The full dataset viewer is not available (click to read why). Only showing a preview of the rows.
The dataset generation failed because of a cast error
Error code:   DatasetGenerationCastError
Exception:    DatasetGenerationCastError
Message:      An error occurred while generating the dataset

All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 1 new columns ({'text'}) and 4 missing columns ({'num_passages', 'num_embeddings', 'passage_offset', 'embedding_offset'}).

This happened while the json dataset builder was generating data using

hf://datasets/ICLR2024/ICLR2024-papers-abstract-index/collection.json (at revision 56c614dff67fb16897aef0798b9b0e03f0d62020)

Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at
Traceback:    Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2011, in _prepare_split_single
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 585, in write_table
                  pa_table = table_cast(pa_table, self._schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2302, in table_cast
                  return cast_table_to_schema(table, schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2256, in cast_table_to_schema
                  raise CastError(
              datasets.table.CastError: Couldn't cast
              text: string
              {'passage_offset': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'num_passages': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'num_embeddings': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'embedding_offset': Value(dtype='int64', id=None)}
              because column names don't match
              During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1321, in compute_config_parquet_and_info_response
                  parquet_operations = convert_to_parquet(builder)
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 935, in convert_to_parquet
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1027, in download_and_prepare
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1122, in _download_and_prepare
                  self._prepare_split(split_generator, **prepare_split_kwargs)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1882, in _prepare_split
                  for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2013, in _prepare_split_single
                  raise DatasetGenerationCastError.from_cast_error(
              datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationCastError: An error occurred while generating the dataset
              All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 1 new columns ({'text'}) and 4 missing columns ({'num_passages', 'num_embeddings', 'passage_offset', 'embedding_offset'}).
              This happened while the json dataset builder was generating data using
              hf://datasets/ICLR2024/ICLR2024-papers-abstract-index/collection.json (at revision 56c614dff67fb16897aef0798b9b0e03f0d62020)
              Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at

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Image restoration poses a garners substantial interest due to the exponential surge in demands for recovering high-quality images from diverse mobile camera devices, adverse lighting conditions, suboptimal shooting environments, and frequent image compression for efficient transmission purposes. Yet this problem gathers significant challenges as people are blind to the type of restoration the images suffer, which, is usually the case in real-day scenarios and is most urgent to solve for this field. Current research, however, heavily relies on prior knowledge of the restoration type, either explicitly through rules or implicitly through the availability of degraded-clean image pairs to define the restoration process, and consumes considerable effort to collect image pairs of vast degradation types. This paper introduces DreamClean, a training-free method that needs no degradation prior knowledge but yields high-fidelity and generality towards various types of image degradation. DreamClean embeds the degraded image back to the latent of pre-trained diffusion models and re-sample it through a carefully designed diffusion process that mimics those generating clean images. Thanks to the rich image prior in diffusion models and our novel Variance Preservation Sampling (VPS) technique, DreamClean manages to handle various different degradation types at one time and reaches far more satisfied final quality than previous competitors.
Thanks to the rich image prior in diffusion models and our novel Variance Preservation Sampling (VPS) technique, DreamClean manages to handle various different degradation types at one time and reaches far more satisfied final quality than previous competitors. DreamClean relies on elegant theoretical supports to assure its convergence to clean image when VPS has appropriate parameters, and also enjoys superior experimental performance over various challenging tasks that could be overwhelming for previous methods when degradation prior is unavailable.
Post-hoc out-of-distribution (OOD) detection has garnered intensive attention in reliable machine learning. Many efforts have been dedicated to deriving score functions based on logits, distances, or rigorous data distribution assumptions to identify low-scoring OOD samples. Nevertheless, these estimate scores may fail to accurately reflect the true data density or impose impractical constraints. To provide a unified perspective on density-based score design, we propose a novel theoretical framework grounded in Bregman divergence, which extends distribution considerations to encompass an exponential family of distributions. Leveraging the conjugation constraint revealed in our theorem, we introduce a \textsc{ConjNorm} method, reframing density function design as a search for the optimal norm coefficient $p$ against the given dataset. In light of the computational challenges of normalization, we devise an unbiased and analytically tractable estimator of the partition function using the Monte Carlo-based importance sampling technique.
In light of the computational challenges of normalization, we devise an unbiased and analytically tractable estimator of the partition function using the Monte Carlo-based importance sampling technique. Extensive experiments across OOD detection benchmarks empirically demonstrate that our proposed \textsc{ConjNorm} has established a new state-of-the-art in a variety of OOD detection setups, outperforming the current best method by up to 13.25\% and 28.19\% (FPR95) on CIFAR-100 and ImageNet-1K, respectively.
Merging multi-exposure images is a common approach for obtaining high dynamic range (HDR) images, with the primary challenge being the avoidance of ghosting artifacts in dynamic scenes. Recent methods have proposed using deep neural networks for deghosting. However, the methods typically rely on sufficient data with HDR ground-truths, which are difficult and costly to collect. In this work, to eliminate the need for labeled data, we propose SelfHDR, a self-supervised HDR reconstruction method that only requires dynamic multi-exposure images during training. Specifically, SelfHDR learns a reconstruction network under the supervision of two complementary components, which can be constructed from multi-exposure images and focus on HDR color as well as structure, respectively. The color component is estimated from aligned multi-exposure images, while the structure one is generated through a structure-focused network that is supervised by the color component and an input reference (\eg, medium-exposure) image. During testing, the learned reconstruction network is directly deployed to predict an HDR image. Experiments on real-world images demonstrate our SelfHDR achieves superior results against the state-of-the-art self-supervised methods, and comparable performance to supervised ones. Codes will be publicly available.
We introduce Ferret, a new Multimodal Large Language Model (MLLM) capable of understanding spatial referring of any shape or granularity within an image and accurately grounding open-vocabulary descriptions. To unify referring and grounding in the LLM paradigm, Ferret employs a novel and powerful hybrid region representation that integrates discrete coordinates and continuous features jointly to represent a region in the image. To extract the continuous features of versatile regions, we propose a spatial-aware visual sampler, adept at handling varying sparsity across different shapes. Consequently, Ferret can accept diverse region inputs, such as points, bounding boxes, and free-form shapes. To bolster the desired capability of Ferret, we curate GRIT, a comprehensive refer-and-ground instruction tuning dataset including 1.1M samples that contain rich hierarchical spatial knowledge, with an additional 130K hard negative data to promote model robustness. The resulting model not only achieves superior performance in classical referring and grounding tasks, but also greatly outperforms existing MLLMs in region-based and localization-demanded multimodal chatting. Our evaluations also reveal a significantly improved capability of describing image details and a remarkable alleviation in object hallucination.
Existing vision-language models exhibit strong generalization on a variety of visual domains and tasks. However, such models mainly perform zero-shot recognition in a closed-set manner, and thus struggle to handle open-domain visual concepts by design. There are recent finetuning methods, such as prompt learning, that not only study the discrimination between in-distribution (ID) and out-of-distribution (OOD) samples, but also show some improvements in both ID and OOD accuracies. In this paper, we first demonstrate that vision-language models, after long enough finetuning but without proper regularization, tend to overfit the known classes in the given dataset, with degraded performance on unknown classes. Then we propose a novel approach OGEN to address this pitfall, with the main focus on improving the OOD GENeralization of finetuned models. Specifically, a class-conditional feature generator is introduced to synthesize OOD features using just the class name of any unknown class. Such synthesized features will provide useful knowledge about unknowns and help regularize the decision boundary between ID and OOD data when optimized jointly.
Specifically, a class-conditional feature generator is introduced to synthesize OOD features using just the class name of any unknown class. Such synthesized features will provide useful knowledge about unknowns and help regularize the decision boundary between ID and OOD data when optimized jointly. Equally important is our adaptive self-distillation mechanism to regularize our feature generation model during joint optimization, i.e., adaptively transferring knowledge between model states to further prevent overfitting. Experiments validate that our method yields convincing gains in OOD generalization performance in different settings.
Supervised learning datasets may contain multiple cues that explain the training set equally well, i.e., learning any of them would lead to the correct predictions on the training data. However, many of them can be spurious, i.e., lose their predictive power under a distribution shift and consequently fail to generalize to out-of-distribution (OOD) data. Recently developed "diversification" methods (Lee et al., 2023; Pagliardini et al., 2023) approach this problem by finding multiple diverse hypotheses that rely on different features. This paper aims to study this class of methods and identify the key components contributing to their OOD generalization abilities.We show that (1) diversification methods are highly sensitive to the distribution of the unlabeled data used for diversification and can underperform significantly when away from a method-specific sweet spot. (2) Diversification alone is insufficient for OOD generalization. The choice of the used learning algorithm, e.g., the model's architecture and pretraining, is crucial. In standard experiments (classification on Waterbirds and Office-Home datasets), using the second-best choice leads to an up to 20\% absolute drop in accuracy.
The choice of the used learning algorithm, e.g., the model's architecture and pretraining, is crucial. In standard experiments (classification on Waterbirds and Office-Home datasets), using the second-best choice leads to an up to 20\% absolute drop in accuracy. (3) The optimal choice of learning algorithm depends on the unlabeled data and vice versa i.e. they are co-dependent. (4) Finally, we show that, in practice, the above pitfalls cannot be alleviated by increasing the number of diverse hypotheses, the major feature of diversification methods.These findings provide a clearer understanding of the critical design factors influencing the OOD generalization abilities of diversification methods. They can guide practitioners in how to use the existing methods best and guide researchers in developing new, better ones.
Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) can understand the world comprehensively by integrating rich information from different modalities, achieving remarkable performance improvements on various multimodal downstream tasks. However, deploying LVLMs is often problematic due to their massive computational/energy costs and carbon consumption, making it infeasible to adopt conventional iterative global pruning, which is costly due to computing the Hessian matrix of the entire large model for sparsification. Alternatively, several studies have recently proposed layer-wise pruning approaches to avoid the expensive computation of global pruning and efficiently compress model weights according to their importance within a layer. However, these methods often suffer from suboptimal model compression due to their lack of a global perspective. To address this limitation in recent efficient pruning methods for large models, we propose Efficient Coarse-to-Fine Layer-Wise Pruning (ECoFLaP), a two-stage coarse-to-fine weight pruning approach for LVLMs. We first determine the sparsity ratios of different layers or blocks by leveraging the global importance score, which is efficiently computed based on the zeroth-order approximation of the global model gradients. Then, the multimodal model performs layer-wise unstructured weight pruning.
We first determine the sparsity ratios of different layers or blocks by leveraging the global importance score, which is efficiently computed based on the zeroth-order approximation of the global model gradients. Then, the multimodal model performs layer-wise unstructured weight pruning. We validate our proposed method across various multi-modal and single-modal models and datasets, demonstrating significant performance improvements over prevalent pruning techniques in the high-sparsity regime.
Sparsely activated Mixture-of-Experts (SMoE) has shown promise to scale up the learning capacity of neural networks, however, they have issues like: ($a$) $\textit{High Memory Usage,}$ due to duplication of the network layers into multiple copies as experts; and ($b$) $\textit{Redundancy in Experts,}$ as common learning-based routing policies suffer from representational collapse. Therefore, vanilla SMoE models are memory inefficient and non-scalable, especially for resource-constrained downstream scenarios. In this paper, we ask: Can we craft a compact SMoE model by consolidating expert information? What is the best recipe to merge multiple experts into fewer but more knowledgeable experts? Our pilot investigation reveals that conventional model merging methods fail to be effective in such expert merging for SMoE. The potential reasons are: ($1$) redundant information overshadows critical experts; ($2$) appropriate neuron permutation for each expert is missing to bring all of them in alignment. To address these challenges, we propose a novel merging algorithm for SMoE, $\textit{i.e.
The potential reasons are: ($1$) redundant information overshadows critical experts; ($2$) appropriate neuron permutation for each expert is missing to bring all of them in alignment. To address these challenges, we propose a novel merging algorithm for SMoE, $\textit{i.e.}$, $\texttt{M-SMoE}$, which leverages routing statistics to guide expert merging. Specifically, it starts with neuron permutation alignment for experts; then, dominant experts and their "group members" are formed based on routing policies; lastly, every expert group is merged into a single expert by utilizing each expert's activation frequency as their weight for merging, thus diminishing the impact of insignificant experts. Moreover, we draw an interesting observation that our proposed merging promotes a low dimensionality in the merged expert's weight space, naturally paving the way for additional compression. Hence, our final method, $\texttt{MC-SMoE}$ ($\textit{i.e.}$, Merge, then Compress SMoE), further decomposes the merged experts into low-rank and structural sparse alternatives. Extensive experiments across $8$ benchmarks validate the effectiveness of our proposals.
}$, Merge, then Compress SMoE), further decomposes the merged experts into low-rank and structural sparse alternatives. Extensive experiments across $8$ benchmarks validate the effectiveness of our proposals. For instance, our $\texttt{MC-SMoE}$ achieves up to $80\%$ memory and a $20\%$ FLOPs reduction, with virtually no loss in performance. Our code is provided as supplementary material.
Methods for carefully selecting or generating a small set of training data to learn from, i.e., data pruning, coreset selection, and dataset distillation, have been shown to be effective in reducing the ever-increasing cost of training neural networks. Behind this success are rigorously designed, yet expensive, strategies for identifying the most informative training examples out of large datasets. In this work, we revisit these methods to understand if the additional computational costs associated with such strategies are justified from the perspective of time-to-accuracy, which has become a critical efficiency measure of deep neural network training over large datasets. Surprisingly, we find that many of the recently proposed methods underperform what we call Repeated Sampling of Random Subsets (RSRS or RS2), a powerful yet overlooked extension of the standard random baseline that learns from repeatedly sampled data throughout training instead of a fixed random subset. We test RS2 against thirty-two state-of-the-art data pruning and distillation methods across four datasets including ImageNet. Our results demonstrate that RS2 significantly reduces time-to-accuracy, particularly in practical regimes where accuracy, but not runtime, is similar to that of training on full dataset.
We test RS2 against thirty-two state-of-the-art data pruning and distillation methods across four datasets including ImageNet. Our results demonstrate that RS2 significantly reduces time-to-accuracy, particularly in practical regimes where accuracy, but not runtime, is similar to that of training on full dataset. For example, when training ResNet-18 on ImageNet, with 10\% of the dataset each epoch RS2 reaches an accuracy of 66\% versus 69\% when training with the full dataset. The best competing method achieves only 55\% while training 1.6$\times$ slower than RS2. Beyond the above meta-study, we discuss the theoretical properties of RS2 such as its convergence rate and generalization error. Our primary goal is to highlight that future works that aim to minimize total training cost by using subset selection, need to consider 1) the total computation cost (including preparing the subset) and 2) should aim to outperform a simple extension of random sampling (i.e., RS2).
Biological cortical neurons are remarkably sophisticated computational devices,temporally integrating their vast synaptic input over an intricate dendritic tree,subject to complex, nonlinearly interacting internal biological processes. A recentstudy proposed to characterize this complexity by fitting accurate surrogate modelsto replicate the input-output relationship of a detailed biophysical cortical pyramidalneuron model and discovered it needed temporal convolutional networks (TCN)with millions of parameters. Requiring these many parameters, however, couldbe the result of a misalignment between the inductive biases of the TCN andcortical neuron’s computations. In light of this, and with the aim to explorethe computational implications of leaky memory units and nonlinear dendriticprocessing, we introduce the Expressive Leaky Memory (ELM) neuron model, abiologically inspired phenomenological model of a cortical neuron. Remarkably, byexploiting a few such slowly decaying memory-like hidden states and two-layerednonlinear integration of synaptic input, our ELM neuron can accurately matchthe aforementioned input-output relationship with under ten-thousand trainableparameters.
Remarkably, byexploiting a few such slowly decaying memory-like hidden states and two-layerednonlinear integration of synaptic input, our ELM neuron can accurately matchthe aforementioned input-output relationship with under ten-thousand trainableparameters. To further assess the computational ramifications of our neuron design,we evaluate on various tasks with demanding temporal structures, including theLong Range Arena (LRA) datasets, as well as a novel neuromorphic dataset basedon the Spiking Heidelberg Digits dataset (SHD-Adding). Leveraging a largernumber of memory units with sufficiently long timescales, and correspondinglysophisticated synaptic integration, the ELM neuron proves to be competitive onboth datasets, reliably outperforming the classic Transformer or Chrono-LSTMarchitectures on latter, even solving the Pathfinder-X task with over 70\% accuracy(16k context length). These findings indicate the importance of inductive biasesfor efficient surrogate neuron models and the potential for biologically motivatedmodels to enhance performance in challenging machine learning tasks.
Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) in the brain and in silico excel at solving tasks with intricate temporal dependencies. Long timescales required for solving such tasks can arise from properties of individual neurons (single-neuron timescale, $\tau$, e.g., membrane time constant in biological neurons) or recurrent interactions among them (network-mediated timescale). However, the contribution of each mechanism for optimally solving memory-dependent tasks remains poorly understood. Here, we train RNNs to solve $N$-parity and $N$-delayed match-to-sample tasks with increasing memory requirements controlled by $N$ by simultaneously optimizing recurrent weights and $\tau$s. We find that for both tasks RNNs develop longer timescales with increasing $N$, but depending on the learning objective, they use different mechanisms. Two distinct curricula define learning objectives: sequential learning of a single-$N$ (single-head) or simultaneous learning of multiple $N$s (multi-head). Single-head networks increase their $\tau$ with $N$ and are able to solve tasks for large $N$, but they suffer from catastrophic forgetting.
Two distinct curricula define learning objectives: sequential learning of a single-$N$ (single-head) or simultaneous learning of multiple $N$s (multi-head). Single-head networks increase their $\tau$ with $N$ and are able to solve tasks for large $N$, but they suffer from catastrophic forgetting. However, multi-head networks, which are explicitly required to hold multiple concurrent memories, keep $\tau$ constant and develop longer timescales through recurrent connectivity. Moreover, we show that the multi-head curriculum increases training speed and network stability to ablations and perturbations, and allows RNNs to generalize better to tasks beyond their training regime. This curriculum also significantly improves training GRUs and LSTMs for large-$N$ tasks. Our results suggest that adapting timescales to task requirements via recurrent interactions allows learning more complex objectives and improves the RNN's performance.
The ML community is rapidly exploring techniques for prompting language models (LMs) and for stacking them into pipelines that solve complex tasks. Unfortunately, existing LM pipelines are typically implemented using hard-coded “prompt templates”, i.e. lengthy strings discovered via trial and error. Toward a more systematic approach for developing and optimizing LM pipelines, we introduce DSPy, a programming model that abstracts LM pipelines as text transformation graphs, or imperative computational graphs where LMs are invoked through declarative modules. DSPy modules are parameterized, meaning they can learn (by creating and collecting demonstrations) how to apply compositions of prompting, finetuning, augmentation, and reasoning techniques. We design a compiler that will optimize any DSPy pipeline to maximize a given metric. We conduct two case studies, showing that succinct DSPy programs can express and optimize sophisticated LM pipelines that reason about math word problems, tackle multi-hop retrieval, answer complex questions, and control agent loops. Within minutes of compiling, DSPy can automatically produce prompt pipelines and finetune pipelines that outperform out-of-the-box few-shot prompting as well as expert-created demonstrations for GPT-3.5 and Llama2-13b-chat.
Within minutes of compiling, DSPy can automatically produce prompt pipelines and finetune pipelines that outperform out-of-the-box few-shot prompting as well as expert-created demonstrations for GPT-3.5 and Llama2-13b-chat. On top of that, DSPy programs compiled to relatively small LMs like 770M parameter T5 and Llama2- 13b-chat are competitive with many approaches that rely on large and proprietary LMs like GPT-3.5 and on expert-written prompt chains.
Decision-makers are often experts of their domain and take actions based on their domain knowledge. Doctors, for instance, may prescribe treatments by predicting the likely outcome of each available treatment. Actions of an expert thus naturally encode part of their domain knowledge, and can help make inferences within the same domain: Knowing doctors try to prescribe the best treatment for their patients, we can tell treatments prescribed more frequently are likely to be more effective. Yet in machine learning, the fact that most decision-makers are experts is often overlooked, and “expertise” is seldom leveraged as an inductive bias. This is especially true for the literature on treatment effect estimation, where often the only assumption made about actions is that of overlap. In this paper, we argue that expertise—particularly the type of expertise the decision-makers of a domain are likely to have—can be informative in designing and selecting methods for treatment effect estimation. We formally define two types of expertise, predictive and prognostic, and demonstrate empirically that: (i) the prominent type of expertise in a domain significantly influences the performance of different methods in treatment effect estimation, and (ii) it is possible to predict the type of expertise present in a dataset, which can provide a quantitative basis for model selection.
Large deep learning models have achieved impressive performance across a range of applications. However, their large memory requirements, including parameter memory and activation memory, have become a significant challenge for their practical serving. While existing methods mainly address parameter memory, the importance of activation memory has been overlooked. Especially for long input sequences, activation memory is expected to experience a significant exponential growth as the length of sequences increases. In this approach, we propose AutoChunk, an automatic and adaptive compiler system that efficiently reduces activation memory for long sequence inference by chunk strategies. The proposed system generates chunk plans by optimizing through multiple stages. In each stage, the chunk search pass explores all possible chunk candidates and the chunk selection pass identifies the optimal one. At runtime, AutoChunk employs code generation to automatically apply chunk strategies. The experiments demonstrate that AutoChunk can reduce over 80\% of activation memory while maintaining speed loss within 10\%, extend max sequence length by 3.2x to 11.7x, and outperform state-of-the-art methods by a large margin.
We study infinite-horizon average-reward Markov decision processes (AMDPs) in the context of general function approximation. Specifically, we propose a novel algorithmic framework named Fixed-Point Local Optimization (FLOP), which incorporates both model-based and value-based incarnations. In particular, FLOP features a novel construction of confidence sets and a low-switching policy updating scheme, which are tailored to the average-reward and function approximation setting. Moreover, for AMDPs, we propose a novel complexity measure --- average-reward generalized eluder coefficient (AGEC) --- which captures the challenge of exploration in AMDPs with general function approximation. Such a complexity measure encompasses almost all previously known tractable AMDP models, such as linear AMDPs and linear mixture AMDPs, and also includes newly identified cases such as kernel AMDPs and AMDPs with low Bellman eluder dimensions.
Such a complexity measure encompasses almost all previously known tractable AMDP models, such as linear AMDPs and linear mixture AMDPs, and also includes newly identified cases such as kernel AMDPs and AMDPs with low Bellman eluder dimensions. Using AGEC, we prove that FLOP achieves a sublinear $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\mathrm{poly}(d, \mathrm{sp}(v^*)) \sqrt{T \beta })$ regret, where $d$ and $\beta$ correspond to AGEC and the log-covering number of the hypothesis class respectively, $\mathrm{sp}(v^*)$ represents the span of the optimal state bias function, $T$ denotes the number of steps, and $\tilde{\mathcal{O}} (\cdot) $ omits logarithmic factors. When specialized to concrete AMDP models, our regret bounds are comparable to those established by the existing algorithms designed specifically for these special cases. To the best of our knowledge, this paper presents the first comprehensive theoretical framework capable of handling nearly all AMDPs.
Offline reinforcement learning (RL) presents a promising approach for learning reinforced policies from offline datasets without the need for costly or unsafe interactions with the environment. However, datasets collected by humans in real-world environments are often noisy and may even be maliciously corrupted, which can significantly degrade the performance of offline RL. In this work, we first investigate the performance of current offline RL algorithms under comprehensive data corruption, including states, actions, rewards, and dynamics. Our extensive experiments reveal that implicit Q-learning (IQL) demonstrates remarkable resilience to data corruption among various offline RL algorithms. Furthermore, we conduct both empirical and theoretical analyses to understand IQL's robust performance, identifying its supervised policy learning scheme as the key factor. Despite its relative robustness, IQL still suffers from heavy-tail targets of Q functions under dynamics corruption. To tackle this challenge, we draw inspiration from robust statistics to employ the Huber loss to handle the heavy-tailedness and utilize quantile estimators to balance penalization for corrupted data and learning stability. By incorporating these simple yet effective modifications into IQL, we propose a more robust offline RL approach named Robust IQL (RIQL). Extensive experiments demonstrate that RIQL exhibits highly robust performance when subjected to diverse data corruption scenarios.
Extreme Classification (XC) architectures, which utilize a massive one-vs-all classifier layer at the output, have demonstrated remarkable performance on problems with large label sets. Nonetheless, these have also been observed to falter on tail labels with few representative samples. This phenomenon has been attributed to factors such as classifier over-fitting and missing label bias, and solutions involving regularization and loss re-calibration have been developed.This paper explores the impact of label variance, a previously unexamined factor, on the tail performance in extreme classifiers. Label variance refers to the imprecision introduced in the ground truth when sampling it from a complex underlying distribution - a common phenomenon in most XC datasets. This compromises the quality of trained models, with a pronounced impact on the classifiers for infrequently sampled tail labels.This paper presents a method to systematically reduce label variance in XC by effectively utilizing the capabilities of an additional, tail-robust teacher model. It proposes a principled knowledge distillation framework, \model, which enhances tail performance in extreme classifiers, with formal guarantees on generalization. Finally, we introduce an effective instantiation of this framework that employs a specialized Siamese teacher model.
It proposes a principled knowledge distillation framework, \model, which enhances tail performance in extreme classifiers, with formal guarantees on generalization. Finally, we introduce an effective instantiation of this framework that employs a specialized Siamese teacher model. This model excels in tail accuracy and significantly enhances the quality of student one-vs-all classifiers.Comprehensive experiments are conducted on a diverse set of XC datasets which demonstrate that \model can enhance tail performance by around 5\% and 6\% points in PSP and Coverage metrics respectively when integrated with leading extreme classifiers. Moreover, when added to the top-performing Renée classifier, it establishes a new state-of-the-art. Extensive ablations and analysis substantiate the efficacy of our design choices. Code and datasets will be released for research purposes.
Existing video-language studies mainly focus on learning short video clips, leaving long-term temporal dependencies rarely explored due to over-high computational cost of modeling long videos. To address this issue, one feasible solution is learning the correspondence between video clips and captions, which however inevitably encounters the multi-granularity noisy correspondence (MNC) problem. To be specific, MNC refers to the clip-caption misalignment (coarse-grained) and frame-word misalignment (fine-grained), hindering temporal learning and video understanding. In this paper, we propose NOise Robust Temporal Optimal traNsport (Norton) that addresses MNC in a unified optimal transport (OT) framework. In brief, Norton employs video-paragraph and clip-caption contrastive losses to capture long-term dependencies based on OT. To address coarse-grained misalignment in video-paragraph contrast, Norton filters out the irrelevant clips and captions through an alignable prompt bucket and realigns asynchronous clip-caption pairs based on transport distance. To address the fine-grained misalignment, Norton incorporates a soft-maximum operator to identify crucial words and key frames.
To address the fine-grained misalignment, Norton incorporates a soft-maximum operator to identify crucial words and key frames. Additionally, Norton exploits the potential faulty negative samples in clip-caption contrast by rectifying the alignment target with OT assignment to ensure precise temporal modeling. Extensive experiments on video retrieval, videoQA, and action segmentation verify the effectiveness of our method. Code is available at
In this work, we define a diffusion-based generative model capable of both music generation and source separation by learning the score of the joint probability density of sources sharing a context. Alongside the classic total inference tasks (i.e., generating a mixture, separating the sources), we also introduce and experiment on the partial generation task of source imputation, where we generate a subset of the sources given the others (e.g., play a piano track that goes well with the drums). Additionally, we introduce a novel inference method for the separation task based on Dirac likelihood functions. We train our model on Slakh2100, a standard dataset for musical source separation, provide qualitative results in the generation settings, and showcase competitive quantitative results in the source separation setting. Our method is the first example of a single model that can handle both generation and separation tasks, thus representing a step toward general audio models.
Learning a precise dynamics model can be crucial for offline reinforcement learning, which, unfortunately, has been found to be quite challenging. Dynamics models that are learned by fitting historical transitions often struggle to generalize to unseen transitions. In this study, we identify a hidden but pivotal factor termed \emph{dynamics reward} that remains consistent across transitions, offering a pathway to better generalization. Therefore, we propose the idea of reward-consistent dynamics models: any trajectory generated by the dynamics model should maximize the dynamics reward derived from the data. We implement this idea as the MOREC (Model-based Offline reinforcement learning with Reward Consistency) method, which can be seamlessly integrated into previous offline model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) methods. MOREC learns a generalizable dynamics reward function from offline data, which is subsequently employed as a transition filter in any offline MBRL method: when generating transitions, the dynamics model generates a batch of transitions and selects the one with the highest dynamics reward value. On a synthetic task, we visualize that MOREC has a strong generalization ability and can surprisingly recover some distant unseen transitions.
On a synthetic task, we visualize that MOREC has a strong generalization ability and can surprisingly recover some distant unseen transitions. On 21 offline tasks in D4RL and NeoRL benchmarks, MOREC improves the previous state-of-the-art performance by a significant margin, i.e., 4.6\% on D4RL tasks and 25.9\% on NeoRL tasks. Notably, MOREC is the first method that can achieve above 95\% online RL performance in 6 out of 12 D4RL tasks and 3 out of 9 NeoRL tasks.
We introduce Würstchen, a novel architecture for text-to-image synthesis that combines competitive performance with unprecedented cost-effectiveness for large-scale text-to-image diffusion models.A key contribution of our work is to develop a latent diffusion technique in which we learn a detailed but extremely compact semantic image representation used to guide the diffusion process. This highly compressed representation of an image provides much more detailed guidance compared to latent representations of language and this significantly reduces the computational requirements to achieve state-of-the-art results. Our approach also improves the quality of text-conditioned image generation based on our user preference study.The training requirements of our approach consists of 24,602 A100-GPU hours - compared to Stable Diffusion 2.1's 200,000 GPU hours. Our approach also requires less training data to achieve these results. Furthermore, our compact latent representations allows us to perform inference over twice as fast, slashing the usual costs and carbon footprint of a state-of-the-art (SOTA) diffusion model significantly, without compromising the end performance. In a broader comparison against SOTA models our approach is substantially more efficient and compares favourably in terms of image quality.We believe that this work motivates more emphasis on the prioritization of both performance and computational accessibility.
Diffusion models have emerged as a key pillar of foundation models in visual domains. One of their critical applications is to universally solve different downstream inverse tasks via a single diffusion prior without re-training for each task. Most inverse tasks can be formulated as inferring a posterior distribution over data (e.g., a full image) given a measurement (e.g., a masked image). This is however challenging in diffusion models since the nonlinear and iterative nature of the diffusion process renders the posterior intractable. To cope with this challenge, we propose a variational approach that by design seeks to approximate the true posterior distribution. We show that our approach naturally leads to regularization by denoising diffusion process (RED-diff) where denoisers at different timesteps concurrently impose different structural constraints over the image. To gauge the contribution of denoisers from different timesteps, we propose a weighting mechanism based on signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR). Our approach provides a new variational perspective for solving inverse problems with diffusion models, allowing us to formulate sampling as stochastic optimization, where one can simply apply off-the-shelf solvers with lightweight iterates.
Our approach provides a new variational perspective for solving inverse problems with diffusion models, allowing us to formulate sampling as stochastic optimization, where one can simply apply off-the-shelf solvers with lightweight iterates. Our experiments for image restoration tasks such as inpainting and superresolution demonstrate the strengths of our method compared with state-of-the-art sampling-based diffusion models.
Meta-reinforcement learning (meta-RL) is a promising framework for tackling challenging domains requiring efficient exploration. Existing meta-RL algorithms are characterized by low sample efficiency, and mostly focus on low-dimensional task distributions. In parallel, model-based RL methods have been successful in solving partially observable MDPs, of which meta-RL is a special case.In this work, we leverage this success and propose a new model-based approach to meta-RL, based on elements from existing state-of-the-art model-based and meta-RL methods. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on common meta-RL benchmark domains, attaining greater return with better sample efficiency (up to $15\times$) while requiring very little hyperparameter tuning. In addition, we validate our approach on a slate of more challenging, higher-dimensional domains, taking a step towards real-world generalizing agents.
We reveal and address the frequently overlooked yet important issue of _disguised procedural unfairness_, namely, the potentially inadvertent alterations on the behavior of neutral (i.e., not problematic) aspects of data generating process, and/or the lack of procedural assurance of the greatest benefit of the least advantaged individuals. Inspired by John Rawls's advocacy for _pure procedural justice_ (Rawls, 1971; 2001), we view automated decision-making as a microcosm of social institutions, and consider how the data generating process itself can satisfy the requirements of procedural fairness. We propose a framework that decouples the objectionable data generating components from the neutral ones by utilizing reference points and the associated value instantiation rule. Our findings highlight the necessity of preventing _disguised procedural unfairness_, drawing attention not only to the objectionable data generating components that we aim to mitigate, but also more importantly, to the neutral components that we intend to keep unaffected.
In Online Continual Learning (OCL) a learning system receives a stream of data and sequentially performs prediction and training steps. Important challenges in OCL are concerned with automatic adaptation to the particular non-stationary structure of the data, and with quantification of predictive uncertainty. Motivated by these challenges we introduce a probabilistic Bayesian online learning model by using a (possibly pretrained) neural representation and a state space model over the linear predictor weights. Non-stationarity over the linear predictor weights is modelled using a “parameter drift” transition density, parametrized by a coefficient that quantifies forgetting. Inference in the model is implemented with efficient Kalman filter recursions which track the posterior distribution over the linear weights, while online SGD updates over the transition dynamics coefficient allows to adapt to the non-stationarity seen in data. While the framework is developed assuming a linear Gaussian model, we also extend it to deal with classification problems and for fine-tuning the deep learning representation. In a set of experiments in multi-class classification using data sets such as CIFAR-100 and CLOC we demonstrate the predictive ability of the model and its flexibility to capture non-stationarity.
Recent studies have shown that code language model at scale demonstrate significant performance gains on downstream tasks, i.e., code generation. However, most of the existing works on code representation learning train models at a hundred million parameter scale using very limited pretraining corpora. In this work, we fuel code representation learning with a vast amount of code data via a two-stage pretraining scheme. We first train the encoders via a mix that leverages both randomness in masking language modeling and the structure aspect of programming language. We then enhance the representations via contrastive learning with hard negative and hard positive constructed in an unsupervised manner. We establish an off-the-shelf encoder model that persistently outperforms the existing models on a wide variety of downstream tasks by large margins. To comprehend the factors contributing to successful code representation learning, we conduct detailed ablations and share our findings on (i) a customized and effective token-level denoising scheme for source code; (ii) the importance of hard negatives and hard positives; (iii) how the proposed bimodal contrastive learning boost the cross-lingual semantic search performance; and (iv) how the pretraining schemes decide the downstream task performance scales with the model size.
Combining offline and online reinforcement learning (RL) is crucial for efficient and safe learning. However, previous approaches treat offline and online learning as separate procedures, resulting in redundant designs and limited performance. We ask: *Can we achieve straightforward yet effective offline and online learning without introducing extra conservatism or regularization?* In this study, we propose Uni-O4, which utilizes an on-policy objective for both offline and online learning. Owning to the alignment of objectives in two phases, the RL agent can transfer between offline and online learning seamlessly. This property enhances the flexibility of the learning paradigm, allowing for arbitrary combinations of pretraining, fine-tuning, offline, and online learning. In the offline phase, specifically, Uni-O4 leverages diverse ensemble policies to address the mismatch issues between the estimated behavior policy and the offline dataset. Through a simple offline policy evaluation (OPE) approach, Uni-O4 can achieve multi-step policy improvement safely. We demonstrate that by employing the method above, the fusion of these two paradigms can yield superior offline initialization as well as stable and rapid online fine-tuning capabilities.
Through a simple offline policy evaluation (OPE) approach, Uni-O4 can achieve multi-step policy improvement safely. We demonstrate that by employing the method above, the fusion of these two paradigms can yield superior offline initialization as well as stable and rapid online fine-tuning capabilities. Through real-world robot tasks, we highlight the benefits of this paradigm for rapid deployment in challenging, previously unseen real-world environments. Additionally, through comprehensive evaluations using numerous simulated benchmarks, we substantiate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in both offline and offline-to-online fine-tuning learning. [Our website](
Embodied AI models often employ off the shelf vision backbones like CLIP to encode their visual observations. Although such general purpose representations encode rich syntactic and semantic information about the scene, much of this information is often irrelevant to the specific task at hand. This introduces noise within the learning process and distracts the agent's focus from task-relevant visual cues.Inspired by selective attention in humans—the process through which people filter their perception based on their experiences, knowledge, and the task at hand—we introduce a parameter-efficient approach to filter visual stimuli for embodied AI.Our approach induces a task-conditioned bottleneck using a small learnable codebook module. This codebook is trained jointly to optimize task reward and acts as a task-conditioned selective filter over the visual observation.Our experiments showcase state-of-the-art performance for object goal navigation and object displacement across $5$ benchmarks, ProcTHOR, ArchitecTHOR, RoboTHOR, AI2-iTHOR, and ManipulaTHOR. The filtered representations produced by the codebook are also able generalize better and converge faster when adapted to other simulation environments such as Habitat.
The filtered representations produced by the codebook are also able generalize better and converge faster when adapted to other simulation environments such as Habitat. Our qualitative analyses show that agents explore their environments more effectively and their representations retain task-relevant information like target object recognition while ignoring superfluous information about other objects.
Video editing and generation methods often rely on pre-trained image-based diffusion models. During the diffusion process, however, the reliance on rudimentary noise sampling techniques that do not preserve correlations present in subsequent frames of a video is detrimental to the quality of the results. This either produces high-frequency flickering, or texture-sticking artifacts that are not amenable to post-processing. With this in mind, we propose a novel method for preserving temporal correlations in a sequence of noise samples. This approach is materialized by a novel noise representation, dubbed $\int$-noise (integral noise), that reinterprets individual noise samples as a continuously integrated noise field: pixel values do not represent discrete values, but are rather the integral of an underlying infinite-resolution noise over the pixel area. Additionally, we propose a carefully tailored transport method that uses $\int$-noise to accurately advect noise samples over a sequence of frames, maximizing the correlation between different frames while also preserving the noise properties. Our results demonstrate that the proposed $\int$-noise can be used for a variety of tasks, such as video restoration, surrogate rendering, and conditional video generation.
Diffusion models have recently been shown to be relevant for high-quality speech generation. Most work has been focused on generating spectrograms, and as such, they further require a subsequent model to convert the spectrogram to a waveform (i.e., a vocoder). This work proposes a diffusion probabilistic end-to-end model for generating a raw speech waveform. The proposed model is autoregressive, generating overlapping frames sequentially, where each frame is conditioned on a portion of the previously generated one. Hence, our model can effectively synthesize an unlimited speech duration while preserving high-fidelity synthesis and temporal coherence. We implemented the proposed model for unconditional and conditional speech generation, where the latter can be driven by an input sequence of phonemes, amplitudes, and pitch values. Working on the waveform directly has some empirical advantages. Specifically, it allows the creation of local acoustic behaviors, like vocal fry, which makes the overall waveform sounds more natural. Furthermore, the proposed diffusion model is stochastic and not deterministic; therefore, each inference generates a slightly different waveform variation, enabling abundance of valid realizations. Experiments show that the proposed model generates speech with superior quality compared with other state-of-the-art neural speech generation systems.
Recent studies in using deep reinforcement learning (DRL) to solve Job-shop scheduling problems (JSSP) focus on construction heuristics. However, their performance is still far from optimality, mainly because the underlying graph representation scheme is unsuitable for modelling partial solutions at each construction step. This paper proposes a novel DRL-guided improvement heuristic for solving JSSP, where graph representation is employed to encode complete solutions. We design a Graph-Neural-Network-based representation scheme, consisting of two modules to effectively capture the information of dynamic topology and different types of nodes in graphs encountered during the improvement process. To speed up solution evaluation during improvement, we present a novel message-passing mechanism that can evaluate multiple solutions simultaneously. We prove that the computational complexity of our method scales linearly with problem size. Experiments on classic benchmarks show that the improvement policy learned by our method outperforms state-of-the-art DRL-based methods by a large margin.
Most neural networks for classification primarily learn features differentiated by input-domain related information such as visual similarity of objects in an image. While this focus is natural behavior, it can inadvertently introduce an inductive bias that conflicts with unseen relations in an implicit output-domain determined by human labeling based on their own world knowledge. Such conflicts can limit generalization of models by potential dominance of the input-domain focused bias in inference.To overcome this limitation without external resources, we introduce Output-Domain focused Biasing (ODB) training strategy that constructs inductive biases on features differentiated by only output labels. It has four steps: 1) it learns intermediate latent object features in an unsupervised manner; 2) it decouples their visual dependencies by assigning new independent embedding parameters; 3) it captures structured features optimized for the original classification task; and 4) it integrates the structured features with the original visual features for the final prediction.We implement the ODB on a vision transformer architecture, and achieved significant improvements on image classification benchmarks. This paper offers a straightforward and effective method to obtain and utilize output-domain focused inductive bias for classification mapping two different domains.
Recent progress in text-to-3D generation has been achieved through the utilization of score distillation methods: they make use of the pre-trained text-to-image (T2I) diffusion models by distilling via the diffusion model training objective. However, such an approach inevitably results in the use of random timesteps at each update, which increases the variance of the gradient and ultimately prolongs the optimization process. In this paper, we propose to enhance the text-to-3D optimization by leveraging the T2I diffusion prior in the generative sampling process with a predetermined timestep schedule. To this end, we interpret text-to-3D optimization as a multi-view image-to-image translation problem, and propose a solution by approximating the probability flow. By leveraging the proposed novel optimization algorithm, we design DreamFlow, a practical three-stage coarse-to-fine text-to-3D optimization framework that enables fast generation of high-quality and high-resolution (i.e., 1024×1024) 3D contents. For example, we demonstrate that DreamFlow is 5 times faster than the existing state-of-the-art text-to-3D method, while producing more photorealistic 3D contents.
Given that Transformers are ubiquitous in wide tasks, interpreting their internals is a pivotal issue. Still, their particular components, feed-forward (FF) blocks, have typically been less analyzed despite their substantial parameter amounts.We analyze the input contextualization effects of FF blocks by rendering them in the attention maps as a human-friendly visualization scheme.Our experiments with both masked- and causal-language models reveal that FF networks modify the input contextualization to emphasize specific types of linguistic compositions. In addition, FF and its surrounding components tend to cancel out each other's effects, suggesting potential redundancy in the processing of the Transformer layer.
Information-theoretic generalization analysis has achieved astonishing success in characterizing the generalization capabilities of noisy and iterative learning algorithms. However, current advancements are mostly restricted to average-case scenarios and necessitate the stringent bounded loss assumption, leaving a gap with regard to computationally tractable PAC generalization analysis, especially for long-tailed loss distributions. In this paper, we bridge this gap by introducing a novel class of PAC bounds through leveraging loss entropies. These bounds simplify the computation of key information metrics in previous PAC information-theoretic bounds to one-dimensional variables, thereby enhancing computational tractability. Moreover, our data-independent bounds provide novel insights into the generalization behavior of the minimum error entropy criterion, while our data-dependent bounds improve over previous results by alleviating the bounded loss assumption under both leave-one-out and supersample settings. Extensive numerical studies indicate strong correlations between the generalization error and the induced loss entropy, showing that the presented bounds adeptly capture the patterns of the true generalization gap under various learning scenarios.
Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) has recently gained attention for fine-tuning foundation models by incorporating trainable low-rank matrices, thereby reducing the number of trainable parameters. While \lora/ offers numerous advantages, its applicability for real-time serving to a diverse and global user base is constrained by its incapability to handle multiple task-specific adapters efficiently. This imposes a performance bottleneck in scenarios requiring personalized, task-specific adaptations for each incoming request.To address this, we introduce FLORA (Fast LoRA), a framework in which each input example in a minibatch can be associated with its unique low-rank adaptation weights, allowing for efficient batching of heterogeneous requests. We empirically demonstrate that \flora/ retains the performance merits of \lora/, showcasing competitive results on the MultiPL-E code generation benchmark spanning over 8 languages and a multilingual speech recognition task across 6 languages.
Dyna-style model-based reinforcement learning contains two phases: model rollouts to generate sample for policy learning and real environment exploration using current policy for dynamics model learning. However, due to the complex real-world environment, it is inevitable to learn an imperfect dynamics model with model prediction error, which can further mislead policy learning and result in sub-optimal solutions. In this paper, we propose $\texttt{COPlanner}$, a planning-driven framework for model-based methods to address the inaccurately learned dynamics model problem with conservative model rollouts and optimistic environment exploration. $\texttt{COPlanner}$ leverages an uncertainty-aware policy-guided model predictive control (UP-MPC) component to plan for multi-step uncertainty estimation. This estimated uncertainty then serves as a penalty during model rollouts and as a bonus during real environment exploration respectively, to choose actions. Consequently, $\texttt{COPlanner}$ can avoid model uncertain regions through conservative model rollouts, thereby alleviating the influence of model error. Simultaneously, it explores high-reward model uncertain regions to reduce model error actively through optimistic real environment exploration.
Consequently, $\texttt{COPlanner}$ can avoid model uncertain regions through conservative model rollouts, thereby alleviating the influence of model error. Simultaneously, it explores high-reward model uncertain regions to reduce model error actively through optimistic real environment exploration. $\texttt{COPlanner}$ is a plug-and-play framework that can be applied to any dyna-style model-based methods. Experimental results on a series of proprioceptive and visual continuous control tasks demonstrate that both sample efficiency and asymptotic performance of strong model-based methods are significantly improved combined with $\texttt{COPlanner}$.
Visual reinforcement learning (RL) has shown promise in continuous control tasks.Despite its progress, current algorithms are still unsatisfactory in virtually every aspect of the performance such as sample efficiency, asymptotic performance, and their robustness to the choice of random seeds.In this paper, we identify a major shortcoming in existing visual RL methods that is the agents often exhibit sustained inactivity during early training, thereby limiting their ability to explore effectively. Expanding upon this crucial observation, we additionally unveil a significant correlation between the agents' inclination towards motorically inactive exploration and the absence of neuronal activity within their policy networks.To quantify this inactivity, we adopt dormant ratio as a metric to measure inactivity in the RL agent's network.Empirically, we also recognize that the dormant ratio can act as a standalone indicator of an agent's activity level, regardless of the received reward signals.Leveraging the aforementioned insights, we introduce DrM, a method that uses three core mechanisms to guide agents' exploration-exploitation trade-offs by actively minimizing the dormant ratio.
Experiments demonstrate that DrM achieves significant improvements in sample efficiency and asymptotic performance with no broken seeds (76 seeds in total) across three continuous control benchmark environments, including DeepMind Control Suite, MetaWorld, and Adroit.Most importantly, DrM is the first model-free algorithm that consistently solves tasks in both the Dog and Manipulator domains from the DeepMind Control Suite as well as three dexterous hand manipulation tasks without demonstrations in Adroit, all based on pixel observations.
Shapelets and CNN are two typical approaches to model time series. Shapelets aim at finding a set of sub-sequences that extract feature-based interpretable shapes, but may suffer from accuracy and efficiency issues. CNN performs well by encoding sequences with a series of hidden representations, but lacks interpretability. In this paper, we demonstrate that shapelets are essentially equivalent to a specific type of CNN kernel with a squared norm and pooling. Based on this finding, we propose ShapeConv, an interpretable CNN layer with its kernel serving as shapelets to conduct time-series modeling tasks in both supervised and unsupervised settings. By incorporating shaping regularization, we enforce the similarity for maximum interpretability. We also find human knowledge can be easily injected to ShapeConv by adjusting its initialization and model performance is boosted with it. Experiments show that ShapeConv can achieve state-of-the-art performance on time-series benchmarks without sacrificing interpretability and controllability.
Optimizing for humans’ latent preferences remains a grand challenge in route recommendation. Prior research has provided increasingly general methods based on inverse reinforcement learning (IRL), yet no approach has successfully addressed planetary-scale routing problems with hundreds of millions of states and demonstration trajectories. In this paper, we introduce scaling techniques based on graph compression, spatial parallelization, and improved initialization conditions inspired by a connection to eigenvector algorithms. We revisit classic algorithms in the routing context, and make the key observation that there exists a trade-off between the use of cheap, deterministic planners and expensive yet robust stochastic policies. This insight is leveraged in Receding Horizon Inverse Planning (RHIP), a new generalization of classic IRL algorithms that provides fine-grained control over performance trade-offs via its planning horizon. Our contributions culminate in a policy that achieves a 16-24% improvement in route quality at a global scale, and to the best of our knowledge, represents the largest published benchmark of IRL algorithms in a real-world setting to date. We conclude by conducting an ablation study of key components, presenting negative results from alternative eigenvalue solvers, and identifying opportunities to further improve scalability via IRL-specific batching strategies.
Learning neural subset selection tasks, such as compound selection in AI-aided drug discovery, have become increasingly pivotal across diverse applications. The existing methodologies in the field primarily concentrate on constructing models that capture the relationship between utility function values and subsets within their respective supersets. However, these approaches tend to overlook the valuable information contained within the superset when utilizing neural networks to model set functions. In this work, we address this oversight by adopting a probabilistic perspective. Our theoretical findings demonstrate that when the target value is conditioned on both the input set and subset, it is essential to incorporate an invariant sufficient statistic of the superset into the subset of interest for effective learning. This ensures that the output value remains invariant to permutations of the subset and its corresponding superset, enabling identification of the specific superset from which the subset originated. Motivated by these insights, we propose a simple yet effective information aggregation module designed to merge the representations of subsets and supersets from a permutation invariance perspective. Comprehensive empirical evaluations across diverse tasks and datasets validate the enhanced efficacy of our approach over conventional methods, underscoring the practicality and potency of our proposed strategies in real-world contexts.
Topology reasoning aims to comprehensively understand road scenes and present drivable routes in autonomous driving. It requires detecting road centerlines (lane) and traffic elements, further reasoning their topology relationship, \textit{i.e.}, lane-lane topology, and lane-traffic topology. In this work, we first present that the topology score relies heavily on detection performance on lane and traffic elements. Therefore, we introduce a powerful 3D lane detector and an improved 2D traffic element detector to extend the upper limit of topology performance. Further, we propose TopoMLP, a simple yet high-performance pipeline for driving topology reasoning. Based on the impressive detection performance, we develop two simple MLP-based heads for topology generation. TopoMLP achieves state-of-the-art performance on OpenLane-V2 dataset, \textit{i.e.}, 41.2\% OLS with ResNet-50 backbone. It is also the 1st solution for 1st OpenLane Topology in Autonomous Driving Challenge. We hope such simple and strong pipeline can provide some new insights to the community. Code is at
Hyperbolic space has proven to be well-suited for capturing hierarchical relations in data, such as trees and directed acyclic graphs. Prior work introduced the concept of entailment cones, which uses partial orders defined by nested cones in the Poincar\'e ball to model hierarchies. Here, we introduce the ``shadow cones" framework, a physics-inspired entailment cone construction. Specifically, we model partial orders as subset relations between shadows formed by a light source and opaque objects in hyperbolic space. The shadow cones framework generalizes entailment cones to a broad class of formulations and hyperbolic space models beyond the Poincar\'e ball. This results in clear advantages over existing constructions: for example, shadow cones possess better optimization properties over constructions limited to the Poincar\'e ball. Our experiments on datasets of various sizes and hierarchical structures show that shadow cones consistently and significantly outperform existing entailment cone constructions. These results indicate that shadow cones are an effective way to model partial orders in hyperbolic space, offering physically intuitive and novel insights about the nature of such structures.
The recent wave of generative AI has sparked unprecedented global attention, with both excitement and concern over potentially superhuman levels of artificial intelligence: models now take only seconds to produce outputs that would challenge or exceed the capabilities even of expert humans. At the same time, models still show basic errors in understanding that would not be expected even in non-expert humans. This presents us with an apparent paradox: how do we reconcile seemingly superhuman capabilities with the persistence of errors that few humans would make? In this work, we posit that this tension reflects a divergence in the configuration of intelligence in today's generative models relative to intelligence in humans. Specifically, we propose and test the **Generative AI Paradox** hypothesis: generative models, having been trained directly to reproduce expert-like outputs, acquire generative capabilities that are not contingent upon---and can therefore exceed---their ability to understand those same types of outputs. This contrasts with humans, for whom basic understanding almost always precedes the ability togenerate expert-level outputs. We test this hypothesis through controlled experiments analyzing generation vs.~understanding in generative models, across both language and image modalities.
This contrasts with humans, for whom basic understanding almost always precedes the ability togenerate expert-level outputs. We test this hypothesis through controlled experiments analyzing generation vs.~understanding in generative models, across both language and image modalities. Our results show that although models can outperform humans in generation, they consistently fall short of human capabilities in measures of understanding, as well as weaker correlation between generation and understanding performance, and more brittleness to adversarial inputs. Our findings support the hypothesis that models' generative capability may not be contingent upon understanding capability, and call for caution in interpreting artificial intelligence by analogy to human intelligence.
Graphic layout generation, a growing research field, plays a significant role in user engagement and information perception. Existing methods primarily treat layout generation as a numerical optimization task, focusing on quantitative aspects while overlooking the semantic information of layout, such as the relationship between each layout element. In this paper, we propose LayoutNUWA, the first model that treats layout generation as a code generation task to enhance semantic information and harness the hidden layout expertise of large language models~(LLMs). Concretely, we develop a Code Instruct Tuning (CIT) approach comprising three interconnected modules: 1) the Code Initialization (CI) module quantifies the numerical conditions and initializes them as HTML code with strategically placed masks; 2) the Code Completion (CC) module employs the formatting knowledge of LLMs to fill in the masked portions within the HTML code; 3) the Code Rendering (CR) module transforms the completed code into the final layout output, ensuring a highly interpretable and transparent layout generation procedure that directly maps code to a visualized layout. We attain significant state-of-the-art performance (even over 50\% improvements compared to previous works) on multiple datasets, showcasing the strong capabilities of LayoutNUWA.
Language modeling at scale has proven very effective and brought unprecedented success to natural language models. Many typical representatives, especially decoder-only models, e.g., BLOOM and LLaMA, and encoder-decoder models, e.g., Flan-T5 and AlexaTM, have exhibited incredible instruction-following capabilities while keeping strong task completion ability. These large language models can achieve superior performance in various tasks and even yield emergent capabilities, e.g., reasoning and universal generalization. Though the above two paradigms are mainstream and well explored, the potential of the BERT family, which are encoder-only based models and have ever been one of the most representative pre-trained models, also deserves attention, at least should be discussed. In this work, we adopt XML-R to explore the effectiveness of the BERT family for instruction following and zero-shot learning. We first design a simple yet effective strategy to utilize the encoder-only models for generation tasks and then conduct multi-task instruction tuning. Experimental results demonstrate that our fine-tuned model, Instruct-XMLR, outperforms Bloomz on all evaluation tasks and achieves comparable performance with mT0 on most tasks.
We first design a simple yet effective strategy to utilize the encoder-only models for generation tasks and then conduct multi-task instruction tuning. Experimental results demonstrate that our fine-tuned model, Instruct-XMLR, outperforms Bloomz on all evaluation tasks and achieves comparable performance with mT0 on most tasks. Surprisingly, Instruct-XMLR also possesses strong task and language generalization abilities, indicating that Instruct-XMLR can also serve as a good instruction follower and zero-shot learner. Besides, Instruct-XMLR can accelerate decoding due to its non-autoregressive generation manner, achieving around 3 times speedup compared with current autoregressive large language models. Although we also witnessed several limitations through our experiments, such as the performance decline in long-generation tasks and the shortcoming of length prediction, Instruct-XMLR can still become a good member of the family of current large language models.
Matching cross-modality features between images and point clouds is a fundamental problem for image-to-point cloud registration. However, due to the modality difference between images and points, it is difficult to learn robust and discriminative cross-modality features by existing metric learning methods for feature matching. Instead of applying metric learning on cross-modality data, we propose to unify the modality between images and point clouds by pretrained large-scale models first, and then establish robust correspondence within the same modality. We show that the intermediate features, called diffusion features, extracted by depth-to-image diffusion models are semantically consistent between images and point clouds, which enables the building of coarse but robust cross-modality correspondences. We further extract geometric features on depth maps produced by the monocular depth estimator. By matching such geometric features, we significantly improve the accuracy of the coarse correspondences produced by diffusion features. Extensive experiments demonstrate that without any task-specific training, direct utilization of both features produces accurate image-to-point cloud registration.
We further extract geometric features on depth maps produced by the monocular depth estimator. By matching such geometric features, we significantly improve the accuracy of the coarse correspondences produced by diffusion features. Extensive experiments demonstrate that without any task-specific training, direct utilization of both features produces accurate image-to-point cloud registration. On three public indoor and outdoor benchmarks, the proposed method averagely achieves a 20.6 percent improvement in Inlier Ratio, a $3.0\times$ higher Inlier Number, and a 48.6 percent improvement in Registration Recall than existing state-of-the-arts. The codes are available in the supplementary material and will be released upon acceptance.
Since real-world machine systems are running in non-stationary environments, Continual Test-Time Adaptation (CTTA) task is proposed to adapt the pre-trained model to continually changing target domains. Recently, existing methods mainly focus on model-based adaptation, which aims to leverage a self-training manner to extract the target domain knowledge. However, pseudo labels can be noisy and the updated model parameters are unreliable under dynamic data distributions, leading to error accumulation and catastrophic forgetting in the continual adaptation process. To tackle these challenges and maintain the model plasticity, we tactfully design a Visual Domain Adapter (ViDA) for CTTA, explicitly handling both domain-specific and domain-shared knowledge. Specifically, we first comprehensively explore the different domain representations of the adapters with trainable high-rank or low-rank embedding spaces. Then we inject ViDAs into the pre-trained model, which leverages high-rank and low-rank features to adapt the current domain distribution and maintain the continual domain-shared knowledge, respectively. To exploit the low-rank and high-rank ViDAs more effectively, we further propose a Homeostatic Knowledge Allotment (HKA) strategy, which adaptively combines different knowledge from each ViDA.
To exploit the low-rank and high-rank ViDAs more effectively, we further propose a Homeostatic Knowledge Allotment (HKA) strategy, which adaptively combines different knowledge from each ViDA. Extensive experiments conducted on four widely used benchmarks demonstrate that our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance in both classification and segmentation CTTA tasks. Note that, our method can be regarded as a novel transfer paradigm for large-scale models, delivering promising results in adaptation to continually changing distributions.
Recently, many mesh-based graph neural network (GNN) models have been proposed for modeling complex high-dimensional physical systems. Remarkable achievements have been made in significantly reducing the solving time compared to traditional numerical solvers. These methods are typically designed to i) reduce the computational cost in solving physical dynamics and/or ii) propose techniques to enhance the solution accuracy in fluid and rigid body dynamics. However, it remains under-explored whether they are effective in addressing the challenges of flexible body dynamics, where instantaneous collisions occur within a very short timeframe.In this paper, we present Hierarchical Contact Mesh Transformer (HCMT), which uses hierarchical mesh structures and can learn long-range dependencies (occurred by collisions) among spatially distant positions of a body --- two close positions in a higher-level mesh corresponds to two distant positions in a lower-level mesh. HCMT enables long-range interactions, and the hierarchical mesh structure quickly propagates collision effects to faraway positions. To this end, it consists of a contact mesh Transformer and a hierarchical mesh Transformer (CMT and HMT, respectively). Lastly, we propose a unique flexible body dynamics dataset, which is commonly used for product designs. We also compare the performance of several baselines using well-known benchmark datasets.
To this end, it consists of a contact mesh Transformer and a hierarchical mesh Transformer (CMT and HMT, respectively). Lastly, we propose a unique flexible body dynamics dataset, which is commonly used for product designs. We also compare the performance of several baselines using well-known benchmark datasets. Our results show that HCMT provides significant performance improvements over existing methods.
In reinforcement learning (RL), rewards of states are typically considered additive, and following the Markov assumption, they are independent of states visited previously. In many important applications, such as coverage control, experiment design and informative path planning, rewards naturally have diminishing returns, i.e., their value decreases in light of similar states visited previously. To tackle this, we propose Submodular RL (subRL), a paradigm which seeks to optimize more general, non-additive (and history-dependent) rewards modelled via submodular set functions, which capture diminishing returns. Unfortunately, in general, even in tabular settings, we show that the resulting optimization problem is hard to approximate. On the other hand, motivated by the success of greedy algorithms in classical submodular optimization, we propose subPO, a simple policy gradient-based algorithm for subRL that handles non-additive rewards by greedily maximizing marginal gains. Indeed, under some assumptions on the underlying Markov Decision Process (MDP), subPO recovers optimal constant factor approximations of submodular bandits. Moreover, we derive a natural policy gradient approach for locally optimizing subRL instances even in large state- and action- spaces.
Indeed, under some assumptions on the underlying Markov Decision Process (MDP), subPO recovers optimal constant factor approximations of submodular bandits. Moreover, we derive a natural policy gradient approach for locally optimizing subRL instances even in large state- and action- spaces. We showcase the versatility of our approach by applying subPO to several applications, such as biodiversity monitoring, Bayesian experiment design, informative path planning, and coverage maximization. Our results demonstrate sample efficiency, as well as scalability to high-dimensional state-action spaces.
Privacy estimation techniques for differentially private (DP) algorithms are useful for comparing against analytical bounds, or to empirically measure privacy loss insettings where known analytical bounds are not tight. However, existing privacy auditing techniques usually make strong assumptions on the adversary (e.g., knowl-edge of intermediate model iterates or the training data distribution), are tailored to specific tasks, model architectures, or DP algorithm, and/or require retraining the model many times (typically on the order of thousands). These shortcomings make deploying such techniques at scale difficult in practice, especially in federatedsettings where model training can take days or weeks. In this work, we present a novel “one-shot” approach that can systematically address these challenges, al-lowing efficient auditing or estimation of the privacy loss of a model during the same, single training run used to fit model parameters, and without requiring anyaprioriknowledge about the model architecture, task, or DP algorithm. We show that our method provides provably correct estimates for the privacy loss under the Gaussian mechanism, and we demonstrate its performance on a well-established FL benchmark dataset under several adversarial threat models.
Large vision-language models (VLMs) such as GPT-4 have achieved exceptional performance across various multi-modal tasks. However, the deployment of VLMs necessitates substantial energy consumption and computational resources. Once attackers maliciously induce high energy consumption and latency time (energy-latency cost) during inference of VLMs, it will exhaust computational resources. In this paper, we explore this attack surface about availability of VLMs and aim to induce high energy-latency cost during inference of VLMs. We find that high energy-latency cost during inference of VLMs can be manipulated by maximizing the length of generated sequences. To this end, we propose verbose images, with the goal of crafting an imperceptible perturbation to induce VLMs to generate long sentences during inference. Concretely, we design three loss objectives. First, a loss is proposed to delay the occurrence of end-of-sequence (EOS) token, where EOS token is a signal for VLMs to stop generating further tokens.
Concretely, we design three loss objectives. First, a loss is proposed to delay the occurrence of end-of-sequence (EOS) token, where EOS token is a signal for VLMs to stop generating further tokens. Moreover, an uncertainty loss and a token diversity loss are proposed to increase the uncertainty over each generated token and the diversity among all tokens of the whole generated sequence, respectively, which can break output dependency at token-level and sequence-level. Furthermore, a temporal weight adjustment algorithm is proposed, which can effectively balance these losses. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our verbose images can increase the length of generated sequences by 7.87× and 8.56× compared to original images on MS-COCO and ImageNet datasets, which presents potential challenges for various applications.
The interaction between users and recommender systems is not only affected by selection bias but also the neighborhood effect, i.e., the interaction between a user and an item is affected by the interactions between other users and other items, or between the same user and other items, or between other users and the same item. Many previous studies have focused on addressing selection bias to achieve unbiased learning of the prediction model, but the lack of consideration of neighborhood effects can lead to biased estimates and suboptimal performance of the prediction model. In this paper, we formally formulate the neighborhood effect as an interference problem from the perspective of causal inference and introduce a treatment representation to capture the neighborhood effect. On this basis, we propose a novel ideal loss that can be used to deal with selection bias in the presence of neighborhood effects. In addition, we further develop two novel estimators for the ideal loss. We theoretically establish the connection between the proposed methods and previous methods ignoring the neighborhood effect and show that the proposed methods achieve unbiased learning when both selection bias and neighborhood effects are present, while the existing methods are biased. Extensive semi-synthetic and real-world experiments are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.
Collaborative filtering builds personalized models from the collected user feedback. However, the collected data is observational rather than experimental, leading to various biases in the data, which can significantly affect the learned model. To address this issue, many studies have focused on propensity-based methods to combat the selection bias by reweighting the sample loss, and demonstrate thatbalancing is important for debiasing both theoretically and empirically. However, there are two questions that still need to be addressed: which function class should be balanced and how to effectively balance that function class? In this paper, we first perform theoretical analysis to show the effect of balancing finite-dimensional function classes on the bias of IPS and DR methods, and based on this, we propose a universal kernel-based balancing method to balance functions on the reproducing kernel Hilbert space. In addition, we propose a novel adaptive causal balancing method during the alternating update between unbiased evaluation and training of the prediction model. Specifically, the prediction loss of the model is projected in the kernel-based covariate function space, and the projection coefficients are used to determine which functions should be prioritized for balancing to reduce the estimation bias. We conduct extensive experiments on three real-world datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Out-of-distribution (OOD) problems in few-shot classification (FSC) occur when novel classes sampled from testing distributions differ from base classes drawn from training distributions, which considerably degrades the performance of deep learning models deployed in real-world applications. Recent studies suggest that the OOD problems in FSC mainly including: (a) cross-domain few-shot classification (CD-FSC) and (b) spurious-correlation few-shot classification (SC-FSC). Specifically, CD-FSC occurs when a classifier learns transferring knowledge from base classes drawn from \underline{seen} training distributions but recognizes novel classes sampled from unseen testing distributions. In contrast, SC-FSC arises when a classifier relies on non-causal features (or contexts) that happen to be correlated with the labels (or concepts) in base classes but such relationships no longer hold during the model deployment. Despite CD-FSC has been extensively studied, SC-FSC remains understudied due to lack of the corresponding evaluation benchmarks. To this end, we present Meta Concept Context (MetaCoCo), a benchmark with spurious-correlation shifts collected from real-world scenarios.
Despite CD-FSC has been extensively studied, SC-FSC remains understudied due to lack of the corresponding evaluation benchmarks. To this end, we present Meta Concept Context (MetaCoCo), a benchmark with spurious-correlation shifts collected from real-world scenarios. Moreover, to quantify the extent of spurious-correlation shifts of the presented MetaCoCo, we further propose a metric by using CLIP as a pre-trained vision-language model. Extensive experiments on the proposed benchmark are performed to evaluate the state-of-the-art methods in FSC, cross-domain shifts, and self-supervised learning. The experimental results show that the performance of the existing methods degrades significantly in the presence of spurious-correlation shifts. We open-source all codes of our benchmark and hope that the proposed MetaCoCo can facilitate future research on spurious-correlation shifts problems in FSC.
In recent years, advances in the large-scale pretraining of language and text-to-image models have revolutionized the field of machine learning. Yet, integrating these two modalities into a single, robust model capable of generating seamless multimodal outputs remains a significant challenge. To address this gap, we present the Joint Autoregressive Mixture (JAM) framework, a modular approach that systematically fuses existing text and image generation models. We also introduce a specialized, data-efficient instruction-tuning strategy, tailored for mixed-modal generation tasks. Our final instruct-tuned model demonstrates unparalleled performance in generating high-quality multimodal outputs and represents the first model explicitly designed for this purpose.
A central objective in neuroscience is to understand how the brain orchestrates movement. Recent advances in automated tracking technologies have made it possible to document behavior with unprecedented temporal resolution and scale, generating rich datasets which can be exploited to gain insights into the neural control of movement. One common approach is to identify stereotypical motor primitives using cluster analysis. However, this categorical description can limit our ability to model the effect of more continuous control schemes. Here we take a control theoretic approach to behavioral modeling and argue that movements can be understood as the output of a controlled dynamical system. Previously, models of movement dynamics, trained solely on behavioral data, have been effective in reproducing observed features of neural activity. These models addressed specific scenarios where animals were trained to execute particular movements upon receiving a prompt. In this study, we extend this approach to analyze the full natural locomotor repertoire of an animal: the zebrafish larva. Our findings demonstrate that this repertoire can be effectively generated through a sparse control signal driving a latent Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). Our model's learned latent space preserves key kinematic features and disentangles different categories of movements.
Our findings demonstrate that this repertoire can be effectively generated through a sparse control signal driving a latent Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). Our model's learned latent space preserves key kinematic features and disentangles different categories of movements. To further interpret the latent dynamics, we used balanced model reduction to yield a simplified model. Collectively, our methods serve as a case study for interpretable system identification, and offer a novel framework for understanding neural activity in relation to movement.
Time-series causal discovery (TSCD) is a fundamental problem of machine learning. However, existing synthetic datasets cannot properly evaluate or predict the algorithms' performance on real data. This study introduces the CausalTime pipeline to generate time-series that highly resemble the real data and with ground truth causal graphs for quantitative performance evaluation. The pipeline starts from real observations in a specific scenario and produces a matching benchmark dataset. Firstly, we harness deep neural networks along with normalizing flow to accurately capture realistic dynamics. Secondly, we extract hypothesized causal graphs by performing importance analysis on the neural network or leveraging prior knowledge. Thirdly, we derive the ground truth causal graphs by splitting the causal model into causal term, residual term, and noise term. Lastly, using the fitted network and the derived causal graph, we generate corresponding versatile time-series proper for algorithm assessment. In the experiments, we validate the fidelity of the generated data through qualitative and quantitative experiments, followed by a benchmarking of existing TSCD algorithms using these generated datasets. CausalTime offers a feasible solution to evaluating TSCD algorithms in real applications and can be generalized to a wide range of fields. For easy use of the proposed approach, we also provide a user-friendly website, hosted on
Bayesian optimization is a highly efficient approach to optimizing objective functions which are expensive to query. These objectives are typically represented by Gaussian process (GP) surrogate models which are easy to optimize and support exact inference. While standard GP surrogates have been well-established in Bayesian optimization, Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) have recently become practical function approximators, with many benefits over standard GPs such as the ability to naturally handle non-stationarity and learn representations for high-dimensional data. In this paper, we study BNNs as alternatives to standard GP surrogates for optimization. We consider a variety of approximate inference procedures for finite-width BNNs, including high-quality Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, low-cost stochastic MCMC, and heuristics such as deep ensembles. We also consider infinite-width BNNs, linearized Laplace approximations, and partially stochastic models such as deep kernel learning. We evaluate this collection of surrogate models on diverse problems with varying dimensionality, number of objectives, non-stationarity, and discrete and continuous inputs.
We also consider infinite-width BNNs, linearized Laplace approximations, and partially stochastic models such as deep kernel learning. We evaluate this collection of surrogate models on diverse problems with varying dimensionality, number of objectives, non-stationarity, and discrete and continuous inputs. We find: (i) the ranking of methods is highly problem dependent, suggesting the need for tailored inductive biases; (ii) HMC is the most successful approximate inference procedure for fully stochastic BNNs; (iii) full stochasticity may be unnecessary as deep kernel learning is relatively competitive; (iv) deep ensembles perform relatively poorly; (v) infinite-width BNNs are particularly promising, especially in high dimensions.
We introduce SocioDojo, an open-ended lifelong learning environment for developing ready-to-deploy autonomous agents capable of performing human-like analysis and decision-making on societal topics such as economics, finance, politics, and culture. It consists of (1) information sources from news, social media, reports, etc., (2) a knowledge base built from books, journals, and encyclopedias, plus a toolbox of Internet and knowledge graph search interfaces, (3) 30K high-quality time series in finance, economy, society, and polls, which support a novel task called "hyperportfolio", that can reliably and scalably evaluate societal analysis and decision-making power of agents, inspired by portfolio optimization with time series as assets to "invest". We also propose a novel Analyst-Assistant-Actuator architecture for the hyperportfolio task, and a Hypothesis & Proof prompting for producing in-depth analyses on input news, articles, etc. to assist decision-making. We perform experiments and ablation studies to explore the factors that impact performance. The results show that our proposed method achieves improvements of 32.4% and 30.4% compared to the state-of-the-art method in the two experimental settings.
This paper introduces a novel Transitional Dictionary Learning (TDL) framework that can implicitly learn symbolic knowledge, such as visual parts and relations, by reconstructing the input as a combination of parts with implicit relations. We propose a game-theoretic diffusion model to decompose the input into visual parts using the dictionaries learned by the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm, implemented as the online prototype clustering, based on the decomposition results. Additionally, two metrics, clustering information gain, and heuristic shape score are proposed to evaluate the model. Experiments are conducted on three abstract compositional visual object datasets, which require the model to utilize the compositionality of data instead of simply exploiting visual features. Then, three tasks on symbol grounding to predefined classes of parts and relations, as well as transfer learning to unseen classes, followed by a human evaluation, were carried out on these datasets. The results show that the proposed method discovers compositional patterns, which significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised part segmentation methods that rely on visual features from pre-trained backbones. Furthermore, the proposed metrics are consistent with human evaluations.
Autoregressive large language models (LLMs) compress knowledge from their training data through next-token conditional distributions. This limits tractable querying of this knowledge to start-to-end autoregressive sampling. However, many tasks of interest---including sequence continuation, infilling, and other forms of constrained generation---involve sampling from intractable posterior distributions. We address this limitation by using amortized Bayesian inference to sample from these intractable posteriors. Such amortization is algorithmically achieved by fine-tuning LLMs via diversity-seeking reinforcement learning algorithms: generative flow networks (GFlowNets). We empirically demonstrate that this distribution-matching paradigm of LLM fine-tuning can serve as an effective alternative to maximum-likelihood training and reward-maximizing policy optimization. As an important application, we interpret chain-of-thought reasoning as a latent variable modeling problem and demonstrate that our approach enables data-efficient adaptation of LLMs to tasks that require multi-step rationalization and tool use.
Some reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms have the capability of recombining together pieces of previously seen experience to solve a task never seen before during training. This oft-sought property is one of the few ways in which dynamic programming based RL algorithms are considered different from supervised learning (SL) based RL algorithms. Yet, recent RL methods based on off-the-shelf SL algorithms achieve excellent results without an explicit mechanism for stitching; it remains unclear whether those methods forgo this important stitching property. This paper studies this question in the setting of goal-reaching problems. We show that the desirable stitching property corresponds to a form of generalization: after training on a distribution of (state, goal) pairs, one would like to evaluate on (state, goal) pairs not seen together in the training data. Our analysis shows that this sort of generalization is different from i.i.d. generalization. This connection between stitching and generalization reveals why we should not expect existing RL methods based on SL to perform stitching, even in the limit of large datasets and models. We experimentally validate this result on carefully constructed datasets.This connection suggests a simple remedy, the same remedy for improving generalization in supervised learning: data augmentation.
We experimentally validate this result on carefully constructed datasets.This connection suggests a simple remedy, the same remedy for improving generalization in supervised learning: data augmentation. We propose a naive temporal data augmentation approach and demonstrate that adding it to RL methods based on SL enables them to successfully stitch together experience, so that they succeed in navigating between states and goals unseen together during training.
Gene regulatory network inference (GRNI) is a challenging problem, particularly owing to the presence of zeros in single-cell RNA sequencing data: some are biological zeros representing no gene expression, while some others are technical zeros arising from the sequencing procedure (aka dropouts), which may bias GRNI by distorting the joint distribution of the measured gene expressions. Existing approaches typically handle dropout error via imputation, which may introduce spurious relations as the true joint distribution is generally unidentifiable. To tackle this issue, we introduce a causal graphical model to characterize the dropout mechanism, namely, Causal Dropout Model. We provide a simple yet effective theoretical result: interestingly, the conditional independence (CI) relations in the data with dropouts, after deleting the samples with zero values (regardless if technical or not) for the conditioned variables, are asymptotically identical to the CI relations in the original data without dropouts. This particular test-wise deletion procedure, in which we perform CI tests on the samples without zeros for the conditioned variables, can be seamlessly integrated with existing structure learning approaches including constraint-based and greedy score-based methods, thus giving rise to a principled framework for GRNI in the presence of dropouts.
This particular test-wise deletion procedure, in which we perform CI tests on the samples without zeros for the conditioned variables, can be seamlessly integrated with existing structure learning approaches including constraint-based and greedy score-based methods, thus giving rise to a principled framework for GRNI in the presence of dropouts. We further show that the causal dropout model can be validated from data, and many existing statistical models to handle dropouts fit into our model as specific parametric instances. Empirical evaluation on synthetic, curated, and real-world experimental transcriptomic data comprehensively demonstrate the efficacy of our method.
Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) on human demonstrations combined with Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) constitutes a powerful alignment paradigm for Large Language Model (LLM) AI-assistant agents. However, a significant limitation of this approach is its substantial dependency on high-quality human annotations, making its broader application to intricate tasks challenging due to difficulties in obtaining consistent response demonstrations and task-specific response preferences. To address this issue, we present a novel alignment paradigm in this paper, termed SALMON (Self-ALignMent with principle-fOllowiNg reward models). This paradigm offers the ability to align base language models with minimal human supervision, using only a select set of human-defined principles, yet achieves superior performance. Central to our approach is a principle-following reward model. Trained on synthetic preference data, this reward model can generate reward scores based on arbitrary human-defined principles. Therefore, during the RL training phase, by merely adjusting these principles, we gain full control over the preferences of the reward model, subsequently influencing the behavior of the RL-trained policy model, and eliminating the traditional reliance on exhaustive online human preference collection.
Therefore, during the RL training phase, by merely adjusting these principles, we gain full control over the preferences of the reward model, subsequently influencing the behavior of the RL-trained policy model, and eliminating the traditional reliance on exhaustive online human preference collection. Applying our method to the LLaMA-2-70b base language model, we developed an AI assistant named Dromedary-2. With only 6 exemplars for in-context learning and 31 human-defined principles, Dromedary-2 significantly surpasses the performance of several state-of-the-art AI systems, including LLaMA-2-Chat-70b, on various benchmark datasets. We have open-sourced the code and model weights to encourage further research into aligning LLM-based AI agents with enhanced supervision efficiency, improved controllability, and scalable oversight.
Preventing the performance decay of Transformers on inputs longer than those used for training has been an important challenge in extending the context length of these models. Though the Transformer architecture has fundamentally no limits on the input sequence lengths it can process, the choice of position encoding used during training can limit the performance of these models on longer inputs. We propose a novel functional relative position encoding with progressive interpolation, FIRE, to improve Transformer generalization to longer contexts. We theoretically prove that this can represent some of the popular relative position encodings, such as T5's RPE, Alibi, and Kerple. We next empirically show that FIRE models have better generalization to longer contexts on both zero-shot language modeling and long text benchmarks.
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