""" Get alignment from attn values 1. run a forward pass on each hop, get attn values 2. concat for all hops """ import numpy as np import torch as t from jukebox.utils.torch_utils import assert_shape, empty_cache from jukebox.hparams import Hyperparams from jukebox.make_models import make_model from jukebox.save_html import save_html from jukebox.utils.sample_utils import get_starts import fire def get_alignment(x, zs, labels, prior, fp16, hps): level = hps.levels - 1 # Top level used n_ctx, n_tokens = prior.n_ctx, prior.n_tokens z = zs[level] bs, total_length = z.shape[0], z.shape[1] if total_length < n_ctx: padding_length = n_ctx - total_length z = t.cat([z, t.zeros(bs, n_ctx - total_length, dtype=z.dtype, device=z.device)], dim=1) total_length = z.shape[1] else: padding_length = 0 hop_length = int(hps.hop_fraction[level]*prior.n_ctx) n_head = prior.prior.transformer.n_head alignment_head, alignment_layer = prior.alignment_head, prior.alignment_layer attn_layers = set([alignment_layer]) alignment_hops = {} indices_hops = {} prior.cuda() empty_cache() for start in get_starts(total_length, n_ctx, hop_length): end = start + n_ctx # set y offset, sample_length and lyrics tokens y, indices_hop = prior.get_y(labels, start, get_indices=True) assert len(indices_hop) == bs for indices in indices_hop: assert len(indices) == n_tokens z_bs = t.chunk(z, bs, dim=0) y_bs = t.chunk(y, bs, dim=0) w_hops = [] for z_i, y_i in zip(z_bs, y_bs): w_hop = prior.z_forward(z_i[:,start:end], [], y_i, fp16=fp16, get_attn_weights=attn_layers) assert len(w_hop) == 1 w_hops.append(w_hop[0][:, alignment_head]) del w_hop w = t.cat(w_hops, dim=0) del w_hops assert_shape(w, (bs, n_ctx, n_tokens)) alignment_hop = w.float().cpu().numpy() assert_shape(alignment_hop, (bs, n_ctx, n_tokens)) del w # alignment_hop has shape (bs, n_ctx, n_tokens) # indices_hop is a list of len=bs, each entry of len hps.n_tokens indices_hops[start] = indices_hop alignment_hops[start] = alignment_hop prior.cpu() empty_cache() # Combine attn for each hop into attn for full range # Use indices to place them into correct place for corresponding source tokens alignments = [] for item in range(bs): # Note each item has different length lyrics full_tokens = labels['info'][item]['full_tokens'] alignment = np.zeros((total_length, len(full_tokens) + 1)) for start in reversed(get_starts(total_length, n_ctx, hop_length)): end = start + n_ctx alignment_hop = alignment_hops[start][item] indices = indices_hops[start][item] assert len(indices) == n_tokens assert alignment_hop.shape == (n_ctx, n_tokens) alignment[start:end,indices] = alignment_hop alignment = alignment[:total_length - padding_length,:-1] # remove token padding, and last lyric index alignments.append(alignment) return alignments def save_alignment(model, device, hps): print(hps) vqvae, priors = make_model(model, device, hps, levels=[-1]) logdir = f"{hps.logdir}/level_{0}" data = t.load(f"{logdir}/data.pth.tar") if model == '1b_lyrics': fp16 = False else: fp16 = True data['alignments'] = get_alignment(data['x'], data['zs'], data['labels'][-1], priors[-1], fp16, hps) t.save(data, f"{logdir}/data_align.pth.tar") save_html(logdir, data['x'], data['zs'], data['labels'][-1], data['alignments'], hps) def run(model, port=29500, **kwargs): from jukebox.utils.dist_utils import setup_dist_from_mpi rank, local_rank, device = setup_dist_from_mpi(port=port) hps = Hyperparams(**kwargs) with t.no_grad(): save_alignment(model, device, hps) if __name__ == '__main__': fire.Fire(run)