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Your class is discussing the redevelopment of older districts in Hong Kong. Your group has been asked to discuss the problems redevelopment causes. You may want to talk about:
why old districts are developed
what problems redevelopment causes
what the government should do to reduce the problems residents face
anything else you think is important
Your class teacher is getting married. She has asked you about what type of wedding photos you like best. You are discussing this with your group. You may want to talk about:
why wedding photographs are important
what is important for wedding photographs to show
which style you think is most popular
anything else you think is important
The police will be visiting your school to talk about online crimes. Your teacher has asked your group to discuss this problem first. You may want to talk about:
whether online crime is a serious problem in Hong Kong
what type of online crimes students should worry about most
how students should protect themselves
anything else you think is important
Your class is doing a project on Hong Kong culture in the 21st century. Your group has been asked to discuss the art of fortune telling. You may want to talk about:
why people like going to fortune tellers
why fortune telling is an important part of Chinese culture
whether fortune telling will remain popular in the modern world
anything else you think is important
Your school is holding a meeting to introduce Apple's Screen Time Control to students and parents. Your group is meeting to discuss the idea. You may want to talk about:
whether parents should control students' screen time
advantages and disadvantages of Apple Screen Time Control
whether software like Apple Screen Time Control is the best way to limit students' screen time
anything else you think is important
Your class is doing a project on 'The Importance of International Sport'. Your group has been asked to discuss the development of sport in Hong Kong. You may want to talk about:
whether Hong Kong is successful in international sport
whether sport is important to Hong Kong people
whether Hong Kong can learn from other countries to improve sports
anything else you think is important
You are doing a project on social media. Your group has been asked to discuss Facebook and the future of social media. You may want to talk about:
whether young people in Hong Kong use Facebook
what advice you would give people about using Facebook
whether social media will continue to be popular
anything else you think is important
Your careers advisor is discussing discrimination in the workplace. Your group has been asked to discuss the gender pay gap. You may want to talk about:
whether there are differences in job performance between men and women
why women are generally paid less than men
how the gender pay gap could be reduced
anything else you think is important
Two students have been caught cheating at your school. Your class teacher has asked your group to discuss this issue. You may want to talk about:
why students cheat
whether cheating is a common problem in schools
suitable ways of dealing with the problem
anything else you think is important
Your class is working on a project about living in densely populated urban areas. Your group has been asked to discuss the two points of view expressed in the letters. You may want to talk about:
which letter you agree with
other situations when crowded places cause problems
how to deal with these problems
anything else you think is important
Your English teacher has asked you about the use of unusual English names in Hong Kong. Your group is going to discuss this topic. You may want to talk about:
how students choose their English name
what type of names you think are suitable and unsuitable
what problems unusual names cause
anything else you think is important
The principal wants to add more people to the list. Your group has been asked to suggest other people who might be a good candidate to be Person of the Year. You may want to talk about:
what can be learned from role models
why some students may not select the nominees listed
other potential nominees
anything else you think is important
Your school principal wants to introduce CCTV cameras to your school. Your class teacher wants you to discuss this topic. You may want to talk about:
advantages of CCTV cameras
disadvantages of CCTV cameras
what rules there should be about the use of CCTV cameras in school
anything else you think is important
Your school has invited HKUST to give a talk on the new Guangzhou campus to S.6 students. Your group will help to facilitate a Q&A session after the talk. You may want to talk about:
why Hong Kong universities want to develop in mainland China
what problems Hong Kong students may face studying on the Mainland
what advice to give to students thinking about studying on the Mainland
anything else you think is important
Your English teacher has asked your class to write an essay entitled: 'Space travel is a good use of money.' You have been asked to discuss this topic in groups first. You may want to talk about:
why people are so interested in space travel
whether space tourism will become popular
whether there are better ways to spend money
anything else you think is important
You are in a school debating club. The next debate will be: 'Selective killing should not be used to control animal numbers in Hong Kong.' Your group is meeting to discuss this question. You may want to talk about:
why governments use selected killing to control animal numbers
other methods of controlling animal numbers
whether or not you support culling
anything else you think is important
Your ICT class is discussing how technology is changing the world. Your group has been asked to discuss translation devices. You may want to talk about:
the advantages and disadvantages of using translation devices
whether translation devices should be allowed at school
whether learning languages is still important
anything else you think is important
You are a member of the school photography society. Your group has been asked to discuss problems caused by selfies. You may want to talk about:
why selfies are so popular
the dangers caused by taking selfies
why people are willing to take such risks
anything else you think is important
Your class teacher has asked your group to think of a name that could better promote the drink. You may want to talk about:
a suitable name for the drink
why this name would be suitable
how else the government could promote the drink
anything else you think is important
You have been asked to write an essay titled: "Are Hong Kongers open to change?" Your group has been asked to discuss the use of e-payments as lai see. You may want to talk about:
why people are using e-payments for lai see
whether real money will remain popular
what other changes to the Lunar New Year people might dislike
anything else you think is important
Your teacher has asked you to discuss inequality in Hong Kong. He has asked your group to suggest ways to help reduce the inequality in Hong Kong. You may want to talk about:
whether Hong Kong is really an unequal society
why unequal societies may have problems
policies that would make Hong Kong a more equal society
anything else you think is important
Your class has been asked by your teacher to look at alternatives that young people have to living at home. Your group has been asked to discuss co-living. You may want to talk about:
the advantages of co-living
the disadvantages of co-living
what rules you think co-living accomodation should have
anything else you think is important
Your class is doing a project on homeless people in Hong Kong. Your group has been asked to discuss the issue of the homeless sleeping in 24-hour McDonald's restaurants. You may want to talk about:
what problems homeless people face
why they go to McDonald's
how this affects McDonald's
anything else you think is important
Your school is planning on holding a summer course called 'Developing Young Hong Kong Leaders'. Your class has been asked to discuss this topic. You may want to talk about:
what skills a political leader needs in today's society
the strengths and limitations of older leaders
whether age should be a factor in choosing a leader
anything else you think is important
Your school social worker wants you to discuss whether the proposal to provide a domestic helper for all elderly people who live alone in public housing is a good idea. Your group is meeting to discuss this. You may walk to talk about:
why the government suggested the idea
the advantages and disadvantages of the idea
any other ways to help elderly people who live alone
anything else you think is important
You are doing a school project on TVB. Your group has been asked to discuss the fall in the number of viewers. You may want to talk about:
why TVB was so successful in Hong Kong in the past
why there is a fall in the number of viewers
whether TVB can be successful again in the future
anything else you think is important
Your school principal is worried about the increase in the use of text messaging in your school. Your group is discussing this topic. You may want to talk about:
why students and parents want to text teachers
the advantages and disadvantages of students and teachers texting each other
what schools can do to improve other means of communication between students and teachers
anything else you think is important
Your economics teacher wants you to discuss businesses which offer sharing services. You may want to talk about:
the advantages of bike-sharing services
the problems of bike-sharing services and possible solutions
other sharing services that could be introducing in Hong Kong
anything else you think is important
Your principal has asked you to help with an OCamp for new S1 students at your school. Your group is meeting to discuss this. You may want to talk about:
the advantages and disadvantages of having an OCamp
activities that would help new students get to know each other
how to organise the activities
anything else you think is important
The Li Ka Shing Foundation is consulting students about whether the scheme should be available for all students in Hong Kong. They have asked your group for comments on the scheme. You may want to talk about:
the advantages and disadvantages of the scheme
whether students will spend the money wisely
whether it should be available for all students in Hong Kong
anything else you think is important
Your principal has asked your group to prepare a talk for the next Parent-Teacher Association meeting on why letting students do nothing can be a good thing. You may want to talk about:
whether students have enough free time
the advantages and disadvantages of students doing nothing
how you will explain to parents the value of letting their children do nothing
anything else you think is important
You are members of the school computer club. You want to hold an inter-school e-sports festival at your school. You are meeting to discuss this. You may want to talk about:
advantages of holding an inter-school e-sports festival at your school
possible problems that may occur
how to promote the festival
anything else you think is important
Your careers advisor has asked the class to give presentations on different careers and jobs in Hong Kong. Your group has been asked to give a presentation on being a firefighter. You are meeting to discuss the topic. You may want to talk about:
what skills and qualities are needed to be a good firefighter
the advantages and disadvantages of working as a firefighter
activities that you could organise to help students learn about the job
anything else you think is important
A number of famous people in Hong Kong, such as Mark Lui, have recently criticised the young generation. Your group is meeting to discuss this issue. You may want to talk about:
why older people criticise the younger generation
whether you think the criticism is fair
what is the biggest challenge for young people nowadays
anything else you think is important
Recently two of your classmates have left school and moved to Taiwan. You are discussing this with your group. You may want to talk about:
the differences between Hong Kong and Taiwan
the advantages and disadvantages of going to live in Taiwan
the most important factor in deciding whether to move to Taiwan
anything else you think is important
Your careers advisor has asked you to discuss attendance policies in education. You may want to talk about:
the advantages and disadvantages of HKBU's attendance policy
whether you think the policy will be successful
whether it could be applied to secondary schools
anything else you think is important
Your group has been asked to write a letter to Rex Tso inviting him to speak at your school. You are meeting to discuss the letter. You may want to talk about:
why Rex would be a suitable speaker
how to persuade Rex to come to your school
whether boxing should be promoted in secondary schools in Hong Kong
anything else you think is important
TVB has asked your school if any of the students would like to take part in a new talent show. Your music teacher has asked you for your opinions on talent shows. You may want to talk about:
why talent shows are popular
the advantages and disadvantages of taking part in talent shows
whether parents should let their children take part in talent shows
anything else you think is important
You have been asked to propose facilities that could improve Victoria Harbour. The facilities should encourage more local people to visit the harbour. You may want to talk about:
what people might enjoy doing at Victoria Harbour front
which facilities might be suitable for Victoria Harbour front
how the new facilities could best be promoted
anything else you think is important
You are meeting members of your science group to discuss a project on drones. You may want to talk about:
why drones are popular and useful
what problems drones might cause
what rules there should be about flying drones in Hong Kong
anything else you think is important
Your group has to prepare a debate with the motion 'The internet should be censored because it encourages fake news.' You may want to talk about:
arguments for the motion
arguments against the motion
which side would be easier to argue
anything else you think is important
A parent has complained to your school principal about his child dating another student. Your class has been asked to discuss whether there should be guidelines about dating. You may want to talk about:
whether you agree with the no dating rule adopted in China
the advantages and disadvantages of secondary school students dating
guidelines or advice schools should give students about dating
anything else you think is important
Your school is going to use a room for music therapy. Your group has been asked to suggest a suitable music therapy activity to be introduced to the room. You may want to talk about:
whether a gong bath would be suitable
other music therapy activities that might be suitable
how to promote music therapy at your school
anything else you think is important
Your school is planning on introducing 'paperless classrooms'. The school principal has asked students for their opinion on the idea. You may want to talk about:
how schools can become paperless
what challenges there will be
whether you think it will be successful
anything else you think is important
You have been asked by the school careers advisor to help organise an activity to help raise awareness of employment traps students may face if they apply for a summer job. You may want to talk about:
the advantages and disadvantages of summer work
how to raise awareness of employment traps for students
summer jobs that would be suitable for students
anything else you think is important
Your school principal is interested in keeping pets at the school as he believes that animal therapy is good for students. He has asked you to discuss the idea. You may want to talk about:
the advantages and disadvantages of animal therapy
what types of animal would be most suitable for a school
how the animals could be looked after and help the students
anything else you think is important
Your Liberal Studies class is discussing how technology is changing society. Your group has been asked to discuss a 'cashless' society. You may want to talk about:
why many shops prefer people to pay by phone
what problems a cashless society may cause
whether Hong Kong should be cash-free in the near future
anything else you think is important
Your class teacher is interested in renting a small piece of farmland near your school. He has asked your group to discuss the topic. You may want to talk about:
the benefits of renting a piece of farmland
whether students in your class would be interested in having a class farm
how to organise a class farm
anything else you think is important
Your group has been asked to discuss whether HongKongers could benefit from working in Shenzhen. You may want to talk about:
advantages and disadvantages of working in Shenzhen
whether this will become a popular trend
advice for people who would like to work in Shenzhen
anything else you think is important
As part of your English class, your group has been asked to write a reply to this blog entry. You may want to talk about:
reasons people give money to their parents
whether this tradition should continue in Hong Kong today
other ways people can show respect to their parents
anything else you think is important
Your group has been asked to discuss the idea of a theme for a future Hong Kong Book Fair. You may want to talk about:
why the Hong Kong Book Fair is popular
whether Chinese martial arts literature was a suitable theme
a possible theme for the future
anything else you think is important
You are doing a project on the importance of Cantonese in everyday life in Hong Kong. You may want to talk about:
problems non-Cantonese speaking people may have if they live in Hong Kong
advantages if they learn Cantonese
ways to help people who do not speak Cantonese feel more connected to Hong Kong
anything else you think is important
Your school is raising money for Hong Kong charities. Your group has been asked to consider if online activities such as the Ice Bucket Challenge would be suitable. You may want to talk about:
why the Ice Bucket Challenge was so successful
other online activities you could hold to raise money for charity
whether your suggestions would be popular
anything else you think is important
You are doing a project about the Hong Kong Observatory and you have been asked to discuss how suitable the current signals in Hong Kong are. You may want to talk about:
the advantages of the current warning signals
possible problems caused for families, schools and businesses by the current signals
possible improvements to the current system
anything else you think is important
You have been asked to give a presentation on developing younger students' EQ for the school's study support scheme. You are meeting to discuss the topic. You may want to talk about:
what problems students face which affect their emotions
why EQ is important
ways your school can help students to develop emotional intelligence
anything else you think is important
Your group has been asked to provide suggestions on how modern libraries could be made more attractive to teenagers. You may want to talk about:
what young people currently like about libraries
reasons many young people don't use libraries
new activities that might attract more people to use libraries
anything else you think is important
The Transport Police are visiting your school. Your group has been asked to discuss road safety in Hong Kong. You may want to talk about:
why the number of accidents has fallen in Hong Kong
some common causes of road accidents
what people should do to make sure they are safe while using the road
anything else you think is important
You are doing a social studies project on "Keeping the Elderly Active". You are meeting to discuss this issue. You may want to talk about:
why the elderly enjoy singing in parks
problems with having outdoor music performances
ways to overcome these problems
anything else you think is important
Your class has been asked to discuss whether the various legal ages are suitable. You may want to talk about:
why the government has age limits for people getting tattoos
why the age limits differ for different activities
whether any age limits should be changed
anything else you think is important
Your Liberal Studies class is discussing some of the social problems faced by young people today. You may want to talk about:
why some young people avoid social contact
why this is a problem for them and their families
how to overcome these problems
anything else you think is important
Your Liberal Studies class is doing a project on the problems faced by the children who are spoilt and over-protected by their parents. You have been asked to discuss whether boot camps would be suitable for Hong Kong. You may want to talk about:
what children might learn in a boot camp
whether boot camp would be popular with Hong Kong parents
other methods to encourage students to be more independent
anything else you think is important
Your group is researching ideas for foods that improve the way students feel. You are discussing whether any of the items mentioned in the magazine would be suitable. You may want to talk about:
foods in schools which are good or bad for your mood
whether school menus should only offer healthy food
the benefits of having mood-enhancing foods
anything else you think is important
Your group has to prepare for a debate with the motion: "Good teachers are the most important factor in educational success." You may want to talk about:
arguments for the motion
arguments against the motion
which side would be easier to argue
anything else you think is important
Your class is doing a project on the topic of "The importance of smartphones in China". You are meeting to discuss the topic. You may want to talk about:
how smartphones benefit people
why sales of iPhones did not grow in China in 2016
whether iPhones will continue to be successful in China
anything else you think is important
The Student Union wants to introduce an Online Games Day at school. You are meeting to discuss this. You may want to talk about:
the benefits of playing online games
possible activities for the Online Games Day
problems you may face setting up an Online Games Day
anything else you think is important
You have been asked to give a presentation on working holidays. You are meeting to discuss the topic. You may want to talk about:
the advantages of going on a working holiday
whether the type of jobs in the advertisement are suitable for Hong Kong students
other types of jobs that are suitable for students
anything else you think is important
Your school would like to invite the Red Cross to collect blood from students and staff. You are a member of the Students' Union and the principal has asked you to help organise the event. You may want to talk about:
why giving blood is important
how to encourage students to take part in the event
suitable times and places for the event
anything else you think is important
Your group has been invited to select one of the above photographs to represent Hong Kong on the cover of a travel book. You may want to talk about:
what attracts tourists to Hong Kong
what each picture represents about Hong Kong
which photograph should be chosen for the cover of the travel book
anything else you think is important
Your class is going to debate the motion: 'More bus lanes are needed in Hong Kong.' Your group is preparing for the debate. You may want to talk about:
whether buses are a convenient form of travel
whether bus lanes are a suitable solution to traffic congestion
other solutions to the traffic congestion problems
anything else you think is important
Your class is doing a project on different forms of discrimination in Hong Kong. Your group has been asked to discuss discrimination against older people. You may want to talk about:
advantages of allowing older people to work
advantages of not allowing older people to work
what can be done to reduce discrimination against older people
anything else you think is important
You have been asked to discuss whether fines and penalties are an effective way to keep Hong Kong streets clean. You may want to talk about:
whether the elderly cleaner should have been fired
whether fines and penalties stop people littering
any problems that fines and penalties cause
anything else you think is important
Your class is thinking about organising a night hike and camp on a mountain to celebrate graduation from school. You are meeting to discuss the preparation for the trip. You may want to talk about:
why night hiking has become popular with students
what you should or should not take on the trip
any problems you may face on the trip
anything else you think is important
Your group is discussing the kinds of charity work your school could be involved in. You may want to talk about:
the benefits of students doing charity work outside Hong Kong
the concerns of doing charity work outside Hong Kong
whether charity work outside Hong Kong should be a requirement at secondary school
anything else you think is important
As members of an extra-curricular course called 'Starting your own Business', your group has been asked to decide whether it would be worthwhile starting a similar business to Spacebox. You may want to talk about:
whether Spacebox is a good business idea
ways the business idea could be improved
different ways to advertise your business
anything else you think is important
Your group is planning to write an essay in class about whether learning through play should be a regular part of education in Hong Kong schools. You may want to talk about:
games that you played when you were younger
the advantages and disadvantages of allowing children to play at school
whether learning through play should be a regular part of a child's education
anything else you think is important
Your group is going to give a presentation to your school about how to avoid different kinds of scams. Discuss with your group what to include in your talk. You may want to talk about:
the different types of scams
possible victims of scams
how to avoid being a victim of scams
anything else you think is important
It is the 50th anniversary of the founding of yoru school and Bao Ho has been invited to paint a mural for the school. You are discussing plans for the Open Day celebration. You may want to talk about:
images of Bao Ho should include in her painting
an appropriate location for the painting
how Bao Ho might help the school celebrate the Open Day
anything else you think is important
Your group is discussing the idea of living at home with your parents when you are in your 20s. You may want to talk about:
the benefits of living at home with your parents
the disadvantages of living at home with your parents
other ways young adults can be independent while living with their parents
anything else you think is important
You are members of the Computer Club and your group is discussing apps to buy for the school's computer tables. You may want to talk about:
which of the four apps above is the most useful for students
what other kinds of educational apps Hong Kong students may need
whether there are any disadvantages of using apps for schoolwork
anything else you think is important
As part of a unit on Hong Kong tourism in your English Language class, your group has been asked to discuss the image of Hong Kong taxi drivers and to suggest ways to improve this image. You may want to talk about:
reasons for the dramatic rise in complaints
possible steps to improve the behavior of taxi drivers
ways to promote Hong Kong taxis to tourists
anything else you think is important
Your group has to prepare a debate with the motion "Wild animals should be protected and not shot". You may want to talk about:
arguments for the motion
arguments against the motion
which side would be easier to argue
anything else you think is important
You are members of the student council and are having a discussion on whether your school should change its curriculum. You may want to talk about:
whether students should learn history and geography at school
whether computer programming should be taught at primary school
other subjects that can help students develop logical thinking and creativity
anything else you think is important
You and your group are working on a project on dining experiences in Hong Kong. You may want to talk about:
the advantages of private kitchens
the disadvantages of private kitchens
the impact private kitchens may have on the restaurant industry
anything else you think is important
You are members of the Peer Counselling team and are giving a presentation to the school on places where students can socialise after school. You may want to talk about:
the importance of socialising after school
which of the suggested places would be most popular with Hong Kong students
other places where students can socialise
anything else you think is important
Your group has decided to reply to the letter to the editor. You may want to talk about:
whether you agree or disagree with the writer's point of view
how to improve the quality of busking in Hong Kong
how the government can encourage busking
anything else you think is important
As part of your school's upcoming history week you have been asked to organise an Events Day that focuses on one particular period in history. In your group discuss what your school could do to celebrate the period you choose. You may want to talk about:
which period you would choose
important features of that period
what events you would organise in the school
anything else you think is important
You are members of the Student Union and are concerned about students' use of electronic devices. You may want to talk about:
the negative effects of electronic devices on young people
why developing social skills is important
whether young people should be encouraged to have more face-to-face interaction
anything else you think is important
Your group is designing a campaign leaflet to make Hong Kong a more walkable city. You are brainstorming ideas for the leaflet. You may want to talk about:
the challenges people face when walking through the streets of Hong Kong
suggestions for improving the street conditions for pedestrians
content and organisation of the leaflet
anything else you think is important
Imagine the Hong Kong Government is proposing to introduce the five laws above in line with Singapore. In your group discuss this proposal. You may want to talk about:
some reasons why the Government would like to implement these laws
possible consequences of implementing these laws
the fairness of the punishments mentioned in the article
anything else you think is important
As part of an extra-curricular Business Studies course, your group is going to present ideas for a Hong Kong-themed coffee shop in Shanghai. You may want to talk about:
what items you could sell in the coffee shop
what you would like to promote about Hong Kong
how you would decorate the coffee shop
anything else you think is important
In preparation for writing an essay, your group is discussing whether Hong Kong schools should treat all children as winners. You may want to talk about:
the pros and cons of giving trophies to losing teams
whether learning how to lose is an important lesson to learn
whether certain competitive games should be discouraged at school
anything else you think is important
Your group are members of an English club and are discussing ways people communicate in the 21st century. You may want to talk about:
the advantages of using emoticons to communicate
whether an emoticon is a good choice for Word of the Year
whether picture-based language will grow more or less popular in the future
anything else you think is important
The Education Bureau is considering whether meditation training should be introduced into secondary schools in Hong Kong. Your group is discussing whether this is a good idea. You may want to talk about:
why it might be necessary to teach students meditation
ways it could be introduced into schools
possible problems faced by schools
anything else you think is important
Your group is doing a school project on the subject of twins. This is your first meeting and you are brainstorming ideas. You may want to talk about:
possible content for the project
how you are going to get the information you need
how you could present your project
anything else you think is important
You are members of the Peer Counselling team concerned about students' behavior on social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WeChat, Weibo). You may want to talk about:
whether it is important to present a good image on social media
what is acceptable behavior on social media
other problems young people have using social media
anything else you think is important
You are all members of your school's Bicycle Club. You are going to give a talk about bicycle safety in Hong Kong and recommend two of the gadgets above to your club. You may want to talk about:
how to be safe when cycling in Hong Kong
the advantages and disadvantages of the gadgets advertised
which two you would recommend
anything else you think is important
As members of your school's Photography Club, your group is planning to give a talk about 'selfies' and to recommend two of the pieces of equipment above to take better 'selfies'. You may want to talk about:
why selfies seem to be so popular among young people
the advantages and disadvantages of the gadgets advertised
which two you would recommend
anything else you think is important
Your school has decided to send a digital memory box to the moon. As members of the Student Union, your group is going to discuss what to put inside your school's memory box. You may also want to talk about:
the purpose or theme of your memory box
things your school could put inside
how to get as many students and teachers involved as possible
anything else you think is important
As members of the Sports Society, you are going to organize activities based on the values of the Youth Olympic Games. You may want to talk about:
which of the above activities you think would be most suitable for school students
what other activities could be held based ont he values of the Youth Olympic Games
how to get more people in the community involved in these activities
anything else you think is important
You and your group study Business Studies. Your group is discussing whether a doll hospital would be a good business idea in Hong Kong. You may want to talk about:
why people want to repair their old toys
whether a doll hospital business in Hong Kong would be successful
how a doll hospital could be marketed
anything else you think is important
Your school is planning to introduce a new course for senior students in the next academic year. As members of the Student Union, you are meeting to discuss which course you would recommend. You may want to talk about:
how the four courses can benefit students
what difficulties may be encountered if these courses are introduced
which course would be the most popular among students
anything else you think is important
As members of your school's Astronomy Club, your group is planning to invite Alyssa Carson to come and give a talk to your school. You may want to talk about:
why you would like to invite Alyssa
what you would like Alyssa to talk about
any other activities that could be included in Alyssa's visit
anything else you think is important
In your group discuss the possibility of introducing a "Bring Your Own Device" policy in your school. You may want to talk about:
the benefits and problems of this policy
how to prevent such problems
in which subjects mobile devices would be most useful for students
anything else you think is important
As members of the Careers Committee, your group is going to organize a career planning workshop about the five jobs above. Discuss with your group what to include in your workshop. You may want to talk about:
what skills students need for the five jobs
whether you think these jobs would be popular among students
how to make the workshop interesting
anything else you think is important
Your group is now discussing the 'Endless City' proposal. You may want to talk about:
what other facilities should be included in the Endless City
the pros and cons of living in the Endless City
whether a similar proposal would be popular in Hong Kong
anything else you think is important
As members of the school magazine, you are preparing for an article on how to be an online writer. You may want to talk about:
the advantages of writing online
the problems faced by online writers
whether there should be censorship of what is published online
anything else you think is important
As members of the Careers Team, your group is designing a workshop for Gen Y school leavers. Discuss with your group what to include in the workshop. You may want to talk about:
whether you agree with the description of Gen Y in Question 1
which measures taken by employers in Question 2 would be most popular with young employees
how to make the workshop interesting
anything else you think is important
As the Student Committee of your school's upcoming overseas study tour, your group is meeting to discuss the possibility of going to Antarctica. You may want to talk about:
whether Antarctica would be a suitable location
what difficulties students could face if they went to Antarctica
how to choose students to join the study tour
anything else you think is important
Your group has to prepare for a debate with the motion "Compulsory military service is a good idea". You may want to talk ahout:
arguments in favour of compulsory military service
arguments against compulsory military service
whether it would be a good idea to introduce compulsory military service for women
anything else you think is important
Your group is planning to write an article for your school magazine about the benefits and problems of introducing robots into the service industry. You may want to talk about:
advantages of using robots
reasons why people might be against using robots
other industries that could benefit from using robots
anything else you think is important
In your group discuss the most essential items for day-to-day living in Hong Kong. You may want to talk about:
which items might be different from those in the British survey
how the order might be different in Hong Kong
how different generations might differ in their choices
anything else you think is important
As members of the Student Union, you are meeting to discuss which of the above camps should be chosen for this Year's Personal Development Programme. You may want to discuss:
which of the above camps is more suitable for students
the criteria for selecting students to join the camp
what concerns about the camp need to be addressed
anything else you think is important
Your school has decided to organize an upcycling campaign. As part of the campaign your group is going to upcycle one item shown in the three photos above. You may want to talk about:
which item to upcycle and why
difficulties you may face
how to sell your upcycled product
anything else you think is important
Your group is meeting to discuss the numbers of girls and boys taking STEM subjects in Hong Kong in preparation for a meeting with parents and teachers. You may want to talk about:
the reasons why fewer girls than boys are attracted to STEM subjects and STEM careers
what schools and universities can do to encourage more girls to study STEM subjects
how to persuade parents to let their daughters do STEM subjects
anything else you think is important
As part of your Other Learning Experiences, the school wants to take part in one of the above events organized by Dialogue Experience. In your group, discuss which event would be the most suitable for your class. You may want to talk about:
the benefits of each of the events
further details you would like to know about each
which event you would choose
anything else you think is important
Your school wants to enter the HK Open Photo Contest. Discuss the competition with your group. You may want to talk about:
the benefits of taking part in the competition
which theme you would recommend to your school
what sort of things you could take photos of
anything else you think is important
As members of the School Magazine, you are going to interview Tam Pok-man for an article on how to make the most of secondary school life. You may want to talk about:
what students can learn from Pok-man
other aspects of his life you would like to find out about
how to make the article more interesting
anything else you think is important
As members of the Liberal Studies Society, your group is discussing celebrity and crime. You may want to talk about:
whether you agree with the punishments given to celebrities
why famous people who commit a crime are sometimes treated differently
whether you would still support a celebrity even after he or she has committed a crime
anything else you think is important
You are preparing for a debate with the motion "Starting formal schooling before the age of six does more harm than good to children". Discuss with your group what to include in this debate. You may want to talk about:
arguments for the motion
arguments against the motion
which side you would prefer to take
anything else you think is important
Your group is meeting to discuss whether to a) invite students to go on one of William Sargent's photography field trips or b) invite him to your school to talk about Hong Kong's snakes. You may want to talk about:
which activity you prefer and why
how you would promote your chosen activity in your school
questions to ask William Sargent
anything else you think is important
You are preparing to give a talk in your school to school leavers about writing emails in their lives after leaving school. You may want to talk about:
whether young people write emails in their daily lives
the challenges young people may face when writing formal emails
the advantages of using email over other forms of communication
anything else you think is important
Your group is meeting to discuss the Airport Ambassador Programme. You may want to talk about:
why the Airport needs Ambassadors
whether being an Airport Ambassador would be difficult for young people
what qualities/skills/characteristics are necessary to be a good Airport Ambassador
anything else you think is important
Your group wants to write a letter to the editor to express your views about helicopter parenting. Discuss what to include in the letter. You may want to talk about:
the qualities of good parents
whether helicopter parenting is good
other complaints young people have about the relationship with their parents
anything else you think is important
Your group is doing a project on taking photos of food for a food blog. You may want to talk about:
why some people love taking photos of food
any negative effects of taking photos of food
how to put together a blog about food photos
anything else you think is important
Your group wants to give a presentation about street culture in Hong Kong. Discuss with your group what to include in your presentation. You may want to talk about:
why some people think street culture is negative
reasons why street culture is becoming more popular
how to change people's attitudes towards street culture
anything else you think is important
As members of your school's Model United Nations club, your group has to give a talk about Switzerland and Hong Kong. Discuss with your group what to include in the talk. You may want to discuss:
how Hong Kong compares with Switzerland in the four points mentioned
whether Hong Kong's ranking should be higher
how Hong Kong can improve its happiness ranking
anything else you think is important
Your group has to do a project to compile a dictionary of English words commonly used by teenagers. Discuss with your group how to carry out this project. You may want to talk about:
useful sources for collecting words commonly used by teenagers
ways to decide what words to include in your dictionary
how to present the information for the dictionary in an interesting way
anything else you think is important
Your group is preparing for a discussion topic "Our Education System" for a Critical Thinking class. You may want to talk about:
the most positive aspects of Finland's education system
positive aspects of Hong Kong's education system
which characteristics of Finland's education system would not work in Hong Kong
anything else you think is important
Your group is discussing the proposed construction of a ferris wheel on the Central waterfront. You may want to talk about:
whether Hong Kong needs a tourist attraction along the waterfront
whether a ferris wheel would be an ideal tourist attraction
how the land could be developed for other purposes
anything else you think is important
As members of your school's Computer Club, your group is to give a presentation to club members on the topic "Communicating with Parents through Social Media". You may want to talk about:
whether parents should access their children's social media accounts
why parents want to monitor their children's online activities
why some children may not want their parents to be their Facebook "friends"
anything else you think is important
Your group is discussing the culture of using coupons. You may want to talk about:
the types of coupons students normally use
the reasons why people like to use coupons
any potential disadvantages of couponing
anything else you think is important
As members of your school's newly-formed Superheroes Society, your group now as to decide how to get started. You may want to talk about:
which of the three superheroes would best represent the society
how to attract new members to join
what activities the society could organize
anything else you think is important
As members of the school's Movie Club, your group wants to organize an International Film Day. You may want to talk about:
whether or not international films will appeal to students
the benefits of holding an International Film Day
which of the three movies to choose for the opening film
anything else you think is important
Dr. Xu Xing is visiting your school to talk about his work on dinosaurs. Your group is preparing for his visit. You may want to talk about:
aspects of his life and career people would be interested in
questions to ask Dr. Xu
any other activities that can be included in Dr. Xu's visit
anything else you think is important
As members of your school's Sports Club, your group is to give a presentation to your schoolmates about team sports. Discuss with your group what to include in the presentation. You may want to talk about:
the benefits of playing team sports compared to individual sports
the disadvantages of playing team sports compared to individual sports
how team sports can be promoted in Hong Kong
anything else you think is important
Your group wants to organize a workshop about common health 'mistakes'. Discuss with your group what to include in the workshop. You may want to talk about:
how common these health 'mistakes' are in Hong Kong
the top three 'mistakes' to choose for the workshop
how to make the workshop interesting
anything else you think is important
Your group is discussing whether schools should replace traditional textbooks with e-textbooks. You may want to talk about:
the benefits of e-textbooks
the benefits of traditional textbooks
how e-textbooks could change the way people learn
anything else you think is important
Your are going to write a letter to a local newspaper to express your concerns regarding the financial problems tertiary students face. You may want to talk about:
expenses tertiary students face
the problems of having a loan
whether getting a degree is worth the cost
anything else you think is important
Your group is participating in a discussion on the topic "Should compulsory courtesy classes be introduced in Hong Kong secondary schools?" You may want to talk about:
whether courtesy classes should be compulsory or not
what can be taught in courtesy classes
which age group of students would benefit the most
anything else you think is important
Your teacher wants you to do a project about the impact of LEGO on young people. You may want to talk about:
whether LEGO is popular among young people
reasons for its popularity compared to other toys
pros and cons of playing with LEGO figures with different faces
anything else you think is important
Your group has to prepare a debate with the motion "Advertising does more good than harm to society". Discuss with your group what to include in this debate. You may want to talk about:
positive effects of advertising on society
negative effects of advertising on society
what products should not be advertised
anything else you think is important
Your group has a stall at your school's fun fair. You are considering selling super-sized food. You may want to talk about:
whether super-sized meals are becoming popular in Hong Kong
the pros and cons of using super-sized meals to attract customers
what food your group could super-size in order to attract customers to your stall
anything else you think is important
As members of the school's Film Society, your group is organizing a workshop and has invited Jeremy Lin to take part. You may want to talk about:
activities to do in the workshop
questions to ask Jeremy Lin
what students could learn from Jeremy Lin
anything else you think is important
Your group wants to give a class presentation about addiction to technology. Discuss with your group what to include in your presentation. You may want to talk about:
why some Hong Kong teenagers are addicted to technology
possible signs of being addicted to technology
any tips or advice for overcoming technology addiction
anything else you think is important
Your teacher wants your group to give a presentation to encourage other students to learn English outside the classroom. You may want to talk about:
how you could learn English through YouTube and other social networking sites
what other ways you can think of to learn English outside the classroom
advice to give to students who are new to learning English by themselves
anything else you think is important
Your group wants to discuss if every secondary school in Hong Kong should have compulsory cooking classes. You may want to talk about:
why young people usually do not know how to cook
the benefits and problems of having compulsory cooking classes
what should be taught in these classes
anything else you think is important
Your teacher has assigned your group to give a short talk to the school during the school's Live Well Week about achieving long life. Discuss with your group what to include in your talk. You may want to talk about:
which four of the eight factors to include in your talk and why
which rule is the most important for achieving a long life
activities that can be included in the Live Well Week
anything else you think is important
Your group is looking into the possibility of introducing apprenticeship programmes to school students. You may want to talk about:
the differences between apprenticeships and traditional schooling
whether Hong Kong students and parents would be open to the idea of apprenticeship programmes
how to get support from employers to take part in apprenticeship programmes
anything else you think is important
Your group wants to write a letter to the newspaper to express your opinion on 'empty shop projects' that use shop-spaces for community events. You may want to talk about:
the benefits and problems of organising empty shop projects in Hong Kong
what activities would be best for Hong Kong empty shop projects to hold
how to encourage companies and charities in Hong Kong to organise empty shop projects
anything else you think is important
Your group has been assigned to produce a brochure for tourists about special local food in Hong Kong. Discuss with your group what to include in your brochure. You may want to talk about:
other kinds of strange Hong Kong food to include in the brochure
why tourists may find these local foods strange
how to make these foods more attractive in the brochure
anything else you think is important
You are organising a Health Awareness Fun Day for your school. You have to choose an unusual activity to help promote exercise. You may want to talk about:
which of the activities in the extract above would be most suitable for a Health Awareness Fun Day
possible problems when organising the Fun Day
other unusual activities to include in the Fun Day
anything else you think is important
Your group wants to improve this website. You may want to talk about:
what teenagers need and want to know about living in a new place
the information from the above guide that you want to keep
how to make the website more attractive
anything else you think is important
As members of your school's Computer Club, your group needs to give a presentation about cyber crime. Discuss with your group what to include in your presentation. You may want to talk about:
why cyber crimes occur
the importance of protecting ourselves from cyber crimes
ways to protect ourselves from cyber crimes
anything else you think is important
Your group has to prepare for a debate in class on the motion We should NOT eat food from animals that were cruelly treated. Discuss with your group what to include in your debate. You may want to talk about:
some foods that come from animals which are cruelly treated
arguments for the motion
arguments against the motion
anything else you think is important
Your group is talking about whether teenagers should participate in full contact sports. You may want to talk about:
reasons why some people are against full contact sports
the benefits to teenagers of participating in full contact sports
the difficulties of introducing full contact sports in schools
anything else you think is important
Your school wants to organise a one-month-long course on simple living. As part of the course, students have to live in the countryside for a week like Mok Ho-kwong. You may want to talk about:
the skills that students will learn from this course
the benefits and problems this plan will bring
what other activities to include in the course
anything else you think is important
Your group wants to give a presentation about the ways that smartphones and tablets are changing the lives of young people in Hong Kong. You may want to talk about:
how using them affects people's brains
how using them affects people's behavior
how using them affects people's relationships with others
anything else you think is important
Your group has been assigned to write an article for the school magazine about the effects of having too much clutter in the home. Discuss with your group what to include in the article. You may want to talk about:
reasons why people are unwilling to throw things away
the effects of having clutter in the home
what to do with the unwanted items
anything else you think is important
Your group wants to gather information about the shopping trends for luxury brands in Hong Kong for a project. You may want to talk about:
why international brands want to open stores in Hong Kong
the advantages and problems this brings
what other information to include in the project
anything else you think is important
Your group wants to write a report about the use of robots in the home. You may want to talk about:
the services that robots can provide for humans
the disadvantages of using robots in the home
what other kinds of robots you would like to see in the future
anything else you think is important
Your group wants to give a presentation on humans living on other planets. You may want to talk about:
the good and bad ideas from the Mars One project
what other issues should be considered when humans live on another planet
the reasons why people may want to move to another planet
anything else you think is important
Your group wants to prepare for a debate on the topic Computer games are beneficial for young people. You are supporting the motion. You may want to talk about:
why video games are considered art
what benefits there are to playing computer games
how you will argue against the other team's ideas
anything else you think is important
Your group is giving a presentation on the increasing importance of dogs as pets in Hong Kong. You must discuss what to include. You may want to talk about:
the reasons why many dog owners place so much importance on their pets
the activities they do with their dogs in Hong Kong
the advantages and problems that may arise from spending so much time with their dogs
anything else you think is important
Your group wants to propose a project focusing on Cantopop for the Learning English through Popular Culture elective at school. You may want to talk about:
why Cantopop is a suitable topic for the school project
what to include in the proposal
whether you agree with the article that Cantopop is less popular today
anything else you think is important
Your group wants to give a class presentation about peer pressure that teenagers experience in Hong Kong. Discuss with your group what to include in your presentation. You may want to talk about:
the kinds of peer pressure that Hong Kong teenagers have
the positive and negative influences of peer pressure
what teens can do when they face peer pressure
anything else you think is important
Your group wants to start a class blog and you want to persuade your class teacher to allow you to do this. You are now discussing how to convince your teacher. You may want to talk about:
the benefits and problems with having a class blog
which topics you want to include in your class blog
what information from the survey you will use to persuade your teacher
anything else you think is important
Your group has to give a talk to a Secondary One class about working with people and solving conflicts. Discuss withyour group what to include in your talk. You may want to talk about:
the difficulties people face when working in a group
ways to solve or avoid conflicts or arguments
the benefits of working well in a group
anything else you think is important
Your group wants to discuss whether Western forms of beauty should be considered the ideal form of beauty. You may want to talk about:
popular beliefs about what is considered good-looking for men and women
whether the colour of one's eyes is an important criterion in being considered good-looking
whether or not Western forms of beauty should be considered the ideal
anything else you think is important
Your school wants to hold an exhibition on Hong Kong's Identity and Traditions. It wants your group to design this exhibition. You may want to talk about:
what ideas from the above article you want to include in your exhibition
what other traditional aspects of Hong Kong culture to include
how to present these things in a fun and humorous way
anything else you think is important
Your group has to prepare for a debate with the motion Calculators should NOT be banned in primary schools. Discuss with your group what to include in this debate. You may want to talk about:
advantages of using calculators in primary schools
problems of using calculators in primary schools
whether or not you agree that calculators should be banned in primary schools
anything else you think is important
You have been asked to choose some English books for your school's Reading Club and you have just read this review. You may want to talk about:
whether you would recommend Hero on a Bicycle for the Reading Club
what other kinds of books you would choose from
the benefits and challenges of reading fiction
anything else you think is important
Your school is holding a Society Day to introduce clubs to students. Your group wants to set up a Chingdogu Society. You may want to talk about:
what the aims of your society will be
what will make your society different from other clubs
which of the above inventions you would use to promote your society
anything else you think is important
For your school's Mind Your Manners Week, your group has been selected to conduct a workshop on dining and table manners. Discuss with your group what to include in this workshop. You may want to talk about:
some kinds of behavior that might be considered rude at the dining table
some traditional rules and updated rules on dining manners
which rule is the most important one and why
anything else you think is important
Your group has to make a presentation to a group of parents about helping children to succeed. Discuss with your group what to include in the presentation. You may want to talk about:
ways that Hong Kong parents try to help their children to succeed
what motivates Hong Kong children to succeed
advice to give parents
anything else you think is important