import numpy as np import torch as t import torch.nn as nn from jukebox.vqvae.encdec import Encoder, Decoder, assert_shape from jukebox.vqvae.bottleneck import NoBottleneck, Bottleneck from jukebox.utils.logger import average_metrics from jukebox.utils.audio_utils import spectral_convergence, spectral_loss, multispectral_loss, audio_postprocess def dont_update(params): for param in params: param.requires_grad = False def update(params): for param in params: param.requires_grad = True def calculate_strides(strides, downs): return [stride ** down for stride, down in zip(strides, downs)] def _loss_fn(loss_fn, x_target, x_pred, hps): if loss_fn == 'l1': return t.mean(t.abs(x_pred - x_target)) / hps.bandwidth['l1'] elif loss_fn == 'l2': return t.mean((x_pred - x_target) ** 2) / hps.bandwidth['l2'] elif loss_fn == 'linf': residual = ((x_pred - x_target) ** 2).reshape(x_target.shape[0], -1) values, _ = t.topk(residual, hps.linf_k, dim=1) return t.mean(values) / hps.bandwidth['l2'] elif loss_fn == 'lmix': loss = 0.0 if hps.lmix_l1: loss += hps.lmix_l1 * _loss_fn('l1', x_target, x_pred, hps) if hps.lmix_l2: loss += hps.lmix_l2 * _loss_fn('l2', x_target, x_pred, hps) if hps.lmix_linf: loss += hps.lmix_linf * _loss_fn('linf', x_target, x_pred, hps) return loss else: assert False, f"Unknown loss_fn {loss_fn}" class VQVAE(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_shape, levels, downs_t, strides_t, emb_width, l_bins, mu, commit, spectral, multispectral, multipliers=None, use_bottleneck=True, **block_kwargs): super().__init__() self.sample_length = input_shape[0] x_shape, x_channels = input_shape[:-1], input_shape[-1] self.x_shape = x_shape self.downsamples = calculate_strides(strides_t, downs_t) self.hop_lengths = np.cumprod(self.downsamples) self.z_shapes = z_shapes = [(x_shape[0] // self.hop_lengths[level],) for level in range(levels)] self.levels = levels if multipliers is None: self.multipliers = [1] * levels else: assert len(multipliers) == levels, "Invalid number of multipliers" self.multipliers = multipliers def _block_kwargs(level): this_block_kwargs = dict(block_kwargs) this_block_kwargs["width"] *= self.multipliers[level] this_block_kwargs["depth"] *= self.multipliers[level] return this_block_kwargs encoder = lambda level: Encoder(x_channels, emb_width, level + 1, downs_t[:level+1], strides_t[:level+1], **_block_kwargs(level)) decoder = lambda level: Decoder(x_channels, emb_width, level + 1, downs_t[:level+1], strides_t[:level+1], **_block_kwargs(level)) self.encoders = nn.ModuleList() self.decoders = nn.ModuleList() for level in range(levels): self.encoders.append(encoder(level)) self.decoders.append(decoder(level)) if use_bottleneck: self.bottleneck = Bottleneck(l_bins, emb_width, mu, levels) else: self.bottleneck = NoBottleneck(levels) self.downs_t = downs_t self.strides_t = strides_t self.l_bins = l_bins self.commit = commit self.spectral = spectral self.multispectral = multispectral def preprocess(self, x): # x: NTC [-1,1] -> NCT [-1,1] assert len(x.shape) == 3 x = x.permute(0,2,1).float() return x def postprocess(self, x): # x: NTC [-1,1] <- NCT [-1,1] x = x.permute(0,2,1) return x def _decode(self, zs, start_level=0, end_level=None): # Decode if end_level is None: end_level = self.levels assert len(zs) == end_level - start_level xs_quantised = self.bottleneck.decode(zs, start_level=start_level, end_level=end_level) assert len(xs_quantised) == end_level - start_level # Use only lowest level decoder, x_quantised = self.decoders[start_level], xs_quantised[0:1] x_out = decoder(x_quantised, all_levels=False) x_out = self.postprocess(x_out) return x_out def decode(self, zs, start_level=0, end_level=None, bs_chunks=1): z_chunks = [t.chunk(z, bs_chunks, dim=0) for z in zs] x_outs = [] for i in range(bs_chunks): zs_i = [z_chunk[i] for z_chunk in z_chunks] x_out = self._decode(zs_i, start_level=start_level, end_level=end_level) x_outs.append(x_out) return, dim=0) def _encode(self, x, start_level=0, end_level=None): # Encode if end_level is None: end_level = self.levels x_in = self.preprocess(x) xs = [] for level in range(self.levels): encoder = self.encoders[level] x_out = encoder(x_in) xs.append(x_out[-1]) zs = self.bottleneck.encode(xs) return zs[start_level:end_level] def encode(self, x, start_level=0, end_level=None, bs_chunks=1): x_chunks = t.chunk(x, bs_chunks, dim=0) zs_list = [] for x_i in x_chunks: zs_i = self._encode(x_i, start_level=start_level, end_level=end_level) zs_list.append(zs_i) zs = [, dim=0) for zs_level_list in zip(*zs_list)] return zs def sample(self, n_samples): zs = [t.randint(0, self.l_bins, size=(n_samples, *z_shape), device='cuda') for z_shape in self.z_shapes] return self.decode(zs) def forward(self, x, hps, loss_fn='l1'): metrics = {} N = x.shape[0] # Encode/Decode x_in = self.preprocess(x) xs = [] for level in range(self.levels): encoder = self.encoders[level] x_out = encoder(x_in) xs.append(x_out[-1]) zs, xs_quantised, commit_losses, quantiser_metrics = self.bottleneck(xs) x_outs = [] for level in range(self.levels): decoder = self.decoders[level] x_out = decoder(xs_quantised[level:level+1], all_levels=False) assert_shape(x_out, x_in.shape) x_outs.append(x_out) # Loss def _spectral_loss(x_target, x_out, hps): if hps.use_nonrelative_specloss: sl = spectral_loss(x_target, x_out, hps) / hps.bandwidth['spec'] else: sl = spectral_convergence(x_target, x_out, hps) sl = t.mean(sl) return sl def _multispectral_loss(x_target, x_out, hps): sl = multispectral_loss(x_target, x_out, hps) / hps.bandwidth['spec'] sl = t.mean(sl) return sl recons_loss = t.zeros(()).to(x.device) spec_loss = t.zeros(()).to(x.device) multispec_loss = t.zeros(()).to(x.device) x_target = audio_postprocess(x.float(), hps) for level in reversed(range(self.levels)): x_out = self.postprocess(x_outs[level]) x_out = audio_postprocess(x_out, hps) this_recons_loss = _loss_fn(loss_fn, x_target, x_out, hps) this_spec_loss = _spectral_loss(x_target, x_out, hps) this_multispec_loss = _multispectral_loss(x_target, x_out, hps) metrics[f'recons_loss_l{level + 1}'] = this_recons_loss metrics[f'spectral_loss_l{level + 1}'] = this_spec_loss metrics[f'multispectral_loss_l{level + 1}'] = this_multispec_loss recons_loss += this_recons_loss spec_loss += this_spec_loss multispec_loss += this_multispec_loss commit_loss = sum(commit_losses) loss = recons_loss + self.spectral * spec_loss + self.multispectral * multispec_loss + self.commit * commit_loss with t.no_grad(): sc = t.mean(spectral_convergence(x_target, x_out, hps)) l2_loss = _loss_fn("l2", x_target, x_out, hps) l1_loss = _loss_fn("l1", x_target, x_out, hps) linf_loss = _loss_fn("linf", x_target, x_out, hps) quantiser_metrics = average_metrics(quantiser_metrics) metrics.update(dict( recons_loss=recons_loss, spectral_loss=spec_loss, multispectral_loss=multispec_loss, spectral_convergence=sc, l2_loss=l2_loss, l1_loss=l1_loss, linf_loss=linf_loss, commit_loss=commit_loss, **quantiser_metrics)) for key, val in metrics.items(): metrics[key] = val.detach() return x_out, loss, metrics