1 value
[13:39] <dark-sun> salam [13:50] <dark-sun0> !kill dark-sun [13:51] <dark-sun0> lubotu3`: don't pm me! i hate you bots! [13:51] <lubotu3`> dark-sun0: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [13:51] * dark-sun0 sighs...
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "dark-sun", "dark-sun0", "lubotu3`" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ir" }
[16:35] * c_smith hands out nukes [16:37] <wxl> c_smith: what we supposed to do with these? :) [16:39] <c_smith> woops, wrong chat. [16:39] <c_smith> yeah, that shows I'm still waking up. XD [16:39] <c_smith> I usually mess around like that in #linuxdistrocommunity [16:39] <c_smith> it's a running joke we have there. [16:40] <c_smith> wxl, it's looking like this release party might not happen (as you can tell from the recent emails) [16:40] <c_smith> kinda ran out of time with the little time I had that I wasn't busy [16:42] <wxl> c_smith: c'est la vie, i guess. i am looking forward to actually being there this time :) [16:44] <c_smith> yeah, the emails are there to read [20:52] <bkerensa> c_smith:
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "bkerensa", "c_smith", "wxl" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-or" }
[07:50] <HeMan> Morrn! [07:51] <maxjezy> mORRNi [07:51] <Linda^> hej [07:54] <gkeen_> morgon [09:50] <maxjezy> micropizza till lunch nurå! [10:47] <NeverW8> maxjezy: lyxigt, en annan skippar lunch delvis för att jag inte är hungrig och för att sluta tidigare [10:50] <Barre> jag kom så sent till jobbet idag så jag kompenserar med att gå lite tidigare [10:53] <maxjezy> jag gick hem från jobbet en fredag i september och gick aldrig tillbaka. [10:55] <NeverW8> lol Barre maxjezy [10:55] <maxjezy> men jag har ingen förklaring till varför jag äter micropizza när jag endå är hemma och kan laga något vettigt. [10:55] <maxjezy> dricker 0,5 liter cocacola gör jag med. [10:55] <NeverW8> För man är lat och vill spendera tiden som tar att laga mat på något annat kanske maxjezy :P [10:55] <NeverW8> maxjezy: kexchoklad och monster vid sidan av mig [10:55] <maxjezy> ja, jag har ju diskat igår så [10:56] <NeverW8> Inte jättepoppis bland alla andra gubbar kan jag säga [10:56] <maxjezy> är man fet och äter godis så sticker det i ögonen på folk [10:56] <maxjezy> fattar inte varför [10:57] <NeverW8> lol x) är inte tjock, snarare tvärtom :P mest det att om man är på ett stort företag som har vissa normer så brukar det inte vara så populärt [10:57] <maxjezy> jag är fet :) [10:57] <maxjezy> eller, jag har gått ner 9 kg nu sen i jul så snart är jag inte så fet [10:58] <NeverW8> maxjezy: då är du guldvärd, de tjocka personerna är ju de bästa [10:58] <NeverW8> enda folket som vet hur man lever livet [10:58] <NeverW8> Visst tjockar jag mig en del, dock skulle jag säga att min största anektdot är snus, men men, vissa grejer klarar man sig inte utan [10:59] <maxjezy> jag är inte tjock, har bara sån där ölkagge [10:59] <NeverW8> Nä om man kanske skulle fixa denna dumma server så man kan dra på möte.. [11:01] <maxjezy> kanske är lika bra det [11:01] <maxjezy> här blir det inte mycket gjort framför bokstäverna på plastbrickan framför mig [11:02] <NeverW8> Du kan få fixa klart mitt raid 0 script för två diskar i en lvm uppställning :P [11:02] <maxjezy> är det någon här som hyr ut datorkraft? [11:04] <Barre> NeverW8: antar att du skall skapa en VG med två PD och en LV som är R0? [11:06] <NeverW8> Barre: vg:n är redan skapad, bara ilo som krånglar på maskinen, raid-controller är tydligen förstörd genom någon firmware update.. såg det nyss -.- [11:06] <NeverW8> Barre: det är faktiskt 18 PD, varav 2 ska vara R0 och 16 under LV'n [11:07] <Barre> NeverW8: ok, hänger inte riktigt med men det blir säkert bra :) [11:07] <NeverW8> System på två raidade diskar och data-pass på de 16 återstående diskarna :P [11:08] <NeverW8> fuck it, gör det genom bios istället [11:08] <Barre> ahhh.. I see. [11:15] <maxjezy> [14:25] <Guest40823> Hej, finns det några Linux träffar i Malmö trakten? [14:25] <Guest40823> Hittade gamla trådar angående Linux träffar, men vet ej om de e aktiva... [15:23] <Barre> "shutdown -h now" samt avstängning i unity-meny resulterar i reboot. Har satt acpi=noirq i grub, stängt av allt som har med "WoL, wake on X, etc i BIOS".. någon som har nått tips på nästa steg? [15:35] <Amoz> Barre, hw fel? :P [17:07] <bamsefar> Barre: [21:38] <einand> maxjezy: beror på hur den är gjord.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Amoz", "Barre", "Guest40823", "HeMan", "Linda^", "NeverW8", "bamsefar", "einand", "gkeen_", "maxjezy" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-se" }
[09:57] <froover> Пользуюсь Evolution для почты, обратил внимание, что конвертик на верхней панели (ubuntu c unity) отображает кнопки соответсвующим почтовым ящика рядом с кнопками "Написать письмо" "Контакты", только в том случае, если это почта не от гугла, гугловская почта в спи [09:57] <froover> ске отсутсвует, и мне кажется из за этого конвертик не возвращает свой активный вид в нормальный после того как я прочитал новое письмо. [09:57] <froover> Кто ещё сталкивался с этим? [09:58] <froover> разумеется, я пробовал очищать все конфиги в хоме от evolution, и тестировал пару гугловских ящиков, наравне с яндексом и маил ру
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "froover" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ru" }
[06:15] <akis24> giorno [06:44] <bilottoroberto> salve a chi posso chiedere assistenza tecnica? grazie [06:45] <Luciph3r> bilottoroberto: scrivi il problema [06:46] <bilottoroberto> salve...all'improvviso non si collega più a internet non vede le schede di rete....dice <<il servizi di rete di sistema non sono compatibili con questa versione" [06:46] <bilottoroberto> ora sto utilizzando un secondo pc [08:05] <jester-> 'ngiorno [11:00] <bipp> Ciao a tutti :) [11:00] <jester-> !ciao | bipp [11:00] <ubot-it> bipp: Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it [11:01] <bipp> ehy man jester- [11:55] <saluliv> lol a tutti buon giorno e buon pranzo a tutti [11:55] <saluliv> qui date una mano anche a ubuntu gnome o solo unity [11:58] <saluliv> ho installato ubuntu gnome 64 bit su un toshiba l655 i5 4 giga di ram M 450 2,40 GHZ [11:58] <saluliv> il primo problema e che no mi legge 4 ma solo 3 giga di ram [11:59] <saluliv> e quando lo accendo già 1,60 giga di ram se ne vanno senza aprire nulla [12:02] <saluliv> che dite meglio tornare a unity ?? [12:02] <saluliv> grazie della risposta [12:05] <saluliv> ragazzi ma krabador che fine ha fatto [14:40] <alessandroalb> salve a tutti [14:41] <alessandroalb> Qualcuno sta testando le versioni 15.04 beta 2 ? [14:45] <cybernova> alessandroalb, se hai bisogno per problemi relativi alla 15.04 devi andare nel relativo canale di supporto #ubuntu-it+1 [14:53] <alen> salve ragazzi problemi con ubuntu gnome [14:56] <alessandroalb> cybernova, grazie [14:57] <alessandroalb> e scusate [14:57] <krabador> alen: al momento sono in conferenza [14:57] <krabador> alen:chiedi direttamente qui in canale [14:59] <alen> allora ragazzi e ragazze io uso ubuntu gnome, e tutt'un tratto dopo un aggiornamento no mi ci fa entrare piu nel sistema e in nessun modo neanche per salvare i dati delle cartelle ma e possibile che ogni volta con ubuntu facendo aggiornamenti succedono problemi spero di essere un caso a parte [15:00] <bip> alen, puoi dettagliare --> no mi ci fa entrare piu nel sistema [15:00] <cybernova> alen, non ti ci fa entrare più nel senso che non riesci a loggarti oppure non ti carica ubuntu? [15:03] <alen> bip e cybernova al termine dell'aggiornamento di cui no ne so il motivo, riavviandosi no si è più avviato e neanche dal bios con usb o dvd con un altro sistema live riesco ad entrare no mi da nessun codice di errore o altro [15:04] <cybernova> !ripristino | prova a seguire qua alen [15:04] <ubot-it> prova a seguire qua alen: Per ripristinare un sistema danneggiato: [15:05] <cybernova> alen, segui in particolare questa guida qui: [15:10] <alen> si ragazzi grazie ma come già vi ho spiegato no mi fa entrare ne da usb ne da dvd o cd avviabile ce solo una schermata nera con la luce dello schermo retroilluminata [15:10] <alen> credo che sia l'ora di migrare ad un altro sistema e mi dispiace tanto [15:10] <alen> :( [15:11] <cybernova> alen, non leggi quello che ti consiglio, la guida dice di premere shift per entrare nel menu del grub per poi poter fare il recovery [15:11] <alen> perchè raga no e la prima volta che ubuntu mi gioca questi scherzi e che prima c'erano meno aggiornamenti per la sicurezza ora invece sono giornalmente [15:11] <alen> gia provato cybernova niente da fare [15:11] <cybernova> alen, balle, il grub parte prima che lanci ubuntu [15:12] <alen> ma se no parte neanche il bios scusa [15:13] <cybernova> alen, e se non parte il bios non centra neanche ubuntu [15:13] <alen> come faccio ad andare nel sistema operativo se no parte il bios dove e montato cybernova mi dispiace per te ma il caso purtroppo e questo [15:13] <alen> ma la luce dello schermo e retro illuminata l'harddisk lo sento girare [15:16] <cybernova> alen, fisso o portatile? [15:17] <alen> portatile cybernova ho tolto anche la batteria e fatto partire da corrente diretta niente da fare e ubuntu che fa sti casini ribbadisco dopo aggiornamento [15:17] <alen> questa e la mia email raga ora vado a lavoro vi ringrazio se so altro ritorno [16:06] <pinglix> salve devo copiare 230 Gb di documenti da NTFS a EXT4. Su NTFS occupa 230 GB su EXT4 mi chiede 450 GB e mi dice che non ho spazio sufficente [16:13] <widecurio64> salve a tutti, ho reinstallato kubuntu 14.10 dopo aver avuto dei problemi ma ora non ho più la selezione del sistema operativo, che faccio? [16:13] <widecurio64> P.S.prima avevo dual boot con windows 8 e kubuntu [16:14] <krabador> !grub | widecurio64 [16:14] <ubot-it> widecurio64: | Per ripristinare Grub: [16:16] <widecurio64> ok grazie, ma avrei un altro quesito, come installo wine? [16:17] <pinglix> qualcuno mi può aiutare ? perchè EXT4 mi chiede il doppio di spazio ? dipende dal block size ? [16:36] <GIULIA> ciao. ho un hp 255 G1 notebook -pc non riesco a usare la stampante canon pixma ip 2700 [16:46] <GIULY> ciao non riesco a stampare con la canon pixma ip 27000 su hp 255 notebook pc [16:46] <jester-> GIULY: non è questione di marca pc [16:47] <jester-> GIULY: tipo ubuntu? [16:47] <GIULY> era per dare piu dettagli possibili [16:47] <GIULY> 12 04 lts [16:47] <jester-> installandola risulta in nota? [16:48] <GIULY> scusa 14 04 lts [16:49] <GIULY> al momento e staccata perchè èun po di mesi che non la uso.. [16:49] <jester-> GIULY: qualsiasi stampante va installata e se supportata dovrebbe essere nella lista installazione [16:51] <GIULY> mi puoi assistere nel reistallamento? [16:51] <jester-> GIULY: impostazioni sistema stampanti e scanner [17:36] <GIULY> non e cosi semplice installare la stampante [17:37] <GIULY> mi guidate su qualcosa di affidabile e recente? [17:54] <dadexix86> GIULY, marca e modello? versione di Ubuntu? [19:05] <akis24> sera [19:43] <Christian79> Buona sera a Tutti [19:44] <akis24> sera Christian79 [19:44] <Christian79> posso chiedere il vs aiuto su una "stupidata"? [19:45] <akis24> Christian79: esponi pure se qualcuno sa ti risponde [19:46] <Christian79> nn so cosa sia successo a mozilla ma da questa sera non riesci piu' a fare la spesa sul sito esselunga [19:46] <Christian79> eseguo l'accesso ma non mi apre piu' le sottopagine [19:47] <Carlin0> Christian79, non credo sia cambiato qualcosa in firefox ma piuttosto nel sito esselunga [19:47] <akis24> Christian79: sicuro non siaun problema del sito? [19:49] <Christian79> con il tabet mi si collega senza problemi, con il pc mi a problemi quando clicco su "frutta" piuttosto che "carne" in basso sull dx mi veine fuori una finestrella con scritto javascript;: [19:49] <krabador> Christian79, sudo apt-get install pastebinit [19:50] <krabador> dpkg -l | grep firefox > file [19:50] <krabador> cat file | pastebinit [19:50] <Carlin0> Christian79, cmq ti confermo che il sito va [19:50] <Christian79> Ciao Krabador sono un neofita... mi ricordi come aprire la schermata per dare i comandi? [19:51] <krabador> ctrl alt t [19:53] <Christian79> Krabador ho fatto install pastebinit [19:54] <krabador> manda gli altri 2 [19:55] <Christian79> con il secondo dpkg... non fa nulla [19:55] <krabador> il terzo ti restituirà un link [19:55] <krabador> incollalo qui [19:57] <Christian79> [20:01] <Christian79> che devo fare ora? [20:04] <Carlin0> Christian79, anche io faccio (ogni tanto ) la spesa da esselunga , con google chrome il sito va a meraviglia [20:05] <Christian79> provo scaircare google chrome? [20:06] <Carlin0> vieni in chat Christian79 ... [20:06] <Carlin0> !chat [20:06] <ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat [20:07] <Christian79> se provo a cliccare su [20:07] <Christian79> non mi fa nulla [20:10] <Christian79> Carlin0 se clicco su #ubuntu-it-chat non si apre nulla, che faccio? [20:10] <Carlin0> Christian79, guarda bene che sei gia entrato di la [20:47] <calimero_82> buonasera [20:48] <calimero_82> non so se è un problema relativo alla cpu o alla gpu, ma s'è bloccato il pc e sono apparse delle scritte, potrei postare la foto fatta dal cell? [20:49] <Carlin0> posta che vediamo dai [20:49] <krabador> !image | calimero_82 [20:49] <ubot-it> calimero_82: Carica un'immagine su | (richiede registrazione) e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale. [20:55] <calimero_82> [20:56] <krabador> calimero_82, sarebbe stato il caso facesso vedere anche la parte inferiore [20:58] <calimero_82> quello so riuscito a fotografare bene [20:58] <calimero_82> purtroppo [20:58] <calimero_82> scusatemi [21:00] <krabador> calimero_82, cerca di fare una foto della parte inferiore [21:01] <calimero_82> krabador: il problema è che l ho spento già [21:01] <calimero_82> è successo verso le 19 [21:01] <krabador> !veggenti | calimero_82 [21:01] <ubot-it> calimero_82: Gli utenti di questo canale non sono in possesso di poteri magici, non possiedono sfere di cristallo e non sono nemmeno veggenti. Canonical non può permettersi un corso di stregoneria per i suoi collaboratori. Si chiede quindi, gentilmente, di esprimersi in maniera chiara e molto dettagliata. [21:02] <calimero_82> pensavo si potesse capire dalle prime scritture, scusate [21:03] <krabador> calimero_82, al di la della documentazione da redarre, è meglio avere il pc che si intente ripristinare , sottomano [21:03] <calimero_82> m'è stato difficile fare sta foto decente con questo telefonino [21:06] <krabador> calimero_82, quando hai 'sto pc sottomano, torna qui
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Carlin0", "Christian79", "GIULIA", "GIULY", "Luciph3r", "akis24", "alen", "alessandroalb", "bilottoroberto", "bip", "bipp", "calimero_82", "cybernova", "dadexix86", "jester-", "krabador", "pinglix", "saluliv", "ubot-it", "widecurio64" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-it" }
[16:00] <dansanger> buen dia, tengo una pregunta de usuario basico en ubuntu, alguien me puede ayudar? [16:14] <dansanger> Tengo una Openvpn configurada, puedo ver desde el server a los dos clientes que estan conectados y desde cada cliente puedo ver al otro. Cada cliente tiene una LAN que necesito ver desde cada cliente. He aplicado el routeo que indica el howto de openVPN y puedo ver esas LAN desde el Server pero no desde los clientes, es posible hacer un routing desde el server de manera tal que pueda pasar el traico de la LAN de uno de los clientes al otro [16:14] <dansanger> ? [17:30] <yeroyestark> alguin sabe como crear un canal privado ?? [17:32] <Delltra> nas o/ [17:32] <Delltra> kurama10, o/ [18:51] <successus> salud [19:35] <lorever> -k [19:39] <nahuelon> hola buenas tardes , alguien puede ayudarme con un problema de particiones ? [19:40] <mimecar> pregunta directamente [19:41] <nahuelon> ok mime [19:42] <nahuelon> el tema es que reinstale ubuntu y me quedaron 2 particiones. una es el volumen mas grande y la segunda es donde esta instalado ubuntu. al intentar migrar los archivos para la particion pequeña no puedo dado que no tengo capacidad de almacenamiento. [19:45] <mimecar> redimensiona la partición grande y hazla más pequeña [19:45] <mimecar> o usa un disco externo [19:45] <nahuelon> como hago lo primero mime ? [19:46] <mimecar> supongo que no tienes un backup de los datos importantes verdad? [20:18] <Delltra> nas o/ [20:18] <Delltra> tengo una duda como puedo hacer para que la funcion phpmail() pueda correr y enviar desde un formulario datos a un correo. sin tener que montar un servidor de correo [20:19] <mimecar> o configuras un correo por SMTP o tendrás que poner un servidor de correo [20:19] <Delltra> :( [20:19] <Delltra> correo por smtp ? [20:20] <mimecar> usas una cuenta de correo que ya exista [20:20] <mimecar> aunque corres el riesgo que no lleguen los mensajes [20:20] <Delltra> probare [20:20] <Delltra> :( [20:21] <Delltra> configuro el servidor de correo entrante y de salida ? [20:21] <Delltra> pop y smtp ? [20:21] <mimecar> no, sólo SMTP [20:21] <Delltra> claro solo de salida smtp [20:28] <Delltra> no llega :( [20:29] <Delltra> levantar un servidor de correo cuanto de recurso consume en el servidor. ? [20:30] <mimecar> no muchos [20:33] <Delltra> ?? [20:33] <Delltra> un ejemplo ? [20:33] <Delltra> aproximado ? [20:33] <mimecar> ¿qué recursos tiene tu servidor? [20:34] <Delltra> es una maquina antogua pero aun le queda un par e años de vida hp server tc2120 [20:34] <Delltra> antigua* [20:36] <Delltra> 2gb de RAM [20:36] <mimecar> postfix no necesita muchos recursos [20:36] <mimecar> en su Web te dirán los requisitos mínimos [20:36] <Delltra> postfix es para entrada o salida ? [20:36] <mimecar> salida [20:37] <Delltra> uhm .. :( [20:38] <Delltra> mimecar, ya montaste postfix ? [20:38] <mimecar> desde cero no [20:39] <Delltra> vale voy a verlo gracias.. [20:52] <Delltra> mimecar, necesaria mente tenog que instalar dovecot ? [20:52] <mimecar> ¿te aparece como dependencia al instalar postfix? [21:00] <Delltra> no solo que ando viendo algunos manuales y ponen a dovecot para instalar. [21:00] <Delltra> nose si es necesario instalaro ya que solo quiero que tenga salida para apache [21:01] <mimecar> instala Postfix y sabrás si es necesario [21:03] <Delltra> vale vale [21:03] <Delltra> ya voy [21:07] <successus> salud, hasta otro rato o/
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Delltra", "dansanger", "lorever", "mimecar", "nahuelon", "successus", "yeroyestark" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-es" }
[00:49] <jose> jcastro: I have classes, we need to coordinate so I can help you out [03:00] <beisner> ping ctlaugh_ [06:09] <xenon_> hi there! [08:39] <gnuoy> jamespage, have you got a sec for ? [09:09] <cmars> hi cory_fu [09:09] <cory_fu> Hey [09:09] <cmars> cory_fu, i think you're looking for [09:09] <cory_fu> Thanks [10:09] <jamespage> gnuoy, +1 [10:09] <gnuoy> Thanks [10:33] <jamespage> gnuoy, just re-testing the freyes revised pxc HA improvements [10:33] <gnuoy> kk [11:01] <gnuoy> I've just upgraded from 1.22.1 to 1.23.0 (from proposed ppa) and after the upgrade I seem to have the same symptoms as Bug #1438489 which is fix committed. [11:01] <mup> Bug #1438489: juju stop responding after juju-upgrade <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Fix Committed by johnweldon4> <> [11:11] <gnuoy> jw4, am I missing something or could that bug still be present? [11:12] <jw4> gnuoy: I'm concerned that 1.23.0 doesn't have the latest 1.23 fixes [11:12] <gnuoy> ah, that would be not be ideal [11:13] <jw4> gnuoy: that change is in the 1.23 branch, but if you're seeing that error then the version of juju you upgraded to can't have that revision .... [11:13] <jw4> I overheard an issue this morning where the deployed tarball was the wrong version [11:14] <jw4> so it may be an issue that will be fixed soon [11:16] <jw4> gnuoy: hmm; If I'm reading the milestones and releases right it might be fixed in 1.23.1 instead of 1.23.0 [11:16] <gnuoy> jw4, Does that mean that the tools juju plucked from when I did the upgrade might not have had the fix [11:16] <gnuoy> oh [11:19] <jw4> gnuoy: no... the 1.23.0 tag DOES include my fix, so a recent install of 1.23.0 should work (if the tarball was right) [11:20] <gnuoy> jw4, the tar ball you're referring to is the tools downloaded by juju from streams.c.c ? [11:21] <jw4> gnuoy: I think so.. whichever mechanism delivers the actual jujud that is upgraded to. One thing I noticed in your bug report... did you see that error message only once? or many times? [11:21] <gnuoy> let me check, then env is still there [11:21] <jw4> The 'fix' that I put in converted the hard error into just an error being logged once in the logfile but then continuing normally [11:21] <gnuoy> s/then/the/ [11:22] <jw4> (so any other symptoms you're seeing may be unrelated to that specific bug) [11:25] <gnuoy> jw4, I see that message once on each unit, and that appears to be the last message each unit reports [11:25] <jw4> gnuoy: ok.. so it looks like my fix is in. [11:25] <jw4> gnuoy: otherwise the message would just keep repeating infinitely. [11:25] <jw4> gnuoy: what are the follow on symptoms you're seeing? Hooks not firing at all? [11:26] <gnuoy> jw4, but that message appears to be terminal, nothing happens after [11:26] <gnuoy> jw4, right, silence in logs and no hook execution [11:26] <jw4> gnuoy: I'll see if I can reproduce that. [11:26] <gnuoy> jw4, thank you for all your help [11:27] <jw4> gnuoy: thanks for reporting :) [11:50] <jw4> gnuoy: I've reproduced the symptoms [11:50] <jw4> gnuoy: I'll re-open that bug [11:51] <gnuoy> jw4, that was quick, thanks! [11:51] <jw4> gnuoy: thank the team when it's fixed ! :) [17:51] <francokaerntna> hey, anybody of you know what I need to change in my juju config, so that I get 'public' ips in my maas environment? [17:52] <francokaerntna> I entered both networks in maas 'network' tab, added 2 interfaces (one of each network) to the cluster, and even 'juju status' is showing me both networks. any clue?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "beisner", "cmars", "cory_fu", "francokaerntna", "gnuoy", "jamespage", "jose", "jw4", "mup", "xenon_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju" }
[01:00] <Mneumonic> Is there a Release Candidate or daily image for Xubuntu 15.04 today? [01:03] <ObrienDave> yes, find you a link in a sec [01:04] <Mneumonic> I treid the daily link but the page doesn't load [01:04] <Mneumonic> i found it! [01:04] <ObrienDave> [01:05] <Mneumonic> Thanks! [01:05] <ObrienDave> welcome [01:05] <Mneumonic> test out the ubuntu mate daily and i liked it, but still prefer xfce [01:05] <Mneumonic> tested* [01:05] <ObrienDave> so do i [01:05] <Mneumonic> Mate has Compiz which I can't stand [01:39] <puff> Hi, for some reason my printer won't print. xubuntu 14.04 LTS, HP Photosmart 6025. I printed the doc, I go to http://localhost:631, look at the printer, it shows the job as held. I click release and it says "job 170 released for printing", go back to th eprinter page and it says "Processing page 1..." And then, after 10-15 seconds, it's back to held. [05:28] <liquidsnake> anyone awake [05:28] <liquidsnake> i'm new to this distro. Just dl'd it and going to give it a test drive [11:29] <oiu> Running a fresh installation of 14.04.2. It's fine now, but after initially installing I was required to enter my password to (un)mount CDs/reboot. Anyone else encounter this? [11:29] <oiu> Seems to have fixed itself after upgrades and a few reboots but I was curious if it was specific to my machine. [13:08] <xubuntu481> Hello, i've got problems with my system [13:10] <xubuntu481> kernel panic not syncing [13:10] <xubuntu481> Can anybody help me please? [13:11] <_1_Karatecitizen> with what? [13:39] <Saucisse_Cocktai> hi all [13:39] <Saucisse_Cocktai> Who uses X2go ? [13:39] <Saucisse_Cocktai> I've got some troubles at using my num pad [14:59] <resetxx> can someone help me with the PLaces panel app? [14:59] <Luyin> !meta resetxx [15:00] <resetxx> when i open a doc with leafpad it is not shown in recent documents [15:27] <resetxx> OUT! [17:11] <chrislp> What's the best filesystem to take advantage of ECC ram on Xubuntu? [17:52] <martinrame> hi, I'm using XUbuntu 14.04 and found a hard to solve issue. After I disconnect to a PPTP VPN, I still can ping to an IP of that network, even if I do "ifconfig" I cannot see anymore the ppp interface. How can I completely detach from the VPN? [17:59] <martinrame> I must add the IP is not on my network. [18:19] <xubuntu22w> hello everyone watching. need help with 9.04 Xubuntu [18:20] <knome> xubuntu22w, xubuntu 9.04 is EOL and not supported [18:21] <xubuntu22w> am taking a laptop (Dell Latitude 6xx) and placing Xubuntu on it. doesn't matter if 9.04 is supported or not. it is the only release i can fit on a 700mb cd [18:22] <knome> xubuntu22w, [18:23] <xubuntu22w> am currently has we speak downloading a 617mb iso of 9.04. will this be all that is needed to burn to a cd? [18:23] <knome> xubuntu22w, yes but it is not supported and i would strongly advise against installing it. [18:24] <xubuntu22w> have no choice. only have internet access on that laptop. and it only has a cd player on it. no usb port [18:24] <knome> xubuntu22w, if you follow the link i pasted, you can read the instructions on installing later versions with a CD. [18:25] <xubuntu22w> if the later versions go pas 700mb i can't use them to burn to a cd [18:25] <knome> xubuntu22w, 12.04 fits on a 700MB cd, and you can actually upgrade it to 14.04. [18:26] <xubuntu22w> thanks, i will look into 12.04. i do believe you are mistaken. [18:29] <xubuntu22w> yea, i went to the website you pasted. it requires the computer to have usb [18:29] <knome> then use 12.04 [18:29] <knome> or the minimal ISO [18:29] <knome> !mini [18:29] <knome> that you can use even for 14.04 [18:31] <xubuntu22w> ok, will go to the next paste you put up. thanks [18:35] <liquidsnake> do i have to run xubuntu as a live disc sesh every time or can i actually install it on my virtual hdd that i created in virtual box? [18:36] <knome> liquidsnake, you can absolutely install it. [18:36] <liquidsnake> ok cool thats what i was thinking but just wanted to make sure [18:36] <liquidsnake> thanx [18:39] <xubuntu22w> knome, thankyou. i see i can just get Xubuntu 14.04 on a mini. now i just need to burn it to a cd ... thanks [18:39] <knome> xubuntu22w, note that you need to select the "xubuntu desktop" task from the minimal ISO [18:39] <knome> xubuntu22w, it is not done automatically for you [18:40] <xubuntu22w> understood Knome [18:40] <knome> xubuntu22w, good luck [18:40] <knome> and enjoy [18:40] <xubuntu22w> thanks goodbye [19:06] <xubuntu42w> hello. I need help please. After installing Xubuntu when loading screen appear it get this error: The disk drive for /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 is not ready yet or not present. Continue to wait or Press S to stop mounting or M for manual recovery. After this screen freezes and cant do anything ... I use encrypted home folder and i choose my swap in installation. [19:23] <xubuntu42w> help pls [19:24] <kys_freenode> Hi, I am using xfce and when pluggin in my external harddrive it is mounted without any rights (drwx------). How can I change this? [19:24] <kys_freenode> its ntfs partition [19:24] <brainwash> xubuntu42w: no one seems to know an answer, try to ask in #ubuntu then [19:26] <brainwash> kys_freenode: without any rights? the owner can read, write and execute [19:26] <kys_freenode> yes ok [19:26] <kys_freenode> but I want to have it 666 or sth so I can access it through nfs [19:28] <kys_freenode> just tried a ntfs stick which worked as desired.. [19:29] <brainwash> kys_freenode: not sure, looks like a nice question for the ##linux channel [19:37] <bekks> You have to mount it like this: [21:55] <peanuts> hi all, anyone good at sound config? [21:55] <peanuts> I want to force sound to always come out of the headphones, never the speakers [21:56] <peanuts> I'm happy to do it hacky - config? write a script that fires a command to revert to headphones every second? [21:56] <peanuts> does anyone know what underlying audio setup xubuntu is using [21:57] <peanuts> i remember alsa from back int he day but it's probably not that anymore [22:00] <knome> pulseaudio [22:00] <peanuts> thanks
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Luyin", "Mneumonic", "ObrienDave", "Saucisse_Cocktai", "_1_Karatecitizen", "bekks", "brainwash", "chrislp", "knome", "kys_freenode", "liquidsnake", "martinrame", "oiu", "peanuts", "puff", "resetxx", "xubuntu22w", "xubuntu42w", "xubuntu481" ], "url": "", "channel": "#xubuntu" }
[00:01] <ball> I'm using Ubuntu for the first time in quite a long while. [00:04] <ball> For the most part I like it. [00:05] <ball> It seems to work well on my daughter's computer. [00:10] <ball> brb [00:11] <diddledan> hmm, phpmyadmin just surprised me - I created a database and a database_dev and it grouped them in the interface [00:18] <m0nkey_> it does that [00:18] <m0nkey_> has done for a while [00:18] <diddledan> I've not used it in forever [00:19] <ball> Wht does a database_dev do? [00:20] * m0nkey_ thorws ball the extra I and L to attach to the word. [00:23] <ball> I /knew/ there was something dodgy about database people! ;-) [00:24] <diddledan> ball: I meant database as a generic term for a named database - the point was the _dev was appended to the name of another database [00:24] <diddledan> so I created <databasename> and <databasename>_dev [00:25] <ball> Oh, does _dev just signify the development version of a database? [00:26] <diddledan> it's purely semantic - I just chose _dev arbitrarily to mean just that [00:26] <m0nkey_> diddledan, [00:26] * ball nods [00:26] <ball> I get it now. Thanks for explaining. [00:26] <m0nkey_> Weird cpu cooler [00:26] <m0nkey_> I ordered [00:26] <diddledan> o_O [00:27] <diddledan> double decker! [00:27] <m0nkey_> 120mm & 92mm fans [00:27] <diddledan> that really is weird [00:27] <m0nkey_> they say it's comptable with my board, hopefully it is [00:28] <m0nkey_> In fact, I ordered two different ones. This is the second. [00:28] <m0nkey_> Turned out the first I ordered wasn't suitable for my TDP [00:28] <diddledan> :-( [00:28] <m0nkey_> I got to return the first one. Which would have been perfect. [00:31] <m0nkey_> My case is already full of Noctua fans [00:31] <m0nkey_> I'm kinda a fan (heh, get it?) of Noctua [00:33] <m0nkey_> I found the stock Intel cooler not to be up to snuff [00:34] <m0nkey_> Especially for gaming [00:34] <m0nkey_> However, I have the same Intel cooler in my NAS which has a E3 Xeon. That one seems to be just fine. [00:44] <ball> Oh that's weird. I quite Rhythmbox but it's still playing music. [00:44] <m0nkey_> It does that [00:44] <ball> I HUPped it. [00:45] <ball> That put it out of its misery. [00:45] <m0nkey_> Why? Go to the volume control and stop it [00:45] <m0nkey_> HUP is more reload, TERM is to shutdown gracefully [00:45] <m0nkey_> -9 is BURN IT WITH FIRE! [00:45] <diddledan> -9 == -KILL? [00:46] <m0nkey_> kill -9 [00:46] <m0nkey_> Basically pull the rug from under it's feet. [00:46] <diddledan> no, I mean `kill -9` == `kill -KILL`? [00:46] <m0nkey_> -TERM is happier [00:46] <m0nkey_> -9 or -KILL... -9 is shorter :D [01:57] <ball> m0nkey_: HUP did the job. [01:57] <ball> HUP is a hang-up, which is what I wanted. [01:58] <ball> Does ubuntu ship with a GUI-based text editor? [01:58] <ball> (with search and replace)? [01:59] <ball> Oh, found it. [01:59] <diddledan> gedit [02:00] <zmoylan-pi> and about 50,000 more are available... [02:07] <m0nkey_> vim-gtk [02:07] <ball> gedit worked. [06:10] <knightwise> morning peeps [07:53] <MooDoo> morning all [07:53] <directhex_> yes, it is! [07:53] <directhex_> new car day :D [07:53] <MooDoo> yay [08:25] <davmor2> Morning all [09:03] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Friday, and happy Bat Appreciation Day! :-D [09:06] <directhex_> more importantly, happy directhex's new car day [09:07] <JamesTait> And happy JamesTait's new MTB drivetrain day. :) [09:10] <davmor2> JamesTait: close enough right ← popey you'll like this one :) [09:10] <popey> catman [09:11] <davmor2> popey: that has to be it's name and do you think they go in the garden and shout "Dinner, Dinner, Dinner, Dinner Catman" to call hime in? [09:12] <davmor2> -e [09:15] <foobarry> [09:15] <brobostigon> morning boys and girls. [09:17] <JamesTait> davmor2, nice! :) [09:17] <foobarry> well, i liked all of the origami except the winner which was lame! [09:21] <davmor2> JamesTait: sneaky see nearly caterday so drop in cat on bat appreciation day :D [09:22] <popey> the winner had more 'likes' [09:22] <foobarry> ah that old chestnut [09:23] <foobarry> i think thats why people often do "the 5 with most likes will be entered into a final where the judges choose" [09:23] <popey> yeah, that would have been better [09:24] <foobarry> but hey, its a free comp [09:24] <foobarry> they can do what they like [09:25] <foobarry> i was gonna do a unicorn and airbrush the completed thing it in rainbow colours but i got sick :( [10:20] <diddledan> morning [10:21] <popey> Yes. [10:21] <shauno> :( [10:22] <shauno> this morning seems to be filled with nonsensical tickets from strange countries. I was in no way prepared for this when I crawled out of bed. [10:22] <diddledan> lol [10:22] <shauno> Subject: objects fled far away [10:22] <shauno> "Dear Colleagues, recently I faced with the problem that some of our customers moved in Afghanistan, but they were in Russia. When I try to return object in the desired Russia it disappeared. Have someone of you have this problem and is it a possibility to return the object back." [10:23] <shauno> (I wouldn't bother reading it twice, it doesn't seem to help) [10:23] <diddledan> err [10:26] <zmoylan-pi> send them a cardboard box and a few stamps? :-) [10:28] <shauno> well, I think there's a very obvious answer. I'm just struggling to put it into polite terms. [10:28] <zmoylan-pi> ah well, if you're polite the message has no chance to penetrate that skull... [10:41] <foobarry> write an asnwer and then google translate it into another language and then back again [10:42] <zmoylan-pi> or run it through 3 different languages to maximise the distortion [11:39] <MooDoo> yay [11:40] <zmoylan-pi> realised it's friday or discovered a fiver in pocket you didn't know you had... [11:44] <davmor2> popey, JamesTait : a suggestion for the name of the release :D [11:58] <TwistedLucidity> davmor2: Wibbling Walrus? [12:01] <foobarry> woolly woofter? [12:01] <foobarry> (1980s schoolboy insult) [12:02] <TwistedLucidity> Wacky Wombat [12:10] <TwistedLucidity> So I tried some ramdisk network transfers and got ~71MB/s. About 50% of network capacity. A wee bitty better, still suspect I have some config issues. [12:21] <knightwise> Elementary Freya = prrrretty ! [12:21] <knightwise> have the vm running on a 29 inch widescreen monitor (fullscreen) and its gorgeous [12:22] <knightwise> and pretty snappy too! [12:24] <foobarry> yeah its lovely [12:24] <foobarry> one feature i like is.. [12:25] <foobarry> you get notifications on actions that you ran in the terminal if you susequently switch windows [12:26] <foobarry> e.g. apt-get dist-upgrade, start using chrome in full screen, get a little notification to say the upgrade finished [12:26] <foobarry> also ctrl-c and ctrl-v work in terminal as copy paste in context aware manner [12:34] <knightwise> that is SOO pretty [12:36] <foobarry> maybe compiz conditioned me into expecting poor performance, but its super fast too innit? [12:36] <foobarry> try it on bare metal... [12:39] <ali1234> ctrl-c copies in the terminal?? [12:40] <ali1234> have we found a desktop even more stupid than GNOME? [12:40] <zmoylan-pi> that would be nice [12:40] <davmor2> foobarry: unity8 is much faster than unity7 too :) [12:41] <ali1234> everything is faster than compiz [12:46] <TwistedLucidity> I remember checking it out a while back (pre-Freya). It did look good. [12:46] <TwistedLucidity> CTRL-C/V in the terminal catches me out all the time [12:46] <zmoylan-pi> it should *just* work :-) [12:47] <foobarry> ali1234: its context aware [12:47] <foobarry> << for you windows users [12:48] <ali1234> i don't really see how it can be context aware in a meaningful way [12:48] <foobarry> . If there is some text selected and you press Ctrl+C it will copy the selected text to clipboard. If no text is selected the default behavior will be applied (end process signal will be sent). [12:48] <TwistedLucidity> That's pretty neat. In a dangerous sort of way [12:48] <foobarry> you can disable it if you wish, [12:49] <foobarry> ctrl-c only kills a running command that isn't in background, which is usually poor practice [12:49] <ali1234> i can see it going badly [12:49] <foobarry> thats the kneejerks reaction [12:49] <ali1234> if you want to copy something from the output of a running process [12:50] <ali1234> and it scrolls when you are trying to select, clearing the selection [12:50] <ali1234> and then you accidentally kill it [12:50] <foobarry> measure twice , cut once, or use middle button :D [12:50] <ali1234> i always use middle button [12:50] <ali1234> hat's one reason why i don't like GNOME [12:51] <foobarry> me too, mianly from habit, although when i have to use a windows VDI session i get annoyed [12:51] <knightwise> I think gnome3 is pretty slick [12:51] <foobarry> i tried gnome3 for 6 months and couldn't hack it [12:51] <foobarry> no looking back from elementary after it released [12:52] * zmoylan-pi sticks with xfce for now [12:54] <TwistedLucidity> foobarry: Did you pay or did you cheat the system by stealing the F/OSS OS? :-P [12:55] <knightwise> I had elementary running on my macbook air .. [12:55] <knightwise> (bare metal) [12:55] <knightwise> it wuzzz perfect ! [12:56] <zmoylan-pi> past tense? [12:56] <foobarry> funny about the elementary pay comments when i'm prety sure ubuntu tried that pay suggestion page for a while [12:57] <popey> not quite the same [12:57] <popey> they're similar, sure. [12:57] <MooDoo> foobarry: wasn't there an uproar about it years ago? they still going on about it now? [12:57] <popey> the comments about elementary were because they posted a blog entry telling people that they're "cheating" by downloading for zero [12:57] <popey> the ubuntu one is still there, and we still get donations from it [12:57] <TwistedLucidity> I don't think Canoncial insulted folks.... [12:58] <popey> which we use to fund lots of things [12:58] <popey> (including community developers going to conferences, hardware, event packages etc) [12:58] <foobarry> popey: didn't they reword the blog almost immediately [12:59] <popey> no, it took a lot of flak before they re-worded it [12:59] <foobarry> they mainly encourage adding $$ to bountysource [12:59] <foobarry> the same day though [12:59] <popey> They also are a little creative with the truth about where the money goes [12:59] <foobarry> i didn't even get to read the original as it happened and changed in a night i think [12:59] <foobarry> [12:59] <popey> yeah, i think cassidy posted it and then went to bed [13:00] <foobarry> as long as its not abused, then bountysource is a good idea [13:00] <popey> It's a very pretty desktop, and they've got some nice touches. [13:00] <foobarry> although i hope it doesn't mean that other bugs don't get fixed [13:01] <foobarry> shame they fell out with joey omg as omg got a lot more boring since then [13:01] <foobarry> (about 3 years ago now) [13:01] <popey> they did? [13:01] <popey> didn't know that. [13:01] <foobarry> yeah [13:01] <foobarry> got a bit frosty [13:01] <foobarry> they are on talking terms again now [13:01] <foobarry> but at one point it was a bit awkward [13:02] <foobarry> joey used to promote them all the time , most days [13:02] <popey> i think joey gets flak from readers for talking about !ubuntu [13:03] <popey> mind you he gets flak from everyone [13:03] <foobarry> i think the disagreement was related to people (inc joey) who suggested they do a ppa for easy access to elementary but the e guys had their goal of making distinct OS [13:07] <foobarry> i gues elemetnary just started as a cool theme back in the day [13:08] <popey> yeah [13:08] <popey> having a ppa would dilute their brand [13:08] <shauno> it still feels like it pretty much is a ppa? it still uses the ubuntu repos, just adds theirs too [13:08] <foobarry> lots of dinstrict things now though [13:08] <foobarry> everything is different [13:08] <popey> if you install freya, you get ubuntu packages and their ppa [13:08] <foobarry> even the greeter, terminal, window manager, etc [13:08] <popey> although I dont see any doc on how they made the iso [13:09] <popey> so no way of knowing what else is in there [13:09] <foobarry> you can build yourself, [13:09] <popey> ubuntu + ppa ? [13:09] <foobarry> since thats what teh kiddies were doing pre release [13:09] <shauno> I had a poke around with it, fairly superficially, but noticed they're still using the normal repo, that's all [13:09] <foobarry> all the desktop env is not common to ubuntu though [13:09] <popey> this is one reason why I think cinnamon got rid of their stable ppa. [13:10] <popey> because if you make it too easy to install your special sauce on ubuntu, what's the point of you existing? [13:10] <popey> someone could do as we did with ubuntu mate, and create a derivative which bypasses them [13:10] <popey> I think that would worry them. [13:10] <foobarry> make it easy = more users [13:10] <foobarry> separate iso = different brand different ideologoy [13:11] <shauno> stop telling your uses they're pirates = more users [13:11] <ali1234> what prevents anyone from just downloading all the src debs and putting them in a ppa? [13:11] <popey> do we know for sure every package on the iso came from the ppa or archive? [13:11] <popey> if so, yeah, anyone could do that [13:11] <ali1234> if we don't know that, why don't we know that? [13:12] <foobarry> i think u guys are looking for issues where there aren't any [13:12] <ali1234> i think the issue is more with ubuntu [13:12] <foobarry> i ran ubuntu+ppa= elementary for ages [13:12] <popey> I'm not looking for any issues. [13:12] <ali1234> it should be reproducable and self-hosting [13:12] <foobarry> and realised some stuff didn't work right (notifications , screen lock etc) [13:12] <foobarry> make ur own iso and be different, [13:13] <foobarry> not just another ubuntu [13:13] <ali1234> i should be able to apt-get install launchpad and have it ready to squeeze out ISOs in under a day [13:13] <ali1234> and those ISOs should be binary identical to the official ones [13:13] <popey> launchpad doesn't build ISOs [13:13] <ali1234> it does however build all the packages in those ISOs [13:13] <popey> indeed. [13:13] <popey> but the isos are built elsewhere [13:13] <popey> !info germinate [13:13] <popey> bah [13:14] <lubotu3`> germinate (source: germinate): expand dependencies in a list of seed packages. In component main, is optional. Version 2.18 (utopic), package size 19 kB, installed size 89 kB [13:14] <popey> and other stuff :) [13:16] <ali1234> it's good that debian is starting to adopt the reproducible build stuff [13:17] <ali1234> [13:22] <directhex_> mono 4 is reproducible by default, that's a couple of hundred more packages once it goes into the archive [13:25] <directhex_> ali1234: did you see my proof-of-concept for inserting a backdoor into debian, and why reproducible builds would help? [13:25] <ali1234> no [13:26] <directhex_> [13:29] <MooDoo> directhex_: why would you want a back door? [13:29] <popey> proof of concept [13:29] <MooDoo> ah [13:30] <directhex_> MooDoo: i wouldn't personally. but an "evil" debian developer could inject whatever they liked into packages used by thousands or millions of people [13:30] <MooDoo> directhex_: i was speed reading and missed the important part lol [13:30] <directhex_> an apache patch which accepts a special handshake to give local access, fr'example [13:30] <foobarry> directhex_: you are proposing test rebuilds of all binaries and checking hashes? [13:30] <davmor2> MooDoo: to get into the garden normally :P [13:30] <ali1234> foobarry: he's not proposing it, debian is [13:30] <directhex_> foobarry: the reproducible builds project proposes this [13:31] <directhex_> foobarry: we altered mono's compiler to support it [13:31] <foobarry> oh, i read your comment but not the link :D [13:31] <MooDoo> directhex_: just wated a video about debian LTS was quite interesting shame they don't have the money or the amount of developers [13:31] <foobarry> "Debian is working on a new project named “reproducible builds” with the stated goal – It should be possible to reproduce, byte for byte, every build of every package in Debian. " [13:31] <MooDoo> davmor2: shush you lol [13:31] <foobarry> i assumed/thought that was already in place... [13:31] <ali1234> foobarry: not even close unfortunately [13:31] <directhex_> foobarry: nope [13:32] <directhex_> foobarry: for the mono example (which i'm most familiar with), .net binaries contain a timestamp, and a GUID, when compiled [13:32] <ali1234> far too many things embed the hostname of the build machine too [13:33] <foobarry> surprised debian accepts binaries - the binaries that get put on an iso are surely builds from source though? [13:33] <directhex_> foobarry: nope! [13:33] <foobarry> oh [13:33] <foobarry> launchpad does though? [13:33] <directhex_> yes! [13:33] <foobarry> which is probably where my assumption came from, and redhat/centos [13:33] <directhex_> all launchpad builds are from source... assuming you trust the launchpad sysadmin ^_^ [13:35] <foobarry> i couldn foresee a situation where something bad happens and everyone says "how could this have been allowed to happen!" [13:35] <foobarry> could* [13:35] <foobarry> in debian [13:35] <popey> there was a debian talk at fosdem this year where this was discussed (among other things) [13:35] <popey> and the "dirty secret" that some packages in the debian archive were built on developer machines [13:35] <popey> not on buildds [13:35] <foobarry> yay my grass seed and fork arrived. [13:36] <popey> [13:36] <directhex_> almsot every package, in fact [13:37] <directhex_> the debian archive *requires* that devs submit binary packages. the buildd network will compile on other arches as needed [13:37] <directhex_> e.g. for mono, i compile on my amd64 laptop, which generates amd64 and arch-independent packages. the debian buildd network does the arm, mips, etc, builds [13:38] <directhex_> so for every package, one arch (usually amd64 or i386) was done on the developer's pc [13:38] <popey> blimey, didn't realise it was as "bad" as that [13:38] <directhex_> this status quo hasn't been fixed, for 2 reasons: 1) there are 3 packages that cannot be built on amd64 or i386, but are arch:all once compiled. and we have no way to represent this state in a build-everything-on-debian-infra way [13:39] <directhex_> 2) it's felt that without requiring binaries, devs might upload buggy source packages that don't in fact compile [13:40] <foobarry> today i learned what a hoe is for [13:43] <bashrc_> nice [13:43] <popey> for growing pumpkins in minecraft [13:43] <foobarry> apparently its the ideal tool for removing small weeds in your shrub beds [13:44] <foobarry> my life will never be the same [13:47] <MooDoo> foobarry: i'm with popey ;) [13:48] <foobarry> one day i'll actually play MC [13:48] <foobarry> when its free on android [13:48] * bashrc_ has never played MC [13:50] <davmor2> foobarry: it's also useful for quickly chopping in fertiliser to help plant grow too [13:50] <foobarry> ah, nice [13:50] <foobarry> or grass seed perhaps? [13:51] <davmor2> foobarry: no you don't plant grass you lay it on top [13:51] * diddledan restrains comments about hoes [13:51] <foobarry> dutch hoes no less [13:51] <diddledan> oh myy [13:52] <diddledan> reminds me of the story of the lad with his finger [13:52] <davmor2> foobarry: then you spend an age trying to stop the bird eating it all [13:52] <diddledan> lol [13:52] <foobarry> i bought a net [14:03] <shauno> oooh, just got home to find new phone waiting for me [14:03] <diddledan> what'd ya get? [14:03] <shauno> this ubuntu one. I was nosey [14:03] <diddledan> heh [14:06] <shauno> oh. I need a new simcard though. oops [14:07] <diddledan> heh [14:07] <diddledan> there's too many different sizes these days [14:11] <foobarry> i use scissors [14:11] <knightwise> i'll be moving over to my ubuntu phone fulltime [14:11] <shauno> scissors won't make my card bigger [14:14] <foobarry> been locked out of my account 5 times in 2 days :( [14:14] <foobarry> my work account [14:17] <shauno> hm. reboot loop. oops [14:21] <popey> shauno: feel free to join #ubuntu-touch if you want to shout at ubuntu phone devs :) [14:22] <shauno> lol, not yet. I want to play with it enough that I'm not just whining because it's different [14:22] <popey> well, a boot loop is an issue :) [14:22] <shauno> (although yes, first boot, into the indicators, it told me I had to upgrade, so I did. it never came back) [14:23] <shauno> well, not 'had to', but I figure it's usually a good idea because your platforms itterate fast [14:23] <popey> never came back? [14:25] <shauno> it gets to the bq screen, then just flashes on and off like a belisha beacon [14:25] <shauno> so I did up&power until it gave me a little text menu, tried 'normal boot', it did it again. so this time I'm trying 'recovery', which I'm assuming is the sadface [14:27] <shauno> hm, nope, recovery goes back to the belisha beacon, just takes longer to get there [14:28] <popey> would be helpful to raise this in #ubuntu-touch [14:28] <popey> so we can a) debug and b) fix [14:28] <shauno> fair enough. gonna go for coffee first though. let it sit and think [14:28] <shauno> with so few buttons, it seems your options are "press things" or "leave it alone". and I've already tried the first [14:39] <diddledan> push all the things! [14:49] <foobarry> get on a webcam and stream it to the phone chan [14:50] <shauno> heh, it's back [14:50] <shauno> I think perhaps the upgrade/reboot process is just quite noisy .. it just doesn't look convincing [14:51] <shauno> getting there :) trying to put an imap client on now (it comes with gmail but not email :( [14:54] <diddledan> wait, gmail isn't email? [14:54] <diddledan> :-p  [14:54] <shauno> don't get me started :p [14:58] <diddledan> popey: the audio on that fosdem video you posted is terrible - it's silent and then suddenly REALLY LOUD BREATHING and then silent again [14:59] <diddledan> popey: the ubuntu podcast does way better than that :-D [15:01] <shauno> lol, I just found popey in the store [15:01] <diddledan> yey? [15:01] <diddledan> what's he doing in the store? [15:01] <diddledan> can you watch him browsing through the shelveS? [15:01] <shauno> telling me the weather, it seems [15:01] <shauno> I assume it's the same pope, it has that little confused smiley face [15:02] <diddledan> is it inappropriate to call popey the holy papa? [15:02] <shauno> yes. you're creepy enough when you're trying not to be [15:03] <diddledan> lol [15:03] <diddledan> .. since when have I ever tried not to be creepy? [15:12] <knightwise> diddledan: you couldn't if you tried [15:31] <shauno> pft, I need ubuntu to use the ubuntu-sdk? people yell at apple for that :p [15:34] <popey> you can use vim and adb [15:35] <shauno> adb is in the android sdk? I think it'll be easier to stick ubuntu in a VM lol [15:39] <popey> its in the repo [15:39] <popey> and the sdk ppa [15:41] <shauno> ah ok. I found the instructions, but still installing ubuntu so hadn't go that far [15:55] <Myrtti> could someone remind me again how I can find the old kernel packages I can remove to free up space from /boot+ [15:56] * bashrc_ wonders why /boot isn't bigger by default [15:56] <Myrtti> because I made it that way, probably [15:56] <zmoylan-pi> sudo apt-get autoremove? [15:56] <daftykins> apt-get autoremove will remove some older ones, but if you've really got some old cruft on there you should use... [15:56] <bashrc_> I've also had the same issue in the past. There is a way of clearing out old kernels [15:56] <daftykins> "dpkg -l | grep linux-image" [15:57] <daftykins> or just look in /boot and and remove linux-image-3.x.0-##-generic for example [15:57] <zmoylan-pi> i got 1/4 gb back when i ran it :-) [15:57] <bashrc_> but these days it's not as if we're pushed for HDD/SDD space, so I don't know why that partition isn't made bigger by default [15:57] <daftykins> /boot hasn't been a partition for years [15:57] <Myrtti> it is if you've got encryption [15:58] <daftykins> in fact i'm not even sure if the installer ever made it one [15:58] <bashrc_> yes [15:58] <daftykins> well yeah but you have only to look at the number of tears falling down peoples faces in #ubuntu to have feelings about encryption there :D [15:58] <bashrc_> I always use full disk encryption these days [15:58] <daftykins> plus its' major bugs such as yeah - making a tiny /boot [15:59] <Myrtti> The upgrade needs a total of 99,0 M free space on disk '/boot'. Please free at least an additional 20,5 M of disk space on '/boot'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'. [15:59] <Myrtti> bah [16:00] <daftykins> Myrtti: yeah, so list the kernels? :) [16:00] <bashrc_> I suggest that this kind of stuff should be automatic these days [16:00] <daftykins> or you might have root 5% reserved on which'd take some [16:01] <daftykins> a quick tune2fs to disable that might help a tiny bit [16:01] <daftykins> well it is with autoremove - but you can't go stealing someones older kernels automatically :) you need a fallback sometimes [16:02] <bashrc_> true, but the average user probably doesn't need to keep five kernels and when this problem occurs it breaks system updates [16:03] <daftykins> only for those with nuts partitioning :> so as long as the encrypted /boot size has been fixed in the installer, it should be good [16:04] <Myrtti> I swear to god I already uninstalled these once [16:04] <daftykins> use purge perhaps [16:05] <daftykins> i did have someone the other day who i told to remove them, then they were still there in /boot - was a bit weird [16:05] <Myrtti> yeah, purge is a given [16:06] <daftykins> i don't think so, not normally necessary [16:42] <davmor2> m/me listening to Stairway to Heaven LOUD why cause it's still sounds great :D [16:42] <davmor2> -m at front don't know where that came from [16:44] <zmoylan-pi> that's the keyboard vibrating under your hands... [16:51] <daftykins> :> [16:51] * daftykins does a Waynes World and points at the "No Stairway" sign in the music shop [16:57] <zmoylan-pi> denied... [17:02] <davmor2> 404: Stairway not found [17:02] <daftykins> hahaha [17:02] <daftykins> i finally reinstalled my web server VM to trusty last night \o/ [17:03] <daftykins> very smooth just scp'ing over the document root, setting up a clean install with the same passwords then a quick mysql dump of the database and restore [17:03] <daftykins> but my word how the apache2 configs have changed since 10.04 :P [17:04] <zmoylan-pi> ok i want to see this film :-D [17:04] <daftykins> can you say what it is so i don't have to click? ;) [17:05] <intrbiz> daftykins: is 10.04 Apache 2.0 ? [17:06] <zmoylan-pi> and miss out the supreme 80ness and cliche ridden wonderfull ness of kung fury?? :-) [17:06] <shauno> reminds me of one I heard re: traffic volumes. a highway to hell vs a stairway to heaven [17:06] <daftykins> intrbiz: yip [17:28] <shauno> curious, does android have a swipe-action on every edge like this too? [17:28] <brobostigon> like this? ubuntu touch? [17:29] <shauno> yeah [17:29] <brobostigon> not on its own, but there is certain sw to add similer, yes. [17:30] <brobostigon> like gmd gesturecontrol. [17:33] <shauno> hm, okay. just curious where they got that idea from. most of it's pretty logical, bar that [17:33] <Myrtti> where did I see someone giving a tip on Chrome on HiDPI? [17:34] <Myrtti> was it popey [17:34] <popey> no [17:34] <Myrtti> it was yesterday or today... gah [18:09] <shauno> well, I'm curious to see what I can build on it. but I'm not sure I'll actually use it as a phone. the UI is just way too combersome [18:14] <davmor2> MooDoo, popey: you guys should be owld enough to know the lyrics "Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and style" [18:19] <ali1234> shauno: the android camera app has edge swiping [18:20] <ali1234> most apps don't have an action on every single edge [18:20] <ali1234> most of the standard ones use the left edge for opening the sidebar [18:20] <shauno> I think I'm just frustrated because the most common thing I find myself doing is repeatedly trying to hit the little < to go back a page [18:21] <shauno> eg, read an email, go to read the next email .. you're stabbing tiny targets to get back to the mailbox [18:21] <shauno> there's probably a lot of ios bias there where that's what I assume the left side is for [18:22] <shauno> but I'm not sure it helps that while you can swipe left/right on the header bar in scopes, you can't do the same for the header bar anywhere else [18:22] <ali1234> ingmail the left and right edges move to the previous/next email thread when in message view [18:22] <ali1234> in mailbox view it opens the sidebar [18:22] <ali1234> oh and you don't need to swipe from the edge [18:23] <ali1234> also theres two back buttons, the OS one at the bottom and one in the top left [18:23] <shauno> right, I'm on the ubuntu one .. no hardware back [18:23] <ali1234> my phone can't reliably tell the difference between a swipe and a tap anyway [18:23] <ali1234> oh yeah the ubuntu UI is a bit strange [18:23] <ali1234> it used to be you had to swipe up from the bottom to open a menu before you could even see the back button [18:24] <ali1234> i don't know what it's like these days but i heard they got rid of that bottom menu entirely [18:25] <shauno> (I'd also love to know how to stop the 'vibrate any time I tap anything' thing. I thought I turned it off in the settings, but a couple of apps still do it regardless) [18:25] <ali1234> report bugs [18:25] <ali1234> then go to irc and complain loudly [18:26] <ali1234> then when they sarcastically ask if you reported a bug, whip out the URL [18:41] <daftykins> ali1234: not very funny to enable #ubuntu-ees to act even more atrociously :( [18:41] <daftykins> unless this is another thing :D [18:42] <ali1234> what is ubuntu-ees? [19:14] <diddledan> is it time to stop working yet? [21:17] <diddledan> ooh, I got a reply from canonical legal :-) [21:18] <diddledan> "we're looking into your request and will get back to you shortly" [21:22] <intrbiz> diddledan: request for what? [21:23] <diddledan> trademark usage [21:27] <shauno> o_O [21:30] <popey> for what? [23:02] <ali1234> Azelphur: do you know of a self-hosted video streaming platform like [23:02] <ali1234> (or anyone else)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "JamesTait", "MooDoo", "Myrtti", "TwistedLucidity", "ali1234", "ball", "bashrc_", "brobostigon", "daftykins", "davmor2", "diddledan", "directhex_", "foobarry", "intrbiz", "knightwise", "lubotu3`", "m0nkey_", "popey", "shauno", "zmoylan-pi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-uk" }
[07:25] <luzifer9999> Guten Morgen, gibt es eine Möglichkeit, Usern das einbinden von USB-Sticks zu verbieten? Wir verwenden derzeit unter /etc/modprobe.d/nousb.conf 'balcklist usb_storage'. Leider müssen wir dann als root das Modul wieder Laden um USB-Sticks zu verwenden. Gibt es eine andere Lösung? [07:33] <LetoThe2nd> luzifer9999: theoretisch sollte es reichen, die benutzer aus der gruppe plugdev rauszunehmen [07:38] <luzifer9999> LetoThe2nd, wir nutzen LDAP für unsere Benutzer und diese sind alle nicht in der Gruppe plugdev. [07:43] <LetoThe2nd> luzifer9999: dann weiss ichs nicht, sorry. [08:01] <aschildbach> Hallo zusammen! Hat schon wer auf den vivid RC upgedated und auch das problem dass die deutsche tastaturbelegung nicht mehr funktioniert? [08:04] <nggrb> moin [08:04] <aschildbach> hi [08:50] <yogg> Hi [08:51] <yogg> Ich versuche gerade auf einem ubuntu 14.04 ein windows share ohne passwort zu mounten (gvfs mount über die GUI) aber ich werde immer wieder um das passwort gefragt (das leer ist) [08:52] <yogg> Wenn ich am Windows Server ein Passwort setze, dann funktioniert es :( [08:52] <yogg> Gibts da nen workarround? [08:57] <yogg> ist egal geworden ich bau das auf was anders um [12:03] <dAnjou> hi, wisst ihr wie ich zu einer "hidden" byobu session connecte? gestartet mit byobu -S .max [12:04] <dAnjou> [12:23] <sdx32> dAnjou: nimm doch screen ohne den Murks aussenrum. Das sollte mit "screen -list" die auch anzeigen und mit "screen -r .max" attachen. [12:36] <dAnjou> sdx32: ich will genau diesen murks drumrum [12:37] <dAnjou> bessere keybindings, bessere übersicht [12:37] <dAnjou> aber es geht jetzt, wenn ich's mit byobu new -s max starte [12:37] <dAnjou> is zwar nur tmux und nix hidden oder so, aber egel [12:37] <dAnjou> *egal [12:38] <dAnjou> in screen immer ctrl-a-c|n|p is mir zu anstrengend [17:39] <gillsu> neuHier [17:40] <jokrebel> seiWillkommen [18:31] <trohn_javolta> hallo leute [18:31] <trohn_javolta> habe ein boot problem, kann nicht mehr ins windows booten [18:32] <trohn_javolta> ist jemand da der zuhört? und gegebenenfalls helfen möchte? [18:46] <trohn_javolta> ? [18:46] <sdx32> ja und nein. [18:47] <sdx32> bzw.: beschreib doch mal genauer, was nicht geht [18:47] <sdx32> wird ein Eintrag für Windows angezeigt? [18:47] <DerProfessor_> Hallo Leute, trohn_javolta wenn Dir hier einer helfen kann dann meldet Er/Sie sich hier bei Dir. Und wenn sich keiner Meldet dann kann Dir auch keiner helfen [18:48] <DerProfessor_> Wie Du siehst hab ich Recht ;) [18:52] <trohn_javolta> okay hab mal gewartet auf irgendeine rückmeldung [18:53] <trohn_javolta> gut, ich versuche mal mein setup und das bisherige vorgehen so gut wie möglich zu beschreiben [18:53] <trohn_javolta> also, ich habe windows 7 und ubuntu auf einer ssd laufen [18:54] <trohn_javolta> die ssd habe ich damals mit einer gpt partitionstabelle versehen [18:54] <trohn_javolta> achso und uefi bios [18:54] <trohn_javolta> als erste partition habe ich eine efi boot partition erstellt [18:55] <trohn_javolta> nun ist mir leider die root partition von ubuntu zu klein geworden [18:55] <trohn_javolta> also hab ich diese in gparted vergrößert [18:56] <trohn_javolta> nun kann ich zwar noch ins ubuntu booten aber nicht mehr in windows 7 [18:57] <trohn_javolta> windows eintrag gibt es [18:57] <trohn_javolta> bei windows startbildschirm gehts nicht mehr weiter [18:57] <sdx32> hoom. hom. [18:57] <trohn_javolta> bei erneutem start kann ich die starthilfe aufrufen [18:57] <sdx32> Du hast deinen Windows Bootloader zerschossen. [18:57] <nagetier> trohn_javolta, , Abschnitt: EFI-Installation .. ich würde den GRUB2 einfach nochmal installieren und schauen was das ergab [18:58] <sdx32> Kann man versuchen, hat imo Erfolgschancen von quasi Null. [18:58] <trohn_javolta> windows starthilfe sagt zwar es repariert etwas doch danach gehts immer noch nicht [18:58] <nagetier> sdx32, falls du recht hast mit deiner Annahme stimme ich da zu [18:58] <trohn_javolta> das programm boot-repair habe ich bereits in vielen versch. optionen durchlaufen lassen [18:58] <nagetier> aber ist schon etwas verfrüht, finde ich [18:58] <trohn_javolta> brachte keinen erfolg [18:59] <nagetier> ok [18:59] <trohn_javolta> grub2 auch schon manuell neu installiert...(macht boot-repair unter anderem auch) [18:59] <sdx32> nagetier: möglich. Ich hab mit den Dingern nach ntldr von xp nichts mehr zu tun gehabt - haben müssen, zum Glück. [19:00] <trohn_javolta> boot-repair verfasst dann noch so eine info datei und läd sie auf pastebin [19:00] <trohn_javolta> kann euch mal den link posten... [19:00] <trohn_javolta> [19:01] <trohn_javolta> bzw. ubuntu paste [19:04] <trohn_javolta> ..okay möglicherweise hats mit der secure boot option zu tun [19:04] <trohn_javolta> glaub ich hab bis jetzt nicht aus grub2 ins windows gebootet [19:05] <trohn_javolta> sondern windows aus dem efi menü gestartet [19:06] <trohn_javolta> lese das gerade: [19:06] <trohn_javolta> bei booten aus dem grub menü [19:07] <trohn_javolta> vllt ist der windows eintrag im efi menü nicht mehr aktuell, aber noch da.. [19:07] <nagetier> trohn_javolta, bisher bin ich bei solchen Konstellationen besser gefahren, wenn Windows vor Linux liegt.. dann wäre jedenfalls das Vergrößern von / problemlos verlaufen.. so wurde die Boot-Partition von Windows verschoben, IMHO mag das Windows nicht (habe hier noch keine UEFI Maschinen, kann auch alles anders sein) [19:08] <trohn_javolta> okay lest sich logisch [19:08] <nagetier> aber ok, das sollte auch so klappen.. war aber in der Vergangehit mit mehr Aufwand belastet [19:08] <trohn_javolta> damals hab ichs nicht gewusst [19:09] <trohn_javolta> hab extra so gut wie möglich beim verkleinern, vergrößern "aufgepasst" [19:09] <trohn_javolta> hatte die reihenfolge an partitionen: [19:10] <trohn_javolta> root | swap | home [19:10] <trohn_javolta> in home war noch platz [19:10] <trohn_javolta> also home verkleinert [19:10] <trohn_javolta> freien platz als neuen swap genommen [19:10] <trohn_javolta> alten swap gelöscht [19:10] <trohn_javolta> und root damit vergrößert [19:11] <nagetier> trohn_javolta, ah. ok.. die Windows Boot-Partiton wurde also gar nicht angefasst? [19:11] <trohn_javolta> kann ich nicht 100 %ig sagen [19:11] <trohn_javolta> denke nicht [19:11] <trohn_javolta> naja... [19:12] <trohn_javolta> wie ich fertig war hat gparted noch iwo dazwischen 1 mb nicht vergebenen speicher angezeigt [19:12] <trohn_javolta> glaub zwischen root und swap... [19:13] <trohn_javolta> hab dann nochmals vergrößert und da hat mir gparted die "standardwarnung" geschrieben, dass ein verschieben dazu führen kann dass das betriebssystem nicht mehr bootet [19:14] <trohn_javolta> ...hätt ich den einen scheiß mb vllt. in ruhe und frei lassen sollen [19:14] <trohn_javolta> egal [19:14] <trohn_javolta> ich werde jetzt mal testweise im bios die secure boot option deaktivieren und schauen ob windows dann aus grub2 bootet [19:15] <trohn_javolta> meld mich wieder, vllt. fällt noch jemandem was ein [19:45] <trohn_javolta> hi [19:46] <trohn_javolta> ..okay, hatte im bios das secure boot gar nicht aktiviert [19:46] <trohn_javolta> =( [19:46] <DerProfessor_> wb trohn_javolta, klappt es den jetzt? [19:47] <trohn_javolta> nein [19:47] <trohn_javolta> wie gesagt secure boot war nie aktiviert [19:47] <trohn_javolta> im wiki steht nur, dass es probs geben kann, wenn man aus grub2 ins windows booten will, aber die bios option secure boot aktiviert ist [19:47] <trohn_javolta> =/ [19:48] <trohn_javolta> ...dabei wollt ich heut noch this war of mine zockn.. [19:48] <trohn_javolta> jz ist es dreiviertl 10 und ich bin scheißdrauf [19:49] <trohn_javolta> hier vllt. nochmal das info script von boot-repair [19:49] <trohn_javolta> [19:53] <nagetier> trohn_javolta, schon versucht Windows direkt zu booten.. also per F8 oder ähnlich GRUB zu überspringen und Windows anwählen? [19:54] <trohn_javolta> jep [19:54] <trohn_javolta> dies ist mittlerweile auch wieder eingestellt [19:55] <trohn_javolta> also beim start drück ich f12 und komme ins uefi boot menü [19:55] <trohn_javolta> dort gibts unter anderem windows boot loader [19:55] <trohn_javolta> und ubuntu [19:55] <trohn_javolta> mit auswahl windows boot loader komme ich bis zum startbildschirm [19:55] <trohn_javolta> windows wird gestartet... [19:56] <trohn_javolta> und aus [19:56] <trohn_javolta> über ubuntu komme ich in grub2 [19:56] <trohn_javolta> dort gibts mehrere "windows" einträge [19:56] <trohn_javolta> bootmgr64 oder so [19:57] <trohn_javolta> und UEFI widows...etc. [19:57] <trohn_javolta> alle wege führen nicht nach rom [19:57] <trohn_javolta> also windows =) [19:57] <trohn_javolta> aber es wird bemerkt, dass windows nicht ordnungsgemäß startet [19:57] <trohn_javolta> und die starthilfe wird vorgeschlagen [19:58] <trohn_javolta> dort schreibt windows es repariert etwas.. [19:58] <trohn_javolta> aber bringt nix [19:58] <trohn_javolta> mittlerweile kommt es kann nichts mehr repariern [19:58] <trohn_javolta> und ich kann weiter optionen auswählen [19:58] <trohn_javolta> zb wiederherstellung [19:59] <trohn_javolta> systemwiederherstellung beendet sich mit einem fehler [19:59] <jokrebel> !enter trohn_javolta [19:59] <nagetier> trohn_javolta, bin mir fast sicher dass sich das über die Windows-DVD lösen lässt.. sich dort ein äqivalent zu fixmbr befindet [19:59] <trohn_javolta> irgendeine datei kann icht auf ursprung gesetzt werden [19:59] <jokrebel> !enter > trohn_javolta [20:00] <nagetier> jokrebel, ich glaube Kubine ist aus [20:00] <jokrebel> scheint so [20:00] <trohn_javolta> c:/windows/system32/wbem/performance/WmiApRpl.h [20:01] <trohn_javolta> wegen dieser datei beendet sich die systemwiederherstellung mit unbekanntem fehler [20:01] <trohn_javolta> dachte mir nämlich, ok bevor nix mehr geht, eben systemwiederherstellung [20:01] <trohn_javolta> leider gehts auch nicht [20:02] <trohn_javolta> welche windows dvd meinst du? [20:02] <trohn_javolta> achso, ich kann auch noch in ein terminal [20:02] <trohn_javolta> eingabeaufforderung schlägt windows auch vor, unter systemwiederherstellung als option [20:03] <jokrebel> trohn_javolta: Wärst Du bitte so nett, eher längere Posts zu schreiben und erst wenn Du wirklich meinst fertig mit tippen zu sein die Enter-Taste drückst. [20:03] <trohn_javolta> okay mach ich [20:05] <nagetier> trohn_javolta, na die Installations-DVD .. schau mal ob das hier weiter hilft, allerdings fehlen mir da die Befehle auf der Konsole wie ich es vom Reparieren des MBR kenne.. [20:05] <jokrebel> Ich würd auch meinen, dass Du das (wenn dann) mit der Windows-CD reparieren kannst. Aber nur weil Du es mit Ubuntu und gparted kaputt gemacht hast ist Windows eher kein Thema für den ubuntu-supportkanal. [20:05] <nagetier> aber evtl ist das ja bei UEFI alles anders :/ [20:06] <nagetier> würde da auch schon eher einen Windows-Channel aufsuchen [20:06] <jokrebel> /s/eher/dennoch [20:06] <trohn_javolta> achso, denkt du dass da ein programm drauf is, um noch was zu reparieren? [20:06] <nagetier> trohn_javolta, definitiv [20:08] <trohn_javolta> ja okay, ich dachte ich fang mal im ubuntu support an. werd weiter in der windows ecke fragen. vielen dank für die vorschläge soweit. [20:08] <nagetier> Viel Erfolg. [20:09] <jokrebel> trohn_javolta: Wenn Du dann Windows repariert hast wird vermutlich Ubuntu nicht mehr hoch kommen, dann muss Grub nochmal repariert werden. [20:10] <jokrebel> trohn_javolta: Und! Backup nicht vergessen! [20:10] <trohn_javolta> okay, dann muss ich über live media alle relevanten verzeichnisse mouten und grub neu installieren und aktualisieren, richtig? [20:11] <trohn_javolta> betonung liegt auf wenn..=) [20:12] <nagetier> trohn_javolta, ist auf der vom mir anfänglich verlinkten Seite beschrieben [20:12] <nagetier> aber passt schon, was du sagst :) [20:12] <trohn_javolta> ..hatte das schon mal =) [20:12] <nagetier> trohn_javolta, chroot nennt sich das [20:13] <trohn_javolta> also dann machts gut [20:13] <trohn_javolta> tschau [20:13] <nagetier> cu
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DerProfessor_", "LetoThe2nd", "aschildbach", "dAnjou", "gillsu", "jokrebel", "luzifer9999", "nagetier", "nggrb", "sdx32", "trohn_javolta", "yogg" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-de" }
[19:30] <mbruzek> rick_h_: ping [19:31] <mbruzek> Does quickstart deploy local charms? [19:32] <lazyPower> short answer is no [19:32] <lazyPower> better answer is: it could [19:33] <lazyPower>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "lazyPower", "mbruzek" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju-gui" }
[19:51] <Letozaf_> balloons, hey [19:52] <balloons> Letozaf_, hello hello! [19:52] <Letozaf_> balloons, :) I fixed this as you asked: [19:52] <Letozaf_> balloons, if you got time :) [19:55] <balloons> oO, yes I was hoping I'd see something! [19:55] <balloons> really nice! [19:56] <Letozaf_> balloons, :D [19:56] <balloons> I like it.. If jenkins is happy, so am I [19:56] <Letozaf_> balloons, ok, so let's see what jenkins says :) [20:23] <Letozaf_> balloons, :D Jenkins approved :P [20:26] <balloons> approved :-) [20:26] <Letozaf_> balloons, \o/ [20:27] <balloons> Letozaf_, so the doc viewer guys were hoping to get some help next.. interested? [20:27] <Letozaf_> balloons, sure :) [20:28] <balloons> Letozaf_, and they said were priority [20:28] <Letozaf_> balloons, ok [20:29] <balloons> do you have there contact info? [20:29] <Letozaf_> balloons, nope, are the contact info in launchpad ? [20:30] <balloons> [20:30] <balloons> he's italian as well :-) [20:30] <Letozaf_> balloons, yeah looks like :P [20:31] <Letozaf_> lol [20:37] <Letozaf_> balloons, cool looks like he is from northern Itlay too :D [20:45] <balloons> nice
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Letozaf_", "balloons" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-autopilot" }
[03:31] <zlmao> shang: I'm do demo at user side. My Maas shows that depolying is failed. [03:32] <zlmao> shang: It is "failed deployment". The same for the physical node too. [03:33] <zlmao> Sorry. I should switch to other channel for it. [17:34] <cprofitt> hello -- have a strange issue on my 15.04 and not sure how to report the bug [17:34] <cprofitt> when I empty trash I got another file window opening... [17:34] <wxl> cprofitt: i'd report it against the file manager. [17:35] <cprofitt> wxl: thanks. [17:35] <wxl> np cprofitt [17:36] <cprofitt> wxl that is just called files now; correct? [17:36] <wxl> cprofitt: yikes i'm not sure being a mostly lubuntu user [17:38] <cprofitt> eh, looking like the package is still nautilus [17:58] <cprofitt> [17:58] <cprofitt> if anyone would like to triage
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "cprofitt", "wxl", "zlmao" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-bugs" }
[13:22] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: When do/should cloud-init bugs get marked as Fix Released in the cloud-init LP project? [13:23] <smoser> Odd_Bloke, i do it with release of the bug in a version. [13:23] <smoser> ie, when 0.7.6 releases all those go to fix-released. [13:23] <smoser> and ubuntu fix-released when ubuntu gets fixed. [13:24] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: Cool, so I don't need to pay attention and do the marking myself when appropriate? [13:24] <smoser> well, it wouldn't hurt :) [13:24] <smoser> its a pain [15:17] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: What are your thoughts on ? [15:18] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: My comment lays out the decision we need to make. [15:21] <smoser> how do we not match with roject level keys now ? [15:22] <smoser> Odd_Bloke, ie "we already don't match the GCE docs in the way we handle project-level keys so this may be a foolish consistency." [15:23] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: I _think_ that we put all of the keys on the ubuntu user, even when they're defined against different users. [15:23] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: But I may not be recalling that correctly. [15:25] <smoser> how do they get defined for different users ? [15:25] <smoser> we do put them on the ubuntu user for user. [15:25] <smoser> sure [15:28] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: Keys come from GCE as a list of "<user>:<key>" strings. [15:28] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: Which GCE infers from the comment (e.g. "... dwatkins" will come as "dwatkins:...") in the user interface. [15:29] <Odd_Bloke> But you just pass in a mapping to the instance creation API. [15:30] <Odd_Bloke> smoser: We then trim the first half off before setting 'public-keys' in self.metadata (using the _trim_key function). [15:30] <smoser> ah. i see. [15:31] <smoser> i think you should override the per-project keys with per-instance if available. [15:31] <Odd_Bloke> So if I defined {'dwatkins': 'ssh-rsa foo', 'smoser': 'ssh-rsa bar'}, we'd get both 'ssh-rsa foo' and 'ssh-rsa bar' on the ubuntu user. [15:31] <Odd_Bloke> (And the Google scripts would create dwatkins and smoser users with the appropriate keys) [15:31] <smoser> can we know the difference between "no instance keys given" and "instance keys given as empty string" [15:31] <smoser> with the latter implying intent to have no ssh access [15:32] <Odd_Bloke> I'll have a look; I _suspect_ not, but I'll confirm. [15:35] <Odd_Bloke> Ah, we can; sshKeys is passed as a normal metadata attribute, and so if none are specified then the key isn't present. [15:35] <Odd_Bloke> Let me confirm that the web UI behaves the same as the CLI client. [15:37] <smoser> i'd just like to support that behavior [15:38] <smoser> Odd_Bloke, so my general feeling here is that it makes sense to try to do what the cloud vendor wants. [15:38] <smoser> however, i'm *more* interested in consistency of ubuntu across vendors [15:38] <smoser> than i am in ubuntu's consistency with other vms on a given vendor [15:38] <smoser> make sense? [15:39] <smoser> i care more about ubuntu than i do GCE [15:39] <Odd_Bloke> Yep, on the same page. [15:40] <Odd_Bloke> So you're saying you think that 'empty instance keys' is approximately equal to (e.g.) no key given when starting an EC2 instance? [15:42] <smoser> Odd_Bloke, yeah. [15:42] <smoser> i think so. right ? [15:43] <smoser> that could be achieved easily ehought though, by creating a key named "NOONE@NOWHERE" [15:44] <smoser> and promptly shredding the private key [15:46] <Odd_Bloke> Yeah. [15:46] <Odd_Bloke> Let me see what GCE does if I manually set an empty string through the API.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Odd_Bloke", "smoser" ], "url": "", "channel": "#cloud-init" }
[01:28] <hads> I'd kind of suck that Android can't just work with a ICS file directly for a read only calendar. [01:28] <hads> s/I'd/It's/ [01:30] <hads> I'm incorporating the MBIE NZ Public Holidays calendar as I had before through Google Calendar. I can just put it on the server and grab it through Radicale but it's silly that you can't just import it directly.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "hads" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-nz" }
[12:58] <Ridley5> on parle avec des talkie-walkie sur ce channel [19:01] <elacheche_anis> hello r001 [19:32] <r001> hello elacheche [19:42] <elacheche_anis> How are you doing? [21:31] <ubuntiste-msakni> hich-em, seul 3 personnes ont voté.. le quorum c'est 7! J'ai planifier un appel à une réunion du moi de MAI, je prépare encore le planning de la réunion, je recommande qu'on ajoute ta demande à la liste des choses à discuter..
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Ridley5", "elacheche_anis", "r001", "ubuntiste-msakni" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-tn" }
[21:31] <tuchkata> anyone tried [21:31] <tuchkata> 15.04 with Gnome 3.16? [21:39] <Noskcaj> darkxst, Do we want the packaged extra gnome shell extensions in the staging PPA? most need upstream patches for 3.16
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Noskcaj", "tuchkata" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-gnome" }
[13:01] <bennabiy> Did a recent update drop driver support for Intel Mobile 4 Series chipsets? [13:03] <tjaalton> no [13:27] <bennabiy> I am only able to pull up video, either through a liveCD or LTSP booting, when using VESA driver, otherwise the screen flickers and goes blank about 10 seconds post grub menu [13:27] <bennabiy> but the system is up and running, just no display [13:29] <tjaalton> and only one kernel installed to choose from? [13:32] <tjaalton> if you say it's a regression then try the previous kernels [14:32] <bennabiy> only one kernel installed [14:33] <bennabiy> I am trying to remote into the system to see if there are any errors. [14:33] <tjaalton> so what do you mean "recent update"? [14:33] <tjaalton> what version is this? and the kernel? [14:34] <tjaalton> if vivid, make sure you have at least 3.19.0-13 [14:34] <bennabiy> trusty [14:34] <tjaalton> installed when? [14:35] <bennabiy> just now [14:35] <bennabiy> 3.13.0-49-generic [14:36] <bennabiy> using 1.15.1 [14:36] <tjaalton> the image doesn't have that kernel, did you manually remove the install kernel? [14:36] <tjaalton> use a release image [14:37] <bennabiy> This is an LTSP installed chroot, but it also happens from a linuxmint 17.1 liveCD [14:38] <tjaalton> so nomodeset works? get the relevant bits of a non-working boot from /var/log/kern.log and put it somewhere [14:39] <bennabiy> nomodeset works, just 640x480 [14:39] <tjaalton> yes [14:43] <bennabiy> [14:43] <bennabiy> from a machine which lost video, but I can remote in [14:43] <tjaalton> what hw is it? [14:44] <bennabiy> this is a hp st5742 [14:44] <bennabiy> thin client [14:44] <bennabiy> it was just working on a previous install, and when I did a fresh install of 14.04 / mint 17.1 the video on the server is fine, but not on the clients generated from the repositories [14:45] <bennabiy> nor from the live CD [14:45] <bennabiy> which is strange, but once again, nomodeset works there [14:46] <bennabiy> When 14.04 first came out, these had no problems with the graphics, but something changed with the latest 14.04 [14:46] <tjaalton> then you need to install earlier kernels and bisect which broke it [14:46] <bennabiy> I have 3 other labs all running fine with the same hardware, and this one was running 13.04 just fine [14:47] <bennabiy> do you have a suggestion as to which one to go back to? [14:47] <tjaalton> 14.04 installer comes with -24 [14:47] <tjaalton> no [14:47] <tjaalton> file a bug [14:47] <tjaalton> test these [14:48] <bennabiy> So try -24, if it works,... ? [14:48] <tjaalton> [14:48] <tjaalton> you get the earlier ones there [14:48] <tjaalton> remember to install -extra too [14:49] <bennabiy> ok [14:49] <tjaalton> if you say stock 14.04 worked [14:49] <tjaalton> best to try -24 to rule out it's not something else messing things [14:50] <tjaalton> use the latest of -XX.YY, so for -24 test -24.47 [14:50] <bennabiy> ok [14:50] <bennabiy> let me try that. [14:57] <bennabiy> ok, so installed linux-image-extra-3.13.0-24-generic as well as same without extra [14:58] <bennabiy> any other packages that I would need to install? [15:00] <tjaalton> not at this point [15:01] <bennabiy> trying it now [15:01] <bennabiy> hrm. -24 did not work [15:02] <tjaalton> so your setup is busted [15:02] <bennabiy> same thing happened at the same point [15:05] <bennabiy> what should I do about it? [15:06] <bennabiy> nomodeset works, which means that the basic functionality of the system works [15:06] <bennabiy> How can I pinpoint what is "busted"? [15:07] <tjaalton> I don't know how you build your ltsp setup, and don't care to know either. but something in it is not ok if stock trusty doesn't work either [15:13] <bennabiy> This is not just happening with LTSP, but also with a liveCD it does the same thing [15:16] <tjaalton> and doesn't work on any machines of the same kind? [15:16] <tjaalton> the hw could be broken too [15:19] <bennabiy> Even though it was just working on a 13.04 system? [15:19] <bennabiy> and works when I boot back into that system? [15:20] <bennabiy> 3.8 kernel [15:21] <tjaalton> you said trusty worked [15:22] <tjaalton> anyway, same applies.. find out where it broke [15:22] <bennabiy> I know it worked at a different location with the same hardware [15:23] <bennabiy> I have 2 other labs running the same hardware clients, with 14.04 installed (with linuxmint 17) which I think were installed before 14.04.2 [15:24] <bennabiy> I appreciate your input, I want to track this down. [15:24] <bennabiy> I am downloading a fresh copy of the ISO to make a live USB, will test to see if stock 14.04.2 works [15:26] <bennabiy> here is a copy from dmesg. [15:27] <tjaalton> rule out hw issues first [15:28] <tjaalton> cabling etc [15:28] <tjaalton> [ 14.279246] [drm] GMBUS [i915 gmbus panel] timed out, falling back to bit banging on pin 3 [15:28] <bennabiy> Would cabling be the issue if it is displaying just fine up to that point? [15:28] <tjaalton> fair point :) [15:28] <tjaalton> still [15:29] <tjaalton> dunno [15:29] <bennabiy> I am not saying you are wrong... just wondering ;) [15:29] <tjaalton> easy to verify [15:29] <tjaalton> I'm off -> [15:30] <bennabiy> Thanks for your help [15:47] <bennabiy> If I needed to test an older image of 14.04 (pre .2) where would I go? [15:51] <bennabiy> I am getting this error in [drm] GMBUS [i915 gmbus panel] timed out, falling back to bit banging on pin 3 and am unable to see anything on the screen after a brief flicker [15:52] <bennabiy> Does the same thing with an Ubuntu 14.04.2 liveCD as well as a linuxmint 17.1 (based on 14.04.2) liveCD. 14.04 stock worked, as well as mint 17 stock [16:23] <tjaalton> [17:13] <bennabiy> thank you again tjaalton [17:13] <bennabiy> I have searched there, but still not finding the stock 14.04 [17:14] <bennabiy> bah, found it :) [17:15] <bennabiy> actually, I did not find it... [17:15] <bennabiy> I am looking for 1386 14.04 image [17:55] <tjaalton> old-releases.u.c [17:57] <bennabiy> tjaalton: thanks. that did it [19:39] <bennabiy> tjaalton: This is strange, would there be something which would cause the displayport to not work once it hits a certain point? [19:39] <bennabiy> I hooked up a VGA monitor and it worked fine [19:39] <bennabiy> but I hook up to the display port and it does not [19:39] <bennabiy> but if I boot to a different install, the display port works fine [20:50] <bandit-led> any idea how to get dkms to build and install nvidia properly? I like to run it after a kernel update but it is not working since nvidia-uvm was added to nvidia [20:50] <bandit-led> sudo dpkg-reconfigure nvidia works but i have to install the kernel then reboot and rebuild the module and restart again [20:53] <bandit-led> running NVIDIA binary driver - version 346.59 [20:55] <bandit-led> sudo dkms install -m nvidia -v 346-346.59 -k 4.0.0-rc1-02232015 is what i usually run [20:55] <bandit-led> just changing the kernel and nvidia versions [20:57] <bandit-led> hmm nap time maybe i will get a response by the time i get up from my nap :) [22:31] <furkan> interesting, i tried compiling mesa from git on Ubuntu 15.04, following the instructions on, and it works perfectly fine [22:31] <furkan> i dunno why 14.04 was so problematic [22:33] <furkan> when i add the file in /etc/ to point to /opt/xorg/lib, Xorg just segfaults [22:59] <bandit-awake> hmmm this channell seems sleepy
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "bandit-awake", "bandit-led", "bennabiy", "furkan", "tjaalton" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-x" }
[00:10] <andre_pl> this live disk doesn't have smartctl, how can I get the serial number of a drive? I'm not sure which one I just wiped :) [00:11] <sarnold> try lshw? [00:12] <andre_pl> there we go, thanks :) [00:19] <andre_pl> so, I booted my machine back into its original os (the same hardware that just had a working array) and on startup I get: mdadm: superblock on /dev/sdd doesn't match others - assembly aborted. then a bit further down [....] Cleaning up temporary files... [00:19] <andre_pl> but it seems hung there [00:31] <andre_pl> it eventually booted but theres no sign of the array here... :\ [00:31] <andre_pl> nothing in /proc/mdstat or mdadm --detail [00:37] <ebonics> having an issue with dovecot.. it's not sending AUTH LOGIN. if anyone can check if my configs are wrong thatd be great: [00:40] <sarnold> ebonics: is there anything inthe logs? [00:42] <ebonics> sarnold, not in mail.log or mail.err, but i have a feeling it's just configured wrong [00:42] <sarnold> ebonics: does dovecot have its own log file? [00:43] <ebonics> sarnold, afaik it just logs to those two [00:43] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: it often does. rsyslogd has a config file that routes some syslog traffic to different files [00:43] <andre_pl> anyone have any thoughts as to why the live CD auto assembled my array, but an older debian install won't due to the non-matching superblock? [00:44] <andre_pl> or how I can safely correct it? [00:44] <ebonics> hmm ok ill investigate zerowaitstate thanks [00:46] <ebonics> ok sarnold zerowaitstate it's just using method=PLAIN [00:47] <ebonics> is there some reason why it would default to that? [00:48] <zerowaitstate> as opposed to what? [00:48] <ebonics> auth_mechanisms = plain login [00:48] <ebonics> isn't login a method? [00:49] <zerowaitstate> what type of login mechanism do you want? [00:49] <ebonics> i thought that "LOGIN" was a mechanism, which explains the AUTH LOGIN smtp packet header [00:49] <ebonics> i had it working before but i guess i broke something [00:51] <zerowaitstate> are we talking about SMTP or dovecot? [00:51] <ebonics> dovecot [00:51] <zerowaitstate> SMTP is Postfix, not dovecot [00:51] <ebonics> so when i telnet to port 587 what protocol is that ? [00:52] <zerowaitstate> ESMTP [00:52] <ebonics> which is dovecot right? [00:52] <zerowaitstate> which is being handled by Postfix, as shown in your dpaste [00:52] <ebonics> oh.. [00:52] <ebonics> i thought that it just meant that dovecot was delegating to postfix [00:53] <ebonics> shouldn't it be going through dovecat? [00:53] <zerowaitstate> there is some interaction yes, because dovecot needs to know where postfix is storing messages for that domain [00:53] <zerowaitstate> postfix handles SMTP, dovecot handles POP3/IMAP [00:53] <zerowaitstate> I realize it's confusing [00:54] <ebonics> like for a mail client i have it configured to port 587 and under imap [00:54] <ebonics> and yet when i telnet to port 587 it's using ESMTP [00:54] <ebonics> so i don't really understand [00:54] <zerowaitstate> SMTP is what your mail client is using to SEND MAIL. IMAP is what your client is using to CHECK MAIL. [00:54] <ebonics> oh wow my mail client is using port 143.. what the [00:55] <zerowaitstate> they are two totally different protocols. for historical reasons, mostly, they are handled by two different software packages [00:55] <ebonics> okay i understand now zerowaitstate thanks [00:56] <ebonics> so really postfix is my problem zerowaitstate? [00:56] <zerowaitstate> are you having problems sending mail, or checking mail? [00:57] <ebonics> i'm hitting spambox in my tests when i send mail. so i tried telnetting and realised it wasnt sending the AUTH LOGIN packet so i assume that has to do with it [00:57] <zerowaitstate> hitting spambox...i don't follow [00:57] <ebonics> my mail is being sent to spam [00:58] <ebonics> because of some auth or validation related reason [00:58] <ebonics> ie. it wasn't hitting spam earlier and it was using AUTH LOGIN [00:58] <zerowaitstate> mail you are sending is being sent to the spam folder when someone else receives it? [00:58] <ebonics> when i receive it [00:58] <ebonics> yes [00:58] <ebonics> my server -> my gmail account [00:58] <zerowaitstate> ah, so you are testing by sending to yourself? [00:58] <ebonics> gmail spamboxes it [00:59] <ebonics> yes [00:59] <zerowaitstate> okay. unfortunately, the answer is "it's complicated" [00:59] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: your smtp server is functioning, however, Google does not fully trust it [00:59] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: there are a number of reasons that can happen. [01:00] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: lack of DKIM / SPF records for the domain can be one reason [01:00] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: the lack of SSL support server-to-server can be another [01:01] <ebonics> zerowaitstate, shouldn't it be using SSL [01:01] <ebonics> i implemented a cert [01:01] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: also, if you are sending from an IP block that is a previous known abuser, it may be blacklisted [01:02] <ebonics> and zerowaitstate thanks for the info, however i wasn't hitting spambox earlier and i noticed in my telnet adventures that it was sending AUTH LOGIN, while now it's not [01:02] <ebonics> so i feel like that's likely the problem at hand at this moment [01:03] <ebonics> zerowaitstate, are you saying the AUTH LOGIN is handled by postfix? [01:03] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: AUTH LOGIN is what the client sends, not the server [01:03] <ebonics> zerowaitstate, how :| i swear it was sending AUTH LOGIN earlier.. [01:04] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: and yes, SMTP is handled by postfix, so the config you're interesting in is there [01:04] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: ah, yeah, you definitely have a postfix problem [01:04] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: it looks like you are operating an open SMTP without authentication [01:04] <ebonics> lol [01:04] <ebonics> :| [01:07] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: however there is a little caveat. It may be that postfix is set up to support pop-before-smtp which allows you to use smtp from an ip address without authentication if you used pop/imap from that same address recently [01:08] <ebonics> zerowaitstate, i haven't enabled pop3 as far as i know [01:08] <ebonics> zerowaitstate, shall i post my postfix conf? [01:08] <zerowaitstate> yeah, but the same is true for imap I believe [01:09] <ebonics> zerowaitstate, [01:09] <zerowaitstate> I actually have to go in a sec. However, I would recommend you check smtp from a different IP address that has not checked mail via POP/IMAP to that server recently. [01:09] <ebonics> zerowaitstate, okay, thanks for the help. [01:10] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: based on my prior experience with dovecot, my guess is you checked mail from your computer, then ran your smtp test and it didn't attempt to authenticate you due to dovecot telling postfix via SASL that you were already legit. [01:11] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: the reason imap-before-smtp is used is so people putting in their email stuff on their phones, etc, don't have to enter a username/password twice for both imap and smtp [01:11] <ebonics> zerowaitstate, that's possible. i'm using thunderbird so it will be using my ip [01:12] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: i think it's poor security personally [01:12] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: but it's a very popular default configuration [01:12] <ebonics> zerowaitstate, it seems good for large scale systems for performance [01:12] <zerowaitstate> [01:13] <zerowaitstate> [01:13] <ebonics> zerowaitstate, do you know how i can flush the session or whatever it is so i can do proper testing [01:13] <zerowaitstate> no idea, but it's probably in the dovecot docs [01:13] <zerowaitstate> since dovecot is handling the user database [01:14] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: performance has nothing to do with it. there is very little performance hit in checking a password, especially compared to doing things like TLS [01:15] <ebonics> zerowaitstate, there could be if the database isn't threadsafe [01:15] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: also, NAT screws up POP before SMTP [01:15] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: username/password databases are key value stores. it's very easy to make a key-value store threadsafe [01:15] <zerowaitstate> ebonics: anyway, I got to eat. take it easy [01:16] <ebonics> seeya zerowaitstate thanks for the help [01:37] <andre_pl> patdk-lap: as I suspected, mdadm says the 2TB is too small to replace the 3, so i'm going commando [01:37] <cyclob|work> hi guys, trying to set up munin cgi using this guide: but all i get is 403 forbidden :S any help on what to do [01:37] <patdk-lap> hmm [01:37] <andre_pl> is it basically fail & remove /dev/sdX1, then add /dev/sdX [01:38] <andre_pl> no format in between? [01:38] <patdk-lap> you can [01:39] <andre_pl> from your reply i gather there is a better way? [01:39] <patdk-lap> not really [01:39] <patdk-lap> have two options [01:39] <patdk-lap> get a larger disk to rotate with [01:39] <patdk-lap> or make your raid array with your 2tb, and copy it all over [01:39] <patdk-lap> and copy it all back [01:40] <patdk-lap> would be the only 100% safe way [01:40] <andre_pl> i'll take my chances with the swaps [01:40] <patdk-lap> doing a drop and add is ok [01:40] <patdk-lap> but there can be risk during the time [01:40] <andre_pl> by doing that as I said above, it will use the full disk instead of a partition, and I'll get the full 3tb each once it's all done? [01:41] <patdk-lap> it will see the full 3tb [01:41] <patdk-lap> but it won't use it till you tell it to grow [01:41] <patdk-lap> and it won't grow till your done [01:42] <andre_pl> ok I just saw something frightening [01:43] <andre_pl> resync claims to be WAY faster than last time, and if I'm reading it right, mdadm says there's only 2tb of data instead of 5ish [01:44] <andre_pl> Used Dev Size: is that per disk? or total occupied space? [01:44] <patdk-lap> per disk I think [01:44] <andre_pl> I guess I can mount it and see if anything is missing? [01:44] <andre_pl> it seem wierd that a ton of data would just disappear like that [01:44] <andre_pl> but i'm also worried about how the previous OS wouldn't reassemble the array [01:45] <patdk-lap> ya, per disk [01:45] <andre_pl> phew [01:45] <patdk-lap> Array size is total [01:46] <andre_pl> the resync is gonna take 350 mins.. last time it was 1200 [01:46] <andre_pl> i dont think these disks are that much faster [01:46] <patdk-lap> newer faster disks [01:47] <andre_pl> possible I guess... [01:47] <andre_pl> scary.. I should have looked closer at the files to make sure they were all there [05:20] <ruben23> hi guys [05:20] <ruben23> i have an existing ubuntu server with apps - when i do apt-get update does it effect the other apps installed or update them also..? [05:20] <ruben23> any idea guys [05:21] <sarnold> ruben23: how did you install those other apps? [05:21] <ruben23> i worry my server might get broken when i run - apt-get update [05:21] <ruben23> they are install by package, some are by source [05:22] <sarnold> when you built packages by source, did you install them into /opt/ or /usr/local or did you install them into /usr? [05:22] <ruben23> /usr/local some are /usr/src [05:23] <sarnold> okay, those should be left alone, packages should leave /usr/local alone, some packages od install into /usr/src but that's mostly kernel headers, I think... [05:24] <sarnold> now, the packages, how did you install those packages? did you download .deb files and use dpkg -i on them? or did you add new repositories to your /etc/apt/sources* files? [08:55] <arcsky> i did chmod -R 700 /home/user and now all files are green [08:55] <lordievader> Good morning. [09:08] <jrwren> arcsky: dont' do that. :) [09:08] <ebonics> anyone know if its common for GNU mailman with default settings to be hitting gmail spambox on postfix (DKIM + SPF enabled) setup? i don't hit spambox when just sending through postfix [09:31] <arcsky> jrwren: how should i make it then? if i dont want other users to list my home dir? [09:53] <jrwren> arcsky: without the -R [09:54] <jrwren> arcsky: -R means recurse. It sets mode on all files and dirs in that dir recursiverly [10:04] <arcsky> jrwren: danke [10:06] <arcsky> jrwren: how can i switch back fist to default mode? [10:12] <jrwren> arcsky: you cannot. [11:06] <spyridonas> Hello guys i tried to setup postfix/dovecot with virtual emails but i recieve the following error "status=bounced (cannot update mailbox /home/admin//var/vmail for user admin unable to create lock file /home/username//var/vmail.lock: No such file or directory)" [11:06] <spyridonas> The mailbox path is wrong but i can't find it to change it , where is it located? [11:16] <spyridonas> Any ideas? [11:34] <spyridonas> Hello guys i tried to setup postfix/dovecot with virtual emails but i recieve the following error "status=bounced (cannot update mailbox /home/admin//var/vmail for user admin unable to create lock file /home/username//var/vmail.lock: No such file or directory)" [11:34] <spyridonas> The mailbox path is wrong but i can't find it to change it , where is it located? [11:49] <strikov> spyridonas: [11:49] <strikov> 'Optional pathname of a mailbox file relative to a local(8) user's home directory.' [11:50] <spyridonas> Oh , how i see the user home directory? [12:00] <spyridonas> strikov : cat /etc/passwd says vmail:x:2000:2000:Virtual Mailboxes,,,:/var/vmail:/usr/sbin/nologin [12:03] <spyridonas> strikov: can i modify it so its /var/vmail? [12:05] <strikov> spyridonas: it depends on what you want to achieve; 'If set, mail_spool_directory specifies an absolute path where mail gets delivered. Alternatively, if set, home_mailbox specifies a mailbox relative to the user's home directory where mail gets delivered.' [12:08] <strikov> spyridonas: you seems to have home_mailbox=/var/vmail which is probably wrong [12:08] <spyridonas> strikov: thanks this seems to fix it but no i don't recieve the email at all, and no errors to be found [12:08] <strikov> spyridonas: what did you do exactly? [12:09] <spyridonas> strikov: the logs says everything is ok [12:09] <spyridonas> strikov: i commented out the home_mailbox and set mail_spool_directory to be /var/vmail [12:09] <strikov> spyridonas: i think you receive mail w/o any issues now but it gets placed to some unexpected folder [12:09] <strikov> spyridonas: it should be placed into /var/vmail then [12:10] <spyridonas> strikov: but i have virtual mailboxes that defined like that mail_location = maildir:/var/vmail/%d/%n/Maildir:INDEX=/var/vmail/%d/%n/Maildir/indexes [12:11] <spyridonas> strikov: but that's inside dovecot [12:12] <spyridonas> strikov: i also have "virtual_mailbox_base = /var/vmail" [12:12] <spyridonas> strikov: on postfix [12:12] <strikov> spyridonas: i'm not an expert but i assume that you have two options [12:12] <strikov> spyridonas: you either store mail for user X inside /home/X/<something> [12:13] <strikov> spyridonas: or you store all the mail inside /var/vmail/ and do sorting there [12:13] <strikov> spyridonas: which way you want? [12:13] <strikov> If you want 1st way (which is simpler) you do home_mailbox = Maildir/ [12:13] <spyridonas> strikov: the 1st because virtual emails are stored like so "/var/vmail/domain/user/" [12:14] <strikov> and then (when you receive mail) mutt -f ~/Maildir [12:14] <strikov> this dir should exist i think [12:15] <spyridonas> strikov: that means i have to delete everything postfixadmin created and redo the whole virtual mail boxes setup.... [12:15] <strikov> spyridonas: you want 2nd way then (I think) not 1st [12:16] <spyridonas> strikov: the problem is that the directories are variables [12:17] <spyridonas> strikov: i don't want all emails to /var/vmail , i want the email from to be on /var/example/admin/ and the email from to be on /var/example2/admin. [12:18] <strikov> spyridonas: try to comment out both mail_spool_directory and home_mailbox [12:19] <strikov> spyridonas: it seems to me that you have a working config but this home_mailbox thing simply broke everything [12:20] <spyridonas> strikov: hmm... still nothing [12:21] <strikov> spyridonas: define 'nothing' [12:21] <spyridonas> strikov: i wonder why virtual_mailbox_base doesn't simple override everything [12:21] <strikov> spyridonas: check /var/vmail/* [12:21] <strikov> spyridonas: i assume that you should get mail to /var/vmail/%d/%n/Maildir as you defined in the config [12:21] <spyridonas> strikov: /var/vmail has nothing delivered to it and the domain folders i cant understard if something was just added [12:22] <spyridonas> strikov: the Maildir has .Archive, .Drafts etc... [12:22] <spyridonas> strikov: but nothing delivered to it [12:23] <strikov> spyridonas: Maildir is used only when home_mailbox is set [12:23] <strikov> spyridonas: you either use it or not [12:23] <strikov> spyridonas: we came to conclusion that you don't want to have it [12:24] <spyridonas> strikov: ok i dont want it then [12:24] <spyridonas> strikov: sure [12:24] <strikov> spyridonas: so, you don't have home_mailbox in the config? [12:24] <strikov> spyridonas: you don't forget to restart the thing, right? [12:25] <spyridonas> strikov: i do have it commented out because its relative the user [12:25] <spyridonas> strikov: home_mailbox [12:27] <spyridonas> strikov: relative to user means /home/vmail but i have it on /var/vmail. Should i just delete the Maildir part of "mail_location = maildir:/var/vmail/%d/%n/Maildir:INDEX=/var/vmail/%d/%n/Maildir/indexes" [12:27] <spyridonas> strikov: but then indexes doesn't exist... [12:29] <spyridonas> strikov: should i simply copy the folder to /home/vmail instead ? [12:30] <strikov> spyridonas: /var/vmail/%d/%n/Maildir means that mail will be stored at /var/vmail/<domain>/<user>/Maildir [12:30] <strikov> spyridonas: you either want this or not [12:30] <strikov> will be store at /var/vmail/ [12:31] <spyridonas> strikov: i don't mind if i copy it to the parrent folder, the problem is the parrent folder doesn't have indexes folder which its used latter [12:31] <strikov> spyridonas: i don't understand you problem [12:31] <spyridonas> strikov: "mail_location = maildir:/var/vmail/%d/%n/Maildir:INDEX=/var/vmail/%d/%n/Maildir/indexes" [12:31] <spyridonas> strikov: says on dovecot [12:32] <spyridonas> strikov: i can simple made it "mail_location = maildir:/var/vmail/%d/%n" [12:32] <spyridonas> strikov: but i wont have the indexes part [12:32] <strikov> spyridonas: for what reason? [12:32] <spyridonas> strikov: because i dont want to user Maildir [12:33] <strikov> spyridonas: you want to 'convert' existing mail database into a new hierarchy of folders? [12:33] <spyridonas> strikov: no i don't care the existing mail database is empty [12:34] <strikov> spyridonas: i don't know if Maildir name is required or not by some other components [12:34] <strikov> spyridonas: i'd stick with a regular way and don't invent the wheel [12:34] <spyridonas> strikov: i will delete i then [12:35] <spyridonas> strikov: if that doesn't work i will re-do it [12:39] <spyridonas> strikov: it doesn't work.. i will re-do it again, thanks for helping me out [12:39] <strikov> spyridonas: yw [13:42] <spyridonas> Hello guys is there any way to track a directory when new files are created? [13:46] <dasjoe> inotify? [13:47] <purplehorace> Hi looking for some help on a strange problem with ubuntu server and apache2 [13:48] <purplehorace> I have the system set up and there is an index.html being served in /var/www/ [13:48] <Sling> spyridonas: yeah, inotify could be used for this, you can let it 'monitor' a specific location [13:48] <Sling> use the google power to find out how exactly [13:49] <purplehorace> I have tried to remove the index.html to try and use an index.php but no matter what I do it always returns the content of the index.php even if I move it out of the way ??? [13:49] <Sling> purplehorace: most likely due to browser caching [13:49] <spyridonas> Sling: Thanks, i can't recieve emails but i can't understand where the files end up. [13:49] <Sling> purplehorace: or do you mean it returns the contents of index.html instead of index.php ? [13:49] <teward> purplehorace: purge your browser cache and retry [13:54] <purplehorace> The browser is rendering the index.html and the server isn't serving the index.php even though its there. I thought it should use the php if the html isn't there [13:55] <dasjoe> purplehorace: check /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ for enabled sites and their docroot [13:56] <purplehorace> OK I'll have a check of settings, thanks [13:59] <Sling> purplehorace: make sure DirectoryIndex lists index.php before index.html [13:59] <Sling> but still, if index.html doesn't exist and your browser still 'gets' the index.html contents, its definitely caching [14:07] <Error404NotFound> How do I know which screen session i am connected to from within a screen session, assuming have multiple screen sessions running and I am connected to others too from same machine. [14:15] <Sling> Error404NotFound: screen -list will show the PID's [14:15] <Sling> so from within one of the screens do echo $PPID [14:15] <Sling> and that should correspond to one of them [14:15] <Error404NotFound> hmmm, let me try [14:15] <Sling> assuming your shell is a child process of the screen process [14:17] <Error404NotFound> Sling: awesome [14:17] <Error404NotFound> thanks [14:20] <spyridonas> Hey guys how can i change postfix default email save location? [14:21] <Sling> spyridonas: postfix is usually not the daemon 'saving' email [14:21] <Sling> its an MTA [14:21] <spyridonas> if i change home_mailbox = it only appends whatever i type to /home/username/whatever/i/typed/ [14:22] <Sling> ah [14:22] <Sling> spyridonas: the most flexible would be letting postfix deliver it to procmail [14:22] <Sling> and then each user can have its own procmail rules [14:23] <spyridonas> Sling: i have already setup dovecot/postfix, currently it doesn't work because emails end up on wrong directories [14:23] <spyridonas> Sling: i have them setup with virtual domains and emails [14:24] <Sling> spyridonas: so what does your look like? [14:24] <Sling> you would normally have something like "virtual_transport = lmtp:unix:private/dovecot-lmtp" for a postfix+dovecot stack [14:25] <Sling> and then have lmpt listed in the 'protocols' section in dovecot.conf [14:25] <spyridonas> Sling: like this [14:27] <spyridonas> Sling: i dont have what you said [14:27] <Sling> I see that [14:28] <Sling> is this a new setup you're building or/ [14:28] <spyridonas> Sling: it's new i dont care if i loose emails, i followed this guide [14:28] <spyridonas> Sling: i need postfixadmin [14:28] <Sling> why? [14:30] <spyridonas> Sling: map files are exactly the same with this guide [14:30] <spyridonas> Sling: i need to have multiple hosts with accounts end up in the same server [14:31] <Sling> what I use is mysql for storing the domains/maps/aliases [14:31] <Sling> like, virtual_mailbox_domains = mysql:/etc/postfix/ [14:31] <Sling> which then contains something like [14:32] <Sling> then you can use SQL to manage your postfix stuff, or phpmyadmin, etc [14:32] <Sling> but maybe this is a topic for #postfix :) [14:33] <spyridonas> Sling: well i only need to change the directory , everything else works [14:33] <spyridonas> Sling: i can send emails , all emails have ssl, dmarc,dkim, and a bunch of stuff [14:33] <Sling> dovecot should be storing your incoming mails [14:33] <Sling> not postfix [14:34] <spyridonas> Sling: i can't recieve them because that config doens't work... :S [14:34] <Sling> .. [16:25] <tash> anyone know if you can configure unattended upgrades to notify only, but not actually upgrade? [16:26] <tash> i can't seem to find it in docs [16:29] <rbasak> tash: maybe --dry-run? [16:30] <rbasak> tash: you might have to modify /etc/cron.daily/apt though [16:30] <rbasak> tash: also note that you can run /usr/lib/update-manager/apt-check from a script [16:31] <rbasak> (I'm not sure that's "official" API though) [16:48] <ebonics> is it normal for mailman to be getting spam filtered by gmail with default settings (im using postfix with DKIM and SFP setup)? note: i dont get the same results with just postfix alone. [19:17] <lhorace> Hello [19:17] <lhorace> I have a KVM with 238MB.... Webmin fits nicely but when it runs apt-show-versions... OOM get's excuted [19:18] <lhorace> I am just curious, apt-show-versions needs a lot memory to run? I assume it loading stuff into MEM? [19:21] <ebonics> lhorace, [19:22] <lhorace> ebonics: I know how... The KVM came with template but since you mention that [19:22] <lhorace> I am going to see if I can add swap [19:29] <lordievader> lhorace: Is apache running on the same box? [19:30] <lhorace> Nope, just mail box [19:30] <lhorace> just Postfix, webmin [19:31] <lhorace> sshd [19:31] <lhorace> There extra process that I am not using and I am going to kill [19:32] <lhorace> dbus,init, and kernel pids [19:33] <lhorace> I don't recall how to resize EXT4 so I am looking up that information [19:33] <lordievader> resize2fs [19:33] <lordievader> Anyhow 238Mb is really tiny... [19:33] <lhorace> The assigned size is... 9.9GB total with 1.1Gb in use [19:34] <lordievader> Assigned size of what? [19:34] <lhorace> For the plan that I have [19:34] <lordievader> What? [19:34] <lhorace> It's 238MB with 9,9GB [19:34] <lhorace> I am renting a KVM from a hoster and they assigned me 238MB with 9.9GB [19:35] <bekks> Can you pastebin "free -m" please? [19:36] <lhorace> I am also renting another KVM, which is 512MB, a bit bigger but I am using for something else [19:37] <lhorace> They are Cloud Service [19:37] <lhorace> [19:37] <lhorace> Both have Ubuntu 14.04 [19:38] <bekks> !webmin [19:38] <lhorace> bekks: I don't have issues with Webmin on Ubuntu [19:38] <bekks> For a small mailserver, the 154M free would be ok. For nothing else. [19:39] <bekks> Well, it isnt supported anymore on Ubuntu. [19:39] <lhorace> Okay, thanks [19:39] <lhorace> Umm, where you get 154M? [19:39] <lhorace> You adding the cache and free? [19:39] <lhorace> BTW, This box relays mail to another box [19:39] <bekks> Yes. Because thats the RAM available to applications. [19:40] <bekks> [19:40] <lhorace> That does the actual deveilvery [19:40] <lhorace> bekks: Thanks, I read up Linux memory management actually [19:41] <lhorace> If I sound dumb, not trying to be [19:44] <lhorace> I think swap of size 300MB should be good enough [19:48] <lhorace> I can't resize2fs, it's online [19:50] <lhorace> "resize2fs: On-line shrinking not supported", I am going to have to ask the admins to do it for me [19:55] <lordievader> What kind of filesystem is it? [19:56] <lhorace> Ext4, I am going to look into a swap file [19:58] <lordievader> Ah, shrinking... live extending is supported. Read that wrong... [19:58] <lhorace> yeah [19:59] <lhorace> I was going to make room for a swap partition since that's most recommended [19:59] <lhorace> swapfile is the most easiest fixed and the admins are not in the mood [20:06] <lhorace> bekks: lordievader [20:07] <bekks> And? [20:07] <lhorace> Thanks for the suggestion, that really helped me a lot, wasn't sure how to solve the problem... I was thinking of disabling Webmin from running apt-show-version... When it runs, it jumps, then processes based on score start to be killed [20:07] <lhorace> bekks: Just show you I resolve the problem [20:07] <lhorace> bekks: Better? [20:09] <bekks> So you added a swap file then? [20:09] <lhorace> yup [20:10] <bekks> Did you change swappiness too, as well as changing the default behaviour of the OOM killer? [20:10] <lhorace> Uh, I was thinking about swappiness but as for OOM killer behavior.. I still have more to read [20:11] <lhorace> I think, with 60, that should be good enough, I am not sure I really want to go for agressive swappiness [20:11] <lhorace> KVM is on SSD [20:11] <bekks> Well, you actually dontwant to swap at all, if it can be avoided. So set vm.swappiness=5 or 10 in /etc/sysctl.conf [20:12] <lhorace> Hmmm, good point [20:13] <lhorace> I will see [20:13] <bekks> And set vm.oom_kill_allocating_task=1 too [20:13] <lhorace> What does that do? [20:14] <bekks> When you are running out of memory, the OOM killer starts to randomly kill processes until the situation is resolved. You actually never want that. You want the process which causes the situation to be killed. [20:15] <lhorace> bekks: Okay, my observation, apt-show-versions get's killed [20:15] <lhorace> Then, I have tmux [20:15] <lhorace> So, I don't see ramdoniess, thus far [20:16] <lhorace> webmin which is the parent, get's killed but the time span [20:16] <lhorace> The parent of 'apt-show-versions' [20:16] <bekks> So if tmux causes the OOM situation, and webmin gets killed, thats random death. [20:16] <lhorace> lol [20:17] <lhorace> Okay [20:17] <lhorace> I so a lot of tmux inovked OOM [20:17] <lhorace> s/so/saw/ [20:17] <lhorace> For now, my critical serices keep running [20:18] <lhorace> services* [20:19] <lhorace> bekks: Actually, the template, so swapiness to 0 [20:19] <lhorace> s/so/set/ I don't have great spelling skills [20:20] <bekks> So if tmux is causing the OOM, set vm.oom_kill_allocating_task=1 to make sure tmux gets killed then. [20:20] <lhorace> okay, set [22:45] <Peiniger> I’m logged in to a server that is rejecting all new connections. In /var/log/auth.log I’m seeing the following message: Connection closed by myipaddress [preauth] [22:46] <Peiniger> I’ve restarted ssh and verified authorized_keys hasnt been changed. [22:51] <lhorace> Peiniger: not enough information [22:51] <lhorace> SSHD might be closing the connection just becaust [22:51] <Peiniger> What other info would you like? [22:52] <lhorace> You can put SSHD in DEBUG mode [22:53] <Peiniger> Can I put it in debug mode without losing my current connection? [22:54] <lhorace> Peiniger: openSSH spawns SSH clients [22:54] <lhorace> so, you can restart SSHD witout affecting your current session [22:54] <pmatulis> Peiniger: pastebin what you get with the client in verbose mode (ssh -v). could be a number of things. like permissions of .ssh directory or key files [22:54] <Peiniger> no problem. 1 minute please [22:55] <pmatulis> more v's are possible but one is usually good (ssh -vvv) [22:56] <Peiniger> [22:57] <pmatulis> Peiniger: so could be a few things. but i would first check auth.log on the server. pastebin the last few lines [22:57] <lhorace> Umm pmatulis you explain or can I? [22:57] <lhorace> Uhhh [22:57] <pmatulis> lhorace: go ahead [22:57] <lhorace> Well, the authentication mentods is publickey [22:58] <lhorace> That's why it faied [22:58] <lhorace> oops, failed* [22:58] <lhorace> There is not other method to try [22:59] <pmatulis> lhorace: ? [22:59] <lhorace> Well, with my SSHD, I might keep it to just publickey [23:00] <lhorace> But if you lose it, you need to find another way [23:00] <pmatulis> Peiniger: anyway, provide auth.log. otherwise, this error can occur if you're connecting to the wrong user account or the public key is not installed in the remote ubuntu user's home directory [23:00] <Peiniger> pmatulis: the only sshd error im getting in /var/log/auth.log is Connection closed by myipaddress [preauth] [23:01] <lhorace> What SSHD tells me now is enough to know what is the problem [23:01] <lhorace> Some of you need to read the openSSH docs [23:01] <lhorace> It's clear as day in the pastebin [23:02] <lhorace> debug1: identity file /Users/someuser/Documents/someorg/ssh-keys/someorg-east.pem type -1 ? [23:03] <lhorace> that might be the problem [23:04] <Peiniger> lhorace: can you elaborate? [23:04] <sarnold> lhorace: but the command line asked for -i ~/Documents/someorg/ssh-keys/someorg-server1.pem and it appears it was tried.. debug1: Trying private key: /Users/someuser/Documents/someorg/ssh-keys/someorg-server1.pem [23:05] <lhorace> I keep my private key safe [23:07] <lhorace> On, I have Arch Linux, Ubuntu, etc severs... I usally disable the password or any other mechnasim of auth on SSH [23:07] <sarnold> Peiniger: are you confident the public portion of /Users/someuser/Documents/someorg/ssh-keys/someorg-server1.pem is in the authorized_keys of the user account on the remote server you're tryingt ouse? [23:07] <Peiniger> I will double check [23:07] <lhorace> Except for publickey [23:09] <lhorace> sarnold: All the AUTH methods failed [23:09] <Peiniger> the output of my .pem file is a private key. [23:09] <Peiniger> what do you mean the public section? [23:10] <lhorace> I didn't know that you keep private keys in PEM format [23:10] <sarnold> Peiniger: most ssh clients store the privkey ina file named e.g. id_rsa and the public portion in afile named [23:10] <lhorace> Must be a new SSH feature [23:10] <sarnold> lhorace: I think the .pem format was a feature of the ancient commercial ssh [23:10] <bekks> The .pem file contains a SSL certificate, which is not a SSH key. [23:11] <bekks> Isnt it? [23:11] <Peiniger> “The private key file is automatically downloaded by your browser. The base file name is the name you specified as the name of your key pair, and the file name extension is .pem. Save the private key file in a safe place.” [23:11] <sarnold> Peiniger: _browser_? [23:11] <Peiniger> from the amazon docs [23:11] <lhorace> As long of SSH that I have, I never seen SSH encode it in PEM format [23:11] <sarnold> lhorace: be thankful :) [23:12] <Peiniger> sarnold: i would ignore the browser piece [23:12] <Peiniger> must download instructions [23:12] <sarnold> lhorace: the old commercial ssh was verybadterrible [23:12] <lhorace> I want to help Peiniger [23:12] <Peiniger> Its for Amazon EC2 key pairs [23:12] <lhorace> make sure he solved his issue [23:12] <sarnold> lhorace: .. but this sounds like some funky amazonery rather than the old commercial ssh [23:13] <lhorace> sarnold: Don't care about the backround [23:13] <Peiniger> [23:13] <pmatulis> Peiniger: i can connect to Amazon instances with such a .pem key [23:13] <pmatulis> Peiniger: the problem is probably you didn't choose the proper key when you created your instance [23:13] <lhorace> It might end with .pem [23:14] <Peiniger> pmatulis: the instance has been around for a while now [23:14] <lhorace> the contents is different [23:14] <Peiniger> ssh suddenly stopped working [23:14] <Peiniger> i just happened to be logged in to it [23:14] <pmatulis> interesting, "suddenly stopped working" [23:15] <pmatulis> Peiniger: you have console access right? [23:15] <lhorace> SSH will spawn a process [23:15] <Peiniger> yes…i should have said stopped receiving new connections [23:15] <lhorace> It stop working doesn't mean the deamon stopped [23:16] <lhorace> I said, before, but SSHD in debug mode [23:16] <Peiniger> lhorace: can i put it in debug mode without disconnecting my current session? [23:17] <lhorace> Peiniger: It could be your SHELL that disconnect you [23:17] <Peiniger> others are experiencing this problem too [23:17] <lhorace> Peiniger: If you currently logged and ROOT authority .. yes [23:18] <lhorace> SSHD spawns new process for clients under their priviledge [23:19] <lhorace> Peiniger: When you say others, I need to know what Ubuntu Version? [23:20] <Peiniger> lhorace: server is 14.04.1 [23:21] <lhorace> Okay, I have 4 14.04.1 [23:21] <lhorace> and Arch Linux.. etc [23:22] <lhorace> You asked me a few times if making changes will destro your current session [23:23] <lhorace> SSHD spawns Processes [23:24] <lhorace> It means depends on how the program is program that one process shouldn't effect another [23:26] <Peiniger> im with you. thanks for the explination [23:29] <lhorace> I wanted to make sure everthing was goign alright with you Peiniger [23:32] <lhorace> I just finish reading up on SSH and PEM [23:32] <Peiniger> I need to get a port opened to run in debug mode [23:32] <lhorace> That debug1: identity file /Users/someuser/Documents/someorg/ssh-keys/someorg-east.pem type -1 [23:32] <lhorace> that was your problem [23:33] <lhorace> I took at my key, it's in PEM format [23:33] <lhorace> It's not* [23:34] <Peiniger> what is the problem? [23:35] <lhorace> PEM and SSH key are both base64 but when you decode it.. it means something else [23:36] <sarnold> I really don't think that's it; the command line asked for a specific (different) key, and that other key was tested later [23:37] <sarnold> here's a successful login to my isp with half-dozen of those "type -1" lines: [23:37] <sarnold> I think you're better off putting that sshd into debug mode and hoping for more verbose messages that way [23:38] <lhorace> RIGHT [23:38] <Peiniger> Ill give that a shot once I can open another port [23:38] <Peiniger> thanks for your help [23:41] <sarnold> unforuntately I don't see much in the way of debugging messages when I search for "Connection reset by", they all show up on len==0 results from socket reads, e.g. [23:42] <sarnold> so debug mode may not help much, but it's worth trying [23:50] <pmatulis> Peiniger: i asked before, did you confirm the public key is installed in the remote ubuntu user's home directory? even though it "suddenly stopped working", it is good to check [23:51] <Peiniger> yes i did [23:54] <sarnold> Peiniger: check ls -ld output for ~ ~/.ssh ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the remote server; if owners, groups, or permissions are the least bit wrong, sshd will refuse to use it; I'd expect it to log something about it on the server, but the client often has no visibility about why the public key didn't work
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Error404NotFound", "Peiniger", "Sling", "andre_pl", "arcsky", "bekks", "cyclob|work", "dasjoe", "ebonics", "jrwren", "lhorace", "lordievader", "patdk-lap", "pmatulis", "purplehorace", "rbasak", "ruben23", "sarnold", "spyridonas", "strikov", "tash", "teward", "zerowaitstate" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-server" }
[19:12] <pazuzu> sal all
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "pazuzu" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ro" }
[02:10] <imgbot> [04:15] <imgbot> [04:15] <imgbot> [09:34] <dbarth> Laney: ping? i'm requesting a silo to land the fix for MSN/FB xmpp services going away [09:34] <dbarth> [09:34] <Laney> dbarth: oh, wait, mardy pinged me and I forgot to reply [09:34] <dbarth> Laney: but to land, this would need a priority bump to make it [09:34] <Laney> sorry mardy! [09:34] <dbarth> Laney: do you think that's still open ? [09:35] <Laney> dbarth: I don't know, since we're in final freeze now [09:35] <mardy> Laney: np :-) I'll keep the packages alive, since they appear in empathy's Recommends [09:35] <Laney> mardy: we can just fix that [09:36] <mardy> Laney: you mean, "we can just fix that" = "we can remove the broken plugins from the Recommends line"? [09:37] <Laney> nod [09:37] <Laney> you might want a Conflicts to get it removed too [09:38] <mardy> Laney: and this change (about the Recommends) could go in despite the freeze? [09:38] <Laney> mardy: It's not up to me, but I would be okay with uploading it to see [09:39] <Laney> worst case it could become a SRU [09:39] <dbarth> Laney: let us know; we have the fix there, and can update the merge prop. in the way you prefer to release [09:40] <Laney> mardy: what about removing the packages & Recommends from empathy, and putting a Conflicts on libaccount-plugin-generic-oauth? [09:42] <Laney> hmm, they have an |ed depends on u-s-s-o-a so you may want to add one there too [09:43] <mardy> Laney: just to clarify: the removal of the package is only for the windows-live plugin; the facebook one can't be removed, because it has other uses [09:43] <Laney> yes [09:43] <Laney> s/packages/package/ sorry [09:45] <mardy> Laney: OK for the conflicts [09:46] <mardy> Laney: maybe we should split the silo, to separate the branches that are for touch from those from the desktop, so that we can land them independently [09:46] <mardy> dbarth: ^ [09:47] <Laney> I think for vivid we'd want to consider it all together [09:55] <mardy> Laney: ok [09:56] <Laney> but all we can do it put it in the queue and see if it's judged okay for release at this point [10:03] <rvr> Mirv: ping [10:08] <Mirv> rvr: pong [10:09] <rvr> Mirv: I have tested the browser tabs, youtube, soundcloud, google maps, anything else worth checking? [10:09] <Mirv> rvr: not that I can think of. it's a quite low-level change that prevents using (on arale chipset only) an OpenGL feature that arale doesn't really support at the moment [10:10] <rvr> Mirv: Hmm... I'll check a webapp game. [10:12] <rvr> Seems WebGL is disabled [10:30] <Mirv> rvr: hmm, maybe a generic vivid thing? I've a vague memory of some bug. [10:30] <rvr> Mirv: I'll check now in krillin, but I too guess it's a generic thing [10:32] <Mirv> rvr: [10:32] <rvr> Mirv: Interesting, thanks [11:39] <rvr> Mirv: Bad news [11:39] <rvr> Mirv: krillin is doing weird things with the silo packages [11:42] <Mirv> rvr: hmm? the if clause is done so that there should be no code change if the gfx chipset isn't Arale's PowerVR G6200 [11:46] <bzoltan_> Mirv: is there a free silo for the UITK? [11:47] <Mirv> bzoltan_: sure there is since you already have it [11:53] <rvr> Mirv: [11:53] <Mirv> rvr: add read rights [11:54] <rvr> Mirv: Done [11:55] <popey> alesage: could you please file bugs for your calendar issues? (without logs we can't identify what's going on) [11:56] <Mirv> rvr: the flickering? wow. I don't see anything like that on mako. have you tried purging the PPA ie with/without comparison? [11:56] <Mirv> kgunn: any reasonable explanation for rvr's video ^ on krillin with your patch? [11:59] * Mirv hangouts + dentist [12:18] <mardy> Laney: [12:18] <mardy> Laney: should I put that in our silo, or how do we proceed? [12:18] <rvr> Mirv: I didn't see any flickering when I flashed the phone, before installing the silos [12:19] <kgunn> Mirv: i would doubt that patch would effect the greeter/keyboard.... [12:19] <kgunn> and yeah it should only effect arale [12:19] <kgunn> ....actually that bug looks just like one that alf is working on [12:20] <kgunn> we just found it 2 days ago on krillin [12:20] <kgunn> rvr: is that the packages from silo 2 ? [12:20] <rvr> kgunn: Yes [12:20] <kgunn> rvr: do you know what other changes Mirv has in those ? [12:21] <rvr> kgunn: [12:21] <rvr> "Sync with qtbase-opensource-src - 5.4.1+dfsg-1ubuntu5" [12:22] <kgunn> rvr: did that problem survive reboot ? [12:23] <rvr> kgunn: After silo packages are installed, the phone is rebooted [12:23] <Mirv> rvr: -gles is not in use on the device. in the main package, the only change is this patch. [12:23] <rvr> Rebooting again [12:24] <kgunn> rvr: Mirv yeah...that is the same exact bug that alf's working [12:24] <kgunn> [12:25] <rvr> kgunn: Interesting. On second reboot, problem is gone [12:25] <kgunn>'s sporadic [12:27] <Mirv> the patch in 002 is visible at - ie same code path if gpu != PowerVR Rogue G6200 [12:30] <kgunn> yeah, it's not related to the patch [12:30] <rvr> Ack [12:34] <dbarth> rvr, Mirv: webgl is supported only on krillin right now; it will be re-enabled in the next release of oxide (1.7) for mako and other devices as well [12:34] <rvr> dbarth: Ack [12:39] <rvr> dbarth: But in I don't see any spinning cube, as it says it should [12:42] <dbarth> rvr: on krillin ? [13:09] <rvr> dbarth: Yes, in RTM and in Vivid [13:10] <Laney> mardy: you need to provide a changelog and then dput it to the silo [13:10] <Laney> I can do that if you can't [13:24] <mardy> Laney: yes, please do :-) I updated the changelog [13:25] <Laney> okay, which silo is it? [13:35] <dbarth> Laney: 006 [13:35] <Laney> thx, give me 10 minutes or so [14:03] <boiko> jibel: hi, just curious: why is ubuntu-rtm/landing-003 marked as blocked in the QA board? [14:03] <jibel> boiko, I have no idea [14:04] <jibel> rvr, ^ do you know? [14:09] <jibel> boiko, maybe because it is marked 'dirty' [14:09] <jibel> ah rtm [14:09] <boiko> jibel: yep, rtm [14:11] <jibel> boiko, it looks good to me, so I don't know [14:12] <boiko> jibel: ok, thanks :/ [14:17] <rvr> jibel: Yes, RTM [14:19] <rvr> boiko: Is an app update intended for the Store? [14:19] <boiko> rvr: dialer-app is not on store, it is part of the images [14:20] <rvr> boiko: Right, and we are not getting new RTM updates [14:21] <rvr> OTA3 is likely the last one [14:21] <boiko> rvr: oh, ok, didn't know [14:21] <boiko> bfiller: ^ [14:23] <jibel> boiko,rvr we'll maybe have a hotfix [14:26] <sil2100> rvr: hey! [14:26] <sil2100> rvr: you testing silo 002? [14:26] <rvr> sil2100: Yes [14:26] <sil2100> rvr: we would need a voulenteer to do the first landing to the overlay PPA [14:26] <sil2100> rvr: so this is our first candidate then [14:26] <sil2100> ;) [14:27] <rvr> sil2100: What do I have to do? [14:28] <sil2100> rvr: just sign it off normally [14:28] <sil2100> rvr: I'll reconfigure it to target the PPA, but everything else stays exactly the same [14:28] <sil2100> (no rebuilds happening, just some config changes) [14:32] <rvr> sil2100: Do I need to recheck the packages? [14:32] <sil2100> rvr: no no, no rebuilds will happen, just silo config changes [14:32] <sil2100> Please continue ;) [14:32] <rvr> sil2100: Ack :) [14:40] <Laney> dbarth, mardy: uploaded [14:41] <mardy> Laney: thanks! [14:42] <mardy> dbarth: can you please build silo #6? [14:51] <mardy> Laney: should I drop then? [14:54] <Laney> mardy: nein, I'll push it when the package is accepted [14:54] <Laney> actually I can push to 375 now [14:54] <Laney> done [14:55] <dbarth> mardy: sure [15:00] <robru> mandel: tvoss: no qa for silos 9 and 30? [15:00] <tvoss> mandel, there should be for 30 at least [15:00] <mandel> same for 9 [15:00] <tvoss> robru, there shouldbe for 30 at least, mybad [15:00] <mandel> tvoss, I think we forgot to set it in the spreadsheet, is not longer by default, or so it looks [15:01] <robru> mandel: tvoss: yeah it needs to be set, sorry, and thanks [15:01] <mandel> tvoss, I took care of 30 already [15:25] <rvr> Mirv: Finally could test in mako, seems good [15:25] <rvr> sil2100: So, silo is ready from my part. Tell me when I can click to sign off. [15:31] <sil2100> rvr: ok, thanks, one moment still - robru will handle it :) [15:33] <pmcgowan> kgunn, Mirv whats the status on silo2, its back to ready to build [15:33] <sil2100> pmcgowan: no worries, it's CI Train reconfig [15:33] <sil2100> Don't worry, it's built and tested [15:34] <sil2100> Will land soon [15:34] <pmcgowan> ok ty [15:51] <bzoltan_> sil2100: May i ask for a silo4 reconf? [15:52] <sil2100> bzoltan_: ok, let me do it quickly, but I'm almost in transit now [15:52] <bzoltan_> sil2100: have a good flight dude :) and a safe one [15:53] <rvr> mandel: ping [15:53] <mandel> rvr, hello [15:53] <rvr> mandel: Hey [15:55] <sil2100> bzoltan_: thanks and done :) [15:58] <dbarth> Laney: silo 6 is ready; any news on landing clearance ? [15:59] <Laney> ready as in you've tested it? [16:02] <robru> rvr: hey. I have a branch ready that fixes a bug in the train. I'll push it to production shortly. then we can get this show on the road [16:02] <Laney> dbarth: Check with infinity if you can upload it or if we should SRU after release [16:03] <rvr> robru: Ack [16:09] <robru> rvr: alright, can you throw your qa ack on silo 2? thanks! [16:09] <rvr> robru: Let's go! [16:10] <alesage> popey bugs in process, stepping over a crash en route to [16:10] <popey> alesage: thanks! [16:12] <dbarth> Laney: ok [16:13] <dbarth> infinity: this is about landing a silo fixing [16:13] * Laney releases that bug title is overly alarming [16:13] <dbarth> infinity: i think that's an sru, but wave if you want us to land that for the release [16:13] <Laney> realises* [16:13] <dbarth> yeah, that's FB & MSN *messaging* services shutting down [16:26] <bzoltan_> does anybody know if the phablet-click-test-setup suppose to work these days? [16:29] <infinity> dbarth: If it's auditable and testable, I don't mind getting it in before release. [16:35] <bzoltan_> brendand: do you know why the phablet-click-test-setup with ubuntu/15.04 ? [16:38] <brendand> bzoltan_, question seems incomplete. is it failing? [16:38] <bzoltan_> brendand: yes it does .. in a spectacular way ... each time on different app [16:39] <bzoltan_> brendand: [16:40] <brendand> bzoltan_, hmmm. unfortunately i can't look at it now. remind us on monday and someone will have a look [16:40] <bzoltan_> brendand: Monday??? Uhh.. is anybody around who could help? I wish to test the UITK release candidate during the weekend [16:41] <bzoltan_> brendand: you know :) it is a full day process ... 18 hours at least ... given that these super quality tools work [16:42] <bzoltan_> brendand: and the gates close next week for RTM [16:44] <brendand> bzoltan_, not many. elopio is finishing the sprint in austin [16:44] <bzoltan_> brendand: shame ... but such as life [16:45] <brendand> bzoltan_, i'll come back in a little while and either help fix it or find someone who can [16:45] <brendand> bzoltan_, let me assume you try this on a freshly installed vivid image? [16:45] <bzoltan_> brendand: Thank you [16:45] <bzoltan_> brendand: Yes [16:47] <bzoltan_> brendand: I constantly do wonder how it is possible that these very important tools ar so unstable [16:54] <bzoltan_> brendand: it seems that most of the times it is the calculator app what makes the p-c-t fail... so I simple unregister that app... screw it :) [17:07] <charles> trainguards, i need to make a change to ubuntu/landing-027, to change which indicator-location branch is included in the silo [17:09] <charles> trainguards, this is on line 43 of the spreadsheet, basically I want to swap the current MP with a replacement [17:10] <robru> charles: yep, you should have the power to do that yourself & reconfigure [17:11] <charles> robru, cool, how do I do that wrt changing the MP? [17:12] <robru> charles: just literally edit the spreadsheet cell to remove the MP you don't want then add the one you do want. once the spreadsheet looks right, find "Landing tools > Reconfigure" menu and follow the prompts. [17:12] <charles> robru, thanks [17:21] <robru> charles: just confirm you got the right URL in your silo there, otherwise looks good, ready to build [17:22] <robru> brb, lunch [17:24] <brendand> bzoltan_, they are not well tested [17:25] <bzoltan_> brendand: That one I figured out myself :) too [17:25] <bzoltan_> brendand: at least now that I have unregistered the terminal and the calculator app the tool works [17:26] <brendand> bzoltan_, ok [17:26] <brendand> bzoltan_, can you paste the version you're using? [17:28] <bzoltan_> brendand: the stock one from vivid [17:28] <charles> renatu, what's the status of the eds branch in our shared silo 8? are you ready to land? [17:28] <brendand> bzoltan_, mine is 1.1+15.04.20150330-0ubuntu1 [17:29] <bzoltan_> brendand: same here [17:29] <renatu> charles, yes [17:29] <bzoltan_> 1.1+15.04.20150330-0ubuntu1 [17:30] <brendand> bzoltan_, interesting, the error i get now is about uitk ;p [17:31] <brendand> package ubuntu-ui-toolkit, version 1.2.1458+15.04.20150327bzr1485pkg0vivid407-0ubuntu1 not found in [17:31] <bzoltan_> brendand: :D nice try [17:31] <bzoltan_> brendand: for me the failing point was changing ... but calculator was the most typical [17:32] <brendand> oh i know - i installed uitk from staging on this... [17:32] * brendand reflashes [17:53] <brendand> bzoltan_, btw you might think about starting to convert to using adt-run for click tests rather than phablet-click-test [17:53] <brendand> bzoltan_, *that's* well tested [17:54] <brendand> bzoltan_, as simple as e.g. adt-run --click com.ubuntu.calculator --- ssh -s adb [18:10] <brendand> bzoltan_, i see what happened [18:11] <brendand> bzoltan_, calculator changed their layout and violated the expected layout of tests [18:19] <brendand> bzoltan_, i would really switch to using adt-run, if you have any concerns or need help doing it then let me know [18:19] <bzoltan_> brendand: I suspected that... after sil2100 talked about that expectd layout [18:20] <imgbot> [18:20] <bzoltan_> brendand: I will evaluate adt-run, but to be hyper honest, I trust nothing else but my very own tool, what made possible dozens of regression free landings :) [18:21] <bzoltan_> brendand: all the non tested, non reliable, "works for me" tools wasted lots of my time. Since I use my own test plan executor I am more relaxed :) [18:22] <brendand> bzoltan_, well adt-run is very much tested, so don't need to worry about that [18:22] <bzoltan_> brendand: I will check next week, but I do not risk this landing with anything. Thursday is the deadline to push out several critical fixes. [18:22] <brendand> bzoltan_, and in fact phablet-test-run is semi-deprecated so unless you're using your own tool also to deploy/execute the tests (which would be crazy) then you should [18:23] <bzoltan_> brendand: :D I never considered the phablet-test-run as non deprecated .. it was born to be deprecated :) [18:24] <bzoltan_> brendand: I will check this tool next week. I am happy to hear that finally we have something more stable and reliable [18:27] <bzoltan_> brendand: one question :) has anybody ever used (in documented way) these adt tool to run 8 (4 RTM and 4 Ubuntu) times all the available tests where eac tests are executed three times with reboots between them and flashing + setting up PPAs? [18:29] <bzoltan_> brendand: for example the browser tests just made the krilling hang ... nice [18:30] <brendand> bzoltan_, well no - you're the only person doing that [18:30] <brendand> bzoltan_, and it's not magic, so you will probably still have some of the same problems you do now, but i wouldn't say it would be worse than with phablet-test-run [18:54] <bzoltan_> brendand: I am not doing that massive tests for fun :) I do it because many of the tools in the chain are unpredictable and single run of one test do not provide valuable result. But to be fair, most of the problems are not caused or rooted to p-t-r ... [18:57] <bzoltan_> brendand: the problem is the combination of many small problems what do not come out if you run simple tests... like you never experience that not sleeping fior 2 minutes could be a problem if you run 20-30 tests in a row... or that you better wait 10 minutes after flashing :) because once out of fifty runs you might see problems. That is why I trust my process... I have polished these details a lot... so I can leave my devices to run automatic tests [18:57] <bzoltan_> for the night. [19:32] <jhodapp> robru, can you please reconfigure silo 28? [19:34] <jhodapp> or rsalveti^ [19:35] <imgbot> [19:35] <imgbot> [19:39] <robru> jhodapp: one sec [19:40] <jhodapp> thanks [19:42] <robru> jhodapp: did you click build? I think you hit it too soon [19:43] <robru> yeah [19:43] <jhodapp> robru, I did, I think rsalveti reconfigured it in time though [19:43] <jhodapp> but maybe not [19:43] <jhodapp> can you kill the build and restart it then, rebuild everything [19:43] <robru> jhodapp: I don't think so, check the dashboard, does it have the right merges? [19:44] <jhodapp> let's just start over just in case [19:44] <robru> jhodapp: k, needs to be reconfigured again, the premature build effectively undid the reconfigure. [19:44] <rsalveti> yeah, ricmm_ asked me to reconfigure in parallel [19:44] <rsalveti> so ended up doing that [19:45] <jhodapp> robru, ok thanks [19:46] <robru> rsalveti: heh, you did the wrong reconfigure, the unpriveleged one, it didn't work [19:47] <robru> jhodapp: ok, this should be working: [19:48] <jhodapp> thanks robru [19:48] <robru> jhodapp: you're welcome! [20:24] <kenvandine> alesage, about silo 24, so when you turned wifi on, it turned itself back off again? [20:25] <kenvandine> alesage, meaning the wifi switch is in the off position? [20:26] <alesage> kenvandine, yes that's what I observed [20:26] <kenvandine> alesage, your steps in your test case confuse me [20:27] <kenvandine> you select "forget" for your AP [20:27] <alesage> kenvandine, right [20:27] <kenvandine> then step 3 says "WiFi switches to 'off'" [20:27] <kenvandine> so you turned off wifi there? [20:27] <kenvandine> or you mean it disconnected [20:27] <alesage> kenvandine, disconnected [20:28] <kenvandine> ok, when do you turn wifi off there? [20:28] <alesage> kenvandine, I'll prep the silo to reproduce [20:28] <kenvandine> the only change in the wifi plugin would be related to the actual wifi on/off switch [20:29] <alesage> kenvandine, right that was the surprise IMO [20:29] <kenvandine> not forget/connect.. etc [20:29] <kenvandine> so i would expect to test this, you wouldn't forget, you would turn it off [20:29] * alesage needs a dashcam for this kind of thing [20:29] <kenvandine> then switch it on again, it should connect [20:30] <alesage> kenvandine, will attempt in trunk to begin, assuming I'm not going to see the weird 'forget' behavior [20:30] <kenvandine> i would worry that the switch might have a race turning off/on [20:30] <kenvandine> but i tested that a bunch of time [20:31] <kenvandine> alesage, so to confirm, you moved the switch to "off" then moved it back to "on" then it changed itself to "off"? [20:32] <alesage> kenvandine, switching WiFi to on, my home AP appeared, upon selecting it, the WiFi switch turned to 'off' [20:32] <kenvandine> alesage, also confirm the switch stays the same between indicator-network and system-settings [20:32] <kenvandine> ok, thanks for clarifying [20:32] <kenvandine> wanted to make sure you weren't just talking about it not connecting [20:32] <alesage> kenvandine, I'll be superverbose next round :) [20:32] * kenvandine follows same steps again [20:33] <kenvandine> not about verbosity :) [20:33] <kenvandine> just making sure using the same terms :) [20:33] <alesage> makes me wish for BDD/cucumber adoption [20:36] <kenvandine> alesage, i just reproduced that same problem on vivid-proposed without the silo [20:36] <kenvandine> so not a regression in this silo [20:36] <kenvandine> wtf though! [20:37] <alesage> kenvandine, I lol [20:37] <alesage> so Friday afternoon [20:37] <kenvandine> ok, can't reproduce on rtm [20:38] <kenvandine> so that's good :) [20:38] <kenvandine> for now [20:38] <alesage> kenvandine, feels like a settings bug no? [20:38] <kenvandine> i'm betting the indicator [20:38] <kenvandine> that menu is coming from indicator-network [20:40] <alesage> kenvandine, I'll file and affect both [20:40] <kenvandine> thx [20:40] <alesage> kenvandine, if you want to re-propose I'll review again [20:40] <kenvandine> alesage, can you double check that it isn't a new regression too? [20:40] <alesage> kenvandine, back to last image, e.g.? [20:41] <kenvandine> if you don't mind :) [20:41] <alesage> kenvandine, with sprinkles pls [20:41] <kenvandine> pretty please :) [20:41] <alesage> ha [20:43] <kenvandine> Installed: 0.3+15.04.20150413-0ubuntu1 [20:43] <kenvandine> so i'm pretty sure my device isn't tainted [20:43] <kenvandine> oh... that indicator-network port to qtdbus just landed the other day didn't it [20:44] <kenvandine> i wonder if that broke something [20:44] <alesage> good theory [20:44] <alesage> although I thought that went to rtm too [20:45] <kenvandine> oh it did [20:45] <kenvandine> ok, rules that out :) [20:45] <alesage> not certain, would need to verify [20:45] <kenvandine> i verified [20:48] <alesage> not seeing the same 'forget' behavior in trunk :/ , might need reinforcements here [20:48] <kenvandine> oh really [20:48] <kenvandine> maybe apt is lying about my version [20:50] <alesage> wouldn't expect this to differ by device? /me is on krillin [20:50] <kenvandine> ok, confirmed [20:51] <kenvandine> i did a reinstall of the package from vivid and couldn't repro it [20:51] * kenvandine hates when apt lies because i updated the image :) [20:51] <kenvandine> alesage, sorry... i guess i need to reject the branch and have dednick fix it :) [20:52] <kenvandine> weird though, because the menumodel stuff wasn't changed [20:52] <kenvandine> just the on/off switch [20:52] <kenvandine> alesage, thanks for being thorough! [20:53] <alesage> I'll just reproduce with silo--I'm realizing now that it's weird that WiFi disappeared upon forgetting network, memory of this foggy though, will get a more precise description [20:53] <alesage> kenvandine, ok [21:04] <alesage> kenvandine, just doin' mah job :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Laney", "Mirv", "alesage", "boiko", "brendand", "bzoltan_", "charles", "dbarth", "imgbot", "infinity", "jhodapp", "jibel", "kenvandine", "kgunn", "mandel", "mardy", "pmcgowan", "popey", "renatu", "robru", "rsalveti", "rvr", "sil2100", "tvoss" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ci-eng" }

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