' CNN : What gave you the inspiration to go to Africa to trace the"} +{"answer":"May 1 as a deadline for other possible deals to be made . A single sticky note , left on Russ Builta 's 2005 Hummer , sums up the emotion stirred by the super-sized SUVs . `` You are polluting our air and abusing our national resources , '' the unsigned note said . `` And all because of greed and selfishness . You should be very ashamed of yourself . '' Builta , who served in the Marine Corps , still gets mad : `` It was not even on recycled paper ! '' Builta installed a supercharger that gave his Hummer a whopping 600 horsepower . When he really mashed the pedal , it got 1 mile per gallon . `` It would just move , '' he told CNN iReport . Check out Builta 's mega-ride After the HMMWV rolled off the AM General assembly line in Indiana on January 2 , 1985 , it represented a new breed of American military might and toughness . In 1992 , production of the civilian Hummer began , instantly creating a fraternity among owners of the SUV-on-growth hormone . They exchange photos of their trucks , chat over the","question":"Atlanta , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Love it or hate it , the Hummer came to symbolize American might over the years -- tires the size of Texas , a chrome grill that looked primed to eat up wimpy cars in its path , and its drivers with egos to match their mammoth-mobiles . But the iconic vehicle -- a symbol for macho men like Arnold Schwarzenegger and ridiculed worldwide by environmentalists -- is headed toward the auto graveyard . General Motors last week announced the likely end of the Hummer after a deal with a Chinese automaker fell through . The news thrilled many who have protested the guzzler for years : Good riddance ! But for Hummer owners , the reaction remains mixed . Most mourn the impending death of their beloved behemoths but celebrate the fact that the Hummer wo n't be outsourced to China : Whose harebrained idea was that anyway ?! Ai n't no Hummer meant to be made in China ! Owners are hoping for a last-minute buyer to emerge before the Hummer joins the maligned Pinto in the scrapyard . GM has said it is trying to salvage the Hummer , setting"} +{"answer":"rocket propulsion system from the Palmachim military base . This had been planned by the Defense Establishment a long time ago and was carried out as scheduled . '' `` This is an impressive technological achievement and an important step in Israel 's advances in the realms of missiles and space , '' said Defense Minister Ehud Barak . The comments from Iran and the Israeli missile test come as a very public debate is taking place in Israel about the possibility of a military strike on the Islamic republic . Last week , Israel 's largest newspaper , Yedioth Ahronoth , published a report that suggested Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Barak both supported a strike against Iran 's nuclear program . That story was followed up Wednesday by a report in the Israeli daily Haaretz that Netanyahu was lobbying members of his cabinet to support a military strike against Iran despite the various difficulties inherent in such an operation . The paper attributed the information to a senior Israeli official , but did not disclose identity of their source . Israeli and U.S. officials have expressed concerns that Iran is building nuclear weapons , despite Tehran 's insistence","question":"Tehran , Iran -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Iran issued a warning to Israel on Wednesday , with a top military figure saying Iran will `` punish '' any threat . `` The United States is fully aware that a military attack by the Zionist regime on Iran will not only cause tremendous damage to that regime , but it will also inflict serious damage to the U.S. , '' said Gen. Hassan Firouzabadi , commander of the joint chiefs of staff , according to the semi-official Fars News Agency . `` We , as the military , take every threat , however distant and improbable , as very real , and are fully prepared to use suitable equipment to punish any kind of mistake , '' he added , according to a CNN translation of his remarks . Another semi-official Iranian news agency , ISNA , published a story in English quoting Firouzabadi as saying , `` The U.S. officials know that Zionist regime 's military attack against Iran will inflict heavy damages to the U.S. seriously as well as Zionist regime . '' The Israeli Ministry of Defense said Wednesday that Israel `` carried out the test-firing of a"} +{"answer":"Romney 's strongest moments of the debate when he highlighted how his economic plan would help the middle class . He underscored that the middle class has been hit the hardest by the economic downturn , so any presidential candidate should begin by focusing on helping them . Herman Cain is pretty clever in these exchanges . You can tell he has a few lines that are well rehearsed . In fact , when it was his turn to ask a question , I actually thought he might try to ask himself the question . That way he could insert 9-9-9 into both a question and an answer -LRB- which would be a feat even for him -RRB- . Instead he asked Romney if he could list off all 59 points of his plan . This question was designed to showcase the simplicity of Cain 's plan in comparison . The question was effective enough , but might have backfired when Romney used it to his advantage to say that simple answers are oftentimes inadequate . Romney took a unique approach . His question was directed at Michele Bachmann . On its face , it seems like a puzzling approach","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- My favorite part of academic debate has always been the cross-examination period . We got a little piece of that -LRB- but not enough -RRB- in the Republican presidential debate Tuesday hosted by Bloomberg and the Washington Post . The presidential hopefuls were allowed to ask an opponent one question . Mitt Romney faced seven opponents , and four of them directed their questions at him because he is seen as the frontrunner . While this can be a good idea in theory to try and trip up the frontrunner , it actually helped Romney . The only two people to get significant air time in the first hour were Romney and Herman Cain . So by asking Romney more questions , the other candidates gave him even more time to present his case to the public . The strategy of the other candidates might have worked if he was on the ropes or was stumbling in the debate , but Romney had not given his opponents any obvious openings . In his answers to the four questions from his opponents , Romney did well . His answer to Newt Gingrich 's question was one of"} +{"answer":"Gallimore started on diesel-electric submarines , including the USS Hardhead and the USS Sablefish in 1958 . Cat-and-mouse games of two superpowers aside , risks remain even today for sailors who head out beneath the waves , says Gallimore , now 73 . `` All the submariners , '' he says , `` when they go to sea , they 're in harm 's way . '' Gallimore remembers an incident that happened during the turnover of older diesel subs to the Greek navy . He and other crew members acted as observers during the training phase . During a dive , the boat angled down steeply and the propellers shook . The sub managed to surface eventually , yet Gallimore insisted the danger was part of the job . `` We 've all experienced when something went wrong , '' Gallimore says . Before any sailor can be called a submariner , he has to earn his `` dolphins , '' a pin that 's the equivalent to a pilot 's wings . The sailors must qualify on the submarines they are to serve by knowing the systems inside and out . The training and testing are rigorous .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When Al Charette traveled to the North Pole , he went under it . The USS Nautilus , the world 's first nuclear-powered submarine , made history when it reached the North Pole on August 3 , 1958 , beneath the ice . Charette , who was part of that Cold War crew , recalls how this milestone was of much more significance than being a historical first . `` What we did , '' he says , `` is really expose 3,000 miles of coastline of the U.S.S.R. '' Submarines , which submariners call boats , played a pivotal role in intelligence gathering and nuclear deterrence at a time of political tension between the United States and Soviet Union . Attack submarines sought out and tracked Soviet ballistic missile submarines , while U.S. Navy missile boats tried to keep from being discovered . `` We did n't want to make any kind of a noise that a fish did n't make , '' the 79-year-old Charette remembers . The Cold War may be remembered as a conflict without any battles , but for submariners , the danger on the front lines was real . Jack"} +{"answer":". The group also has increased its use of improvised explosive devices , and suicide bombings have become more frequent and more deadly , it says . Quoting U.N.-compiled figures , the State Department said terrorists launched about 140 suicide-bomb attacks in 2007 . The number of terror attacks in Afghanistan increased from 969 in 2006 to 1,127 last year , and the number of people killed , injured or kidnapped as the result of terrorism rose from 3,557 in 2006 to 4,673 in 2007 , the report says . In the face of attacks by the Taliban and related groups on coalition forces and others , Afghanistan has struggled to build a stable , democratic government . However , it has taken steps to build strong relationships with neighboring Pakistan and address problems such as poverty that help fuel terrorism , the report says . The Program for Strengthening Peace and Reconciliation has persuaded more than 5,000 Taliban members and other insurgents to stop their lives of violence , it says . The shifting situation in Afghanistan prompted the top U.S. military officer to say in early April that he is `` deeply concerned '' about the situation there","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Taliban in Afghanistan -- whose government was toppled by U.S.-led forces after the September 11 attacks in 2001 -- has strengthened its military and technical capabilities even while suffering heavy combat losses , says a State Department report released Wednesday . Afghan policemen stand Wednesday outside the ruins of a house destroyed during clashes with Taliban insurgents . `` The Taliban-led insurgency remained a capable , determined , and resilient threat to stability and to the expansion of government authority , particularly in the Pashtun south and east , '' according to the `` Country Reports on Terrorism 2007 . '' The Taliban 's information operations have become `` increasingly aggressive and sophisticated , '' and their ability to obtain al Qaeda support and recruit soldiers from the Taliban base of rural Pashtuns is `` undiminished , '' the report says . But new civilian-military counterinsurgency approaches in the east , particularly Nangarhar , have begun to yield successes , the report says . The Taliban is funding its terror activities with money from supporters in neighboring Pakistan and from narcotics trafficking and kidnappings . Kidnappings of foreigners have increased , the report says"} +{"answer":"NASA says it does not keep track of contributions from the other 15 partners . -RRB- NASA 's funding of the space station is currently scheduled to end in 2016 . `` The general idea that we would spend approximately 11 years building the space station , get it to its full operational capability , and then kind of abandon it a few years later ... does n't make a lot of sense , '' said Robert Braun , a former NASA chief engineer . Braun currently is the director of Georgia Tech 's Space Systems Design Laboratory . An independent committee reviewing the future of U.S. human spaceflight recently recommended to the White House that the station 's life be extended to 2020 . Watch more on the future of the space station '' `` You 've got all of these different countries working together on this common project in space . And if we go ahead and stop ... it 's going to break up that framework , '' said Leroy Chiao , a former space station commander and shuttle astronaut who sits on the advisory panel . `` The different countries around the world will lose confidence","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It 's the most complex construction project in history . NASA 's funding of the international space station is scheduled to end in 2016 . Flying 250 miles overhead , the international space station can be seen with the naked eye , orbiting the Earth every 90 minutes , usually carrying a crew of six . Now , before construction of the station is even complete , there is already talk of when the lights will be turned off . NASA is waiting for the Obama administration to decide how much longer the station will fly and exactly which direction the U.S. space agency will take next -- a return to the moon , or maybe a trip to Mars ? The initial phase of the international space station was launched in 1998 , although the station is still being expanded . The U.S. is one of 16 countries that help build and operate the station , whose laboratory runs a number of science experiments , including measuring the effects of space conditions , such as weightlessness , on humans . The U.S. contribution to the space station so far : $ 44 billion . -LRB-"} +{"answer":"was all about , even if it was not about such a large choice of things ... I pushed -LSB- Coco Chanel 's -RSB- symbol , like the change of pearls , in a way much more than she did herself . I could play with everything and mix it with everything that 's going on in fashion because fashion is about that . It 's not retrospective , it has to be something you want to wear now , '' he said . As for the notoriously harsh world of fashion , Lagerfeld sees it merely as a reflection of the way the world works . `` This is a world with no pity or that you can complain , ' I could n't do it because things are against me . ' No , things are against nobody , if you have something to offer , or if you can be something , '' he said . `` If you want to be successful in the fashion world , as well as the movie world and music world , it 's something else that you need , but you can not decide that you have it . It","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- He is perhaps the most recognizable man in fashion , almost never seen without his dark glasses , a silver ponytail and fingerless gloves . And while the German-born fashion designer has been the creative force behind fashion house Chanel for more than a quarter of a century , he 's still thriving on new ideas , designs and what the future may hold . `` I do n't look back ... Life is not something made by order , we have to fit in the pattern of what life is all about now , and I 'm a person who fits easily into this kind of situation because I like change , '' he told CNN in Shanghai . While his own image is enduring , he is the creative force of the Chanel fashion house , whose eponymous designer , Coco Chanel created some of the most iconic outfits of the 20th century . He may have upset the traditionalists when he first took over the reins , but for the forward-thinking Lagerfeld , it was not a concern . `` My job is to put in people 's brain the idea what Chanel"} +{"answer":", and I knew how to pray . And I just started praying for someone ; for God to please send me an angel . '' Andersen recalls one particular morning last October when her customer 's normally cheerful demeanor had changed . `` I could tell that she just was n't feeling real well , '' said Andersen . `` So I asked her what was wrong . '' Across the counter , Ausnes confided in her barista : Her kidneys were failing rapidly and no one in her family was a match . Without hesitation , Andersen said she would test for her . Ausnes remembers the moment vividly . `` She threw her hands up in the air . She said , ` I 'm testing . I 'm going to test for you . ' And it was a complete shock to me . '' Even more so because Andersen did n't even know Ausnes ' name . Andersen ca n't explain it either . `` I just knew in my heart , I ca n't tell you why . I knew I had to find out as much info as possible , '' recalls Andersen","question":"TACOMA , Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- At a time when she really needed a miracle , Annamarie Ausnes found one in an unusual place . Sandra Andersen , right , donated a kidney to Annamarie Ausnes . Last fall , Ausnes , 55 , was one of nearly 75,000 Americans in need of a kidney . Today , she is recovering from a successful kidney transplant -- thanks to her local Starbucks barista . Sandra Andersen only knew Ausnes as her upbeat morning customer who always ordered a short cup of coffee . What Andersen did n't know was that Ausnes suffers from a genetic kidney disease called polycystic kidney disease . When both of her kidneys began failing , she was placed on a kidney transplant waiting list . `` I was kinda losing a little hope , '' said Ausnes . Her next step would be dialysis . `` I 'd read the statistics . People have been waiting on dialysis for many , many years before a donor comes forth . I felt like the control was being taken away from me , '' Ausnes said . `` But I did have control over one thing"} +{"answer":". The incarceration rates for U.S. mothers began to surge in the 1980s , fueled by the crack cocaine epidemic and tougher mandatory sentencing laws , experts said . A recent study by the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics found the number of incarcerated mothers rose 131 percent from 1991 to 2007 , while the number of fathers in prison increased 77 percent during the same period . According to the Sentencing Project , a Washington-based nonprofit , about 1.7 million children have a parent in prison . `` We should be alarmed , '' said Georgia Lerner , executive director at the Women 's Prison Association , a national nonprofit working with incarcerated women . `` Even when children have seen their mothers get arrested , they still want to be with their parents , '' Lerner said . `` They still love their mothers and want to be together . '' While some critics argue that criminals make poor parents , experts said there is no doubt that separation from a parent , particularly a mother , affects a child 's psychological development . When a father is imprisoned , the mother typically cares for the children ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- `` Get yourself together . '' Mary Williams repeated those three words often to her 28-year-old daughter , who served three years in a Kansas prison for a 1988 armed robbery . Donnie Belcher , 7 , visits her mother , Wanda Taylor , at Lansing Correctional Facility in Kansas in 1991 . Williams never judged her daughter , Wanda Taylor , for the crime or the crack cocaine addiction that fueled it . There was no need to pick at the past . Instead , Williams looked to the future . The future was her granddaughter , Donnie Belcher , a shy 4-year-old girl with curly hair who cried inconsolably from behind the glass the first time she visited her mother in jail . The little girl 's mother was locked up for three years , leaving her in the care of her grandmother . `` It was hard on me , '' said Belcher , now 25 . `` I never wanted to leave my mother . '' Belcher defied the odds , growing up straight as an arrow despite having a mother in prison . Her childhood was part of a national trend"} +{"answer":"and the United States to investigate the attacks . Israel should prosecute those who carried them out and the U.S. government , which supplied Israel , should look into the issue . HRW said white phosphorous was a chemical substance dispersed in artillery shells , bombs and rockets , used primarily to obscure military operations . '' -LRB- While -RRB- it is not considered a chemical weapon and is not banned per se , it ignites and burns on contact with oxygen and creates a smokescreen at night or during the day to mask the visual movement of troops . `` It also interferes with infra-red optics and weapon-tracking systems , thus protecting military forces from guided weapons such as anti-tank missiles . When WP comes into contact with people or objects , though , it creates an intense and persistent burn . It can also be used as a weapon against military targets , '' the group said . In response , the Israeli military said `` smoke shells are not an incendiary weapon '' and defended its actions . The Israel Defense Forces said it was close to completing its probe into `` the use of ammunition containing","question":"JERUSALEM -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Israeli military 's firing of white phosphorus shells over densely populated areas during the Gaza offensive `` was indiscriminate and is evidence of war crimes , '' Human Rights Watch -LRB- HRW -RRB- said in a report on Wednesday . Human Rights Watch says Israel used white phosphorus shells over populated areas in Gaza . `` In Gaza , the Israeli military did n't just use white phosphorus in open areas as a screen for its troops , '' said Fred Abrahams , a HRW senior emergencies researcher . `` It fired white phosphorus repeatedly over densely populated areas , even when its troops were n't in the area and safer smoke shells were available . As a result , civilians needlessly suffered and died . '' Entitled `` Rain of Fire : Israel 's Unlawful Use of White Phosphorus in Gaza , '' the 71-page report provides `` witness accounts '' and `` presents ballistics evidence , photographs , and satellite imagery , as well as documents from the Israeli military and government . '' HRW is an independent international organization dedicated to defending and protecting human rights . The group urged Israel"} +{"answer":"at least an address written in Japanese . Tipping is not expected . ATMs Although Tokyo is ultra-modern , you may have to revert to carrying travelers ' checks for the duration of your stay . Few ATMs accept foreign cards , although you should have more luck at post offices and branches of Citibank . ATMs in busy areas stay open until 9 p.m. and most are closed at weekends , although Citibank has 24-hour ATMs . Credit cards are still not accepted as widely as you might expect , so travelers ' checks are your best bet -- and make sure you 're carrying cash if you 're planning a night out away from the city center . What 's on The best way to keep up with events and entertainment is with one of Tokyo 's English language magazines . Metropolis and Tokyo Notice Board are two of the best -- and they 're both free . 100 Yen shops These bargain stores are hugely popular in Tokyo , selling everything from food to toiletries for \u00a5 100 plus \u00a5 5 tax -- about $ 1 . They are also a great place to pick up an","question":"Tokyo is a huge and often confusing city for travelers , but with these tips you need n't be daunted by the Japanese capital . 100 Yen shops are great value for money . Subway Tokyo has an incredibly efficient subway , but the 13 lines are run by two different companies , Toei Subways and Tokyo Metro , meaning a bewildering variety of day passes are available . A good bet is the Toei and Tokyo Metro One-Day Economy Pass , which costs \u00a5 1,000 and gives you a day of unlimited travel on all subway lines . During rush-hour the subway becomes an unbearable crush . All social niceties go out the window in a free for all that 's best avoided completely . Taxis During the day traffic can be gridlocked , but in the evening , when traffic is lighter , taxis are reasonably alternative to the subway . Enter and exit taxis by the back left-hand door . Do n't make the novice 's error of trying to open or close the door -- your white-gloved driver will do that from the front seat . Ideally , have a map of your destination , or"} +{"answer":"on `` The Oprah Winfrey Show '' that she engaged in an incestuous relationship with her father , legendary musician John Phillips , for nearly 10 years . In her tell-all memoir , `` High on Arrival '' -- named after a song her father dedicated to her -- she claims the relationship began in 1979 . She claims her father forced himself on her while they were under the influence of drugs on the night before she was to marry Jeff Sessler , a member of the Rolling Stones ' entourage . She ended the relationship a decade later , when she became pregnant and realized she did not know who had fathered her child -- her husband or her own father -- and terminated the pregnancy , the actress told CNN 's `` Larry King Live . '' Watch Phillips discuss her alleged incestuous relationship with her father '' But before the incest claims -- and subsequent denials from relatives -- Mackenzie Phillips was better known as a child actor full of promise who fell from grace under the toxic guidance of her drug-addicted father . Born Laura Mackenzie Phillips in 1959 to John Phillips and Baltimore socialite","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Actress Mackenzie Phillips has said that she believes she had a `` genetic predisposition '' to the life of sex , drugs and rock and roll that have come to define her . Mackenzie Phillips tells CNN 's `` Larry King Live '' that her father raped her in 1979 . In a 1999 interview on CNN 's `` Larry King Live '' on `` Why Some Childhood Stars Crash and Burn , '' the former `` One Day at a Time '' star said she did n't blame Hollywood for the years of drug and addiction she had endured . `` I think that for a lot of us , alcoholism and addiction is the root of the problem , not the fact that we were child stars , '' she said at the time . `` Certainly , it lent to the problem , but it was n't the root of the problem . '' By the time she did the interview , her well-publicized addiction to cocaine , drug arrests and stints in rehab had overshadowed an acting career once full of promise . Then , on Wednesday , the 49-year-old actress revealed"} +{"answer":"is not only a rare opportunity ; it is a sound buy . `` Big time investors will look upon it as a safe haven to place their money because in five years you 're going to see a great deal of appreciation here , so this is perfect . '' The new owner could also take away a significant income from the rent of the houses . Watch as village goes on sale '' Likely buyers are private individuals interested either in farming or the shoot , regarded as one of the finest in the south of England , according to Sherston . There has also been some foreign interest though he adds `` the village is run very much as it has been for the last 200 to 300 years and it is the trustees ' hope that the new owner will continue to run it in the same manner . '' Provisions have been made by the trust to ensure the houses are not sold off in the near future . Only the manor house will be vacant for the new owner . But locals do worry about their new landlord . The village thatcher Paul Raynsford","question":"LINKENHOLT , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Hidden away in the hills of Hampshire lies the village of Linkenholt . This idyllic community , home to just 50 people comes complete with grand Edwardian manor house , cricket pavilion and grounds , blacksmith 's forge , rectory , shooting grounds , 22 houses and grade 2 listed cottages . The current owner has ensured that houses are not sold off in the near future . It 's all one could ever want from a quintessential English village , and now it is on sale for $ 33 million . Once owned by English cricketer Herbert Blagrave , the estate was left to his own charitable trust which has now put the entire village -- church not included -- up for sale . `` That , '' joked local estate agent Tim Sherston , `` is owned by God . '' In times of financial downturn and falling house prices , the decision to sell up is curious . The trust says though it wants to free up the capital tied up in the estate so it can give more to charity on an annual basis . Sherston maintains that Linkenholt"} +{"answer":"-LRB- The talent pool for this one includes the directors of `` Shrek 2 '' and `` Shark Tale '' and the writers of `` Kung Fu Panda '' and `` The Rocker , '' incidentally . -RRB- High concepts , top-notch voice talent and scattershot pop cultural references are no compensation for a coherent script . The XXXL lady in question -- dubbed `` Ginormica '' by her U.S. military guards -- starts out plain and petite Susan Murphy -LRB- voiced by Reese Witherspoon -RRB- , until a meteorite hits her just minutes before she 's supposed to tie the knot with unctuous chauvinist Derek -LRB- Paul Rudd -RRB- . Her rapid growth spurt saves her from that particular fate worse than death , even if at first glance her new roommates do n't look like much of an improvement . There 's Dr. Cockroach -LRB- Hugh Laurie -RRB- , a mad scientist who semi-advertently mutated with a bug ; B.O.B. -LRB- Seth Rogen -RRB- an amorphous blue jelly-like blob who gets on just fine without a brain ; Missing Link -LRB- Will Arnett -RRB- , a gung-ho amphibian who 's all mouth ; and a giant dust mite","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Watch out ! Lock up your loved ones ! Another bloated , over-produced , high-concept monstrosity has escaped from the labs at Dreamworks Animation , and it 's out to devour your kids . Susan , aka `` Ginormica , '' has to save the world in `` Monsters vs. Aliens . '' But do n't be too alarmed . `` Monsters vs. Aliens '' is relatively harmless -- a toothless satire with a knee-jerk feminist theme and a sorry excuse for a plot . That sounds harsh , I know . Who does n't want to see a 50-foot woman careening through San Francisco on skates that turn out to be automobiles -- the ultimate demolition roller derby ? But think about that , just for a second . Roller skates work because they have fixed wheels . Try it with motorcars and you wo n't get very far . Is that too picky ? Perhaps , but you would n't find Pixar playing so fast and loose with the laws of physics , and that kind of inattention to detail is typical of the lackadaisical storytelling here and in other Dreamworks animated features ."} +{"answer":"to take off wigs ? \u2022 How is the TSA dealing with pat downs of children ? \u2022 What about people with mental illness ? The TSA says it has taken all of these concerns into account -- that children are not to be separated from their parents if pat downs are deemed necessary and that travelers with medical conditions should be treated with `` the dignity , respect and courtesy they deserve . '' Watch : Cancer survivor accepts TSA apology `` Our program covers all categories of disabilities -- mobility , hearing , visual and hidden , '' the TSA says on its website . `` As part of that program , we established a coalition of over 70 disability-related groups and organizations to help us understand the concerns of persons with disabilities and medical conditions . '' Jonathan Bricker , a psychologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Washington state , says he advises anyone traveling right now to come mentally prepared for the unexpected . `` Go in with an expectation that this is going to happen , and go in with the expectation that you 're going to be the one singled out","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Thomas Sawyer , a cancer survivor , has worn a urostomy bag for the past three years . Yet , he says , little could have prepared him for his recent airport pat down , when an officer broke the bag 's seal and urine spilled out `` onto my shirt and down my pants . '' `` I 'm a good American . I know why we 're doing this , and I understand it , '' Sawyer told CNN . `` But this was extremely embarrassing , and it did n't have to happen . With educated TSA workers , it would n't have happened . '' With the height of Thanksgiving holiday travel the next two days , the Transportation Security Administration is trying to strike a delicate balance between ensuring the safety of the traveling public and not invading people 's privacy rights . But the screening raises an array of questions from health-care professionals : \u2022 Are TSA officers trained to deal with patients like Sawyer who may have medical conditions ? \u2022 What about the elderly and others with hip replacements and similar ailments ? \u2022 Will cancer patients have"} +{"answer":"proved `` once more that the rule of an iron fist inevitably comes to an end . '' `` Across the Arab world , citizens have stood up to claim their rights , '' the president said . `` Youth are delivering a powerful rebuke to dictatorship , and those leaders who try to deny human dignity will not succeed . '' His statement , delivered in the White House Rose Garden , followed hours of silence by top government officials as initial reports that Gadhafi had been captured or killed emerged from Libya . It was a very different scene hours later outside the White House , as dozens of people waved and wrapped themselves in the Libyan flag while cheering Gadhafi 's death . Many sang to the beat of a drum Thursday evening , while one celebrant held a hand-drawn sign showing a newborn baby drawn over the outline of Libya -- symbolizing a country reborn . Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was in Afghanistan when she said `` Wow '' after an aide handed her a Blackberry that spoke of Gadhafi 's capture . At the time , she stressed the reports were `` unconfirmed ''","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As Libyans in the United States cheered the death of Moammar Gadhafi , President Barack Obama on Thursday called the fate of the former Libyan leader both the end of a `` long and painful chapter for the people of Libya '' and the hallmark of a successful U.S. foreign policy . In the first official government remarks on the killing of a longtime foe who was behind terrorist attacks against U.S. citizens , Obama pledged American support as Libya builds a democratic system from the ruins of dictatorship . `` You have won your revolution , '' he said to the Libyan people . Obama also praised the efforts of U.S. military personnel who took part in the NATO-led military mission that launched thousands of airstrikes in support of Libya 's rebel forces . `` Without putting a single U.S. service member on the ground , we achieved our objectives , '' Obama said in heralding a strategy that `` demonstrated what collective action can achieve in the 21st century . '' In an obvious reference to Syria and the crackdown on dissent by President Bashar al-Assad , Obama noted that Gadhafi 's death"} +{"answer":"sacrifice '' shown that day . `` Eight Septembers have come and gone , '' Obama said . `` Nearly 3,000 days have passed , almost one for each one who has been taken from us . `` We recall the beauty and meaning of their lives , '' he said . `` No passage of time , no dark skies can dull the meaning of that moment . Watch a slideshow of Obama 's speech and the day 's events '' `` Let us renew our resolve against those who perpetrated this violent act , '' Obama said . The nation paused at the moments when the planes crashed into the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon -- symbols of America 's financial and military might -- and at a field near Shanksville , Pennsylvania . Officials believe that plane 's target was either the White House or the Capitol . There was silence at the site of the former World Trade Center at 8:46 a.m. , the time the first plane struck the North Tower , followed by another at 9:03 a.m. when a jet struck the South Tower . iReport.com : 9\/11 emotions surge back in","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Obama spoke at the Pentagon on Friday to those who lost loved ones on September 11 , 2001 , telling them no words would heal their pain yet calling for a renewed resolve against the ones who attacked the country eight years ago . President Obama addresses family members and friends who lost loved ones on September 11 , 2001 . Obama laid a wreath of white flowers at the Pentagon , where 184 people lost their lives when a hijacked jet smashed into the military icon outside the nation 's capital . `` No words can ease the ache of your hearts , '' Obama told a crowd of relatives and friends standing under umbrellas in a steady rain . The plane , American Airlines Flight 77 , struck the Pentagon 's west wall . Earlier in the day , the president and first lady Michelle Obama held a moment of silence outside the White House to mark the eighth anniversary of the al Qaeda attacks that killed 2,752 people . At the Pentagon , Obama was introduced by Defense Secretary Robert Gates , who spoke of the `` great pinnacle of"} +{"answer":"`` I am not going to be silenced and I will not go away , '' Cain said , announcing what he called his Plan B : A website , TheCainSolutions.com , through which he will continue to advocate for his platform . His catchy `` 9-9-9 '' economic plan is not going anywhere , he said . `` Your support has been unwavering and undying , '' Cain told his supporters . He will endorse another of the Republican presidential hopefuls soon , he said . Other candidates were quick to react . `` Herman Cain provided an important voice to this process , '' Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann said in a statement . `` His ideas and energy generated tremendous enthusiasm for the conservative movement at a time it was so desperately needed to restore confidence in our country . '' Fellow Georgian Newt Gingrich said the `` 9-9-9 '' plan `` got our country talking about the critical issue of how to reform our tax code and he elevated the dialogue of the Republican presidential primary in the process . '' Texas Gov. Rick Perry said he knew the Cains made a `` difficult decision . He","question":"Atlanta -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain told supporters Saturday that he is suspending his presidential campaign , which has become hobbled in recent weeks by allegations of sexual harassment and an Atlanta woman 's claim that they carried on a 13-year affair . While he will still be able to raise and spend campaign funds because he did not officially drop out , Cain 's White House bid is effectively over . Cain said he came to the decision after assessing the impact that the allegations were having on his wife , his family and his supporters . Cain and his wife , Gloria , held hands as they walked up to the podium where Cain made his remarks in Atlanta . The crowd chanted , `` Gloria ! Gloria ! '' before the candidate spoke . Even as he stepped aside under the weight of the allegations that have dogged him , Cain said that he was at `` peace with my God '' and `` peace with my wife . '' He repeatedly called the allegations `` false and untrue , '' and added that `` the -LRB- media -RRB- spin hurts . ''"} +{"answer":"strategic issue , '' said Michael Alan Hamlin , president of Team Asia , which provides communications advice to multinational companies . Difficult , too , will be how Toyoda handles hostile questioning , especially since most of his public experience has been before a largely deferential Japanese press . `` There is a huge difference in how Japanese media cover companies , '' said Hamlin , who lived in Japan for a decade . `` They are careful not to upset or annoy business leaders too much , because they do n't want their access to information or press conferences blocked because of negative reporting . `` In the West , you take Microsoft , Google or GM -- once they are big , successful companies , they are targets -LRB- of aggressive media -RRB- , '' he said . `` That 's the trade-off for visibility and success . '' How the two audiences -- American and Japanese -- view Toyoda 's performance may be very different because of cultural differences in body language . `` Japanese when in an apology mode -- especially before an authority like the U.S. Congress -- will be very humble . That","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Akio Toyoda 's appearance before U.S. legislators on Wednesday represents not just a fact-finding mission by committee members and a public relations move by Toyota , but a clash of cultures that in many ways created the recall controversy . `` They turned a rather ordinary recall into a brand-threatening crisis , '' said Jeff Kingston , a professor of Asian studies at Temple University 's Japan campus in Tokyo . Indeed , a key reason why Toyoda is in the hot seat is because the company leadership responded in a very Japanese fashion , Japan watchers say . `` Their decision-making process was painfully slow , but the international media and concerned customers do n't want to wait so long for answers , '' Kingston said . `` Anytime the public hears ` brake ' and ` problem ' in the same sentence , they want quick answers . '' Toyoda 's long silence as the company deliberated what to do is a hallmark of the Japanese culture of consensus building . `` The decision-making process is really the planning process in Japan -- you do n't see a lot of rapid response to a"} +{"answer":"when it skidded into a ravine and caught fire . Thirty-eight people were taken to hospitals after the accident , airport officials said Sunday . Officials said one of the five people still hospitalized was in serious condition ; no one was reported to be in critical condition . Bone fractures and bruises were the most common complaint , and there appeared to be no burn victims , fire officials said . Investigators will interview crew members , review crew training and evaluate several factors , including the weather at the time of the crash and structure of the plane , Sumwalt said . While officials were on the scene Sunday , evidence collection , documentation and measurements will start Monday . `` We are just now beginning our investigation , '' Sumwalt said , adding that short , cold days will be a challenge for the investigators . At a news conference late Saturday , Patrick Hynes , chief of the airport division of the Denver Fire Department , said crews responding to the scene `` had a difficult time narrowing down exactly where the airplane ended up , '' but found it north of a firehouse . When","question":"DENVER , Colorado -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Investigators will interview crew members and review data and voice recorders to help determine what caused a passenger plane to veer off a Denver International Airport runway and catch fire , an official said Sunday . Injured passengers are taken to a hospital after Saturday 's accident at Denver International Airport . All 115 people aboard the Continental Airlines jet escaped Saturday evening , and of the dozens who were taken to hospitals , five were still hospitalized Sunday afternoon , said Robert Sumwalt , a National Transportation Safety Board member leading the investigation team . No deaths were reported . Sumwalt said the flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder were recovered and appeared to be in good condition , though they were covered in soot from the fire . Both recorders were sent to Washington to be reviewed as early as Sunday night . `` We are here for one reason and one reason only , to find out what happened so we can keep it from happening again , '' Sumwalt said . The flight was bound for Houston , Texas , and was taking off about 6:18 p.m. Saturday"} +{"answer":"This has raised the possibility that your passport details could be captured for improper uses while your passport is out of your control . The risk applies in particular to passports without biometric security features . `` We recommend that you only hand your passport over to third parties , including Israeli officials , when absolutely necessary . '' Britain 's Serious Organised Crime Agency concluded that the 12 British people whose passports were cloned were `` wholly innocent victims of identity theft , '' the foreign secretary said . Israel has a stated policy on security matters of neither confirming nor denying involvement . Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith said the British government would be giving its report on the passports to the Australian Federal Police , who are investigating how some of their country 's passports came to be used by the Dubai suspects . In an interview Tuesday with the Australian Broadcasting Company , Smith said Australia was not taking any action yet . `` We have an investigation underfoot , and we will await the results of that investigation by the Australian Federal Police , '' Smith said . He added : `` We 're treating","question":"London , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- British citizens who travel to Israel should be aware that their passport details could be captured for `` improper uses , '' Britain 's Foreign Office warned Tuesday . It follows Britain 's expulsion of an Israeli diplomat and its accusation that the Israeli government was responsible for forging British passports used in an international murder plot . Foreign Secretary David Miliband said Tuesday that there are `` compelling reasons '' to believe Israel was behind it . Twelve suspects in the January murder of Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Mabhouh , who was found dead in his Dubai hotel room , used British passports , the Dubai police have said . Miliband said the passports had been copied from `` genuine British passports '' in a `` highly sophisticated operation , '' indicating that a state intelligence service was responsible . The Foreign Office changed its official travel advice Tuesday for British citizens going to Israel , to warn them about the risk of their passport details being compromised . A British investigation `` found circumstantial evidence of Israeli involvement in the fraudulent use of British passports , '' the advice says . ``"} +{"answer":"possible . '' And Customs and Border Protection officers should keep devices no longer than five days unless there are `` extenuating circumstances . '' Officers with Immigration and Customs Enforcement , the investigative branch of the Homeland Security Department , can keep devices up to 30 days . It also requires border officers to document searches and conduct them in the presence of a supervisor . And it says they should take steps to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of information and share it only with federal agencies `` that have mechanisms in place to protect '' the data . Border officers have long had to deal with issues pitting privacy versus security . But with the proliferation of laptop computers , travelers increasingly are traveling with sensitive information , including confidential legal documents , medical records , credit card and bank information and trade secrets . `` Keeping Americans safe in an increasingly digital world depends on our ability to lawfully screen materials entering the United States , '' Napolitano said in a written statement . `` The new directives ... strike the balance between respecting the civil liberties and privacy of all travelers while ensuring DHS can take","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A new policy sets guidelines for how long U.S. border officials can hold computers and downloaded information seized at checkpoints , and with whom they can share that information . New rules announced Thursday specify border searches to be conducted `` as expeditiously as possible . '' The policy , announced Thursday by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano , continues to give border officials the authority to search files in travelers ' laptop computers , mobile phones , Blackberrys and similar devices with or without suspicion that a crime has occurred . That is in keeping with long-standing court rulings that say the federal government 's powers of search and seizure are greatest at the border to protect the country . But the new policy also attempts to address complaints from travelers that border officials are needlessly perusing confidential information , downloading it and keeping devices and information indefinitely without any explanation . The policy gives travelers the right to be `` present in the room '' during searches , although they are `` not necessarily ... permitted to witness the search itself . '' It says searches should be conducted `` as expeditiously as"} +{"answer":"works . See what it 's like to play the game '' Pamela Omidyar , wife of eBay founder Pierre Omidyar , came up with the idea for the game . A former lab technician and avid video game player , she thought kids could learn a lot by experiencing the treatment process in a vivid way . That led her to launch HopeLab , a non-profit that took Re-Mission from the drawing board to an actual product . The organization , which focuses on using technology to create positive health outcomes in kids , was recently recognized by U.S. President Barack Obama for its innovative approach to tackling health challenges . Players control a tiny robot who travels through the human body to destroy harmful cancer cells . Along the way , she breaks down complex medical terminology and explains what 's going on when the body undergoes treatment like chemotherapy . By making cancer a visible foe , Re-Mission gives kids a different mental view of who their enemy is , said Dr. Steve Cole , vice president of research at HopeLab . That 's something that teenagers around the world can benefit from . Video games like","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Dan Neumann was a 14-year-old struggling against cancer when he came across an unexpected ally in his battle . Cancer survivor Dan Neumann plays Re-Mission and is helping create the game 's next edition . He was receiving treatment for leukemia at Lucile Packard Children 's Hospital at Stanford University in 2004 when he saw a flyer inviting teenage cancer patients to test a new video game . A self-described gamer , Neumann says he was immediately drawn to the posting . He signed up to try it and was won over by the game , which simulated what goes on inside the bodies of cancer patients . `` When you go through cancer treatment , chemotherapy becomes something you dread , '' Neumann , now 19 , recalled . `` But with the game you 're actively playing something and shooting cells . '' That game eventually became Re-Mission , a video game that 's helping teenagers around the world in their fight against cancer . Since its release in 2006 , more than 145,000 free copies have been distributed , and now a new version of the game is in the"} +{"answer":". '' But Alberto Pizango , the principal leader of the indigenous group , said his followers could not have been responsible for killing any police , because they were armed only with stones and arrows . He said the demonstrators had been pursuing a peaceful protest . Authorities have not confirmed the number of civilian deaths . The director general of the police , Jose Sanchez Farfan , said government buildings in Bagua had been looted and set aflame . Though a congressional commission has recommended the repeal of the laws rejected by the native communities , President Alan Garcia supports those that allow using the lands , maintaining that the richness of the Amazon belongs to all Peruvians and that a significant percentage of natural areas are already protected . `` These people do n't have crowns , '' he said about the protesters . `` These people are n't first-class citizens who can say -- 400,000 natives to 28 million Peruvians -- ` You do n't have the right to be here . ' No way . That is a huge error . '' Garcia called Pizango a criminal . Several days ago , Garcia announced an","question":"LIMA , Peru -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The government of Peru on Friday declared a state of emergency in a remote northern area after a clash between police and indigenous people protesting what they say is the exploitation of their native lands left a number of people dead . Alberto Pizango , a leader of the protesters , says his followers did not kill police officers . Police and indigenous protesters said separately that at least eight police and 22 protesters died . The clash took place at dawn outside the northern province of Bagua in the Department of Amazonas as police attempted to break up a roadblock on the 59th day of protests . Foreign Minister Jose A. Garcia Belaunde told CNN en Espa\u00f1ol that the state of emergency was ordered to give the government the opportunity to re-establish order and reopen talks with the protesters . Under the state of emergency , the army can be called on to maintain order . `` Look , the use of force is legitimate , '' he said . `` Today , what we have received in response were gunshots -- directed at police helicopters , killing eight or nine police"} +{"answer":"of kids , but I 've never seen any of those kids come out and play . '' Savage recalls speaking to Thurmond once , after someone stole one of her son 's bike tires . Thurmond kindly told Savage he had n't seen anything suspicious . `` He was nice , polite , seemed like a normal guy , '' she said . Watch a walk-through of the filth '' Alma Medina , the property manager for the 100-unit Beaver Creek mobile home park , lives three doors from what is now a crime scene . She remembers Thurmond was a polite fellow . He always called her `` Miss Alma '' when he dropped by the office to explain that his rent was late , a routine occurrence that eventually led Medina 's maintenance man to a foul discovery . She occasionally saw Thurmond mingling with other tenants , but she never saw his family . The only indication that one existed , Medina said , was that he and his wife both signed a lease August 22 , 2005 , and noted on their application that they had three sons and a daughter . `` I never","question":"LAVONIA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sonya Savage 's back door opens to a cozy wooden porch that serves as a shelter for her 9-year-old son 's bicycles and spare parts . Residents of Beaver Creek in Lavonia , Georgia , say they had no idea a neighbor was holding his family captive . A 30-foot tract of red clay and splotchy crab grass separates her mobile home from the home of Raymond Daniel Thurmond , a residence so rank and squalid that it forced a seasoned police investigator to vomit upon entering . Another officer donned a gas mask just to walk inside . Savage and her neighbors say they had no clue that Thurmond , 36 , had a wife , let alone four kids ; they were also oblivious that Thurmond may have held the five hostage in the three-bedroom mobile home for three years . `` My son , he 's a little bicycle mechanic . He 's always in the backyard , and he do n't recall ever seeing nobody over here , '' said Savage , 29 , who also has a 4-year-old daughter . `` Usually I 've got a yard full"} +{"answer":"coffee shop . `` We have a witness who believes he saw two young people he describes as teenagers , both white males , '' the commissioner said . One is described as blond , wearing a red shirt , and the other had brown hair and wore a gray shirt . Kelly said the witness saw the two approach the Starbucks , then looked away . After the witness heard the blast , he said he saw the two young people run away from the building . Kelly said that for now , it 's impossible to say whether the bombing was politically motivated . `` We do n't know if they were a corporate target or somebody had a problem -LSB- with -RSB- what was going on on that corner , in general ... we 're not ruling anything out . '' In 1999 , a Starbucks in Seattle , Washington , was vandalized during a world trade conference . In February 2008 , a Vancouver Starbucks and another restaurant were damaged by an overnight explosion . New York police say they 're aware of both incidents , but Kelly says it is too early to draw any","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A crude bomb made from a water bottle was used in an explosion that damaged a Starbucks coffee shop on New York 's posh Upper East Side , New York police said . Monday 's explosion shattered glass at the Manhattan Starbucks coffee shop . No one was injured . The Memorial Day explosion damaged the shop , but no one was injured and no motive has been identified for the bombing . `` We believe it to be ... a six - to 10-ounce water bottle that was wrapped in black tape , '' New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly told CNN on Wednesday . He said the bomb 's powder may have come from fireworks components , including a fuse . The powder was placed inside the bottle in a way that made it `` more powerful , '' Kelly said . He said a forensics unit is working on finding fingerprints . The homemade bomb , which went off around 3:30 a.m. , shattered glass , but no one was injured . The store was not open . Police have said the device was planted under a wooden bench outside the"} +{"answer":"year , since before the Arab Spring brought about demonstrations throughout the Arab world . But the anti-corruption protests have turned more violent recently , after members of the Kuwaiti opposition saw revolutions in Tunisia , Egypt , and Libya , and fighting between protesters and government forces in Syria . Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser al-Mohammad al-Sabah has had six previous governments brought down by opposition elements over the years . The Kuwaiti opposition is now pushing not only for the downfall of his government , but for the prime minister himself to step down . Many chanted that they want to `` overthrow '' him , using iconic slogans of the Arab Spring . The emir , however , is firmly committed to keeping al-Sabah , a member of the royal family , in office . Government representative Ali Fahad Al-Rashid warned Thursday that the country will be taking new steps against the protesters . `` The actions witnessed yesterday are unfamiliar to the Kuwaiti society and threaten the security and stability of the country 's general system , '' he said , according to KUNA . `` Therefore , national responsibility calls for stricter measures to confront this","question":"Kuwait City -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Kuwait 's leaders met in emergency session Thursday , vowing to clamp down on violence after protesters forced their way inside Parliament . `` The adoption of such a chaotic approach by the rioters '' risked the country 's security and `` is considered to be an unprecedented step on the path to anarchy and lawlessness , '' the emir of Kuwait , Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah , said in comments quoted by state-run news agency KUNA . The protests late Wednesday led to the injury of five police and Kuwait National Guard officers , the Interior Ministry said . Members of the opposition vow to step up their protests . `` The popular opposition will escalate , '' Saad Alajmi , former minister of information and now a prominent opposition figure , told CNN . `` This is a people 's opposition , '' he added . Alajmi called for the Parliament to dissolve . U.S. State Department deputy spokesman Mark Toner said Kuwait has a history of `` political freedom and cooperation '' and that it should respect peaceful protests . Protests in Kuwait have taken place at times throughout the"} +{"answer":"the ground and sea . But the facility still remained off-limits to reporters and , for a 20-kilometer radius around the plant , to the general public due to the continued high levels of radiation and ongoing efforts to prevent yet more blasts and leaks . That temporarily changed Saturday , when about three dozen journalists traveled by bus through abandoned towns en route to the nuclear facility . They passed , for instance , withered plants at an abandoned nursery , a shattered car dealership and a gas station that had been taken over by crows . Radiation readings rose steadily as they neared the plant , including 6.7 microsieverts in Okuma . There , those on board put on respirator masks , adding to an ensemble of a protective suit , two pairs of gloves , two sets of plastic booties over their shoes and a radiation detector . At the plant 's gate , the radiation reading was 20 microsieverts . The reading is still well below the threshold to mandate an immediate health risk -- 1,000 microsieverts equals 1 millisievert , and South Carolina-based medical physicist G. Donald Frey previously told CNN that radiation workers in","question":"Tokyo -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Journalists got their first ground-level glance Saturday around Japan 's stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility -- eying shells of reactor buildings , tons of contaminated water and workers scurrying still to mitigate damage from a crisis that began eight months ago . An epic 9.0-magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami March 11 wreaked havoc around Japan , killing more than 15,000 people . While many of those died instantly , the East Asian nation was on edge for weeks as utility and government employees scrambled to prevent a worsening nuclear catastrophe at the Daiichi plant , located about 150 miles -LRB- 240 kilometers -RRB- north of Tokyo . Japan 's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency eventually categorized the accident as a level-7 event on the international scale for nuclear disasters -- the highest level -- putting it on par with the 1986 Chernobyl disaster . It took months , but the Tokyo Electric Power Company -LRB- the plant 's operator -RRB- eventually indicated that its workers were gaining control in the crisis . Throughout the summer and fall , there were no longer reports of explosions , nor stories about new leaks of radioactive material into"} +{"answer":"'' said Condon , who identified Hekmati from the images released by Iranian state television . `` He was n't too nose-to-the-grindstone , but he really worked and put out good effort on behalf of these programs we worked with . '' The work , funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency , was aimed at improving communications between U.S. troops and local populations -- a problem with which Hekmati had grappled during service with the Marines in Iraq . He appeared in a video that touted the `` souped-up iPods , '' and he described how American troops sometimes lost hours waiting for a translator to help them pose simple questions . `` He knew enough to be very helpful for us , and he was very helpful to us in terms of understanding the context in which the devices might be used , '' Condon said . `` He had the military experience . '' The Arizona-born , Michigan-raised Hekmati joined the Marines in August 2001 , after high school . His four-year hitch included an assignment to the Defense Language Institute in Monterey , California , and a six-month deployment in Iraq in 2004 , according","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An Iranian-American ex-Marine accused of spying on his ancestral homeland helped develop an electronic translator for U.S. troops but would n't have been involved in espionage , a onetime colleague said Wednesday . Iranian state television aired what it called a `` confession '' by 28-year-old Amir Hekmati over the weekend . His family said Tuesday that he was arrested in August while visiting his grandmother and other relatives in Iran , and that his statement had to have been coerced . `` It just does n't sound like Amir to me , '' said Sherri Condon , a software engineer who worked with Hekmati in 2008 and 2009 on an effort to develop a two-way , hand-held electronic translator . Condon was the lead author of a 2008 paper describing the research . She thanks Hekmati in the acknowledgments . She described him as `` an entrepreneurial guy '' who sent colleagues a holiday card with a quote from Benjamin Franklin : `` Be always at war with your vices , at peace with your neighbors , and let each new year find you a better man . '' `` I really like him ,"} +{"answer":"Christians , Arab Muslims not defined as Sunni or Shiite -- hold their hands aloft and sing `` We are building Iraq ! '' Two young boys , a mini-policeman and a mini-soldier sporting painted-on mustaches , march stiffly and salute . Watch the celebration in Baghdad '' Even before I can ask Interior Ministry spokesman Major-General Abdul Karim Khalaf a question , he greets me with a big smile . `` All Iraqis are Christian today ! '' he says . Khalaf says sectarian and ethnic violence killed thousands of Iraqis . `` Now that we have crossed that hurdle and destroyed the incubators of terrorism , '' he says , `` and the security situation is good , we have to go back and strengthen community ties . '' In spite of his claim , the spokesman is surrounded by heavy security . Yet this celebration shows that the security situation in Baghdad is improving . Many of the people attending the Christmas celebration appear to be Muslims , with women wearing head scarves . Suad Mahmoud , holding her 16-month-old daughter , Sara , tells me she is indeed Muslim , but she 's very happy to","question":"BAGHDAD , Iraq -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- From a distance , it looks like an apparition : a huge multi-colored hot-air balloon floating in the Baghdad sky , bearing a large poster of Jesus Christ . Below it , an Iraqi flag . Santa and his helpers stand under palm trees at Baghdad 's first public Christmas festival . Welcome to the first-ever public Christmas celebration in Baghdad , held Saturday and sponsored by the Iraqi Interior Ministry . Once thought to be infiltrated by death squads , the Ministry now is trying to root out sectarian violence -- as well as improve its P.R. image . The event takes place in a public park in eastern Baghdad , ringed with security checkpoints . Interior Ministry forces deployed on surrounding rooftops peer down at the scene : a Christmas tree decorated with ornaments and tinsel ; a red-costumed Santa Claus waving to the crowd , an Iraqi flag draped over his shoulders ; a red-and-black-uniformed military band playing stirring martial music , not Christmas carols . On a large stage , children dressed in costumes representing Iraq 's many ethnic and religious groups -- Kurds , Turkmen , Yazidis ,"} +{"answer":"jumped on the project from $ 25 million to $ 36 million . Marchione says the increase in costs were due to a rise in construction prices and because the bridge will be built on a diagonal in order to connect Microsoft 's original East campus with a newer West campus that are split by a public highway . Microsoft is hardly getting the bridge for free . The company is contributing $ 17.5 million or a little less than half the tab of the $ 36 million bridge , which would be open for public use . And even though the bridge goes from a parking lot behind Microsoft 's West campus across a highway to an entrance of Microsoft 's East campus , Marchione says , people other than Microsoft employees would use the overpass . `` We 're not a one-company town , '' Marchione says . `` Our traffic studies show that Microsoft traffic would be about 42 percent of the bridge , yet Microsoft is paying for about 50 percent of the bridge , so we think we are getting fair value . `` The United States taxpayer is leveraging their dollars , and I","question":"REDMOND , Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Should a bridge that would connect two campuses at Microsoft 's headquarters be funded with $ 11 million from the federal stimulus package ? An artist 's rendering shows how the proposed bridge would be constructed over a busy highway . Critics of using stimulus money for the bridge say it would give the software giant a break on a pet project . They also say it serves as a warning sign of how some stimulus money is not being used to finance new projects but is being diverted to public works already under way . Supporters argue the bridge is an ideal public-private partnership that will benefit an entire community while fulfilling the stimulus package 's goal of getting people back to work . `` It 's going create just under 400 jobs for 18 months constructing the bridge , '' says Redmond Mayor John Marchione . `` It 's also connecting our technical sector with our retail and commercial sectors so people can cross the freeway to shop and help traffic flow . '' See a larger image of the proposed bridge '' Marchione applied for federal stimulus money after costs"} +{"answer":"your work computer . Wired says Pitt approached the magazine with ideas for the story . The magazine , which is owned by Conde Nast and is a CNN.com content partner , collaborated with Pitt and contributing photographer Dan Winters to create the article . `` How to Behave : New Rules for Highly Evolved Humans '' hits newsstands July 21 . Wired said in an e-mail that the piece is a re-think of the celebrity magazine profile . On the cover , a photo shows Pitt wearing a Bluetooth device in his ear . `` Rule No. 52 : Ditch the headset . He can barely pull it off -- and you are not him , '' a blurb on the magazine front says . Most of the article is delivered in a spoof question-answer format . Pitt contributes several answers , as do regular Wired writers . One question asks if a person who exaggerated his or her salary on an online dating profile should confess . `` Hell no , '' Pitt writes . `` Everyone lies online . In fact , readers expect you to lie . If you do n't , they 'll think you","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Need some social etiquette advice for the digital age ? Brad Pitt 's got your back in this month 's cover story from Wired Magazine . In Wired 's new cover story , Brad Pitt offers etiquette for the digital age . So Brad , should people talk on the phone while they 're using the restroom ? `` No , you ca n't talk on the phone ! '' Pitt tells the magazine . `` Do you want the guy next to you to hear your entire conversation ? `` That 's why you should only text in the bathroom . Just be sure you do n't hit the wrong button and end up putting a photo of your junk on Twitter . Trust me , you do n't want those followers . '' Watch a CNN video about cell phone etiquette '' Humor covers for Pitt 's lack of tech credentials as the Hollywood hunk and star of Quentin Tarantino 's new film , `` Inglourious Basterds '' offers up a range of tongue-in-cheek advice for Wired readers . He touches on subjects ranging from managing your online persona to looking at porn on"} +{"answer":"seemed OK . `` I know I can count on you to send me great letters of support and cheer , '' Lindsay told viewers on CNN 's iReport.com . `` And remember , if you 're going through this , I 'm going through it too . There are lots of us going through this . '' Watch Lindsay 's post For Lindsay , like many people these days , the Internet has become both a tool for economic recovery and a cure for isolation . iReport.com : Share your survivor story At a time when the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says that 1.07 million people 55 and older are unemployed and looking for work , the Internet is an increasingly useful tool for older people looking for jobs and a sense of community , said Deborah Russell the AARP 's director of workforce issues . `` It 's a great way of being able to network with people who are either in a similar situation or who may have some resources to help you , '' she said . The number of people who need this help is on the rise . Some older people are delaying","question":"This story is part of an ongoing series of profiles by CNN about economic survival in this time of financial crisis . Jean Lindsay records a video telling people to get out of their nightgowns and look for work . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Jean Lindsay , a spunky 67-year-old with two masters ' degrees , panicked after she failed to land a job in the garden center of a Lowe 's home-improvement store . She started to wonder whether a woman of her age ever would be able to find work . She worried about her debt , and weeks of unemployment were turning into months . After the job interview , she stayed up most of the night in the fits of an anxiety attack -- vomiting and huddling under the bedcovers with her two dogs . `` God , I felt like I was falling off the ends of the earth , '' she said . A few days later , though , she tossed on a red sweater , plopped down in front of her computer , flipped on her Web camera -- and , suddenly , while streaming her story onto the Internet , things"} +{"answer":"accounts of officers giving similar orders to military units all over Syria , at different times . The orders were to stop the protests `` by all means necessary . '' In many cases , they said , officers gave orders to fire directly at protesters . The defectors told us that some soldiers reacted by throwing away their weapons and making a run for it . Others aimed above the protesters ' heads or to the ground . But that was dangerous . Eight defectors told us that they saw officers and intelligence agents killing soldiers who disobeyed orders . Others were detained and tortured . We are not publishing the defectors ' names and locations to protect them and their families . All these statements demolish President Bashar al-Assad 's claim that the bloodshed is the result of a few rogue commanders getting overly enthusiastic on crowd control . The defectors ' testimonies paint a horrific picture of a widespread and systematic crackdown against demonstrators : torture , arbitrary arrests and a `` shoot to kill '' policy that clearly amount to crimes against humanity . Al-Assad and his allies have sought to portray the protesters as ``","question":"Moscow -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Just before Syrian security forces launched a large-scale military operation in the southern town of Daraa in the early hours of April 25 , the commander of the 35th Special Forces Regiment , Brig. Gen. Ramadan Mahmoud Ramadan , allegedly gathered his troops and explained their mission . `` Use heavy shooting . Nobody will ask you to explain , '' the brigadier said , according to `` Amjad , '' one of the many defectors I have interviewed in the last months . Amjad explained to me that normally the troops were supposed to save bullets , but this time it was different . `` The commander said to use as many bullets as we wanted . '' Over the next four days , security forces in Daraa killed around 200 people -LRB- Human Rights Watch documented the abuses at the time by interviewing victims and witnesses -RRB- and arrested thousands , subjecting many to beatings and torture . Since then , Amjad and more than 60 other defectors from Syria 's military and intelligence agencies have given us crucial information about who was responsible for abuses across the country . They provided consistent"} +{"answer":"several counties , the Federal Aviation Administration and the Colorado National Guard . It ended when Falcon climbed down from the attic above the garage at the family 's Fort Collins , Colorado , home . If the incident was a hoax , the only charge local authorities could press would be making a false report to authorities -- a Class 3 misdemeanor , Alderden told reporters Saturday . However , a misdemeanor `` hardly seems serious enough given the circumstances , '' the sheriff said . `` We certainly want to talk to FAA officials and federal officials to see if perhaps there are n't additional federal charges that would be more appropriate in the circumstances than what we 're able to do locally , '' he said . He said further details would be disclosed Sunday morning , and that neither Richard nor Mayumi Heene , who came in voluntarily Saturday , was under arrest . The couple emerged Saturday evening from the sheriff 's office after several hours of interviews with investigators . `` I was talking to the sheriff 's department just now to further things along , '' Richard Heene told reporters outside the building","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Authorities in Colorado say criminal charges are expected to be filed against Richard Heene , a storm-chasing father whose giant Mylar balloon ascended into the sky earlier this week , sparking fears that his 6-year-old was aboard . Richard and Mayumi Heene leave the Larimer County Sheriff 's Office Saturday . `` We do anticipate at some point in the future , there will be some criminal charges filed with regards to this incident , '' Larimer County Sheriff Jim Alderden said . The saga captured the nation 's attention early Thursday afternoon , after authorities reported the family 's homemade helium balloon was set adrift , apparently with young Falcon Heene inside . Since then , speculation has mounted over whether the incident was a hoax by the father , who has appeared with his family on ABC 's `` Wife Swap , '' and posted videos of storm chasing and other activities online . Earlier Saturday , in an impromptu press conference outside his home , Heene told reporters the runaway balloon incident was `` absolutely no hoax . '' The incident prompted a widespread search in northern Colorado that included law enforcement from"} +{"answer":"time it only cost them 10 cents to see the future pop icon . Gary Mayor Rudy Clay noted Jackson put the city on the world 's map and bid farewell to the star . `` He 's going to put on those golden slippers and he 's going to dance all over God 's heaven , '' he said . The tribute at The Steel Yard baseball park in Gary was full of children dancing and singing to Jackson 's music , including a performance of `` Thriller '' complete with the cemetery scene that became so iconic . Some of the biggest applause of the night came after a video was played of Jackson in Gary talking about his love for his hometown . `` Gary , you will always have a special place in my heart , '' Jackson said in the video played on the stadium 's jumbo screen . `` And Gary , you are more than good friend -- you are my family and you always will be . '' As a finale , about 700 people holding candles sang `` We Are the World , '' the 1985 song Jackson co-wrote with Lionel","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Michael Jackson was the pride of Gary , Indiana , growing up , and on Friday , his hometown paid tribute to the late entertainer with a memorial and celebration in his honor . A group pays tribute to Michael Jackson by performing some of his signature moves . They remembered him as not just the King of Pop or the musician who took Hollywood by storm , but as someone with an unmatched enthusiasm and talent for entertaining even as a little boy growing up in this city of about 100,000 in northwestern Indiana , 30 miles from downtown Chicago , Illinois . Jackson 's first music teacher , Anita Hill , spoke of teaching Jackson to sing `` Climb Every Mountain , '' and remembered him as a `` very energetic and wonderful student . '' The principal of his middle school remembered how , at Christmastime how Jackson , always jumped up and offered to sing to his class . Later , when he joined with family members to create the Jackson 5 , he performed for kids at his school , the principal said , joking about the bargain that at the"} +{"answer":"such risks and tell me it 's a matter of time before I am bumped off . '' Wickrematunga wrote that he was twice assaulted and his house was fired upon . `` Despite the government 's sanctimonious assurances , there was never a serious police inquiry into the perpetrators of these attacks , and the attackers were never apprehended . `` In all of these cases , I have reason to believe the attacks were inspired by the government . When finally I am killed , it will be the government that kills me , '' he wrote . Sri Lankan President Mahindra Rajapaksa , asked about threats to journalists , voiced assurance that no journalist or media institution had cause to fear any threats or attacks by the government , according to a statement on the government 's official Web site . Watch Sri Lanka 's foreign minister discuss press freedom '' `` The government had no interest whatever in seeking disgrace through any attacks on the media , '' he said , and he assured media leaders that the culprits would be captured and brought to justice , the statement said . Hostility against journalists and their","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A crusading Sri Lankan journalist shot dead last week knew he would be killed -- he said so in a dramatic , posthumously published column touching a raw nerve in his war-torn island nation . A candlelight vigil in the Sri Lankan capital in memory of slain journalist Lasantha Wickrematunga . Lasantha Wickrematunga , editor-in-chief of The Sunday Leader , was gunned down execution-style January 8 but spoke from the grave three days later when the newspaper published `` And Then They Came For Me . '' That posthumous column anticipated his slaying by government forces and defended the craft of journalism in his country , a profession under fire during its bitter civil war . `` Diplomats , recognizing the risk journalists face in Sri Lanka , have offered me safe passage and the right of residence in their countries . Whatever else I may have been stuck for , I have not been stuck for choice . But there is a calling that is yet above high office , fame , lucre and security . It is the call of conscience , '' Wickrematunga wrote . `` People often ask me why I take"} +{"answer":"of any substances . The warning followed a series of cases in which Dubai authorities arrested travelers with trace amounts of banned substances or seemingly innocuous items . Fair Trials highlighted the case of a Swiss man jailed for having three poppy seeds on his shirt which apparently came from a sandwich he had eaten at the airport before departure . UAE customs officials said the man was stopped after arriving in Dubai from Zurich on January 18 , though it provided no other details on his case . The U.S. State Department warns that poppy seeds are on the UAE 's list of controlled substances . An official at the UAE 's police labs who declined to be named said the Emirates only ban raw poppy seeds -- not baked -- because raw seeds could be planted for drug use . The British and U.S. governments have warnings in place for travelers to the UAE , alerting them to the severe penalties for being found with drugs , and the types of drugs which are illegal in the country . `` The possession and\/or import of even the smallest amount of drugs can result in a minimum prison sentence","question":"DUBAI , United Arab Emirates -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The recent arrest and sentencing of a British disc jockey in Dubai highlights the need for foreign travelers to pay close attention to the United Arab Emirates ' strict rules on prohibited substances , a legal charity said Wednesday . Western tourists oblivious to the severe drugs laws in the UAE often end up in jail after arriving in the conservative Muslim country with tiny amounts of narcotics . DJ Grooverider , whose real name is Raymond Bingham , was jailed Tuesday for four years in Dubai for possession of cannabis , said a spokesman for BBC Radio 1 , where the he presented a weekly drum 'n bass show . He was arrested November 23 after being caught with 2.16 grams of the drug at the airport , the BBC spokesman said . `` It 's another incident of exactly the sort of case we 've seen occurring with increased frequency , '' said Catherine Wolthuizen , chief executive of Fair Trials International . The charity issued a warning to travelers earlier this month , urging them to read up on Dubai 's restrictions and make sure they are free"} +{"answer":"said Encarnacion shot the video . Marine officials at the Pentagon would not disclose the severity of the disciplinary action against Encarnacion , also because of privacy regulations . CNN did not receive a response from the Marine Corps in San Diego to questions about the case . The statement said the Marines conducted an investigation as soon as the YouTube video came to the attention of commanders . `` The actions seen in the Internet video are contrary to the high standards we expect of every Marine and will not be tolerated , '' according to the statement . On the video , Motari smiles as he is holding the puppy and then hurls the dog over a cliff . An unknown person operating the video cameras is heard laughing and another voice saying `` that 's mean , Motari . '' In a statement , the Humane Society of the United States applauded the Marine Corps ' decision to punish those involved . `` The bad actors in this case have been dealt with by the Marine Corps , which rightly recognizes that harming animals is unacceptable conduct , '' said Dale Bartlett , the group 's deputy","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A U.S. Marine videotaped throwing a puppy over a cliff while on patrol in Iraq has been kicked out of the Corps , and a second Marine involved has been disciplined , according to a statement released by the Marines . YouTube.com removed the video for violating the Web site 's terms of use . Lance Cpl. David Motari , based in Hawaii with the 1st Battalion , 3rd Marine Regiment , is being `` processed for separation '' and received non-judicial punishment , officials said in the statement Wednesday night . The Marine Corps would not specify what that punishment was because of privacy regulations . The statement said Motari received the punishment for his role in the `` episode which generated international attention . '' The incident appeared on the Internet web site YouTube in March , sparking outrage from animal rights groups around the world . In the video , Motari is seen throwing the dog off a cliff as it yelps . A second Marine , San Diego-based Sgt. Crismarvin Banez Encarnacion , received non-judicial punishment as well . Janice Hagar , a spokeswoman for the Marines in San Diego ,"} +{"answer":"its American director Julian Schnabel was nominated for an Oscar . But like `` La Vie En Rose , '' this film was not among the contenders for Best Foreign Film . A third French film , `` Persepolis '' won the special jury prize at Cannes and it received an Oscar nomination for Best Animated Feature , but yet again , this was not a nominee for Best Foreign Film . France suffered through an abundance of riches this year , with three potential Oscar winners . But to enter the race for Best Foreign film , France , like every other country , had to nominate just one . So `` La Vie En Rose '' and `` Diving Bell '' were rejected by the French film authorities in favor of `` Persepolis . '' But `` Persepolis '' did n't sufficiently impress the Oscar judges : so France had no films among the final five nominees . French frustration at the Oscar process was echoed in Taiwan , which chose Ang Lee 's film , `` Lust Caution , '' as its official entry . The film won both critical acclaim and the Golden Lion at the","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- While the Oscars is without doubt the grandest of all the awards ceremonies , it does n't have the world stage to itself . `` Persepolis '' won the French nomination -- but failed to make the Academy 's shortlist In London , the Brits have their BAFTAs ; Spain has the Goyas ; and France celebrates the Cesars , where `` La Vie En Rose '' won six out of its `` magnifique '' 11 nominations . And it was this foreign fare that gave rise to the biggest controversy at Hollywood 's big event . `` La Vie En Rose '' amassed an impressive eleven nominations at the French Cesar Awards . Marion Cotillard 's astonishing transformation into Edith Piaf won her Best Actress gongs at the Golden Globes , BAFTAs and the Academy Awards . But `` La Vie En Rose '' was not among the contenders for Best Foreign Film . Another French language film , `` The Diving Bell and the Butterfly , '' was on many critics ' top ten lists for the films of 2007 . It won the Golden Globe for Best Foreign Film and"} +{"answer":"lives , and it gives people hope . A lot of times , one of the biggest things for our troops is getting jobs . If they can have a home , it then kind of alleviates some pressure and they can start focusing on the job aspect of things . Hamasaki : What 's it like to see the reaction when someone finds out they have a free home ? Martinez : It 's amazing to witness the transition ... to see their emotions and their body language completely change . And it 's not just the service member ; it 's the spouse , it 's the parent , it 's the brother or sister , it 's the child . There 's this change all the way across the board . It 's a beautiful thing to witness that kind of emotion . Hamasaki : What 's your personal connection with the organization ? Martinez : It 's a great feeling to be able to be part of the movement . I know the emotional void and the mental struggles and the physical struggles that the men and women and the families go through when they 're","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Actor and Iraq war veteran J.R. Martinez is the spokesman for Operation Finally Home , an organization that provides free custom-built homes for injured veterans . The nonprofit was started by Dan Wallrath , who was a top 10 CNN Hero last year . Martinez recently sat down with CNN 's Sonya Hamasaki to talk about CNN Heroes , his recent success on `` Dancing With the Stars '' and the efforts of Operation Finally Home . Below are excerpts from that interview . Sonya Hamasaki : What inspired you to get involved with Dan Wallrath 's efforts ? J. R. Martinez : I heard about him in Houston , Texas , and that 's where we met . I heard about the great things he was doing by himself with just a couple of friends . And I thought to myself , `` Anyone who 's doing things from the goodness of their heart is somebody I want to be involved with . '' Hamasaki : How does Operation Finally Home work ? Martinez : Operation Finally Home helps to give wounded troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan a mortgage-free home . It really changes"} +{"answer":". At the village well , women balance jugs of water on their heads , deftly evading the livestock that saunters along . Visit the sites of Gudda with CNN 's Arwa Damon '' It 's a simple lifestyle of farming , tending to goats , caring for children and carrying out household chores -- a daily routine that has n't changed much over the centuries . That 's why light transformed Gudda . Villagers could play music at night . Children could study well past sundown . Watch villagers smile as they light their solar lamps '' As Yamouna Groomis kneads dough for her family 's evening meal , she blows through a pipe every once in a while to keep a flame burning in an outdoor clay pit . Her days used to end when the sun went down . She smiles as she proudly flicks on a solar lamp . `` When I saw this light coming on for the first time , I was very happy , '' she says . The light is powered by a solar panel on her roof that charges a battery . Panels can be seen on almost every rooftop in","question":"GUDDA , India -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In Gudda , a village with very little , residents are literally beaming . Just two years ago , villagers had never seen light after dark , unless it came from the moon . Then , solar light arrived and changed everything . Children in Gudda stand on rooftops near a solar panel . Solar power first arrived two years ago . `` When the lanterns first arrived , the villagers asked , ` What is this ? ' '' says Hanuman Ram , the local solar engineer . `` I explained to them how it worked . Then slowly , as people saw it , they said , ` Wow , what a thing this is ! ' '' There are no real roads that lead to the tiny village in the state of Rajasthan in northwestern India , home to about 100 families . There are only thin strips of tar dotted with massive potholes that force vehicles into thick brush . Other times , cars have to maneuver over just dirt . There is no electricity -- power lines do n't extend out here . Water is scarce , too"} +{"answer":"who sent us photos were originally from other countries , like Justin Goney , originally from Urbana , Ohio . He now lives in Helsinki , Finland , but spent 14 months teaching English in Moscow . At the small Soviet-style grocery store where he sometimes shopped , he would tell the store clerk what he would like to purchase , rather than get the items himself . The 26-year old said he thinks there are more tourists in Russia now than there would have been during Soviet times . He said he has very vivid memories of what it was like seeing the country on TV as a child . `` I guess that 's sort of a defining element of who I am is growing up during the Reagan presidency and seeing the end of the Cold War on TV , '' Goney said . Arturo Fortun , originally from Bolivia , has lived in Russia for six years . He said the Russian people will take time to become accustomed to democracy . He said life is different there , but after a time , your impressions may change . `` It 's like a constant adventure","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- CNN is taking an in-depth look at contemporary Russia as part of the `` Eye on Russia '' series . We asked you to share your photos of Russia and tell us about your experiences in the country , and photos and stories poured in of beautiful places and ordinary places , and of hopes for Russia 's future in the 21st century . Anna Glubokina , 27 , jumped at the opportunity to send photos of her country . A business analyst in Moscow , she has traveled through Russia and collected photos along the way . Murray Gillis took this image of an ice sculpture during a trip to Gubkinsky , Russia . `` I think that Russia is like a mountain river : fast , dangerous and beautiful , '' Glubokina said . `` You will never know what is waiting for you in the future . But I love Russia very much . I will never be bored here . I know that tourists like Russia , because of its astonishing churches and palaces , because of Kremlin and Red Square , because of its great scenery . '' Many of those"} +{"answer":"last few years , luxury phones had turned into an attractive new business , as designer houses rushed to get a foothold in the tech sector . Prada collaborated with LG to launch two LG Prada phones in Europe and Asia . Last September , Samsung launched the M75500 Night Effect phone , which carried the Emporio Armani insignia . A month later , Motorola offered a $ 2,000 phone , called the Aura , which was fashioned out of stainless steel and sported a 62-carat sapphire crystal lens . And then there 's Vertu , a company that makes true luxury phones , the cheapest of which costs about $ 6,000 . The recession put a spoke in those plans . And it 's not just the 401Ks of middle-class Americans that have been in peril . In Russia , many newly-minted billionaires saw their fortunes slip away with falling oil prices . By the first quarter this year , the U.S. economy had shrunk 5.5 percent . Even 50 Cent has complained about losing more than a few Benjamins on the stock market . And just like that , the crystal dominoes started to fall . Last October","question":"-LRB- WIRED -RRB- -- Got a few grand to spare for a $ 3,000 phone ? Yeah , we did n't think so . Nobody does -- and that 's a problem for the makers of luxury phones , such as Motorola , Bang & Olufson , LG and Vertu . Vertu makes phones starting at $ 6,000 and going up in price . After years of chasing the ultra-wealthy with exclusive devices that carry designer logos and promise craftsmanship from materials such as sapphire and stainless steel , luxury phone makers are now pulling back . `` The culture has shifted away from conspicuous consumption , so if you are going to have a super expensive product this may not be the time for it , '' says Avi Greengart , research director for consumer devices at Current Analysis . Motorola has already gotten the memo . Earlier this week , the company reportedly canceled the Ivory E18 , a device tentatively priced around $ 3,000 . The phone had met with lack of interest from telecom carriers . Motorola declined to comment . If that sounds like an obvious outcome , perhaps it should n't . In the"} +{"answer":"50,000 bond , which was paid by Bishop Sam Mullet , who , according to Abdalla , is the leader of an extreme Amish splinter group . Three of the suspects are Mullet 's sons ; a third is his nephew . Abdalla is not the only one who believes Mullet may be behind the attacks . `` This renegade leader is like a cult , '' said Donald Kraybill , an Amish scholar at Elizabethtown College . `` He -LRB- Mullet -RRB- masquerades under the Amish name , using religion as a way to create a kind of barrier between him and law enforcement . '' `` Nothing moves in this -LRB- particular -RRB- Amish community unless -LRB- Bishop Mullet -RRB- says it moves , '' Abdalla said . According to the sheriff , Mullet instigated the attacks after being `` shunned from his faith some years ago . '' `` His behavior contradicts all the standard Amish expectation for behavior , '' Kraybill said . The assaults are considered a particularly egregious offense in the Amish society , and can be considered an attack on the Amish identity . `` It 's very shameful , '' said Kraybill","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Five purported Amish splinter group members , who are suspected in a string of hair-cutting attacks on Amish men and women in their community , are scheduled to be back in court Wednesday morning for arraignment , said the sheriff of Jefferson County , Ohio . Four separate incidents are being investigated in the eastern Ohio counties of Jefferson , Holmes , Carroll and Trumbull , said Frank Abdalla , the Jefferson County sheriff . Officials report the first assault happened on September 6 . The last attack was on October 4 , just days before three of the five suspects were arrested . The men are accused of breaking into multiple homes and holding the victims down before using scissors or battery operated clippers to forcibly cut off women 's hair and men 's beards . Lester Mullet , 26 , Johnny Mullet , 38 , and Levi Miller , 53 , were arrested last Friday in Jefferson County , Abdalla said . Daniel Mullet and Eli Miller turned themselves in to Holmes County authorities a few days later . All five men are charged with kidnapping and burglary . They were released on $"} +{"answer":"will continually explore the most sophisticated devices capable of identifying explosives , guns , knives and other such items anywhere on the body . '' The alleged plane bomber , Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab is believed to have concealed explosives in his underwear . The 23-year-old Nigerian is thought to have linked up with an al Qaeda group based in Yemen after attending the UK 's University College London . Brown said the plot was a reminder of al Qaeda 's increasing influence away from `` better-known homes of international terror such as Pakistan and Afghanistan . '' Yemen is becoming `` a major new base for terrorism '' which highlighted the need for `` enhanced cooperation '' between nations in the fight against international terrorism , he said . Brown added that the UK government is already supporting the government of Yemen 's efforts to tackle terrorism and pledged further support . `` By 2011 our already announced commitment to Yemen will exceed # 100 million -LRB- $ 160 million -RRB- , making the UK one of its leading donors , '' he said . It was also announced Friday that Brown had invited `` key international partners '' to","question":"London , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown has ordered a full review of security measures at UK airports following the attempted Detroit plane bombing on December 25 . In a statement published Friday on the prime minister 's official Web site , Brown said the UK government will be working with the U.S. to `` examine a range of new techniques to enhance airport security systems beyond traditional measures , such as pat-down searches and sniffer dogs . '' These new measures might include using `` explosive trace technology , full body scanners and advanced x-ray technology . '' Writing on the first day of a new decade , Brown issued a reminder of the ongoing threat posed by international terrorism . `` The new decade , '' he said , `` is starting as the last began -- with al Qaeda creating a climate of fear . These enemies of democracy and freedom ... are concealing explosives in ways which are more difficult to detect . '' The Detroit incident highlighted an `` urgent '' need to tighten airport security measures , Brown said . `` The UK , '' Brown said , ``"} +{"answer":"me technologically monogamous -- I keep my machine until the bitter end . However the bitter end is approaching for my Mac Book as half the keys have sprung off so I came across this . The Fit-PC 2.0 claiming to the world 's smallest fully functioning PC and also the greenest . 115mm x 101mm x 27 mm . That 's tiny ! I love dematerialization of these objects . It should be sustainable design realized . If the makers are to be trusted , it uses 90 per cent less energy than a standard desktop PC . It uses less energy than a low energy light bulb . The main board is lead free . View a gallery of the gadgets '' Dyson Animal hand-held vacuum cleaner Siegle : I just got one of these , and have become quite the Stepford wife . Well , as far as crumbs are concerned - my house is a zero tolerance zone . Dyson is the most celebrated UK inventor , famous for the bagless vacuum cleaner . This offspring , the handheld , chargeable vac does some spectacular stuff . It ` spins dust and dirt out of the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- What green gadgets are worth splashing out for ? Lucy Siegle , a British journalist specializing in ecological issues and trends , told CNN which eco gizmos get her seal of approval . Solar powered tents Solar tent : A great green gadget for occasionaly campers . Siegle : I 'm not big into camping but it 's a massive thing here in the UK . During the summer barely a weekend goes by without a festival of some sort . The only thing however that gets me through the frequently rain-sodden experience is the ingenuity of a solar powered tent -LRB- I love them -RRB- . Fit-PC2 : Small is beautiful Siegle : I 'm acutely aware of the specter of e-waste because I make films about fly tipping in beautiful parts of Wales and come face to face with mounds of dumped monitors and keyboards . We have an issue in the UK with the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment -LRB- WEEE -RRB- directive as there 's a lot of crime -- see as evidence how a consignment of e-waste was found in Brazil recently . It 's horrible . Anyway all this makes"} +{"answer":"crisis , Dogs Trust said . Some households tighten their belts by giving up the dog . Another possible reason for the jump : England and Wales last year changed the law to make local councils , not police , responsible for taking in stray dogs , Dogs Trust said . Cash-strapped councils might lack resources to pick up or temporarily shelter dogs . `` You 've got a lot of latchkey dogs that are just left to wander the streets , '' said Natalie Dexter , who works at the education center at Dogs Trust . `` Their homes are n't secure , gardens are n't secure , and so they 're just left to wander around . '' Local authorities handle an average of 12 dogs each hour , Dogs Trust said . Only five are reunited with their owners -- a number that could increase if more dogs were microchipped , Dogs Trust said . A microchip is an electronic device , coated in plastic , that is the size of a grain of rice . It is implanted just under a dog 's skin , beneath its shoulder blades , which causes no harm to the","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The number of stray and abandoned dogs in the United Kingdom jumped by 11 percent in the past year -- the biggest surge in a decade -- possibly because of the financial crisis , a British dog charity said Wednesday . A dog looks through the door of its kennel at Battersea Dogs and Cats Home in London . Dogs Trust said local authorities picked up 107,228 stray and abandoned dogs from British streets in the past year . It called on the government to make microchipping compulsory for all dogs to help reunite owners with pets , whether lost or abandoned . `` The latest stray dog survey is very disappointing , '' said Clarissa Baldwin , chief executive of Dogs Trust . `` Even more tragically is the number of dogs that are being put down , which has gone up from 7,000 to just below 10,000 , a very worrying trend . '' Has recession hit your pet ? Send us your thoughts The 11 percent rise is the highest yearly increase since recordkeeping began in 1997 , Dogs Trust said . The rise may be due to the financial"} +{"answer":"potentially spark a trade war and , in their opinion , deepen the global economic crisis . Canada has been hit hard by the global downturn . The country 's critical manufacturing-based sales dropped 8 percent in December , reflecting roughly equal decreases in both volume and price , according to Statistics Canada , an agency charged with tracking key economic data for officials in Ottawa . In a recent letter to U.S. Senate leaders , Canada 's ambassador to the United States warned that the U.S. was losing the moral authority to pressure other nations not to erect their own trade barriers . `` A rush to protectionist actions could create a downward spiral like the world experienced in the 1930s , '' wrote Ambassador Michael Wilson . `` In the end we got into this economic crisis together . We need to work together to build ourselves out of it . '' Some Canadian leaders also cite unresolved concerns over what they perceive to be vague and potentially harmful language in the `` Buy American '' provision . Specifically , they are questioning whether NAFTA and World Trade Organization rules will apply to state and city governments receiving","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Obama takes his first foreign trip Thursday , but domestic politics will loom large as he tackles the explosive issue of protectionism in a meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper , the leader of the United States ' largest trade partner . Trade will be a major issue when President Obama visits Canada beginning Thursday . At issue is a controversial so-called `` Buy American '' provision requiring the use of U.S.-produced iron , steel , and other manufactured goods in public works projects funded by the $ 787 billion economic stimulus bill . Several Democratic-leaning unions and domestic steel and iron producers favor the provision ; a large number of business and trade organizations are opposed . Administration officials altered the language in the final version of the stimulus bill to ensure that the provision will not trump existing trade agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement , known as NAFTA . Canadian companies will therefore still have the chance to sell products used in stimulus-funded projects . Canadian government officials , however , are still concerned by what they perceive as rising protectionist sentiment in the United States that could"} +{"answer":"album for me , '' said Jagger . `` It 's one of the real good ones , '' he told King . `` And it 's a real favorite of people . And we do play a lot on stage of this album . So , you know , I rank it right up there . '' He said Stones fans are one reason the band is able to continue doing world tours . `` What really keeps it going is the audience , because ... you feed from the audience and their enthusiasm , '' Jagger said . `` And if you have an enthusiastic audience , you feel that ... you could give more , you know ? '' Jagger said he and his bandmates learned how to play to an audience when they first started playing small clubs in England and developed an early following . `` We had a super enthusiastic club audience , '' he said . `` And that audience really taught us how to behave , how to have , you know , repartee with the audience and so on . Even from those early days , it 's not really that","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger played down his status as an iconic rock 'n' roller during an interview to be broadcast Tuesday night , crediting his band 's longevity to luck , hard work and loyal fans . `` You know , you always need a lot of luck , '' Jagger told CNN 's `` Larry King Live . '' `` And I think -LSB- the Stones -RSB- were in the right place at the right time . And ... when we work , we work very hard . '' The Stones have been rocking for nearly 50 years , and even though its members are now at an age when most people have retired , the band shows no signs of slowing down . Tuesday marked the re-release of one of the Stones ' most famous albums , `` Exile on Main Street . '' The new album features previously unreleased tracks culled from recording sessions in a basement in France nearly 40 years ago . The album 's release coincides with a documentary , `` Stones in Exile , '' out on DVD next month . `` Exile '' is `` a special"} +{"answer":"Clifford , Goody 's publicist , said : `` She achieved in seven months what doctors , politicians and medical experts can only dream of achieving . Her legacy is a wonderful one . Because of Jade Goody , lots of women have had their lives saved . '' Watch family and fans pay their last respects '' After the service congregation member Peter Holmes , 28 , from St. Albans , north of London , told CNN : `` The service was lovely . The funeral was just what Jade was all about . She was a fun-loving person who always lit up a room with a funny comment . '' Flowers thrown by well-wishers covered the front of the vintage hearse carrying Goody 's coffin as it arrived at the church . Crowds earlier applauded as the cortege slowly made its way through Bermondsey , south London , where Goody grew up amid deprivation and drug abuse . At one point the procession stopped to release a white dove . Wreaths included one in the shape of a pink heart , another that resembled a blue handbag and another shaped like a camera -- reflecting Goody 's love","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Thousands of mourners and well-wishers gathered Saturday at a church east of London for the funeral of controversial reality TV star Jade Goody . Jade Goody 's coffin is carried into church for the funeral service in Essex Saturday . The 27-year-old lost a public battle with cervical cancer last month , prompting sympathy and headlines around the world . As Goody 's white coffin was carried into the church at Buckhurst Hill , Essex , east of London , a gospel choir began singing `` Amazing Grace . '' Pallbearers included her husband Jack Tweed , whom she married in February . Send your tributes to Jade Goody . Inside the church the congregation heard Tweed read a poem as well as watching a multimedia tribute to Goody 's life . View image gallery of Jade Goody 's funeral '' Outside thousands of well-wishers gathered in the spring sunshine to watch the funeral service on large TV screens , breaking into spontaneous applause throughout the service . TV pictures showed one young girl with `` R.I.P. Jade '' drawn on her cheek . Read blog from her funeral Addressing the congregation Max"} +{"answer":"can trigger other seismic activity , but added that those four aforementioned events were too far apart in both time and distance to be connected . \u2022 The U.S. Geological Survey on its Web site takes on the assertion that two major earthquakes in the same day must be related . Their answer : not likely . This is because Earth 's surface is not rigid enough to transfer the stress over long distances . `` There is evidence to suggest that earthquakes in one area can trigger seismic activity within a few hundred miles , '' they write . `` There is also evidence that some major earthquakes manage to trigger seismicity over much greater distances -LRB- thousands of miles -RRB- , but these triggered quakes are small and very short lived . '' \u2022 The USGS estimates there are several million earthquakes each year and the National Earthquake Information Center locates about 50 quakes per day . However , large quakes measuring 8.0 and higher occur only about once a year on average . Bottom Line : While earthquakes can , and do , trigger other seismic events , the recent earthquakes in Haiti , Chile , Japan","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- On January 12 , a magnitude-7 .0 quake struck Haiti just southwest of the capital , Port-au-Prince . On February 27 , an 8.8-magnitude quake hit Chile near that nation 's second largest city , Concepcion . That same day there was a 7.0 quake off the coast of Okinawa , Japan , and just this week a 6.4 quake hit southern Taiwan . The Fact Check Desk looked at whether all of the seismic activity could be related . Fact Check : Is there any connection between the recent deadly earthquakes ? \u2022 Dr. Kurt Frankel of the Georgia Institute of Technology , who specializes in active tectonics , says that earthquakes are sporadic and unpredictable in nature . \u2022 According to Frankel , the fact that these relatively strong quakes would strike around the same time is merely coincidence . Because the quakes did happen one after another , earthquakes are on people 's mind , Frankel explained . `` Had the quakes in Haiti and Chile not occurred recently , we might not have even been interested in the other quakes , '' he said . \u2022 CNN meteorologist Chad Myers said earthquakes"} +{"answer":"old-school way again . The idea behind these dinners is to let talented chefs work their whisks in an affordable , relaxed setting . And since they 're often operating out of their own kitchens , without a license to serve the public , these cooks have to keep the locales , and their own identities , under wraps . Budget Travel : The utterly random dinner party `` The trend started in food-centric cities like San Francisco , but in the last year , groups have been popping up across the country , '' says Jenn Garbee , author of `` Secret Suppers , '' which spotlights some of the more than 80 clubs now up and running in the U.S. . One such is Guerrilla Cuisine , founded by an incognito cook in Charleston , South Carolina , who uses the alias Jimihatt and wears a ninja mask at his gatherings . As at many clubs , diners must submit their reservations weeks in advance on Jimihatt 's Web site and then wait for an e-mail with directions to the hush-hush locale . Based on his track record , you wo n't be disappointed : The bearded Jimihatt","question":"-LRB- Budget Travel -RRB- -- Last October , more than 40 people followed signs depicting a skull and crossbones , with a knife and fork in place of the bones , to a secluded Bavarian-style hunting lodge 30 minutes north of St. Louis . An Entre dinner party was hosted in a Missouri hunting lodge . The attendees did n't have any idea where they were headed or what to expect . All they knew was that they were in for a five-course meal courtesy of John-Jack , an undercover chef who 'd invited each of them via a top-secret e-mail to the latest of what he calls his Entre dinner parties . Guests arrived to a bluegrass band jamming in a room decorated with deer antlers . As a fire crackled in the massive stone fireplace , they dined on wild-elk medallions , home-cured bacon , grapefruit confit , and butternut squash ice cream -- and toasted their good fortune with pumpkin ale from nearby microbrewery Schlafly . Welcome to the world of underground supper clubs . Getting a reservation requires a little detective work , but once in , you may never go back to eating out the"} +{"answer":"site says . The `` butterfly '' is more than 2 light-years across . NASA took advantage of the special filters on Hubble 's camera to isolate the light of different elements , said Bob O'Connell , chair of the science oversight committee for Wide Field Camera 3 . The red in the image is nitrogen gas , for example , and the blue is oxygen . See some of the previous amazing images taken by Hubble Colors are also prominent in the image of globular star cluster Omega Centauri , which contains almost 10 million stars , but the color contrast here is real . The gold dots are stars like our sun , but the blue ones are extremely hot , while the red ones are cool , O'Connell said . `` Just by looking at the color of the stars in the picture , you can sort them by temperature and evolutionary state because the temperature differences here are caused by differences in the internal structure of these stars and in the kinds of fuels they 're burning deep inside of them , '' O'Connell said . Another image shows Stephan 's Quintet , a group of","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Forget Hollywood special effects or Impressionist paintings -- some of the most stunning images are created by the mysterious and often violent forces in the universe . The Butterfly Nebula is about 3,800 light-years away in the constellation Scorpius . Witness the handful of new snapshots taken by the Hubble Space Telescope , which was equipped with a new imaging camera during a space shuttle servicing mission in May . It 's back in business and there 's lots to ooh and aah over . `` Let there be no doubt , this is truly Hubble 's new beginning , '' said Ed Weiler , NASA 's associate administrator , during a news conference Wednesday . Take the image on the left of planetary nebula NGC 6302 , also known as the Bug Nebula or the Butterfly Nebula . Its `` wings '' are made of gas heated to more than 36,000 degrees Fahrenheit and there is a dying star at its center . `` The gas is tearing across space at more than 600,000 miles an hour -- fast enough to travel from Earth to the moon in 24 minutes , '' NASA 's Web"} +{"answer":"a whole artifact of this nature is extraordinary . The dish is extremely fragile but the glasswork is intact and illuminates beautifully nearly two millennia after being crafted . '' The glass petals are blue with white borders and are each indented . They were originally embedded in opaque red glass , the museum said , and while the red coloring has diminished across most of the dish , it can still be seen around the edge . `` The complexity of its manufacture indicates that the dish was a highly-prized and valuable item , '' the museum said in a statement . Such beautifully crafted vessels were in vogue in the 1st and early 2nd centuries , the museum said . Dating is under way to determine the precise period of the find . The excavations that uncovered the dish are part of an ongoing dig at the extensive eastern cemetery of Roman London , which was then called Londinium . The site now lies in the neighborhood of Aldgate . The cemetery -- which , by law , lay outside the city walls -- spanned more than 400 years of Roman occupation from the late 1st to early","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Archaeologists excavating a site in East London have made an `` extremely rare and unprecedented '' find -- a delicately detailed dish made of hundreds of pieces of tiny glass petals , the Museum of London Docklands announced Wednesday . The dish unearthed after about 2,000 years . The `` millefiori '' dish -LRB- the name means `` thousand flowers '' -RRB- was found buried in the grave of a Roman Londoner , the museum said . Based on the other grave goods found at the site , archaeologists believe the person buried there was wealthy , the museum said . The dish was highly fragmented when archaeologists unearthed it , the museum said , but it had been held together over the centuries by the earth around it . A conservator at the museum reassembled the dish , which is now on display at the Museum of London Docklands . `` Piecing together and conserving such a complete artifact offered a rare and thrilling challenge , '' said conservator Liz Goodman , who did the work . `` We occasionally get tiny fragments of millefiori , but the opportunity to work on"} +{"answer":"said after an aerial tour of the affected area . `` The weather has made it very difficult for the air assets to get up and fight the fires . ... If the weather cooperates , maybe we can turn the tide tomorrow . '' Officials have evacuated nearly 350,000 homes in San Diego County alone , where the worst of the fires are blazing . Using U.S. Census Bureau numbers from the 2000 census , that could mean as many as 950,000 were affected by the fires . Watch evacuees shaken , firefighters battling '' In San Diego County , at least half a million residents had been ordered to find refuge in shelters , schools and stadiums as fires pushed into new areas . Among the evacuees as more than 4,000 military personnel from several bases in the area . With the winds pushing them across the area , the fires spread quickly , forcing some residents to flee in the middle of the night . `` My wife woke me up like 12 o'clock , screaming and yelling that the flames were coming down , '' said Johnny Villanueva of Spring Valley , who fled with his","question":"SAN DIEGO , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Firefighters in Southern California are facing wind-whipped walls of flame from 15 wildfires that have scorched more than 400,000 acres and forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee their homes . Firefighters battle the Witch fire Tuesday in the Del Dios area of Escondido , California . The blazes have killed one person and injured at least 70 more . Firefighters were aided by resources from Mexico , the state and federal governments and even inmates from California 's prisons . San Diego Fire Department Battalion Chief Bruce Cartelli described scenes of `` utter devastation '' with hundreds of homes lost and `` many hundreds '' of others damaged . `` It 's probably the worst significant event in my career of 36 years , '' he said . `` It will not end ... until it reaches the ocean or the winds turn around , '' Cartelli said . Meteorologists suggested that Santa Ana winds , which have fueled the wildfires with some gusts approaching 100 mph , could die down Wednesday afternoon . `` We are still facing some very serious fires , '' Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff"} +{"answer":"earlier that the niqab would be banned in all public universities , his ruling sparked controversy with the growing number of women in the country who choose to stay covered . The initiative from Al-Azhar is seen by many in Egypt as an attempt to counter the growing appeal of the strictest interpretations of Islam . An increasing number of young women in Egypt are turning to the niqab . The niqab is worn by many Muslim women throughout the Arab world and beyond and is most common in the countries of Saudi Arabia , Yemen , Bahrain , Kuwait , Qatar , Oman and the United Arab Emirates . It is also commonly worn in Pakistan . `` The niqab should be worn under two circumstances , '' a cleaning lady who works at Al-Azhar , told CNN recently . `` A very beautiful woman should wear it to prevent men from fighting over her , and an ugly woman should wear it to hide her face . '' There is no consensus among Muslim scholars regarding the wearing of the niqab , the piece of cloth that covers a Muslim woman 's face . Women who wear it","question":"CAIRO , Egypt -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- There 's more to wearing the `` niqab '' -- the austere , all-covering veil favored by ultra-religious Muslim women -- than meets the eye . Cairo University students wearing niqab stand outside a university dormitory on Oct. 7 unable to enter due to the new rules preventing admission to niqab wearers . A recent declaration by a leading Egyptian cleric that women will not be allowed to wear the niqab in university areas frequented only by women has sparked demonstrations by female students in Cairo determined to wear the all-encompassing veil wherever they go . Egypt 's Al-Azhar university , the highest seat of Sunni Islam , recently convened an all-male committee to rule on what women can wear at Egypt 's public universities . The Shaikh of Al-Azhar , Shaikh Tantawi , announced after the meeting that a ban on the niqab , also known as the burqa , would apply to such university areas as female dormitories and all-women classes . Do you think Muslim women should wear the niqab ? Tell us below in the SoundOff box Even though that was a step down from a statement he made"} +{"answer":"enemy of Islam . `` The identification and apprehension of this defendant , who was acting alone , is a sobering reminder that there are people among us who want to do us grave harm , '' said James Jacks , the top federal prosecutor in Dallas . After casing a Wells Fargo Bank in the office tower in July , Smadi told an undercover agent he would target the facility , according to authorities . Initially Smadi told the agent he wanted to conduct the bombing on September 11 , but decided to wait until Ramadan ended September 20 , authorities said . `` Unbeknownst to Smadi , the FBI ensured the -LSB- vehicle-borne IED -RSB- contained only an inert\/inactive explosive device , which contained no explosive materials , '' the Justice Department said in a written statement . Smadi will make his first court appearance before a federal magistrate judge in Dallas on Friday . The charge of attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction carries a potential sentence of up to life in prison and a $ 250,000 fine . Justice Department officials said the Dallas case was unrelated to the similar FBI sting in Springfield","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A 19-year-old Jordanian bent on committing `` violent jihad '' was arrested Thursday after undercover FBI agents foiled his attempt to bomb an office tower in Dallas , Texas , authorities announced late Thursday . Authorities say a suspect tried to set off a bomb attached to a vehicle at the base of the Fountain Plaza tower . Federal officials said Hosam Maher Husein Smadi , who entered the U.S. illegally and lived in Texas , tried to set off an improvised explosive device attached to a vehicle at the base of the 60-story Fountain Plaza office tower . Counterterrorism officials arrested Smadi on Thursday before publicly disclosing a similar , but unrelated , terrorism sting arrest in Springfield , Illinois , Wednesday . A federal law enforcement official familiar with the cases said authorities feared word of the Illinois arrest could tip off the Texas suspect of an undercover sting operation . In a criminal complaint filed with Smadi 's arrest , counterterrorism officials said the suspect had been under `` continuous surveillance '' because of oft-stated determination to inflict damage and death against the United States , which he deemed to be an"} +{"answer":". The three men had been undergoing a reintegration process at the medical center . FARC had held the three U.S. government contractors since February 2003 after their plane went down in a remote region of the South American country . They and former Colombian presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt were among 15 hostages rescued on July 2 in a Colombian military operation . The three Americans arrived at Brooke Army Medical Center later that day . The three Americans urged the media not to forget the hundreds of other hostages still held by FARC . `` Do n't forget the people that are still there , '' Stansell said . `` There are fellow hostages that are still there . Some have 10 years -LSB- as a hostage -RSB- , '' he said . `` Right this minute , they 're in chains , looking for food , and they 're on the run . And their families have n't seen them in 10 years . '' It is estimated that FARC holds some 750 hostages . The leftist rebel group took up arms in 1964 and grew from a rag-tag band of 48 fighters to a self-styled `` people","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Three Americans rescued last week from captivity in the Colombian jungle left a medical center for their homes Saturday , hoping for some time out of the spotlight as they reconnect with loved ones . Left to right , Thomas Howes , Keith Stansell and Marc Gonsalves address reporters before flying home Saturday . Keith Stansell , Marc Gonsalves and Thomas Howes -- hostages of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia for more than five years -- left the Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio , Texas . `` There 's family members that are waiting for us , and just imagine if you had n't seen your family in 5 1\/2 years , '' Stansell said , asking the media to allow the former captives some space . `` Let us go home and be family men again . '' `` We 're going to come out and we 're going to talk , but right now , what we want to do is rest , '' Gonsalves said . All three were headed home to Florida , and Stansell and Howes flashed their new Florida driver 's licenses before they boarded a plane"} +{"answer":", Blumenstein said . Row 44 , which uses satellite technology to provide connectivity to Southwest Airlines and Alaska Airlines , already covers much of North America and will roll out trans-Atlantic and European service in the third quarter of this year , said the company 's CEO , John Guidon . Neither company would release the exact cost of turning airplanes into Wi-Fi hot spots . But Blumenstein said Aircell managed to equip a plane for `` substantially '' less than $ 100,000 . Row 44 , which bills itself as the `` industrial-strength solution '' to airplane connectivity , costs hundreds of thousands of dollars per plane , Guidon said . Another company , LiveTV , is a subsidiary of JetBlue that provides free e-mail and messaging aboard flights but does n't offer open Web surfing . LiveTV , which uses air-to-ground technology , provides the service on select JetBlue flights and also is working with Frontier Airlines on offering Internet access aboard its planes . The Wi-Fi venture has the potential to be `` very profitable , '' said Harlan Platt , an airline industry expert and professor of finance at Northeastern University in Boston , Massachusetts","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The days of being cut off from the Internet while you 're on a plane are quickly disappearing . An American Airlines passenger uses Wi-Fi to access the Internet during a flight . A number of domestic airlines have recently begun offering Wi-Fi Internet access aboard planes , and other airlines say they are working toward making it happen . `` This is the year '' for Wi-Fi on planes , said Jack Blumenstein , president and CEO of Aircell , whose Gogo \u00ae Inflight Internet service provides access on Delta Air Lines , American Airlines , AirTran and Virgin America flights , and will begin testing on United flights later this year . Gogo is installed on more than 200 commercial planes , and Blumenstein said he expected 1,200 aircraft to have Gogo capability by the end of 2009 . For now , Wi-Fi on domestic carriers ' planes is limited to flights within North America . Gogo , which operates by transmitting signals from ground-level towers , functions across the United States and up to about 300 miles offshore . The company 's access will cover the entire continent within a year or two"} +{"answer":"by at least one security guard on request from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights . Her 26-year-old son is also shadowed by a security guard ; a precautionary move in response to earlier threats connected to De Le\u00f3n 's anti-corruption efforts . `` The fight against corruption does n't give you friends , '' she said . '' -LSB- It -RSB- gives you enemies , important and dangerous enemies , '' she told CNN during a recent trip to London for a performance of the play `` Seven , '' which profiles De Le\u00f3n and six other international female leaders . Read more about `` Seven . '' After 22 years of speaking out against corruption , first as a lawyer and then as a congresswoman , De Le\u00f3n says she remains fearful given the legacy of violence and instability in Guatemala . De Le\u00f3n noted that the country had recently been shaken by one killing in particular . On May 10 , a high-profile lawyer was shot dead while cycling in Guatemala City . Rodrigo Rosenberg 's killing might not have made headlines had he not recorded a video message just four days earlier . `` If you","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It was Anabella De Le\u00f3n 's frail 86-year-old mother who answered the door when the men came knocking . `` They told her , ` say to Anabella that we are going to kill her very soon , ' '' De Le\u00f3n told CNN . The visit left her mother crying , anxious and shocked . Congresswoman Anabella de Leon with her husband in London for a performance of `` Seven '' by Vital Voices . That was four months ago . No attempt on her life has been made , De Le\u00f3n said , but she still looks over her shoulder , takes alternative routes in her car , constantly checking that she 's not being followed . Anabella De Le\u00f3n is not well known outside Guatemala . Within the Central American country though , she has made headlines as an outspoken critic of corruption . She 's serving her fourth term in Congress as a member of the Patriotic Party , which last weekend elected her to one of its top posts of Third National Secretary . The death threats are not new . Since 2002 , she 's been protected"} +{"answer":"divisions '' within the country . A letter of resignation purported to be from Zelaya was read to members before the vote . But the deposed president , Zelaya , emphatically denied in an interview with CNN en Espa\u00f1ol that he wrote the letter . Speaking from Costa Rica , where he was taken after the coup , he said he plans to continue exercising his presidential duties with a trip to Managua , Nicaragua , to attend a summit of Central American heads-of-state . Zelaya awoke to the sound of gunfire in his residence and was still in his pajamas when the military forced him to leave the country Sunday morning , he told reporters . He was flown to Costa Rica , where he has not requested political asylum . `` This was a brutal kidnapping of me with no justification , '' Zelaya said . He called the coup an attack on Honduran democracy . `` There are ways to protest without arms , '' Zelaya said . The coup came on the same day that he had vowed to follow through with a nonbinding referendum that the Honduran Supreme Court had ruled illegal . Watch details","question":"TEGUCIGALPA , Honduras -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Hours after the sitting president was deposed by a military-led coup , a new president of Honduras was sworn in Sunday . Honduras President Jose Manuel Zelaya was detained and sent to Costa Rica , the government said . But the former president was not ready to give up his powers . The political developments that swept Honduras over the past weeks and led up to Sunday 's coup had the makings of a crisis , but the situation in the Central American nation of 8 million people was calm . Roberto Micheletti was sworn in as provisional president to the applause of members of Congress , who chanted , `` Honduras ! Honduras ! '' Outside the building , supporters of ousted President Jose Manuel Zelaya protested , but their numbers were limited , and the streets remained mostly peaceful . Micheletti told CNN en Espa\u00f1ol Sunday evening that he has imposed an `` indefinite '' curfew . Micheletti , the head of Congress , became president after lawmakers voted by a show of hands to strip Zelaya of his powers , with a resolution stating that Zelaya `` provoked confrontations and"} +{"answer":"-- in seniors who know new dignity ; in families that know new opportunity ; in children who know education 's promise ; and in all who can pursue their dream in an America that is more equal and more just , including myself . '' The `` extraordinary good that he did lives on , '' Obama said . Before the funeral , Kennedy 's body will lie in repose Thursday afternoon and Friday in the Smith Center at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library in Boston , said the source , who once worked closely with Kennedy 's office . A memorial service will be held Friday evening at the Smith Center , the source said . Learn about Kennedy 's funeral arrangements '' The funeral will be held at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Basilica in Boston 's Mission Hill section . The church is commonly known as the Mission Church . It is a short distance away from the Kennedy library . Watch bloggers talk about Kennedy 's life '' The burial will take place at 5 p.m. at Arlington , the senator 's office said . Kennedy is eligible for burial at Arlington because of","question":"BOSTON , Massachusetts -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Services for Sen. Edward Kennedy will be Saturday morning at a Boston church before his burial in Arlington National Cemetery outside Washington , his office announced Wednesday . Sen. Ted Kennedy 's funeral is scheduled for Saturday in Boston , Massachusetts , at the Mission Church . President Obama , who called Kennedy an `` extraordinary leader , '' will deliver a eulogy at the funeral , according to several sources . Kennedy died Tuesday night at his home in Hyannis Port , Massachusetts , after being ill for 15 months with brain cancer . He was 77 . Obama , on vacation at Martha 's Vineyard , Massachusetts , said Wednesday that Americans knew Kennedy 's death was coming for some time , but have been `` awaiting it with no small amount of dread . '' `` The outpouring of love , gratitude and fond memories to which we 've all borne witness is a testament to the way this singular figure in American history touched so many lives , '' Obama said . `` His ideas and ideals are stamped on scores of laws and reflected in millions of lives"} +{"answer":"to know about food poisoning '' `` We deeply regret that this has happened , '' company president Stewart Parnell said . Over the past few days , Food and Drug Administration inspectors visited the Blakely plant , where they took hundreds of samples for testing , Parnell said . The salmonella outbreak has been spreading across much of the country since September . Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium played a role in the deaths of an elderly person from southwestern Virginia and an adult from northern Virginia . The third death was a nursing home resident in her 70s in Minnesota . All three of the patients who died had underlying illnesses that could have contributed to their deaths , state officials said . The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , in a written statement , has called peanut butter `` a likely source '' of the infections . But it said that no association had been found with common brand names of peanut butter sold in grocery stores . The first cases of salmonella were reported September 3 , but most occurred between October 1 and January 6 , the CDC said . About 18 percent of cases","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The company that produced the peanut butter linked to a nationwide salmonella outbreak said late Tuesday that it was voluntarily recalling all products made in its Blakely , Georgia , plant . Salmonella bacteria are transmitted to humans by eating contaminated foods . The Peanut Corporation of America , a peanut processing company , made the peanut butter sold by King Nut company . Health officials in Minnesota have said that salmonella they linked to an open container of King Nut peanut butter was the same strain of bacteria responsible for the apparently ongoing outbreak , which has infected at least 434 people in 43 states . However , the King Nut product is unlikely to be responsible for the entire outbreak , since it distributes its peanut butter only to food service companies in just seven states : Ohio , Minnesota , Michigan , North Dakota , Arizona , Idaho and New Hampshire . So , the Peanut Corporation of America said it was voluntarily recalling all peanut butter produced in its Blakely plant `` out of an abundance of caution . '' Some of it is distributed to another company . What you need"} +{"answer":", '' he said , noting that his father had never done anything similar . Still , he said , his father saw a fit . `` I got a helicopter ; these people are in desperate need -- he kind of decided it with Mr. Ward that they were going to do it , and that 's what they did . '' He said his father last called him Monday , after he and Ward had flown doctors from an orphanage outside Port-au-Prince to the Dominican Republic . Spencer Steadman , vice president and general manager of Sweetwater Environmental , described Ward as an experienced pilot who had long flown Jalovec to his business interests , which spanned the state . `` They had an engine failure on one here about three months ago , '' he told CNN in a telephone interview . `` He done a reverse autorotation and set that thing down . No injuries . Four people , they walked away . He was a very good pilot . '' The helicopter that crashed Thursday , a Robinson R44 , was two weeks old , he said . Steadman said he was not surprised when","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The two people who died Thursday night when their helicopter crashed into a mountain in the Dominican Republic were friends who had left their homes and family in Florida this week to help deliver aid to the people of Haiti , a son of one of the victims said Friday . The accident occurred about 7 p.m. in Dajabon , just east of the border with Haiti , said Rosani Zapata , a spokeswoman for the Dominican Civil Aviation Institute . The helicopter had filed a flight plan from Santiago to Jimani in the Dominican Republic , then on to Port-au-Prince in Haiti . It was en route back to Santiago when the crash occurred , she said . Aboard were pilot John Ward of Fort Myers , Florida , and James Jalovec , a 53-year-old Naples , Florida , businessman who owned Sweetwater Environmental Inc. , a sewage company based in Sebring . Mark Jalovec , 21 , told CNN in a telephone interview that his father began discussing the prospect of helping out a couple of days after the January 12 earthquake that devastated Haiti . `` It kind of caught everybody off guard"} +{"answer":". Read more about the historic anniversary `` This is something people like me have been waiting for for days , weeks . Years , '' said Howard Hemsley , an African-American delegate from New York . `` He 's going to the White House . He 's going to be our next president . '' iReport.com : `` Never thought I 'd see this day '' Former President Bill Clinton reflected on the significance of the moment in his address before the Democratic National Convention . Read more on Clinton 's case for Obama `` Now , Sen. Obama 's life is a 21st-century incarnation of the old-fashioned American dream . His achievements are proof of our continuing progress toward the more perfect union of our founders ' dreams , '' he said . `` Barack Obama will lead us away from the division and fear of the last eight years back to unity and hope . '' Watch the sights and sounds of the convention events '' President Clinton and Biden , two of the party 's elder statesmen , lavished praise upon the newly crowned nominee and did their best to paint Republican rival Sen. John McCain","question":"DENVER , Colorado -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- On a historic night for America , Barack Obama secured the Democratic Party 's nomination for president and emerged for the first time on stage in Denver with running mate Sen. Joe Biden . Obama on Wednesday officially became the first African American to lead a major party ticket . Delegates cried and cheered as former rival Sen. Hillary Clinton motioned to cut the roll call vote short , saying `` Let 's declare together with one voice right here , right now , that Barack Obama is our candidate and he will be our president . '' The dramatic move was carefully choreographed to put down any fears of a divided party following the protracted primary battle . Watch emotional crowd nominate Obama '' The Democrats jumped to their feet as they made history with Obama as their leader . Outside the hall , Republican leaders also hailed the achievement . On Thursday , the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr. 's `` I have a dream '' speech , in the culmination of the Democratic National Convention , Obama will address an estimated 70,000 people at Invesco field in Denver"} +{"answer":"work very well . As president after president has discovered , there are innumerable ways opponents can stop measures from getting passed , even if the president 's party holds a majority in Congress . The Senate has its own rule that 's not in the Constitution requiring a super-majority of 60 Senate votes to control the agenda . A minority of 41 senators can `` filibuster '' a measure and prevent it from coming up for a vote . How many votes will Republicans have in the Senate ? 41 or 42 , depending on the outcome in Minnesota where ballots are still being counted . Presidents often have problems holding their own party together . That 's because members of Congress are elected by local constituencies and they are expected to represent local interests . American politicians are independent political entrepreneurs . They are not foot-soldiers of a party . When Bill Clinton first became president , he had a solid Democratic majority in Congress . But he could not get his health care reform plan passed . After an intense advertising campaign by opponents , many Americans were worried that the Clintons were planning a government takeover","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Be bold ! Think big ! Barack Obama wants to do just that . An $ 800 billion economic stimulus plan . Three million jobs . Health care reform . A restructured automobile industry . Obama 's popularity with voters will win him influence with political opponents . Obama won the biggest Democratic majority for president in 44 years . His party made big gains in Congress . Democrats now have a majority of nearly 60 percent in both the House and Senate . President Obama 's got a mandate . And a majority . What 's to stop him ? Just this : the U.S. system of government . It is set up to make it difficult to get things done . The Constitution was written 222 years ago by men who did n't trust government . They had just waged a revolution against a king . To the founders of the American republic , strong government meant despotism . So they set up a system with an elaborate separation of powers . The idea was to ensure weak government . The dirty little secret of American government is that it was designed not to"} +{"answer":"whether close to home or on vacation in an unfamiliar city or country . Of course , my favorite gift of all would be a trip . Give those you love most the gift of an adventure together someplace new , or someplace that holds special memories , whether you are celebrating a special anniversary , birthday or simply a good year . Outfitters , cruise lines and resorts will help you arrange a custom itinerary -- and give you a good `` reunion '' deal too . Just make sure you get everyone on board with the idea before you fork over your credit card for those nonrefundable deposits . Give the adults different guidebooks about the region and if you are planning a trip to foreign shores , give each of the kids some Euros , Pesos , etc. , to spend when they get there . They 'll have fun and maybe hone a few math skills figuring out how much they 've really got to spend . Maybe you want to encourage your kids ' or grandkids ' interest in exploring the world beyond their community . Buy them a subscription to National Geographic Kids -LRB-","question":"-LRB- Tribune Media Services -RRB- -- I 'm lost ! For American Girl book fans , the `` Happy New Year , Julie '' story is an ideal gift for holiday road trips . Hopelessly , completely lost on a winding , backcountry road somewhere in Westchester County , N.Y. . Did I mention it was night and pitch-black ? `` How could you do this ? '' asks my aggravated 16-year-old daughter , Mel . I 'm not even sure . One minute we 're on the highway and a couple of wrong turns later , here we are . None of the maps in the car showed the road we were on . Finally , we spot some open shops and a kind saleswoman in the Gap gave me directions . Guess what I want somebody to give me this holiday ? A portable GPS ! -LRB- Are you listening , elves ? -RRB- L.L. Bean -LRB- www.llbean.com -RRB- has some that are under $ 100 , TomTom -LRB- www.tomtom.com -RRB- , has some for under $ 250 . A GPS would be a welcome gift for any traveling family . It 's no fun getting lost ,"} +{"answer":"ill characters in `` The Bucket List '' or Queen Latifah 's supposedly terminally ill character in `` Last Holiday . '' Gamez said he tuned in every week , but he knew he wanted to live his own version of `` The Buried Life '' five minutes in to the first episode . `` If you had one day to live , what would you do ? '' a voice asks viewers during the show 's opening credits . `` Would you climb a mountain ? Would you kiss the girl of your dreams ? Would you tell someone how you feel ? Now , if you had a whole lifetime to live , would you lose that drive , or would your list just keep getting longer ? '' '' -LSB- The guys on the show -RSB- inspired me and they pushed me to -LSB- go skydiving -RSB- , '' he said . `` To see them go out with no fear and do the things they wanted to do -- it made me want to do those things , too . '' The show 's title was inspired by a 19th century Matthew Arnold poem by the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- `` Do n't close your eyes , do n't close your eyes , '' a terrified Christopher Gamez chanted as he coasted 7,000 feet above South Padre Island , Texas , his heart racing . One by one , Gamez watched as three people were `` sucked '' out of the plane and whipped violently into the thrashing winds and mist . `` Just put your head back and breathe , '' he told himself , seconds before joining the others . But why would someone with a severe fear of heights willingly plummet from the sky ? To cross `` skydiving '' off his mental bucket list , of course . Gamez was inspired to dream up his list of goals after watching MTV 's `` The Buried Life '' , a reality TV show about four friends who set out to accomplish the tasks on their joint bucket list . The show , which wrapped its first season in March , has motivated many young adults to create such lists right now , rather than waiting until they 're about to `` kick the bucket '' like Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman 's terminally"} +{"answer":"something which I 'm very passionate about . '' The deal follows weeks of negotiations between the two clubs during which Milan baulked at the size of the transfer fee Galaxy were demanding -- thought to be around # 12million . Galaxy 's chief executive , Tim Lieweke , admits the deal is one which suits both clubs . `` I 'm sorry that it had to go for so long , for him and for us and particularly for the fans , '' he told the Los Angeles Times . `` This is a good solution . It allows him to finish the season with Milan . We will see him in July . '' Coach Carlo Ancelotti admits Beckham has exceeded all expectations during his first two months as an AC Milan player . `` Beckham has done more than we could have possibly expected from him , '' Ancelotti told PA Sport . `` He has settled in very well with the squad and given a huge contribution up to now . `` He is very professional and we are all very , very happy that he is staying . '' He added : `` The aim","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- David Beckham was upstaged on the day his AC Milan future was finally resolved as teammate Filippo Inzaghi fired a hat-trick in the 3-0 success over Atalanta at the San Siro on Sunday . David Beckham congratulates hat-trick hero Filippo Inzaghi as the San Siro enjoys a double celebration . Milan confirmed in a brief statement a deal had been reached with Los Angeles Galaxy over England international Beckham . '' AC Milan announces that the player David Beckham will remain at the club until June 30 , 2009 , '' it read . The 33-year-old midfielder will then return to the United States to play for the Galaxy between July and October . `` I 'm grateful to both clubs for allowing this dream to come true , '' Beckham said in a statement posted on www.gazzetta.it . What do think of Beckham 's move to play in the U.S. and Italy ? `` It will enable me to play for Milan and the Galaxy in the same season , with the possibility of been able to keep up my commitments with Major League Soccer and the development of soccer in the United States ,"} +{"answer":"D.C. Travel Planner The Hay-Adams What to expect : Formal and classic yet balanced with a boutiquish and intimate atmosphere . Walk out the front door to see Lafayette Park and the White House . Where to spend your dollars : The basement bar , Off the Record , attracts politicos from the White House and the nearby World Bank . `` Always sit at the bar , '' says John Boswell , the friendly 12-year veteran bartender . `` The half-moon shape tends to get people into conversations . '' Patrons stick to the classics -- martinis , Manhattans and wines . The inside story : The Sunday morning talk show hosts and hotel guests rub elbows at the extravagant late-morning brunch in The Lafayette dining room -LRB- $ 65 , reservations required -RRB- . 16th and H Streets NW. ; www.hayadams.com or -LRB-202-RRB- 638-6600 . SouthernLiving.com : Cheap eats in D.C. St. Regis What to expect : A meeting of the old and new : luxe gilt lobby with endless Italian marble floors vs. leather-and-chrome restaurant bar helmed by celebrity chef Alain Ducasse . Where to spend your dollars : Settle into the purple Bar at St. Regis","question":"-LRB- Southern Living -RRB- -- You do n't have to stay at these tony hotels to experience the best of their lobbies . The Round Robin Bar at the Willard InterContinental is a great place to eavesdrop . The Willard InterContinental What to expect : A throwback to grand hotels of the 19th century near the White House . It 's where powerful people still go to make powerful decisions . Crowned heads rest on the Willard 's pillows . Where to spend your dollars : Sip a mint julep or sample a single malt whiskey in the Round Robin Bar and Scotch Bar alongside power brokers . It may not be polite to say so , but this is a great place to eavesdrop . `` The next day 's work starts between 6 and 8 p.m. , '' says Jim Hewes , bartender there for 22 years . `` The Round Robin gets a drift on tomorrow 's news . '' The inside story : D.C. insiders strut the lobby 's Peacock Alley where you people-watch while nibbling on tea and scones -LRB- $ 39 -RRB- . 1401 Pennsylvania Avenue NW. ; washington.intercontinental.com or 1-800-327-0200 . SouthernLiving.com :"} +{"answer":"discovered the teen had actively been seeking a military assault-type weapon that could `` hold as many rounds as possible . '' The boy told police investigators he had been bullied by fellow students and had been told that he resembled Columbine shooter Eric Harris , the press release said . A detective on the case told Giudice that the teen appeared to be composed during the interview , as if he were just having another conversation . Police said the plot was planned for April 20 at Monroe-Woodbury High School , which is the anniversary of the Columbine shooting in Colorado , in which 12 students and a teacher were killed . The date also is Adolf Hitler 's birthday . `` He said that he had a lot of hatred toward a lot of the kids who attend that school , '' the press release said . The boy had attended the Monroe-Woodbury Central School District but recently began attending another school , police said . In a statement released by the Monroe-Woodbury Central School District today , superintendent Joseph DiLorenzo indicated that students had come forward with information that may have averted the alleged plot . ``","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A 15-year-old boy remained in a psychiatric facility Tuesday after Monroe , New York , police arrested him in connection with a plot to attack his former high school on the anniversary of the 1999 Columbine High School shooting , police said . Police say the boy targeted Monroe-Woodbury High School , although he was no longer a student there . He was charged as a juvenile and faces two felony counts of criminal possession of a weapon , Monroe Police Chief Dominic Giudice said . Police withheld the name of the teen , who was arrested Monday after police executed a search warrant at his residence . There they found four bottles filled with gasoline , a torch , machete , black trench coat , three propane tanks , two computers , items that could be used as fuses and several other electronic devices , according to a Monroe Police Department press release issued Tuesday . The supplies were found in the garage , Giudice said , but the teen 's parents had been unaware of their son 's intentions until he told police what he had planned to do . Police also"} +{"answer":"cash and some personal property , San Bernardino sheriff 's spokeswoman Cindy Beavers said . Authorities had not caught the suspects as of Saturday evening . Hoops said authorities have information about at least two suspects -- who were captured on video at a home-improvement store near the Rodriguez home buying tape like the kind that was used to bind the family . He said the names of the suspects , and what authorities believe was a motive , are not being released because they could jeopardize the investigation . He also declined to say what relationship the suspects may have had with the family or whether the kidnapping is linked with drug crime that has run rampant in Mexican border towns in recent months . Members of drug cartels in the border region have been known to use kidnapping as a means of quick cash . `` If you take a look at the case , I 'll let you do your own homework on it , '' Hoops told reporters . Authorities from San Bernardino flew to Mexico late Friday to get Briant . Hoops said he appears to be in good health . His hair , which","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A 3-year-old boy who was taken at gunpoint from his California home nearly two weeks ago has been found , authorities said Saturday . Briant Rodriguez , 3 , was taken during a home invasion on May 3 in San Bernardino , California , police say . Briant Rodriguez was found wandering the streets of Mexicali , Mexico , by a police officer late Thursday , said San Bernardino County Sheriff Rod Hoops . After clearing paperwork with Mexican officials , California authorities reunited the boy with his mother Saturday in the border town of Calexico , Hoops said . `` We 're very happy that he 's alive , '' Hoops said . `` A 3-year-old goes missing in this country for two weeks -- sometimes it has an unhappy ending . `` This one did not . '' Watch portion of sheriff 's news conference '' The boy had been missing since May 3 , when two men armed with handguns burst into his family 's home and tied him up -- along with his mother and four siblings . The men ransacked the home before leaving with Briant , a small amount of"} +{"answer":", reduce the wait time in security lines to as little as five minutes . Passengers using the Clear program doled out more than $ 200 a year . After announcing the shutdown , the company released no information on whether customers would receive refunds . John Harrington , a freelance photographer in Washington , renewed his Clear membership for the next two years about a month ago . He said he was disappointed to receive an e-mail from Clear officials saying the program had been terminated . Harrington relied on the quicker lanes when he traveled for assignments out of Reagan National Airport and Washington Dulles International Airport . `` With Clear , I could get into my gate in less than 15 to 20 minutes , '' said Harrington , who is flying to San Francisco next week and will now have to arrive at the airport an hour earlier . `` Try that with regular airport security . It 's going to cost me time . '' The Clear program required applicants like Harrington to provide information such as a Social Security number and previous address for a background check . The applicant 's fingerprints and iris","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Verified Identity Pass Inc. 's Clear security system -- the program that expedited airport security line waits for paying customers -- ended operation Monday night because the company could n't reach a consensus with its senior creditors , according to its Web site . Clear promised to help passengers avoid security lines like this one at San Francisco International Airport . The New York-based company founded by entrepreneur Stephen Brill targeted business flyers , promising passengers that they would whisk through tedious airport security lanes more rapidly by being placed in private lines . Verified Identity Pass officials could n't be reached for comment . Clear 's fast-lane program began at Orlando -LRB- Florida -RRB- International Airport in 2005 . By the time the company shut down , it was operating in more than 18 locations , including major airports in Atlanta , Georgia ; Denver , Colorado ; San Francisco , California ; and Washington . USA Today reported that the company had about 250,000 members . With nearly 700 million passengers traveling domestically in 2006 , Clear company officials touted their program as a way to help avoid bottlenecks and , in some instances"} +{"answer":". The petitions filed by Branca and McClain in July , and later approved by Judge Mitchell Beckloff , outlined $ 26,804 in monthly expenses for Katherine Jackson . The largest amount from that , $ 4,722 , pays for an assistant for her . Another $ 3,500 each month is budgeted for clothing for Katherine Jackson , who is 79 years old . She 's also given $ 2,000 each for a housekeeper and driver . She has a $ 1,500 entertainment allowance each month , the documents said . The details of the children 's budget are mostly blacked out at their lawyer 's request . Margaret Lodise told the judge there was concern someone could use the financial information to pose as one of the children online . She told CNN the family was aware of people posing as Jackson children with Twitter accounts . The documents did reveal the three children get a combined $ 60,000 a month from their father 's estate . They pay $ 14,600 a month for salaries and payroll taxes for people who take care of them , according to the petition . Michael Jackson 's children get $ 13,260 each","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Michael Jackson 's mother and his three children receive an allowance totaling more than $ 86,000 a month , according to court documents released Thursday . Michael Jackson 's estate provides $ 86,000 a month for Katherine Jackson and her grandchildren . The money given them by the Michael Jackson estate is in addition to the maintenance of the home -- which is owned by the estate -- in Encino , California , where Katherine Jackson lives with her grandchildren , the papers said . The Los Angeles County judge overseeing the probate of Jackson 's will ordered that the petitions for their monthly allowance be made public -- although with some details removed . Those papers were released Thursday . Katherine Jackson was granted custody of her son 's three children soon after Jackson 's June 25 death . She and the children were named beneficiaries , along with unnamed charities , in Jackson 's 2002 will . Control of the estate 's assets , however , was given to lawyer John Branca and John McClain , a former music industry executive . Jackson named them as trustees in his will"} +{"answer":"because the surface slows the ball and produces a slightly higher , loopier bounce than grass or hard courts . This means the high-power serve of someone like Sampras is negated , opening the way for players with a different style of game . To this extent , the French Open helped create the legend of one of the finest players of all time -- Swedish star Bjorn Borg . Borg won a record six times at Roland Garros . He also won five Wimbledon titles -- but never managed an Australian or U.S. Open crown , both tournaments fought out on hard courts . Describing what makes the French Open so special in an rare one-on-one interview with Indian Web site Rediff.com in 2001 , Borg said : `` It is toughest to win on clay . It is easily the most draining , the toughest Slam . '' Offering advice to Sampras , who was at the time still playing for a French Open title , Borg added , `` I would advise him to concentrate on mental strength , to build it up , to hold that strength over the course of the fortnight . `` Along","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Pete Sampras and Roger Federer are two of the modern era 's greatest tennis players . Between them , they have won a staggering 27 Grand Slam singles titles -- and yet , neither player has ever won the French Open . Tennis great Pete Sampras won 14 Grand Slam tournaments but never managed a French Open victory . That legendary players like Sampras and Federer have somehow failed to win at Les Internationaux de France de Roland Garros is just one of the reasons why this Grand Slam tournament holds such a special place on the tennis calendar . The French Open is notably the only Grand Slam event contested on clay -- a factor that separates it from the other three majors , and more than anything else defines the tournament . The layers of crushed brick that constitute the orange-red clay courts of Roland Garros are what brought Sampras -- and still bring Federer -- so much grief . Fellow greats John McEnroe , Boris Becker and Stefan Edberg also failed to win the coveted title . The reason clay may have affected the natural games of these players is"} +{"answer":"happened to an African country , '' said Mugabe , a former revolutionary leader who came to power when white-ruled Rhodesia became black-ruled Zimbabwe . `` It has to do with national sovereignty . '' Watch Mugabe on his controversial land reform program '' It was Mugabe 's first interview with a Western television network in several years , and he appeared to get frustrated with some of Amanpour 's direct questioning , repeatedly denying widely accepted evidence and reports on his nation 's woes . Mugabe denied that his ZANU-PF party lost elections in 2008 that forced him to accept a power-sharing agreement with his chief rival , Morgan Tsvangirai , who now is prime minister . Violence surrounding the disputed election , much of it against opposition supporters , further damaged Zimbabwe 's standing , but Mugabe rejected any blame on Thursday . `` You do n't leave power when imperialists dictate that you leave , '' he insisted . `` There is regime change . Have n't you heard of -LRB- the -RRB- regime change program by Britain and the United States that is aimed at getting not just Robert Mugabe out of power but get Robert","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe , in a rare interview Thursday , depicted himself as an African hero battling imperialism and foreign attempts to oust him rather than the widespread perception of a dictator clinging to power at the expense of the welfare of his people and country . Robert Mugabe says sanctions against his country are `` unjustifiable . '' The 85-year-old Mugabe , the only leader of Zimbabwe since it became independent from Britain in 1980 , rejected repeated assertions by CNN 's Christiane Amanpour that his policies have driven the nation once known as Africa 's breadbasket to virtual economic collapse . Instead , Mugabe accused Britain and the United States of seeking to oust him by imposing economic sanctions , the effects of which he said were worsened by years of drought . He denied that his country is in economic shambles , saying it grew enough food last year to feed all its people , and defended policies that have driven white farmers off their land as properly restoring that land to indigenous Africans . `` The land reform is the best thing -LRB- that -RRB- could have ever have"} +{"answer":"to federal authorities by the U.S. military in Djibouti , defense officials said . The suspect , known in official documents as `` Pirate Defendant , '' was brought to Djibouti aboard the USNS Walter S . Diehl , a refueling ship that was with the warship USS Bainbridge at the scene of the failed hijacking on April 8 that turned into a hostage ordeal 350 miles off Somalia . Three pirates who were holding the Maersk Alabama 's captain in the ship 's lifeboat were killed by Navy SEALs four days later . The survivor had surrendered and was aboard the Bainbridge when the captain , Richard Phillips , was rescued , officials have said . From the Bainbridge , he was transferred to the USS Boxer for medical treatment . See an interactive map of 2009 pirate attacks off the Horn of Africa '' The surviving pirate was wounded when crew members of the Maersk Alabama took him hostage in the early hours of the pirate attack on the cargo ship , according to the military . The crew members had hoped to exchange him for their captain , but the pirates did not release Phillips when the","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The pirate suspect arrested in the hijacking of the Maersk Alabama was all smiles on arriving in New York City late Monday , escorted by a phalanx of law enforcement officers . The unidentified pirate suspect arrested in the hijacking of the Maersk Alabama arrived in the U.S. late Monday . None of the officers would confirm his identity , but his arrival for trial in the United States had been widely expected . The suspect arrived at the Jacob K. Javits Federal Office Building in Manhattan , which is linked to a federal detention facility where he was expected to be held pending an appearance in federal court . The timing of that appearance was not immediately available . He was walked through the rain , surrounded by media , as well as officers from federal and New York City law enforcement agencies . The suspect wore a dark jumpsuit and handcuffs , and what appeared to be a bandage on his left hand . Members of the media urged him to comment , but it was not clear whether he understood . He smiled broadly and laughed . He had been handed over"} +{"answer":"constitutional issues are addressed . If the high court finds the procedures unconstitutional , it could take years before death-penalty states would meet legal standards necessary to resume lethal injection . And even if the method is declared acceptable , it would be months before new execution dates could be set . Ten states carried out executions this year . Outside the South , Arizona , South Dakota , Indiana , and Ohio together subjected six men to lethal injection . Learn about states ' death penalty policies and statistics '' Texas continues to lead the nation , with 62 percent of executions nationwide this year . Overall , 86 percent this year were in the South . No more executions are scheduled this year . `` The death penalty has been in a period of decline for many years , '' said Richard Dieter , executive director of DPIC . `` Two thousand seven will be known as the year executions came to a temporary halt and as the year of concrete legislation reconsidering the death penalty . '' Death penalty supporters acknowledge that states outside the South have been reluctant to impose the punishment , even in the","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A day after New Jersey banned executions , newly released figures show that capital punishment dropped this year to a 13-year low . The Supreme Court will hold oral arguments January 7 about the constitutionality of lethal injection protocols . Forty-two people have been put to death this year , according to the Death Penalty Information Center -LRB- DPIC -RRB- , a Washington-based group that opposes the practice . That figure is down 57 percent from what it was in 1999 , when 98 inmates were executed . Next year 's figures are expected to drop further . The Supreme Court is to hold oral arguments January 7 about whether lethal injection protocols in 36 of the 37 states with the death penalty are constitutional . See how the rates have dropped '' The justices placed a moratorium on executions in late September , when they decided to review a Kentucky case about whether the three-drug lethal `` cocktail '' of chemicals represents `` cruel and unusual punishment , '' since it may cause excruciating pain to inmates unable to express discomfort . Stays of executions have been issued in several states until the larger"} +{"answer":"friends with an ex ? 3 . Permanently adopt that comfy sweatshirt he left at your place . Especially if he 's the one who caused the breakup , he probably does n't have the cojones to ask for it back now . 4 . Gain that extra 10 lbs that fills you out nicely , like Joan Holloway on `` Mad Men '' ... 5 . ... or lose that extra 10 lbs so you can fit into your sexy jeans again . Either way , this also requires a Facebook photo album . The Frisky : How Joan Holloway gives me confidence 6 . You might hear from his mom , sisters , or other family members you were close to after the breakup , especially if you dated for a long time . Airing too much of your dirty laundry to them will make you look like a psycho . But if he did cheat on you -LRB- and you did n't cheat back -RRB- , it could n't hurt to mention how his bad behavior led to the split . The Frisky : 10 rules on way men and women eat Dude sure as hell did","question":"-LRB- The Frisky -RRB- -- You do n't have to be Jennifer Aniston to think that the four women who Krazy-Glued a cheater 's penis to his stomach were way harsh and beyond psycho . If your ex 's loved ones ask why you broke up , it 's OK to admit he cheated on you , writer says . But in our less scrupulous\/mature moments , many of us want to punish a particularly nasty ex , especially if he was a cheater . Ladies , let 's keep it legal -LRB- and Krazy Glue-free -RRB- , OK ? Here are 10 ideas : 1 . Email his crappiest crap e-mail to Jezebel.com 's Crap E-mail From A Dude and when they publish it , discreetly post the link as your GChat away message . 2 . Call up your hottest platonic male friend , grab your digital camera and go do something adorable together . Now it 's time to create a Facebook photo album full of pics of you looking smiley . -LRB- Bonus points if your ex was slightly paranoid that this guy had a thing for you -RRB- . The Frisky : Possible to remain"} +{"answer":"CNN , is a unit of Time Warner . Within 24 hours , you 'll receive your bottom-line selling prices from dealerships in your area . Once you 've compared the various prices and found the lowest one , you then have four good options : \u2022 You can go to the dealership that gave you the lowest price , sign the papers and drive your new car home -- no hassles , no negotiating . AOL Autos : Best deals of the month \u2022 You can try to negotiate the lowest price with the dealership in order to get the price even lower . There 's nothing that says you ca n't . AOL Autos : Aggressive car buying tactics \u2022 You can shop the lowest price around to other dealerships to see if any of them are willing to beat it . AOL Autos : Which dealers treat you best ? \u2022 You can do nothing . If you feel unsure or uncertain , then set it aside for a while . You are not obligated to buy anything you do n't want . By getting these low bottom-line selling prices via the Internet , you 're avoiding","question":"-LRB- AOL Autos -RRB- -- There are two good ways to buy your new car or truck at a reasonable low price and avoid all of the negotiating games and hassles : 1 . Buy through the Internet Buying your new or used car or truck through the Internet is the easiest and most hassle-free way to make the purchase . All you have to do is choose the vehicle brand and model you wish to purchase as well as provide some basic contact information such as your name and e-mail address . In return , you 'll receive - via e-mail - low bottom-line selling prices from dealerships in your area for the exact vehicle you want to buy . Compare the various selling prices and find the lowest one . Then , simply go direct to that dealership 's Internet Department , sign the papers and drive your new car home - no negotiating , no hassles . To begin the process , get your free price quotes from AOL Autos . It only takes a few minutes . This service is totally free and you are under no obligation or pressure to buy . AOL , like"} +{"answer":"the University of Melbourne 's School of Population Health . `` In many western countries , a suicide in someone of Roh 's position might be more about looking for understanding . In collectivist societies , like Japan and Korea , where a person 's identity is more tied closely to other groups , suicides can be seen as the ultimate way to rebuild or reclean your image , if it changes . '' `` I think there is something paradoxical in it . On one hand , some see it as a way of maintaining status and restoring honor to you and the people you represent , but the pressure from that group could contribute to you considering suicide . '' Roh was under investigation for corruption and some believe the pressures he felt just became too great . `` Roh had come to power as a human rights lawyer , as an uneducated outsider pledging to clean up Korean politics , so it was particularly hard on him to have what he stood for and the reality of what happened under his administration . I think that was particularly hard for him to take , '' David King","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- More than nuclear bomb tests , the suicide of former South Korean president Roh Moo-Hyun has stunned the South Korean public . While the news has shocked the nation , perhaps the level of surprise at the method was n't as great . The suicide of former president Roh has shocked South Korea . In a country with one of the highest suicide rates among economically advanced countries , traditional concepts of honor and public `` face '' remain powerful social forces . According to World Health Organization figures , rates of suicide in South Korea doubled to 21.9 deaths per 100,000 people between 1996 and 2006 . The United Nations cites that 90 percent of suicide cases were caused by mental disorders , but socio-cultural and economic pressures play a large part . While each case of suicide has a number of complex personal issues , the connection between suicide and honor has a historical basis in many Asian countries . `` There are cultural histories in Asian societies of honorable suicide , such as hara-kiri in Japan , where the person assumes total responsibility , '' said Dr. Erminia Colucci , research fellow at"} +{"answer":". The Iranians were '' not provocative or threatening . As long as they are professional and not threatening or reckless , it 's international space , '' he said . Radar on the Eisenhower and other U.S. ships in the vicinity closely tracked the Iranian aircraft as it approached the aircraft carrier to ensure it maintained a nonthreatening path , Roughead said . A senior U.S. military official said the Iranian plane was tracked by U.S. units for nearly 100 miles before it reached the Eisenhower . The Iranian aircraft was a Fokker F27 that was unarmed , officials said . It remained in the vicinity of the Eisenhower for about 20 minutes before leaving the area , according to the senior official . The Eisenhower had just finished a series of carrier aircraft flight operations and a resupply at sea mission . U.S. officials believe the Iranians wanted a close look at the carrier , but they could not say if the Iranians took photos of the ship . One of the officials also said Iran may simply have been trying to demonstrate its aerial capabilities to the United States . U.S. military officials continue to emphasize that","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An Iranian navy plane that approached a U.S. aircraft carrier last week was flying as low as 300 feet as it neared the USS Eisenhower , U.S. military officials said Wednesday . The incident , first reported by CNN on Tuesday , came as Iran was beginning a series of military exercises last week meant to show off their military prowess . The Eisenhower was on duty in the Gulf of Oman in the northern Arabian Sea , in support of the Afghanistan war efforts , when the Iranian maritime patrol aircraft flew within 1,000 yards of the vessel , according to military officials . While the encounter was not threatening , it was unusual . U.S. navy ships have regularly encountered Iranian aircraft in the Persian Gulf in recent years , but this encounter took place in the Gulf of Oman , in an area where Iranian jets are seen much less frequently , several Navy officials said . The officials declined to be identified , citing the extremely sensitive nature of any U.S. military interaction with Iranian forces . Adm. Gary Roughead , the top Navy officer , confirmed the April 21 incident"} +{"answer":"May 2009 he along with fellow English midfielder and asthma sufferer Frank Lampard took part in Asthma UK 's campaign to `` put asthma in the limelight . '' 2 . Justine Henin Prior to announcing her -LRB- temporary -RRB- retirement in May 2008 , Belgian tennis player Justine Henin had suggested she may have had to pull out of defending her gold medal at the Beijing Olympics because of worries the city 's pollution would trigger her asthma . The grand slam winner had already withdrew from the China Open in September 2007 because of her condition . 3 . Jerome Bettis NFL running back Jerome Bettis was diagnosed with asthma during a high-school football session and in 1997 suffered an attack triggered by the extreme heat in Florida . It did not stop the man nicknamed ` The Bus ' and he went on to win the Superbowl with the Pittsburgh Steelers . Bettis has been heavily involved with raising asthma awareness in America . 4 . Paula Radcliffe English long-distance runner Paula Radcliffe was diagnosed with exercise-induced asthma as a result of her training when she was a teenager . Despite this she has become one of","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- After being photographed using an inhaler prior to extra-time in his MLS Cup Final , the news that David Beckham has been an asthma sufferer since childhood has propelled the condition into the limelight . The England midfielder is not the first high-profile athlete to have dealt with asthma , a respiratory condition that affects people 's airways -- the small tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs . Despite the difficulties of performing with asthmatic symptoms such as wheezing , shortness of breath and coughing , many athletes have dealt still managed to reach the peak of their respective disciplines . Read up on asthma in our health section A-Z . NBA star Dennis Rodman , footballer Frank Lampard and Olympic swimmers Nancy Hogsehead and Mark Spitz have all suffered from the condition , here are five more of sport 's most high-profile asthmatics . 1 . Paul Scholes Beckham 's ex-Manchester United teammate Paul Scholes was diagnosed with asthma when he was 21-years-old . One of England 's most well respected midfielders , despite keeping a low-profile in general Scholes has always been happy to raise awareness about asthma . In"} +{"answer":"of our fellow passengers , and usually , you really do n't have much of a choice about your seating partners . So the exposure is pure chance . But this does n't mean that you are doomed . Most respiratory viral infectious diseases -- like influenza and the common cold -- transmit via droplets contaminated with the offending microorganism when the infectious person coughs or sneezes . These droplets are propelled no farther than 3 feet and can land on an inanimate object -- such as a seat , overhead bin or seat tray -- or on your body . This is why hand hygiene is so critical and is the single most significant thing you can do to protect yourself and your family when you are traveling or out in public . Study after study shows marked reductions in transmission in public spaces when hand hygiene is practiced , and a recent study found nearly undetectable influenza particle levels after hands contaminated with influenza were washed with either soap and water or an over-the-counter gel containing at least 50 percent alcohol . Sanitize your hands before eating , drinking and after retrieving something from the overhead bin or","question":"Editor 's note : Mark Gendreau , MD , is senior staff physician and vice chairman of emergency medicine at Lahey Clinic , Burlington , Massachusetts , and assistant professor of emergency medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston . His interests include health issues associated with commercial air travel , including transmission of infectious diseases . Dr. Mark Gendreau says swine flu is focusing attention on how to avoid getting a disease while traveling by air . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The novel swine flu is showing the world just how interconnected we are and how commercial aircraft can serve as vehicles of rapid disease spread . I am frequently asked : What is the risk of catching an illness while flying ? In a nutshell , the risk of getting an infection while you 're in an enclosed space such as an airplane depends upon three factors : The infectiousness of the contagious person spreading the illness ; the degree of your exposure -LRB- how close you are to the contagious person and for how long -RRB- ; and the ventilation of the space or passenger cabin . We really have no control over the infectiousness"} +{"answer":"in desperate need of cash , this economic rule may not fully hold . More important , individuals need savings to be prepared for unanticipated expenses and income losses , especially now . The reality is that there is no bailout coming to you . And those getting the bailout might not be willing to lend to you , anyway . So now is the time to save . The money you save is your own personal safety net , what you tap when you have an unanticipated expense like a car repair or when you 're between jobs , as many Americans find themselves nowadays . The past decade has seen Americans saving at historically low levels ; we 've substituted plastic for the piggy bank . But the days of cheap and easy access to credit have come and gone . We all need to save not because we want to but because we have to . For decades , our country 's economy has flourished , but it relied too heavily on debt-driven consumer spending to power its growth . Excessive household debt , coupled with stagnating incomes and little to no personal savings , now places","question":"Editor 's note : Alejandra Lopez-Fernandini is a senior policy analyst in the Asset Building Program at the New America Foundation , a Washington-based think tank that seeks innovative solutions across the political spectrum . Alejandra Lopez-Fernandini says Americans have no choice but to increase the amount they save . WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As the economy slows , millions of Americans will cut their budgets to stay afloat . This generates conflicting impulses : If I skip that morning coffee and granola , will my thriftiness put my local coffee shop out of business ? Will that force America 's granola farmers to lay off workers ? What 's a budget-conscious , patriotic and hungry girl to do ? Not to worry , saving a few dollars now will not prolong the recession . And , more important , spending all your discretionary income will not end the recession . It 's true that John Maynard Keynes ' `` Paradox of Thrift '' suggests that , even while saving is beneficial to an individual , too much aggregate savings could deepen an ordinary recession . But in these extraordinary times , where banks and not just businesses are"} +{"answer":"sorry for that incident . `` It was a very stupid thing to do and I 've learned my lesson , simple as that really , '' he said in a September 2005 interview with Britain 's Press Association , marking his 21st birthday . `` I 'd like to put it in the past now . What 's done is done . I regret it . '' The videos that surfaced Saturday were filmed by the prince himself during his military service in 2006 , according to the News of the World Web site . `` Ahh , our little Paki friend ... Ahmed , '' a voice says as the camera zooms in on a soldier from across the room . The video does not show Prince Harry 's face . The soldiers were waiting for their flight to Cyprus for a mission , according to the Web site . The Royal family said the ` Paki ' term was a nickname for a friend in his platoon . `` There is no question that Prince Harry was in any way seeking to insult his friend , '' the St. James 's Palace statement said . The second","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Britain 's Prince Harry apologized through a spokesman Saturday after videos surfaced showing him using offensive language to describe people in his military unit . Prince Harry apologized for videos of him making offensive comments while on military duty in 2006 . In one clip , a voice said to be Harry 's calls a soldier a `` Paki . '' In another clip , the voice tells a soldier wearing a cloth on his head that he looks `` like a raghead . '' The British newspaper News of the World posted the videos on its Web site Saturday . It did not say how it obtained them . A spokesman for Prince Harry apologized in a statement released by St. James 's Palace Saturday . The spokesman said the prince -- who is third in line to the British throne -- `` understands how offensive this term can be , and is extremely sorry for any offense his words might cause . '' It is not the first apology for offensive behavior by Prince Harry . In 2005 , he was photographed wearing a Nazi uniform to a party . He said he was"} +{"answer":"been watching the news . I 've heard Sully say to people , ` It 's rare for an airline pilot to have an incident in their career , ' '' said Lori Sullenberger of Danville , California . `` When he called me he said , ` There 's been an accident . ' At first I thought it was something minor , but then he told me the circumstances and my body started shaking and I rushed to get our daughters out of school . '' US Airways said all 155 passengers and crew are alive and safely off the plane . The crash-landing has also earned the former fighter pilot and private safety consultant accolades from state and government officials . New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg commended the pilot for not leaving the plane without checking to make sure every passenger had been evacuated . `` It would appear that the pilot did a masterful job of landing the plane in the river and then making sure that everybody got out , '' Bloomberg said at a press conference Thursday . `` I had a long conversation with the pilot . He walked the plane twice after","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Passengers on the US Airways flight that crash-landed into the Hudson River Thursday afternoon praised the actions and courage of the pilot , a safety consultant with 40 years of experience in the aviation industry . Chesley B. `` Sully '' Sullenberger , a former Air Force fighter pilot , has been with US Airways since 1980 . Sources tell CNN that Chesley B. `` Sully '' Sullenberger was piloting US Airways flight 1549 from New York 's LaGuardia airport to Charlotte , North Carolina , when at least one of the plane 's engines failed . Passenger Jeff Kolodjay offered `` kudos '' to Sullenberger for a landing that minimized damage to the aircraft and its 155 passengers and crew . `` All of a sudden the captain came on and he told us to brace ourselves and probably brace ourselves pretty hard . But he did an amazing job -- kudos to him on that landing , '' said Kolodjay , who was sitting in seat 22A . Sullenberger 's wife told CNN that she was stunned to hear the news from her husband after it was all over . `` I had n't"} +{"answer":"to vent those in conversations with the police . `` However , I do want to make clear that I swore in frustration at the paparazzi 's behavior . I would never disrespect police officers in anyway . `` I take very seriously my responsibilities as a professional footballer , this includes keeping my body in the best condition . Although I had consumed some alcohol earlier in the evening on a night out with friends it had not been excessive . `` But I accept that the language I used on this occasion was wrong . I regret my actions and how it reflects on myself and Chelsea Football Club . '' The 28-year-old was arrested in Brompton Road in the upmarket west London area of South Kensington , close to Chelsea 's Stamford Bridge ground , at about 2.15 am on Thursday morning after emerging from the Collection nightclub . Police sources said the officers were already on patrol in the street and were not called to any disorder . One source denied reports they were following up a complaint from a photographer over an alleged bust-up with Cole . Cole was taken to a central London police","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Chelsea and England defender Ashley Cole has apologized to London police for a foul-mouthed tirade that led to him being arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct in the early hours of Thursday morning . Ashley Cole , pictured signing an autograph at a charity event in London Wednesday . In a statement released by the left-back , Cole said he swore out of his frustration with the paparazzi and insisted he would never disrespect the police . However , Cole admits he did not heed their warnings to calm down and regrets not taking their advice . He also made it clear that he had not consumed a vast amount of alcohol . Cole declared : `` I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to the police officers on duty last night for my language . `` I felt I was being harassed by paparazzi and while complaining to the police about this at the scene they did warn me to calm down , a warning that I regrettably did not heed . `` I fully appreciate that whatever frustrations I may have had with others that it was completely inappropriate"} +{"answer":"the signature of President Klaus . Europe is waiting impatiently , '' Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt said , according to the Swedish presidency . The Lisbon treaty is undergoing review in a Czech court , which will determine in a few weeks whether it is compatible with the nation 's constitution . Czech President Vaclav Klaus must also sign it . On Friday , Klaus outlined his objections to the treaty , saying at a news conference that `` the Lisbon Treaty constitutes a fundamental change for the Czech Republic . `` As you know , I have always considered this treaty a step in the wrong direction , '' he said . `` It will increase its democratic deficit , worsen the standing of our country and expose it to new risks -- among other things also because it endangers the legal status of the citizens and the stability of property rights in our country , '' he said . He said he was particularly concerned about one section of the treaty , called the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union , which concerns fundamental human rights , including property rights , for EU citizens .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Polish president on Saturday signed his country 's ratification of the Lisbon Treaty , aimed at streamlining the workings of the European Union . Polish President Lech Kaczynski holds the EU 's Lisbon Treaty in Warsaw on October 10 . President Lech Kaczynski 's approval of the treaty leaves the Czech Republic as the lone country that has not ratified the document . Kaczynski signed the treaty at a ceremony attended by EU officials in Warsaw . He had refused to sign the document until it was ratified by Irish voters in a referendum . They backed it by a wide margin on October 2 . `` I am certain that the union will function even better with the treaty of Lisbon , '' Kaczynski said Saturday , in an excerpt of his remarks provided by the Swedish presidency of the EU . The treaty would create an EU president and foreign minister and introduce rotating representatives for member countries in the EU Commission , the union 's executive branch . All member states have to ratify the treaty before it can be adopted . `` The Czech Republic must conclude their ratification process by"} +{"answer":"attendance at work could be dramatically down . During a survey given to people who buy tickets through Fandango.com , 38 percent of those who are working said they would be taking either some time or the day off to see the movie . According to MovieTickets.com , `` Dark Knight '' sold out more than 150 performances in Los Angeles and New York alone . The midnight show times were not just for major movie centers , either . Medved said cities such as Fresno , California ; Orlando , Florida ; and towns in Minnesota are hosting early-morning showings . Enthusiasts showed up in groups , some dressed head to toe in costume to celebrate the movie 's release . The midnight showing at the 428-seat Henry Ford IMAX theater in Detroit sold out in less than a week , according to the Detroit Free Press . One group attending the showing , which was preceded by a costume party , showed up with a homemade version of the Batmobile and outfits representing nearly every major Batman character . The film also opened Thursday in Australia and Wednesday in Taiwan . It will be released in Japan on","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As `` The Dark Knight 's '' crusading District Attorney Harvey Dent vigorously tries to combat Gotham City 's crime spree , he quotes the old saying : `` The night is always darkest before the dawn . '' The late Heath Ledger plays the Joker in `` The Dark Knight , '' a performance already garnering raves . But the dawn may have been the brightest time for `` The Dark Knight , '' which was scheduled to have about 3,000 late-night showings , including almost 100 showings at 3 and 6 a.m. Friday , according to Fandango.com spokesman Harry Medved . Medved said he could n't remember the last time there were more than two or three such showings in the middle of the night -- usually in New York or Los Angeles . `` Is n't that when people are just thinking about waking up and going to Starbucks ? '' Medved asked . `` I predict coffee sales will increase tomorrow . '' With the film 's running time of two and a half hours , Medved is declaring `` The Dark Knight 's '' opening day Dark Friday , predicting that"} +{"answer":"which killed 6,000 last year alone . Statements by Cabinet members and Obama himself calmed things down , but tensions arose again . Congress ended a pilot program that allowed Mexican trucks into U.S. territory , as contemplated in the North America Free Trade Agreement ; Mexico , in line with the treaty , retaliated by imposing fees on 90 U.S. products . Even so , the bilateral relationship is at a high point and large-scale protests are n't expected when Obama visits the Mexican capital . But there are pending issues , such as immigration reform , trade and a pressing question in this capital : Who will the next U.S. ambassador be ? Local media have been reporting that Carlos Pascual , a Cuban-American expert on Europe and a former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine , is Obama 's choice , but the fact that he wrote a report for the Brookings Institute on Iraq and the importance of reconstructing a failed state was n't well received in political and government circles . Obama and Calder\u00f3n have a lot to sort out in this one-day visit . Then comes the Summit of the Americas in Trinidad and Tobago ,","question":"In our Behind the Scenes series , CNN correspondents share their experiences in covering news and analyze the stories behind the events . After a one-on-one interview with President Obama on Wednesday , CNN en Espa\u00f1ol 's Juan Carlos L\u00f3pez is traveling with Obama to Mexico City and to the Summit of the Americas in Trinidad and Tobago . President Obama and Mexican President Felipe Calder\u00f3n in Mexico City on Thursday . MEXICO CITY , Mexico -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It 's the return of an American president to Mexico City . Although George W. Bush visited the country several times , he never made it to this city of more than 20 million people , and it is President Obama 's first visit to Latin America . Obama 's relationship with Mexico started on shaky ground , although the first foreign leader he met with as president-elect was Mexican President Felipe Calder\u00f3n . Reports from the Pentagon and the CIA considered that Mexico was at risk of becoming a failed state , something that did n't sit well with the Calder\u00f3n government . Washington corrected course and even admitted its own responsibility in Mexico 's growing drug war ,"} +{"answer":", Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg warned that the ecological damage was significant . `` This likely harm can not be lightly dismissed , '' she said , `` even in the face of an alleged risk to the effectiveness of the Navy 's 14 training exercises . '' Justices David Souter , Stephen Breyer and John Paul Stevens also questioned the Navy 's arguments . The exercises have continued while the case was under appeal . Environmentalists had sued the Pentagon over the practice , and a federal judge ordered major changes to the Navy 's annual offshore training exercises in March . President Bush had issued an emergency waiver to allow the exercises to go on without the filing of an environmental impact study , but the lower court ruling blocked the use of sonar . That federal judge , in ruling against the government last March , said it was `` constitutionally suspect '' for Bush to issue the national security exemption to allow skipping the impact study . Military officials argued that the restrictions could hamper readiness in time of war , because new sonar technology is needed to detect increasingly sophisticated enemy submarines . `` This","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Supreme Court on Wednesday lifted sanctions placed on the Navy over its underwater sonar testing , a setback for environmental groups that claimed the warfare technology was harming whales and other marine mammals . An endangered blue whale surfaces off the coast of Southern California in July . At issue in the 5-4 ruling was whether the Navy 's need to conduct exercises to protect the country from enemy submarines outweighed concerns raised by environmental groups . The case focused on whether the president had the power to issue executive waivers allowing such tests and whether federal judges can issue preliminary injunctions blocking them . The high court ultimately sided with claims of national security over environmental concerns . Those environmental interests , said Chief Justice John Roberts for the majority , `` are plainly outweighed by the Navy 's need to conduct realistic training exercises to ensure that it is able to neutralize the threat posed by enemy submarines . '' Roberts said a lower federal court `` abused its discretion '' by imposing a 2,200-yard perimeter for testing and ordering a shutdown of sonar use during surfacing exercises . But in dissent"} +{"answer":"The men allegedly made off with pillowcases containing Simpson sports memorabilia . Several jurors said audiotapes of the incident and conversations between Simpson and others that were recorded surreptitiously before , during and after the heist made the prosecution 's case . `` It would have been a weak case '' without the tapes , juror Dora Pettit said . The jury of nine women and three men found Simpson and co-defendant Clarence `` C.J. '' Stewart guilty Friday of 12 charges , including conspiracy to commit a crime , robbery , assault and kidnapping with a deadly weapon . Simpson , 61 , could get life in prison . Sentencing is scheduled for December 5 in Las Vegas . Prosecutors alleged that Simpson , a former football star , led a group of men who used threats , guns and force to take the memorabilia and other items from memorabilia dealers Bruce Fromong and Al Beardsley . Four men who had been charged with Simpson cut deals with the prosecution and testified against him . One testified that Simpson instructed him to bring a gun to the hotel encounter . `` Everything was based on the recordings , ''","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The jury that convicted O.J. Simpson of robbery and other charges relied mostly on audio and video evidence -- and very little on testimony from prosecution witnesses -- jury members said Sunday . O.J. Simpson , convicted of robbery and kidnapping last week , could be sentenced to life in prison on December 5 . `` We honestly felt we could not rely on that witness testimony , '' said Michelle R. Lyons , one of seven jurors who spoke to reporters in Las Vegas , Nevada , on Sunday . `` There was not one decision we made that was based only on witness testimony . '' Jury foreman Paul Connelly said some of the prosecution 's witnesses did n't seem trustworthy . At least three former Simpson co-defendants who cut deals to testify in the case had criminal records . Asked whether the jury trusted the witnesses , Connelly answered : `` Not entirely , no . '' Watch jurors explain their verdict '' Prosecutors produced an audiotape of the confrontation in which authorities said Simpson and five men burst into a Las Vegas , Nevada , hotel on September 13 , 2007 ."} +{"answer":"McFarland managed to call 911 from her cell phone at 10:44 a.m. , just before she was shot to death . She got to her phone while the gunman was distracted , even though she was bound by the duct tape . On the call , posted on the Tinley Park police Web site , a man can be heard saying , `` I 'm losing it . '' The six women were shot execution style . Five of them were dead by the time police arrived , a few minutes after McFarland 's call . A sixth woman survived . She , too , had been shot and left for dead , but tricked the killer by pretending to be dead . The killer was not wearing a mask or disguise , so she was able to describe him in detail . She told police he was a 6 foot African-American male , average weight , medium to dark skin tone , with braided hair and cornrows , husky build , and between 25 and 35 years old . His hair was pulled back , but one braid hung along his right cheek with light-green beads at the end","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- She survived a bloodbath at a Lane Bryant store in Tinley Park , Illinois , by playing dead . The only survivor , she gave police a detailed description of the gunman . The Illinois State police worked closely with the survivor to come up with a composite of the gunman . Police are n't identifying their witness to protect her safety . Five other women lost their lives at Lane Bryant on February 2 , 2008 . The gunman is still at large . The crime began to unfold shortly after 10 a.m. when a man posing as a delivery man walked into the store . He chatted briefly with two customers and two employees . Then , police said , he pulled out a gun and announced a holdup . He forced the four women into the back room , police said . He bound them with duct tape and placed them face down on the floor . Two more women who later entered the store also were taken to the back room , tied and placed next to the others . Watch an update on the case '' Store manager Rhoda"} +{"answer":"was made public Friday by Richard Wiseman , a professor of psychology at the University of Hertfordshire who also studies the paranormal . Wiseman said he was looking for `` photographic evidence for ghosts '' ahead of a session on the subject at the Edinburgh International Science Festival next week . See gallery of haunted photographs '' Wiseman solicited such photos from around the world and collated them for the conference . He said the majority of images showed mysterious-looking orbs , mists , figures and faces . In one picture , a face appears in the side-view mirror of a parked Mercedes convertible . The photographer insists no one was around when he took the picture ; skeptics say the mirror could be reflecting the headrest or be the result of digital manipulation . Another photo of a person walking through a creek in the woods appears to show a second person wearing a hooded sweatshirt , standing on a rock nearby . Skeptics say the `` figure '' is an illusion created by tree branches and the rock formation in the background . Two friends raising a drink to the camera in a third photograph are joined by","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The figure peers down silently from an upper floor of the ruins of a Scottish castle , wearing what looks like an outfit from the Middle Ages . Could this be a long-dead Scottish earl , or just a random , modern-day visitor ? The mysterious image captured by Chris Aitchison at Tantallon Castle in eastern Scotland . The eerie image is captured in a photograph taken by tourist Christopher Aitchison in May 2008 at Tantallon Castle , which sits on a rocky outcrop along the Scottish coast , east of Edinburgh . The `` person '' appears to be wearing an old-style greenish ruff around the neck . Aitchison insists he did not tamper with the image and can not explain it . `` I was not aware of anyone , or anything , being present in my picture , only noticing the anomaly when I got home , '' Aitchison said . `` Staff have verified that there were no sinister dummies in period costume or historical reenactments going on that day at the castle . I did not notice any nice old ladies wearing ruffs walking around the stairs ! '' The picture"} +{"answer":"But you do dream of getting power-washed . So , yes , after a few days a shower was , shall we say , more than essential . For the Marines , however , it is a seven-month tour of duty in mud in the winter and dust in the summer . It seems very grim , especially when compounded by the fact that the Marines are wearing heavy body armor all the time . Ask them if it 's heavy to wear , the typical answer goes something like , `` It 's only heavy to wear until the bad guys start shooting at you . Then it 's OK . '' The young Marines know exactly how tough the fight they are facing in the coming weeks and months will likely be . Several of them told me security had gotten considerably worse in recent days . Their bases were being repeatedly shelled by insurgents , several roadside bombs had gone off , and local Afghan police had died at the hands of suicide attacks . Senior commanders usually have a more cheery outlook , but here in southern Afghanistan , everyone is cautious . Almost everyone is","question":"CNN Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr and photojournalist Peter Morris traveled to southern Afghanistan with Gen. James Conway , commandant of the Marine Corps . CNN 's Barbara Starr is on assignment in Afghanistan , where she says Marines are living in very tough terrain . HELMAND PROVINCE , Afghanistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Our travels in Afghanistan continue . I feel like the title of this posting should be `` why I had to get power-washed in Afghanistan '' or `` the body armor is only heavy until they start shooting at you . '' OK , now I will explain . CNN photojournalist Peter Morris and I just wrapped up spending several days in southern Afghanistan with Gen. James Conway , commandant of the Marine Corps , touring the combat zone . The Marines are living in some of the toughest terrain there is . It is remote and often raining . That means dust turns to mud , and you find yourself covered in it from head to toe . Stinky , cold , wet , oozy mucky mud . The good news is , everybody stinks , so you lose any sense of self-consciousness about it ."} +{"answer":"evening . `` I was shocked , '' said Sophia Kamran . `` When students are sitting on the ground and -LRB- have -RRB- no way of moving to be violent , being totally peaceful , I do n't understand the use of pepper spray against them . '' On Saturday evening , as Katehi left campus , dozens of students sat cross-legged and with their arms linked in a silent protest . A reporter asked Katehi , `` Do you still feel threated by the students ? '' `` No , '' she said . `` No . '' Photos : Navigating a mob on a ` day of action ' DES MOINES , IOWA The crowd at the Family Leader Thanksgiving forum in Des Moines erupted in applause as GOP president contender Newt Gingrich said the Occupy protesters need to `` Go get a job , right after you take a bath . '' `` All the Occupy movement starts with the premise that we all owe them everything , '' he said . `` They take over a public park they did n't pay for , to go nearby to use bathrooms they did n't pay for","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- What started as the Occupy Wall Street movement in New York in September has spread across major cities worldwide as a call to action against unequal distribution of wealth . Here is a roundup of some of the movement 's recent developments : DAVIS , CALIFORNIA The University of California at Davis placed two police officers on administrative leave after video of them pepper-spraying non-violent protesters at point-blank range sparked outrage at school officials . The chancellor of the University of California , Davis , established a task force Saturday to look into an incident in which a police officer sprayed seated protesters with pepper spray at point blank range . See full story on UC-Davis incident Lida Katehi told CNN 's Don Lemon that she considered the police action on Friday `` unacceptable , '' but stressed she has no plans to step down . `` We really want to look into this very carefully and take action ... make sure that it will never happen again on our campus , '' she said . One of the protesters hit by the spray told CNN 's Lemon that she was still feeling some after-effects Saturday"} +{"answer":", according to Lynne Snyder , the director of women 's services . One baby could n't wait to get to the second-floor delivery room . The doctors had to go to Mom at the bottom of the stairs , and everyone went into the emergency room to help the infant into into the world . The infants are going home with T-shirts pronouncing them proud to be a blizzard baby . Dad : We waited nine months for our Christmas present '' Edie Coddington is wearing one of those shirts , even though her parents , Odele and Ian , were out of town when the storms hit . They were visiting family in Calgary and had to wait until the two blizzards cleared before they could get back to Colorado . Edie was a very happy surprise , Odele Coddington said . Their joy is shared by co-workers who are having an `` enormous rash '' of blizzard babies , Ian Coddington said , adding that company picnics will be very entertaining in about five years , when the babies are older and running around . For now , more babies may be on the way . Sky","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The weather can affect your travel , your mood and apparently the size of your family . Edie is a proud blizzard baby , and her parents have already bought her a snowsuit for this year . Denver hospitals are reporting a baby boom , which is arriving about nine months after two blizzards walloped Colorado 's capital city . With roads shut down for days , couples were stuck at home and apparently cuddled up to stay warm . Marjorie Silva told the Rocky Mountain News that she has a new baby because she did n't want her husband to play in the snow during the blizzard . `` It was cold , and we took a bath together , '' she told the newspaper , referring to husband Hansell . `` And one thing led to another . He wanted to go outside and play with the snow , and I did n't want to . ... We just ate and stayed in bed . '' Hospital staffers are working extra hours and using an overflow unit to take care of all the new babies and moms at Avista Adventist Hospital in suburban Louisville"} +{"answer":"lot of `` forced moments '' with Zinkhan . The last such interaction came the afternoon of April 24 , the day before witnesses said Zinkhan , 57 , killed his wife and two others outside a community theater in Athens . Covington was walking down the driveway of his Bogart home to check the mail . Zinkhan had just done the same and was walking back to his house . Covington said hello and told Zinkhan that his son , a UGA student who used to mow the Zinkhans ' lawn , had recently seen Zinkhan on campus . `` He said , ` Yeah , that 's where I hang out , ' and turned and walked into the house , '' said Covington , who lived next door to Zinkhan for eight years . `` That 's mostly what it was with George , forced moments . '' It was odd for Zinkhan to say more than five or 10 words before disengaging , while his wife , Marie Bruce , was the `` polar opposite , '' Covington said , describing the 47-year-old thespian as engaging and vivacious . Despite the contrasts in personalities , Covington","question":"ATHENS , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The body of accused triple killer and University of Georgia professor George Zinkhan was claimed by a relative Friday , nearly a week after Zinkhan was found dead , the Georgia Bureau of Investigation said . A studio proof shows professor George Zinkhan and his wife , Marie Bruce . A mortuary shipping service in Atlanta picked up Zinkhan 's body at the request of a son from a previous marriage , GBI spokesman John Bankhead said . Details on plans for the body were n't immediately available . Earlier Friday , Bankhead had said Zinkhan 's body -- found Saturday in a self-dug shallow grave -- could be headed to a pauper 's grave if the family did n't claim the body from the Athens-Clarke County coroner 's office by Saturday morning . Such a grave is typically reserved for unidentified bodies , unclaimed bodies or people without family members . Bankhead said the situation was rare and that it was unclear why the family had taken that long to claim the body of the professor , described by colleagues and acquaintances as aloof and eccentric . Neighbor Bob Covington remembers a"} +{"answer":"ushered in the era of the vehicle as status symbol . Watch GM 's CEO explain why the company is cutting Pontiac '' `` It was a chick magnet , for God 's sake . Even from a girl 's standpoint , '' Lindsay said . Pontiac 's other emblematic performance car , the Firebird Trans Am , featured the outline of a firebird on the hood -- the whole hood . It enjoyed a rise in popularity and brisk sales after being featured in the `` Smokey and the Bandit '' movie franchise beginning in the late 1970s . But like even the most sturdy odometer , the numbers , years ago , had begun to work against Detroit . After years of watching their market share erode to foreign automakers , GM , Ford and Chrysler were beset by a perfect storm of declining sales , slow innovation and a dogged recession . While all three shed jobs , GM and Chrysler took bailouts to survive ; Ford chose to rely on its cash reserves to ride out the storm . In February , GM announced the end of the Saturn and Hummer lines while casting a ray","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Pontiac lovers are feeling nostalgic and mournful Monday amid General Motors announcement that it will end production of the car . Pontiac models , such as the 1969 GTO , helped usher in the era of the muscle cars , enthusiasts say . Jean Lindsay of western New York fondly recalls the muscle cars in her family 's driveway : Two 1967 GTOs . `` I had two brothers , and they each had one of these cars , '' she said . `` The GTO represented the suburban culture of its time , heavily laden with root beer and plain beer . '' `` Those were the days of Bob 's Big Boy -LSB- hamburger restaurant -RSB- , when girls wore skates . Back then we pleasantly wasted gas looking for fun . It was a social thing . '' Debuting in 1964 , the Pontiac GTO is widely regarded as the original muscle car . It was a risky model in that it featured a big-block engine in an intermediate-size frame . The GTO 's success not only buoyed GM but helped jumpstart the high-performance market for Detroit 's Big Three automakers -- and"} +{"answer":"that propagated an ideology of anti-Semitism and hatred . '' After Benedict 's Monday speech at Yad Vashem , the memorial 's chairman , Holocaust survivor Rabbi Yisrael Lau , criticized the pope , saying the pontiff did not `` participate in the pain of the Jewish people '' and `` used the term ` killed ' when talking about Holocaust victims and not the word ` murdered ' as his predecessor did . '' Benedict drew the ire of Jews and German Catholics earlier this year by rehabilitating an excommunicated bishop who had disputed the number of Jews killed in concentration camps during World War II . The bishop 's excommunication was unrelated to his Holocaust denial . Friday , Benedict repeated his call for Palestinians to enjoy a `` sovereign independent homeland '' and `` to live in dignity and to travel freely . '' He remarked that `` one of the saddest sights for me during my visit to these lands was the wall '' -- a reference to the 20-foot concrete barrier he saw in Bethlehem during his visit to a Palestinian refugee camp . Israel says the structure , which it calls a security fence","question":"JERUSALEM -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Pope Benedict XVI completed his eight-day tour of the Holy Land on Friday with an exhortation to both Israelis and Palestinians to work through their decades-old conflict . Pope Benedict XVI prays in Jerusalem on Friday at what 's believed to be the burial site of Jesus . `` No more bloodshed ! No more fighting ! No more terrorism ! No more war ! Instead let us break the vicious circle of violence . Let there be lasting peace based on justice , let there be genuine reconciliation and healing , '' the pontiff said . Benedict made the comments at a farewell ceremony at Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv before Israeli President Shimon Peres and other religious and secular leaders . In his concluding remarks , Benedict called his visit to Israel 's Holocaust memorial Yad Vashem and his conversations with survivors a `` deeply moving encounter . '' He seemed to address some criticism he received within the country for not speaking in stronger terms about anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial . Referring to the Holocaust , Benedict spoke of the victims who `` were brutally exterminated under a godless regime"} +{"answer":"are moving toward Mac , said Paul Henry , a forensics and security analyst at Lumension Security in Arizona . `` We all knew it was going to happen , '' he said . `` It was just a matter of time , and , personally , I think we 're going to see a lot more of it . '' The malicious software was first reported in January . It did n't gain widespread attention until recently , when Mario Ballano Barcena and Alfredo Pesoli of Symantec , maker of the popular Norton antivirus products , detailed the software in a publication called `` Virus Bulletin . '' Mac users at large , however , should not be alarmed by the incident , experts said . The program infects only computers whose users downloaded pirated versions of the Mac software iWork . The harmful software is a Trojan horse , meaning it tries to sneak into the computer with some sort of permission from the user . Computer worms travel differently . They wiggle their way into computers and replicate without the owner 's approval or knowledge . The Mac program is called a botnet because infected computers become","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Mac computers are known for their near-immunity to malicious computer programs that plague PCs . Some security experts say viruses are moving toward Mac as those computers become more popular . But that may be changing somewhat , according to computer security researchers . It seems that as sleek Mac computers become more popular , they 're also more sought-after targets for the authors of harmful programs . `` The bad guys generally go toward the biggest target , what will get them the biggest bang for their buck , '' said Kevin Haley , a director of security response at Symantec . Until recently , the big target always was Microsoft Windows , and Apple computers were protected by `` relative obscurity , '' he said . But blogs are buzzing this week about what two Symantec researchers have called the first harmful computer program to strike specifically at Mac . This Trojan horse program , dubbed the `` iBotnet , '' has infected only a few thousand Mac machines , but it represents a step in the evolution of malicious computer software , Haley said . The iBotnet is a sign that harmful programs"} +{"answer":"amazing place to be and a wave that always challenges you . '' The vibe : Surfers compare this event to professional golf 's Master 's tournament . Since the 1950s and '60s , mobs of fans have traveled to view one of the sport 's great venues to watch competing surfers . How to get there : To find this quarter-mile long treasure trove of breaking waves , drive southwest of Ehukai Beach Park along the Kamehameha Highway , about seven miles northeast of Haleiwa . During competition season -- in November and December -- visitors can soak up a lot of action on the beach , said Scott Bass , editor at Surfer Magazine . `` It 's a unique spot because a large , crazy death-defying surf breaks only 100 yards from shore . It 's very accessible as a viewer , '' said Bass . See map and more photos of Slater 's surfing spots '' Where to stay : Keiki Beach Bungalows offers tourists the best of both worlds : proximity to the Pipeline and a break from the crowds . Located on the beach about a mile away from Pipeline , the quiet bungalows","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- For pro-surfers like nine-time world champion Kelly Slater , flying from continent to continent looking for the perfect wave seems like a freewheeling lifestyle , but for amateurs , it requires careful planning . Surfing champ Kelly Slater gains altitude at Hossegor , France , in 2002 . Surfers checking out unique vibes at sites in Australia , Fiji , Tahiti , Hawaii and France are driven by the buzz that comes from exhilarating swells , breaking waves and amazing barrel tubes created by truly awesome forces of nature . Unlike other travelers , surfers are interested in surfer-friendly places to crash , snagging the best airline rates for surfboards and where to hang out . Here 's Slater 's list of five great surfing meccas along with some hints about how to fully enjoy your search for the proverbial endless summer . See photos of Slater surfing his five great sites '' BANZAI PIPELINE , Oahu , Hawaii Event : Billabong Pipeline Masters , December 8 to December 20 , 2009 `` I grew up mesmerized by it , and it never lets you down , '' Slater said . `` It 's just an"} +{"answer":"terrorist . He told the UK 's Press Association : `` These individuals were not on our radar and that in itself is very interesting . When you look at the profile of these individuals they are very different from the terrorists we have dealt with in this country before - being professional people . McDowell added they were probably inspired by al Qaeda in Iraq but developed their plan in Britain without help from abroad . `` I think this was a group that was largely self-motivated , came up with the ideas themselves , tutored themselves through the Internet . I do n't think they received significant training elsewhere , which is unusual from what we have had in the past , '' he told PA. . Abdulla 's motive , prosecutors said , was revenge for the bloodshed in Iraq . Prosecutor Jonathan Laidlaw said : ` There is no longer a conventional approach to terrorism . There are no rules to be broken any more , nothing can be taken for granted . '' Abdulla was found guilty Tuesday of conspiracy to murder and conspiring to cause explosions . He will be sentenced to Woolwich Crown","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The conviction of a terrorist doctor in the UK exposes how any section of society can become radicalized , a top police officer said Tuesday . Bilal Abdulla is shown being arrested after the attack at Glasgow Airport . Bilal Abdulla was well-educated and working as a doctor when he carried out his plot to plant car bombs in London -- rather than unemployed or with feelings of being outside or abandoned by society as has been seen before in the UK . Born in southern England , his family moved to Iraq when he was a child . He grew up in the capital during Saddam Hussein 's rule and went to the University of Baghdad before returning to Britain to attend Cambridge University . The Cambridge-educated graduate became a doctor working in the National Health Service where the maxim is to treat anyone regardless of the ability to pay . Deputy Assistant Commissioner John McDowall , who heads the Counter Terrorism Command , said Abdulla and Kafeel Ahmed -- who died from burn injuries after he crashed a jeep into Glasgow International Airport , Scotland -- reveal a new type of"} +{"answer":"Well , the whole package we announced today is not only about enforcement and stopping the flow of drugs into the United States and helping Mexico against these very brutal cartels , but it includes money for more drug courts and reduction in demand . So , we look forward to working on the demand side as well as the supply side , but I 'll tell you , where the Department of Homeland Security is concerned , it 's all about border safety and security and making sure that spillover violence does not erupt in our own country . Phillips : We 're talking about more than 200 cities , cities that we 'd never think of , like Sheboygan , Wisconsin , and Sioux Falls -LSB- South Dakota -RSB- . I mean , what about the people right now that are dealing with sexual abuse , murder , house invasions , kidnapping ? Napolitano : That 's right . What is happening , for those who do n't live on the border , is that there are some large drug cartels . They 're old . They 've been in Mexico for a long time , but they","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano unveiled a $ 700 million plan on Tuesday to help Mexico fight violent drug cartels , which includes a U.S. crackdown on the flow of weapons and money into Mexico . Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says the DHS plan will address demand and border security . The move sets the stage for visits to Mexico by three administration Cabinet members , starting tomorrow with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton , in an effort to stem drug-related violence and prevent it from spilling into the United States . CNN 's Kyra Phillips spoke with Napolitano on Tuesday about the United States ' involvement in the Mexican government 's war against drug cartels and the United States ' stake in the conflict . Kyra Phillips : Well , I want to get right to it because we 'll never be able to defeat the drug lords until our own demand for drugs here in the U.S. is curbed . I mean , it is our consumption in the U.S. that fuels the drug lord production . So , what are you going to do to decrease that demand ? Janet Napolitano :"} +{"answer":"of America . We 're going to look at a section on world view -- all of the minefield questions that no matter how you answer them , somebody 's not going to like it . Then we 're going to look at America 's role internationally . How we 've been a blessed nation and how should we bless others . Roberts : Are you going to ask them about issues like abortion and same-sex marriage ? Pro-life advocates are hoping you do . There has been some criticism in some corners you have been soft-pedaling political issues that are central to evangelicals . Warren : I think everybody will be surprised . I 'm going to ask all of the tough questions . I just intend to ask them in a civil way . This is called a civil forum , which means you can disagree without demonizing the opposition . I think everybody wants to hear questions not just about those `` moral issues , '' but also about a lot of other things , too . I 'm trying to stake out a common ground for the common good . Roberts : When you take a","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Rev. Rick Warren , often called America 's most influential pastor , will be hosting Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain for what 's being called the civil forum on the presidency . Rick Warren will be hosting the civil forum on the presidency Warren , who heads up the country 's fourth largest church , is also an author whose books have sold more than 30 million copies . The candidates will appear together at Warren 's 20,000-member Saddleback mega-church in southern California where they each will be interviewed for an hour . Warren spoke with John Roberts on CNN 's American Morning about what he hopes to accomplish at the forum . John Roberts : What do you want to hear from candidates Saturday night ? Rick Warren : You know , John , we 're going to look at four different segments . One is a segment on leadership . What is the personal character , competence , and experience of each of these guys . One section will be on what I call stewardship -- the role and responsibility of presidency , what they believe about the constitution , the role"} +{"answer":"Oscar nomination -LRB- but not a win -RRB- , but when `` Norbit '' dropped in theaters , the movie ended up winning eight Golden Raspberry `` Razzie '' awards . That 's a lot of bad `` fruit . '' The Frisky : Pics of 15 celebrity slobs America 's sweetheart bombs Sandra Bullock made history in 2010 for winning both an Oscar and a Razzie in the same year . Actually , make that in the same weekend ! Before accepting her Best Actress Oscar for `` The Blind Side , '' the gracious actress accepted a Razzie for Worst Actress in `` All About Steve . '' We 're sure her two statues sit side by side . From `` Good Will '' to six stinkers Ben Affleck took home an Oscar in 1997 for writing `` Good Will Hunting , '' so I suppose his acting prowess was n't exactly on the line . But he followed up that win with a number of truly mediocre roles and was nominated for Worst Actor of the Decade Razzie this year for his contributions to film in `` Daredevil , '' `` Gigli , '' `` Jersey Girl","question":"-LRB- The Frisky -RRB- -- Natalie Portman is getting a lot of Oscar buzz for her performance in `` Black Swan . '' And while the young actress certainly deserves the attention for the mind-bending role , we 're a little concerned that a dud of a movie is about to hit theaters that could distract critics from her performance in the ballet thriller . Her rom-com `` No Strings Attached , '' also starring Ashton Kutcher , is coming out right before the Oscars . Sometimes when this kind of thing happens , it makes the stronger performance seem like a fluke and can cost an actor precious Academy votes . But Natalie would not be the first star who went from stellar performance to getting stuck in a stinker . From `` Dreamgirls to `` Norbit '' Apparently , a lot of people felt that Eddie Murphy 's shot at winning an Oscar for his role in `` Dreamgirls '' evaporated after his 2007 movie `` Norbit . '' For his role as James `` Thunder '' Early in `` Dreamgirls , '' Murphy took home a Golden Globe and a Screen Actors Guild Award and earned an"} +{"answer":"'' local fisherman Agustin Diaz said . Full coverage of Chile 's earthquake United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon on Friday pledged up to $ 10 million to support relief and recovery efforts during a two-day visit , where he met with Chilean President Michelle Bachelet . `` I am visiting this city with a deep sadness , '' Ban told reporters Saturday while in Concepcion . `` Standing before this destruction , I can feel for your loss , your struggle . `` At the same time I am very grateful , very moved by such a strong determination , '' he added . `` The leaders , the people on the ground , they are all united . '' Ban also announced Friday a team effort between U.N. agencies and the Chilean government to determine the priority areas for funds , with emphasis on health , shelters , education and water . The secretary-general plans to bring the matter in front of the United Nations on his return . Chileans proud to help out their own The Chilean government has asked the United Nations for items such as field hospitals with surgical facilities , dialysis centers , generators ,","question":"Santiago , Chile -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Aid poured in for Chile from home and overseas , with a local television station hoping to raise $ 27 million by Saturday and the United Nations pledging funds toward recovery efforts after a massive earthquake . `` Chile Helps Chile , '' a telethon that started Friday , runs until Saturday night , according to TV Chile 's Web site . The site includes phone numbers and and e-mails for making donations in nearly 20 countries outside the South American nation . Hundreds of people died when the 8.8-magnitude earthquake struck Chile last Saturday . The world 's fifth-strongest earthquake since 1900 resulted in a tsunami that toppled buildings , particularly in the Maule region along the coast . It 's still unclear exactly how many people died . Army divers have been searching the waters near the city of Constitucion for the bodies of as many as 400 tourists who were camping on an island during a summer festival . `` There were horrible screams . People calling out for us to go and rescue them . They were crying for help . But there was nothing we could do ,"} +{"answer":"can deploy both power and the `` power of our values , including the rule of law . '' `` What makes the United States special ... is precisely the fact that we are willing to uphold our values and our ideals even when it 's hard , not just when it 's easy , even when we are afraid and under threat , not just when it 's expedient to do so , '' he said . Watch Obama talk about the importance of values '' Although abiding by the rule of law can make battling groups such as al Qaeda more difficult , he added , it is ultimately why `` we 'll defeat our enemies . We 're on the better side of history . '' Panetta , while introducing the president , promised that the CIA would abide by the president 's order barring controversial enhanced interrogation techniques . He also agreed that it was possible to protect the country and its values at the same time . Obama 's visit to the CIA 's Langley , Virginia , headquarters came a day after former CIA Director Michael Hayden said the decision to release the four","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Obama , visiting CIA headquarters Monday , defended his decision to release Bush-era memos on interrogation tactics , saying the country will ultimately be stronger as a result . President Obama met with CIA workers and Director Leon Panetta , left , in Virginia on Monday . The president 's remarks came in the wake of criticism from a former CIA chief and others that his decision compromised national security and encouraged terrorist groups such as al Qaeda . Obama also met with CIA Director Leon Panetta , Deputy Director Stephen Kappes and other officials , and talked to employees about the importance of the agency 's mission to national security . The president asserted that he had released the documents primarily because of the `` exceptional circumstances that surrounded these memos , particularly the fact that so much of the information was -LSB- already -RSB- public . ... The covert nature of the information had been compromised . '' Watch Obama talk about `` exceptional circumstances '' '' Obama added that he ended the controversial interrogation techniques mentioned in the memos because the United States `` is stronger and more secure '' when it"} +{"answer":"Perlman , co-founder and CEO of Zumba Fitness in Hollywood , Florida , was n't surprised when the concept took off not just in the United States but around the world . `` We turned exercise into a party , '' Perlman declared . `` Zumba broke some of the rules of fitness . We used music in the original form instead of using step counts . '' Perlman , whose background is in marketing , teamed up with Colombian dancer and choreographer Alberto `` Beto '' Perez in Miami in 2001 . `` One day , Beto forgot his aerobics tapes , so he played his salsa and meringue songs during class in their original form , '' Perlman said . `` People went crazy . They did n't feel like they were in a class with a drill sergeant . '' Perlman said Perez decided to call the exercise Zumba , after the Colombian slang word meaning to buzz like a bee or move fast . Zumba is now a brand name . Since 2003 , Perlman 's group has trained 20,000 instructors around the world and sold more than 3 million DVDs on the Internet and through","question":"ALPHARETTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Latin music pulses from the stereo as 40 women jump , shimmy and sway to the beat . Zumba is the most popular exercise class at one suburban Atlanta YMCA . It 's not a dance club . This is a regular morning exercise class at the YMCA in Alpharetta , Georgia . It 's called Zumba . Part dance , part aerobics , Zumba is an hourlong routine that works almost every muscle in the body . `` It is dance fitness , '' explained Stephanie Maxim , one of two class instructors . `` We teach them moves that you can see on ` Dancing with the Stars ' : salsa , mambo , cha-cha , and we put it into a group fitness format . '' `` It 's not like a workout , '' explained Diane Walterstiel , 55 , of Alpharetta . `` Before I come , I 'm tense , but when I leave , I could kiss the world . '' Nearly a year after being introduced at the YMCA in suburban Atlanta , Zumba is the most popular exercise offering at the facility . Alberto"} +{"answer":"100 % manly man , like more manly than most guys . After a few days , I thought about it . I knew he was making the right choice to become a girl . Although I ca n't relate to his feelings , it must be really hard to hide something like that . It would be like having one million dollars and not being able to spend it . After just so long , your feelings would take over and spend it . Now , though , I am very proud of my dad . Read Travis ' response to some viewer questions about his father After I saw him , and saw that inside he was the same dad as he always was : he still likes football , he still likes to be an aggressive driver . He is still the same person , but just different on the outside . I am very happy for him now that he is who he wants to be . I think that everyone should be who they are and not try to be the same as other people . If you ask me , this has got to","question":"Below is an essay written by Steven Stanton 's son Travis after he learned that his father was going to become a woman . The story of his father 's transformation can be seen on `` Her Name Was Steven '' at 8 and 11 p.m. ET Saturday on CNN . Throughout my whole life , I thought my dad was a really tough guy . He went out with the cops and busted bad guys . He shot guns , fought fires , he was an aggressive driver , and he liked football and lots of sports . Then , one day my thoughts changed about him when we had a family meeting and he told me how he felt about himself . He said he felt like a woman on the inside and was going to change into one . He said he tried his best to be a manly guy , but he could n't stop his feelings to become a girl . I was very surprised to hear this . At first , I thought I was in a dream . It was very hard to believe such a thing . I thought he was a"} +{"answer":"the opposition , said he will appeal the ruling . `` This fight is far from over , '' he told reporters outside the courtroom . `` Hazleton is not going to back down . ... We will take it all the way to the Supreme Court if we have to . '' Watch mayor decry `` injustice '' '' Barletta drafted the act last year after `` a high-profile murder , the discharge of a gun at a crowded city playground , and drug busts '' allegedly involving illegal immigrants , he wrote on his Web site , www.smalltowndefenders.com . `` Illegal aliens in our city create an economic burden that threatens our quality of life , '' he wrote . `` With a growing problem and a limited budget , I could not sit back any longer and allow this to happen . I needed to act ! '' Hazleton 's population was 23,000 in 2000 . Since then , it has risen to an estimated 30,000 to 33,000 , with many of the newcomers being Mexican immigrants , according to Munley . The American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania was among several groups that filed the suit","question":"ALLENTOWN , Pennsylvania -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A federal court Thursday struck down ordinances passed by Hazleton , Pennsylvania , that were intended to limit where illegal immigrants could live and work . Last year , Hazleton passed the Illegal Immigration Relief Act Ordinance , which would have fined landlords who rented to undocumented immigrants and would have penalized companies that employed them . Under another law , tenants would have had to prove they were citizens or lawful residents , register with the city and pay for a rental permit in order to receive an occupancy permit . The ordinances were copied by other cities . The court ruled that Hazleton can not enact any ordinances dealing with illegal immigration because they conflict with the supremacy clause of the U.S. constitution . `` Hazleton , in its zeal to control the presence of a group deemed undesirable , violated the rights of such people , as well as others within the community . Since the United States Constitution protects even the disfavored , the ordinances can not be enforced , '' U.S. District Judge James M. Munley wrote in the 206-page opinion . Mayor Lou Barletta , who spearheaded"} +{"answer":"days . Me and Landon will talk , but that will be a private conversation . '' Donovan , who led the United States to the Confederations Cup final last month , said in the book that Beckham had been a negative influence since his high-profile move to the Major League Soccer outfit two years ago . He said Beckham , who brokered a loan move to AC Milan last season , had shown little interest in the Galaxy since coach Ruud Gullit resigned in August last year . Donovan , who leads the Galaxy in Beckham 's absence , also cast doubt on the 34-year-old midfielder 's leadership abilities . But last week he admitted that he should have brought up his grievances with Beckham earlier . `` I do n't apologize for what I said , '' Donovan told MLSnet.com on Thursday . `` I just apologize for the way I did . I should have told him to his face . I 've long told David since he 's been gone and I 've been gone that I want to sit down and talk with him about everything . `` It 's fresh in everyone 's minds","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- David Beckham is planning showdown talks with L.A. Galaxy teammate Landon Donovan , who questioned the English football star 's commitment to the MLS team earlier this month . Landon Donovan , left , is unhappy with David Beckham 's contribution at LA Galaxy . Beckham said the U.S. national captain was `` unprofessional '' for publicly voicing his opinions , which were reported worldwide from the soon-to-be-published book `` The Beckham Experiment '' by Sports Illustrated writer Grant Wahl . `` In every football player 's eyes throughout the world , it would be unprofessional to speak out about a team-mate , especially in the press and not to your face , '' Beckham said before watching the Galaxy 's 1-0 win over Chivas USA on Saturday night . What do you think ? Was Donovan right ? `` In 17 years , I have played with the biggest teams in the world and the biggest players , and not once have I been criticized for my professionalism . `` It 's important to get this cleared up , and I will be speaking to Landon either this evening or over the next couple of"} +{"answer":"'s the body that turned up in a nearby room , a onetime chess prodigy who appears to have major connections with some big shots -- machers , in the local Yiddish lingo . There 's his ex-wife , now his boss -- at least until the department is disbanded -- and his partner , a half-Jewish , half-Tlingit named Berko who 's far more responsible than Landsman . And there are a host of old enemies with long memories , particularly when Landsman decides to root around the dead chess player 's case . Landsman 's world is fiction , of course , a product of Michael Chabon 's imagination . Chabon 's new book , `` The Yiddish Policeman 's Union '' -LRB- HarperCollins -RRB- , combines Landsman 's hard-boiled detective 's terrain with the landscape of alternate history , one in which world events take a startling turn . The story is rooted in fact , the Pulitzer Prize-winning author Chabon -LRB- `` The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay '' -RRB- observes . Chabon had written an article about the decline of Yiddish , and the reaction to the piece -- some of it very negative","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It was one of the greatest humanitarian acts in history . Pondering an imaginary Yiddish-speaking place produced `` The Yiddish Policemen 's Union , '' says Michael Chabon . At the beginning of World War II , as the Nazis tightened their grip on Europe , the U.S. government allowed millions of Jews to resettle from their homes in Poland and Russia to southeastern Alaska , along the panhandle . Two million Jews had died at the hands of the Nazi scourge , but millions more were saved as the Federal District of Sitka , Alaska , became the new Jewish homeland -- all the more important when the fledgling State of Israel went down to defeat in 1948 . However , 60 years later , Sitka is about to be returned to local jurisdiction , and the island 's Jews -- including a noted detective , Meyer Landsman -- are wondering where to go next . The Jewish people , forever rootless , will have to wander some more . Landsman 's got other problems , too . He 's rootless himself , biding his time in a seedy hotel . There"} +{"answer":"key Islamist figures in Karachi , the populous port city and financial capital of Pakistan . For some time , it has functioned as a hideout for Taliban and al Qaeda sympathizers . One of the figures , top Taliban leader Agha Jan Motasim , was arrested on Friday . Motasim 's capture came on the heels of the arrest of the Taliban 's No. 2 figure and overall military commander , Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar . Last month , Taliban and government sources confirmed that Pakistani Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud had died . A government official told CNN Mehsud died as a result of a January 14 unmanned drone attack in North Waziristan ; other sources said Mehsud died near the city of Multan in central Pakistan while on his way to a treatment center in Karachi . A city of 13 million -- with some estimates of 100,000 new arrivals a month -- Karachi as seen an influx of Pashtuns from the tribal border region with Afghanistan . Many fled there during fighting and offensives in the Northwest Frontier Province and Waziristan , making it a comfortable place for the Taliban to blend in and count on a","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Conflicting reports emerged Sunday about whether Adam Gadahn , a U.S.-born spokesman for al Qaeda , has been arrested in Pakistan . A senior Pakistani government official told CNN that Gadahn was arrested Sunday in Karachi , and a second senior Pakistani government official later confirmed the arrest . But a U.S. intelligence official said there appears to be no validity to the reports that Gadahn was in custody , and other U.S. officials also said they have no indication that Gadahn has been captured . Reports of the arrest came hours after Islamist Web sites posted video of Gadahn praising the November massacre at Fort Hood , Texas . On the video , Gadahn said the U.S. Army major charged with gunning down 13 people `` lit a path '' for other Muslim service members to follow . Gadahn , also known as Azzam the American , has routinely posted lengthy videos on Islamist online forums . In 2006 , he was indicted on charges of treason and providing material support to terrorists . The U.S. government has offered a $ 1 million reward for information leading to his capture . Authorities have targeted several"} +{"answer":"to gain support for his `` Sunshine Policy '' to establish relations with the North . Kim 's policy of detente culminated when he met North Korean leader Kim Jong Il in June 2000 , becoming the first South Korean leader to do so since the Korean War unofficially ended in 1953 . But Kim left a mixed legacy as president . Although he helped pull South Korea out of a financial downward spiral , many of his promised economic reforms failed to materialize . A series of corruption scandals , including the imprisonment of two sons on graft charges , also tainted his tenure . `` Broadly speaking , his place in history is going to be a positive one , '' said Brian Bridges , a political science professor at Hong Kong 's Lingnan University who specializes in politics and foreign policies of the two Koreas . `` While it is true that his presidency ended in a cloud of controversy ... he did have a very significant impact in two ways : He took over at a time when South Korea was on its knees and pulled it out from a tremendous economic downturn . And he","question":"SEOUL , South Korea -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former South Korean President and Nobel Laureate Kim Dae-jung , who struggled for democracy for decades and prodded communist North Korea toward rapprochement , died of heart failure on Tuesday , hospital officials said . As president of South Korea , Kim Dae-jung helped bridge differences with North Korea . He was either 83 or 85 , according to conflicting sources . The Nobel Prize Web site indicates he was born on December 3 , 1925 . The Kim presidential library lists his birth date as January 5 , 1924 . He served as president from 1998 to 2003 , and in 2000 , he won the Nobel Peace Prize for fostering better relations between North and South Korea . Kim was admitted to Seoul 's Severance Hospital more than a month ago for pneumonia . Before winning the presidency , Kim struggled for decades as an opposition leader . A former political prisoner , he endured a suspected assassination attempt , a kidnapping , repeated arrests , beatings , exile and a death sentence . Shortly after taking office , Kim vigorously met political leaders of Western countries in a bid"} +{"answer":"is a weed so powerful in sub-Saharan Africa that it can destroy hundreds of thousands of hectares of crucial crops . It 's a problem that has puzzled researchers for ages . But now , thanks to one man , a breakthrough is on the horizon . We reveal why Dr. Gebisa Ejeta is the recipient of this year 's World Food Prize . Interview with Ojo Maduekwe The United Nations has recently voted in its newest members to the Security Council , the new five out of 15 who will serve for the next two years . Nigeria and Gabon received the two African seats , making this the third time Gabon has served on the council and the fourth time for Nigeria . CNN 's Isha Sesay spoke with Nigerian Foreign Minister Ojo Maduekwe about what he 'd like to accomplish in the next two years and how it felt to be the one to bring this success to Nigeria . Traditional Wedding A view of ancient times . These were images sent in by an iReporter of one of the most sacred acts of the Zulu people : a traditional wedding . Our correspondent Errol Barnett caught","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- This week on Inside Africa It 's one of the most sacred acts of the Zulu people . We take you inside an ancient wedding ceremony played out in modern times . Africa gains two seats on the United Nations Security Council , but should those seats be permanent , and what will Nigeria do with this two-year opportunity ? Plus , Grammy-winning singer Alicia Keys takes us on her eye-opening trip to Africa and talks about how the experience changed the way she wrote her next album . Alicia Keys in Africa She 's traveled the world on tour but for singer Alicia Keys nothing spoke to her like a visit she once took to Africa . It moved her to help create a charity and influenced her next album . CNN 's TJ Holmes sat down with the singer to find out what caused the profound effect . Liberia Photo Exhibit Tim Hetherington is a photographer who has witnessed the violent life behind rebel lines in Liberia 's 2003 civil war . He takes us through photos he took during his time there , now on display in London . World Food Prize There"} +{"answer":"statement . `` Passengers who turn up expecting to fly BA , a brand they trust and have paid a premium for , will now be shipped onto carriers they 've never heard of . '' British Airways and Unite have been at odds for more than a year over changes the airline wants to make to cabin crew pay and work practices . BA says the changes will save the company more than 60 million pounds -LRB- $ 90 million -RRB- a year . Unite has said the plans , which call for longer work hours and less staffing , will damage customer service and the BA brand . At least 51 British Airways flights leaving Heathrow Sunday were listed as canceled on the airport 's Web site , and at least 79 arrivals were listed as canceled , as of 10:30 local time -LRB- 5:30 a.m. ET -RRB- . Destinations in the UK , United States , Europe , Africa and the Middle East were directly affected by the cancellation of BA flights . And other airlines such as American Airlines , Cathay Pacific and Iberia were showing flight cancellations because of code-sharing . The union claimed half","question":"London , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- British Airways was able to get three out of four planes to their destination this weekend despite the ongoing strike by cabin crew , the airline 's CEO , Willie Walsh , said Sunday . Walsh told CNN he was `` clearly disappointed for customers who have had disrupted travel plans but I 'm really pleased that we have been able to do so much and we are determined to keep this going . `` We have had high numbers of cabin crew turning up for work . We would n't have been able to fly such a significant operation if we did n't have cabin crew supporting us , '' he said . But the assistant general secretary of the Unite union , which represents the cabin crew , said BA was losing money and shifting customers onto other airlines in a `` con trick . '' Are you worried about the strike ? `` BA is claiming that it can function but it is doing so by throwing away millions of pounds every day as it dumps its passengers on other carriers , '' Unite 's Len McClusky said in a"} +{"answer":"been a Yankees fan since he was a kid , even though he grew up in Iowa . `` My father was a Yankees fan , and it was just handed down through the generations , '' he said . Palmer has a baseball signed by about 20 Yankees players and other memorabilia , but said his biggest thrill was meeting relief pitchers Sparky Lyle and Rich `` Goose '' Gossage . `` It was also amazing to shake hands with one of the most feared pitchers of his day , Goose Gossage , and really see what a gentle person he could be , '' See what Palmer wrote on iReport.com . New Yorker Matthew Friedman said he met Hall of Famer Ryne Sandberg last August after singing `` God Bless America '' before a Peoria Chiefs minor league game . Friedman was in town as part of the Broadway touring production of `` Movin ' Out . '' He said he would sing at the game only if he could meet Sandberg , who was managing the Chiefs . `` He was such a nice guy , '' he said . Friedman is a Mets fan , but","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Baseball 's biggest stars are in New York for Tuesday 's All-Star game , as the sport says goodbye to one of its most famous landmarks . Joseph Cornacchia , left , used to play with Babe Ruth when he was a kid , his son Jim says . It 's the Yankees ' final season at the `` House that Ruth Built , '' and MLB.com reports that 40 Hall of Famers are expected to attend the historic event . We asked CNN.com readers to share their baseball memories and to tell us about meeting their favorite players . iReporter Jim Cornacchia of Rye , New York , says his grandmother taught Babe Ruth to `` make a mean batch of chili . '' He said the legendary slugger would come to Greenwood Lake , New York , during the off season and would visit with his family . iReport.com : Ever met your favorite player ? Cornacchia 's father , Joseph , who just turned 76 , would play wintertime games with `` The Babe '' as a child , and even built a snowman with him . Patrick Palmer , 43 , has"} +{"answer":"the Indianapolis Star reported that Archie Manning said he plans to root for the Colts . `` I 'm going to pull for my son , '' Archie said . '' -LRB- Saints coach -RRB- Sean Payton knows that . He 's a great friend of mine . -LRB- Saints quarterback -RRB- Drew Brees knows that . That 's just the way it is . Anybody who thinks it 's different must not have children . '' Indy Star : Saints legend Archie Manning pulling for son , Colts Robert Park : North Korea said Friday it was releasing the Korean-American missionary detained after reportedly illegally entering the country in December , state-run media reported . Tyong Park , Robert Park 's father , said in San Diego , California , that he was `` so excited '' by the news but had no other information about his son 's release . Robert Park told relatives before Christmas that he was trying to sneak into the isolated communist state to bring a message of `` Christ 's love and forgiveness '' to North Korean leader Kim Jong Il . After an investigation , North Korean authorities `` decided to leniently","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Archie Manning : Super Bowl XLIV is Sunday in Miami , Florida . The New Orleans Saints will face the Indianapolis Colts , and it 's the first time the Saints have been in the Super Bowl in the team 's four-decade history . Archie Manning is in an interesting situation . The quarterback was drafted by the Saints in 1971 , and was hands-down the most famous and revered Saint , staying with them for ten years . He still has a home in New Orleans , Louisiana . Now his son , Peyton Manning , quarterback of the Colts , will face his father 's old team , the team he grew up rooting for . Archie Manning and his wife , Olivia , raised three football-playing sons . Cooper , an all-state high school wide receiver and now a partner in an investment firm ; Eli , who led the New York Giants to their Super Bowl win two years ago ; and Peyton , who did the same for the Colts the year before that . Eli and Peyton both won MVP awards . A few weeks ago , Mike Chappell in"} +{"answer":"coming days . '' On Wednesday , retired Air Force Gen. J. Scott Gration was appointed as U.S. special envoy for Sudan , the White House announced in a written statement . `` Sudan is a priority for this administration , particularly at a time when it cries out for peace and for justice . The worsening humanitarian crisis there makes our task all the more urgent , '' President Barack Obama said in the statement . `` General Gration 's personal and professional background , and his service to the country as both a military leader and a humanitarian , give him the insights and experience necessary for this assignment . '' Gration , a former fighter pilot , served as assistant deputy undersecretary of the Air Force for international affairs . Fluent in Swahili , he was raised partly in Africa , where his parents were missionary teachers Clinton said the real question now is what kind of pressure can be brought to bear on al-Bashir and the government in Khartoum to make them understand `` that they will be held responsible for every single death that occurs in those camps . '' State Department spokesman Robert Wood","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The U.S. State Department threw aside diplomatic language Tuesday , attacking Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir for creating what it calls a `` catastrophe '' by throwing many international aid workers out of the country . President Omar al-Bashir ordered the expulsion of aid groups after he was indicted on war crimes charges . Secretary of State Hillary Clinton issued a direct challenge to Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir Tuesday , warning that he and his government `` will be held responsible for every single death that occurs in '' the refugee camps of the Darfur region . Al-Bashir ordered the expulsion of 13 international aid groups from the Sudan earlier this month after he was indicted by the International Criminal Court on charges of war crimes . While other aid groups remain in Sudan , the United Nations said the 13 expelled groups provided roughly half the assistance delivered in Darfur . Nearly 300,000 people have died in the Darfur conflict , and millions are homeless , according to the U.N. Calling the situation in Darfur `` horrendous , '' Clinton said President Obama 's administration will appoint a special envoy for Sudan `` in the"} +{"answer":"day by the House , although a final vote on that bill is not expected before the end of the week . Democrats oppose Republican measures to lift bans on offshore drilling and oil exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve . See how gas prices have risen across the country '' Republicans say the process would not be fair unless they can offer all of their amendments . Sen. Robert Menendez , a New Jersey Democrat , accused the Republicans of wanting to score political points rather than pass legislation . `` The problem with our Republican colleagues is that they want to debate , not act . ... Even when they are offered what they want , they say no . '' Menendez suggested there was bipartisan support for measures meant to limit speculation , encourage conservation and provide tax credits for renewable energy . `` Why would you not move forward on the items that you have consensus ? '' he asked . The disagreement between Republicans and Democrats could result in Congress leaving Washington for its monthlong recess in August without passing any measures to lower gas prices , which are averaging above $ 4 a","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Senate voted Wednesday to move forward on a bill meant to crack down on oil speculators . Democrats say speculation in oil futures is a significant reason why oil prices have risen this year . But Republicans vowed to block the Senate from taking up any other measure until the Democratic leadership agrees to vote on other energy-related issues . Republicans want to offer up to 28 amendments to the bill on a wide range of energy topics , including increasing domestic oil production . The Democrats want to limit them to two amendments . `` This is not some arcane subject ; this is the biggest issue in the country , '' said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell , R-Kentucky . `` It 's on the floor now . We say , let 's deal with it . We 're not afraid to vote on their amendments , they should n't be afraid to vote on ours . Let the Senate work its will on the No. 1 issue in the country . '' The Republicans said they would not prevent the Senate from taking up the housing bill passed earlier in the"} +{"answer":"the levees and others are bagging sand in correctional institutions . `` We were very , very disappointed that this levee broke today , '' said Thompson . `` It 's a very powerful river , and it can be hard to harness . '' With the help of the National Guard , Sebastian and his fellow residents hustled Tuesday to build a barrier between Gladstone and the encroaching floodwaters . Even though Gladstone is about four miles from the banks of the Mississippi , the rising floodwaters have submerged homes and created rivers where crop fields once stood . The muddy townspeople worked with anxious resolve , cracking the occasional joke , as they filled bags with sand and dirt and loaded them onto ATVs . On the receiving end were members of the Illinois National Guard , who piled up the sandbags as the tops of cornstalks rose above the waters behind them . `` Threats can happen in all shapes and forms , so we are trying to help out , '' said National Guardsman Capt. Lanny Finn , whose unit previously served in Iraq . `` We 'll be here for as long as we 're","question":"GLADSTONE , Illinois -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Residents of this small town in Illinois , like many others who live along the banks of the surging Mississippi River , raced against the clock Tuesday to erect a makeshift levee as rising floodwaters threatened . Residents of Gladstone , Illinois , work with the National Guard to create a makeshift levee . `` I 'm not moving , not moving my business , '' said Byron Sebastian , a longtime resident of Gladstone , Illinois , who also serves on the city council . `` We 've got a lot of good people here helping to try to save this part of town . '' Gladstone is one of many towns under threat Tuesday after rising waters breached a 300-foot area of a levee near Gulf Port , Illinois , before 5 a.m. Levees all along the mid-Mississippi were being topped with sandbags Tuesday as the river , fed by its flooded tributaries , continued to rise . Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich called up 1,100 National Guard members to assist in sandbagging efforts , said Patti Thompson of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency . She also said inmates are helping on"} +{"answer":"as 10,000 pieces inspired by humanity 's adventures in space . `` Everything started with a toy ray gun Peter and I bought at a flea market in Brimfield , Massachusetts 20 years ago for $ 10 , '' John Kleeman said . `` We have never lost the excitement of that first find and since then we have continued our quest for cultural artifacts which tell the back story of the Space Age -- how ordinary folk like us experienced the magic , adventure and meaning of human space exploration . '' Weekend trips to markets and auctions became more frequent and over time the collection grew to include more cumbersome items including a 40-foot promotional trailer based on the design of `` Terra IV , '' a battle cruiser in the 1950s U.S. television series , `` Space Patrol . '' `` They had a movie theatre inside so 40 people could sit inside it and watch a rocket launch , '' John 's son Peter explained . `` We had to adjust the doors to the barn to fit it , but it 's in our barn now . '' As the barn became more crowded ,","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- They are domestic relics of a bygone era when space travel was new and exciting and the world was buzzing with optimism about what could be . This Coney Island playground climbing frame is one of the larger items clogging the Kleeman family 's barn . NASA 's Apollo 11 moon landing 40 years ago reinvigorated demand for space-inspired mementoes that was stirring well before the start of the Space Age in the 1950s . Shops offered everything from rocket-shaped lamps , to skateboards , biscuit tins and toys emblazoned with stars and futuristic astronauts . Such was the excitement surrounding the momentous moon landing in 1969 that some were moved to create their own memorabilia in needlepoint and tin . See memorabilia of 1969 moon landing '' Many early examples of space-inspired design , both professional and homemade , can now be found in a 100ft hay barn at the Kleeman family home in the U.S. state of Connecticut . They 're not on display -- yet -- but the family hopes to soon show the world what they call the '' Space Age Museum , '' a collection of as many"} +{"answer":"some memories and create some great new ones too . I also want to get some good results in return for the support my country has given me to help get me to this position today . `` I am very proud to be Brazilian and more motivated than ever to demonstrate what I can do . Ever since I first sat in a go-kart I never wanted to do anything else . '' Team principal Frank Williams , who was in charge of Williams when Ayrton Senna died , said he was looking forward to seeing Bruno compete at the highest level . The driver struggled with HRT in the team 's debut season , then moved to Renault as a reserve driver before replacing Nick Heidfeld for the final eight races of 2011 , but scored points in just one of his eight races as he finished ninth at the Italian Grand Prix . `` The circumstances of Bruno 's two seasons in Formula One have not given him an ideal opportunity to deliver consistently so it was essential that we spent as much time with him as possible to understand and evaluate him as a driver ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Bruno Senna has signed for Formula One constructor Williams 18 years after his uncle , former three-time world champion Ayrton , died driving for the team . The Brazilian will partner Pastor Maldonado when the 2012 F1 season gets underway in Australia on March 18 , replacing veteran compatriot Rubens Barrichello . Bruno 's uncle Ayrton is one of the greatest drivers the sport has seen , winning drivers ' championship crowns in 1988 , 1990 and 1991 before he died in a crash at the San Marino Grand Prix in 1994 . It was only his third race for Williams . Williams ' cars have carried his name ever since the tragedy at the Imola racing circuit , and Bruno , who made his debut for HRT in 2010 , says he is excited to follow in his uncle 's footsteps . Ferrari 's Alonso slams F1 testing rules `` It will be very interesting to drive for a team that my uncle has driven for , particularly as quite a few of the people here actually worked with Ayrton , '' the 28-year-old told Williams ' website . `` Hopefully we can bring back"} +{"answer":". Have your say : Can football 's giant salaries survive the financial crisis ? `` In line with industry practice , Manchester United is exploring the possibility of a shirt sponsor for the new 2010\/11 season . `` The club is in dialogue with a select number of top companies worldwide and has so far received sufficient interest to be confident it can improve on its current # 19 million annual partnership with AIG . '' Michael Stirling , managing director of Global Sponsors , predicts United will be able to find a new sponsor who will match those figures . `` I think they will do extremely well regardless of the crisis because they have done superbly in being the world club champions . There will be a lot of interest from major brands that want to be associated with the club , no matter the price , '' he told CNN . Massive Indian corporation Sahara are reported in the Indian media to be investigating the Red Devils ' proposals , while Saudi Telecom is another company believed to be a potential new sponsor . World Club champions United also have strong links in both Malaysia and","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Troubled U.S. insurer AIG will end its shirt sponsorship deal with Premier League and European champions Manchester United next year . End of era : AIG will not renew its four-year sponsorship deal with Manchester United . It was widely believed that AIG would not renew their # 19 million -LRB- $ 27 million -RRB- per year shirt deal when the four-year contract expired in 2010 , due to the financial troubles the company has suffered . And , on Wednesday , the company confirmed this . `` AIG 's shirt sponsorship with Manchester United runs through May 2010 . We have no plans to renew the deal , '' said a company statement . AIG is still restructuring after receiving a bail-out of $ 150 billion from the U.S. Government . They also have a # 5 million -LRB- $ 6.8 million -RRB- per year deal to run MU Finance , but it is not clear what will happen with that contract . Despite the loss of AIG , a Manchester United spokesman told the UK Press Association that the Premier League giants hoped to better the current deal it had with the U.S. insurer"} +{"answer":"technology and the kind of organization to monitor the situation and to intervene if an emergency arises , '' he said . Bertolaso noted that authorities have been keeping a minute-by-minute watch because of heavy storms over the past few days . He said the water level would probably increase for a few more hours and eventually peak between 8 p.m. and midnight local time Friday -LRB- between 1800 and 2200 GMT -RRB- . `` If there will be no more rain , the situation is expected to stabilize , '' he said . Rome Mayor Gianni Alemanno said he did not expect a major flood and noted that only a few dwellings have been evacuated -- primarily those inhabited by immigrants and Roma , who have set up makeshift camps on the banks of the Tiber . `` I just recommend people to stay at home and not to rush to the river banks to watch the river swelling , '' Alemanno said . Hundreds of volunteers and civil protection officials have been deployed around Rome to monitor the situation , the Civil Protection Department said . Sandbags have been lined up to contain any possible river overflow ,","question":"ROME , Italy -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Officials monitoring the River Tiber in Rome fear it could break its banks as early as Friday evening after a spate of bad weather in Italy -- but do not expect major flooding . A rescue boat patrols the swollen River Tiber in central Rome early Friday . Guido Bertolaso , the head of the Italian Civil Protection Department said that there is a 20 to 30 percent chance the river could break its banks and cause disruption in some neighborhoods in northern Rome , but not in the historic city center . Two people have died in weather-related incidents elsewhere in Italy . `` We see that the flow is increasing , but it is not reaching a level that could be dangerous for the capital city of Italy , '' said Bertolaso about the Tiber , deeming the situation `` crucial but not serious . '' Bertolaso , calling the situation `` quite extraordinary , '' labeled the flood threat and storms as the `` fifth most serious situation of the past 100 years . '' `` But I think it is under control and the secret is to have the"} +{"answer":"train for just an hour a day , whereas an endurance athlete will train for three hours or more . To sustain that level of training , sprinters need to eat around 5g of carbs per kg of body weight every day , whereas endurance athletes need at least 7g per kg . For Jamaican sprint sensation Usain Bolt , that means consuming some 450g of carbs a day , whereas , while Ethiopian distance demon Haile Gebrselassie would need at least 380g . Despite doing less training , Bolt would have to eat more carbs simply because he weighs more . So what 's the fuel of choice for these elite athletes ? `` In general , endurance athletes are better about getting a variety of carbs , just because they have to eat so many they get bored . They 're good at mixing up pasta , rice and potatoes , '' says Stear . Because `` strength-and-speed '' athletes do less training than endurance athletes , they have to watch their weight . Stear says sprinters often favor low glycemic-index carbs to help them keep their weight in check . What is the glycemic index ? Carb","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Just what is it that separates a champion athlete from the also-rans ? Natural talent , hard work and determination are all essential , but athletes and coaches are becoming increasingly aware of the crucial role diet plays in sporting success . Olympic athletes are fueled by high-carb diets . Dr Samantha Stear is national lead for performance nutrition at the English Institute of Sport -LRB- EIS -RRB- and helped make the Beijing Olympics Britain 's most successful games for a century . `` A good diet is n't going to turn a mediocre athlete into a champion , but a champion eating a bad diet may just miss out , '' she told CNN . Training is the key to improving athletic performance , and the right diet is the key to sustaining a punishing training regime . Your body uses glycogen stored in the muscles to provide the energy needed for exercise , and the body makes that glycogen by breaking down the carbohydrates you eat . So carbohydrates are the vital fuel needed for training , and the more training an athlete does , the more fuel they need . Sprinters will often"} +{"answer":"spar over land , sovereignty and political power . Kings in the east African nation are limited to a ceremonial role overseeing traditional and cultural affairs . Museveni has accused the Buganda kingdom , which is made of of Bagandans , of receiving foreign funding to carry out a hate campaign against the government . Bagandans are the dominant ethnicity and one of four ancient kingdoms in the nation . Violence flared Thursday when the government said it would not allow the Buganda king to travel to an area inhabited by a renegade rival group . The president said he tried to contact the king to discuss the issue as `` mature people , '' but he could not reach him by phone . After the travel ban , young Bagandans took the streets , stealing ammunition from a police station and confronting officers , whom they accused of harassment . Police and army officers were injured , and at least four people were killed , the nation 's police chief , Maj. Gen. Kale Kayihura said Friday . Rioters also burned tires and cars , set buildings on fire and looted stores , according to witnesses . The streets","question":"KAMPALA , Uganda -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Gunshots rang out in Uganda 's capital Saturday in a fresh burst of unrest after loyalists of a traditional kingdom battled with government forces for a third day . Residents of the Kasubi suburb , west of Kampala , try to flee from violence as a soldier takes photos . Local media reports put the death toll at 13 since the rioting started , but attempts by CNN to confirm with local authorities were unsuccessful . An uneasy calm had swept over Kampala early in the day as police and the army patrolled the city in military convoys . By midafternoon , witnesses reported gunshots and isolated cases of riots . The unrest Saturday started after rumors circulated by text messages that the king of the Buganda kingdom had been detained , said Judith Nabakooba , a police spokeswoman . But a Buganda kingdom official refuted the rumor . `` It is not true -- the king has not been arrested , '' David Mpanga said . Tensions between the Buganda kingdom -- headed by King Ronald Mutebi II -- and President Yoweri Museveni have intensified in recent years . The two sides"} +{"answer":"from sexual abuse . And she 's witnessed some of the worst cases of the myth in action . `` The youngest girl I ever came across was a day-old baby who was raped , '' said Makoni , 37 . Through her Girl Child Network -LRB- GCN -RRB- , Makoni has helped rescue 35,000 girls from abuse -- including Hope ; thousands more have found an empowering community and a public forum in which to speak out . `` Ten girls per day report rape cases , '' she said . `` It means if we keep quiet , at least 3,600 girls per year may just be contracting HIV and AIDS . '' Makoni 's own tragic experiences fuel her fierce determination . `` I was raped when I was 6 years old , '' she recalled . Her attacker was a local shopkeeper . Makoni said her mother would not allow her to report the abuse . `` She said , ` Shh , we do n't say that in public , ' '' Makoni remembered . `` I had no shoulder to cry on . '' Three years later , she witnessed her father murder her","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Hope was 14 years old when her uncle raped her . Betty Makoni founded the Girl Child Network to help Zimbabwe 's young sexual abuse victims . `` He trapped me to the ground and covered my mouth with his hand , '' said the 18-year-old from Zimbabwe . `` He threatened to kill me if I ever told anybody . '' So , she kept quiet . `` After a while people around the villages started saying that I looked pregnant , '' she said . Hope was not only pregnant , but her uncle had infected her with HIV . Like many young girls in Zimbabwe , Hope was the victim of a widely held belief that if a man with HIV or AIDS rapes a virgin he will be cured of his disease . This so-called virgin myth , perpetuated by Zimbabwe 's traditional healers , has led to the rape of hundreds of girls , according to UNICEF . Some of those victims are too young to walk , much less protect themselves . Betty Makoni has fought for nearly a decade to protect her country 's young girls"} +{"answer":". '' The Cutest Dog Competition is run by All American Pet Brands . Over 60,000 people have uploaded photos of their adorable dogs to the contest 's Web site . The final 12 pooches will get to compete for the grand prize , a cool million in cash . `` It 's a fraternity or sorority with people who do n't just have pets , these are their family members , their best friends , '' said All American Pet Brands CEO Barry Schwartz . `` He 's my furry child , '' said McCool , a New Orleans piano teacher who named her dog Mozart after her favorite composer . `` Sometimes I pull up chairs for him to sit next to me when I play or teach . He has been known to jump on the bench and actually has put his paws on the keys . '' McCool has been active with several nonprofits working in New Orleans . If Mozart wins she said all the money will got to several charities : Redeemer Presbyterian Disaster Relief , Desire Street Ministries , Louisiana Teachers Save Our Students fund , Cavalier Rescue USA , Musical Arts Society","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Mozart is trying to win a million dollars for New Orleans recovery efforts . But the charitable effort by the 6-year-old Cavalier King Charles spaniel may be derailed by a dog named after the satirical TV anchorman Stephen Colbert . Mozart 's owner says if he wins , all the prize money will go to charities aiding New Orleans . Both canines are contestants in a dog beauty pageant -- but only one pup can take home the big money . The first round is under way , with a hairy finalist selected each week by the number of fan votes . Mozart , or MoMo as friends and family know him , came in second last week in the Cutest Dog Competition with 2,780 votes . This week he is running neck and neck with a new challenger , Stephen Colbert el dos , a Pomeranian Chihuahua mixed-breed puppy from Atlanta , Georgia . MoMo 's owner is crying foul . `` It 's just coming out of nowhere , '' Cara McCool said . `` It 's just unfortunate . MoMo is named after a famous person too , but he 's dead"} +{"answer":"China raise `` very serious concerns , '' and her agency has said it will file a formal protest over the company 's complaints . Also this month , foreign correspondents in at least two Chinese bureaus of news organizations had their Google e-mail accounts attacked , with e-mails forwarded to a mysterious address , according to the Foreign Correspondents ' Club of China . Clinton warned that the latest information technology -- designed to open access to governments -- can also be used by some governments to `` crush dissent and deny human rights . '' `` In the last year , we 've seen a spike in threats to the free flow of information . China , Tunisia and Uzbekistan have stepped up their censorship of the Internet , '' she said . `` In Vietnam , access to popular social networking sites has suddenly disappeared . And last Friday in Egypt , 30 bloggers and activists were detained . '' A member of that group , having since been freed , was in the audience , Clinton said . `` So while it is clear that the spread of these technologies is transforming our world , it","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned Thursday that a `` new information curtain is descending across much of the world . '' In a speech on Internet freedom and security , Clinton also urged China to investigate a wave of cyber attacks against Google and other companies . The Internet and other technologies are critical to foreign policy , and those who engage in cyber attacks should face international condemnation , she said . `` In an interconnected world , an attack on one nation 's networks can be an attack on all , '' she said at The Newseum in Washington . Clinton made the comments as search-engine giant Google threatened to shut down its operations in China , five years after agreeing to allow some censorship in exchange for the right to work in that country 's massive emerging technology market . Google charges that Chinese hackers have targeted Google and up to 34 other companies . The Chinese government argues that the Google case is a business dispute and should not affect overall relations between the two countries . Clinton has said that Google 's allegations of censorship and online attacks by"} +{"answer":", and no official website . `` One thing that 's important to remember is that Anonymous is not an organization . It does not have a hierarchy . Basically it 's a collective of people who self-identify , '' said Scott Stewart , vice president of tactical intelligence for the STRATFOR global intelligence firm . `` Not everybody agrees and not everybody participates . '' Stewart said the video `` absolutely '' appears authentic . `` It 's part of the dynamic we 've been watching with Anonymous activities in Mexico , '' he said , noting that the video was similar to others the group has released and expresses similar sentiments . `` It seems like they 're speaking up as the voice of those people who are in fear . '' In recent months , Anonymous has claimed responsibility for `` paperstorm '' campaigns , dropping fliers accusing officials in the Mexican state of Veracruz of corruption and connections with cartels . The video purportedly posted by Anonymous this month says the alleged abduction occurred during a `` paperstorm '' campaign . An Anonymous source told CNN that there were discussions about three weeks ago in Anonymous","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Could a Mexican drug cartel be the next target for a group of hackers known for online attacks against banks and government institutions ? A video purportedly from the international hacker ring Anonymous threatens the Zetas , warning that the names , photographs and addresses of cartel supporters can be published `` if necessary . '' `` We can not defend ourselves with a weapon , '' a masked man says . `` But we can do this with their cars , homes , bars and whatever else they possess . It will not be difficult . All of us know who they are and where they are located . '' The man , wearing a suit and tie , claims the notoriously violent drug gang has kidnapped an Anonymous associate in the Mexican state of Veracruz . `` We demand his release , '' says the man , who uses Mexican slang but speaks Spanish with a Castilian accent . It 's unclear whether Anonymous is behind the October 6 video , which does not mention a victim 's name or provide details about the alleged abduction . The hacking group has no clear leader"} +{"answer":"burn , which is pretty unlikely from a hot beverage . Otherwise , treat her at home and act fast . Since the first thing to do is get the hot liquid off the body , Dr. Zibners recommends removing the wet clothing and plunking her into a cool shower . `` If it 's only a small part of the hand or arm that 's been burned , '' she says , `` running cool water over the limb in the sink for 10 to 15 minutes or until the pain subsides will stop further injury and provide immediate pain relief . '' Keep the area in water until it 's cool to the touch , then treat the burn . At-home burn basics If she has a first-degree burn -LRB- the skin is red -RRB- , follow these tips : DO : After the burn has cooled , cover it loosely with a dry bandage or clean cloth . DO N'T : Apply ointments -LRB- or butter -RRB- . This could cause infection or trap heat and make the burn deeper . Do not break any blisters . This could allow bacteria into the wound . What if","question":"-LRB- Parenting.com -RRB- -- When your toddler is hurt and screaming and emotions are bubbling over , it can be hard to tell if a situation is a true emergency , something that can be treated in your doctor 's office or an issue you can handle at home . `` It 's always better to call the pediatrician before going to the ER for anything but life-threatening emergencies , '' says Lara Zibners M.D. , a pediatric ER doctor and author of `` If Your Kid Eats This Book , Everything Will Still Be Okay . '' We spoke to pediatric ER doctors about the most common accidents and whether your child 's doctor will deal with the issue over the phone , have you come into the office or call the ER to alert them that your child is on the way . What if your baby pulls up on the coffee table and then yanks a mug of hot tea on herself ? Head to the ER if the burn covers a large part of her body ; if it 's on her face , hands , feet or genitals ; or if it 's a third-degree"} +{"answer":"Force statistics . The Air Force has more than 400 A-10s in its fleet . The cracks in the older A-10 A-models and A-10 C-models were discovered at Hill Air Force Base in Utah during routine maintenance . No A-10 has had an accident because of the cracks just discovered , according to Air Force officials . The inspection of the 127 planes will give priority to the planes in the Iraq and Afghanistan theaters of battle , officials said . The plane was designed as a tank killer , with a front-mounted Gatling gun that fires 30-mm armor-piercing ammunition capable of destroying a tank . The planes are now primarily used in Iraq and Afghanistan to protect ground troops in close combat situations , flying low and slow and with the ability to target individuals hidden on mountainsides or rooftops . Last year , the Air Force grounded hundreds of F-15 fighter jets after one fell apart during a training mission . The culprit was a fatigued longeron , a part that holds the fuselage together . Numerous F-15s flying in Iraq and Afghanistan also were grounded until they were inspected , forcing the service to fly other aircraft","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The U.S. Air Force is grounding more than 100 planes used to support ground troops in Iraq and Afghanistan because of fatigue cracks in the wings , Air Force officials said Friday . Aircraft like this A-10 Warthog provide close support to ground troops in Iraq and Afghanistan . The officials said 127 A-10 Thunderbolt IIs , including some used in the United States , will be grounded until they are each inspected for the cracks . `` The inspections are a necessary step in addressing the risk associated with A-10 wing cracking , specifically with thin-skin wings . This risk is of great concern to the Air Force and is representative of a systemic problem for our aging Air Force fleet , '' the Air Force said . The A-10 Thunderbolt II , nicknamed the `` Warthog '' because of its unique un-aerodynamic look , is one of the Air Force 's older aircraft , having first been delivered to the service in 1975 . The average age of the A-10 fleet is now 28 years , but the entire Air Force fleet has an average age of 25 years , according to Air"} +{"answer":"about them . There are n't a lot of situations in which we 're willing to take choice away from people , even if they would benefit from it . My research suggests that Americans hold on tighter to choice than just about anyone else . In one study , my collaborators Simona Botti and Kristina Orfali and I interviewed French and American parents who were coping with a tragic loss . Each couple had recently lost a severely ill baby after life support had been removed . In France , the doctors made the decision to remove life support ; in America , the parents had the final say . The outcome was the same for all the parents , so did they have similar reactions ? Even up to a year later , the American parents expressed a great deal more negative emotion than the French parents . The French made statements like this : `` Noah was here for so little time , but he gave us so much , a new perspective on life . '' American parents , by contrast , said things like , `` I keep thinking to myself , ` What if","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In his essay `` The Myth of Sisyphus , '' Albert Camus writes , `` Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy . '' It is not a question we like to think about . The default assumption is that life is always worth living , that it is sacred and should be treated as such . When that assumption is challenged , we find ourselves confused , afraid and -- in some cases -- angry . The new HBO film `` You Do n't Know Jack '' probably wo n't spur serious investigation of the fundamental question . This biopic of Jack Kevorkian , the infamous `` Dr. Death , '' may not add anything new to the physician-assisted suicide argument , but it does remind us of a time not too long ago when we were forced to consider where we stand on the matter . And for many of us , where we stand is anything but firm ground . We believe in choice . We believe in self-determination . In fact , we prize them ; we promote them ; we preach"} +{"answer":", Stanzel said . He planned to have lunch at Camp David and have briefings with National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley and White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten , and planned to take a bicycle ride Saturday afternoon . Cheney , meanwhile , spent the morning at his home on Maryland 's eastern shore , reading and playing with his dogs , Stanzel said . Nothing occurred that required him to take official action as president before Bush reclaimed presidential power . The procedure was supervised by Dr. Richard Tubb , Bush 's physician , and conducted by a multidisciplinary team from the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda , Maryland , the White House said . Bush 's last colonoscopy was in June 2002 , and no abnormalities were found , White House spokesman Tony Snow said . The president 's doctor had recommended a repeat procedure in about five years . A colonoscopy is the most sensitive test for colon cancer , rectal cancer and polyps , small clumps of cells that can become cancerous , according to the Mayo Clinic . Small polyps may be removed during the procedure . Snow said on Friday that Bush","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Doctors removed five small polyps from President Bush 's colon on Saturday , and `` none appeared worrisome , '' a White House spokesman said . The polyps were removed and sent to the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda , Maryland , for routine microscopic examination , spokesman Scott Stanzel said . Results are expected in two to three days . All were small , less than a centimeter -LSB- half an inch -RSB- in diameter , he said . Bush is in good humor , Stanzel said , and will resume his activities at Camp David . During the procedure Vice President Dick Cheney assumed presidential power . Bush reclaimed presidential power at 9:21 a.m. after about two hours . Doctors used `` monitored anesthesia care , '' Stanzel said , so the president was asleep , but not as deeply unconscious as with a true general anesthetic . He spoke to first lady Laura Bush -- who is in Midland , Texas , celebrating her mother 's birthday -- before and after the procedure , Stanzel said . Afterward , the president played with his Scottish terriers , Barney and Miss Beazley"} +{"answer":"turn him from an angry recovering alcoholic to a spiritual life pastor . `` It changed my perspective on prayer from being ask , ask , ask to building a relationship with God , '' Johnson said . `` It went from God being a vending machine to actually having a relationship with him , acknowledging who he is as opposed to what he does . '' Such is the demand for the prayer summits that Henderson speaks at 20 to 30 churches and to as many as 13,000 college students annually , he said . Even pillars of the Christian faith struggle with prayer . `` As for me , the silence and the emptiness is so great that I look and do not see , listen and do not hear , '' Mother Teresa told the Rev. Michael Van Der Peet in 1979 , expressing her concern about decades seemingly going by without her prayers being answered . Henderson cites The Lord 's Prayer in the sixth chapter of the book of Matthew as the blueprint for Christians , containing what could be called the four Rs of prayer . He breaks down the passage this way from","question":"Atlanta , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- After 2,000 years of Christian prayer , many faithful still do n't know how to pray effectively , pastor Daniel Henderson says . `` Most Christians pray out of crisis or pray a grocery list , '' he said , making `` God a lifeline of last resort . '' Henderson teaches that prayer should be about worshipping God , having a one-to-one relationship through prayer . `` Every believer wants to be intimate with God and experience his power in a personal way , '' he said . `` Many are hungry to be more effective , because they have n't been taught . '' Teaching is what sends Henderson across the country . He 's on `` The Creative Prayer Tour , '' a series of workshops that will have stopped in 14 cities by year 's end . Henderson also is an author and head of a group called Strategic Renewal , based in Forest , Virginia , which aims to strengthen churches through worship-based prayer . The prayer workshop was life-changing , said pastor Jeremy Johnson of Arcade Church in Sacramento , California . Johnson said the training helped"} +{"answer":"being loaned out to La Louviere in the Belgium league and finally to Standard Liege where he has spent the majority of his professional career . Because of his strong performances with Standard , Onyewu was constantly linked with a number of leading European clubs , but finally had his chance when sent out on loan to Newcastle United in the English Premier League . Joining for the back end of the 2006-07 season , he formed an uncertain partnership with Titus Bramble in the center of defense , which , combined with the arrival of new manager Sam Allardyce , was to cost him his place . Newcastle decided not to make his loan move permanent and Onyewu returned to Standard to help them win successive Belgian league titles . He was involved in a controversial incident at the end of the current season during the championship playoff against Anderlecht . Onyewu claimed Anderlecht defender Jelle Van Damme called him a `` dirty ape '' and persisted despite being reported to the referee . The Times of London reported on June 2 that Onyewu had taken legal action in a Brussels court over the alleged slur , hoping it","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Oguchi Onyewu , who made his AC Milan debut in a 2-1 friendly defeat to Mexico 's Club America , is the first player from the United States to be signed by the Serie A giants and is a rising talent in world football . Oguchi Onyewu has cut a commanding figure at the center of defense for the U.S. national team . The `` Rossoneri '' have put their faith in a 27-year-old defender , who has become a lynchpin of his national team in recent times -- but how did the stopper climb the ladder of success ? The imposing Onweyu , who stands 1.93 meters tall and tips the scales at 95 kilograms , was born in Washington D.C. , one of a family of five to Nigerian-born parents . While at high school in Maryland , he showed immediate promise and was selected for a soccer academy run by International Management Group -LRB- IMG -RRB- . After graduation , Onyewu spent two years in collegiate soccer at Clemson University before taking his chance in Europe . CNN 's Patrick Snell interviews Onyewu . '' He was originally at Metz in France before"} +{"answer":"moved to Long Island , New York , to live with him , and in January 2004 he proposed on a trip to St. Barts . `` He got down on his knee , and it was a complete surprise , '' Lee recalls . `` That made me feel really special . '' Though Scott Wolf , 35 , of `` Everwood , '' and Kelley Limp , 28 , formerly of `` Real World New Orleans , '' credit a friend with setting them up , in a way they can thank Oprah Winfrey . `` When I first called Kelley , '' says Wolf , `` she said , ' I just sat down with strawberries and chocolate milk to watch `` Oprah . '' ' '' Apparently it was not the best timing . `` Nobody calls me at 4 o'clock , '' says Limp . `` It 's an unwritten rule that I 'm watching `` Oprah '' . '' So Wolf decided to catch the episode , and they discussed it afterward . The chatting continued over a dinner date at Raoul 's in New York City . A year later , on a","question":"-LRB- InStyle.com -RRB- -- Engagement season is in full swing , which , of course , means an influx proposals , but more importantly , tons of creative `` will you marry me ? '' scenarios to top . Take a cue from these celebrities by jaunting off to memorable destinations for a proposal your partner wo n't forget -LRB- or turn down ! -RRB- . Venice was the scene of Avril Lavigne and Dereyck Whibley 's engagement . St. Barts On their first date , Billy Joel took Katie Lee out to dinner , but on that November 2002 evening she got much more than a scene from an Italian restaurant . `` Afterward he took me to see `` Movin ' Out '' -LSB- the hit musical based on Joel 's tunes -RSB- , got onstage and sang the last two songs , '' recalls Lee , 23 , who was visiting New York from Ohio and first met Joel , 55 , in the lobby of the Peninsula Hotel , where both were staying . `` I knew he was trying to impress me . '' It must have worked ; six months after that meeting she"} +{"answer":"shape in 1902 . A square with diagonally cropped corners and stepped sides , it features a high crown and sheds a gentle light . Star Power : Tameka Foster , Ashlee Simpson , Christine Costner Cushion A square with curved sides and rounded corners , this stone shines softly instead of sparkling . Cushion-cut center stones surrounded by tiny diamonds are especially in vogue . Star Power : Jeri Ryan , Courtney Ford , Guiliana DePandi Princess Think of this flirty , flashy option as the `` Yeah , baby ! '' stone , and not only because it was dreamt up in London during the swinging sixties . The arrangement of the gem 's many -LRB- 49 to 144 -RRB- facets produces a hall-of-mirrors effect . Star Power : Stephanie March , Kara Janx , Sarah Michelle Gellar Oval Ovals have been enjoying a high profile since Tom Cruise placed a gorgeous one on Katie Holmes 's finger . The cool cousin of the round , the oval shares many of that stone 's features , with plenty of sparkle and versatility when it comes to settings . The long shape is especially flattering . Star Power :","question":"-LRB- InStyle.com -RRB- -- The holiday season is also the engagement season ! A gorgeous cushion-cut stunner by Daniel K. Yes , you read that right . It 's been said that nearly 40 percent of all marriage proposals occur between Thanksgiving and Valentine 's Day . If you 're one of the lucky ladies hoping for a ring this season -LRB- or one of the nervous gentlemen contemplating popping the question -RRB- , use this guide to popular diamond shapes and cuts -- and the stars who sport them -- to get acquainted with the dazzling world of engagement rings . Emerald No shape more aptly fits the diamond nickname `` ice '' than the emerald , a rectangular cut with lean facets extending down the sides . This elegant art deco shape received its confusing name during the 1920s , when it was typically used for emeralds . Characterized by a flat top and step-shaped side facets , an emerald cut cries out for a clean setting . Star Power : Eva Longoria , Ellen Pompeo , Melania Knauss Asscher The Asschers of Amsterdam , gem cutters for the British royal family , designed this striking , dramatic"} +{"answer":"the office of the Dalai Lama had been hacked . His staff sent a foreign diplomat an e-mail invitation to meet the Tibetan spiritual leader , but before the Dalai Lama 's people could follow up with a phone call , `` the diplomat 's office was contacted by the Chinese government and warned not to go ahead with the meeting , '' according to the Cambridge report . Watch CNN 's John Vause report on the network '' An investigation resulted in both reports . Both found links to computers in China , but the researchers did not conclude who they thought was behind the `` malware , '' or malicious software . `` Chinese cyber espionage is a major global concern ... -LSB- b -RSB- ut attributing all Chinese malware to deliberate or targeted intelligence gathering operations by the Chinese state is wrong and misleading , '' according to the Canadian report titled , `` Tracking GhostNet : Investigating a Cyber Espionage Network . '' `` The sheer number of young digital natives online can more than account for the increase in Chinese malware , '' it adds . But the report also points out that China is","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Nearly 1,300 computers in more than 100 countries have been attacked and have become part of a computer espionage network apparently based in China , security experts alleged in two reports Sunday . The network was discovered after computers at the Dalai Lama 's office were hacked , researchers say . Computers -- including machines at NATO , governments and embassies -- are infected with software that lets attackers gain complete control of them , according to the reports . One was issued by the University of Toronto 's Munk Centre for International Studies in conjunction with the Ottawa , Canada-based think tank The SecDev Group ; the second came from the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory . Researchers have dubbed the network GhostNet . The network can not only search a computer but see and hear the people using it , according to the Canadian report . `` GhostNet is capable of taking full control of infected computers , including searching and downloading specific files , and covertly operating attached devices , including microphones and web cameras , '' the report says . The discovery of GhostNet grew out of suspicions that"} +{"answer":"We 've already experienced a large number of viewers on our blogs and web sites and therefore we have been hacked by the regime of Iran repeatedly and unfortunately have lost access to many of our web sites . But introducing this web site -LRB- to -RRB- professional colleagues and also lots of viewers who are currently collaborating with us has helped in achieving wonderful results in the past few days . '' Valadbaygi believes in the power of social media . He is active on Facebook and Twitter and maintains a blog called Revolutionary Road . `` Facebook and Twitter have turned into a strong tool for people in spreading news . Citizen journalists have the most effect on news and today we clearly see that each citizen in Iran is acting as a media . Therefore we have the responsibility in gathering the news in one place to achieve a better result against the regime 's censorship , '' he said . Valadbaygi , who says he was expelled in 2008 from Amirkabir University in Tehran because of his political views , took part in the June protests and distributed underground newspapers as an independent demonstrator , rather","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- From a small apartment in Toronto , Iranian exile Saeed Valadbaygi is trying to bring news from his country to the world . Using a network of Iranian journalists and eager volunteers back in Tehran , the 27-year-old former student collates reports , pictures and video for his Web site astreetjournalist.com . Having fled Iran following the June demonstrations , Valadbaygi set up the site in November -- his latest attempt to beat what he says are government hackers and offer news and views about the unrest in Iran . With international media operating under restrictions in Iran , independent journalists using blogs and social networking sites have become an important source of information . `` What 's happening in Iran is not being reflected globally . We want to let the world know and let the state know that the world is watching , '' said Valadbaygi . During the deadly street demonstrations in Tehran on December 27 , Valadbaygi said his web site had 17 million hits in two days . The site , which is maintained by about 12 volunteers , wobbled and slowed down , but stayed up and running . ``"} +{"answer":"which formally approached Australia to assist in the transfer -- did not lay out any conditions for the transfer , in which the men were brought on board the Australian ship , the Oceanic Viking . Watch the anti-whaling activists board the Japanese vessel '' Capt. Paul Watson , founder of Sea Shepherd , had said earlier that the men were seized by the Japanese crew and assaulted . Watch Watson describe the incident '' Sea Shepherd claims Japan 's Institute for Cetacean Research , which is backing the operations , had said it would release the two activists if Sea Shepherd agrees to stop interfering in its whaling operations . The group says it will not agree to that demand . The Japanese Fisheries Agency said Thursday it would readily hand over the two men . But the agency charged that the Sea Shepherd members were the terrorists . At a news conference earlier , the agency released pictures of broken bottles they claim group members threw at the ship . They also released a photo of the two activists relaxing and drinking tea aboard the Yushin Maru . `` For some time , for 10 , 15 minutes","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Two anti-whaling activists who were seized by a Japanese whaling vessel two days ago have been handed over to Australian government officials on a ship in the Antarctic , Japan 's Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced Thursday . Australian citizen Benjamin Potts and British citizen Giles Lane , both members of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society , jumped on board the Yushin Maru No. 2 Tuesday to deliver a letter saying the vessel was violating international law and Australian law by killing whales . The anti-whaling group accused the crew of the Japanese vessel of kidnapping the men based on a video that showed Potts and Lane tied to the ship 's railing . In the video , Japanese fishermen pace back and forth in front of them . Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith Wednesday did not answer questions about whether the men would be charged for their actions , stressing instead that the immediate priority was to retrieve them . `` I 'm not going to give a running commentary on who 's done what to whom and the various allegations and counter allegation , '' he said . Smith said the Japanese government --"} +{"answer":"Extraordinary Gentlemen '' -RRB- and who has declined all reimbursement to protest the entertainment industry 's fundamental lack of respect for intellectual property , counts as a bona fide visionary . His 1986 comic book is a landmark in the history of the form , a masterpiece of pop cultural angst , filtering Cold War nihilism and disillusionment through the inspired pulp idiom of mundane masked crimefighters and one genuine , possibly radioactive , superhero . In Moore 's alternative 1985 , Nixon is still president , the U.S. having won in Vietnam . The Soviets are effectively neutered by America 's not-so-secret weapon , Dr. Manhattan , a kind of quantum ghost in the machine capable of reconstituting matter -LRB- and nuclear warheads -RRB- at will . Watch the stars at the premiere '' Moore 's meta-comic switched back and forth in time with the same facility as Dr. Manhattan morphed between New Jersey and Mars , cutting between a doomsday conspiracy threatening to engulf the Earth and flashbacks relating the biographies of half-a-dozen `` watchmen , '' a generation of intrepid masked avengers forced to hang up their capes and Spandex when public opinion turned on them in","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Do n't believe the hype . Billy Crudup plays Dr. Manhattan in `` Watchmen , '' the film version of the popular graphic novel . `` Visionary '' director Zack Snyder , as the marketing would have it , has filmed Alan Moore 's `` unfilmable '' graphic novel by treating the comic book panels as his storyboard and his Bible . Does n't it bother anyone that this is about as far from the definition of `` visionary '' as it 's possible to get ? The visionary sees what others do not see . Snyder -- whose previous films were a remake -LRB- `` Dawn of the Dead '' -RRB- and another scrupulously faithful comic book adaptation -LRB- `` 300 '' -RRB- -- is more in the line of a fancy photocopier , duplicating other artists ' imagery with a forger 's intensity . A visionary transforms the world . Snyder slavishly transcribes what 's set down 5 inches in front of his face . Alan Moore , who has refused to have his name on the movie -LRB- ditto its Moore-based predecessors , `` V for Vendetta '' and `` The League of"} +{"answer":"they believe the former minister was targeted over his supervision of operations against militants in Pakistan 's tribal areas including the restive NWFP . This attack is the deadliest in Pakistan since 136 people were killed in the southern port city of Karachi on October 18 in a suicide bombing targeting the convoy of Benazir Bhutto , Pakistan 's former prime minister . See photos from the blast 's aftermath '' Bhutto returned to the country after eight years in self-imposed exile ahead of January parliamentary elections . The attack comes in the midst of continued operations by the Pakistani army to rout out militants in the swat valley in the north of the country , an area the government considers a front-line in the so-called global war on terror . A former tourist destination about 100 miles -LRB- 160 kilometers -RRB- from Islamabad , The Swat Valley has been plagued by violence and has become a hotbed for militants . Earlier this month , the army said it has retaken towns seized by militants over the summer , killing 290 and capturing 140 . The attack also comes less than a week after President Pervez Musharraf lifted a six-week-old","question":"LAHORE , Pakistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Police raided an Islamic school and arrested seven students hours after a blast in a mosque in northern Pakistan left at least 50 dead and dozens injured , according to an Associated Press report . A man , right , mourns the death of his two sons in a suicide attack near Peshawar that killed at least 50 . A bomb , packed with ball-bearings and nails , tore through Eid prayers at a mosque packed with hundreds of worshippers northeast of Peshawar on Friday , targeting Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao , former Pakistani interior minister , local police told CNN . The blast left blood-stained clothes , hats and shoes as well as body parts and pieces of flesh scattered across the mosque , according to reports . The attack is the most recent in a series of attacks in Pakistan 's North West Frontier Province and occurred near Sherpao 's residence in Charsadda -- an area approximately 28 miles -LRB- 45 kilometers -RRB- northeast of the city of Peshawar . Watch what 's known about the blast '' Police investigators say Taliban or al Qaeda elements could have been involved and"} +{"answer":", a revitalized former fishing town with Victorian architecture and a restored 1913 riverfront trolley . Take in the town -- and the mouth of the Columbia River -- from the 125-foot Astoria Column , and for a dramatic close-up of the Astoria Bridge , which connects Oregon and Washington , check in to the Cannery Pier Hotel -LRB- doubles from $ 299 -RRB- . Built on the site of a fish-packing facility on a pier that extends 600 feet into the river , the four-year-old hotel embraces a Pacific Northwest version of loft architecture , with exposed steel beams in the atrium-style lobby and hardwood floors in the 46 balconied rooms . The best place to eat is just a short stroll down the pier at the Bridgewater Bistro -LRB- dinner for two $ 75 ; 503 \/ 325-6777 -RRB- . The restaurant offers exceptional views of the river and bridge , a tasting room for the Oregon Coast 's Flying Dutchman Winery , and a small-plates menu featuring watermelon-and-feta salad and a savory cheesecake with Dungeness crab . Day 2 : Astoria to Arch Cape The Oregon Coast Highway -LRB- U.S. 26 -RRB- crosses Youngs Bay and snakes","question":"-LRB- Travel + Leisure -RRB- -- Portland , Oregon , does n't lack for fashionable boutique hotels , but to the west , along the Pacific Ocean , the options have tended to be as primal as the shoreline . Recently , however , a group of properties has sprung up on the northern coast , aiming to seduce 21st-century travelers with designs steeped in post-World War II Modernism . The Cannery Pier Hotel was built on the site of a fish-packing facility on the Columbia River . Each stop on this easy three-night itinerary provides a stylish Oregon beach getaway -- along with postcard-worthy water views . Day 1 : Portland to Astoria Follow the Columbia River Highway -LRB- U.S. 30 -RRB- as it meanders along the waterway that led Lewis and Clark to the sea . -LRB- For more shore-hugging river views , cross the Oregon Way Bridge , just west of Rainier , and drive on Washington 's Ocean Beach Highway -- but be sure to return to Route 30 by crossing back over at Cathlamet . -RRB- Make your way to Astoria , the oldest American settlement west of the Rockies -LRB- founded in 1811 -RRB-"} +{"answer":"Wall Street excess . Several recent Occupy Wall Street demonstrations led to property damage and arrests . Authorities in Canada said they were prepared for potential clashes with protesters , the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said . RCMP Cpl. Drew Grainger said in a statement the force is going to `` respect the rights to democratic and lawful protest and is approaching this event no different than other similar events with a potential for conflict . '' The summit is taking place in Surrey , a city just south of Vancouver with a population of about 370,000 . Organizers are charging about $ 600 a head for an audience of about 500 people to listen to speakers , including Bush and Clinton . According to the summit agenda , the two ex-presidents will share the stage for about an hour to discuss a variety of topics including `` new realities of the North American economy . '' The talk given by the two presidents is scheduled to begin at 3:45 p.m. ET and will be closed to the media , organizers said . The government of Canada , a close U.S. ally , has not commented on protesters ' calls","question":"Surrey , British Columbia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Canadian authorities braced for protests expected to take place near Vancouver , British Columbia , on Thursday outside an event where former U.S. presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton are scheduled to appear . Amnesty International called on Canadian authorities to arrest Bush for `` war crimes '' while activists announced Occupy Wall Street-style protests of the economic summit in Surrey where the former presidents were scheduled to speak along with world finance experts . `` We would prefer his home country try George W. Bush , '' said Alex Neve , secretary-general of Amnesty International Canada . Neve said Bush should face trial for ordering the so-called enhanced interrogation , such as water boarding , of suspected terrorists . `` But the Obama administration has made it clear they do not intend to do that , so we are asking Canada to . We are not naive . It 's an uphill fight but we feel we have a strong case , '' Neve said . Across social media and the Internet , activists called for an `` Occupy Surrey '' protest similar to demonstrations in dozens of cities decrying"} +{"answer":"archbishop apologized to parishioners and radio listeners for what he called a `` scandal . '' `` Father Cutie made a promise of celibacy and all priests are expected to fulfill that promise with the help of God , '' Favalora said . `` Father Cutie 's actions can not be condoned despite the good works he has done as a priest . '' Cutie apologized in an online statement Tuesday , saying he `` wants to ask for forgiveness if my actions have caused pain and sadness . ... I assure you that my service and dedication to God remain intact . '' Watch pictures that led to priest 's dismissal . '' Other media outlets throughout Latin America , including the official Notimex news agency in Mexico , picked up the story on Tuesday , and it became an Internet sensation . Cutie has millions of followers in the Spanish-speaking world . `` We got a bunch of calls from sobbing women , '' said Miami archdiocese spokeswoman Mary Ross Agosta . Archdiocese officials declined to say where Cutie was Tuesday or what his new assignment might be . A woman who answered the telephone Wednesday at St.","question":"MIAMI , Florida -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An internationally known Catholic priest sometimes called `` Father Oprah '' has been removed from his posts in Florida after published photos showed him lying down bare-chested in an embrace with a woman on a beach . The photos of the Cuban-American priest appeared on the cover of this week 's TV Notas magazine . The Rev. Alberto Cutie -LRB- pronounced koo-tee-AYE -RRB- -- who got the nickname `` Father Oprah '' because of the advice he gives on Spanish-language media -- remains a priest . But he was relieved Tuesday of his duties at St. Francis De Sales Church in Miami Beach , Florida , and at the Radio Paz and Radio Peace networks , said a `` deeply saddened '' Miami , Florida , Archbishop John C. Favalora . The photos of the Cuban-American priest appeared on the cover and on eight inside pages of this week 's TV Notas magazine . The cover says in Spanish : `` Good God . Padre Alberto . First photos of a priest ` in flagrante ' with his lover . '' In a message posted on the Miami archdiocese Web page , the"} +{"answer":"attitude of ` This is what I think . This is why I think it . ' I 'm not in a popularity contest . '' Before his current position , Friedman served in various posts at the New York Times , including chief economic correspondent , chief White House correspondent and bureau chief in Beirut and Israel . His reporting from Lebanon in 1983 and work in Israel in 1988 won him Pulitzer Prizes for international reporting . Taking in the world provides never-ending fascination , he says . `` I have the best job in the world , I mean , somebody has to have it . '' He 's recently trained his eye on how America can reassert itself by leading the way in green technology , encapsulated in his latest book `` Hot , flat and crowded . '' As he admits , the environmental aspect is not the point of the book ; really it 's a treatise on how America `` lost its groove and why we need to get it back by taking the lead in the energy revolution . '' One man who will need to take a pivotal role is the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author Thomas Friedman is never short of a word or two . Thomas L. Friedman : `` Incredible opportunities masquerading as insoluble problems . '' The celebrated commentator occupies a position in his profession that many of his contemporaries would rival . He gets to go where he wants , when he wants and write about what he thinks , or as he puts it : `` I get to be a tourist with an attitude . '' Officially , he 's The New York Times ' foreign affairs columnist -- a position he 's held since 1995 -- as well as the author of five books . Through his syndicated column his opinion has become a recognizable American voice on the international stage , and with it has come a sense of responsibility . `` I agonize over every column . Precisely because I know it is going to be read by a lot of people and it 's going to be in Google forever , '' he told CNN . `` So there is that sense of responsibility , but at the same time you do have to take the"} +{"answer":"`` Before we opened we were , like the rest of the world , a little bit wary of the timing , but I think in hindsight the world economies are doing a lot better and Macau has seen its first year-on-year increase in July and August was a booming month . So I think all in all we could n't be happier . '' Ho 's company , Melco-Crown Entertainment , is independent from his father 's huge portfolio of businesses and the multibillion dollar City of Dreams project is a partnership with Australian James Packer , himself the son of a media tycoon . Ho is respectful of his ailing father 's achievements and the advantages that the family name has given him , but also the desire it fostered to forge his own success . `` The bigger the shadow the more we can feel the underdog syndrome . ... being his son opened many doors , but at the same time I grew up in a very big family with our own issues , but all in all certainly being his son has helped a great deal , '' he said . There are no worries","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Who would open one of the world 's biggest casinos in the depths of a global recession ? Big city dreams : Lawrence Ho 's business portfolio in Hong Kong and Macau is growing . Answer : Lawrence Ho , the scion of a casino business mogul who has clearly inherited his father 's love of a calculated risk . Ho 's father Stanley is a man synonymous with the creation of Macau as the world 's biggest gambling destination . `` Over the past 40 years he has put his thumbprints all over Macau . I think if you look at the major infrastructure projects , whether it 's the airport , the ferry terminals , he was involved in building up a lot of those , '' Lawrence Ho told CNN . But in opening City of Dreams in Macau earlier this year , Ho is trying to carve his own niche and continue to build up his own business empire . `` I think gone are the days when you can open a property and ` Bang ! ' you would steal significant market share from others , '' he told CNN ."} +{"answer":"for their sacrifice . These men and women enlisted in the military for their nation . They fought for their nation . They died for their nation . Their return should be respectfully and publicly acknowledged by their nation . The ban on images of returning casualties started accidentally , and without any reference to the `` privacy '' of the families of those who gave their lives in service to the nation . The accident of media history occurred in December 1989 when poor White House scheduling placed President George H.W. Bush before live television cameras just as the first American casualties were arriving at Dover Air Force Base from the U.S. invasion of Panama . CNN and two other major TV networks fired up their split-screen technology , showing on one side the president joking with White House reporters just before the Christmas holiday -- and on the other the sober images of flag-draped military caskets being carried ceremoniously by honor guards across the tarmac at Dover . After the holidays , the president appealed publicly to reporters to `` help me '' overcome a public impression that he had been insensitive on TV about the returning casualties","question":"Editor 's note : Ralph J. Begleiter teaches communication , journalism and political science at the University of Delaware . During two decades as CNN 's `` world affairs correspondent , '' Begleiter was the network 's most widely traveled reporter . Ralph J. Begleiter says the Pentagon 's new policy on media access to coffins of war dead is a milestone . NEWARK , Delaware -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The reversal of two decades of policy on images of returning war casualties is an important and welcome milestone for the American people . The Pentagon 's decision announced Thursday allowing media coverage of coffins of war victims returning to Dover Air Force Base -- if families agree -- restores to its rightful , honorable place the immense value of the sacrifice American troops make on behalf of their nation . It allows the American people to honor the dignified and respectful return of war casualties to home soil for the last time . Although no one should have a veto over the nation 's ability to pay respects to its fallen troops , I believe most families will decide that their sons and daughters deserve to be recognized publicly"} +{"answer":"those of use who still see her beauty in what remains . '' Josh Gorrell sent the photo of the `` painted ladies '' at Marina Del Rey in southern California . `` My favorite part of living by the coast is the constantly fresh ocean breezes , the year-round sunshine and the wonderful seafood ! Oh , and the surf ! '' Raymond Lopera 's favorite city in the Los Angeles area is Santa Monica . He lived there briefly when he moved from New York a few years ago and says he goes back every chance he gets . He says Santa Monica is very pedestrian friendly and he enjoys taking long walks , stopping along the way at places like Barnes & Noble or Starbucks . Nikolai Ursin ca n't get enough of Minneapolis . `` I 'm 28 and able to live a fabulous life because the cost of living is so low , yet the wages are quite high . My friends in N.Y.C. are jealous . I travel a lot for work and there is nothing quite like landing in Minneapolis and knowing I 'm home . '' I-Reporter Chris Fuhriman is a captain","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Whether it 's dining , shopping , culture , nightlife or people , everybody has a favorite city . Some cities are great places to live and raise a family . Others provide the backdrop for that once-in-a-lifetime vacation . The Cathedral Basilica of Saint Francis in Santa Fe , New Mexico . I-Reporters have been telling us about their favorite American cities . Here are some of the highlights . Jim Thompson sent the photo of the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Francis in Santa Fe , New Mexico , along with this important information : `` Be sure to mention that St. Francis Cathedral has been renamed to St. Francis Basilica . ... The request was made by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe and was granted by the Vatican , so now St. Francis is the headquarters for the pope when he comes to Santa Fe . '' Diana Peters moved to New Orleans in 2003 , and has experienced the city before and after Hurricane Katrina . Her feelings about recovery are complicated . `` But do n't turn your back on New Orleans , because she survives in all of us , especially"} +{"answer":"It on Mulberry Street , '' was rejected by more than 25 publishers before Vanguard Press put it out in 1937 . Maurice Sendak 's legendary `` Where the Wild Things Are '' -LRB- 1963 -RRB- , though recognized with the Caldecott Medal -- the highest honor for a picture book -- was controversial for its drawings of monsters and its mischievous hero , Max . But almost all classics share some characteristics , says Alida Allison , a San Diego State University English professor and member of that California school 's National Center for the Study of Children 's Literature . `` Every one of them ... has the same reassuring pattern of ` home , away , home , ' '' she says . `` The basic plot begins with a happy family situation . Then one extremely curious or transgressive child goes out on his or her own . And , no matter how ` bad ' the child has been , he gets to come back home . '' The child is welcomed back to the family and often gets something to eat , she adds . -LRB- One exception : Seuss ' `` Mulberry ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- They feature characters such as hat-wearing cats , very hungry caterpillars , nice girls named Madeline and naughty boys named Max . `` The Very Hungry Caterpillar '' by Eric Carle turns 40 this year , and 29 million copies of it have sold since 1969 . Parents read them to their children , forming a powerful bond . Years later , those former children read these children 's picture books to their children , and the thread between generations is extended yet again . `` Children 's books live a long time because you always have children growing into them , '' says Pat Scales , president of the Association for Library Service to Children and a retired school librarian . `` And parents read -LSB- to their children -RSB- what was read to them . '' The making of a classic is a strange alchemy of skill -- a good story , strong illustrations -- and luck . It 's not easy to appeal to three audiences : publishers , parents and -- oh , yes -- children . Dr. Seuss ' first children 's book , `` And to Think That I Saw"} +{"answer":"credit remains tight , home prices continue to fall . It 's difficult to tell whether the measures enacted have not had time to work , or that they are not working . But the basic reality remains -- the financial system is in crisis , and as a result , the American economy is in a dangerous paralysis . President Obama needs to focus like a laser beam on this issue above and beyond everything else . CNN : Does that mean foreign policy takes a back seat ? Zakaria : Not a back seat , but if I were advising him , I would suggest that he save his presidential time , energy and political capital for the economy . He will probably need to go to Congress soon and ask for more money and more authority . Now , having said all this , the trouble with foreign policy is that it does n't wait around for you until the time is convenient . Things happen and you have to react to them -- like the violence in Gaza . That 's probably why the president called the foreign leaders he did on his first day --","question":"Editor 's note : Fareed Zakaria is a foreign affairs analyst who hosts `` Fareed Zakaria : GPS '' on CNN at 1 and 6 p.m. ET Sundays . `` Banks are still reporting large losses , credit remains tight , home prices continue to fall , '' notes Fareed Zakaria . NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Barack Obama offered more detail on his plan to restore economic growth Friday , saying the economic stimulus program being debated in Congress is just one of at least three parts to his recovery plan . In a meeting to discuss the stimulus proposal with Vice President Joe Biden and Democratic and Republican congressional leadership , Obama said America also needs an improved financial system stability program as well as an overhaul of financial market regulation . CNN talked to world affairs expert and author Fareed Zakaria to get his thoughts about the most pressing issues facing the new president . CNN : What should be President Obama 's first order of business ? Zakaria : Oh , without question , the economy . This is a problem that is n't going away . Banks are still reporting large losses ,"} +{"answer":"pre-recorded acceptance speech showed her to be possibly the coolest queen alive . She delighted viewers with a lighthearted top-ten list of reasons for registering her own YouTube channel , which included , `` Because I did n't have enough friends on Facebook , '' and `` Because anything Queen Elizabeth can do I can do better . '' The experimental venture gained her a faithful online following , and since then the channel has become a platform for entertaining , non-hostile debate . It is exactly this willingness to set aside her royal image and interact with the public that her fans say has shown Queen Rania 's dedication to bringing about change . She first entered the international spotlight 15 years ago after marrying Abdullah II bin al-Hussein , the then future king of Jordan . In 1999 , she was proclaimed Queen , the world 's youngest at age 28 . She wasted little time in applying herself to various causes , and soon made her name as an engaging advocate for women 's rights and moderate Islam , and as a heavy investor in youth . The 38-year-old mother of four has said that she cares","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- She is one of the world 's most likeable and photogenic leaders , has her own YouTube channel , and is determined to change the face of learning in the Middle East . Queen Rania 's down-to-earth personality has won hearts and minds all over the world . She is also , according to you , the most inspirational leader featured on CNN 's `` The Spirit of ... '' in 2008 . Thousands of CNN Web site users voted to award her the honor for her matchless energy working with Jordan 's young people , ahead of luminaries such as peace advocate Kofi Annan , activist Wangari Maathai and environmentalist James Lovelock . This is Queen Rania 's second award in as many months . In November , she was presented with the first ever YouTube Visionary Award for her bold use of the video-sharing network to discuss stereotypes about Islam and the Arab world . The channel fielded questions from young people about all aspects of Islamic culture . She could not be present to personally receive the honour at YouTube 's Live event in San Francisco , but her pop-culture-savvy"} +{"answer":"who I met with just a few days ago , '' Obama said in brief remarks . Obama met Eckert at a gathering of September 11 victims ' families on Friday . Valerie Lucznikowska , a member of September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows , said she , Eckert and another woman traveled to Washington for the meeting . Lucznikowska said Eckert asked Obama whether the group would have ongoing meetings with his administration . Obama said there would be , even though they would n't necessarily be with him . After the 2001 terrorist attacks , Eckert co-founded Voices of September 11 , an advocate group for survivors and families . Eckert had a reputation as a strong campaigner of September 11 families , involved in protests leading to more land for a ground zero memorial , working on the September 11 Commission 's Family Steering Committee and pushing for a victims ' families compensation fund . She was traveling to Buffalo for a celebration of what would have been her husband 's 58th birthday . Eckert planned to take part in presenting a scholarship award at Canisius High School that was established in honor of her late husband","question":"CLARENCE CENTER , New York -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Obama on Friday praised Beverly Eckert , the widow of a September 11 victim and a prominent post-9 \/ 11 activist , who was one of the passengers who died in a plane crash outside Buffalo , New York . Sean Rooney and wife Beverly Eckert in an undated photograph . `` Beverly lost her husband on 9\/11 , '' Obama said , `` and became a tireless advocate for the families whose lives were forever changed on that September day . '' A resident of Stamford , Connecticut , Eckert was the widow of Buffalo native Sean Rooney , who died at the World Trade Center . Obama 's words underscored the shock and grief from friends , family and acquaintances over the news that Eckert was aboard the Continental Connection Flight 3407 . The turboprop plane crashed Thursday , killing all 49 aboard and one person on the ground . `` Tragic events such as these remind us of the fragility of life and the value of every single day . And one person who understood that well was Beverly Eckert , who was on that flight and"} +{"answer":"tests led the Los Angeles County coroner to a preliminary conclusion that Jackson died of an overdose of propofol , a powerful sedative he had been given to help him sleep . The latest release refers to suspicions by some members of Jackson 's family in the hours after his June 25 death that heroin might have been involved . `` During the course of the investigation , family members of the decedent notified -LSB- coroner investigator -RSB- Chief -LSB- Ed -RSB- Winter that they located a quantity of tar heroin in a bag in the decedent 's bedroom located on the second floor of the residence , '' Martinez wrote . He used this statement to justify a search of Jackson 's home because `` there may be additional medications and\/or narcotics at the location as well as the necessity to confiscate these items for the safety of the minor children . '' A source with knowledge of the probe told CNN Thursday that a test later showed that a brown , sticky substance found in the search was not heroin . The source asked not to be named because the source was not authorized to speak about it","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The first search of Michael Jackson 's bedroom a day after his death found marijuana , skin-bleaching and hair-growing ointments , anti-insomnia pills and empty bottles of several anti-anxiety drugs , according to court documents unsealed Thursday . The documents reveal what investigators found in Jackson 's bedroom the day after his death . A substance initially suspected to be tar heroin proved not to be a narcotic , according to a source with knowledge of the investigation . An affidavit , written by Los Angeles Detective Orlando Martinez , was used to outline probable cause for a warrant to search Jackson 's Holmby Hills , California , home on June 26 . Martinez filed his report on what was found in the search five days later . While the documents may provide some insight into Jackson 's life , they appeared to contain nothing that would lend new insight into his death . Another sworn statement written by Martinez several weeks later -- and made public earlier this week -- provided a more extensive list of drugs found by investigators at Jackson 's bedside . That document also revealed that toxicology"} +{"answer":"-LRB- k -RRB- account statements . They 're also turning to their history books . Politicians and commentators routinely invoke the Great Depression and other historical events to describe today 's economic crisis . Watch the debate over ` Depression ' talk '' But how fair is that historical analogy ? Why Great Depression comparisons may be unfair James Kolari , an economist at Texas A&M University , says the nation experienced two `` rough '' recessions in the mid-1970s and the early 1980s . A recession is generally defined as a decline in the Gross Domestic Product for two or more consecutive quarters . He says it 's not fair to compare the current economic crisis to the Great Depression , because the federal government was far more passive in the 1920s . `` We let 15,000 out of 30,000 banks fail , '' he says . `` Government efforts to jump-start the economy were slow and relatively weak until President -LSB- Franklin -RSB- Roosevelt came along with the New Deal . '' Kolari says people can learn more by looking at Japan . He says the U.S. economy is facing the same crisis as Japan in the 1990s","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The stock market crashed . Wall Street panicked . People stashed silver and gold under mattresses while businesses shut doors across America . People in Detroit , Michigan , line up for food at the Capuchin Soup Kitchen . We 're talking , of course , about the Great Depression ... of 1873 . That 's the event that Scott Reynolds Nelson cites when asked to give an historical perspective on today 's sputtering economy . The historian says the economic panic of 1873 started with the same toxic mix as today 's crisis : risky mortgages , a stock market dive and the use of complex financial instruments that few understood . `` Until 1929 , when people used the word -LSB- s -RSB- Great Depression they referred to 1873 , '' says Nelson , a professor of history at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg , Virginia . `` That was a worldwide international depression that started with the banks . That 's what we 're seeing now . This looks like 1873 . '' The nation 's economic crisis is not only causing people to look more closely at their 401"} +{"answer":"the Hurlingham Club in London later this week , organizers announced Wednesday . The Spaniard will play Lleyton Hewitt of Australia on Thursday and Stanislas Wawrinka of Switzerland on Friday . Five-time champion and pre-tournament favorite Roger Federer is second seed at Wimbledon as he bids to set a record of 15 grand slam wins after his French Open triumph . Home hope Andy Murray , who won the Queen 's Club tournament on Sunday , is seeded third with Novak Djokovic of Serbia in fourth . Eighth-ranked Fernando Verdasco of Spain gets the seventh seed spot ahead of Frenchman Gilles Simon . Outside of the top seeds , Marat Safin of Russia has been elevated to 15th from his world ranking of 23 . Former world number one Safin reached the semifinals at the All England Club last year . Big-serving Croatian Ivo Karlovic is lifted to 23rd from 31st . The third grand slam of the year starts next Monday with the all-important draw being made on Friday . In the pre-Wimbledon warmup action on Wednesday , top seed Dinara Safina of Russia beat Yaroslava Shvedova of Kazakhstan 6-3 6-3 in the Ordina Open in the Netherlands .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former champion Maria Sharapova has been seeded for next week 's Wimbledon championships . Sharapova powers a forehand during the WTA tournament in Birmingham last week . The Russian has only recently returned to action after a serious shoulder injury , but despite performing solidly in the French Open and reaching the semifinals of the WTA grasscourt event in Birmingham last week , she remained 59th in the rankings . But Wimbledon , who are alone among the grand slams in not sticking entirely with the official rankings of the ATP and WTA in deciding the seedings , have given Sharapova the 24th berth . World number one Dinara Safina of Russia is top seed , followed by Serena Williams and defending champion Venus Williams , who is elevated to third because of her prowess on grass . Rafael Nadal , who remains a slight injury doubt to take his place in the draw , is the top seed in the men 's tournament , with the top six spots in the list following the ATP rankings list . The defending champion will test his injured knees by playing in two exhibition matches on grass at"} +{"answer":"looking for ways to get by during the festive Christmas season . `` Do we still have Christmas , mother ? '' one crying little girl asked her mother , according to the Red Cross . `` Will I get my toys and my new pair of shoes you promised ? '' `` Of course you will , '' the mother replied . `` Christmas will always be around . '' Military and disaster officials said the vast majority of the dead were found in the port cities of Iligan and Cagayan de Oro , many of them swept away as they were sleeping . Water-logged bodies from washed-away villages floated at the shoreline , on the northwestern coast of Mindanao island . Five people were killed in a landslide , but virtually all the others died in flash flooding after Tropical Storm Washi , which is called Sendong locally . Survivors in the hardest-hit areas are contending with no electricity or clean drinking water . One woman in Cagayan de Oro collected murky brown floodwater in a bucket , just meters away from where a destroyed vehicle was submerged . Flash flooding overnight Friday -- following 10 hours of","question":"Manila , Philippines -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Tropical Storm Washi moved away from the southern Philippines early Monday , but not before leaving behind a wake of destruction and at least 652 people dead , according to the Philippine Red Cross . There were no public storm warnings for the East Asian island nation Monday morning , according to the Philippine Atmospheric , Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration . Yet authorities and residents still had the considerable task of cleaning up from the devastation and mourning those killed by what the state-run Philippines News Agency noted was the 19th tropical system to hit the nation this season . A report released Monday morning by the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council noted that the storm had affected more than 135,000 people , nearly 47,000 of whom were in evacuation centers . President Beningo Aquino plans to visit the region Tuesday . The Red Cross noted that hundreds are missing after entire villages were swept away , suggesting the death toll could rise further . The stench of death permeated the air as aid workers scrambled to help survivors . The disaster has left heartbreaking scenes of families with children"} +{"answer":"Hall : Perhaps the most important thing unique to this year is there are so many businesses which were affected by the downturn in the economy , that the IRS has expanded opportunities for loss carrybacks . The definition of a loss carryback is if you had losses from your business in 2009 , then you may have the opportunity to then take those losses and offset income from previous years . That 's certainly something to look into if you had a tough year for 2009 , because it may give you the ability to recover taxes in more years -- namely five -- than you used to be able to , which is just two . So if that 's the situation that you find yourself in , certainly look into options for those loss carrybacks . It certainly can help you with the tax impact . More particularly , for those new to being self-employed or maybe even their first year filing a Schedule C , make sure you look for deductions that do n't appear in your business checkbook . It 's very easy to overlook deductions like the deduction for the home office that you","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As the April 15 income tax filing deadline approaches , the top tax expert at the National Association for the Self-Employed offers his best advice for business people who work for themselves . Keith Hall , a national tax adviser at the association , answers the tax question he is asked most often and talks about changes in tax rules for small-business owners . He also offers advice about how the self-employed can best avoid being audited by the Internal Revenue Service . CNN : What should self-employed taxpayers keep at the top of their minds this year ? Keith Hall : I think the most important thing to remember is that you have resources . The IRS is always changing information -- from automobile deductions , to alternative minimum tax limits , to net operating loss carry-forwards . It 's tough to keep up with , but you do n't have to remember it , because it 's all out there on the IRS Web site for you . Do n't forget , you 've got resources to go out and look for . CNN : What 's different this year for self-employed taxpayers ?"} +{"answer":"By hand . Put it in an envelope . Found a stamp buried in her drawer . Took it to a mailbox . Double checked , I 'm sure , to make sure it dropped in all the way . `` The Letter , '' performed by The Box Tops , Joe Cocker and other artists , is one of the 500 most popular American songs . To get to the bottom of the story , I made a long distance phone call to Wayne Carson , the man who wrote `` The Letter . '' The back story I asked Carson if he could imagine the guy in his song rushing to the airport -- paying full fare to get home to his baby , who seems to have sent him packing -- if she had sent an e-mail or a tweet . He says he never thought of it . He wrote the song in 1967 . Who was the guy , I asked . Was it you ? No . `` My dad was in show business for 50 years , '' Carson tells me . `` He fancied himself as a songwriter . Never wrote a","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The deep financial mess at the U.S. Postal Service has revealed a deep fault line in America about whether we even need the postal system . This week we heard from the `` let 'em shut down , I do all my communicating online '' group . And there are those who want to `` save the art of writing a letter by hand and mailing it . '' We 're going to get beyond this divide , right here , right now , with a real-life love story that gets to its destination , as most love stories do , through a route that 's never been traveled before . The letter Our love story begins with a guy in a rush . `` Gim me a ticket for an aer-o-plane . Ai n't got time to take a fast train . Lonely days are gone . I 'm a-goin ' home . '' Why is this guy in such a hurry ? `` My baby just-a wrote me a letter . '' The letter . That 's why . His baby did n't send him an e-mail . She wrote him a letter ."} +{"answer":"pretty crowded in the evening . Watch Candace Bushnell take CNN on a tour of New York . '' Met in the Parks -LRB- June -RRB- An al fresco treat for opera lovers , every summer New York 's Metropolitan Opera Company lays on free outdoor performances in the city 's parks . The 2009 program will feature performances in each of the five boroughs , at Staten Island 's Tappan Park , Crotona Park in The Bronx , Queensbridge Park in Queens ; Coffey Park in Brooklyn , East River Park in Manhattan and at SummerStage in Central Park . If that 's whet your appetite for evenings of outdoor classical music , `` New York Philharmonic Concerts in the Parks '' takes place in July at parks around the city . Take a blanket and a well-stocked picnic hamper for maximum enjoyment . What do you think are New York 's seasonal highlights ? Sound Off below . Independence Day -LRB- July 4 -RRB- The day America declared its independence from Britain in 1776 is a national holiday celebrated in style throughout the country . But , naturally , New York is where the celebrations become a full-blown","question":"There 's always something happening in the city that never sleeps , but if you 're in New York at the right time you 'll get to see New Yorkers coming together for one of the city 's big annual events . Giant inflatables are the highlight of the Macy 's Thanksgiving Parade . St Patrick 's Day Parade -LRB- 17 March -RRB- St Patrick 's Day is when New York 's sizeable Irish-American community celebrates its long association with the city , with thousands joining a flag-waving parade of traditional marching pipe bands . Dating back to 1762 , it 's far more traditional than New York 's other parades . There are no floats or corporate sponsors involved -- just vast numbers of green-clad revelers . Indeed , it 's the one day of the year when shamrock-adorned hats and stick on ginger beards are considered appropriate attire . The event kicks off at 11 a.m. at 44th Street , making its way past St. Patrick 's Cathedral at 50th Street and the American Irish Historical Society at 83rd , finishing at 86th Street at around 5:00 p.m. Needless to say , New York 's Irish bars get"} +{"answer":"Terry incident -RSB- after the game but he 's said it hit his shoulder . He needs to take another look at that . '' Chelsea boss Carlo Ancelotti chose not to comment on the incidents . `` It is not my job to judge the work of the officials , '' the Italian said . `` It is a difficult job , sometimes they make the right decisions , sometimes they make bad decisions . `` We have to maintain this level . We are doing well , we are very focused and in a very good position , but we have a very difficult game on Saturday against Tottenham and we have to do our best to win that game . '' Chelsea were less impressive in the first half , and it took until the 43rd minute before France striker Anelka broke the deadlock with a close-range header from Drogba 's left-wing cross for his first goal since January . Bolton striker Kevin Davies had told reporters before the match that his former teammate Anelka was unhappy playing with Drogba , but the duo combined well to end Wanderers ' stubborn resistance . The recalled Salomon Kalou","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Chelsea moved a step closer to breaking Manchester United 's stranglehold on the English Premier League title with a controversial 1-0 victory at home to Bolton Wanderers on Tuesday night . Nicolas Anelka headed the only goal against his former club just before halftime to put the London side four points clear of three-time defending champions United with four matches to play . Third-placed Arsenal can leapfrog United into second place with victory over London rivals Tottenham on Wednesday and be three points adrift of Chelsea . Bolton , just five points above the relegation zone , were angry after not being awarded a penalty in each half for alleged handball by Didier Drogba and John Terry -- but were lucky not to concede more goals as Chelsea dominated late in the match . `` They were n't claims for a penalty , '' Bolton boss Owen Coyle told match broadcaster ESPN . `` They were stonewall penalties . I knew it at the time . `` Didier Drogba is a world-class player , but looking at this replay he could be a world-class volleyball player . `` I 've asked the linesman about -LSB- the"} +{"answer":"been flooded for nearly two weeks , '' said Matthew Cochrane of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies . `` The country 's prime minister has said that the city has ` dodged a bullet ' -- the economic impact of central Bangkok being flooded would have been huge , and thankfully that did not happen -- but a huge part of the country is still under water , '' Cochrane said . `` Outside the city it is certainly a humanitarian crisis , because there are people who have been cut off for weeks without any aid , supplies or food . '' UNICEF said it was providing 20,000 mosquito nets and handing out 20,000 pamphlets explaining how to stay safe and healthy in flood-stricken regions . Supatra -LRB- Jenstitvong -RRB- Assavasuke , who lives east of central Bangkok , took in two friends whose house on the west side of the city is submerged under 1 to 2 meters -LRB- 3 to 7 feet -RRB- of water . It 's unclear how long they will need to stay . She and her family have helped donate about 3,000 liters -LRB- almost 800 gallons -RRB-","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Worries about high tides overwhelming parts of Thailand in recent days have morphed into fears about water - and insect-borne diseases in the flood-ravaged country . Bangkok 's central business district has avoided major flooding so far , but outlying areas are chest - or waist-deep in water . `` The water in those parts is a filthy black color containing sewage , garbage and dead animals with a nasty smell . Mosquitoes are also breeding rapidly , '' said Igor Prahin of Bangkok . More than 370 people have died since the flooding began after heavy monsoon rains . U.S. Ambassador to Thailand Kristie A. Kenney said Monday that `` the worst may be over for central Bangkok , '' but about 2 million people are still affected by the flooding . The United States has pledged a total of $ 1.1 million in aid . CNNGo : Updated travel information for tourists Charities working in the country have warned of diseases such as diarrhea , dengue fever and malaria in the coming days and weeks . `` There are places on the outskirts of Bangkok and in other parts of the country which have"} +{"answer":"experiences that anyone can ever endure . `` Never being able to say the word ' Mummy ' again in your life sounds like a small thing . Tell us what you think about Prince William 's moving comments `` However , for many , including me , it 's now really just a word -- hollow and evoking only memories . `` I can therefore wholeheartedly relate to the Mother 's Day campaign as I too have felt -- and still feel -- the emptiness on such a day as Mother 's Day . '' Listen to Prince William discuss his mother . '' The charity wants to raise awareness of the problems suffered by mothers bereaved of a child or children bereaved of their mother . Based in Buckinghamshire , a region west of London , it educates professionals and supports families after a death . Writing in Britain 's Daily Mail newspaper about his new role , the Prince said the reality of losing a child or parent was `` awful . '' `` Initially , there is a sense of profound shock and disbelief that this could ever happen to you . Real grief often does","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Prince William has spoken in depth publicly for the first time about death of his mother , Diana , Princess of Wales , 12 years ago , saying `` mummy '' is now a hollow word `` evoking only memories . '' Diana , Princess of Wales , died in a Paris car crash 12 years ago . Prince William was only 15 and his brother Prince Harry 12 when Diana died in a Paris car crash along with Dodi Fayed in 1997 . The Prince made the comment Thursday during a speech to mark his new role as patron of Britain 's Child Bereavement Charity -- a group his mother was once involved with . The British Press Association reported that he told the launch of the charity 's Mother 's Day campaign : `` My mother Diana was present at your launch 15 years ago , and I am incredibly proud to be able to continue her support for your fantastic charity , by becoming your royal patron . `` What my mother recognized then -- and what I understand now -- is that losing a close family member is one of the hardest"} +{"answer":"now . `` We are going to apprehend them , '' said Aguilar . `` These are people that should not have come into this country and applied for a program that they do not benefit from . '' That message was likely lost in translation , said David Watts , a court-appointed attorney for three Haitians charged with illegal entry and jailed . `` I think there 's no doubt that there was some confusion , '' Watts said . `` None of them have immigration lawyers , they 're relying on the word on the street and the word in the community . '' One of the men Watts represents is Arry Seguin , whose story is not uncommon . Seguin was living in the Haitian community in Montreal after going to Canada in 2008 to seek asylum . Until then , he had been living in Florida with his wife and two children , now ages 6 and 2 . Seguin left the United States after losing appeals to stay . His wife , Louizette , a naturalized citizen , lives in a cramped apartment in Lantana , Florida , and does n't understand why her husband","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Nearly 2,000 miles from Haiti , there 's a ripple effect from the earthquake that devastated the country on January 12 . U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents have arrested 140 Haitian men and women who have crossed the border from Canada into Vermont since late January . Many had gone to Canada well before the earthquake to seek asylum , and thought they could take advantage of a relaxed U.S. policy on deporting Haitians . `` One of the things that 's happening is that some of these individuals that have previously been either deported or ordered deported and are looking for refuge in Canada , have entered Canada illegally , are now looking to come back into the U.S. and possibly take advantage of the temporary protected status that our government has given , '' said David Aguilar , acting deputy commissioner at U.S. Customs and Border Protection . That temporary protected status allows Haitians who were in the United States at the time of the earthquake to stay longer , regardless of whether they were in the country legally or not . But the policy does not protect Haitians illegally entering the country"} +{"answer":"Freytes , who filed an iReport for CNN . `` The explosion blew out windows here in Old San Juan , '' he said . `` It 's still burning outrageously . '' Others woke up Friday morning to an extremely unusual sight . `` I did n't expect to see a mushroom cloud from my house , '' said Justin Gehrke , a U.S. Army civilian employee who also filed an iReport . Fortuno said he declared a state of emergency for the area so Puerto Rico can get aid from the Federal Emergency Management Agency . The storage and refinery complex sits near San Juan 's bay , and Fortuno said officials are working to protect the water from being affected . `` We have serious worries that the bay or other bodies of water could be contaminated , '' he said . Caribbean Petroleum 's Web site says the complex has storage facilities for gasoline and gasoline-related products . `` We have been monitoring the water visually and we have installed preventive pads and other material to contain a spill , '' said Pedro Nieves , chairman of the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board . `` No","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A raging blaze at a fuel storage complex in Puerto Rico lit up the night sky Friday near San Juan as firefighters battled to keep it from spreading further . iReporter Maria Marquez photographed the flames early Friday from the 17th floor of her San Juan condominium . Fifteen of the 40 tanks at the Caribbean Petroleum Corp. facility in the city of Bayamon were ablaze more than 19 hours after an explosion of unknown origin rocked the complex , Gov. Luis Fortuno said at an evening news conference . The governor had put the tally at 11 a few hours earlier . `` I do n't think there 's ever been a fire like this in Puerto Rico , '' Fire Lt. Jose Atorre told CNN affiliate WLII-TV . The fire started shortly after midnight , when at least one fuel tank exploded . Residents described a surreal scene after the blast woke them from their sleep and shattered windows miles away . `` I was in bed and all of a sudden heard this really horrible sound , so I ran upstairs and thought the whole town had blown up , '' said Teo"} +{"answer":"CNN : Why did you choose to do something animated ? Jessica Biel : I think I chose this part because I 'm kind of a kid at heart and I really thought the story was so sweet and fun . ... I was n't doing anything . I was able to work in town , at home in L.A. , which is so rare . CNN : You could probably wear your pajamas to work . Biel : Pretty much . Roll in , no hair and makeup . I just always wanted to be a voice in some great movie where some little girl loves my character . CNN : Did you get to meet -LSB- your co-stars -RSB- when you were doing the voices ? Biel : I never saw them , never met them . I mean , I know Dwayne , I 've known Dwayne for a long time . I met Justin before , but I never saw them once . It was such an interesting experience to be there by yourself kind of going through it . But ... it goes fast . You 're there , it 's fast , it 's","question":"Los Angeles , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- There 's an innocence to Jessica Biel , she says . The actress , who has starred in `` The Illusionist '' and `` I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry , '' wanted to tap into her childlike side for `` Planet 51 , '' a new animated film about an Earth astronaut who lands on a faraway planet that has much in common with 1950s America -- except for the aliens . `` I love that kind of throwback to a more of innocent time and a simpler time and more conservative , '' she told CNN . `` There 's something just kind of attractive about that , those kinds of qualities to me , and I just thought it would be fun . '' `` Planet 51 , '' which also features the voice work of Dwayne `` The Rock '' Johnson , Justin Long and Gary Oldman , opens Friday . Biel sat down with CNN to talk about the film , the challenges of voice work and the difficulty of finding good roles for actresses . The following is an edited version of the interview ."} +{"answer":"at the time , noticed an abnormal amount of air bubbles rising to the surface in the area where he was diving , followed by a plume of blood , said police spokesman Michael Wear . Moments later , the man 's body rose to the surface . Police said he succumbed to his injuries not long after the incident . Following a preliminary review of bite marks on the body , authorities said he is believed to have been killed by a great white shark . `` He was in the water by himself , I believe , '' Sgt. Greg True of Western Australia police told CNN affiliate Channel Nine . `` There 's been some pretty massive injuries inflicted . '' Sharon Wainwright told CNN her family was notified of the incident Saturday morning . Authorities said the man had been living in Western Australia . Wainright 's relatives expect his body to arrive in Florida in about four days , Sharon Wainwright said . Saturday 's attack was the second fatal shark attack in the past two weeks near the city of Perth , capital of the state of Western Australia . `` He was one","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The 32-year-old Texas man who died in a shark attack over the weekend while scuba diving off Western Australia was remembered Sunday by his sisters as `` unique '' and `` one of a kind . '' Sharon Wainwright of Panama City , Florida , identified the victim as her son , George Thomas Wainwright . His sisters , Brenda Wainwright and Wanda Brannon , spoke to CNN affiliate WMBB-TV . `` It 's devastating . It 's hard to even wrap your head around . I ca n't believe he 's gone . I think it was just wrong place , wrong time because he was very wise . I would trust him with anything to do with being on the water , '' said Brenda Wainwright . She described her brother as `` unique ... that rare combination of incredibly intelligent , very kind , great sense of humor . '' Police said Saturday the man was scuba diving with two friends near Rottnest Island , a popular tourist destination about 15 miles off the Australian mainland , when the attack occurred . The man 's friends , who were not in the water"} +{"answer":"injected heroin in a safe , stable environment at medically supervised clinics . They crucially paired that with intensive counseling and addiction treatment . The researchers reported that benefits were evident just six weeks into treatment among users who had failed at other kinds of treatment . One of those participants was `` Sarah , '' who said that after coping with her addiction for more than 20 years , she lost hope that anything would work . Watch Sarah describe the program '' Sarah described how the program had an almost immediate affect on her life . She said she was able to keep a schedule , stop buying drugs on the street and gain an appreciation of what her life could be like if she was n't so consumed by getting high . `` You 'll always be an addict basically ; it 's about managing it and leading a positive life '' said Sarah , adding , `` It quickly became , well , I actually do want to stop . I do n't really want to have to stick needles in me all my life . '' Her biggest fear now is that the program will","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- If treating heroin addicts by giving them heroin seems counterintuitive , having the government fund that addiction to the tune of more than $ 22,000 per patient per year comes across as downright radical . A heroin addict identified as Sarah says the program had an almost immediate affect on her life . A newly released British study , however , found that daily heroin injections given to hard-to-treat addicts as part of a comprehensive program succeeded in treating those addicts and reducing crime . The use of street heroin was reduced by three quarters and the crimes committed trying to get drugs were cut by two-thirds , the study found . `` The intensity of the program is quite striking , '' said John Strang , who led the research team at Britain 's National Addiction Centre , associated with King 's College in London . `` The bond that is formed and the commitment that 's established between the patient coming in for treatment and the staff is far greater than you would ever ordinarily see . '' Taking heroin off the streets seems to be making a difference . Researchers"} +{"answer":"was told by Mexican police to remain in the country while they investigated . He recently returned to Los Angeles and filed papers for custody to be returned to him . The maternal sisters have also petitioned for permanent custody of the children , ages 3 and 5 . Beresford-Redman was not in court Friday because of the swarm of reporters at the Los Angeles County courthouse , his criminal defense lawyer said . Defense Attorney Richard Hirsch used the gathering of journalists to ask that there not be `` a rush to judgment '' about Beresford-Redman . He said there have been other unsolved deaths and an attack at the Moon Palace resort , where Monica Beresford-Redman 's body was found in a sewer . Hirsch cited the death of an elderly Scottish woman , who was found in a swamp weeks after leaving a pool for a walk , and a Canadian man who allegedly fell from a hotel balcony . Jeff Toews , a Canadian , was found dead in May 2007 . Investigators decided he died from a drunken fall from a balcony , but his family did not accept that explanation . Julia Howard ,","question":"Los Angeles , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The children of a Los Angeles woman found dead at a Mexican resort last month will not be allowed to attend a memorial service for their mother Sunday , a judge ruled Friday . A therapist hired by their father , a former `` Survivor '' producer named a `` person of interest '' in the investigation of his wife 's death , said the service could be emotionally harmful to the young children . Mexican authorities detained the father , Bruce Beresford-Redman , as a suspect the day his wife 's body 's was found . He was released a day later . Sunday 's memorial service is planned by Monica Beresford-Redman 's sisters , who are also fighting for custody of the children . `` We respect the decision of the court , but we are very disappointed the fact that the children were denied to participate in the celebration of their mother 's life , '' Jeane Burgos said . Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff delayed any decision on changing the current custody arrangement . Beresford-Redman 's parents were given temporary custody last month after he"} +{"answer":"did n't have any confirmation on serious security incidents that might effect the total electoral process , '' al-Haidari said . President Obama congratulated the Iraqis on the elections . `` Millions of Iraqi citizens from every ethnic and religious group went peacefully to the polls across the country to choose new provincial councils , '' Obama said in a statement released by the White House . `` It is important that the councils get seated , select new governors and begin work on behalf of the Iraqi people who elected them . '' He said the United States `` is proud to have provided technical assistance , along with the United Nations and other international organizations , to Iraq 's Independent High Electoral Commission , which performed professionally under difficult circumstances . '' CNN 's Arwa Damon , who toured polling stations with UN observers , said she noticed an increased sense of awareness and optimism among voters , who felt that their participation would have an impact on their lives and country . Watch Iraqis head to polls '' Political analysts said this election could correct some of the political imbalances that resulted from the 2005 election .","question":"BAGHDAD , Iraq -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Voting in Iraqi provincial elections ended peacefully Saturday evening , and the mood was festive in some places , unlike the violence , intimidation and apathy that marked the balloting in 2005 . An Iraqi casts his vote Saturday in Ramadi . Preliminary results are expected in a week . `` There is a new norm of politics . ... It is truly a proud moment , '' Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Barham Saleh told CNN . `` The distance that we have come is truly inspiring . '' Faraj al-Haidari , who chairs the Independent High Electoral Commission of Iraq , and Staffan de Mistura , special U.N. representative for Iraq , issued statements saying the election went smoothly . `` Hundreds of thousands of IHEC staff worked dutifully according to procedures , '' said Mistura , who also said he was pleased at the number of women who turned out to vote . Preliminary results from the electoral commission are expected within five days , de Mistura said . Final numbers are due at the end of February . `` Some security incidents were reported during the day , but we"} +{"answer":"Obama administration will convene a summit to discuss how it can end accidents caused by distracted drivers . Despite the ongoing efforts to address the dangers of texting while driving , studies have not shown whether the laws affect accident rates , said Jonathan Adkins , communications director at the Governor 's Highway Safety Association . The nonprofit association comprised of appointees from each state 's governor 's office has closely followed the texting while driving saga . But Adkins said that because of several factors that potentially play a role in an accident , to know whether texting caused an accident would require a subpoena or an admission by the driver . In New York and New Jersey , the impact has been measured by an increase in driving tickets , but too few states track that data , Adkins said . `` With drunk driving it was important to pass tough laws , but the laws wo n't really have any effect unless they 're enforced and the public knows about it and it 's properly adjudicated , '' said Barbara Harsha the association executive director . `` So passing a law is n't the solution , it","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Illinois will become the 17th state on Thursday to ban texting while driving , a safety worry that has caught the attention of the federal government . Texting poses a greater risk than talking or dialing while driving , a study says . Gov. Pat Quinn will sign an amendment to the Illinois Vehicle Code that prohibits writing , sending or receiving text messages while driving , said the governor 's spokeswoman , Marlena Jentz . The bill does make texting exceptions for drivers who pull over to text or shift their car into park or neutral to message while stopped in traffic . Illinois will join a growing list of states looking to curb accidents linked to texting . Oregon and New Hampshire banned texting drivers in July , and Alaska , Arkansas , California , Colorado , Connecticut , Louisiana , Maryland , Minnesota , New Jersey , North Carolina , Tennessee , Utah , Virginia , Washington and the District of Columbia already have laws in place . Four U.S. senators announced their plan to push for a federal ban on July 29 . U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said the"} +{"answer":"Maduro said in a statement on the foreign ministry 's Web site . Maduro said Venezuela 's actions are compatible with its support for the creation of a Palestinian state . He has not spoken , he said , with any Israeli officials over this week 's expulsion of the Venezuelan diplomats . `` The response of the state of Israel is weak , late , and in any case for us it 's an honor , '' Maduro told the Qatar-based television network Al-Jazeera . `` We 're proud that the state of Israel that exists today , led by these criminals , made this decision . '' Israel and Venezuela have had diplomatic tensions before . Israel recalled its ambassador to Venezuela in August 2006 `` in protest against the one-sided policy of the president of Venezuela , Hugo Chavez , in light of his outrageous defamatory remarks against the state of Israel , and in reaction to the recalling of the Venezuela ambassador to Israel , '' the foreign ministry said at the time . A January 21 cease-fire put an end to fighting between Hamas militants in Gaza and Israel , which had launched a three-week","question":"JERUSALEM -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Israel has expelled Venezuela 's ambassador in response to Venezuela 's expulsion of an Israeli envoy and the rupture of diplomatic relations earlier this month . A pro-Palestinian mural in the Venezuelan capital , Caracas . Venezuelan head of mission Roland Betancourt and two other diplomats were given until Friday to leave . `` Due to the decision of Venezuela to cut relations with us a few weeks ago , we told the Venezuelan charge d'affaires that he and his staff should leave Israel , '' Foreign Ministry official Lior Hayat said . `` We told them they are declared persona non grata in Israel . '' Venezuela expelled Israeli Ambassador Shlomo Cohen and staff on January 6 and broke off diplomatic relations on January 14 in protest of Israel 's attack on Gaza . Bolivia also broke off relations with Israel that day . Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro defended his country 's actions , saying Israel violated basic human rights with its military action . `` Our decisions were just , correct , aligned with and adjusted with the spirit of our constitution , which mandates that we seek international peace , ''"} +{"answer":"we see are easily 20 or 30 meters high , most of their volume is below water . Only about one third of their entire volume is visible above water . This means you have to stay well clear of them because they may spread out under water , like an upside down mushroom . We 've also started thinking about what we 've experienced and learned this summer . By far the most impressive feature of the Arctic has been its people . In every town we visited we met complete strangers who offered us help , welcomed us into their homes and provided us with hot showers and food . So many people showed genuine interest in our journey and generously told us about their lives , and we left nearly every town with a few fish or other wild game in our fridge . Our mission when we left Victoria , British Columbia in June was to find out how climate change is impacting Arctic communities . We saw and heard about the impacts , from slumping land due to the melting of permafrost to hunter stories about the northward migration of species and the challenge that","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- There are several definitions of where the Northwest Passage begins and ends , but using the Arctic Circle is certainly the most encompassing , so we 've been holding our breath until we crossed this line . The crew has negotiated some stunning and treacherous waters to sail the Northwest Passage . The Arctic Circle -LRB- 66 30N -RRB- marks the lowest latitude at which the midnight sun is ever seen . We 've had some stormy weather along the Baffin Island coast . We had waves up to 8m high and winds over 40 knots . Silent Sound was being tossed around a lot , and I was thrown clear across the cabin on one occasion , suffering a minor concussion that kept me in my bunk for several days . Now that we 're out of the Arctic Archipelago and into the open sea , we are seeing more icebergs , instead of ice floes . Ice floes are frozen seawater while icebergs are chunks of ice broken off glaciers in the High Arctic . Bergs begin as snow falling on land , which is then compressed into ice . Even though the icebergs"} +{"answer":"of the mine 's two airtight rescue chambers . `` The rescue teams have taken four breathing apparatuses with them , '' Stricklin said . `` In the best case scenario , we would find four survivors . Once they get in there , we 'll put oxygen masks on the survivors and bring them out . '' At least 25 miners died in Monday afternoon 's explosion in West Virginia , while four others remain missing and two were injured . Rescuers -- 32 of them working in four teams -- got within 500 feet of one of the rescue chambers before having to turn back Thursday , said J. Christopher Adkins , chief operating officer of Massey Energy , the mine 's owner . They were pulled back after it was determined that noxious gas levels were high enough to cause another blast . The readings showed potentially explosive levels of methane and hydrogen and high levels of carbon monoxide . Stricklin said air samples were tested at regular intervals Thursday night and that rising barometric pressure in the wake of a cold front that moved through the region had helped reduce the chances of another blast .","question":"Naoma , West Virginia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Crews planned to pump nitrogen into a West Virginia coal mine as the search resumed early Friday for four miners who may be trapped after a deadly explosion earlier in the week . Kevin Stricklin of the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration -LRB- MSHA -RRB- said crews would neutralize potentially explosive air in the Upper Big Branch coal mine with nitrogen , allowing rescuers to go back in and remain there even if an explosive mixture builds again in the air . The hope , though slim , is that the four missing miners were able to survive by entering one of the chambers , which were stocked with enough food , water and air to keep 15 miners alive for four days . `` We committed to the families that we wanted to get into the chambers within 96 hours and we 're trying to everything in our power to do that without taking a chance on the rescue teams , and I think this is the way to do it , '' Stricklin said . Officials said the rescue teams will make `` a mad dash '' to one"} +{"answer":"of the night after 72 hauled Rafael Benitez 's side level two minutes later -- but it took Benayoun to salvage a draw for Liverpool in the third minute of time added on after that man Arshavin had hit number four after 90 minutes . It was the first time in his career that Arshavin had scored four in a match and he told Sky : `` I liked the game but of course it 's not good for the team ... almost basketball . '' Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger said of his Russian star : `` His performance was outstanding . He had a quiet first half but when he comes into the game he is always very dangerous . He has personality and is a winner . '' Liverpool manager Rafael Benitez saw his team concede a quartet of sloppy goals but he could not fault their commitment to the cause . `` You never know , '' he said of the Reds ' dwindling hopes of overhauling United . `` Today we made too many mistakes , but it 's also very positive because the team showed character until the last minute . '' Benitez added :","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Arsenal 's Andrey Arshavin became the first player to score four goals in a league game at Liverpool for 64 years but it was not enough to stop the Reds returning to the top of the Premier League after another 4-4 draw . Russian Arshavin hit four goals for the first time in his career in a dramatic eight-goal Anfield thriller . A week after crashing out of the Champions League 7-5 on aggregate after sharing eight goals in their quarterfinal second leg at Chelsea , Liverpool took their fans on another rollercoaster ride . A draw was going to be enough to take the Merseysiders above Manchester United -- they have two games in hand -- but it needed 90 minutes of drama before they edged ahead on goal difference . Russian striker Arshavin opened the scoring after 36 minutes and struck again after 67 , 70 and 90 as Arsenal bounced back following their weekend FA Cup semifinal defeat . Fernando Torres , with a header after 49 minutes , and Yossi Benayoun -LRB- 56 -RRB- hit back after halftime before Arshavin sent Arsenal 3-2 ahead with 20 minutes left . Torres 's second"} +{"answer":"firm agreed to pay Dineen about a quarter of his former salary for a year . Dineen , who needed to support his wife and a newborn daughter , accepted . `` This gave me a chance to do something different with my legal career , and help out people who generally do n't have access to public service , '' said Dineen , who now works on foreclosure cases helping victims of predatory lending . Foley Hoag is among many megafirms across the country using the economic slump as an ideal time to lend a hand to cash-strapped public interest and legal aid firms . The massive corporate layoffs and program cuts could redirect thousands of young graduates and experienced attorneys from corporate firms into the public sector , legal experts say . Once insulated , law firms are shedding young and mid-career associates at extraordinary rates . This is especially true at large corporate firms that overestimated their growth and extended too many offers to associates last fall . White & Case LLP , a leading global firm with headquartes in New York , made a second round of cuts last week . In addition to about 70","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It was the best of times in 2004 , when attorney Dave Dineen graduated from Boston University School of Law and landed a job at a top Massachusetts corporate firm , Foley Hoag LLP . Attorney Dave Dineen at his new job at Greater Boston Legal Services . By 2007 , the National Association for Law Placement was reporting the most promising year in two decades . Nearly 92 percent of graduating attorneys were employed , and the median starting salary at private practices had increased by $ 13,000 -- to a total of $ 108,500 a year . But times have changed . In the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression , the legal industry is taking an unprecedented beating from the sputtering economy and housing meltdown . Dineen , 37 , lost his job as layoffs and salary freezes have spiked at law firms across the country during the past three months . Rather than just hand out a severance package with the pink slip , Foley Hoag gave Dineen an option . He could work for Greater Boston Legal Services , a legal aid group serving people living in poverty . The"} +{"answer":"But we have 3,000 houses that are gone , and we would love to see those houses come back . '' Darden and Pitt felt compelled to help provide Green and his family a second chance , and on July 9 Green officially became a proud homeowner once again . Getting a fresh start has helped Green and his family deal with the tragedy that turned their lives upside down and took away their loved ones . `` That 's what gave me the strength to endure all that we 've been through , '' Green said . `` People constantly coming by , volunteers constantly coming by . People that really care about us and let us know that we were n't in this alone . It gave us the hope that one day we would come back and be a community again . '' Watch as Green talks about his family 's tragedies and life in New Orleans after Katrina '' The Make It Right Foundation has built 15 homes in the Lower 9th so far ; the group 's goal is to have 150 built by the end of next year . Darden said the program is","question":"NEW ORLEANS , Louisiana -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As floodwaters washed away homes in the Lower 9th Ward , Robert Green watched with horror as his mother got swept away in the storm . Robert Green stands on the porch of his family 's FEMA trailer in front of his new home earlier this year . Four months later , Green and other family members found Joyce Green 's remains in the splintered wreckage of the house where they left her . Robert Green 's granddaughter Shanay also drowned the night Hurricane Katrina hit . Green spent almost the entire last four years living in a small FEMA trailer on his land , sharing his story with anyone who came through the Lower 9th . One of the people he met was Tom Darden , executive director of the Make It Right Foundation , Brad Pitt 's nonprofit vision for building green , sustainable houses in the Lower 9th Ward of New Orleans . Only a handful of homes have returned to the Lower 9th , one of the areas hardest hit by the killer storm . `` We have 14 neighbors and feel crowded , '' Green said ``"} +{"answer":"New Zealand , England , Japan , China and Norway , according to media reports . Australian Olympic Committee President John Coates told local media that relatives of the country 's softball team had been victims of the site . The Sydney Morning Herald reported that the New South Wales Government set up a hotline for those duped out of tickets . The hotline has received hundreds of calls from around the globe with consumers detailing losses as high as $ 57,000 . The IOC and USOC successfully secured a restraining order on July 23 in federal court in Phoenix , Arizona , that shut down www.beijing-2008tickets.com , according to court documents . That site is now shut down and no contact information is available . The site www.BeijingTicketing.com priced tickets for Friday 's Olympic opening ceremony at about $ 2,000 , with events such as swimming selling for between $ 300 and $ 500 . The site is the first entry that comes up for a Google search for `` Olympic tickets , '' second only to the authorized dealer of Olympic tickets , www.cosport.com . The Web site ww.beijingticketing.com site lists a London phone number , which rang","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The U.S. Olympic Committee and the International Olympic Committee are expected to ask a federal judge Monday to shut down Web sites they allege scam customers trying to buy Olympic tickets , according to court documents . The Web site www.beijingticketing.com is accused in a lawsuit of scamming Olympic ticket buyers . The IOC and the USOC filed lawsuits on July 22 against several Web sites -- primarily www.beijingticketing.com and www.beijing-2008tickets.com -- for illegally using Olympic trademarks to dupe customers into giving them credit card , passport and banking information . Lawyers for the IOC and USOC are expected to petition U.S. District Court Judge Jeffrey White on Monday to permanently shut down several sites listed in the lawsuit . The lawsuit names the company XL & H Ltd , known as Xclusive Leisure & Hospitality Ltd. and six other Web sites believed to be fraudulent . Several consumers who purchased tickets from the site contacted the USOC when they did not receive tickets , despite numerous calls and e-mails to the Web sites founder , according to a USOC press release . The scam has hit Olympic fans in the United States , Australia ,"} +{"answer":"for comfort . As she ate to soothe her pain -- Marnell 's weight spiraled out of control . Watch more on Jennifer Marnell 's journey '' `` It got out of control over the years because it became an addiction , '' said Marnell . `` Food did n't talk back to me and did n't tell me no ... I did n't know how to stop and listen to my body . '' Working as a nanny at the age of 27 , Marnell was 5-foot-tall and weighed 300 pounds . The wife and mother says a series of embarrassing moments such as not fitting into a restaurant booth , running out of breath while walking and lacking the energy to play ball or skate with her daughter -- took an emotional and physical toll on her health . But the final straw came during a trip to an amusement park with her family . `` We were at Six Flags waiting on a ride and we waited for an hour-and-a-half , '' said Marnell . `` When we got on , I could n't latch the belts because I was too big and they had to ask","question":"DOUGLASVILLE , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Like many young girls , Jennifer Marnell always dreamed that one day she 'd become famous . Jennifer Marnell once maxed out at 300 pounds . She lost 180 pounds and is now a fitness instructor . Bubbling with personality and quite the ham -- she was no stranger to performing . Marnell loved singing , dancing and acting in local plays while growing up on the outskirts of Atlanta , Georgia . Even though her family showered her with adoration and unconditional support -- Marnell was hiding something that she was afraid to share with anyone . Since the age of 8 , she struggled with her weight . `` I was the only one in the whole family who was overweight , '' Marnell recalled . '' -LSB- They -RSB- were always supportive and told me I was beautiful ... I did n't realize how depressed I was because my family loved me no matter what . '' But other people were n't so nice . Marnell says classmates and other people teased or ridiculed her about her weight . Instead of talking about her feelings -- she turned to food"} +{"answer":"Garrido at his home , sometimes unannounced , twice a month . Garrido was also required to go to the agent 's office once or twice a month , Hinkle said . Garrido wore a GPS anklet , and his movements were tracked passively , Hinkle said , meaning parole officers checked his location after the fact , as opposed to active monitoring , which involves watching parolees ' comings and goings in real time . Despite the tight supervision , Garrido `` was technically allowed to be around minors , '' Coombs said , because his parole stemmed from the November 1976 rape of Katie Callaway Hall , who was 25 at the time of the assault . He was sentenced in 1977 to 50 years at the federal penitentiary in Leavenworth , Kansas , for kidnapping , because he abducted Hall in California and transported her across the state line to Reno , Nevada , where he raped her in a warehouse , according to court documents . A Nevada court separately sentenced him to five years to life for the rape conviction , the Reno Gazette-Journal reported . While in prison in 1978 , Garrido sent a","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Phillip Garrido was registered as a sex offender , regularly visited by parole officers and fitted with an ankle bracelet to track his movements -- but nothing prevented him from being around children , according to a victims ' advocacy group . Phillip Garrido , a registered sex offender , was arraigned in California on Friday . Garrido is charged with kidnapping Jaycee Lee Dugard in 1991 , when she was 11 , and raping her over the course of years . Police say Dugard lived in a huddle of tents and outbuildings hidden behind Garrido 's home , and gave birth to two daughters , now 11 and 15 , fathered by Garrido . Garrido and his wife Nancy were arrested last week . Both have pleaded not guilty . `` Here we have a guy who is essentially under every kind of supervision we allow . Law enforcement had every tool available to them , and -LSB- the tools -RSB- failed , '' said Robert Coombs , spokesman for the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault . Gordon Hinkle , spokesman for the state Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation , said a parole officer visited"} +{"answer":"arguments are presented , the panel will determine if Sanford broke any state laws . The ethics case involves civil charges that are punishable by fines , and Sanford can appeal decisions up to the state Supreme Court . Only the state attorney general , Henry McMaster , can decide to pursue criminal charges against the governor . McMaster is reviewing the allegations to determine if any laws were broken . The new charges compound Sanford 's political problems , which have been simmering for months as investigators scrutinized his finances . State legislators already have filed an impeachment resolution against the governor for leaving the state this summer to visit his Argentine mistress without installing a proper chain of command or informing his staff . A special House subcommittee will meet in Columbia on Tuesday to formally consider the resolution for the first time . State Rep. Greg Delleney , a Republican and one of the sponsors of the impeachment resolution , said he expects the subcommittee to look over the ethics commission results during the Thanksgiving holiday and decide whether to adjust the measure to include material from the ethics complaint . Delleney said he thinks Monday 's","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The South Carolina Ethics Commission has charged Gov. Mark Sanford with 37 counts of violating state ethics laws , according to a complaint released by the commission on Monday . The complaint follows a three-month investigation into Sanford 's use of taxpayer money . Sanford is accused of using tax money to buy business-class airfare on domestic and international flights , flying on a state-owned aircraft to political gatherings or events `` which involved no official business , '' and spending campaign funds for personal use such as buying a ticket to attend President Obama 's inauguration in January . South Carolina law requires state officials to buy the lowest fares available for flights , and bars the use of state aircraft for personal use . Sanford 's office did not respond to requests for comment about the charges . The governor , once a rising star in the Republican Party before he revealed an extramarital affair in June , faces a hearing along with his legal team before a three-member ethics panel . Cathy Hazelwood , general counsel to the state Ethics Commission , said no date has been set for the hearing . After"} +{"answer":"in at No. 3 because , as the senator from Tennessee , he brought Washington experience to a ticket featuring a little-known governor from Arkansas . Watch how this year 's VP contenders are performing '' Edwards puts George H.W. Bush in the No. 2 spot . After running against Ronald Reagan in the 1980 primaries , Bush joined him on the ticket and helped unite the Republican Party . Edwards ' award for best vice presidential pick goes to Lyndon B. Johnson . He was selected by Democratic presidential nominee John F. Kennedy . Kennedy was a Northerner who needed someone to balance him out in the South in 1960 . `` Lyndon Johnson was the man , and he delivered Texas , which helped John Kennedy in a very close race , '' Edwards said . Johnson rounds out the good list , but who will go down in history with a not-so-favorable reputation ? Edwards has four picks . iReport.com : Who would you pick for VP ? Cheney is No. 4 on the list of the bad VPs . -LRB- Yes , he makes both lists . -RRB- He might have been a great choice for","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When it comes to vice presidential picks , there have been some good ones and some not so good ones . Dick Cheney makes both lists ; he 's ranked as one of the best and worst VP picks in recent years . CNN asked conservative historian Lee Edwards to rank the VP choices since the 1950s . On his list of good VP picks , Edwards puts Dick Cheney at No. 5 . The current vice president makes the list because he brought lots of Washington experience with him , something President Bush lacked at the time . Coming in at No. 4 is Richard Nixon . He was Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower 's running mate . Nixon brought with him youth -- and California . The former senator also had other assets that became huge liabilities when he later ended up in the White House . `` Richard Nixon was known as the man who would cut and slash the opposition , and so that kind of dirty politics work would be done by Nixon , '' Edwards said . Next on the list , Al Gore . Bill Clinton 's right-hand man comes"} +{"answer":", poor treatment , even torture , serious beatings , and a couple of cases , as you know , of alleged sexual assault -- rape , '' said Joe Stork , Middle East deputy director for Human Rights Watch . The Iranian government has launched two investigations into the allegations . Iran 's judiciary concluded there was no evidence of rape . A parliamentary fact-finding committee is still working on the issue . Repeated calls by CNN to get reaction from Iranian officials to the claims of the alleged victims did not result in a response . `` Take him and get him pregnant '' Twenty-four-year-old Ibrahim Sharifi is a university student from Tehran who campaigned actively on the Internet for opposition presidential candidate Mehdi Karrubi in the run-up to the controversial June 12 vote . When incumbent president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was declared winner , Sharifi joined the throngs of angry protesters in the streets who accused the government of rigging the election . On June 22 , Sharifi said , he was kidnapped , handcuffed , blindfolded and stuffed into a car by three unknown men while he was walking home from language lessons at the Italian Embassy","question":"ISTANBUL , Turkey -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Two Iranians who were caught up in the waves of arrests that followed the disputed presidential elections in June have accused their captors of raping them . By telling his story , Ibrahim Sharifi says , he `` committed social suicide so this incident would n't happen to others . '' An Iranian man and a woman made the allegations in separate interviews with CNN . Both said they fled to Turkey from Iran after claiming to have been threatened by Iranian security services . While CNN does not normally use the names of alleged rape victims , their names are included here with their permission . CNN could not independently confirm their accounts . But the testimony of one of the alleged rape victims , Ibrahim Sharifi , was revealed last month by a prominent Iranian opposition leader who claimed to have gathered at least four accounts of sexual assault this summer in Iranian prisons . Sharifi 's allegations were also included in a report published last week by two Western human rights organizations investigating reports of abuse in Iranian prisons . `` What we 're encountering are numerous accounts of brutality"} +{"answer":"bacteria , '' said Skylar McElhaney , a spokeswoman for the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality . The Oklahoma Department of Health will analyze them and compare them with samples taken from victims , she said . `` We ca n't say for sure that it is tied to the water in any way , but we also can not rule it out , '' she said . Symptoms of infection with the bacteria can include severe diarrhea , bloody diarrhea , vomiting and severe abdominal cramping , said Larry Weatherford of the Oklahoma State Department of Health . Management at the restaurant , which has closed during the investigation , was working closely with health officials , he added . Meanwhile , the outbreak appears to be abating . `` While we believe we are seeing a downward curve in the number of people who have become ill , we still have many challenges with some patients who remain hospitalized , '' said State Epidemiologist Dr. Kristy Bradley . `` We continue to ask the public to be extra diligent in their hand washing and food preparation to minimize the possibility of additional persons becoming ill . '' The","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Oklahoma health officials said Friday they are searching for the source of a rare form of E. coli that has killed one person and sickened 116 others in the northeastern part of the state . The subtype of bacteria -- called E. coli 0111 -- is `` not normally found in this form of outbreak , '' said Leslea Bennett-Webb , director of communication for the Oklahoma State Department of Health . More than 50 people have been hospitalized and nine people -- six of them children -- have been placed on dialysis , she said . She said the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta , Georgia , helped state officials determine the subtype , but said the cause of the outbreak remains unknown . `` The focus has been narrowed to the Country Cottage Restaurant located in Locust Grove , '' she said , noting that most of the people who became ill ate there between August 15 and August 23 . Tests carried out on water from a well on restaurant property indicate the presence of bacteria , but `` we have not been able to confirm what kind of"} +{"answer":"him when I was a performer on `` Not The Nine O'Clock News '' and he was a guest . He was just shaggy and some kind of terrible beastie . But I was attracted to him immediately , maybe because he was so unusual . I think what I picked up on was his dichotomy -- that beastiness and the underlying sensitivity that he has . I think that 's something that audiences relate to , you 're aware of all the toughness , but underneath you just know that there 's philosophy and this poetic , Celtic nature that speaks to people . Also his pain , his underlying sadness and the pain of his childhood ... when I first met him I think I connected with that . He played the Ayatollah Khomeini in a scene on `` Not The Nine O'Clock News '' and I played a demented fan singing a love song to him , it was in days when you could do stuff like that , I suppose . And then we did an interview , I pretending to be British TV personality Janet Street-Porter , with giant fake teeth which kept falling out","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- They first met in the autumn of 1979 ; she playing the role of the lovelorn terrorist , he dressed as a rather sloppy Ayatollah Khomeini . Pamela Stephenson first met Billy Connolly on the set of a comedy show in 1979 . They married in Fiji in 1990 . It may not have been love at first sight on the set of British comedy show `` Not the Nine O'Clock News , '' but love , marriage and children eventually followed . Australian comedienne , now psychotherapist , Pamela Stephenson , describes being captivated by Billy Connolly 's wildman looks , his mane of grey hair and devil-may-care demeanor . She tells CNN 's Revealed about her first impressions of her husband , his unique ability to keep audiences entertained and what she learnt about his addictions and childhood abuse while writing his best-selling biography , `` Billy . '' CNN : Take us back to the beginning . How did you meet Billy Connolly ? Pamela Stephenson : I 'm not quite sure what Billy 's version of how we met is like because he was very drunk . I met"} +{"answer":"of money spent issuing and mailing checks . But the fees attached to the debit cards can accumulate quickly : 50 cents to make a telephone balance inquiry ; 65 cents to make an ATM withdrawal after two free withdrawals are taken ; and $ 2.75 if the card is used at an out-of-network bank . Chamberlain found one charge particularly galling . North Carolina-based banking giant Wachovia , which distributes the funds on Virginia 's behalf , said it would deduct $ 2.50 from her account for more than one face-to-face visit at one of its banks . `` If you should go to the bank teller window , you get to go once a month , '' she said . `` But if you want to talk to anybody about your money more than once a month , it 's going to cost us $ 2.50 to walk in the door of the bank . '' Wachovia would not comment on how much it receives from the program , and referred CNN to Virginia state officials . But with an increasing number of states turning to debit cards to distribute money for programs such as child support ,","question":"TROUTVILLE , Virginia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- For the past year , Donna Chamberlain has worked at a fuel center here in Virginia 's Roanoke Valley . It pays roughly half of what her old job did , but after being out of work for 14 months , she feels lucky to have it . Wachovia , which distributes the debit cards , would not comment on how much it receives for their use . Adding to her concerns , she and her husband , Steve , are now the custodial parents of their 7-year-old special-needs grandson , Cayden . The family needs every penny it can collect . So when state officials replaced the roughly $ 40-a-week child support check with a debit card , Donna read the fine print -- and left it on the table . `` It was automatically generated , and had my name on it , '' she told CNN . `` This thing had 10 fees . '' Watch Chamberlain discuss the hidden fees Virginia is one of two dozen states that use debit cards as one means of distributing child support payments , a move that allows them to reduce the amount"} +{"answer":"indication is that it will climb even higher when July 's unemployment report is released Friday . In total , more than 2.6 million jobs have been lost since Obama took office . But what has the president 's stimulus bill brought us , if not the jobs he promised ? Wasteful spending , such as $ 18 million to redesign Recovery.gov , the very government Web site used to monitor stimulus spending , or $ 3.4 million for an `` eco tunnel '' in Florida designed to provide safe passage for turtles looking to cross the street . This is not the economic stimulus that the American people expected . The second of Obama 's grand experiments on America was his massive so-called cap-and-trade bill that was rammed through the House of Representatives this past June so fast that congressmen were n't given the chance to read it . This bill is nothing more than a national energy tax , plain and simple . Its sole purpose is to increase the cost of energy so that Americans might use less . The Heritage Foundation estimated that it would end up costing the average American family up to $ 1,870","question":"Editor 's note : Michael Steele is chairman of the Republican National Committee . Michael Steele says it 's becoming clear that the Obama administration is spending money recklessly . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Friday marks President Obama 's 200th day in office , and in most respects , his second hundred days as president have been worse than the first 100 . Obama campaigned on bringing `` change '' to America , and during his first 200 days as president , his real definition of change is becoming absolutely clear to Americans . Obama and congressional Democrats are determined to conduct their reckless and costly liberal experiments on the American people without any regard to the consequences . Whether a $ 787 billion stimulus bill , a `` cap-and-trade '' scheme that is nothing more than a huge national energy tax on every American family and business , or a $ 1.6 trillion government-run health care plan , more and more Americans are rightfully concerned about Obama 's change for this country . Since Obama and Democrats rushed through Congress a $ 787 billion stimulus package , unemployment in America has risen close to 9.5 percent , and every"} +{"answer":"the case that the Cabinet secretary asked for an investigation of the -LRB- prime minister 's -RRB- treatment of Number 10 staff , '' his office said in a statement . `` These assertions have been put to the Cabinet secretary who has rejected them . '' Before the publication of the excerpts from the book , there were rumors it would allege that Brown had hit staffers , which he denied Saturday . `` Let me just say , absolutely clearly , so that there is no misunderstanding about that : I have never , never hit anybody in my life , '' he said , according to a statement from his office . The book , `` The End of the Party , '' apparently does not claim the prime minister hit people . Brown is required by law to call an election by June this year . The date has not yet been announced , but it is widely expected to be May 6 , and the election campaign has already started . One of the top strategists in Brown 's Labour Party , Peter Mandelson , declined to deny that Brown had a temper , but","question":"London , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is denying allegations of `` abusive behavior '' and `` volcanic eruptions of foul temper '' ahead of the publication of a new book by a top British political journalist . The claims come in a book by Andrew Rawnsley of the Observer newspaper , which will be released March 1 . The newspaper began running excerpts on Sunday . `` These malicious allegations are totally without foundation , '' Brown 's official spokesman said in a statement Saturday . The spokesman is traditionally not quoted by name . The Observer claimed that Brown 's behavior upset staff at his office , 10 Downing Street , so much so that the head of the civil service launched an investigation and `` ordered '' the prime minister `` to change his behavior . '' Britain has a professional civil service which runs the administration of the government , distinct from elected politicians . The Cabinet Office , a part of the civil service , issued a strongly-worded denial that Sir Gus O'Donnell had looked into Brown 's behavior or warned him about it . `` It is categorically not"} +{"answer":"behind the Washington-area sniper attacks of 2002 , is scheduled to die by lethal injection Tuesday evening at a state prison near Jarratt , Virginia . During two lengthy trials -- including one featuring testimony from young accomplice Lee Boyd Malvo -- and in several years of legal appeals , John Muhammad has continued to profess his innocence . Prosecutors say John Muhammad intended the killings to provide a smokescreen to cover up his real goal -- killing his ex-wife Mildred and gaining custody of his three children . Muhammad said she divorced John Muhammad because of abuse and has not visited him since he was in prison . `` I feel that all of my efforts , all of my energy is to help my children through this emotional turmoil that they are going through , '' said Muhammad . `` I do n't have an emotional attachment to John . '' John Muhammad 's other ex-wife , Carol Williams , also talked to King Monday . Williams , John Muhammad 's first wife , said she plans to visit him in prison with their son Tuesday before the execution . Williams also brought letters that John Muhammad wrote","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- His shooting spree left at least 10 dead and millions terrified of bullets coming from an unseen sniper . But Mildred Muhammad believes she was the ultimate target of her ex-husband , John Allan Muhammad , the man dubbed the `` D.C. Sniper . '' And for some time , Muhammad said she felt extreme guilt for the victims that were gunned down in grocery store parking lots and gas stations . The youngest was a 13-year-old boy who was shot while walking to his Maryland school . Muhammad spoke about the guilt she felt after the killing spree on CNN 's `` Larry King Live '' on Monday night , the day before her ex-husband was scheduled to be executed . Muhammad said she has gradually gotten over her guilty feelings and focused on her three children . `` I felt that way initially because I had done everything I knew how to do to bring attention to how dangerous he was to me , '' Muhammad said . `` I had no idea his anger would extend beyond me , to include all people in his killings . '' John Muhammad , the mastermind"} +{"answer":"and office beginning about 8 a.m. -LRB- 11 a.m. ET -RRB- Tuesday . `` The search warrant authorized investigators to look for medical records relating to Michael Jackson and all of his reported aliases , '' the statement said . `` Dr. Murray was present during the search of his home and assisted the officers . '' Investigators left Murray 's home about noon , he said , taking cell phones and a computer hard drive . `` As of 2 p.m. , the search at Dr. Murray 's office continues , '' the statement said . Murray , a Texas-based cardiologist , allegedly gave Jackson the anesthetic propofol -- commonly known by the brand name Diprivan -- in the 24 hours before he died , said the source , who asked not to be named because the individual was not authorized to speak to the news media . Watch a profile of Murray '' In a statement Monday , the doctor 's attorneys said they would n't comment on `` rumors , innuendo or unnamed sources . '' In the past , they have said Murray never prescribed or administered anything that could have killed Jackson . Watch CNN","question":"LAS VEGAS , Nevada -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Investigators searched the Las Vegas home and office of Michael Jackson 's personal physician , Dr. Conrad Murray , on Tuesday morning , a Drug Enforcement Administration spokesman said . Investigators arrive at the Las Vegas , Nevada , home of Michael Jackson 's personal physician . Los Angeles police and DEA agents , carrying search warrants , were `` looking for a lot of things , '' said Assistant Special Agent in Charge Mike Flanagan . Aerial cameras showed investigators leaving Murray 's home , three hours after they entered , carrying several containers . The searches came a day after a source with knowledge of the investigation confirmed to CNN that Murray administered a powerful drug that authorities believe killed the singer . Flanagan said that while he could not disclose details of the search warrants , because a judge had ordered them sealed , he confirmed they were looking for documents and computer records . Murray 's attorney , Ed Chernoff , issued a statement saying that officers from the DEA , Los Angeles police and `` various local agencies '' executed a search warrant at Murray 's home"} +{"answer":"kept on dying , '' he said . `` Scott formed a belief that he had to stop George Tiller from killing more babies . '' He admitted that Roeder killed Tiller but said only the jurors can decide if Roeder `` murdered '' Tiller . He said he was not asking jurors `` to check your common sense at the door '' and urged them to `` represent our little part of the nation well . '' `` No defendant should ever be convicted based on his convictions , '' Rudy said . Roeder testified Thursday that he shot and killed Tiller and did not regret it . `` There was nothing being done , and the legal process had been exhausted , and these babies were dying every day , '' Roeder said . `` I felt that if someone did not do something , he was going to continue . '' Tiller ran a women 's clinic at which he performed abortions . Sedgwick County District Judge Warren Wilbert ruled after the end of testimony Thursday that the jury could not consider a lesser charge of voluntary manslaughter against Roeder as the defense wanted . In making","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Jurors started to deliberate Friday after prosecutors and defense attorneys made closing arguments in the murder trial of an anti-abortion activist charged with killing a doctor who performed late-term abortion procedures . Scott Roeder is charged with murder in the death of Dr. George Tiller , who was shot to death May 31 in his church in Wichita , Kansas . Prosecutor Ann Swegle urged jurors to convict Roeder , reminding the jury of the defendant 's testimony Thursday . `` His testimony was delivered very matter-of-factly , but its contents were chillingly horrific , '' she said . `` He carried out a planned assassination , and there can be no other verdict in this case ... other than guilty . '' Kim T. Park , chief deputy district attorney , told the jurors that Roeder 's actions were unjustified and cowardly . `` Scott Roeder is not justified , '' she said . `` He is only and simply guilty of the crimes he is charged with . '' Mark Rudy , a defense attorney for Roeder , told jurors that Roeder believed he had to act . `` Scott thought that the babies"} +{"answer":"war and political instability , picked the coalition led by Hariri or an alliance backed by the militant group Hezbollah . Watch Hariri 's victory speech '' Turnout was high among the country 's 3 million registered voters during the 12 hours that polls were open Sunday . About 50,000 troops were on the streets , but the run-up to the balloting had been free of violence . Former U.S. President and Nobel Peace Prize Winner Jimmy Carter on Sunday said the United States should work with whichever coalition wins -- even though it considers Hezbollah , supported by both Syria and Iran , to be a terrorist organization . Carter was in Beirut as part of more than 200 international observers monitoring the election . Two senior Obama administration officials -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden -- have visited Lebanon in recent months , signaling concerns over a possible Hezbollah victory . Hezbollah grew in popularity after its militant wing claimed victory over Israel after a 34-day military conflict in 2006 . Since then , it has been more widely perceived by its supporters to be the `` defenders '' of Lebanon . In","question":"BEIRUT , Lebanon -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Saad Hariri , the leader of Lebanon 's Sunni-dominated `` March 14 coalition , '' claimed victory hours after the polls closed in Sunday 's crucial election . `` March 14 '' coalition leader Saad Hariri claims victory after polls close Sunday . Results were not expected until midday Monday . `` What happened today proved again that Lebanon is doing well , '' said Hariri in a televised victory speech . `` The Lebanese proved again that they are holding on to their freedom and the democratic system , so congratulations to Lebanon , congratulations to freedom and to every voter who participated in this election . In this election , there is no winner or loser , democracy won today and the biggest winner is Lebanon . '' Hezbollah officials did not challenge Hariri 's speech . Al-Arabiya television network cited Hezbollah sources as predicting Hariri 's March 14 coalition would win 70 seats , and that the Hezbollah-dominated `` March 8 alliance '' would win 58 seats . The election -- with 128 seats in parliament at stake -- was crucial in determining whether the Arab nation , scarred by"} +{"answer":"of Wenping and nearby Simachong village denied any connection to Falun Gong . They said they were not even familiar with the religious sect . They just wanted their children to be well again . China banned Falun Gong in 1999 and has cracked down on practitioners . An August 26 public notice warned villagers to beware of Falun Gong members and instructed people to watch for `` reactionary propaganda '' sent online and by phone . The Wugang government issued similar information on its Web site . The villagers said the government wants them to keep quiet , but they are worried . `` They are insulting us , '' said one woman , holding up the public notice . `` They said we are spreading the rumors . '' The villagers ' lives were shattered when , one by one , children began to fall ill . So far , 1,354 have tested positive for abnormal levels of lead in their blood . Many have stopped eating and are constantly fatigued . Others are not growing hair . Some parents worry they will not be able to provide medical care for long-term problems . Lead poisoning can cause","question":"WUGANG , China -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Authorities in China 's south-central Hunan province are associating disgruntled parents of children stricken by lead poisoning with the outlawed spiritual group Falun Gong . A mother feeds her child in a village near the Wugang Manganese Smelting Plant in Hunan province . `` Citizens of the Wugang area have received phone calls from members of the Falun Gong over the past several days , '' said Wugang Deputy Spokesman Zhen Zhaoxin . `` Any resident who receives any calls or information about the Falun Gong activities are encouraged to report to the police . '' He said the government , along with police , are investigating to determine the calls ' origin . But villagers said they have suffered enough and the government 's accusation is `` insulting . '' The friction comes after residents in Wenping township , governed by the city of Wugang , last month protested pollution from an area factory that left more than 1,000 children with lead poisoning . That was one of three separate lead poisoning incidents reported in August that affected large numbers of Chinese children . Watch more about the lead poisoning '' Residents"} +{"answer":", according to the statement . Leisinger 's analyses `` support the claim that they were actually composed by the young Mozart , who was not yet versed in musical notation , and transcribed by his father as the boy played the works at the keyboard , '' the statement said . Jeffrey Kimpton , president of the Interlochen Center for the Arts in Michigan , called the works `` a remarkable historical find . '' He said Leopold Mozart transcribed his son 's early works as a way of preserving them . `` When parents go to a piano recital of an early student , a young student , who 's playing for the first time , they get a video tape , they get a DVD , that 's a way of recording it , '' Kimpton said . `` I think what 's exciting is that Mozart 's father wanted to preserve this incredible genius . The young boy at this time did n't know how to write music , but he sure could play it . It 's like a family photo or video album . '' Finding such historical treasures is like detective work ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The music is n't new , but the discovery that a young Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart `` almost certainly '' composed it is a stunning revelation . A researcher in Austria says the works were probably transcribed by Mozart 's father , as young Mozart played . The two compositions -- a concerto in G and a prelude in G -- have long been in the files at the International Mozarteum Foundation in Salzburg , Austria , as anonymous works and were even published in the book `` New Mozart Edition '' in 1982 . Now Ulrich Leisinger , director of the foundation 's research department , believes the works actually were composed by Mozart before he was old enough to write music , and that Mozart 's father , Leopold , transcribed them . The foundation said in a statement that Leisinger analyzed the handwriting and other `` stylistic criteria '' to determine the music was `` almost certainly unknown compositions by '' the young Mozart . The compositions were found in a book , compiled by Mozart 's father , that was used for practice and the musical education of both Mozart and his sister"} +{"answer":"`` For us the Microtransat challenge is the big goal . I 'm pretty confident we can do it . This week in testing it is pretty much doing what it 's supposed to do . And it is water tight . `` Over the last couple of days we tried some autonomous tacks and jibes and now we are testing the navigation , '' he said . See photos of the autonomous yacht from construction to launch '' The team has been working on the project since September 2008 , and are currently at the on-water testing stage , having designed and built the boat . While the team will be able to track the boat through an onboard global positioning system -LRB- GPS -RRB- during the transatlantic voyage , Erckens said as long as the challenge is active they wo n't have any control over the vessel . `` We will set it out and it will be completely autonomous . There are solar cells on the back for power and extra power supplies on board . `` There is a satellite communication system on board and the boat can download weather information by itself so it can","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The designers behind a `` thinking '' yacht are hoping to break a world record by sending it across the Atlantic Ocean without any human assistance . The autonomous yacht Avalon is hoisted to have her keel put in place before launching The four-meter boat , `` Avalon '' , was designed and built by an eight-strong team of third-year engineering students at Swiss science university ETH Zurich . The students are planning to take the boat to a robotic sailing regatta in July , before launching it into the Microtransat Transatlantic challenge in early September . Using sensors to detect the speed and direction of the wind , the boat is programmed to reach a given co-ordinate and will attain it by automatically adapting to the changing conditions . One of the `` Students Sailing Autonomously '' -LRB- SSA -RRB- team 's project managers , Hendrik Erckens , told CNN that if the Atlantic crossing succeeds it will be a world record as an unmanned boat has not previously made the voyage . It is planned the crossing will begin from the west coast of Ireland and finish in the Caribbean ."} +{"answer":"When Michael Jordan retired , they withdrew the number 23 jersey as an honor . It 's the same thing with Heath . '' Barbella said he thinks any new performance just wo n't be able to top Ledger 's . `` He upgraded the character in a thrilling way , '' he said . `` Although a lot of actors would love the chance to play the Joker , as Batman fans and now Heath Ledger fans , we think no one could ever perform it as well as he did . '' The Web site is the brainchild of Barbella , 34 ; Nico Pimentel , 33 ; and Natalia Rodoni , 33 , all advertising creatives in Buenos Aires . The trio say that if they collect enough names , they may go to the studio to present their petition . `` As soon as we start seeing that we have more than 50,000 names on our Web site , perhaps we will go to the Warner Brothers gate and do a bit of activism , '' Pimentel said . The huge buzz around Ledger 's performance as the Joker last year stemmed from his update of","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A group of Heath Ledger fans have taken their reverence for the late `` The Dark Knight '' star to a whole new level . Heath Ledger fans launched a petition calling for studios to remove the Joker from future Batman movies . Followers of the actor , who electrified audiences with his chilling reinvention of the Joker in the second Batman blockbuster , are calling for the character to be retired from the movies permanently . Ledger supporters at new Web site , The Ultimate Joker , launched a petition last week calling for studios to remove the Joker from any future Batman movies . The petition currently has 2,431 supporters . `` We think Heath deserves this honor , '' the site 's team leader , Fer Barbella , told CNN from Buenos Aires , Argentina . `` He is the ultimate Joker . `` We are Batman fans from the comics and from the movies , '' he said , `` After we saw ` The Dark Knight , ' we thought this Joker was really the best . It deserves to be withdrawn from any Batman sequels . ``"} +{"answer":"so much that doctors had to quiet her down . It was then , Kepplinger said , that doctors became confident Kerstin can become fully healthy and develop normally . Her immune system has improved , and she is continuing to have physiotherapy , including strengthening exercises , he said . Watch doctors describe what happened when the teen opened her eyes '' The two parts of her family -- those who were locked in a basement , like Kerstin , and those who lived above ground , apparently unaware of the abuse of their mother and siblings -- are getting to know each other again , the doctors and the family 's lawyer said . `` We are so glad that things have turned out so positively so far , '' said lawyer Christoph Herbst , who appeared at a news conference at a hotel near Amstetten , west of Vienna , where Kerstin and her family are recovering . Kerstin is the oldest daughter of an incestuous relationship between Elisabeth , 43 , and Elisabeth 's father , Josef Fritzl , 73 , according to police . He is awaiting trial . Police say he confessed to holding","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The 19-year-old woman whose hospitalization exposed a shocking Austrian incest case is recovering well and wants to see the ocean and a pop concert , her doctors and a family lawyer said Wednesday . Dr. Albert Reiter , who treated Kerstin , is confident Kerstin will make a full recovery in time . She and other children who were held captive for years are slowly adapting to modern life , they said . Kerstin Fritzl , whom doctors placed in an artificial coma after she was admitted to a hospital in April for multiple organ failure , is now well enough to speak , stand and walk with assistance , her doctors said . Doctors said that `` little novelties '' such as seeing a cloud go by are now big events for the former captives . Kerstin has said she wants to see the ocean and go to a concert by British singer Robbie Williams , said Dr. Berhold Kepplinger , director of the clinic where the family is living . He described how excited Kerstin was to hear Robbie Williams songs in her hospital room and said she was moving around to the music"} +{"answer":". `` Then I saw Tharanga Paranavitana get up and say ` I 've been shot ' and then he collapsed on the seat . I really thought he was seriously hurt or even dead . '' Read profiles of the wounded players '' Describing the initial moments of the ambush , Sri Lanka coach Trevor Bayliss said there had been an explosion `` which someone said later was a rocket launcher that missed the bus and went over the top and hit somewhere in front of us . '' Watch footage of the gunmen staging their attack '' He said two cars then pulled up in front of the convoy , blocking its path . Gunmen jumped out of the cars and started firing , sending bullets ripping through the bus . `` By that stage everyone was on the ground , '' Baylis told CNN . `` Surprisingly it was very calm . There was not a lot we could do except keep low as possible and hope for the best . Every now and then someone would just yell out and say ` I 'm hit . ' '' Watch Bayliss talk about his experience '' Sangakkara","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sri Lankan cricketers have described for the first time how they feared some of their teammates had been killed during a deadly attack on the team bus by gunmen in Pakistan -- and paid tribute to the driver of the bus for saving their lives . Thilan Samaraweera is due to undergo surgery to have a bullet removed from his leg . Six police officers and a driver were killed in the ambush by around a dozen attackers armed with automatic weapons as the players made their way to Lahore 's cricket stadium early Tuesday . Two players , Tharanga Paranavitana and Thilan Samaraweera , suffered gunshot wounds to the chest and leg respectively while six others suffered shrapnel wounds . But vice-captain Kumar Sangakkara told CNN he believed Paranavitana had been killed when he collapsed after being shot . `` I was lying on the ground . I heard Thilan -LRB- Samaraweera -RRB- groan and I heard Tharanga Paranavitana say something . I turned around and a bullet whizzed past my head and hit the seat in front of me . And then I got hit in the shoulder by shrapnel , '' Sangakkara said"} +{"answer":"`` history of unfairness that has made Guatemala live since long ago with high and shameful poverty levels , extreme poverty and undernutrition . '' According to the World Bank , about 75 percent of Guatemalans live below the poverty level , which is defined as an income that is not sufficient to purchase a basic basket of goods and basic services . Almost 58 percent of the population have incomes below the extreme poverty line , which is defined as the amount needed to purchase a basic basket of food . `` This is the cause of the food and nutritional crisis that this country is going through , '' Colom said . `` There is food . What we do n't have are the financial means so that those who are affected can buy the available food . ... Let 's not wait until we have a famine to act . '' Poverty is more pronounced among indigenous populations and those who live in rural areas . In the nation 's highlands , where many indigenous people live , seven of 10 children under age 5 are malnourished , the World Food Programme says . About 40 percent","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom has declared a state of national calamity because so many citizens do not have food or proper nutrition . Sisters Vidalia , left , and Maribel Agustin , who suffer from malnutrition , sit at a shelter in Guatemala in August . Speaking in a nationally televised address late Tuesday , Colom said his declaration will make it easier to get food to the thousands of Guatemalan families who are in dire need . `` This will help us access resources from the international community that are generously offered for this type of situation and to mobilize national resources more rapidly , '' he said . The United Nations ' World Food Programme says Guatemala has the fourth highest rate of chronic malnutrition in the world and the highest in Latin America and the Caribbean . Chronic undernutrition affects about half of the nation 's children under the age of 5 , the U.N. agency said . Colom said the nation 's food problems are the result of a drought this year , global warming and the effects of the international economic crisis . He also cited the Central American nation 's"} +{"answer":". '' He added , `` I am confident that the attorney general and his office will provide all necessary advice to state agencies on how to comply with the law , and I expect all state agencies to work with the attorney general 's office to ensure compliance with the law . '' Further details were not immediately available , and the governor 's office did not return phone calls seeking clarification . It was unclear what the immediate ramifications of Gansler 's opinion would be in Maryland . One state representative , Del. . Emmett Burns -- who sponsored a bill earlier this year that would have barred the state from recognizing same-sex marriages performed in other states and other countries -- said the attorney general 's opinion `` muddles the waters . '' Burns ' bill failed in committee . Referring to the opinion , Burns said , `` I do n't think it 's worth a bucket of warm spit . ... I do n't think it 's something that is going to make that big of a difference . '' He said the issue is likely to be decided through legislation or in a court","question":"Maryland 's attorney general said Wednesday that the state may legally recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states . The 45-page opinion from Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler was addressed to state Sen. Richard S. Madaleno Jr. . `` You have asked whether those marriages may be recognized under state law . The answer to that question is clearly ` yes , ' '' Gansler wrote . He noted that his opinion is `` not itself the law of Maryland in the same sense as a statute enacted by the Legislature or court decision elaborating the common law or construing a statute . '' Rather , it is an interpretation of law intended to guide courts and government agencies , he said . `` Thus , what we say in this opinion is a prediction , not a prescription , as to the how the court would approach this issue under current law , '' Gansler wrote . His office said that he can not direct the actions of state agencies . But Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley said Wednesday afternoon that the state `` will be guided by the attorney general 's thorough analysis and legal advice on this matter"} +{"answer":"`` I said , ` Jesus Christ , John , this is a recipe for disaster . We invested in that headquarters . We have the experience and judgment in that headquarters . '' Keane said it took the U.S. command between six and eight months to get the new headquarters up and running . During that time , troops in the field saw the mood of ordinary Iraqis turn against Americans and watched the insurgency take root . `` By the time we got a plan together to resource everything , the insurgents had closed that window of opportunity quickly , '' Col. David Perkins , a brigade commander in the Army 's 3rd Infantry Division , told the historians . `` What we started doing in September was probably a good idea to have done in April 2003 . '' Franks , who would soon retire and be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom , said he ordered the transition to force the Pentagon to get leaders into the field to work with civilian occupation officials . `` That is a task that John Abizaid and I very simply laid on Washington and said , ` Figure it","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The U.S. Army 's official history of the Iraq war shows military chiefs made mistake after mistake in the early months of the conflict . Iraqis watch as a statue of Saddam Hussein is toppled in Baghdad in 2003 . Failures to recognize the chaos engulfing the country and to send in enough troops to restore order after the 2003 invasion have long been highlighted by critics , but a new report shows the Army assessing itself . Frank opinions from officers serving in the 18 months from the start of war to Iraqi elections in January 2005 reveal there were concerns at the time , not just about assumptions made by planners but at decisions taken once U.S.-led coalition forces had control of Iraq . `` I flipped , '' Gen. Jack Keane , then the Army 's deputy chief of staff , told the historians of his reaction to a June 2003 decision to transfer control of all coalition troops away from the land forces command that had been preparing for the mission . He recounted a conversation with Gen. John Abizaid , who succeeded the invasion 's architect , Gen. Tommy Franks ."} +{"answer":". Abd al Hadi Abdallah Ibrahim al Shaikh of Saudi Arabia , who was released in 2007 , was arrested in 2008 by Saudi authorities on suspicion of supporting terrorism inside that country , the military said . On Tuesday , the Pentagon released information that showed 14 percent of former detainees have turned to , or are suspected of having turned to , terrorism activity since being released from Guantanamo . The data represent the most recent statistics of former detainees tracked by military and other U.S. government intelligence agencies . The report shows that of the more than 530 detainees released from the prison , 27 have been confirmed to have engaged in terrorist activities and 47 are suspected of participating in some kind of terrorist act . The statistics indicate that there has been a slight increase since the end of 2008 , and the number of released detainees turning to or suspected of turning to the insurgency is almost doubled from the 7 percent in that category a few years ago , according to Pentagon officials familiar with the information . The report said that between December 2008 and March 2009 , nine former detainees were","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Mohammed Ismail was released from the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay , Cuba , in early 2004 and sent back to Afghanistan to be set free . A guard talks with a detainee at Guantanamo Bay , Cuba , earlier this year . Within four months , the U.S. military said , he was recaptured in Afghanistan attacking U.S. troops there , with paperwork on him that said he was a Taliban in good standing . He is just one of 74 former Guantanamo Bay detainees who the military says were active in , or were suspected of being active in , fighting against the United States or committing terrorist acts after being released . Another is Abdullah Gulam Rasoul , who was released from Guantanamo in December 2007 and set free in Afghanistan . Rasoul has become a powerful Taliban military commander in southern Afghanistan , the military said , and the United States suspects he is responsible for several attacks on U.S. forces there . A senior U.S. military official said he believes Rasoul is using his former Guantanamo experience to build on his `` rock star status '' among the Taliban"} +{"answer":"Dylan Boyd , 22 , also known as `` Mohammed , '' and Zakariya Boyd , 20 . Daniel Boyd had fought against the Soviets in Afghanistan . The four others are : Mohammad Omar Aly Hassan , also a U.S.-born citizen ; Hysen Sherifi , identified as a native of Kosovo who is a legal permanent resident of the United States ; and Hiyad Yaghi and Anes Subasic , both naturalized U.S. citizens . Watch why wife says they were in Mideast '' Officials did not immediately identify the native countries of Yaghi and Subasic . All seven are accused of engaging in weapons training and military tactics in North Carolina , the Justice Department said . Sabrina Boyd , the wife of Daniel Patrick Boyd and the mother of the two younger Boyds , said the charges had not been substantiated . `` We are decent people who care about other human beings , '' Sabrina Boyd said in a statement read on her behalf by Khalilah Sabra . `` I have raised my sons to be good people and we are a good family , '' she said , according to Sabra , the North Carolina director","question":"RALEIGH , North Carolina -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Federal authorities are searching for an eighth alleged member of a North Carolina group that authorities say plotted `` violent jihad '' overseas , prosecutors said Tuesday . Daniel Patrick Boyd , left , and Mohammad Omar Aly Hassan are two of the seven men charged . Robin Zier of the U.S. attorney 's office in Raleigh told CNN that the eighth person , whose name has been redacted from court documents , is a U.S. citizen . She added that U.S. Attorney George Holding had said federal authorities hoped to have the person apprehended soon , and the public should not be worried . The U.S. attorney 's office would not release further details . According to an indictment released Monday , the eighth suspect , described as a North Carolina resident , traveled to Pakistan in October 2008 to `` engage in violent jihad . '' It offered no other information . Seven other men have been arrested on charges of supporting terrorism and conspiracy to commit murder abroad . Officials identified three of the men as U.S. native Daniel Patrick Boyd , 39 , and Boyd 's sons ,"} +{"answer":"every song I listen to is automatically shared to Facebook . Suddenly , my listening experience is n't private . It 's public . All my Facebook friends are watching . And judging . Chances are this will affect people 's behavior online . If you 're a closet fan of Lady Gaga or Bjork or Enya -LRB- I 'm all three -RRB- , then you 'll just have to stop listening to those potentially mockable artists -- either that , or all your Facebook friends will be chiming in with comments : `` OMG , you 're listening to that ?! '' In the old world of Facebook , I would have to click that I `` liked '' a song for it to show up on my Facebook profile page . That 's something you have to think about : `` OK , I really like this song , and I really want all of my friends to know that I 'm listening to it right now . '' Now , sharing is both passive and automatic . It 's a choice you make in advance -- one time -- and never again . And so it goes","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A couple years ago , a Microsoft researcher named Gordon Bell embarked on a personal experiment : He would wear a video camera around his neck all the time and keep this `` life recorder '' always turned on , so it would record everything he did . It was like an external memory drive for his brain , he wrote in a book called `` Total Recall . '' Sounds pretty sci-fi , right ? Not so much . The `` real-time sharing '' updates Facebook announced Thursday aim to do something quite similar -- only for the Internet instead of in real life . Before we get into the details and implications , here 's a `` real-time '' example of how the updates , which are rolling out in the coming weeks , will work : As I write this , I 'm listening to the band LCD Soundsystem on an Internet music service called Spotify . Because I 've updated my Facebook page -LRB- here 's a TechCrunch article on how to do that if you 're interested -RRB- and because I 've logged in to Spotify with my Facebook identity ,"} +{"answer":"Share photos of icy , snowy weather in your town One of the people guard members checked on was 83-year-old Paul Jenkins , who was using water stored in buckets , had no power and was relying on kerosene for heat . `` When we lose power , we 're in trouble 'cause all we got is electric , '' said Jenkins , who lives in Breckinridge County west of Louisville . Kentucky was n't the only place battling icy conditions . The National Weather Service put out winter storm advisories Tuesday for areas in Wisconsin , Minnesota and Virginia . In many areas , trees remain in roads or even on homes . Louisville resident John Randolph pointed to tree branches that fell onto his two-story suburban home . `` Just the overall power of the branches falling was actually pretty frightening '' when the ice storm was setting in , Randolph said . He added : `` The baby slept through the night and did n't wake up once . My wife and I , once we heard the first branches falling , we did n't go back to sleep the whole night . We did n't know","question":"LOUISVILLE , Kentucky -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Chilling winds and more snow were expected for Kentucky on Tuesday , bad news for more than a quarter of a million people still without power after an ice storm . Ice covers nearly everything in Elizabethtown , Kentucky , Tuesday . Forecasters said as much as 3 inches of snow could fall in areas of Kentucky , one of several states dealing with snow . The snowfall could hamper efforts of Kentucky National Guard troops that have been going door-to-door to check on families . The storm has been blamed for at least 16 deaths , several from carbon-monoxide poisoning caused by exhaust from generators , authorities said . Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear has called the ice storm `` the biggest natural disaster that this state has ever experienced in modern history . '' Beshear toured areas in western Kentucky over the weekend , the hardest hit area , where National Guard troops also were focusing their efforts . In a statement , Beshear said the call-up of troops `` represents the strongest possible effort to relieve human suffering and ensure the safety and well-being of our citizens . '' iReport.com :"} +{"answer":"then-first lady Barbara Bush -- became a best-seller that outsold the memoirs of President George H.W. Bush . While many presidents took to heart President Harry Truman 's admonishment -- `` If you want a friend in Washington , get a dog '' -- first pets have come in all shapes , sizes and species . Thomas Jefferson kept two grizzly bears in a cage on the White House lawn , while John Quincy Adams is said to have let his alligator use a bathtub inside . Calvin Coolidge walked his raccoons on a leash . Theodore Roosevelt 's sons escorted their pet pony onto the White House elevator to cheer up a sick sibling . And perhaps the strangest of all : Martin Van Buren briefly owned two tiger cubs , a gift from the Sultan of Oman . Pets have sometimes been a boon to a president 's image . But some have also taken a bite out of their popularity . Animal lovers howled in protest when Lyndon B. Johnson picked up his beagles , Him and Her , by the ears to provide photographers a better view . On the other hand , Richard Nixon --","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Barack Obama 's two daughters had another reason to high-five their dad 's election to the presidency Tuesday night : they 're getting a puppy . President Bush 's dog Barney walks in the White House Rose Garden in 2007 . `` Sasha and Malia , '' Obama said in his victory speech at Chicago 's Grant Park , `` I love you both so much , and you have earned the new puppy that 's coming with us to the White House . '' The new White House pet will follow in the paw-steps of a menagerie of animals that have had the run of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue over the years . The Bush family shared their eight years at the White House with a cat , a feisty English springer spaniel and two Scottish terriers -- all of whom have their own pages on the president 's Web site . The Clintons ' Washington stay included a cat , Socks , who did not get along with their chocolate Labrador retriever , Buddy . And Millie the springer spaniel 's canine view of life in the White House -- as `` told to ''"} +{"answer":"Ahmed , 27 , a Somali-American who had been radicalized by al-Shabaab in his adopted home state of Minnesota , traveled to Somalia and blew himself up and 29 others . The incident , the first-ever suicide bombing by a naturalized U.S. citizen , raised red flags throughout the U.S. intelligence community . Somalis began arriving in the United States in significant numbers after the U.S. intervention in Somalia 's humanitarian crisis in 1992 . The Somali-American population is now concentrated in clusters primarily in Minneapolis ; Columbus , Ohio ; Seattle , Washington and San Diego , California . The potential recruitment of young Somali-American men has been made possible by `` a number of factors that come together when a dynamic , influential and extremist leader gains access to a despondent and disenfranchised group of young men , '' Andrew Liepman , deputy director for intelligence at the National Counterterrorism Center , said earlier this year . Many refugees , he said , `` lack structure and definition in their lives '' and are `` torn between their parents ' traditional tribal and clan identities , and the new cultures and traditions offered by American society . ''","question":"MINNEAPOLIS , Minnesota -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Somali teen who left Minnesota to return to his native country last November has been reported killed . The 17-year-old , who was not named , was reportedly killed Friday in artillery fire in the violence-ravaged nation 's capital of Mogadishu , said the Somali Justice Advocacy Center in Minneapolis , Minnesota . The center is asking federal officials for help in bringing the teen 's body back to the United States for burial , executive director Omar Jamal said . The teen was among a group of young Somali-American men who left Minneapolis last year and were feared recruited by the extremist group , al-Shabaab , that has ties to al Qaeda , according to the U.S. State Department . Al-Shabaab is blamed for a surge of violence in Somalia , as insurgents group fight the government to implement sharia , a stricter form of Islamic law . The rebel group has said it has recruited many fighters in its battle . Al-Shabaab , also known as the Mujahedeen Youth Movement , was officially designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S. government in March 2008 . In October , Shirwa"} +{"answer":"contents of the house . '' The men knew Taylor lived at the house , Parker said . At 1:45 a.m. Monday , Taylor 's girlfriend , Jackie Garcia , called 911 and said someone had been shot . Authorities have said she told police she was hiding under the bedding during the attack . Garcia did not see what happened and could not provide a suspect description , Parker told reporters on Wednesday . Police said Garcia and Taylor were awakened by noise in the living room , and that Taylor got up and locked the bedroom door , but the door was kicked in and two shots were fired , one striking him in the leg . Garcia tried to call 911 but was unable to , and used her cell phone instead , police said . There was no evidence the line had been cut , Parker said Wednesday . A break-in was also reported eight days earlier , Miami-Dade police said . A police report said someone forced a window open and left a kitchen knife on a bed . Several drawers and a bedroom safe were searched during the break-in , according to the report","question":"MIAMI , Florida -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Four men have been arrested in connection with the shooting death of NFL player Sean Taylor , authorities announced Friday evening . Police have more than one confession in the case and the individuals will be charged with murder , said Robert Parker , director of the Miami-Dade Police Department . The suspects were identified as Venjah K. Hunte , 20 ; Eric Rivera Jr. , 17 ; Jason Scott Mitchell , 17 ; and Charles Kendrick Lee Wardlow , 18 . Additional arrests are possible , Parker said . `` The key to solving this case was citizen 's tips , '' he said . Taylor , 24 , died Tuesday , a day after he was shot during an apparent burglary at his Miami home . The police investigation revealed the suspects thought the house was empty , Parker said . `` They were certainly not looking to go there and kill anyone , '' he said . `` They were expecting a residence that was not occupied , so murder or shooting someone was not their initial motive . ... Their obvious motive was to go there and steal the"} +{"answer":"`` It was a do-or-die situation . '' But no witnesses ever came forward at trial to corroborate Moore 's self-defense claims . Prosecutors contended that Moore , a long-time gang member with a lengthy rap sheet dating back to his teens , shot the two in cold blood to assert his authority after a shoving match broke out in the bar , according to court records . A Bexar County jury convicted Moore and sentenced him to death , but his conviction was reversed in 1998 after the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals found error in the trial court 's refusal to give the jury the option of convicting Moore of a lesser offense . Even so , Moore was convicted and sentenced to death at his second trial in 1999 . Moore insisted he acted in self-defense when he opened fire on Boyd , 23 , and Clark , 15 , at a bar near the housing projects where Moore admitted he sold crack cocaine and weapons . But it was not until 2006 that a private investigator , who once worked against Moore and his fellow gangsters , came forward with information that Moore said corroborated his","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A former drug dealer was executed in Texas on Wednesday night for the murders of two reputed gang members -- 15 years to the day after the crime . Texas death row inmate Frank Moore says he acted in self-defense when he shot and killed two in 1994 . Frank Moore , 49 , was pronounced dead at 7:21 p.m. ET , a spokeswoman for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice said . `` Self-defense is not capital murder , '' Moore said before the lethal injection began , echoing his unsuccessful claims to the courts to prevent his execution . Moore did not deny firing the fatal shots outside a San Antonio bar but insisted he acted in self-defense and did not deserve to die . Moore was the second death row inmate to be executed in 2009 . He spoke at length with CourtTVnews.com in 2007 . Samuel Boyd and Patrick Clark were shot multiple times in the head and chest early in the morning of January 21 , 1994 , outside the Wheels of Joy bar . `` They came with intentions to kill me , '' Moore said in the interview ."} +{"answer":"for the waterways of New York . But , how does your sweat and strain turn into power for lights , music and machines ? The general concept is known as energy harvesting , which simply refers to the gathering of energy from one source and applying it to power an object . Italian inventor Lucien Gambarota , who designed California Fitness 's method of storing energy and using it to power lights and music in the gym , told CNN the concept is straightforward . `` One of the oldest types of energy used by people is muscular energy -- so this is nothing new . '' Gambarota said machines such as exercycles created a load , used as a counter-force by means of a resistor . `` I disconnected the resistor and started storing the energy into a battery ... that is then used as power . It was a way to show there can be very simple solutions . It does n't always have to be high-tech , '' he said . Portland 's ` green ' gym will have spinning bikes connected to wind-generator motors . The users should generate enough electricity to power the gym","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Would you still watch your favorite television program if you had to cycle for an hour before you could view it ? A computer-generated image of Club Watt , Rotterdam 's human-powered club . Couch potatoes will be horrified , but fresh advances in human-powered technology -- where users power appliances through their own motion -- could one day see a ` workout-to-watch ' scenario become reality . Human power is rapidly gaining in popularity worldwide as businesses seek ` greener ' methods of operating . The profile of the technology is set to receive a further boost this month when a human-powered gym opens in Portland , Oregon , and again in September when the human-powered ` sustainable dance club ' , Club Watt , opens its doors in Rotterdam , Netherlands . Human power is already being used to run the ` California Fitness ' gym in Hong Kong , and to power the recently opened ` Club Surya ' in London . iReport.com : Can you predict what the future will be like ? Beyond all of this , further concepts have been developed for human-powered ` river gyms '"} +{"answer":"the banks of Lake Michigan . Timeline of Father Murphy 's case Budzinski said he was 12 the first time it happened . `` It was in the closet . I asked for a confession , and then he molested me , '' he said , adding the abuse occurred once a year for three years . `` I was wondering ... ` You 're a man from the church , why are you molesting me ? ' '' He was unable to tell his story at the time , because his parents did not know sign language . For years , he blocked out the memories of the abuse , until they came flooding back when he was in his 20s . It was during the 1970s that Budzinski , Smith and another friend and classmate , Robert Bolger started sharing their experiences with each other . `` If you do n't tell people , it gets worse , and it will happen more and more , '' Budzinski said . `` You need to speak out and be open . '' The three friends found strength in numbers . It was time to tell their secret and put","question":"Milwaukee , Wisconsin -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Arthur Budzinski wiped away the tear running down his cheek . He had just returned from the basement , where he was talking to Gary Smith , a longtime friend and former classmate . The two men , both deaf , feverishly gestured to one another in sign language over a videophone , discussing the recently released documents relating to a Milwaukee priest molesting students -- the same priest they said had molested them . The New York Times reported the documents showed top Vatican officials , including the future Pope Benedict XVI , had failed to discipline the now-deceased Milwaukee priest , the Rev. Lawrence Murphy . According to the report , Murphy abused as many as 200 deaf boys in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee , Wisconsin , from 1950 to 1974 . Read the article Back upstairs , Budzinski , 61 , sat next to his daughter , Gigi , who translated his story . Her father , she said matter of factly , was abused three times by Murphy while a student at St. John 's School for the Deaf in St. Francis , a suburb of Milwaukee nestled on"} +{"answer":"said , recounting his chat with the pope . `` People will see the church does n't just speak about opposition to gay marriage and abortion . ' '' The pope appeared to be receptive to the idea , Boteach said . '' ` We have to work together on this , we have to work together on this , ' '' Boteach quoted the pope as saying . But , Benedict did not make a firm commitment to the family dinner initiative , the rabbi said . The Vatican was not immediately available for comment . `` The church is now perceived as not being a champion of families because the scandal has hit with so much force , '' Boteach said . `` I came -LRB- to the Vatican -RRB- as a friend and as someone who is critical as well . Because my criticism is real , the church knows my friendship is real . '' Following his talk with the pope , Boteach said he was invited to meet with Cardinal Walter Kasper , who spearheads the Vatican 's Jewish outreach , with whom Boteach fleshed out his criticism of the church 's response to priestly","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A rabbi walks into St. Peter 's Square , meets the pope , and tells the Holy Father that one way to defuse the sex abuse scandal plaguing the church is for the Vatican to begin promoting a secular version of Shabbat dinner , the traditional Jewish Friday meal . It 's no joke . A prominent American rabbi , Shmuley Boteach , spoke briefly to Pope Benedict XVI on Wednesday about encouraging parents to eat dinner with their children as a way for the Vatican to re-establish its pro-family image , which has been battered by the priest sex abuse scandal , Boteach said . The brief exchange came after the pope 's regular Wednesday address at the Vatican , during which Boteach was seated on a dais along with other Vatican guests . When he met Benedict on a receiving line afterward , Boteach pitched him on his family dinner initiative , called `` Turn Friday Night into Family Night . '' `` I said ... ` If the church embraces an initiative like this , which is positive , it could put a lot of the scandal behind it , ' '' Boteach"} +{"answer":"trust , '' the officer said . The Pakistanis were accused of spot fixing , which involves deliberately throwing parts of a game rather than the whole match . Prosecutors accused Butt and Asif of taking part in a betting scam , allegedly arranged by Mazhar Majeed , during a match between Pakistan and England played at the Lord 's cricket ground in London . The News of the World , the British tabloid that first reported the allegations , said players deliberately bowled `` no balls , '' or fouls , at specific points in the game and that the alleged ringleader made 150,000 pounds -LRB- about $ 230,000 -RRB- in the scam . The News of the World has since folded in an unrelated scandal . But Horne praised the newspaper 's work , saying it was `` unlikely '' the corruption would have been exposed without `` the good work of investigative journalism ; and as an investigator I acknowledge the skill involved in such work . '' Prosecutors used audio and video recordings the newspaper made secretly last year involving Majeed , a 36-year-old businessman from London . In one , Majeed is heard telling an","question":"London -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Two top international cricket players from Pakistan were found guilty Tuesday of plotting to cheat and to take bribes in a major match against England last summer . Salman Butt and Mohammad Asif could potentially go to prison for up to seven years for the criminal offenses , part of a scandal that rocked the international sport . A third player , Mohammad Amir , pleaded guilty to the same charges . The court barred the press from reporting his plea until the jury reached their verdict on Butt and Asif , for fear of affecting the deliberations . They are due to be sentenced on Wednesday . `` This is a case of cheating , pure and simple , '' Metropolitan Police Detective Chief Superintendent Matthew Horne said in a statement after the verdict . `` The defendants , who are world-class cricketers , sought to cheat to enhance their substantial legitimate earnings . '' He said they had `` let down the cricketing world , their fans and the hardworking people that buy tickets to watch . '' `` They were role models to countless children around the world and have betrayed their"} +{"answer":"moorings . Watch a former pilot tell how to water-land a plane '' Workers will be at the site until midnight , rigging the aircraft so it can be lifted out Saturday morning , attached to a barge and moved to a secure location for investigation , Higgins said . Both engines from the Airbus A320 double-engine jet were on the river bottom , after the water landing 's impact apparently detached them from the plane . Authorities are using side-scan sonar to locate the engines , Higgins said . iReport.com : Were you there ? Send images The engines also will be brought in as part of the investigation into what happened , including the possibility of bird strikes . `` I do n't want to characterize anything at this point about this particular accident because we are just at the beginning stages , '' Higgins said , adding that this accident would be the first `` in a very long time '' where possible bird strikes may have been a factor . Watch water wash over the plane '' Meanwhile , passengers , city officials and aviation experts heaped praise on pilot Chesley B. `` Sully '' Sullenberger","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The National Transportation Safety Board and other agencies are investigating not only what went wrong , but also what went right Thursday when a US Airways flight ended in the Hudson River without any deaths or major injuries . The aircraft remains in the Hudson River on Friday . Workers hope to lift it out Saturday morning . `` Having a successful ditching is a very rare event , '' Kitty Higgins of the NTSB said Friday . `` We 'll not only celebrate what worked here , but also learn what worked . So many times you 're only focused on what went wrong . A lot of things went right yesterday . '' Divers struggled against strong currents and frigid water temperatures to retrieve critical pieces of the puzzle from the Hudson River , where US Airways flight 1549 ended up less than three minutes after it took off from New York 's LaGuardia Airport Thursday afternoon . The flight data and cockpit voice recorders -- both critical to determining exactly what happened -- remained attached to the tail section of the aircraft , which was still partially submerged but secured to"} +{"answer":"the traditions of the sport , had virtually ghettoized fans , promoting a scheme to have each supporter issued with an identity card . On the field , sides such as Liverpool , Tottenham Hotspur and Nottingham Forest were renowned for their attractive play but elsewhere a corrosive cult of long ball football pervaded the game . That trend seemed to find vindication when arch-exponents Wimbledon , who in the course of a decade had bullied and scrapped their way through four divisions to reach the top flight , defeated Liverpool in the 1988 FA Cup final , prompting match commentator John Motson to declare that `` the Crazy Gang have beaten the Culture Club . '' With its clubs banned from Europe , many top British players opted to leave England altogether -- Gary Lineker and Mark Hughes to Barcelona , Glenn Hoddle to Monaco , Chris Waddle to Marseille -- adding further to the sense of terminal malaise . Hillsborough had not been caused by hooliganism but the tragedy was a product of the environment that hooliganism had created ; stadiums resembling decrepit fortresses , the fans caged inside steel bars and heavy-handed policing which treated all supporters","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It was inevitable that a tragedy on the scale of Hillsborough , when 96 Liverpool fans were crushed to death during an FA Cup semifinal with Nottingham Forest , would have a transformative effect on English football . A Liverpool supporter Wednesday , outside Anfield . Ninety-six fans died from the 1989 Hillsborough disaster . But there was little reason to believe 20 years ago that , rather than being pushed even further towards the margins of society , the sport was on the brink of a revolution that would give birth to a global sporting phenomenon . Even before Hillsborough , it had seemed as if there was something irredeemably rotten at the heart of English football . Hooliganism , a scourge synonymous with the English game , had receded from its peak in the 1970s but English clubs were outlawed from European competition after rampaging Liverpool fans caused a wall to collapse at Brussels ' Heysel Stadium before the 1985 European Cup final , causing the deaths of 39 people , mostly supporters of the Italian side Juventus . British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher , showing little understanding or patience for"} +{"answer":"were a problem , he said . Sunderland 's Web site says he bought the boat with his own money . His parents had hoped he would find something that would spark a fire in him , a passion that would direct him away from all the negative and harmful influences that are so prevalent in society , but even they were stunned by the scope of his dreams and desires , it says . Watch Sunderland give advice to fellow teens '' He was 16 when he left Marina del Rey on June 14 , 2008 , aboard his boat , Intrepid . Solitude and exhaustion were just a couple of factors that faced him each day . `` The hardest constantly was the tiredness , '' he said . `` I mean , you get over the loneliness , but tiredness , it 's an ongoing thing . Half the time I have n't slept in 48 hours and it 's just hard to get enough rest . '' Sunderland said he made some good contacts along the way . `` It 's interesting just thinking back to the different places in the world because I have so","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Southern California teenager has serious bragging rights : After docking back in his home state late Thursday morning , Zac Sunderland , 17 , can claim to be the youngest person to sail around the world alone . The hardest part of a solo voyage is always being tired , Zac Sunderland says . Sunderland was greeted with thunderous applause and congratulations as he arrived at Marina del Rey in his 36-foot sailboat . `` It 's kind of crazy to have it done now because , I mean , for the past year I 've been just fighting for the next ocean , fighting to get back . And now I 'm back so it 's amazing , '' he said . The teen acknowledged the 27,500-mile voyage was n't easy . He told CNN that pirates off the coast of Indonesia gave him quite a scare . '' -LSB- I -RSB- had a boat circle in and ended up calling in the coast watch and they chased them off but , yeah , -LSB- I -RSB- lucked out there ! About an hour and a half of hell . '' Severe storms also"} +{"answer":"all music . It was just what MTV considered rock music . By the late 1970s , radio formats had essentially resegregated the music world . When MTV launched in 1981 , it modeled its playlist on the popular album-oriented rock radio format of the day , which meant that music by black artists was effectively excluded from the network . You might see the occasional Jimi Hendrix clip , but there was no room for funk , disco , R&B or that new emerging form -- rap . It was n't long before the public took note of the glaring absence of African-American artists . MTV was called to task on the air in 1983 for its lack of black artists by none other than David Bowie . At about the same time , MTV famously refused to air Rick James ' `` Superfreak '' video . It defended itself by claiming it was n't a rock song . Michael Jackson changed all that . Jackson opened the door with the video for `` Billie Jean , '' which was simply too good for its time to be overlooked . He blew that door wide open with `` Beat","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- I was a high school student in 1983 , when the video for `` Thriller '' was released , getting plenty of air time on MTV . By then , the network 's `` M '' could just as easily have stood for Michael . It was an event . At a time when MTV was criticizing for not featuring black artists , Michael Jackson 's success changed all that . I can remember getting together with a group of friends to watch the premiere like it was a new movie release . The video did not disappoint . Once again Michael disregarded all conventions of the genre and not just redefined , but completely re-imagined , what a music video could be . But most people do n't know that the album broke new ground in a non-musical way , too . Viewers today of MTV , with its steady stream of reality shows like `` Real World 22 - Cancun '' and `` 16 and Pregnant , '' might forget that , when it started nearly three decades ago , MTV was all music , all day . Actually , it was n't really"} +{"answer":"? Why women find date-rapey parasites who wear capes compelling must have something to do with deeply primal fears . A vampire is a monster , who looks , acts , and talks like a man . Who is passionate , romantic , and tortured . To surrender to this character is to play with fire . The vampire , in many ways , is the prototype of the bad boy . Women love bad boys - they 're exciting , and the chance to change him , to break him like a horse , must be an irresistible challenge . If self-destruction were n't seductive on some superficial level , then no one would ever need rehab . But I am like most guys in that I am a fan of zombie flicks . `` 28 Days Later '' may possibly be my favorite movie ever . I 'm also a fan of alien and robot movies , but more often than not , it seems women are more adept at dispatching those . Zombie movies indulge male power-fulfillment fantasies . We enjoy pretending to be dragon-slaying knights or bad-guy-perforating cowboys or Bruce Willis , saving our ex-wife from","question":"-LRB- The Frisky -RRB- -- When I try to explain my ardor for HBO 's trashy-fabulous soap opera `` True Blood '' to my dude friends , they either shrug and change the topic , or question whether I 've been writing for ladyblogs for too long and am suffering from a form of Stockholm Syndrome . Dudes just do n't dig bloodsuckers , since vampires pretty much look like girls . We prefer zombies , because we love chainsaws , flamethrowers , and samurai swords . And because , on some level , we know that besides being vehicles for sperm , our other important , if lesser , genetic imperative is to defend our loved ones from hordes of unthinking , flesh-eating metaphors for current social anxieties . To most guys , vampires are the monster movie equivalent of that sensitive man-sponge in college who plays acoustic guitar in order to seduce chicks . They 're what you get when you cross your average Renaissance Fair enthusiast with a mosquito . And what 's with their greatest weaknesses being most kinds of Italian food , Sunday school , and the sun , which helps flowers grow ? Really"} +{"answer":"Missing Child Unit , expressing concern about Adam , the sheriff said . The Herrmans told Eisenbise that Adam ran away frequently , the attorney said , and they believed he was either with his biological parents or homeless . Although the Herrmans did not report him missing , `` they were very worried about him , '' Eisenbise said . In an interview published Tuesday in The Wichita Eagle , Valerie Herrman said Adam ran away in May 1999 after she spanked him with a belt . She said she was upset but does n't remember why , The Eagle reported . The couple never reported Adam missing , Valerie Herrman told the paper , because they feared authorities would take Adam and his siblings away because of the spanking . The couple adopted his two younger siblings as well , according to The Eagle . `` We love him , and we made a terrible mistake '' by not reporting him missing , Doug Herrman told The Eagle . The couple said they searched the mobile home park and other areas for two days after Adam left . `` Then we came to the conclusion that the police","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Authorities investigating the case of a boy who disappeared in Kansas almost a decade ago plan to search an undisclosed residence Wednesday , the Butler County sheriff said . An age-progression photo shows what Adam Herrman would like today , as a 21-year-old man . Sheriff Craig Murphy would not disclose details about the residence or why authorities want to search it . He said his department will also search on an area of the Whitewater River , in southern Kansas , on Saturday near where Adam Herrman was last seen . Adam was 11 when he went missing in 1999 . He was living in a mobile home park in Towanda , a town about 25 miles northeast of Wichita , with his adoptive parents , Doug and Valerie Herrman , authorities said . Wichita attorney Warner Eisenbise , who is representing Adam 's adoptive parents , said the couple believed Adam had run away and did n't report him missing . They `` really rue the fact that they did n't '' report him missing , he said Monday . A few weeks ago , an undisclosed person contacted the Wichita-Sedgwick County Exploited and"} +{"answer":"the rebel force by providing them with clothing and shelter . No civilians were killed there on Wednesday , he added . Jordan 's king : Do n't expect change soon Another activist in Zabadani told CNN that Syrian government forces had ringed the town and were shelling it from outside . And a third activist , based in the northern city of Homs , told CNN that about 6,000 people in Zabadani turned out for a demonstration to celebrate Wednesday evening . Video posted on YouTube showed marchers clapping and chanting , waving their fingers in the air in victory signs and voicing thanks to the Free Syrian Army . Syrian authorities have restricted the activity of journalists during the 10-month uprising against President Bashar al-Assad , so CNN can not independently verify events there . But a CNN crew accompanied an Arab League monitoring team during a visit to Zabadani on Sunday , when crowds carried the monitors on their shoulders and urged them to stay to prevent reprisals . The state-run Syrian Arab News Agency made no mention Wednesday of events in Zabadani . Elsewhere , the Local Coordination Committees of Syria said 21 more people were","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Syrian activists say opposition forces have wrested control of the town of Zabadani from government troops , but the authorities ' tanks remain perched on its outskirts . `` There was massive protests in Zabadani , so the Syrian Army tried to disperse them . But our troops were very organized and aggressive with a counter attack that left them fleeing and they withdrew completely out of the city , '' said Lt. Col. Mohamed Hamdo of the Free Syrian Army -LRB- FSA -RRB- , a group made up of former government soldiers . `` Our forces raised the flag of independence in Zabadani . '' Hamdo said , though , that the opposition fighters '' expect another confrontation '' as the government forces regroup outside the town . The FSA destroyed at least three armored vehicles during the fighting , a Zabadani-based member of the Local Coordination Committees of Syria , an opposition umbrella group , told CNN . Cold weather and snow hindered troop movements into the town , located at the head of a mountain valley , said the activist , who identified himself only as Faris . Faris said Zabadani residents aided"} +{"answer":"son-in-law , who lives in an apartment in one of the barns . After he opened the door and 3 feet of water flooded into the apartment , he called the Wellhams and told them the horses needed to be moved . See photos of flooding in Georgia '' The family scrambled , putting two horses into a trailer and hauling it to the house , then leading several show horses onto high ground behind the house , Self said . The other horses remained on two acres of unflooded pasture near Sweetwater Creek , and the family went back to the house , she said . `` They thought they 'd be fine till daylight , '' she said . But when they looked out again when it was light , the horses were in neck-deep water trying to swim to safety , Self said . A neighbor said the creek had risen at the rate of 1 foot every 20 minutes . `` We all got here and we swam out the ones that could swim out , '' she said . Though they got two horses out that way , `` we thought all five babies and","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- At least three horses -- two yearlings and a mare -- were among the victims of the flood that inundated much of Georgia Monday . Floodwaters hit the ranch of Ed and Nancy Wellham on Monday . At least three horses died there . Jerrie Self said she called her parents , Ed and Nancy Wellham , on Sunday night to warn them to prepare their 13 horses housed in two barns and pastures on their 60-acre ranch in Powder Springs , Georgia , half an hour northwest of Atlanta . `` I told them , ` You might want to start getting your stuff out of the barns ; I think it 's going to get bad , '' the 40-year-old construction finance manager told CNN in a telephone interview . `` They had no idea how fast it was gon na come . '' On Sunday night , Self 's parents , Ed , 60 , and Nancy , 59 , made sure the horses were in the barns or on high ground and then went to sleep , she said . At 3 a.m. Monday , the storm awakened their"} +{"answer":"of Serbia , and thanked the people who arrested Karadzic on a bus in Belgrade for their `` professionalism and courage . '' Paddy Ashdown , the former international administrator in Bosnia , told the BBC that it was a `` longed hoped for day . '' `` The four years that I was working with NATO to try and catch him were peppered by rumors of where he was -- in this cafe , on that mountain , in this valley . '' Watch Karadzic 's lawyer slam arrest '' Ashdown also told Britain 's Daily Telegraph newspaper that it was a `` major breakthrough for the Balkans region . '' `` Karadzic was accused of being the architect of the worst war crimes that have been perpetrated in Europe since the Nazis . `` It is a major credit to Serbia and at last brings the prospect of justice for Bosnia , '' Ashdown said . The arrest brought Serbia 's hopes of joining the EU one step closer to realization , EU foreign affairs chief Javier Solana lauding the news . `` This ... gives us immense satisfaction . The new government in Belgrade stands for a","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Radovan Karadzic 's arrest after a decade-long hunt is the equivalent of catching Europe 's Osama bin Laden , the U.S. diplomat who brokered peace in Bosnia says . Radovan Karadzic , seen here in 1995 , has been arrested after a decade-long hunt . Richard Holbrooke , who negotiated the 1995 Dayton Peace Agreement , led the chorus of congratulations from around the globe telling reporters it was `` a historic day . '' `` One of the worst men in the world , the Osama bin Laden of Europe , has finally been captured . A major , major thug has been removed from the public scene . '' `` He was at large because the Yugoslav army was protecting him . But this guy in my view was worse than Milosevic -LSB- Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic -RSB- ... he was the intellectual leader , '' Holbrooke told CNN . Watch Holdbrooke talk about the arrest '' David Miliband , Britain 's Foreign Secretary , said it would `` pave the way for a brighter , European future for Serbia and the region . '' The White House released a statement congratulating the government"} +{"answer":"Jarvis family -- said she `` ca n't focus on that . '' `` I would really like to stay away from that because that brings negative energy to me and I do n't need that right now , '' she said . Her son remains in guarded condition at the University of Miami 's Jackson Memorial Hospital Burn Center . He suffered second - and third-degree burns over about two-thirds of his body , according to the hospital 's associate director , Dr. Carl Schulman . The teen faces a lifelong recovery from his injuries , Schulman told CNN 's Harris . `` Michael 's still got a lot of major surgery ahead of him , a lot of rehabilitation and therapy , '' Schulman said . `` He 's doing about as well as could be expected at this point in his recovery , but he 's got a period of probably several weeks to a couple of months still left in the hospital if everything goes well , but the recovery is lifelong . This is truly a life-changing event . '' Valerie Brewer said her son 's treatment is excruciating at times . Physical therapy ,","question":"Fort Lauderdale , Florida -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Just taking a sip of water or walking to the bathroom is excruciatingly painful for 15-year-old Michael Brewer , who was burned over 65 percent of his body after being set on fire , allegedly by a group of teenagers . `` It hurts my heart to see him in pain , but it enlightens at the same time to know my son is strong enough to make it through on a daily basis , '' his mother , Valerie Brewer , told CNN on Wednesday . Brewer and her husband , Michael Brewer , Sr. , spoke to CNN 's Tony Harris , a day after a 13-year-old boy who witnessed last month 's attack publicly read a written statement : `` I want to express my deepest sympathy to Mikey and his family , '' Jeremy Jarvis said . `` I will pray for Mikey to grow stronger every day and for Mikey 's speedy recovery . '' Jarvis ' older brother has been charged in the October 12 attack in Deerfield Beach , Florida . When asked about the teen 's statement , Valerie Brewer -- who knows the"} +{"answer":"a co-op , '' said patient Norman Nistler . The co-op was able to save millions , officials note , by switching to generic drugs and cutting tobacco use among its members by double the Minnesota state average because doctors help patients to quit . Darla Andrews , a patient at the co-op , said she and her doctor have easy access to her records . `` It 's all digital , so it works out good for me . It 's more convenient . '' Dr. Eric Seaver , who works at Group Health . `` We can communicate with patients through secure e-mail for routine questions or concerns that in the private world physicians often are n't able or wo n't do because there 's just no motivation to do that . There 's no reimbursement . ... Here with Group Health 's model , it 's all about providing patients the care that they need when they need it in a form that works best for them . '' Group Health lists Microsoft and Starbucks as organizations that use its system . `` I have great contact with the doctors , '' said Group Health member Dave","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Some of the strongest support for health care cooperatives ' place in the national effort to reform the nation 's health care system comes from those who experience a co-op 's care every day : doctors and patients . Co-op patient Norman Nistler says he did n't even realize he was a part of a health care co-op . Co-ops are non-profit organizations , so any money that is earned goes back to be used on patients and other costs . Patients also elect a governing board , which is in stark contrast to operations under private health insurance plan . Proponents point to two co-ops as evidence they are an alternative in the health care reform debate : HealthPartners in Minneapolis , Minnesota , and Group Health Cooperative in Seattle , Washington . HealthPartners has been in business for half a century and served more than a million people in Minnesota and Wisconsin . Some decades-long members said they did n't know they were with a co-op . `` I watch a lot of it on television now . There 's a lot of talking about co-ops , but I did n't realize this was"} +{"answer":"deal with the country is official . In the past three months , piracy attacks have averaged about 12 to 14 a month off the east coast of Africa . As of mid-January , the attack numbers are already at the average of the past three months , according to Gortney . `` That -LSB- number -RSB- should tell you that we 're not -- we 're not being 100 percent successful on the deterrence of the attempt . And that 's where we have to go after , '' Gortney said . The United States is expecting other nations to join the anti-piracy task force , but at the moment , the United States is the only country in the task force with just three ships off of the waters of Somalia . There are ships from some European and Asian countries patrolling the waters independently as well , primarily guarding cargo ships from their own countries . Pirates attacked nearly 100 vessels and hijacked as many as 40 in the waters off the coast of Somalia in 2008 , according to the International Maritime Bureau . See how pirate attacks peaked in 2008 '' Pirating off of Somalia","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Piracy off the coast of Somalia ca n't be stopped until there is some authority to bring pirates to justice , according to the commander of the U.S. Navy 's Fifth Fleet , based in Bahrain . U.S. Vice Admiral William Gortney : Need to hold pirates off Africa 's east coast accountable . Because there is no working government in Somalia and no country is willing to take captured pirates , bring them to trial and detain them , there is no deterrent for pirates to stop attacking ships , Vice Admiral William Gortney said at a Pentagon briefing Thursday . `` The problem is there 's not a way to -- until we have a mechanism -LSB- to hold them -RSB- accountable and try them for their actions , there 's no way to -- to finish the problem , '' Gortney said . The United States is making a deal with a country in the eastern Africa region to hold and try pirates captured by the U.S.-led Combined Task Force 151 , a new maritime anti-piracy mission started earlier this month . He said an official announcement would be made after the"} +{"answer":"put up with possums scampering across their roof every night since they moved in three weeks ago . Moments later , the window was smashed and a black figure landed on their bed . Ettlin , after gathering his wits about him , exclaimed , `` It 's OK . It 's only a kangaroo , '' Beman recalled . `` I was cowered under the quilt , thinking , ` No , it 's not OK , ' '' she said . The kangaroo jumped on top of the blanket that Beman and her 9-year-old daughter were hiding under . It then leaped onto the nightstand , punched holes in the furniture and left blood stains on the wall as it bounced into their son 's room . `` That 's when his male instinct kicked in , '' Beman said of her husband . After putting the 90-pound creature in a choke hold , Ettlin kept it low to the ground and pulled it toward the front door . He knew that kangaroos carry their strength on their hind legs , Beman said . `` He held it by one arm . He opened the front door with","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- What do you do when your 10-year-old son wakes up in the middle of the night screaming , `` There 's a ` roo in my room ! '' Beat Ettlin wrestled a kangaroo out of his house near Canberra after it crashed through a window . If you 're Beat Ettlin , you wrest the marsupial into a headlock , drag it down your hallway and toss it out your front door . Ettlin and his family were woken early Sunday when a 6-foot-tall kangaroo crashed through a window , landed on their bed and thrashed around their house in the suburb of Garran , south of the capital of Canberra , Australia . `` At first , he -LRB- my husband -RRB- thought it was a lunatic ninja , '' said Ettlin 's wife , Verity Beman . `` It leaped through the window , this martial-arts kind of figure . It was very Jackie Chan . '' The family 's one-story house is in a suburb that butts against a kangaroo reserve . About 2 a.m. Sunday , their dog began barking furiously . Possibly possums , they thought . The family had"} +{"answer":"`` holiday . '' After a storm that dumped more than 30 inches of snow in some places last weekend , the latest part of the one-two punch dropped 22.5 inches on Baltimore , Maryland , 15.8 inches on Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , and about 10 inches on Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport in Arlington , Virginia , Central Park in New York and Atlantic City , New Jersey , the National Weather Service said . Records for total snowfall for the season have been set at Dulles International Airport west of Washington , with 72 inches ; Philadelphia , with 70.3 ; Baltimore , with 70.1 ; Reagan Washington National Airport , with 55.6 ; and Atlantic City , with 48.7 , according to the weather service . The snow brought down tree limbs that in turn pulled down power lines . Ricky Watkins of Petersburg , in central Virginia , sent in a CNN iReport of a transformer near his home that erupted in sparks and flames after a tree downed power lines there Wednesday morning . Although he said he was `` used to the snow '' after working in Milwaukee , Wisconsin , and Chicago ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The living quarters of a fire station in Maryland exploded and burned Thursday after its snow-laden roof collapsed in the wake of the pair of record-setting snowstorms that howled through the mid-Atlantic region in the past week , state police said . Crushed roofs were not uncommon in the region -- authorities in the District of Columbia reported 22 such incidents as a result of the heavy snowfall -- but the collapse at the Sykesville Freedom District Fire Department stood out because it punctured a natural gas line , igniting the blaze , officials said . Firefighters were out on a call when the roof fell about 7:40 a.m. , Carroll County spokeswoman Vivian Laxton told CNN affiliate WBAL-TV . No injuries were reported . In the aftermath of what some are calling `` snowmageddon , '' thousands of people were without power and transportation departments were still trying to clean snowy , icy streets Thursday . In Washington , more than 250,000 federal workers were told to stay home from work for a fourth day , and public schools were closed . But in New York , children went back to school after a three-day"} +{"answer":"plan creatively and bring in the best architects in the world we could create a new language of architecture and buildings for Mumbai , '' he told CNN . What 's novel about Mehta 's plan is that rather than seeing a need to entice developers into slum regeneration , he views the land as a resource that developers will pay handsomely to get their hands on . The plan is for developers to demolish the slum and build apartments on the site , which will be given free of charge to 57,000 families currently living in Dharavi . The incentive ? For every 100 sq ft of apartment space the developers give away , they will get to build 133 sq ft of commercial space , which they can sell at market rates . Back in 1997 , it was Mehta who realized that Dharavi 's location made it an asset . In the heart of Mumbai , Dharavi is connected by all three of the city 's railway lines . The two highways that link Mumbai to the rest of India both start nearby and just half a kilometer away is the Bandra Kurla complex , Mumbai 's","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Multiple Oscar winning film `` Slumdog Millionaire '' has brought the plight of India 's slum dwellers to the rest of the world . But up to a million slum dwellers in the economic capital Mumbai are set for upheaval as the city is poised for a radical makeover Dharavi , where parts of `` Slumdog Millionaire '' were filmed , is one of the largest slums in the world . Five years after the regional government announced its intention to redevelop Dharavi , the vast Mumbai slum where parts of `` Slumdog Millionaire '' were filmed , developers are finally submitting their blueprints for the project . Nineteen consortiums from around the world are vying to redevelop the 500-plus acres of land occupied by Dharavi and the bulldozers could move in within six months . The scheme is the brainchild of Mukesh Mehta , an Indian architect who made his name in the U.S. His vision is to use private money to redevelop the slum and turn Mumbai into an international business destination . `` If effectively designed and well planned Dharavi could be not very different from London 's Canary Wharf . If we"} +{"answer":"a story Wednesday announcing that , after 188 years as a print publication , it will become the first newspaper to deliver news exclusively via Twitter . Twitter , a micro-blogging site , allows users to post updates that are 140 characters long . In keeping with the limitation , the newspaper said it had undertaken a mammoth project to retool the newspaper 's entire archive . For example , Charles Lindbergh 's 1927 flight from New York to Paris , France , was condensed to : `` OMG first successful transatlantic air flight wow , pretty cool ! Boring day otherwise ... sigh . '' The news is n't always black and white . The Taipei Times , one of three English-language dailies in Taiwan , fooled many readers with a report that two pandas donated by China to the Taipei Zoo were , in fact , brown forest bears dyed black and white . To render a whiff of authenticity to the story , editors made a reference to China 's tainted-milk scandal that sickened 300,000 people last year . But the story contained enough outrageous lines to clue in readers . Among them , a quote from","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- If you happen to browse upon a news story that 's too odd to be true Wednesday , hold your outrage and check the calendar . A Lebanese newspaper ran a caricature last year of two opposition leaders hugging in light of April Fools ' Day . It 's April Fools ' Day -- when media outlets around the world take a break from the serious business of delivering news and play fast and furious with the facts . No one quite knows when the practice began , but any journalist will point to what is undoubtedly the biggest hoax that any reputable news establishment ever pulled : A 1957 BBC report that said , thanks to a mild winter and the elimination of the spaghetti weevil , Swiss farmers were enjoying a bumper spaghetti crop . The segment was accompanied by pictures of farmers pulling strands of spaghetti from trees -- and prompted hundreds of viewers to call in , wanting to know how they could grow their own spaghetti trees . While not as elaborate , the pranks that media outlets harvested this year have been quite rich : The Guardian in London ran"} +{"answer":"the killing of some of them , could make anyone sick . Yet what 's the point of sentencing someone to jail , then having them serve their time and be released if we still want to imprison them for the rest of their lives ? Frankly , I 'm sick of Americans who talk all day about `` do the crime , then do the time , '' then still want to treat a man like a criminal when he gets out of prison . This does n't just apply to Michael Vick . Look at all the individuals who are sent to prison , get out and then ca n't find a job . Why ? Because they have the Scarlet Letter on their record , which is a big fat `` F '' for felon . Do n't think I 'm looking for any sympathy for someone who goes to jail . I firmly believe that you deserve all that you get for breaking the law . But listening to some of these zealots go on and on and on about Vick needing to continue to be punished is ridiculous ! The judge in Vick 's case","question":"Editor 's note : A nationally syndicated columnist , Roland S. Martin is the author of `` Listening to the Spirit Within : 50 Perspectives on Faith '' and `` Speak , Brother ! A Black Man 's View of America . '' Visit his Web site for more information . He is host of `` No Bias , No Bull '' at 8 p.m. ET on CNN while Campbell Brown is on maternity leave . Roland Martin says Michael Vick has served his sentence and should be allowed back on the field . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When Michael Vick completes home confinement in July , he will have served the 23-month prison sentence imposed after he pleaded guilty to federal dogfighting charges . After his release from a Kansas prison Wednesday , he headed to his home in Virginia to serve the final two months under home confinement , because all the beds at halfway houses in the area are taken . But that has n't deterred the Vick haters who are still in an uproar over the heinous details of his dogfighting kennel . Yes , reading the details of the treatment of the dogs , including"} +{"answer":"celebs rejected by Playboy Katie Holmes So she might be a bit out of reach , especially since Katie Holmes is stuck in the Tom Cruise isolation bubble , but this could be a rebirth for her . Let 's face it : Holmes has a lost some of her flair and she lets her daughter do most of the fancy dressing . `` Dancing with the Stars '' would allow Holmes to separate herself from TomKat , and at least get her out of the house . Heidi Klum and Seal The couple has said in interviews that they are interested in joining `` Dancing with the Stars . '' It would be good for everyone . Heidi Klum could get away from judging those sassy `` Project Runway '' stylists and rock some tacky , sparkly clothes . Seal could get back on the radar for something other than being Klum 's husband . And the show could get to play off the drama of having a competing couple . The Frisky : 10 top models without makeup Oprah Winfrey Oprah may be leaving her iconic television show behind , but that does n't mean she ca n't","question":"-LRB- The Frisky -RRB- -- Last night Nicole Scherzinger was the 10th star to claim the mirrored ball on `` Dancing with the Stars . '' The lead Pussycat Doll went up against Olympic figure skater Evan Lysacek and ESPN anchor Erin Andrews and came out victorious . Many predicted that Scherzinger would win from the start based on her spectacular performances and stage presence , not to mention her extensive dance history as a member of the Pussycat Dolls . But Lysacek and Andrews gave her a good run for her money , bringing an enjoyable end to a season of controversy . Was it me , or was season 10 the most exciting ever ? Kate Gosselin 's diva behavior , Jake Pavelka 's cornball glances at Vienna Girardi , and Nicole 's spats with Pamela Anderson made it must-watch TV , not to mention Elisabeth Hasselbeck 's major snafu regarding Erin Andrews ' wardrobe . The show seriously picked the right contestants this time around . To help them out for season 11 , here are the 15 stars we 'd love to see do the rumba next . The Frisky : Kate Gosselin and 7 more"} +{"answer":"operating . Watch Ahmadinejad hit back at Obama '' The watchdog agency confirmed that it received a letter Monday from Iran revealing the existence of the underground facility on a military base . Iran told the IAEA there is no nuclear material at the site , an agency spokesman said . Iran has denied its goal is to develop nuclear weapons , a concern of the United States and other Western nations . Esmail Kowsari , a senior Iranian lawmaker , said Iran 's need for nuclear fuel is outpacing the limited amount of uranium it can enrich at its only other plant in Natanz . But Iran 's activities , along with its anti-Western and anti-Israel rhetoric , have troubled international powers working to stop the development of an Iranian nuclear program . The country 's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said it is planning to stage `` massive missile exercises '' or war games on Sunday to promote the armed forces ' `` deterrent power , '' the semi-official Fars News Agency reported . The tests are code named `` Payambar-e Azam 4 , or `` The Great Messenger , '' the corps said in its announcement . Iran","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The head of Iran 's Atomic Energy Organization said Saturday that U.N. nuclear experts can inspect a uranium enrichment plant , according to a report from Iran-funded Press TV . Iranian soldiers are shown in the uranium enrichment facility in Natanz , 300 kms south of Tehran , in 2006 . Ali Akbar Salehi said officials are trying to settle on a date for the inspection by the International Atomic Energy Agency . GeoEye , a U.S.-based satellite imagery company , released two photos dated Saturday from what it says is the second facility . The image shows quarry equipment , a surface-to-air missile site , and more construction equipment surrounding a mountain , according to image analysis by IHS Jane 's , an intelligence firm . Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Friday that Iran was building a second uranium enrichment facility near the Shia Muslim city of Qom , about 100 miles southwest of Tehran . He said the plant wo n't be operational for about 18 months . Ahmadinejad told reporters Friday that Iran had met IAEA requirements by informing it about the plant at least six months before it is slated to begin"} +{"answer":". The assault took place in India 's Uttar Pradesh state , about 150 km -LRB- 93 miles -RRB- south of Delhi . The state is governed by Mayawati , a woman who goes by one name and is India 's most powerful Dalit politician . Her Bahujan Samaj Party seeks to get more political representation for Dalits , who are considered so low in the social order that they do n't even rank among the four classes that make up the caste system . Hindus believe there are five main groups of people , four of which sprang from the body of the first man . The Brahmin class comes from the mouth . They are the priests and holy men , the most elevated of the castes . Next is the Ksatriyas , the kings , warriors and soldiers created from the arms . The Vaisyas come from the thighs . They are the merchants and traders of society . And the Sudras , or laborers , come from the feet . The last group is the Dalits , or the `` untouchables . '' They 're considered too impure to have come from the primordial being .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A man , incensed that a 6-year-old girl chose to walk through a path reserved for upper caste villagers , pushed her into burning embers , police in north India said Wednesday . She was seriously burned . Dalits , or `` untouchables , '' are victims of discrimination in India despite laws aimed at eliminating prejudice . The girl is a Dalit , or an `` untouchable , '' according to India 's traditional caste system . India 's constitution outlaws caste-based discrimination , and barriers have broken down in large cities . Prejudice , however , persists in some rural areas of the country . The girl was walking with her mother down a path in the city of Mathura when she was accosted by a man in his late teens , said police superintendent R.K. Chaturvedi . `` He scolded them both and pushed her , '' Chaturvedi said . The girl fell about 3 to 4 feet into pile of burning embers by the side of the road . The girl remained in critical condition Wednesday . The man confessed to the crime and was charged with attempted murder , Chaturvedi said"} +{"answer":"allow Islamic law , or sharia , in the Swat Valley , in exchange for an end to fighting . Still , Pakistan 's military is continuing an assault on militants in Taliban-held areas after they seized territory in violation of the agreement signed by Zardari . Last week , U.S. President Barack Obama said Pakistan 's government appears to be `` very fragile '' and argued that the United States has `` huge national security interests in making sure that Pakistan is stable '' and does n't end up a `` nuclear-armed militant state . '' And , after making two visits to Pakistan in the last three weeks , Adm. Michael Mullen , chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff , indicated Monday that he is `` gravely concerned '' about recent Taliban and al Qaeda gains across much of southern Afghanistan and in Pakistan . Pakistan 's nuclear weapons are `` definitely safe , '' Zardari said Tuesday . `` First of all , they are in safe hands . There is a command and control system under the president of Pakistan . And Buner ... there has been fighting there before . There will be","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari on Tuesday insisted that his country 's nuclear arsenal is `` definitely safe , '' despite growing concerns about recent gains by the Taliban along the country 's border with Afghanistan . Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari insists his country 's nuclear arsenal is `` definitely safe '' from militants . In an interview with CNN 's Wolf Blitzer , Zardari responded to the fact that the United States does n't know the locations of all of Pakistan 's nuclear sites . He also addressed the Obama administrations concern over whether the weapons are vulnerable to Taliban fighters who are gaining control of some border regions . `` They ca n't take over , '' Zardari said , referring to militants . `` We have a 700,000 -LRB- person -RRB- army -- how could they take over ? '' For the last two weeks , Pakistani troops have been battling Taliban fighters in Buner and Lower Dir , two districts bordering the Swat Valley -- a broad Taliban stronghold in Pakistan . Army generals claim to have killed scores of militants . Pakistan 's government recently signed a deal that would"} +{"answer":"saw myself as more of a metropolitan person , but you know , without money , this was our best option . '' The couple 's drastic lifestyle change -- one they chose -- came last October when Wright , 48 , lost his job managing life insurance portfolios for millionaires at a private firm in Beverly Hills . His niche company , which relied heavily on capital flow , had felt the pain of the credit crunch . Once making over $ 100,000 a year , Wright soon joined the growing number of Americans facing unemployment in the economic downturn . iReport.com : Tell us how you 're surviving With meager savings , Bird and Wright knew they could n't maintain their costly Los Angeles lifestyle in an area where , they say , image is everything . Even if they had stayed in Beverly Hills , they would have needed to move into a smaller apartment and rely on Bird 's modest salary as a financial manager . Exhausted from the rat race , Wright decided they needed another option . `` I 've been in Los Angeles for a long time and I 've had to start","question":"This story is part of an ongoing series of profiles by CNN about economic survival in this time of financial crisis . Leah Bird and her husband Ed Wright stand in front of their new home : a 1974 Airstream trailer . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- They bid farewell to their beloved trips to the opera and museum , the beach and Buddhist temples . They ate one last time at their favorite restaurants serving Indian curried chicken and warm bowls of Vietnamese pho . Leah Bird and her husband , Ed Wright , have traded their comfortable two-bedroom apartment and jobs in Beverly Hills , California , for life in a trailer on a five-acre Oregon farm . No longer do the couple hear roaring fire trucks in the street or chatter from patrons dining at outdoor cafes . On this farm , the dominant silence is occasionally interrupted by the sounds of frogs and crickets . `` It 's not necessarily a lifestyle that has ever seemed attractive to me , '' says 28-year-old Bird , between tending to the farm animals : two sheep , two Nubian goats , miniature horses and geese . `` I always"} +{"answer":"match with the bulk of possession but were unable to work an opening to leave the French to contemplate a final against either hosts New Zealand or Australia who play the second semifinal Sunday on the same ground . But at the end , the main talking point was the crucial red card for Warburton , whose tackle on Vincent Clerc lifted the French wing off his feet as he released a pass . Blog : Why New Zealand must win the World Cup Rolland believed the infringement merited dismissal rather than a sin-bin offense or warning but former World Cup winning captain Francois Pienaar of South Africa thought otherwise . `` It was a dangerous tackle , yes . Never a red card , '' he told ITV Sport . `` It killed the game , '' he added . Warburton , who could miss next Friday 's third place playoff match , was also amazed to have been sent off . `` I 'm gutted . There was no malicious intent . I thought it was a normal tackle , the next thing I was walking off into the stands . '' Wales have made only one previous","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- France beat heroic 14-man Wales 9-8 in Auckland Saturday to reach the final of the Rugby World Cup . The match was overshadowed by the 18th minute dismissal of Wales captain Sam Warburton for a dangerous tackle . It looked to be a harsh decision by Irish referee Alain Rolland and tipped the match in France 's favor although they had to withstand a late Welsh onslaught to maintain their slender lead . Wales had led 3-0 through a James Hook penalty before losing their skipper , but a pair of Morgan Parra penalties put France 6-3 ahead at the interval . He increased that lead to 9-3 with his third penalty early in the second half only for Wales to hit back through a clever solo try by scrum half Mike Phillips . Stephen Jones , a second half replacement for Hook , missed the conversion as it hit the post before Wales had a second chance to take the lead in the closing moments . Fortunate to win a penalty on the halfway line , Leigh Halfpenny 's kick was accurate but dipped just under the posts . Wales spent the remainder of the"} +{"answer":", nodding and smiling at the judge as the hearing concluded . He wore a heavy beard and was not in restraints . An FBI agent had testified at an earlier hearing that bullets found embedded in the White House residence came from Ortega-Hernandez 's assault weapon . The 21-year-old man claimed after his arrest that he had been car-jacked by a man with a gun on the day of the crime , and said his assailant must have been responsible for the shooting , according to court filings . He also allegedly told the officers he never owned a gun , but the government cited two witnesses from Idaho confirming the rifle left in the car belonged to Ortega-Hernandez . A federal public defender representing Ortega-Hernandez had previously claimed inconsistent witness statements raised doubts about whether he was the shooter . Attorney David Bos cited one witness who said the shooter was driving a yellow van . Police had said Ortega-Hernandez was driving a dark-colored sedan . Bos did not object Tuesday when the magistrate ruled the defendant would continue to be held behind bars . Another hearing is scheduled for next month . Ortega-Hernandez was captured at a","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An Idaho man accused of trying to assassinate President Barack Obama by shooting at the White House pleaded not guilty , as expected , in federal court Tuesday . Oscar Ortega-Hernandez will remain in custody until his trial , a date for which has not yet been scheduled . He appeared in a dark blue prison jumpsuit at his brief arraignment hearing before Magistrate Judge Deborah Robinson . He was indicted last week on 17 criminal counts . Prosecutors say Ortega-Hernandez fired a Romanian-made assault rifle out of the window of his car the evening of November 11 . After allegedly sending a number of rounds toward the White House , he sped away toward a bridge leading to the Virginia suburbs , but crashed his vehicle and fled on foot , officials say . A court document says Ortega-Hernandez 's fingerprints were found on ammunition magazines left in a 1998 Honda , but not on the weapon itself , which also was left in the car . Neither the president nor his family was at home at the time of the incident . Ortega-Hernandez said nothing at Tuesday 's hearing , but appeared alert"} +{"answer":"BB&T -- SunTrust -- Bank of America\/Countrywide -- Wachovia\/Wells Fargo -- PNC Bank\/National City -- Citigroup `` Please let me know and if you have other suggestions , I 'd love to hear them . '' Skippings referred questions to a union spokeswoman , who confirmed the authenticity of the e-mail and that the union is considering targeting the banks for unionizing . `` We believe there is special responsibility for companies who receive taxpayer dollars to ensure their workers have a voice on the job , '' SEIU 's Lynda Tran said . `` And those workers should have a seat at the table at the companies where decisions that impact the future of their families and the companies that employ them '' are made . `` We are talking to workers really broadly in banking , '' she said . SEIU is the fastest-growing trade union in North America , according to its own Web site , with a membership of more than 2 million , including health-care industry workers and state and local government employees . It also represents guards and janitors who work in commercial and residential properties . And its clout continues to grow .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The powerful Service Employees International Union has decided that , because of the $ 700 billion financial-system bailout , it wants to organize bank workers . Banks that get taxpayer money need to `` ensure their workers have a voice , '' a union spokeswoman says . In an e-mail dated November 12 and obtained exclusively by CNN , a member of SEIU 's Private Equity Project outlined initial discussions to organize bank workers `` since the banking industry is now being infused with billions of taxpayer dollars . '' The e-mail was written by SEIU 's Inga Skippings to the director of the Washington office of the Association of Community Organizing for Reform Now -LRB- ACORN -RRB- , a longtime ally and partner of the union . `` We need to get a handle on who these workers are , working conditions , etc. , '' Skippings wrote . `` Do you have ACORN members who work for banks or Freddie Mac\/Fannie Mae ? Is there anyway -LSB- sic -RSB- you could check ? The banks we 're most concerned about are : -- Fannie Mae -- Freddie Mac -- Chevy Chase\/B . F.Saul --"} +{"answer":"'s hobbies , decorating skills and technological needs . Some of their stories were so outrageous that we decided to profile a few of them . Klein 's man cave , however , was the only one to combine dramatic weight loss and cross-dressing , so we had to give him a call to find out more . Klein said his friends wanted to talk about two things while he was building his man cave : how his amazing bar was coming along and how they thought Harrell would lose the bet . The bet was popular with everyone Klein and Harrell knew . Their wives even started a dress committee , to make sure the loser was appropriately attired , and their kids delighted in the prospect of seeing Dad in a dress . To lose weight , Klein said Harrell played golf and cut out chips , while he adopted a balanced , calorie-restricted diet , and spent at least six hours a day on the man cave , which took most of his free time . Klein did all the electric wiring himself , worked on the framing and put three coats of paint on all the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Like most stories that end up with a man mowing his friend 's lawn in a dress , it started out innocently enough . Craig Harrell takes a quick break for the camera while fulfilling his end of the bargain . Not long after Robert Klein began working on his man cave , his friend Craig Harrell paid Klein a compliment . He noticed Klein was looking trimmer since they 'd last met . As Klein continued to slim down , they made a bet : Whoever could get down to 200 pounds first would be the winner , and the loser would have to mow the winner 's yard -- in a dress . Klein started building his man cave in Pasadena , Maryland , so he could have the bar of his dreams and a home theater . He worked on his basement for more than a year and ended up losing 65 pounds in the process -- more than enough to win his bet with Harrell . CNN.com and iReport.com got an overwhelming response when we asked readers to send in photos and stories of their man caves : spaces that foster men"} +{"answer":"`` sounding like Jews , '' or dubbed as undesirables , according to survivors . More than 100 soldiers perished at the camp or on a forced death march . It was on this day six decades ago , April 23 , 1945 , when most of the slave labor camp soldiers were liberated by advancing U.S. troops . The emaciated soldiers , many weighing just 80 pounds , had been forced by Nazi commanders to march more than 150 miles before their rescue . Watch survivor break down in tears over liberation '' The new photograph was likely taken in May or June 1945 when U.S. war crimes investigators combed Berga . It was donated earlier this month to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum by Jim Martin and his family , whose father , Elmore `` Bud '' Martin , is believed to have snapped the picture as part of the war crimes investigation team . The photo and dozens of others sat for years in Jim Martin 's closet . Some of the photos , including graphic images of American corpses , were placed on record at the National Archives years ago . See shocking photos of the","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The photograph is a jarring image that shows Nazi Party members , shovels in hand , digging up graves of American soldiers held as slaves by Nazi Germany during World War II . Members of the Nazi Party are forced to dig up mass graves of U.S. soldiers while American GIs look on . While the men dig up the site , U.S. soldiers investigating war crimes stand over them . Two crosses with helmets placed atop them -- the sign of a fallen soldier -- are visible . Two Germans are knee deep in mud . Another , with a handlebar mustache , has the look of a defeated man . The bodies of 22 American soldiers were found in at least seven graves , according to the photographer . On the back of the photo is written , `` Nazi Party members digging up American bodies at Berga . '' Berga an der Elster was a slave labor camp where 350 U.S. soldiers were beaten , starved , and forced to work in tunnels for the German government . The soldiers were singled out for `` looking like Jews '' or"} +{"answer":"going into the most troubled area of Afghanistan . '' Helmand Province , where much of the fighting is taking place , has been a hotbed of Taliban violence in recent months . At least 25 U.S. and British troops have been killed there in 2009 . The defense official said the operation is a `` tangible indication '' of the new approach that McChrystal -- a former chief of the Pentagon 's special operations command -- is bringing to the nearly eight-year war . `` They 're not just doing an offensive push to get bad guys ; they 're going in to hold the area and stay there , '' the official said . `` This approach is indicative of McChrystal 's philosophy : measuring success by the number of Afghans protected , not bad guys killed . '' The Obama administration has moved about 21,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan , the original front in the war launched after the September 11 attacks . During his confirmation hearing in June , McChrystal told senators that the conflict requires a new focus on counterinsurgency to reduce violence and build support for the U.S.-led NATO alliance among Afghans . ``","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- U.S. troops have launched a `` major operation '' against Taliban fighters in southern Afghanistan , U.S. military officials announced in Afghanistan early Thursday . U.S. Marines gather for a briefing in Helmand Province , Afghanistan , on Wednesday . About 4,000 Americans , mostly from the Marines , and 650 Afghan soldiers and police launched Operation Khanjar -- `` strike of the sword '' -- in the Helmand River valley , the U.S. command in Kabul announced . The push is the largest since the Pentagon began moving additional troops into the conflict this year , and it follows a British-led operation launched last week in the same region , the Marines said . It is also the first big move since U.S. Gen. Stanley McChrystal took over as the allied commander in Afghanistan in mid-June . In Washington , a senior defense official said the size and scope of the new operation are `` very significant . '' `` It 's not common for forces to operate at the brigade level , '' the official said . `` In fact , they often only conduct missions at the platoon level . And they 're"} +{"answer":"minutes into the flight , there was a loud pop . No one really knew what it was , '' passenger Steve Hall told CNN Radio . Watch as passenger describes watching the hole form '' The plane landed in Charleston at 5:10 p.m. after the crew reported the sudden drop in cabin pressure , which caused the jet 's oxygen masks to deploy . `` We were seated about two rows back from the wing , and four rows back you heard this loud rush and your ears popped , and you could tell that part of the inside was trying to pull out , '' passenger Sheryl Bryant told CNN affiliate WBAL-TV upon arriving in Baltimore aboard a replacement plane . `` And it was crazy -- the oxygen masks dropped , '' she continued . She put her mask on her face , then helped her 4 - and 6-year-old children with theirs , she said . Bryant tried to stay calm and reassure her children , she said . Watch Bryant 's account of acting brave '' `` My kids and I , we prayed , and then we said , you know , life will","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Inspectors have found `` nothing unusual '' in the rest of Southwest Airlines ' fleet of 737-300s after a football-sized hole in one of the jets forced an emergency landing , an airline spokeswoman said Tuesday . The breach in the aircraft 's fuselage caused a loss of cabin pressure . No passengers were injured . The airline inspected its roughly 200 Boeing 737-300s overnight following the incident that forced Southwest Flight 2294 to make an emergency landing in Charleston , West Virginia . A sudden drop in cabin pressure caused the jet 's oxygen masks to deploy , but there were no injuries among the 126 passengers or the five-member crew . Marilee McInnis , a Southwest spokeswoman , said the jets were inspected during non-operational hours overnight , and the cause of the incident remained unknown Tuesday morning . The airline is working closely with the National Transportation Safety Board to investigate the matter , she said . Flight 2294 was at 34,000 feet , en route from Nashville , Tennessee , to Baltimore , Maryland , when the incident happened , McInnis said . See map of flight path '' `` About 45"} +{"answer":"and raging rivers have hampered relief efforts . Washed-out roads and collapsed bridges have made some rescue operations impossible Touring disaster areas , Ma has been confronted by angry survivors , and even provoked a scuffle when he opened a weekend baseball game as protesters demanded he step down . Ma has offered apologies and promises to do better . `` We will find out not only to correct the mistakes but -LRB- also -RRB- to punish the people responsible , '' he said . Rescue efforts were ongoing Sunday with military helicopters bringing stranded villagers to their waiting relatives . Watch rescue efforts in Taiwan '' Others , waiting days in anguish for word on their loved ones , lashed out in anger . `` Local officials do n't care , '' one man said . `` There are still people there and they do n't do anything . '' On Saturday , weeping relatives of typhoon victims set up shrines near devastated villages to calm the spirits of the dead and honor the belief that their souls will return home after seven days . Watch mourners call home souls of the dead '' Morakot hit the island last","question":"CISHAN , Taiwan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Taiwan 's leader Ma Ying-jeou said Sunday he accepts responsibility for the government 's slow response after Typhoon Morakot slammed into the island killing at more than 120 people and unleashing floods , mudslides and misery . Mourners kneel and pray to the dead as they face the devastated valley of Shiao Lin . Ma , who has faced heavy criticism from victims of the disaster , ruled out resignation , insisting his government did its best in the face of difficulties , however he pledged an investigation into any irregularities . `` Certainly , I will take full responsibility whatever the blame is because , after all , I am the president of this country , '' Ma told CNN , saying heavy rains grounded rescue helicopters in the first few days after the storm hit , delaying relief . `` Once the weather was good -- that is the 14th of August -- we were able to evacuate 2,518 people . It 's a record , '' he said . Hundreds of people still await rescue in remote areas of Taiwan , where torrential downpours , dense fog , rugged terrain"} +{"answer":"J.R. Ewing , of course . Because J.R. was portrayed as a despicable oil baron , Ceausescu 's government presumably decided the show must be anti-capitalist . Whatever the reasoning , `` Dallas '' became a runaway hit when it arrived in Romania in 1979 . A series about wealthy , beautiful people -LRB- evil or not -RRB- was an inspiration to Romania 's poor and dejected masses . Eventually , the government decided such Western television was a bad influence , and `` Dallas '' was taken off the air in 1981 . But by then , it was too late . The fantasies of Western life lived on in the imaginations of Romanians , and in 1989 , Ceausescu was overthrown during a public uprising . Not incidentally , the actor who played J.R. , Larry Hagman , visited Romania some years later and was treated as a hero . In an interview following the experience , Hagman said , `` People from Bucharest came up to me in the street with tears in their eyes saying , ` J.R. saved our country . ' '' 2 . `` SEE IT NOW '' The Show that Ended McCarthyism","question":"-LRB- Mental Floss -RRB- -- Have you ever been watching television and thought , `` Wow , this soap opera is so good it could cause the downfall of a corrupt communist regime , '' or even , `` I bet one day this show is going to send the first woman into space '' ? Well , maybe you 're not giving the boob tube enough credit . Popular television shows have influenced politics in the United States and around the world . While others are busy blaming television for all of society 's downfalls , we think it 's time someone stood up for ye olde idiot box . After all , these 10 television shows did n't just entertain , they helped convince the world to get with the program . 1 . `` DALLAS '' The Show that Overthrew a Dictator -LRB- Well , kind of . -RRB- `` Dallas '' was one of the most popular TV shows in history -- and nowhere was it more talked about than in Nicolae Ceausescu 's communist Romania . How did the soap opera get past Romanian censors ? With help from `` Dallas '' leading man ,"} +{"answer":"dome 's ceiling seconds before the ceiling crashes to the ground . Players and coaches rushed to help those trapped . `` It was as if someone took a stick pin and hit a balloon , '' said photographer Arnold Payne , who was shooting the practice for CNN affiliate WFAA-TV . Watch Payne describe being inside when structure collapsed '' Scouting assistant Rich Behm , 33 , suffered a severed spinal cord and is paralyzed from the waist down , the team said . He underwent surgery Saturday . `` Rich is a courageous member of our family and someone for whom we care deeply . We ask for all friends and fans of the Dallas Cowboys to join us in embracing him and his family with their thoughts and prayers at this very difficult time , '' team owner Jerry Jones said . Watch the roof collapse on players , coaches '' Special teams coach Joe DeCamillis fractured a cervical vertebra , and assistant trainer Greg Gaither had two broken bones in his leg , the team said . Gaither had successful surgery Saturday , and DeCamillis was scheduled to undergo surgery Monday , the team said .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A federal agency is examining what caused the Dallas Cowboys ' practice facility to collapse on Saturday , paralyzing a scout and injuring 11 others . An aerial view of the scene shows the Dallas Cowboys logo amid the ruins of the indoor practice facility . `` We 're trying to determine if there were any violations , or determine the cause , '' said Elizabeth Todd , spokeswoman for Region 6 of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration . OSHA investigators will be interviewing witnesses and looking for identifiable hazards , she said . The procedure is routine and implies no wrongdoing , Todd said . OSHA has six months to finish its investigation . Meanwhile , the CEO of a company that makes similar buildings says he believes fewer people would have been injured if the Cowboys ' facility had been supported by air rather than a metal frame . About 70 people -- including players , coaches , staff and media -- were inside the metal-framed structure for a rookie mini-camp practice when a line of heavy thunderstorms hit the dome . Video from the incident shows the lights swinging violently from the"} +{"answer":"Mansfield , the north-Central Ohio city where the girl and her mother live . `` I am very happy that my granddaughter 's coming home , '' said Mary Watson , Haylee 's grandmother . `` And I just want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart . '' Watson , 24 , and Potter , 27 , were arrested without incident and held by the San Diego County Sheriff 's Department . When asked their reaction , Elliott said , `` I believe a little shocked that we were able to find them . '' Potter and Watson were still using the same vehicle , a 1980s blue Chevrolet pickup truck they drove from Ohio , Elliott said . Watson 's hair was a bit darker and Potter also changed his appearance slightly . Authorities had feared Haylee was endangered . Potter , a sex offender , had escaped a half-way house on May 28 , the day the girl and her mother fell out of sight . Countless tips came in while they were missing but one in particular led to the breakthrough on Tuesday , Elliott said without elaborating . But a tip","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A 4-year-old Ohio girl who vanished more than three weeks ago was found alive and in good condition , halfway across the country in southern California , authorities said . Haylee Donathan was found with her mother and her mother 's boyfriend , fugitive sex offender Robbie Potter . Haylee Donathan , her mother Candace Watson and Robbie Potter were discovered hiding for the past week at The Morning Star Ranch , a retreat in Valley Center , near San Diego , said Peter Elliott , United States Marshal for the Northern District of Ohio . Potter is a registered sex offender , officials said . He was being sought by the U.S. Marshal 's Service . Late Tuesday Haylee was in the custody of a children 's protective services agency in the San Diego County area , Elliott said . She was doing well but may have chicken pox , he added . `` We understand she is healthy and happy and I believe , waiting to come back to her grandmother here , '' he said . Watch authorities announce their find '' The journey west took them more than two thousand miles from"} +{"answer":"operating in the area . '' Amnesty leveled a wide range of charges in its report . `` People living in the Niger Delta have to drink , cook with and wash in polluted water , '' said Audrey Gaughran , who co-authored the report . `` They eat fish contaminated with oil and other toxins -- if they are lucky enough to be able to still find fish . The land they farm on is being destroyed . `` After oil spills , the air they breathe smells of oil , gas and other pollutants . People complain of breathing problems and skin lesions , and yet neither the government nor the oil companies monitor the human impacts of oil pollution . '' The report looks at oil spills , gas flaring , waste dumping and other environmental impacts from the oil industry . The majority of the evidence in the report relates to Shell , the main oil company operating in the region . `` Despite its public claims to be a socially and environmentally responsible corporation , Shell continues to directly harm human rights through its failure to adequately prevent and mitigate pollution and environmental damage in","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Nigeria 's state oil company rejected criticism from a leading human rights group Wednesday , calling an Amnesty International report `` inaccurate . '' File image of Shell 's oil and gas terminal on Bonny Island in southern Nigeria 's Niger Delta . `` We have issues with the report , '' said Levi Ajuonoma , a spokesman for Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation . Amnesty said Tuesday that pollution and environmental impacts from the oil industry in the Niger Delta are creating a `` human rights tragedy '' in which local people suffer poor health and loss of livelihood . Governments and oil companies are failing to be accountable for the problems , Amnesty said in its report , called `` Petroleum , Pollution and Poverty in the Niger Delta . '' But the state oil company said it was local communities who cause much of the environmental damage by vandalizing pipelines for monetary gain . `` We take environmental damage very seriously , '' Ajuonoma said . `` Pipeline damage is a major cause of pollution , '' he argued , blaming `` communities who ... vandalize pipelines and make claims on the oil company"} +{"answer":"winner describe the thrill '' As she spelled words such as `` phoresy , '' `` hydrargyrum '' and `` huisache , '' she calmly went through the routine of asking each word 's pronunciation , origin and roots before ticking their spellings off for the judges . `` I focus so much on my word ; I do n't really pay attention to all the cameras and photographers and all the media in front of me , '' she said Friday . Kavya 's father , who is her spelling coach , would tap his foot in time as she spelled the words , and at one point he appeared so confident that he waved to someone while his daughter was in the middle of spelling a word . Second-place finisher Tim Ruiter of Reston , Virginia , bowed out after misspelling `` Maecenas , '' meaning a generous patron of the arts . Kavya said she would miss competing in the spelling bee , as the rules do not permit her to enter next year . `` It was such a big part of my life , and I love doing it , '' she said . However","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The winner of the 82nd annual Scripps National Spelling Bee said Friday she is `` pretty excited '' but a little tired . Kavya Shivashankar of Olathe , Kansas , reacts to winning the Scripps National Spelling Bee on Thursday night . `` This has been my dream for so long ; I 've always wanted to win the bee , '' Kavya Shivashankar , 13 , of Olathe , Kansas , told CNN . `` I was just really excited when I was able to go up and spell the last word . '' The eighth-grader won $ 40,000 in cash and prizes for nailing the final word , `` Laodicean , '' which means lukewarm or indifferent , particularly in matters of politics or religion . This year 's bee -- an event that has skyrocketed in popularity thanks to exposure on television and in movies -- started Tuesday in Washington with a record 293 spellers . Kavya endured 15 rounds . In an event that has seen contestants crack under the strain of the national spotlight , Kavya -- competing in her fourth national finals -- appeared composed throughout . Watch the poised"} +{"answer":"shut down one mall when two police officers were injured , CNN affiliate KVUE reported . Police said each store had only 150 pairs of the shoes , the station reported . One of the officers was taken to a hospital after he was rushed by the crowd and suffered bruises and a rolled ankle , KVUE said . Police are reviewing surveillance tapes to find the assailant , police said , according to the station . `` It 's been crazy , '' one woman shopper named Andrea told KVUE , adding that officers threatened to use mace on crowds . `` People have been trying to run over the officers to get in the building . '' At a suburban Seattle mall Friday , police used pepper spray to bring order to an unruly crowd of 2,000 shoppers seeking the new shoe , said Mike Murphy of the Tukwila , Washington , Police Department . The Seattle area store was n't prepared to handle such a large crowd , Murphy said . CNN affiliate KIRO reported that crowds lined up Thursday night for the sale , which started at 4 a.m. Friday . In Lithonia , Georgia ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Almost nine years into the basketball legend 's retirement , a new version of Michael Jordan athletic shoes can still send fans into a mad frenzy : Stores nationwide were the scenes of violence and police officer injuries Friday , authorities said . In Richmond , California , police investigated a gunshot fired outside a mall where the latest version of shoes named after Jordan went on sale for about $ 180 a pair Friday morning , police told CNN affiliate KGO . A 24-year-old Richmond man was taken into custody in connection with the gunfire , said police Lt. Lori Curran . `` It appears right now it may have been just a negligent discharge , '' Curran said . Even as early as 1990 , a new pair of Air Jordans was so coveted that youngsters became violent in stealing the shoes . Jordan and his Chicago Bulls won six NBA championships in the 1990s . Thursday evening in Austin , Texas , three Foot Locker stores each drew 1,000 people for a midnight sale of the new Air Jordan Retro XI , replicas of a 1996 version of the shoe , and police"} +{"answer":"charge of a German side . A statement on Wolfsburg 's official Web site said : `` Steve McClaren is to take over as new trainer at VfL Wolfsburg . The 49 year old will start work on July 1st under a two year contract to keep him in Wolfsburg until June 30th 2012 . '' Former Netherlands and Ajax coach Marco van Basten has ruled himself out of the running to become the next boss of Italian giants AC Milan . Media reports in Italy claim current coach Leonardo will leave the club in the summer but according to the UK Press Association , Van Basten told Italian television that a serious ankle injury would rule him out of contention . He said : `` I am still not ready . I still have an ankle problem and I must resolve it . I ca n't do a big job like that of a coach as for that your mind has to be clear . `` I have read the reports about Milan and me . It 's a good idea . Milan and the people of Milan are kind to me , but right now I have this","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Italian manager Gianfranco Zola has been sacked by English Premier League club West Ham , while former England boss Steve McLaren has joined German side Wolfsburg . The Hammers announced in a statement on their official Web site that they had terminated Zola 's contract after a season in which they finished just one place above the relegation zone . West Ham 's new owners , David Gold and David Sullivan , who took control of the club in January , made clear there would be changes at the end of the season , and they have been true to their word . The official statement read : `` West Ham United confirm that they have terminated the contract of Gianfranco Zola . `` The Board of Directors would like to thank him for his contribution and wish him well for the future . The Club will now be focusing its efforts on seeking a replacement . '' Meanwhile , ex-England coach Steve McLaren has been confirmed as Wolfsburg 's new coach . McLaren led Dutch side FC Twente to their first ever league title last season and will become the first English coach to take"} +{"answer":"to the French Football Federation -LRB- FFF -RRB- in a bid to get the game reconvened . The world 's worst football injustices `` The governing body of world football have to step up to the plate and accede to our call for a replay , '' FAI chief executive John Delaney told reporters . The FAI pointed to a precedent set in 2005 when a World Cup qualifier between Uzbekistan and Bahrain was replayed after the referee was found to have committed a technical error in the application of the laws of the game . But a FIFA spokesman said the precedent did not apply because the referee in the match `` saw the incident in question and simply failed to apply the proper rules '' . Irish prime minister Cowen raised the issue with French president Nicolas Sarkozy at a European Union -LRB- EU -RRB- summit in Brussels , where the two leaders were meeting to vote for the next president of Europe . Cowen told the Irish Independent newspaper : `` I did n't ask for a replay . I said , you know : ` What do you think ? ' and he said : `","question":"London , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The governing body of world football , FIFA , has turned down the request from the Irish Football Association -LRB- FAI -RRB- to replay their deciding World Cup play-off game against France . The controversial match , that was played on Wednesday , has caused a diplomatic storm after French forward Thierry Henry admitted to illegally using his hand to set-up the goal that gave his team a 2-1 aggregate victory to seal qualification to the tournament . But despite a letter sent to FIFA by the FAI , and calls from both the Irish prime minister Brian Cowen and Irish justice minister Dermot Ahern for the game to be replayed , the sport 's organizing body has refused the request . In a statement on their official Web site FIFA stated : `` The result of the match can not be changed and the match can not be replayed . As is clearly mentioned in the Laws of the Game , during matches , decisions are taken by the referee and these decisions are final . '' Irish football officials lodged an official complaint with FIFA on Thursday and sent a letter"} +{"answer":"Dinara Safina in the Australian Open final as `` embarrassing , pitiful and pathetic . '' `` Her humiliation of Dinara Safina was a terrible advertisement for a sport that has apparently disappeared up its own backside . '' Rather than provoking a tirade of abuse , many readers agreed with the author , outspoken Australian journalist and sports commentator , Rebecca Wilson . `` Right on the money . Women 's tennis is boring . Typical game . `` Ugh . Grunt . Ugh . Grunt . Ugh . Grunt . Out . Love-Fifteen , '' one said . Another added : `` It 's about time someone said what everyone was thinking . '' More chimed in : `` Everyone agrees , few will say it '' and `` totally agree . Women 's tennis is pathetic . '' A couple of dissenters in the crowd urged Wilson to turn her attentions elsewhere : `` The usual tripe that Wilson dishes up week after week , '' and `` please go away and let someone with something important to say use your space . '' What do you think ? Do women deserve equal prize money in tennis","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The polite hush that descends on the crowd seconds before service is nowhere to be heard when it comes to the issue of equal prize money in women 's tennis . Australian Open champion Serena Williams pocketed $ 1.3 million for the tournament , the same as male winner Rafael Nadal . It may be two years since Wimbledon and the French Open joined the other major tournaments in offering women the same cash prize as men , but for some tennis fans the issue is far from resolved . `` Admit it sisters , '' screamed one recent headline on Australian Web site AdelaideNow , `` this is not equal . '' The author went on : `` Political correctness , sexual equality and feminism all prevent many commentators from stating the bleeding obvious ... no sports watcher in their right minds could honestly say female tennis players , or golfers for that matter , deserve as much money as their male counterparts . '' The writer -- a woman -- went on to lambaste the world 's best female tennis players , describing world number one Serena Williams ' defeat of"} +{"answer":"roots ; mowing with a sharp blade to the right height -LRB- ask your local garden center what 's best where you live -RRB- ; and fertilizing in spring and fall . So promise yourself -- and your turf -- you 'll do that this year . In the meantime , here 's how to conquer the most common turf problems you 're likely to confront this summer . Fungal disease Symptoms : Circular patches of yellow-to-brown grass ; or blades with tiny red threads . Culprits : Powdery mildew , brown patch , dollar spot , and fusarium patch ; or red thread . These fungal diseases can take hold of stressed turf . Solutions : Though lawns will generally recover from small areas of infection , if a fungus is progressively marching across your yard , look for a fungicide with the active ingredient thiophanate-methyl and follow the directions . For an organic fix , search out a corn-gluten mix that will cure brown patch and weaken most other fungi . Then nurse your lawn back to health by practicing good lawn-care habits : Avoid excessive shade -LRB- prune back trees and large shrubs , if necessary -RRB-","question":"-LRB- This Old House -RRB- -- Unless you 're a perfect caretaker of your lawn -LRB- and , really , who is ? -RRB- , prepare for another round in the turf wars this summer . You 'll have to deal with a full frontal assault from the dandelions , of course . And an attack from the crabgrass . But you 'll face more stealthy opponents , too : root-chomping grubs and microscopic mildew that turn the grass from green to gray or brown . `` If a lawn is neglected , or cared for in a hit-or-miss way , it gets weak , '' says This Old House landscape contractor Roger Cook . `` And that 's when weeds , insects , or fungal diseases become a major problem . '' Little wonder that last year almost 50 million homeowners bought products to fight these invaders . But as in most battles , the best defense is a strong offense : doing everything right to cultivate healthy turf . That means giving it up to an inch and a half of water per week ; aerating and dethatching annually so water and nutrients can get down to the"} +{"answer":"basketball . He said his memory of the encounter resurfaced more than 20 years later , `` after being asked whether I had a son , and I then systematically explored all of my past for that possibility . '' `` I came across this set of recollections and in focusing on them , they amplified , '' he said . In the complaint , filed June 23 , Stovell says , `` I recently have concluded that a comprehensive , sophisticated and well-funded effort might well have been underway for quite some time , perhaps beginning in its present form as early as when defendant LeBron James was in high school , to frustrate identification of his real father , and that there is a likelihood that the father in question is me . '' He stopped short of saying he is certain he is James ' father . `` I do n't want to make such a definitive statement in the absence of corroborative evidence '' such as DNA , he said . Stovell said he filed the suit two weeks ago because a statute of limitations was about to expire . `` I have some limitation considerations","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Washington lawyer has filed a lawsuit in federal court , claiming he is the father of basketball star LeBron James . Leicester Stovell alleges that the athlete and his family have been involved in a cover-up to deny paternity by committing fraud and misrepresentation . He told HLN 's `` Prime News '' on Thursday that he wants `` a carefully structured and secure DNA test '' to prove he 's the NBA all-star 's father . Stovell says he has been trying for three years to establish paternity and is seeking $ 4 million in damages . An earlier test ruled out the possibility , but he said the test could have been tampered with -- `` and there are indications that there was a motivation . '' Stovell said he had sex with James ' mother , Gloria James , after meeting at a Washington bar while she was visiting from Ohio in 1984 . A few months later , she told him she was pregnant , but did not say whether he was the father . Stovell said his only request was that the child , if a boy , play"} +{"answer":"revolution that brought the Communist Party to power on the Chinese mainland . On Monday , the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council said China would provide 130 billion yuan -LRB- $ 19 billion -RRB- in financing over the next two to three years to Taiwan-based companies doing business in the mainland . Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou has been cultivating ties with Beijing since winning office in March . Ma , a Nationalist , opposes reunification with China but ran on a platform touting the economic benefits of better relations with the mainland . In June -- in the first formal talks between the two sides in almost a decade -- Chinese and Taiwanese officials agreed to set up permanent offices in each other 's territories . Taiwan separated from China after the communists ' victory in the Chinese civil war in 1949 . About 2 million Chinese Nationalists fled to Taiwan and set up a government there . Beijing has always considered the island a part of China and has threatened to go to war should Taiwan declare formal independence . China said in May 2005 it would give the island two giant pandas , but their departure","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Two giant pandas arrived in Taiwan Tuesday after leaving China 's Sichuan province for their new home , in a sign of improving ties between the cross-strait neighbors . Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan rest at a giant panda research center in Sichuan province on Monday . Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan , both four years old , had been living in Ya'an since the May 12 earthquake that damaged their former home in Wolong in Sichuan , according to the state-run Xinhua news agency . The pandas ate a meal of steamed corn buns and carrots before they were placed in a truck and taken to the Sichuan capital of Chengdu . From there , they were flown to Taiwan . `` They had a good breakfast to sustain them on the long journey , '' said a Taiwan keeper traveling with the animals to the island , according to Xinhua . The panda goodwill was the latest sign of warming relations between Beijing and Taipei . Watch more about the pandas '' Regularly scheduled commercial flights , shipping and mail between Taiwan and China resumed last week for the first time since the 1949"} +{"answer":"entities . '' `` It was my understanding that Western Precision was paying roughly $ 50,000 a week into the coffers of the church , '' former sect member Richard Holm said . `` It would have been close to $ 200,000 a month . '' Holm said he helped build Western Precision . A court affidavit signed by a man whose father was the president of Western Precision makes similar allegations . `` During 2003 , the amount being sent to the storehouse and the FLDS was around $ 100,000 per month , '' John Nielsen said in the October 26 , 2005 , affidavit . `` I have personal knowledge that checks sent to the FLDS Church\/Warren Jeffs by -LSB- Western Precision -RSB- are payable to the FLDS Church and\/or Warren Jeffs . '' Private investigator Sam Brower , who monitors the sect , said money earned through business dealings with the U.S. government was used to build Jeffs ' compounds across the country , including the one recently raided in Eldorado , Texas . More than 400 children , including teenage girls , were removed from that ranch amid claims of child abuse and forced marriage and","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The U.S. government paid more than $ 1.7 million in defense contracts over the last decade to companies owned by leaders of Warren Jeffs ' polygamous sect , with tens of thousands allegedly winding its way back to Jeffs and his church . The Pentagon had contracts with three companies with ties to Warren Jeffs ' polygamous sect . In fact , some of the deals were made after Jeffs was named to the FBI 's `` Most-Wanted List '' and remained in place while he was on the run . CNN has learned that between 1998 and 2007 , the United States Air Force and Defense Logistics Agency purchased more than $ 1.7 million worth of airplane parts from three companies owned by members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints , which practices polygamy . Those companies are Utah Tool and Die , Western Precision and NewEra Manufacturing . Today , the companies all operate under the name NewEra Manufacturing , a company based in Las Vegas , Nevada , that says it supplies precision components `` for the aerospace , military , medical , recreational and other commercial"} +{"answer":"worked as a maid in Ohio State University dormitories until her retirement , and lived at the Los Angeles convalescent home for more than 10 years . Last November , she became the oldest African-American to vote for President Obama and received a letter from him on her 115th birthday , Guinness World Records said . Witt said Baines planned to vote for Obama again in 2012 . Asked why she voted for Obama , Baines said it was because `` he 's for the colored people , '' according to footage from The Los Angeles Times . She said she never thought a black man could become president . `` Everybody 's glad for a colored man to be in there sometime , '' Baines said . `` We all are the same on the skin . It 's dark , and theirs is white . '' Baines had few complaints , her doctor said . She fussed about the bacon not being crisp enough and the arthritis in her knees , Witt said . The smooth skin on Baines ' face belied her 115 years , but she did n't attribute that to any anti-wrinkle cream or miracle","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Gertrude Baines , the world 's oldest person , has died in Los Angeles , California , at the age of 115 , according to the home where she lived and Guinness World Records said Saturday . Gertrude Baines said she attributed her longevity to not drinking or smoking . Gertrude Baines passed away at the Western Convalescent Hospital at 7:25 a.m. -LRB- 10:25 a.m. ET -RRB- Friday , Guinness World Records said . Born in 1894 , Baines became the world 's oldest person in January after the death of another 115-year-old , Maria de Jesus , from Portugal , Guinness World Records said . At her 115th birthday party in April , Baines shook her head in disbelief when presented with the certificate saying she was now in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world 's oldest person . `` She told me that she owes her longevity to the Lord , that she never did drink , never did smoke , and she never did fool around , '' her doctor , Dr. Charles Witt , said in April . Baines , whose grandparents were slaves ,"} +{"answer":"hall , with the officer and faculty member close behind . But the officer then slams him against the lockers and pins him on the floor -- breaking his nose , according to Manzke . Pitts was treated by a school nurse after the incident , then taken to the Dolton Police Department , where his mother picked him up , Manzke said . The officer was taken to a hospital and treated for an eye scratch , Manzke said . But , he said , the officer was never charged with anything and an explanation for the incident was never provided . In a written statement , Guy Lindsay , internal information officer for Dolton police , said the department was made aware of the incident and the tape on May 20 . After review of the tape , the officer was removed from the school and placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation , Lindsay said . While on administrative leave , the police officer returned to the department and voluntarily resigned , Lindsay said . The investigation continues , he said . In a statement obtained by CNN affiliate WGN , the Academy for","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Dolton , Illinois , police officer assigned to a school was placed on administrative leave and later resigned after a surveillance video surfaced of him allegedly assaulting a special-needs student , officials said . Videotape allegedly shows an unidentified police officer assaulting student Marshawn Pitts , 15 . Ed Manzke , an attorney who represents the student , Marshawn Pitts , 15 , told CNN Wednesday the officer beat Pitts for not adhering to the school 's dress code . The incident occurred in May at the Academy for Learning , a Dolton high school for special-needs students . Pitts was admitted to the school in May after moving from Iowa , Manzke said . He suffered brain injuries as a child when he was hit by a car . The police officer , who has not been identified , reprimanded Pitts for not tucking in his shirt as school dress code and policy requires . A video , released to Pitts ' parents by the school several weeks after the incident , showed Pitts talking to the officer and a faculty member grabbing Pitts ' arm . Pitts pulls away and walks down the"} +{"answer":"al Qaeda and urges him to `` control Ahmadinejad . '' `` Dear Obama hear us sing\/We 're ready for the change that you will bring\/Gonna shine the light for the world to see\/to spread peace hope and democracy . ... Fight for health care for the young so that coverage is available to everyone\/It 's time to find a renewable way to fuel our needs so we do n't end up depending on Chavez and the Middle East . '' Watch the students sing `` Dear Obama '' '' The kids will perform Tuesday at the Africa and International Friends Inaugural Ball , sharing a stage with Usher and Patti LaBelle , one of many events in their packed schedule highlighted by a luncheon gala Monday to honor the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. . `` I want to do good every song we perform . When the crowd cheers , I feel like we did a good job , '' said Willie Thornton , a seventh-grader . `` I feel a lot of adrenaline afterwards . '' The students have met the Kenyan Boys Choir , who told their American counterparts what kind of animals they might see","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- There was no shortage of superstars in Washington this week , including the middle school students of Atlanta , Georgia 's Ron Clark Academy . Ron Clark Academy students singing their newest song , `` Dear Obama , '' in Washington this week . `` There are those Obama kids ! '' `` Those are the kids from TV ! '' `` Sing for us ! '' The middle schoolers ' ode to the political process , `` You Can Vote However You Like , '' set to the tune of rapper T.I. 's `` Whatever You Like , '' has garnered exhilarating fame nationwide . Invited to perform at inauguration events , the boys and girls were stopped along every block in the capital by people who asked them to sing and pose for a picture . `` I have a sleepy energy , '' sixth-grader Kennedy Guest Pritchett said . `` I feed off of the crowd and their cheers . '' The students ' new song , `` Dear Obama , '' which they have performed this week , offers advice to the president on energy , taxes , financial regulation and"} +{"answer":"a nun . `` This was my life , I did n't know any other . I took it and I was very happy . Being a child performer opened up opportunities . From a fairly early age I was exposed to different cultures and was traveling round the world . It was a great education , '' she told CNN . Being given the opportunity to learn more about different people and experience different places was only one part of this education . While Midori has been practicing and honing her own skills , she has also been given the opportunity to give something back . In 1992 she set up Midori & Friends , a non-profit organization that brings musical education to young people in New York City . `` I was always interested in education ; not just receiving , but also helping others and being part of the community , '' she said . From Midori & Friends came Music Sharing , a similar organization in Japan , offering programs in public schools and children 's hospitals . While continuing to perform across the world with renowned orchestras she took some time out to further her","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- She is only 37 years old , but violinist Midori Goto has already spent 25 years taking center-stage with the world 's best orchestras . Midori first hit center-stage when she was just 11-years-old . Born into a musical family in Osaka , Japan , in 1971 -- her mother and brother are both accomplished musicians -- her own prodigious talents were spotted at an early age by Zubin Mehta , the conductor and one-time musical director of the New York Philharmonic . Inviting Midori to play with the New York Philharmonic in 1982 , he helped to propel her onto the world stage which has been such a large part of her life ever since . She moved to New York to study at the Juilliard School of performing arts and has lead a life entwined with music . Unlike some prodigiously talented people there is no hint of resentment directed toward her and the life she has led . Nor is there any notion of a stolen childhood , despite her admission that she did harbor dreams of being all sorts of other things , from an archeologist or diplomat to a zookeeper or"} +{"answer":"the Frenchman told the club 's official Web site . `` But this group is so strong mentally and have a unity , so this will give us one more reason to fight until the end and do it for him . `` We had some other problems two years ago . But on Saturday we had a midfield of Nasri , Fabregas , Ramsey , Song , Eboue . They have an average of 20 or 21 years old . Up front , Bendtner is 21 years old . `` At their age , to handle the game like they did is absolutely remarkable . '' Wenger 's dedication to `` the beautiful game '' has often seen his team criticized for being `` soft '' but he said that he often tells his players off for not committing to tackles . `` I encourage my players to play and be committed , '' he said . `` I have a go at them when they do n't put their foot in sometimes . `` But as well , sometimes I nearly feel guilty to do that because when Aaron goes for the ball like he did on Saturday","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has called on his team to continue their rejuvenated bid to win the English Premier League title in the wake of the horrific broken leg suffered by young midfielder Aaron Ramsey . The 19-year-old Wales international has been ruled out for the rest of the season after sustaining fractures to the tibia and fibula in his right leg in Saturday 's 3-1 victory against Stoke City . The injury , caused by a challenge from Stoke 's new England squad member Ryan Shawcross , brought back memories of the horror break suffered by Arsenal teammate Eduardo against Birmingham two years ago . Ramsey is seen as a star of the future , having impressed after making 29 appearances in his second season with the club . The Londoners battled back from 1-0 down at Stoke to move to within three points of leaders Chelsea , who had two players sent off in a 4-2 defeat at home to Manchester City on Saturday . Wenger believes his team can still win the title despite recent defeats to Chelsea and second-placed Manchester United . `` It will be tight until the end , ''"} +{"answer":"on a diet of Melba toast , carrots , and black coffee , '' she said . `` I began recovering at 18 , when a sweet friend confronted me . '' Now that she 's older , Morissette , 35 , said she 's no longer starving herself and has begun to look at eating as `` a sort of spiritual practice . '' Her healthier view of food and nutrition is thanks in no small part to a book she discovered a few years ago called `` Eat to Live . '' `` It 's become my bible , pushing me to completely reorient my thinking about what to put into my body . ... Now I concentrate on eating high-nutrient foods like fruit , nuts , collards , kale and spinach . I 'm obsessed with them . I even put spinach in my smoothies , '' the Canadian musician admitted . The seven-time Grammy Award winner has also sworn off dairy , on a tip from Woody Harrelson , no less . `` Woody Harrelson -LSB- told -RSB- me I needed to get rid of the dairy in my fridge to clear up my skin ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Alanis Morissette was the definition of `` fierce '' when she arrived on the American music scene with one of the big break-up songs of the '90s , `` You Oughta Know . '' But behind that tough exterior were secrets of a difficult past . `` As a teen , I was both anorexic and bulimic , '' Alanis Morissette recently told Health magazine for its December issue . `` I was a young woman in the public eye , on the receiving end of a lot of attention , and I was trying to protect myself from men who were using their power in ways I was too young to know how to handle . '' By the time Morissette was 14 , she had already starred in a popular Canadian children 's show , started her own record label and had a publishing contract with MCA Canada , according to her Web site . `` Disappointment , sadness and pain hit me hard , and I tried to numb those feelings through my relationship with food . For four to six months at a time , I would barely eat . I lived"} +{"answer":"Hugo Chavez , and defeated Mexican Antonio DeMarco in his most recent fight , in February this year . A statement on the WBC 's official Web site read : `` Jose Sulaiman , World Boxing Council President , and all the members of the organization , are deeply saddened , moved and in sorrow due to the tragedy that took place regarding the case of WBC Lightweight world champion , Edwin Valero , who committed suicide in his cell after having killed his wife . `` Valero was very close to the World Boxing Council President and many of its members , who witnessed the happy years of the fighter when he won his Lightweight world title on April 4th , 2009 , and when he defended such title last February 6th , in Monterrey , where he was joined by his wife and two little children for two weeks , showing a behavior and a humanitarian sense that were very far from what happened . `` The World Boxing Council declares today , April 19th , 2010 , a day of world mourning , as well as it informs that the organization will begin analyzing a plan to","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Venezuelan world lightweight boxing champion Edwin Valero committed suicide in his prison cell after being arrested for the murder of his wife , according to the World Boxing Council -LRB- WBC -RRB- . The 28-year-old had confessed to stabbing his wife Jennifer Carolina Viera de Valero in a hotel in the city of Valencia on Sunday before taking his own life , police confirmed . Valero was found in his cell hanged by his own clothes and though he showed some signs of life he later died , police chief Wilmer Flores Trosel told state television . `` A prisoner nearby heard noises inside the cell and told officials , who immediately went and found the boxer Valero hanging with his own clothes , '' he said . The WBC said Valero is the only fighter in 300 years of the sport who can boast a 100 percent knock out rate from his 27 fights . Valero , nicknamed `` The Inca , '' had recently gone into alcohol rehabilitation and was detained in March for mistreating his wife , according to media reports . He had a distinctive tattoo on his chest of Venezuelan President"} +{"answer":"also joined in . Mickey Kaus of Slate said that the president should say thanks , but no thanks . `` Turn it down ! Politely decline . Say he 's honored but he has n't had the time yet to accomplish what he wants to accomplish . '' Liberal columnist Richard Cohen wrote a mocking column , comparing Obama 's award to a fictional award given to Sarah Palin for promising to `` read a book someday . '' We are all glad that Norway loves Obama , but come on . Let 's get serious . I am reminded of when Chicago White Sox owner Jerry Reinsdorf decided to retire the jersey of longtime White Sox player Harold Baines . It was a little premature for Baines to get his uniform retired when he himself was playing for another team . -LRB- Baines played a couple more years , surely the only instance where a player 's uniform was retired before the player was . -RRB- Awarding Obama the Nobel Peace Prize is similarly premature . In fact , the White House seemed as surprised as anybody about the gesture . I imagine that when Obama first picked","question":"Editor 's note : John Feehery worked for former House Speaker Dennis Hastert and other Republicans in Congress . He is president of Feehery Group , a Washington-based advocacy firm that has represented clients that include News Corp. , Ford Motor Co. and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce . He formerly was a government relations executive vice president for the Motion Picture Association of America . John Feehery says he 's proud Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize , but now the president needs to earn it . WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Usually , when a president wins the Nobel Peace Prize , it is uniformly seen as a positive development for America and for the world . Both opponents and allies tend to celebrate the fact that an American president actually got recognized by a bunch of Norwegians for something he achieved . But with Barack Obama , who surprisingly picked up his first Nobel Prize on Friday , the reaction was not altogether positive from either the left or the right . You would expect that conservatives would raise questions about the president 's award . Conservatives raise questions about everything the president does . But liberals"} +{"answer":"cartoonishly obstructed by rich , middle-aged tourists covered head to toe in unnecessary beige safari gear . However , Kruger National Park seemed to fit , quite perfectly , my idea of the African savannah . Arid and brown from the winter dry season , it was a forever-long expanse of low trees and dusty earth , the kind that somehow allows the early sun to reflect that perfect glow of stunning reds and oranges . See the animals '' Our guide was a self-proclaimed African bushman named Elson , who seemed to have an amazing one-ness with both the land and the animals . We 'd be driving down one of the many nondescript dirt roads at a fairly fast pace , only to have him hit the brakes of our jeep , slam into reverse and point out a leopard 200 yards away . It would take the rest of us a fair bit of time to finally see what he noticed at a mere passing glance . He knew the land , and he knew the animals -- a talent that proved helpful for finding the less common residents in the savannah . The other creatures carelessly","question":"Editor 's note : We asked readers to weigh in on CNN.com Live producer Jarrett Bellini 's vacation destination , and you chose South Africa . Check back for updates on his trip . Giraffes are a common sight in Kruger National Park . KRUGER NATIONAL PARK , South Africa -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- I spent two nights sleeping under a full-moon sky , nestled in my trusty hammock at Kruger National Park . Our guides provided us with tents , but I figured I would n't have too many opportunities in my life to slumber in the open bush on the African continent . Thus , I rested more or less exposed throughout the night , hoping that a lion would n't figure that he would n't have too many opportunities in his life to maul a sleeping American tourist in the open bush on the African continent . Needless to say , I survived , and it was magnificent . Visually speaking , I was n't sure what , exactly , to expect from a South African safari , for my complete mental database of safari images spanned a wide variety of distinct landscapes , and most were"} +{"answer":"of dusty prayer books -- one is 400 years old , he says -- spending holidays with visitors from Europe and the U.S. and surviving off donations from Jews around the world . Historical evidence suggests a sizable Jewish community in Afghanistan since the Middle Ages , according to the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise , a nonprofit group . Afghanistan 's Jewish population reached 40,000 in the mid-19th century , the group says , and began declining around 1870 with the passage of anti-Jewish measures . Israel 's creation in 1948 drew most of Afghanistan 's remaining Jews . Simintov 's synagogue -- the last in Afghanistan 's capital -- sits inconspicuously in a courtyard behind busy city streets , though a close inspection reveals Stars of David in second-story metal railings . The interior is adorned only by broken light fixtures and ceiling fans . But Simintov says he is hardly in hiding . `` They 're all like my brothers here , '' he said of his fellow Afghans . `` It does n't make a difference whether I 'm here or in Israel . '' That was n't the case under Taliban rule , which ended with the","question":"Kabul , Afghanistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Zablon Simintov is always guaranteed the best seat in his local synagogue here , but the privilege comes with a downside : he 's the last Jew in Afghanistan . The country 's 800-year-old Jewish community -- an estimated 40,000 strong at its peak -- is now a party of one . But Simintov , for his part , is n't going anywhere soon . For more than a decade , he has refused to join his wife and two teenage daughters in Israel . `` My family call me all the time and say , ` Come here , you 're the last Jew in Afghanistan , what are you doing there ? ' '' he says . Simintov , a former carpet dealer , refuses to answer that question . `` I do n't know why I 'm still living here , '' he says . `` It 's God 's will . '' He has n't seen his daughters -- now ages 14 and 16 -- since his one trip to Israel 12 years ago . But the bald and bespectacled Simintov says he is content guarding a cupboard full"} +{"answer":"humongous I had to wash myself with a ShamWow stapled to a broom handle , I could see the value in such sites . But I 'm not isolated , nor confined to a forklift . I do n't need a middleman brokering a get together between the potential woman of my dreams and my own abilities to self-sabotage and humiliate myself . I can do this without an intermediary . The Frisky : Have to go online to get a date ? This might or might not be a totally uninformed opinion . The extent of my research began and ended with me signing up for OK Cupid , and failing to finish my profile . I could n't even bring myself to pick a pseudonym , which just seemed like the first of many lies required to meet anyone . Do I call myself OptimusGandalf and admit from the get-go that I 'm an alpha nerd ? Do I overshare a little too much and pick EdgarAllanEeyore ? Or do I just admit to being a snarky , pretentious creep and go for HumbertHumbert ? The Frisky : Online dating dos and do n'ts I tried to fill","question":"-LRB- The Frisky -RRB- -- Groucho Marx once famously quipped `` I do n't care to belong to a club that would have me as a member . '' I sort of feel the same way about online dating sites . There has got to be a better way to meet people . Sadly , mental telepathy does not work . Unless you know what I was just thinking , in which case , e-mail me . We flock to digital artifices that both feed and coddle our egos , says writer of online dating sites . I 've recently begun ... researching popular dating sites . Not because I need a date . No ! I do n't need a date . I 'm up to my ears in hot lady action . No , this research is for you , for all of you . It 's a testament to my generosity of spirit I waded through these interweb love sewers in order to impart some sort of wisdom . Here 's the wisdom : dating sites are terrible . Possibly , if I was in prison , an Alaskan crab fisherman or a morbidly obese shut-in so"} +{"answer":"Mancini appear less credible after club president Massimo Moratti announced that the coach had changed his mind about leaving at the end of the season . `` I 've had a talk with Mancini , who confirmed to me that he wanted to stay at Inter next year to see out his contract . He wants to win the Champions League for us next season , '' Moratti said on March 12 . `` Mancini 's words surprised me , I did n't expect it and even less so I believe the people close to him . '' Mourinho , nicknamed ` The Special One ' for guiding Porto to the Champions League in 2004 and then Chelsea to two Premier League titles , would not come cheap , but the exit of Mancini has cost Inter dear too as his contract , which runs till 2012 , will leave him 24 million euros richer as compensation . However , Mancini was unable to make Inter into viable Champions League contenders despite the three Serie A titles . Mancini is the ninth coaching casualty under Moratti , following Ottavio Bianchi , Roy Hodgson , Luigi Simoni , Mircea Lucescu ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Serie A champions Inter Milan have confirmed the dismissal of coach Roberto Mancini , opening the way for former Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho to replace him . Mancini guided Inter Milan to the Italian league title for three successive seasons . Ironically , the 43-year-old Mancini , who guided Inter to three successive Italian league titles , is now the favorite to take Mourinho 's former job at Stamford Bridge . Inter -- who won the first of their three titles in 2006 because those above them were demoted or deducted points over the matchfixing scandal -- released a statement about the sacking . `` Inter Milan have informed Roberto Mancini that he has been relieved of his role as coach , especially because of his comments that he was not going to stay after the end of the season following the Champions League tie against Liverpool on March 11 , '' read their statement . Mancini , however , rescinded those comments the following day declaring that he had made them in the heat of the moment following Inter 's elimination from the competition , losing 3-0 on aggregate . Inter 's reasons for sacking"} +{"answer":"his life back together . He had just gotten a job on ` Spin City . ' And I really admired his strength and courage for overcoming addiction , and being so humble about it . `` And that 's what attracted me to him . So the Charlie that some of you have seen over the last six months is not the person that I met and married . '' Richards went on to say that Sheen was `` amazing '' when they first met . `` He was so humbled and sweet , and charming and funny . And had such a great heart , and very honest . And we just had a very deep connection . '' Morgan asked Richards about her take on `` the recent circus of Charlie 's life . '' `` From the beginning of it I was very worried , '' she said . `` And it made me sad to see him that way . And so I was concerned . I was concerned for our children . '' Richards said that , in dealing with Sheen , the couple 's two daughters -- Sam , 7 , and Lola","question":"Watch the full interview with Denise Richards tonight . `` Piers Morgan Tonight '' airs weeknights on CNN\/US at 9 p.m. ET and on CNN International at 0200 GMT -LRB- Live simulcast -RRB- , 1200 GMT and 2000 GMT \/ HKT 2000 CNN -- `` If Charlie -LSB- Sheen -RSB- is to sort his life out , '' Piers Morgan asked Denise Richards . `` Can you ever imagine a scenario where you might one day get back together ? '' `` I 'm way too old for him now , '' joked Richards , who turned 40 this year . `` I 'm way past his age range . '' The actress and mother of three is a guest on Thursday 's `` Piers Morgan Tonight . '' Richards is also a first-time author . Her new book , `` The Real Girl Next Door , '' was released this week . Richards told Morgan that she and Sheen have been split up for six years . The couple 's divorce was finalized in 2006 . `` When we fell in love , '' Richards said , `` he had been sober for three years . He was getting"} +{"answer":"280 clients with vehicle-related services . `` Receiving ... the car is more than just the car , '' said Jacobs . `` People literally see how it 's going to change their life '' by knocking down an obstacle that had gotten in their way due to lack of transportation . Jacobs would know . The 59-year-old Tampa resident lost access to reliable transportation more than a decade ago when she ended a relationship and left her car behind . While staying with a friend who lived far from a bus line and across town from Jacobs ' evening job , she had to hitch rides to work . That did not last long , Jacobs said , thanks to a used car dealership owner who loaned Jacobs three clunkers while she saved the money to buy her own car . But soon she saw others in a similar predicament . In 2000 , as the manager of a staffing agency , Jacobs was struck by the high number of clients who lost jobs in which her office had placed them because they could n't always get there . Others turned down positions and promotions because limited public transportation","question":"TAMPA BAY , Florida -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Judging by her proud expression as she left the parking lot in her 1991 Honda Accord for the first time , Jessica Ostrofsky could have been driving a brand new sports car . Susan Jacobs ' Wheels of Success program helps low-income workers get their own cars . `` I 'm so happy , '' she said with a laugh . `` Having this -LSB- car -RSB- is going to change my life drastically because it 's going to make me totally independent . '' Ostrofsky , 31 , a single mother of three , had been leaving her house before dawn -- toting a stroller , car seat , diaper bag and purse -- to catch a bus . She would go first to her children 's baby sitter and then to work . The trip took up to three hours . But on Labor Day , the St. Petersburg , Florida , resident and 19 others received their own cars , thanks to Susan Jacobs ' Wheels of Success program . Since 2003 , Wheels of Success has refurbished 280 donated cars for low-income individuals and families and helped another"} +{"answer":"and Sam Rockwell -- and how they did not know how to communicate honestly with him . His children were not living the lives he had fantasized for them . `` It 's easier not to face up to the truth , '' Jones said . Audiences emerged from preview screenings thinking about their own parents or children , Jones said . `` People are coming out of the movie , almost without exception , saying ` I 've got to ring my mom , I 've got to ring my dad , ' '' Jones said . The strongest reactions have come from people between 24 and 35 , many of whom told Jones he 's `` scratched a nerve , '' he said . `` They were saying ` That 's me . That 's my dad . Those are my parents . ' '' `` Most people have got regrets , '' he said . `` When they leave their parents , everyone looks back and thinks , ' I should have invited them on holiday with us that time or I should have made it that weekend or I should have just called them more often","question":"Los Angeles , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- If you stared at empty seats around your Thanksgiving dinner table , Robert DeNiro 's newest film could help . Parents who want their kids home for Christmas may do well by persuading them to see `` Everybody 's Fine , '' which opens next Friday in U.S. theaters . `` I 'm hoping it might catch the moment , and it might catch the Christmas spirit and the Thanksgiving spirit , '' director-writer Kirk Jones told CNN over coffee in Hollywood . The movie is targeted at people with parents , brothers , sisters or children , Jones said . `` Pretty much everyone , '' Jones said . `` It 's about family . '' The story centers around a cross-country journey by DeNiro 's character struggling to bring together his grown children for Christmas , several months after their mother 's death . DeNiro reveals a sensitive , aging father who imagines that `` everybody 's fine '' -- a solace for his lonely suffering . Each stop reveals how his wife had sheltered him from bad news about his kids -- played by Drew Barrymore , Kate Beckinsale"} +{"answer":"care bill , in part because he felt there were not enough medical malpractice reforms , and he voted against the stimulus bill . But he was centrist on social issues , a supporter of abortion rights and gay rights . He was concerned about the environment and climate change and was no great fan of the National Rifle Association . In other words , he was no hyperconservative warrior but an excellent fit for his state , and one of the most broadly popular politicians precisely because he was center-right . He was consequently considered an easy pick to succeed Vice President Joe Biden in the Senate and flip the seat from Democrat to Republican . But in the tea party-driven purges of 2010 , Mike Castle was considered a traitor to the conservative cause because he had a record of working across the aisle . And so they turned to activist and serial candidate Christine O'Donnell . Keep a few things in mind . O'Donnell had just five in-state donations in the first quarter of the 2010 cycle . But in the third quarter , as the RINO-hunting fever took hold , she received a quarter-million dollars in","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- One year ago this week , America got a wake-up call about a core problem in our politics that empowers ideological extremists and special interests . On September 14 , 2010 , both Delaware Rep. Mike Castle and Washington Mayor Adrian Fenty lost closed partisan primaries , depriving most voters of a chance to vote for them in a general election . One a Republican and the other a Democrat , they both fell prey to a system that is rigged to punish political independence and that artificially polarizes American politics . Each of their stories is worth retelling . One gave us Christine O'Donnell , and the other was regarded as a serious , but hopefully temporary , setback to education reform . Call it a case of RINO -LRB- Republican in name only -RRB- - hunting and DINO-hunting -- the results are far-reaching . Mike Castle was a former governor and longtime Republican congressman from Delaware . He had established a fiscally conservative record as the successor to supply-sider Pete DuPont , balancing the budget and cutting tax rates three times . As a congressman , he voted against President Barack Obama 's health"} +{"answer":"was a former airman second class . `` Without -LSB- Dickey 's -RSB- persistence , these two individuals would be placed in a county-owned site , '' said Wesley Jones , director of the Bakersfield National Cemetery . `` Nobody would have known . ... Nobody would have any concept of who these individuals were . '' Leon Thomas , who served in the U.S. Army in Korea in 1951 and was awarded the Purple Heart and a Bronze Star medal for bravery , helped spread the word about the double funeral . `` The folks at the coroner 's office are patriotic Americans , '' Thomas said . `` We got on the phone and on the Internet and invited our friends . '' News of the funeral even made the local paper . `` I really did n't know there would be this many people to come out , '' Sprayberry said . And come they did , civilians and veterans . An awning built to shade mourners from the hot San Joaquin Valley sun was not big enough to cover everyone . A few brought umbrellas for shade . Many held American flags , some small and","question":"Bakersfield , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When Vincent Barrett died alone in July at age 72 , the coroner 's office could not find any next of kin . Similarly , Ronald Axtell was listed as indigent -- no survivors and no funds for a funeral -- when he died at age 69 . And yet a small army of men and women gathered to pay their respects to the two men , both Air Force veterans , as they were buried at Bakersfield National Cemetery in September . Marsha Dickey , who works in the Kern County coroner 's office , was instrumental in making sure the men got the honors they deserved . `` She worked very hard to see that they were veterans ... and without that ... we probably would not be here today to honor them , '' said Lynn Sprayberry , founder and chairwoman of Friends of Fallen Heroes , a local organization that makes sure veterans receive a respectful service at Bakersfield National Cemetery . The coroner 's office also discovered that Barrett , a former staff sergeant , had been awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received in Korea . Axtell"} +{"answer":"Industry grant will be used to train the former military members for 96 hours in beginner welding over an eight-week period . `` As more troops return home after tours of duty , it 's important that we provide tools and resources to help them reintegrate into civilian life , '' Allegheny County Executive Dan Onorato told WPXI-TV in Pittsburgh . Read the full report on WPXI South : Library to teach computer skills to job seekers In Franklin , Tennessee , the county library is trying to help older job seekers by expanding its computer course offerings . Teachers will instruct students on how to use social networking sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn to search for jobs as well as make sure they have basic skills . `` If you do n't know those skills and you ca n't use them readily , it makes everything else so much harder , '' said Janice Keck , director of the Williamson County Public Library , told WSMV-TV in Nashville , Tennessee . Read the full report on WSMV Midwest : Indiana business to add 125 positions An Indianapolis , Indiana , life science firm is more than doubling the","question":"Editor 's note : CNN affiliates report on where job seekers are finding work across the country and how those looking for employment are coping with the situation . Tennessee 's Williamson County Public Library in Franklin is trying to improve computer skills of older job seekers . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An Ohio company transforming its business model will build its headquarters in the town of Greenville . LAH Development will become a wind turbine manufacturer and installer after years of constructing commercial buildings . The company 's new building is expected to cost $ 1 million , CNN affiliate WHIO-TV in Dayton reported . The state of Ohio has granted the company a tax credit of almost $ 400,000 to help create jobs . The company expects to hire 100 new employees . iReport.com : Share your job hunt story Under an agreement with the state , the company is required to operate at the new site for 12 years . Read the full report on WHIO Northeast : Grant money used to train veterans Pennsylvania is providing $ 311,000 to train 80 unemployed veterans in the field of welding . The state 's Department of Labor and"} +{"answer":"the toad , makes notes on its behavior -LRB- Is a mate stuck to its back ? Is it headed toward a pond ? -RRB- and uploads the information so scientists can use it . Oh , and she moves the toad out of traffic 's way , too . While her nighttime hobby may sound a bit strange , Jirachareonkul is far from alone in her efforts to collect amateur scientific data . At a time when climate change and urbanization are poised to set off a new wave of extinction , some members of the scientific community are turning toward backyard biologists for the data they need to monitor ecosystems and protect struggling species . This `` citizen science '' movement is not exactly new , but it has grown fresh legs as the Internet and social-networking sites help people with uber-specified and often bizarre interests gang up for a cause . Amateur-produced Web sites now serve as data hubs for squirrel sightings , bird photos , ant anthologies , snapshots of leaves , flowers and trees , water quality info , beetle hunts and firefly tracking , among others . Find links at CNN 's SciTech blog","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As a hobby , Suzie Jirachareonkul , a teacher and mother of two , spends many of her nights searching for endangered toads on the country roads near her home outside Cape Town , South Africa . Volunteers in South Africa are collecting data on the Western Leopard Toad , which is endangered . She often finds them flattened on the street . `` They 're so beautiful and it 's just really hard to live with , especially when you 're living on the road right here , '' the 33-year-old said of the toad deaths . `` So we started doing something about it . We started saving them off the road in the middle of the rain . '' When a scientist caught onto her efforts , Jirachareonkul and a friend assembled about 20 volunteers -- a group she calls the `` Toad NUTS '' -- to collect data on the endangered Western Leopard Toad . The information they collect is being used in scientific research . Each time Jirachareonkul comes upon one of the spotted , faintly iridescent creatures , she springs into action . She marks down GPS coordinates , measures"} +{"answer":"this move , all cases at Guantanamo are now in line with the president 's order to halt court proceedings at the detention center , according to Gordon . Al-Nashiri is accused of planning the October 2000 bombing of the Cole while it was in the Yemeni port of Aden . The attack killed 17 American sailors and crippled the vessel , which returned to service in 2002 . The Office of Military Commissions , which manages the prosecutions of suspected terrorists , said last week that it might have to temporarily drop charges against al-Nashiri to comply with the presidential order . When prosecutors asked for a continuance in the trial , Pohl denied the request , saying the government 's `` argument for continuances were unpersuasive , '' according to a copy of his opinion . Pohl noted there had been no previous requests for a delay , and that the public 's interest in a speedy trial would be harmed by further delay . Al-Nashiri was captured in 2002 . He was held in secret locations until being transferred to Guantanamo Bay in 2006 . Meanwhile , the White House has invited families of sailors who died","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The U.S. government has dropped charges against Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri , the suspect in the bombing of the destroyer USS Cole , according to a Pentagon spokesman . Parents and friends at the funeral in 2000 for a sailor killed during the bombing of the USS Cole . The charges were dropped `` without prejudice '' by Susan Crawford , convening authority at the U.S. prison camp at Guantanamo Bay , Cuba , according to Pentagon spokesman Cmdr. Jeffrey Gordon . The proceeding did not address specifics of the government 's case against al-Nashiri , who remains a `` high value '' detainee held at Guantanamo . In removing the charges without prejudice , prosecutors can resubmit charges at a later date while at the same time complying with President Barack Obama 's order to the military to hold off on cases for four months . On his first day in office , Obama ordered the halt , requiring prosecutors to seek delays in the 14 active cases before military commissions there . But the judge , Col. James Pohl , ordered arraignment for Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri to go ahead as scheduled on Monday . With"} +{"answer":"Some opposition activists say it 's time for the international community to declare a no-fly zone over Syria , as it did in Libya , to blunt the regime 's overwhelming military advantage . -LRB- There is no sign that Western powers are willing to do this . -RRB- Confrontations are also taking on sectarian overtones that could lead to a wider explosion of communal violence . There have been sectarian shootings and assassinations of prominent local people outside their homes . Residents say the government has begun deploying largely Alawite militia in Sunni neighborhoods such as Khaldiye , Bab Sbaa , Bab Dre\u00c3 \u00af b and Bab Amro . Though Syria is majority Sunni , its leadership tends to belong to the Alawite sect . Homs has long been a divided city , with Alawites living in the south and a rapidly growing Sunni population predominant in other neighborhoods . Opposition activists claim that the regime is trying to incite sectarian strife in an effort to divide opponents and show what civil war in Syria might look like . Residents of Homs who recently fled to neighboring Lebanon , and do n't want to be identified due to security","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The cell phone video stutters as it records the movement of soldiers and Syrian militia on the streets from an upstairs window . A whispered commentary describes the scene . Another video shows vehicles riddled with bullet holes , shattered apartments , glass shards and concrete lumps mixed with patches of blood . In yet another , protesters flee as heavy-caliber weapons fire ricochets off buildings . All are scenes purportedly filmed in recent days in Homs , Syria 's third-largest city . Security forces have sealed off entire neighborhoods ; others are blocked by barricades thrown up by protesters . At night , street rallies take place in areas `` liberated '' from government control . The many videos uploaded on social media sites , as well as residents ' accounts , suggest some neighborhoods in Homs -- at the heart of opposition to the regime of President Bashar al-Assad -- are beginning to resemble Sarajevo at the height of the Bosnian civil war . That resistance is now becoming more organized and armed . Army deserters calling themselves the Free Syrian Army are helping with the defense of districts opposed to the regime ."} +{"answer":"to battle an image of arrogance and nationalism . Written by William J. Lederer and Eugene Burdick , the novel chronicled American foreign policy and diplomacy failures in a fictitious developing nation . In the book , the American ambassador to the country is portrayed as crude and inept . That enduring legacy has not been easy to shake , and even the U.S. president knows the score . During a recent trek to Turkey , President Obama said in his remarks at the Tophane Cultural Center in Istanbul that he knows the `` stereotypes of the United States are out there . '' `` Sometimes it suggests that America has become selfish and crass , or that we do n't care about the world beyond us , '' he said . `` And I 'm here to tell you that that 's not the country that I know and it 's not the country that I love . '' Whitman , the author of the `` Wanderlust and Lipstick '' guides and publisher of `` Traveling with Kids , '' often gives lectures and workshops -- many geared toward female travelers -- and speaks on the importance of Americans","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When travel author Beth Whitman was in Vietnam , she witnessed a group of young American male travelers rough-housing in the streets outside of the Rex Hotel . Americans traveling to sites around the world like the Blue Mosque in Istanbul should be respectful . In their youthful , loud exuberance , they ended up ripping each other 's shirts as they horsed around . `` I thought to myself that those shirts probably cost maybe 20 , 30 , 40 dollars apiece , and here you are in a culture where the people may not be even making that much on a monthly basis . `` It 's that sort of thing , just not being aware how off-putting that can be to the local culture . '' Such behavior , while seemingly harmless , can help to cement the moniker of `` the ugly American , '' which came to refer to loud , rude and thoughtless behavior of U.S. citizens abroad . The term came about as a result of the book `` The Ugly American , '' and more than 50 years after its publication , those from the United States continue"} +{"answer":"911 dispatcher . Listen to the frantic 911 call '' `` Please , come help me , '' she says , her voice cracking . `` Please . '' The 911 dispatcher draws silent for a moment . `` Alright , ma'am . Just stay as calm as possible . '' During the next 12 minutes , the dispatcher would try to reassure Burciaga as she elicited clues as to the caller 's exact whereabouts . It was a neighborhood Burciaga knew well . She 'd lived there for the past decade . She was known as the neighborhood mom who would take anyone who needed help to the dentist or the doctor . Fluent in Spanish , she would often act as translator . `` She was a very loving mother , a good wife , a strong woman , '' said Pedro Burciaga , her husband of 14 years . `` She liked helping everyone , and overall she worked very hard . ... She always had a smile for everyone . '' As her life teetered in the balance , she described being near a yellow house and tried to give other details of where her vehicle","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Seydi Burciaga just finished her overnight shift at Sam 's Club , where she worked for the past 10 years . She made her way through the pouring rain in her minivan and turned onto her cul-de-sac in suburban Atlanta . Seydi and Pedro Burciaga were married for 14 years with two children . `` She was a very loving mother , '' he said . She was three-tenths of a mile from home . The mother of two young children never made it . Floodwaters from a swollen creek swept her Nissan Quest from Desiree Drive around 5 a.m. Monday . On a normal day , the creek is only a few feet wide . But days of nonstop rain turned the seemingly harmless waterway into a raging river . It sits at the bottom of a steep hill on a street with no lights . It would 've been nearly impossible to see the swift-moving water or how deep it was in the pre-dawn darkness . Her car was picked up and carried behind an elementary school and lodged in trees . Water was coming in fast , she told a"} +{"answer":"than an hour and for the first 25 minutes everything was fine , Koepcke recalled . `` Then we flew into heavy clouds and the plane started shaking . My mother was very nervous . Then to the right we saw a bright flash and the plane went into a nose dive . My mother said , ` This is it ! ' '' An accident investigation later found that one of the fuel tanks of the Lockheed Electra had been hit by a bolt of lightning which had torn the right wing off . `` We were headed straight down . Christmas presents were flying around the cabin and I could hear people screaming . '' Watch Koepcke tell her dramatic survivor 's story '' As the plane broke into pieces in midair , Koepcke was thrust out into the open air : `` Suddenly there was this amazing silence . The plane was gone . I must have been unconscious and then came to in midair . I was flying , spinning through the air and I could see the forest spinning beneath me . '' Then Koepcke lost consciousness again . She fell more than three kilometers","question":"MUNICH , Germany -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Juliane Koepcke is not someone you 'd expect to attract attention . Plainly dressed and wearing prescription glasses , Koepcke sits behind her desk at the Zoological Center in Munich , Germany , where she 's a librarian . Juliane Koepcke fell more than 3kms after the plane in which she was traveling broke up in midair . Yet this unassuming middle aged woman has one of the most exciting and unbelievable stories of tragedy and survival to tell . It was Christmas Eve , 1971 , when Koepcke , then aged 17 , and her mother boarded a Lockheed Electra turboprop for a flight from Lima , Peru , to Pucallpa in the Amazonian rainforest . Her parents , both famous zoologists , ran a research station in the jungle studying wildlife . The airline , LANSA , had already lost two aircraft in previous crashes . `` We knew the airline had a bad reputation , '' Koepcke told CNN , `` but we desperately wanted to be with my father for Christmas , so we figured it would be alright . '' The flight was supposed to last for less"} +{"answer":", some chanted `` Justice for Michael , '' and many of them carried signs , transforming a wall outside the courthouse into an international billboard . `` Bulgaria Loves MJ , '' one sign said . So do the Netherlands , Romania and Malaysia , according to the signed posters taped to the wall . A doctor in a while coat preached about safe ways to administer anesthesia . A Michael Jackson impersonator preened for the cameras . `` Even in death , Michael Jackson can draw a crowd , '' said Najee Ali , a Los Angeles civil rights activist who grew up in Jackson 's hometown , Gary , Indiana . Ali was the force behind the `` Caravan of Love '' to support Jackson when he was acquitted in Santa Barbara of child molestation charges in 2005 . Julie Jenkins , 31 , came from Australia and was rewarded by winning the lottery for one of the courtroom seats available to the public . She has been a Michael Jackson fan since she was 7 and wore black jeans , a red shirt , a black armband and aviator sunglasses in honor of her idol .","question":"Los Angeles -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- They came seeking justice as the sun rose Tuesday over a courthouse in the heart of downtown Los Angeles made famous by its celebrity trials -- O.J. Simpson , Snoop Dogg , Phil Spector . But there were almost as many definitions of justice as there were justice seekers . Some shouted `` Murderer ! '' as the defendant , Conrad Murray , arrived at the Clara Foltz Justice Center for the start of his involuntary manslaughter trial in the death of pop superstar Michael Jackson . `` Dr. Murray , '' corrected Beatrice Fakhrian , a supporter of the defendant . `` He has earned that title . '' So began the long-anticipated trial of the personal physician accused of causing the death of one of the most famous people in the world . More than 100 people from France , Spain and Australia , as well as the far-flung suburbs of Los Angeles , crowded into the dingy courthouse plaza , jockeying for a chance at one of just six courtroom seats , or to say their piece in front of television cameras . Some read psalms , some handed out sunflowers"} +{"answer":", Texas Rep. Lamar Smith said , we `` should also avoid the temptation to legislate in this area . Football -- like soccer , rugby and even basketball and baseball -- involves contact that can produce injuries . We can not legislate the elimination of injuries from the games without eliminating the games themselves . '' This is a familiar refrain . Back in 2005 , when several committees investigated the use of steroids in baseball , numerous sports officials warned this was not an issue with which Congress should concern itself . Yet insisting on a firewall between sports and politics ignores the long-standing relationship between these two parts of American society . At the state and local level , sports teams depend on government assistance . There have been a large number of public subsidies , ranging from appropriations for stadium construction to the placement of public transportation near stadiums to tax breaks which the sports industry has depended on for growth . At the federal level , sports owners have also benefited from government . In 1922 , the Supreme Court exempted baseball from the antitrust laws . As a result of this , baseball owners","question":"Princeton , New Jersey -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When baseball slugger Mark McGwire admitted he had used steroids in his record-breaking 1998 season , he recalled refusing to talk about the subject in his 2005 testimony to Congress . `` After all this time , I want to come clean , '' McGwire announced . `` I was not in a position to do that five years ago in my congressional testimony , but now I feel an obligation to discuss this and to answer questions about it . I 'll do that , and then I just want to help my team . '' McGwire 's admission come as the House Judiciary Committee has been investigating the problem of brain injuries to football players , following heated discussions October 28 , when the committee aggressively questioned NFL officials to figure out why the league had done so little to curb this well-known problem . Any government inquiry of this kind draws the familiar charge that politicians should stay out of the business of sports -- even though the NFL and NCAA have in fact responded to congressional pressure by instituting rules to protect players from brain damage . Still"} +{"answer":". `` I just thought they 'd make some kind of exception for me . '' Randon 's power will stay on until the commission examines the facts in the case , said Terry Hadley , spokesman for the commission . CenterPoint told Randon she failed to meet the criteria . Spokeswoman Alicia Dixon told KHOU that Randon could have bought a battery-powered oxygen machine . The critical care program has thousands of applicants , and only 300 of them have been accepted , she said . `` This program is a communication program , not a guarantee of uninterrupted power , even to customers who are on the list , '' she said . Since the rejection , Randon said she is `` up and down all night , '' partly because she is worried about whether the power will be on when she wakes up . `` They have no consideration for life , '' she said . `` It 's just like they do n't care . '' CenterPoint spokeswoman Leticia Lowe said the company does not send electric bills ; it merely owns the wires and poles and is directed to disconnect power by retail electric","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Public Utility Commission of Texas will review the case of a cancer patient fighting to keep her electricity on to power her oxygen machine , the commission told CNN on Wednesday . Mable Randon , who has stage 4 cancer , was denied help paying for electricity , which she needs to power her oxygen tank . CNN affiliate KHOU of Houston , Texas , said calls poured in from as far away as Connecticut after the station aired its story on Mable Randon , a stage 4 cancer patient who received a cutoff notice after she fell behind on her bills . `` I 'm on a set income , '' she told KHOU . `` My husband lost his job . He finds a little work every now and then , but it 's hard . '' She applied to CenterPoint Energy 's Critical Care Program which helps maintain service for people who depend on electric-powered life support systems , but she was rejected . `` I 'm fighting for my life , and I thought people at the power company would help me , '' said Randon , who uses a wheelchair"} +{"answer":"says many people told him to take the legal job offer to pay off his debt . They advised him to pursue his passion of acting later . His Uncle Frank recognized he was only looking at the legal job for the salary . '' ` Let me tell you , if you 're ever making a decision and the principle reason you 'll do it is because of money , then it is absolutely the incorrect decision , ' '' Harper said his uncle advised . Harper emphasizes that money can be a factor , but it should not be the primary one . `` I went on to take a job waiting tables from 11 at night to 7 in the morning at a diner . Fighting rush hour traffic to get home by 8 to go to sleep . Wake up at noon or 1 to audition for films and go to acting class in the evening and maybe come home and get a nap between 9:30 and 10 and go to work again at 11 , '' he said . `` I certainly was n't making as much money as I would have at a law","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Actor and author Hill Harper wants you to live your life and understand what true wealth is . `` The word courage , one of my favorite words , the root or the etymology of that word is ` cour , ' which means heart , '' he said . `` I think true courage is actually following your heart and not getting or succumbing to what other people 's definition of what your life should be . Live your life . '' Harper , who once wanted to be a professional football player , tells me the story of how he accomplished that himself , thanks to the advice of an uncle . `` I had all this student loan debt , and I had this six-figure legal job offer in corporate law coming out of Harvard Law School . There were job opportunities there , particularly out of this high-end law firm , '' he said . Harper has a bachelor of arts degree from Brown University , where he studied acting , and a masters in public administration from the Kennedy School of Government , which is a part of Harvard . He"} +{"answer":"is to fix the problem . '' Obama also warned that the crisis could turn into a `` catastrophe '' without swift action from Congress . The Illinois senator and Democratic nominee said he has been reaching out to leaders of both parties to help pass the plan . See bailout tracker \u00c2 '' `` To the Democrats and Republicans who have opposed this plan , I say this : Step up to the plate and do what 's right for the country , even if it 's not popular , because the time to act is now , '' he said in La Crosse , Wisconsin . Watch Obama speak out about the bailout \u00c2 '' As part of his lobbying efforts , Obama has called members of the Congressional Black Caucus to support the bailout . When the bailout came up for a vote on Monday , caucus members split 21 against and 18 for the bill , CBC spokeswoman Keiana Barrett said . Obama campaign Co-chairman Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. , D-Illinois , was one of the CBC members who voted against the bailout but said he would consider switching if more protections for homeowners are added","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sen. John McCain said Wednesday that if the financial rescue bill fails in Congress again , `` the present crisis will turn into a disaster , '' and Sen. Barack Obama told lawmakers it 's time to `` step up to the plate . '' Both presidential candidates stressed bipartisanship as they called for Congress to act before heading to Washington to vote on the $ 700 billion financial rescue plan . `` We are square in the greatest financial crisis of our lifetimes . And I am pleased to report that today , I will be returning to the floor of the Senate to vote on a bill that marks a decisive step in the right direction , '' McCain said at a campaign event in Kansas City , Missouri . `` Today , with the unity that this crisis demands , Congress will once again work to restore confidence and stability to the American economy , '' McCain said . Watch what McCain says about the bailout \u00c2 '' The Arizona senator and Republican nominee said there will be time later to assign blame for the situation , `` but our duty right now"} +{"answer":"might affect their choices . They met at Emory University in Atlanta , Georgia , where psychologist Drew Westen studies how brains react to candidates ' messages . Westen , who wrote `` The Political Brain , '' said fear-based attack ads are effective because they tap into a voter 's subconscious . `` Those kinds of gut-level reactions tell us things like , ' I do n't feel like this person is telling us the truth , ' '' Westen said . `` Unless someone is a really good con man , those reactions are extremely helpful . The conscious brain processes only a tiny percent of information . '' Westen and his business partner , Joel Weinberger , have created software , through their company ThinkScan , that looks into a voter 's subconscious . The software does this by measuring people 's reaction time to certain words after they watch attack ads . The undecided voters in CNN 's group watched the ads and were then asked to identify the color of words such as `` weak , '' `` inexperienced '' and `` terrorist . '' If they hesitated , even for one-thousandth of a second","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Terrorism , a slow economy and rising gas prices are issues that can keep American voters awake at night . Undecided voters gathered at Emory University , where Dr. Drew Westen studies how brains react to messages . Political strategists know that the most successful candidates are masters at capitalizing on fears such as these , and that can make a huge difference at the polls . In 1964 , Lyndon Johnson was running for president against conservative Barry Goldwater when his campaign unleashed the `` daisy ad . '' It showed a little girl counting as she plucked a daisy , charmingly mixing up her numbers . Then a baritone voice takes over , counting down to an overwhelming nuclear explosion . It 's followed with a warning that the stakes are too high not to vote for Johnson . The ad , which ran only once , was so chilling and effective , analysts say , it helped Johnson win the presidency by one of the widest margins in U.S. history . CNN recently gathered eight undecided voters to see how they would respond to attack ads and how the ads"} +{"answer":"want to hold them accountable '' for what she said was breaking the law . Similar videos were made at other ACORN offices . `` It is illegal , as Linda Tripp will tell you , to record someone in the state of Maryland without their permission . Just because we were embarrassed by these highly edited tapes , which do n't tell the whole story again , and hopefully that will come out , does n't mean that these people did n't break the law in order to embarrass and attack the organization , '' Lewis said . Lewis was referring to the former White House employee who recorded conversations with White House intern Monica Lewinsky about her sexual encounters with President Clinton , which ultimately led to his impeachment . ACORN -- which stands for Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now -- was in the headlines during last year 's presidential campaign after GOP allegations of falsifying voter registration applicants . Some of its voter registration workers were prosecuted , and some other employees resigned . But after the recent release of videos , the political criticism grew . In the videos , some ACORN workers advised","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The head of ACORN on Tuesday sharply deplored recent videos showing some of the group 's workers advising people how to set up a prostitution business . ACORN leader Bertha Lewis defends her group at the National Press Club on Tuesday in Washington . `` It made my stomach turn , '' Bertha Lewis , chief executive officer of ACORN , told reporters at the National Press Club in Washington . `` It just made you sick . '' ACORN workers who did perform their tasks properly `` did not deserve to have co-workers who did not live up to their standards , '' Lewis said . `` So yes , I terminated those employees . '' At the same time , Lewis defended the community organizing group and punched back at widespread criticism , touting the group 's efforts in helping poor people in the areas of housing and voting . She backed up the group 's legal action in Maryland against the makers of one of the videos . Video , shot with a hidden camera , shows conservative activists posing as a pimp and a prostitute . Lewis said that `` we"} +{"answer":"? James , who played rugby for England under-16s , was a university student at the time of his injury last year . He is believed to be the youngest person from the UK to have traveled to Switzerland to commit suicide . In a statement Friday , reported by PA , James ' parents said that he had attempted to kill himself several times already . Watch why James opted for suicide '' `` His death was an extremely sad loss for his family , friends and all those that care for him but no doubt a welcome relief from the ` prison ' he felt his body had become and the day-to-day fear and loathing of his living existence , as a result of which he took his own life . `` This is the last way that the family wanted Dan 's life to end but he was , as those who know him are aware , an intelligent , strong-willed and some say determined young man , '' PA reported James ' parents as saying . `` The family suffered considerably over the last few months and do wish to be left in peace to allow","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Police have launched an investigation after a young disabled sportsman traveled to Switzerland to commit suicide , UK media report . Daniel James , who played rugby for England under-16s , was paralyzed during match practice last year . Daniel James , 23 , from Sinton Green in western England was paralyzed from the chest down in March 2007 when a rugby scrum collapsed on top of him during match practice , dislocating his spine , the UK 's Press Association has reported . Worcestershire Coroner 's Service , which is conducing an inquest into the circumstances of his death , states on its Web site that James died on September 12 after he `` traveled to Switzerland with a view to ending his own life . He was admitted to a clinic where he died . '' The inquest was adjourned on September 19 for reports . West Mercia police say that a man and a woman are helping the force with their enquiries . Assisting someone to commit suicide is illegal in the UK , as it is in most other European countries . What do you think of assisted suicide"} +{"answer":"that his partners were middle-aged men . His actions , Mitterrand said , were `` without a doubt , an error , '' but `` a crime , no , '' he said in the interview . Despite recent calls to resign from the far-right National Front and the left-leaning Socialist Party , Mitterrand , who is openly gay , vowed to stay in his job . He said he met Thursday morning with French President Nicolas Sarkozy , and that the president supports him . In a July interview with the weekly French news magazine Le Nouvel Observateur , Sarkozy said he had read Mitterrand 's book , and found it `` courageous and talented . '' The controversy over the revelations in his book -- which he called neither autobiography nor memoir -- erupted anew after Mitterrand deplored the arrest last week of filmmaker Roman Polanski , who fled the United States in 1977 after pleading guilty to having sex with a 13-year-old girl . The culture minister told TF1 that he was `` too emotional '' when he denounced the filmmaker 's arrest in Switzerland as `` horrifying . '' `` To see him thrown to the","question":"PARIS , France -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- French Culture Minister Frederic Mitterrand said Thursday he will not resign over accounts in a book he wrote in 2005 about paying to have sex with `` boys '' in Thailand . Frederic Mitterrand admitted to paying for sex with `` boys '' in his 2005 autobiography , `` The Bad Life . '' In an interview with French television network TF1 , Mitterrand said he `` absolutely condemn -LSB- s -RSB- sexual tourism , which is a disgrace , and ... pedophilia , '' in which he insisted he has never participated . Despite the use of the French word `` garcon '' in his 2005 book `` The Bad Life , '' Mitterrand , 62 , has previously said the term did not mean `` little boys . '' He said the males he paid for sex were his age , or maybe five years younger , but not underage -- and the relations were consensual . `` Anyway , you can recognize someone who 's 40 years old ... '' he told TF1 . A 40-year-old man `` does n't look like a minor , '' he added , suggesting"} +{"answer":"name to investigators who spoke with him , the source said . At that early stage of the investigation , the source said , police had no reason to suspect Morgan . Earlier Thursday , Morgan 's sister had urged him to turn himself in to `` avoid any further bloodshed . '' Diana Morgan told reporters in Marblehead , Massachusetts , that her family was `` shocked and sickened by the tragedy in Middletown . '' She said her family did not know her brother 's whereabouts , but issued a brief statement to him through the media : `` Steve , turn yourself in right now to any law enforcement agency , wherever you are , to avoid any further bloodshed . We love you , we will support you in every way and we do n't want anyone else to get hurt . '' She did not take questions . Before his arrest , police had been worried that Morgan may be targeting Wesleyan University and the town 's Jewish residents . A statement from the university alleges that Morgan had written threats against `` Wesleyan and\/or its Jewish students '' in his personal journals . Congregation","question":"MIDDLETOWN , Connecticut -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The suspect in the shooting of a Wesleyan University student is in police custody , police in Meriden , Connecticut , said Thursday . Police have arrested Stephen Morgan in the shooting death of Johanna Justin-Jinich . A spokesman in Meriden said Stephen Morgan had been in custody there , but was transferred to police in Middletown , seven miles away . No other details were available . An arrest warrant was issued earlier for Morgan , charging him with murder in the death of Johanna Justin-Jinich at a Middletown bookstore on Wednesday . Justin-Jinich was shot Wednesday afternoon at the Red & Black Cafe in Broad Street Books , the campus bookstore , the university said . She worked at the cafe , the cafe said on its Web site . It said that her killing has left employees `` devastated . '' Earlier Thursday , a law enforcement source told CNN that police spoke briefly to the suspect after her shooting death . Morgan was one of several people who gathered Wednesday afternoon outside Broad Street Books after the Wesleyan junior was shot , the source said . He gave his"} +{"answer":"who chose to take the path of violence because of this decision , I appeal to all of them to work for the sake of peace now , '' Hoti said . `` There is no accounting for the sacrifice of all the people of Swat and the Malakand division . How many children have been orphaned ? How many parents have lost their children ? How many young people have been martyred ? In my mind , I do n't think that anyone can take this any more . '' Watch Pakistan 's foreign minister discuss negotiating with the Taliban \u00c2 '' He also stressed that the recognition of Islamic law in the region `` is n't something that has n't happened before . '' He said previous agreements have been made regarding sharia , but were never implemented . He also said that the Islamic law will not go against basic civil liberties , although he did not explain how the government would make sure that provision would be upheld . Watch the implications of the concessions to the Taliban \u00c2 '' Sharia is defined as Islamic law but is interpreted with wide differences depending on the various","question":"ISLAMABAD , Pakistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Pakistani government officials announced Monday an agreement with the Taliban to allow strict Islamic law , or sharia , to be implemented in parts of North West Frontier Province . Delegation members of pro-Taliban leader Soofi Mohammad at a meeting in Peshawar Monday . It marks a major concession by the Pakistani government in its attempt to hold off Taliban militants who have terrorized the region with beheadings , kidnappings , and the destruction of girls ' schools . The government will recognize sharia for the entire Malakand Division , which includes the Swat district -- a two-hour drive from Pakistan 's capital , Islamabad -- the chief minister of North West Frontier Province Amir Haider Hoti announced Monday in a news conference . Islamic law is already being practiced in the area , where the Taliban have control . Hoti said the people of the region want sharia which will fill the `` vacuum '' left by a lack of access to Pakistan 's judicial system . He said he hoped it would bring peace to the region , where Pakistani forces have battled militants aligned with the Taliban . `` Those"} +{"answer":"suffering : economic , environmental and emotional . So as the `` Big Muddy '' fights the `` Big Cruddy , '' how do we assess the players ? And what actions should be taken against rigged disasters , both once and future ? First , we must hold BP accountable and responsible . Was it an accident ? Only if we define `` accident '' as negligence . The failure of the `` shear ram , '' the set of steel blades intended to slash through a pipe at the top of a well and close off the flow of crude , should not have surprised BP or the corporations that work for it . Eight years ago , the Minerals Management Service found that 50 percent of the shear rams tested failed . So calling the failure of the `` last resort device '' an accident is like calling the damage caused by a drunken driver an accident . Failure to take the proper precautions is not an accident ; it 's negligence . BP has rightly accepted responsibility . We may grant the company a skeptical benefit of the doubt regarding its willingness to pay for the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- I spent a restless night , worrying that another man-made disaster might devastate my beloved hometown , New Orleans , just as its post-Katrina motto `` Recover , Rebuild , Rebirth '' was becoming real . The oil spill could n't come at a worse time . Everybody was so up , waiting for the inauguration of our newly elected Mayor Mitch Landrieu . The BP oil spill threatens New Orleans and the entire Gulf Coast in a way that 's more insidious than Hurricane Katrina . After all , the failure of the levees and the response from the previous administration , widely criticized for incompetence and indifference , followed an act of nature : the destruction , immediate ; the impact , obvious ; and the pain and suffering , visible to all . The BP disaster has only one cause : human greed , and the almost inevitable result , negligence . The immediate tragedy was that 11 people died . But the destruction that will result from BP 's `` crude river '' will be long-term and the impact far from obvious . The `` crude river '' will spawn streams of"} +{"answer":", '' he added . `` I think it was probably that no one was prepared for such a high case load . '' The number of cases has now started declining , however , said Bernardino . According to Meslin , this could be because the current infected pack of dogs has died . Meslin told CNN that the Angolan government needed to embark on a dog rabies control program urgently to prevent further outbreaks . Angola 's capital , where most of the population live in slums , has a large number of stray dogs who are said to have caused the epidemic . `` We have had some sporadic cases in other provincial capitals in the country ; we think the virus was brought into Luanda and then spread through the dogs -- Angolans love dogs , '' Bernardino said . `` When the first 10 deaths were reported in December 2008 we alerted the authorities , but we do not have veterinary services in the city , no kennels -LSB- to keep and observe the animals -RSB- and vaccinate them , '' he added . Another problem contributing to the crisis is that vaccines are too","question":"LONDON , England -- A severe rabies epidemic has claimed the lives of at least 83 children within three months in Angola 's capital , Luanda , the World Health Organization -LRB- WHO -RRB- has said . Luanda , which has a large population of stray dogs , also has some of the world 's worst slums . Describing the situation as `` very worrying , '' WHO rabies expert Francois Meslin told CNN : `` This is a huge number and could be the tip of the iceberg . '' A doctor working at the country 's biggest referral hospital Hospital Pediatrico David Bernardino said staff were unable to save any of the children as rabies vaccines had run out . Some of the children were also brought into the hospital too late to be saved , Luis Bernardino , head of the hospital told UN humanitarian organization IRIN . He warned that the number of deaths could be much higher . `` The children were brought to our hospital and are the only ones we know of , so the number could be higher , '' Bernardino told IRIN . `` It is a sad moment for us"} +{"answer":"called 911 on November 30 , 2006 , to say that a woman and young children were living in tents in the backyard of Phillip Garrido , said Sheriff Warren E. Rupf of Contra Costa County , California , on Friday . `` This is not an acceptable outcome , '' he said . Watch Rupf talk about the ` missed opportunity ' '' The responding sheriff 's deputy spoke with Garrido , a registered sex offender , in the front yard of his house . `` None of us , particularly law enforcement , should believe a word that one of these animals utters , '' Rupf said when asked about the lessons learned from the missed opportunity . `` If there 's a sophistication -LSB- about sex offenders -RSB- in any regard , it 's in misrepresenting who they are and what motivates them . '' We took things he said obviously at face value and did not properly brand him . '' Rupf also said that `` to the best of his knowledge , '' the deputy did n't know that Garrido was a sex offender . The deputy determined that no crime had been committed even","question":"ANTIOCH , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Phillip Garrido and his wife , Nancy , will face 29 felony counts after being accused of kidnapping Jaycee Lee Dugard when she was 11 and keeping her in their backyard since 1991 , the district attorney of El Dorado County , California , said Friday . Phillip Garrido , a registered sex offender , was arraigned in California on Friday . The Garridos are each facing charges of kidnapping someone under 14 years of age , kidnapping for sexual purposes , forcible rape and forcible lewd acts on a child . The maximum penalty for both defendants would be life imprisonment . Authorities are looking into Garrido 's possible connection to other crimes . Hear interview with Garrido '' A search warrant was issued for Garrido 's home in connection with killings that occurred in the 1990s , a spokesman for the Contra Costa Sheriff 's Department said Friday . Pittsburg , California , police obtained the search warrant , said the spokesman , Jimmy Lee . Earlier Friday , a California sheriff also admitted that his organization `` missed an opportunity '' nearly three years ago to find Dugard . Someone"} +{"answer":"but also by the fact that he was adopted by the Tuohys . The white , wealthy Memphis family not only fed and clothed Michael but also loved him as one of their own along with daughter Collins and son Sean Jr. . The `` Blind Side '' is the No. 2 film in America , and the role of Leigh Anne Tuohy is played to perfection by Sandra Bullock . Still , some critics dismissed the film as hokey and condescending , with one calling it the latest chapter in Hollywood 's `` long , troubled history of well-meaning white paternalism , with poor black athletes finding success through white charity . '' They missed the point . Simply put , there 's a lot that any one of us can do to improve the life of our fellow man . And the fact that we do it is its own reward . `` He had a much greater impact on our lives than we did on his life , '' Leigh Anne said in a recent interview . `` You have this child , and you bring him in , and you realize how fortunate you are ,","question":"San Diego , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sometimes , a film is so powerful that it haunts you long after you 've left the theater . Usually , it 's because of the weight of the message . The film haunting me is `` The Blind Side . '' And the message ? I 'll leave that to Leigh Anne Tuohy to explain . Tuohy and her husband , Sean , are the subjects of the new movie , `` The Blind Side . '' The film is an adaptation of the 2006 book , `` The Blind Side : Evolution of a Game '' by Michael Lewis . It tells the incredible story of Michael Oher , who went from being a homeless inner-city high school student whose father was dead and whose mother was a crack addict to a star lineman at the University of Mississippi -- eventually being selected by the Baltimore Ravens in the 2009 NFL draft . The Ravens recently signed the 6-5 , 309-pound Oher to a 5-year , $ 13.8 million contract . This American Dream is brought to us not just by Oher 's talent , perseverance , and hard work"} +{"answer":"have stood in the face of danger for all Americans . The legal maneuvers that brought Albert Snyder and his family to this point are enough to make any American shake his or her head in disgust . After Snyder lost his life in 2006 , Fred Phelps and his followers showed up at his funeral to spread their message of hate . Mind you , they did n't know Matthew , and thus had no understanding of the enormous sense of loss his family was feeling ; they simply decided that the Snyder family 's vulnerability presented an easy platform for their own agenda . To his credit , Albert Snyder sued the group and won an $ 11 million judgment against them . However , that award was reduced to $ 5 million on one appeal and overturned altogether this week by the appeals court . In fact , not only did the court overturn the original ruling , but it decided to add to the pain and suffering of the Snyder family by imposing more than $ 16,000 of court fees . Perhaps the judges had forgotten that without the sacrifices of brave soldiers and their families","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The recent ruling of a federal appeals court requiring the family of fallen hero Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder to pay the legal expenses of Fred Phelps and his misguided followers at Westboro Baptist Church is unconscionable . Like Matthew 's father , Albert , I am all too familiar with the hardships associated with losing a son in combat , having lost my son Justin in 2004 . It is a tragedy that the thanks given the Snyder family in return for the life of their son is a court order to repay the legal expenses of the hate group that protested at his funeral with signs such as `` thank God for dead soldiers . '' Beyond simply insulting though , this decision by the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals is a slap in the face for every Gold Star family that has lost a loved one in combat . It also represents an egregious misuse of the judicial system ; one that sets a dangerous precedent for how the memory of our fallen heroes will be treated . The Supreme Court should immediately move forward with this case and stand up for those who"} +{"answer":"Daniel H. Wilson , whose books like `` Where 's My Jet Pack ? '' and `` How to Survive a Robot Uprising '' explore the intersections between science fiction and real science . `` Clearly , there are not fully functional humanoid robots ... but there are a lot of components to telepresence that already exist . '' `` Surrogates '' director Jonathan Mostow , whose film credits include 2003 's `` Terminator 3 : Rise of the Machines , '' said he was drawn to the concept of surrogate robots as an extension of current technology . And , he said , as he met with scientists , he became convinced that something approaching the concept could one day be a reality . `` To me , it 's not even a question of the technology . Technology always catches up , '' he said . `` The question is , is some universal human urge being met by this invention ? It seems to me we have a fundamental human desire to be lazy , to sort of not have to do things in person and to do it remotely . `` That began with the telegraph","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Why leave home when you can send out a sexy , stylish robot version of yourself to do anything you tell it ? In '' Surrogates , '' lifelike robots take the place of humans in day-to-day life . That 's the world of `` Surrogates , '' a film starring Bruce Willis that opens Friday . Willis plays an FBI agent who investigates the first murder to occur in years in a world where no one worries about crime or pain , because their robots self-heal with a quick reboot . Far-fetched science fiction ? Sure . But scientists and the movie 's makers say the technology might not be as far away as most people think . Armies use remote-controlled robots to attack enemies and destroy land mines . Emerging technology for the disabled allows users to operate robotic limbs and control computer cursors without touching a keyboard . And emerging `` telepresence '' technology is letting people see , hear and , increasingly , walk , talk and gesture using human-sized robots a world away . `` There are a lot of real-world components to this , '' said robotics expert and author"} +{"answer":"world championship dream was crushed by Lewis Hamilton despite winning the race -- on October 18 , but said that he would only be there as a spectator . `` That was the race I wanted to come back in , but it 's difficult to say if it would 've been possible . It will be difficult to watch it , but I will be there , '' Massa said . He told Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera that he still held a slim hope of driving in the final race of this season in Abu Dhabi on November 1 . `` In 2010 I 'll be back for sure and 100 % , but it would be a dream to drive in Abu Dhabi , '' Massa said . Massa will be replaced by Giancarlo Fisichella for the final five races of 2009 , with the veteran Italian having been released from his contract by Force India to take over from test driver Luca Badoer . He said he had never doubted that he would that he would get behind the wheel of a Formula One car again . `` It is my life , '' Massa ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Felipe Massa has revealed that he hopes to be at his home Brazilian Grand Prix -- but he wo n't be behind the wheel of his Ferrari . Felipe Massa has been given the all-clear to begin training as he bids to return to the race track . The 28-year-old had aimed to be able to return to racing before the end of this Formula One season , but is resigned to getting fit for 2010 following his horrific crash in July . Massa is now able to begin his rehabilitation after having plastic surgery on Monday to repair the broken bone in his cranium that resulted when a loose spring from Rubens Barrichello 's Brawn hit him in the helmet during qualifying in Hungary . The operation , at the Sao Paulo 's Albert Einstein hospital , took around four and a half hours , Ferrari revealed on its official Web site . Massa told UK newspaper The Guardian that his next step was to head to Europe to use a simulator and drive go-karts as part of his fitness evaluation . He had hoped to return to action at Interlagos -- where his 2008"} +{"answer":"worrying about offending men who would 've had no problem offending me if the situation were reversed . So I was thrilled when a copy of the hilarious book , `` The Power of NO : How to Keep Blowhards and Bozos at Bay '' landed on my doorstep . As the title suggests , TPON is about learning to not only say no , but to embrace no , something women seem to have an inexplicably harder time doing than men . I shot off an email to author Beth Wareham asking her why we womenfolk find it so painful to blow-off a troll . `` The psycho-sexual-societal bulls -- t that makes women be such wimps in the face of an odious man is in our DNA . And young women often make the dreadful mistake of thinking everyone has to like them , '' she fired back . The Frisky : 13 Woman you 're dating is a loser `` I believe that some dumb guy bugging you is a great moment to really march out a lie , '' she continues . `` I mean , really , who goes around harassing strangers ? Say ,","question":"-LRB- The Frisky -RRB- -- Last weekend at a party , I noticed a toad-like man attaching himself to a beautiful , talented friend of mine . Not only was she way out of his league , looks-wise , but as I eavesdropped I discovered he was one of those dudes who delivers endless monologues instead of engaging in actual conversations . Too many women are afraid to say , `` No , '' says author . Ladies , I think we 've all been stuck with that guy . Now it was my friend 's turn . I could tell by her stunned look of horror that she wanted nothing to do with him , but she seemed frozen . My pal Ivan and I tried to intervene . `` Let 's go get some cake , '' we suggested , physically pulling her from his side . Her relief was short-lived as he tracked her down and reattached himself to her hip . Watching her go through this made me think back on how many times I 've been afraid to say no . Maybe `` afraid '' is the wrong word , but I 've spent hours"} +{"answer":"whole U.S. government has no impact whatsoever on regional relations . '' Tensions between Washington and Tehran have risen over Iran 's nuclear program , which Iran insists is intended for civilian use but the United States believes is intended for developing weapons . Assad voiced strong support for Iran and brushed off U.S. sentiment . `` I find it strange how they talk about Middle East stability and at the same time talk about dividing two countries , '' he said . The meeting between Assad and Ahmadinejad sparked a harsh reaction from Israeli President Shimon Peres . `` The time has come to speak the truth , '' he said in a written statement . `` The problem in the Middle East is not the Palestinians . The Palestinian problem will be resolved through the peace process in Israel . The central problem in the Middle East is Iran 's attempt to reach hegemony over the Arab lands . '' `` The source of the problem is Ahmadinejad 's megalomania . Assad must choose what he wants -- to join the Iranian camp of evil and terror or to make peace with Israel , '' he said .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Thursday that a new Middle East -- one `` without Zionists and without colonialists '' -- was quickly emerging as regional bonds grow stronger by the day . The hard-line leader made the comments after a meeting with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus on Thursday . `` The whole world should know that Iran will stand behind the Syrian nation to the end , '' Ahmadinejad said in remarks aired on Iran 's state-run Press TV . `` Regional bonds are very strong . '' His comments came during a two-day visit to Damascus that follows efforts by the United States to weaken ties between Iran and Syria . President Obama recently nominated veteran diplomat Robert Ford to be the new ambassador in Damascus , ending a five-year diplomatic hiatus there and sparking talk of a renewed relationship . But Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has tempered the thawing of relations by saying that Washington remains concerned with Syria 's close ties to Iran . `` No one has enlightened her to comment on regional issues , '' Ahmadinejad said , slamming Clinton 's statements as interfering . `` The"} +{"answer":"provided information they already had . `` His information is not some big break in the case , '' said Sgt. Barbara Jones of the Orlando Police Department . `` We are still hoping for new tips that could lead us to finding Jennifer Kesse . '' The 24-year-old financial adviser was just back from a Caribbean vacation with her boyfriend and was getting back into her routine . She went to work at her new job , came home to her new condominium and called her parents . Watch an update on the case '' At 10 p.m. , she called her boyfriend , who lived in Fort Lauderdale , Florida . Then , her family believes , she went to bed . The next morning , she got up and showered for work . Her clothes were neatly laid out on her bed , her family says , suggesting she may have tried on a few outfits before deciding what to wear to the office . Then , she disappeared , her family said . She did not show up for work that Tuesday morning and her employer reported her missing . Police found Kesse 's Chevy Malibu","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- For three years , family , friends and her college sorority sisters have been looking for Jennifer Kesse , wondering what happened to her . Jennifer Kesse would be 26 now . She has been missing since January 24 , 2006 . Last week , on the third anniversary of Kesse 's disappearance , an inmate in a Florida prison said he might have the answer . David Russ , a convicted killer being held at the Seminole County Jail , spoke last week with the missing woman 's father , Drew Kesse , claiming he had information that could lead to a break in the case . Details are being withheld from the public . In a jailhouse phone call with CNN , Russ hinted he 'd eavesdropped on other inmates . He also was outspoken about his skepticism toward investigators . `` The investigators have messed this case up from the beginning and can not be trusted , '' he said . That 's why he asked to speak directly with the missing woman 's father , he said . Orlando police are just as skeptical of Russ . They said he"} +{"answer":"He would never put anything in front of his work , '' he said . `` He had great aspirations to be a doctor . '' Markoff , a second-year student at Boston University 's School of Medicine , is charged with killing 26-year-old Julissa Brisman of New York on April 14 at Boston 's Copley Marriott Hotel . Watch acquaintances describe a smart , good-looking guy '' Markoff was arraigned Tuesday and is being held without bail . His attorney , John Salsberg , told reporters after the hearing that Markoff is `` not guilty of the charges . He has his family 's support . I have not received any document or report or piece of evidence other than what I heard in the courtroom . All I have at the moment are words -- no proof of anything . '' A Boston University spokeswoman said the school suspended Markoff , who has no criminal record , when it learned of the charges on Monday . `` This was a brutal , vicious crime . Savage , '' Suffolk County District Attorney Daniel Conley told reporters . `` And it shows that Philip Markoff is a man who","question":"BOSTON , Massachusetts -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Friends and acquaintances of Philip Markoff , a medical student accused of killing a woman he may have met through a Craigslist online ad , described the 23-year-old as a model student . Medical student Philip Markoff , 23 , appears in court Tuesday in Boston , Massachusetts . `` My girlfriend actually rode the elevator with him a lot alone ; it 's kind of freaking her out now , '' said Patrick Sullivan , who lived in the same apartment building as Markoff in Quincy , Massachusetts , a Boston suburb . `` She thought he was kind of the all-American , good-looking guy , '' Sullivan said . `` When she saw him on TV yesterday , she even remarked , ' I ca n't believe it 's him . I always thought he had such a great smile , and he was so nice to me . ' '' James Kehoe , a friend of Markoff 's from the State University of New York at Albany , where both attended college , said Markoff was `` one of the best students I 've probably ever encountered . '' ``"} +{"answer":"Diego , California , to the Minneapolis-St . Paul airport in Minnesota on Wednesday when air traffic controllers lost radio contact with the Airbus A320 over the Denver , Colorado , area . Instead of beginning to descend as planned about 22 minutes before its scheduled arrival , the plane continued flying at its cruise altitude of 35,000 feet and passed over the Minnesota airport . At 8:14 p.m. CT -- 36 minutes after the plane was to begin its descent and 14 minutes after its scheduled arrival -- the pilots contacted controllers , the FAA said . One of the pilots radioed : `` We got distracted and we 've overflown MSP -LSB- Minneapolis-St . Paul airport -RSB- . We are overhead EAU -LSB- Eau Claire , Wisconsin -RSB- and would like to make a 180 and to -LSB- make -RSB- an arrival from over EAU . '' Cheney and Cole told federal investigators that they `` lost track of time '' while working on personal laptop computers , the National Transportation Safety Board said . They became aware of their plane 's position only after a flight attendant asked about the landing time , according to the NTSB","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Federal Aviation Administration revoked the licenses of two Northwest Airlines pilots Tuesday in an extraordinary letter in which the agency chastised the pair , saying they endangered the public by flying an hour and half without contacting controllers `` while you were on a frolic of your own . '' The letter to Northwest Captain Timothy B. Cheney and First Officer Richard I. Cole puts the total time the pilots maintained radio silence at 91 minutes -- 13 minutes longer than originally defined by federal investigators . The letter said the pilots were `` extremely reckless . '' `` Not only did you not comply with ... -LSB- air traffic controller -RSB- instructions , you did not even monitor the aircraft 's air-ground radios , '' the letter said . `` You were disengaged and impervious to the serious threat to your own safety , as well as the safety of people for whom you are responsible . This is a total dereliction and disregard for your duties . '' The letter provides new details about the flight . Cheney , 53 , and Cole , 54 , were piloting Flight 188 from San"} +{"answer":"less stuck in traffic in 2007 than they did in 2006 and wasted 1 gallon less of gasoline . Congestion delay per traveler in 1982 was 13.8 hours . In 2005 , that number had almost tripled to 37.4 hours . But it was down to 36.1 hours in 2007 , representing a `` rare break in near-constant growth , '' the report said . Because the changes were nominal , most people may not have noticed any change in their commutes . The average person still needs 25 percent more time to travel during rush hour than during other parts of the day , Fette said . `` Things were so congested and bad , it was kind of hard to notice , '' Fette said . Among the report 's other findings : \u2022 American travelers still wasted 4.2 billion hours stuck in rush-hour traffic jams . That amounts to nearly one full work -LRB- or vacation -RRB- week for every traveler . \u2022 The overall cost , based on wasted fuel and lost productivity , reached $ 87.3 billion in 2007 , the report said . That 's more than $ 750 per person . \u2022 The","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Americans are spending less time stuck in traffic and wasting less gas , according to a new report . Americans spend a little less time in traffic , a study shows , but drivers on I-110 in Los Angeles might not notice . Rising joblessness and stinging gas prices have put the brakes on worsening trends in traffic congestion , according to a study issued Wednesday by the Texas Transportation Institute , the nation 's largest university-based transportation research facility . `` It 's temporary , but real , '' said institute spokesman Bernie Fette about the declines . `` As goes the American economy , so goes traffic . There 's fewer people going to work . '' The institute attributed the changes to the recession , but the U.S. economy did not begin to slow significantly until the end of 2007 . The organization began tracking traffic trends in 1982 , and by `` every measure , congestion has increased substantially '' in those 25 years , the latest Urban Mobility Report said . Not in 2007 . Researchers surveyed 439 urban centers in the United States and found that travelers spent one hour"} +{"answer":". Meanwhile , authorities in Baltimore , Maryland , arrested Dr. Lawrence D. Egbert , 81 , of Baltimore in connection with the investigation . A second person , Nicholas Alec Sheridan , 60 , also of Baltimore , was arrested Wednesday night , GBI spokesman John Bankhead said Thursday . All four face charges of assisted suicide , tampering with evidence and violation of the Georgia 's Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act , the GBI said . The Final Exit Network , based in the north Atlanta suburb of Marietta , identifies itself on its Web site as `` an all-volunteer organization dedicated to serving people who are suffering from an intolerable condition . Network volunteers offer you counseling , support and even guidance to self-deliverance at a time and place of your choosing , but you always do the choosing . We will never encourage you to hasten your death . '' Celmer suffered from `` very , very severe mouth and throat cancer , '' his 85-year-old mother , Betty Celmer , said from her home in the Buffalo , New York , suburb of East Amherst . `` They were rebuilding the whole mouth ,","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Four people in two states have been arrested as part of an investigation into the Final Exit Network , an organization that police believe helped a Georgia man end his life in June , authorities said Thursday . Claire Blehr , 76 , of Georgia , and Thomas E. Goodwin , 63 , of Florida and Georgia , were two of the four arrested . John Celmer , 58 , lived in Cumming , north of Atlanta . Cumming police , the Forsyth County coroner and the man 's relatives all had suspicions that his death was an assisted suicide , and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation launched an investigation , the agency said in a news release . The GBI on Wednesday set up a sting operation at a residence in adjoining Dawson County , using an undercover agent who had posed as a terminally ill man seeking assistance with his suicide , the statement said . Claire Blehr , 76 , of Atlanta , Georgia , and Thomas E. Goodwin , 63 , of both Punta Gorda , Florida , and Kennesaw , Georgia , were arrested , the GBI said"} +{"answer":", and Colombian army Sgt. Luis Cruz , according to the U.S. State Department . The three freed Americans are being treated at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio , Texas . Learn about the former hostages '' `` For five-and-a-half long years , we all hoped and prayed this day would come , '' their statement said . `` Now that it has , we 're just overwhelmed with emotion . The love and the joy we 're all experiencing is beyond description . `` We want to offer our heartfelt thanks to the government and the armed forces of Colombia . The operation they conducted to rescue us was one for the history books -- something we will never forget for the rest of our lives . '' Colombian authorities unveiled details and a videotape Friday describing the mission , which involved tricking the leftist rebels into giving up their hostages . Watch video of the rescue '' Government agents had infiltrated the FARC leadership over several months . This week they talked the rebels into moving the hostages , saying a humanitarian group wanted to check on them . A helicopter carrying fake rebels picked up","question":"SAN ANTONIO , Texas -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The three Americans rescued after more than five years in captivity in Colombia say they are doing well but are `` overwhelmed with emotion , '' according to a statement released on their behalf . `` Words alone can never possibly express the thrill and excitement we feel to be back home in the United States of America with our families at our side , '' the Friday statement from Marc Gonsalves , Thomas Howes and Keith Stansell said . The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia -LRB- FARC -RRB- had held the three U.S. government contractors since February 2003 , after their plane crashed in a remote region of the South American country . They were among 15 hostages rescued Wednesday in a Colombian military operation . Watch Colombians celebrate success '' Also among the rescued hostages was French-Colombian politician Ingrid Betancourt , who returned to France on Friday . She is undergoing medical tests at a Paris military hospital , The Associated Press reported . Watch Betancourt 's joyous return to France '' Shortly after the plane crashed , FARC members killed contractor Tom Janis , according to employer Northrop Grumman"} +{"answer":"call on soccer chief to step down `` It 's about questions of translation or context , '' said Mark Sawyer , director of the Center for the Study of Race , Ethnicity and Politics at the University of California Los Angeles . The word 's literal translation is `` little black man . '' But generally , negrito is not considered a racial slur in Latin America , Sawyer said . In fact , it frequently has a positive meaning . `` It 's often a term of endearment , '' he said . But what the word means also depends on where -- and how -- it 's said . `` In Puerto Rico , it has one meaning . In Cuba it has a slightly different connotation and in the Dominican Republic it has a slightly different connotation , '' said Jorge Chinea , director of the Center for Chicano-Boricua Studies at Wayne State University in Detroit . Blatter a controversial figure Chinea said his mother and stepfather , both of whom were light-skinned , frequently used the word . `` When they talked as a couple , my mother would say , ` negrito , I","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A racially-charged word with many meanings may be at the root of a dispute between two sports rivals that reaches far beyond the soccer field , analysts say . Manchester United 's Patrice Evra , who is black , says the word Uruguayan Luis Suarez shouted repeatedly during a match last month was a racial slur . Evra demanded that Suarez be held accountable for the controversial exchange , which erupted as authorities investigate other accusations of racism in soccer . Suarez , a striker for Liverpool , has n't specified what he said , but he argues that it was n't offensive . `` I did n't insult him . It was only a form of expressing myself . I called him something his own teammates from Manchester call him , '' Suarez said , according to the Uruguayan newspaper El Pais . British media reports have suggested Suarez used the Spanish word `` negrito . '' If that 's the case , whether Suarez 's remark was racist is a complicated question that does n't have a black-and-white answer , according to scholars who 've studied race issues in Latin America . Leading figures"} +{"answer":"behind bars , charged with kidnapping , custodial interference and child abuse . A lead prompted investigators to focus on the landfill , which is owned by Republic Services , a waste and environmental services company based in Phoenix , Arizona . The part of the landfill that will be searched has been pinpointed , according to McManus . First , it will take at least six days to remove 45 feet of garbage that has piled up since the time investigators believe evidence may have been dumped in the area . `` Once we have removed the debris and have searched our target area , we will begin the arduous task of sifting through layers in the search for possible evidence , '' McManus said . `` This phase will be a long and repetitive cycle . Search teams will be looking for anything of evidentiary value . '' Cadaver dogs will assist the search teams in the effort , which will be conducted weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. , McManus said . He estimated more than 20 people will be involved . Rain would not compromise any evidence but could cause dangerous toxic runoff , which","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Investigators searching for a missing 8-month-old boy began an intensive excavation and search effort Tuesday at a Texas landfill . `` Let me say this , that we do remain hopeful that baby Gabriel is alive , '' William McManus , chief of the San Antonio Police Department , said at a news conference at the landfill . `` We are , however , conducting both a missing persons investigation as well as a homicide investigation , '' he said , adding that aspects surrounding Gabriel Johnson 's disappearance involve elements of a possible homicide . Gabriel has been missing since December 26 and was last seen in San Antonio , with his 23-year-old mother , Elizabeth Johnson , who has refused to disclose information on his whereabouts . She told Gabriel 's father she killed the boy and has also said she gave him away to a couple in San Antonio , police say . Johnson drove Gabriel to San Antonio from Tempe , Arizona , and she went to Florida a week later , according to investigators . Johnson was arrested in Florida and extradited to Maricopa County , Arizona , where she remains"} +{"answer":". During a speech , the president said the courage , unselfishness and devotion to duty of the servicemen and women who gave their lives is what has sustained the country . President Obama also said that Memorial Day is about the families who have lost loved ones serving in the military . The wife of a fallen service member said she sees Memorial Day as a chance to celebrate her husband 's life . NICKI BUNTING , WIDOW OF FALLEN SERVICEMAN : I want everyone to realize that these are n't just graves ; they are n't just numbers . They 're real people , and they had real families . They had wives and husbands and children and parents and siblings and friends . And so , that 's what today is about , just celebrating their life and making sure that everyone knows that these are real people that we 've lost . And so , when I get to talk about my husband , I love to laugh and smile when I talk about him and really share the great guy he was . AZUZ : For the past 40 years , the 3rd U.S. Infantry","question":"-LRB- CNN Student News -RRB- -- May 31 , 2011 Download PDF maps related to today 's show : \u2022 Arlington National Cemetery \u2022 Joplin , Missouri \u2022 Texas Transcript THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT . THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED . CARL AZUZ , CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR : Back from the Memorial Day weekend , I 'm Carl Azuz and this is CNN Student News ! It 's a short week for us . It 's also our last week of the school year , so let 's go ahead and get started . First Up : Remembering the Fallen AZUZ : First up , Americans pause to honor service members who gave everything they had . Memorial Day is a tribute to the men and women who lost their lives while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces . Ceremonies were held around the country yesterday , President Obama helping lead the ones at Arlington National Cemetery . He laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns and later visited Arlington 's Section 60 ; it 's a site that 's primarily for soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan"} +{"answer":"saying that software piracy could be a problem . Ironically , he has since said that Microsoft actually benefited from piracy in China , where over 90 percent of computers use Windows , most copies of which are pirated . The widespread use of Microsoft 's operating system has enabled the software giant to gain pole position in the fast-growing market . C is for cracking Modifying software to remove copy protection -- one of the technologies companies use to prevent unauthorized reproduction of media -- to enable the illegal duplication and proliferation of pirated material on disks and online . Mostly done by hackers , not usually for money but to gain respect within the hacker community . D is for digital rights management -LRB- DRM -RRB- Access-control technologies used by manufacturers . Most pirating technology is created to circumvent various types of DRM in order to share copyrighted material online . Apple rid its iTunes library of DRM in early April , but is charging users 30 cents per song to upgrade to DRM-free tracks . E is for encryption Originally used by militaries to protect secret message transmissions , encryption allows a user to transform and ``","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- If mention of The Pirate Bay conjures up images of parrots , peg legs and planks , or geeky jargon like BitTorrent and jailbreak leaves you all at sea , this handy A-Z will help you navigate the choppy waters of the online piracy debate . `` X-Men Origins : Wolverine , '' starring Hugh Jackman , was downloaded over a million times after being leaked in early April . The Screening Room 's indispensable lexicon of online piracy will teach you cracking from key generators : You 'll never again be caught out wondering how `` X-Men Origins : Wolverine '' fits into warez . A is for anti-piracy Efforts to prevent the illegal transfer and use of copyrighted material -- often spearheaded by corporate associations like the Motion Picture Association of America -LRB- MPAA -RRB- -- using a variety of digital rights management -LRB- DRM -RRB- tools like encryption , product keys and serial numbers . Technologically often a step or two behind the pirates , the entertainment industry will sue for breach of copyright . B is for Bill Gates As early as 1976 , Gates wrote an open letter"} +{"answer":"'s just hype ? It was a defining year for the medium : aside from `` Watchmen , '' '86 also saw Pulitzer-prize winning holocaust drama `` Maus , '' from The New Yorker contributor Art Spielgeman ; and Frank Miller 's hyperviolent Batman reworking `` The Dark Knight Returns . '' `` Watchmen , '' which takes place in 1985 , is set in a parallel world where America never lost Vietnam , Russia is about to invade Afghanistan and Richard Nixon still holds power -LRB- Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward were murdered -RRB- . Meanwhile a superhero team -- only one of whom has special powers -- reforms after a fellow operative is mysteriously slain . But what lifts `` Watchmen '' above its superhero peers is a complex , multi-layered narrative and depth of characterization that ensured it was the only comic book to make Time 's 100 best novels since 1923 . A dark , downbeat work with a heady 11th-hour twist , it puts as much store on subsidiary characters like a newspaper seller as its does blue-skinned man-god Dr. Manhattan . Its influence can be traced to current small-screen favorites like `` Heroes ''","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A yellow smiley-face badge , smeared with blood , has become the trademark for `` Watchmen , '' the most critically revered of all comic books -- but it could also represent its troubled journey from page to big screen . `` Watchmen '' opens with the unexplained murder of The Comedian -LRB- Jeffrey Dean Morgan -RRB- . Note smiley badge . The subject of fervent debate in the geekosphere for more than two decades , `` Watchmen '' finally rolls out in the U.S. and other territories from the first week of March onward . But it 's not as well known to wider audiences , who may puzzle at all this heat about a superhero movie with no A-list star attached . Instead , they may simply ask : `` Watch-what ? '' `` Watchmen , '' created by the UK comic-book team of writer Alan Moore and artist Dave Gibbons , surfaced in 1986 as a monthly 12-issue series published by DC Comics -LRB- part of Time Warner , which owns CNN parent company Turner Broadcasting -RRB- . Are you looking forward to `` Watchmen ? '' Or think it"} +{"answer":"government and military authorities which allegedly planned the extermination of the Tutsi ethnic group '' and `` complicity in the massacre of some 80 students in May 1994 in the college which he headed . '' Uwayezu arrived in Italy in 1997 , took an alias , and was working as a vicar at the Church in Empoli commune near Florence when he was seized , Interpol said . The man was identified after Interpol 's fugitives unit received information and pictures from Rwandan authorities . The Archdiocese of Florence issued a statement about the arrest two days ago , saying it hopes the justice system will come up with the truth about the case . But , it said , `` we stand by the fact that Don Emmanuel has always declared his estrangement to the events in question and we accompany him in prayers . '' One Italian news report noted that Uwayezu is a priest of Hutu ethnicity and lived and worked as vice-parish priest in Ponzano , part of the county of Empoli . Don Guido Engels , the head of the parish and a priest , told the ASCA news agency that `` Don Emmanuel","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Rwandan accused of `` complicity '' in the massacre of students at the college he headed during the country 's genocide 15 years ago has been arrested in Italy , where he served as a clergyman , an international police agency said . Interpol hailed arrest of Uwayezu as a demonstration of effectiveness of international police co-operation . Officers from the Italian Carabinieri and Interpol 's National Central Bureau in Rome , Italy , arrested Emmanuel Uwayezu -- who had been wanted in Rwanda , the international police organization Interpol said Wednesday in a news release . Uwayezu , 47 , is accused of genocide , conspiracy to commit genocide , complicity in genocide and crimes against humanity . He is in Italian custody and is awaiting extradition to Rwanda . According to Interpol 's statement , the Rwandan arrest warrant says Uwayezu was alleged `` to have acted individually and as part of a conspiracy to plan and commit genocide by instigating Hutus to kill Tutsis in the area of Gikongoro , as director of the Groupe Scolaire Marie Merci college in Kibeho . '' He is accused of `` participating in meetings with"} +{"answer":"who is also playing at the Transitions Championship in Tampa Bay , Florida . Imada wrote a note on Wednesday stating that he would donate $ 1,000 for every birdie score he makes at the tournament this week , and left copies in the media room and players ' locker area asking for similar contributions . The Hiroshima native , who moved to the U.S. in 1990 at the age of 14 to pursue a career as a golfer , carded no birdies in his opening round of 74 on Thursday but managed two in his 75 on Friday . He was 16 shots behind American leaders Chris Couch and Garrett Willis as he missed the halfway cut along with 19-year-old compatriot Ryo Ishikawa -LRB- 73 -RRB- and seven-time PGA Tour winner Choi -LRB- 75 -RRB- . Spain 's Sergio Garcia made a welcome return to form with a 66 that left him tied for third with American Webb Simpson , a shot behind the leaders . World No. 1 Martin Kaymer was five shots off the pace , tied for 26th in a group including last weekend 's WGC-Cadillac Championship winner Nick Watney . Meanwhile , English golfer Anthony","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- South Korean golfer K.J. Choi has pledged $ 100,000 to the Japan disaster relief fund through his personal charity foundation . The 40-year-old , who won two tournaments on the Japanese circuit before becoming the first from his country to qualify for the U.S. PGA Tour , will give the money to the American Red Cross . `` It is shocking and terribly sad to see what is happening every day in Japan and the difficulty they face in overcoming this disaster . The situation in Japan impacts us all on a global level , '' Choi said in a statement on Friday . `` This is the time for us to join our hands together and do all we can to help our friends in Japan . I have special memories of playing in Japan as it set the stepping stone in helping me to become the first Korean to earn a PGA Tour card . `` Through the K.J. Choi Foundation , I want to implement projects that can attract continuous interest and support to help our neighbors in Japan . '' Choi has followed the example set by Japanese golfer Ryuji Imada ,"} +{"answer":"Britain 's ambassador to Myanmar , Mark Canning , told CNN . About 100 supporters of Suu Kyi waited outside . The American visitor , John Yettaw , is charged with immigration violations and trespassing into a restrictive area , charges that carry a maximum sentence of five years in prison . Watch more on Suu Kyi 's trial '' He is accused of staying overnight in Suu Kyi 's lakeside home earlier this month , violating the conditions of her house arrest , according to the country 's ruling military junta , which rarely grants her visitors . The central Missouri man was appointed a lawyer selected by the U.S. embassy , Win said . Suu Kyi , the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize laureate , and two of her maids have been detained under Section 22 of the country 's legal code -- a law against subversion -- according to Nyan Win , spokesman for Suu Kyi 's National League for Democracy . Suu Kyi , 63 , had been scheduled to be released from house arrest later this month after being incarcerated 13 of the past 19 years . She is now being held in a specially built","question":"YANGON , Myanmar -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi and an American man who swam to her lakeside home went on trial in the military dictatorship Monday behind closed doors inside a prison compound . Soldiers guard the entrance to Insein Prison on Monday in Yangon , Myanmar . The trial is expected to last about three months , said Nyan Win , spokesman for her National League for Democracy party . Suu Kyi 's lawyer asked the court to open up the hearings but was turned down because of security concerns , Win said . Police put up roadblocks on the streets leading to the Insean Prison near Yangon , with a half-dozen officers at each station . Shops around the prison were closed , according to opposition exile groups . A group of diplomats from Germany , Italy , Australia and Britain tried to pass through the barricades to attend the trial . They were stopped and turned away . `` It was a way of signaling our concern at what 's happening and the need for the proceedings in the court to take place in an open and transparent fashion , ''"} +{"answer":"said readers would not be confused by the fake front , several journalists in CNN 's Los Angeles bureau did not immediately realize that the real front page was inside . A Times reader who works for a movie marketing company in Hollywood said he felt deceived by the ad . He asked not to be identified because his company , which was not involved in the Disney campaign , deals with the newspaper . `` We propose these kinds of ads all the time but have never gotten them approved , '' he said . `` I do n't always agree with what we do . '' He estimated that the ad would cost `` well over $ 100,000 . '' Conroy would not disclose the price , but he said , `` Our front page section is our most valued real estate . The ad was priced accordingly . '' The use of real newspaper stories , published previously in the newspaper , to make the ad appear to be a real front page is another issue , Clark said . `` I 'm particularly nervous about them running fake stories that are really real stories , ''","question":"Los Angeles , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- At first glance of Friday 's Los Angeles Times , you might think the Mad Hatter has taken over the newspaper . Johnny Depp 's colorful character in Disney 's new film `` Alice in Wonderland '' dominates a faked front page , which includes the paper 's traditional flag and two stories that appeared in the paper last month . Los Angeles Times spokesman John Conroy said the `` cover-wrap '' was an `` unusual opportunity to stretch the usual boundaries and design an innovative ad designed to create buzz . '' Roy Peter Clark , a senior journalism scholar at the Poynter Institute , said tough economic times and lower ads sales have forced newspapers to tear down the ethics wall that separated a paper 's front page from advertisers . `` The wall became in recent years a fence , but the Los Angeles Times has created a swinging gate , '' Clark said . `` What offends my traditional sensibilities is the notion that you would be willing to deceive the reader into thinking that this was the actual front page , '' Clark said . Although Conroy"} +{"answer":"'s freaking out . Little things us boring normals would shrug off -- like a missed bus or parking ticket -- become monumental shriekfests . She does n't get the flu , she gets oh-my-god-I-think-it 's - cancer ! Everything is a crisis , and she demands constant handholding and attention . The Frisky : 13 signs she 's a loser Luckily , these types ca n't help but reveal their true colors pretty quickly and unless you 're content to be cast as an extra in your own life , you 'll banish her from the set . Nurse Betty There is nothing that makes this one as happy as a friend in need . This may seem like a good quality -LRB- and often is -- for a while -RRB- , but once you 've got your butt back in gear , she either loses interest or , worse , reminds you constantly of how bad things once were , in the hopes that you 'll fall back into feeling like crap so she can `` save '' you again . The Frisky : Is it evil to talk a friend out of getting married ? You have","question":"-LRB- The Frisky -RRB- -- Who was the first person you called the day your ex dumped you ? Or that time you found a weird bump ? Or the day you stumbled across that pair of barely worn Christian Louboutins at the Goodwill ? You need to break connections with `` friends '' who only bring negative things into your life . If you 're like me , you called a girlfriend . While I love my man , and adore my cats to what some might consider a scary degree , the relationships I have with my girls is on an entirely different plane . They 're the funniest , smartest , weirdest -LRB- in a good way ! -RRB- gaggle of broads I 've ever met and I feel lucky every day to have them around . It was n't always this way . I 've had to prune my posse -LRB- please note that I 've also been kicked out of people 's lives as well -RRB- and have discovered some types to avoid . Drama queen The Drama Queen is n't happy -LRB- and `` happy '' is a relative term here -RRB- unless she"} +{"answer":"October 15 to discuss battery problems , was still active Tuesday -- two weeks and 185 pages worth of comments later . `` I purchased what I thought was a top-of-the-line product only to be terribly disappointed , '' one user wrote Tuesday . `` This is my first iPhone and may well be my last . '' Battery life was a frequent complaint about the iPhone 3GS , but concerns about the phone 's short battery life seemed to have been addressed on the next-generation iPhone 4 . According to Apple 's official specs , the iPhone 4S should have enough juice in the battery for up to eight hours of talk time , six hours of Internet surfing , 10 hours of video viewing and 200 hours on standby . -LRB- All activities on a 3G connection -- 2G and wireless have different figures -RRB- . All of those numbers are within an hour or so of the iPhone 4 , except for one . The older phone 's specifications promise 300 hours of standby power : a full 50 % more than the 4S . Users complaining on the Apple forum and elsewhere say that their phones","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It all sounds eerily familiar . A new iPhone . Massive sales . Then , an apparent glitch that , while it does n't affect everyone , is prevalent enough to irk customers and catch the eyes of tech journalists everywhere . Poor battery life on the iPhone 4S , released on October 14 to great fanfare and record sales , has been the new model 's Achilles ' heel in the minds of many users . While complaints about the perceived problem have n't reached the fevered pitch that last year 's iPhone 4 release saw about its so-called `` death grip '' problem , they do n't seem to be going away . There were , of course , the expected number of early-adopter quibbles with the phone : from troubles with new carrier Sprint , to a sometimes slow-moving camera , to limits on the voice-activated Siri `` personal assistant '' outside the United States . But as most of those gripes either got sorted or users got used to the limitations , complaints about the phone 's battery life have persisted . A post on the Apple support forums , begun on"} +{"answer":", said he learned of the arrest while meeting in Rio de Janeiro , Brazil , with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva . The Colombian president called Rendon `` one of the most feared narcotraffickers and criminals in the world . '' The president 's Web site also carried news of the arrest . The United States had issued an extradition order for Rendon , whom 300 members of an elite police unit captured . Thirty members of Rendon 's gang were arrested with him , El Tiempo newspaper said on its Web site . Authorities had been concentrating on Rendon 's capture for the past nine months and moved undercover operatives into the area where he was hiding on April 6 , Defense Minister Juan Manuel Santos said . Authorities nearly captured Rendon twice in the past few months , but he escaped , Santos said at the military airport . The suspect was found in the jungle , where he had been hiding for two days . `` He was virtually like a dog , '' Santos said . Telephone intercepts , human intelligence and cooperation from the United States were crucial in Rendon 's capture","question":"BOGOTA , Colombia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Daniel Rendon Herrera , Colombia 's most-wanted drug kingpin suspect , was arrested early Wednesday , Colombian President Alvaro Uribe announced at a news conference . Police escort suspected drug kingpin Daniel Rendon Herrera , left , on Wednesday in Bogota , Colombia . The government had offered $ 2.1 million , or 5 billion pesos , for information that would lead to the arrest of Rendon , also known as Don Mario . Officials said Wednesday that they will determine how that reward will be paid . Rendon , who was captured in the Uraba region of northwestern Colombia , was transferred to the capital , Bogota , on Wednesday afternoon . A live TV broadcast of his arrival at the Military Airport of Catam , on the outskirts of Bogota , showed a somber-looking Rendon being led off an airplane to a police van . Rendon was wearing a two-toned , gray and blue shirt and gray pants , and his hands were bound in front of him with white plastic cuffs . The arrival was broadcast on CNN affiliate Caracol TV . Uribe , whose news conference also was televised"} +{"answer":"his daughter about $ 200 per week . But last week he sent nothing . `` He told me he has no more work because of the situation there , '' Pena said . `` Temporary workers are always the first to lose their jobs in crises like this one , '' said Luis Pena , an economist . `` Since many Mexicans in the United States are there illegally , they are most vulnerable to unemployment . '' Some economists predict the drop will increase by year 's end to 20 percent . After oil exports , remittances are Mexico 's second-largest source of foreign currency . In Atlanta , Georgia , which has one of the greatest concentrations of Mexican residents in the southeastern United States , Yasmin Gutierrez runs a company that Mexican immigrants use to send dollars abroad . `` Before , they used to come every week and they used to send big amounts and lately , well , nothing , or almost nothing . Some clients are no longer coming , and those that are coming are sending small amounts . '' Rosina Gonzalez , who ran a Western Union office in Atlanta several","question":"MEXICO CITY , Mexico -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Mexicans in the United States sent home 12.2 percent less money this past August than the same month last year , the Banco de Mexico said Wednesday . Mexicans in the U.S. are sending fewer dollars home and are suffering from a tough economy . That translates into remittances of $ 1.9 billion , versus $ 2.2 billion last year , said the bank , which blamed tough economic times in the United States for the decline . `` The prolonged deceleration of economic activity in the United States has adversely affected the opportunities for employment in that country and , consequently , those of the Mexican migrants , '' the bank said in a statement posted on its Web site . August 's tally quickens a trend -- during the first eight months of the year , remittances fell 4 percent to $ 15.6 billion , the statement said . The numbers translate easily into stories of hardship . Marilyn Pena lives outside Mexico City and depends on remittances to get by . Her father migrated to Chicago 12 years ago to find work and , in good months , sends"} +{"answer":"That match was controversially stopped by chess authorities , citing concerns about the health of the contestants after 48 grueling games . But the next year in Moscow , Kasparov beat Karpov in a rematch and went on to hold the number-one world chess ranking almost without interruption until his retirement in 2005 . The two last met , in their fifth match , in 1990 , with games played in New York and Lyon , France . Kasparov won . In a total of five world championship matches , Kasparov has the edge with 21 wins , 19 losses and 104 ties in a total of 144 games . Karpov , now 58 , and Kasparov , 46 , told Spanish newspaper El Pais they hoped the rematch in Valencia would put chess in the spotlight again . Karpov came from Russia to Valencia more than a week ago , with a team of elite trainers , organizers said . Kasparov arrived last Sunday from his home in Croatia , where he had been training . The match , at Valencia 's Palace of Arts , has attracted interest from ticket buyers on five continents , organizers said .","question":"MADRID , Spain -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Chess legends Garry Kasparov and Anatoli Karpov faced off again in Spain on Tuesday , 25 years after their epic first world championship battle in Moscow , in what organizers are calling a `` historic revenge match . '' Garry Kasparov , right , and Anatoli Karpov play chess at the Arts Palau in Valencia , on Tuesday . Revenge or not , the past chess champs will receive undisclosed sums for playing the three-day , 12-game match in the eastern port city of Valencia . There will be no additional cash prize for the winner of the exhibition event , which the regional Valencia government is organizing under the title `` Valencia , cradle of modern chess , '' event spokesman Rafa Carretero told CNN . But bragging rights , yes , and perhaps with more on the line for Kasparov , who dominated the chess world for 20 years . Kasparov carried on that legacy on Tuesday , winning the first two games in this rematch , Spain 's state new agency EFE reported . Karpov was world champion when they began their initial five-month match in 1984 in Moscow ."} +{"answer":"place through October 1 . Millions of families were separated by the Korean War , which ended in 1953 with a cease-fire and no formal peace treaty . No mail , telephone or e-mail exchanges exist between ordinary citizens across the Korean border . The agreement to hold the reunions came after North and South Korea held three days of talks , mediated by the International Committee of the Red Cross , last month , South Korea 's Yonhap news agency reported at the time . About 10,000 people applied to take part in the reunion , but fewer than 200 families were allowed to participate . In addition to the 97 families who met Saturday , another 99 families are expected to meet next week , authorities said . Watch families share hugs , tears '' Participants are selected randomly , and there is no date set for a further reunion , which means the tens of thousands of others who were separated by the Korean War have no idea when they may get a chance to see their loved ones -- if ever . For the many separated family members who are elderly , a reunion may never","question":"SEOUL , South Korea -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Some families long separated by the Korean War saw their loved ones Saturday for the first time in years near the border between North and South Korea . South Korean Yoon Ki-Dal , right , meets the children he left behind as babies during the Korean War . Yoon Ki-Dal , 88 , of South Korea thought such a moment would never come . After leaving his son and daughters when they were babies during the Korean War , he was able to hold the hands of his North Korean children on Saturday . `` Father , we thought you were dead , '' his daughter , now in her 60s , told him , her face trembling . Their family was one of 97 reunited Saturday on Mount Keumgang , a North Korean resort near the eastern part of the border , after decades of separation by war and ideology . And soon these families will be separated again . They are allowed to be together for a few days . Then the South Koreans must return home . The reunions -- the first in nearly two years -- are taking"} +{"answer":"complicated his situation , at which time our firm disengaged our services with Mr. Stack whom we have not been in contact with since October 2009 . '' Ross did not provide any further details in the statement on his work with Stack . Wilbanks said Ross , who has worked as a CPA for at least 30 years , thinks Stack located him in the phone book . They only met four times and did not have a personal relationship , Wilbanks said . The FBI has taken over the investigation into the crash , and Ross has spoken to investigators , Wilbanks said . While Ross does not fear for his safety , he has `` taken precautions , '' though those steps were not detailed by Wilbanks . The online message , in a hit to the IRS , states , `` I saw it written once that the definition of insanity is repeating the same process over and over and expecting the outcome to suddenly be different . `` I am finally ready to stop this insanity . Well , Mr. Big Brother IRS man , let 's try something different ; take my pound of","question":"Austin , Texas -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The former accountant for Andrew Joseph `` Joe '' Stack III -- who officials say flew his plane into a Texas building housing an Internal Revenue Service office -- says Stack had never threatened him , a spokesman for the accountant said . CPA Bill Ross was mentioned in a 3,000-word message on a Web site registered to Stack , which railed against the government , particularly the IRS . The online message believed to have been written by Stack criticizes accountant Ross for `` representing himself and not me . '' Ross had not heard from Stack since October , when his client `` disengaged '' services in a letter , spokesman Chad Wilbanks told CNN . According to Ross , Stack had not expressed any threats toward the accountant or the IRS , Wilbanks said . `` Mr. Stack contacted my firm to help with his personal taxes in 2008 . He failed to provide me with all his income and other information resulting in an IRS audit , '' Ross said in a written statement Saturday . `` Unfortunately , Mr. Stack ignored the audit and my advice which only"} +{"answer":"Church to dozens of refugees from far-flung places like Myanmar and Sudan as well as Iraq , is a welcome break for Faraj , who is struggling to build a new life . Unable to translate her skills as a Baghdad salon owner into a job as a stylist , Faraj does not have the money to pay $ 625 due in rent . `` I have an electricity bill to pay , I have no job , '' she says . `` I have no way of knowing what to do . '' Government and aid group assistance to refugees does not last long . Faraj plans to ask an aid group , the International Rescue Committee , for more help , but she 's not sure what else she can do . Soon she hopes her 21-year-old daughter will arrive from Syria and bring with her better luck . `` My daughter is coming and hopefully I will work , '' she says , as Nepali dancers in elaborate costumes entertain the diners . Across the room , more and more refugees line up for the potluck dinner . `` Do n't worry , there will be enough","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sajida Faraj scoops mashed potatoes and peas onto her plate , not quite sure of the history behind her first Thanksgiving meal . But she knows how thankful she is to be at a church in Atlanta this November , lining up for turkey , stuffing and pecan pie . Sajida Faraj took a break to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal with fellow refugees . Three years ago she grabbed her son , now 12 , and fled Iraq . Her husband , a carpenter who worked for Americans , had left for the market one day in Baghdad and never returned . Faraj says she knows he is dead , even though she has never seen his body . When the rest of her family started to receive death threats , she felt she had no choice but to run . Faraj and her son , Ahmed , made it across the border to Syria and later entered the United States , two of more than 15,000 Iraqi refugees to be allowed in since the beginning of the war in 2003 . The Thanksgiving meal , served at the Avondale Pattillo United Methodist"} +{"answer":"death , about the ways people misunderstand each other and then transcend their conflict . She calls on national leaders to raise the country 's spirit and on Americans to remember that this is the nation that defeated the Nazis and expanded people 's freedom through the civil rights movement . `` Politicians must set their aims for the high ground and according to our various leanings , Democratic , Republican , Independent , we will follow , '' she writes . `` Politicians must be told if they continue to sink into the mud of obscenity , they will proceed alone . '' In an interview last week in her 1881 brownstone in Harlem , decorated in vibrant , bright colors , Angelou sat at the round table in her dining room , sipping coffee , as she talked about the election and her work . She supported Sen. Hillary Clinton 's bid for the Democratic nomination and then backed Sen. Barack Obama once the primaries were over . CNN : In the chapter called `` National Spirit , '' you call on political leaders to raise the level of discussion . Could you elaborate on that ? Maya","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- At 80 , Maya Angelou says her `` knees are not all that swift and my lungs need some extra help but other than that , my desire to learn and to share , that has not abated . '' Maya Angelou urges politicians to `` aim for the high ground '' in her new book , `` Letter to My Daughter . '' She shares what she 's learned in an eventful life in her best-selling new book , `` Letter to My Daughter . '' Angelou achieved fame for her autobiographical writing , including `` I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings '' and her poetry . She read her poem `` On the Pulse of Morning '' at President Clinton 's first inauguration . She was only the second poet invited to read at the swearing in of a new president . But her career has had many facets -- Angelou has been a singer , dancer , playwright , director and teacher . In 166 pages , `` Letter to My Daughter '' distills stories from Angelou 's life into universal lessons . She writes about birth , life and"} +{"answer":"reception was somewhat unsurprising . The zoo has been without a male gorilla since the demise of Bobby , a silverback , in December . Tracey Lee , team leader at London Zoo , put in a good word for the hirsute lothario on the London Zoo Web site , saying Yeboah is `` a very charming , fun loving and intelligent gorilla . '' But whom will Yeboah choose to charm first ? Zaire , at 34 , is the oldest female gorilla and has been at London Zoo since 1984 . The zoo says she 's `` happiest when she 's taking down and rebuilding her nest in various spots around the island . She loves to play with fabric and often drags it around with her all day . '' Then there 's Effie , 16 , who `` enjoys seeing toddlers and often makes her way over to the glass when they come to see her , '' according to the zoo Web site . Finally there 's 10-year-old Mjukuu , or `` Jookie . '' Dan Simmonds , a keeper at the zoo 's Gorilla Kingdom , says she `` has this ` butter would","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- You do n't want to monkey around on a blind date , especially if your friends are also taking an interest in the same dark , handsome stranger . Jookie , as she is known , studies a poster of French gorilla Yeboah , who is heading for London Zoo . So when three female gorillas at London Zoo heard that they would soon be visited by a brooding French hunk -- well , they went a bit bananas . The latest development in Anglo-French relations sees Yeboah , a 20-stone 12-year-old , leave his current home at La Boissiere Du Dore Zoo , Pays de la Loire , northwest France and head for the British capital by the end of the year . There he will be greeted by gorilla trio Zaire , Effie and Mjukuu , who were given posters of their prospective boyfriend for the first time Thursday . One female gorilla shrieked in delight , while another wedged the poster in a tree to stare at it . A third , clearly overcome by emotion , held the photo close to her chest -- then ate it . Their"} +{"answer":"site \u00c2 '' `` We want to get this bridge rebuilt as quick as possible . We understand that this is a main artery , '' Bush said . `` People depend on this bridge , on this highway . '' Bush was accompanied by Transportation Secretary Mary Peters , who pledged that she would do what she could to meet the needs of the city . On Friday , the chief federal investigator said the south end of the bridge '' behaved differently '' from the rest of the structure during its catastrophic collapse . National Transportation Safety Board Chairman Mark Rosenker said , based on a video of the collapse and where the bridge debris lies , the southern end shifted 50 feet to the east . `` And when we compare that to what we 've seen in the rest of the bridge , the rest of the bridge appears to have collapsed in place , '' Rosenker told reporters . Rosenker cautioned that investigators ' interest in the southern end does not mean they have found the cause of the bridge collapse . `` What we have is a step forward , '' he said .","question":"MINNEAPOLIS , Minnesota -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Bush surveyed this week 's bridge collapse in Minneapolis , Minnesota , and pledged the government would `` eliminate roadblocks '' and `` cut through paperwork '' to get it rebuilt . `` I bring prayers from the American people to those who have suffered loss of life as a result of the collapse of the 35W bridge in the Twin Cities . I bring prayers to those who wonder whether they 'll ever see a loved one again , '' Bush said on his visit . `` I have met with the chief of police and the sheriff and rescue workers -- people who represent men and women working as hard as they possibly can to save life and to find life -- to go under these murky waters to find the facts . And it 's going to take awhile . '' Shortly after Bush left the site , a diver bobbed in the water and communicated with an attending boat with hand signals . `` I have been impressed not only by their determination but by their compassion , '' the president said . Watch Bush tour the disaster"} +{"answer":"'' Bratten says . Watch small business owners describe how Demmellash has helped them '' Demmellash 's own struggle began in Addis Ababa , Ethiopia , amid instability and unrest . Thousands of Ethiopians -- including her aunt -- disappeared or were tortured and\/or killed under the ruling military regime . When Demmellash was 2 , her mother fled the country , leaving the toddler in the care of her grandmother and aunt . Demmellash lived on less than a dollar a day but never considered herself poor . Watch Demmellash talk about her childhood '' Nearly a decade later , Demmellash and her mother reunited in Boston , Massachusetts . But Demmellash found her mother was n't living the American dream she 'd envisioned . `` I -LSB- thought -RSB- I would find my mom in a beautiful mansion with trees -LSB- and -RSB- gold everywhere , '' recalls Demmellash , now 29 . `` I was shocked when I found her in her tiny apartment ... working very , very hard . '' Her mother had worked as a waitress during the day and a seamstress at night to earn money to bring her daughter to the United","question":"JERSEY CITY , New Jersey -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Alfa Demmellash grew up on less than a dollar a day , and against the backdrop of torture and murder . But these days she 's living the American dream and helping others do the same . Alfa Demmellash helps low-income entrepreneurs in New Jersey start or grow their businesses . `` Entrepreneurs are at the very heart of what the American dream is all about , '' says Demmellash , a native of Ethiopia . And from her small office in Jersey City , her nonprofit , Rising Tide Capital , is helping small businesses flourish . Robin Munn , who runs a flower shop in Jersey City , says the skills she learned through Demmellash helped her transform the way she operates her business . `` I was thinking about closing , but once I started taking the classes I found that the fire came back . '' Kim Bratten , a 39-year-old painter and mother of six , says she 's seen her yearly income increase by 50 percent since she started working with Demmellash and her team . `` They put hope back into the community ,"} +{"answer":"upbeat about the promise of this business , saying that consumers ' ability to gauge how their genes influence risk for diseases like diabetes and cancer could revolutionize health care . `` The ability to treat disease is driven by the ability to assess risk . As knowledge builds up , it will increasingly become an unacceptable position not to have your genetic profile , '' says Kari Stefansson , chief executive of DeCode , one of the first firms to offer scans that allow individuals to examine their genomes . But analysts and researchers are a bit more cautious . While there 's plenty of potential for retail genomics , they say the budding market is still in its early stages . Have you bought a retail DNA test ? Share your story on iReport Companies that offer personal DNA analysis have attracted the interest of individuals who are highly concerned with their health , as well as so-called early adopters who are enamored with new technologies . But the outlook for business opportunities is still hazy , mostly because there is n't a full understanding of the benefit of these tests in terms of identifying how and why","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- If you want to peer inside your DNA , there 's no shortage of companies offering avenues for doing so these days . A cheek swab or saliva sample is all firms need to scan your genes . But how much health-relevant information can they provide ? The opportunity to have your complete genome mapped was recently auctioned on eBay -- with the winning bidder shelling out a cool $ 68,000 in the auction , which ended Monday . However , more cost-conscious consumers are more likely to send in a saliva sample to a company like Google-backed 23andMe , which will scan and analyze genetic information for about $ 400 . The costs and services these firms offer vary widely , but they 're basically chasing the same market : the customer who is curious about what their genes can tell them about themselves . Welcome to the world of personal genomics . A spate of firms -- from 23andMe and fellow Silicon Valley start-up Navigenics to Cambridge , Mass.-based Knome and Iceland 's DeCode Genetics -- are vying to tap the growing interest in DNA analysis among individuals . They 're"} +{"answer":"Describing his brief conversation with Ocampo , Longwith painted a different picture . `` He looked at me . He answered when I asked him questions . It was a flat affect and a distant look in his eyes . ... He looked frightened in there , starry-eyed , '' Longwith said . The attorney said he did not know whether his client had been medicated . He said he hoped to have doctors examine Ocampo as soon as possible . Ocampo faces four charges of first-degree murder . He was arrested Friday night after he allegedly stabbed a transient to death , Anaheim Police Sgt. Bob Dunn said . Rackauckas said Tuesday that prosecutors had not decided whether they would seek the death penalty in the case . Attached to the 1st Marine Logistics Group at Camp Pendleton , California , Ocampo was a corporal and a motor vehicle operator , serving in the Marines from July 2006 until July 2010 , and was deployed to Iraq for six months in 2008 , according to Marine service records . He received an Iraq campaign medal with one star , a Global War on Terrorism Service Medal and a National","question":"Santa Ana , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A judge has postponed an arraignment hearing scheduled for a former Marine accused of fatally stabbing four homeless men in Southern California . The hearing for Itzcoatl Ocampo , 23 , was postponed Wednesday until February 17 after Judge Donald F. Gaffney granted a defense motion asking for more time . Ocampo , 23 , remains jailed without bail . He is in a protective `` suicide blanket , '' defense attorney Randall Longwith said . Longwith told reporters he asked for the delay because he had not been given enough time to meet with his client . Authorities only allowed him to talk with Ocampo for 15 seconds Tuesday , he said . `` There was no basis for a plea at this point . I do n't have enough information to even make a plea , '' he said . Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas told reporters Wednesday that Ocampo was a `` serious , vicious killer . '' `` He appears to be lucid , calm , intelligent , somebody who knows what he 's doing . And his acts are very intentional , '' Rackauckas said ."} +{"answer":"work . Keith said `` everybody you talk to '' tells him , '' ` well , we 're not hiring . We ai n't got nothing open right now . ' '' Vickie has suffered her own layoff . She lost her job in 2006 when furniture maker Ethan Allen closed its plant in the area . She decided to retrain and will graduate from the local community college in May as a certified medical assistant . Vickie hopes to get a job at a local clinic , but jobs are hard to come by in this area . Major industries , including textile manufacturing , furniture making and mining , have downsized or left the area completely . The Rev. Bill Sweetser works with Shepherd 's Staff , a local food pantry . He says workers there are seeing three times as many clients as they did just last year . Watch how the Murdocks have struggled against the bad economy '' The food bank is in an old textile mill that just a few years ago was one of the largest employers in Mitchell County . Now , former workers come there for assistance . `` Right","question":"SPRUCE PINE , North Carolina -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Like most parents , Vickie and Keith Murdock worry about providing for their family . With three teenage daughters , that can be a big challenge , but these days it 's more difficult than ever . Keith and Vickie Murdock retrained for new jobs after suffering layoffs . But they remain unemployed . Vickie and Keith are both out of work . They live in Spruce Pine , North Carolina , a tiny mountain town about an hour 's drive northeast of Asheville that has lost more than 2,000 jobs since 2003 . That 's a devastating number , given that Mitchell County 's 2000 Census population was only 15,687 . Keith was laid off in 2001 , when a textile mill closed . He had worked there for 13 years . He did what all the experts say to do : He went back to school , got his GED and retrained to be an auto body mechanic . After graduation , he found a job at nearby Altec Industries . But again , he was laid off in January . Today , he spends his time looking for"} +{"answer":"priorities : 1 -RRB- One of the worst things about the Democrats ' plan is the method of financing : an increase in tax on high-income earners . At first that tax bites only a very small number , but the new taxes will surely be applied to larger and larger portions of the American population over time . Republicans champion lower taxes and faster economic growth . We need to start thinking now about how to get rid of these new taxes on work , saving and investment -- if necessary by finding other sources of revenue , including carbon taxes . 2 -RRB- We should quit defending employment-based health care . The leading Republican spokesman in the House on these issues , Rep. Paul Ryan , repeatedly complained during floor debate that the Obama plan would `` dump '' people out of employer-provided care into the exchanges . He said that as if it were a bad thing . Yet free-market economists from Milton Friedman onward have identified employer-provided care as the original sin of American health care . Employers choose different policies for employees than those employees would choose for themselves . The cost is concealed .","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- What the hell do we Republicans do now ? In the very short run , our course is obvious enough : There will be more votes on health care in the Senate , and we will vote nay again . But this is anti-climax territory . The decisive vote occurred Sunday night . The `` what next ? '' question pertains to the days further ahead , after President Obama signs the merged House-Senate legislation and `` Obamacare '' becomes the law of the land . Some Republicans talk of repealing the whole bill . That 's not very realistic . Even supposing that Republicans miraculously capture both houses of Congress in November , repeal will require a presidential signature . More relevantly : Do Republicans write a one-sentence bill declaring that the whole thing is repealed ? Will they vote to reopen the `` doughnut '' hole for prescription drugs for seniors ? To allow health insurers to deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions ? To kick millions of people off Medicaid ? It 's unimaginable , impossible . But there are things that can be done , and here are some early"} +{"answer":"Doris Bucher at New York Medical College , in Valhalla , New York . Bucher told CNN Thursday that she had just packaged four viruses that she considers vaccine candidates and sent the samples to the CDC 's headquarters in Atlanta , Georgia , via courier . Earlier this week , a Korean scientist , Dr. Seo Sang-heui , also claimed to have produced a virus that might be used in a swine flu vaccine . But Skinner said the methods Sang-heui used were not suitable and that his virus was not considered a viable candidate . Bucher 's samples will likely get more attention . For the past five years her lab in Valhalla has produced elements of the seasonal vaccine that 's given to tens of millions of Americans each year . She says the process she 's using with the H1N1 virus is virtually identical to the process her lab uses when working on that seasonal vaccine . The virus used in vaccines is not the actual virus that infects people , but rather a hybrid that 's been genetically modified to make it safer , and to give it the ability to multiply more quickly --","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention received a candidate vaccine virus for swine flu from one institution Friday , spokesman Thomas Skinner said in an e-mail . The CDC estimates more than 100,000 people have had swine flu in the United States . The CDC and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have also created a candidate vaccine virus for swine flu , also known as 2009 H1N1 , using reverse genetics , he said . `` Suitable viruses will hopefully be sent to manufacturers by end of next week , '' Skinner wrote . Once that happens , vaccine makers will tweak the virus and have `` pilot lots '' of vaccine ready to be tested by mid - to late June . Several thousand cases have been reported nationally , but the CDC estimates more than 100,000 people have had swine flu in the United States , said Dr. Anne Schuchat , interim deputy director for science and public health program at the CDC , in a news conference Friday . Most of these people probably have not been officially tested . The first sample virus came from a lab run by virologist"} +{"answer":"the leaders , she refused to take questions from any reporters . The Alaska governor initially said that no reporters would be allowed to sit in on her meeting with Karzai . She planned to allow in only photographers and one television crew , but she changed her position after at least five U.S. news networks protested . CNN does not send cameras into candidate events where editorial presence is not allowed . Nonetheless , Biegun said , `` these are relationships that she intuitively understands are very important for the next president and vice president of the United States . '' In those get-togethers , Palin kept the focus primarily on energy issues and the growing influence of Russia , according to Biegun . Palin found Kissinger particularly engrossing ; their meeting had been scheduled to last 30 minutes , but the two met for nearly an hour and a half . `` In talking to Dr. Kissinger , '' Biegun said , `` she certainly had a lot of questions about how the United States can develop a cooperative relationship with Russia , what are some of the unique challenges to the current state of Russia 's political","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Before heading out for a trio of well-publicized meetings with foreign dignitaries Tuesday , Sarah Palin received a briefing from the director of national security , Adm. Michael McConnell . Gov. Sarah Palin is in New York to meet with leaders from around the world . The appearances with world leaders , taking place on the sidelines of the United Nation 's General Assembly meetings in New York , come as the campaign of Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain tries to convince voters that Palin is ready for the world stage . Palin 's top foreign policy adviser informed reporters of the meeting at a small briefing after Palin 's visits with Afghan President Hamid Karzai , Colombian President Alvaro Uribe and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger . The adviser , Stephen Biegun , formerly a top member of the National Security Council under President Bush , characterized the intelligence briefing as `` routine '' and said it was the sort of meeting that `` is standard for candidates for the vice president and president . '' Biegun said several officials were present to brief Palin . Although Palin held photo-ops with"} +{"answer":"Albania was a big customer for Chinese armaments in the 1960s and '70s , the Times reported . Angelo Diveroli , Efraim 's grandfather , told CNN affiliate WPLG-TV that his grandson is being targeted by `` jealous competitors '' in the international arms market . Since he was a boy , the grandfather said , Efraim Diveroli has known his way around weapons . Read the WPLG story `` He 's a genius about anything to do with weapons , '' the 72-year-old says . `` Ever since he was a little boy , I would take him to gun shows and he could identify every model of guns . People would ask : How can he do that so young ? He has a gift , I would tell them . '' Michael Diveroli , Efraim 's father , told CNN affiliate WFOR-TV that he wished his son had turned his intellect elsewhere . He said Efraim was `` a boy genius '' who is `` hard to control . '' Read the WFOR story `` I would prefer he became a nice Jewish doctor or lawyer rather than an arms dealer , '' WFOR quoted Michael Diveroli","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Efraim Diveroli 's father hoped his son would become a doctor or lawyer . Efraim Diveroli , 22 , is doing his `` patriotic '' duty as an arms dealer , his grandfather says . What he got instead is a 22-year-old international arms dealer who faces a congressional inquiry for allegedly selling old Chinese ammunition to the U.S. military to equip allies in Afghanistan . Diveroli is president of AEY Inc. , a South Florida company which , according to U.S. government documents , has done more than $ 10 million of business with the U.S. government since 2004 . The papers also reveal the company struck it big in 2007 with contracts totaling more than $ 200 million to supply ammunition , assault rifles and other weapons to the Afghan National Army and police . The company 's contract said it would get the ammunition from Hungary . But Army investigators found what the Afghan military got included corroded ammunition made in China as long as 46 years ago . The New York Times reported Thursday that AEY shopped stockpiles and ammo dumps in old Soviet bloc allies , from Albania to Kazakhstan ."} +{"answer":"the best wine in the world is whatever wine you enjoy . I did n't ask , but was curious if that applied to Boone 's Farm ? Throughout the day , we hit four wineries , tasting 23 bottles in all . I know because I kept hash marks on my hand . I 'm pretty classy . Now , despite the outstanding info we received from our guide as we sipped and swirled and spat , I ca n't say that I 'm any better at understanding the finer points of wine than I was this morning when I woke up . However , I did manage to get a solid buzz . And that should be worth something . Even without the wine , a visit to South Africa 's vineyards is a great addition to a traveler 's to-do list . It 's not far from the city and the scenery is beautiful . If you need an added incentive , there are even a few cheese farms in the area where you can really crank the whole experience up to 11 . I personally thanked one of the goats for his contribution . He did","question":"Editor 's note : We asked readers to weigh in on CNN.com Live producer Jarrett Bellini 's vacation destination , and you chose South Africa . Check back for updates on his trip . CNN.com 's Jarrett Bellini tours vineyards outside Cape Town , South Africa . CAPE TOWN , South Africa -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- I 'm not a wine drinker . Before today 's excursion , in fact , I could only tell you that on the face of the planet there existed three types of wine : red , white and Carlo Rossi . The reds are good with meat . The whites go with fish . And , according to what I learned from my dad , Carlo Rossi goes with a glass of ice . So , exploring South Africa 's wine country , just a short drive from Cape Town , seemed like a perfect educational way for me to spend my day . I mean , it was that or go to a museum . Our guide , Jack , was amazingly knowledgeable about the subject , but without being a pretentious jerk . Really , as far as he is concerned ,"} +{"answer":"men and an Indian national was held last month . All proclaimed their innocence and many refused to answer prosecutors questions . The three-judge panel at the National Court ruled on Monday that all 11 belonged to a terrorist group . Two of the 11 also were convicted of possession of explosives , but nine others were acquitted on that charge . The 11 face prison terms of eight to 14 years . But Jose Maria Fuster-Fabra , a private prosecutor representing victims in the case , told CNN the sentence sets a precedent in Spain because the 11 defendants were convicted for terrorist group membership almost solely on the basis of a key police informant , known as F1 to protect his identity . F1 testified he was selected by the group 's leader to be a suicide bomber , and that he quickly made a secretive call from a bathroom at a Barcelona mosque to warn a friend in France about an impending terrorist attack . Hours later , police swooped to make arrests in January 2008 in Barcelona . The protected witness denied on the stand that he worked for French or any other secret service .","question":"Madrid , Spain -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Spanish court convicted 11 Islamic militants Monday of membership in a terrorist group , but acquitted them of a `` specific '' conspiracy to carry out an attack on Barcelona 's metro subway system , as prosecutors alleged . The court instead said there was a more general decision by the group , linked to al Qaeda , to use explosives against Barcelona 's metro , but that a specific date and place had not been determined , nor had a sufficient amount of explosives been assembled , according to a copy of the sentence viewed by CNN . The judges ruled the alleged Barcelona plot had `` not advanced sufficiently '' to constitute a crime of conspiracy under Spanish law . The alleged plot in January 2008 had raised alarm bells in Europe because Spanish authorities said there were to be a series of attacks , starting with suicide bombings on the Barcelona metro , and then other attacks in Spain , Germany , France , Portugal and Great Britain , if successive demands from a Pakistani Taliban leader and al Qaeda were not met . The trial against 10 Pakistani"} +{"answer":"Minimize a large bust In a top , do n't be tempted to go too small : Spillage along the sides will just make the chest look bigger . And keep in mind that suits run about two sizes smaller than your clothing size . InStyle.com : 12 ways to look thinner by tonight An underwire or built-in bra gives structure and support , says Weiss . Seek out bra sizing in bathing suit tops for a more accurate fit . And when you 're trying on either one or two-pieces , make sure the straps are sturdy . Keyhole or string-bikini triangle tops and demi bras are n't ideal for big busts , says Yang , since they do n't provide enough coverage or support . Banish belly bulge A plunging halter top draws the eye up and away from any pooch below . Details or a bold pattern on the midsection can also be positively distracting -- a busy print keeps the eye moving so it does n't settle on a less-than-flat tummy . InStyle.com : How stars get bikini-ready In one-piece styles , look for extras like built-in tummy control panel or a suit that has significantly","question":"-LRB- InStyle.com -RRB- -- Think of a swimsuit as your strategic dare-to-bare ally : Find one in a flattering color and cut , and it can give you the confidence you 'll want when it 's time to drop the towel . There 's no getting around the fact that swimsuit shopping can be a major drag , but if you put your mind to it , you will find a suit that downplays what you do n't love and highlights what you do . Maximize a small bust Underwires , boning and padding add shape and fullness to your chest , says stylist Julie Weiss , who has worked with Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Gabrielle Union . Just be sure that any padding is subtle and , once wet , does n't show through . InStyle.com : Lose muffin top in 3 weeks Ruffles , like shirring , can also be a plus , since they can make any area look bigger . Also consider the art of distraction . Jeanne Yang , who has styled Katie Holmes and Brooke Shields , says a top with a funky pattern , polka dots or embellishments will camouflage a petite chest ."} +{"answer":"and is now focusing on the Buner district , Abbas said . About 300 militants entered Buner a few days ago in violation of the Taliban 's recent agreement to leave the district , he said . Buner is about 60 miles away from Islamabad , but Abbas said the militants posed no threat to the capital city . Fighter jets pounded targets in Buner and the Swat Valley in an effort to block the militants ' entry and exit points , he added . The general also released a recording of what he said was a conversation between a regional Taliban commander , Maulana Fazlullah , and some of his lieutenants . On the call , the purported Taliban leaders discuss how to stage an announced retreat from Buner last weekend while remaining in control of the territory . `` Those who will remain there will stay apart , so that the world gets to know that Taliban have left Buner , '' one of the commanders says , according to the transcript . `` Not more than two Taliban should sit on a vehicle . Moulvi Sahib will lead . Other vehicles will follow . '' Showing off","question":"ISLAMABAD , Pakistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Pakistani fighter jets pounded Taliban targets in the country 's northwestern region Tuesday , part of a wider military crackdown on militants inside its borders . A Pakistan army gunship flies over the troubled Dir region on Monday . The airstrikes killed between 70 and 75 militants in the Dir district and flushed out many more , military spokesman Gen. Athar Abbas told reporters . It is part of the Pakistani army 's intensified drive against the Taliban in its restive tribal regions . The Pakistani government has been criticized for not cracking down on militants along its border with Afghanistan . As a result , the U.S. military has carried out drone attacks against militant targets in Pakistan , rankling Pakistan . But Pakistan 's recent military crackdown has led to an exodus of civilians in the region . Between 15,000 and 30,000 residents have left the Dir district , which is less than 160 km -LRB- 100 miles -RRB- northwest of the capital , Islamabad , according to an aid agency operating in the region . The Pakistani military on Tuesday completed its operation to eliminate and expel militants in Dir"} +{"answer":". Cuba and the United States have had a troubled relationship since Fidel Castro came to power in 1959 . The United States broke off diplomatic relations in 1961 and imposed a trade embargo in 1962 . Bush tightened some of those restrictions in recent years , most notably limiting travel to the island to once every three years for a limit of 14 days . Under the new provisions , relatives will be able to go once a year and stay for an unlimited time . In addition , the definition of relatives has been broadened to include uncles , aunts , nephews and nieces . The new measures also increase the amount of money visitors can spend . Otto Reich , who served presidents Reagan and both Bushes in a number of high-level Latin American posts , also testified Wednesday before the House Foreign Affairs Committee . Reich and Hakim have different perspectives on how far Obama should go on improving relations with Cuba , but they agree that attaching the latest measures to the spending bill was the wrong way to do it . `` It 's important to open up Cuba , but it should be","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The $ 410 billion budget President Obama signed Wednesday will make it easier for U.S. residents to travel to Cuba and to send money to family members on the island . It also could facilitate the sale of agricultural and pharmaceutical products to Cuba . The residents of Havana , Cuba , often rely on bicycle taxis for transportation . Three provisions attached to the omnibus spending bill loosened restrictions enacted by then-President George W. Bush after he came to office in 2001 . Analysts see the move as a way for the new Obama administration to start thawing relations with Cuba one month before the Fifth Summit of the Americas brings together the U.S. president and 33 other leaders from the Western Hemisphere in Trinidad and Tobago . '' -LSB- Cuba -RSB- is the issue of greatest symbolic importance , '' said Peter Hakim , president of the Washington-based Inter-American Dialogue policy institute . `` It will be seen as a test of real U.S. readiness to change in the hemisphere . What he says about Cuba will make headlines . '' Hakim testified about Latin American policy Wednesday before the House Foreign Affairs Committee"} +{"answer":"subsequent cover up of the injury . Watch journalists discuss club 's ` shame ' '' Richards was initially cleared of improper conduct by a hearing in July in which Williams was given a 12-month ban , but the verdict was challenged by ERC disciplinary officer Roger O'Connor . Further evidence came to light in an appeal made by Williams before an admission of guilt by Dean Richards , who recently resigned from his position with Harlequins , prompted the ban . The ERC appeal committee chairman Rod McKenzie said details of four other incidents of Harlequins faking injuries had been passed to the relevant authorities . Williams 's ban was reduced to four months and the fine imposed on Harlequins has been increased from $ 340,000 to $ 425,000 -- the club still awaits to hear whether they will be expelled from this season 's European Cup . The physiotherapist for the London-based club , Steph Brennan , has also been banned for two-years . Richards had not decided whether to appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport but reacted to his ban by telling reporters : `` I 'm surprised . Three years is a long time","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former England forward and Harlequins director of rugby Dean Richards has been banned from coaching for three years for his part in masterminding a fake blood injury to one of his players . Tom Williams spitting fake blood from his mouth in a match between Harlequins and Leinster . The 46-year-old was hit with disciplinary action after a hearing by an independent European Rugby Cup -LRB- ERC -RRB- panel found he had `` organized the fabrication of a blood injury '' on wing Tom Williams during a European Cup quarterfinal match against Leinster . With his side trailing by one point Williams , under instructions from Richards , faked a cut in his mouth with a capsule of fake blood , thereby allowing goal-kicker Nick Evans to return to the field of play . The plan may have worked if Williams had not winked to the oncoming player as he left the pitch , an action that infuriated their opponents Leinster . The ERC confirmed in a statement on their official Web site that Richards had acknowledged his role as the orchestrator of the plan that has since been dubbed `` bloodgate , '' and the"} +{"answer":"look up what to do . It warned him not to sleep . So he set his phone alarm to go off every 20 minutes . Once the battery got down to less than 20 percent of its power , Woolley turned it off . By then , he says , he had trained his body not to sleep for long periods , drifting off only to wake up within minutes . Woolley 's job keeps him tech savvy . He oversees interactive projects for the Christian child advocacy organization Compassion International in Colorado Springs , Colorado . CNN iReport : Looking for loved ones in Haiti With his injuries tended to , he wrote a note to his family in his journal : `` I was in a big accident , an earthquake . Do n't be upset at God . He always provides for his children even in hard times . I 'm still praying that God will get me out , but he may not . But even so he will always take care of you . '' The journal is stained with his blood . After more than 60 hours , Woolley was pulled from the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Alone in the darkness beneath layers of rubble , Dan Woolley felt blood streaming from his head and leg . Then he remembered -- he had an app for that . Woolley , an aid worker , husband , and father of two boys , followed instructions on his cell phone to survive the January 12 earthquake in Haiti . `` I had an app that had pre-downloaded all this information about treating wounds . So I looked up excessive bleeding and I looked up compound fracture , '' Woolley told CNN . The application on his iPhone is filled with information about first aid and CPR from the American Heart Association . `` So I knew I was n't making mistakes , '' Woolley said . `` That gave me confidence to treat my wounds properly . '' Trapped in the ruins of the Hotel Montana in Port-au-Prince , he used his shirt to bandage his leg , and tied his belt around the wound . To stop the bleeding on his head , he firmly pressed a sock to it . Concerned he might have been experiencing shock , Woolley used the app to"} +{"answer":"tried to separate fans outside the ground after the match . `` Incidents of this nature at a match are thankfully rare , but it would appear that a small number of supporters were intent on causing a confrontation . `` A team of dedicated police officers will be reviewing all the events that took place and will be looking at CCTV both inside and outside the ground to identify evidence of offenses and offenders . `` We will proactively seek to obtain football-banning orders for those responsible so they will not be permitted in stadiums throughout the country or abroad . '' The Football Association -LRB- FA -RRB- , who are currently promoting England 's bid to stage the 2018 or 2022 World Cup , have denounced the violence . `` We absolutely condemn all of the disorder that has occurred at Upton Park , both inside and outside of the ground , '' an FA spokesman said . `` We will very quickly be working with all parties , including the police and clubs to establish the facts surrounding the events . We expect all culprits to be banned from football for life - they have no place","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A man was stabbed in the chest and 13 people were arrested after violence marred an English League Cup tie between Premier League side West Ham and east London neighbors Millwall . Millwall fans taunt West Ham supporters during their English League Cup tie . The 44-year-old man was stabbed in Priory Road , a few yards from West Ham 's stadium as fans clashed with police before and after the match ; police say he is now in a stable condition . During the match , which West Ham won 3-1 , fans fought with police and stewards inside the stadium and play was temporarily suspended when numerous supporters invaded the pitch . Metropolitan Police chief superintendent Steve Wisbey , who was in charge of policing the match , confirmed his force were investigating the events and would seek to punish those responsible for the trouble . Commenting on the tie which has a tradition for trouble among rival fans Wisbey added : `` Police worked closely with West Ham Football Club , British Transport Police and the local authority to minimize disorder . `` Officers responded swiftly whilst missiles were being thrown as they"} +{"answer":"surgery and medicines out of her own pocket . `` When we looked at the price of getting things done in South Africa . I 'm like , ` We 're never gon na get there . ' It 's $ 45,000 . Where do I even begin ? '' The cost of a kidney transplant in the United States can be $ 25,000 to $ 150,000 , also out of Irungu 's price range . Watch more on Lorna Irungu 's odyssey '' So she began looking elsewhere , sending out e-mails and making phone calls to hospitals in other countries . Doctors at Fortis Hospital in New Delhi , India , were the only ones who responded to her somewhat complicated case . Dr. Vijay Kher , the hospital 's director of nephrology , first talked to Irungu by phone . `` When she called me from Kenya , she was very sick , '' Kher said . `` She had uncontrolled blood pressures , and she was having fever . She had been in ICU for about three weeks . '' But Irungu made it to India . Once her condition was stabilized , doctors performed the","question":"NEW DELHI , India -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Lorna Irungu sits on a hospital bed looking extremely frail . She has lupus and her kidneys continue to fail . Lorna Irungu , 35 , had to travel from Kenya to India to receive her third kidney transplant . `` At some point I just wanted it to be over , '' said Irungu , 35 . `` I was just tired . I was really , really tired of the fighting , of the struggling , of being sick . '' But Irungu did decide to fight , with the help of a very giving family . Three times she has needed a kidney transplant , and three times her family members insisted on donating . First her father donated , then her sister , and then her brother . Irungu says what she could n't find was a doctor who would do the tricky third transplant in her own country of Kenya . When she checked in neighboring countries , the cost was impossibly high . Irungu , who 's single and has no children , has no insurance . So the former television host was paying for the"} +{"answer":"Now , most businesses have closed their doors , leaving only a handful to serve the community . A drive down Braddock Avenue , the main street , indicates the town has seen the bottom . The avenue is lined with crumbling offices and stores , boarded windows and empty lots where buildings once stood . But there is hope in the town . In 2005 , Braddock elected John Fetterman by one vote as its mayor . He is originally from York , Pennsylvania , and has lived in the area of Braddock for eight years . He has an MBA from Harvard and started a program that helped dislocated youth from the area receive their high school equivalency degrees . At 6 feet 8 inches and 325 pounds , he is an imposing figure . He chooses to dress in Dr Martens boots , baggy jeans and Dickies short-sleeved shirts because he feels he is able to connect with the people better dressed that way . He shaves his head and has a goatee . Possibly the most intimidating aspects of Fetterman 's appearance are his tattoos , clearly visible on his forearms , including the numbers 15104","question":"BRADDOCK , Pennsylvania -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- What happens when business and government turn their collective back on a town and just walk away ? Braddock , Pennsylvania , is what happens . Braddock , Pennsylvania , has suffered since the steel mills went out of business in the 1970s and 1980s . When steel was king , the population of Braddock surged to more than 20,000 people . With its proximity to Pittsburgh and its location on the Monongahela River , it was an ideal location for a steel town . When steel mills began closing in the 1970s and 1980s , Braddock was not immune . In 1982 , Braddock 's main mill , the Carrie Furnace , closed its doors , putting thousands of people out of work . Throughout the 1980s and 1990s , residents left the town seeking work in other parts of Pennsylvania . The 2000 census put the population of Braddock at 2,900 , but it has dropped further , according to residents . Home prices have plummeted and real estate is as inexpensive as $ 6,000 for a single-family house . Historic pictures show a polished downtown and a bustling community ."} +{"answer":", the independent observer for the International Swim Federation who is accompanying the expedition , says that swimmers have a much better chance of success if they can make it through the second night . '' There was a bit of excitement early Saturday afternoon . An oceanic whitetip shark swam near Nyad , but a diver on her team faced it off and it meandered away . The swimmer improved her performance late Saturday morning after struggling to maintain her usual stroke rate , her support team said . Fortified by chicken soup , Nyad was making good progress until the Saturday evening incident . `` This afternoon -- it is stunning to actually witness -- Diana is swimming stronger and stronger , '' one post said . `` Her strokes are up to 50 per minute , she is eating pasta , gobbling bananas , bits of peanut butter sandwiches , along with high-carb & high calorie liquid concoctions . '' The going was rough before dawn Saturday , when Nyad had stopped her freestyle stroke and complained that she could n't breathe properly after getting stung . Doctors from the University of Miami gave the swimmer a","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Endurance swimmer Diana Nyad was stung by a sea creature for a second time Saturday night and was being treated by doctors , her team said in a blog post , leaving the continuation of her swim in question . The 62-year-old , in transit from Havana to Florida , was stung by some kind of presumed jellyfish , the blog said . `` Her face and eyes and the area around her eyes are affected . She is out of the water and aboard the transom of the Voyager where she is being treated by doctors . It will be up to Diana to decide whether or not to continue to the swim . '' The incident was another setback for the athlete , who was stung by Portuguese man o ' war earlier in the day . At 6:30 p.m. , Nyad was 49 miles from Havana . Having passed the 24-hour mark , she was entering a critical time in her quest to cover the 103 miles . `` Tonight , her second night in the open water , may be the most critical , '' the team wrote . `` Steve Munatones"} +{"answer":"back in Tokyo on Thursday , where he met with Japanese prosecutors . This morning he met with the Olympus board that fired him last month . Woodford said the board meeting was `` constructive . '' Woodford claims he was fired because he asked about the $ 1.4 billion in questionable transaction fees . `` In Japanese life , it 's wonderful to be harmonious on the personal level with your friends and family , but in a corporation you need agitation , you need challenge , you need questioning , '' Woodford told reporters Thursday . `` And if that 's not good for Japan , then I 'm very sad . '' The murky merger and acquisition fees includes a $ 687 million transaction fee that represented about one-third of the cost of the acquisition , which would make it the largest percentage transaction fee in global merger and acquisition history . Earlier this week , a third party probe said it found no evidence that funds flowed from Olympus into organized crime , responding to a New York Times report that investigators are looking into whether missing cash went into companies linked with Japanese yakuza ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Shares of scandal-plagued Olympus rallied after three board members of the Japanese camera maker quit ahead of today 's meeting with a company ex-CEO turned whistleblower . Shares soared as much as 25 % in early trade Friday after former Chairman Tsuyoshi Kikukawa , former executive Vice President Hisashi Mori and Auditor Hideo Yamada quit . The company claims the trio helped fake payments for merger transactions to cover $ 1.4 billion in losses . The resignations are the latest in a series of incidents in a scandal that began on October 14 with the firing of Michael Woodford as chief executive , who subsequently went public with allegations the Olympus management team and board had covered up hundreds of millions of losses in bad investments dating back to the 1990s . A subsequent probe that looked into the shady M&A transactions , including whether there was Japanese mob involvement , have pummeled shares of the camera and medical equipment maker . The share value has dropped more than 80 % in the past six weeks . The company faces the threat of de-listing from the Tokyo Stock Exchange for inaccurate financial statements . Woodford was"} +{"answer":"A discussion posted online by NHC forecasters called Cristobal `` convectively challenged '' and predicted the storm would `` become absorbed ahead of an approaching cold front '' by late Monday . Although the center of the storm was forecast to remain off the coast through the weekend , tropical storm warnings were in effect from the South Santee River in South Carolina to the North Carolina-Virginia state line , including Pamlico Sound . Flood advisories were posted for coastal counties , and Wilmington , North Carolina , received 2 1\/2 inches of rain Saturday , said Stephen Keebler , a meteorologist at the National Weather Service there . Cristobal 's winds were not expected to be a problem , Keebler said . `` It 's some rain and a little bit of relief for the coastal areas and a lot of excitement , but that 's about it , '' he said . The rain bands were weakening as they spun farther inland , providing little relief for parched areas near Interstate 95 in North Carolina , he said . Forecasters predicted up to 5 inches of rain along the North Carolina coast , with heavier amounts in some","question":"CHARLESTON , South Carolina -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Tropical storm Cristobal was forecast to move `` parallel and very close '' to the North Carolina coast Sunday morning , but the storm is not expected to make landfall along the eastern U.S. shores . Satellite image taken at 1:15 p.m. Saturday shows Tropical Storm Cristobal off the coast of the Carolinas . At 11 p.m. ET Saturday , the center of the storm was about 45 miles southeast of Cape Fear , North Carolina , and about 170 miles southwest of Cape Hatteras , North Carolina . The National Hurricane Center said Cristobal was moving northeast at about 6 mph , with maximum sustained winds of about 45 mph and some higher gusts . `` The center of the tropical storm is expected to move parallel and very close to the coast of North Carolina for the next day or so , '' the NHC said . It is expected to dump between three and five inches of rain along the Carolina coast this weekend , it said . The storm had not strengthened beyond the 45 mph top winds measured earlier on Saturday , according to the NHC ."} +{"answer":"people , mainly in Ouagadougou , the capital of Burkina Faso , where 150,000 people have been affected and key infrastructure -- including a central hospital , schools , bridges and roads -- has been damaged . The flooding in Burkina Faso is the worst in 90 years , WFP said . Many of those in Ouagadougou most needing help were already receiving aid from WFP , but those rations were lost in the floodwaters , the U.N. reported . `` It is always the poor and vulnerable who suffer the most from floods like these as their few remaining assets are swept away , leaving them hungry and destitute , '' WFP Executive Director Josette Sheeran said . Roads and buildings have been ruined from Mauritania to Niger , the U.N. reported . In Agadez , Niger , a town about 458 miles -LRB- 738 km -RRB- north of the capital , Niamey , close to 988 acres -LRB- 400 hectares -RRB- of vegetable crops and hundreds of livestock were washed away . Herve Ludovic de Lys , head of OCHA in West Africa , said natural disasters have a lasting effect that unravels years of progress against poverty","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Torrential rains and flooding since June have affected 600,000 people in 16 West African nations , the United Nations reported Tuesday . People walk in the flooded streets of Ouagadougou , Burkina Faso , last week . The worst hit have been Burkina Faso , Senegal , Ghana and Niger , said Yvon Edoumou , a spokesman for the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs , or OCHA , in the Senegalese capital , Dakar . So far , 159 people have died , he said . Sierra Leone has also been hard hit , according to the U.N. Edoumou said removing water from flooded areas is a top priority , but powerful pumps are in short supply . `` Some people refused to leave their homes so they are living in floodwaters , '' he said . The United Nations has not yet received reports of waterborne diseases , but Edoumou said a real threat exists of diarrhea or , worse , cholera . The U.N. World Food Programme said Tuesday it has begun distributing food to tens of thousands of homeless flood victims . WFP has set a goal of feeding 177,500"} +{"answer":", but you should n't make a decision without asking about anything you see on a vehicle history : Many owners The more garages a car 's been in , the less likely it 's been lovingly cared for all its life . Not everyone is as responsible about car care as you are . Rental cars and former taxis , for example , will often have undergone a lot of abuse , although they tend to be quite inexpensive . Location , location , location Some parts of the country are more car-friendly than others . Winter storms -LRB- with their accompanying salted roads -RRB- can be rough on cars , as obviously can floods , excessive heat or even sea air . Cars that have been where these are common may have hidden damage . Name and description Be sure the car in the report is the same as the car you 're looking at . Carefully reviewing the vehicle description is one way to avoid various types of vehicle fraud , like VIN cloning . A cloned vehicle involves using a vehicle identification number -LRB- VIN -RRB- from a legally owned , non-stolen vehicle to mask the","question":"-LRB- AOL Autos -RRB- -- Old cars do n't die , they just get resold . Check out a vehicle history report to make sure your new used car wo n't blow smoke down the highway . If you 're buying a used car , whether from a dealer or someone who put an ad in the paper , you 'll want to know as much about it as you can . Even without anyone trying to deceive you , the vehicle may have problems you ca n't see from a simple visual inspection or even a short test drive . A vehicle history report prepared by a third party is one way to know what you 're getting . Combining information from state DMVs -LRB- Departments of Motor Vehicles -RRB- and RMVs -LRB- Registry of Motor Vehicles -RRB- as well as police reports and other sources , a vehicle history report can give you a comprehensive overview of where the car 's been . Here are some things to look for -- or look out for -- when you get a report on a vehicle . None of these things is necessarily a reason not to buy a car"} +{"answer":"`` The report is very comprehensive , credible , quite damning , and alarming , '' the official said . Read the IAEA report here Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad slammed the report as a fabrication of facts aimed at satisfying U.S. allegations about Iran 's nuclear program . Ahmadinejad essentially called Yukiya Amano , the director general of the IAEA , a U.S. puppet and said the United Nations agency has no jurisdiction in Iran . `` The Americans have fabricated a stack of papers and he keeps speaking about them , '' he said on state-run Press TV . `` Why do n't you do a report on the U.S. nuclear program and its allies ? Present a report on the thousands of U.S. military bases where Washington has nuclear arms that threaten global security . '' The IAEA had released another report on Iran in September but this one was highly anticipated because of the military aspect . Since 2002 , the IAEA has regularly received new information pertaining to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile , the report said . It said Iran has made `` efforts , some successful , to procure nuclear","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The International Atomic Energy Agency issued a critical report Tuesday saying that it has `` serious concerns '' about Iran 's nuclear program and has obtained `` credible '' information that the Islamic republic may be developing nuclear weapons . The IAEA report , the most detailed to date on the Iranian program 's military scope , found no evidence that Iran has made a strategic decision to actually build a bomb . But its nuclear program is more ambitious and structured , and more progress has been made than previously known . `` The agency has serious concerns regarding possible military dimensions to Iran 's nuclear program , '' the report said . `` After assessing carefully and critically the extensive information available to it , the agency finds the information to be , overall , credible . The information indicates that Iran has carried out activities relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device . '' U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said the report had just arrived and refrained from commenting on details at an afternoon briefing . But a senior U.S. official called the report `` a big deal . ''"} +{"answer":"dealers , what Santorum is pushing is addictive , poisonous and a trigger to violence we see all around us . His anti-gay rhetoric justifies , for some people , the bullying in school , the senseless beatings of people perceived to be gay and the under-reported murders of transgender people . The truth is that the disrespectful tone in which Santorum talks about GLBT people , in the name of religion , gives permission for our lives to be equally disrespected . Disregarded . Sometimes , the impulse is to return the fire , matching name-calling with name-calling . I , too , have found myself so ticked off by Santorum 's words that I 've called him everything but a child of God . That 's when I come to my senses and try to remember the one thing he seems to forget . We 're all God 's children . We 're all brothers and sisters . And like brothers and sisters , we wo n't always agree . Sometimes we will fight . But we ca n't get so caught up in our disagreements that we forget that what bonds us is far more important than","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When I was a youth pastor at a small , evangelical church in Kalamazoo , Michigan , I used to accompany my pastor and other members of our congregation into some of the city 's neighborhoods where gang activity and gun violence were most prevalent . We would stand on the corner next to the drug dealers and talk to them about why it was important to turn their lives around . Some would listen . Others would walk away . All gave us respect , even if they did n't agree with what we had to say . And I believe they did so because we respected them . We did n't call them names or discount how they felt . We met them where they were -- literally and figuratively . In a lot of ways , hearing Rick Santorum talk about social issues , particularly gay rights , reminds me of those days . Like those drug dealers , I 'm sure he ca n't see how he destroys his community . Like those drug dealers , Santorum is probably doing what he thinks he needs to do . And like those drug"} +{"answer":"the election , said during the chat that he thinks the majority of Americans are conservative and that he wants to see the party head in a more conservative direction . iReport.com : ` McCain was n't conservative enough to win ' Neugebauer thinks that abiding by conservative principles , especially fiscally , is the only way to solve the country 's financial problems . `` I do n't want to have to mortgage my kids ' future to get us out of the things we 're doing today , '' he said . Another panel participant , Chuck Burkhard of Windber , Pennsylvania , voted for McCain as a registered Republican but plans to become an independent . Watch the iReporters talk over a Web chat '' He feels that the Bush administration failed at making government smaller and reducing spending , which he thinks Republicans should make a top priority . He hopes that the party will take a new direction and reach out to more people . `` I really think the Republicans will reach out with a grass-roots campaign , '' he said . iReport.com : ' I choose Sen. McCain ' Neugebauer said he thinks","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Katy Brown is an Internet-savvy college freshman with conservative perspectives who worries about the future of the Republican Party . Katy Brown , Kevin Neugebauer , Barbara Rademacher and Chuck Burkhard discuss the future of the GOP . Brown , a student at Kent State University in Ohio , joined other Republicans and conservative independent iReporters in an online roundtable discussion . The Republican National Committee selected Michael Steele to become its chairman Friday during its annual winter meeting after the decisive victory of President Obama in November . Over the next four years , Republicans must regroup and establish a strategy , and the new GOP leader must navigate a political landscape where the Democrats control the White House and both houses of Congress . `` I think we 'll come with somebody who has experience , knows what they 're talking about , is good with both liberals and conservatives , both Democrats and Republicans , '' Brown said of a future Republican presidential nominee . iReport.com : Watch Brown respond to one of Obama 's Cabinet picks Kevin Neugebauer of Katy , Texas , a Republican who voted for Sen. John McCain in"} +{"answer":"the U.S. military launched an invasion of Iraq in 2003 , toppling the Saddam Hussein regime and battling insurgents for years until that war began to wind down in the last couple of years . But the Afghan conflict persists as the United States and its allies battle tenacious militants from the Taliban militant movement . Obama said as the Iraq war ends , America is `` pressing forward in Afghanistan '' and faces a `` tough fight '' against a nimble insurgency . `` From Marja to Kandahar , that is what the Taliban has done through assassination , indiscriminate killing and intimidation , '' Obama said , referring to the main militant and two southern Afghan battlegrounds . `` And any country that has known decades of war will be tested in finding political solutions to its problems , and providing governance that can sustain progress and serve the needs of its people . '' Obama said that even though the nature of the war has changed in the past nine years , it remains just as important as it was after the 9\/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon . He said the United States","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Obama told West Point graduates that the United States faces `` difficult days ahead '' in its fight against insurgents in Afghanistan and said that the threat posed by al Qaeda operatives across the globe `` will not go away soon . '' Speaking at the U.S. Military Academy commencement in New York , Obama praised the graduates for their achievements and laid out a scenario of military and societal challenges in what is the ninth West Point commencement during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the fight against international terrorism . `` This time of war began in Afghanistan , a place that may seem as far from this peaceful bend in the Hudson River as anywhere on Earth , '' Obama said , referring to a conflict that started after the al Qaeda terror network attacked the United States on September 11 , 2001 . `` The war began only because our own cities and civilians were attacked by violent extremists who plotted from that distant place , and it continues only because that plotting persists to this day . '' While the United States and its allies battled in Afghanistan ,"} +{"answer":"This latest incident is another indication to me the RNC is completely tone-deaf to the values and concerns of a large number of people they are seeking financial support from . '' The RNC scandals smack of the type of arrogance that was at the heart of the scandals that brought down key Republicans in 2005 and 2006 . During these critical years , it became clear that party leaders had been abusing their influence by focusing on expanding their own power rather than advancing the agenda of the right . House Majority Leader Tom DeLay was forced to resign in early 2006 after being accused of violating campaign finance laws in Texas . He was also tied to the lobbying scandals that centered on Jack Abramoff . California Rep. Duke Cunningham ended his career for accepting bribes from defense contractors who benefited from his decisions on appropriations . There was also the case of Florida Rep. Mark Foley , to whom Republican leaders turned a blind eye despite his highly inappropriate text messages to underage male pages . Even Ralph Reed , the darling of the Christian Coalition , had been in cahoots with Abramoff in schemes to mobilize","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele might be reminding conservative activists of a past Republican leadership turned arrogant with power . Under Michael Steele 's leadership , the RNC has been accused of spending campaign funds on private jets , booze , limousines , five-star hotels , overseas resorts and a party donor 's trip to a Hollywood bondage club . Most conservatives will agree that these expenditures are a horrible waste of funds at a time when Republicans are hoping to enjoy sizable gains in the 2010 midterm elections . After the devastating results of the 2006 and 2008 elections , conservatives were unexpectedly able to energize their followers as the Tea Party movement emerged and President Obama experienced first-year difficulties . Local Republican victories in gubernatorial elections in Virginia and New Jersey boosted the spirits of conservatives who feared Democrats might be on the verge of another New Deal . But along comes the RNC scandals , which have had the exact opposite effect . Tony Perkins , the president of the Family Research Council , told his followers that they should not write checks to the national party . Perkins said : ``"} +{"answer":"the age of 76 in this still-new year . John Updike , his literary brilliance aside , was prolific almost beyond belief -- he wrote more than 50 books , and hundreds upon hundreds of essays , short stories , articles , poems and works of criticism . All those careful words , year after year , decade after decade . But of all the sentences Updike ever wrote , there is one that I have long encouraged people to carry around with them -- if not literally tucked into their wallets , then somewhere in their heads and in their hearts . In that sentence of Updike 's lies the secret to a lot of things -- including the secret that answers : Why do we watch ? The sentence appeared in Updike 's 1960 nonfiction piece about Ted Williams 's last game for the Boston Red Sox . That piece is famous for how Updike explained Williams 's refusal to come out of the dugout and acknowledge the cheering , crying fans after his home run in his final at-bat : `` Gods do not answer letters . '' But it is another sentence in the story that","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Why do we watch ? Bob Greene says athletes like Lebron James show us the difference between ordinary effort and excellence . The question applies not just to Sunday 's NBA All-Star Game , although that is the immediate case in point . The outcome of the game is not important -- few people remember who wins the All-Star Game from year to year . The players , while attempting to win , do it with barely concealed smiles on their faces . All-Star weekend is mostly a class reunion for basketball 's elite . But all the games , in all the seasons , in all the big-time sports leagues -- what is the real reason we keep on watching ? You might think that we 'd finally grow weary of caring , with headlines about Alex Rodriguez and Barry Bonds , with the sports pages often reading like the business pages -LRB- contract disputes and stadium bond-issue negotiations and salary arbitration -RRB- , with police-blotter details sometimes pushing aside the box scores . Why do we watch ? The answer may be found in a single sentence written by a man who died at"} +{"answer":"as indestructible , napalm-loving Lt. Colonel Kilgore in Coppola 's Vietnam war opus `` Apocalypse Now '' that remains one of Duvall 's most enduring roles . Duvall sits down with CNN 's Revealed and talks about , `` Apocalypse Now '' and his relationship with the master movie-maker . Revealed : Can you sum up the impact Coppola had on your life , your career ? RD : I would have had another career . He helped all our careers with `` The Godfather . '' It was a kind of catalyst for all the actors in one and two . It helped me . I kinda designed my own career . Revealed : What 's Coppola 's approach to directing ? RD : I think sometimes Francis works best amidst confusion and I mean that in a good way . He 'll come in and say , ` Let 's try something , ' and then you rehearse . Like any good director he sees what you bring . He realizes it 's got ta come from the actor . He 's open enough ... of course , he 'll give his opinion but he wants to see","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- He immortalized the `` smell of napalm in the morning '' in `` Apocalypse Now , '' but Robert Duvall 's first meeting with director Francis Ford Coppola was no indication of the fruitful relationship to come . Duvall starred in Francis Ford Coppola 's `` The Godfather , '' `` The Godfather : Part II '' and `` Apocalypse Now . '' It was 1969 and Coppola had parted ways with a lead character in indie film `` The Rain People . '' He was stuck and 38-year-old Duvall was drafted in at the last minute on the suggestion of a friend . Despite slapdash beginnings , their work together has produced some of Duvall 's greatest roles and many of Coppola 's most critically-acclaimed films . Duvall started working in theater in the 1950s before moving into film in the early 1960s with roles like Boo Radley in `` To Kill a Mockingbird . '' Things took off for him in 1970s when he starred in Coppola 's multiple award-winning movies `` The Godfather '' and `` The Godfather : Part II , '' But , it is his Oscar-nominated turn"} +{"answer":"off . At his heaviest , he was 505 pounds and had to have most of his size 64 clothing made by his mother to fit his 6-foot-3-inch frame . See before-and-after photos of CNN.com I-Reporters '' Obesity took an emotional and physical toll on the couple . Andy says people constantly teased him about his weight and he eventually withdrew . He battled depression and took anti-depressants for seven years . Maggie , on the other hand , tried to conceal her misery by making other people laugh . `` I was so depressed and so miserable . I was always the funny fat girl , but on the inside I was miserable , '' recalls Maggie . `` It held me back in many ways and I started to accept it as being genetic and felt this was just the way I was going to be . '' Though she never let her obesity keep her from traveling or socializing , it had affected her quality of life . Maggie had to use a seatbelt extension on airplanes and was once asked to get off a roller-coaster at an amusement park . In August 2002 , the couple","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When Maggie Sorrells looks at her husband , Andy , she does n't see the man she married . In fact , most days , she does n't even recognize herself . Maggie and Andy Sorrells weighed 440 pounds and 505 pounds , respectively , at their heaviest . Before the Franklin , Tennessee , couple met online , both had endured lifelong struggles with weight and emotional overeating . Together , they had a combined weight of nearly 1,000 pounds . Maggie , who had a family history of heart disease and diabetes , had been warned by her doctor at the age of 27 that she would n't live to see 30 . But her real moment of truth came when she visited her mother in the hospital . `` The biggest shock of my entire life was stepping on a hospital scale and realizing I weighed 440 pounds , '' she recalls . Until that moment , Maggie says she never knew how much she weighed , because she was too heavy to register on a household scale . Andy , like Maggie , tried countless diets but failed to keep the weight"} +{"answer":"interviewed a range of people , including those who knew him when he was a child , as well as those who were there in his last days . And then there were the countless photos of the iconic and controversial leader which he pored over . Looking at the pictures , seeing the attitude that he had in the photographs , '' he says , `` I learned a lot from the photographs . '' The meticulous study pays off on screen . Del Toro delivers a soulful performance that has earned him accolades . He won the Best Actor award at Cannes this year and he is being hotly tipped for another Oscar nod . Which films and actors do you think are contenders for this year 's Oscars ? Share your picks in the SoundOff below . Che 's life `` is what movies are made of , '' Del Toro told CNN . The incredible story , along with the opportunity to work with Soderbergh , who directed him in 2000 's `` Traffic , '' for a second time drew him to the project . The 41-year-old bilingual actor was born in Puerto Rico but","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The decision to make `` Che '' was an easy one , Benicio Del Toro says . Filming the movie was anything but . Benicio Del Toro stars as Latin American revolutionary Ernesto `` Che '' Guevara . `` I have to say it probably is the most difficult movie I 've ever made , and I 've made a few , '' Del Toro says of his starring role in director Steven Soderbergh 's Spanish-language biopic . One of Hollywood 's most bankable stars , Del Toro has made a name for himself playing dark and brooding characters in movies like `` 21 Grams , '' `` The Usual Suspects , '' and `` Traffic , '' for which he won an Oscar . He now adds to that list the role of revolutionary Ernesto `` Che '' Guevara , an Argentine doctor whose role in the Cuban Revolution in the 1950s vaulted him to cult status where he remains today . To play the Latin American revolutionary , Del Toro says he had to start with the man himself rather than invent a character . He read what Che wrote and"} +{"answer":". Electronic and electrical products account for four percent of Europe 's waste and the rate is growing at three times the speed of any other form of waste . What is sustainable design ? Sustainable design is a reaction to the global environmental crisis . It aims to produce products , buildings and services , which have a low impact on climate change and the depletion of the world 's resources . In industrial design this includes the use of recycled and recyclable materials ; reducing pollution through cutting down the need for transportation , such as by using locally-sourced materials ; making products which can be taken apart once they are discarded so that their parts that can be used again ; and designing goods which use as little energy as possible while they are being made . While many companies are beginning to think of ways in which they can reduce their environmental impact during the manufacture of their products , many sustainable design experts believe that these measures are not enough to reduce the damage the constant manufacture of products is doing to the world 's eco-system . A change in culture `` Daily life is","question":"Remember the days when a washing machine lasted for decades ? If it broke down it could be fixed . But now it seems it is cheaper to discard our broken products and buy new ones . The side effects of our throwaway society are ever-larger waste mountains festering with toxic chemicals and the depletion of natural resources such as rare metals . Europe produced 8.3 to 9.1 millions tons of waste from electrical projects in 2005 . Product makers are responding by designing goods that have a reduced carbon footprint at their point of manufacture , but leading thinkers in the field of sustainable design believe that a radical re-think in the way we consume products is required if we want to halt the growing mountain of toxic waste piling up on the world 's rubbish dumps . Figures recently announced by the U.N. University suggest the production of electronic and electrical products is running neck-and-neck with their disposal : An estimated 10.3 million tons of electronic products were put on the market in the European Union in 2005 , while 8.3 to 9.1 million tons of waste from electrical products found their way into Europe 's rubbish bins"} +{"answer":"before taking part in a sunrise ceremony . In Romania , scouts formed a human chain around the Parliament building in the capital Bucharest to express how young people will play a role in the country 's future . In Namibia , Africa , around 1,000 scouts cooked breakfast over a camp fire , and groups from Malawi camped at the top of Mulanje mountain . The Taj Mahal in India , the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Sydney Opera House in Australia also witnessed sunrise ceremonies . The small gathering at Brownsea Island led the rest of the globe in renewing their Scouting promise to build a tolerant and peaceful society . A speech written by Baden-Powell during the first scout camp was also read out to the group . It includes a call for peace , comradeship and cooperation over rivalry between `` classes , creeds and countries which have done so much in the past to produce wars and unrest '' . Alistair , 16 , from Manchester , at the Brownsea Island ceremony , said : `` It has made me think how one man has changed the world . `` It is one world","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Millions of people around the world have taken part in ceremonies marking the 100th anniversary of the Scouting movement . Scouts renewed their promise to build a tolerant and peaceful society . Dawn celebrations involving 28 million young people took place across the globe , from Ecuador to Bhutan . In southern England , 40,000 young people from around the globe gathered to take part in the largest ever 12-day world Scout Jamboree . The island where the movement was born , Brownsea Island off the coast of England , has been the focus of celebrations , with 300 scouts from more than 160 countries attending a commemorative camp . It was on that site that Scouting founder Robert Baden-Powell held an experimental camp for 20 boys , following his experiences in the Army during the Boer War . The movement requests its members , boys and girls from the age of six , to uphold values such as trustworthiness , loyalty and to `` do their best '' . Scouts from countries including the UK , Lebanon , Nepal , Rwanda , Serbia , Libya and Argentina , displayed their flags on the island ,"} +{"answer":"CNN 's partner station in Spain , CNN + . Watch report on Pamplona car bomb \u00c2 '' No device was found and the search was called off Thursday afternoon , according to a university spokesman and a representative for the national government 's main office in Navarra . Most of the campus was reopened ; only the area surrounding the bomb blast remained cordoned off , they said . Classes are expected to resume as scheduled on Friday , the university spokesman said . The car bomb sparked a massive fire in the campus ' Central Building , where about 400 students and staff were located at the time , university spokesman Jesus Diaz told CNN + . Video from the scene showed fire engulfing part of the building and thick clouds of black smoke billowing over the campus . Authorities in Spain 's Basque province of Alava received a warning call at 9:50 a.m. in the name of ETA . Watch aftermath of the blast \u00c2 '' The warning call to the DYA emergency services in Alava said the car bomb would strike a university campus in the city of Vitoria about an hour after the phone call","question":"MADRID , Spain -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A car bomb exploded Thursday in a parking lot at the University of Navarra in Pamplona , Spain , sparking a massive fire , but `` luckily , '' no one was nearby and there were no deaths , Spain 's interior minister said . `` There could have been an enormous tragedy today at the University of Navarra , '' Interior Minister Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba said hours after the attack in a televised address . Hospital officials told CNN that 27 people suffered minor injuries , including one American woman and five other non-Spaniards . The Basque separatist group ETA is suspected to be behind the attack . The car , packed with an unknown quantity of explosives , was parked in a lot near the university 's library and detonated shortly after 11 a.m. local time -LRB- 6 a.m. ET -RRB- , Rubalcaba said . Watch witness describe the blast \u00c2 '' Campus authorities shut down the entire campus shortly after the blast to search for a possible second explosive device near the science building , about a half kilometer -LRB- .3 mile -RRB- from the car bombing , according to"} +{"answer":". We join the Arctic Sunrise as it moves slowly up Sermilik Fjord . This is simply the most beautiful place I 've ever seen . It 's an inky blue body of water thick with floating , ancient ice . Some of the icebergs are mountainous . They all come from the Greenland ice sheet , a vast mass of frozen fresh water , hundreds of miles across and up to two miles thick . View the gallery of the stunning landscape '' Over the next four days we observe independent scientists working to understand why the ice sheet is melting so rapidly . We fly over and land on Helheim Glacier , a major outlet for the ice sheet which has sped up dramatically in the last decade . We accompany oceanographers in inflatable boats as they collect data on the warming water currents in the fjord . All this research , they say , points to sea levels rising beyond current predictions . There are still those who question humankind 's role in the warming of the Earth 's climate , but these scientists are not among them . `` Things could be very bad , ''","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- My taxi driver is telling me about his meal last night . His name is William . He ate whale . Melting world : mountainous icebergs in Greeland 's Sermilik Fjord . `` Delicious , '' he says , kissing the tips of his fingers on one hand , making the universal sign for good tasting food . William tells me he went out on a boat with some friends a few days ago and shot the whale . I 'm not sure how I feel about this . Welcome to Greenland . On this remote but enormous island subsistence whale hunting is allowed . This was just the memorable start to an extraordinary journey . Cameraman Neil Bennett and I had traveled to the small town of Tasiilaq in southeastern Greenland to meet up with the Arctic Sunrise , a ship belonging to the environmental group Greenpeace . Read Neil 's blog on filming in challenging conditions The 34-year-old icebreaker and its crew are on a three month expedition around Greenland 's coast . They say their mission is to help scientists working in the region and to publicize the environmental changes taking place here"} +{"answer":"'' It 's the new reality : Money that was gushing into the market from abroad to finance films a year and a half ago is now just trickling in . Production of Bollywood movies has only just resumed , having ground to a halt for seven weeks due to a producer 's strike . The strike is finally over , but money is still tight and this is affecting the number of films going into production . `` The number of movie projects has come down by almost 30 percent , '' Farokh Balsara , a partner at business consultants Ernst & Young told CNN . Balsara heads Ernst & Young 's media and entertainment division in Mumbai and looks at trends in the market . What 's more , after several years of fast-rising film revenues due to India 's exploding middle classes who were willing to spend , Bollywood finds itself back on a budget . If you do n't have a solid financial plan these days , getting funding for a film is nearly impossible . Throwing around a known filmmaking family name and getting a star signed up wo n't cut it anymore . ``","question":"MUMBAI , India -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Bollywood 's recent financial growth has been as dizzying as the swirling dancers , colorful costumes and pulsating music that typify the industry 's films . Mumbai 's once booming flamboyant Hindi-language film industry is hit hard , as overseas investment dries up . Foreign money has poured into Mumbai 's flamboyant Hindi-language film industry , which churns out more than 1,000 films each year . Twice as many films as Hollywood -- and for a fraction of the cost . But a financial drama has arrived on the movie sets and production suites of India 's largest city courtesy of the world economic downturn and a producer 's strike -- fewer films are being made ; less tickets are being sold and money is suddenly tight . `` It 's become more difficult now to green light films ; to be able to think of developing films , '' Nikhil Advani of People Tree Films who works as both a producer and a director told CNN . `` Today you think twice how you 're going to be able to put that thing together before you commit any money to it ."} +{"answer":"'' The flood of job applications -- more than 150 -- for Grand View Topless Coffee Shop reflected the rough job market . Crabtree hired 10 women and five men under stringent requirements , including friendliness and , what he considered most important , that the wait staff `` treat everyone equally . '' Watch townspeople , employees talk about coffee shop `` We did n't hire ' 10s , ' '' he said , referring to appearance . `` We hired everyone from skinny to big-boned women . '' Of the 15 selected , most had been laid off from other jobs in the past few months . Elvis Thompson of Brunswick , for example , was a line cook at a restaurant before he lost his job . `` They could n't afford me anymore , '' he said . He said he does n't mind fielding interesting requests from customers . `` An 80-year-old woman told me she wanted to see me in spandex , '' Thompson said . `` I just feel really lucky to have a job . I need the money so I can pay my rent . '' Ginni Labree from Palermo ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It 's a tough time for businesses , but one entrepreneur may have found the recipe for success . Male and female servers go topless at Grand View Topless Coffee Shop . On Monday , Donald Crabtree opened Grand View Topless Coffee Shop in Vassalboro , Maine , where the waiters and waitresses serve their customers topless . In a town with fewer than 4,500 residents , the topless coffee shop is booming with business . Paul Crabtree , the owner 's brother , describes business so far as `` fantastic . '' `` It 's just been crowds mobbing in , '' he said . Donald Crabtree faced initial opposition to his plan , but he won the right to go ahead in a planning board hearing last week . Many local residents were irate over the idea of combining coffee and nudity . Crabtree , however , saw a profitable business venture . `` I know what people want , '' he said . `` People like nudity , and coffee is profitable . Sure , I 'd start a coffee shop , but I 'd be out of work in a week ."} +{"answer":"problems with that . '' An Italian appeals court on Monday overturned Knox 's murder conviction in the 2007 death of her roommate , British student Meredith Kercher . Knox initially was sentenced to 26 years in prison . Knox 's mother and stepfather , Edda and Curt Mellas , also thanked those who have supported their family , as well as the Italian attorneys who fought on her behalf . `` Meredith was Amanda 's friend , '' said Philadelphia attorney Theodore Simon , who spoke at the news conference . Knox wants the Kercher family to be remembered , Simon said as Knox nodded and appeared to fight tears . Knox supporters in Seattle said they planned a rousing welcome . `` To Amanda herself , we say , ` Way to go , kid , ' '' Tom Wright , founder of the group Friends of Amanda Knox , said Monday night . `` We look forward to welcoming you home with open arms and open hearts , '' Wright said , reading a statement . `` You have well deserved , and will well deserve , all the joy and warmth and fun of your normal","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In brief remarks to the media just after returning to her hometown of Seattle , an emotional Amanda Knox thanked those who believed in her and supported her fight to overturn her murder conviction in Italy . `` I 'm really overwhelmed right now , '' said a tearful Knox , who arrived to cheering supporters at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport . `` I was looking down from the airplane , and it seemed like everything was n't real . '' `` What 's important for me to say is just thank you , to everyone who has believed in me , who has defended me , who has supported my family , '' she said , her voice shaking . Being with her family , she said , is `` the most important thing to me right now . '' `` Thank you for being there for me , '' she said . Knox and her family were on a British Airways flight that landed in Seattle about 8:12 p.m. ET . Before beginning her remarks , Knox smiled and said , `` They 're reminding me to speak in English , because I 'm having"} +{"answer":"could receive a maximum sentence of life in prison . Jacks told police that her daughters were possessed by demons and that each died in her sleep during a seven - to 10-day period , court documents said . Aja died first , she told police , then N'kiah , Tatianna and Brittany . `` She said that as the first three younger children died , she placed them side by side in the room in which they died , '' according to court documents . She reported that all the deaths occurred sometime before the electricity in her house was disconnected , which records show was September 5 , 2007 , documents said . Jacks said she never tried to call authorities to remove the bodies `` because she did n't trust either agency and because she thought if she notified emergency personnel , that would cause her more problems , '' the documents said . She also said she had not fed her daughters food `` for a substantial period of time prior to their deaths . '' No one besides herself or the children had been in the home since May 2007 , Jacks said . Pierre-Louis","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A mother suspected of killing her four children , whose decomposing bodies were found in her home , told police they were possessed by demons , according to court records . Banita Jacks , 33 , is charged with three counts of felony murder and one count of first-degree murder while armed . The victims , who range in age from 5 to 17 years , are thought to be her daughters . Their bodies were found when U.S. marshals served an eviction notice at Jacks ' apartment in southeast Washington , D.C. Court documents say Jacks identified the victims as her daughters Brittany Jacks , 17 ; Tatianna Jacks , 11 ; N'kiah Fogle , 6 ; and Aja Fogle , 5 . Earlier Thursday , Mayor Adrian Fenty said the bodies ' decomposition has hindered their identification , although they were believed to be Jacks ' children . Marie Pierre-Louis , Washington 's chief medical examiner , said all four of the girls had been dead for at least 15 days . Jacks is being held without bail . Her next court appearance is scheduled for February 11 . If convicted , she"} +{"answer":"then the hospital will be further delayed , in a situation where thousands of wounded are still in need of life saving treatment , '' a group statement said . It was unclear Sunday afternoon whether the plane had landed . See photos , details of some of the missing in Haiti The surgical hospital includes two operating theaters , an intensive-care unit , 100-bed hospitalization capacity , an emergency room and all the necessary equipment needed for sterilizing material . `` MSF teams are currently working around the clock in five different hospitals in Port-au-Prince , but only two operating theaters are fully functional , while a third operating theater has been improvised for minor surgery due to the massive influx of wounded and lack of functional referral structures , '' the organization said . The group said two of its medical teams have performed more than 100 operations since arriving in the country , but frustrations are high over the delays . An emergency communications officer with the group in Haiti said conditions are growing worse for patients and `` we need the inflatable hospital -- if it ever arrives . '' `` Patients who were not critical","question":"Port-au-Prince , Haiti -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- At least one organization attempting to deliver aid to Haiti continued to be plagued Sunday by delays and logistical problems , but aid was getting to those who need it most , officials said . Doctors Without Borders said Sunday that , despite guarantees from the United Nations and the U.S. Defense Department , its cargo plane carrying an inflatable surgical hospital was blocked from landing in Port-au-Prince the day before and was rerouted to Samana , Dominican Republic . Samana is in the eastern portion of the Dominican Republic and across the Caribbean island of Hispaniola , shared by the two nations , from Port-au-Prince . The material was being sent by truck from Samana , said the group , also known in French as M\u00e9decins Sans Fronti\u00e8res . However , the re-routing added a 24-hour delay to the hospital 's arrival . A second Doctors Without Borders plane was able to land on Sunday . That plane carried additional medical supplies and hospital equipment , the group said , adding it is still concerned about delays in the delivery of vital supplies . `` If this plane is also rerouted ,"} +{"answer":"has been dubbed `` Shrek '' and `` Mr Potato Head '' due to his looks and his background as the son of a school dinner lady who grew up on a council estate is often referred to in a disparaging way . McLoughlin , meanwhile , has been subjected to page upon page of bitter stories about her weight , shopping sprees and her lack of closeness to Victoria Beckham . There has also been fierce criticism over the fact she has managed to become a millionaire in her own right . It 's all down to Rooney apparently , and nothing to do with her appearing to be quite a decent person , who did well at school and has cleverly managed to parlay some of her fame into various media and advertising projects . Anyone who has seen her television show -- Coleen 's Real Women -- can see she is a decent , bubbly person , who is very good at putting people at ease . Much to the media 's fury , the couple have sold the rights to cover the wedding to OK magazine for a record $ 5 million . However they 're","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Nothing says true love like releasing a caged butterfly , do n't you think ? Wayne Rooney and Coleen McLoughlin are to be paid $ 5 million for the picture rights to their wedding . The butterflies are reported to be the piece-de-resistance of England 's most anticipated celebrity wedding of the year . Wayne Rooney , the best English footballer of his generation , and Coleen McLoughlin , his High School sweetheart , were to marry in an estimated $ 10 million ceremony in Italy Thursday . As they kiss , guests are apparently meant to open boxes and release the butterflies . The moment has been pilloried widely in the British media , tacky and over the top they all think , but is it just sour grapes ? It has been a long and , at times , bumpy road for the couple to the altar . One littered with fierce criticism from the British press , which has enjoyed nothing more than lampooning Rooney and McLoughlin for being ` common . ' The Daily Mail once even asked : `` Is this Britain 's ghastliest couple ? '' Rooney"} +{"answer":"'' A police artist 's sketch of her was widely circulated in the news media and prompted a call to Galveston police from Riley 's grandmother in Ohio , who had not seen the girl in months . On Saturday , police arrested Trenor and Zeigler on charges of injuring a child and tampering with physical evidence , the sheriff 's department said . Their bonds were set at $ 350,000 each . The affidavit , obtained by CNN , says when police interviewed Trenor on November 23 , she `` gave a voluntary statement on video with her attorney present in which she describes her involvement , with Royce Zeigler , in the physical abuse , death and disposal of the remains of her daughter , Riley Ann Sawyers . '' Trenor 's statement said on July 24 , she and Zeigler both beat the child with leather belts and held her head under water in the bathtub . She said Zeigler picked the girl up by her hair and also threw her across the room , slamming her head into the tile floor . After her daughter died , Trenor 's statement said , she and Zeigler went","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Before dying , 2-year-old Riley Ann Sawyers was beaten with belts , picked up by her hair , thrown across the room and held under water , according to an affidavit from the Galveston County Sheriff 's Office . Police believe 2-year-old Riley Ann Sawyers is `` Baby Grace . '' The affidavit says the girl 's mother , Kimberly Dawn Trenor , described to police how her daughter died and was put in a plastic storage box that Trenor and her husband , Royce Zeigler , later dumped into a Galveston waterway . Trenor told police Zeigler tried to commit suicide the weekend before Thanksgiving , and wrote a note that said , `` My wife is innocent of the sins that I committed . '' The body of the then-unidentified toddler was found on October 29 . A fisherman found Riley 's body stuffed inside a blue storage container that washed up on an uninhabited island in Galveston 's West Bay . A medical examiner said the child 's skull was fractured , and a forensic dentist estimated her age at 2 to 3 years . Police dubbed the child `` Baby Grace ."} +{"answer":"the state Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation told CNN , which means no visitors were allowed and the prison could not take any new inmates . Corrections officials said they transferred about 1,150 inmates to other facilities . `` The ones that are there are likely in a lockdown mode until an investigation can determine whether or not they were directly responsible for the riot , '' Kostyrko said . The decision to lock down the Chino prison and nine others in southern California was still in effect Tuesday . `` The lockdowns will remain in effect until all the staff that we deployed to Chino from other areas go back home , '' Kostyrko said . The measure was taken to prevent copy-cat violence . Though other races were involved , the altercations at Chino mostly involved Hispanics and African-Americans , Kostyrko said . About 80 officers responded to the scene , but none of the staff was injured . A housing unit was heavily damaged by fire . Prisoners broke windows and pulled down pipes to use as weapons , Kostyrko said . The facility has seven units , each of which houses about 200 inmates . In","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Hundreds of inmates using pipes and shanks as weapons trashed a California prison , burning a courtyard , ripping beds to shreds and tearing bathroom sinks from walls , a new video of the weekend riot 's aftermath shows . A dormitory is trashed after a riot at the California Institution for men , in Chino . Video shot by CNN affiliate KABC-TV gave the first glimpse of the damage to the California Institution for Men in Chino from a riot that authorities said was ignited by racial tensions . `` This certainly is probably the worst that we 've seen , especially adding the extensive damage to the unit that has been burned , '' prison spokesman Lt. Mark Hargrove told reporters outside the prison Tuesday . `` That has never happened at this facility before . '' The riot erupted Saturday night and raged until Sunday morning , injuring 250 inmates . Fifty-five inmates were taken to hospitals with serious injuries , including stab wounds and head trauma . Watch the aftermath of the violence '' `` The prison is still under a state of emergency , '' George Kostyrko , a spokesman for"} +{"answer":": The park did not seem any different except for the $ 129 I paid for a six-month Florida resident pass . Disney World recently announced a major loss in income and that layoffs are expected . Sources within Disney say the layoffs could begin this week . Disney will not say how many people will be eliminated while it restructures and consolidates operations . I have not heard panic among businesses and city officials over the Disney announcement , despite the fact Disney World says it is the biggest single-site employer in the United States with 62,000 . Disney spokesman Mike Griffin said : `` We are bigger than the Pentagon . '' Disney told me cuts would be significant , affecting back office workers . Griffin said guests visiting the parks would not see any difference . Danielle Courtney , spokeswoman of the Orange County Convention and Visitors Bureau , said she was sure that `` Disney will provide a value experience for their guests . '' But she said Disney is doing what every other business is doing : cutting costs . Orlando 's economic and development director , Bill Billingsley , said the city has not","question":"Editor 's note : CNN has asked its journalists across the country to offer their thoughts on how the economic crisis is affecting their cities . In this installment , All Platform Journalist John Couwels reports from Orlando , Florida . Walt Disney World in Orlando , Florida , has announced that it will lay off employees . ORLANDO , Florida -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Orlando : What first comes to mind ? Walt Disney World or Universal resorts , perhaps ? The two parks are the nation 's biggest tourist draws . As a new resident of Orlando , I find that the tourist areas are more removed from the city than I thought . Still , some people in the area where I currently live either work or have business dealings at tourist attractions . As with every city in the United States , Orlando is dealing with the fallout of an economic slowdown . Tourism officials expect an 8 percent to 10 percent drop in tourism dollars for 2009 . Nonetheless , during a recent visit to Disney 's Magic Kingdom with my family , I experienced a packed park . My first visit in 10 years"} +{"answer":"in the right direction in the time we needed , '' Soloway told CNN . He made the request to halt deportation based on Alcota 's marriage to Ojeda , who is a U.S. citizen , and on Alcota 's `` strong moral character , family presence , and deep ties to members of the community . '' Alcota lives with Ojeda in Queens , where she restores antiques . Until Monday , life for Alcota and Ojeda had been put on hold for two years . Alcota had been living in the United States for more than 10 years since overstaying her tourist visa , when she was pulled off a Greyhound bus in July of 2009 and taken into a detention center in Elizabeth , New Jersey , Ojeda explained . Ojeda , a social worker in Queens , traveled two expensive hours by subway , bus , train , and sometimes cab -- there and back every day for three months -- to see Alcota . `` Looking back on those days , we have come so far , we have accomplished something really big , '' Ojeda said . The couple was married in Connecticut in","question":"New York -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A New York woman releases a deep sigh of relief as she reflects on a court ruling that her spouse will not be torn from her by the looming threat of deportation . `` Now we can make plans , and we have all the time in the world , '' Cristina Ojeda , 26 , tells CNN . Monday , she received a letter confirming the ruling by Immigration Judge Terry Bain that will allow her wife , Argentina-born Monica Alcota , 36 , to stay in the United States , according to the couple 's attorney , Lavi Soloway . Soloway said this is the first time the government had asked an immigration court to close removal proceedings against a spouse in a same-sex couple since the Department of Homeland Security announced November 17 that a `` working group '' would be reviewing all pending immigration cases . The group began the process of identifying and closing `` low priority '' deportation cases three days after Soloway submitted the request to close Alcota 's immigration case , the attorney said . `` We 're really gratified because we feel that government moved"} +{"answer":"Alzheimer 's disease and Parkinson 's disease , while some abortion opponents believe destroying embryos in the research amounts to ending a human life . Watch Obama called `` premier promoter of baby-killing '' '' In January , Obama lifted a Bush administration restriction on funding for organizations that provide or promote abortion overseas . D'Arcy 's announcement comes as anti-abortion groups have launched campaigns attempting to persuade the Catholic university to rescind Obama 's invitation . In a letter to Notre Dame , Anthony J. Lauinger , National Right to Life Committee vice president , called Obama `` the abortion president '' and said his invitation `` is a betrayal of the university 's mission and an affront to all who believe in the sanctity and dignity of human life . '' The conservative Cardinal Newman Society has launched a Web site -- notredamescandal.com -- that , according to the site , has drawn 50,000 signatures to a petition opposing Obama 's appearance at the May 17 ceremony , at which Obama also is to receive an honorary degree . A White House statement released Tuesday said Obama is honored to be speaking at the university and welcomes the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Catholic bishop of South Bend , Indiana , will not attend graduation ceremonies at the University of Notre Dame because he disagrees with the stem-cell research and abortion views of the commencement speaker -- President Obama . The University of Notre Dame says its invitation does n't mean the university agrees with all of Obama 's positions . Bishop John D'Arcy , whose diocese includes Fort Wayne , Indiana , as well as the university town , said Tuesday in a written statement that `` after much prayer '' he has decided not to attend the ceremony . `` President Obama has recently reaffirmed , and has now placed in public policy , his long-stated unwillingness to hold human life as sacred , '' D'Arcy said . `` While claiming to separate politics from science , he has in fact separated science from ethics and has brought the American government , for the first time in history , into supporting direct destruction of innocent human life . '' Earlier this month , Obama reversed a federal ban on embryonic stem-cell research . Many scientists say the research could lead to advances in treating conditions like"} +{"answer":"when the products were made -- and stores found breaking the law could face fines of up to $ 100,000 per violation . `` It would just be virtually impossible for me to feel safe that my toys meet the guidelines , '' Seitz said . `` I feel confident that these are safe toys , but anything carries a risk . Since I can be held criminally and financially responsible if I sell a toy that is on the recall list or a toy that tests for lead , I just have to wipe out all my toys . '' Watch why thrift stores fear new rules will force them out of business '' Now Seitz is going to throw away or give away her entire inventory of children 's items , fearing this latest attempt at protecting kids will force the Pennyworth Thrift Store and thousands of others out of business . The ban also applies to children 's clothes and books . The National Association of Resale and Thrift Shops say tens of thousands of secondhand stores across the country are at risk . Adele Meyer , the association 's executive director , said some owners are","question":"SILVER SPRING , Maryland -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As Marilyn Seitz helps customers find just the right size , she wonders how much longer before she 's forced to close her doors . Maryland thrift store manager Marilyn Seitz says the new rules have the potential to put the store out of business . The Pennyworth Thrift Store in Silver Spring , Maryland , is n't suffering from the struggling economy . Secondhand stores across the country are more in demand than ever as many people are desperate to save money . Instead , Seitz is worried her business may become an unintended casualty of an attempt to protect children . After a wave of highly publicized tainted-toy recalls last year , Congress passed the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act . Then-President George Bush signed the bill in August , and new federal restrictions on lead and other harmful substances take effect Tuesday . The new rules ban lead content beyond minute levels of 600 parts per million in any product for children 12 and younger . The law not only makes it illegal to manufacture lead-laced products , but it also makes it illegal to sell them no matter"} +{"answer":"for the past four years , and Petersen says he does n't expect this year to be any different . It should reach its peak between mid-July and mid-September . Health Minute : More on West Nile virus risk '' `` People tend to discount this as a significant problem , '' Petersen said , `` but more than 1.5 million people have been infected so far in the United States , and about 300,000 have had West Nile fever . '' West Nile virus emerged in the U.S. nine years ago . The virus is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito . Mosquitoes contract the illness by feeding on infected birds . The CDC reported that in rare cases , West Nile virus has spread through blood transfusions , organ transplants and breastfeeding . The disease is not spread through casual contact . The symptoms range from mild to severe and typically develop between three and 14 days after a person is bitten . Explainer : West Nile 101 '' Debbie Koma , a 50-year old hairdresser from Atlanta , Georgia , developed West Nile virus two years ago . She described it as `` unlike anything","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- All Lyle Petersen wanted to do was get his mail . Lyle Petersen , a CDC expert who was infected with West Nile virus , says , `` it will ruin your summer . '' In the time it took him to walk down his driveway in Fort Collins , Colorado , chat briefly with a neighbor and return to his house , Petersen got infected with a potentially serious mosquito-borne illness called West Nile virus . Within hours of being bitten , he said , he began to feel symptoms he recognized . And how was he sure so quickly ? Petersen , as director of the division of vector borne diseases at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , is one of the foremost experts in the world on the condition . A blood test confirmed his suspicion . `` From my own experience , I can tell you it 's not a very mild illness , '' Petersen cautioned . `` It will ruin your summer . '' Experts are expecting another epidemic of the disease this summer . The incidence of West Nile virus has remained the same"} +{"answer":"Iraqi government to `` request from the United States government to leave certain forces for training and for support purposes for the Iraqi forces . '' The governments have been trying to get a deal before December 31 , when a U.N. mandate authorizing the U.S. troop presence in Iraq expires . Iraq 's ruling Shiite parliamentary bloc said Sunday it needs more time before it can approve the draft . The United Iraqi Alliance bloc found several `` points '' in the draft that `` need more time for discussion , dialogue and amendments -LSB- to -RSB- some of its articles , '' according to the Supreme Islamic Council of Iraq , the most powerful party in the bloc . It was unclear what specific `` points '' the parliamentary bloc was questioning . Thousands of people marched in central Baghdad on Saturday to protest the draft U.S.-Iraqi security agreement . The political party of Iraqi cleric Muqtada al-Sadr called for the rally . Watch marchers protest the agreement '' Baghdad had sought the power to arrest and try Americans accused of crimes that are not related to official military operations , plus jurisdiction over troops and contractors who","question":"BAGHDAD , Iraq -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- U.S. troops or contractors who commit `` major and premeditated murders '' in Iraq while off-duty and outside U.S. facilities would fall under Iraqi jurisdiction , according to a copy of a draft U.S.-Iraq agreement obtained by CNN . Shiite demonstrators protest a proposed U.S.-Iraqi security pact Saturday in Baghdad . All other crimes -- including murders committed inside U.S. facilities or by on-duty forces -- would fall under American jurisdiction , according to the draft , which would govern U.S. troops ' presence in Iraq . The issue of whether U.S. troops would remain immune from Iraqi prosecution has been a sticky one for negotiators crafting the Status of Forces Agreement draft , which Iraqi lawmakers are reviewing . The United States had preferred its troops and contractors retain immunity . The draft also calls for U.S. combat troops to be out of Iraqi cities by July 30 , 2009 , and out of the country entirely by December 31 , 2011 . The agreement allows for an earlier withdrawal or an extension of the U.S. forces ' stay in Iraq , by agreement of both parties . It also allows the"} +{"answer":"of the Buganda Kings , which was built in 1882 and lies near the capital , Kampala . It contained the tombs of four ancient kings of the Buganda people along with cultural relics , including the spears of past kings . Tensions between the Buganda and the government have historically run high , in part because President Yoweri Museveni is not from the tribe . There have been claims Museveni favors his own people , a tribe in the west , and the Buganda have said they feel persecuted . Both the central government and the tribe began separate investigations of the fire Wednesday . `` We saw a huge fire popping out of the tombs as it rained , '' said Jowelia Lunkuse , 49 , who operates a kiosk at the edge of the site . `` The flames kept increasing high in the air and we had to close and ran away , fearing it would spread to burn us . '' Museveni visited the site Wednesday morning . King Ronald Mutebi arrived moments after Museveni left , along with Medard Ssegona , the Buganda kingdom 's information minister . Are you in Uganda ? Share","question":"Kampala , Uganda -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- At least three men died from their wounds Wednesday after they were shot in a confrontation with Ugandan security forces at a destroyed historic site , the Ugandan government said . The men were part of a group of Buganda tribe members who rushed to the site of the Tombs of the Buganda Kings which was destroyed by fire Tuesday night . Exactly how many people were wounded remained unclear despite the government statement . While the government statement listed three dead and five wounded , the Ugandan Red Cross said it had ferried 23 injured people from the site to a Mulago hospital , 11 of them with bullet wounds . `` There several other cases , whose number I can not establish , who were either carried away by their relative or friends after sustaining bullet wounds . Others were stampeded on as they ran , '' said Uganda Red Cross official Susan Kabwe , who was at the tombs site . The tomb site is a UNESCO-listed cultural site of major significance to the country 's largest tribe . It was not clear what started the fire at the Tombs"} +{"answer":". `` We apologize to our viewers for this and continue our broadcast with the next news item scheduled . '' The situation is somewhat ironic because Turkey began a new Kurdish language state television channel , TRT6 , on January 1 . Turk pointed out that paradox in his speech to parliament . `` Despite the Kurdish broadcast on TRT 6 , there is no legal protection -LRB- for the language -RRB- , '' he said . '' -LRB- Politicians -RRB- get punished for speaking Kurdish while Prime Minister -LRB- Recep Tayyip -RRB- Erdogan speaks Kurdish during rallies . Therefore , Kurdish is forbidden to Kurds yet free for -LRB- the ruling party -RRB- and the state . '' The issue comes ahead of hotly contested elections scheduled to be held on March 29 . Political analysts have said Turkey 's ruling Justice and Development Party , known by its Turkish acronym AKP , is trying to gain votes in the Kurdish southeast , which has traditionally been held by the Democratic Society Party , or DTP . Erdogan 's launching of the Kurdish language channel is considered a historic development not only because speaking the language in parliament","question":"ISTANBUL , Turkey -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The head of a Kurdish nationalist party in Turkey addressed his party members Tuesday in the Kurdish language -- which is illegal -- prompting the national broadcaster to pull the plug on the live broadcast . Ahmet Turk began his speech in Turkish before switching to Kurdish . In his address , Democratic Society Party leader Ahmet Turk began his speech in Turkish , addressing the value of a `` multilingual culture '' and decrying the fact that the Kurdish language is not protected under Turkey 's constitution . `` We have no objection to Turkish being the official language , yet we want our demands for the lifting of the ban on Kurdish language to be understood as a humanitarian demand , '' he said . Turk then announced he would deliver the rest of his speech in Kurdish and , at that point , state broadcaster TRT cut the broadcast . `` Since no language other than Turkish can be used in the parliament meetings according to the constitution of the Turkish Republic and the Political Parties Law , we had to stop our broadcast , '' the TRT announcer stated"} +{"answer":"no-confidence vote in the Mexican economy and a significant rebuke to President Felipe Calderon 's admirable but all-consuming war against the drug cartels . Calderon -- who is in the PAN -- is halfway through a six-year term , so he was n't on the ballot . The presidency is next on the ballot in 2012 , and observers think that the fact that the PRI aced its midterms sets the party up nicely to accomplish something that seemed unthinkable just a few years ago : retake the top job that it held for much of the 20th century -- 71 years , to be precise -- through corruption and intimidation . In 2000 , the PAN 's Vicente Fox broke that streak and reintroduced democracy in Mexico . Calderon squeaked out a narrow victory against a third-party candidate in 2006 . The Harvard-educated lawyer and economist immediately and bravely took the fight to drug lords across the country , unleashing the military in a conflict that has so far killed more than 10,000 Mexicans with no end in sight . And there are now serious issues -- as spelled out this week in The Washington Post -- involving allegations","question":"Editor 's note : Ruben Navarrette Jr. is a member of the San Diego Union-Tribune editorial board , a nationally syndicated columnist and a regular contributor to CNN.com . Read his column here . Ruben Navarrette Jr . says President Felipe Calderon 's war on drugs remains a noble battle for the soul of Mexico . SAN DIEGO , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It has nothing to do with Michael Jackson or Sarah Palin , but there 's a big story brewing south of the border to which Americans should pay close attention . Like a monster that refuses to die , Mexico 's once-disgraced Institutional Revolutionary Party , or PRI , made a convincing comeback in last weekend 's midterm elections . The PRI recaptured its majority in the 500-member Chamber of Deputies and won five of six governorships up for grabs . The rival National Action Party , or PAN , which had controlled the legislative branch since 2000 , suffered heavy losses . German Martinez , president of the PAN , resigned this week after taking responsibility for the electoral failures . Political observers on both sides of the border are calling the elections results a"} +{"answer":"the airport clean and get people excited about the airport 's new shops and dining options , officials there bought the rights to three popular R & B classics : `` Shake Your Groove Thing '' by Peaches and Herb , `` Bustin ' Loose '' by Chuck Brown and the Soul Searchers and `` Fantastic Voyage '' by Lakeside . With rights secured , Doug Strachan , Creative Innovations Manager for the City of Atlanta Department of Aviation , rewrote the lyrics and invited the original artists to record the revamped songs . `` Whereas words reach the mind , music reaches the heart , '' Strachan said . `` These are hit songs that people love ... real powerful , catchy and make you want to dance . If you can make someone dance , you can probably motivate them to do other things . '' So `` Groove Thing '' became `` Keep It Opening Day Fresh , '' `` Bustin Loose '' morphed into `` We 're Steady Cleaning Up , '' and `` Fantastic Voyage '' was reborn as `` Our New Concessions . '' Clean music with a clean message -- literally . The","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Imagine arriving at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport in Georgia , one of the busiest and most bustling airports in the country . People are dashing about , waiting at checkpoints and scanning the screens for departure and arrival times . Invariably there are delays and since you are n't going anywhere anytime soon , you might as well enjoy the tunes playing over the public announcement system . Hey , is n't that the Peaches and Herb classic `` Shake Your Groove Thing '' ? You have n't heard that in years ! But wait , what are they singing ? It sounds like `` Shake Your Groove Thing , '' but the lyrics playing do n't match the ones you know . Click on the image above to hear two of the airport 's new songs . `` Opening Day fresh , Opening Day fresh , Yeah , yeah Hartsfield-Jackson do it now Opening Day fresh , Opening Day fresh , Yeah , yeah Show 'em how we do it now ! Show 'em how we do it now ! '' Welcome to parody with a purpose . As part of an initiative to keep"} +{"answer":"plan in which they would receive a cash advance to ship a load of corn from Syracuse to Athens . Due to the dangers associated with shipping , the buyer would take on full risk if the shipment did n't make it to Athens , so if the boat sank Xenothemis and Hegestratos could keep their cash . Instead of loading the ship with expensive corn , the conniving pair made a plan to sail an empty ship out to sea for a few days , then sink it and escape in lifeboats . Since the boat itself was insured , this plot seemed airtight , and the potential profit was great . Unfortunately , though , the boat 's other passengers allegedly caught wind of the scheme during the attempting scuttling of the ship . These passengers were understandably a bit peeved at Hegestratos ' attempts to drown them for his own financial gain . Hegestratos panicked and jumped overboard , at which point he drowned . Unable to sink the ship by himself , Xenothemis had to sail on to the port , at which point the buyer , Protos , wanted to know why his shipload of","question":"-LRB- Mental Floss -RRB- -- Starting a legitimate business is hard , boring work . There 's paperwork to fill out , employees to hire , and all sorts of other drudgery , not to mention the biggest hurdle of all : providing a product or service for which customers are willing to pay . President Ulysses S. Grant foiled a gold scam . In all likelihood , it would be much easier to just stumble upon some clever scam to line your pockets . Or so it would seem . As many aspiring scam artists quickly learn , when a business scam fails , it tends to fail in rather grand fashion . Just ask any of these four teams of not-so-smooth operators . A corny sea story Xenothemis and Hegestratos may not have been the world 's first white-collar criminals , but they were certainly noteworthy for their incompetence . In 360 B.C. , the pair stumbled upon what seemed like a killer plan to make some quick cash . Shipping was extremely risky at the time , and boats went down at sea with alarming frequency . To exploit this uncertainty , Xenothemis and Hegestratos devised a"} +{"answer":"administration has about how to move forward . Watch Iran launch its first satellite '' Two U.S. officials confirmed that Iran had launched a low-earth orbit satellite , CNN Pentagon Correspondent Barbara Starr said . There were no indications of any weapons activity on the two-stage rocket , although the rocket is capable of launching long-range weapons , the officials said . `` I would n't think of this in terms of highly advanced technology , '' one U.S. official said . But it does suggest Iran 's two-stage rockets are increasingly reliable . The Pentagon said Tuesday the launch is `` clearly a concern of ours . '' `` Although this appears to be satellite , there are dual-use capabilities that could be applied to missiles , and that 's a concern to us and everybody in region , '' Department of Defense spokesman Geoff Morrell said . The launch of the satellite Omid -- which means `` Hope '' in Farsi -- was timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary celebrations of the Islamic revolution in Iran , according to Iranian media reports . Iran said the satellite had already completed its first mission -- to transmit a","question":"TEHRAN , Iran -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Iran Tuesday successfully launched its first satellite into orbit , a step hailed by Iran 's president as a `` source of pride '' for the Islamic republic , according to state-run news outlets . Reported satellite launch took place on the 30th anniversary of the Islamic revolution in Iran . U.S. Department of Defense officials confirmed the launch , and the State Department expressed `` grave concern . '' `` Developing a space launch vehicle that could ... put a satellite into orbit could possibly lead to development of a ballistic missile system , '' State Department acting spokesman Robert Wood told reporters . `` So that 's of grave concern to us . '' Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is expected to discuss Iran in meetings Tuesday with British Foreign Secretary David Miliband and German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier . On Wednesday officials from the United States , Britain , France , Germany , Russia and China will meet in Germany to discuss next steps on Iran . Wood said that Undersecretary William Burns , who is representing the United States , will seek input and discuss some ideas the Obama"} +{"answer":"I want are also something other people want . So we wanted to make goods which people want to send to somebody else as a gift . The idea is that goods are for social communication purposes and that has been accepted worldwide . In addition , to give Hello Kitty goods as a present is very thoughtful . Our three concepts of friendship , cuteness and thoughtfulness have been reaching out to people . It conveys the importance of being friendly . Such gestures are necessary for the Japanese nation . You care about other people by sending some gifts . Those concepts have been accepted worldwide . Stevens : My first question to you is Sanrio has developed something like 450 characters . Why it is Hello Kitty has stood out so much more than the others ? What is the secret of its success ? Tsuji : At first we were using characters which were created by outsiders , such as cartoonists or artists , but in this case we had to pay the royalty . So we decided to create our own characters . We hired many artists and asked them to create various characters .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- From a country which brought the world brands like Sony and Toyota , there 's another name that 's crept quietly to global prominence . Hello Kitty , the moon-faced cat with a bow in her hair and no mouth . Shintaro Tsuji , CEO of Sanrio , famous for its Hello Kitty brand , speaks in The Boardroom . She 's one of 450 characters developed by Japan 's Sanrio Group , but she 's by far most popular -- the embodiment of what 's known in Japan as Kawaii , or the culture of cute . Her image adorns some 50,000 objects , from cute , of course , to downright crazy . But there 's nothing cute about the numbers . Hello Kitty is responsible for more than half of Sanrio 's billion dollar annual turnover . Her creator and founder of Sanrio is the effervescent 79-year-old Shintaro Tsuji . He told The Boardroom 's Andrew Stevens what he thinks is the marketing secret behind a cultural icon . Tsuji : Selling something which people want to buy is one of the ways of doing business . But I thought , goods that"} +{"answer":"Any phone number they had in the country was quickly written on a board in the office . `` A group of 20 -LRB- people -RRB- sat and dialed the numbers over and over and over again . '' `` There are no words to explain that two people I love dearly were in the middle , and I could n't reach then , '' Mike Wilson said , his voice cracking . But it was more than 24 hours before they finally got word . A brief , scratchy call from their daughter Katie came through -- she and 5-year-old Tia had survived the quake that destroyed the orphanage . Missy Wilson said Katie was able to say , `` I 'm alive . We 're safe . Tia 's safe . Please just know we 're alive , '' before the 40-second call was cut off . It would be Thursday before the Wilsons learned the whole story . Mike Wilson , with two ministry officials , was able to travel into Haiti on a medivac plane , and the three made their way to the town . `` There was destruction all around , '' he said","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Mike and Missy Wilson sat in a meeting late Tuesday afternoon , planning a ministry trip to Haiti when they were interrupted by a text message . A co-worker read the news : a powerful earthquake had just struck the Caribbean country . In their Nashville , Tennessee , office , Mike Wilson said , `` My heart just dropped '' as he listened to the one-line bulletin . The quake 's epicenter was a few miles from an orphanage in Carrefour , Haiti , where the Wilsons ' 21-year-old daughter Katie was working , and the 5-year-old girl they were about to adopt lived . `` I felt like I could n't take another breath , '' Missy Wilson said , `` I jumped up and yelled , ` This ca n't be happening . ' '' The first bits of news were discouraging , as sketchy reports came in of buildings collapsing and widespread destruction . `` It was horrible , '' Missy Wilson said . `` We spent hours trying to get any information . '' The Brent Gambrell Ministries where she is director frequently works with churches and groups in Haiti ."} +{"answer":"I want to work , but I ca n't really because then who will stay with my husband ? '' she says . `` Who will take him to the bathroom ? My first concern every morning is my husband . '' See the struggles of Iraqi women '' The attack did to Murtada what roadside bombs , rocket fire , and sniper shootings have done to thousands of Iraqis . Since the war began , the estimates of wounded Iraqis have ranged from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of people . Go inside Iraq with CNN 's Arwa Damon '' According to Iraq 's Health Ministry , 25 percent of the wounded have lost at least one limb . Murtada is one of these grim stats , and his life is now a nightmare . He has stumps where his legs used to be and has n't been able to get prosthetics . He moves around by lifting himself with his arms , riding in a wheelchair or being carried by his wife . Life has forced Shada to tap into a physical and emotional strength she did not know she possessed . Their 3-year-old son helps","question":"BAGHDAD , Iraq -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Shada 's back aches more and more each day as she literally bears her family 's burden . Clothed in a black robe , she strains under her husband 's weight . Shada now carries her husband around the house . His legs were blown off in a bombing . Murtada , a 29-year-old taxi driver , was once a proud husband and father . But one morning last October , he kissed his family good-bye and set off to work . Within hours , their world was shattered . A bomb blew off both his legs above the knee . `` I lost consciousness for a bit . I knew I was wounded , '' he says . `` I was under the car . I saw my legs were severed , just flesh and skin . I was holding my legs , bleeding . '' Watch Shada strain to carry her husband '' Helpless , the daily burden is now on Shada . She carries Murtada when he needs to be moved . She ca n't even leave the house because of the constant care she provides her husband . ``"} +{"answer":"Phillips after a failed attempt to hijack his ship , the Maersk Alabama . For five days the pirates held Phillips in the lifeboat as U.S. Navy ships closed in and lingered nearby . On Sunday , U.S. Navy snipers opened fire on the lifeboat after seeing one pirate point an AK-47 at the captain 's back , the U.S. military said . The shootings occurred as one pirate was aboard the USS Bainbridge negotiating over Phillips ' fate . Watch how SEALs shot three pirates '' Three pirates in the lifeboat were killed . Phillips was not hurt . He was taken to another U.S. Navy vessel , the U.S. military said , where he received a medical checkup and spoke by phone with his wife in the United States . Watch admiral tell how rescue went down '' Pirates in Somalia identified the slain men as Mohamed Ahmed Adawe , Nur Dalabey and Khalif Guled . Two of them -- Dalabey and Guled -- were among the `` most experienced men '' in a group that has hijacked seagoing vessels for money , Ahmed said . They were killed two days after the French military freed four hostages","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Two pirates in Somalia vowed revenge Monday , after the U.S. military killed three pirates and freed a U.S. ship captain who had been held hostage for several days . Crew members of the Maersk Alabama celebrate after hearing the Navy had rescued their captain from pirates . The pirates told a Somali journalist that they were angered by the U.S. action , as well as a French raid Friday that killed two pirates and one hostage and freed four hostages . `` We have decided to kill U.S. and French sailors if they happen to be among our future hostages , '' said Abdullahi Ahmed , a member of a pirate group based at Harardhere , a coastal town in central Somalia . President Obama said Monday the United States will confront pirates and hold them `` accountable for their crimes . '' Obama added that he is proud of the military 's actions in rescuing Capt. Richard Phillips from his pirate captors . Members of the U.S. Navy shot and killed three pirates who had been holding Phillips hostage in a lifeboat on Sunday evening , a military official said . The pirates seized"} +{"answer":"Protection , crashed in a sparsely-populated area near Nogales , Arizona . There were no injuries , but the aircraft , which has a 66-foot wingspan , was `` substantially damaged , '' the NTSB said . The probable cause of the accident was the failure of the pilot -- who was operating the aircraft remotely -- to follow checklist procedures when switching operational control from a console that had locked up , the agency said . That resulted in the fuel valve 's being inadvertently shut off and a total loss of engine power to the aircraft . Another cause , the NTSB said , was the lack of a flight instructor in the ground control station . But in a meeting Tuesday , the board highlighted areas of interest including the design and certification of unmanned aircraft ; pilot qualification and training ; and audio records of all UAV operations-related communications , among others . The Federal Aviation Administration does n't require a pilot 's certificate to operate a drone . `` This investigation has raised questions about the different standards for manned and unmanned aircraft and the safety implications of this discrepancy , '' Rosenker said in","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Pilot error was to blame in the April 2006 crash of an unmanned aircraft , despite the fact no pilot was on board , the National Transportation Safety Board said in its accident report issued Tuesday -- the NTSB 's first-ever investigation into an incident involving a drone . A drone similar to this one crashed near Nogales , Arizona , on April 25 , 2006 . The agency also issued 22 safety recommendations for unmanned aircraft . It `` is an indication of the scope of the safety issues these unmanned aircraft are bringing into the National Airspace System , '' NTSB Chairman Mark Rosenker said in a statement . The unmanned aerial vehicles have been touted as a possible solution to several issues facing the United States , from drug trafficking to illegal border crossings . But , as the NTSB report shows , integrating them into the nation 's airspace raises questions regarding their safety status -- and whether they should be held to a different standard than manned aircraft . On April 25 , 2006 , a turboprop-powered Predator B , operated on a surveillance mission by U.S. Customs and Border"} +{"answer":"Pragmatic Theory combined to form Bellkor 's Pragmatic Chaos , the first team to qualify for the prize on June 26 with a 10.05 percent improvement over Netflix 's existing algorithm . This triggered a 30-day window in which other teams were allowed to try to catch up -- and indeed , a team called The Ensemble , made up of lower-ranked contestants , submitted a higher score of 10.10 percent as time ran out -- a hair better than Bellkor 's Pragmatic Chaos ' final score of 10.09 percent . Before Sept. 21 , Netflix must decide -LRB- assuming they have n't done so already -RRB- which of the two qualifying teams has the best algorithm based on how they score on various undisclosed tests . The company must also determine whether the winning team 's results are reproducible , meaning that its algorithm handles new data as well as it did the test data . When we wrote about this last month , after the window for qualifying closed , Netflix declined to say whether it will reveal details about its methodology for picking the winner -LRB- whichever team loses , they 're going to want to know","question":"-LRB- WIRED -RRB- -- For the past three years some of the world 's most resourceful software engineers and mathematicians have worked feverishly in the spirit of friendly , Darwinian competition -- and in pursuit of a $ 1 million prize -- to improve the Netflix movie recommendation system by 10 percent . Netflix says it will announce the winner of its $ 1 million Netflix Prize at an event September 21 . It 's been a long journey , but it 's almost over . Netflix said Tuesday it would announce the winner at an event in New York on Sept. 21 -- where details about the Netflix Prize 2 sequel would also be unveiled . As things stand now , nobody outside of Netflix knows which team will win the million-dollar prize , but the winning entry will power Netflix 's upcoming movie recommendation engine . Because nothing about the contest barred entrants from licensing their technology to companies other than Netflix , both qualifying teams could find plenty of licensees -- even if they come in second . And not much separates the two top teams . Teams Bellkor -LRB- AT&T Research -RRB- , Big Chaos and"} +{"answer":"condemning these kind of acts . '' The CAIR statement said : `` No political or religious ideology could ever justify or excuse such wanton and indiscriminate violence . The attack was particularly heinous in that it targeted the all-volunteer Army that protects our nation . American Muslims stand with our fellow citizens in offering both prayers for the victims and sincere condolences to the families of those killed or injured . '' In a separate statement , the Muslim Public Affairs Council , based in Los Angeles , California , condemned what it called the `` heinous incident . '' `` We are in contact with law enforcement and U.S. federal government officials to gain more facts from this tragic incident and work together in dealing with its aftermath , '' the group said . Its statement called on `` all members of American Muslim communities to be in contact with local law enforcement for the safety and security of their communities and their institutions . '' The Islamic Information Center also issued a statement `` in conjunction with all the major Muslim organizations nationwide '' that condemned the attack . `` While several news reports have cited one","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Ibrahim Hooper knows the drill . When news first broke Thursday that a shooting at Fort Hood , Texas , killed and injured U.S. soldiers , the national communications director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations wrote a statement of condemnation . He only sent it out later , when reports emerged that the alleged shooter 's name was Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan . `` As soon as we saw what appeared to be a Muslim name , we issued our statement , '' Hooper said . `` Until that time , we were praying that no Muslim would be involved . '' That 's the reality of crisis management for the Muslim-American community , said Hooper , who handles communications for the nation 's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy group . Even without confirmation that the alleged gunman was Muslim -- there was no immediate determination of any religious affiliation for Hasan -- the mere reporting of a possible Muslim name required an immediate comment , he said . `` That 's unfortunately the world we live in nowadays , '' Hooper said . `` So often , Muslims are accused of not"} +{"answer":"club where he began his coaching career under Bobby Robson . `` A dream is more pure than an obsession , an obsession is more about pride . Barca achieved a dream winning the Champions League in Paris and Rome last year but this time it is more about Madrid and playing at the Santiago Bernabeu , this is an obsession . '' Mourinho , who claimed the Champions League during his spell at Portuguese giants Porto , realizes that Inter are also desperate to triumph in Europe 's premier club competition having last won it in 1965 . `` I ca n't say for me it is a personal dream as I have won it before but I want to win it for Inter as it is more than 40 years since they got to the final . `` If I can help Mr Moratti -LRB- the Inter president -RRB- , if I can help the players and if I can contribute a little bit as coach to achieve this dream then I would be very happy . '' Inter will be without the suspended Dejan Stankovic but Mourinho indicated that he would likely take a gamble on key","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Inter Milan coach Jose Mourinho claims Barcelona 's `` obsession '' with winning the Champions League on the ground of their arch-rivals Real Madrid will hinder their chances of beating his side in their semifinal second showdown . Inter hold a 3-1 lead going into Wednesday 's match at the Nou Camp and Mourinho could not resist a pre-match swipe at the Catalan giants , who would become the first side to retain the Champions League in its present format . But Mourinho , an acknowledged master in pre-match `` mind games '' , is convinced that the pressure of expectation will work against last season 's triple winners . `` We have a team of older players , with many over 30 , and we hope that we will be able to cope with the atmosphere . It is one thing , though , to follow a dream and it is another to have an obsession , '' he told gathered reporters . Schalke 's Magath set to work a new miracle `` For Barca it is an obsession , '' added Mourinho , who was accompanied by tight security as he returned to the"} +{"answer":"'' Watch CNN 's Michael Ware on the U.S. withdrawal '' The shift is part of the security agreement that former President George W. Bush 's administration signed with Iraq . In the CNN interview , Odierno blamed the recent violence in Iraq on `` extremist elements using the timeframe and date to gain attention to themselves and divert attention from the success of Iraqi security forces . '' The 131,000 U.S. troops in Iraq still will `` maintain full coordination with Iraqi forces inside the cities '' and continue to have intelligence capacity , Odierno said . With approval from the Iraqis , they also will carry out operations in major cities as necessary , he said . Odierno said his goal is to help provide security that allows Iraq to hold planned national elections leading to the eventual removal of all U.S. troops by the end of 2011 . He said his biggest worry is a breakdown in stability such as a `` consistent increase in violence '' or a situation that Iraqi forces ca n't handle . `` I do n't see that '' happening , Odierno said . `` I think we 're on the right","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Despite some high-profile bombings in recent days , Iraq 's security forces are ready to take over for U.S. forces this week to stabilize the nation 's major cities , the U.S. commander in Iraq told CNN on Sunday . Except for soldiers in advisory roles , all U.S. combat troops will leave Iraqi cities and towns by June 30 . Army Gen. Ray Odierno said he 's seen a `` constant improvement '' in both the security situation and governance in Iraq to prepare for the June 30 deadline for U.S. troops to withdraw from major cities . `` They 've been working for this for a long time , '' Odierno said on CNN 's `` State of the Union . '' In a separate interview on `` Fox News Sunday , '' Odierno said all U.S. troops already were out of Iraq 's major cities before Tuesday 's deadline . `` We have already moved out of the cities , '' Odierno said . `` We 've been slowly doing it over the last eight months . And the final units have moved out of the cities over the last several weeks ."} +{"answer":"'s happened to them . '' Maria described how at the age of 16 she was lured off the streets by a young man who promised the world , but delivered nothing but pain . She was raped , drugged and sold for sex . `` They took a gallon of gasoline and started pouring it over a girl , '' Maria said . `` One of the men told me if you do n't do as I say I will do the same to you . `` I wanted to look away , but they did n't let me . Even though the girl was on fire they kept hitting her and they were laughing as if they were enjoying what they were doing . '' Maria described a cross-border trade in young children and babies -- with orders coming in regularly from the U.S. `` They stole the children and one of the gang members took a six-year-old kid that I had to look after for three hours . `` He told me he wanted to see his mummy then I started crying and said ' I do n't think you 're ever going to see your mummy","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Even before her 18th birthday , Maria had already been enslaved by a gang of human traffickers and held in captivity for four months in her homeland of Mexico . While a prisoner , Maria witnessed a sickening trade in human life and recalls how young girls were drugged , forced into prostitution and then murdered . What makes Maria 's story so special is that she was one of the lucky ones who were able to escape . Maria , whose real name we are n't using , used to live in the border town of Ciudad Juarez . The city is home to two drug cartels that fight a bloody turf war for lucrative smuggling routes to America . In a four-day period , 41 people were murdered , while over the past decade , 450 women were killed and 3,000 went missing . `` Today girls are still going missing but their bodies are never found , '' Miguel Perea , a local journalist told Britain 's Channel 4 . `` There 's no trace of them and their mothers and families of these girls -- they have n't got a clue what"} +{"answer":"The children were taken for financial and political reasons , he said . Alvarez acknowledges that many more children possibly were taken . Investigators zeroed in on the 1977-89 period because peak adoptions occurred during that time frame , particularly in 1986 . They will investigate through 1995 and hope to have another report ready by early next year , he said . A presidential ministry has determined that about 45,000 people disappeared during the nation 's civil war , which lasted from 1960 to 1996 . About 5,000 of those were children , the ministry said . Another 200,000 people died in the conflict between the leftist guerrillas and right-wing governments . The nation 's public ministry and attorney general 's office will determine whether anyone is prosecuted over the abductions , Alvarez said . Asked if he would like to see prosecutions , Alvarez answered , `` I hope so . '' Alvarez said he has attended several reunions of abducted children -- now adults -- and family members . `` I ca n't tell you how happy that makes me , '' he said . Adoption has served as a source of income in Guatemala for decades","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Guatemalan army stole at least 333 children and sold them for adoption in other countries during the Central American nation 's 36-year civil war , a government report has concluded . Around 45,000 people are believed to have disappeared during Guatemala 's civil war , 5,000 of them children . Many of those children ended up in the United States , as well as Sweden , Italy and France , said the report 's author and lead investigator , Marco Tulio Alvarez . In some cases , the report said , parents were killed so the children could be taken and given to government-operated agencies to be adopted abroad . In other instances , the children were abducted without physical harm to the parents . `` This was a great abuse by the state , '' Alvarez told CNN on Friday . Investigators started examining records in May 2008 for a period that spanned from 1977-89 , said Alvarez , the director of the Guatemalan Peace Archive , a commission established by President Alvaro Colom . Of 672 records investigators looked at , Alvarez said , they determined that 333 children had been stolen ."} +{"answer":"but it is just that originality that attracted Hunter , an Academy Award winner whose eclectic career has included projects as varied as the films `` Raising Arizona , '' `` Broadcast News '' and the animated `` The Incredibles . '' See the significant roles Hunter has played '' The actress said she continues to be attracted to playing Hanadarko because it allows her to explore emotions and attitudes that a lot of roles these days simply are n't offering . `` She wants to have conversations about sex , she wants to have conversations about faith , '' Hunter said . `` She is very comfortable with the darkness in herself and with the darkness in others and I want to talk about that . There are not a lot of opportunities to have that conversation in features . '' It is n't surprising that Hunter was able to find such a rich , creative playground at TNT . The network -LRB- which is owned by the parent company of CNN -RRB- has carved a niche for itself as a destination for critically acclaimed and popular dramas . That reputation has been strengthened by the popularity of shows","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Holly Hunter does n't take roles based on what she thinks viewers want to see . Holly Hunter plays a tough detective grappling with issues of faith in TNT 's `` Saving Grace . '' `` I have , frankly , very few expectations when it comes to audience , '' the acclaimed actress said . `` I 've done features , I 've done stage and I 've done television movies . '' `` I 'm used to having the experience of perhaps missing an audience where your feature , for some reason or another , may not have a large audience , while some of my features have found large audiences , so I am used to both . My expectations are adaptable and they are low . '' Hunter need not worry , because she has a hit on her hands with TNT 's `` Saving Grace , '' which is soon to debut its third season . The television drama follows the decidedly messy life of Oklahoma City Police Detective Grace Hanadarko , who lives and works hard while being shadowed by a no-nonsense angel . The premise may sound unusual ,"} +{"answer":"change bill intended to cut U.S. greenhouse gas emissions while reshaping the energy sector . The House passed its own energy bill last year , and Obama has said he backs the efforts by Kerry and Lieberman to move the issue forward in the Senate . The president asked for Senate GOP cooperation on the issue during a closed-door meeting Tuesday with Republicans on Capitol Hill . However , Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid , D-Nevada , has indicated he wants immigration reform to take priority , and the politics of midterm congressional elections in November raises questions about the the possibility of gaining final approval this year of such major legislation as energy reform . Reid 's position caused a potential Republican co-sponsor , Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina , to drop out of the talks with Lieberman and Kerry on drafting the proposal . The proposal addresses a range of energy issues , including expanded nuclear power production , incentives for the coal industry to seek cleaner methods , money to develop alternative energy sources and programs to help U.S. industry in the transition to a low-carbon system . On climate change , the measure seeks escalating","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Barack Obama used the growing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico to renew his pitch for alternative energy Wednesday , arguing that the unfolding environmental disaster `` gives you a sense of where we 're going '' without comprehensive reform . The federal government is `` going to bring every resource necessary to put a stop '' to the spill , the president said during a visit to a solar panel manufacturing facility in Fremont , California . `` We will not rest until this well is shut , the environment is repaired , and the cleanup is complete . '' But , he added , `` a lot of damage has been done already . The spill in the Gulf , which is just heartbreaking , only underscores the necessity '' of seeking alternative fuel sources . A failure to enact comprehensive energy reform , he argued , would pose a threat to national security and the economy , as well as the environment . Obama 's remarks came two weeks after Sens. John Kerry , D-Massachusetts , and Joe Lieberman , an independent from Connecticut , introduced a sweeping energy and climate"} +{"answer":". The Foreign Office in Great Britain said it was `` concerned by reports of a military coup . `` We condemn any attempt to seize power by force , and call on all parties to ensure respect for democracy , human rights and the rule of law , and to safeguard the well-being of their own citizens and foreign nationals in Guinea , '' the office said . U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon , who issued a statement commending Conte and passing along condolences , urged `` a peaceful and democratic transfer of power '' and exhorted `` the armed forces and all stakeholders to respect the democratic process . '' The United Nations told its personnel in Guinea to stay off the streets . `` All U.N. staff have been encouraged to stay at home , '' the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees ' spokesman in Guinea , Faya Foko Millimouno , told CNN . `` Only the military is in the street now . '' The U.S. Embassy in Conakry warned Americans in the country `` to be particularly alert to their surroundings , and to be prepared for any eventuality . '' Aboubacar Sompare , president of","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The West African country of Guinea , reeling after the death of President Lansana Conte , is staring at the prospect of widespread political instability amid an apparent coup . Lansana Conte came to power in a military coup in 1984 . Journalist Mohammed Kayta in Conakry said the Guinean military seized control of the capital city 's streets in an apparent coup . He reported that the military was holding negotiations to determine who will succeed Conte , who ruled the country for nearly 25 years . The action followed an announcement on national radio Tuesday by army Capt. Foamed Dadis Camara that government and national institutions had been dissolved , according to Le Jour , a national newspaper , and the subsequent announcement by Prime Minister Ahmed Tidiane Souare that the government continued to function . Soldiers were out in force , including around the offices of the president and prime minister in Conakry , local journalist Barry Minkalou told CNN . The streets were calm , with no reports of injuries or violence , he said . Camara said Tuesday an `` advisory council '' of civilians and soldiers would be set up"} +{"answer":"of the first witnesses , Kenneth Ngosa , a senior private secretary to the vice president , told the court he was immediately disturbed by the pictures he found inside the letter , according to the paper . The Post described the courtroom as `` packed to capacity '' and said `` people from all works of life including musicians and opposition political party members '' had come to support Kabwela . Defense lawyer George Chisanga has asked the court to look into whether the president 's order to arrest and prosecute Kabwela could influence the course of justice . A joint statement from several Zambian media organizations , published on The Post 's Web site , calls for the government to amend the law on obscenity to clarify what constitutes obscenity and material that can corrupt morals . The statement concedes that the pictures were in bad taste , but notes that they were sent on behalf of a good cause : to end the strike . CNN efforts to obtain comment from both The Post and the Zambian government have been unsuccessful . According to the latest figures from the World Health Organization , in 2004 the mortality","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The news editor of the Zambian newspaper The Post has gone on trial for allegedly circulating obscene material to politicians , the newspaper states on its Web site . Zambia President Rupiah Banda has branded the childbirth photos pornographic . In early June , Chansa Kabwela wrote to the country 's vice president , health minister and several non-governmental organizations to highlight problems in the country 's health-care system -- especially the problems pregnant women faced during a strike by health-care workers . In her letter , Kabwela included several photos of a woman giving birth in a parking lot outside a hospital from which she had been turned away , according to Reporters Without Borders . The country 's president , Rupiah Banda , branded the photos pornographic and called for Kabwela 's arrest and prosecution , according to the press freedom organization . `` Kabwela 's arrest is shocking and the grounds are ridiculous , '' the organization said in a statement on its Web site after the arrest . Now the trial into the alleged obscene photos has begun in the Lusaka magistrate 's court , the newspaper Web site says . One"} +{"answer":"a speech to supporters . He thanked those who helped lead his campaign and those who supported him . The two parties currently are in a coalition , with Steinmeier as foreign minister . Few doubted that Merkel 's party would receive the most votes . The question was what kind of coalition will be formed -- another broad centrist one , across the political divide , or a more right-leaning one . Merkel favors cutting taxes to spur growth , while Steinmeier opposes tax breaks . The country is deep in debt . What 's at stake in the German election '' Voters chose members of the lower house of parliament , or Bundestag , who will pick the head of government . Each German had two votes -- one for a member of parliament representing a district and another for a political party . The election Sunday followed release of a threatening videos from al Qaeda and the Taliban warning Germans not to vote for leaders who want to keep the country 's troops in Afghanistan . Security was tightened at airports and train stations , and authorities on Saturday banned all flights over the Oktoberfest beer festival","question":"BERLIN , Germany -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- German Chancellor Angela Merkel defeated her foreign minister Sunday to win another four-year term , according to exit polls reported by German television network NTV . German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her husband , Joachim Sauer , vote Sunday in Berlin . NTV reported Merkel 's center-right Christian Democratic Union -LRB- CDU -RRB- party received 33.7 percent of the vote , based on exit poll projections . The polls show Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier 's center-left Social Democrats received 23.4 percent , the network reported . `` Not only are you happy , I am very happy as well , '' Merkel told cheering supporters at her headquarters . `` We 've accomplished something great . We 've done it . We 've reached our election goal , to retain a stable majority in Germany and a new government with a new coalition . '' The crowd chanted , `` Angie , Angie , Angie . '' Steinmeier , meanwhile , conceded what he called `` a bitter defeat '' for the Social Democrats . `` The voters have decided , and the result is a bad day , '' Steinmeier said in"} +{"answer":"opportunity to be with his now-3-year-old son again . `` He has a long time to reflect on his life , what he has done and what he wants to do in the future , '' Stackhouse said . Gibbs is the highest ranking of five soldiers charged with being part of a rogue `` kill squad '' that targeted civilians . Another seven soldiers also were charged with lesser crimes including abusing drugs , keeping `` off the books '' weapons and intimidating a fellow soldier not to speak out against the platoon 's alleged killings . Gibbs had pleaded not guilty . A prosecutor described Gibbs as a `` recruiting poster '' soldier . But the tall , clean-cut Gibbs and the `` kill squad '' he was convicted of leading turned into a public-relations nightmare for the military . `` Sgt. Gibbs had a charisma , he had a ` follow me ' personality , '' Maj. Robert Stelle , a prosecutor in the case , told the court in closing arguments Wednesday . `` But it was all a bunch of crap , he had his own mission : murder and depravity . '' The murders","question":"Joint Base Lewis-McChord , Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Army Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs has been sentenced to life in military prison with eligibility for parole in 10 years . A military court-martial Thursday found Gibbs guilty of murdering three Afghan civilians , illegally cutting off pieces of their corpses to keep as `` souvenirs '' and planting weapons to make the men appear as if they were Taliban fighters killed in legitimate firefights . He was reduced in rank to private and ordered to forfeit all pay and benefits . Whatever sentence Gibbs serves will be reduced by the 547 days he has already spent in prison . `` He said they were all dirty savages , '' prosecutor Maj. Andre Leblanc said at Gibbs ' sentencing hearing . `` He is the savage , not the innocent Afghans he murdered . It is monstrous . What kind of savagery does it take to do this ? To cut a finger off a victim and show it to people ? This is a savage being '' Gibbs ' attorney , Phillip Stackhouse , had asked the court for a sentence of life with parole so Gibbs would have the"} +{"answer":"to heart disease . Robin Savage , 42 , of San Juan Capistrano , California , said her grandfather , father and mother all had heart disease . Besides wearing red herself , she goes to heart events and takes pictures of them for a local Web site . See more from iReporters on National Wear Red Day '' Savage has to take beta blockers because her heart sometimes races when she eats certain things , particularly foods containing the preservative MSG . She watches her diet closely and exercises 30 minutes a day to keep herself healthy . iReport.com : Heart Disease runs in my family For her sons , 9 and 12 , she monitors their diet closely , but fears that she will die while they are young . `` It 's such a huge void in your life , especially when you have your own kids and you do n't have your mom around to , say , ask questions , '' she said . `` I was completely lost when I had kids . '' Visit CNNhealth.com , your connection to better living Peggy Roesch , a 24-year-old graphic designer from Cincinnati , Ohio ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Anita Dunham 's first heart attack started with a mysterious pain in her arm -- and , suddenly , the 34-year-old felt as if she could n't breathe . After she got dressed , she could barely speak because the pain was so great in her arms and chest . Jolen Johnson took this photo of co-workers wearing red Friday in Cedar Park , Texas . Dunham , who had a second heart attack in 2002 , wore red Friday to spread awareness about heart disease . Now 64 years old , she said she wants women everywhere to know that heart disease , the No. 1 killer for women , can affect women in all walks of life . She and others shared their stories with CNN 's iReport.com . Read more about Dunham The National Heart Lung and Blood Institute , part of the National Institutes of Health , promoted the red clothing day to spread the message that `` Heart Disease Does n't Care What You Wear -- It 's the # 1 Killer of Women , '' according to its Web site . Others who wore red have family members who succumbed"} +{"answer":"to charity and having a point of view on the world -- will remain , '' co-founder Richard Reed said . `` We 'll just get to do them even more . '' Coca-Cola `` has been in business for over 120 years , so there will be things we can learn from them . And in some small ways we may be able to influence their thinking too . '' James Quincey , group business unit president for Coca-Cola Europe , said : `` We are delighted to have the opportunity to invest in Innocent 's future . We have long admired their brand , their products and their unique approach to business . '' But the investment is sure to open up Innocent to charges that its ideals are being diluted . Coca-Cola has been criticized over negative health effects resulting from consumption of its products . It has also faced allegations about labor abuses in Colombia and environmental concerns in India , among other places . Sales of Coke are holding up well amid the global economic crisis thanks to strong growth in China and India . In February the company reported a 4 percent rise in","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Coca-Cola , the world 's largest soft drinks group , has bought a minority stake in Innocent , the British fruit drink and `` smoothie '' maker that boasts of its ethical stance . Coca-Cola faces allegations about labor abuses as well as health and environmental concerns . Innocent said on its Web site the U.S. firm had paid # 30 million -LRB- $ 44 million -RRB- for a stake of `` between 10 and 20 percent '' to fund plans to expand in Europe . Innocent employs 275 people , has a turnover of more than # 100 million and sells about two million smoothies each week . Its three founders , who set up the company 10 years by selling smoothies at a London music festival , insisted its ethical stance would not be compromised and they would continue to run and manage the business . Are ethics and business compatible ? Tell us what you think `` Every promise that Innocent has made -- about making only natural healthy products , pioneering the use of better , socially and environmentally aware ingredients , packaging and production techniques , donating money"} +{"answer":"according to state records . Less than two years after his parole , Dryman was listed by the Montana Department of Corrections as `` absconded . '' He had disappeared . And that is where the `` old family story '' stopped for nearly 40 years , until last year when Clem Pellett came across some old newspapers clippings of the murder , which had occurred two years before he was born . `` So what I knew of it -LRB- was -RRB- ` never pick up a hitchhiker , ' and ` your grandfather died begging for his life , ' '' he said . `` It 's hard -- this is someone I never knew , but as I read , I thought , ` You know , this poor man who happens to be my grandfather -- his death just got kicked to the curb , ' and that became the issue . '' Over the course of a year , Clem Pellett worked closely with the Montana Parole Board and with Department of Corrections officials , who supplied him with an old post office box number in Glendale , Arizona , and details about Dryman 's","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- For Clem Pellett , tracking down his grandfather 's killer was not his original mission . `` I was just putting together an old family story ... and these serendipitous events happened , and we accidentally caught him , '' Pellett , of Bellevue , Washington , told CNN in a phone interview Wednesday . That `` old family story '' focuses on two men : Clarence Pellet -- a grandfather that Clem Pellett never knew -- and a drifter named Frank Dryman . According to the Montana Department of Corrections , on April 4 , 1951 , Clarence Pellett picked up a hitchhiker near Shelby , Montana . The hitchhiker was Dryman , then a 19-year-old drifter who was carrying a loaded gun that , according to the state , he used to shoot and kill Clarence Pellett on the side of windswept Montana road . Dryman took the car and drove to Canada , where he was later arrested for the murder , according to the Montana Department of Corrections . After several trials and appeals , Dryman was convicted in Montana and sentenced to life in prison , then paroled in 1969 ,"} +{"answer":"I were to run with you I would beat you even though I 'm much older , '' she said , throwing down the gauntlet to the likes of Ronaldo , Messi et al. . `` My life has improved because of the football . I wish God could bless the person who came up with this great idea . '' The women contribute around $ 1 a month each for footballs , kit , and travel to the bi-annual regional tournament . Dozens of noisy fans cheer on the players , with the distinctive sound of the vuvuzelas -- a South African trumpet -- creating an atmosphere that would be welcome at any European Champions League tie . Makhubela is hoping her new-found love of the game extends long enough for her to be able to watch some of the matches when the World Cup begins in June . `` I pray every day to God to keep me alive until 2010 . I would really love to watch the games , '' she said . The team was formed three years ago to offer older women a chance to exercise and come together as a group , says","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It seems no-one in South Africa can fail to be gripped by World Cup football fever . The running , tackling , shooting , offside-appealing proof comes with a clutch of grannies who have been playing in a fiercely competitive league around the Nkowankowa township , 600 kilometers north of Johannesburg . A squad of 35 nans down domestic duties twice a week to take to the field for their team Vakhegula Vakhegula , and compete against seven other teams in the region . Some of them even credit the beautiful game as having turned their lives around . `` I like to play soccer because it helps , '' said Nari Baloyi , who at 47-years-old , clocks in as one of the youngest players . `` We were sick , but now our temperatures , our blood pressures ... have gone down ... even our doctors are amazed when we go for a check-up . '' One of the more elderly members , Nora Makhubela , is convinced that football has given her a new lease of life following the setback of suffering six strokes . `` My life has really changed ... if"} +{"answer":"football writer Mo Allie told CNN . `` He played at a time when South Africa was internationally isolated so there was no opportunity for players to showcase their skills to the world . `` But he was fortunate in that he got the opportunity to go to the U.S. and he did very well there , playing alongside greats such as Pele . '' After accomplishing everything that he set out to do at home club Orlando Pirates , Sono starred for the New York Cosmos , Colorado Caribous and Toronto Blizzard in the United States . On his return to South Africa after his retirement , Sono bought the Highlands Park Club in Johannesburg in 1982 and renamed it Jomo Cosmos in honor of his old team in New York , before becoming coach of the South African national side . `` So many of today 's South African players would have heard a lot about Jomo Sono but many would n't have seen him in action apart from a few snippets of TV highlights , '' Allie added . `` They will identify more with him as a coach because he led the national side in the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- With the 2010 World Cup being held in South Africa next year CNN takes a look at one of the greatest talents South African football has ever produced , Jomo Sono . Jomo Sono 's international career never took off because of South Africa 's exclusion from world football . Matsilela Ephraim Sono was born in 1955 in Soweto , but his career as an international player never got off the ground as South Africa were officially expelled by world governing body FIFA in 1976 during the apartheid regime in the country . The Black Prince , as he was known , made his mark as a player of legendary skill who was denied a world stage through circumstances beyond his control . Sono was a midfield general and renowned for his dribbling and accurate passing -- but it is difficult to say how he would have faired against the best players in the world as he was not given the opportunity . Watch CNN 's interview with Sono . `` He was one of the first South Africans to play overseas where he played for the New York Cosmos alongside Pele , '' South African"} +{"answer":"-LRB- JD -RRB- : I would imagine as a retail operation you 'd be a huge proponent of a single currency within the GCC . Is it realistic within the next 4 to 5 years ? -LRB- MA -RRB- : I think it can be , as long as there is a will of the leaders to get together and decide . It is a huge leap towards efficiency , conciliation , getting closer between the six countries . One single Central Bank that governs and regulates is much better than the current six , I believe . -LRB- JD -RRB- : Have you ever done any calculations of what impact it would have on your back office operations ? -LRB- MA -RRB- : Not yet , but it will be great , I think . -LRB- JD -RRB- : You 're one of the largest retail operations throughout the Arabian Peninsula . With all this growth that we 're seeing right now , it must have a direct impact on the retail sector . What sort of annual growth are you experiencing ? -LRB- MA -RRB- : We 're experiencing close to 25 percent annual growth , if not","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Mohammed Alshaya owns more high street brands than most fashion addicts could stuff in their closets . Mohammed Alshaya , CEO of Alshaya 's retail division , tells MME he sees a new mindset in the Gulf Topshop , Coast , NEXT and River Island are just some of the big names he 's imported from the United Kingdom to shopping centers in the Middle East . As chief executive of M.H. Alshaya , he knows what sells : tried and tested Western brands that will appeal to local shoppers . And his empire is not limited to clothing . In the past month , he 's taken Mothercare and The Body Shop to Central Eastern Europe . With the addition of the Czech Republic , Hungary and Slovakia , M.H. Alshaya now operates in 16 markets including Saudi Arabia , Kuwait , United Arab Emirates , Bahrain , Qatar , Oman , Lebanon , Jordan , Egypt , Cyprus , Turkey , Poland and Russia . John Defterios spoke with Mohammed Alshaya , and started by asking him for his thoughts on the Gulf Cooperation Council -LRB- GCC -RRB- plans for a single currency ."} +{"answer":"Tuesday . Government troops say they have rescued 39,000 civilians trapped in the area , but tens of thousands more remain wedged on the island 's northeastern coast . The area remains controlled by the rebels , the U.S. State Department said Tuesday . The Tigers have been fighting for an independent state in Sri Lanka 's northeast since 1983 . As many as 70,000 people have been killed since the civil war began , and the group has been declared a terrorist organization by 32 countries , including the United States and the European Union . Thousands of civilians remained threatened , Pranab Mukherjee , India 's foreign affairs minister , said in a statement Thursday . He called for an end to hostilities in the area . The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees said it is helping the government in the regions of Vavuniya and Jaffna , with emergency shelters and distribution of aid . There are about 38 internally displaced persons sites and authorities are working to come up with more land and buildings for more displaced people . `` UNHCR remains deeply concerned about the estimated 50,000 people who are still trapped inside the conflict zone","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Two senior Indian officials met with the Sri Lankan president Friday in Colombo to address the humanitarian crisis in the war-torn island nation . A Sri Lanka army photo of what it says are refugees fleeing a rebel area . Shiv Shankar Menon , the Indian foreign secretary and M.K. Narayanan , the national security adviser , met with President Mahinda Rajapaksa , according to A.M.J. Sadiq , a foreign ministry official in Sri Lanka . He did not provide further details . `` The Indian message was just short of reading the riot act , '' a source told CNN . Significant numbers of people have been killed or wounded in a Sri Lankan offensive against the faltering Tamil Tiger rebel movement , and thousands are trapped by the fighting , the United Nations said Wednesday . `` Given that the area has shrunk even further , the potential for further significant casualties still remains , '' the U.N. said in a statement . The Sri Lankan army launched an operation against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam in the country 's northern area Monday , and a deadline for the rebels to surrender passed"} +{"answer":"follow . The match action lasted less than six minutes . I ca n't remember a single kick . What I do recall quite vividly are the scenes of distress , desperation and death at the Liverpool end that destroyed so many families and shocked the world . Looking to my left and behind Liverpool keeper Bruce Grobbelaar 's goal , I was drawn to a huge mushroom-like effect among the crowd in the central standing enclosures around kick-off time . See Liverpool players and fans paying tribute to victims of Hillsborough disaster '' The match had not long started when the first signs of a major problem surfaced . Fans began frantically attempting to climb over the perimeter fence to escape the crush at the Leppings Lane end of the ground . I did n't know it at the time , but the swell was the exit point of a tunnel that ran under the stand . Through it hundreds of Liverpool fans had attempted to make their way without realizing the two caged pens it led to were already overcrowded . Many had the life squeezed out of them in that tunnel . Others were trampled or crushed","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- They left home with hope in their hearts , thousands of fans true to the Liverpool anthem , dreaming of reaching another Wembley FA Cup Final . The disaster at Hillsborough football stadium in 1989 resulted in the deaths of 96 football supporters . But what began as a day out in the spring sunshine 20 years ago ended as the darkest hour in the history of British football . I had settled into Row B Seat 2 of the press box in the south stand at Hillsborough , home to Sheffield Wednesday and neutral venue for the game . From there I would have had an uninterrupted view of the semifinal showdown between Liverpool and Brian Clough 's Nottingham Forest . Clough , one of the legends of the British game , had been denied an FA Cup Final with Forest a year earlier , when his side lost to Liverpool at the same stage of the competition and at the same venue . The atmosphere in the ground for the 1989 semifinal exploded as the teams emerged onto the pitch . But none of us was prepared for what was to"} +{"answer":", actually focus on solutions and reduce the special interests that have dominated Washington , then we will not get anything done . '' Watch Obama talk about his plan to change Washington '' Much of the 90-minute debate featured the two candidates staking out similar positions on issues like Iraq , the economy and immigration . Watch the candidates weigh in on the economy '' `` It was a very odd debate -- the questioners had to beg them to differ with each other , '' said CNN senior political analyst Bill Schneider . See what CNN 's political team thought of the showdown '' The debate was the first the two have participated in since they met in Los Angeles January 31 . Five days later , the two effectively split the victories on Super Tuesday . But since then , Obama has rolled to 11 straight wins , a streak that leaves Clinton needing wins in delegate-rich Texas and Ohio on March 4 . Vermont and Rhode Island also hold primaries that day . Texas is the biggest prize , with 193 Democratic delegates . Going into those primaries , Obama leads Clinton by 140 pledged delegates","question":"AUSTIN , Texas -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sen. Hillary Clinton , needing a win in Texas to derail Sen. Barack Obama in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination , sought Thursday to contrast her opponent 's rhetorical skills with what she called her superior ability to govern . Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton face off in a high-stakes debate . `` I do think that words are important and words matter , '' Clinton said at a debate at the University of Texas . `` But actions speak louder than words . '' Obama responded by laying out issues he 's worked on in the Senate and others he 'd support as president -- then called it ridiculous to suggest his supporters are `` being duped . '' `` The implication is that the people who have been voting for me or involved in my campaign are somehow delusional , '' he said . Obama said his supporters perceive the reality of what 's going on in Washington very clearly , and they want to see it change . `` What they see is that if we do n't bring the country together , stop the endless bickering"} +{"answer":"said , though the extent of damage that any earthquake causes depends on many factors , including its depth , proximity to dense population centers , and the strength of structures where it hits . An American adoption service provider in Haiti wrote in a blog that the aftershock Wednesday sent `` a wall tumbling down on our heads . '' Save the Children said its staff `` heard already-weakened structures collapsing '' as a result . Yet the 7.0-magnitude quake was more than 40 times stronger than the 5.9-magnitude aftershock , researchers said . While each new earthquake can slow relief efforts , those efforts were advancing Friday , including at the port , where critical supplies are being shipped in . Full coverage | Twitter updates The city 's south pier was operating , though slowly . Authorities pushed Friday to clear the bottlenecks at the port . The north pier remained unusable , and the south pier is the smaller of the two . Bottlenecks at all points of entry -- the airport , roads , and ports -- have delayed food and medical aid to the estimated 3 million Haitians affected by the quake . About","question":"Port-au-Prince , Haiti -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Another aftershock rocked Haiti on Friday . Buildings shook . People looked around to see what else might fall . Then they returned to what they had been doing . At a park in the capital that has become a tent city , a group of kids resumed their soccer game . Aftershocks have become a way of life in this devastated country along with so many other life-threatening challenges . The aftershocks -- smaller earthquakes that follow a more powerful one -- `` will continue for months , if not years , '' the U.S. Geological Survey said . `` The frequency of events will diminish with time , but damaging earthquakes will remain a threat . '' The quake Friday morning had a magnitude of 4.4 , the Geological Survey said . That makes it much less powerful than the 7.0-magnitude quake that struck 10 days ago , leaving widespread death and destruction in its wake . An earthquake on Wednesday was the strongest aftershock so far , with a magnitude of 5.9 . An earthquake that size is strong enough to cause `` considerable '' damage , the Geological Survey"} +{"answer":"who appeared to be in a better state than his wife . The medic found Rachel Chandler in poor mental health , calling out for her husband , AFP reported . `` She is sick , she is very anxious , she suffers from insomnia , '' Dr. Mohamed Helmi Hangul told the agency . `` She 's very confused , she 's always asking about her husband -- ` Where 's my husband , where 's my husband ? ' -- and she seems completely disorientated . '' Paul Chandler said his conditions were poor and also pleaded for help . `` Please help us , we have nobody to help us , we have no children ... We have been in captivity for 98 days and we are not in good condition , '' he said , also on Thursday . Hangul said Paul Chandler `` had a bad cough and seemed to have some fever . '' A spokesman for the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office told CNN on Sunday : `` We are monitoring the situation very closely and doing everything we can to help secure a release . `` We remain in regular contact with","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A British couple kidnapped by Somalian pirates in the Indian Ocean have issued another desperate plea , saying they are being badly treated and need urgent help . Paul and Rachel Chandler , from Kent in southern England , were taken by pirates from their yacht , the Lynn Rival , on October 23 , just days after setting sail from the Seychelles islands for Tanzania . The couple was brought ashore and are being held in separate locations in central Somalia . Their captors initially demanded a ransom of $ 7 million , but the British government -- in line with longstanding policy -- has refused to pay . In a video filmed on Thursday in Somalia by the French news agency AFP , Rachel Chandler begged the British government to help secure the couple 's release . `` Please help us , these people are not treating us well , '' she said . `` I 'm old , I 'm 56 and my husband is 60 years old . We need to be together because we have not much time left . '' A doctor was shown examining Paul Chandler , 60 ,"} +{"answer":"a 2,000 percent increase in the number of cases opened since 1996 , '' FBI Executive Assistant Director Stephen Tidwell said . From 2003 to 2007 , the number of crimes against children reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children 's hot line rose from 7,038 to 20,760 , the report states . Since its inception in 1995 , the Innocent Images Unit has investigated more than 20,000 online cases resulting in 7,000 convictions . Tidwell said the FBI has begun implementing a series of procedural and technical recommendations made by the inspector general to reduce the lab backlogs and improve efficiencies in other programs designed to combat crimes against children . The other programs include wide-ranging investigations of child abductions and kidnappings by parents as well as strangers . The report says the largest number of missing children cases involve runaways from juvenile homes . The most recent government study says 99.8 percent of children reported missing were located or returned home alive . The number of child abductions investigated by the FBI during this decade has topped 2,000 . Abductions by strangers amount to only a fraction of 1 percent of total kidnapping cases .","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Hundreds of investigations of online child sexual exploitation and child pornography have been significantly delayed by backlogs at FBI cybercrime labs , according to a Justice Department report released Friday . FBI Inspector General Glenn Fine says processing time for digital evidence can take up to nine months . An audit conducted more than a year ago by the department 's inspector general found 353 requests awaiting digital evidence analysis . FBI computer forensic personnel on average took about 60 days to examine evidence needed by investigators , the report says . `` The processing time for the digital evidence in some cases could take up to nine months , which we concluded was too long , '' Inspector General Glenn Fine said . The digital evidence involves online communications in which potential child predators and sex offenders target juveniles for sexual exploitation or produce cyber-based child pornography . The FBI acknowledged the challenge of keeping up with the growing problem , but said it has made improvements since the audit was conducted . `` The pervasiveness of the Internet has resulted in the dramatic growth of online sexual exploitation of children , resulting in"} +{"answer":"on a trip to the country , the Foreign Office said . The teenagers were diagnosed with the H1N1 virus in Beijing . More than 50 of their classmates and teachers are also quarantined in a hotel . Watch as students are quarantined '' Medical screening for the swine flu virus has been introduced at many airports around the world for passengers arriving on international flights but there are concerns that many people may not be aware they are infected . Those who do have symptoms have been advised by Britain 's health authorities to delay their journeys until the signs have cleared up . `` We have a medical team within the airline as well as a contingency planning group which has met for the past few years to look at the issue of a flu pandemic , '' A British Airways spokeswoman said . `` We have a wide range of contingency plans in place which we can use depending on how the situation may evolve . `` If we have concerns about a customer or the customer is concerned , then we have a 24-hour medical service we can call to give advice to staff . ``","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- British airlines have put into effect measures to stop people with swine flu boarding flights in a bid to prevent the virus from spreading further . Medical screening for the swine flu virus has been introduced at many airports . British Airways said there had been a `` very small number of cases '' where people who had checked in with symptoms of H1N1 had been advised not to travel after having medical checks . Virgin Atlantic also said victims would not be allowed to board one of its planes without a fit-to-fly certificate from their doctor or a hospital , though there had been no cases yet . The World Health Organization declared the virus a global pandemic June 11 . More than 120 countries have reported cases of human infection . About 98,000 cases have been documented worldwide , with 440 deaths , according to the WHO . Watch as airlines ban sufferers '' With 29 deaths and a huge rise in the number of cases , Britain has the worst swine flu figures in Europe . Eight British schoolchildren remained in hospital in China on Monday after contracting swine flu"} +{"answer":"was $ 6.4 million ; seven other people also received more than $ 4 million each . AIG is under fire for awarding the bonuses while being kept afloat by more than $ 170 billion from the U.S. government 's financial bailout . On Tuesday , two key senators also announced a plan to impose a hefty tax on retention bonuses paid to executives of companies that received federal bailout money or in which the United States has an equity interest . Sens. Max Baucus , D-Montana , and Chuck Grassley , R-Iowa , are the chairman and top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee , respectively . They said companies would not be allowed to restructure the payments to those executives through deferred compensation to avoid the tax . Grassley and Baucus said all retention bonuses would be subject to a 35 percent excise tax for excessive compensation to be paid by the company and an additional 35 percent tax to be paid by the individual . `` Millions of Americans are losing their jobs -- millions . And to some degree , they 're losing their jobs because of actions taken by some of these firms , ''","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Insurance giant AIG will have to return to the Treasury Department the $ 165 million it just paid out in executive bonuses , Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Tuesday in a letter to congressional leaders . Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said AIG will have to return $ 165 million in bonuses for executives . `` We will impose on AIG a contractual commitment to pay the treasury from the operations of the company the amount of the retention awards just paid , '' Geithner wrote . `` In addition , we will deduct from the $ 30 billion in assistance an amount equal to the amount of those payments . '' That would be a double payment , essentially a $ 165 million penalty on AIG for issuing the bonuses . The move comes after New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo confirmed in a letter to Congress that this year , after receiving federal bailout money , AIG paid 73 employees bonuses of more than $ 1 million each . Watch congressional reaction to AIG bonuses '' Cuomo also wrote that 11 of the employees no longer work for the company . The largest bonus paid"} +{"answer":"Al-Manar TV , `` Where are the Arab leaders ? Where are their actions ? Enough condemnation and finger-pointing . Show Gaza your support . '' Students at the University of Qatar boycotted their classes and demonstrated their support for Gaza . Watch a report from CNN 's Octavia Nasr '' One student spoke about what he saw as his moral responsibility : `` Our ancestors claimed that the news about the Palestinian disaster reached them late in 1948 . We have a responsibility to our children and the future generations . We ca n't tell them we heard about the Gaza disaster of 2008 but did n't do anything . '' Jordan 's parliament held a special session in solidarity with Gaza . But one parliamentarian defied the speaker 's orders and burned the Israeli flag before stepping on it in the middle of applause from some of his colleagues . The images played repeatedly on Arab media . Egypt has been the recipient of much criticism in this crisis . Hamas supporters say Egypt has sold the Palestinians out by being too close and friendly with Israel and the United States . From Egypt , political analysts retaliated","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The dramatic developments in Gaza over the past three days have driven Arab citizens to the streets , where they have displayed anger directed first and foremost at their own governments . A Yemeni protester rips through an Israeli flag in the capital , Sanaa , on Sunday , December 28 . In Yemen , thousands of demonstrators gathered in the capital , Sanaa , shouting slogans in support of Gaza and its residents and burning Israeli and U.S. flags . They cried out against the League of Arab States , which delayed discussion on the crisis . One demonstrator told the Al-Jazeera network , `` The Arab League is worthless . ... They 're all worthless leaders , and they should all go home . '' Al-Jazeera is based in Doha , Qatar . Israel has been conducting airstrikes in Gaza for three days , in what they say is retaliation for repeated rocket attacks into southern Israel by Hamas . Hundreds of people have died , mostly Hamas militants , according to Palestinian security forces . In Sudan , the scene was similar . A woman wearing a Hamas banner around her forehead told"} +{"answer":"to press their demands , starting with insisting on dismissing the government that Mubarak had appointed before he was ousted , purging the security forces and cleaning the Ministry of Interior , trying Mubarak and those responsible for the death of more than 800 peaceful protesters and the injury of thousands , and setting a clear and specific timetable for handing over power to civilians . The military council has been reluctant to respond , and when it has , it has completely emptied these demands of any meaningful effect . Indeed , it appointed a new Cabinet in March but deprived it of any effective authority . It changed the name of the state security force while maintaining its old structure and savage practices , and it reluctantly put Mubarak and some of his aides before trial , but none has been indicted , and the process has been incredibly slow . With parliamentary elections set to begin on November 28 , the military council wanted to secure its position in the transitional process and threw a wrench in the form of a draft of supra-constitutional principles that , if it were to be agreed upon by the major","question":"Cairo -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In Cairo , where huge protests are now in their fourth day , the angry protesters in Tahrir Square are reclaiming the pro-democracy revolution they started January 25 . Since it took control of the management of the transitional process , the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces -- appointed by the former president , Hosni Mubarak -- has been following a three-sided strategy to contain and even frustrate the persistent demands for handing over power to a civilian authority and establishing an effective democratic system . The military council is breaking the revolutionary will of the protesters by arresting many and putting them in military courts -LRB- 12,000 civilians so far -RRB- ; deliberately humiliating them -LRB- torturing many and exposing female protesters to virginity tests -RRB- ; making ordinary people feel disillusioned and even hate the revolution by failing to take tough measures against anarchy and restore law and order ; and finally , encouraging fragmentation and discord among the country 's political actors . Like Mubarak , the military council has adopted the policy of `` me or anarchy . '' Over the past few months , Egyptians have used enormous demonstrations"} +{"answer":"for the presence of beryllium since 2001 , everyone who has entered the restricted-access area since then is being alerted , he said . `` It 's just one building at one technical area , '' Roark said , noting that the laboratory covers 36 square miles and has nearly 10,000 employees . Beryllium is hazardous only when its fine , particulate form is inhaled , he said . It was found on surfaces , not in the air , he said . Find out more about beryllium '' Roark said the alert was sent because `` we think it 's the responsible , prudent thing to do to let people know we discovered this contamination and to answer their questions if they have any concern about potential for exposure . '' There are no reports of sickness and `` we do n't expect anyone to be ill , '' he said . The laboratory said about 240 employees and 1,650 visitors were potentially at risk because they visited the contaminated areas . About 2 percent of the exposed employees could become sensitized , a smaller percentage of whom could develop chronic beryllium disease , Roark said . Inhalation of","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Los Alamos National Laboratory announced Wednesday it is notifying nearly 2,000 current and former employees and visitors that they may have been exposed to beryllium in the lab and may be at risk of disease . Officials are trying to determine the source of beryllium found at Los Alamos National Laboratory . `` Letters went out to all of them today , '' said Kevin Roark , a spokesman for the New Mexico laboratory . Concern over possible exposure to the hard , gray metal , which is purified for use in nuclear weapons and reactors and also used in bicycle frames and golf clubs , was first raised last November , when a box containing beryllium was received at the laboratory 's short-term storage facility , he said . `` The package appeared to have damage or degradation of the packing materials , which prompted us to test the area for additional contamination , '' he said . Surface contamination was found , but it turned out that the box was not the source , Roark said , adding that the source has not been determined . Since the contaminated area had not been tested"} +{"answer":", iReporters were there documenting the scene . Businesses boarded up , parts of the city were closed off , and protesters and police clashed in the streets . Several citizen journalists captured photos and video of crowds backing away from tear gas and smoke bombs . `` As a person that 's lived in Pittsburgh their entire life ... I have never seen something like this , '' iReporter Emily Rice said . \u2022 Tsunami strikes Samoan Islands : Towering tsunami waves triggered by an 8.0 earthquake left dozens dead and entire villages flattened or submerged in the Samoan Islands . iReporters in American Samoa and neighboring Samoa shared incredible images of the aftermath and compelling stories as rescue workers worked to reach outlying villages affected by the natural disaster . \u2022 Chris Morrow wins film festival : One of our superstar iReporters , Chris Morrow , made news of her own recently . Her film `` Wyland Earth Day '' debuted at the San Diego Film Festival in California and won the Best San Diego Film Award . The film follows environmental artist Wyland as he paints a huge mural of the Earth on the roof of the","question":"iReporter Doranne Lim chronicles the flooding from Typhoon Ketsana in Pasig City , Philippines . This week in iReport , we received compelling images and stories from major international natural disasters : a tsunami in the Samoan Islands and flooding in the Philippines from Typhoon Ketsana . Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania , hosted the G-20 summit , and iReporters chronicled the scene as protesters and police clashed in the streets . One iReporter , Chris Morrow , won an award at the San Diego Film Festival . Check out the video here , or get a better idea of the stories below . \u2022 Typhoon Ketsana : Floods from Typhoon Ketsana have left parts of the Philippines under water , killing at least 240 people . Residents in Manila say it 's the worst flooding they 've seen in decades . Residents constructed makeshift rafts to cross the water , some more successful than others . Some of the most compelling images come from photographer Doranne Lim , who showed us the flooding in Pasig City . We put together a gallery of her photos that chronicle the flooding . \u2022 G-20 protests : As Pittsburgh hosted the G-20 economic summit"} +{"answer":"aid site at Sylvio Cator Stadium two days later . `` We did not have trucks or gasoline to get here , '' Bruno Besson , a co-team leader , said Tuesday . Full coverage l Twitter updates The group had been ready since last Wednesday , one day after the earthquake , but had to sit at the airport in France for two days because there was no plane available to take them , said a frustrated Oustalet Jean-Philippe , the other co-leader for Secouristes Sans Frontieres . He blamed the United Nations . Others say the United States , which is spearheading the relief effort , is at fault . High-resolution images of damage The Geneva , Switzerland-based Doctors Without Borders complained this weekend that U.S. air traffic controllers in charge of the Aeroport International Toussaint Louverture were diverting aircraft carrying medical supplies and other humanitarian aid . U.S. military flights were getting top priority , the doctors group said . Alain Joyandet , the French minister in charge of humanitarian aid , said Monday that the U.S. military build-up was hindering relief efforts . Some media reported that Joyandet admitted becoming involved in a tussle in the","question":"Port-au-Prince , Haiti -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Anger boiled over on the streets of Haiti 's capital Tuesday -- not just from residents who have gone a week without food and water , but from the people who are supposed to be providing it . Relief workers say help is not reaching many of the 2 million residents in Port-au-Prince who need aid , because those who are supposed to be coordinating the efforts are inept . `` It 's terrible , '' said Eric Klein , head of disaster-relief agency CAN-DO . `` There 's got to be coordination . '' Medical aid is particularly needed , Klein and others said . `` There are medical supplies just sitting at the frigging airport , '' Klein said while sitting in the cab of a 1,200-gallon water truck near the heavily damaged presidential palace . Klein and two Haitian businessmen had just delivered free water to a nearby town . iReport : Search list of the missing and the found It 's not just water and food that are not making it to residents . A 20-member French medical and rescue team that arrived Sunday in Port-au-Prince finally reached their"} +{"answer":"hospital , her last words God knows what were they but her face and inspirational personality will always be remembered . A woman who grew up with politics in her backyard is no longer with us , she was a graduate from Harvard and Oxford universities and seeing her go down in a wooden casket was a sight bringing down tears in every eye . We all have to go down the ground one day but being assassinated like this is not something we would want for even our worst enemies . She has left a space that will never be filled in the hearts and minds of the nation . She has enjoyed the position of being the first Muslim woman to lead a country as Prime Minister , but this is over she 's gone , may Allah -LRB- swt -RRB- have mercy on her soul and she rests in peace in a better place . Ameen . Al Alston of Philadelphia , Pennsylvania Benazir Bhutto 's gifts to Pakistan and the world far outweigh the charges made by her adversaries . I will never forget how she led Pakistan in its unwavering support for the African National","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- To some , she was a lifelong role model . Others call Pakistan 's former prime minister and the first female prime minister of any Muslim nation a source of inspiration to women everywhere . One I-Reporter acknowledges , `` I never was a political supporter of Benazir Bhutto but now after her death I feel that her loss is a loss for Pakistan , not just her political supporters . '' Anthony G. Moore photographed Benazir Bhutto with her husband Asif Ali Zardari in New York in 2006 . Benazir Bhutto was assassinated during a suicide bombing on December 27 , 2007 , and I-Reporters from all over the world responded with their memories and condolences . Below are selections , some of which have been edited for length and clarity . Farhad Sethi of Lahore , Pakistan Breathing in the air of grief and sadness , the nation suffers the loss of our beloved leader Benazir Bhutto , an institution in herself withstanding pressures at times when suicide bombing has become an unstoppable enigma . A sniper pierced a bullet through her neck and our enthusiastic leader could n't even make it to the"} +{"answer":"than 130,000 people in Haiti and 2,761 have died . But those numbers from the Haitian health ministry are from December 18 . Medicins Sans Frontieres -LRB- MSF or Doctors Without Borders -RRB- , which has been operating cholera treatment centers throughout Haiti , warned that the disease is still spreading . Symptoms of the acute , bacterial illness , which is caused by drinking tainted water , can be mild or even nonexistent . But sometimes they can be severe : leg cramps , profuse watery diarrhea and vomiting , which can cause rapid loss of body fluids and lead to dehydration , shock and death . Some aid groups , including MSF , have criticized the cholera response in Haiti as woefully inadequate , given the fact that about 12,000 aid groups operate within the country . `` I recently went to Haiti 's capital , Port-au-Prince , and found my Medicins Sans Frontieres colleagues overwhelmed , having already treated more than 75,000 cholera cases , '' MSF International President Unni Karunakara wrote in a commentary published this week in a British newspaper , the Guardian . `` In the 11 months since the quake , little has","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Cholera has already killed almost 3,000 Haitians . Now it is threatening to cause misery in another vital way . A chunk of Haiti 's rice harvest will probably be lost because of farmers ' fears of cholera contamination , the United Nations said Wednesday . On top of that , consumers are afraid to buy rice grown in areas affected by the cholera outbreak . The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization and the Haitian Ministries of Agriculture and Health are providing hygiene information to farmers who are reluctant to step into rice paddies , fed by rivers and canals , to harvest the crops . The U.N. food agency , concerned that lost crops may lead to food shortages , urged more outreach and hands-on training in rural communities . The effects of the cholera outbreak were magnified by floods in November caused by Hurricane Tomas . `` Without a timely response to the damage caused by floods and cholera to Haitian agriculture , food security could plunge , worsening the effects of last January 's earthquake on the poor rural population , '' the FAO said in a statement . Cholera has sickened more"} +{"answer":"insurance more accessible and affordable to small business and individuals . President Obama has been heavily criticized by conservatives because his plan includes a mandate for all individuals to have insurance or pay a penalty . Romney , too , has joined those criticizing the president , yet his plan in Massachusetts included just such a mandate . This idea was originally proposed by conservative groups as a measure of personal responsibility and an alternative to a single-payer system advocated by many progressive organizations . Romney believes it is alright to have a state require all to have coverage but that it can not be mandated by the federal government . Romney contends the Massachusetts plan required no new funding , whereas the Obama law calls for nearly a trillion dollars in increased taxes and cuts in projected Medicare spending over 10 years . What Romney does n't say is that the Massachusetts plan is partly funded with earmarked federal dollars and partly with state funds generated by a tax increase previously enacted to pay for a universal coverage plan that was never implemented . Unfortunately for Obama , there was no larger entity to support his plan . He","question":"Waltham , Massachusetts -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Mitt Romney has pledged to repeal President Obama 's universal health care law if he is elected president . Critics find his position rather strange , arguing that the plan he helped develop when he was governor of Massachusetts is quite similar in design to the Obama plan . Romney disputes his critics , saying there are important and fundamental differences between the plans . Who is correct ? In actuality , both plans draw extensively from legislation offered by President Nixon in January 1974 . In a book just published , `` Power , Politics , and Universal Health Care , '' David Shactman and I explain how Romney and Obama used the same approach as Nixon to lower the number of uninsured . All three built their system on private , employer-sponsored insurance in which all but the smallest employers had to provide insurance to their workers or pay a penalty . All utilized Medicare to insure the elderly and an expanded Medicaid-type program to insure the poor . All provided subsidies to low-income individuals and small employers . The Romney and Obama plans created state-based private insurance exchanges to make"} +{"answer":"unemployed person , providing they do nonprofit or volunteer work while looking for jobs . Sources with the Union of Tunisian Workers said eight people were killed Wednesday in demonstrations in the towns of Dkash and Douz in the southern part of the country . The union says more than 50 people have died since the demonstrations erupted . Lofti al Ahwal , a member of the union , said the organization is waiting for further action by the government before determining its next step . The union rejects government claims that members of al Qaeda have infiltrated the rioters , he said . Al Ahwal said violence will be met with violence , and cautioned that shooting at demonstrators will escalate the situation . The union is unable to control the angry crowds , he acknowledged , and some of the actions and statements from enraged rioters do not comply with union policy . The U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights , Navi Pillay , urged the Tunisian government in a statement `` to ensure that its security forces cease using excessive force against demonstrators , and to launch transparent and credible investigations into the deaths . '' While","question":"Tunis , Tunisia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The number of people killed during riots in Tunisia recently is about 21 , the government said Wednesday , rejecting international media reports that the figure is higher . Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali has fired Interior Minister Rafik Belhaj Kacem , the government announced Wednesday , in the wake of the deadly protests over high unemployment and poor living conditions . Tunisian protests fueled by social media networks Ahmad Freaa will be his replacement , Minister of Information Samir Abidi announced . Meanwhile , the government announced a curfew for the greater Tunis area from 8 p.m. Wednesday -LRB- 2 p.m. ET -RRB- until 6 a.m. Thursday -LRB- midnight ET -RRB- . Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi declined to answer a CNN question about whether live ammunition or snipers were used against demonstrators , saying those matters will be part of an investigation into the conduct of the security forces . Everyone arrested in the past few days has been released other than those accused of looting and vandalism , he said . Ghannouchi also announced that the government will begin providing a monthly grant and social security coverage to every"} +{"answer":"'' Klitschko acknowledged his opponent was in fine physical condition , but the 1996 Olympic gold medal winner said Haye will be the 50th knockout victim of his professional career and that the experience will make him `` a better person . '' `` I will knock your butt out back into reality , which is good for your future life , '' said Klitschko . `` You 're going to become a better person , a better man , with better behavior and you 'll be on time . '' The Semey-born boxer was referring to the fact that Haye was 30 minutes late for the press conference , and Klitschko went on to say : `` He was late for half an hour today , we 've all been waiting for you princess . '' The tension rose further when Wladimir 's brother Vitali , the WBC heavyweight champion , stood up and asked Haye whether he would be attending the post-fight press conference . `` Please , promise , in front of many journalists , that you 're coming to the press conference after the fight ? '' Haye responded : `` I 'm coming for you","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- WBA world heavyweight champion David Haye has branded his IBF , WBO and IBO counterpart Wladimir Klitschko a `` robot '' and said the Ukrainian will `` malfunction '' in their unification bout in Hamburg on Saturday . Haye , 30 , was talking at the final press conference ahead of the duo 's highly-anticipated face-off , with tensions clearly running high between the two fighters . `` It 's going to be fun to watch this big robot start malfunctioning , '' the London native told reporters . The pair were due to get in the ring in 2009 , before Haye was forced to withdraw with a back injury , and the Englishman said he is happy the fight did not take place two years ago because he is now in much better shape . `` I 'm healthy , my speed is ridiculous , punch power is there , and I 'm just in a really good place , '' he said . `` I 'm happy the fight 's happening now and did n't happen a couple of years ago because I am so much more of a better fighter now ."} +{"answer":"would 've lost everything I owned today by betting that we would not still be on-air , '' said Probst . `` In fact , I was so naive to how television really worked that I just assumed because the show was really popular in the first season that it would get a second season for sure ... then I thought this will probably go on for three seasons which is pretty good . I 'll make some money , be a TV host . I had no idea we 'd be doing this 20 seasons later , '' Probst told CNN . `` Survivor '' debuted in May 2000 when Falklands War veteran and eco-adventurer Burnett bought the rights from British producer Charlie Parsons to produce the show in the United States . It was first shown in 1997 in Sweden under the name of `` Expedition Robinson . '' In an interview with Ontario 's London Free Press , CBS president Leslie Moonves remembered an early conversation with the prolific producer : `` Mark told me early on , ` This show is going to last -- do n't worry about a day job for a while .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- `` And the title of the sole Survivor of ` Survivor : Heroes vs. Villains ' goes to ... Sandra Diaz-Twine . '' With that , the winner of the 20th season of CBS ' `` Survivor '' was announced last night at the Ed Sullivan Theatre in New York City . It 's been 10 years since the show crowned its first winner , Richard Hatch , earning Hatch $ 1 million , a Pontiac Aztek -- and status as America 's newest celebrity . Hatch 's fame was fickle : The celebrity spotlight , legal problems and a prison term for tax evasion took their toll on the love-to-hate-him corporate trainer . But `` Survivor '' came out of that first season as the country 's No. 1 show -- and though ratings have never hit the peaks of the frenzied summer of 2000 , it 's been an unqualified success for its network , CBS , and producer Mark Burnett . Still , 10 years ? The idea that `` Survivor '' would last a decade was not something that even host Jeff Probst would have put his money on . `` I"} +{"answer":"and one of his friends came up to him and wants to celebrate that holiday , '' Fullmer said , pleased that his son 's peers helped him reaffirm his identity . Navigating the Christmas season can be a challenge for the millions of people who do n't celebrate the holiday . Many acknowledge and sometime embrace the season 's customs , such as gift-giving and sending out greeting cards , while at the same time they are conscious of maintaining their own religious identities . `` They strongly try to maintain their own integrity , but they really want to find bridges across holidays , '' said the Rev. Dr. Paul Numrich , a professor at the Theological Consortium of Greater Columbus in Ohio . `` I think that 's the majority . '' L.S. Narasimhan , chairman of the Georgia Indo-American Chamber of Commerce , is a Hindu and does n't celebrate Christmas . But he said he admires the Christian celebrations of his friends and has attended Christmas Eve services at several churches . `` Hindus are typically more open-minded and tolerant . Hinduism is very comfortable in accommodating a diversity of ideas , '' he said","question":"Atlanta , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As Christmas season went into full swing this year , Glen Fullmer 's 7-year-old son came home from school with an assignment : Make a poster illustrating his family holiday traditions . The boy was n't sure how to proceed because he and his family are Baha'is , not Christians , and they have no holidays during the Christmas season . Thus , Fullmer encountered the `` December Dilemma '' -- the term used for the quandaries and anxieties non-Christians and interfaith couples face during Christmas season . Fullmer , a Baha'i faith spokesman who lives in Evanston , Illinois , said he saw the poster assignment as a `` teachable moment '' for his 4 - , 7 - and 10-year-old sons who associated holiday traditions with Christmas . He reminded his boys that Baha'is have a gift-giving and charity period in February called Ayyam-i-Ha , a stretch of time not unlike the Christmas season . And he helped his son design the poster about that holiday , which precedes a fasting period and then the Baha'i New Year in March . `` His classmates asked him questions about the holiday ,"} +{"answer":"revolutionary but little-known provision intended to protect remaining tropical forests . Known as Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation in developing countries , or REDD , the provision is based on the knowledge that destroying tropical forests contributes to global warming . Rain forests absorb and store huge amounts of carbon dioxide , the most prevalent of the greenhouse gases that cause climate change . Burning or clearing the forests returns that stored CO2 to the atmosphere , where it can trap heat and gradually increase temperatures . Every year , tropical forests equal to an area the size of England are destroyed , contributing about 20 percent of total annual greenhouse gas emissions -- more than all the world 's cars , trucks and airplanes combined . The idea of the proposed provision is to make the stored carbon dioxide in the forests a commodity that can be bought and sold on the global market . Polluters in the developing world would be able to offset their emissions by buying credits for stored forest carbon dioxide . The money from those purchases would go to developing world governments , international organizations , local communities and others involved in forest","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The world 's tropical forests are disappearing , and one reason is simple economics : People , companies and governments earn more by logging , mining or farming places such as the Amazon jungle than by conserving them . Global climate change treaty , scheduled for completion in December , is designed to protect tropical forests . Efforts to halt rain forest destruction date back decades , but they so far have failed to tackle the issue on a scale commensurate with the challenge . Now there may be a remedy , and the reason is climate change . Increased awareness of the threat from global warming has prompted unprecedented international focus on how to combat it , as well as new appreciation for the vital role of tropical forests in the climate change equation . On Tuesday , world leaders gather at the United Nations for a special climate change summit , intended to build momentum for a new global climate change treaty being negotiated by almost 200 countries . The new treaty is scheduled to be completed in December in Copenhagen , Denmark . If eventually enacted , the treaty will include a"} +{"answer":"much time on the golf course . Eisenhower 's solution ? In 1954 he had a putting green installed at the White House a short stroll from the Oval Office to enable him to practice while at work which was regularly used by subsequent presidents and still exists to this day . The former five-star general was also a member at the Augusta National Golf Club where a overhanging tree on the 17th hole proved such an obstacle to the leader that it was dubbed the `` Eisenhower Tree . '' There is little doubt though that John F. Kennedy was the most talented presidential golfer , although he was reluctant to associate with the game . During his run for president in 1960 , Kennedy did everything possible to keep his fellow Americans from discovering that he not only loved the game but was nearly as good as a club professional and was said to have had a beautiful natural swing . Throughout Eisenhower 's two terms Kennedy had portrayed him as someone who cared more about lowering his handicap than improving the lives of ordinary Americans , so information about his passion for the links only really came","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When Barack Obama was elected U.S. president he probably did not realize it would give him a chance to pick up tips on his backswing from the world 's elite golfers . U.S. President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden make use of the White House putting green . Obama is the honorary chairman for the 2009 Presidents Cup which will be contested at Harding Park Golf Course in San Francisco this week where the top U.S. golfers take on the best players from around the world outside of Europe . As a golf enthusiast , and keen amateur player , the president will get the chance to pick the brains of Tiger Woods , Phil Mickelson , Ernie Els and Vijay Singh on how to improve his game . But he is not the first to take to the greens while occupying the Oval Office with 15 of the last 18 U.S. presidents said to have played the sport while in power . Living Golf 's gallery of presidential putters . '' Dwight Eisenhower is recognized as probably the most dedicated to the sport , and was often criticized by Democrats for spending too"} +{"answer":"emissions . REDD envisages a situation whereby `` different services can be marketed and paid for , boosting the incomes of other wise marginalized communities '' . Many pilot schemes are already underway . Back in 1997 when the Kyoto Protocol was adopted , the part rainforests play in carbon storage was n't recognized . Proposals to reduce emissions from deforestation were first introduced by the governments of Papua New Guinea in December 2005 at the COP11 talks in Canada . Talks at Copenhagen are hoping to build on the progress made since . REDD say that more than 30 models of how the program should work have been put forward by countries , groups of countries and NGOs . Katerere would n't be drawn on the outcome of negotiations at Copenhagen when CNN spoke to him on Thursday . Critics of the REDD program argue that it allows richer countries to meet -- to buy essentially -- some of their emissions obligations without cutting them at all . Others argue trying to measure what is being preserved and how much carbon is being stored will prove incredibly hard to quantify . But Katerere said an imperfect program which can","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The U.N. 's forest carbon scheme which has formed part of the negotiations at the climate talks in Copenhagen has been one of the few areas where countries are broadly in agreement . The U.N. 's REDD -LRB- Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries -RRB- program is a collaboration between the U.N. 's Food and Agriculture Organization -LRB- FAO -RRB- and Environmental -LRB- UNEP -RRB- and Development -LRB- UNDP -RRB- programs . Yemi Katerere , head of the U.N.-REDD program explained to CNN how the REDD program proposals would work . `` In theory REDD is a system to provide incentives for countries not to cut their forests , '' Katerere said . `` The incentive system is essentially that your trees are worth more standing than they are cut . You get a reward for not cutting your forests . '' The idea is straightforward ; If the function of rainforests -- capturing carbon , water catchment , weather regulators and biodiversity -- is recognized their value will rise . The destruction of the world 's rainforests is estimated to contribute to as much as 20 percent of total greenhouse gas"} +{"answer":"arrest and told police , Lutcher said . Police said Haugen had provided them with two different names on two different occasions . Haugen , who was known as Jill Connington when she was married to Bill Connington , did not win primary custody of the couple 's children in 1998 after the two had divorced , police in Spokane said . `` They were with her on a visitation and she never brought them back , '' Spokane police Lt. Dave McGovern said . When she disappeared , according to police , the felony warrant for first-degree custodial interference was issued for her , police said . Bill Connington told CNN that he was a `` little overwhelmed with everything . '' `` I 've had thoughts of possibly never seeing -LSB- his sons -RSB- again but never gave up hope I would , '' he said . He said he was speaking with caseworkers about getting the teenagers to Washington . As she was escorted by police , Haugen told media she was a domestic abuse survivor and that her two sons were sexual abuse survivors . It was not immediately clear against whom she was leveling the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Pennsylvania police have arrested a woman who authorities say fled Washington state 11 years ago with her two sons against a court order instructing her to return them to their father , police said . Jill Haugen was arrested at her home in Milton , Pennsylvania , on Tuesday , days after she had contacted police saying she did n't want to take care of her sons any longer , Milton Police Chief Craig Lutcher told CNN . Police in Spokane , Washington , said a felony warrant for first-degree custodial interference was issued for her in 1998 . The Northumberland County , Pennsylvania , district attorney 's office said she has been charged with being a fugitive from justice and is awaiting an extradition hearing . It was not immediately clear if she had retained legal representation . Police made two trips to her house after her Saturday phone call , Lutcher said , and the sons , now ages 15 and 16 , were placed into foster care after the second visit , on Sunday . A caseworker discovered through an Internet search that there was a warrant from Washington state for Haugen 's"} +{"answer":"search for chemical , biological or radiological anomalies . The larger Warrior model is a 347-pound robot that can traverse rubble or wreckage and carry up to 200 pounds . For this mission , it will be configured with firefighting capabilities that allow it to deploy fire hoses or clear away rubble . It complements the PackBots ' agility and scanning capabilities with the muscle to physically neutralize hot zones . Both the PackBot and the Warrior are remote-controlled from a distance of 800 meters -LRB- about half a mile -RRB- . The PackBot transmits data about hazardous conditions to an operator in real time . Because Japan 's relief workers face massive piles of impenetrable rubble , the robots might also play a key role in general search-and-recovery efforts , as the PackBot did at New York City 's ground zero in the aftermath of 9\/11 . A dual track system on both units enhances mobility and makes it possible for them to navigate areas humans ca n't safely reach . The Packbots and Warriors are accompanied by six iRobot employees who will train Japan 's Ground Self-Defense Force in their use . The units can be operated with","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- As Japan 's disaster evolves , so too are the measures taken to mitigate the chaos . One such initiative comes from U.S. military contractor iRobot , which will help Japan 's army incorporate robots into their recovery efforts . The company joins at least two Japanese robotics teams on the ground in the quake - and tsunami-ravaged country , one of which operates an 8-meter-long , snakelike robot with a camera . iRobot , based in Bedford , Massachusetts , is donating four ground-based models to the Japan relief effort : two PackBots and two Warriors . The PackBot is an agile , battle-tested unit that 's been used for bomb dispersal , recon and other tactical operations . Depending on its configuration , it weighs 45 to 60 pounds and is known for being highly customizable . `` Not every robot works in every situation , '' says iRobot Vice President Tim Trainer , `` so they have to be configured appropriately . '' In Japan , the PackBot will be outfitted with HazMat sensors and deployed in areas of nuclear uncertainty , such as the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant , to"} +{"answer":"have predicted probably six months , at least , in the hospital . And it is miraculous . '' Brewer had three skin graft surgeries during his stay in the burn unit and was on a ventilator for almost the entire first month . Three teenagers have been charged as adults with attempted murder in connection with the incident . Detectives said eyewitnesses told them that 16-year-old Jesus Mendez used a lighter to set fire to Brewer after Denver Jarvis , 15 , allegedly poured alcohol over him , and that Matthew Bent , also 15 , allegedly encouraged the attack . Detectives said Mendez admitted that he set Brewer on fire and that he made a `` bad decision , '' according to an arrest transcript . The three face a maximum sentence of up to 30 years in prison if convicted . Two other boys who were allegedly involved , a 13-year-old and 15-year-old , have not been charged in the attack . A court-appointed psychologist who examined two of the five boys allegedly involved in the attack told CNN they are competent to proceed and assist their attorney . Detectives believe that Brewer owed Bent $ 40","question":"Miami , Florida -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A 15-year-old boy who was burned over 65 percent of his body in October , allegedly by a group of teenagers he knew , has been readmitted to a Miami hospital after he had trouble breathing , a hospital spokeswoman said Monday . Michael Brewer `` had complications with his breathing and is now back in the ICU , '' said Lorraine Nelson , spokeswoman for Jackson Memorial Hospital . Brewer was admitted to Jackson Memorial 's Holtz Children 's Hospital on Sunday night and is in serious condition , she said . It was not known whether Brewer 's condition was related to his severe burns . He was released from Jackson Memorial 's burn unit December 22 , more than two months after the October 12 incident . `` He had been doing very well . He had been going to physical therapy and doing well , but things happen , '' Nelson told CNN . At the time he was discharged from the burn unit , Dr. Louis Pizano , associate director of the burn center , told reporters , `` From what happened in the beginning , we would"} +{"answer":", served mainly blue-chip companies trying to get employees into work , said Keith Cain a Control Room manager for the company . Customers waited up to an hour and a half for a cab early in the morning , he said . See gallery of UK under snow '' Jochen Jaeger , 36 , found himself stranded at Heathrow , unable to fly home to Zurich or to get back into the apartment he rented in London . `` I will stay here at the airport , '' he told CNN . `` There is no other option . I may have to spend the night here . '' American businessman Ken Plunkett , 60 , from St. Paul , Minnesota , was trying to fly out from Heathrow Airport but found himself caught in the weather chaos . `` I know England does not have the infrastructure to remove snow like we do in Minnesota , '' he said . Watch passenger stranded by snow '' Jenny Leslie , a shop worker at Heathrow 's Terminal 2 , said it was so quiet at the airport `` you can hear a pin drop . '' Southampton Airport ,","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The worst snowstorm to hit Britain in 18 years forced the cancellation of more than 650 flights at London 's Heathrow airport Monday and shut down the city 's bus network , partially paralyzing the British capital . A group of men push a giant snowball across Kensington Gardens , west London Monday . Heathrow , one of the busiest transport hubs in the world , closed both its runways for more than two hours Monday morning and operated with just one for the rest of the morning , according to BAA , the company which runs it . London City airport is also closed , while the British capital 's other two airports , Stansted and Gatwick , were operating with severe delays , BAA said . British Airways canceled all flights out of Heathrow until 5 p.m. except for Edinburgh and Lisbon routes . Send your iReport videos , stories One of the city 's largest cab companies was in such high demand it stopped taking cash and credit card bookings , serving only customers with accounts , it said . Dial-a-Cab , which has a fleet of over 2,500 vehicles"} +{"answer":"to hard-pressed voters . Facing an intensifying risk of self-inflicted defeat in a winnable race , party leaders and donors enticed former state budget director Tom Campbell into the race . Campbell immediately stepped into first place in the polls , five points ahead of Fiorina , 15 ahead of DeVore . The `` demon sheep '' ad was Fiorina 's attempt to head Campbell off at the pass . No description can do justice to the ad 's low-budget strangeness . The ad presents Campbell as a dangerous predator with glowing red eyes , preying upon Fiorina 's flock . Never mind that it 's not usually smart tactics to represent the voters as dim-witted sheep . The more urgent question for California Republicans is this : What should they make of the substance of Fiorina 's attack on Campbell ? Here 's the former front-runner 's case : Campbell presents himself as a committed fiscal conservative . In fact , however , he 's a career politician largely responsible for the state 's budget crisis . He helped write the 2005 California budget , which contained a big jump in state spending . He called for raising the","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The weirdest campaign ad of this season -- maybe any season -- debuted on the Internet this past week . The ad has been nicknamed , `` Demon Sheep , '' and can be viewed here . The ad is an opening salvo in what will could prove the most expensive Senate race in U.S. history . The incumbent , Barbara Boxer , has always been the less popular of California 's two Democratic senators . Boxer now looks vulnerable . Two Republicans declared early for the nomination against Boxer : state Sen. Chuck DeVore and former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina . Fiorina took an early lead . But her performance on the campaign trail disheartened many of her supporters . Worse , Fiorina never developed a good answer to the questions about her business career . Portfolio magazine had dubbed Fiorina one of the 20 worst CEOs of all time after a disastrous merger with Compaq . Fiorina was fired in 2005 after company stock dropped 60 percent in a year . She herself walked away with a payday estimated as high as $ 40 million . That history was tough to explain"} +{"answer":", says basic health services are practically non-existent in the capital city , the result of a public health system marred by mismanagement , strikes and shortages of medical personnel and supplies . `` The Haitian system is at breakpoint , '' says Moller . The private health care sector has developed in recent years , but most in poverty-stricken Haiti can not afford to pay the fees charged for services . MSF is urging the international community to increase pressure on Haiti to improve its health system . The call comes as UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon , Haiti 's Prime Minister Michele Pierre-Louis and representatives of donor countries are set to meet in Washington Tuesday to discuss international assistance for the country . With the public health system underfunded and understaffed , patients often have nowhere to turn but to free clinics . An obstetrics hospital run by MSF in Port-au-Prince manages 40 percent of the childbirth-related emergencies among poor women in the city . At Trinite , doctors treated nearly 18,000 trauma cases last year . The hospital 's bed occupation rates are at 100 percent and at times staff have no choice but to refer patients","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- From victims of gunshot wounds and domestic violence to common road injuries , Trinite Hospital in Port-au-Prince , Haiti is inundated with trauma cases daily . A mother and child in the recovery room of Trinite Hospital in Port-au-Prince , Haiti . The stream of patients arriving at the free clinic run by international aid group Medecins Sans Frontieres is virtually uninterrupted . Some arrive in police ambulance or via the Haitian Red Cross ; others are dropped off in wheelbarrows , according to Brian Phillip Moller , head of the 60-bed trauma center . Gunfire no longer fills the nights the way it did when he was last in Haiti in 2006 , but the workload for aid workers has n't diminished . Instead hospitals like Trinite are dealing with trauma cases the public health system is incapable of handling , Moller tells CNN . While the security situation in Haiti has improved during the last two years , the public health system remains in disarray , according to Medecins Sans Frontieres -LRB- MSF -RRB- , also known as Doctors Without Borders . The organization , which offers free care at three clinics in Port-au-Prince"} +{"answer":"forum last week in which former secretaries of state discussed several topics , including Iran , and the presidential candidates disagreed over what Kissinger had said . The exchange started with McCain criticizing Obama for stating in two previous debates that he would sit down with Ahmadinejad , Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and Cuban President Ra\u00fal Castro `` without precondition . '' McCain , the Republican nominee , said that in the past , U.S. presidents such as Ronald Reagan refused to meet with adversaries until a Cabinet member , such as the secretary of state , had several talks . `` Look , I 'll sit down with anybody , but there 's got to be preconditions , '' McCain said . Watch the candidates debate policy in Iran '' Obama responded by claiming that Kissinger , `` along with five recent secretaries of state , just said we should meet with Iran , guess what , without preconditions . '' McCain denied the claim : `` Dr. Kissinger did not say that he would approve a face-to-face meeting '' with Ahmadinejad . `` He did say there could be secretary and lower-level meetings . '' Obama defended his","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- After Friday night 's presidential debate , former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger defended Sen. John McCain 's attack against Sen. Barack Obama for Obama 's willingness to meet with the Iranian president `` without precondition . '' Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger says he is not in favor of negotiations with Iran at the presidential level . Immediately after the debate , the McCain campaign released a statement from Kissinger backing the Republican nominee 's sentiments on structuring any talks with Iran . `` Sen. McCain is right . I would not recommend the next president of the United States engage in talks with Iran at the presidential level , '' Kissinger said in the statement . `` My views on this issue are entirely compatible with the views of my friend Sen. John McCain . We do not agree on everything , but we do agree that any negotiations with Iran must be geared to reality . '' McCain and Obama sparred during the debate over how to best handle relations with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , who has repeatedly threatened Israel . Both candidates referenced Kissinger 's comments from a CNN"} +{"answer":"with Cameron Sinclair in Biloxi and started by asking him what the difference is between design and design for good ? Cameron Sinclair : Design is about creating spaces for people to enjoy and of course , creating moments where you elevate the spirit , but design for good is figuring out a program that not only creates better spaces , but creates jobs , creates new industry and really kind of raises the conversation about how we rebuild . CNN : How many countries are you working in and what are you doing ? CS : We are currently in about 26 countries and we have around about 4000 volunteer architects and designers globally . We are working on a whole range of projects whether it be bringing health services into remote Nepal or working on a chocolate factory in the Amazon which is actually a conservation project , or doing low income housing in Cape town , South Africa , so we 're pretty global in our reach . CNN : You have worked all over the world , Iran , Africa , and Asia . When you think of people 's living conditions , are you surprised","question":"BILOXI , Mississippi -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It 's been almost three years since Hurricane Katrina cut a merciless path of destruction across the U.S. Gulf Coast , killing more than 1,800 people and displacing tens of thousands more . Cameron Sinclair on site in Biloxi , Mississippi -- one of many rebuilding projects that Architecture for Humanity is overseeing . The coastal resort of Biloxi was among the hardest hit ; hurricane-force winds leveled homes , stripped branches from trees and created a trail of devastation that rendered the popular Casino town virtually uninhabitable . Three years on , homes are still being rebuilt to house people who were forced to seek shelter wherever they could . For some , that 's meant spending years living in cramped conditions in caravans until they could afford to rebuild . Cameron Sinclair , Co-founder of Architecture for Humanity , is leading a project to rehouse residents of Biloxi affected by the storm . On July 9 , he 'll be taking part in a Principal Voices debate on Design for Good : How can clever design conserve precious resources and lead to a greener way of life ? CNN caught up"} +{"answer":". '' Watch how the students learned about the scholarship loss '' U.S. officials had said the scholarships were rescinded because Israel had denied them exit visas . But McCormack said Monday that U.S. authorities did not take up the matter with Israel until after the matter became public . Israel , which has been criticized for banning hundreds of students from leaving Gaza to study abroad , said it considers each application individually . Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev indicated Sunday that his country would be willing to grant the students visas . `` This can happen , '' Regev said . `` No one has to pressure Israel on this issue . We have an interest . A real interest . '' Citing security concerns , Israel imposed an embargo on the movement of people and goods from Gaza after Islamic militant group Hamas took over the territory last year . Palestinians can leave Gaza only with Israeli permission . Hamas has refused to recognize Israel 's right to exist , and Israel , the United States and the European Union have designated it a terrorist organization . McCormack said the seven Gaza Fulbright students must be interviewed","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The U.S . has restored Fulbright scholarships to seven Gaza-based students , saying it erred last week when it rescinded the awards because of travel restrictions that Israel imposes on the Palestinian territory . Student Hadeel Abukwaik , 23 , says she hopes to have an exit visa to leave Gaza for the U.S. by August . In e-mails to the students on Sunday , the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem said the United States was working with Israeli authorities to let them leave the Hamas-ruled zone to study at American universities . The scholarships were reinstated after Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice expressed outrage about the initial decision , State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said Monday . McCormack said the initial decision was partly the result of a `` faulty decision-making process '' by the State Department . `` The secretary saw it when it got to her level . She said , ` Fix it , ' '' McCormack said . `` We hope that it has been fixed and that we are working with the Israelis to get these exit permits so that these individuals , again , can have a visa interview"} +{"answer":"her husband , Martin , is a respected private tax attorney in Washington . Justices Stephen Breyer , John Paul Stevens and Antonin Scalia are also millionaires . Justice Samuel Alito , the newest member of the high court , also reported income ranging from $ 700,000 to $ 2 million . In the area of reported gifts , Alito cited about $ 500 in `` Italian food and wine '' given to him by a friend , about whom the justice helpfully noted it `` is not likely that he will appear before this court . '' The latest financial records continue to show Justices Anthony Kennedy and Clarence Thomas reporting assets under $ 1 million , not including homes and judicial salaries . Thomas received a one-time boost to his income when his best-selling memoir was released in October . He received the remaining half of a reported million-dollar book advance and traveled extensively on a book promotion and signing tour . Scalia also received an advance for his book on how to be a better appellate lawyer . The amount was relatively paltry compared to his colleague 's : $ 33,000 . The annual records show that","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Most of the Supreme Court justices piled up a lot frequent flyer miles in 2007 , jetting to such exotic locales as Austria , India and Hawaii , according to financial disclosure reports released Friday . The U.S. Supreme Court justices at a shoot for their 2006 `` class photo . '' And they generally have a good bit of spending money for their travels , based on reported investment income . The records , which were released Friday by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts , confirm what has been known for some time : that most of the justices are relatively well-off financially . The eight associate justices make $ 208,100 in annual wages plus income from a variety of resources . Federal judges are not required to publicly release exact income figures , just a general range . The wealthiest justice may be David Souter , with a wise investment he made years ago in a Vermont bank paying off handsomely . His assets in Chittenden Corp. are valued from $ 5 million to $ 25 million . Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg 's asset totals are boosted by the fact that"} +{"answer":"as a wise move -- and brought in young blood and fresh ideas to the Majlis al Shura , the closest thing the country has to a parliament . That these changes happened should not be a surprise . Since he took over as king in August 2005 , when his ailing half-brother Fahd died , King Abdullah has been working quietly to bring about change . Indeed , al-Faiz used to lead the king 's Center for National Dialogue , a sort of talking shop that allowed issues such as women 's rights to be debated . The hope was that as discussions about change bubbled up in national and regional arenas , they would also filter out to newspapers and onto television . It 's exactly what 's been happening . The king is well into his 80s and inherited many ministers and other top officials almost as old as him . Many had been in their posts for decades , and many , unlike the king , held their conservative upbringings more than half a century ago to be models for the country 's future . So when a judge recently upheld the marriage of a 47-year-old","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- What could be bigger than the appointment of the first female minister in Saudi Arabia ? Saudi King Abdullah made more than one noteable appointment to his council of ministers . Possibly the appointment of a new minister of justice who may actually help her get equal rights with her male counterpart . Right now , Norah al-Faiz , the new deputy minister for women 's education , is bound by the same laws as every other woman in the land . She can do only what her closest male relative permits . For many women of her status and education , that law is interpreted liberally , but for the vast majority , it is not . Over the weekend , at a single stroke , King Abdullah set Saudi Arabia on what appears to be an irreversible new course , one of modernization . He replaced the conservative ministers of justice and the head of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice with people closer to his way of thinking . The king also appointed a new head of the central bank , SAMA -- widely seen by financial experts"} +{"answer":"and no one was seriously injured , Meyer said . The three men broke out of the Branchville Correctional Facility near Tell City , Indiana , last week , authorities said . Tell City is about 80 miles west of Louisville , Kentucky . Police believe the three stole guns during a home-invasion robbery in Sanders , Kentucky , earlier this week . New arrest warrants charge them with possessing stolen firearms as well as felony possession of firearms , said George Huffman , spokesman for the federal Bureau of Alcohol , Tobacco , Firearms and Explosives . Because they were convicted of violent crimes , he said , they are not allowed to possess firearms at all . Police suspect the three of stealing a truck from a town near the prison and robbing three brothers in Sanders , about 65 miles east of Louisville , early Monday . The brothers were attacked , bound and held in their home for about an hour and a half while their assailants made off with guns and money , according to the Kentucky State Police . One of the three brothers was hospitalized after the attack , while the other two","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Three inmates who escaped from prison in Indiana last week then allegedly stole a truck , money and guns were captured Thursday in Nebraska after a high-speed car chase , authorities said . The three escapees , -LRB- from left -RRB- Jerry Sargent , Christopher Marshall and Bobby Cockerell , were captured in Nebraska . Nebraska State Patrol spokesman Mike Meyer said officers apprehended Christopher Marshall , Jerry Sargent and Bobby Cockerell in Alliance , Nebraska , after a nearly 60-mile chase with speeds reaching up to 100 mph . According to Meyer , law enforcement officers tried twice to spike the tires of the minivan the men were traveling in . They succeeded on the second try about five miles east of Alliance , but the suspects kept driving on flat tires until they were inside the city limits . The men started running when the vehicle stopped . Two were caught , but the third tried to carjack a vehicle at gunpoint before being arrested by an Alliance Police officer , according to Meyer . It is not yet known which escapee tried to take the vehicle at gunpoint . No shots were fired"} +{"answer":", is facing felony pandering obscenities charges after taping a sex act and showing it to friends at a skating party . A felony ? Yes this kid needs to be punished but we do n't need our 13 or 14-year-olds charged with child porn and lumped in with adult pedophiles and labeled as sex offenders . I 've spoken with several attorneys on our show and it seems there is no one reason prosecutors are opting to charge teens with child porn instead of lesser charges . Some may be doing it to `` send a message . '' Some may feel they have an obligation to charge these teens with the most serious offense possible and , according to the law , naked pictures of underage kids are usually considered child porn . And others may feel they are left with no options since there are n't really any laws that apply specifically to sexting . In any case , it 's clear we need to change our laws to catch up with technology . A great illustration of why change is needed now is the story of Phillip Alpert , of Orlando , Florida . He did","question":"Editor 's note : Mike Galanos hosts `` Prime News '' from 5-7 p.m. ET Mondays through Fridays on HLN . `` Prime News '' uses the day 's most powerful headlines as a starting point for diverse perspectives , spirited debate and your points of view . Mike Galanos says child pornography charges are too harsh for teens caught `` sexting . '' ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- `` Sexting . '' Have parents out there ever even heard of this term ? Whether you want to admit it or not , teenagers are sending sexual messages and naked pictures of themselves to their boyfriends and girlfriends . In most cases it 's the girl sending a picture or message to the guy . If you 're thinking to yourself right now , `` What 's the big deal ? '' then you should think again . This practice can ruin our teenagers ' lives . Six teens in Greensburg , Pennsylvania , were charged as juveniles with possessing child pornography after three girls sent nude or semi-nude pictures of themselves to three boys . It gets even worse . A 13-year-old boy in Middletown , Ohio"} +{"answer":"Middle East , and the whole region . They are a trading center , they are a financial center , and they do n't compete directly with China , in fact both economies will compliment each other . I think the U.A.E. Prime Minister 's trip will help to further reinforce this and get the two countries closer together , in trade , in financial flows , in linking capital markets and many other initiatives . -LRB- JD -RRB- : Trade has been growing 30 to 40 percent over the last four years . But can it move beyond hard Chinese goods going into the Gulf ? -LRB- SA -RRB- : Of course it can . I think the nature of Dubai is such that it has now become the clearing house for goods from all over the world . And buyers go to Dubai and look for the best product at the best price . So , if China , being a large country , can bring its products to Dubai , it will help both countries . May I also say that I see China evolving as an exporter of capital , not just goods because China is","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- China 's economy is booming and Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum 's visit there this week highlights the U.A.E. 's ambitions to join in on this growth . CNN 's John Defterios -LRB- JD -RRB- sits down with Shaukat Aziz -LRB- SA -RRB- , former Prime Minister to Pakistan to talk about the emerging relationship . Former Pakistani Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz Aziz is an expert in global banking who worked in the Middle East for a number of years as an official for Citigroup . He was an influential player in the process of creating a free trade agreement between Pakistan and China , after visiting the country in 2005 . Shaukat Aziz talks about the growing ties between China and the Middle East , and gives us inside knowledge on doing business in China . -LRB- SA -RRB- : I think the two economies are complementary . China is a global economy which is growing rapidly . It has one of the highest growth rates in the world , and it is expanding its footprint all over the world . Dubai and the U.A.E. is clearly a hub for South Asia , the"} +{"answer":"that there is no longer a need for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and that we as a society are post-racial because of the election of our first black president . But we can not be post-racial until we are post-racism . The case of Troy Davis , an African American man set for execution who we believe was wrongly convicted , is an exemplar of the disparities that still rock our nation -LRB- see IAMTROY.com -RRB- . Davis was convicted of killing a police officer and has spent 18 years on death row . There is no physical evidence linking him to the crime and seven of the nine witnesses recanted or contradicted their testimony . His case has sparked an outcry from both proponents and opponents of the death penalty including former FBI director William Sessions and conservative presidential candidate Bob Barr . Yet our laws do n't allow him a new trial to reexamine the evidence that points to his innocence . African-Americans are disproportionately represented on death row . Of the 3,500 people on death row , about 42 percent are black , and virtually all are poor . Studies underscore that","question":"Editor 's note : Benjamin Todd Jealous is the new president and CEO of the NAACP . Benjamin Jealous says the 100-year-old NAACP has an ambitious agenda for civil and human rights . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Thursday the U.S. Senate passed a resolution apologizing for slavery and for legalized segregation . It arrived more than a hundred years late , but better late than never . Members of the U.S. House of Representatives are expected to pass a similar resolution , and when they do , the bipartisan resolution will acknowledge our nation 's need to take a historic leap out of the shameful past of racial discrimination and toward a future that promises all citizens full access to the legal protections laid out in the U.S. Constitution . But we must go beyond the civil rights guaranteed in the Constitution and advocate for the human rights that will assure that America 's promise is realized for all . While our Constitution mandates equality , for example , there is no constitutional guarantee for an education , let alone a good education . The fight for good schools is a struggle for our human rights . Some have opined"} +{"answer":"won Sunday 's race , the Englishman with the ready smile and engaging manner would have earned a $ 5 million payout . Instead , he was near the back of the 34-car field when he got mixed up in a crash that featured numerous cars spinning out of control and bursting into flames , spewing smoke and debris . `` All I could see was fire and parts flying and smoke , '' recalled Paul Tracy , one of those involved in the crash , on Monday . `` When it all came to a stop , it looked like something out of a movie set ... It did n't seem real . '' An official at the Clark County Coroner 's Office , who was not named per the office 's policy , told CNN on Monday that Wheldon officially died from `` blunt head trauma . '' The 33-year-old 's death has been ruled an `` accident . '' Two other drivers seriously injured in the wreck -- J.R. Hildebrand and Pippa Mann -- were released Monday from University Medical Center in Las Vegas , IndyCar said in a release . Mann had surgery Sunday night for","question":"Las Vegas -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Weeks ago , Dan Wheldon was behind the wheel of a new prototype car for the IZOD IndyCar racing series -- one meant to make his sport safer , albeit ideally no less exciting . The two-time Indianapolis 500 winner , who 'd been one of a handful of key collaborators in the safety effort as identified on the racing circuit 's website , never got a chance to see the refined engines at work in a real race . Instead on Monday , his friends , colleagues and the racing world were mourning his death following a fiery 15-car wreck at the Las Vegas Indy 300 . `` I lost one of my best friends , one of my greatest teammates , '' driver Tony Kanaan told reporters hours after Sunday 's fatal crash . `` I know this is a dangerous sport . I know we 're exposed to that every day , in normal life as well , '' he added . `` But you know , you do n't think about it . Today , we have to think about it . '' Images from the fatal crash Had he"} +{"answer":"United Nations is concerned about this impact on civilians . Hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis are leaving the area to try and get away from the violence . And in California , firefighters are getting some help from the weather as they battle that blaze in Santa Barbara . Authorities say low winds and increased humidity are helping to keep the flames under control . The fire , which had destroyed or damaged about 80 homes , was at least 55 percent contained by Sunday . Russia Victory Day AZUZ : And Russia is celebrating the end of World War II with its 64th annual Victory Day . The occasion , which took place on Saturday , marks the date in 1945 when Nazi Germany officially surrendered to the former USSR , which Russia was part of at the time . As Matthew Chance shows us , the weekend ceremony gave Russia an opportunity to show off its military might . -LRB- BEGIN VIDEO CLIP -RRB- MATTHEW CHANCE , CNN CORRESPONDENT : Well , this is the biggest show of force in Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union . Columns of tanks and missile launchers thundered over the","question":"-LRB- CNN Student News -RRB- -- May 11 , 2009 Quick Guide Russia Victory Day - Discover how an anniversary is connected to a show of Russia 's military might . Charging for Content ? - Debate whether there 's a future in charging readers to view news content online . Final Visit - Depart the Earth 's surface for a maintenance mission needed in outer space . Transcript THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT . THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED . CARL AZUZ , CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR : It 's Monday , I 'm Carl Azuz , and this is CNN Student News ! Thank you for joining us . We 're gon na start things off with a quick check of some headlines . First Up : Headlines AZUZ : Fierce battles are still raging in northwestern Pakistan , where the country 's military is waging an assault against Taliban forces . Officials say as many as 200 members of the militant group were killed in a single day over the weekend . CNN ca n't confirm that information , because journalists are n't allowed in the region . The"} +{"answer":"days . As of early Sunday morning , Freedom Square was empty , Ghazarian said , but the protesters were demonstrating in a main square elsewhere in the city . Watch Ghazarian discuss the situation in Armenia '' `` What is happening on the streets of Yerevan is people protesting what they consider to be unfair elections , '' Ghazarian said . `` After the president was forced to declare a state of emergency , things have quieted down . There are a couple of burning cars , and there are a few hurt people , '' she said . `` We 're convinced that this will come to an end soon . '' She did not elaborate on the number of people injured or the extent of their injuries . Witnesses told CNN that Saturday morning 's action by Armenian riot police was bloody , but the U.S. official said there were no confirmed deaths or serious injuries . An Armenian woman interviewed by CNN said there was `` huge chaos '' when police moved in . `` These are innocent people , '' she said . `` They just want their freedom . They just want to be","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Armenian President Robert Kocharian declared a state of emergency Saturday night after a day of clashes between police and protesters , a spokeswoman for the Armenian Foreign Ministry said . The protesters claim last month 's presidential election was rigged . The state of emergency will `` hopefully bring some order '' to the capital , Yerevan , said Salpi Ghazarian , assistant to the Armenian foreign minister , who spoke to CNN early Sunday . The state of emergency could last until March 20 , she said , but the government hopes `` that it will be lifted sooner . '' The clashes began when authorities used force to clear Freedom Square of thousands of demonstrators who had camped there for the past 10 days , according to a U.S. Embassy official . Ghazarian said the authorities `` moved in '' because `` they thought that there were arms there , and it turned out that they were right . '' Watch a report on clashes between police and the opposition '' The embassy official estimated that the demonstrations in Freedom Square grew to as many as 60,000 Armenians at times over the last 10"} +{"answer":"next hearing is set for March 9 . A 21-year-old Pakistani , Kasab was one of 10 men accused of participating in the coordinated sieges on buildings such as the Taj Mahal Palace and Tower and Oberoi-Trident hotels , Mumbai 's historic Victoria Terminus train station and the Jewish cultural center , Chabad House . Indian forces killed nine suspects . More than 160 people , including many foreigners , died during the three days of attacks that began November 26 . Authorities said Kasab was trained by Lashkar-e-Tayyiba , which was banned in Pakistan in 2002 after a terrorist attack on India 's parliament . The group denied responsibility . Nikam said on Wednesday that the 50-page document describing the charges against Kasab also contains the names of 35 other suspects being sought in the crimes , many of whom are thought to be members of Lashkar-e-Tayyiba . The prosecutor said his office hopes to finish the trial for Kasab in three to six months . He has been in police custody since November 28 . Also charged Wednesday were two men accused of helping to plan the violence , Fahim Ansari and Sabahuddin Ahmed , according to the","question":"NEW DELHI , India -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Pakistani man using `` colonel '' as a title is one of about three dozen people wanted over November 's terrorist attacks in Mumbai , but his connections with the Pakistani army have not been established , Indian prosecutors say . Police patrol in New Delhi last year following warnings of possible attacks using hijacked aircraft , officials said . `` This is all a matter of investigation , '' special public prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam told CNN Thursday when asked if India thought he had links to the Pakistani army . Neither is it clear whether the `` colonel '' belonged to the Pakistan-based militant outfit Lashkar-e-Tayyiba , which is blamed for the Mumbai siege , Nikam said . But India , the public prosecutor added , had `` ample evidence '' of his involvement in the November attacks . Authorities say Mohammed Ajmal Kasab , the only surviving suspect accused of taking part in the Mumbai siege , faces a multitude of charges , including murder and attempted murder . Speaking outside Qila Court in Mumbai , Nikam said Kasab did n't attend the hearing for security reasons . The"} +{"answer":"hopes to encourage a greener , more prosperous future for his country . The Help Kenya Project has provided more than 2,000 refurbished computers to Kenya 's schools and planted more than 150,000 trees . Watch Ndambuki and his Help Kenya Project in action '' `` Many of the schools that I give computers -LSB- to -RSB- in Kenya have not seen computers before . So we 're bringing them closer to the development , '' explained Ndambuki , adding that without this opportunity , some of those schools might have gone another 20 years without touching a computer . `` It 's like giving the kids new life , '' he said . `` Computers are getting new life , and trees are being planted to bring a new life , too . It 's all connected . '' Finding treasure in the trash `` Growing up was not easy '' for Ndambuki , who said he became a teacher to help children who are struggling the way he did . The second of eight children raised by a widowed mother , Ndambuki attended school at the expense of his older brother ; he quit because the family could","question":"DOBBS FERRY , New York -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Jude Ndambuki teaches high school chemistry , but when he 's not in class , you might find him Dumpster diving for discarded computers . Jude Ndambuki 's Help Kenya Project provides refurbished computers for Kenyan students . For the past eight years , the Kenya native has been refurbishing computers , printers and other electronic educational resources otherwise headed for landfills , then sending them to grateful students back home . `` The children in Kenya have very few resources ; even a pencil is very hard to get , '' said Ndambuki , 51 , who lives in the New York City suburb of Dobbs Ferry . `` Being one of the kids who actually experienced very dire poverty in Kenya , I feel any part that I can play to make the life of kids better , I better do it . '' In lieu of compensation for the considerable time , expertise and expenses he devotes to his Help Kenya Project , Ndambuki asks that recipients plant 100 trees for every computer they receive . By connecting computer recycling , educational development and environmental conservation , he"} +{"answer":"overseas trip show he has begun restoring America 's name and reputation , key ingredients to successful policy making . Even before stepping onto foreign soil , Obama began by ordering the infamous Guantanamo Bay detention center closed , thus returning the United States to upholding the very same rule of law it preaches to other nations . He also has stated over and over again that `` America does not torture , '' thus returning the United States to leading on human rights , not cherry-picking them . To those such as former Vice President Dick Cheney who claims this will make America more vulnerable , even some former Bush administration officials now concede that rigorous but patient above-board interrogation has proven to yield better , more reliable intelligence than a rush to the waterboard . Obama has kept a campaign pledge and given a fixed date for ending the unpopular U.S. war in Iraq . `` Let me say this as plainly as I can : By August 31 , 2010 , our combat mission in Iraq will end , '' he announced . Yet the perils are clear . Hundreds of Iraqi civilians have been killed in","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Judging by the hysterical reaction in some quarters , to President Obama 's handshake with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez , or his bow to Saudi Arabia 's King Abdullah , you would think that America 's national security rested solely on body language not sound policy . The presidential handshake between Barack Obama and Hugo Chavez spurred many comments . But just for the record , let 's not forget that President George W. Bush kissed and held hands with the same Abdullah after 9\/11 , while also looking deep into the soul of Vladimir Putin . And a generation earlier , egged on by British Prime Minister `` Iron Lady '' Margaret Thatcher , President `` Tear Down That Wall '' Ronald Reagan , decided that indeed Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev was a man he could do business with : the business of ending the Cold War . While Obama has not managed in 100 days to defeat Islamic militants , usher in a Middle East peace treaty or disarm North Korea , on these and other issues he has laid down some important groundwork . Most importantly , the global polls following his first"} +{"answer":"is the smell . `` Like sewage , '' he said . Shannon Woerner was at home in nearby Essex , Maryland , when he heard the news about the water main break -- and the call for boats . He loaded his kayak in his truck and headed to the scene . `` I just wanted to see if I could help , '' he said . Woerner said he assisted by ferrying car keys and other items across flooded streets to people who were cut off from their homes by the water . Standing at the corner of Court and McShane streets , Mike Pell , 34 , watched the water slowly recede after the main was shut . Water covered the wheels of his pickup truck . `` My basement 's done , '' he said , pointing to his shoulder to show the height of the water inside , where he and his fianc\u00e9e had their bedroom . `` All of our clothes are ruined , '' he said . He managed to get his two children , ages 2 and 3 , to a dry area on the first floor of the house . ``","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A huge water main burst under a road in the suburban Baltimore community of Dundalk , Maryland , Friday , sending muddy water erupting over neighborhood streets and down highway ramps , officials said . Muddy water envelops the community of Dundalk , Maryland , on Friday . Many were left without power . The 72-inch main was shut about two hours after it ruptured , Baltimore County Chief Executive Jim Smith told CNN . No injuries were reported , Smith said , but he urged residents to `` shelter in place '' and not to go into the knee - to chest-high water under any circumstances . `` This is not a game , '' Smith warned . Authorities set up a command center near the site of the break and swift-water boat rescue teams were standing by , he added . See water main break damage '' Resident David Johnson said he felt helpless as he stood outside his house and watched the dirty brown water creep up his lawn and approach his front door . It stopped inches away and his basement stayed dry . The worst part now , Johnson said ,"} +{"answer":". '' The patient files in the cabinets behind her now number more than 1,300 , and 95 percent of those who walk through the door have no health insurance . The clinic asks for a $ 25 `` co-payment '' but no one is turned away if they can not afford it . A half dozen patients are waiting as executive director Alice Craft-Kerney takes a visitor on a tour . In the reception area , there are health awareness brochures , hurricane preparedness brochures , and a bookshelf about half-filled with children 's books . Craft-Kerney tries every day to give some away . Watch John King preview this Sunday 's show '' `` Because we have such a low literacy rate here in Louisiana , '' she says . `` So they come by , browse , and take whatever books they want free of charge . '' The staff is cheery ; the clinic neat and clean . A sign in the window making clear there are no narcotic drugs inside is a sign of the clinic 's rough surroundings . And within a few steps of the door is a reminder that 43 months after","question":"On CNN 's `` State of the Union , '' host and chief national correspondent John King goes outside the Beltway to report on the issues affecting communities across the country . This week , King traveled to New Orleans , Louisiana , to look at recovery from Hurricane Katrina in the Lower Ninth Ward compared to the rest of the city . The Lower Ninth Ward Health Clinic was clinic director Patricia Berryhill 's home before Hurricane Katrina . NEW ORLEANS , Louisiana -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Patricia Berryhill sits behind a desk in what not too long ago was her living room , cheerfully greeting those who walk in and reaching for the phone as it rings yet again . `` Lower Ninth Ward Health Clinic , Patricia Berryhill , may I help you ? '' Sometimes the questions are routine -- this time more anxious . `` As for the HIV testing , if you come in on Tuesdays from 11 to 1 , there is no charge , '' Berryhill tells the caller . `` As for the Herpes virus , you are going to have to see a physician and make an appointment for that"} +{"answer":"shameful that as Democrats , they agree with him on various political issues , but because of his skin color , they are refusing to cast ballots for him . `` We have gone to our black brothers and sisters for years to support our -LSB- white -RSB- candidates , and it 's wrong for us to stand here and not support one of their own , even though we 're Democrats , '' he barked . There is nothing more in-your-face than to hear someone speak truthfully to the inherent racism that is at play in this election . For all the talk about inclusion and the historic nature of this campaign , the true tribal feelings of so many people will come into play , whether we want to admit it or not . We are seeing remarkable bias playing strongly in this election . Exit-polling data in the primaries showed some evidence of bias when it came to age , race and gender , but the great concern is whether people are as honest in talking to pollsters as they are in the voting booth . Because Sen. John McCain is 72 and would be the oldest","question":"Editor 's Note : Join Roland S. Martin for his weekly sound-off segment on CNN.com Live at 11:10 a.m. Wednesday . If you 're passionate about politics , he wants to hear from you . A nationally syndicated columnist and Chicago-based radio host , he is the author of `` Listening to the Spirit Within : 50 Perspectives on Faith '' and `` Speak , Brother ! A Black Man 's View of America . '' Please visit his Web site . Roland Martin says Americans need to rise above issues of race , age and gender when they vote . -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- One of the most intriguing conversations I had at either the Democratic or Republican convention was with a white labor leader from Ohio . I ca n't remember his name , but he made it clear that he is going all around the Rust Belt state looking his white union brothers and sisters in the eye and essentially shaming them into supporting Sen. Barack Obama for president . No , he 's not saying vote for the black man for president because he 's black . He said he 's telling them that it 's"} +{"answer":"April with the addition of Le Garage , a French bistro steps from the sand and , hands down , the best new restaurant in town in ages . Grab a seat next to the roll-up glass garage door and definitely try the mussels Proven\u00e7ale . Sunset.com : 20 perfect summer trips Undiscovered hike You ca n't spend time in Sausalito and not make it to the Marin Headlands , just a mile outside town -- it 'd be like going to Yosemite and missing Half Dome . So join the parade of cars winding up twisty Conzelman Road to Hawk Hill , but do n't stop there . Drive a bit farther to the beach parking area on your left , and you 'll see signs for the trail to Black Sands Beach . The 0.75-mile hike down -LRB- slightly rickety -RRB- steps is sure to put the rosy in your cheeks , and the narrow strip of beach is windy , wild and stunning . My secret ? Instead of starting from the beach parking area , I like to drive past the Marin Headlands Visitor Center , turn right on Bunker Road , and start at the","question":"-LRB- Sunset -RRB- -- An insider shares five top experiences in Sausalito , California , you wo n't read about in guidebooks . Waldo Point Harbor is one of several scenic houseboat communities in Sausalito . Off-the-path pier You 'll want a bike or a car to get to the Fort Baker fishing pier , which sits in the shadow of the Golden Gate Bridge and has unbeatable views across the bay to San Francisco . In summer , foghorns bellow loudly from here , but in December , fishermen and pelicans are more the order of the day . A short walk north is eco-luxe Cavallo Point : The Lodge at the Golden Gate , which was big news in town when it debuted last summer . Even if you do n't stay there , stop for a glass of wine in the clubby Farley Bar . Locals ' beach Schoonmaker Beach is a bit farther from downtown , but still doable on foot and well worth finding . My son and I have whiled away many sunny mornings here , wading in the bay and watching sailboats . The beach bumped up to our number one favorite in"} +{"answer":"of deployments , '' Lt. Gen. Eric Schoomaker , the Army Surgeon General told reporters Friday . Not surprisingly , the report showed that soldiers with multiple deployments , three or four tours of duty to Iraq or Afghanistan , had much lower morale and more mental health problems than those soldiers who have one or two combat deployments . Increased time at home , however , resulted in improved morale among troops sent back to the field . The updated survey of soldiers in Afghanistan found post-traumatic stress syndrome and depression in soldiers at the same levels of the survey in 2007 , but still about double that of the 2005 survey results : 21.4 percent in 2009 , 23.4 percent for 2007 and 10.4 percent in 2005 , according to the report . In Iraq , where the survey has been done every year , lower numbers were attributed to the decrease in combat action there . The 2009 numbers showed 13.3 percent of soldiers suffering from mental health problems , compared to 18.8 percent in 2007 and 22 percent in 2006 . Army officials said that with the push of more than 20,000 additional troops into the","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Increased fighting in Afghanistan has caused a drop in morale among U.S. soldiers while the reduction in combat in Iraq has bolstered morale , according to a new U.S. Army report released Friday . The report summarizes two surveys of U.S. soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan taken earlier this year . New statistics from the Army also show suicides are up in the entire service . Produced every two years by the Army 's Mental Health Advisory Team , this latest report comes just over a week after a U.S. soldier went on a shooting rampage at a U.S. Army base in Texas and possibly just days or weeks from an announcement from the Obama administration to send more troops to Afghanistan , where fighting has gotten more intense in recent months . Authorities have not determined a motive for the shooting . The suspect , Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan , was scheduled to deploy to Afghanistan but had told his family that he wanted to get out of the military . `` Soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan continue to face stress from multiple deployments into combat but report being more prepared for the stresses"} +{"answer":"alter our defense posture -- so any short-term savings will be quickly erased . In recognition of the growing asymmetrical threats we face and the evolving requirements of counterterrorism , we need a different set of capabilities . The world may have seen its last heavy armor battle between two nation-states . The relative importance of counterterrorism , intelligence , training and equipping foreign security forces , and special forces operations will continue to grow . Our forces must be designed appropriately . This means a greater focus on intelligence gathering and more agile special forces units , which can respond swiftly and firmly to terrorist threats in any corner of the globe . We must be prepared to respond to threats -- from al Qaeda and other terrorist cells -- that emanate from a much more diverse geography , including Yemen , the Horn of Africa , Pakistan and the Asia-Pacific region . We must also transform our orientation . By almost any objective measure -- population , economic power , military might , energy use -- the center of gravity of global human activity is moving toward the Asia-Pacific region . Embracing this reality may bring a dramatic","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A president 's most solemn duty is to protect America and her people -- a responsibility that , in a time of evolving security threats and unsustainable debt , will only grow harder for the next administration . In the aftermath of the failure of the super committee , we are facing cuts in defense . Yet there has still been little discussion about overall defense spending priorities and how we must transform our defense infrastructure for the 21st century . Some of my opponents suggest maintaining the status quo , thus avoiding the tough decisions . Others advocate retrenchment and isolationism through draconian across-the-board cuts , which brings greater instability and risks . Still others revert to the oft-repeated pledge to eliminate waste , fraud and abuse from the Pentagon -- a worthy cause yet one of minimal consequence . Cutting wasteful spending alone amounts to only pennies on the dollar and leaves in place the same archaic defense infrastructure . These approaches miss the target in two respects . First , they let resources drive strategy , rather than using strategy to drive force structure and capabilities . Second , they fail to fundamentally"} +{"answer":"your work computer . Wired says Pitt approached the magazine with ideas for the story . The magazine , which is owned by Conde Nast and is a CNN.com content partner , collaborated with Pitt and contributing photographer Dan Winters to create the article . `` How to Behave : New Rules for Highly Evolved Humans '' hits newsstands July 21 . Wired said in an e-mail that the piece is a re-think of the celebrity magazine profile . On the cover , a photo shows Pitt wearing a Bluetooth device in his ear . `` Rule No. 52 : Ditch the headset . He can barely pull it off -- and you are not him , '' a blurb on the magazine front says . Most of the article is delivered in a spoof question-answer format . Pitt contributes several answers , as do regular Wired writers . One question asks if a person who exaggerated his or her salary on an online dating profile should confess . `` Hell no , '' Pitt writes . `` Everyone lies online . In fact , readers expect you to lie . If you do n't , they 'll think you","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Need some social etiquette advice for the digital age ? Brad Pitt 's got your back in this month 's cover story from Wired Magazine . In Wired 's new cover story , Brad Pitt offers etiquette for the digital age . So Brad , should people talk on the phone while they 're using the restroom ? `` No , you ca n't talk on the phone ! '' Pitt tells the magazine . `` Do you want the guy next to you to hear your entire conversation ? `` That 's why you should only text in the bathroom . Just be sure you do n't hit the wrong button and end up putting a photo of your junk on Twitter . Trust me , you do n't want those followers . '' Watch a CNN video about cell phone etiquette '' Humor covers for Pitt 's lack of tech credentials as the Hollywood hunk and star of Quentin Tarantino 's new film , '' Inglourious Basterds '' offers up a range of tongue-in-cheek advice for Wired readers . He touches on subjects ranging from managing your online persona to looking at porn on"} +{"answer":"restaurants , museums , and clubs have either recently opened or are on target for 2012 . So even if you visited Vegas recently , do n't assume it 's still the same . And do n't head to Sin City without checking out this list of the newest and best things to do . The Barrymore The Royal Resort 's hidden restaurant , The Barrymore , is the best place to ensconce yourself for an evening of modernized Rat Pack -- inflected glamour in Las Vegas . The 1,400-square-foot space is pure , old-school cinematic Vegas , with handmade wallpaper , blue-tufted booths , and a ceiling lined with antique movie reels . You 'll also find funky Rorschach portraits of Vegas stars , and modern twists on Vegas classics like lobster eggs Benedict and octopus salad . Inside the Royal Resort ; 99 Convention Center Dr. ; -LRB-800-RRB- 634-6118 . Travel + Leisure : World 's best hotels The Mob Museum Opens Valentine 's Day , 2012 . It 's the actual former federal courthouse where such landmark hearings as the 1950 Kefauver hearings on organized crime were held . Here , Las Vegas 's former `` Happiest","question":"-LRB- Travel + Leisure -RRB- -- What lies behind the walls of Wayne Newton 's Vegas estate ? Penguins and Elvis memorabilia , as it turns out . And come next spring , when Newton 's Casa de Shenandoah opens as a museum , you 'll be able to see this collection for yourself . This glimpse into the life of `` Mr. Las Vegas '' is just the beginning of what 's new in town . In fact , the city is having something of a renaissance , opening up new restaurants , clubs , and museums , returning Sin City to the ever-changing kaleidoscope it once was . Travel + Leisure : The world 's scariest runways Less than 10 years ago , Las Vegas was in the middle of a no-holds-barred building boom . But things happen , and Vegas seemed to be put on a giant `` hold '' for several years . The only major plan that was actually completed was the awe-inspiring CityCenter , which included the Mandarin Oriental and Aria hotels , as well as Crystals shopping center . Now the excitement of CityCenter has spilled over into the entire city : new"} +{"answer":", because he had blamed Colom and his associates for the April slayings of a prominent businessman and his daughter . Rosenberg had represented the businessman . They were killed , Rosenberg said , because they had refused to participate in acts of corruption as the president wanted . `` It 's the time-honored tradition in Guatemala that if someone gets in your way , there 's likely to be a violent outcome , '' said Donald J. Planty , the U.S. ambassador to Guatemala from 1996 to 1999 . Colom took to the airwaves Monday night to vehemently deny that he , his wife or the aide had any connection to the slayings . He promised a full investigation and said he would accept international help , asking the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation to become involved . A Guatemalan newspaper reported Thursday that an FBI agent had arrived in the country in connection with the investigation . But Rosenberg supporters say they do n't believe the Guatemalan government can carry out an impartial and thorough investigation and want Colom out . Perez said Vice President Jose Rafael Espada could take over until the investigation is complete . ``","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom should leave office during the investigation into whether he was connected to three recent slayings , his 2007 presidential opponent said Thursday . Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom has said he has no intention of giving up power over the slayings inquiry . Retired Gen. Otto Perez Molina , who lost to Colom in a runoff , said Guatemala is suffering its worst crisis since the democratic process began in 1985 after years of civil war . Demonstrations will continue and anger will mount unless Colom temporarily steps out of the way to allow an unblemished probe , he said . `` We want an impartial investigation , a transparent investigation , '' Perez told CNN . `` The president must leave his post . '' The crisis started Monday with the surfacing of a video in which Guatemalan attorney Rodrigo Rosenberg said Colom , the president 's wife and a top aide would be responsible if something happened to the lawyer . Rosenberg was gunned down Sunday while riding his bike in Guatemala City . He had recorded the video last week . Rosenberg was being threatened with death , he said"} +{"answer":"from students and parents who were worried about being exposed at the commencement ceremonies , '' the e-mail said . `` We have an obligation to protect others from what they perceive is possible exposure to this virus . '' When he heard the news , Godshall was worried about how he would tell his mother that she would n't get to see him walk across the stage with the pomp and circumstance that everyone else will have . `` I thought my mom was going to freak , '' he said . iReport.com : How should we handle swine flu Senior Ryan Brisini said at first when he found out that he could n't walk , he was `` a little irked . '' `` But we are a liability , and if you are going to try and do the best thing for the school and the entire graduation ceremony , we probably should n't be there , '' he said . So Brisini and Godshall took the news in stride . The 22 students will get a ceremony unlike anyone else in the school -- and the main graduation will see a video of their ceremony .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Dan Godshall and 21 other students at Slippery Rock University will not be allowed to graduate at their school 's main ceremony because they recently visited Mexico . Dan Godshall was worried at first about telling his mother he was n't able to be at the main graduation . The students , who returned this week after student teaching in Mexico , came back to the United States early because they were worried the border would be closed and they 'd miss out on walking at their graduation . But now , they 'll be walking in their own graduation , without any of their classmates , because the college feared they made have been exposed to the H1N1 flu outbreak in Mexico . `` At first I was like , no way , no way , '' Godshall told CNN . `` I had the irrational , 15-minute oh my God , oh my God , I ca n't go to my graduation . '' The students got the news from the school and received an e-mail from the university 's vice president explaining the change . `` The university has received hundreds of calls"} +{"answer":"life of the man he hated more than anyone else on Earth -LRB- Richard Nixon -RRB- and helped get Jimmy Carter elected president enjoying the company of me , a person who basically gets paid to tweet for a living ? I am not alone in my enduring fascination with Thompson . Today the movie about the novel Thompson started writing in 1959 at the age of 22-years-old , `` The Rum Diary '' starring Johnny Depp , will be released . The film offers plenty of opportunities to remember the renegade journalist , such as Jann Wenner 's recent piece titled `` Hunter S Thompson Was My Brother in Arms . '' I get the continued curiosity . And while it 's fine that I ca n't write or take drugs like Thompson , I actually did try to be like him once . In 2008 , after reading `` The Kentucky Derby Is Decadent and Depraved , '' the piece in which he invented Gonzo journalism , I wrote a three-part series for Yahoo! Sports called `` The Odyssey To The Infield '' in which I attended all three legs of the Triple Crown Of Thoroughbred Racing in","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- I have never been whacked out on LSD . However , if I had ever had the chance to meet Hunter S. Thompson , a real acid pro , my fantasy is that during a brief conversation in which he got to know me a little bit I 'd feel comfortable asking him at the end of our talk : Do you think I could handle acid ? Even after I regaled him with the story of when friends of mine tried it in college , then wandered around the New York Botanical Gardens and invented the rock n ' roll backpack -- which is a standard backpack with a radio boombox in it -- he would say no , you personally should n't take LSD , you suppressed malcontent . Hopefully , this would all just sound like a sort of guttural gesture , because that would be subtle enough . There 's a definite chance that not only would HST think I could n't handle the drugs , but he might hate me entirely . I ca n't imagine someone who covered the Hells Angels , shark fishing competitions , got to threaten the"} +{"answer":"but they were released after a short time , according to a government spokesman . An MDC official said the arrests were part of the `` sinister agenda of this regime '' to `` tilt the balance of numbers in their favour during the voting for the speaker of parliament . '' One of those detained -- Shuwa Mudiwa -- appeared back in parliament , but the other member -- Elia Jembere -- was not seen , according to sources . Government spokesman Bright Matonga said Jembere had been accused of rape , but that he has been released from custody . A third member -- Elton Mangoma -- escaped an arrest attempt when other party members came to his rescue , MDC officials said . Attendance at the session of parliament is important since the membership is closely divided between the MDC and the Mugabe 's ZANU-PF . The ruling ZANU-PF party lost its majority in the 210-seat parliament in elections in March , but vote recounts and political violence have delayed the body from convening until now . Final results gave 100 seats to an MDC faction led by Morgan Tsvangirai , the party 's presidential candidate .","question":"HARARE , Zimbabwe -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Zimbabwean lawmakers on Monday narrowly voted for Lovemore Moyo as speaker of the parliament -- making him the first opposition lawmaker to hold the position in the country 's history . Morgan Tsvangirai 's MDC faction has a slim majority following parliamentary elections . `` This is historic as it ceases to be a rubber-stamping house , '' Moyo said after winning the position . `` It will ensure that progressive laws are passed . I promise to be professional . '' Moyo -- the national chairman of the main Movement for Democratic Change -LRB- MDC -RRB- party -- received 110 votes while his only opponent , Paul Themba-Nyathi , received 98 votes . The speaker of the parliament is the fourth most powerful post in Zimbabwe . Themba-Nyathi represented the splinter MDC faction led by Arthur Mutambara , but he had support of President Robert Mugabe 's ZANU-PF party . The vote took place hours after Mugabe swore in lawmakers , five months after they were elected . Two members of the main MDC -- led by presidential candidate Morgan Tsvangirai -- were arrested as they arrived at the opening session ,"} +{"answer":"amounts of fossil fuels must be burned to mine , transport and enrich uranium and to build the nuclear plant . And all that dirty power will be released during the 10 to 19 years that it takes to plan and build a nuclear plant . -LRB- A wind farm typically takes two to five years . -RRB- Stewart Brand says now is the time for nuclear power The on-the-ground footprint of nuclear power , through its plants and uranium mines , is about 1,000 times larger than it is for wind . Wind turbines are merely poles in the ground -- with lots of space between them that can be farmed , ranched or left open -- or poles in the ocean . Geothermal energy also has a much smaller footprint than nuclear ; solar only slightly more . But while geothermal , solar and wind are safe , nuclear is not . For nuclear to meet all the world 's energy needs today -- 12.5 terawatts -LRB- 1 terawatt = 1 trillion watts -RRB- -- more than 17,000 nuclear plants would be needed . Even if nuclear were only 5 percent of the solution , most countries would","question":"Palo Alto , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- If our nation wants to reduce global warming , air pollution and energy instability , we should invest only in the best energy options . Nuclear energy is n't one of them . Every dollar spent on nuclear is one less dollar spent on clean renewable energy and one more dollar spent on making the world a comparatively dirtier and a more dangerous place , because nuclear power and nuclear weapons go hand in hand . In the November issue of Scientific American , my colleague Mark DeLucchi of the University of California-Davis and I laid out a plan to power the world with nothing but wind , water and sun . After considering the best available technologies , we decided that a combination of wind , concentrated solar , geothermal , photovoltaics , tidal , wave and hydroelectric energy could more than meet all the planet 's energy needs , particularly if all the world 's vehicles could be run on electric batteries and hydrogen fuel cells . We rejected nuclear for several reasons . First , it 's not carbon-free , no matter what the advocates tell you . Vast"} +{"answer":"for 24 hours , beginning at midnight Tuesday local time and lasting through Wednesday . Lawn seat tickets available this week include concerts by Aerosmith , Blink-182 , Coldplay , No Doubt , Nickelback , Depeche Mode , Toby Keith , Brad Paisley and many others , Live Nation said . Other shows coming later in the summer include Crosby Stills & Nash , Crue Fest 2 , Def Leppard with Poison and Cheap Trick , Jason Mraz , Kid Rock & Lynyrd Skynyrd , Incubus , New Kids on the Block , Nine Inch Nails and Jane 's Addiction , Phish , the Dead , Rascall Flats with Darius Rucker , the Allman Brothers Band , the Fray and the Killers . `` They 're sacrificing quite a lot of revenue here , '' Waddell said He estimated that fees add up to about a third of the average price for lawn seats . The economic recession has not seemed to slow the live concert business , which `` considering everything else , is going like gangbusters , '' he said . `` It looks like it could be a really strong year , '' he said . ``","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Those extra service fees tacked on to concert ticket prices -- long a source of grumbling by ticket buyers -- will disappear for millions of seats sold by the largest U.S. concert promoter this summer . Live Nation is awaiting government approval of a merger with giant Ticketmaster . Live Nation launches `` No Service Fee Wednesdays '' this week for lawn seats at amphitheaters , removing extra fees from 5 million lawn seats for shows at amphitheaters across the United States . Live Nation insisted that the promotion was about selling more tickets and helping music fans hit by hard times , not improving public relations while it waits for government approval of its merger with Ticketmaster . But the promotion could soothe some bad feelings . `` People get a little ticked off when they think they 're paying $ 20 for a ticket and as they progress along the various pages of the electronic transaction , they see more fees added a long the way , '' said Ray Waddell , who writes about live music tours for Billboard magazine . Live Nation will waive fees on lawn seats"} +{"answer":"people . '' As a member of the Humboldt Boy Scout Troop No. 108 in Eagle Grove , Iowa , Aaron used his own money to make pillowcases for hospital patients , Gochanour said . He tried to donate the pillowcases to hospitals during a family vacation to Memphis , where he visited the home of Elvis , one of his heroes , according to a story that was published in the Eagle Grove Eagle last year . Aaron extended the same dedication to making fleece blankets for the Humane Society , according to the Omaha World-Herald . `` He embodied everything Scouting stands for , '' Dawn Sievertsen , principal of Robert Blue Middle School in Eagle Grove , Iowa , told the newspaper . `` He would start these projects to earn badges , but took them very seriously and would continue them long after he earned the badge . '' People who knew Josh Fennen of Omaha said he used many of the skills he learned in Scouting in everyday life . `` We 'd go hiking . He was a good hiker . He knew what to do , how to start fires and good with","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Four Boy Scouts who died Wednesday when a tornado swept through a wilderness camp were remembered for the very qualities that had brought them to the camp in the first place . Clockwise from top left : Sam Thomsen , 13 ; Josh Fennen , 13 ; Aaron Eilerts , 14 ; and Ben Petrzilka , 14 . Josh Fennen , 13 , Sam Thomsen , 13 , Ben Petrzilka , 14 , and Aaron Eilerts , 14 , were among 93 Boy Scouts who were chosen by their troop leaders to attend leadership training this week at the Little Sioux Scout Ranch outside Omaha , Nebraska . In addition to the deaths , 48 Scouts and staff members were injured . Friends on Thursday described the fallen Scouts as multitalented , dedicated teens whose enthusiasm for life was matched only by their passion for Scouting . Aaron Eilerts ' best friend described him as a `` kindhearted '' person who took his commitment to Boy Scouts very seriously . `` He would do anything that you asked him to do , '' Colby Gochanour , told CNN 's Larry King . `` He just helped"} +{"answer":"matched to Dutch parents , Mikkelsen said . Dutch officials may seek the remaining approvals from Haiti once the children have already settled in the Netherlands , he added . Haiti is home to about 380,000 orphans , according to the United Nations Children 's Fund , and that number is expected to grow in the wake of Tuesday 's earthquake . And those who lived in orphanages before Tuesday may be homeless now , as reports of destroyed orphanages have come throughout the quake zone . Full coverage of the earthquake in Haiti Some children who lost parents in the quake or were separated from parents are being relocated to the Dominican Republic , a child advocacy group said . About 50 orphaned and abandoned children will arrive in the border town of Jimani on Wednesday , Kids Alive International said . The efforts , coordinated with the governments of both countries , will eventually take the children back to Haiti . Some will be reunited with parents who lost communication with their children in the quake 's aftermath , the group said . View or add to CNN 's database of missing persons in Haiti CNN 's Melissa","question":"Port-au-Prince , Haiti -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Slashing red tape or ignoring ordinarily required paperwork , officials in the United States and the Netherlands have cleared the way for scores of Haitian orphans to leave their earthquake-ravaged homeland , according to officials from the two countries . All of the children had adoptions pending with prospective parents in the two countries before Tuesday 's 7.0-magnitude quake , and government officials said paperwork was expedited or put on hold to make transfers happen on an emergency basis . 300 children have pending adoption cases with American families . Six children arrived in Florida Sunday night , met by their adoptive parents with hugs and tears of happiness . The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs has chartered a plane to pick up about 100 children Monday , spokesman Aad Meijer told CNN . Dutch Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin over the weekend granted the children entry into the country , although their paperwork , including travel and adoption documents , was incomplete , Justice Ministry spokesman Patrick Mikkelsen told CNN . About 44 of the orphans ' adoptions had yet to be approved by a Haitian judge , even though they were"} +{"answer":"County Sheriff Robert Pickell said at a news conference Thursday . CNN was unable to reach someone who could speak on Hayes ' behalf . Hayes ' motivation for his savage multiday attack on the boy was that the child `` had wet his pants , '' Leyton said . `` It had happened before . '' Hayes also resented the child because his `` biological father would n't pay child support , '' Leyton said . Dominick 's mother , Corrine Baker , was present for at least some of the beating and tried to shield the boy from Hayes ' aggression , authorities said . `` She tried to lay on top of the child to guard the child against being beat any further , but she was beat in the process , '' according to the police chief . The sequence of events that led to the discovery of the abuse began when Baker 's sister and several acquaintances came to the apartment to buy drugs from Hayes , according to Allen . After seeing Dominick 's condition , the sister alerted the boy 's paternal grandfather , who in turn contacted authorities . When emergency responders","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A Michigan man could face life in prison after he allegedly tortured and ultimately killed his girlfriend 's 4-year-old son last week for wetting his pants , prosecutors say . Brandon Joshua-Frederick Hayes , 24 , `` systematically beat '' Dominick Calhoun , 4 , `` pummeling -LSB- him -RSB- with fists and kicking him '' on his arms , legs and genitalia , Genesee County prosecutor David Leyton told CNN . Hayes also apparently burned the boy in the course of the torture . `` The knuckles across one hand were charred , '' Argentine Township police chief Dan Allen said . `` I 've been doing this a long time , and this is the worst case of child abuse I 've ever seen , '' the police chief said . `` In all respects , he was tortured . '' Prosecutors arraigned Hayes on Thursday on nine charges , including one count of first-degree premeditated murder , one count of first-degree child abuse and one count of torture , which by itself carries a possible life sentence . `` Little Dominick met his boogeyman , and that was defendant Hayes , '' Genesee"} +{"answer":"short of the runway , split the plane into three parts . Watch crash survivors return home '' Weather conditions at the time were favorable . Passengers described feeling the plane suddenly drop before impact , and at least one passenger said he heard the pilot trying to give more power to the engines before the plane went down . Safety Board specialists are analyzing the flight data and voice recorders and expect to finish their work at the crash site this weekend , Sanders said . Pieces relevant to the probe will be brought to a hangar at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport for further analysis . Watch how survivors described crash '' The Safety Board may release preliminary findings next week , Sanders said . The nine dead included five Turks and four Americans , said Theo Weterings , the mayor of Haarlemmermeer municipality , where the airport is located . See where 737-800 has been involved in previous incidents '' There were four Boeing employees on the flight , and three were killed , the company said Friday in a posting on its Web site , citing the U.S. Embassy in Amsterdam as its source . The fourth employee","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Turkish Airlines plane that crashed this week in Amsterdam fell almost vertically to the ground , making only a short track in the muddy farmer 's field where it went down , Dutch investigators said Friday . Dutch investigators continue to probe the crash site for more clues . That sudden drop indicates the aircraft did not have enough forward speed when it crashed , a spokesman for the Dutch Safety Board said , but the reasons for that are still unclear . It is too early to speculate on the cause of the crash , spokesman Fred Sanders told CNN . Reports that it was caused by engine failure are premature , he said . `` There must have been ... reasons why the plane did not get enough speed , '' Sanders said . `` We do n't know yet why this came about , and that 's the main thing that will have to be investigated . '' Wednesday 's crash of Flight 1951 from Istanbul , Turkey , to Amsterdam killed nine and injured more than 60 of the 135 people on board . The crash , less than 500 yards"} +{"answer":"he wants to rule by following the Ten Commandments . Instead , he has ruled -- and thrived -- by breaking a lot of those commandments . The Ugandan army -- with the help of the U.S. military -- has tried for years to take him and his leadership out . The International Criminal Court has had a warrant out for him since 2005 . The Lord 's Resistance Army replenishes its ranks by abducting villagers -- men , women and children -- brainwashing them and forcing them to fight . Or to serve as sex slaves for commanders . LRA members survive by staying on the move constantly and stealing food and provisions . Last month , according to researchers , an LRA band raided a village in the Democratic Republic of Congo soon after the World Food Programme had distributed food supplies there . So what is LRA leader Kony 's secret ? How has he evaded justice to operate his band of marauders and murderers with impunity for decades ? Here are five reasons some experts give : 1 . He uses terror strategically . You 've probably seen photos of children whose noses or ears were","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Barack Obama announced recently that about 100 U.S. troops are being deployed to Central Africa to help `` apprehend and remove '' the elusive Joseph Kony and his top commanders of the Lord 's Resistance Army . It 's not the first time the United States has gone in to help put an end to the marauding , murdering gang known as the Lord 's Resistance Army -- LRA , for short . The LRA has butchered , enslaved and displaced people in Uganda and Central Africa for two decades . Although its brand of terrorism does n't target the United States , Washington has listed it as a terrorist group . The U.S. decision to help go after Kony is a strategic -- as well as a humanitarian -- one . Africa is a frontier for terrorism . Uganda is fighting Al-Shabaab militants in Somalia -- which helps the United States -- so in turn , the U.S. is helping Uganda fight the LRA . The Lord 's Resistance Army began in northern Uganda in 1987 as an opposition force to leader Yoweri Museveni . Kony sees himself as a prophet who has said"} +{"answer":"talk , `` I said , ` What if we just say he has to come to surrender , would he have done it ? ' And this guy said , ` I 'm absolutely convinced he would have . ' My experts tell me he would n't have . '' Bush said , `` We ended it the way we said we would '' as a military success , but noted a cleaner ending `` would have been perfect . '' He added , `` If we had tried to get Saddam Hussein to come and literally surrender and put his sword on the table , I think it might have been avoided some of the problems that we did have in the future from him . '' On a day that President Barack Obama dispatched George Mitchell to the Middle East as the latest U.S. envoy , Clinton discussed the failure to achieve peace between Israelis and Palestinians . `` My No. 1 regret is that I was not able to persuade Yasser Arafat to accept the peace plan I offered at the end of my presidency that the Israelis accepted . `` If he had done that","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Two former presidents reflected on their greatest regrets in office Monday , each looking back to issues that continue to plague the nation years later . Former presidents and political rivals Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush now share philanthropic efforts . Former Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton appeared together at a question-and-answer forum before the National Automobile Dealers Association in New Orleans , Louisiana . Asked his biggest regret after leaving office , Bush said he now wonders whether he should have tried to get Saddam Hussein to leave office at the end of the first Gulf War in 1991 . He told the gathering , `` I 've thought a lot about it , but at the end of Desert Storm , the question was should we have kind of kept going on that road to death and all this slaughter until Saddam Hussein showed up and laid his sword on the table , surrendered . And the common wisdom was he would n't do that . '' But he said a conversation with an FBI agent who interrogated Saddam after he was captured has made him reconsider . Bush recalled their"} +{"answer":"he ate six times a day , Kruse began to improve , and made a full recovery without dialysis . Food poisoning from strains of E. coli is less common in the United States than salmonella , a bacteria that has caused more than 1,000 infections in a recent outbreak since April , according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . Tomatoes have been implicated in this outbreak , but many other foods , such as raw meat and poultry , can spread salmonella and other kinds of bacteria . Food borne illnesses result in more than 300,000 hospitalizations in the United States every year , according to the CDC . About 76 million cases of food borne disease occur annually in the United States , the CDC said . Salmonella and E. coli present themselves in such similar ways that doctors ca n't tell which is which without testing a stool sample . Learn more about the differences between salmonella and E. coli '' Both kinds of bacteria can lead to infections involving diarrhea , vomiting , abdominal cramps and sometimes a low-grade fever . In most cases , an infected person will recover within a week","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Dan Kruse started to feel weak one day while hanging out with his friends in a park . The next day , the eighth-grader woke up completely jaundiced -- the whites of his eyes were yellow -- and he urinated blood . Dan Kruse , now 23 , had food poisoning from E. coli bacteria as a teenager . Deeply concerned , his mother took him to the doctor , who told him to go to the hospital immediately . Doctors determined he had a severe form of food poisoning that made his kidneys shut down in a condition known as hemolytic uremic syndrome , caused by the bacteria E. coli . A priest gave him last rites , and doctors said he would most likely spend the rest of his life on kidney dialysis . `` I did n't go to the bathroom at all for seven to nine days because of my kidneys shutting down , '' said Kruse , now a Web developer in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania . `` I definitely almost died . '' But with the help of an experimental treatment involving medicine `` like a fine grain sand '' that"} +{"answer":"-- is as predictable as blinking . You 'll observe hand-to-face gestures in every culture and society , as well as in our closest primate relatives , the monkeys and apes . There 's nothing wrong with face touching . Nothing , that is , unless you 're afraid of germs . And today , many of us around the world are terrified by these tiny organisms , especially ones that cause swine flu . Merely by shaking the hand of someone infected by the swine-flu virus , we risk infection each time we inadvertently reach up and touch our faces . Physicians urge that we wash right after shaking hands . But since the anthropologist in me knows that , as a primate , you 'll touch your face before washing , germs will inevitably visit unsuspecting lids , lip , and noses . The human handshake itself , meanwhile , is a widespread gesture used for meeting , greeting , and sealing a deal . It 's a ritualized gripping of another 's hand , with one or more up-and-down -LRB- or , in Texas , sideways -RRB- motions followed by a quick release . Since the fingertips","question":"Editor 's note : David B. Givens is Director of the Center for Nonverbal Studies in Spokane , Washington . He is the author of `` Love Signals : A Practical Field Guide to the Body Language of Courtship '' -LRB- St. Martin 's , New York , 2005 -RRB- , `` Crime Signals : How to Spot a Criminal Before You Become a Victim '' -LRB- St. Martin 's , 2008 -RRB- , and the forthcoming `` The Body of Work : Sightreading the Language of Business , Bosses , and Boardrooms . '' His online Nonverbal Dictionary is used around the world as a reference tool . Barack and Michelle Obama celebrate winning the Democratic nomination with a fist bump in 2008 . SPOKANE , Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The H1N1 swine flu virus is putting our most familiar gesture of greeting -- handshakes -- at risk . As an anthropologist who watches people for a living , I can tell you that human beings touch their own faces with their own fingertips hundreds , if not thousands of times a day . Repeated face touching -- especially finger contact with eyelids , lips , and nostrils"} +{"answer":". Questions surrounding Michael Jackson 's death and AEG Live 's role in his last days are an `` obvious source of tension '' as Katherine Jackson objects to the agreement , Jackson attorney Burt Levitch said . Michael Jackson 's family has `` floated '' the possibility of filing a wrongful-death lawsuit against AEG Live because of its `` very , very active role in Michael 's life during the last six months , '' Levitch said Monday . Levitch said AEG Live `` apparently paid for the services of Dr. Conrad Murray , who we 're told is under criminal investigation in connection with the decedent 's death . '' Warrants used to search Murray 's home and clinics indicated police were investigating his role in Jackson 's June 25 death . A source with knowledge of the investigation told CNN that Murray gave the anesthetic propofol to Jackson in the 24 hours before he died . `` There 's an obvious link between AEG and concerns that we have about the decedent 's demise , '' Levitch said . `` So , that 's one obvious source of tension right now . '' Los Angeles County Superior","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Michael Jackson will be buried Saturday , August 29 , on what would have been the singer 's 51st birthday , according to a statement from publicist Ken Sunshine . Katherine Jackson has proposed she or one of her children be added as an executor to Michael 's will . The private ceremony will take place at Holly Terrace in The Great Mausoleum at Glendale Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale , California , and `` will be limited to family and close friends , '' the statement said . Jackson died June 25 of cardiac arrest . The famed entertainer was 50 . Other Jackson plans have moved sluggishly . Monday , a judge delayed his approval of the exhibition agreement between concert promoter AEG Live and the Jackson estate until Friday , when he will hear testimony about why Michael Jackson 's mother , Katherine Jackson , thinks it should be renegotiated . The three-city exhibition of Jackson memorabilia could be derailed , as relations between Jackson 's mother , the men Jackson named as executors of his will and the promoter of his planned comeback concerts have been challenging"} +{"answer":". Until last year Naidoo was for 10 years the General Secretary of CIVICUS : World Alliance for Citizen Participation . One of the first high profile campaigns Naidoo worked on was Make Poverty History in 2005 that gained widespread coverage and a number of celebrity supporters . After several years in the anti-poverty movement , Naidoo has come to see that struggle against poverty and combating climate change are two-sides of same coin . Since becoming head of Greenpeace in November , Naidoo is focused on using his skills as an activist to move issues from the fringes into the mainstream . '' -LSB- Another -RSB- feature of activism is being able to choose the right tools and tactics for the right moment ... If you can win through dialogue and engagement then that 's great but sadly those with power in both government and business do not have the propensity to do the right thing unless they are pushed and that 's why you have to have tools like non-violent direct action , '' he told CNN . Connecting individuals to ideas and in turn connecting those ideas to a greater audience is one of the things Naidoo","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- From anti-apartheid activist to climate change champion , Kumi Naidoo is a man born to make a change . He 's the new International Executive Director of environmental action group Greenpeace , and he takes on his role on the eve of the critical climate talks in Copenhagen . The 44 year-old grew up in Johannesburg and had an early introduction to the world of activism . `` I was defiantly the product of the society I was born in , which was apartheid South Africa ... I do think that many of us who might have exceptional or out-of-the-ordinary backgrounds are not because we ourselves are exceptional people but because we were born in context of adversity and been able to somehow rise above that adversity , '' he told CNN . Naidoo was arrested numerous times for civil disobedience against the apartheid regime during the 1980s . He eventually left for the UK in 1987 and earned a doctorate in political sociology at Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar . After Nelson Mandela was released in 1990 , Kumi returned to South Africa and worked with and founded a number of civil society NGOs"} +{"answer":"have reaped benefits . Maybe the 9 % are those pleased when Congress made history in August after waiting until the last minute to compromise on a budget deal , which led to the first downgrade of the U.S. credit rating by Standard & Poor 's . Or possibly the 9 % were impressed when House Democrats and Republicans joined together in a rare moment of bipartisanship a few weeks ago and voted in favor of a resolution by a whopping 396-9 . Was this vote to create jobs for the more than 25 million Americans who are unemployed or underemployed ? Or maybe this vote was to help Americans on the brink of foreclosure ? Nope , this vote was to address an issue that Congress felt demanded immediate attention : Affirming that our national motto is : `` In God We Trust . '' Wow , that should really put some food on the table of a hungry family whose unemployment benefits are close to expiring . I hope you take the time to `` thank '' Rep. J. Randy Forbes , a Republican from Virginia , for leading the courageous charge on that issue . Instead of","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- If the congressional `` super committee '' does not reach a deficit reduction deal by Wednesday 's legally mandated deadline , I propose we take a page from the NBA owners and lock Congress out . I 'm serious . We , the taxpayers , are the owners of Congress and if Congress wo n't make a deal that helps our nation , then let 's put a big padlock on the doors of the House and Senate -- or at least change the locks and not give them the keys . Polls show that me and apparently 91 % of my fellow Americans have never been more frustrated with the dysfunctional nature of `` our '' Congress . Congress ' approval rating has fallen to an abysmal 9 % -- to put this in perspective , herpes is now slightly more popular than Congress . Bed bugs really ca n't be that far behind . I 'm not sure who the 9 % of voters are who think Congress is doing a good job -- I can only assume it 's Congress ' friends and families as well as some of the well-connected lobbyists who"} +{"answer":"American River near Discovery Park in Sacramento , California . Greene told CNN affiliate KCRA that he heard some yelling and then a splash . A woman had been pulling a ladder onto her boat , and she was thrown into the water when the driver pulled away . Greene saw the woman flailing in the water and dived in . `` I honestly do n't even think I was thinking -- I was just reacting , '' he told KCRA . `` I was pretty confident in my swimming abilities . '' Read the story at the KCRA web site Off-duty EMT makes icy pond rescue Tony Gerdom , an emergency medical worker from Iowa , was driving off-duty on December 7 when the van in front of him suddenly swerved off the icy road and fell into a pond . The cold weather had frozen the locks and windows on the van , trapping driver Kathy Van Steenvik . Gerdom took a tire iron and smashed the van 's passenger side window to free the driver . A second man , Brian Ford , held onto him with a rope while Gerdom descended into the pond . Each","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A man sees a 75-year-old man stuck on railroad tracks and pulls him to safety . An off-duty emergency worker pulls a woman from a van after it crashes into an icy pond . An NBA star saves a woman from drowning . A postal worker helps a mother whose baby is unconscious . A father goes into a house engulfed in flames to save two of his children , then returns to save the family 's pet . These are examples of everyday people who , when confronted with a life-or-death situation , jumped in to do what they could -- and became rescuers and heroes . CNN.com takes a look at some of the stories of heroic acts that happened throughout the country in the past 12 months . Do you know someone who 's an everyday hero ? Tell us about them on CNN iReport NBA player saves woman from drowning Dont\u00e9 Greene is used to being looked up to . He is a 6-foot-11 player for the Sacramento Kings of the NBA . But on Memorial Day he became a lifesaver . Greene and some friends were on a boat in the"} +{"answer":"may have come at a terrible human and environmental cost . Although the social and ethical issues associated with conflict diamonds were the impetus at the core of the DIAZ philosophy , the serious environmental impacts of the diamond industry could not be ignored . There 's an undeniable link between the degradation of our global environment and consumer culture . The trouble is that these days , things are so nicely packaged , presented and displayed that we hardly ever question how the raw materials used to produce the goods are extracted and processed . We rarely think of how it all affects the environment and humankind . It 's impossible to assess exactly how much devastation one single diamond could have caused before it was cut , polished , set and sold at a high-end retailer . It 's hard to imagine what a diamond mine looks like by looking at the `` stunning sparklers '' that are neatly displayed in shop windows . Somewhere along the way it became irrelevant to question the true cost of the stones . Diamond mining practices are not without huge ecological impacts . Whether extracted from a large-scale diamond mine using","question":"During CNN 's `` Going Green : Green Light for Business '' coverage , we 've asked businesses to tell us how they balance the imperative for profit with environmental concerns . First up is the co-founder of Hong Kong-based DIAZ Fine Jewelry , Salina Khan Fuchigami , whose business packages cubic zirconia diamonds in an environmental wrapping . Growing up surrounded by generations of jewelry wearing tradition , I was drawn to the brilliance and transparency of diamonds from an early age . Later , it was the fact that diamonds are a unique resource , evoking beauty and eternal love that lead me to found DIAZ Fine Jewelry . Salina Khan Fuchigami co-founded DIAZ Fine Jewelry with her husband Takashi . However , as I began to learn beyond the basics and beauty of diamonds , I began to discover the many environmental and ethical issues related to them . And the once simple wish to create a line of exquisite diamond jewelry grew into a mission -- to create an ecologically and ethically correct jewelry brand . I was one of many who were understandably concerned to learn that jewelry they had as a symbol of love"} +{"answer":"well become the English Premier League 's highest paid player . Shinawatra , who sent previous manager Sven-Goran Eriksson packing at the end of last season , despite a marked upturn in the team 's fortunes , said last week : `` Ronaldinho - you know , he is a great player . Whatever the club in your heart , you would want to see this player in England , would n't you ? `` It is not a risk . Sponsors will contribute . It will not damage our wage structure . '' New manager Hughes knows that he will be expected to produce instant results . Shinawatra said : `` I am 59 next birthday , so I am not a man who can wait for many years to see my dreams come true . '' Ronaldinho had a poor season in Spain but City 's owner said : `` Ronaldinho is 28 . He has much still to offer , he is a star . You need a combination of new players , existing players , quality , young and old . `` I admit also you need a player who is more than just winning the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Manchester City have sent representatives to Brazil in the hope of persuading Ronaldinho to sign for them . A move to City could make Ronaldinho the Premier League 's highest paid player . City chairman Garry Cook told BBC Radio Five Live on Sunday that Ronaldinho 's Spanish club Barcelona had given City permission to speak to the player about a move to Eastlands . `` We have people in Brazil , '' said Cook . `` We are nowhere near completing a deal It 's a tenuous stage and I do n't want to give too much away , but Barcelona gave us clearance to talk to him . `` Ronaldinho wants to show that he is one of the greatest footballers in the world . The Manchester City fans would love to see him kick off the new season with us and I am holding out hope on that happening . '' City owner Shinawatra Thaksin is thought to be ready to provide # 50 million -LRB- $ 98.47 million -RRB- for new manager Mark Hughes to sign players , with around $ 29.5 million set aside to bring in Ronaldinho , who could"} +{"answer":"on the riverbank and saw dozens of people lying dazed on an expansive deck . They were in the middle of the Mississippi River , which was churning fast , and he had no way of getting to them . He went to the north side , where there was easier access to people . Ambulances were also having a hard time driving down to the river to get closer to the scene . Working feverishly , volunteers , EMTs and other officials managed to get 55 people into ambulances in less than two hours . Occasionally , a pickup truck with a medic inside would drive to get an injured person and bring him back up even ground , Hink told CNN . The rescue effort was controlled and organized , he said ; the opposite of the lightning-quick collapse . `` I could see the whole bridge as it was going down , as it was falling , '' Babineau said . `` It just gave a rumble real quick , and it all just gave way , and it just fell completely , all the way to the ground . And there was dust everywhere and it","question":"MINNEAPOLIS , Minnesota -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Drivers who were on the Minneapolis bridge when it collapsed told harrowing tales of survival . `` The whole bridge from one side of the Mississippi to the other just completely gave way , fell all the way down , '' survivor Gary Babineau told CNN . `` I probably had a 30 - , 35-foot free fall . And there 's cars in the water , there 's cars on fire . The whole bridge is down . '' He said his back was injured but he determined he could move around . `` I realized there was a school bus right next to me , and me and a couple of other guys went over and started lifting the kids off the bridge . They were yelling , screaming , bleeding . I think there were some broken bones . '' Watch a driver describe his narrow escape '' At home when he heard about the disaster , Dr. John Hink , an emergency room physician , jumped into his car and rushed to the scene in 15 minutes . He arrived at the south side of the bridge , stood"} +{"answer":"New York , home last summer , she loved the spaciousness she never had in an apartment . `` It was bigger than what I had lived in , '' she said . Brown was also won over by the neighborhood , with its tidy homes and good schools . `` I wanted to come here , and I wanted to see my kids graduate from this school district . '' The bad news came just seven months after she moved in . A real estate broker came to the door and handed her an eviction notice , telling her she had to vacate . `` I was hysterical . I was like , ` What do you mean ? ' '' Watch Lisa Brown talk about why she has to move '' The broker explained that the landlord no longer owned the property and the lease was no longer valid . Brown had no idea the house was in foreclosure . As a tenant , she always paid her rent on time , and she assumed the mortgage was being paid . `` I did n't see there was a problem , '' she said . `` You know","question":"ROOSEVELT , New York -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Lisa Brown was caught off-guard by the offers of help that came from strangers . Lisa Brown has to move out of her rental house because it fell into foreclosure and was sold at auction . `` I 'm overwhelmed , '' she said . `` People helping people in these tough times . I never meant to solicit any help . This is incredible , really . '' Brown and her three daughters ca n't escape eviction . The family is being kicked out of a rental house because her landlord defaulted on the mortgage and the home fell into foreclosure . The house was sold at auction , and they have to move out by May 1 . She did n't seek financial help , but it came anyway . An executive from Texas named Kelvin who saw Brown 's story on CNN.com was moved by her `` unfortunate situation '' and wanted to help . He sent a check for $ 400 . A New York man named Dave offered financial help as well as aid planning for the future . When Brown moved into the Long Island ,"} +{"answer":"Police responding to a report of an armed carjacking about 3:25 a.m. Tuesday found Privott with a head injury , according to probable cause statements accompanying charges , filed in the District Court of Maryland for Baltimore City . Privott told police he was loading his Chevy Tahoe after fishing in the nearby Patapsco River when three or four white males approached him and began to kick and punch him , knocking him to the ground while using racial epithets , according to the statements . One of the men struck him with a baseball bat , Privott said . While he was on the ground , the men stole his wallet , which contained $ 19 , as well as the keys to his vehicle , he told police . The men left in the Tahoe , the statements said . Privott was taken to a hospital and later was transferred to the University of Maryland Hospital 's shock trauma center because of his head injuries . Doctors told police he had a possible fractured eye orbital bone and had sustained serious head trauma , according to the court documents . Privott remained in critical condition , but was","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Authorities have charged two teenagers and an adult in connection with the beating of a 76-year-old African-American man early Tuesday in Baltimore , Maryland , in an incident police say had a racial connection . From left , Emmanuel Miller , 16 , and Zachary Watson , 17 are charged as adults in the alleged beating . Emmanuel Miller , 16 , and Zachary Watson , 17 are charged as adults , police said . They and Calvin Lockner , 28 , face numerous charges in the alleged beating of James Privott , including attempted murder , assault and harassing a person because of race or religion , according to court documents . Lockner is a white supremacist with the nickname `` Hitler , '' Baltimore police spokesman Anthony Gugliemi told CNN . Baltimore Police Commissioner Fred Bealefeld told reporters some of Lockner 's tattoos seem to indicate his affiliation with racist groups such as the Aryan Brotherhood , according to audio comments posted on the Web site of CNN affiliate WBAL . There is no evidence the teenagers were affiliated with any white supremacist groups , Gugliemi said , but the two knew Lockner ."} +{"answer":"not seen them . I do n't know that they exist , '' Holder said . When Holder said he does n't control all of the documents , Wolf complained Holder was trying to duck responsibility `` just because the documents might be in a different building . '' `` It is certainly the intention of this administration not to play hide and seek , or not to release certain things , '' Holder replied . `` It is not our intention to try to advance a political agenda or to try to hide things from the American people , '' he said . As Republican lawmakers complained about the administration 's release of four documents last week that had authorized waterboarding and other controversial methods , Democrats praised the release . Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey , D-Wisconsin , said torture is illegal and those responsible for its use have to be held personally accountable . Representatives of liberal organizations including MoveOn.org , Democrats.com and the American Civil Liberties Union were in the hearing room seeking to cajole Holder and other administration officials to appoint a special prosecutor to press charges against Bush administration officials . `` The Justice","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Attorney General Eric Holder was decidedly noncommittal Thursday as he was buffeted on Capitol Hill by alternating demands to release -- or not -- more secret documents related to alleged torture , and to prosecute -- or not -- Bush administration officials who wrote and approved those documents . Attorney General Eric Holder testifies before a U.S. House subcommittee on Thursday . Holder was scheduled to appear before a House committee to discuss the Justice Department budget , but lawmakers threw away the script and overwhelmed him with pointed questions about the memos and accountability for the interrogation policies . The toughest exchanges were with the top Republican in the session , Rep. Frank Wolf of Virginia . Wolf insisted Holder provide still-secret documents which former Vice President Dick Cheney says detail valuable intelligence gained from the use of the harsh techniques against captured suspected terrorists . `` You have an obligation to release the rest of the memos , '' Wolf demanded . But Holder said he had no knowledge of documents that might contain the information to which Cheney referred . `` I 'm not familiar with those memos . I frankly have"} +{"answer":"United States based on `` credible fear '' has gone up every year since 2003 , even as the overall number of `` credible fear '' asylum cases remains steady . In 2003 , the USCIS reported 54 asylum cases from Mexican citizens . In 2008 , that number reached 312 . But asylum requests based on fear of violence are n't easy cases to make . Last year , the United States approved less than half of those cases . `` Whether they 're fleeing extortionists or potential kidnappers or they 're leaving because of the drug cartels , it tells you there are definitely problems in Mexico right now , '' said El Paso Mayor John Cook . Those seeking asylum come from every walk of life . There are journalists , entrepreneurs and even law enforcement officials , including three police chiefs . For Raymond Cobos , the sheriff in Luna County , New Mexico , this is the most disturbing revelation . Just across the Mexican border is a dusty , far-flung outpost called Palomas , a speck of a town that 's a popular path for drug trafficking and human smuggling . It 's also","question":"EL PASO , Texas -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The cell phone rang as Jorge Aguirre walked to a friend 's funeral in Juarez , Mexico , last November -- a funeral for a fellow journalist who , Aguirre says , was assassinated for the critical stories he wrote . Mexican federal police recently began patrolling Ciudad Juarez , just across the border from El Paso , Texas . When he answered the phone , Aguirre heard a profanity-laced threat . `` They told me I was next , '' Aguirre told CNN . `` I thought they were going to kill me right there . '' Aguirre immediately gathered up his family and darted across the border into El Paso , Texas . He has n't returned to Juarez since that day . Aguirre is seeking asylum in the United States , and he 's part of a growing trend among Mexican citizens looking to escape the violence and corruption of their homeland . Watch journalists met with death threats '' According to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services , an agency that falls under the Department of Homeland Security , the number of Mexican nationals requesting asylum in the"} +{"answer":"extent flu viruses spread through the air or whether infection requires physical contact with contaminated fluids or surfaces , '' a summary of the report says . It calls for `` a boost in research to answer these questions and to design and develop better protective equipment that would enhance workers ' comfort , safety and ability to do their jobs . '' `` Based on what we currently know about influenza , well-fitted N95 respirators offer health care workers the best protection against inhalation of viral particles , '' said committee chairman Kenneth Shine , executive vice chancellor for health affairs at the University of Texas in Austin . He is a former president of the institute . `` But there is a lot we still do n't know about these viruses , and it would be a mistake for anyone to rely on respirators alone as some sort of magic shield . '' Health care workers should use several strategies to guard against infection , such as innovative triage processes , washing hands , disinfecting , wearing gloves , getting vaccinated and using antiviral drugs , Shine said . The institute was asked specifically to evaluate personal protective","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An advisory panel is recommending a major step up in protection for health workers dealing with patients suspected or confirmed to have H1N1 influenza . One expert says that based on current knowledge , N95 respirators offer health workers the best protection . The Institute of Medicine said Thursday , in recommendations requested by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , that loose paper masks are inadequate because the workers could still breathe in the virus . Instead , health workers should switch to N95 respirators that form an airtight seal around the nose and mouth . If properly fitted and worn correctly , N95 respirators filter out at least 95 percent of particles as small as 0.3 micrometers , which is smaller than influenza viruses , the report notes . The institute provides independent , evidence-based advice to policymakers , health professionals , private entities and the public . It is one of four groups that make up the National Academies . The study released Thursday was requested by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration . `` Scientists do not know to what"} +{"answer":"injuries , according to Linwood Epps of the county 's emergency management agency . He said that the local Cain Elementary school was damaged , with part of its roof missing . The National Weather Service on Sunday gave the Mississippi tornado a preliminary rating of at least 3 on the Enhanced Fujita Scale of 0-5 , with wind speeds of up to 160 miles per hour and a preliminary path width of one and a half miles . Were you affected by the tornado ? Send in pics , video Ron Sullivan , a store owner in Choctaw County , said he was lucky to be alive after the storm hit around midday Saturday . `` They always talk about you hearing the train , '' Sullivan told CNN . `` There was no train . There was a bomb . '' He said two customers were walking toward the door of his store when the tornado struck and that `` when they opened the door , it hit and blew me back . '' `` The only thing that went through my mind were two things -- ` Please do n't let anything else fall on me '","question":"Yazoo City , Mississippi -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Rescue crews in Mississippi continued to search for survivors Sunday from a powerful tornado that ripped through the state a day earlier , killing 10 people , injuring dozens of others and leveling scores of homes . Two children and a 3-month-old baby were among the victims . Two sisters , 9 and 14 , were killed inside a mobile home , Choctaw County Coroner Keith Coleman told CNN . The tornado tore a path nearly a mile wide and decimated neighborhoods as it raked cities from the central western border with Louisiana northeastward to Alabama . It leveled a church , sheared roofs off houses , overturned cars , snapped down hundreds of trees and plunged large swaths of the state in darkness as it toppled power lines . The same storm system that unleashed Saturday 's twister delivered severe weather to other parts of the South on Sunday , with tornadoes hitting Alabama and South Carolina . On Sunday , a tornado in Darlington County in northern South Carolina overturned as many as four mobile homes and toppled trees and downed power lines . Three people were hospitalized with minor"} +{"answer":", part of the EU force , responded to the attack , which caused no casualties . The 200-meter MV Jolly Rosso continued its voyage . Pirate attacks off the coast of east Africa have significantly increased this year , according to the International Maritime Bureau , which monitors shipping crimes . But successful attacks have gone down as a result of a strong presence of international monitors . The first nine months of this year has seen more pirate attacks than all of last year , the bureau reported on Wednesday . From January 1 until September 30 , pirates worldwide mounted 306 attacks , compared with 293 in all of 2008 , it said . More than half of this year 's attacks were carried out by suspected Somali pirates off the east coast of Somalia and in the Gulf of Aden , a major shipping route between Yemen and Somalia . Out of those attacks , Somali pirates successfully hijacked 32 vessels and took 533 hostages . Eight others were wounded , four more killed and one is missing , the bureau said . On Monday , pirates hijacked a Chinese merchant ship and its 25-member crew","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Pirates seized control of a cargo vessel near the Seychelles Thursday , one of two attacks that took place within minutes of each other off the coast of east Africa , according to the European Union Naval Force . The International Maritime Bureau say attacks off the east coast of Africa have increased this year . The EU maritime patrol responded to the early morning attacks , along with the Seychelles Coast Guard . The crew of the Panama-flagged MV Al Khaliq said two pirates had boarded the vessel before communication was cut off with the crew . The EU force confirmed that six pirates have boarded the 180-meter long bulk carrier , with two attack skiffs in tow . They hoisted the `` mother skiff '' onto the vessel with a crane , the EU force said . A second attempted hijacking took place at approximately the same time , but the Italian-flagged cargo ship evaded the attack , the EU said . Armed with automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades , pirates opened fire on the MV Jolly Rosso about 460 miles -LRB- 740 km -RRB- east of Mombasa , Kenya . A Belgium warship"} +{"answer":"to play in the Champions League . `` For me , he is with Carlos -LSB- Tevez -RSB- , -LSB- Wayne -RSB- Rooney , -LSB- Lionel -RSB- Messi , -LSB- Zlatan -RSB- Ibrahimovic , -LSB- Cristiano -RSB- Ronaldo as the best in Europe . Fernando is a fantastic striker ; all the teams in Europe would like him . '' The City manager did admit a successful pursuit of Torres may only come about if the club can secure Champions League football next season : `` If we do n't get into the fourth position I think it will be difficult , '' he said . Liverpool were knocked out of Champions League in the group stages but have progressed to the semifinal of the Europa League against Atletico Madrid . They lost the first leg 1-0 in the Spanish capital on Thursday . After the game Benitez dismissed the possibility of Torres leaving the club . He told reporters : `` Torres is happy . The thing he 's thinking about now is being ready as soon as possible and that 's it . From the beginning , he 's said he 's been very happy at Anfield .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Liverpool manager Rafael Benitez insists Fernando Torres is happy at the English Premier League club after Manchester City were linked with a multi-million dollar bid for the Spain striker . Torres has scored 18 goals in 22 league games for Liverpool this season but will miss the rest of the campaign after having surgery on a knee injury , meaning the 26-year-old faces a race to be fit for Spain 's opening game in the World Cup against Switzerland on June 16 . City spent over $ 100 million in the transfer market before the start of this season and are currently battling for fourth spot in the league , which would guarantee a lucrative Champions League place . Liverpool , meanwhile , sit in seventh place and look set to miss out on qualification for the money-spinning tournament . It has led to speculation that Torres could be top of City 's wanted list once the season ends . City 's Italian manager Roberto Mancini told reporters : `` We are a top team and I think all the top teams are interested in Torres but sometimes it depends on the player because they want"} +{"answer":"hit by a railroad tie , `` is `` chilling '' and one of the most shocking things `` you can ever see , '' White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Wednesday . President Obama 's concern over the killing did n't provide additional comfort to the family , `` but I 'm glad that it 's out there so everyone can see it and they know that , yes , this is happening , '' Braxton said . `` This was vicious . How do you just come out and decide that you 're going to attack someone with a two-by-four ? '' Braxton said . She spoke to reporters together with area community and church leaders . `` Maybe this will wake up and shake up people , '' the Rev. Jesse Jackson said at the press conference , noting that three teens were killed in Chicago this week . Braxton said her message to the White House was simply , `` Do something . '' `` We need to get to our children , '' she said . `` Why are they so angry , so full of venom , that you would even consider doing something","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The family of a Chicago teenager whose beating death was caught on video hope that the attention the incident has garnered will spur healing locally , a relative said at a news conference Wednesday evening . Derrion Albert , 16 , was beaten to death last week . His death was captured on video . `` It should 've never happened , but it 's never too late , '' said Rose Braxton , great-aunt of 16-year-old Derrion Albert . `` It 's time for healing to start getting our communities together so this wo n't happen to anyone else 's child ever again . '' Four suspects have been charged with first-degree murder in the September 24 killing of Albert , and police say they are looking for three more people in connection with the beating captured on videotape . Prosecutors said that Albert , an honors student , was an innocent bystander who ended up in the middle of a street fight between two factions of students from Fenger High School . The incident caught the attention of the White House , too . The footage of the incident , which shows Albert being"} +{"answer":"materials by examining light they emit or absorb . Although the goal of the $ 79 million mission was to determine whether there is water on the moon , discoveries in other areas are expected as studies progress , Colaprete and other scientists said at the briefing at NASA 's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field near San Francisco , California . `` The discovery opens a new chapter in our understanding of the moon , '' the space agency said in a written statement shortly after the briefing began . Michael Wargo , chief lunar scientist at NASA headquarters in Washington , said the latest discovery also could unlock the mysteries of the solar system . He listed several options as sources for the water , including solar winds , comets , giant molecular clouds or even the moon itself through some kind of internal activity . The Earth also may have a role , Wargo said . `` If the water that was formed or deposited is billions of years old , these polar cold traps could hold a key to the history and evolution of the solar system , much as an ice core sample taken on","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- NASA said Friday it had discovered water on the moon , opening `` a new chapter '' that could allow for the development of a lunar space station . The discovery was announced by project scientist Anthony Colaprete at a midday news conference . `` I 'm here today to tell you that indeed , yes , we found water . And we did n't find just a little bit ; we found a significant amount '' -- about a dozen , two-gallon bucketfuls , he said , holding up several white plastic containers . The find is based on preliminary data collected when the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite , or LCROSS , intentionally crashed October 9 into the permanently shadowed region of Cabeus crater near the moon 's south pole . After the satellite struck , a rocket flew through the debris cloud , measuring the amount of water and providing a host of other data , Colaprete said . The project team concentrated on data from the satellite 's spectrometers , which provide the best information about the presence of water , Colaprete said . A spectrometer helps identify the composition of"} +{"answer":", and we made a promise to care for them after they serve . It is our job in the Department of Veterans Affairs to make sure that promise is kept . We at VA stand at a historic time with great opportunities to further our mission in caring for the nation 's 23.4 million veterans and their families . With the largest one-year percentage increase in VA 's budget in over three decades , President Obama has made it very clear that serving our nation 's veterans is a top priority in his administration . He wants to increase funding for VA by $ 25 billion above our current baseline over the next five years . He launched a new initiative to expand eligibility for veterans ' health care to as many as 500,000 Priority Group 8 Veterans who were previously denied care . And he wants us to invest in better technology to deliver services and benefits to veterans with the quality and efficiency they deserve . As commander in chief , President Obama has charged Secretary Eric Shinseki and all of VA 's leadership with a new mission : to transform VA into a 21st-century organization .","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In the Army you live by the Warrior Ethos , which states , `` I will always place the mission first . I will never quit . I will never accept defeat . I will never leave a fallen comrade behind . '' I am alive today because my helicopter crew lived by these words . When our aircraft was shot down in November 2004 , the injuries I sustained were devastating . The amount of blood I had lost in a matter of minutes was so vast that my crew thought I was dead . They could have left me in that dusty field in Iraq , but they did n't . Instead , they stood their ground in the face of approaching enemy , risked their lives , and carried me to safety . They did this regardless of whether I was dead or alive , because the American warrior does not leave a fallen comrade behind . My crew and all the men and women in the U.S. armed forces know what it means to be a part of something greater than themselves . They are America 's finest sons and daughters"} +{"answer":"and lost striker Luca Toni , the league 's top scorer last season , who limped off after 40 minutes to be replaced by Lukas Podolski . And another of Munich top attacking options from last season was substituted on 59 minutes when Klinsmann switched France midfielder Franck Ribery for Germany 's Tim Borowski . With Karlsruhe unable to create any chances and Bayern unable to convert theirs , it looked like the game was heading towards a 0-0 draw until Klose struck . But Klinsmann 's side will need to do much better against Fiorentina in Tuesday night 's Champions League game in Munich . Promoted Hoffenheim went top of the table with a flurry of late goals to seal a 5-2 victory at 10-man Hanover which put them level with Hamburg but leading the table on goal difference . Two goals from Hoffenheim 's Vedad Ibisevic led the charge and made the Bosnian and Herzegovina striker the league 's top scorer with nine so far this season . However , Hamburg have the chance to recapture top spot when they host Schalke on Sunday . Also on Saturday , Bayer Leverkusen moved up one place to third place","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Germany striker Miroslav Klose struck just four minutes from time to give Bundesliga champions Bayern Munich a 1-0 win at Karlsruhe -- their first victory in four league games . Klose scored a vital goal for Bayern as they claimed a 1-0 Bundesliga victory at Karlsruhe . Klose converted Massimo Oddo 's cross on 86 minutes to give Jurgen Klinsmann 's side three league points for the first time this month despite another unimpressive performance . Bayern last picked up three points in a Bundesliga game on September 13 when they hammered Cologne 3-0 . Since then the gloss on Jurgen Klinsmann 's first season in charge has faded badly after Werder Bremen hammered his side 5-2 at home on September 20 and then slumped to a 1-0 defeat at minnows Hanover the following week . Cries of `` Klinsmann out ! '' were first heard around Munich 's Allianz Arena in their previous league game on October 4 when a poor Bochum side were allowed to score two goals in the last 10 minutes to poach a 3-3 draw . Despite their first-half domination in Karlsruhe , Bayern could not break down the home defense"} +{"answer":"McCain 's top campaign officials refused to say how the senator from Arizona would vote on the plan because it is not yet clear what the final version will contain . At a campaign event Monday in Green Bay , Wisconsin , Obama laid out the reforms he would pursue as president to avoid another economic crisis . Watch Obama talk about the crisis on Wall Street '' First , Obama said that he would reform `` our special interest-driven politics . '' He said members of his administration would not be able to use their position as a steppingstone for lobbyist careers . Watch what Obama says about McCain 's role in the situation '' Obama said he would make the government `` open and transparent '' and put any bill that ends up on his desk online for five days before he signs it . Secondly , Obama said he would `` eliminate the waste and the fraud and abuse in our government . '' He pointed to fixing the health care system and ending the war in Iraq as ways to cut costs . Obama also said that he and his running mate , Sen. Joe Biden","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sen. Barack Obama on Monday blamed lobbyists , special interests and `` an ethic of irresponsibility '' in Washington for the financial crisis that has swept the country in recent weeks . Sen. Barack Obama said Monday there needs to be more oversight in Washington . The senator from Illinois sided with congressional Democrats , who say a government bailout of the financial sector must include government oversight . `` We can not give a blank check to Washington with no oversight and accountability , when no oversight and accountability is what got us into this mess in the first place , '' Obama said . President Bush 's top economic advisers this weekend presented a $ 700 billion plan to Congress to take control of `` illiquid assets , '' including bad mortgages . Bush urged Congress to pass the plan as is , but Democrats on the Hill already are circulating a counterproposal . Sen. John McCain , Obama 's Republican rival for the presidency , said Monday that the government 's proposal puts too much power into the hands of Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson . In a conference call Monday with reporters ,"} +{"answer":"the United States and around the world on Saturday . Protesters took to the streets again in Lower Manhattan earlier in the day . The group waved flags and banged drums , while keeping up an online presence that has helped spawn similar actions elsewhere . Others joined the demonstrations , yelling slogans of discontent over Wall Street influence , Beltway politics and their own seeming lack of opportunity amid U.S. unemployment levels that continue to hover above 9 % . `` Banks got bailed out , we got sold out , '' chanted protesters as they meandered east of the city 's Zuccotti Park , considered a home base for the Manhattan protesters . Columns of police on patrol and atop scooters monitored the march , but as dusk fell , it appeared largely peaceful . Earlier , an `` Occupy Wall Street '' spokesman said police made several arrests outside the LaGuardia Place Citibank in Lower Manhattan , after several protesters tried to enter the bank to withdraw cash and close their accounts . Police , meanwhile , said they made 24 arrests after protesters refused to comply with a bank manager 's request for them to leave","question":"New York -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Protesters upset about corporate greed rallied in New York 's Times Square Saturday night , marking the 29th day of a movement that is tapping into popular frustrations about income disparities and an ailing U.S. economy . People hoisted signs in the iconic square and chanted . At one point , police began clearing a part of the street when a van pulled up and officers began making arrests . Police said they had given the crowd several warnings to disperse . Forty-two people were arrested in Times Square , bringing the total number of protesters arrested in New York City on Saturday to 70 , according to Deputy Police Commissioner Paul Browne . Two police officers were injured in the Times Square confrontation and sent to a hospital for treatment , he said . Other people were arrested during the day for pulling down barriers and five were arrested for wearing masks , Browne said . As police cleared the street , protesters chanted , `` We are peaceful protesters '' and `` The whole world is watching . '' The demonstration in Times Square was one of several that took place in"} +{"answer":"the patient 's history , motivation and ability to understand the risks of the transplant . And they found Culp to be an ideal candidate . Five years after a gun blast shattered her nose , cheeks and upper lip , she had a band of scar tissue extending across her face . `` The most devastating of all was the fact that society had rejected her and children were afraid of her , '' said Siemionow , who led the December 10 transplant operation . See before and after photos of Culp '' Culp , a mother of two and a grandmother , told her doctors she could understand that some adults would shun her . `` But what really bothered her the most were children -- the children that shied away from her , '' said Dr. Frank Papay , the chairman of Institute of Dermatology and Plastic Surgery at the Cleveland Clinic . `` That sense of innocence , and her not being able to see that innocence really , really affected her . '' The shooting In September 2004 , Culp 's estranged husband shot her in the face in an attempted murder-suicide outside a restaurant","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Doctors chose a woman who survived a shotgun wound to her face as the first recipient of a face transplant after treating her for nearly four years . This image projects what Connie Culp , 46 , may look like two years after the face transplant . Connie Culp knew of the Cleveland Clinic 's interest in face transplants and approached the medical staff , doctors said at a news conference Tuesday . Dr. Maria Siemionow , the Cleveland , Ohio , hospital 's director of plastic surgery research and head of microsurgery training , had more than 20 years of experience in complex transplants . By 2004 , Siemionow was looking for the right candidate for a face transplant who was n't doing it for vanity . `` They are not looking to go out on the street and be beautiful , '' Siemionow told CNN in a 2006 interview . `` Some of these patients , when they were interviewed just said ' I want to walk on the street and just make sure I am not sticking out . ' They just want to have a normal face . '' The doctors examined"} +{"answer":"two weeks later was detained by Iranian authorities , after the recipient of the money was arrested on charges of association with an anti-regime group called Tondar . The group , which seeks to restore the monarchy in Iran , claimed responsibility for the April 12 , 2008 , bombing of the Hosseynieh Seyed al-Shohada mosque in the city of Shiraz . Prosper declined to name the man , who he said has since been tried and convicted . Taghavi has a rag-to-riches story , his 36-year old daughter , Leila Taghavi , told CNN . He brought his family to the United States in 1979 , before the revolution , and stayed on in California to keep his family safe . Leila Taghavi said her father taught himself English , started a video game company in his garage and grew it into a successful corporation , which he handed over to his son when he retired 10 years ago . `` His life was the American dream , '' Leila said . `` He learned everything the hard way , sacrificed for his children and taught us to be grateful for the good things . He is wonderful ,","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An American lawyer has been holding secret negotiations with Iran for the release of an Iranian-American being detained for two years . Reza Taghavi , a retired businessman from Orange County , California , has been held in Iran 's notorious Evin prison since his arrest in May 2008 without ever being charged , his lawyer said . Los Angeles-based attorney Pierre Prosper told CNN he has been talking to the Iranian government since September 2009 and traveled to Tehran in December to seek the release of Taghavi , a retired businessman accused of supporting an anti-regime group . Taghavi , 71 , traveled frequently to Iran to visit family and friends without incident , according to Prosper . In April 2008 , he went to Tehran with his wife . Before he left , he was asked by an acquaintance in Los Angeles to take $ 200 for a friend in Tehran `` who was down on his luck . '' Los Angeles has a large Persian community . Taghavi did not know the individual to whom he was asked to deliver the money , Prosper said . He handed over the money and"} +{"answer":"would have ultimately made any difference , '' said former shuttle program manager Wayne Hale , now a deputy NASA administrator . The graphic , 400-page investigative report relied on video , recovered debris and medical findings , supplemented with computer modeling and analyses . It also includes many recommendations to make space travel safer for future astronauts . A shuttle-program source told CNN the families of the astronauts who died were brought in specifically to look at the report and even in some cases to help with its preparation . The report took more than five years to complete . `` The members of this team have done an outstanding job under difficult and personal circumstances , '' said Johnson Space Center director Michael L. Coats . `` Their work will ensure that the legacy of Columbia and her heroic crew continues to be the improved safety of future human spaceflights worldwide . '' Columbia broke apart some 200,000 feet over Texas -- just minutes before it was to have touched down in Florida . The shuttle 's wing was damaged on takeoff when a large piece of heat-reflecting foam ripped off and gouged a hole in it .","question":"MIAMI , Florida -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A NASA report on the last minutes of Space Shuttle Columbia cited problems with the crew 's helmets , spacesuits and restraints , which resulted in `` lethal trauma '' to the seven astronauts aboard . Columbia crew members were killed when the shuttle broke apart upon re-entering Earth 's atmosphere . But the report also acknowledged that `` the breakup of the crew module ... was not survivable by any currently existing capability . '' The spacecraft broke up while re-entering Earth 's atmosphere near the end of its mission on February 1 , 2003 . The NASA report found the astronauts knew for about 40 seconds that they did not have control of the shuttle before they likely were knocked unconscious as Columbia broke apart around them . Watch more details from the report '' The report also found that while crew members were wearing their pressurized suits , one astronaut did not have on a helmet , three were not wearing gloves and none lowered the visors before the module lost cabin pressure . One astronaut also was not seated . `` In this accident , none of those actions"} +{"answer":"900,000 to fight the insurance industry over the referendum . `` Insurance companies have figured out that they can make more money if they do n't pay your claim , '' said Washington state Rep. Steve Kirby . Kirby and his fellow Washington state lawmakers heard so many complaints from policy holders who believed insurers were n't treating them fairly that earlier this year they passed a law called `` The Fair Conduct Act . '' Hearings were held , the bill was revised -- even watered down , according to Kirby -- and both the House and Senate passed it . The governor readily signed it . But the very next day a coalition , funded primarily by insurance companies , moved in to stop the law from going into effect by filing petitions for a voter referendum on the law . Representatives of the insurance industry say the law will raise premiums and that the system is working fine as it is . The law , they said , will only make things worse , and they want voters to have the final say . `` The insurance companies stepped in and said , ` Consumers , you","question":"SEATTLE , Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Across the country , insurance companies , trial lawyers and legislators are closely watching a November referendum in the state of Washington that could change how insurers are required to treat their customers . Insurance companies are using the referendum process to try to strike down a new law in Washington state . Insurance giants like Allstate , State Farm , Safeco and Farmers have poured more than $ 8 million into the referendum battle . Their goal is to convince voters to reject a law passed earlier this year that could force insurers to pay up to triple damages and lawyer fees if they fail to pay a legitimate claim and then lose in court . A `` yes '' vote on the referendum allows the law to go into effect while a `` no '' vote strikes the law down . Supporters of the law say it forces insurance companies to pay legitimate claims in a timely and fair fashion and frees the courts from relatively minor cases that clog the system for months and even years . One supporter , the Washington Trial Lawyers Association , has raised almost $"} +{"answer":"Sanford , who filed for divorce in December , said the divorce could be final as early as the end of this month . She said she found out about the affair in January 2009 when she discovered a letter her husband had written to his mistress . `` It was awful , '' she said . `` I literally was in shock . My stomach felt gut-punched . '' She said there had been warning signs , but she `` never expected anything like this . '' `` I felt in some respects that we had lost something that we would never get back , '' even as she initially considered staying with him , she said . `` Nobody takes a 20-year marriage and decides in -LSB- a -RSB- snap minute to throw it away , '' she said . `` I came to the decision very prayerfully and carefully over a number of months . '' Sanford , 47 , moved out of the governor 's mansion with their four boys in June . She has said through the entire ordeal that her priority is her children . `` The kids are resilient , and we 're","question":"New York -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- South Carolina 's first lady , Jenny Sanford , said Monday that writing her much-anticipated memoir of her husband 's affair was a `` cathartic '' and `` cleansing '' experience . In an interview on CNN 's `` Larry King Live , '' Sanford called `` Staying True '' -- which hit bookstores Friday -- `` an honest account of the values I hold dear . '' It was her husband Gov. Mark Sanford 's loss of values that she blames on his much-publicized affair with an Argentine woman that was exposed by reporters after he disappeared for several days last summer . Staffers said he was hiking the Appalachian Trail , but he later admitted he was actually visiting his mistress in Argentina . `` It saddens me because I believed in him and a number of people believed in him , '' Jenny Sanford said Monday . `` I still believe he was a good person . ... Somewhere along the lines , he got off track , '' she said . `` He can get back on track , but it 's too late for the marriage . '' Jenny"} +{"answer":"cool '' does not begin to describe it . First , Brian Cracciola showed us around Livermore 's High Explosives Applications Facility , where he is the operations manager . At HEAF , scientists conduct up to 1,000 explosions a year and heat up explosives to react to thermal changes . He walked us into a tank that can blow up 22 pounds of explosives . `` When and if the president ever has to push that button , we need to know that the weapons will work , '' Cracciola said . `` And as we scale down the nuclear weapons , we are working to make them much safer and much more reliable . '' Bruce Goodwin , who runs the weapons program at Livermore , explained that high-explosive molecule testing is even more extensive than the traditional testing done before 1992 , when a nuclear test involved blowing up a nuclear weapon . `` There are hundreds of ways a nuclear device can fail , '' Goodwin told us `` We catalogue those and we test against them in a non-nuclear fashion . And , more importantly , we can do complete three-dimensional simulations of things that","question":"Livermore , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The new START arms control agreement with Russia calls for the United States to significantly reduce its nuclear stockpile , but critics are rightly asking whether this will leave the U.S. safe . They say the U.S. must maintain a healthy nuclear deterrent , even as it works toward President Obama 's goal of a world free of nuclear weapons . That leaves questions about the quality of the nuclear weapons the U.S. will keep in its arsenal , which are aging . Are they safe ? Are they reliable ? And , given that the United States stopped testing nuclear weapons by blowing them up -- both above and below ground -- 18 years ago , how will we know ? Those are some of the questions that CNN 's Foreign Affairs Correspondent Jill Dougherty and I sought to answer when we flew to Northern California for an exclusive tour of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory . At Livermore , it is all about virtual testing . Scientists actually generate the conditions of a nuclear weapon to analyze the nuclear stockpiles to make sure they are functioning correctly . The word ``"} +{"answer":". `` He 's doing well . '' Such growth is a testament to the dedicated care Siku is receiving . For the first three weeks , Vigh-Larsen fed the cub every two hours -- and still feeds him every three hours , meaning the keeper gets little sleep . In the new year , two other wildlife keepers will start to care for him , too , in shifts , making sure the cub is never alone during the first 12 months of his life . Siku 's popularity comes at a time when concern over the plight of polar bears is at an peak . Corporate giant Coca-Cola recently launched a campaign in conjunction with the World Wildlife Fund to raise awareness about the threat of climate change to polar bears ' Arctic habitat . And Vigh-Larsen is determined Siku -- whose name means `` sea ice '' in Greenlandic , an Eskimo language spoken in Greenland -- will thrive so he can play a role in highlighting the risk . Polar bears rely on sea ice in the Arctic to hunt . `` Siku is going to be an ambassador for polar bears , for global warming","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- What 's white and black , and has people fawning all over ? Meet Siku , a polar bear cub born in captivity in Denmark . The cute cub is being reared by handlers at the Scandinavian Wildlife Park because his mother is n't producing the milk to feed him . Since his birth last month , Siku has become a Web star . He has his own page on the park 's website and he 's even on Facebook . Park director Frank Vigh-Larsen says he 's stunned by the cub 's rapid transformation into an Internet sensation . Video footage posted on YouTube of Siku bottle-feeding , rolling around and snoozing has been viewed more than 2 million times in six days , he told CNN , and the cub gained thousands of friends on Facebook within the space of a few hours . As of Wednesday , at 36 days old , Siku has just opened his eyes and weighs in at 4.2 kilograms -LRB- 9.2 pounds -RRB- , more than five times his initial weight , his handler said . `` He 's just a little solid cannonball , '' Vigh-Larsen said"} +{"answer":"fish , '' said Derosier , manager at Taylor Creek Fly Shop in Aspen , Colorado . `` You basically just want to go fishing -- the numbers , the size , it does n't matter any more . '' Obama is in the `` big fish '' stage of his presidency : He 's trying to get health-care reform legislation passed hook , line , and sinker . If he 's successful , anything else he gets passed will be icing on the cake . Learning the fundamentals of fly-fishing can serve as a metaphor for health care reform . Obama just needs to look at hooking and landing Blue Dog Democrats and Republicans like he would trout . The first step -- learn how to cast . `` Fly-casting is all about maximizing the energy you put in your rod and you lose energy if you wait too long , '' Derosier said . `` And conversely , if you do n't wait long enough , your line will crack like a whip . '' Obama has to strike the right balance between rushing things through and losing momentum ; and maintaining support while bringing others over to","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- After a town hall meeting on health-care reform in Belgrade , Montana , President Obama will escape to Big Sky country on Friday evening where he 'll spend time with family and go fly-fishing for the first time . White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel carries fly-fishing tackle to Marine One on Friday . Fly-fishing requires a singular focus , much like golf . Having newly discovered the sport myself , it occurred to me as I watched Marine One lift off the South Lawn on Friday that there are probably some lessons on the river that could apply to Obama 's presidency . Thinking like a producer , I called an expert -- fly-fishing instructor Tony Derosier , who described the evolution most fishermen go through . `` Usually , when you first go fishing , all you want to do is catch a fish , and then all you want to do is catch a lot of fish , and then you just want to catch the larger fish . After you 've caught a lot of large fish , you kind of go back to square one and catch just one"} +{"answer":"writer had so much to say , he seemed to be trying to channel a raging waterfall through the tiny funnels of two short stories . His use of punctuation was idiosyncratic , to say the least . And the applicant was a priest ! Would the other students be willing to share their stories , rife as these tend to be with profanity , drugs and sex , if a clergyman was in the room ? And would this particular clergyman understand what all great religious writers know -- that true literature does n't spring from one 's certainties about the universe , but rather from one 's questions ? That said , how could our students be inhibited by a classmate who did n't hesitate to describe a 12-year-old Kenyan prostitute being paid by rich white tourists to perform sexual acts with their monkey ? As to the shapelessness of the applicant 's prose and the eccentricity of his punctuation , anyone with this writer 's gifts could be taught to structure his material and punctuate his characters ' speech correctly . If I still felt apprehensive about having a priest in my workshop , that anxiety vanished","question":"Ann Arbor , Michigan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Even among the hundreds of applications , this one stood out . Most applicants to creative writing programs submit stories about the angst of their suburban childhoods . This writer 's stories concerned the daily ordeals of a boy living with his family on the streets of Nairobi , Kenya , and the horrific plight of a Rwandan girl whose mother is Tutsi and father Hutu . Not only did the applicant have what writers call `` material , '' he was blessed with an uncanny ear for human speech and the poetry to describe his characters ' very unpoetic lives . I can still remember the young Kenyan boy watching his mother decant the glue she intends to sniff . The glue , the boy tells us , `` glowed warm and yellow in the dull light , '' and when his mother had poured enough , `` she cut the flow of the glue by tilting the tin up . The last stream of gum entering the bottle weakened and braided itself before tapering in midair like an icicle . '' Still , this applicant gave us pause . The"} +{"answer":"tricks I just mentioned , and a few additional ones -LRB- they all work -RRB- , but more than the first two films , it tweaks our desire to put a face on evil . The movie is a prequel , set in September 1988 , though it does n't exactly look like an '80s period piece . The spacious , high-ceilinged Carlsbad , California , tract home in which it takes place looks a lot like the one in the more contemporary `` Paranormal Activity 2 , '' with tastefully bland furniture that might have come out of the Raymour & Flanigan suburban-gothic collection . This time , the family consists of Dennis -LRB- Christopher Nicholas Smith , who 's like a skinny young Gary Dell ` Abate -RRB- , a wedding videographer who has banks of monitors and editing equipment in his home studio ; his big-haired sexy wife , Julie -LRB- Lauren Bittner -RRB- ; and her two preteen daughters from a previous marriage . They are Katie -LRB- Chloe Csengery -RRB- , who will grow up to be the Katie Featherstone character in the first film , and angel-faced Kristi -LRB- Jessica Tyler Brown -RRB- ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It would be no exaggeration to say that we spend the 89 minutes of `` Paranormal Activity 3 '' waiting -- taut with tension -- to see a face . Not just any face , mind you . A face of nightmare terror and shivery awe , one that will shoot a scary volt of revelation right through us . We 're never entirely sure if that face is going to arrive , but the anticipation is everything . The movie sets us up for it early on , with an amazing shock as a closet door is opened . Of course , we 're also waiting because , with two other `` Paranormal Activity '' films behind it , `` Paranormal Activity 3 '' implicitly understands that we 've been through enough tricks in these movies -- the doors that open and slam shut , the thuds and booms and scratchy skitters on the soundtrack , the kitchen utensils that fall with a crash , the spectral shapes that you can almost make out -- to now want to see something more . `` Paranormal Activity 3 '' features variations on every one of the"} +{"answer":"union contract stipulations , Gallo said she could not disclose the name of the teacher . Gallo said it was difficult to comprehend how a teacher could not `` understand that a class full of children are very offput by such a ` joke . ' `` He does n't see it as making a mockery or , worse , just total disrespect , '' Gallo said . `` Clearly , he was n't thinking . '' She said the matter is under disciplinary review and has been sent to Rhode Island State Police . State police have not returned phone calls seeking comment . The local teachers union condemned the act Thursday . `` Simply put , the teacher 's actions were wrong and can not be condoned under any circumstances , '' Jane Sessums , president of the Central Falls Teachers Union , said in a written statement . `` The teacher has apologized verbally to his students and has asked Superintendent Frances Gallo for permission to apologize to them in writing . He understands that his actions affect not just his students but all of us . There is no excuse for what he did . ''","question":"Central Falls , Rhode Island -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The teacher at an embattled Rhode Island school who displayed an effigy of President Obama in his classroom is under disciplinary review , according to the school superintendent . The Obama effigy was an apparent protest of the president 's support of mass firings of the school 's teachers . Its existence was first reported on CNN.com on Thursday . An Obama doll , about a foot tall , hung by its feet from a white board ; the doll held a sign that said , `` Fire Central Falls teachers . '' Superintendent Frances Gallo discovered the item late Monday at Central Falls High School after being asked about a rumor about an Obama doll hung by his feet in a classroom . Gallo took it upon herself to investigate and found the effigy Monday night . `` It was obviously imprudent on -LSB- the teacher 's -RSB- part , very ill-conceived and nothing to fool around with , '' Gallo said . Bold superintendent hated , loved The superintendent said the teacher was contrite when confronted but said it was `` a joke to him . '' Due to"} +{"answer":", discussed `` significant '' ice buildup on the aircraft 's windshield and wings before the crash , and icing has become a focus as a possible cause . Follow the plane 's path '' Chealander said the plane 's de-icing system was turned on 11 minutes after the flight left Newark , New Jersey , for Buffalo , and remained on for the entire flight . He said the pilots were told before departure from Newark that there was `` light to moderate icing '' in the Buffalo area but that no other pilots had reported problems with their landings at the Buffalo airport . `` It was really not a bad-weather day , and they chose to launch -LSB- from Newark -RSB- , '' Chealander said of the pilot and the first officer . The plane was on autopilot during its approach to the Buffalo airport , Chealander said . As to questions about whether the autopilot should have been turned off , Chealander said using it even in bad weather situations `` is normal . '' Watch Chealander discuss autopilot options '' `` You 're encouraged to use the autopilot to help you with the workloads of","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A commuter airliner that crashed Thursday in upstate New York , killing 50 people , underwent violent pitching and rolling seconds before impact , with passengers experiencing twice the normal force of gravity , a federal investigator said Sunday . Only a few pieces of the Continental Connection Dash 8 turboprop were recognizable after the crash . The plane 's final 800-foot fall took five seconds , Steve Chealander of the National Transportation Safety Board said . The aircraft crashed into a home in Clarence Center , New York , near Buffalo , on Thursday night , killing all 49 people aboard . A 61-year-old man in the house died also , but his wife and daughter survived . Final motions of the aircraft were so drastic that the plane 's autopilot automatically disengaged and warnings sounded , Chealander said , citing information from the plane 's flight data and cockpit voice recorders . Also , a `` stick-shaker '' device , which noisily vibrates an airplane 's controls to warn the pilot of imminent stall , kicked in , he said . The flight crew of Continental Connection Flight 3407 , operated by Colgan Air"} +{"answer":"people of Malawi and my friends around the world , '' she said . The judge who ruled against the adoption said she had `` a gripping temptation '' to approve it , but decided doing so would open doors to child trafficking , court records show . `` Anyone could come to Malawi and quickly arrange for an adoption that might have grave consequences on the very children that the law seeks to protect , '' Justice E.J. Chombo wrote in her ruling . The judge also said she thought the child was in good hands at an orphanage . Another Malawian judge approved Madonna 's adoption of David Banda in 2006 . Chombo 's ruling followed weeks of criticism by human-rights activists , who accused the mother of three of using her fame to circumvent a residency law for foreigners adopting in the southern African country . Save the Children UK had also urged Madonna to let the child be raised by her relatives in her home community . The denial was applauded by a coalition of Malawian nonprofits . `` Inter-country adoption is not the best way of providing protection to children . ... Supporting children from","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Madonna said she hopes the Malawian girl she wants to adopt and the boy she already adopted `` will one day return to Malawi and help the people of their country . '' A judge has rejected Madonna 's adoption application . A Malawian judge this month rejected the American pop star 's petition to adopt 3-year-old Chifundo `` Mercy '' James , but her lawyer has filed an appeal . `` I want to provide Mercy with a home , a loving family environment and the best education and health care possible , '' Madonna said in an e-mail to The Nation , a Malawian newspaper . `` And it 's my hope that she , like David , will one day return to Malawi and help the people of their country . '' Madonna 's statement , which her publicist provided to CNN , steered away from commenting on her legal battle . `` Though I have been advised that I can not publicly discuss the pending appeal regarding my desire to adopt Mercy , I do want to say how much I appreciate the level of support that I have received from the"} +{"answer":"power Tuesday evening , according to David Waters , the county Emergency Operations Center spokesman . A Brevard County tornado that hit about 1:45 p.m. damaged more than 50 homes , leaving nine uninhabitable , according to the emergency operations center . Three people suffered minor injuries , officials said . Fay 's maximum sustained winds remained near 65 mph , with higher gusts , forecasters said . A storm tracker in Moore Haven , near the west bank of Lake Okeechobee , reported winds up to 81 mph in the afternoon . `` Some fluctuations in intensity are likely this afternoon and tonight as Fay moves inland over Florida . Some strengthening is expected when Fay moves over the Atlantic Ocean on Wednesday , '' according to the hurricane center . The storm was earlier buffeting Lake Okeechobee with high winds as it moved north and northeast through Florida , leaving a trail of flooding , broken trees and power outages . At midday , the hurricane center issued two tornado warnings -- for St. Lucie and Indian River counties , and tornado watches were in effect for several areas , most of them ending at 4 p.m. .","question":"NAPLES , Florida -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- At least seven possible tornadoes were reported Tuesday in eastern Florida as Tropical Storm Fay battered parts of the state with high winds and heavy rain , the National Hurricane Center said . Fay tore through Barefoot Bay , Florida , south of Melbourne Tuesday . Fay could strengthen into a hurricane when it swings over Florida again Thursday , according to the center . `` This storm is going to be with us for a while , '' said Florida Gov. Charlie Crist . `` Looks like it could be a boomerang storm . '' A hurricane watch has been issued for Florida 's east coast , from north of Flagler Beach to Altamaha Sound . At 5 p.m. , the center of the storm was about 60 miles southwest of Melbourne , the hurricane center said . Fay was traveling north-northeast at 8 mph . Florida Power & Light reported more than 93,000 customers without power in 20 counties . Most of the outages -- 34,000 -- were in Collier County , where Fay came ashore earlier in the day . As many as 9,700 residents in Brevard County were without"} +{"answer":", Rumble persuaded the nervous , lanky driver from Georgia to work with authorities and tell everything he knew . Investigators were led to a sleepy pocket of Georgia with scenic mountain views where people wave to strangers from their cars and where some homes still fly the Confederate flag . Watch moonshine , marijuana and a family feud '' It 's the last place one might expect drugs from Mexico . But the demand for drugs is reaching even the most remote corners of America . Their story has all the intrigue of a classic Southern novel -- three generations of a family business on the wrong side of the law , complete with an old fashioned family feud . `` When they 're in that type of business , there 's a reckoning day -- and apparently this is it , '' said Benny Perry , the 78-year-old mayor of Trion , Georgia , one of the towns where the family was operating . Perry is a barrel-chested man and speaks in a welcoming Southern accent . `` I 'll say this , I was completely surprised , '' he said . `` I felt like we had","question":"TRION , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Dodge Neon sped down Interstate 40 in eastern Oklahoma , its occupants heading to Phoenix , Arizona , to buy a load of dope . It was May 2005 . The couple brought along methamphetamine , cocaine and marijuana to help pass the time on the long journey . Paul Faulkner , 83 , and his son , Michael Smith , were convicted in a drug smuggling ring in north Georgia . At that moment , Detective Rob Rumble had no clue that the traffic stop he was about to make would launch a years-long drug investigation stretching more than 2,000 miles , from the remote mountains of northwest Georgia all the way down to Mexico . The investigation showed how an 83-year-old grandfather adapted to the times , morphing from old school bootlegging to dealing Mexican dope . His son acted as the ringleader of the operation . His grandson was tied in too , authorities say . `` I 've seen it all . Nothing surprises me , '' said Rumble , a drug investigator for the district attorney 's office in east-central Oklahoma . After making that traffic stop"} +{"answer":"are usually hired only to smuggle drug loads across the border . It 's a short drive or walk that offers quick cash but can carry serious consequences . Watch how teens get drugs across the border '' Drug cartels `` just need someone who can legitimately cross the border , '' said Bill Molaski , the El Paso Port Director for U.S. Customs and Border Protection . As an American , Santos could freely cross the El Paso-Juarez border and not raise suspicion . At age 15 , Santos says , he met `` a guy '' at a party who introduced him to drug kingpins in Ciudad Juarez , Mexico . `` You start off as a driver , '' Santos said . `` People feel like they can trust you , then you move up to something bigger . '' Two weeks later , he got a $ 4,000 job offer to drive his first load of marijuana across a bridge into El Paso . It was the beginning of a four-year smuggling career . `` I ca n't say I was n't nervous , '' Santos said . `` You kind of project yourself into another","question":"EL PASO , Texas -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sitting in high school , math and history lessons never captured Danny Santos ' imagination . The drug-fueled streets of the Texas-Mexico border provided his education , and he was an excellent student . Danny Santos , 21 , works two part-time jobs and still does n't make as much as he did as a drug mule . Santos says he became one of the thousands of American and Mexican teenagers recruited into the dangerous world of drug smuggling . `` I did n't care . I had no conscience , '' Santos said at a boxing gym in El Paso , Texas . `` You 're young , and you 're na\u00efve , and you think it 's easy . '' Santos ' journey into the underworld of teenage drug smuggling offers a glimpse into how drug cartels lure teenagers into doing their dirty work . US . Customs and Border Protection officials in El Paso and San Diego report that in recent months , they 've seen a rise in the number of juvenile drug smugglers getting busted at border checkpoints . They 're often called mules . These teenagers"} +{"answer":"that the `` surge '' of 30,000 U.S. troops into Iraq was not the primary reason for the decline in violent attacks . `` It was the surge that provided more resources and a security context to support newly developed techniques and operations , '' Hadley wrote . Woodward , associate editor of the Washington Post , wrote that along with the surge and the new covert tactics , two other factors helped reduce the violence . Watch Bob Woodward explain the strategy '' One was the decision of militant cleric Muqtada al-Sadr to order a cease-fire by his Mehdi Army . The other was the `` Anbar Awakening '' movement that saw Sunni tribes aligning with U.S. troops to battle al Qaeda in Iraq . Woodward told Larry King that while there is a debate over how much credit the new secret operations should get for the drop in violence , he concluded it `` accounts for a good portion . '' `` I would somewhat compare it to the Manhattan Project in World War II , '' he said `` It 's a ski slope right down in a matter of months , cutting the violence in half","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The dramatic drop in violence in Iraq is due in large part to a secret program the U.S. military has used to kill terrorists , according to a new book by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Bob Woodward . Bob Woodward 's book , `` The War Within : Secret White House History 2006-2008 , '' came out Monday . The program -- which Woodward compares to the World War II era Manhattan Project that developed the atomic bomb -- must remain secret for now or it would `` get people killed , '' Woodward said Monday on CNN 's Larry King Live . `` It is a wonderful example of American ingenuity solving a problem in war , as we often have , '' Woodward said . In `` The War Within : Secret White House History 2006-2008 , '' Woodward disclosed the existence of secret operational capabilities developed by the military to locate , target and kill leaders of al Qaeda in Iraq and other insurgent leaders . National security adviser Stephen Hadley , in a written statement reacting to Woodward 's book , acknowledged the new strategy . Yet he disputed Woodward 's conclusion"} +{"answer":"at SeaWorld told CNN in February that after seizing her , the whale dove deep underwater . Brancheau 's body was recovered about 40 minutes later . Tilikum has been linked to two other deaths . He and two other whales were involved in the drowning of a trainer at a Victoria , British Columbia , marine park in 1991 . The trainer fell into the whale tank at the Sea Land Marine Park Victoria and was dragged underwater as park visitors watched . In 1999 , Tilikum was blamed for the death of a 27-year-old man whose body was found floating in a tank at SeaWorld , the apparent victim of a whale 's `` horseplay , '' authorities said then . The Orange County Sheriff 's Office said the man apparently hid in the park until after it closed , then climbed into the tank . Because of Tilikum 's history , as well as his size , trainers did not get into the water with him and specific procedures were in place for working with him , SeaWorld officials have said . Two days after Brancheau 's death , the head of SeaWorld said Tilikum `` is","question":"Orlando , Florida -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An autopsy report released Wednesday confirmed that a SeaWorld trainer killed after a 12,000-pound killer whale pulled her underwater died of drowning and traumatic injuries to her body , including her spine , ribs and head . Dawn Brancheau , 40 , was working with a whale named Tilikum in knee-deep water at SeaWorld in Orlando on February 24 when the animal grabbed her by the ponytail and pulled her underwater in front of shocked onlookers at the park 's Shamu Stadium . The autopsy report by the Orange County , Florida , medical examiner 's office says Brancheau 's spinal cord was severed , and she sustained fractures to her jawbone , ribs and to a cervical vertebra , in addition to the drowning . Rescuers were not immediately able to reach Brancheau because of the `` whale 's aggressive nature , '' the county sheriff 's office said . SeaWorld staff members recovered Brancheau after Tilikum was coaxed into a smaller pool and lifted out of the water by a large platform on the bottom of the smaller tank , authorities said . Video shows Tilikum performing before attack A source"} +{"answer":"Daniel H. Wilson , whose books like `` Where 's My Jet Pack ? '' and `` How to Survive a Robot Uprising '' explore the intersections between science fiction and real science . `` Clearly , there are not fully functional humanoid robots ... but there are a lot of components to telepresence that already exist . '' `` Surrogates '' director Jonathan Mostow , whose film credits include 2003 's `` Terminator 3 : Rise of the Machines , '' said he was drawn to the concept of surrogate robots as an extension of current technology . And , he said , as he met with scientists , he became convinced that something approaching the concept could one day be a reality . `` To me , it 's not even a question of the technology . Technology always catches up , '' he said . `` The question is , is some universal human urge being met by this invention ? It seems to me we have a fundamental human desire to be lazy , to sort of not have to do things in person and to do it remotely . `` That began with the telegraph","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Why leave home when you can send out a sexy , stylish robot version of yourself to do anything you tell it ? In `` Surrogates , '' lifelike robots take the place of humans in day-to-day life . That 's the world of `` Surrogates , '' a film starring Bruce Willis that opens Friday . Willis plays an FBI agent who investigates the first murder to occur in years in a world where no one worries about crime or pain , because their robots self-heal with a quick reboot . Far-fetched science fiction ? Sure . But scientists and the movie 's makers say the technology might not be as far away as most people think . Armies use remote-controlled robots to attack enemies and destroy land mines . Emerging technology for the disabled allows users to operate robotic limbs and control computer cursors without touching a keyboard . And emerging `` telepresence '' technology is letting people see , hear and , increasingly , walk , talk and gesture using human-sized robots a world away . `` There are a lot of real-world components to this , '' said robotics expert and author"} +{"answer":"in Ciudad Mier , just west of Reynosa . The daytime gun battle Tuesday reportedly resulted in the abduction of 10 municipal police officers . Video from the scene showed abandoned police sport utility vehicles with bullet holes and broken windows . Shattered glass covered the street against a backdrop of palm trees . A damaged red truck with the insignia CDG -- the Spanish acronym for the Gulf Cartel -- was shown being towed from the shooting scene . In Reynosa , residents told CNN on Thursday that banners purportedly placed throughout the city by the rival Los Zetas drug cartel announced there would be a gunfight at 8 p.m. Residents reported hearing gunshots as early as 7:30 p.m. . After Thursday night 's gunfire , officials say they confiscated 14 vehicles , 29 firearms , 10 hand grenades and more than 1,700 rounds of ammunition of various caliber . On a tour of the border cities , Tamaulipas Gov. Eugenio Hernandez Flores sought to reassure residents that the government is committed to controlling the mayhem . Violence throughout Mexico has exploded since President Felipe Calderon declared war on the drug cartels shortly after assuming office in December 2006","question":"Mexico City , Mexico -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Shootouts between drug suspects and the military in the Mexican northeastern border state of Tamaulipas have left seven dead and 11 wounded , the government reported . One of the dead and the 11 wounded were Mexican military who were ambushed while on patrol late Thursday night in the cities of Miguel Aleman , Mier and Valadeces , the Notimex news agency reported , citing the nation 's National Defense Department . The cities are along the U.S. border , near McAllen , Texas . The cities also are near Reynosa , Mexico , where the United States closed its consulate Thursday because of recent increased drug violence . The U.S. Consulate also issued a warning `` to advise U.S. citizens of recent gun battles in Reynosa , Mexico , and cities surrounding Reynosa in the last week . '' Thursday night 's firefights were the latest in a string of confrontations that some residents say have been going on for at least 10 days . Earlier this week , local news reports said , gunmen in as many as 20 vehicles clashed with members of the Mexican military and municipal police"} +{"answer":"the red carpet , though she picked her look the night before . InStyle.com : Top fashion and jewelry trends at the Emmys Minka Kelly Presenter Minka Kelly chose a navy Christian Dior gown , which featured lace sleeves and insets . Hairstylist Mark Townsend gave her a chic low side chignon , while makeup artist Matthew VanLeeuwen painted on perfect smoky eyes and a pink lip stain . Nina Dobrev Vampire Diaries beauty Nina Dobrev looked elegant in a strapless , form-fitting red Donna Karan gown , Neil Lane jewels , Brian Atwood stilettos and a Judith Leiber clutch . InStyle.com : Best hair and makeup at the Emmys Evan Rachel Wood `` I put it on and it immediately fit , '' the `` Mildred Pierce '' star said of her black sequin Elie Saab gown . `` I did n't have to do a thing to it . I have to give it back that 's the only unfortunate part . '' The outstanding supporting actress nominee completed her look with Fred Leighton jewels , Salvatore Ferragamo shoes and a Judith Leiber bag . Kerry Washington Presenter Kerry Washington wore a red beaded , strapless Zuhair Murad","question":"-LRB- InStyle.com -RRB- -- This year , the Emmy Awards come on the heels of New York Fashion Week . How does the red carpet measure up to the runway ? `` The Spring and Fall collections were all about loose shapes and subtle , restrained sensuality , '' says Hal Rubenstein , InStyle Fashion Director and author of the upcoming `` 100 Unforgettable Dresses . '' `` On the other end of the spectrum , 10 out of 10 celebrities we loved on the Emmy 's red carpet are wearing body conscious gowns . '' Sofia Vergara `` Modern Family 's '' Sofia Vergara struck a pose on the Emmys carpet in a curve-hugging scarlet Vera Wang creation , which she accessorized with stunning emerald earrings . `` The most exciting part of my outfit is my Colombian emeralds , '' the outstanding supporting actress in a comedy series nominee said of her ensemble . See all the best-dressed stars on the Emmys red carpet Julianna Margulies Nominee and presenter Julianna Margulies chose a strapless white Armani Priv\u00e9 couture gown featuring a jewel-dotted bodice . `` The Good Wife '' star admitted that it was n't easy getting to"} +{"answer":"held an emergency Cabinet meeting Saturday to assess the disaster and discuss recovery issues . He said the extent of the cyclone 's damage may be much worse because emergency relief had not been able to reach remote areas . The government has identified the 12 worst districts -- all of them located on the southern coast -- out of the 23 affected by the cyclone , Munaim said . See victims pick up the pieces after the storm '' The Bangladeshi air force , army and navy are working to provide shelter for the many people who have been displaced . Power is still out in much of the country but it is being restored . Watch how the cyclone spawns a large relief effort '' Vince Edwards , national director of the relief agency World Vision in Bangladesh , said the high wind speeds of Cyclone Sidr have laid waste to the all-important rice crop and caused a huge loss of livestock . He said 280,000 families have been rendered homeless by the cyclone , but many have been able to get shelter from family members . World Vision is deploying 135 staffers and 7,000 volunteers to provide","question":"DHAKA , Bangladesh -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- More than 1,700 people have died in Bangladesh after a devastating tropical cyclone ripped through the western coast of the country , and the toll is expected to rise , a government spokesman tells CNN . Families stand amid the wreckage caused by the cyclone Friday in southern Bangladesh . Brig. Gen. Qazi Abedus Samad , director of operations for the country 's armed forces , told CNN Saturday the toll had reached 1,723 , and the figure is expected to rise . As flood waters recede , aid workers say they expect to find scores more bodies when remote villages are finally reached and the counting is done . They face debris-blocked roads , no electricity and almost nonexistent communications . In addition to the dead , another 15,000 people have been injured . Thousands of people have been displaced and many are still missing . Cyclone Sidr , with sustained winds of at least 131 mph -LRB- 210 kph -RRB- , made landfall Thursday night along the western coast of Bangladesh near the border with India , unleashing floodwaters . Government spokesman Fahim Munaim told CNN by telephone that the government"} +{"answer":", which is taking place in London , must decide whether the deaths of Diana and Dodi on August 31 , 1997 was an accident or murder . It is expected to be a six-month process . Al Fayed says Diana and his son were murdered because the British royal family `` could not accept that an Egyptian Muslim could eventually be step-father to the future king of England , '' referring to Prince William , the son of Diana and her former husband , Prince Charles . The elaborate efforts of Diana and Dodi to give the paparazzi the slip in the minutes before the tragedy in the Pont de l'Alma tunnel were also shown in a new video . Jurors were shown second-by-second security footage of the couple 's efforts to escape the Ritz Hotel undetected . The images show how security staff choreographed a decoy exit in an effort to distract a swelling pack of press photographers and onlookers . But even as Diana and Dodi are led through the bowels of the hotel and out through a service doorway , paparazzi lie in wait . The security footage shows Diana , Dodi 's arm around her","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The driver of the limousine in which Princess Diana and her lover Dodi Fayed were killed spent time in a bar shortly before the 1997 Paris crash , a jury at an inquest into her death has heard . But the jury also watched video from security cameras at the Ritz that gives no outward sign that Henri Paul was drunk when the Mercedes he was driving crashed in an underpass while being chased by paparazzi , as both French and British police have concluded . Paul is seen squatting in the lobby of the hotel to tie his shoe laces , shifting his weight from one foot to another and rising steadily . He is also shown bounding up stairs two at a time . The jury has already heard that Paul ordered two Ricards - an aniseed spirit - that night after arriving at the hotel . The father of the princess 's lover Dodi Fayed , Ritz owner Mohamed al Fayed , says Paul was not drunk and that the samples were switched after the tragedy . Watch footage of Diana 's last hours '' The purpose of the inquest"} +{"answer":"Indeed , despite a library of books by and about pitchers -LRB- Jim Bouton 's `` Ball Four , '' Jim Brosnan 's `` The Long Season , '' Christy Mathewson 's `` Pitching in a Pinch '' -RRB- , Darling said he believes that people still do n't understand what it takes to stand on that mound . `` Within baseball circles there is a common baseball axiom , ` If pitchers were n't so stupid , hitters would never get a hit , ' '' he said in an e-mail . `` Of course , I knew this was a fallacy so I decided to write about the travails of major league pitchers . Throwing a ball 95 mph to tin cup-sized quadrants sounds pretty difficult to me , and I wanted to express this to the reader . '' Umpires , on the other hand , rarely get written about at all -- in fact , they 're often treated as less than human . -LRB- `` The owners basically see them like bases , '' former baseball Commissioner Fay Vincent told Weber . `` They say , ` We need a base ; we need an","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- No play can begin in a baseball game until the pitcher throws the ball . And no play can conclude until the umpire makes the call . `` We 're not just robots they send out there , '' umpire Tim McClelland -LRB- 2nd from L -RRB- told author Bruce Weber . Yet these figures -- the man on the mound and the men who stand in judgment -- are vastly different in importance to the average fan . There are countless children who dream of becoming a major-league pitcher . He is , literally , the king of the hill . Umpires ? Almost nobody dreams of becoming an umpire . And yet the positions share a number of similarities , according to two new books : `` As They See 'Em '' -LRB- Scribner -RRB- , by New York Times writer Bruce Weber , and `` The Complete Game '' -LRB- Knopf -RRB- , by former major-league pitcher -LRB- and current New York Mets broadcaster -RRB- Ron Darling . Both jobs require a great deal of command , neither gets enough training , and both are often disrespected by others in the game ."} +{"answer":"fields in neighborhoods where the attacks occurred . There are no lawyers and no judges in robes . A panel of local villagers with no legal experience conducts the proceedings . `` For me , gacacas help me find closure and healing , '' Murenzi said . `` I am able to see up close how remorseful the attackers are . ... You never see that in real court . '' Gacaca courts were introduced in the central African nation after the April 1994 genocide , which raged for 100 days . The victims were mostly from the Tutsi ethnic minority , who were targeted by Hutus over a rivalry that dates to colonial days . Some moderates from the Hutu majority who support Tutsis were also killed . Murenzi , a Tutsi from the capital , Kigali , lost most of his extended family in the genocide . During the attacks , he was in neighboring Uganda with his parents , where he attended school at the time , the 37-year-old said . `` My mom 's sisters , brothers , my uncles , they were all killed and buried in mass graves , '' he said . The","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- For Morris Murenzi , a visit to his native Rwanda always includes attending a gacaca court -- a local tribunal of villagers set up to try suspects in a 1994 genocide that killed 800,000 . The gacaca courts , as seen here in 2003 , are inspired by old village tribunals used to settle disputes . At the proceedings , he sits with his countrymen . Some tearfully confront their attackers and testify against them , their scars from the genocide still visible . Others -- like him -- quietly listen , their emotional scars invisible . They wait and hope for answers about how their relatives died as a nine-member panel questions suspects . `` Some of the witnesses who ask questions are disfigured , others are disabled , '' said the Dallas , Texas , resident whose last gacaca trial was in Kigali two years ago . `` The attackers have no place to hide . They are forced to address what they have done to the victims . '' Murenzi is one of thousands of people who attend gacaca courts all across Rwanda on any given day . Hearings are held in open"} +{"answer":"active duty , the senior official said . Asked for a reaction to the development , Husain Haqqani , Pakistani ambassador to the United States , said , `` Pakistan does not seek war , but we need to be vigilant against threats of war emanating from the other side of our eastern border . '' He said Pakistan 's conduct since the Mumbai attack `` has been consistent with international expectations . There is no justification for threats against Pakistan . '' `` Pakistan is also a victim of terrorism and will continue to act against terrorists , '' he added . `` We are a country of rule of law and need evidence to prosecute anyone for the crime of terrorism . '' U.S. National Security Council spokesman Gordon Johndroe said the United States has been `` in close contact '' with India and Pakistan in probing the Mumbai attack and fighting terror . He is hoping that `` both sides will avoid taking steps that will unnecessarily raise tensions during these already tense times . '' In London , England , Pakistani envoy to Britain Wajid Shamsul Hasan countered the report , noting that winter redeployments are","question":"ISLAMABAD , Pakistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Pakistani troops have been moved to the Indian border amid fears of an Indian ground incursion , two Pakistani military officials told CNN on Friday . File image of a Pakistani soldier The troops were deployed from Pakistan 's western border with Afghanistan , where forces have been battling Taliban and al Qaeda militants in North West Frontier Province and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas . Pakistan 's armed forces have been on high alert in anticipation of a possible conflict with India following last month 's terrorist attacks in Mumbai , which killed 160 people . India believes the 10 men who carried out the attacks were trained at a terrorist camp in the Pakistani-controlled part of Kashmir . A senior official said the troops had been moved from areas where there are no active military operations , and emphasized that troop levels have not been depleted in areas where soldiers are battling militants , such as the Swat Valley and near Peshawar , capital of the North West region . In addition to the move , leave for all military personnel has been restricted and all troops were called back to"} +{"answer":"a great leader of North Korean people , and is a close friend of Chinese people . ... China and North Korea will make joint effort ... to consolidate and develop the ... friendship between the two countries ... and to maintain the peace and stability of the Korean peninsula and the region . '' CUBA Cuban state-run newspaper Granma : `` The State Council of the Republic of Cuba has declared official mourning following the death of comrade Kim Jong II , Chairman of the National Defense Committee and Secretary General of the Labor Party of the Democratic People 's Republic of Korea , on the 20 , 21 and 22 of December . '' FRANCE Foreign Minister Alain Juppe : `` There is n't much hope . It is a completely closed off regime ... We are very cautious about the consequences of this succession . We hope that one day the North Korean people will find freedom . There are ongoing talks with North Korea ... and we need to keep on talking with China and other participants to make North Korea abandon its nuclear weapon . '' -- A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry said that","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Unlike in the death of any other world leader , reactions from the international community to the death of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il were somewhat muted . Few countries issued statements in the hours immediately after Kim 's death was announced on North Korean state television . And some , like the United States , opted to focus on its relationship with South Korea . AUSTRALIA Kevin Rudd , Foreign Minister : `` It is at times like this that we can not afford to have any wrong or ambiguous signaling . This time also presents an important opportunity to the new North Korean leadership to engage fully with the international community . On how to improve their economy in order to properly feed their people and critically on how to deal with the outstanding problem of North Korea 's nuclear weapons program . '' CHINA Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs : `` We were distressed to learn of the unfortunate passing of the senior-most North Korean leader Kim Jong-il , and we express our deep grief about this and extend our condolences to the people of North Korea . Kim Jong Il is"} +{"answer":"is going good right now . ... I just want to celebrate . '' Texas law allows police to confiscate drug money and other personal property they think is used in the commission of a crime . If no charges are filed or the person is acquitted , the property has to be returned . Russell issued a statement through her attorneys denying impropriety , and George Bowers , Tenaha 's longtime mayor , says his police follow the law . But Guillory , who brought the lawsuit challenging the seizures , called cases like Daniels ' `` a shakedown '' and `` a piracy operation . '' Guillory said authorities in Tenaha , about 180 miles east of Dallas , seized $ 3 million from 2006 to 2008 . In about 150 cases , virtually all involving African-American or Latino motorists , the seizures were improper , he said . All defendants in the lawsuit deny wrongdoing . In a written statement , Russell 's attorneys said the prosecutor `` has used and continues to use prosecutorial discretion ... and is in compliance with Texas law , the Texas constitution and the United States Constitution . '' But the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Authorities who seized $ 8,500 and assorted jewelry from a Tennessee man after a traffic stop in east Texas have agreed to return the property after his case drew attention from CNN . Police in the small East Texas town of Tenaha are accused of unjustly taking valuables from motorists . Roderick Daniels said police in Tenaha , Texas , took the money in October 2007 after they stopped him for doing 37 mph in a 35-mph zone . He said police threatened him with money-laundering charges and promised not to prosecute if he signed over the cash , which Daniels said was to buy a new car . Daniels and other motorists who have been stopped by Tenaha police are part of a lawsuit seeking to end what plaintiff 's lawyer David Guillory calls a systematic fleecing of drivers passing through the town of about 1,000 . On Friday , after Shelby County District Attorney Lynda Russell refused repeated requests to discuss cases like Daniels ' with CNN , her office filed papers dropping its claim on his property . `` I just feel blessed , '' Daniels said . `` I am happy everything"} +{"answer":". If the review is rejected , Sullivan would have few legal options remaining to reduce his sentence . His lawyers are also fighting to get him a new trial . Outside a death-penalty context , the high court has offered little recent guidance on how to treat the youngest of underage criminal defendants . The appellate record for rapists under age 15 is almost nonexistent , say legal experts consulted by CNN . Child legal advocates say many states lack adequate resources to handle young inmates given long sentences , including a lack of proper jailhouse counseling . Few studies have been conducted on the psychological effects on young defendants facing life in prison , said the Equal Justice Institute , which is representing Sullivan in the high court case . `` We have created a forgotten population with a lot of needs , '' said Bryan Stevenson , Sullivan 's lawyer . The crime happened in 1989 , when Sullivan later admitted he and two friends ransacked a home in West Pensacola . But he denied the prosecutor 's claim he returned with a knife and sexually assaulted the elderly homeowner . An older co-defendant claimed Sullivan was","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- At 33 , Joe Sullivan is serving a life term without the possibility of parole in a Florida prison while confined to a wheelchair . Joe Sullivan , now 33 , was convicted of burglary and rape when he was 13 . He is serving a life sentence without parole . The crime for which he was convicted was brutal : burglary and the rape of a 72-year-old woman in Pensacola . The man 's lawyers say the punishment was equally harsh , particularly for someone with Sullivan 's circumstances . He was 13 at the time , and is one of only two people his age in the world , say his supporters , tried as an adult and sentenced to `` die in prison '' for a crime that was n't a homicide . Now the Supreme Court is being asked to decide whether that sentence was cruel and unusual punishment for someone who was barely a teenager at the time of his crime . The justices are scheduled to announce Monday whether they will accept the case for review . If they do , oral arguments would be held in the fall"} +{"answer":"parking lot . `` The first night , I think , in the Walmart parking lot was the scariest , '' she told CNN . `` I was panicking , and I was just afraid . '' For comfort , she had her mastiff named Fezzik . And she had her laptop computer . As she spent five months looking for jobs and blasting out resumes , often spending hour after hour at a coffee shop to take advantage of its free Wi-Fi connection , she also started blogging . The result , the Girl 's Guide to Homelessness , chronicled the ups and downs of her new life . She reminisced about adopting her dog , named for a character from the movie `` The Princess Bride , '' and mulled the pros and cons of having a pet while homeless . She recounted details from failed job interviews and offered tips for other homeless women . `` I was trying to stay positive and cheerful , '' Karp said . `` I started writing the blog in a tongue-in-cheek way to kind of laugh about my circumstances , keep them chronicled . I did n't think anyone would","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It may have a fairy tale ending -- a story of perseverance and second chances that 's playing out live on the public stage of online networking . Brianna Karp 's trailer now sits outside a friend 's home near Los Angeles But 24-year-old Brianna Karp 's story started as a nightmare . In a rocky economy , Karp was laid off from her Irvine , California , job as an executive assistant in July 2008 . She got by for a while on temp jobs and unemployment benefits . But when her savings dried up , she was no longer able to afford her rent . The only answer she saw then was a trailer she 'd inherited from her father -- a man she barely knew who had recently committed suicide . `` I was left with a truck and this camper , which I was going to sell but coincidentally this happened to me , '' she said . `` I thought , ` Well , I have this . ' '' Karp , who writes that she is also estranged from her mother , ended up camped in a Los Angeles-area Walmart"} +{"answer":"in New York , alone , cold , and without cigarettes or the money to buy them -- I had smashed open a vending machine to get a pack . A friend called up and told me to start living like a human being again . He invited me to the track . I had nothing better to do , and I figured it would be good therapy to get out and have lunch with a friend and watch the horses come down the stretch . I 'll never forget that day . I put on a Pierre Cardin jeans outfit that had no pockets and drove to Calder Race Course . I can still see the horses warming up before the third race . There was a horse called Lady Forli -- a filly running against males . Normally , female horses do n't beat males . We 're talking cheap horses . I scanned the board and saw that she was 70-1 . But my eyes really opened when I looked at the racing form . Racetrack people talk to each other . So I turned to the guy next to me and said , `` You know","question":"Editor 's note : Below is an excerpt from Larry King 's autobiography , `` My Remarkable Journey , '' published by Weinstein Books and available at bookstores nationwide . Larry King anchors `` Larry King Live at 9 p.m. ET on CNN . Larry King recalls a much-needed win at the track during one of the lowest points of his life . I was thirty-seven years old . -LRB- In 1971 -RRB- . I had no job . I had a couple hundred thousand dollars in debts . And a four-year-old daughter . I 'd take Chaia to our secret park on our visiting days . That 's when the pain cut the deepest -- looking at my daughter and knowing I had no way to support her . Things got bleaker and bleaker . I became a recluse . By late May , I was down to forty-two dollars . My rent was paid only until the end of the month . I locked myself in my apartment wondering how bad things could possibly get . Pretty soon I would n't even be able to afford cigarettes . I remembered a night when I was a young man"} +{"answer":"downtown Los Angeles , California , for the actress who died at the age of 62 from cancer . With her famously thick blond hair , red swimsuit , and smile as big and bright as the California sun , the actress was the epitome of the wholesome , all-American girl . `` She was full of life and so happy with that blond hair and that huge smile , '' said Tucker , who is n't sure if he still has the poster in his attic . `` Without that poster , I do n't think she would have become what she was . '' That freshness and beauty is what landed her poster on Tucker 's , and countless others ' , bedroom walls . Maria Elena Buszek , the author of `` Pin-up Grrrls : Feminism , Sexuality , Popular Culture , '' said pinups `` straddled the line between portraiture and pornography '' and included early stage actresses , the famed models of Alberto Vargas and the most famous pinup of all , Bettie Page . Fawcett has her place in pinup history , said Buszek , an assistant professor of art history at Kansas City","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The picture says it all . Curtis D. Tucker was thrilled to receive a Farrah Fawcett poster for his 14th birthday in 1976 . The shot of 14-year-old Curtis D. Tucker shows him unrolling one of his birthday treasures in 1976 , mouth slightly agape and eyes intensely focused on the gift . The present was one he had fervently requested from his parents and a hot item for many a young , red-blooded male during that bicentennial year : a poster of Farrah Fawcett -LRB- then known as Farrah Fawcett-Majors -RRB- . `` I was a huge Farrah fan , '' said Tucker , now a cartoonist and entrepreneur living in Enid , Oklahoma . `` I had started collecting all of the magazines and pictures and I was basically pinning up every picture that came out of every magazine . Then along came that poster . '' `` That poster '' reportedly became the best-selling of all time -- with more than 12 million copies sold -- and helped make Fawcett one of the last great pinups . A private funeral is scheduled Tuesday at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in"} +{"answer":"Fifth Fleet , the tanker is more than three times the size of a U.S. navy aircraft carrier . Pirates seized the supertanker November 15 . The tanker was carrying two million barrels of crude oil worth about $ 100 million . The Liberian-flagged tanker is owned by Vela International Marine Ltd. , a subsidiary of the Saudi Arabian-based Saudi Aramco . Saleh K'aki , president and CEO of Vela International , said in a statement , `` We are very relieved to know that all crew members are safe and I am glad to say that they are all in good health and high spirits . This has been a very trying time for them and certainly for their families . We are very happy to report to their families that they will be on their way home soon . '' Mwangura said it would have been a `` disaster '' if the pirates had fired guns aboard the ship , harming the cargo or igniting a fire . `` The capture of the Sirius Star raised the specter of an environmental disaster should the hijackers decide to turn the ship into a weapon or foreign navies attempt to","question":"NAIROBI , Kenya -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Pirates holding a Saudi-owned oil supertanker off the coast of Somalia have set the vessel free after receiving a ransom payment , a piracy monitor in neighboring Kenya and the U.S. Navy Fifth Fleet said Saturday . A small aircraft drops a ransom payment during a flight over the Sirius Star on Friday . `` The supertanker VLCC Sirius Star is currently under way to safe waters , '' Andrew Mwangura of the Kenya Seafarers Association said in an e-mail . Mwangura said all 23 crew members of the Sirius Star , the largest ship ever hijacked by pirates , are safe and in good health . They are citizens of Croatia , Great Britain , the Philippines , Poland and Saudi Arabia . `` Anytime a ship is released , it is positive news , '' said Cmdr. Jane Campbell of the Bahrain-based Fifth Fleet . `` But too many people see it as a ship and its cargo being released . When merchant mariners are released , it is always good news . '' The ship is a VLCC , or `` very large crude carrier . '' According to the"} +{"answer":"Rangers teams are a lot of the time , '' he told gathered reporters . In Bundesliga action on Sunday , Europa League semifinalists Hamburg were thrashed 5-1 at Hoffenheim . Strikers Chinedu Obasi and Vedad Ibisevic both scored twice for the hosts in the rout which followed Hamburg 's goalless draw with Fulham in the first leg of their last four Europa clash on Thursday and ahead of next week 's return . In Spain 's La Liga , Valencia kept their third grip on third place with a 1-0 win over Deportivo la Coruna as David Villa scored a first half penalty . Athletico Madrid warmed up for their Europa League semifinal second leg against Liverpool by beating Tenerife 3-1 , with Sergio Aguero scoring their third . Atletico lead Liverpool 1-0 going to Anfield on Thursday . A dramatic late penalty from Daniel Parejo gave Getafe a 4-3 victory over Sevilla in the late match in Spain . Sevilla could have taken advantage of Mallorca 's surprise 1-1 draw against Malaga to claim fourth place . Siem de Jong 's early double gave Ajax a 2-0 lead after the Dutch Cup final first leg against Feyenoord .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Glasgow Rangers won their 53rd Scottish title and ninth under manager Walter Smith as a 1-0 win over Hibernian on Sunday gave them an unassailable points advantage over city rivals Celtic . Kyle Lafferty scored his third goal in four games to secure the three points for Rangers , who were the defending champions . Earlier , Celtic beat Dundee United 2-0 with Senegalese striker Diomansy Kamara and Robbie Keane , with a last-minute penalty , scoring the goals . It was their fifth straight league win under interim manager Neil Lennon , but Rangers ' title triumph was a formality which was confirmed later at Easter Road . Lafferty was on target after 17 minutes as Kenny Miller set him on his way to score with an angled drive . Smith , who won his first seven Scottish titles with Rangers in his first spell at the club , savored the latest victory which has come against the backdrop of financial worries and uncertainty over the future ownership of the famous club . `` You always feel grateful for the fact that you 've won a trophy and you are in this position , as"} +{"answer":", '' he wrote . EW : A tribute to Frank McCourt McCourt wrote the two other memoirs , `` Tis '' and `` Teacher Man , '' as sequels to `` Angela 's Ashes , '' and penned the children 's book `` Angela and the Baby Jesus . '' The author was born to Angela and Malachy McCourt on August 19 , 1930 , in Brooklyn , New York , to Irish immigrants . The family fled to Limerick , Ireland , four years later , during the Great Depression era , only to become mired in even more gut-wrenching poverty . Three of the couple 's seven children died . Malachy McCourt , an alcoholic who managed to keep jobs only a few weeks at a time , left the family scrounging to survive . Yet , he also brought joy to his children , as the younger McCourt wrote in `` Angela 's Ashes '' : `` Before bed we sit around the fire and if we say , ` Dad , tell us a story , ' he makes up one about someone in the lane and the story will take us all over the","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Author Frank McCourt , whose tragic childhood became creative grist for his first book , the Pulitzer Prize-winning `` Angela 's Ashes , '' died Sunday , according to the Web site of his publisher , Simon & Shuster . He was 78 . Frank McCourt won the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Critics Circle Award for `` Angela 's Ashes . '' McCourt taught creative writing to high school students in New York City for 30 years before achieving literary acclaim with the 1996 biography . `` Angela 's Ashes , '' named after his mother , also won the National Book Critics Circle Award . It was translated and sold throughout the world . In the book , McCourt described a desperate childhood marked by severe poverty , malnutrition , neglect , infectious disease and loss . `` When I look back on my childhood I wonder how I survived at all . It was , of course , a miserable childhood : the happy childhood is hardly worth your while . Worse than the ordinary miserable childhood is the miserable Irish childhood , and worse yet is the miserable Irish Catholic childhood"} +{"answer":"who do n't want it badly enough . They 're there to stop the other people . '' Watch what Pausch did for his wife '' Starting with a joke about `` a deathbed conversion '' -- `` I just bought a Macintosh '' computer -- the educator went on to say that one of his childhood dreams was to write an entry in the World Book Encyclopedia . `` I guess you can tell the nerds early , '' he added . An expert in virtual reality , Pausch did go on to write an encyclopedia entry on the subject . He discussed his fondness for winning stuffed animals at fairs , showed a slide of them , then -- pretending to be concerned his audience would think the image had been digitally manipulated -- produced them onstage . Donning silly costume items like a vest with arrows sticking out of it and a Mad Hatter 's hat , he described working with students as a way to help other people achieve their dreams . He also played down his own importance , saying that after he got a Ph.D. , his mother took to introducing him as ``","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Randy Pausch , the professor whose `` last lecture '' became a runaway phenomenon on the Internet and was turned into a best-selling book , died Friday of pancreatic cancer , Carnegie Mellon University announced on its Web site . Randy Pausch emphasized the joy of life in his `` last lecture , '' originally given in September 2007 . Pausch , 47 , a computer science professor , delivered the lecture , `` Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams , '' at Carnegie Mellon in September 2007 , a month after being told he had three to six months to live because his cancer had returned . The lanky , energetic Pausch talked about goals he had accomplished , like experiencing zero gravity and creating Disney attractions , and those he had not , including becoming a professional football player . He used rejections he was handed when he applied for jobs at Disney to comment on the importance of persistence . `` The brick walls are there for a reason ... to show us how badly we want something , '' he said . `` Because the brick walls are there to stop the people"} +{"answer":"say he is a frail and sickly man who has faced extreme humiliation and would essentially be given a death sentence if a judge hands down the maximum sentence allowed . It will be up to Judge A. Kirke Bartley Jr. to decide how to reconcile the two portraits of Tony Marshall . He faces a minimum 1 to 3 years , or as much as 8 to 25 years in state prison . The drastically differing views have only further heightened interest in the case , which during the trial stage was a tabloid feeding frenzy , fostering headlines such as `` Bad heir day , '' `` Mrs. Astor 's disaster '' and `` DA 's kick in the Astor . '' The witness list was a virtual `` Who 's Who '' of New York 's social elite -- including Henry Kissinger , Graydon Carter , Barbara Walters , Vartan Gregorian and Annette de la Renta . During the case , prosecutors and witnesses portrayed Marshall as an only son preying on his physically and mentally ill 101-year-old mother . Assistant District Attorney Joel Seidemann called the case `` disturbing , '' and said the trial told","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- He was a cold , calculating , `` morally depraved '' man who spent the last years of his socialite and megaphilanthropist mother 's life bilking her fortune to line his pockets . That 's one way to see Anthony Marshall -- and it 's the only way , according to the prosecutors who secured a conviction against him for grand larceny and scheming to defraud his mother , Brooke Astor . Now as the 85-year-old son prepares to be sentenced Monday for his crimes , another portrait of him has emerged -- thanks to close friends and celebrity acquaintances -LRB- including Al Roker and Whoopi Goldberg -RRB- who sent letters to the court in hopes of saving him from a lengthy prison sentence . The man prosecutors described during the trial is apparently unrecognizable to many of Marshall 's friends and acquaintances . He was a loyal churchgoing man , a Purple Heart recipient wounded in Iwo Jima during World War II and a son who tried mightily but could never live up to the high ideals of his socialite mother , according to letters friends submitted to the court . And now , they"} +{"answer":"in the quake , '' the pastor said . `` It was our intention to be part of a new orphanage . The decision was made that we could house those children in the temporary sites . '' But Haiti 's prime minister said Sunday the group was kidnapping the children . `` From what I know until now , this is a kidnapping case , '' Jean-Max Bellerive told CNN . `` Who is doing it , I do n't know . What are the real objectives or activities , I do n't know . But that is kidnapping , and it is more serious because it 's involving children . '' He added , `` The children certainly were not fully willing to go , because in some cases , from what I heard , they were asking for their parents , they wanted to return to their parents . '' U.S. Embassy officials visited the Americans over the weekend at a jail near the airport in Port-au-Prince . They are being treated well and are holding on to their faith , the Americans said . `` We came into Haiti to help those that really had no","question":"Port-au-Prince , Haiti -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Ten Americans held in Haiti on charges of illegally trying to take 33 children out of the country were scheduled to have their first court hearing Monday afternoon , according to the U.S. State Department . P.J. Crowley , a department spokesman , said Monday that U.S. and Haitian authorities are `` working to try to ascertain what happened -LSB- and -RSB- the motive behind these people . Clearly there are questions about procedure as to whether they had the appropriate paperwork to move the children . '' The Americans were turned back Friday night as they tried to take the children across the border into the Dominican Republic . At least some of the group are members of the Central Valley Baptist Church in Meridian , Idaho . The missionaries say they were just trying to help the children start a new life . Central Valley 's senior pastor , Clint Henry , reiterated that point Monday , saying the group 's intentions were `` upright and pure . '' `` The intention was simply to go down and try to be an aid in ministering to children that had been orphaned"} +{"answer":"to help the country survive the economic crisis , including personal tax reductions , doubling of spending on infrastructure , injecting liquidity into the financial markets and securing pension plans . iReport.com : Outrage brewing in Canada `` Tonight , I pledge to you that Canada 's government will use every legal means at our disposal to protect our democracy , protect our economy and to protect Canada , '' he said . Though Harper did not specify what those legal means might entail , his opponents predicted that he would try to dissolve Parliament and wasted no time in voicing their opposition . The Liberal Party , which lost seats in the October vote , and the leftist New Democratic Party announced plans earlier this week to form a governing coalition with the support of the Bloc Quebecois , which supports independence for French-speaking Quebec . In a televised address that followed Harper 's , opposition Liberal leader Stephane Dion called for a vote of confidence . He said he had asked Canada 's Governor-General Michaelle Jean -- the acting head of state who would call for a new election or a confidence vote -- `` to refuse any","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Prime Minister Stephen Harper appealed directly to Canadians for support Wednesday , vowing in a nationally televised address on the economy that he will do all he can to halt his opponents from carrying out a no-confidence vote in Parliament -- as planned for Monday -- and forming a coalition government that would replace his own . Prime Minister Stephen Harper accuses coalition leaders of `` betrayal '' by relying on Quebec separatists ' support . `` Unfortunately , even before the government has brought forward its budget , and only seven weeks after a general election , the opposition wants to overturn the results of that election , '' said the prime minister , whose Conservative Party strengthened its minority position in federal elections on October 14 . `` Canada 's government can not enter into a power-sharing coalition with a separatist party at a time of global insecurity , '' he said . `` Canada 's government must stand unequivocally for keeping the country together . '' The country is undergoing `` a pivotal moment in our history , '' he said , then ticked through a list of efforts his government is making"} +{"answer":"in tunnels to hide German equipment . More than 100 soldiers died at the camp and on the death march . Buchenwald was one of the largest and first concentration camps on German soil . See photos inside Berga '' The Berga soldiers are being honored thanks in part to CNN.com users , who demanded the Army recognize the men , all in their 80s , after a series of reports late last year . The Army then conducted a months-long review of Berga at the urgings of Rep. Joe Baca , D-California , and Rep. Spencer Bachus , R-Alabama . `` These soldiers endured extreme hardships of forced labor , beatings , poor living conditions , and ultimately a forced march of over 250 kilometers -LSB- about 155 miles -RSB- prior to liberation by advancing U.S. Armed Forces , '' Army Secretary Peter Geren said at the conclusion of the review . `` The survivors of Berga certainly deserve both our thanks and recognition for their service and sacrifice . '' Geren is sending Maj. Gen. Vincent Boles to honor the survivors on Saturday . Six of the 22 Berga survivors will be at the event ; most of","question":"ORLANDO , Florida -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Samuel Fahrer and Sidney Lipson shake hands and smile . It 's the first time the men have seen each other in 64 years . They were U.S. soldiers back on a forced death march in Nazi Germany in April 1945 . Sidney Lispson , left , and Samuel Fahrer meet for the first time in 64 years . They were in a Nazi slave labor camp . `` How you doing ? '' Fahrer says . It 's a subdued moment for the two men . There are no tears , no pats on the back . The men have endured years of contained emotions from what happened six decades ago when they were prisoners of war and held as slaves inside Germany . They have come to a hotel in Orlando to be honored by the Army this weekend for the first time . Watch slave camp survivors reunite '' Fahrer and Lipson were among 350 soldiers held at the slave labor camp called Berga an der Elster , a largely forgotten legacy of the war and a subcamp of Buchenwald where soldiers were beaten , starved and forced to work"} +{"answer":"more than 86,000 customers were without power Monday in New York City and Westchester County , New York , while the Long Island Power Authority said that 64,437 customers were in the dark . In New Jersey , about 100,000 were without power . Flooding caused 2,000 customers in New Jersey to lose their gas service , PSEG said . Connecticut Light and Power said that about 56,000 customers also had no power Monday . And in Pennsylvania , utility companies had restored power to a majority of residents , but the outage still affected more than 5,000 . `` The ground is so wet from all the snow we 've had this winter , it 's helping the trees to topple over as well as our utility poles , '' said Long Island Power Authority President and CEO Kevin Law . `` The conditions are still too terrible to get crews out there . '' Some customers probably will go without power for a few days , Law said . The outages were due mostly to power lines downed by Saturday 's winds , which knocked over trees and utility polls . Wind speeds reached 75 mph at New","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Authorities have linked seven deaths to the nor'easter affecting the Eastern Seaboard , and more than 300,000 customers remained without power Monday in the Northeast after rain and fierce winds . Hurricane-force winds over the weekend toppled trees , taking power lines with them . Five of the weekend 's deaths were caused by falling trees , authorities said . Two people died in New Jersey ; authorities from Rhode Island , New Hampshire , Connecticut , West Virginia and New York each said they had one storm-related death . Heavy rain also caused flooding across the region . Flood warnings were in effect from northern Virginia to southern New Hampshire , the National Weather Service said . The city of Alexandria , along the Potomac River across from Washington , distributed nearly 800 sandbags to those in low-lying areas that typically are first to see high water . A coffee shop there experienced minor flooding , said Alexandria official Rich Baier . Some coastal areas have received more than 6 inches of rain since Saturday , according to the National Weather Service . Are you there ? Share pictures and video Con Edison said that"} +{"answer":"pings . '' The defense wants records from the defendant 's parents , George and Cindy Anthony ; her former fianc\u00e9 , Jesse Grund ; her brother , Lee Anthony ; a friend , Amy Huizenga ; and Roy Kronk , the meter reader who found Caylee 's remains in December of last year . Kronk had called authorities as early as last August to report he had seen a suspicious bag in the area . Other names on the list include several former boyfriends , two private investigators , a volunteer searcher and Richard Cain , an Orange County Sheriff 's deputy . Cain was fired after an internal investigation found he failed to respond to repeated calls from Kronk about the suspicious bag . Cain has refused to leave the job and is awaiting an appeal . `` Various cell phone service providers are in possession of certain items which are material to the preparation of the defense in this cause , '' the motion says , adding , '' the items sought by this application can not be obtained through normal discovery . '' The motion says the release of these records could lead to admissible evidence","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In a dramatic reversal , the Florida state attorney 's office announced Monday it will seek the death penalty against Casey Anthony , the 23-year-old woman charged in the death of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee . Casey Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in the slaying of her daughter Caylee , 2 , Trial is set for October . The state had previously said it would not ask for the death sentence for Anthony . The development could have a major impact on how the case plays out at trial , including whether defense attorney Jose Baez can stay on the case . Baez has not been certified by the court to defend capital punishment cases . Prosecutors announced their change in strategy in a letter of intent . Read the letter of intent -LRB- pdf -RRB- Meanwhile , Anthony 's defense filed a motion on Friday with Orange County Circuit Court , seeking more phone records from a dozen people involved in the case . The motion asks for any and all records for `` phone calls , text messages , P2P communications , Internet usage , WAP usage , and cell tower"} +{"answer":"sponsored in House of Representatives by Rep. Dan Burton , R-Indiana , and in the Senate by Orrin Hatch , R-Utah , and Dick Durbin , D-Illinois . The DSHEA law draws a line between synthesized medicines like aspirin and remedies made from herbs , minerals , vitamins and amino acids . This latter group was recategorized as `` dietary supplements '' -- that is , as foods rather than drugs . `` Drugs '' are subjected to exacting scientific trial to prove them both safe and also effective . Sellers of dietary supplements are not required to prove that their remedies work . They are not even required to prove them safe -- as `` foods '' they are presumed safe unless shown otherwise . `` Drugs '' must disclose any risk of side effect . -LRB- That 's why those erectile dysfunction ads terrify TV audiences with their references to four-hour erections . -RRB- Dietary supplements bear no such burden -- which is why St. John 's wort can be sold as an anti-depressant , without any mention of the disturbing indications that the herb weakens the effectiveness of birth control pills . `` Drug '' advertising must","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Did you know that there exists an all-natural remedy for memory loss ? Weight gain ? Macular degeneration ? Prostate enlargement ? These products are so successful that clinical testing has already begun ! Just listen to the following testimonial from an unidentified person ... As these ads blare at you from your favorite AM radio station , perhaps you wonder : How can this be legal ? Since the late 1960s , aspirin makers have been trying to win the right to tell the public that a daily low-dose tablet can help prevent heart disease . They have been told no , and no , and no again . Federal regulators are so nervous about over-selling aspirin 's benefits that they have restricted statements about aspirin to the most bland and basic . Yet while the statements about aspirin have to be cushioned in the vaguest generalities , snake oil flim-flam can be huckstered in the most truth-defying way , thanks to a 1994 law coaxed through Congress by the people who make these drugs . The law bears the long title of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 . It was"} +{"answer":"prevented hemorrhoids . Gayetty was so proud of his therapeutic bathroom paper that he had his name printed on each sheet . But his success was limited . Americans soon grew accustomed to wiping with the Sears Roebuck catalog , and they saw no need to spend money on something that came in the mail for free . Toilet paper took its next leap forward in 1890 , when two brothers named Clarence and E. Irvin Scott popularized the concept of toilet paper on a roll . The Scotts ' brand became more successful than Gayetty 's medicated wipes , in part because they built a steady trade selling toilet paper to hotels and drugstores . But it was still an uphill battle to get the public to openly buy the product , largely because Americans remained embarrassed by bodily functions . In fact , the Scott brothers were so ashamed of the nature of their work that they did n't take proper credit for their innovation until 1902 . `` No one wanted to ask for it by name , '' says Dave Praeger , author of `` Poop Culture : How America Is Shaped by Its Grossest National","question":"-LRB- Mental Floss -RRB- -- Since the dawn of time , people have found nifty ways to clean up after the bathroom act . The most common solution was simply to grab what was at hand : coconuts , shells , snow , moss , hay , leaves , grass , corncobs , sheep 's wool -- and , later , thanks to the printing press -- newspapers , magazines , and pages of books . The average American uses 57 squares a day and 50 pounds of toilet paper per year . The ancient Greeks used clay and stone ; the Romans , sponges and salt water . But the idea of a commercial product designed solely to wipe one 's bum ? That started about 150 years ago , right here in the U.S.A. . In less than a century , Uncle Sam 's marketing genius turned something disposable into something indispensable . Toilet paper gets on a roll The first products designed specifically to wipe one 's nethers were aloe-infused sheets of manila hemp dispensed from Kleenex-like boxes . They were invented in 1857 by a New York entrepreneur named Joseph Gayetty , who claimed his sheets"} +{"answer":", '' said the woman identified only as Christine R. in a Saturday interview conducted and translated by AP . `` He tolerated no dissent , '' Christine R. added . `` Listen , if I was scared myself -- I was scared of him at a family party and I did not feel confident to say anything in any form that could possibly offend him -- then you can imagine how it was for a woman who spent so many years with him . '' Watch what the sister-in-law has to say '' In the televised interview , Christine R. added detail to the bizarre story of 73-year-old Fritzl who was recently arrested and confessed to holding his daughter captive in a dungeon under the home for decades , repeatedly raping her and fathering seven kids -- with six of them surviving . Christine R. also said Fritzl committed an unrelated rape in 1967 , served 18 months in prison for that crime and that her sister continued to stay married to him in a desperate attempt to keep their family together . Recent media reports also claimed Fritzl had been convicted of rape . Austrian police have said","question":"AMSTETTEN , Austria -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Austrian who reportedly admitted holding his daughter captive for 24 years and fathering seven children with her will plead insanity , his lawyer said . Josef Fritzl admitted to authorities he raped his daughter and fathered her children . Attorney Rudolf Mayer said he believed 73-year-old Josef Fritzl had a mental disorder , The Associated Press reported . Mayer said someone who was mentally ill `` did n't choose '' to do what police allege he did . Mayer said Fritzl would be confined to a psychiatric institution rather than a prison if he was certified as insane and convicted , AP reported . Police said last week that Fritzl had confessed to imprisoning his daughter in a secret cellar dungeon in his home , fathering seven children with her and burning the body of one who died in infancy in a furnace . Meanwhile , Fritzl 's sister-in-law has said his wife did not know her daughter was held captive in their basement for decades because she had been trained not to ask questions under her husband 's tyrannical rule of the household , . `` He was such a tyrant"} +{"answer":"saw it go straight into her arm . In the UK you have no idea what happens with your blood , '' she added . The `` Africa Mercy , '' currently docked off the coast of Benin , West Africa , also operates as a floating hospital with medical facilities including six state-of-the-art operating theaters , an ophthalmic unit , two CT scanners and 78 hospital beds onboard . The Mercy Ships charity began in 1978 and since then has been credited with providing medical services valued at $ 748 million , performing more than 41,000 operations and impacting approximately two million people . Mercy Ships CEO Samuel Smith says the charity has been able to help so many people through what he calls a `` unique business model . '' Thousands of volunteers join the ship every year , and they not only do it for free but also have to pay for accommodation aboard the vessels ; some like Herbert , pay around $ 600 a month . See more images of volunteers onboard the ship '' `` This allows almost all our resources to go into state-of-the-art medical facilities , '' Smith told CNN . It","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Ali Herbert has spent the last seven months being `` a walking blood bank '' aboard one of the the world 's largest hospital ships . Thousands of volunteers join the massive hospital ship `` Africa Mercy '' every year . The 50-year-old nurse and grandmother from the UK resigned from her position in a hospital to volunteer aboard a ship that provides free medical treatment to some of the world 's poorest people . Like any of the 450 volunteer crew members currently aboard the Africa Mercy , Herbert can be called on at any time of the day to give blood , as the ship has no facilities for storing blood products . Instead the ship operates a system where there are usually 30 donors for each blood type . Herbert says she recently helped a young woman who needed an amputation . `` This young woman required a below-the-knee amputation , but was very weak so I was called in to give her blood as our blood groups matched , '' she told CNN . `` It was an amazing experience because two minutes after giving my blood , I"} +{"answer":"tarnish this event more than having a public safety disturbance of any kind , '' he said . `` We 're working to make sure that does n't happen . And we 're asking Michael Jackson fans to help contribute . '' Visit the donation Web site Los Angeles faces a budget crisis and has amassed $ 530 million in debt . The state of California 's budget deficit has climbed to $ 24 billion . `` Even though we 're the entertainment capital of the world , we 're not immune to the recession , '' Szabo said . Los Angeles Councilwoman Jan Perry said last week that the city would pay for the security efforts . But there remains some dispute . Los Angeles City Councilman Dennis Zine on Monday called for AEG , the company that owns the Staples Center , to cover all costs of the memorial , arguing the public should not foot any of the bill , according to the Los Angeles Times . The city provided security downtown , where the public memorial for Jackson was held , and also at the Jackson family 's private service earlier in the morning . Police","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- No major security problems were reported at Michael Jackson 's public memorial service on Tuesday in Los Angeles , California , according to police . Police gather Tuesday morning in Los Angeles for Michael Jackson 's public memorial . The only controversy concerned the issue of who ultimately would pay for the city 's efforts to heighten security as thousands of people from around the world flooded the city to say farewell to the pop icon , who died of unknown causes on June 25 . A budget crisis pushed the city to ask the public for help in paying for security at the memorial . It set up a Web site where fans can donate . The city is hoping to recoup some of the estimated $ 2 million to $ 4 million it cost to have thousands of police and firefighters on hand in case of an emergency . Matt Szabo , spokesman for Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa , said providing security at the event was the city 's `` obligation '' and its `` No. 1 priority . '' But the city does need help , he said . `` Nothing could"} +{"answer":"sweater . People can also purchase provocative paintings that he created , which come with brief descriptions from the artist himself , according to Neal . The pieces are being kept under armed guard this week in Los Angeles , then will be shipped to New York . Neal said that the auction will be coordinated by David Streets , a Beverly Hills , California , fine art and celebrity memorabilia adviser , according to his website . A portion of the auction proceeds will go toward the charity Kids Kicking Cancer at the request of the attorney for Kevorkian 's estate and the late doctor 's niece and sole living heir , according to Neal . Kevorkian , dubbed `` Dr. Death , '' made national headlines as a supporter of physician-assisted suicide and `` right-to-die '' legislation . He was charged with murder numerous times through the 1990s for helping terminally ill patients take their own lives . He was convicted on second-degree murder charges in 1999 stemming from the death of a patient who suffered from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis , commonly called Lou Gehrig 's disease . He was paroled in 2007 . After his release ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The machine used by the late Dr. Jack Kevorkian in more than 100 assisted suicides will be among the items up for sale later this month , the auctioneer and his estate announced . The Michigan pathologist helped spur an international ethics debate by helping suffering patients die and pushing for this practice to be legalized . His conviction in one such case landed him in prison for eight years . He died in early June at Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak , Michigan , at the age of 83 . The auction will take place between 6 and 8 p.m. on October 28 at the New York Institute of Technology , according to a press release sent on behalf of both the late doctor 's estate and the auctioneer . More than 100 pieces will be part of the sale , said Roger Neal , who is representing the two parties . Besides the noted Thanatron machine , which Kevorkian built , other items to be auctioned include some of Kevorkian 's correspondences and invention ideas , a pearl flute , his doctor 's bag , a master lock from prison and his signature blue"} +{"answer":"his findings , explain their use of the app or announce that they once used it but plan to get rid of it . And Friday morning , the controversy made its way into the courts . A lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California against Carrier IQ , and phone makers Samsung and HTC , claiming that the app violates customer privacy . `` Given our dependence on smartphones , we rely on the assumption that our personal information is protected from third parties , '' attorney Steve W. Berman said in a written statement . `` Yet , it appears that Carrier IQ has violated this trust . '' Berman 's firm is representing several customers and is seeking to turn the complaint into a class-action lawsuit . The potential ramifications obviously had other privacy-minded folks concerned as well . `` A couple of things seem pretty clear , '' Jay Stanley , a senior privacy and technology analyst with the American Civil Liberties Union , said Friday . `` We do n't know what the company was storing or accessing or what their clients were storing or accessing , but","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Web fallout continued Friday over news that a hidden app could be tracking smartphone users ' activity . Many bloggers and smartphone customers fretted about the privacy issues raised by Carrier IQ , an information-mining app secretly installed on many phones . But at the same time , other tech observers were beginning to say that some of those concerns may have been over the top . First , a recap : On Monday , researcher and developer Trevor Eckhart posted a 17-minute YouTube video apparently showing how the software -- designed as a diagnostic tool to find and help fix mobile network problems -- runs on his smartphone and logs every keystroke , every text and the full URL of every website he visits . News of the app 's existence on millions of phones had bounced around on tech blogs for a while . But attention skyrocketed this week when Eckhart posted his video . By Thursday , it had turned into a rapidly developing story in which new information seemed to surface hourly . Mobile carriers and smartphone makers rushed to dispute claims made by Eckhart and others who said they confirmed"} +{"answer":"this year , and just overall probably one of the best performers that 's ever been on the `` Idol '' stage . Watch Kris Allen heap praise on Adam Lambert '' Seacrest : So aside from getting more votes , why do you think you won ? Allen : I do n't know . I think it was a combination of a lot of stuff . It was maybe , probably , a little bit of personality , a little bit of -- hopefully it was about the music , as well . I know that 's not always the case on `` American Idol . '' That 's what I care about the most : the music and how I portray it . Seacrest : It 's no secret that you 're a man of faith , that you referred to the `` Christian thing , '' as it were . You did n't rely on the Christian vote . Do you think that played a part in your win , though ? Allen : I hope it did n't . Because I guess me and Adam were doing an interview before the show : `` Kris ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- `` American Idol '' viewers had a clear choice when it came down to the final decision : the low-key but sincere Kris Allen or the flamboyant and powerful Adam Lambert . `` American Idol '' winner Kris Allen , left , and runner-up Adam Lambert say they 're good friends . The vote went for Allen , and Lambert told Ryan Seacrest on CNN 's `` Larry King Live '' that the outcome did n't surprise him . There are no hard feelings , though . Allen , Lambert , Danny Gokey and the other seven finalists spoke of their friendship and camaraderie on `` Larry King Live . '' Here is an edited transcript of the interview . Ryan Seacrest : I think the first thing you said -LSB- after being announced as the winner -RSB- was `` Adam 's great . '' Actually on the air , you were complimenting him at the moment you should be complimenting yourself . Kris Allen : I think that 's kind of how I am . Seriously , we 're really good friends and he 's amazing . He 's been probably the most consistent performer"} +{"answer":"strong policy of prevention , so that no one falls in the situation of consuming any substance , '' said Anibal Fernandez , the minister of security and justice . Ethan Nadelmann , founder and executive director of the New York-based Drug Policy Alliance , said such policies have been adopted throughout Europe and other parts of Latin America . `` The evidence generally shows that the decriminalization of possession is not clearly associated with any increase in illicit drug use , '' he said . A few years ago , then-Mexican President Vicente Fox proposed decriminalizing possession of drugs combined with a crackdown on traffickers , but a harsh reaction from the Bush administration caused him to retreat , Nadelmann said . Brazil and Colombia have passed laws decriminalizing drug use in an effort to combat the spread of HIV among injecting drug users , he said . Politicians recognize that `` you basically need to get those people out of the underground and into health systems , '' Nadelmann said . `` This would be part of a growing number of countries in Latin America where there is , either for political or judicial reasons , a push","question":"BUENOS AIRES , Argentina -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner repeated her call this week to decriminalize personal drug use and crack down on traffickers and dealers . President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner says she does n't like to `` condemn someone who has an addiction . '' `` I do n't like it when people easily condemn someone who has an addiction as if he were a criminal , as if he were a person who should be persecuted , '' she told a meeting of the National Investigation into the Consumption of Alcohol , Tobacco , Psychopharmaceuticals and Illegal Drugs . `` Those who should be persecuted are those who sell the substances , those who give it away , those who traffic in it . '' A poll shows 2 percent of Argentines have tried cocaine , but some people believe decriminalization of drugs could result in wider drug use . Regardless , the Argentine government is pushing Congress to pass the decriminalization legislation by the end of the year . `` Decriminalization of the consumer should include what are called second-generation human rights , but at the same time there should be a"} +{"answer":"riot police and militia lined Tehran 's streets as the public rift among Iranian leaders appeared to be widening . The country 's foreign minister disputed allegations of ballot irregularities in Iran 's disputed presidential election , and the parliamentary speaker implied the nation 's election authorities had sided with one candidate . Amateur video showed large crowds marching down a major Tehran thoroughfare shouting , `` Do n't be afraid , we 're together ! '' and `` Death to dictator ! '' The person who shot the video said it was taken Sunday , but CNN could not immediately verify that the protest had taken place . Eyewitnesses reported a protest also took place at southern Tehran 's Azad University , where final exams were postponed after about 200 students refused to take them . Thousands of riot police and members of the Basij militia lined the streets of the city , according to eyewitnesses . Security personnel surrounded the headquarters of the country 's state television and radio . Many shops were closed , and shopkeepers whose stores were open said they planned to close early Sunday . However , no tanks were seen on the city","question":"TEHRAN , Iran -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Iran 's election authority has rejected claims of voting irregularities by a defeated presidential candidate , while acknowledging that the number of ballots cast in dozens of cities exceeded the number of eligible voters there , state-run TV reported Monday . Protesters face Iranian riot police on a street in Tehran on Saturday . Iran 's Guardian Council -- which approves all candidates running for office and verifies election results -- said candidate Mohsen Rezaie alleged irregularities in 170 cities , and that excessive ballots were found in 50 cities , according to government-funded Press TV . Council spokesman Abbas-Ali Kadkhodaei said voting in those locations did not noticeably affect the outcome of the election , adding that the council will continue to investigate complaints that are filed through `` legal channels , '' Press TV said . The council declared President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the winner of the June 12 election . Rezaie had reported some irregularities and called for a recount of some ballots , while opposition leader Mir Hossein Moussavi and candidate Mehdi Karrubi have rejected the election as fraudulent and demanded a new one . Earlier Sunday , thousands of"} +{"answer":"announced a date for his planned march and local police said Saturday he had not contacted them about it , as people planning marches are required to do before staging a demonstration . But the threat itself prompted more than 215,000 people to join a Facebook group opposing the march as of Monday , a day after he posted a letter online justifying it . `` The highway for heroes & wonderful people of WB do not deserve this march to happen , '' the group 's home page says . `` This group can march anywhere it wishes in the country but have chosen WB to cause outrage & offense . Islam4UK is an extremists -LRB- sic -RRB- Islamic group & does not represent the Muslim community in this country . '' Choudary 's open letter , `` To the Families of British Soldiers who have died or who are currently in Afghanistan , '' appeared on the Web site of his organization , Islam4UK , on Sunday . The group had announced its intention to stage the protest earlier in a short statement on its Web site . `` The procession in Wootton Basset -LRB- sic -RRB- is","question":"London , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A controversial British Muslim cleric is threatening to stage a march through the town that receives the bodies of British war dead as a protest against the war in Afghanistan , drawing fury and outrage . Anjem Choudary has accused soldiers of `` murderous crimes , '' and said the United States and United Kingdom are seeking to `` establish their own military , economic , strategic and ideological interests in the region . '' British and American troops are suffering `` depression '' as they realize `` there is no real moral or ethic -LRB- sic -RRB- reason for them to murder innocent men , women and children to fulfill their politicians -LRB- sic -RRB- agenda , '' the preacher says . His organization proposes to parade empty coffins through the streets of the English town of Wootton Bassett , where the bodies of British war dead are traditionally brought when they return to the country . Relatives and friends line the streets of the town along with local residents as hearses carry the flag-draped British remains , in scenes of public mourning widely reported by British media . Choudary has not"} +{"answer":"sewer pipes and uncollected garbage . Cholera is an intestinal disease cause by bacteria in contaminated water . The epidemic was followed a month later by a strike by doctors and nurses demanding a review of their salaries . They are demanding that archaic hospital equipment be replaced and that medicines be available in hospitals . The health emergency comes at a time when Zimbabwe is mired in the worst economic crisis it has faced since it gained independence from Great Britain in 1980 . Last week , the United Nations ' Children 's Fund -LRB- UNICEF -RRB- gave $ 5 million to Zimbabwe 's ailing health sector to help end the industrial action by health personnel . As Tsvangirai was visiting the cholera affected areas , some residents could be seen getting water from the wells and rivers . Most suburbs in Harare have had no water for close to two weeks , forcing residents to depend on shallow pits and rivers for drinking water . The Zimbabwe National Water Authority was quoted by the state-owned media Saturday attributing the dryness to a water pump which had broken-down . The areas particularly affected include the townships of Glen Norah","question":"HARARE , Zimbabwe -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Zimbabwe 's opposition leader called the cholera outbreak in his country a `` man-made crisis , '' as new figures released Thursday showed the death toll had soared to more than 2,700 . Morgan Tsvangirai tours a cholera ward at Budiriro Polyclinic in Harare Thursday . Some 2,755 have died and 48,623 people are suspected to have been infected with cholera since last year , the World Health Organization -LRB- WHO -RRB- said . Opposition party leader Morgan Tsvangirai , speaking to reporters , pointed a finger at the Mugabe government . `` Cholera in Zimbabwe is a man-made crisis . The problem we have here is coupled with -LRB- the -RRB- fact of negligence on the part of government to provide the necessary facilities . It shows the collapse of the health delivery system , '' said Tsvangirai . The Movement for Democratic Change leader 's comments came after he toured some of the worst affected areas in the country 's capital , Harare . Zimbabwe 's cholera epidemic , which started in August , has been aggravated by erratic water supplies , shortages of water purification chemicals , broken water and"} +{"answer":"trend to the rash of layoffs , the plummeting stock market and the bust in the real estate values , all of which have left many Americans in dire financial straits . `` It makes me think that the recession is making people go to extreme measures , '' a woman who frequents one of the banks robbed Monday told The New York Times . Watch where the robbers struck '' But Kelly said it 's not clear whether the bad economic times are fueling the unusual spike . `` People want to say ... it 's because of the economy . I think it 's too early to make that statement , '' he said . CNN security analyst Mike Brooks agreed , adding that although there are typically many bank robberies during the holidays , there are no data to suggest that any recent spike was caused by the economy . Another expert said it 's possible that the difficulty of finding a job right now may be a factor , but he doubted that law-abiding citizens are turning to crime to make ends meet . `` It 's hard to attribute the bank robberies to people who","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A rash of bank robberies in New York has the city 's police commissioner worried that criminals have turned banks into `` virtual cash machines '' and some wondering whether tough economic times are fueling the trend . A surveillance camera captures a bank robbery suspect in New York on December 2 . On Monday alone , robbers targeted five banks in the Big Apple , some striking in broad daylight and near famous landmarks . Police called the incidents unrelated , but they 're just the latest examples of the growing tally of hold-ups . Bank robberies in New York have risen 54 percent compared with last year , with criminals committing more than 430 in the past 12 months , according to the New York police department . `` As it stands now , they 've turned -LSB- banks -RSB- into virtual cash machines , '' New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said . Bank robberies are also up in many areas across the country , including San Diego , California , and Houston , Texas , federal law enforcement experts told CNN . It 's enough for some to link the"} +{"answer":"was short an actor for the film `` The Lodger '' -RRB- , Hitchcock soon made it his egotistical trademark to appear in his own films , amassing a total of 37 cameos throughout his career . Ayn Rand The egotist 's egotist , author Ayn Rand -LRB- born Alissa Zinovievna Rosenbaum -RRB- is the patron saint of Thinking You 're Better Than Everybody Else . Her most famous novels , The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged , are massive dramatizations of Objectivism , her self-spun Oscar-the-Grouch philosophy for success . Objectivism champions ego and accomplishment , shuns all religion as folly , and condemns any form of charity or altruism as counterproductive to society . Rand 's novels often focus on protagonists -LRB- invariably men -RRB- who are shunned by others because of their genius , but then persevere over the foolishness of morons to prove said genius and emerge triumphant . Not surprisingly , she saw humility as a weakness and regarded laughing at yourself as `` spitting in your own face . '' So , just how much did Rand believe in her own philosophy ? Let 's just say a lot . With signature modesty , she","question":"-LRB- Mental Floss -RRB- -- They say a lot of artistic expression is motivated by self-loathing . But not for these folks ! Long before the Material Girl ordered papa to stop preaching , these six puffed-up virtuosos knew darn well how to strike a pose . Alfred Hitchcock did n't leave people in suspense about how he felt about actors . Here 's to the creative types who managed to raise egotism to an art form . Alfred Hitchcock Hitchcock was , without question , one of the towering geniuses of cinema . And , like many greats , he was n't exactly the best collaborator . Hitchcock was particularly trying for screenwriters , who felt he never properly credited them for their work . But he was notoriously hard on actors . He was once quoted as saying , `` Actors are cattle '' -- a quip that stirred up a huge outcry -LRB- actors can be so touchy -RRB- . In response , he issued this correction : `` I have been misquoted . What I really said is , ` Actors should be treated as cattle . ' '' Although it began accidentally -LRB- when he"} +{"answer":"said Saturday evening . A federal disaster mortuary team was called to assist local forensic officials . Despite reports from local authorities who said the plane hurtled toward the house from a sharp nosedive , Chealander said the current orientation of the plane indicates that it fell flat on its belly . The Continental flight from Newark , New Jersey , operated by Colgan Air , crashed about 10:17 p.m. Thursday northeast of Buffalo Niagara International Airport . Follow the plane 's path '' Chealander said the recovery effort and the investigation have been hampered by freezing temperatures as authorities try to sift through the wreckage of the flight and the home it struck . Some parts of the plane have fallen as deep as the basement , he said . `` Keep in mind , there 's an airplane that fell on top of a house , '' he told reporters . `` The house and the airplane are together . '' Authorities said it would probably take weeks to identify remains of the victims , with DNA testing required in many cases because of the intensity of the crash and subsequent fire . A 2-square-mile area around the","question":"CLARENCE CENTER , New York -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Recovering all the bodies from Thursday 's deadly passenger plane crash may take four days as investigators work through freezing temperatures and piles of wreckage , a federal transportation official said Saturday . Only a few pieces of the Continental Connection Dash 8 turboprop were recognizable after the crash . `` The medical examiner believes that three to four days are going to be required to recover the victims of this crash , and they 're in the process of doing that , '' Steve Chealander of the National Transportation Safety Board said . `` They 've already pulled some of the folks out of there , but they 've got a long way to go . '' All 49 passengers aboard Continental Connection Flight 3407 died when the 74-seat Bombardier Dash 8 Q400 turboprop crashed into a home in Clarence Center , New York , on Thursday night . A 61-year-old man in the house died also , but his wife and daughter survived . Fifteen bodies have been recovered , and efforts to identify the victims and conduct autopsies are under way , Erie County Health Commission Anthony Billittier"} +{"answer":"had stalled or might fail , but `` it 's quite the opposite -- the Annapolis process has laid the foundation for the eventual establishment for the state of Palestine . '' The purpose of her current trip , Rice said , was `` to advance the Annapolis process , '' and while she did not speculate on a timetable for the future of the process or offer specifics on peace talks , she added , `` I 've seen them move forward a great deal in the past year . '' Both Israeli and Palestinian officials have expressed doubts about achieving a peace agreement before President Bush leaves office , but until this week U.S. officials had been more optimistic in their public comments . Speaking in Israel on Thursday , Rice blamed part of the inability to secure a deal on recent political changes in Israel , which she noted is `` in the midst of elections . '' With Abbas on Friday , she emphasized that the commitment expressed by Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert when they signed an agreement to work toward a peace deal by the end of 2008 is still strong .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Despite acknowledgment from the White House a day earlier that a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians is unlikely before a new U.S. president takes office , Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Friday she is confident that ongoing efforts would produce success . Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni , right , and U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice speak Thursday . `` Carried to its state of conclusion , it will produce a state of Palestine , '' Rice , referring to negotiations in the wake of last year 's U.S. summit on Israel-Palestinian peace in Annapolis , Maryland , said at a joint news conference with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah , West Bank . Rice is on her eighth trip to the region since the Annapolis summit . On Thursday , White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said the Bush administration does not `` think that it 's likely that it -LRB- a peace agreement -RRB- would happen before the end of the year . '' Rice said Friday that she realizes the lack of a peace agreement in the months following the Annapolis summit had caused some concerns that talks"} +{"answer":"in and no one will see me , '' she laughs . The lightning-fast speed of Venus ' serve is at complete odds with her personality . She is strong , ambitious and determined , but also surprisingly laid-back for someone whose professional career is about playing harder , longer and faster . `` I just always go with the flow , '' she told CNN . `` On the court , that 's when I get most intense . In practice , I scream and yell and threaten to throw my racquet but in the match I 'm not like that at all . '' Her younger sister , world number one Serena , sounds almost envious of Venus ' ability to keep her emotions in check . `` Venus is really , really unusually composed and that 's just her style , '' Serena told CNN . `` On the court she 's always really focused . She always has this quiet tenacity and she never really shows her emotions which I think is good . '' The youngest of five sisters , Serena says she continues to draw inspiration from her closest sibling . Venus is just","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The only thing Venus Williams treasures more than winning is a decent nap . Venus Williams knocks Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova out of the Barclays Dubai Tennis Championships on February 17 , 2009 . Just before a match , when other top tennis players might be psyching themselves up for a three-set onslaught , the elder of the Williams sisters can be found somewhere private , snoozing . `` I 'm always sleepy , '' she told CNN in an interview for this month 's edition of `` Revealed . '' `` I 'm literally taking a nap during the first set and the match before me , so I 'm probably the only person that can go to sleep , come out 15 minutes later and start playing . '' Wary of sending the wrong signals to her rivals , the sixth seed confessed to CNN that she prefers to take her naps in private . `` I 'm wondering if my competitor is going to see me here , so I try to act like I 'm not asleep , but I am asleep , or I try to find a place where I can sleep"} +{"answer":"Jose , California , watching it in horror on TV with a few other people , '' Strandlof told CNN 's Anderson Cooper . He was at a homeless shelter at the time . Strandlof denies being a pathological liar . He says he suffered from `` some severely underdiagnosed mental illness '' and that he got caught up in the moment around `` people who are passionate and loved what they did . '' He told CNN he had put on a `` production , which I 'm sorry for . '' `` Hopefully the people that I hurt can in some way gain closure from that , and I myself do n't know what I can do short of leaving them alone and not being in their lives , to make that happen , '' Strandlof said . He said he 's not sure exactly how he 's hurt people . `` It 's not for me to say , and time will tell , '' he said . Hal Bidlack , a former Air Force lieutenant colonel , is one of those people . He ran for Congress as a Democrat and had Strandlof appear with him","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Richard Strandlof said he survived the 9\/11 attacks on the Pentagon . He said he survived again when a roadside bomb went off in Iraq killing four fellow Marines . He 'd point to his head and tell people he had a metal plate , collateral damage from the explosion . Richard Strandlof says he did n't mean to cause harm when he lied about being a military veteran . Crowds ate up his story . He canvassed Colorado appearing at the sides of politicians . Inspiring and seemingly authentic , he spoke on behalf of veterans at the state Capitol . It turns out the whole thing was a lie . He was n't at the Pentagon . He was never a Marine . He never served his country . He never graduated from the Naval Academy . He claimed his name was Rick Duncan . He formed a group called the Colorado Veterans Alliance , and the FBI is now investigating whether he embezzled money as a result . Watch Strandlof defend himself '' Where was he on 9\/11 , the day he said he witnessed heroism firsthand ? `` I was in San"} +{"answer":", '' . Mugabe told his ZANU-PF party 's youth conference in Harare on Friday . `` Who said the British and the Americans should rule over others ? That 's why we say , down with you . We have not invited these bloody whites . They want to poke their nose into our own affairs . Refuse that , '' he said . The European Union imposed travel bans on Mugabe and his representatives in 2002 . The bans were imposed after accusations of human rights violations and election fraud . In addition to travel restrictions , the European Union has frozen the assets of more than 200 Zimbabweans for allegedly violating human rights , according to Sweden , which holds the rotating presidency of the EU this year . On Saturday , Mugabe again addressed `` sanctions , '' saying he was dismayed that they were not lifted after meeting with the EU delegation . `` I have always been disappointed with sanctions on Zimbabwe , '' he said , adding that the EU delegation `` thought things were not working , yet we did all the things we were asked to do '' under a power-sharing","question":"HARARE , Zimbabwe -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A European Union delegation met Saturday with Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe , who said the parties had established a `` good rapport . '' President Mugabe and his wife , Grace , arrive for a ZANU PF party youth conference on Friday . '' There was no animosity , it was quite friendly , '' Mugabe said . Gunilla Carlsson , the Swedish minister for International Development Cooperation , said the parties `` definitely made some progress . '' `` Of course we did n't agree with everything Mr. Mugabe said , but it was a correct meeting and we exchanged views , '' Carlsson , who is heading the mission , told CNN 's Rosemary Church . The delegation met with Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai later on Saturday . Carlsson spokesman Peter Larsson had said earlier that `` there was no sense of any hostility from Mugabe . '' Larsson was referring to remarks the Zimbabwean president made Friday , when he condemned `` bloody whites '' for meddling in his country 's affairs . Carlsson is heading the mission to Zimbabwe . `` Sanctions or no sanctions , Zimbabwe remains ours"} +{"answer":"for everyone , without discrimination . A federal judge in Mississippi ruled Tuesday that while he would n't force the school to have a prom , which had originally been scheduled for April 2 , he agreed that McMillen 's First Amendment rights had been violated . That was good news , said her attorney , Christine Sun , senior counsel with the ACLU 's lesbian , gay , bisexual and transgender project . It set a precedent and helped broadcast an important statement , which was made stronger by virtue of where it came from , she said . `` We 're in a conservative area of the country , where people tend to think we can do what we like , '' said Sun , who lives in New York but has traveled multiple times to Mississippi for this legal push . `` This case sends a strong message that that 's not going to fly anymore . '' The only pending issue , Sun said , is the question of damages and the ACLU 's request for attorneys ' fees . An amended complaint to seek a quick resolution on this should be filed in the next","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Walking into school Wednesday morning was not easy for Constance McMillen . The last time she 'd been there was March 11 , the day after her Fulton , Mississippi , high school canceled prom rather than allow her to wear a tuxedo and attend with her girlfriend . She did n't assume last week 's spring break would cool things down . She expected stares , dirty looks and cold shoulders , and passing through the doors was daunting . Over these last two weeks , she said , she 's had a hard time sleeping , can barely eat , feels anxious and -- until she saw a doctor for help -- often felt like she was `` going to throw up . '' `` I 've been very nervous about all of this , '' the 18-year-old Itawamba Agricultural High School senior said . `` I do n't like being somewhere where everyone hates me . '' McMillen 's name made national headlines when she , with the help of the American Civil Liberties Union , filed suit against her school and the Itawamba County School District , asking them to reinstate prom"} +{"answer":"in Vietnam the U.S. faced a `` broad-based popular insurgency '' whereas today , according to most polls , a large number of Afghans support foreign assistance . Last , Obama added , is that today Americans are responding to a very real threat that began with the vicious attack on 9\/11 . Clearly , Obama feels defensive about this analogy and hopes to undercut liberal critics who are frustrated and disappointed with his decision . In trying to separate himself from the experience of Johnson , however , Obama did not give an accurate account of what many commentators have been saying recently , and he downplayed crucial aspects of the 1960s that do in fact offer warnings for today . Mark Twain once said that history does not repeat itself , but it rhymes . Most of those who have compared Afghanistan to Vietnam do not say that the situations were exactly the same politically or strategically . Nor is it inevitable that the surge in Afghanistan will be unsuccessful . The point of the comparison is that it is impossible to ignore the fact that Obama faces similar challenges , as did Johnson when the `` Americanization","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- On June 17 , 1964 , President Lyndon Johnson explained to The New York Times reporter James `` Scotty '' Reston why he had to stay the course in Vietnam by stabilizing the South Vietnamese government so that it could fight communism . Johnson rejected calls for withdrawal that were being made by liberal Democrats as well as the proposal for neutralization promoted by France 's Charles de Gaulle . `` So the only thing you 've got left , '' Johnson said , `` is try to make this thing more efficient and more effective and hold as strong as you can and keep this government as stable as you can and try to improve it as you can and that we 're doing day and night . '' During his recent speech at West Point , President Obama rejected the lessons that these kinds of stories tell us about Afghanistan . The president , saying that the comparison with Vietnam relies on a `` false reading of history , '' pointed to three differences . The first is that the U.S. is now part of a broad international coalition . The second is that"} +{"answer":"big stars . In my childhood I was surrounded by films , actors , film makers , directors and film talk . I would bunk school to watch movies , old English films and Hindi films -- that 's how I spent my childhood . And playing cricket ! CNN : Mumbai is the home of Bollywood movies -- was that an influence ? Anil Kapoor : The influence of the film industry is tremendous over here . Every kid dreams of becoming either an actor or a cricketer . In India , we love film and everybody wants to get into films . `` It 's in our bloodstream -- film making , songs , music , everything connected with cinema -- people just love it . `` It 's the cheapest form of entertainment and recession or no recession , people just flock to the theaters to watch our movies . '' CNN : Tell me about `` Slumdog Millionaire . '' Anil Kapoor : Slumdog is like my story . I also started from scratch , went from rags to riches . I started in Chembur and I slowly climbed -- God has been kind in that","question":"MUMBAI , India -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Bollywood superstar Anil Kapoor has been catapulted into the global spotlight for his award-winning performance as creepy quiz show host Prem Kumar in the smash hit movie '' Slumdog Millionaire . '' Anil Kapoor : `` Slumdog Millionaire is like my story . '' Kapoor talks to CNN 's `` My City , My Life '' about `` Slumdog '' , his hometown of Mumbai , his own rags to riches rise to stardom and how the recent terror attacks affected the city . CNN : - Did you grow up in Mumbai ? Anil Kapoor : I was born in Mumbai , in a suburb named Chembur . In my neighborhood the kids never wore shoes , we always had bare feet . I remember my parents asking me to wear shoes to go and play , but usually I would forget . Usually kids say they want to be doctors or engineers , pilots or businessmen , but I just wanted to be an actor . My father was an assistant director for an Indian film maker and then from being an assistant he became a secretary to one of the"} +{"answer":"Jewish collectible coin and banknote wholesaler who lived on East 32nd Street and befriended Fischer 20 years ago , when she lived a block away . The Blumins made their home in New York , where they had relatives . The 5-foot-2-inch immigrant married Walter Fischer , another Austrian , who earned money performing odd jobs . The couple lived with Fischer 's mother ; Ida Fischer earned money from a variety of office jobs . Fischer , who was in her mid-70s when Last met her in the late 1980s , gave the impression that she was just scraping by , he said . `` She hung around on the street and talked to everybody and people gave her food and clothes , '' he said . `` She was very thrifty . '' She once traveled with her mother to Israel , but did not appear particularly religious , Last said . Gabor Szanto , who met Fischer nearly 40 years ago upon his arrival in the United States from Hungary by way of Italy , disagreed , saying his friend observed all the high holidays . `` I used to take her to the synagogue , ''","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- New details have emerged about a Jewish immigrant who fled Austria as World War II was brewing , lived frugally in New York and left an estate whose size -- $ 300,000 -- astounded some . Ida Blumin fled Austria in 1938 for the U.S. and married Walter Fischer , who earned money performing odd jobs . In a story published Monday , CNN and other news organizations reported neither the woman 's name nor much else about her , except for the fact that she had donated half of her estate to Hebrew University in Jerusalem , a school with which she had had no known contact . Since then , CNN has contacted two of her friends and a relative , who have identified her as Ida Fischer , who was born Ida Blumin in 1911 in Vienna . They said she was neither a concentration camp survivor nor had she ever been homeless , as the school originally reported . Her life story , however , was still remarkable . In 1938 , she , her mother , her sister and her sister 's husband fled Austria , said Peter Last , a"} +{"answer":"apprehended until 1999 . `` I 've really got nothing to say . She did her time , as minimal as that may have been , '' said Jon Opsahl , who was 15 when his mother was killed . `` One of those years -- just one -- was for the murder of my mom and the bank robbery up in Carmichael . '' Myrna Opsahl , a mother of four , was depositing money at the Crocker National Bank for her church when she was shot by Olson 's co-defendant Emily Montague Harris , according to court documents . Harris was sentenced to eight years ; she served four and was released on parole in February 2007 . Jon Opsahl , now 49 , said he never understood why it took so long to bring his mother 's killers to justice . While charges were filed in the bombings within months , no charges were brought in his mother 's murder until 2002 . `` You expect thugs to do what thugs do , but you do n't expect the district attorney to turn a blind eye to the murder of an upstanding citizen , '' Jon Opsahl","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Jon Opsahl said he does n't think domestic terrorist-turned-housewife Sara Jane Olson served nearly enough time for his mother 's murder , but he 's relieved the saga ended with Olson 's Tuesday release from prison . Sara Jane Olson was released from a California prison Tuesday after serving seven years . Olson , a member of the self-styled revolutionary Symbionese Liberation Army -- perhaps best known for kidnapping Patricia Hearst -- was released from a California prison after serving seven years , the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation said . She was released to her husband just after midnight and is expected to serve her yearlong parole term in Minnesota -- over the the objections of police unions and Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty . Her sentence stems from her involvement in the 1975 attempted bombings of two police cars and the slaying of Myrna Opsahl during a bank robbery that same year . Back then , Olson went by her birth name , Kathleen Anne Soliah . After her 1976 indictment in the attempted bombings , she changed her name and started a new life in St. Paul , Minnesota . She was not"} +{"answer":"'' Joy said in an interview with CNN on Friday . `` I truly did n't and I still do n't . I still loved it , I sang it the way I wanted to . '' Watch what CNN 's Michelle Wright said about Megan Joy '' Despite all the bickering , Joy says that she and Cowell remain on good terms . After Wednesday 's program , she says they both laughed and he told her that he enjoyed watching her . Watch what CNN 's Lisa Respers France thought of performance '' Furthermore , the self-described `` dork '' says her `` American Idol '' experience has opened new doors to her future . `` Before all this competition , I thought I was just going to be a stay-at-home mom , '' Joy said . `` Now , I am interested to see all sorts of different things I could possibly try and dabble . ... I 'm excited to just see what 's out there . '' And those bizarre moments onstage Wednesday when she flapped her arms and squawked like a bird ? Joy says that 's just her personality . `` I do","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It 's no secret that `` American Idol '' judge Simon Cowell often shows no mercy toward aspiring singers . Quirky , tattooed contestant Megan Joy Corkrey discovered that Wednesday night during the elimination round on the popular singing competition . Megan Joy said she and Simon Cowell remain on good terms . Megan Joy , who dropped her last name , told Cowell that she `` did n't really care '' about his criticisms of her Tuesday night performance of Bob Marley 's `` Turn The Lights Down Low , '' which he described as `` boring , indulgent and monotonous . '' Those comments sealed the 23-year-old single mother 's fate . Host Ryan Seacrest asked Cowell if he would be using the `` save '' rule in Megan 's case . Cowell demurred : `` Megan , with the greatest respect , when you said that you do n't care -- nor do we . So I 'm not going to pretend that we 're even going to contemplate saving you , '' replied Cowell . `` I do n't care that Simon did n't like that song ,"} +{"answer":"of abuse . '' `` The Child of Bethlehem summons us once again to do everything in our power to put an end to the suffering of these children ; to do everything possible to make the light of Bethlehem touch the heart of every man and woman , '' he said . Watch Pope Benedict deliver his message during midnight Mass '' `` Only through the conversion of hearts , only through a change in the depths of our hearts can the cause of all this evil be overcome . '' Thousands heard the pope , in white and gold robes , speak inside the basilica at St. Peter 's -- although Vatican cameras captured some sleeping children who had been unable to stay awake for the late ceremony . Those who could not get inside watched on giant television screens outside in the square . As Benedict was leaving down the main aisle , someone wearing red jumped the barrier . The person was swiftly tackled by security . The pope appeared to slow his step momentarily and take a slight step back as the action took place , but he quickly resumed the processional , waving to","question":"VATICAN CITY , Vatican -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Pope Benedict XVI called for peace in the Middle East and an end to the exploitation of children in the homily he delivered early Thursday during the annual Christmas Eve Midnight Mass in St. Peter 's Basilica . Pope Benedict XVI calls for a `` conversion of hearts '' to help children . He later delivered the traditional Christmas address in St. Peter 's Square , sending Christmas greetings in languages including English , Spanish , Lithuanian , Ukrainian , Slovak and many others . The address is known as `` Urbi et Orbi '' -- Latin for `` To the City and the World . '' Benedict , 81 , called for the faithful to pray for peace to come to `` the land in which Jesus lived , and which he loved so deeply . '' `` Let us pray for mutual understanding , that hearts will be opened , so that borders can be opened , '' he said . The pontiff also called for special consideration for suffering children who are homeless , forced to serve as soldiers or exploited in pornography `` and every other appalling form"} +{"answer":"the treaty could produce `` the possibility of a detente '' between Washington and Moscow , `` which may not come to anything but which quite possibly could come to something . '' The meeting took place just nine months after the discovery of Soviet missiles in Cuba brought the world 's major nuclear powers to the brink of war . Kennedy said the Soviets were having `` domestic , internal economic problems '' and he was worried about the rise of China after a major diplomatic split in 1960 . `` I do n't think anybody can say with any precision , but there is n't any doubt that the dispute with China is certainly a factor , '' Kennedy said , adding , `` They want to avoid a nuclear struggle or ... they want to lessen the chances of conflict with us . '' But he said the rising nuclear ambitions of China , which would conduct its first tests the following year , could force the United States to resume its own tests . `` It may be that the Chinese test in the next year , 18 months , 2 years , and we would","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former President John F. Kennedy saw a proposed ban on above-ground nuclear tests as a way to thaw U.S.-Soviet relations after the Cuban Missile Crisis , according to recordings released Thursday . President John F. Kennedy expresses a desire to thaw U.S.-Soviet relatations , on newly released recordings . `` If it does represent a possibility of avoiding the kind of collision that we had last fall in Cuba , which was quite close , and Berlin in 1961 , we should seize the chance , '' Kennedy said in a July 1963 meeting with top government scientists . He signed a treaty with the Soviets and the British the following month that banned nuclear tests in the atmosphere , underwater or in space . Kennedy 's presidential library in Boston , Massachusetts , released the four-minute recording of the meeting , held just four months before his assassination . The scientists taking part included John Foster and Norris Bradbury , the directors of two of the top U.S. nuclear laboratories ; Glenn Seaborg , then-head of the Atomic Energy Commission ; and a member of the commission , John Palfrey . Kennedy expressed hope that"} +{"answer":"golden age of spending for the American consumer has ended and a new age of thrift likely has begun , '' said a Wall Street analyst . `` Sixty percent off is the new black , '' quipped a magazine fashion writer . Gone , seemingly overnight , were the throngs of buyers from Europe and Asia who had been dragging their wheelies down Fifth Avenue in New York , loading up on shoes and handbags and leaving us American shoppers feeling , even then , like poor country cousins . Word spread that we were now living in `` the Wal-Mart moment , '' which was likely to be rather drawn out . Our longstanding fetish for bigger , faster , flashier , pricier was no more . . With the most hyped shopping day on the calendar -- Black Friday ! -- upon us , we all might take a deep breath and focus , not just on where to find the best door-busters , but on more important questions : What is going on out there ? In the buying and selling universe , are we witnessing a permanent change in values ? Have we all turned","question":"New York -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Three years ago I began research on a book dedicated to the national pastimes : shopping and buying . The plan was to devote the first half of the story to what I called the `` sell side '' : the retailers , marketers and consumer researchers who have their sights trained on us . The second half would be about us , the `` buy side . '' I would explore all that attracts us -- bees to nectar -- to specific stores and products , why some of us are cheapskates and others have holes in our pockets . Then , a not-so-funny thing happened . Between the time I started my reporting and the time I handed in my finished manuscript , both the sell and the buy sides had cratered . Home prices crashed . Credit markets collapsed . The government tried feverishly to glue broken banks back together . Unemployment went up and up and up . The result : consumer spending -- as in that which drives 70 percent of the U.S. economy -- was running on fumes . Department store sales sank by double-digits . `` The"} +{"answer":"stops its weapons program , '' Hersh said . The new article , `` Preparing the Battlefield , '' is the latest in a series of articles accusing the Bush administration of preparing for war with Iran . He based the report on accounts from current and former military , intelligence , and congressional sources . Watch Hersh discuss what he says are the administration 's plans for Iran '' `` As usual with his quarterly pieces , we 'll decline to comment , '' White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe told CNN . `` The CIA , as a rule , does not comment on allegations regarding covert operations , '' CIA spokesman Paul Gimigliano said . Ryan Crocker , the U.S. ambassador in Baghdad , denied U.S. raids were being launched from Iraq , where American commanders believe Iran is stoking sectarian warfare and fomenting attacks on U.S. troops . `` I can tell you flatly that U.S. forces are not operating across the Iraqi border into Iran , in the south or anywhere else , '' Crocker said . Hersh said U.S. efforts were staged from Afghanistan , which also shares a border with Iran . He said","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Bush administration has launched a `` significant escalation '' of covert operations in Iran , sending U.S. commandos to spy on the country 's nuclear facilities and undermine the Islamic republic 's government , journalist Seymour Hersh said Sunday . An Iranian flag flies outside the building containing the reactor of Bushehr nuclear power plant , south of Tehran . White House , CIA and State Department officials declined comment on Hersh 's report , which appears in this week 's issue of The New Yorker . Hersh told CNN 's `` Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer '' that Congress has authorized up to $ 400 million to fund the secret campaign , which involves U.S. special operations troops and Iranian dissidents . President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney have rejected findings from U.S. intelligence agencies that Iran has halted a clandestine effort to build a nuclear bomb and `` do not want to leave Iran in place with a nuclear program , '' Hersh said . `` They believe that their mission is to make sure that before they get out of office next year , either Iran is attacked or it"} +{"answer":"in Europe , North America and beyond criticizing the church for its handling of sexual abuse cases . Friday 's visit was unique in that it took place in the homeland of Benedict , where he 'd also served as a cardinal . He himself got caught up in the scandal in at least one case , when he -- as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger -- approved the transfer of a man within Germany in the wake of accusations that the man had abused children . But the archdiocese has said the then-cardinal was never personally aware of the details of the man 's case . In March 2010 , the priest -- then identified only as H -- was suspended , the archdiocese of Munich and Freising announced . Five years earlier , enthusiasm was high in Germany 's Catholic community when Benedict was named pope . But the sex abuse scandal , and a perception that a conservative church is unlikely to change its ways , has affected the church in the European nation . According to Der Spiegel magazine , more than 181,000 Catholics have left the church since the scandal broke . And candidates for the priesthood","question":"Berlin -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Pope Benedict XVI met Friday with a group of people who had been sexually abused by clergy in his native Germany , where disenchantment with the Roman Catholic Church has grown in the wake of the scandal . The meeting , which occurred at a seminary in Erfurt , came on the second day of the pontiff 's four-day visit to his homeland . Besides talking with victims of sexual abuse committed by priests and church personnel , he also met with people `` who care for those injured by these crimes , '' according to a statement from the Vatican press office . `` Moved and deeply shaken by the sufferings of the victims , the Holy Father expressed his deep compassion and regret over all that was done to them and their families , '' the statement added . `` He assured the people present that those in positions of responsibility in the church are seriously concerned to deal with all crimes of abuse and are committed to effective measures for the protection of children . '' The pope has had similar meetings elsewhere , in the face of outcries from many nations"} +{"answer":"Army spokeswoman . `` The targets were carefully chosen to pinpoint enemy positions and eliminate the likelihood of harming innocent civilians , '' she said . `` This region has provided an ideal environment to conceal enemy support bases and training sites , as well as plan and launch attacks aimed at terrorizing innocent civilians , both inside and outside the region . '' Also Wednesday , a manager at a private British security firm in Afghanistan was shot and killed in the capital Kabul , a spokesman for the company said . `` We did lose a manager today in Kabul to unknown assailants , '' Christopher Beese , spokesman for ArmorGroup International , said Wednesday . He said next of kin have been notified and an inquiry into the incident has begun . The name of the man , a British national , was not released . `` It 's bad news . He was a very well-respected man , '' Beese said , noting that the victim had experience in Afghanistan going back to the early 1980s . Beese -- who said the man 's role was to run the administration of the 1,200-person-strong security presence in","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Hundreds of U.S. and Afghan soldiers have embarked on a major operation against militants in the eastern Afghan region of Tora Bora , near the border with Pakistan , officials have told CNN . File photo of the remote mountain Tora Bora region on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan . Air and ground strikes under way in the remote mountain region are aimed at large numbers of militant fighters . The troops are targeting `` hundreds of hardened al Qaeda and Taliban in dug-in positions , '' said officials familiar with the intelligence . The operation started two days ago in the region , where al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was once thought to be hiding . The Bush administration has been criticized for not sending enough ground forces to Tora Bora in December 2001 to capture the militant after the invasion that toppled the Taliban . `` U.S. and Afghan forces engaged al Qaeda and other violent extremist fighters in eastern Afghanistan during a combined arms assault using precision munitions . There have been no substantiated reports of civilian casualties in this engagement , '' said Capt. Vanessa R. Bowman , a U.S."} +{"answer":"makes your photos fabulous with easy to use yet powerful editing tools . Tweak to your heart 's content , then get creative with oodles of effects , fonts , shapes , and frames . '' If you already use Flickr for your photos -LRB- here 's what I do with mine -RRB- , you 're only a click away from taking a Picnik . That 's how I discovered it , and it 's worked fairly well for me to this point . 2 . Splashup -- Splashup `` is a powerful editing tool and photo manager . With all the features professionals use and novices want , it 's easy to use , works in real-time , and allows you to edit many images at once . '' You 'd wonder how something this extensive could be free - and it all runs within the browser . 3 . FotoFlexer -- FotoFlexer bills itself as `` the world 's most advanced online image editor . '' With it , you can edit photos from Photobucket , MySpace , Facebook , Flickr , Picasa , and `` more places . '' I 'm not quite sure what `` more","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Digital cameras are now as common and affordable to the average family as the Polaroid of the '60s . A self-admitted tech geek , Chris Pirillo is president of Lockergnome.com , a blogging network . Best thing about 'em ? You do n't even have to take your film in to the corner drugstore to get developed -- because digital cameras do n't rely on film to make their pictures `` stick . '' Thanks to technology , the entire process , from clicking the shutter to printing the pictures , is now entirely within the power of the consumer . Maybe you 've taken a picture that 's just not as perfect as you 'd like it to be . Instead of being at the mercy of a darkroom-shackled photo lackey to improve upon it , you 've got more tools than ever to take it upon yourself to edit , store , organize , and share your images with the world . Here 's a roundup of 10 free , and mostly free , online tools for the budding digital photographer : 1 . Picnik -- Summed up from the site : `` Picnik"} +{"answer":"commissions makes us foolish and weak , and invites more attacks , '' said Melissa Long , whose boyfriend was a first responder killed in New York . `` What is fair and just is to continue the military commissions and punish those who have committed acts of terrorism against Americans , period . '' Long later married a man who lost his parents when their plane slammed into the Pentagon on that fateful day . Brian Long acknowledged that some of the detainees may have gone through some inhumane treatment through the years , but he thinks they are being well taken care of now . `` The only injustice is being orchestrated by our leader by making decisions about something he knew nothing about , '' Long said . Other September 11 families have visited Guantanamo Bay for previous hearings and voiced support for using the facility for terror trials . The government uses a random process to select names of family members invited to observe . The family members said they think Guantanamo detainees have been provided with good attorneys , who , in many cases , are paired with clients who do n't want their help","question":"GUANTANAMO BAY , Cuba -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Families of September 11 victims visiting Guantanamo Bay , Cuba , on Thursday urged the Obama administration to drop plans to close the facility and to restart terror trials there . A guard talks with a detainee at Guantanamo Bay , Cuba , earlier this year . `` I am opposed to the closing of this facility because of political reasons , '' said Gordon Haberman whose daughter , Andrea , was killed when terrorist planes struck the World Trade Center . `` I believe that the current administration spoke too quickly on this . '' Haberman said he thinks President Obama should not insist on carrying out his campaign pledge to shutter the detention facility . Haberman was one of nine people visiting Guantanamo this week who lost loved ones in the September 11 attacks . He and the others had the opportunity to observe pre-trial hearings for some suspects on Wednesday and Thursday . Several were critical of Obama 's decision to suspend military commissions at Guantanamo Bay while the administration reviews what to do with each detainee . `` Our government 's current executive order to halt the military"} +{"answer":"to have a vaccine tomorrow . We would have wanted to have it yesterday , '' she said . `` It 's a long journey . '' She said there is `` no doubt '' that a vaccine can be made `` in a relatively short period of time . '' The steps involved in producing a vaccine involve isolating a strain of the virus , which has already been done , and tweaking it so manufacturers can make a vaccine , Kieny said . The tweaked virus will be shipped to manufacturers , who will fine-tune it . Then come more tests before national regulatory agencies decide whether to approve a vaccine . As researchers work , at least one politician at the epicenter of the outbreak expressed optimism Friday . Authorities in Mexico are `` beginning to see evidence that the -LSB- virus -RSB- might be letting up , and the number of people who have been hospitalized has leveled out in regards to people who are contagious , at least as of yesterday , '' Mexico City Mayor Marcelo Ebrard told reporters . Watch how Mexican authorities are dealing with the outbreak '' `` We do have","question":"GENEVA , Switzerland -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The number of confirmed swine flu cases across the globe kept rising Friday , but some signs of hope emerged in the battle against the worldwide outbreak . Tourists sunbathe wearing surgical masks in the popular Mexican resort of Acapulco . The World Health Organization said Friday that the number of confirmed cases stood at 367 worldwide , including 141 in the United States and 156 in Mexico . Thirteen countries have confirmed cases , the organization said . Meanwhile , researchers worked to develop a vaccine for swine flu , which is also known as 2009 H1N1 . The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention hopes to have a vaccine to manufacturers within a month , said Michael Shaw , lab team leader for the H1N1 response at the CDC . `` We 're doing the best we can as fast as we can , '' he said . Yet it would take four to six months from the time the appropriate strain is identified before the first doses become available , said Dr. Marie-Paule Kieny , WHO director of the Initiative for Vaccine Research . `` Of course we would like"} +{"answer":"States . Savage is on the list for `` seeking to provoke others to serious criminal acts and fostering hatred which might lead to inter-community violence . '' Savage lashed out at Smith on his Web site , calling her a `` witch '' and asking how she knew of his show when it is n't syndicated in England . He also questioned why six names on the list were n't released and why North Korean leader Kim Jong Il and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez did n't make the list . In an audio clip on his Web site , Savage said he had seven attorneys working on a defamation lawsuit against Smith and encouraged his listeners to call off any travel plans to England and boycott all British products . `` She has painted a target on my back , linking me with people who are in prison for killing people , '' he said . `` How could they put Michael Savage in the same league as mass murderers when I have never avowed violence ? '' Outspoken Kansas Rev. Fred Phelps and his daughter , Shirley Phelps-Roper , are also listed for `` engaging in unacceptable behavior","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- White supremacists , Islamic clerics , a controversial Kansas pastor and a U.S. talk show host are on a list of 22 people banned from Britain for `` stirring up hatred , '' the British government said Tuesday . Jacqui Smith said she did not hesitate to name and shame those who foster extremist views . Britain 's Home Office said it decided to exclude the 22 in the last several months . The decision follows measures introduced by Home Secretary Jacqui Smith last year against people `` who have engaged in spreading hate , '' the Home Office said . The Home Office named only 16 of those on the list ; it said it was not in the public interest to disclose the names of the other six . A spokeswoman declined to elaborate on why the Home Office would not publicly identify six of the 22 . One of the most recognized names on the list may be U.S. radio talk show host Michael Savage , who is listed under his real name , Michael Alan Wiener . The conservative 's daily show can be heard nationwide in the United"} +{"answer":"the terrorist act , '' the committee said . The woman 's father , Rasul Magomedov , was flown to Moscow to identify the remains of what was believed to be his daughter , an investigative committee official told CNN on condition of anonymity . Magomedov 's account and forensic analyses left no doubt that the body was that of Sharipova , the official said . Independent Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta reported Sunday in an exclusive article that Magomedov had identified his daughter in a photograph that was published on the Internet last week . The photograph was described as that of a dead unidentified suicide bomber of the Lubyanka metro station . Magomedov was sent the photograph on his mobile phone , the newspaper said . `` My wife and I have immediately recognized our daughter , Maryam , '' Magomedov told the newspaper in the article , which was reprinted across Russian media . `` When my wife had seen our daughter last , she had been wearing that same red scarf that is depicted on the photograph , '' he said . `` We did n't know her whereabouts ... '' Magomedov said he 'd seen his","question":"Moscow , Russia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Russian investigators have identified the second suicide bomber in last week 's fatal Moscow subway attacks as Maryam Sharipova , a 28-year-old schoolteacher from Dagestan , authorities said Tuesday . Sharipova was born in the village of Balakhani , in Dagestan , a predominantly Muslim republic that lies beside Chechnya , in southern Russia , the Investigative Committee of the Russian Prosecutor 's Office told CNN . Like Chechnya , Dagestan has been troubled for years by radical Islamic violence . The committee said it identified Sharipova through forensic medical examinations . Sharipova and another female bomber , Dzhennet Abdullayeva , detonated their explosives about 40 minutes apart on the morning of March 29 . The blasts ripped through the Lubyanka and Park Kultury stations in central Moscow , killing 40 people and wounding more than 80 . An estimated 500,000 people were riding trains in the capital at the time of the attacks . Sharipova triggered a homemade explosive device at Lubyanka subway station , the investigative committee said . Russian law enforcement bodies are continuing their `` investigative and operational search actions to determine and arrest the organizers and masterminds behind"} +{"answer":"he and Hill were pleased with the new indictment . `` We look forward to a conviction as Tasha and her 7-year-old daughter move forward to recover from this heinous incident , '' he said . West 's lawyer , Larry King , had no comment about the indictment , according his assistant . Hill , 35 , said the attack occurred after she warned West to be careful after almost hitting her 7-year-old daughter with the restaurant 's door as she was leaving . West , according to a police report , admitted striking Hill `` after she spit on me and accused me of trying to hit her daughter with a door . '' During an interview on CNN following the attack , Jones denied that she spat on West or did `` anything to provoke the attack . '' Hill , an African-American , told police that West , 47 , yelled racial epithets at her during the attack . Police said witnesses confirmed her account . `` He did punch me with a closed fist repeated times . My head is still hurting today . I have knots on my head , '' Hill told CNN","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A man accused of screaming racial slurs while beating an Army reservist in front of her daughter outside a restaurant in Morrow , Georgia , was jailed and held without bond Wednesday after being indicted on felony charges . Troy Dale West Jr , of Poulan , Georgia , is being held without bond on new felony charges . Troy Dale West Jr. , of Poulan , Georgia , is facing one count of aggravated assault , two counts of battery , two counts of disorderly conduct , false imprisonment and cruelty to children for allegedly beating Tashawnea Hill outside a Cracker Barrel restaurant on September 9 , according to a Clayton County Court online docket . West had been arrested on misdemeanor charges following the incident , but Clayton County District Attorney Tracy Graham Lawson took the the case to a grand jury asking for more serious charges . Hill 's attorney Kip Jones told CNN that several hundred supporters , believed to be with the NAACP , Al Sharpton 's Political Action Network and Rainbow Push , gathered outside the courtroom Wednesday morning in support of more serious charges against West . Jones said"} +{"answer":"who do n't believe the results to use proper legal avenues , such as requesting a recount they could observe . Watch Khamenei deny allegations of vote-rigging '' He did not , however , issue a call for a new vote -- a move that opposition leaders such as Mir Hossein Moussavi have been demanding . Instead , he passionately defended the election as he addressed a crowd at Tehran University . The election is expected to be a topic of conversation on Saturday before the Guardian Council , which supervises the country 's elections . A council official said the body has invited three candidates -- Moussavi , Mehdi Barrubi , and Mohsen Rezaie -- to its meeting to discuss any issues they see fit , according to the Islamic Republic News Agency . Watch Khamenei defend the outcome of the election '' More protest rallies are planned for Saturday -- one sponsored by supporters of opposition candidates Moussavi and Karrubi and another by supporters of former President Mohammed Khatami . While both camps said they had no plans to cancel the marches , the Interior Ministry told FARS news agency there were no permits issued for either event","question":"TEHRAN , Iran -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Iran 's supreme leader is warning the thousands of people who have been protesting last week 's presidential vote to maintain self-restraint or face a stiff reaction from authorities . Ayatollah Ali Khamenei speaks to a crowd in Tehran during Friday prayers . Members of the opposition -- who have staged noisy demonstrations for the last six days to protest what they believe was a rigged election -- are weighing their options after Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei drew a line in the sand during his all-important sermon during Friday prayers . The supreme leader declared last week 's presidential election a `` definitive victory '' for President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and sloughed off charges of vote tampering . `` Any extremist move will fan up another extremist move , '' said Khamenei , who criticized the street protests and said those who caused violence during demonstrations would be held accountable . `` If the political elite want to ignore law and break the law and take wrong measures which are harmful willy nilly , they will be held accountable for all the violence and blood and rioting . '' Khamenei called on those"} +{"answer":"just a little bit stumped ? Well , no worries . Brian Cooley from CNET.com is here to help us out , steer us clear and hopefully give us some great ideas . And I know you have some great ideas for us . BRIAN COOLEY , EDITOR-AT-LARGE , CNET.COM : Look at these beauties . First of all , for gaming , you know the Nintendo Wii is hot , but you ca n't find one ? The Nintendo DS Light is a pretty good placeholder . The dual screen that it 's known for , they 've slimmed it down from its original DS . And of course that great legacy of all those great Nintendo games . And pretty cheep . For $ 130 or less you can get one of these . That 's very affordable . Check out this music player , Reynolds . It 's gon na be the next kind of iPod . It 's from SanDisk . It 's called the Sansa Connect . That little bump is a WiFi antenna . This can connect wirelessly to the Internet or to other devices like it to share music , download music and","question":"CNN Student News -- June 29 , 2007 Transcript THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT . THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED . CARL AZUZ , CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR : Thanks for checking out our latest summer edition of CNN Student News , where today 's show , all about tech . I 'm Carl Azuz . A college professor has found a way for his students to listen to his lectures even when they 're not in the classroom . And we talk to students and experts to find out some of the ways technology is being used in schools . First Up : Gadget Gifts AZUZ : It 's better to give than to receive . You 've probably heard it a hundred times . But when that gift is for a techie , there 's a gaggle of gadgets to go through . So how do you know which present to pick ? Reynolds Wolf is here to help with the breakdown on some cool tech toys . -LRB- BEGIN VIDEO CLIP -RRB- REYNOLDS WOLF , CNN REPORTER : Are you searching for that perfect gift , but you are"} +{"answer":"'' Back then , LaNier thought once the doors of equality were open it would n't be long before an African-American became president . `` I had hoped to see something like that in the next 10 or 15 years when I was in high school but that did n't happen , '' says LaNier . What has happened is a new generation of students walks the halls at Central High . Even though the exterior looks the same as it did during integration -- the interior would be almost unrecognizable to LaNier and the other Little Rock Nine . Student : I ca n't believe it happened here , but I 'm glad it did '' Today , the sea of mostly white faces has disappeared . The hallways are now filled with a more racially diverse student body . Students take a class to learn about the school 's history and many say it 's given them a greater appreciation for racial tolerance . `` Now it 's definitely hard to imagine -- you walk into the halls and you see people of all different races are in the hallway . And in addition , the majority of","question":"LITTLE ROCK , Arkansas -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Carlotta Walls LaNier points out the only two African-Americans in her senior class as she flips through her high school yearbook . She pauses when she sees the picture on a page dedicated to `` Integration . '' Carlotta Walls LaNier and eight other members of the Little Rock Nine are invited to Obama 's inauguration . It 's been nearly five decades since LaNier graduated from Little Rock Central High School in Arkansas . `` It shows how the 101st were on the grounds of the school , '' says LaNier . In 1957 , soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division , an elite Army unit , escorted LaNier and eight other African-American students into the all-white public high school . The students , who became known as the Little Rock Nine , were taunted and threatened by an angry mob . `` We knew we could not participate in extracurricular activities , '' recalls LaNier . `` There was one who could have been in the band , one who could have been on track . I was the one who played basketball ... I could n't do that ."} +{"answer":", according to the Lithuanian parliamentary report , Amnesty International said . The Bush administration came under fierce criticism for the alleged practice of `` extraordinary rendition '' -- capturing suspected terrorists in one country , moving them to another country without proper legal protections , and using `` enhanced interrogation techniques '' on them . Opponents of the practice say the interrogations amounted to torture . Former CIA agent Bob Ayers explained Tuesday how it worked . `` There were flights coming in from the battlefields and Iraq or Afghanistan . There were flights that were coming in from other nation-states which were not at war but we were collaborating with -- for example , Egypt or Jordan -- where suspected terrorists were picked up and brought to the interrogation centers where they were interrogated , '' he said . `` And then the information gained from those interrogations was then shared among the participating nations . '' The Obama administration says it no longer operates black sites , but has not formally ended the process of extraordinary rendition . A CIA spokesman declined to confirm or deny the Lithuanian lawmakers ' report . `` The agency 's terrorist","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Lithuania 's Foreign Ministry on Wednesday rejected a report from lawmakers saying the country had hosted secret CIA prisons as part of the `` war on terror . '' `` There are neither facts nor information that secret CIA detention centers existed in Lithuania , '' the ministry said in a statement , contradicting Amnesty International statements a day earlier based on a report by Lithuanian lawmakers . `` It has neither concluded that the territory of Lithuania was used to transfer persons under suspicion of terrorism nor that such persons had been brought in or transported from the territory of Lithuania , '' the Foreign Ministry said of the parliamentary report . Amnesty International said a day earlier that the former Soviet republic , now a NATO member , had become the first country to admit it hosted secret CIA detention centers for terror suspects . The tiny country on the Baltic Sea contained two `` black sites , '' the group said -- the first holding a single prisoner in 2002 . In 2004 , a former riding school outside the capital , Vilnius , was converted to hold up to eight detainees"} +{"answer":"But a few years later , Pool 's already unconventional life took an even more astonishing twist . Almost two decades after she left the Eritrean orphanage where she was adopted , Pool received a letter from the east African country informing her that her father was alive and well , living back home with her brothers and sister . The news left the then 19-year-old Pool reeling . `` It was a complete shock , '' she recalls . `` And it was n't a creeping thing like ` maybe you have a cousin ' or ` maybe you have an aunt ' -- it was like BAM ! ` you have a father , ' BAM ! ` here are your brothers and here 's your sister , ' '' she says . `` My head went into a spin , I did n't know what to do or how I was supposed to respond to this -- was I supposed to get on a plane and go to Eritrea , was I supposed to go back to all the people who I told my story to and tell them ` actually that story is not right ,","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- For years , all Hannah Pool knew was that her biological parents had died shortly after her birth . An Eritrean-born girl adopted as an infant by a British academic , Pool found herself spending her first years in Norway before landing in the UK at the age of seven . At times , she remembers , growing up in the northwest English city of Manchester as a Norwegian-speaking black girl with a white father was a source of confusion for people around her . `` When I was walking down the street holding my dad 's hand , people would sometimes check that he was n't sort of taking me , that he was n't kidnapping me , '' says Pool , who today is a writer and journalist in the UK . `` There were lots of incidents like that which actually are just part of my upbringing , part of my DNA almost -- I 'm used to having to explain myself , explain what I 'm doing in the room , explain my relationship , whether it 's with my dad or my brother or my sister , '' she adds ."} +{"answer":", ransacked the house , tied up 3-year-old Briant Rodriguez 's family and snatched the child two weeks ago . The boy was returned to his family Saturday in the border town of Calexico . `` It was a very emotional and unforgettable experience , '' said San Bernardino County Sheriff 's Sgt. Doug Hubbard , who was with the boy 's mother when he was returned . `` Enough said there -- before I get emotional . '' Officials said the boy was still in the hospital Monday and was being treated for malnourishment and fatigue . `` We 're very happy that he 's alive , '' San Bernardino County Sheriff Rod Hoops said this weekend . `` A 3-year-old goes missing in this country for two weeks -- sometimes it has an unhappy ending . `` This one did not . '' Now , police are trying to piece together exactly what may have happened during the 13 days the boy was missing . Detectives from the San Bernardino Sheriff 's Department and Federal Bureau of Investigations agents were able to identify the alleged kidnappers based on unspecified physical evidence at the San Bernardino home and interviews","question":"SAN BERNARDINO , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Three-year-old Briant Rodriguez remained in a hospital bed fatigued and malnourished Monday , 15 days after being kidnapped at gunpoint and then dumped on the streets of Mexico . Liberato Vega , 30 , left , and Israel Moreno , 28 , are suspects in the kidnapping of 3-year-old Briant Rodriguez . Police do n't know much about what happened to the boy , who was taken after gunmen tied his family and ransacked his California home on May 3 . They do n't know why the gunmen broke into the home , why they kidnapped the bubbly 3-year-old or how he ended up wandering the streets of Mexicali with a shaved head , rather than the long hair he had sported before the kidnapping . But police believe they do know who is responsible . In a news conference on Monday , the San Bernardino Sheriff 's Department and FBI identified the two suspect gunmen as Liberato Vega , 30 , and Israel Moreno , 28 . The two men , who authorities said were illegal immigrants with criminal records , are believed to have burst into the San Bernardino home"} +{"answer":"'s worth being aware of this classification -- just as you should be mindful of your intake of coffee , another group 2B carcinogen . But this announcement is not a reason to panic . Would labels help ? San Francisco has been wrestling with whether to require cell phones to be labeled for their RF emissions . Last year , the city tried to mandate cell phone radiation labeling in stores , originally to take effect February 2011 . But according to the San Francisco Chronicle , `` implementation was delayed until May 1 , then June 15 . There now is no proposed start date . '' The city backtracked on this partly out of concern over a lawsuit filed by the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association -- but also because officials did n't know how to ensure the accuracy of the labels . Scientists are n't sure what 's the most realistic , intuitive way to communicate cell phone RF emissions to consumers . Specific absorption rate , a measure of the rate of RF energy that your body absorbs from the phone , is the most commonly cited benchmark . For a phone to be certified","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Following the World Health Organization 's announcement that radio frequency emissions from cell phones may increase the risk of some kinds of brain cancer , what do you need to know about the radiation coming from your phone ? How can you protect yourself ? And should RF emission information be listed on cell phone packaging , and in stores ? First things first : The WHO study did not say `` cell phones cause brain cancer . '' Rather , there is some evidence indicating a possible connection -- and while not conclusive , it warrants further study . Consequently , WHO has now categorized radio frequency electromagnetic fields as a `` group 2B '' possible human carcinogen . Here 's how Ed Yong , head of health information at Cancer Research UK , explained it in his detailed analysis of the WHO announcement : `` Group 2B means that there is some evidence for a risk but it 's not that convincing . This group ends up being a bit of a catch-all category , and includes everything from carpentry to chloroform . '' Dr. Gupta : Cell phones , brain tumors So it"} +{"answer":"and legal expenses ... in the sum of $ 2 million . '' `` This is a tragic situation that could have and should have been avoided with the exercise of reasonable care . There are very simple measures that could have been put in place to avoid this , such as barriers along the line to spread people out , extra security and a better police presence , '' Mollins said . He said his clients and others who were at the scene contend that the police `` were there ... saw what was happening , and they left . '' Calls seeking comment from Wal-Mart Stores Inc. were not immediately returned . Lt. Kevin Smith of the Nassau County Police Department said , `` it 's our policy that we do n't comment on open litigations '' and would not respond directly to Mollins and his clients ' claim that officers left the scene . He said it is `` incumbent upon the store to provide security '' but noted that there was no security force present when officers responded to an initial phone call after 3 a.m. Friday for an unknown disturbance at the site . Smith","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Two customers are suing Wal-Mart for negligence after being injured in a mad rush for post-Thanksgiving bargains that left one store employee dead , the men 's attorney said Tuesday . A temporary worker at this Wal-Mart was crushed to death when shoppers rushed into the store last week . Temporary Wal-Mart worker Jdimytai Damour , 34 , was crushed to death as he and other employees attempted to unlock the doors of a store on Long Island at 5 a.m. Friday . Attorney Kenneth Mollins said Fritz Mesadieu and Jonathan Mesadieu were `` literally carried from their position outside the store '' and are now `` suffering from pain in their neck and their back from being caught in that surge of people '' that rushed into the Wal-Mart . New York Newsday reported that the Mesadieus are father and son , ages 51 and 19 . The lawsuit alleges that the Mesadieus ' injuries were a result of `` carelessness , recklessness , negligence . '' In a claim against the Nassau County police department , the men also contend that they `` sustained monetary losses as a result of health care"} +{"answer":"Japanese businessmen who work in the same office building . `` I see a lot of businessmen who say they do n't have time to sleep . They ca n't take a break from working and get the vitamin drip for an extra kick of energy , '' a Tenteki nurse told CNN . `` Blue '' is the most requested vitamin pack among these men : a concoction of B1 and vitamin E that claims to offer relief from exhaustion . Registered nurses and doctors administer the drips at Tenteki , but there 's no conclusive medical evidence to back up the health claims . Many nutritionists actually caution against using injectable vitamin supplements because the quantities are not regulated . `` More is not necessarily better ... some vitamins and minerals can be toxic in high doses , '' particularly the fat-soluble ones which the body stores like Vitamins A , D , E and K , explained Claire Williamson , Nutrition Scientist at the British Nutrition Foundation . In Europe and the United States vitamin shots are popular among celebrities with hectic lifestyles and little time to sleep , particularly vitamin B 12 . Former Spice Girl","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- In trendy neighborhoods of Tokyo customers are lining up for vitamin injections that promise to improve health and beauty . A Japanese woman receives an intravenous vitamin supplement at the Tenteki Cafe in Tokyo . These intravenous vitamin `` drips '' are part of the latest quick-fix , health fad catching on in Japan : the IV cafe . Each drip pack contains saline solution and specific vitamins and minerals to target a particular health ailment or beauty concern . `` I used to take vitamin supplements , but changed to the IV drip because I feel the effects more quickly , '' a 20-something woman at the Tenteki 10 Caf\u00e9 told CNN . She said she receives specific injections to get better skin , burn fat and boost her energy . There are 10 different varieties to choose from at Tenteki . The `` orange '' variety touts anti-aging properties , loaded with antioxidants . The `` placenta pack '' is said to help rejuvenate and ease muscle stiffness . Prices range from $ 20 - $ 30 per injection , and nurses see about 30-40 people each day . Their most common patients are"} +{"answer":"United Nations Security Council resolution but changed his mind a month later . `` I think for the attorney general to come and say there 's unequivocal legal authority to go to war was misleading . '' Short said Goldsmith was `` leaned on '' by Blair to agree to the war . `` Lord Goldsmith said he was excluded from lots of meetings -- that 's a form of pressure . `` It was suggested to him that he go to the U.S. to get advice about the legal position . `` You have got the Bush administration who have very low respect for international law . It seems the most extraordinary place in the world to go to get advice about international law . '' She added : `` I think all that was leaning on -- sending him to America , excluding him and then including him . '' Her comments came just days after Blair appearance at the inquiry generated protests , with several hundred anti-war campaigners gathering outside the London venue chanting `` Blair lied , thousands died '' and other slogans . Blair denied claims he had struck a secret deal with U.S. President","question":"London , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Britain 's top legal official `` misled '' the government over the case for war in Iraq under pressure from then prime minister Tony Blair , a former Cabinet minister claimed Tuesday . Clare Short , who was Blair 's international development secretary until she quit over the Iraq invasion , said Attorney General Peter Goldsmith withheld his own `` doubts and changes of opinion '' in giving the go-ahead for war . `` I think he misled the Cabinet . He certainly misled me , but people let it through , '' Short told an inquiry into Britain 's role in the March 2003 Iraq invasion . The inquiry -- Britain 's fifth examination of its Iraq involvement -- has already grilled senior figures including Blair , former defense minister Geoff Hoon and Britain 's top military commander Jock Stirrup . Short said that Goldsmith , who last week testified before the inquiry that he was initially ambivalent but later adamant over the legality of the war , was wrong to press the case . Goldsmith initially advised Blair in January 2003 that it would be unlawful to invade Iraq without a"} +{"answer":"and writing and dialogue and scenes that good , it makes your job that much easier . '' CNN talked to Belfi , who 's also in the movie `` Surrogates '' -LRB- opening Friday -RRB- , about his experiences on the show and his inspiration for the role . The following is an edited version of the interview . CNN : A lot of fans really missed that rivalry between you and Ari Gold . Talk a little about how you and Jeremy Piven kind of prepare for that and try to make that real on screen . Belfi : Adam Davies has become ... one of the few characters on the show that really knows how to get under Ari 's skin and push his buttons . Ari is an entertaining character , and it 's fun to watch him go after things , but people really enjoy kind of when Ari 's off balance . That interplay , that back and forth , particularly the sort of thing that 's happening now -LSB- on the show -RSB- , the constantly one-upping each other , is just really fun to watch . It 's entertaining . And I","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Jordan Belfi has a great job : He plays Adam Davies on the HBO show `` Entourage , '' a comedy series that takes a look at the life of a young actor , Vincent Chase , and the old friends who surround him in Hollywood . Jordan Belfi arrives at the premiere of `` Entourage '' season six in Los Angeles , California . Davies is one of the few characters on the show who has the ability to shake one of the central figures : the unshakeable agent Ari Gold . Belfi has been around since the early days of `` Entourage '' and remembers the humble beginnings of his character 's career as an agent under Gold 's direction . Since that first season , Davies has risen to become Ari 's chief rival on the show . Belfi believes conveying the tension between him and Ari is easy , based on the great material he 's given . `` It 's a testament to the writing by Doug Ellin , the creator of the show . It 's just on the page , '' Belfi said . `` When you get setups"} +{"answer":"low growth in recent years . To take the helm , Monti needs the approval of the Italian Parliament , which is composed of multiple parties with diverse interests . Silvio Berlusconi 's People of Freedom party remains the strongest force in parliament , and Berlusconi has said he plans to remain active in it . Those diverse political interests and the pain of austerity measures could weigh heavily on Monti as he steers Italy through economically troubled waters . Some politicians in Italy have already called for elections to take place sooner than their scheduled time of spring 2013 . Italian party leaders spoke in support of the new prime minister designate on Italy 's senate TV after exiting deliberations with Monti on the composition of a new government . Antonio Di Pietro , leader of the Values Party , said his group is `` happy that the Berlusconi government could be replaced by the Monti government . '' His party will not block a Monti-led government , he said . But when asked specifically whether he would give Monti a vote of confidence , Di Pietro stressed that he would not answer until he learned more about Monti","question":"Rome -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Mario Monti , the economist nominated to become Italy 's new prime minister , began talks with political leaders Monday to discuss forming a government . The 68-year-old 's talks with political parties will continue Tuesday . In comments after several meetings Monday , Monti said some of the delegations had discussed a `` temporal outlook '' for how long his government might last . The time for the government `` which I am trying to create is that period between today and the end of spring 2013 , '' he said , according to a CNN translation . At any time the parliament could dissolve his government `` because of lack of trust , '' he said . It is `` obvious '' that the task at hand is an emergency , and that to achieve economic growth and social equity `` should be the priorities , '' Monti said . The new prime minister designate will face an arduous task , as Italy has one of the highest national debts in Europe at \u00e2 \u201a \u00ac 1.9 trillion -LRB- $ 2.6 trillion -RRB- -- about 120 % of GDP -- and has seen"} +{"answer":"cause acute respiratory failure in younger people , '' says Dr. Neil Schachter , the medical director of the respiratory care department at Mount Sinai Medical Center , in New York City , and the author of The Good Doctor 's Guide to Colds and Flu . The analysis of cases in Australia and New Zealand looked at people who developed severe acute respiratory distress syndrome -LRB- a condition in which the lungs fill with fluid -RRB- and were put on a life-support system known as extracorporeal membrane oxygenation -LRB- ECMO -RRB- . This artificial heart and lung machine system , which puts oxygen into the blood and then carries this blood to the body tissues , is considered risky and expensive ; as a result , it is not readily available in every hospital . The mortality rate was 21 percent for these patients , although it may have been higher without this treatment , the authors say . Health.com : 8 ways swine flu is changing society `` These studies provide important signals about what clinicians and hospitals may confront in the coming months , '' Dr. Douglas B. White , and Dr. Derek C. Angus , of","question":"-LRB- Health.com -RRB- -- An analysis of the sickest swine flu patients in Australia , Canada , Mexico , and New Zealand suggests that relatively healthy adolescents and young adults are among the most likely to get very sick after an H1N1 infection , a pattern similar to that seen in the 1918 influenza pandemic . The most important message is that children should get the H1N1 vaccination , Dr. Neil Schachter said . Almost all critically ill patients in the studies were sick for only a few days before rapidly progressing to more severe symptoms and respiratory failure , which required treatment with a breathing machine , according to three studies published in the Journal of the American Medical Association . The mortality rate ranged from 14.3 percent to 41.4 percent , depending on the country . The findings may help shine some light on what the 2009 H1N1 flu season may bring , and who may be hit the hardest by the swine flu during the next few months . `` These studies are telling us that young people are at risk for bad complications of H1N1 and under usual circumstances , -LSB- seasonal -RSB- flu does not"} +{"answer":"became the lieutenant governor of Jamaica . Mental Floss : 5 drinking stories that put yours to shame 2 . Johnnie Walker Walker , the name behind the world 's most popular brand of Scotch whisky , was born in 1805 in Ayrshire , Scotland . When his father died in 1819 , Johnnie inherited a trust of a little over 400 pounds , which the trustees invested in a grocery store . Walker became a very successful grocer in the town of Kilmarnock and even sold a whisky , Walker 's Kilmarnock Whisky . Johnnie 's son Alexander was the one who actually turned the family into famous whisky men , though . Alexander had spent time in Glasgow learning how to blend teas , but he eventually returned to Kilmarnock to take over the grocery from his father . Alexander turned his blending expertise to whisky , and came up with `` Old Highland Whisky , '' which later became Johnnie Walker Black Label . 3 . Jack Daniel Jasper Newton `` Jack '' Daniel of Tennessee whiskey fame was the descendant of Welsh settlers who came to the United States in the early 19th century . He","question":"-LRB- Mental Floss -RRB- -- It 's hard to walk down the aisle of a liquor store without running across a bottle bearing someone 's name . A costumed reveler at a Captain Morgan party celebrates the rum named after the 17th century privateer . We put them in our cocktails , but how well do we know them ? Here 's some biographical detail on the men behind your favorite tipples : 1 . Captain Morgan The Captain was n't always just the choice of sorority girls looking to blend spiced rum with Diet Coke ; in the 17th century he was a feared privateer . Not only did the Welsh pirate marry his own cousin , he ran risky missions for the governor of Jamaica , including capturing some Spanish prisoners in Cuba and sacking Port-au-Prince in Haiti . He then plundered the Cuban coast before holding for ransom the entire city of Portobelo , Panama . He later looted and burned Panama City , but his pillaging career came to an end when Spain and England signed a peace treaty in 1671 . Instead of getting in trouble for his high-seas antics , Morgan received knighthood and"} +{"answer":"it will lead to racial profiling , while supporters deny that and say it is needed to crack down on increasing crime involving illegal immigrants . President Obama has criticized the Arizona law , saying that in dealing with the immigration issue , `` the answer is n't to undermine fundamental principles that define us as a nation . '' `` You can imagine if you are an Hispanic American in Arizona , your great grandparents may have been there before Arizona was even a state , but now suddenly if you do n't have your papers , and you took your kid out to get ice cream , you 're gon na be harassed , '' Obama said , referring to the statute at a April rally in Iowa . `` That 's something that could potentially happen , '' he said . `` That 's not the right way to go . '' Brewer signed a package of changes to the law shortly after it passed that she said addressed concerns about profiling , though critics said the changes made little difference . Palin joined Brewer on Saturday in denying the statute would lead to racial profiling .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin joined the national battle over Arizona 's controversial new immigration law Saturday , appearing with Gov. Jan Brewer in Phoenix to denounce the Obama administration 's criticism of the law . `` It 's time for Americans across this great country to stand up and say ` We 're all Arizonans now and , in clear unity , we say Mr. President , do your job , secure our border , ' '' Palin said , standing beside Brewer at a Saturday afternoon press conference . Brewer used the event to announce her first appointment to the state 's new Joint Border Security Advisory Committee and the launch of a Website to combat what she said was a national misinformation campaign about the state 's new law . Palin and Brewer , both Republicans , decried plans by opponents of the new law to boycott the state in protest . Passed in April , the law requires immigrants in Arizona to carry their registration documents at all times and allows police to question individuals ' immigration status in the process of enforcing any other law or ordinance . Critics say"} +{"answer":"3,000 miles of electric lines to transport alternative energy across the country . Obama also said the plan would save taxpayers $ 2 billion by making three-quarters of federal buildings more energy efficient and would `` save the average working family $ 350 on their energy bills by weatherizing 2.5 million homes . '' The White House also released a report on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan , which calls for greater investment in Pell Grants for college students , a $ 2,500 college tax credit for 4 million college students and the tripling of the number of fellowships in science to help spur innovation . Obama promised full accountability for government spending . After a stimulus bill is passed , a Web site , www.recovery.gov , will show taxpayers how their money is being spent , he said . In the Republicans ' response , Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers criticized the Democratic plan . Watch the GOP radio address `` The $ 800 billion plan largely ignores the fact that we can not keep borrowing and spending our way back to prosperity , '' said McMorris Rodgers , R-Washington . `` Instead of letting American families keep more","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Barack Obama painted a bleak economic picture of the country Saturday , hours before he met with his economic team . President Obama delivers his weekly radio and Internet address , which focused on the economy . `` We begin this year and this administration in the midst of an unprecedented crisis that calls for unprecedented action , '' he said in his weekly radio and Internet address . `` Just this week , we saw more people file for unemployment than at any time in the last 26 years , and experts agree that if nothing is done , the unemployment rate could reach double digits , '' Obama said . The president pleaded for urgent action , saying , `` If we do not act boldly and swiftly , a bad situation could become dramatically worse . '' Watch Obama 's weekly address '' Obama 's remarks came as he is lobbying for quick congressional passage of an $ 825 billion stimulus package to pump up the economy . Watch the partisan politics involved '' The president revealed more details of his stimulus package , which he said would add more than"} +{"answer":"at least it did in Iraq . It was called the Battle for Baghdad . It was one of the most bloody periods of the war . The moment just before the Surge where hundreds of people -- hundreds of Iraqis -- were dying every day . I say we snuck into the country because we did . We had been trying to obtain permission to get into the country legally , but it was proving very difficult . We heard through a friend that you could fly into Erbil through Germany . So we did . Without any papers we bought one-way tickets in cash from Erbil to Baghdad . To me it was a really bad sign : who was in charge of the -LRB- expletive -RRB- show down there ? There was a real feeling of desperation in the air when my friend Suroosh and I landed at the Baghdad International Airport . Someone in Iraq even told us that there was a rumor floating around that the U.S. forces were seriously considering building a moat around the city . Once inside , we aligned to our mission : to find and interview the only heavy metal","question":"Editor 's Note : The staff at CNN.com has recently been intrigued by the journalism of VICE , an independent media company and Web site based in Brooklyn , New York . VBS.TV is Vice 's broadband television network . The reports , which are produced solely by VICE , reflect a very transparent approach to journalism , where viewers are taken along on every step of the reporting process . We believe this unique reporting approach is worthy of sharing with our CNN.com readers . Brooklyn , New York -LRB- VBS.TV -RRB- -- Several events converged recently that conspired to take me back to the summer of 2006 , the summer I snuck into Iraq . The first event was the Iraqi elections . The second was the Oscars . The third was a concert at a little bar tucked into a hip corner of the hippest neighborhood in the world -- Williamsburg , Brooklyn . These events all brought me a little closer to that time , a little closer to recalling the way things were back then . And I realized how much I had forgotten . The summer \/ fall of 2006 had a name --"} +{"answer":"in a 1-1 draw in the first leg at the Stade Gerland , Lyon had to score to stand any chance of progressing . After a fairly even opening , a quickfire double from Henry dictated the outcome of the tie . After 25 minutes he latched onto a ball from Rafael Marquez , beating the offside trap to slide the ball under Hugo Lloris . Two minutes later Henry doubled the lead when he slid the ball in at the near post past the advancing Lloris . Messi showed his class in the 40th minute . The Argentina star collected the ball on the right touchline , before embarking on a mazy run past three Lyon defenders . He then exchanged a one-two with Eto'o , before firing a low shot home . Eto'o was desperate to get on the scoresheet himself as he stormed into the box from the left , only to see his shot saved by Lloris from point-blank range . Within a minute , though , he had made amends as he popped up in the box , side-stepped his marker and smashed the ball home . A minute from the break , Makoun made","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Thierry Henry scored twice as Barcelona booked their place in the quarterfinals of the Champions League with a 5-2 second leg victory against Lyon at the Nou Camp . Lionel Messi , left , and Thierry Henry celebrate as Barcelona reach the last eight of the Champions League . Former winners Porto joined them at the next stage after their return leg against Atletico finished goalless in Lisbon -- the 2-2 draw in the first leg in Madrid sending them through on the away goals . Spain 's Primera Liga leaders Barcelona strolled into a 4-0 first half lead on their way to a 6-3 aggregate success with Lionel Messi and Samuel Eto'o building on Henry 's double . Jean Makoun pulled one back just before half-time and Juninho struck three minutes after the restart , but the French champions never looked like disturbing Barca 's path to the March 20 draw . Lyon 's hopes suffered another blow when Juninho was given his marching orders after picking up a second yellow card in time added on and Seydou Keita took full advantage by snatching another in the final seconds . Having conceded an away goal"} +{"answer":"States for concerts . When Brown returns to court on May 11 , 2010 , for his next probation progress report , he will be `` way over halfway there '' to completing his sentence , she said . Brown was sentenced in August to serve five years probation and to spend more than 1,400 hours in `` labor-oriented service '' for the assault conviction . Schnegg also put a restraining order in place , requiring Brown to stay 50 yards away from Rihanna , 10 yards if the two are at the same industry event . The judge issued a strict warning to Brown not to violate the order , which remains in place until 2014 . Brown was arrested after an early morning argument inside a rented Lamborghini on a Hollywood street on February 8 , 2009 . According to Brown 's probation report , the February argument began over an incident at a Beverly Hills party . An earlier , sworn statement by Los Angeles Police Detective DeShon Andrews said the incident began when Rihanna found a text message on his cell phone from `` a woman who Brown had a previous sexual relationship with . ''","question":"Los Angeles , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Singer Chris Brown earned a glowing probation report six months after he was sentenced to `` labor-oriented service '' for assaulting his pop star girlfriend , Rihanna , the judge said Thursday . Brown , 20 , sat silently in court Thursday afternoon as Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Patricia Schnegg reviewed his probation report . `` It looks like you 're doing really , really well , '' Schnegg said . The police chief in Richmond , Virginia -- where Brown is being allowed to complete his sentence -- reported that he had worked 32 days of hard labor , she said . Schnegg said when she sentenced Brown that she wanted to see him do `` actual physical labor , as opposed to some type of community service . '' The report on his court-ordered domestic violence counseling said he had completed 17 out of 52 groups sessions , she said . The agency running the sessions reported `` you are participating and doing a very good job , '' the judge said . The judge rewarded Brown by signing an order allowing him to again travel outside the United"} +{"answer":"features . Below is a selection of their responses , some of which have been edited for length and clarity . Curt Otto of Springfield , Virginia I waited in line for two-and-half hours to get this game at midnight . I purchased the Legendary Edition of this game at a hefty $ 130 ! Totally worth it ! Although I have n't slept since yesterday and I 'm currently at work and very tired , I would do it all over again for `` Halo . '' This is the GREATEST game ever crafted by the hand of man . If you own a 360 , buy this game . If you do n't own a 360 , buy one and go buy this game ! The single player is incredible and the online multiplayer is MIND BLOWING ! Totally worth $ 130 !!! Tony Nash of Buffalo , New York I 've been playing `` Halo '' since the very first game came out in 2001 . After getting the brand new Box with a copy of `` Halo '' and throwing myself into the game , I quickly realized this was n't a standard gaming experience .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Some people might call 17-year-old Joshua Hanson one the luckiest people on the planet . Others might call him crazy . I-Reporter Joshua Hanson offered a look at the Mark IV helmet from his `` Legendary Limited Edition Halo 3 . '' Hanson waited more than eight hours outside a Woodbury , Minnesota , video game store on Monday evening to be the first in his town to buy one of the most anticipated video games in history -- `` Halo 3 . '' Watch Hanson buying the game amid cheers '' The final chapter in Microsoft 's acclaimed video game series hit shelves at the stroke of midnight Monday in similar stores across the nation . The Xbox 360 game is expected to shatter entertainment sales records within its first 24 hours of release . Hanson is not alone in his loyalty to the game , and his belief in `` Halo 's '' power to entertain and inspire . We asked other CNN.com readers for their take on `` Halo 3 . '' Some offered comparisons to `` Star Wars '' and `` Harry Potter , '' while others discussed compelling new graphics and"} +{"answer":"Suppress '' is the title of gawker.com 's presentation . `` You have to watch this video , '' the site says . `` It shows Tom Cruise , with all the wide-eyed fervor that he brings to the promotion of a movie , making the argument for Scientology , '' which it calls `` the bizarre 20th-century religion . Watch `` Showbiz Tonight '' discussion of Cruise video '' Cruise talks over a repetitive guitar-riff soundtrack , and appears to be answering questions , though an interviewer is not seen or heard . A second part of the video , made available to CNN by the publisher of a new unauthorized biography of Cruise , shows Cruise accepting Scientology 's Freedom Medal of Valor award and exchanging military-like salutes with Scientology chairman David Miscavige to audience applause . The publisher denies leaking other parts of the video to the Web . In the video by the publisher , Cruise also salutes a portrait of L. Ron Hubbard , cited on the church 's Web site as the founder of `` the only major religion founded in the 20th century . '' Hubbard 's biography cites his accomplishments as everything","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Tom Cruise expounds on his beliefs in Scientology in a 2004 video that made its way onto the Internet this week . Tom Cruise appears with his wife , Katie Holmes , at a movie premiere earlier this month . `` I think it 's a privilege to call yourself a Scientologist , and it 's something you have to earn , '' Cruise says at the beginning of the video . Cruise says he 's `` driven ... by the opportunity to really help , for the first time , change people 's lives . I 'm absolutely , uncompromisingly dedicated to that . '' The video was shown at a 2004 Scientology ceremony honoring Cruise for his humanitarian work . Church of Scientology officials said it can be viewed at any of its churches , but it created a stir this week when what the church calls a pirated and edited version appeared on YouTube . The video has since been taken off YouTube , but an interview portion remained available on the celebrity Web site gawker.com on Thursday . Watch snippets of Cruise video '' `` The Cruise Indoctrination Video Scientology Tried To"} +{"answer":"than good . Sen. John McCain of Arizona called it a `` sham '' and a `` 2,074-page monstrosity full of measures that would impair the abilities , particularly of our senior citizens , to keep the benefits they 've been promised . '' McCain immediately proposed sending the bill back to committee to remove all provisions intended to bring down the costs of Medicare . He cited proposed cuts to Medicare , including $ 118 billion in subsidies provided to private insurers for Medicare Advantage -- an enhanced benefits program for senior citizens . `` There is no math , old or new , that gets you to no change in the benefits they have under Medicare Advantage and yet cuts $ 120 billion , '' McCain said . A vote on McCain 's proposal was likely on Tuesday . The House has passed its version of a health care bill , and if the Senate passes its bill , the two measures would be merged by a congressional conference committee . Both chambers then would have to approve the revised bill before it could go to President Obama 's desk . On Monday , debate quickly bogged down","question":"Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The U.S. Senate on Monday opened what is expected to be a lengthy and rancorous debate on a sweeping bill to overhaul the nation 's health care system . In statements laced with heated and conflicting rhetoric , Senate Democrats and Republicans outlined opposing positions on the 2,074-page Democratic measure that would provide health insurance to an additional 31 million people at a cost of almost $ 850 billion . Democrats led by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada framed the debate as historic and said the bill would provide vital health insurance for almost all Americans , hold down spiraling costs that threaten the U.S. economy and instill needed reforms to ensure the long-term solvency of the government-run Medicare health program for senior citizens . `` In the greatest country on Earth , no American should die simply because they do n't have health insurance , '' said Sen. Max Baucus of Montana , one of the bill 's architects , while Reid said the bill `` saves money , saves lives and saves Medicare . '' Republicans countered that the bill was too big , too expensive and would cause more harm"} +{"answer":"under which authorities say there is little risk of illness . Raymond said cattle that had lost the ability to walk since passing pre-processing inspections were slaughtered without an inspector having examined them for chronic illness -- a practice he said violated federal regulations and had been going on for at least two years . Watch video of cows being abused '' Federal regulations are aimed at preventing the spread of bovine spongiform encephalopathy , or BSE -- the scientific name for `` mad cow '' disease . It 's important to keep downed cattle out of the food supply because they also may pose a higher risk of contamination from E. coli or salmonella because the animals tend to wallow in feces and have weaker immune systems , according to AP . Raymond said the average age of the cattle involved is 5-7 years , meaning they were likely born long after a 1997 ban on ruminant feed , and that the incidence of BSE in U.S. cattle is `` extremely rare . '' `` We do not know how much of this product is out there at this time . We do not feel this product presents a","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A slaughterhouse that has been accused of mistreating cows agreed Sunday to recall 143 million pounds of beef in what federal officials called the largest beef recall in U.S. history . Officials said this is the largest recall in the United States , surpassing a 1999 recall of 35 million pounds . Keith Williams , a U.S. Department of Agriculture spokesman , said investigators have found no cases of illness related to the recalled meat . But Dick Raymond , the undersecretary of agriculture for food safety , said there was a `` remote probability '' that the meat from the Westland\/Hallmark Meat Packing Company in Chino , California , could cause illness in humans . The amount of beef -- 143 million pounds -- is roughly enough for two hamburgers for each man , woman and child in the United States . The largest U.S. meat recall before Sunday came in 1999 , when about 35 million pounds of product possibly contaminated with listeria were ordered off shelves . USDA officials said that was Class I recall , involving a known risk to human health . Sunday 's action was a Class II recall ,"} +{"answer":", man , and put something positive on these young kids , man , '' T.I. said during the show . `` I try my best . I need y' all help , though . '' The rapper played to a sell-out crowd of 16,000 people , said Kenan Woods , a spokesman for the arena . T.I. played through much of his catalog , including the hits `` Whatever You Like , '' `` Live Your Life '' and the Grammy-winning `` Swagga Like Us , '' Woods said . At times in the show , Harris was joined on stage by fellow rapper Soulja Boy and by his five children and mother , Woods said . T.I. was sentenced in March on weapons charges related to purchasing machine guns and silencers . In addition to serving prison time , T.I. was placed on house arrest , was given community service and was ordered to pay a $ 100,300 fine . Though he had been in legal trouble before , Harris ' current situation began when he was arrested just hours before he was to perform at the BET Hip-Hop Awards in Atlanta . The rapper had provided a","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Rapper T.I. , who was sentenced to a 366-day prison sentence in March , reported Tuesday to a federal prison complex in Forrest City , Arkansas , according to CNN affiliate WSB-TV . T.I. , left , performed to a packed crowd Sunday , days before he was to start a prison term . The rapper -- whose real name is Clifford Harris Jr. -- was required to be at the prison before noon local time to begin serving his sentence on federal weapons charges . According to news reports , officers from Forrest City and the prison set up a roadblock along Arkansas Highway 1 about one-tenth of a mile from the complex . Reporters were not allowed any closer to the prison . T.I. threw himself a going-away party Sunday night at Philips Arena in Atlanta , Georgia , before a packed house . During Sunday 's concert -- called `` T.I. 's Final Goodbye Bash '' -- the 28-year-old Grammy winner reiterated a message that 's become familiar in recent weeks : He wants others to learn from his mistakes . `` I 'm doing the best I can to get out there"} +{"answer":"to be to win in November , '' he said in a Senate hallway Wednesday . iReport.com : Obama\/Clinton -- dream team or nightmare ? Some say that putting Clinton on the ticket might fit the bill for uniting Democrats . Clinton lavished her opponent with praise Tuesday , saying he ran an `` extraordinary race '' and made politics more palatable for many . Watch how the primary played out '' Prominent Clinton backer Rep. Charles Rangel , D-New York , thinks the New York senator could have been `` far more generous '' during her speech Tuesday night after it was clear that Obama had clinched the Democratic nomination . Rangel , the senior member of the New York congressional delegation and an early supporter of Clinton 's presidential campaign , said Wednesday that Clinton should have been more clear about what her plans are . `` I would agree that after the math was in before her speech , that she could have been far more generous in terms of being more specific and saying that she wants a Democratic victory , '' Rangel said on MSNBC . `` I do n't see what they 're talking","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sen. Hillary Clinton on Saturday will officially suspend her campaign for the presidency and `` express her support for Senator Obama and party unity , '' her campaign said Wednesday . Sen. Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that she will let her supporters and party leaders decide her course . The Clinton campaign said she will make the announcement at `` an event in Washington , D.C. , '' where she will also thank her supporters . Sen. Barack Obama and Clinton were in Washington on Wednesday to each address the influential American Israel Public Affairs Committee . The candidates ran into each other at the AIPAC conference and had a brief chat , Obama spokeswoman Linda Douglass said . `` She 's an extraordinary leader of the Democratic Party and has made history alongside me over the last 16 months . I 'm very proud to have competed against her , '' Obama told the Israel lobbying group . Obama became his party 's presumptive nominee Tuesday and will be looking to unite Democrats divided by the long and contentious primary season . `` I am very confident how unified the Democratic Party is going"} +{"answer":"about sex on a television show , and initiate reforms to strengthen the rights to freedom of expression and to a fair trial , '' Human Rights Watch said in a written statement . In the episode , the Saudi man , Mazen Abdul Jawad , 32 , bragged about his sex life . Saudi authorities put him on trial and sentenced him to five years in prison and 1,000 lashes . Shortly afterward , the court sentenced al-Yami . Jawad 's attorney , Suleiman al-Jumeii , said al-Yami was not involved in setting up the episode in which his client appeared . The lawyer said he is attempting to pursue an appeal for his client and get the case heard in a special court that deals only with media matters . `` A Thick Red Line '' caused an uproar in deeply conservative Saudi Arabia , where sharia , or Islamic law , is practiced . Pre-marital sex is illegal , and unrelated men and women are not permitted to mingle . Saudi authorities shut down Lebanese Broadcasting 's offices in Jeddah and Riyadh after the interview aired a few months ago . The king 's pardon of al-Yami","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Saudi Arabia 's King Abdullah has been called `` The King of Hearts '' by many of his countrymen , referring to what they believe are his compassionate attempts to reform his ultra-conservative kingdom . He used his power Monday to overturn a criminal court sentence of 60 lashes and a two-year travel ban imposed on female journalist Rosanna al-Yami . Under the travel ban , she could not have left Saudi Arabia . Al-Yami was sentenced for her work on an episode of the television show `` A Thick Red Line '' that featured a Saudi man who bragged about sexual escapades . The controversial show explores social taboos . It is carried by the Lebanese Broadcasting Corp. , for which al-Yami works as a coordinator and guest booker . `` King Abdullah 's swift revocation of this punishment sends an important notice to the Saudi judicial system that it should not go after journalists for exercising free speech , '' said Sarah Leah Whitson , Middle East director for Human Rights Watch . `` King Abdullah should also overturn the sentence against the man at the center of the case , who had spoken"} +{"answer":"you 're in town on a Thursday , catch the enactment of a tradition almost as old as the grail . The Tribunal de las Aguas , or Water Court , is the meeting of the city 's elders , who gather outside the cathedral 's Plaza del Palau for around twenty minutes . It generally involves a number of old men sitting down not doing very much , while one pronounces what has been decided , and it 's a bit of a tour-group hot spot . On the other side of the plaza is the octagonal Miguelte Bell Tower , where you can climb 207 steps for a panoramic view of the low-rise old city . Not far through the old city 's happy tangle of narrow streets is the Lonja : a fifteenth-century trading house , studded with a fine collection of mugging gargoyles now preserved under UNESCO Heritage status . Bringing yourself out of the city 's medieval landmarks , you can feast on modern culture at IVAM , the city 's cheap and excellent modern art gallery . But for a vision of the future as designed by local superstar architect Santiago Calatrava , wander","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It 's not as achingly hip as Barcelona and it 's more manageable than Madrid : Spain 's third city has plenty of flavor , an urban edge and uniquely Valencian oddities . From medieval cathedrals to Calatrava 's futuristic City of Arts and Sciences , Valancia packs in plenty . Where else could you glimpse the Holy Grail in the morning , gorge on paella on a Mediterranean beach for lunch and then wander along a old river bed transformed into a park and visit architectural blockbusters that look like a Star Trek vision of a colonized planet ? After an early morning shot of coffee and , depending on your sugar tolerance , churros , the Cathedral in the heart of the old city is the best place to start the day . Located on the Plaza de la Reina , the cathedral is an impressive mix of gothic , baroque and Romanesque architectural styles . As striking as the many parts of the cathedral are , the sight of the Holy Grail my leave you underwhelmed -- to the unenlightened it resembles something closer to a plastic mug circa . 1973 . If"} +{"answer":"I ca n't help but feel a bit ` eeewww ! ' about this , '' wrote a third tweeter from New York . Why twitter a surgery ? Whether it 's new and cool or merely yicky , observers say there 's no question that more and more doctors -- and patients -- will be sharing the blow-by-blow of medical procedures on sites like Twitter and Facebook . Dr. Craig Rogers , the lead surgeon in the Henry Ford surgery , said the impetus for his Twittering was to let people know that a tumor can be removed without taking the entire kidney . `` We 're trying to use this as a way to get the word out , '' Rogers said . Observers say Twittering about a procedure is a natural outgrowth of the social networking media revolution . `` Doing this removes a real communication barrier . It helps make something scary much more comprehendable , '' said Christopher Parks , co-founder of the Web site changehealthcare.com . `` It brings us closer together and makes us more engaged . '' Four months ago , Park 's colleague , Robert Hendrick , tweeted his own varicose","question":"DETROIT , Michigan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- It 's 7 a.m. at Henry Ford Hospital , and surgeons are preparing to remove a cancerous tumor from a man 's kidney . A doctor posts updates on social-networking site Twitter during a recent operation in Detroit . It 's potentially a risky surgery , but everything 's ready : The doctors and nurses are in the operating room , the surgical instruments are sterilized and ready to go , and the chief resident is furiously Twittering on his laptop . That 's right -- last week , for the second known time , surgeons Twittered a surgery by using social-networking site Twitter to give short real-time updates about the procedure . Following the February 9 operation online were other doctors , medical students and the merely curious . Watch surgeons Twittering from the operating room \u00c2 '' `` Here 's something different : HenryFordNews is live tweeting surgery today , getting some buzz , too , '' wrote one Twitter participant from Massachusetts . `` I find this fascinating ! '' tweeted another Twitter user from Swansea , United Kingdom . `` It 's an interesting use of technology , but"} +{"answer":"an incident aboard . Northwest Flight 188 -- carrying 144 people and five crew members -- flew past the Minneapolis airport during a mysterious 78 minutes of radio silence beginning about 7:56 p.m. ET Wednesday night . The Airbus A320 was carrying 147 passengers and an unknown number of crew members , according to the National Transportation Safety Board . Air traffic controllers re-established radio contact after the plane had flown about 150 miles past its destination . Watch how Flight 188 drama unfolded '' The National Transportation Safety Board , which is investigating the incident , is hoping the plane 's cockpit voice recorder will either confirm the pilot 's account or provide evidence of another possible explanation , including whether the captain and first officer had fallen asleep . However , approached outside his home Friday , the first officer told CNN affiliate KGW that `` nobody was asleep in the cockpit and no arguments took place . '' Cole was referring to NTSB 's earlier statement that said , `` The crew stated they were in a heated discussion over airline policy and they lost situational awareness . '' `` There 's a lot of misinterpretation going","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Police met a wayward jet that overshot the runway by 150 miles -- while not responding to control tower communications -- and said the pilots were `` cooperative , apologetic and appreciative . '' Authorities are reviewing the plane 's cockpit voice recorder as well as its flight data recorder . The Minneapolis-St . Paul -LSB- Minnesota -RSB- Airport Police report on the incident , released Friday , said officers asked flight attendants to keep passengers in their seats while they checked out the cockpit , where , they said , `` the door was standing open . '' The police report identified the pilot as Timothy B. Cheney and the first officer as Richard I. Cole . `` The pilot ... indicated they had become involved in conversation and had not heard radio communications , '' the report said . `` They indicated there had been no involvement from anyone in the cabin . '' `` Both volunteered to a preliminary breath test with the result being .000 for both parties , '' the report said . The lead flight attendant , the report said , told officers that she was unaware there had been"} +{"answer":"connection that delivers it , you could be in for a rude awakening . TV Everywhere represents an alternative -- and possible threat -- to the popular Hulu model . If the pilot program impresses the group -- and proves to other networks that its user-authentication system is secure -- Comcast and Time Warner expect the other television programmers , ISPs and mobile providers to join , giving all cable subscribers a way to watch the content they pay for on their televisions using any broadband-connected computer or authenticated cellphone . Already `` at least 92 percent of Americans qualify to watch this for free online , '' according to Jeff Bewkes , chairman and CEO of Time Warner . For these subscribers , TV Everywhere represents a potential win . The only question is whether they will keep paying for the old cable subscription model as their viewing habits shift online . There 's nothing to stop television networks from putting their content on both Hulu and TV Everywhere , because TV Everywhere 's contract will be non-exclusive , according to Bewkes . However , given the choice between Hulu and TV Everywhere , television programmers have an incentive","question":"-LRB- WIRED -RRB- -- Two cable powerhouses have announced an ambitious pilot program that aims to convince their customers that , actually , TV on the web should not be free . Jeffrey Bewkes , chairman and CEO of Time Warner , speaks at the NCTA conference in Washington . With a service called TV Everywhere , Comcast and Time Warner will give cable subscribers access to '' premium '' television content via broadband , and later cellphone connections . To begin with , 5,000 Comcast subscribers will begin testing the system next month , giving them access to Time Warner 's TBS and TNT channels on their computers , and the same channels ' video-on-demand catalogs on their cable boxes . If you made peace long ago with the idea of paying a monthly cable bill , this probably sounds great . It means watching your existing subscription on new screens without paying additional fees or buying more hardware . -LRB- Of course , as consumers adopt TV Everywhere , they can probably expect price increases . -RRB- But if you prefer to watch your television for free on ad-supported sites like Hulu while paying only for the internet"} +{"answer":"and melodica . Watch Moore talk candidly about her new direction '' Unlike such early contemporaries as Britney Spears and Jessica Simpson , Moore has gone for cred over commercial success in both her music and movie careers , and it suits her well . There 's an authenticity there , as well as a genuine warmth and charm . Moore spoke about her artistic growth , a musical funk , and working with her new husband . The following is an edited version of the interview . CNN : A friend of mine made an interesting analogy , saying these last two albums of yours -LRB- including 2007 's folk-leaning `` Wild Hope '' -RRB- are to your music career what `` Saved ! '' was to your movie career , in terms of establishing yourself critically . Mandy Moore : I take that as a compliment . I mean , I sort of feel lucky to have the opportunity to do film stuff and music at the same time , because I love doing both . But ... if you make a move one way with one side of your career , you sort of have to balance","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Mandy Moore stepped onto the small stage at Amoeba Records in Hollywood with a quick wave . Mandy Moore , now 25 , is following her bliss with her new album , `` Amanda Leigh . '' `` Hi , shoppers , '' she giggled somewhat self-consciously . The audience of several hundred , stuffed between the music racks at the landmark store , giggled back . `` This is so weird to be playing here . I live in the neighborhood , and this is where I get my CDs and my DVDs ! '' she said . Then she launched into selections from her sixth studio album , `` Amanda Leigh . '' Somewhere out of sight was her new husband , Ryan Adams -- the alt-country hero she married in March , after a one-month engagement . It 's been 10 years since Moore burst onto the pop scene as a lanky , blonde 15-year-old singing and dancing her way through a sweetly suggestive tune called `` Candy . '' Her musical fare now is more eclectic and stripped down -- even featuring vintage instruments such as the clavinet"} +{"answer":"police said was a dispute over $ 40 , a video game and a bicycle . All three teens are charged as adults with one count of attempted murder . Each has pleaded not guilty . If convicted , each could face a sentence of up to 30 years in prison . The family did not return to their Deerfield Beach , Florida , home , and does not plan to , Valerie Brewer said . Instead , they went to `` a safe place '' -- both so they can have privacy and so Michael Brewer can feel secure . `` He does n't feel safe going back to the neighborhood , '' she said . `` The families of the boys live within five blocks of us . He does fear for his life going back there . ... He does n't want to go back and I do n't blame him . We 're looking forward to moving on and having some peace . '' She told CNN in an interview later Wednesday the family is looking for another home . Brewer , who suffered second - and third-degree burns over about two-thirds of his body ,","question":"Miami , Florida -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- He wanted to sit outside for a while and enjoy the night air , then took a shower and curled up on the couch to watch a cartoon movie . A boring night by many teenagers ' standards . But 15-year-old Michael Brewer , who suffered burns over 65 percent of his body in October -- allegedly at the hands of a group of youths he knew -- reveled in it , his mother told reporters Wednesday . Being out of a hospital burn unit , she said , was `` the only thing he wanted for Christmas . '' `` He 's really looking forward to spending Christmas with his family , '' Valerie Brewer said of her son , who was released from the University of Miami 's Jackson Memorial Hospital Burn Center on Tuesday . `` We hope everybody has as wonderful a Christmas as we 're going to have . '' Three teens -- Denver Jarvis and Matthew Bent , both 15 , and Jesus Mendez , 16 -- are accused of being in a group that poured alcohol over Brewer and set him ablaze October 12 in what"} +{"answer":"`` Everybody is probably going to take this marriage thing the wrong way , '' Croslin told WJXT . `` This is what Haleigh wanted . She has always talked about it , and even if she 's not with us , she is still with us . '' Croslin told police she tucked Haleigh and her 4-year-old brother into bed about 8 p.m. February 9 in their Satsuma , Florida , home . She said she went to sleep herself about 10 p.m. but woke at 3 a.m. to find Haleigh missing and a back door propped open by bricks . Police are still actively searching for the girl , with a new search happening this week , and investigators Wednesday took the back door that was found propped open . In the middle of the search for the girl , the newlyweds will fly to New York Thursday night for their honeymoon and an exclusive appearance on the Today show . Haleigh 's grandmother , Teresa Neves , also acknowledged the timing might seem `` unusual . '' `` Well , it is unusual for some onlookers , but those people did n't live with my two grandchildren","question":"The father of missing child Haleigh Cummings ' married his 17-year-old-girlfriend , who was the last one known to have seen the child alive , the girl 's grandmother told Nancy Grace producers . Ronald Cummings proposes to Misty Croslin Sunday at a local Chili 's restaurant . On Sunday Ronald Cummings asked his teenage girlfriend , Misty Croslin , for her hand in marriage at a local Chili 's restaurant . While he was with several family members , Cummings got down on one knee , asked Croslin to marry him and gave her Haleigh 's grandmother 's diamond ring . Because Croslin is only 17 years old , her mother filled out the paperwork so the two could be married . On Thursday , the pair tied the knot , after the three-day waiting period required by Florida law . Croslin , who was beaming earlier in the week after the engagement , told CNN affiliate WJXT-TV that while she knows there will be critics of the marriage and the timing , `` everything is still about Haleigh . '' Croslin said she wanted to be together as a family , just as Haleigh would have wanted ."} +{"answer":"play in this film ? Nicolas Cage : I 'm playing Speckles , the mole , and he 's an outsider . He 's an iconoclast -- he does n't fit in . He does n't get into the fray with the `` G-Force , '' the other guinea pigs . But his IQ is off the charts , and he 's a technological wizard . CNN : So , you 're an Academy Award-winning actor , and you decided to play -LRB- this role -RRB- . How did this come about ? Cage : To me , nothing 's more sacred than the magical world of children , and with everything that 's going on in the world , it gets increasingly more challenging to keep our kids smiling -- people are losing their jobs , families are tense . So anything I can do to give families something to look forward to and to put a smile back on children 's faces -- I 'm gon na do . Disney has a great tradition of enchanting children and giving them something to behold . I mean , you mention Academy Awards -- I mean , that 's not","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Academy Award winner Nicolas Cage has pretty much got this acting thing down . After all , he started acting at the age of 15 and , well , he 's got that Oscar . Nicolas Cage says that Academy Awards are `` not as important as children and making them happy . '' So he does n't really need to deliver another gut-wrenching performance to demonstrate his chops . In fact , he can deviate from a traditional film and venture into animated territory . He 's voiced animated characters in the past , but in Disney 's new 3-D tale `` G-Force , '' Cage lends his voice to a mole . Speckles the star-nosed mole comes to life thanks to the film 's impressive digital animation and Cage 's voice . At first it 's unclear that Cage is the voice behind Speckles , because he changes his sound for the critter , er , character . CNN talked to Cage about playing a mole , animated films and his taking walks in the forest . The following is an edited version of that interview : CNN : What do you"} +{"answer":"to put myself in customers ' shoes rather than manufactures ' shoes . And that was a great experience for me to understand the frontline and customers . And secondly I spent more than 10 years in the chairman 's office , so that gave me a great opportunity to learn top management perspective , as well as problem solving capabilities . Andrew Stevens : You 've pledged to make LG Electronics a more inspirational place to work . Now with 82,000 employees what do you mean by that and how do you do it ? Yong Nam : In a very hierarchical , bureaucratic and big company culture and working environment , people try to hide issues and problems instead of raising and solving them . I try to get people engaged -- I call it waste elimination activities . If it is solved it can turn into a treasure , so there are so many treasures in the process of doing every day work among our people , and I try to encourage them to be engaged in finding out that waste . Andrew Stevens : Obviously you are a fluent English speaker , how important is it","question":"SEOUL , South Korea -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- From TVs to handsets , LG Electronics is on a mission -- to become a top three player in the global electronics industry . Yong Nam , CEO of LG Electronics Leading the campaign is CEO Yong Nam who took on the top job in January . CNN 's Andrew Stevens met him at the LG headquarters in Seoul , where he showed off the latest Viewty camera phone . While Nam hopes this gadget will boost market share , he 's also on a bigger quest to shake up the South Korean company 's corporate culture . Yong Nam : I try to empower , rather than make decisions . I think frontline people that know customers better can make better decisions . I just try to keep pushing authority downwards instead of upwards . Andrew Stevens : You have been 30 years , more or less , with LG Electronics , what are the most important business lessons you have learnt during that time ? Yong Nam : Earlier in my career I was deeply engaged in selling of electronic products in the U.S. market , where I was able"} +{"answer":"he concludes , `` As such , no determination can be made on the implementation of the resolution by the parties concerned . '' Israel handed Ban a response outlining the steps the nation has taken to investigate charges of wrongdoing by its military during the course of the offensive in Gaza , which was aimed at stopping militant rocket fire into Israel . The Israeli military has `` launched investigations into 150 separate incidents , including 36 criminal investigations opened thus far , '' according to the report . For its part , the Palestinian Authority said it had created a commission to look into various charges of abuses , but made clear that it did not view the potential wrongdoing on the Palestinian side as seriously as that allegedly committed by the Israeli military . `` There is absolutely no symmetry or proportionality between the occupying power and the occupied people '' wrote Riyad Mansour , Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations . In Gaza , the ruling Hamas movement released a summary of the steps taken to investigate wrongdoing , saying it had prevented militants from targeting civilians . But the rights organization dismissed the conclusion as","question":"Jerusalem -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An international human rights organization on Sunday faulted Israel 's investigation into alleged war crimes last year in Gaza . Israel has not demonstrated that it will conduct thorough and objective investigations , Human Rights Watch said in a statement . `` An independent investigation is crucial to understand why so many civilians died and to bring justice for the victims of unlawful attacks , '' said Joe Stork , deputy Middle East director for the New York-based organization . In September , the United Nations Human Rights Council released a report by noted South African jurist Richard Goldstone . The report concluded that both sides committed war crimes during the conflict , which killed about 1,400 Palestinians and 13 Israelis . But U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon said last week that the world body has not made a determination on whether both sides have done enough to investigate allegations they committed war crimes during the three-week conflict , which began at the end of December 2008 . In a report , Ban outlines steps Israelis and Palestinians have taken to fulfill a U.N. demand for credible and transparent inquiries into civilian casualties . However ,"} +{"answer":"ads bought by the keyword and placed next to search results or on pages around the web . Google makes a negligible amount of money bundling its online apps for businesses , charging $ 50 a head annually -- but mostly it just gives its online text editor , email and spreadsheet programs away . By contrast , Microsoft sold $ 14.3 billion worth of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint and other business applications over the last nine months , making a profit of $ 9.3 billion . It made a further $ 16 billion in revenue in 2008 through sales of its operating systems , which range from XP installations on netbooks , to Vista , to Windows Mobile to its server software . Google now plans its own range of operating systems , starting with Android , an open-source OS for small devices like smartphones , and Chrome OS , a browser-focused , open-source OS that will run on notebooks and desktops . Clearly top executives at each company look over at the others ' pots of gold and dream of ways to steal them , or at least make it harder for the other guy to make money","question":"-LRB- WIRED -RRB- -- In less than a week , Google announced an operating system to compete with Windows , while Microsoft announced that Office 10 will include free , online versions of its four most popular software programs -- a shot at Google 's suite of web-based office applications . The fight between Microsoft and Google is over who 'll be seen as the world 's most important tech company . And not more than a month and a half ago , Microsoft unveiled its new search engine Bing , which it hopes will steal market share from Google and finally make it real money online . From the news of it , it 's a full-blown tech battle , complete with behind-the-scenes machinations to sic government regulators on each other . It is , however , not a death match -- it 's more of an fight to see who will be the King of Technology , since both companies pull in their billions through completely different siphons and are unlikely to severely wound one another any time soon . Google pulled in $ 22 billion in revenue in 2008 , 97 percent of which came tiny text"} +{"answer":"p.m. -- the time Jackson was pronounced dead Thursday in Los Angeles , California . The cause of the 50-year-old singer 's death has not yet been determined . An autopsy on the 50-year-old singer was was inconclusive , leaving authorities waiting on the results of toxicology tests to determine what killed him . Fans have been gathering outside the theater since last week to remember Jackson , who at age 9 won a 1967 Apollo amateur night showcase with his brothers in the group the Jackson 5 . `` While he went on from the Apollo stage to achieve international fame on an unprecedented level , to us and all of you , he 's family because he started out here , '' said Jonelle Procope , the legendary venue 's CEO . Jackson became an idol of both black and white fans and was among the first African-American artists to get widespread play on the music-video channel MTV . But in later years , he was known more for a roller-coaster personal life , including extensive plastic surgery , financial woes and a 1995 trial and acquittal on child-molestation charges . The Rev. Al Sharpton , the New","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Fans of Michael Jackson lined the streets outside Harlem 's Apollo Theater on Tuesday for a chance to pay their respects to the late `` King of Pop '' at the hall that helped launch his career . A hat and glittery glove represent Michael Jackson at the Apollo Theater tribute . The crowd stood eight to 10 abreast in the sun and 80-degree weather for 10 blocks , waiting for hours for a chance to enter the theater . Fans were allowed in 600 at a time , where they lay flowers and other mementos at the foot of the stage and danced to Jackson 's music as it played over the sound system . `` We left our house at 4 o'clock in the morning and got here at 9 , and we were lucky to get here , '' said Angela Staples , who came to New York from Pennsylvania with her daughter Jasmine . `` I 'm so happy about the outpouring of love and the crowd and the people . It 's so respectful to Michael . '' Those in the hall observed a moment of silence at 5:26"} +{"answer":"the misdeeds of which she was convicted -- misleading government investigators -- were less than penny-ante compared to the multi-billion dollar frauds that first built up and then destroyed giant companies such as Enron and WorldCom . Along with Madoff , the Securities and Exchange Commission is being portrayed as the villain of the piece , having failed to catch him long ago when his alleged depredations must have been much smaller . Instead , it gave him a few wrist slaps until he confessed his misdeeds a month ago . But , tips from Boston money manager Harry Markopoulos over the years notwithstanding , it 's not at all surprising that the SEC missed Madoff . In fact , I 'd have been amazed if the SEC had been the ones to catch him . Why ? I do n't want to seem cynical or jaded , but after almost 40 years of covering business news , I 've seen the same thing happen over and over because of the way regulators are trained . If someone runs a little bit out of the baseline by chiseling on numbers or playing some other game , regulators are pretty good","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- When stock markets are soaring , people think they 're making money because they 're geniuses . But when the market tanks -- which it always does , sooner or later -- people look for villains to blame for their losses . Allan Sloan says the real lesson of the Madoff case is not to rely on others to protect your investments . That brings us to Bernie Madoff , who has become the iconic symbol of the current horrible market and economic meltdown , even though he really had nothing to do with it . Yes , Madoff sure seems to be a really , really bad guy who ruined lots and lots of lives and should probably be locked up for the rest of his natural days . But Madoff 's misdeeds -- or as our lawyers would prefer , his alleged misdeeds -- have nothing to do with the market meltdown that has sliced trillions of dollars from our collective net worth . He 's become the symbol of the current meltdown the same way that uber-tastemaker Martha Stewart became a face of the 2001-02 corporate crime wave , even though"} +{"answer":"committing further offences of violence . `` Because you had threatened his younger brother , Rob Knox was among those who tried to disarm you . He paid for his bravery with his life . `` The truth is that you simply could not care less whether you killed him or not . When you learned that you had killed Rob your only response was to say ` Yeah , sweet . ' '' Days before the attack , the actor had finished filming on `` Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince , '' due for international release in July , in which he played the role of Marcus Belby . He was set to reprise the part in future `` Harry Potter '' films . Knox 's father Colin told mourners at his funeral , including co-star Rupert Grint , that his son had been `` living the dream , '' PA said . The Knox family left the court without commenting , but earlier Rob 's mother Sally said of Bishop : `` Once he 's got his sentence and he 's gone , I will not waste my time thinking about him . `` I just think","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The killer of `` Harry Potter '' actor Rob Knox has been given four life sentences and told he will be behind bars for at least 20 years . The parents of Robert Knox read a statement outside the Old Bailey after Karl Bishop was found guilty of his murder . A judge at the Old Bailey court in central London sentenced 22-year-old Karl Bishop on Thursday , the day after he was convicted of the attack on Rob Knox and four of his friends in southeast London last May . Bishop stabbed them 10 times in less than two minutes , the court heard . Knox , 18 , had rushed out of the bar after he heard that Bishop had threatened his younger brother Jamie but he ended up being stabbed five times , once in a main artery . He died in hospital later that night . The judge , Mr Justice Bean , told Bishop : `` You are at present a highly dangerous man , '' the Press Association reported . `` There is plainly a very significant risk to the public of serious harm caused by your"} +{"answer":"`` outlandish and offensive use of the Star of David in combination with Nazi-like imagery is hideously anti-Semitic . '' `` It employs Nazi imagery by portraying Israel as a jack-booted , goose-stepping headless apparition , '' Foxman said . `` The implication is of an Israeli policy without a head or a heart . Israel 's defensive military operation to protect the lives of its men , women and children who are being continuously bombarded by Hamas rocket attacks has been turned on its head to show the victims as heartless , headless aggressors . '' The Wiesenthal Center , which also issued its statement Wednesday , said it urged The New York Times Web site and other Web sites to remove the cartoon . `` There is nothing about Oliphant 's cartoon not meant to denigrate and demonize the Jewish state , from the headless goose-stepping soldier to the horrific depiction of the Star of David about to devour a cowering innocent Gazan woman holding a baby , '' Rabbi Marvin Hier , the group 's dean , and Rabbi Abraham Cooper , the group 's associate dean , said in a joint statement . `` The imagery","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Two leading Jewish watchdog groups are denouncing a prominent cartoonist 's illustration about Israel 's offensive in Gaza , saying it uses anti-Semitic imagery . The cartoon was published Wednesday in newspapers and on the Internet . The Anti-Defamation League , which has been fighting anti-Semitism since it was founded in 1913 , called the syndicated cartoon by Pulitzer Prize-winning Pat Oliphant `` hideously anti-Semitic . '' The Simon Wiesenthal Center , which , among other things , fights anti-Semitism and educates people about the Holocaust , said `` the cartoon mimics the venomous anti-Semitic propaganda of the Nazi and Soviet eras . '' Published Wednesday in newspapers and on the Internet , the cartoon shows the small figure of a woman , labeled Gaza , carrying a child . She is being pursued by a headless , jackbooted figure wielding a sword , marching in an apparent goose-step and pushing a fanged Jewish star on a wheel . The Anti-Defamation League said the cartoon used `` Nazi-like imagery '' and a `` hateful evocation of the Star of David . '' Abraham H. Foxman , the ADL 's national director , said the cartoon 's"} +{"answer":"and Qatar in the region . As the nation diversifies its economy away from oil , commercial opportunities for UK thrive in a variety of sectors . Saudi Arabia is currently planning six privately-developed economic cities . The $ 26.6 billion King Abdullah Economic City -- the largest of these -- will create one million jobs and home to two million residents . The aim , says the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority , is to boost the economy by creating a pro-business environment , and attracting investors and fostering investment opportunities . The UK has , since the early 1990s , been one of the top five exporters to Saudi Arabia , behind USA , Germany , China and Japan . In 2007 , Saudi Arabian bank SABB predicts that UK exports to the Kingdom will increase by more than 5.5 per cent to reach $ 2.8 billion . While the balance of trade continues to be favor of the British , Saudi Arabia 's exports to Britain are also gaining ground and closing the trade gap . This year , exports to Britain are expected to reach a record high of $ 2.1 billion , says SABB .","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Behind the state banquet and smiles from Queen Elizabeth and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown , King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia 's visit to London this week caused a wave of dissent . The UK political elite boycotted events . Demonstrators lined the Mall . The UK foreign secretary pulled out of a meeting with his Saudi counterpart to be with his new adopted son . And just days before he arrived , the Saudi King accused British officials of ignoring information that could have averted the terror attacks in London on July 2005 . Whether the politics of the event were a success is open to debate . But this was just part of the story . The Saudis were also in town to cement a strong trading and business relationship that has developed between the two Kingdoms over the last 20 years . Saudi Arabia is the UK 's largest trading partner in the Middle East . And behind the USA , the UK is the second largest foreign investor in the Kingdom . UK Trade & Investment has designated Saudi Arabia one of its 17 `` High Growth Markets '' along with UAE"} +{"answer":"or organization was supposed to implement their own plan . To make the transition from a closed to an open society would require outside help and that was what my foundations sought to provide . In Hungary the authorities insisted on having a controlling presence on the foundation 's board . We eventually agreed to appoint two chief executives , one nominated by them and one by me . The project succeeded beyond my expectations . With very small amounts of money people could engage in a wide variety of civic initiatives ranging from self-governing student colleges to zither clubs . One of our first projects was to offer photocopying machines to cultural and scientific institutions in exchange for local currency . We used the money to give out local grants and support all kinds of unofficial initiatives , but the photocopying machines also did a lot of good . Up until then , the few existing copy machines were literally held under lock and key -- as more and more became available , the Party apparatus lost control of the machines and the dissemination of information . We did not have to exercise direct control . Civil society watched","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- From the mid-1980s , Hungarian-born investor and philanthropist George Soros pumped hundreds of millions of dollars into foundations in Eastern Europe dedicated to promoting the idea of the `` open society '' and challenging the region 's Soviet-backed regimes . Here , writing exclusively for CNN.com , he describes how the work of his foundations ultimately contributed to the collapse of communism . A Soviet tank rolls through Budapest during the failed 1956 Hungarian uprising against communist domination . I set up my first foundation in Hungary in 1984 . The idea behind it was simple . The state dogma , promoted by the ruling communists , was false and by providing an alternative we could expose its falsehood . Accordingly we supported every cultural initiative that was not an expression of the established dogma . I was guided by the concept of the `` open society , '' which I adopted from the philosopher Karl Popper . I saw the open society as a more sophisticated form of social organization than the totalitarian closed societies of the Soviet bloc . The latter were trying to implement central plans ; in an open society every individual"} +{"answer":"little guys who would have lost out on the Oscars millions . Big-name jewelry designers like Chopard traditionally dress the stars . Kate Winslet , Charlize Theron and Hilary Swank are among their successful models at the Academy Awards . Last year , Helen Mirren wore a 55 carat diamond flower bracelet along with a 62 carat diamond brooch worth $ 4m dollars to accept the Best Actress gong . It is estimated that having a celebrity pictured in an item of jewelry or an outfit can be worth $ 1m in publicity for a jeweler or fashion house . With hundreds of celebrities strutting the red carpet on Oscars night , the scope for generating revenue is seemingly endless . But even Chopard 's famous sparkle was tested by the uncertainty surrounding this year 's event . `` Leading up to the Oscars business for the whole of Rodeo Drive was a little sketchy . Everyone was thinking , what 's gon na happen ? '' Wes Carroll , Chopard spokesman , told CNN . `` We felt for the writers , we felt for the studios and we wanted a great outcome for everyone . We would have","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- At a time of economic uncertainty in the U.S. , the writers strike cast a dark cloud over the eternal sunshine of the Californian mindset and its most glittering awards ceremony . Oscar winner Helen Mirren dazzled in Chopard diamonds last year and gained masses of publicity for the jeweler Up until a fortnight ago , the million dollar question was whether the Oscars would go ahead as stars refused to cross the picket line . Make that the 400 million dollar question . According to the pundits and bean-counters , that 's how much the strike would have cost Los Angeles and the industry if Hollywood 's most glamorous evening had been cancelled . Not only would the stars have been robbed of their moment to shimmer along the world 's most famous red carpet , but a whole hinterland of ancillary trades would be affected . Limo drivers driven to despair , caterers with no-one to cater for , make-up artists struggling to make up lost earnings and security teams facing an insecure future -- and the paparazzi would have no-one to focus on . But it 's not just the"} +{"answer":"expect a high-profile Roman Catholic presence in Westminster Abbey , '' where he will be crowned , Wilson argued . `` The combined heads of state come from everywhere . Every democratically elected head of state will be invited . It bigs up your coronation if you can get the highest Roman Catholic to come . '' The meeting between prince and pope came days after the 500th anniversary of the crowning of Henry VIII , the English king who broke with the Roman Catholic Church and established the Church of England because he wanted to divorce . It was Prince Charles 's first visit to the Vatican since he went to the funeral of Pope John Paul II four years ago , and his first meeting with a head of the Roman Catholic Church since 1985 . There are multiple factors complicating his relationship with the Vatican , Wilson pointed out . Not only is he divorced , which the Roman Catholic Church disapproves of , but so is Camilla -- and her children are being raised as Catholics because their father is one . A centuries-old British law forbids Catholics or their spouses from holding the throne .","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Prince Charles visited the Vatican on Monday for his first meeting with a pope since his 1996 divorce from Princess Diana . Pope Benedict XVI is flanked by Prince Charles and his wife Camilla during their meeting at the Vatican . The heir to the UK throne was accompanied by his second wife , Camilla , the Duchess of Cornwall , who wore the mandatory modest black dress and veil which the Vatican requires for wives of dignitaries who meet the pope . The 20-minute meeting was `` cordial , '' the Vatican said in a statement afterwards . Prince Charles 's accession to the throne was likely to be an unspoken subtext of the meeting , an expert on the prince told CNN . `` The biggest thing on Prince Charles 's agenda is the preparation for his coronation , '' said Christopher Wilson , author of `` The Windsor Knot : Charles , Camilla and the Legacy of Diana . '' Charles would like the pope to attend personally , unlikely as that may be , given the religious divide between London and Rome , Wilson said . `` He will"} +{"answer":"he was ready to `` re-engage '' with the past . In 2001 , Leech was working as a Defense Department liaison officer to the White House Drug Policy office . He worked primarily out of the White House but attended meetings at the Pentagon every Tuesday and Thursday morning . Watch as he returns to the crash site '' As he walked the now-renovated halls where he spent the morning of September 11 , he recalled the horror of the day . The shock , he said , was indescribable . `` It hit with such force . I had never experienced anything like it in my life . It rattled you right down to the bone , '' Leech said . Flight 77 slammed into the west wall of the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. ET . Among the 184 people killed in the building and on the plane were a 3-year-old girl and a 71-year-old retired Navy captain , the youngest and oldest victims , who were both passengers on Flight 77 . A closer look at the new Pentagon memorial '' Several people were killed or severely burned not far from where Leech took cover . He","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- For years , retired Air Force Col. John Leech has had no desire to return to the Pentagon . Retired Col. John Leech narrowly escaped death at the Pentagon on September 11 , 2001 . Leech narrowly escaped death September 11 , 2001 , when a hijacked American Airlines jetliner hit the building . He will attend Thursday 's dedication of the Pentagon memorial honoring the 184 people killed in the terror attack . In an earlier visit to the memorial , Leech left a note for his friend Navy Capt. Jack Punches : `` Thanks Jack for serving and dying for our nation . '' Leech could barely contain his sadness recently as he watched a Department of Defense videotape showing the burned interior of the area in the building where he was that fateful morning . `` Wow . My God . ... It makes you weak in the knees to see these pictures , '' Leech said . Leech , 54 , recently took CNN into an office not far from the conference room where he was that morning . He has avoided touring the building since the attack but finally decided"} +{"answer":"food in urban communities and the importance of supporting community-based efforts to fight obesity . Watch Gupta explain the solutions proposed at the Fit Nation Summit '' Clinton , who 's been tackling the obesity issue over the past few years with his Alliance for a Healthier Generation , stressed the need to help educate people about the importance of a healthy diet and exercising together . Motivating Americans , especially kids , wo n't be easy , Clinton said . `` They need to be handled with care . Kids need to know it 's important , but -LSB- fitness -RSB- ca n't be boring , '' he said . `` There 's no shame , there 's no embarrassment . We have to let them know it 's all good , but you have to do it . '' Michael Jacobson , director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest and a strong advocate against trans fats in foods , stressed that the Food and Drug Administration should ban trans fats altogether and stop leaving it up to local and state governments . Trans fats , at one time , thought to be good fat substitutes","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Obesity is the No. 1 health crisis in the United States , and the nation could be at risk without immediate action , former President Clinton said at CNN 's first Fit Nation Summit . CNN 's Dr. Sanjay Gupta and former President Clinton lead the discussion at the first Fit Nation Summit . `` We need to do something about it for our children , and for our country , because something like this could easily collapse our nation if we do n't act now , '' Clinton said . Clinton and CNN 's chief medical correspondent , Dr. Sanjay Gupta , gathered with experts from across the country Wednesday to explore solutions to America 's obesity crisis . Two-thirds of adult Americans are overweight or obese ; the same is true for one-third of U.S. children , according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . Obesity carries increased risk of myriad health problems , including hypertension , diabetes , heart disease and arthritis . Gupta , Clinton and a panel of experts addressed such proposed solutions as healthy school lunches , elimination of trans fats , the need for healthier"} +{"answer":"on anyone 's mind . In fact , over the summer , as I was questioning the conventional wisdom , I read an article on my television show that quoted a financial expert as saying , `` It is the strongest global market that we 've seen in the history of measuring these things . '' That 's when I realized how fast the herd was approaching the cliff . But with predictions of a recession now more common than Fed rate cuts -- and that 's saying something -- maybe now it 's time to look at a worst-case scenario . After all , considering all sides of an issue , no matter how extreme they may be , does n't make you a crazy person ; it makes you an educated one . So to understand what a real meltdown could look like , I turned to Nouriel Roubini , chairman of RGE Monitor and professor of economics at New York University 's Stern School of Business . He 's also a former adviser to the U.S. Treasury Department . Professor Roubini recently laid out what he called the `` 12 steps to financial disaster . '' Unfortunately","question":"Editor 's note : `` Glenn Beck '' is on Headline News nightly at 7 and 9 ET . Glenn Beck says to always question conventional wisdom . NEW YORK -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- `` The people who survived the Great Depression were the ones who had money to buy when everybody else was selling . '' -- My grandfather I learned a lot from my grandfather , but that might have been the greatest lesson he ever taught me . He was n't just talking about managing money , he was talking about managing life -- and his words have stuck with me since I was a child . A few years back , I was taking a theology course and the professor recommended only the books whose authors he agreed with . I read those books , but I also asked that professor which books he thought had it completely wrong -- and I read those too . Then I made up my own mind . After all , following the herd is fine until they all run off the side of a cliff together . Less than a year ago , a recession was the last thing"} +{"answer":"police statement . She and a male who came to her aid were arrested . The district attorney 's office announced Thursday that a 28-year-old man has been charged with two felony counts of inciting a riot and one misdemeanor count of obstruction for allegedly blocking a police car and and telling others to riot . He has two other cases pending from two different dates in October -- unlawful conduct on public property and unlawful sexual contact -- according to the press release . Another 30-year-old man was charged with a felony count of second-degree assault on a police officer -- as well as misdemeanor charges of obstruction , resisting arrest and engaging in a riot -- from the same day . The district attorney claimed this man grabbed a law enforcement officer from behind and tried to hit him and wrestle him to the ground . A third man , who is 26 years old , also was charged with second-degree assault of a police officer . That charge stems from an October 29 incident in which the man allegedly tried to use a stick to hit an officer who was trying to arrest him . That day","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Denver District Attorney Mitch Morrissey said Thursday that three Occupy Denver activists have been charged with felonies -- including inciting a riot and second-degree assault on an officer . While Occupy Wall Street protests began in New York two months ago , the movement has spread to several other cities -- as have reports of activists clashing with police . Some of the most high-profile incidents have taken place in Denver , including two tied to the filing of felony charges . A pair of men who were arrested on Sunday were charged with felonies . The previous night , police in riot gear arrested 17 people as they cleared furniture and tents from an Occupy encampment near the city 's civic center , police spokesman Sonny Jackson told CNN . The main issue , he said , was that the items were blocking a right of way . On Sunday afternoon , two police officers were injured when protesters became upset when police began removing a food table from a park . Some of the protesters surrounded a police car . One woman then pushed a Denver police officer , according to an earlier Denver"} +{"answer":"View a map of the crash site '' `` We believe it was quite close to the platform it was supposed to be landing on , '' he added . The area is home to a number of offshore oil rigs . Lyon said he did not know which one the helicopter was heading to or where it was coming from . The RAF received its first report of the crash at 6:43 p.m. -LRB- 1:43 p.m. Eastern time -RRB- . Lyon said the Super Puma is regularly used to transport people to and from oil platforms in the North Sea and as far as he was aware it has a good safety record . Weather at the crash site is relatively good , though slight fog is hampering visibility , he said . A spokesman for BP told the UK 's Press Association : `` The 16 passengers and two crew who were on board have been accounted for and have been rescued . Three people are on the ETAP Platform and a further 15 are on the Caledonian Victory rescue vessel . `` The priority of the company is the safety of all personnel involved in this incident","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- All 18 people aboard a helicopter that crashed off the coast of Scotland have been recovered alive , a Royal Air Force officer told CNN . A Super Puma helicopter , similar to the one in this file photo , went down about 120 miles east of Aberdeen . The Super Puma ditched about 120 miles east of Aberdeen while approaching an offshore platform . `` Everyone has been recovered from the water , '' said James Lyon , assistant controller of the RAF 's aeronautical rescue coordination center at RAF Kinloss , Scotland . `` We do n't know their condition , but we believe there are no major injuries . '' Five helicopters were scrambled when the Super Puma helicopter ditched . `` Some were recovered by helicopter and some by boat from the platform , '' Lyon told CNN . The RAF was providing helicopter assistance to the Aberdeen Coast Guard in the rescue . Lyon said earlier that rescuers had been picking up emergency signal beacons from the lifejackets of the 18 people . He did not know if the pilot transmitted a mayday before the aircraft ditched ."} +{"answer":"family vacations with your head happily buried in `` WWE All Stars '' or `` Killzone 3 . '' Arcade FightStick Tournament Edition -LRB- $ 159.99 , www.madcatz.com -RRB- -- Pricey , but infinitely cheaper than springing for an arcade machine , this PS3 and Xbox 360 joystick controller and eight-button pad delivers authentic coin-operated control and precision . Designed for use with popular fighting games such as `` Marvel vs. Capcom 3 , '' it lets you plug in its 13-foot USB connector cable to enjoy customizable button mappings , turbo functionality and that classic quarter-munching feel . Charge Base for 3DS -LRB- $ 29.99 , www.nyko.com -RRB- -- Given the Nintendo 3DS handheld 3-D gaming system 's anemic 3 - to 4 - hour battery life , this useful combo charging dock and capacity-boosting rechargeable battery comes in especially handy by offering double the juice . It 's not the most convenient accessory to carry around . But if you 're planning on marathon play sessions , it can keep you happily splattering aliens or downing submarines twice as long as usual . PlayStation Move SharpShooter -LRB- $ 39.99 -RRB- -- This plastic attachment lets you turn your","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- For video game fans , many of the gadgets and accessories designed to support today 's games are as unique and imaginative as the games themselves . From inflatable Wii racing karts to iPad joysticks and plastic assault rifles tailor-made for living room juntas , there 's no shortage of weird , wild and occasionally even useful peripherals for handheld and set-top systems alike . Among the hundreds of available gaming gizmos and add-ons are a coffin-shaped guitar instrument case and blinged-out chrome plating for consoles . They 're great to look at , but they wo n't enhance your gameplay much . Here are five recent accessories designed to improve your gaming experience : G155 -LRB- $ 299.99 , http:\/\/www.projectgaems.com\/ -RRB- -- A portable game room to go , this carrying case unpacks to reveal a built-in 15.5-inch LED HD screen , stereo speakers and dual 3.5 mm headphone jacks that let you annihilate friends or save the universe anywhere you travel . Pop an Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 Slim in , hook up the HDMI cable , and assuming you do n't mind a little heavy lifting , voila . You can spend"} +{"answer":"were badly phrased but accurate . Watch Obama try to clarify his comments '' On Sunday , Clinton called the comments `` elitist , out of touch and frankly , patronizing , '' and added , `` You know , the Democratic Party , to be very blunt about it , has been viewed as a party that did n't understand and respect the values and the way of life of so many of our fellow Americans . '' Obama opened his remarks to the AP making light of what is being called `` bitter-gate . '' `` I know I kept a lot of you guys busy this weekend with the comments I made last week . Some of you might even be a little bitter about that , '' he said to soft laughter . But his offensive began Sunday night when he mocked Clinton for acting like `` Annie Oakley ... packin ' a six-shooter '' in her attempts to connect with gun owners . He was referring to Clinton 's efforts over the weekend to appeal to Second Amendment supporters by hinting that she has some experience of her own pulling triggers . `` I disagree","question":"PITTSBURGH , Pennsylvania -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- After a weekend of playing defense about his `` bitter '' comments , Sen. Barack Obama went on offense Monday against his Democratic rival and the presumptive Republican nominee . Sen. Barack Obama participates Sunday in the Compassion Forum at Pennsylvania 's Messiah College . Obama mocked Sen. Hillary Clinton for throwing back a shot of whiskey in front of TV crews over the weekend and said she must think she 's `` doing me a favor '' by attacking him and toughening him up for a fall race against Republican Sen. John McCain . `` I 'm sure that Sen. Clinton feels like she 's doing me a favor because she 's been deploying most of the arguments the Republican Party will be using against me in November and so it 's toughening me up . I 'm getting run through the paces here , '' Obama told The Associated Press ' annual meeting . Clinton has been hitting Obama hard after he referred to some small-town Pennsylvanians as `` bitter '' people who `` cling to guns and religion '' at a fund-raiser last week . Obama later said the remarks"} +{"answer":"El Paso County , Texas . Although he was born in Juarez , de la Rosa lived in El Paso for 30 years . One of the Azteca leaders called and ordered him to find where consulate employees were having a children 's party and to follow the white sport utility vehicle belonging to Redelfs , a jail guard in El Paso , authorities said . The call came days in advance of the killings , the statement said . De la Rosa followed Redelfs ' vehicle down a Juarez avenue , until being told to fall back because the shooters had the vehicle in their sights , the statement said . A few moments later , de la Rosa heard shooting . According to federal authorities , de la Rosa drove by the scene and saw that in addition to Redelfs , his wife , who was four months pregnant , was also dead . An infant in the back seat was uninjured . De la Rosa also admitted to involvement in four other homicides involving members or rival gangs , authorities said . No additional arrests have been made in the case . De la Rosa remains imprisoned","question":"Mexico City , Mexico -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- An American jailer was the target in the shooting deaths of three people with ties to the U.S. Consulate in Ciudad Juarez , Mexican officials said . The jailer , Arthur Redelfs , and his wife , Lesley Ann Enriquez , were killed in a drive-by shooting in Juarez earlier this month . Enriquez was an employee of the U.S. Consulate in that city . Jorge Alberto Salcido Ceniceros , 37 , the husband of a Mexican employee of the consulate , was also killed at around the same time as Redelfs and Enriquez . A suspect arrested in the case gave new details on the high-profile killings , Mexican federal authorities said in a statement late Tuesday . Ricardo Valles de la Rosa , a member of the Aztecas gang , was arrested Friday based on military intelligence , the statement said . According to federal officials , de la Rosa told interrogators that he was a lookout for the operation that killed the two Americans . He said he got to know many leaders of the Aztecas , a street gang affiliated with the Juarez cartel , while imprisoned in"} +{"answer":"The 328i is another sleek , finely-tuned and beautifully-designed driving machine , offering sporty performance and Euro-style luxury . It is widely considered to be the definitive `` sports sedan . '' The '07 328i was propelled by a 3.0-liter 230-hp inline six-cylinder engine , which you can find mated to either a six-speed manual or six-speed automatic transmission . Consumer Reports also recommended the 3-Series coupe and convertible that joined BMW 's model line-up in ' 07 . AOL Autos : Used BMW 2004 BMW M3 The M3 is the top-of-the-line , high-performance-tuned version of the 3-series coupe . Performance power , therefore , is much higher than the other 3-Series editions . It came as a coupe or convertible , and churned out 333 horses . The M3 is often favorably compared to the Porsche 911 when it comes to quick acceleration , crisp braking and taking tough corners at brisk speeds without breaking a sweat . 2007 Infiniti FX35 Well , the marketplace surely is not lacking for luxury crossovers . Here is yet another one that appeals to luxury buyers with its balance of SUV-type spaciousness , pampering amenities , deft handling and burly engine muscle","question":"This is the second part of a two part series on the best used luxury cars . -LRB- AOL Autos -RRB- -- Recently , Consumer Reports magazine issued its list of best and worst used cars , and divvied them up by price range . The Porsche 911 has several versions , but all have been annointed with the `` supercar '' appellation . Using CR 's recommendations as a guideline , here is a list of some of the best used luxury cars currently on the market in the $ 30,000 + price range : 2007 Acura MDX The newer MDX is classified as a crossover SUV , but it 's a deluxe version . It was all-new in ' 07 , and was built on a proper platform -- as opposed to being adapated from the Accord passenger-car platform . It also came in three flavors : Base , Technology and Sport Packages , and all three were powered by a 3.7-liter 300-hp V6 . The voice-activated navigation system is a nifty feature , as it comes with rearview camera and AcuraLink satellite communications with real-time traffic data . AOL Autos : Used Acura 2007 BMW 328i sedan"} +{"answer":"to be diagnosed with late-stage breast cancer , and thus more likely to die from the disease . For Ivory , comparing this work to a battle is n't overblown . `` The only thing that we have to fight this disease and lower the mortality rate is early detection , '' she says . `` We are the troops on the front lines . '' Since 2006 , Ivory has helped provide more than 500 mammograms to eligible women . Ivory herself had always been diligent about getting annual mammograms , but when the breast cancer diagnosis came in 2004 , she took it in stride . `` I just knew that it was for a higher purpose , '' she recalls . Ivory says that purpose became clear during her cancer treatment . Reflecting on how lucky she was to have health insurance and to have gotten annual mammograms , she realized that thousands of women without health care were likely falling through the cracks and putting themselves at risk . `` Those women do n't even have a fighting chance , '' she says . `` The mission became reach -LSB- ing -RSB- those women . ''","question":"WEST PARK , Florida -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- `` We are an army , '' says Andrea Ivory of the group gathered with her early on a Saturday morning . Breast cancer survivor Andrea Ivory is on a mission to educate Florida communities about the disease , one door at a time . Armed with clipboards , leaflets and high spirits , the energetic Ivory leads them into the neighborhood , where they start knocking on doors . The mood is lighthearted , but their mission is serious : to save lives , one house at a time . They 're volunteers from the Florida Breast Health Initiative , or FBHI , and they are waging war against breast cancer . It 's an effort started by Ivory , 50 , herself a survivor of the disease . Every weekend in the spring and fall , she and her volunteers -- who include college students , senior citizens and suburban moms , all wearing matching T-shirts -- fan out across low-income communities in southern Florida , educating women about breast health . They especially seek out uninsured women age 35 and older , who statistics show are twice as likely"} +{"answer":"from the National Coalition for the Homeless documented 27 unprovoked , apparently bias-related homicides by attackers in the United States last year , down one from the previous year and the second-highest number of killings since 2001 . After bottoming mid-decade , the number killed has not dipped below 20 a year since 2005 . In contrast , the FBI documented only 12 hate-crime homicides nationally for the two most recently available calendar years combined . According to the NCH and the Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism , nearly 2 1\/2 times more homeless people in America have been killed over the past 10 years in apparent unprovoked bias homicides than the total for all the other hate - crime homicides -- on the basis of race , religion , national origin , disability and sexual orientation -- combined . Like other hate crime perpetrators , these attackers are typically young male `` thrill offenders '' seeking excitement , with 58 percent of assailants over the past 10 years falling in the 13-19 age range . In 2006 , three teenagers out for fun attacked homeless people in Fort Lauderdale , Florida , with baseball bats ,","question":"Editor 's note : Brian Levin is a professor of criminal justice at California State University , San Bernardino and director of the university 's Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism . Michael Stoops is executive director of the National Coalition for the Homeless in Washington . Brian Levin says the homeless are excluded from lessons on tolerance and are n't protected by hate crime laws . CAMBRIDGE , Massachusetts -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Over the last two calendar years , more Americans in the United States were killed in a little-noticed spate of unprovoked attacks than were killed by terrorists , in large commercial jet crashes or in racial hate crimes . Since 1999 , more than 240 vulnerable homeless Americans have been stabbed , beaten , drowned , shot or burned to death in a revolting display of one of the last socially tolerated prejudices , this one based on class . Despite being prime targets of prejudice and violence , particularly in today 's youth subculture , the homeless are routinely excluded from lessons related to tolerance , as well as from official data collection and hate-crime penalty enhancement laws . A newly released report"} +{"answer":", I was n't prepared for this development . It meant I would have to put my career ambitions on hold . But `` the choice '' was not mine alone to make . I had always wanted to have Jim 's babies , but was n't at all sure how he would react . At the time , we were 19-year-old newlyweds , struggling to make ends meet . But he was unflinching in his desire to keep our baby and his positive , upbeat attitude about the whole prospect turned everything around . I have always loved Jim for how he responded in that moment . During my pregnancy , I came to realize that this process was not about me . I was just a spectator to the metamorphosis that was happening inside my womb so that another life could be born . It came down to an act of self-sacrifice , especially for me , as a woman . But both of us were fully involved , not just for that moment , but for the rest of our lives . And it 's scary . You may think you can skirt around the issue and","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Margaret Sanger opened the first American family-planning clinic in 1916 , and nothing would be the same again . Since then the growing proliferation of birth control methods has had an awesome effect on both sexes and led to a sea change in moral values . And as I 've grown older over the past five decades -- from 1960 to 2010 -- and lived through this revolutionary period in female sexuality , I 've seen how it has altered American society -- for better or worse . On the upside , by the early 60 's The Pill had made it easier for a woman to choose to delay having children until after she established herself in a career . Nonetheless , for young women of childbearing age -LRB- I was one of them -RRB- there was a need for some careful soul searching -- and consideration about the long-range effects of oral contraceptives -- before addressing this very personal decision . It was a decision I too would have to face when I discovered I was pregnant at age 19 . Even though I was married to the baby 's father , Jim Welch"} +{"answer":"as they marched down the street -- a sign of resilience amid huge mounds of rubble . It is not the first time such a display has been observed . Singing and clapping has been heard well into the night in a large square that thousands of people have made home after the earthquake , a CNN crew reported . Meanwhile , a crucial 72-hour window elapsed Friday afternoon -- the time to free those who still may be alive trapped under the remains of buildings . An 18-month-old baby was pulled from the rubble Friday , seemingly unharmed . Get the latest developments in Haiti Still , those rescued were n't out of danger as hospitals lacked proper supplies to treat some of them . An 11-year-old girl rescued Thursday -- an effort CNN captured on camera throughout the day -- died later that night from her injuries after a first-aid station said it could n't treat her severe leg wound , her family said . Aid workers continued to trickle into the country Friday , trying to provide water and food to survivors in the capital , which still was being rocked by aftershocks Friday . The quake","question":"Port-au-Prince , Haiti -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Scores of bodies were found in a mass grave outside the capital city of Port-au-Prince on Friday , a sign of Haitians ' desperation three days after a 7.0-magnitude earthquake devastated the impoverished nation . At least 100 bodies were discovered by a CNN crew in one open pit outside Port-au-Prince , with several other pits half-filled or completely covered over with earth , presumably full . The bodies were brought to the site by dump trucks , still accompanied by the remnants of what loved ones used to move them -- pieces of plywood , makeshift shrouds and in one case , an old refrigerator . Elsewhere , bodies were being shoved into old crypts in the city 's existing cemeteries . Haiti 's Minister of Civil Protection said Friday that the government estimates more than 50,000 people were killed , with the number possibly closer to 100,000 . There is not yet an official count of the dead from the quake . Despite the death and destruction , hundreds of people , mostly women , took to the streets in an area of the capital on Friday , singing and chanting"} +{"answer":". `` But , on the face of it , I think it 's good news . '' The military will now concentrate on `` saving '' and `` rescuing civilians , '' who have been caught in the fighting between government forces and rebel fighters , the presidential statement said . The government 's decision followed an unscheduled meeting of the National Security Council called by President Mahinda Rajapaksa . The session included the commanders of the army , navy and air force . The developments came a day after Sri Lankan officials rejected a proposed cease-fire from the Tamil rebels , warning instead that government troops would continue a new offensive until the group surrendered , a senior government official told CNN . `` The government is firm that -LRB- the rebels -RRB- lay down their arms and surrender . We do not recognize this so-called offer , '' said Lakshman Hulugalle , director of Sri Lanka 's Media Center for National Security . The Tiger leadership had asked the international community to `` pressure the Sri Lankan government to reciprocate '' on the cease-fire offer . The United States , the United Nations , the European Union","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Sri Lanka ordered an end to combat operations against Tamil Tiger rebels in the country 's north , the president 's office said Monday . But the rebels accused the military of continuing to bomb civilians . Sri Lankan soldiers stand guard next to a tank captured from the Tamil Tigers . `` Our security forces have been instructed to end the use of heavy-caliber guns , combat aircraft and aerial weapons which could cause civilian casualties , '' according a statement from the Presidential Secretariat . A rebel Web site , Tamilnet.com , immediately accused the government of violating its own order and `` deceiving the international community . '' `` Two Sri Lanka air force fighter bombers continued to bomb civilian targets in Mu ` l'li-vaaykkaal after the announcement by the Sri Lankan forces that it would not deploy heavy weapons or carry out air attacks , '' Tamilnet said , citing S. Puleedevan , director of the Tamil Peace Secretariat . `` Obviously we need to see what that means in practice , '' John Holmes , the head of U.N. humanitarian operations , said about the government announcement to end combat operations"} +{"answer":"Army interrogation tapes obtained by CNN , other soldiers complained about the Army rules for evidence gathering . Despite the high release rate , Quantock said he has confidence soldiers can take basic evidence from a crime scene in Iraq . `` We 're asking them to take basic evidence , which they 've been trained to do , '' said Quantock , who oversees detainee operations in Iraq . `` We 've got the greatest soldiers in the world . And I do n't accept that they ca n't take basic evidence off of a crime scene . '' CNN asked Quantock to explain why , if it were so easy to collect evidence , so many detainees have been released . `` It took us a while to realize , it goes back to my point of we were trying to make the fight fit the Army as opposed to have the Army fit the fight , '' Quantock said . `` I think a lot of times we thought the insurgency would dissipate , we were working closely with the government of Iraq , we were trying to improve the Iraqi security forces , but at the","question":"Vilseck , Germany -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The military released 77,000 of about 87,000 detainees locked up during the Iraq war because there was not enough evidence to hold them , CNN has learned . `` In most cases , if we do n't have anything , eventually they 'll be released , '' said Brig. Gen. David Quantock , who oversees detainee operations in Iraq . Quantock said `` many cases are driven purely on intelligence . '' `` Intelligence does not win a fight in a courtroom . It does n't win the fight in a courtroom in the United States . It does n't win in Iraq . '' According to the U.S. military , 76,985 detainees have been released out of the 87,011 captured during the Iraq war . A CNN investigation found that frustration over the Army 's policy on detainees may have led to the 2007 killings of four Iraqi men by three decorated Army sergeants at a Baghdad canal . Former 1st Sgt. John Hatley , who led the mission that day , told CNN in a letter that the detainee policy has `` extensive flaws '' that repeatedly frustrated soldiers . On"} +{"answer":"highly critical of her leadership and that of her husband and predecessor , Nestor Kirchner . Although the proposed legislation would not affect newspapers , Grupo Clarin 's other business interests in cable , television and radio would be forced to be sold off or restructured . '' -LSB- Cristina -RSB- Kirchner saw -LSB- Clarin -RSB- as a limit to her power , and this was the origin of the conflict , '' Argentine political analyst Rosendo Fraga said . Argentina 's case is just one of a number of fights between the presidency and the media in Latin America . `` At this moment , in Nicaragua , Venezuela , Bolivia , Ecuador and Argentina , the presidents have conflicts with the private media and seek to dominate them , although each country is a different case , '' Fraga said . Among the changes proposed in the bill , a company that owns a cable business would not be allowed to own any over-the-air broadcast channels . Also , the owner of a cable company would be allowed to have only one channel on that system . In its current form , Grupo Clarin would be in violation","question":"BUENOS AIRES , Argentina -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The lower house of Argentina 's Congress has approved a controversial media law that spells out media ownership rules and calls for the creation of a regulatory agency . Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has blamed Grupo Clarin for her low approval ratings . The measure passed Thursday by a vote of 147 to 4 , but the wide margin does not reflect the heated debate over it . Lawmakers opposed to the measure protested by walking out of the chamber and not voting . Some even threatened to turn to the courts to challenge the legitimacy of the vote . The goal of the so-called Audio-Visual Communication law is to regulate television and radio broadcasters and increase competition in the media industry , according to a draft of the bill . Opponents say it targets media critical of the current government and President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner , especially the media giant Grupo Clarin . This bill is `` for everyone who wants to live in a more democratic and more pluralistic Argentina , '' Fernandez de Kirchner said in a speech last month . The newspaper Clarin has been"} +{"answer":"or linked to a bank account , it 's free . '' And while the primary aspect of the Send Money app is its enablement of transactions across the world 's largest social network , the ecard aspect is being emphasized as well . PayPal was quick to point out that more than 500 million ecards are sent every year , and that 's why PayPal is offering dozens of choices for everything from birthdays to congratulations . We can see the app really taking off . Users who see on Facebook that it 's a friend 's birthday can quickly fire up the app and send a card and some cash within a few minutes . The app is just as useful for things like lottery pools and reimbursing friends for lunch . It 's a big step toward making social payments a reality . If you want to learn more about the PayPal Send Money Facebook App , we 've created a simple walkthrough of the payment process . Check it out in this gallery , and let us know what you think of the app in the comments . See the original article on Mashable.com \u00a9 2011","question":"-LRB- Mashable -RRB- -- Social payments are taking a giant leap forward . PayPal has unveiled a Facebook app that lets you send money to friends . The app , simply titled Send Money , is just as straightforward as its name . You have the choice to send either an ecard with money or just money with no card . You select a card , choose a friend to send it to and then select how much money to send . `` The PayPal and Facebook infrastructure have now merged , '' PayPal 's Anuj Nayar says . `` This is another way to personalize the act of giving money . '' While there are several ways to pay with PayPal via Facebook -LRB- Payvment comes to mind -RRB- , this is the first app to enable peer-to-peer payments via Facebook and PayPal . And because it 's a peer-to-peer transaction , there is no transaction fee , though PayPal 's regular limits and international fees still apply . `` Sending money , person to person , is free , '' PayPal Senior Product Marketing Manager JB Coutinho said . `` If it 's funded by a PayPal balance"} +{"answer":"temple -RRB- for narrow sectarian or other purposes , '' India 's Ministry of External Affairs said in a statement . Killed in Sunday 's attack in Vienna was 57-year-old Sant Rama Nand . A second guru , Sant Niranjan Dass , 68 , was seriously injured . His health has improved noticeably , according to the Indian Embassy , the Austria News Agency reported . Fifteen others were also wounded . `` Sant Niranjan Dass is doing well , '' the embassy said . `` He could soon be released from the hospital . '' Six people were arrested in connection with the attack , which occurred Sunday afternoon in Vienna 's 15th district , police spokesman Schwaig Hofar told CNN . One suspect shot the two gurus , and five other attackers wielding knives assaulted people in the congregation during prayer , Hofar said . Four of the wounded were suspects , two of them in serious condition , he said . About 150 people were in the room when the violence took place , he said . Authorities are investigating what triggered the attacks , but Austrian Interior Minister Maria Fekter said Sikhs have lived `` exceptionally","question":"NEW DELHI , India -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Tensions eased in the northern Indian state of Punjab on Tuesday , following widespread violence across the region after a Sikh guru was shot to death and another was wounded at an Indian temple in Vienna , Austria . Sikh demonstrators brandish sticks as they shout slogans during a protest in Amritsar . The situation was tense , but under control , Punjab 's inspector general of police said Tuesday morning . The army and federal security forces were called in to restore order , added inspector general Parag Jain . Thousands took part in demonstrations across the Doaba region , where protesters attacked public transportation , knocking out train service in some areas . They also blocked a national highway to Jammu , CNN sister network CNN-IBN reported . A number of businesses were ransacked as well . Police reported one death . Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh , himself a Sikh , appealed for calm , in a statement . `` There is no place for violence in a secular society like India 's and certainly no excuse whatsoever for the violation of the sacred premises of a -LRB- Sikh"} +{"answer":"of the Islamist insurgent group , Abid Rahim Ise Adow , denied any involvement and blamed Somalia 's government for orchestrating the attack . The victims were participating in a program that allows Somali women to work as street cleaners in exchange for food . The United Nations ' World Food Program organized the program , which began last year and is administered by Mogadishu 's regional authority . Mogadishu has been the site of violence in recent months between Ethiopian troops and Islamist fighters . Somalia 's current transitional government is trying to maintain control of the capital , with the help of the better-equipped Ethiopian forces . On Saturday , two-thirds of the Somali government ministers announced their resignations , blaming Prime Minister Nur Hassan Nur Ade 's `` dictatorship , '' which they said included his firing of Mogadishu 's mayor . Nur Ade said he suspects the mass resignations were aimed at weakening implementation of the peace agreement between Somalia 's transitional government and the opposition Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia . He said he had no plans to resign . The peace agreement , signed June 9 in Djibouti , calls for a cease-fire","question":"MOGADISHU , Somalia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- A roadside bombing in Somalia 's capital killed 21 women who were cleaning rubbish from a southern Mogadishu street on Sunday morning , a hospital official said . Mogadishu residents gather around victims of the bomb attack along the city 's Maka Al Mukarama Road . The bomb blast wounded another 46 people , most of them Somali women who had gathered to clean Maka Al Mukarama Road in southern Mogadishu 's Kilometer 4 district , according to Medina Hospital director Dr. Dahir Dhere . `` It suddenly turned the area into a carnage , scattering body parts of the street cleaners into a large area , '' said witness Asha Ise Gedi . `` There were pools of blood everywhere . I have never seen such mass killing . '' `` They were innocent poor mothers or sisters , '' Gedi said . `` Why did they deserve this ? '' It is unclear who is behind the attack . Mogadishu Mayor Mohamed Omar Habeb Mohamed Dhere , who was recently fired by the country 's prime minister , blamed the Islamic Courts Union for waging the attack . But the head"} +{"answer":"Obama 's full speech '' The New Yorker 's George Packer wrote in his blog that `` President Obama uttered no words today that will be quoted in a hundred years . '' `` He delivered something better than rhetorical excitement -- he spoke the truth , which makes its own history and carries its own poetry , '' Packer added . But it was not just traditional bloggers who were giving their two cents worth . Social network sites were also buzzing with the excitement of the occasion . CNN.com provided a live video streaming platform for Facebook users to interact with the inauguration ceremony by updating their status as they watched proceedings . Online viewers could choose between their friends or `` everyone watching , '' seeing live thoughts such as `` I 've actually got shivers ! '' to `` Barack H. ? What a copout ! '' Many were captivated by Aretha Franklin 's eye-catching hat , with comments ranging from : `` Now that 's a hat , '' to `` Aretha is wearing the hell outtta that hat . '' There was also no escaping the ubiquitous `` Tweeple '' -LRB- Twitter people -RRB-","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Everyone was blogging about Tuesday 's inauguration -- even the people who were putting it on . President Obama , pictured , giving his inaugural speech . Fittingly for an election campaign that was won partly by galvanizing millions of young people to get out and vote via the Internet , Obama 's inauguration ushered in a new digital age for the U.S. presidency . As the clock struck 12.01 in Washington Obama 's administration took control of the White House Web site , with the simple words `` Change has come to America . '' The first blog post by director of new media for the White House , Macon Phillips , said : `` Millions of Americans have powered President Obama 's journey to the White House , many taking advantage of the Internet to play a role in shaping our country 's future . '' It was an unprecedented move in the history of presidential inaugurations and it reflected the mood of the blogosphere , which came alive with comments as excitable bloggers mulled on topics ranging from what Michelle Obama would wear to their thoughts on Obama 's speech . Watch President"} +{"answer":"'' he said in a statement . Watch what led to Vick 's suspension '' Goodell said the Falcons could `` assert any claims or remedies '' to recover $ 22 million of Vick 's signing bonus from the 10-year , $ 130 million contract he signed in 2004 , according to The Associated Press . Vick said he would plead guilty to one count of `` Conspiracy to Travel in Interstate Commerce in Aid of Unlawful Activities and to Sponsor a Dog in an Animal Fighting Venture '' in a plea agreement filed at U.S. District Court in Richmond , Virginia . The charge is punishable by up to five years in prison , a $ 250,000 fine , `` full restitution , a special assessment and 3 years of supervised release , '' the plea deal said . Federal prosecutors agreed to ask for the low end of the sentencing guidelines . `` The defendant will plead guilty because the defendant is in fact guilty of the charged offense , '' the plea agreement said . In an additional summary of facts , signed by Vick and filed with the agreement , Vick admitted buying pit bulls and","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The National Football League has indefinitely suspended Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick without pay , officials with the league said Friday . NFL star Michael Vick is set to appear in court Monday . A judge will have the final say on a plea deal . Earlier , Vick admitted to participating in a dogfighting ring as part of a plea agreement with federal prosecutors in Virginia . `` Your admitted conduct was not only illegal , but also cruel and reprehensible . Your team , the NFL , and NFL fans have all been hurt by your actions , '' NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said in a letter to Vick . Goodell said he would review the status of the suspension after the legal proceedings are over . In papers filed Friday with a federal court in Virginia , Vick also admitted that he and two co-conspirators killed dogs that did not fight well . Falcons owner Arthur Blank said Vick 's admissions describe actions that are `` incomprehensible and unacceptable . '' The suspension makes `` a strong statement that conduct which tarnishes the good reputation of the NFL will not be tolerated ,"} +{"answer":"travel packing list , available through the iTunes store -- that she said has been downloaded in about a dozen countries . `` It 's just how my brain is wired . It 's part of my DNA , '' said Tahari , vice chairwoman and creative director of Elie Tahari , the fashion design house bearing her husband 's name . `` I do n't know how to operate other than to make a list . '' CNN sat down with Tahari to discuss when her list-making started , what she 's passed on to her children -LRB- son Jeremey , 8 , weighs in -RRB- and how being stuck in a snowstorm inspired her . Here are excerpts from that interview . CNN : You 've earned the nickname `` The List Mistress , '' but when did this , dare I say , obsession start ? Tahari : From a very young age , I was a compulsive list-maker . I was always organizing something or doing some kind of list . The first list I really remember making was taking an inventory of every piece of clothing in my closet and seeing how many different outfits","question":"ATLANTA , Georgia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Caring for a car has you a befuddled . The honeymoon 's over , and bureaucratic tasks are beating out bliss . You 're meeting with a prospective babysitter or housekeeper , a stranger you 'll entrust with much of your life . Rory Tahari , with son Jeremey , hopes to make life 's to-do 's more manageable with a new book and iPhone app . How do you know what to do ? Where should you go and when ? What should you ask these people ? You need a list ! If figuring out the answers to these kinds of questions leaves you loopy , Rory Tahari has a new book that may have your name on it . `` Lists for Life : The Essential Guide to Getting Organized and Tackling Tough To-Dos '' is just what it says it is : a compilation of lists to help readers navigate everything they might need for weddings and funerals , household maintenance and vacations , divorces and diaper bags . Watch Tahari discuss the book '' Along the same lines , she 's behind a new iPhone application -- a"} +{"answer":"`` I was there -LSB- El Salvador -RSB- as family members identified the bodies of family members pulled from the rubble . It 's something that you can never forget . I ca n't imagine hundreds of thousands of people going through that now . '' For people like Scheidler , the news from Haiti is n't abstract . It 's personal . They are people who have either survived natural disasters or respond to them . The Haitian earthquake has forced some of them to think again about the survival lessons they learned , and what Haitians face in the days ahead . How disaster brings out best , worst in human nature Several say disasters can reveal the worst in human nature . Patrick Johns traveled to Indonesia in the immediate aftermath of the 2004 Tsunami . He 's also traveled to Ethiopia to aid in famine relief and Rwanda after the country was decimated by genocide . Johns , who is now the director of emergency response for Catholic Relief Services , said it is critical to immediately establish security right in Haiti . `` Crime is a problem in Haiti even in the best of times","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- At first , Kip Scheidler said he felt the ground tremble . Then the roof began to shake . Tiles tumbled from the ceiling as people bolted from their chairs to escape . When Scheidler tried to follow them , he could barely keep his balance as the ground wobbled . `` The weird thing is that afterward you will swear that it lasted 20 minutes but it really lasted 60 seconds , '' Scheidler said of the earthquake tremors . `` But at the moment , it seems like it will never stop , and it keeps getting stronger . '' That 's how Scheidler remembers one of the most horrific moments in his life -- the 1986 earthquake in El Salvador that killed 1,500 people . All those memories came flooding back recently when Scheidler turned on CNN and saw images from this week 's earthquake in Haiti , which may have killed at least 100,000 people , according to initial estimates . `` I was sickened by the news , '' said Scheidler , now the senior director for global disaster response for Habitat for Humanity International , an international relief agency ."} +{"answer":", leaving one civilian dead . Thailand calls the temples Ta Kwai and Ta Muen , while Cambodia calls them Ta Krabey and Ta Moan . Much of the border between the two countries remains in dispute . Both sides claim the disputed temples are in their country . Clashes between the two started Friday as they accused each other of trying to seize the ancient temples . Thai officials say at least six of its citizens have died and more than 40 injured in the clashes over the past week . Cambodia has said three of its troops have been killed in the fighting . In February , at least 10 people were killed when fighting flared up in another disputed border area between the two nations , prompting the United Nations Security Council to issue a statement calling on both sides to implement a cease-fire . Those clashes stemmed from a longstanding conflict related to the 11th-century Preah Vihear temple . Both Cambodia and Thailand lay claim to the temple , which sits atop a cliff on Cambodian soil but has its most accessible entrance on the Thai side . CNN 's Kocha Olarn contributed to this report","question":"Bangkok , Thailand -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Thai officials on Wednesday pulled out of planned cease-fire talks with Cambodia , hours after fighting flared up again in a bloody border dispute that has sent tens of thousands fleeing over the past week . About 27,000 people are living in shelters in Thailand , the nation 's health ministry said . A Thai army spokesman said the two nations had planned meetings between their defense ministers to discuss a cease-fire . `` But before our departure yesterday , some Cambodian media misreported that our trip to Cambodia was to surrender because we were defeated , '' said Col. Sansern Kawekumnerd , the spokesman . `` So the minister thought that if we continued our trip to Cambodia today , it will bring wrong messages to Cambodia and the international community . '' But the negotiation door is not closed , the spokesman said . He accused Cambodia of firing again on Tuesday night , and urged the nation to halt attacks `` to show their honesty of going back to negotiation table . '' The spokesman said Cambodians unsuccessfully attempted to seize Ta Muen and Ta Kwai temples on Tuesday night"} +{"answer":"up the hill was when things got pretty bad . '' Once inside , Munley , who has been trained in active-response tactics , began exchanging fire with the alleged gunman , Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan , a military psychiatrist , authorities said . They said her shots disabled Hasan and halted the attacks . Thirteen people -- 12 soldiers and one civilian -- were killed . Munley suffered three gunshot wounds , in both thighs and a knuckle , and remains at Metroplex Adventist Hospital in good condition , authorities said . `` The training does take over , '' she said when asked about her quick reactions . `` In that particular incident , we did n't have much time to think . '' `` When I got shot , it felt like a muscle being torn out of my leg , '' she told Winfrey , and added , `` I 'm doing well . '' `` Every day is a progress for me , and things are getting better day by day . And emotionally , I 'm just hoping that the rest of the officers and the injured and the families of the deceased are","question":"Killeen , Texas -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The civilian police officer hailed as a heroine for ending the shooting rampage at Fort Hood Army Post said Wednesday she was washing her patrol car just before she headed to the bloody scene . Sgt. Kimberly Munley was cleaning the car and topping off the gas tank , routine duties at the end of her shift , when she heard the report last Thursday that shots had been fired at the Army post , she told Oprah Winfrey via teleconference . The brief interview was taped to air later in the day on `` The Oprah Winfrey Show . '' Police Senior Sgt. Mark Todd also responded to the scene , where he said they were directed to the Soldier Readiness Processing Center , where soldiers were preparing to deploy to Afghanistan and Iraq . Both Munley and Todd did n't know what they were about to face . `` The entire incident was very confusing and chaotic , '' Munley said . `` There was many people outside pointing to the direction that this individual was apparently located , and as soon as I got out of my vehicle and ran"} +{"answer":"Richard E. Stickler . Stickler , the acting assistant secretary of labor for mine safety and health , said , `` pillars failed under excessive load and ejected coal very violently . '' Stickler also said the mine 's operator `` was taking more coal than allowed from the barrier pillars and the floor . '' `` This dangerously weakened the strength of the roof support , '' Stickler said . In addition to the six miners killed in the initial cave-in August 6 in northwest Emery County , three would-be rescuers died 10 days later in a subsequent collapse . The bodies of the six miners killed in the initial collapse were never recovered . Richard Gates , the lead investigator for the government , said the pillars in the mine `` simply were not large enough to support the load . '' That resulted in a `` catastrophic failure of pillars over a broad area , '' as large as half a mile , he said . University of Utah scientists said in June that the collapse was not the result of an earthquake . `` As seismologists , we 're as certain as we can be that","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The U.S. government Thursday announced its highest penalty for coal mine safety violations , $ 1.85 million , for a collapse that killed six miners in Utah last year . Supervisory Mining Engineer Joe Zelanko on Thursday describes the earth movements at Crandall Canyon mine . Insufficient pillar support and activity in areas that should not have been mined caused the August Crandall Canyon mine collapse , federal investigators found . The government fined the mine operator , Genwal Resources , $ 1.34 million `` for violations that directly contributed to the deaths of six miners last year , '' plus nearly $ 300,000 for other violations . The government also levied a $ 220,000 fine against a mining consultant , Agapito Associates , `` for faulty analysis of the mine 's design . '' The mine 's owner had insisted that earth movement detected at the time of the collapse had caused the disaster . But investigators found instead that the collapse caused the earth movement . `` It was not -- and I repeat , it was not -- a natural occurring earthquake , '' said the government 's top mine safety official ,"} +{"answer":", hard won from Taliban fighters . The militants , Nadeem says , have fled to nearby mountains . On the ground , he shows off a cache of weapons seized in the fighting . The soldiers are keen to boast their victory . Mingora remains on high alert . A curfew has been lifted for morning hours , although soldiers keep close watch on those who venture out . The city 's pain is plainly evident on its scarred , deserted streets . Many shops are shuttered or destroyed . Watch Stan Grant tour the shattered streets of Mingora '' The United Nations estimates that 375,000 Swat Valley residents fled their homes during the fighting . In all , 2.5 million Pakistanis were displaced in what was said to be one of the largest human migrations in recent history . About 260,000 people have been living in 21 refugee camps in neighboring Mardan , Swabi , Nowshera , Peshawar and Charssada districts , but the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees say the `` vast majority '' of internally displaced Pakistanis have been staying with host families , rented houses or in schools . The government plans to return","question":"MINGORA , Pakistan -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Gen. Nadeem Ahmad swirls the helicopter over Pakistan 's ground zero . Below is the Swat Valley of North West Frontier Province . A Pakistani soldier patrols a ruined street in Mingora . From the air , the valley in the foothills of the Hindu Kush looks undisturbed . Green fields amid clusters of drab houses . A closer look at Swat reveals how well the Pakistani Army fared in its military campaign to wipe out the militants . The cost of success : massive destruction that is sure to hamper the lives of already suffering residents just starting to trickle back to the homes they fled . A few months ago , ferocious battles between Pakistan 's Army and Taliban fighters erupted here -- in Swat , Buner and Lower Dir districts . War 's remnants serve as a constant reminder . A destroyed bridge . Pockmarked houses . Hotels that look like they 've been abandoned for years . Nadeem maneuvers the chopper to circle Mingora , the largest city in the Swat Valley . From the hilltop Army sentry posts that come into view , soldiers survey the ground below"} +{"answer":"collaboration , the Folksmen from Guest 's film `` A Mighty Wind . '' Now Shearer , McKean and Guest are hitting the road again , but not as Spinal Tap or the Folksmen . They 're playing ... themselves . `` We 're trying very hard to get across the idea that this is us , and only us , '' says Shearer in a phone interview discussing the trio 's `` Unwigged & Unplugged '' 30-date acoustic tour , which kicks off Friday in Vancouver , British Columbia . `` And because we do n't often appear as ourselves -- because we most often appear as characters -- we 're trying to dress it up as a treat , a rare treat , to see us as ourselves . '' The group will be performing both Spinal Tap and Folksmen songs , though , Shearer adds , '' -LSB- we 'll be -RSB- doing these songs kind of in a different way because we 're approaching them as ourselves and not as these characters . '' Have no fear , however , Tap fans : A new album , `` Back from the Dead , '' is due","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Twenty-five years ago , America discovered `` one of England 's loudest bands , '' courtesy of documentarian Marty DiBergi and his film , `` This Is Spinal Tap . '' Christopher Guest , Michael McKean and Harry Shearer will perform Spinal Tap and Folksmen songs on tour . It was all parody -- DiBergi was director Rob Reiner , and cohorts Christopher Guest , Michael McKean and Harry Shearer played the heavy-metal musicians in Spinal Tap -- but for a fictional band , Spinal Tap has had a long afterlife . The film gave birth to several catchphrases , including one -- `` up to 11 '' -- that 's made it into the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary . There are Web sites devoted to the Tap , including at least one , http:\/\/tap-albums.s5.com\/ , that offers a complete discography of the fictional band 's nonexistent albums . And Guest , McKean and Shearer have never left their spandexed alter egos behind . The band reunited for a 1992 album , `` Break Like the Wind , '' and again for a 2001 tour . For the latter , the opening act was another Guest-McKean-Shearer"} +{"answer":"a month . `` It 's all well and good for Willie Walsh to say he 's prepared to work for free when he earns four times in a month what they do in a year , '' said Ciaran Naidoo , a spokesman for Unite . He pointed out that the airline was not ordering staff to work without pay . `` It 's a request -- you can take unpaid leave or you can work for free , and the chances of people working for free are very unlikely , but there might be some people who want to take unpaid leave . '' Demand for the airline 's passenger seats and cargo holds fell during the last financial year , while its fuel bill rocketed to almost # 3 billion -LRB- $ 4.7 billion -RRB- . Walsh said British Airways ' woes were inextricably linked to the downturn in the global economy and that there had been no sign of any `` green shoots '' of recovery . Like its premium-class competitors , British Airways is losing customers to cheaper rivals . The airline 's premium passenger numbers fell 13 percent in the second half of last","question":"LONDON , England -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- British Airways is asking thousands of its staff to work for free for up to four weeks , spokeswoman Kirsten Millard said Tuesday . British Airways plans to reduce capacity by 4 percent next winter by parking up to 16 aircraft . In an e-mail to all its staff , the airline offered workers between one and four weeks of unpaid leave -- but with the option to work during this period . British Airways employs just more than 40,000 people in the United Kingdom . Last month , the company posted a record annual loss of # 400 million -LRB- $ 656 million -RRB- . Its chief executive declared at the time there were `` absolutely no signs of recovery '' in the industry . `` In 30 years in this business and I 've never seen anything like this . This is by far the biggest crisis the industry has ever faced , '' said Willie Walsh , British Airways ' chief executive . Watch more about BA 's request '' A spokesman for one of Britain 's biggest unions said its workers could not afford to work for free for"} +{"answer":"U-S-A ! '' Watch rally participants converge on Washington '' On the bus , Johns slips off her heels and slips on a pair of ankle socks . She curls up under a quilt her grandmother made . She favors skirts and cardigans -- a pit bull in cashmere . She leads the rallies in each city with Mark Williams , a former talk radio host who now writes books and makes the rounds on cable TV chat shows . Both work for Our Country Deserves Better , the conservative political action committee sponsoring the Tea Party Express bus tour . The tour concluded Saturday at the U.S. Capitol in Washington after a 34-stop tour that began August 28 in Sacramento , California . Williams is the showman of the bunch . His signature line when he gets the mic goes like this : `` You can have our country when you pry it from our ... cold ... dead ... fingers ! '' Again the crowd erupts . Watch scenes from Tea Party Express rallies '' Seldom seen on stage are the two gurus of the tea party movement , veteran politico Sal Russo and his prot\u00e9g\u00e9 , Joe","question":"Aboard the Tea Party Express -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- From the stage , Deborah Johns is the angry conscience of the tea party movement . A protester uses a Nazi swastika to make a point at a Tea Party Express stop in Dallas , Texas . `` Question everything your government is doing , '' she tells a crowd of about 100 from the bus 's stage in the parking lot of the Winners casino in Winnemucca , Nevada . Under a setting sun on the steps of the state capitol in Little Rock , Arkansas , Johns says : `` Our men and women took an oath when they put on the uniform to defend and protect this country from enemies both foreign and domestic . I think we 've got some domestic enemies in the White House . '' On a sunny afternoon in Louisville , Kentucky , Johns works the crowd of about 2,000 into a frenzy . `` The men and women in our military did n't fight and die for this country for a communist in the White House , '' she says , and the crowd erupts in a chant of `` U-S-A ,"} +{"answer":"for a different ending . Clinton and Obama faced similar climates . Both made health care their signature issue , even though most people were happy with their coverage and were more concerned with fixing the economy . Clinton presented Congress with a plan , whereas Obama instead presented broad guidelines and asked the lawmakers to come up with a bill . `` Much of the complaint about the Clinton-era attempt at this was how complicated it was , '' said Candy Crowley , CNN 's senior political correspondent . `` That has not been a complaint this time . But in the overview , there was no doubt that the steady drumbeat of criticism started out at a fairly low level and just has come to this deafening roar , and that 's very much like it was in the resistance to the Clinton plan . '' Like Clinton , Obama 's been accused of waffling on his proposals and failing to reach across the aisle . Following weeks of contentious town hall meetings , Obama this weekend appeared more flexible than ever on the idea of a government-sponsored , public health insurance option . Liberal Democrats have demanded","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- With his push for health care reform on the line , the president delivered a message of urgency to the public : President Bill Clinton , pictured in 1994 , greets members of a crowd following a speech on his health care reform plan . `` Do n't let the fearmongers , do n't let the dividers , do n't let the people who disseminate false information frighten the United States Congress into walking away from the opportunity of a lifetime . Tell the members of Congress you will support them . This is not partisan politics , '' the president said . The date was August 1 , 1994 , and the voice behind the 11th-hour battle cry was then-President Clinton . Within weeks , that battle cry was reduced to a whimper of defeat as Congress tabled plans to vote on his legislation . As President Obama ratchets up the pressure on Congress to pass health care reform this year , he 's following in the footsteps of the 42nd president . From his prime time push to his town hall meetings , Obama is taking the same path as Clinton , but hoping"} +{"answer":"to be a huge fight , '' one Democratic official said . `` They need someone with the gravitas and force of personality to make it happen . '' Democrats have privately floated some other big names for energy secretary in recent days , including California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and former Secretary of State Colin Powell . But a source close to Schwarzenegger said the governor wants to serve out the rest of his term . A source close to Powell said the retired general will take `` no formal Cabinet role '' in an Obama administration but is leaving the door open to an informal troubleshooting role -- such as Mideast envoy -- if the incoming president has a specific mission that needs to be filled . iReport.com : What do you think of Obama 's cabinet picks so far ? Energy is one aspect of the president-elect 's one-year goal to create 2.5 million jobs by 2011 . The plan , which Obama announced Saturday , aims to put Americans to work updating the country 's infrastructure , making public buildings more energy-efficient and implementing environmentally friendly technologies , including alternative energy sources . During his campaign ,","question":"WASHINGTON -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President-elect Barack Obama is likely to name Steven Chu , a physicist who runs the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory , as his energy secretary , three Democratic officials close to the transition said . Steven Chu explains his Nobel-winning theory on superfreezing gases in 1997 . The three officials said the announcement is expected next week in Chicago , Illinois , and that Obama will also name Carol Browner , administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency in the Clinton administration , as the newly created `` climate czar '' inside the White House . Chu won the 1997 Nobel Prize in physics and is highly respected in energy circles . But some Democrats have privately expressed concern that Chu has no political experience as he takes on the monumental task of passing a landmark energy reform bill early next year . Although Browner is seen as a shrewd inside player who could help the incoming energy secretary navigate Capitol Hill , Obama will face questions about how effective his team will be going up against oil companies and other special interests that do not want to change the status quo . `` Energy is going"} +{"answer":"behind Bear Stearns , '' said Jamie Dimon , chairman and chief executive of JPMorgan . `` Bear Stearns clients and counterparties should feel secure that JPMorgan is guaranteeing ... risk , '' he continued . The fast-track deal is expected to close by the end of June , the statement said . Bear Stearns was on the brink of financial collapse Friday when JPMorgan and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York said they would provide the brokerage a short-term loan . Bear was dealing with a classic `` run on the bank . '' The firm 's short-term creditors refused to lend the firm any more money and simultaneously demanded repayment of outstanding debt . The one-two punch overwhelmed Bear 's cash position . With the global credit crisis worsening , the Fed -- along with officials from the Treasury Department and other government agencies -- took the dramatic action to prevent the investment bank from going under and igniting widespread panic through the financial markets . Watch a discussion on the impact on global markets '' Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said on Sunday that talks about how to rescue Bear had continued throughout the weekend . He","question":"NEW YORK -LRB- CNNMoney.com -RRB- -- JPMorgan Chase & Co. said Sunday that it is buying troubled Wall Street firm Bear Stearns , amid deepening fears that Bear 's demise could have sent shockwaves across already shaky financial markets . The deal to buy Bear Stearns is worth an estimated $ 236 million . The deal values Bear Stearns at $ 236 million , or just $ 2 a share . Shares had closed at $ 30 on Friday , down 47 percent that day . `` Effective immediately , JPMorgan Chase is guaranteeing the trading obligations of Bear Stearns and its subsidiaries and is providing management oversight for its operations , '' said a statement released Sunday by JPMorgan . Shareholders must approve the deal , which is expected to close by the end of June . JPMorgan is taking immediate responsibility for Bear 's trading obligations and assuming `` management oversight '' of the firm 's operations . The deal has already been approved by the Federal Reserve and other regulators , according to the statement . The Fed is providing special emergency financing for up to $ 30 billion in Bear Stearns assets . `` JPMorgan stands"} +{"answer":"'' But Young had his eye on DeGarmo before that moment . `` I was already interested in her as a person before I got to see her with no clothes on , '' he said . `` But -LSB- that -RSB- sealed the deal . '' After the musical closed in June 2010 , Young , 31 , returned to L.A. while DeGarmo , 24 , went on tour with the musical `` 9 to 5 . '' The time apart was difficult , Young says : `` If you love somebody , whenever they 're not around , it sucks . '' So when DeGarmo 's tour ended last summer , Young found a way to keep her close . `` She came to California and kept saying , ` I 'm looking -LSB- at -RSB- apartments , ' '' he recalls . `` And I was like , ` Why do n't you just stay with me ? ' The moment she got here , she realized I was n't going to let her get an apartment . It was like , either we 're doing this or we 're not . And , thankfully , she","question":"-LRB- PEOPLE.com -RRB- -- Nearly two years after falling in love , `` American Idol '' alumni Ace Young and Diana DeGarmo are opening up about their relationship . Season 5 heartthrob Young , 31 , and season 3 's runner-up DeGarmo , 24 , met in the spring of 2010 when both signed on to costar in the Broadway revival of the musical `` Hair . '' `` We became best friends through ` Hair , ' ironically not through ` Idol , ' '' says DeGarmo , who now plays as a New Jersey Mob boss 's daughter on the CBS soap `` The Young and the Restless . '' `` It just blossomed into a beautiful relationship . '' The attraction was immediate for Young , who , along with DeGarmo , had to get naked onstage for each performance of `` Hair . '' `` She said , ` You 're not looking , right ? ' '' Young says of the first time they disrobed in rehearsals . `` And I was like , ` Oh no , not at all . ' But I was looking , and I was like -- sold !"} +{"answer":"maintain its year-over-year increase of 16 percent . Also aiding that statistic was Beyonce Knowles ' `` Obsessed . '' Dropping a not-surprising 57 percent for its second weekend in theaters , the thriller earned another $ 12.2 million to put its ten-day gross at a shockingly strong $ 47 million . And Zac Efron 's `` 17 Again '' showed surprising stamina , too , grossing an additional $ 6.3 million its third weekend for a total take of $ 48.4 million . The other new wide release for the weekend was the anemic 3-D animated sci-fi film `` Battle for Terra . '' Opening on 1162 theaters , the Justin Long , Evan Rachel Wood-voiced feature proved to be little competition for the other 3-D movie in the marketplace . Dreamworks Animation 's juggernaut `` Monsters vs. Aliens '' grossed another $ 5.8 million its sixth weekend for the fifth slot in the rankings , while newcomer `` Terra '' could n't muster more than $ 1 million for a twelfth place in the box office derby . Summer has officially begun -- at least in Hollywood -- so expect a giant event film every weekend . Wolverine","question":"-LRB- Entertainment Weekly -RRB- -- It could n't top its predecessors , but `` X-Men Origins : Wolverine '' still brought in quite a haul , grossing an estimated $ 87 million for the opening weekend of the summer movie season . Hugh Jackman stars as the title character in `` X-Men Origins : Wolverine . '' The Hugh Jackman pic brought in a strong $ 21,225 per-theater average in 4,099 movie houses , despite generating mixed reviews . The film fell $ 15 million short of 2006 's `` X-Men : The Last Stand '' but it is still an enormous success for Jackman and director Gavin Hood . Matthew McConaughey 's `` Ghosts of Girlfriends Past '' generated an estimated $ 15.3 million for a second place bow . It 's not a shabby opening but it is far less than McConaughey 's previous romantic outings including last year 's `` Fool 's Gold '' -LRB- $ 21.6 million -RRB- or 2006 's `` Failure to Launch '' -LRB- $ 24.2 million -RRB- . -LRB- Perhaps women were too busy checking out all those hunky mutants this weekend ? -RRB- The two new openers did help the industry"} +{"answer":"Prince Michael I and Paris , said CNN senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin , who has followed Jackson 's legal woes for years . `` Certainly any court that is looking at that sort of question will say , if the father dies who is the mother and would we consider giving the children to the mother ? '' Toobin said . `` As I understand it , in later years after a substantial amount of time when Debbie Rowe did n't see those children at all , she started to have a relationship with them again . So she 'd certainly be an obvious candidate for custody of those two children . '' Watch Toobin talk about Jackson 's legal issues '' The question of custody for the third child would be even more up in the air since his mother was likely never involved in his life , Toobin added . The three kids are staying with their paternal grandmother , Katherine Jackson , People magazine reported . She may just wind up keeping them , observers said . `` Katherine is the logical choice -- she has all the grandkids and nieces around her but it will","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Michael Jackson 's life has ended , but the legal battles over his possessions , his debts and his children are likely just beginning . Michael Jackson , seen here with two of his three children , died suddenly on Thursday . Perhaps the biggest and saddest question is what will happen to the late singer 's two sons and his daughter : 12-year-old Prince Michael I , 11-year-old Paris and 7-year-old Prince Michael II . Normally in such cases , care of the children would be taken over by the surviving parent or a close relative . But as with many other aspects of Jackson 's life , his family situation was complex , unusual and far from normal . Born to two mothers -- Jackson 's ex-wife Debbie Rowe and an unidentified woman who reportedly served as a surrogate -- the children lived and traveled the world with Jackson , their faces often covered by veils and masks when appearing in public . Rowe gave up her parental rights to her two kids with the singer , but later battled to have them restored . She may be considered to take over custody for"} +{"answer":"the astronauts can receive a brief medical checkup before they step onto the tarmac , NASA said . The crew 's mission included three space walks and installation of two platforms to the station 's backbone . The platforms will hold spare parts that will sustain station operations after the shuttles are discontinued . NASA said the parts the crew delivered will add years to the station 's life after the space shuttle fleet is retired next year . Some of the parts are for systems that keep the station from overheating or tumbling through space , NASA said . During the mission , the crew celebrated Thanksgiving while they prepared for landing . They dined on smoked turkey , green beans , mushrooms , cornbread dressing and candied yams , according to NASA . Russia will take over supplying the international space station . On this mission , Atlantis also marked a 6 pound , 13 ounce development . Astronaut Randy Bresnik welcomed a daughter from space , the second time a baby has been born to a U.S. astronaut on a mission . Mike Fincke 's daughter was born in June 2004 while he was aboard the international","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The space shuttle Atlantis glided to a picture-perfect landing Friday morning under bright , sunny skies at Kennedy Space Center in Florida . The seven-person crew returned after an 11-day mission to deliver key spare parts to prolong the life of the international space station . The original six-member crew , with flight engineer Nicole Stott -- who launched in August -- returned amid sunny , clear Florida weather . `` Could n't have picked a clearer day , '' Cndr . Charles Hobaugh said as the shuttle approached the runway . Mission Control told Hobaugh that the landing was a `` picture-perfect end '' to the mission . `` Everybody , welcome back to Earth , especially you , Nicole , '' Mission Control said . Stott had spent 87 days on the international space station , according to NASA . About an hour after the shuttle landed , the crew transport vehicle moved alongside the orbiter access hatch on Atlantis ' port side , NASA said on its Web site . With the crew hatch opened , the astronauts left the orbiter to enter the vehicle . It contains beds and comfortable seats so"} +{"answer":"wheel of history turned inexorably , and all who watched knew it would never turn back , '' wrote the paper 's Simon Tisdall . `` The Arab Spring had claimed another infamous scalp . The risky western intervention had worked . And Libya was liberated at last . '' France 's Le Figaro reports the events of Thursday as `` Mission Accomplished '' for NATO after a seven-month-long campaign which has seen 26,000 sorties flown over Libya . But it warns that Libya 's new leaders , the National Transitional Council , must do all they can to avoid the country falling into the same state of chaos and anarchy which hit Iraq in 2003 after the fall of Saddam Hussein . `` The National Transitional Council has an obligation to put an end to the ragtag bands of rebels , to protect those Libyan residents with darker skin than others , to forbid any wild behavior ; in short it must ensure the spirit of justice and reconciliation prevails over that of revenge . '' In Germany , Die Welt ponders the question of how exactly Gadhafi 's end came about , reporting on the conflicting information about","question":"London -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Graphic photos of the violent death of former Libyan strongman Moammar Gadhafi dominate most front newspaper pages on Friday , amid a sense of relief that an end to the conflict in the North African country is in sight . Some tabloids effectively dance on Gadhafi 's grave . The headline in The Sun tabloid in Britain has the headline : `` That 's for Lockerbie . '' In an editorial , the paper adds : `` British forces should be very proud today as a liberated Libya celebrates the death '' of Gadhafi . `` Our brilliant troops spearheaded the operation to end the dictator 's tyranny . `` Revenge is sweet . The architect of Lockerbie , who supplied the IRA with bombs and had London WPC -LRB- policewoman -RRB- Yvonne Fletcher murdered , died like a rat after being cornered in a drain . `` Six months after the killing of Osama bin Laden , the world is rid of another madman . '' Even the left-leaning Guardian recognizes the success of NATO 's military campaign in Libya . `` After all the waiting , the killings and the tears , the"} +{"answer":"and victory signs , Hisham Boaishi conceded that he did not approve of the `` un-Islamic way '' that Gadhafi was killed . `` We would have liked to take him to court and have his judgment , '' said Boaishi , 33 , an information technology specialist who sported a long beard . `` But not this way . We are Muslims ; we do n't support this way . '' Not all residents of Tripoli welcomed Gadhafi 's bloody death . One young man , who asked not to be identified for fear of reprisal from anti-Gadhafi forces , said he was `` ashamed '' at the way the former dictator died . He said his mother cried in front of the television Thursday night upon seeing images of the bleeding leader . `` He should have been taken to court , '' the man said . `` I 'm not ashamed . I 'm proud that we captured him ... no matter how many soldiers he hired , '' said Mohamed Saya , a member of the media committee for Libya 's new governing National Transitional Council . NTC officials insist shortly after his capture by rebel","question":"Tripoli , Libya -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- For the first time in more than 40 years , dawn in Libya rose on Friday without the dictator and his shadow . Libyans awoke to empty Friday streets , typical for the holy day of the Muslim week , and engaged in somber reflection about Moammar Gadhafi 's life and death . That solemnity followed a wave of unbridled joy Thursday as people exulted over the news of Gadhafi 's death and fired their guns in celebration . After Friday prayers at the Salahaddin Mosque in Tripoli , worshippers said their imam had given thanks during his sermon for Gadhafi 's downfall . `` Today is a special day at the mosque , '' said Sala Mersal after prayers . `` Since 42 years , we can not say anything . ... Nobody could say anything inside the mosque . Today it is free , and anybody can say anything they want . '' A small crowd gathered outside the mosque , with bullet casings littering the streets , and chanted `` God is great '' and `` One , two , three ... Libya is free ! '' Amid the smiles"} +{"answer":"deadly car first , alerted the police and prevented a disaster . The Big Apple has a big heart , and the magnificent city of New York has room for plenty of heroes . But we are also very fair people . So we would be grateful if you could kindly call Mr. Niass and thank him for us . There is another reason besides fairness . Mr. Niass is a Muslim from Somalia , and some of us Muslim-Americans have a suspicion that your staff might not have brought him to your attention because the idea of a Muslim hero in New York does not quite dovetail with the stereotype . If there is an American of Muslim descent who commits , or tries to commit , a criminal act , as Faisal Shahzad apparently did , we Muslims feel we are all suddenly suspects . We feel we need to explain ourselves . Yet if there is a hero among us whose love for our city does not fit the stereotype , he is ignored . This is not fair , and we believe you , as our president , can do much to alleviate this burden on","question":"New York -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Dear Mr. President : How good of you , sir , to have personally telephoned two New York heroes whose timely diligence prevented a lunatic from causing a catastrophe in Times Square . We New Yorkers are happy to hear you called Mr. Lance L. Orton Sr. and Mr. Duane Jackson to thank them for their vigilance . But there is a third vendor , Mr. President , whom you forgot to call . His name is Alioune B. Niass , and he is an immigrant from Somalia who said he was the first person to notice the smoking Nissan Pathfinder . `` I thought I should call 911 , '' Niass later told a reporter , `` but my English is not very good and I had no credit left on my phone , so I walked over to Lance , who has the T-shirt stall next to mine , and told him . He said we should n't call 911 . Immediately he alerted a police officer nearby . '' Here in New York , Mr. President , we are not particular about which one of these great New Yorkers saw that"} +{"answer":"infusion is the `` catalyst '' to create 60 jobs , including bringing back some laid-off employees . He said he hopes the workers can be retained beyond this six-month project . `` We 'll continue to bid , so the goal is to get more projects to keep those guys working , so they can roll off that project onto another , '' Compton said . CNNMoney : Stimulus funds hit the street Obama and LaHood on Tuesday announced the release of $ 27 billion in funds from the stimulus package `` to help states create a 21st-century infrastructure . '' The president said it is part of the `` largest new investment in America 's infrastructure since President Eisenhower built the Interstate Highway System . '' Obama said another 200 construction projects would be launched over the next few weeks , `` fueling growth in an industry that 's been hard hit by our economic crisis . '' Two weeks ago , Obama signed into law his stimulus plan , known as the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act . The president has said the plan will create or save up to 3.5 million jobs over the next two","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Obama said Tuesday that the country already is `` seeing shovels hit the ground '' on the first infrastructure repair project funded through the Transportation Department 's share of the $ 787 billion stimulus bill . Workers mark where repairs are needed on Maryland Route 650 . Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said , `` The work begins today in Montgomery County , Maryland , where a work crew is starting on a project to resurface Maryland State Highway 650 -- a very busy road that has not been fully repaired in 17 years . '' The resurfacing contract is going to a Pennsylvania-based family-owned company , American Infrastructure , LaHood said . He said the project will support 60 jobs . `` And that 's how we 're going to get the country back on its feet , '' LaHood added . Mark Compton , director of government affairs for American Infrastructure , said his company received $ 2.1 million in federal funds , by way of the Maryland State Highway Administration . The money will be used to repave and add safety features to a stretch of the highway . Compton said the cash"} +{"answer":"to thoroughly review their findings , so that we may discuss the issues , '' the airline said in a written statement . `` Since these matters are ongoing with the FAA , we will not have any further comment at this time . '' Nearly $ 4.5 million of the proposed fines stem from American 's continued operation of two MD-83 jetliners in December 2007 after pilots reported problems with the autopilot systems , the FAA said . The two planes were flown a combined 58 times before the problems were corrected -- and one flew 10 times after an FAA inspector notified the airline that it had wrongly deferred needed repairs . In one incident , the autopilot disconnected during a landing on December 21 , the FAA said . `` American technicians did not check for the actual problem , and instead deferred maintenance using an inappropriate MEL -LRB- minimum equipment list -RRB- item . The plane flew another 36 passenger-carrying flights during December 21-31 . '' The problem was later traced to a piece of radio gear separate from the autopilot , the FAA said . Meanwhile , a different MD-83 flew four flights without a","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Federal regulators announced $ 7.1 million in fines against American Airlines on Thursday over maintenance issues and problems with its drug - and alcohol-testing programs . American Airlines was fined for allowing aircrafts to fly while they knew they needed repairs . `` The FAA believes the large total amount of the fine for these violations is appropriate because American Airlines was aware that appropriate repairs were needed , and instead deferred maintenance , '' the Federal Aviation Administration said in a statement announcing the decision . `` In intentionally continuing to fly the aircraft , the carrier did not follow important safety regulations intended to protect passengers and crew . '' American can still appeal the fines , the FAA said . The FAA also found the airline maintained inadequate drug - and alcohol-testing programs and failed to inspect safety lighting on a `` timely '' basis . The Fort Worth , Texas-based carrier said Thursday evening that it disagreed with the findings and called the penalties `` excessive . '' `` In accordance with FAA procedures for handling these matters , we have requested to meet with the FAA after we have had time"} +{"answer":"through July 2011 . `` We do remain in contact with the government of Kyrgyzstan , '' Yerkin said . `` The Manas Air Base continues to operate under existing agreements , as per the coalition 's efforts in Afghanistan . '' U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Friday the United States will continue to work with Kyrgyzstan on keeping the base open . Watch why Kyrgyzstan wants to close the base '' `` I continue to believe that this is not a closed issue and that there remains the potential at least to reopen this issue with the Kyrgyz and perhaps reach a new agreement , '' Gates said at a NATO meeting in Krakow , Poland . `` If we are unable to do that on reasonable terms then , as I have suggested , we are developing alternative methods to get resupply and people into Afghanistan . '' The Manas Air Base outside Bishkek is the only U.S. base in Central Asia and is a major resupply hub for the war in Afghanistan . Its closing could deal a significant blow to the U.S. military effort there , especially following President Barack Obama 's announcement of additional","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Kyrgyzstan 's president signed a bill Friday to close an air base that the U.S. military uses as a route for troops and supplies heading into Afghanistan , the president announced on his Web site . Manas Air Base in Kyrgyzstan serves as a U.S. supply route for troops and supplies into Afghanistan . The news came as two other central Asian nations -- Tajikistan and Uzbekistan -- reportedly agreed to let U.S. cargo pass through their countries on the way to Afghanistan . Such deals , if confirmed , could help fill the void left by the closing of the Manas Air Base in Kyrgyzstan . The Kyrgyz order became effective on Friday when President Kurmanbek Bakiyev reportedly signed legislation that the parliament in Bishkek backed on Thursday , the Pentagon said . Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said the Kyrgyz Foreign Ministry on Friday officially notified the U.S. Embassy in Bishkek that a 180-day withdrawal process is under way . Embassy spokeswoman Michelle Yerkin told CNN the United States hopes to retain the base . Officials in Washington and Bishkek signed a deal three years ago allowing the United States to renew the arrangement annually"} +{"answer":"he was . He later revealed to The Associated Press that he 'd seen his mistress several times in the past year and that he 'd also `` crossed lines '' with other women . Jenny Sanford released a statement Thursday calling Sanford 's actions `` inexcusable , '' but she left the door open to reconciling with her husband . She said that although she is willing to forgive her husband , `` it is up to the people and elected officials of South Carolina to decide whether they will give Mark another chance as well . '' `` Actions have consequences , and he will be dealing with those consequences for a long while . Trust has been broken and will need to be rebuilt . Mark will need to earn back that trust , first and foremost with his family , and also with the people of South Carolina , '' she said in a statement . `` The real issue now is one of forgiveness . I am willing to forgive Mark for his actions . We have been deeply disappointed in and even angry at Mark . '' Her statement came shortly after it was","question":"COLUMBIA , South Carolina -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford left the Governor 's Mansion on Friday to visit with his family in Florida , his office said . South Carolina first lady Jenny Sanford says her husband , Mark , must rebuild trust with his family and with the state . Sanford departed the mansion , where he has spent much of the last 48 hours , in the passenger seat of a state vehicle . The Republican governor will spend the Fourth of July holiday weekend with his wife and their four boys . `` The Sanford family asks members of the media to respect their privacy while they are together this weekend , '' his spokesman said in a statement Thursday . `` The Sanfords also hope to take a longer family vacation toward the end of July . '' After disappearing for nearly a week , Sanford admitted last week that he 'd been in Argentina with his mistress . His admission followed days of confusion over his whereabouts . His staff had said the governor was hiking the Appalachian Trail , and his wife had told reporters she did not know where"} +{"answer":"executive . He says stylists on the show , armed with hair spray and blow dryers , mold his coiffure into a hard shell . Helmet hair has come in handy at work . `` I 've had a piece of the set fall on my head and my hair did n't move , '' he said . `` I had seven stitches in my head and my hair did n't move . That 's impressive . '' Whether it 's his hair , good looks , acting chops or a combination thereof , Hamm 's star is on the rise in Hollywood . Apart from his co-starring role in `` The Day the Earth Stood Still , '' Hamm recently completed work on the murder mystery `` The Boy in the Box . '' He hosted `` Saturday Night Live '' this fall , he 's due to play Tina Fey 's love interest on `` 30 Rock '' and he continues to receive accolades for his work on `` Mad Men '' -LRB- nominations for an Emmy and a Golden Globe so far -RRB- . How does that make Hamm feel ? `` Exciting is the right way","question":"LOS ANGELES , California -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Jon Hamm has a confession to make : He hates his hair . Jon Hamm poses with his partner , Jennifer Westfeldt , at the premiere of `` The Day the Earth Stood Still . '' That may come as a surprise to fans of the actor , whose slick-backed hair is part of his signature look on `` Mad Men '' -- the show that just earned him another Golden Globe nomination for best actor in a TV drama . In the new movie `` The Day the Earth Stood Still , '' Hamm sports a slightly different ` do , with his bangs combed rakishly over one eye . It was in the context of promoting the sci-fi remake that Hamm revealed his tonsorial frustration . `` It 's the bane of my existence . Goofy hair , '' he said in a self-deprecating interview with CNN . `` It never looks good ... It 's a pain . '' Hamm says he 's always worn his hair long , but had to cut it for AMC 's TV series , in which he plays a 1960s Madison Avenue ad"} +{"answer":"I were running mile twenty five of the Chicago Marathon . These were not the controlled , measured tones of someone who had been doing this for a living for years . My heart pounded in my ears , and my face flushed . I was losing it , right there with who knows how many thousands of people watching . What the hell is happening ? As I delivered the facts of the story , I did n't hear a thing that came out of my mouth . All I heard were my own thoughts . Oh , no , you 're screwing up ! Oh , no , your bosses are probably watching ! You 're going to get fired ! How will you pay your mortgage ? What will people think of you ? And then , of course , Holy crapola , where is that sound bite ? Can you see how the cause-and-effect relationship of my thoughts just engulfed me in doom and gloom ? I could n't keep my mind on the story . I totally slipped into imagining the future and the horrible repercussions of my screwup . CNN 's Virginia Cha talks","question":"Below is an excerpt from HLN `` Morning Express '' anchor Robin Meade 's new book , Morning Sunshine ! : How to Radiate Confidence and Feel It Too published by Hachette Book Group . The following takes place when Robin was working as a weekend anchor in Chicago , Illinois . Robin Meade 's book `` Morning Sunshine ! : How to Radiate Confidence and Feel It Too '' hits shelves September 10 . I looked down at the copy of the news story . My stomach clenched . My heart started palpitating . I think I held my breath without realizing it . The floor director gave me the cue , pointing at me as the camera came up on my face . I felt sweaty . Just as I opened my mouth to speak , the set seemed to fade into a gauzy haze . My breathing was jagged . The words came , but my voice was quivering so much it sounded like a kid singing into a big box fan on a humid summer day : `` Bray-ay-ay-ay-king new-ew-ew-ews tonigh-igh-ight . '' My hands shook uncontrollably , and I was huffing and puffing as if"} +{"answer":", where Kercher 's body was found the next day . Watch Knox take the stand '' Knox is scheduled to resume testifying Saturday , when prosecutors plan to question her . The trial opened January 16 . After her testimony Friday , Knox 's father , Kurt Knox , said he thought his daughter did well on the stand and predicted that her innocence would become more apparent as the trial continues . Kercher family attorney Francesco Maresca , however , said the Knox on the stand Friday was a different person from the Amanda Knox seen at a preliminary hearing . She questioned who the real Amanda Knox is . On the stand Friday , Knox said she was with her then-boyfriend , Raffaele Sollecito , on the night of November 1 . She said she checked her e-mails at his place before the couple had dinner , watched a movie , smoked a marijuana joint , made love and fell asleep . In the morning , Knox testified , she went home to the villa she shared with Kercher to take a shower . That 's when she noticed a series of `` strange things , ''","question":"ROME , Italy -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- American college student Amanda Knox told an Italian courtroom Friday that she was at the home of her boyfriend the night her roommate was killed two years ago , her attorney said . American college student Amanda Knox , 21 , testifies Friday at her murder trial in Perugia , Italy . When she later was told that her roommate , British student Meredith Kercher , was found dead , Knox said in Italian , `` I was like , ` No , no , how can this be ? ' '' Knox , a 21-year-old from Seattle , Washington , testified that she was at her boyfriend 's apartment , smoking marijuana , on the night Kercher was killed . Both Knox and the boyfriend are charged with murder and sexual assault in the case . She said she later gave a confused and conflicting deposition to police because she was confused by the questioning and felt pressure from the investigators . She testified that on the night of November 1 , 2007 , when Kercher was killed , she was at her boyfriend 's house all night and not at home"} +{"answer":"ex-patriot -RRB- There 's nothing better than getting to know a place by hanging out with people who can tell you more than a guidebook about the area 's culture and hidden gems . Have a glass of wine and chat up the bartender -LRB- or the person with the best English if you 're abroad -RRB- or find out about an area of town where the ex-patriots live . Especially if you 've been away from home for a long time , an American omelet or bagel can keep you smiling . Make friends Just because your hotel mates are using the vacation as a romantic getaway does n't mean that they are not open to meeting others on their travels . There 's a chance you 'll end up chatting with a couple who bores you with the details of their wedding , but you might luck out and make a few friends -LRB- who perhaps will save you seats at the breakfast buffet the next morning -RRB- . Plan activities Jet skiing , para-gliding , R.V. treks -- take advantage of all the offerings , that way you 'll have fun and burn some of the calories","question":"-LRB- The Frisky -RRB- -- Even if you 're not going to Fiji or the Maldives , accidentally ending up in a popular honeymooning spot while not actually on your honeymoon is easier than you think , especially with the abundance of all-inclusive deals online . Just because your hotel mates are on a romantic getaway does n't mean they 're not open to company . If watching smooching couples while chilling out with your friends makes you want to puke , no worries . You can still have a blast , even if you 're not traveling with your newly committed soul mate . Relax You probably chose the fantastic place because you found a great deal to an amazing destination -LRB- much like your cuddling neighbors -RRB- , so take advantage . Hit the spa , do some yoga , swim or make time for the mellow activities that are tough to fit in back home . While you probably wo n't meet the guy of your dreams lying motionless in a mud wrap , you 'll be Zen enough to have a new outlook once your return home . Do n't underestimate the locals -LRB- or the"} +{"answer":"and the president of Somalia are allowing the Russian naval ships to enter our waters , and fight against pirates both in the sea and on the land , that is , if they would have to chase them , '' Amb . Mohamed Handule said at a news conference in Moscow . `` We think that this issue of piracy has exceeded all limits . It is very dangerous that pirates are now laying their hands on arms -- not just for Somalia , not only for the navigating , but for the entire region in general , '' he added . `` Right now , pirates are controlling the sea in this area , but just imagine if they get control of the land too . '' The announcement raised concern among some officials monitoring the situation . Watch Russian warships move to confront pirates '' `` We may have bad news , '' said Andrew Mwangura of the Kenya Seafarers Association . Mwangura said some of the Ukrainian crew 's family members are concerned for their loved ones ' safety and have called him to see if he can communicate with the pirates . He urged negotiations","question":"MOSCOW , Russia -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- The Somali government has asked Russia to intervene against pirates who have seized a Ukrainian cargo ship , the Somali ambassador to Russia said Wednesday . The U.S. Navy released this observance photo of the MV Faina , which is loaded with weapons and tanks . But the Russian navy issued a statement later in the day saying it had no intention of using force against the pirates , the Russian news agency Interfax reported . `` The questions of freeing the ships and crew are being dealt with in line with the corresponding international practices , '' Interfax quoted Navy spokesman Igor Dygalo as saying . `` For understandable reasons , the use of force would be an extreme measure because it could threaten the life of the international crew of the ship . '' The pirates took over the MV Faina last week off the coast of Somalia and are demanding a $ 20 million ransom for the ship 's cargo of 33 Soviet-made T-72 tanks , tank artillery shells , grenade launchers and small arms . The ship is anchored within Somalia 's 12-mile territorial limit . `` The government"} +{"answer":"that toll includes eight civilian contractors working for the Pentagon . Nearly 30,000 others have been wounded in action . An attack involving a `` couple of rounds '' of fire on the International Zone , also known as the Green Zone , killed two soldiers and wounded 17 others about 3:30 p.m. , a military official said , declining to give the specific location of the attack for security reasons . A separate attack about 30 minutes earlier killed one soldier and wounded 14 at a U.S. military outpost in Rustamiya in southeastern Baghdad , the military said . Responding to al-Maliki 's comments , a spokesman for al-Sadr , Sheikh Salah al-Obeidi , said that any effort to bar Sadrists from participation in politics would be unconstitutional -- and that any decision to disband the Mehdi Army is not the government 's to make . `` It is up to the side that established it , '' he said . Al-Maliki spoke in an exclusive interview with CNN after a weeklong military offensive against what Iraqi officials called gangs and militia members in the southern Iraqi city of Basra . Hundreds were killed or wounded in the fighting","question":"BAGHDAD , Iraq -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Three U.S. soldiers were killed and 31 others wounded in two rocket attacks Sunday afternoon in Baghdad , the U.S. military said . Mehdi Army militiamen celebrate after attacking an Iraqi Army vehicle in Baghdad 's Sadr City on Sunday . Earlier Sunday , fighting between U.S. troops and the Mehdi Army militia loyal to Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr left at least 20 dead and 52 wounded in Baghdad 's Sadr City , according to an Iraqi Interior Ministry official . The U.S. military said it had no information about the Sadr City fighting . Sunday 's violence came as Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki demanded al-Sadr disband his Mehdi Army and threatened to bar al-Sadr 's followers from the political process if the cleric refused . Watch a report from the front line in Sadr City '' `` A decision was taken yesterday that they no longer have a right to participate in the political process or take part in the upcoming elections unless they end the Mehdi Army , '' al-Maliki said . Sunday 's American fatalities bring the death toll of U.S. troops in the Iraq war to 4,022 ;"} +{"answer":"no reason that organizations or individuals who want to use the Web to relay critical information have to rely on Twitter or Facebook or Google or any other giant of the technology industry in the first place . We 've just forgotten a bit about how the Internet was supposed to work . Rescue organizations and charities should simply be able to use the Web sites they already have to deliver those messages . And was n't that the promise of the Web in the first place ? Were n't we going to stop relying on individual companies as gatekeepers for communication ? When blogs took off a few years ago , was n't it with the promise that we 'd all be able to share our voices without having to ask any company for permission ? Why did we give that up ? Maybe it 's because they made it look so easy . Twitter has done an impressive job of growing to handle its enormous number of users , while keeping its service simple . The company has even shown a reassuring sensitivity to the civic and social obligations that come from running such a popular communication service","question":"New York -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- Decades ago , when the Department of Defense was creating the predecessor to today 's Internet , one of the main goals was to create a communications system that could endure catastrophic disasters . The Internet was designed to have no central point of failure , allowing anyone to run his or her own communications channel . This was a system that could withstand a nuclear attack . Today , the services built on top of that network have done a great job in enabling communications , perhaps none more dramatically than Twitter . During the days since the Haiti earthquake , the popular social networking and microblogging service has been used for rescue efforts and for fundraising to help stabilize and rebuild the country . So it was big news when Twitter was offline for 90 minutes Wednesday morning . Technology pundits promptly began hand-wringing -- the weaknesses of having a single point of failure to critical communications had been revealed again ! Could we trust Twitter ? Did this mean the Web could n't help us fulfill our most basic obligations to those in need ? Not at all . There 's"} +{"answer":"Capitol Hill , '' Obama said , adding that Democrats and Republicans need to be careful in choosing their rhetoric . `` A ton of civility instead of slash and burn would be helpful . '' The president highlighted what he said was problematic GOP rhetoric on his health care proposals . Republicans , he said , had characterized the proposed program as some `` kind of Bolshevik plot . '' In fact , he said that much of his plan was similar to what Republicans had proposed during the failed Clinton-era push to overhaul health care . Both sides need to `` close the gap a little bit between rhetoric and reality , '' the president argued . Calling his health care plan `` some wild-eyed plot to impose big government in every aspect of our lives '' leaves little room for bipartisan negotiation , Obama said . The president questioned how Republicans could negotiate in good faith after using such rhetoric without exposing themselves to conservative primary challengers . House Minority Leader John Boehner , R-Ohio , said he tried to be honest about differences over administration proposals . `` I truly believe a government takeover of health","question":"Baltimore , Maryland -LRB- CNN -RRB- -- President Obama and House GOP leaders promised greater efforts to step back from the partisan brink Friday , acknowledging that Washington 's toxic political climate has made it increasingly tough to tackle major problems . The pledge was immediately called into question , however , as the two parties repeatedly expressed sharply differing viewpoints during a rare meeting at a House Republican retreat in Baltimore . Obama accepted an invitation from House GOP leaders to address their caucus . His speech Friday was followed by an often pointed question-and-answer session . `` House Republican leaders are grateful for -LSB- Obama 's -RSB- willingness to come ... and have a frank and honest conversation , '' said Rep. Mike Pence , R-Indiana . `` We welcome the dialogue with the president . '' The president accused Republicans of frequently mischaracterizing his policy proposals , particularly in the health care debate . Republicans , in turn , complained the White House and congressional Democrats had ignored their ideas , locked them out of the policy-making process and unfairly labeled them as obstructionists . `` Both sides can take some blame for a sour climate on"} +{"answer":"leaders when major legislation is under consideration . Jim Manley , a spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid , D-Nevada , called Emanuel : `` An excellent choice . '' `` Rahm knows the Hill . And he knows the White House . He is a brilliant strategic thinker and someone who knows how to get things done , '' Manley said . Manley also rejected the idea that Emanuel is a true partisan that could not work with Republicans . `` That 's ridiculous . Rahm understands politics is the art of compromise . He 's got a deeply held set of views but he also understands to get things done you have to compromise , '' he said . After leaving the Clinton White House , Emanuel , 48 , was an investment banker on Wall Street and later was elected to the House of Representatives in 2002 from a heavily Democratic Chicago district . He quickly rose to become the fourth-ranking Democrat in the House . Watch what Emanuel brings to the White House '' It is Emanuel 's combination of experiences -- plus his strong personal relationship with Obama -- that would make him a","question":"-LRB- CNN -RRB- -- U.S. Rep. Rahm Emanuel will bring a `` tough-minded '' and `` pragmatic '' approach to the White House when he becomes President-elect Barack Obama 's chief of staff , according to people who know the Chicago , Illinois , native . Rep. Rahm Emanuel has experience in the White House , on Wall Street and on Capitol Hill . Emanuel , a former top aide to President Clinton , has accepted the position in the new administration , Obama confirmed in a statement Thursday . `` I announce this appointment first because the chief of staff is central to the ability of a president and administration to accomplish an agenda , '' Obama said . `` And no one I know is better at getting things done than Rahm Emanuel . '' In the job , Emanuel would oversee the White House staff . The chief of staff is usually involved in all the major decisions that the president makes and is responsible for making sure the administration carries out the president 's wishes . Watch Emanuel call himself `` fortunate '' '' The chief of staff also often is involved in negotiations with congressional"}