I've followed Wikipedia:Suspected sock puppets/Willie Peter and am unprotecting his userpage. When your block expires, please don't continue this stupid fight with him. We should have the checkuser result back soon enough anyway. Please tell me if I missed anything in the report, btw. I don't see anyone else who is even possibly a sockpuppet master of Willie Peter in this situation. -
March 2015 (UTC) ::::::::::Diby, that is Flyer 22's opinion only, and it is not consistent with the style manual. I could accept Home Video being in a Release section (but there isn't one), but it makes no sense at all to have it under Reception (unless, as F22 says, there is a reception issue, which doesn't occur here). Therefore, consistent with the manual, it should have its own section. I'll seek opinion from senior editors. 06:41, 12
If Hebrews is your defense of a male priesthood, then you don't have one. Garry Wills does a rather too thorough treatment of what is wrong with the book in Why Priests?
Everything you list is true, for many boomers. But many boomers DID win the lotto in that even blue collar boomers could afford a home decades ago; today, in Vancouver or Toronto, even high income millennials cannot. Yet all working millennials, high and low income, are subsidizing relatively wealthy boomers who are technically "low income" and this will only increase as more boomers reach 65 and start receiving OAS. How does it make sense that a 35 year-old earning, say, $40k - $120k is subsiding the payment of hundreds of dollars a month to a person earning up to $70k in income and has wealth in the hundreds of thousands. It's absurd.
Thank you for the update - I appreciate your help.
2. James Truslow Adams, The Founding of New England, (1921), pp. 119-122 3. Robert Beverly, The History and Present State of Virginia, ed. Louis B. Wright, p. 57. 4. Father Andrew White, A Briefe Relation of the Voyage unto Maryland, Narratives of Early Maryland, 1633-1684, ed. Clayton Colman Hall, p. 41. 5. John Hammond, Leah and Rachel, or the Two Fruitful Sisters, Virginia and Maryland (1656), in Hall's Narratives.
" == Sydney test analyzed == I've nothing against a more detailed look at the statistics, but the suggested edit is also ""of dubious mathematical validity"". The chance of the water results may have been 1 in a hundred, but the chance that some one of the three tests would yield results at the 0.01 level is significantly larger. (I suppose 1 in 33.) Also, it would be helpful to have a reference to Arthur C. Clarke's statement, among other things to check whether they have been taken out of context. "
" ::::Actually, anyone reading this will see clearly that it is you who is getting ""huffy"" and needs to chill out. Relax. Anyway, I'm not gonna go all the way to the right side of the page with you on this, but I am gonna correct you point by point one more time, as you happen to wrong on every single count. Not EVERYTHING fits into ""neat little categories"" (again you're choosing your words so as to make things sound like some elitist conspiracy againt you when in fact they are not), but SOME things do (a fact of life I thought everyone was aware of. Evidently I was mistaken.) ""Oh my god, someone just denied that Conor is an astronaut, they must be anal-retentive and think that everything in life fits into neat little categories! Fuckin' elistist bicthes."" See how useful that analogy is? It works not only as a counter to your denial of simple facts but also to your tendency toward fallacious arguments. For your next point you accuse me of presuming that you're a fish eater who would like to be known as a vegetarian. What a crazy presumption for me to make when just a few sentences later you admit it yourself, referring to ""the apparently un-vegetarian like behaviors of people such as myself and Mr. Oberst."" I didn't make a presumption, I made a completely reasonable deductionone that you then confirmed to be true. As for my analogy which is in no way flawed, I like the way you evaded explaining what you would like to pretend is flawed about it. People reading this are totally gonna fall for that! Nice work. As for a new term for people who only eat certain animals (I was unaware that fish were the niggers of the animal kingdom. What are they, three fifths animal?), how about ""picky carnivore."" Or you can think of your own, as you're the one who seems to think that as a fish eater you deserve your own little fantasy cateogry in which fish apparently aren't animals. Until then, and forever after then, you are NOT a vegetarian. "
Okay I'm a big fan of Jeff's, but leaf mold, anthracnose, brown patch and dollar spot are all common fungal turf infections that can remedy themselves in summer eventually but are brought on by leaves lying on turf thru winter along with temperature and humidity. Another strange oddity here is the reverse effect of bitch urine on turf. It doesn't kill up here but acts like a fertilizer.
The US has turned a blind eye regarding this problem for decades and then some. Trump is trying to address the issue. You can talk about any link in the process be it the Illegal immigrant, the employer, or the enabler. They will all be affected but perhaps Trump will make a border a border instead of a vague concept.
":Well, from first glance, I'd say that it needs to be rearranged a tiny bit (the info about the gender differences should really go under the ""Pokémon"" section rather than ""Gameplay"", in my opinion), and that the ""Pokémon"" section should be a lot larger - maybe move a bit of the info over from the main Pokémon page's 4th gen section? I did some grammar work and sentence restructuring, by the way. I might do some more tonight. "
That's because houses are not selling (sales down 40% year over year), prices are not high (prices down 20% since April) and inventory is high (sales to listing ratio is around 40%). The problem is you have not look at the latest data and you're still pretending it's March 2017.
The democrats did it to themselves, they screwed Bernie and then tried to drag a tired old hag across the finish line with a complicit left wing media. Now these same snowflakes are wetting their collective diaper under a Trump Presidency. Its truly amusing!!!
These are public records. You can look up any Colorado voter on the internet.
প্রতিষ্ঠাতা ঃ মোঃ সফিকুল ইসলাম কৌকৌ, জামালপুর জেলার পূণ্যভূমি মেলান্দহ উপজেলার আদিপৈত গ্রামে ১ মার্চ ১৯৮৫খ্রিঃ সালে জন্মগ্রহণ করেন। পিতা-মোঃ আনিছুর রহমান ওরফে খাজু শেখ, মাতা-মোছাঃ কাজুলী বেগম, ১ বোন ১ ভাই মধ্যে কৌকৌ ছোট। সে লেখাপড়ার পাশাপাশি রেইনবো মিডিয়া নামক এক কম্পিউটারের দোকানের মালিক মোঃ নাজমুল ইসলাম এর নিকট হতে ২০০০ সালে কম্পিউটার চালানোর প্রশিক্ষন গ্রহণ করে এবং এক পর্যায়ে তার কম্পিউটার শিক্ষক তার বন্ধুর দোকানে কম্পিউটার অপারেটরের চাকুরী নিয়ে দেন। সেখানে প্রায় ১ বছর চাকুরী করার পর আল-মজিদ লাইব্রেরীতে বেশী বেতনে চাকুরী হয় এবং সেখানে প্রায় ৩ বছর চাকুরী করেন চাকুরী করা অবস্থায় কমম্পিউটারের সরঞ্জাম সংগ্রহ করতে থাকেন এবং একপর্যায়ে সফিক গ্রাফিক্স নামে দোকান দেন একটি পাটনার সিপ (সুমন ফটোকপির দোকানে) কম্পিউটার বসান সেখানেও প্রায় তিন মান দোকান পরিচালনার করার পর স্বতন্ত্র ভাবে চিশতীয়া সুপার মার্কেটে সয়ংসম্পূর্ণ ভাবে সফিক গ্রাফিক্স নামে দোকান দেন। সফিক গ্রাফিক্সের অবস্থান ঃ চিশতীয়া সুপার মার্কেটে এক রুম পেছনে প্রথম দোকান শুরু করা হয়। আড়াই বছর দোকান পরিচালনা করার পর মার্কেটের কিছু ঘরমালিক পক্ষ বিক্রিয় করে দেওয়ায় পরবর্তী ঘরমালিকের সাথে দোকান ভাড়ার ব্যাপারে সমজতা না হওয়া চিশর্তীয়া মার্কেট ছেড়ে মেলান্দহ সরকারি বালিকা উচ্চ বিদ্যালয় সম্মূখে নূরল মেম্বার সাহেবের ঘর ভাড়া নেওয়া হয় এবং সেখানেও প্রায় আড়াই বছর দোকান ঘরমালিক দোকানের সামনে রাস্তা বন্ধ করার জন্য দোকানের সামনে আরেকটি দুচালা হাফ বিল্ডিং তোলেন এতে সফিক গ্রাফিক্সের ব্যবসায়িক ক্ষতি হয় ফলে সেখান থেকে বিআরডিবি অফিস সম্মূখে মেইন রোডে নাহার মার্কেটে ঘর ভাড়া নেন এবং এক বছরের ওয়েব সাইডের ডোমেইন ক্রয় করেন। সেবা সমূহ ঃ * গ্যারান্টি সহকারে ই-মেইল পাঠানো। * অনলাইনে ভর্তি আবেদন ফরম পূরণ। * অন লাইনে পরীক্ষার রেজাল্ট দেখা। * অন লাইনে এডমিড কার্ড উত্তোলন। * জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় অন লাইনে ভর্তি আবেদন। * পূর্ণাঙ্গ ইউনিভার্সিটিতে অন লাইনে ভর্তি আবেদন। * পল্লী বিদ্যুৎ মিটারের অন লাইনে আবেদন। * ভিসা প্রসেসিং। * আর্জেন্ট ছবি। * ফটোস্ট্যাট করা হয়। * নির্ভূল কম্পোজ। * নান্দনিক ডিজাইন। * টেকসই ল্যামিনেট।
طريقة تشغيل الهواتف ايا كانت بدون بطارية يوجد فيديو يوضح الطريقة كاملة دون خسارة اي شيء تحتاج بعض الاشياء قبل ان تبداء 1 – تحتاج الى فأرة (ماوس) 2 – تحتاج الى جهاز كمبيوتر او اي جهاز يوجد فيه مدخل USB *يمكن استخدام اي شيء يوجد به مدخل USB 3 – الهاتف دون بطارية طريقة العمل - أولا نقوم بقطع سلم الماوس وتعرية الاسلاك وتجنيب السلك الاسود و الاحمر ...دائما نفس اللون في اجهزة الماوس *فائرة ثانيا نقوم بتوصيل الاسلاك حسب الترتيب الى الهاتف مهما كان عدد القطع النحاسية فيه حسب الاتي السلك الاحمر هو السلك الموجب والسللك الاسود هو السالب وطبعا كل الهواتف دائما تكون الجهة اليمنى موجب في كل الاجهزة اذا كانت الشفرات النحاسية اسفل البطارية دون بطارية تشغيل اندرويد ايفون أما اذا كانت الشفرات النحاسية أعلى البطارية فأنه العكس يعني اليمين سالب واليسار موجب .. اشغيل الهاتف دون بطارية * * * * * شاهد كيفية منع الايفون 6 من الانطواء هههههه * * * * * الاجهزة انواع ياتي منها اجهزة باربع شفرات و منها ب ثلاث شفرات الي تكون اربع شفرات فانك تستخدم الشفرة الاولى والشفرة الثالثة دائمااااااا وعندما تكون بـ ثلاث شفرات ف نستخدم الاولى و الاخيرة دائمااا في حال زادت الشفرات عن اربع شفرات فانه يتم تحديد ذلك على الجهاز ايها السالب وايا الموجب نشغل الهاتف وسوف يشغل عادي دون مشاكل اجري اتصالك او عملك المهم على الجهاز واغلقة لحين حصولك على شاحن طبعا نرجع الماوس الفارة الاسلاك حسباللون ونقوم بالساقها كما كانت ولن يحدث شيء شاهد الفيديو وتاكد بنفسك اذا كان لديك اي استفسارات او مشاكل تفضل على قسم الاقتراحات بالاسفل او قم بالتعليق او تواصل معي عبر الايميل. YAZEDFAYEZ@GMAIL.com مدونة فقرات قريبا سوف يتم تنزيل تشغيل الابتب دون بطارية * في حال تعطل مدخل الشاحن على فكرة نفس المبداء
" == Miss Universe 2015 - history merge? == Hello! I am contacting you because you have a lot of experience in history merges. Here's the situation: For almost a year there has been an article about Miss Universe 2015. It was converted to a redirect to Miss Universe, because none of the details about the actual event had been confirmed. There were so many attempts to re-expand it to an article that I full-protected the article, per a request at WP:RFPP, on October 10. It is still a redirect. but the full-protection was removed today because the details were finally confirmed. In the interim, another article was created called The 64th Miss Universe Pageant. It has been heavily edited and has remained live as an article, even though the details were still not confirmed. As of today the details were confirmed and were added to the ""64th Miss Universe"" article. ""Miss Universe 2015"" remains a redirect for the moment. So now the question is, what to do? The information should be in an article called ""Miss Universe 2015"". The easiest thing would be to delete ""Miss Universe 2015"" per G6, and move the article ""The 64th Miss Universe Pageant"" to ""Miss Universe 2015"". But there is a lot of history at ""Miss Universe 2015""; does that require us to do a history merge of the two articles? I defer to your experience on this question. Thanks! "
==For creating nonsense article Ballysally==
Uh, first, sorry, I meant Guy not Jay. And second, you posted your note on my talk page under the Marshack heading where a separate article about her that I didn't edit was being discussed, so, yeah, I didn't know which text you meant. I'm editing lots of articles in addition to Rockefeller. I asked you politely to clarify, so thank you for clarifying. As for your advice, I followed bold-revert-talk - the problem is that the editor who made 6 reverts in a day to the text would not. The text in that section could indeed stand expansion, but I was trying to come up with the fourth point that you left out - consensus - by posting something that communicated what I think must be communicated, but was carefully worded and referenced so as to perhaps last more than five minutes on the page. So, if you have something to suggest about the specifics, I'm all ears. But I was not playing games with my question above to you, so you didn't need to respond as if I was.
I don't mind seeing the images. I'm more likely to recognise someone from their image than I am their name. How do they make the table harder to read? Clicking on their name is all well and good except that those people reading this article from a piece of paper can't do that (and I'm sure there'll be a lot of schools printing out pages of this article for the kids). An image isn't the same as unnecessary information such as birthdays or universities. In what way do you find the table harder to read?  (talk • contribs • email)
" :: While I understand the logic and the sentiment, 'fucking' is listed under ""sexual intercourse"" How often does one go around saying ""man, I really wanna have sexual intercourse with her!"" ""Man, she sexual intercoursed me really good last night."" ""Oh, man, my wife hasn't sexual intercoursed me in a long time, boy am I frustrated!!"" ? "
Importing workers should only be allowed when the unemployment rate in a given area is below a certain point. Why are we paying welfare to able bodied adults and importing workers? I know of local kids who would drive up to Denali to work for the week and drive home on the their days off, or take a bus. I also met a J-1 visa worker in a restaurant in Anchorage. He was very nice, but I wondered if a local college kid or other young person was now unemployed because of him.
“Our worst fears can be summed up in three words: President Hillary Clinton,” said LaPierre. “Let’s stand and fight. Let’s do it now. Her campaign is running full speed and you and I and NRA need to be at full strength.” Hillary Clinton is an existential threat to our right to keep and bear arms. Donald Trump and the NRA will fight to defend the Second Amendment. They will fight through the Court of popular opinion. Through the media. Through our Court System. Hillary Clinton wants to abolish The Second Amendment. She has pledged to do everything she can to nibble away at it.
I think I see the article was already on the page for the 29th May ALT: *... that the Queer Objects On Horseback was the nickname for the Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars, whose Honorary Colonel was Winston Churchill, and who preceded the coffin at his state funeral? Now 194 chars. Johnbod (talk) The hook facts aren't inline cited, and most of the references are either 404s or links to the main page of a website rather than the specific article. Mentioned this on the article's talk page. Olaf Davis | Talk All references now fixed, and I added an extra footnote for the hook fact. Olaf Davis | Talk
" ::I was going to also place some ""cites"", but my ISP AND Wikipedia was fucking up BIG TIME. I Kept getting really weird versions on Wikipedia, and then MY ISP went down as well. "
==Blockquotes== Now this might be a nitpick but those blockquotes seems awfully over-dramatic to me. Wales and Essjay aren't Charlotte Bronte and Karl Popper, for example. Why not straight quotes like, uhm, a text?
Why does 'all' has to be 'God'? Have ever that crossed your mind?!
]] Wikipedia:Conflict of interest (Better language identifying entities) Wikipedia:Editing restrictions/Civility restrictions Wikipedia:FAQ/Organizations Wikipedia:WikiProject Libertarianism [[Wikipedia:Writing for the enemy
What do you think he was talking about when he threatened "fire and fury the likes of which the world has never seen"?
" ==Noteworthy: ""spacial"" and ""spatial""== This article refers to both spacial and spatial awareness, both terms are correct as used but not quite interchangeable. The common use term is ""spatial"", but the conference on Global Change in Moscow in 1988, qualified ""spatial"" as a 2-dimensional reference and ""spacial"" as a 3-dimensional reference. Referenced Site: Notes on Spatial/Spacial at the 1988 Global Change conference (Moscow, Russia) "
"Remove redirect== ""Gorshkov Class"" refers to a new series of Russian frigates. The Kiev class carrier named FAMSU Gorshkov has never been a class unto itslef. =="
== wow, this sucks == man, this sucks. coudnt stand reading it. no info whatsoever and rly boring to read. is this how canadian rock bands are treated?
==Daniel C. Boyer== I would like to chime in on your discussion with Daniel C. Boyer to tell you that ignoring him seems to do the trick. I think it's inappropriate for him to continually use RfC as his own personal ego-barrier, but he's not actually doing anything against the rules so the best thing to do is let him know that you will not participate in any of his childish arguments. It worked on . Also there seems to be quite a number of people who have identified his need to self-promote on Wikipedia, so hopefully something can be done about that too.
Wait, you are telling me that you don't even consider Wikipedia as a reliable source either? LMFAO. You must be fucking with me.
" *Support. Most common name, and current common name... | "
Undocumented immigrants are half as likely as US Citizens to commit crimes.
" == table version of list == I've rescued the table version of the long list from the page history. it still needs a lot of work, but it's better than that ungainly sprawl, I think. "
Blatant socialism like that espoused by Sanders and Warren is not a winning platform. At best, Americans prefer their socialism to be more subtle, so they deny to themselves that's what it is.
CARRER-RELATED LEARNING STANDARDS Personal Management: Generally my personal management skills are not great, although at times I can surprise myself. For instance in my portfolio everything is nice and organized, so I am able to do get organized, I just need to apply myself harder. I will try to improve on this though throughout the school year. Problem Solving: Like my personal management, my problem solving skills aren’t the best, although at times I can surprise myself. For instance my parents and I figured out a project idea when my previous topics did not work out; which was renewable energy. Communication: My communication skills vary greatly. I almost always keep to myself when I’m talking to strangers outside of school or any other environment. I’m used to, and when I do I always end up stuttering. I’m extremely talkative when I’m talking to friends, so much they understandably get annoyed with me. If I talk to people I don’t know in school I’m usually just asking as simple question to them. Teamwork My teamwork in school throughout my life has been pathetic. Although since the beginning of my senior year it has improved astronomically. For instance during a project in my politics I was the most outspoken person in the group, always asking questions on how to resolve issues that were present within our project. Employment Foundations: To obtain a job you’d have to have those traits: Being organized, have good communication, a good problem solver, and good teamwork. As I mentioned I really don’t greatly excel at any of those, although I am trying my best to work on these traits as much as I can. Lately I have been, and my goal is to continue to get better at these traits as much as I can.
Nothing: Icertainly don't propose "minimizing" the outrage or whatever. I propose that focusing public input on the agenda item being considered would be far more constructive than allowing hours of "off topic" testimony. A specific "work shop" to listen to the community on the "downtown" issues makes real sense, letting it dominate the time of meetings where it is NOT on the agenda is what's counterproductive. I think the "right"message is, "yes, the downtown situation is important. Yes, we need to address it. Yes, it's so important that we are scheduling specific "work shop" sessions to address it and take public input. However, we have other Council business which must also be addressed. Therefore, during the regular Council meetings we will take public testimony on specific issues as they appear on our agenda. We will also hold "open forum" sessions where the public can speak to any topic they choose. However, our regular meetings will focus on the agenda. Gary Crum
REDIRECT Talk:Great Synagogue (Plzeň)
== Neutrality == This article reads like it has been solely authored by family and old colleagues/cronies.
== FDR: WHORE WHO SOLD POLAND TO SOVIETS AND JEWS TO GERMANS == Lets face it. He was a softest in thighs and easiest biatch ever. Not a president. Naming places after his name is a disgrace.
, nothing of what I wrote falls within Wikipedia's definition of a personal attack. (Go check and compare.) Both you and Laurel are editing pages with incorrect information. You're placing your own RC POV ahead of factual information, and you take offence when I point this out. You should only edit something if you're well informed about that topic. If you don't know about a particular topic refrain from editing that topic. And do not undo the edits people make if you're not sure. I can see where both you and Laurel have made major errors, but this is because you're simply unaware of the details of history. Your responses show you don't know what you've edited. You're adding misinformation to Wikipedia. Misinformation does even more damage to Wikipedia and the community than does blunt speech.
" == GA Review == Thanks for the review, it was very helpful. Don't worry about me adding to the backlog, I like doing one at the time so it'll be a while before I consider nominating another. I'll think about doing a review but I'm a novice when it comes to that sort of thing. The Joan Gamper Trophy FLC for instance, I missed quite a few things regarding the lead that others didn't. Cheers. "
Thanks - thanks to your efforst I've been lbocked from editnig for the past 4 days. Bet you feel proud of yourself. However, no, piling lies on top of further lies won't help your cause. You are clearly quite delusional, a calculating liar and should not be allowed to edit Wikipedia. A leader of a council is more important than a non-leader. This is an indisuptable fact that you choose to ignore mostly because you're a complete idiot.
The domestic terrorists at the company called "civil comments" are attempting to destroy your first amendment right to free speech! Only in communist countries or in Nazi Germany you had to have approval of your speech by your peers! That's not the United States of America! That's Russia under the iron fist of a loser named Putin! RESIST LOSING YOUR 1st Amendment right! Here is the communists website I HOPE all hackers that are reading this understand it is time to take this website down are you listening @ "anonymous" our free-speech is being destroyed by these losers Be a real American patriot like Thomas Jefferson and George Washington that fought for our first amendment rights for free speech ! https://www.getcivil.com
" :::Yeah, I have the missing article list watchlisted. Oh, and ignore that ""phone company"" van parked outside your house for the last three weeks. Nothing to see there, move along. (whistles) On KLUU, I normally create the short article anyway since the ownership can change (the EMF trades stations on a routine basis) and it's better to have a real article on which to hang the changes than a blind redirect to an article that doesn't really have all the same information. Others editors may have differing philosophies. - "
George Papodopolus pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. Huge! And he is cooperating now. Just like Niall Silvia did in the Kealoha public corruption case in Honolulu. Stay tune, more to come, just be patient, just like the Kealoha case. Wow amazing.
Dr. Peter von Hippel earned his first of several degrees from MIT in 1952, His retirement date was March 1, 1999, after nearly 32 years of service, according to the PERS database, which would be at about age 68 or 69. A 2011 article in The Oregonian, when he was then the ninth-highest PERS beneficiary at $19,677.95 per month (he's at $21,319 now), said he was still working full-time as an American Cancer Society researcher with post-doctorate students and others as a professor of chemistry. "I'm not getting paid; I'm doing this because I like to," he said. "I put in a lot of 12-hour days." As for his PERS pension, he said university researchers in Oregon have historically been paid less than their counterparts in other states. "Several times while we were working they asked us to take an increase in our pension rather than salary. That's one of the reasons why our pensions are high," he said.
""" Note how the definition contains reality in it. Not something that comes from a reality but something that contains a reality. "
It was more than his policies, dufus.
== Yamashita Shoon == Why did you delete the page? ( I needed information from that D:
Maybe you should sort it by muslim population instead. It would be more intuitive. Abbas
People have always killed, including often non-combatants, due to differences in religion, skin colour, nationality, tribe, etc. USA dropped atomic bombs on civilians to end the war with the Japanese people, the Allies bombed the civilian population of Dresden, just to give two examples. You would have to expand your definition of "psychopath" beyond ISIS if it applies to people who kill others because they belong to another group. (P.S. It's "checkered".)
i like to eat poop
I don't know why more citizens aren't angry about this whole rail fiasco. This last election was another referendum on the rail project and yet more people voted for Caldwell and the same cast of city council flunkies again. My Honolulu peeps!!!!! What's the deal?????!!!!
" :Nope, not at all. The only thing I know about it is that it's related to the study of skin and skin diseases, that some people have skin cancers, and that there are dermatology journals out there. I'm just cleaning up random infoboxes (as you probably have seen me clean up infobox disease). { / / physics / books} "
They continue to fire weapons of all varieties at him, but with the help of the fairies, they turn into soft and harmless things like bubbles and flowers
" The first one looks pretty obvious... too lazy to look at the second one right now. ''''''thor "
Why so cagey, Let Me? Afraid to actually say that you think Islam is the problem? Worried that making such a gross generalization will get your comment removed? I guess I was spot on with my initial comment then, assuming that you were unable to see the fact that the vast majority of Muslims go about their lives without becoming extremists. I stand by my original post. Islam is not the problem. Extremist Islam is.
too bad kennedy and army failed to recognize the importance of someone articulating thoughts of suicide. hernandez may have fell deeper into depression when he did not receive any response to his suicide threat. . the prison staff who censor all mail and letters in and out of prisoners' cells may have failed the most in this incident. they are supposed to be trained in recognizing emotional changes especially suicide tendencies when expressed by inmates. .
The Wynne Liberals have effectively choked off the incredible and lucrative cash flow related to Toronto's land transfer tax. Talk about shooting themselves in the foot. Sheriff Wynne and her Deputy of Nothing should resign now, just like Glen did.
PLEASE remove the pictures of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It offends all the muslims. PLEASE!!!
There was no waste of anyone's time, much less the media's. The media is responsible for its own content whether facts or speculations of scandals. Think of the content that could have been dedicated to other matters until the President either confirmed or denied taping anyone. Next time do not speculate ad nauseum and stick to facts like journalists were (yes, were) educated to do,
Thanks, but I already have an account, I'm just too lazy to sign in sometimes.
Donna Simpson is the fattest tub of lard ever. == Bloody antlered peanut! == Grrrrrrr Penny Fitzgerald makes me saprostomous!! DIGI power has to commence!
Rjecina's reverting Reason: Massive rewriting without discussion, writing of personal thinking, statements are not supported by sources which are speaking different, editorial style as given is utterly false- no massive rewriting is visible - all statements are supported by valid scholar references- editorial style is ok I would qualify Rjecina's revert as vandalism due to the fact that she removed references supporting some statements that were tagged by previously, as uncivilty - for attacking the anonymous editor baselessly
It is complex! My father's family were Irish Catholics on his father's side (hence the surname Quinn) and English Protestants on his mother's side; his mother converted to RC and he was raised Roman Catholic. My mother's family were ethnic Lithuanians who moved to St Petersburg two centuries ago and converted to Russian Orthodoxy from Roman Catholicism. In St. Petersburg, her family did intermarry with Lithuanian ex-patriots and ethnic Russians. One branch of my mother's family emigrated to America in the late 1800s from St. Petersburg. Her surname is Lithuanian, therefore, her family still acknowledged their Lithuanian ancestry. Before my parents married in the late 1930s, my mother converted to RC, and I was baptized and confirmed in the RCC; they are buried next to each other in a RC Cemetery. When I spoke to my mother about her conversion, she always said, "I came back home to the faith of my ancestors."
" :::::PPP is the standard for international comparisons because it smooths out currency distortions. ITEP is dedicated to promoting tax increases on “the rich” and attacking conservative policies, so it’s fair to call them left wing. Of course the premise that Americans don’t receive timely care and that the alleged discrepancy results in the LE gap is contested. Do Japanese receive significantly timelier care than Australians and Brits? What about English versus Scottish? As for “poverty”, even the NIH report (briefly) concedes that Americans have a lower ""absolute"" poverty rate than Europeans, though it spends far more time obsessing on the absurd Marxist construct of “relative poverty”. “Relative” poverty increases when, all things being equal, someone else does too well. "
::Barry, just stop. You clearly have an anti-Perl agenda, you even admitted so yourself. That TCPI chart has been shown to be unreliable at best, and any attempt to dress it up is just an excercise in weasel words. You've worn out your welcome here. Go away and stop adding your thinly-veiled bias to this article.
Read Hilary talking about Putin's "manspreading" the other day. Thank GOD she is not president.
"==Copyright problem: Ravindra Ranasinha== Hello, and welcome to Wikipedia! We welcome and appreciate your contributions, such as Ravindra Ranasinha, but we regretfully cannot accept copyrighted text or images borrowed from either web sites or printed material. This article appears to be a copy from http://www.sundayobserver.lk/2006/09/10/zin07.asp, and therefore a copyright violation. The copyrighted text has been or will soon be deleted. While we appreciate contributions, we must require all contributors to understand and comply with our copyright policy. Wikipedia takes copyright violations very seriously, and persistent violators are liable to be blocked from editing. If you believe that the article is not a copyright violation, or if you have permission from the copyright holder to release the content freely under license allowed by Wikipedia, then you should do one of the following: If you have permission from the author to release the text under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (CC-BY-SA), leave a message explaining the details at Talk:Ravindra Ranasinha and send an email with confirmation of permission to ""permissions-en (at) wikimedia (dot) org"". Make sure you quote the exact page name, Ravindra Ranasinha, in your email. See Wikipedia:Requesting copyright permission for instructions. If a note on the original website states that re-use is permitted ""under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (CC-BY-SA), version 3.0, or that the material is released into the public domain leave a note at Talk:Ravindra Ranasinha with a link to where we can find that note. If you own the copyright to the material: send an e-mail from an address associated with the original publication to permissions-en(at)wikimedia(dot)org or a postal message to the Wikimedia Foundation permitting re-use under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License and GNU Free Documentation License, and note that you have done so on Talk:Ravindra Ranasinha. See Wikipedia:Donating copyrighted materials for instructions. It may also be necessary for the text be modified to have an encyclopedic tone and to follow Wikipedia article layout. For more information on Wikipedia's policies, see Wikipedia's policies and guidelines. If you would like to begin working on a new version of the article you may do so at [ this temporary page]. Leave a note at Talk:Ravindra Ranasinha saying you have done so and an administrator will move the new article into place once the issue is resolved. Thank you, and please feel welcome to continue contributing to Wikipedia. Happy editing! (talk) "
I didn't write that; I just nominated it. Thanks for promoting my nomination. (or Hrothulf)
"were brothers who were gay for each other. they drilled each other in the ass. romulus had the big one."" "
== Colt == Ah, good point. Perhaps I need to draw that out better! At that point in time, guns for the most part were made individually. A gunsmith would take a piece of wood and cut a blank for the stock from it, make or purchase a barrel, make the lock, make or procure small parts, assemble, fit and final finish the gun. As you could imagine making guns like this would be very time consuming. Colt wanted to invest in machines to make all these small parts, but the idea in manufacturing was so new that the investors didn't have faith in it working; plus the economy was in severe decline at the time. Colt was the president, but the board had to reign him in at times. These were men of means and while they were sold on his idea he was only 22 or 23 at the time. He was regarded by most of the board as a spendthrift and would think nothing of spending $100's (probably thousands in today's money) lavishly entertaining/bribing government officials for potential sales. He was known for getting people intoxicated during his sales pitches. In 1843 the company was basically sold out from under him by the board and the machinery auctioned off. -
The provincial and municipal governments should leave the business of operating electrical utilities to the private sector and confine their role to regulation. There are several different businesses. I have had experience with electrical co-operatives, municipal utilities and private operators. The service is similar. The likelihood is that the private operator will use economic resources more efficiently than the municipal government. The transmission grid requires a larger view than either a municipal or provincial government can provide. Neither provincial nor municipal borders were set out with a view to the optimal size of the electric grid. As for production, we have seen immense grief from poor production choices.
" ::: No violation, you would think all is clear. No. The one who expressed my sadness better than I could blocked himself. (Pictured) "
:::::I have explained my points, the wording does not match the referenced article, not does it reflect Mr. Laffer's own definition of the Laffer Curve. Feel free to make edits for more proper wording or to balance any point of view, I encourage other editors to review and if you would like we can mark the article, make a Request for Comment or any other dispute resolution method you like so that more people can take a look. I appreciate your feedback but Wikipedia is not a place for original research and I am certainly not claiming this is your original research, just that it is original research.
" ::I too have got no clue, but I have seen that the news sources support this radius. The recent Chinese deal report also says: ""a top speed of Mach 1.8 at altitude of 55,000 ft and combat range of 840 miles"". Any ideas? "
, 1 February 2006 (UTC) :: Exactly. They are in here as a duo because they are notable as a duo. Similarly, many pop groups and professional sports teams have articles here. Some members of such groups have individual articles, but this is because they have some degree of notability as individuals and there is something that can be said of them as individuals. 16:30
"But the good news is that the bridge will eventually get built if for no other reason than Anchorage is running out of open space to build homes and businesses." Anchorage is about 2000 sq. miles with a population of about 300,000. Singapore comprises about 280 sq. miles with a population of 5.4 million. I would suggest that Anchorage can build vertically, like most cities, for quite awhile before having a space problem.
" :Bias my ass. And your assumption that's she's LGBT when she works on all kinds of sexual topics is ridiculous! And I'm not obsessed with you at all. It's the other way around, which is why you took the time to reply and out yourself (pun intended). Thanks for taking the bait. ::Well I would have reminded/suggested to your sister that the other topic needed the additional source as well, but I decided to do it myself instead of bother her with reminders. And yes you do seem to be obsessed but we shall agree to disagree. Have a nice day. I don't wish to war with you. — Preceding unsigned comment added by :::Okay, fine. I guess I can call a truce, as long as you don't go back to the same kind of destructive editing you did before. I'm not obsessed with you or my sister, but I do appreciate the work she does and don't like to see it unjustifiably wrecked. I had decided to keep an eye out for you because you had edited destructively before. Peace. Seriously, chill down a bit. I know you're concerned, but you'll end up getting blocked for WP:CIVIL if you're not careful. Inb4 someone else - :I just revdeled that edit summary if you must swear multiple times, and in capital letters, please DON'T do it somewhere it's not possible to rephrase. ::Forgive me for not replying in a more timely fashion, when that madness was taking place. I don't curse much, mainly while playing online video gaming. I apologize and will try not to let it happen again. Is cursing not allowed here? I've seen others curse at this site when upset. :::He's now commenting on my sister at WP:ANI. STOP. Ignore the ip. Let an admin block him if he is indeed committing puppetry. Don't give him any satisfaction. WP:DENY   :His groundless comment about my sister will still be there if someone doesn't remove it each time. He keeps coming back like a cockroach. ::Ignore it. Let others remove it for you.   ::::Who's going to remove it for me? If others only block, I'll do the removing. :::::I will keep an eye on it. I've also contacted an admin via IRC over this issue. blocked the ip user and will monitor ANI for this diff as well.   ::::::I saw your revert. Thanks. But if his comment ever stays for too long, I'll revert. ==You've got mail!==   [[User:Little_green_rosetta|little green rosetta]
You're welcome, but I still don't understand basically any of this. I don't know why you think that is my site or that I have a plan to add what I guess must be thousands of links. I found three plants I was looking for and saw they had good information that I didn't find on this site, and added the 3 links. I didn't know you can't link to a google advertisement, and didn't compare the articles word for word, I just noticed the articles had a lot more information and pictures. I read your notes to me and some of the links, but didn't see the connection either. I'm a bit confused, so I guess I'll have to take your word for it.
Sorry, didn't see that at first. I just saw that he had edited some articles. Thanks.
slow down!
How do teachings of Christianity correspond to Canadian values? The existence of Jesus is not proven - the council of Nicea retroactively created his life story. A Virgin giving birth to a baby? Really? Why did God decide to have sex only in 1 B.C.? And millions more have been murdered in the name of Christianity. In South America, Africa and Asia.
, or the environment as well. The argument is that marketing promotes consumerism and waste.
This applies to anyone living the high life, not just boomers or wealthy.
Again, I don't think there is any consensus. PLEASE, allow Puyol to stay as it is now, it's the only Barcelona player I edit now (sick and tired of the edit wars in Barcelona/Madrid players), you won't have any problems with me in the other (current) players. Happy weekend
More green nonsense and anti CO2 propaganda
== Well done! == Well done Moni3 for having the balls to reduce Gian's block. Whether it sticks or not what you did shows courage and integrity, something sadly lacking in many of your fellow administrators. The whole rotten mess stinks to high heaven of corruption.
No. Christ -- the Jew who lived in the First Century -- would not have recognized or understood virtually everything Trent said. "Transubstantiation?" "The Latin Vulgate?" and so on would have been a complete mystery to him. Because, as every realist knows, the magisterium changes its teachings over the years. And you knew exactly what I meant.
Luck is a huge part of the equation, but the skill and experience and judgement of the pilot saved lives today, including his own.
" Comment Shouldn't it be ""sexual"", rather than ""sex"", to match child sexual abuse? "
Rick Springfield edit Hello. I noticed that you removed my Rick Springfield reference to him starring in the new Meryl Streep picture. However, if you look at the Wiki link to the find page that I included, it clearly lists him in the cast.
" == Bullshit == ""You know what's Bullshit?"" segment nine has been created, but a Youtube video hasn't been added yet. I filled out the info, but if anyone can link to the video on Youtube when it comes out, that'd be great."
WikiProject Food and Drink|class=stub}} {{
Interesting, entertaining piece, in spite of several influential aspects of the time that prompted the Czar to sell being left out.
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