11 values
3 values
The title says most of it. I just heard back from a friend of some people that worked at my old job, a local NYC roaster with around 200 employees and 9 locations. We’ll call them Cafe Mooby. Cafe Mooby stayed open until the last minute, and then terminated everyone’s employment. From my experiences with my company, I was allowed to use my sick pay to get one extra paycheck after leaving work, and being told that as soon as I want to come back, I can do so without any paperwork. The move from Cafe Mooby seems super shady, and they did a bunch of shitty things when I worked there. I’m just curious if it’s legal, and if the workers can file a wrongful termination class-action lawsuit or something?
My former employer fired everyone when they had to shutdown so they could avoid paying out sick time and make everyone go through the hiring process. Is this legal?
My former employer fired everyone when they had to shutdown so they could avoid paying out sick time and make everyone go through the hiring process. Is this legal? The title says most of it. I just heard back from a friend of some people that worked at my old job, a local NYC roaster with around 200 employees and 9 locations. We’ll call them Cafe Mooby. Cafe Mooby stayed open until the last minute, and then terminated everyone’s employment. From my experiences with my company, I was allowed to use my sick pay to get one extra paycheck after leaving work, and being told that as soon as I want to come back, I can do so without any paperwork. The move from Cafe Mooby seems super shady, and they did a bunch of shitty things when I worked there. I’m just curious if it’s legal, and if the workers can file a wrongful termination class-action lawsuit or something?
Mi antiguo empleador despidió a todo el mundo cuando tuvieron que cerrar para que pudieran evitar pagar tiempo de enfermedad y hacer que todo el mundo a través del proceso de contratación. ¿Es legal? El título dice la mayor parte de ella. Acabo de escuchar de un amigo de algunas personas que trabajaron en mi antiguo trabajo, un tostador local de Nueva York con alrededor de 200 empleados y 9 ubicaciones. Los llamaremos Cafe Mooby. Café Mooby permaneció abierto hasta el último minuto, y luego terminó el empleo de todos. De mis experiencias con mi empresa, se me permitió utilizar mi paga por enfermedad para obtener un cheque de pago adicional después de salir del trabajo, y se le dice que tan pronto como quiero volver, puedo hacerlo sin ningún papeleo. La mudanza de Cafe Mooby parece super sombría, y hicieron un montón de cosas de mierda cuando trabajé allí. Tengo curiosidad si es legal, y si los trabajadores pueden presentar una demanda de despido ilegal clase o algo?
In Maine, my landlord (commercial property management company) updated their snow removal policy just prior to a rather large storm. The policy states that between x:xx time cars cannot be parked in certain lots and between x:xx time cars cannot be parked in other certain lots due to snow removal from all the parking lots. After the storm my wife, who works from home some days, was not available to move her car during these very specific times for plowing. When she was able to get outside and move her car she was advised by representatives of the property management company that she gets a pass this time but next time they will fine us $50 if they have to text us to remind us to move our car and $100 if the car isn’t moved in what they called a “reasonable timeframe”. Nowhere in my signed lease does it mention anything about moving cars for snow removal or reference any policies regarding snow removal or fines. They posted the policy well after our signed lease and did not request any confirmation of receiving the policy or signature stating that we agree to the policy.
Landlord is updating snow removal policies and imposing fines
Landlord is updating snow removal policies and imposing fines In Maine, my landlord (commercial property management company) updated their snow removal policy just prior to a rather large storm. The policy states that between x:xx time cars cannot be parked in certain lots and between x:xx time cars cannot be parked in other certain lots due to snow removal from all the parking lots. After the storm my wife, who works from home some days, was not available to move her car during these very specific times for plowing. When she was able to get outside and move her car she was advised by representatives of the property management company that she gets a pass this time but next time they will fine us $50 if they have to text us to remind us to move our car and $100 if the car isn’t moved in what they called a “reasonable timeframe”. Nowhere in my signed lease does it mention anything about moving cars for snow removal or reference any policies regarding snow removal or fines. They posted the policy well after our signed lease and did not request any confirmation of receiving the policy or signature stating that we agree to the policy.
En Maine, mi propietario (empresa de gestión de la propiedad comercial) actualizó su política de eliminación de nieve justo antes de una tormenta bastante grande. La política establece que entre x:xx tiempo los coches no pueden ser estacionados en ciertos lotes y entre x:xx tiempo los coches no pueden ser estacionados en otros ciertos lotes debido a la eliminación de nieve de todos los estacionamientos. Después de la tormenta mi esposa, que trabaja desde casa algunos días, no estaba disponible para mover su coche durante estos momentos muy específicos para el arado. Cuando ella fue capaz de salir y mover su coche fue aconsejada por representantes de la empresa de gestión de la propiedad que ella consigue un pase esta vez, pero la próxima vez que nos multarán $50 si tienen que escribirnos para recordarnos a mover nuestro coche y $100 si el coche no se mueve en lo que llamaron un “plazo razonable”. En ningún lugar de mi contrato de arrendamiento firmado menciona nada acerca de mover coches para la remoción de nieve o referencia a cualquier política relativa a la remoción de nieve o multas.
Hello all, I moved into my apartment in August of 2019, and when I moved in the ceiling had collapsed in the bedroom. My landlord had fixed the ceiling within two weeks so that was okay for me because my classes hadn’t started. Fast forward to today, I go to check on my apartment because I am at home with my family because of covid I walk in and the ceiling is collapsed again this time breaking my dresser, flatscreen tv and ruining my clothing and bed. Keep in mind this had just been replaced less than a year earlier(10 months). So I call him and don’t get a call back for about an hour to which he replies “ well I’m not sure if I can get that fixed because of the virus probably not for a month or two”. Is there anything that can be done because I had planned to move back in but I cannot because there are wires from the ceiling to the floor, insulation and ceiling tiles all over. And to top it off it seems as though a whole chunk of sheet rock and plaster fell through right where I sleep that weighs about 65-80 pounds. If I was there in bed it could of caused some damage. Basically I’m asking what steps should I take and what would you all recommend. Thank you all!
Ceiling collapse
Ceiling collapse Hello all, I moved into my apartment in August of 2019, and when I moved in the ceiling had collapsed in the bedroom. My landlord had fixed the ceiling within two weeks so that was okay for me because my classes hadn’t started. Fast forward to today, I go to check on my apartment because I am at home with my family because of covid I walk in and the ceiling is collapsed again this time breaking my dresser, flatscreen tv and ruining my clothing and bed. Keep in mind this had just been replaced less than a year earlier(10 months). So I call him and don’t get a call back for about an hour to which he replies “ well I’m not sure if I can get that fixed because of the virus probably not for a month or two”. Is there anything that can be done because I had planned to move back in but I cannot because there are wires from the ceiling to the floor, insulation and ceiling tiles all over. And to top it off it seems as though a whole chunk of sheet rock and plaster fell through right where I sleep that weighs about 65-80 pounds. If I was there in bed it could of caused some damage. Basically I’m asking what steps should I take and what would you all recommend. Thank you all!
Hola a todos, me mudé a mi apartamento en agosto de 2019, y cuando me mudé en el techo había colapsado en el dormitorio. Mi propietario había fijado el techo dentro de dos semanas así que eso estaba bien para mí porque mis clases no habían comenzado. Rápido hasta hoy, voy a comprobar en mi apartamento porque estoy en casa con mi familia debido a covid entro y el techo se derrumba de nuevo esta vez rompiendo mi vestidor, televisión de pantalla plana y arruinando mi ropa y cama. Tenga en cuenta que esto había sido reemplazado apenas menos de un año antes (10 meses). Así que lo llamé y no recibí una llamada de vuelta durante una hora a la que responde “bueno, no estoy seguro de si puedo conseguir que se arreglan debido al virus probablemente no por un mes o dos”. ¿Hay algo que se puede hacer porque había planeado volver a mudarme en, pero no puedo porque hay cables desde el techo al piso, aislamiento y baldosas de techo por todo el lado. Y para rematar parece que un pedazo de hoja de roca y y yeso cayó a través de donde pesan alrededor de 65-80 libras. Si yo estuviera en la cama podría causar algún daño.
My wedding date is September 6th, 2020. Due to the pandemic, our venue has started rescheduling May, June, July, and August weddings. We are trying to reschedule ours, and are faced with the following challenges: 1. On our call last week, we were told of multiple September dates being available. On our call today, only one September date remains. Our coordinator told us they were rescheduling chronologically and we would be able to pick dates within our wedding month in 2021. It appears they are not following their own process - where did those other September dates go? 2. September 5th, 2021 is available, but the venue is charging 2021 pricing to rebook. This would be a 30% increase on what we are paying in 2020. 3. Force Majoure has been applied to May, June, and July, but not August and September as of yet. 4. Our contract really does not leave any room to cancel without engaging in a legal battle. I'm wondering how we can negotiate or find a way to move our wedding to 2021 without incurring this astronomical pricing. It feels we are trapped on both sides (if we cancel, we lose money, if we reschedule we lose money). We have set up a call with the COO of the venue to try and negotiate... any tips are appreciated.
Need Help with Rescheduling 2020 Wedding
Need Help with Rescheduling 2020 Wedding My wedding date is September 6th, 2020. Due to the pandemic, our venue has started rescheduling May, June, July, and August weddings. We are trying to reschedule ours, and are faced with the following challenges: 1. On our call last week, we were told of multiple September dates being available. On our call today, only one September date remains. Our coordinator told us they were rescheduling chronologically and we would be able to pick dates within our wedding month in 2021. It appears they are not following their own process - where did those other September dates go? 2. September 5th, 2021 is available, but the venue is charging 2021 pricing to rebook. This would be a 30% increase on what we are paying in 2020. 3. Force Majoure has been applied to May, June, and July, but not August and September as of yet. 4. Our contract really does not leave any room to cancel without engaging in a legal battle. I'm wondering how we can negotiate or find a way to move our wedding to 2021 without incurring this astronomical pricing. It feels we are trapped on both sides (if we cancel, we lose money, if we reschedule we lose money). We have set up a call with the COO of the venue to try and negotiate... any tips are appreciated.
Need Help with Rescheduling 2020 Wedding Mi fecha de boda es el 6 de septiembre de 2020.Debido a la pandemia, nuestro lugar ha comenzado a reprogramar las bodas de mayo, junio, julio y agosto.Estamos tratando de reprogramar las nuestras y nos enfrentamos a los siguientes desafíos: 1.En nuestra llamada de la semana pasada, nos dijeron que había varias fechas de septiembre disponibles.En nuestra llamada de hoy, sólo queda una fecha de septiembre.Nuestro coordinador nos dijo que estaban reprogramando cronológicamente y que podríamos elegir fechas dentro de nuestro mes de bodas en 2021.Parece que no están siguiendo su propio proceso - ¿dónde fueron esas otras fechas de septiembre?2.Septiembre 5 de 2021 está disponible, pero el lugar está cobrando 2021 precios para reprogramar.Esto sería un aumento del 30% en lo que estamos pagando en 2020.3.Force Majoure se ha aplicado a mayo, junio y julio, pero no agosto y septiembre a partir de ahora.4.Nuestro contrato no deja espacio para cancelar sin participar en una batalla legal.Hemos establecido una llamada con el director de operaciones del lugar para tratar de negociar... cualquier consejo es apreciado.
So not 100% sure where this goes but I figured this would be the best place for right now. I live in Tx and recently there was an altercation so I live with grandparent who wants me to leave but my stuff and everything I own is in there. I'm locked out and as far as I know they can't just lock / kick me out without eviction notice. I can't get in, I'm suck outside and I'm not sure if I can call the police or not or what to do. I've tried knocking and seeing if anyone is home but there's nothing.
TX Emergency Advice
TX Emergency Advice So not 100% sure where this goes but I figured this would be the best place for right now. I live in Tx and recently there was an altercation so I live with grandparent who wants me to leave but my stuff and everything I own is in there. I'm locked out and as far as I know they can't just lock / kick me out without eviction notice. I can't get in, I'm suck outside and I'm not sure if I can call the police or not or what to do. I've tried knocking and seeing if anyone is home but there's nothing.
Consejos de emergencia de TX Así que no 100% seguro a dónde va esto, pero me imaginé que este sería el mejor lugar para ahora. Vivo en Tx y recientemente hubo un altercado así que vivo con abuelo que quiere que me vaya pero mis cosas y todo lo que tengo está ahí. Estoy bloqueado y hasta donde sé que no pueden simplemente bloquear / echarme sin aviso de desalojo. No puedo entrar, estoy chupar fuera y no estoy seguro de si puedo llamar a la policía o no o qué hacer. He intentado llamar y ver si alguien está en casa, pero no hay nada.
At the start of this last school year one of my roommate's fiancée (P) fully moved into our rental house and began trying to control any and all decisions within the house along with getting upset if we don't do as she asks. I had finally had enough in January when she began screaming at me about something very unimportant as I was leaving for work so I sent an email to my landlord requesting that she be asked to leave. This didn't accomplish anything as the landlord is her soon to be parents in-law, and I was deferred to talking to their son the "property manager" and was told to just be nicer to her and do as she says. This being something I refuse to do as she is an nonpaying tenant of the house. Every since I did this she has had it out for me, trying to find anyway to get me evicted from the house. On Friday night P 'caught' two of my other roommates and I vaping in one of their bedrooms after barging in without being invited in and reported it to the landlord under the premise that I was the only one doing it and that I was actually smoking. Which is something I don't do anymore as I quit cigarettes last summer when I began vaping which I have been doing all year in the house without a problem. From my understanding of Minnesota law they would need to also list in the lease that vaping is not allowed as its a residential house, is this correct? And is there a way for me to break the lease as they are unwilling to remove P from the house and she is causing me mental/emotional harm?
[MN] Issues with live-in guest and threats of eviction
[MN] Issues with live-in guest and threats of eviction At the start of this last school year one of my roommate's fiancée (P) fully moved into our rental house and began trying to control any and all decisions within the house along with getting upset if we don't do as she asks. I had finally had enough in January when she began screaming at me about something very unimportant as I was leaving for work so I sent an email to my landlord requesting that she be asked to leave. This didn't accomplish anything as the landlord is her soon to be parents in-law, and I was deferred to talking to their son the "property manager" and was told to just be nicer to her and do as she says. This being something I refuse to do as she is an nonpaying tenant of the house. Every since I did this she has had it out for me, trying to find anyway to get me evicted from the house. On Friday night P 'caught' two of my other roommates and I vaping in one of their bedrooms after barging in without being invited in and reported it to the landlord under the premise that I was the only one doing it and that I was actually smoking. Which is something I don't do anymore as I quit cigarettes last summer when I began vaping which I have been doing all year in the house without a problem. From my understanding of Minnesota law they would need to also list in the lease that vaping is not allowed as its a residential house, is this correct? And is there a way for me to break the lease as they are unwilling to remove P from the house and she is causing me mental/emotional harm?
[MN] Problemas con el huésped en casa y amenazas de desalojo Al comienzo de este último año escolar una de las prometidas de mi compañera de cuarto (P) se mudó completamente a nuestra casa de alquiler y comenzó a tratar de controlar todas y cada una de las decisiones dentro de la casa junto con enojarse si no hacemos lo que ella pide.Finalmente había tenido suficiente en enero cuando ella comenzó a gritarme sobre algo muy poco importante cuando me iba a trabajar, así que envié un correo electrónico a mi propietario solicitando que se le pidiera que se fuera.Esto no logró nada, ya que el propietario es su pronto para ser suegro, y se aplazó a hablar con su hijo el "administrador de bienes" y se me dijo que simplemente fuera más amable con ella y que hiciera lo que ella dice.Esto es algo que me niego a hacer como ella es una inquilino no pagadora de la casa.Cada vez que lo hice, ella lo ha tenido para mí, tratando de encontrar de todos modos para conseguirme desalojado de la casa.Que es algo que ya no hago ya que dejé los cigarrillos el verano pasado cuando empecé vaping que he estado haciendo todo el año en la casa sin un problema.Desde mi comprensión de la ley de Minnesota que tendrían que también la lista en el contrato de que vaping no se permite como su casa residencial, ¿es esto correcto?Y hay una manera para mí de romper el contrato de arrendamiento ya que no están dispuestos a quitar P de la casa y ella me está causando daño mental / emocional?
I have lived in this apartment for a year and a half now. I am a college student renting for the first time, so I'm not really experienced with how all this service request stuff is supposed to work. Last winter, we had a mice issue. We called the property owner and sent in the work order. It was taken care of quickly and we didn't see them again until this January. We called and had them set traps and it was caught. However, shortly after this, more mice were seen running around. We repeated the process. No mice were caught. In March, I saw more mice and reported this. Someone came out to set traps, but after coming home from a trip to find droppings everywhere, I didn't feel comfortable staying in the apartment and I stayed with friends until a mouse was caught. I explained this to the property manager and asked if there was a way for them to reimburse me for the time I had to stay out of the apartment or the time I would spend cleaning up after it (it also chewed on the walls, doors, and desk in my room). I received 25 dollars in credit for laundry. Shortly after I moved back, I heard more scratching and kept seeing things out of the corner of my eye. For a month, I thought I was being paranoid, as I called in again and they said the traps haven't caught anything. However, today while I opened my oven door, I saw another mouse run between my feet and into my living room before making a dash for the hallway closet. I don't understand how they could have not caught these mice already, especially when I asked them again last week to set up more traps because I heard and recorded the mice chewing on the wall behind the oven again. Is there anything I can do about this? Aren't mice a health risk, especially in a kitchen? Is there a more permanent solution?
The company I'm renting from hasn't taken care of the mice problem in my apartment after I've reported it for months
The company I'm renting from hasn't taken care of the mice problem in my apartment after I've reported it for months I have lived in this apartment for a year and a half now. I am a college student renting for the first time, so I'm not really experienced with how all this service request stuff is supposed to work. Last winter, we had a mice issue. We called the property owner and sent in the work order. It was taken care of quickly and we didn't see them again until this January. We called and had them set traps and it was caught. However, shortly after this, more mice were seen running around. We repeated the process. No mice were caught. In March, I saw more mice and reported this. Someone came out to set traps, but after coming home from a trip to find droppings everywhere, I didn't feel comfortable staying in the apartment and I stayed with friends until a mouse was caught. I explained this to the property manager and asked if there was a way for them to reimburse me for the time I had to stay out of the apartment or the time I would spend cleaning up after it (it also chewed on the walls, doors, and desk in my room). I received 25 dollars in credit for laundry. Shortly after I moved back, I heard more scratching and kept seeing things out of the corner of my eye. For a month, I thought I was being paranoid, as I called in again and they said the traps haven't caught anything. However, today while I opened my oven door, I saw another mouse run between my feet and into my living room before making a dash for the hallway closet. I don't understand how they could have not caught these mice already, especially when I asked them again last week to set up more traps because I heard and recorded the mice chewing on the wall behind the oven again. Is there anything I can do about this? Aren't mice a health risk, especially in a kitchen? Is there a more permanent solution?
La compañía que estoy alquilando no se ha ocupado del problema de los ratones en mi apartamento después de que lo he reportado durante meses que he vivido en este apartamento durante un año y medio ahora.Soy un estudiante universitario alquilando por primera vez, así que no tengo mucha experiencia con cómo se supone que funcionan todas estas cosas de solicitud de servicio.El invierno pasado, tuvimos un problema con los ratones.Llamamos al propietario de la propiedad y enviamos el orden de trabajo.Se hizo cargo de él rápidamente y no los vimos de nuevo hasta este enero.Llamamos y les hicimos poner trampas y fue capturado.Sin embargo, poco después de esto, se vieron más ratones corriendo alrededor.Repetimos el proceso.No se capturaron ratones.En marzo, vi más ratones e informé de esto.Alguien salió a poner trampas, pero después de venir a casa de un viaje para encontrar excrementos por todas partes, no me sentí cómodo al quedarme en el apartamento y me quedé con amigos hasta que un ratón fue capturado.En marzo, le expliqué esto al administrador de la propiedad y le pregunté si había una manera de reembolsarme el tiempo que tenía que quedarme fuera del apartamento o del tiempo que me quedaba en el servicio de lavandería.Poco después de mudarme de vuelta, escuché más rasguños y seguía viendo cosas por el rabillo del ojo.Durante un mes, pensé que estaba siendo paranoica, mientras llamaba de nuevo y dijeron que las trampas no habían cogido nada.Sin embargo, hoy, mientras abrí la puerta del horno, vi otro ratón correr entre mis pies y entrar en mi sala de estar antes de hacer un guión para el armario del pasillo.No entiendo cómo no pudieron haber atrapado ya a estos ratones, especialmente cuando les pedí de nuevo la semana pasada que pusieran más trampas porque escuché y grabé a los ratones masticando en la pared detrás del horno otra vez.¿Hay algo que pueda hacer al respecto?¿No son los ratones un riesgo para la salud, especialmente en una cocina?¿Hay una solución más permanente?
[AL] A friend of mine who works in surgery at a hospital is being forced to work in surgeries that require radiation that lead cannot protect against. These are safe amounts to an adult, but the radiation team has advised it as unsafe for pregnancy. However, this is being ignored by her management and she is being required to work these surgeries. There are many other types of surgeries going on, so this is not specific to the job as the only surgery neing done. Are there any options or is it required of her to do these?
Forced to Work in Unhealthy Conditions during Pregnancy - Hospital Surgery
Forced to Work in Unhealthy Conditions during Pregnancy - Hospital Surgery [AL] A friend of mine who works in surgery at a hospital is being forced to work in surgeries that require radiation that lead cannot protect against. These are safe amounts to an adult, but the radiation team has advised it as unsafe for pregnancy. However, this is being ignored by her management and she is being required to work these surgeries. There are many other types of surgeries going on, so this is not specific to the job as the only surgery neing done. Are there any options or is it required of her to do these?
Una amiga mía que trabaja en cirugía en un hospital está siendo obligada a trabajar en cirugías que requieren radiación que el plomo no puede proteger contra. Estas son cantidades seguras para un adulto, pero el equipo de radiación lo ha aconsejado como inseguro para el embarazo. Sin embargo, esto está siendo ignorado por su administración y se le está exigiendo que trabaje en estas cirugías. Hay muchos otros tipos de cirugías en curso, por lo que esto no es específico para el trabajo como la única cirugía que se hace. ¿Hay alguna opción o se requiere de ella para hacer estas cirugías?
When is the landlord legally obligated to start looking for a new tenant? Will they look during the notice period or not until you have vacated the unit?
(Oregon) Wanting to break lease 6 months early
(Oregon) Wanting to break lease 6 months early When is the landlord legally obligated to start looking for a new tenant? Will they look during the notice period or not until you have vacated the unit?
(Oregón) Desea romper el contrato de arrendamiento 6 meses antes ¿Cuándo está legalmente obligado el propietario a comenzar a buscar un nuevo inquilino? ¿Buscarán durante el período de aviso o no hasta que haya desalojado la unidad?
I live in a community very deep in the woods, and as such there are only a few ways we have of getting out to the main roads. The usual way happened to be across a small bridge that a state inspector had condemned for a very long time before our county finally decided to close it to bring in contractors to repair it (though there really hasn’t been much progress in almost a year) and our detour took us through several miles of unmarked dirt roads through forest service land, and another bridge that quickly had to be shut down because it was unsafe (meaning more detours through crappy dirt roads). I try to be understanding because we’re in a poor part of a poor state so there’s probably not much money there to do maintenance with, but I’m very worried that this is becoming a serious safety issue. The dirt roads are very narrow and winding, so meeting a car going the other direction is rather dangerous, with more than one person ending up stuck in a ditch trying to avoid a car. Between a few heavy storms and all the traffic of our community using the dirt roads, they are now full of potholes and the county won’t send people to re-grade them anymore. And between the state of the road and the poor signage marking the detour I’m very worried that in an emergency, ambulances and fire trucks wouldn’t be able to reach us in time, if at all. To the best of my knowledge no one has been injured yet but I’m worried that nothing will be done about this until someone get seriously hurt and sues. Is there anything that I’m able to do as a concerned citizen, or do I just have to wait for elections roll around and hope I can vote out everyone that allowed this to happen
Condemned bridges and unsafe detours (MS)
Condemned bridges and unsafe detours (MS) I live in a community very deep in the woods, and as such there are only a few ways we have of getting out to the main roads. The usual way happened to be across a small bridge that a state inspector had condemned for a very long time before our county finally decided to close it to bring in contractors to repair it (though there really hasn’t been much progress in almost a year) and our detour took us through several miles of unmarked dirt roads through forest service land, and another bridge that quickly had to be shut down because it was unsafe (meaning more detours through crappy dirt roads). I try to be understanding because we’re in a poor part of a poor state so there’s probably not much money there to do maintenance with, but I’m very worried that this is becoming a serious safety issue. The dirt roads are very narrow and winding, so meeting a car going the other direction is rather dangerous, with more than one person ending up stuck in a ditch trying to avoid a car. Between a few heavy storms and all the traffic of our community using the dirt roads, they are now full of potholes and the county won’t send people to re-grade them anymore. And between the state of the road and the poor signage marking the detour I’m very worried that in an emergency, ambulances and fire trucks wouldn’t be able to reach us in time, if at all. To the best of my knowledge no one has been injured yet but I’m worried that nothing will be done about this until someone get seriously hurt and sues. Is there anything that I’m able to do as a concerned citizen, or do I just have to wait for elections roll around and hope I can vote out everyone that allowed this to happen
Los puentes condenados y los desvíos inseguros (MS)Vivo en una comunidad muy profunda en el bosque, y como tal sólo hay unas pocas maneras de salir a las carreteras principales.La forma habitual fue cruzar un pequeño puente que un inspector del estado había condenado durante mucho tiempo antes de que nuestro condado finalmente decidiera cerrarlo para traer contratistas para repararlo (aunque realmente no ha habido mucho progreso en casi un año) y nuestro desvío nos llevó a través de varias millas de caminos de tierra sin marcar a través de la tierra de servicio forestal, y otro puente que rápidamente tuvo que ser cerrado porque era inseguro (significando más desvíos a través de caminos de tierra de mierda).Trato de entender porque estamos en una parte pobre de un estado pobre por lo que probablemente no hay mucho dinero allí para hacer mantenimiento, pero estoy muy preocupado de que esto se está convirtiendo en un problema serio de seguridad.Las carreteras de tierra son muy estrechas y sinuosas, así que encontrar un coche en la otra dirección es bastante peligroso, con más de una persona que termina en una zanja tratando de evitar un coche.Entre unas cuantas tormentas pesadas y todo el tráfico de nuestra comunidad que utiliza las carreteras de tierra, ahora están llenos de baches y el condado no enviará a la gente a re-calificarlos más.Y entre el estado de la carretera y la señal pobre que marca el desvío estoy muy preocupado de que en una emergencia, ambulancias y camiones de bomberos no podrían llegar a nosotros a tiempo, si es que en absoluto.A lo mejor de mi conocimiento nadie ha sido herido todavía pero me preocupa que no se hará nada al respecto hasta que alguien salga gravemente herido y demanda.Hay algo que yo soy capaz de hacer como un ciudadano preocupado, o simplemente tengo que esperar a que las elecciones ruedan y espero que pueda expulsar a todos los que permitieron que esto suceda.
Hello. I work at one of these big names companies. Started working there 8 months ago. Two months into my job, a new manager came in and replaced my hiring manager. Things between us were not working well. In September, this manager responds to one of my emails using terms that I found offensive. I took this to the HR and mentioned to them that this was verbal abuse, disrespectful, and verbal harassment. The HR after a month time dismissed the case saying my alleged claims of harassment and verbal abuse were false. They also said they identified “opportunities” to improve the relationship moving forward! I was so disappointed and felt that there was bias in their decision. The comments the manager made to me in writing are derogatory to say the least. In Texas. When I told the HR and the employee relations the least I would expect is an apology, they said they cannot have him apologize. The HR even said they were glad that my claims were dismissed! So as a result, I decided to respond back to that three-month old email from my manager and copy the HR saying to him that his choice of words to put me down reveals a lot the true leadership style he has. I told him I would put this behind my back now if he does not do this again. I did not use derogatory words and was assertive in my email. Now the HR wants to meet with me again to discuss this last email. Can they fire me for standing my ground? What should I expect next?
Verbal Abuse at Workplace
Verbal Abuse at Workplace Hello. I work at one of these big names companies. Started working there 8 months ago. Two months into my job, a new manager came in and replaced my hiring manager. Things between us were not working well. In September, this manager responds to one of my emails using terms that I found offensive. I took this to the HR and mentioned to them that this was verbal abuse, disrespectful, and verbal harassment. The HR after a month time dismissed the case saying my alleged claims of harassment and verbal abuse were false. They also said they identified “opportunities” to improve the relationship moving forward! I was so disappointed and felt that there was bias in their decision. The comments the manager made to me in writing are derogatory to say the least. In Texas. When I told the HR and the employee relations the least I would expect is an apology, they said they cannot have him apologize. The HR even said they were glad that my claims were dismissed! So as a result, I decided to respond back to that three-month old email from my manager and copy the HR saying to him that his choice of words to put me down reveals a lot the true leadership style he has. I told him I would put this behind my back now if he does not do this again. I did not use derogatory words and was assertive in my email. Now the HR wants to meet with me again to discuss this last email. Can they fire me for standing my ground? What should I expect next?
Hola, trabajo en una de estas grandes empresas.Empecé a trabajar allí hace 8 meses.Dos meses en mi trabajo, un nuevo gerente entró y reemplazó a mi gerente de contratación.Las cosas entre nosotros no funcionaban bien.En septiembre, este gerente respondió a uno de mis correos electrónicos utilizando términos que encontré ofensivos.¡Lo llevé a la RRHH y les mencioné que esto era abuso verbal, irrespetuoso y acoso verbal.El RRHH después de un mes desestimó el caso diciendo que mis supuestas alegaciones de acoso y abuso verbal eran falsas.También dijeron que identificaron “oportunidades” para mejorar la relación en marcha!Estaba tan decepcionado y sentía que había sesgo en su decisión.Los comentarios que el gerente me hizo por escrito son despectivos para decir lo menos.En Texas.Cuando le dije a la RRHH y a las relaciones de los empleados lo menos que esperaba era una disculpa, dijeron que no podían pedirle disculpas.La RRH incluso dijo que estaban contentos de que mis afirmaciones fueran desestimadas.Le dije que pondría esto a mis espaldas ahora si no lo hacía de nuevo.No usé palabras despectivas y fui asertivo en mi correo electrónico.Ahora el HR quiere reunirse conmigo de nuevo para discutir este último correo electrónico.¿Me pueden despedir por mantener mi posición?¿Qué debo esperar a continuación?
I work at a pretty big retail chain. I started 3 months ago today and was told I would be paid for the 4 hour orientation. That day is the only one in that pay period, and while I am in the system as having been punched in that day, I have not been paid or gotten a payslip from that week online or in person. I've told my managers a total of about 5 times. It would've been fixed had the store manager let yea assistant manager just add in the hours, but they decided to go through HR. I followed up multiple times about that and most recently, about a month ago, I asked again and was told they'd just add in the hours after all because they were having a hard time contacting HR. But this never happened. I'm tired of bringing this up and feeling like I'm nagging and yet nothing changes. Today I finally called for myself and was given a phone number for "Mrs. X" the zone payroll coordinator. I called and got a full voicemail box for "Mrs. Y" who I guess is the new payroll coordinator. The voicemail instructed me to email a certain address, so I did, but what now? What are my options if I never hear back? It seems like going to my managers yet again is the only other choice. It's only like $48, but if you say I'm going to get paid, I want to get paid and I also really need every penny.
Not paid for orientation after being there 3 months
Not paid for orientation after being there 3 months I work at a pretty big retail chain. I started 3 months ago today and was told I would be paid for the 4 hour orientation. That day is the only one in that pay period, and while I am in the system as having been punched in that day, I have not been paid or gotten a payslip from that week online or in person. I've told my managers a total of about 5 times. It would've been fixed had the store manager let yea assistant manager just add in the hours, but they decided to go through HR. I followed up multiple times about that and most recently, about a month ago, I asked again and was told they'd just add in the hours after all because they were having a hard time contacting HR. But this never happened. I'm tired of bringing this up and feeling like I'm nagging and yet nothing changes. Today I finally called for myself and was given a phone number for "Mrs. X" the zone payroll coordinator. I called and got a full voicemail box for "Mrs. Y" who I guess is the new payroll coordinator. The voicemail instructed me to email a certain address, so I did, but what now? What are my options if I never hear back? It seems like going to my managers yet again is the only other choice. It's only like $48, but if you say I'm going to get paid, I want to get paid and I also really need every penny.
No pagué por la orientación después de estar allí 3 meses trabajo en una cadena de ventas bastante grande.Hoy empecé 3 meses y me dijeron que me pagarían por la orientación de 4 horas.Ese día es el único en ese período de pago, y mientras estoy en el sistema como si me hubieran golpeado en ese día, no me han pagado ni me han pagado un pago de esa semana en línea o en persona.Le he dicho a mis gerentes un total de unas 5 veces.Se habría arreglado si el gerente de la tienda hubiera dejado que el gerente asistente de la tienda sólo agregara en las horas, pero decidieron pasar por HR.Me cansé de mencionar esto y me sentí como si estuviera dando náuseas y sin embargo nada cambia.Hoy por fin me he llamado a mí mismo y me han dado un número de teléfono para "Mrs. X" el coordinador de la nómina de zona.Pero esto nunca ha pasado.Estoy cansado de traer esto a colación y me siento como si estuviera dando vueltas y nada cambiase.Parece que ir a mis gerentes una vez más es la única otra opción.Es sólo como $48, pero si usted dice que voy a recibir pago, quiero recibir pago y también realmente necesito cada centavo.
I live in Minnesota. I just witnessed my friend (18 y.o.) being pulled over at 1 AM for having his headlight out. After informing the driver and getting his license/registration, the officer asked each passenger (one 18 y.o. and one 17 y.o.) what their ages were, and threatened a curfew violation for them. He said that he would “let you (speaking to the 17 y.o.) off the hook”. I was a little confused when I saw this. Can an underaged passenger get a curfew violation if a validly licensed, legal adult is driving?? Wouldn’t this mean that a kid can get a curfew if the parent is driving? I’m thinking that the cop is overstepping his duties. Please let me know. Thanks!
Police officer asking passengers their age; threatening curfew violation
Police officer asking passengers their age; threatening curfew violation I live in Minnesota. I just witnessed my friend (18 y.o.) being pulled over at 1 AM for having his headlight out. After informing the driver and getting his license/registration, the officer asked each passenger (one 18 y.o. and one 17 y.o.) what their ages were, and threatened a curfew violation for them. He said that he would “let you (speaking to the 17 y.o.) off the hook”. I was a little confused when I saw this. Can an underaged passenger get a curfew violation if a validly licensed, legal adult is driving?? Wouldn’t this mean that a kid can get a curfew if the parent is driving? I’m thinking that the cop is overstepping his duties. Please let me know. Thanks!
Oficial de policía preguntando a los pasajeros su edad; amenazando con violar el toque de queda vivo en Minnesota. Acabo de presenciar a mi amigo (18 años) siendo detenido a las 1 AM por tener su luz delantera fuera. Después de informar al conductor y obtener su licencia/registro, el oficial preguntó a cada pasajero (uno 18 años y uno 17 años) cuáles eran sus edades, y amenazó con una violación del toque de queda para ellos. Dijo que él "le dejaría (hablando a los 17 años) fuera del gancho". Estaba un poco confundido cuando vi esto. ¿Puede un pasajero menor de edad conseguir una violación del toque de queda si un adulto legal con licencia válida está conduciendo?? ¿No significaría esto que un niño puede obtener un toque de queda si el padre está conduciendo? Estoy pensando que el policía está sobrepasando sus deberes. Por favor, hágamelo saber. Gracias!
Back in January I got a reckless driving ticket for going 85 in a 70. My cruise control was set to 82, which is still reckless so I can't say I wasn't going 80. I asked the cop what would happen and he said I would have to take a driving improvement course and pay a fine, and that the ticket wouldn't be on my record after I paid it, and that it wouldn't be on my record at all until my court date, which is in April. I turn 18 in March, so I got the ticket before I turn 18 but my court date is after. Does this change anything? Do I technically have a reckless driving charge as an 18 year old or a minor? Does it make a difference if I show up on my court date with the class already finished? And does the charge actually go away after I pay it and do the course? Also, I'm not asking for specific advice on an attorney if I decided to go that route, but if I decide to hire an attorney, should I find one local to where I live or one that is near where I got my ticket? I was about 120 miles away from home when I got pulled over.
Got a traffic ticket for going 85 in a 70 in Virginia as a minor-what are my options and likely consequences of each?
Got a traffic ticket for going 85 in a 70 in Virginia as a minor-what are my options and likely consequences of each? Back in January I got a reckless driving ticket for going 85 in a 70. My cruise control was set to 82, which is still reckless so I can't say I wasn't going 80. I asked the cop what would happen and he said I would have to take a driving improvement course and pay a fine, and that the ticket wouldn't be on my record after I paid it, and that it wouldn't be on my record at all until my court date, which is in April. I turn 18 in March, so I got the ticket before I turn 18 but my court date is after. Does this change anything? Do I technically have a reckless driving charge as an 18 year old or a minor? Does it make a difference if I show up on my court date with the class already finished? And does the charge actually go away after I pay it and do the course? Also, I'm not asking for specific advice on an attorney if I decided to go that route, but if I decide to hire an attorney, should I find one local to where I live or one that is near where I got my ticket? I was about 120 miles away from home when I got pulled over.
Tengo un boleto de tráfico para ir 85 en un 70 en Virginia como un menor-cuáles son mis opciones y probables consecuencias de cada uno? En enero conseguí un boleto de conducción imprudente para ir 85 en un 70. Mi control de crucero se fijó en 82, que todavía es imprudente así que no puedo decir que no iba a ir 80. Le pregunté al policía qué pasaría y él dijo que tendría que tomar un curso de mejora de la conducción y pagar una multa, y que el boleto no estaría en mi registro después de que lo pagué, y que no estaría en mi registro en absoluto hasta mi fecha de la corte, que es en abril. Cumplo 18 en marzo, así que tengo el boleto antes de cumplir 18 años, pero mi fecha de la corte es después. ¿Cambia esto realmente después de pagarlo y hacer el curso? ¿Tengo un cargo de conducción imprudente como un 18 años o un menor? ¿Hace una diferencia si me presento en mi fecha de la corte con la clase ya terminado? ¿Y el cargo va más allá después de que lo pague y hago el curso? También, no estoy pidiendo consejos específicos sobre un abogado si decidí ir a la corte, pero si decidí a alquilar un abogado, yo tenía que fuera de 120 millas
I did some professional services work for a developer some time ago, designing houses around a private golf course. Things went OK for a while, but then the developer got in over his head and stopped paying his bills. The developer left me about $8.5K short, and I sued to collect. I sued the golf course LLC, the housing development LLC and the developer himself as a DBA. They all initially fought and refused to settle, but then did not show up for court. I was awarded the full amount in November of 2007. Eventually, the golf course and properties were sold off to new owners, and both LLCs are now listed as "Involuntary Dissolution by Court Order" on the state web site. The developer is MIA. My question(s)- Can I go after the new LLC of the golf course or housing development for my judgment? If I can find the developer, how can I collect from him? How does one go about finding the developer? Any insight is appreciated...
Massachusetts- How can I collect on a judgment?
Massachusetts- How can I collect on a judgment? I did some professional services work for a developer some time ago, designing houses around a private golf course. Things went OK for a while, but then the developer got in over his head and stopped paying his bills. The developer left me about $8.5K short, and I sued to collect. I sued the golf course LLC, the housing development LLC and the developer himself as a DBA. They all initially fought and refused to settle, but then did not show up for court. I was awarded the full amount in November of 2007. Eventually, the golf course and properties were sold off to new owners, and both LLCs are now listed as "Involuntary Dissolution by Court Order" on the state web site. The developer is MIA. My question(s)- Can I go after the new LLC of the golf course or housing development for my judgment? If I can find the developer, how can I collect from him? How does one go about finding the developer? Any insight is appreciated...
Massachusetts- ¿Cómo puedo recoger en un juicio? Hice algunos servicios profesionales trabajar para un desarrollador hace algún tiempo, el diseño de casas alrededor de un campo de golf privado. Las cosas salieron bien por un tiempo, pero luego el desarrollador se metió en su cabeza y dejó de pagar sus facturas. El desarrollador me dejó alrededor de $8.5K corto, y me demandé a cobrar. Demandé el campo de golf LLC, el desarrollo de la vivienda LLC y el propio desarrollador como un DBA. Todos inicialmente lucharon y se negaron a resolver, pero luego no se presentó a la corte. Se me concedió la cantidad completa en noviembre de 2007. Eventualmente, el campo de golf y las propiedades se vendieron a nuevos propietarios, y ambas LLCs ahora se enumeran como "Dissolución involuntaria por orden judicial" en el sitio web estatal. El desarrollador es MIA. Mi pregunta (s)- ¿Puedo ir después de la nueva LLC del campo de golf o desarrollo de viviendas para mi juicio? Si puedo encontrar el desarrollador, ¿cómo puedo cobrar de él? ¿Cómo se va a encontrar el desarrollador?
Location: Iowa, US. My father ended a relatively short battle with brain cancer 8 months ago. After he passed, it became clear he left no will. My brother and I are the sole beneficiaries, however there are massive debts against the estate. It stands that little of the money from his estate will make it to me and my brother. Prior to his illness, my father suffered from intense mental health problems. While I am unsure if he had a formal diagnosis (he likely did, I would probably need to get hospital records), he was admitted to the Psych Ward on several occasions. Unfortunately, from what my family could tell, he became delusional about his own imminent death, and did not believe he would die. As a result, he made no preparations, no will, no funeral instructions, no goodbye letters/videos, nothing. I have no doubt my father would have specified in a will to provide his estates assets to both me and my brother, had he been capable of assessing the situation. Is there any legal basis that would allow me to inherit my fathers estate without it first being used to pay off his debts?
I'm 21, my mentally ill father died, and left no will. Please help me figure out my options.
I'm 21, my mentally ill father died, and left no will. Please help me figure out my options. Location: Iowa, US. My father ended a relatively short battle with brain cancer 8 months ago. After he passed, it became clear he left no will. My brother and I are the sole beneficiaries, however there are massive debts against the estate. It stands that little of the money from his estate will make it to me and my brother. Prior to his illness, my father suffered from intense mental health problems. While I am unsure if he had a formal diagnosis (he likely did, I would probably need to get hospital records), he was admitted to the Psych Ward on several occasions. Unfortunately, from what my family could tell, he became delusional about his own imminent death, and did not believe he would die. As a result, he made no preparations, no will, no funeral instructions, no goodbye letters/videos, nothing. I have no doubt my father would have specified in a will to provide his estates assets to both me and my brother, had he been capable of assessing the situation. Is there any legal basis that would allow me to inherit my fathers estate without it first being used to pay off his debts?
Tengo 21, mi padre enfermo mental murió, y no dejó testamento. Por favor, ayúdame a averiguar mis opciones. Ubicación: Iowa, EE.UU. Mi padre terminó una batalla relativamente corta con el cáncer cerebral hace 8 meses. Después de que él murió, se hizo evidente que no dejó testamento. Mi hermano y yo somos los únicos beneficiarios, sin embargo hay deudas masivas contra el patrimonio. Se trata de que poco del dinero de su patrimonio lo hará para mí y mi hermano. Antes de su enfermedad, mi padre sufrió de graves problemas de salud mental. Aunque estoy seguro de que si tenía un diagnóstico formal (lo hizo, probablemente necesitaría obtener registros hospitalarios), él fue admitido en la sala de psiquiatría en varias ocasiones. Desafortunadamente, de lo que mi familia podría decir, se convirtió en delirante sobre su propia muerte inminente, y no creo que él moriría. Como resultado, él no hizo preparativos, no voluntad, sin instrucciones fúnebres, sin cartas de despedida / videos, nada.
I just received a call from my father and he told me he opened a letter in regards to a criminal traffic court date that was mailed to my home address. I am a 21 year old student still away for college. I want to know my legal options because he doesn’t intend to stop.
What steps can I take if a parent opens my mail?
What steps can I take if a parent opens my mail? I just received a call from my father and he told me he opened a letter in regards to a criminal traffic court date that was mailed to my home address. I am a 21 year old student still away for college. I want to know my legal options because he doesn’t intend to stop.
¿Qué pasos puedo tomar si un padre abre mi correo? Acabo de recibir una llamada de mi padre y me dijo que abrió una carta en relación con una fecha de la corte de tráfico criminal que fue enviado a mi dirección de casa. Soy un estudiante de 21 años de edad todavía fuera de la universidad. Quiero saber mis opciones legales porque no tiene la intención de detener.
[NEW YORK, SUFFOLK COUNTY, US] I barely have anything to my name to even travel. Should I keep my claim or notify NYS claims center about this? Am I still entitled to any benefits at all? Also applied for SSI recently, because it's been a bit overdue, and due to chronic pain/birth injury issues worsening and my depression I believed it was warranted. Does getting a job again cancel all of that out?
Filed for Unemployment and got an offer for an interview for the next week
Filed for Unemployment and got an offer for an interview for the next week [NEW YORK, SUFFOLK COUNTY, US] I barely have anything to my name to even travel. Should I keep my claim or notify NYS claims center about this? Am I still entitled to any benefits at all? Also applied for SSI recently, because it's been a bit overdue, and due to chronic pain/birth injury issues worsening and my depression I believed it was warranted. Does getting a job again cancel all of that out?
¿Debo mantener mi reclamación o notificar al centro de reclamos de NYS sobre esto? ¿Todavía tengo derecho a algún beneficio en absoluto? También se solicitó para SSI recientemente, porque ha sido un poco atrasado, y debido a problemas crónicos de dolor / lesión del nacimiento empeorando y mi depresión que creía que estaba justificado. ¿Conseguir un trabajo de nuevo cancelar todo eso?
As the title says I am moving out of my apartment and want to know if my landlord is going to try to screw me out of my deposit (two months rent since it was our first place so ally) since we moved in the heat stopped working the showers don’t get hot our fridge broke and was replaced our dishwasher stopped working half of the outlets don’t work and other issues. Since this happened while we lived here I was wondering if they could take our deposit. I have pictures of the tests with the dates from 1997 and 1998 if anyone wants me to post them
No mercury test since 1997 no gas check since 1997 and there’s one under the sink for a check that hasn’t been done since 1998? All of our facilities have broken since we moved in.
No mercury test since 1997 no gas check since 1997 and there’s one under the sink for a check that hasn’t been done since 1998? All of our facilities have broken since we moved in. As the title says I am moving out of my apartment and want to know if my landlord is going to try to screw me out of my deposit (two months rent since it was our first place so ally) since we moved in the heat stopped working the showers don’t get hot our fridge broke and was replaced our dishwasher stopped working half of the outlets don’t work and other issues. Since this happened while we lived here I was wondering if they could take our deposit. I have pictures of the tests with the dates from 1997 and 1998 if anyone wants me to post them
No hay prueba de mercurio desde 1997 no hay control de gas desde 1997 y hay uno bajo el fregadero para un cheque que no se ha hecho desde 1998? Todas nuestras instalaciones han roto desde que nos mudamos pulg Como el título dice que me mudo fuera de mi apartamento y quiero saber si mi propietario va a tratar de joderme fuera de mi depósito (dos meses de alquiler ya que era nuestro primer lugar tan aliado) ya que nos mudamos en el calor dejó de trabajar las duchas no se calienta nuestro refrigerador roto y fue reemplazado nuestro lavavajillas dejó de trabajar la mitad de los enchufes no funcionan y otros problemas. Desde que esto sucedió mientras vivíamos aquí me preguntaba si podrían tomar nuestro depósito. Tengo fotos de las pruebas con las fechas de 1997 y 1998 si alguien quiere que los envíe
Boyfriend is a bartender, today after his shift he was told by his employer that a long time customer said someone at the bar stole his credit card after he forgot it on Tuesday. The thief then racked up $700 worth of charges (he has been compensated by his bank if that affects anything) at various stores with in-person transactions. Customer is adamant that the thief is my boyfriend as he was the only staff member working front of house at the bar that day. Work is taking him off the schedule until they can conduct a thorough investigation and when boyfriend asked them to please check the security footage they stalled him out and said they needed to make sure they 'have everything in order'. Until then he's not working indefinitely. Are they able to do this legally? If they fire him over hearsay is there any legal recourse? Times are a little tough right now with COVID and he just got back to work. I know CA is an at-will state which gives them free reign but accusing someone of stealing $700 is also something that can affect him attempting to get another job. Can he contact the police to clear his name or is the answer to the problem just 'look for another job'?
(CA) Boyfriend accused of stealing customer's credit card. Was told he is being taken off the schedule while an investigation is underway.
(CA) Boyfriend accused of stealing customer's credit card. Was told he is being taken off the schedule while an investigation is underway. Boyfriend is a bartender, today after his shift he was told by his employer that a long time customer said someone at the bar stole his credit card after he forgot it on Tuesday. The thief then racked up $700 worth of charges (he has been compensated by his bank if that affects anything) at various stores with in-person transactions. Customer is adamant that the thief is my boyfriend as he was the only staff member working front of house at the bar that day. Work is taking him off the schedule until they can conduct a thorough investigation and when boyfriend asked them to please check the security footage they stalled him out and said they needed to make sure they 'have everything in order'. Until then he's not working indefinitely. Are they able to do this legally? If they fire him over hearsay is there any legal recourse? Times are a little tough right now with COVID and he just got back to work. I know CA is an at-will state which gives them free reign but accusing someone of stealing $700 is also something that can affect him attempting to get another job. Can he contact the police to clear his name or is the answer to the problem just 'look for another job'?
(CA) El novio acusado de robar la tarjeta de crédito del cliente.Se le dijo que se le quitaba el horario mientras se realizaba una investigación.El novio es un camarero, hoy después de su turno le dijo su empleador que un cliente de mucho tiempo dijo que alguien en el bar le robó la tarjeta de crédito después de que lo olvidó el martes.El ladrón luego ganó 700 dólares de cargos (ha sido compensado por su banco si eso afecta a algo) en varias tiendas con transacciones en persona.El cliente está convencido de que el ladrón es mi novio, ya que era el único miembro del personal que trabajaba frente a la casa en el bar ese día.El trabajo lo está quitando del horario hasta que puedan llevar a cabo una investigación exhaustiva y cuando el novio les pidió que por favor revisen las imágenes de seguridad que lo entretuvieron y dijeron que necesitaban asegurarse de que 'tienen todo en orden'.Hasta que no vuelva a trabajar indefinidamente.Sé que CA es un estado a voluntad que les da rienda suelta, pero acusar a alguien de robar $700 también es algo que puede afectarle tratando de conseguir otro trabajo.¿Puede contactar a la policía para limpiar su nombre o es la respuesta al problema simplemente "buscar otro trabajo"?
Im a recent grad whos been having trouble finding work. Got an interview to be a contact tracer (Covid-19) but its a 1 year contract. Besides taking my last paycheck or something is there anything they can do if I leave the second I find a better offer?
Whats the worse that can happen if I break a contract position? (NYC)
Whats the worse that can happen if I break a contract position? (NYC) Im a recent grad whos been having trouble finding work. Got an interview to be a contact tracer (Covid-19) but its a 1 year contract. Besides taking my last paycheck or something is there anything they can do if I leave the second I find a better offer?
¿Qué es lo peor que puede pasar si rompo una posición de contrato? (NYC) Soy un graduado reciente que ha estado teniendo problemas para encontrar trabajo. Tengo una entrevista para ser un rastreador de contacto (Covid-19) pero es un contrato de 1 año. Además de tomar mi último cheque de pago o algo hay algo que pueden hacer si me voy en el segundo encuentro una mejor oferta?
A few months ago, my employer claimed to have both audio and video surveillance in our building. I thought he wanted to spook some of my co-workers into minding their language around customers and didn't take him seriously up until some recent workplace drama. I'm working on getting him to admit this in a way I can document. It's my understanding that federal law requires employee consent to record audio, and that violations could result in fines or up to five years imprisonment. If I'm wrong about that, please correct me. If I'm not, there was nothing about this in the paperwork I signed when I began my employment and I've never received any other formal notice either. I'd like to know how I can act to protect my privacy without endangering my job. If he were to get arrested or fined, the business would close down. My co-workers and I would be screwed. Could I have him receive a cease and desist order to force him to remove the microphones, or would any notification of this given to public authorities result in fines or charges immediately? Is there a safer way for me to go about this?
(OHIO) Illegal Surveillance At Work?
(OHIO) Illegal Surveillance At Work? A few months ago, my employer claimed to have both audio and video surveillance in our building. I thought he wanted to spook some of my co-workers into minding their language around customers and didn't take him seriously up until some recent workplace drama. I'm working on getting him to admit this in a way I can document. It's my understanding that federal law requires employee consent to record audio, and that violations could result in fines or up to five years imprisonment. If I'm wrong about that, please correct me. If I'm not, there was nothing about this in the paperwork I signed when I began my employment and I've never received any other formal notice either. I'd like to know how I can act to protect my privacy without endangering my job. If he were to get arrested or fined, the business would close down. My co-workers and I would be screwed. Could I have him receive a cease and desist order to force him to remove the microphones, or would any notification of this given to public authorities result in fines or charges immediately? Is there a safer way for me to go about this?
(OHIO) ¿Vigilancia Ilegal en el Trabajo? Hace unos meses, mi empleador afirmó tener tanto audio y video vigilancia en nuestro edificio. Pensé que quería asustar a algunos de mis compañeros de trabajo para que se ocuparan de su lenguaje en torno a los clientes y no lo tomó en serio hasta algún drama laboral reciente. Estoy trabajando en conseguir que lo admita de una manera que puedo documentar. Entiendo que la ley federal requiere el consentimiento de los empleados para grabar audio, y que las violaciones podrían resultar en multas o hasta cinco años de prisión. Si estoy equivocado al respecto, por favor corríjame. Si no lo estoy, no había nada acerca de esto en el papeleo que firmé cuando empecé mi empleo y nunca he recibido ningún otro aviso formal tampoco. Me gustaría saber cómo puedo actuar para proteger mi privacidad sin poner en peligro mi trabajo. Si él fuera a ser arrestado o multado, el negocio cerraría. Mis compañeros de trabajo y yo sería jodido. ¿Podría recibir una orden de cese y desistimiento para eliminarle los micrófonos, o cualquier notificación de esto dada a las autoridades públicas en multas o inmediatamente ir a una manera segura para mí?
My landlord asked me to move out at the end of the month. Because I don't have a formal lease with them, how long does he actually have to give me notice before asking me to leave?
(LA) Landlord wants me to move out in a month, what are my rights?
(LA) Landlord wants me to move out in a month, what are my rights? My landlord asked me to move out at the end of the month. Because I don't have a formal lease with them, how long does he actually have to give me notice before asking me to leave?
(LA) El casero quiere que me mude en un mes, ¿cuáles son mis derechos? Mi casero me pidió que me mude a finales de mes. Porque no tengo un contrato formal con ellos, ¿cuánto tiempo tiene que darme aviso antes de pedirme que me vaya?
Changing names for obvious reasons. Sarah (the mother of my 5yo child, Keri) has been living with my parents for nearly a year, rent free. She has lived in 6 addresses in the past 18 months, all of which for less than 3 months other than when she lived with parents. All of the sudden, around a week and a half ago she moved out while my parents were out of town. She did not tell me, or my parents, and refuses to tell me where she's living or let me see my daughter. I've tried talking to her but she ignores my texts. I have regularly been paying for daycare with a bank account so she can write checks for daycare. I recently found out that $600 that I transferred to the account in November (and was withdrawn November 6th) went missing and the daycare Keri goes to contacted me saying they did not recieve any payment in November. I have a text from Sarah saying that she needed to take the money out in cash because she couldn't find the checkbook in order to pay daycare. After asking her about it, and specifically saying that if she didnt respond I would go to the police, she claimed she gave them the payment (I do not believe she did). She also sent a text message to my mother that said she would meet with her and Keri in a public place but if I showed up they would leave. I don't have a lot of money to spend on a lawyer but she's keeping my child away from me and at this point I want to file for full custody. What can I do to reduce the legal costs of a custody battle? Is she doing anything illegal that I can at least go to the police and get a temporary custody order? I feel pretty helpless at this point so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Mother of my child took my daughter and moved (without notice), won't let me see her or tell me where she is. [NE]
Mother of my child took my daughter and moved (without notice), won't let me see her or tell me where she is. [NE] Changing names for obvious reasons. Sarah (the mother of my 5yo child, Keri) has been living with my parents for nearly a year, rent free. She has lived in 6 addresses in the past 18 months, all of which for less than 3 months other than when she lived with parents. All of the sudden, around a week and a half ago she moved out while my parents were out of town. She did not tell me, or my parents, and refuses to tell me where she's living or let me see my daughter. I've tried talking to her but she ignores my texts. I have regularly been paying for daycare with a bank account so she can write checks for daycare. I recently found out that $600 that I transferred to the account in November (and was withdrawn November 6th) went missing and the daycare Keri goes to contacted me saying they did not recieve any payment in November. I have a text from Sarah saying that she needed to take the money out in cash because she couldn't find the checkbook in order to pay daycare. After asking her about it, and specifically saying that if she didnt respond I would go to the police, she claimed she gave them the payment (I do not believe she did). She also sent a text message to my mother that said she would meet with her and Keri in a public place but if I showed up they would leave. I don't have a lot of money to spend on a lawyer but she's keeping my child away from me and at this point I want to file for full custody. What can I do to reduce the legal costs of a custody battle? Is she doing anything illegal that I can at least go to the police and get a temporary custody order? I feel pretty helpless at this point so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
La madre de mi hijo se llevó a mi hija y se mudó (sin previo aviso), no me deja verla ni me dice dónde está.[NE] Cambiando de nombre por razones obvias.Sarah (la madre de mi hijo de 5 años, Keri) ha estado viviendo con mis padres durante casi un año, sin pagar el alquiler.Ella ha vivido en 6 direcciones en los últimos 18 meses, todas las cuales durante menos de 3 meses que cuando vivió con sus padres.De repente, hace alrededor de una semana y media se mudó mientras mis padres estaban fuera de la ciudad.Ella no me lo dijo, ni mis padres, y se niega a decirme dónde está viviendo o me dejó ver a mi hija.He tratado de hablar con ella, pero ella ignora mis mensajes.He estado pagando regularmente la guardería con una cuenta bancaria para que pueda escribir cheques para la guardería.Recientemente descubrí que $600 que transferí a la cuenta en noviembre (y fue retirada el 6 de noviembre) desapareció y la guardería Keri se puso en contacto conmigo diciendo que no habían recibido ningún pago en noviembre.Después de preguntarle sobre ello, y específicamente diciendo que si no respondía iría a la policía, ella afirmó que les dio el pago (no creo que lo hiciera).Ella también envió un mensaje de texto a mi madre que decía que se reuniría con ella y Keri en un lugar público, pero si yo apareciera ellos se marcharían.No tengo mucho dinero para gastar en un abogado, pero ella está manteniendo a mi hijo lejos de mí y en este punto quiero solicitar la custodia completa.¿Qué puedo hacer para reducir los costos legales de una batalla de custodia?¿Está haciendo algo ilegal que al menos pueda ir a la policía y obtener una orden de custodia temporal?Me siento bastante impotente en este punto, así que cualquier consejo sería muy apreciado.
Portland, OR: I'm trying to find a new place to move into soon and I my landlord just told me that they won't give references unless we put in our 30 day notice. What if we're applying for a place that won't be available until 3 months from now? Also, what if we don't get a place in 30 days? This seems very sketchy. I'd appreciate any guidance you can give.
My landlords won't give references (good or bad) without me giving my 30 days notice. Is that legal?
My landlords won't give references (good or bad) without me giving my 30 days notice. Is that legal? Portland, OR: I'm trying to find a new place to move into soon and I my landlord just told me that they won't give references unless we put in our 30 day notice. What if we're applying for a place that won't be available until 3 months from now? Also, what if we don't get a place in 30 days? This seems very sketchy. I'd appreciate any guidance you can give.
Mis propietarios no darán referencias (buenas o malas) sin que yo dé mi aviso de 30 días. ¿Es legal? Portland, O: Estoy tratando de encontrar un nuevo lugar para mudarme pronto y yo mi propietario me acaba de decir que no darán referencias a menos que pongamos en nuestro aviso de 30 días. ¿Qué pasa si estamos solicitando un lugar que no estará disponible hasta 3 meses a partir de ahora? Además, ¿qué pasa si no conseguimos un lugar en 30 días? Esto parece muy vago. Apreciaría cualquier orientación que pueda dar.
I have been living in my unit for about a year and a half. Our current lease is up at the end of August. Our first year was fairly uneventful, although the apartment is not in great condition. When we have needed repairs, the landlord does the absolute bare minimum to satisfy the request. We rent from a management company and it is obvious that they work to have everything just within code, and nothing extra, in order to maximize profits for their clients (the building owners). We have a number of code violations, which the landlord has failed to address, so I am trying to figure out the best plan of action. **The issues**: In the past few months, things have just really started to fall apart. We live in an old brownstone in the garden level unit. We have had two separate leaks, one due to rain in December, and one current leak (started 10 days ago) due to melting snow/ice. The landlord did nothing about the rain leak and so far has done nothing about the new leak. They claim that they can’t do anything until all the snow and ice outside has melted. That may be true, but this leak has revealed extensive water damage, likely from years of small water drip that we did not notice. It is mostly occurring in our coat closet and you can see that the landlord had boarded up the damaged drywall in the past. The current drip is so bad that the drywall has basically turned to mush and the board has fallen out. I think this is clear evidence that the landlord knew about the leak before we moved in and did not do anything to weather proof the unit. We also are having ongoing heat issues. The apartment has drafts and is not properly insulated. The heat is working, but our space does not get above 62 degrees at night or day, which is less than what the housing code requires. The landlord wants to get us a space heater, but we have also had some electrical problems with lights burning out and regular appliances faulting the circuit, so I am not sure if this is safe (never mind the fact that heat is supposed to be included in the rent and the space heater would jack up our electric bill). Finally, we have had issues with our front door getting stuck and we can’t open it. I had the maintenance guys fix it, but I realized after they left that they simply took the weather strip off the bottom. Needless to say, our heating situation has worsened. I informed the landlord of this and it’s been a week now, no action. **Steps I can take?** I sent a letter to the landlord, certified overnight, stating that we will begin to withhold rent, starting next week, if these issues are not fixed. I gave them until close of business on February 24th. They came the next day and I walked through the unit with them, point out all the issues. I was informed that they can’t do anything about the leaks until spring and that they will decide how to deal with the heat, after an electrician evaluates the unit. Three days later and they’ve sent no one over to our unit. They haven’t even fixed our door, which is quite clearly a major part of the heating problem. I have documented everything, including saving PDFs from their own online maintenance request system. We’ve taken lots of pictures. I have maintained a journal of the temperature in our apartment and conversations I've had with maintenance guys or the management. We also have pictures of water damage at the location of both leaks, from our move in 18 months ago (as part of our documenting the unit's condition). At the time, we thought it was an old issue and assumed the landlord fixed it. There is a clear story shown here of the company ignoring problems we notified them of or not adequately fixing the issue. I’m pretty sure they can’t sufficiently fix everything (especially the leaking) while we are living here and likely not until spring either way. If things aren’t magically fixed by Tuesday night, we will put March’s rent in an escrow account and send a certified letter to the landlord explaining our decision to withhold rent. We are starting to think about breaking our lease, but want to make sure we do it properly. Here are my questions: 1. I have read that the landlord has 30 days to address structural problems, like leaking. It’s been 60 days since our December leak, but we also aren’t currently having water come through here (it only lasted for ~12 hours). Does this count as an unresolved problem, since water will inevitably leak in the future, as evidenced by the water damage? 2. In terms of our newer leak, it has only been 10 days, but can I claim that the landlord knew about the problem when we moved in? If yes, then this has been left unresolved for well over 18 months (when we moved in) and likely they’ve known about it for years. 3. It has been 30 days since we first told them about our heat and 10 days since I began pestering them about it again. I think the landlord will claim they thought they fixed it 30 days ago and only became aware it was still an issue 10 days ago. A landlord has 24 hours to address heating issues, but I am wondering if this is technically a structural issue (unit is not weather tight) and therefore the landlord would have 30 days? We do technically have heat coming out of the baseboard. 4. As everything stands now, can we claim that the landlord has already violated the warranty of habitability? Or should I wait until 30 days has passed, since we began to have water leaking in our entryway? I don’t want to move too quickly and have the landlord claim that they haven’t had a chance to fix the issues. 5. I really *really* want to avoid going to court, if at all possible. However, I am afraid to sign a new lease and then have our current landlord pull us into court a month later. I think we’d win, but the nightmare situation would be that the judge decides we can’t break our lease and then we’re stuck renting two units. Is it unwise to break the lease without going to court? 6. We will be calling the city next week to send an inspector. Is there anything I should consider before doing this? 7. In terms of security deposit, the landlord has 30 days to return this after the end of your lease. Does our lease still technically end August 31st, if we move out early? Or does end when we move out, having broken the lease? Does the landlord have to return our deposit on last month’s rent, even if the lease says we forfeit this by moving out early? Sorry for the wall of text followed by 30 questions. I appreciate any and all tips! I should emphasize that my ultimate goal at this point is to just get out of this lease ASAP, unless the landlord magically fixes/renovates everything. Edit - words/details
Breaking lease due to failure to have repairs made - MA
Breaking lease due to failure to have repairs made - MA I have been living in my unit for about a year and a half. Our current lease is up at the end of August. Our first year was fairly uneventful, although the apartment is not in great condition. When we have needed repairs, the landlord does the absolute bare minimum to satisfy the request. We rent from a management company and it is obvious that they work to have everything just within code, and nothing extra, in order to maximize profits for their clients (the building owners). We have a number of code violations, which the landlord has failed to address, so I am trying to figure out the best plan of action. **The issues**: In the past few months, things have just really started to fall apart. We live in an old brownstone in the garden level unit. We have had two separate leaks, one due to rain in December, and one current leak (started 10 days ago) due to melting snow/ice. The landlord did nothing about the rain leak and so far has done nothing about the new leak. They claim that they can’t do anything until all the snow and ice outside has melted. That may be true, but this leak has revealed extensive water damage, likely from years of small water drip that we did not notice. It is mostly occurring in our coat closet and you can see that the landlord had boarded up the damaged drywall in the past. The current drip is so bad that the drywall has basically turned to mush and the board has fallen out. I think this is clear evidence that the landlord knew about the leak before we moved in and did not do anything to weather proof the unit. We also are having ongoing heat issues. The apartment has drafts and is not properly insulated. The heat is working, but our space does not get above 62 degrees at night or day, which is less than what the housing code requires. The landlord wants to get us a space heater, but we have also had some electrical problems with lights burning out and regular appliances faulting the circuit, so I am not sure if this is safe (never mind the fact that heat is supposed to be included in the rent and the space heater would jack up our electric bill). Finally, we have had issues with our front door getting stuck and we can’t open it. I had the maintenance guys fix it, but I realized after they left that they simply took the weather strip off the bottom. Needless to say, our heating situation has worsened. I informed the landlord of this and it’s been a week now, no action. **Steps I can take?** I sent a letter to the landlord, certified overnight, stating that we will begin to withhold rent, starting next week, if these issues are not fixed. I gave them until close of business on February 24th. They came the next day and I walked through the unit with them, point out all the issues. I was informed that they can’t do anything about the leaks until spring and that they will decide how to deal with the heat, after an electrician evaluates the unit. Three days later and they’ve sent no one over to our unit. They haven’t even fixed our door, which is quite clearly a major part of the heating problem. I have documented everything, including saving PDFs from their own online maintenance request system. We’ve taken lots of pictures. I have maintained a journal of the temperature in our apartment and conversations I've had with maintenance guys or the management. We also have pictures of water damage at the location of both leaks, from our move in 18 months ago (as part of our documenting the unit's condition). At the time, we thought it was an old issue and assumed the landlord fixed it. There is a clear story shown here of the company ignoring problems we notified them of or not adequately fixing the issue. I’m pretty sure they can’t sufficiently fix everything (especially the leaking) while we are living here and likely not until spring either way. If things aren’t magically fixed by Tuesday night, we will put March’s rent in an escrow account and send a certified letter to the landlord explaining our decision to withhold rent. We are starting to think about breaking our lease, but want to make sure we do it properly. Here are my questions: 1. I have read that the landlord has 30 days to address structural problems, like leaking. It’s been 60 days since our December leak, but we also aren’t currently having water come through here (it only lasted for ~12 hours). Does this count as an unresolved problem, since water will inevitably leak in the future, as evidenced by the water damage? 2. In terms of our newer leak, it has only been 10 days, but can I claim that the landlord knew about the problem when we moved in? If yes, then this has been left unresolved for well over 18 months (when we moved in) and likely they’ve known about it for years. 3. It has been 30 days since we first told them about our heat and 10 days since I began pestering them about it again. I think the landlord will claim they thought they fixed it 30 days ago and only became aware it was still an issue 10 days ago. A landlord has 24 hours to address heating issues, but I am wondering if this is technically a structural issue (unit is not weather tight) and therefore the landlord would have 30 days? We do technically have heat coming out of the baseboard. 4. As everything stands now, can we claim that the landlord has already violated the warranty of habitability? Or should I wait until 30 days has passed, since we began to have water leaking in our entryway? I don’t want to move too quickly and have the landlord claim that they haven’t had a chance to fix the issues. 5. I really *really* want to avoid going to court, if at all possible. However, I am afraid to sign a new lease and then have our current landlord pull us into court a month later. I think we’d win, but the nightmare situation would be that the judge decides we can’t break our lease and then we’re stuck renting two units. Is it unwise to break the lease without going to court? 6. We will be calling the city next week to send an inspector. Is there anything I should consider before doing this? 7. In terms of security deposit, the landlord has 30 days to return this after the end of your lease. Does our lease still technically end August 31st, if we move out early? Or does end when we move out, having broken the lease? Does the landlord have to return our deposit on last month’s rent, even if the lease says we forfeit this by moving out early? Sorry for the wall of text followed by 30 questions. I appreciate any and all tips! I should emphasize that my ultimate goal at this point is to just get out of this lease ASAP, unless the landlord magically fixes/renovates everything. Edit - words/details
El arrendamiento actual se encuentra a finales de agosto.Nuestro primer año fue bastante irregular, aunque el apartamento no está en buenas condiciones.Cuando hemos necesitado reparaciones, el propietario hace el mínimo absoluto para satisfacer la petición.Alquilamos de una empresa de gestión y es obvio que trabajan para tener todo justo dentro de código, y nada más, para maximizar los beneficios para sus clientes (los propietarios de la construcción).Tenemos una serie de violaciones de código, que el propietario no ha abordado, así que estoy tratando de averiguar el mejor plan de acción.**Los problemas**: En los últimos meses, las cosas han comenzado a desmoronarse.Vivimos en una vieja piedra marrón en la unidad de nivel del jardín.Hemos tenido dos fugas separadas, una debido a la lluvia en diciembre, y una fuga actual (empezada hace 10 días) debido al derretimiento de la nieve/hielo.El propietario no hizo nada acerca de la fuga de lluvia y hasta ahora no ha hecho nada acerca de la fuga.Eso puede ser cierto, pero esta fuga ha revelado extensos daños de agua, probablemente a causa de años de pequeños goteos de agua que no nos dimos cuenta.Está ocurriendo principalmente en nuestro armario de abrigo y se puede ver que el propietario había abordado el drywall dañado en el pasado.El goteo actual es tan malo que el drywall se ha convertido básicamente en mush y el tablero se ha caído.Creo que esto es evidencia clara de que el propietario sabía sobre la fuga antes de que nos moviéramos y no hizo nada para probar el clima de la unidad.También estamos teniendo problemas de calor.El apartamento tiene borradores y no está correctamente aislado.El calor está funcionando, pero nuestro espacio no llega por encima de 62 grados en la noche o el día, que es menos de lo que requiere el código de la vivienda.El propietario quiere conseguirnos un calentador de espacio, pero también hemos tenido algunos problemas eléctricos con las luces que se queman y los aparatos regulares que fallan el circuito, así que no estoy seguro de si esto es seguro (no importa el hecho de que el calor se supone que se debe incluir en el alquiler y el calentador espacial levantaría nuestra factura eléctrica).Hice que los chicos de mantenimiento lo arreglaran, pero me di cuenta después de que se fueron de que simplemente quitaron la tira del tiempo de la parte inferior.No hace falta decir que nuestra situación de calefacción ha empeorado.Informé al propietario de esto y ya ha pasado una semana, no hay acción.**Pasos que puedo tomar?** Le envié una carta al propietario, certificada durante la noche, diciendo que empezaremos a retener el alquiler, a partir de la semana próxima, si estos problemas no se arreglan.Les di hasta el cierre de negocios el 24 de febrero.Llegaron al día siguiente y caminé por la unidad con ellos, señalé todos los problemas.Me informaron que no pueden hacer nada acerca de las fugas hasta la primavera y que decidirán cómo lidiar con el calor, después de que un electricista evalúe la unidad.Tres días después y no han enviado a nadie a nuestra unidad.Ni siquiera han fijado nuestra puerta, que es claramente una parte importante del problema de calefacción.He documentado todo, incluyendo guardar archivos PDF de su propio sistema de solicitud de mantenimiento.También tenemos fotos de daños de agua en la ubicación de ambas fugas, desde nuestro movimiento en 18 meses atrás (como parte de nuestra documentación de la condición de la unidad).En ese momento, pensamos que era un problema viejo y asumimos que el propietario lo solucionó.Hay una historia clara que se muestra aquí de la empresa ignorando problemas que les notificamos o no solucionar adecuadamente el problema.Estoy bastante seguro de que no pueden solucionar suficientemente todo (especialmente la fuga) mientras estamos viviendo aquí y probablemente no hasta la primavera de cualquier manera.Si las cosas no se arreglan mágicamente para la noche del martes, vamos a poner el alquiler de marzo en una cuenta de garantía bloqueada y enviar una carta certificada al propietario explicando nuestra decisión de retener el alquiler.Estamos empezando a pensar en romper nuestro contrato de arrendamiento, pero también queremos asegurarnos de que lo hacemos correctamente.Estas son mis preguntas: 1.He leído que el propietario tiene 30 días para abordar problemas estructurales, como filtrar.Han pasado 60 días desde nuestra filtración, pero también estamos teniendo agua por el futuro.En términos de nuestra fuga más reciente, sólo han sido 10 días, pero puedo afirmar que el propietario sabía sobre el problema cuando nos mudamos?Si es así, entonces esto ha sido dejado sin resolver durante más de 18 meses (cuando nos mudamos) y probablemente han sabido de él durante años.3.Ha sido 30 días desde que les hablamos por primera vez de nuestro calor y 10 días desde que empecé a molestarlos sobre él de nuevo.Creo que el propietario va a afirmar que lo arreglaron hace 30 días y sólo se dio cuenta de que todavía era un problema hace 10 días.Un propietario tiene 24 horas para abordar problemas de calefacción, pero me pregunto si esto es técnicamente un problema estructural (unidad no es apretado del tiempo) y por lo tanto el propietario tendría 30 días?Tecnicamente tenemos calor que sale de la base. 4.Como todo se mantiene ahora, podemos afirmar que el propietario ya ha violado la garantía de la habitabilidad?O debería esperar hasta que 30 días ha pasado, desde que empezamos a tener agua que gotea en nuestra entrada?Sin embargo, tengo miedo de firmar un nuevo contrato de arrendamiento y luego nuestro propietario actual nos lleva a la corte un mes después.Creo que ganaríamos, pero la situación de pesadilla sería que el juez decide que no podemos romper nuestro contrato de arrendamiento y luego estamos atascados alquilando dos unidades. ¿Es imprudente romper el contrato de arrendamiento sin ir a la corte? 6.Vamos a llamar a la ciudad la próxima semana para enviar a un inspector.¿Hay algo que debería considerar antes de hacer esto?7.En términos de depósito de seguridad, el propietario tiene 30 días para devolver esto después de que termine su contrato de arrendamiento.¿Nuestro contrato de arrendamiento todavía termina técnicamente 31 de agosto, si nos mudamos temprano?O termina cuando nos mudamos, habiendo roto el contrato de arrendamiento?¿Tiene el propietario que devolver nuestro depósito en el alquiler del mes pasado, incluso si el contrato de arrendamiento dice que perdemos esto por salir temprano?
Long story short, my husband dated a girl and she lied about being on birth control and became pregnant. They broke up before she even knew she was pregnant. My husband was excited about being a father. She refused to let him come to any ultrasounds, or even to the delivery! She had full physical custody and he paid for formula, diapers, clothes etc. She then refused to stop letting him see her so he took her to court. He was granted custody every other weekend and was ordered to pay support. She once again stopped letting him pick her up and he paid about 6k in legal fees to fight her in court. He then got into some legal trouble and was sentenced to 18 months in prison. During that time she took their daughter across state lines, got married, and her husband adopted her. He couldn't go to the adoption hearing because he was IN PRISON. His daughter is now 14 (will be 15 in september) and we just received a letter saying he's in contempt for owing 13k in arrearages (364 to the state, the remainder to the mother) when he got the letter regarding her adoption her attorney said all future support would be terminated and that he was not in arrearages at the time of adoption. We really don't know what to expect next and are trying to find a local attorney that will give us some guidance. We spoke to child support and they said they really only care about the 300 dollars owed to the state and that his ex can have the past support wiped out. Any advice is welcome!
Child Support Arrearages in Ohio
Child Support Arrearages in Ohio Long story short, my husband dated a girl and she lied about being on birth control and became pregnant. They broke up before she even knew she was pregnant. My husband was excited about being a father. She refused to let him come to any ultrasounds, or even to the delivery! She had full physical custody and he paid for formula, diapers, clothes etc. She then refused to stop letting him see her so he took her to court. He was granted custody every other weekend and was ordered to pay support. She once again stopped letting him pick her up and he paid about 6k in legal fees to fight her in court. He then got into some legal trouble and was sentenced to 18 months in prison. During that time she took their daughter across state lines, got married, and her husband adopted her. He couldn't go to the adoption hearing because he was IN PRISON. His daughter is now 14 (will be 15 in september) and we just received a letter saying he's in contempt for owing 13k in arrearages (364 to the state, the remainder to the mother) when he got the letter regarding her adoption her attorney said all future support would be terminated and that he was not in arrearages at the time of adoption. We really don't know what to expect next and are trying to find a local attorney that will give us some guidance. We spoke to child support and they said they really only care about the 300 dollars owed to the state and that his ex can have the past support wiped out. Any advice is welcome!
Arrendamientos de manutención infantil en Ohio Breve historia, mi marido salió con una chica y ella mintió acerca de estar en control de la natalidad y quedó embarazada.Se separaron antes de que ella siquiera supiera que estaba embarazada.Mi esposo estaba emocionado por ser padre.¡Ella se negó a dejar que viniera a cualquier ultrasonido, o incluso al parto!Ella tenía custodia física completa y él pagó la fórmula, pañales, ropa, etc.Luego se negó a dejar de dejar que la viera así que la llevó a la corte.Se le concedió la custodia cada dos fines de semana y se le ordenó que pagara la manutención.Ella una vez más dejó de dejar que la recogiera y pagó cerca de 6 mil en honorarios legales para luchar contra ella en la corte.Luego se metió en algunos problemas legales y fue sentenciado a 18 meses de prisión.Durante ese tiempo ella llevó a su hija a través de las líneas estatales, se casó, y su marido la adoptó.Su hija tiene ahora 14 años (serán 15 en septiembre) y acabamos de recibir una carta diciendo que está en desacato por deber 13k en arreares (364 al estado, el resto a la madre) cuando recibió la carta con respecto a su adopción su abogado dijo que todo el apoyo futuro sería terminado y que no estaba en arreares en el momento de la adopción.Realmente no sabemos qué esperar a continuación y estamos tratando de encontrar un abogado local que nos dará alguna orientación.Hablamos de manutención de los niños y dijeron que realmente sólo les importa los 300 dólares que se deben al estado y que su ex puede tener el apoyo pasado borrado.Cualquier consejo es bienvenido!
If I filed a report to NECMC about a post on Instagram a month after the incident occurred could I be in trouble? I’m worried if I report it now it would make me look suspicious and then I’ll be in trouble. Location: NC
Too late to report?
Too late to report? If I filed a report to NECMC about a post on Instagram a month after the incident occurred could I be in trouble? I’m worried if I report it now it would make me look suspicious and then I’ll be in trouble. Location: NC
¿Demasiado tarde para informar? Si he presentado un informe a NECMC sobre un post en Instagram un mes después del incidente ocurrido podría estar en problemas? Estoy preocupado si lo informe ahora me haría parecer sospechoso y luego voy a estar en problemas. Ubicación: NC
What can I do if my landlord is dragging their feet to fix my AC? I have emails and calls to prove I contact them and they inspected my apartment without fixing it.
No AC in TX apartment
No AC in TX apartment What can I do if my landlord is dragging their feet to fix my AC? I have emails and calls to prove I contact them and they inspected my apartment without fixing it.
¿Qué puedo hacer si mi propietario está arrastrando sus pies para arreglar mi aire acondicionado? Tengo correos electrónicos y llamadas para demostrar que me pongo en contacto con ellos y ellos inspeccionaron mi apartamento sin arreglarlo.
This happened in California. I work in a warehouse environment with forklifts, electric pallet jacks, etc. I was doing my job when suddenly my coworker’s electric pallet jack rammed into my ankle, causing damage. He claims his pallet jack wouldn’t brake. I’ve gotten it checked out and thankfully the X-rays showed that there weren’t any broken bones. But now I have sprained ankle. As stated in the title, I start the new job on the 12th of February. Can they take the job offer away if my sprain doesn’t heal by that time? In addition, what can else can I do? Can I sue my coworker for personal injury ? Or if the pallet jack really doesn’t brake, can I sue my employer for providing defective equipment? This is the kind of pallet jack that hit me: [pallet jack](
I got hurt at my current job after giving them my notice. I start my new job on February 12. Can they take the job offer away?
I got hurt at my current job after giving them my notice. I start my new job on February 12. Can they take the job offer away? This happened in California. I work in a warehouse environment with forklifts, electric pallet jacks, etc. I was doing my job when suddenly my coworker’s electric pallet jack rammed into my ankle, causing damage. He claims his pallet jack wouldn’t brake. I’ve gotten it checked out and thankfully the X-rays showed that there weren’t any broken bones. But now I have sprained ankle. As stated in the title, I start the new job on the 12th of February. Can they take the job offer away if my sprain doesn’t heal by that time? In addition, what can else can I do? Can I sue my coworker for personal injury ? Or if the pallet jack really doesn’t brake, can I sue my employer for providing defective equipment? This is the kind of pallet jack that hit me: [pallet jack](
Me lastimé en mi trabajo actual después de darles mi aviso. Empiezo mi nuevo trabajo el 12 de febrero. ¿Pueden quitar la oferta de trabajo? Esto sucedió en California. Trabajo en un entorno de almacén con carretillas elevadoras de horquillas, gatos de paleta eléctricos, etc. Estaba haciendo mi trabajo cuando de repente mi compañero de trabajo se abalanzó en mi tobillo, causando daños. Él afirma que su palet jack no frenaría. Lo he comprobado y afortunadamente los rayos X mostraron que no había huesos rotos. Pero ahora he torcido el tobillo. Como se indica en el título, empiezo el nuevo trabajo el 12 de febrero. ¿Pueden quitar la oferta de trabajo si mi esguince no se cura para ese momento? Además, ¿qué más puedo hacer? ¿Puedo demandar a mi compañero de trabajo por lesiones personales? O si el palet jack realmente no frena, puedo demandar a mi empleador por proporcionar equipo defectuoso?
EDIT: FUCK YOU, whoever downvoted this. It's a legitimate legal concern for a lot of people who may be going through similar. Keep your shitty bigotry out of it. TL;DR: I just renewed my passport but need to file a DS-11 to update my gender and name. If it were just the name, it could be done free. The gender change is going to run me $110. My first passport was listed in the correct gender, but was changed because I was a minor at the time; is there anything I can do to avoid the fee? Location: United States, specifically MA. I'll try to keep this as brief as possible - I'm a transman and just renewed my passport in Oct 2017 so I wouldn't have to pay to file for a new one. I had read that a name change done in the same year as a renewal won't cost another filing fee, but no one told me a gender change would mean filing for a completely new passport (if I'd have known, I obviously would have let it expire and just done the new one). Firstly, I don't believe this is fair since I can make the correction to my name, but not my gender. Secondly, my first-ever passport was in the correct gender (male; a "mistake" from the third party my guardian went through), and I did travel with it. My second had the "corrected" gender on it (female; "fixed" from the first one because I was still a minor and not in control of the situation), and I also traveled with it. This most recent one has the same information as the second one, and was just issued in Oct 2017. I'm wondering if there's anything I can do to get it back to the original "male," or else if I have any other options to not have to pay for a new passport when I *just* got one, especially considering the name change would have been free. Any advice would be awesome. I appreciate your taking the time to view the post.
[US] Updating name on passport free if done within 12 mos of a renewal, but updating gender costs full fee?
[US] Updating name on passport free if done within 12 mos of a renewal, but updating gender costs full fee? EDIT: FUCK YOU, whoever downvoted this. It's a legitimate legal concern for a lot of people who may be going through similar. Keep your shitty bigotry out of it. TL;DR: I just renewed my passport but need to file a DS-11 to update my gender and name. If it were just the name, it could be done free. The gender change is going to run me $110. My first passport was listed in the correct gender, but was changed because I was a minor at the time; is there anything I can do to avoid the fee? Location: United States, specifically MA. I'll try to keep this as brief as possible - I'm a transman and just renewed my passport in Oct 2017 so I wouldn't have to pay to file for a new one. I had read that a name change done in the same year as a renewal won't cost another filing fee, but no one told me a gender change would mean filing for a completely new passport (if I'd have known, I obviously would have let it expire and just done the new one). Firstly, I don't believe this is fair since I can make the correction to my name, but not my gender. Secondly, my first-ever passport was in the correct gender (male; a "mistake" from the third party my guardian went through), and I did travel with it. My second had the "corrected" gender on it (female; "fixed" from the first one because I was still a minor and not in control of the situation), and I also traveled with it. This most recent one has the same information as the second one, and was just issued in Oct 2017. I'm wondering if there's anything I can do to get it back to the original "male," or else if I have any other options to not have to pay for a new passport when I *just* got one, especially considering the name change would have been free. Any advice would be awesome. I appreciate your taking the time to view the post.
[US] Actualizar el nombre en pasaporte gratis si se hace dentro de 12 meses de una renovación, pero la actualización de los costos de género total? EDIT: FUCKY USTED, quienquiera que lo haya rechazado.Es una preocupación legal legítima para muchas personas que pueden estar pasando por algo similar.Mantener su fanatismo de mierda fuera de él.TL;DR: Acabo de renovar mi pasaporte pero necesito presentar un DS-11 para actualizar mi género y nombre.Si fuera sólo el nombre, se podría hacer gratis.El cambio de género va a correrme $110.Mi primer pasaporte estaba en la lista del género correcto, pero fue cambiado porque era menor en ese momento; ¿hay algo que pueda hacer para evitar la tarifa?Ubicación: Estados Unidos, específicamente MA.Trataré de mantener este cambio lo más breve posible - Soy transman y acabo de renovar mi pasaporte en octubre de 2017, así que no tendría que pagar para presentar un nuevo pasaporte, si yo lo hubiera hecho, obviamente no lo hubiera hecho.En segundo lugar, mi primer pasaporte estaba en el género correcto (varón; un "error" de la tercera parte que mi tutor pasó), y viajé con él.Mi segundo tenía el género "corregido" en él (mujer; "fijo" de la primera porque todavía era menor de edad y no tenía control de la situación), y también viajé con él.Este último tiene la misma información que el segundo, y fue publicado en octubre de 2017.Me pregunto si hay algo que pueda hacer para volver al "varón" original, o si tengo otras opciones para no tener que pagar por un nuevo pasaporte cuando *acabo de tener uno, especialmente teniendo en cuenta que el cambio de nombre habría sido gratis.Cualquier consejo sería impresionante.Aprecio que tomes el tiempo para ver el post.
TLDR: I moved into a “luxury” apartment and had our storage unit (inside the building) broken into. The complex has known serious crime issues (years’ worth). I no longer feel safe and want an option to leave if I want to sooner/before our lease ends. ——————————————- Aside from the normal loud neighbors, bad pet owners, shit and pee in places they shouldn’t be... My boyfriend and I gave our new apartment the benefit of the doubt even after the plethora of negative reviews, including break ins and cars being stolen from the garage. 15 days after moving in, we discovered that our storage unit got broken into on 12/5/19. We don’t know if it occurred that day, or the day before, but this is when we discovered that someone broke the handle to get into our storage unit. The shittiest part is that the lock/handle itself is provided by the apartment complex and they told us that they are aware of it as an issue (aka, it easily breaks). Burglar stole my luggage (with a bunch of my lingerie, lol), and damaged my bf’s storage box. A police report was filed, I also filed a claim with my insurance, and, of course notified the leasing office to their horror. When we went in there, our leasing guy said, “THIS IS THE THIRD ONE.” Not sure if he meant that day, that week, or this month... The handle was replaced the same-day. We asked if we can have our front door replaced too because our storage and front door keys are the same, but they said NOPE! This really upset me because I inquired about these negative reviews to the leasing consultant I’ve been dealing with from the beginning and was told (I have emails) that the robberies are, essentially, not happening anymore, and that it’s not “that bad.” After the break in, it has been a can of worms. I find out my neighbor next door had his car broken into. Then today, I see that a girl wrote a review after my review (Yelp) reporting that her storage got broken into as well, AND her car also got stolen... She lives on the top/4th floor and I live on the first floor. Like I said, these are known issues. You can scroll through Yelp. I did the math and at least 15% of the Yelp reviews talk about the robberies. A couple of things I want to note are: 1) This complex is about 3 years old and have gone through at least 2 other property managements 2) Literally anyone can get in here. Common areas are not protected, we have a big back gate, and side gates. I saw someone hop that side gate last weekend cause it’s pretty low. They leave the back gate open when it’s not supposed to (even over night). We have fob keys but not all the common area require them, such as the elevator. Common outside areas also do not have enough lighting. Children play in the alley where the back gate is at!! 3) Our “secured” gate to the parking garage was broken for almost two weeks (it was broken when our storage unit got broken into). It was just fixed today. 4) Around/before my storage got broken into, management sent an email about starting to install a security watchtower, which includes a lot of cameras, and some alert of system that can defect heat signatures. They just began construction of it this Monday based on their email. They only currently have cameras near the amenities. 5) I researched the actual management company and discovered that other properties they manage (outside CA) report the same issues (security sucks). 6) My neighborhood has a relatively high crime rate. The government publication is public and shows the crime rates from January to August of this year (this is the most recent one this year). I’ve done enough research (or so I think) that talks about Civil Laws here in CA and that it is the landlord’s duty to take reasonable measures to protect tenants from foreseeable crimes... However, I’ve read our lease several times over and all I see is, “fuck you, we’re not liable for anything.” I just feel misled and I’m still angry. More importantly, I think there should be legal consequences and/or legal loopholes. I don’t care if they’re making changes now after years have gone by with the thefts and robberies. Only my bf has spoken with the leasing people here since the break in. Bf said people in the leasing office were very anxious towards him since they all saw my Yelp review (i’m a “Yelp elite,” but that doesn’t matter) and said that corporate is aware of it as well. So, yeah, I just want to know if there is a loophole around my 15 month lease because 15 months is too fucking long especially after they lost me as a resident two weeks after moving in. And yes, I am an idiot for signing such as a long lease. $2k+ isn’t worth what I’ve experienced so far.
[CA] I moved to a “luxury” apartment complex (barely 3 weeks ago) that has several years’ worth of burglaries, along with other security issues. My storage unit got broken into two weeks after moving in. I no longer feel safe here and want the option to leave. Anyway I can legally break my lease?
[CA] I moved to a “luxury” apartment complex (barely 3 weeks ago) that has several years’ worth of burglaries, along with other security issues. My storage unit got broken into two weeks after moving in. I no longer feel safe here and want the option to leave. Anyway I can legally break my lease? TLDR: I moved into a “luxury” apartment and had our storage unit (inside the building) broken into. The complex has known serious crime issues (years’ worth). I no longer feel safe and want an option to leave if I want to sooner/before our lease ends. ——————————————- Aside from the normal loud neighbors, bad pet owners, shit and pee in places they shouldn’t be... My boyfriend and I gave our new apartment the benefit of the doubt even after the plethora of negative reviews, including break ins and cars being stolen from the garage. 15 days after moving in, we discovered that our storage unit got broken into on 12/5/19. We don’t know if it occurred that day, or the day before, but this is when we discovered that someone broke the handle to get into our storage unit. The shittiest part is that the lock/handle itself is provided by the apartment complex and they told us that they are aware of it as an issue (aka, it easily breaks). Burglar stole my luggage (with a bunch of my lingerie, lol), and damaged my bf’s storage box. A police report was filed, I also filed a claim with my insurance, and, of course notified the leasing office to their horror. When we went in there, our leasing guy said, “THIS IS THE THIRD ONE.” Not sure if he meant that day, that week, or this month... The handle was replaced the same-day. We asked if we can have our front door replaced too because our storage and front door keys are the same, but they said NOPE! This really upset me because I inquired about these negative reviews to the leasing consultant I’ve been dealing with from the beginning and was told (I have emails) that the robberies are, essentially, not happening anymore, and that it’s not “that bad.” After the break in, it has been a can of worms. I find out my neighbor next door had his car broken into. Then today, I see that a girl wrote a review after my review (Yelp) reporting that her storage got broken into as well, AND her car also got stolen... She lives on the top/4th floor and I live on the first floor. Like I said, these are known issues. You can scroll through Yelp. I did the math and at least 15% of the Yelp reviews talk about the robberies. A couple of things I want to note are: 1) This complex is about 3 years old and have gone through at least 2 other property managements 2) Literally anyone can get in here. Common areas are not protected, we have a big back gate, and side gates. I saw someone hop that side gate last weekend cause it’s pretty low. They leave the back gate open when it’s not supposed to (even over night). We have fob keys but not all the common area require them, such as the elevator. Common outside areas also do not have enough lighting. Children play in the alley where the back gate is at!! 3) Our “secured” gate to the parking garage was broken for almost two weeks (it was broken when our storage unit got broken into). It was just fixed today. 4) Around/before my storage got broken into, management sent an email about starting to install a security watchtower, which includes a lot of cameras, and some alert of system that can defect heat signatures. They just began construction of it this Monday based on their email. They only currently have cameras near the amenities. 5) I researched the actual management company and discovered that other properties they manage (outside CA) report the same issues (security sucks). 6) My neighborhood has a relatively high crime rate. The government publication is public and shows the crime rates from January to August of this year (this is the most recent one this year). I’ve done enough research (or so I think) that talks about Civil Laws here in CA and that it is the landlord’s duty to take reasonable measures to protect tenants from foreseeable crimes... However, I’ve read our lease several times over and all I see is, “fuck you, we’re not liable for anything.” I just feel misled and I’m still angry. More importantly, I think there should be legal consequences and/or legal loopholes. I don’t care if they’re making changes now after years have gone by with the thefts and robberies. Only my bf has spoken with the leasing people here since the break in. Bf said people in the leasing office were very anxious towards him since they all saw my Yelp review (i’m a “Yelp elite,” but that doesn’t matter) and said that corporate is aware of it as well. So, yeah, I just want to know if there is a loophole around my 15 month lease because 15 months is too fucking long especially after they lost me as a resident two weeks after moving in. And yes, I am an idiot for signing such as a long lease. $2k+ isn’t worth what I’ve experienced so far.
[CA] Me mudé a un complejo de apartamentos de "lujo" (hace apenas 3 semanas) que tiene varios años de robos, junto con otros problemas de seguridad.Mi unidad de almacenamiento se rompió en dos semanas después de mudarme.Ya no me siento seguro aquí y quiero la opción de marcharme.¿De alguna manera puedo romper legalmente mi contrato de arrendamiento?TLDR: Me mudé a un apartamento de "lujo" y tuve nuestra unidad de almacenamiento (dentro del edificio).El complejo ha conocido serios problemas de crimen (valor de años).Ya no me siento seguro y quiero una opción de salir si quiero antes/antes de que termine nuestro contrato de arrendamiento.————————————————— Aparte de los vecinos normales ruidosos, dueños de mascotas malas, mierda y orina en lugares que no deberían estar...Mi novio y yo dimos a nuestro nuevo apartamento el beneficio de la duda incluso después de la plétora de críticas negativas, incluyendo allanamientos y coches robados del garaje.La parte más asquerosa es que la cerradura/manilla en sí misma es proporcionada por el complejo de apartamentos y nos dijeron que estaban conscientes de que era un problema (alias, se rompe fácilmente).Burglar robó mi equipaje (con un montón de ropa interior, lol), y dañó la caja de almacenamiento de mi bf.Un informe policial fue archivado, también presenté una reclamación con mi seguro, y, por supuesto, notificó a la oficina de arrendamiento de su horror.Cuando fuimos allí, nuestro tipo de alquiler dijo, “ES EL TERCERO”.No estoy seguro de si se refería a ese día, esa semana o este mes...La manija fue reemplazada el mismo día.Nos preguntamos si podemos hacer que reemplacen nuestra puerta delantera también porque nuestro almacén y las llaves de la puerta delantera son las mismas, pero dijeron NOPE!Esto realmente me molesta porque pregunté acerca de estas críticas negativas al consultor de arrendamiento que he estado tratando desde el principio y se le dijo (tengo correos electrónicos) que los robos son, esencialmente, ya no suceden más, y que no es malo.Ella vive en el piso superior/4 y yo vivo en el primer piso.Como dije, estos son problemas conocidos.Usted puede desplazarse a través de Yelp.Hice las matemáticas y al menos 15% de las críticas Yelp hablan de los robos.Un par de cosas que quiero señalar son: 1)Este complejo tiene unos 3 años y han pasado por al menos 2 otras gerencias de propiedades 2) Literalmente cualquiera puede entrar aquí.Las áreas comunes no están protegidas, tenemos una gran puerta trasera y puertas laterales.Vi a alguien saltar esa puerta lateral el fin de semana pasado porque es bastante bajo.Dejan la puerta trasera abierta cuando se supone que no (incluso durante la noche).Tenemos llaves de fob pero no todas las áreas comunes las requieren, como el ascensor.Las áreas exteriores comunes también no tienen suficiente iluminación.Los niños juegan en el callejón donde la puerta trasera está en!3) Nuestra puerta “segura” al garaje de estacionamiento se rompió durante casi dos semanas (se rompió cuando nuestra unidad de almacenamiento se rompió en).Ellos apenas comenzaron a construirlo este lunes basado en su correo electrónico. Actualmente sólo tienen cámaras cerca de las comodidades. 5) He investigado la compañía de gestión actual y he descubierto que otras propiedades que manejan (fuera de CA) reportan los mismos problemas (la seguridad apesta).6) Mi vecindario tiene una tasa de crimen relativamente alta.La publicación del gobierno es pública y muestra las tasas de crimen de enero a agosto de este año (este es el más reciente este año).He hecho suficiente investigación (o creo que) que habla de las leyes civiles aquí en CA y que es el deber del propietario tomar medidas razonables para proteger a los inquilinos de delitos previsibles... Sin embargo, he leído nuestro contrato de arrendamiento varias veces y todo lo que veo es, "jódete, no somos responsables de nada".Me siento engañado y todavía estoy enojado.Más importante aún, creo que debe haber consecuencias legales y/o lagunas legales.No me importa si están haciendo cambios ahora después de años han pasado con los robos y robos.Bf dijo que la gente en la oficina de leasing estaba muy ansiosa hacia él, ya que todos vieron mi revisión de Yelp (yo soy una “elite de Yelp”, pero eso no importa) y dijo que la empresa es consciente de ello también.Así que, sí, sólo quiero saber si hay una laguna en mi contrato de alquiler de 15 meses porque 15 meses es demasiado largo, especialmente después de que me perdieron como residente dos semanas después de mudarme.Y sí, soy un idiota por firmar como un contrato de arrendamiento largo.$2k+ no vale lo que he experimentado hasta ahora.
So this may sound like out of a movie but its actually happening to my father: He is 72 and after 12 years of marriage (with an old school friend of his) he has finally decided on getting a divorce, why? Because in 12 years they have never lived together, sure they were married and visited one another, but over time it just stopped, so after 3-4 years of visiting eachother on weekends+ going on vacations together (my father paying for her) she just stopped visiting, had better stuff to do, they still talked on the phone every weekend, but that soon stopped aswell, at the moment they have contact every 3-4 months per phone, and she just asks how everything is going and what not. So after 12 years of marriage my father had enough and told her he wanted a divorce. You may think it may come from both sides, but here's the weird part. She absolutely refused to move in with him and always told him later, in 2 years when this and this is done, 2 years later she said in 4 years, etc etc, until now. She told him to sell his house (worth quite alot) and that she wouldn't move in with him (meaning she wouldn't want him to buy an appartment for her next to an appartment for him, she doesn't actually want to move in) unless he sold his new house (and got rid of his dog with it aswell). **And then!** when he finally tells her he wants the divorce, she is shocked (they talk over the phone each 3-4 months..) that he wants it and says she is quite happy as it is now and doesn't want it to change, also her first reaction after hearing this was to yell "You cheated me with the marriage contract!" (He made it, so that she wouldn't get his money when they'd split), which obviously reveals that she was just going for his money all along. Now my 72 year old father atm living in **Hungary** (but actually came from central europe) with diabetes and his bones cracking, is left there standing, wondering what he can do, because she refuses to sign the paper, go to court or do anything, she said she won't move. He now is planning on scheduling an appointment with a lawyer, but it would really help to know what he could actually do? Does he have to go to court? Will it cost him much, what could be possible outcomes? He's really uncertain about it, and I really want to help, but I'm a measly engineering student with no clue on general laws. I hope the wall of text didn't bury any responses, thank you in advance. **TL;DR** Father marries Woman, after 12 years of not living together finally realizes she only wants his money, he has a contract, she refuses to sign the papers or show up. What should he do?
Divorce with complications (could be a longer version of TIFU)
Divorce with complications (could be a longer version of TIFU) So this may sound like out of a movie but its actually happening to my father: He is 72 and after 12 years of marriage (with an old school friend of his) he has finally decided on getting a divorce, why? Because in 12 years they have never lived together, sure they were married and visited one another, but over time it just stopped, so after 3-4 years of visiting eachother on weekends+ going on vacations together (my father paying for her) she just stopped visiting, had better stuff to do, they still talked on the phone every weekend, but that soon stopped aswell, at the moment they have contact every 3-4 months per phone, and she just asks how everything is going and what not. So after 12 years of marriage my father had enough and told her he wanted a divorce. You may think it may come from both sides, but here's the weird part. She absolutely refused to move in with him and always told him later, in 2 years when this and this is done, 2 years later she said in 4 years, etc etc, until now. She told him to sell his house (worth quite alot) and that she wouldn't move in with him (meaning she wouldn't want him to buy an appartment for her next to an appartment for him, she doesn't actually want to move in) unless he sold his new house (and got rid of his dog with it aswell). **And then!** when he finally tells her he wants the divorce, she is shocked (they talk over the phone each 3-4 months..) that he wants it and says she is quite happy as it is now and doesn't want it to change, also her first reaction after hearing this was to yell "You cheated me with the marriage contract!" (He made it, so that she wouldn't get his money when they'd split), which obviously reveals that she was just going for his money all along. Now my 72 year old father atm living in **Hungary** (but actually came from central europe) with diabetes and his bones cracking, is left there standing, wondering what he can do, because she refuses to sign the paper, go to court or do anything, she said she won't move. He now is planning on scheduling an appointment with a lawyer, but it would really help to know what he could actually do? Does he have to go to court? Will it cost him much, what could be possible outcomes? He's really uncertain about it, and I really want to help, but I'm a measly engineering student with no clue on general laws. I hope the wall of text didn't bury any responses, thank you in advance. **TL;DR** Father marries Woman, after 12 years of not living together finally realizes she only wants his money, he has a contract, she refuses to sign the papers or show up. What should he do?
Divorcio con complicaciones (podría ser una versión más larga de TIFU)Así que esto puede sonar como fuera de una película, pero en realidad sucede a mi padre: Él tiene 72 años y después de 12 años de matrimonio (con un viejo amigo de la escuela de su) finalmente ha decidido conseguir un divorcio, ¿por qué?Porque en 12 años nunca han vivido juntos, seguro que se casaron y se visitaron unos a otros, pero con el tiempo simplemente se detuvo, así que después de 3-4 años de visitarse entre sí los fines de semana + ir de vacaciones juntos (mi padre pagando por ella) ella acaba de dejar de visitar, tenía mejores cosas que hacer, todavía hablaban por teléfono todos los fines de semana, pero que pronto se detuvo también, en el momento en que tienen contacto cada 3-4 meses por teléfono, y ella simplemente pregunta cómo va todo y qué no.Así que después de 12 años de matrimonio mi padre tenía suficiente y le dijo que quería un divorcio.Usted puede pensar que puede venir de ambos lados, pero aquí está la parte rara.Ella absolutamente se negó a mudarse con él y siempre le dijo más tarde, en 2 años cuando esto y se hace 2 años, 2 años dijo que ella en 4Ella le dijo que vendiera su casa (que vale bastante) y que no se mudaría con él (que significa que no querría que comprara un apartamento para ella junto a un apartamento para él, que en realidad no quiere mudarse) a menos que él vendiera su nueva casa (y se deshiciera de su perro con ella también).**Y entonces!**cuando finalmente le dijo que quería el divorcio, ella se sorprendió (hablan por teléfono cada 3-4 meses.) de que él lo quiere y dice que está muy feliz como ahora y no quiere que cambie, también su primera reacción después de escuchar esto fue gritar "¡Me engañaste con el contrato de matrimonio!"(Él lo hizo, para que ella no recibiera su dinero cuando se separaron), lo que obviamente revela que ella estaba yendo a por su dinero todo el tiempo.Ahora mi padre de 72 años de edad atm que vive en **Hungría** (pero en realidad vino de la europe central) con diabetes y sus huesos se quedó ahí parado, ¿qué podía hacer, porque ella se negó a firmar el papel, ir a la corte o hacer cualquier cosa que ella pudiera hacer, pero que realmente iba a trabajar con un abogado?¿Le costará mucho, cuáles podrían ser los resultados posibles?Es muy incierto al respecto, y realmente quiero ayudar, pero soy un estudiante de ingeniería miserable sin ninguna pista sobre las leyes generales.Espero que el muro de texto no enterró ninguna respuesta, gracias por adelantado.**TL;DR**Padre se casa Mujer, después de 12 años de no vivir juntos finalmente se da cuenta de que sólo quiere su dinero, tiene un contrato, se niega a firmar los papeles o aparecer.
So I am planning to start sailing around the world next December or this December depending on Covid. I will be starting in the Caribbean and will need an income of money. Now I plan on helping other cruisers with repairs and other maintenance, mostly electrical repairs. Is this allowed? Do I need a certain permit to be able to do this type of freelancing work?
Working In Other Countries?
Working In Other Countries? So I am planning to start sailing around the world next December or this December depending on Covid. I will be starting in the Caribbean and will need an income of money. Now I plan on helping other cruisers with repairs and other maintenance, mostly electrical repairs. Is this allowed? Do I need a certain permit to be able to do this type of freelancing work?
¿Trabajando en otros países? Así que estoy planeando empezar a navegar alrededor del mundo en diciembre próximo o en diciembre dependiendo de Covid. Voy a empezar en el Caribe y voy a necesitar un ingreso de dinero. Ahora planeo ayudar a otros cruceros con reparaciones y otros mantenimientos, principalmente reparaciones eléctricas. ¿Está permitido? ¿Necesito un cierto permiso para poder hacer este tipo de trabajo freelance?
Alright so basis of the story is that I made an illegal U-turn and got a ticket for it, but the officers handwriting was messy when writing the ticket. So in turn the birth date was wrong on my ticket filing and got a court summoning, but it was for the minors(idk what to call it sorry lol). So I went to pay my ticket off on the day that the ticket had told me to pay it off by, but they told me I had to show up in court because technically in the citation I was 13 years old behind the wheel making an illegal u-turn. They ended up fixing the date of birth in the filing for the citation and moved the court date to a later date. Is there any way I can get out of paying to ticket using the wrong date of birth to my advantage? Like I say that it wasn’t me and I just let them fix the paper work because I’m a naive 19 year old that thinks the adults know what’s best? Or is it not worth the shot?
If/how I can fight this illegal u-turn
If/how I can fight this illegal u-turn Alright so basis of the story is that I made an illegal U-turn and got a ticket for it, but the officers handwriting was messy when writing the ticket. So in turn the birth date was wrong on my ticket filing and got a court summoning, but it was for the minors(idk what to call it sorry lol). So I went to pay my ticket off on the day that the ticket had told me to pay it off by, but they told me I had to show up in court because technically in the citation I was 13 years old behind the wheel making an illegal u-turn. They ended up fixing the date of birth in the filing for the citation and moved the court date to a later date. Is there any way I can get out of paying to ticket using the wrong date of birth to my advantage? Like I say that it wasn’t me and I just let them fix the paper work because I’m a naive 19 year old that thinks the adults know what’s best? Or is it not worth the shot?
Si / cómo puedo luchar contra este ilegal u-turn Muy bien por lo que la base de la historia es que hice un ilegal U-turn y consiguió un boleto para ello, pero la escritura de los oficiales era desordenado al escribir el boleto. Así que a su vez la fecha de nacimiento estaba mal en mi presentación de la entrada y consiguió una citación judicial, pero era para los menores (idk lo que llamarlo lol). Así que fui a pagar mi boleto fuera el día que el boleto me había dicho que pagarlo por, pero me dijeron que tenía que aparecer en el tribunal porque técnicamente en la cita que tenía 13 años detrás de la rueda haciendo un ilegal u-turn. Terminaron fijando la fecha de nacimiento en la presentación de la citación y movieron la fecha de la corte a una fecha posterior. ¿Hay alguna manera de que pueda salir de pagar el boleto utilizando la fecha de nacimiento equivocada para mi ventaja? Como digo que no era yo y yo sólo les dejé arreglar el papel porque soy un ingenuo 19 años de edad que piensa que los adultos lo mejor?
Hi, I got laid off in January for reasons not related to COVID-19. I was receiving unemployment money which was $860 twice a month. However, in April, my benefits have come out to $2,060 twice a month. I have not changed anything with my unemployment status and since my unemployment is not pandemic related I was wondering why this was? It's definitely a plus but want to make sure I'm not committing a crime here. I live in Los Angeles, California by the way.
Receiving more than double my unemployment money...why is this?
Receiving more than double my unemployment money...why is this? Hi, I got laid off in January for reasons not related to COVID-19. I was receiving unemployment money which was $860 twice a month. However, in April, my benefits have come out to $2,060 twice a month. I have not changed anything with my unemployment status and since my unemployment is not pandemic related I was wondering why this was? It's definitely a plus but want to make sure I'm not committing a crime here. I live in Los Angeles, California by the way.
Hola, me despidieron en enero por razones no relacionadas con COVID-19. Yo estaba recibiendo dinero de desempleo que era de $860 dos veces al mes. Sin embargo, en abril, mis beneficios han salido a $2.060 dos veces al mes. No he cambiado nada con mi estatus de desempleo y como mi desempleo no está relacionado con pandemia me preguntaba por qué esto era? Definitivamente es un plus pero quiero asegurarme de que no estoy cometiendo un delito aquí. Vivo en Los Ángeles, California por cierto.
hey yall. so because of the pandemic, my mother has been out of work and my father has had to travel to new orleans to find work with his brother. we are in miami. my landlord has been demanding 1k, and not for rent. my father told him no, we don't have that kind of money right now and the landlord said he is acting like a child. so he comes to our house today unexpectedly and we had to give him the 1k, plus last months rent. today is the 1st, and he said hes coming back on the 18th to collect this months rent again (2.1k). he threatened to have us on the streets if we do not pay him immediately. he won't touch the down payment we put of 4k. what can we do? if u can, please put sources bc i do not want to get in any trouble for saying bullshit (i'm 17)
landlord wants to kick us out if we don't pay our months rent early. we have 4k in down
landlord wants to kick us out if we don't pay our months rent early. we have 4k in down hey yall. so because of the pandemic, my mother has been out of work and my father has had to travel to new orleans to find work with his brother. we are in miami. my landlord has been demanding 1k, and not for rent. my father told him no, we don't have that kind of money right now and the landlord said he is acting like a child. so he comes to our house today unexpectedly and we had to give him the 1k, plus last months rent. today is the 1st, and he said hes coming back on the 18th to collect this months rent again (2.1k). he threatened to have us on the streets if we do not pay him immediately. he won't touch the down payment we put of 4k. what can we do? if u can, please put sources bc i do not want to get in any trouble for saying bullshit (i'm 17)
El propietario quiere echarnos si no pagamos nuestro alquiler de meses temprano. tenemos 4k en abajo hey yall. así que debido a la pandemia, mi madre ha estado fuera de trabajo y mi padre ha tenido que viajar a Nueva Orleans para encontrar trabajo con su hermano. estamos en Miami. mi propietario ha estado exigiendo 1k, y no para alquiler. mi padre le dijo que no, no tenemos esa clase de dinero en este momento y el propietario dijo que está actuando como un niño. por lo que viene a nuestra casa hoy inesperadamente y tuvimos que darle el 1k, más el alquiler de los últimos meses. hoy es el primero, y dijo que va a volver el 18 para cobrar este alquiler de meses de nuevo (2.1k). él amenazó con tenernos en las calles si no le pagamos inmediatamente. él no tocará el pago inicial que ponemos de 4k. ¿qué podemos hacer? si podemos, por favor poner fuentes bc no quiero meterme en ningún problema por decir mierda (i'm 17)
I (15M) am a transgender student a public Pennsylvania High School. I've been out as a trans guy for around 2 years and things usually go smoothly as bullying and that stuff, but schools have never really been great with bathroom/ locker room policies. I know that these laws are complicated but I'm just looking for pointers. Since the beginning of the school year, I have been told I am not allowed to use the boys restroom and must use the girls. I told the staff (guidance and principals) that I am, under no circumstances, using the girls facilities. They have no gender neutral/ disabled one stall restrooms in the school accept for the library. The library is far away from most of my classes through the day and it is very dysphoric when I walk in/ out of the library just to pee. I've resulted to try my best to not use the bathroom through the school day. I usually have nothing to eat the whole school day (7 hours) and go home nauseus, tired and with a throbbing headache. It gets worse when I participate in after school activities, as I can be at school for over 14 hours and will not eat anything or go to the bathroom in an effort to not get dirty looks when I need to pee. Sidenote, but I have also been called the wrong name on multiple occasions by substitute teachers (my teachers know my pronouns and my name and respect that) but that results in me being outed to my fellow peers that thought I was just a cisgender guy. The school said I, by myself, have to go to the administrations office 5 miles away from the school and talk with them as there is nothing they can do. Is there anything I can do to get better policies because the staff at the school has done nothing to help.
My school is regulating me to the female facilities.
My school is regulating me to the female facilities. I (15M) am a transgender student a public Pennsylvania High School. I've been out as a trans guy for around 2 years and things usually go smoothly as bullying and that stuff, but schools have never really been great with bathroom/ locker room policies. I know that these laws are complicated but I'm just looking for pointers. Since the beginning of the school year, I have been told I am not allowed to use the boys restroom and must use the girls. I told the staff (guidance and principals) that I am, under no circumstances, using the girls facilities. They have no gender neutral/ disabled one stall restrooms in the school accept for the library. The library is far away from most of my classes through the day and it is very dysphoric when I walk in/ out of the library just to pee. I've resulted to try my best to not use the bathroom through the school day. I usually have nothing to eat the whole school day (7 hours) and go home nauseus, tired and with a throbbing headache. It gets worse when I participate in after school activities, as I can be at school for over 14 hours and will not eat anything or go to the bathroom in an effort to not get dirty looks when I need to pee. Sidenote, but I have also been called the wrong name on multiple occasions by substitute teachers (my teachers know my pronouns and my name and respect that) but that results in me being outed to my fellow peers that thought I was just a cisgender guy. The school said I, by myself, have to go to the administrations office 5 miles away from the school and talk with them as there is nothing they can do. Is there anything I can do to get better policies because the staff at the school has done nothing to help.
Mi escuela me está regulando a las instalaciones femeninas.Yo (15M) soy una estudiante transgénero una escuela secundaria pública de Pensilvania.He estado fuera como un tipo trans por alrededor de 2 años y las cosas suelen ir sin problemas como acoso y esas cosas, pero las escuelas nunca han sido realmente geniales con las políticas de cuarto de baño/ vestuario.Sé que estas leyes son complicadas pero sólo estoy buscando punteros.Desde el principio del año escolar, me han dicho que no se me permite usar el baño de niños y que debo usar a las niñas.Le dije al personal (guida y directoras) que bajo ninguna circunstancia estoy usando las instalaciones para niñas.No tengo un baño neutral/discapacitado de género en la escuela que acepte la biblioteca.La biblioteca está muy lejos de la mayoría de mis clases durante el día y es muy disfórico cuando salgo de la biblioteca solo para orinar.He resultado en tratar de no usar el baño durante el día escolar.Se pone peor cuando participo en actividades después de la escuela, ya que puedo estar en la escuela durante más de 14 horas y no comeré nada ni iré al baño en un esfuerzo por no ensuciarme cuando necesito orinar.Nota, pero también me han llamado el nombre equivocado en múltiples ocasiones por profesores sustitutos (mis profesores conocen mis pronombres y mi nombre y respeto eso), pero eso me hace estar al tanto de mis compañeros que pensaban que era sólo un tipo de cisgender.La escuela dijo que yo, por mí mismo, tengo que ir a la oficina de administración a 5 millas de distancia de la escuela y hablar con ellos, ya que no hay nada que puedan hacer.Hay algo que pueda hacer para obtener mejores políticas porque el personal de la escuela no ha hecho nada para ayudar.
If people haven't heard, there has been a large dispute over the past week or so over the company Nvidia and their line of graphics cards for computers by the name of GTX 970. They claimed in the advertisement and selling of the card that it has 4GB of usable VRam, but people have proven that it only has 3.5GBs and is causing performance issues or lack there of extra performance. Nvidia has claimed in tweets and posts on their forums that this was Intended and the card works exactly as they said it would. They also said that they will not release and drivers specifically for the card to help fix this problem. I am wondering what legal action if any can be done in this situation. Is this false advertising, fraud, or any type of illegal activity that they can be held accountable for? How would someone go about this?
Nvidia GPU 970 Claims
Nvidia GPU 970 Claims If people haven't heard, there has been a large dispute over the past week or so over the company Nvidia and their line of graphics cards for computers by the name of GTX 970. They claimed in the advertisement and selling of the card that it has 4GB of usable VRam, but people have proven that it only has 3.5GBs and is causing performance issues or lack there of extra performance. Nvidia has claimed in tweets and posts on their forums that this was Intended and the card works exactly as they said it would. They also said that they will not release and drivers specifically for the card to help fix this problem. I am wondering what legal action if any can be done in this situation. Is this false advertising, fraud, or any type of illegal activity that they can be held accountable for? How would someone go about this?
Nvidia GPU 970 Reclamos Si la gente no ha oído, ha habido una gran disputa durante la semana pasada o algo así sobre la empresa Nvidia y su línea de tarjetas gráficas para computadoras con el nombre de GTX 970. Afirmaron en el anuncio y la venta de la tarjeta que tiene 4 GB de VRam utilizable, pero la gente ha demostrado que sólo tiene 3.5GB y está causando problemas de rendimiento o falta de rendimiento adicional allí. Nvidia ha afirmado en tweets y publicaciones en sus foros que esto fue intencional y la tarjeta funciona exactamente como ellos dijeron que lo haría. También dijeron que no liberarán y conductores específicamente para la tarjeta para ayudar a solucionar este problema. Me pregunto qué acción legal si se puede hacer en esta situación. ¿Es esta publicidad falsa, fraude, o cualquier tipo de actividad ilegal que se puede hacer responsable de esto?
My wedding is this summer but I anticipate there will still be restrictions on large gatherings. If for example my state is allowing for only 50 people is that enough to get me out of my contract with my venue? The only place my contract mentions guest count is it says they allow for a 170 guest limit. I’ve read that this could be considered a force majure because they are no longer able to accommodate the capacity that we contracted their service for and thus are breaching the contract. My venue is not being accommodating at all amongst all of this and I’m grasping at straws right now looking for anything that could get us out of our contract. Any advise would be greatly appreciated!
Wedding venue contract
Wedding venue contract My wedding is this summer but I anticipate there will still be restrictions on large gatherings. If for example my state is allowing for only 50 people is that enough to get me out of my contract with my venue? The only place my contract mentions guest count is it says they allow for a 170 guest limit. I’ve read that this could be considered a force majure because they are no longer able to accommodate the capacity that we contracted their service for and thus are breaching the contract. My venue is not being accommodating at all amongst all of this and I’m grasping at straws right now looking for anything that could get us out of our contract. Any advise would be greatly appreciated!
Mi boda es este verano, pero espero que todavía habrá restricciones en las reuniones grandes. Si por ejemplo mi estado está permitiendo que sólo 50 personas es suficiente para sacarme de mi contrato con mi lugar? El único lugar en el que mi contrato menciona el conteo de invitados es que dice que permiten un límite de 170 invitados. He leído que esto podría ser considerado una fuerza majure porque ya no son capaces de acomodar la capacidad para la que contratamos su servicio y por lo tanto están incumpliendo el contrato. Mi lugar no es ser complaciente en absoluto entre todo esto y estoy agarrando a pajitas en este momento buscando cualquier cosa que pueda sacarnos de nuestro contrato. Cualquier consejo sería muy apreciado!
Hello Everyone, I should start off by saying that I live in Texas. About a year ago my wife cheated on me and left our son with her mother in the virgin islands; during this time I had a job up until around August when I got laid off. I went back home (I was prior military) to Virginia for some time and recently came back here to Texas. I checked my mail and I had something for child support; I missed the case and now I am behind in child support like $966 or something close to that. The only thing I saw was a paper dating Dec 2, 2017 with those numbers. I couldn't call them to ask about it because they are closed until monday, but I wanted to ask some questions here because my mind is eating me alive right now. I currently do not have a job and I plan to get one soon, but currently I have just been living with a buddy and been getting help from my family for my car bill. My question is what can I really do now that I owe child support? I am pretty confused because as far as I know she doesn't even have our son he is still with her mother. Another question I wanted to ask, is it possible to have child support dropped somehow if she agrees? I haven't really done anything wrong to her and until we stopped talking (like July time frame) her and I weren't really fighting or anything, so I believe I can talk to her to drop it if it's possible at least until I get on my feet. Thanks for any help in advance.
Some questions about child support.
Some questions about child support. Hello Everyone, I should start off by saying that I live in Texas. About a year ago my wife cheated on me and left our son with her mother in the virgin islands; during this time I had a job up until around August when I got laid off. I went back home (I was prior military) to Virginia for some time and recently came back here to Texas. I checked my mail and I had something for child support; I missed the case and now I am behind in child support like $966 or something close to that. The only thing I saw was a paper dating Dec 2, 2017 with those numbers. I couldn't call them to ask about it because they are closed until monday, but I wanted to ask some questions here because my mind is eating me alive right now. I currently do not have a job and I plan to get one soon, but currently I have just been living with a buddy and been getting help from my family for my car bill. My question is what can I really do now that I owe child support? I am pretty confused because as far as I know she doesn't even have our son he is still with her mother. Another question I wanted to ask, is it possible to have child support dropped somehow if she agrees? I haven't really done anything wrong to her and until we stopped talking (like July time frame) her and I weren't really fighting or anything, so I believe I can talk to her to drop it if it's possible at least until I get on my feet. Thanks for any help in advance.
Algunas preguntas sobre la manutención de los hijos.Hola a todos, debería empezar diciendo que vivo en Texas.Hace un año mi esposa me engañó y dejó a nuestro hijo con su madre en las islas vírgenes; durante este tiempo tuve un trabajo hasta alrededor de agosto cuando me despidieron.Volví a casa (yo era militar anterior) a Virginia por algún tiempo y recientemente volví aquí a Texas.Revisé mi correo y tuve algo para la manutención de los hijos; me perdí el caso y ahora estoy atrasado en manutención de los hijos como $966 o algo cercano a eso.Lo único que vi fue un periódico que databa del 2 de diciembre de 2017 con esos números.No pude llamarlos para preguntar porque están cerrados hasta el lunes, pero quería hacer algunas preguntas aquí porque mi mente me está comiendo vivo ahora mismo.Actualmente no tengo un trabajo y planeo conseguir uno pronto, pero actualmente he estado viviendo con un amigo y he estado recibiendo ayuda de mi familia para mi cuenta de coche.Realmente no le he hecho nada malo y hasta que dejamos de hablar (como el marco temporal de julio) ella y yo no estábamos realmente peleando ni nada, así que creo que puedo hablar con ella para dejarlo caer si es posible, al menos hasta que me ponga de pie.Gracias por cualquier ayuda de antemano.
Hi everybody, Me & my team of 7 and growing have founded a blockchain based startup here in the united states. We are launching our crowdsale soon that we’ve been working on for the past 8 months. We would like to launch a utility token to be available to be purchased by US citizens as this is the largest market and we are seeking legal advice, but all of the firms in the space are asking $50K-$100K to represent our company and considering this industry is approaching $1 Trillion that is very reasonable, but still out of our budget currently. If any securities attorneys are reading this, we are willing to exchange equity in our company for deeper consultation. As of today I would like to know if we would be safe selling this token to US citizens .. here is the following information I believe is important in determining this. 1. We do not have an MVP. We will be using this crowdsale to fund the development. 2. Our token is not an ‘investment contract’ , users will NOT be paid in any sort of dividends or tokens for owning our token. 3. We are not promising any types of gains by investing in us. 4. The incentive to using our token within our marketplace is that users get to avoid fees, and they can stake the token to bid on advertisements within the website. User with the highest stake earns the promotion for a set period of time. Other than this there are no incentives to using our token. According to the latest SEC press releases it seems we are safe, but I’d thought I would double check here to make sure. We are very appreciative of any feedback! Thanks.
Would this be considered a security?
Would this be considered a security? Hi everybody, Me & my team of 7 and growing have founded a blockchain based startup here in the united states. We are launching our crowdsale soon that we’ve been working on for the past 8 months. We would like to launch a utility token to be available to be purchased by US citizens as this is the largest market and we are seeking legal advice, but all of the firms in the space are asking $50K-$100K to represent our company and considering this industry is approaching $1 Trillion that is very reasonable, but still out of our budget currently. If any securities attorneys are reading this, we are willing to exchange equity in our company for deeper consultation. As of today I would like to know if we would be safe selling this token to US citizens .. here is the following information I believe is important in determining this. 1. We do not have an MVP. We will be using this crowdsale to fund the development. 2. Our token is not an ‘investment contract’ , users will NOT be paid in any sort of dividends or tokens for owning our token. 3. We are not promising any types of gains by investing in us. 4. The incentive to using our token within our marketplace is that users get to avoid fees, and they can stake the token to bid on advertisements within the website. User with the highest stake earns the promotion for a set period of time. Other than this there are no incentives to using our token. According to the latest SEC press releases it seems we are safe, but I’d thought I would double check here to make sure. We are very appreciative of any feedback! Thanks.
Hola a todos, Me & mi equipo de 7 y en crecimiento han fundado una startup basada en blockchain aquí en los Estados Unidos.Estamos lanzando nuestra crowdsale pronto que hemos estado trabajando en durante los últimos 8 meses.Nos gustaría lanzar un token de utilidad para estar disponible para ser comprado por los ciudadanos de EE.UU., ya que este es el mercado más grande y estamos buscando asesoramiento legal, pero todas las empresas en el espacio están pidiendo $50K-$100K para representar a nuestra empresa y teniendo en cuenta que esta industria se acerca a $1 Trillion que es muy razonable, pero todavía fuera de nuestro presupuesto en la actualidad.Si algún abogado de valores está leyendo esto, estamos dispuestos a intercambiar capital en nuestra empresa para una consulta más profunda.A partir de hoy me gustaría saber si estaríamos seguros vendiendo esta muestra a los ciudadanos de EE.UU... aquí está la siguiente información que creo que es importante para determinar esto.1.No tenemos un MVP.Vamos a utilizar esta gentsale para financiar el desarrollo.2.Nuestra muestra no es un ‘contrato de inversión’, los usuarios NO se pagarán en ningún tipo de dividendos o símbolos.3.No estamos prometiendo ningúnEl incentivo para utilizar nuestro token dentro de nuestro mercado es que los usuarios pueden evitar las tarifas, y pueden apostar el token para pujar en los anuncios dentro del sitio web.Usuario con la mayor participación gana la promoción por un período de tiempo determinado. Aparte de esto no hay incentivos para usar nuestro token.De acuerdo con los últimos comunicados de prensa de la SEC parece que estamos seguros, pero pensé que me gustaría comprobar aquí para asegurarse.Estamos muy agradecidos de cualquier comentario!Gracias.
Hi, so at the start of the year I got a new job. During this time, I was also really struggling with a chronic health condition/disability. I manage it pretty well now, but at times it flares up and can cause serious back pain and make it difficult to stand. But I have seen countless doctors and all of them say that I am fine and this condition is unfortunately just something I have to live with. A few weeks into working at my new job, I had a flare up and asked my then-manager if I could sit down for a minute. When I came back out, he told me he was going to call an ambulance. I tried to explain to him my condition and begged him not to do that, as I couldn't afford an ambulance. He told me that it wouldn't be an issue, and that he had called our GM who confirmed that the company would pay for my bills under workman's comp and I would be fine if I just told the people in the ER that it was a work related incident. He continued to blow things way out of proportion and I started to panic, he made me think I could be having appendicitis and that I needed urgent medical attention. I have high anxiety and truly believed him in the moment. The compromise was that I would leave work immediately and drive to the ER myself, so that he wouldn't call the ambulance. I did. I spent a few hours in the ER, they ran a bunch of tests and, of course, found nothing wrong. When I came back to work the next day, my other manager told me that nope, the company would not be helping me whatsoever with the bills and I should never have been told that. She told me I'd be totally fine because hospitals don't bill you right away (as if I was a braindead moron who had never been to a hospital before, thanks for the heads up genius). The manager who caused all of this gave me a half-assed apology and quit the next day, because apparently corporate scolded him a little for the incident. Anyways, months later, I've just gotten back the bills. They are thousands of dollars. Is there anything I can do concerning corporate? I was told by my superior that they would cover my expenses, just to be told that was all a bunch of nonsense to force me to go to the hospital when it was completely unnecessary.
Boss forced me to go to the ER promising our company would pay my bills- they won't, and now I'm thousands in medical debt
Boss forced me to go to the ER promising our company would pay my bills- they won't, and now I'm thousands in medical debt Hi, so at the start of the year I got a new job. During this time, I was also really struggling with a chronic health condition/disability. I manage it pretty well now, but at times it flares up and can cause serious back pain and make it difficult to stand. But I have seen countless doctors and all of them say that I am fine and this condition is unfortunately just something I have to live with. A few weeks into working at my new job, I had a flare up and asked my then-manager if I could sit down for a minute. When I came back out, he told me he was going to call an ambulance. I tried to explain to him my condition and begged him not to do that, as I couldn't afford an ambulance. He told me that it wouldn't be an issue, and that he had called our GM who confirmed that the company would pay for my bills under workman's comp and I would be fine if I just told the people in the ER that it was a work related incident. He continued to blow things way out of proportion and I started to panic, he made me think I could be having appendicitis and that I needed urgent medical attention. I have high anxiety and truly believed him in the moment. The compromise was that I would leave work immediately and drive to the ER myself, so that he wouldn't call the ambulance. I did. I spent a few hours in the ER, they ran a bunch of tests and, of course, found nothing wrong. When I came back to work the next day, my other manager told me that nope, the company would not be helping me whatsoever with the bills and I should never have been told that. She told me I'd be totally fine because hospitals don't bill you right away (as if I was a braindead moron who had never been to a hospital before, thanks for the heads up genius). The manager who caused all of this gave me a half-assed apology and quit the next day, because apparently corporate scolded him a little for the incident. Anyways, months later, I've just gotten back the bills. They are thousands of dollars. Is there anything I can do concerning corporate? I was told by my superior that they would cover my expenses, just to be told that was all a bunch of nonsense to force me to go to the hospital when it was completely unnecessary.
El jefe me obligó a ir a Urgencias prometiendo que nuestra compañía pagaría mis facturas, no lo harán, y ahora tengo miles de deudas médicas Hola, así que al comienzo del año conseguí un nuevo trabajo.Durante este tiempo, también estaba realmente luchando con una condición de salud crónica/discapacidad.Ahora lo manejo bastante bien, pero a veces se enciende y puede causar un serio dolor de espalda y hacer que sea difícil de soportar.Pero he visto innumerables médicos y todos ellos dicen que estoy bien y que esta condición es por desgracia sólo algo con lo que tengo que vivir.Unas semanas después de trabajar en mi nuevo trabajo, tuve un estallido y le pregunté a mi entonces gerente si podía sentarme por un minuto.Cuando volví, me dijo que iba a llamar a una ambulancia.Traté de explicarle mi condición y le rogué que no lo hiciera, ya que no podía permitirme una ambulancia.Él me dijo que no sería un problema, y que había llamado a nuestro GM.Él continuó soplando las cosas fuera de proporción y empecé a entrar en pánico, me hizo pensar que podía tener apendicitis y que necesitaba atención médica urgente.Tengo una gran ansiedad y realmente le creí en el momento.El compromiso era que me iría de trabajo inmediatamente y conduciría a la sala de emergencias yo mismo, para que él no llamara a la ambulancia.Yo lo hice.Pasé unas horas en Urgencias, me hicieron un montón de pruebas y, por supuesto, no encontraron nada malo.Cuando volví a trabajar al día siguiente, mi otro gerente me dijo que no, la compañía no me ayudaría en absoluto con las facturas y nunca me lo habrían dicho.Ella me dijo que estaría totalmente bien porque los hospitales no te facturaban de inmediato (como si yo fuera un idiota con muerte cerebral que nunca había estado en un hospital antes, gracias por el genio de la cabeza).El gerente que causó todo esto me dio una disculpa a medias y dejé de lado al día siguiente, porque aparentemente las empresas le regañaban un poco por el incidente.Mi superior me dijo que ellos cubrirían mis gastos, sólo para que me dijeran que todo eso era un montón de tonterías para obligarme a ir al hospital cuando era completamente innecesario.
I have a car that I would like to leave titled in my name, and licensed in my state (Minnesota). I would like to lend it to my 25 year old niece (living in a different state) for a period of about 6 months. I know that she would need to take out her own insurance, and I'm not concerned with any loss or damage to the car. I am wondering if I would be leaving myself open to any liability by leaving the title in my name? I have searched around on the web and found conflicting views. Thanks so much for your help and advice.
Liability concerns for long term lending of car to relative?
Liability concerns for long term lending of car to relative? I have a car that I would like to leave titled in my name, and licensed in my state (Minnesota). I would like to lend it to my 25 year old niece (living in a different state) for a period of about 6 months. I know that she would need to take out her own insurance, and I'm not concerned with any loss or damage to the car. I am wondering if I would be leaving myself open to any liability by leaving the title in my name? I have searched around on the web and found conflicting views. Thanks so much for your help and advice.
Tengo un coche que me gustaría dejar titulado en mi nombre, y con licencia en mi estado (Minnesota). Me gustaría prestarlo a mi sobrina de 25 años (viviendo en un estado diferente) por un período de alrededor de 6 meses. Sé que ella tendría que tomar su propio seguro, y no me preocupa cualquier pérdida o daño al coche. Me pregunto si me estaría dejando abierta a cualquier responsabilidad dejando el título en mi nombre? He buscado alrededor en la web y he encontrado puntos de vista contradictorios. Muchas gracias por su ayuda y consejo.
Four way intersection. I am in right hand turn lane to turn left. Big semi in left hand turn lane. light turns green I go and next thing I know I am hit by the truck spun out in intersection. Hit on my drivers side quarter panel. A police officer was nearby and comes and takes info for his report. The whole time the truck driver is apologizing for being in the wrong lane and not being able to make the turn not knowing there was two turn lanes how he was lost etc just keeps talking and talking. There is a witness who states the truck was stopped and I turned into the truck. And the truck driver says this as well. This is impossible. I know this turn very well I know there are two turn lanes and make a point to look for the dashed lines indicating lanes and make sure to stay in my lane. The police report has my side of the story that the truck came out of his lane and struck my car. The report has my story and the truck drivers which matches the witnesses story. The report says we both failed to maintain our lanes. But I know it can't be what happened. Since I don't have coverage with my insurance to pay for my damaged car there isn't much they can do. I contacted the truck drivers insurance company and they say I was cited which I was not and that the story the truck driver said is the one they believe and they denied I had any claim. My insurance denied the claim of the tiny damage to the truck based on lack of evidence I caused the accident. I don't know what to do next. Do I just call back the truck drivers insurance again and explain myself again? Do I file a case in small claims court? How do I prove to the truck drivers insurance company that the truck driver caused the accident? I am in UT
traffic accident police report both parties at fault neither of us were cited
traffic accident police report both parties at fault neither of us were cited Four way intersection. I am in right hand turn lane to turn left. Big semi in left hand turn lane. light turns green I go and next thing I know I am hit by the truck spun out in intersection. Hit on my drivers side quarter panel. A police officer was nearby and comes and takes info for his report. The whole time the truck driver is apologizing for being in the wrong lane and not being able to make the turn not knowing there was two turn lanes how he was lost etc just keeps talking and talking. There is a witness who states the truck was stopped and I turned into the truck. And the truck driver says this as well. This is impossible. I know this turn very well I know there are two turn lanes and make a point to look for the dashed lines indicating lanes and make sure to stay in my lane. The police report has my side of the story that the truck came out of his lane and struck my car. The report has my story and the truck drivers which matches the witnesses story. The report says we both failed to maintain our lanes. But I know it can't be what happened. Since I don't have coverage with my insurance to pay for my damaged car there isn't much they can do. I contacted the truck drivers insurance company and they say I was cited which I was not and that the story the truck driver said is the one they believe and they denied I had any claim. My insurance denied the claim of the tiny damage to the truck based on lack of evidence I caused the accident. I don't know what to do next. Do I just call back the truck drivers insurance again and explain myself again? Do I file a case in small claims court? How do I prove to the truck drivers insurance company that the truck driver caused the accident? I am in UT
La policía de accidentes de tráfico informa a ambas partes por culpa de ninguno de los dos fueron citados intersección de cuatro vías.Estoy en el carril derecho girando a la izquierda.Un policía estaba cerca y viene y toma información para su informe.Todo el tiempo el conductor del camión se disculpa por estar en el carril equivocado y no ser capaz de hacer el giro no sabiendo que había dos carriles girando como se perdió, etc. Sigue hablando y hablando.Hay un testigo que dice que el camión fue detenido y yo me convertí en el camión.Y el conductor del camión dice que esto también.Esto es imposible.Sé muy bien que esta vuelta hay dos carriles girando y hacer un punto para buscar las líneas divisorias que indican carriles y asegurarse de permanecer en mi carril.El informe de la policía tiene mi versión de que el camión salió de su carril y golpeó mi coche.El informe tiene mi historia y los conductores de camiones que coinciden con la historia.Ya que no tengo cobertura con mi seguro para pagar por mi coche dañado no hay mucho que puedan hacer.Me puse en contacto con la compañía de seguros de conductores de camiones y dicen que me citaron que yo no era y que la historia que el conductor de camiones dijo que es la que creen y negaron que tenía cualquier reclamación.Mi seguro negó la reclamación de los daños diminutos al camión basado en la falta de pruebas que causé el accidente.No sé qué hacer a continuación.¿Simplemente llamo de nuevo al seguro de conductores de camiones y me explico de nuevo?¿Tengo un caso en la corte de reclamos pequeños?¿Cómo puedo demostrar a la compañía de seguros de conductores de camiones que el conductor de camiones causó el accidente?
I know most of you won't take me seriously here, but I started a podcast with /r/SquaredCircle and we want to use some wrestler theme songs in our podcast. What are the rules to this? I am from Los Angeles, my two co-hosts are form Louisiana.
Are you allowed to use music you don't own on a podcast? I would like to only use it for less than a minute per episode.
Are you allowed to use music you don't own on a podcast? I would like to only use it for less than a minute per episode. I know most of you won't take me seriously here, but I started a podcast with /r/SquaredCircle and we want to use some wrestler theme songs in our podcast. What are the rules to this? I am from Los Angeles, my two co-hosts are form Louisiana.
¿Se te permite usar música que no posees en un podcast? Me gustaría utilizarla solo por menos de un minuto por episodio. Sé que la mayoría de ustedes no me tomarán en serio aquí, pero empecé un podcast con /r/SquaredCircle y queremos usar algunas canciones temáticas de luchadores en nuestro podcast. ¿Cuáles son las reglas para esto? Soy de Los Ángeles, mis dos co-anfitriones son de Luisiana.
All of this takes place in CT, USA. My parents recently got divorced after 33 years and 6 kids. All, but 2 are over the age of 18, myself included. The minors are 16 and 12. My dad has been emotionally abusing my mom for a very long time, she has several mental problems (depression, anxiety, hording) and he has never been supportive of helping her. He started cheating on her last year and decided they had to get divorced so he could marry the other woman (they have not yet wed because he had to come back to the usa for his job). Right now there is a typed and signed document that states my dad is suppose to have my sisters Tuesday and Thursday nights. The 16yo is refusing to go and the 12 year old comes home in tears every time. Tonight she came home (instead of sleeping at his house) very upset. After a lot of arguing and empty legal threats we convinced him she could stay home for the night. My mom was barely involved in any of this, she doesn't have the to will power to stand up to him. What can he legally do if my sisters refuse to sleep at his house? They are willing to see him, but they don't want to sleep at his house. What can my mom do now to help my sisters come up with a better situation? Any advice would be helpful, thanks.
Child refusing to sleep at other parents house. CT.
Child refusing to sleep at other parents house. CT. All of this takes place in CT, USA. My parents recently got divorced after 33 years and 6 kids. All, but 2 are over the age of 18, myself included. The minors are 16 and 12. My dad has been emotionally abusing my mom for a very long time, she has several mental problems (depression, anxiety, hording) and he has never been supportive of helping her. He started cheating on her last year and decided they had to get divorced so he could marry the other woman (they have not yet wed because he had to come back to the usa for his job). Right now there is a typed and signed document that states my dad is suppose to have my sisters Tuesday and Thursday nights. The 16yo is refusing to go and the 12 year old comes home in tears every time. Tonight she came home (instead of sleeping at his house) very upset. After a lot of arguing and empty legal threats we convinced him she could stay home for the night. My mom was barely involved in any of this, she doesn't have the to will power to stand up to him. What can he legally do if my sisters refuse to sleep at his house? They are willing to see him, but they don't want to sleep at his house. What can my mom do now to help my sisters come up with a better situation? Any advice would be helpful, thanks.
El niño se niega a dormir en casa de otros padres.CT.Todo esto se lleva a cabo en CT, USA.Mis padres se divorciaron recientemente después de 33 años y 6 hijos.Todos, pero 2 son mayores de 18 años, yo mismo incluido.Los menores tienen 16 años y 12.Mi padre ha estado abusando emocionalmente de mi madre durante mucho tiempo, ella tiene varios problemas mentales (depresión, ansiedad, hording) y nunca ha apoyado su ayuda.Él comenzó a engañarla el año pasado y decidió que tenían que divorciarse para poder casarse con la otra mujer (todavía no se han casado porque tenía que volver a los EE.UU. para su trabajo).Ahora mismo hay un documento escrito y firmado que dice que mi padre se supone que tiene a mis hermanas el martes y el jueves por la noche.Los 16yo se niegan a irse y la niña de 12 años llega a casa llorando cada vez.Esta noche ella llegó a casa (en lugar de dormir en su casa) muy molesta.¿Después de muchas discusiones y amenazas legales vacías que le convencimos a quedarse en casa?Mi mamá apenas estaba involucrada en algo de esto, ella no tiene el poder para ponerse de pie con él.¿Qué puede hacer mi mamá ahora para ayudar a mis hermanas a encontrar una situación mejor?Cualquier consejo sería útil, gracias.
Got pulled over earlier for speeding (was going around 25 over on a main road). To my surprise I did not get a ticket this time. He just took my license and came back a few min later saying be careful on this road, since its a main road. Is there a chance of a ticket being mailed to me or am I off the hook?
Question about being pulled over for speeding.
Question about being pulled over for speeding. Got pulled over earlier for speeding (was going around 25 over on a main road). To my surprise I did not get a ticket this time. He just took my license and came back a few min later saying be careful on this road, since its a main road. Is there a chance of a ticket being mailed to me or am I off the hook?
Pregunta sobre ser detenido por exceso de velocidad. Se detuvo más temprano por exceso de velocidad (estaba yendo alrededor de 25 en una carretera principal). Para mi sorpresa no recibí un boleto esta vez. Él acaba de tomar mi licencia y regresó unos minutos más tarde diciendo que tenga cuidado en esta carretera, ya que es una carretera principal. ¿Hay alguna posibilidad de que un boleto me sea enviado por correo o estoy fuera del gancho?

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