diff --git a/prayerjournal.txt b/prayerjournal.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..93f988a1cd525168c18a6019ceb7b10a9c0a1e3c --- /dev/null +++ b/prayerjournal.txt @@ -0,0 +1,9038 @@ + +31.12.22 +Dear God, thank you for Caryn and Marcus. + +Dear God, thank you for dim sum with Jason and Jenny. + +30.12.22 +Dear God, thank you for the call with Mr. Bond and the breakthrough in the human-AI writing contest. + +Dear God, thank you for the dinner with Ms. Chui and the breakthrough in our relationship and the human-AI writing contest. Salvation come to our former colleagues. + +29.12.22 +Dear God, thank you for a fruitful chat after EMP with Pastor Samuel et al. + +Dear God, thank you for a fruitful afternoon chat with Esther and Jason. + +28.12.22 +Dear God, thank you for a fruitful chat with Lawrence. God bless him and his family. + +Dear God, thank you for dinner with Tim's family, especially Ah Wai. + + + +27.12.22 +Dear God, +Perhaps just as you led me to find you as Lord in the midst of church conflict, from the disciples to the early church, to the institutional church to Solomon’s Porch, so maybe you lead me to find you as returning king sans the book of Revelation, Paul’s claims of your imminent return, Jesus, and edits at the end of the gospels. Will you come back, Jesus? + +If my conclusion is no, I can easily understand why some Christians who had similar doubts and drew the same conclusion, became universalists, Billy Graham being the representative case. + +I humble myself before you and pray that you lead me in this journey to understand you dear Jesus as the returning king. + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are almighty and everlasting. Nothing on this earth, nothing from human history can withstand you or outlast you. Today’s great cities are tomorrow’s dust, as are our lives on this earth. The glory, honor and power are yours, dear God, now and forever. + +I humble myself before you and repent. I sense that your peace which I seek so badly at work and even this morning comes alongside fearing you, dear God, and keeping your commandments. To be sure, how hard it is to find peace, and not trouble or worry, when we rebel against you! Today, dear God, I pray for my heart to remain in your love, so that I might act reverently and humbly for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Karen yesterday through the calm and storm, + +Dear God, thank you for HOP and the different people in the group, especially my brother Ernest. + +Dear God, I do feel as though I have been in a faraway land and my capacity to love, not least by remembering your goodness with thanksgiving, and by interceding and blessing myself and my neighbors, has diminished these months. As my morning routine goes so do my travels to faraway lands. + +26.12.22 +Dear God, it has been a week since I last wrote in this journal. Although you continue to bless me and you are always faithful, through the years perhaps it has been harder for me to give thanks. I repent. I have taken your kindness for granted. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Jason and Jenny yesterday. + +Dear God, thank you for time to bless Foon and other cardboard collectors yesterday. Salvation come. + +25.12.22 +Dear God, thank you for Christmas service, and time to greet my neighbors and for reunions in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to talk to my uncle and my grandma. I pray humbly that you lead Karen and me to visit this summer in Jesus' name. Salvation come. + +24.12.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to run 15 miles without pain. Thank you for relieving me. + +Dear God, thank you for time to meet with Esther yesterday. + +23.12.22 +Dear God, thank you for Tim Tang, his family and his generosity. Please bring healing and peace to his family in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for a peaceful dinner with Diby and Kevin last night. + +22.12.22 +Dear God, thank you for finishing the religious drama at my school. Thank you for Jessie and the students' efforts. Thank you for your mercy. + +Dear God, lead me to talk to the principals frankly and constructively when we next meet in Jesus' name. Salvation come. + +21.12.22 +Dear God, thank you for dinner with Paul and Jess. Salvation come. + +20.12.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to run fast at Happy Valley. + +Dear Jesus, thank you for reunions last night at HOP and dinner. Thank you for that fellowship. + +19.12.22 +Dear God, thank you for rescuing me, and giving me hope in you Christ, for eternal life with you, beyond death; so that I might be hopeful in this life, in spite of my circumstances and sin. + +I humble myself before you and pray that your kingdom come your will be done at work this morning as it is in heaven; and that you lead me not into the time of testing but deliver me from evil. + +Dear God, thank you for the men’s prayer team and Lydia, and for answering prayer so that I did not lose my temper after school in the hall yesterday in Jesus’ name. In fact, you enable me to wrest control of my thoughts so as to love and to forgive the principal and Jessie. + +18.12.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to run without injury yesterday; and thank you for time to talk with Jason and to celebrate SPIN Christmas with Melanie in Jesus’ name. + +17.12.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, You are gracious, merciful, steadfast and faithful. You are loving. In repentance, I humble myself before you and give you thanks and praise. + +As I journey to Tuen Mun to serve with YWAM, I remember your goodness from a few years ago, you leading me for years to serve with this group. As for first Karen, and that didn’t end well, you lead me not into guilt, but you relieve me from guilt and have given me a wife and home, for your glory and my good. + +Some wounds I suffer now are self inflicted, as it was a few years ago. Nonetheless I pray that you would change my heart through all this hurt and pain so that I can be all the more forgiving and loving to myself and my neighbors in Jesus’ name. To be sure, help me Lord to suffer as you did, so that I might know you more. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run my 10K personal best today when I don’t deserve that. You are merciful and kind. + +Dear God, thank you for changing my heart during yesterday’s second AI workshop at my school so that although I started angry, I could become more gentle and patient with my students, to care for them just as I need your care in Jesus’ name. + +As for losing my temper this time with the assistant principal triggering me with the students’ need for pronunciation practice; and for losing my temper again around Jessie, in the hall during religious drama rehearsal, I submit to you my cry for help, for my heart, for our leaders’ hearts, colleagues’ hearts and students’ hearts in Jesus’ name. + +16.12.22 +Dear Father, You lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. In repentance, I humbly pray that you lead me not into the time of testing at work today but deliver me from divisive people. Shalom! In the same way, I pray to extend your peace to my neighbors in Jesus’ name, not to be divisive, be it at work or at church, for your glory and our good. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run last night and then the evening with Karen, even watching the Chosen. Thank you for your grace and mercy. + +Dear God, thank you for the chat with Lydia at the end of the workday. God bless her and her family. Salvation come. + +15.12.22 +Dear God, +Suffering injustice is what you Jesus have done on this earth; and my opportunity to know you, and to be like you is to suffer unjustly at work. + +At present I raise my voice and try to calm my raging emotions. Today, however, I humbly pray to call on you Lord in the day of temptation, lifting my eyes to heaven. + +Only you can change my negative thoughts and low morale at work, dear God, for your glory in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run yesterday without injury. + +Dear God, thank you for time to fellowship with Karen and Bel. Thank you for your good work at Sons and Daughters. + +14.12.22 +Dear God, For your glory and the good of the church, would you continue your good work in Hong Kong’s church, even in tonight’s meeting with Bel, Karen and me? I humbly pray that your mighty hand would be at work just as with eGape so with Sons and Daughters in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run without pain last night. + +And thank you, dear God, for an evening with Karen. + +Thank you for time to talk with my colleagues and the vice principal. Shalom. + +13.12.22 +Dear God, I believe you have spoken to me about my weakness, not least at work, in house church and at eGape. And now you are my strength, dear God, and you might move me to a new season with a new ministry in Jesus’ name. + +I humble myself before you and reiterate my cry to you to know you and to be like you, Jesus, at work, to be at peace and to talk lovingly to my neighbors. + + 12.12.22 +Dear God, thank you for the church and its many people who have set good examples for me and my neighbors, causing us not to stumble; and I pray especially in my house church and ministry I would not cause my neighbors to stumble; rather, I would spur them on toward love and good deeds in Jesus’ name. + +So dear God, I humbly pray that you especially would lead me into a new season of ministry for your glory and the good of the church. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for reminding me to be loving and forgiving to my colleagues and myself in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for speaking to me through Jason and Karen that eGape ministry’s responsibility is yours, not mine nor even Pastor Selamet’s, in Jesus’ name. I feel relieved and believe you will relieve me. + +11.12.22 +Dear God, maybe you speak to me that I haven’t made much self-sacrifice, offering my body, holy and pleasing to you, this is my spiritual act of worship. I can barely sacrifice for my wife. Maybe prayer and fasting for my church and colleagues is a start. You are gracious, dear God. + +Dear God, thank you for time to sleep in. Thank you for more than nine hours’ rest for the first time in weeks. + +Dear God, thank you for time with friends yesterday at Mark’s party, especially with the Irish guy from Tung Chung! + +Hi Jason, I have just finished meeting John Peck and am heading to SPIN. I would like to visit the eGape computer teachers at their lunch before coming to our Cantonese. Are you Ok to review dim sum with students? + +I feel angry and messed up because I wish we would have taken a break from Cantonese lesson today so I could meet with the eGape computer teachers and plan with them so they can succeed. + +Thank you for your understanding and patience. Today was the first time I genuinely felt distressed serving at eGape. I have started to feel too much responsibility for Cantonese and computer lesson outcomes. That is not a good sign of my heart. + +After speaking with Karen, maybe I should quit eGape so I literally should feel no responsibility — I have erroneously felt too much ownership of eGape; and not enough grace. Maybe I should pray to serve at Sons and Daughters and feel no obligation to lead. + +10.12.22 +Dear God, thank you for the successful completion of the HPCCSS workshops. Thank you for friendship with April. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Ken, and to rehabilitate and rest. Thank you for this right calf injury not being worse. You are merciful. + +9.12.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are glorious and almighty, amazing and beyond anyone’s understanding. Yet you are loving and compassionate, gracious and merciful so that I worship you and give you praise. + +This week, I all the more appreciate the futility of my living according to my own strength, and to this world. I sense my church neighbors experienced this too. I humble myself before you and pray for your peace making in my and my church neighbors hearts. Break through our hardness, dear God, so that our behavior on this earth all the more reflects our view of eternal paradise with you in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you that this week at worked seemed less life taking than the last. Thank you that I would willingly spend long days at work, if only for the youth. + +Dear God, I struggle with my injury; and I pray your victory over the world, Jesus, all the more in my life, so that I might humble myself before you and live out my days with waning strength, increasingly for your glory, with thanksgiving. + +Dear Holy Spirit, I humble myself before you and give you the glory: you are faithful and powerful, and most loving in my life. + +You have spoken to me over the years, six years ago at one school; and then three years ago at another; and now, today, in a different time, at a different school, with national security, you speak to me again. + +I pray for myself, the people at Solomon’s Porch and for my neighbors at work. I pray for your peace-making to be revealed and palpable in Jesus’ name. + +Thank you for saving me, dear Jesus; and being merciful to me even today through the church and my neighbors. + +8.12.22 +Dear God, + +7.12.22 +Dear God, I humble myself before you. You were very kind to me today, granting me favor with you and with man so that, Lily, the technician and the emcee and I could collaborate for a smooth LTE presentation -- and I feel relief after this meeting! + +In addition, thank you for Selena -- her subtle high fashion earings, skirt, scarf and necklace! -- loving her and ministering to her at Island ECC. Thank you for this reunion at LTE after my presentation. According to your will, she and I can work together on this contest in Jesus' name. + +Thanks for sharing. Jason. I sense God was speaking to me through this message: I do want to fast for peace making, in Heinsen’s family, in my heart and in my colleagues’ at work. + +6.12.22 +Dear Holy Spirit, I want to believe that you spoke to me tonight at the track: that in fact, I am weak; especially these days at work; and not least people in my house church must be strong and bear with my failings — as my emotional and spiritual immaturity have made me harsh and intolerant, not patient towards myself and others. + +I humble myself before you in repentance. I don’t want to forfeit my soul gain the whole world. I feel convicted to fast, not least to be in right relationship with you, to fast for my church brother’s family’s reconciliation, and now for my and my neighbors’ attitudes and behavior at work in Jesus’ name. I will fast for your kingdom to come and for your will to be done at my school as it is in heaven. Amen. + +Dear Holy Spirit, I pray that these are your words spoken through Paul; and I wonder, humbly, dear God, how these words might be applied to today’s church, if at all. I wonder how you view your child’s heart when he or she does yoga, for instance. Ultimately, my sense is to be gracious, to accept anyone whose faith is weak and acts accordingly — because my faith is weak in comparison to many men and importantly to you — not to judge but to love my neighbor as myself in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to attend the NET meeting yesterday. And for favor with God and man; salvation come to these NETS and that school. + +Dear God, thank you for the workout and dinner in Jesus’ name. + +5.12.22 +Dear God, thank you for speaking to me about how to communicate effectively at work. You are the God of honor. I humble myself before you and pray by your grace that I would respect and honor those to whom I owe respect and honor at work in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for your favor and care for Louie yesterday and preserving him in Jesus’ name. Salvation come. + +Dear God, thank you for your amazing work with Jason and our eGape Cantonese class at dim sum. Salvation come. + +4.12.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to run a PB. That is your grace and I suffered a cost. Grow me in wisdom, dear God. Thank you for these running friends. + +Dear God, I suffered nightmares in that unfamiliar hotel room. Thank you for sleep. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Dorothy so that we might spur each other on toward love and good deeds in Jesus’ name. + +3.12.22 +Dear God, thank you for Pat, and speaking to her and Winky about their relationship in Jesus’ name. Thank you for blessing her and her Alpha donors. Thank you for making her wise in making money; thank you for her father’s health. + +2.12.22 +Dear God, thank you for breaking through my heart yesterday at work, so that, for the first time in three weeks, it seems, I felt primarily joy, not misery at work. + +Perhaps my willingness to be self-sacrificial, to help my colleague with COVID by taking her lesson; and to help Jessie by watching the drama students after school indicate my changed heart; ditto my joking with 1C students about cooking book reports in the library. That’s your glory and praise, dear God. + + Dear God, thank you for time to run last night without injury in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, I still struggle with anxiety late at night and my wife is struggling with her work now. + +1.12.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are loving and almighty; how is any of this possible in me but though you? + +Dear God, I do not know how to honor, to be patient in affliction, to not curse, especially at work, and to not be wise in my own eyes. I repent and humble myself before you. The only good that will come from me today, even at work will come from you within me, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for house church dinner last night; and for harmony; thank you for fellowship; and the opportunity to talk to people, and to listen to them in Jesus’ name. We do this in remembrance of you, Jesus. + +Dear God, I am struggling with my thoughts and emotions to finish the ETRD article. Lord, have mercy on me a sinner. Please help me to overcome and to complete — to honor my collaborators in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +30.11.22 +Dear God, I want to offer my body as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to you; and I do not want to control any longer to the pattern of this world, especially at work; so I humble myself before you, pleading Jesus’ blood over me and asking for you to renew my mind, by your grace, to advance your gospel at work for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear Jesus, you remind me to go to house church for thanksgiving dinner tonight, in spite of my inner turmoil, to celebrate in remembrance of you — and I cannot imagine the inner disarray of your disciples as they attended this last supper with you. + +I humble myself before you and give you the glory, dear God. I offer my body as a living sacrifice to attend house church dinner tonight, I pray, holy and pleasing to you. This is my spiritual act of worship. Come, Lord Jesus. + +29.11.22 +Dear God, Your wisdom, knowledge and judgment are beyond me and all people, for your glory and praise. + +I humble myself before you in repentance; and pray that today your love would be palpable in my workplace; lead me to love and to forgive my neighbors as myself in Jesus’ name. Amen. + + Dear God, thank you for touching my heart last night so that I might make contact with YY, Ms Chui, Tim and Mr Bond. Salvation come. + +Dear God, thank you for new coffee. + +28.11.22 +Dear God, your broke through my heart today through the sermon and the glory is yours. I realize my life these days, especially at work, has not shown much loving and being loved. To do so, under so much negative emotion is your miracle, dear God. Importantly, as the cloud of negative emotion lifted, I remember to give you and thanks and praise and as importantly, to forgive myself and my neighbors; literally to release all of us into my forgiveness and to love before I go to bed in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for the time to run by myself and then to dine with Karen and Jason. + +27.11.22 +Dear God, thank you for a fruitful first wedding anniversary with Karen. Thank you that she finished the race well, as did I, surprisingly. + +Dear God, thank you for the time with Jason at eGape, for our working well to love our neighbors as ourselves. And thank you for the evening meal with James and Jennies. + +26.11.22 +Dear God, thank you for the afternoon high tea with the positive and encouraging and responsible Tim and Mei Li. + +Dear God, thank you for the first human-AI workshop at HPCCSS, especially for April, Iris and the students. Salvation come. + + +25.11.22 +Dear God, I am suffering, first in my mind and emotions and now at last my body what with my teeth grinding at night, waking up with my left eye still bleeding, back pain today and even my left bridge hurts. I am not well, dear God. Please heal me and deliver me dear Jesus. + +I guess the suffering began two weeks ago with the resumption of full day classes which limits students’ time all the more. All those past six days at work have taken their toll. + +Dear God, I am amazed at how little the disciples know you, nevermind the Pharisees, teachers of the law and your hometown neighbors. Even with double storms, double multiplication of food, double opening the eyes of the blind and thrice revealing your fate on this earth, the disciples totally misunderstand you. + +You teach them because they do not know, yet they do not learn just yet and you love them! + +In this way, I take heart that to be a child of God and to receive your kingdom is to admit I know barely anything about your ways and thoughts and what you are doing; yet I will continue to believe in you and proclaim you for your glory in Jesus’ name. You will teach me dear God and I pray to learn according to your will. Amen. + +Pity the rich man who knows too much and cares too much about this world. + +Dear God, I regret applying for the Innovative Teacher Award and suffering the application and adjudication process. I don’t know what I can learn besides don’t do it again. I humble myself before you and pray for your loving kindness in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, this morning, after another long and stressful weak, and perhaps with another long day of suffering ahead, I bow down before you, my arms stretched before you. + +In this moment, may my soul be still and content before you, for your glory and my good in Jesus’ name. + +I quiet any accusations and condemnations of my doing too much, trusting others too little, celebrating too little and being too harsh. I submit these to you, dear God, and receive your grace and mercy. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Karen last night. + +Dear God, thank you for an end to the speech festival and the debate team for this term. + +24.11.22 +Dear God, you are gracious to whom you will be gracious; and harden whom you will harden for your glory and the good of the church. I bow down and worship you. + +I pray, dear God, at work today to experience your grace and kindness in Jesus’ name; and to extend these to my neighbors for your glory; please do not harden our hearts towards you and our neighbors, dear God, in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for a short house church. + +Dear God, thank you for a short lesson with 1C yesterday. + +23.11.22 +Dear Jesus, thank you for saving me from damnation. Thank you for bringing me into eternal life with you. I humble myself before you and worship you. + +Importantly, I thank you and praise you for miraculously lifting my mood just now, this morning. You have delivered me from suffering this morning so that, for your glory, I can even sing praise, “Give thanks with a grateful heart” to you. You are loving and have done something miraculous within me. Hallelujah and amen. + +Dear God, thank you for delivering me from the pain of organizing this morning’s assembly. Thank you for Jessie, and favor with you and with man in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for the opportunity to run even after another long day at work last night. + +Dear God, I wonder about my suffering these days, amongst colleagues and students at work, in my house church, and amongst Karen’s friends. + +Where have I been in right relationship with you; and where are there self-inflicted wounds; and where are you allowing this suffering in my life for your glory and the good of the church. + +I humble myself before you in repentance, dear God. I pray for your mercy over me and my neighbors because you are just and merciful, compassionate and gracious. Please deliver me from these times and people of testing in Jesus’ name: I pray for your shalom and joy, even tonight at house church, wherever there has been discord, grumbling, misunderstanding and strife. + +Dear God, thank you for Tim. + +22.11.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are almighty and know just what to do. You crafted me and my circumstances; and my neighbors; and our organizations. You do according to your will for your glory and the good of the church. Amen. + +Today, I humbly pray to love myself and my neighbors, accepting graciously ourselves, how you made us and are using us in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for your peace; and I pray for your peace. I realize, my fidgeting and my checking my eyes indicate not impatience, but also, importantly, anxiety within me. That’s not your heart, God, for me in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for pizza with Karen. + +Dear God, thank you for the opportunity to sell shoes fast. Salvation come to these runners in Jesus’ name. + +21.11.22 +This morning was unbearable, in what to do when I don't want to do anything, dear God. Yet, I thank you for this moment just now when I can repent, by your grace, and be reconciled to you through Christ. + +Dear God, teach me to love and to forgive Johnny, as with my colleagues and all difficult people in my life for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name. I am likewise difficult, dear God, and thank you for your patience and mercy manifested in my neighbors' lives. + +20.11.22 +Dear God, You are just and right. You will have mercy on whom you will have mercy; and compassion on whom you will have compassion. You will harden whom you will harden. + +I humble myself before you, dear God, in fear and reverence. I pray for your mercy in my days of suffering; although I believe my suffering is largely self-inflicted, please do not harden my heart, God, for your glory and the good of the church. In Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run without injury. + +Dear God, thank you for time to talk with Jason. + +19.11.22 +Dear God, you lead me not into temptation but deliver me from evil. Being with Johnny is especially difficult, dear God, and only by your grace and mercy are things not worse and things can only get better for your glory and the good of the church. Salvation come. Please continue your good work in all of us, dear Jesus, for your glory! + +Dear God, thank you for time to chat with April. + +18.11.22 +Dear Holy Spirit, +I humble myself before you; and pray you lead me to realize your will, dear God, even this morning at school. Come your kingdom and change me to be more like your son Jesus; for your glory and the good of the church. Amen. + +Dear God, I fear you and revere you. Only you have set me free through Jesus Christ. You are merciful and glorious, and humbly, I pray that your love and mercy would extend in me, and through me. Lead me to be merciful and to not judge harshly, either myself or my neighbors, especially at work today; for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +17.11.22 +Dear God, I trust that you answered prayer today; that your shalom has been with me. + +I don’t want to believe that I wake up early, sleep late and eat my anxiety in vain. In repentance I pray to rest in you, remaining in your love, especially tomorrow at work. In surrender, my mind, heart, soul and strength are yours, dear God, ready to do your will. + +Please have mercy and grant Karen and me a child in Jesus’ name. + +16.11.22 +Dear God, +You know all things; and as you know me completely so I don’t know much, if at all anything, about myself. + +Today was a busy, suffering day at work, because it was English Wednesday, from the morning assembly, to teaching the first lesson, to planning my afternoon lesson, to chasing after students at recess, to setting up lunchtime activities, to running the activities, to cleaning up, to teaching immediately afterwards; to having a meeting after school; and then having an even longer meeting after that. Not to mention that I tried to work on the human-AI creative writing project. And answer emails and messages. I suffered through this day. + +Then I ran 6K as if I could calm down, when I didn’t really. Actually, I felt the soreness in my right Achilles. + +And I feel your compassion only now during house church. You understand that I have suffered this day. And you love me. + +Dear God +I worry, about my job performance, about completing my human-AI contest, and its existing manuscripts. I worry about my physical condition, my eyes and my Achilles: I worry about my relationships in their various conditions. I humble myself before you in repentance. You love me. + +I pray to rest more tomorrow; and to be easier in my heart in Jesus’ name. + +I realize today that when I am stressed out because of overwork, as I am these days, I have to fight the temptation to believe that I am overworking not only because others’ are incompetent but also because they are not trustworthy. Thus, I have to do all the work on my own. + +I reflect on the work I do with competent and trustworthy people, like Kai, who is as equally competent as I and can lead me if not push me to complete the work well. + +In the same way, I have to be gracious to myself and others, giving people the benefit of the doubt that everyone is well intentioned and competent to do the work. + +Finally, dear Jesus, I reflect on that first and second storm and feel reassured that even your first disciples did not respond well to their adversity, to your miraculous power and to your questioning; yet you did not abandon them and have still given your life for them. Just as they barely knew themselves and you, so I can imagine I can barely imagine my state and knowing you; yet you love me because of who you are, for your glory and our good. + +16.11.22 +Dear Jesus, although I still have so many questions about why you performed miracles on this earth at specific times and places, with specific people, and I am concerned about how people misunderstand your miracles, indeed, even who you are, both at that time and today, I humble myself before you in repentance. + +I pray you increase my faith in you. I give you thanks and praise for redeeming me and now leading me to eternal life, for your glory and the good of the church. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for Karen and her help; and our time together at dinner and even to plan our trip to Israel in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run with old and new friends. Salvation come in Jesus’ name. + +15.11.22 +Dear God, thank you for HOP, old friends like Alvin, Jessica and Angela, and new friends like Yvonne, Mary Anne and Vin. Salvation come in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, I worried about my spontaneous left eye hemorrhage today, from the time I woke up, even to the unpleasant conversation with Dr Lim’s impatient phone staff. Thank you for time to check out my eye, even if the condition is miraculously resolved. Dear God, thank you for healing me. + +Dear God, yesterday’s lesson observation was stressful; and I felt ashamed and embarrassed. Thank you for restoring me and giving me confidence and joy through Christ Jesus my Lord. Amen. + +14.11.22 +Dear Jesus, Ever since your resurrection, people have anticipated your imminent return in their lifetime, from Paul, to the author and audience of Revelation and nearly 2,000 years later, today’s apocalypse believers. + +I humble myself before you, God; and pray you increase my faith in you, that as I continue to walk this earth, you might reveal yourself more to me and use me to make you known; and that you will bring me to glory. Whenever. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for yesterday’s worship; and time to walk with Jason. + +Salvation come in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +13.11.22 09:00 service +Mark 4:35-41, Jesus Calms the Storm is the first time the disciples experience adversity; and the first time the disciples personally experience the miraculous. + +Jesus’ questions to his disciples after performing a miracle, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” Are very different from the questions Jesus asks to teachers of the law before performing a miracle, “Why are you thinking such things? Which is easier to say to the paralytic: ‘Your sins are forgiven’ + +Intellectual humility is part and parcel with wisdom. + +Uncertainty avoidance is a well known cultural value — Chinese pessimism versus American indefinite optimism + +“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. All of us, then, who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you.” +‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3‬:‭13‬-‭15‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/php.3.15.NIV + +I experienced painful storms in my 30s, during my PhD study, for years; and letting go of that fear and shame — and my original ambitions; and view of myself — has allowed me to enjoy now. Those storms were painful and formative and by God’s grace that facilitate joy, not bitterness. + +James last Sunday and this Sunday sermon + +Complacency could be becoming so familiar with what we are doing — perhaps because we are so good at it or we are so fearful of the future — that we forget the vision. + +I feel that way sometimes about leaving Hong Kong, and Korean unification. + +Pastor Sam’s value of vision-orientation is part and parcel with American evangelical Protestant churches. Ditto the individual responsibility value from Friday’s EMP. + +12.11.22 +Dear God, I humble myself before you in repentance. I pray for your mercy for my friend James, that you would relieve him as he needs. Importantly, that you would reveal your love to him palpably and that He would humble himself and follow you Jesus, for your glory and his good. Amen. + +Otherwise, I am helpless, God. And I mourn as he suffers. Look with kindness on James and me in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for a day off. + +Dear God, thank you for time to sleep in. + +11.11.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to fellowship with my brothers in Christ last night. + +Dear God, thank you for blessing Tim and his family. + +Dear God, I mourn with James and my heart is heavy because of his pain; and I pray to be brave and persistent in the workforce in Jesus’ name. Salvation come. + +10.11.22 +Dear God, even yesterday your grace is palpable, because I could not fulfill my self-imposed law by my flesh; and my students and I only experienced distress and displeasure. + +How much more are your laws impossible to meet by my flesh! + +But for you, Jesus, wish such a gentle and humble heart; you sacrifice yourself; and I find rest for my soul. In this perilous workplace, where sin in the flesh abounds, lead me in love, Holy Spirit; lead me to be your child. Amen. + +9.11.22 +Dear God, my morning has been frenetic; and I have felt hard-pressed from the start. + +I wonder what your palpable love is like, today, dear God, for me, my colleagues and students. + +I pray humbly to look back, and experience joy, as I see your gospel advance, Jesus, for your glory and the good of the church. Amen. + +Dear God, last night’s running was life-taking in that I could not untie my right shoelace for 10 minutes! But by your grace and Thomas’s help, the shoe lace was undone in Jesus’ name. Thank you for time to run. + +Dear God, thank you for that brief chat with Jocelyn. I am so happy that she has gone from a break up many years ago to marriage. Salvation come. Shalom. + +Dear God, I felt embarrassed today at first recess, alone with the principal. Yet you redeem the time, dear God, and maybe many students were fed and happy in Jesus’ name. Salvation come. + +Dear God, the afternoon was overloaded so I was stressed, especially during the debate, more stressed and joyless than I have ever been at school. I felt alone and unsupported and did not trust my colleagues. I was humiliated. + +Dear God, you change my heart so I can let go, forgiving myself, my colleagues, students and others for the afternoon debacle and some systematic problems in the school. + +Dear God, you enable me to experience joy, and to savor making coffee for Shanice, having a frank talk with Karen, and an edifying talk with Lydia and Ruby in Jesus’ name. That’s your mercy. + +8.11.22 +Dear Jesus, because of your love, you set me free from sin and death; today, humbly I pray for my wife and me to live as free people for your glory and the good of the church. + +Especially at work today, dear God, I pray we remain in your love, and love our neighbors as ourselves, advancing your gospel in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for lesson observation and the edifying talk with Lydia in Jesus’ name. Salvation come. + +Dear God, thank you for the workout and dinner last night. Thank you for your mercy and grace over this fellowship in Jesus’ name. + +7.11.22 +Dear God, Because of your mercy in Christ Jesus, you withhold the punishment of death and grant me eternal life. That glory is yours, God. + +Today, I humbly pray to remain in right relationship with you. Lead me in love to be gracious and merciful to my neighbors and to myself in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to long run. + +Dear God, thank you for the time to submit the EIT article at last — thank you for that team in Jesus’ name. + +6.11.22 09:00 service +Joy is more than emotion — a state of being; (long term; or accumulation of) choices to let go of our troubles or burdens, and trust God. + +1. Joy is a gift from God. +2. We rejoice in the Lord because joy comes from God. + +This reminds me of letting go of my + +- academic ambitions +- my professional ambitions; +- controlling or changing my parents — so I can enjoy our time together; +- my friends so we can enjoy — easier done than with parents! +- my life after complex surgery to enjoy running and living more; +- my democratic rights so I can enjoy my life in Hong Kong more; +- my mourning in SP to move on and enjoy Sunday service and look forward to the future + +Functional first born like Pastor Sam or Justin, a lot of responsibility for his parents. I can better enjoy the time with my father, and then with my mom, because I let go. I don’t have regret +Or control. + +I mourn for my maternal grandparents because their children are not harmonious; theirs are not joyful sibling relationships. Yet, for their generation, I think that everyone is still alive, not dead to China’s 20th century holocausts, would suffice. + +So I pray salvation for my brother and his family; and that he, my sister and I cannot enjoy our lives together — that is the best way we can honor our parents. + +At least for me, the more I chill, the more I can enjoy. + +One thing that I have difficulty letting go of is my hurting first Karen, my guilt, which inhibits me from enjoying more my time with Karen, it seems, sometimes. + +Bitterness is the antithesis of joy. +FOMO is another antithesis. +With joy, we don’t wound ourselves. + +Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord! + +Maybe there isn’t joy because of the mourning in our church; or our point in discipleship in the church. + +I think about Marilyn’s joylessness in the church and I prefer to be patient with her, merciful, than to condemn in Jesus’ name. She and her family might be in a precarious place that requires compassion. + +I can better understand why some people pray to lay down distractions in corporate prayer, because that, more appropriately, troubles rob us of happiness in the short term and joy in the long term. + +Dear God, I humble myself before you and praise you. Thank you for the opportunity to rejoice at Sunday worship today, to release my emotion and voice to you, I pray, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for Edwin and the opportunity for Jason, Karen and me to bless him in Jesus’ name. + +5.11.22 +Dear God, thank you for the conflict between Kenneth and me; and our resolution not least through Jessie. You Holy Spirit are building the team. Salvation come. + +Dear God, thank you for this informal research lab with different perspectives and expertise within the team. Salvation come. + +4.11.22 +Dear God, yesterday there was but momentary light affliction and today I expect the same. Nonetheless, I know you are with me and have the best for me in Christ Jesus. The glory is yours, God. I pray humbly to keep my eyes on you at work, with praise and thanksgiving, that eternal life is secure with you in Christ Jesus. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for your grace, for time to run last night and to watch a movie, to unwind, actually. + +Dear God, I felt ashamed and embarrassed at work yesterday morning but still you lift me up and comfort me. Lead me to love my neighbor as myself and to be loved as you love me in Jesus’ name. + +3.11.22 +Dear God, thank you for the highs of a Halloween Party and time to chat with colleagues. Salvation come. + +Dear God, thank you for the time to at last submit the Thinking Skills and Creativity paper in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +2.11.22 +Dear God, maybe you speak to me just now that to not sit in the seat of mockers is to steer clear of the comments section of social media. According to your will, please lead me in love to build people up for your glory and the good of your church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run today in a T8, to finish marking tests and to finish planning a lesson in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for a pleasant church building meeting at eGape last night. Thank you for your loving presence. Amen. +Salvation come. + +1.11.22 +Dear God, you have raised Jesus from the dead and you Jesus will not die again. Because of your sacrifice, Jesus, I will not die. The glory is yours and I worship you. + +Especially at work this morning, dear God, please lead me in your love all the more to be dead to sin and alive in you in Christ Jesus. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for dinner fellowship last night, a lone bright spot in my day. + +Dear God, thank you for time to go to be relatively early last night. + +31.10.22 +Dear God, if my workplace represents the earth, today I readily see how one man’s trespass makes many sinners; and the law in the workplace multiplies the trespass. I am helpless: a victim and perpetrator of injustice. + +If only this reality increases my faith in you, Jesus, the hope of eternal glory. As for now, Father, come your kingdom, your will be done in this workplace as it is in heaven. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for the car ride back home after dinner; thank you for Karen’s family. + +Dear God, thank you for the brief time to read my and Kai’s manuscript. Grant us wisdom and favor with man in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +30.10.22 09:00 service +Dear God, thank you for seechul, and bringing him to HK from Ghana to study and to work. According to your will, would you lead him to a small group, even mine, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, +The sanctuary is perhaps a third full, again. No newcomers, again — bless our finances, dear God. + +Dear God, I do feel sad that Marilyn’s house church is dissolving. Yet like Seechul, there are un-house-churches people and perhaps you are building the church through these people in Jesus’ name. And I pray that we the old timers, loyalists and remnant might welcome them to greater discipleship in the church in Jesus’ name. + +Should Epaphroditus go for inner healing in the modern church, given his background, although he should be a new creation in Christ. + +How large was the church at Philipi? From Acts 16, it comprises Lydia’s household and the jailer’s household. + +What weight or responsibility do we corporately share at Solomon’s Porch? + +Epaphroditus is a Paul loyalist. He has proven himself agreeable, responsible and reliable over the long term. + +We must prove these three characteristics at Solomon’s Porch to serve and to lead. + +Missionaries or other servants with ideals, are not necessarily agreeable, responsible and reliable. + +Roman Empire mortality half life is 5 years old and 50 years old. + +Pastor Sam claims that minor roles are spiritual equivalents to preaching from the pulpit but minor roles did not influence people to leave the church en masse. Similarly, minor roles don’t get people to stay, reportedly, but the guy preaching from the pulpit. + +29.10.22 +Dear God, I humble myself before you. I got caught up in my glory, not yours; I pierced myself with many griefs, and I repent. No matter what happens at this interview, I pray your kingdom come. Your will be done. You give me this day my daily bread. + +At the same time, I thank you for your love revealed through the people, their help and cooperation, especially my wife last night in Jesus’ name. And even April and Mr Bond today. Thank you. Salvation come. + +Dear God, thank you for my sister on her birthday. Thank you for intimacy with her. Salvation come in Jesus’ name. + +28.10.22 +Dear God, +Thank you for loving us, your people; and redeeming us through Christ; and now you live within us through your Spirit. For your glory and our good. Today I pray all the more for your kingdom to come and for your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen. + +Dear God, you are merciful, and allow me to run a 1500 PB even at 41 years old. Yours is the glory, dear God; and your sense of humor. Salvation come to this club and these runners. Lead me in love, dear God, to celebrate in Jesus’ name. + +27.10.22 +Dear God, +You are just and right. I have in no way worked to be right in your eyes but have believed in your son Jesus. I humble myself before you and pray that you would continue to transform me on this earth to be like Jesus so that my actions and how you see me align, even this morning at work, for your glory and the good of the church. Amen + +Dear God, thank you for house church last night, even the heated discussion and difficult people. You are present, dear God, and you change us to love one another all the more in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for my colleagues and their and the students’ rallying to Kenneth’s performance, composing the largest and loudest English Wednesday activity crowd ever. Salvation come. + +26.10.22 +Dear God, only you are just and right. Only you can forgive sins. I humble myself before you in repentance and fear, and I worship you. + +Only you have made yourself known as righteous through Jesus Christ, fulfilling the law and looking over all the sins of those who believe in the son of God. Jesus did no wrong but suffered all the wrongs of the world. The glory is yours, dear God. + +I pray you continue to have your way in me and my neighbors for your glory and the good of the church. I pray to remain in your love, even this afternoon, and that you change me for your ends in Jesus’ name, amen. + +Dear God, thank you for the breakthrough with Jessie, the principal and Kenneth, to possibly form a band to advance your gospel in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run yesterday and to catch up with Thomas. Salvation come to him and his family in Jesus’ name. + +25.10.22 +Dear God, thank you for Jason. Time with him on Monday and then his advice for me to listen to Tuesday EMP. Thank you for speaking to me about revival and for working in Pastor Sam and our church for revival in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for a pleasant conversation with the ASICS Tarther buyer. Salvation come to him and his family. + +24.10.22 +Dear God, thank you for the Monday workout and time to run. Thank you for dinner. + +Dear God, thank you for breakthrough in finishing the contest website and poster. Please, Lord, would you use this contest to advance your gospel in Jesus’ name. + +23.10.22 09:00 service +Grace sat behind me. +Florence and Daniel attended. + +Paul wrote Philippians at latest 62. Acts at earliest 70. + +All living things grow but not all growth is good for the body, such as cancer or infection. Besides, there is a place for pruning. + +The dispute about circumcision, between Peter and Paul, resolved at the council of Jerusalem, happened before 50. + +Timothy — a Jew — and Paul met after the council; and Timothy was circumcised after the council, purportedly to minister to the Jews. He might have been a teenager. + +Dear God, thank you for Daniel and Florence, and for my and Karen meeting them in person at church at last. Thank you, dear God, for this couple and for blessing Florence with favor at work in Jesus’ name. Amen. + + + +22.10.22 +Dear God, although I have been unnecessarily stressed today, by your grace, I could experience happiness and joy with Sdenka. Thank you, dear God, for this favor and for this reunion. Dear God, I pray that she and Nancy reconcile in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for a quiet evening with Karen yesterday, and for time to improve the human-AI creative writing contest in Jesus’ name. I pray, dear God, that your good news advances through this contest. + +21.10.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are loving and gracious. I humble myself before you, worshipping you and praying you extend your grace and love to me and my neighbors at work today. + +At the same time, I pray you sustain me by a willing spirit, that my neighbors and I might experience the joy of your salvation. Amen. + +Dear God, +Thank you for time with Yen yesterday; and I pray that his family find the right church in Jesus’ name and that you restore his nerves; please heal him from spinal stenosis. + +Dear God, +Thank you for the trial of speech festival training today. Please lead me to love my students and to be patient and gentle with them in Jesus’ name. + +20.10.22 +Dear God, you are the just judge; you know the right thing to do. + +I humble myself before you in repentance. In no way can I on my own change my hypocrisy and close the distance between you dear God and me. + +So my hope is in you Jesus. This morning I pray you increase my faith in you, that you Holy Spirit are at good work within me for your glory. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for house church. + +Dear God, thank you for allowing me to empathize more with Alice, so that I might understand her role more and not trouble her as she tries to do her job in Jesus’ name. Salvation come. + +19.10.22 +Dear God, thank you for the opportunity to run last night. + +Dear God, thank you for the short list for the innovative teacher award. If I win, please help me to celebrate. Importantly, whether or not I win, the glory and this project are yours, dear God, in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for helpful talks with Jessie, Karen and Lydia. Salvation come to my colleagues and students. + +Dear God, thank you for a breakthrough with me, and my brother and mother so that I might empathize with my brother and that my mother might receive support. Please heal her in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, I humble myself before you in repentance. I believe you are the immortal God; and the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and forever. + +Today, a busy day, my heart is to fear you, dear God, and to love you with all my heart, soul, mind and strength; and to love my neighbor as myself. Amen. + +18.10.22 +Dear God, I pray humbly that you would speak to me; enable me to draw close to you; and you galvanize the local church. + +I pray that as I address the worries of the day, I keep my eyes on eternity and your kingdom, dear God. + +Lead me in your love, dear God, to always be generous and love my colleagues and students as myself, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus‘ name. Amen. + +17.10.22 +Dear God, thank you for an early sleep, the earliest in a few weeks. Lack of sleep robs me of joy. + +Dear God, thank you for running, drinking and eating last night. You are merciful. + +16.10.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to write this weekend. I pray to write peacefully and gently, not harshly in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Karen’s uncle on his birthday. God bless him. + +15.10.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to run this morning; teach me, Lord, in your love to be a more gracious and forgiving runner in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for Kai and his helpfulness. Dear God, salvation come to him and his family. Help me, Lord, to love and to be strong and to do the work. + +Dear God, +Maybe you speak to me about the future and how to raise my and Karen’s kids: + +I pray 30 years from now that they would not only know you Jesus as Lord and Savior but also have a sense of cultural identity so that they answer seemingly straightforward questions — where are you from? What is your normal place of residence? — and can easily build intimacy with others especially in the church. + +I humble myself before you, dear God, and pray for your mercy on me and my family. I pray that you would speak to me and my family not only about our eternal identities but also about our identities of geography and cultural practice in Jesus’ name. + +14.10.22 +Dear God, thank you for some rapport with my students and with Jessie and Kenneth yesterday in Jesus’ name. At the same time, help me, and lead me in your love, dear God, to love Ruby as myself in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for a quiet dinner with Pastor Selamet and Karen last night. Thank you, for bringing order and peace to eGape and SPIN in Jesus’ name. Salvation come. Lead me and Jason and Karen to teach lovingly our students as ourselves. + +13.10.22 +Dear God, thank you for house church last night and the opportunity to try to love my neighbors as myself in Jesus’ name. Have mercy on us, Lord. Lead us in your love. + +Dear God, thank you for rapport with colleagues. Help me, Lord, to bless them; and to love even my most difficult colleagues, such as Alice at CUHK QSIP, as myself. + +12.10.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to run fast last night, even with a surprising 29 on the 200 meters, my fastest in known memory, thank you for your sense of humor. + +Dear God, thank you for a productive meeting with the debate team. Help me, dear God, to be encouraging and loving to these girls, regardless of our outcomes in Jesus‘ name. +11.10.22 +Dear Jesus, there is so much that you know, and yet was left unsaid, lost to history, about Paul, the church in Philippi, the Judean churches, the Jews and the church in Thessalonica. There was conflict, obviously, and I wonder if these brothers and sisters of yours wondered in the same way that I wonder, “Where are you, God, in the midst of conflict?” + +Maybe you have shown me, dear God, a dialectical approach by which you have revealed yourself to man. And how hard it is to realize this approach, day by day, month by month, with other well-intentioned, difficult people even in my local church. + +I humble myself before you in repentance. I pray for your mercy over me and the church. Please continue your good work in us, dear God. Come your kingdom; your will be done. Come Holy Spirit, and may brothers and sisters of Christ individually and corporately experience the fruit of the Spirit, in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for that informal, spontaneous chat with Principal Tu to embolden me to persist with the contest, I pray in Jesus’ name. Bless us, dear merciful God. + +Dear God, thank you for a fine HOP last night and time for Karen and Jason to bond. + +10.10.22 +Dear God, thank you for the men’s prayer meeting and especially for Jason’s realization to sober up. I pray you lead Jason in love to build up the church’s sobriety in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for last night’s family dinner, and importantly, drinking with Karen’s mom, Jolene’s generosity to buy shoes for me, and Louie who for the first time began initiating with me. God bless this family. + +Dear God, thank you for 16 years of SPIN and for loving and growing that church for your glory. + +9.10.22 Sunday Service +John 12:32 +But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself. + +Love leads to sacrificial behavior, and God increases my love, my behavior can change over the long term in Jesus’ name. + +The culture changed and was made more explicit at service: Pastor Sam segued from worship to announcements and told people to stay standing. Pastor Selamet made people laugh more than once. Pastor Selamet compelled old timers and new timers to meet. In this way, God answered a prayer so we could not be strangers: + +Thomas sat before me. He has been at SP for a year, because of Pastor Sam’s applicable messages. He believes God is at work in Pastor Sam through Pastor Sam’s anecdotes, and He wants the same Spirit at work in him. He seemed troubled by his meeting with a lady friend that day — and worried by sacrifices he may or may not make. That relationship appears ambiguous yet important to Thomas, and I prayed for wisdom and favor with God and with man for Thomas in Jesus’ name. Since he does not belong to a house church, has joined his friend’s church’s fellowship but has no small group to guide him through this ambiguous relationship, in my heart I pray God release that right small group for Thomas in Jesus’ name. I said Karen and I would pray for him. I asked he pray that God increase my and Karen’s love for one another and our sacrificial behavior in Jesus’ name. We prayed and I said Karen and I would pray for him. + +Dear God, thank you for time to sleep last night, earlier than usual, in peace in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for Jason’s day of rest from drinking. You care the most about him and you care about his sobriety. Bless him and have mercy on him, dear God. + +Dear God, lead me in love and steadfastness to continue to submit manuscripts and prepare for a Hong Kong writing contest in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +8.10.22 +Dear God, thank you for a fine fantasy draft and for meeting some team managers. I pray we play well, in peace and with fun. Salvation come. In particular, I pray that Aaron would grow in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with you and with man at his new marketing job in Los Angeles in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time with house church at Karlie’s 100 days. Thank you for celebration without drama. Thank you for a reunion with Mandy and I pray she finds you God wherever she lands in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for relieving me from my eye damage yesterday. I was scared and you make me brave. At the same time, thank you for time to complete the basic law test in peace in Jesus’ name. + +7.10.22 +Dear God, thank you for an afternoon at M+ and a date opportunity with Karen. Thank you for time to get to know my students in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, I felt tired at work and in my teaching. Lead me, dear God to provide the right kind of feedback to my students in Jesus’ name. + +6.10.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are good; and your love endures forever. I humble myself before you and give you and thanks and praise, + +This morning, I remember your goodness and love, last night in house church; I remember that you are steadfast, patient and gentle even when I struggled with sleep last night; and this morning, you are still merciful and kind. You will bless for your glory and the good of the church. + +You are good, God, and your love endures. Today, lead me in your love to advance the gospel and to love my neighbors even my enemies as myself. + +5.10.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to run home last night from work. + +Dear God, thank you for your gentleness and mercy at brunch with Bryoni, Dennis, Johnny and Lydia. Thank you for unity. + +Thank you, God, for breakthrough with April so that she might come to know you. At the same time, I humble myself before you and pray you make me wise and that I guard my heart in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +4.10.22 +I resent not being able to eat slowly and speak slowly. I am trying to relax, to not be so hard on myself, on my day off. + +“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” +‭‭Psalms‬ ‭23:5‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://psalm.bible/psalm-23-5 + +Dear brothers, thank you for praying with me about my meeting with enemies yesterday afternoon. I believe God answered our prayers miraculously, so that I could forgive easily and act accordingly. In fact, God changed my heart so that I might be compassionate and empathetic towards an enemy, who seemed as nervous and scared as I was at our prayer meeting. Because of His presence and provision, God changed the spiritual atmosphere of the meeting and this reminds me of what the Psalmist writes in Psalm 23:5. Perhaps this is a doorway to my serving a most difficult neighbor and advancing the gospel. Anyway, God bless you and good morning. + +Dear God, you answer prayers and have been merciful and kind to me and my neighbors when I have not been the same to myself and my neighbors. To be sure, leading debate practice, meeting my colleagues and QSIP colleagues, and completing the innovative teacher award yesterday; and even trying to work on school matters today took life from me, and I pierced myself with many griefs if not for you. You are the merciful and kind God and I pray you continue your good work in me until the day of Christ Jesus. Amen. + +3.10.22 +Dear God, thank you for HOP and time to dine with friends. For a reunion that I pray is pleasing to you. Salvation come. + +Dear God, thank you for the end of a long afternoon — and thank you for men of God. + +2.10.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to chat with John, and to spur one another on toward love and good deeds in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for the fans and a reunion, if to celebrate Brandon’s 11th birthday. Salvation come. + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in repentance, I come before you, humbly. I have put too much confidence in my flesh this morning, creating self-inflicted wounds; and I have not taken hold yet; I had not feared you; and I ask for your forgiveness, dear God. + +I pray you renew a right spirit within me. And grant me a willing spirit to sustain me. Lead me in your love to let go of this morning so this afternoon I press on towards being like you and making you known Jesus in the land of the living. For your glory and the good of the church. Amen. + +1.10.22 +Dear God, thank you for VR time with Karen so we could bond virtually. That was fun and memorable. + +Dear God, thank you for contact with Sdenka and Nancy. Thank you for fruitful chat with both. I pray for their reconciliation in Jesus’ name. I pray salvation come! + +30.9.22 +Dear God, I haven’t slept well this week, I believe. And this is largely a self-inflicted wound. Lead me, dear God, and my wife to sleep well, peacefully in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for Karen’s success in running, and time for me to run too. + +Dear God, I have felt very busy at work. + +29.9.22 +Dear God, thank you for house church and especially Victoria’s health in Jesus’ name. I pray we forgive those who trespass against us individually and corporately as a body. + +Dear God, thank you for time to complete Sdenka’s writing. Salvation come. + +Dear God, I feel sad about yesterday’s IT Innovation Lab result. That said, lead me in love to be brave and strong, and to do the work with design principles and without government money or restrictions in Jesus’ name. + +28.9.22 +Dear God, thank you, that by your Spirit you enable me to be strong and to withstand the evil of the day and the times of testing. I humble myself before you and revere you. Only to give you glory and because of your grace, do I withstand my own disappointments at work today, the trials of my colleagues and friends, and the crises within the church. Because of you, dear God, I can struggle with you and overcome in Jesus’ name. + +27.9.22 +Dear God, thank you for your mercy at the AVOHK meeting where I had forgotten to bring the paper I had promised to bring! salvation come to John Casey’s family and AVOHK in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for dinner at Lucky Star. + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, if you would use me to advance your gospel in my school and especially to bring salvation to my colleagues, then I all the more give you praise and thanks for my dear colleague K and our frank and heated discussion amongst colleagues today. + +I believe what pleases you, dear God, is to take with compassion towards K, not harshness; and maybe you change my heart so that I might not care about being right but comfort and empathize with her. My wife and I will hold K in the light of Christ, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +26.9.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to run. + +Dear God, thank you for time to complete marking. At the same time, I pray for your mercy and favor from man as I forgot a meeting yesterday afternoon! + +25.9.22 All Sons +As Pastor Sam shared, I thought about the arguments from Talking to Strangers, and how individuals and Pastor Sam might easily misunderstand each other by facial expression, gender, immediate circumstances, etc. Thankfully, I revert to truth, and my threshold for doubt has not been crossed. + +Dear God, you are merciful and kind that I might have time to write, to listen to a though provoking book and to eat dinner quietly. Maybe you are speaking to me to not only guard my heart but also my circumstances because my immediate circumstances influence my character. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Karen’s vine crew to celebrate birthdays in Jesus’ name. Salvation come to Sun Thai in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, as it was with the church at Ephesus, so may it be with Solomon’s Porch, that we would humble ourselves before you, dear God, in repentance; and at the same approach you with freedom and confidence in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, release the spring for this church just as I pray you release it for me and my wife. We have suffered greatly, God, and I pray that this suffering was not in vain but for your glory and the good of the church. Importantly, I pray you would make me wise, strong and brave to change my individual circumstances all the more to guard my heart and to remember the poor in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +24.9.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to run in the afternoon. + +Dear God, thank you for Karen’s return so that I might sleep earlier and feel more emotionally stable. + +23.9.22 +Dear God, thank you for dessert with Karen last night, and an opportunity to have a child in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to eat with Patrick tonight, for granting him and me time, for relieving his parents in Jesus' name. Salvation come. + +22.9.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to run, fast and without pollution, outside. + +Dear God, thank you for a lighter day at work than the previous; thank you for time to talk with Kai too. Salvation come to him; and help me, Lord to be strong and to do the work. + +21.9.22 +Dear God, thank you for time with eGape last night. Thank you for time to share and for this fellowship in Jesus’ name. Come in your glory. Please lead Karen and me to be patient and strong, with ourselves and the church for your glory and the good of the church. + +Dear God, thank you for Florence, and humbling me so that I might be patient and favor her in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, Karen felt depressed yesterday and I pray to love her as myself in Jesus’ name. Please increase our faith in you. + +20.9.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to lament at men’s prayer meeting and at the eGape meeting. Perhaps that’s all for my lament in Jesus’ name. You can change the season, dear God. + +Dear God, thank you for Kai and the opportunity to write with him. Salvation come to him and his family. + +19.9.22 +Dear God, + +Dear God, thank you for time to workout and eat with Karen at CCC. + +18.9.22 Sunday Service +Thank you for Sue and Emily. + +In my lethargy in getting out of the house to attend 11:30 service, I realize my regular Zoom meeting for men’s prayer, my very small house church, my service with eGape outreach and the exodus of people from Solomon’s Porch have affected me. + + I feel I no longer know who the people at Solomon’s Porch are; most are strangers to me as I am a stranger to them; and this might be the first time in a decade, if ever, I have felt this way. + +To be sure, even our in service norms are changing: + +People don’t say amen. +People sit down before greeting. + +And perhaps Holy Spirit speaks to Pastor Sam in the same way, for which reason he delivers a message introducing the church mission. + +Maybe welcoming team is the way for me to reconnect socially and to leverage my extroversion. + +At present, I think there is more temptation to not care, to not attend service in person and to try the novelty and excitement of another church. + +In my spirit, during worship, and then gazing at the half-filled sanctuary, I felt our church’s season is winter — as it is for Hong Kong. And while we wait for spring, who knows how long this winter will be. + +Dear God, we are the remnant, at house church and at Solomon’s Porch. Now what? What are you going to do with us? + +Dear God, thank you for the welcoming team, and Nate, with whom I could share these thoughts. Thank you for revealing your compassion and empathy through them in Jesus name. Amen. + +As for differentiating between intellectual and experiential knowledge, and Pastor Sam talking about sex for childbirth as an example of the latter, so I realize God’s imperative for me — and the church — is to know God through the struggle for the church. + +We have to fight to write about God. We with God must struggle within ourselves and against man; and we will overcome. + +Dear God, thank you for a fruitful meeting with Sdenka yesterday, and way forward to share knowledge from the 1st Human-AI Creative Writing Contest. Thank you for something to do in this life, and importantly, I pray to influence for your kingdom in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Dorothy and Karen at dinner last night. Thank you for this fellowship and reunion in Jesus' name. Please Dorothy, her students and neighbors in Jesus' name. + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are almighty God, the ancient of days; you can do whatever you want for your glory and the good of the church. I humble myself before you in repentance, I fear you and give you praise. + +As you spoke to me seven years ago so you speak to me again through this verse; yet, clearly, if this is Solomon’s Porch’s winter, so you can turn this church’s season to spring — and you can do the same for Hong Kong. You can do a new thing in this body of Christ, and you can do it not because we deserve it but because you are a merciful God. Have mercy on us at Solomon’s Porch, dear God. + +17.9.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to run these days at the gym. Please guard my heart and my achilles in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Karen to watch a Hong Kong movie and to appreciate Hong Kong culture. Salvation come. + +Dear God, the conversation with Jessie today shows the interpersonal and internal struggles of my colleagues. I pray Ruby walk in love and forgiveness in Jesus' name. I pray salvation come to my colleagues in Jesus' name. + +16.9.22 +Dear God, thank you for a good report from yesterday's hospital. Thank you for your mercy and this favor in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for Kai and his work on the AI manuscript. Salvation come to him and his colleagues and family in Jesus' name. Amen. + +15.9.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are omniscient, and wise beyond all understanding. You have always known what is best for your glory and the good of the church. + +Maybe you remind me of last night’s house church discussion, that we at Solomon’s Porch might not really face the testing of our faith until death becomes imminent; otherwise, we delude ourselves, substituting belief in our strength for faith in you, God. Lord have mercy on us! Save us from false belief. + +Maybe you remind me, dear God, of how little I and anyone else know of conflict in your church, especially in these formative, non-institutionalized years, between Peter and Paul, between Paul and the eminent apostles, between the Jerusalem church and the gentile church at large, and within the church at Galatia. How you are God, dear God, in the midst of well-intentioned, but fighting and disagreeing people!? I tremble and fear as I work out my salvation in the present age where well intentioned, but fighting and disagreeing people compose the church. + +I humble myself in repentance. By your love, I can love all neighbors, difficult or not, as myself, be that in Solomon’s Porch or in my workplace. Come in your glory, God. + +Dear God, I am thankful to teach 1C today but I felt anguish when speaking with two out of three colleagues today. Please change my heart, increase my faith in you and patience with myself and others in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +14.9.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to collect contact lenses, and to shower at house church. + +Dear God, thank you for time to see the doctor, medicine, and for Karen’s visit. + +Dear God, yesterday afternoon’s meeting was exasperating. Lead me in patient + +13.9.22 +Dear God. I genuinely feel sorrow for letting down my wife last night and I pray you lead us in love; and help us to increase our faith in you in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, please lead me to be quiet before you, to lay down my selfish desires and to care for my wife in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run yesterday. + +12.9.22 +Dear God, thank you for a final day of quarantine and time to play splendor. + +Dear God, thank you for Lala land and Karen’s enjoyment of the movie. + +Dear God, thank you for time to talk to my aunt and grandma. Salvation come. + +11.9.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are almighty and gracious. You are omniscient. I humble myself before you in repentance. I worship you. + +Dear God, today I feel my weakness in home captivity; I feel my physical, spiritual and intellectual weaknesses. Even now I felt the good intentions yet weakness of men, from Israel to the church, in composing your Bibles and theology. +Lead me in your love, dear God; and increase my faith in you, so that while on this earth I will not fall away but prepare myself and my neighbors all the more for eternal dwellings with you in Jesus’ name. Time is short and I pray your leading me to be generous and to advance your gospel. Amen. + +10.9.22 +Dear God, my heart aches today; I am not sure why. Maybe something to do with being halfway done with this home quarantine. The world goes on, and you are God in heaven. You care about me and you care about your people; and are at work. Praise you God. + +Dear God, thank you that my wife is occupied these days with work and learning Putonghua. Teach me and lead me in love, dear God, to support my wife in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for helping me to complete a submission to Assessing Writing. Grant me and my co-authors favor in Jesus’ name. Thank you for these co-authors and reviewers in this season in Jesus’ name. Salvation come. + +Dear God, thank you for a more restful night last night than the previous two nights when I woke up itching furiously. Thank you for my wife, dear God. + +9.9.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are almighty and have loved your people from Israel to the church. You care for us individual believers and the body of Christ at large. You have loved and cared from before even time began. + +On this third day of home quarantine, maybe you remind me, dear God, to not be so serious about my work, and the outside world, as it goes on according to your will, with or without me. Come your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven! Importantly, you also speak to me that if I am to open my mouth, let my words be seriously for your glory and the good of the church. I pray the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart, whether at home or outside, be pleasing to you in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for Karen’s negative COVID test result this morning; and also for Karen’s mother’s geNerosity. + +Dear God, thank you for the substitute teacher and Jessie’s efforts at school. + +8.9.22 +Dear God, thank you for diligent students and teachers at school. + +Dear God, thank you for time to exercise. + +7.9.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I humble myself before you. You are almighty, loving, good and generous. You give and take away for your glory and the good of the people. + +Today, as I begin home quarantine, I pray you increase my faith in you so that these next seven days may be marked by generosity, and thanksgiving. + +It’s hard to build routines for an unexpected imprisonment, dear God. I don’t feel like a bear robbed of its cubs; I feel suddenly retired, or injured. + +Yet my hope is in you. Please remember and relieve Karen and me, merciful God, and according to your will lead Karen and me to be merciful, and generous to others in spite of our condition in Jesus’ name. + +6.9.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to send off the Assessing Writing manuscript to my co-authors. Dear God, please grant them and me favor with you and with man, especially the editors and reviewers of the journal. Salvation come in Jesus' name. This is all for nought if this does not advance your gospel, dear God. Please lead me to be strong and do the work in Jesus' name. + +5.9.22 +Dear God, thank you for time at HOP and dinner afterwards. That was enjoyable. + +Dear God, thank you for an end to a long first day of regular lessons. Shalom and salvation come to me and my colleagues in Jesus' name. + +4.9.22 09:00 +I don’t think it’s very reasonable to think we are the demonized and diseased. That is not the author’s intent. I also don’t think it’s the author’s essential intent for us to conclude death is sleep and we should not be afraid. + +In contrast, I agree with and believe Jesus has power over demons, death and disease. That was one aspect of Mark’s intent to include such stories. That is for non-followers of Jesus. + +So what? + +Another essential aspect of Mark’s intent is the implications for the followers of Jesus — Mark 6 summary statement. The followers of Jesus have little to no faith as do other bystanders of Jesus in Mark 5, the gentiles, Jews and even family, yet these bystanders are being sent out. + +Are we the modern, rich and educated, local church — the Pharisees — bystanders to God’s miraculous work over demons, disease and death; or are we being mobilized to action over demons, disease and death? Importantly, even if we are bystanders to God’s miraculous work, we should not attempt to stand in the way of His work. + +I agree with Pastor Sam’s concluding statement, leading and challenging us into action. It’s reasonable that disciples on our knees, praying for faith in Jesus Christ precede their being sent out for action in Mark 6. + +Dear God, thank you for your power, and your loving kindness, to check my own heart and then lead me into action for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +3.9.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to run. + +Dear God, thank you for a quiet evening with Karen. + +Dear God, thank you for a favorable conversation with Ruby. + +2.9.22 +Dear God, you are worthy of all praise and I repent before you. Lead me to fear you all the more, dear God; and importantly, to live for you Jesus, knowing you, being like you and making you known. + +The glory is yours. Come your kingdom, your will be done. Importantly, in loving my neighbor as myself, I have been too much in my mind and especially in the workplace have had difficulty loving my colleagues as myself. Dear God, please lead me in love, change my heart, and provide the words to advance your gospel in my school in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for a favorable conversation with Angel. + +Dear God, thank you for time to work out! + +1.9.22 +Dear God, thank you for that chat with the vice principal. She and so can empathize, commiserate and understand our school’s leadership challenges in terms of disrespect, and the different perspectives of the principal, Karen, Stella, Ruby et al. We are not yet a team. At the same time, we understand students appear to have the right attitude but lack knowledge and skills which imperil their exam performance. You can change me and my colleagues for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for completing the first day at school with mercy. + +31.8.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are almighty and loving. You are faithful and steadfast. I humble myself before you and worship you. + +Dear God, you remind me through the years of your glory. Today you remind me that whatever happens this year at my school, especially amongst colleagues, I pray be according to your will and advance your kingdom in Jesus’ name. I humble myself and know that anything good from colleague interactions this year is from you and definitely not my own strength. At the same time, I pray you grant me favor, dear God, with you and with my colleagues in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for house church and new visitors. Please lead them back or elsewhere in Jesus’ name. + +30.8.22 +Dear God, thank you for this two hour meeting with Verity. You have answered prayer, you revealed your heart and your will continue to be done in her life as in mine, on earth as it is in heaven in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for new colleagues, especially Kenneth, with whom I could chat frankly and build rapport on the bus today. Salvation come to my colleagues and me in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for reunions with friends at track last night. That is your grace. Salvation come to these runners in Jesus’ name. + +29.8.22 +“He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.” +‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭3:6‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://2corinthians.bible/2-corinthians-3-6 + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are the compassionate and gracious, God. You have a heart for the lost, Father; and you have a gentle and humble heart, Jesus. I bow down and worship you in repentance. + +You convict me in the past 24 hours. I and the people of Solomon’s Porch are the modern day Pharisees, and you have a heart and joy for finding the lost, specifically, the men and women who have not only left SP but left their walk with you. You challenge my Pharisee attitude, to break free of the unspoken and other norms at Solomon’s Porch, so that I might take searching for the lost seriously and not let any of these little ones get away. By your Spirit, you have led me to reach out to one person according to your will. Come in your glory, gracious God, in our meeting tomorrow in Jesus’ name. + +28.8.22 09:00 service +The Celebration of discipline is a framework by which we might experience God — by God’s grace, we get to do these things. It is a Bible derivative, like the 5 love languages, from a white American evangelical Christian. + +It is a starting point by which we might think about being close to God, but it is not necessarily the most valid and reliable way to understand being close to God. To be sure, I would add an additional, Biblical, outward discipline, “generosity to poor,” and the corporate discipline, “science.” + +Perhaps Matthew 11 Rest for the Weary is as suitable for this sermon to be with Jesus as Mark 3. + +Ditto the older brother in Luke 15 Prodigal Son parable. Indeed, this parable implies that focusing on the disciplines, not on the relationship puts us at risk of being Pharisees. + +Although we might want activities to end, indicating a certain heart condition, the activities do come to an end. + +I feel challenged, especially per the parables of Luke 15, to experience the Father’s heart, for Edwin, and Verity who are all obviously in a far away country. + +And I feel my heart tested today at eGape to love my sisters, more than to teach them worldly knowledge in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for the perfect meal yesterday so that my stomach biome might be relieved: I might wake up without allergies, wake up at the appropriate time with energy, and poop early and often: + +330ml beer +3 peanut butter and honey sandwiches on whole wheat +2-half-vegemite sandwiches +2 heads of broccoli +2 blocks of instant noodles +dried apricots; a kiwi; and a pear +2 scoops of cookies and cream ice cream + +Dear God, thank you for a reunion with my 3E students Alex, John and Rohan. Thank you for your mercy. Salvation come to them and their families in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to talk with Sdenka yesterday, for this inspiring and productive talk. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run yesterday and to work out. +Thank you for relief from Achilles tendinitis. + +Dear God, what are you doing in the church? How can I be of service here and importantly, amongst the poor in Jesus’ name? + +27.8.22 +Dear God, thank you for favor with you and with man, in getting to the hospital and receiving a favorable, rescheduled appointment in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time out yesterday, to chat with April and then dine with Karen. Salvation come. + +Dear God, I struggle in my heart with my existing weaknesses. I don’t know what to do. I humble myself before you and pray that you speak to me and lead me in love for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, you are almighty, and know what to do. Come your kingdom, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. + +I take comfort that with you, eternal life appears black and white. In the world of man, especially in how you work in the church throughout history, matters do not seem black and white, from depictions of how disciples understood you, Jesus, to the compilation of Bibles we have now. Who but you knows how you have worked in all the conversations, arguments and conflicts amongst believers in Jesus’ name. + +26.8.22 +Dear God, thank you for time for a long run yesterday. + +Dear God, thank you for a day off yesterday because of a T8, and that no one got killed in Hong Kong. + +“We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.” +‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭1:8-11‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/2co.1.8-11.NIV + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are merciful and loving. You are steadfast and faithful to your people. I humble myself and worship you. + +You remind me of all the pain I endured with neurogenic tumors, from three years ago to today; and how in any other time and place I might have died; yet you raised me in this time and place that you might relieve me for your glory and the good of the church. To be sure, I am more confident in you, dear God, through my latest health calamity. Because you are good, please heal me and answer prayer from heaven in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +25.8.22 +Dear God, thank you for time for a hill workout yesterday. + +Dear God, thank you for leading me to balance my work and non-work, so that, I regret attending the 3+ hour staff meeting while on unpaid leave. Yet, salvation come to my colleagues in Jesus’ name. + +24.8.22 +Dear God, +Thank you for a breakthrough with Dr Ng yesterday so that I know that you are the God who answers prayer, and I know a way to address the pain in my left foot. Salvation come to Dr Ng and colleagues in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for sex with Karen without a condom for the first time last night. According to your will, at the right time she and I will have a child in Jesus’ name. + +23.8.22 +Dear God, thank you for leading me to humbly reach out to Sam Chu, because I can’t design research and write at a high level. Please grant us favor, dear God, with you and with each other and other collaborators in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, the heat rash has been life taking and I pray to care better for myself and not over exert in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run. + +22.8.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, even this morning I had struggled so much about my doubts and fears of who you are and what you are doing in this life. Yet because of your mercy, you remind me that ultimately, your gospel Jesus concerns your eternal kingdom, only available through a resurrection of the dead and faith in you, specifically that you have removed sin and death so that I and all who believe might enjoy eternal paradise with you — in the next life. That glory is yours, dear God. + +As for today in this world, I do not feel prepared for eternal life. At the same time, I do not face death every day as the curiously chosen Paul had. So who are you, dear God, today? How are you at work? And would you move in me so that I might go beyond feeling good, living a comfortable, middle class and peaceful life, so that I might take action to advance your gospel boldly to my neighbors — and importantly, the poor — in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for release from hotel quarantine. + +Dear God, thank you for Jason and HOP; thank you for this fellowship; salvation come to its members in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +21.8.22 +Dear God, you are almighty and omniscient. As you spoke to the church at Corinth, Holy Spirit, so you can speak to Solomon’s Porch for your glory and the good of the church. You can order and reorder the church however you want. + +I humble myself before you in repentance and reverence. Perhaps you spoke to me, dear God, that you have reset Solomon’s Porch to reorder it; and that Pastor Sam is not the future of Solomon’s Porch — planting churches is a legacy you have given him — but Solomon’s Porch’s next generation of leaders are the future. And without worry, the future is fast arriving. You are at work in this church for your glory and our good in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for peace and rest yesterday. That is your mercy in Jesus’ name. + +20.8.22 +Dear God, thank you for relieving me of a headache from this morning, and for granting me much sleep last night and this morning, and for abundant coffee. + +Dear God. Thank you for Karen who is a helpful and loving wife. + +Dear God, thank you for favor when speaking with Jessie. Salvation come to her and our colleagues in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, the shooting pain in my left foot is mysterious and life taking. Heal, Lord, please! + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are almighty, merciful and just to your people and the leaders of your people. How hard it is to lead when temptation abounds; and how much must your people suffer when you lift your hand of mercy, dear God, so your people get what they deserve, and suffer under human kings. + +I humble myself before you and pray your hand of mercy rest on Solomon’s Porch, your people. Remember us, dear God, in Hong Kong. Please lead this local church’s leaders in love, that they might obey you; and remove them according to your will and their disobedience to you in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +19.8.22 +Dear God. Thank you for a smooth flight and time to watch movies. Thank you for freedom from + +18.8.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are the loving God, and because of your love, I can love, for your glory and the good of the church. I humble myself before you and to be sure, I cannot love without you. + +Dear God, I give you thanks and praise because of your mercy, and because you granted Karen and me a restful holiday with my family and friends in America. I pray you lead me in love to continue to encourage my friends and especially my siblings and mother, to live in faith, hope and love. I pray in Hong Kong you lead me to love my wife as myself and to especially love difficult people in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to tour Xian Famous Noodles, Little Island and Highline, and even Think Coffee with Lily. Salvation come to her and her family. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run with Justin and Janel and Jess; and then to dine with Justin, Janel and Karen. Lead us in love, dear God, for your glory and our good in Jesus’ name. + +17.8.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, thank you for your love, faithfulness and steadfastness in my life and importantly to the church. You are glorious and worthy of praise and honor, almighty God. There is no other god like you. + +Dear God, maybe you remind me of a decade ago, when I loved a woman, but was different in my emotions and intellect from who I am now. And for your glory and the good of the church, you have changed me and you have now put Karen and me together in Jesus’ name. Thank you, dear God. I humble myself before you and pray you lead Karen and me into our next life stage. + +Dear God, thank you for the pleasant run last night with Simi and Frank and Eugene and JP. That’s a great crew! + +Dear God, thank you that last night at dinner my brother and I could talk about my mother and our different expectations to care for her. + +16.8.22 +Dear God, thank you for your love, revealed in these experiences at home with family and friends. I humble myself before you and pray that you have increased my capacity to love and to be loved, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, the shooting pain in my left foot hurts and scares me. I am not sure what is happening to my body but have mercy, dear God, in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you that my mom could close my father’s IRA account successfully this morning. Thank you. + +15.8.22 +Dear God, thank you for reunion with Mark and his dad at Penang. + +Dear God, thank you for a fun tour of the Delaware Water Gap and mansions with Jason today. + +14.8.22 +“So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!” +‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭10:12‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://1corinthians.bible/1-corinthians-10-12 + +Dear God, you are almighty and good. With humility and vigilance I approach you, giving you praise and thanks as you deserve. I pray for your continued mercy over my and Karen’s life during this trip: and that you would lead me and love me to advance your gospel to my neighbors in Jesus’ name. + +Dear Jesus, you have called your disciples friends, not least for whom you lay down your life. 2,000 years later, because I willingly follow you, I believe you call me friend and have also laid down your life on my behalf. Thank you. I praise you and worship you. + +I humble myself before you, dear God. As for my local church Solomon’s Porch, I pray you come in your glory Holy Spirit. Please lead and love us so that we might love our neighbors as ourselves. I especially pray that you miraculously change us individually so that we might more gently and humbly love the most difficult church people around us, for your glory and our good in Jesus’ name. + +Dear Jesus, thank you for your faithfulness and loving kindness, to answer prayer and to realize the vision you gave me of Cindy and Karen meeting, I pray, for your glory and the good of the church. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for an eventful Saturday of brunch, cycling, football, Costco and fancy dinner. Thank you for Glenn and Cindy’s generosity and hospitality. Please bless them, dear God. + +13.8.22 +Dear God, you are a merciful and jealous God. You care about your glory and your care about your people. + +I humble myself before you and thank you not least for your mercy over Karen, Glenn, Cindy and me in Chicago. Things are pleasant here and not as bad as they could be. Besides, I pray the words of our mouths and meditations of our hearts have been pleasing to you in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for time to cycle with Karen, and later, jazz and rooftops with Glenn, Cindy and Karen. + +12.8.22 +Dear God, thank you for your mercy today, so that when the day of evil comes, your people may withstand and endure; as for today, according to your grace, and with your peace, may your people, especially Karen, Glenn, Cindy and I enjoy, giving you the praise and glory you deserve God in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for a safe and smooth flight to Chicago yesterday. + +Dear God, thank you for blessing Glenn and Cindy so that they might be so hospitable, even with such a comfortable mattress! + +11.8.22 +Dear God, you are almighty and thank you Holy Spirit for leading me with power, for your glory and the good of the church. In this way, the devil’s schemes for me and the people of Solomon’s Porch are but momentary light affliction, against which we can stand. Thank you for loving us and equipping us, Dear God, so that your people at Solomon’s Porch may withstand its trials, struggling with you to overcome in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run in Central Park yesterday, peacefully. + +Dear God, thank you for a reunion with Ashley yesterday. Thank you for leading her and loving her in Jesus’ name. Please transform her, her family and neighbors for your glory in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +10.8.22 +Hi guys, some observations from today’s One Year Bible passage: it seems the church at Corinth’s demographics appear closer to Solomon’s Porch’s demographics than the demographics of Ephesus church: a critical mass of unmarried, ready to marry and married at Corinth; no widows in sight, it seems. Besides, no mention of socio-economic status yet. My thought is since Corinth and Solomon’s Porch share similar life stages of people, if we study the church at Corinth for a Bible study sequel, we might find more everyday application than we did by studying Ephesus via 1 Timothy. God bless you and good morning from New York. + +Dear God, thank you for the church at Corinth, and for leading those people through the unmarried, ready to marry and married life stages just as you lead the people at Solomon’s Porch through the same stages. Lead us with love, dear God, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for the dinner and drinking party at my brother’s apartment with my siblings, Mark and Paolo in Jesus’ name. Salvation come. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run in Central Park yesterday without rain but with kind and aspiring people. Salvation come to this Lululemon run club in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, you save, and you are merciful. As I foolishly put hydrogen peroxide into my left eye yesterday via contact lense, my injury could have been worse. As it is, my injury seems better, dear God. Thank you and thank you for my family in Jesus’ name. +Amen. + +9.8.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, it is clear that the church at Corinth was a mess, not least in how its members related to one another and how its members related to outsiders in society. It’s clear that times change but human depravity does not. + +But for you, dear God. I humble myself before you in repentance and pray that you increase my faith in you, not least that eternity with you awaits through Jesus Christ and on this earth, you are at work in your people for your glory and our good. I pray you continue your good work in my life, in my family’s life, in the life at Solomon’s Porch and in my Hong Kong neighbors’ lives in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for two difficult talks with my mother yesterday, the first about her dating life and my brother, and the second about how to close my father’s IRA account. Please come in your glory, God. Salvation come to my family in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run and time to shop yesterday. + +8.8.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to rest with Karen at my mom’s place and for harmonious relationship with my mom. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run this morning without injury. + +Dear God, thank you for the reunion with Jason, Whitney, Eden and Isla at their home last night. Thank you for their friendship and perspective. To be sure, maybe my mom is bored, not lonely. Salvation come to their home in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for speaking to me about telling my mom about the dispute my brother and I have concerning how to support and manage my mother’s behaviors and perhaps relationship goals. + +Dear God, thank you for freezing the Equifax credit report. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run the Brooklyn Mile well, yesterday morning, and then time to brunch with my family. Importantly, dear God, thank you for time to see my father and to literally pour coffee out for him. I pray he rests with you in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Karen whose perspectives help me to better empathize with my responsible, slightly angry and exasperated brother. + +7.8.22 +Dear God, you are compassionate and gracious. Thank you for Karen, and thank you for troubled talks with my brother. It is easier, God, to empathize with my mother than with my brother but I pray to empathize with both in Jesus’ name. Salvation come to my family. + +Dear God, thank you for Mark and his friendship. Salvation come to him and his household in Jesus’ name. + +6.8.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are glorified and worthy. You are cosmic. + +And who am I or my leaders but mere men. Not only so, but worldly men. How are we to comprehend your amazing works, God, to make your church grow? + +I humble myself before you, God, in repentance. Just as you revealed your glorious presence, Jesus, through Adele yesterday, I pray that you make a way to advance the gospel through me or around me in your name. Whatever role you would have me take today, if you would have me, dear God, I pray you make this obvious and that I obey in Jesus’ name. Come your kingdom, your will be done, in New York City and in my life as it is in heaven. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run. Thank you for full nights of rest. Thank you for being at work in New York City for your glory and increasing my faith in you, God. + +5.8.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are cosmic, and beyond my understanding, this not least because Paul’s writing appears eminently esoteric to me today. + +I humble myself before you in repentance. I wonder who you are, dear God, on this everyday, mundane holiday in the United Stares with my family. How do you work for your glory and the good of the church, dear God? Would you Holy Spirit lead me and my wife today with your palpable love in Jesus’ name? + +Dear God, you did answer my prayer today, through Adele from Burkina Faso West Africa. When Adele approached Karen and me on the street by the elevator to the 72nd street concourse, she was hopelessly lost with a baby on her breast and another sleeping soundly in a large pram. Adele waved a paper in our faces, asking how to go to Houston Street. A Good Samaritan on a walker suggested Adele ask an officer inside the station so that woman, Adele, Karen and I boarded the elevator. + +I thought Karen and I had seen the last of Adele as Adele approached the service booth and Karen and I stepped into the paid area. However, no sooner had Karen and I paused on the train platform than Adele approached us again, mask off, asking Karen how to go to Houston Street! + +Karen dismissively suggested Adele ask the service counter so Adele dismissed Karen, proceeding to ask any passers by how to go to Houston Street. Adele waved a second piece of paper, this time with 42nd street scribbled on it. Another Good Samaritan stopped and said Adele could take a downtown train to 42nd street and transfer to a train bound for Houston Street. Adele insisted that she had to go uptown to 42nd street. As the downtown train approached, I interrupted Adele and said 42nd street was downtown and that this approaching train would take us downtown to 42nd street. Adele acquiesced and boarded. The Good Samaritan and I lifted the pram into the train cabin. + +Inside the cabin, Adele asked people seated beside her for directions to Houston Street. A third good Samaritan politely explained how Adele could transfer at 42nd street. The second Good Samaritan took out his phone and found the downtown number one train could take Adele from 42nd street to Houston. + +Suddenly, the pram began rolling towards me! Adele shrieked. The second Samaritan and I stopped the pram with our hands. And after returning the pram to Adele, we used our feet to set the brakes on the pram’s back wheels. The second Samaritan and I stood close by Adele and the pram. I told the Samaritan that I would accompany Adele to the number 1 train. + +Adele, babies in tow, Karen and I alighted at 42nd street. I pushed the pram. Karen led the way to the elevator from the platform. As I squeezed the pram onto the yellow line by the track, Adele panicked. But I calmed her, stating this was the only way to the elevator along the platform. + +On the concourse, we navigated through byzantine signs to at last arrive at the number one train platform. As we waited, Karen asked Adele how old the babies were. Three months. The babies were twins, Adele added. Then I asked for Adele’s name. As she gave it, she said she was from Burkina Faso, West Africa. Welcome to America, I said. God bless you, you are very kind, she replied. + +We boarded the train. I pushed the pram on board and locked its wheels. Adele and I only spoke at the very end. I reminded her to get off at Houston Street. God bless you, she said, as we waved goodbye when Karen and I alighted at 14th street. Praise God. God bless Adele, Karen and me. + +Dear God, thank you for my brother, sister in law and nieces safe return last night. + +Dear God, thank you for time to sleep last night. Thank you for preserving Karen and me during our tiring walk yesterday in lower manhattan. + +4.8.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are eternal and you reign forever. Your ways are beyond human understanding and I humble myself before you. + +Dear Jesus, the Corinth church, as did Paul, believed your return was imminent. Almost 2,000 years later, we your disciples still wait for you Jesus. For your glory and our good, our sanctification, you have allowed your people to enjoy this life, to struggle with you through its challenges, and to share you with subsequent generations of people. + +In this way, thank you, God, for time to visit my family in the United States and I pray to lovingly share your presence Jesus with them. Amen. + +Dear God, almost 2,000 years later, as in and around the Corinth church so in and around your universal church do you demonstrate how wise and strong you are, beyond human understanding. Although in the present age we have comprehensive, long-standing Bibles, and knowledge developed through the scientific method, you know how little we your creation, even your chosen people know. + +To be sure, Karen and I do not know what will befall us in New York this morning; as I do not know what my next paper will be. What will happen to Solomon’s Porch, or Hong Kong, in 2023? + +Yet you remain the same, God. May your people glorify your. May ever increasing people know you and fear you in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +3.8.22 +Dear God, thank you for the last full school day of the year, for the students and for me. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run yesterday. + +2.8.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are eternal, everlasting and almighty. You are also compassionate and gracious. + +Dear God, I humble myself before you. My life, as all human lives in history and for posterity, is in your hands. For all of humanity’s troubles for all time, as with my own momentary light affliction, you are great and steadfast. In this way, I take heart in you, in spite of my worries even yesterday about my trip to the United States. Please increase my and my wife’s faith in you as this trip commences. You know what to do and you will do it in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for speaking to me through 1 Timothy 6 today and the Men’s Prayer Group yesterday. Thank you for speaking to me and Florence through our interactions in Jesus’ name. + +1.8.22 +Dear God, thank you for HOP and reunions with Amanda and Rita in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for rapport and a good report with Ken the physiotherapist. + +31.7.22 09:00 service +““Here’s another old saying that deserves a second look: ‘Eye for eye, tooth for tooth.’ Is that going to get us anywhere? Here’s what I propose: ‘Don’t hit back at all.’ If someone strikes you, stand there and take it. If someone drags you into court and sues for the shirt off your back, giftwrap your best coat and make a present of it. And if someone takes unfair advantage of you, use the occasion to practice the servant life. No more tit-for-tat stuff. Live generously.” +‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:38-42‬ ‭MSG‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/97/mat.5.38-42.MSG + +““You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.” +‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:38-42‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/mat.5.38-42.NIV + +Dear God, thank you for guiding me for your glory. Thank you for guiding me for my sanctification — how hard it is to be taken advantage of, to be robbed, and to bless those robbers, like my colleagues. That is your miracle and glory, God. + +How does God get the glory and what is my sanctification if I escalate? + +“And should people in authority take advantage of you, do more than what they demand. Learn to generously share what you have with those who ask for help, and don’t close your heart to the one who comes to borrow from you.”” +‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:41-42‬ ‭TPT‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/1849/mat.5.42.TPT + +Dear God, what’s for your glory when what happened last Tuesday is on my heart? How does God get the glory and what is my sanctification if I escalate? + +“However, I say to you, don’t repay an evil act with another evil act. But whoever insults you by slapping you on the right cheek, turn the other to him as well.” +‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:39‬ ‭TPT‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/1849/mat.5.39.TPT + +29.7.22 +Dear God, thank you for time at dinner with James and Jennies and Karen. + +Dear God, thank you for time to write. + +Dear God, I feel tired and my sleeping habits are slightly off. Have mercy, God. + +28.7.22 +Dear God, thank you for Matthew and Shiqi. They asked themselves why have children after Bronte was born. They had a touch childbirth and not much support. Before Bronte, it seemed like the right time: they had a stable life, and a few years of marriage. +Dear God, thank you for the Bible study and doing life with these men in Jesus’ name. Thank you for speaking through scriptures. + +27.7.22 +Dear God, it’s been hard for me to sleep, and to be strong and finish the writing these days. + +Dear God, thank you for time to talk with Tim. Tim said he and Mei Li both wanted children and Mei Li was especially ready physically -- she is 31 -- given her worries about miscarriage etc. Besides, Tim and Mei Li were in a stable part of their lives professionally, they wanted to have children for Mei Li's older parents, and Tim wanted to move into another life stage alongside his peer group. + +26.7.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to listen to my wife and to understand her weakness in receiving unsolicited advice from older. Well intentioned women that my wife doesn’t know and trust; and for you to share with me the same weakness on the same day through the well intentioned man that I don’t know and trust but that gave me unsolicited advice after a workout. To receive with humility and to forgive are for your glory God. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run. + +Dear God, thank you for time to talk with Jason Glushakow. Jason said keep IVF in back pocket. Jason and Whitney wanted a kid and kids spaced apart. They wanted to have kids before they were over 35 at lower risk. They wanted a suburban life with kids about a year after marriage. They also knew Jason't dad was fairly old. He feels having a kid is calling like a religious one. + +25.7.22 +Dear God, thank you for time at the book fair to inspire my reading. + +Dear God, thank you for the hottest HOP ever, that no one got hurt and that people could enjoy dinner at Lucky Star. Thank you for increasing the Star’s business. + +Dear God, thank you for the frank talk with Florence to spur her on toward love and good deeds, I pray, in Jesus’ name. + +24.7.22 +Jason had first child a daughter at 28 years old and that was the right time emotionally, it seemed. It seemed natural, he says, a product of his and his wife’s love. + +Jason says he had his second child a son at 33 and the son was an accident. By that time his marriage was on the roaches and at worst his ex-wife wanted to have the child to control Jason more; to be charitable, I think the ex-wife was trying to save the marriage. + +“For who in the skies above can compare with the Lord? Who is like the Lord among the heavenly beings? In the council of the holy ones God is greatly feared; he is more awesome than all who surround him. Who is like you, Lord God Almighty? You, Lord, are mighty, and your faithfulness surrounds you.” +‭‭Psalms‬ ‭89:6-8‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/psa.89.6-8.NIV + +Dear God, you are almighty and worthy to be praised. + +Thank you for your love and mercy; thank you for revealing yourself to your people not least through Jesus. + +Dear Holy Spirit, thank you for revealing yourself today, and speaking to me about how different you are from other gods, especially those in Chinese religion. You are most superior to those gods for your glory and the good of your people in Jesus’ name. I pray you lead me to live today in a way that gives you the glory, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. + +Dear G + +23.7.22 + + +Romans 8:8: those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God. + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are almighty and loving. I humble myself before you in repentance and worship you. + +I am reminded of the injustice done to me and my neighbors, especially my students, at extraordinary panel meetings this week. I am reminded of my losing my temper at the very end of the last meeting not least because I knew my colleagues were hiding their agenda from me; and they were silent, knowing their agenda. + +I forgive my colleagues for trespassing against me and and I love them in Jesus’ name. + +Importantly, whether or not my colleagues realize their agenda or I realize mine, I pray that our thoughts and actions are representative of your kingdom coming and your will being done, Father; and are not representative of the realm of the flesh. If any agenda is from the flesh, I pray it fail in Jesus’ name. My prayer is to be gracious as you are gracious, dear God, and to not hold onto a fleshly agenda. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for the MITE6023C results that for course and teacher were far higher than the program average and far higher than I expected. That is your grace and sense of humor, dear God. Thank you for Nancy and her mercy for allowing me to observe how to teach the course. Salvation come to her and her family in Jesus’ name. + +22.7.22 +Dear God, thank you for time with Patrick, to enjoy pizza. Salvation come to his father and his entire household in Jesus‘ name. + +Dear God, thank you for success in finding a new colleagues. Salvation come to him and his family in Jesus’ name. + +21.7.22 +Dear God, thank you for time with Helen yesterday, God willing, to spur her on toward love and good deeds. Salvation come to her in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for the Bible study and doing life with these men in Jesus’ name. + +20.7.22 +Dear God, thank you for making me wise to understand my colleagues’ hidden agenda, and to empathize with them. + +Dear God, thank you for the chance to run last night outdoors in the heat. + +19.7.22 +Dear God, thank you for Pat and her friendship. Over the years, you show your grace to me through her, and how gracious you have been with her. She is a strange girl for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. I pray you continue to lead her and lover her so that she might advance your gospel through Alpha. I pray you reveal yourself in her and Winky’s relationship. And I pray for her family’s health, particularly her father’s recovery from eye surgery in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for the men’s prayer group and for whatever you do in the group to reveal your grace. Thank you for answering our prayers for one another. Thank you for renewing Sandro and being merciful to him and his family on their trip. Grant them favor with you and man in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, today’s meeting was tough, because it was long, I was exposed, my colleagues and I don’t know how to communicate effectively, and my line manager had some hidden agenda which exasperated me at the end of the meeting. However, you are patient and you are my strength. You enable me to persevere at this job. God you can change my and my colleagues’ attitudes and relationships, even overnight, for your glory and the good of the church. You can enable us to love our neighbors as ourselves. + +At the end of the workday, you were there with Jessie and me so that we know each other more and she might even share her frustrations and burden with me in Jesus’ name. Salvation come to her and our colleagues. + +18.7.22 +“Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” +‭‭Romans‬ ‭5:3-8‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/rom.5.3-8.NIV + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are almighty God and do what pleases you for your glory and the good of your people. At the same time, you are the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. + +I humble myself before you in repentance and in worship. My day has already been long and my strength is not my own. I don’t know how to suffer the rest of the day, especially this afternoon’s meetings, but through you God. + +I want to be your disciple, Jesus, denying myself and taking up my cross just as you did. I want to struggle with you, God, and overcome, I submit to you, Jesus, so that at this afternoon’s trials, my suffering at the hands of the unrighteous might not be in vain but be for your glory and the good of the church. Amen. + +Dear God, not sleeping well last night was life taking, as were writing and my acting out. + +Dear God, thank you for time to talk to with Karen’s friends, and Jason. + +17.7.22 Sunday service +Submission: +“Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” +‭‭Mark‬ ‭8:34‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://mark.bible/mark-8-34 + +Choice +Sanctification +What is your cross? A burden + +Jesus appears to speak on submission, “Whoever wants to…” not least in response to Peter’s rebuke of Jesus. To be sure, Peter might want to follow Jesus now that it is clear to him that Jesus is the messiah. However, Peter has not yet denied himself, Peter’s will, for which Peter speaks to thwart God’s will for all people. + +So in my life, even these days, what is God’s will for His glory and the good of the church so that I must deny my will? + +Maybe one area is having children. Maybe a voice tells me, “Hurry, while it’s still daylight in your life!” + +““Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord will never count against them.”” +‭‭Romans‬ ‭4:7-8‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/rom.4.7-8.NIV + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, at the end of a long day, not least marked by a misunderstanding with a colleague, and self-inflicted wounds from writing, I humble myself before you. I bow down before you, in repentance, and in worship. + +You alone are good and right. I believe you, God, that only you can forgive me and make me right through Jesus Christ. And where I have not believed, please increase my faith in you, dear God, for your glory and the good of the church. + +As for tonight, I pray your kingdom come, your will be done. Give us this day our daily bread. And I pray to experience your easy yoke and your light burden, and to find rest for my soul in Jesus. Amen! + +16.7.22 +“What shall we conclude then? Do we have any advantage? Not at all! For we have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under the power of sin. As it is written: “There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands; there is no one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.”” +‭‭Romans‬ ‭3:9-12‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/rom.3.10-12.NIV + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I am reminded this morning that you are righteous, and I am not, held under the power of sin, not least in this case, my selfish ambition. Without you, Jesus, what has been my life!? + +Only you save, God; and only you are good. As I humble myself before you and repent, asking for your forgiveness, I pray once more to learn from you, Jesus. + +You are gentle and humble in heart, and I who am weary and heavy laden will find rest for my soul. To be sure, no other God would provide a yoke which is easy, and a burden which is light, for your glory and my good. Amen. + +If the fat Buddha is far from the one true God, what can we infer based on its appearance? One, it developed obesity over time so it might be incorrigible, never changing. Two, it suffers mobility issues. Three, it is cheerful and perhaps chill, to a fault. Four, it might eat out of a scarcity mindset. Five, it is a burden to the people around it, that is, not pictured, lean, hardworking adults who not only have to feed the kids but this fat Buddha. This is a god whose burden is not easy and whose yolk is not light. You are not going to find rest with this god but more work. + +15.7.22 +Dear God, thank you for massage without hemorrhage. + +Dear God, thank you for an early leave from work. + +14.7.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to workout with HOP. + +Thank you for speaking to me, and allowing your words to bear fruit. + +Dear God, the exczema that my family suffers hurts, and I pray for your miraculous healing in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, the writing has been life taking. I am not sure what to do about this. + +13.7.22 +How to advance the gospel to the old, including my mother and my grandmother? Ask Pat, Patrick, and Dorothy. + +Bible study with Connie and soap. + +AERA + +With Pastor Samuel and Tim Tang, how to Pioneer or extend some thing with (YWAM) to moon on Hongkong island. + +Dear God, thank you for your mercy, gentleness and patience with me. And using me to reflect your character on others. + +Maybe you just spoke to me about children, "better now than later." +And maybe you put $1500 for YWAM Tuen Mun in my heart. + +Kathy +Jessie -- she had Cyrus when she was 32. She had just gotten married. She and her husband were not prepared. Cyrus was an accident. She says having a support network for the wife is the most important thing. In other words, don't leave wife alone because pregnancy will mess her up mentally as Jessie might have suffered post-partum depression. Domestic helper. Grandma. Friends. All important babysitters so that wife can be by herself and rest. Jessie says having a baby sooner is preferable because the parents won't have energy to chase around the kids if the parents are older. +Florence +Tim +Glenn +Matthew +Selamet +Dorothy +Peter +X +Justin + +“Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless. Lord Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in you.” +‭‭Psalms‬ ‭84:10-12‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/psa.84.10-11.NIV + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, thank you for solitude with you today, first at home and then at hospital. I was in your courts, under the shadow of your wings. There are green pastures and quiet waters with you. + +You speak because you love me and for your glory and the good of the church. + +I pray for your strength and peace to implement whatever thoughts are from you, to advance your gospel within me and to my neighbors in Jesus’ name. + +12.7.22 +Dear God, thank you for being one step closer to being alone with you through solitude. + +Thank you for being one step closer to traveling to Chicago. With buying plane tickets, as with completing reports and manuscripts, please lead me to be strong and to do the work for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +11.7.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to pray with the men, and for news that you are changing our hearts and leading us into action in Jesus’ name. Come your kingdom your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. + +Dear God, thank you for time to lead HOP and for dinner afterwards. Thank you for this core group and especially Kristy who impressed me with her kindness, empathy and mastery of running. I pray salvation come to her and her family in Jesus’ name. + +10.6.22 — Dear God, and you just spoke to me as I left the gym walked home. Maybe you spoke to me about a third chapter in my life. The first chapter lasted 22 years in the United States. The second chapter lasted 22 years in Hong Kong. The third chapter next full use of my expertise in teaching and technology, I pray, for your glory in the good of a church in Jesus name. Maybe it is time to go to university and to contribute, and not in Hong Kong. + +Solitude — being alone with God; be it alone or with others +Loneliness — the pain of being alone + +Solitude is a spiritual discipline inferred from the gospels, not explicitly mentioned. It can be inferred from six events in Jesus’ life, in two categories, everyday and spirit-led transformation, such as in Matthew 4. + +(Maybe prayer and meditation, whatever they are, can co-exist within a condition of solitude.) + +Will we respond to God’s call to solitude, when that place of solitude is a wilderness, a desolate place, a place of testing per Matthew 4? + +Our public life is shaped by all the small, private moments, including our solitude. + +Everyday solitude: “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” +‭‭Luke‬ ‭5:16‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://luke.bible/luke-5-16 + +“One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.” +‭‭Luke‬ ‭6:12‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://luke.bible/luke-6-12 + +Everyday solitude can be encountering God regularly, a prolonged conversation and in the physical environment. + +Dear God, you can speak to me, when easy running, even over my podcast or audiobook, for your glory and my good in Jesus’ name. + +Everyday solitude might facilitate my hearing from God about pregnancy and generosity. + +Do not leave grief unattended in your life. + +These days, when I am alone, I have felt loneliness and acted accordingly, I think — have I been grieving? When there is an opportunity for solitude, acting in the opposite spirit. Can I bear hearing from God in those moments? Otherwise, I am but isolating per Pastor Samuel — hiding from responsibility. + +Conditioning ourselves to meet other people’s demands, to please people, might condition ourselves to loneliness too. I think Pastor Samuel call this isolation, hiding from responsibility? + +Be careful about your everyday prayer life with Karen. Be careful to pray for yourselves and others. Maybe practice solitude before meeting Karen to debrief and pray every evening. Be intentional. Quit craving anything before bed time. + +I am reminded that for some people EMP might be the only time for people to experience solitude. + +People need to commit to solitude before community. People who want community before commitment imperil themselves and others. + +10.7.22 +In the first five minutes, we can infer that Pastor Samuel reads books as he recommended books + +9.7.22 + Dear God, thank you for reunions today, first with HOP and then with Tim and Mei Li. God bless us and salvation come. + +Dear God, you lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Karen and I humble ourselves before you in repentance. Please lead us to travel to New York, Chicago and Hong Kong with mercy in Jesus’ name. Have mercy on us. Keep us from COVID. Please release the plans you have for us, I pray, for your glory and the good of the church. + +Dear God, thank you for time to interview today and for Jessie. Salvation come in Jesus’ name. + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are almighty and can do whatever you want for your glory and the good of your people. Although you allowed the Assyrians to destroy the kingdom of Israel, you would not allow them to destroy Judah and Jerusalem. Your hand of mercy was on them. + +Later, you would allow the Babylonians, and even later, the Romans, to destroy Jerusalem. Your hand of mercy had appeared off your people. + +I humble myself before you and remember that your hand of mercy will be forever on your people through Christ. That Christ is my only hope for eternity spent with you in glory. Nothing on this earth will save. + +To be sure, even your winnowing fork will be on the church from now until judgement day. Who knows what conflicts — valleys of the shadow of death — will emerge in your church a hundred, even a thousand years from now. They are not my concern but yours, God. + +Yet my hope is in you and the glory is yours, God, in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +8.7.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you had chosen some people, made tribes, and then a kingdom, next two kingdoms, and then one. A few hundred years later your people were scattered again. Not least Assyrians, Babylonians and Romans have had their way with your people. There should not be hope for people in this life if the story of your people is this. + +As it is with your people so it is with every man, that I fall short of your glory, going astray everyday. + +But for your grace, and your sacrifice through Jesus Christ do I have any hope of eternal life with you who are glorious and good. I humble myself before you in repentance, and plead your blood Jesus over me. I fear you and worship you as God for your glory and my good in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for the day off, and time to sleep in. Thank you for rest on all sides in Jesus’ name. You are merciful, God. + +Dear God, thank you for today’s eye hospital checkup, for no hemorrhages and for the possible retinal migraine diagnosis. Please heal me and lead me to be more gentle to myself and others , as you are God, in Jesus’ name. + +7.7.22 +Dear God, thank you for time off from teaching yesterday, and time to work on my PhD manuscript and to learn more about artificial intelligence. Help me Lord and lead me to advance the gospel within me and to my neighbors through these projects in Jesus’ name. Otherwise, may they fail. + +Dear God, thank you for time to drink with the men, and to study the Bible with them. Thank you for you are at work in some way amongst the men in the church. I pray you carry on your good work and lead the men into action for your glory and our good in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, please lead me to love and care for Jason according to your will in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Karen at dinner. + +6.7.22 +Dear God, thank you for dinner with Tim, for us to spur one another on toward love and good deeds and to encourage one another. I pray for your traveling mercies over him and me and Karen as we all leave Hong Kong in August. I pray we are protected from COVID in Jesus’ name — and I pray you heal Bryoni in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run today, and for time to run fast the previous night. Thank you for relief from my Achilles in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +5.7.22 +“and I have the same hope in God as these men themselves have, that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked. So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man.” +‭‭Acts‬ ‭24:15-16‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://acts.bible/acts-24-16 + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that is my hope, too, that you will raise the righteous and the wicked. You have the power to do this and I humble myself before you and pray that you increase my faith in you: you will do this for your glory and the good of your people in Jesus’ name. + +“When Jehu came to Samaria, he killed all who were left there of Ahab’s family; he destroyed them, according to the word of the Lord spoken to Elijah.” +‭‭2 Kings‬ ‭10:17‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://2kings.bible/2-kings-10-17 + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are almighty and can do whatever you want for your glory and the good of your people. Just as you chose Jehu to destroy the house of Ahab from Israel, so you can choose another to bring order to your people, although it seems rare in human history at such scale. + +I humble myself before you, God, and thank you for the same Spirit on Jehu lives within me, for your glory and my good. I thank you, God, that you would work around me, and that you would even invite me into your work, not on a large scale. Come your kingdom, your will be done in my and my neighbors’ lives, as it is in heaven in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for even last night at HOP, the opportunity to meet and to spur on Rita, and perhaps her husband, in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, I am smarting from the desk rejection of the human-AI contest manuscript. I am not sure what to do, but to persevere and trust you, God. Would you use this project and the experience for your glory, to advance the gospel in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +4.7.22 +“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” +‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭16:9‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://proverbs.bible/proverbs-16-9 + +Dear God, maybe you spoke to me today about this verse; maybe you spoke to me several times about this verse. + +To be sure, the men’s prayer team doesn’t know what’s going to happen to us, but we humble ourselves before you and pray however you lead us into action be for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Similarly, I understand my brother in Christ’s workplace ambition, just as I have had my own professional plans and even encountered failure today. Yet our hope is in you, God. + +You are our good shepherd, Lord. According to your will, lead my brother and I in green pastures, beside quiet waters, on paths of righteousness, in valleys of the shadow of death and in the presence of my enemies at a table you prepare for me. However you lead us professionally, as in all things, be it for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for yesterday's opportunity to share your work in my life with Karen's dad. I humble myself before you and honor you, God. According to your will, please use me to share your saving presence, Jesus, with Karen's dad. + +Dear God, thank you for time to sleep in with Karen yesterday. + +3.7.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to run in the morning under the clouds and with a breeze. Please lead me and heal me, God. Please teach me to be gentle, and patient with myself and others in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for reunions for Karen and me, with Karen's Vine coffee group in particular. I pray, dear God, that you'll lead them to meet again, to encourage one another and to spur one another on towards love and good deeds in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for Terry and Lesley's successful delivery yesterday in Jesus' name. + +2.7.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to spend with Karen, even to have sex in the afternoon. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run in the afternoon, along the promenade. + +Dear God, thank you for answering prayer and making Dennis and Bryoni pregnant in Jesus' name. + +1.7.22 +Dear God, thank you for the opportunity to return to the United States. Dear Lord, please lead me and Karen back safely to my family; and bless my family and us. Salvation come in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for the Bible study yesterday and for speaking to me and my brothers about who you are and what you are doing, especially at church, for your glory and our good in Jesus' name. + +30.6.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to submit the human-AI manuscript. Please bless the reviewers and readers in Jesus' name. Salvation come. + +Dear God, thank you for the dinner with Karen at the Vietnamese place. + +Dear God, please relieve me of this cough, just as you have relieved me of my achilles pain in my right foot in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, please bolster Glenn's faith in you as he walks in a valley of the shadow of death. + +29.6.22 +Dear God, you genuinely surprise me with all this money, in today’s payday and in the pay bumps of the past two weeks, even to know that I am at point 26 since December 2021. You are incredibly generous and I humble myself before you and pray you lead me, Holy Spirit, to be likewise incredibly generous to the poor in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Thank you, dear God, for being able to be generous to YWAM, in Tuen Mun, and for Samantha and family in Kansas City in Jesus' name. You answer prayer and are good. + +28.6.22 +Dear God, thank you for the opportunity to run fast at the track. Thank you for a reunion with Pavel and I pray you heal him and reveal your love to him in Jesus' name. Salvation come. + +Dear God, thank you for time to fellowship with HOP at drinks and then at dinner. Salvation come. + +27.6.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are good, gracious and merciful. You give and take away for your glory, so that your creation would know that you are God. + +To be sure, today, dear God, your performed a miracle for me, providing me with more money than I need, with more money than I deserve. You do this so that I would know that you Lord are my God, and that I would turn my heart towards you. Now, dear God, as I humble myself before you in repentance, just as you showed me how to be generous to my missionary friend and my missionary friends, lead me to be generous to the poor with this newfound money, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, I think you have spoken to me, and answered our prayers: you have said that there is peril, if not folly, in becoming concerned about church leadership disputes, leaks, and outrage. But there is no trouble at all in being generous to the poor. And you tell me to be concerned about the latter. That is for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for time to fellowship with Neneng, Atik et al. at dinner last night, importantly, to celebrate Neneng's birthday. Dear God, I pray you bless Neneng, her family, other eGape students and their families. Salvation come. + +In addition, I pray, dear God, that you release workers into the harvest field of eGape in Jesus' name. + +26.6.22 09:00 service +Service is a heart value, a willingness to follow the Holy Spirit’s prompt and to inconvenience ourselves to meet others’ needs, be they small and trivial or grand. + +Materially, service can be routine and mundane, such as cleaning the sanctuary. It can also be spontaneous, and extraordinary, at a sudden prompting of the Holy Spirit. + +Choosing to serve means we are still in charge. Choosing to be a servant means we give up the right to be in charge. The latter leads to humility. + +Are you genuine in your concern, to communicate with others, even on WhatsApp? To pray for others? + +Dear God, thank you for time to visit flats with Rio, Karen and James, and for dinner afterwards. Thank you for leading Karen to invest in an industrial unit. Thank you for speaking to me since that heated discussion with James about our house church members in Jesus' name. Come Holy Spirit. + +25.6.22 +Dear Jesus, I humble myself before you in repentance. You are Lord. You are loving. You are gentle and humble in heart. And you are beyond my ways and understanding; the glory is yours. + +My heart has been troubled, Jesus, first by my own sin; and now by sin, if not a spirit, in the church. Is erasing the memory of church members whitewashing!? And is this an indicator of the Pharisee spirit, which in the 21st century, goes by, “Bro culture?” To be sure, those who left the leadership structure of the church were not locker-room types: American sports-watching, accountability bros; basketball playing, crypto-bros; luxury watch, steak-eating, true sons of the house. + +My heart finds hope in you, Jesus. Come your kingdom, your will be done, in church as it is in heaven. Maybe the coming of your kingdom, and the work of your children in church includes driving out a toxic bro culture, and the arrival of a new language that cares more for people than for vision in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, if the above are but fleshly thoughts, not from you, please make this clear and make them fail in Jesus’ name. + +24.6.22 + +23.6.22 +Dear God, I had a fever, and I did have alcohol after a long run in 90 degree weather. I humble myself before you in repentance. I pray for your mercy over my life, that you would bring healing to me after a rough week; and that you would change my heart to become more like you, Jesus. + +Dear God, thank you for the successful submission of a manuscript to ETRD -- and I pray you help me to be strong and resubmit. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run yesterday, and for time to have dinner with Karen and to watch Dr. Strange. + +22.6.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to watch the end of Obi-Wan. + +Dear God, thank you for time to go to the gym, to run, and then to dine with Karen, and to have dessert with her too. + +21.6.22 +“A hot-tempered person stirs up conflict, but the one who is patient calms a quarrel.” +‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭15:18‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://proverbs.bible/proverbs-15-18 + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, clearly you are the God who hears. And you are the God who forgives. + +As I humble myself before you at the end of a long work day, as I repent and ask for your forgiveness, dear God, I pray that you would graciously change me to be more like you Jesus. Especially at Solomon’s Porch, I pray you would hear your people, forgive your people and lovingly lead people at this church to walk in forgiveness in Jesus’ name. Even in house churches this week, especially mine tomorrow, I pray we would be patient with one another, bearing with one another in love, for your glory and our good in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for time to worship you yesterday, through song and even meditation. The glory is yours, God. + +Dear God, thank you for good news at school, especially with Mr Bond’s interview, my meeting with Jenny and the principal’s approval of the AI contest. Come your kingdom. Your will be done, dear God. + +Dear God, I am sick. My voice is gone. I humble myself before you and pray for healing. + +20.6.22 +Dear God, work was long yesterday because I was tired and my throat was sore. Thank you for no COVID. + +Dear God, thank you for Ernest and his willingness to lead on short notice. + +Dear God, thank you for Father’s Day. Thank you for the fathers in my life such as those at men’s prayer meeting. + +19.6.22 +Dear God, thank you for time with Jason and Karen’s family. + +Dear God, thank you for time to teach Cantonese well in Jesus’ name. + +True Sons Sermon Series + +I don’t want to dismiss Pastor Kenny sermons, which are largely Bibleless and not my cup of tea. To be sure, I will drink that cup in Jesus’ name. + +Christian meditation comprises assessing heart, knowing God, and reconciling myself to God. It comprises God speaking, ergo revelation and the fullness of thoughts. + +I feel disappointed that it’s not clear what meditation is and how prayer and meditation are different. + +There is something wrong. + +Like the airplane…God knows. Pastor Kenny and I have different understandings. + +Is prayer talking to God? +Is meditation talking to self, listening to God and talking to God? + +Thank you, God, for your mercy. So that clearly, you are speaking to Pastor Kenny, me and the congregation: to know you is to read your word and to understand. + +My wife and Kenny are having a misunderstanding. Unmet expectations. She feels annoyed. And I must be gracious to both. Maybe this is my meditation, dear God, in Jesus’ name. + +“Even if I should choose to boast, I would not be a fool, because I would be speaking the truth. But I refrain, so no one will think more of me than is warranted by what I do or say, or because of these surpassingly great revelations. Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” +‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭12:6-10‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://2corinthians.bible/2-corinthians-12-10 + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, perhaps this is a meditation and you are speaking to me of what happens when you withdraw your hand of mercy over your people. + +I think about people who I met this weekend and who had flippantly and offensively used words like “orphans,” “true sons” and “father issues” against their neighbors; and after the external review and all the cultural issues have come to light, how these same offenders are now offended by the same words. What goes around comes around, even in your church, God. + +I humble myself before you, God, in repentance. I don’t know what I am doing and I don’t know how you are at work in Solomon’s Porch. Please have mercy on the church and me, God; and please come in your glory in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +““Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind.” +‭‭Genesis‬ ‭9:6‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://genesis.bible/genesis-9-6 + +““Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.” +‭‭Matthew‬ ‭26:52‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://matthew.bible/matthew-26-52 + +18.6.22 +Dear God, maybe you are speaking to me about unity. Unity and consolidation are synonymous. And in a local church, you provide unity not least through addition and subtraction of members, be it my small group, Solomon's Porch church, or the Jerusalem church in Acts, by Barnabas, Ananias and Sapphira. + +As for the universal church, maybe you provide unity in the scale of belief, per the Nicene creed, about who you are Jesus, about the Bible, about your presence Holy Spirit and the life to come. + +“But the word of God continued to spread and flourish.” +‭‭Acts‬ ‭12:24‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://acts.bible/acts-12-24 + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I humble myself before you in repentance. + +I wonder who you are, and what you are doing for your glory and the good of the church. These days, I wonder how you are at work in Solomon’ Porch. + +Today I wonder how you are at work in my marriage, especially about the issue of visiting my family in August 2022. I pray that where my wife and I have been impatient and harsh on ourselves and neighbors, you would reveal your loving, patient and gentle heart, Jesus. Importantly, I pray that you would increase our faith in you God, regardless of outcome. As necessary, I also pray you increase the urgency in our hearts to advance the gospel to my family in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for time with the Chias last night. Thank you for changing them, God, and bringing restoration to their marriage in Jesus’ name. In the same way, I pray for couples in our church, for Karen and me, Terry and Lesley and Caleb and Verity especially. Please come in your glory, God. + +Dear God, thank you for time to talk with Mr Bond yesterday, and even Bill. + +Dear God, + +17.6.22 +Dear God, thank you for an unexpected pay raise yesterday, which Karen considers a promotion and an answered prayer. I credit that to your mercy and generosity, God, and to the due diligence of the Hong Kong government. Thank you. + +Dear God, thank you for edifying talks with Glenn and Jenny. My prayer should be open to you, God, because I want to know you, God; and please increase my faith in you, God, not in. a particular outcome. That said, I do pray that you would increase Glenn and Cindy's faith in you and give them a child in Jesus' name. As for Jenny, thank you for a way forward in our coding scheme: salvation come to her and her family. I pray you would reveal your love to her especially as she sits in quarantine. + +Dear God, I felt exhausted last night and please forgive me for acting out. + +16.6.22 +Dear God, the identity theft and credit fraud are life taking. I humble myself before you and pray for a smooth resolution of this matter. I pray for your blessings and salvation for the theieves in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, convincing my English panel colleagues to follow the plan is according to your grace and mercy. Have mercy on us, God; salvation come to my colleagues and our students. Grant me favor with you and with them in Jesus' name, to prosecute this project. + +Dear God, thank you for an easy teaching day when I felt very tired. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run. + +Dear God, thank you for favor with Fei to change my insurance coverage. + +15.6.22 +“He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”” +‭‭Psalms‬ ‭46:10‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://psalm.bible/psalm-46-10 + +“Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” +‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:9-11‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/php.2.9-11.NIV + +“Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”” +‭‭Matthew‬ ‭26:39‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://matthew.bible/matthew-26-39 + +Dear God, thank you for speaking about your will at house church tonight. + +That is your will, dear God. The glory is yours. Be known and glorified God in Jesus’ name. + +Is my prayer where you get the glory, God, or with a murderous or prideful heart do I attempt to steal your glory, to thwart myself or others from knowing you and exhausting you in Jesus’ name? + +Dear God, you are almighty and can do whatever you want. You are the merciful God, and as much as you can lift your hand of mercy from your people so they get what they deserve — and don’t get what they don’t deserve — you can restore your hand of mercy, for your glory and the good of your people. + +I humble myself before you in repentance. I pray that your hand of mercy stay over my church, my marriage and me. Have mercy on me and my neighbors, dear God. I entrust myself to you. Better in your hands than in the hands of men in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +14.6.22 +Dear God, thank you for time at HOP last night and especially Jason's return. Thank you for time at dinner afterwards. + +Dear God, thank you for listing Karen's mood yesterday beyond her mood from Sunday night. Please increase my and Karen's intimacy this week in Jesus' name. Have mercy God. + +Dear God, please come in your glory in my immediate workplace, in relationships between me and colleagues and students. Please come with tenderness, gentleness and patient and importantly wisdom in Jesus' name. Salvation come to Jessie, Florence, their families and our students. + +13.6.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to catch up with Jenny, to bless her with shalom in Jesus' name and to work together. Thank you, Jesus. Salvation come to her and her family. + +Dear God, I'm disappointed with the result of the paper on which Jenny and I worked. Please lead me, Holy Spirit, to publish this paper with peer review anywhere in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for the men's prayer group and time to spur each other on toward love and good deeds, and to encourage one another in Jesus' name. + +12.6.22 09:00 Sunday Service +1. Count your answered prayers +2. Persevere +3. Encounter God + +Dear God, as you speak to the church through Matt, perhaps you speak to me about perseverance and persecution. You put, Matt, Calvin and me in the same house church. You kept us together as a unit to pray to you on behalf of Calvin. You ministered to us at men’s retreat. And then you took Calvin; and our house church disintegrated, scattered to other house churches, other churches and outside the church. + +And I remember the party that prayed for Calvin including the Morrises and the Storms; and like with that house church, you ministered to us, you took Calvin; and you scattered the remnant to other house churches, other churches and other nations. + +Somehow, I am reminded of the destruction of the first temple and the Jewish diaspora and captivity; and the second temple destruction and the Jewish diaspora. I am reminded of the persecution of the church at Jerusalem — Acts 8 — and the church diaspora. + +And by these human disappointments and persecutions you can do whatever you want, with whomever you want, for your glory and the good of your people in Jesus’ name. Amen and hallelujah. + +Dear God, perhaps you speak to me about prayer, that you led me to my spiritual limits in prayer when praying with Calvin — just as you led me to my intellectual limits in writing my thesis; and my physical limits in trail running. You led me to my spiritual limits so that I might be strong for protests, COVID and SP leadership crises. + +Yet while I was running this afternoon you allowed me to mourn the end of that house church fellowship, and that broader church fellowship that prayed for Calvin to you. We were unified at that time, and I mourn the destruction of that unity, perhaps in the way the Jews mourned the destruction of the temple while in exile or the destruction of the second temple. You are so good God so that when I mourn, you Holy Spirit comfort and console me. + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, your hand is over history; and clearly, you can do whatever you want for your glory and the good of your people. + +You gave your servant David a kingdom, and would have given him anything else were he to ask. But he destroyed another man’s family by the sword so that your hand of mercy was lifted from him; and he invited the sword to destroy his own family. + +Nonetheless, you are faithful, God, and sent your son Jesus to earth from the line of David, keeping your promise, in spite of anyone else’s ability. That is your glory, God. + +I humble myself before you and repent. In spite of complexity in human relationships, I pray that we never destroy another’s family; and in doing so invite destruction to our own. I don’t know what you will do with my family, God, for your glory, but I pray we honor you in our thoughts, actions and relations; and I pray for your mercy in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for a relaxing staycation, with a good view, and even kind words for Rio. That is your glory, God. Salvation come to him. + +Thank you for my mom calling, and time in this life to know my parents well in Jesus’ name. Salvation come. + +Dear God, what are you going to do to the Fans!? + +Dear Charlotte, thank you for sharing about Isabella’s condition. Karen and I pray for healing in her heart. That she would experience God’s peace, and importantly his perfect love that no family on earth can supply. Isabella would let go of her anger. She would forgive herself and others — especially her family — for hurting her. She would not take any revenge, on herself or others in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for speaking to me about solitude. Solitude is when you don’t need other people’s attention but you need God’s attention such as sitting alone at church. In other words, solitude is the wilderness where you speak — or people download from you per SP lingo. To be sure, You speak to me in solitude, when reading, walking, running and writing. Perhaps even in the shower or in bed. Furthermore, tension arises in my marriage when I need solitude and Karen struggles with solitude. + +11.6.22 +Dear God, thank you for Bible study last night, and for your speaking to us through discussion. You have redeemed us, Jesus, and call us by name. You love us, God. + +“But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.” +‭‭Luke‬ ‭8:15‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://luke.bible/luke-8-15 + +Dear God, thank you for time to run well this morning, and importantly, to honor coach. Salvation come to him and his family. + +10.6.22 +Dear God, what makes me sad, and I guess you, too, is when I am mean when I don't mean to be! + +Dear God, thank you for time with Karen to eat ramen last night. And time to eat lots tonight on staycation. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run home well yesterday. + +Dear God, and you just spoke to me as I left the gym walked home. Maybe you spoke to me about a third chapter in my life. The first chapter lasted 22 years in the United States. The second chapter lasted 22 years in Hong Kong. The third chapter next full use of my expertise in teaching and technology, I pray, for your glory in the good of a church in Jesus name. Maybe it is time to go to university and to contribute, and not in Hong Kong. + +9.6.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, maybe you were speaking to me last night after my house church brethren and I presented our opposing views on the spwikileaks Instagram account. To be sure, maybe there is an unspoken murderous orthodoxy operating at Solomon’s Porch, a religious spirit: people are guilty until proven innocent. + +I humble myself before you in repentance. I don’t have any clue as to how you God are present in the culture wars at SP, not least in last night’s heated discussion about spwikileaks when people revealed their hearts; and I certainly don’t have any persuasive words now as Gamaliel did before the Sanhedrin. + +Dear God, I pray if the purpose of spwikileaks is but of human origin, I pray immediate failure to this account in Jesus name. But if in anyway spwikileaks is from you, God, dear God have mercy on my brothers and sisters and me at SP. Please forgive us for we know not what we do in opposing you as a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s soap. + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you have a heart for the poor and have chosen to reveal yourself to them in human history, importantly through Jesus Christ. After reading feature articles about people in Hong Kong’s cage homes etc., I feel all the weaker and poorer as perhaps you speak to me about your heart for the poor. + +I humble myself before you, God, and pray that you reveal yourself to Hong Kong people through this housing crisis; and reveal yourself to the poor in cage homes not only through the church, but also the government. To be sure, I pray that you bless the Communist Party and John Lee et al. to effectively address the housing crisis, removing cage homes from the face of Hong Kong by 2049. You have many men in the Party and in the Hong Kong government in Jesus’ name. + +8.6.22 +Dear God, thank you for Karen and a time to pick up cakes today. Thank you for your mercy so that I might order cakes yesterday and resolve my and Karen’s misunderstanding about cakes in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to write today. + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, how difficult is it for anyone, let alone a couple, to maintain appearances at church!? + +“With his wife’s full knowledge he kept back part of the money for himself, but brought the rest and put it at the apostles’ feet. Then Peter said, “Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? Didn’t it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn’t the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied just to human beings but to God.” When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died. And great fear seized all who heard what had happened. Then some young men came forward, wrapped up his body, and carried him out and buried him. About three hours later his wife came in, not knowing what had happened. Peter asked her, “Tell me, is this the price you and Ananias got for the land?” “Yes,” she said, “that is the price.” Peter said to her, “How could you conspire to test the Spirit of the Lord? Listen! The feet of the men who buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out also.” At that moment she fell down at his feet and died. Then the young men came in and, finding her dead, carried her out and buried her beside her husband. Great fear seized the whole church and all who heard about these events.” +‭‭Acts‬ ‭5:2-11‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/act.5.2-11.NIV + +You are omniscient. You know every person’s heart and thought. For your glory and the good of the church, according to your will and your mercy, you will reveal everything hidden, even every hidden sin Jesus’ name. I repent, humbling myself before you, revering you and worshipping you, God. Do whatever pleases you in my life and on the church in Jesus’ name! + +Maybe you are having your way at house church tonight, not least through that heated argument about the viewing the spwikileaks account. I pray for your gracious nature to be revealed through your church. I wonder if there is an unspoken orthodoxy, a religious spirit of the Pharisees not least because unorthodox people have left the church already. + +7.6.22 +Dear God, thank you for HOP and a time to eat dinner with Kristy, Jen and Karen afterwards. Salvation come. + +Dear God, thank you for your hand of protection so that I and my running friends were not struck by lightning, barely, at Aberdeen track this evening. Salvation come. + +6.6.22 +Dear God, thank you for a time to fast, and to lay down AI writing in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, I pray for Amanda’s healing and salvation in Jesus’ name; and I pray for Florence, her shalom, and the return of the keys in Jesus’ name. + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, after a difficult work day, I take heart that you have kind words for the nations, first through Abraham and importantly, through Jesus Christ. Because of your kindness in Christ, at the end of this workday, I can turn to you in repentance, and worship you, dear God. And I can continue in this life, even for tonight’s workout, because you lead me, Holy Spirit, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +To be sure, I humble myself before you God and pray that all the difficult moments today at work would be turned for your glory in Jesus’ name. + +5.6.22 09:00 +Depth and substance are very biblical, and a core reason for Jesus’ use of parables. + +Inner transformation + +I think people have many facets: we have slow thoughts and we have instinctual thoughts; we have objective experiences and subjective experiences; all of this is within us. Do not discount guarded moments. Be gracious to ourselves. I would not discount not only our public image, but also our environment that triggers are guarded and unguarded moments. + +Isn’t this a life stage — socialization — thing? + +Spiritual fasting is far easier done corporately. Otherwise, my fasting these days is fasting vanity. + +A lot of activity could compose escapism. + +At the same time, our passionate activities, or areas of expertise, such as justice for the poor, studying God’s word, human-AI creative running, and running shoes, aren’t necessarily sources of escapism. They are God’s blessings for us, sources of enjoyment and meaning. God willing, opportunities by which we might advance the Gospel. + +We should be careful about white American cultural values masquerading as Christianity; for example, family dinners where people talk like white people are not Chinese; nor is any of this Biblical. + +Dear God, thank you for a fine first Cantonese lesson with eGape sisters. Thank you for time to run and to debrief with Jason in Jesus’ name. + +4.6.22 +Dear God, thank you for success in submitting my manuscript to repositories. Thank you for favor with you, and then Mina. Salvation come to her and her family in Jesus’ name. + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, when it comes to my church on social media, it is hard to know who is an honest witness and who is false; who is a mocker and who is discerning; who is a fool, and who is prudent and upright. + +Importantly, I humble myself before you and fear you, God. You are greater than any one of your children’s social media use; and you can use your children in this way too! + +Dear God, you are in the midst of my church members’ social media use and I pray you come in your glory. Come your kingdom, your will be done in Jesus’ name. + +3.6.22 +Dear Holy Spirit, I humble myself before you, revere you and worship you. + +I pray that you come in your power and glory tomorrow, in Wanchai, when my church brothers and I distribute care packets to cardboard collectors. I pray you would speak to us and through us, and that you would speak kindly and mercifully. And I pray all this in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run this morning without injury. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Amanda to drink coffee. Salvation come to her and Aaron in Jesus’ name. + +2.6.22 +Dear God, thank you for the successful submission of an AI manuscript to a journal and a presentation to LTE. God bless the audience and reviewers. God bless Mina, and my collaborators Hank and Bill and Sdenka in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time at house church yesterday, and to pray for and to bless Terry, Lesley and Gibson. + +Dear God, thank you for time to make coffee at school and to bond with colleagues. + +1.6.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to run well and fast last night at Aberdeen. + +Dear God, thank you for a way forward to teach my S5(2) students. + +Dear God, thank you for favor with the principal and a peaceful resolution to my workload next year. + +31.5.22 +Dear God. Thank you for time to run fast. Thank you for renewing my strength and the running community in HK. Salvation come. + +Dear God, thank you for a way forward with the form five girls and their writing. Please lead me to teach them kindly. + +30.5.22 +Dear God, thank you for time at HOP. Thank you for the dinner afterwards. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Jason and Karen to plan our Cantonese course in Jesus’ name. + +29.5.22 09:00 +Where in your life, by the power of the Holy Spirit, have you loved yourself? Being joyful, being at peace, being patient with yourself and others and kind to yourself and others, and have demonstrated faithfulness, gentleness and self-control? What are the times, places and people where the Spirit comes? Replicate those by God’s grace; and those times, places and people where the sinful nature is, by all means, as soon as possible, avoid those. + +Work is a common battlefield for us, and this should cause us concern, because we are not physically slaves to work; we willingly work in this society; we must count the cost of work causing us and our neighbors to be sons of hell. + +We must be careful about the people, times, places, feelings and concepts that lead us to become Phariseee: + +““Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are.” +‭‭Matthew‬ ‭23:15‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://matthew.bible/matthew-23-15 + +Our work may be beyond our love and faith level. + +Dear God, thank you for time to catch up with Jen, Jennies and Karen over coffee. + +Dear God, thank you for time to meet with Desy, Lony, Maya and Julien and SJ. God please lead our class in Jesus’ name. + +28.5.22 +Dear God, thank you for an opportunity to sleep in, and then to go for a run, without pain in my achilles and without calamity in my eyes. That's your grace, God. Thank you. + +Dear God, thank you for the extension for the Learning and Teaching Expo paper submission. + +27.5.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to attend a postgraduate research seminar and possibly to be helpful, not harsh, with the student's research. That's your grace, God. Thank you. + +Dear God, thank you for time for my colleagues and me to leave school early, and then for Karen and me to sleep early in Jesus' name. I was very tired, God, because I couldn't sleep the previous night -- yet, you lead me not into temptation but deliver me from evil. + +Dear God, thank you for the time for repentance at church last night. You are at work for your glory and the good of the church. Hallelujah. Amen. + +26.5.22 +Dear God, thank you for house church, and a time to encourage one another, and to spur one another on toward love and good deeds. + +25.5.22 +Dear God, thank you for Janella, this dear and long-standing friend. God bless her. + +Dear God, thank you for time to speak kindly with Florence, and for us to pray together, for her healing in her right abdomen and in my body in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for favor with Mr Wong, then the vice principal and principal for the 1st Human AI creative writing contest. Salvation come to all participants. + +24.5.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, my comfort in this life is that you God are alive and live in me. You live in me and love me and because of that, I can love, and be at peace. Because of your loving presence God, because you are the greatest, I can let go of my troubles, and importantly, forgive myself, my colleagues, strangers and enemies, anyone, for your glory and the good of the church. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for conversations with the principal, Jessie, Florence and even Mr Wong. You have granted me favor and I humble myself before you. Salvation come to the school in Jesus’ name. And lead me to be gentle like you, Jesus. + +Dear God, thank you for a return to Tuesday night running. + +23.5.22 +Dear God, thank you for the form six graduation dinner, and for the students’ joy, and for a photo with Minnie, and to see Karen and Joey again. + +Dear God, thank you for the men’s prayer group. I pray for Ingrid’s immediate healing in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, the pain in the inside of my right knee, and the Achilles inflammation were hard. Thank you for some relief after using the theragun and the foam roller. Lead me to be gentle, Jesus. + +22.5.22 09:00 service +Christian confession and behavior should be aligned. + +I think it is important to remember that at the time of Paul’s writing, Christians had not become rulers of people, be it in governments, media — celebrities — churches as institutions or other organizations, such as corporations. + +I think about judging Popes, crusaders and Holy Roman emperors. + +In this age, the drug cartel guy, like leaders of big churches, celebrities like Kanye and other charismatic guys like Adam Neuman, Abercrombie guy, who have so many outlets to exert creativity and power; we the public can see different facets of people. + +Timing is everything for light: isn’t that Biblical? + +Dear God, thank you for the favorable external review. You are merciful. + +21.5.22 +Dear God, thank you for time with Amanda, Aaron and Karen. Thank you for their friendship. Salvation come. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run vigorously in the morning, without calamity. You are merciful. + +20.5.22 +Dear God, thank you for the end of a long week, and an early bed time. You are merciful because work could be far worse. + +19.5.22 +Dear God, thank you for house church last night. Thank you for that fellowship. Thank you for the intimacy and love. Hear our prayers from heaven, Lord, and grow is in wisdom and in stature for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear + +18.5.22 +Dear God, thank you for Ms. Florence and her gift for making brittle and beaded-jewelry. Hers is a blessing to me, my colleagues and students. Please advance the gospel through Florence and bless her and her family in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for Hafsa and Wicky, for their volunteering to introduce a song. These girls are brave. Salvation come to them and their families. + +Dear God, I have felt nervous about my eyes. Shalom, and your gentle and humble heart, Jesus, in my life, for your glory and the good of the church. + +Dear God, you have a gentle and humble heart, Jesus, and by coming to you, I will find rest for my soul. Surely your yoke is easy, and your burden is light. + +You remind me at work today that sometimes when I am hard on myself, and hard on my students and colleagues, this is certainly not your will; but I am hungry and should eat. + +To be sure, you give us this day our daily bread, and my humble honor is to eat it in Jesus’ name. + +17.5.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to write well in the evening. I pray that you would enable me to finish an AI paper expediently and in peace, in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for favor with you and with man. Dear God, I pray that Karen and I would be able to propose our two schedules to the principal and to negotiate well and peacefully in Jesus' name. Please release these dates in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run spontaneously with Ernest at Happy VAlley. + +16.5.22 +Dear God, thank you for dinner after HOP with the ladies. + +Dear God, thank you for the men's prayer meeting, and that you hear our prayers, you increase our intimacy, and that you are pleased, God. Please answer our prayers for your glory and our good in Jesus' name. + +15.5.22 09:00 service +? = justification and sanctification +Justification versus sanctification +Justification is an instantaneous work of God +Sanctification is a process and takes God’s work and yours. +Justification before sanctification + +Pharisees are smug. +Others are ashamed, + +Dear God, thank you for the message, and importantly, the plug for eGape. Please release the volunteers in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to fellowship with Jason, to encourage one another in Jesus' name. We pray for our sobriety in Jesus' name. + +14.5.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are almighty and amazing God. You are greater than all your creation for all time. You have done whatever you desire for your glory and the good of your people in Jesus’ name. I humble myself before you and worship you. + +In this way, you make me brave, because you are far greater God, than my sins; you are far greater than my guilt and worries, even from this morning’s distortion in my vision. You can heal me and preserve me, and even if not, I pray humbly to continue to praise you and worship you God in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God. Thank you for time with Amanda this morning. Salvation come. + +Importantly, I pray in thanksgiving for your mercy and healing in my right eye in Jesus’ name. + +13.5.22 +Dear Jesus, thank you for your love, and for speaking to your sheep, not least me, these days. + +I believe you are revealing the Father’s heart to me these days, and enabling me to leave my life of sin, which means to love you with all my heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love my neighbor as myself. Year by year, I believe you are achieving this in me for your glory and the good of the church. + +Dear Jesus, thank you for a day off from work. + +Dear God, thank you for time at dinner with Tina, Jennies, James and Karen, in spite of the wet weather, + +12.5.22 +Dear Jesus, thank you for time to go to the gym. + +At the same time, I have struggled with emotional distress, physical exhaustion and mental illness at work on these past two, rainy days. Come in your glory, God. + +Dear Jesus, thank you for time at house church and for changing our hearts for your glory and the good of the church. + +11.5.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I humble myself before you in repentance. I feel weak physically and emotionally distressed today at work. I don’t know what to do but my eyes are on you. + +I remember your loving kindness: I remember your faithfulness and strength; I remember that everyday your other sheep and I face temptation to fall away, and that the longer I or any of your other sheep live, the more opportunity there is to fall away, to turn our backs on you, but for our experiencing your grace and mercy, everyday. + +Dear God, I trust you will lead me today, from this moment, to even tonight at small group when your people will sing your praise. We thank you for your love. We love you and give you the glory in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for the end of the school day. + +10.5.22 +Dear God, thank you for quiet moments at the gym. + +Dear God, I feel sorry for disappointing Karen last night. I don’t know how to manage my time at night but for you in Jesus’ name. Come in your glory, God, in my and my wife’s home. + +9.5.22 +Dear God, thank you for time at HOP today with Alvin, Amanda, Ernest and Bel. Thank you for time to jump on the green box; and that no one suffered injury. Thank you for an early dinner in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for an evening to write up the eGape testimony. Have mercy on me, Karen, and all eGape members. Send out workers into the harvest field in Jesus' name. Amen. + +8.5.22 +If humility is obedience (to God), Jesus came to earth and not least learned obedience, through suffering. + +My suffering milestones, by which I might learn obedience are the bad times at LTPSS, that time in relationship with Karen in 2018, and that time with tumors, the second half of 2019. Even our house church suffering Sterling might be a milestone for our church. + +Obedience is more than an attitude, it’s a value. + +I reminisce about my students and classroom management as an opportunity for obedience. + +Getting married is obedience. Taking that job was obedience. Letting go of guilt about ny father is obedience. Perhaps calling my grandma today and asking her to trust Jesus is obedience. + +Suffering writing for God’s glory and not for my selfish ambition or vain conceit is humility. If not, humiliation. + +From suffering, then humility, comes exhalation. + +“The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” +‭‭Matthew‬ ‭23:11-12‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/mat.23.11-12.NIV + +If this suffering is not a self-inflicted wound, but God-given, as RT says; don’t try to figure it out. His words are consistent with his view from Job, “Though he slay me, yet will I worship him.” + +Dear God, thank you for Louis, and his family. Thank you for his birthday and time to celebrate with pizza at his place. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run, the first time in two weeks. Thank you for no injury, although that alcohol headache hurt! + +7.5.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are my peace; and your peace, you have left me, Jesus. + +Because I belong to you, Jesus, I hear the voice of God. Because you, Holy Spirit, love me, console me and comfort me, you speak to me today. You speak to me about my father, and my guilt over my father’s death, and not heeding his, my mother’s and my grandmother’s calls to return home to New York. + +For your glory and the good of the church, you relieve me from guilt. You enable me to forgive myself, releasing myself to be free, in the way that you want me to be; to be sure, you tell me my father would not want me to feel guilt, just as I would not want my son to feel guilt for being so far away; my love would remain, as my father’s would, and importantly, yours does, God. + +My hope is that my father is gathered to you, as I will too, one day, in Jesus’ name. Amen . + +Dear God, thank you for Karen’s EG retreat and your loving work there. Thank you for time to be alone today, to feel single, and importantly to hear your loving, comforting voice. + +Dear God, thank you for the end of MITE. + +6.5.22 +Dear God, thank you for my student Asia. Salvation come to her and her family. + +Dear God, thank you for the AI meeting with Bill and Hank. Dear God, please lead us for your glory and the good of the church. Salvation come. + +5.5.22 +Dear God, thank you for the test results and for healing my eye in Jesus’ name. + +Hi guys, thanks for praying with me. My eye test results suggest my right eye macular hemorrhage is not the worst case scenario. God willing, the condition will resolve itself in a few weeks. There is no treatment but patience. Thanks again, guys, and praise God. + +Salvation come to Dr Lim and team. + +4.5.22 +Dear God, thank you for a peaceful, harmonious house church meeting. + +Dear God, thank you for the opportunity to replace the 6D kitchen sink pipes, at last. + +3.5.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to chat with Jessie and importantly, Florence. Salvation come. Thank you for time to chat with students. + +2.5.22 +Dear God, thank you for Ernest and his birthday; thank you for the opportunity to celebrate with him. God bless him and his family. + +1.5.22 +Dear Jesus, +You are God, and you are gentle and humble in heart. This morning you remind me of your gentleness in my life, all the while I had been harsh with myself and others. You know how to meet people where they are at. + +Dear God, you love and encourage the church. And for your glory and our good, I pray you Holy Spirit would bring revival not only to my local church but also to American Protestantism, that we might lay down our individual rights as you did Jesus. That we would be all the more uninhibited in loving you with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and loving our neighbors as ourselves. Come your kingdom, your will be done on earth in this age as it is in heaven. + +30.4.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to go to gym, and importantly, time to fellowship with Pastor Selamet and Mimi. You are kind, God. + +29.4.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to return to EMP. Please come in your glory, Holy Spirit. + +28.4.22 +Dear God, thank you for favor in moving up my eye test appointment by a day; and thank you for Terry’s help and friendship. Please heal my eyes, dear God. I want to see. + +Dear God, thank you for friendship with Jessie. Salvation come to her and her family. And our students, especially to Jasmine. + +Dear God, thank you for time to write out Band 3 stories these days; thank you for your mercy; please help me to be strong and to finish the writing, not only of this book but of other papers, and marking MITE things in Jesus’ name. + +27.4.22 +Dear God, I have struggled today with the boredom of writing up my observation notes; and then writing findings based on them. I also don’t want to assess the MITE assignments. I feel intellectually lazy, and not noble; and I don’t like aching out, and also being merciless to myself and others. Please come in your love, God. + +Dear God, I trust you, I trust you have healed my eyes. Thank you for favor with Dr. Lim and the insurance company. Could you grant it time to get tested as soon as possible in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to get out of the house today. Thank you for time to go to the gym. Thank you for time for our church. + +Dear God, thank you for house church tonight; and thank you for changing Cybil and me so we can talk to each other in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +26.4.22 +Dear Jesus, you are the savior of the world, God’s anointed one. I feel that yours was a very lonely place, as mine was that darkness which came over the whole land. You gave yourself over to death that I might not taste death for my sins. And I trust you and need you Holy Spirit to lead me, day by day, to walk in such freedom from sin, and in increasing fellowship with you, for your glory and the good of the church, in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I humble myself before you in repentance. I hate feeling anxious and worried about my macular degeneration, especially in my right eye, as if waiting for the inevitable. I feel like I am racing against time to get work done while I still have central vision. + +Yet, I wonder about Soggy Bob Sorge, and the apostle Paul, and the blind man that you healed, Jesus. Why did their bodies suffer in their prime? + +And maybe you did put a Living with Macular Degeneration book on my heart with a chapter about your work in my life to increase my faith, for your glory in Jesus’ name. + +Please heal me, Jesus. Lord, I want to see! + +25.4.22 +Dear Jesus, because you are a loving God, and you love me, and want what’s best for me, you speak to me about being vigilant in this life. + +You speak to me in my mediations these weeks about the narrow gate that leads to life; and the broad road and wide gate that lead to destruction. You speak to me today through my friend, about finishing well as he and I get older, because the opportunity to become a Pharisee becomes ever present; and you speak to me today through your words. + +To be sure, I have suffered these days; and my worries are just around the corner. I am but one moment away from falling away. Yet because of your grace, my hope is yet in you. I humble myself before you in repentance. I worship you and praise you, dear God, in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for favor with Dr. Lim; with the men’s prayer team; and thank you that my condition has not worsened. Please heal my eyes. Lord, I want to see in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, you are at work, speaking through me at service yesterday and even today at men’s prayer meeting. The glory is yours in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, help me to be strong and to do the work, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ naMe. + +24.4.22 11:30 service +Dear God, thank you for speaking to me, for being faithful and loving even when I am not. You do speak, even in the shower, during long, slow runs and during corporate worship in the sanctuary. The glory is yours in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, how my eyes have changed from the last time I was in this sanctuary. And even yesterday, I might have suffered another lacquer crack in my right eye. But you are faithful. You can heal me. You stay the same. The glory is yours in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for the joy of praising and worshipping you in person, corporately, at the SP sanctuary. The glory is yours. + +Philippians 2:5 +This book was the penultimate of Paul’s authentic epistles. It contains developed theology of cosmic Jesus. + +Dear God, thank you for role models, not least Dorothy and Pastor Selamet and my neighbors. + +Your life is the sum of the decisions — not choices — you make. That is a liberal philosophy. That is also American — hence the Eleanor Roosevelt quote. + +Choices instead of decisions makes the philosophy even more consumerist. + +Tell that to a Korean comfort woman. Or someone born in North Korea today. + +Your circumstances will determine the number of decisions you can make and the weightings given to each decision. + +In a liberal society, the road to hell is even wider. And as we get older in this society, the accumulation of rights + +23.4.22 +Dear God, thank you for time for massage? And meeting Michael and hearing about Ah Fai. Thank you for resuming work for these masseuses. Salvation come in Jesus’ name. + + +22.4.22 +Dear Jesus, you care about your people’s hearts, and the trajectories of their lives, from this earth into eternity. + +I humble myself before you in repentance. My desire is to uphold your law, to love you and to love my neighbor. Like Joshua, would you lead me, Holy Spirit, to be strong and to do the work of being your disciple, and advancing your kingdom, even as today I am on staycation, and the busyness of life creeps in every morning, and recedes in the evening. + +Importantly, dear God, according to your will and grace, I pray that you would keep me attentive to your work to reunify Korea and to advance the gospel in that nation, even in my lifetime, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. Amen. + + +Dear Jesus, +Thank you for even the idea to create a devotional based on these years of written prayers. I humble myself before you and pray according to your will, that you would lead me to realize this at the right time in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +21.4.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as you spoke to me last year so you speak to me again: only you save. And because of your love for me, and all your people, you gave yourself up, Jesus, so that I might not taste death but enjoy eternal paradise with you. The glory is yours. + +To be sure, no matter what happened today, I have done nothing to save. Importantly, everything I did seemed not have eternal value. I humble myself before you in repentance. Have mercy on me, God. Lead me and love me so I might continue to bear fruit in keeping with repentance. I don’t know how, but I know you can lead me to store up treasure in heaven, even today, for your glory and the good of the church, in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, please help me to be strong and do the work. While I thank you for success in training a machine, I ask you humbly that I mark my students’ work humbly, to love them as myself and to bless them in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for the clean bill of health from the eye hospital visit, although later in the evening I did see my hemorrhage, albeit slightly. Please love me and heal me. Have mercy, dear God. + +Dear God, thank you for some success in training a machine; and I pray that you lead me Holy Spirit to do your will, regardless of what I do. Only you save, Jesus, and I pray to be a part of your kingdom work, for your glory and the good of the church, amen. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Karen on staycation, in the evening dinner and then at the hotel. Thank you. + +20.4.22 +Dear Jesus, because you have died and have risen again, the vineyard belongs to sinners, like me, who have trusted you in this age. + +And if the vineyard belongs to people like me, I humble myself before you and pray to produce fruit in keeping with repentance. Even today, as I work, run, eat and sit around. I pray to give you what is yours for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for your mercy and faithfulness; that I still have time on this earth to produce fruit, in keeping with repentance, even during the waning days of this summer holiday. + +Dear God, thank you for the absence of drilling today, and the absence of flies in Jesus’ name. + +19.4.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to run; without seeing the hemorrhage! + +Dear God, thank you for time to bond with Karen over Morning Show; and to chat with my family. Salvation come. + +18.4.22 +Dear God, thank you for time with Amanda and Ernest and the opportunity to meet again for HOP. Salvation come. + +17.4.22 +Dear Jesus, your words have life; and through your death and resurrection, all who believe you will have eternal life. I trust you and worship you, Jesus. + +It becomes clearer to me that the richer I am on this earth, the more easily I can exhalt myself; likewise, the richer I am, the more hardship I will encounter to humble myself. + +I humble myself before you and pray for your mercy, Lord; that you would gently lead me to know you, to be like you and to make you known. + +Dear Jesus, you are the king of glory; and you are the suffering servant, the man of sorrows; for love you came to earth and endured the cross. You are almighty and worthy of praise. + +Please lead Karen and me to persevere, first throughout our married lifetime, in faith, increasing our belief in your sufficiency, God, and not on our material and human resources; and second, these days through the flies. God grant us justice against our adversary, who tempts us daily and increasingly. + +Have mercy on us Lord. You lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Your resurrection power is at work in my and Karen’s marriage in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, writing about the 1st Human-Ai creative writing contest was life-taking today. Yet, you lead me into temptation but deliver me from evil, Father. Holy is your name. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Jason to encourage one another and to spur one another on toward love and good deeds. + +16.4.22 +Dear God, thank you for time with James and Kristy yesterday. Salvation come to them and their families. Thank you for their friendship. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run long. + +Thank you for time with Karen to work out a method to catch flies and to test the infestation. Please deliver Karen and me from the infestation in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +15.4.22 +Dear Jesus, thank you for your love and care for your people. Thank you for teaching us through parables. + +You give to each person faith, to one more than another. And you give each person opportunity to go deeper with you, God, according to each person’s faith. + +And you command us to love, regardless of however much faith and opportunity for intimacy you have given to this neighbor or that. That is for your glory and our good. How hard it is to love our neighbors as ourselves but for you. + +I humble myself before you in repentance. There are thorns in my and Karen’s life. + +Please come, dear Holy Spirit. You lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Deliver us from these thorns and out of this time of testing . You can increase our faith and our love. Please increase our faith in your sufficiency and our capacity to love in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, +I'm not sure how to be more patient with my wife but you. + +I get the sense that my wife has a deep inferiority complex. That would explain her extreme helpfulness in her family dynamic; her curious, boastful self-talk about how smart she is and how good she is at things; how triggered she is at losing; how she resents people not listening to her; yet she is not listening to her own husband and fairly communicating with the building manager and neighbors -- we are having a communication breakdown and an unequal power dynamic; and how she has lost emotional control and shown outsize negative emotions at some pipes and flies. No one has died. There has been no miscarriage. + +At this point, dear God, I am concerned about having children with Karen. I don't think Karen is at the right emotional equilibrium to take on the life-long enjoyment and burden of children. Importantly, based on my existing observations of Karen with her nephews and my observations of her interacting with pipes and flies, I am afraid the kids will have power over Karen, like the flies and the pipes, when Karen needs to be a parent and raise the kids. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run this morning, even at a fast pace. + +14.4.22 +Dear God, +Thank you for time with Kelvin. Salvation come to him, his family and colleagues in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to spend with Karen's aunt and uncle. Even the walk was enjoyable, thank you. + +Dear God, thank you for time to play Splendor with the house church. + +Dear God, thank you for the end of the coding camp. + +Dear God, trying to start the AI paper is life-taking. + +13.4.22 +Dear God, thank you for the time to run. + +Dear God, thank you for the professional development seminar with my panel colleagues. Salvation come to them and their families. + +12.4.22 +Dear God, laying in bed now, my heart felt so much pain and sorrow from my undergraduate years, from the Iraq war and the unpleasant commencement speech, to 911, to my personal failures as a friend to Cindy, Glenn and Michelle, to my interpersonal conflict with Fred et al., Knights of Columbus and my MIS group. My loneliness. + +I try to hold on to the good, including CSC trips, pilgrimages, times with Glenn and Santiago, Notre Dame football games. + +And I wonder about this human experience; and ignoring the words in Revelation, the human experience might continue in eternity. + +And maybe, dear God, you put reading the shortest and simplest Gospel of Mark on my heart. + +Dear God, I felt disappointed today, by the depth and sustainability of the learning from the coding camp. + +I felt worried about seeing my hemorrhage. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run today and the time to unwind, and to not focus on my hemorrhage. + +Dear God, thank you for the clean bill of health for my teeth. + +Dear God, thank you for the possible solution to fruit flies and gnats in my and Karen’s home. + +11.4.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to workout, and to reunite with Bel. Thanks for her generosity. + +Dear God, thank you for a fruitful talk with Sdenka. Salvation come to her and her family. At the same time, please lead me to be strong and do the research work. + +Dear God, listening to Sterling was life taking. I pray you keep him, Father, and that he finds what he is looking for in Jesus’ name. As for me and my heart, I guard it. + +Dear God, please heal my right Achilles in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +10.4.22 Sunday Service +Dear God, thank you for time to catch up with Jason; and then Karen’s family. + +Dear God, thank you for time to chat with Matthew; thank you for answering prayer and providing him and his family with a Christian community. Please continue your good work, God, in his family and mine that we might increasingly and regularly devote ourselves to you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, amen. We pray you enable us to love you with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. + +Dear God, thank you for Sunday service; and Pastor Sam’s message about John. Thank you for his reference to fake vines: you Father lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. + +- John 14-16 being a large, coherent passage +- Explaining the God as gardener metaphor in Isaiah +- Vine / garden as Israel metaphor in Jeremiah +- Explaining the aspects of John metaphor +- What can we do to stay connected to this TRUE vine +- Left without DISCIPLINE, we the branches will go wild. +- Remain — continue to be present; persist; be still, and also be sensitive +- Recognize futility without Jesus +- Repent +- Read + +Dear Jesus, you are eternal and your words are true; you speak because you love us. + +I humble myself before you in repentance. + +It appears the door is narrow for all time, be it for the Jews of your age, or for the universal church of this age. Therefore, on the one hand I thank you for opening your kingdom, God, to the gentiles around the world; and on the other hand, I pray, Father, you lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Continue your good work in me and the local church, Holy Spirit, that we may persist, day by day, moment by moment, in knowing you, being like you and making you known in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +9.4.22 +Dear Jesus, 2,000 years after you walked this earth, your words continue to resonate. As you spoke to the Jewish leaders, then to the leaders of your new church and now to me and the church at large, I pray we your people continue to follow you intentionally, for your glory and our good. I pray especially this weekend, that our acts are rooted and grounded in your love. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run; thank you for time to go out with Karen; and I pray, dear God, that you would heal my right eye hemorrhage in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, importantly, thank you for an opportunity to serve, first with elderly home outreach — please provide them and me our daily bread, Father. Importantly, maybe you answer prayer, God, by how you provide an opportunity to lift things at a staircase for a helper today and an elderly earlier in the week. Maybe that is the way you realize remembering the poor through me. + +8.4.22 +Dear Jesus, you know what is best for your glory and the good of your people. + +I sense that you have been speaking about the Pharisees, synagogues, Jewish rulers and authorities in Jerusalem at the time of your parable. To be sure, you draw from warnings to Israel in its history, before the exile and even in the life of Job. + +Yet, dear God, in my age, perhaps you speak to me quite clearly about my life’s trajectory and that of my local church. As I grow older, I can more easily attain wealth, prestige and authority; I can enjoy a comfortable middle class life; I can play church; but, even with good intentions, I can completely miss your generous and loving heart to all your people. + +To be sure, the road to becoming modern day Pharisees for me and my Christian peers is ever large and looming. + +I humble myself before you in repentance. I pray that I and the local church would continue to walk humbly with you; that we would remember to blush, and to be generous to those who cannot repay, for your glory and our good in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Pat; thank you for blessing her and Alpha not least with a new office next to SP. Thank you, God, for releasing a vision for her and Alpha; thank you for speaking to her about traveling to the Netherlands; and thank you, God, for releasing a leading for her and Winky, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. Thank you for this friend in Jesus’ name. + +7.4.22 +Dear God, +I humble myself before you. You are almighty and all loving; and I fear you. You are worthy of praise and glory. + +Maybe you speak to me Holy Spirit today through Jesus’ words, that the way to fear you, to not go astray and to not be like the Pharisees and teachers of the law, is to be generous, especially to the poor. Help me and my wife, Lord, and have mercy on us, because we cannot realize generosity without your leading. Open the door for us these days for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Importantly, my heart is troubled by the actions of the white American evangelical church at large. My heart is similarly troubled at its offshoot, my local church. All this because we have not read your words, let alone taken them to heart, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This age is perilous, with much false teaching and testing of the church’s unity. My faith is tested in the church, dear God; and humbly, I pray you increase my faith in your sufficiency, hanging on all of your words, Jesus, as I graciously live a life in a corporate body whose actions at times may indicate that we are the Pharisees and teachers of the law of this age. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for the final S6 HKDSE lesson and for the end of the 1st Human-AI artificial intelligence contest. Help me, Lord, to finish these works well and to bless people through these projects in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Ernest, to fellowship with this thoughtful, teachable young man. Bless him, Lord; and salvation come to Amanda and her family — thank you for delivering Tom from its emergency in Jesus’ name. + +6.4.22 +Dear Jesus, thank you for speaking out against the Jewish rulers, authorities and Pharisees of your age. Thank you for warning your people at that time to guard themselves against these rulers, authorities and teachers. Truly you oppose the proud but show favor the humble. + +Lord, I humble myself before you in repentance. I pray when the time of testing comes for me and the church of this age, that we will be found trusting in you, secure in you, and not trusting in any other, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear Jesus, thank you for demonstrating perseverance in living on this earth amongst difficult people. You demonstrate the greatest sacrifice because of your love. + +I pray humbly in the same way, that out of love, I would persevere and patiently endure in this life; be it the kitchen sink pipes, my work or my marriage; importantly, I pray to know you all the more through your words and prayer all the days of my life, for your glory and the good of the church. Amen. + +5.4.22 +Per Atomic Habits, I am happy with who I am, as a full-time child of God and husband, recreational friend and runner, minor researcher and writer, and professional teacher. + +In this way, if I want to become more of a reader, and importantly, a father, I need to carve out time today, minute by minute, day by day, to develop the process for being a father, and a reader. This might impinge on my running, research and writing. And I leverage my other identities, such as being a husband. + +Ditto if I want to be a minor entrepreneur — and I might as well scale it to impact other roles in my life, such as SP HOP, SP and AVOHK. + +5.4.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are God and glorious. You do whatever pleases you and what is good for your people. + +In repentance I humble myself before you this morning. Thank you for my life in this age, dear God, and for revealing yourself Jesus not only as messiah but God to people in this age. In this way, I might believe and come to follow you Jesus. + +Otherwise, at any other time or place, I might not know you Jesus. Thank you for your mercy and grace. Amen. + +4.4.22 +I don't think now is the right time to have children. + +The right time to have children is when Karen knows herself more, accepts herself more, accepts others more and settles down emotionally. + +This may involve Karen addressing her identity issues through therapy, and also her addressing issues as an assistant financial controller at work, which appear to cause her stress. This causes her to act out at home, for example this morning with cleaning up flies, when Karen wants to control everything, how it's done, when it's done, without proper specification, consultation and agreement. + +I'm afraid a stressed out mom is not good for the children in the womb. + +Dear God, thank you for time to read my prayer journal and to remember your goodness, God, in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, please help me to be strong and to finish the work today in Jesus’ name. + +Please lead Karen and me in shalom in our household and to hear clearly on when to have children in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +3.4.22 +Dear God, I humble myself before you. Only you know all and only you are good. I trust you through Jesus and pray that you would continue to speak to the local church and me through scripture. Open our eyes to how you have worked for your glory and our good in Jesus’ name. + +The disciples don’t know Jesus is God. Peter, Thomas, Philip and Judas ask Jesus questions that indicate their misunderstanding of Jesus’ divine nature, beyond being God’s chosen one with the title son of man. + +The title a son of God and Son of God are emergent and ambiguous terms. + +The writers of John know Jesus is God, for which reason they write John 14:9-14. They benefit from the theology developed in the decades after Jesus’ life on earth. They benefit from the discussions and debates that the disciples had, as did the writers of the synoptic gospels. + +Only in the 4th century is there a prevailing, mainstream claim that Jesus is God, given in the ancient Nicene creeds. + +The gospels and other books facilitate the discussions that lead to the Nicene creeds. + +I must go on this journey through scripture, prayer and church discussion to truly know, all the more that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, per John’s gospel’s claim. + +I understand Kenny is trying his best. His messages tend to be replete with development psychology (that is, life stage) references, and positive mental attitude. His sermons tend not to be grounded in systematic, Biblical analysis, and tend to be rambling. + +I also understand he and I are the same age but very different in our personalities, dispositions and interests. I respect and admire his chill and cheerfulness. + +Dear God, thank you for an enjoyable morning hike with Karen up to the coffee shop on Braemar Hill Road. + +Dear God, thank you for the opportunity to run fast! + +2.4.22 +Dear Jesus, you are more than a man; you are more than a prophet; you are even more than God’s anointed one, because you are God. + +I humble myself before you. Even in your life time, be they disciples or Pharisees, people did not understand who you are; and even in the ensuing decades people did not know; they debated and discussed. But in this age, your church can trust that you are God and give you the glory that you deserve. + +You remind me of your goodness and mercy today, dear God, because you exercised your mercy over my HKU class so that these students and I could finish the course well. I pray your kingdom has come and your will has been done, Father, in my HKU class as it has been done in heaven in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +1.4.22 +Dear God, today you remind me of your faithfulness, goodness and love. + +You remind me that in the time of testing almost three years ago when tumors began growing in my spinal cord, you were at work for your glory and the good of the church. Ultimately, through the most painful season of my life, even more painful than the lowest point of my PhD journey, you changed my heart: you caused me to reevaluate my devotion to work; you caused me to open my mind, even to run faster; and you increased my steadfastness and patience so that I might better face the next chronic, ambiguous, yet painful test in my life. + +This glory is yours, God, as is my praise and gratitude, in Jesus’ name. + +31.3.22 +Dear God, thank you for your kindness this morning so that you might gently remind me of your loving presence at a Starbucks. + +Dear God, thank you for time with house church last night. You have made our past season peacefully and unified for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear Jesus, have mercy on me. Help me to remember the poor, even as I tend to my own family for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear Jesus, please lead me to find rest for my soul these days in your name. Especially at night. Amen. + +Dear Jesus, you remind me to remember the poor. + +You remind me that the demon-possessed man amongst the tombs from your time could today be a homeless man, junkie-looking, alone, slurring his speech, sleeping in broad daylight on a street corner, and consumed by his metaphorical demons, if not real ones. + +Dear God, please lead me by your power not only to care for my family, but to tangibly and bravely care for the poor, even the extreme, demon-possessed poor in Hong Kong society in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +30.3.22 +Dear Jesus, thank you for incredible favor with Elaine the building manager so that even today she would share her private views on herself, Karen and me, her predecessor, building tenants and even the next door office’s security guard. You have answered prayer God so that she, Karen and I might find favor with you and with man, and that we might grow in wisdom and stature. Now, God, I humble myself before you and pray for your continued mercy. Continue to answer prayer and remember us. This is your testimony. Please carry on your good work in us through this foam flooding episode in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear Jesus, thank you for time to run with Frank yesterday, to enjoy the intensity of 5K racing without a hemorrhage in your name. Thank you for your mercy. + +29.3.22 +Dear God, thank you for the chat with Ernest yesterday night after the workout. Thank you for growing him in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. I pray that he and I would pray all the more come your kingdom your will be done in your church as it is in heaven. + +28.3.22 +Dear Jesus, +You are the compassionate and gracious God. + +I humble myself before you. During your lifetime on this earth, many people recognized you as a prophet; and some suspected that you are God’s anointed one. + +Yet even the writers of the gospel’s might not have realized that you are God. For anyone to live in the current age, and to benefit not only from continued revelation of who you are but also from developed theology, these are your blessings, God. Thank you. + +The glory is yours in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for favor with Elaine the building manager when Karen and I met her this afternoon to discuss our latest foam flooding event. Please bless Karen, me, Elaine and our neighbors with shalom, and a miraculous solution to the foam flood in Jesus’ name. + +27.3.22 +Dear God, the hemorrhage appearing while running was life taking. Please heal me, Lord, and give me eyes to see you Jesus. + +Dear God, trying to write my ICT coordinator paper’s discussion section is life taking. I guess it’s life taking because 1) computational thinking, that is, breaking down a large project into small, actionable bits, is tiring; as is 2) doing mundane tasks; and 3) repeating things, especially where I have detailed previously. Lead me, Holy Spirit, in your power! + +Dear God, spending time with Karen, and spending time with eGape sisters was life giving. Thank you. + +Dear God, even to run 7.75 miles better than nothing. Thank you, God. + +Dear God, thank you for Pat and her friendship. + +26.3.22 +Dear God, you are accepting of all people and have called them through Jesus Christ. I humble myself before you and thank you, God, for having mercy on us people. The glory is yours. + +Dear God, who are my enemies today? And how can I love them but for you? You are speaking to me about loving my neighbors as myself, and about repentance as experiencing the suffering of my neighbors. Please lead me, Holy Spirit, even today, to identify the difficult people and how to relate to them for your glory and the good of church, in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +25.3.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you care about the thoughts and attitudes of people’s hearts. You command us to love our neighbors as ourselves. And you call us to repent, that is, to turn back to you, through Jesus Christ. + +These days you speak to me, God, about repentance as reversing roles, considering if not experiencing the other’s suffering, so as to love my neighbor as myself. + +Even now, Lord of the Sabbath, you have me consider how you enable the sabbath to help people, not to condemn people. How can I live this out, God? + +Today and this week, I humble myself before you and ask that you reveal your love to me and my neighbors. Please lead me, Holy Spirit, in genuine repentance, with visible action, to love my neighbor as myself, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +24.3.22 +Dear Jesus, thank you for time with Karen; time to teach students at school; time to play Splendor with my house church; and time to run fast, without injury, with Frank. + +Please lead me, dear God, to love my neighbor as myself and to truly repent, in how I act towards my wife, students and other neighbors, during the day and night in Jesus’ name. + +23.3.22 +Dear God, thank you for another house church filled with your presence and peace. The glory is yours, God. We praise you. + +Dear God, thank you for answered prayer, that Giny had dropped the course at last. Shalom to her. Salvation come to her and her family in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for the book life without lack, and the opportunity to grow in faith of propriety, desperation and sufficiency; for the opportunity to die to self. + +22.3.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you oppose the proud but show favor to the humble. + +Dear God, I humble myself before you so that you might life me up in due time. + +When I face pain in this life, even today, God, I pray by your grace to have the right view of you, myself and the situation, so that I might turn towards you, and not turn away from you as the Israelites did. I pray to not lean on caffeine or work ambition, but to trust you all the more, increasing in the faith of your sufficiency, giving you the praise and glory in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +21.3.22 +Dear God, thank you for the time to chat with Amanda and Carol; and to work out with Amanda and Ernest. Thank you for continuing HOP. Salvation come its participants in Jesus’ name. + +Likewise, dear God, thank you for time to prosecute the human AI contest, and to be inspired; and thank you for support from Joanne and the program office to manage Giny. Salvation come to my neighbors at Precious Blood and HKU in Jesus name. + +Dear God, I feel disappointed about my writing but pray to walk humbly with you, to be strong and to finish the work for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. Help me, Lord, to face my fears, read the manuscript reviews and revise courageously and wisely in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +20.3.22 Sunday Service, John 9 - 10:10 +I know I am blind, and that blindness might creep on me, and even Karen, for example, when we multi-task during worship and perhaps cannot wholeheartedly be still and worship God. To be sure, how much harder would worshipping God be in eternity but for God. + +Is Jesus' voice that which convicts me of my sin; and also that enables me to focus and to worship wholeheartedly for periods of time? + +Per Pastor Andrew's statement, should "I am" statements offend -- more than encourage? + +The gate is a function of a shepherd. That is the gate to which Jesus refers. + +John is the Gospel for mature believers because of the depth of its theology and the curiosity of its language. Passion, Message, New Living Translation and Amplified versions might make John's Gospel easier to understand. + +The challenge is metaphor: gate; shepherd; sheep; pen; blindness + +Does Jesus as the gate imply not only that he is the judge (John 9:39) and the only way to salvation (John 10:9)? And that the Pharisees are attempting to save themselves by other means (John 10:1)? If these implications are true, it is easier to see why the Pharisees take offense because they might view themselves as the judges and the only way to salvation, per John 9:40-41 and John 9:27-34). + + + +Dear God, +Thank you for Sunday, and a chance to sleep in. Thank you for coffee and a cloudy day. Thank you for an afternoon plan with Karen. Importantly, thank you for time to run yesterday and possibly today. + +Dear God, MITE work was life taking, especially attempting to address Giny’s needs. Help me, Lord, to be humble and merciful in reporting to the program office and getting their advice and support for her. Lead me, Holy Spirit, to speak only what is true, necessary and kind in Jesus’ name. + +Dear Jesus, have mercy, Lord, and lead me, + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, how hard it is to love my neighbor as myself; and much harder is it to love my enemy as myself!? + +But for you, dear God. + +And your teaching resonates even with the most reviled enemies in society, tax collectors and soldiers, so that if you can have your way with them so you can have your way with me, for your glory and the good of the church. + +Dear God, I humble myself before you. I pray that this week you would work in me to bear fruit, importantly, to love my enemy as myself and to pray for her in Jesus’ name. Would you make this real, God? + +19.3.22 +Dear God, thank you for dinner and walk with Karen yesterday in Wanchai. + +Dear God, my prayer has been that my neighbors and I grow in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with you God and with man in Jesus’ name. Thank you for this example from your life, Jesus. + +You remind me that even your parents did not understand you. But the Father knows, and you have been in right relationship with Him. I humble myself before you, and pray to be in right relationship with you today, God, to walk humbly with you, even when I am misunderstood. + +I pray this morning that my students and I would grow in wisdom and stature, and in favor with you and with man. Salvation come to them and their families. + +Dear God, +Two nights ago, Karen couldn’t sleep because the kitchen sink pipes threw up for the first time in two weeks. She was hysterical and crying. Yesterday, the renovator Mr Wong came and installed a pipe with a flap valve that addresses the backwash on our end. That’s your grace and favor with Mr Wong. Thank you, God. + +At the same time, I pray for a miraculous solution to the causes of the backwash and foam in Jesus’ name. + +Karen and I bought a flat and renovated it, including the flat’s pipes. Since the completion of the renovation in August last year, at times, backwash would flash flood into the kitchen pipes, which would cause flooding through the pipes loosely connected to the washing machine and through the kitchen sink pipes. Although the renovator tightened the pipes connecting the washing machine so that no longer was a source of flooding, the flash flooding would still happen through the kitchen sink. The flash flooding became more frequent over the past few months to the point that this traumatized Karen. By God’s grace the flooding stopped for two weeks, and we thought the building management had incidentally stumbled on the cause and solution. However, mysteriously, the flooding resumed last night. While Karen and I have not definitely answered 1) why our flat appears to be the only one in the building suffering pipe flooding; and 2) why the flooding comprises only foam, the renovator returned today to install a valve that at least would stop the flooding of the kitchen sink pipes, although the cause of the flooding and the cause of foam remain unknown. + +18.3.22 +Dear God, through Jesus you show your care for the thoughts and attitudes of your people’s hearts, first with Israel and then with the gentiles. + +Dear God, you care about my heart and my wife’s heart, even this morning. You care how our hearts are going today. And today, God, I feel she and I both are being led into temptation, that is, testing moments. I pray that you would increase our faith so that our faith from desperation would grow and our faith for your sufficiency would grow. This is a painful process but I humbly pray your loving presence would be revealed to my wife and me through it all. + +At the same time, I pray you would heal Karen’s heart and reveal a definitive solution to our kitchen sink pipe problem. And I pray that you would lead me Holy Spirit to advance your gospel and to make the most of every opportunity during this sudden summer holiday in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for the talk with Glenn, the chat with Amanda, Aaron and Tim and for an evening with Karen. + +Dear God, I pray for Giny; she might be very stressed out and that is contagious. I pray salvation come to her and her family; I pray for her miraculous breakthrough in this course in Jesus’ name. + +17.3.22 +Dear Jesus, you are the light of the world. You lived with your people, died for your people and rose from the dead for your people. You saved me and everyone else who trusts in you. You saved us from our sins and from eternal separation from you in hell. + +You can save a wretch like me and I worship you. Your love can change the world, even in my heart, and I praise you. I give you thanks and the glory, God, and humbly pray that your love continue to transform me and my neighbors this evening in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for a swift and smooth hospital visit today. + +Dear God, please lead me to teach students well for the PBSS and MITE programs. Preparing to teach still takes life from me, dear God. Have mercy. + +Dear God, thank you for strength in my right leg and relief from acute pain when walking. Amen and hallelujah! + +16.3.22 +Dear God, thank you for your presence at HC, and truly for refining us through Sterling, whom you used as a refiner’s fire, didn’t you? He was your chosen instrument to bring revival to our house church because you can use the foolish things of the world to shame the wise!? I don’t know, but I humble myself before you and give you glory, thanksgiving and praise because it seems you have unified our house church these weeks. + +Even Cybil has changed her tone. You can change her and you can change me. Thank you, God. + +Dear God, thank you for rekindling my intellectual curiosity, focusing it on artificial intelligence. Thank you for leading me to be entrepreneurial. I pray these would be open doors to advance your gospel in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +15.3.22 +Dear God, you are good. And I worship you. + +On this second day of the summer holiday, I seek you in the morning. Please lead me, Holy Spirit, through this day that so far, has lacked structure. By all your means, God, continue your good work in me to be more like you Jesus, and to advance your gospel for your glory and the good of the church, amen. + +14.3.22 +Dear God, thank you for a morning without drilling in the flat, at least as of 10:28. + +Dear God, thank you for the first day of the summer holiday. I have felt worried, dear God, about the lack of structure in my life during the summer holiday. Please lead me and discipline, Holy Spirit, in your power, to advance your kingdom in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for two consecutive nights of sleeping in. + +13.3.22 Sunday Service +Jesus is the light of the world. +Jesus illuminates the Pharisees' misunderstanding about him and sin. + +What's more, Jesus has illuminated his disciples' misunderstanding, if not self-deception, about him, and his purpose: + +- John 4:33 +- John 13:37 +- John 14: 5; 8 +- John 16:17 +- John 16:29-31 +- Acts 1:6 + +Maybe we can appreciate how little we know about Jesus. In a way, knowing Jesus appears almost random, yet is God's grace. + +Pastor Samuel proposes a full life is a life in right relationship with God; in other words, a life away from sin. + +Dear God, thank you for the coffee workout, and these days of taking a break from running. Please heal me, Lord, according to your will, of these injuries in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to play Splendor, twice, with Karen. Thank you that she and I have changed so that she can play, and win. + +Dear God, thank you for the opportunity to read literature, and to maybe take a shot at finishing the ICT coordinator paper. Please make me strong, God, to finish the work. + +11.3.22 +Dear God, perhaps you spoke to me about talking to Wesley and guiding him. Importantly, I want to believe that you have healed my right macular hemorrhage and have delivered Karen and me from kitchen sink pipe backwash in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, in repentance, I humble myself before you. You have started to work in and around me, so that I might notice my poorest neighbors on the street around my building, and my poorest colleagues at work. That is your grace and glory. + +Dear God, as summer holiday begins, would you continue this work, and lead me by your power, Holy Spirit, to be concerned about my poor neighbors, and to act accordingly, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for the time to catch up with Sdenka. Thank you for her encouraging words in Jesus' name. Salvation come to her, her family and colleagues. + +10.3.22 +Dear Father in Heaven, you are Holy; come your kingdom; your will be done; and you do give us this day our daily bread. Thank you for this bread. I humble myself and praise you this morning. + +Dear Jesus, you are the bread of life. You are beyond anything that can be baked and tasted on this earth. And I pray to eat your bread into eternal life, for your glory and my good. + +Please lead me today, Holy Spirit, to remain in your love, God. Please continue to carry on your good work in me. Please transform me to be more like you, Jesus, even in my teaching today. That this might please you, God. Amen. + +Dear Father, you are in heaven and holy is your name. You are set apart and perfect. And I worship you. + +Holy Spirit, you remind me that I cannot become holy on my own strength and that the law shows me this. But thanks be to you God, because of Jesus Christ, because you live in me and work around me, Holy Spirit, you can make me holy. This is your grace, for your glory and my good in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for the great breakthrough in relieving Karen and me from the kitchen sink pipes throwing up. Thank you for the solution. + +This is miraculous and an answered prayer. Since Monday’s prayer meeting, the kitchen sink pipes have not thrown up. Besides, the building management appears to have found and addressed the source of my and Karen’s troubles. + +Thank you for your mercy. You remind me, Jesus, of your parable about the persistent widow: + +This reminds me of the parable of the persistent widow: 18 Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. 2 He said: “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought. 3 And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’ + +Thank you for answering people’s prayers. + +Dear God, running today was scary because of the hemorrhage-like shadow in my right macula. Please heal me, God, and have mercy in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, it seems Florence and Jessie have struggled. I pray for your mercy, that they would experience reconciliation and forgiveness in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +9.3.22 +Dear God, perhaps you spoke to me today through this verse, right before for the second time I saw the bald woman in the alley by the swimming pool. You know how I felt spurred to reach out to her the first time but did not. + +You know I felt that this was your providence, so that I would not let go this second chance. My mind quickly thought of what food to give to her. + +Dear God, you give and take away, for your glory and the good of the church. When I returned to her with bread and fruit, you know she quickly got up and put distance between us. You know she cried she was not hungry when I asked. She spurned my generosity. And her face was twisted. + +But you allow me to bless her and to walk away, shaking the dust off my feet. At the same time, perhaps you speak to me: I wonder if she is mentally ill or possessed by a demon, so that she would live alone with her belongings, wailing. I humble myself before you, God, and ask that you lead me, Holy Spirit, to discern the difference and to cast out demons from the poor according to the riches of your glory in Christ Jesus. Amen. + +“The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern.” +‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭29:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://proverbs.bible/proverbs-29-7 + +Dear God, that no matter where I am in my profession, I value justice for the poor in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for two encounters with the poor today. And thank you that you enabled me to engage them, God, I pray for your glory and the good of the church. Help me, Lord, to make the most of every opportunity to serve in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for a peaceful house church last night. You are present, God, and I pray pleased. + +8.3.22 +Dear God, you are kind, merciful and gracious. In humility and repentance, I come before you. + +These days are hard stuck at home, and temptations of the mind and body creep. Greed, laziness, dishonesty and wickedness are just around the corner. + +In a way, I worry, God, about what looms during the summer holiday this month and the next. Take this worry from me, God, as you took my worries about COVID away. I pray for myself, and students and teachers across Hong Kong, that while we might rest, that you also lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, Father. + +I pray, Holy Spirit, that you would mercifully and powerfully lead me each day to experience you, God, to take part in your work. I pray that you would clearly lead me to do kingdom work, and that you lead me not into selfish ambition this summer in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for yesterday’s men’s prayer meeting, so that by your power, Holy Spirit, I might not be afraid against COVID and Karen might not be afraid against the kitchen sink pipes in Jesus’ name. Shalom in our marriage and home. + +7.3.22 +Dear God, playing Splendor with Karen; and her losing twice in the same day triggered her. Thank you for showing me a bit more about my wife, her weakness and what I have to do to love her as myself in Jesus’ name. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for coming into our marriage with power. + +Dear God, I have not been sleeping well at night and I am not sure what awaits during this summer holiday. Please lead me, Holy Spirit, to make the most of every opportunity because the days are evil in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for mobilizing Karen and me to give via Solomon’s Porch and the Vine. + +Thank you, God, for the men’s prayer group, reconnecting with Sdenka, and working out with Amanda. + +6.3.22 Sunday Service +I don’t understand the practical utility of relating to God. What is an example? For example, I am not necessarily receiving medical supplies or food supplies or even kind words from a church volunteer’s phone call. I don’t know what free services such as babysitting and health care that I receive from the church. I do get free food if I attend in person house church. + + I do trust Jesus as a matter of eternity so that I might not be afraid of death. + +I believe God speaks and I listen. About many matters. Does that count towards utility? + +At the same time, there are many instances where there has not been utility: for example, I did not get what I had prayed for. + +YAHWEH, I am who I am, is self-sufficient and sustaining. Small wonder he can provide for everyone for eternity. + +To be sure, because of these qualities, Jesus can later claim, “Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” +‭‭John‬ ‭6:35‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://john.bible/john-6-35 + +In contrast, as pastor Sam points out with ancient Egyptian religion, polytheism does not present any God like this. Ditto for Chinese religion. + +Indeed, the Chinese version of hell, that is, eternity away from the one true God, is even worse than the land of living. In Chinese hell, there is little to no economy, industry and certainly no sustainability. Chinese in the land of the dead rely on sacrifices of actual food and effigies from the land of the living. Small wonder Chinese are a pessimistic bunch and many are terrified of death. + +Yet, the road to trusting Jesus for eternity begins with meeting people’s immediate felt needs. Jesus is merciful and knows this: + +“Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw the signs I performed but because you ate the loaves and had your fill. Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.”” +‭‭John‬ ‭6:26-27‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/jhn.6.26-27.NIV + +Dear Jesus, You are God almighty and your words endure into eternity. You are the compassionate and gracious God. + +I wonder, Jesus, if your words have been realized, and must continue to be realized until your return. + +On my birthday, dear God, you remind me to stand firm and to advance the gospel all the remaining days of my life on this earth; I humble myself before you. Please help me to realize this, Holy Spirit, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +“When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.” +‭‭Mark‬ ‭13:7-8‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/mrk.13.7-8.NIV + +Dear God, thank you for dinner with Karen, and cake and Splendor with Karen. That was fun. + +5.3.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you know what is best for your glory and the good of the church. And I worship you and give you praise. + +Dear Jesus, you commend those who give out of poverty. But to the rich, giving is unremarkable; to be sure, it is the duty of the rich to give. + +How hard, dear God, is it for the rich to put themselves in the position to give out of poverty for your glory and the good of the church; how hard it is for my local church, filled with rich elites, to do what the commended widow has done, be it individually or corporately as a body. + +Nonetheless, dear God, please speak to me and the local church these days on how to give corporately in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, you know what is best for your glory and for me. I humble myself before you in repentance; and I love you. + +Dear God, I still think about last week’s interview. And if I was humiliated in any way last week, this was not the first time that I have been humiliated in front of eminent people at work. + +Yet, the thought that crossed my mind, dear God, is “what does this work have to do with the poor?” I pray to walk humbly with you God, and to not let my ambition come in the way of our relationship and in the way of loving my neighbor as myself in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for the argument and resolution with Karen yesterday. Thank you for our time out at Mozy Cafe. Thank you for speaking to me about how to better answer that tough interview question on leadership; and for Karen’s help. + +Thank you for time to talk with my mother and aunt. + +Thank you, God, for time to run. + +4.3.2 +“An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips. Put your outdoor work in order and get your fields ready; after that, build your house.” +‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭24:26-27‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/pro.24.26-27.NIV + +Dear God, you are loving and kind. You know just what to do for your glory and the good of the church. + +I humble myself before you, God. I still think about last Monday’s job interview and by your grace, as my mind sobers, you continue to speak to me. Perhaps my honesty was best at that interview, to save the panel and me any grief. And that if you close this door to me, God, this is because you have led me in wisdom to continue on the existing career path and to enjoy this season of life. In this way, increase my faith, dear God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, you are eternal, and omnipotent. You are almighty and everlasting. I worship you and give you praise. + +My life is but a vapor, God; and I humble myself before you. In repentance, I return to you and walk humbly with you. Lead me, Holy Spirit, by your power through the high and low emotions of today, and the high and low seasons of my life for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +“For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. When I felt secure, I said, “I will never be shaken.” Lord, when you favored me, you made my royal mountain stand firm; but when you hid your face, I was dismayed.” +‭‭Psalms‬ ‭30:5-7‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/psa.30.5-7.NIV + +Dear God, thank you for a positive competition result for our students. + +And thank you for time to talk with Amanda. Salvation come to her and her family. + +3.3.22 +Dear God, last night’s kitchen sick vomit was traumatizing for Karen, it seems, so I pray for her and my peace. That we would address this crisis courageously and calmly in Jesus’ name. In this way, dear God, thank you for favor with the former owner and especially for that owner’s theory that a pipe is blocked. I pray that you deliver us, God, from this disorder in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, last night was bittersweet, as you reveal to me perhaps why, if I were on the interview panel, I wouldn’t offer myself the HKU role. Now, I humble myself before you and pray for your peace, comfort and consolation, Holy Spirit. On the one hand, I am relieved to know that my view of the role in terms of my longevity and time period might be irreconcilably different from the panel’s view of a person’s longevity and time period at the role. On the other hand, I fight my feelings of shame, and struggle to appreciate the interview as a feeling out process, not a high stakes examination with model answers. To be sure, even if I delivered model answers, these might not have been my genuine thoughts and beliefs. In this way, God, help me to walk humbly with you, to lay down my inadequate thoughts and to appreciate your everyday, palpable love in my life, not least through my wife, in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for house church last night and your peace in that meeting. I am surprised that we have realized a rapport, and I pray that house church is pleasing to you, God. + +Dear God, thank you for the moments yesterday to exercise. I pray for the peace, health and prosperity of Hong Kong, its church and my family in Jesus’ name. Would you continue to speak, Lord, about how to help the poor these days. + +Finally, dear God, thank you for time to talk with James and Matthew. Shalom. God bless them and their families in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for your joy our strength. Thank you for a period of peace and love in my family, and I guess, Karen’s family. That’s your grace and glory, God. + +Holy Spirit, I humble myself before you: according to your will, please lead me to honor my mother so that it would go well with me. Ditto for Karen’s parents. My family matters more than my career, God, and I pray you speak at the right time to move closer to my mother. Salvation come to my family and Karen’s family in Jesus’ name. + +Dear Jesus, your authority on earth comes from our father in heaven, holy is his name. + +Perhaps you remind me, Holy Spirit, of when I have exercised authority in the church, I pray, for your glory and the good of your church. Those were key events in the life of those small groups. I humble myself before you, I pray that according to your will, you would continue to use me, and make me wise, God, so that when you say so, I would speak courageously in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +2.3.22 +Dear God, thank you for your grace and mercy, to bestow not only faith but also skill to your people in different measure. That is for your glory and the good of the church. + +I humble myself before you, and pray that whatever knowledge, skill and attitude you have given me would benefit my neighbors and advance the gospel. And I pray you would lead me, Holy Spirit, to do this, not only today, but year by year, unto my death and into eternity in Jesus’ name. + +“If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you doing this?’ say, ‘The Lord needs it and will send it back here shortly.’ ”” +‭‭Mark‬ ‭11:3‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://mark.bible/mark-11-3 + +Dear Jesus, you are the king of glory. You can do whatever you want for your glory and the good of your people. + +On Ash Wednesday, I pray Christians around the world would all the more focus on knowing you, being like you and making you known, Jesus. + +And around the world your love would be revealed all the more to your people, and to their neighbors. In Hong Kong, I pray you would use all your means, Jesus, to realize this, because you are good and people are scared, even in the church. + +I humble myself before you, and pray that you come, Holy Spirit, and have your way, starting with me, and my wife, and our house church, and our church and our society in Jesus’ name. + +Dear Jesus, thank you for a smooth morning assembly this morning. Thank you for this mechanism by which I may speak to all students and for the English department in Jesus’ name. Thank you that Florence could speak well today. Thank you for the working relationship that she, Jessie and I have. Salvation come to Jessie and her family. Amen. + +1.3.22 +Dear Jesus, thank you for time to talk with Samantha today and to bless her on her UK trip and to pray for Ben too in Jesus’ name. + +28.2.22 +Dear God, +Thank you for Karen, because perhaps you are speaking to me through Karen. + +Although she had said she wanted me to get the job and to take the job, now she says that if I take the job, I might screw Jessie, become a workaholic and have no time for Karen, and have no time for AI NLP. She's right. + +She also said she was proud of me for taking the interview in the same way that I tell my students that I am proud of them. That's your glory, God. + +And Karen was right today when she told me how to respond to Jessie when my scheme to have Florence substitute for my 2C class backfired, and Florence didn't show up, and after the interview, I was immediately in trouble with the students, the regular English teacher, and Jessie. Karen telling me to respond truthfully smoothed over my and Jessie's misunderstanding. + +Besides, you gave me an opportunity to bless Jessie by taking her lessons at no cost to her. + +In sum, dear God, you have demonstrated your mercy by granting me Karen and speaking to me through her in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for the workout group and this evening's exercise, during which my mind miraculously sobered up. My negative emotions dissipated and my thoughts returned. For your glory, these thoughts were charitable. I realize the job was, literally, far beyond my pay grade, and far beyond my existing organizational experience, in terms of number of employees and diversity of employees. + +Maybe you show me how brave I was to take the interview and to try my best amongst such eminent minds -- to be sure, this interview was not as much of a mess as my Cambridge research associate interview almost three years ago. + +Moreover, perhaps you show me the way to realize this kind of role. However, not receiving an offer might also be a signal that I might not be suitable for such a conservative university role. I might stick to my liberal, entrepreneurial way. + +I might even write up the interview report tonight or tomorrow because I owe it to my future self to learn from this seminal interview. + +Dear God, what is your grace is receiving positive results for my private medical insurance application and spouse medical insurance on the same day. Thank you, Jesus. + +Dear God, you oppose the proud but show favor to the humble. When Peter shouts, you challenge and teach. + +I humble myself before you and pray to continue to serve you, God, all the days of my life. Would you lead me, God, according to your will, to raise up the next generation who will not know anything about me but will know you and do your will in Jesus’ name. Would you lead me today, even in my teaching, to do this? Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for the opportunity to interview for a senior lecturer position at the University of Hong Kong. I am humbled to be invited to interview by older more clever panel members. I was a young man in that room, haha. + +Please, Holy Spirit, lead me in your love away from these deep feelings of shame. I might have been a fool in that interview but I thank you for your faithfulness and steadfastness. + +27.2.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are good, loving, faithful and steadfast. You know what is best for your glory and my good. I humble myself before you in repentance. I love you and worship you. + +Today on the sabbath, although there are wars and rumors of war, and although a high stakes moment awaits me tomorrow, I pray that you would be all the more greater in my life, God. Your peace and power are within me. You will lead me into greater intimacy with you, and to advance the gospel, and to build the church. Continue to have your way, Holy Spirit, in me and in the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, last night was tough. There felt like too much work and I was too tired. + +We don’t “step up” to house church leadership or start a ministry to hurt others. + +Vain conceit is not humility; it’s losing objectivity about our strengths and weaknesses. + +It’s a discussion over-emphasizing self and de-emphasizing others, or disinterest in others. + +Who do you want to surpass you and in what area of life? + +Thankfully, the Holy Spirit is speaking to Pastor Sam and the church body as to me: from Galatians to 1 Corinthians to Ephesians, Paul’s theology can change. We should be encouraged by this developmental psychology perspective. + +1 Timothy + +Be encouraged from 40 to 58; through wars and rumors of war around the world, in Hong Kong, in my family, even in my body. + +26.2.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, thank you for your mercy and a new morning. You remind me of your leading me through my career, and your presiding over Hong Kong’s protests and pandemic. You are the king of all and your will be done, your kingdom come, for your glory and the good of the church. I worship you. + +I also humble myself before you, especially in preparation to teach today and then to interview on Monday. Regarding the latter, dear God, I pray to have a realistic view of myself and what I might do to help out, importantly, to advance your gospel in Jesus’ name. + +Dear Jesus, you are the humble king. And you oppose the proud, but show favor to the humble. I repent, humble myself before you and worship you. + +Please increase my faith, dear God, and by your power, Holy Spirit, lead me into worry-free action this weekend and next week, for your glory and the good of the church. I pray to advance the gospel without fear for myself and others, and to remain in right relationship with you, God, in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for dinner with Karen in TST; and time to run. + +25.2.22 +Dear God, you oppose the proud but show favor to the humble. I repent, ask for your forgiveness and humble myself before you. + +Just as you are the humble king, Jesus, and have shown your people the way, so Peter in his lifetime would follow your example, for your glory and the good of the church. + +I pray to do the same. Although last night was terrible, far from the night two weeks ago when I struggled with you, Lord, I know you are good and loving. You will continue to change me and the church. I pray today, and this weekend, I would continue to deny myself, take up my cross and follow you Jesus. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for the trials of the past few weeks, even last night. This morning, I feel faith. And I humbly pray that you would continue your good work in me and in the church, year by year, for your glory and our good in Jesus’ name. + +“In the same way that gold and silver are refined by fire, the Lord purifies your heart by the tests and trials of life.” +‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭17:3‬ ‭TPT‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/1849/pro.17.3.TPT + +Dear God, thank you for time to run up a hill. + +Dear God, all day zoom was life taking. And I pray, God, that you would lead me to discharge all my lesson responsibilities and interview next week well in Jesus’ name. + +24.2.22 +Dear God, Thank you for time to run yesterday. Thank you for dinner. Thank you for role playing with Karen and board games in Jesus’ name. + +Thank you for a chat with Glenn. Please bring that pregnancy in Jesus’ name. + +23.2.22 +Dear God, 1F Vivian’s kind words to me after our lesson was very encouraging. Thank you for your mercy over her and me, that we had this short season together, I pray, for your glory and our good, God. Salvation come to her and her family. Amen. + +Dear God, yesterday morning’s assembly was a mess; and I humble myself before you, God, and pray that you would use me to advance the gospel to colleagues while there is still time. Teach me to be more like you Jesus when interacting with colleagues and students. + +Dear God, thank you for a final, long run at happy valley before the mask mandate; and thank you for the drink with Jason. I pray you would speak to Jason about joining the mission committee for your glory and the good of the church. + +22.2.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are almighty and faithful. You are compassionate and gracious. You are my God and I worship you. + +Dear God, you speak to me about being quiet so as to be with You; and that you might make me sensitive to your work in and around me, for your glory and the good of the church. I humble myself before you in repentance; and pray that you continue to speak to me, God, and that I would listen and obey. Importantly, as you speak to me about being patient and prudent in the church, perhaps I must be the same at work, if only to know you and to advance your gospel, Jesus. Amen. + +Help me, Lord Jesus, to speak what is kind, true and necessary this week for your glory and the good of the church. + +21.2.22 +Dear God, thank you for time with Amanda, if only to share with her three Chinese view of death — and I pray soon, the promise of eternal life with you because of Jesus. + +Dear God, thank you for time with the men’s prayer group and moving us with compassion for our neighbors. Come Holy Spirit in power and lead us to be generous to our neighbors corporately this week in Jesus’ name. + +20.2.22 10:00 Sunday Service +I appreciate the Philippians context which facilitates our understanding of Paul’s letter to Philippians. To be sure, his message is for them, as opposed to Ephesians or Corinthians and those people’s context. + +Paul is writing to a people group, not a person. If is conditional. Are we meeting these conditions? For our house church, yes. + +These words at the beginning of Chapter two are flowing from grace. + +Paul writes the letter later in his life. He writes this letter in prison: + +1. Galatians (written at the time of Acts chapters 17/18) — penned in from? +2. 1 Thessalonians (written Acts chapter 18) — penned in Corinth +3. 2 Thessalonians (written Acts chapter 18) — penned in Corinth +4. 1 Corinthians (written Acts chapters 19/20) — penned in Ephesus +5. 2 Corinthians (written Acts chapter 20) — penned in Macedonia +6. Romans (written Acts chapter 20) — penned in Corinth + +- Ephesians — sent by Tychicus (6:21-22) — penned in Rome +- Philippians — sent by Epaphroditus (2:25, 28-29) — penned in Rome +- Colossians — sent by Tychicus and Onesimus (4:7-9) — penned in Rome +- Philemon — sent by Onesimus (verses 10-17) — penned in Rome +- 1 Timothy — ? +- Titus — sent by Tychicus and/or Artemas? (3:12) — penned en route to Nicopolis (3:12) +- 2 Timothy — sent by ? — penned in Rome (1:17) — **Paul’s farewell** + +Paul was in his late 50s when he wrote Philippians. I have decades more to live before, from a development psychology perspective, becoming the life stage from which Paul wrote. + +And I think God is speaking quite clearly to me from 1 Corinthians. Love is patient. It is long suffering. Implied, it is not sudden and immediate. In this way, if God is patient with individuals, over decades, I should be patient too. That God can change people like me, even at house church, not necessarily overnight, but over decades to be all the more loving. I am reminded of my off and on friendships with Glenn and Patrick. + +Beware imposing our age’s time sensitivity on scripture. For example, nowhere in Philippians does Paul say the church must do something now, or in a day, or a week or even month. Paul is corresponding with the church in terms of years. + +Maybe God is speaking to me about waiting on him: loving is waiting on God: + +“I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” +‭‭Psalms‬ ‭27:13-14‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/psa.27.13-14.NIV + +“Here’s what I’ve learned through it all: Don’t give up; don’t be impatient; be entwined as one with the Lord. Be brave and courageous, and never lose hope. Yes, keep on waiting—for he will never disappoint you!” +‭‭Psalms‬ ‭27:14‬ ‭TPT‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/1849/psa.27.14.TPT + +“Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living. Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.” +‭‭Psalms‬ ‭27:13-14‬ ‭NLT‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/116/psa.27.14.NLT + +God’s best for me and those around me is to be careful and to be patient. + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I humble myself before you and worship you. You are good, loving and kind, to me and all your people. + +I believe, God, you are speaking to me personally, today, not only about being patient, waiting on you, but also about being prudent. To realize any of this is your power, Holy Spirit, exerted over years of my life, I pray, for your glory and the good of the church. I pray that today and this week, especially to myself and brethren in the church, you would make me long suffering, wise and cautious for your glory and our good. Amen. + +“The prudent keep their knowledge to themselves, but a fool’s heart blurts out folly.” +‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭12:23‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://proverbs.bible/proverbs-12-23 + +19.2.22 +Dear Father God, you are our Father in heaven; and holy is your name; come your kingdom; your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. + +Come, your kingdom in my life and marriage; in this work with others today as it is in heaven. I don’t know what this will be practically, God, but I humble myself before you; and I trust you, Holy Spirit, that today, you come in your power to transform me and those around me for your glory and the good of the church. Amen. + +Dear Jesus, thank you for your faithfulness and loving kindness this morning. Thank you for your generosity in my life so that I might be generous to others with what time, talent, treasure and knowledge you have given me. Even today, I humble myself before you and pray you lead me, Holy Spirit, to share freely with my students and other neighbors, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +18.2.22 +Dear Jesus, you know what is best. You love us and instruct us, your people. + +I humble myself before you and pray that the church, its pastors and teachers and I would have a greater hunger for your word; not only that but that we would understand your word. I pray that our pastors would have an even deeper understanding of your word when they preach in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, my work week has been long, and my heart at times has faltered. Please lead me Holy Spirit to grow in wisdom and stature in this time, and in favor with God and man. Grant me a willing spirit to sustain me and steadfast spirit to endure lovingly what you have given me in Jesus’ name. The glory is yours, God. + +17.2.22 +Dear Jesus, thank you for time to talk with Jessie and Florence yesterday. That was essential, God, to my job satisfaction. + +Please lead me to discharge my work responsibilities well in Jesus’ name; and to prepare well for this job interview in Jesus’ name. + +16.2.22 +Dear God, I humble myself before you. Spending eternity with you in paradise is for your glory and my good. + +At the same time, I have no idea what kind of experience eternity will be, God, because it is a place of rejoicing, without death, pain and tears. Eternity will not be a human experience. It will be a supernatural experience. My hope and faith are in you, God, that after death, beyond this human experience, you will be there and I can rejoice in you. Amen. + +Dear Jesus, thank you for your grace. By your power, Holy Spirit, you remind me that I have fallen short of your glory because of my sin; and that because of your sacrifice, Jesus, this intimacy between you and me is possible. Thank you for forgiving me, and saving me, Jesus. You are my God and I worship you, through the highs and the troubles of today. + +15.2.22 +Dear God, my heart seems a bit hard; and I appear distant from you. I repent, and humble myself before you. You are loving and kind to me. The glory is yours, God. Thank you for your steadfastness and presence in my life, even this morning, in Jesus' name. + +The confusion, dear God, at work, is life taking. I say no to fear and confusion in Jesus' name. Any of those spirits around me or my colleagues I bind in Jesus' name; and I cast those spirits from us in Jesus' name. Come, Holy Spirit, in your power, in my meetings today and tomorrow with colleagues. Remembers us and have mercy on us, Lord, in Jesus' name. + +“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from my cries of anguish?” +‭‭Psalms‬ ‭22:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://psalm.bible/psalm-22-1 + +Dear God, however far I have felt from you, even this morning, does not compare to how you suffered, Jesus, on the cross. Because of what you have done, Jesus, I am not alone, even this morning. Your spirit lives within me. + +And I pray humbly in repentance that you come in your power Holy Spirit, in all my afternoon meetings today, for your glory and my good. I love you and pray all this in Jesus’ name. + +14.2.22 +Dear God, thank you for the workout with Amanda on her rooftop. Thank you for this friendship and the fellowship with the workout group, I pray, for your glory in Jesus' name. I pray you lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, Father. Keep us far from COVID, Father, in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for time at men's fellowship to speak the truth in love to Sterling; and then thank you for time to talk to my wife at home -- and thank you for the cakes from the vegan cake shop! Dear God, you are kind and merciful to Karen, and me and our church neighbors, I pray, in Jesus' name. Guide us, Holy Spirit, in power to continue to meet, to encourage one another and to spur each other on in love and good deeds, and wisdom in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to minister to the street sleepers in the subway beside Happy Valley race course. Thank you for making Karen and me brave in Jesus' name. According to your will, come Holy Spirit, and build these relationships that ultimately lead to you Jesus, I pray, in your name. Amen. + +13.2.22 Sunday Service +“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” +‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:12‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://matthew.bible/matthew-7-12 + +“And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”” +‭‭Matthew‬ ‭22:39-40‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/mat.22.39-40.NIV + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I humble myself before you in repentance. You speak, Jesus, not once, but twice about this “golden rule.” + +Dear God, I don’t know much about platinum rules and Jesus rules; but I know you have spoken this golden rule twice to me today; that you live within me, Holy Spirit; and that you are the compassionate and gracious God. + +So from this sermon, and amongst people with far different perspectives, I know you can change me to love my neighbors more as you love me. + +My desire is not to be right but to love. + +Importantly, just as you have surrounded me with people that have been charitable with their thoughts, and words to me, so this week, especially in the church, I might speak only what is true, necessary and kind, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +12.2.22 +Dear God, perhaps you had spoken to me just now, to proceed with how I believe you had instructed me. I humble myself before you and pray that whatever I say to my brother shortly would be for your glory and the good of the church. You are our Father in heaven and holy is your name. You lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, I humble myself before you in repentance. I pray that you would come in your power, Holy Spirit, this morning, not only in my teaching MITE but also in Karen’s attending EG. + +11.2.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you oppose the proud but show favor to the humble. And you can do whatever you want for your glory and the good of the church. In this way, all of Peter’s pride, his enthusiasm and hyperbole, you, Jesus, can flip that; and you can flip that again by your power, Holy Spirit. You will be exalted in all the nations according to your will: I humble myself before you; I love you; and pray that you would use me for your glory and the good of the church. Amen. + +This proverb reminds me of this week’s house church discussion. People shared struggles with being right. This can be a stumbling block to humility and a mechanism for pride. It appears often at work and can lead to stupid and foolish arguments. According to this proverb, lacking intellectual humility and respect for God’s omnipotence isn’t good for our well-being. + +Dear God, you are all powerful and all knowing. You know what is best in any and every situation for all creation. That is your glory. + +I humble myself before you in repentance. I pray that you would come in your power, Holy Spirit, to convict us and to change us for your glory and our good. I especially pray you would be at work in my and my house church members’ work, so that we might listen to others, understand them, and be charitable to them in our thoughts, attitudes and actions. In Jesus’ name, I pray that we would love our neighbors as ourselves at work today. + +Dear God, I note my sour mood this week, not least from online teaching; I note disappointment in myself today, from zero attendance of the HKDSE workshop, to my attitude at the staff meeting to my missing most of the S6(3) lesson. Forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, I don’t know what to think about my and Karen’s sex life. I pray you would be there and make Karen and me steadfast in our marriage in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for a quiet evening. Please renew in me a heart of thanksgiving in Jesus’ name. + +10.2.22 +Dear God, thank you for the house church meeting last night. Thank you for moving in our house church, God, and perhaps confirming the word you had said to me, I believe, earlier that morning. + +Thank you for moving Karen, too, to say something to Sterling, I pray, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for Florence, and bringing her to work. Thank you for professional conversations with her. + +Ditto for Mr. Bond. I pray in thanksgiving, Holy Spirit, that you would lead him and his family to SP in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +9.2.22 +Dear God, it's 01:49 in the morning. Karen this evening has already woken up twice with shouts. + +This all started while she and I were in bed and she suddenly told me about Sterling's text messages to her that day. His messages were contradictory and incoherent, she thought. She felt annoyed. + +Her annoyance annoyed me. I felt she had brought her annoyance upon herself and me because she had entertained Sterling and had not said no to his unsolicited text messages. In contrast, Sterling had not annoyed me because I would not invite him to continue his rambling to me. + +Karen felt unsupported. I felt exasperated. + +Maybe you were speaking to me, God, about rebuking Sterling at men's prayer group. That I should write down my message: Sterling's messages had annoyed my wife and my wife brought that annoyance into our marriage bed. She and I experienced disharmony. I believe his messages, which I read, are inappropriate for my wife to receive. I doubt my wife can say no to Sterling but for her sake and mine, I must say no to Sterling. I will say no to him in front of the men so the men can hold Sterling and me to account. Sterling cannot contact my wife anymore and if he does, I will raise it at this men's prayer meeting again. I will speak to my wife about my decision. + +At the same time, I forgive Sterling on behalf of my wife and me. He does not have to text my wife. If he trespasses against me and my wife again, I will forgive him again. + +Maybe this is you, Holy Spirit; and if so, come in your power at men's prayer meeting so I can speak the truth in love in Jesus' name. Amen. + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, maybe last night you really did speak to me about house church; and by your power, Holy Spirit, I will begin to execute your instruction, I pray, for your glory and our good in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +8.2.22 +https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/health-environment/article/3166185/coronavirus-hong-kong-return-most-stringent?module=lead_hero_story&pgtype=homepage +Dear God, I don't know how you broke through my heart. But you did for your glory and the good of the church. You show me your mercy through Hong Kong's stringent COVID policy: people are afraid of death because people don't know you and people are afraid of Chinese hell. Everyone must stay alive because this is the only opportunity for their good. + +I don't want my heart to grow cold and to engage in karma when it comes to COVID-19 policy. I don't want anyone to get COVID and then die. Similarly, I feel the church must respond with mercy in terms of kind thoughts, attitudes and actions, not karma, when it comes to living with COVID according to government policy. Importantly, we must advance the gospel, and proclaiming that people deserve what they get, for not getting vaccinated, for example, or even death, is not your heart. + +Dear Jesus, by your Spirit, you remind me of the women who have anointed you; and who humbly recognized you; in contrast to these men, be they Pharisees or even your disciples, who missed the mark of worshipping you. + +At the same time, we need to receive your rebuke, God, as wisdom! + +I humble myself before you; and pray to give you the glory, Jesus, that you deserve. In walking humbly with you today, I pray to see you at work; and according to your will to take part, to love you with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. Amen. + +7.2.22 +Dear God, thank you for leading me to wisdom, to you, I pray, for your glory and the good of the church. Thank you for making me brave to cancel tonight's HOP; and for favor with me for that decision. Thank you for time for Karen and me to work out together. + +Importantly, thank you for relieving me of weakness in my left leg, God, so that I ran with relief. This is a miraculous change in my condition from yesterday, when I suffered sudden weakness in my leg at least a dozen times on an 11 mile run. + +Dear God, thank you for speaking to me through yesterday's sermon. You spoke to me about my own pride, and about my house church. And through my and Jason's conversation yesterday, you spoke to Jason. The glory is yours, God. + +Finally, thank you, God, for favor with man in prosecuting the 1st Human-AI creative writing contest. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for even spurring me on to complete the funding application and the contest materials in Jesus' name. + +6.2.22 Sunday service +Ego appears synonymous with pride, that is, the attitude of thinking too highly or lowly of oneself, the former, for example, manifested in the attitude, “Don’t you know who I am?” Sometimes in the feelings of annoyance, condescension, impatience, offense, victimization and frustration. At the same time, ego might oppose humility, having the right view of oneself, neither too high nor low, such as the servant’s attitude to forgive as he has been forgiven. + +By what mechanisms do we think too highly or lowly of ourselves, and that we lose self-objectivity? + +““No,” said Peter, “you shall never wash my feet.” Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.” “Then, Lord,” Simon Peter replied, “not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!”” +‭‭John‬ ‭13:8-9‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/jhn.13.8-9.NIV + +Enthusiasm and hyperbole — not fact checked, hype — are stumbling blocks for Peter and me + +Where have I laid down, following God’s will and timing? Maybe in house church dynamic? + +“Jesus said to his disciples: “Things that cause people to stumble are bound to come, but woe to anyone through whom they come. It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble. So watch yourselves. “If your brother or sister sins against you, rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them. Even if they sin against you seven times in a day and seven times come back to you saying ‘I repent,’ you must forgive them.” The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you. “Suppose one of you has a servant plowing or looking after the sheep. Will he say to the servant when he comes in from the field, ‘Come along now and sit down to eat’? Won’t he rather say, ‘Prepare my supper, get yourself ready and wait on me while I eat and drink; after that you may eat and drink’? Will he thank the servant because he did what he was told to do? So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.’ ”” +‭‭Luke‬ ‭17:1-10‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://luke.bible/luke-17-10 + +““You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.” +‭‭John‬ ‭13:13-17‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://john.bible/john-13-17 + +Maybe this is the word not only for my house church. And SP generally. We are weak in rebuke — I wonder if we are weak in repentance and forgiveness. + +5.2.22 +“The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.” +‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭4:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://proverbs.bible/proverbs-4-7 + +“He said to them, “Therefore every teacher of the law who has become a disciple in the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.”” +‭‭Matthew‬ ‭13:52‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://matthew.bible/matthew-13-52 + +Dear God, thank you for your loving presence today; thank you for speaking to me, to persevere in this life, and to bless others through my experience, knowledge and wisdom, for your glory and the good of the church. I pray to keep walking humbly with you, to listen to you, and to remember, so that according to your will Jesus now and in the future I might make disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey everything you have commanded. Amen. + +4.2.22 +Dear Jesus, I humble myself before you. I don’t understand if you have spoken to me about this modern age’s Pharisees. I don’t know how comparable this age’s educated Christian elites are to Pharisees of the second temple age. I do know that you describe woes for the Pharisees, but how applicable are any of these to today’s church? + +Maybe you have spoken to me, Holy Spirit, reminding me of your requirement for your people to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with you, for your glory and the good of the church. Amen. + +3.2.22 +Dear God, on the one hand, thank you for this week’s time with Karen’s family, especially to better understand her, her sister’s, her mom’s and her aunt’s hyper time sensitivity. I take comfort that my brother in law recognizes his wife’s time sensitivity. It’s good that these Ho sisters recognize their contagion to an extent. + +Something else is making her outsize nervous today beyond being punctual in general and this event. Maybe her work tomorrow. + +What negative emotion does she suffer? Shame? Fear, yes, per her sister’s admission at lunch today; likely not guilt + +You remind me, God, in view of your mercy, to keep praying for patience in Jesus’ name. + +Thank you, God, for these trials of marriage. There are temptations. Come your kingdom, your will be done, Father, in this marriage as it is in heaven. + +Dear God, thank you for time at Bryoni and Dennis’s place last night not least to spur Johnny and Lydia toward love and good deeds; thank you for the opportunity to share prayer with them. I humble myself before you and pray that you would speak to them and that they would listen to you as they seek you with all their heart. Please unify them and restore their marriage in Jesus’ name. + +Ditto for me and Karen! + +2.2.22 +Dear Jesus, you are more than a prophet; you are the son of God; you have declared the coming of your Father’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven; and you have taken this kingdom from the chief priests and Pharisees and have given this kingdom to all who believe in you Jesus, from that time until now. You have ushered in the Holy Spirit of God to enable people to produce kingdom fruit for your glory and our good. + +I humble myself before you, God. I pray to continue to produce fruit in keeping with repentance. I pray that my honor and service would be to advance your kingdom, even today at family and friend gatherings in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for Chinese New Year and the opportunity to be generous, and to receive others’ generosity. As you have spoken to me yesterday so I pray you lead me to be generous to those who cannot repay: even asking for street sleepers’ names; and providing food for them is a start for your glory in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to respond to the EIT reviewer and bless him in Jesus’ name. + +1.2.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I humble myself before you in repentance. + +As the Chinese New Year commences this week, I pray your Kingdom come, your will be done, Father; I pray to do what you have commanded, Jesus, not only to love but also to make disciples of all nations; and I pray, Holy Spirit, you would come in your power and people would trust you Jesus. + +Please help me, God, to love myself and others, in my thoughts and words, and with my actions this week, for your glory and the good of the church. Amen. + +Dear God, while meeting Karen’s family and the Fans was life giving, the time outside felt life taking. I was exhausted. + +Dear God, thank you for clearer communication for Karen and me at home. + +And dear God, how can I see my mom and grandmother again but by your grace? And how can I help the Fans beyond prayer in Jesus’ name!? + +31.1.22 +Dear Jesus, you are far more than a prophet; you are far more than a man and a rabbi. You are the anointed one of God and you are God, for which reason I humble myself before you and worship you. + +I take comfort in your words, not least that you and the Father are one; I take comfort in what you did on the cross as the perfect sacrifice, to restore the relationship between man and God; and I take comfort in what you did after your resurrection, to teach your disciples and to usher in the Holy Spirit of God. You are far more than a prophet. + +I pray to share you this week, to make disciples of all nations and teaching them to obey everything you have commanded, for your glory and the good of the church. Amen. + +Dear Jesus, thank you for favor with man at the men’s prayer meeting, the doctor’s consultation and then at HOP. You are merciful, God. Come, Holy Spirit, and lead me to advance the gospel to my neighbors this week in Jesus’ name. + +Dear Jesus, I feel fear and trepidation in the final moments before resubmitting the EIT manuscript. I humble myself before you and pray for continue favor with man, your blessings for the reviewers and a revelation of your long suffering and kind love in my life in your name. Amen. + +30.1.22 +Dear Jesus, you are compassionate and gracious. You are the good shepherd. You are merciful and all knowing. + +Thank you for the good news about house church yesterday; and the fine Bible study, filled with you, Holy Spirit. + +I humble myself before you in repentance. I pray that my house church brethren, and Bible study group brethren would serve one another humbly; we would follow you to serve and not to be served. I also pray that you Holy Spirit would enable us to overcome our interpersonal conflicts, underlying tensions and the schemes of the enemy, and to speak the truth in love to one another. You can make this happen, Holy Spirit, for your glory and our good in Jesus’ name. + +Sunday service +I disagree with the implications about Jesus from Pastor Andrew’s teaching about the cross as an authenticity metaphor. For example, if Jesus was letting go of optics, that is, his image and reputation, does this imply Jesus was managing public perception and was not genuine and authentic when he was not on the cross!? + +Ditto, Jesus, embracing his weakness. I don’t think Jesus was projecting non-weakness in his walk on earth. + +I think there is a bit of eisegesis in this sermon. Additionally, I think this message fits within my understanding of Pastor Andrew’s sermons, which lean heavily on development psychology: they represent his life stage and ministries; they represent his seeking authentic identity, self-awareness and acceptance. + +If Pastor Andrew wants to share about his struggles against deception and for authenticity, and contrast himself to a steadfast, faithful, loving God, he should teach from Genesis, from Adam, to Cain, to Noah’s sons, to Abram, to Jacob and Esau, to Israel’sSons. + +Dear God, I pray for Pastor Andrew and other pastors’ well-being this season. I pray they would come to you and find rest for their souls. I pray your love would surround them. And I pray you would deliver them from evil and depression in Jesus’ name. + +29.1.22 +Dear God, you are generous and faithful. You are almighty and I fear you: your kingdom is amazing and unlike this world. + +I humble myself before you: how you treat your servants thousands of years ago is for your glory; and how you will treat your servants a thousand years from now is for your glory; these are not my business. As for me, I pray to be satisfied with these good things from you: my wage for eternity, and my daily bread for today. I pray to discharge my duty well, importantly, to love lots and to forgive lots. Even this morning, I pray to be kind to myself and my students, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for favor with man in teaching MITE today; and thank you for favor at Bible study. You have been present, Holy Spirit, and I pray you will continue to be present for your glory and our good. Amen. + +28.1.22 +Dear God, thank you for the argument and resolution with Karen about how we spend time together in our house — according to your will, you can bring us together over a fine television show. At the same time, thank you for our external date along the Causeway Bay promenade and at the Thai skewers place. That was enjoyable. + +Dear God, I struggle at work without leadership. Today, I struggled to understand a possible change to English Ambassadors based on individual perception, not material evidence. Teach me, Lord, to be kind to my principal and line manager in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for the form six girls. Salvation come to them. I pray they come to know you soon, Jesus. I pray they know your eternal and perfect love more than they know my love or any man’s love. + +27.1.22 +Dear Jesus, I humble myself before you. I suffered and felt persecuted at work. There appears to be leadership for attendance but there is management of my attendance tasks. This was life taking, as reflected in my poor attitude. I am not sure what to do, God, but to forgive my assailants and colleagues, and to pray for my and my colleagues: that your kingdom come and your will be done in Jesus’ name. + +Dear Jesus, house church was enjoyable. Speaking with James and Karen was important, I pray. I pray our house church continue to persevere and be united in persevering. I pray for your vision for our house church to be released: I pray our house church could demonstrate generosity and service in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for changing my heart and Nancy’s heart so that we can speak these days. Thank you for granting Nancy success at her seminar, and for your good words for her and colleagues. Salvation come. + +26.1.22 +Dear Jesus, there is a high cost to myself to become your disciple. To be sure, forgiveness is a discipline; letting go of my personal right to revenge is my duty; and I wonder how much more must I forgive your other disciples, than I must forgive those who do not follow you. + +I humble myself before you and repent. Your love can change me all the more, even now, to release my neighbors into my forgiveness. Today, after an extra long, stressful day at work, I release my colleagues and me into my forgiveness. I let go so that I might please you, God, loving my neighbor as myself, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear Jesus, thank you for a time to run with Wallace and possibly to get to know him. Come your kingdom, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. + +Dear Jesus, thank you for the good news from HKU about shortlisting for the interview. That was unexpected and your mercy in Jesus’ name. I pray to prepare well in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +25.1.22 +Dear Lord, although I feel slightly shaken today, suffering momentary light affliction at my workplace, and at home, my hope is in you. + +I know you are the Lord. Even yesterday in the supermarket you showed me that you are the Lord; and today, my best friend and I imagined eternity on a coffee farm paradise together with you. + +I humble myself before you, Father, and pray your kingdom come and your will be done. You lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, just as I pray that I would no be ashamed of you so I pray that I would not be ashamed of where I work and with whom I work, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Just as Karen was crying uncontrollably last night, dear God, I pray that she and I can mourn well; and then I pray for your peace and comfort and consolation on us — and on James too in Jesus’ name. + +24.1.22 +Dear God, you show me that you are the Lord because that man pursued me to return my dropped Octopus card, while I was stewing because of the lack of details in my wife’s instructions. I was immersed in my anger and yet an act of kindness broke through this distraction, I pray, for your glory and the good of the church. I know you are merciful and do not give me what I deserve, which is a dropped Octopus and fuming anger. + +And I can start to understand Karen’s family life influencing not only her attention seeking but also her giving instructions; and I can understand my family life influencing my lack of instructing. However, I don’t understand as well Karen’s sour reaction to my instructing her. + +You oppose the proud, Father, but show favor to the humble. + +23.1.22 +Dear Jesus and Holy Spirit, thank you for reminding me today to be vigilant against teachings from a hardened heart. Even yesterday you reminded me by my wife and a dear friend of the hardness in my own heart. You love me and desire your kindness, which leads me to repentance, to overflow in my heart. + +I humble myself before you, God, and pray that I go easier and more peacefully on my myself and others this week, especially as I teach in school, university and Bible study. Although these are demanding tasks, I pray to realize these opportunities to love my neighbor as myself in Jesus’ name. + +22.1.22 +Dear Jesus, you have the words that lead to life; you have the kind words that lead me to repentance. Thank you. + +I humbly myself before you and pray that your kind words continue to transform me from the inside out. For your glory and the good of the church, I pray that you would use me to advance the gospel to my students and colleagues not least through kind words. Come your kingdom, your will be done, Father, in Jesus’ name. + +“What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.”” +‭‭Matthew‬ ‭15:11‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://matthew.bible/matthew-15-11 + +Dear God, you delivered me from evil in the first MITE session. Please continue to come your kingdom, your will be done in MITE. Please lead me to love and teach my students as you would, Jesus. + +21.1.22 +Dear Jesus, thank you for Karen’s understanding last night so that I could run; thank you for Jessie’s understanding of my mark sheet; and thank you for fellowship with Caleb and Karen. Thank you for these people. Come your kingdom; your will be done in Jesus’ name. + +20.1.22 +Dear Jesus, like last night so today you remind me that you are the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. + +I humble myself before you in repentance. I pray that you would express compassion through me, so as to love my neighbors as myself and to give you the glory. Please take a heart of apathy from me, God. Importantly, please lead me to serve the poor with your heart of compassion. Amen. + +Please lead me to lead and console students in this time of abrupt change in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, you are almighty and loving. I pray for Florence’s complete healing in Jesus’ name. I pray a hedge of protection over her and break any spiritual attack against her in Jesus’ name. Shalom to her and her household. + +Dear God, thank you for your presence at last night’s house church, especially in the prayer meeting with Karen, Jennies, Cybil and Sterling. You are loving and compassionate and merciful to us for your glory and our good. + +19.1.22 +Dear Jesus, you will come again to judge the living and the dead. And I pray that I would be counted amongst the righteous because of my faith in you. Although there will be evildoers in the church, I pray that the people in my house church would be counted amongst the righteous; and that we would keep each other on the way, speaking the truth in love; and I pray that my neighbors would be counted amongst the righteous too, and that you would use me to advance your gospel to those who don’t know you yet. Time is short. And you are merciful, God. Please remember the people in your house and those in faraway countries in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, you remind to count the cost of deception; and the consequences of temptation: as Adam traded his fellowship with you for knowledge; and as Esau traded his blessing for food; so Judah trades his honor for sex. Maybe it seems people have traded eternal goods for temporal goods. + +But I know God that you are faithful and loving, and can redeem people, in spite of these people’s heinous acts, even mine, through Jesus’ death and resurrection. You have done the same for me. Thank you. Amen and hallelujah. + +18.1.22 +Our Father in Heaven, Holy is your name. Come your kingdom. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. + +Dear God, as your kingdom comes, I humble myself before you and pray for your mercy. Your kingdom is imperishable and will spread throughout the earth. My prayer is that you would use me, even today at work, to advance your kingdom. + +You forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And you lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Dear God, as your kingdom comes, there will be enemies and threats, even within the church, maybe even in my house church. How difficult reading this deception and these deceivers will be, but for you. + +Yet my hope is in you, God. You will bring justice over your church and I can trust that vengeance is yours — and I am at your service. As for me and my small group, I pray for your mercy over us; some of us are obviously immature; and others are clearly jerks: change our hearts by your love; so that we would all repent, loving you and loving our neighbors as ourselves in Jesus’ name. + +“Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be.” +‭‭James‬ ‭3:10‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://james.bible/james-3-10 + +“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” +‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭18:21‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://proverbs.bible/proverbs-18-21 + +Tonight, dear God, while running with others you humble me. Nothing good can come from me, this mouth, this tongue, apart from you. I repent and ask for your forgiveness. + +I continue to pray that you would change my heart so that I would all the more love my neighbor as myself in Jesus’ name. I pray that you would use me to speak kindly to my colleagues and students tomorrow, and even to the most difficult people in my house church, for your glory and our good. Amen. + +Dear God, you are kind and merciful: while running tonight, even as I contemplate my mouth’s capacity to bless and curse, and as I repent, my eyes are struck with what seem to be bleeding in the top corner of my right and left eyes. But this seems to have dissipated. Thank you, God. I don’t deserve this. + +Similarly, I don’t deserve Karen and her cooking. Bless us, God, in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, after realizing Cybil is a jerk, I have to remind myself to love her and to forgive her for what she has done to me, Sterling and others. You can change her heart in Jesus’ name. As you can change every heart in house church. + +Dear God, thank you at last that the MITE syllabus and readings have been uploaded! + +17.1.22 +Dear God, thank you for time to lead HOP; and to enjoy the workout in Jesus’ name. Salvation come. + +16.1.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, thank you for your presence on this quiet morning. I humble myself before you and pray to please you in my thoughts and actions today in Jesus’ name. + +Holy Spirit, would you lead our church so that what Pastor Sam preaches comes from you, and the good things within him. Ditto for how we the congregation respond to the message. + +Similarly, God, I pray that you would lead conversation today in my life, at lunch with my house church and tonight with Karen’s family. I pray to speak what is true, necessary and kind, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name . + +15.1.22 +Dear Jesus, you are all knowing and powerful; you are greater than the temple and the sabbath. You know what is best for your people. + +The Pharisees are hopeless and have little faith. They have remained in their laws and not in your heart, God. And you are gracious to show them the error of their ways; if they would only repent! + +I humble myself before you and repent. I pray, dear God, even today, for the opportunity to go out of my way to serve, if that pleases you and contributes to your glory and the good of the church. Would you speak to me clearly about this, Holy Spirit, as you awaken my heart. My neighbors and I want to know all the more that you are the Lord. + +And dear God, I continue to pray that you would show me how to be generous to the poor in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +“And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.”” +‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10:42‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://matthew.bible/matthew-10-42 + +Dear God, thank you for Bonita and Vincent who have been friends for decades. Thank you that salvation has come to them. And thank you for today‘s meeting with Karen and Bonita. This meeting was a cup of cold water to everyone. And that you would enable me to bless Vincent and Bonita with a pair of shoes is another cup of cold water. The glory is yours, God. And I pray that act of generosity pleased you — as I believe you had answered my prayer. I pray now that Vincent, Bonita, Karen and I continue to grow in persistent faith and we continue to meet me another in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +14.1.22 +Dear Jesus, you are loving and kind; and because you are merciful, you provided relief for me this week when I was writing my course outline and when I did not deserve this relief. That glory is yours. + +Even this weekend, I sense you are providing rest and refreshment to Solomon’s Porch through retreat. + +Dear God, I humble myself before you in repentance. As you love me and the church, I pray that we remain in your love this week. You are bringing revival to your church, your house church and your servant, for your glory and the good of the church. Amen. + +Dear God, you are glorious and almighty. You are good and merciful. You answered my prayer yesterday. You provided an opportunity for generosity to the poor last night. At the end of my run, in the subway, you put a man at a rubbish bin, unpacking a plastic bag filled with food containers. He and I saw each other, made eye contact and waved to each other. We shared a common humanity, I pray, that pleases you and is for your glory and the good of the church, in Jesus’ name. + +13.1.22 +Dear God, please help me to be strong today and complete the course syllabus in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +““Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. Whoever welcomes a prophet as a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward, and whoever welcomes a righteous person as a righteous person will receive a righteous person’s reward. And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.”” +‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10:40-42‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/mat.10.40-42.NIV + +Dear Jesus, you care for your church and you teach us how to care for one another. In this way, I am all the more excited to love and to be loved at Bible study, for I am convinced that you are there and at work for your glory and our good. Hallelujah. + +At the same time, dear God, I wonder how you can release an opportunity for me to be generous tonight, even like the Samaritan, tonight for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. Please. Come your kingdom. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, amen. + +12.1.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are good, and at work for your glory and the good of the church. You have spoken to me about not refusing hospitality today; and perhaps you have put this in my heart: that you will be at work in the upcoming Bible study for your glory and the good of the church. To be sure, that study will be an event of hospitality and ministry in Jesus’ name. + +Please gather your people for this study, God, and come your kingdom, your will be done. I humble myself before you and am at your service. + +Dear God, thank you for your presence at house church yesterday. Thank you for working in us for your glory and the good of the church. Thank you for moving in the men’s prayer group too! + +11.1.22 +Dear God, thank you for making me wise and brave to commence course outline writing. This is your mercy and an answered prayer in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, as I prepare the MITE course, I do feel ashamed that I had not been able to publish more from my thesis so that my research might be more credible. Additionally, I wonder when you will release the time in 2022, if at all, for me to finish writing my thesis manuscript, let alone the Band Three book in Jesus' name! To be sure, please grant me a willing spirit to sustain me, and re + +Dear God, thank you for Hank and his kindness to arrange a meeting with Bill and me. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run with Frank and Eric. Thank you for restoring my health. Thank you for your mercy over my life in Jesus’ name. + +10.1.22 +Dear Holy Spirit, you truly are amazing, and as you have changed Sterling's life, my life, and the lives of our men at prayer group, so you lead me to pray for Sterling, to bless him and to reveal your love to him, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for Jason, and this season with him for your glory and the good of the church. Please continue to reveal yourself Jesus to him and bring salvation to his entire family. + +Dear God, thank you for HOP, which was surprisingly enjoyable. Thank you for Natalie's generosity and your amazing work in her life. Thank you, God, for protecting us so that no one got injured in Jesus' name. + +9.1.22 +“Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”” +‭‭Matthew‬ ‭20:26-28‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://matthew.bible/matthew-20-28 + +Dear Holy Spirit, you are my comfort and consolation in this life. You are wisdom. You are generous and loving. + +You answer prayer. Thank you for speaking to me just now with this encouraging word, so that you renew my mind, and transform me to be more like you, Jesus. + +Help me now to be strong and to serve my students lovingly and humbly, for your glory and the good of the church. In Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear Jesus, you love us so you teach us patiently and faithfully. Even today, Holy Spirit, you look for faith in your people! + +Lord, I believe. Help me to overcome my unbelief. Even this morning, I find the rain has come hard, as has the wind. How hard has it been for me to put your words into practice this morning. + +I love you, God; and my desire is to remain in your love through all the troubles of today. I fear you and revere you, God. Hear my cry for help and say the word, so that your power would be here, Holy Spirit. Renew a steadfast spirit within me and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me in Jesus’ name! + +8.1.22 +Dear Jesus, you have come that I may have life and have it to the full. That glory is yours, God! + +However, Lord, I worry. Help me to overcome my worries! + +Dear Jesus, because you love me and want your best for me, you remind me of my worries, which these days concern my writing and upcoming teaching. + +Dear Jesus, you remind me that these worries sap me of joy and strength today; they remove me from your love; they disable me from loving my neighbor as myself. They are a wide gate and a broad road to destruction. + +I humble myself before you and repent. I turn around to face the narrow road and small gate that lead to life. I pray you love me and lead me to this narrow gate, and that tonight and tomorrow, I can lay down my worries. + +Importantly, I pray Holy Spirit you would come in your power to increase my faith and to work in me for your glory and the good of the church, amen. + +Dear Jesus, thank you for Hank, Anggle and Amherst. Thank you for their visit today and blessings us with a good meal and chat. Thank you for healing Anggle in Jesus’ name. That is your glory, God. Additionally, thank you for Hank and his help. I pray he and I would continue to meet to spur each other on toward love and good deeds and to encourage one another in Jesus‘ name. + +7.1.22 +Dear Jesus, thank you for your love. You are the loving God and because you love me, I can remain in your love and love my neighbors as myself. + +To be sure, you touch me today, with an opportunity to be surprisingly generous to my colleague, and with the revelation of how generous and kind my colleagues have been to me, when they don’t have to be and our relationships can be worse. I thank you and praise you, God. + +Your goodness and loving kindness are following me, and changing me so that I might know you and be like you more, Jesus, for your glory and the good of the church, amen. + +Dear God, thank you for the frank and heartfelt meeting at work with Ms Ho and Ms Cheung. Thank you for these colleagues and salvation come in Jesus’ name. + +Thank you for Florence and the opportunity to provide for her in your name, Jesus. + +6.1.22 +Dear God, thank you for speaking to Karen and me these days through your word, especially as narrated by David Pawson. Similarly, thank you for speaking to Jason through David Pawson. + +You are kind and merciful, God. Please lead me to be the same to all my colleagues and students, past, present and future in Jesus’ name. + +5.1.22 +You are steadfast and kind, dear God. How much greater your grace is when my sin is great. + +Dear God, you amaze me by your timing: you show me that I would bless a Lucky Star wait staff with a heartfelt card in Chinese language with scripture; and you tell me to bless for the following Monday; you release Ms. Suen for that blessing; and you shut down the Lucky Star for dinnertime on Wednesday. That's your glory, God. God bless Ms. Suen and the Lucky Star staff. Salvation come. + +Hi guys, an encouraging testimony from recent days' events: + +During last Sunday's church service, I believe God told me that the following Monday was the time to begin ministering to the Lucky Star staff members. I believe God opened my eyes to a particular type of ministry so in my prayer journal, I wrote, "Bring Chinese prayer cards; learn the waitress’s name and write a Chinese language blessing for her and her family in Jesus’ name." + +Last Monday at the Lucky Star post-HOP dinner, Ms. Suen was serving. Jason was very helpful in chatting with Ms. Suen; and writing a heartfelt thank you and blessing in Chinese language on a Bible verse card. The interaction was as envisioned: Ms. Suen received the card well. Thank God that He would care for Ms. Suen and us in this way. + +Because of today's news regarding lockdown measures, it's easier to see how God's timing is for His glory and how we must make the most of every opportunity because the days are evil. To be sure, who knows when we will see Ms. Suen again, if at all. Yet, I pray we feel more reassured that God is at work in Ms. Suen and in our group for His glory and the good of the church. + + + +4.1.22 +Dear God, thank you for the good result from yesterday’s OCT scan and consultation: no more blood in my eye; resumption of running. You are good, God, and are merciful. You caused me to break into song for you, to give you the worship and praise you deserve. Thank you for answering prayers, not least of mine, the men’s prayer team and TST HC. + +Lead me not into temptation and anxiety, Lord, but deliver me from evil in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for HOP last night and time to lead. Thank you for Ed and no injuries. Thank you for time at Lucky Star and Suen Je to whom, I pray, we realized your will to bless her and to reveal salvation. Salvation come to the people at Lucky Star in Jesus’ name. + +Lord, please lead me to teach MITE well in Jesus’ name. Please make me wise, God, and reveal yourselves and salvation to the students in your name Jesus. + +Dear Jesus, +You are God. You are the king of glory. You are all omniscient and omnipotent. You do whatever you please for your glory and the good of the church. I worship you and give you praise. + +Satan the devil is not your equal as nothing is your equal. + +I wonder why you would allow the devil to tempt you, Jesus; I wonder if you mean to show your chosen people that they can overcome as you have overcome, not least by knowing God’s words and keeping them in their hearts. + +My prayer is for your church and especially my house church and Bible study group: that we would eat your words, experiencing them and memorizing them in greater measure so that we might withstand the flaming arrows of the evil one. Moreover, I pray that we would in January meet, and share your words for your glory and our good in Jesus’ name. + +3.1.22 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are my God and I worship you humbly. Thank you for speaking to me, comforting me by who you are. + +You are my shield. You protect me from my worldly enemies and fears. Importantly, you are greater than any physical adversity. To be sure, Jesus you overcame death. + +You are just. You have given man a choice to trust you through Jesus Christ. You have every right to judge the living and the dead. And you can grant eternal life to whomever you please. + +You are faithful, God, to your people. My prayer is to walk faithfully and humbly with you, today, through this fasting season and into eternity. My prayer is that my family and neighbors would do so too, for your glory and our good in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for eGape, Pastor Selamet and its congregation. Thank you for the opportunity to serve and bless eGape. Thank you for Loni, Julien, Maya and Desy who will begin teaching computer lessons so that Karen and I can teach Cantonese in Jesus’ name. Salvation come to our eGape sisters. + +Dear God, thank you for Madeline and her interest in joining a competition in Jesus’ name. Similarly, thank you for Jessie and our professional talks. Salvation come. Lead me to be kind to them in Jesus‘ names. + +2.1.22 +Bring Chinese prayer cards; learn the waitress’s name and write a Chinese language blessing for her and her family in Jesus’ name. + +Dear Jesus, you are the king of glory, and you are the humble king. You did not have to be born in a manger. I humble myself before you and worship you. + +My prayer today is that the Hong Kong church and I would know your gentle and humble heart. We want to know you as King, King of the upside down kingdom, for your glory and our good. To be sure, would you lead us to humbly serve, to experience joy and advance to the gospel today in Hong Kong, in your name Jesus. + +Dear God, in the old covenant, people have fasted for personal reasons (2 Samuel 12) and corporate reasons (Joel 1; 2). And your people have exercised intellectual and spiritual humility, claiming that you had been responsible for the calamity (2 Samuel 12:2; Joel 2:11) — because you God are in charge of all, even Satan (Job) — and as for claiming your response to their fasting, “Who knows? The Lord He may…” Now we know the negative outcome of the former, and the immediate outcome of the latter is unknown. But in the new covenant, your people, God, are they more sure of your character and action, God!? + +1.1.22 +Dear God, thank you for creating us, your people, because you love us. You created the universe, and its time too; and you revealed yourself to us, not least through science, prophets and apocalyptic writing. + +On this first day of the new year, I humble myself before you and give you the praise and glory you deserve. I pray that we who start this Bible reading plan would remain in your love; and because of your love, you would speak to us and change us for your glory and the good of the church. + +Importantly, I pray God that we would know you more, wonder about you more; and advance your gospel in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +31.12.21 +Dear God, thank you for a reunion with Connie and the possibility of restarting Bible study, I pray, for your glory and the good of the church. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Karen, Amanda, Aaron and friends. Thank you for chill, white people talks. + +Importantly, thank you for the breakthrough in writing today, specifically, on how to further analyze dare and to respond well to the reviewer. Thank you for the journey of this research project with Jenny. Salvation come to her and her family in Jesus’ name. + +30.12.21 +Dear God, you love me, so you convict me of sin and you discipline me. Importantly, today you remind me that writing has become an idol to me, an unhealthy and unholy preoccupation that de-emphasizes your treasure, the people around me, and me. You tell me today to put a leash around my writing, lest something worse happen to me. This is my genuine repentance. A spiritual act of worship. + +It’s because you love me that I can lay down my writing and more broadly, my ambition, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, your desire is that we your people would be with you in paradise forever; and not one person would be lost. And by your grace, even just now, your love changes my heart so that I might repent and walk humbly with you into eternal paradise, Jesus. + +Thank you, Holy Spirit, for convicting me of sin, a particular idol in my life; and allowing me to lay it down willingly, so that nothing worse may happen to me and my neighbors. Please love me and lead me, Spirit, to be strong to lay down this idol and never turn back in Jesus’ name. You increase my faith. + +29.12.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to run yesterday. + +Thank you for reminding me to lay down my writing for the sake of my marriage; yet you are merciful so that I do not receive a rejection from the EIT editor. God bless that reviewer and EIT readers — salvation come. + +Thank you for time with Karen at the movies and in bed last night. + +Maybe you are speaking to me, God, about persevering at work. And you reveal plans. I surrender my ambition to you, God, in Jesus name. + +28.12.21 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I humble myself before you in repentance. You are glorious and almighty; your words all have power. + +And I wonder where you are, God, in the COVID-19 pandemic. I wonder how you let this virus happen to kill so many and to sicken so many more. Is this your sickle, or perhaps iron scepter!? + +But I know you are true and faithful, and the opportunity of the pandemic is for me and the church to face you; and to pray to you; and to be in right relationship with you. Maybe your wondrous work in this pandemic will be made known all the more to me and the church one day. Regardless, come your kingdom, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +26.12.21 09:00 service +Two to three days fast +To be kind to colleagues and students: to be steadfast +To be generous for God’s kingdom: systematically with time, talent and treasure +For family members’ salvation and neighbors + +During prayer at the well with Sarah and Grace: +God says I can lay down the writing for the sake of my marriage in Jesus’ name. + +25.12.21 +Dear God, thank you for this quiet moment this morning, to give you the praise and glory that you deserve, God. Importantly, thank you for time to run this morning too; and for speaking to me during the run and just now through your word. The day awaits with many things to do and people to meet. Please lead me and Karen in love, Holy Spirit. + +Dear Jesus, this hidden knowledge with its mysterious symbols and curious numbers is beyond my understanding. + +My hope and refuge is you: on this day we who trust you commemorate your birth on earth, Jesus; so that you have won and have prepared eternity in paradise for us. + +My hope and refuge is you continue to work in me and those around me for your glory and the good of the church. These days I sense you are not only speaking to me about becoming a husband like you, but changing my attitudes, values and behaviors to match. The glory is yours, Jesus. + +24.12.21 +Dear God, thank you for time with Karen yesterday, including the gift exchange, dinner with Dorothy, gift shopping and workout with Amanda. Thank you for speaking to Karen and me through Dorothy for your glory and our good. Teach me, God to be a more attentive, gentle and humble husband like you, Jesus, in your name. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Tim Tang to catch up and to care for one another. Teach me, Lord, to care for our servants in the church well. To listen attentively and to speak less, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name. + +23.12.21 +Dear God, thank you for the morning; and the opportunity to sleep in; to wake up with Karen; to be quiet before you; and to plan the day in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for the time with Mark to run and to encourage one another in Jesus' name. + +22.12.21 +Dear God, thank you for the end of the term. Thank you for the students who got to dress casually and cheer fanatically for their talented classmates. Salvation come. + +Dear God, thank you for time to write. + +Dear God, I continue to struggle with writing. I don’t know how to write peacefully with your presence in Jesus’ name; and I wonder what that means if anything. + +Dear God, communicating with Florence yesterday was life giving but the sudden, unreasonable changes to plan were very stressful. Please make me brave and strong to continue the work at the school, to be kind to my colleagues, students and myself in Jesus’ name. And to write a curriculum. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Amanda, to work out with her and to learn from her about relationships. Thank you for Aaron and Tom and God willing, you will continue to grow and change Karen and me in love. Who knows!? Maybe Karen and I will get a pet, + +21.12.21 +Dear God, thank you for the submission of the EIT manuscript, regardless of its subsequent decision. Trying to complete the manuscript and punctually were life taking. Thank you for your mercy and God bless the reviewer and editor. Salvation come. + +Dear God, thank you for Jenny and Jason, who have been very generous to Karen and me. Thank you for dinner and deep talks with this couple. Thank you for this season of friendship in Jesus’ name. + +20.12.21 +Dear God, thank you for dinner with Pastor Selamet and speaking to me at dinner about how to bless Pastor Sam. + +At the same time, please lead me, Lord, to be more generous with my money and finances in 2020, to give to those who cannot repay for your glory in Jesus’ name. + +19.12.21 09:00 service +Dear God, for your glory and my and Karen’s good, your grace was sufficient for Karen and me yesterday during our harsh time cleaning yesterday; and today as Karen is at home and I am in person for church. + +Dear God, you remind me to enjoy the moment, for the days are evil and time is fleeting. It is important to end well; and by your grace, you made yesterday’s gathering at my and Karen’s house enjoyable in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for time to catch up with Esther. Please continue to grow her and change her by your love in Jesus’ name. + + 18.12.21 +Exacerbate + +Dear God, I wonder if there is any warfare over my wife and over this flat, because this flat’s condition and accessories appear to trigger my wife; be it from assembling the vacuum cleaner to insisting on vacuuming under the couch and cleaning the windows, although neither of us know how to do these well. + +Besides, the neighbor was burning hell money today in the hallway. + +She appears out of control and I cannot lead her. + +Dear God, my wife and I have different expectations of cleanliness and practices to clean. We cannot communicate these clearly. + +17.12.21 +Dear God, thank you for Friday dinner with Karen at the underwhelming burger place in Wanchai. The time with Karen is more important than the good. + +Dear God, that staff meeting that took colleagues and me to 18:40 was life taking. + +Dear God, thank you for speaking to me even through Glenn and the book that Glenn sent to me and that I started reading today in Jesus’ name. + +16.12.21 +Dear God, my heart is glad that you have made salvation available to all through Jesus Christ. Thank you. + +There is eternity in paradise with you; I worship you, God; and I can look forward to that because I trust you Jesus, and what you have done for your glory and the good of the church. Hallelujah. + +Dear God, my heart is scared as my vision, particularly in my right eye’s macula, degenerates, it seems. You give me vision, and faith, that I will see you God in the land of the living; and that you will preserve and restore my sight in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, I humble myself before you and fear you. I wonder if my house church has endured your coming, as a refiner’s fire or a launder’s soap; that you may refine and purify this house church, just as you did with the Levites, like silver and gold — I believe you can do this now Holy Spirit: and to be sure, you are at work through the misunderstandings and conflict in my house church. Because of what you are doing, God, in our house church , you will receive and accept what our house church offers; for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +“But who can endure the day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears? For he will be like a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s soap. He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; he will purify the Levites and refine them like gold and silver. Then the Lord will have men who will bring offerings in righteousness,” +‭‭Malachi‬ ‭3:2-3‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/mal.3.2-3.NIV + +Dear God, this week has been difficult for me as I process my professional failure to complete my revisions punctually, let alone well. Have mercy on me, God. + +December 15, 2021 +Dear God, thank you for a rooftop workout with Amanda and Karen and Tom; and then for dinner with Karen at CCC. + +Dear God, the Christmas Party was stressful and life taking; and that tested my resolve to be kind to my colleagues and students. Please come in your glory in my school and in my teaching and in my and my colleagues’ countenances in Jesus’ name. Come, salvation, to Jessie and her family. + +And thank you for Florence and her family. An answered prayer! + +December 14, 2021 +Dear God, yesterday you might have revealed Sterling’s depression to me and have caused me to have compassion for him. As I repent, I pray that you would cause our house church to love one another as ourselves. You lift the spirit of depression and grant the permanent identity to Sterling and everyone in my house church that has been called by your name, Jesus. You bring unity, healing, restoration, empathy and importantly, love. You can cause those who love little and have loved little to grow in love in Jesus’ name. + +December 13, 2021 +Dear God. Like the previous Monday, this Monday was very long, and stressful. I felt mentally ill. I was at one point angry at home, because of my perceived manuscript writing failure while my wife looked on. + +You lead me not into temptation but deliver me from evil. + +Well, I repent. I lost focus and while I have myself to blame, you love me, God. You have made me the object of your affection the apple of my eye. + +And you care, God. You sent that angel Natalie and her boyfriend Sheep to cheer me on at Happy Valley, and to reveal your love to me. How kind and merciful you are, God. Thank you. + +And then you provide for Karen, Jason and me. Thank you for a simple and powerful dinner fellowship, I pray, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +December 12, 2021 09:00 service +Dear God, thank you for Pat, Katherine and Esther, friends from a difficult part of my life. What sense of humor you have that you would have these ladies and me do life together given the people with whom we began our friendships. The glory is yours, God. + +Dear God, thank you for reunions at outreach today, first with Vivian and then with Adam. Thank you, God, for Vivian and Matt’s wedding two weeks ago and Vivian’s immediate move to San Francisco on Tuesday. Thank you, God, that they and Karen and I could do premarital counseling together last year. + +Thank you, God, for Adam and Vinci and their marriage, I pray, for your glory and the good of the church. How you have changed Adam and me since EXPERIENCING God seven years ago when we had prayed in a stairwell at the retreat for ourselves and future wives in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, please give me your strength and peace to finish revising my manuscript in Jesus’ name. + +“I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” +‭‭Revelation‬ ‭3:18-20‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/rev.3.18-20.NIV + +Dear God, I humble myself before you and pray that you continue to come as a refiner’s fire in my house church; specifically, that you continue to come as a refiner’s fire through the most difficult people in the house church; so that we who stand too close to these people would be purified of dross and become more like you, Jesus. I pray in these coming weeks that my house church brothers and sisters would see your traces in the faces of our difficult people, for your glory and the good of the church. + +December 11, 2021 +Dear God, thank you for the brunch with friends; and an edifying time with my house church. And thank you for time at Mark and Heidi’s house, and favor with them, and time with Frank, Freeman, Dave and Catherine, Bill, PJ, Evelyn and Colin, who kindly took me home. + +Thank you, God, for time with Karen to watch the Man in the High Castle. + +Dear God, thank you for Tim, this dear friend; and his thoughtfulness and love. God bless him and his family; please lead me to love him according to your will in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for Frank and Freeman, who spurred me to continue to Mark’s party, even when I had foolishly went to the wrong MTR station to meet them. + +December 10, 2021 +Dear God, thank you for Brian, and the time to reunite with him at a professional development event at his new school. Thank you for blessing him and salvation come to him and his family in Jesus’ name. + +Thank you, God, for Edwin and a time to reunite. You can love him, God, and bring him back from a faraway country in Jesus’ name. You have done the same to me, God. Have mercy. + +December 9, +Dear God, thank you for the fine AVOHK party yesterday, and for Nigel Raymont, who is kind, and surprisingly an elder at the Vine. + +Dear God, thank you for Glenn, his friendship and generosity in particular. You are merciful to him and me, God; and I pray you bless him with clear purpose in this life and a pregnancy as soon as possible in Jesus’ name. + +December 8, 2021 +Dear God, not getting the NET housing allowance is terribly disappointing. My wages are stagnant when there is inflation. In this way, I will make less next year than I did last year. One reason for taking this job has been removed. One prayer to you, God, appears not answered. + +Similarly, not getting the HKU job, even an interview, will be terribly disappointing because completing the application was life taking. Importantly, such as with the NET housing allowance, there were many people’s good intentions concerning my chances for this job. Unfortunately other people’s hype, not my own, still makes the actual failure hurt. + +December 7, 2021 + +Dear God, my and Sterling’s relationship is an answered prayer; and a sobering and humbling response from you. To be sure, you oppose the proud but show favor to the humble. Sterling and I are ships passing in the night; and you will have your way in our hearts and in our church as we pass, for your glory and our good. Although, Sterling and I cannot communicate well or have intimacy well, I trust that you are at work, God. Come your kingdom, your will be done, in your church as it is in heaven. For now, love us, God; and teach me to forgive and to be forgiven in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for today being a better day than yesterday at work. Thank you for your grace. Thank you for time to learn and to refresh myself, even at the gym. To be sure, thank you for Florence and your sense of humor. God bless us in Jesus’ name. + +December 6, 2021 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I felt the worst at work today, and I am not sure why; to be sure, your love and truth felt far from me at work: I did not feel loved and understood by anyone but some men in the prayer group; and I was not speaking much truth in love, if any at all, today. + +I humble myself before you, God; and I pray that you lead me in love tonight; and you renew a steadfast spirit in me, to sustain me at any social gathering tonight and at work tomorrow. Hear me from heaven, Jesus, and have mercy on me, my family, the church, my colleagues and students in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, I feel emotionally unsettled at work today. My heart has little thanksgiving; rather it, like my circumstances, feel hard; and your mercy and kindness seem far from me and not expressed through me. Please renew a steadfast spirit in me, Holy Spirit, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, I was unhappy today because my expectations were too high for me, 2C and the English ambassadors. I have not found an appropriate scope of activities for the students. + +Today, I don’t feel loved and supported by people, except by some men in the prayer group. + +December 5, 2021 +Dear God, I believe you have spoken to me clearly that Karen can lead a house church; I can lead Bible study monthly, and to reunite with Connie and Pat over dinner in December, I pray, in Jesus’ name. + +For TST HC, +““You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” +‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:43-48‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/mat.5.43-48.NIV + +December 4, 2021 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are love and you are within me. For your glory and the good of the church, you provide opportunities to love my neighbor as myself, last night, to the workout group, and today, to my friend whose mother has passed. + +Dear God, come your kingdom, your will be done to me and my neighbors on earth as it is in heaven. I humble myself before you and pray that you would use me to reveal your love to my neighbors, and especially to reveal salvation through Jesus’ Christ to my friend as soon as possible. + +You can change our hearts, God, to love all the more, even in differences and conflict in the church. That is your glory in Jesus’ name. + +And Dear God, I thank you for speaking to me about leading house church, and that you would speak clearly to other stakeholders; that they will listen and that I should listen to them in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to sleep in; to stay in; to pray for James; to finish that interview with Alex; in Jesus’ name. Salvation come to these neighbors. + +December 3, 2021 +Dear God, I humble myself before you in repentance; I can continue to pray that my house church be filled with your loving presence; that the brethren and I are unified; and that you continue to change us to be more like Jesus — particularly in action! Only you, Holy Spirit, can lead us to realize all this, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for Amanda and Aaron, for their generosity and friendship. Salvation come. + +Dear God, thank you for a fruitful first meeting with the form four teachers in Jesus’ name, + +December 2, 2021 +Dear God, maybe you have spoken to me just now, to not lead house church, perhaps because there is salient misunderstanding and conflict in the house church; and I should wait: if I become a house church leader, it won’t be from James and Caleb. And that you are at work in our house church, but not necessarily in multiplying the house church in this way. + +If not you, God, is the devil at work to divide the house church; and would you bless our house church regardless of who leads it!? + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I humble myself before you in repentance; and I marvel at your wonder and beauty in the church, even my house church. + +In house church, I see you change my heart and others’ hearts so that we can love our neighbors as ourselves; at the same time, my house church brethren and I have seen these weeks +, at best, different experiences and expectations of the fellowship; and at worst, conflict, fighting and bitterness. This is a crisis of love and leadership, God. + +Dear God, please come and consume our house church dross; please allure us by your love and unify us by your spirit. Work in us to sharpen each other, speaking the truth in love; for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +December 1, 2021 +Dear God, thank you for the successful injection at hospital yesterday in Jesus’ name. Please heal, God. + +Dear God, thank you for work and the opportunity to resume it well in Jesus’ name. + +November 30, 2021 +Dear God, if you can in Jesus' name, for your glory and good of the church, please Holy Spirit, help me to complete my HKU job application punctually and peacefully today. Thank you for even the opportunity to know about this work and to apply for it. + +Dear God, than you that Karen and I could get to know each other in Cheung Chau. We had sex. Thank you. Importantly, God, we discovered our different approaches to sex and tithing; and we could talk about leading a house church. I pray you continue to speak to us, Holy Spirit, about htese matters; and the glory is yours, God, that Karen and I can get married in spite of our differences. + +November 29, 2021 +Dear God, thank you for time to play Ticket to Ride and Dutch Blitz with Karen. Thank you for time for us to eat at a chill restaurant in Cheung Chau; and thank you for the exciting evening walk, without any snakes in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for people's generosity, which was totally unnecessary. Thank you for the hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars that people gave, unexpectedly. You are kind, God, through these people. I pray salvation come to these people in Jesus' name and that if possible, Karen and I can be generous to them too. Importantly, God, lead Karen and me to be generous with our wealth, especially to those who cannot repay in Jesus' name. + +November 28, 2021 +Dear God, you are a refining fire. And maybe you reveal yourself as such in the church, through difficult people like Sterling; in this way, when people in the house church can stand too close to him, revival comes as you burn off the dross. + +Dear Jesus, you have revealed yourself to Karen and me; you have enabled Karen and me to know you; and yesterday you enabled Karen and me to marry, so that she and I might know you more through this mechanism, bringing you glory and goodness to the church. Thank you for these blessings, God. + +And now there is no turning back. I pray that as Karen and I are married, we rejoice and suffer together; importantly, we bravely, lovingly and wisely advance the gospel together. + +To be sure, dear God, you had used the wedding day to advance the good news of Jesus Christ, not least through the wedding message, and even to our wedding photographer who, I pray, you had inspired, Holy Spirit. You have answered prayer, God. The glory is yours in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for my and Karen’s attempt at sex today and the opportunity to have better sex soon, I pray, in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, +You have granted me rest on all sides, for your glory and the good of the church. Dear God, you allow me to sleep in and to sit in my room this afternoon, I pray, for your glory and the good of the church. + +November 27, 2021 +Dear God, thank you for an enjoyable wedding ceremony yesterday. Thank you for your love and friendship on display through so many people. Thank you for so many reunions, God, and I pray more to come next year in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for advancing the gospel through the wedding, to our audience and our wedding photographer in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for Karen, a faithful, capable and helpful wife. + +Dear God, thank you for all the helpful servants at my and Karen’s wedding. Especially our house church! + +November 26, 2021 +Dear God, thank you for kind colleagues. Thank you for opportunities to be kind to them and to be intimate with them, I pray, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for Terri, Jennies et al. for their generosity. + +Dear God, finding the time, place and people to receive my right eye treatment has been life taking. Have mercy on me, God. Heal me and deliver me through this vision loss in Jesus’ name. + +November 25, 2021 +Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts. + +Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest. + +“For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.” Where is the wise person? Where is the teacher of the law? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength. Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him.” +‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭1:19-29‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/1co.1.19-29.NIV + +“The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.” +‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭4:7-11‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://1peter.bible/1-peter-4-11 + +Dear Holy Spirit, I humble myself before you in repentance. I do believe you are speaking to me about my church brother, who might be your instrument to bring revival to my house church. To be sure, what happened last night at house church and how you speak to me today compel me to share with my house church your words, and that we should be careful not to ignore the house church people who seem foolish and matters that seem foolish; because you are there in our midst, in that conflict; if anyone has ears to hear, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +November 24, 2021 +Dear God, the mosquito biting me last night was life taking. Now I have a big bump on my forehead. + +My prayer, dear God, to you is that tonight my house church and I would love one another deeply, from the heart — and that you God would miraculously increase our capacity to love and to be loved. Ditto for Karen and me as our wedding day approaches. Please hear this humble heart from heaven, and answer this prayer, Lord, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +November 23, 2021 +Dear God, yesterday I worked too long. The hamster wheel was too fierce; and I am sorry. + +Dear God, thank you for the end of writing Man’s paper. I was foolish, God. Please forgive me. I pray your blessings over Man, Peter and me, especially as I attempt to apply for a job. + +November 22, 2021 +Dear God. Thank you for the time with friends at HOP, and dinner afterwards, I pray, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for the opportunity to teach online and to add that lesson to my portfolio. At the same time, I pray for your love and care for me and my colleagues at work in Jesus’ name. Too much work. Not enough love. + +November 21, 2021 09:00 service +Dear God, you love me so you discipline me. You are merciful, so you enable me to learn when I fail. + +You mercifully told me to get off the hamster wheel; and then by force you took me off the wheel; but now I find myself unfortunately on the wheel again. So soon! Now, I am insufficiently rested in the physical and spiritual; and am overwhelmingly physically exhausted and anxious, not least because of my writing work. + +How have I been reacting to: +- My eye condition and running +- Wedding day +- Everyday work +- Man’s paper +- HKU application +- EIT manuscript +- JEDU manuscript + +My fear of not listening to you has been realized in this way. I repent. Please forgive me. + +For your glory and the good of the church, today you remind me again from Hebrews 4: + +So I swore on oath in my anger, they shall never enter my rest. + +Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts. + +Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest. + +Godly indifference is controversial, because our worldly, church family values — such as those on display at baby dedication service — interfere with that indifference: for example, why are Paul and Peter and the other apostles celebrated as apostles and martyrs, but not fathers, and husbands, especially when they left widows! Weren’t they irresponsible in an SP frame for forsaking their family. + +The conclusion of Godly indifference from Paul’s case is an erroneous conclusion, I believe, because Paul is an exceptional case. Importantly, the text appears to suggest that Paul only talks about himself and does not tell others to follow him in this way. To be sure, later in the chapter, his explicit instructions do not indicate behavior per P + +Is this the vision above people’s needs view? + +What we need is not Godly indifference but Godly reflexivity / sensitivity + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are steadfast, loving and faithful. You are compassionate and gracious. You do not want any of your chosen people to fall away. + +You mercifully deliver. You convict and speak to your chosen people, through your word, in prayer and through the church. + +I thank you, God, and give you the glory today for reminding me to turn back to you and to obey your command to rest. And I thank you for the countless times that you have spoken to me through the church this message and many others. By the same token, thank you, that you would give me something to do, to speak the truth in love to my brothers and sisters, even in house church. If only we would listen to and obey you immediately in Jesus’ name! + +“My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.” +‭‭James‬ ‭5:19-20‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://james.bible/james-5-20 + +November 20, 2021 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are almighty God and glorious. And you are compassionate and gracious. I am insignificant before you. I repent and ask for your forgiveness. Yet you love me and live within me! How amazing you are. + +You speak to me, God, for your glory and the good of the church. You are God, even in the midst of church conflict, from the writing and selection of the gospel books, to this week’s misunderstanding in my house church. You are God even as the desires within my heart are at war. + +How last night ended, and today began, maybe you speak to me clearly, God, to be quiet today, and to mourn. And you can change my heart so that I might more love my neighbor as myself. I ask for your shalom, God, to be upon me; Karen; my house church; and our neighbors, because you are merciful; and for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +November 17, 2021 +Dear God, thank you for Peter, a mentor, who speaks strength, job strategy and courage into my life by your grace — thank you for mentors; and thank you for Tim, who spoke at my school today successfully — thank you for Tim’s friendship for your glory and our good in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, talking with Sophie, Tiffany and Julianna this morning was life taking, exasperating and sad. They seemed incompetent and the moment was not teachable. In general, the lack of leadership and communication competence in the student body drained me. + +November 16, 2021 + + +November 14, 2021 09:00 service +What kind of confidence do I have now that my right eye condition is precarious? I should trust God, because He speaks to me: 1) to get off the hamster wheel and enter his rest; 2) through Alex; 3) through his deliverance from work on Friday and Saturday; and favorable work to see doctors on Friday and Saturday; and 4) for God clearly speaking that he has taken me off the hamster wheel. 5) And God reminded me that my work is not worth sacrificing my health; and that I am far more useful to people alive than dead. + +RESOURCES +Cardboard collectors have no filial resource so they have no financial resources. They are lonely and poor; and work a solitary job. + +SP families have financial resources so they have filial resources. They are not lonely and poor and they don’t work solitary jobs. + +Who are your prayer resources? House church; men’s prayer team; Karen; best friends; Dorothy. All church EMP; Well — Jeff and Sandy eGape + +Now, on whom will you rely in your condition? + +Who do you inform that you are praying for them? + +“We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.” +‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭1:8-11‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/2co.1.8-11.NIV + +Prayer is the mechanism for joy, which is eternal and social, bigger and more enduring than we are. + +The topic is intercessory prayer: and how to do this? + +Who will you pray for this week? + +Lord, I believe you have spoken to me that my body is not my own; my body has been inherited; and my body is subject to your mercy. + +I told my colleagues and doctors that I felt scared. + +“In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. And have you completely forgotten this word of encouragement that addresses you as a father addresses his son? It says, “My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.” Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father? If you are not disciplined—and everyone undergoes discipline—then you are not legitimate, not true sons and daughters at all. Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live! They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” +‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12:4-11‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/heb.12.4-11.NIV + +Dear God, my nerve tumors and lacquer cracks are severe hardship, thorns in my flesh; yet your power, God, is perfected in my weakness, and you make yourself known to me through my hardship. To be sure, you discipline me in this season because you love me and want me to enter your rest, to share in your holiness, for you glory and my good in Jesus’ name. + +November 13, 2021 +Dear God, for your glory and go to the church, you have taken me from my hamster wheel — I literally cannot run — and you have told me to get off or something worse may happen to me. You care about me. Thank you for your love. + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are almighty God; and you are compassionate and gracious. You are at work for your glory and the good of the church. I humble myself in repentance and worship you, God. + +Dear God, thank you for speaking to me. You reveal your amazing character to me. You remind me, Holy Spirit, that you can do whatever you want — even infanticide and deprioritizing family in the modern worlds’ eyes — and that you will judge man as to whether he has trusted you to do whatever you want for your glory and the good of the church! Please have mercy and increase my faith in you, God. + +Dear God, you spoke to me to get off the hamster wheel. And after the most stressful 36 hours, you have forcibly taken me from my hamster wheel. + +Once again, I humble myself before you in repentance, God. Once again I plead for your mercy and to increase my faith in you. I praise you God not least for your kindness and work; and pray that you reveal your love more and more these days to me and my neighbors in Jesus’ name. + +November 12, 2021 +Dear Lord Jesus, today is a long day; as is tomorrow. I humble myself before you and pray that you increase my faith to see beyond the immediate hours’ stress to gaze on you, to enjoy the time, and importantly to advance the gospel for your glory and the good of the church. Please continue to change me and Karen, by increasing our faith, by pouring out your mercy and grace so that we continue to get off the hamster wheel of this world and become more like you Jesus, ushering in your heavenly kingdom. Amen. + +I'm scared, God, because of my right eye hemorrhage which is more pronounced and clearly visible today. Yet, you can even speak to me through Alex, who told me, "Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day; for our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far surpasses them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4: 16-18 + +Dear God, I think you spoke to me this evening during prayer; and you told me that you’ve taken me off the hamster wheel. I finished today, by your grace, and tomorrow focus on my health: I go to the hospital and I don't going to the final MITE lesson. Work is not worth my health. + +November 11, 2021 +Dear God, the pain and stress from planning and implementing my Groomsmen’s attire overcame me, and I am sorry for my sin. Please forgive me. + +Dear God, thank you for James, and the opportunity to be generous to him; and I pray salvation come to him and Kristy in Jesus’ name. + +November 10, 2021 +Dear God, thank you for the school picnic and the chance to know my students outside the classroom. Thank you that no one got injured. Salvation come to these students and colleagues in your name. + +Importantly, thank you for moving me to give a Bible to Alex. I humble myself before you and pray you speak to him through your word. + + + +November 7, 2021 +Philippians 1:15-18 + +“You can prosper in difficulty” — in a self-serving way; or in serving others? Importantly, to advance the gospel. + +“What’s your motivation to preach the gospel?” — If you preach the gospel. + +Galatians 1:6-9 is about doctrinal error — and the implication is that we might not preach the gospel because we don’t know the gospel — for example, we cannot describe the Nicene creed nor can we unpack it for people. In other words, we do not know scripture. Thus, the second implication of the passage is that we should spend our time reading the word and understanding the gospel for ourselves, and to preach to others when the time comes — per age, authority and formal role. + +If age, authority and formal role are irrelevant to advancing the gospel, all of us have a role to advance the gospel, to find people of peace by the grace of God and to lead them on the Engel scale. We need a peloton of ministry. + +Remember, Paul was around 55 when he was in chains and wrote Philippians. + +From a developmental psychology perspective, and by God’s grace, there might come a time where we realize our time on earth is limited — death is drawing closer — so that we had better be concerned about building other people’s futures rather than ours; for Jesus, this began at 30. Perhaps for me, it began at 40. + +Importantly, the passage shows INTERPERSONAL — not doctrinal — conflict in the church, and two types of conflict. An interpersonal conflict is irrelevant so long as the gospel is preached, in Paul’s eyes. In this way, we don’t have to like each other at all, but we should preach the gospel. + +We should be even more careful when we don’t — and perhaps the issue is that we fear interpersonal conflict with our neighbors. For example, we have no interpersonal conflict in the church and we have no interpersonal conflict with our neighbors and the conflict is not preached! + +“Some preach Christ out of good will…they do so in love” verse 15 +“Who do we allow to correct us?” + +I emphasize clever people, and articulate people. + +“Some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry…they preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains.” Verses 15, 17 +Ambition becomes selfish ambition when the goal is optics, that is, image consciousness, public perception, rather than integrity. Or perhaps a zero-sum game, to win so another might lose. + +Ambitious and competitive spirits are part and parcel with American charismatic leadership in churches. + +When we think spiritually in terms of zero-sum game, scarcity, it becomes difficult to celebrate when others celebrate and to mourn when others mourn; importantly, we show the earthly kingdoms influence more than the heavenly kingdom. All this limits what God might do in us, to advance the gospel. + +Just as with Elijah, Paul was a man just like us — I am reminded of my remark at Farley Hall evening mass when I claimed Paul was just a man. That shocked the audience. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run, and to chat with Jason and then Karen. Dear God, you lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. By your grace, Lord, you can take Karen and me off the hamster wheel in Jesus' name. We say no to overworking. + +Dear God, thank you for the season with eGape. I'm not sure about my future with them, although I know you will continue to love and prosper these sisters for your glory and their good in Jesus' name. Please make me wise and discerning, and faithful, God, like you, Jesus, to know your times and seasons to minister. You have led me in, and I pray humbly you lead me out, Holy Spirit, of eGape. + +November 6, 2021 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are almighty and merciful; and though I go astray, as might your chosen people, you remember us. God, thank you for your kindness and steadfastness, to me, the church and all your chosen people in history. + +I humble myself before you in repentance. I praise you for you are alive, at work, and speaking. You have told me to get off the hamster wheel; I need to stay at home with you, God; and you will enable me to do so for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. Thank you for the November and December. Thank you for a new season to better enter your rest and to advance the gospel in Jesus’ name. + +November 5, 2021 +Help me, Lord, to discharge my responsibilities and get off the hamster wheel in Jesus’ name. + +And thank you, dear God, for time to run, to meet Karen and to talk to Helen. + +November 4, 2021 +I am on a hamster wheel without sufficient downtime and you are merciful, God, in that nothing worse has happened to me. + +“Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death, and of faith in God,” +‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭6:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://hebrews.bible/hebrews-6-1 + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are merciful and gracious. You are alive and active; and you speak. I humble myself before you and worship you. The praise and glory are yours, God. + +Thank you for convicting me, first through Karen, then in my circumstances, and now in your Word, to get off the hamster wheel. Specifically, before anything worse happens to me, to unload my schedule, and to steer clear from dead works, which I have a tendency to accumulate. The more I unload dead work, the more I draw closer to you, for your glory and the good of the church. + +So I repent and ask for your forgiveness, merciful God. And I pray you give me the wisdom, strength and love to bravely stay away from dead works, not only in this season but for the rest of my life in Jesus’ name. + +November 3, 2021 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are almighty and merciful. You answer prayer for your glory and the good of the church. I worship you and praise you God. + +You have been very kind to me and my neighbors today. You showed my students and me favor by delivering us from any calamity; and consoling us — you would even use me to meet my students where they are at. You favored me at my lesson observation. You have favored my friend in releasing a job offer, choices to him. And I believe you will prevail in forming my sister in Christ and providing the right Godly marriage to her at the right time in Jesus’ name. I feel at rest in your arms today. + +Importantly, God, you are showing me how generosity is so foreign to my colleagues; how using my money to favor students and colleagues when these people don’t deserve this is your grace. This is your work so that my colleagues and I enter your rest in Jesus’ name. Salvation come to these colleagues. Come your kingdom and your will be done, Father. + +November 2, 2021 +Dear God, thank you for time to lead HOP yesterday, and importantly, to befriend the women from Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya. They have stories, and are loved in Jesus' name. Salvation come to them and all HOP in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, lead me, God, I pray to be strong and to finish the revision for the EIT manuscript in Jesus' name. + +November 1, 2021 +Dear God, thank you for time with the TST men at the Roundhouse Taproom and for Karen's time at Tamar Park with the TST women. Importantly, thank you for the changing me and my house church sisters so that we would be more like you, God. You have made us at TST wiser and increased our capacity to love one another for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, I might have suffered a lacquer crack two days ago, and I could not run yesterday well. Please come in your glory in this body, Jesus. And heal. Shalom. + +Dear God, I am scared about my anxious heart, and how it reacts to adversity, and ultimately, how I might not treat myself kindly in thoughts and actions. + +October 31, 2021 +Can we inspire others when we are low, and down? Yes, if we disregard our thoughts and feelings about ourselves and trust that God can use people and influence people in whatever way He pleases. + +Philippians 3:14-15 focuses on man’s search for meaning, logotherapy, not psychotherapy, that is, American charismatic Christianity’s inner healing. + +As a matter of developmental psychology, how old was Paul when he wrote Philippians? 50 to mid-50s. Our time may not yet have come. We should stay the course, and be patient and humble with ourselves and others — very Confucian. + +At age 40, I already realize time is running out. What I have established by God’s grace is established. I am too old to be afraid. + +Jesus began his public ministry at 30. + +The message is universal and individualistic. + +Identify the men and women of peace and give them the gospel in Jesus’ name. Alex, james. Justin. Mom. + +What was my persecution like? At LTPSS, most severe. But what was my witness? Weak! + +If we synthesize the Engel scale with a peloton framework, we can understand the need to surround ourselves with people to whom we can minister to different degrees of intimacy and challenge. We can also reconcile finding men of peace, and not throwing pearls to swine, and to suffer persecution. + +How do I respond to suffering and negative circumstances so as to affect myself and others? +- Wet macular degeneration +- Injuries: water poisoning +- Vacuum cleaner and domestic hardware adversity — Karen and me. +- Father’s death; mother’s grandmothering +- Financial difficulties; debt +- Finishing PHD — this reminds me of Nancy sharing how she woke up super early every morning to write all the while raising children and teaching full time. And her telling me about my mental difficulties and possibly running less. And I ended up running more and better understood my lack of logotherapy. +- Calvin +- COVID +- Church leadership shakeup and complaints +- Anti-extradition and five demands +- National security +- Breaking up with ex-girlfriends +- Zero membership at St Barnabas and HOP +- Spinal cord tumors +- Writing manuscripts +- Wedding planning + +Who is bold around me? Only Dorothy. At her business on Tin Shui Wai. + +An American AGI would be individualistic, thus adversarial — terminators; a Chinese AGI would be collectivist, and harmonious, per the Japanese view — power rangers; gundam. + +October 30, 2021 +Dear God, thank you for the conversation with Viv and Karen last night on Viv's birthday. That's your mercy and grace God, over our lives because I don't think I've ever spoken to my sister for such an extended period. Thank you for impressing upon me her good qualities, inlcuding her cleverness and articulation. Salvation come to her and her household in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for the successful Halloween Party at school yesterday. Thank you for the encouraging words from the principal and the line manager. Thank you for the students' and teachers' enthusiasm. Importantly, thank you for the understanding that Jessie and I share about communication and management. Salvation come to Jessie and our students in Jesus' name. Please, Holy Spirit, continue to lead me to be kind to the students in Jesus' name. + +Finally, Dear God, thank you for time to sleep last night. Even sleeping at 23:30 last night and waking up at 08:20 is your grace. Thank you for a sobering way to start the day. Come your kingdom, your will be done, God, on earth as it is in heaven. + +October 29, 2021 +Dear God, thank you for the opportunity to sleep last night. I had not slept well this past week and felt especially terrible yesterday at work. My soul has seemed troubled and anxious, God. You can speak to me and change my heart for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name. + +Please, Holy Spirit, continue to lead me to be kind to my colleagues and students: this is your miraculous work in Jesus' name. And lead me to continue to write a coherent curriculum. + +Dear God, work yesterday and even this morning have been life-taking because of the additional, surprising and far too challenging technical work, for example, to print letters, and to loop a YouTube video. These tasks appear suddenly, their execution appears urgent, and I don't possess the skills to do them well. This affects my wordly ability to be kind to myself, my colleagues and students, but for you in Jesus' name. + +October 28, 2021 +Dear God, thank you for time to run, and importantly, time to spend with James to console him. Please, God, salvation come to James and Kristy and their families in Jesus' name. Please have mercy on them, and release your peace and prosperity, specifically, meaningful work, to them in Jesus' name. Only you can miraculously do this, Jesus, for your glory and the good of the church. + +Dear God, thank you for speaking to me yesterday about laying down my right to run, so that I might have time to rest, to tend to wedding administration and to take up all the busy work in my life. I humble myself before you and repent. Please lead me, God, to love more and more i knowledge and depth of insight, so that I might be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until your day, Jesus. Please lead me to discharge my responsibilities well in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for house church last night and the time for intimacy and enjoyment, especially afterwards on the Whatsapp chat. That is your mercy and grace, Jesus -- yes, thank you for leading the discussion to focus on your merciful character, and also the importance of advancing the gospel. + +October 27 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are almighty God and you know my prayer. I humble myself before you and pray that my house church and my love would abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight to discern which neighbor is a fool and which neighbor is in need, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, I do feel stressed out and bad about the work. + +Dear God, I thought I would support missionaries more if you released the housing allowance. Even if not, maybe you put it on my heart to sponsor James $5000 monthly. + +And maybe you will speak to me about supporting my mom and grandmother. + +October 26, +Dear God, I do feel anxious about finishing the review well. I humble myself before you and pray for strength and joy to finish well in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for the possibility of publishing my and Jenny’s project given major revision. This is your mercy God. Please continue to have mercy and grant me favor with the reviewers. I pray this manuscript advance the gospel according to your will. And I pray you lead me, Holy Spirit, to be strong and to do the work. + +Dear God, I need you and thank you, God. Thank you for reuniting with Peter and Man yesterday. Salvation come to them and their households in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +October 25, 2021 +Dear God, I feel scared about meeting deadlines today. Today seems busy. Please come, Lord Jesus. Please Holy Spirit come. + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are wisdom; and you know exactly what to do for your glory and the good of the church. + +Thank you for answering prayer today and speaking to me about the importance of getting wisdom and understanding — not that I might please myself, but that I might repent, and importantly, that I might bear with the failings of the weak. + +I humble myself before you, God. I pray that as you continue to lead me and teach me your ways, you would make me more merciful to and patient with my neighbors in Jesus’ name. + +October 24, 2021 +Circumstances that seem so bad are used by God for so much good: or perhaps in a secular way, anything can be a formative experience: + +well, I don’t know about my PhD journey, God. Dear God, I don’t know how any of that — especially when I cared not about living or dying — is related to any Gospel advancement then or now in my life. If there is any character change, that is for your glory. At the same time, my character might have changed for worse. + +That said, I know you changed my life in 2008. You radically transformed me so that I remain in Hong Kong and you advanced the gospel through me, God, even to my resigning colleague. + +Misery is a misguided invitation to intimacy. + +To be fair, I think about reasons for which particular people repeat pity stories — miserable experience stories — ad nauseam, and I suspect some people are not self-aware of the blame they might share; and some people are lonely or ashamed, and might foolishly invite intimacy like this. + +And we do not meet our neighbors where they are at when we problematize how people share as an individual responsibility problem. Likewise, we don’t meet our neighbors where they are at when they are considered needy — or in the workplace, underperforming. We show we lack both emotional and cognitive empathy — we don’t feel what they feel; and we don’t know where they come from; and we don’t care! In other words, we love very little, if this is the way we love our neighbors as ourselves. + +Dear God, please continue to renew this church and to revive it for your glory and our good, in Jesus’ name. I pray that outreach would be renewed and that you can transform the men’s prayer group too. Come your kingdom and your will be done, Father! + +Dear God, thank you for the full marathon yesterday and a personal best. Thank you for the race organizers and the running community. Thank you for time with Karen and Matt. You are merciful, God. + +October 23, 2021 +Dear God, I pray for peace in my school. For your shalom, God, and salvation to my colleagues and students in Jesus' name. Come your kingdom, your will be done, Father! Moreover, thank you for kind colleagues and please lead me, Jesus, to continue to be kind to my colleagues and students in your name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to sleep last night. I pray that tomorrow's run would be enjoyable, and a personal best in Jesus' name. + +October 22, 2021 +Dear God, thank you for bringing Grig back. That was amazing. Salvation come to him and my other colleagues, and their families in Jesus' name. Please lead me, Holy Spirit, to be kind and patient to my colleagues and to myself, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Gary, Katherine, Jennies, Terri, Karen and me at my and Karen's flat last night. We had a good time chatting, and getting to know each other. Salvation come. + +October 21, 2021 +Dear God, thank you for time with Monica and Karen. Thank you for blessing Monica and Richard, and Karen and me with marriage. Salvation come to Monica's and Richard's families in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for the English Ambassadors who sacrified their time and endured poor conditions to complete the bulleting boards. Salvation come to them and their families. Dear God, help me to be kind to them, and to evidence that at today's meeting in Jesus' name. Holy Spirit come! + +Dear God, thank you for the favor of registering for the Standard Chartered Marathon without my ID card. Thank you. + +October 20, 2021 +Dear God, +Thank you for Joyce, who said I was her favorite teacher and English her favorite class; that is kind and generous of her. Salvation come. Likewise, thank you for that girl who told me about her sleep and homework. I pray she sleep well tonight in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for Rimsha, and the opportunity for she and I to get to know each other and to learn from each other in Jesus’ name. Salvation come. Likewise, thank you for the successful presentation this morning. + +Dear God, thank you for answering prayer so that Alex resigned and it goes well for him, I pray, in Jesus’ name. I pray Grig gets better soon too in Jesus’ name. Salvation come. I also pray our school finds the right colleague to replace Alex. + +Dear God, thank you for an enjoyable house church session, with intimacy, full of your presence, Holy Spirit. + +October 19, 2021 +Dear God, when it comes to writing and writing from my past, I don’t have the strength to carry on. I have experienced anxiousness, temptation and sin. I repent and humble myself before you, God. As you continue to change me into Jesus, for your glory and the good of the church, lead me, God, to be patient, kind and loving to myself as you are to me in Jesus’ name. At the same time, lead me to be strong and to do the work. + +Dear God, thank you for time at dinner last night and favor at the x-ray center when I did not bring an envelope! Thank you, Jesus, for these small things. Salvation — and your kingdom! — come to me and my neighbors in Jesus name. + +Dear God, in spite of the unfavorable review on my EIT manuscript, thank you for the favorable review for my lesson observation. And + +Dear God, thank you for time with Alex, and for releasing a job opportunity for him. I pray he finds what he is looking for, and importantly, salvation come to him and his household in Jesus’ name. Moreover, I pray for your mercy and grace over him and our colleagues in Jesus‘ name. If he leaves, I pray you prosper him and our school by the new hire in Jesus’ name. + +October 18, 2021 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, thank you for your presence at yesterday’s all church meeting. You answer prayer, are merciful and are worthy of all praise. + +Dear God, I humble myself before you. I pray that Holy Spirit you would assemble overseers for Solomon’s Porch, and that this would be for your glory and the good of the church. I pray that you would speak clearly to our overseers, and that they would hear you and obey quickly in Jesus’ name. In this process, I pray that the church would be unified to speak the truth in love, and importantly the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts would be pleasing to you God, in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for the opportunity to run, and to run into my 40th year. Thank you for the chance to run a 3K personal best. Thank you for men of peace, including Masa, James, Jan, Phil and Harry. Salvation come to them and their families in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for a pleasant conversation between my mom and Karen’s parents for your glory and the good of the church. Salvation come to our families in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, I pray for Grig’s quick recovery in Jesus’ name. Salvation come to him, my other colleagues and their families. + +October 17, 2021 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are the compassionate and gracious God. I humble myself before you and give you the glory you deserve. + +You have been very kind to me today, God, and I count my blessings. Thank you for speaking to me and the congregation through the word; thank you for fellowship with existing and new friends; thank you for time to serve others; and for speaking to your people at the all church meeting. Thank you for time to run a personal best and to meet new running friends. Finally, thank you, God, for a pleasant conversation between Karen’s parents and my mother. I don’t deserve any of this favor. And I pray all this has been for your glory and the good of the church. + +I pray for a release of opportunities to share your work, directly, to my neighbors and the church, this week in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +How are we confronted with our own folly? + +Where have we experienced displaced anger? + +Pastor Sam’s anecdotes with his father illustrate the thwarting of empathy for a Korean man. Individual emotion is disharmonious. + +Pastor Sam’s younger brother anecdote shows hyper competitiveness. + +Friendships with Glenn and Patrick have been tested and proven true: sincere friendship. Pure, + +In the prodigal son, the older brother was blameless but not pure. The younger brother became pure but was not blameless. + +I have heard the Dr Crane story before. Is it appropriate for us to deceive ourselves or to be deceived for social harmony? That our hearts and actions might be one? Is it wrong that even our hearts and actions might be atomized, individuals? + +Maybe for Alex, let his actions lead him. Maybe the sermon is for his edification and mine in Jesus’ name. + +Ditto for me writing out prayers and importantly asking God to speak. Write out prayers. + +October 16, 2021 + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, how terrible is your wrath; and how amazing is your grace. I humble myself and worship you God. + +Dear God, you have placed me amongst many neighbors who seem to fear neither you nor death. How do I relate to these people, God, if at all? + +Perhaps it is best not to throw pearls to swine, and better to pray, that you merciful God would reveal salvation to my neighbors for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +I pray you would reveal yourself quickly and at the same time you would make me more patient, wise and faithful. I know that just as you have changed my heart and continue to change me to be more like you, Jesus, so you can do the same to those around me. Please come, Holy Spirit. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for the quiet and peaceful morning. Thank you for time to attend Nancy’s class and the opportunity to learn to become a lecturer. + +Dear God, please, salvation come to Mr Wong. Please, peace come to Karen and me. Thank you that the leaks from the above flat and the clogging from the flat below are beyond my and Karen’s control; so we have to trust you, God, and pray for your mercy and favor for me and my neighbors in Jesus’ name. Salvation come. + +October 15, 2021 +Dear God, how you changed my life is for your glory and the good of the church. Similarly, how you would arrange for Alex and me to have professional conversations, and suddenly, use me to share my testimony to him is for your glory and our good. The glory is yours and I praise you, God. You would use me to reap where I did not sow. Now, God, I humble myself before you and pray that you continue to reveal yourself to Alex and that he would choose you Jesus to save him. Amen. + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirt, you are loving and kind, almighty and amazing; and I worship you. + +Thank you for saving me, Jesus, and revealing yourself to me through the Bible, pray and the church so I would know you. + +Importantly, thank you for using me today to share my full testimony with my colleague. Here I reap where I did not sow. Here you have released a divine appointment so that my colleague would receive with honor a story of your glorious work in my life. He would also receive well an invitation to join the church. Salvation come to this young man in Jesus’ name. To be sure, the kingdom is not far from him. + +Come Holy Spirit. Continue to come in my school for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for a pleasant dinner with Tim Tang, Karen, Terri and Patrick. Thank you for Patrick, his friendship and his agreement to be a groomsmen in Jesus’ name. You have answered this prayer for your glory and the good of the church, God. + +October 14 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are almighty God, compassionate and gracious. Slow to anger. Abounding in love and faithfulness. + +I humble myself before you and pray to have mercy on us house church men. It becomes clear that you have brought us together with different values in communication and different leadership practices. It’s clear we have had misunderstandings and conflict in the house church. + +I repent and pray that by your grace we speak the truth in love; we who are strong bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves; and that we continue to sharpen each other as iron sharpens iron. + +I trust you, God, that you oppose the proud but show favor to the humble; and that for your glory and our good you will bring revival to our house church men according to your will, at the right time in Jesus’ name. + +October 13 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, thank you for your loving presence. Thank you for speaking to me in truth just now. Thank you for your steadfastness and kindness over my life. I repent and worship you. + +You remind me that salvation has nothing to do with Israel, the church or me, individually, but everything to do with your character and what you have done, Jesus’ on the cross. + +You have established for me and everyone who trusts you, Jesus, an eternity with you in paradise; and now, the church and I have your guidance and work, Holy Spirit, as we seek you and find you with all our heart. These are the true plans to prosper me and the church, not to harm us. These are your plans to give us hope and a future. + +I humble myself before you and give you the glory. Yours is the victory, Jesus, over death. I pray to return to the joy of salvation, my first love with you, God, especially in light of my anxious morning. Fill me and change me, God, all the more this afternoon and evening, to become more like you Jesus. + +October 11 + + +October 10, +Dear God, thank you for the curious storm yesterday. That is humbling, God. Similarly, I'm amazed God, about today's meeting with Sterling at Amber Coffee, where he and I spoke for an our. We build intimacy in spite of our persistent communication and physical issues. This is your grace, for your glory. I'm amazed and surprised that you would use Sterling and me in this way, especially per the way that you arranged him and me to meet for the first time. Please come in your glory in our friendship and in our house church in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Karen and her family, to enjoy dinner in Jesus' name. Thank you for favor in transferring the money from my mother to Karen's mother. Thank you for the evening conversation between Karen and my mom. And thank you for the intimacy that Karen and I have. I know you will continue to change her heart and to love her, perhaps even through me. I know you will change me in the same way for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name. Amen. + +October 9, 2021 +Dear God, thank you for time with Karen yesterday to work on our wedding day ceremony and then to find favor in talking with our neighbor. Dear God, help Karen and me, I pray, to be patient with one another and to steward well our relationship and materials in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to observe Nancy's lesson and to catch up with her in Jesus' name. Please lead her and me to teach our students well in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, I struggle with finishing another manuscript. Please lead me, God, to be strong and to do the work. At the same time, please lead me to be watchful so that I do not tempt myself and do not fall into sin when writing. + +October 8, 2021 +Dear God, thank you for the end of the work week. I struggled with sleep, God, and pray your love is real in my life at night, and that I prepare well to sleep in Jesus' name. You can change my heart, God, for your glory and the good of the church. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Caleb, Tina, Miranda and Ed. Thank you for time to eat together at my and Karen's flat, and to play games together. Thanks for this fellowship in Jesus' name. + +October 7, 2021 +Dear God, thank you for time to run last night. And to catch up with Frank and Jan in Jesus' name. + +6.10.21 +Dear God, thank you for the excitement of the first English Wednesday and the honor to lead the English Ambassadors -- thank you for telling me, Jesus, to count the cost, which is more important than learning from failure. Thank you for favor with the principal. + +Similarly, thank you for the honor to lead HOP, I pray, for your glory and the good of the church. Salvation come to these students and HOPpers in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for the enjoyment of learning R, and for learning exploratory factor analysis. You have redeemed the time and changed my mind, Jesus, I pray, for your glory and the good of the church. + +Dear God, please strengthen me + +5.10.21 +I guess this is because of a broken world, not your sense of humor God. Our church is helping and hurting. We have a help fist to realize vision and hurt fist to de-emphasize people’s well-being. In other words, because of the church’s charismatic leadership model, the church magnifies the leader’s strengths to help people and ditto the weaknesses to hurt people. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Karen last night to talk and to stop an argument. I pray you lead us, Holy Spirit, for your glory and the good of the church. Importantly, please increase our faith and wisdom and love for one another as we plan this wedding in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run last night and to catch up with Jan et al. Thank you for the time and strength to run, I pray, in Jesus' name. Lord, my left hip hurts. Please heal me and have mercy on me in Jesus' name. + +4.10.21 +Dear Father, Son and Holy, thank you for the call yesterday and today, to pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ. And I pray that we all grow in wisdom, patience, power and thanksgiving for your glory and the good of the church. And I pray that salvation come to my neighbors around me, that they too at last would partake in this fellowship for all eternity in Jesus’ name. + +I humble myself and pray that this week’s house church meetings would please you. Even my and Karen’s wedding would do the same. That your people’s thoughts, words and works would bring you the glory that you deserve, God, in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for the chat with Karen on the Fan’s rooftop so that I can understand why Karen and I should cancel our banquet, and not trouble ourselves with Karen’s extended family. Yet, I humbly pray salvation come to them in Jesus’ name. + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I humble myself before you. Thank you for leading me to understand more the financial situation of the early church, and the offering organized by Paul for Jerusalem church, I pray, for your glory and the good of the church. I pray, Holy Spirit, that you would lead me to offer cheerfully according to your will, to realize calls for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +3.10.21 +Dear God, thank you for helping James to complete his marathon. Salvation come to him and his family. And I pray you release the money owed to him in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to spend with the Fans yesterday; thank you for the kindness of Brandon's friends' parents; thank you for time to eat and to play video games. Thank you for raising up the family. Salvation come in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for time with AVOHK in the morning, to have an enjoyable morning and race. I pray salvation come to AVOHK. + +Finally, dear God, help me at night, Lord. My anxiety still creeps. + +2.10.21 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are merciful and compassionate. You love and care for me and the church. + +Thank you for prospering me, and speaking to me about being all the more generous towards my family. I repent! I pray systematic generosity towards my family will become a spiritual act of worship, because after 40 years you changed my heart, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for sale season! Thank you for time to buy Asics Metaracers. Nonetheless, lead me Holy Spirit to be generous for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name. + +1.10.21 +Dear God, thank you for time with Karen at the West Kowloon cultural centre. I pray she and I continue to grow in faith and love; and that you God enable us execute our marriage ceremony well for your glory and the good of the church. + +Dear God, thank you for time to finish running 20 miles. + +30.9.21 +Dear God, thank you for house church meeting last night. Thank you for the briefest discussion and also an important case about orderly worship. I pray you enable our house church to better love and support one another through the leading of worship in Jesus’ name. + +29.9.21 +Dear God, thank you for the chat with the principal’s secretary at the bus stop this morning. + +28.9.21 +Hi guys, just a thought that Karen and I had at dinner: Feng Shui is a Chinese religious equivalent to Christianity’s “spiritual warfare.” Unfortunately, for those who practice Feng shui, they will never be free from the burden of practicing Feng Shui. Besides, they have no cross to free them from death. + +Dear God, thank you for time to have early dinner with Karen. + +And thank you for time to learn about R. + +Thank you for a relaxing day at work. + +27.9.21 +Dear God, thank you for the men's prayer team; and thank you for HOP; thank you for answered prayers and importantly, time to spend with these men, and these men and women. Thank you for time with Karen too. Thank you for time to even begin to read the C&E article. I guess, God, I thank you most for this time in life, I pray, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, I have felt anxious at work. And I'm unsure how to become a better teacher. Yet, I hold on to you in faith Holy Spirit. You are at work in me and my neighbors. You are realizing your will, and your kingdom comes in Jesus' name. And I will adhere to my professional goals, trusting you, God, above all. + +Dear God, I have struggled to get started in organizing my book in a systematic and incremental way. I am still struggling God and need your strength, comfort and guidance, I pray, in Jesus' name. + +26.9.21 Sunday Service +Dear God, thank you for being steadfast and loving. Thank you for reminding me of how glorious and compassionate you are. + +Importantly, thank you for friends through my decades: Jason; Glenn; Matt; and Tim; and even Karen. Thank you. + +And during worship, the focus on repentance was there. As for empathy, even during the announcements, I think there was more sensitivity in the announcements, to help people to understand where the church and Pastor Andrew are coming from. That’s your grace and conviction, Holy Spirit. + +Pastor Sam’s background on women in Philippi is apologetic, conciliatory, perhaps to the congregation which comprises mostly women. Perhaps there is comfort in knowing this, although SP does not have much formal female leadership. + +“It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart and, whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in God’s grace with me.” +‭‭Philippians‬ ‭1:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://philippians.bible/philippians-1-7 + +God’s grace is his unconditional love and acceptance of me, and all who believe; our weaknesses and failings, and strengths, talent and treasure. + +How do we love our enemies — the difficult people around us? Ironically, perhaps it is not because of our immediate feelings or guts; this is grace. + +Thank you for the people who stood by me, and put their money where their mouths are when I had my first major surgery: I must invite them to my wedding. + +24.9.21 +Dear God, I have felt anxious these two days, robbing myself of sleep and importantly, relationship with you. I suspect I worry about my new colleague Grig and how he and I will relate to each other, especially to sort out the work; I worry about the digital literacy analysis; and perhaps I worry about the book draft. + +I humble myself before you, God. And ask for your forgiveness. I repent. I pray for your glory and love to be palpable in this sinner + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are compassionate and gracious, loving and kind. I humble myself before you and worship you. + +I pray that you Christ will dwell in my heart all the more palpably today, and this weekend. Importantly, that you would all the more root me and establish me in your love. God, please make this love real, in my life and in my neighbors’ lives today in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, you have already answered this prayer not least through a sudden conversation with my gentle colleague just now. And I pray more, God, of your palpable presence and the ushering of your kingdom and gospel in my life and in this workplace in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +“For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” +‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭3:14-19‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://ephesians.bible/ephesians-3-19 + +23.9.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to run with Timmy and James yesterday, and to eat with James afterwards. I pray you release the money owed to James, God, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name; and that salvation come to James and his household. + +Dear God, thank you for answering prayer and providing the job for Helen. Shalom and salvation come to her in Jesus’ name. + +22.9.21 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are almighty; and you are good. Thank you for your presence, your love and your speaking to me. + +Dear God, I don’t understand these prophetic words. I don’t understand how they are realized, unless by the church or in eternity. But I trust you, God, and pray that you increase my faith that in spite of today, eternity with you awaits, for your glory and the good of the church. At the same time, lead me, Lord Jesus, today to advance your gospel within me and to my neighbors in your name. Amen. + +21.9.21 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I humble myself before you. I don’t know how you work beyond an individual and perhaps local level; and I wonder how you work, how your bring justice to the nations these days; and I wonder how you work in the nations now that your chosen people are scattered across the nations, for your glory and the good of the church. How do you make your glory known, God, in an atomized, hyper-individualistic world!? + +Dear God, I pray that you increase my faith, to know that you are alive and active, not only in my life and in my local church. Please show me and the church your glory, your grand narrative, in Jesus’ name. Importantly, please help me, God, to keep my eyes on you, on eternity, whatever I do and whatever happens around this flat world in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for showing me that the good times in my life can spur me on toward either greater kindness or boredom, which leads to sin. Lead me on toward the former, I pray, Holy Spirit, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to rest today, and to talk to people. + +20.9.21 +Dear Holy Spirit, I feel unsettled as I read about issues that caused conflicts in the early church. I do not know how I can draw parallels between the issues causing early church conflicts and the issues causing conflicts at Solomon’s Porch. Would you continue to speak, Lord, for your servant is listening. Have mercy on me and this church for your glory and our good in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for yesterday’s time for the AVOHK meeting. And then the curious time with Victor, with whom I experienced breakthrough, it seems, in Jesus’ name. Come in your glory at HOP and SP. + +19.9.21 Sunday Service — pursuing unity, which is no internal competition within the Lord. + +My mother and I would argue +My mother and sister would undermine +I would unfriend +I have remained quiet and listened — at dinner +I have tried to introduce different points of view — how deeply ingrained is their view? + +My economic view is socialism + +Liberalism — atomization — spurs anger. Per Americans, I believe I must have an opinion, my opinion is right and I must fight for my opinion. + +John 17:20-23 + +I agree that pursuing unity and humility are one and the same. + +This is more of a liberal and American-centric message than a Biblical message. + +What is missing is what causes disunity in the church. What is legitimate per Philippians. + +Importantly, I think what is missing is frank talk about conflict in the early church, between Paul and the Jerusalem church; and within each particular gentile church; and, in contrast to Paul’s authentic letters, which are the earliest New Testament writings, the pursuit of unity through conciliatory writings such as in Acts, the Gospels and unknown epistles. + +That people still struggled into the following century to determine canon, the New Testament, what books are included and what are not. + +What’s humbling is that the by God’s glory and for our good, we the church still exist. And God stays the same. He has had his way — the Jerusalem church was scattered. Paul’s narrative became canon. And salvation awaits. + +1. Do confront. (I think a more nuanced approach is attempt to clarify. Yet, timing and how we communicate are essential.) Paul was very confrontational, as depicted even in Acts. He was difficult to get along with + +I wonder if empathize will be used in this sermon. + +What about relax. Take a deep breath. + +Dear God, thank you for time to talk with Karen, and for speaking to me thorugh her. I need to pray for her and myself, that we grow in faith, and in love, for you and then for one another. Only you can ultimately satisfy either of us, God; and as we grow in you, so our relationship will go in Jesus' name. We don't want to please man, or ourselves first. We want to please you first. + +Dear God, as I go down the rabbit hole of history, I am amazed that you are the same, and that you have made yourself known through the mess of human history. Please increase my faith to trust that you will be glorified in spite of conflicts and tensions, even in the church, in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run 15 miles. Thank you for the weather. Please lead me to run the marathon well in Jesus' name, and even to lead well tonight in Jesus' name. Amen. + +18.9.21 +Dear God, thank you for a morning run, and an afternoon in Tin Shui Wai. Thank you for reminding me that Tin Shui Wai today is the Chinatown of my Chinatown, a weekend destination. Moreover, you have blessed me with a reverse commute so that I can travel from the city center to the suburbs at my leisure. The glory is yours, God. + +Dear God, thank you for time to work with Billy. Salvation come to him and his household. Similarly, thank you for time with Karen's family to celebrate her father's birthday -- salvation come! And thank you that Tsz Je and Karen can at last meet. + +17.9.21 +Dear God, thank you for Grig and his first day at school. Thank you for giving him and me something to do in Jesus’ name. Salvation come to him and his family in Jesus’ name. Moreover, I pray that we can decide well what he can do at the school. + +Similarly, God, thank you for realizing in my job what you had spoken to me, I believe, “Work is not everything. It is barely anything.” Now, I pray, God, to be strong and to do the work of finishing the book manuscript and other works that I had set my heart on, for your glory and the good of the church. Amen. + +16.9.21 +Dear God, I don't know why you put my maternal grandfather's incredible World War II journey on my heart, God, but I believe you did for your glory and the good of the church. Salvation come to my mother and her family in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for James, and the opportunity to run with him today, and to drink with him. Salvation come to him and his family in Jesus' name. + +15.9.21 +Dear God, thank you for a leisurely time table, and time to practice becoming a differentiated instructor. Thank you for time to establish routines and to plan ahead. + +Dear God, thank you for house church, and an evening to bless Bright, Diana and Nunu in Jesus' name. Amen. + +14.9.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to run and to exercise at HOP. Thank you for dinner, and time to meet Bosco and Terence. Thank you, Jesus, for friendship with Amanda. You are faithful and merciful at HOP, in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run today. Thank you for freedom from injury. Thank you for your favor. You are merciful, God. You are gracious; and I am not deserving of your kindness. The glory is yours in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to finish two submissions for education and information technologies. + +13.9.21 Sunday Service +Based on Paul's life, Pastor Sam concludes "You should listen to old people," and I agree, but based on my own experience. Even recently, I believe God spoke to me through two, wiser, more faithful and clever people than I, about accepting one job and not the other. + +Similarly, one of my close brothers at 28 years old asks me for advice last week because I have gone ahead of him in the PhD journey. + +And many people don't have mentors. Woe to them. + +Dear God, thank you for time to finish writing the EIT manuscript. Unfortunately, the EIT ruined my Sunday, and I repent and ask for your forgiveness, God. Finishing the manuscript for the second deadline meant I skipped church, eGape, and post-show fellowship with the Fans. The only thing that the manuscript did not ruin was my running, because the extreme heat ruined that! + +12.9.21 +Dear God, perhaps in the shower, you just spoke to me. You brought to my mind the moment a dozen years ago, in the bathroom of the former Solomon’s Porch building, when Pastor Sam told me to be careful of the people I bring to church, because a man whom I had met at Home of Love and whom I had brought to church had been asking people at church for money. + +You remind me of this perhaps so that by your grace, I am careful to help Gabrielle but also to protect other people in the church, for your glory and our good in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, I felt anxious again last night and what can I do but turn to you and sleep? Why does my heart race and eyes wander from you, God? I repent. Please forgive me. + +Dear God, thank you for time to bond with Des and Jean Baptiste yesterday — thank you for preserving my health yesterday — and today — in Jesus’ name. + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, today I feel far from you and your church. Although I don’t know how you will resolve the tension within me and that within Solomon’s Porch, my eyes are on you, God. + +I humble myself before you and repent. I pray for your forgiveness and for a palpable revelation of your love in my life and in my small group and the broader church community. I pray to realize your love and appreciation of me just as everyone in the church would feel loved and appreciated, especially at upcoming house church meetings, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +I pray that the church and I finish our sabbath well, at peace, in love, with enjoyable recreation in Jesus’ name. + +11.9.21 +Dear God, thank you for a reunion with Esther and a long time to catch up. You surprise me in that she and I are friends, I pray for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for reunion with Caleb and Tina, Miranda and thank bless Ed in the escape room. + +10.9.21 +Dear God, thank you for a long and fruitful first day at work. Thank you for students who feel hopeful: salvation come to them and their families. + +Dear God, thank you for time for Karen and me to bond over 10 rings. + +9.9.21 +Dear God, I don't know if you are speaking to me about this, but I pray you do; and perhaps confirm this; or continue to change my heart about this matter, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name. + +The liberal women are the conservative, American evangelical men's blind spot. + +It's not a coincidence that at the house church meeting, with the same number of women as the number of men, five women spoke up and one man expressed feelings about the church; and that the discussion was facilitated by three men. + +It's not a coincidence the number of men on the board, and the number of female pastors, and the number of female staff. + +The power distance between men and women is significant compared to the number of women and the number of men. + +I use a geopolitical lense to better understand the opportunities and threats of Solomon's Porch leadership model. + +After reading the resignation letters, God, I agree with the view that Solomon's Porch is Pastor Sam's church. I add that after the summer, he has further consolidated power because adversarial people -- people who would challenge him -- have left the church. At worst, our church suffered a purge. + +Pastor Sam has become Xi Jinping with the board of directors as the Central Committee. + +I do fear the peril of Pastor Sam above all in the church is not only the lack of accountability for him -- will he become a New Testament centurion or a despot; a Lee Kuan Yew or a Kim Jong Un -- but importantly, no clear succession of power in the event that anything happen to him, especially suddenly -- will Solomon's Porch transition from Lee Kuan Yew to a non-charismatic leadership model per Singapore; or will Solomon's porch transition dynastically per Kim Il Sung to Kim Jong Il to Kim Jong Un. My fear is that the church would collapse without Pastor Sam because his cult of personality holds up the church -- it is SP culture! Our church will live and die by its charismatic leader. + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I wonder if this message through Paul is for one historical moment for the Corinthian church; or perhaps the message is for all time to the universal church; for in my eyes the conflict amongst people in the Corinthian church appears applicable to the conflict at Solomon’s Porch today. + +Dear God, in repentance, I humble myself before you. If this message from Paul is universal, who is the Paul to whom I should pay careful attention in Solomon’s Porch, amongst many different voices. Through whom are you speaking to me and other people in the church today in Jesus’ name? + +At the same time, I pray that you have mercy on us your church; and that we repent before you, deeply and truly. I pray you would hear us from heaven and change our hearts, that we would all the more receive your love, and love our neighbors as ourselves. This glory is yours, God. + +You know my specific fears about leadership issues in Solomon’s Porch: and I trust that you have heard my prayer and will speak to me, for comfort and consolation, and for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +8.9.21 +Dear God, thank you for house church, and the challenges there. You are there, Holy Spirit, and you are helping us to love one another as ourselves, and to give you the glory -- you are doing the work, God. I pray that our discussion would continue to be edifying, and people would feel loved and appreciated in Jesus' name. + +And I pray we would be a repentant house church for your glory, God! I pray Holy Spirit, that you would comfort and console Karen and especially women who spoke up last night. I pray you would also speak to the men and + +7.9.21 +Dear God, thank you for the opportunity to celebrate Pastor Selamet's birthday, and his and Mimi's anniversary in Jesus' name. Thank you for these mentors and spiritual parents. Thank you for using them to speak to me and to Karen for our encouragement and building up. And thank you that my stomach was not too upset after eating Korean food! + +Dear God, thank you for time to run 14.75 miles and to not get injured in Jesus' name. + +6.9.21 +Dear God, thank you for the time at HOP, and the opportunity to love and to lead in Jesus' name. I pray for unity and harmony in our group, for your glory and our good. I pray that you continue to reveal your love to our group, and that I would speak the truth in love, even to our leaders, to build them up for your glory. inJesus' name. + +5.9.21 09:00 service +The choice of verses 1-4 is curious. + +I wonder if this sermon is as much for pastor Sam as it is for the congregation. It’s hard for me to remove the frame of charismatic leadership, and more broadly, white American evangelical culture from interpreting the sermon. + +Pastor Sam’s story with Tom Bonnard is white American evangelical history, which includes individual responsibility and purity movements. + +The apostleship movement is also a part of the White American evangelical history; and although apostles are not self-appointed, the accreditation bodies are self-organized of other non-denominational, charismatic leaders. + +Elder or overseer is not a director on the board; and this teaching from Philippians is cohesive with Pastor Sam’s claims from the Sunday meeting. + +This early church structure does not account for a board of directors, which has led to the hurt in our church. + +“Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all God’s holy people in Christ Jesus at Philippi, together with the overseers and deacons:” +‭‭Philippians‬ ‭1:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://philippians.bible/philippians-1-1 + +Praying is consistent. Prayer over steak is an important clarification. As is joy. + +Happiness is important, because it helps other people who don’t know us; it helps people feel safe. It helps people who don’t understand joy or have little internal depth. + +Dear God, you have met all my needs according to the riches of your glory in Christ Jesus. It appears you have given me rest on all sides. + +Dear God, you have given me joy, even today, with the above revelation and prayer. Fine is a big indicator. + +I am not very happy, but I am not very angry too. You have changed my reactivity. Suddenly is not a big deal to me. + +Dear God, you remind me of your kindness. Even during yesterday morning’s run. And this past week. That word. Kind. That’s from you in Jesus’ name. + +4.9.21 + +3.9.21 +Dear God, thank you for morning prayer, and time to get to know Jason afterwards at dim sum. Thank you for that fellowship; thank you for this season of Friday EMP in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for the most mileage in a week in my lifetime. That glory is yours, God. You have been merciful to me, this week, so that my life might be fruitful. + +Dear God, my anxiety is still real, as are temptations at night. Have mercy on me, God. Please reveal your gentleness and love to me at night in Jesus' name. + +2.9.21 +Testimony: +Thanks for praying with me about work, last night and over the summer. An update: + +Something miraculous has happened. Since August 6, I had been praying for God to release two job offers to me, or to change my heart about the matter. Since then, God had spoken to me that He could not only change my heart about the matter but also provide two job offers. He would do this for His glory, my good and the good of the church. + +God first changed my heart. In this way, this morning I accepted the first job offer given to me: to work as a NET teacher at Precious Blood Secondary School. I will start September 10. + +No sooner had I committed than this afternoon, the Education University offered me a job as a Lecturer -- and if that were not enough, this morning my PhD supervisor offered me a part-time job to lecture at HKU next semester. + +Be encouraged. God is alive, He speaks to His people and He answers prayer. Praise God! + +Dear God, thank you for the return of house church. Thank you for Katherine, our newcomer. I pray that our house church leaders and followers would grow in love; and we would show the fruit of the spirit. Please lead us to speak the truth in love. Please unify us, Holy Spirit, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for that favorable conversation with Nancy, so that my writing can improve more, and the glory is yours, God. Please, salvation come to Nancy, and the readers of this article in Jesus' name. + +1.9.21 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, thank you for a first day at work. Thank you for your favor. This is your mercy over me, my colleagues and students. This is a testimony doe your glory and the good of the church. + +I humble myself before you, God. I pray that you continue to change my heart, and my colleagues’ hearts, and the students’ hearts so that our fellowship would be most pleasing to you. Importantly, please lead me Holy Spirit, to restore students’ confidence, to encourage students’ and to spur them on toward love and good deeds in Jesus’ name. + +“Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor. One who is wise can go up against the city of the mighty and pull down the stronghold in which they trust. Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity. The proud and arrogant person—“Mocker” is his name— behaves with insolent fury.” +‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭21:21-24‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/pro.21.21-24.NIV + +31.8.21 +Dear Jesus, thank you for the final day of summer holiday. + +Thank you for the final lesson with Natalia. God bless her and her family. + +Thank you, God, for HOP last night, especially the dinner at Lucky Star. God bless our crew and the crew at Lucky Star. We did not deserve such kindness and generosity. Thank you for opening a new chapter in the life of HOP. + +I feel nervous about tomorrow’s first day at school, God. Help me, Lord, to start the day well, to prepare well and to sleep well tonight in Jesus’ name. Shalom. + +Maybe I have post traumatic stress disorder from all this high stakes writing. You carried me through, God, not because I deserved any of this. I worship you, God. You are forever in my life. + +30.8.21 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are steadfast, good and almighty; your love endures forever. You work for your glory and our good; and we worship you. + +Yesterday’s trials at church, I pray, are for your glory and our good. I know you have plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future. Then we will call upon you and pray to you, and you will hear us. We will seek you and find you when we seek you with all our heart. And I believe for Solomon’s Porch, that time to realize this repentance, is now in Jesus’ name. + +Renewal. I pray that God you realize your renewal at Solomon’s Porch in Jesus’ name. Remember. I pray that we your people remember the good at Solomon’s Porch, and avoid every kind of evil. + +To be sure, please forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and you lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for time to console Karen and to fellowship with her, and to help her see James’s perspective and her assumptions. I pray our house church meeting tomorrow would be edifying and unifying in Jesus’ name. I pray we are loving and wise in Jesus’ name for your glory, God, and our good. I pray other house churches are the same. Amen. + +29.8.21 Sunday Service +God’s sense of humor, the irony, is that Paul was called to Philipi, a poor city with poor people; and SP is called to the richest people in the richest cities. City theology explains SP’s city church planning and even where Pastor Sam lives. + +Business leaders and institutions like SP, it seems, unlike the philipi church. + +The Bible sermon series is unusual in the history of the church; and more resembles the PSam EMP devotionals. + +Proverbs 3:5-6 for these days, these upcoming years and my work life. + +The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Pastor Sam’s comments could be perceived as sexist. American culture and American church culture strongly influence SP. Speaking out, self-victimization and spiritual abuse are American phenomena that influence the church, not least in formal church policies and ministries and through people’s perceptions. + +At the same time, Pastor Sam makes the women laugh. He is charismatic. + +James 1:2-4 is as much for Pastor Sam as for anyone in the congregation. + +The sermon is dry because it is Bible full, not full of Pastor Sam anecdotes. + +Remember your wife, kids, students, and colleagues at the other end of your obedience. Remember your HOP and SPIN sisters at the end of your obedience. + +Spiritual abuse is on the other side of the charismatic leadership coin. Cherry picking scripture can be an indicator of spiritual abuse. + +A lack of empathy might be a weakness of a centurion style / charismatic leadership church, because the church leader’s authority derives from realization of a church vision, not how people feel per se. + +My hunch was correct: pastor Sam was laying low this summer, by mutual agreement with the board, it seems. + +Pastor Sam says the meeting is implicitly a referendum on his leadership. I agree. In other words, the meeting is a test of each church member’s loyalty to Pastor Sam: when push comes to shove, who do you believe and on whose side are you on? + +Pastor Lisa said Pastor Sam is the face of the church. + +The initial board conflict in June preceded all SCC complaints against Pastor Sam during the summer. There was subsequent board conflict about whether to adhere to SCC recommendations wholly or in part — Pastor Sam taking a leave of absence; external cultural review scope. Not following SCC recommendations wholly appeared to lead to board members resigning. + +My hunch was correct: one decision point is either a tribe with a chief or a corporation with a board. The important context is the type of church, that is, we are a non-denominational church that necessitates the formal. + +Pastor Sam provides nuance on the issue: the tribal chief should concern spiritual matters; the board facilitates government administration matters. + +Pastor Sam argues that people have conflated elder with board member. He says pastors are elders. + +Regardless, the remnant board members support the tribal chief — tribe guys — hence, they have not left the church and still refer to the senior pastor as P.Sam. + +Sadly, Max does not come across as strongly credible based on the question about his resignation letter. + +Would Charles consider Pastor Sam’s behavior as spiritual abuse? + +How does my house church face safe church issues? + +Renewal. That’s the word. Like with my house church so with the wider church. + +Remember. Remember how God used SP to reveal His grace to you, that you might be saved. Remember the good times you had with Max and Connie. + +Ernest is funny because he might not be the most tactful. He pointed out the leaks in the roof and the possibility of Pastor Sam going to jail. + +28.8.21 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, thank you for your steadfastness, love and faithfulness in my life and in the life of the church, for your glory and our good in Jesus’ name. We worship you God and praise you. + +You have delivered me from my enemies. You continue to change me so that I might be more like you Jesus. How different is my life now from how it was three years ago!? The glory is yours, God. + +Finally, I pray that what is revealed in our church tomorrow is the reconciliation and restoration of leadership in Jesus’ name. Come in your glory, God. + +“We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.” +‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭1:8-11‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/2co.1.8-11.NIV + +Dear God, thank you for time to run this morning; and time to sleep last night. Thank you for peace this weekend, and even time to revise my manuscript in Jesus’ name. God bless my colleagues and reviewers. + +27.8.21 +Dear God, Thank you for the time to be quiet this morning, at EMP. For a moment with you, to dwell in your shelter, God, and to find rest for my soul in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for the time with Karen and to talk about our church leadership in Jesus’ name. I pray that our church be unified by the power of the spirit, and for reconciliation and restoration in relationships. + +Dear God, please help me to be strong and to do the work, for Nancy, and the EDB in Jesus name. + +26.8.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to run in the new shoes, free of God. Importantly, thank you for my brother and his generosity. Salvation come in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for Ashley, and her family, and your mercy over them. I pray for reconciliation and restoration of relationships in Jesus’ name. +B +25.8.21 +Dear God, thank you for the time to run. Thank you for friends and an opportunity to lead. To bless these dudes in Jesus’ name. + +Thank you, God, for the social media channel. At the same time, God, help me, God, to surrender my anxieties to you, to focus on you and reading your word, not social media in Jesus’ name! + +24.8.21 +Dear God, thank you for a Tuesday morning with no agenda. I humble myself before you. You provided this morning. Come your kingdom, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Then, please help me to be strong and to do the work in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for HOP, and the challenges these days in terms of managing people; please lead me and HOP for your glory and the good of the church. I pray for unity in HOP, and the fruit of the spirit. I pray for favor amongst men. I pray that we continue to meet, and to spur each other on toward love and good deeds; and to sharpen one another in Jesus' name. Amen. + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I trust you. I trust that eternal life with you is real, because of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Neither do I have to be nor do I want to be afraid of death, and anything in this life. + +In this way, God, have mercy on me. Please lead me to the right job soon, and make me strong and brave to do the work well, for your glory and the good of the church. You have given me a new mission field. Release it in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +23.8.21 +Dear God, thank you for a long, fruitful day. Thank you for the time to tutor. Thank you for the opportunity to have an impact on children's learning. Salvation come to them in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for the interview at Education University. Thank you for Piko, Iris, Dr. Hui, Dr. Wang, Professor John lee and Dr. Gu. Thank you for your love and mercy, so that you deliver me from self-doubt about the interview. I humble myself before you, and thank you for the learning opportunity -- how to allocate time to prepare for interview questions, not a presentation; and how to develop anecdotes for typical questions. Salvation come to the interviewers and their families, and all who have helped me. + +Now, God, please help me to be strong and to do the work, whatever it is; wherever it is, in Jesus' name. Help me to prepare well in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, the anxiety maybe was killer last night, as it was the previous night. At night, I am most weak, and don't know what to do, besides sleep, and look to you. Please have mercy on me, Lord. + +22.8.21 +Dear God, thank you for the fine Sunday service, for your mercy in allowing our church to meet and to be unified in Jesus' name. I pray for reconciliation and restoration in our leadership and other relationships in Jesus' name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for your mercy, in allowing me to run a long distance, and to overcome what seemed to be an injury. I humble myself before you, God. Please make me wise to run with a heart to worship you, not to prove anything in Jesus' name. + +21.8.21 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are loving and faithful. + +I humble myself before you. I believe you are leading me, God, to mature, and to think like an adult, not a child, especially as you lead me to a new job. Thank you. This is for your glory and the good of the church. + +Additionally, I pray you lead me to mature in my relationship with Karen, and that you would do the same in your relationship with Karen, for your glory and our good in Jesus’ name. + +“Brothers and sisters, stop thinking like children. In regard to evil be infants, but in your thinking be adults.” +‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭14:20‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://1corinthians.bible/1-corinthians-14-20 + +20.8.21 +Dear God, thank you for speaking to me this week, even at EMP today, to break chains with the past. To not look back with my choice. To rejoice. + +Dear God, thank you for yesterday with Paul and Jess at the Islamic Centre. That was fun. Salvation come. + +Dear God, the manuscript revision is tough. Please lead me to be strong and to do the work, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, three years ago my life was in a bad place. I was desperate, and a beggar in my heart. + +Yet you are loving and faithful. In three years’ time You led me to a better place. You increased my faith. You have prospered me. The glory is yours, God. + +And now I face a familiar decision point. For my career. And you remain faithful and loving: just as you did, three years ago, you have provided two people to prophesy into my life, literally, the same thing, so that I know these words come from you God and not from man. I will pay attention and give you thanks in Jesus’ name. + +19.8.21 +Dear God, thank you for the opportunity to sleep. Importantly, you speak to me this morning. That you love me. That you can provide two job offers and change my heart about the matter in Jesus' name. You do this for your glory and the good of the church. + +Dear God, my heart is still anxious about writing, and making the job decision. Please lead me by you Holy Spirit, and make me brave and strong to do the work for your glory in Jesus' name. Lead me to pray and to bless Nancy, the EIT reviewers and readers in Jesus' name. + +Dear Holy Spirit, thank you for your presence, your guidance, +comfort and consolation. You are answering prayer and changing my mind about a matter. + +Maybe you are speaking to me now, as you did yesterday, that I need to let go of my individual liberties. Then you can realize our prayer and your will for me to grow in love. I have a duty and opportunity to let go of my selfish wants, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Yet, Lord, please continue to reveal your love in my life. Make me humble, loving, strong and brave to do the literal work in Jesus’ name. + +“When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.” +— ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭13:11‬‬ + +18.8.21 +Dear God, thank you for speaking to me through Pat, Pastor Selamet and Dorothy, and especially that Pastors Selamet and Dorothy share similar good words for me. Thank you for closing the door with Bob. + + + +Thank you, God, for dinner time with Karen. + +Thank you for Sterling's new job! + +Please, God, continue to make me brave to discharge all my responsibilities humbly, including taking a job, and completing the manuscript revision in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, I didn't sleep well last night. I slept poorly. And I had too much on my mind, I suppose. Come, Holy Spirit, in your comfort and consolation in Jesus' name. + +17.8.21 +Dear God, +I am flattered and amazed that you enabled this interview with RUN today; and you opened my eyes to a different word of work. Would you speak to me GOD, about whether I should take a high liberty and enjoyment, low pay job — even if I don’t get an offer, should I volunteer more with this organization!? + +God, please bless RUN and bring salvation to its members in Jesus’ name. Amen. Grant them favor in fundraising, relationship building and administration in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for the clean bill of health from yesterday’s pre-marital health checkup; and thank you for the SP HOP workout. You are faithful, God. + +16.8.21 +Dear God, you miraculously provided for me a job offer from precious blood secondary school; after more then a year and dozed of unfulfilled interviews. The glory is yours and will continue to be yours, God. + +Similarly, thank you for releasing pre-wedding photos for Karen in Jesus’ name. Please, God, continue to change Karen’s heart and mine, and bring salvation to Jamie and his family in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, I felt less anxious for the RUN interview, but the anxiety still hurt a bit. Have mercy on me, God, and change my heart in Jesus’ name. + +Similarly, it was hard to get along with Calvin; and I pray you God change his heart and mine for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +15.8.21 +Dear God, it was good to hear about the challenges to the church leadership at SP, and to get back in touch with Max especially: I pray for your comfort and consolation to his entire family in Jesus’ name. Moreover, I pray for reconciliation and restoration of relationships at SP in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God. Thank you for time to even attempt to finish the EIT reviews. I am not strong but scared God to finish. Please remember me and make me brave for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. God bless the EIT reviewers and readership. Salvation come! + +14.8.21 +Dear God, you enabled me to run today, well, in cool weather, in Jesus' name. You are kind to me, God. + +Dear God, thank you for James and Karen; thank you for their helpfulness, and their character. Thank you for an intimate time with them in Jesus’ name. Be glorified, God, In our fellowship. + +Dear God, thank you for Dorothy’s care to prepare me for the NET interview. Thank you for her prophetic words. God bless her and her ministry. + +13.8.21 +Dear God, +Thank you for the interview with Jessie and the outgoing panel head at Precious Blood Secondary School. You gave us rapport by your grace. You put clear stories and practices in my mind to share. You favored me, I pray, for your glory and the good of the church -- to be sure, you have enabled KO, Anita, Karen and me to meet; and you put Dorothy in my life so that I would join the NET scheme, and Dorothy would encourage me, predicting I would get an offer. You are good, God, and faithful. God bless us in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Karen last night to watch Minari. + +I lament my anxious heart. I don't like that I have difficulty sleeping, and worry about the morning, when I should enjoy the morning in Jesus' name. + +I lament crazy families. I lament father's who put impossible burdens on their children, as I've experienced through Dorothy's school. Salvation come to them and their families in Jesus' name. Please relent, God. Have mercy, and reveal your love to these families. + +12.8.21 +Dear God, by your grace, we don’t dream. By your grace, we are quick to listen and slow to speak. + +I humble myself before you and pray that we who have had cares and we who have been fools change, for your glory and the good of the church. Not because of what we have done, but because of who you are; and you, God, are merciful and loving in Jesus’ name. + +Help us, Lord, to be brave, without worry, and wise, today, for your glory and our good in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for today’s possibility to interview for a job — thank you for speaking to me about my values; and thank you for the time and the courage to attempt addressing my journal manuscript reviewers’ comments in Jesus’ name. + +God bless Jessie and the precious blood staff, and Ms Lampard and the RUN staff in Jesus’ name! + +Dear God, thank you for Tim, and granting him a steadfast spirit. God bless him and his wife. + +Dear God, I have felt anxious! Please relieve me from this uncertainty and this lack of vision in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, Karen went crazy because of the sofa. Only your love can change her heart in Jesus' name. Please use me, and reveal your love, Holy Spirit, to Karen, for your glory and our good. Have mercy and remember Karen, God. + +11.8.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to run yesterday with Frank and friends; and time to eat with Karen. I also thank you for this flat, the blinds and air conditioning for Karen and me. + +Lord, my anxiety was killing me yesterday and left a baseline stain on the couch. Have mercy on me, God; and lead me more and more to remain in your love. + +10.8.21 +Dear God, thank you for yesterday's men's prayer meeting breakthrough with Sterling; and then later that night, at HOP dinner, the fellowship with Sterling and Jen were for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name. Thank you, God, for raising up HOP into two dozen people, four leaders, and inclusive fellowship in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for the chat with Glenn today, and his points of view, that I can lead people because you have given me authority and conviction to speak. But how, God, can I lead people but if you lead me to a people, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name? At the very least, God, thank you for giving me VALUES, and the opportunity to be entrepreneurial based on my VALUES. VALUES triumphs over strangeness any day in Jesus' name. + +9.8.21 +Dear Holy Spirit, thank you for your comforting presence this morning. Thank you for speaking to me: you generously give me something to do in this life; and you mercifully make me brave to realize it, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +As I start the workday, I pray for your presence while I teach. I pray that your glory be on display for my students and me; and that what is realized in the classroom is pleasing to you in Jesus’ name. + +I pray that you would bless the people who read my job applications in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, please help me to sleep well, and to finish these applications today. Please help me to teach and lead well. God, have mercy and lead me to overcome in Jesus’ name! + +8.8.21 +Dear God, thank you for KO and Anita. Thank you for speaking to me through the message: importantly, I need to pray for every application and organization, and for interviewers and myself, pre and post interview in Jesus’ name. Amen. To bless and to discern. + +The enemy is like a waterbug in your flat. The waterbug is objectively harmless but has an outsize impact on our emotions and actions. It makes us lose our mind, and we forget that the waterbug is a waterbug and we are people, God’s chosen. The bug can only come through a few, specific ways into the flat and our presence. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run today; and then dinner with Karen and her family; importantly, thank you for time to talk to Karen and to know her more: she does not want me to ignore her; and she does not respond well to criticism — weakness — be it about her performance or her family. Please lead me Holy Spirit to be charitable and wise with my words, to listen more to Karen and her family; and to act accordingly in Jesus’ name. + +7.8.21 +Dear God, I humble myself before you. I praise you for your mercy and kindness over my life, even last night. By your grace, You restored my attitude to praise you, and you restored my attitude to persevere when looking for work. You used your church to sharpen me as iron sharpens iron, for your glory and the good of the church. + +Dear God, thank you for the dinner meeting last night with KO and Anita, where they sharpened my attitude and strategies for interview in Jesus’ name. Thank you. + +Dear God, thank you for a return to running on Saturday morning, although my head hurts now. Thank you for running friends, especially Phil who spoke to me about the STAR interview technique. Help me, Lord, to be strong and courageous and to do the work in Jesus’ name. + +“It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High, proclaiming your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night,” +‭‭Psalms‬ ‭92:1-2‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://bible.com/bible/111/psa.92.1-2.NIV + +6.8.21 EMP +Dear God, you convict me to pray in the morning, seriously, about my work, particularly, my attitude towards work: to pray for your love and strength, for my courage and contentment, whatever the outcome in Jesus’ name. And for my colleagues’ salvation. + +“I rise before dawn and cry for help; I have put my hope in your word.” +‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119:147‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://psalm.bible/psalm-119-147 + +Dear God, thank you for Mr. Bond, and using him to speak into my life today. Thank you for his kindness in helping me in Jesus' name. + +5.8.21 +Dear God, you love us, and for your glory and the good of the church, you examine your people’s thoughts and attitudes. And you remind me now of Sarah’s pervasive pessimism, and how I must guard my heart everyday when searching for work, or I will cynically laugh. If you are going to use my life as a testimony, I humble myself before you and pray you increase my faith, and make me strong and courageous to do your work, and to receive it in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, you have opened salvation for all mankind through Jesus Christ, and you have revealed yourself to me, Christ. I humble myself before you and ask you to increase my faith, to look beyond my immediate, temporary circumstances, and to know that you will make good out of my life, especially my work, whatever it is, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. Now, merciful Lord, please help me to be courageous, to guard my heart and to wait patiently on you. + +Dear God, thank you for breaking through my heart with Sterling, so we could have a fine chat at my flat and then at dinner. I pray, God, according to your will, that you might do the same for Austin and me, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name. + +4.8.21 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are loving and faithful. And you have renewed my mind since you last spoke to me through these scriptures. + +How much more you have put the poor in my heart these past few years!? How much more have I had to humble myself before you in my struggles with the poor!? + +You are my father in heaven. You lead me not into temptation but deliver me from evil. I humble myself before you, God, and ask for more wisdom, especially to navigate the marketplace for your glory and the good of the church. Please keep me from folly; please have mercy and deliver me from my own and others’ foolishness in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run and to drink with Frank and Norman; and time t talk with Matthew. You answer prayer and your encourage me through these men, for your glory and the good of the church. + +3.8.21 +Dear God, thank you for last night’s HOP. You brought Julia; and you brought me, because I forgot to write down that night’s AVOHK meeting in my calendar. For your glory and the good of the church, I missed the meeting and at Happy Valley, you caused Julia and me to bump into each other. Thank you, Jesus. + +Dear God, my Father in Heaven, I feel tempted today in too many ways. My anxiousness is causing me to stumble. Please lead me, Jesus, Holy Spirit, to find your pace, God, to find rest for my soul, for your glory and the good of the church. Amen. + +Dear God, I struggle with my mental health. One of the worst feelings I have had is this meltdown a few moments ago, when I felt completely incompetent for everything, be it AP, instructor and instructional designer. I felt as if I had no technical skills. And I probably don’t have technical skills. And I am not a corporate, face-saving guy. But I had wanted to be that way. + +I don’t have an objective view of my strengths and weaknesses. + +And maybe I have to try to be an entrepreneur because, like being a teacher, I cannot do anything else. And becoming an entrepreneur will teach me to be disciplined and importantly to maintain professional appearances. + + + +2.8.21 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are faithful and loving. You love me as I am. And you remind me of your good words for me. I worship you and praise you. + +Dear God, according to your will, please show me how the church can glorify you all the more and lead me, Spirit, to tell the right people, at the right place and time in Jesus’ name. Thank you for your work for the good of the church. + +Dear God, if only I clearly knew the times and what I should do for my waking hours. Yet will I trust in you: you are speaking and you will continue to lead me in work. For your glory and the good of the church. + +Dear God, you are the compassionate and gracious God. Even this afternoon, you would change my heart towards my brother, and fill me with your compassion. You would open my mouth and fill it with the right words to edify my brother, for your glory and the good of the church. This is not because of anything he or I have done, but because of who you are. The glory is yours, God, and I praise you in Jesus’ name. + +1.8.21 09:00 Service +Dear God, you are faithful and almighty. You remind me that I should not think about what I did not do to advance your gospel at Chan Shu Kui; but I can thank you, and give you the glory for what you have done at the school, even through me. Because of who you are, not who I am, you had me pray daily, quietly for my colleagues and students; and at times to pray individually for students; and to bless my students daily in classroom lessons. That’s your work and your glory, God, in Jesus’ name. + +I do recall, in repentance, God, that the working environment, its pragmatism and pessimism really affected me. Dear God, thank you for leading me by your love, and to change me all the more to be like Jesus in the marketplace. + +Jeffrey suffered a midlife crisis in 2015, it seems, and came out a changed man in terms of entrepreneurialism and renewed spirit. + +Three fleeces from Jeffrey: +Scripture verse from wife +Angel investor +Name trademark + +Dear God, will you speak to me through the scriptures, and to lead me to be an entrepreneur? + +My fleeces? A verse to keep going; sufficient relationships, students and then finances to sustain; a brand name — the platform. + +You, God, by your grace, put me in a position of informal leadership, not formal, corporate leadership. + +Dear God, you put me into a 99.90 percentile in writing, so that I am totally outmatched with the 99.99 percentile in academia, but that 99.90 might be totally fine in the marketplace, elsewhere, as an entrepreneur, for eGape, for example. + +Dear God… + +31.7.21 +Dear God, thank you for a successful, fast and smooth move this morning from Weave Anchor to Oi Kwan Court. That is your mercy and favor in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for Sae, and allowing Karen and me to hire her and to meet her. Salvation come to her and her family in Jesus’ name. + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are good, you have only had good words for me today, when at times today my words over myself were not so kind. I repent and ask for your forgiveness. I receive your loving and kind words, God, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +At the same time, I believe you used me, God, to speak patiently and kindly to Karen, Sae, Kay and Wing, not because any of us deserved anything, but because you are the compassionate and gracious God abounding in love and faithfulness. Thank you, God. I worship you and praise you. + +30.7.21 +Dear Jesus, you have led me to EMP today to teach me about righteousness. You are right; and you have made things right through Christ. While I have been wrong, you made me right through Christ. And I hold on to that. You adopted me and you love me. + +Dear God, thank you for Karen and her diligence in organizing the flat. Please help me to love her more in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Karen, Amanda and Aaron yesterday. Thank you for pizza and Olympics to eat and to watch, respectively, together. Salvation come. + +29.7.21 +Dear God, thank you for time with Karen last night, and with her mother. Thank you for these quiet moments in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for the time to run on a treadmill and for these months at Weave, which were enjoyable. And I humble myself before you: please, salvation come to my neighbors. + +Dear God, I might struggle with mental illness, specifically anxiety; and I want to know you more, God; you are my good Father and you are right. Please reveal yourself, Jesus, more and more, for your glory. + +Dear God, I struggle to write; specifically, to finish my writing. Please lead me to overcome, God, my mental struggles in Jesus’ name. + +28.7.21 +Dear God, you are compassionate and gracious. You are full of loving kindness. You adopted me. You are my Father in heaven, and I worship you in this quiet moment. + +Thank you for this afternoon’s reunion with Patrick. Thank you for your merciful work in his life. Thank you for using him to speak into my life so as to change my heart: his testimony spurs me on towards your love. Salvation come to his family and mine in Jesus’ name. + +And thank you, God, for the enjoyable evening at HOP and at my new home. I do not deserve these moments. I thank you and praise you forever in Jesus’ name. +Why was I filled with furious anxiety this morning? And why did my heart race last night? Please reveal your love to me so that I might not sin against you. Please remind me that you are my loving father, through any type of employment in Jesus’ name. + +27.7.21 +Dear God, thank you for the wisdom to avoid running outside at night. Thank you for the opportunity to use the Weave facilities these months, especially the treadmill, the gym room and the yoga room. Salvation come to my neighbors, and especially to Danny and Claire in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, why am I so harsh on my neighbors? In other words, why do I think so pessimistically about Weave? And why am I such a confused writer? Please bring clarity and peace to my neighbors and me, and to me when I work in Jesus’ name. + +26.7.21 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are my shield. Today, bad news and pessimistic world views assail me. And I don’t want to hope in my circumstances, or my strength, even life on this earth. + +But I humble myself before you in repentance. You God through Jesus are my only hope. Salvation comes from you God, and I fix my eyes on eternity with you when the wars, rumors of wars, famines and earthquakes abound. My trust is in you God and you will not let me down, for your glory and the good of the church. Amen. + +Dear God, you are almighty; and you will do what you want for your glory and the good of the church. At the end of a fruitful weekend, I humble myself before you. I repent and worship you. The glory is yours. I pray that your work continue to be displayed in my life and in my neighbor’s lives this week, in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for my new neighbor Tyson; and I pray he and I will get along well in Jesus’ name, if only to advance your gospel. + +Dear God, I worried last night about my lack of career and finances. I sinned against you. Please forgive me and love me, Lord, through the dark nights of my soul, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +25.7.21 +Dear God, by your grace, you enable us to influence the marketplace by being producers of goods and services; and by being consumers of goods and services. In other words, marketplace ministry is more than our being workers, but our being around workers. + +By God’s grace, Holy Spirit may lead us so that: + +Shooters are going to shoot. Few are called like this. + +3 and D guys. More of us. Do not throw pearls to swine. + +In marketplace conflict, we must walk in love and forgiveness; and love and repentance + +Empathy and wisdom. Sometimes, we are the straw that breaks the camel’s back. And others are the straw that breaks the camel’s back. We might not take offense personally, and immediately. + +Similarly, in the marketplace, spiritually and professionally, we may reap where we did not sow, and sow where we may not reap. + +As if in the garden of gethsemanie, pray for yourself and pray for others. That we fall not into temptation. That God deliver us from evil. You must have a habit of intercessory prayer. And to receive vision and wisdom from God, for ourselves and others. + +Growing business is loving God and neighbor. Stick to your conviction. We don’t want people to stumble. Work hard. Don’t quit. Serve. + +Genuine care — and competence — engenders loyalty. Even in my case. And to develop a career might mean I start small, with people, avoid mainstream education and education massification. + +Be ready to pastor at a moment’s notice. + +*A card for Brian Jim. Bobo. Bond. Discipline heads. So. +Data points: sample size +Dog and pony show: marketing and advertising; promotional meeting +Stickiness: social cohesion +Value added: knowledge and skills + +Dear God, thank you for time to write, and to worship you, and to run, and to fellowship with Karen and her family in Jesus’ name. Salvation come to her and her family. + +Dear God, thank you for the pleasant meeting with Ashley and Sandy; and the new egape instructional design project that I pray would please you and advance the gospel in Jesus’ name. + +24.7.21 +Dear God, you are faithful and loving. You have saved your people through Jesus. And now you continue to lead us, Holy Spirit, for your glory and the good of the church. + +I thank you. I humble myself before you. And I worship you. + +Nothing that I have done warrants your mercy and kindness. You revealed yourself to me and you are who you are. + +I pray today you continue to work in me and around me, to reveal your kingdom and to bring salvation to my neighbors, in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +23.7.21 +Dear God, thank you for yesterday’s run with Frank; and time to catch up with him and to meet a few others. + +Dear God, thank you for today’s EMP, and your reminder, Spirit, that you are loving and kind; and lead me, I pray, doe your glory and the good of the church. You speak to me through scripture and I humble myself before you. + +Dear God, why is there infidelity in my heart? And why is my soul soul so downcast, and my self talk so negative? Your love can change me, God, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +22.7.21 +Dear God, thank you for time for small, quiet things, to write, to read and to create, I pray, in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for your favor with the renovators, not least to possibly run with Mr Wong and for opening the door lock miraculously for me and Mr Wong’s stunt double in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, I pray to be kinder to myself, in how I view myself, and I how I sleep, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +21.7.21 +Dear God, I can see that you, Jesus, have set me free from the law so that You God and I can be together. Yet, I don’t understand why, day after day, my heart at times tries to escape from your righteousness. This is beyond my understanding. And I thank you for keeping me, God. You are faithful and loving. For your glory and the good of the church. + +Dear God, thank you for HOP, and time to catch up with friends, in Jesus’ name. Salvation come. + +Dear God, searching for work is hard. And I don’t interview well unless you are at your miraculously and loving work in Jesus’ name. + +20.7.21 +Dear God, thank you for the humbling and sobering interview with June so that I do not feel embarrassed and ashamed but emboldened and motivated to learn technical, conceptual skills for instructional design in Jesus’ name. Please grant me favor, and persistence in this endeavor in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run at night, and an end to the rain. Thank you for the surprising 30 second 200 meter interval, my fastest on record. Thank you for friends, the cool weather and your sense of humor, God. + + + +19.7.21 +Dear God, thank you for the men’s prayer group and for the opportunity for me to reunite with these brothers in Christ. Have mercy, God, and allow us to continue to spur each other on toward love and good deeds. I pray our fellowship bless your heart, God. The glory is yours in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for Hannah and her mother; please have mercy, God, and restore their relationship in Jesus’ name. Thank you for Hannah’s attendance and attentiveness today. + +Dear God, when will I treat myself kindly? When will your care break through my heart? + +Dear God, when will Godliness and contentment be realized in my life, especially my work, in Jesus’ name? Will I stop struggling this fall term? + +18.7.21 +Dear God, thank you for Karen, her help, especially to cook and then to create formulas for my data analysis. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Tim; and importantly, Holy Spirit, you have spoken so that Patrick and I will rekindle our friendship; because time is running out. Come, Lord Jesus, in this fellowship for your glory and the good of the church. + +Dear God, why does my heart flatter!? And why does my heart wander anxiously at night. Late at night. When will this change in Jesus’ name? + +17.7.21 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are Lord of all creation. God almighty. I humble myself before you and worship you. + +Holy Spirit, you remind me of the imminent reality of death, and against all hope, I believe you, Jesus, are God, and you sacrificed yourself so that I and all who have believed will not taste death. Eternity in paradise with you awaits. And you will not disappoint. + +In this life, God, I pray you continue to reveal yourself to me and my neighbors, particularly the pessimistic Chinese. Just as you change my heart so you can change my Chinese neighbors so that they believe you, Jesus; only you Jesus can save from the fate of hell. I pray salvation come for Karen’s dad and family and my mother and family in Jesus’ name. + +Dear Jesus, thank you for time to run a half marathon in Tin Shui Wai. + +Dear Jesus. Thank you for Jenny completing her paper. Salvation come to her and her family. Thank you, too, for leading me to finish my paper in Jesus’ name. + +16.7.21 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are very kind and generous, to me and your chosen people. Your sacrifice, Jesus, was your demonstration of failing love to an unworthy people. The church and I worship and praise you, God. + +You remind me, Holy Spirit, of your goodness, at the end of a long day at the end of a long week. I received nothing good apart from you. I have done nothing good apart from you, God. Your grace is sufficient for me, today, this week and for eternity. The glory is yours, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for time to finish writing the AERA paper and to finish editing Jenny’s paper. Salvation come to Jenny and her family. + +Dear God, thank you for time to chat with Glenn, and to reassure me, God, that Karen is a good thing for me. I pray you continue to lead Glenn, Holy Spirit, in the marketplace, for your glory and the good of the church. Please bless Cindy’s womb miraculously in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, my heart wanders from woman to woman and I pray my heart were not this way. Only you can change me, Jesus. + +At the same time, my heart has not settled on a profession and I pray you change my heart so that with fidelity, as to my wife, I can commit to a career, according to your will, God, in Jesus’ name, + +15.7.21 +Dear Holy Spirit, thank you for speaking to me in this scripture, and reminding me of Jesus’ words to carefully take the plank out of my eye before attempting to do so for my brother. + +I humble myself before you and pray that just as you are merciful and gracious, God, that you would enable me to be the same for my neighbors, for your glory and the good of the church. + +At the same time, I pray you change my heart so that I all the more am quick to listen, and slow to speak and to become angry in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, would you change my heart so that I love my neighbor, especially my fiancé, more? For your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, please change my heart so that it encourages and blesses more, and criticizes less. Lead me, God, to build the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for a day off, and time to read, write and run. + +Dear God, thank you for last night’s HOP, and reunion with friends. + +14.7.21 +Dear God, maybe you are speaking to me about addiction. You are showing me my struggles, and perhaps you are being very merciful to me by addressing them: first, school is over; and second, Karen and I agree on plans for my part-time teaching. By your ways, I don’t feel like acting out. + +That said, I am at risk. Two days ago, my mind wanders to Spoon. Yesterday, my mind wanders to my colleague; and today my mind wanders to Jocelyn. Why, God, is fidelity so hard and when will you change me to make it easier in Jesus’ name? + +Dear God, thank you for a quiet afternoon to read and write at work. Thank you for my colleagues and their kind words. + + +13.7.21 +Dear God, you remind me that even in a day, in a moment, my heart can go to a distant country, away from you, and my actions will surely follow. I humble myself before you and repent, + +Only you, God, have saved through Jesus Christ. Only you can change me, even to this day, because of your faithful and loving presence and work, Holy Spirit. I worship you and give you the glory, in this moment, and, I pray, into eternity in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for the result of the eye test, so that you reassure me, God. Please preserve and purify my vision and mind, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +12.7.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to lead HOP, and newcomers and latecomers. Thank you for reunions with friends and meeting new friends, especially Jason. + +Dear God, thank you for the humbling interview at Queen’s College. God bless them and their search for a NET. Salvation come. + +11.7.21 +Dear God, you have answered by prayer by speaking to me and now the entire congregation about work. + +You have already told me to at work is not everything; it is barely anything. That is, I improperly value work. There is too much selfish ambition and influence of my immediate circumstances in my view of work. + +And now you are telling me about the value of work through the sermon. And I pray this is not an American messianic valuation of work. + +I pray you speak to me about the toil of work, a result of the fall, because maybe that is what I am experiencing now. + +And maybe you are speaking to me objectively about myself, so that I could believe I can become an instructional designer or coach in university. + +I have enjoyed reading and study; importantly, I have most enjoyed creating, be it multimedia, writing or facilitating learning. + +Yet, the eternal value of work is our ministry: relationships with others because salvation and eternity are for people, not our works. + +Maybe now my work is to sober my mind and body up to love Karen and myself more, importantly to raise another Godly generation. + +Dear God, why does my heart wander from you!? Why do I lose my mind sometimes and teleport to a distant country!? How will my heart change, my fidelity increase, but through your merciful work in my life in Jesus‘ name!? + +Dear God, thank you for time to run today; and thank you for time to teach. In a moment, thank you for family dinner and I pray that Karen’s family and I can start planning the guest list peacefully in Jesus’ name + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are God. The Lord of lords. I humble myself before you. + +I wonder about you, God. What are you like? How did you show yourself to people at a particular time and place, in a crowded, polytheistic society, filled with Baals, Asherah poles and starry hosts. You are merciful to do so. + +Even today, I remember your mercy in revealing yourself to me and those in the church, because today the baals are disguised, and there appear far more than asherah poles and starry hosts to worship. The road to destruction became even wider. But for you. + +God, I love you; I repent and ask that Holy Spirit, you continue to lead me all my days for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +10.7.21 +Dear God, thank you for Caleb and Verity, and blessing their marriage, and using their wedding to inspire me, and to reunite many friends in the church. Speaking with Desmond about running was especially poignant. I pray that unity blesses your heart, God. + +Dear God, thank you for time to teach Kaylie today and salvation come to her and her family. + +Dear God, I pray to not drug myself; and I pray to care more for myself — why do I drug myself, God? What is wrong with all this pain in me!? + +Why do I judge my brother, God, unfairly? Please forgive me and lead me to love in Jesus’ name. + +9.7.21 +Dear God, you are almighty, just and good. You show your work for your glory and the good of the church. And I worship you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. + +You remind me today that these days Karen and I had been sailors trying to get onto a lifeboat, still deluded with our disappointments and ambitions; but you are faithful and merciful; you speak to reassure and comfort Karen and me; you speak to increase our faith and to grow in love for one another in Jesus’ name. + +Thank you, God, for seeing us through the minor storms of this day. Help us, Lord, to remain in your love, and to advance the gospel not least through our testimony in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for speaking to me this morning, so as to let go of the fruitless task of a long commute to a job interview; thank you for caring for me in this way, Holy Spirit. + +Thank you, God, for comforting Karen about her trials through the night. Thank you, God, for changing my heart too to love Karen more in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, when will you secure my work? Dear Lord, when will you secure my wandering heart!? + +8.7.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to read and write yesterday. Thank you for time to teach those form five kids. And thank you, God, for time to rest from running in Jesus‘ name. + +Dear God, when will you change my heart to love my colleagues as myself, not least to finish well at that school? + +When will you change my heart, God, so as to advance the gospel to my neighbors at Weave in Jesus’ name? + +When will I return to serving the poor, as I used to, God!? + +7.7.21 +Dear God, when can I sleep soundly at night? Would you change my heart and circumstances for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name? + +Dear God, when will you change my mind so as to love my neighbor as myself, all the more, to advance the gospel and to give you the glory? I want to walk in forgiveness all the time in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to talk with Karen last night. + +Dear God, thank you for time to massage last night, and to eat and to study. You are merciful. + +6.7.21 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, your voice can be terrifying and amazing; your voice can be gentle and quiet. Whether in encouragement or rebuke, your voice sustains my life, God. Because of your faithfulness and mercy, please continue to speak to me these days in prayer, the Word and in the church. Please do not deprive me of your voice, Holy Spirit; your voice God increase my faith and makes me brave, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to teach well today and yesterday with these lovely form five students. Additionally, thank you for yesterday’s run, workout and dinner with HOP, and even the PolyU interview. Salvation come to these people in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, when will you release the job? How will you speak to me, God, to take the job? Dear + +5.7.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to teach Billy, Eton and Hannah the previous day. Salvation come in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Karen and her family on Sunday. + +4.7.21 +Dear God, this day off was welcome. Thank you for time to read and to write. Thank you for time to go out, later, to dine with house church friends and Karen, I pray, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name. + +3.7.21 +Dear God, you are almighty, and you amaze me by how you view people. + +The way you see people is not the way that people view others and how people view themselves. + +Thus, as it is in Paul’s portrayal of himself in his epistles and other’s portrayal of Paul in Acts, so it is with me: I do not see myself clearly and others do not see me clearly; but you see me best, God, so you can change me and work through me for your glory and the good of the church. + +And help me, Lord, to be wiser, more generous and kind in how I view my neighbors, so as to love them more and to give you the glory. + +I humble myself before you and pray that you would lead me, Holy Spirit, and make me brave to advance the gospel in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for a quiet day at Weave to write and to run. Thank you for the edifying dinner with Karen, Jennies and James, and for leading me back to the toilet so that my bowels didn’t explode on the streets of tai Kok Tsui! + +Dear God, why am I still lost in my career, and in my writing? When will you lead me into greener pastures and make me aware of how you make me strong in the marketplace, in Jesus’ name? + +2.7.21 +Dear God, thank you for the last day of school. Thank you for leading me into and out of the school in Jesus’ name. I don’t know how you have used me to change others, God, in this marketplace, but I know you have changed me, I pray, to be more like Jesus. + +And thank you, God, for time with Karen and Amanda last night so we could catch up. I do pray that you God continue to lead HOP and salvation come to Amanda and her family. + +Dear God, why do I doubt my ability to teach? Why did my relationships with the English panel deteriorate? Salvation come! + +1.7.21 +Dear God, why do I suffer so much to write and to find work? When will you change my heart and mind, God? Have mercy on me. + +Dear God, how can I ignore the changing landscape of Hong Kong for your glory and the good of the church? You can change Hong Kong and me. + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I humble myself before you in repentance. I pray for a palpable revelation of your love in my life, and that you increase my faith; that, like Paul, I might have courage to advance the gospel, and to make your kingdom my utmost priority. + +God, only you can change my heart so that I would overcome my worldly disappointments and ambitions, and ignore the influence of others’ worldly ways. I want to give you all the glory God, and steal none of it. Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory, now and forever, in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, amen. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Karen today, and laughter. + +Moreover, thank you for time to run tonight. + +30.6.21 +Dear God, why can’t I write research coherently and doubt myself? Why do Nancy and I miscommunicate? Salvation come to Nancy and her family. + +Dear God, thank you for the best coast, and new music for 2021. You are generous and kind to me, God. + +Dear God, thank you for time to finish arranging more hospital appointments yesterday. Please preserve my vision and have mercy on me God in Jesus’ name. + +29.6.21 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you remind me that you have shown me what is good and that you require me to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with you, God, that is, to know and act my role with you, God. You remind me of injustice and the lack of humility in my life and others; and you compel me, Spirit, to mercifully intercede for myself, Karen, my house church and colleagues, for salvation, and for reconciliation and restoration in families, colleagues and small groups’ relationships in Jesus’ name. This is your glory, God, and I worship you. + +Dear God, thank you for rest yesterday, not least through a black rainstorm, 10 hours of sleep, and an afternoon at the hospital and a night funeral in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, you have preserved my eyesight this far, and I thank you. When will you stabilize my eye sight and restore it in Jesus’ name!? + +Dear God, what about these Schwannoma tumors!? When will you heal me, God? When will you rid my body of these tumors in Jesus’ name? Have mercy on me and remember me, God! + +28.6.21 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are almighty God and you do what you want for your glory and the good of the church. I worship you, God, and humble myself before you in repentance. + +Dear God, I don’t know how to advance your gospel, not least in my workplace. I am not wise and clever to do this, and I know you must do this, perhaps through me. My heart is to honor you God by finishing well especially with my difficult colleagues. Have mercy on me, Lord, and release in my school what strategies are necessary for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +At the same time, thank you, God, for speaking to me now about praying and obeying you. My prayers to you precede any action that you would lead me to take. To be sure, thank you for speaking to me about a time for fasting today, and loving and leading me to realize this intimacy with you. Please continue to speak and to act, Lord, in me and to the world, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +27.6.21 +Dear God, +You speak to me about dishonoring my mom when she wanted me to return to the United States during my 20s. I was very prodigal at that time, in a distant country in several ways. + +Dear God, you spoke to me to honor my parents through my father’s death. I will try to honor my mother and Karen’s parents. + +God, you changed my heart so that I want to get back to my mom. I repent. + +I need to be closer to my mom and my siblings as Karen is now. I want to honor my mom and I need to tell Karen’s parents my intent. + +Family units are mechanisms for preserving social, cultural and financial capital. Parents have the families’ best interest in mind, including the children living long lives, if only children honor. Families and wealth are far more ecological than causal. + +Pray for your colleague’s families. + +Honor your parents in the Lord. Only Biblical. + +Dear God, when will the time come for Karen and me to make a wholehearted attempt to move closer to my mother and my siblings in Jesus' name? When will you release this time, for your glory and the good of the church? + +Dear God, you speak to me about how you changed my emotional content, my negative attitude, through the years, evidenced by MITE6023 and 3D. This is your miracle and thank you! + +Dear God, why are my eyes so weak? Why do my eyes suffer lacquer cracks these days? Merciful God, will you restore my vision and preserve for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name? + +26.6.21 +Dear God, I would rather think kindly of my colleagues than to assess them as threats based on their interruptions, and evasiveness. Why do I have evil, pessimistic thoughts about others? When will you change my heart, God? + +Why was my heart so anxious yesterday, God? What are you doing? + +Dear God, thank you for speaking to me about a professional development goal, to facilitate collaborative learning, next year. Thank you also for motivating me and Jenny to finish our study well in Jesus’ name. You made me brave to email Nancy. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Rachel to bless her, I pray, in Jesus’ name. + + + +25.6.21 +Dear God, I guess you have made me a better teacher. It seems that at least based on my last semester of teaching at the University of Hong Kong, and my professional development goal with 3D to not be angry with the students, my attitude has changed so that students might not perceive me as angry, aggressive and rude; but that they might perceive me as a nice guy -- although the same cannot be said for my colleagues! + +That said, when will you make me a better content and pedagogy teacher in Hong Kong, God, if ever? + +Dear God, if this is a mid-life crisis, that is a long-term lull in my happiness, when will you lift this from me in Jesus' name? + +Dear God, thank you for speaking to me about answered prayer, because you answer prayer and the glory is yours. + +Dear God, thank you for making me brave to do the work today in Jesus' name. + +24.6.21 +Dear God, when will you change my heart so that my work becomes meaningful again? + +Dear God, when will you make me a better teacher in Hong Kong, if ever? How will you do this in my life, God, if that is your will? + +Dear God, you are merciful; you hear my prayers, laments and all, so that, even today, my laments are few. Only you satisfy. + +Than you for improving Karen's working conditions so that she is not overworked. + +Thank you for house church last night and your conviction, Holy Spirit, to remain vigilant in prayer so that our house church individually and corporately is ready to do your will, for example, in regard to Edwin. + +Dear God, thank you for yesterday's enjoyable and longest, 11 mile run on the treadmill. + +23.6.21 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are Lord Almighty, and you remind me that you can do whatever you want for your glory and the good of the church. To fear you is the beginning of wisdom. + +Dear God, I humble myself before you and repent. Even at our final house church meeting tonight, I am afraid that the business will be usual and we will operate under our own strength, but for you. Please forgive us, have mercy, increase our faith and act in a way that we know you are God, and only you can do that for your glory in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, why can't I focus on one thing at a time so that my plate does not accumulate too much? Why did you make me this way? + +Dear God, why are my nights still filled with anxiety and not your palpable presence, shalom? What's going on here, God? + +Dear God, thank you for the end of the interviews at St. Rose of Lima's College. Thank you for the intimacy. God bless that school. God, please have mercy and bless me too, to be brave to apply for jobs again in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for Karen, and answering our prayers, so that you grow our faith, you show your care clearly to Karen and you change our hearts to love more. And I pray more, God. Please continue to have your way for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name. + +22.6.21 +Dear God. Thank you for answering prayer because you are merciful. You can hear my lamentations in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, you are merciful. You answer prayer when I don’t deserve this. Specifically, you can receive my daily, written lamentations, as much as you can receive my thanksgiving. Thank you for renewing my prayer life for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for Karen, and speaking to me through Karen, that I might be thankful for a third interview at St. Rose of Lima’s College. Someone at that College sees potential in me in that school for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. Thank you for the encouragement of a third interview. Come your kingdom. Your will be done, Father. + +Dear God, why don’t you give me a job now? + +Dear God, why don’t you change my heart and my bedroom routines now? + +21.6.21 +Dear God, thank you for sustaining HOP, and renewing its membership. Thank you for the leaders and other friends. Thank you for time to catch up with Bel and Ernest, hard as it is and as different as we are. I pray our fellowship is pleasing to you in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time with James. Thank you for a good venue, food and beer at the Hangout on Pok Man Street. Salvation and healing come to him and his family in Jesus’ name. + +Similarly, thank you for time with Glenn yesterday. I pray for miraculous childbirth and perseverance in Glenn and Cindy in Jesus’ name. + +20.6.21 +Dear God, maybe you are speaking to me that I will be miserable in quarantine; and that my matters are not settled this summer at home, in terms of moving house and finding a job. + +Dear God, you miraculously revealed yourself to me so that I might believe; and now you live in me. I humble myself before you and pray to remain in you, to give you the glory and the praise you deserve. In this quiet moment, I fear you God. + +My future is in your hands, Lord, from the rest of this life into eternity. As for this working life, I don’t know what to do, God, but my eyes are on you. No matter how you provide and lead me, God, I pray for miraculous action and words in me and my neighbors to demonstrate that you Jesus are the Christ, and that you are real, are alive and love your chosen people. + +Please have mercy on me and my neighbors, God, so that my heart not grow hard and my thoughts and actions for your dry up. Please renew a steadfast spirit within me for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +19.6.21 +Dear God, my prayer to you today is that I fear you and give you the glory. You are my song. + +My intercession is that you would first reveal your care to Karen today; and second, teach me to pray again. Renew my prayers to you. Move me beyond morning and evening routines to be intimate with you in Jesus’ name. + +Maybe you speak to me about this faith building exercise, to truly risk in my work — if only to increase your glory through this testimony that advances your gospel. Besides, in doing this, I do feel motivated and at least one of either Karen and me will be happy at work. Have mercy on us, Lord. + +18.6.21 +Dear God, Karen is struggling with her work, which undermines my reasons for being in Hong Kong; there may be tremors in our marriage because both of us are unhappy at work. + +Now, you remind me that my life and my strength are folly and you are almighty; additionally you remind me that the opportunity of pain is to draw close to you, and not to think whether or not I deserve any of my circumstances, like Job’s friends did. + +Now, Lord, I humble myself before you and repent to draw close to you. To be sure, I must address my sins that inhibit intimacy with you whether in these tough times or not. You mercifully remind me that fasting is not least for me to draw close to you and to address my sins, for your glory and my good in Jesus’ name. Maybe Karen and I should fast and rely less on our strength in these tough times. + +Good people don’t need Jesus. People who realize their inherent depravity yet want the eternal comfort of God in this life and the next need Jesus. + +Dear God, maybe you just spoke to me about Chinese people's pessimism influencing their theology, specifically, their beliefs and practices about hell. Since Chinese people must regularly burn effigies, not least of cash, food and infrastructure, it appears in Chinese hell, people cannot create and items are not sustainable. Everything in hell must be renewed by remittances from the land of the living. To be sure, hell is actually a worse place than the land of the living, where people might be able to create and to sustain creation. + +Dear God, you may have spoken to me that we Chinese might have a hard time trusting you in paradise, because an eternal life that gets better than this life seems to good to be true to pessimistic Chinese. You, the God who is almighty to create and to sustain and to love, are too fantastic for so many people's minds and experiences. + +Dear God, yesterday at the AVOHK AGM you caused a miracle to happen for your glory. You caused Alice, her husband Patrick and me to bump into each other at Café 8. This, after you caused Bella and me to bump into each other earlier this week in Sham Shui Po. This, after yesterday morning, I called out to you to show something miraculous, beyond my comprehension, to reassure me, that you are God Almighty, and that you can do whatever you want, for your glory and the good of the church. You have answered my prayer, and have shown me how glorious, loving, and miraculous you are. I worship you God. + +Now, God, I humble myself before you. I pray, Holy Spirit, you lead me to reunite with friends carefully, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus name. + +Dear God, thank you for yesterday’s pleasant AVOHK AGM. Thank you for the renewal of leader ship, and friendships. Thank you for the divine appointment with Richard Hall, by whom you spoke to me about how much you have provided for me in Hong Kong. I can enjoy so much in this life because of your mercy and grace. + +17.6.21 +Dear God, thank you for your mercy, and acting on Brian Fong and me, so that Brian would swap his summer duty with me, and I might have a block of time to return to the United States. People at the school have been very kind to me, and I’m thankful God, and you are glorious God. Now, God, please help me and lead me to purchase air tickets at the right times to return to the United States to see my family in Jesus name. + +16.6.21 HC +Dear God, thank you for speaking to me about work, and my sin. My negative emotions, my acting out, and my job and security appear interrelated, So I humble myself before you got and I ask that you deliver me from all of these in Jesus name. Lord, please change my heart, and reveal your love to me, and provide meaningful work for me, because you are merciful, and glorious, in Jesus name. + +I sense, Holy Spirit, you may not be done yet changing my heart so that I may indoor a bit more for your glory, and the good of the church in Jesus name amen. + +Dear God, thank you for Mr. Bond and Winnie, two friends that you have put in my life mercifully at my school for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus name. At the same time, thank you for renewing house church, and putting in new blood, especially Austin, who is chatty, clever and self aware. God bless us. + +My friendships have lasted because my friends and I are character guys, not even common experience guys since they live on other parts of the planet. But we share deep thoughts and are not judgemental. + +Like with friends, so with colleagues, surround yourself with character people, not transactional people. + +15.6.21 +Dear Jesus, you touched me yesterday by the divine appointment with Bella. You spoke to me honestly and strengthened me, God, through this catch up. I won’t feel ashamed of my past. You redeemed me and put me in a better place because of your love. God willing, Bella and I will meet again and salvation come to her and her family in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for today’s run. You are a merciful God. I don’t take it for granted, that I can still run, and run fast. Lord thank you. I pray to run for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus name. + +14.6.21 +Dear Jesus, you are God, and you are good. You have loved all of your creation and have made a way for us to be reconciled to you. To be sure, I and everyone else was once your enemy, God, but because of your cross, Jesus, you have made us friends. + +I humble myself before you. Holy Spirit, you remind me of your saving grace, when you first revealed yourself to me. You remind me that you even used the people to whom I was an enemy to reach me, and that you can do the same to me, that you can use me to reach out to my enemies. You can do whatever you want for your glory and the good of the church. And I submit my life to you, God, and say, please have your way in Jesus’ name. + +13.6.21 +Pastor Samuel’s testimony resembles mine because we share an American immigrant identity quest, and developmental psychology stages, particularly social transitions from freshman to sophomore years of American high school. Perhaps we both literally went to distant countries. + +12.6.21 +Dear God, thank you for last night's run, for a time to suffer a bit and to reflect. Thank you for the ability to run these days in my life, Jesus. + +Dear God, thank you for speaking to me about work, and the opportunity to teach online in the United States, I pray, in Jesus' name. + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, today you remind me that you are almighty God. You have created everything, including your chosen people. You can do whatever want; you can sacrifice yourself for us; and you can reside in us, for your glory and our good. + +I humble myself before you. Thank you for being mindful of us, your chosen people. Thank you for giving your people minds to comprehend any of your wonders throughout the cosmos, for all time. The full extent of your might, demonstrated in creation, is too wonderful for me and all people to appreciate and understand. + +Your might sobers my mind as to my everyday troubles and the temptation to worry about them. The glory is yours, God, in Jesus’ name. + +11.6.21 +Dear God, thank you for the end of teaching at this school. Thank you for time to enjoy cake with form three students and to enjoy dodgeball with the form five students. Thank you for the vice principal's kind words in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for Karen's job and its colleagues, who appear supportive of her efforts. Please lead, karen, Holy spirit, I pray, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name. + +10.6.21 +Dear Jesus, you are the savior of the world and Holy Spirit, you reside in me and everyone else who trust you, God. + +Thank you for your comfort and consolation today. You have answered prayer and have spoken to me clearly about work. In this moment, I humble myself before you: I need courage, not regret; You grant me a steadfast spirit; and I trust you to provide, God, be it in my work or at home, from now into eternity. Besides, God, you have given me leads to meaningful work, that I pray, continue this testimony that gives you the glory and benefits the church in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for house church last night and the opportunity to celebrate Karen's birthday with friends and three cakes. Thank you for your sense of humor, God. + +9.6.21 +Dear God, thank you for the end of a long teaching day and the end of teaching the form five students. You are faithful. Salvation come. + +Dear God, thank you for last night's dinner with Karen, James and Jennies, and the favor from Alex at Boils hotpot restaurant in North Point. Salvation come. + +Dear God, thank you for the interview at St. Rose of Lima's college and thank you for blessing its stakeholders with great professionalism. Thank you for the end of a long interview season. You will lead me, Holy Spirit, for your glory and the good of the church. + +8.6.21 +Dear God, you remind me that when siblings devour each other by the sword, this breaks parents hearts and importantly, your heart. You remind me, God, of the unforgiveness lurking in my mother’s relationship with her brother and Karen’s father’s relationship with his brothers. + +I humble myself before you, God, and give you the glory, because just as you can change my siblings hearts and mine so that we grow closer as we age and so that my parents can Rest In Peace, so you can change my parents and parent-in-laws and their siblings, for your glory and the good of the church. + +Have mercy on our families God not least by palpable revelations of your love, and that our elders would experience your forgiveness and in the same way would forgive their siblings in Jesus’ name. Shalom and salvation come. + +Dear God, thank you for last night's dinner at Ask for Alonzo. The operations were a mess, and there was a cockroach, but you were there, there were funny moments, and thank you for Dylan and Olivia, for their friendship. God bless them and salvation come. + +7.6.21 +Dear God, thank you for Sandy's return to eGape; thank you for Karen's birthday cake celebration and family dinner in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, I regret running so hard in the very polluted air and pray that you, Holy Spirit, would convict me about not running in those conditions and that I would hear you and obey quickly in Jesus' name. + +6.6.21 +Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 is more often used in marriage, perhaps inappropriately, given how the verse is used in today’s message. + +Other useful verses: +“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” +‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭17:17‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/pro.17.17.niv + +“I grieve for you, Jonathan my brother; you were very dear to me. Your love for me was wonderful, more wonderful than that of women.” +‭‭2 Samuel‬ ‭1:26‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/2sa.1.26.niv + +A challenge that men generally face in liberal society, and and people generally face as they grow old, is to sustain deep, extra-family friendships. But I argue that these friendships are necessarily important to finish the race well, given that we live long lives. + +To be sure, even my father at 70 years old had a best friend, and all my siblings and I know his name. In contrast, it’s not clear to me that my mother has any close friends; ditto Karen’s father. (Dear God, it's sad that Brian has no friends; when I asked him clearly and directly to name his best friend, he said he had no best friend, and he did not name any friend when I asked, although he mentioned form five classmates with whom he no longer keeps in touch; so you can change his heart and mine for friendship, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name.) + +Friendship becomes necessarily important foe church brothers and sisters who will not marry for whatever reason as they get older. + +Friendship is an external good that God gives and takes away. With your closest friends, you might want to recognize this explicitly, as Glenn and I recently did, to enjoy what time we have and to express gratitude. + +Who are your groomsmen or bridesmaids? And then is there an order to these friends from best man or maid of honor + +1. Start with Jesus - he loves and understands at all times. + 1. Generous (no scoring — ironically, not the argument about men and women; keeping score shows little forgiveness, not exercising our right to revenge; I recall my uncle and father’s incident where my uncle kept score and that indicated they would not be friends); + 2. vulnerable: this should be two-way; honesty plus acceptance, which our HC might need to improve — to be sure, who do we rejoice with and with whom do we mourn? Our challenge is to care more, perform politeness less; + 3. Forgiveness: Nouwen’s definition is different: acknowledging that another does not need to perform for you. +2. Run like Jesus + 1. Horizons: Deep thoughts, fonts, running, serving these people, loving Jesus + 2. Pastor Nate’s claim: The more noble the horizon, the deeper the friendship; the more trivial the horizon, the more superficial the friendship + 3. + +Accountability: regularity; mobilize and influence one another; prayer + +Have you developed and sustained deep friends from different points in your life? (primary school; secondary school; university; mid 20-s; 30s) + +My claim is that quality friendships prevail over time. Most friendships are temporary and worth enjoying. + +5.6.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to dine with Dorothy and to hear her testimony. Thank you for her friendship and her advice over the years for your glory and my good in Jesus' name. Salvation come. + +4.6.21 +Dear God, at the end of my long work week, the glory is yours. Even in this upcoming interview and time trial tonight, I pray to remain in you and to worship you in spirit and in truth. What else can I do and where can I go from your presence? + +I humble myself before you and pray you lead me and change me Holy Spirit this weekend for your glory and the good of the church. At the same time I pray your shalom on Karen and her family. Salvation come to her family and mine in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, it’s hard for me to forgive myself for taking today’s interview and then missing the time trial, what I really wanted to do. I do not want to hate myself. At the same time, I humble myself before you and repent. I also thank you for speaking to me, it seems, to change my mind so that I will no longer take every NET interview and I will be far more selective from now on. Ultimately, you are changing my heart towards work and my career is in your hands, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, I want to have something to be proud of at the end of my working life; I want to have created if not progressed. At this point, I am going from one dead end job to another. + +3.6.21 +Dear Jesus, thank you for dinner with Karen and Alin last night to spend time with one another and to comfort one another. Thank you for Karen’s grandma’s life. + +And thank you for the house church which prayed for Karen and checked on her, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +2.6.21 +Dear Jesus, you are Lord, and you love your people. I humble myself before you and pray that, like Peter’s death, my death and the death of those who love you would give you glory. I pray that all who trust you would finish the race well in your name. + +Importantly, if this is the hour of Karen’s grandma’s death, I pray that Karen’s grandma would glorify you. + +At the same time, have mercy on her and her family, especially on Karen’s dad and Karen. You are Yahweh Shalom to them right now. Salvation come to all of Karen’s family in Jesus’ name. I pray that this family, as I pray for my own parents and grandparents, would reunite in eternal paradise. Amen. + +1.6.21 +Dear God, thank you for the cancellation of Aberdeen run; and thank you for the newcomers and dinner at HOP last night. Thank you for your mercy and renewing this group, I pray, for your glory God in Jesus’ name. + +31.5.21 +Dear God, I humble myself before you and praise you, Lord Almighty. Today has been long and tiring. Yet you have shown your mercy today, first at the end of my job interview, and now, I pray at HOP. Please strengthen us, God, by your joy. Please protect us from injury. I pray our fellowship tonight will please you in Jesus’ name. + +30.5.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to teach this morning, and your consoling presence, Holy Spirit. I mourn, I have felt like Elijah, and you are changing me, Spirit, to be more like you Jesus, I pray in your name. Amen. + +Dear God, thank you for reminding me that you have increased my faith, not least to take the PhD, to take my current job, to stay at my current job to this point and to leave this job given my financial circumstances in Jesus’ name. + +Even for me to tell myself and you that my marriage at 40 is fine as is my unemployment this summer is for your glory, God, in Jesus’ name. There is far more + +Dating is abiblical. Like job marketplace. + +The teaching of dating for marriage is typical for white American evangelical male perspective. It seems to contradict the previous teaching that singleness is fine and there might be more than one way to marriage, including arranged marriage. + +It’s good to receive teaching about dating from the church because schools and especially older generations cannot teach dating. Better to learn about dating from a trusted, Godly community than dubious peers and the media. (And then there has been misleading teaching from (former Christians) How I Kissed Dating Goodbye) + +But the theory about dating is like that of running or other sport, or even teaching, it is largely and experiential craft. So one of the most important things is to get started once and the second most important thing is to do it again. Another important thing is to reflect on and refine your craft. + +A better question to ask ourselves than, is this person the one, is, is this the time?! This question not least comes from the fact that soulmates is false and that, +from my elder friend, marriage for men is about timing. To be sure, that is how I just view some of my past relationships and even possibilities: the timing was not right; +Not that they or I are incompatible. + +Dating and life are about time. In this way, pacing is everything. Pace social scenarios, activities and topics of discussion. + +I am reminded that I kept dating notes. + +Getting to know myself and others +High level oracy and leading conversation +Physical activity +Different social scenarios + +Is this person competent to date? Set a date, time, place and plan. Can stick to it and meet up? + +Date in community +1. What have been the churches fair judgments about my date and me? +2. Could she and I withstand unfair judgments from the church? +3. Does she have a believable walk? +4. Does she belong to any community? +5. I am also reminded of my talks with Christians about who would suit me and who I would suit. And how one church sister said that few women would suit me but I could suit many women. +6. I am reminded of talking about dating and possible dating scenarios, and the opportunities to empathize, to build knowledge, and to provide solicited advice, which triangulates with what other people say, per last week’s house church. +7. To be sure, last week’s house church small group prayer time showed that SP teaching on dating is quite strong and consistent. (Even practices such as coffee first.) +8. We should have mentors regardless of marital status. Yet we have been aware from the start for the need to find older, wiser more faithful couples. + +Does she match her picture? +Respectable and admirable? +Believable walk with God? +Any dubious beliefs? Or inconsistencies? +Who are her friends? Who are her family? +What is her education? + +I like that Karen can make fun of me by imitating me and other imitible friends. She only does that with me. + +The sermon and my notes appear incoherent. + +29.5.21 +Dear God, thank you for time with Karen’s friends. Thank you for their thoughtfulness to provide a cake and to celebrate Karen’s birthday. Thank you for the insightful talk with Lydia, of all people! I pray salvation come to them and their families. + +Dear God, finding work is so life taking and I feel such a burden and waste of time. Please lead me and change me through this season of job search in Jesus’ name. And thank you for the time to run. + +28.5.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to run a 4:44 personal best and to enjoy running with friends. You are merciful, God. + +Thank you for the formative moments with my colleagues and 3D, hard and sad as they may be. Salvation come. + +27.5.21 +Dear God, thank you for the fruitful meeting with Jenny and salvation come to her and her family. Lord, please lead Jenny and me to finish well in your name. Amen. + +26.5.21 +Dear God, thank you for answering prayer and renewing our house church for your glory and our good in Jesus’ name. Please remember us and have mercy on us. + +Dear God, thank you for the opportunity to interview at St Rose of Lima’s College and to encounter very professional principles. Please bless that school, God, for your glory and lead me to search for a job well, and to apply to the school, not least to honor you and then them in Jesus’ name. + +25.5.21 Lingnan Interview +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, thank you for your love, and your presence right now with me in this quiet place. I humble myself before you, I repent and worship you here. You deserve the glory. + +Thank you God for an opportunity to interview for a job in 10 minutes. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for leading me to testify about you, Jesus, in this interview, by all your means, for your glory and the good of the church. I pray to remain in you, Jesus, during this interview and to be a bold witness for your name. Help me, Spirit, to testify reasonably, wisely and faithfully in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +24.5.21 +Dear God, thank you for HOP and then dinner with Karen. Thank you for your faithfulness to lead me and to grow the core team, to even include Natalie soon, I pray, in Jesus’ name. Salvation come to us and our families. + +23.5.21 11:30 +Unmet expectations when meeting single, Christian women who have reacted by micromanaging the relationship through prayer — or interruptions and unsolicited corrections. + +I don’t know if I can be good…and I have known I could not be good… + +We need to put ourselves in a place where we recognize we have no control, but we still have to do something: you remind me, God, of these sober thoughts. + +Putting God first, is listening to God, and then obeying Him. Such as being quiet. Don’t speak. + +Do not undermine or snipe your leaders or house church members. Build off of what they say in house church discussion to edify. + +1. Commitment and Generosity = counting the cost +Honoring one another might be prioritizing house church (relationships); consistently attending house church; inconveniencing yourself (being generous with time, talent and treasure, and poverty) for house church by meeting in person, or serving voluntarily; all this leads to intimacy (meaningful, deep, sustainable relationships) for personal matters and easier unity, accord for house church matters. Luke 14:28 + +(The house church has been generous last year with me financially, thank God.) + +(Dear God, you have enabled me to make more money now than at any point in my life, because you are good; not because I have been tithing. And I pray you increase my faith, just as you did last week through mentors and counselors that you will provide a path for me to work in Jesus’ name.) + +The above teaching came through inconsistent attendance at my last house church. + +Similarly, we need to put people in a position to be generous, that is to inconvenience themselves; this is visible even in the rotation of facilitating discussion, because there was a lot of discussion about who to put first and the principles for rostering. When people who lack experience facilitating discussion facilitate discussion, they are being generous, giving out of their poverty. + +At the same time, by commitment we learn to value the difficult people with whom we do not have chemistry. The important point is not that we lack chemistry, but that we are committed to do life in spite of that. (This is especially true for HOP.) house church becomes gym for the soul; a place to do life with difficult people. + +Jennies shows up; to house church and service; so we do extra. She showed skin in the game. She will not be swine to my pearls. Half jokingly, I tell Karen that Jennies and Karen are sisters from different mothers and fathers because they meet basic house church requirements. + +God, you were speaking clearly: + +3. Witnessing is our outreach: feeling safe to invite people to house church; and to share the highs and lows of house church with others. Regardless of response: + +Cheerful Ernest brags about his house church, he is very proud of it — he is witnessing — and this leads to misunderstanding of how to respond to sharing about house church struggles. + +Living at peace with one another. + +Dear Jesus, thank you for my intimate relationships in the house church are greater now than in my first year. + +22.5.21 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are almighty God, and you work for your glory and the good of your church. Thank you for this quiet moment now, and your mercy on me yesterday; for you remembered me in my pessimistic and pitiful state; and you strengthened my weak bones through mentors and counselors in Jesus’ name. + +I humble myself before you, God, in repentance. You are leading me now, Holy Spirit, I pray, this weekend, to advance your gospel, and to transform my life and my neighbors’ lives by your love. Come Holy Spirit and have your way. + +21.5.21 +Dear Holy Spirit, you challenged and humbled me at the interview yesterday. If I do not care for Hong Kong’s students of the 1-11th percentile of academic achievement, who will? Working at the lowest of low achievement schools is the most humiliating work and the clearest way to remember the poor and to die to self. This is hard for me to accept and to realize, but for you, God. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run yesterday. + +20.5.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to write. Thank you for the previous day’s enjoyment playing board games with house church brothers and Karen. We pray that pleased you in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for the rough time with Karen to decide long term decisions for our flat immediately with the renovator. Please make us wise and show us your presence in this time, Jesus. Have mercy and remember Karen and me during renovation. + +19.5.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to run well yesterday. + +18.5.21 +Dear God, +You have a sense of humor. You remind me of the worst class. The worst students in this worst class do not even respond to their names when I call. They know neither their names nor my voice. These students do not appear to be my sheep. My humble prayer, God, is that salvation come to these people and their families in Jesus’ name. God, have mercy and remember these people so that they would respond to your voice in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Dear God. Thank you for a merciful assignment inspection result; for Bond and Winnie’s mercies too; for time to run; and time to reconnect with Paul in Jesus’ name. Salvation come. + +17.5.21 +Dear God, thank you for relief from assignment inspection — what a busy day. And thank you for the meeting with Jenny and time to work out in Jesus’ name. I pray our HOP group become more welcoming and inclusive . + +16.5.21 11:30 service +It might be time to press grandma. Can Jesus help her? + +Dear God. You made it easy for me to serve the poor and marginalized almost all my life in Hong Kong — you made my personality to be extremely extroverted, and open to new experience; and before I even knew you, you moved me to serve not least at prison ministry. You made me an activator not least for SP outreach, homie outreach, recreation and YWAM Tuen mun foodbank. And now you put me knee deep in poor and marginalized in my work, testing me, and how I suffer and I pray, you are glorified. Maybe this is the ultimate test of Hong Kong outreach. + +Thank you for bringing order to our view on our church, and ourselves, that we are rich, educated elites; and we have responsibility according to your will. + +And if we want to advance equality in society, we need to remove grassroots from our vocabulary. We also need to remove local, and ethnic minority in Jesus’ name. In contrast, we need to associate, not disassociate ourselves from society; and we need to explicitly recognize the poor. + +And I felt sentimental, because you helped me start outreach at SP, as with HOP, and I am the only one left from the original team. + +The speaker and I share some behavioral characteristics and vision. + +That student might have attended a low band school and everyone might be ignored there in that anecdote. Most students are impossible in this scenario; but that does not mean we should not try. + +We need to give poor people time, to listen, to respect, to understand to dignify. That means empathizing and not providing unsolicited advice. This might be hit or miss in our HC per Natalie. + +Your parable, Jesus, to illustrate loving our neighbors as ourselves is as impossible as the teachings on the sermon on the mount, but for you. + +You remind me, Holy Spirit, of your goodness and your will over my life. You keep me going. + +Milestones +1. Remember that God told you a PhD was a means to study Hong Kong. You have finished that. +2. You should finish the book and complete the prophecy given to you by Patrick’s intercessors one Jesus’ name. +3. If the vision for Korea was God-given, that is your path. Your career and day jobs might help you to realize that path. Your existing knowledge and skills get you there in Jesus’ name. To be sure, your pain in teaching 3D in Hong Kong has purpose. +4. In this way, you might want to get started on North and South Korean educational research. +5. Your newfound pragmatism, pessimism and work myopia are making you unhappy. You need to get back to ideals, a greater good and vision to break through your immediate circumstances. Do not be afraid to open a new volume in your life, but do it! + +15.5.21 +Dear God. Thank you for a run and then dinner with desert with Karen, James and Jennies. + +14.4.21 +Dear God, thank you for Justin and Janel’s successful birth of Jade. God bless them and salvation come. + +13.5.21 +Dear Jesus, it’s hard for me to reconcile that from December 2018 to now, May 2018, I have become better off financially, physically and relationally; but professionally, I appear far worse off! + +Dear Jesus, you are merciful, wise and the just judge. You are at work even to this day for your glory and the good of the church. Thank you for the reminder, yesterday, this morning and even now in your words, to continue to struggle with you against sin, not least sexual sin. Although I don’t trust white American programs, God, I trust you, that you are at work to change my heart and the hearts of my brothers and sisters, so that we are presented perfect to you. + +12.5.21 +Dear God, thank you for house church, and for Austin and Sterling, and for leading our discussion and prayer, Holy Spirit, for your glory and our good in Jesus’ name. I pray our house church continue to meet and spur each other on toward love and good deeds; that we encourage one another. + +Dear God, thank you for Karen’s kindness in buying me shoes and cookies after house church. Thank you for my wife. + +11.5.21 +Dear God, thank you for HOP, a time to exercise and fellowship without injury; thank you for dinner; and even the misunderstanding with Ernest, for that you show me that in how we hurt each other, how deep our love is for one another. Thank you for this mercy and this relationship in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for the resolution to a terrible and trying lesson with 3D, so that the culprit whose phone I confiscated and who took back his phone confessed, and the class and I were relieved in Jesus’ name. Thank you for the class teacher and discipline master with whom I have developed an essential working relationship; and who encourages me as you would, I pray, in Jesus’ name. Amen. Salvation come. + +10.5.21 +Dear God, thank you for a nice run yesterday, and also time to teach and importantly to eat with Karen’s grandmother. Salvation come to her and her household in Jesus’ name. Thank you for protecting and restoring her health. Grant her and her family shalom, Lord. + +I pray the same for my mom, aunt and grandmother in Jesus’ name. Salvation come. + +Dear Jesus, you are the bread of life; and believing in you is eternal life. Thank you for this revelation, and the sacrifice you have made to open eternity for your chosen people. I humble myself before you and worship you. Please give me this bread to eat. + +Importantly, please give my grandmother this bread to eat before she passes away. Time is short, God. Have mercy on me and my family and remember my grandmother, God, in your goodness. Please use me, Holy Spirit, to share your presence all the more with my grandmother so that she believes for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +9.5.21 +Dear God, thank you for the reminder of cultivating deep and sustainable relationships. Whether or not we are married. Whether or not we will get married. + +There are many insights to observing a number of married people interact and speak about their marriages. + +This message series would be very ideal for me, as would single life, 13 years ago at 27, when I first starting thinking about marriage and developing ideals. + +Maybe Peloton or elders, peers and juniors is a better frame for cultivating deep sustainable relationship. Rather than single and married paradigm. + +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are our provider. Your people shall not be in want, from this life to the next. This is for your glory, that you give us this day our daily bread, and we rely on you, not on man’s strength for sustenance. + +Dear Jesus, you are glorious. You are not like the Chinese gods that eat to gluttony. You are concerned with others’ hunger before you have even fed yourself. + +Moreover, You provide into eternity so that relatives will not have to burn effigies for ancestors. + +You attract not because of your greed and possessions, but because you demonstrate a perfect love for your people. You are God and I humble myself and worship you. + +8.5.21 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I humble myself before you and give you the glory. I repent and pray to be in right relationship with you this morning in Jesus’ name. + +Thank you for your presence, and the revelation of your love through Jesus’ Christ. + +Thank you for the reminder that you share your love through my house church; and I pray my house church and I would continue to meet to spur each other on toward love and good deeds; and that we could continue to meet together and that we would celebrate when our lost brothers and sisters return in Jesus’ name. I pray we would not cause each other to stumble but love one another. + +Importantly, thank you Jesus for your work on the cross, delivering me from the tyranny of work today. I pray not to worry about my immediate job applications but with humility, receive my daily bread and allow you Spirit, to transform my character through this trial, for your glory and the good of the church. + +7.5.21 +Dear God, thank you for time with my colleagues to play basketball harmoniously. Thank you for these colleagues with whom we have done life these years. Salvation come. + +Dear God, thank you for relief from the tyranny of work so that Bob and I would not meet so frequently in Jesus’ name. Yet salvation come! + +6.5.21 +Dear Jesus, thank you for the 11 mile run. That was enjoyable, God. Thank you! + +5.5.21 +Dear Jesus, you are so kind. You know and demonstrate how to love neighbors as yourself. You honor the samaritans and bring glory to yourself in the way that you have loved and kindly led them to repentance. + +I humble myself before you and repent. I also love and forgive my difficult colleagues who interrupt me and who will never let me complete a turn. Please lead me, Holy Spirit, to treat these difficult colleagues kindly, so that they and I know that your kingdom, God, is near. Salvation come to them and their households in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +4.5.21 +Dear Jesus, thank you for time to run well, without injury, with my friends; and then a pleasant dinner with Karen in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for yesterday’s workout, without injury, and for newcomers. Thank you for Jessica’s evangelism gift, and for miraculously healing her colleague Tony’s knee in Jesus’ name. + +3.5.21 +Dear Holy Spirit, thank you for being in me and leading me without limit. You break through my heart so I will be more like Jesus, for your glory and the good of the church. + +I humble myself before you in repentance. Thank you for the relief from in person lessons these days; thank you for a way forward in my research today; thank you for a sober mind now and time to enjoy working out and advancing your kingdom this evening; and all these things and more I submit to you in Jesus’ name. + +Come Holy Spirit. + +Dear Jesus, thank you for eGape and especially for Ashley. God bless and restore her and her family’s health for your glory in Jesus’ name. + +2.5.21 Sunday Service +Dear Jesus, you are the just God; you are bringing order to the church; you are remembering and glorious; you do hear prayers and answer them. + +Thank you for releasing the forced perspective of white American evangelical males from our church. Thank you for tearing that veil. Thank you for the formal church apology and the acknowledgement of singleness. + +Please continue to deliver us, God, from the false messianic vision of marriage, and that there is something wrong with unmarried people, particularly older, unmarried women — we get this not only from white American evangelical males but also traditional Chinese males. + +You are doing the same in my life, God, delivering me from a false messianic vision of work. + +You have shown me, especially women, who have deep and sustainable relationships without husbands. + +I humble myself before you, God. I don’t know and maybe my church does not know how to disciple people who will be single for their lifetime, urban and millennial people, just as in Hong Kong, so that they will not be leftover women but become Jesus women, like our flat’s previous owner, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Maybe there is a need for an older single group in our church — not a Single Life program. + +And maybe, God, after you bring order to sex, you will speak about work. + +1.5.21 +Dear God, thank you for a quiet day to teach in Tin Shui Wai in Jesus’ name. + +30.4.21 +Dear God, I don’t know what to do. Importantly, I don’t want to do anything. Please lead me, Holy Spirit, through this valley of the shadow of death, for your glory, God. Please remember me and have mercy on me in Jesus’ name. + +29.4.21 +Dear Jesus, I humble myself before you and repent. I have felt cynical, specifically because I don’t think there are many Good Samaritan moments in Hong Kong: people are not vulnerable in public; and people carefully curate lives so as to be a stranger and to not be a neighbor. + +I know you, God, can change our circumstances and hearts so that in this city, people, genuinely love neighbors as themselves. You can destroy stranger culture, God, and as in this parable, you can do this through men. + +In this way, thank you for moments yesterday and today to help neighbors in public in obvious distress. I pray especially for the woman who right now needs a palpable revelation of your love in her life in Jesus’ name. You hear her, see her and lover her almighty God. + +28.4.21 +Dear Jesus, +Thank you for your love. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for coming upon all who trust you, Jesus. I and all who have believed your words, Jesus, have not been alone in this world. + +Thank you for your goodness, Holy Spirit, in creating unity in the church; thank you especially for reunions with long, lost brothers so that we may once more encourage one another and spur each other on toward love and good deeds. + +In particular, thank you for yesterday’s meeting with my brother and his testimony, and that you used him to remind me that you, God, have taken me for your glory; you have worked in me, since my disastrous finish in 2018. You led me through many ruins and ashes in 2018 and 2019 in Jesus’ name. The glory is yours and I worship you. + +Please lead me to share my testimony for your glory and the good of the church. + +27.4.21 +Dear God, thank you for time with Karen to have dinner in Kennedy Town; thank you for a quieter evening there, to reflect and to do work. + +Dear God, thank you for the kind reviewers who rejected my manuscript yet commented so that my manuscript might show more improvement. Please show me when to revise in Jesus’ name. + +26.4.21 +Dear God, thank you for a HOP reunion and especially time to do dinner with Ernest in Jesus’ name. + +Thank you also for time to submit job applications. Please lead me to realize your visions, God, in Jesus’ name. + + +25.4.21 Sunday service +All marriages are ordered if order refers to observable patterns. But not all marriages meet ideal values and behaviors. + +If men are not to objectify women, they should humanize women and importantly for a husband, to sanctify the wife. + +The wife is the subject. + +Leaders mobilize and influence people — primarily inner transformation or belief change. Managers administer and control operations + +The husband must influence and mobilize his wife, tending to her beliefs, importantly by love, that is, being patient, kind, etc. The final story’s climax illustrates this point. + +That said, both spouses need to manage each other, and unfortunately we focus too much on that and too little about influence and beliefs. + +In this way, a husband telling a wife to submit or to shut up is not leadership at all, but definitely management. + +- Management can lead to leadership per my relationship with my PhD supervisor. +- My parents led and managed me in my youth; they managed me as a young adult; and now they can lead me as a middle aged man. +- My line manager manages me as the school is primarily managed, infrequently led; and she has led me negatively. +- Similarly, Sari managed me and led me negatively, reflecting perhaps the managerial relationship in the marriage. + +Not all leadership is good. Leadership can involve deception and manipulation as in a husband gaslighting his wife. + +I think I am supportive of Karen’s renovation efforts. + +- I think I influence the house church because my comments may evoke discussion; as opposed to some house church members ignoring others’ words. + +I tend to lead by words, then actions and the absence of words and actions. + +Karen does this more by action than by words. + +Others on dates influence each other by lack of words! So that people vent and dump. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Karen, her cousin Yan and Yan's husband Derek; thank you for the dinner and chat; thank you for using this couple to speak to Karen and me, I pray, about your mystery, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for a quiet day yesterday. Thank you for time to run, especially. + +24.4.21 +Dear God, thank you for a quiet evening at home. Thank you for the end of a long workday, and for mercy on my students and me so that we might do a little work. Salvation come. + +Importantly, thank you for the chat with my mother so that you might use me to speak about forgiveness to her. I pray that she would forgive her brother in Jesus' name. + +23.4.21 +Dear God, thank you for speaking to me today, importantly, about how hard it is to step away from my sin. It may be as hard as saying goodbye to my morning coffee and CBD; and may be as possible as saying goodby to all my recreational drug use. But for you God, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +22.4.21 +Dear God, thank you for a surprisingly fine morning lesson with 3D, and for an interesting afternoon talk from Jasper TSANG, and finally a nice catch-up with Katherine at dinner. + +21.4.21 +Dear Jesus, I humble myself before you and put my trust in you. Your words are true and eternity with you in paradise awaits those who believe and persist in you. + +I find my spirit weak when I hear of my peers’ worldly success, especially when they achieve what I have longed for in my career. It is difficult to remember that my pride, selfish ambition and greed are unquenchable fires like those in hell. It’s hard to remember that you are the just judge, and that destruction is imminent and eternal for those who are far from you. + +Be glorified in my life, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Lead me to continue this race for your glory and the good of the church. Amen. + +Dear God, +Thank you for reunions with long-lost friends yesterday, specifically, my church brothers Charles and Caleb. Thank you for opportunities to meet them again soon for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for time and strength to complete yesterday's Aberdeen track workout in its entirety. That hasn't happened in a long time. Thank you, Jesus, for these nice moments with friends. Salvation come. + +20.4.21 +Dear God, thank you for the telephone call with San, a long lost acquaintance from St. Barnabas. He called unexpectedly and I pray that you Holy Spirit would lead San to the right church in Jesus' name. Maybe I can help, humbly. + +Dear God, thank you for 90 minutes of practical discussion and coding with Jenny. Thank you for this student and salvation come to her and her family. + +19.4.21 +Dear God, thank you for the quiet evening after receiving the COVID-19 vaccination. + +Dear God, thank you for a nice afternoon and evening, first with Karen, Jennies and James at Billow in Tai Po; and then in the evening at Karen's grandma's house to celebrate Stijn's + +18.4.21 +Dear God, there is a lot of pain in the ongoing uncertainty of my daytime hours, that is, work; and its incoherence with visions; and anticipating the following day’s life-taking moments, that is, my worries. Because of the pain, I have medicated myself and grieved you, me and my neighbors. But for you, this pain will bleed into my marriage and family. + +I need to take care of my body as I will take care of Karen. And I trust you, God, that you will change my heart and renew my mind; you will deliver me from the wretchedness and misery of American messianic values of work. + +Submission is a craft, like teaching, it seems. + +Marriage submission involves separate and mutual roles. This is not a liberal view. This conservatism protects us from unintended consequences. + +The fear of submission is its consequence of authoritative assessment, be that of a piece of homework, an exam paper, a journal manuscript; we fear the lack of control — and what lies beyond; and importantly, unfair or unjust assessment — this enhanced by tropes of men as perpetrators and women as victims; in sum, we fear failure, not realizing the ideals of success, be it acceptance or full marks. + +Our past experiences and immediate circumstances with authorities inform our fears of submission. + +15.4.21 +Dear God, thank you for the resumption of house church last night; and the bond we share as brothers and sisters in Jesus’ name. Thank you for bringing back brothers and sisters for your glory and our good, God. + +14.4.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to run and to bond with friends yesterday; and I pray salvation come to them. Please heal my eyes too, God, in Jesus’ name. + +13.4.21 +Dear God, thank you for time with KO and Anita; thank you for having them speak into my life. Thank you for showing me opposing views on family in America and a school in Korea. How will you reconcile this, God, if any of this is from you? I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +12.4.21 +Dear God, thank you for a family dinner; and also for eGape; and time to run. The day was fruitful and enjoyable, I pray, in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +11.4.21 +Dear God, +Salvation was easy; following you, Jesus, no problem. The challenge is discipleship, working out my salvation with fear and trembling. + +There is a tension in American evangelical Christianity, to protect or purify it’s perceived exceptional culture; and the reality to evangelize people of all sorts in the nation, thereby to be more inclusive: see the Roman Catholic Church practices. + +Even my faith journey with you, God, has been filled with white men, from my best friend, to the Baptist who evangelized me; and my friends these days are filled with white men. + +And now I fear that American white Christian nationalism’s fear of Biden presidency is the same fear that Hong Kong blackshirts have of Beijing — at the same time, both parties advocate freedom only for themselves, not for their neighbors. + +Are you leading me, God, to unlearn my upbringing, and my immediate circumstances, in the church and in my school!? And then to what, God, I pray, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name? + +Bias for or against women +Who do you turn to? Men, it seems. +Listen -- stop interrupting out of nervousness and lack of control, and evidence of helplessness. + +Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry -- James 1: 19 + +Dear God, +You answer prayer. You are bringing justice to the church, and raising the profile of women not least by being explicit on the high profile of men. + +You heard Karen, Kelley and me yesterday when we spoke about the white, American, evangelical, presumably male, bias in our church evidenced in the origins of almost all our discipleship programs, and additionally, the recent retreat speakers. Their values might be nationalistic and racist and sexist. You heard us lament the values of men as perpetrators and women as victims. + +Thank you for speaking through Pastor Mary, to shine a light on the woman as victim value. + +Karen can victimize herself in hypothetical relationship situations that are realized in other people. + +Victimization is controlling the narrative. + +I can victimize myself at work. + +10.4.21 + +9.4.21 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, +It’s hard to keep going in this life. + +I must persevere through an absence of career crisis, which is definitely an American cultural, non-universal construct. + +That said, thank you for the job interviews these years, although I have received no offers besides from that band 1 turn mun school since I began work at Chan shu Kui memorial school in December 2018. + +Thank you for today’s job interview at Maryknoll Father’s School — I don’t fit well with this job and mainstream school teaching in general. + +You will lead me, Holy Spirit, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +8.4.21 +Dear God, thank you for quiet time to mark books at school. And thank you for a nice evening out with Karen. + +Dear God, I pray for your complete healing over my right medial knee ligament in Jesus’ name. + +7.4.21 +Dear God, I think you speak to me about being thankful and giving you the glory, so here goes: + +- Thank you, God, for Karen, a simple wife. +- Thank you for time to submit the education and information technologies manuscript, and I pray for that and the computers and education manuscripts’ successful acceptance. +- Thank you for the chat with Mr. Fong and favor with him so I have permission to research students’ digital literacies. + +6.4.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to run comfortably with friends last night. Salvation come! And thank you for time to try fried chicken, expensive as it was. + +Dear God, after this morning's anxiety, again, I felt anger, perhaps betrayal; and I didn't know at whom I was angry, perhaps you, and me. And then I felt sad. + +What I am doing now does not appear coherent with any vision you gave me, for my family's salvation, for government influence, for helping Korea. In fact, what I am doing now appears clearly to be a compromise at best, a betrayal, at worst, of those visions. The world is changing me. I am not changing the world. + +Right now, I'm just doing what I want to do for the short-term, getting by. I'm not building a future for people beyond me and my immediate neighbors. I feel sad, God; I ask for your forgiveness; I ask for your palpable love and glory to be with me today in Jesus' name. + +5.4.21 +Dear God, thank you for time at HOP with Olivia, Dillon and Gideon; thank you for a small, hard-working group; thank you for time to do life with them in this way, to work hard; not to quit. + +Dear God, I felt sad about the desk rejection from the journal; I feel burdened with returning to something that I'd just like to leave behind. Help me, God, to finish this manuscript well, and to honor you God, not least by honoring my supervisor and myself for this work, in Jesus' name. + +4.4.21 +Dear God, thank you for a quiet evening at Bryoni and Dennis’s place and even time to read and write, and to drink beer. Salvation come! + +Dear God, thank you for a clear aims and significance for the digital literacy paper. I pray salvation come and that Jenny’s paper and my paper will be accepted somewhere for publication in Jesus’ name. + +Be personal: share how we were underdogs, ignorant, and how God revealed salvation to us. + +Be honest (and humble): that no matter our worldly strength, we are weak, and that God gives and takes away for his glory and the good of the church. Yet is God is merciful and gracious to us and meets us at our ignorance and weakness. We fear you, God. + +It’s hard for me to fathom, God, how we at Solomon’s Porch are underdogs when we are professional elites, taxpayers and residents of private housing in Hong Kong; we give out of comfort and largess not poverty. And maybe the challenge is for us to induce discomfort and difficulty in our lives so we are in disadvantageous, risky positions for your glory and our good. + +We must persevere in our faith and discipleship, importantly, advancing the gospel. Don’t persevere in our sin and worldly desires. + +Jesus, you are Lord, the humble king, and fulfilled the laws completely. It’s hard for me to appreciate that you were an underdog in any way. I more understand your gentle and humble heart. + +3.4.21 +Dear God, thank you for bringing Karen’s grandma out of the hospital and restoring her mind. Salvation come to her family. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run 9 miles without problems in Jesus’ name. + +2.4.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to teach Jenny and to make progress on her paper. Salvation come and I pray for her paper’s successful acceptance. + +Dear God, you are El-Roi, the God who sees. You see me and my neighbors’ afflictions; specifically, you see my students, their parents, and my colleagues’ and my injustices in Hong Kong economy and education. + +You have seen my 3D classroom, an extreme case of our society, filled with pervasive poverty and normalized violence. It is literally a den of robbers, a seriously sinful place; and I am one of the transgressors. + +Moreover, you see my afflicted feelings, specifically my selfish, worldly ambition and anxiety and worry. + +And you know how harassed and helpless your creation is; and how your creation knows not what it does. And you are gracious and merciful. + +You act through Jesus’ Christ. And you provide the church so that I know that you are far more than my God; you are the God of your people; for all time; over all creation. + +And today, you allow the church body to reunite in person and to worship you through song. Thank you for restoring us, God, for your glory and our good in Jesus’ name. + +And you provide friends like Tim, who do not have exactly like experience but listen, and neither correct nor interrupt. + +Just as you remember my sins no more, God, so I want to lovingly embrace my wife and students when they apologize: I don’t want to reject them. Lord, I want to believe that they and I are letting go of our right to revenge in Jesus’ name. This is your miracle, God. + +For whatever my life circumstances are right now, my hope is you God will restore my soul and guide me on paths of righteousness for your name’s sake. + +4.1.21 +Dear God, I'm thankful for the day off today. According to your will, I humbly rest. Please renew my mind, God, as I no longer conform to the pattern of this world in Jesus' name. + +31.3.21 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love and faithfulness. I bow down before you and pray humbly. Please hear my cry from heaven. + +I had the worst lesson of the year and a worst for my career today. It’s hard for me to believe what the students and what I did — I foolishly spoke out in a destructive way to myself and to my students. + +It had been harder to forgive and to love these students and myself for our transgressions; it had been harder to let go of my shame; and it had been harder to let go of the pervasive injustice for myself and my students, who grow up in a world of extreme deprivation and normalized violence; but for you. + +I don’t know what else to say, God, but be glorified in my life and in my school, in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to with Amanda, Karen and Aaron last night to work out and to importantly break a sweat, focusing only on the body and that moment, I pray, in Jesus' name. Thank for friendship with these people. Salvation come. + +Dear God, thank you for the conversation with Karen and my mom. I pray, God, lead my mother to salvation, and use Karen and me, I humbly pray, in Jesus' name. + +30.3.21 +Dear God, thank you for speaking to me, it seems, this morning. It appears my time on the EMP work prayer list is over as you are speaking and now moving me for your glory, I pray, and my good in Jesus' name. It also seems time to talk to that SP couple who had generously volunteered to meet with job seekers. Thank you for your kindness. + +Moreover, thank you for speaking to me through the message this morning, to be kinder to Brian, and also to be open about my faith in the workplace. In this way, thank you for the time to sharpen Winnie in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for motivating me to contact KO and Anita. I pray that they, Karen and I have a fruitful meeting according to your will in Jesus' name. + +29.3.21 +Dear God, thank you for speaking to me about work; and the pattern of the world. It seems there may be many patterns of the world, specifically, America, that I need to be aware of. Please lead me to trust you all the more, Jesus, for your glory and the good of the church. + +Holy Spirit, maybe you are speaking to me, providing me a moment of self-objectivity and reflexivity: how valuable is money to me compared to other things and people; and then how valuable is the work to earn that money? + +Sacrificing my time and effort for work has been worthwhile up to a point: and I cross that point when I take work home and when I worry about work. That's when my life boundaries erode, as I constrain my time and effort for important life aspects, e.g. church ministry; and running; and my family. So I understand the purpose of working my current job in that I can balance my life, boring as my job is, and I can understand the purpose of entrepreneurship, so I can set finer boundaries on my work life. + +I am not in Hong Kong for the work. I'm in Hong Kong for my wife, whose family, specifically, ailing grandma is here. + +28.3.21 +Dear God, I do have a problem with sexual fantasy and behavior sin stemming from heart sins, anxiety and fear. But I struggle with the frame to understand the sin, and thus your way out of it. I am uncomfortable with the inner healing of trauma frame for sexual sin because inner healing may not be objectively Biblical, and because adopting the frame raises implications for all people for all time and for all addiction. + +I am more convinced that every man every day must be rooted and grounded in love, that comes from Christ. By that love, we will be persistent to overcome sin and to be patient with ourselves as we struggle. In other words, don’t give up and don’t be hard on yourself. + +In this way, I have asked for Karen’s forgiveness and keep going. + +In practice, as the causes and treatments of sexual sin appear abiblical, I am more willing to investigate alternatives to hyped church-based formal programs. + +Dear God, in light of what happened on March 31, 2021, and chatting with Amanda and learning about her school's very liberal sexual education on masturbation, I am a little more confused about my struggle against sexual immorality: I don't know what our church's jargon about sexual wholeness and purity are besides fundamental, extreme words -- and I think that's a worthwhile pursuit. At the same time, I want to know what your heart is more through prayer and your word. + +27.3.21 +Dear God, thank you for the time with Karen just now to set up a Carousell advertisement and to think of leveraging my existing students for likes, follows and reviews on social media. + +At the same time, God, I think I won't be able to achieve scale in number of students and revenue without cutting quality; I will quickly end up in a situation where I cannot reach every student. I don't know what I will do when that happens, but I pray that I will be humble for God's glory and the good of the church, in Jesus' name. + +26.3.21 +Dear God, you are gentle and humble in heart, Jesus. I want to be like you. I pray to be a more content, humble and satisfied teacher. I pray to be not so ambitious as a teacher in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, this might be a crossing Jordan moment: to obey your instructions, to grow in faith and to take hold of an unknown yet promising land. + +As I consecrate myself, I become more aware of my weaknesses, and sometimes, my strengths: one strength I have, and that has been acknowledged formally on three separate occasions by three people is that I deliver positive words to my students, no matter what I feel. + +I am learning humility. I’m learning the limits of my strengths: that just as I cannot change my students’ home situations, I can barely teach English as an English teacher. And to best love my students, I have to show more emotional restraint, and be less hard on myself. Although I have shown far more emotional restraint with my worst students, I can still be too emotional with smaller groups of students. + +25.3.21 +Dear God, thank you for EMP this morning, and for you, Holy Spirit, speaking to Connie and me in the same way about praying for our authorities, even in Hong Kong. In addition, thank you for the author express lessons with 3D so that I could observe, think and not be so intense. That's relief, God. + +Dear God, I feel I am checking out of work these days. I don't want to be doing this anymore but I don't know what else to do bravely. I am worrying, God, and I repent: I don't want to be this way for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name! + +Maybe you speak to me, God, that interruptors beget interruption, demonstrating low speaking and listening skill; and that being able to participate in an ordered, large group discussion without hand raising is a high-skilled, listening and speaking demonstration. + +Mind maps are conceptual framework figures. I might try semantic mapping more with 3D. + +24.3.21 +Dear God, thank you for time with Karen and Kelley last night, to catch up, and to have deep conversations. The evening was restful in spite of my feelings. Thank you. + +23.3.21 +Dear God, I really felt ashamed today about the nature of my work, and my chronic dissatisfaction; and importantly, I haven't had the courage and focus to try something radically different. I guess you are leading me down that path towards greater entrepreneurialism, non-institutional, non-English teaching, and perhaps, even, non-teaching work. You are kind and patient with me, God; and I humbly you change my heart to be more gentle and humble like yours, Jesus, for your glory and my good. + +22.3.21 +Dear God, thank you for an opportunity to lead HOP again and to enjoy the outdoors. That said, the condition in my left eye scares me, God; I notice a pattern but I don't know the implications of this pattern Please, miraculously heal me, Jesus, for your glory and my good. Please continue to shape our HOP community in your name. + +21.3.21 +Dear God, thank you for family dinner, and time to talk to Karen's dad, and importantly, to feel empathy for him. Thank you for such compassion that I will write a card to him, to console him and not to push him, in Jesus' name. + +At the same time, please lead me to be gentle and humble around Karen, who appears just as stressed as her father, but acting out in a different way. Thank you for healing her and me. + +20.3.21 +Dear God, thank you for the sabbath, and for the community of believers. Thank you, Jesus, for loving us and bringing us together for your glory and our good. + +Dear God. I wonder about Karen and her father, and Karen growing up without her father’s encouraging words; I wonder about her actions these days as a result of her long term relationship with her dad; and I wonder if I don’t show more encouraging words because of her actions, although even if that is the case, I pray never to take Karen for granted in Jesus’ name. According to your will, Karen will try an inner healing program and I will join her. + +19.3.21 +Dear God, thank you for reunion time with Terri, Tim and Karen. Also, thank you for the CBD drink, which Terri and I could share and which seems actually effective! + +Dear God, thank you for the talk with Karen, to work out not only my financial responsibilities but also my acceptable approaches to her father and grandmother in Jesus’ name. Salvation come. + +18.3.21 +Dear God, thank you for the end of the week, and even time to teach Bob and Jenny. Thank you for the strength to hustle and teach these days in Jesus’ name. + +17.3.21 +Dear God, thank you for a quiet day at work. Thank you for time to run without any problems in my left eye. Thank you for time to meet the renovator, to view the flat, and ultimately to choose this renovator. Salvation come. + +16.3.21 +Dear God, and I appreciate your sense of humor. I have held down this job for a longer time than any other job in my career; yet, I am clearly and objectively worse at this job than any other job. + +I am starting to think, God, that I haven’t been able to hold down a job, because I haven’t found the right job. + +Teaching in a secondary school setting, it’s not for me. Maybe, even teaching at the University level is not for me. + +I look to where I have held down my commitments. These include serving the church, and people, including (Dorothy); and the students that I’ve tutored (Dorothy). Maybe this is more evidence that I need to go into business to find the right students. In other words I need to get into the most selective education, and get out of compulsory education. + +15.3.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to prepare for tomorrow's lesson observation. God please reveal your good words to me and my neighbors in Jesus' name. + +14.3.21 +Dear God, thank you for Glenn and Cindy; thank you for their lives and releasing the opportunity for them to naturally procreate for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, your grace has been over me, even when I was unaware. To be sure, when I first came to Hong Kong, and was assigned to a Tin Shui Wai school, I did not appreciate how far Tin Shui Wai was from Fortress Hill. That was my longest daily commute. + +In my ignorance, I continued the commute. Had I quit, as my colleague did, I never would have met Dorothy, a mentor, and my life would be very different: I would not have worked at Methodist College; there would be no China school project; and there would be no part-time tutoring. + +Dear God, you make me keenly aware of my sin — coming from my weakness to push myself and others harshly — and your loving kindness, through thorns in the flesh: suffering physical injuries, to my spine, eyes and legs; through corporate prayer and fasting; through my family. In all these, I learn taking care of myself more is of greater value in preserving life than pushing myself and others hard. + +I wonder how God makes Karen aware of her comparing to jealous. + +I am aware but I don’t think it’s time to reflect this on her. + +I can understand why this lecture exists following more concrete and practical lectures because inner healing is a most conceptual, non-practical topic, and also the most loaded with American-charismatic jargon. I can understand why Rachel is in charge of this high-level conceptual ministry — I noted her introducing at least two frameworks of ideas, with a balloon but without figures — because since I first heard her speak Cantonese, she has always struck me as an incredibly clever woman. + +If we need each other, and given our church structure, we are only as strong as our weakest leader. + +13.3.21 +Dear God. My suspicious is that just as my strength and weakness is to overstep my boundary when running, so Karen’s strength and weakness is to overstep her boundary when comparing, whether for a flat search or for renovation. She loses reflexivity, getting carried away, forgetting that the purpose of the renovation is to replace pipes. I wonder if she gets obsessed about this stuff because of her comparative nature. + +Dear God, thank you for James and Kristy, their lives and our friendship. Thank you for releasing their engagement. Now, I pray salvation come to them and their families in Jesus' name! + +Dear God, thank you for Susanna, and her engagement and flat purchase. God bless her and her fiancee and salvation come to them. Thank you for her clear direction in taking photos of me. + +12.3.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to teach Jenny, and to approach a more meaningful research project for us both. Lord, please grant us time and wisdom to work well on this project, and favor in granting us success in publishing the project, and also for referrals to my future customers in Jesus' name! + +11.3.21 +Dear God, thank you for time with Pastor Selamet and eGape team, to advance curriculum and importantly, your gospel to our neighbors. Lord, please bless our leaders and students to persevere to meet, and to be disciplined in our teaching and learning program. I pray we would be able to meet soon, and to collaborate to develop curriculum and to advance the gospel in Jesus' name. + +10.3.21 +In what particular areas of your life right now do you feel you’re looking good more than being good and/or living a double life? I worry too much about work. It is one of the few areas where I experience jealousy, conflicting thoughts, competing desires. + +Dear God, we need more deep, sustainable and loving relationships than American tropes, programs and routines in the church. Please reveal your palpable love, your good words, again and again in our small group in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, you care for Karen and me; and you have spoken to us more clearly about our strengths and weaknesses: I am far more prone to being harsh on myself and others, and far less likely to be jealous; and Karen is far more prone to being jealous and far less likely to be harsh on herself or others. + +In this way, Karen doesn’t talk about her exes so that I wouldn’t be jealous, but I am not. In fact, I am interested. In the other hand, I talk openly about my exes because I am not jealous and think others are the same way, and interested. But Karen is not. + +Dear Jesus, you are kind, gentle and loving. I humble myself before you in repentance. I worship you and honor you here, God. + +Some of my dear colleagues are mourning, God, and I pray your children who hope in you will be strong and take heart, because eternity in paradise awaits, and you will bless your children even in this life, in the next season apart from this school. I pray that you would use us, God, to advance your gospel to colleagues and students alike while there is still day for this school. You will cause the seeds sown in these final years to grow, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +And I pray that my house church brothers and sisters would meet well tonight, sharpening each other and spurring each other toward love and good deeds. I pray our house church carry each other’s burdens, and struggle together with you and overcome in Jesus’ name. + +Thank you also for the 3D students and answering prayer and providing favor for us. You bless us. + +9.3.21 + + +8.3.21 +Dear God, +Thank you for the resumption of face to face lessons and the most amazing 3D lesson ever. The students were on task and seated for the most part, in terms of students and time. Incredible. Thank you, Jesus! You answer prayer. + +7.3.21 +Dear God, thank you for answering prayer. + +You comfort me and reassure me — and Karen — by challenging me and the congregation with your upside down kingdom principles, and not a prosperity gospel message. + +You answer prayer from this year’s fast in bringing justice, the right order, to your church. + +You had already spoken to me, even before the message, about the common problem of pornography and key opinion leader social media: marketing an image conscious fantasy — and object — and ignoring a messy reality / implementation. + +Integrity is the underlying structure of character / personality — our character and performativity can be one. + +God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble. + +6.3.21 +Dear God, thank you for a quiet 40th birthday; thank you for friends and renewed friendships today; and thank you for relieving me from work, as you remove my work and help me to complete my work. Thank you for changing me for your glory and the good of the church. + +Dear God, I mourn and miss my maternal grandparents funerals and my father’s funeral. God willing, I want to bury my paternal grandmother and my mother, and pray salvation come to them in Jesus’ name. + + Dear God, thank you for this Christian barber and our short sharing. Thank you for using her to advance your gospel in the neighborhood in Jesus’ name. It’s good that you spoke to her, God, about the trouble of worshipping ancestors; and that she chose to be baptized in a mainland sea. We both recognize your divine appointment in Jesus’ name. + +5.3.21 +Dear God, thank you for time with Rachel yesterday, to instruct her and I pray, to spur her on towards love and good deeds. God, your are a good father and I pray that you bring salvation to my colleagues and at the same time, lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. +Please, God, bring your justice to my school in Jesus’ name. + +4.3.21 +Dear God, thank you for a fruitful and intimate chat at house church: and thank you, God, for James and Edwin and their ongoing, brotherly bond. You do not want any sheep to go astray in Jesus’ name. + +3.3.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to dine with Karen yesterday, thanks for Kelly’s kindness; also, thank you for time with Mr. Bond in the stem room, and covering for his weakness, I pray, for your glory and go to the church in Jesus name. + +Dear God, it seems a life filled with tests, it’s not a life worth living; whether these are academic tests or body tests. That said, Lord,, and purpose to keep going such as my grandmother Karen‘s grandmother’s purposes. + +Dear God, thank you for favorite work, and for people to cover me; thank you for your mercy over my life, I don’t have to worry about my day job, and Jesus. Salvation,! + +3.2.21 +Dear God, thank you for the opportunity to walk 20 minutes to work, one way; and to experience your side of Hong Kong. + +Thank you for the privacy and favor of a single room in a twin. Thank you that my mood has improved, sis Karen, since I’ve left the McKeons + +3.1.21 +Dear God, thank you for dinner with grandma, and also bedsheets, so that I can sleep well. I pray to sleep early, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus name. + +Dear God, thank you for the opportunity to apply for and final job application. My career and your hands, and I trust that you will make it straight, for your glory in the church in Jesus name. + +28.2.21 +Dear God, thank you for the reminder to trust you, to have faith, and thus to risk. I will take courage and not be afraid because it is you, Jesus. For my immediate circumstances in finding a job — and possibly for a straight career path. For marriage. + +For my family’s salvation; and for moving the education mountain by government partnership, likely in policy; and for the reunification of North and South Korea in Jesus’ name. + +Dear Jesus, you are the compassionate and gracious; you answer prayer for your glory and the good of the church: thank you for today’s Solomon’s Porch anniversary and my dear friend Jason’s birthday; thank you for these opportunities to speak your good words into other people’s lives; and I humble myself before you, Holy Spirit, and pray I would not inhibit any people from entering into your kingdom, God, not least by my unrealistic expectations, or by my esoteric or super spiritual words. + +At the same time, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, please increase my faith to know that your kingdom, God, is more then metaphorical: your kingdom is empirical! And you will return, Jesus, to judge all people, whether or not in my lifetime. I pray to finish my life well, full of faith, and childlike, for your glory and the good of the church. + +27.2.21 +Dear Jesus, thank you for a smooth move from my landlord into a dormitory; and for the opportunities in the dormitory to share your presence with others, through good words and cups of cold water. I humble myself before you and pray, Holy Spirit, that in this new place in my life, you would use me to advance the gospel and to make disciples of all nations according to your means and timing, in Jesus’ name. + +Dear Jesus, thank you for Karen and her help for me to move well. Please lead me to live a life of integrity, not least to honor you, God, by my conduct towards her. + +Dear Jesus, thank you for Esther and her friendship. + +26.2.21 +Dear Jesus, thank you for more entrepreneurial activity with Bob and Jenny; and thank you for Karen’s encouragement to take on more big money mainlanders to build my portfolio. Salvation come to these BMM in Jesus’ name. + +25.2.21 +Dear Jesus, thank you for the time to catch up with Dr. Ng and the opportunity to invite him to Karen and my wedding. Lord, please reveal salvation to Dr. Ng and company; and please heal me, all over my life, for your glory, God, in Jesus’ name. + +22.2.21 +Dear God, thank you for putting in me a heart of Thanksgiving; and leading me to believe it last year was the best year of my life, all things considered. Just some minor bumps with living with McKeon‘s and two complex surgeries; but in terms of running performance and academic performance and relationships importantly, those were the best! + +I think last year‘s most life taking moments were the two complex surgeries, the paralysis and pain preceding them, and the recovery afterwords; living with the McKeon‘s; my teaching performance; and my father‘s death. + +The most life-giving moments were proposing to Karen, and our premarital counseling; writing two journal articles, and a book chapter; running the most average mileage ever, and performing personal bests in 1500, the mile, 3000, and 5 km; even the location of where I lived was life-giving. Favor from colleagues. Befriending Amanda; my highest monthly salary ever. + +This year has already been fruitful, in terms of setting a marriage state, buying a flat, and achieving the highest monthly salary ever; this year may be the most fruitful for writing. + +This year has already been life taking in terms of learning to apply for jobs; disciplining myself to recover from injury; and learning Fidelity. + +24.2.21 +Dear God, thank you for loving me, and convicting me that I haven’t been treating myself kind, these weeks, even today. By my obsessing about fantasy basketball, even this recreation has become life taking, a temptation. You have spoken to me, Holy Spirit, so that I know I should step away from fantasy basketball, which became a source of stress, worry and regret in my life, not enjoyment! + +Dear God, thank you for Mr. Bond’s sobering words — that colleagues respect me but for what I would not expect — so that you encourage me and restore self-objectivity to me. You are merciful and kind, God, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +You speak to me that I cannot be led to die for your glory, God, as Peter was led, if I keep trying to control my own narrative. Your story or mine. + +Sitting in that Grantham hospital waiting room, God, reminds me of sitting in an airplane at night, during turbulence. Definitely unpleasant, and out of my control, and subsistence only on your grace, which is sufficient for me. Your power is perfected in my weak moments, in that waiting room and on that plane. + +23.2.21 +Dear God, +Thank you for leading me to the A&E to get my right eye checked out. Thank you for the referral letter. I am sorry and repent for putting work and its anxieties ahead of my health! Please forgive me. God, by your love, please lead me to be brave to focus on my health for your glory and Karen’s good in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Please heal my eyes, God; bring restoration, Lord; and favor in checking out the eye in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +21.2.21 Sunday service +Talking to everyone is dependent on oracular knowledge skills and attitude; people may be wary or shy of talking: and they may lack words and structure to “shoot the breeze.” This is especially the case in Hong Kong where people are poor and, I argue, peach is systematically de-emphasized in English and Chinese education. What works with the poor is meeting felt needs. + +I agree with Pastor Sam’s generalization, people have to be in proximity to Jesus for revelation; I think we must be sensitive to people who demonstrate attitude to realize the God opportunity. Otherwise, aren’t we throwing pearls to swine? Don’t we waste our breath?! + +In my Hong Kong experience, with its pluralistic, individualistic culture, it’s hard to have a “normal,” American conversation. + +We rarely see stranger conversation in public. Hong Kong is a hyper conservative, suspicious society. + +To be fair. Not everyone is as skilled a speaker as pastor Sam to whom conversation is easy; or as chatty as I am even in house church where my attitude is to not be as chatty. Pastor Sam’s approach is best towards rich and education, that is, your colleagues, friends and acquaintances. + +When we do not step out in faith and away from our strength and means, we may have no testimony to share. + +In sum, I think everyone is a God opportunity but not everyone is a God conversation . + +QBQ is a book that staff read; it provides a framework for people to better understand social interactions. + +20.2.21 +Dear God, I have not started the day well. From my flesh, I have had too many thoughts, leading to too much anxiety, stress and work. And I have not been loved much, from which my work should arise. I question the value of what I have done, this morning and during this holiday for your glory and the good of the church. Why do I pierce my soul like this? Where does salvation and rest come from but by you, Jesus!? Have mercy on me, Lord. + +My God, this morning did not start well. My spaghetti scraps placed in my coffee mug and the stench of perfume in the living room spoiling the taste of my coffee reminded me of the injustice of living with the McKeons. It’s hard to forgive Sari and to love her for persecuting me with double standards, and this persecution not necessarily because I am a Christian. I pray to accept and to ignore her in love as Paul does. At the same time, I pray for your kind and merciful hand to be on me specifically for the rest of my time with the McKeon’s in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +“Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.” +‭‭Psalms‬ ‭42:5‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/psa.42.5.niv + +19.2.21 +Dear God, you remind me of your goodness and love for me through Christ, just now; that I am getting what I don’t deserve, especially in today’s interview; you are merciful and worthy of my worship. As I repent, please embolden me with faith and wisdom to change my habits and my mind for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +18.2.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to dine out with Karen, to enjoy dinner and dessert together; and for her help in my life, not least to find five months’ accommodation in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God. Thank you for time at last to submit my manuscript to Computers and Education, I pray, for your glory in Jesus’ name. + +17.2.21 +Dear God, thank you for a normal house church meeting and especially my small group of Eliz and Amos; God bless them and thank you for life with them in Jesus’ name. + +16.2.21 +Dear God, thank you for a relatively pain free run with Frank and Jan. Salvation come! + +15.2.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to complete the Lingnan university job application. I realize I don’t know how to stop my efforts and to be gentle on myself when preparing job applications and for interviews. Please lead me and teach me, Jesus. + +14.2.21 +Dear God, thank you for your faithfulness, gentleness and love for me. You remind me that you, Jesus, save, and you are always with me, from now into eternity; and you are merciful, kind and easily pleased. You deserve my worship and praise. + +And these temptations are not the way; they cannot save; they will not surround me on my death bed; and I cannot take them into eternity: + +Part-time hustles +Physical fitness +Pornography +Properties +Publications list + +I must treat the above lightly, and my everyday walk with you seriously, for your glory and the good of the church, and my good in Jesus' name. + +13.2.21 +Dear God, thank you for a flexible morning, and time to complete a job application; please lead me, God, to be strong and to do the job interview work in a way that honors you and is kind to myself in Jesus' name. + +12.2.21 +Dear God, thank you for a useful physical therapy session and the patience to recover, and to treat myself well in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for the fruitful meeting with the interior designer Bonnie; and thank you for dinner with Karen and her family. Salvation come! + +11.2.21 +Dear God, thank you for reminding me that lesson and interview preparation are open ended and temptations to worry. In spite of my best preparation, my result may still be randomness or futility. In this way, I don’t have proper boundaries for preparation, particularly interview preparation. + +I have been late twice today: 10 minutes for my physiotherapy appointment; and 30 minutes for my girlfriend and interior designer interview. Thank you for reminding me of your mercy and kindness, God, over my life in Jesus’ name. + +10.2.21 +Dear God, thank you for people who took a chance on me at Christian schools, at YMCACCHK, STMC and MCKLN when I don’t think I was a born again Christian. You have given me more grace, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for your kindness and mercy. Thank you for reminding me about how my mother used to call her mother frequently and my youth. Now I realize the importance of calling my mother as regularly as my mother had called hers. Time is fleeting and I want to show my mother that I love her. + +Thank you for showing me the writing on the wall as well. First through hunches, then thoughts and now scripture. That it is better to live on the corner of the roof than to live with a quarrelsome wife. I should look to Sari and Jessica’s well being. Besides familiarity is no excuse for continuity, not change. I am loyal to some people but not everyone. + +“Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.” +‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭21:9‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/pro.21.9.niv + +“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,” +‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:3‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/php.2.3.niv + +But I pray in the time we have that we would treat each other kindly and mercifully in Jesus’ name. That I would treat myself kindly too. + +9.2.21 +Dear God, thank you for your gentleness with me, so that I can pray and bless the McKeons, that we would think of each other kindly and sympathetically, and we would treat each other as such, not begrudgingly, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to pray with the men of God yesterday, in the afternoon, and filling my heart with compassion for Archie, that he would all the more experience your gentle and humble heart, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +8.2.21 +Dear God, thank you for family dinner, and a time to catch up with Terri at Holly Brown. I am thankful, God, for you to arrange Terri, Karen and me to do life together in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, also, thank you for leading me to rest from running. Please heal me, and Mark, Frank and Pavel completely in Jesus’ name. + +7.2.21 +Evangelism + +Bless or pray: in my morning prayer for so many stakeholders; and then specifically for my landlord's family. The latter are the hardest for me. + +Fellowship: people do life together; bring them to church before using your own words, as with Amanda. + +People share, irregardless of how people receive, as the parable of the soils. God saves, not man. Moreover, rather than asking people how we can pray for them, because they don't know what prayer is and who God is, we can tell them that we are praying to Jesus on their behalf, asking for specific things, for example, "I am praying for you, Sam." In my life, I've adopted this approach with Paul and improving his finances; Mark and Pavel and their running injuries; and my mother and grandmother for their health, and for Karen and I meeting them. These are ultimately invitations for people to respond, to inquire more, just as Jesus invites us to inquire into his parables. + +Mark, Glenn, that Baptist, Randy, Dorothy + +Dear God, thank you for the time to reconnect with Mark, in particular, to catch up for your glory and our good in Jesus' name. Thank you, in general, that you would use your people to reveal yourself. + +6.2.21 +Dear God, thank you for time with Karen today at the coffee shop, and using her to spur me on to entrepreneurialism, specifically to advance my website. That’s your kindness and grace over my life, I pray, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +5.2.21 +Dear God, +Thank you for a long, pain-free run yesterday. + +Dear God, thank you for receiving interviews for lecturer posts at universities in Hong Kong; thank you for favor with referees, and also with the interviewers, per laughter with my interviewers at Baptist University today. + +4.2.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to think about bringing justice to my students and a proposal to teach them citation and paraphrasing skills. + +Dear God, thank you for time to prepare for job interviews, and to review literature in Jesus' name. + +3.2.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to run with Frank yesterday, and even to continue to talk to Pavel and to pray for his complete healing in Jesus' name. I thank you for time to talk to Jess today about Jehovah's witnesses and their theology; I don't know what to think about them, but I trust you God and believe salvation comes through Jesus Christ alone. + +1.2.21 +Dear God, thank you for speaking to me through the message. You speak about justification and sanctification. And you speak about our attitudes towards sanctification, that we should know you and be like you and make you know because we can, not because we have to. You convict us that works righteousness is the wrong attitude towards sanctification. You are not fallible. We trust you that you have saved us completely Jesus. + +And now, Holy Spirit, thank you for speaking to me about the wrong attitude towards justification, namely, cheap grace. Works absence is an indicator of cheap grace, the wrong attitude towards justification.We take you for granted and show a lack of gratitude and indebtedness towards you Jesus for what you have done. You bore the cross and removed our sins. + +2.2.21 +How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word...I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. + +Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. + +Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. + +Unsurprisingly, when we become angry, we may be quick to speak and slow to listen! + +Dear God, thank you for the church, a sanctification mechanism through which we know you, we become like you and we make you known. You called man to be a social creature and Jesus and Holy Spirit, you told us to continue to meet and to love one another. + +Dear God, thank you for showing me this morning that we believers need one another, and that the church is the people first, then the teaching. The people are bodies, which express so much important information to one another. + +In this way, the COVID season has been hard because the technology enhances the teaching but constrains the people, namely, our bodies, You have made it clearer to me that inviting people to church is inviting people to other people's bodies, and then to teaching. And so it has become clear to me to pray against COVID so we can see each other in person again in Jesus' name! + +31.1.21 +Dear God, I feel sad because I didn’t say goodbye to my father. Last year, there was a chance for me to return to the United States in April, and possibly in the summertime; but I wasn’t recommended to go in April, during Easter, and I chose not to go in the summertime. + +Dear God, thank you for time with you this morning to calm my heart before writing; and thank you for time to write yesterday; and time to have a laugh with Karen. + +30.1.21 +Dear God, thank you for a lesson with Jenny and an end to a long day in Jesus’ name. Salvation come. + +29.1.21 +Dear God. Thank you for the day off yesterday and time to do other stuff in Jesus’ name. Thank you for your mercy and kindness over my life. This is obviously not deserved. You are good, God. + +Dear God, thank you for time to catch up with Katherine. Please heal her tooth in Jesus’ name and shalom! + +And thank you for Sally and SP. + +28.1.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to catch up with house church; and to have a fruitful discussion where you are present, Holy Spirit. I pray our house church continue to meet in Jesus’ name. + +27.1.21 +Dear God. Thank you for time to teach the 3E students joyfully and to catch up with colleagues in the afternoon. + +Dear God, thank you for time to run, and to catch up with friends; and to eat sweet potatoes. + +26.1.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to work out with Amanda and to catch up with her. + +Dear God, thank you for the end of a long day. + +25.1.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to teach Billy. Please forgive me, God, for not observing the sabbath; please lead me to complete the work with strength, peace and love; and thanksgiving; not anxiety. I get to because you, God, not that I have to in Jesus’ name. + +24.1.21 +My perceived regression or struggles after being born-again might indicate our discipleship, and the influence of past experience on our lives (an inner healing issue). + +23.1.21 +Dear God. Thank you for speaking to me; that by living with the McKeons, you show me that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God; I have been a failure amongst failures; yet you love me, Jesus, you saved me and you are still at work in me and around me for your glory and the good of the church, thank you. + +Thank you for providing the McKeons another flat; thank you for providing me the opportunity to move with them or to take over the flat; thank you for the way out from the McKeons so as to relieve tension especially with Sari and then with Jessica. + +Importantly, thank you for answering prayer, Thank you for changing my heart so that Karen and I can decide to buy a flat, I pray, at the right time, place and price in Jesus’ name. + +Ask Paul what the rent is for the other flat and if he can sustain paying the rent without me. + +Dear God, thank you for showing me in today’s job application research that the job doesn’t ideally appeal to me. And thank you for speaking to me that in so far as I can with a job, I should do something enjoyable, just as a slave insofar as he can should seek his freedom. + +Karen and I bought a flat yesterday. + +In preparation for our wedding, for the past few months Karen and I had been scouring several districts for a flat to buy. Karen and I had taken different approaches to the flat search: Karen preferred a faster search: and I preferred slower. We had also experienced different emotions: while I felt dispassionate, Karen felt unusually nervous. We had argued more than once during our search. We had been praying that God would grant us his peace, and at the same time make us wise to the right time, place and price as to buy a flat. We had also prayed to bless the seller. + +At the very end of the corporate fast, I believe that God answered our prayers. I believe God moved through extraordinary circumstances for his glory and our good. + + On January 22, the day before we broke fast, my landlord had told me he and his family intended in a few weeks’ time to move to another flat: I could either take over the existing flat, move with the family, or move out of the flat apart from the family. As my instinct was to move out of the flat, apart from the family, I began pondering where to move. Ultimately, I preferred to stay in the area. Regardless of where I would be living for the next several months, I knew Karen had been extraordinarily keen on one flat in the area. While I too liked the flat, I had adopted a wait and see approach. I saw now was the time to buy that flat. + +In the evening, I called Karen and told her I had big news. By God’s grace, she guessed, “You want to buy the flat!” God had been changing her heart that day so at last she had experienced peace, whether or not I was willing to buy that flat. Karen immediately contacted the agent to submit a bid to the landlord. Karen and I prayed for success and also for confirmation about whether I should move out apart from my landlord’s family. + +On the morning of January 23, Karen and I broke the fast. Then we viewed flats. Afterwards, we received confirmation that the landlord would accept our bid. Thank God! + +After arranging a time in the afternoon to sign the contract, Karen and I returned to my flat. My landlord was at home. He said he decided not to move house. I thanked and congratulated my landlord. By God’s grace, my landlord’s actions spared me the trouble of finding another flat for the next several months. + +As Karen was signing the contract, she noticed Bibles on the flat owner’s bookcase. Karen asked if the owner was a Christian and she responded yes. She also attend a church nearby. I believe this information put Karen all the more at ease, and the owner and Karen spoke with greater intimacy. Thank God. + +God reminds me of his words from Jeremiah 29:11-13. God is amazing. He changed my heart. He revealed his reassuring presence to Karen and me through more signs than we could ignore. Praise God. + +22.1.21 +Dear God, thank you for your sense of humor in allowing me to gently and humbly navigate the administration of listening tests now in Jesus' name. You are easily please and I want to please you and be easy on myself. Please lead me through a busy week and weekend for your glory and the good of the church. + +21.1.21 +Dear God, thank you with time with Karen to take photos with Alex and Edwin in The Coffee Academics. Thank you for a joyful and interesting hour. Salvation come. + +Dear God, thank you for a house church reunion and time to share; thank you for the outdoor drinking and fellowship with Frank and Mark in Sheung Wan prior to house church. Thank you for intimate moments and joy in life. Salvation come. + +20.1.21 +Dear God, thank you for your presence this morning; and the opportunity to offer to you my first and best. + +Thank you for last night’s 3K time trial run with Frank, Mark and Pavel, and the chance to run fast with them. Thank you for time to view a flat with Karen and to debrief with her. Please guide me and Karen, God, to find the right flat at the right place, time and price for you glory and our good in Jesus’ name. + +19.1.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to speak with Sari and to ask her what she likes about Paul. And that she doesn’t like anything about Paul but finds him annoying and messy is a breakthrough in our communication. I am not sure how to pray, God, for Sari when she thinks this about her husband — thank you, God, that Paul had kind words to say about Sari, that he respects and admired her for her honesty and strength — and when she hopes for nothing in 2021. But you know what to do, God, and salvation come in Jesus’ name. + +18.1.21 +Dear God, thank you for time to run and chat with Amos yesterday; thank you for speaking to him and me so as to have such fellowship, for your glory and our good in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for time to hear you during and after the long run. + +17.1.21 +Dear God, thank you for a fruitful meeting with Jenny; I don't want to lean on my own understanding to teach, but I'll trust you, God, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for a time to run, and also time to do many other things that morning, when I don't deserve any of it. Thank you, God, that the Christian Alliance School found a NET. God bless them. + +16.1.21 +Dear God, you see these tears. You know that I mourn for my father. On this side of life, on this earth, I won't see my father again. I won't go to Brooklyn's Chinatown anymore to visit him. I've been in Hong Kong and didn't bury my father, God. That's a sacrifice. + +Also I won't visit my grandmother in this way. She's literally trapped in Panama. Have mercy on her and that nation and bring an end to COVID in Jesus' name, God. I also pray that just as Karen wants her grandmother to witness our wedding, so Karen and I can visit my grandmother, reassure her of our marriage, lay hands on her, and pray for her in Jesus' name. This is your miracle and testimony, God, for your glory and the good of the church. Please remember me and my family. + +Dear God, thank you for your sense of humor: I had interviewed for the NET teacher at Christian Alliance SC Chan Memorial College and at Fukien Secondary School, and received an offer at the former. After attending an EDUHK public lecture featuring the panel head and NET at Fukien Secondary School, I understand why my education qualifications initially piqued the interest of that School. Curiously, God, I'm glad that Christian Alliance SC Chan found a NET teacher, and that NET teacher even introduced his background and asked a question at the EDUHK public lecture! + +Dear God, thank you for the morning, even time to run, to listen humorously to the EDUHK public lecture, and Soggy Bob’s SP anniversary message. Thank you for time to develop the website and to even look at my manuscript again. I surrender these things to you. I won’t worry. You have provided according to the riches of your glory in Jesus’ name. + +15.1.21 +Dear God, you are generous; and you check people’s hearts for the same. At the same time, you enable even the poor to be generous, giving out of their poverty. Thank you for leading and providing for us in these ways. + +I feel conflicted, God, about my landlord’s generosity. I already have difficulty trusting him because I know he has not shared with me his best but his leftovers, stuff he doesn’t want or like. And after today’s encounter, there is just more evidence of this. However, I wonder if these are the equivalent of his turtle doves, that even the act of giving is better than the absence of it. In this way, for me as a man, I can receive his sharing. + +Nonetheless, far be it for me or for him to offer you, God, our leftovers, the stuff we were going to get rid of anyway. I humble myself before you and pray that salvation come to my landlord and his family, and that he would give his best to others in Jesus’ name. Please improve his finances, God. Please increase my faith today, Lord, to also give generously and humbly, to my neighbors, for your glory and the good of the church. Amen. + +14.1.21 +Dear God, thanks for the time to meet my form five students in person and to teach them to write. I've enjoyed teaching them, God. Thank you for them and I pray you bless them. Salvation come to the m + +13.1.21 +Dear God, thank you for speaking to me and encouraging me today, even that my supposed injury behind my left knee may be but the same inflammation that I am suffering these days in the fingers on my right hand. Please reduce the swelling in Jesus' name. + +Dear God, thank you for breaking my heart for what breaks yours, for at last I feel compassion for Sari. + +I had observed her indirect communication to me in the house; I could assume her communication is passive aggressive; and I concluded that I could never meet her standards of smell and cleanliness. + + I had observed the lack of direct or edifying conversation between her and her husband. I had noted the husband’s almost flippant attitude towards his wife and my concerns about sharing the household. I noticed even today that the husband is literally out of sync with his wife and family during the day. I noticed the husband’s hope for 2021 was about a stock market crash, and not people. I concluded that Sari was a quarrelsome wife, perhaps a woman scorned. + +I had remembered her kindness — largely outdoors — and counted that these days she is happy rarely. I assume she is more angry than happy, disagreeable than agreeable. For the first time, I pity her. + +When I asked her, she hoped for nothing in 2021. If I can face a mid life crisis, so can she, having moved to a smaller flat in 2020, having suffered in a society wide pandemic, and suffering her family and me. + +For the first time, I can pray for her salvation. And I have more understanding and grace so as to treat her kindly in Jesus’ name, for God’s glory and the good of the church. Only you, God, can change her heart by your love. + +Dear God, thank you for Paul and Sari. Thank you for Paul appreciates and respects Sari for her honesty and strength. Wow. + +Dear God, thank you for revealing your compassion to us. + +Thank you for emphasizing your gentleness, Jesus, holding back your power, God, for your glory and our good. You know how faint we would be were you to show your almighty power. + +To be sure, THEN you reveal your omnipotence to the disciples through the transfiguration. + +Thank you for your sense of humor so as to use Dragonball Z transfigurations to help me understand the disciples’ reaction to your transfiguration, Jesus. It’s as if the disciples at last saw your power level, God, over 9000. To see you as a more prototypical king, the disciples got far more than they expected. + +And after the transfiguration, God you again emphasize your gentleness as you reassure the disciples with your voice. + +I want to be more gentle like you, Jesus, but I really don’t know how to hold back power these days, with my neighbors, God. Maybe this is to suffer a little more with my landlord’s family, to not complain but to lovingly accept our circumstances, the momentary light affliction; what’s more to pray that my thought life about them change, and that salvation come to them for your glory and their good in Jesus’ name. + +12.1.21 +Dear God, thank you for a quiet day. Yet there are troubles and I succumb to troubles and temptations. Please increase my faith and continue to be strong and do work for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +11.1.21 +Dear God, thank you for a time to rest from running; and a time to write. Thank you for your mercies over the McKeon household. Salvation come in Jesus’ name. + +10.1.21 +Dear God. Thank you for a day to rest. Thank you for the Sunday Message, and thank you for time to visit flats, to share dinner and to pray to you. + +God. Maybe the house church will face trials this season. A bumpier ride in a season of consolidation for the church. God. We are a disengaged family and thank you that we are a family! Please increase our love and faith in Jesus’ name. + +9.1.21 +Dear God. Thank you for the time to be bold in the faith, specifically, to minister to Ah Ming and to give him my hat, scarf and gloves. Thank you for his good cheer and that he is used to sleeping outdoors. Salvation come to him. And thank you God for providing another hat, scarf and gloves to me! + +Dear God. Thank you for time with Billy to start writing with him about thanksgiving, at 07:10 daily. Salvation come. + +8.1.21 +Jesus. You are gentle and humble in heart. + +You care for people not least by minding the crowds and the timing of your ministry so as not to get overcrowded!? + +You care for people because you hear when people call. You do not violate people’s free will. But when you speak to us, we people rarely listen to you and we dishonor you; and I am sorry. Please forgive us. + +You show us to persevere in prayer, for your glory and the good of the church in your name, Jesus. + +In my relationships, I have enjoyed integrating possible partners with my friends and other people, perhaps too soon, when I should spend more alone time with possible partners. I have not been a serious pursuer in many instances with women. + +Dear God, I don’t have many good memories with the McKeons, especially not in this flat, and not indoors — COVID changed the season of our relationship. Please increase my faith to live with the McKeons and then my family, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for answering prayer to increase my faith, in an unexpected way. Thank you for Ah Ming by Cafe 8 and the opportunity for me to give him my hat, scarf and gloves. Thank you for the beer preceding our encounter. Thank you for his good cheer to be thankful and to even say he got used to sleeping outdoors. Salvation come. You love him and me, Jesus. + +7.1.21 Mark 4 + +Parables speak and shine. The extent of our attention is indicative of our heart. + +Parables are like money in that they reveal the character of the hearer. They shine a light on the heart. Parables and messages might be similar in that they invite more engagement, but will people attempt to understand more!? In life, just as we can use money for good or evil, so we will encounter people who listen (to God) and engage parables and messages to understand what God is saying, and we will encounter people who go no further than cursory listening, never understanding. By the parable of the souls as soils, it seems 25% understand and 75% don’t. + +Does the persecution happen not from people, but from our circumstances and the enemy? The persecution is self-sabotage, for instance. + +Steady your own. + +Dear God. I humble my soul before you and pray to be good soil for your words; and I pray the same for Karen and my house church: I guess you have been speaking to me about rallying the HC to pay attention in past months. And to speak to me recently about doubling down on existing relationships, but not letting others fall away so easily. For me and my house church, I pray for a greater hunger for your word, to eat and be filled for your glory and the good of the church. In Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Glenn, to confess my weaknesses and temptations to him, that would persist whether I was with Karen or another woman; and the lack of physical passion, if not sexual attraction, between Karen and me. Thank you for helping me to remember that Karen and I had that passion; and that relationships change, and I have not been in such a long relationship to know how relationships change for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name! Nonetheless, I pray for fidelity in my heart, to increase in faith and loyalty, and passion in Jesus' name. + +6.1.21 +If what preserves life is right on the sabbath, don’t do anything life taking. In others, do recreation. + +Jesus, you are demonstrating that you are God by performing miraculous healings, and forgiving sins, and performing on the sabbath; so that the ultimate sin is to deny forgiveness of sins through you, God. + +Dear God, thank you for time with Karen, and the responsibility to care for her and to love her sacrificially. + +Thank you also for the time and conviction to ask Sari if she teachers Jess to cook and to clean. Thank you for her answering that she has, since Jess was five! I pray that by your kindness revealed, the McKeons and I would treat each other more kindly in Jesus' name. + +5.1.21 +Dear God. Thank you for leading me from yesterday to today. Thank you. Thank you for a meal. How satisfying it was. Thank you for the EMP message, for you are speaking: if I can believe you heal, I can believe you forgive my sins; I am not self sufficient, obviously, so you are glorified, the savior of the world, Jesus; just as you personally adopted Levi, so I can believe you have personally adopted me; and what sense of humor you have that Edwin and I are fasting like Pharisees or John’s disciples. You love us, God. And I want to worship you, and pray in Jesus’ name. + +If whatever you are abstaining from as you fast is causing you to sin, cut it off. You fast to be near to God who is holy; you don’t fast to sin and to turn away from God! + +Be in his presence. +You should praise and pray, not be in pain. + +If we are still in a season of consolidation, separating goats and sheep, wheat from chaff, then continue to plant roots: start and deepen relationships; date; marry; and have kids. You focus, strengthen and consolidate your existing relationships. + +I have a lot of bad memories in this kitchen. I wonder if Sari teaches how to cook and clean because Sari is skilled and there is limited years with a teachable Jess; and Jess going to pass down what she knows about domestic work to her children. + +4.1.21 +Dear Jesus, thank you for the light of life. Thank you for the resumption of work; and thank you for a quiet afternoon. You are merciful, God, in granting me rest. I pray to continue to walk with you humbly today, the third day of the fast, when I don’t feel very strong. Please take hold of me, Spirit, and have your way, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Thank you for music, God, and edifying music that I pray is pleasing to you in Jesus’ name. + +3.1.21 +Dear God, thank you for a long run today. + +At the same time, I feel disappointed that I didn’t finish the manuscript. Please be here, God, in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God. Thank you for time to bond with Louie over, “take it off;” and time to bond with Karen’s dad over his disappointment in the governance of Hong Kong. I pray for a peaceful transition of the Hong Kong government in Jesus’ name. + +2.1.21 +Dear God, thank you for your love and faithfulness. You have changed me and strengthened my heart, by your loving discipline over me. God, I remember being hurt when a university dorm floor mate called me the strangest person he had met. And now, 20 years later, you have made me fine, sitting by myself, apart from the other Notre Dame alumni at the Notre dame college football playoff game watch. I humble myself before you, God, and pray your authority continue to rule over me and shape me for your glory and the good of the church, especially through marriage. In Jesus’ name. + +1.1.21 +Dear God, thank you for some nice encounters for me and Karen with Amanda and Katherine. God bless them and salvation come. + +Dear God. Thank you for time to talk with Paul. I humble myself before for I don’t know how to be intimate with Paul and only salvation comes from you. Only you will change Paul and his family’s heart by your love. Thank you for the time to pray for Paul and his family, first for the improvement of his finances, and importantly, for salvation in Jesus’ name. + +30.12.20 from Max +Tit for tat; men are from Mars approach; compromising individualism approach are recipes for disaster, says Max from his first eight years of marriage; sacrificial love where the man is in charge but leads sacrificially by example is the radical way + +Send Bible plan notes to me by email + +29.12.20 +I have not felt love today, and I was not loving to myself or my neighbor. I felt angry and frustrated, at myself and my circumstances, specifically correcting students’ writing to seemingly no effect. I wanted to write and to focus on writing. In other words, without humility, I wanted to do what I wanted to do. + +I get the sense that if I felt loved now and generally at work, I might have an easier time marking. I might say more positive words to my students and my neighbors. + +I also apply this teaching to Karen and her flat search — and her nerves. She wants to do what she wants to do. And I try to allow you to do what you want to do with little sacrifice involved. Maybe she would be willing to sacrifice more, moving further from her family for instance, and even leaving Hong Kong, if I loved her more. For now these changes to my heart and hers are pipe dreams, the miracle of God. + +Similarly, perhaps Sari would be far more sacrificial and tolerant were she loved more; and Paul would love more if he were loved more. + +God gets what he wants when you love. You get what you want when you love. + +I want to love, accept and sacrifice humbly. I don’t want to tolerate and resign. + +What takes faith is that Karen and I don’t love each other much now. But that in Jesus’ name, God will grow our capacity to love so that our behaviors will change, and our attitudes, especially, fidelity and loyalty, will strengthen. At present, we might just tolerate each other but we don’t really love one another. + +27.12.20 +Dear God, thank you for your palpable, loving presence this morning. Thank you for speaking to me about partial fasting, not least to abstain from coffee in the morning to pray; and to cut everything out after 21:00 so as to minister to you, God. + +Thank you for the reminder to contend for heart change within me, so as to be loyal and faithful to Karen all my days; and to find meaningful work and a flat; and to tell my neighbors about Jesus + +then to abstain from beer and processed sugars. And to abstain from media!? + +I need to pray to you. Would you put me in a position to pray!? + +23.12.20 +Dear God. Thank you for the quiet moment in the barbershop chair; when you minister, Holy Spirit; and I worship you. + +Thank you for leading me to be generous to the barber by paying her $100 for a $40 hair cut. + +Dear God. Thank you for changing my heart to gratitude, and maybe this is a benefit of fasting. Specifically, thank you for these 10 things: + +1. For an increase in life and faith, specifically, surviving two, complex spinal cord surgeries without any complications. +2. For an increase in faith, specifically, proposing marriage to Karen and preparing for marriage. +3. For rest and favor at work, not least because of school suspension and half days from the COVID-19 pandemic. And my surgeries. +4. For an increase in faith, not least to honor my promise to the school principal to not break the contract, and refusing an enticing NET job offer and refusing to apply for enticing research posts. +5. For an increase in perseverance and faith in the church, specifically, by the formation of the house church prayer group and my informally influencing and mobilizing the house church. +6. For fully restored physical health, not least to run this year the highest weekly average mileage, the top five most miles per week, and personal bests in 1500, mile, 3K and 5K distances. +7. For learning to write confidently and coherently to publish a book chapter and two high-impact journal articles. +8. For conversations with my father this year before he passed, especially our last conversation; and for the most meaningful and consoling conversation with my brother after our father’s passing. + +20.12.20 delaney’s wanchai Notre Dame game + +Dear God, I humble myself before you. You are gentle, humble, loving and kind to me. Please show me your glory, not least through your word; that I may hear you in your word and meditate on your word more. To be sure, a part of my wandering is not meditating on what you say. Please forgive me. + +16.12.20 +Dear God, thank you for speaking to me through Karen to write my testimony; and through Glenn to celebrate. I humble myself before you, I write about your work for your glory and the good of the church; and I celebrate your presence. + +You told me to rest, God, in 2020. By two spinal cord surgeries, one in December 2019 and the other in May 2020, you provided the conditions for me to rest, not least from work, running, writing and the search for more work. By COVID-19 waves, God, you provided conditions again for me to rest, from a whole day's work and in-school work -- how you use the foolish things of the world to shame the wise! By my engagement to Karen, you provide conditions for me to rest from so many, fruitless relationships. Even by my father's sudden passing this year, you provided conditions for me to rest, not least so I could mourn. God, you love me and are speaking to me now about the dangers of careerism and the beautiful enjoyment of deep and sustainable human relationships. This is the rest for my soul that you, Jesus, spoke of. In other words, the yoke of careerism is heavy and makes me weary; but your yoke and burden, Jesus, as realized in doing life with your chosen people, are easy and light. + + + +13.12.20 +Dear God, thank you for the moment last night after premarital counseling to tell Karen that I was still using pornography, not least to manage my exhaustion and anxiety. + +I should tell her my fear of remaining loyal to her; and the effect of unsolicited recall of sexual experiences with ex girlfriends on me. + +For fantasy, better video game streaming and pro wrestling than pornography; importantly, better sleep, a snack or a walk than pornography. + +Only you can change my heart and I humble myself before you. I need to truly repent in Jesus' name and leave this life of sin. I don't want to invite sin into my relationship with Karen. + +Karen is very nervous around her family. She acts out by looking for any way to help. + +Our kids will exploit Karen’s nervous weakness by acting out and forcing reactions from her. Unless I discipline them. + +7.12.20 +Hello, I made an observation about our house church while listening to the Sunday sermon. The observation's implications troubled me enough to share the observation with some house church members, and then to seek advice from our church's men's prayer ministry. I would like to share this observation and its implications with you. I will share some suggestions for us to address the problem. + +My observation is many of us consistently come unprepared to house church in terms of retaining anything from the Sunday sermon. I make this observation as someone who has attended this house church weekly for more than a year, and who has observed how some people don't answer when house church leaders ask if anyone has attended or listened to the sermon, how more people have not had any thoughts about the message, and many cannot summarize the sermon, let alone recall anything from it. + +A major implication is that if we are not retaining anything from the sermon, we are not understanding anything from the message, be it the sermon's arguments or vocabulary words; and this impacts the participation, coherence and depth of our house church discussions. I am more convinced that one reason why our house church discussions have sometimes regressed into semantic discussions, or obscure discussions where only a few members can follow is that we haven't achieved a critical mass of house church members who first, have retained anything from the message, and two, have understood anything from the message. + +Another implication is that many of use who are not prepared are disrespecting our leaders and other members' time and efforts to prepare for house church. Especially if unprepared people are attempting to discuss the sermon. Ultimately, our being unprepared and inattentive threaten the unity of our church. + +Admittedly, a few of us have difficulty retaining anything. + +If we are ignorant as to how we could become more prepared and attentive for house church discussion, a key to retention is repetition. I share the following suggestions from my teaching experience. First, we should write notes during the discussion, be it our thoughts and reflections on what is being said or the speaker's verbatim quotes. Second, we should review notes, either our own or the speaker's within 24 hours preceding the house church discussion; three, we might start house church discussion by each member sharing a key takeaway from the sermon; and fourth, we should pray for ourselves, because we may have a spiritual issue inhibiting our attempts to unify the church. + + +6.12.20 +Chinese religion is not a consistent orthodoxy. It appears to be an extremely liberal religion. It answers the question of whether philosophy and practice can be separated as yes, given the types of philosophies and practices that are mixed and matched, as selecting foods for consumption at a buffet. + +For us, marketplace competition is not a consistent orthodoxy. It appears to be an extremely liberal religion. It answers the question of whether philosophy and practice can be separated as yes, given the types of philosophies and practices that are mixed and matched, as selecting foods for consumption at a buffet. We invite different brands and beliefs into our lives without considering the implications. We even throw God into our selfish competition for our time and attention. + +Besides asking ourselves the question of whether philosophy and practice can be separated, as in yoga, a more important question is whether I just want to do what I want to do, that is, obeying myself, as opposed to obeying others, and importantly, obeying God. + +Dear God, I regret not visiting my father in the past year before he died. I regret not obeying him over the past few years and moving back to New York. If I had known people who suffer kidney failure without a transplant survive only 5-10 years, I would have moved home. + +1.12.20 +Is Karen clingy, as a matter of abandonment fear? + +28.11.20 Dorothy +I had told Dorothy about my misery at my present school, where my effort hasn't lead to success. I was officially a below average teacher based on my lesson observations and assignment inspections. I explained that my line manager was minimising her work not least because she didn't want to be a line manager. Nonetheless, I felt I had regressed as a teacher and not developed. I was suffering a crisis in confidence. + +When Dorothy asked me what I had learned from this experience, I said to walk humbly with God, to pray for difficult people, and to find a new job. I added that I was looking for university work, preferably assistant professor work, and that I would consider teaching in schools a last resort. I would prefer being an administrator in an international school to being a teacher in a mainstream school. + +Dorothy said that I should have told her earlier about the NET offer at the Tuen Mun school. She said I should have told the CSKMS principal about the offer and asked for his advice -- of course he would give me his blessing to break the contract! + +Dorothy then told me that I have been yoking myself to the world's standards of professional work and financial value. These standards were making me unhappy. She told me about her husband, who had yoked himself in the same way: after graduating from Manchester, he returned to Hong Kong to work as a manager and ended up being fired; and he ended up teaching at a school for a high salary and was fired too. He did not listen to Dorothy's pleas that he take an entry-level position in forestry, doing what he loves, and having the bandwidth to care for his children. Dorothy is convinced that her husband's chronic unhappiness influenced his cancer. + +Dorothy said that becoming an entrepreneur changed her. she had to unlearn a lot from her formal education experience -- and to unyoke herself from the world's standards. Then she found contentment in what she was doing, in her small space, with her little, $20,000 salary; and she became even more generous with her students and finances to her difficult colleagues and children respectively. + +Dorothy recommended that I think outside the world's box; and that if I became an entrepreneur, and if I close the gap between what I provide and what the market needs, I would become successful. She said it was essential I focus on my relationship with Karen, and that if she and I agreed, I could take on a business, larger or small, and have sufficient bandwidth to homeschool children. I said this would be possible if God changed my heart. + +I do think it might be possible to start an educational consulting and exam preparation business wherever Karen and I move next year. Prosper where I'm planted. + + +27.11.20 +Dear God, I feel disappointed, not least because of opposition at work. How are you at work in my work, God? + +Importantly, I feel disappointed because even my mentors, and older, wiser, more humble and faithful men can be slow to listen and quick to speak. I feel sad. + +Yet I thank you for showing me their weaknesses, and convicting me all the more to pray for these people and to love them. You are merciful and kind, God. And you love me, God, and will enable me to look over their trespasses for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. You can even use me to be a revelation of your love into these people’s lives. + +22.11.20 09:00 service +Technology has enabled convenience and flippancy and casualness to faith. At the same time, it can lead to more focus. More listening in the morning and during running. Routine prayer meeting but still flippancy. + +My adultery is about having everything, on my own strength. I will provide. Dwelling on First Karen, Pat or Sheila is like dashing myself on rocks. Not good for anyone. + +My anxiety is about having certainty, without faith, on my own. It is a negative emotional coping mechanism in the midst of uncertainty. + +A lifestyle oriented primarily towards comfort and convenience is natural but inhibits growth in Christ, knowing Him. Self-induced difficulty might promote growth in Christ. + +It takes courage to take the narrow door, away from a false sense of certainty, comfortable or not. + +Fasting is saying yes to Jesus and n + +Is my faith growing? +Is my love growing? +Are my relationships growing? Work? Finances? + +15.11.20 11:30 service +Pastor Kenny is non-confrontational so I respect and admire his decision to ask how I was after we chatted about haircuts; he was brave; and I shared with him about Karen and my PMC and our argument and resolution. (There are many more like him, chill, cheerful, highly skilled and non confrontational) + +God is speaking to me and the house church through the message about interpersonal conflict and confrontation, but not sin confrontation — maybe that would be between Wesley and me. + +God was speaking to me too at PMC about arguments and quarrels, and importantly, communication. I feel more convicted to break walls of conflict around me. And maybe God does too. + +We should not immediately confront and we should patiently endure and pray; but we must eventually confront. We must trust God and be brave. + +The house church and I have benefited from Barton confronting me about my direct and aggressive behavior in the house church. + +I have learned the need to be tactful at house church. At the same time, I must trust God, because if matters of opinion, that is agreement and disagreement, distress house church members, how much more matters of morality, that is right and wrong!? I don’t know if anyone in our house church could suffer this. + +Naturally, I make excuses, including we lack intimacy, and I fear she would not understand. Importantly, my issue has not been what her heart is, but my heart motive when I confront her. Would I speak the truth in love? Kind (with scripting) and necessary (for her interest, my health and church unity and leadership experience) and true? For this reason, I should script. + +Having felt annoyed, I think the miracle of God is that I have said anything affirming and charitable at all about this person! + +Will either of us be understood!? + +Put this matter to rest, find rest for the weary, Jesus, says. + +13.11.20 morning +I have prided myself on my own strength and endurance. For which reason I have struggled without it, when I have been informed and incapacitated; and I have been confused and anxious when I am exhausted, be it in the late afternoon or late evening. I have also been harsh because of my pride, I think. + +God, your joy is my strength and relying on my own strength isn’t your heart. I am sorry. Please forgive me for my pride of life. I humble myself before. I thank you for enjoyable moments in this life and pray for eternal perspective to know that you have provided and you have taken away, for your glory and the good of the church amen. + +1.11.20 +Disorders or imbalance +- Negative emotional reactivity, from me and others, especially through text and demands for immediate responses and rescheduling +- A lack of professional confidence, focus, satisfaction, enjoyment and stability — I am objectively a below average teacher in HK band three school and postgraduate program; job search; business development; flat search +- A lack of daily focus to realize goals such as manuscript writing +- Fear of weakness and performance anxiety; harshness — thank you, Jesus, for the 3D class and my father, to show me people who have lived without harshness or performativity pressure +- Excessive focus on being understood and being clever +- Individual listening by prayer and reading the word +- Family salvation + +Ordering or balancing +- 3D and other classes, less shouting, more explicit classroom management and routines; simplifying formative instructional practices + +NET as instructional coach and English innovation change agent: a school’s case for organizational infrastructure + +Ordered or balanced +- Work life +- Running +- Bedtime +- Corporate prayer, church fellowship and ministry +- Eating +- Being in HK + + +29.10.20 +Dear God, thank you for speaking to me about mourning not least through Bond and Peter so that I know speaking more and well about my father, and displaying his photos will be important for the rest of my life. Thank you for speaking to me that You have him for your glory. + +Thank you for speaking to me through Felicia, about how I can share all my thoughts and feelings with you, and about how I can even contend that you bring my father to your bosom in Jesus' name. Please speak to me about returning to the USA. Thank you for the flat search with Felicia today, so that we know that access to open space is essential for me, not necessarily owning ope. space. + +28.10.20 +Dear God, my father is gone and I pray that You have him in eternal paradise in Jesus’ name. My family and I are sad and we pray for your comfort and consolation, Holy Spirit, particularly that my family would sleep well and that you would provide time and place for my mourning. God, I don’t want to live with regret: please lead me to know how to mourn and how to plan my life after my father’s passing, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +That said, God, I am thankful that my father knew you, and he knew Karen and I are getting married; that my dad and I could talk about mundane things like getting a new flip phone for him; and that he and I grew close over this decade. + +And thank you God for the reminder that the last time my father and I spoke, he said he supported me in my job search and other endeavors and wanted me to be happy. + +27.10.20 +A large wave, not a tsunami. The house church members on surf boards. Is every house church member going to catch this wave? Every house church member should catch the wave; and not resist; and not get washed away. For the wave is God doing a new work in our HC, renewing it. God is changing the face of TST house church. Be a part of what God is doing. Be a part of this HC testimony. + +we as a HC need to ride on. god is doing sth new and the wave represents the new work he is going to do. HC members should ride this wave and don’t resist. Time of Renewal + +26.10.20 +Dear God, thank you for creating me, with a lot of intellect, emotion and physicality. + +Thank you for the enjoyment of small things today, especially Indonesian coffee, and running; thank you for the greater enjoyment of the sabbath, to flee from anxiety, to recreate and to find rest in you in Jesus’ name. + +Thank you for speaking to me about your holy order and people’s roles in the body of Christ, through the word and today’s message. + + +25.10.20 +I lost my rest these weeks. The enemy used work to deceive me, so that my mind was not sober, but clouded with negative emotion. I thought the treasure was not the people at work but the quality of my work. At work, I pierced myself with many griefs. The enemy ultimately deceived me from the gospel message. Only God has saved through Jesus Christ to those who believe. Only the piercing of Jesus, his grief on my behalf, can save all men for all time. + + + +24.10.20 +Dear God, I am not sure why my life has turned busy and unhappy these few weeks; but I do know the problem of pain points to you. I humble myself before you and pray to receive your love today, even this morning; to fix my eyes on you; and to love you, not least by loving my neighbor as myself, focusing on the quality of our relationships and not the quality of my work in Jesus’ name. Your treasure, God, is the people. + +23.10.20 +If God’s treasure is the people the. the narrow path is focusing on the quality of our relationships at work and the broad path to destruction is focusing on the quality of our work. + + +18.10.20 Karen family dinner +I remember my mother visiting her parents almost weekly, driving us to Brooklyn. + +I remember my father’s parents staying with us for a month at a time. + +So my family is conservative. And I should live within a monthly weekend plane ride away from my parents — eastern seaboard and Midwest to Houston. + +18.10.20 second service + +Talk to Viv, David and Ed + +A church attendee might have a FWB mentality + +From Paul’s writing to the early church to today’s teaching, free riding in Christian life is unacceptable + +My emotional volatility has impacted my immediate focus detrimentally but not my discipline + +““You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” +‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:43-48‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/mat.5.43-48.niv + +For God’s glory and the good of the church, we all need to voluntarily include the tail of our peloton — difficult people who need the most help and are not the most immediately helpful or useful + +15.10.20 +Dear God, I had my worst day for the school year today. I have a hard time forgiving myself for wasting my own time, wandering around Microsoft word and exam drafts as the Israelites wandered around the desert for 40 years. I have a hard time forgiving myself for choosing to work at this place and enduring meaningless, pedantic, frustrating work annually. And so you test the heart. + +Even Peter needs the church: he is not his own island. + +“Peter replied, “Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will.”” +‭‭Matthew‬ ‭26:33‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/mat.26.33.niv + +Dear God, thank you for James, Glenn and Matthew during my dating relationship with Anna. Thank you for using them to speak into my life for your glory and the good of the church. Thank you for making James the house church leader. + +14.11.20 +Edwin wants the final say on his identity. Who he is. + +I pray God would surround you with older. Wiser, more humble, clever and more faithful people. And that God would speak to you through these people. + +God. I don’t know what to think about how you spoke to Israel about salvation, and how we can speak the same verses to individuals about salvation — when did salvation become individualistic!? + + +11.10.20 +We all get saved on someone else’s mission field. + +If discipleship is becoming more like Jesus, this is a refinement process, as evidenced in the Biblical metaphors of sharpening and purification by fire. And this process is born of God’s love for us and our love for Him. + +The removal of imperfections will not be pleasant likely, so how does that translate into our everyday lives? How do we inconvenience ourselves as a matter of loving God and our neighbors? + +As God sends Christians into the marketplace in disguise, so the enemy might deceive lawyers, doctors etc., disguise them as Christians send them to church to introduce false teaching and division. + +4.10.20 +An order of authentic communities in terms of time, talent and treasure commitment and friendships + +1. SP HOP +2. eGape +3. House church (a safe place to do life with difficult people; the most family like) +4. HOP +5. Tuesday track + +If church is the gym for the soul, the commitment to house church is the discipline or exercise. + +2.10.20 +The problem of science and of writing are that both are slow. In contrast, my instincts are fast. They bristle under the disciplines of science and writing. + +That said, like marriage, science and writing might be good for me in sanctifying way. I am not naturally suited for a career in science and writing, just as I am not suited for a lifetime relationship of monogamy and fidelity, but God doesn’t play to my strengths: God acts according to His good, pleasing and perfect will. Besides, a strengths-based approach is merely, popular organizational psychology and not Biblical, because grace is not meritocratic. + +Dear God, I am not ready to propose just as my plan to propose is not ready. Actually, my plan to propose in the hotel before lunch tomorrow has been spoiled! I repent for not seriously seeking you God to prepare for proposal. At the same time, I trust you that anything good from this proposal will come from you and that you will increase my faith. Thank you, God, and in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. + +29.9.20 +Dear God. I don’t know how to begin my job search: I would like to work in the field of school leadership; but not in a research intensive university. + +10.9.20 +Dear God, Holy Spirit in particular, thank you this evening for reminding me about the spirit of offense; it might be not only on landlord’s wife but also on me! I know seeing my windows open, my shoes out the door and my bottle on the floor offend me. Please forgive me. But I trust you Spirit, that you at work for your glory and my good; in revealing this to me as a check on my heart. + +And thank you Holy Spirit for your work in my heart, to act in the opposite spirit, to be generous by giving expensive ice cream to my landlord’s family and the security guard tonight, when doing so was a test: I did not stand to gain; and definitely was not in the mood to do it but for you. + +Dear God, thank you for intimacy with my colleague so that we got to fellowship and share coffee. Thank you for a sister in Christ but also for delivering me from evil. There may be temptation with her and please put a guard over my heart and eyes in Jesus’ name. + +Dear Holy Spirit, thank you for checking my heart towards my difficult colleague, today, when she had initiated conversation about my coffee and I had paid scant attention to her; you moved my heart to be generous and to offer to make her my best coffee, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +Dear Holy Spirit, you answer prayer and were at work in house church last night. You moves our conversation and put amazingly affirming words in my mouth to speak into my difficult sister’s life. Wow. And amen. + +7.9.20 +Dear God, you do answer prayer, and you do show me your personal love for me, in the quietest way. Today, Sacred Heart Canossian College calls after me and although I am employed this year and will not break my contract, that another highest caliber school would talk to me encourages and strengthens me. I don’t know if I will go down the road of being a Christian NET in a Christian school but I know this is a sign of your personal love, specifically that you care for me professionally, for your glory in Jesus’ name. + +5.9.20 +A public, monumental place like Glenn or Tim Yung +After social distancing lifted +Maybe decorations +House church, James, Bonita, Terri and single life, Tim and Mei Li, Fans + +26.8.20 +To find someone who accepts me is to your glory, God. But can I accept her, and accept ourselves, not least sexually? How will fidelity influence our attraction? At the same time, I’m scared to not enjoy and to feel trapped in this marriage. I’m not sure this relationship is bringing out my best for her and for me. + +25.8.20 Morning +Dear God, thank you for the humbling conversation with Edwin last night about pure desire, and particularly my hesitation to join it. Thank you that according to your will, if I must honor and obey my church leaders by joining, regardless of outcome, I will join. + +Thank you for speaking to me to pray for myself and the men of Solomon’s Porch, that we would be restored to you sexually, that your sexual order would reign in us, and not sexual immorality; that you would heal us from any wounds that cause us to act out and away from you; and that we would avail ourselves of your love and comfort when we are tempted and weak in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, I don’t know if Paul and Sari are enjoying their marriage as there appears to be no emotional intimacy and very little verbal communication besides Sari’s nagging; and I don’t know if Sari is generally happy, given how different our communication values are — her preference being visual and non-verbal; and mine being verbal. But I pray that salvation would come to Paul and Sari and that their marriage would be more loving and enjoyable, whatever that means, in Jesus’ name. + +God, my fear is that Karen and my communication would be more argumentative than not — that could definitely be the case were she and I to leave Hong Kong and be away from her family and friends. A related fear is that I would be unhappy and chronically not enjoying the marriage. She too. + +24.8.20 +Men’s prayer Meeting +What is your purpose in writing? Write it down! A clear purpose might indicate a whole hearts, and unclear purposes might indicate a divided heart. The implication is with a clear purpose, we can wholeheartedly ask God to realize it; but with an unclear, our prayers will not be a whole hearted and might even be at odds with each other. + +Joy inspires generosity; and be generous with your ideas; you can jot down your ideas even today, after school, using voice dictation. + +My prayer for myself, my house church, and the men of the church, is that this week we would be especially generous with our time talent and treasure with individuals around us; not only that but we would experience Jesus’ love peace and joy and give them. + +Consider your book in terms of problems and solutions. + +I am a part of the education system shift in Jesus name. + +22.8.20 men’s retreat +Dear God, thank you for the time to listen to you and to treasure this experience with you in my heart. + +Lord. Thank you for the time to witness, a work from me to you because of your grace. + +Lord, I am like your servant Moses in that I have lacked words, to explain to people what prayer to you is, and who you are. I have also been rash and impatient and have not operated according to your time. Please forgive me. + +I humble myself before you and give you the glory. I trust you and ask you to increase my faith and resolve. According to your will, I would continue to pray for people and ask how to pray for people, and that you would reveal prayer, your character and your presence immediately to people, in their hearts or even through me, for your glory in Jesus name. + +21.8.20 MTR, after talking with Glenn + +Dear God, +Thank you for speaking to me through Glenn about being content, and patient as you are at work for your glory and the good of the church. Glenn and I both wait on you. + +Thank you for showing me my passions for entrepreneurship, in coffee, and in running shoes and learning English through fitness coaching, and the opportunity to do all three one day in Jesus’ name. + +17.8.20 +Dear God, thank you Holy Spirit for leading me to pray to you, to humble myself before you, and to allow you to lead me to say good words over myself and others, every morning. You lead me and love me for your glory and my good. When I don’t feel loved and loving, you lead me to return to you, to decide to be loved and to love in Jesus’ name. + +Dear God, thank you for being gentle with me, and convicting me about my ambition, specifically how 15 years ago I had terrible ambition to be a NET teacher, and how realizing this ambition now brings no satisfaction. Being a NET teacher, in my pride, is not enough for me. God you oppose the proud and show favor to the humble. So according to your will, I will be a NET teacher, and glorify your name. Thank you, God, for your faithfulness. + +16.8.20 +Ecclesiastes is written by someone who has realized all Of his ambition. +Job is about someone who has suffered none of his ambition. + +Letting go of ex girlfriends in the heart for your spouse is an act keeping in repentance, in the same way that offering only to the Lord, and not to parents or idols is an act keeping in repentance. + +13.8.20 +Dear God, you kingdom is your holy order and it is inside of me. It is reflected in my integrity. It is also reflected in my fidelity, an aspect of integrity. Infidelity has no part in your kingdom and is disordered. + +Unfortunately, infidelity lives within me and makes me feel pretty messed up. My infidelity makes me image conscious; and it makes me wander from you in dry places, searching for idols: I push myself to my limits, seeking new people and experiences; I check Instagram; and importantly, I question my ability to remain faithful to my spouse. + +My infidelity is an internal condition and has nothing to do with my spouse. I would have infidelity no matter who my spouse is. + +Actually, your kingdom and your order are reflected in marriage. You gave your people marriage as a mechanism for your kingdom to come: your kingdom comes as people willingly, humbly and faithfully struggle with violence to remain in marriage; and in a person integrity and fidelity are solidified. + +You comfort me, Holy Spirit, because if I cannot stand infidelity within me, then I must embrace marriage, because infidelity and marriage cannot exist within the same person for long. I must take hold of your kingdom within me with more violence for your glory and my good in Jesus name. + + God, thank you, for when your people are in right relationship with you, you experience joy and we your people are strong. Your face shining on us enables us to be strong and to overcome in Jesus’ name. To be sure, thank you for today, and leading me not to a new school but to remain at my current school, for your glory and the good of the church. You continue to love me and amaze me, and I worship you. + +Dear God, thank you for leading me to my school, and keeping me there, for your glory and the good of the church. I am humbled that you would create these circumstances for me and my neighbors and keep these circumstances for us. Thank you for the opportunity to preach your gospel, and to demonstrate your power, Holy Spirit. You are at work in my life and in my neighbors. Please continue to have your way; your kingdom come and your will be done in my life and school as it is in heaven. + + +2.8.20 +Maybe a Godly thing to remember the poor is to write a journal manuscript and a book about egape. + +19.7.20 nap and family dinner +During sleep, I might have imagined how Karen and I may experience conflict over raising children. + +At dinner. This becomes clearer in observing how Karen and her family treat their grandmother. She is not enabled to operate independently at the table, whether in moving her seat, selecting her food or even putting food in her mouth. I am far more inclined to let grandma try and clasp food with chopsticks and move her seat while I genuinely spot, as if she were weightlifting. My fear is that our kids would not be as clever and creative — adapting to situations; thinking of solutions to problems; that they would be disabled from independence in the same way that I observe Karen’s grandma’s independence slowly eroded. + +19.7.20 +Who are difficult people in my life these days: +- Presently: Paul; Sari; +- Recently: Cybil; Diby + +Pray for power +- But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you — Matthew 5:44 + +Test your heart — do not overpower, appease or avoid, since God brought that person into your life for a reason and a season +- Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. — Matthew 7:1-2 +- Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting — Psalm 139:23-24 + +Pick your battles, with the purpose to restore to sonship, not win. +- If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you — James 1:5 +- Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace — Ephesians 4:2-3 + +Point them to the Father, for only God can relieve the orphan heart; we are not called to fix, but to love and to serve — that’s not our job. +- Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ — Ephesians 4:15 +- There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment — 1 John 4:18 + +17.7.20 +Walk from TASTE to home +Saying “It’s Ok,” or “That’s fine” is for the speaker’s comfort and reassurance and not for any other listeners; it is the oral equivalent of a self-hug posture. + +Running after a bus or train is more dangerous than running as exercise as the runners are focused on an object and not on the people and objects around them. Running as exercise may decentralize focus to surrounding people and objects; unless the runners are unforgiving and merciless to hapless people around them. + +13.7.20 After HOP +7 goals for the next 7 years: +1. Married +2. Kids +3. Not in Hong Kong +4. Finished book +5. + +9.7.20 +According to your will, God, I will go-lead the eGape project this year, and vice-chair AVOHK the following year and possibly chair AVOHK in three years’ time. + +7.7.20 +No matter what happens, regardless of my full-time work two years from now, in two years’ time I should commence on vision building, specifically, the tutorial school business as mission in some way, either as part of Edwin’s coffee shop or an English language university application consultancy. + +5.7.20 +A feelings driven society may be bereft if sufficient oracy, literacy, and other necessary skills, attitudes and knowledge for a functioning liberal democracy + +The opposite of selfishness is selflessness, an aspect of which is submission + +29.6.20 09:00 +I am carrying the cross these days and that is humbling and all too real. I respect Terri and Tim Tang for their Jesus-like humility, especially concerning their career and finances. + +- I have felt disappointed. I have callings and don’t have the faith and time to realize these visions. +- I realize that first vision for Korea came at a formative time in my identity as a son. By God’s grace, I was new to salvation, the church, Solomon’s Porch and Korea. +- These days, I do serve Dorothy and Pastor Selamet’s visions. +- Maybe my growth as a son in the church is being more willing and open to disagree with Pastor Sam’s message content and to not blindly accept. +- I cannot take Nancy’s vision for my paper for granted; serve her vision for the paper and pray for her in Jesus’ name. Do not take Nancy’s comments personally, as a matter of injustice, offense or shame, but as a kindness, for your glory God in Jesus’ name. +- Dear God, my trust is in you. My trust is not in man. Trusting in you is neither liberal nor conservative. This has nothing to do with blindly following, and never leaving, or always disagreeing. +- As much as I pray to bless through you, Holy Spirit, let me heart also forgive and love these people in Jesus’ name. + +Maybe our HC’s time to serve has not yet come. We are young. Maybe the catalytic person hasn’t arrived yet or the person to do so in our HC hasn’t been called and matured yet in Jesus’ name. + +26.6.20 12:44 +Dear God, I don’t feel very thankful. Since I woke up, I have felt unsettled; I have especially felt disappointment in my career, and imprisoned in my existing relationships and community. In this way, I looked longingly at jobs I cannot have and felt a tinge of jealousy for people who have those jobs — and I considered teaching versus research; and secondary versus tertiary education employment. In addition, I felt thwarted at work today, even in following paper marking procedures, and in my assessment scores of papers. Ultimately, I remembered Jude the Obscure, with whom I identify as a tragic hero. + +I guess I am mourning, the end of my pride and liberalism. At the same time, I have not remembered your visions, God, and have little faith to see them through. In this way, naturally, I don’t know why I am alive and have lost the plot of existence. My struggle is not only experiencing greater gratitude for what has happened, but also appreciating what is to be realized in this life. + +That said, I don’t experience the fear of abandonment that Karen struggles with. + +I don’t feel like much of your son right now, Father; and your love seems distant from me. My mind is experiencing a cold, hard and cruel battlefield. God, I humble myself before you and ask for a revelation of your loving kindness and glory in my life, today, in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +Potential, what kind is not selfish and for you, God!? +Timing. Has it come or is it yet to come? +Are all these dreams worth pursuing if not for you, God!? + +Please lead me in the way everlasting, God, and not lean on any worldly things. + +21.6.20 09:00 service +Fidelity — the way forward with my spouse likely involves letting go of existing female friendships, with wives and ex-girlfriends + +Do not easily dismiss your failures and mistakes from Pat and Karen Fu. There are many opportunities for learning from these past relationships and other people’s relationships. + +An orphan may only want to talk to prestigious people at a party. A son may be secure enough to try to talk to anyone. + +Karen and I may be short with one another not least because, deep down, we know our relationship is transitioning — perhaps, as God showed me, we are in the pre-proposal period. Hence my concerns and doubts about Karen, her character and behavior; and my fidelity. + +Teachers are like pastors insofar as many want to be an exclusive source for their students and disciples, respectively: not teaching students to teach themselves and to focus on learning, not instruction, is not least a matter of job security, I believe, for teachers, not a power trip, for pastors. + +20.6.20 +Dorothy suggested even two years from now I could implementing my business as mission plan. The brand building is essential for the plan. Dorothy also suggested my teaching youngsters so that I develop my craft in teaching not only the most clever and the least clever, but also the oldest and the youngest. + +Holy Spirit, thank you for working in and around me for your glory and the good of the church. Thank you for older, wiser, more faithful and humble men and women who have spoken into my life, I pray, for your glory and the good of the church. I pray that you continue to work in these mentors and through them. I pray that you would grant me wisdom and discernment to understand what you are saying through them, and what you are not! Please bless these mentors with more intimacy with you, God, and please protect me from false teachers and bad role models in Jesus’ name. + +“Do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil.” +‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5:19-22‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/1th.5.19-22.niv + +15.6.20 +Maybe I should tell people my and Karen’s salaries to test the heart, to see if people celebrate like sons or are jealous or negative like orphans. + +Dear God, thank you for your kindness that leads to repentance. Thank you for adopting me so that I am a son, led by you, Holy Spirit. Thank you that while I was still a sinner, you died for me Jesus. Thank you tonight for the undeserved kindness of Paul, who washed my bowl when I had murderous thoughts — like Saul of Tarsus — about not being able to use the kitchen. Thank you, God, that you oppose the proud but show favor to the humble. + +You show me my wretchedness and that all good things come from you, God! + +14.6.20 09:00 service +Is there any meaning to my never visiting my maternal grandparents’ graves; and not attending their funerals? I wonder if my mother has visited her parents’ graves. + +In contrast, my siblings and I attended my paternal grandfather’s funeral, and I have visited my paternal great grandfather’s grave. + +Similarly, I speak with my paternal aunt regularly these days but have not spoken to my maternal aunt and uncle in years. + +At the same time, I know so much more about my father’s side, even the medical history; but don’t know much about my mother’s side. + + + + + +Therefore, by God’s grace, I have been able to meet regularly Karen’s immediately and even Karen’s relatives! Likewise, I have been able to meet Glenn’s family and relatives, Matt’s and Tim’s by God’s grace. + +An orphan spirit with a heart of insecurity and jealousy may be analogous to a poverty — or refugee — spirit with a heart of deep suspicion, of peers and authority. + +An indicator of an orphan spirit may be mistakenly assuming someone’s kindness as attraction because the orphan takes the kindness personally, and the orphan has not been around kindness much. Similarly, an orphan may take objective criticism, such as that in academic peer review, personally — because the issue is approval. + +Someone who is not gracious may have an orphan heart. + +Checking on someone’s well being, as the church has done for me, is a spirit of sonship. Praise God. + +An orphan has friends with benefits; a son may sacrifice without benefits. + +Emotional reactions to knowing people’s salaries may indicate orphans and sons. + +For whose success have you been there? 1) Anytime I have asked people what has given them life; and 2) how people — big achievers; or harsh people — will celebrate small achievements. 3) Giving up my job search and QEF bid at CSKMS + +And for whose success have you not been there? 1) Maybe single, nervous, conservative Christian women who have prayed passively aggressively for me? 2) I am not sure what to think about the possible extension of the school. I don’t feel much about that vision and successfully realizing the vision. 3) My complaining to my father about my next door neighbor copying my style, when my father said I should take that copying as flattery and complement — and I didn’t understand. 4) I am not sure how to respond to Kristy’s requests in an honorable and right way, to God, and to my neighbors. I don’t think I can make up a grade better than her actual grade. + +“and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.” +‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭4:11-12‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/1th.4.11-12.niv + +***To listen at HC this week, to understand what is going on in my heart as I listen. + +10.6.20 +Maybe I should be quiet tonight. + +Single (Nervous?) Christian women whose beliefs I have challenged have sometimes prayed coercively over me, asking God to fix me; similarly, with my house church sister, last Sunday, over a discussion about wha local means, I finally realized her behavior dynamic: when her beliefs are challenged, she interrupts a person, and corrects the person and controls the conversation, effectively ending the conversation. To be kind, I should be really careful sharing my alternative points of view around nervous, single, (Conservative?) Christian women. + +Chinese people are not racist; they are deeply suspicious and we conflate suspicion and racism. Actually, we conflate many traits with racism, it seems. + +7.6.20 After HC lunch at five guys +I think God is providing a fuller profile of Karen, and in His postponing our engagement, is graciously telling me to count the cost of marriage carefully. I must answer the question: can I accept all of Karen, her simplicity, nerves, intolerance and all? + +My patience has been tested severely, ironically, in our out of sync walking these two days. She has been very nervous and perhaps controlling in our walks and I feel stressed out trying to walk in sync with her. I told her this at long last today, so that we walk separately now. + +Acceptance and forgiveness are so necessary after HC lunch when YB shut down my sharing and + +31.5.20 09:00 service +The analogical equivalent of a person’s father hunger for a school is trophy hunger, as if performativity, achievement and the accompanying acknowledgement were worthwhile ends. The problem of some schools is that these schools are mechanisms to replicate an orphan heart in individuals: we are only as worthwhile as our achievements. + +The analogical equivalent of Ham today is anyone filming an embarrassing situation to upload to social media, not with an attitude of justice but for the likes and follows. + +Sons of SP house, metaphorically speaking, have strong DNA. Practically speaking, they know things, such as vision and mission, and have internalized, remembered teachings, and remembered people’s mannerisms and expressions — we allowed ourselves to be influenced. Additionally, they do things, such as attend, pray, serve and tithe. And they don’t do other things, such as flout the law. + +God has changed my heart as to where my worth comes from, at least in terms of lifestyle changes: +1. I have lost much ambition, in terms of academic, athletic and professional achievements; and +2. I have taken things far less personally, in terms of conflating kindness for romantics attraction and taking reviewer comments personally. Thank you, Jesus. +3. Similarly, viewing someone with authority over me, namely, Nancy, not as a boss but as a mentor. +4. At the same time, being romantically attracted to very image conscious people and at the same time being very insecure around them. Not clearly understanding a person who loves the Lord is most essential. +5. For love, I would react and perhaps dominate, and constantly trying to be understood; with love, comes wisdom, long suffering, waiting on the Lord, and responding. Not caring if I am understood ultimately by man. +6. Even sticking around HOP for the time being and not returning to my 2-3 year ministry turnaround is an interesting change, not least to oversee Bel and Ernest. I don’t think such loyalty should be applied in the marketplace, at least universally. + +Curiously, I have long contended Hong Kong is an orphan state, and we have many who are not loyal to even Hong Kong. + +Yes! I had the same thought just now: I don’t think our words have been necessarily prophetic words but we should still ask God to realize them in Jesus’ name. Amen! + +29.5.20 Reflecting on surgery +1. God hears and answers our prayers in Jesus’ name. This has been especially palpable since the house church intercessory prayer group formed. The latest answered prayers have been Amos sleeping well the previous evening, and my miraculously fast recovery post operation. God has increased my faith and others’ faiths for His glory and the good of the church. +2. God is providing every opportunity for me to rest as I have been weary — even the postponement of a proposal until the fall, per Karen’s request, after pre-marital counseling is a signal to rest. No need to rush in Jesus’ name. + +24.5.20 09:00 Sunday service +Weakness that may slide into wickedness: + +“Now about food sacrificed to idols: We know that “We all possess knowledge.” But knowledge puffs up while love builds up. Those who think they know something do not yet know as they ought to know. But whoever loves God is known by God.” +‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭8:1-3‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/1co.8.1-3.niv + +1. Knowledge may lead to pride, especially paying too much attention to my publication record; and competitiveness, an unquenchable desire to beat people with my mind. +2. A desire to be understood, even with creative and alternative views, can lead to arguments, misunderstandings and tedious conversations. +3. A strong sense of right and wrong may lead to arguments, and harsh words. +4. A heart of a son may lead to bad role models and false teaching. +5. Perseverance may lead to exhaustion and other self harm. + +23.5.20 +Dear God, how do you hear and answer prayers from a divided church about people, places and things!? This is beyond my thoughts and ways. + +18.5.20 +ear God, thank you for renewing the membership of HOP that there are far more familiar faces than unfamiliar faces. It seems like it is time to go and do something else. I pray for your steps, and for me to humbly obey. I pray for salvation to come to HOP and for your Spirit to continue to lead Amanda, Bel and Ernest for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +17.5.20 Sunday Service +- My parents let me down when I received no encouraging words in my youth; not only that, but I saw my brother rewarded for what I perceived to be, lack of performance — I was the older brother. +- My parents let me down by sending me to Panama in my youth during my depression; and my mom disowning me when I was a freshman in university, in spite of her circumstances. + +The younger son has a liberal worldview — I can do what is right in my own eyes. The older son operates with a confucian worldview — filial piety. Both have the wrong attitude. + +The orphan heart is related to socioeconomic status, it seems. A similar word may be the refugee spirit. + +Self-reliance is absolutely necessary as a matter of poverty and conflict, such as that which Koreans experienced after the Korean war and China experienced throughout the 20th century. Governments, institutions (schools; hospitals; courts) and people have failed. Another word for self-reliance is survival mode, indicative of low institutional trust and low social trust. + +Addressing the orphan heart is a matter of socioeconomic status too. We have the discretionary time on Sundays to listen to this message series, because we aren’t working. We have the language and conceptual tools to understand the message. + +16.5.20 +Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I humble myself before you, and submit my bad news and troubles before you. I trust you, God, that you are at work for your glory and the good of the church: please take my bad news and troubles and use them and me according to your good, pleasing and perfect will in Jesus’ name. I pray, Holy Spirit, to become all the more satisfied and content no matter the outcome of these troublesome matters in this life, although we also say NO more to them in Jesus’ name. + +““Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.” +‭‭John‬ ‭9:3‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/jhn.9.3.niv + +15.5.20 +Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit: I guess you really do want me to rest this year, what with another tumor and another surgery looming. You do want me to take it easy. You oppose the proud and show favor the humble. How fleeting is our vitality and life, but for you, God. + +And I think you want me to marry Karen as soon as possible. To not delay. + +You love me, and have never left me alone. I won’t be alone during and after surgery in Jesus’ name. + +“Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.” +‭‭Psalms‬ ‭112:6-7‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/psa.112.6-7.niv + +Dear Jesus, thank you for your death and resurrection, which has put me in right relationship with you God. Thank you for the hope that is eternity with you in paradise. It is only because of this hope that I can suffer today’s bad news, and remain steadfast. I humble myself before you. Please increase my faith. Please continue to lead me to rest this year according to your will. Please reveal your peace, love and salvation all the more to my loved ones and me, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +13.5.20 +Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you. + +A thought after observing you chase down house church members to check in. + +Just as Pastor Selamet had told me that I viewed Nancy my PhD supervisor more as a boss than a mentor or leader, so some house church (HC) brothers and sisters may view you our HC leader more as a boss and a manager, than a leader and older brother. Maybe that boss and managerial view of you is related to an orphan heart; and also to ignorance so that people don’t know how to make their HC leaders’ work a joy, not a burden, although the latter is of no benefit to anyone. + +God can change hearts. He changed my view of Nancy for His glory and the good of the church. + +Dear God, we pray for our house church, that tonight our meeting would be filled with your loving presence. You give us more grace! We humble ourselves before you and ask that you would open up people’s eyes to see our house church leader's actions as the most compassionate and gracious kind. We pray that we would humbly and quickly obey our house church leader's facilitation of house church, out of loving kindness to him, to honor him and in this way, you. We repent for being a burden to our leaders and our house church members. Only you can continue to change our hearts and unify the church in Jesus’ name. + +12.5.20 +Dear God, thank you for our grandmothers and for salvation for us and our grandmothers in Jesus’ name. + +While we focus on the orphan spirit and the father heart at Solomon’s Porch, in my social circle, widowed grandmothers — Karen’s; Bel’s; Ernest’s; and Katy’s; and even mine — are frequently mentioned in conversation. There is wisdom to be learned from women with outlive their husbands into ultra old age. Speak Lord for your servants are listening. + +10.5.20 Sunday service orphan heart part 2 message + + + + +A key observation from the chart: 1) I know far more about my father’s family than my mother’s, even knowing more about the generations, marriages and tumors. Key differences in my family history are: 1) my mother and her siblings were raised by their mother and grew up without their father for 17 years. My mom first met her dad in New York when she was in high school. She grew up in poverty and lives not to die. 2) My father grew up with his nuclear family. 3) My father’s mother spoiled my father so that my father had a more dubious work ethic than my mother or his sister. He is also more chill and cheerful than my mother. 3) I could see how they would have difficulty sustaining a relationship not least because they grew up in different family compositions and different socio-economic circumstances; and they were patented in different ways. + +Both sides of my family escaped mainland China during the chaos of the 20th century. + +From my mother, I would like to take my kids on vacation and cover their university expenses. I would like to have a stable job. + +From my father’s side, I would ask people about food, and tell people to take care. I would be chatty and extroverted. + +I would not want to be like my parents in terms of sending me to my grandparents: I would speak more affirming words. + +8.5.20 +““Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”” +‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭1:5‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/jer.1.5.niv + +Good morning, a devotional that has been a topic of discussion in our HC: Recently, God has been speaking to me about spiritual fathers, mothers and mentors: older; wiser; and more faithful people than I; people who speak into my life and also have more belief in me than I in myself. + +God has provided many spiritual fathers who were obvious to me, thank God. Totally undeserved. + +And even this week, God opened my eyes to my colleague, to realize his unsolicited behavior towards me is the heart of the father; and perhaps God has appointed this man to guide me in this season. + +Last week, God opened my eyes to my high school crisis counselor, with whom I spoke regularly from 1995-1999. God showed me this relationship was His leading me and providing for me even before I knew Him! To be sure, this counselor wrote Jeremiah 29:11-13 in my high school yearbook, the first time anyone had ever shared scripture with me — curiously, Jeremiah 29 became my life chapter in Hong Kong. + +After 21 years, by God’s grace, and Google search, this counselor and I got back in touch. He has been working for a Christian missionary organization in Colombia for the past 12 years. + +Dear God, we thank you for your grace, not least for providing spiritual fathers, mothers and mentors for us, even when we have been ignorant to your goodness and provision. Thank you. We pray God for the release of more inter generational bonding in your church. We pray particularly that you would lead the older, wiser and more faithful to the younger, who would humbly avail themselves. We pray that you would lead me and my peers to build relationships with younger brothers and sisters in Christ, to persevere in these relationships and to always speak the truth in love, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +29.4.20 +Dear God, thank you for spiritual fathers in my life. You provided them before I even knew you: + +1. In high school, Mr. Dietrich, the crisis counselor whom I met regularly for four years and who first delivered a Bible verse to me, Jeremiah 29:11-13, written in my high school yearbook. +2. Since my arrival in Hong Kong in 2003, you’ve put me under Dorothy’s wing, at QESOSASS fro 2003 to 2004, and at Methodist College from 2006-2008, and then in 2014 in Dongguan, and since October 2018 to present in her Tin Shui Wai tutorial school. +3. From 2004 to 2006, you provided “James” Mitchell Smith, and I followed for better or for worse. He was my role model, and I learned to express my anger by following him. I thank you for relieving me of him. God bless him and salvation come. +4. Since then, you have provided many temporary fathers, including Matthew Burton’s father, Dave Niskin’s father and Mark Tan’s father. You have provided Pastor Selamet since 2008, and Peter Woodhead since 2010, for your glory and the good of the church. +5. You have provided spiritual mothers besides Dorothy; they have included Felicia, and even Nancy. +6. It goes without saying that you have provided older and younger brothers in Christ for me, from Tim Yung, to Mark Hustwayte, to Sandro and Max to Yen to even Tim Tang. Thank you. + +“Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.” +‭‭John‬ ‭1:12-13‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/jhn.1.12-13.niv + +Dear Jesus, thank you for revealing this mystery to us. Your teaching is hard — Nicodemus was baffled by it — and by your grace we the church somehow have understood it and believed. We are born again! Thank you that by parables and hard teachings you lead us to become wiser and conceptually clever, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. We humble ourselves and pray that you Holy Spirit would use us to reveal your presence and teaching to our neighbors in a way they can understand. + +26.4.20 +There is a thin line in the heart between not sharing a burden because we don’t want people to worry — and sin — and not sharing a burden because we don’t think people will care and act — an absence of faith and trust in people. But we should be charitable and share, if only, to provide an opportunity for people to care and act for God’s glory and the good of the church. + +It seems having an absentee father, my younger brother looking up to me, and my not knowing how to respond are interrelated, and have external validity, based on my house church brother’s same experience. + +25.4.20 +Jesus sends out his disciples two by two not only to benefit the people of the towns and places but also the members of each pair: it would have been a lot easier in terms of decisions and logistics were each disciple to go on his own; but shortly after teaching his disciples on who would be the greatest and who would be for them, Jesus puts the disciples to the test by pairing them; and now the disciples must be gracious to each other and work out their disagreements to realize Jesus’ commission. Consider this the next time you are paired for outreach. + +24.4.20 descent to 7-11 +The Lord lift up his countenance to you… + +Dear God, I guess you reveal your lifted countenance through your people, and now you use me to lift your countenance to Bianca, to do the dog work for her application without her realization and without her deserving such help. This is your work for me to understand her depravity and mine. And I’m humbled by your grace over her life and my life. + +Dear God, thank you for your effortlessly passing the application through my school to AIS. Thank you for your favor over Bianca and me. Thank you that your lifting your countenance is the ultimate giving face for your glory and our good in Jesus’ name. + +20 + +19.4.20 Just Sunday +The Good Samaritan, shrewd manager and 10 Minas parables in Luke seem related. + +The dishonest manager and the third servant showed different attitudes and the former was commended: the former was not only merciful but generous. He invested his minas. He loved his neighbor as himself, dare I say. + +The Good Samaritan, a person of the world, showed more the attitude of the dishonest manager than the third servant with the Minas. The others who passed by the man on the road were people of the light and hid their minas, it seems, just as the third servant had. + +God, you are merciful. You saved us Jesus when we are undeserving. And you have given us time on this earth to be in right relationship with you, not least by loving our neighbors as ourselves, investing our time, talent and treasure to meet people’s felt needs for your glory and the good of the church. Holy Spirit, we pray to listen and to obey you to be shrewd in perceiving opportunities to be merciful and generous today and this week, to our security guards and non-believing friends in Jesus’ name. + +Ironically, the security guards of Hong Kong may suffer more insecurity than the wealthy people that these guards secure. + +Our wealth secures us in this world but will leave us naked and poor before God on the day of judgement. + +Our wealth is our bicycle training wheels or flotation devices in the swimming pool. We should aim in this life to cycle and to swim without such aides so as to benefit our neighbors and to prepare ourselves for eternity. We will be judged on weather we were able to swim and cycle in this life. + +By God’s grace, if generosity is a discipline, our aim is consistency and not the intensity. The first thing to do is get started, and then the second thing to do is to do it again. First, give away a loaf of bread. Second, do it again the following day. Avail yourself to God’s work. (Become a worker in the harvest field.) Put yourself in a position for God to bless you with shrewdness, and to becoming seeing and perceiving (God’s harvest field), and hearing and understanding. + +4/18/2020 Luke 19 Parable of 10 Minas Bible Study Notes +A summary statement of the parable: how can people want God’s kingdom to come immediately when these same people have not honored God — not least by being generous with what the king gave them!? + +In other words, Jesus is telling the Jews that they want the kingdom but don’t actually fear God. What the Huh!? + +The universal message is that even today, we Christians pray for God’s kingdom to come but we do very little to anything about it with what God gave us. Just hypocrisy. + +But thank God. He is gracious and warns us. We have time before the Lord Jesus returns. + +2019 +Your testimony — a story of God’s extraordinary work — is your Mina. Use your minas wisely to multiply testimony of the Lord’s work. Do not hide your testimonies for they build up the church and lead non-believers to belief in Jesus’ name. + +Paul’s testimony is a mina, and by God’s grace we see the multiplication of minas in this letter. + +Lord, we thank you for your might and mercy all around us. We are unworthy of you, yet you saved us and are at work all around us! We need you and love you. + +We pray to treasure our experiences with you and to be generous in sharing them, just as Paul was, so that you may be glorified and your kingdom advanced today. Even today in our workplace, may we not only call on your name, but testify to your presence and greatness, in Jesus’ name. + +2018 — note 1 +Good morning, an interpretation and devotional that I felt the Spirit speak to me, and maybe He will speak to you too to encourage and edify. It relates the parable of the ten minas with what King David said in buying the threshing floor to build an altar to the Lord. From the parable, minas are time, talent and treasure. We are given different units of minas. Furthermore, as a physical unit, minas are two-sided so that they carry consequences, or different views. For instance, I was just thinking about one of my God-given minas, which on one side is an emotional reactivity, particularly detrimental in some social situations, and on the other side is a high degree of empathy, beneficial in other social situations. Anyway, I think the link between David’s act and the parable is that investment and sacrifice are one and the same: the stingy steward may have been looking at the wrong side of the coin but wasn’t willing sacrifice what he had for the Lord; and the Spirit is telling me to make use of everything that He has given me and that I have got. + +2018 — note 2 +...everyone who has (generosity), more will be given, but as for the one who has nothing, (no generosity; stinginess) even what they have will be taken away. + +Interesting contrast between rich Zacchaeus, who is more like the man with 10 minas, and the rich ruler, who is more like the man with one mina. Zacchaeus is evidence of a rich man being able to enter the kingdom of God! Thank God. + +This parable seems connecting to the shrewd manager parable, insofar as we are stewarding resources and the Lord rewards generosity and mercy not least through multiplying what we give — and isn’t this a mechanism of how the Kingdom of Heaven expands and grows from the mustard seed to the largest tree!? + +Wow. Words straight from the Lord’s mouth to me, and perhaps, literally, from Jesus to the rich ruler. The good news is the capacity for generosity is within us and immediately actionable for us. Choose generosity and not stinginess, loving the Lord, and live and grow. + +2017 +Use your anointing. Use everything you have got because all that good has come from the Lord. Use everything you have got shrewdly, even to win over the people who had not wanted the king. + +God supplies what you have got. He will supply more. + +Ultimately, God allows those who use their anointing -- or advantages -- to gain even more. Neoliberalism!? Learners learn more than those who refuse learning. The gap between the wise and foolish widens. + +17.4.20 +God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble. + +God’s mystery of people are going to die, but you David are going to rest is beyond my pay grade. However I accept these circumstances. + +Dear God, you have the quite the sense of humor and justice for me to receive a NET offer 14 years after receiving a warning letter from the EDB concerning my behavior after that NET scheme application result. And I only applied this time to honor my mentor. I humble myself before you and your ways which are beyond my pay grade. And I thank you. + +11.4.20 Why is Good Friday so Good message + +“And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” ).” +‭‭Mark‬ ‭15:34‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/mrk.15.34.niv + +Good morning, a thought and prayer after listening to our Good Friday message: on the cross, Jesus took up all humanity’s need to exact personal revenge, and for each of us to be an object of another person’s vengeance in this world. Jesus has delivered us from this tit-for-tat attitude and behavior. + +Dear Jesus, thank you for your cross. Thank you that you became the object of God’s vengeance, not because I earned this, but because of your unconditional love. Thank you that you delivered me from seeking vengeance. I am free from revenge! You have saved me from this destructive behavior. In this way, thank you that in living with Sari for more than four years, by your grace I have never confronted and criticized her to her face, to save my face and to harm hers, although having a go at her is fair and deserved in this world. Likewise, thank you for delivering me and many of my house church members from having a go at each other, when this is well deserved and fair in this world. That said, it’s hard to be gracious and gentle, and confrontation and criticism are everyday temptations. But thank you, God, for your loving kindness, and reassurance that you are at work in my home and in our house church, all the more to save our faces, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus’ name. + +“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God. + +Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.” +‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:26-27, 34‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/rom.8.26-27,34.niv + +Dear Holy Spirit, thank you for speaking to Pastor Sam and the church in the same way that you speak to me. Weeks ago, you had told me to fast and it seemed you had told Pastor Sam the same thing around the same time. And even this past week, you had reminded me that prayer comes before fasting, so that if we can focus on prayer, then we can focus on fasting. It seems you have spoken to Pastor Sam in the same way, Spirit, so that you remind us in the Good Friday message that you, Jesus, prayed for us on the cross, and now in paradise; and that when we are unable to do anything, (including fast) we can always pray. Thank you for revealing divine order. + +Dear God, thank you for your continued discipline and order over your church: according to your will, Lord, and perhaps your sense of humor, we are continuing our weekly Esther fast. Continuing the fast will be hard, according to the measure of our faith, but you will equip us — please grant my house church and me more faith! Our sacrifice of praise, our willingness to inconvenience ourselves for your glory, will be to first pray, and then continue the fast in Jesus’ name. + +“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” +‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4:15-16‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/heb.4.15-16.niv + +Dear Jesus, you know how we feel, and you have felt every temptation. You know the temptation of seeking personal revenge, and you know all the temptations of doing life with difficult people, including your disciples, just as we have known within our house churches. Additionally, you have known how hard it is to pray, and also to fast, and to continue to do so; so you know what my church brothers and sisters and I know these days. + +We praise you, God. Thank you for revealing your gentle and humble heart, and your love, so that we may overcome to save our brothers and sisters’ faces in the church, as ours are saved as well; and that we may continue to pray and fast cheerfully for your glory and our good. + +17.3.20 +At HOP, it is our witness, through loving and encouraging, that people will know that we are Jesus’ disciples. At the same time, encourage people to trust the Lord Jesus, especially during the workout! + +15.3.20 +Remember +Speak +Move + +Anger +Lust + +Respect for men is acknowledging their making life work + +12.3.20 +Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 +9Two are better than one, +because they have a good return for their labor: +10If either of them falls down, +one can help the other up. +But pity anyone who falls +and has no one to help them up. +11Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. +But how can one keep warm alone? +12Though one may be overpowered, +two can defend themselves. +A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. + +For the church, in a time of unprecedented, global instability, the opposite Spirit is to stabilize, settle down, start a relationship, get married, have kids. Cleaving and multiplying might be a way to overcome the world, and the enemy’s aim to divide and conquer. Now might be the time for the church to unify and to strengthen relationships in this way in Jesus’ name. + +Continuing with last night’s thought about our being at Terry’s place not least to minister to the security guard with whom we have a relationship, I get the sense that she is a key to advancing the gospel to Terry’s literal neighbors and she would do so with the same passion with which she interrogated us. I get the sense that a part of her testimony will be how kindly we the house church treated her, in action and attitude, when she was still ignorant of the Christ. Anyway, I think this is what Holy Spirit is speaking to me about this matter. + +“Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.” +‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:14‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/rom.12.14.niv + +11.3.20 massage +No more wife notes because Karen is my wife. + +A vision of at least one child, sharing my love of physical sports such as running and basketball, and spectator sports such as pro-wrestling, football and basketball in Jesus’ name. + +9.3.20 +According to your will, Cybil and I can become friends in Jesus’ name. + +8.3.20 11:30 service +Beware the guise of safety — as many other guises —may be the bait of satan + +“When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.” +‭‭Mark‬ ‭13:7-8‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/mrk.13.7-8.niv + +Research work appeals to me because of its illusion of progress, and exploration — the temptation for arrogance; on the other hand, teaching work humbles me and tests my faith because there is the reality of no measurable progress, for any student and every student year in and year out. + +We need love (grace) and faith (courage) to overcome our fear of failure and more importantly, our misconception of failure — born of a worldly, works mentality. We also need wisdom to see and act on the timing of God. + +Character aspects that inhibit our discipling include our lack of graciousness towards ourselves and our neighbors — such as at home or work — complacency, and hyper-introversion. In this way, we all need to experience the gospel daily. + +The Engel scale is a conceptual framework that highlights the a-empirical, gradual, systemic nature of belief change. + +The open challenge to call my mom remains. + +Remember God’s faithfulness and work at CSKMS, where students do say “God bless you,” as a matter of honoring me, it seems. And I wonder when the time for a clearer discipleship will approach: a time to comfort my students as a pastor not a teacher. + +6.3.20 Glenn +Be serious about honoring Karen, especially with your body. +Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, New York + +““Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” +‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:13-14‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/mat.7.13-14.niv + +Prophetic birthday verses, from Tim and Mei Li - “But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever.” +‭‭Psalms‬ ‭52:8‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/psa.52.8.niv + +From Teri - “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” +‭‭Psalms‬ ‭139:13-14‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/psa.139.13-14.niv + +From Tim Tang - “I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” +‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭3:16-21‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/eph.3.16-21.niv + +“For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ.” +‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭1:5‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/2co.1.5.niv + +4.3.20 EMP +““Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?” +‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:25‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/mat.6.25.niv + +“Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips.” +‭‭Psalms‬ ‭141:3‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/psa.141.3.niv + +1.3.20 09:00 +This morning felt like work, and Jesus said: + +““Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”” +‭‭Luke‬ ‭10:41-42‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/luk.10.41-42.niv + +The enemy may attack you not only late at night but also first thing in the morning, to rob, kill and destroy. To sow disorder in emotion and routine, for instance. + +During worship, never mind whether or not you hide in your room at this time, hide in Christ; remain in Him! He is the anchor in the veil. + +“So it is impossible for God to lie for we know that his promise and his vow will never change! And now we have run into his heart to hide ourselves in his faithfulness. This is where we find his strength and comfort, for he empowers us to seize what has already been established ahead of time—an unshakeable hope!” +‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭6:18‬ ‭TPT‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/1849/heb.6.18.tpt + +The Lord Is omniscient; he created all knowledge and natures, isms and ivities: objectivity; subjectivity; relativity; empiricism; interpretivism + +“He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.” +‭‭Job‬ ‭5:9‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/job.5.9.niv + +“My heart is not proud, Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content.” +‭‭Psalms‬ ‭131:1-2‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/psa.131.1-2.niv + +TITHE your surgery offerings — $22,039.9 tithed on 28.2.20 + +26.2.20 +Dear God, please lead me to let go. I realize even our worship songs come from a self-importance perspective and WEIRD. Really, what do non-WEIRD contexts do to worship you!? + +23.2.20 SPSG +the modern, industrialized equivalent of Biblical widows and orphans is the broken, non-nuclear family; loose tie and disconnected families such as single parents and long term partners: pray for them and look after them. + +Dear God, I struggle with the SP church focus on the family when the acts and the epistles seem far more about advancing the gospel and unifying and disciplining the church. We know so little about the families of the apostles! What were their marriages like!? + +20.2.23 Walking and yesterday talk with Pat + +Our city had moved from anger spirit during protests to fear spirit during virus; and we could easily Ping Pong back to anger — but the greatest negative emotion is shame. + +Through economic contraction, we are accumulating thousands and tens of thousands of unemployed and underemployed people — taxi drivers; hotel; airline; food and beverage; even private education. Not every bored and idle person will watch tv, visit friends, and play games. Others will itch for violence and hustle for side jobs. We could easily swell into more violence and protests so soon as the weather and virus conditions improve — they may improve far faster than our employment prospects. This violence may not need the CIA. + +The church must stay united, meeting and spurring each other on toward love and good deeds. We must be ready for how God uses the church when the tide turns. + +19.2.20 HC +Genesis 40 Joseph + +I realize I don’t laugh in HC when I don’t have intimacy with the focal person of the laughter. + +Thank you, God, for changing our HC hearts so that even these days, there are noticeably new friendships in the HC. And yet there are still difficult relationships to all the more experience God’s grace. + +There is a lot of God’s grace to not show “progress.” + +God. For your glory and the good of the church, you had used me to discern spirits, in HK restaurants and shops, during the protests and the virus, and at LTPSS, and in HC!? + +14.2.20 +In the past 24 hours, I got the sense that the Holy Spirit is speaking not only to pray for our suffering city, but also to fast. + +Fasting and intercessory prayer are action in the opposite spirit to the fear, panic buying and hoarding in our suffering city. + +Our city is manifesting a spirit of poverty, which is visible in the obese animals, obese wealth gods, and obese buddhas that people worship in our city — these idols are obese because they fear there won’t be enough so that they consume everything and share nothing. + +In accordance to how the Holy Spirit speaks to you, please consider fasting with me to March 16, the latest expected date for the resumption of school, to draw close to God so as to advance God’s kingdom and good news to our neighbors. Father, Son and Spirit will mobilize our church not least to break the spread of the biological virus and the fear and anxiety virus in our city. + +12.2.20 HC +“So he went to Zarephath. When he came to the town gate, a widow was there gathering sticks. He called to her and asked, “Would you bring me a little water in a jar so I may have a drink?” As she was going to get it, he called, “And bring me, please, a piece of bread.” “As surely as the Lord your God lives,” she replied, “I don’t have any bread—only a handful of flour in a jar and a little olive oil in a jug. I am gathering a few sticks to take home and make a meal for myself and my son, that we may eat it—and die.” Elijah said to her, “Don’t be afraid. Go home and do as you have said. But first make a small loaf of bread for me from what you have and bring it to me, and then make something for yourself and your son.” +‭‭1 Kings‬ ‭17:10-13‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/1ki.17.10-13.niv + +5.2.20 school +Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. + +Thank you, God, that you show me how I would struggle with performing women like Pat and Ana, who project perfection and who may intimidate and around whom, I might feel insecure and needy of approval. Thank you for showing me not least how Karen is good for me. + +HC prophetic prayer + +“Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god. They will receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from God their Savior. Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, God of Jacob.” +‭‭Psalms‬ ‭24:3-6‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/psa.24.3-6.niv + +2.2.10 Sunday Service — gift of giving +- Gift of giving: what can you give away freely and easily, with no sorrow? Hats and shoes + - Does health count as giving or foolishness? + - What about giving away time and talent? I do that far more than I do with finances. +- What about a gift scale so that I mildly have a gift of generosity but not as severe a case as teaching, leadership and mercy +- All that you can leave behind, an indicator of your generosity + +22.1.20 at HC +Food gift for janitor!? + +What is administration without leadership, or timing, or with opposition? Misguided administration + +17.1.20 +I caught the flu today. After school, I slept from 2 PM to 5 PM. During that time, I had a zombie dream. + +Night time. Ground floor and basement of a suburban home. Church staff and me. Curiously, some church staff are outside keeping watch. Ultimately, we are sieged then we have to escape. + +Grandma tells me to return to US. Now that my dad, mom and grandma tell me to return, I cannot ignore their words. + +Dear Lord, my heart is troubled by these competing visions, especially if none or some come from you: I don’t know how to reconcile my family’s desires with a possible Korean school from you, and a trifecta business as mission from you. My time on earth is limited for your glory and the good of the church. Show me your ways, Lord. Teach me your paths. What is pleasing to you?! + +Whatever the outcome, if any of these, is your miracle, God, for your glory and the good of the church. Salvation come to whichever people are in that place. + +12.1.20 starbucks +I love you. I have loved you with an everlasting love. My hand is over you. I am your glory. Worship me. + +I receive your worship. I have heard your prayer. I hear you when you call, and do not delay. I am with you. Trust in me. + +I speak. Listen to how I speak to you. Rest. And enjoy in this season. I give this to you for my glory and your good. + +Listen to me, son. Listen to my words carefully. These words will preserve you. This is how I lead you for my glory. + +Be still and know that I am God. Be silent in the morning and in the night. Take a deep breathe. + +“Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” +‭‭John‬ ‭8:34-36‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/jhn.8.34-36.niv + +“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Yet it was good of you to share in my troubles.” +‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:11-14‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/php.4.11-14.niv + +I might have the gift of mercy given that Pastor Sam Kim told me once based on my outreach track record, always to the most helpless, even now, with my band three students and recognizing that life is hard; and making hospital visits to Ben, Calvin, Katherine’s dad, and Karen’s grandma; and feeling empathy for the woman with the crying baby on the plane when I was in university. And maybe my feelings all these years at beggars and cardboard collectors. + +Relationships and respect with janitors. Relationships with Karen’s family. + +You may know that people are stressed out, or have had long days, or that people have family problems; we realize we are harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd. + +Meeting people where they’re at is mercy. Neither pushing nor pulling anyone. + +Inaction as a sign of mercy. Within a person, finding interest or humor instead of irritation or boredom. + +11.1.20 EMP +No one is at fault for the tumors in my family just as no one is at fault for my left eye. God’s glory come! + +call and reassure your mom about the above and that whatever the disease is, we pray against it and it is diminished, so the doctor says, and we pray in Jesus’ name. + +7.1.20 EMP +Rest more. No excuses. +Rest is life giving things. Sleeping more. +Do not do life taking things like errands, screen time, job applications and marking. + +5.1.20 morning and after 11:30 +For the past 1 1/2 weeks I have woken up each night, usually more than once, in incredible pain. I suspect this is a muscle strain. Awake, I would wait for the pain to subside and then resume sleep. + +In my waiting, before the fast, I would surf the Internet or read a book during these painful moments, just as I had when I had the tumor, waking up more than once each night in incredible pain. + +During the fast, I had avoided this, until last night. I went to my screens, and went to things that I shouldn’t look at. + +I know my sin, not least because the previous day God has spoken to me clearly about surrendering my night to Him. God is as much concerned with his glory and my good during the wee hours of the morning as He is in the daytime. + +Retuning to sleep, the last dream I had was the familiar nightmare of zombies chasing after me, specifically their sieging me inside a suburban home. + +Curiously, this time the suburban home was not 11 mount haven but a smaller, two-story home, reminiscent of 64 Virginia. + +The temperature might have been cool and the season fall; the time of day might have been during the sun set. + +I was inside the house, alone, with some sort of special gun that doesn’t fire bullets; instead, the gun fired curious pellets that should go into zombies’ mouths. + +I waited for the zombies just inside the front door; and then I explored the second floor of the house, finding the staircase like 11 mount haven, and an escape route through a bedroom window — there appeared to be a way to climb down and onto some branches of a tree. + +At last the siege began, I awaited the zombies at the staircase and then shot one, which looked just like my high school friend Sagar. Got him in the mouth. + +I retreated to the escape route. I climbed out the window and awaited the zombies. + +The zombies came into the bedroom and I shot a few. I think I fell at that time: I don’t think the zombies snatched me. I remember last thought before waking is that I could have made it out with a second chance. + +In the morning, Holy Spirit has convicted me about my self absorption. + +Dear God, you are love; and you are holy: you love your creation and redeemed all who believe. You love me and have adopted me, and I am not worthy. Thank you, Father, Son and Spirit. + +For your glory and my good, you protect me, with angels and by your word: + +“Tremble and do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent. Offer the sacrifices of the righteous and trust in the Lord. + +In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.” +‭‭Psalms‬ ‭4:4-5, 8‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/psa.4.4-5,8.niv + +I repent of not heeding these words last night! Please have mercy on me and forgive me, Father, Son and Spirit. My desire is to be in right relationship with you at all hours. Please increase my faith to do so in Jesus’ name. + +Stay on the altar in the dead of night. + +At the well, after Rachel and Christine prayed for me, I saw myself in the helmet of salvation and breastplate of righteousness; and Christine saw me as my namesake, David, a man of war, against spiritual things and dark principalities. I saw the names of the zombies as anxiety and lust; and that perhaps I have been running away from them, and that for twenty plus years — Rachel prayed that my hormones would normalize in the middle of the night. + +4.1.20 +Dear God, you are faithful; you are my healer; you protect me and relieve me in Jesus’ name. + +God, I am hurting at night. Another battle with pain. The pain is hard to bear and burdensome. + +Holy Spirit, I pray that you speak. And that as you have, so I would respond, to still myself and to speak to you before bed. And to know that Father, Son and Spirit, you watch over me and guard me at night. Your angel is there — I shall not be afraid! + +Please lead me to worship you and to draw close to you at night. My night is surrendered to you, God, in Jesus’ name. Amen. + +“Tremble and do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent.” +‭‭Psalms‬ ‭4:4‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/psa.4.4.niv + +“In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.” +‭‭Psalms‬ ‭4:8‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/psa.4.8.niv + +31.12.19 New Year’s Eve service +Prophetic prayer from Tim Tang: +1. God protects me; and he has a victorious warrior angel fighting on my behalf in the unseen. God has got my unseen covered for His glory and my good. +2. God powerfully heals me and realigns my posture and relaxes my muscles in Jesus’ name. + +The word of the decade is double covering over the house: take risks for God, especially as business as mission. + +Anticipate God’s grace for He still saves my mom, grandma, sister and brother and sister in law. + +Anticipate God’s goodness for He still blesses. And this is not by our works or input. + +Anticipate how God guides and leads us. You take a deep breathe, you are dumb sheep and you just follow. +1. How to propose +2. How to marry +3. How to rest +4. How to work to realize the vision +5. How to prepare for that work +6. How to complete the existing work + +Anticipate God’s genius and how He speaks. +1. Take a deep breathe. Be still. Calm and quiet yourself and listen. Don’t speak. + +29.12.19 second service +2020 is the year of rest. Observe the sabbath. No more than two appointments every day. + +Call your mom and ask for advice on asking grandma for money for MRI + +20.12.19 CCC +1. PRAYING FOR STUDENTS AND WRITING BRIEF EMP-based devotional during fast, targeting my ESL students. +2. A heart of repentance, gratitude and good words (blessing) for everything that I have called dumb. + +18.12.19 Hospital room hearing challenge + +All this love and care from the church and beyond is how I reveal my grace to you. + +Do not be anxious about anything. See how I have increased your faith, thanksgiving and repentance. + +Rest. Observe the sabbath. + +My mind and body are reconnected. Be reconnected with the church. You are more connected than you had thought. Build up the church. + +Giants in my life to slay for a long life: stay alive: +1. Please change my serious attitude to work so I can better minister at school, Lord, for the treasure is the people. +2. Please lead me to overcome image and work idols to have a sustainable, deep companionship with my wife. + +The fleshly desires organized by kingdom value, that is, blessed are the poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, who are merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers and the persecuted +1. Getting married and having children +2. Dying with the school +3. Business as mission trifecta; +4. Independent tutoring materials and class pass development +5. Journal articles and academia + +8.12.19 +Daniel, NA, Amy +First time to sing and gesture wholeheartedly in weeks +Extreme neck pain this morning, unable to run, didn’t feel like going to church +Maybe first time to fast liquid; likely no screen time at home; and six days of water +Contending to overcome work and image idols that interfere with well being and right relationship with God; to receive wisdom on marriage and career, health; the right, Godly attitude at work +I had a fasting and prayer discipline, but I became accustomed to it. + +““Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” +‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:3-9‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/mat.5.3-9.niv + +Anger and rebellion words +Inner healing? + +“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” +‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:4-8‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/php.4.4-8.niv + +27.11.19 With Peter +He thinks I was not meant to have a timetable, and to teach in a school. + +He also thought my anxiety might have something to do with my infirmity. My body telling me... + +TST prophetic prayer: +Cybil: what is pressing me hard? Curious David references to beloved, giants, psalms and secret place: facing giants reference resonates with what Dr. Sam prayed prophetically over me at men's retreat + +James and Bright: a welcome reminder that God is clearly speaking to me these days with what faith I have. + +Ana: like Cybil, more references to David, psalms and the secret place + +Miriam: what is heavy on me? A reminder to enjoy the blue sky; and to beware the gap between my head knowledge and experience, which I was going to speak from 2 Peter yesterday before suddenly switching to an affirming and reassuring prayer. + +Wesley: like his previous prophetic Word for me, a reminder to laugh more and to remember God's sense of humor + +Caleb: a reminder about loosening myself from my anxiety + +Amos: God has been speaking to me about the kind of war He has called me to fight. + +Karen: an affirmation of God's wisdom for me: just wait. + +24.11.19 second service +I have not felt like going to church for weeks. My emotions mind and body have been uncooperative. + +Yet the kingdom of heaven may not be too far. Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. It takes faith to keep going and to trust God continues to work in us at every church meeting. It takes faith to continue to prioritize the church above other bodies. + +As I am disconnected from the body of Christ so my mind and body have been disconnected. My mind is dragging my body through a desert for God's glory and the good of the church IN Jesus name. + +Curiously, Pastor Sam's motto is Just do It. Mine is just wait. And over the months in Hong Kong, from the pulpit Pastor Sam has articulated things that God has spoken to me weeks or even a day earlier. If Pastor Sam has a gift of faith maybe I do too. + +an indicator of my condition is sleeping without waking up at night - - waking up with out neck pain + +17.11.19 +1. observe the sabbath. recreate. it takes faith to repent and to observe the sabbath. here is your daily bread! +2. consider Thanksgiving and intercession through tongues. that takes faith too. daily bread! + +observe the sabbath. recreate + +cut off the cold iron shackles around my neck hands and abdomen. + +therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangled and let us run with perseveremce the race marked out for us fixing our eyes on Jesus the author and perfect or of our faith who for the joy set before him endured the cross scoring its shake and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God consider him who endured sigh oppopsitopm from sinners so that you do not grow elwesry and lose heart. in your struggle against sin you have not resisted to the point of shedding your own blood. + +16.11.19 chat at Christian spa: things I have heard more than once +1. Get a body check, from spa man and gp +2. clean up your lifestyle, from spa man and prayers +3. Get married soon, you will never be ready but your life will be better for it, from Dorothy and pastor selamet. Consider praying with Karen at 2200 as a matter of accountability. She may not react negatively but support you in your struggle against sin. +4. restoration: eat more, sleep (and laugh) more, play more and pleasure read more, from spa man and in prayers +5. I am exhausted and in terms of mobility and feeling am 38 going on 83. +6. From Nancy, Dorothy, Mom and Dad: apply for jobs +7. My attitude of gratitude disappeared with my mobility and feeling, and with the rise of writing, exhaustion and anxiety + + + +10.11.19 1130 service +John 316 +Assurance of salvation +for the eyes of the Lord range +Some trust in chariots and some +Those who call on the name of + +Do not forget Karen's vision for a Cafe and her visit to North point Cafe. + +Word of (sequential) knowledge - - facts and information from the supernatural +- By God's grace, maybe tell house church leaders about binding demonic graffiti symbols, seal and secure the spiritual room that is around the police station, before being available and focused to relate with people, praying for them in Jesus name, and then explicitly asking them to trust Jesus. Physically putting the word of Lord on demonic symbols is the eviction and repossession notice for the demons and for the people to know that the room is under the authority of the Lord. As it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet: “A voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him. Luke 3:4 +- At school, my new colleagues late at night are lonely. (Loneliness and performance monkeys cut off. Love to abound and reveal) . How to proceed but to pray for salvation and to wait for engagement opportunity. +- Anxiety monkeys like in the wizard of Oz need to be cut off me in Jesus name. + +9.11.19 +Dear God, this is the test of what faith I have, by your grace, that I will recover from this long term mold poisoning. God grant me justice against my adversary for your glory and my good. + +8.11.19 CSKMS speech festival +Is Louie like an angel of the Lord, to show me that not by my strength but by God's grace can any of my agreements or promises be kept? Very humbling. Thank you, God, for your reassurance and care. + + +7.11.19 S4 test +If my colleagues are my sheep, I’m not much of a shepherd. If the school is my field, I don’t sow for a harvest. To be sure, my frustration, arrogance and negative emotional temperament are conducive to neither formal organizational leadership nor pastoring in the Hong Kong context. + +I’m not interceding or asking enough, because my attitude of gratitude is lost; my repentance is shaky; and fundamentally, I may have lost my first love, from which all I do, at work and elsewhere, stems. Jesus, you are the vine and I am the branch. What is your love like for me, and us? + +5.11. 19 one year bible festival walk + +On God's anger: God is slow to anger. His anger can be at least a hundred years slow, as in the case of Judah's corporate sin. In the same way, Judah's sins are not a one time event but a sequence of poor decisions against God, year after year. Therefore our sins, as God's anger, are like trajectories, like a plane crash by pilot error, which is almost always the result of poor decision after poor decision, to a point of no return. And God demonstrates his anger by withholding grace and mercy so that we get what we deserve for our (reprehensible) conduct. + +For the Hong Kong church and Hong Kong society at large, Lord, you are not angry, are you? But you are disciplining us because you love us in Jesus' name. There is still time for us as a church and a nation to repent and to be in right relationship with you and for your glory. Amen. + +pornography use and lust in general are the result of my anxiety and the equivalent of killing myself, that is, sacrificing myself. What do I care about to sacrifice myself? People!? No. The work, so that the work has mastered me. I have yet to master work because it makes me anxious and causes me to act out. I care too much about work to care enough about myself and others, to even receive God's tenderness, kindness and mercy. + +The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. +Proverbs 4:7 NIV +https://proverbs.bible/proverbs-4-7 + +On God's anger: God is slow to anger. His anger can be at least a hundred years slow, as in the case of Judah's corporate sin. In the same way, Judah's sins are not a one time event but a sequence of poor decisions against God, year after year. Therefore our sins, as God's anger, are like trajectories, like a plane crash by pilot error, which is almost always the result of poor decision after poor decision, to a point of no return. And God demonstrates his anger by withholding grace and mercy so that we get what we deserve for our (reprehensible) conduct. + +For the Hong Kong church and Hong Kong society at large, Lord, you are not angry, are you? But you are disciplining us because you love us in Jesus' name. There is still time for us as a church and a nation to repent and to be in right relationship with you and + +3.11.19 +faith is not a feeling. do not conflate the two. be fair and objective. I may have far more faith than I credit myself for and if necessary in comparison to other people. remember your steps of faith to receive prayer for your infirmity and to follow God to write, and to reach out in Hong Kong + +2.11.19 plane ride +I like teaching but I do not do much teaching at my job. My job is interesting because of the setting and the setting's circumstances but the job is generally unenjoyable. Ultimately, God, you put me here, and how are you going to take me out!? Should I do anything right now besides apply for unsolicited jobs from mentors, finish publishing and hone my teaching!? + +2.11.19 colossians 3 +hello, here is a thought from colossians 3. maybe the thought is a revelation from God not only for me but for our house church. Let the Holy Spirit speak to us. + +Just as in Hebrews 11:4, so without faith, it is impossible to truly repent, and by repentance I mean not sinning against God, putting to death our fleshly self and being fully committed to face him. With little faith, how great is my unrepentance, and with such great faith, how true and great is my repentance. So my prayer for us is that God would increase our faith and He would help us overcome our unbelief. For me and anyone else who has not experienced much love, faith and repentance this week, we pray for a revelation of God's kind and loving heart to us this weekend in Jesus name. + +God, you have strong arms and a kind heart. You act for your glory and our good in Jesus name. + +1.11.19 +in 2020, consider premarital counseling + +30.10.19 HC Prophetic anonymous prayer feedback +1. Per Karen's word, Maybe my potential is to be husband and father and Karen is key to unwrapping the potential. +2. Per Wesley's word, a reminder of God's sense of humor. +3. Per Edwin's word, my favorite season is winter and God is certainly burning my flesh up. +4. Per James's words and mine, a reminder of what little faith I have and the need for more faith. +5. Per Bright's word, a reminder that my riches are not financial but God's presence, specifically knowing Him +6. Per Amos's words, maybe surrendering all position roles, specifically runner, teacher, writer, husband, father. All the more likely, surrendering conscientiousness for graciousness, letting go of what is considered working for man (material output and the associated negative emotions of frustration and arrogance) and embracing working for God (whose best for me is not the material but the thoughts and attitudes of my heart: love; patience; gentleness; etc.). I have to trust God, and have faith, and accept that my colleagues and I deliver low-quality instruction and assessment to my students and my students will eat such garbage. I can neither feel bad about this nor act out of this anymore. + +27.10.19 +Accept how God sees you. Love yourself. I have many fears concerning marriage and kids not least about my fidelity, strength and leadership. Going full circle is walking through the valley of the shadow of death: fear no evil for the Lord says his rod and staff comfort me. Fear should not inhibit me but faith should enable me to get going with a the humble walk with God through the Valley for his glory and the good of the church. Remember the walk is what you sacrifice to God and then to your Generations: the walk is not about you. + +Thank you holy spirit for a strong soul tie with Karen so that you would put on our hearts to read the same book at the same time unannounced to us. + +Don't listen to the crowd: don't be Sonny Liston or Saul. Your form 6 students are you angry children. They don't need factual correction: they need someone to listen right now. Be consistent. Listen to your saviors voice. + + Lord, you know I would suffer this infirmity: thank you. Quiet time for a horrible time: the horror won't last. + +Prophetic word from Dr. Sam +Giants slayer: by God's grace, I have slayed Giants but more giants and lions await. Wisdom: wisdom to stay focused, not to be distracted + +26.10.19 Men's retreat +Eat this book: the words of the Lord are not manna but kernels of wheat in a rich man's field: God knows we are poor, impoverished in our fleshly world so that he provides the wheat field from which we glean: reading the word is not only putting on the armour of God but also taking our Daily Bread: will you eat this book? + +Rest is essential to intimacy: be available to rest specifically to sleep: maybe God will speak to me through dreams and visions if I sleep more. + +We become dull when we have cut so many corners that there are no more corners to cut: we have lost all edges or definition be it in a physical body, an organisational body or our walk with God. Be conscientious: don't cut corners. + + we are the Antidote + +John shared a picture of a big fish in a small bowl and a small fish in a big bowl to convey that life is unfair and our response and attitude are most important. The picture reminds me of what Dorothy prayed and received from the lord for me: the bowls are on unfair and small in my life: my flat, my school, the tutorial School, House church, my Ministries. Stay Humble. Be patient: don't take the backpack like the world's smartest man. Be gentle: you cannot overpower your bowl. + +My mentor replied: God gives you a small plot of land. You till it. Sow seeds in it. Grow the plants. Harvest. Then GOD gives you a bigger plot, ...... + +Whatever happens: make or keep your good name. Strongly consider giving Fung as a new name and a new start for your Generations: your children. Honor them and give them a reason to honor. Don't give your kids any of your junk. My past has no final say on my future. + +We may have timid, comfortable and conservative or traditional men not only in our church but also in our house church. + +From dinner with Pastor John: going full circle is following Jesus, getting married and having kids. Count the cost: you will never be the same: your old self will be gone. In addition, a father has so much influence on his daughter until age 11 and I see this is the case with Paul and Jessica. Ultimately my kids should be proud of me and want to hang out with me when they are adults. + +Why am I so anxious? The antithesis of addiction is connection: intimacy is the key to change. Pornography use runs in both sides of my family as does not saying I love you. My family sin is parent separation for generations: keeping the family together hasn't been the most important thing. There has been little intimacy and lots of poverty. Ultimately my issue is not my issue. + +Questions to self: +1. why am I doing this? The Lord is merciful. +2. Do I feel any pressure to perform? Stay alive: don't kill yourself. +3. Am I afraid I lack strength? +4. God, where are you? + +From Karen: “Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. *He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength.* Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” +‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭40:28-31‬ ‭ESV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/59/isa.40.28-31.esv + +True freedom comes when you surrender your desire to control: that you have no control. + +Consecrate yourself. Fast the internet at home. Who do you care for? Who will you make sacrifices for? Karen, your house church, your colleagues, form 6 students, and Hong Kong Society. You must learn to say no when you want to say yes. Will you be harsh on yourself for others? + +21.10.19 s6 classes +I begin to understand hardened hearts through my form 6 students. hardened hearts are unyielding beliefs, losing modesty. we need to pray for my soft heart and my students' soft hearts in Jesus' name. pray for HK people soft hearts + +20.10.19 from Caryn +Karen and I are two pillars attached by a rope. we are in the sea and withstand powerful waves because we have a firm foundation. we will not fall or crumble. we might uphold the church too! + +I have stupidly delivered words beyond my pay grade: twice to sisters about marriage, at least eight years ago. last year about childbirth to a couple. I received a curious word about my marriage too from a spiritual father about ten years ago. God used me to deliver a successful word to a house church sister concerning husband salvation more than 10 years ago. + +BOLDNESS WITH WISDOM IN JESUS NAME +shall we pray for people at the gates, or share testimonies, or worship through song, or even prophesy!? + +we should ask the HC leaders first that we were born for this moment, as queen Esther was. then plant the idea that requires faith in the HC body + +fast and consecrate before going out to pray for people + +an addendum for your speech: well done good and faithful servant. come and enter into your master's happiness + +- , I had a dream where where is zombies were chasing me. I was escaping more than once and well I might have been with people initially karma ultimately I Was Alone. Maybe the dream was the results of staying in a clearly Buddhist home in Kuala Lumpur. Stay was not the best, no towels , although I slept well besides having That Dream + +16.10.19 HC +Just as a jezebel spirit was at work in LTPSS, so that same spirit has been at work in my lifetime in the handful of seemingly passive aggressive prayers of single women, one of whom I know had been abused by her brother - - maybe all these women had been hurt by men close to them, so that their prayers were not loving and honoring but more about shamefully calling out sin. I forgive these sisters and myself, and I love them and myself. God, you are loving and kind, gentle and humble. you lead us not into temptation. please deliver these sisters and me from evil in Jesus name, for your glory and the good of the church. + +sharing and confirmation that Prince Edward MTR by Mongkok police station is gates of hades and ground zero for awakening, church building: +And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. +Matthew 16:18 NIV +https://matthew.bible/matthew-16-18 + +13.10.19 1130 discernment +WhatsApp workout group messages +Karen Bible verse today application +HC undermining +Social media, news, messaging apps mechanism +Rio event +Karen friend +Church action on streets + + +9.10.19 house church +What about posters!? + +That we reside in HK but do not pray for it, does this indicate that HK is an orphan state? + +And we need church unity for outreach, not necessarily every church member on the streets. +The Lord said to Gideon, “You have too many men. I cannot deliver Midian into their hands, or Israel would boast against me, ‘My own strength has saved me.’ Now announce to the army, ‘Anyone who trembles with fear may turn back and leave Mount Gilead.’ ” So twenty-two thousand men left, while ten thousand remained. But the Lord said to Gideon, “There are still too many men. Take them down to the water, and I will thin them out for you there. If I say, ‘This one shall go with you,’ he shall go; but if I say, ‘This one shall not go with you,’ he shall not go.” So Gideon took the men down to the water. There the Lord told him, “Separate those who lap the water with their tongues as a dog laps from those who kneel down to drink.” Three hundred of them drank from cupped hands, lapping like dogs. All the rest got down on their knees to drink. The Lord said to Gideon, “With the three hundred men that lapped I will save you and give the Midianites into your hands. Let all the others go home.” So Gideon sent the rest of the Israelites home but kept the three hundred, who took over the provisions and trumpets of the others. Now the camp of Midian lay below him in the valley. +Judges 7:2‭-‬8 NIV +https://bible.com/bible/111/jdg.7.2-8.NIV + +8.10.19 +To Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat from it,’ “Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.” +Genesis 3:17‭-‬19 NIV +https://bible.com/bible/111/gen.3.17-19.NIV + +Turn off the taps. + +If we do not meet less, our relationship will not survive so they we can meet more. + +God is severely chastening me. + + + +6.10.19 +No more alcohol +No more trail races +Overseas road races only!!? + +5.10.19 +Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will. +2 Timothy 2:22‭-‬26 NIV +https://bible.com/bible/111/2ti.2.22-26.NIV + +Let the Holy Spirit speak to us, and grant us wisdom to interpret the signs of the times. + +Possible messages for the church: + +We must read the Word more than we read any news, social media or telegram, about what is happening in Hong Kong. Reading the Word is putting on the armor of God. If not, how can we withstand the flaming arrows of the evil one: within the media are the flaming arrows of the evil one, who has ensnared many in our society, even within the church: the enemy infiltrates the church with false teaching and false teachers who have been wounded and stuck with flaming arrows. + +Meditate on the word on the Lord. Hold tightly to His word in your mind, because satanic verses are all around us, not least tempting us to curse the police and authorities, to espouse a false freedom, and false corporate sacrifice. People in the enemy's grasp meditate on these verses in anger, even to sleep. You meditate on the cross, and clutch God's good words as you rest each night in peace, in right relationship with God. + +Finally, love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. THEN love your neighbor as yourself. Go back to the greatest commandment always. Resist the temptation of the devil's greatest and second commandment, which abound all over the streets. Ignore them. + +To God be the glory. Amen. + +29.9.19 1130 service Jacky gift of miracles +- What is the background of my room, and the flat? +- Who was John and what did he do in the room? +- What are the hidden idols outside the room? +- God, would you come in your power in my home and my mom's home to miraculously deliver us from evil in Jesus' name. We cast down our idols and worship you alone. + +21.9.19 Seoul +Dear God, I believe you spoke to me eleven years ago about a post-reunification school for North and South Korean orphans for the healing of the nation. I believe you led me down this path. I am sorry for my expectations be it as principal or pastor, or other details, when my obedience has been most necessary. + +Dear God, I am not sure if you spoke to me during my jeonju trip this summer, about the idea of a cafe, homestay and tutorial school. But I believe more that you led me to refine the idea and to check it, so that it could exist in a second tier city in an Asian country. It can be business as mission. + +Today, thank you, God, for the chat with Roman the landlord, so that I know different rental levels, and with Heeyoung so that I know about marginal North Koreans and different zoning for buildings. + +Thank you, God, for leading me to consider the tutorial school, cafe and homestay as the realization of the vision eleven years ago. It is a business as mission to be realized through savings and in a few years. You have humbled these years in Hong Kong, and have put me in tutorial school and mainstream schools to teach and to learn the business. I surrender these plans to you, God. Come your kingdom, your will be done, for your glory and the good of the church in Jesus' name. Lord, I believe. Help me to overcome my unbelief! + + + + +15.9.19 third service +If the gift of drawing close and comforting is the gift of exhortation, then it is also the gift of empathetic listening. Per the single life teaching, the listener should make the speaker feel loved and appreciated. Per material indicators, the listener should not interrupt, offer canned responses or provide unsolicited advice. All those indicators may inhibit vulnerability and intimacy. + +For your glory God, please lead me and teach me to exhort in house church. + +8.9.19 Third service +Biology and anxiety influence this positive feedback cycle, where I get trapped in an increasingly severe exhaustion, caffeine, exercise and eating cycles. The vital mechanism of the cycle is the late bedtime. + +My anxiety is positively correlated with my pride:seeking validation,glory and self-salvation。 + +I enjoy teaching, but am also anxious about it. + +The more the words, the less the meaning, and how does that profit anyone? +Ecclesiastes 6:11 NIV +https://bible.com/bible/111/ecc.6.11.NIV + +1.9.19 15:00 service +Grant me Justice against my adversary. +A prayer for restoration and restitution +I met many friends in the desert, in this prison, in this exile. For restitution, release my friends and enemies from exile. + +25.8.19 11:30 sermon on spiritual gifts +1. From today’s desperate man devotional, spiritual gifts should unify, build up the church. (Ephesians 4:12-13) “to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” +2. If I can teach, lead, and coach, then my professional teaching, part time tutoring, and workout coaching are fitting fields for my gifts. +3. Within these fields, I should exercise my propensity to find teachable people and to teach them. In each class too. +4. Today, I responded for the first time to one of Miguel’s workout group WhatsApp posts; and by God’s grace, the response was kind and true, and necessary. And maybe he is someone to meet face to face and to lead in Jesus’ name. He seems like he is searching for something or someone — he isn’t aimless; he is standing around, doing nothing like the vineyard workers in the parable. like the looking person on the corner, not the aimless person. Fish these men. Hire and manage them for the vineyard on God’s behalf. + +I tend to overestimate my abilities. And prefer an assessment instrument not least to be more modest. + +Academic writing is not a natural ability. It is an acquired skill, an exercise of my analytical ability. Introspective writing is an acquired skill, an exercise of my relational ability. + +But I believe that creative, cognitive, physical and relational abilities are acquired and not static. I am unsure if genetic predispositions lead us to some abilities; I think there should be more evidence that childhood cultural circumstances influence or are the abilities: I played with action figures, and read comic books and books in primary school; I had lots of backyard space and bicycled around town; I was streamed into high reading and maths in first grade and gifted education in grade four. + +Natural weaknesses are also a matter of circumstance activation with unknown genetic influence: physical and emotional hypersensitivity; and anxiety + +Word, help and sign gifts in that order. + +I am probably a teacher. Karen is an evangelist. + +What do I do for the church these days? How do people feel loved and appreciated? +1. Highlighting, taking notes and writing public prayers in the Bible app. +2. Listening to, reading and meditating on the word. +3. Leading and developing workout group +4. YWAM Helping Hands outreach +5. Egape computer class +6. Dorothy’s Tin Shui Wai tutorial school +7. Attending and obeying in HC + +Intercessory prayer is not natural nor a gift — hence the list; and the thought to join the Well. It is acquired by God’s grace. +Relating with kids isn’t natural. +Generosity is not natural. +Integrity is not natural. It must be acquired. + +To discern gifts, pray to hear from Holy Spirit, talk to the church and listen objectively from the church, and experience service and listen to yourself + +Thank you for healing me, Father; and changing me, leading me to pray at night: + +“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” +‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:4-7‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/php.4.4-7.niv + +“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” +‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5:6-9‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/1pe.5.6-9.niv + +18.8.19 at hotel breakfast +No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful. he will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you and bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so you can stand up under it. + +A week of fasting for Hong Kong, from SCMP, News, Digg, Facebook. You don’t need any of this in Jesus’ name. + +Workout group verse: +“Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” +‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:12-13‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/php.2.12-13.niv + +16.8.19 with mom +Anxiety and worry sap joy and gratitude; that is an environment of such tension kills + +12.8.19 Delta flight one year Bible +“Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong. Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few. A dream comes when there are many cares, and many words mark the speech of a fool. When you make a vow to God, do not delay to fulfill it. He has no pleasure in fools; fulfill your vow. It is better not to make a vow than to make one and not fulfill it. Do not let your mouth lead you into sin. And do not protest to the temple messenger, “My vow was a mistake.” Why should God be angry at what you say and destroy the work of your hands? Much dreaming and many words are meaningless. Therefore fear God.” +‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭5:1-7‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/ecc.5.1-7.niv + +11.8.19 Willow Creek online +1. Serving by organizing a fund raising race for YWAM +2. Serve through business as mission: homestay; tutorial school; and cafe. In a Taiwanese second city!? Malaysia; Korea; or Indonesia!? +3. Continue to serve in your school and church. + +30.7.19 BFS +When I die, I would have loved some people; and some people would have loved me. To even fewer had I proclaimed Jesus Christ, I have no legacy of character or work — could I have sharpened more people to Christ? Could I have interceded more? I leave no inheritance. + +Dear God, I repent and humble myself before you. O’ Lord, I don’t know what to do but my eyes are on you. I don’t have much integrity but would you use me for your glory? In faith, in Jesus’ name, you will realize these promises in my life — and possibly the homestay, cafe and tutorial school trifecta for local and international students and tourists, somewhere in Asia. Please make me wise to strategy to realize your plans. I cannot do any of these but for you. + +Thank you, God, for the opportunity to lay down drink by myself, for your glory, and my good health and savings in Jesus’ name. + +28.7.19 11:30 service +If you are angry at nobody, you are actually angry at God for not changing the situation. + +The summer of hell Hong Kong demands faithfulness, faith with works, stemming from obedience, and endurance. Prepare. Be filled with the fruit of the spirit. Steady your own heart and be in right relationship with God. + +Stay in the fight, just as you did at Cambridge fellowship and at HC. How have you been staying in the fight by God’s grace? + +In remaining in Hong Kong, and in church and in ministries and these neighbors, this has required faith. To stay at this job or in this career or in that country will require faith; for God to realize his promises requires my faith. Work from these places of faith. + +22.7.19 — 김밥천국 서울 +I have lost my focus and discipline these years — except for, thank God, reading the word. My emotions have bested me so that my daily activity is whimsical. I need routine to build to the future and for God’s glory in Jesus’ name. + +16.7.19 — BFS +Just be available to give, David. I will change your heart and I will make you more generous, for my glory, says the Lord. + +Where I see anxiety and face despair: +1. Financial (stewardship) +2. Writing (mind) +3. Body + +Where I see hope and longing: +1. Marriage +2. Writing + +Submit: resist: draw near: cleanse outward behavior; purity heart within +Unforgiveness. Disappointment. + +“We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves.” +‭‭Romans‬ ‭15:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/rom.15.1.niv + +Academic writing beliefs and my supervisor: emotional tilt + +Negative thoughts and fantasies concerning some people: lack of charitable explanations for some people; emotional tilt with some people + +You admire and respect those two women in your house church but like with Jess and Katherine, we do not connect at all, do we!? + +Legs imbalance. Missing muscles to foam roll. Missing butt strengthening. Missing whole body massage. Missing eight hour rest! The run, eat, sleep, caffeine cycle is way off. The self-care massage and strengthen aspect has been missing. + +23.6.19 11:30 service +“But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” (At night) Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, (command line prayer; praise and worship through song; read; no computer; sleep) and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” +‭‭James‬ ‭4:6-8‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/jas.4.6-8.niv + +19.6.19 MTR +Desire the intimate with God, not the immediate + +16.6.19 second service +“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”” +‭‭Acts‬ ‭4:12‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/act.4.12.niv + +Do you mercilessly look down on young people, specific individuals, and Hk society, without remembering that you were young? Be charitable. + +Do you use your white powers as privilege? Do you experience that tension and leverage it, your gifts, communication, experience and language, for your advantage and to others’ detriment? + +“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” +‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭4:12‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/1ti.4.12.niv + +And all 1 Timothy 4. + +12.6.19 ferry ride to Macau +“Then he lay down under the bush and fell asleep. All at once an angel touched him and said, “Get up and eat.” He looked around, and there by his head was some bread baked over hot coals, and a jar of water. He ate and drank and then lay down again.” +‭‭1 Kings‬ ‭19:5-6‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/1ki.19.5-6.niv + +10.6.19 quiet time +“In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work. Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.” +‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭2:20-26‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/2ti.2.20-26.niv + +Thank you for sleep, and even speaking to me to sleep for a week before deciding anything important. + +2.6.19 +Playing with action figures in my bedroom — creativity and empathy +Reading lots in my bedroom from primary one — focus and interest +Playing outside in the backyard and cycling around town — mobility and nature + +30.5.19 with Matt +Leave the place on a high note. Build the legacy. Retire as the champion. + +Pray for other people to want Anna for Christ. + +Why are you even wondering if this is adultery? + +27.5.19 morning commute +The mind of Christ: Being with Anna has brought me to the brink of exhaustion, and sexual immorality. I need to bring myself back to the heart of God, or I and this relationship face peril. + +The spirit tells me what I really believe. Yikes. + +Talk to your mentors and peers. + +26.5.19 third service +Passion for God. +Compassion for our neighbors. + +“Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” +‭‭James‬ ‭4:14‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/jas.4.14.niv + +23.5.19 House church and the next day’s commute + +From yesterday’s house church to this morning’s commute, and today’s scriptures about John, Peter and Judas, a real heart check, Father and Holy Spirit. Thank you. + +“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” +‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:6-10‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/mat.5.6-10.niv + +““A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”” +‭‭John‬ ‭13:34-35‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/jhn.13.34-35.niv + +In bringing your upside down kingdom to house church, Father, I am journeying from being poor in spirit and mourning, and being meek, that is, submissive, but have not yet arrived at hungering and thirsting for righteousness, that, is being in right relationship with you; and then being merciful, being pure in heart, and a peacemaker — I am but peacekeeping now, aren’t I? + +I am sorry, God, for not being in right relationship with you at house church and for my attitudes and actions that trespass against others there. I forgive myself. I love my house church and myself. You love me and are pleased. + +May our love change the atmosphere not only of our house church but also of Solomon’s Porch in Jesus’ name. + +Would you lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil, at every sniping and undermining comment, at every accusatory comment, at every locked down discussion, and at the absence of gratitude, love and dignity at house church. I humble myself before you. Please teach me to pray in the opposite spirit, to love my neighbor as myself, to maintain the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace, and to bring you glory in Jesus name. You have made all things work for our good at house church and we trust you, Lord. + +17.5.19 From Glenn +Prudence (that is, cautiousness) is not righteousness, and people can be in right relationship with God whether or not cautious. + +Think of Samson and Abraham who were not prudent but righteous in God’s eyes. + +11.5.19 +The church really is a safe place to do life with difficult people. House church especially. But who are difficult people but those with whom we do life outside the peloton? And what is the great difficulty but being humble and wise about turnover in the peloton, and negotiating the tension between the integrity and fidelity of the peloton and all the overlapping pelotons and people outside? + +I tolerate people outside the peloton, difficult people. God teach me to love these neighbors as myself in Jesus’ name. Help me to make every effort to maintain the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace. + +7.5.19 from RT and Kelly +“The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” +‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭17:9‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +https://www.bible.com/111/jer.17.9.niv + +3.5.19 +MTR +Love and forgiveness are two sides of the coin that I give myself and I give those who trespass against me, so that, I say, I forgive myself for...and I love you...Just as God forgives me so I forgive myself. Just as God loves those who trespassed against him, so I love those. + +11.3.19 +Focus. Self-care to live for his kingdom and righteousness. +1. You must decide to live. You have to focus on living. You admire Calvin because he does this. +2. Once committed to living, you can find relational and professional focus. +3. Do not teach in the Hong Kong mainstream context anymore. Remember why you wanted to pursue a PhD. +4. You should leave Hong Kong. But you should not do so immediately. + +3.3.19 15:00 +Bonnie heard and spoke the words, Warrior, and Bold. I have heard these words before and the call to continue in these ways. Thank God. + +At the same time, Holy Spirit drew a picture of my kneeling. God was knighting me. The spirit, I guess, was the sword. + +Bonnie spoke about laying down my mindset: the image I recurved was as if I were laying down magneto’s helmet! Time to be vulnerable and open to the Spirit’s greater leading. + +Apathy increased towards my relationship to Karen, so that I didn’t try hard, and didn’t care to talk anymore. + +Shouting at Oladipo was a religious spirit and control. + +2.3.19 +By God’s grace, and the Spirit’s conviction, I woke up this morning realizing how my selfishness and lust impact my anxiety: I want everything, everyday, immediately, and either my heart or my mind overloads in trying to reconcile these inexhaustible wants. For instance, today, I wanted to join boot camp, to meet a Taiwanese friend, to prepare for a tutorial lesson, to tutor, to possibly run in Tin Shui Wai, to have dinner with my mentor and church brother, and to complete my journal manuscript conclusion! I cannot possibly reconcile these things, and I think I don’t want to prioritize and sacrifice any of these things. Ergo, anxiety. And I hurt myself and others. + +When my mentor instructs me to apply for a job post, I do so. When my boss sends me job posts, sometimes I apply. These older, wiser, more clever people have very different personalities and their experiences and purposes for me do not seem reconcilable: my mentor is a practitioner and sees me as a teacher; my boss sees me as a researcher. While I am more loyal to my mentor, I do not enjoy teaching and do not want to be a master teacher, that has never been my strength — at the same time, being a disciplined researcher and writer has never been my strength either — but I want to try again to be a disciplined researcher and writer. Ultimately, I have been anxious whether I have been a teacher or a researcher; I have to disappoint one or both of these people who have invested heavily in my life; and I do want to advance the kingdom of God and trust Him alone. + +Finally, by God’s grace, getting to know one of my colleague’s this week was God’s grace. Seeing her smile and her eyes light up warmed my heart. Thank God. I may dare to ask her out. I may dare to ask a church sister out. Not least through this week’s greater initimacy with my colleague, and my church sister reminding me of how close I am to my wife, it seems God is telling me to keep going to find my wife. Don’t lose focus. Just get going in Jesus’ name. Amen. + + + +24.2.19 11:30 +Constance behind me + +Ephesians 4:25-5:6 +1. Prepare yourself at night to welcome Holy Spirit, and then your wife! You should fast as you did in January. +2. Loneliness and not suffering long and it being humble to God and to my spouse; disappointment in trying to meet women in the church and actually meeting women not in the church; hearing from God clearly to not try out of my strength, but to lay down humbly and suffering long this season. + +10.2.19 15;00 service +A bonfire is God’s consuming fire. What pain and suffering! Jump in the fire. Stay there. Do not jump out. Be purified. Let your selfishness and self absorption go. + +8.2.19 Selamet +Pride is a terrible sin. Within the past two weeks, concerning my vocation, Selamet and Dorothy have called out the pride in me — and the latter has prayed for my humility; and the former rightly says my ministry and vocation are one, and I should quit only when God says so, because, after all, people prayed for me to get this job, and now I consider leaving!? Selamet says if so, employers would wonder if I am an opportunist at heart or suffer character problems. + +Lord Jesus, have mercy on me. Father, as you come as a consuming fire and a refiner’s fire, by your grace burn up all this selfish ambition, vain conceit and entitlement in me. Teach me to be gentle and humble in heart, to find rest for my soul in you irregardless of vocation. + +Like Dorothy, Selamet recommended a three-prong approach to my career development: teach the poor and uneducated students full-time to become an expert teacher, tutor students privately part-time to develop business sense, and be a freelance researcher. Hold on to these three strands until I am forty and see where my strengths truly are, but wait on the Lord for these threads, and don’t give up so easily. + +I must remember, wherever I go next, to stay for a few years. And even with the current job, my job isn’t English language teaching but mission. + +20.1.19 09:00 service +Celebrate the presence of God like the anthropomorphic kimbab bowl + +God orchestrated all this concerning his speaking to me, about AT; for His glory +God will marry me soon. Get ready. Save up for marriage. + +Is my first born son’s name Peter to symbolize the stability and reliability for my family!? + +Never mind computer, running became a distraction. Job search became a distraction — so what about going through the NET interview? + +My desire for relationship is a temptation during this fast period — and maybe God is speaking after today’s encounter. + +17.1.9 on the walk to school in the afternoon + +Hi Olivia, I was just praying and felt I received a word from God for we who serve at Sam +Shing, concerning Kitty and Hansen. Maybe God tells us to enjoy the time we have with Kitty and Hansen, as they grow up, for this season will pass. Friday nights are Sunday school for them. Love on Kitty and Hansen deeply and they will carry this love for the rest of their lives, long after we have been dispersed. + +At the dentist office +Praying for house church members and hearing from God a word of encouragement or knowledge; writing out the verse, picture or word for each member + +6.1.19 Fast theme +“and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.” +‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭4:11-12‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/1th.4.11-12.niv + +Owning a house in Hong Kong is an investment to bless my wife, our family and generations to come. It is a long term vision and demands humility and discipline even in everyday financial matters. + +"Perhaps the greatest hindrance to our work is our own imagined strength; and in fasting we learn what poor, weak creatures we are-dependent on a meal of meat for the little strength which we are so apt to lean upon.” — Hudson Taylor + +5.1.19 +When Dorothy was praying for me, at her prayer spot underneath the bridge by the river, she experienced the fierce spiritual warfare over my life. She noticed the gaps in me filled with worldly things, which I have identified as the prosperity gospel, selfish ambition, and entitlement. + +1.1.19 +1. Greater intimacy with God; 2. A more gentle and humble heart; 3. Salvation for family, colleagues and students + +Humility is thinking less about yourself and thinking more about others and God. Humble yourself. Fasting influences humility. + +31.12.18 +1. Relationship with Karen — find your wife +2. Workout group — keep going; use what’s in your hand +3. No injury — enjoy +4. Calvin is alive — talk to him! +5. Dad is alive and got to see him — talk to him! +6. Glenn’s weddings —talk to him! +7. Finish PhD +8. Have job — save and stabilize + +Only recently has He given me a field and flock. Thank God. + +1. A boat setting out into deep water +2. Trembling and release, like a plank +3. Greater surrender of the things around me, awareness of the interesting and cool +4. Carrying the cross, the privilege to glorify God + +David. Victoria. Soyon. Jojo. + +Bella +1. UK visa release + +2. Jewelry design job release + +House church +1. Jacob and Asher blocked nose healing + +2. Candy - Discernment in speaking +3. Ricky - Ironman excellence and Helen’s safety +4. David - time to finish thesis; + +25.2.18 15:00 service +“The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out.” +‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭20:5‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/pro.20.5.niv + +18.2.18 15:00 service +“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” +‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:23-24‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/col.3.23-24.niv + +Worry and anxiety are interrelated and related to a divided heart or double mind or being self-serving. So how have the thesis journey and this project been more about my self-fulfillment, double mindedness, than about the fulfillment of God’s will and the coming of His kingdom!? I had brought too much of my self and pride to my work when I want to know God, even His resurrection power in my work. + +By God’s grace, I see how AR is a source of joy, not worry in my life. God is showing me the private life and secret place through AR, it seems. By His mercy, my thoughts are lucid about her. My friend saying positive things about her was also encouraging to me. + +Beware your worry at work because your acting out at night spills over into your relationship with AR. + +Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. God is well pleased with me. His word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path. Each day has enough worry of its own. Continue to live the Jeremiah 29 life. Live as if nothing will change. Work unto the Lord. + +Where do u know Jesus is all you have? In my born again moment; awaiting my thesis decision; after running long and hard; towards the end of my work. + +23.1.18 Lunch +“Then Joseph could no longer control himself before all his attendants, and he cried out, “Have everyone leave my presence!” So there was no one with Joseph when he made himself known to his brothers. And he wept so loudly that the Egyptians heard him, and Pharaoh’s household heard about it. Joseph said to his brothers, “I am Joseph! Is my father still living?” But his brothers were not able to answer him, because they were terrified at his presence.” +‭‭Genesis‬ ‭45:1-3‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/gen.45.1-3.niv + +The Lord has been speaking to me about going home to New York — not least because my church lives there now and God impresses New York as one city where I should and could find work — and settling down there, to be with my family. Even today, when I called my father on his birthday, my dad was very clear, several times, in stating that he and the rest of my family miss me. I do not think my father has ever been so vocal about the grounds for my coming back. And even this morning, I imagined living in Manhattan with my high school friend and being under one of my spiritual father’s covering as well. Like Joseph, I am overcome with emotion in imagining these possibilities, and am more determined to trust God, and to finish these thesis revisions with wisdom and humility. + +21.1.18 +Sell your investments in April to repay your university debt when you return in May. Set aside $2,000 in USD to repay your debt. + +Beijing, Shanghai, Seoul, Singapore, New York — apply there first +England; Australia — second + +NIE, EduHK, EDO + +What about Shanghai prayer group? + +Clarice, Solomon and Miri; Bright Ghana CityU accounting + +“There, by the Ahava Canal, I proclaimed a fast, so that we might humble ourselves before our God and ask him for a safe journey for us and our children, with all our possessions. I was ashamed to ask the king for soldiers and horsemen to protect us from enemies on the road, because we had told the king, “The gracious hand of our God is on everyone who looks to him, but his great anger is against all who forsake him.” So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer.” +‭‭Ezra‬ ‭8:21-23‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/ezr.8.21-23.niv + +Dear God, +I feel overwhelmed with negative emotions. Please relieve me with your perfect peace and powerful, honoring presence. + +You are holy and mighty, gentle and humble, gracious and merciful. I want to be where you are and to see your face. I want to run hard after you. Like Jacob I will struggle with you and overcome like Israel. In the stillness, I will know that you are God. + +I am sorry for my attitude and actions that create separation between us. Please forgive me. Please do not turn your back on me but hear my cries from heaven. + +I surrender this thesis, this race, my health and my life into your hands. No matter the outcome or the process, I trust you, Lord. You are a good, good, father. You have the best in mind, a good pleasing and perfect will. The best Kingdom. Come! + +Thank you for the cross. Today I take it up and follow you. You are with me. Let your Spirit overwhelm me and lead my body and soul. We have an exciting adventure today, plans filled with you. Thank you for who you are, Father, Son and Spirit. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. + +“Marry and have sons and daughters; find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage, so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increase in number there; do not decrease. Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”” +‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29:6-7‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/jer.29.6-7.niv + +17.12.17 11:30 service from Max +The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. + +“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” +‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭9:10‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/pro.9.10.niv + +All knowledge and wisdom come from the Lord, and first, fearing Him. + +“He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.” +‭‭Psalm‬ ‭23:2-3‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/psa.23.2-3.niv + +A season of quiet waters and green pastures. + +Fear the Lord in the workplace. Do not fear men! Bless them! + +What r my parents hardships in life, in marriage and parenthood? + +All the kids got sick at the same time. VIV 5; David 3; Justin 8 months old. Flu, especially with Justin’s high fever. 106. Justin threw up Tylenol. Doctor said Tylenol or cold shower. Mom thought Justin would die and held him in armchair overnight. Mom did not sleep for two days. January; car died outside driveway on way to doctor. Mom cried. Police officer jumped the car. + +14.12.17 after Nancy +Shame is covering up your precious, God-given value (gold) with rubbish not least so people get lost and cannot find the value. + +Do I want people not to find the treasure by obscuring it with other people’s voices? + +Why did my mom lose me and my siblings growing up? How did she feel? Did my getting lost make it acceptable for others to get lost and for me to lose others? + +My mom characterises herself as adventurous and my cousins admirer that characteristic in her. My mom took us to the amusement park and made the wrong assumption that my sister and I could go to a particular waterpark section. We couldn’t and waited for my mom and brother with a security guard. My mother was pushing my brother in a stroller when I was 4 or 5, and my sister and when my mother turned around, she saw that we were missing and found us with a security guard. What I may realise is that I got tilted losing sight of my mother; and that a father and mother must be communicating regularly, and physically together, preferably, when handling medical emergencies and family outings. + +16.11.17 For Calvin from lunch with Jocelyn in afternoon? + +Have you become aware of any ongoing fear throughoit your life, or any recent fear in your life? Specifically, a fear about an aspect of love, for instance, about having insufficient emotional capacity to love your son and your wife? + +30 days; thirty minutes +Prayer closet, standing; sitting with coffee; with guitar +Lay down your feelings +Closest to you; leaders; government; weakness in society; yourself; listen + +Calvin’s toe +mark’s ankle + +Week by week +Jessica. Isabella and Brandon. Dad and mom. + +David +1. Pursuing my wife; release my wife and kids -- gifts, space and time +2. Release of father's kidney donor; for my father's healing and donor's favor +3. Release the contract -- answered; salvation and blessing for my supervisor, participants; UIS and my reviewers + +Glenn +1. The presence and conviction of the Holy Spirit +2. Wisdom for and the timing and logistics for marriage proposal + +Matthew +1. M and SQ becoming pregnant; release of their first child +2. Allen and Christine Mao covering and leadership for church +3. Loving presence of God for Matt in work hierarchy reshuffle and church reshuffle +4. Art of war; Enneagram book for Matthew + +Mark: +1. LAM retreat +2. permanent post; +3. marriage and fatherhood + +1. The presence of God. Worship Him. Now. You. +2. God sustains you with His grace and mercy. +3. Remember the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ Jesus. The battle belongs to God -- you leave the conflict and the conflict zone to him. + +What is it like to experience the fruit of the spirit, Godly peace and joy, in the workplace? The streets of Causeway Bay. + +Are my weekdays or weekends not given over to the Lord so that I act out in exhaustion on Friday nights? Am I fearful of, or unloved and misunderstood in, what I have to do, or ashamed of doing different things? Crushing weekend expectations. + +“For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?” +‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭4:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/1co.4.7.niv + +15.9.17 car with mom +Extremely self reliant people are not in a relational paradigm: neither leaders, peers nor followers. Primarily in a material and functional paradigm. Not humble. In micro-interactions, obviously not listening. Not out to understand the listener. Interrupting and guessing? Racing mind. Little intimacy. + +Pray prophetically in and for opposite spirit for your mom and people! + +Tim: Thanks for sharing, Tim. I can pray with you that God can release clearly a ministry opportunity for you. Maybe God will surprise you (: + +13.9.17 Community Coach bus +Father, I trust you and please increase my faith. I want to talk to people about their topics in which I have fear. Please reveal your love to me in these relationships and topics in Jesus' name. Amen. + +30.8.17 HC +House church is a Chinese family dinner, with dinner conversation, as in my youth!? + +20.8.18 with Mark and Samari +“Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” +‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6:4‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/eph.6.4.niv + +18-19.8.17 Pastor Bryan sermon +“and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.” +‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭4:11-12‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/1th.4.11-12.niv + +““Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”” +‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11:28-30‬ ‭MSG‬‬ +http://bible.com/97/mat.11.28-30.msg + +11.8.17 EMP +“The righteous person may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all;” +‭‭Psalm‬ ‭34:19‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/psa.34.19.niv + +Passing through a demilitarized zone, on a bridge of no return. + +8.8.17 in bed +A witchcraft, occult, lust nightmare. Sex with a hermaphrodite, very old woman who insulted my sexual ability. Skidoo! + +A prophetic dream for EN: a flower growing taller than all the other flowers in the field to cover spiritually and physically, the other flowers. Is she an intercessor? + +She runs ahead of me in the race and I lead from behind and wait her slowing of pace. So that we run together. + +1.7.17 Single life accountability +Can you pray with me that I'll continue to stand courageously against the enemy in my school? And that I'll continue to humble myself and be filled with the honor of God, not least to finish my job application and dissertation well; and to honor the people in my school and to act against the spirit of shame. Thank you and God bless you! + +13.6.17 +God is merciful! As He makes me more gentle, he surrounds me of gentle people; at the same time, He puts me with children who do not need coddling, and who can handle some roughness and not need so much gentleness: Samari; and a Jacob -- Mensey. Maybe I'm not getting better with children in general; but I know which children I get along well with! + +9.6.17 +All the twistedness that comes with living in Babylon will be broken off us in Jesus' name, be it now or in the end of days! + +People running back to bondage is not my concern. I must stay free and in the truth. + +David +- (Could you pray with me that God and I would experience greater intimacy this week? And then that a woman -- only God knows whom!? -- and I would experience greater intimacy this week? +- Could we pray that I would act to honor God, to apply for this job and to complete this dissertation, knowing God's full approval and wisdom? Yes and Amen! + +Tim: Thanks, David: I would appreciate prayer for the transition out of full time church work and into studies again, that the balance would honour God all the same. + +Anggle, thank you for your offer to help. Please keep Hank in your prayer as he juggles with his work, long commute, family and erratic leadership at work. We'd really appreciate the prayers:) + +Fan: +- Salvation +- Help +- Restoration +- Love + +Beth: +- Tim's complete healing and normal body functioning + +Matt 16.6.17 +-- two kids in the marketplace +-- Line manager relationship +God's justice in the marketplace +-- SQ and Matt favor and physical and spiritual covering and recovery in conceiving +-- thanksgiving for SQ parents reconciliation; salvation for parents; Burton family visit in two weeks + +Glenn: +- Remembering God’s first love when with Cindy +- Cindy’s father’s salvation and healing +- Please pray for me and Pei-Ling... I'm not sure what is going on, but she's been in a strange mood for a few weeks now. It's like "there's something wrong", but I don't know what it is and neither does she, and I don't know how to fix it. I think "we need to talk", but neither of us are entirely sure what we need to talk about. I don't want to worry, but on the other hand, I don't want to be apathetic or lazy and not deal with relationship issues as they occur. Please pray that our mutual affection and love (and ironically from this email title, "feelings") will return and that we won't be anxious about our relationship. + +Krebs: +1) For our partnership banquet to impact people for His Kingdom and purpose and for us to be fully funded. +2) Continue transition for both kids, good sleeping, eating, scheduling :) +3) Grace for us to focus on the different projects the Lord has put on our hearts and time manage well. + +Beware. Will we humbly allow ourselves to be harvested?! +- Father, what are the strategies for salvation, not from my strength, but divine and God-approved? You have the kings' ears. You have had the King's words. +- Lord, please lead me to know when to say yes and when to say no, everyday, in Jesus’ name. + +30.4.17 Sunday service word from James +“What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” +‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:31‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/rom.8.31.niv + +23.4.17 Sunday service +“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” +‭‭Psalm‬ ‭16:11‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/psa.16.11.niv + +“One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.” +‭‭Luke‬ ‭6:12‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/luk.6.12.niv + +Solitude. Community. Ministry. + +Deepen your faith. Train your faith. Realize your faith. + +15.4.17 retreat +“The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!”” +‭‭Luke‬ ‭17:5‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/luk.17.5.niv + +사도들이 주께 말했습니다. “우리에게 믿음을 더해 주십시오!” (누가복음 17:5, 우리말 성경) + +14.4.17 +““The master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly. For the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light.” +‭‭Luke‬ ‭16:8‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/luk.16.8.niv + +““He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters.” +‭‭2 Samuel‬ ‭22:17‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/2sa.22.17.niv + +“He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.” +‭‭2 Samuel‬ ‭22:20‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/2sa.22.20.niv + +12.4.17 +누구든지 자기 십자가를 지지 않고 나를 따르는 사람은 내 제자가 될 수 없다.(누가복음 14:27, 우리말 성경) + +“And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.” +‭‭Luke‬ ‭14:27‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.us/111/luk.14.27.niv + +Dear Jesus, I need you, Lord. I humble myself before you and worship you. In these days in China, by your Spirit, please fill my mouth with your words to proclaim, that is Jesus is Lord, and please use me to witness to your beloved Chinese people, at any time, anywhere. I want to remain in your love forever; help me to overcome my unbelief in Jesus name. I believe! + +9.4.17 Our earthly fathers +- Let's pray that the entire Wu family would experience the power in the name of Jesus, and the power of the Holy Spirit; and that the entire family would entrust God with their lives, especially with their fears and anxiety. We pray for complete healing for Wu Baba in Jesus' name. + +My spiritual fathers +- Burto +- Pastor Selamet and Pastor Sam +- Larry + +--- +Know then in your heart that God loves you, you are His beloved, and He highly values you, and He will bless you abundantly, no matter which Christian woman you marry and no matter how hard you compromise YOUR values. + + +13.6.17 +God is merciful! As He makes me more gentle, he surrounds me of gentle people; at the same time, He puts me with children who do not need coddling, and who can handle some roughness and not need so much gentleness: Samari; and a Jacob. The dog Summer when it was young. + +9.6.17 +All the twistedness that comes with living in Babylon will be broken off us in Jesus' name, be it now or in the end of days! + +People running back to bondage is not my concern. I must stay free and in the truth. + +Or: ““The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”” +‭‭Luke‬ ‭4:18-19‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/luk.4.18-19.niv + +David +- (Could you pray with me that God and I would experience greater intimacy this week? And then that a woman -- only God knows whom!? -- and I would experience greater intimacy this week? +- Could we pray that I would act to honor God, to apply for this job and to complete this dissertation, knowing God's full approval and wisdom? + + + +Fan: +- Salvation +- Health +- Restoration +- Life to the full and eternal life + +Beth: +- Tim's complete healing and normal body functioning + +Glenn: +- Please continue to be in prayer for me, her, and us. I am holding onto God's promise and prophetic word that I am still on track, by faith holding onto the rope of the narrow path, and that I'm not lost, but can continue moving forward, trusting Him to lead me and correct me when I'm wrong and divert me from bad decisions. The process is scary and difficult, especially waiting and being uncertain, but this is precisely why the word of a "rope in the desert" was so powerful for me, because the desert describes the uncertainty of pursuing a relationship whole-heartedly even if it may not work out in the long run... or it might! Trusting in God on this one, but please pray that I have confidence, total faith, total obedience, and total discernment and ability to hear Him and obey, whatever God may ask of me. +- Pray for her salvation... all would fall into place if she could see her need for Jesus and let him in 100% and commit to following him even when it is uncomfortable for her to do so. I want her to have the Holy Spirit living inside of her, making her born-again, and alive-in-Christ, not dead-in-sin. I love her and want salvation for her. + +Krebs: +1) We have another partnership banquet in Kansas City on July 10 so please pray for smooth logistics, people to attend, be impacted for the Kingdom and for us to be fully funded for ministry. +2) Katriel has been in a lot of teething pain so please pray that this will be a quick transition for her and she can get back to sleeping and eating well soon. +3) We are planning some key meetings and events for the future of Ch!nese ministry on base, please pray for wisdom and God's strategy. +4) Our campus is working on getting registered to start issuing students visas, please pray for favor, and that the process will go smoothly. This will help make it easier for internationals to come take part in our trainings. + +Would you pray? In order for me to be certified as a doula, I need to complete a program which will cost USD$600. Would you pray about giving to that? And also pray for the Lord to continue to guide me in using this to reach women for Him. + +- Remembering God’s first love when with Cindy +- Cindy’s father’s salvation and healing +- Mentor for Glenn +- Restoration with Paul — answered! +- 1) Praying for me, personally and professionally. Pray for God's blessing in ideas, business connections, customers, humility to be open to other people's ideas or advice, etc. + + +- Beware. Will we humbly allow ourselves to be harvested?! +- Father, what are the strategies for salvation, not from my strength, but divine and God-approved? You have the kings' ears. You have had the King's words. +- Lord, please lead me to know when to say yes and when to say no, everyday, in Jesus’ name. + +30.4.17 Sunday service word from James +“What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” +‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:31‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/rom.8.31.niv + +23.4.17 Sunday service + +“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” +‭‭Psalm‬ ‭16:11‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/psa.16.11.niv + +“One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.” +‭‭Luke‬ ‭6:12‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/luk.6.12.niv + +Solitude. Community. Ministry. + +Deepen your faith. Train your faith. Realize your faith. + +15.4.17 retreat +“The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!”” +‭‭Luke‬ ‭17:5‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/luk.17.5.niv + +사도들이 주께 말했습니다. “우리에게 믿음을 더해 주십시오!” (누가복음 17:5, 우리말 성경) + +14.4.17 +““The master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly. For the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light.” +‭‭Luke‬ ‭16:8‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/luk.16.8.niv + +““He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters.” +‭‭2 Samuel‬ ‭22:17‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/2sa.22.17.niv + +“He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.” +‭‭2 Samuel‬ ‭22:20‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.com/111/2sa.22.20.niv + +12.4.17 +누구든지 자기 십자가를 지지 않고 나를 따르는 사람은 내 제자가 될 수 없다.(누가복음 14:27, 우리말 성경) + +“And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.” +‭‭Luke‬ ‭14:27‬ ‭NIV‬‬ +http://bible.us/111/luk.14.27.niv + +Dear Jesus, I need you, Lord. I humble myself before you and worship you. In these days in China, by your Spirit, please fill my mouth with your words to proclaim, that is Jesus is Lord, and please use me to witness to your beloved Chinese people, at any time, anywhere. I want to remain in your love forever; help me to overcome my unbelief in Jesus name. I believe! + +9.4.17 Our earthly fathers +- Let's pray that the entire Wu family would experience the power in the name of Jesus, and the power of the Holy Spirit; and that the entire family would entrust God with their lives, especially with their fears and anxiety. We pray for complete healing for Wu Baba in Jesus' name. + +My spiritual fathers +- Burto +- Pastor Selamet and Pastor Sam +- Larry